HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarolina Watchman, 1843 a a AA _— TT. ——.; + ak 7 cin advanee,and two dollars and elid of the fear. o8e a wil be ‘acttied for aless time of y cenls at t aniess paid for in edvance.: = 4 gunse tpt me V' Ne nw ootil all arrearages are paid, - TERMS OF ADVERTISING. “a er squace far the first insertion aod five cents for each-continnance. an notices will be charged 25,per et2high- " ahave rales © . vet y han ihe. aednelon eho advert 4 qjeeruiseme harged pyg and chars ™ ain nomber fav > "49th ise by the year. ~ for accordingty,.valess order. rer! of 4imes moat prod (0 @ TSNTE afiention. | ~ kgs: me } | eo Rowan. THE SUBSCRIBER™ VING p rehased that well known and : yse, (known, il oe established Pablic House , the name of Slaaghteér’s ‘Tavern,) i Tag of Salisbury. the reception of Travellers & Boarders and Bar wiil be supplied sith ket and sutroanding enyatry af- yen for fis FaBLe pe best the Mar fore oie . ie rs spacious, and bountifully snp eaten and provender. of all kinds, at : ded py faithfol and attentive Ostleis. *Theondersigned pledges himself that no 6x wtion on his part shall be“Wanting 'o give gen- ral satisfaction to all who ‘may favor hinn with ; é acall JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: tf7 —_— —_._.. r 4 ’ = -- BLANKS! BEANHS!! TO CLERKS. SHERIFFS, CONS T.A- BLFS, §c. Ms HE PROPRIETOR of the. Watebman ik Printing Offtee.”” respectfolly: informs the Clerks, Sheriff's and Constables of the sutroond ing Cuonties, that te has-and., will Saniinge to keep on hand, 2 fall supply of BLANKS neatly printed on good paper, and not ‘surpassed by-any work done in the State” All order’ from a dis= tance for any of the following Blanks promptly aiiended to: F ” uM ; Superior Court =Witress Tickets, Writs, Capis- Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds,-Sabnenas, Verdi- yoni Fxponas Jarors’ Fickets, Execotions ~ ~~ County Court - Jurors ‘Tickets, E:xecutions,. Wria, &° Viseellancous -Constables’ Warrants, (with lao Bonds, Apprentices’ Indentares, Marrioge Lrense’ Aope rance Bands, Deeds of Trost, Deeds of Conveyance, Delivery Bonds, Tajune- ona, Sheriff's Deeds, (Veodi. Eapo ) Appeal Jods Commissions to take Depositions, Con us’ Bonds, Administrators’ Bonds, Prosecu- too Banda, Sopertor and Co Court. Printing ! Printing !! FANOY J9B WORK ( F DEFFERENE COLORS, done. at the shortesi notice, and oot surpassed by yin the State, ’ Salisbory, Nov 19.°1842 No Joke! MAE Subseriber offers for sale his valuable Plantation fi lies on both sides of the wage road leading frown Salisbury to Charlotte, uwmiles from Salixbuorv bt contains 265 1-2 ACRES. There 1s gand water very convenient to the ose «oft isanexcellent stand for a Public Hose As Tintend moving this Fall, 1 will ell upon goud terms, sech as wil! suit the times \partof the money will no: be expected while vaptain Tyler is President. WELLINGTON SMITH. Seo 24 1842 119 PRICES CURRENT A Svuispury, Dee. 3). Cents. Ceuls. Sacon, 4 +5 | Cotton Yarn, 90 Jrandy,ap. a 301 Molasses, 35 a 40 peach, 40 a 50 | Nails, 6a7 Butter, 7 «8 | Oats, 15 a 20 Beeswax, 25 Pork, $3 Cotton, clean 53 + 6 | Sugar, br. §al0 Coffee, Yall loaf, 15a 18 Cora, 25 | Salt, sack, $3} Peathers, 20. 25 | Tatlow, 7 Plone, $33 4} ' Tobacco, 8 a 20 flaxseed, 50455 | Tow-Linen, .2a 16 lon, pertb. 3a4| Wheat, bush 75 Linseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 Favyerrevitne, Dee. 2h. ‘andy, peach 45 | Volasses, 25 . Arple 30 a $5 Nails, cut, a 6 os 54a 64 | Sugar drown, 63 399 “wax, 27 a 28 | Lump, 14 tte, 10a 12 | Loaf, 15a 1s oa, 58a 6t | Soh, 50 a 60 “*tloa Yarn, 1481S Sok, $2} Cand} , , 40150 | Pooaccoteal 2a 3 Pas es,F.F.15a17 | Coton bag 20 Pee’ $112 | Bale rope, 8a lO raed $1 a $42 | Wheat new 804835 jters 25 4 30} Whiskey . Sa 85 =, 4254 | Woal, 15 a 20 Cheraw, Dec 275 (849 34 a 4 Nails cutassor 798 Sa 5} wrought 16 a 18 Bee 12} » 15 | Oats bushel. 30 a 37 here 22 a 25/ Oil gal 75a $1 aie ey! 20222 lamp $i 25 ~~ 16412 linseed 1:10 al 25 ‘12h 14] Pork 100lbs 54:2 6 Cotton 5ia6 a WaTcHM AN". grsy_ hereafter be had giseontinded. (but. at the option-o | f 334 per cent will be made to} ven ate willbe continued Gatite - PG PRON Ee Letlers addressed to the’ Editor must Ho Be | i abe n thes! N. ©., inforais: his Friends} 4ohe Public genefally,* that the same is new » ¢ Hite: to business, and \froy Indie) ments, Indictments vs. Overshéts:p. d Ruada, Vendi Exxponas, Witness ‘Tickets, |’ Rreentinna attachéd,) C» Sa’s & Bonds: Gaat-} nae % pM TANG carry on the Silver iiéss in all the: varieties common jn couairytowns: such as making Spoons, &e., te ppairing Silve Ware. rp EOE. SRR Se “He begs to.assure the pablie.that if, panetoal skill{u) work.-will en—- ne will mer- iile-him to patronage and support, he iwtt. Po SO Bae a AARON. WOOLWORTH. . Nov. 18—tf16 P Valuable property for sale in Lexington. pre Subseriver is desirous to sell, privately, that well known business stand jo Lexing: ton, N. C., sisuated a short distance north of the Courthouse, formerly occupied by Caldclengh, Dusenbery & Co.; and.at present oat pied by Brevard and Adams ‘I'he house is ot-brick, large and commodious, containing an excellent | Slore room and dwelling apartments all_under the same roof. Altached to the premisesate all necessary on:-buildiags.. Those wishingto por- chase or to examine,ihe shove pupper'?s will re- ive attention if,appheation be made to m ~ ANDREW. CALDCLEUGH. May 1, 1841.—t Z ; Dr. Shermean’s PRevicated Lozenges ‘re the best MEDICINES in the World, WPEING the cheapest.and most pleasant.— The “tedreal Fasoliy warmly approve them Dr. Sherman jaaskilful sod experienced Pby- gician. aod a member of the Medical Society 0 New York. shéerman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, sdrest, and mésy effectaal remedy tir Coughs,» Colds, Consumption, * Whooping Cough, Asthma, “Tighiness of the Lungs or: Chest, Fé oe pg alos s ‘SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the oly infallisle worm destfoving meci= ae eal Olidovared They bave bern used io ove 4,400,000 rases and Hever known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate rehet 10 nervous or- sick Head— ache, palpitation of ‘the*Heart, Lowness of Spir- ita, Despondescy. Fainting, Oppression orga sense of Sinking oy the Chest, Diarrbcea, Las- sitode, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the mos! certain remedy for this. distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — In the immense nomber of ‘cases In which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels,so com- mon and troublesome during the sommer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper nse of these Lozenges’ ‘l'hey are prepared express ly for that purpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence, Persons subject to a derange ment of the bowels shuald never be without them They afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gripings, faintness, depression, §c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common pepperminis; and are an active and efficien: | medicine. ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilions persons. Where an active medicine is requ‘ted, they are notooly the desi, bui the safest that can be administered Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism, Lom—- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, F.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbary Medical Drog Siore, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept 3, 1342—1y6 Dr, Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- neficial nature. . They are composed of ar- ticles the most anti-putrescent, combined with ingredients knowa as the.only certain antidote for fevers of every description, When the dis ease is produced either from cold, obstruction, bad air, swampy and damp'situations, or patrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by oiher causes, these medicines are ceriain im thetr operations or-effects. "They are possessed of pe- coliar-qualities, which not oaly expel all disease, but atthe same iime.sestore and invigorate the system. When first 1aken iato the stowach, they immediately diffose themselves like vapor through every pore, producing “effects at once deligh:ful, salutary, aod permanent’ — When the spark of life begins lo grow dim, the circulation languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- eines sre tound to give a tune to the nerves, ex—- hileraie the animal spirits. invigorate the body, and re animate the whole man 50 62, Sugar ty 8 a12 Mlour bri 4» 4}! Salt sack 3 er 30 a 32 bash $100 im O0lts Sa 6 | SieehAmer, 10 a 00 Oe oe English i4 Mie: 33 +40 German 12a 14 whe: 1254 -“Teaiwnpe. $1:9137 ,__ CASA BONDS *y orcnted and for esie at this Office 4 Vhe Life .Medicines have also been used with $23 | the mosi happy successin Nerv.us and Dys-}° 4 | pepiie diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver | Complaint, Rhecmatim, (chronic and inflama- tory} D. ropsies, &e. : ae = $F Call-al Cress Booen’s, Agents. “Sahebery, Ot 22, iy 13 COUNTY COURT WRITS, ~. Printéd on first rate peper and for sale * ehis Office y Sores pee a ats af. oe Indiana —X° Washingién,, Cotiestionden the New ¥ork. Bx es Per ac ey > t= Th new irdvenes, shat « Sin “ware, selected fot the ‘Goty, advanced and ad- ro Sed ¢ ? “SALISBURY: alll wh y~ Se. ae AA “SATURDAY, JANUARY, 7.184 Republican Whig ‘fin a + For Presidant-of 1 ee pee I 4 _ “ wp On eee: 25) , ee c re Ft 4 LG { } “to be -ebosen at | election ; bat the Honse of Representatives have laid the resolations gpon the.table, and, as is sp- prehended, with the» intention of imitating the beautifel example of the Legislatureof Tenres- see.” Indiana. —The House of Repretentatives, on Monday, the 12th inst, decided the coniesied seat of Steuben and De Kalb, in favor of Madi- soo Marsh, the Democratic claimant, by a vole of 52 to 45—one Demoeratic member being ab- sent, and another excused from voting becanse of not having heard the testimony. The election of a United States Senator has not yet taken place. . <a e Mr CLAY’S ARRIVAL AND RECEP- TION AT NABCHEZ, The Natchez Courier of the 7th altimo saya: Abvot half past eight yesterday morning, our citizens, who had been long anxiously looking for the expected advent of their distinguished coan tryman, Mr. Clay, were apprised of his approach by the deep mouthed roar of old Saratoga The bluffs were soon crowded with eager throngs, who impatiently watched the advance of the boat, which wag gallantly bearing him to our shore. So soon.as the necessary arrangements cuuld be made for his debarkation, Mr. Clay land ed, and, sceompanied by the Committee delega ted for the parpose, was escorted to his quarters at the City Aiytel, by the Fencinlea, who had volunteered theie, services as # guard of honor. “Uponshis arrival at the Hotel; F.1., Clar- borne. Esq. who had been, as our readers are 9 dressed Mr Clagj im beliall of the e@rtiz.ns of Adaths county, in a speech 80 singularly feli- cious, that we bat re-echo the general. voice, in expressing for if the warmest adr ion - ¢Vhe address referred to Mr. Clay enliiarn with the history of his country,-a8 the: bb nay and brifliant orator, whose borning eloqnence and in domitable courage waked the sinking spirits of the country, during the last war—as the far famed advocate ot liberty in other climes — as ‘he troe Ameriran, and the worthy representaiive ' that home of the brave and ardent “men, K-:- tucky. Mr. Clsg rising in bis carriage receiv ed the address, and so remaining, responded | it visit allogetner of a public character, and thar | shonld be onaccompanied with pablic oe rem i as it was strictle of a private nature of the pleasure, he felt, al the nnion_of all par ties in the matier of his reeepiion ; of the ex- cellent effects that most follow the condor of party conflicts io a liberal and generons spirit, when party conflicts mast eecur; and of the He remarked npon his desire to divest bs He speck honesty and fair inten‘ions of the masses of all parties. He referred to his old arqnaintance | with the city, its calamities, its fortitnde and en terprise,and assured the concourse, that he would cherish the recollection of bis arrival here, as among bis most pleasant reminiscences. To say thatit was Mr Clay who spoke. precludes all necessity of ref-rring to the gratification of the andience, Mr Clay afterwards received in the drawing room of the hotel, those wha desired to be pre- sented to him, and ahe opporionity of shaking handea with him. and of looking ap. no him. who, | in all bie nobleness of form and presence, had | been * the observed of all observers”? for so ma ny vears, was lost bnt by few. An invitation to name a day upon which be would be present at a poblic barh-ene, was ten~ dered tohim Mr Clay felt himself torced to decline, for the two fold reason, that he desired his vigit 10 be, as far as bis inclinations should he consoled, strictly private anc s cial and that, were he to consent to partake of a barbecue here, he could not resist the wishes of his varions friends in other cities and portions of the two States to meet them at barbrcves, and then hig siny would #8 protracted beyond his intention, | and beyond hie power to procrastinate it, With these reasons our good penple have been reloci- antly forced to be content, A ball will no donbt be given, however, at which Mr Clay will be requested to attend, and as the fair daughters of our State will then and thete receive him with their brightest smiles, be cancot refuse his pres- New Oaceans, Dec. 8, 1842, HENRY CLAY. The New Orleans Bee says :—The Hon. H. Clay reached Vicksburg, in the steamboat Rain <4 a ee os Caf a + + aS ad © at i ws > eee =< lates «|| sight nt Natehez asthe’ Missouri teft that city, ~ and that the reverberation of cannon wes beard: ee Sd fe pa A te ie - eX So Big] Ve . e 77 . bn oe a 4 alshed Wi tion. rags Ly, cape -and then proceed to Judge. Porter's residence, in Atiakapas aw learn bya passenget, who arriged in the Missouri, that thé “Rainbow came “in a the reception.would be a most. brilliantuaf ais. ; : ane is In Vicksburgy.Mr.-Clay. was welcomed aap short sdaceieee Judge Bodley.. ; : ‘From the Raleizh Register. THE WAR OF THE’GIANTS. Mr ‘Gates: As.you may have been. pre- vented from witpeeses the magnifiren: dis- plav- of jntelfoeinal. promese, qxhibited in the Senate on Friday last I have thought ut well to prepare vou a sketch of jt, both far the amesement of you and four. readers. aud to resene from oblivion, the great and fundamental political..doctrines. then and there proclaimed, Vir. Sherard’s Bul, for the issuing of a million of do'lars of ehin- plasters, being under consideration and that gentleman having set forth the meriis of his scheme in a short Speech, the Hon. Bed- ford Brown arose — ‘And in bis rising seemed a pillar of State.” His eourtenance hetrayed intense inward emotion and his chest heaved with noble ideas, that wanted utterances. ‘Mute expec tation’? held the House .‘snll. as summer’s noontide sir.” and the eager gaze of a crowd. ed audience told the honorable’ gentleman that something grand w2s expected. Well, si iteame: The barrier of hit lps was opened, and the deep volume of pent up thought flowed out, a torbid and maddy stream, rotting its swollen tide «over the whole sinful world of Whgism and Whig ineuitations” Banks and Bank rorporations, and io its universal deluge invading the domicils of the sacred. Democracy, while eveo the bonorable gentlenan himself contd fi. d noark of safety, and was overwhelm- ed and drowned in the flood of his own co- gitations, Avart from the fesemblance. which this centest bore to the anerent and classical engagement het ween the ‘Kilkenny cals,’ wherein the feline combaiants mutn- ally devoured each other, it pégBessed an- olber remarkable attr clive featnre, and the astonished audience were regaled with the eight of ‘hal wonderful feat, a man’s swal- lowing himfelf But to eome more dirert- ty tothe point. The Speech of Mr Brown wos evident!) astudied one, and wae intend. rasa fult expose of his views.in regard ts all (he great political questions of the day <A d these views, emanating whence they did, and deliwered on snch an occasion, mas be regarded ag the orthodox doctrine of the Deworratie marty, and were doubt- meas tes of that party. Now, let me hold eur-e. bimee'f st full length B Mr.-Clay will remain aw days at Na tohes:; ssontendod to shidow forth the future | the covntry. () mirror upto the gentleman, and let hico | from eseb man ?) Firat, he de. | beeeonamy, (‘why wasit not practised when liresstalall paper moner isa humbog; that | the honorable gentleman was e part of the . rage are a nuisance. and all Banking powers that be ?) 3 te whteh-wéichoult , eg : that M-. Brown—den4 give tj ple—prorlaim ir-endfetall the ea ron Whip hd thep istue Treasory notes?» Wh do they. welts eckier Henderean, in Pete; ville count: and why have Sher gor prac. dised their own preachings ?— Wp are your frends dénouneing thie” Bin eT ‘zi Inn peper z we can live without paper: money——thatan exclusive metaihe currency -woald- hot re. duee the prire of property, the wages of da. hor. and east g. withering bhghtonverevery. branch of indosiry: ? why do you descant so largely ‘on & herd. the popnisr “eer 2 Is~ it-breanse soonds prettily and looks patrioue 2 Is St Hecanse it is a good hohby to. nde, but # poor hore forthe plough ? Yoo _spesk féeehngly:for the poor wan, and that is-a popalar-subject; vou land Gold apd. Silver, and thet,sovede well ; and wal to be @ fniend-to the: poor, and a hard Maney man, ere utterly Incon- j sistent. “Yon bewail the lot of the indigent widow, while you urge her to give op her last buodle of sticks end bandfol of floor ; you commiserate the debtor, and would give | the creditor the legal right to knock. off his homestead and his {ttle all for a meré cong. But yoo say, destroy: papér money: and gold and silver enough qill come into cirenlation? Now all hands admit, end the Lord knows, money is scarce enough ; the ery is on ev- ery haed, there.1s no money—no money— why don':.the shiners aow come forth? {° the Banks have drawn in their circalation, ag you sxy, why don*t your yellow boys fill the yaeam ? ogee Bot again : The Honorshle gentleman, after giving the powere.of Europe a castiga. tion which will make them sore for a een- tory, and hymning:the preises of Democra- oy, afterwards tells as that (hey have few} Banks in France;and that she has ‘dove without them. | Willbthe gentleman oot al. } so recollect, that her Jaboring classes, do without money, and,zome without food— that the Government has always dane. with-: ont Liberty, the nation without a THOMAS | JErFeRS°N, and that, as. yet, the. Resolu— uens of ’98 and °99 have not been adopted | in that country 2 | Will he not also,recollect.; that France has high Protective duties, (and he took oceasion to condemn our Terift) ? After the gentleman had progressed thus far, ‘inthe msnofacture of his rope of sand, he changes his theme, and gives at length his Ideas in regard to measures, for the relief of First, the Tariff must, be abolished (how much money does that take Second: .Thera must Third: « herd money of the Desitey saycAten ! ~ Now mag: answer. Why da-yons party chartat Banks >. erst in’ Nerth Carotins, who lieve thet If there’ere notjthen: | money currency’? — fs it hecauseait, tickles.) — gig nctituthons, ecemies to lherty and dooger- currepes (a8 there is no -paper money, why neo One ingntations —These are his ore-, have we note hard. money cireuletion 2) mises, and he p-oveg them by the new and! Last'y, (tell it not in Gath !) he says that as highly democratic process of ratiocinatian. | is asafe principle in Banking, that two He calls them monied corporations, (a more | dollars of paper may. be issued for one of dangerons anim.) thane menied man;) ears Gold and Silver, and as our Banks bave not they foed the conntry with irredeemahle , thet much in eirevlation, they should issue paper; that they shave swindle, an? grind more. What! If there 1s enough Specie the face of the poor. He then cites the | for currency, aod a doller of paper for every pressure of the mea the derangement of dollar of Specie isin errculation is not that the curreney.and the bigh rates of Ex. enough? Did not the gentleman eay he change, and finalle arreigas Great Britain at was opposed to all Banking and Bank pa- the har of the Senate and reads her a most per? And, th-n, in the next breath, ne whelesome and instrvetive lecture on the | abuses Bank corporations for not issuing degradation and wrethedness of her labonr- | mre! Here is a Danie! come to judg- Ing clsses, and apasiraph:ze Thomas Jef- | meat! Here 18 consistency! Here is ferson and Demecrace These were the | Statesmanship! The Bonks are abused for . ! proofs to whieh we reply, deounctation | not paging Specre > Pay up, ofr go nD roves noching. All the irredeemabte bank liquidation,’ Isat one time the cry, anu p- per, is the reenlt of D+ moeratic temper- | When they prepare to pay, they sre arrsign- ‘. : ' ny with the correney—the spawn of the ed for not issuing more paper Ja keon pets, that sprang from the roins of Soch, Mr Editor, is an oatline of the gentle- the United States? Bak, at the time whose | man'’sremarks He sounded, separately, and by estenctinn no other fiscal seheme was | itself. every popoolar chord ; but when alf are thousht of. The Soh Tressory, and bard | touched together, a most horrible drseurd will he fr sideration | they produce. A number of bright and shiniog wc aed 4 BER ERE axe | | patches of Democracy were, singly, held op, and cevised to excuse what was done from which when sewed inte a garmen:, will make-a Private malice snd blinded rage. —The abase | aict becoming’ dress for a moootebaok The yarn, of all colors of the rainbow, and composed ject of a stomp oration or Fourth of Jaly ' lof every sort of material. He charges farionsly of Brneb iostitmniens and the glorification | venieman gpoke loud and long, and esed moch of Democracy wibdo very well for the sub- | eommon-place declamation; bat be span oot @ eign distress, would make sn excellent fig ure in the A‘dress of the anti-cnrn law 4s- sociation, 2nd sre all very pretiy of them selves, but have ahout as much to do with the remedies for oor currency, as a Ukase of Cgar Nicholas, or a hastings “Speech from Dame! OConoell. He says the Banks prodoce distress, and theft hay up property for nothing Now ae the parlour orator woul! sey, ‘your proof?? Doers the gentle- man not koow, that Stockholders 19 Banks are alwavs the most un-specolating class of the community —men, who ere too consei- entious to shave, and too lazy to trade. ond therefore, deposite their maney-1n Bank for safe-keeping, and @ small: profit >> Well, bow, onthe Sth iestant, at 10 o'cluck, A V.— His arrival was announced by the roar of can- nog, end theapplaags of the muliitode. Daring eloqsent speech to the people. * He left Vicks- habg at (2OClock. CP w/? eS a a brief sojoarn in that city, be made a shori bat} cludes that Gold aod Silvers are the vers idepucal threg itself and. forhaith leanches = ~ ~ #£ harrangue. and the pathetre pietnre of for- | into a wild rhapsody tn favor of a hard. cor. United Staies” jrency, (Eigaren knoweoute shard enough.) between ihe North sud on the Baoks—then comes an apostrophe to Je'- tereon—erees Engtand a drubbing —* 2 posire- phe in Democracy —charges down gain upon the Banks—another apestrophe to Democracy — le‘a off in blist at the Bank of State—then an apostrophe to Jackson—fires 2 broadside at ex- travagauce—spostropbe the third to Democracy. Democracy is praised, the correney of a despo- lism is cited for oot emulation, a specie circala- thon 18 commended, and the Banks abosed for cot issuing more paper, the poor re commiserated, and the law for making the rich richer, aoJ poor poorer, is recommended? <Bhbesgentlem also told ge 30 anecdote ofsn epitaph. & read thus—' 1 was well, | took .phegic, and bem Lam!’ He alsotold os that in 1834 exch-nge tram North Carolina oo New. York was 4 cent! and he qaoted seme several thaes, Botling- ‘broke’s femarks, ‘that bistorg fs philosophy from these premises the gentleman ean | teaching by example’ Now tet a8 bring thes, | three temiarke 10 bear on the gemtieman and his / messures: alt ibe time of the desitaciion of “the Bank. exchange was 4 pet cent, the Segih, the geoiles, * . E hie wear the Curvedey eh eeit, Bow icts iatbotest emoaciaied erage of «as amption ; ‘bis is history, it teaches us to the de pete Py ‘a 8 't 4 Ce ai ath: : © ‘ ife’s fr hy = i fire, W bose parks eee } and expire. ‘ — & world above “St «AW herve parting ie 6 < Aclong erernity-ob; ss Formed {or the good-alone;.. And faith beho!d-the dying here Transiatedts that gloricvs ephere! ; t» C €. oo tae . Thos siar by star déthinesy.. * Pil all are pacsed ‘away, Astorning tigh dod highershines™ To pate and perfeetday = ; Nor sink those siars.in empty night, — » Buy, hide: themseisrs io heaven's own light. <, . SAUMAN.LOVE? , wing att (BY NP. WILLIS. Oh! if 1héte'is‘dne ta w above ihe fest, W cittem: in wiad: m— if there is a word. . hav wopld trace as witha pen of fire Upon the anassum'd temper of a éhild— - o[f_ there is any thing that keeps the pind Open 3 angel visits, and repels’ x ¥ mibery of fi—tis haman love! — % : hath, made nothing worthy of contempt. The smallest pebble in the well of truth Hagits pecatiat meaniagy and will stand’ » When man's: best» movemenis bsve pass'd $F Se Ge AMOZ. hr ws bt : . Tie lay of heaven is love, and tip’ its rime Has been. usarped by pagsion, an’ profaned . Fog asbole nses through alt time, Sit the eternal prineinle is pure ; “And in“these deep affections that we feel Osaniporent with as, weebat see ‘hedavish measure in whieli love iegizen : Andip the yearning tenderness of a child _ For.exery bird that sings above his head, And_every oregiate feeding on the hills, prheretesi se fli Wer aod ragning denok, ‘We see how evéry bing was made to love ; ‘And how they err, Whoin a world fike this Find any thing to haié het humad’ pride. We leara from the New O:leans Ber, that “on the evening of Thuredas, the 8th inat., gt about. o’cloek, the steom boats Missouri and? Samuel: Dale come ib collision oppo- site: Bonnet Carre Point? They aiet bow to bow. The Dale sunk immediately. -It was reported thet six of her deck bands were lost. WeJdearn-from & paseenger who was upon the Dalerat tha time of vollieion, that-the-M issauri Inersteesplit, her in two For veaslythorty feeswnhout receiving any damege of consequence herself. © The Mre- sodri-exiriested hersell from the wreck en Frdev «morning, and pursued her voy- age to Vicksburg.” who was convicted of the morde of a’ freg rfe- gro, at the laxt Greene Superior Court, omder- went the awful sentence of the law at the litpe designated by 'adge Manry,in the jndgmens ‘pronounced against him. He was hung semidst a:large concourse of people, wha. were brovghi together by a pa oful cariusity to wiiness this awfol exit from life. The anhappy man seem- ed ito be much excited, but made no confe-sion, anty vegging the Sheriff to give his body to bis frignds tor decent interment. This awfnl spec- taclé ought to be a warning lesson to ai! daring and reckless vivlaters of the peace and welfare of the comnunity.—NMewbern Spectator Queer Business.—The New York Cor- respondent of the. National Intelligencer gives the following account of @ recent al- tempt ata rone@way match in that cily: * One of the leeding subjects of gossip the past week has strangely escaped the newspapers hitherto. A young lady, cer- tainly of remarkable besoty, having bre for some time barred and bolted frem her lover, (a gav bachelor residing at one of the hotels of the city.) found maans to g.t oat of her mother’s house 1a Carroll Pisce very early on Wednesday morning, - stepped into a carriage jn waiting |! mother, awaked from her sieen be the den start of wheels from ber door, ssp the troth, ran into the street ar her clothes, and, with bare feet ove the carriage which she ceerock ut ner of Broadway and Bieeckersirect, “Pwo or three grotiemen flew to her aidend < i pedthe borses, and afters fight, in whieis ithe windows were broken and someekir.- j ishing done ith canes, the memes was helped into the carriage. and the en'pri's | teken home with her. The love: brought matters 'o a crisis, however, 9n¢ strenuous -generalehip and eloquenre | carried fis point. A clergrmon war ser! for, and the abdpcer breakfasted in Carre} { Plece as one of the family.” cle ~+ e+e the tar Shy To be born—to breathe—to egh—to seffer — todie. Thisistfe A moment anc ti ts gune We struggle—pass on as 3 shaduw—stingg 6 again—aod are knuwo 00 more. ‘In your discourse be cavtions what yeu spesk end to ehon you sperk—how you |epeak and when you spesk—and what yuu | speak, speak wisely, epesk truly. | The subscriber having on the 21st aliimo, taken Letters Teetsmeutaty sceetd ing to law, oa the Estaw@eaf Alpheus Begga'is. dece2sed, hereby gives genera! notice to all ered- deco iia Memes te to present their claims Gay acihenticated- @ilhid Wie tidid linied by Law, fot seal purpose , olhegwise thal Duwce will oe | plead intar of their recovery. . - hf Debtors io the said Esiafe @i!l also please iv oe | - * ‘ < F ywent imaiediately. ; =“ teh Sag we FLCOWAN, Ex’. Iredell en. Novy 29. 1942— 4w20 | ATTENTION CONS! ABLES! ’ Blank Warran's, ith Execu ios, very nea 3 le at this Office. pst pripyr aod for 9 ied os +e } '-¥ quack, throw him - <4 ck to the ot." 2 _ ; LA JE. ; 3 “Ti Execution —We- \eari that Joseph Sogg: be as P ta e STATE LEGISLATURE. Saturday, Dee 17. IN SENATEW. Mr. W. P. W, ns, from the com “nthe subject. reported 9 Wilt to al <leptoral districts Of thie State, , od ites first rewding-oud: ‘was ordered pinfed.: ANZ oa Ee Mea Worth reported ‘till tofalier the mode of inapecting tobacco in. the town af Vavetteville, which passedsts first resding, The proposition of the “Commons, to 18- fer the meporial of the Meckténberg Mon - ume otal Association, asking an set of sncor- poration, (oa joint select committee, wee concurred im. . The Senate resolved itaelf inion 8 cOmmil- tee of the whote Me W. P, Willteamsin the | chair, and took up the bill for the relief of the e Messrs. Shepard sad Cooper and oppnsed tv Mr. Broen.@ After disenesion, the bill was reported tothé Seoste, snd the emend- inent wes sdopted, HOUSE OF COMMONS Mr. Jones, of Orange. ints odaced the f.,1- lowing Resoliittions, whieh, 00 motion of Mr. Mendenhall. were laid on the table vid ordered to be printed : Resolved, Ther the Legislature of thie State, have a right to inetreet their Senators in Coogress whenever in the opinion of the Legisteture, they misrepresent the wishes of the Siste, or the magnitede of the oces sion shall require such instructions; snd that itis the duty of the Senitce to obey ‘he imstructions given, of to res.gn’ their eeais. Resolved That while North Caroline, ip ihe opimon of the Legisletore, will never object fo aay amoont of tixes. equally ap- ports ned and imposed for the porpnse of rite raeecne to sapport the Government, Ctonamn dy administered ; yer, this State, will never consent tu the imousntion of tax- es the degen and operation of which,-are To promote the interest of partrenlaroecupa- Hens “(the generabesnenge, Resolved, That the "Tanff Law, passed by ie present Congress, is based on pro~ teclive princip'es—operstiog o¢ a bounty to the manufacturing interesie, and imposing Unjust, vorqual and oppressive bordens an- on other dianeches of industry, and partieu- larly those pecntiar to the Southern. States ; dnd thst sneh being the effects of this law it is oe wise in polies, dingerous to public liberty, and e perversinaof thet free Consti- tation of Government, which was formed and adopted for the protection snd security ofall, and which @ill be best sustained by the eaqmal oper tian of its laws, and therjoat dispens.tion of its benefits, to every Aater- ican cil zen Resolved, That this law is not only vro- ‘rctive 1a its character, and unequal in its eoravion, hat that it violates the compro. se of 1833, onjustly deprivieg the Soath ‘she benefi's of that act ; peeersely at the i cod when they were to accrue tous, ant i nedvately after we had patiently and pa- neally endured all its bordeng. And, ‘s refore, ia the name of honor, jnetice, ‘good faith, the Legislutare of North “lina, do proteet against this law, aad rst that it shonld be modified «og as to ee tonthe basis of revenne duties, Mesolved, ‘That this Legislatore do bigh- ly disapprove of the Bir keopt Law passed »v Ine present Congress, and desire ils im- mediate repeal, because it impaire the obhi gation of contracts, destrnya confidenc- and credu, encoorages frauds and reckless apee viation, and because we beleve there is searceie a division of sentiment among the people of North Carol:na, in their opposition to thie measire, Resolved, That the fine imposed apan Gorrs Andrew Jackson during the late wor be Judge Hall, was, io the opinion of hie Ty gislature, uAjust and tyranieal, end thet it ahould be immediatels refy: ded with full and legal interest without any proviso or qua’ ifications whatever, a3 an actot jus- lire to @ Deave, MeFtorious and distinguish ed . theer, Resolved. ‘That the Executive Veto, Trited asat ia by the wisoom of our fathers, ig a conservative and ovecessary power, of which the President shou'd never be de- prived. Resolved, That our Senators in Congress, be, end they are hereby iNsiracted, and our R: oreeentatives requested, to carry into ef- fect, the pfrne:ples set forth in the forego- ing resolucions. Resolved. ‘That the Governor ot this State be req ested to forward a copy of these regotutions to esch of oor Senators in Congrese. with the reguest that they lay them hefore the Senate of the Unire! States. Mr Barringer stated that tre death of Es-G vernnr Stokes had been ennounred totbe Hovse, ft was not his intention to eulogize the deceased ; but ir testimoit respect, he would move the sdopiron of the followeng preamble avd resolution : Whereas the House of “Commone have heard with regret of the death of Ex-Guv. | ernor Stokes, whose life has been eonnect- ed for more than half a century with the history of North Carolina, aod who hae oe- rnpied many distinguished stations in ber gif! ; therefore Resolved unanimously, That as a mak of r-epect tothe memory cf Monfort Stokes, this House will adjourn until Monday morning ten ‘clock. ) The preamble and resolution were unan- ‘mously adopted. ad yr 2 nate Monday. Bee. 32 IN SBNATE, Mr. fester. from the joint select commit | ‘ee on the subject, reporied » bill 10 provide “oF enclosing the State House Squere. jAp- vropriate $2000 for the porpose 5} ReaJ prst te end passed. Mr Hodges presented resototions reguir- Dg the Public Treasaver to make an ame- ‘ate call on the President and Directors of (he Banh of Cope Foes for the saucce aa a , The bill @as advocsied by dé S ee ks e J Datei ee arg Bcrtesie 4 1 aie yin Tsred Go dividend io July whether eny suid losses hes been esused by losne fo boiid'seilrnads, and ly | ing over without the peyment of interest thereon? end how mach? Acd whether cities ihe promissore notes of North Caro- lidé Metehante, to be thrown into said bank for colleetion? and the smount thes lost? and the offices at which t heppened? That the Treasurer demand a response to these enquiries as ¢arly as praciceble, end that he la¢ the same immediately before the Gen- eral Assenibly. — Mr. Jomer moved that the resolutions be laid on the table oti) to-mortow end be printed, which dep begatived, 88 to 9. 7 were then ted ‘Nie. Dotan presented a series of reso- lotions déclaring that the General Assembly cherishes & sacred regeid for the credit of this State. and will msintein iaviolete the public faith ; dissayproving the doctrine of tepudiation ; denouncing the bankrupt act 38 repudiating private debts between indi- viduals, os unwise, immoral, and a flagrant violation of the rights of private property ; and instructing our Senstors, snd reqnest- ing oar Representatives in Congress to use their influence to repes! said act. ‘The rées- olotions passed their first reading and were orderee to be printed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr Biggs, from the Committee on Fin- ance reported the following preamble end resolution which was read the first time, peseed and referred to the committee on the Jodiciare. Whereas it is reoresented to this General Assembly that the officers of the Bank of Cape Fear io paying to the State the tox apon indivdaal stock in said bank as pro- vided for in the clartet of sad bank have »o charged the same against the individu af stockholders, but egsinst the whole cor- poration, io which corporation the State 15 a stockholder toa lerzge amount whereby, in the individual profita the State is made to bear tts proportion of the tax. Be it therefore resolved, Thet tbe Attor- ney General be directed to file an informa- tion against the Bink aforesaid,or to proceed against the individual stockholders to recor- er the amount thas paid by the State; and that he teke auch other messures as mav be reqvisite end proper to prevent the patment of any vortion of said tax optof the profits or divitends belonging to the State. Mr. Biggs algo presented 1 resolution a)- lawing tbe ‘Treasurer, for $158.75 for Tree- sdry notes Surnt which passed its first read- ing. Mr J flerann presented a memoria! from einzens of Rathertord agsinst adoption of the amendments proposed by the military Convention to the militio lews. Referred, Tuesdry Dec. 20. IN SENATE. The bills, reorporating the Liberty Guards in Davidson eounty ; and to ineor- porate the town of Franklintow in Franklin county ; passed t'.eir final reedings. The bill ancorporating the Trastees of the Asheboronzh Waele Accademy, passed ite third reading A bill, to sppertion the Members of the House of Commons among the severa! counties of this Siete, passed iis final read- ing. Mr. Edwards called np the bill to lay off the Stete into fifty Senetoriel districts. which, after several amendments proposed and rejected passed its second reading. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr Biggs, from the select committee ap- pointed to investigate the affairs of the Lit— ersry Board, made a detailed report, which wasioid on thetable and ordered to be printed. A communication was received from the Comptroller, relative to the expenses of the different Departments of the State Govern— ment, from 1835 up to the present time in conformity tothe resolution reported from the committee on Finance, and adopted by the House ; which was leid on the table and ordered to be printed. Oa motion of Mr. Walker, 11 was order- ed that 8 message be sentinthe S nute, “proposing tog» immediately into an eler - tron for Senator. Mr. Waiker then withdrew the name of Bedford Brown from nomination, and Mr Jones, of Currituck, the name of Michael | committees to inqorre ipto the expediency of Hoke; and » message was sent to the Sen- ate to thre. fect. A concurring Meseage was received from the Senate; and the two Houses proceeded to vote as follows William H deve 2. The whole number given woe 163 and the majority beiny 84, Willism LH. H y wood, was declared duly elected. Mr. Mendenhall presenteda memorial op @thount 20 lost? And | 4 3 a ‘} the motion of Mr. Jones, of Currituck to ~ fa Rivere..was taken’ 1D OD. us se Mr of the = Moore “est shiebs ge House adjourned. ~ Se 3 Wednesday: Deee21. IN SENATE, , Mt... Thomas, fram. the Committee on Privileges end. Elections, to whom was re- ferred » Resofotion on the subject of Wega) | revuras, Gade by certain Sheriffs at the fast Gnberasional election. presented « Report, which was ordered to be printed, end laid upon the tebdle. _ Mr. Moore oresented a Report from the} Districts, accompsnied by a Billto lay off said Disticts, which was read, ordered to be printed, and mede the order of the day for Wednesday next. Mr. Edwards called up the Bill ‘:for the relief of the people,” but at the earnest re- qvest of Mr. Cooper, who stid-be would probebly to-morrow have eo smendcment to make to the Bill, which he trusted would render it eeceptable to the entire Senate, Mc. E. withdrew bis motion. Mc Joyner ealled upthe Resolution Ji- recting the Secretary of State to commence suit against'the Sheriffs of Bertie, Wilkes ead Chatham Counties, for illegality of re- turns made by them at the late Gubernato- tial Election. [Mr. J. on a former day, had moved to amend the Resolation by striking out the words Sheriff of Bertie ; but the matter was laid upon the table. for more particular ex- eminaton iato the Acts respecting the time for Returns to be made by Sheriffs. ] A protracted discoseion of the law opon thie point between Moesers, Moreheed. Ed- wards, Brower and Jowner ensved, The amendment fina'ly by Aves 31, Noes 16. Was sgreed to. Mr. Albright moved to strike ovt the wor ‘s © Sher: ff of Chatham ” from the Res- olution upon which another debste eng.ed, The amendment, by Aves 13, Noes 34, was rejected Mr. Joces, moved to lay the Resolation opon the teble until to-morrow, which, be Aves 23 Noes 19, was agreed to. House Message prope-ing to vote now for five Trustees of the University, was con- curred in, and Messrs. Sprujl! end Spaight appointed » Committee to superintend the E'ectioop. The Senate then proceeded to vote. Mr. Dobson proposed to send a mesange to the House to go into an’ Elertion for Treasurer to morrow at 11 0’ cloek, and that Joho H. Wheeler was in nomination for the-anpoiniment which was agreed to; and on motion of Mr Wi'liam P. Williems, the name of rles L Hinion was added to the nomigation Mr. Allison (of |) moved that a message be seat ta the Honse proposing that at 3 P. M. on Saturday the two Hondés will pro. ceed to appoint Justices of the Peace, which was ogreed to. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The question pending yeeterday, was on postpone indefinitely the bill to prevent the obstructions 'o the pessage of ist up Ran- oke and Cashie Rivers. Mr. Lee proceeded to give his reasons for voting in favor of the motion Mr. Biggs asked leave to reply to some ergaments offered yesterday, and leave be - ing granted, he proceeded to anewer the Constitotional questions raised on the bill. Mr. Nash briefly replied, end wes follow: ed by Mr. Rayer on the same side. The debate was further continued by Mr. Russell, in cootinuation of some remarks made yesterday inreply to Mr. Francis. Mr. Francis offered some remarks in rela- tion to a point of order, and in reply to Mr. Russell. Mr. Taylor, of Nash, spoke io favor of the bill Mr. Mendephal! called far the reading of (be Memorial offered by bim yesterday The question was then taken on the mo- tint to postpone indefinitely, and it was de- | | | ) ; H-y@ood, | ton. Jun 93; Wilhan A Graham 69; Saun-| ’| Statate, relating to Guardians and Wards, the subject of fishing in the Roaneke and Csbre rivers, whith was laid on the table | Mr. Be-gg. from the Comamtee on the irtary. to whom eas referr.d the Reso lation instrvetnag said Committee to inquire | sato the expediency of abolishing the office of Comptroller, returned the Resolution to the Hose, and asked to be discharged trom ite farther consideration ; whieh wae av teed in, ead on motion af Mr Bragg, the R: solution wae laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Moore, the bil} to pre- vent wetions to be paesege of Ssh vp cided in the affirmative—Aves 69, Nors 47 7 Mr. Bragg from the Committee oo the Judiciary to whom was referred a bill for the further relief of insolve t debtors, made ® report recommending its rejection. Mr. Francis moved that the bill be laid on the table and printed, whirh motion prevailed. Also, on the bill to abolish impr sonment for debt, recommending its rejection. On motien of Mr. Halsey it was laid on the ta- ble, and together with the bill forthe further relief of insvlvent debtors, ordered to be printed. Aleo on the resolution. instructing said . aie Pi | af ac SSE condreading. | hada, gra es © aot prevail. Theilt-was then er ject ich be proposed.to|exte Browntown. in Daridson Jniat Select “Committee on Congressional | ’ . =» hee, 2 ag > ‘ ~ FF = ” - o. Ry namaiy ae eS Je wrest a < ee moved to » nee stole st 901020 Me Rrummet presented ¢ Bill 19 in Or po ig ey cig hn ond the two Houses, proceeded 10.9ete bat. before the resali -was @, i ose sdjverned. em House. Mr Miller presented # reaolation respect- ing the @ithdrawal from the post office of thie ety and detention of a petition of sua- dry citizens of Lincolo county, ia opposi- tion to the esteblishment of a new county out of s portion of Lincoln, and sddressed to him onder cover [It appears that the petition was received at the post office bere. taken out, and did oot see the hght vatil after the passage of the bill to establish the county of Catewba, some deye after ; and the resolution proposed the appointment of @ commiliee to inquire izto the cause of the detention] The resolution was leid on the table and subsequently teken op, emended and passed; and teferred to Messrs. Morehead, Edwards, Walker, Cathey and Burgin. The votes in the Senate for Treasurer were, Ist 2nd 8rd For Hinton, 21 20 20 ‘Wheeler, 26 37 26 ‘© Watson, 1 Mr Albright introduced a bill to emend 90 act of destents, S81h chapter. Revised Statutes; and an act on legacies, filis! por- tions, end distribotive shares; ch. 64th, Re- vised Statotes ; which passed ite first.read- ‘og, and was referred. : — M: Brown from the. joint select eommit- te. on Banks, reported a bill to. prevent the suspension of specie payment by the Bank in this Siate > which passed its first teadi snd wae ordered to be printed. [Tbe bil provides that any bank é¢uspending specie paynents 80 days in tbe course of one your, shall forfeit ite charter, and be wound op by commissioners, who shall collect its debte and ‘epply ite assets, Ist, to the -pay- ment of nate-bolders ; end Qdly, to deposi- tors aod other creditors ; and the remainder, if any, 10 the stockholders) The votes for Comptroller in the Senate siood ; Ist Qnd 8d For W. F Collins, 20 20 21 ‘ YY, Patterson, 8 8 17 “ N.J. Palmer, 8 8 withdrawn “ W.J.Cowan. 11 12 10 as George, 1 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr Bryant of Bronswick presented a me- morial, desiring a lae to remove the court honse of said county. &c. Referred. Mr. MeRae presented a memorial from Thomas K-onedy, of Wayne county, pray- ing the pessege of « lew appropriating s sum of moner to the American Coijonizgation Society, for the purpose of removing free persons of color, and also a bill tocarry the praver of the peitioner into effect ; which passed ite first reading aud was referred toa select committee. Mr. Nelson presented 8 memorial and bill to esteblish a new county by the name of Jefferson. out of part of Stokes, Dawid- son and Guilford. Pessed first reading end referred. M+, Whitaker, presented a bill to extend the provisions of the 27th chepter of the Re- vised Stajutes. snd to amend the same: which passed its first reading. Mr. Burgin prese sted a bill eppropriating the -am of oa@ théusand dollsrs to moke 2 road on Spring creek in Buncombe county ; which passed its first reading end was re- ferred Mr. Wilson of Lincoln presented a bill supplemental to an act of the present s-s- s10n, to establish e county by the name ol Catawba; which passed its first reading The two Houses voted three times for Public Treasurer. which resulted in the election of Col. John 4. Wheeler of Lin amending thr Revised Statutes with regard to the private exsmination of feme coverts, Biaiing thet it waa inexpedient, and asked to be discharged from its further considera- Concerred in. Also, on the bill to amend the R vised recoMmending its pasgege with certain a- mendmenis, The amendments were adopt- ec, and the bill passed its seeond reading. colo. The vote in this House stood: | Ist ond Sid For Josiah O. Wateon. } 1 ** Wiatt Move. 1 1 ‘* Henry I Toole, 1 1 1 ** David L. Stone, 1 ** Charlies L Hinton, 657 58 57 “ John H. Wheeler, 56 56 60 ‘© Charles Shepard, 1 1 Mr Shanklin presented e@ billto allow Mr. Francis from the Joiat Select Com- ‘utee an Puthe burtdin 8 ta whom was! eferred the Resolution, instrariing seid | committee to 6 quire tivo the erped:eacy of procoring a Beil for the nse of the Cap- viol. cheap carpets for the Halls, &-., made 8 report stating that it would be inexpediens tor the present, end asked to be discherged | from tts further consideration Oo motion. of Mr Moore. the resolution was recommit- ted with instrections to report an estimate | of the probsdle ens, Ou motion of Br. Francie, tiie bit to re- seven Justices of the Pesce, for the county of Hyde to allow county clams eppoint election precincts; w its first reading and wee referees On the third trie], Wa. F. Co wes re-elected Comptroiier, of this Siete. Io this Rouse the votes were: Yet 2ad $d For James George, 2 “* N. J. Palmer, 75 6 ethdraw: ** Young Patterson,19 398 $5 “ We. J. Cowan, 92 23 10 * fim F.Cotme,60 6F 69 . sae’ ‘ ~ Xeeas paper, the reader will read “Jan. 7, 1843,” in- stead of January 7; 1942. I ions to the North Carolina Legis- lature. The very polite and moderate Jeffersonian, printed at Charlotte, the head quarters of geno- ine Democracy, very authoritatively orders the Legislature to instract Witiez P. Maneuss, sod Witt A. Granaw, to vacate their p’sces ip the Senate of the United States ; and it-farther ordets and directs that Mr. Calhoun shall" there be-nominaied a candidate for President, upon the alledged priociple, that. Democrats go for mea- bavethe democratic.nomination to make. bim successful. A very-cogent illustration of princi | ples, separated from personal considetations, and. a tolerably direct intimation conveyed to the Le- gislatare, that they telorig sodlsind body to Jolin C Calhoon, and have no rig nh Bn any free will of their. owa, bol at tke ¢ flick of scared sheep, jump after the tead. of the ball. weather, if that should break their necks. cae. RF The Locos at Raise, Nats, refeerd te paes the sbio-plasier Bill, to flood the State with worthless paper 5.if they should. as tse clude to forbear doing mischief by ol cious measnres, they might as_ Legislature at once, and eae etn chatd mo ney that the People have on hands ~ The uaker- ing with the. Baoks has already induced Abeas «0 offer a sorrender of thei¢-Charters ;. when this is sccomplished, we shal! have fine times~debis to the smount of four millions to be paid direct] y— and thrée millions withdrawn from circulation at the seme time. This ie democratic relief — **T’hose that ase borrowed capital ought to break,”* is ‘a dogma to be carried in o effect righ! or wrong, and this driving the banke to a resig- nation, 1s a very effecinal mode of breaking 2!: who borrow, a8 well ae those that lend. ECF The Honorable James NicDo-ell, laie- ly elected Governor uf Virginia. is boasted of dy the T.ocofoco New :pspers, as 2 thorough Sia'e Righis Derrocrat of Suverior abilities, while the Richmond Whig proves him to be a fall blood Abolitionist. Had the gentleman been a Whig, what colomns of abuse sad vituperstion: would have been poured epon bim for this sin of opin ion ; but as be is a democrat “tis no fauli at all: he may preach treason and rebeljion to the par- ticular institutions of the South, antil be blot oot the distinction between black and white, and siifl cal! it Democracy and be in bigh favor with the destructive Locufoco party, and is wisely se- lected by them expressly to manage the great Virginis controversy with New York, concern- ing the heaging of two or three mea chasged with negro sealing, and concerning the tibere- tion of the slave Latimer. Will the President sanction the repeal of the Bankrupt Law ? Upon all considerations of honor and con- science, the Veto ought to be applied to the pro- posed repes!. ‘That to whieh he has once set his seal as right, jost and politic, can never be repealed by hisaesent. It might as well be expec ted that the stream of the Potomeec shoold be re- versed ,as for him, with such Roman firmness,and such Bonepartean courage, io sssent to the Whig meaeuie of repealing this great Republican Law. “ Shoald the whole frame of vature round him break, In rain end coofosion hurled, He unconcerned would hear the mighty creak, And stand seeure amid the falling world, Could it be shown by soy means, that Mr. Cray either.dictated, favored or approved tbis pruposed repeal, it is most certsia (tbat it would be vetoed, for it is aniformly a case of conscieote with the President, that whatsoever Mr. Cray says or does, is ceriainly anti-democratic, totally wrong, and against the peace aod dignity of Cap- tain Tyler. The Van Buren and Calhoan Locofoces in Mobile, are organizing seperate parties, The Van Boren men ia meeting sometime since, and the Calhounite® atiended and hissed; and broke op the meeting ina row The Calhoun men held their meeting a few evenings after- wards, tod they wWere- not interropted ‘at all,— whereepoo the Van Boren ‘mem eltimed that = a} weha : To. india the. Britigh commanders tad gained 4 .) wing noi "g Uniden teve there le not one who 4,, : J and death of the Young May bbae not-mogrned over the grief the jeod the Lest of hie fabe: x > 00d fap « Od fe when he hear Y rg fet a pe = at se t ae —.3 >. 7 with the afficigg . areh;.** My. eon, my sor Would" to God | Moy OO ig - . ; ee et 2 —The debt of the State ot ons, iota, divided swab: the fees white pony ‘the State, is et the-rate.of $180 tor exci men, woman or © Phe debt of Alsnae', atthe rate of $4566 for etch white Perece the debt of Mississippi, $40 98 for ereh orn persos ; the debt of Maryland 40 ;,, ni white person; the debt ot Pennsylvania, gag, for each white person ; that of New York $8 that of Georgie, $19 5 that-of Ohio 47 1, Arrival of the Britannia 15 DAYS: LATER FROM EURO? Important From China— Peace with py gland —The “Hiilish. arms trivmphen', Indio— Releast Of Prisoners in Afra. ‘The.British mail Steamer Britennis attined ¢ Boston st-aboot three o'clock on Wednesday ii Zist ch., by which we have received Lender ‘Papers othe Sd December lest, and Livery to theath = "The intelligence received hy this arrive| iag very great importance. The Bri ish arms, wt in Indsa and.Chine, beve been xost brilliant successful, and @ treaty of peace bts aetoaly been signed between Great Britayn und Ching highly honorable and adeantageous to Enriand series of battles, and to all appearance placed th Affghans hors do combat. “"The Catedunja steamer arrived at Civerm on the 10’h Nov., and the Great Western on ‘Ist PS Very serions insarrectionary movements ta rred'a1 Barcelona: The English fapers.are almost liierally fie with the official and onofficial details of tbe si itary operations in Chita and [ndis, and of | rejoicings in Fogland, in consequence of thei portant resulig of those operations "The release of the female prisoners in if ghanistan, is one of the most interesting fea! in these imporiant transactions. Annexed 1s the cireniar published by the Bi ish Plenipotentiery announcing the Trey Peace. TO HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY'SSU JECTS IN CHINA “Her Britannic Majesiy'’s Pleninoienti &e., in China. hes extreme gratification in nouneing to her Majesty's subjecie in Cb tbat he has this dayeoncluded and sioned ‘he Chinese High Commissioners, depoie negotiate with bim, @ treaty of whica he {let ing are the most important! provisions : ‘€1. Lasting peace and friendship beiweet two empires. *€2. China to pay twenty one millions of¢ lars in the course of the present sod ibree # ceeding years, “ $. The ports of Canton, Amoy, Foot foo. Nirgood, and Shanghat, tu be throws to British merehants ; consular officers 10» pointed to reside at them ; and regolar a tariffs of import and expur') ae well 2s itt# transi‘) duties to be established and pablisbe © 4. The island of Hong-Kong to be eet? perpetuity to Her Britannic Majesty, be and successors. “5. All enbjeots of Mer Britasnic Mn® whether natives of Eernpe or Indis) # ™ be confined in anv part of the Chinese Ean to be ancondiiionally released 6. An act of ‘all & entire smnesty — lished by the Emperor, onder his Ioperit! J Manual and Seal, to all Chinese subjrc's.