HomeMy WebLinkAboutApprentice Bonds 1866-1896, Hyde County (1)NaLaa ,, MICROFILMED BY THE GENEALOGICAL] LOCALITY OF RECORD A hance Oa ‘ae ROLINA tiie A HYDE COUNTY STATE ARCHIVES OPERATOR ee TITLE OF RECORD he Ue ees | A APPRENTICE BONDS MYBO: / a a WT AOR FILM EMULSION NUMBER FILM UNIT SER. NO. Te Oa aa a ed PROJECT NUMBER ROLL NUMBER | NC 09200 LKR OLE ATLA MEL ETE ¥9,< Ps Shee & Le m ae ’ " Dy, ok . : > & Y ‘ ye melee ‘ * Wy s 3% 7 ¢ - P & ‘ cm * m { * s i i ‘ ey ae ¢ ‘ ; Yh ‘ thet Ty 18 Huveviture, Made the 4 7” Day of = Coe Lan in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and epwhyore Witnefleth, That 22 J. lV Goran typMeas ha Mian, Pe OF tig —— Elgr. Juftices of See County Court, have put and placed Chabot _ _____ an Orphan, of deceafed, aged sz Whee? 2B Apprentice to Webi Aa CLo cm. or a he Me of the faid County, sith him to dwell, refide, and ferve, until Lhe the faid Apprentice fhall ar- rive at the Age of key Lfeen Years, according to the AG@ of Affembly in that Cafe made and provided ; during all which Time the faid Apprentice h {aid Mafter hall faithfully ferve ia all lawful Bufinefs, and orderly and obe- in all Things behave hq (elf towards hesfaid Mafter, for and during pet ny Apprentice ought to do. And the faid i ol 5, Aint se - e “dothyeovenant, promif the faid Juftices, snidlt a sicccliore, ehatbgthe ‘ela ee: Mh o Gui we a... Wife ____ + will provide and allow his faid Apprentice conve~ njent and fufficient Meat, Drink, L odging and Apparrel, and ufe his beft En- deavours to inftrué&t he» in the Art and Calling of a Loner strep and alfo teach h-e+to read and write before the Expiration of h¢+ Appren- ticefhip,. IN WI T NESS whereof, the faid — by the Clerk of their County Court, and the faid Auton le be e (Li hue bye have hereunto Interchangeably fet their Hand d Seals, the oe and Year firft a~ bove written. Mp FoF by ee Soe er AH ay 5 Ge Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, } ; phi ar i an Sh, ’) a 6 in the Prefence of Sve “Sek O ap fer? db fr Marin hey jgie* Wah ole Water Damage ee » Mirlec Bde Ate Water Damage This Fnventure, Made the ine Day of a we in he Set of our Lord One Thoufand Sey, n Hynde? py fo be es WITNESSETH, That £ aoa Oa 224s LDL, of S21 feb cel Ledhieee - Ee in County, beuwr7 “have Coan, pléced fot Ml mrve ew an Orphan, of . deceafed aged EL op nts an Aprrentice to S01, B2znex Z lah? the {aid County, with him to : “dwell, refide, and fegve, until .4<— the faid Apprentice fhall are rive at the Age ofe nae on Years, according to the Act of Affembly in that Cafe made and provided; during all which Time the faid ‘ Apidaotce h4e faid Mafter fhall faithfully ferve in all lawful Butinefs, and orderly and obediently in all Things behave hevet felf towards hzz faid Mafter, for and dus g the faid Terms, as an Ay rentice ought todo. And the faid og Jaen, . doth cov nape, promife Mion to and Aker the z re, sand <@zee* Succeffors, that he the taid ihre. ipo will provide and allow his laid Apprentici convenient and fufficient Meat, Driok, Lodging ar Apparrel, d ufe -his beft kndeavours to inftru@ hers in tie ny Art and Calling of aL “-477/2e~ and alfo teach he»eto read | and write beiore the Expiration of ha, Apprenticefhip. IN } Wa eee ae the . i and the faid . Leite eced G7 ZR oh fluff. Rar. hereunto. # interchangeably fet their Hands and Seals, the roe and Year firit4 above written. fs lernalleg— “fh wd Loodlt Sign’d, Seal’d, and Deliver'd, 2 the Prefence.of pa 5 6 Vz d) Fa nn Orgs atte ee 3 or en LYls Furenty Ves sade tne Ave) Day of ‘ dh sto) ~~~, jn the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and, gy iry Witneffeth, That Drover tty gn crete lyn - beat war tho AD belo. _ Efgrs. Juftices of "7 County Court, he ns put and placed — 4 ee te oe Org, Ff Ps Larter § - _. deceafed, aged forrr Tet rsg Le p-f WA. Apprentice Mi heroa hai - sia of the faid County, with him to dwell, refide, and ferve, until r © the faid Apprentice fhall ar- tive at the Age opthrsndgene Yeas, according to the A& of Affembly in that Cafe made and provided ; during all which Time the faid Apprentice hes faid Mafter fhall faithfully ferve ia all lawful Bufinefs, 2 faid Mafter, for and and orderly and obc- diently in all mi behave hv felf towards h ait, Apprentice ought to do, And the faid 4 Sy , the sid ‘A p x fpr — ? doth covenant, promi >and agt ee, to ‘and wit ‘that he the’ faid ‘ Nip ns. - “a the faid Juftices, and their Succefiors, a 2? ties “ae will provide a allow his faid Apprentice conve+ and fufficient Meat; Drink, Lodging wd Apparrel, and ufe his beft En heetin the Art and Calling of a ut lye nient —_ deavours to inftruct and alfo teach h samto read and write ticefhip. IN WITN ESS whereof, the faid Juftices b County Court, and the faid « My hint stthla ~-——— have the Day and Year firft a- before the Expiration of hz7 Appren- y the Clerk of their hereunto Interchangeably fet their a and Seals, bove written, = = c fe Aor f? Wf? P ho Z Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, <7 Sy. dy lo fe tH 4 Lo opt in the Prefence of fomnutl heal Nfl oni avd lourt- op. | This Bnveniure, Made the.“ Day of ~- jn the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and « gale Witneffeth, That ~ Bows) Mat: /s yr ere fon “e a Sp ChS thar > _ Juftices of fou County Court, have put and placed - a ey Me Lyrae an Orphan, of ‘ Vay bben ; Nec Bevel L deceafed, aged + bp. hfe or Y Wrerran Apprentice to » fotos yale jay ae . ofthe faid County, _o with him to dwell, ~~ and ferve, until the faid Apprentice fhall ar- tive at the Age oft “7°” yen « Years, according to the Act of Aff-mbly in that Cafe made and provided ; during all which Time the faid Apprentice h“/ faid Mafter fhall faithfully, ferve ia all lawfol Bafinefs, ped orderly and obe- ont. in all Things behave “er Self towari be fai Matter, for and during grinds hall eh hg 28 Ae Oe gene etd 0. And ‘ i the faid Juftices, and their Succeffors, that he the faid . er A /) ~ rept will provide and allow his faid Apprentice convee Litt ¢ Kent and fufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Apparrel, and ufe his beft Ene deavours to inftruct hevvin the Art and Calling of a Loy ea and alfo teach h¢7to read and write before the Expiration of h--»Appren- ticethip,. IN WITN ESS whereof, the faid a by the Clerk of their County Court, and the faid etret A 7m the a? have Chal | hereunto Interchangeably fet their Hands and Seals, the a and Year : firkt ae bove written. ‘ an, Signed, Sealed, and enters "Bored verol st fhanetn a in the Prefence of es ”% His BRINN, ws, “fifo in the Yeat of our Loyd One Thovfafid Seven Hundred th, That Lod) Yes e Soe 70 Efqrs. Juftices of ateyt County Court, MAIL and Lucent or Witneffe havy put and placed MW fbr se an Orphan, of Kho pe EZ tee - ~ ny deceafed, aged 44 - an Apprentice to belo yayle: < —. = pf the faid County, with him to dwell, refide, and ferve, until ge the faid Apprentice fhall ar- rive at the Age of, Hales Re Years, according to the A@ of Affembly in that Cafe made and providedig-duringsall whigliggime the faid Apprentice hzy aid Mafter hall faithfully» femgia, afl lawful B 4 efs, and orderly and obc- % ‘ie v7 B Ke | «, : eo Maid Mafter, for and during diently in all Things Bebiave Silimpeelf (beard Miguel tpi oom as Magee 08 chileo GB. _And the iar flhe dao alr “us ie doth covenant, pro ‘and