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Bastardy Bonds 1855-1875, Hyde County (5)
Mains Bate LT’ Me Maik Ti Plein a ee Ogee Corse Lone KL weet fita ef mel Seek lias ial So ete ik i a Fo i A ha senna ae Ga ce ee Dennis I a en gaia mea plore Omecale Medora Vi tirbrnay deh ee ny Lf A besectcecnartoset i oe poten Oh Mg Beedle Aiba Kaenany hn famed ton abtege Tine of ES ea frvckgrmmed aqurerd Ky 4 Pwd Bor fomie WL1 eo Ma thank Ponne ak Bethea. me Le Rnwnchife, hag treebinbternened aint acca a Mla, ww Le be Kaas Me, 19 1494 ee Re eee rere ree i chenllenili tale i eigenen hy wads tai hart il ish ide sae ie eke Jee, Kile f: y ee Shs Qlheur ev wee’ of Kilby Welbon | le citle a, SL? Ga Warez LE OIE da a Safer Carin ~ ot A. 4 Ass y ‘hats / aoe on “ sae A te Cy - a vibe 1 < ad ths 4 ieee ful 1p L oS, : ae f & ri 4 iy od 4, Lb A —~ 4 4. de rs t-G No. 7,—BILL OF COSTS.—STATE.—Printed and for sale by ———— Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. C. : 7 Appeal from Justice’s Court__ $ 5 Docketing same Presentment, each Defendant in Bill Criminal Docket. Indictment, each Defendant in Bill Certificate on Indictment * IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, “Nt Subpoena, each name Br ie Filing Papers .._. -s2__Recognizance, each, where no bond is taken Taking bond, including Justification __ For each additional ndme over one in same paper----- Affidavit, with Jurat Postage, actual Judgment, final (against each Defendant) Docketing Judgment-.-......-_. Indexing Judgment Judgment nisi Appeal to Supreme Court, including Certificate and Seal Transcript Copy Sheet -._. Preparing Bill of Costs Recording in Minutes. at Execution and Sheriffs Return JUDGMENT: sau. 7 we enw wane naw By, ae ou State Witnesses Solicitor. Owe. | Fine against Defendant. oi, aah fa “ “ : Yeme rb Bina JS Tt Cace et E9T < oO hos Ca pe p u s m u r y pu e ‘e p o d eg y 4q pe x y sy ) od AH I S ~ S 1 8 0 9 40 TI 8 d e *( S g g i jo sy o y om } Aq lien. yo y o o g [e U y U I T L ) nc ct loa My Criminal Docket: BILL OF COSTS~-STATEDe (As fixed by The Code, and Amended by the Acts of 1885). = Wile tte t No. 42.—-SUBPENA. —State.- Printed and for sale by Rdwards & Browghtos, Printers aud Binders, Rains, N.C, SSS a eee = = he €€<—__County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of You are ~_—s Commanded to summon.. we o ‘a Pee Vecue fe. a “VY 2. @. (if to be found in your County), personally to be and appear tot His Honor, Saar, udge of ¢ our omg for the County _ Le ee __ we held at the Court House in........ 244. a2 fet Monday in Ba a22Ce- ew to give evidence in an action then and there to be tried, wherein the State of North Carolina is Plaintiff, and flcoh 4 4, Yhntuz _Defendant...., on the part of the . Rape ee ee Herein fail not at your peril. oly fi Given under my hand this... sis day of. Clerk of Superior Court . fee fendant... SUBPGIN A. .. Term, 189-.: a—/ 6% ee ee ee a 7 Ake. Agr Bap sank aes gt Oa bn face we aay eae aa Z A LtLstct Zr “Fa io oe eae a c: peg recreet ey aa pe pint y Loh Set nee ee spon tee Lhd DH Dreh (83. fee Numb x 43-4. ~BAstARoY - WARRANT AGAtwst PUTATIVE FATHER. n—Prtleh 9 and for dale at Hartell's Pri: ating Hous, 8 Welles, 1 a. ¢.