*’ count of their having held eervice or ini" with, or resided onder the British Goreo™ or its officers. ss ‘€7 Correspondence to be cordocied i - of perfect eqaalily amongst ibe officer Governmenie. _ “ «8. On the Empero:'s nt being 7" 10 thie treaty, and the paymennt of 'be stalmen!, 6.000.000 dollars her Briizor' io ty's forces to retire frm Nanking and 'P a? Canal, and the military posis a! Chiobt! j also withdrawn, bot the islands of Oe Kalangsoo are tu be held until the net ments snd the arrangemanis for opes!0g be completed. “tapory “ Ig promolgating this highly sis", telligence, her Majesty’s ‘leniporent#””: purpueely refrains from any de'siled ont ry of his own serfimenis as to the sarnase a energy, devo'ion, and valor which a 4 guished the various grades, fro ‘he ' aot the lowest, of all arme of ber ba ae i ed forces, daring the contest that bas Momentons resulia =T i i ce e ee le em ee ee ft he claims @he been thus establi-hed wil! be. donb'iet et edged by the highest eothorities. a time her Majesty’s Plenipaentie'? one her Majesty's subjects ia Chios 07 agi of the peace, whieh he tro<'s 24 = te ia due time, be equally beneficial to a and interests of both England 20¢ e t Yt God save the Queer ge! *€ Dated on board the sieam frigate ; st the Yang-tee kiang river, off Napkisg: , 1942 wit we AOE HENR Y POTTIS GER “* Her Majesty's Pet “G. A. Malcolm, Secretary of Le wemgaatest POF teres siete Gn estat, bat jon am appr a gieriail Treat? $ vba! ! oti a ae nA “ full. installment om of the treaty before he og lest the British F , jow himself to be cotteitied-t in the arrangement of. the. - dim oe bed faith, and @hitanv,and ex ciised a1 Canton,: not be-sanei net bs ago by the ; | ting sce : » 5 ty Ts 4 a? be - ¢ , % ' id that the tua Commissioners | then ©! "G ea Bplay? Briish Plenipo he declined 16 } © ' ~ Py estiog. if the beg ‘ of pronoonciag 8 » io elected byt gp ibe (70078 and sailors are pace hes git % ie aca dight oat ser sha he aan The Comfpisatoners . , pin igas 10 ge “ hey so feted ta ny the Brivish’ ane wonh pprehension appears to have : cpp oneiees bus it is stoppage to is, that: heir owa internal regu-"|" ee eee Brown Mary Ann Catper Ezis- consiefing i ia part of the fallawing articles; vig }-Claths, Cassimeres, Sattineie, fine black Sitk \ Velvet, and Satin Vesting ; Plapaets, Meckioaw | James a = and ‘Negro poles, Shaels rtd yd dress Hand- “ no pains to render satisisétion, and to sell goods ere hiaesé< wh hese ve tet Boonia [pBetich Cattering © 1 * bsodsowe wssurr@ent: of Queens and iw | a ipa The Ac A sleamer wae prinemin * ware, Hemlock sote Leatner, Bagging, Rupe w ders to start from Aeckia treet to Se- | ; . wite. Megas, Coley vflehy Meleerse, Nat aed pr od igpperial tee ‘ou'd bon, with many. faney eta Bamerovs I 4 aes the treaty. and he Prayey sreasde ied ‘USS eae ae jag before i t 3 2 B . ‘ a felled. The removal of : siary . laying out hes? Cask e re, as We shall spare’ pear t the 100g ng-se-Kiaog appears Gauble Catharme ee Sheth Sebteeee ab ten Coste Wath pores ally the Saneie OF s of our et ‘ small cash. Davidson coun! ie tae < fos vekoess. The Cliipess reo ohne : iv Casper Gounrad Marrison R w ”° Ne pany ton, Gn the 24 plades in. gam contest with the Sikhe int neigt Craige Samuel Maihew Andrew B. We tender our moat teariy ibanks 10 ‘hen and there shew. > N moti TLadakh Both parties appear ¥ as | Casper Jacob Mitter Wn our friends and:-casiomers for the liberal patronoge Fhe seid Plainsiffe shall eng + slate the good will of the Brit ament, | : Cope Piederick Mander Vo T extended (ous hereiafite; and hope by eftin, a'- execution, the teal estate of Al- (aptain Cunciogham aii : Uaper Dial setalige onde bial en Clack Werner. Mosark Rober reutign to unr businessypod selling geove so vert | ooo ve:!, dee'd., ito the: timnds de ba arg Shealhor, where be te employed in ty, made him : + so ‘heap tor eash, that (be inducemen: will be suf- tenis of this yeas, neat he disti hed of our ft are te Colemad ‘Thomas Nenly Jadith sctnded, in satisfaction of deerving 'be acts of both paren is send- aga bie fou eit s “by aaet af [Cowan Jobe F Owens Philip ficieni \o merit 2 conliguvance. of ihe same. Tee." ‘elt demano 62: Need ie lag reports to the Sapreme SASSI Ee whow he was mach beloved ahe feaproed. He | Caldwell Amanda — Qwvens Hainphrey CRESS & BOUER. 6u22— Printers fee $2 in each case—$12 00, | %, et the next: i Pless 2 {For the Watchman } was the only man! ever knew of whom | never ink _—" 2 OL-ay DrGE “abebery. Ney. eee Sens Sessions, to'be Leld fur the county of Rowan, as heard evil spuken. His gentlemanlike manners, | Crowet Poster Sqoire 2 te Ma. Eoitor :—lo the Waitebman of the dignified deponimatt, (porta temper, and kind | Caudle Peter Parintee Fresh and targe frrivats 200 Dolls. Rewa rd the ie on Henna cm peg tnd atone nt Der, re arena [Senseo nes sntanes ee weer [Game (Re Lay sme ia’ oat bo Sy oe ae ig ee gm ore th Oa cries is Soe site his pivera, Candor and integrity were tis per- yt og a . fare ‘4 4 CH E AP © A - il PROCLAMATION, cofeente. ape: Sard "JO N GILES. i suggests 0 fect identity. In the many conflicts between | Vaube John arks Davi —Printera fee Me ee you! canneries for the eres the ob- | ine Pa A College and the civil 98 eather: Centdy Cabin ; Phillie EE Wholesale & retail By ating. tee ts ae Monznean. oa Aah eal ee serrsoce of which corse, séveraler bis-weight of character and know j= Cornia eler Danie oveonor; ‘Cuptain eral, and Com-|." ‘The eubectiber forwarpsiall per secomplished. I for one cannat agtee:with. your ness ware ofan ryan, in npacee 6 f | Dooate CB 3 fei ae A CSTABLISUMEN v. mandi Chief, of See Siate er = mE Or having any thing to a i too, heen the Ase and, d-nwo ‘by my correspondent, a8 it sh the ene iG rola ee alik the "Calege authorities bef pet Petrway, W E have just received ind -offer fut @ale oor -k y Haet!y, Yor Ooe Hundred and 5 tion to the cause of Temperance. oubtlese, procared the restoration of delinquetits. Many | Davis Seal Proegor Isaac second supply of PALL & WINTER waben ie beathooe: cade appear to the | Seventy Dollars, foor munths after dare, beari ‘Bostingee’ indireetly alledges charges against | ii no8 have his poree snd table affurdedihe means Dancy Rainey Isham 2 | GOODS, «moenting to” > Execu:ive Departa that,.at the laa, Cermist date February 8, 1841,-with-a eredi: ‘on ibe Ladies of Salisbary, which | look upon as | of education to young «@2 whom some adverse Eller, David Randleman Geo 2 345 PACK GES the Superior Court of the Copnty of Cabar note for twenty six dollars on the seme dsy aod ywoming tather a grave import; and’ which if | ehange.io affaits was eboulategs* home All: Sag Hareen Rofty Edward bing hich the folle ’ simemtran atrue Bit} sgainst ME date. wae'given en con- ne }. are too. in North Caro- , Ecson Joseph: Rothrock Samuel w are> lowing : » for ibe-mnbre ui Ru Sorrel ware, ¢ eee ia favorbly ‘for fhe i “tect ~ i att bee: Kane ata’ Om Boocea Hanes ssaipeniivsa't Wathiel sh niinges ae pers ae. sg aa appearingty fame aod vo- Since the comepencement ‘of the great Tem= | the we aan gabe 5 ne 3 a ie al = ptt rida T3236 pr ates if ® yard to 324 , Kisor may be arrested 6nd brought:to wr dars easactey ec pray ~ * “parts , ‘om 5 cis io 12 “ ; , aya : * aa pnoce Retormation, within the last \wo.gears,. B Lill, among bis! Fratey Henry Swink Nanie! 2 §30.-pieces: Cs}tcoes. "0g said offence, 1 do hereby issas thie-my ‘By fee, bs I om ree- ibe Ladies in almost every section of cous) thoes remarks. But at. Chape wid F — ; exerflent ai 10.and 12 1-2 mation ‘2 Reward of I'we a eager the best-of L) vanaf | old the memory of nis | Frick George Swink Wiley 70 shoes ted, - : evidenoe iv have given their inflvence 10 the -causeot | old fifends. and. oeighbore, | Fre Hen Rai 470 pair seodeer! tare, fot cbe-apprebension and delivery “HIRAM T. SLOAB. Trerroce. And for poor eortearandesi? Mnyigegs ams woe wae be grece eed few eas genktek a ee ee ssid MarhiKior ta the Sheriff | Dee 10, 1842-5020 int, 0 SES SEE BERETTA Se ee ‘ | Fesperman. Jacob Smith Geo M 2 : And do, moréaver, lished in your ne. se “ne our a es , Good anda faregigitt Figetyd omelbeey I faolt. | Fespermaa S Stoker Jonathan Q ae oe hed tick handkerchiefs Officers of this State, oe WL UIBLE VEGROES wed inspection o pel at + 28.0 ; 1s * A | Foster Jebt 4 |Seaford Simeon AGinke weniarekecks their best exertions tos gir SAL bre ‘rarely, if ever : <st s aieyes of se-| ° [Communicat Foster Nancy staffer! George 5S dofeepels to be apprehended, thi tne thoogh” pres evtject of Tomparsece, J.N. Johuatece FallerS RK IShomas John Be do Keccocky Janes an Sho ant A yee at Salisbory. on the tad day ger pe as lovileer ; one ; aye mer “ ° id Fote Hen.y Sawyers !hamas 22 docloths and saltinetis ae ays share. Sone : ep apcca? hext, jo ene let, tt thtee likely wy tiving a detail of tho-Welataabe a ATTORNEY. AMD COURSELLOR AT Law. i Bord ‘eNone Smith Marv R 2 30 d) mastin de lanes ae ics of eat ik ie h.Oct can AY be found always at the Office of H. Ford John Swink James 98 deli dk one at the City 5! 1 o- ~ ey enereee eee ne On pep hips om! e; Joie. rat ereaup opposite the Freeland Dr Shipp Wm M . o beftice clgihs ber, 1842 JM. MOREHEAD. vig Que WOMAN, aged abaot20, with 1wo Ladies; | believe all the pole were filled, set Rowan -Botel | Fraley Charles Smith JF 190 bags coffee By hie Excellency’s command, YOUNG CHILDREN: Tie. woman ina wart for their accommodation in the Church| Salisbory, Jan. 7, 18431124. ; | Biaber ee Strange Benjamin 14 hhds sogar Pavon Kar seseks Pros Sélestif earn ate he il greet : ; * Garner Baroar Stirewalt Ja aie iS tof stz 8. Wi pe. hg por- malar ecae, | wit! Bustinges ad peeped in, Tatloring Business ! Gesie Jumes athe ver ‘* Hh b a0 vite reoe ” Said Kisor, is about $0 years of age, five feet | “asset sire é : be would have seen at once why you could not — : be aire Sapp y are 2000 tne loaf Sogar ten inches high, dark-bair, square shoulders, dark ON oRnguagey. tprove bis remarks in relation to the interes! HE sobscriber takes this method of inform- Gn, “Cee [Shive ers ve $500 Ibs sole leather skin, large mouth, some appearance of scald-head, N 5 “nik Ladies feel in the eoa}-stirring, patriotic and phi ing his friends ae - eon, ee ee Gees Tha’ anc H °° 18 kege powder speaks quick, isa blackemith by trade, hes abad av 26; sa sei renae ha: ie esc ie * thoagh af yeaa at theckouloban aapiek Mr ‘8B. F. Fralay, | Garner Volentine Saffert Char'es ti here sie lead of saneeemri aes oe peneray Nn Rite at Something New. sunt miape hare ben hie days Sabor, [md Sere Nigel tat ene do ged tk | tees Comard ARB adem co wee gm Sky 10 and 10 by 18 ean Manni fa mani Tests as not beem a minnie ooserver, of 'hedeep and | 4& aljo te < 5 pra K.Alliptic spriags vans, the other ta.+— os thrilling interest the ladies fee! upon the de soccragy bis will at ae oot at ne cee anil: eo R 540 bottles caster oil - November 5. 1842—8045 The “ Subsertber of Temperance fur one, | am inclined to be- | Shop, on the corper east of Mr. dloses 1 Drown ethan Laat! 5 . 60 bashels clover seed, warrant : cs oe this method of his frie heve that he i# an antiquated Bachelor, oecopy- late residence. x Gay Ww m Phemason Wm 2 oew crop Dr. A. Torrence; — path,” that be Ban: prcheond a ing rather an obscure curner in life, and therefore HENRY KINGSBURY. | Gheen Warren Thomasge Nancy J Pe W. MURPHY. is onacquainted with :he present Tefinement of Salisbury, Jan. 7. 1843 —1y24 Maras: dohall 3 bse caer Joho P Salisoury, Dees, :-ner 10, 1849—6:f Beers rc. Ghuswe See, o H b female society. ‘The love stories, select pieres 7 a BRT epee = — ; pe Se liner hen aks Soa vid ihe road trading from Saliabery to Sistesville, OWS oa Mi, Fréderi:k Mowery, io oe ae Bare ne thean. = H O E ~ HO P ais ia e° ld ean FRESH ARRTI v ALS ! where he aiay be found by hie friends snd ‘the | ihe ot Satisborg, whieh he ioiends bere- Heed, er ether wien: seedusieg a i tnfiiles REMOVED. Hariman John Verble Chavles 3 | : public a+-all times, unless arses fre ad ahet io carry on in a manner giveniber new ia hae apon the Ladies causing them to weep eo Ho-vard Mathew 2 |Warson David Ee, Ocal He takes this method «f returnitg his wr ste 0 | bis part of rape He is not only a Smith Inely. doubtless, he learned in the days of uther Heathmsn David Waller Vallenrine NEW jibe sr ersiblpgsow wien « coetintncish at the ne oa vor ton eile fe. an , xe aan ibeeiv s : as wten in all pronability he associated wiih hel ri hal — Q , . ss same Hischatees shall in all cases be rerson- S to pul irun into dey 4 of temper, 26 ll . ‘i > creation, and by whom perchance he ifidtebounss. AV ina | VU papal alia F, li aes d W o t able, and adapted to the hardness of the Henn. - Al-kinds of MACHINE WORK, — torn. vihoot hesioary of tind, oF foer of nocoeesfe Sami D. Glover Hartman Woo Walle Adpelia au an ULEL | Nov 12, 1842—Smi6 vag of NIL NPISDLES wecssing of INKS ; ar , » a in Ww = or GUD DGEONS, cone ai. the shortest no- contradiction, | make the asser'ion, that such a AS removed sbi shoe shop to the house | Harman Peter > | Welteg ate alt t le. wiii_aten build : . Hillard Thomas Wilson Wa h farolin } s : cesegrgagat ot lng the prem AL tel ecuped ty Mr. Jute D, Brows. Hal Pally Watn dae GOODS. State of Movin CAO emi COrTON ike a EAN as \ : Sh a, offrada Mi-bael Walton Charles 2 TS we ther, IF yeu bad peblenents your oul House, where he will eoniinue to carry on the Jehnaae'Axthon Walton Henry: A THE SUBSCRIBERS. Court of Pteas and Quarter Sessions, Novem=| be may be called uput‘to do. phe ally ber, at the ol . id vet BOOT. AND SHOE MAKING | lacus tolia Witliame Juseph 2 ag es _ ber Term, 1842. , solicits = teal WH WILL N. t, atthe place where we held var Temperance Dae Bocce Winthandeass RE now reeeiving and opening in the briek Saliebnry, Sept $ IR4O— 116° ree love story would be — ee BU Sj NESS, Telecom IR Wade ard house west-of the Conrt-house, their aap A B. ne Rost Hemeisacat: NOT 7 nda sentimental verse repeat w : r ~ 5 “ ms IC Venlare the assertivn that you weld oot have | s6 he has heretofore done, ia all its verietics.— — er weer fe FALL AND WINTER Parrott "Marklagd, , aw ea wen a half P t, , . . ” ean papnge me, 2 calom yn io be ata lone to dive, why | ra pia seeay to scoumenndate thew on rev | oot, Wine Pater 8 GOODS, Dine eee SBiStdaes ix not an lonabnant of tis | FE VEE:exbwoibor being abet to-vetoone tothe ‘Bostingee’ irovdles himself xo much about the terme. He keepa on hand s good aseoriment of pokeae nee ee Richard Among which are Dry Goods, Hardware; Sate 1 4¥ ie therefore ordered by the Court, that ee. will self ot bis mere «a 2 : lt is presumable, moré so than other- | ready made work, which he will sell low for lonee San! L ee pier Caslery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Be onets, pablieation be made for six weeks in the Coroli- ee aa the;10:b day of Jana- We, that his ‘d f - y ’ fi ther anya sate ee ener —o = cash, of on time to panctoal dealere, Sailer Seeds 2 \Weber Dr AT Saddlery, Cartisge. Trimmings, ng Wa'chman, for the ssid defendant to come in dance befure the e ‘y of a mill tien, i 8? commanity, for ing Udsardities, in 4a fal] what 2 persaaded Fill be What is trae, Bight direct Qnication, I ie CoMmaniiy to grow ownmiod ‘There are other poinisizo wbhieb a few thuoghia, bat I regard theta deing of minor importance. la conel "ely, fascinating one, to accompany him from @ land of sorrowful celibacy, to that country of coonobial bliss, where a thousand sunny spots ye of man’s imagination ;— from Whose lips the sentence fell with the gan stone,—no: In consequence @ which sad disappointment he intends - for “ght | know to give full vent to his vitapera- adimadverting cpon the Ladies of Salis 'y. Poor‘ Bostingee’, he is to be pitied by baving fallen into soch giar- regard to the Ladies; and | to believe, if he ow: V reiraci has wriiten, that ‘he good feelings of all enlisted in his be! +t! 5 in his coarse,—1 mean that of digressing. but shoald be per he will be left to himself S¢ fat upon tbe vagaries of | v.59 this will merely remark that othe Set the Ladies in. Salishart,.and: else= mwonld be given in favor of the: Fammpet= san Ts sa persuaded 40. believe that the La + and cast 2 hte Island. fan, whe, = deep interest opon the subject | of ince in the tewn of Salisbury,» the opinion ot * Bostingee’ ta And jngt here § close Shoal it ever be 'anate lot to be tora from @y native bere freedam's banner flotiers ie. the with- gee lonely exile upon some deso Gt around with the armanfold o- tethe footprint of ao-haman being is min ar away from any habitation, and the toy Pre, Morn 1 2 haman kindness never heard: « At each woold look ont with hope, for , “leting of come whtie winged barque, te tack againio the land where first § the anpersphrased word — woe dOSTAH, 5 as, Salisbary, Jan 7, 1843 —1f24 Notice. LL persons indebted to the Estate of Noah Partee, dec'd , are requesied to pay the same by the last of January, (inst } as the busi-* ness of the Estate mam be closed—ano fnde!- gence need be expected. — Adieu. C..L’ PARTEE, Ex. Janoary 7, 1843 —4024 State of .V M Sing 2 denna Stanly County. ae sea peiered on the eyes aps Bay “ ira bout 16 easthies od pt siar in his forehead ; about 7. or $ years old—valued a: $70. The s- bree taken op by William Whelley. of Albemarle aboot 14 miles. HENRY DAVIS, Raoger. 100890 peas: an SE in rtd ig Febraary Coort in the bands of o Salisbury, Deo $1. 0 So _ a Dissolution. : HE a tween Winton 8 swt eho PON Anas solved bv mates! consent gas my 1842, a-- Ketchy Henry 3 \Young Andrew BENJAMIN JULIAN, P.M, Salisbore, Janu«:¥ 7. 1848 ~Sw24 HE Exercises of the Mocksville Wate Academy, #ilt ba recewed on the Sh of January, under the ditestion of B. Cree, on the following terms, viz: FosLatio & Greek, inelyding o' her branches, per session, $15 09 ae | Geomeire, Sorveying.&c. 12 00 Sis b Grammar, Geography, + Atibmeiio, Ke... 10 00 Lower branches, 8 00 Those desirons of patrovizing thé school, sre reyaeeied to send their sons of wards al the ear Hen sPestienee Jon Gin 4M RM PEA Dos $1, 1812-9499" PS nl Crockery, P ints, Dye- stuffs, Medicines, GROCERLES, ROPE AND BAGGING, And in short, a general assoriment of - GOODS, which-we sre determined to sell as cheap for Cash, as can be boeght any where in Concord. We invite old costomers and the pablic in gen- eral to calf and éxamine our stock betore porohas- rag elsewhere, as we think we cae gité such bargains as will be reat indocement 10 Purchas- ers. Cous rodnce taken in exeliange for wf } & RB WANEG * Concord, Nov. 19, 1842117 Cotton Gin Making Business “yes sabsernber would weld reoptesially inform the civizens of Ruwaa and the adjoining coun. ties, tbat be has commenced the above Besisess in Salisoury: His #hop is three doors -encs of Moses L Brown's hg bs Yard, where he is pre- in hiedine of business ich From e long ex~, hi 2 Deo Bt. ae ernie -T gaubecriber has just recet and teplevy and p'esd, or Judgment will be en- tered agains! bim mi — crits levied” oa condemsed’to satisfy Pla “ oe JOHN CLEMENT. €» 0.c.: Dec 17—6w21—Printers fee $5 50 ‘ NOTICE. Shien coparinership § heretofore existing be- tween the subsrrivers, bas veep dissul sed by matest egnsent, Those indevied to the Firm are withest delay to call and setile theit secounis with FR. Roeche, who is ae- Thorized to receive the ssme, and thuse buving elsims agsinet os, Will present them to said Rouche for payment. He R: ROUCHE, RO. MORRIS. Dec 22, 1842— 4028 Execators « Notice. LL, persons indebied to the estate of Elias Barber, sceed. are eens te make ymeot ‘to the Lxecetor. si} persuns, | xaceetibt a7 elsime sgzinst the Eetme'| ” of said deceseed. im 80y Wadoer whatever, se required to bring them (ome lawfally aatheni- } #asmer, cated, and Ewill pay thems. ise, this n0- tice will be plead ery. seppty of D: Moffatt's dwaia relief §=6vs S' B wa Satiebery, Dec (0—1120 > CA 8A BONDS SE ere be sled in the neatest and on geod paper, at this N. OneWag all kinds of Farming Toots, Household WIS STOCK OF 18 and SIREP. ‘agen and cd, Ozen nnd Cart, and Kit hen FURNT! ‘URE, ond every species of property asastiy found ov: Farm, Also—se' the aeme time, eghi ot oo LIKELY NEGROES, — hates suld. Terms made known at RUFUS H. KILPATRICK. Rowan cont, $a22 C. Dee 24. 18-42. United States. Destrict, Court of North | Carolina~ in Bankruptcy. OTICE. 10 shew’eaise Sgsinss Petition of David 8. Borrow, of Davidson cosnty, Famer, 16 be déciared a Bankrept, at New dsero, oo the dag of May a2x1. 7 ine Ee cides af she Coan TE TT rOvren. at SPORE Couwt (a Bonkrepioy. Dee 18, ‘iadae ana Botanic Wedicines ND NUMBER. SIX, for esle by . WAYNESBURG. Safebery, Roo Ot, 2608-1008 Dr. Brandes EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for-esle at this Office. Salisbory, N.C. Oct. 18¢9—1114 + _— er oD fi Say —— _— . 4 lo = Fewer. ; »idebill Shick the! ite + xcremedebility., % + the” i. afte pines iB to bie elirdnie. cc Mors «piasmata, or tha ¢ foe » arising ftom pr ante: statony dd pte ate frequent exeising’ catist of This disease {and 008 OF 1iF ‘peew | liatifies ig Visrengedptibility of a renewal from ve. ry shit Cdusesppneh as-tromthey Prevalence if. é 7 anes 7 mvoinagl epeniee on into thi. Peal: ‘d S urday at 6 @cjock A. Me and arrives: me Aske wey witearry ~ Agued ffers froai most or lier fevers 5 asits8 wel be & Fille etery Monday and Wriday at 6 Weg EE s pane Serpe ble TdT . known, thabefid: amorcio ry fever has oncr 6@- thonsand eases, nor is there an instance tn whieh Me baby: ral < 2a . "he ae se . ; &. Parisian . FR me ph, curred, and been removes, the person affecied is? ney have failed, or reasnnabdly can fail, when ta Ayeaves Asheville every, Tneedang a oa Sey BN oie 5 ee ea OS actriy ash notse lishle to @ fresh attack ae ine who was dnt) Fen in strriet atentdance With THE Wireetions here aa hie fay,a) 6» clock AM , arrives at ha wsbery next ; In ALI , ANT 2} Es... } An sprepared i (bxecute orders wal ov aff cied,. These civcomstaners renders Fer tiinined, and which are -algongiven in MOF- Affectiogs Calds he yp; adlnlnSa ide = ‘iiadicens willeteaiba Als Oe A OO SO ole Ser Wiiaanes st I trowel difficul to effect a eerie ome FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and-Goot Sa. | * Aromatic FxtRACF, a Jiniment for Tdiges"| goo cconpantiatinne. “ier Hesins ant: Hades ro gae ot HARNESS, ere Bee bdere 82! be can Maver ind Asua, though ‘o redeve the paitent fur marian, Battn ensure invariable Suecess, (hese tign,- Cotdoess’in thi a@ithach, Numbness os bere extellonk: pag-aie So sas onbecanhiligh wu . ce 5s as “skeae Fee ST PEND tle ve being is a very easy ren ; | mobs be rgidty toltowed, ; Westness, inrtle Ursb tite am a. aceommedste a hin will 0 epeteeel merthoe te , 3 We 8, fc. ant Bc a 2 ren LET yy, Dr Moffut's Life Piils aud Pheniz-Bitters |. VEV ER: and 4G UE, in ail its four leading Deporative Pownrr; for Bilious Fever ‘ By: e wih -puac! Vand, F yoeis. (ue eA Som hiv neeh thervog thy tested. and proved to be a | spreies. is pecaliar PEKIODICAL administration A i che Dineaeaeet ve: Eyeshe. which is der trips safe-atidpleasan: to tate ~ t Peo ee ee § A(t “est syle) t ; pose ee and Radical cure of Fever and Ague. | of 3 proper remedy, in conneciian with the spe~ : na in the Rewtarer yes, »waoicn | SEAL Lo PAR o> : iluodseds.of bis fellow eitig-nsin the ‘Ves! have cific paw fof one of the ingredients in his med- "3 . 0 tl yr e Pit bich MePee: 44 : tos vol tary evme forward to assure Dr. Voffalyt ieres, ie the secret of his invariable triumph, |, lied bealien th “R ae Hes, Whicg B.5P : Le ? OOL tha the Life Medieines are the only medirwes'| while alf other practitioners either entitgly ‘taj! ae an sad ‘ha Tatt co: Risaeot an Ske VID le P os that will thoroughly effect a removal of this most; oF onty temporarily succeed, were with the very Salt Rhea Soetbee’s ru oe of hi ahh. — ES *this"te:hod of ee ee pea! semmedies: Se Meee noee os BNErUr. UE and foul vicers ; Is tw be applied hesides the Re- Cn Be Natorming’ brs renee exertions tog isfactic uf -shop ji: “ Re andthe public, that he is) oo ee a denehek BEARS Wma ttsto eae oe eras Suiill eatrping on the Watdty | nla Sieeet te ny Ripe See (hers who have emigratedto that rich and Agne is either Quolidiam. ot daily; Terlian or Movies pRi i four country —men who went ¥ ‘ th dav: Krati f 4, : Cee BS } ng por ion of ot y owen! | tbtdedad ; Quartan, or fourth day; Kratie, or Univcasar o&-Sraavitnenive Pigetee BINELS. ond Olock mokiog efid Re | i : seeds a hes papepsia, f tha ; Hate <p aap iP me PUM o> eae. tor diseases of thesChest, Dyspepsia, fofuaiib “4 bisinked ‘at’ bis: td “¢ : me ae 3 val fail of hope, and confident of winning a com. sometimes one of these perinds- and sometimes a- petenec from the foxasiance of the sul; or who nother; or it is Complicated. by. taking these inv Kb atignr, Palsy. Paralysic, Qe" : : carriei! fo the outposts of onr settfements the mer | periods in suceessid:, and then reoniog toto in- 5 Kon i i céveiec Gee. for fiedfnden . Stand, near the Courthouse crstde” or mechanical experience” won in the | ermitrent fever of a more malignant character dant ( or Acsbanies Com taints which:is to ork «toh by Kiar’ will be warranted for coos ded cities or towns of the older states, have | Bar it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious be sa ogether with ha St earérer . twelve months, He still keeps on’ haed » smal either returned with shattered constitutions anc | and onaccantable it m3y appear, that earh and De Keht's Pamphle: ° Trbnieeni Y eo , | assortment of Jewellery. " crpreseed splits, or they remain in their ne® | alt of thea frecies of Ague. have a sroue entered accotding to Aet of Congress eniitsins Oid Gold ‘and Silver take in exchange for ies, dragpihg cut a weary fife, orat last sink | rgertn pay cRIsis. id which they may be fol Deavelions for the nge uf she abave méitino— Jewellere or work done. lar sete which they are prediapos: d j ceria lect which ec . 3ome digease ty which are p j .cored Wilh certainty, but by nee eine ll ed medicines, and acciqipinies every Remedy. shat terror of the West, Fever and 4gue —'| they can natv be cored by chance 4 bel. Dexi dri to. the Apothecary Sen” vif hopes are blasted — their bus:negs energies | par's directions for taking the medicines in this _ ugton Globe The Bankrupt Law!! “Diises is ready.io &: ale fhe urdersul big ts : : : r Oa FZ ee ‘ 18 ey destroyed — their Fitdoradocbecomes a @esert. and disease, are therefore these t-— First, take two uf We feel it oor “dry nee serl the following ewina styl . 0 the word of protise, nade tu their ear, isbruken | the Jurre Pris at bed time, and mext morning enmeainieatiow intha inacsmoch.se the \VING taken considerable pains to ac- P workman ip hk, Wekate iu she hope. oefore brevktas! a tall wine glass of-the Pranix c ofr. Kubl’s Restor E quaint myself with the provistons of the is in the regolat rece Ho these individaais, Dr. Moffat wou'd say— | Brrrers in abont the same quarility of waler, | ae Bankrupi Law, lately passed by Congress, I pre Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet ave! and half a wine-glass more in a fall wine glass | < io- notiag tog fe your paper the hereby tender my services to such as may wish € fathinnatt ' livivalé Your Most “sanguine expectatiansy for | of water, about half an. hour before each meal! \ ie . Bhs : to avail themselvesof ils benefit I shall attend times. ew 109 willerrainty restore you to health.” varing the day. On the-second sight take | “Td berevy ‘certifp, th ont the first. of | the United Srates Conrtof this District, and if §>> Cutting garmenis of 2!) kinds aut aver Ge gue saeuene sunt pick: SM Loree et eet Ei nere as. Secires Oo ihethire January, | wes taken hfe Wors! paralysis | necessary, the Circuit Court also. Persons remedies best calculated to remove them. to promptty., and the lates Fashions far 9° met alts first approach, and combatted at | night four pills and the bitters as before, and con j and inflammatorpetheéw 2 thai ever was in- wishing to avail themselves of my se;vices, can at all times fo countfy tailors, and iasi every alaga ~ie m fatal ry wsell, u ie inne taking oe pe aie night J three } feted on mankinds se : T can learn, the | cee me on the approaching Sixth Circuit of the Jayne’s Expectorant, given io catiineg an m he strength, and iaspairs the fonctiens ofthe | viants gore, with the bitters oriag the day.— | use of every limb wae taken from me, besides a Superi —_ 1 sali ; . ew 1y25 rage, so that ipon the manifestation of dis | On or betore the seventh day, the Ague wil! iremendong ewelling al every: joint, fever with iol in any office a gaister X slit A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds. Com Safety Dec. 1842.—1y ae me,” Nature is onadle, anassiated to resist the | seem ta be entirely cored, andthe patient will the same, and attended with the most excructa— , H. C. JONES. _| Sumption, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Croup ‘ NEW FA SH IONS toad. “Poe Life Medicines, when taken siret | feelwell, hungry, and hearty, bot he mus? ne- ting pain | had ever endured 1 tried all reme- . ; Hooping Cough Bronchitis Acute Rheuma sere - 4 iy according to directions, will caret, and give | vertheless continue to :ake -the bitters as before | dias that were recommendable for the same, but|_N_B. I take this occasion to correct 8 pre | tigng Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and et FOR THE . : bi a { diceas : : j ry : : vailing error concerning this Law ; many versons “inflamation of the Lungs or Throat difficulty of a a! = @ as f the weak and trembling vieim of disease new | prescribed, antil and on the fourleenth day, with | tono effect. {, by aceident was informed that I find, suppose that no one, except such as.owe rman and all diecyses of the Pulmonary PAE & WH. TER OF héalin, life and strength - two pills every night after the seventh day.— | fr Kyal wae at Orange Coort Hvonose I sent for . 4 4 For falt particalare of the mode of treatmept, | He will then, and not golil then, witb positive him immediately, and by-applying his medicines, | '° ie aoe A Hondred elas. cao | Organs J SAP & "43 “ho reader is relerred to the Good Samaritan a | and invariable certainty, be permanently cared, | | fli a change in less than’ an hoor afier he | °/2im “” benefit. Sab cadiedla oben ha gn an 9 Al. on TW . . 5 of whieh accompanies the inedieine. {and not anty of Fever and Ague bot of whatever! came ‘Fhe medicines used, were the Restorer braces all persona’ Owing de pea eee tke Jayne S £A C81) OnNzeC — Sof The above medicine is fur sale by hittions and diver affections it may have superin- | of the Blowd, Aromatic Extract, Gold- Mine Bal. to “meet them,” no matier how HC J = sree, & THOVW,AS Di¢ HNOY * CRESS S dQ duced of.even 1A any way connected If, how- sam, Universal Plaster,and Depurative Powder. amount. Pe For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty vt SPEC PFULLY informs , Ww Fi ies & BOs ER, Agents ti. S | b Februar 1 1842 —1f29 2 4 . <7 E P U ms his friends AY Salisbury, Ovt 92, 1842 —1y 13 ever, the patient should sy auy neglect, or an- | J, therefore recommend his treaiment to all those aa yt , toes the Hair, aod, whieh ail positively bring re R poblic, tha: pe still carries on the : due confidence in restored health, omit to take | laboring under affliction, as given onder my ce W. Davi New Hair oo Bald Heads. and prevent ‘tis (all TAILORING BUSIN 7 2 ~~} the Phenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- | hand and seal, tbis 14th day of Misteh. 1837 George ° AVES, ing out or turning Grag.’ ae n-allits various branches. tw BSS, : ~ . , e é 4 = Adie ai . ny : a e . Oo Ju t epren as mane Eaentln, veribed, at Teaet three limes on the fourteenth “JOHN PEVEONL ©] | Commission and Forwarding Merchant | SAYNE'S TONIO VERMIFUGE, | \,"! Matphp's.siore, where he is tecds wee day Dr Miffai most not be blamed if the disease ec Pre bes es . . Aol eae 3 iain, Giesaranatad ¥ p whe is ready io am r «hould. retorn. and the patient should learn wis- Near Orange Court House Kirginia Witmineton & Faverrevitte N.C. piepeats Salee Soe ee Basho sai: OT) cuterall orders of his customers in a sitle we ° ae , the removal of Worms Dyspepsia, Sowr- Stom: | manner pot surpassed by eny in this partel t ( le Read If Id damp ‘from wifligiimy, ahe go shrbeeh: ‘edoiher Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statomenvia the FANE oodersigned is now prepared to receive | ach. Fever and Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite country, H ie leo in the , | ae ty ’ > eG Cadet? you wonld aver], + ati z , ; 1, > ? . r t o£ wae ‘ 9} Gor . He a 1e reaslar receipt of ie ; a poe’ Oi tne inte Wenne at seinen ips | sbove comificaie, wishes \n be andaegiga’,. that | eee at Wilmington, and forward the same | aod -all diseases of debility,.especially of the NEWS YORK FASHIONS, ho us hy i! {. dressed to those who are in perfeel health, or repuled so ) mm von the sickeoss, the pains, the wretehed sin se j i , i in ge , cu annot be effeete thi : ; : 33° promature ane which you see al! Sey coat heat Gia wg, hie, aliheugh « fensee doer oe hom to his Agent at Fayetteville, wh» will forward to Stomach and Bowels, ard Organs of Digestion. and prepared tg aeeonmodale the tasies of | F _ fas gad which. Tike a sharp sword s4s~ 119 the disease, however. wohealihy may be his! within that time dy the use of his medicines — | ‘be Owners inthe back coentry. He basa large} JAYNE’SCRIMINATIVE BALSAM. | Feshionvble at alt tines ¢ trever ready fo fall opon you, despises toeation or prevalent the moalacy around him. — | fle feels ii, however, necessary to give tne ful- | Warehouse at the River, where Goods will be A certain evre for Bowel and Summer Com- December 3. 1842—1y3 i idvica—i will cost yoo little, will nei- | tor children bee ween Seven. and fourteen years luwing extract of a letter from his Agent ai O, | Stored free of storage, and the owners subjected}, laints, Diarrhea Dysentery, Gholic Cramps. St t f » th ¢ lf ‘lage apn Four ooeapations ur amuse- | o¢ age, balf of the above quantities of the me | ange Court House, dated Way 19:h, 18387. only to half the usoal cartage fromthe River tu Bick Headache, Sour Stomach. ( holera Mor. |= ate o { or ATOLL . ind all the facolues ef your mind and | dicines will suffice ; for younger chiléren, a! + Dear Sir—!} saw Mr John Peyton ta day. Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the ae “bik buds.’ all derangements of the Stomach aod ; WILKES COUNTY a ame moos cextaree ae = “pay | quatier of those quantities, to be increased or | and he looks better than I ever saw him. He Cuuds mock below the oy aie b ne . Bowels, ‘Nervous Affections §-c. Court of Pleas and Qtorter Session ‘ ‘fold. Task anly one week's trial tocon | diminished iq proportion as the age varies from | says if it had not been for your medicines he SICHONRE IB ISOISISE MTOM Git. OLNOT OUGl Ags J %” ® tive Pill 0 ie ay Le most sceptical advanced childhood to infancy. For very young | should have peen under groand He requested | ‘he danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison} 2 ayne § Naiatlive tees, clober Sessions, \842 he first place, discard all ald errors and children, small quantities of the bitters only will | me to tell yop. that vou had saved his tiie, fof |‘) the risk tocurred from being Situated ia town: For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints. Fe- | Thos. . Kelly, ) Original Attachment, lnm es tram your mind, especialy the o!d | atone be becessary. one time, and to present tig reapects to you. Those who may favor him with their busidess:'} erp, Inflammitions, Obstructions, Diseases : | ‘ea. bes dal 12%, ineesinn ~, "' Tf yon are passing well, fe not attemp! This treatment, with these supremely effec | + Your Restureris the leading medicine m this | (224 rest assared that every attention will be paid the Skin? &e., and in all cases where an aperiens | Phos. Somerlin. } lands of Wo Somerlin, det. r yourself,” it 13 the saying of ignor tiga} LIFE MIEDICINES,” has been pesfect- | county, and many cures of importance bave been | 2 (he promotion of their interest. Altefative or Poryative Medicine is required. | Martin Shores, Ortginal Attachment levied i ‘{ saperstitint)}—of those: who attribated ly triumphant in the worst regions of the Sout - effected in this neighborhood by the ose of your . GEO. W. DAVIS. The above medicines are for sale, whuiesale or es. opon defendants Lanes 2 ev around then to chance sad furtane,'| ern and Western country, and around the north-; medicines | have had a great number of ven- | References . retail, at the Salisbury Medical and Drug Siure, ; Reuben Shores " tof natore’s universal jaws. Has notman, | rq lakes, where the malady prevails with the | ereal eases, and many of long standing, and al- Messrs John Haske & Son. by ‘TY appearing tothe satisfaction of the Cor b ways eff-cted, by means of your Vegetable Anti D. A. Ray, C.B. WHEELER, Agent ! that the defendante tn the ebive rases.? ov experionce, learned ty guard bimselr universality of an epidemic, aod the demand for isi che other elements uf nature, the waves, | i his sovereign remedy has been far greater than | Syphilitic Syrupt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- Fayetteville, N.C. * Salisbury, N. C. inhaditanis of another State: {1 is therelore 9 a t Sta ani phe torrente vf Pine ate the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Ageuts, how-/ fect cure, and that in * Short time, | Alexander Anderson, Sept S, 1842—1y6 | dered by the Conrt, that publicstion be ad , i term Nice ava id f rising th bie ever, are now well furnished, and will make ev- Ashborough. N.C., July 13, 1842 Jobn McRae, eR a oan [= ‘ the Carotina Watehman far six weeks, tha ¥ BaTeg Ue eS) Ee Metin; ery effort to¥ send this advertisement into ibe | Dr Kunc, Raleigh ' ir at the next Coort Scene sud Onl wo Ceatl body 2? Remember, you are every day | most afflicted districts, Voluntary and jealous- Dear Sir :—] Think your Medicines are about Jobe maven Wilmington, No. Ca. N 5 Ww Cc A B I N f 2} T; ee cione. vailke aie ‘ne coan of tae “9G gross luod 5 and Wis vour aatore to con- | Jy grateful testimonials are received at the pro- | io take a start in this county, from the tact that Dolphin A=Dstis CHAIR é° SOFA : the Court Hoase in WilkesbeF Rh, on the fr : nue iy do so Yuu are well at present, bat ev- prietor’s office in New York, by every mail in | they effected a care which seems to have baffled Ge a WW. Brawo ; P f Monday after the 4th Wondar of Janvary rt : ery day the seed of disease is growing within ‘neredible numbers, to the absolute efficacy of the skill of the physicians in this section for a EUIgS aes ° Saltshur NC Ma n U , a CEU r 2 R yi and answer of replevy, ot jodgment final Ve sa; and if you do not. strimty guard your these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever! year or two. The eubjec! is Wir Nathaniel N., \ y. je ¥ k 8 | rendered against them, cad the lands levied vealth while you are well, you are eudipaally 10} ng Agne, ather intermitent fevers, liver and| who-has been afflicted with the Liver Complaint, ae. 4 emell. x ockehdgent.aNew Mork. ESTABL 3 ISHMENT ! ! on, be echtemned to satisfy plaintiffs deb a senges af lend Ag na confisements, billious affections, and derangements of the di- together with some other complainis,—say,FJat- Oct 1, 1842—U10 fa = * cast a0 th SOMe CONSIGN eat. , gestive functions generally, but also in chronic] ulence and Dyspepsia He has taken one bottle ae ras ay CRIBERS Witness, W. Massin, Clerk of ovr said Cor Nothing is stationary in this world — Even | and inflammatory rheumatiem, enstiveness, pains | of the Res*orer together with the Aromaic Kx | BL RASHIRE & RUSSi. ; PHE SUBSCR . coe Ome es is, Cir OO he purest Fountain of which we drink does it| in the side and limbs. eruptions of the skin, scro- | tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in AVING associated thomsolves together fin day of Ortober, 1842. — wet require cleaning 2? A’ person may imagine fala, piles worms.scurvy, and a host of other! twelve hours he felt relieved, and in twenty-four P I G Ss y the purpose of maqalactariog - WM. MASTIN, cco “Ivtectiun hiv tital urgans- tray be oronght when {eompiniatss for the care of which, these Veget-| hours. much relieved He has so far recovered. | y ETE undersigned having sold, in the las. | Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas. Dee 3, 1842—6w 19 — Printers tre 6 veileetiun bis vital organs may be brought when able Life “Medicines are so pre-eminently re-| now, as to follow the avocation of his farm aith iwo years, about two hundred Pigs in the SECREV'ARY’S. WARDAOBES. nee iasisted vy the hand of Nature, I have, un- nowned throughout the United States. Koow- | little or no diffic: lity. He says he wanisall obo cnuni tes al Davie Stokes, Surry, Iredell, Row- ’ pe . dh 0 PA M IL I BS: toubied pronts ot his fact inthe anbounded suc fing, hewever that many of these diseases, as | are afflicied, to nse your Medicines, and is re- an, Cabarrus Mecklenburg, Davidson, Gailfor.|, Centre--'l ables, ; ; c os of the LIE MEDIC INES Let those well asa must fatal undermining of the general commending them to the afflicted, anal rome ia Souths Carolina and Virginia, and &C &C Efae VV 4 x Epos bo have followed the matty, ° W hen you ae} health are oceasioned by Fever anu 4gue. Dr | woold be glad yoo would send aea supply the demand sti!l beino very great, have added tu SIDEBOARDS, as * | ‘OTPROVED’ TONIC MMIXTUM B rren moderately weil, throw physic to the dogs Moffat. in his advertisements, mvites the Sne- | very soon, by the stage, of Resioier, Aromatic | jpoir well known siock, the Berkshire sows of |; the very best hind of style, and. of the finest eal Upon me, tf they would be coavineed of the} eal attention of the public to the absolute ascen | Extrait and Abyssinia Mixtore, as a vast com- Col C. Harbin, from Bernent’s stock, Albany cratarials (ees leave to ask at the haade of the Those who would have recourse to 2 Feet tee Othe Lit Medicines i dency of his medicines over this malady the | ver of persons are taking them now. and now having ten fall blooded Berkshire sows | ojtyzens of ihe country and villages around, a/| .Wedicine tur Fever anv Aue, Dyspeps™ . imatacee Bee aa * welds tana | fountain head of so many others, He has only Respectfully yours, and two boars, they are prepared to breed as fine | share of their patronage in our line of business. | Vervous Weakness, shonld discriminaie . , ; yk ihe tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and JM. A DRAKE. full blood as any inthe country ‘They have As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) has had lung | the ‘thousand and one", remedies cunt! U 6 Cr ? Te gratifying, “Thase who are in comparative good | jayiaorating in their operat i i f uh yw 8 £ ) . : : a peratians, require neither BC? Persons wishing to procure any of e P ; ki : f fi and | heratded forrh to the public, (the same i 7 : : aay : F ‘ F experience in working ia soine of the finest an p ’ a health spay pérfect their happiness with oo in confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- | medicines, will please direct their orders, with R USSIA PIGS net fashionable shops of Europe, and of the | all times past, ) and that almos universe!) ™ . . . 4 ’ cunventenca 3 and those unfurtunates who ale | ed the reputation they have long possessed, not | the alwant, (post paid )4to R A dB i hir iti N U d Siai w cessful prescription called laid lowe by disease of almost any description, |: ae : ; 7 And crosses of Russia an ernshire. large cities of the Northern United Siaies, we prescrip y sats any prea. by the usual artificial efforts. bat solely by their| Dr. Kunis Orrice. RIcHMOND. VIRGINIA, te ] hat and will honest! ’ fe Mirturé mey find suro relief in those pavely vegetable | invaziable and extensive usefulness Prepared or to any of the following Agents : "hey have on hand agoudly vumber of the | flatter onrselves that ve can _— ¥} Rowand’s Improved Tonie Me she df to supply any orders with | and faithfully complete in workmanlike manner A few remarks will serve to illusirae E° preparations, ‘hey operate gently but power- | ath E 7 , anove pigs, ready fully apaniibe seoraiioes of the bode aad aleansa , and gt de des BS Bott, 21a) Broad NORTH CAROLINA ‘e hich they nae be favored, at prices io propor | a!! jobs called for. . ference Jo the firet plare, the opera!i” 9 ; : ee eee We will repair and polis any furniture that | ‘fouie Miztare in the care of Feverand Ag” the blood of all vitiated homuis separating the} The above medicine is-for sale. wholesale or Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, ‘ion to the hardn. ss of the times : . ; ake ‘from the good, expelling the dregs, drossand retail atthe Salisbury Medical Din Store, by Harqave. Gaither, & Co, Lexington, MAXIVILIAN CUTHRELL. may de brought to ag on short notice, and in the apon entirely nero and peculiar, * : ys olly # varities—and leavins behind vn} oe ; . > : : NH. CHINN first styleot workmanship, and orders for Coffins txciples. Seeondly : |i net only prompy” wiies—and leaving behind oniy what is | C B WHEELER, Agent. J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, JOHN H punctually attended to. Our prices will be as ae ve courar of the chills wien pone! {ard aourishiag. tu nature. , | gan S 2}, + oA > "Crime leigh, Farmington, Davieco N.C. Z iteader, consider and reflect well, | — ralisbory, Sept 8. _- hee [ana “4 us, ieee mre: Raleigh , Nlay 9, 1842, (f4$ moderate a8 we can afford 1 heir shop Is a 400 perseveriogly Ose d, bul ft Sach ann The blessings of this life, fur rich and poor | TO THE PUBLIT, | ee ee en few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one | wonted functions of the general sy-tew 19 6% Bs i 8’ old Tavern. - io ; gre 0 ‘entirely wrtin ourselves, in ourown phesical i ts, Charlotte. x T bd door below Jones’ o fectly healthy stale ; when relapses 3 coeds dj; aliee Aly advice to all, ‘ven. iS, guard your | AF snbseriber takes this method of inform | e © fee a inednue. SA LISBI RY FAC roRyY. BV REREN GLOLN liable to ensue than an attack of ihe aise? TY ba eat TE you are well, perhaps vou ma. be ing the public that he siill continnes to | James J. Horne, Pitisboroagh, N. C. Nov 26, 1842—1/18 A NG ‘ g © : —t! . . : . . . a : the jor” iI nettara~mand you may. always syed feing carry on the business of South Carolina. PRENHIS Establishment ie now in complete ope NB. Allth ind to Warren Gheen rane the ieee ap. ” ce one! .. De ose ebted ven, n ixiare, Springs op at vu? . Soy a jJodtetous use of be VEGE PABLE | cai "— . : SSE OMEDICIN RS. oe ‘| CUTTING STONE, Steele, Gonning & Co. Yorkville. ration: “he Lompaeg a moavlacioring are requested to make payment before che first of benign iufluence, and gives torth an get PD. Mofivs Life Pills ; -hoenix as usoal,at bis Granite Quarry, seven.-miles McLare, Brawley & Co. ChesterC H. COTTON YARN, ~- January, 1843, or they will then have a call | tarning heslib and sigur. Fourthis: Pe”: ali@ P s and H h ent ’ Q > J y y £ = fel i4 “ Doers, are tur sale by | south of Salisbary, near the old Charleston road, The continaation of the list 6f Agents, see} . : from an officer more or less effect on the bowels, (be © : | ’ « & s , ‘ a ie Se . ‘ ray CKESS & BOGER Bezels. | where he is able to supply all orders fur MILL Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. ae Shirting, Sheetmg and Osnaburg, the disease passes off in the way m# * Ii one who has neverhad it before, ‘Pb¢': = . ne So sbury, Oct 29 1842—4y 14 STONES, of the best grit, andon the shortest | NOTICE. —Patrents and Agenisinthe Stare | f @ saperior quality, which they offer to the State of RLlorth Carolina, indicated by natare Fifihiy: [is fr me $ — $+ novice. ot North Caroline and Suvth and West of it. | padlie at the lowes: market prices) Merchants “DAVIE COUNTY. system are oniformlpe mild and s7le. 3° ey . . . a | —ALso—- . . to Ds Kuhl's Of | and others, who will exatpine qualities, anc com. ; efficient, and it is as well adanied |" inet : \ N cw Mstablishment. For sale atthe lowest prices pin "Haleigh ae Viens and | Paré prices, will find it to their in.erest fo pur— Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions; WNovem- infant, simply by a modifieation of (he oF" oo ~ “ J , - ’ bog | ‘ Vs | , : irgini vember 1842, the moet vigoraug adali, Many utber Oo" 7 FEU US Sabseribers having asseciated them- Window Sits, Door-stlls, Door steps, rovoh {North and East of u, to Richmond. Virginia. Nase. ; 2 g : ye the a5°8 eer together fur the porpose of earryr.g | hoilding rocks, ‘Tombstones, Gold grinders, Ke Auvust 6, 1848—152 ™ J RHONES-BROV NE, Agent Jeremiah B. Eliiis, 7 Origina} At. | att-ns, of te elare: oe be oxeait?? ee 6) 0 CABINET and CHAIR MARING | J HOULDHOUSER. | Sabsbore, June 4, 1842—1145 ~ tachaent. | parents and invalids, migh: me gait ee Ye IR AIR G | &e &e. | Seana w Beedi é ‘ but the above are @ few of the points © LONUNESS, aaw offer their sereices ta their Solisborv. Feb 26, 1842—L¥81 _ A fr . | 1 f Dr D } ; m. bee ing’& Nancy his wife. ie por ‘die -mitiy. the remeedie® genera! it em heecoscnd tte pobtic. tt is thetr patpose to) — NB. Orders fur any of Ibe ahove wronght | resi Supply oO : . ‘ LATE j P appesring 10 {be -satisfection of the Goert, or 1 prefconional and family practice erry on poll these departments in all thenr va— | articles, direrted fo me at Salisbury, will be Jayne's invaluable Fsuily Medicines, just re- | that the defendants are not inhabitants of whieh a proper judgment may be formed # © in-hes, and thew feel cunfiten! of givicg | ponetaally attended 15 JH ceived and for sale be wear ER. sate, ; ; thie State #1e'te by the Coort, lecibagh ike remedy | a wwe Reet tee Look ~ ’s ad-| C BV GEELER, Agent. ATrrtivats. Ahat:publiwatina be made for six weeks in the) NB With a view to re-esisblnh® ‘s elie Repairing in. their line will be | 0K at Dr. | herman S ad-| Salisbury, Dee 10—1120 eo age «JR Oe Cs Carolina Watchman hi for the said defendants to! pon fidence in the efficiency of the * i ia s taithfetig and on feasonadle terms All| vertisement, ad if yon ‘wish relief for your ma. | - ‘ 1 Pe ‘ci Paints;% ay 4 ic . lead Sod reid, : , e ‘ fect 3 ioe uduce wi tak pp | d ae te ¢ 1 | Hed tes, 5» ; > come in and replevy and plead, or Judgmen ‘| Improved Tonie Mixture.” oe ae ite WORE E Ree TC) EERE LEME 12 | reitueperng. verte aeatiame|Seoced erat ace ic ptr iene comer Fem Mc K. ELLIOTT Sahshory. Deen ' NY > ee of-fresh Lome'eae be bad at er ae: Hops, Choi by we See ee SAN OLE Uae pec. {ite original gusraniee ve osein the * WM.ROWSEE, | “Be. 1 £ ithe kiln of thé tate Joseph Williams dec. ; spe > PE ‘ES tor megical ther 4 Ze Fine Dec 17-6651 — Bplorpes fee $5 '50 Pe hs retained io ever’ a wirmout prosoot” QTh, 1842-145 Docts. Hetiderson & Boyden, | By rhe t00 hus! efs and over 16 e60ts; 40 10) Huvek's aed Swarm Ys MEN. Uae sive) = t = ike. ' oe _ ve = Segue ins 7 Wish the view of leatening Wie‘cost and | pe t ‘ | 100.bushels 18; 5 to 40 bushels 20); uaslacked atone Aerbag are — NT gk OS Les CR. Whéeler, sole go esired effre:. ae NR ROM xP . “g. woonventence, the subscribers alsin) Hie asemiaies themeelser in|!” Ci reaed Wishiog lime either at the kita or cateen thee Glass Ware, Pe 8°. Pills, in | for Di. Rowand, bas just received » fresh anp- No 28 North Second Sire! Pe ye pee any of x nN wk 4 3 ethe PRACTICE OF MEDICINE | boi vesidpegs sill apply eitrer ww J. or R.{ stramenta: Majches, P. 2 i many. otber. ar ply.of big getaine JImpoved Toni¢ Mizture.| Supplies have been receiver Dt = BW. Ry i Their Office is in the Brick Moos? | wi L Lies, cei : | icles jost seceived and fr saleatpne: str suit which ie<foreala wholesale and retai’, ai b | to Salisbury. N. C . \W nesLe _ . - — aes . APposite Mr. Cow at's Rotel. ; | Roch Grd, Sore county, N. Cc. uf { the times; by ; é Soy B..WHE ake. ° Medical Dive Stotey Spliabory, Ni Cc. : C. B. 2 Po rantin neathy done here Salishury, July $, 1842,—t149 ' Aug. 21, 1941 bu Salisbury, Sep: 3, 1842 so 5 a Dec 10-1120 Sept 8, 1842—1j6 ~ a Bh AZ O TA B O O O S Ss a s h e ete oe Late 4 = ¢ * A 5 chpteafier be bed Te dollars iv advacee, and (wé dollars is fo be ai the end of the year. y- > 4 gunscria row will be received for a less thee we yrat,volesspeaid for in advance. — tbr pane’ discdarinaed (bet at she option 0 ‘ehiocs) ony. alharrearages ste paid. “ TERMS OF ADVERTISING. . ner square for ihe first insertion and lor each coatinuance, 7 a 008728 will be charged 25-per tiebigh- the 200%e rales. : © $34 per cent. will be madeto Ps. 7 may + a WarcuMan” hoa 4 deduce viige by the Year. ; Hn enis) wil bé continued satit ane jen2-geu for accordingly, unless order- vd ~ ain number of times, _ oe oes ler? Leics sidressed tothe Evitor most 4 paid to ers0re.aiteation. iva 0! op? pé I ; Shee ee ' : % 4 zu a te ae a os * Ea ha * a orm - * THE SUBSCRIBER sa Bata 4AVING p‘renased ihar- well kagwo and ook a at ; ‘le esitblighed’ Pablic House, (known i bee Sr fori py ibe 07m of Slanghter’s Tavern,). jn the Low Jno: 1.8 2 J. & Ww ethe recep.ion of Travellers & Boarders, Oe TABLE aod Bar wiil be sopplied with thedest ine market 20d 80 rroanding cvantry af- <qapces spacions, and bountifelly sup o:ain and proveoder, of ath-kinds, at * taiithfal and atientive. Ostlers. ersigned pledges himselfthat no ex arisha!l be wanting to give gen- toall who may favor him with JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: tf7 BLIVES! BLANKS!! 3. B's pieds wiih teoded oF Tne vad prion on his” gra} satisfaction aeall. ——— TO CLERKS, SHERIFFS, CONSTA- BLES, §-e. HE PROPRIETOR of the * Waichman P-iniing Office.” respectfal'y informs the Cle ks, She iff's and Consiables. of the surroond ing Coonizes, thai ve hae and. wilt continge to teen on hand, a fal! sapply of BLANKS neatly pioted on good psner, and oot sarpassed by anv wok done iniheStaie Al) orders from a dis- igoce for anv of the following Blanks promptly aiieaded (0: . Superior Court -Witness Ticke's, Writs, Canins Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Setpwnas, Vendi- }. yon) Fxponas, Jo-ors’ Tickets, Execetions, County Court -Juror’s Tickeis, Executions, Af-y Indei ments, Indicimenis vs. Overseers of Roads, Veodi Exponas, Wiinese ‘Tickets, Wiis, &e. Miscellancous ~Constables’ Warrants, (with Rreentions atiached,) Ca Sa’s & Bonds, Guar- dian Bonds, Apprentices’ Indentores, Marriage Lirsose, Ane rance Bonds, Deeds of-‘Trasi, Deeds of Convevance, Delivery Bonds, fajanc- jos, She ifs Deeds, (Vendi. Rxpo )* Anne! Bons, Commissions !o take Depositions, Con- saves’ Bones, Admmmisirators’ Bonds, Prosecu= toe Bunds, S nerior 9nd Co Coart, . Printing ! Printing !? FANOY JOB WORK F DIFFERENT COLORS, done ai ihe shortesi nolice, and oot surpassed: by avio the Siate, Salisbury, Nov 19, 1842. Vo Joke! MAE. Subscriber offers for sale hia valnable Plantation. {i lies on both sides of the wage road 'eading from Salisbury to Charlotic, tir miles from Salisvury. ft eontains 265 1-2 ACRES. There is good water very convenient to the bose fi is'an excellent stand for a Public Hoose. As I intenu moving this Fall, | will wil apon good terms, such as will suit the :imes. A pari of ine money will no: be expected while Capiato Tyler is P esideas, . WELLINGTON SMITH. Sent. 24.1842 i‘9 - ; OOOO EEE PRICES CURRENT AT SapisBporRy, Jan.. 14 Ceris. ‘ Cents. Bacon, 425] Cotton Yarne. 