agree, to-ananwitt ‘the faid Juftices, and their Succeffors, that he the faid ' Vi BL? pyr Py ~ ~~~ ~ ~ will provide and allow ‘his faid Apprentice conve- nient and fufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Apparrel, apd ufe his beft En- deavours to inftruét hg in the Art and Calling of a fj tt Plt and alfo teach hzyrto read and write before the Expiration of heg Appren- ticefhip. of their County Court, and the faid 1% ~ hereunto Interchangeably fet their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year firft a- bove written, Gla” pe fleras re (Aa Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, ¢ (Age hong aff) (& in the Prefence of 4 “yt ee : a % be ale. ty Fras A darrae 4 ;.. aA mIPg| Ss a VY Hx Boseet gp : f thy -- , ; j i " a Le. Jf th. in Ly WO ities, Lita ines ee Loven Grain Gf Be - Corer By Bigot OF S7at: yy = hati, Gf Ber 2 7’ a Comms A ts. i ah eeu Law Za Soba Gf fee elm fact b8,/, 1 ot Aoaty Ais im. 0 3 ORyrer 27 esate iat ie fd Daten gf Bw Pf ovety bond a. oe of « | Che L£ Wee ne (Geax ae LB BAD: j tS age ‘tres ; 224 oct Vite ae he Mh desi \ tg ae 027d ossy he a ‘nSlnn 27 FYB; ee: a ihe % i eaea yee” Lom ee ae -" we are An Pe 32-2 ee LB versre? Om pes — sii tank 6 dies ai S heen wae on a. their BZ en -+| ES ott «are Mt ye wipfeary Ae ites ou haath, ee ee ike me. a2 vA) cae par for be Fa Aiki AF Lrraa Aaewde KX tamte MG coer ABecnwe bite aa 9 4 Dadar me “5 Jam Jogo a Water Damage w om o E ) O $ = Water Damage ‘ vik ree ens ie . PI7 Hy Jibs: vasats Bod , ME AF Ise | wo ‘ Ay ’ pty ¥ OEP war ga e laa t-te 3 Star Boo YA a / si fam ‘ Ppt ¢ rr es J ra Ko : - l# S20 (L8 Otit be>, A CO tary SAO vB Mativoits Omewr iti tots es a hip, CL eo Pm ct “Pibmec See. a) eetulige O34 _ Pepe Petaet/ aor? eer. po yp 0 (Bh decal J ™ a oot / " py j , % dole é.- DF ends % 4 Pb Mhatiinid Bag s2¢-y7 ~ : * gfpteers dee thon Ze a pia Aime, 22- Le we “eM, <a Menge, A Mh ma Ateceliy ape ‘ero 4 , ye \ ae Tad or te om <t. Aocedh » Keo, hts or he eA ee? Poe ede: JGlg iar 2 i ee wo ne fotos ta ee, ee o aoe ue Porro ~ ae A sai f abide a anlage fam. Sead 8 eu ete Aha. 2 ca “ & agree S Ok as ” nat ; a& Zw2ed PES teehee 6, a aie ac. — red "Lee “Oe Ak Co ceen arid, Naples dy. M2? 2g BMA ts (Ah ws “Be Or" diinea A Charrecd- Cea hdmae COS OI alee oa ae e [Lasers BZ Se ei Sa oh Cm “fo ath ot aie » ql See, e ape 7 As ine ;, net © Ar ebed Msiiibier Water Damage PR iad A Pe * PN SaMARe oT, gee Water Damage Pe o / Jt 4 Clittpds <. Ant tee? Water Damage Mate oft wht bere bere lhe » wee hon 55 Oe Cove. sont cae Nye Min ood CU, Aah art hind Gf ce Di ital Di vemoteliee 4 aS fz ph borne G ill —— ogre maka ane | So le VR. é eet i L733 te % SP ek as pe a sm @ 4 e y ee as? es mar oot saan ppm | by | 5 galls dl 4 —~w 4 witches sight Yay Siedciaply Foner we 4 ans hi nathan ne t2204 Ma. Foren Lib Agfa eh Ce wus a hoery *? eee ¥49 ene es Fan bie Bonne Woe Marck Mh Moo ,... Mes wo > = Ra a -, af (ie Deattohes ; A i 2,47 2 Vics. Mg be , ‘Koo ail ee ne bale dal Hwrrasd: , <J3 So nw a Je e ee i h iy ‘ sa g a > pe c t ae SE : a ae Poe peo ~ Ts a 4 ~ Des tH 62th he Peo ww he fpot | si i. Ma. 2 ce Ge nhgy te « a - S rt Ag are aa Mote prtPm Lemp te rn ao aad Vay vont Ee hctiny pn bas orsr~ 5 Off : ap Z 4 ew Att A fe Aan huis Po ns adie’, ae #7 a baer Ger g fu ue ap tle nde CL ye hn bprtictidbs Tee Yoru nthe bi A ae oe 3 o4f hae” J/> of. sceemle potters tote” an oy? that fag mn : YU im Thom etn the tone ae DB nan, BD te Cre jm — by | iC rer . ) eel aha herm hay row spa lord ts afl of remsiecten y cory the tor Fy 4% tL) her ptedn a. oes , aa ale brvrrcterl ay ty hfe se Ahay oLererk In eben Ciins ee hd, soe “ J be hn nC breaglafert NAH. hed im “Sage or sty Fee en, emt1t-t wv se i { i { 4 s f > grt wy Et Ce ge a < in the, Yeag of our Lord Curist, ,O hou- ae od anti“he ct BETWEEN . (4eo90 Gu/, Up tone Me 7the County of and Province af ‘efeld, on Behalf = us ces of th is oun and their Succeffors, of the one Part, ogy, ot. ‘421, WITNESSETH, That the faid KX Me . thn “oy iv Purfuance 2p a the faid det a : County Court, Day of 14 Mbp on and according to the Diccdioky” 7 the A& of Affembly 4 in ha os Cafe made and be Doth pat, place, and bind . faid , 22 euch Upre Ainoy a a Ve 72g = av Mae ase gh - ee <> a ctnteeen J jvte with the faid Sh - a ae 2 live after the Manner of an Apprentice and fervant, until the faid Apprentice fhall attain to the Age ‘of Twenty-one Years: During ali which ‘Time the faid Apprentice his Mafter fhall faithfully ferve, his lawful commands every where gladly obey; he fhall not at aay time abfent himielf trom his faid Mafter’s Service with- out Leave, but wards his faid M ‘covenant, a , that he faid Moi A, "e é And that né will conftantly end and provide for the faid Apprentice, during ‘the Term aforefaid, fufficient Diet, Wathing, Lodging, and Apparel, fit- ting for an Apprentice ; and alfo, all other Things neceffary, both in Sick-~ nefs and in Health. IN WITNESS whereof, the Parties to thefe Prefents have interchangeably fet their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year firft above written. Sealed and delivered i (ea jena in ibe Prifence of a a cgi , “--- / ws lb a" as e 3 7 go PL A Re n e e se t t i n g te a ae s Mik lnkow tp ; x , , * ® rR THis Nou, Made the svete _— Day of Ne w—_— in the Year of our Lord Curist, One Thou; fapd Seven Hundred and Zesty ~— BETWEEN An stehatte Pagune. the County Of « __ and Province aforefaid, COT Behalf of the/Juttices of the faid County, and their Succeflors, of the cone Part, and, yy, ge eee gee ESSETH, That” the faid ohana Pea ~»-- in Puro” whre.an-Order of the faid County Court, made the toe» teem, and according to the Directions of the A&i« “*)., mnade and ‘provided, Doth put, place, and bind wiieahs” pe with the aids Iothuco 4M to live after the Manner of an Apprentice and fervant, until the faid Apprentice fhall attain to the Age of Twenty-one Years: During all which ‘Lime the faid Apprentice his Mafter fhail' faithfully ferve, his lawful commands every where gladly obey 5 he fhull not at any time abfent himtelt trom his faid Mafter’s Service with- in'all Things as a good and faithful Servant fhall behave to- >And the faic og he ‘ Doth rs 6 a all t ° Ne em ee covenant, promife, and agree, to and with the faid Binus fate -_ that he will teach and inftruct, or caufe to be taught aod inftraéted, the faid Janard Iechings en ane Se tedv ac OUutE ~ And that he will conftantly find and provide for the faid Apprentice, during the Term aforefaid, fufficient Diet, Wathing, Lodging, and Apparel, fit- ting for an Apprentice ; and alfo, all other Things neceflary, bo. in Sick- hefs and in'Health, IN WITN ESS whereof, the Parties to thefe Prefents have interchangeably {et their Hands and. Seals. thi "Ay and Year firtt above written, a, ms Pid, * Séaled and delivered } in the Prefence of 2 “gy VE oS ee | . . LON ay NORTH-CAROLINA A yy ve. ( fv la THiS PMDCNCULC| svase te fe e Day of (14714 : in the Year of our Lord Curis, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Urvirrty June. BETWEEN fiery” Saarrrerte (fortmasr 7 the County of yy be and Province aforefaid, on Behalf ,af the Juttices of the faid — and their Suc- : od ( heone Part, and (27:4 Aahts Plante ESS et ‘4 és As, % Post " 1 ais all as <* oe i i id € A at YOrt AN { 3 cay the faid County Court, mac > aS Bf n1— and acc © “Bo of Affembly