- bo 14-95-1000. p Again STATH OF NORTH CAROLINA To any Constable o other Bi se ” Of sald County---GREETING WHEREAS, upon the examination of. this day taken on oath before me, it appears that she , DTI A ee eee ear a bastard, and may become chargeable to. the said county, and the said -- Maced lhe... Xan Hey RR hath confessed that auresite pecerrelit. katt “ae GRR EL Seen prainigr ali el malar ere. of the county aforesaid did beget the said child, and hath charged him with the same: THESE ARE THEREFORE TO COMMAND YOU to apprehend the said _.. ee, ‘seasti jf : and bring him before any Justice of the Peace for said County, to answer the said charge. Given under my hand and seal, this - if. eicataeae day ot... tan Re A. D., 1894... __WURNAA POM BAANARE ee ey ee tee fle * fr Le fendent ye fur th, i. i Lars Jal: Dee, A a? Mer x Fiat Ate “ a en vh., = | fmm hte oo ade TIL Z, , A lake a ee or ee : nrg Mt ig a Ck tener ee Oe ee 7 ‘. inde Pe ee 7. CZ f-—Ascapastt lh Id Aga pod hank the te Ae Jat uh ee bu titeg 1rd Ch Le pega feemrfhn 2 tK, i Lanting ath ah Graack Shawnote 24 Pan Wadban of ZL. ae ole. Cg lie nies tecadhy | wk Aun Likes ht bufore Ix. olga Mee F A y oe. 9 ta Cresecly - Lint Zrevri/ ia Sao aS, Mi Sadler LL Ae : Ss MAlawaee Ey pr tor te ican Chee Klite pvr Ep~rlinns ? a Dee pr —r Lat Gal. ae | i a. “Any ae fesge 4 Zz in ek th. “ak ih Benoa Mh Seas Pe + ee ee Misc bark faa bck’ hagerect Mebiopecn. Benth O we laabe At hone: om Lk Lf —r ‘ = buvenily ra eee a paghe eo i oe an lie iy venel doh erk au na praw Crank Sse ton Uf Gorn esleien-wee. ws aed th ser /EFF Ln aeded’, _Y f fite: hy ss [Kh Grunt ph cinion: ah ha: tm te Mg ge a en ea Se hm ty be hoe thks the joa HE Pare ee Matinee Ax meget net Me di eg = the et Pm tases Spee! LEN hn three, ee pi Mi de, pega Male teal Aeviy “ade i Ao of tg Be ae Mth pas fore Te. Laffer fp if ante Chet tat F pug F Age forrest. lhe heres | Le oe 2 frgwert \ hema eo hs hee ee hey hb SS FI: ) WAM, batt. LO? Wide Can 2. dig he Cnveely~ Miss Begs: ky eae frre? Boh Vag br Arnie arn Lk anh fring horend saeele 1 Alal wf Aerh Core bn aw hn am of FSG he Baw J cele a dreenislantern, Lee Cy ink Lown, por~G 4 eee. prrecerle, wt ti) oS Tas f Fugeh S&F, ee i, oe ee CAL g wen din laut death Ag \ eas Ahan Lnarer thm Ganrch. Gfaceran Ph atl te toh kl pawferen Man vvthn if Ue Cine Choa griy Roos bette ies pig ag gd oe is Pua one ee ee. an henge, . a edad CoeeeG > fetta Arg Aart ack alle aie a ro the Bi og es