90 Brandy, ap. a 301 Molasses, 365 a 40 peach, 40 2 50 ' Nails, 6a7 Batter, Ja jis: 15 a 20 aX, ay ork, $3 Cotton, clean 54 a6" Sugar, br. 5 al0 Coffee, 9all loaf, 15218 Corn, 25.) Salt, sack, $3} Peathers, 20 a 25 | Tallow, 7 flout, $3344 Tobaceo, 8 a 20 Flaxseed, 50a 85 | Tow-Linen, }2a 16 lron, perlb. 3a4] Wheat, bush 78 Linseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 R. Favettrevii Le, Jan. 4. yedy,neach 45 | Molasses, 25 he Apple 30 a$5 |} Nails,cut, 6a 63 eae 54a 64 | Sugarbrown, 64a 19 Gan 27 a 28 | Lump, 14 ee, 102 12 | Funaf, 15a 18 Uaxioa, 6262 | Salt, 50 2 60 “oo Yarn, 14298] Sack, $24 Caed) 49239 Tuobaccoleaf 223 piles, F.F.15a 1% | Coton bag aa Par $112 | Bale rope, 8a 10 Peuhe $1 a§48 | Wheat new 80285 log 23 8 $0 | Whiskey ~— 90.2 85 ’ 5a 5k! Wool, 15 a 20 Cueraw, Dee. 27, 1942. 3$2 4 Nails cutassor, 798 fr f Satisbary, N. C., informe his Friends | s am ye Poblie generalty, that the same is now} £ ny. ; ; 2 Seis: ‘ “ * a “Ta addition to she above,” ihe subse 'iser » carry mking Silve Wore. i He begs'to assare the poblic that’ if pune: or! atieniion io business, a0u skillfol work™w'!! ec— litle bim 10 patrondge and’support, he will mey me AARON: WOOLWORTA. > £6813 —"16 * See Valuable property for sale in Lexington. T HE Sobseriver is des rous io sell, privately, tbat well known bosiness siand in Lex'ng ton, N. C., sisuated 2 shori cistanee gorih of she Courthouse, formerly occupied by Galdcleogh, Daserbery & Co.; and ai present occbpied by Brevard and‘Adams ‘I'he house is of brick, large and Commodions, coniaiding 29 excellent Store room and dwelling apariments al! ‘wader the same roof. Attached io the premises-ate af! necessary ou:-buildiogs: Those wishingto pur- chase or to-examine the above nropersys will ie- reive aifeniion if application be made ‘o ae ANDREW CAULDCLEUGH. Meoy-1, 1841, --1 |, Dr. Sherman’s PM evicated Rosenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, Bi NG tire cheapest. and most pleasan!.— BDV he Medical Facohy warmly appove hem Dr. Sherman 's x skillo} and experienced Puy sician and a*member of the Medical Socieiy o New York. eh od Sherman’s Cough Lozenges: Are the safest, sarest, and most effecioa! remedy for Coughs, Wolds, Consumption, .W booping Cough, Asthma, Tighiness of the Lungs er Chest. $c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES ~ Are ih@oaly infatlistle worm destroving mee!- cine ever discovered. ‘They beve been osed in over 1,400,000 cases and wever kaowo iv fail SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief :n aervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of ine Hear:, Lowness of Spir- iis, Degpondency, Faiaiing, Oppression or a sense of Sinkingo the Chesi, Diarrhoe:. Las- s'iude, or a sense of fatigne, Spoons, &e., and_ repatring - : Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are ihe mos! reciain remedy for this disiress'ny complaint, ever offered to ihe American pvolic. — lo ihe immense nomber of cases ino which ihbey have been used, they have never deen koown .0 fail. ~ ie Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhoea or lonseness of the bowels, so com- mon and trovolesome during ihe summer mooihs, may now be entirely prevented bv 9 prover use of inese Lozenges’ ‘Fhev are nrena-ed exnress ly tor that purpose, and can be rehed on wiih pe: fect confidence, Persons gubdjec. io a derange ment of the bowels shuuld never ve @iihoul .vem They affurd immediaie relief from 9'! the atiend ani gripings, faintness, dep: ess'on. $c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges pepperminis; and are an aciive and ¢fficieni medicine. They cleanse the siomach end oowe!s, and are the best cathartic ever ased for vilious persons. Wherean active meuicine is reqn'ied, they are not only the best, bai the safesi that crn be administered Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The bes: of all plasters for Rheumatism, Lom- vago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, tins, Side or Breast. . The above medicine is for aste, whulesale or retail, al ihe Salisbury Medieg! Deng Siore, vy C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisburv, N.C, Sept 8, 1842—196 Dr. Wotfat’s Wegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qualities of the mosi mild and be - neficia! neture. “Ehey sre composed of a:- ticles the most anti-patreacent, combined weil ingredients kuown as the only cerigin aniidole joced either from cold, obsirecijon, bad.a ampy and damp situations, or patrid missmi, *hether malignant or epidemic, oF ov other causes, these medicines are certain in the operations or effecis: They are possessed of pe cia qualities, which noi only expel all disease. but at {he same timerestore sad intigoraie the sysiem When first taken ino.the siomeci. they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor throng’ every pore. producing‘ effec's at once delight fal, salutary, and permanent. When the evefk of life begins 10 grow dim, the circolatinn languid, and the faculhies paralized, these-medi- ines ate found to givé 3 tone to the herves, ex— hileraie the animal spirits. lnvigorae the body, Iaties 5a i wrought 16 a 18 Nenad 123 a 16! Oats bushel 30. a 37, ar 22-2 25 | Oil gal». 75a $I ch 2022 lamp. 4» $2 25+ Genk” 10a12, linseed 1.10 a2 Chien 124 3 14] Pork 100lbs 638 6 Ca $26] Rice 100%bs 42 5 i 86 62 — “8 nis ; at $f sa $22 | Lary ls 5a 6} Steel Amer. 10 a 00) Mol 7, English 14) Te? 35.240) German 12 14) ov 124} Teaimpe. $1 $137 | Meg oet ITS, OW. fits! rye parer and for gile thn Orcs ? and re animate the whole man The Life Medicines have also been Used with the most happy saecess in Nefecds and Dvs- pepiie diseases, Consnmplion, Asthma, Liver Complint, Rheomatism.{ehrooic 2nd inflama- tory}-D ropsies. &e. - 7 ee Call at Curss & Boora’s; Agents. ‘Sairsbary, Oct 92, 1842 —JVIS gm Neatig printed ond for sale at ths Office ‘A. cold atid eafelens op the Silver Sniit’ Business in 2'! ive ‘ Varieties common in Coons: 4) Lowns: soeb. a+ f Are as pleagant and easily iaken as ihe common | : ‘And shen ‘pe: ‘Tarn on her - Not slowly ftomihie 1 Her image tupd. ngs icee' wil Vhich her : And es ai! arpodeln 2, ji tv thal pure, perfect lpve _ W hieh liveth in onetier High: And in ihe World above. +” nar I hoc a-frrend, and by his-sidest . ‘Fhete stood in youth and & A hrigit-sonled and adovelgy . Bai to the hupgsy ioms—- Her pure yoang cheek of ehan Her wild and pleasing tone, >" Hér falt’ring siep, het mind’s repose, Told she was hastening on. j Afew months passed, and she had gone _Toeslomber with her Gow, Aod moch he wept and sighed alone Upon her covering sod ; And one might think who'd seen him there, Earth’s bliss io him had fluwn, And 8l\-bis hoes were buried where, Low siept his lovely one. Bot scarce one year i(s flicht bad winged, And time bad poured its vil Upon his bleeding heart and mind,, And he oegso to smile, ° And mingled with the world again To taste is sickly joys, Iis soobing Friendships, blasting pain, lis long-fived miseries - Once more !ove’s fire. which l-believed ~ “Bar for his bright one los, Would only born, again revived Wiihin bis sobered breast, ‘Twas kindled by the beaaties sweet, The gfaces of anoiler,~— And soon. tube his bride, she left Her home and loving mother. Ott then believe it not ye Fair, That he who hatfi a heart With love's pure feeling burning there, And free fram guile or ar', Cat fové bar one on ibis brohr sphere, And when she fades away, Porn an her sister seraphs here A cold and careless eve. Bristol, tith mo. 21st, 1859. THE PRINTER. Who is it toils from morn io night, [mpairing hig :ntellect-and sight, ‘That others may Obtain delighi ? ; ~The Printer. Who fo-emost stands in-Virtues c20se, Marntaining Libert¥ and the Laws, And wo disdéains all vain applause ? The Printer Who ist that spreads his weekly sheel, Wh news and ;wlities fill’d compleie, Toevery mao an ample trea: ? The Pinter ~Whoat the case-must constan: sland, Wh face demore, and eonseicace bland; Seiting bis lype with steady hand P Thre Printer: Who never craves the © loaves and fishes ” Bat oft receives ‘he emoiy dishes, A compound of good and bad wishes ? The Prinier. Then, reader, pav him up his dues, Who, pnocival, farnishes ihe news, «+ Yoa never should your aid :efuser — ‘ foReiniers. Mf “2 GEURGIA ANDLMR. G4 The statemert of the “Gtobs, made up- on the antbority o: a letter irigved from a member of the Georgra Legisiowre, tha the Senate of that Siate bad nogrinzted Mr Calhoun for. the Presideycy. It Ow appears is not sustained by the papers from the seal of Governmenfof Georg:s which have bee, since received, the resolutions were called up. M>. Spald- ing, a ‘D-mocrat,” moved a preamble and resolution expressive of the high opinion entertajoed fos Mr Calhoon’s course ‘from the first. moment of FEhig ascendency,” and sssertiog the confident befief shat that genlleman, ‘woold cordially snite on the favorite of the Democracy,” &c. A mo- for fevers of every description. When the ds } ting was made by » Whig to wy she origin. ease is al sad substitute on the table: syes $8, noes39) = The previout question was called ‘and susisined ; and. on ihe passage of the original preamble and resolutions, they were lost: veas $9.mays 45.” On the nex: doy they were reconsidered: yeas 46, nave 37. Tbe‘correspondent of the Sevannah Repub- says that the understanding prevailed ‘ment ihe Democrats, and was so sisted by that the would not again be celled ap for actigarddi ing ihe eésbron:— Nut het. i ; Leaky Vessels. A raminen: Loco Focg Se nator, of the’ pteseni Legisisiere. recently de clared that bis party were toa minoriy. * Whar dg you "said aby stender? * Wh,’ said he, * dé forify elected, ‘out we hold a vessele amu . — Reg iste- oe ‘tbat belief; that the Mexican Government On the 20th of Decemter | lean, enting from the Seat of Governmem, cs ind cobform to the doctrines of the Roman athohe faith, I feel it to be my. duty to. rontradet such assertion, and to state, for e es ‘the information of those persons. who may] Some Yeel desirous of removing to California ja has never ‘thougit of colonizing the said fertitory with foreigners ; and thaf, so far from it, it has expressly provided, by 3 lew enected the 11th of March lest, thai no for- eigner will ever be permitted to colonize, or purchase land or property in the said country without an express the Government of Mexico: _ Knowing, a8} do, tbat no such permis- sion has ever been allowed to any person or corporation whatever, and believing that the project set forth mm the St. Louis Repob- liesa is @ mere scheme of some land specu- lators, who wish to take advantage of the credolity of the sgnortot, f vbink it ¢r iper to inform the public of this cogptry ef the trae facts of this new plan of encroachment, } lest they should be deluded and brought in- to cifficnlties that would end in ike destruc- '10n of their fortunes and the distress of their friends. } Believing that sou take a deep interest in the welfare of your countrymen, I doubt nol, permission of |G * Gentlémen :° “Heving seen ir. your paper. white o! Friday an article teken from the Si. Lain teal Tides: : Repubhean, in “which the” people of whis |” e bste ie ee couniry aro-invited fo ethigrate to California | froma letter writs With ot extract } an -officer of bigh series the ‘y rest. It is dated lane “at! mn £ inet ps : +. pa . 7 Ni ven * 22, and speaks wo d ih WA x = and ip. very disperag'ng terme: af Genera ssness and wa) . | of : GY; sisting that tbe volunteers, shaet ‘700 song, were determined no Jonger tu be trifled with, bat resol ved to match for tt Rio Grande on the 23 - Céléne! Cook. 4; Nosember-mades all believe that ‘old Sag)’ A as oes ‘expedition. 18 opposed to the ; | The wriler’ gags - «J - ported thet Wall is on tthe cide of ihe Rio range, opposite. San Fernande large force of Cavalry: ft is belibved tha We eball make our fst atieck on Laredo ” _ “The Houston Siar of the 10th” instant reports that the army (..f 850°men) match- ed fromthe Medine for Loredo 09 the 22d November and thet other companies were \o follow immediately .’” ; In the Housion Teiepra of sti ut «¥ . i date, (December 14.) min, pia following, “The Army.—A genile on Mondoy fine as Map who arrived 2 few days zeotlemen, that you will readily insert this communication in your valuable journal for the purpose of arresting the exeeution ofa project totally destitute of any probability of ruccess, ani celeplated only pei ets of a few speculators, whe pert the peace of nations nor their kind, and who only i WF evpidity. Sa pgenilemen, your obedient servant, ‘ J N. ALMONTE. VO) Extraordinary and Minisier.Plen- patentiary of the Republic of Mexico, to the United States of America. From the U7. 8, Gazette. SCARKET FEVER. This fearful digease oeing now prevalent in Philadelphia, brought to thé reelection of the writer, 4 conversation which be had with an elderly Piysician while travelline (through New England a year or two since. and whose prscitre had been extensive in the interior of Mossachueetis. He steted that bis mode of tresiment for the Searle Fever differed somewhet from that of bis feilow. professors, and he was led to adopt t from the following ciresimstance:— He was e:lled toa man who had been - ffering under tbe complaint one or two toys; he foond him in’a bigh state-of fever and dangerously wi, the symptoms were so alarming, thet be felt satsGed if the osua! | mode of treatment was followe.i, his patient | would certainly die, In reflecting on the | case, and recoliecting he had a person under | care with inflamatory theamatism and that (Colchicam was producing precisely the | same effects in the one case Which he de- /sired in the other. he was indcced to ad- minister, aod the effect on his patient gas Most salutery =n relieving, end io a few days he recovered. ~ _ | The Doctor stated ise & faet. and sll of | hig after experience fully established i that | | the use of the Colchinm in Searlet Feyer entirely obvicted the tendency to Dropsies! | swelling which ss often so troublesome if i not dangerous , and he slso said that after adopling ‘hig mode of treatment he never lost a patient with this disease if called in ine eurle stages to administer. His plen as dictated by himself and COfeae, ‘ed from a memorandum made at the time | was this:—Immediately at’ the first attack of Scarlet: Fever to an adalt be gave m one | dose 15 grains Calomel and 10 grains pow- dered Ipeeac After the operation of this medicine he admimetered four grains.pow ; dered Colchicam every four o: six hours as ‘required 5; and if much heat, wm fever m:x- | tore ; should there be too much purging, a | few drops of laudeonm.”’ | If the above remaiks wll be of any ysive ‘tn treatment of this dreadfnal disegee, the | object of this comarunication will be atata- | The Chinese, we bave lesewt by the acn— ‘wal bave opened certesm of theif ports, whieh “a wil Senator who moved the rece ae never helore opened to any Foreign nation, (to Great Britein;—bot we have not learnt | whether sey. other Foreigne ation than Great Briata-is to be permitted to trede at | these ports. This ts 8 piece of mformauon | which would be tous of great importance, ‘ cured to themselves an exclusive trate, we | seriously tolerfered wiub.— NV. F. Eapress., the poe Re | nee ->for if it turns out thet the Biitssn have se- | China. oalit nO, and the troo were heal land ies Psy that (x r we would ieepee os enagen that the Govern . bid promptly.eupport them by call; ing out, by Graughi, one pia Shes each couoty eas! of ‘ihe Trinity, 10. march THE CHINESE FOOT. When again left atone, she uefolded the bandage ; on the removal-of which the state of fi'th the foot presenied convinced me that the general opinion is correei wiz. thal the Jimb ta seldom exposed, even for the parpose of- cleanliness. A cursyty glanee at the deformed limb would Jead even a professional man to suppose that a partial amputation bad been performed wherein the metatarsal boves (shose immediately ar- uculating with the toes) had-bern removed. On a closer inspections the great-toe was found to end in a sharp rough point, having al is extremity what might enber be con- strued into a shapeless nail, of a portion of | bone portruding, from not having: been properly protected by the flap afier an am- |putstion. On the upper surface of the fant i there was no peculiar appeerance, save that the smaller tors appeared to terminate in a knuckle-like.. On exemining the sole of the foot, 1 was surprised to see the four small toes bent under end imbedded in the sult substance of ihe foot, and in a wonder. ful degree capable of flexion end exiemion. Io the foot itself there wee ho-motion ; the | joint-J presume having been enchylosed (or a beny union formed) by constant pres- sure. ‘ibis, however, I afterwards found . /not fo be the case; for on examinsng-a _ skeleton foot, | foond the bones al! separate, ‘but displaced. The ankle wes thickened. ‘us capability of motion being an a.greal de- gree curieiled. The.calf of the leg was ‘round and well proportioned. The exireme , length of the foot was three i:ebes. end 2 quater. Yet, when properly béndaged and | shod, ths yoong lady bobbed ep and down her stair eth spperent ease. The pain and irritation excited by the horrid process of cramping the foot, es. weil as the want of exercise, mast, it will be supposed, materially mjore the generel | heslib. This, however is aot allowed to, be the case Substquent to the above pe > nod, t met some children who were pass- | ing. through the usual ordeal of peclecin.g | besuty, whase palird sickly Jook conteasted | greatly with the healthy fade eppeatance of the poorer Chinese, who teach their children at a very early age to assist ia stl domesiic | employ mente. ‘ | Li would be 2s diffienit to sccount for this | barbarous practice of the Chinese. as for | that of «qurezing the waists of Eaglishwo- | '@men out of sll natural shiz steps, or | flstiermg the heads smoeg abe natives pa | the Colambta.— Af’ Phe son's ty gearein J bas present term of service will expire. tions; bathe B - Rencerns oreed aps «! T mittee ranSi. . £ Mesers, ‘ Sarre Stephens, Foster, sad Crawf-rd,— Nat. Lat. dhinsiine i ‘THE BANKS: St sp@ms fo be a poiet of canientian with Ih- leaders of ths Loco Foto pariy, Wisc shal! Wr. dare the mistiexteraiitiaring bi!) towards the Banks. We have ales: y noticed Mr Shepard's Bi, and Mesara. Biggs’ aad Conper's Rest» - IHintrodsecd by ton. Bedtors the climax~. ]i.is @niitied ‘a will :. soanension of Snecie PatmMeA's oF 4 Brawa, prevent * Sharatier for ibtelhigence, Pattidiism, én {the Banks of this Siete’ ki provides inat if any Bank hereatter suspends for thiriy days, in any one veal, wheiberihe period consists of eorsec- wive days Omwot. fi sival! be dedimed and held a9 forfeiture of the Charier, and 2 Mardpmus sha!) forthwith. issne io.snmeSher/f 10 close ihe- Bank.forthw ivhySce. Ke... : Reaity, the hosiitity-evineed towards ihe Benks, isso matignan), so untiring, 27d se who! 'y indefensible. thatthe should not be at all gur- prized if Storkholders of-ihe Bank of the -Sia'e, who meet-in General Viewing; on Monday: nex: . were.to vote lo surrendef their Charier.” Cer - tainty. itean be na object tn-ahem, ia epa:inge fic Bank, as a matter of profit.cramped ae shew ere i®iherr operations, and oattittte encourageme:.! is held ont, we should think, to goniinve i. pro bono publico. Weshnold regre' if the Stock - hijders were to inke this @purse, necedselt would necessazily prodoce increased. suffe: ing and dis trese, bul we should agt be asionished ai, :heir loing. sa, nor cool! they. be blamed, There ‘s a point, beyond which, forbearance exe@n ceases ‘to bé a virtoe. - Raleigh Rex’ster- Rather Fasf.~Mr° Brogden, Chairman, en- deavored to smuggle ina Report, ive olher day in the Hoase of Cammons, and have 11 prioted, as lhe Report of the Commitjee, when fo ac ‘ion had een hav by the Committee, anon its subject-matfer. [t was connected with. ihe ex penditares. for Farsitore in thé Governor's House, Xe., and wag doubiless ihianied ether io make poiltical capi‘al for the next campaign, orto cover over the *fnisrepresentatigns of iha last -Mr. Ashe, however, one of ihe Commit iee, proma:lycexpesed ihe irickery sungh! tobe practised, and Mr Brogden asked leave o with- draw ihe Renor:! See Huase Proceeding of Monday. — Register. Democracy Dead —We vnvessiand that a venerable Lace. Foco Senator decfared oo Wed- negige, that * Demoeracy died thayaev 2t twa o’eluek” —aituding io ihe: signs! rejection of the Shin plasier Biull. Uf ii.vedead, we exo say wih calm -esignation—Peace roars asues! -[ Regisler. A The * Relief > Bil’ ~V be oil! io issne a mil lion of doflars in ShinphaSiere, iniradaced ow Mr Shenad, of Wake, was * consigned io ihe Vomn of ‘he Canulets’ on Wednesday tas! —on!yv six Persons voting in He favor, Hol withstanding “1's specious iitle—* A o!! ‘uo che relief of ibe Peo- ple.’ It was demolished by ibs gentleman’ own pariy, only oae Whig bffving a4 all.enieres in'o the melee,— Register. | Saceszory, Jen. 10, 1845 Mr Pendletén : Vo lookiog over an ul news- paper a few days since Lcame across ihe enc!os- ed scran, which | clipped.oul and cow sind tou for pnbliceiion if you. choose. You musin: ‘es any one know who sentii—i* you do. § wil! or- ver forgive you. " —_ —. The following is thescrap which our- corres- pondent enclosed to vs. Read ii, young neo, and ask vourselves “* Whv dont goa'mars ?” Young Meavwhy dont you Marry ?—A< ‘o ihe old: vorery ef celmnacy, thei: hangs on the skisis of soeie:y, resting-in confirmed hatmis of baehelorism ; we have nothing io sag to bim.— If be his proved invulnerable to the ebaras ‘anc ali-ac.ions of female dekeact, much tess can wo expeci in reach him by sfigement. “Mile won: remaias outfur the old “Gachelor to die ia his sins. : ihe Bet there is @ gener? tion ofvyonng: men, now in the maiunty uf yunthfol .viger, wiionm we ask, feelingly ask, why don t Joa marry? The jocalst answe: ‘6 always 1ead¥—yua ‘can get any body,’ when if any other were (o whispe: it qbout that you “ eouldn't get soy body,” you would feel it a8 an unpardonable inselt. Tbe rrith, however, of this jest will uliimately over- aake you, before you are fally prepared fortis sad tevkiy - ° Generally. epesking, a man ongh! 'o marry from 21 10 27 yeare of age. Jthe ventures. 19 pass $0, we call him on ite wrong aide of the fenée. his noesense that goo wish to rove at large, and kee the world, that you may ve the Bre nsefal ie syoleiy ; fet sueiéty take care of se'f. Chariiy begins a1 home; and your Brat reat duly is losecdre your uwn subvtaniial hsp pitess. Yoong men, the advice tommon'y giver you is wrong. Yow sre iuid thai if one soman sights your pretensions, ‘(ry another.’ Noi so, by this meses, you svon get api of credit wth the girls. Ourade'ce is. hang on and pere- vere.— We happen just now to recil!* ct an ar- ébdote that ming se ve here a8 a praciies! 1 Trae tration.. An ardent isver bad long, apd. as it Seemed at times, vasneces<(o'ly, aiempies i coprt the sole objees of his affeguiens. A ‘ss ion a hasty fit of impatievee,-she serzed |! Boi rom a shelf, and raising #4 (a aaKes ing posivre, exclaimed, : So sure as there is iruih contained in this bouk, | never idtbad to accede io your 40 posals of marrisge?’ Our bero'ins antly sererd the sams bovk and with aoless earnestness 4- plied, *Sosere 2%: there ié trath comiared fn this book. | newer @as.sure-of you til) ‘h’s mo- meat.’ The fair.ope instantly melted into ten- dervess, yielded Op her hand—eod the sequel of the Slory Gue@ 6a to state, that ‘2 beppier couple never lived.’ These tanks of society who compose the higb- est and-mast refined aiay pass'bly object ‘o ibis plain, sisaight-forward hang-8 course thal we We bad anmyority « prada w ey ‘ne bes may soon bid eciev to muep of the prefita— | -Hon. Arthur P. Bagny wes on “the 19th ; i ceed! srg gi" 1 gel to my yl ble exgort trade. we have deen having of late ; altho re-electes a Senztor of the U. S. f eee atl, ea def — bested I ps nh = understands afl we years to China, ead. begin to have grea! sp- | for the State of Alebame. for the term of | ape of gi " aspoped Gporssinps, let ibe have been do» bereare sutgeplguyteaky prebensicn€ too,that opr tea walle dive | six gears from the 4:h of Mereh nets, whén Ppariies bé High “or low, f= caleolared to ad- fees the happiness uf domesiit lif, tintin ® 5g ‘ 2 . , a ; a ; IN N : +i ve 4G » Mr. Morehead presented, a bila / nen $4 act, fo © the Sal ~ pal fecta ‘ pete’ Se a ‘4 eer) fm »- pee : iL « , ring compeay, (reduces the sinck fo she | 08 Fy, to, wehow Ree ie ites fe Misa, Be ee as yesterdey roneariog. 10 the road the first time and-pwed. 7 60) nf oMle: Ashe, presented & bill supplement for the purpose of investigat The Senste n took ap the bill, fa sl- es ul proceed | ter the . Electoral!” Districts of she State ; | ted 2 f which, was reed the secOnd timex MHDock> ty. moved to amend the bilby -strikiag oat} Vhteh passed its second in the fifth disiriet, Richmond, 904 insert : Comberiaod ; which eas not ogieed to. to whom was referned the eommanication Mr. Cathey then aibeéd to smrod the mit | Of the Governor, relative to the expenditure | Re by atding the county of McDowolfité the | 4 the spproprishon for the tepairs ofthe |” eleventh disttict whieh motion cid Hot pre- Governo:’s howse, dc,’ asked teave to make | E the toble,~ Mr, valle «jke ha t i n , muntestion, wa ined f , Toraet 2 iT vail. Whe bill then passed its second read. | * FORO 5 idmoved that the reading be | T.egis!atare that the Wilai Raleig . - 4 . q poe > . - P oe 3 ngion ' b Governor - . o : Fhe bill 1 digengaes. sey ad thor jbo report bo’pria | Matirned.; Compseg, ihe So’ shin ip| (0 the Souslectshiuinp. thal happy. favo tis} tll, to repeal part of the Bret section been OS GRE se Sa West the instsiment of $60,000 das o-the | Hall for the purpose. Bessing ‘eere- s of an aet passed et the last session, restat— | meee Ashe asked if the report had been | ist Janvazy next, of the tose for which | mony The t use received , , — - 3 twas ing the appointment of Comtniesioners of | S50 pe bs a majority of the Committee, } the Siate had endorsed, and suggesting the pe ae oad 4a ceived the Senators : oo Linebartier Sih N sigation and protege for the Cape Fear rie it had been read to the Committee. | propriety of making some oe nd to| the Odie cok Kin best ; The Speaker of; ; Biz. —peigy Edwarg River, to the Co@aty Cou: of New Hano- ‘ den answered in ‘Wie segstive:| meet it; which was accomps by a me-} of the * rd sie We Seether C, mates gy se Lil jen ver, was read the secand time, and on mo- Mr Ashe then objected to the Report being mors) from the Premdent of the Rail Road | 4. on re ae Sawer: nai da a me pes aes James => jLinst “on ‘ tion of Mr. Sogrer, referred to the Commit- submitied, end Mr. Brogden withdrew it. | Company, on the same subject ies Cor. SpE ey: baa vd Neath tinbine Shen. + Mackinaw Brown ll es birelie Sent tee on Propositions and Grievances. The following bills were reais third} - Mr Moore, moved thet they be refersed Pit “ s, JOun k Shane.” Beans Band- ion gee A bill toincorporate the Mantshala Turn- | time, and psssed.: » bill to amend en Act} to the Co ; : : Sommitice on Finance. nike Company inthe countiescaf Macon | p7seed inthe vexr 1838, to recherter the | Mr Biggs moved to weet by inserting ent Cherokee, was tsken np, apd read the Bank of Cape Fears anda bill to prevent | t i , second time. The veas and ass on ite | the felling of timber in Ridge Pork, Avivot’s poetion wo raf to Jolat Selcet Co “ ithe iy second passage wero demanded by Mr. | Creek, Hambey’s Creek and Mudds Creek, | tee ; ead accompanied his moi at . ad i mention. ily Cooper ; when it was rejected Yeas 18,|'9 Davidson County, and t me ige wit ) Gott wo de : | : ie = Cooper 2 wb j |i, Devi Dow Sisal eel oo ! serene ae.) whige with having which the “a the .tefo | {tiends and the public ‘to: give us @ call, ‘Morr Stephen Ju ye 28. 8 som t0 tha Theeanrer {fom ch ORth wee senuoed by oxtitheng nat eiace ef ; bie SaNaenpisery crisis im the | Houses ia a brief but nest and sppropriate ene She sawhere,as we shall spare: Bt Memeo tS: nf the State was taken op and tead.gMr. provisiGne to Swearing Cresk and Eastern ‘The somtske of ‘Mt Bi spee CQ... psa as 9 to render iis and'to sell goods Ca arine ‘MeConna che ahah of fredell moved the following as 2 | 2nd Westero Poit’» Creeks in ssid county. | to by Mr Moore, at sue bagi li hoe ber, and the Hoos, roceeded ob oie -s % . Wed ‘ te ny - a “ty , - tae . | _ he deprecated the introduction of party p»l- | bei the coasideration {M i *o| waaay eee ° rth tr tr . vate ht mes Cikaee 1. ‘Hee, i" ‘caa'od-en ec ; es : . of Mr Osrdwell’s oti. 1 patromnge W Andee and he is hereby appointed A »* ednesday, Dec. 28. | casion like the present, when | motioa to reconsider the vote by which a voetler pol ro hagahl a ane Dg Mende Siate, f ett y Sppointed © gent for this | IN SENATE. al patties ought to feel concerned for the | resdlutror wae sdopied, sppointing commi rie for Sao: Eth elcome lithe cat” | Golomen’ Now 4 Siate, for the purpose of receiving any mon- credit and honor of the State, He fixed | tees to investigate the Banks. . The motion m lett towerit a egeisasnen of thecomer” |e enw Ns Tt ics offered for theentry of Lands, and his Mr. Allison. of I. presented 9 memortal | the blame, if there wes any, apon the shoul- | to reconsider was carried, ee eee nee arin eieEsS & BOGER. |G aye gee i receipt Tor the sane shall be sufficient to| fom Many citizens of Stateaville, asking dere of the other party and their | pl shal * : CRESS & BOGER Sowan John FF Owens Phil ret Tor the ann salle afi from wee ! y eir leeders On motion of Mr. Cardwell, the subj Salisbury, Nov. 11 - | Caldwell Amanda oO p reid teersapaden egislainre to construct «© Turnprke | Vbojwere the originators of the schéme; and | #28 theo Isid on the tabl : ect » Nov. 11, 1842—6m16 Cash James R. wens Hompbre x 1e3, to proceed to the completion of Grants, | Road from Fayetteville to some point in| insisted on the reference to the commitiee | der of the day f Mor ot al erent Eni Poe rec as now pre ines hy law, - west ; which, seis, teat and referred to | Of Finance. ‘a arene, “nee tea a | Resolved .frrthgr, ‘That the seid Chas | ‘7° Sommittes on Internal tmprovement. The debste was contin ! P cnet pe 1. Hinton he, and hess bereby authorized (Mr Sones offered a Resolution for Com- | three o’clock Messrs. Pane Noch Lord IN SENA ae CH E A P C rhe Pe 7 | to pay off and discharge all of any reeola- mittee on the Judiciary, to enquire imo the Barringer, McRae, Jones, Cardwell aud i ad cots A a . ae sate | trons that have been, cr may be passed by expediency of repealing the 14th Section, | Mills participating The bill laying off congressional districts Wholesale & retail Geeedy Gan > Parks Dasid Von nt Save Been aye pe Ree Sh, Receend tastovectsoutereont| Mir MicRce pipesad an eseedsveot wee further considered, amended, and pass- ESTABLIS * Cornish 1, ad 9 Phillips E E January 1848, apd that he have authority to Alimony and Divorce, which was adopted, | these words : end that the committee inquire ed ts second reading. io? . EEN EY Te Dites Cursive 8 Pare CH Janus 843,00 thi he hav eter seney Ave Divoren, which Wad Weeeee. |e ihe ckpodilany af frelnt he ae HOUSE OF COMMONS. My E have jost received and offer for sale 4 | Doogie GB. Pinko CH&H, this State, for the amoomt of money necess- | 21° the Henderson Acedemy, in the Toen | g2g¢ on the roud and selling the same ; but Mr Ashe made a report for himself end | ¢ Soa eceiy St FALL WINTER Davie J pes a ore to carry this resolution into effect ; of Henderson, in Graaville county, which | subdsequeetly withdrew it, with s notiee that | Sifted Moye, two of the joint select com- COSDE, smewggn jo Dive Wr , coi whieh was read, aad ordered to lie upon passed its final reading. it should be retiewed if the amendment of | Mt'ee faised to inquire into the repairs of 545 PACKAGES Ele Dev | Rauileme Go| the table, | The Speaker presenied to the Senate a | the geatlemen from Martin prevailed. the Government House, &c., which was Amo hich nein Earohen Hs Ret tae The resotution coneerning the Raliegh communication from Cheries L. flinton sec- The question wae then tsken on (he mas read, snd on motion of Mr Street, ordered ged eer ue bitte £ ener Jearph Rathrock So 4 and Wilmington Ratiroad, wae tesd a se. companied by a statement from: Tho. H. | tion to strike out ell after the word, resolv. to be lsid on the table. , 138 tenes bret &: bleasbosaniisings, | Rausint Site: W Reem - rond time. and on motivn of Mr. Soyner, | Wright, Cashier of the Bank of Cape Fear. | 4, 1n the motion of Mr Moore, and to insert |. LT bis report contains a letter from tb pleces,calioes som 8 ce Fiover Joho. a i ordered to he on the table. Ordered to be printed, snd referred to the the smendment of Mr Biggs, which was{| @overaor, and. certificates from the Secrets. a: cl mat iOand 33 1og. Rey Hew =n iy _ The bil concerning prosecation for per- Committee on Banks decided in the affirmative. ry of State, Treseurer and Comptroller, “470 pit shoes a i ‘shal Frick” George - me | jary, passed its fine! reading - Mr. Albright iptrodaced a bill, to amend | —— steting that they seted with the Governor po rl oa dof banka | Fie i Seite HOUSE OF COMMONS. oh, execotion law.’ [Provides sgainst sale Thursday, Dec. 29. | Under the resolation of last Session, and 80: aaineueen tek Ford & El * Bein Mr. Mo ‘ growing crops, until matured, such ma- IN SENATE gave their sanction to the entire work. The ee FevcrmsS Seith Ge Mr. Moore presented 8 bill to perpetuate | ‘Urity (o-be determined by three persons. | : . Goveroor‘s letter explains that hi ppt eract | had sade a Ske Jen! the evidence of marriage, which psseed its | It passed its Grst reading, and an motion of The bill to lay off the State into fifty Sen- | «did not then, nor d ° it areese 38 dellanels per Sr See first reading. Mr. Watker, wag referred to the Commitice atortel districts was further considered and | erg.” ails icone 28 do Kenvoek °° Tate 8 Gere : "te. provides that alias tha ourelage | 00 thé Judlerery amended in some particulars. The special order was th 37 eo Resigeky Sches ~ -"* F Baller SR Sheasy Na = ts eniy eal! be uw + the incre tr Me Etmords moved to reconsider the HOUSE OF COMMONS. being the proposition of tha Beate totems $0 do qualade ee sid ped. Sewyers ‘Thomas the Clerk ta reacive a an ormed, &e., poe: by whieb the bill, ineorporsting the Ms. Biggs, fiom the committee on Fi-'| Wo joint select committees for the p . ee ee bees rhentteey “o Seat Jt ie entry.] additions] fee for% ra Turnpike Company tas reject | nence, to whom wasreferred a bill for the of examining into the affairs of the different fogs eclee | Pisey Cer sire te The bill in addition.tethe R fee fal the Senate agrering to reconsider, equal distribution of the public funds, and | >asks in this State. Mr. Berringer moved to "4 ce case Fish George ay ; ' ntes, concerning the Gulverare of denn a ioe loveumet. the Committee | for . prot tbe people, reported the | 2Menc the seme. by giving to the commit. 185 rs bagging a Gare Barter sree ice . Caroli ' ravement. semé to the House sod recommended its tees power to send for | ae seman James ster B , r womleaianie on tet ied reading. . The ‘Resolutions, introduced yesterday, | fejection. On motion of Mr Patterson «| 20¢8it during the recess Ur the Laphtotice 2000 tae hoot Sager pharm James \Shaver S i A memo agai le raed ; and by Mr. Allison, of Iredell, eoncerning the substitute was insertod, laid on the table | necessary.— Mr. MeR:e moved to lay the 9500 Ibs sole leather ) Gay James Shupiog Jacob: onthtabe the bill was laid Public Preaswrer, gave rise to some debate | 28d ordered tobe printed. [The substitate | Proposition and proposed smendment on (8 kegs powder Garner George ka De cats pound eae between wa Edwerds, Brown, Joyner - nearly the same as the bill presented by | ‘he teble which wes carried, 62 to 42—a _ 70 kegs aails Garver John Sanh S — ce Beedenbah rom th 2m _— 5 mt theme wire movedto strike | Me Patterson some days sgo. | party vote. 10 Sos white lead Garner Volentine Saffert Char'es ‘ he Tadieiry. to @ um was referted the ast hs eegond Resglotton which prevailed, , Mr Francis presented a bil! to authorize 25 pre Bifiptic springs and 10 by 12 me ead Stephens Wan ) , “te solutton as amended, pa ve constinetion of the f Ital pe oe beck onthe Hlonetgettes, second, ang {the Roles being sanpeaded for tern ‘Toraptke fad. Eel fet mee State of Rrorth Carolina, bottles caster oi! Grry Izabella Thompeon Thee R ‘ men ed its rejection. On mation of| the purpose.) its final reading. reading end was referred. s firat DAVIE COUNTY. radar clover seed, warranted | Gillon John _ | Parrh George 0 meentd te west nO ation of | the parpore.) us final roading. elier| Ou motion ef Mr Brogd Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ovem- . Ww crop ¥ _ {Gay Wa Thomason Wm orderad to be printed, and made the order | Of the Peop! | "report from the a ae = A i est Pe rep inte a Se order nde eop eee after being reav, was | granted bim to meke @ report from the} Isham P. Ellis, ° : Salisbury, Decombder 10, 1842—6:f Garner John H 3 Phomason John 5 ihe day foe Tareas a Se ‘i y Messre. Shepard and Cuoper, | Jom select committee on repairs of the vs" Original Attachment. = Hendérson Dr lrexler Jacob: |! : es Dae eh » the Sen ea ro sed in an admirable speech by Mr | Government house and Expenditures for Thomas Leonard. = ae § 1 | Hotner George Upright David lable for plaints? Mie becoem bonds he Tel as Mr. Joyner followed, showing Furniture. Upon the report being avnoon- T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coort a Haro in Werle Chie ite rejewtion Mr ‘Big sad slemerere ret: a: falacies of the statements assumed by ced as the report from the said print select that the defendant 18 not an inbabitant of this | ° Hora ah 2 Waco Dred end Messrs. Francis Ave irs the bil |! oD wea aph a8 to its ever yielding any com mittee, Mr Ashe, one of said commit- State: It is therefore ordered by she Court, thay’ , _— Hsien Ms Devi * ler en rd ewe, Fy Pi eee eninge ‘i aed tab oblected (itis belog tecervediea sack poblication be made for six weeksin the Caroli | Ge Haten Malinda ee Vollentioe | von, beni ue ete being ta r. Edwards moved its indefinite post. | ? M*jorty of said committees not having av- oe a for the said defendant to come in F ° Howard Alpheus on James , ess Ms ij vs scot she guig‘et ple realtek 7 Aves 41. Noes 5, was oo wd report tobe made. Mr Brog- tered Squtne ble ond the pieparty levied om all and Winter -Lenirananae?4 Widow Wise Jacob. Aik ose who votea sgainst (he post. | den then offered 11-98 @ minority repo cos 7 ed on ' artmaa Wm ‘iw seprtitee a ee cede ine propaning a poocten'. and thas for the bill, were Mes. | Dat subs: quently asked and puesta el condemned pr Aang cpce GO ODS eee Peter Q Wale Apel a Meadeok eee and, on eoites at iin Thomes 5. BDsum, Shepard, Swinson and | 'O withdraw it. Dee Oe | ae wie is vha!l, was leid on. the table - 7 ; = | Mensa ee von of Mt noush oF GouMOns. Friday, Dee. 30 N O rickE. RE HE SUBSCRIBERS Johnson Aathon Waltes Howry’ m at Tenor sng. Commitee ‘os Mr. Mille preeented » memorial from eut- IN SENATE. : —~ A pli Nesta brick joe satin , Williams Joseph £ H 1e Judiewary, to whom was referred the |'2209 of Rotherford, praying the construc- Mr Hester presented a reaolution, which HE sabecriber being abont to remove to the FA psc Joh y SIR Walker Jesse bill ta make real estate aesete in certain ea, {209 of 8 Turnpike from Fayetteville 10 the | **8 adopied, drecting that « saseegs be | this Seath- Weer, will sell at his residence in|. LL AND WINTER Jones Celvia hs Ed ward ol rs cepored the same, and. recommended | Wests which was referred to ihe Committee | 8€9! '0 the Commons, proposing to reise vary, rf on Wadnesday the 25th day of Jan- GOODS; Jones John Wess Henry pan re. *aoton of Mr. Francie, the [°° fotérnat Improvements. two joint select select committees, to con- HIs Among which ere Dry Goods, Hard wore; Jones T C Winn Peter F Mi wae doa sab, and made tear, ; Mr lacy,» Bill to incorporate Sweim's irl three rmembere-—one of each com- STOOK OF . Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hide, Bonseie, i Baal eis Richard j Mir. Bartinger, fiom the Committe and cece’. yrrell. Read the first time feoile . he House. (rom the Senate. ane . Crockery, Pelatn, Dress Kesler Joos si latcenal TL mproveme ® on ; passed. rom the Housé— whose duty it shall MULES CATTL Crockery, Flats, Dyo- Sony tise aD -. the bitlcatnted en sau ie vapeet tes eas as. nae — a Bent of Cape Fear Ben i Mion of the : stuffs, Medicines. Ketchy .Heary ; Yoong a ; tre : . , the | 3 its, to whom was re : : ioe | : ret Of ots eck ta re deneee tmend the Ist a meworis! from eitizene oa Soke county to wee their poore exsmine into their) Op, Were od Geer Rea ve t GROCERIES, Saltbery Joop Tees "Ee Acts concerpi © several | praying to be transterre:l to ancthe | eromeenisi ts: Comet tae eee ets ing Ta ‘ ie | : } ae a Novigcie: terns ye Commissioners Made @ report, stating that Soiin groan at as early @ day as possible ; and thet vid all kinds of Farming Tools. Household ROPE AND BAGGING, Dr. 4. T. ’ of Navigatin po ed the seme, and rec lis already made sm the Mulite baw. acd committees bave leave to make the examin- and Kitchen And in short, a general assortment of A © ef. Torrence, — ® The nmmeedes tute 83 sn amendment. | usked-to be discharged from its further Mt iadecsisarnaleg EEE Fi say vise fo Gras > eal wes adopted; and Mr.} sideration. Coacurred in. son” | respective Houses. anrneerere Ceok, as can be bought . “i sors : : case ) : eter mend Bek nds mined to self as cheap for where he may no found by ‘bia. Triends wo The bill to lay off Senate districts pass— | and every species of property usually found on a} Cash, as can be-booght any where in Concord. | public at all ti one ; : imes, unless professionally ot Moore moved to lay he bi oR he b t ill t ta te - Also, on the memor i ’ al and bill to estab- ; We nv e old d hb ed us third reading and was ogdered to de Farm Also. at the same or ten invi customers an e poblic n gen- hf ’ 5] ‘ time, eight t invit , ( ‘ein g He takes this hod of his . { this met retornirg jg (beset ® bot the a i : ; hon then “aedrise oot Phe ques- | lish the eaunty of Jefferson, out of partions bill on its eecond’ readi ae of the | of Stokes, Guilford sad Davidson, reeom. anetouses: LIKELY NEGROES, eral to call and exarwing our stock before pareha i siderable snieseaa cusnen Ge Sebeis of con- | mending !ts rejsetion Tie bill was taken |,. Ms Exum proposed 2 snbstitate for the - . : =? iog elsewhere, a8 We think we can sien east the public for the liberal patronage heretohrt ¥ L he bill. & adrian Provision in | wp on its second reading. andy on mouon of bill laying off congressional Districts; laid wens sold. Terms made Known 21 | bargains as will be great inducement io purches- hing and hopes to merit a coutinaatio’ 4” R mee bil, fo take tbe appomtmeat of Com-| Mr. Jones of Carntoch, was indefnitel | on the table and ordered 10 be printed. RUFUS A KIL ” Coaatien “reap alonsee ppp ele pp : Bones of the ‘one of Wiles Siounm's- | postponed, a NOUSE OF COMMONS Elmwood, Rowan county are Goeatry ee ee ae for goods : Nov 18, 1042 gees hordacte of the 4 u of-Wilm a . “ ’ ’ d WIN , * — Sm 16 y in vo Be eet Court-Mesere, Mow. ona presents Bi in relationto| Several fropnsitions were reported back N ©. Jan 14, 1842. bongs Concord, New: 19. eon ee , al : atringer, -Fraaris, Mills and Leach op | a prosecutions, Reed the first time, | from the committees and rejected. United States District Court of North ; ea Stat Lf " posed the bill; and Mes-ra MM. Roe Ave ai refered to the Committee on Propositions The proposition of the Sansie, to ap- Carolina—In Bankruptcy, Cotton Gin Making Business . of Servth €4 ry, Biges and .Catdweil supported it, Mr R Sore ae point two jor: select committees to inves- OTICE to shew canse against Petition of WHE sobscriber would respectfnlty inform k Court of Pt ¢ . Nor | Moore moved to‘amend by inserting, that { Rehaves Graod Jurrors from the task of | tigate the affairs of the benks, was concur- David 8. Borrow, of Davideon coanty, citizens of Rowan and the adjoi ong “ea eer i H three of the Comanrssioners shall te - _mshing Presentments for assaults and bat- | red in. _ Farmer, to be dectared a Bankrupt, at Wilming- | ties, that he bap commenced she aon An ber Term, 1842. B pointed from the tewo of VWilan; P- |‘leries, and. leaves nt to the person injured to Mr. Brogdeg from the joint committee ton,on ahonday the first day of May next. in Salisbury: shop is thtee: doors eon Jeremish B. Ellis, e Mr. A. Bryan steted that it has been eee ee on the repairet of the Government hoose, | By wan ‘the Coort, Moses L Brown's Fan Yard, where'heispte-| Pp soot Origfasl Auscher" J Artin frectice of the Cour euni-| Mv. Avery presented a memorial from | $c. separted eaacher eee esi etl ® .H. POTTER, pared to execute all work in bis tine of batons arrott Markland. © wake an ap. | cnine union to refurd $61 4eting Clerk of Court in Bankruptcy. | with neatness and 1: ‘erection of the m Domntment of this kind, and he de ns of Burke, pragmmg that Dawid | to the Governor Dec 18, 1842—4~22 , ard despatch From a jong ex- appeating to the satisfaction © '™ igs | end rane Ne ceemed the | Shulis, @ erippe j : a asec : perience in the basiness. he feels confident of hi the defendant is avi an inbabitso'# gmendment anneceseaty.; so the m b cripp'e, may be permitted to reteil | Me» Brogden made another report oo be- ability to giv , hie | iiate's It is the Coot. whd Bot prevail. The qersnon was tds | hquore in said conmry, by paying a singte | half of himself and We. P. Dobson, two Exeeutors Notice. fever bite with thelr cinerea. ta aed pablieation be saat ne sents a Cot token oo ite passage, end the bill Geeed be ele bea . feet instracting the Com- | of the members of saig commitiee, which Lt reens indebted vi thivnetiah sol Sollee N: 8. AM orders (rock : distance shall be |” Watchman, for. the said defendso! 1 ; 4 vete.of 29 to 40. y 8 ee on itions and Grievances to | réport was leid on the table. [This report Berber deceased, are sguehied to pike panctually attended to. Repairing of every de. and replevy and p'ead, of Jodgment wig Mr. Mendental!, fram the Committee on Guire int thd expediency of grantiag the | quotes tbe report made last session by a | psyment te the netic. And oi é scription done.on the shoriest notice, buth Gine | ‘eed *£2ieet Bim. and the propery v Dénestinn to whom was teferred the | a) prayer of the petitioners; which resglotion | similar committee ; states that she resson Se demands and claims sgainst the Esiat and Theeehivy Sataiors. condemned to satiefy Pisintiffe cen ee | we toned ‘ is “af Tn 4 ALEXANDER FRA JOHN CLENENT.¢o He why the expead:ture on repairs is 80 small said deceased in 20y wanner whatever, ae LEY. viii _ requited.t bring thew te me lawfally” setbenti- Salisbury, Dee St, 1842—2m23 __ Dee 17—6w21—Prioters feo $5 and Pumb Institete, with instr Bot Medicines Anse sates the, eonieies . pai rth akan bern to build a affll on | re-covered ; and forther stetes thst they find | icy wri} be plead io bat sgdinet their rece EGRTABLE RS. 1 | apailgierigh Joc ap_inefrtetiva, Made & sepost, esting optus deucdierition, 1 Brot sSantet te ry be ity tect? of 79 dot | Wi. BARBER, Ere , (or ae =e Often. io ND NUMBER SW) te . co et 10 house » Pec MSH—-Tats Salisbory “W. ; J, WAXES Me vod | tere fur Purid ‘s 9 N.C Oct, PM trD. | he Ti} ors FP. bors, Det 22, 1842—t122 af Paihp piled ”, on the subject af a 2 | Deaf | Oa motlono of Me. Bromoelt, the bill to | 18 that the Goyernor’s house has not been cated { il! them otherwise 90~ Dr. Brandeth’s pe OF ee ai e . BY x _& €i te SALISBURY. aTURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1843. —_—— eee = os Republican Whig Ticket? | For President of the United Sir”, HENRY CLAY or KENTUCKY, aTE BANK OF N. CAROLINA. sT4 TE : i by! of exotic 4 g e- sllowing proceedings of the Stockhotd- saci 9 ; . 4 . P _ Bask of the State, offering a surrender e agie witchér. oo. ea is eaioral peer ay Soe fo ers | if it should be.the pleasare. of the eochanting | 204 Ae doasis and struie about, be - | lowestigate their af ‘hat they d of theif Charter, if shouk ~~ ee ; S: nately eulogies upon them: ‘eden opon nd, theaselves bit Sarai Sit Legislature, to instruct the Represenjasive Soom. ee 38 oe, “| fe closes: ie ‘of. fe astie bya flight | 1 effect, they: ve. heretofore « he Siate io a meeting of the Stoc he reom,and stand ga- | from « dig waive” ‘toSome desolate fsland, |... > F : alae res to Wind up the bosiness® of: os aseetly a day ag. may be consisient With But iy of the ded:s snd @ reasonable indol- ue cote ibe debtors of the Bank, they woold rt Naweio, we Bod published jo. she” Ralefgh R ugister of 1b 3d ingtant, which we recommend w the serious consideration of ourtéaders Let ben remember th® distress auch a Measure wil] sing opon the Peopla,—and Tet them alto re- who are ibe autbors, and rewerd them | yceorcing!y, When she proper time arrives. ‘LY IMPORTANT TO THE AIGHE® “PEOPLE. The anneal genezal meeting of the Stockbold- ysof the Bank of the State, took place’ yester- day, 20d continued ‘oa late honr. Thete aa s larger representation of stock, im atténdance, han we recollect to have seen on any losiinat at. asion The meeting was organized by calling Geo Samves. F. Parrerson, to the Chair, and the appointment of W. R. Gaves, as Secretary. The following Resolutions, sabmitted by Judge Cameron, were unanimously adopted by the Stockholders an he “hedestaget lived unanimously, by the ividoa Sesion, in the Bank of the State of North Carolina, that if it be the pleasure of the Gén- eral Assembly of the State of North Carolina. to instruct (he Representative of the State, in the General meeting of the Stockholders of said Baok, 'o propose the adoption f. sueh meagsares, ss way be necessary for closing the bosiness of aid Bank, and dividing the Capital Steck among ibe Proprietors thereof, at as early a day as is gosisigot with the security of the debts, and ressonadle indulgence to the debtors of the Baak, ihey will concor th@rein: Resolved. That a copy of the foregeing : lotion be transmitted by the Chairman meeiing tu his Excellency, the Governor of the Siale, With a request that he eommuniegie the ame tothe Legislature, and also inform that wocy, that this meeting will be continued open fom day to day, by adjournment. We wish the whole People of North Caroli- acoald have heard the remarks, made ‘on this masion, by Judge Cameron, the President of Back. They would have carried conviction @ihe minds of all, as they did to the minds of the Stockholders present, that tbe éoarse indica- ie by the Resalutions, is the onty one which, ‘bose interested in the Enstiiutian, can pursue,—_ oosistently with the self-respect they owe themselves, and with a prudent administration of saffairs. And while this effect woald have eo produced, no one—not even tha most furi- os Aati-Bank man in the community, eould have taken the slightest offence at any remark which fell fram him. Most ably and eloquently was he sustained too, by Vessis Badger, and J, H Bryan, and by other gentlemen at leas length. We are glad that we sball have it in our power, olay before the public sketches of these speech- ‘and thus enable the Stockholders to speak W themselves, a9 to their motives of action. Gen Gaines —We learn from the Memphis Ternessee) Enquirer that Maj. Gen. Edmund 2. Gaines, having been nominated in Pennsy|l- noia for the Presidency, several of his ald per weal friends and neighbors at Memphis took or- ‘asion to address him a letter, tite object of which *29 to obtain hig views opon the variuus ques- “ons of national policy which agitate the Union, ‘nd also some expression as to whether the de- Soosiration in his favor met his approbation.