in that Gat 2e, and bind unto the faid'. | bp pty o e ee. Pa pre | a ee Me Cars we ngs oe . ve with the faid V3 schad a: ee ee ot "to live after the Manner of an Apprentice sink Servant, until the faid Apprentice fhall attain to the Age of Twenty-one Years: During all which Time the faid Ap- prentice his Mafter fhall faithfull ferve his lawful Com- mands every where gladly. obey 5jaew fs Dae 31 abfent himéelf from his faid Mafter’s Serace without Leave, but in all Things as a good and faithful Jervant fhall behave towards his faid Mafter: And the faid A, ALY Pia Doth Covenant, Promife, and agree, to and with the faid bp Mere: that he will teach and inftruct ee £ ’ i, fitting for an Apprenti fa oe ae tees, Oath in Sicknefs 0 "WITNESS whereof, the Parties to thefe ; ysterchangeable fet their Hands and Seals the Day and Year Kf above written. Ke ; “iw * Sealed and Delivered, 3 in the Prefence of j sp on - ‘ , ge Ree Oe et alt Epis J PUDCNTUTE, ssc rse. ‘ in the Year of our Lord Curist, One "Thoutand / Seven Hundred and mide; BETWEEN //,”~ ane Dyas ‘the County of %@- and totes afore~’ faid, on Behalf of the —— of the faid Coanty, and their Succeffors, of the ore Part, and be, 2 WITNESSETH, That the faid in nos to an Order of the faid Courily Court, made the Day of wee and eng to the Directions of the Act of Affembly in that Cafe — and . ra £\') P2enet,. place, and bind unto the faid ei to live after the ! \ ‘ervant, until the faid "Apprentice fhail attains) gy wars: Durlug all which Time the faid Appg yy 4 “uy ferve, his lawful Commands every wh Mi dake sy Time abfent himfelf trom his faid Matt) @& e vip LPS but in all Things as a good and faithful Servant tha Eaves towards his faid Mafter: And the faid 20> C Doth Covenant, Promife, and agree, to and with the faid that he ” teach and inftrudt, or caufe to be —, and inftructed; the faid a jm fn Fun as ee Seriith: And tlfat he wil ane find and provide for the faid Apprentice, during the Term aforefaid, fufficient Diet, Wathing, Lodging, and -Apparel, fit- ting for an Apprentice ; and alfo, all other Things neceflary, both in Sick- nefs and in Health, IN WITNESS whereof, the Parties to thefe Pre- fents have interchangeable fet their Hands and Seals, the: ~ and Year firft above written, o f. ? ee PERLE AS Cerys: Op s> a Sealed and Delivered, _ in the Prefence of by ° eg j ni 4 ao - 272 eater, ete CE St is, leo be SO e - 4 é : ep ae Lnvicotl i Len tave. are oc alhs he 2D brig 4 JB Vara tee 2 . lace ad oe yee » ae Ba aia: ald. four é 7 2 Mas be Mavt LE Nace Mltte i 4c Fel ad; aL Aig nage : 7 “ J IRDR «fii aan > a a a) yd an —_ “w 2 few et ere cA Y we ove aww 2 2 4 song ke Yok Jeped a ee 2 ents Aacnid L320. 6 — i Ee Sia. « on cor Tae Peace ater esShepew.. nck hace , a i Coal Caovserwet OM ha af “a «Saiki «Lanny hl t ¢ ‘afl é bs & i P f " 5 2 entre “a? —" vee at ys “ ci > x i 8 etna A. a gc aa y 4 eZ one Mop onan +72 the’, Ta, se dng f «ta ‘Bay a Bijou Coser L. hyn ys ger, Le TGF By Porteirr~ ee. Ay fel - ee <toea Ly inc? Of th~ e eo samy Me oca dS atte of on tot, aU ty eer fo Monin y iy Place Arrwccecr? 7 oS i he, cram Lowr P fe re Asn foto) of be asi femsdd eaten me he BE Lf fer fed ta faa fis mn ew ff wr eees lar. Be . bopert By é Op sare Fr? ck OLe4~ J6 Ney of Amy SS tbe Bo ie | G Fm acl a fers L ; 224 beat Cama sdb tgs Gale Aah Milan dix ig vA Lif fa bicllidan- Le Cn fe te L¥sBs - Lx joke are. Piet of Zar ee a F ay” trjhe fa. wttenine) nin Gna. ; Bea fo far ws Maw han. O24 dev Psa a > 2 J Z BA weet fac earn core ale ta F- hh oo far Mate 2Hags hi oy yf Sone Set AY Arcee 2a hes LA Meena; far Gf fe a, PAI ATS Laer ~ Mate flor hfe by “4 Ariane hor enol 324 hprhs Lorie: giatly chy ‘hae Ante 2207 of ee Fouls Aas one Yr ffarr Z, a” eae Oe adie Nic SR sces— Somenes pate them ze a0 6 POR) Afar forte tet Scone ewes, at [Aes 2 é 7" Te ie Sages 2 fer bla é Jr hrngeld Cd Lapses ant tae “a OO. eh aed 2 I a ee fic. big Age C Fok a wese Lack peg a 7 Cater hha ght Bivef tr pee eet ge LaLa honest Jd livre Aw Cs wit eS. paey hoy of - Zs EA ear Jove tee ee: thet rl, comrs\ Ly rg ey goavr1cts jar faa. Ae ae Ltareerriidr filo ata partes Seis Zo Osforefnt A. ae SoC LaLA ss fe “ ej & ce tf ae GP or Lapcd Ghihn a fe teog fo or Aard) & iho e aw Act did ate ee o haw. ee 7 oyearG bwite: ser 7c Spee M p> . Laci TK. hae het fp Mornay Dec Aa lg 4 Pacer. rey Me het yoy hae is | Mote met > Jaw SF agai arene Avie ye. : hoe hae 2 Aa 4 a's os L, wor Uetz, PY? one BD eS o pf © Gy Bical “a Vy ate € =~, 49 4 CMP hy EPP LA or). 24 oe LEBEL! Gp he / OSA ty HBT 4k A bomen é tart (i G a Vee F. hg LG 5 Ce oe "bee, Ly he £2 | Ly. ee Mar. Db wily > LT Hise CX : af he , is 2 Ad He a Ke hat ta, (et? O Pot afin: YB cee 901 Orb & jy aca G i a - Sebg Mf oj? ee 300g a ce . tf 7 “4 haf Ae hea bf rile Ye) toh tab. : 7 LMC pt bebe t sag ¢ ‘foad che owe th #47 m phon seal — ape o/s$ Y ‘oy oe dec A Jats tah Dvtle loom ae : tn J40 2) OP fe ' a Mire 177 le lw A se hak Alba fay oe ger corset ll v- Von Gb. Art linna) fe 5 Gite he D1 OO Dr Za FPP . . “el «7% 4p ao . 2972 IPE ? 79 Fea ZL: a ; w I ‘Pi tte Ye0€ Za TINDDS O8 I Ca a oe Save O°? tal AeA KL te: ¥ < s er 2 OF 227 42274 Jeo he Ai CLIO, fasar Lhe Aw 4 (ae Aowss then Pes ao ck bit ber tat Jig ja ra Saab at te lor y-soit- Sha 4 es Ll Bwas pe : fer eet Ba aa % Hains Me LEE ‘ a A) tof ya i dis, 5 r ak, ele ’ ; e Rt nee) I sn : eAee POTME tow fae 2 % boo Fused > Jt: /, itp 2 eat Lie f #90 FJ bh dita 0 Jas * to 2 Panga a7 r plore’ ‘ibe -_; Ay bt Lo tiff: awd ‘ a Lid cat LP pH ALY <a Coty a OM 2 Ve a, TF nt ne £27 47 rtf cof Le hasteaa e254 et b i a oa ‘ ey Jaw, bean Dn F, Oete af pret. Jl >: Hfee LabeadDitr be ; Sei? Zrx Levi anil Paar j rte jy S Donn d abe Pote¢,: sae PLD 9 fae Me me en gan Y =m 17946" Color « ov hi LMearnMaseeL ~ ks May la forests le porne rh Gf Me bormrly ¥ bya e oy fate of yy? ws alae q phate GY Ar Jecs do exe of Zo. A bvoeet 7 Loewe (inne | 7% aren Lave : a peer ye ato ES, how fim 1 oi “gt ae la ate ae 7: Malta ote Mag ae my) Mls ss yp aungee a. —- if a (ft IgA eZ SEs ,A ZB V.2< ‘fi : ., sy en ba a HA wt Past ‘a Bal fet htage tbo) vents A} Ler pgrfee 3 (oe lla LE rere oF a dam yt 7 — Le AL? a i Melis af fe~ flew 2 ans 2 Goan | ee BH h vere LeeX Of Par tteche open fin Ba JoD HL. ~ 2x Amat Lif fo thaw. get F!7 peo —— ace, wk, ck orn a ee me AA ms cai h - Ficimiess , ethers Antu y “I Daun lat? . com ; ; OR nwt Anes be <a. Be a — ee Por is s0et Le ° 21 ashe # Pies ya fll AOD te sania Sadi a ae , “ ae a a ae ee ane =. aeetet | egy fe Larr~ A. Lge | : fN oe Gf cor Lb ~Ays Wi) Me he focte.. —s . : re he he, Loy Fw SF fJacirce ca 4 init a A Toni of 3 ff reat Der warts: 4. 7 Gene 7 wet Alpe On Aheist in. Wada >A, ’ “a by aor. sox Metso Foe i. an W174, wey 4 b Bee Lusher Kae. Lt lho Kod Car ab oree, nIycbamm ee es | A os c. ae yf yack , ee De. ao, ee... ae — pe ttl DA A: ame a 2 na x ee Ae 23) ars t a. ; ; = L , ‘ i . 