a a ee a ep a ee na, Aby ts Corral Grvereba lt frm Ae J, Drvsttel J PD ines ie | any @. Milas a ny More. Rowik , 2otum— | Cony Wn Ith a - HAt- Prime hoa bum begetous Arp en. hun 0. hrhds, hich Cll oo & Pa boalind of the - Fs dem. mente dosy dea thangty tome ool, Am ts | “As. Bor as G. Adame Yon ti mol ts — ol ee oy 0 we 73 Arn dail. Sartore, Oho | } Pihaceafins has prays PAU & Pe sacramd: My UDA ngeemell A. aha Myatiachye Fk tnd. Maal- he ray be Comite 2T Omprrn Arr ap feiaianth ann de Com uenl - an re unread y Lorn Lo Non Bon th Aun ba wes da. 6 a Hh am 3 of eleba IE INT ap sie | Mieke fA Ceorrdoeht Tronak Tiong G, A dsme | bd f fifo At J. brcit (9 ) Wate of Nn R- bonetune., Ue try Law pat oyun d hy ee enn ly’— Greling : A heres upon Piet olan, Tory (ff danil= tet tompdaunl of Haan y O Melasma, Hex 20 RO i a. Basler ol Md, Aceh os | Com /haand— W a4 this lay lifdrn dere we, a naliw | ae Pours Je ha run ly orcaared., o/- wpa Had , | Mary @ Adana ta He rethan of a Bastard hike. aged. AR neenta! And the Sas Jhon y @ Helanno oth | Coe) can cd. thal- thege Ruok Hoy ob ot Pha Gran afraid | ee beget the oid. thid, ana hath Chron ged. Rim. | werk ee dame. 7 Arar bre hare] em. % btrm— | ream of bi Ze afipr vba & HR, DOA 1hye Riek. ‘ian sano - Haw Peau Dn Ban ol Geum G, 0 |Anormnr tA Bark Charge Nalin. Yar Ha, a aay ¢ Dulibu Ab, 1895 | AV 4 0. pene P) oe Number 43. Bastardy Warrant against the Putative Father.—Printea and for sale at Harrell’s Book and Job Printing House, Weldon, N.C. fi. _County:—Justice’s Court. WARRANT. The State of North Careline, To any Constable, or other Lawful Oficer of Said Connty---GREETING: WHEREAS, upon the examination of th abbas. .% iain this day taken on oath before me, ut appears that she bdo oe Astritch, es ete child, which child, hind: Tones TO _.. a bastard, and may become chargeable to the said county, and the pata. Ah athe, Bice igs a ae hath confessed that Justice of the Peace for said county, to answer the said charge. Given under my hand and seal, this........ Soe. WARRANT POR BASTARDY. a ae ° - ‘ , ; he vee etre am Sacer Af, ie Pitt C%e cv Zete€ ; ot Z bpae _Qozvez 54 $ 4 a — Begone’ 4 ee re Maced Picehe ee ya j i. : dA fe a Miche Lege pat r Lhe enek Pf. < sere t Zevaezecce<? | se Z- Lele G2Z2_a Aura ex Log : wae. eA Sale ae ect > ohh eut ieee eae. oe az ela @ peck | cee eel tte a ie tetegenw baz22 e ew Mas a coi Elin fone : Se een lece sie =) 27> that Mlzeecl Meckansy caer <i al > eel facts Oren eet _ ier gle v eke ya thal 2 evariazel” decay etteek Gex Le vec Afre decree Se Az zke Pee | give. _€ A 2 €ce | epee thee : | et aeecl ee Ae Qe<. Ac€ Agee week Bah cists eR ee Zi ce A f— Lay Ge Khe theives Cee LAKE 2 fitt Cx ts a aVeups es i ie: eu ese <<< Min Af ke i, che-de, G or Be AO R cm a se Ur e pe e bttea pvr tL) Be Siow h20. Car ecele Je oY AOz 22 ey Kec