— His response is published ; in which the Genera) ‘eqaivcally withdraws his name from the list * aspirants tothe Chief Magistracy. Massachuselts —'The Boston Atlas estimates tt Whig strength in the popular braneb of the Messachosetis Legislatnre at 178, the Loeofoco "173. This secures the Siate Senate, Whig Speakers, the Conneil and Governor. SUPREME COTRT OF N. CAROLINA his Coort met under the new law recenily Mseed by the present Legislature, regulating ‘de time of it8 convening, on Friday the 80th Wiime, in the city of Raleigh «The following Rellemen have been admitted, after tue exami- ‘lion, to the Practice of the Law, In the Superior Courts. i vanes A. ‘Terry, Richmond county; Joho ‘Hlington, Wilmington ; W H Henderson, leigh; Wa, Toompson, Leasburg; Jantus " Clemmons, Lexing'. : Richard B. Creeey, Vbowans Wm J Baker, Gates; Francis H. nats, Washington > Thomas D Meares, Wil- “°glor ; and ——— Lassiter, of Oxfatd, In the County Courts. Benjamin F Akins, Cumberland ; John Red, weston, Gaston Meares, Wilmingion; Wm ee Henderson > Walter Rutherford, Roth tion ; Roffia.W, Tomlinson, JubnstagyCo. os S. Jubnaston, Salisbury ; Edmand D. Mac + Fathornagh ; William D. Rice, Eataw, hate m™; Francis M. Péarson, Ansor aty; Rew Washington, Waynesboro; Edwina A. Hillsboro’; David S. Reid, Rockinghaw; Linea H. Leary, St. Chowan 3 W.M. Shipp, Tse sae Wo. C. Hunt, Chapet Hill ; Wee, Morisey, Sampson county; F B.Sai- le, and Heary Dimock, of Beaofert. * Dividend of Th — This Bank has declar. Stank tor the feet ‘ Te® per cept. of its Capital ‘yond Waterman. this} the form of a female; wa. ‘mave We bite oor Anger tosee) if we be not dreaming. — Hark! at the opperend of ‘the ‘hall a shovi is ed; and hate are waving over heads of the moltitade—the bank s:rikes up our National anthem —the * Ms i bas spread throug a0 out, that (hel-messive* walls shake azain un fdondation todome. "= © * ) Mr-Clay is bere! “See, the moving mass ‘opens—2 narrow land ie formed, and yonder comes the old pabtiot andesage. ho ing on either side to the cuatheg crowd. The fair sales wo mien have forgottentheir shops, and are stand— ing on the taps their tables, waving the tri- color of vem sed oer own ce: apes and stripes Mr Clay hes passed throogh the room ‘now he is paying his respects tq the ladies. — Aht how many a hand did he give a hear'y shake, that it were a kingdom to possess. He passes on—nearlv every one, old and young,.be stops tospeak with—he has a kind word and smile foreach of them. He is loaded down with boquets and other precious mementos the tadres bave given him. Now he has been all around, and is making his exit—five hearty cheers are given—he isgone. The ladies are in extacies with him —no more Fair to-night—'tis welh for them he came no! earlier—they can’t think of trying to sell any thing now. The charm is h:o. keo--good night, fair ones, we too, are off. Senatoria! Districts —'Vhe dill reported fram the Jaint Commitiee on the svdjsct, arranging the Senatorial Districts of the State, bas passed the Senate, in the precise form it was reported, aod as published in this paper. It fs now before the House where, we presume, no serious obs'a- cles will be interposed to its final passage —le- Wa have never seen the Whig members of the Legislature in better spirits, than they are at this time. They feel the proud conscious- ness of having done their duty, and a conviction, amounting a}most to a certainty, that this is ihe last Loco Foco Legislature which will ever con- trol the destinies of the Old North State —Re gister. In the Senaje yesterday, the bil} to arrange the Congres I Districts of the State, passed its final reading, in its original shape as seporied by the Committee. , The House of Commons was engaged all day, in discussing the Resulatiens submitted by Messrs. Jones, of Orange, and Barringer, of Cabarras, in relation to the recent action of the Stockholders of the Bank of the State. —Regis- ter. THE INAUGURATION The Inauguration of Gov. Morehead, took place on Satorday last. ‘The day was remarka- bly fine, and we have rarely seen the Capitul so densely thronged with spectators of both sexes: At 12 qgelock, precigely, the Senators repaired to the House of Commons, pre-eded by their Speaker, who took lis seat on the right of the Speaker of the House. Io a few moments, the suvernor entered, attended by the Judges of the Supreme Court, and the Joint Committee ap- Pointed to wait on him. _The Oaths of Office were adwinisiered by Chief Justice Ruffin, sub. scribed tu by the Governor, and attesied by the Chief-Justice. ‘Ihe ceremony was imposing, dignified and solemn. - Gov. Morehead made a very few remarks bot they were tu the purpose. He declined entering into any exposition of his*opizions on political subjects, on the ground that his views had 0 re- cently been made known in his message He tookcare, huwever, to remind the Legislature, how deep en interest was felt hy his an’ their constituents, the People of North Carolina, in F the resolis of their legislative action. ‘Iseir re. sponsibiliiy, he said, was creat, and ne invoked them most earnestly, to diseard al! minor influ- ences, and with an elevated patriotism, to adopt such beneficis! measures as would meet public expéclation, assering them of his cordial cv-ope- ration — Register of the Sd inst, Escape of Slayes —The N. ¥. Evening Pi st states that a Vigilance Committee of the Aboli- tiunists of Albany, have since the opening of the navigation last «pring, aided about three handred and fifty runaway negroes. Of these fngitives, dred and fifty women, and fifiy children. Mosi of them came from Virginia, Maryland. and the District of Columbia, and nearly or quite a han- dred from Washington and Georgetown ‘These negroes have gone printipally to Canada, and the sum of five huvdred dollars has been expended for their board, passage, and uther expenses. HOW STANDS THE CASE? We published a statement, a week of 30 since, showing that Nurth-Uarolina has de rived from het ivresiment in the Bank ‘of the State alone, sitce Jule 1835 the sum of $252 000 (omitting fractinns). besides being entitled to about $65:000,her abare, of the reserved fund on hand—to all $617,- 000! . And it appears. from the Reply of the Directors af the Bank of Cape Feaz, to certain interogatories propounced by one branch of the Legis‘ature, that that: Ingtita- tion bas inkewise paid to the State, during the same period, on her investriment in that Bénk, the sum of $283.000 ! - lt te for the Pepplé to say, whether the. State’s connection withthe Benke, which hes exved them fron increased taxation, hes welve gion! “Octet rain the Gch Socberpy toes tion of the copariaership: degirsble-—) 7 ai been so aaprofitahle, as to fenders distaln- | ad he ® pent ane . , wiltiieMe beaks So: te Where tensnced and cicei oe a ‘ % Raleigh. Register. gain i ns Oe b ey . CONGRESS. ~ - New; Mr. Josiph,? oti back} “The'polirical debate annecessarily- bang upon | Book near eneegh home 46 5 Ettave fo | the bil-to fepeat the Baukrap: Low, contiones | a Sav to you: Tam awe the Town 7. helt ne te ag ta the exclosiait’} tho of Saliebory. 02 iy Vere based, “bux | of slmost evBry shite else; and-bas assumed an | at, T have several céntrary to-yaur wEpéétattins, Pha¥e beso ami | Colirely parusap aspect. The speech of Mr siedien! evens ‘an may desire g-ipe phy note observer of the ambunt af Inieres! the La- | Cashing has excited much anigiedversion. All| selves ooder my é' dies have taken tw the amaiter of prance | 'hings considered, it was one of the mos\ extra- .. PLEASANT HENDERSON. (Aad not onivein the matter df Temperance ‘bu! | ordinary ever delivered in Congress. I wae the ‘ Salisbery, Dee. 24, 1849, in all o' het -matteras) willing tp_.ad- | fitst time the infemoes maxims of WaLro.e Pages mitthat they hase done. barely enaogh 1o.sc Koowledge the claims which the friends of the subject say it bas open thetafortheiraid B- vend this tam willing to make no admissions s& more than ibis you have not goréanfat esiabiish. ¥oaand Vr. Pendleton tate ead, if“ Bustio gea” “hind pet ped inad thé metine-held-in the Methodist Gharch , the evening of the 26th uli 4,-be wo :l) have seen at once why the senti- menis of his letter of December 19 were disap praved of!’ tis toe, yoo tad a very band some turn oot of Ladies on that oecasion: | not only * peeped in’ bat was present all the while. And | also * peeped in’ apon-a subsequent mee: ing held in the Presheterion Chinreh! Were you there *Josiah?? Were you there Wr Pen- dleton? As well ag-I reeolleet, ‘there was no Lawyer there, ao Mercbani there, no Casher”’ and nowLadies! [Et quid erat deterius quam omnia cum singula exceptione populi ex domi sunt non ad domo } , Mr. Editor J desire 00 eon'roversy either with yourself or with your evrregpopdent ¢ Ju- siah,’ on the subject of Temperafice and the La dies > I sincerely hope that { ‘may hereafter be permitted to enjay my wonted silence. If you do not choose to consider and try my sugvestions as con'sined in my former letier, you will cer- tainly nat offend ree. ae | have no right, whate ver, to dictate, although Tam one of your sub= seribers. | hope, however, yoo will not permil me again to hecalled forth by your correspon— deot; ‘Josiah’ If bam. 1 shall present some Statistical fags which will probably surprise more persons than yuorself and him. ‘l'o speak plainly, the Ladies woald-do well tofee ' Josiah’ not to prove me further In fact, if f were one of them J would attempt to choke bim off, for he is bnt peor help to them after all. ‘Inihis effurts to‘ sweep away’ the charges which he says 1 ‘indirectly’ made a- gainst them, he aetaally confirms those charges by making some tame apologies furtheir. aeglect of the Temperance cause, and by telling them that they should give it their influenced fo conclusion, } would inform. * Josiah’ that | am notan antiquated bachelor, filling some dark unknown corner in creation ; mor have my bouts with the Ladies created in my bosom a haired tothe sex | walk forth day after day tn the public sireris, and elsewhere, breathing the tree air uf Heaven; and very often delightfolly em- ploying an hor in the refining society of prin- cipled femates, P. S. 1 have a problem to sobmit before J take my final leave, which he may eolve or not, justas he pleases If the © ponderosity’ of the word no is equal vo a mill stone, whatis the ‘ponderosity «' ihe word yes equal to ? BOSTINGEE LOCOFOCOISM UNMASKED. A movement took place in the Houge of Commons, on Saturday last’ whieh more fully disclosed the cloven foot of Locofoeo- ism, than any thing which has recently come under our notice. ~ A Resolution had, a day or two previous, passed the Senate. whir!. tbe reader will find in the progeedings of that hody, for the appointment obs Joint Select Committee, with full powér and an- thority to mske-a rigid inv-estigstion of the Banks, to exemine the Books, and count the Specie on hand, &e. Re. &e. ‘This res- olution was concurred in by the Houee, no objection being made to it from any quar- ter, On Saturday, however, lo! and be- hold, a motion is made by 9 prominent Dem- orral to re- consider the concurrence of the House, on the groand that the sobjec: was net fully understood when ected on, and indeed, the projetior of the 1ovestigation in the ether brane h wis not, himse'f, aware of the extent of the duties which hie own re- solutian imp assed!) Ono this motion to re consider, the most interesting debote of the Session took place, covering the while ground of argument, pro an! con, on ibe about one huodred and fifty were ‘men, one han~ | Subject of the Binks, and tooching, iner- dentally, the leading pelitigal questions of ihe day. Onvr Reporter has attempted a sketeh of the discussion, but no srnopsis can do jostice to the spirited and effective speechesdelivored on (he occasion. ‘The Wigs poured in» galling fire into the Lo- co Foeo ranks, and demonstrated so fore: bly heir patensble position, snd the reck- lessnesa of there eourse, that we did not be- lieve the P-rty screws could be so effecta- aily apphed as to rally a majority in favor of re-consideration. But the event proved thaf aothing is too strong fur the stomach of Locofocoism. - This very party, whq have for years been devouncing the Banks before the people, es swindling shope, as devouring the substance of the people, as rotten to the core. and who by this very re- solation, ss Mr. Francis told them, declared that the recent statements snbmitted by the walt ieee Soppuser ts see? rasp wholly false end ve—titis ¢ ty; say, wha have preteagéd al! slong that ithe eaatad was an oppértunity of fer- tetusg ot the sbased of these Corpors. tions—this very psrty, the moment they i have been advocated and. sastained in.an Amer- jean legistainre.— Mr. Cushing, coyily andjae liberately, offered, a9 -ig°m” public auotion, the palronage and influenge.of the .Adwinistrativa io | any party thai sould guppert it. No matier what might be the views and poliey of this par- chased ally of the Government, no matter what migh| bet hétharacter of tae men, whom suchmer- cenary motives could bring to the Ss) pport ot Mr. Tyler, all would be fost sight-of in the importance of the oomericat strength acquired. Mr. Thom. son, of ladiana, very happily exposed this buld proposition of whulesale corruption —his shame less degradation of the dignity of :be General Government. He consulsed the House with a tadieroas description of a nolitical auctiin, of which Mr Cushing was represented as 3 Crier, offering the Government patronage to the highest oidder. “Phe crier he pictored as in agony soli- citing-bide, end geting none, such wat the mean opinion held by the bidders ef the quality of ihe govds he wffered — Kaleigh Register ALTAR OF HYMEN. *eexss «¢ Those whom Jove cements in holy faith * And eqaal transport, free es Natiire live. sesewes <« What ts the world to them, ‘*Its pomp, its pleasure and its nonsense all, “* Who in each othet Clasp whatever fair “High fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish MARRIED, In Iredell County, on the 29h ult. MeNerly Exq., ‘M. Manhollan ) . by Amos Mir. Enos Daney to Miss Sargh DIED. On the 9th of December, 1842, at the resi— dence of her father, Jawes Adams, Iredell eoun- #y N.C.,Mre M. CC. MeLellen,in the S4th year of her age. »> ~ The Rev. Sono Newton has eaid that, “ The place where the good man meeis, ts pr vileged above other places where divine grace is display ed’ Grace appears wars ing in duubttul Victories, \o other places ; dui here 11 1s triumphant, * lead- ing capivilycaptive? We have witnessed the truth of this, daiing the (wo vears that Mrs VecLellen gradually deetined ic her healih, till death had the victorv, and grace the Criumph. She gave herself to the Cherch and to the service of lis Cuvenant bead, by a professiun of religion, when she was abuut 18 years of age.— Her walk as achristian wae throeg hont, consiet- ent; characterized by chee:folness, animation, | soda high degree uf inie!ligence. Once in the course of ber pilgrimage ehe found herself in the situation, so feehoyly described in the Bouk of ‘Sub, 224 ctap. and 3—10 verses. * Buhald | go forward ; but he is not there; and back ward, but [ cannot perceive bim: on the feft hand where he duib work, but I cannot behold him. He hideth himself on the right band, that | cen~ voi see him.’ Buiout of these deep waters the Lo d delivered he: ; and eet herina large place; and teoewed her sung of praises. Bat once ai- ier this, and that was a few weeke before her Jenarture, She tas embarassed with doubts and tess; and desenbed her situation in the lan- guage of ibe Puet~ Bat timerous mortal.start and shrink, - To crass this narrow.sea ; Aed linger, shivering on the brink And fear to launch away. Boi the Lord helped her, and she came out with a song. She was asked, ‘Why didst thoe doudt ?? Because | was louking down acd saw ‘the winds tempesiuuys, and the seas and waves rolling.’ ‘That is, f saw myself as nothiog bat a ‘buds of sin and death’; | tberefure doubted whether the Lord Jesus would save one so én. wortty. But Jesus came to seve lost sinners. ‘Yes, I see and believe in him; and am pow surprised how | coold, and ashamed of wyself that Ldid donbt. Her disease beigg protract- ed, she began tu” fear that she would become impatient ; and prayed mach, and after that pa ence might have its perfect work Her prayers were answered, to her grea! yoy ; and she spake of 1! afierwards as follows: O yes! Itis sweet to + quietly un? the hands of the Lord We ko w vol how or to what extent he ean manifest hi wseif to his afflicted children. ad I depart- ed a few nights since, when [ thooght mpself crossing the cold stream of Jordan; | woold have gune Wi.hvat seeing and knowing sowe of the sweetest patilestations uf diviae grace.— © yes! a few minutes of such wakening bliss, is woth waiting for throogh months of paia.— Althoogh f have often read it, yet I did not know what it was that eye had not seen, nor ear heard, mor bad it entered irto the heart of man what things the Lord hath prepared for them that love him’ * Bat now I think 4 kaow some- thing aboot it.’ ‘Thos recei¥ing dnd rejoicing in ‘be fujiness of the grace of Jesus, she gradually declined and now sleeps in Jesus. ‘* Through glass of faith I plaialy see ‘That she is happier far then me, Her golden harp she tunes so nweet While se!wnS ar het Savioar's feet, That I should like to go and bear, I sometimes thiok,.and shed a tear, No tear of sorrow, but of juy, The hymns that my child employ, Ange!s do-sit and Jisten toned - | moke saddle To hich the soubd, - And every vuice itfvohures reise, _ "Tp sound the great Redeemer’s preise.”’ —_——. Departed this life on Sanday the 27th ult’, at | have ended Yomamping wth feleehood, ther | seg tione egeinat Ba:-ks, a9, wes made —Thisvery parry we Sey, 8s 800n as they fowad-that they had comm@iiied themselros | to en investigation: which ‘would as avrely | half past eight o'clock, at the residence of Maj McClelland, (her step-father,) aftes a paiotul and protracted tiiness, Miss L ’ daoghter of Dr. J, Treat, (a native ut New Jer- aey, formerly 2 distinguished physician of ibis place,) and grand~daoghter of Capt. J. Dubuse, NOTICE. = Ma ape na a OF THE PEACE of : owan Conaty, are sestad in meet at the Conrt—Hoose io Salisbe ity: eherae on Thorsday of Februaty Court, being the 9ib cay of the month, for the purpose of Vaying the Taxes, and Uansacting other Publi¢ buriness ; M CHAMBERS, E. D AUSTIN, PAUL A, SEAFORD, «te Sreciat Court. . Jao 14,1848 —4025 . COUNTY: CREDITORS ! Siw Pergons haviog Glaime! Coonty of Rowan, are them with co e Hardie, appointed Clerk of the Commitiee of finance on or bofore Monday the SOth instans, ra ‘Committee will meet at (he Court ‘Hoose, ‘ia Salisbory,on that day, te audit and.pase apoo all outsignding claims against the Covsty. at WM. CHAMBERS, - J. M. BROWN, D. A DAVIS; | Committee of Finanee Jaw 14, 1848—S9e5 ‘ KENILWORTH. HOGS ! HE Subscriber has jast sdded to his stock -* of Berkshires « pair of Kenilworth Hogs, imported rm Eegland in the fal) of 1841, by Mr. A’ B Allen, of New York, and are now — bout. 18 months old ‘I'he. Boar is a Very supe. rior saimal, deep, thick and excellent in ali his points: the Sow gery fine, with a litter of ‘eight pigs, which, for beauty aad form, can hardly be surpassed, Those who may wish a fuller de- seription of thése fine animals, are teferred to Mr. Allen’s Jetier published iri the Cullieator.— The subscriber bas also, 3 Yorkshire Soi. par chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by him trom England ; and some Thin-rind Sows : and those wishing to pdrchase, can bave the pure Kenilwortt, or Berkshire, OF crosses of Kentiworih and Yorkshire, Thin-tind and Berk- shire. His stock of Be:kshires Was purchased of Mr, C. N. Bement, of New York, and is no! surpassed hy any ia the United States, hose wishing to improve their stock of Hogs. have now a betier opportunity of doing so, than has ever deen offered South of the Petomac. © Orders for any of the’abeve will be promptly sitended to. WM. F. KELLY. Near Macksville, Davie co. Duss re FOR SALE. ILL be sold at Lexington, North Carvli- na, om the i4ih day of February next, a fiae Northern _Trotting Hlorse, from the City of New York, well broke, works well in single or double harness, very fine for 2; boggy or riding horse, only seven years old Jast spring. ‘Hhe said borse wi!l be sold on 2 eredit of six months, the purchaser giving pete with good security. Apply to , JOHN P. MABRY. | Lexington, Jan 14, 18485—6%25 —_ against the .Fequested fo file ge 7 20 DOLLARS. ILL be paid for the delivery of my negro git! Suse Strickland, who was carried off un the 241th December, by 2 negra men % property of James Gardoer. Suse @e a bright malaite, about 18 years of age, straight bair, ber apper teeth tnclined to ture opt. She is far ad- | vanced in pregnancy, A tessanable compensa— | tion will be meade for the delivery of Goodwin, | he is also @ bright malatio, between 25 snd SO years of age) They wete last beard from on the 27:h of December, within two miles of Sal isbury, going ‘Scuth. Any information will be ber, living on Brosh Creek, Raadolph covaty, | Pos: Office, Brower’s Store. st . JOHN RAINES. Jan 14, 1848—-S$w25 _ ra United States District Court of North Carolina— In Bankruptcy. OTICE to shew canse against Petition of James Floyd. of Devidson ootaty, Eeou er, to be declared a Bankropt,at Wilming ion, om monday the first day of May vex:. Alexander Moudy, of Surry cvaniy. Irom menn- factarer,; to ve declared. a Bas a Wilmington, on monday the first day of May next. ~~ § John Shaler, of Davidson county, Farmer, tobe declared 2 Bankropt, at Wilmingtoo, on > 7 oe monday, the first day of Mapa By order e Conrt, ABR, ER, Acting Clerk of Car Bankrupicy. January 3, 1848—4w25 | Farmer’s Look out —I have 2 Valoable ‘Tract of Lend near Saliebery, which 1 will aati on good terms, if application be made . i. LYERUY. wietiebery, Dee 10 tf20 Esq.,(who bias been | nemed GOODWIN. J thankfully received, if sddreesed to the subscri- | ' Same. N the ig cases ii appearing to the sat- tsfaction ie Court, that James Shaweeil, stlaw tf Alex. Shemeell, dec,, in this Siate. It ie therefore or- t, that publication be made for a Voie, for the ly personally w be and a pear. before-the Justices of oar of Pless and Quarter Sesaions, atthe Court to be held for ison connty, at ihe Court-hovsein Lexing- yn the 9d mokday in. February next, sod (hen dad there show causes}! any he hae, why the stid Pleiatiffe chai! not*have Jadgment of exeeution.sgamst the veeb éstate of the sind Al~ exander Shamwe:l, deo% Hy into hie bands de- sceoded, in satisfactivaof their dB. yy ‘Test, c ‘K, cee 6 #22— Printers, fee.2 in each case—§i2 00. WS. &. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR aT LAW. MM‘ be fonnd siwayg at the Office’ of HH.’ C. Jones, Esq.,2dtrectly opposite the Rowan Hotel Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1848_ 124 Tailoring Business ! HE sabecriber takes this method of inform- ing his friends that be takes in wark in the above line on his own hook. He served a term of Years at the business onder Mr B.F Fraley, ahd flatiere bimee)f, that he can do'as good work as any Tailar in Salicbary. These wishing to encoutage him, will at all times find him at hie , Shop, onthe corner east of Mr. Moses L. Browa's late renidence, His prices for work, will be as follows :— For making cleth coats, $4 00 “ « Linsez: costs, 2 00 “ ‘* Vesta apd Pants, ~- 75 Coontry produce taken ia payment for work, at the market prices. . * “HENRY KINGSBURY. Satisbary, Jan. 7, 1843~ty24 SHOE SHOP REMOVED, Gruen B. ‘Glover, F Ht: Mmoved bis shor shop to the hotse lately eccupied by Mr Juho D. Brotn, ss a toner Shup a few doors east of the Court Hiner, where he will ¢ortunne fo carry on the | BOOT AND SHOE MAEING -BUSINESS, 4s he has heretofore done, io all its varieties.— ‘Those dieposed to patronise tim, will always fiad him ready tu accommodate them on ‘tiberal terms. He keeps on hand @ good aseoriment of ready made work, which he will sell iow fer eash,.or on time.in punctanl dealers, Salisbary, Jan 7, 1843—1(24 . e Notice. LL persons indebted to the Estate, of Nosh A Pariee, dee’d , are sequested to pay the same by the last of January, (inet; 28 the busi- ness of the Estate musi be closed—so indal- gence need be expected. —Adiew C. L. PARTER, Ex. Jasuary 7, 1848—4e24 State of M, Carotiua, Stanly County. As he eer ap 2 Bay Horse sndentered on the Stray Bovk the 24th Deéseaber, 1842, a- boot 16 hends high. with a gtaf in his d 5 about 7 of 8 years old—valoed 2t $70. a- bore Horse was taken up by Willtam Vihefley, liviag West of Albemarle aboot 14 miles. HENRY DAVIS, Rasger. Janvary 7, 1843 —3p24 NOVICE. HOSE jndebisd to the late firm of Pen- éle:ean and Bruner, are hereby notifiedgo settle the same with the least poseible delay — ‘The business most be closed After our nex: Febraary Court ali ansetibed dues will be placed in the bands of officers for collection. Salisbary, Dee $1, 1842-1123 Z Dissolution. HE, copartcership heretofore existing be- pi Williamson & Frew, is this day dis solved by matual eonsent . WILLIAM FREW. Dec 29, 1842 —$w23 NOTICE. tween the sabscribers, has been dissolved by moteal ronseni. Those indedied to the Fim are witheut delay to eall and settle iz-d to receive the ssme, and those borne i as, will present them to sar Roneye fe poywest F. RK. ROUCHE, J.J BRUNER. Wi H: WILLIAMSON, THE copartnetship heretofore existing be- ir accoants with F-R Reuche, who is sa RO. MORBIS. Dec 22, 1842—4w2S To THE AFFLICTED.—The eubseriber has just received a large and fresh sypply of Dr Moffatt’ Life Medicine. Call & edisin relief. C B WHEBDGER, Agent. Salisbury, Dee 10—1120 . * Ja ple Fever aod A: e2se, sod in farm as oe isa, mos ay ronnie Mba ine, frequen! as- ! . . . <“- f f f $9 ) = 4 Ip resisis every cruloary MOu@ QI GALS, 99 AS. Oe tee a headin’ very vigitessing 10 ibe rat peed by VKRS.- ihlels the diséase ihvaces, fy le pia pea Oates ehronve complatais. i ofen gives lise 'e pplatsis.— Marsh sasmata, of she effiavit <2 ising fom siagniut watet ie the mos frequent exerting esuse of tis drséase 5 and One Ol 1% 2 °e21 pecu liarities is 11s Susceprivility Of 2 ténewa! Truar Fe- rs sligh! causes, suciy as trom ihe prevalence of an easier!y wiod -even wii ode the repetition of be-srigin”! exeW'ng canse Ig inis, Feve: sod Agoe differs from most o'her fevers; 481i 49 we bnown, thai afie: aa oftinary fever nas once oc~ curred, and veen removed,-the person affected is nol su lisble to a fresh giiack as one “lio wasnot so affacied, Tuese cireomsizaees reniler it exa \-emety diffttuli io effect » permanent cure of Fever and Avue, though toreliéve ihe patient for the tine wing 1s a very ease task. Dr Moffat's Life Pills -and Phenix Bitters have been shorowehty tested, and proved to be a positive and Radical curesof Fever and Ague. Hoodreds of tris fellow eitizens in the Wes! bave voluniari!y come forward to assure Dr. offal, nat the Life .Wedicines-are the only mediciues: char wit! theroughly effec! 2 removal of ibis most tedioas and disagreezble disease. O- hers who have emigrated ta that rich and promising por.toa of our enanery men who Went ont fa'l of hope, and confident of winning a com- petence from ihe laxe'fanece of se %goil., or who carried (o tue oni posts of our Sen ts the me: cantile of mech2niea! etperiencé” ston in the crowded cities oriowns-of tine older sia‘es, have either returned wiih shaliered consti aiions.gn ! depressed spifis, or they remain in their new homes, dragging cut a weary ijife, or ai Jast sink under some disease }o whigh: ihey are predisposed by tbat lerrar of ine Westy Fever and Ague— Pheir hopes are alasted - their uusiness enrrg-es destraved iheir Eldorado becomes 9-deseri, and the word of promise, made :o ‘heir ear, is broken to the hope. a ‘Ko ‘hese individos's, Dr. Moffat wou'd say — “Try ine Life Médicines, and vou will yei an- ticipate your most’ sanguine exneciritons, for thes will ceriainty restore you to health.’ Fever aid Ague isa complaiat which requires lo be mei alas first app oach, 2nd combaiied at every siage Seldem taia! of siself, i) ceduces the sirengih, and impairs ihe functions of ihe oraans, so ihai upon the manifesisiion of dis- ease, Naivre is Oo vile, nnassisied io res'si the joroad. Phe Life “edicines, when taken stric:_ ly according io dicections, wil! cure li, and give to she weak and trembling vietrar of disease new heali, life and strength For full particulars of the mode of tresiweni, tie veader is veferréd to the Good Samaritan, a copy of whic: accuarpanies ibe medicine. cP” Phe apove medirine is for sale by : CRESS & BOSER, Agents Salisbe y, Oci 22, 1842 —Iv15 Guard Your Meatth. {Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or * reputed so ) GCF Genile Reader: If you would avert from vou she sickuess, the pains, ihe wreiched ness, ‘he premature mortality which you seea!! around vou, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended is ever ready to fail. gpon you, despise no: my advice—it will cosi you litile, wili aei- ther infringe npom year occupations or amuse ments, ind ull ihe facelties cf your mind and body wif] ve as moth bettered by il as to repay yoo jen fold. | ask ondy one week’s trial to con Vince ihe most sceptics. to the-first place, diseard all. old errors and prejudices from voor. mind, especiatig the o!d sdaye, ‘If goo ae passing well, doagt atiempt 10 better yourself;” ii is the seyinge.of ignor- ance and sopersuiion—=3f those who attributed all cveg saw arouad ihem io chance 2od‘furiane, instead of wsiare’s universa! laws. Has pot man, led vn oy experience, learued 40 guard himseli agains: ibe other elemenis of naiure, the waves, the wind, and the torren's of rain P Wh ihen shooid he oot, in falr weather, gagrd himself a- mains ihe starms whieh are ever ?ising in bis own tratluody 2? Remember, yoo are very day ering gross food 5 and it is vaur nature to eon- tinae io daso You are well at preseni, Hui av- ery day ihe seed of disease. is growing within you; and if you do not strictly guad. your health while you are well, you are cortinually in danger of painful and protracted coofinemenis aod in some cunsiiiutions, death. Nothing is stationary in ibis world. Even the porest fountain of which we drink —does it not require cleaning # A person may imagive he is 'n perfect healih, and yet cob know to wisat perfectton his vital organs may be brought when assisted -by «the “hand of Nature. { bave un- dootked prooff of this fact in sbe unvounded sac. ceasof the LIF MEDICINES. Lei thuse who bavo (ultuwed ihe motio, ‘ When you ae eveu moderately wel!, ihrow physic io the dogs’ call upon me, if they would be convinced of ihe importance uf my position. Nhe Mrecatinn Bfthe Life Medicines in every cv lees bas caine to my kaowledge is most eoteviog - Thvge whe ace in comparative good Néailp vay pePfeet their happiness with oo in Save eee s ) those onfurinnates who are , y Jisease of siaosi ang déseription, t sore celles jo ibose parely vegelable rejoos. "Phesy operate gently bul power- oo} he seeretions of the body, 2ad cleanse mediot ail v taed homers ee@paraling- the ne goolsexpelliog the dregs, drossand vod Jesving nehiad only what is Vine ke Galure, “Hfleci well. sssne@ of tps tie, for rich and anor wD edrseiv-s in ourown phegteal ‘tool. ikea, 1s. guard your wh perhars tou amhay nea ICME ANE meY i Mav abwovs avoid being VP GRPABLE 4 re can be. ‘. : s EE f rs JR. a's “a ae? preval cho i : ; celebrated 4 or POUGROG 1te abd PE $0 al? ‘3 TERS. Exir and retowned a5 ar it effecis onen diseases Zz ia general, in Bilitous A ffection® + ihese thev are as infallible as any human means ‘f tis has been proved-in mote thaw ten thoasand cases; nor is vhere an instance in Which they have failed, or reasonab!y can fail, when'ta kéo in strtict aceordatice with the directions hére sotjoined, and which ere also given in MOF- FATS Pp CAL MAN a0 and > mesiian. Bovto- ensure invariavie success, these AGUE, in alt its -foar leading toliar rexioDicaL adminisiration medy, ia conatctian withthe spe— one of the ingredienis in bis med- ieines, is the secret of -his iovariable ‘triampb, while.all other practitioners either entirely fai! or oaty temporarily suceeed, were with the very ves! remedies that-were known. ANeETOS; oF Agae is either Quotidiam, or daly; Terlian, or ihind-dad 5 Quartaa, or fourth day ; atic; or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother ; or it is Complicated, by \akiog these periods in succession, aod thea ranhing into in— ‘ermitient fever of @ mere malignant character. Bai ii is a remarkable fact; however mysierious aed unscegumable it may appear, that each and allof these: species of Ague, have a vrour- TEENTH DAY CRisis, in whieh they may be cosed with certainiy, bot oy neglecting which ihewcan ontv be cared by chance. Da. Mar- yat's directions fur taking the medicines in this ihe Laure. Pruxs at bed time, and next morning oefore breakias! a full wine glass of the Paonrx Birrers in abou! the same quantity of water, and half a wipe glass more io a fal) wine glass of water, about half an our before each meal vuring the day. On the second right take ibree pills and the bitiers as before ; on the third night four pills and the biiters as before, and con. "EVER AND AGUE. and all } “Are aiore 30; because, in | disea3e, are therefore these :— First, iake too of . wae tf Gorp Mix Batsaw, for Biltootand Nervous Affections, Cows, ke, . Azomastic Exraact; a Jiniment fot Indiges—} tion, ‘Coldness im the. stomach, Numbness or Weakness, in the limbs, Rheumatism, Fe. Derueative Pownek, for Bitious Fever Headactre. Diseases of the Eyes, &c.;which is to be taken in jhe Restorer. ' Japan Ointment; fur Piles, which is to be applied besides the Restorer. _ ; : .Bexcar Ointment, for Totter; Ringworm, Sali Rhenm, Scaldbead, Eruptions of the skin, and foal ulcers, ; is to.be applied. besides the Re- giurer. Universat or Stresctuentsg Paster tor diseases of theeChesi, Dyspepsia, Inflamma- tory Kbeomatism, Palsy, Paralysis, §c. Da. Kunz’s Acoustic Ort, for Deafuess and all. oinar Aaricular Complaints, which is to be ased together wiih ihe Resiorer. , pce Dr Kohl's Pamphiei ‘‘I'reatment,” &e, eniered according to Aci of Congress, contains full Directions for ihe use of the ahove mentioa— ed medicines, and accompanies every Remedy. From the Washington Globe. We feel it oor doty ‘o insert the following communication in oof colamns, inasmoch ae the efficacy and grea( success of Dr. Kut|’s Resior- er is well known io os: “© Yoo will please to notice in your paper ihe following certificate : “Id. herevy certify, that about the first of Janvary, | was taken with the worst paralysis and inflammatory rheomatism thai ever was in- viave taking foor pills every hight for three nighte.mere, with the bitters during the day.— Onor before the seventh day, the Agoe wil! seem fo be entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hungry, and hearty, bui he must ne- vertheless coaiinue to iake the biliers as before prescribed, until apd on the fourteenth day, wii two pills every night afier the seventh day.— Fle will shen, and not vatil then, -with positive and invartable ceriainty, be permanenily cared, and novonly of Pever and Ague but of whaiever billions aod liver affections it may have superio— duced or even In any way connecied. If, how- ever, the paiient shoulu by any neglect, or an- due confidence in restored healih, omit io take ihe -Pheeniz .Bitters in the-fall quantities pre- scribed, at teas: three times on the fourteenth day Dr. M:ffat most not be blamed if the disease shuuld returo, and the patieot should learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go ihrough another course of the’ medicines for a forinight longer. Obeying these insiractions, however, be will be so thoroughly coved, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however uobesliy may be his came. flicted on mankind. So far as} can learn, the ose of every limb was taken from me, besides a tremendous swelling at. every joini, fever wiih the same, and a\tended with the most excrucia- ling pain | had everencured. [ tried all reme- dies thal were recommendable for the same, vai tono effect. 1, by accident was informed that D, Kual was at Orange Court tionse. I sent fur bim immediately, and by applging his medicines, I felia chenge in less than an hour afier he The medicines osed, were the Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Exiract, Gold-Mine Bal sam, Universal Plaster, and Depurative Powder. I, therefore recommend his treatment io all those laboring under affliction, as given onder my band aod seal, this 14th day of March. 1837 “JOHN PEYTON, (c 5] “ Near Orange Court House Virginia ” D: Kubl, notwithsiacding the statement io ihe above certificate, wishes lo be understoud, iba) in general, cares cannot be effecied within an hoor, althoogh a person may be mach benefiiied within that tine oy the use of his medicinesa— location or prevalent the malacy around him, — of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will soffice ; for younger children, a diminished io proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infaney. For very youn children, smal! quantities of the bitlersonly will alone be necessary. This treatment, wiih theée supremely effec- toal “LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect- ly triumphant inthe worst regions of the Soutn- this sovereign remedy has been far greater than ‘he supply. ever, are now well fu‘nished, and will maka ev- ery effort to¥send this adveriisement inio ite mos! afflicied districts, Voluntary and jealous- ly grateful testimonials are reveived at the pro- nrieiur’s office in. New Vork, by every mail io incredible nombers, to the absolute efficacy of these asionishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and itlious affections, and derangements of the di- oesiive functions generally, bot also in chronic and inflammatery rheumatism, costiveness, pains io the side and limbs, ereptions of the skin, scro- fula, piles. worms, scervy, and a host of other complaiats,for the cure of which, these Veget- able L‘fe’ Medicines are so pre-eminently re- nownedthroughoat the United States. Know- ing, however that many of ihese diseases, as well a8 a most fatal undermining of the general Weatth are occasioned by Fever and 4aue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites. the sne- cial aliention of the pablic to the absolute ascen- denes of his medicines over this malady ithe fountain head of so many others. He has only ty add thai the Life Wedicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinemen! nor change of diet, aad have acquire ed ihe repuiation ihey bave long passessed, oot 9 the usual artificial efforis. but solely vy their invariable and extensive usefulness Prepared and sold by Dr. William B Moffat, $375 Broad wav. New York. Phe above medicine is for sale, wholesale o- retail at the Salisbury Medical Drog Siore, by S oe C. .B WHEELER, Azent. Salisborv, Sep. 3, 1842 ~—176 : TO TAL PUBLIC. ype sabseriber iakes this method of inform ing.the public, that he siill eontioves 0 carry on the dusiness of CUTTING STONE, tasasnal, at his Granire Qeerse, Seven intles i \ ' yew Hstablishment so SN owedhare haveing assoviaied them- y= tree far che aorpnsa of carrying | i LOINET vd CHAIR MAKING | *. SEVESS, vow offarihei: services io iheir | eesctodthea oablte ft is iheir Purpose to | +o) hah ‘hese departments in all ther wa— ran ‘has, andthey fee! cunfident of giving (osfaction to all who may favor them J murogage — Reparrou tw ther tine will be Stitetetiv and on reasonable terms. All Poerveiry protuce will be- taken in eg- rferoa ork done to orter, K. ELLIO’? WwW). ROWSERE. sest ITh 1842—1v5 . . Bo Wrbtkhe view of lessening the cost and Paling ineunvenieace, the subscribers also .<opon hand a quantity of ready made Coffins ~ KF. & WR _ oe Job Printing neatly done here {o> ere suaib of Satisbo.g, near the ald @harleston ¢ he is ante io supply ait orders for ~TONTS, of the best grit, andeo the ghoriesi notice, : _—~aALso— For sale al the lovest prices, Winsow Sil's, Duor-sil's, Door steps, roosh hailding rocks, ‘Yomb stones, Gold grinders, Ke. &e. &e. J. HOULDHOUSER. Salisnerv, Feb 26, 1842~1y3$1 N. B. Orders forsany of the above wrongh: ariicles, directed to me ai Salisbury, will be poocteally attended to, J.u Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisement, aed if you wish relief for your m2 nv maladies. ealband obiai . WHEELER Ace aio a remedy of C B Sshsbary, Dee 40 1120 Docts. Henderson & Boyden, Have associates themselves in ihe PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Their Office is“in the Briek Hyuose opposite Mr. Cowan's Hotel, Salisbury, July 3, 1942.~1849 “ For children beiween seven and fourteen years qvarter of those quantities, to be increased or ern and Wesiern cooniry, and around the north- ern Jakes, where the malady prevails with the oniversality of an epidemic, and the demand for DR ‘MOFFAT’S Agenis, how- MULE | flee, Ralei; He feels it, however, necessary to give tne ful- lowing extract of a letter from his Agent ai O: ange Court House, dated Mav 19:h, 1837. ** Dear Sir—} saw Mr Juha Peyton io dag, and he looks better than I ever saw him. He says if it had oot been for your medicines he shuold have been onder groand He requested me to tell you, that you had saved his fife, for one time, add to present tiie respecis to you. ** Voor Restorer is the leading medicine in this coonty, and many curesof importasce have been effected in this naighborhood by the ase of your medicines. | tave had 9 oreai nember of ven- erea) cases, and many of long standing, and al- ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Anii Syphilitic Syropt or Abyssinia Mixture, a_per- fect core, and that in a shori time. Ashborough, N. C., July 13, 1842. Dr. Kuni, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—I thiak your Medicines are abou! io take a start in this county, from the fac: thai they effecied a cure which seems io have baffled ihe skill of the physicians in this section for a yearoriwo. The subjeci is Mr Nathaniel N., who has veen afflicted with the Liver Complaini, iagether with some other complainis,—say,F Jai- olence and Dyspepsia. He hos taken one bottle of the Res:‘orer togetber with the Aromatic Ex tract and Deporative Powder. He says ihat in twelve hours he felt relieved, and in twenty-four hours, much relieved. He has so far recovered, nuw, ag to follow the avocation of his farm with little or nodifficulty, Hesays he wanieall who are afflicied, to nse your Medicines, and is re- commending them to the afflicted. I woold be glad yoa would send mea supply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixtase, as a vast nom- ber of persons are taking them now. Respectfolly yoors, J.M. A. DRAKE. *§cP Persons wishing to proeure any of the medicines, will please direct their orders, wiih ine amount, (post paid.) to De. Kuuc’s Orrice, Ricnmonp, Viren, or lo any of the following Agents : NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkios & Biles, Salisbury, Ha‘o:ave, Gainer, & Co. Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Geeensoao.onch, G. W & C. Grime. Rale'ch, M J A.D ake, Asubo-ough. JF & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charloiie. ‘ C C Henderson, Lincolnion. James J. Horne, Pittsboroogh, N. C. South Carolina. Sirele, Guaning & Co. Yorkville. Mi Lu-c, Brawley & Co. Chester C. H. The coa:inuation of the list of Agents, see D.. K ‘s Pamphtet. * NO'VTICE.—Patients and Agents in the State ot North Carolina, and South and West of it. will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of «WV C., and these in Virginia, and North and East of it, to Richmond, Virgtnia. Augosi 6, 1843192 A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne's invaloable Fauiiy Medicines, just re- ceived and for sale by CB WHEELER, Agent. Salishasy, Dec 10—:f20 LIME! LIMB !! NY qdantity of fresh Lime cae be hed at A the kiln of ie Lie icon Williams dec: By the 100 boshels and over 16 cents; 40 to 100 bushels 18; 5 to 40 bushels 20; unslackec io proportion. ~ ; All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or their residence, wilt apply either to J. or R.f iJ Leaves Asheville every. dey, 806 oC A.M., arrives at days 2i 4. P.M. . good sccommodations. OarjPeams sad Hacks are excellent, and ibe Drivers-sober, skilful and” aR ag 7 Ro psi Ps de: trips safe and: to the passengers. ° Ss LL-& PARKER. Jone 12, 1941-1646 » » Saye * acd » & inforfning bis friends, ©) etd the public, that he is tilt cartying on ihe Waieh Sand Clock making, and Re- epairing business, at his old ”*siand, near the Coarthouse phim will be warranted for The Bankrupt Law!! Hysrise iaken considerable pains to” ac- qvaiot myself with (he provisions of the Baokrop: Law, lately passed by Congress, I hereby ‘ender my services to such as may wish to avail themselvesof its benefit. 1 shal! attend the United Srates Court of this District, and if necessary, the Cireait Court also. Persons wishing toasail themselves of my se:vices, can see me on the approaching Sixth Circuit of ibe Superior Court:—and afierwards, | stall be found in my office io Salisbury. H. C. JONES. N. B. I (ake this orcasion to correct a p-e- vailing error concerning this Law ; many nersons I find, suppose thal no one, except sneh as owe lathe amovat of Five Heodred Do'lars, c20 claim its benefit. This is a misiake, for it ew- braces ‘all persons” owing debis who arte unable to ‘‘ meet them,’? no matier how smal! ite @mount. H. C. J. Salisbury, Feorvary 1 , 1842 —if29 George W. Davis, Commission‘and Forwarding Merchant Wicminaton & Faverrevitia N.C. T HE vndersigned is now prepared io receive . Goods at Wilmington, and forward the s2me lo his Agent at Fagetieville, who will forward io the Owners inthe back country., He basa large Warehouse at ihe River, where Goods q@ill oe siored free of storage, and the owners subjecied only to half ihe usaal cariage from the River to Fayetteville,—thereby lesseniog ihe expense on Goods much below the saa: charge. As. bis Warehouse is isolaiad from all other buildags. the danger of Fire will ve trifling in comparison to the risk incacred from being situaied in iown. Those who may favor him with theis vasiness, m?¥ !esi assared thai every allention #ill be paid ‘o ike promotion of their interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : Messre John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, NV. C. Alexander Anderson, John McRae, Joho Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, NV. C. &. S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—u110 BCRESHIRE & RUSSIA PIGS! MBE ondersigned having sold. io the fas: * LWO. years, aboot iwo hundred Pigs in the counties of Davie, Siokes, Sorry, Iredell, Row- an, Cabarros, Mecklenburg, Davidson, Gailford, and some io South Carolina and Virginia, zou cbe demand sit!l oeing very greai, have added io their well known siock, the Berkshire sows of Col. C. Harvin, from Bernent's siock, A‘bany and now having tea fall blooded Beikshire sows and two boas, they 2@ prepared to breed gs fine full blood as any in ihe couniry. They have RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russig and Berkshire. Vhey have on hand a2 goodly nomber of the aoove pigs, ready to supply any orders with which they may ve favored, at prices ia propor- tion to the hardness of the ‘imes MAXIMILIAN CUTHRELL. e J vad H. Mri ‘Ah armington, Dovieco N: C, em way 9, 1849. ¢ 149 SALISBURY FACTORY. meas Establishment is now in complete ope- ration. ‘The Company are manofacturing COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheeting and Osnaburg, of a soperior quality, which they offer to the poblic at the lowest market prices. Merchanis aod others, who will examine qualities, anc com. pare prices, will find it to their inverest to pur- chase. " . J. RHODES BROW NE, Agent. Salisbury, Jone 4, 1842—1145 LATE ' ’ : - NEs. and Hooek's and Swiie’s Panaces, Snofiz, Fine} | chewing ard smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices Pes fumes; Broshes, ( andips. Fe cy end common Soap, Glaes Ware, Peters” Pills, tn siromen!s, Matches, Raper.god-mmny other ar icles, Jast reecived and forsale st priese to’ suit f. Rotk ford, Sorry eganty, Acg. 21,1844 WILFAAMS, NO. ug ihe times; te c. B. cay 9g © WHRELEA Passengers.(ratelling on! is. line will receive : hé-spared to ren- }° © PRVAKES this method of | come in and tuffs, | be entered against them and the property levied SPIRITS for mpuital purposes _ tndians, ae z nd all inde « oriest notice. — Siore. ‘& SHAW. (9 preserve $8, no famil shoold ever be without them. ‘T'he proprieior of iwese telaable preparaiions received fils edaca- tion atone of the best medica! Colleges in ihe Untied States, and bas bad fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified praciice, oy which be bas had ample oppo: tunities of zequir- ing a practical Knowledge of diseases, and ihe remedies best ca'colaied to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, . Avalaabdle remedy for Cough, Colds. Con- sumption, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Croup Hooping Cough, Bronchitis. fceute Rheuma tiem. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficully of reathing, and al! diseases of ihe Pulmonary Organs < Jayne's Hair Tonic For the Preservution, Growth, aad Beauty of the Hair, and whieb will oositively bring in JVew Hair oo Bald Heads, and prevent ‘its fali- jog out of tarning Grey. es JAYNES TONIC V: wade U A pleasani, safe, and ceriain preparation for ihe removal of Worms Dyspepsia, Sour ‘Stom. ach, Fever and Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite, aod all diseases of debility, especially of the Slomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel’and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrheea Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps. Sick Headache, Sour Ston Cholera .Mo,- bus, and alt derangemenis of ihe Slomach anu Bowels, Nervous Affrclions. §c. Jayne's Sanative Piils, For Female Diseases. Liver Contplainis, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases «| tbe Skin &c., and in all cases where an anerien: Alterative or Purgative Medicine is jequired. The above medicines are fur sale, whutesete o retail, at the Salisbury Medical and Diog S.o:e, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent . : Salisbuiy, N.C. Sept 3, 1842—1v6 NOW CABINET, CHAIR &? SOFA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT ! THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves togeiber fur the purpose of manofacinviog | Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s. SEORETARY’S. WARDROBES, Centre-- Tables, in the very best hind of style, and of the finest materials, beg leave io ask ai the hands of ihe citizens of ihe couniry and villages aroond, a share of ibeir nai:onageio opr line of business. As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) has had long experience in working ia some of the finest anc most fashfunable shops of Forope, and of the large cities of the Northern Uniied Siaies, we flat:er ourselves that we tan and will honesily and faithfally compleie in workmanlike manner all jobs called for. We will repairand polish any farnitore jhat may de brought to as on short nolice, and in ihe first siyieot workmanship, and orders for Coffins panctually atiended to. Qur prices will be as moderaie 28, we can afford. Their shop is a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Junes’ old Tavern. |. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 26, 1842—1118 . N. B. All those indebied to Warren Gheen. are requested to make payment before the first of January, 1843, or they will then have a call from an officer : 4 State of Porth Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY... — Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Norem- vember Term, 1842. Jeremiah B. Ellis, Ortginal At. i tacha ent. ws Wa. Beeding & Nancy his wife. iv appearing to the satisfaction of the Coort, that the defendanta are not iphabiiants of thie State ; {1 is therefore ordered by the Conrt, that publication be made for six weeksin the Carolina Watchman, for the s2id-defeadanis to vy and plead, or Judgmem wil! 00 condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt. JOHN/CLEMENT,c hc o. Dee 17—6421 - Printers fee $5 50 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent tar Dr. Rowand, has just received a fresh sup- tiek, iw ee pale pias retaj!, cf b | le .gnd z : * ‘ ‘ —s aS ae ‘| one who Sas never had it before. ltest opportanity. + epug St, 1912—Sw23 E Sobscriber informs the nabi; as jst reeéived ibroygi, the xe the fmtestand most 7 PHrOt ed * Ne, t. 20Ce shal} bé dao em “. D PEN Pee ee Po bas G0 hand tage ment of: Bonnets, (newest SiSle): Parhans, for sale; . Cay 4* Mee. SP. is oso Crimping and Matiog on: Prena red t } eae “ Salisbury, December 3,.15;9. "°%™ 1342, - NEW FASuioys we FOR Tre . ; I &. WAVTER 1842 & "43 ° Fas « PHOWAS Dicks Riv CTEULLY info; .: EW public, thai ke stil} c2;-j lendy o-allits various brauchés, iu, J We Morphy’s Siore, Where be ‘ana cote all orders of his cusiomers in ys manner not surpassed by any in hic " couniry, leis also in ihe regular mint NEW-YORE FASHiong* end prepared to accommouaie ite Lasieg Fashionable at ail times me December 3, 1842—1y3 TO FAMILIn — ROWAND'’s Tkrse_who would.have recourse to th Medicine Yor Fever anv: AGve. Dus Nervous Weakness, siiauld dise-iminars (hee** ihonsand .and one” semédies hera'ded forth,to the pablic, (ibe -s>me nor all times past;) and"that atmos; UDI versal! cessful prescription called - Rowand’s Improved Tonic Miztyr A few remarks will serve Lo rlustraie ity ference. . In-ive first plare, ine Opersiion ¢ Tonie Mixture in the cure of Fever and noon ,epijrely mew and peculiar, yet principles. Secondly : {i nut only pr rests ihe course of the chills, wien por sod perseveringly used, but it soon restores wonted funetions of ihe general system tog fectly healthy stale when relapses are 9 liable io ensue than an attack of ihe diseag ; Thirdleg system, during theadminisiraiion of ihe fam ed ‘Tonic Mixture, sp:ings op 2t once.am beniga influence, and gives forih a0 earn iorning health and.vigor. Fourih'y: Prod more or lesw effect on ihe bowels, ihe ca the disease passes off in ile way qost gi indicated by natare. Fifibly: lis «fects og System are aniformly mild and sale, 2 well eGicieni,and ii is as well adapied io ihe h infant, simply oy a modification of the dose, ¥8 the most vigorous edalt.. “Many other con attons, of dhe almost importance to the ay parenis and invalids, mighi be enome-2\e! batthe above are a few of ihe poinis of con in comparison-with ihe remedies generally ed to in professional and family practice, | which a proner jodgment may be formed leciing the remedy. N.B. With a view to re-establich confidence in the efficiency of ihe © Ror Improved Tonie Mixtare,” to eflecia le cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprieio ¢ the original guaraniee, viz: The monet oe returned in everg case whereir the le has been punctually osed witbuot procuciag desired effeci. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 Nurth Seeonad Sireet, Pi!adelt Soppliee have been 1eee:veu by the sole Ag for Salisbury, WN. C. C.B. WHEELE Sept 3, 1842—156 NOTICE S hereby given, that all persons are for ed from trading for a noie given br William H. Wiliiamaon, for $400 one car daie, given 14ih November, 1812. A's nutes for $62 50 cenig each, one of iheo* ten months afier the 14:h November, 154° * the otber doe 23 months afier the 14:h So ber, 1842, given to said Williamson. 4®! note for BS, given to said W'liaasm, 14th November, 1842, And wheress, W' fi. Williamson has failed to comply wit terms for which said notes @ere gives, | 12” termined not to pay them. re RILLIAM FRET. Salisbory, Dec $1, 1842 - $023 NOTICE. HE Exercises of the Mocksville Academy, oil! be renewed oo 1 7)! Janvary, ander the direoiion of B. CL” ihe following terms, viz: For Latin & Greek, ineluding other branches, per session, - g “© Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &¢ “* Engtish Grammar, Geography, Arithmeiie, &e. Lower branches, 8 Those desirons of patronizing wii aera requested io send their sons of wards 2! 