1 ie ¥ Z | Agee (ane I 09 of dM MherZ Mecer Laptei, Mak inde Ahab gla aa nee Cork au a. Socatel oy he hat oe wget es i a eee J@Ctd G2 \ ie . ty co ons Geeky an bu CE Mi ode bby na Me ¢ w > o E =) O : = ae Ba Be oa | rade Td Th ; hd OO i Y Ay, ! « ‘ ” “ fe uit 4 i . ne f ; ; ; UIA th BR M ; y ‘ ie ee UES oh 8 Te ae Ay . of , CA’ £484 ee 1A &- we Y ear? Ot “< a 4 c~ . Pa ‘ a * Pi ° hoe “ a a M ” bombil litre alg aly 1 ae ig Water Dama ties ata ih hi i ata i OOOO IOI OOOO serpents MOOI IE 2 OIE PLP IPOS STATS OF WORBTH-eCAROLMA, Vo gba COUNTY. THis Ruveutuve, os % 27 tn the Yu of eur eyord one thousand. cught hundred oy a) between the norahipful pAdblug xa— > i Oug uve, Chairman or Presiling Suaslice” _ *the* Coyrt of Pleas and oY ate Se faions of the County afore. au’, a of the one frart, inal of Writcpeon > At *~ Dy of the same Bounty, 4 of the § se other a frart, WITNESSETH, “ad the said Presiding Iustice, cn frersuance ; of an Order o of saud Court, doth ft, frlace and bind unto the cal > “Ypeewmee pe an ick named Bbltdwne with the said “Mite nf Seer - z live after the manner yy of an Aeffrentice and Servant, until te shal atlein the age of twenty= one years. During which tome, th Facansice his vaud Mbaaten : fr: thfully shall serve, and hi Carel milage every muhere gladly obey, 2 and not absent himself Y loose: hes Ale: service without leave, Cut in all PE S O S So So oO SC ee ee e EE ce, hat U teach ni tngtruct, nol Bebe B: rr to read and write, soe Sth ad wa ey Ye Pee conatantly re and jesiee br the said DOr ; aforesaid, ou, ffwient diet, =e ana ‘wel fring fp an "epa*. and also ald Se both in sichnefs and a health. ak In witness as the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. Sh oe ee, Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of af ~ ‘ *% : & . i s= Veen | res Sn rn se My hy et Mt tk la a “oi i ea tt 2 at tM ls et Mall it Ba tala Me i laa at e al e a ta y at s a be wa a at a t l e SI EO E BE ‘STARR OF NORTWe CAROLINA, Did COUNTY. p - SLE : is RNuDewutuve, ve % a hay F 1 _4 tn the year of our Lord one Mow hundred and # clneen the sorahififul Yd ata A | Caquore, hacrman or AP, resuiling Sustire of the Courl of SP Yeas and Quart x Sefaions of the County aforesatd, . of the one fort, and AA “A Geri caleins, ccata ear of the same County, of the other fourt, WITNESSETH, at the said Presiding Sustice, tn frursuance of oe Onder of oat Court, doth frtt, place and lind unto the said BY a Chik Idle an onfha , named FB-t ae 2 ge ee A ibe fo or he y éf ti wk FO R O S . =, ee it a a t lt a ae t al e a LL L RR LR OR R RL ER HM eM I ee HE S ei at a ye lt So H DC P E P I O with thud Popa ¥ to live after the manner of an Apprentice ant Irvant, untée shall attain the age of twenty= one years. During which lime, the said Aiprentice hes satt Master foitfully shall serve, and hes lanfut commands every where gladly obey, and not atsent himself from his Master's service without leave, but in all things aoa good one Yi Gorvgyt shall behave: Aond the said Dillon cut 773 doth covenant, foromuse “7 and ayree nith the said Preatilt et ; that te will teach and instruct, on cause to be taught and inatructed, the pgs AMfifrentice to read and write, and also the art and mystery ofa A? tn t—— and constantly ford and frrovidle jf the aul Aopprentice, during the term aforesatd, ouffivent duet, mashing, lodging; and apparel, fllng p an Apprentice , and aleo all other things necefaary , both in sichnefs ant In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, Milnor Kw vs Signed, sealed and delivered in é Mh presence of Winrbhlor® 4 SP I O IL II L IO PI I PE A S BP E HL L OL HE HE I L PR O C RP O OO O MO A T HO S SS S OI E 7 | the day and year aforesaid. DP P H IR I OI C PL P HL I P O I T PR E R E R N FL T RE E LR AE E RO 3 PO O O O OO O O PO O P I E $ ie i al cc at a a et * § Sa r r Pe pe p ta s Bo n g o 4 HY 1%. tux he bare é le’ Mew LI Oleg © Hiei a Aiiczcds el oe tod tu cel Ee of evens f fi luoth po bag gee tte oe L bby? thas Seeks vo ft bras cite ys GEG Uh ig ye bas Gi. L ol pe eo <ee Durrell A the ott Me Leg Me a paown see Zt ( freee une pg a trmee of ed 9 Loos Stud 7. ps eo An fear Wb e-nie a 7 a LC pee lo the sere fosectacuz ee fiw fax A Leek Auk shiek: out reed he M14 fs es ak. a ae s seus Chow feo? a Li ) tha, ber Cece daaterbhull fata Be yl EG ade a | : 3 e1tette LL/2H4Ad aut aA ' CAALL LL dec0ertt Mell Qrat f<%e fF alete Cocca Ms “of- Ip freegeddtivesf/ LI tee ke Lit haw fer see Glew Jai fad 7 A lll ae > Dee barre. Mabey Lin ed Sum le Bak ) ese Lite arm Cys Mavner! fp a ae erm lage ‘fad kf “bam gL Ond af. PELE. ant ter AME wll Mann wl ef © akc me tae terete or ar! Bbmr? KB; Ae y Jt je Cervera, af J Sag aad . tid we oo hal << we / 20. "i 073 see halon ote a — a =a ad Ko pda Debrwer, Paap < Ce 23 se PILE 4% : The heme of sind i % 5 ag ee oe Sa Aula. =A lay dee mnk ‘ anh Minty Key os fe Catsr ee: Ghali Op te at Sa a hae. TE ie UW, Uy 4 Lis Mache Apa : Utatthen, Grille G3 cr e m e se | ; : #. har A S LF Mes, Vawiun. é Yr. oO bette: i ip pt , tf, “3 Sty te eee are a Clg il b ‘dx SIDS L442 Jy pee Z ee 4 oe ae LEG EE etpAl 99 ee MP gla hire tt’ ty M7. hifi repli; Jor~ aud Fa ZZ See Zt- L.. atv 7 2 se ttt ¢ tid = 9 Aa else forid Lee: A il F oe 4? pr bbat it lh “G10 fe tig ltt A,. cs ~ Ua JO @ ned - ees P. ; $2 *: Tiibisep Ph, Bs, Me aes Dh. Hei, i rtdi Prue . Laer) ‘Gy tong ome borat Att ah plac. (BLL 6 db biit dete? sae Jat Aho. eS ays ee ae Lbte OY theage/ tthe fs fhe Deane ie Le21 Gat i age ee, acd 1, hon. ad i Col Mt > we day Ap leo Se Bireru2el fi ltnrAhf tec ee. C4a24 Lard Leer Fee he thrlt alle’, Zo spe. i os, ie oe \ Lh’, ylaey , Qh 1ring jee ee ae, fv ods ex EL if Pea 2 adtde a4 hea Wa Mle Luger, Baad Auplacel ab, Commnzand, lagy haf Gla adh; he. a par be07 bee’ Ajai tibarw ae. ut CL? si hateesiss a2 Gt ey bss bien lions 5 Lo pine fo Aiea eee pate behave c. tLe L2re 0 Agri We, ; ite he wee sig # 2 ; LOL ’ ior Wea Vicak bl dt tecalr 2a 0? Cattle’ Se Ke ED iia Ae face Aifruitl aw ee. hiact Atrdk Lh tT Baud Aaldt-— "Ae at hind « he Area ioe de eed a Bet ae, dink a, S © ie a Aifein COuy Aare : es preach, ZZ be cvit CLG Mathe edhet i} Sil ee aid bhharzsl flied fre ns Aw Like Sa fo ” > a Viva ga 4 fe. tn. ar zee t KE Ma hu Uetife hone fl, a> ha 2t4e7 “ee el Band Artd cal! day aud Pred Ae CC — Wedrua Heal Chet ee ray Sgn ae em hoedec a er of AG Gn Gillge a : pouty GlpwitZ,- H72€ bea % Mo theta ts ts eb acd is at tt a tl el a et ‘el la le ita tl BPO rr rerorn-g PEPIR IEC OK OKI IE, CII IE IS OL ok ae a ot ae PLL AS OL 26 SCOR Po ae STATS OF ee a 8 » (OK, ae. a COUNTY. 5 Chis Kusenture, genes ae _ day wi ata the year of our Lor thous J unglred and a baiveets the ony “dooy he | ip Sx Baguire \ Chatrman or Speyes Sustice the Coum, of Keat and § " wangen Le Mey “4 aforesaid, of 0 of the one frart, ant of the came County,’ ‘of | ; Gand ant , i? that. a saul / Presiding Sustice, tn fuorauaiice § of an Onder of 0 “2 eZ xe, doth fit, place ant tind unto the said Js fA Aa an a named A nd’ oe the cau oe after the manner of an Aofprentice and ee xvant, Hints, he le attain Whe age of dwenty= one years. During which time % the saul A pprentice hes, sat Mboader frit fully ohall serve, and his lanful commana every where gladly obey, and not absent tiimself, from his Masten. Fenvece without have 3. but «i th n ale * things aa a good ang eI g oe Sond the said Ly ZA re hth covenant, firomuse and agree with the said Presiding SIustice, that he nil teach and tnotruct, ox cause to be taught and cnatructed, the saul Apprentice to read and write ; and also the art and myatery pf / constantly ford and frrovidle pr the sad. Apprentice ,, eee the term eed oufficvent dit, mashing, lodying, and apparel, Ke cng p an Aefprentice ; and aloo all other things necefsary, both in otchnefa ant health. In witness whereof,. the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, 4 ‘ the day and year aforesaid. ie Sig 4 GLU Atk 7 SC P E IO OI D So c : ae : PR E RE T O T TE T ET R E EE E Re LT » Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of De e se t e el a te ah S Se re 2c diacdacted, Ore ae ww fe Wd sees Lp aa B, Joe sites ST pe linn, i fT SE Ee MOE owe te adtt o C4 tw nttreann a? ee a. erie th Wh = desley agg ae aa Bw, > nia, Mad Ligier oe epee, oh fae DRTOES AA AL texDB eens 7p Sone wg Ak tcxde SE dacsts foe aad oe «ch (ale Seca mee Meer Oy aie tle Pes CLA Ql Gi, Boos ae Ne ae teyh, hana coos in LEGS af" Goren the, a, ealeol aay DUD as Sn. oft 4, foe yee cle | _ Ae Cegiity tbs Cu Aiea age 63 Lh 0, Aay fa dey Ltt Ae prae MOI 4. Ci 7110 EES tS £ in Pa ion eins hewn fi yay ¥ 7 gy ee zez : emery < fore dao i Hk 22; tara (te ol. a wezere le: C4 fly “LY HL, ie... C3 A20¢¢ly 4 Max oar! Weta yl Al that Che Shed Alene few Jee Bie o/ Aw CPA 8 Stdivk rr AEE Jt, Caex fesdite Hosa! ae ho Lacie, Mead nen seem oF, ECO a me altri? 