LP ee f Mele etek C2 ade wal CA ee Lacyhes plan’. of WS. _e Lo FG. sale 7 : - x aoe z a ee Bp Zap SL hs ks Cccfbtee! = oo te. 7-t-#. erase a 2 ay ctaiinet eee L202~-<AACazcce a7 chi fo el a ghe enue f ce ee ae ee ee ae a Sf hace roeeel ' Coz on te ee. “tL. cae ee oe E+ Zee, 2 prteze af (pyle Me Ce O_ oy, Lie iad ce pica, oP Ne oo ee Abanve hae Bel: a ~ £ Se see ae heck (ace adie ile 2c2 Mix (cee Pale mie’ Be cx PoP. Cf. eel we Gene? bebo : : Ga < Kobe ee. ee alee , pee ee 8 < of ghar ie int Be: Ove rere oe Ke i Pel 2k ecu Bictel, At tal hase pee 0 | | F Wis ee eee a oe ee Bette wae eK Soe ZB! fib el eg Eee Ah to A. ed fig Aas Defies wee oe potest cael og ee <e Caael L Becmel a wlic_ Zecrsee Zhe Sha ae ae Ce Ae Zonk — sek ciate Ke KCe_0e2ee Cee 77 FU LE At. oe | i } ft aod ? Ye $5 VF see 2\/4 t aT LOZ ext | | i 7 | | a ’ (Btcct e fe aril i AE C Bastardy Bonds Ch RIA ee fe cabeed Gaul a es Vi PLEA FT eee: vibe of 4 ine 17@ * Aap wire Pe ie{Bti ¢ sai nd ray Oe gee pel, “dnc Pat a with ep? ager nges OF i) % PS i Si i a RAI SM ah utes Cae OS MEER Ue Gene born 0 Bot, atten Whesh, Pattind Wethversal Kaslng on Pe sa prcte gh Me, | — a hunduc t ppl prwss A So e ay ee SL E - we ork EE UE , oe SR Ee nt a - : _ ae x, ay En Bs ae EADS i a oT Rea ee - 2 tia: x <c J hae ad | Loi Si pat Par J oben tof ove, wala = fae lhe, 12 ba) 9 vale 2 a 23 fn ta SF a. | SRS, Fen he f cae! joc e heats Wg he Peak rb fas Ja hapic sll “i path Sofore Ld ah a a2, Lb1g, Fore i pas mys ds 2 pone Palos sate f 4e.~79 Spe vagy afer Ses S 2 the Cranes — io ‘ a “and bg "Can beyore ad O22 Some, ahsen Los “s fea tht» ju, Ufo, sa Sac Cote 7 tof LJ Aa Cn mca ae i 2 gee” a xo Ciberic kes ded pe pre A, Leeson. i a ae: ae EL. of (72 2 apa -t- one a_«, TERA 4 (ee ee Sf 9aA Com Be = Sel ke ‘fire iw Sicca Vellew rev eileg Geveere bSehonl Hare ae Ke og Srtrdetunre,, Set Kol Ve The LIE — Wes 2 plum af bet ¢ Man wel COCO A 2,. ag te oe Leia, a ‘eee “. Bemss YK A _B8a, ant vagal ge as Pott: eee ei ekib ; 6 Binur [pete fk 2 ce (Ora v me Peron ae ee 1.2 2 ata Fz [Dre pe Co-teinch. re at Z © AG ade OM aFn. waiver hina la ? oe Aide for ee Coen 4 tt Ceierk hee . qe meen Gon ee Ade. (Plus. _— "f ee eu. x, aes e tid a nc we ee ee oe ice roveecs Puk> Ca Faia. a ite FL Bir MA Fin Se <Co Aer “ ihmnt of pS ol Dh. a tot Be ae | Pa Foes Jill ge lG ewido fe o ae 2%- ae on Jace WIE Forcenes ee Jeo a ator Ze ek ee. Mewes ‘i éeB 7 es xn «- Be t BR E E Sp 3 ee ee bi ‘i e s s i n i i t i n n a se oe tn iy Oh Rt ac . at pi a l ji g a St e n c h ET R E se c AR : 9 Rs re g om re PO L E IE E E AO IS om e : Be n a ee 7 ae cel ed co es Ae el oe ca eel WE cee. ee | END OF ITEM PROJECT NUMBER SOMMNIOisi=iz NC 09209 Ce a i ee ee ee oe ee ee ees eke Seen ne Mann ona a LR te Sa r tT ne n ae aan, ee be ot ee eT LOCALITY OF RECORD Ue SH TITLE OF RECORD BASTARDY B AND RECORDS