1 f Mi. Sip EN el _— | pe a0 od SOTICE —The subscriber fora Mi sdos (rum trading or hating “te do with a Note of Haud, d-2¥" Payee self, to James S. Hack!y, for Oue | Seventy Dollars, fear wunihs efier Of e daie Febrasry 8, 1841, with 2 © seo? note for twenty six dollars on the “nee date. ‘Fheabove named cole “4 s ve ditions for a-bay horse and 4 sore oe were beh at that time appearing J o Te soand, and hes remained so ever _ 7 buve specified note, ihe subse: 'der t his gendine Improved: Tonie Mixture, “not to pay anjess compelled 7 de-sittiimes io prodace™ihe re st ow. Gers Temppebelt fe i: - ee ae te 10, 1344--S 08 EO ON vy SS = | Se e SS s s h e a fZ e r a n s s om e n >_ > TT W aroun eaten ¥ ————— President of the Uuiled Slates, HENRY CLAY. ° or KENTUCKY. For PENSSYLVANTA, tyre of Pennsylvanig asserted — The Legisla rg on uesday the S#insiant; Br» Fr Yarns - 1y (Ri-PEX : 13 ; ee ad HB. Wriant, Speaker of the sresentatives buth Lucof:cos, byeme 4 ‘ was chosen Speaker of she cf New Hagen that the, Milleites of that goad $ 8.” —Gént-Harmson. ¢ =e ! t { | { } f } a eee Supersiifgous sincesat Chereh’s paper milisye(Conn ) vwben: the flames, reflected by a driving snnw store eansed eo biiffiact an illnmination in the sireets | ciiy- theoght-the.end of the world had come:— ne messaze of Gow Porter was sen? in iy T ncvhe vext day. And whatesor th H gaes 0 < ns must |S- : : Je message is as good Whig doctrine as Acs asample, we present toour read owing exiract from it, which ig Whig prise the wo ever 28 7g ihe fi jo the core : aFa opwards of ‘ten years Pennss!vania had o gradually improying her condition.and eo i ihe advantages that can arise from 2 cantial currency, and the entire ronfilence of | Ceorigcl ihe world, At ao antortunate per- wpe marking capital, which bad. been dor- yo 0 see this flutishing srason aboot twenty milituas Yd Is peg = , 4 t dollars, #45 creased ? fatal eonsequeances, miny oo wise | vying 8 to near sixty ; and, as poe of ibe mos yd impolite improvements undertaken —corpor ng created for prrpuses far beyond their means iadia duals contracted responsi- speculations Which they ing toa auecesafubetose ; accomplish — ii:jas and entered nin ere total] @unable fi b ad, fasile. to render the ertastrophe tmore des- qerive the explosion of this enormous bank able bag crashed af! those enterprises, pubdtic cd private and feft in every quarter of the Siate * monument of blasted hope and pablic foily sail reqvire a little time to recover from the nic, and (o estimate, with precision, thé*ex— wotof tha mischief, It will probably be foand sr less thon has been generally supposed. ‘The gorand industry of the community, sustained shey are by onr immense nataral resources, ‘il soo overcome this temporary repolse, and yoo,as if it bad never hapnaned. Some will anforinnatetw ruined, bat the great mass of somamenity wit] in the end be little affected; What purtior of the community engaged it agri - hora! porsoits is comparatively free from debt Jembarrasament, and possessed of all tha ben- that arise fran favorable seasons and plenti- arves's. Bi can myself see no jnst ground for that des Mency which seems to pervade, so generally, oinds of the people The injary to our medit abroad, although productive of much tem mry inconvenience, will oliimately be service- je tothe community. It will teach ns to rely gorselves, ta turn our aftention to (he devel- peinent of our own resources, and te obtain that, sourown lahor, which we have hitherto booght pon trost. Whatever may be the fears of that portion of our community who-are always pre- cling :oin, and bemaning the effects of causes hich they dw hot understand, time will soon rove that the resonrces of Penasylvanta, her a- iigto meet all her enosgements, and the re— that a cunsiderable periion of j Several chngregations rushed inte the streets, —" Mr. Greely, ‘who. was lecturing, fost bali bis | anditury. On Day of Jadgm int qniet citizens wer thr antil the cause of-the phetiomena was-discover- thee Fae Gs . ¢ er . ed.* ~ oe - 4 t <_< * F¥om Fittest tee ie on is an extract from Pitatka, ondet date of the 26ib altima, pub lighed-inithe Sevaaneh Repatlicans =. - “eMoatters in general in. Florida, wear rather @. fa vorable aspect, and Ptrast, if #uecess. 600 tinaes, iv 7 not be Jong before the conairy will been, trely rid of every ved-skio ~»Tigertail is sately ont of the wodds.. Hie band, tavether with Ox liarché’s. consisting of over 100° Indians, aihine whom are 42 hearty warriors, found themselves rather suddenly transferred from terra firma-to a steamer,a few days since,-a€ Tampa, and<as suddenly transferred to Ho Sy, a pictoresqne isle, whence they sail for WhO steno. on the 3is¢ instant.” pat hand, and-the. osmal!y 4 It is a fact highly honorable to the merchants of Charleston, S. C., (as siated inthe Courier,) that at the elose of the year, on Saturday lasi, Sist ult., every bond due at the custom. howse (for a period of 25 years past) was paid opin foll; and alsothat not a single officer of the custom hoase was, on that day, indebted tothe Guvetnment. ; NEWSPAPERS. Mich depends on ‘the supporters ‘of a newspaper. whether 11 1s cocdacted with spi- rit or tOterest ; if they are negligent in their payment, the Editor’s ambition 1s broken down—he works at. 4 thankless and unpr: f- itable task; he .becomes discouraged ani! careless— his paper'lonses*its pith and in- terest, it dies. ‘Bot onthe contrary, if his subscribers are of the right gort; if they are punctual, liberal hearted fellows; o!- Ways in-advaiiee io the subscription list taking on interest in ineressing the num- ber of his subseribers ; now and then speek - ing a good word for his papers: cheering bim ip-his.eourse by smiles of epprodation; with such subscribers as these,,one would forswear comfort, ease, leisure—every thing that could possibly step between him and gtatifi«a'ion of every Jandible desire on the part of his subscribers: the editor would know no otherspleasnre than their satisfac - tion.—How mich then can the supporiere of a newspaper doto meke at interest: g and respectabte, indeed, wuhout concarren: efforts on their part, the publisher of -« paper eet of ber citizens for the plighted faith of the vie, have not been in the slightest degree sha- | eo byany of the misfortunes onder which we now suffering, Jn nearly all instances these as witl be found to have bad their origin in ‘eeorkings of anprincipled de nagogues, who Pewilling to undervafos her means and the in- giv of hercit:zans, if they ean thereby pro- ve their own selfish erds. [ff there be any font citizens who honestly believe that Penn- "varia will prove onable to perform all her ens rwements, thew wil] be found tobe neither ve- r'rep reasoners, nor Very acenrately acquaint with the aoundance and natnre of ber resour \f Vshe will prove faithless and anwi'ling to dis- ther fag e he any of her citizens who think "age her obligations, we may safely say they ‘ow little of her true character, and meet with “encouragement or favor from any cor siderable ron of thecommanity. To do what she agiees do, and pay what she promises to pay. are two will not, cannot bestow the atteanan which is necessary to make it whafgt should he, Perhaps our readere.may bave noticed) thet some times we make a murh better-pa- per than we can make at other times. “AA@ what is the reason? Whe because some- times we are encouraged to *o it. Some one pays us hs sabecription in advance, and perheps bnogs er sends us - few subscribers. ‘That’s the secret ; that is the true way to support a newspaper. I cannot beheve that the earth 1s man’s sbiding place. I) cannot be that onr life is castup by the ocean of eternity to floata moment upon its waves and sink into ho thingness'! Else why is it that the glorious aspirations, which leap like angels from the templé of..our hearts. are forever wonde:ing about uflgatisfied |) Why rett that the rain- bow and the cloud come aver us with» beauty thatis not of earth, then ness off .: . . ee Wher disiingnishing characieristics ; and he ‘@, will find that he gains neither the confi- “ence nor respect of her citizens by the atlenmni, She . } may be temporarily obliged to postpon> the “seharge of her engagemenis until a more coa- Tenient seasom 5 but to deny the obligation itself, Pack upon her integrity which oo pubic man Wie advise and aaneiinn.” \! . rg : “R Chaye Phe Propic relates the follow Ine p! > } Pasing iNeident in Peountof Mr. Cuag's hab | 9 OOF the People af Neu Orleans: _* The Wreath - A beautify! and most tonch- 2 incident ocenrred pesterdsy, whieh, pressed 8 e are for time and spare, we must yet notice. ring Proression passed dawn Chartres streety oo deaf and dum girl, standing opon 2 ar threw oa must exqoisite and delicate ch of flowers into the Burouche, at ibe feet “ir Clay. He took it up and bowed to the donet his thanke, while she, abashed with hoveliy.o' her sitnation, was suffused at ith » Ti was a tonching comphment from * devied the sense of hearing wi be power of Weeh, but who liad qrowa familiar with the tnd fame of one cf her cowatry'’s noblest ‘¥a¢ who longed to borst the fetiers which had exst upon her, and speak her praises noub if aoy inewdent evpmecied with Mr. can reception in this city has affordec him eo bone emaate No compliment, ia langnace . ae core. elegant and eloqnent, could go ry ri J 'o the heart as this meek «ffering from "Yoong being who gave ft.” ed Cl Tho would seek io induee her to forfeit either of | liness ? the ‘their festival around the midnight throne | to tefase to eumply with it, weold be a re—| » Xion wiih tis ae- | and leave os to muse upon their fared love. Why is thet the stars. who hold sre set above the grasp of onr timited. fre- uiiies, forever mocking us witb their unap- proachsble glory? “And, finally, whe is it ‘that the bright forms of buman’ heatty are d to our view, and then taken from _us, leaving the thousand streams of oar af. fections to flow back in Alpine torrents op- on our hearts? - Weare born for a higher deeuny then that of earth: there is a realm where rainhows never fade; where the stars will be out Before ws, like istets that | | presente | i that pass before us hike shadows, will stay | 1m our presence forever.—DBulwer. , ! = ' The Rest Direclory—to find out wha are i prompt and honest men—'s the subscription I beoks of the publisher of a newspaper.— | Here may be found the names and res ‘idence of thousand. of persons; some of | wham are good paying subscribers, : and | therefore may be trasted and confides ia ; and some owe fur one, two end three years, | who from there indifference, never think of paying for vatoe received. Weslwavs teke it for granted, | printer,’ may he traste thing, — Zeuminary- | [Merehants 3 to @-tivister ‘gravely assented. the |. into-great commotion | centre of the ovterstde of she thigh, diecily toy | ‘ bed . } onthastastic recep- | stamber on the ocean; and where the beings } | trexses. rehrevtd at one Hime in the family of es 1 t = : Reed hs. Se! ee - = ¢ power... = @check een % “W hea’ ft sdies* tao would From the in'uxi¢a te ‘SA * ope oe » But things have undergofie™a charge,” » And Bustingneesiedms 1 stiage =" . Thar Prripdionls should raise To Reformation “sorgs of praise © Naw Bostinger—just hear a fiend ; 4Vsgnnd' ad viee that be will eend . “Whee young if yureoold nat sveceed hiewosing; new when-gno have need OF solace, in your letteridaya re «+ Make aol love stories alk your.praise, But come and join the ‘Temp'rance throng : , Arch reward you'll reap ere long, F air ones, when love songs could not move, A tempigance sung may ranse-to'love ; Andi , open your latier days, Perhaps, may beam conoubial rays. VETO. * MESMERISW AND SURGERY The following extragrdioary relation is from the Lopdon Currespondénee of the Journal of Commetee : A most .extraordinars sorgical operation fas been performed. the p-ricolars of which wilt.be found detailed in a conple of colums” f the Lon- don Marting Herald of the 26h elt James Wambell, 42, alaboring man, bad siffered for a period of about five vears wih a painful affer- tion of the left knee joist He wasadiniied in to the hospital at -Wetlow, in’ Northampshire and it was decided that ampnta jof should take place avove the kove jotot, and it was accoruing ty ‘done while the patient was ander the infin ence of mesmrie sleep! On the firs! of Oc- tober this wonderful: operation was thus per- foraied, as ¥en jn the words of the mesa ri- zer, one Mr W, ‘Topham. a lawver ofthe Mid= Jle ‘Pempte.-Londén: * 1 again mesmetized hin. in tour mmnates —Ina qnarter of an hour baold Mrow= 8. Wood (ihe operator) that te might commence. fF iben vronght two fingers ofeach hand oently in caniact with) Woarbe'l’s clused evelds, and there kept them still fur herto der p enihe sleep Mr. Suod, afier one earnest look at the man, slowly planged his’ knife in'o the ibe wore, and then madea clear Incia'un FouGy the bone to the oppusite point oo the oviside of the thigh = “Phe siitIness’at this moment was some thing awtol ~The eatm respiraiion of the sleep ing mon alone was heard, for all others seem suspended In making the second incision the position of the leg was found to be mare ineon- venient han had appeared, and the operator could pot proceed with his former facility, afier the second incisica a foraining was heard from the patient, wineh continued, al intérvals uotitihe concloson. tl gave me ec of a trouble dream, fur his aleen enn idne profoond asever. ‘Pbe placed lock of his counterance ne- ver changed for an instanis his whole frame rested. nn contin! tedy in) perfect ‘siillaess and te- pose; no a masele of nerve was seen to twrirh Vo the end of the operation, ineloding the saw- ing of the done, seeuring the arteried and apply- Ing he bardages—occunying a periéd of upward of twenty minnies—he lay like a statue With strong -safvolatite and water he gradnally and calinty awoke, and when asked to describe what he had felt, ihuy replied: ‘IT never know any | thing more, (efier bis being mesmerized,) and | never fel ofy path atalls Fo once felt as if | heard ak'nd of erounebing.’ He was asked it that was painful, he rephec, *.No pain at all ; I never tr: ofe, avd Knee nothing ull was as wakened ov chat strong stoff.” “The * crounch- ing’ Wee the sawing his own thigh bone. ‘The first dressing Ws performed in’ mesmeric sleep, with sitpilar so*tess-and absence of all paio.’ Soon také'a sop | ted pinz protruded through. the ereck of the baz Ait lin For the- Watehman:® AY SO eat Be ooh Oot eens ME tar a * = Gome,Whigs aad-Locos, come andsce » « _.Thegiant. of Bosti,zee, . D+ velop’did bis late essay Uponthe matters of the gay. a ok oF gis ey .. chon \ . ’ ef Pe a “The Tem p'rance. catite -he'#eema to hate, * | the lost canGileare pf his congregation, enst FE, ’ ¥ oe en gee! : Yinte te y te abeees ee . ced - — . fave Hedge eae aiedis > [SUR Vit Abie. pmvageeshe road The Ladiea etiensgekUahiacasea™ TR ee OAS. Maen tbe turd to- Gaga ds ' tease vey ee him end eat fom, his ear, in. whieh Meds Pat iho? pint wei Duatiggesp en” | Mace the gctin, Who's slept forage, many geste op | (reined. the bird, gave.quk that, on theinext. Devoid of femaleamiles ae : sie to Kg PE ADs mealeeaReeA be. Hie dnane he a eee > LE miveld-Leet Semen. nie ' ge dierenibe, 59 ot songs he sung ‘Phe sday .come—the. meetings! n days Af “yore, whitn he was young, ° Lerawded—one ol. Engle’ a rons had. been: pra eg apa prom eternal. secrecy, to bide himself ia-tb ret, ani (o. let (he messenger Sprit fv. atuhe..word of command, .” All was, well arranged, with a copnlensnce Jit up. with ennfidepce a success, tha, Latter day..Saint began his-exhoriatinn. pronounced, Bennet a scoundrel, lisgand imposter ; and to.prave his »<sertons, he, with a Jond. soiee, calle t on heaven io, send down jts bole spirit, io the form of @ dove, a» it »ppeered, hovering over our Saviour when baptised in thesiver | Jordan A dead silence» prevailed each eye was fixed with superstitions ewe onthe excried prophet. who, with extended arms, londly called for the appearance of the Ho- y Ghost. Again and, again he called, but sti/l na.answer was made; at last. fearful that bee Hidveraran avent an the loft had aot he:rd- him, be fairly bellowed forth -ae he frantically clapped his bands, end stamped his feet, ** Haly Ghost appear! '” When lof and "behold, the Trishman’s eeiling, and addressed the discomfiited prophet in this wise : ‘“‘Arreh, be Jasus,. how ean the Holy Ghost be afier mekieg his appearance ? H.sn’t the cat ATE HIM ?”” Mills Point Herald. From the Southern Miscellany. “ Drive my wagon ting the road ; Sorry team and a heavy load ” & Woo't you take something ?” says the | wogoner, pattin an ofd jenk bottle of rum that smelled strong en: ff of inions to knoek seman down rite «a‘er my nose fore | knowd what he w-s bout ‘No. Pibook you, says |, 1's a Washi g | tonian ” . | *‘ Who’s they?’ se¥s he ; * sum of yer pes- kv Flurney preachers, I spose ? ‘Ne,’ s+ys |, ‘ they’s revolationers ”’ *Revolotioneré ? save he ‘why my fa- ther was a revolutioner, and fit egin the Beuish at Keng’s Movnting, and help’d to le jwranny Out of the countey.” * Blast all tyrants!’ siys | ‘aod horra for the revalotiosefs.’ ‘Come take somethin,’ siys he, and planting the bottte at mv nose agin. ‘No? savg F* Pm 4 revolatoner, and go azn King A'ko'nl, tooth and toe-nail.’ ‘King wh ?? save he, *‘Kiog Rum? says |; that very terant thav’s got you by the guzzlenow. and he’! have you choked down on yer kneesto him fore a half hour, if you don’t revolutioniz: on him end quit him.’ ‘ The-feller stopped end looked rite down in the fire—then et me—then at the bottle, ee ease is sv imperiam that | have condens- ed Vis proc: pal feateres, and when I consider the gravity wiih which the operation was sorruncd ed, the numbera,. whu wers present, the orques— tionable sank caridyresperiabiluy of the profes sional geatlemengeadd the wiier absence of all affeciaiivn, Emigt>eandidly admit that scepti- e'sm is <tacgered. and ihat we are oo longer ina | position to deride or despise i fluences so extra | ordinary, iuvportant and practical, J.W.C. | } Amos Kradali itis said, 1s confined in prison for debi A singuler seriea of re. | verses. has Amos experienced dunng bis short hfe. A yankee schoolmaster seeking | his fortunes in the West an edulior—tia dis. | Henry Clay, a1 another hardle able to keep away from the sheriffs in the District—gets a goos office m= the Treasury Depatimer: —is repoted rich specu! stes largely 10 La- disn Londs—=is Postmaster Geneysat—eagein ao editor——Row Ih prison poor, - a ae The Editor of the Kentueky Yeoman ately feceived the following letier (through the Pogi- Office—posiage not paid: — 5 3 Kin soo ‘ell me how a fellaw , s, What's in @ebt, and ho aint got fo and, no’ (feeds >and . and .o9 laay to steal? jo. your paper, provi’ van - . y mee! Seg ‘as W are, a fe e Ea ‘ He begs ta assare i he*public that if punetoal atiemtion to business, atid skilfobwork will en=, litle himy to patronage and support; he-will mer- it it. : ar ance eee AARON WOOLWORTH. Lege Me es ! Sjiions,” Re; “aod *? © pl? &,* .R + .: Valuable Prentiss fer sale ‘in’ EXIN EON. .» YFNUE Sobserioer is desirous to sell, privately, that well known basiness stand-in Lexme- ton, N. C.,Sisoated a short cistance orth of the Conrthouse, formerly occupied by Caldcleugh, Dusenbers & Co.; and at present occupied: by Brevard. and Adams ‘I'he hoose is of brick, large atid commodioos, containing an excellent Storé room ‘and dwelling apartments al’ onder the same roof. Attached tu (he premises‘are alt necessary o0:-buildings Those wishitig to pur, chase or to @xamine the above property, willfe- ceive attention if app!idation be made to | ANDREW. CALDCLEUGH. viay 1, 1841,—t ."* 5, FO ‘Dr. Sherman’s, - HMevicated Lozenges . Are the best MEDICINES in the World, Bess the cheapest and most pleasan!.— Ihe \tedjcal Facoliy warmly approve them Dr. Sherman 3a skilful'and experienced Phv- sictan anda member of the-Medical,Society 0 | New Yurk. Shermans Cough Lozenges, Nre the S3fest, surest, 2nd musi effectual remedy nr Cooghs, Colds, Consompiion, WW hooping Congh;* Asihma, Tighiness of the Lungs of | Chest age. ‘ SHERMANS WORM LOZENGE | Are the’only iafallisle worm destroving meci- cine ever discovered ‘They have been used io aver 1.100.000 cases and. never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head— ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- iia, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinkingo the Chest, Diarrboa, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigue. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most cetiain remedy for this distressing complaint, everoffered to the American pab!ic.— la the immense namber of cases ia which they nave been used, they have never been kaown io fail Sherman’s RestoraliveLozenges. Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so oom- mon and troadlesome duting the sammer months, may cow berentirely- prevented by a proper ese of these Lozenges’, ‘They ase prepared express: 4 ly tur that purpose, and can be. relied op. with perfect cnfidence.. Persans subject to a-derange g whe. pe. seonth of rous of ascertainit deal with thems have the privleg _ scription book, endah me . sre-lound.vpen.st we can tel! them ex to whakextentahey can hetrusterl. : ‘ Ceorgiac News. ~ stabie bad him in charge. = eae -. caste ~ Jy S| Roa 3 oN SF eS < All Me > a call. Tape the best theimatket and surround cvautry ate. Salishury.,Sept. 1 ** = ———— greeter pe * a ey a ae ; “= A Fs Hof. > ay ines ‘wenty five cenis tor each. a ell fe polices, ; vine Poel. paidt . ’ 3 R } £ #tCbased that nell oown and rd Babli Fase (known "s “Far iw the i Filends PGEP tion af ‘T'raveliers Re Badirdere - © Rod: Baw Will be sopplied with, “ Hie Stapkis sphcigns.s and booeii(pily sup) > plied “with grat ind proveadér, of all kinds, at oy tended. by faithfol and alfentive Ostlers re . THE dadérsigned ple himéert thaf'no ex . sertion on bis part shallibe wanting } ively. n- eral satisfaction to all w! yer it dk 4 ho may: (avorhimewith - JAMES, La GOWAN. J, 1840. 007 2. ens: . + . Superior Writs, &c. dian; Bonds, TO CLERKS, License, Appe, tance Bonds, Deeds uf Conveyance tions, Sheriff's. Bonds, Commissions to take Depusitions stables’ Bonés, Administrators’ Bonds, Prosecu— tion Bonds, Saperior and Co Coors. BLANES! BLANES!! HK PROPRIETOR of the: ““Warchman d P. iwtiog- Offlee.”” respreifolly intormetbe Clerks,Sheriff's and Coasiables of sbe eas tound "ing Covaties, that te haa and will ceniinue-to keep on hand, a fall sopply of BLANKS meaily prinied on good ‘peper, and ‘not suspaysed byany work done in the tiaie. AH ordess frow a die- tance for-eny of tbe following Blanks prompily ailended to: ‘ Court Witness: ‘Tickers, Write, Capiss Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Subpanas, Verdi- tioni Exponas, Jarors’ Tickets, Executians County Court Jurors Tiekeis; Executions, Affrry Indiciments, ladicimenis vs..-Overseess of Ruads, Vendi. Uxpenas, Wiiness Tickets, Miscellaneous — Constables’ .Wartsnts, (with F.xecations atiached,) Cs Sa’s & Bonds, Gaar- Apprentices’ Iodentores, Marriage Deeds of ‘Trost, . Detivery Bonds, Injare- eecs, (YVendi Expo) Appeal t Con. Q acy in the Slate, Sabsbory, Now 19, 1842. Printing ! Priniing f? Cy JOB WoRE FERENT COLORS, done ot 'esi notice, and oot surpassed by house Hoose. No Joke! 1 WNHEB: Subsesiber offers for sale bis.valoable Planiaiion. siege road leaging froin Salisbury to Charfotie, six miles from Satisoury, 1) coniains 265 1-2 ACRES. ‘There is Goud waser veryreoatenient to the kk isanexceilen® giand fs As lL intend meviegibie Fall, | will sell npan good terms, seach as will suit the times. A.pati of ine mooeg, will no: be expecied while Captain Tyleris President. * I, es op voih sides of the a Public ’ WELLINGTON SMITH. Satsaory, Qe) 22. ISd2—ly 13 “GA SA BONDS. Neaily printed and fot sale at ths Office ——COUNTY COU aod he tnek a nother took at the fire. ment of ibe bugis shyuld never be without them “Sept, 24, 1842 - wih : me neck ret ¢Thavs a fact” says he, * sts had me cn | -piey afford immediate relief from al} the attend ys O's Tey tele tg PRICES C &é my back afore to-night , pot pee ant gripings, faintness, depression, Gc. SeLispory, Jan. 21 : kin—here goes -mister, blast all tyrants— +, ee ‘ ; Pm a vovclutiones, a. Washingtea revoln | SUeCrINAN s Cathar tie Lozenges evn ae House Cie tioner, forever,” and with thithe throwd | 4re as pleasant and easily taken as the contmon Brandy, ap. a 301 Molasses,. “36 a 40 the bottle of rom emeck-i® the middle of | pesperminiss and are an active and -effierent each, 40 a 60 {,.Nails, “4:6 27 the fire, and tt blezed up blue,-end> ‘yaller mecicine. ‘Mhev cleanse the stomach and buwete, P ’ 728} Osts 15 2 20 d d. and afe the best eathariie ever used for db ‘ious Buttes, 25 ~P k. $3 ae a, 6 1, +f] persons. Where an active medicine is required, | Beeswsx, . 25 Pork, 7 5 a%0 ‘Give me yer hand mister says I, thee are-net only the best, bul the safest that can | Cotton, cleep 54 @ 6.) Sugar, br. 5 af don’t want any better pronf of aay panera’ be administered. Coffee, gall wri 15a . than that ; stick hi ithke atrue Washing- Sherman's Strengthening PLASTER, Corn, | 25 Se : sack. $31 ton revalutioner. , j Vhe best of all plasiers for Rueumatism, Low-| Feathers, 20 0 25 |" val ow, an 86 , Stick to it enister I sive be, - why Unev- vage, Pain ot Weakoess in the Back,-I.oios,; Flour, . #3} 6 4) | Tobacco, a er broke my @ord when | was soderin my Side o, Breast. | Bhaxeeed, 50.2 55 | Tow-Linea, 128 16 lifegand now [most doit afore | kia git) [he above medicine ia for sale, wholesale or rons per ib 324 Wheat. bush "6 drunk, Srick 10 i 2° Pee heem wantia to | retail, at the Satishdty Medics! Drog Store, by Linseed Vil, pr- Whiskey, 25 a 30 tevalntion:ze long ago. and oow Pee done €.B NM as a oe ais gat 90 $1 | Wool. (elean) 25 ’ . fer? alisbury, iv. &, ? t, Pl never knock one Sopt 3. 1342-196 PaverTEviLe, Jeo i1. - 7 7! | canpewonietih - . 5 \ Molasses Cure fir the Tooth Ache —We fisd the | ~ - WT os Brandy, peach a ‘1 626) following preseription going the newspaper | Do, «MofFat’s Vegetable Life’ i Apple ee i ity ata 64210 rounds which igasid to be an iufatyble rem: " \Wedicinces echt Bogotwax, 27 0 38 | Luwp, ‘ai8 ; eUy $ po, . . . be- | 4° fe 10a i132 { sat, 22 : | QSSES:S alities of thenpost mild and Lwffee, ef ¢ Gets large kettle of water—let st eame| P Porno They aye composed of ar- | Jotton, 6a 64 | Sail. . 50 sah toa buil—then put yourbead init, and ler cles the must anti-patrescent, cumbiaed with | aiion Var. ‘6 : a + . * teal 288 isin mer for precisely -balf.an hour; teke ingredients knowa as the only certain antidote | Cotits oo ; . 3 ri Coton bea 20 out your bead and shake all your teeth ints | fr feyere of every description. When the dis | Candies, EF, a i lean ne, > BL i0 9 heap,—pick oattbe decayed ones, aud | agse ts prodaced pele from cold, ae petra | ces es aaa Wheat. new 80985 Jans a op | bad 0% dwam and daap situations, or roirid | au : Jae * 4 . 0 ibrow thum awe. We pgond. ogre you aera parare. inabdnaat or epidemic, of OF | Peathers 25 = 30 | ss * : can pus bark again other cances. ihese medicines are ceftain in ‘betty jror, 5a 54 | Wool. L positively never koew aman Wha was 100 | apera:igns-orelfects. ‘Khey. are possessed ul ps 1 Curceaw. Jao. 10,° 1842. poor Lo take a hewspaper. « Yet how many @vea | egjjiar quelives, which ool ouly expel 91 sa the | Beet aha 41 Nails cutassor. 708 respectable people read 00 paper bot wheat they | yh, aribe same lime festure ad nee | Bek 5a Sh wrought 16218 borrow. As | speak generatly, I thope I uffead | system When first taken Inio stomach. Racor Pit bad aiee a are “essi eae diatel@ diffuse themselves Hkevapur p 121 a 15 | Oats basbe 8 none. 2f f do, abe. greater ‘he oecessity to} tiey mmmediately® d:fuse 1h 4 _ Hatler 3 oit “eal” 153 $1 epeak out. Every maa is able convenient l¢ to | throwat everv pore, pridccing 7 teas st ore; Beeswax = 22 025 uU gel, a oko a weekly Gewspaper, The cost is '¥ cen's } detigh febveatuiary, ead permaaept, ad hea ybe | PBacoing ya 20a22! . lamp. $1 aweek. Hew man’ who think themse!es 09 Pesirk of infe bogies te grow dim, WiGie!/catation Bye cope lb 30412, linseed 1 10 1} pa) yor to take a paper, pay agwnweh Jails for deink! blgaguid, and the tacvlues paralized f, ifiese e meu: Cafe Ib iz} 34 $ Pork 10G\he 5) - 6 Mipsable mea, ‘thoy art, , puot indeed DR. Boines are found to gite a lene to the Berges, ex- “ONCE “407 Rice 100" 4 FRANKLIN = = wet Peilcraieshe eriaal spi lis. Jovi zarsie the bus ¥, : aoe h 40 62. Sugir r a 12 5 — a aie. id ce ania aje ihe 4% hute maa vr ‘ os { Cora us, ” - 4 . 2 . £9 ( Hint to Martiéd W omen 27 be follow-\ “4 The Life Jedicines bave algo been Greed 8h Flour bil. GAR 2 5 Salt set ; eG ing anecdote is going the roved”? of adi | femos! baney sorcess id Nete.as and D¥s- | Feathers 3D a 32 _ oe ; ay ne ihe ne wepepers that sre edited hy mathed. p,efiie diserses, Conena pita, - ‘Asthm, ene. ron LOOlbs 5a 6) Ster aon ‘ - men :— When Livia had-atteined guch as, von De , Rheemaitsa, felrressé and 10 ae Lard q7 - alish 1 4s ; i tore] D ropsies aie. a inceepe 35 2 40) jermals espdancy over ber husband: Avgusiue. that | bai wiht & Bocra’s. <fgents. | Molasse 40) ..% a he could bardis refuse her any Oung thenge | goo at Cress 9 Ss : | Tallow 12k Teannpe. SI S137 RY WRITS, Printed on first rate paper and for sale thig Office *, 2. ae - ta bade ¥4 and ° — Sieg eS ee foralessting * ” 4 SHERIFFS, CONSTA- ran BLES, ex P ~5 2 nel STATE LEGISLATURE. . > IN SENATE—Monday, Jao. 3 sa 2dwards, frow the Commitee ont! edie air back @ Resolution in- Structing the Comittee to report a Bill to stay the Collection of Debts vader execu- tion, to eatabhsh & Veloatioa Low, or some other..messure which, in their opimion, would afford the most speedy snd perms—- nent relief to the people of the State, ad- versely thereto, and esked to be discharged from 11s (grther consideration. On motion of Mr. Spruill, the Report was ordered to be prinied. ; Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on the Jo:ticiery, r@ported back » Byl amending the present laws concerning the Electron of Shen@ (Sheriff to give Bonds two days after election, twelve Justices of the Pesce to meet for she purpose of receiving said Bonds.} Passed 11s first seeding. Mr. the Comptroller report as early es practica- ble. the emount of monev psid into the pubhe Treasury by the Buok of tbe State, as Dividends on the Capitol Stock beld by the State in ssid Bank; sleo the smount paid im as texes on the-stock held’ by ind:- vidoals since thé orgenization of the Bank, inetnding the Dividend poyabie Paovery 1848 ‘That the Comptroller forth T moke a Iske statement as to the —— of Divi- dends and Taxes psid intothe Publie Trea- sury, by the BEnk of Cape Fear, snce the extention of ite Capital Stork onder the act of the Legistatore of 1836-37, which was read and edcpted. The remsiaoder 7f the Session, was spen in considering a Bill introduced by Mr. Larkins, to repeal the Act passed this Sess- ion, establishing a new County by the name of Catabaw from part of Liacole County. Me Joyner moved to amend by introdu- erog » Bill, to suepend the act ontil 1844. After an unusually protracted and animated debate, of which some account shal! sbort'y appear. Mr. Thomas moved the indefinite post— ponement of the Bill and amendment which, by Ayes 25, Noes 19, prevailed. The Senate then adjourned. ——— HOUSE OF COMMONS. eC The question pending yesterday, was of the Resolution introduced by Mr Harring- ton, for the acjournment of the Legislature on the 16th inst. ; which Resolution was laid on the tadle. Mr Williams presented a bill for the re- hefot the securities of Thomas Foster ; which passed its first reading. Mr. Lord presented a bill for arranging the sixth Judicial Circuit ; which passed iis Drst reading. On motion of Mr. Brogden, the Reports from the Committee, eppointed tu examine into the menner in which the money appro pristed for the repsirs of the Governor’s House, &c, had been expended, and the Report relative to the Furniture for the Governor's House, were ordered to be prin- ted. The following engrossed bills from the Seoate, were read the first time and passed : A bi'l to lay off the State into fifty Senato- rial Districts , a bill to amend the $0th sec- tion of the 104th chapter of the Revised Statutes, a bill to amend the Aci of 1792 ’S, and the several snoseqnent acts, regulating the City of Raleigh ; a bill to amend an Act entitled an Act to ijneorporate the Salem Manofacturing Company; and a Bill to grant an additional Court of Pleas and Q varter Sessions, to the Covaty of Cleve- land. The engrossed Resolution for the ad- jouroment of the Legislature on the 16tb mnst., was taken up for consideration. Mr. Wilder moved to lay the Resolation on the table, but afterwards withdrew it ; and the motion having been renewed by Mr. Bragg, was decided in the negative, by a vote of 31 to 69. On motion cf Mr. Barringer the Resolu- lion was emended by inserting sine die. Mr. Guthrie moved to lay on the table and be the order of the day for Mondsy next, Mr. Brogg thought the Resolution im- proper, and intended for political effect— and went on to show that it would be mm- possible to get through with the business by that tame. Mr. Celdwell, of Iredell, proceeded to reply.—If it was intended for political effect i eame irom a distinguished member of bis party. He was bere called to order. Mr. Nash, moved to smend, by inserting the Och, insiead of the 16th. Hf gentlemen did not intend tranescting the public busi- ness, aod their on!ly object was to seve money, theo the sooner ibey adjourned the better. Mr, Patterson moved to lay the Resolu- tion on the teble until the Let of March. A short debate ensued on this motion 3 after which Me Patterson withdrew bis motion, ang Mr. Nash tis amendment, end the Res- lution was adopied, The bill to make it Arson to burn Cotton Gins ar Threshing Machines, was taken op on is third seeding. Messrs. Nash and Avery spoke in op position to the bill, and Mr. Barringer sabmitied some remarks by way of explaining the odject of the bi! ; afier which the bill was rejected. The bill to appropriate $1000 for erect: ing @ road on Spring Creek, 19 Buncombe County, was taken op on its second teading. Mr. Seales moved its indefinite pastpone- ment, and it wes decided in the a fiiemative by @ vote of 69 to 36. A message was received from his Excel. | Jency, the Governor, trenemittirg the pro ceedings of the mesing of the Stock holders of the Bank of the State, in which they agree to surrender the Charter of esid Bank ifthe Legisleture will propose it, Mr. Jones, of Orange. moved that the | communication of «he Governor, end the | accompaaying documents, be sent to the Senate, with a proposition to refer the same 10 a Joint Select Committee. Mr. Guthrie suggested to Mr. Jones, the >| | | opriety of “smendion af ing. to Ls Select Lack gemeelitiat B. wel : meodment was mittee on Banks. Whereupon, s-debste of some interest: neved, wn which. Messrs. McRae, Bartting- Biggs and Guthrie, perticipateds * dors pbaie wére made for so sd- journment bat: withoot effect. Mr. Jones, of Orenge, then withdrew bis movin of reference, snd introduced the ful- lowing : . Whereas, the Stockholders of the Bank of the Stete have tendered 8 resignation of their Charter 10 this Legislature, therefore. Resolved, Tht the Legislature secept of gaid resignation, . Mr, Mytlaaddressed the Hoose with feel- og and ésergy oa this motion, ceiling on them to f their party, and act se pe- triots. ed enough of those ia-the e er, ” to secept the Cherter—oad pretorec. destraction of the Benk. Before the question @es taken, 00 motion of Mr. Moaroe, the House adjourned IN SENATE— Wednesday, Jan 4, Mr. Morehead, from the Committee on | the Jud.ciary, t+ ported back a bill adverse to any elteration in the Lews on Desceats and Legueres; the Committee was dis- charged from its further eonsideration. Mr. Milter introduced a bill, extending antl the Ist of April, the time fc taking Stock in the Hickory Nut Turnpike Com- pany, which was referred to the Commitice on Internal Improvement. Tbe Senste refused the use of their Chamber to the Legislative, Executive and Jadiesry Total Abstinence Society, on Fri- day evening next. Mr. Ethout moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill and amendment to repes| the ect establishing a new County by the name of Catawba, wes rejected. Mr. Jovner moved to lay the motion on the teble, Ayee 15, Noes 23. A debaie of much length ensued, io which the arga- ments pro and con of yesterday were egain bronght forward. Mr. Thomas demanded the Ayes and Noes upon the question of reconsideration and by Ayes 22 Noes 24, tte Senste re- fused to reconsider. The Bill for the assessment of Real Es- tate wes emended by extending its opera- tioa to 10 yeers, By 27, to 19, it passed ite final reading. The Senate adjourned, HOUSE OF COMMONS. The question pending yesterday, wes on the Resolution of Mr. Jones, of Orange, relative to accepting the surrender of the Charter of the Bank of the State. Mr. Jones asked leave tc offer a modifi- cation of bis Resolution ; and while pre- paring it, Mr. Biggs moved to ley the sub- ject on the table, with the promise, that es soon as the gentlemen from Orsoge came in, he would move to take it up egain ; and the motion was carned. M:. Jones having retorned, Mr. Biggs, moved io take up the Resolation again ; which motion prevailed, Mr. Jones, of Orange, then offered the following : Whereas. the Stockholders of the Bank of the State, have tendered a resignation of their charter to this Legislature, therefore, 1. Resolved, That this Legislature do, and they hereby accept the same—snd from ane after the adjournment of this General Assembly, all the powers, privileges and rights conferred by the said charter, shall cease end be determined, except for the porpose of gradually winding up the said corporation as may be provided by |.w, du- ring the present or any future session of this General Assembly. 2. Resolved, That we will not sepd eny egents to Bank meetings with or withvot instructions, to negotiate terms of any sort with Book Stock holders—we neither desire their aid, nor will we submit to the control of Bank Corporations, about the meesures to be adopted upon a surrender of their charter. 3. Resolved, That the Speakers of the Seoate and House of Commons, do forth- with commupieste to the Stockholders of the Bank of the State the following answer to their offer, to surrender the charter here- tofore granted to ssid corporation : * That if the Bank of tbe State is willing to sur- render their charter to thie General Assem- bly, the said offer will be accepted vy the Legislature.’ 4. Resolved That a Joint Select Com- mittee of 3 on the pert af each House be *ppoinied, with instructions to prepare end lay before this General Assembly, at the earhest day it is practible, the best and sa- | fest system for managing the fends of the Bank of the State, and to put them into the bends of competent agents, to be chosen by the J.egislatore, and particulerly how, end in what way this sarrender may be best used as @ means to re‘ieve the people insiesd of Opptessing them, and to do tbis in euch a way as will enable the debtors to renew end pay off their debts by instalments, with convenience to them, and safety to the owners of the fend—aend especially to guard the interest of the State as a Stockholder. and protect the public against injary— whieh sad Comaittee hes leave to sit du- ring the session of the Assembly, and to re- port by be oF other ese. r. ringer ollow: sabetivere imger moved the following as 2 _ Wheteas, the indrviduel Storkholders of the Bank of the Stete of North Carolina, at their annual genera! meeting, held in this City on the @¢ ist., did adopt the folloe- ing Resolution: Resolved unanimously, b7 the individual Stockbolders, in the Bank of the State of North Carolina, ttat if 1 be the pleesore of tbe General Assembly of the State of Nosh Cerolina, to instruct the Represeatative of Ne I net aOR Cope. ad sles # atid reasonsble indulgence to the debtors of the Bank, they etl} cone 'r therein. Resolution be transmitted: by the Chairman’ the-distress™ that would be occasioned by ® ) th sistent with the security of ibe Resolved, That s copy f the foregoing ‘ of this meeting to his Excellency, the. Gow-t ernor of the Siete, with a request that he commoanicate tbe same ta tbe Legisietore, and aiso ioform that body, thet this meeting will be continued open from day to day, by adjournment. Which Resolotion has been transmitter, / for sctlon thereepon, to the General Avorn? bly, by the Governor of this State; en whéreat, it is the opinion of the Geners. Assembly, thet bowever the private sate/- ests of the Stogkbolders, (ihe Siete inclad- orebead offered a Resolution, that | majority = would stand by the Whigs, 24 / ed.) might be promoted by closing (be bas:- ness of said bank and re-investing the t Capite sof, in other more profit is cate: enls, yet, in the present crieis of affairs, weh a course might be destructive to the "| best.interests of the great body of the peo- ple, and be attended with great distress and embarrassements, end lead to veaces that cannot now be saticipated ; therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, That in determining the question of the surrender of the charter of seid Bank, such a course ought to be adopted as would diminish, in- stead of increasing, the present diswese of the people, end that therefore, the Repre- sentative of this State, in the Meeting of the Stockboiders of the Bank of the Stete of North Carolina, be insirocied to refuse his concurrence to the above proposition of the private Stockholders. to surrender the charter of said Bank, and that he be in- stracted pot to propose any messures, in business of said Benk, and dividing the Capitol stock among the proprietors thereof. An interesting debate ensued on this mo- tion ; Messts. Barringer, Caldwell, of Ire- dell, Ashe, Baxter, Francis, and Leach ad- vocating the substitute, and Mesers Biggs, Jackson, Bragg, and Cardwell, the originel Resolution. The debate was continued vatil half past twoo’clock, when, on motion of Mr McRae, the House adjourned until 4 o'clock. Evenino Session. The Hoose met et 4 o’clock and pro- eveded in the discussion. Mr. McRae, took the floor end eddress— ed the House for some time with great wermth in opposition to the Bank, but be- fore he bad concluded, wes compelled to take bis seat from indisposition. The debate wes continued by Messrs. Lord, Ashe, Nash, and Francis, in favor of the original Resolution; but before the question was taken, at ebout 7 o'clock, the House adjourned. Thursday, Jan. 5. IN SENATE, Mr. Wm. P. Williems, from the commit- tee on Internal Improvements, to whom was referred toast part of the Governor's message, recommending the granting of a charter to meke a turnpike road from Raleigh to the west, and other sobjecis of a similar char- acter, made a report egainst the expediency of such measures, and ssked to be dia- charged from the further consideration of the subject. The committee were sccord- ingly discharged, and the report was order- ed to be printed. Mr. Williems also re- ported adversely to the project of makin a torapike road from Fayetteville to Wilkes- boroagh Mr. Brown,from the Committee on Beaks, laid before the Senate the replies of our two principal Banks to the interrogatories of the committee. The bill to lay off nine Congressions! Districts wes taken op Among other a- mendments, Mr. Dockery and Mr. More- head each moved «@ substitute: rejected. the bill then passed the Senate without dis turbiog the arrangement of the commaittee, as heretofore published Those-who voted for the bill, were Alli- son of Iredell, Allison of Orange, Boykin, Boyd, Brown, Barzin, Cathey. Dobson, Ed- wards, Ennett, Hester, Jones, Larkins, Melwo, Mitchell, Miller, Moore, Pasteur, Pharr, Ray, Reid, Ribelin, Rugers, Stafford, Speight. Stallings, Swinson. Tomlinson, J. W. Williams, and Wm. P.Williams—30. Ageinst the bill, Albright, Arrington, Cooper, Dockery, Elliott, Exum, Howard, Jacocks, Joyner, Morehead, Moye, Myers, Shepard, Spruill, Thomss, Walker and Worth—17. HOUSE OF COMMONS. A message from the Governor. transmit- tinge notice from e Notaral Officer to Charles L. Hinton, Public Treesurer, in- forming bim that the bond for the payment of an inete'ment on the loan to seid com- pany, $50 000, had been protested for noo- psyment; which was read, and on motion of Mr. Bower lsid on the table. The House then reeumed the eonsidere- tiot of the resolutions felative to the sur render of the Bank charter. The debste wee kept up till belf past 2 o’ciock by ; Jackson, Scales, and Caldwell of Iredell. In evening session the debate wes contin. eed to 2 late hour by Caldwell, of I., Bar- ringer, Cad. Jones, sad Mills. Friday, Jan. 6. ) IN SENATE. The bi!l to amend the Common School Act wes under econsiderstion. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The clerk read 2 from the Govr- hed disagreed with the Speakers of the Senste and House ~f Commons, in accept- | for the disagreement. . J,3id on the table. The debate on the gesototions relative te the present state of affeirs. for elosing the | Messre. Avery, Caldwell of Burke, Leach, | ;, ng the bond, and setting forth his ressons sod] HOUSE OF COMMONS: A resolution offered by Mr Francis (io emendment of Mc. Jones’s.) decisfing that ‘{ wes not the of thie Assembly that the affsire of the Bank of the Siste should be closed at the present time, was rejected 61 16°49, i> Se The question westhen taken on the sdop- tion of the Resolations of Mr Jones of Orange, and decided 10 the cffirmative, yeas 58, aajs 54. ) Monday, Jan. 9, _ IN SENATE. rer 00s from the Commons,.on the subject of she surrender of the cherter of the tapk of the , were read the first time and pessed; apon which.Mr. Edwards presented 2 preamble and. resolution de- cleriog that es the individual stockholders hed signifid theic wi to sorrender their charter, the Legislature qill give its escent thereto and accept the same, if ten- dered during its present seasion ; and tbat in such an event, the Legislature will pro. vide by lew some safe end proper system for closing tte concerns of ssid Bank; which psased their first reading, end, togeth- er with (boss from the Commons, were or- dered to be printed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr Rassell presented a series of resolu- tions sbout the General Government, find- ing abundant fault therewith. The sittng was consumed with state- ments snd propositions concerning the offi- cial bonds tendered bf the Treasurer-elect, Jobo H Wheeler, and disepproved by Gov. Morehead. Af CARD, wits aview to establish myself perma nently in the town of Salisbury, I here- with announce to the Paoblic, that in a few weeks, I shall visit the Northern cities in order lo improve myself in mattere connected with my profession, and to make selections for un exten sive Apothecaries Establishment in this place, ‘o be opened early io the Spring 1 can assure my Medical brethren and others, that no pains will be spared to obtain and constantly keep the best.Articles suited to the wanis of the profes. sion and the community at large—and shvold there be a desire for any particular Medicines, Books, or Instruments, § shal} be sed to be addressed on the subject at this place. In addi lion to the conveniences, sfforded by the above Establishment, | have several rooms, for such meédital stedenis, as may desire to place them selves ander my Tuition PLEASANT HENDERSON. Salisbury, Dec. 24, 1842—1f22 NOTICE. 4 es JUSTICES OF THE PEACE of Rowan County, are requesied to meet at the Court—Hoose in Salisbury, at 10 o'clock on Thoraday of February Couri,!being the 9b cay of the month, for the purpose of laying the Taxes, and transacting other Public business. M CHAMBERS, E D AUSTIN, PAUL A. SEAFORD, Sreciat Covat Jan 14, 1843—4w25 COUNTY CREDITORS ! LL Persons having claime against the A Coonts of Rowan, aie requested to file them with Jobo H. Hardie, Esq., (who has been appointed Clerk of the Commiltee of Finance,) on or bofore Monday the $Oth instant, as the Committee will meet at the Court House, in Salisbury, on that day, to audit and pass. upon all outstanding claims against the County.” WM. CHAMBERS, J. M. BROWN, D. A DAVIS, Committee of Finance. Jan 14, 1848—$w25 KENILWORTH. HOGs } HE Snbecriber has just added to his sock of Berkshiresa. pair of -Kenilwort T h Hogs imported from land..jn the fall-of 184}, b Mr. A B. pre) New York, ind sre ooie. bout 18 months old.. ‘The Boaris a very supe. rior animal, deep, thick.andexcellent io at his points: the Sow very fine, with-& hitter of eight pigs, which, for beaaty and form, can hardly be surpassed. Those who may wish a faller de- scription of these fine animals; are referred to Mr. Alfen's letier published in the Cullivator.— ‘The sobscriber has also, a Yorkshire Sow, par. chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by him from England ; and some Thin rind Sows : and those wishing to purchase, can bave the te Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosses of esilworih and Yorkshire, Thio-rind and Berk- shire. Hie stock of Berkshires was parchased of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, and ie noi surpassed by any in the United States. Those wishiog to improve their stock of Hogs, have dow @ better opportunity of doing so, than has ever Seen offered South of the Potomac. Orders for any of the above will be promptly attended ‘ WM. F. KELLY. Near Mocksville, Davi 1195 January 14, 1848. le co. Cotton Gin Waking Business JHE subscriber would respectfally inform the citizens of Rowae and the adjoining ecan- Jies, that he has commenced ihe above Business in Salisbury. Hie shop ie three doors east of Moses L Brown's Tan Yard, where he is pre- pared to exeente all. work in his line of -business ong ex- Thresbiog Machines. ALEXANDER FRALEY. Salisbery, Dec. 51, 1842~ 2m23 st of creation,’ for nut taking 2 Qrex‘er mteres: tp the matter of ‘Temperance,’ :nd-termis the cir tamsiance of my imagination lo be strange deed, merking the conclusionf of the sentence attack upon me ae the defender of the Ladies, ae paper, | discover 0 DY commeni- » writtea ia defence of with an exclamatory point :—Thus be opens his [ if he intended to storm a fort, by breaking down ite towering walle. * Under this impression, he eaye ‘1 caper out before bis startled vision to da battle in thejr cause; and, int xicated with the hdpe of a0 easy victory, give veo to my feelings in taunts and jeers.’ Swp ‘ Bosiingee’! 1 wish you ie oaderstand distinctly that fam oo dancing master, neither am 1 in_ favor of daa- ; Bat had rather defend the Ladies in ¢ righ Saltiba “hetuerene ae as it rds my * jntos “with the hope of a easy victory,’ I hall leave the issue of this controversy te speek for itself, - - ogee” says-that‘ on finding myself the PS toe Ladies, my pride exceeds its na- tural bounds abogt's ‘feet."—is ndt thix well cal- coleted to excite the resibilities of any person! He also says that ‘1 boast and strut about; be- stowing alternately eulegies: upon the .Lavies, and snéers upon him.’ As the Ledies are so amiable, possessing 80 many endearing qualities, with which man's bappinesa and interest, yea, 4 his eff stand so closely connected ; the men who finds it ia his heart, to confer opon them 2 thoo- sand panegyrios, should not be censured by any, and will sot, with the exception of those who are hardeded in the sin of Bacheloriem. And-what if my ptide-does exceed ‘8 feet,’ while defending the Ladies ? Woold it be er:- minal if-it were to transeefid- ite natoral boonds a thousand feet? I.am disposed to thiok that 1 would not. For it. does appegrio me that the Ladies be ta, @ fairer clime than this sin~ stticken world :—Piey 80 many excel- lent and lnodable which bedeck their coronet, and shine with the bright emanations of the sparkling diimood, and with the brilliancy of the sun, as it rolls ep the oriental sky, chasing away the darknesa of night from t with the fioishing touch of an Artiat, placing up on the face of nature an aspect enchantingly sublime. He who speaks disparagingly of ihe Ladies, deserves, not only to be censored by Josiah, bot by all sober thinking, persons ; and as a fragment of cfeation, should. be thrown off upon some isolated clood which floate iu * ether pure,” and skirting the horizon, to be Sorne to —— “2 boundless continent Dark, waste, and wild, ander the frowa of Nicht Starless exposed, and ever threatning storms Of chaos blastering round ioclement sky.” “ Bostingee” says that ‘I close the scene of my antics by a flight from my native land, to + some desolate Island, girt around by the arms of old ocean’ Now! must inform him that} have never visited in my life an Istand situated in ti:e wide waste of waters; [ only remarked, should 1 ever be as unfurtonate so to be casta lonely exile upon some desolaté Island, that with much ‘orning morn for some friendly birgue to bear me back again to my native land. ‘ouching this part of *Bostirgee’s’ communication, {will metely remark that his mind possesses rather an anfortanate proclivity . | would inform him that fam at home, and ready to hear orread any thing which he may say or write in reference to the Ladies and the Temperance cause. In-his furmet commonication, ‘ Bostiogee’ remarked that the Ladies ‘rarely, if ever besiowed fire minaies serivus thooght’- apon the Subject of Temperance; and ia bis eommonication to which fam now repiving, he says that ‘he is willing to admit that the Ladies have done barely enough to acknowledge the claims‘which the friends of the subject say it has upon them for their aid.’ This is an acknowledgment of the fact that the Ladies have taken an interest inthe caose of Temperance, the acknowledgment of which fact arch (hem. over aud thre that eball day waste tie; the clood shall wasie » Upos its tetiring boso;, sngel form, cluthed of heaven, afd @i omaipotent in power, shall thruy dies a broad from the cunsequences of * Bus, gee” is nut cheering smiles of p he world, and anxiety and hope | would look out at each re— r fin in thig a ey troth thal} etany’ * ©Ppeo with ai); Ly tha delicate nS pavilion, which shatien” the Pe ingee’y th hes! Tray, ion! Vly lo cooelusion, Jusiab is informed thay« af anligeated § ‘ walks forth day afier day in Ae Salisbury, and occasionally basks | principled fomtles ever, informs Jugiah that be is an ij the town of Salisbury, and if ¢, te a single maa, he musi bea Bachelor, if no 2%! tiquated one ; or, if ii be otherwise wa ty is standing vpoa the mouataio ty, ah hie the,boundaty line, gazing upoa ine cane Kay pens before higastonished vision, p.,,,) % fe the far off clouds, which hang in als. be ng f sociatiua, and frequently ween along ikea throwing athwart his pathway ih.) 8 shadews. Woold it not be we!) (,, one lady to reach op, and snatch § Bose 2% bis perilous eminence ? to save hig tiie ty ing an antiquated Bachelor. if be y. Dot one ! tea estingee appends to hi eas Poststript, ia whieh be subm me the sulation of which he The problem ig this :—“ If the P the word no, is equal to a millstone, hay j ponderosily of the word yes eqnal igo hy gard this problem, not as mathe: * betas a jal one ; therefore, | weg peal to the dictivesry. Mr. Webdsier mn the word yes expresses 2ffirmation vu onan wi Word $ Common} that it is opposed to the word no. Noy ; Hinges" has felt the ponderosity of ihe aod aethe word yes means the opposiy the tution of his problem must be evident i, re a and | cancot well refrain from wishing thy time may svon arrive when the worg yer . enter deeply into the feelings of Bostioges? To one occupying his position in life, the Potty osity of the werd yes, would be no 10:¢ ty the feathery foam, thrown off opon the oe. breeze, created by the dashing calanie a rolls dowa the rugged precipice wiih Violen! petuosiiv, leaping io frantic movemeny rock to rock, presenting to the CYC 2 cay) eatare truly sublime. For the present | take my leave of ‘Re: gee,’ by advising him to seek the friendsby the Ladies, and never to perform en ACI Phi, would incur their disple:sare. JOSIAg, We intended 'o make some remarks Upon ty lew about to be enforced agains: hogs ronbiigg large in our streets, but have received & cay, nication on that sabjéect, expressive of og; View, to whith we inviie the atieation of OUr teaden, and which we here insert. {FOR THE CAROLINA WATCHMA THE HOG LAW!! Mr Editor :—Passing throngh out streata | happened to glance at a hand bill lately pay by oor Town Commissioners, from which | lem that an old Law against soffering bogs to rag large in the Towa of Salisbury, is about i revived and enforced. é Perhaps { may not be the only individual was entirely ignorant-of the existence of sod! law, and who must necessarily be pot to gi ‘convenience and expense,dy complying wi reqvisitions. I cannot for a moment ente the idea, that the respeciable Gentlemen sustain the office of Town Commissivners ins ded, dy thik get, to oppress or injare any of thet Tellow—gitizens ; yet, I believe that such wil ‘heveffect of. enforcing to the very letier, eke in question. Only one short month is gites those upon whom the law is designed to opens ta guard against its idfringement, and this month happens afier the usual time of klk and putting up pork is past ; so that those have hogs now ruoning at large must hare penned up, not for one monih or two, bul nearly a year, before the season comes round gain when they ean be killed. And as this permis any one to shoot hogs ranging at b e goes forth to djsprove that which ‘ Boatingee’ expressed in his first communication, that the Ladies: rarely bestowed five minutes serious i sore apon the subject of Temperance. ‘ Be- yond this’ he says (bat ‘he is unwilling to make admissions.” Verily we may regard this admis- sion ae one which argues favorably for * Bustin gee,’ and may we not reasonably suppose that he will retract entirely what he bag written concerning the Ladies, regain their friendship, whose smiles shall cheer the Inmesome pathway of his life, and lovely voices as the duleet music of the Eolian Harp chase away the sorrows of his heart intothe darkness of oblivion “* Bostiugee” adverts to the meeting held in the M_ E, Church on the evening of the 261h of December, and acknowledges that there wese a good many Ladies present on that oceasion > and ia all probability to do away the impression which that occasion was well calculated to pro- duce upon the mind, that the Ladies Jeelin- terested in the cause of erance® he ad. verts to a meeting subsequently held in the Pres. bytertan Church, anc says that there were ov Ladies on that oecasion. . _ | would simply remark that there were pallia~ ing circamstances associated with their nonat- tendance at that meeting. He closes his allu- sion to the meeting beld in the Presbyterian Charch in Latin phraseology, embraced in brackets, 98 if he intended to startle the nations with bis sapience Mr. Editor, * Bostingee’ sys that he not desire a controversy, either self, and be sincerejy hopes that he may hereaf- ter be permi:ted to erj.y his wonied silence ’— He may, provided he mskes his homble conces- sion to the Ladies that he hae been in the wrong. and in all coming time intends to act so cleverly, ae never to do or say any thing that shallio the least degree be to ‘their disparage- ment. He says that if he is call ah, that he inteods to present some Statisiical facts which will sorprise many; and advises them to choke Josiah off, that he is poor help to them ; that so far fiom Sweeping away the char ges alledged againgt them, that he ectoaliy con- firms these charges, If the Ladies will ta above admission, Josiah bas not And well may fee their advoca open field of this time 4 does With you or my- ed out again by Josi ke into consideration the they willat once discover that been. injurions to ther cause. — * Bostingee’ advise the Ladies to te to purse him no farther in the Controversy. [t is presumable by i bat he discovers he has been por. soing 2 read of error, and now willing to make the best of a bad cause, advises the Ladies to choke Jusiah off, that he may farther: stating that if he is called out again, Statistical facts ® would advise the Jed, to possess an eit apimily of mind, t : ~~ ¢ ANioteh ne threat o ominoms slood; rolls op th be pursued no decom p:se, and exhale their injariogs g2>" oor town? We have no podlic scavenge and we fear that the operation of tb prove a serious injury '0 the health of sense uf our Town Commissioners, enie po doubt that itis their destre, and it is easy to see how a peaceable citizen wey injured by any one who, onder the shield of law, may choose to veni his ill will agains: ti At the priee at which pork has sold thus son, it is clear that no one can derive 2ny pnt by feeding hogs in @ town,—and such 45 hew buy eorn, though it be at only 25 cts. pert would find themselvee losers by attempting raise their own meat. If then, opr Town la missioners had given their fellow citizem year instead of one month to prepare tbet for the operation of said law, we believe (but fore the year woold elapse scarcely 2 single would be found in the sireets of Salisbury. All can readily conceive how the sofeny! hogs to ron at large in 8 town may recume tt isance, and it may be that the evil hae rises soch a height in this place, as requires be & tention of our Commissioners ; but in 1500 as the Jaw was noi known to exist.end #* immediate enfureement, must injore macy citizens, which injury migt.t be vbviated yg" ing more time to prepare for iis operasion.- sincerely hope that our worthy ‘Town Coss siorers will, at their next meeting, 1e-coe® BM therr late vote on this subject, and extend, #| as IRM loden months, the time when the law is 0¥@ forced. The law io question, whether knows of © has evidently been disregarded for moj f™ past, and was nothing but a dead letter op book ; when this is the case with any 8%, # draw the conclusion that such a law is 0! p™ tbat it is oot adapted to the circomsiscces bi people opon whom it is intended to operate, is therefore rendered nul] vy a general viet to it. Such a law then, shoold not be re enlree lightly, nor withont very mature considers¥# But [ would respecifully ask whether (¢% foreement of said law, duriug the preses! may not be productive of in-re harm (bso r™ Withoat enlarging apon the cost aod 100% ® which those of our citizens who now bare will be put, who must necessarily consi P or enclugures more or less spacious, 304 expense of feeding their hogs ontil tbe comes round when pork is osoally killed. 1 would ask, what will be the effect of ® hog pens in almost every lot in town? i two preceding Sommers, we have bee" . | With unprecedented seasons of sickness.— not the uffensive + fluvia arising from ‘be® pess all o¥er town, aot only during the § when even then, it is jntulersble, oo! = hot season, gréatly increase ihe liability © ease during the summer? And woald os liability be vastly jnereased from ‘he *C° the large amovni of vegetable matter tt ar streets, especially doring ‘be wren nd now eaten by the hogs, — would ye Fa we move from week to week all — on oc be F it f of = pointed by law to cleanse ver re We leave these hasty remarks ) in sheix power fo promoie ne $818 bing id the welfare uf its tnhabi- eyo ont warns aed 10 OU NCITIZEN. ants lina Watchman. sALISBURY: TURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1843. —_—_—_ Repub a For President of the United States, HENRY CLAY. oF KENTUCKY. eato lican Whig ‘Ticket ! ag RIGHT OF INSTRUCTION. »ismoch difference of opinion respecting vp of 2 Legistature to inetract. — ore ied States This differences t ‘versity of views entertained concercs er of the Government. - Those we ihe United States Senate asa collec- vie Y Apbassadure merely from varions gover “i ws may well retain the doctrineph-In- 6 io for 20 Ambassador is an agent actirg one of his country, whose Goings have ne unless ratified by hie Government. gram who kaow that Seoaiors of the Uni- one pot need the sanction of State Le- migtes to give validity to their “acts 5 who that the Senate constiiates one of the jodies of the National Legislature, and that it saree tbe power of the Nativoal Executive i— who believe tbat a Senator of the United Sistes by virtue of bis station an Officia! of the Na- joni Governmeni, actiog ander bis oath to the . | Constitution, and boand thereby to ex- js abilities for tbe general good of the Re- those who emertain these views, cannot peognise the doctrine of instruction Nationa geise b There is no such right in the Constiivtion, nor- can it be derived from that instrament, which or- eoizad and intended the Senate to be a more per - maneot body asa regulaling power of the Gov- erpmen!, not io depend un the caprice of ever changing pablic opinion or the incidental majori- syof a Stale Legislature, who freqaenily amase ibereselves in playing the fantastic game of se- ae; practice thei: wisdom io destroying every ysefal aod permanent poblic institatiou , intain- ing \be credit of Corporations and individuals, in enderiog credit odious ; wealth disgraceful, sod honesty a-reproach. Reverting to the Sugtructions now before the Legislatare of this State, where there is an inci- deotal majority of Locofucos—who afier mach qarreliog, have elected a Senator, whom none of thew intended to appoint at the time of their ownrelection ; and whose service cannot com- gence before December of this year—we say hat (hose who elected him have a right te in- meet bim for the whole term, prcvided they do w,dariog this session , for if they cease to be mbers before giving such instructions, their iis gone ; such as it was or is, an 10 fact it existed, seeing their office is fulfilled by Hpiniment, and extends no further, much less Wextend to those whom they have no right wappoint. ‘The appoiptment of a Senator of te United Siates, is giving the person appointed del eredere commission for 80 many years, with- mt ihe power of alteration or control. ‘Tbe ap- pointed must act upon his own responsibility, ad if he act wrong there is no Constitutional pmedy against him, other than that arising toro’ e ballot box, in the same manner that it is ap- hed toa President of the United States, or a R-preseniative in Congress If a Senator be le to instructions, where is the atility or pro ety of selecting a learned and experienced nto Gill the office, why not select an ignorant inexperierced person wto would not be de- by learning a lessun or acting the puppet imaster showman, Bat it iscertainty degra- ing to any man of common intelligence to be de ved of discretion, and of free will. And we ould ask the advocates of instruction, whether sig ot their design primarily, to degrade the oo of the Senatur, rather than to promote the sdom of the National Council. And whether te degradation offered to the Representative of Stare is not by Implication an ingalt to the g0Ky of the Siate liself. ame See This ward has been press 1) ECONOMY, expunged ed into atriee 80 often as =. a technical tern in Poll- Wet, that ic seems to have lust its meaning ; on “toccasions it is made equivalent to liberal ap- Mpriation and large expenditure; again it is tide to mean a siingy, mean, saving, avaricious Node of conduct ; at oiher times it is made an ectioneering word with a pleasant mouth fille "geound, to imply extravagance on one side, and orm on the other > the last always implying “al the candidate or speaker intends to ooder- Mand it ag applying ‘o himself and his side, and ® the Contrary eg the other. ‘Tbe word being “er mis-osed gatil it has beeome entirely use- 8. We by ouz authority in personom, direct ae order, that henceforth it be no more used by Milicians, in any manner or form, until it shall * rgteeJ as to what particular meaning acd in- “slit'shall have. “That it shall be éxpanged “2 l Presideai’s messages, from all Govern. "' Communications, and likewise, from ali Re- Pe of Legislative Committees. ke: that in is a double faced word, unfit to ap- ® geviee! society, and odiovs to eats polite: der to Bive effect to the full extent of ovr 8, and io ubedience of our requisition, we ne heed biack*lines 10 be drawe round the Word,—and expavge tu be piinted ve Vaear 10 it as appears abrve. eC > The Richmond Whig of the 12th inst. Sees that Jouw H. Peasants, Esq, has > bis position a3 vne of the Editors ni Paper. We hail with delight his retorn we toa on which he has heséiofore re flect- Mean honet, and tender him our bes: wish- swing Proupority and comp/léte success of the eo a gary ‘a which he has engaged, by Phant election of that noble Patriot and Newey, Hewry Clay, in 1844. out against the government -of IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO.» Vees Cruz, Dee. 19, 1942. - The neme from the city of Mexico is. qcetin= teresting. “Gea. Gatieres, of Sam Luis i ming of a new body by Sanig Anna to form: sew constiiation for the couctry.. A simil move is mede in Pavbla by Geo. Cenaliza, Ti news was sent. by express to Mexico to Gen. Toroel, mi if War, who immediaicly made it known to Congress. This body replied that try, aad would aot be driven trom their sedis, exeept by force of arms. Thiaisporely a wilita- ry movement, probably secieily ioved by Sania’ An2. Y News had arrived heré, from the west, of the Oceypancy of Mepierey, s townam California, by ‘Commander Jones, of the frigate United Siaies and Corvetie Cyate. -He-held the tower avout two days and then gave it up, decisring that he took the town jn ‘Consequence of a report war was declared by the United: States Mexico ej » ee ‘The Mexigan General ta comand gave io- formation vf 2 body of 3000 Texiang ‘marching towards ihe Rio Grinde, speach y still holds Mexico. The Garrison-of this city [Vera Croz) is mmmenrftily expected to declare in favur of the revulution against Coogress. . , "Me. W. E. Dryden with seven other Ameri- 08 who had veencogfived nearly twelve munths in Chiwawa, have been liberated by the Mexi- ean Goverment, through the iaterposition of the United States Minister. A bearer of despatehes, by the barqae Annan- ac, left yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock io the cars for Washington. From Madeira-—The ship Mexican brings farther intelligence eoncerningatie late gale at Madeira, which proved soWarfully destructive. The nomber of lives: lost is computed to have been at fifty, while more than two and half mill - ions of property were destroyed The whole island 1s almost made desolate by this awfal vi- Sfiation. Bridgeahave been swept away, or- chards destroyed, houses rnined, sireets spoiled. and great numbers of the inhabitants deprived alike of homes and food. At sea two days after the most violent storm, a gale destroyed a great number of vessels. Among them were the Bri- tish brig Dart, the brig Creole of Richmond, and the sehooner Wave, A Sardinian brig wens down sith twelve men on board. This terrible calamity is almost as dreadful as was that which. visited the same island ia 1808, thupgh the sumber of lives lost is some vhat less. New York Tribune. a late oumber of the M.itoo Chronicle is too good to be lost : Music —1 say, Tom, is it raining out dcots? Yes sir, very ae Wel!l—here, my boy, take this umbrella, and ron up the street to Mr. E.’s. and in- quire the name of that lady who lepbring on the Piano so clegantly —[Ezit Tom. [ £ditor—alone—walking the floor to and fro.J—-My Stars! such melodious and soul stirring music! Rise, Orpheus! rise, from the dust, and behold your equ#! Sneb strains! were never before heard in Milton --ah! well bath Shakespeare said that he that bath not music in bis soul is fit for treagon [Enter Boy—grinning]— Well, how now, ‘imp’— Whence proceeds the music, and who is it that plays so elegantly ? (Boy)—The music, sir, that you now hear, is the humming of a Spinning wheel, at which a lady, in yonder dilapidated bouse, works. . ( Fditor —-surprised !)—-"A_ spinning- Wheel!” Is it possible! Well, is. the best music in the world, re seteeaiieeenseneeneiademmat ALTAR OF HYMENN. “8 «© Those whom lore cements in holy faith “ And equal transport, free as Nature live. *seneee co What is the world to them, ‘* Its pomp, its pleasure and its nunsense all, “ Who in each other clasp whatever fair “ High fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish MARRIED. In thts county on the 5th instant, by the Rey. Wa. Arter, Mr. wrchibald Morgan, of Cabar- rus, to Miss Martha, daughter fF Lock Aiwell, Eeq , of this county. ht In Davidson county, on the 10th inst., by James Wiseman, Esq:,Mr. © F' Lowe, tu Miss Barbara Ann, danghter of Capt. Grorge Miller. la Iredell County, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. A. Y. Lockridge, Mr. John Lesliato Miss Elizabeth Morrison. To Davidson county, of Scarlet Fever, Ellen aria, daughter of Ira and Nancy Fitzzerald, aged 10 years, 7 months and 23 days, In this thia Town, on the 14th instant, Nr Jacob Shoaf. At his residence in Rowan county, on the Sth instant, Mr. Wilham Kilpatrick, in the 75th yearcf hisage. Mr. Kilpatrick was a man of strong mataral paris, ealtivated more by deep thinking, than extensive reading. He knew ithe iruth agit is in Christ Jesus—be felt the trath, aad through the truth he was sanctified, and roade meet for the inheriiance of the saints in light. He was a man of great firmness, of un- bending integrity of character; and of grave de- meanor. Soon afier the Charch ot Back Creek was organized Mr. Kilpatrick was ordained a Ruling Eider in said Gharch, which office he beld for more than S30 years; and by his coen- sels, his prayers, and bis labors when opon earth he did mech for the prosperity of the Chorch ever the whict the Holy Ghost bad made him ao overseer. He wasa warm friend of Sabbath Schools, of jhe Temperance.cause, and cf the work of Nissions ; and he manifested hig Jove to these good objects by his actions thai speak louder than words. “ Servant of God, well done! Restarom thy lov'd employ ; The battle fought; the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy.” nS At the houge of Mr. Juhn N. Lowrance, ia lade couhty on thé 9th insiant, Mr. Noni . Kilpatrick, in the $8th year of his age. Kilpatrick was the ee sen of Mr. Wm, Kilpatrick, whose’ above. He teft.home io his ai a few.days before his ‘death, n home the tame not a8 our @378,.nor hip thoughte ex sar Ge its. Henever sae his family agaic: He 4 (ahen euddenly ‘ick af clared for-2 dissulution of Congress, and the nat The following choice article sppeared in Mr. bi R A : Sark ; ek. lal bobind bia +. Biel tesa a they were the real representatives uf the coon» tte L- 5 a . thee, Aod death } nesting. for the d ype ~ I have +mploved (he best of Northern Workmen. No expense os pains will've spared to render this a Fashionable Establishment ! in all respeeis. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clothes made op io the mosi fashionable and durable manner. 1 have been engaged regularly in cotiing for the-last five years, and part of the time in someuf the mosi celebrated establishments in the Suathern esun- try. E shell not hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit | cat acd make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASUTONS, received monthy Iu conelusion, should I be en cooraged, nv one peed send away to procure guod clothing. A. P ALSOBROOK. Reference —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N.C. Salisbary, Janvary 21, 1843 — 1096 REMOVAL! HE subscribers woul) rearectfully announre { to the pubdlie, that they have removed their Copper, Tin plate and Sheet +" mow PRanutactory, One door above George W. Brown & Co , and opposite ‘Thos. L. Cowan's Brick Row, where they are better prepared to accommodate and ex ecate all orders io thcir line on short notice and in the vere best style. Also, constantly on hand, a choice supply of Plain and Japan ‘Tin Ware, Britannia Ware, Bathing Tubs, Stills, &e. JOHN D. BROWN & Go. Salishory, Jan 21, 1843—1/26 Wegroes for Sale. OME valuable Negroes can be had on rea- sonable terms al private sale, by applying to Mr Samuel Reeves, Salisbury. If not eold by Monday, the 6th of February nex:. (being Mve day of the County Coart,) they will un that day be put up to the highest bidder, at the Court Honse in Salieonry, . Jan. 21, !843.- $4*26 To Publishers, BP A YOUNG MAN. who has had con- siderable experience as a Printer. wishes a sil vation as Foreman or Journeyman Satisfaciory references van be viven, Fur parycolars address = + cumae Office,” Salisbory, N. U., post aid, P Janoary 21, 84S. 20 DOLLARS WV ILL be paid for the delivery of mv negro git! Suse Strickland, sho . as carried off un the Q4ih_ «= ‘December, by a negr man meernamed GOODIVI.N. the property of James Gasdger. Suse is a brighi mnolatto, sour tS yeats of age, straight hair, het upper teeth tnetived to turo out. She is far ad- vanced in -pregnenéy): ‘A feasonable compensa- tion will be made” fur the delivery of Good win, he is.alse.a brightitinlatio, beiween 25 and 30 years of age NE HR tar bears from or the 27:b of December; within two miles ot Sal a isbure, going South. An¥infdrmation will be thankfully recetved, if-addsessed*to the sabscri- ber, living.on Brosh Creek; Randulph county, Post Office, Brower’ Sore, © < . se" eIOHN RAINES. Jan 14, 1848'~S025 United “States District Court of North Carelinga—In Bankruptcy. Notice ty Bhew rause against Petition of pi James Floyd. of. Devidsun counts, Labour er, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmwing ton, an monday the first day of Mayewex, Alexauder Muudy, of Sorry county, [roo manu- faciurer, to ve declared a Bankropt, at Wilmington, on monday the first day of May next. John Shaler, of Davidson coonty, Farmer, tobe declared a Bankropt, at Wiimingtun, on monday, the first day of May next. By ordes of the Conrt, H. A, POTTER, Acting Clerk of Cvart ia Bankrapicy. Jannarv $, 1848 —4w95 Farmer’s Look out.—I have a Valuable Tract of Land near Salisbary, which 1 will sell om goud terms, if application be made son. 1. LYERUY. Salisbury, Dec 10 oa 120 State of North Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Novem- ber Term, 1842. Isham P. Ellis, Origioal Attachment. to the satisfaction of the Coort, Maat tbe defendant 1s not an ipbabitent of ibis State: fis therefore ordered by the Coert, thar be made fur six weeks in the Caroli na Weichman, for the said defeodant to cume in and replevy and plesd or Jadgment will be en- coro sgmes! bim and the property levied oa te deb: JORM CLEMENT. ceoa Dev t? —6w3t— Printers (ee $5 50 HARDWARE . a hondsome sesortaiént ware, tlemlerk ath Senneer Beoaioe, Ripe und Twine, Sagar, fron, with many fenoy stricles. too sume rous to mentions. We . eetiully ioeire paréustomers, friends and hap. ive yea call, before laying out their deh elsewhere, as we shall spare no pains to rendér satisfaction, sod to sell gouds oo very smal? profite for cash. N. B. We tender our must hearty thanks to our friends extended oe tention to our ‘heap for cash, ficient 10 merit heretofure, and hope by sitict’at- business, and selling gouds so very that the indecement will be suf- a continoance of the same, CRESS & BOGER. Salisbury, Nov. 11, 1842-6m16 Fresh and large Arrivats AT THE CHEAP CASH Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMENT, E have just received and offer fur ele our 4) second supply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, amooniing to 545 PACKAGES, Among which are the following : 73 pieces brown § bleached ehirtings, from 4 cente @ yard tu 124 530 pieces calicoes. from 5 cis io 124 excellent at 10 and 12 1-2 , 470 pair shoes agsoried, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 jbs turkey red 80 doz cotton handkerchiefs 25 ps bed tick 40 do apron checks 55 do flancels 28 do Kentocky Janes 22 docloihs and satiinetts SO d. muslin de lanes 28 do linses and kerseys 5 ps bolting cloihs 190 bags coffee 14 hhds sugar 185 ps baggiag . 80. evils rope 2900 ths loaf Sugar $500 los sole leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs nails 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 25 prs Elliptic springs 540 bottles caster oil 60 beshels clover seed, warranted pew crop J &W. MURPHY: Salishuty, December 10, 1842—6:f FRESH ARRIVALS! NEW | =F Fall and Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS A RE cow receiving and opening io the brick house west uf the Court-hoose, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which are Dry Goods, Hardware; Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Crockery, P.inis, Dye- stafls, Medicines. GROCERIES, ROPE AND BAGGING, ind in short, a general assortment of GOODS, which we are determined to sel] as cheap for Cash, as can be bought any where in Cuncord. We invile old costomers and the pub!‘e in gen- eral to call and examine our stock befure purchas- ing elsewhere, as we think we can give such bargains as will be great inducement tu purchas- ers. Country prodace taken in exchange for goods. J&R WINECOFY. Coneord, Nov. 19, 1842—1f17 NOTICE. HE coparinership hereiofore existing be- tween the subscribers, has been dissolved by muteal conseo:. Those indebted to ihe Firm are requesied withoot delay to call and setile their accovnts wiih PF. R.~ he, who is au thorized to receive ike sume, and those buviog elsime inst os, Will present them to said Roache for peyment. F.R. ROUCHE, . RO. MORRIS. Dec 22, 1842-~423 To THE AFFIAacTep.—The subscriber has just received a large and fresh of D: Moffett’s Life Medicine. Call & obdtaie retief C B WHEELER, Agent. Saliebery, Dee 10—1/20 Suh, Motusses, Nails sind | customers for the liberal patronage | C pis |Morrisoa RW BENJAMIN JULIAN, P. M. Salisbury, January 7, 1848—$024 Dr. 4. Torrence, AS removed to his residence thee miles west of M & T. C. Graham's Store, on j the road feading from Salisbary to Statesville, where he may be foand by bie friends and the public a1 al! times, unless professionally engaged, He takes this method of retarnirg bie thanks to (be pablic for the liberal patronage beretofere re- Ceived, ard hopes to merit 2 eontinvation of the same. Elis charges shell in all cases be reseon able, and adapied to the bardaess of the limes. Now 12, 1842- $m 16 State of Porth Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pteas and Sessions, Novem- ber Term, 1842. Jeremiah B. Ellie, rs Parrott Markland. T app to the satisfaction of the Coort, that the defendant is nut an inhabitant of this Siete : ht is therefore ordered by. the Coort, the pablicatiun be made for six weeks in the Coroli- aa Waichman, for the eid defendant io come in and replevy aod p'ead, or Jedgment will be en- tered against him and the property levied op eoademaed to satisfy Piziniiff's debt. JOHN CLEMENT. cocc. Dee 17—6a21—P rioters fee $5 60 Original Auschment. Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL. PILLS GARDEN SEERSi— GENERAL senutimen'|, way be found at far sale at thie Office. Selisbary H.C Ger. 4648—eft8 the Salisbery Medical and Dreg Store. Sahebury, B.C, Jen. 21, A4S—ei 2 Craige Samuel Mathew Andiew asper Jacob Miller. Was Cope Frederiek Clark Werner Colemae Cowan Jom F- Catdwell Anianda Cash James R. Crowel B Cavble Peter Chambers Abram Cooke T L Cobb Joha Cauble John 2 Canady Cannoa . Cornsh'T £ a :. Ditlow Catharine 3 7 peeane GB b Petiway W Davie Joel Proctor {sage Deocy Wm Rainey Isham 2 Eller David Réndleman Geo 2 Earnhesrt Harman. Rofty tdward K.caon Jogeph |Rothrock Semeel Femi Jobo W - eves Susan Fesperman Fred amsey Hiram Pisher.Jobn Rofie Wiley Freley Henry Swink Daniel 2 Frick Seirk Wiley Fue Henry: 3 Swisher E Ford & Filie SmiihO V Feeperman Jacob Smith Geo M 2 Fesperman § S:oker Jonathan 2 Foster Jehu 4 iSeaford Simeon Foster Nency Saffert George Poller S R Shemeu Joba Pote Heo. y Sawyers Thomas Ford” ‘Phomae Smith Mary 2 Ford. Juha Swink James R Freeland Dr Shipp Wm M Fraley Charles Smith J F Fisher George Strange Benjamin Garner Barbary Stirewalt Jacob Gooman James Shaver S H Graham Shupirg Jacob Gay James Shive Juha Garner George Seott & McAdoo Garver Joha Smith S H Garner -Volentine Saffert Char'es Gheen Hamition “Stephens Wun Gheen Howard Trexler Adam Gr-y Izabella Thompson Thos R Gillon Joba Tarr George O Gay Wm Thomason Wm 2 Gheen Warren Tbomason Nancy Garner Joho H 3 |Thomeson Juha Henderson De Trexler Jacob 2 Hotner George Upright David Henly J B Utgmen & Burckhead Hartman Juho Verble Charles b | Howard Mathew 2 |Wasson David Heathman David Walter Vollentine Haten Malinda W aison James Howard Alphees Wise Henry 2 Holtshooser Wisow Wise Jacob Hartmaa Wm Waller Amelia Hartman Peter 2 |Walton Wm Hillard Thomas Witsos Wa Hall Polly Walon Jacod Hoffman Michael Walton Charles Johnson Aathon Walton Heary A Jacobs Juliz Williams Joseph 2 Josey Peter Walker Jesse Johnston JR Wade Edward Jones Calvin Watler Peier Jones Jobn Weant Henry Jooes T CO Winn Peter 6 Johaston George Wahoo Richaid Jones T M Wacott Suszo Jones Sawn! L W hitman Peter Kesler Jacob - 2 Weber Di AT Ketchy Henry 3 |Yooog Andrew conaly, at ton, on the 2a. then and tbere dima execution against the real estaie of tbe anid Al- exander ShamWe'l, dec'd., Yow hie bends de- scended, in satisfection. of their i : ” Pest, C MOCK. ccc. 6#22— Printers fee $2 in each case+§i2 00. % J. &. Sohuston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AY be found always at ihe Office of H. Mm ©. Jones, Esq., directly oppisite the Rowan Hotel - Salisbury. Jan. 7, 1943 14 Tailoring Business ! RHE subscriber takes this mhettiod of inform-. * BF iog hie friends that he tikes In work in the above lice on his owe hook. He served aterm of years at the bosiness under Mr B. F Fraley. and fletiers himself, that hewan do as good work as any Tajlor in Satisbory.. ‘Thitee wishieg to encourage him. will st all tines find him at his shop, on the cornet east of Mr. Moses L.. Brown's late residetire. Hie prices for work, will be 28 follows: — For making cloth coats, $4 00 . “ Linsey ooats, 200 “ ‘© Vests and Panis, 75 Covatry produce taken in*payment for work, at the market prices. RENRY KINGSBURY. Salisbury, Jao. 7, 1843 — 1y24 DD SHOE §S - REMOVED, James B. Glover, AS removed bis *show shop to the house lately opeupied by Mr. Jube D. Brown, se a Tinner Shep. a few. doors east of the Coort H-mse, where be will euntinve to earry of the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING BUSLNESS, as he has heretofure done, in afl its verieties.— Those disposed to patronise tim, will always find him ready to scoommodate thém on liberal! terme He keeps on band a good assortment-of ready made work, which he e@ill sell low for cash, or on time to pantteal dealers, ' Selisbary, Jan 7, 1843—1f24 -_ Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Nosh | AEE Pariee, dec'd ; are requesied.to pay ihe suine by the last of January, {icist.) af the busi- nesewf the Estate mast ee iedal- ‘need be expected —- Adieu + _ C. L. PARTEE, Ex. January 7, 1843—4024 State of .v. Carotina; . as Stanly County. PpYAREN op 2 Bay Horse endentered on ihe Stray Bouk the 241th December, 1842, a- bout 16 hands bigh, with a sia: in his turehead ; sbyat 7 or S years old—valoed st $70. The a- bove Horse was taken up by William W belley, living West of Albemarle about 14 miles. HENRY DAVIS, Raoger. Janoary 7,1843—Sp24 0 ; rey NOTICE. HOSE indebied to ihe late firm of Pen- dleiun and Bruner, aie hereby notified to settle the same with the less: possible delay — ‘The bustness most be closed Afier ovr nex: Febroary Cuort all ansettled does will be placed io the tands of officers for collection. J J BRUNER. Salisbury, Dee $1, 1842 — 1(28 A Al 7 NOTICE. HE sobseriber bein shoot to remove to the Sooth West, will sefl at his residence in tuimgeventy, o& Wednesday the 25ih day of Jau~ war, ins . HIS STOCK OF HORSED. MULES carr ae HOGS end SHEt P, One Wagon and Gear, Ozen and Cart. all kinds of Farming’Tools Houschold end Kiichen Furniture, and every species of propery asually fouad on a Farm Also, ai the same time, eight or ten LIKELY NEGROES, unless previvusiy sold. ‘Terms made known at the sale. RUFUS H KILPATRICK. Ele wood, Rowan cwaty, . NC, den 14, 1042.” ¢ 2925 ense,gad ib. #at a ly resists every, ebecome very distil _ Ty 7 ai ~ veh r08 ihe “pre an easie wind ~PVeu withpas the te thearlg Hh 5 exgiting epnse. me this, * 30 liable “to afresh asuachiie so affected’ ‘These b sat a tremely difficul! to effect & rei Fev t, ex- nibs of Dp Moffut's- Life: P, epee Pheniz have heen thor a fedy2nd provédtar positive and Radic cure of Fever and Hanudreds of histelfow cifiZ> ne in. Moe mine sorea a De: Mafe, icines 218 neon cya y Teets remnuval arof Hh most é ahi ise: : volonta reby that the that ow rd thot tedious. ane disay un to jot rip sate ss smacts the tr cantité: x : rae hence with Ae ain pos piginerres noes stites, fave: ph: Se ‘shat igFeiReonstitdtions eA: 5 tele ovhey remain in.” Their hiraat) siogiegant a wetry Thy oral taswsinks ander avine diseaset Whiet iniy are ptedispase d° by frat. fefrot/of atic Wet, Fever and Jeue—~ Vheic hipes are blasted hehe basinass 6b érgies destigyed — their Eldorado becomes a desert; and the word’ “promises thadé rom: eir eat, te bioken 10 theeh 5 cating - Vs thee adHldwls, Dr. Moffat won'd say — “s Try ipe LYE Médicines, ‘and you wil! vei ane tiripate your most eaneatie expeciaituns, fur they wil certainty rest: eyo » to health.’ ‘Peder and Agné is a complaint which requires | to -be wei every stage... Seldom talal .of tiself, 11 cednees} the strewgih, and impairs “Re foocuons. of the Organs, so thal vpoh the: sPanifestation of, ‘diss ease, Nature is onahte, nnassisted.to tesist the inroad. ‘Phe Fife Meilidiies, wwhenttaken’strict ly according agi rgahges will core tt, and vive ty the Weak a4 Hrermbling Viena of di-ont vow healt, lite-did eee 1 Ku tott partientars obithe part of repent obte the taader is referfadaéethe Good Samaritan, a copy of w hich aceumprntes the medicae. <P. The above anes ine” ig for sale by $ C RESS > & BOSER, Agents Satisbary. Out 22, $842. 1913 Fe ah rg ne tegen —— apt Guard You vr -Hivatth. { Addressed to those who are in perfvct health "or reputed $0) ge Gentle Reader: If yoo: woold_aver' from_you the si¢kness, the pains, the wreiched ness, the premathre moriahty which you seeall aronnd yuu, and which, like a sbarp sword sus- pended: is*@werreau y_te fall Mpor you, despise not myadvice—ie will eost yub little, wil} pei- ther infringe npon year. gecupitions or amose- menta, snd all the facaliies ef voor inind and body will be as much bettered by it as to repay yoo ten fold.“ f ask only une week’strial to con vince the most sceptical, In the first’ plree, diseard ali old errors and prejodices from your mind, especially the o! fd adage, ** [f you are passing well, do not attempt! ro'belter yourself; i 1 the saying of ‘ignag.- ance and superstition of, those who attributed all they sat aranod them toetince and fortune, instead uf natdre’sgnjvetsal laws. Has not man, Jed on oy esperiengewlearned (o.guard—himse!! against the other elements uf nature, the waves, the wind, and ihe iatredts of rain ? Why then should benol, in fair weather, guard hjimisel fa - ainst the storma which are ever riSing-in bis own frail budy 2? Remember, you are evory day ealing grass foud sand. is vournature te con- tinae to dose.< “You are well at present, bul ev— ery day thunsead of disease is yrowing within vous and if you do sot ‘Striesty guard your health while you ate well, you are eorntingally ip caoger of paintal and. protracted coofinements, and in someecunstitutnns,dsalh: Nothing fs stationary tn thts world. Even the patest foontain of which we drink does it mot require cleaning ? A petson may imavide he 1s 10 petlert health, and Fei vdt know fo wiiat peffection fia vital organs’ may be broughiwhen assisted by. the hand of Nature. 1 hive un- doudied proals af vhié fact id (Re Vehsunded sac cess bf | the LIFE MED DIC IN ES Let those who bave followed the motto, ‘ When yuu are even madefatety well; throw physic to the dog © call upon me, ik they woald be convinced uf whe importance of- MY position. "Vtre cperation of the Life Medieines in every iassance tat has come tomy knowledge.is_ most gratifying. ~ Fhose who are ig comparative good heality nay peftiect their happ'ness with ov ja convenience; and those unferiunaies who are laid low by disease of alaiosi any description, may find sure relief io thuse purely vegetable preparations, ‘“Fhey operate gently but power- fally apenfihe secretions of the body, aad cleanse > blood of-ali vitiated hamors separating the bad fram the good, expelling the drees, drossand inpurities and teaving behind: only what js ee ar @ noarishtay -to vatnre. Reader, consider and reflect well. “The nléssiags of this fife, for ‘rich ‘and pont eenitrely within ourselves, in our own ph esiea! baties My advice to all, then; 18, guard your rolth UF yor are well, perhaps you may be li better rnd you insy abwoys” svaid bens Coy a jidieteas ose of the VEGET ABLE WiC DEGINES, 1), Moffar's. Life Fills and Phoenix ,are top sale by CRESS & BOGER, Igentées> a is \ Semel iffers (rom ye et ye wow; that after nem fred, and beed re i4 e oat Js | epand Axue, though torelieve iffe patient the time heing 13 a very easy task. °° ogi 5 ee wep tits fiest approreh, and combattied ety nights ‘mote, with the bitters daring the day:— 4 dne confidenee in restored health, omit to fake FAL and keg “oes jo all its foot “pektiopican adq pins tra yin céhhection wi “ibe | ae bone of the ingrediegis in f 5 faa: ‘séetet of his in vaste ‘all: other pauaee. eithet “sy pli 00 thaw AgopieMéther.@ ort a 4 ese ito In= +f @ maligdant , waiteter’ faci, however mysterious “nay “Appear, that each aad yall of these ‘snedies® of ‘Ague, bave ‘2° rape® 3 oi NTH DAW nists, io Which ‘ley ‘may be bred with: verraioty, bot oy neglecting which they can only bereated by chases: Da. Mir- Far’s directiéng fur talgng the medicines in this diseagze, are therefore hese :—I° irst, take two of the lire Prive dt bed time, and next morning defore brenkhaat’® (oll Wine glass of the Pacentx Birrars ia ‘abogt the ame quantity Of water, and ball @ wiheglass-more in a full wine glass of waler, abowt fialf an-hoar before each meal during tke day. On the second sidht “take three pills aad the-ditters as befure ; on the third atghr four pits and the bitters as before; and con tinwe taking four pitts every night for threw Phother § a it mi, rh heriads in sue kee tefmitfent ranee af Bot itisa remark Bod wpaccounta ‘Op ‘Sr before the’ ‘sevetith day, the Agne’ will “séem to heer fely cored, and the patient will feel icbingsy od Wwearty, but ha most ne- Vertheléss continue td iake the bitters as” before “prescribed, until and onthe fourteenth day, with two ):is éverynightafier the seventh day.— He will thebjend nateotil then, with positive and invartable Géviainty,’be permanently cured, and not ontg of Pever end Ague dot of whatever billioos and liver affeotions i1 may have superio— doced or even an any way connected.” Hehow- ever, the patient shoula by avy neglect; or an- the Phenix Bittets in the full quantities pre- seribed, at least” three times on the fovrteenth day Dr. Mi ffat must not‘beblamed if the disease should retorn, aod-*he patient should leata’ wis+ dom from affliction, ané go throagh aother enorse of the medicines. for a fortnight, longer. Obeying these instructions, however, be will be su thorodghly eured, that he may bid defiance 19 the disease, however unhealthy may be “his location or prevalent the malacy aroandhim, — For children borween’seven and fourteen”years of age, half-ofuthe abeve quantities ofthe me dicines will suffice ; for younger children, a quarter of those quautities, to be increased or diminished io pruportion as the age. varies from advanced chifdhood-to infancy. For very young children, smal} quantities of the bilters only wil! alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- tonal “ DEF E MEDICINES,” bas been peifect- ly triumphant fn the worst regions of the Svutn- ern and Western country, and around the north- ero lakes,’ where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for ibis sovereign remedy.has been far greater than the supply. DR: MOFFAT?’S Agents, how- ever, are now well fornished, and will make ev- ery effortieto} sead-Abis: advertisement into the most eflicted-disiticts. Voluntary and jealods- Jy gratefol testimonials are received at the pro- prietur’s affice~ta “New York, by every mail in incredible ndmbers, to the absulute efficacy of | these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever | snd Agne. ether iotermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and dérangetents of the di- cesiive funetions genefally, but also in chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs,eroptions of the skin, sero- fula, piles.:worms, séurvy, and a host ef other complaints, for the core of which, these Veget- able. Life Wedicines are so pre-eminenily re- nowhed throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many~ of these’ diseases, as well as a most fatal andermining of the general heatth are occasioned by Fever and Ague,- Dr. Moffat. in bis advertisemenis, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absulute ascen- | dence of hig medicines” over this malady the | fountain headof: so many others. He has only to add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating-in theit-operations, require peither confinemeo! nor change of diet, and have acqouit- ed ie peputation jhey hove !ong possessed, not be the.aisdabartificial effuris. but ‘solely by their invariable and.extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold-by Dr. William B. Moffar, 375 Broad | way New York. | ‘The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or | retail atthe Salisbory Medical Drug Store, by C. B WHEELER, dgent. Salishary; Sept-$5 1842 —496. TO TRE | PUBLIC. HE sabscriber takes this method of inform ving the public, that lie sill coniioves to carry. on the business of oe given ti” 4 01 rat 3} He cligp is ' they effected a cure which seems to have baffled as mat ‘a “his ‘Granite Quarry, ‘Sevrn, miles | south of Salisbury, near the old Charleston road, where he is able to supply ail orders for MILL | 1} “bury, Qt 29 $342~—-lyd New Establish ment rEVAE S Subscribers Having *assoce iii them- | elves tozether fir fhe Shroosewfkearrying ca he CABINET and CILAlie WAEKXG | BUSI. NEMS: now offer their servicks Yo thett | fr od Ng public. tt is their -pai'pose’ 4a exiryood bob (Besa depart menis jo-alf ibeir va- ra nes, and they fae! cunfi:igot of giving | osiacttan to all whe may faver them Repziriag in thear Ime will be 1a ort reasonable terms. All suntrp procace will be «aken tn ex- tor farattoreor for “work dofte to. order. K. ELLIONVYT WM: ROWSEE. 1842 —1v5 wis rrrvaes OF Burwret 3 msiive tt} ee | Angst QTh. N<B preventtug inconvenience keep on hand quantily the subdseribere alsy of ‘ready made Coffins. K.E&W.R- Job Printing neatly done here. or | nolice, Wih the view of lessening The cust aad | STONES, of the bes! gut, apd on ie! shories! — ALSO—, For sale at the lowest prices, Window Sil's,"Door-sills, Vpuit ding rocks, ‘Fodib stores, Gald grinders, &e. i Se. Ses A HOULDHOUSER. ee bore. Feb 26,.1942~—1y31 Orders for’ any of theeadove wrongh: articles, Wuseted to me at Salisbory, will be ponetnatty:: anetided fo. “J, He : | Leok.at. De. Sherman’s ad: | vertisemedt .and if you wish reliel for-yoor m3 | nv meladies. catliand obtain a remedy’ of CB. |; WHEELER, Agent. Sahshory. Dee10 1120 Doets. Henderson . 5 Boy tH ¢ ‘Their Officeia:an the Brick 'f opposite Mr.-Cowan's serel.: eq > ” Salisbury, Jaly 3, 1841.” Hove associated: themselves in the PRACTICE OF MEDICIN l. 1 steps, rough North and Kastof in; to Richmond, Virginia. taken jo ene far OrnrMenr, for Piless ied besides the Restorer, B 8 v6 i Onerisext, py : beum, Scaldbead fiat alebrs; 5*is abe ‘algsis, ter . } Lis for? Deafvess asd all ark aealaee aa which is to be used together with a5 gc Dr. Kohl's Pamphlet * T reatment,” Gc’, éntered according to Act~of $, contains fall Directions for the ase of ‘the-shove nentiog~ eJ medicines, and accompanies en: From the Washington Gio Ve feel iLoar dnoty ‘o ihsert the following dont norton in oor cclamnms, inasmuch ag the efficacy and great success of Dr. Kuhl’s Restur- er is well known fo os: *¢ You will please to notice in your paper the following certifieale : “Id. hereby certify, that about the first of January, | was taken with the worst paralysis and inflammatory rleumatism that ever wasin- flicfed oa mankind. “So farasd can featn} the ase of every limb.was taken tro:n me, besides a tremendous swelling al every jointy;fever with the samé, and attended with the: most excricia- ting pain | had ever endured =| tried al! reme- dies that were recommendable for the same, ‘bm tono effect. [, by accident was informed that Dr Kual was at Orange Coort House I sent for him immediately, and by applying His medicines, I felta change ih fess than an hour afier he came. The medicines used, were the Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Extract, Gold-Mine Bal sam, Universal Plaster, and Depurative Powder. 1, therefore recommend his treatment fo all those ‘Yaboring under affliction, as given onder my hand and seal, this 14th day of Wareh, 1837 “JOHN PEYTON, [tc s] “ Near Orange Court House Virginia ” Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement in the above certificate, wishes to be ondersiood, tha! in general, enres cannot be effected within an hour, although a person may be much benefited within that time oy the use of his medicines — He feels it, however, necessary to give tne ful- lowing extract of a letter from his Agent ai Or ange Court House, dated May 19th, 1837. ‘© Dear Sir—) saw Mr Jobo Peyton to day. and be luoks better than —[ ever saw him. Fie says if it had not been for your medicines he shoold have been under ground He requested me to tell you. that you had saved his {ift, for one time, and to present bis respecis to yoo. ** Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this connty, and many curesof importance have been effected in this neighborhood by the ose of your medicines. | have had a great ncember of ven- ereal cases, and many of Jung standing, and al- ways eff-cted, by means of your Vegetable Anti Syphililic Syrapt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- fect cure, and that in a short time. Ashborough, N. C., July 13, 1842 Dr.Kuun, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—I think your i Medicines are abou! to take astar! in this county, from the factthat the skill uf the physicians in thts section for a yearortwo. The subject is Wr Nathaniel’ N., who has been afflicted with the Liver Complaint, together with some other complaints,—say,F lat- ulenee and Dyspepsia of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in twelve hours he felt reliewed,andin twenty-four hours, much relieved, He hae 80 far recovered, nuw, as lo follow the avocation of his farm aith little or nodiffienliy. fle says he wants all who are afflicted, to use your Medicines, and is re- {* commending them to the afflicted. 1 would be glad yoo would send mea supply 4 very soon, by the slage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, as a vast num- ber of persons are taking (hem pow. Respectfolly yours, J: M. A DRAKE. BCH’ Persons wishing 10 procore any of the medicines, will please direct their orders, with the amount, (post paid.) to Dr. Kuue’s Orrics, RichMoxp, Virgina | or to any of the following Agents : ‘NORTH CAROLINA Jenkins & Biles, Salisbory, ‘Hargtave, Gaither, & Co, Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborovgh, G. W. &C. Grimme, Raleigh, M.J A. Drake, Ashborough. J-F & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolnton. James J. Horne, Pittsborougb, N. C. South Carolina. Steele, Gunning §& Co. Yorkville. McLure, Brawley §& Co. Chester C. H. The continaati . of the list of Agents, see | Dr. K *s Pamphlet. NOVICE.—Patients and Agents in the State ot North Cargliaa, ené South and ‘Vest of it. will please direct their orders'to Dr: Kuhl s Of | fice, Raleigh, N C , and rhose in Virginia, and Aogus! 6, 18438—1ly2= + cerved and for sale be CBW HEELER, Agents : Salisbory, Dee ark eee tity of fresh Lime can be ka Ki oi the late Joseph Williams: od bishelsand over 16 cenls; 40. to unslacked AN By the ] 100 bushels 18 ; 5 to 40 bushels 20 ; 0 proportion, Alt persons wishiog limeé“either at the kiln or rheir_ residence, will apply either to J. of B tf 5 Sune tant He has taken one bette | Jeyne’s invaluable Fodrty: Medicines, jost re- : trips safe af SHE B41: sat. his ola as near 2 A an Alb work done ri ‘hie will be warranted for twelvé mont hs,"He'still keeps on hand s-emal 4 assortment of Jewellery. Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, Waseh 12, 1842.— {33 The Bankrupt Baw!! AVING taken considerable pains (0. ac- quaint myself with the provisions of the Bankrup: Law, lately passed by Cbngtess, | hereby tender my sefvices to such as may wish to avail themselvesof its benefit. I shall attend the United Srates Court of this District, and if necessary, the Cirevit Court also. Persons wishing toavail themselves of my se-vices, can see me on the approaching Siath Cigevit of the Superior Court:—and afterwards, I shall be found in my office in Salisbury. . H.C. JQNES. NB. I take this occasion to correct a pre- vailing error concerning this Law ; many persons I find, suppose that no one, except soch as owe to the amount of Five Hundred Do!lars, can claim its benefit.. This is a mistake, for it-ew- braces “all persans” owing debis who are unable to ‘*meet them,’”? no matter: how smal} the amount. H. @ # Salisbury, February 1 , 1842—1f29 ‘George. Ww. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wicmincton & Faverreviuce N.C. FYNUE onodersigoed is now prepared to receive Goods at Wiimington, and forward the same tohis Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward to the Owners inthe back country. He hasa large Warehouse at the River, where Goods will *be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to balf the usual cartage from the Rivet tw Fayeaeville,—thereby lessening the expease on Goods mach below the usuai charge. As his Warehouse isisolatad from all other batld’ngs. the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparisun to the risk incurred from being situated in town. Those who may favor him wiih their business may rest assured that every attention will be paid to the promotion of their tnterest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References . : Messrs Juho Huske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, NV. C. Alexander Anderson, Joba McRae, Juha Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davie, Georgy W. Brown, Salisbury. WC. S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1110 RERK SHIRE & BF USSia PIGS! FANHE andersigned having sold, in. the Jas: two yeats, alwot two hundred Pigs in Abe ipties of Davie, Stokes, Surry, Iredell, Row- % Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Davidson, Gailfor, and some in South Carolina and) Virginia, aod the demand sti!l being very great, have added tu tbeir well known stock, the Bérkshiré sows of Col. C. Harbin, from: Bernent’ssteck, Aibany and now having ten fall blooded Berkshire sows and two boars, they are prepared to breed as fine full blood as sny in the country. They. bave RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russia. and Berkohire, ‘Vhey have on hand a goodly . bomber of the above pigs, ready to supply any orders. with which they may be favored, at prices if. propor- tion to the hardness of the times. MAXIMILIAN. CUTHRELL. JOHN H. ee: Farmington, Davie co. . May 9, 1842. ad SALISBURY FACTORY. HIS Establishment is now in complete ope- tation’ "Ihe Company are manufacturing COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheetmg and Osnaburg, of a superior quality, which they offer to the public at the lowest market prices. Merchaais aod others, wba will examine qualities, anc com- pare prices,.will find i: to their inierest to pur- chase. ; J RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Salisburv, Jone 4, 1842—1#45 . ‘ LATE Arrivals, « Paints, Oils, URPENTINE; Varnishes, « Dye-Siwfls, Patent Medicines, Hups, Chuiee WINES.{ asd SPIRITS for medica) purposes “Modiswa, | Hoock's and Swaim's tere Snoffs,; Fite ehewiog and smoking “Tobaéco S Cigars, Spices, Peefumes, Brashes, € andes, J -¥ and common Soap, Glass Were,* Pete , to stremenis, Matches, Paper end. many “other ar tickles. jest received and fur Sale al prices to suit iti a ; nd Old Gold“ and Silver. taken in exchange for | th at they at ie | Cities tire tatesr and’ mest appro “pared for family key aot acqe unprecedented popularity. Uabughant the: Tiok Siates;'aod as they are so ddmiltably calculated these valuable. prepa eived his educa- tion at one of the best at Bat Colleges. in the United States, and has ted fifieen years experi- ence jn-an effensive.ond diversified ‘practice, by which he has: ple opporlunities of acquir ing a practical. kn e of diseasts, and the remedies best caleplaied to remove them. Jayne’s: Expectorant, i saa hn cna for «Cough, ahead Con- ¥ 8 ion, Asthma, Spitting of Hooping Cough. Bronchitis. Acute Whee tism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and. inflamalion of the Lamgs or Throiit, diffieulty of Breathing, and all setaias, of tbe —aaee Organs » +e. Jayne’ 8. Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and, guty of the Hair, and whieh wil positively” bring in New Hair én Balit-Heads, and prevent us fall- ing out or tarning-Gray, JAYNE’s TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, sale: ‘and certain “preparation for ? the removal of Worms ‘Dyspepsia, Sour. Stom ach, Fever and Ague, Piles; Want of Appetite, and all diseases of” debilitys especially of the Stomach and Bobelssj rgans of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRI TIVE BALSAM: A certain.core for Bowel aod Summer Com- | plaints: icea Dysentery, Chalice Cramps, Sick: Headache, Sour. Stomach, ( holera Mor- bus,-atid aff derangements ‘of the Stomach and Bowéls,“Nervous Affections, §c. oF Jayne's Nanative. Pits, For Fewhale Diseases. Liver Cori inls, Fe- vers, “Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases uf the Skin &c., aud in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Puryative Medicine is:tequired-- The above medicines are fur sale, whoiesale or retail, at the Salisbury M adical and Dreg Siore, ed - C.B. WHEEGER. Agent Salisbury, N.C. Sept 3, 1842-196 NEW CABINET, CHAIR & SOFA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT! “THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together for the purpose of manufactoring Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa's, SECRETARY'S; WARDROBES, Centre--Uables, SIDEBOARDS, 40. &C.| in the very best hind of stylesand of the fines: materials, beg leave to ask at ihe hands of the citizens of the country and. villages aroond, a share of their patronagein out tine pusiness. As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) 6 had tong |" experience in working-ig some of the finest anc most fashivnable shops°of Korope,: and of the large cities ef the Noribern United Siaies, we flatter ourselves that #e can and will honestly and faithfully complete in workmanlike manner all jobs called for. We will repair and polis any furniture that may be brought. fo os on short notice, and in the first styleof workmanship, and orders for Coffins panctoally aliended to. Oar prices will be as moderate a8 we can afford. Their shop ts 3 few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Jones’ old Tavern. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 26, 1842—118 N_ B..All iboseindebted to Warren Gheen, January, 1843, or they will then have a call from ao officer State of {Morth Carolina, ‘ DAVIE- COUNTY. Court of Pleas and peter Sessions, Novem- vember Term, 1842. Jeremiah B. Enis, vs Wm. Beeding & Nancy his “ict | i appearing ta the satisfaction of the Const, that the defendants. ore sot iohabitaofs of this State: It is therefore ordered Sy the Court, that publication be mode for six. weeks in the Carolina Watchoizn, for the said defendanis iv come,in and replevy and plead, or Jodgment wil: be entered against them acd the property levied oo condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt. JOUN CLEMENT one c: ase 17—6u21—Prifiers fee $5.50 as = C. B. Wheélérysole Agent top Dr. “Roweod, bas jos ied @ fiesh..8Upa of bis gengioe oved Fonie Mizture. Original At tacha ent. ‘ Pana is prepared io ay is alsovprepa are requested tomake payment before (he first uf 5 HE. Subseriberinforms 1 has jost, regrived nog ihe re ved London. & Parisian Fashio, ekecule. or st tials ae paberetoty anes ihe om. Migiance shai) tan ae SD PEN Phas on hand a bh, ets pape sis oy DI Rig Nddome ite, te) Oats w Nati red to ey Auding on reasonad| 1$, 1842. elem FASHIONS © : ‘FOR THE ei Ay TER ¢ oF 2 & ‘43, S DICKsoy" LY. joforms his § the besa becarries on a n al its <aas braDehes, tw doors cael W. Morphy 's'siore, where he is read ‘ cule allorders of his customers io a madner not shtpassed'by any in this couniry.” Y 10 em SIV le ay Heis also in- the Teauler renin NEW=YORK. FASHIOns, and prepated 10 aecomibodate ike tas, Fashidhable at all times sabe December 3,'1842—1y3 tT o- Ef MIL TEs. ES., OWAND's pv Ss TONIC MIXTM ~ Thise’ ho would have recourse to » Fong Metiéine for Fever and Acve, Dyspeptia ia Nervous Weakness, shoald diseriminate bet way the “ thonsand and one”, remedies Constacyy hera'ded forth to the public, (ihe ssine now a all times past,).and-that almusi uri versal!s'gy. cessfol prescriphron called Rowand'g Improved Tonic Mirtur, A few rea Re Téerve to ilfustraie the d ference "In the first” plare, the operation of ty Tonic Mixtareéin the cure'of Fever and Agee upon entirely “néweand peculiar, rel principles:, Seeondly: bi not oaly promplly resis the coorsecof the. chilis. when puneiouly and pe rseveringly Med, but it sun restore & wonted functions of “he general sysien to apm | feetly healthy slate; when relapses are no @ liable (9 ensoe than an-altack of the disessed one who has neverhad.it belore. Thirdly 9 system, darteg-theadministration of (he Lnpitt ed Vonie Mixicret springs op at vnce under benign influence, snd gives forth an esroes! of turning health and vigor. Foarthiy: Produc more of dess effect on the bowels, ihe cane the disease passes off in the way amie! strongl indtested ‘hy. natore. ~ Fifthly : [is effects os th system are ontformly mild “¢" safe, 28 well ® efficient, and it is as well adapted to the /eciias infamt, simply bya modifieatian of the dose,» tbe mostpigorous adali, Many viber conser ations, of The almost importance fo the avin psrents.and iovalids, might be enumezated be bot-the above are a few of ibe points of cons in com parison with the remedies geners'|y rag ed to.in professional and family praciice, ‘which a proper jadgment muy be formed io lecting the remedy. - -N B. With a view to re-estebli-h ent confidence in the efficteney of the ‘ Now Improved Tonie Mixtore,” to effect a lei cure of Fever and Agtue, the Proprietor res! the original guarantee, viz: “The money ne retorned-in every case whereirc tle 1Faef bas been ponetually.ased without pruducicg desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 North Seecnd Streei, Ptilacelp Sopulies have been received by the sole Age ‘ui Saligbury, N.C. .C. B. WHEELEL Sept 3, 1842—1y6 — —r NVOTICE S berehy given, that al! persons are furrf ed from trading for a note given o by me William H Wiliiamson, for $160 one yo ‘daie, given 14th November, 18-12. A'so, ® _nutes for $62 50 cents eact,one of ibem ten months after the 14:h Noventber, 1542. the otber<dve 22 months afier tbe 1415 ber, 1842, given to said Wriliamson hie ' rote far $27 93, given to seid Wiliams. - % ah Noveaber, 1842. And whereas, Williamson has failed to cutnply _— ims for. which said notes were gicen, | #8 verotaed Bol to pay them WILLIAM FREW. 1842 -3w —_ Salisbosy, Der $1, | Something New. The Subscriber AKES this method of informing hie 4 and the public, that he has parchts SMITH SHO? formerty owned by Mr. Frederik nisi the Tasen of Satiebory. whieh he in” afler to carry on in a manner patie this past of the conniry He is not oF" 4 in the cemaron undersianding of the oad he (s sn actaal fron King, being si nig ed Lo poturon into any shape or "Rk. er. AU kinds of MACHINE WORK ingof MILL SPINDLES the co’ or GUDGEONS, Ke . cone st ther tice, and-in first rate siyie Hr naps and repair OOF ‘TON GINS or T 70 ur indeed ap kind of MACHINE W™ he may beealled upon to 4° fe 1 svlicits 2 trial. w oH WIL Salisbury, Sep: $ tee M United States Dustrict Court 2 Carolina- In Bankrwp'9 r 7 OTILE tg shew caese agains! Pe Fai mer, tube declared Dayid. S.° Borrow? of Dsvids® a Bark ton jun mundey the first : det « By orde G a ed} of “ia which is tur siie w tae ant b Rockfordy Sorry county, WILLtAMs, N,C Avy, 71, 1841 $a: the times, by C: B. WHEELER. Satisbory, $42 Medses berog St Dee 10—1120 ——— ——— = :7¥ ~e ‘ as papanronte the @nd of the-zear..- No guhst't ‘ TERMS OF ADVERTISISG. One dallar ve y five cents tar each continaanee. wenn notices will be charged 25 ial whe high- Oe tpon the 00re rates ef deduction of $34 per cent will be made to ge who advertise by the year, . all ad ‘d and ch ; wr a cersain namber of times eu ae post paid to ersure attention. ‘ : Rowan Hotel. THE SUBSCRIBER 4AVING p rehased that well known and Jong established Pablic House, (known the name of Slaughter'’s ‘Tavern,) in ihe { Salisbury, N. C., toforms his Friends 64 god the Public generally, that the same is vow} — fn addition to the ofor the reception of “Fravellers &Boarders. | carry on the ‘Silver Smith His Taste and Bar wiil. be supplied with best the markel aod surrounding country af— by Jowoo the die Srisies spacions, aod bountifelly sap- ed, with grain and provender, of all kinde, at- ded vy faithful and attentive Ostlers. The cadersigned pledges himself that no ex eriion on his nartshall be wanting to give gen- | salisfaction toall who may favor hin with P tee era acall, JAM ES L. COWAN. Salisbury, Sept. 11, 1840: 1f7 . a rculan tay Wereafier ‘be, had ihe ite im-adenoce, andtwo dollars and iption Wi!l be received fora less time ar, unless.y2'd for in advagce, discontinued (bos at the option o euvors) unit all arredrages are paid. re Kuti r eqnare for the first insertion aod ee Pd cma: yertisements will be continued until arged for accordingly, unless order- Leners edidressed to the Editor must building, in- she! bons Dr. owned by Jou, I-Shaveratid fu t the “subse ziber will Business in alV the Yatieties common in ‘coantry sowns : such as ‘&e.; and repsiving Siive aly iothat if panctual id skillful. work will.en- ad support, he wil] mer AARON WOOLWORTH. Making Spoons, “He begs to assure thé tion 10 business, 'a title him to patronage'a ov. 18—tf Valuable property for sale in , Lexington. “BLAVES! BLAVES!! TO CLERKS, SHERIFFS, CONST.A- BLES, &c. THE PROPRIETOR ot the “ Watchman 1 Printing Office,” respectfally. tafurma the Clerks, Sheriff's and Constables of the surround ing Coanties, that he has and will continae to keep on hand, a fall supply of BLANKS neatly printed on good paper, and not surpassed by any work done inthe State All orders frow a dis- tanee for any of the following Blanks promptly attended to: Superior Court -Witness Tickets, Writs, Capiss Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Sobpenas, Vendi- toni Exponas, Jovors’ Tickets, Executions County Court — Faror’s Tickets, Executions, Affey Indictments, Indicimenis vs. Overseers # Roads, Vendi. Exponas, Witness ‘Tickets, Writs, &e. ; Miscellaneous —Constables’ Warrants, (with Rxeentions attached,) Ca Sa’s & Bonds, Gaar- jan Bonds, Apprentices’ Indentures, Martiage Lieense, Appe vance Bonds, Deeds of ‘Trust, Deeds of Conveyance, Delivery Bonds, Tujane- ton, Sheriff's Deeds, (Vendi. &xpo y Appes! fends, Commissions to taks Depesitions, Con bles’ Bands, Adeministraturs’ Bonds, Prosecu- 0 Bunds, Soperior and Co Court. Printing ! Printing !! FANCY JOB WoRE { F DIFFERENT COLORS, done 91 ihe shortest notice, and not surpassed by ty in the State, Salsbnev, Nov 19, 19.12, HE Sabscriver is desirous to sel), privately, that well knowe basiness stand in Lexing ton, N, C., sisuated a short distance north of the Coorthoase, formerly occupied by Caldcleugh, Dusenbers & Co.; and at present occupied by Brevard and Adams large. and commodions, containing an excellent Store room and dwelling apartments all-under the same roof. Attached to the premises are all necessary ovt-buildings. Those wishing to pur- chase or to examine the above property, will re- ceive attention if ap The honse is o lication be made to | W CALDCLEUGH. May 1, 1841,—t .,, Dr, Sherman's PAcvicated Losenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, G the.ebeapest and most pleasant,— e “edieal Facaliy warmly approve them Dr. Sherman iga skilful and experienced Phs- sician_ and a member of the Medical Society o ; New York. Sherman’s Cough «Lozenges, Are the safest, sorest, and musi effecinal remedy for Coughs, Colds,.Consomption, Whooping Congh, Asthma, Tightness af t Chest, &e. gIEBRMANS WORM LOZE Are the only infallisle worm destroying medi- They have been nosed in over 1.400.000 cases and never koown to fail, SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate selief in nervous or stick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spite its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or he Langs or cine ever. discovered No Joke! j hain Sobseriber offers for sale bis valuable Plantation [i lies on both sides of the wage road leading from Salisbury to Charlotte, it miles from Salisbury. It contains 265 1-2 ACRES. phere "is good water very convenient to the nse «so [t isan excellent stand for a Public use = As | intend moving this Fall, | will wil upon good terms, such as wil! suit the times, Aparcof ine money will not be expected while Captain Tyler as President, WELLINGTON SMITH. sense of Sinking o’ the Chest, Diarrhoea. Las- situde, or a sense of fatigne, Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressiny complaint, ever offered to the American public. — In the immense number of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known 1: Sherman's Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, 86 2om- mon and troublesome during the semmer months may now be entirely prevented by a. proper ose of these Lozenges: ‘hey are prepared express ly tor that purpose, and can be Telied on wit! perfect confidence, Persons subject toa derange Sept. 24. 1842 - 1f9 . [= ment of the bowels shuuld never be without them PRICES CURRENT AT Ssuispury, Jan. 28 Beon, 425] Cotton Yarn. peach, 40 250 | Nails, sax, 25 , Pork, citen,elean 5$ 6 | Sugar, br. rt, 25 | Salt, sack, Feathers, 20 1 25 | Tallow, t Hon, per Ib. 3a4) Wheat, bush gal 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 2. Favertevinue, Jan Ih. andy, peach 4) | Volasses, . Apple 30 a 85 » 27 a 28 Lump, “eo Varn, 14918 Sack, ® 40:59 TPobacco leaf F.F.15917 | Cotton bag $112 Bale rope, Curmaw, Jan. 10, 1842. $4425 | Salt sack ae hush ~ 2, Enghsh They afford immediate relief from all the attend aot gripings, faintness, vepression. Sc, Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common Pepperminis; and are an aciive and ¢ ffirien: medicine. ‘Whey cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the beet cathanic ever ased for bilians persons. Wherean active medicine is required, they are aot only the best, but the safest that can be administered. Sherman’s Sirengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism. Lum- hago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast, The above medicine is for sala, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbory Medies! Drng Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, ~ Salisbury, N.C, Cernls. Cents. Brandy, ap..a 301 Molasses, .35 a 40 ; #8 at present, no clue to the personages in Batter, 7.8 Oats, 15 a 20 gat | be gathered from their symbcls and thet offee, Patt | loaf, 15a18 ! $33 a 44.) Tobacco, 8 a 20 “seed, 50255] Tow-Linen, 12a 16 d Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a BO Sept $, 1342 —1v6 Dr, Woat’s Vegetable Lite «Medicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be - They are composed ut ar- ticles the most ‘anti-putresecent, combiced with ingtedients known as the only certain antidvte for fevers of every description, ease is produced either from wold, obstraction, bad air, swampy and damp situations; ef putrid miasmi, Whether malignant oreptdemir, or by other causes. these medicines are cerlain in ther They are possessed of pe coliar qualities which not only expel all disease. but at ihe eame time restore and invigorate the When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor throwgt every pore, prodecing. effects at -once deligh! ful, salutary, and permanent spark of life hégins to crow dim, the cirealation languid, and the facolties paralized, these medi- eines are found to give 2 tone to the nerves; ex- hilerate the animai Spirits. invigorate the body, ae The Life Medicines bave also with the heb ois success in Nerv peptic diseases, Conenmption, A Complain:, Rheumatism, tory} D Pangea RP Gall at Ce Sausbary, Oct of its bounty. All else is mystery = ‘That Nails,cat, 6a citizens of the place, 1s presumed. from their 54a 64 | Sugarbrown, 6$a 10 orderly behavior at taeir annual celebrations, and from the fact that itis customary for the Mayor of the city and other distingmsh- ed citizens to throw open the doors of their residence to the maskera end entertain them as guests of higa aud merited distine- on. 10a 12 | Loaf, 15a 18 Matt neficial nature. tina 626 | Sale, 80 a 60 When the dis $1.2$48 Wheat new 80285 2 a 30 Whiskey? 30a 35 splendid sff11r throoghont. The compan 4254 9 Wool, 152 2n r ‘ ar barst forth from its hidden. ‘+ den” ‘gomé- where on Conti street, et about ‘half past 8 o'clock. After marching through several of the streets accompanied by an excellent band of musicians, the “invisibles” made a brief call atthe Corinthian on Royo! street, where the friends of the Catholic Orphise Asigom@ were holding @Fair. The tobm was so erawded, however, that the meskecs had‘sio other opporianity of display, th simply motingin excelient ordet arccnd the hall, end then inj sh. to resume thats posed of visitations, was’ operations or effects, 2 41 Nats cut assor, 7a 8 $.5 wronght 16 a 18 , Yap 415! Oots bushel 20 a 37 —*S 8632 a 2H On gat 75a $1 ee. _ tamp pl 25 t linseed 1108 1 25 12} 2 14 | Pork 100ths 5386 4a7/ Rice 160lbs 405 40 » 62, Sugar Ib” 8 919 us abe Dre sthma, Liver {chronie and infleina- & Bocrr’s, gents. 1842—1yt3" va t SaG! Steel Amer, 10 2 00 : “bid Aaiaual. pidihane's comed nual visitants at 35 2 40) German 12214 HE (23 | Teaimper8t $137 Seo NEY COURT WRITS ited ss firgt fing aps. t of ihe sbovy lavelesble Le P LOOTED BT SS TO, Ms SFr if y PE Ft - wish Twas a geese © sen +a pee oe ae i ‘wis &ti-forlorn, ‘d pick ay green peace <a »Aod ’camoalate Eitin’ corn, eatio”¢ ry scrape } Bal who is “ Veto"—who is he; “Dat thus. atempis. to welo me? - Abt Ethink }koow theubs. He.bails, | gaess, from Ire laud... “7 The Temperance canse he says I hate, ** Add. doom it to a silent fate f-s.. Aaqd think. it traly strange indeed ‘That Periodicals give it speed. ge “Veto!” “Veto!” thoo art wrong ! 1 would not hush-the Temp'rance song : But luke-warm friends by oft neglecis, The noble cause with death infects, The Ladies I have boldly said Than“Temp'range sooner would be fed *Pon romances and lies, and verse That smack of love and slyly worse ! Who'll disprove it ? The times may change and change again, Bot homan natore wil! remaio Uoul trath and virtne shoot Deep in the heart their goodly root, I may be a Rip Vanwinkle, Like bim as‘sleepy and as wrinkle ‘ Bat this I've found, when good and evil Before man ‘sset, he serves the devil. I well remémber what was done By the Ladies when | was young : As now, they sung the moving line ; As then, they drink egg-nog and wine. Advice is sent to Bostingee By © Veto” and id Poetry, How to secure in his last days The beaming of connubial rays. The idea is a borrowed one: ** Jusiah” 's pa aod it the-son, kt comes ty me a week ton Jace— Vm living in connubial state. Good-bye * Veio" — good-bye to vou! If different ruads we co pursue; And if again we e’er should hitch I hope "twill not be in the diteh. BOSTINGEE. COWBELLIONS. | The * Cowbellion de Rakein ? Soriety had their 12th annual celebration on New ly, not only of our citizens at home, bot Some seven or eight years since we remem- her that one or two wiseacresin New York snd Boston wire jubilant and exulting in the newspapers of those cities, at having discovered, a3 they presumed, the secret ‘ad cabalistie cipher of this renowned fre— teronty. Another yesr rolled around, au: these same learned and searching eritics were lefi in bewilderment at their previone discoveries, The mysterious clab put forth its anoouncements in the papers of this city ma language that defied their wis¢om to interpret. Their celebrations were veils in impecetrable secrecy, and at that time, the masquersde- or to the objects of the association gould be had, except what wight petlormences. Among the revelations that have in this manner come to light, we are prood tp mention, that in years ‘past the widow and the orphan have shared largely in the benefactions of this invisible brother. hood, end that tom withont any ostentatious parade, and we tay add, in a manner, that never would have been revcaled, bat through (he overflowing gratituile of the recipients the fraternity is composed of respectable The celebration.on Saturday night wer a bir next ell ty, who. wel- i the Mansion. ase. The. entertainments given on this ey! pon the Mayor of the INES are for sale ax James’ Cross Roads, Pk DSMANTOBE, Agen? yin nopar ebdifor sate at | fig ONCE | ray .of the fashion snd Beacty of the city: Mr Batter, Gant $oo belp “me out of this‘ over (he -wanquin 3. Cupid, wi i ii’araior, and his Becchanals. crowned | HU with grapevines, carrying a goblet and an antique vessel, followed by the jester Siler- 5. Bacehng 6. B'sck-winged Night and joeund Day. 7. Diana, Goddess of the Silver Bow, and hound. P 8 Hercules, the Hero of the Club, 9. Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom and 10, The gracefalt Appolio, and the celes- 11. Meresr the Gods. 12. Castor and Pollox, twin Stars. 13. Atlas, supporting the Globe. 14 Chetonthe Fefryman,and the F'u- y» the winged Messenger of 15, Jenus, emblematic of the past and 16. Orpheus, seeking. Eurydice with: bis 17. Ploto, in state, with key and seep- tre,'with hie Judges— Minos, Rhademan= thus and Hacus. 18 Perseus, the Valiant frightful heud. 19 Fortune, the Blind Goddess, with her hora of plemy. 20. Vulcan, with his Cyclops carrying their snvil and hamaiers 21. Aymen, with bis nuptial torch, veil and doves, 22. Aseulapius, with serpent—twined } ‘sith Of the Stare must 6é tarnished » , with Meduse’s, . be nig 28. Neptune, with (rndent; Triton snd other Sea-Godts, with shells. 24. Jason, with the Golden Fleece.. 25. Pen, with bis pandian pipes and laughing face. 26. Svivanus. 27. Harnocratee, the God of Silence, with his fieger alw+ys on his lips. Al 4 given signal frog Satarn, the differ- ent characters came into their appropriate altitudes, and at another signal, they return. , ed to their ordinary positions, as if by the Their parts were “weil ” 10 speak in theatrical parlance, Years eve in this city. It i9 an institation | that hae excited the admiration and curios. | | spell of a msgician. of persons abroad, who have heard of its} rehearsed, mysterious and yet. significant ceremonies | ond the pageant was more enmplete, and io more classic teste thao any exhibition ever before made by the society. the same plan, it ws not the same pers nt- fication throngbout, that took place two years since, The mystic ceremonies over, the orches- tra strock up a lively air, and the mimic dei- ties, the furies. and other ministers of the zods and goddesses, above and below, fell Into its soft measa@res, and with each a part. Though: on of. dollars, ~ jp this was (9° wke sixteen} ed thousand dollars!!! 3 ~-Itforther appe thatvt the L-gislatace of 1840. -Mr. flay wood wrote a Bill which wes presenteg to the -gase and rejected, contsining his-plen of relief for she Raleigh and Gaston. Rosd ; which. plan,ane,short, wag to lebil the Rail Road three; hundred thouse lats 10 be paid to the stock:oi fit} doles shere, although the ssid/stock wes then worth from one to éwo dallsrs » share, only, ec" Does it not strike-yon with sstonishment: that’ the Daboetite e. ‘dente against Internal Im provements;,and:pe}th: tre sure never (o think 9 man »warlly ény elevation, unless he has” een Aho-for must champion of what they.s0 Dec condgan Seager They are right down hypocrites o@-this subject. Ee... Si The foct is sir, thas the Rail Rosd.Com. panies are in asmoch distress as the People ere, end the Legislattne will be bound to do something in regard to~theit debjs or the __,Leapt think for e moment with any pa: Uience of the latter alternative ; there is nos. Fo moch difficulty with the. Wil@:ngton aad Releigh Rail Road os.with the-other; the former company hss paid the :nterest-on.al! they Bonde ap to the present oromert: of time, but they are dnable: to meet the se- cond 'Iosielment of Fifty thonsand dollats. < Last pmmer, they. paid fiifty thoosand tare and hare kept.the.Rosd m excef: lent Tépair nus ithsianding the heavy.inju: ries they have sustained by the storms-io the Sommer: this Road in a little time, un- det its present*head will be able to breathé freely, Sot the other | think ig dead, t can. } uot pay the T-terest on as Bonds, The most feasib'e project.in regard .to ‘he Wilmington R 1! Road “Bonds seems to: be to aothonize the Literary Board to: bay them in, andif the company pays the inter. est Upon them, as there is no doabt it can, ine fund for common schools. wil) not be be diminshed. : re By the way there is a proposal..to repeal the Law of the last session, distributing the School fund according to-Federal Popule- ion end substituting in its place, white pop- ulation—af this iniquitous and abominable) proposition should: succeed, it js amiatier of very little interest for Halifex county, wheth- er the fund 18 sbsorbed be Insglveat Rail Roads or thrown into. the Ocean,ber Share will be so small as: to steske dead her enet=.. gies and public epirit on bebalf of Free Education. , I~ rer from the assembled fair ones, who had gethered there ta goze upon the veiled, ye! brilliant spectacle, “tripped it on the light | riper for the extremity of folly than this ig fantastic toe,” till near the hour of midmght. | called democratic ove. a has piled apon >the» At another g:ven signal the maekers form- | tables of sath Floozes half a duzen of the most ed in line, went again through their altitudes, mored in state!y procession oui of the hall, and, as far as we could dis*over, like the gorgeous imaginary of a vision, dissolved Thus ended the *‘Cowheli- celebration of the past, and the o-. pening of the present year.— Mobile Adv. eantionmmnemmeteetl toto thio air. either directly or inditectly, it~ wag" possible. to | hear shat Gertleman admitting onthe fitter <in | the House of Commons, as he’ did/to'dayy that he selieved they had been well mindged? euch ( Correspondence of the “Roanoke Republican *) Raceion, Jan. 4, 1843. Mr. Epitor :—I find more sttractions in this place than | expected: to my great sur- prise | am here yet; but as you are Iitle interested in my movements, J procoed to fornish you, with what may be of interest 1a the legislative proceedings Two so! jects of deep and momentons concern not tatrinsically of a politics! char- acter, but made so to a considerable extent by the Locos, sre now engaging the’ atten- tion of the Legisiature.—The Rail Roade The Locos on the first subject hed the sudscity the other day 40 charge the Whigs with being the suthors of all the evils'of connecting the Roads with the State: they*were en-wered in 3 man- ner which they: will Qot soon forget. Afier the smoke of the battle had cleared away these facts seemed io heve been ad mitted by sii partres,—that in the reer 1836 Mr. William B. Hav wood’s Eloquence and influen’e induced the first invesiment ever made vg the State ia a Ritl Road; that on a propositica to dispose of the surplus rev enue then lately rece: and Moore repotied « ecb to. lead odt ali that was not -reeded to pay @ poblic debt then Owned by the State end to euBscribe three bondred thousand do!lers <¥4.ere told, were-sumpmovs-snd }1p the Cape Fear Bank—Bulls to carry into From the Mansion House the. effect these. purposes ‘tte way to the Ball-room} which was then Wiig and the Barks. faly and inthe next he and Ass Biggs together imrodace Bille declaring that if ever the Banks should be compelled to suspend by having oui more paper than Specie they should: fufeit their charters on the sput, that their doors should be lucked ap and Commissiosers appointed to seize their ¢ffecis, You may test assored, that the Bank of the State ts acting in sincerity, aad in | earoes! : the Lecos,"bowever, profess 1a: doubt it, and | should not Seat afb serpriged if they should act arder this beliet ontil they obtain what they do not want, the surrender .of -ihe charter. : at first they-were much divided in Opinion: 2 part of them io momentary heat; believing it | was the best policy to aid the democrats in car— rying oat 8 professedly cherished policy of the:rs to have no Bank at all. Graham. Joyner, to the Senate, passed the Senate, “esme to the Waverly "House, whero-a brillisat er, Commons, thed d ; Where the plan And now to the Banks, ae In my opinion there never was a Legisiateted. absurd, unconsiituiional and foolish Billa respee- liog the Banks that have ever been introduced into. Legislative Hafls of thie Siate. Woold you helieve that after all the Bills whieh have been intrndnced reflecting’ ow the Banks and their management, evergyone of. which owes itsoiigin -to Asa. Biggs: sft Maniny) 4 is the fact Lowever. A must interesting questinn-4o the Srate of 'N. Carolina is now anderdiscession inthe bouse of Commons, - 3 a At a meeting of the Stéckholders of the State Bank hetd on yesterday, # «as unanimously re solved that they prefered to sutrender their char- ter, 4f soch shold be the pleasore of the «tate fo continaing any lenger a corporation ‘where munitary affairs should be regulated by the eler- In one moment B. Brown sboses the. Beuke for net expanding their issues so as tn relieve the People’s d:stresses by making money plecti- The Whigs will go against accepting. altho’ - “ . Ienever the Legs want to shrinksfrom reipe sibility they gend.th a be appointed by'the 1 ‘thém of 2 -majou t Sone attine, heip.acuof® oF Yoots most renpegh ably conatituie the matter is tan be made og of™ tiieal é > - - = simone _ + ; C3 Cavrolitta Wa <The Bankrupt Law .—The House of & sentatives has, at Tae advices from Warhingteo, taken the vole opon’ the principle involv. fio ‘the proposition to repeal the Bankrupt Law pass! ed at the first session’ of ‘the MOBY cress = and the Jildistvoy Con et peremlorily instragted to. bring mediate repeal. wil! dfford tatihose who ea negity dept proposed, to learn, that an” linghast, of Rhode Island, «he : algo instructed by a lafgeomejority of the Hodse, 44 jo report in. addition to, and as part of the-bill, @ provision that “ this repeal shall dot extend 0. affec@eny case “which at: the ‘Vine: this Bot goes Into effect shall bY periding before any e6yit, nor any proceeding which at-said time shall hawe been-legally commenced, and which ‘it progress, onder a by repealed.” present (27th Cena sate hs repeap an first Ji. | tol Me. File oe wiltee Way od oy virtue of the fet Louisiana Senator —Op-the:9ib ‘instant, the Legislature of ihie Sjate, elec‘ed. AcexawpER Porrer,a siaunch and. upflinching > Whig; to te of the United St om the’ ath of Match next. * The the Fesalt of. the batlot :-~* ALtxanper Porrer, © C.-M Conran, Joun Si.pexr, 6, fur’ six years fullowing ie 45 xoies, ¥ MR..CLAY=asp tun N. ORLEANS BAR | Tt would seem that all classes, patties and.pro- feasions in New, Onjeans, have ,vied withkeach otberin daing honor to.thegtga: American Pa triorand Statesman. Aniohg the rest the miewSerg of the Bor of New ( rlerns.1epdered to himithe bunor wl a dig~ ner? : The following isahe ‘reply of Mr Cpa¥ ‘Neto’ Orleans, $0: Dee, 1942. GENTLEMEN - 1 have 1e¢¢ined,.with ag. or ° te i! Ure more 3 procerd *Ptvfession, which, doting he, vicissitudes of my fife, Bas eter oom- ded my ad ayiration, atid a9 mai : erality, with which gentlemen of opposiie pulit«" real sentiments kauw_ ‘ sing a generous fgSpitalily, eS Bat, prior to my departare from home,.on the ~ journey which has brooght sujt'of private obj-c's and pe seribed to @ possibly - canid, how to concor in-dispen— | “* “here, in, the por- e self tbe toleof Geubtie noketies the toleof'2 9, dedaf-as , pablic entertainments,. if ang. ‘shgold be.«ffered.on my aecront_~I am sware that 50 exteption of that which you kindly pro-~ pose might be made, @ith some plagsibility: the acceptance <f ii would be a precedent jfel aid rot follow it in other cases; Ixmigh! not be ‘able 10 present satisfectory grounds I regret the less the p feet of conforming on this cecasion to ibe rele f have mentioned, a3 | hope wkile hereto have may appotenities of free sod friendly iater— corse wiih the members of the Bar of I tres: {bet they will du justice to the motives which geigate me, and at acepmt mny profoutd acknow'edgments. offer yoo, gentlemen, atsurances of the respecifal nal whine and uncoostitutions! Legisiation of and friendly eonsideration with whieb | have the qiack financiers, ~~ ‘ crimingnting: hosor 16 be Your faith fol and ob’t ; F H. CLAY. Messrs. Jobu RB: Grimes, Mazoreao, $e, ke. Georgia.—The epeci:! election in thie. State to fill the vacaney in Congress, ascesioned-by the death of Mr. Habersham, bas regalied inthe trinmphaat eleciion of a sterling Whig. The Georgia Jooroal of the 10th instant siete that, short as wae the politicel canvese, the exer- tions of the Loe»foce press ia that’ place, in _ behalf of its candidate, were equal to any of its. former efforis —The Juctnal says : “ The Counties heard from, giv | Craw rorD, the Whig Coodidate, a wajority of 5,990 voies eves Mi. McDoveaLD, the Demo- In the same counties, at the Ociober election, the Whig candidate, R W. In the debates which have “sprang up upon ; Habersham, bad a majority over M. A Couper, this qoestion the Whigs have told the demerrais (Lvco) of 2.401% votes. The present resalt, that she megsare would »e disasttwes—thal in . Whi . deve Ouabaaaal would be followed by ruin ard Bapkroptey ; that therefore, shows a Whig gaio, siace b would bew see oe Arcane, ied eget dee be- | to believe, will be tncreaseJ, when all the cogn~ was wholly changed by the 1 fluence of Mr, tween the ridieolous slang which they have eo ties ace heard from. ; a Grorce W. cratic candidate $,589 votes: Thies gain, we have every reasoo a AS 8 6 SI ARS, IS SENATE; ie thow {roms ste coamnitiee i- ee af inet résolution 10 ge the printing a zee {0 colunial documents, relgute to “Carébit, vod the procure- proper offices in the first resding. o foe mn-of the Comninnsto refe” ) my reletioag.tu the Tressurer’s not select itiee, was amen- ~op-motion of Mr “Jo ner, by vb Smog \he comminge to send for persons and pepers, and adopted. _ * — The reselatiobs relating to the Bark of the State were taken up, .e0d read the se- cond tiie ; when Mr. Joyner inoved’ an, smendaient * thet it 18 not expedient to in— sitet the representative of the Stote.in ihe *“generst meeting of the etorkholdars, to pro- pose the adoption ofsach measures as may Le necessary. foe closing the business of the swid bank”? fc. Mr Shepard ed to jOodon ; wbich passed’) the officiat bond Bow retolayon relating to the Bat | State, thé unfinished business of yest ‘wes t.ken up aad read. the third time ; tion as av moendment thereto ; Resolved, Thatibe Sveakere of the two Hoosee of ima Gevers! Assembly commun- -esje to the President.end Ditectors of the Bank of the Siste.ef North Carolina a copy of the foregoing resolations. « " Senate sdjourhed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. __ Mr Biggs, frounshe jot select comm.t- tee appointed 40 Ghiain the’ names of the Improvement Boards, the »mepnt due, §re.; to be printed and the commistes was diss charged. . ” 4 ‘Mr. Bebge, from the seme-ecaommittee, re- : ctoke cbt the word “ pel? in thé e@eond line of the.amendment ; whieh ws decided *e in the” fifediat).e, bythe eoehog vole of the . epedker, The. question “then- W500 the emenémentof _Mcy Sovner, 20 Smended, (65. nafs Me. Shépard shite votng for tha amendment. > Pe Te resolutions heretofore offered by Mr. SE lwardt prowwing ibeat if the Bank well sender AS efirter durteg the present session, | Mre State wijl accept ut, were iben adopted, vt. 3* bes exergy eyative,.b yes - 26 to 20. : : Yeas —-M 8sr« Arrington, MMliaon of Or, e Ropkit, Reoyd, Brown, Cocp r. Dobsin, Feiwagee, Evoett, Exum, fester. berkios, Mesein, Mitchell, Moore, Pastuer, Ray. Sheperd, Speight, Sts Ford, Stalliogs, Swin- as song Tomhason, Walker, Joho W. Wil- liama aod Wm, P. Williams—@e. “Vays—Mesere Albright. A:heon of. Ir., Burgm, Cathy, Durkery. Eliott, llowerd, Hadges, Jacocks, Jones, Joyner. Morehead, Moye, Myers, Pharr, Ribelin, Rogers, “Spruill, Thémas and Wont~ 20 HOUSE OF €OMMONS. Mr. Doak presented a memorial from Guilférd. accompanied by » resolution -di- reciing thé eowmiitee on Propositions and Grievances to i quire into the expedience of imposing by lew'a tax on all ‘horses, males, cattle and. hogs brought into the State forsale ‘The resolution was adopted. » Mt. Franeis, from the Judiciar Weim wit. tee. (0 whom was 1: ferred a bill exeiipting certain atticies of personal property from eXteption, reported a substrtute therefor by way of an amendment ; which was amend- ed,.om motion of Mr. Baxver, by suiking oot “a horse, mule or yoke of oxun.? The bill was further amendd, on mation of Mr Bragg, and pessed ite second reading. Messre, Bragg, Bower ane Moore were eppoinated the gommittce on the part of the Hoose. on the Treastrer’s bonds, and mat- fers ielating thereto.— Messrs. Edwards. Soyner, and Arring’on form the Senate’s | Messtat Avery, the Flopse of Comaions smotg the eouhiies in ths State sceurding to-federal “‘popalation, with sn amendment to strike ‘out the words, “ secording to ary popu- Jotimn9) hen moo-edopteds and oftenser- a} oj Ger ine feewmal iotlona.io aniwad; by Gatdwell and Ashe, the bi!! ws laid of the teble anti! to—morrow. The Congtessions! sp»orionment dill, vatitled 2 bilkte amend an act concerning the mode of choosing Senators and Repre- ‘Senlatives in the Congress of the Unned States, wus read the second lime, saveaded Wy an BHIMportent partientar, and passed. The Speaker peesented » communication from Charles L. Hivtoa, E-q. late Treasu- rec of the Stato requesting that a committee be appointed to settle with end recetve from bim the money and other effects in bis pos-ession ss Treasurer ; whieh, oa motion of Mr, Moore, was ordered to be sent to the Senate with a proposinon to refer to that they request C. L. Finton, Esq. 19 con- pee i charge of the same until his suc- cessor 1@ installed ; and that said committee be instructed to prepare a resolotion meking | such compensetion as may be just and prop- er for any sacrifices he may have made in remaining in ssid office to the present time and for bie continuance tn the same until bis successor be installed. Friday, Jan. 13. IN SENATE Me Pastour presented the resignation of Richard Dobb Spaight, a3 one of the Coun- seliors of State; which was read and accept- ed, = instructirg the Committee on Banks to re- port a bill to establiek a Book at Henderson. principaily for the purpose of building up a tobacco market. The proposition of the Commons to refer the communication of © -L. Hioten, Esq. to the Committee on Finance, was agree’ to bsench of seid committee. _——— Wednesday, Jan, 11. 'IN SENATE, The bill to amend an act of 1840, for the relief of the Wilming oo and Raieigi@®Rail— | toad Company, was resd the third ume, psssed and ordered to be engrossed, 20 to 15. [The bill provittes that the Stateshall pay the 350,000 ont of the Literary Fund due by the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company by Bond, which the State endor- sed. to the Bank of Cape Fear. _ The engrossed resolation from the Com- mons. io extend to Jobo 1. Wheeler, Trea- surer elect, further time to give his official bondywag read three tites, passed and or- dered to be enrolled, The resolutions relating to the B.nk of the Siate, were taken op,and were ander consideration when the Senate adjourned, BOUSE OF COMMONS. , Mr. Bragg, from the joint select commit. tee, to whom Was.refersed the communiea- tions of the Governor end Speakers onthe Subject of the Treasurer’s bond reported a resulavion, providing that the time aflowed to. Jobn H.-Wheeier, Treasurer elect, to give his official bond, be extended to Mon. day the 23rd insian: ; whieh passed ste-first reading ;-end being read the second time, Mr, Bacrinyer moved'a substitute therefor, seiling forth by preamole that the Treesur er elect having tendered bis hound ; ond that there being a difference of opinion between the Governor and Speakers a¢ to the validi- ty of said-bond snd as to the sufficiency of the c@fdition thereof, &c., resolved, there- fore, that the said Jobo H. Wheeler be. al- lowed wntil the 231d day of this month, &e. ‘The amendment was sdopied ; Mr. T. Wil- son, moved to strike out 28rd. and insert 2)st, which.was negatived.; and the resolu- lion was then real the secoud ene third times passed and ordered to be engrossed. | At this stage of the busiaess, the Spe-ker announced @ message from the Governor, relative to the official bond of the Treasur- er olect. Ji: commuofeaied a tetter from BDA W. Stose, desiring to withdraw bis name from the bond ; ang stating that the Trea savet elect, belleving his hood had been ac cepted and that be was authorised to enter wponthe datiés of bis office, had taken the outbs of office snd made a fo:mal demand Mi the late Treasurer. The Governor con. Ghades by statrag bis opinion thar “ibe Tressvrer elect 1s n01 now the Tressurer of fhe Siste.”” Plis meseege was seni io the Senate, with s proposition to refer to the The message of the Governor, tranemit- ting a letter from D. W. Stone, Eq. rela— tive te bonds, of the Wilmingion and Ra- leigh Railroad Compeny, endorsed by the State, was laid on the table, The resolutions presented by Mr Edwards relative to closing the business of the Bank of the State, were read the tbird time ; when Mr Dobson moved the fullowing substitute as an emeadment thereto: “That tbis Legislature. by no means, wish a dissolution of the Bank of the State, particntarly at this time, when the citizens of the State are laboring onder the most alarming pecuniary distress ever experienc- ed.” Mr. Allison of*fredell, moved to lay the resolution end amendment on the table ontil the first dav of April next; whieh was negetived, 25 to 21. The question was then taken on Mr. Dobson’s amend- ment, which was rejected, 25 30 21. The resolations af Mr. Edwards were then pars- ed by the fullowing vote, and ordered to be.engrossed : ¥eas—Messts, Arrington, Allison of Or- ange, Boykin, Boyd, Brown, Cooper, Ed- wards, Ennett. Exem, Hester, Larkins, Melvin, Mitchell, Moore. Pasteur, Ray, Shepard, Speight, Siefford, Stallings, Swin son, Tomlinson, Walker. Jno. W. W, lliame, end Wm P.Williaas—25 Nays— Messrs. Albrigit. Allison, of Ire. de!l, Bargin, Cathy, Dubsan, Dockery, El- hot, Howard. Hodges, Jones, Jerocks, Joyner, Mor-head, Moye, Myers, Pharr, Riheling Rogers, Spruill, Thomas, and Mr. Brown’s bill to present the suspen- siom: of payments by the benks, wos read the third time ; when Mr. Edwards offered 8 substitute by way of amendment, which was adopted, end laid upon the tebdle and ordered to be priated. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Received from the Governor a communi. cation, enclosing a letter from D. W. Stone, Esq. stating that a bond of $35,000 due from the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company on the 31st instant, snd endorsed by the State, onder protest ; in the Bank of Cape Fear, for non-payment, and desir— ing to know to whom application shell be meade for payment; whieh was ordered to be sent to the Senate. {The basiness of to-day tant} wes uDIm@ por- eee : Saturday, Jap. 14. IN SENATE. Several private bills passed their third readings, , Owanttes on the sutsjuct. The vill to tey off the State into S-naio. | one mihon ‘yidl Utswiets was considered, emended in Severs! particdlsrs, and passed its second | | by to Mr Bs bill to prevent the suspension of YGsding. Thur sdey, Jan. 12. _ IN SENATE. — +The proposition of the Commons, to re. Mr. Rogers’ bill enthorising the issne of of dollars by the President and Directors of the Euerary Fund, passed its second re.ding aves 93. Days g°. O- motion of Mr. Brown the bill offered Mr. Edwords on yesterday as a substitute specie payments by the Banks of tbis State, was token op apd read the second time, and Bejecled by the following vote the Governor, with the:} | me. Sone wien, perc, H ‘Mr. Edwardé moved the following tesola - |’ 4 : ‘The . emendment was sdopied; and’ the several debtors tothe Literary and Interest}! medea report thereon ; which weseondeted | ported« bill :o apportion “the mearbers of e x the committee on Finance, with instructions Mr. fester introdaced set of resolutions | they, Dobson, Docker Horeuead. Bese, Rib. a Tomhason, Thomas, Wonh—26. ifr. ejected.—Mr. Bar- the’ districts sg to er, Breekin, ‘ . Bytd, Bannerman, Caldwell, Ca red, vis, Dickson, Erwia,- Fitts. Gann, Hasniogton, iHeskins, Houser, -Mersball, Massey, Munroe, Mitehetl, Nelsoo, Nixon, Rayner, Regan, Richardsva,; Rose, Russell, atterfigtd, Scales, Shanklin, Stockard, \z, Stowe, Street, Skinner, Taliaferro, Herring, C Joes, Bolloway, J B Jones, Kelly. Kirk, Lee, Melatyre, McNair, Me- Rae, F Teyler, J E Thomas, Walker. J W Williams, Watson, Waite Walley, Williaw- son, T. Wilson, Yuonts — 60; Nays— Allen, Aébe, “Avery, Barringer, Baxter, Brandon, Brower, J J Bryen, Bruw well. Burgin, J P Caldwell, Candler, Coch- ran, Do.k, Dockery. Ehringhaus, Foreman, Francie, Maisey, Hill, Jefferson, Joyner, Koonce, Lamb, Lassiter, Leech, Locke, Lord, McLean, Mel.sugbho, Martin, Mew - denhell, Mills, MeColium, Moore, Nash, Neet, Norcom, Odom, Sharpe, J W ‘Taylor, Steele, Walser, Whitaker, Wilder, F. Wil- lems, Young—4s8. The mill to lay off the State into fifty seo- atorial districts passed its third reading. Mr Avery from the Joint select commitice 10 whom was referred the memoria! of Meck- leaburg Monument Association, reported, in the present state of the Public Treasury, that 1 1s inexpediont to make eny eppropri- ation for effecting the object contemplated, but recommended that they be incosporai— ed aod reported a@ bill for thal purpose pass- ed its Girst reading. Monday, Jan. 16, IN SENATE. Mr. Elliott’s resolutions to print indexes to colonial documents relative to North Cerolina, and for the procurement of copies of said documents in London, passed their third reading. The resolutions providing for the estab- lishment of a Bank at Henderson, were read the second tme and jected, ayes 17 noes 22 The Senate concarred in the amendments of the Huouse on the Cungressional end Senatorial district bills. The Bill to authorise the President and Directors of the Literary Fund of N. Car. Olina to issue one Million of Notes to luen to the people, was put upon its third reading, and wae rejected The bill to amend the act for the better regulation of Common Schools, was read the second time aod rejected. HOUSE OF COMMONS. A proposition from the Senate to rescind the joint order for acjournment this day was concurred in. The engrossed bi!! to apportionthe mem. bers of the [louse of Com nons among the several counties in this state, wes amended, passed I!s second and third readings, and urdered to be sent to the Senate, asking their concurrence in the amendment, 4 7 State of North Carolina. DAVIDSUN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions— .Vo vember Term,,1842. % Judgment against Real f Estate aod Sci Fa, | James Wiseman § Co. } vs. ‘ Heirs at Law of Alex. e Shamwell, deceased. J Lee & Sannders, vs. Same. Same. —_—--——_ Wiseman & Pinckston, Same. vs. t Same Same. Philip Becker, vs. Same. Same | vs. Same. Same. —_— James Wiseman & Co, . t Same. vs. Same. ie the foregoing cases it appearing to the sat tsfaction of the Court, that James Shamwell, one of the heirs at law of Alex. Shamwell, dec., dves not reside in this State. [t is therefore or- dered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, for the said James Shamvell, personally to be and ap- pear before the Justices of oor Coprt of Pleas and Qoarier Sessions, at the Court to be held for Davidson connty;“at ihe Court-house in Lexing- ton, on thé 2d monday in’ Bebraary next, and then and there shew cause, if any he bas, why the ssid Plaintiffs shall not bave Judgment of execution against the teal estate of the said Al- exander Shamwe.!, dec'd., into his hands de- sceaded, in satisfaction of their demands. ‘Test, C MOCE,ece 6 «22— Printers fee €2 in each case—Gi2 00. J. S. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AY be fonnd siways at the Office of H. C. Jones, Esq, duectly opposite the Rowan Hotel Salisbury, Jan. 7, 184$~—1f24 “4 ries a i he at, ; - m sipred 1 jor “y be ee . <> - S, ei @ y id the ‘enject before the “theieafier, ol dnapproal befo - re : elaborated * wy S it : eure (#bieh hr a ew free in their indulgence ia + Morehead, because, being a. Whig, approved of the ‘* Democratic” ; Bonds, while the Democratic Speakers eduld ap prove it. Every thing was wet down to-party, and nothing to a desire to protect the public io- terest, : The objections to the Bonds are these: The Bonds do not contsin the. condition, ad- ded to the Treasufer’s Bond by the act of 1827, which is as follows, afier saying be shall dis- charge the duties required oy law—*t or which may, hereafier, be required by law.” This last condition was left out of the Bonds, and was ad ded in 1827, in consequence of a défaleation at that time. ‘The prin¢ips! security, A. W. Me bane, signed the Bord, on condition that D. W. Stone would sign it likewise, This agpene refused to do, and Mr Wheeler having failed ty disclose this fact to the Governor and Speakers, they called apon Mr Stone, who proved it. The Bonds were thet ananimously rejected, as it was a mere escrow as io Mebane. ‘Lhe next day, Col. Wheeler indemnified Stone to sign the Bonds, when they were again re delivered by Wheeler for approval, without any cew aathor- ty from the other obligors to re deliver them, af- ter they had been previously rejected. Perry Carter, one of the Securities, bad signed the Bonds in Hertford, bot did oot pat his seal to his name. Dr. G C. Movre says, that Mr. Wheeler told him that he discovered it before he parted with Mr Carter, and Carter told bim to tell Dr. Moore to add the seal—which Dr Moore did ai Raleigh, and after the Bonds had been signed by most o) the obligors and without their knowledge. The question being referred to the Attorney General, whether the Bonds, having left out the condition ‘ or which may, hereafter, be required by law,’ were suffiéient, gave a writ- ten opinion, that he was not atall certain or con- Jident that they would be held as sofficient. Vir. Wheeler obtained from Mr Badger, a ve- ry learned and able opinion on the eame point, with an examina:ion of a copy of which we have been honored ; it is too long for this potice.— Let us make the fullowing extract : ‘1 am therefore, .f opinion that the condition of this Bund, omits a provision which the Leg- islature desigsed and have plainly declared should be inseried in the condition of every Trea- sory Bond and without whieh it ought-not to be accepted, upon any notion that the instrament witl du as well without it.” The Bonds having been rejected by the Gov- ernor and Speakers, Mr Wheeler procured the signature of Mr Sione to the Bond and caused his name to be inserted in the body thereof, after lig rejection and then withoat any fatther aa- thority of the former obligors, tendered it, when the Governor disapproved, and the Speakers ap- proved it. Mr Stone became aneasy as to the liability of all the obligors, to the instrament, except himselfand Mr Wheeler, and obtained a written optnion from Mr. Badger on the-sadject. Mr Badge: gave it as his opinion, that pune of the ebligurs to the Bund were bouod, but Stone and Wheeler, whereupon Stone forthwith noti- fied tne Governor and the Legislatare, that if the Bonds had not already 2een delivered, so as ‘o make them obligatory with him, be withdrew his assent to anv further delivery, and forbid their acceptance as his act and deed Thus it will be seen, bat for the sagacity, firmness and decision of the Governor, the Public ‘Treasury of North Carolina would have been now io the hands of Col. Wheeler, without any other secority than himself—or at most, himself and Mr Stone Phe Democrats have been grossly imposed op on, by misrepreseniations It was represented that Gov Morehead gave Mr Wheeler the form of his Bond. ‘hat turng out to be not on- ly wholly ontroe, bot on the contrary, the Gov- rnor showed bim the conditions that he mast ) ~ of Mr. Se- e I: in bis Bond, and yet a very material one was tout. It was said the Judges of the Su- preme Court had saia the Bonds were sufficient. We feel fully authorized in saying. that Chief- Justice Roffin and Judge Gaston gave no such opinion [i was said Mr Badger’s opinion was, that the Bonds were sofficient, and‘ought to have been received—ithe truth tarnsout to be otherwise. fadeed, sume of the * Democrats’ feel themselves under jost obligations tothe Go vernor, for saving them from the- precipice on whieh thoy stood. I[t was a bitter pill for many of them to swallow, to vote for Col. Wheeler vs. Major [Tinton ; bat to have put him in office withoat any Bond, ot a sufficient Bond, would have been ruinous to them as a party ; and from this rain, they have been saved, by the unyield ing firmness of the Governor, in which all agree he was right. It has been said the Bonds are copies of: Major Hinton’s Bonds Be it 80. Gov. Morehead rever received those Buods ; they were accepted before he came ioto office; but we have no hesitation in believing, if these Bonds had been Mejor Hintor’s, they would have been as promptly rejected Besides, as to Major Hinton’s Bond, there is bo difficulty as to the execotion, 00 conditional signing —no addition of seals—and re-delivery, &c. &e. The securities, Donein Cameron, William Boylan, D W Stone, Alfred Jones, anc others executed the Bonds here—their execution and sufficiency was beyond all doubt, besides an Gnincombered estate of the Principal, himself, of from $75 to $100,000. ; The Legislature has given Col Wheeler, on- ul the 934, to give his Bond—and it is to be hoped be will be enabled to give a sefficient one Asromor says he had the signatures of. some fifteen Members to his Bond before he left for the low country, to ublzin others, among whom it is said are K.x-Senator Brown, W N Edwards Eeq.and others,2 few-such as them will make the bond very good. Good Farnfing.—' Sambo, is your mas- ter @ good farmer?’ ‘Ob yes, masse fuss rete farmer—he mekestwo crops in one year.” ‘How is that, Sambo ?—+ Why he selt all his Sey in de fall,.and ‘make goner once ; den in de spring he seli de hides of CA SA BONDS Jveaity prtated endfor sale at inte Office de rattle wat die for want ob de hay, dnd make mtoney twice.’ . | citizens of Babe County, that Col. Amos argoment, | Febraary County Court, on the eabject of the geoeral policy. . ‘ T; , “5 |e a ye ‘Weaves, of Iredell, Wilt deliver an Address at ‘the Court House, in Szlisbory,on Tuesday of ! Tariff, » Natiooal’ Bank, and viber matiers of = — faF-Phe.conuoversy Between the fictitious | perso i, “*Rustingee” and: ** Josiah,” seems pwiog:too personal; we advise them to Dinpromise and quit e¥ca, ag teither is likely tw Fecover cost by 3 farther proseeativa of a duabiful claim of-scri ling prepondersnee. THE RIGHT OF INSTRUCTION. In our last number, we briefly denied. the ex= istence uf soch right, and have sitee tead’e cor: respondence between the Hon. J. M. Botts, and the Esocoféco ‘half of iwe Vir inia Legislarare, on the same subject id the hope of finding oui the foundation of aordinery- Legislative pro- ceeding ; and regret io say; that oer researches | bave been whully in Vain. ‘The Hon: member of Congress very pulitely aska-ahe Legistature to point out. the soares frugpwhicl: their aut hori- ly is derived? Bot chat. meet le and enlightened assembly of Sg ophers; not to be outdone ia politeriess, anseered the enquiry of Mr. Borrs, not with a citation of book and page—section and claose,—but with you sre contumacious and impertinent?! This circumstance is cited as a negative euthority to prove our position, that po right of instruction ef ists—even in the abstract, for if soch a thing coald any where to found, surely thé sages of the Virginia Legislatare would have brooght it forth to overwhelm the impertinent Me. Borts, in- stead of resorting to the very volgarargumeéat of personal crimination and abuse, which always 1a- dicates that the party asiog it has an untenable position, and surrenders bis cause. It may be said, however, that the case of Mr. Bors, is not exactly parallel with that of Mr. Mancum ; thié is admuted as to fact;but still -he conclusion is.precisely the.same as to aathor- ity aod matier of right; the parallel ta correct in all other particulars. Mr, Borrs was électéd to Congress by persons of politics entirely different from these of a majority of the Virginia Legis— latore. Mr. Manoum was appointed'a Senator by tbe Legislatore of North Caroline, whose polities vere different from that of the preseat majoriiy,— who have the cousolstion of knowing that they are setually in the minority, bot jnei- dentally outnumber ihe majority, and seom at least to be improving the time of their brief au- thority to inflict as much evil upon the State aod Nation, as their short space will admit of re- flecting public opinion like a false”mirror, in a most distorted form. The 18ih section of the Bill of Rights has been referred to as sanctioning the right of instraction , because it says the Peo-~ ple have a right to iastract their Representatives: This is a mere catching at words, the Legisla- tare are not the Peuple, but are the Representa~ lives, liable to be instructed and not perversely to give instractions ; and the only mode of in- er Wherers, ' ious braneh of the Demoeraii, PANY, ag i Whigs. The Jeffersonian, (the Caj "hy of the souib) atiers its sere, thud 4a this manner. “We denounce | "ey Fas wojast, in killing off G. yy cnn , Sel, Ro Mg Y dd te ; y wok Oaing, ang» We ill nang, whole planjaed Bedford Browa’s diatrigy 3 theoe ealled thitd, running gory thy huadted miles along the Virgici, line . Bedford Brown's spécia} benefit, nove iy . wil this, the Jeffersonian ad Vocales men ; a8 1! very emphatically declaree . declarativn.we-are greatly pozzieg 10 anders aniess he means that some of his mep ed, measure more than six fee; in lee lke the Jodians survey of land, og beoad ~ i.0 2 Kentucky —Jous J Crirrexory Senator of the United States frog was, on Sa'arday the 17ib instant, ; that office for siz years frow the dia d March next, by a large M3}OTIY. He tone in point ballot of thé two Houses of the Enc ture, a mejority of 45 votes, being more L whole Whig strength. The vuies in » were given to Col. Johnson. thie Sy * tlecieg eee Massachusetls —The Locos and Abclitg have carried the day in this Siaie, Mareos Morton Governor. The Treaty of Washington —, rey of the great events connected with the . aod happiness of the world, which hareead the yeat which bag just closed, ihe Christian Observer, the leading religions pal of England, thas notices the Treaty lac at Washington City, and ratified by he (, ments of both countries, by which the long isting difficalties between the United Sizig Great Britain, were so bappily aod honorably justed, “The satisfactory settlement of our dif with the United S:ates of Awerice is 4 tis the magoitade of which, insteaa of appea less after a few months’ femiliarty, presse every considerate mind with greater fore 4 more attentivelyit is considered. Fearfal gi have been the issue had these in themselees fling causes of motual offence remained 10 cy both nations; mere.especialls those of their} habilan's whoseloeatity brought collision to te own doors, andithroagh whose joxtapcsitio der strifes might have ensned—as in the the Carvline and Mr. McLeod—til! both ¢ tries Were’ precipitated into wer, even aggs their will. - But this peri’, by God's meter averted; end England and the Unied Storm may be confidently hoped, will live in the by mony which pecaliarly befits them, ss ; sproog from one common ancestry, Speaking language, enjoying great civil and politica! pr ileges, for the most partiof one religious Arik its broad outlines, and whose amily is ese to the welfare of both m their important com cial relatféne with each other, and in those of prety and Christian benevolence which of them ase extending to the desolate place the world.” . IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO! aod ¢| s(raction ever used is through the ballot box—ihe A late arrival at New Orléans brings 1 only-time and place where instructions can be certainly and properly given or received. We would ask of the Locofoco members wf the Le- ‘gislatare, in the words of the old Prophet, who hath required this at your hands? aod expect the answer to be similar to that giveo by the organ of Capt. T'yieR. to the Whig party,—yoo knew before hand that we were perverse, and woulJ oatarally do mischief, when entrusted with pow- er. Now the instroeted Senator has the full right to ase this €xcuse or argument, of appeal icg to his own opimons at or before his election to justify whatever he may do afterwards, either with or without instroctions, and thérefure not bound to obey, or well exensed for disobedi- ence ; so that if the Legislature will instroct,— they have oo right to expect, nor any power to enforce ubedience ; conseqnentty, instructions are at best merely useless, a waste of time, and in these hard times expensive, for the cost of the Legislature is about four handred dollars per day, rather a large sum for predent goardians of pob- lic interes to spend on a matter totally aseless, if not mischievous. BCP The Legislature has at last established the nine Congressional Districts as follows : Ist District. —Cherukee, Macon, Hay wood, Buncombe, Henderson, Ratherford, Burke, Yancy, Cleveland, and Caldwell. 