9 Qual as Vat Minch, rz hae afin ey.” ie a0 ie Mfrveters mo, a a2? eae ATH. 2 att Za M gone; wy flies oe Sk Was aA Oe Wiggef of (a Lo Cee’ Hhiacd atenid Mae hy fom 2 Lad@er ee, aes hak iis @tt/ 4 es, ay goo cc b Male FoR ze. a ba We Av’ ews ActY Ath fb Ob nteatce ite: Bem epee mie he fe le a ZA Terre: oy: QA C2740 And. Cattle Qe ltadA Le LacesA det and Ce ceeg LEO ALhan “Wh. toe tifa ™ 7 Vleyg e caret ecz 0p Alec a Bey fed oy ws AL Vw Mt iF Vlad? t haa gf the oe 4 ait a ——- eee Grr of Bias, AG. lors wes oe ea 1a LO? ¢ HMC EéE 2. Mipee Gate hk Qick = gato Previn ll py MILES FP Bea ae Bis or fs ‘ ag Se an c tA b Dyer on cle Bey Le Cosby | 2a legie pas te 24 ‘ctr 4% LB ae la flee y ps av Léa Z Bele Leveca” te eS 7 heer BA tt" o i bo tO G Laceorvened of Nee ) ad 3 me aoe ie aa butt Lick §¢ 3 fo Mi tab ELE oe a © tects OF — Jiu “a 7 ht AL7 € oy LA Vg Wa ae g Ye pores Lie te a G22. wie lacd Creat — wget, eg sooy te 4eze22 ee A We 5 Aen. G leea77 a /: Ld, > ‘3 Guat bxellll Us fle La Plearered of— A ¢Fo pene Lee) Ce lle Lerivy at. 4S slip ef, Gels dove le Anestict tiie eth Le grave Aad) Pome Ltr Ly Clee bt prth. Ghhes ws tf 7 tte 4b tt ee ee Ces atte. . bel ese Ka) Le ole. yen ee a | STATS OF NORTWeCAROLMA, FLO COUNTY. | evis ENTentuve, ee Saks tay of ember > ~ nthe year of oux Lord one thousand ctight tundred and i} Prrenly (hin? Getween the worshefful : a, ne "LcCtr Bribe, Chatman on BP restileng Sustice of the Cound ; Quarter Sefaions - of, the County aforesatd, of the one fut, and AA ccdih Caffe of the oume Counts t, of the other fart, WITNESSETH, chat the sail Presiding Sustice, tn frursuance of an Onder of sail Court, doth put, place and bind unto the wad % ss ee a Offers an orphan, named Sand ) ye as ua yo gt tal Me Meus wih mith the oad faeck | ay — . to live after the manner of an Apprentice and Lixvant, tntel he shall attain the age of twenty= one yeard. During 7 toch. time, the satd Ai iprentice his sac’ Master frihfully shall serve, and tes lanful commands every where gladly obey, : and not absent himself from he Masters gen vere nithoul leave , bub tn all things aa a good and. thful Servant shall behave. Gy ie saul - hgh ; : ik covenant, frromise and agree mith the saul Presiding ustice, that he nil teach and instruct, or cause to be taughd and tnatructed, the saul Aopprentice to read and write, and aleo the art and mystery of a TF Mr. and constantly fed and provide pr the savd Aofpirentice, during the term aforesati, vificient diet, mashing, lodging, and apparel, fling p an Aofipirentice y and also all other things necefaary , both in sicknefs ank teealth. : in witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, wi a at a wb b a n t a a t l al we te te PE P E PL I E S PO P E S PO O R AE E RS I DE I, FO O | | the day and year aforesaid. Snag Dron EAL. Signed, sealed and delivered in preseges of, “A i q u i a s s y Jo yo u 0} Aj q u e a a S u “o r p pa i st y } Jo ss o oy Av d 0} ‘j o a 1 a y ) Uo N N o a s o a d ay ) ut sp i v y yy u u r e y d ay ; a = @ Pp oO ~ aa s 2 G8 oO ¢ a oe: = o w So 3 Ss a - ° > ® a ® S 3 a .—) Ss Saal ~ 3 mn =" ie a mn =] & 5 « =a ® = 5 8 ° = ° 5 ® = S Ss aq = ® a Qa me = a s ° 2 n ° STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN: A. TO THE SHERIFF OF A A COUNTY, GREETING : ‘You are hereby commanded to ial Reo on of Date armel Re foo before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the of Hyde, > all at the Court-House in Hyde, on the Las A aS (a then and there to oe unto eo ae dol! Uh ype Jha thran AE mr (Z Se Herein fail not ; and have you then and there this writ. Witness, RILEY MURRAY, Clerk of our said Court, the last Monday in Frbh us f and in the Fl year of our ee < 183 Z e “kt | ‘ * Issued the 72 fe day of f aro€ 183 3 | AT atgy ce a a * A. Ss is Mh Mat ti i ota ‘Sut ty San ha Mh Ac A as Me A ty ei a te a a at ty; PIL IIODE OPER OE STATS OF MORTWeCAROLIMNA, i by Lt : c OUNTY. Chis Luventure, made the z day of tn the year of our Lord one thousand e ight gD ank nh @ ; betneen the worshififul Ai 4 LL UDypete a Cagucre y Chatman or Presiding Sustice of the Court of Pleas a Quarter Ge cfusons of the County aforesaid, of the one fre, ank pct le ast‘ Jae beg tech of the same Bounty, of ite part, WITNESSETH, that the oad Presiling Sustice, tn pursuance of an Onder of oak Court, doth frets place and, lind unto the said x | I~. rie 2. 5 an orphan, named fe Lee LL SA nuith the said Wy cle Z.. after the manner of an Soff nentice and Ve -nvant, untel he shall attain the age of twenty= one years. During which time by the saul Ayfpirntice hia sacl Mbaster foitfully ohall serve, and he lanful commands ee where gladly ole a and not absent tinself from hia Measter's service rgpiout fave, but in ald 1 ; a3 a yooll id failed Servant vhell ohave: inns Sond the said lle r ake Sie. Bye doth covenant, j homes and agree with the saul Preatiding Sustice, that he nil teach and instruct, on cause to be taught and instructed, the saul Aopprentice to read and write, and aloo, the art and myoate ny ee : and constantly fod and prrovede pr the said Apprentice, during the term aforesatd, U ffirient diet, mashing, lodging; and apharel, es fp an Aopprentice st and aleo all other things gee both in aichnefa and health. In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, PR R RY KE T * RT O LE G E R TE RR R RR L LO R I ME HE RE N E nF RN EN E EE AR the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of mega yp "ha SAYS ech a te a ttt Ya st ly Maly Ml Na Mtl lM ly ly Mla ly ae He ly tt te Al cl A il ly POG IO IOOOO, SPIE PPI PIII, PCIE PIE EI CH OME A, RI PPR PIE HE OER G, STATS OF NORTM-CAROLNTA, +Ogde. COUNTY. 2 Shis Kwentuve, oc“ 7 Wane— tn the year of our Lord one thousand eight ide an tare betneen the worst, fiful fh, eu, f L Lippele aqui i Chatman ox Presiting Sustice o the Court of Peas and Quarter Se fee HONS ow the County aforesacd, of the one fare, a@ we bhi uv el of the game County, of other fart, “ WITNESSETH: that the said BF, reading Sustice, tn frrsua of an Onder of oad Court, doth. fet; folace and tind os Inti an orphan, named we tis wing oe aged Crew with the said Saba MO AL a to live after the manner of an iiniie add JF ervant, untel hall attain the age of cventy ty= one years. During wok tome, the saul Ab ifrentice hes acd oct friihfally shall serve, and hes larvful commands — where gladly | and not abcont Aimee from hes Master's PEKUELE nw ae foto, but tin “things aa @ (good and faith, ee "GE the saul ; ogres / a. covenant, fe , and agree with the catd Presiding I Lalit’ 5 that he nil teach and instruct, on cause to be taught and tnstructed, the saul Aifiprentice to read and write, ‘ and also the art and myoater ry of a Pans cirmm and constantly fered and provide p the said Aofpirentice, during the term RE offi tent [ mashing, lodging, and — fig fp an Apprentice » and also ald other "hing necefaary, both tn atchnefa and health. {in witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. ff ae eos eo fonai§ Signed, sealed and delive: presence of sa aa My ya Me cli tl My le Ml al Ml ll PIR IR IIR IE RIE EI KF HI, LIS AIK OK 28 J a STATS OF NORTHM-CAROLITA, dli—m— COUNTY. f oy ee da a; i Shis Maventure, os % 2A (Meg, tn the year of ‘our Lord nei huntred and ; Jie between the worshipful , ee flctn a Cagu re, Chatman or Presiiling Sustice of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sefaions of the County aforesacd, of the one fart, and an ry. Paluc.wZ ~ of the same County, of the other feast, WITNESSETH, dad the sacl Presiding Sustuce, tn frursuance of gn Onder of sal Court, doth fe; face and bind unto the saul A Ct. ; Pati an orphan , named <i. pgpdtatlocie ga 3— yay cae the said TPF BLL to live after the manner of an Aofprentice and Gervant, until he shall attain the age of tuenty= R one years. During which time, the sail Aiipirentica his cact Mbaster ; foitfully shall serve, and his lanful commands every here gladly obey, and not absent homes nom ter Master's service nithout leave, but in ale things as a good ant Mthful Sexyant shall 7 tt ne Sond the said / a Vp. PS Le doth covenant, frromise é and agree with the oad Presiding Sustice ; that he will leach and instruct, on cause to be taught and tnatructed, the sad Afpirentice to read and write, | and also the art and mystery f a Chinn ax. : (Arrtevand a constantly pod and provide p the said Aofprentice,t during the term aforesatd, ouffivents diet, mashing, lodging ; and apparel, fling pr an Aeffrentice , and ao all other things necefsary, both in stchnefs and health. PO M O C OL SE RE gE AE TE A ie RR RR ag A HE TR ? > ER R O R RO R RR OR E TS ER R OR PO O EO E OO O O i ‘ In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, 4. Signed, seated and delivelea in 2 O o o> presence of AON Mem the day and year aforesaid. Sle Mie Rhy, A My Ml gly gly Mat se ite ileal Avot cl Ml i i il dl ly al tity PPR IIE PRG CALS SAILS ARS A CS a, A NR I 8g XE a COUNTY. Le, alma £ is Xudenture, - the mes >. wee tn the year of our Lord one thousa “gt ae and ea betneen the worshs, ihe Eagu ey Chatman ox Presiling Sustice a ern Court of § a3 Se (foi Lions of the County aforesaud, of the one fare, and * ae: Wa. Aten 2 of the same Gounty, 9 of the other fear, WITNESSETH, that the saul Presiding Sustice, tn frursuance of an Onder Dt gs oa Court, doth fut; place and lind unto the saul » Ih: Fatah tia an o Yo named bay ‘Batt vw Vv, with the cad ji le. ani ro to live off “fier the manner of an Aohiprentioe and S: xvant, until he shall attain the age of twenty= one yours. During which. lime, the saul Ao iprentice Z. cat Mbaster fritfully ohall serve, and hes lanful commands ae where gladly ole: i oe and not absent himself, from hia Mbasters service nmithout leave y but tn all things asa good ank cithfjul, Servant shall behave. Sond the saul c Op eine. doth covenant, frromise’ and agree with the saul Preatiling Sustice , that he nil teach and enstruct, on cause to be taught and tnatructed, the slid. Af prentice to read and wre, and also the art and mystery of 4 Char , (Pe hat and constantly fod and provide pr the said Apprentice, during the term aforesatd, auf went det, mashing, lody iyeng , and apharel, feng pr an i ae y and aleo all other things necefsary, loth in atchnefa and in witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, Signed, sealed ai caves in 2 : Tage Seen presence of STATS OF NORTHM-eCAROLIMTA, { Ba b a at aa al a t e al a aa ah ah PI E P E R IE I C E OG PE P ? Le PE P E R PI R SB ee the day and year aforesaid. PO O O OO O DO I OP F O R IO IC R P PO O P » ? : fl Fos ncitooane ee ee th anki. C4 ho ee 3 AKA hae The he fan eoleth, then rhb bs —L thet an Ba tay prt bak + thes Kakg an at hie <r gat Zs tides hh ws — gob. oa pated AN F OO I2 9 O S O O O S OO P PO O P I O O O DI O OO O O SO O O C O O O L OO E o r e o o a c s o o o d y l OR M E RE TE ET E OR He OE TE N T IR E HO E HE I IL IE ME I NE NR IE IE Na I HE NI I RE ME FR E ET A Re ae A Mb YS Ce ata Malt lt i al lly yy lg Ml tl Ml Ml yy lg lind Ata ly ll a ll ltl a Ml a, a) PER PEPRPHEHE A ICI PPI PIE IE PEPE IE IIE FE IRIE SC AO PE PIE PE ALG OS BS POOR PROCEED, STATS OF NORTM-CAROLMVA, eh. COUNTY. His Rudentuve, c% 227 we tn the year of oun Lord one thousand ctight hundred and oe between the morshipful ¥, 2. a - S 4 > 2 a Baguire Chatman or Presiling Sustice of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Setywons of the County a neaatd, of the one art, and é Fe - Dik ‘ i bl game bis, of the other part, WIVNESSETH, that the oatd Presiding Sustice, tin pursuance of an Onder of oad Court, doth fre, place and tind unto the Py c CAL Ate Dt an orphan " named p22 os wv tle ltl raashece-2 -_—_*— aged. yr Ya a7 with the ead a. aha o ‘to live afler the manner of an Aofprentice and Servant, until he shall attain the age of tmenty= one years. During which time, the said Vb ifrentice his cat’ Master frihjully shall SErVE, and hes lanful commands every where gladly obey, and not absent himaelf from hia Mbastera service anti howl leave, but-tin ald things as a good. and fitful Servant shall behave. Sond the said we Cat ol a ame ae a “doth covenant, frromise and agree with the cal Presiding Sustice, that he nil teach and enstruct, on cause to be taught and tnatructed, the said Apprentice to read and write, ant also the art and myalery of 2 ; Lae 2224 . and constantly fed and prrovede p* the oaud ASofprentice, during the term aforesaid, ouffirvent diel, mashing, lody , ant apparel, feting pr an Aefprentice » and aloo ald other things necefaary , both in sicknefs and health. In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. [Waa fea Carrewon. we \ a i. , ¢ a ¥ R ce el te a le e ie ae aa : | | 5 a Be s ea e Me ea e ie a Ma a Ne t le l a el t i le e th a l lt th it ta t a te l l t a l e Signed, sealed and delivered in he teats is Mala ht i ii ite al Ml dy My ht a yl Al i as 5 te at At tl at el Mt tly BPO OA II AI III IE IIE IEE IE IEP IIE SY] % i a STALE OF YORTMS CAROL TAs z ia . COUNTY. | 3 i ‘ 4 Shis RuBeutuve, wc h 22°. dy i ft z tn the 4 year of our Lord one thousand cigher hundred ant = — a ete! dagen Ans fra a 43 Tie Sefeiras f the County aprcnd of the one part, at 2 ae oe strate CP atte a the came County, of the other part, WITNESSETH, that the catd Prscidtifg “Feetice, Da ftomsisammce OK con Cndler—ofveidl- Covomé, doth. pitt place and tind unto the sail | ie pra PO ace an orphan, named Jiyze jell veek iterd lena aaa ee mith the oad Sbuinen. to live after the manner a an Aofprentice and Servant, until te shall attain the age of twenty= yeurs. During which time, the said Aipirentice his catt Master : foibfily shall serve, and hi lanfal conumands —- where gladly ote Cy, things as a good and fthfal Servant shall behave. ond the cat [3 atts 2-7 ip Flew doth covenant, fr vomese and agree with the saul A Geudtive hat he nil teach oe instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, the sau + sah iprentie to read and write, and also the art and mystery of f a V4pe ee a conatantly fed and provide p the _ Aofprenticag during the term eas ouffirtent i mashing, lodging, and ~ ~s fp an a and aloo all other things necefaary, ne aicknefs and ¢ | and not absent timaclf, pr rom tes Masters service rnithout leave, bud tn at 3 In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, : the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of i , ¢ 4 Beene ALLL AAhe Aen nend Nh mAb nenmdn eddie PIO LPR IE IE IE TS AIL, srazwpp wonrar-canonima, »? L¥y ae » COUNTY. | THis RweBerwturve, ve xm detent hay of § @. baseik — ae the your of our ae one thousand ight 7 fae and ab l a yt tl s ie aa a at IP I PI E PP E PI E IE II E PE I PT E PR BE I PI , =~ e x t oneG re between the mora hep t, iful Paty cea or ca | bag Ure, Chatiman on De api of the ao leas and Serr, Gon of the County aforesatd, of the one fart, and } huts SE i of the same County, of the other fart, WITNESSETH, chat the sat Presiding Suse, tn frursuance of an Order Zot ail Court, doth. fet; flace and tind unto the cad at. aa orphan, named Garg te ae y Pas arf - with the said BK Pee ay live Ze. the manner of an Aohprentice and S, emurent, untel he shall attain the age of twenty= one years. During which time, the saul Arfprentice a. sat’ Master frithfjully shall serve, and hes lanifat commands oe where gladly id i and not absent himself from his Measters service without fave, but tn things aa a good. and faithful Servant shall behave. c Sond the gard DK pce ae le doth covenant, frromuse and agree with the catdl Presiding Suatice ; that ho nil teach and enatruct, on cause to be taught and . the eo — fo read and wr and also the art and m Ly ateny Se constantly pod and a - “he oad Prt daring the term aforesatd, suff’ reent duet, mashing, lodging, and a uf prarel, fy pr an Aoffrentice » and aleo ald other things necefsary, ye tn achnefa a“ health... {n witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. Yoo Wk. tis §srar4 eS TP. V Tht ei RR eH RE NE a RE CI N A A be a tt ly te te le ae , é : ie EM O ME EL OE Te EH NN Hh HR RR RC RE IF : | Signed, sealed and Pe in nce of ee EDI, ASEAN I ann Ian atm fd Jat. of Senth Castor) ; ern a Fe pu hw, Macs the Br’ bs pty pa . i of org or he ee ea a S a ae oe he Pec? He rrah fife - Gh ecfla te. Gage: an new OF Poe ae be 2 Le hes Mes ee Af ie pies nak he Foo ee ae cage a pas Carer Lo pees bi hitter ce vk Aaa ot. Bora banry Sud, tpn vars are fe Sane f ta ee ht A flaw a wae Ee Me ee of ban, Arann al ERY eM Fi ae gen eee a ae belts ee ee Lites Lh A anne aie cs esc Bie = sate J Mee poe age g of fre: ee Stn 4 go im whe: te Can tee Jack Mazter LE fem hci cot hte ti in A sony tN JA FA Az, feel. ti a thet hs AG Le. Mathig A L0tDe it a Sale vie elt Chee ann geek 0c. Ln K ee, ae mee a ee ue: ee Pcie 4 belt eras dite ah ek i i Agate oa al ah Siesta Poucecling Aerts ted Pe bee LES Ps a he . fte eles sat, Z2 ace tw ae So _ Pols kl tMtidte uel. M_, es a Hi for e- Hes ty, 9 2 oie Batic pertttn es Ber a. ate ar aaah: eee (Peypttit i gee her oh noe lees acs ee fae Bh ete, eet ng Mom es afers es . ct ee sone i Cos, es se Zoe Loe. fe an aie hogy ad a Fae pa, tee Ween me ol. (i OL ngs eee 42< eet te we Lt chan Faves L a ae ° ‘ oes 5 abt x" a 4 ‘, ¢ s . my 4 / i * * Pe, ? # Wiel ide» eh Ce dip 2 / ei ty ans Gsoo ——e oO ee ll a il tl tl Al ly Me a i lt RIED, RIE PIE PIE ITOK IS, STATA OF NORTM-CAROLINA, My, —-. County Shis Kudentuve, oe “ fork, ~ day A oud tn the year of oun Lord one thousand ei ey gh hundred and | re . Cetrveen the rvora hip iful (ding A Kifa — } Bs puere Chairman ox oe she: of the Court of Reas and § a) Se ¢ fat ona of the County — of the one fart, and ° pers Gattens - of the same County ‘ of the ; other fourt, meee that the saul p neatileng Susie, wn frursuance , 2 an Order o of oat Court, doth, fees place and lind unto the said oo pre? _— an orphan, named a or Seal g aged. ateude li ent pens — 6 mith. the i Aa ae Lath ns to leva after the manner ? of an Apprentice and S meant, untel he shall attain the age of twenty= one yours. During ouhich. tome, the saul Afiprentice his cact Master 5 fuilflly shall serve, and his lanful commands —_, where plally _ . and not absent himself fr om this Master's service nas leave, bud tn thivigs asa ank hill! Sova shall behave. = ; es ey Le ae nae a Ga aphex, sloth covenant, frromise and agree with the said Presiding SIuatice i that he nil teach and tnstruct, ox cause to be laught and tnstructed, the saul AG ffrontice to read and write, § and also the art and myatery of a Meu ae _- ank constantly fod and provide fp? the said Apprentice, during the conn aforesaut, oof went del, mashing, lodging, and apparel, Yass por an Apprentice _ and aloo all other things necefrary, both in atchnefa and health. In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, bark 0 (shes AL. Bs; Tipe 3 a oe ag. PL A T T RO C C E OO O EP P S PE A S IO P IO I ER R PE R M ER RE E RO E ER RT T AR IE HR T ER EI R a WE DS P P P O D P C IO I IA L AI P D L I L I H I C P L O P L O L I E I L E E PO I E I E IE the day and year aforesaid. Oo O o e CO O O O O S OO O O Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of 3 ag . ay os wan a a ee NE A 0 it. tts Sy es tt Mt le atl eM Me at a May Ma atta i tt Ak hy ly tM it Mi al a NM lie el i ; SLI IIR IRIE IG AFI ARIE EI IIE IS CIOS PS PSR PROS 2S, < <> STATS OF NORTM-eCAROLINA, tE ybe- %& “COUNTY. <> ' Shis Ludenture, we“ 7 day of ! ‘ Pore tn the year of ‘oun Lord one thousand eight hundred and betreen the worshepful i ‘Lg, LY ae ft he Oaguere, Chairman on A; restiling SIustice of the Court of Pleas and 5 Quarter Sefaions of the County aforcsatd, of the one fort, and eee plitiiargy LZ: of the same County, of the ) other frart, WITNESSETH, “ad the oad SP, neouling Sustwe, tr frersuance x of an Onder of tek Court, doth. frets place and lind unto the saul ; an orphan, named Up lenuu (Por aged fle Very with the saul 4 to live after the manner % of an Aoffrentice and S-rvant, until te shall attain the age of twenty= } one years. During which lime, the sad Afprentice hes act Meader fetthfully shall serve, and hia lanfal commands every muhere ylully oley, s and not absent himself, from tir Mbacler's service rts 2% e ave, but tn ald thangs as @ good and fushpal Servant ohall behave. " ' Aond the saul pleite rntz doth covenant, frromise and agree with the cad Preatiding Sustice, that he nid teach and instruct, 2 on cause to be taught and instructed, the vatd Aofprentice to read and mrue, ¢ and also the art and mystery of a PPC and constantly pod and frrovidle pr the cad Apprentice, during the term aforesatd, ouffirent dit, mashing, lodging, and apharel, fering pr an Aeffrentice , and aloo all other things necepsary , both in aichnofs ank DE E P HS H RG I TS EG E EH HE HE ge a A, >" ‘s x SI E In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. , “y Z WH; i Jrwt korg a Laces §sean.§ Ath! pus Signed, sealed and delivered in : presence of LC, i RE T R R re SS Lf 7 page Ra a lily a la i tay haa Me dts Mat sed ttt Matt lh ttt ea at tt ly i> PP II PIPE IIE III IIE PE LOI IELTS cP ICI, athe, PIII IIE, MOLDR STATS OF NORTMeCAROBIMA, Wye COUNTY. i Chis Rudentuve, oc “~ IW day of tn the year of our Lord one oe hundred and wf ter Ly between the morshipful 1 the Cer.llet i ; Baguire , Chatman on Presiding Sustice of the Court of Neas and > Quarter Sefaions of the County aforesaud, of the one fract, and | | (4. Z 2p a tfdele a of the came County, of the other frost, WITNESSETH, tad the said PB neatiling Sustice, tn frursuance . of an Order of sat Court, doth pots place and lind unto the said : Pb onge A hipoete an onphan, named walle SB rhe mith the said SF, cigs a ego vililews tele after the manner of an Aofprentice and Servant, untilfhe shall attain the age of tnenty= one years. During which time, the said Ab ipirentice his sacl Mbasten $ frihfully shall serve, and hes lanful commands every where gladly obey, and not alsent himself, from hia Meastewa séruce mithout leave, but tn ald , > PE R E OT 6 TE I FE T T RE E TI N E NN R RR Re t e things as a good and frill Servant shall behave. Sond the said J ptt. 2 ind li. doth covenant, frromise and agree with the said reatiling Suatice, that he nil teach and tnatruc } | On cause to be taught and instructed, the saul Aopprentice bamerel eT and also the art and mystery f a oe. and constantly fod and frrovide p* the savd Aofprentice, during the term aforeaatd, ouffiivent deel, washing, lodging , and aftparel, feting p an Aoffirentice y and aloo ald other things necepsary, loth in atchnefa and health. in witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. ; i. ¢ Wp i : €eBAL.§ AM OnGr V7 amMelO Gag Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of th. G a each th Pl ty Maa Mh ati a ‘Movie a ths Ma i Ma Mh te th ttt tact it ly a ta Mata te aly Ma a a: MPCIKCICIIOHR MEIN PPPS I IEEE, SPIE IR IE IA IC IE IEEE IIE, MPS MIC OMS FG STATS OF NORTM-CAROLIMA, Ny do COUNTY. This RWVEwtweve’, veh fer A > dy of — -“n the year of oun Lord one he, nd e yt hundred and Kod iY a between the worsh, ful Sikh é Law APSO pS = ; Caguire 'y Chatrman ox Presiiting Suastice of the s i“ Pleas and 3 Quarter Sefaions of the County aforcsatd, of the one fart, and * On Zh ai. 7H - of the same Gounty, 4 of the other frart, WITNESSETH, that the said Prestiting Sustue, tn frurowance of an Onder of oad Court, doth fut; fulace and lind unto the said y sie hee Fi2 00% - = an orphan, named G4, Mn CV 7 oa yO el A lewd franz sith the said titan. oa to lve after the manner of an Ap rentice and S» exuant, until he shall attain the age of twenty= } one one years. During which tome, the said %, rifrrentice 2, sact Master fuihfull shall serve, and hes lanfal commaids eure where gladly and not alsent timself, from tir Masters service rutthoul leave, but tn things as a and Servant shall behave. a : " - his to — oa Tiree te “oth covenant, bs rote and agree with the saul Presiding Sustice, that he wal teach and cnstruct, or cauae to be taught and tnatructed, the saul Apprentice to read and write, ; and also the art and mystery of 2 Merve e- Cafir ea. and constantly p ind and prrovede p the oath Apprentice, during the term 3 aforeaaid, auf tent del, mashing, lodging , and Ware afilig pr an Aoffrentice » and also all other things necefsary, both un atchnefs and health. In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, { * the day and year aforesaid. meer © Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ~~ & 4. 5 . ee ee e oe wo o s em a A ie Se ey ‘hl ha Maa ttt th ty Marthe My Math AA ly Bk ili it ly ltl Aa Al lt i aly bl gat Al lg SEP PC AR IOPR IEG A IRAE RIE FIC IE EIS PIE III i PILI, ILI IM I, PIE IE HIE III, i ad STATS OF NORTMeCAROLIMA, t Gye COUNTY. This Eivewtuve, ee LK tay of ae AM y, tn the year of oun Lord one thoys eight hundred and J between the worshepiful > : ubre, Chatman or BP restileng Sustice of the Court of PF Yeas and Quarter Sefuons of the Count aforeaatil, of the one fart, and baidnrnsedb. WBraoser Ps pg if of the came County, of the } other frart, WITNESSETH, (ad the cadd Presiding Susie, tn frursuance of an Onder of sat Court, doth fit; place and tind unto the said Aha. 7. fo oe rh, an orphan, named En iakwwinr A gaew Bagh — aged 2 ko with the said All ites forerh, F to live after the manner of an Aoiprentice and Servant, until he shall attain the age of twenty= % one years. During which time, the said Apprentice his satt Mbaster frihjully shall serve, and Kes lanful commanils every muhere gladly obey, 5 and not absent himself from hes Masters service mithoutl leave, but in all things ad a god and cithjul Lervant shall bohave. Aond the saul eae rh, doth covenant, frromise and agree with the saul Presiding SIustice, that te will teach and enstruct, on cause to be taught and tnatructed, the said Apprentice to read and write, and also the art and mystery of « « oe and constantly ford and provide p* the saul A fprentice, during the term aforeaati, ouffucient dul, mashing, lodging, and apparel, fing fp an Aofpirentice y and aloo all other things necefsary, loth in atchnefa and health. | In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, LiL? Yip, (fe w { Lafpell qean.§ he Gee vi l e ie et tl h ke al e a: ee a le BR PP R PE I OR I PI I I PE R E EE rd So MA SP L P L IS S PO H OO S PO T a St PO P P I EM P L O I DI O P PO I OL E GE E R T TN NE HE M E ME E EN E I He I Ne HE ee OE HR I IT He IR HE IE MA E ON E Ml a A HR AR Me AR [e S Q ) & i %, é ab e l aa ae aa y Se e s PP L RO L ¥ i i | the day and year aforesaid. om ~* Signed, sealed and delivered in € & 2 —_—— presence of 2 ——— f Mai a ht Ms lat al et tal rt Mille tt i k STATB OF NORTH CAROLINA, : : : é 4 IL EPIL I IIE HM IIS PCIE IIR, PODEAE 97 te COUNTY. ; F we) Shis Lnventure, 6% “2 - day of 2 tn the year of ‘our Lord one thousand ctght, hundred and ee GB Cetween therwuows buffet : fo ZL “fe. he a iwtag ) Bogut, Charman 0m Pestle keaitre of tha. Count «ah Retr ane Quarter kkiows of the County aforesatt, of the one part, and * Gif Ahavry ff oame County, of the other part, WITNESSETH, that the said Pec Maa” itor, drm fedroaarace of aus. Brcdere of otk. Gourt, doth. put; place and tind unto the oat » ea Mawez at orphan, nameb ee he eh Lveny a f ¥ E & ’ i Sie DO O % muth the saul Le: eee to live after the manner of an Aofprentice and Yrvant, until he shall attain the age of twenty= one years. During whiok time, the saul Aiprentice his oatt Master frithfully shall serve, and hes lanfut commands every here gladly obey, and not absent himself from his Mbaster'a servire without leave, Cut tn ald nga ad a good andefuihful Servant stall behave. ds And the carl ZL Kua, - = ther doth covenant, frromuse and agree with the saul < ne a ge t te wil teach and tinatruct, on cause to be taught and instructed, the aed Aopoprrentice to read and write, and also the art and mystery of @ c 4a A and oa constantly ford and provide fp the cack Aopprentice, during the term aforesavil ouffirvent dit, mashing, lodying, and apparel, flrg fp an Sofprentice , and aloo all othen things necefsary; both in otchnefa ank PO P P I PI L LE C BE IL I © SO I R E E PP L IE E E OS : < 2 AN T ME N HE R E EN RE EH eR RT ge ER E A OT E RE T R EE R E HE EE : PI K E S EI S In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. 2 y and year afores pose egy A S G2. On O< > a. 2. §aeae-§ = L-$* oy < J Oo d o o < > Signed, sealed and delivered ia presence of ( Ae? f 77 GY, MA gt Ao > e O o S