2d.—Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Iredell, Davie, Rowan, Cabarrus, $d.— Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, Stokes, Rocking— bam and Caswell. 4th. —Richmond, Montgomery, Anson, Star, ly, Davidson, Guilford, Randolph 5th.—- Wake, Chatham, Comberland, Moore, Johnston, Wayne. . 6ih.— Robeson, Colambus, Bladen, Brone wiek, New Hanover, Sampson, Doplin, Le. poir, Jones, Onslow. Tih.—Orange, Person, Granvill, Halifax, Franklin, Watren. 8th, —Nash, Edgecombe, Pitt, Greene, Beau- fort, Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde, Craven, Carteres. 3 : Sib.—Martin, Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Gates, Chowan, Perqaimone, Pasqaotank, Camuen, aod Currituck. : The Wiigs remonstrated strongly against this Gerrymandered Apportionment, and ‘shoWSd for catse against it, that it gave the Demoe rats — aimouating to $5,000,*five Representatives ib from the city of Mexico, up tv the 24it Dee ber, Anvther movement of a Lighly impn character had just been made in the efan the nation, By a nearly simolianevus moveos throughout the Republie, the Army had ded againstthe new Constitution, secenily / by Congress, then io session, aod io fava Gen. Santa Ana! The revolution was: te one sided cuncern,and was accomplished wile bloodshed on either side. Congress being wi out & party, and entirely destitute of ean, wholly unable to maintain its aothority, J members, therefore, issoed a manifesto, and oe ly separated = Forty of the most reepectaties# intelligent citizens of the country bad she been selected 10 draught a new Const which was to be submitted to Santa Ana si Ministers for their concarrence. In ibe time, Santa Ana remains inves'ed with em admigistration of the Government, a les # six mon‘hs to come. From Fucatan.—Io the New (Or\es08 py we find intelligence from Campeachy, !bt ™ of war, tothe Sist of December. The N& can siege still continued, but wiiloat 2) © cees on the-part of the besiegers. Eve’! i upon the City bad signally failed. 2 ie December, the Mexicans opened a brish ft the eminencias upon the reduodt of San heat but all attempis to carry it were ga!ia0''S ~ ted. Poring the night of the 26ib the on cans endeavored to storm the redoubt oY "i expected sally under cover of a galling * mosketry, from the entrenchments on the? a eurrounding the city, bat were pus” considerable !bss, and compelled ‘o reir! The Mexican army is not only deci the bravery of the Yucatanese, be! went tinal losses by dese: tions, which swel! ibe ; of the Campeachanos. Oo the sab Oe five hundred mer., under the command vor dier General, Santiago Iman, entered '>¢ os r Campeachy. They cunsist 2imost em é veterans whorhave won laure!s ia 3°F oe fooght field. ‘Phe Caxnpeschy. paper ya the mames of 240 Mexican deseriers how allached to the Army of Yues's0- ot the blockade, trading vessels cost! ter Campeachy. . The enemy appeared determined o ne their atteck.. They were reinforeed “ - by a detecl.mént of two hundred - itzers, and @ few field pieces, and '¢ ‘ ot ma e . Ta e . ot a . - £2 Ea =— ES E e - HP ® OR e R n eg Le n ea e eee te s BT c , while it allowed the Whigs amount- ‘ing to 26,000 only four Heépresenzatives, aecord.. *- Regenerador ling Jeft Vera Siva for of “transporting a regime! of frest 1160? Ps y % b 2 nessioNal. CONVEN TION. “oNnG (oltdanog which we find in the fast me e Chigritte Jooroa) meets out jomder of he etly, and. ee hope the thiog will. eed wae" with spitit,, All thai we bave t wie in the way of emendmenl tethat . eeung Like place at Mocnt Mourne, bed - spout any allerpative. v cil the Second Congreesion- oe qo the IThIS* yf Oastrect H : rt ion Districts baving bécome «@ following covates, viz: Meck- ye, v04 OF acoln, Ledell. Davie, Row- aro Cabarrus, having been selected by #1, pill to compose the Second Cougression- District, WO thought it advisable et tf aly day 10 call the siention of the We iect of prepariug for ao : ° Fe orniet. u igwell kao, asthe we ‘ pow staods, that witha its hous ee meo whose talents place them ar inent!? before the people for the im : joo 20d responsible post of represen ta- ve io Congress, and all bave friends who w : _.But s¢ a!] cannot obtain-jt,-our ob- on onine is to try snd silay sil die- grsions ID the Whig ranks, end to suggest) goeb 2 plan of operation ss io eosute the epuure e propriety of holding. meetings do- on ey at ahr of the ensuing Superior Coart, and of appointing delegates 10 attend , Distrret Convention at Davidson College oc Mount Mourne, to select a suitable per soo to be rac on the Whig ticket for Con- gress, and (hat wheo such person is fairly brought beforo the people the Whigs resoloe unanimously to umte upon him—and we soggest that one delegate be sent from each county for every one buodred Whig votes in the county, tekiog the last Governor’s election as the fest. — Is there a Whigin the District that can doubt the policy of this plan? Or is there 19 individual who aspires to the office who isnot willing to rest his claims with a Dis- wiet Coovention? Wehope not. For the sxiom is just as true in reference to a Dis- inet a¢ Nation, that ‘‘unitled we stand divi- ded we fall.” We hope, therefere, that il vill unite in a spirit of compromise end concession and give bis individual sid in forwarding the object proposed.—Much, wry muchy depends upon the first electron lf we earry the District by a sweeping ma- jority the result will be decisively settled io our favor—if by s lean one tt will al- mys be doubtful. “Whatssy you, brother Watchman? MR BOTTS’ LETTER. Those even of our readily bo way differ from iit. Botts in politics —and indeed those who dif- fr from him in opinion on the very question thich gave rise to the sudjoined Letier cannot pol respect the spirit with which he vindicates bs tights, and repels the officious and unaathor wd tolerference of the Legislature of bie State wih \be discharge of his duties ss a Represen- tive of the People.—JVat Int. VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE? The Speaker laid vefore the House the follow- ng commenication from the Hon. John Minor Bolis, which was read aod ‘aid on the table: Wasuryaton, Jan. 5, 1843. To the Speakers and Members of the Senate and House of Delegates of Virginia. Ihave received, throagh the astiog Gavernor Ibe Siate, a copy of the resolution adopted by er honorable budies, instructing ibe Senators i requesting the Representatives of Virginia Congress to use their best effuris to proeure beimmediate passage of a bill refunding to Gen- al Jackson the amount of a fine with interest hich was imposed on him in the year 1915, by Ne jadicial tribunals of the country, furs gross mlewpt of court, attended with a vivieni -as- Dptinn of aathorny nd dangerous infraction be Constitation declaring martial law and spending the writ of habeas corpas, subsequent the period when the ratification of peace was AQoWa to him. My extreme reluctance to give aoy vote for web I should not be prepared to furnish a plaa. ole reason, if questioned by those who have the "edt to inquire into all matters connected wiih ™) legislative action here, together with an un- led disposition, on all suitable cecasions, to “aply with the reasonable desire of the People 2) Site, as fornished by a legisiative ex- Mession of ihe padlic will, induce me lo inquire " What ground this elaim is intended by the W3latare ‘o rest, f upon the gioand of a private eldim, I would neelfullyask the favur to be fartished with vie ee? laid before. your honorable bodies, " “2 Must no doubi be ample, to have controll wig decision so promptly after the lapse of ry and twenty years sheng” the other hand, it is intended to be For the ground uf a mere gratvily, I hope * 8land excased for hesitatiog long, aid *ring well,before [ subject myself to the on whe ted censure so liberally bestowed on those De Od A gratuity to the widow of the late wah ' Hartison, who did not stsod charged *07 offence agaigst the Constitution aad ‘i of bis contr iy Aired Uoder a misthprehension in seppos- etek M to rest on either uf the grounds a- 4 ibet of?! ‘> then | know of none, other vhan btere * political claim, epon which the Legis- ar have requested me to vole for are: of ‘hat fine ; and, ir which event, as ] this i nrger jovtify the object, I shoald Netment fe fron aiding in the accom- Ae in _ the end. 9 saith apg once ra tien ‘ig € lapse ef so long a period, this pressed.on the first Whig Congress Atenoary> ae for upwards of one-eighth of 8 of Gea ie nn pact themsety 2 Ss they did ‘Ves exercise it Py an uncharita— ite net MBeribe' it to & pany movement, the avin tbies of 'a porii rar viene those- who wight 2 nt tery ®. Bot | am oeither 80 inquisi:ive nor yittitable, for dividing this State ipto-nine ould desire to sew them elevated w= that‘ success Of the Whig parts. We iberefore suggest to the W bigs of this Dis- | | winter. The Conservatives had a meeting T. W. Wurre. Editor of the Soothera Literary siog aod useful menof his day. He has dune great service in the Cause of Southern Literatore and the cause of thé periodical Litérature of the U. States, and his, leath fud some risk of digdbh ees and sot the wesn tae. J subscribe ay ments of the bighes! esteem jou: ubedientiterVant, ~ ry abttoops bad vement would goon take place The contest iB likely tobe a very me one. General i shed a decree to. 4. {alist sball be pus te: hak. whoever shall meet with, dud; 6F hear of ond of opposire ‘political opinions anc nél, iske-his life, it io bis have been issued:ia the Upper Provinces now ia @ peacefol stwis.” * TRE LOCOFOCOS AND: THE BANKS Whilst the party in our State Legislatiire ere Waging wor sgainst our sound Banks; their party Governor in Penneyleania is recommending to the Legisléiure of thet State todo all they een to.aid is restoring she crippled institutions of Pennselvania “to -the public‘confidence,” and to s condition in which they ean be “of more service to the community.” There has also sprong up in Ohio # powerful perty fromthe body of the Locofoeoa, who call themse!ves Con- servatives, (ag distingnished fromthe De strnctives,) who admit the necessity of Banks, end are abxious to recharter some of the large number whose charters expire ‘his in Cineinnettt-on the 28jh, which the De- structi¥ves attended in a boy, and attempted to. break, up; but the object of the meeting was accomplished, the Conservatives out- numbering the. Destractives.» As soon as the bdsiness was over, aod. the -Conserva. tives had ratired, the Desirurtives proceed- ed to vindicate their doctrines by a practic al example. They took possessioniof the room, broke the benches, lamps, windows, &e . threw red pepper. into the arr, whence it found its way to the eves and noses of the crowd &e. The secret of thesé Conservative move ments in. Pennsylvania and Ohio is thatthe peper currency bss beer destroyed by Toco focoism in-those States, and now they find they cannot get along withont it. Afier the madeaps in North Carolina shall have succeeded in their seme purprse of destriic- tion. bere, théy too will begin to devise means to restore thingsto their old state. But.they will then Gnd that -it hes. beeq moch easier to destroy than to create,—tn pall down than to boild up.— Fayetteville Observer. > The New York Joornel of Commerce, alluding to the resolution of the Stockhuld- ers of the Bank of the State of North Caro- ling, says.— ‘¢ Here ie a lead for the Locofoco Legia- lature of North ‘Cardlina which they wilt be alistle puzzled to know: how to disp se of. They can% well spere ihe bank ; bat on the other hand, they want the privitege of abusing it. We bope the stockholders in all the banks of those States where Lo- cofocbism expends itself in esssulis upon such snaututions, will follow the example of the North Cerolina bink. If abe Loeos wish to get md of the banks entiselr, fei them try it. They will fisd, we reckon. that they are in the same ship with the resi of the community,” The Whig Party and the Exchequer The Washington Correspondent of the-Piil- adelphia North Amefiran says: + ‘Phe 4. doption of the Exchequer would bean aban. donmentof a United Staves. Bank. “hie Western and Southern men know 2, if you ofthe North aod East do not; and they will not pardon of toleratea desertion so cowardly, so selfish, so treacherous, so un- grateful. ‘Nor will they be chested end trifled with agein, by any pretended abor tive demonstration out of aesommdodation to the supposed wishes of afew persons eho “ want to see this question.tried, at less.” The Gret demonstration of that sort will be a division of the Whig party and an sliena- tion of its best members, if nota final dis- orgenization of it °— Rechmond Compiler. DEATH OF T. W. WHITE. We are pained to atuounce the death of Mr. Messenger. He was one of the most enterpri- ates ablaok which oud eh weh tas nawber of equally Agble gen “eho he 6d "atomadscls anes uae, $ . BP * ach, ~ § 7 i expected a | | power, shall die in hie stead. ; Similer decrees } ata Bee by Thén oy the rule of hink (Wai Congress wil! appear in. tidiory, whith Birting a9 the giand io uést'of- the aatiun, ‘retiisheren” 1 <Sppuing a Commitise to receive testimony, voucher fur by one vf its own members, ‘on bis owa high te<pus Siwility, of high ‘Crimes and - wiadéincaiors a- Sensi no lesea peteunage than the President ut the United Sisies ?- and thai member seaaika- ble for his ioteHigence and high churscter. Agate ~Whai woold yoo think of a friend of yours, who bémg a wembe: of a county inquest, Would vue against invesligaiing charges against howor, for failing tu demand. as well as_vote tor confidently to be prove there really imminent danger aboui? Or were one of the Secretaries: [le isa rough casiomer. a8 -eu as yssible througl® your paper, and ublige A. VIRGINIAN. Bibiscov ERY. Mr. Peter G. Overt announces through a New York paper, and bis starement is cor- roborated by a number of respectable per sons, that he has invented a new principle tories and bosts can be driven without wa- ler, wind or steam,toes great advaniage and lées expense than either, and the works will run wil they are worn out of they bave regular atiendance, w thout the feast varia- toa tthe motion.— Two men can keep one rim of stone of four feet diameter run- ning with perfect ease. A smofl grist gill aad the propelling machinery of a boat is now in compleie operation. THe TPatrors “er threatened with the loss of trade and the thimple end guvuse to be superseded by the shuttle aad loom,— Meesrs. G. Marito & Co. have sniroduced into Philadeipiia the English invention for weaving Coals and paentsioons, and one of the papers. speaks of one of their artie'es as being ae comfortable an article of the king ws one ecnuld desire tor common wes. Drewere vad ghirts bave been wovea i tha} city for some months , Edenton Sentinel. ALTAR OF HYMEN. enates es Those whom love cements in holy faith * And eqaal transport, tree as Naiure live. #¥eteee os Whatis the wold to them, ‘Its pomp, its pleasere and is noosense all, “ Who in each other clasp whavever fair ** High fancy forms,and lavish hearts can wish MAKRIUD, Fo the vicinity of this place, on Tharsday Frontis, Mr. J. J. BRUNER, Iste associale diiur of this Paper, » Miss VARY ANN KINCAID, daugtiter of Wr ‘Thomas Kincaid. aieieaiead VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. f QNUE Sabdseriber iniending «» remove to the Wesi will dispose of ye Valuavie Tract of LAND, cooiatiing 495 MORES, 12 Mtiry west of Salioury, end adjiveing she fands wi Ave! Cowan and “Phomas Lt Cowan, The taod is of the ds: Gaahiivans seli adap d ia we geowth of CORN, WHEAT and C OT- TON Vhere is also om the pr mises a god end comtortaole DWELLING HOUSE, aod ali viher neceseary vot houses. DP heie ts abou ohe hundred and forty Acres cleatec. ihe rest goed wood land Also a good Meadow. Also, a'}daiog the lands formerly owned by John Kesler, - Cledfelier aud vihers, has on it a good House and Barn—aud # goud .Veadow— aod abuut 100 ACRES cleared, ang in goud repair. “Pu those wishiug 'o purchase good land, | would: advise them to ¢alf soon, as | au deter mined4o%gellon as rexsunable terms ascan be wished. é ie" A. GILLESPIE, Rowan. County, N.C, Jan, 80,1843. S427 Vy felt for the man. "He was 2 warm friend, a | Wm poor .2® itquity or suspicion 86 far removed Riitiggg Pee, Ane 50" Lio Tare 100 wath ibes. ‘ay en '0° well h@Migh abd patriot: ; Hue ae 3 Mie at aU Mies goréen ‘Soup esti to eye ae »bomane and valved citizen M04 the least imposing in. waich be could be -re- ge ;, Sarced, and the-maoner. in -which it wi Which i, was the mist) remast, ubithery bead. elation ag head of an interesting family was beautiful ebapter in histile. Sea}: + . dhe owner is re 3 ges, 7 Hever hig ge ts €. JOHNI : * Favr2S, 18434097 © wv ps r , AM Wal . " N 1 > Frederik Gaubb; 40 aniet Mauser, do Staind <4 E.lijab Saliwood, ee aes: Wen c+ ind rnes, dred TY, 2, pelea y Joel Saucders, Gulférd ec Ly Wyatt Brittair, farmer, Guilford county, James Alleos Davidson couidty; Caivia W--Euaey, : Beojpamip SBrisigin, Mecun county, -By-arder, of she Court, W & ANDERSON, €. D.C. January 11, #84$—12427 United States District Court of North Carohna—In Bankruptcy. OP ItlE io show cause agains! the follow— ing Petitioners, to be declared Batkrupts on Mondey ihe ist day of May next. Joho Y Lindsey, farmer, Sarry county, Altred ¥Y Carson, tarmer, {retell county, Richmond Nail, Car ‘Samuel T’ Hvoston, late merchant, Iredell, Ry order of the Coort, WE. ANDERSON Dee 19, 1842 ~4w8T Five Dollars Reward ! Gt PRAYED ‘from the subscriber oo Christmas evening,'a sorrel horse, about ten years old, eommon size, with some white in his face, bair vaveusliy. tung in bis face, s¢ much su, as io have the appearaace of being swelled, also has a scar an one side uccasioned by a scald, walks and trots well, and ig very spirited in barness above reward wil} _be given for bis delivery, or avy reasonable compensation for infarmatwn con WILFRED TURNER. Beveily Rash, tae > yo oo Pp ” oe i —— > > Caer * , Peter Clay wel Cheap Goods! |= FOR CASH AT 3 & BO you jovalving vour honvr and character? Guess you would gut thank him auch, uwnléss yoo were Mest-consciously guilty #f eo, how mach tess vogbt the President iu be indemed tu the Guaan, that 80 sedulvusly and sleeplessty watch over his cERs."" PAKE jlessy:e in announcing ‘fo ou. friendsand the pvbli¢: are ow receiving a vary b FALL & WINTER GOODS, ..-". Pe gi Anas ee which we ate deletmined to seit p ‘enah aa any other esiablishinant in Having almost eniitely sold ant Gur 8 of gonds, we cen now have rhe’ vledsuré of ex ibiting a well selecied aud simust entire fresh Stock of Goods, consisting io part of ‘the. following articles, viz Cloths; Cassimeres, Sat(ineis, fine black Silk, Velvet, and Satin Vesti y. that we} : ‘wick of —. 4 a0 inquiry into charges of 80 grave a@ ature, coming from so high 4 aii: aud proposed so F Did inege last words fo Kali’ tighten the Guarp? Isa Guarp, Messis. ditérs, so easily trighiened, or was oier, Davie county, they afraid of a Man thai held the Cat in - the bag? Well verily, asthe President once ‘vid | hiress pais of Kenil 2 re : ey ay Malaaported te a Koga ie ath Me AB Atien, ut ark ' Please Messrs Editurs answer these qnestions > Fiaonels, Mackinaw | Blankets, Shawl and dress Hats, Shoes; I ome assoriment of Queens and Gtass-4. ware, Hemluck sole f.eatder, Bagging, Rope afid | Twine, Sagar, Coffee; Salt, Molasses; Nails atid articles, too numerous (o cilolly invite our easiomers, ive us 2 call, before’ here, gs we shall spare 1, aad to sell gouds Ponte ig 1 cerning him. %: County Line, Davie count January 28, 1843. Fresh and large Arrivals CHEAP CASH Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMENT, E. bave just received and offer for-sale our inthe mechanic arts, by which mills, fac- / fron, with many fan (labs tad friends and. AJaying oui tbeir cask el no paids to oo very sinall profits for cash. v. fender onr most hearty thanks. to our friends and customers for the liberal patronage extended to na heretofure, and bepe: by stsitt ‘ai-- N. By We : Serer Seales aie CH! _. a eo — ad Th ' Sere 7 oD ‘ME : Ty “er ~ 1 : t oni NS eee at : “8 imi ES Oe a ae L “A Pe ‘ *, 4 ; a aed » a pies, 1S — Gets i) @aawre a ee . et By ;3 a J ka as eg ae - ; * ras of - bout 18monthsold ‘Fhe. Ba ir s neler = 3 rior animal, deep, thick and extelest ip ait his points: the Sow very.fine, with p: of eight pigs, Which, for bedoty and furm, o&f badly be sarpsased,“Phose who ‘aizy wish a fuller de- tp _these~ finpeenimels, *sletier i ie han’ aise, i of Nr C surpa ; wishing to improve ee ne: ee now a. better eppurtunny of domg sogtben tes ever been oad South #1 he Potomac . Orders for aby vf the ubove will-be promptly aitended fo. = . Wn. F KELLY. Near Mocksville. Divie to. 195 January 14, 1848. tention to our basiness, and selling guads so-vers -hesp tor cash, that ihe indecemens will be suf- ficient to merit « continusnée of the same; CRESS & BOGER. Salisbury, Now. 11, 1942—6m16 REMOVAL ! HE. subscribers would respéctfally announce to the public, thatthey have removed their Copper, Tin plate und Sheet IRow SRanuta One door above George W. Br opposite Thos. L.. Cowan's Briek= they are better preparéd to accommudate aud €x- ecate all orders im their lice un shutt notice, and serood supply of CULL & WINTER Ds, amounting to 545 PACKAGES, Among which are the following : 739 pieces brown § bleached shiriings, frow 4 cents a yard to 12 530 pieces calicoes. ‘rom 5 cis io 12} excellent ai 10 and 12 1-2 pair shoes assories, point and duffle blankets lbs turkey red duz.cotion handkerchiefs do apron checks do flancels . do Kentucky Janes do cloths and galtinetts d» mastin de lanes Cotton Gin Making Business : WHE subscriber wuld respecitally inform the * ehizens of Rowed and the édjoining econ. _ ties, that-h@ bas commenced ihe above Business in Salisbury, His shop ig three doore east of Moses L Brown's Tan Yord, where he is’ pre- pared fo execdte all work in his line of business withwesiness aed despairch From a long ex- perténce in the bosiness. be feeig confiden: of bie ability to give entire ‘satisfaction 10 all who may favor him with ubeir pe 4 in the very best style. - Also, tonsiaetiy-on hand, a choice supply Plain and Japan ‘Vin Ware, Brita Bathiog Tabs, Stille, sc. JOHN D. BROWN Salisbury, Jan 21, 1843 —1f26 * du linsey and kerseys ps bolting cloths oags coffee hidssegar 185 ps bagying 80 cuils rope 2N00 {tbs loaf Sugar $500 Ibs sole leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs nails 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 25 prs Elliptic springs 540 bottles easter oil 60 bushels clover seed, warranted Pe W. MURPHY: Salisbury, Deces.der 10, 1842—6tf FRESH ARRIVALS! “tall ——— ppeay g . a4 ‘ , ~ -é Se Me. ? SR BMO aia E| By fs 5 he Vegrocs for Sale... }. OME valuable Negroes can be had on-rea=} sonable terms at private sale, by-applying %0) . Mr Sameel Reeves, Salisbury. Monday, the 6th of February next, (being Mon day of ihe County Covst,) they will on that day be-pul up ie the highest bidder, at the Coort H mise 10 Salisbury, Jan. 21, 1843.— $026 20 DOLLAR 11.L ve paid for the delwwery uf my negro git Suse Strickland, who ~ was cattied off un the 24th December. by 2 negra man mmed COODWWLN, 1h éveniag the 26th inst.,by the Rev. Stephegy {f not +euld .by’ N.B.. 4ll ordere—fn shall be Ppuactually attended tu, ofevery.de | seriprion done on the shortest pilice, buth Gins and Theesbhiog Mechiors. — 9° & ALEXA FRALEY.” . Salisbury, Dec $}< 1642 - 2m28 -~ ADS remoted ti shor shippy “the hotse~ | BE tutetycccopird by Mr J OWA, vs a bigcer bup, & few doorg es6uet the Cours Hoose,. where 18 wit conn to-cesty On itie Las he hse heretofore Mone, ia’ all its vatieties.— Those disposed 10 patronise tim, will always find bia ready to accommodate wem on liberal terms. He keeps on hand a good apsorimeni of teady made woik, which be a@ill self iow for Cash, of on time te ponctoal deatel’, Salisbory, Jan 7. 1843 —1/24 property of James (sardoer. malsito, aboot 18 years of age, straight hair, het npper teeth inclined toate out. She is tat ad- A‘reasonable cumpensa— tien will be made fur the célivety uf Goodwin, he isaiso a bright molatio, between 25. and 80 They were last heard famwr Fall and Winter GOODS. veoved in pregnancy. rears of age Farmer’s Look out,—I have a Valuable ‘I'ract of Land near Salisbury, & bich I will sell on guod terms, if application be made soon 1. EYERLY. Salisbory, Dee 10 1120 TUE SUBSCRIBERS RE. cow receiving and opening io the brick | hoase west of the Court-house, ibeir FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which are Dry Goods, Hardwere; ‘Boots, Hais, Bonnets, age ~Trimmings, Anis, Dee- another Tract containing S32 .fere:, the 27:h uf December, within two miles. of Sal Any infermation will be thankfully reeeived, if eddreased tv the sudsesi- ber, living ou Brosh Creek, Randulph codaty, Pust Office, Brower’s Store. JOHN RALNES. Jan 14, 1843 -8w2d United States District Court of North Carelina— In Bankrupley. Ry OTICE to sbew cause against Petition of James Kloyd, of Devidson counts, Labour er, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wiltoing ton... monday the first day of May next. Alexander Moudy, of Surty coun fo ve declared & i Wilamingtoo, on monday the first day: of isoury, going South. Cuilery, Sho Crockery, is aty, from macu- "Bonkrop Joho Shaler, of Davidson county, Farmer, tobe dectayed a Bavkrapt, a, Wilmiogten, ov monday, the first day of Ma GOODS, which we sre determined to. sell as eheap for New Establishment. FyVae Subscribers baviog associated them- selves together fur the purpose of carry) oa the CABINET and CHAIR MAKIN BUSINESS, vow offer their services io their frrends aod the pablic. tt is their porpose to carry on boib ihesedeparimente in ali their va— rious branches, and they feel confident. of giving entive satisfaction to all who may favor them with patronage. Repsising in their line will be dove faitifully aod on réasonabdle terms. All kiuds of gountry prodece will be taken io ex- thange fur furnitdre of for work Bone to order. ‘K, ELAIOTT _ _- WM. BOWSEE. Avgost 27th, 1842—195 N. By With the view of lessening the cost ang? preventing foconvenien-e, ibe subscribers piso ° keep on baad 8-questity of ready made-Coffins. r K.£.& WB | By order of the Conrt, A. H. POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankreptey. Jannary ST ‘Cash, as ego be booght “any where in Conedtd. Watoneuie enstomers abd the public in gen- eral-to call and exaainé vor stock before parchas- jag elsewhere, as we think we cay; give such “PO THe arriicrev.—The ribet he Pom) received a larve and fresh: bers < Moffait's'Lile Medicine. Call & Ubrsin resie i CB WHEELER, Agent, Salisbary, Deo 10—120 bargains as wil! be great indvcement to pu GaRDLx SEEDS? seebriment, may be foued ai To Publishers, tP A YOUNG MAN, who bes hed con- ee, rae? a2 Panimna, wtsbve out. cation as Journeyman Satiefectery references can be given. Selitery, Be Oorpue ; ty pr ce taketrta —— aa y Medica} and Drog Bure. _ Goncord, Nov. 19, 1842—f17 + "Balistary, NC, Jao. 21,1843— 26 the “Watchman Offics,” Saltsear ft January 34, 1645. n ids 2,5: e r Fever and Ags posilively Cured. ~ . ¢ 7 2) ” ease, and in ward ly resists avery ofdimer gieu t C a ad ae © re teat me ~ eat ‘ 2 ie dae F ‘ p rig? se 4 ER: oo 7 Mase - : : tO tee ve Vege + ihe die lm hg 1a ests itp a . oT , , 3 . io PE is A AND A aa, 3 ry > . BS . daz , he nie ot, , e ae “ ~ a t * xin 8 ¢ b tr . HE Somscriberinvirns in, sgetnery ied ee ja they are ; ! P 8 . Poel ek A Rt eee gig | hey ae 7 ae fg i $ jnst received ie s . a : ! ders; | ; eases Stikee. 1 eZ . er: through “2a | wie a ees : ; hon in alb Venereal Disorders; sed, 2 | Cee eae eens tnee: aE Ashe é lr-aund Harnes Cities the latest and most approrg] . in more.than sen | 7 - Sstin guid wad tp pee) oe eee ea te | 7 re Abhi gees ' iostance in which age Rye tite pes re > etic’ "Sy ped >* > - ie pat Tisian Piao they bave failed, of reagons bed Fre. rb +f Gonos bate ated for ey: es se ot 6 tem AL Le, ator. ea ee Daenss a Se A i roped tenn “— in strrict accordance with the di it 6. nel pact fea Sten oS . ee tet | ‘civenmstances render it. ex— ken ined -and. which-are given ion JOF> A ffections Dagehees wilh. rebbive. fo te = Se Vind lapweee « SWork, seatirom a dntzce sha ; + Se ey J o effect ” permaner e nt cure of FATS Mu C. £ ~ MAN UAL and Good 4 RACY, 2 Tihfmien? oe Indiges— fun ' sid. Hicks me "Sad comtnon: RNE ‘ pet up snd-formarded. ) ., Fever abd Ague, Ihoughi to Le the patient for | garitan, : age any rag ee. 8 ~~ ftom, Coldnéssijn’ the ‘stomach; ~ Numbness ‘of | sree r &e:, ar eect oe? SO eiteP henis Bites oo Pee ee, ing | Weakoess, in the limbs, Rheumatiem.S-c: > | sccommods ting RP OSS oot =p 4 : ife Pille-and=Phaniz B UE. ip ail it» foorteading | "~ sp i qace es . ifended fo with pan, Sine ar Bete cee on . me reins secon ain the ape fe dusk, Trceages ae a bt ae scoing A “| patch; ane a vi +4 for sale, Jone 412, 1841—1f46% ; REE... Ree ee PY <haroughty' tested “and proved to Qt @ bape AL -ad “D : povitive and: Radical ure of Kever Weal hack aA MeaReE Tomedy, ie conseciign miih.the: ape 1 Sr Lee saan ae nee Faas | 7 gh Mts. S. Polis ato prenana . | Hundreds of fits fellowettin-ns in-the West bave. cific péwers of one of the ingredients in his med- Javan OitieMesr “toe: Pites, oh Ss Ls “a Grimpingand Floting on cet ep siionmarite cnet eg neaccare & dimen : a tore of bis cna a ag applied. besides the Restéfer, i BD: VID L: POOL, fx be hg te : 3 rang Salisbury, Deceinber s, tsa ee ife ines Mmedicioee y while 9 litioners either en “fore Tether. Bi : oe Tin. - e. ronage of the hd :: that the LAGS Palins 9 remiual af 08! | op 0) * tity poveend, bela wich the very | . BENGAL Oru, fn Tetter, ping tore, >> -PPVAKES this method of |: “sd pledge es taut - ape alk disea | test Whuicdies theb were, kuoa.’ Avetbs, cr | Sait Rheoms, Steidbesds Bee ives: of ee he: pm. E informing bie trieatsy | Pron reeemeaee. raat Nest shop i NEW FASHI0yg oie Bt Nee ormigrat (® that, rich. apd | xa is either Quotidiam, of. daily ;- Tertian. or ser est ulcers, 5 is to ne apprieg besides the Re- Ey aind tne nublie, that he is a ber hi Pet ea: Ng ising-por:ion of our enaniry —men who Went | third.ded’5 Quartan, or fourth day 5. Bratie, or . eety still carrying onthe’ Watch door to'A Belk late” 2 Pe te oat ey en ape third.< ” riode-and sometimes a-| —Uriversat-or Srrexaryerixe Praster b ind Clock making; and Re Pret ROMER RW ont fart of hope and eye sr mien! Z rebho! s.Mamplicated. by takiog these ; (2% diseases of thesChes:, Dyspepsia, inflamma | 7 BF peiting bustoblp ar hie old ¥g ; aE be oR = petgned (pe. tee, leaaaee vi oot the ete 2 and th $e. ‘it gn— |-t9t¥. Khonmatisa, Palsy, Parstysis, &. y - Y stend, neat the Courthoned | 2°" 1% if < aden corgeiealhbaety Heo our sefiements ihe ‘ lode in. Sunes: » BOC ay . : Da. Kunis Acovgric .Os1, for Deafness = — ' 9 a Sh pephanics}-axpegppee--sos as 4: fae ae rome wi sligaant.e ; eae and a}! othet Auricalar Complaints; which is to} All work done by: him will be warrante Aor e fact, however mysterivns he nsed'tégether with the Restorer. twelve months. “He sull keeps on band a smal can cféwded «itie@os towns of the older states, remarks | ith -tekapi With shatfered constitations and} asd onscesontable it m3y appear, that each and 5 Dr Kohl's Pamphlet ©'T'reatment,” &c , | assortment of Jewellery. ; dapressed spirits, or they remain in their new }all of theee apecies of Agne, have a. roor- warned according to Aet of Congress, contains | Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for \HESE MEDIGINES a: -pre—: hemes, dragging cat a weary life, or at last Site! reentu pay carsis, in which they «thay be full Directions for the use of the above mention— | Jewellery or work done. pared for famil: ee an 5 *Scqoiged an | ~ * yonder some gigease to Whiieh tirey are pt yom’ | cured with ceftainty, but oy neglecting which ini d i 5 dy. Salisbury, Warch 12, 1842.—1(3$ Jented:poputarity 1 the United}... Ta ad ed medicines, and accompanies every Reme y States} - he er Dirably [ ate $n all its vanioasbranches, ; “by that terrot of the Wess, Fever and eve — Jhey.can onty be cored by chance. Dar. Mar- ee : rn hopes are blasted —their-yusideas 2 ST's directions fur taking the medicines inthis From the Washington Globe The Bankrupt Law!! ia es sth da ore . W.M hen — » Séstgayad — their E'dorado-hecomesaidesert, a ay disease, are therefore these :— First, take-t%o of We feel.it oor daty ‘o insert the fullowing —_— ° » . | should ever-be withontthem. The propr tof: mers in ye a word.of Prowise, madeto their eat, isbigkes tihe Pare Pits at bed time, and sext morning | enmmunication in oor columns, inasmoach as the AVING taken considerable pains’ #>.: a¢- ihede valebbte nee? nical proprietor jf ima agit iO she been Be, ee sefore breakleat s full wine glace af the Broesrs efficacy and great success of Dr. Kubl’s Restor- qnaint myself with the provisions of. the! tion at one of the best medial: Colles ~ To these :nibsaignais, Dr-- Mallat migntd ay — Brrrass in aheat the sanig: qnintily gf weter, | or is well known to ns : Baokrupi Law, ately passed ‘by Congress, | United States, and hag had @feen: den “Try the Life Medicines, and you, mil! yer an- | and half a wine glass more ina ful] wine glavs| —+< You will please to notice in your paper the | herehy tender my services to such as may wish | core in an extensive and diversified - ice, by | 204 prepar ticipate, your mat sanguine - expectations, fur of water, aboot half a® hour before each meal | ‘allowing certificate : to avail themselvesof its benefit 1 shall attend | which bis hed bi saneae ate Hashinnsbie's they Will ceuainly restte.you tachealtty.'s 0." vuring the dayy “Qn: the second sight take| «7 d: herepy certify. that about the first of the United Srates Coort of this District, and if ing 2 practical kn isea Fever at Agne is teomplawmt which req:ires | three pills-and Lhe bitiers. as ga) | the third | Jandary, | was taken with the worst paralysis necessaty, the Circuit Court also. Persons: ‘ to be anal a is-first approach, abd combatled at | night four pills and the bitters as O@fore, and eon | and inflammatory rhenmatism that ever was in- wishing to avail themselves of my secyices, can ; = ' - evory stage. 2 Seldom fatal of ngelf, it reduces ‘inoe taking four pills every night for three flicted on mankind. So far as | can learn, the sep me on the approaching Sixth Circuit of the mg 8) FA MILIEs the streng'h, and bayaairg the fonctions of the ‘nights mote, with the bitters during the day.— ose of every limb was taken from me, besides a Soperior Court :-—and afterwards, I shall be ROWAND’s organs, ‘so tha! upon the manifestation of dis-| On of befard the seventh day, the Agne wil! | tremendons swelling at every joint, fever with found in my office in Salisbury. ‘ ; ease, Nature is wheres onassisted yd "he | seem torbe entiirely cured, and the patient will the same, and attended with the most excracta— H. C. JONES. ‘IMPROVED’ TONTIO Ur " inrdad, Phe Life Medicines, when taken stret_| tes) welt, bongry, and hearty, but he mustne- | ting pain Thad ever endured 1 tried all reme- sake Se * ty seeording 10 ila Binh cure it, and give | sertheless peptiecn ta take the bitters as before + Ne Lae were recommendable for the same, bar} NB. I take this ata 'o correct @ pre- Pleurisy, _ Those who wanld have recourse 1 Tos ty the weak and treanfting -vichm of disease new prescribed, until and on the fourteenth day, with } tn no effect. I, by accident was informed that | Vailing error concerning this Law ; hare pereous Medicine foPREVER anv AGUE, Dypag healih, life and strengthe® two pills every night afier the seventh day,— | Dr Kubl was at Orange Conrt fovse [sent for I find, suppose that no ert rape as owe Nereous Weirkiness, sbonld diserimioa {PG tol particdlarsef the mode of treatment, He will shen, and not until then, with positive | phim immediately, and by applying his medicines, | !° the amount of Five Hendred Do! ars, can the * ihonsand, ‘and one” remedies tng Yh Feader is referredtio the Glood Samaritan, a agatnestiable certainty, be permanenily cured, | | felt a change in lees than an hour after he claim its benefit. I his is a.mistake, for it.er-— Regen forth 16 Public, (the same on * copy-of which accompanies the medicine. wad not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever eame, ‘Khe medicines nsed, were the- Restorer braces all persons owing debts whoare mari al} times past, Jend thai aldos onieraliy BC The aiove’ madicine is for ante by bilious and fiver affections it may have superin= | of the Blood, Aramatic Extract. Gold-Mine Ba’ | '° re them; no matter how HC 7. . cessfal prescription called bi CRESS & BOGER, Agents | dacedoreven in any way connecied. ff, how- | sam, Universal Plaster, and Depnrative Powder. e Salishor Febuary i a9 Rowand’s Improved Tonic Miztan, Salishbery. Oct 22, #842 ~Iy13 ever, the patient should by any neglect, or an- | 1, therefore recommend his treatment to all those 7 Be a ; * eaieics kei dne.confidence in restored health, omit to take | taboring under affliction » 48 given under my . Ww. Davis Ne d ; prevent tts fall- A few remarks will serve to Hlagtra'e thd SF A aagply of ihe. above inv aiaple ME | the Phesvix Bitters in the full qnantities pre- hand aod seal, this 14th day of March, 1837. George ° atts, ing out or tarning Gray. ference. Im the first plare, the operation ¢ i edi ae. an ane : - DIGINES we in sple'at Javies. Chae eRoaite, | Sribed, at leas: three times on the fourteenth “JOHN PEYTON, (1 8] Cosminisdion Gad Forwarding Merchant |\JAYNES TONIC VERMIFUGE, Tonic Mixtare io the core of Feeer and § adele RI AAS a Loe | day Dr. Maffat must not.be blamed if the diséase <’ Neaw Oranze’Court Fi Vireinia” : 7 A pleasant, safe, add’ certain: preparation for |"? entirely new and peculiar, yel ale y ‘C"Me{NTOSH: agent: | shonld retaro, and the patient should learn wis. “Vear Orange Court House Virginia Witminaton & Faverrevitye N.C. ha-tecneeat cham Da ‘a, Sour Stom.) Privciples. Secondly : {: net only promply ‘ a3 ii dom from afilietion, ané go through another Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement in the : ; ach. Fever and Ague. Pe les. ht .of Appetite resis the course of the chills, when = 622 3) i Ai Ps das ge coarse of the medicines fora fortnight longer. | above certificate, wishes to be onderstood, that f thle nndersigaed is now prepared to receive ind. all disedens of - debility, Capecialiy. of the | 224 Perseveringly used, bui it socn reslory Guard Your HMeatth.™ Obeying thesefistroctions, however, be witl be in general, cures cannot be effected within an “Goods at Wilmington, and furward the same Stomach ua Panel ‘and: Orgdns at Direttion: wonted functions of the general system tog f Iddressed to those who are in perfect health, or 80 thoroughly-cured, that he may bid defiance hour, althongh a person may be moch benefitted | '9 his Agent at Fayegtevitie, wh» will forward to ein etateak odin oe * yc gh "| fecily healthy state ; when relapses are no ° re uted so ) P pto the disease, however woheatihy may be his | within that time by the nse of his medicines. — the Owners in the back cocntry. He has alarge| JAYN E°S CRIMIN AT IVE BALSAM. liable to easve Sane attack of the dises ‘ef Sw gS location or prevalent the malacy around him.— | {Ie feels it, however, necessary to give tne ful- | Warehouse at the River, where Goods will be) A pertaiy care for Bowel and. Summer Com- | ore who has nevepmad it before. ‘Thitdly: Wn SCP Gentle Reader: If yoo -woold -avert | por children baiween seven and fourteen years | lowing extract of a letter from his Agent at Or | sired free af storage, and the owners subjected plaints. Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholie, Cramps, system,doting she administration of the Lm { from you thé siekWees, the pains, the wreiched [+ age, half of the above quantities of the me ange Court Hoase, dated May 19:h, 1837. only to half the usual cartage from the River to Sick Headache, Sour Stomach. Cholera Mor- |ed Venice Mixture, Springs up at once onde t ness, the prewmatdre murtaliry which you see all | disines will suffice ; younger, children, a ** Dear Sir—} saw Mr John Peyton to day, | Fayetteville,—ihereby lessening the expense 00 | bus. sad all derangements of the Stomach and | benigh iofluence, and gives forth an earnesté aruundgou, and which,Aike a sharp “sword sus- quarter of those quantities, to be increased or | and he looks better than | ever saw him. He Goods much below the osbai charge. Ag bis Bowels, Nervous Affections: &é. ; tanning health and vigor. Fourth!s: Prodan ® pended ia ever ready to fall apoa you, despise | diminished in proportion’ as the age varies from | says if it had not been for your medicines he | Werehoure is isolatad from all other buildings. Jaynes Sanative Pills more or less.effect on the bowels, the cau t por yi blaharad will cost you Inthe, wil? nei~ advanced ebildhood to infaney. For very young | should have been. nader groand, tHe requested abe ihe al . trifling Ld ale tee ey Sea : i? the disease pesses off in the way ace: sir ther in ae ry Tapslics t-pdet aiaFend children, small quantities of the bitters only will | me to tell you, that you had saved his itfe, for Those whe may favor hig wun, theie business Ieee See Dk ee: ae indicated by 1 de see \ is fler's ments, 3nd a a "9 CT go alune be necessary. one time, and fo present his respects to yoo. : _ ~: | vers, Infiammattons, ructions, Liscases of | system are uniform y mild and safe, 2s wel y will be as ingen peltatad by I a8 16 vepay |" “Phig treatment, with these gnpremely effee-| « Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this | My rest assared that every attention will be paid | the Skin &e., and in Hl cases where.an aperiens efficient, and it is 96 well adapied to ibe (et Teu | . nd, <t esk ooly one week's trial weon | yaya LIKE MEDICINES,” hes been perfeet-/ connty, and many cnresof importance have been | to the promotion of their ceo. Ww DAVIS eee Poreeiva sledicing is eames inna, siteply by a come oe of rene TRED Everday ll ied aaa é ly triumphant in the worst regions of the Suntn- effected in this neighborhood by the ose of your | - sue : © above medicines are for sale, whuiesale or | the mgst vigorous adolty... any other 69 In the first place, discard alk old errors any ern and Western country, and around the north- medicines. | bave had agreat number of ven- | References : retail, at the Salisbuty Madical and Drog Sivre, ation of the atmost Importance to the am regueices from Vor sae expectall y the old ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the ereal cases, and many of long Standing, and al- Messrs John Hoske & Son. by . parents and lavalids, might be enomecsiedb adages ; if oo are psig See ae retort universality of an epidemic, and the demand for ways effected, by means of your Vegetab'e Anti D. A. Ray, C.B. WHEELER, Agent but the above are a few of the points of con ty better yeorurse 5 tt - ‘ » yeng af 'ZNOT~ | hig sovereign remedy has been far grester than Syphilitic Syrapt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- Fayetteville, NC. Salisbury, N. C. i catnparigoa with the remedies generally a a. sw ateond shan Ae uid dhe betune the sopply, DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how-| fect cure, and that in a short time. Alexander Anderson, Sept 3, 1842—1y6 ed to in professional and family ani tant “ fi atuiais aniveresl iaws Has not man, rea il a — eecee and will make ov- Saar Ta Na Os July 18, 1842. Jobn McRae, 7 _% hit tl cae oor ee . . ., ery effort to? xend this advertisement intn the | Dr. Kee, Raleigh John Dawson, 4 eeting the remedy. — led ao 9 Shoe ha rae sraceagd hinseht | most afflicted districts, Voluntary and jealous- Dear Sir :—1 think yoor Medicines are abont non Wilmington, No. Ca. N E w Cc fA BI Nw E T; NB. Wh a view ta re-establish M sla shih Sie BaUre, eee ly grateful testimonials are received at the pro— | to take a start in this county, from the fact that Dolphin A. Davie CHAIR €&2 SOFA confidence in the efficiency of the © Row the wind, and t - pain raia a van prietor’s office in New York, by every mail in they effected a cure which seems to have baffled George W. Sicanc oi . Improved ‘Tonic Mixture, ta €flect a | shoald he not, in fait sony ér, guage arate os | !ncredible nambers, to the. absolute efficacy of | the skill of the physicians in this section for a g . Salisbury Nv CG Ma n Ue 7 e fu ri ? cure of Fever and Ague, the | ropriewt n Giinst eit ob are ever rising in his | these astonishiag medicines,, not only in Fever | year or two. The eubject is Mr Nathaniel N., , Ai Ni ¥, ke 4 g theoriginal guarantee, viz: 17 he money es ay eee ha yoo are every day nd Agne,. other: iotermitent fevers, liver and} who has been afflicted with the Liver Cumplaint, 2.8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. ESTABLISHMENT |! be retnroed in every case whereir. the! eating eos Yoo se weil atyronne batons billious sari, and Sofsbgements of the di- | together with some other complainis,—say,Fiat— | Oct 1, 1842—1110 gta ae mie glen) Rave Withyat prodocimg io dec ee ee wine within (oe sve fungtions generally, but also in chronic ulence and Dyspepsia. He has taken one bottle oe oe : THE SUBSCRIBERS esired effeci. regs — ie 2 paar son do, Soe spicy gee ll hac theomatism, beettveness, pains | of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex | BE RASHIRE & RUSSIA AVING associated themselves together for Saas aren at: Kia Your | in the side-an imbs, eruptions of the skin, sero- | tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in if . 4 ee ee ee ee eee nena Cea tote eae fula, piles. worms, scurvy, and a host.of other twelve hours he felt relieved, and in twenty-foar P I G Ns) § the purpose of manufactariog. . Sopidlies have been received by the sole! and oa wie volatile Abie death Tements, ‘oom plainta, for the cure of which, these Veget-| hoore, much reliered. He has so far recovered, HE undersigned having sold, in the las: . Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas, for Salisbury, N.C. C. B. WHEELE Nothing 4a arxstilber 9 8 hte-toortd* Wee ablect.ife. Medicines are 80 pre-eminently re now, as to follow the avocation of his farm with two years, about two hondred Pigs in the SECRETARYS: WARDROBES, Sept 3, 1842—156 oo “ De nurest finntamr ef: which we drink ~ does it howoed throughout the United States. Know- | little or no difficulty, He saye he wants all who counties of Davie, Stokes, Sorry, Iredell, Row- | ~ Ce Tabl {| Sept 3, a 05 not require deambig 2 Aj ‘person oes ig gine la ska oe ana " Tepe ite en a | 212 aillicied, to nee your Medicines, and is re- an, Cabarrus Mecklenburg Davidson, Gailford, | ntre— 1% v8) e a = oe et. 5 5 ae ws well as a must fatal undermining of the general commending them to the afflicted, in Sout lina and Virginia and + a ie vortaks Bealsh as sh eon Yo woe health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr.| | would be glad yoa would send mea snpply and ae is Sayih Carolin each vege eo SID TBo0 ARDS; &C. ag. Som eth ES A CU. wetted ay TER ee worn lies he Moffat: in his advertisements, invites the 8pe- | very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic their well known stock, the Berkshire sows ot! in the very best hind of style. and of the finest : doubled prog of thia.faet in chamahounded sac | Catattention of the pubhe to the absolate ascen Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, a8 a vast num- Col. C. Harbin, from Bernent’s stock, Ajbany | materials. beg leave to ask at the bands of the The Subscriber een ol, LIFE MEDICINES... | th deney of his medicines over this malady the | ber of persons are taking them now. and now having ten fall blooded Berkshire sows citizens of the country aod villages around, a ; : 5 atime > =! il When ose) fountainehead of 80 many others. He bas only Respeetfolly yours af : : . : : i AKES this method of informing his i™ : who have folinw@ed the motto, “When you are ( ; ; P haar ig and two boars, they are prepared to breed as fine | share of their patronage in oor line of business. seh ou hs . . | to-add:that tho Life Medicines are agreeable-and | . J.M. A. DRAKE. : . i> Rises” aod the patblic, that he has purchase H eve moderately well, tbrotw physic to the dog, invigorating in their operations reqoire neither Er} Persone wishing to procure any of the fall blood a8 any in the gant OF They vane As one of the Firm, {J. Fraser,) vee pee tung , 1 4 ced di M4 S rail : ore a - oe, "a i in working io some of the finest and retROn 8, neonate be convinced dF” the | confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- | medicines, will please direct their orders, wiih RUSSIA PIGS aces feahionable. Shope of Fatope, ae al tlhe SM ITH SHOP; : ‘The @perationof the. Life Medicines ip every ed i shale if ey ee cone Oe te nor; the amonnt, (post paid.) to And crosses of Russia and Berkshire. | \arge cities of the Nurthern United States, we | formerly owned by Mr. Frederiek Moret: inglance that has come tu my knowledge is’ mest ot - lee a adi _ rts. foleese P 7 pert De. Kout's cere: chakeaiae Vinciny, Vhey have on hand.agoodly vomber of the flatter ou:selves that we ean and will honestly | ihe Town of Satisbory, which he inieses gratifying. “hose who'tre in comparative good sed sete be Dr “Willing B. Moffat, 875 Ban’ : or to any of the following Agents: store igs, ready to ecnply oe orders with [24 faithfully complete in workmenlike manoer | after to carry.on in a manner altogether a health .nay perfect their happiness with no in wav Now Yuk , , ° NORTH CAROLINA. | which kee mae be favored, at prices in propor. | @!! jobs called for. ae By this part of he conn! ry. He is oo! on yae | Cunvenience ; and thase unfotianates who are The above medicine is for sale wholesale or | Jenkins & Biles, Salisbary | ioo.to the hardness of the :imes. We will repair and potish any furniture that | in the ecasmon anderstanding of aod peat ' ° ; ; 5 2IC 3 9 . - bh ry . . H . mi laid tow by disease of almost any description, retail at the Salisbary Medieal Drng Store, by } Hargrave, Gaither, & Co. Lexington MAXIMILIAN CUTHRELL, | ™2y de bronght to as of short notice, and in the the is an aeiaal Tron King, being able + drial may find sure relief in those pusely vegetable | C. B WHEELER, Agent J. & R. Sloan, Greensboreogh JOHN H. CHINN. first styleot workmanship, and orders fot Ceffins | ed to pot trun into-any shape oF cal oa gee preparations. “They Operate gently bat power- Saliabur Se 1s 18.42 16 amet SAB MRe G Ww & CG “iced R lick ; Fatminston. Davie se, N.C punetually attended to. Oar prices will be as er. Alj kinds of MACHINE WW ORK fnily apontthe gocretions of the body, and cleanse | — ee tS. ISA2— M 1 - Dat " Aeabe he , May 9 1842. (£43 moderate a8 we can afford. Their shop is a ingof MILL SPINDLES the caeing o - the blood of all vitiated humors. sepatating the TO TRE PUBLIC, J F &C Pi 3 C sont ° 7 ~ few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, aod one or GUDGEONS, &c , done at the shart f bad from the good, expelling the dregs, drossand : —_— BO Ch . ne OOEOrC. SALISBURY FAC’ TORY door betow Jones’ old Tavern. tice, and in first rate siyle. He will naess impurities—ard leaving behind only what is HE subseriber takes this method of inform Cc at rf ato i Inia é . JOHN FRASER, and repair COTTON GINS or T Hee a good aad noartshiag to natore. Ing the poblic, that he siill contiones to J v " 3. Hane Pittebora ah N.C WARREN GHEEN. jor indeed any kind of MACHINE WO ‘ef : tis ean mn Sali tila sala South Careline FINES Establishment is now in complete ope- | Nov 86, 1842—1118 he may be called wpon to do He . ae con ayaeunge of thes Iie, for tich and poor CUTTING STON ee ration ‘The Company are manofactoring| N.B. All-those indebted to Warten Gheen, | svlicite a triaf. W.H WILLIANS ' Vo catiely within oorseiver, in nup cor phisea: | B, Steele, Gunning & Co. Yorkville. are reqnested to make payment befpre the first of Salisbury, Sept 8, ree thes My advice noi, then, is, guard your | ss usual,.at- his Granite Quarry, seven mile MecLure, Brawley & Co. Chester C. H. COTTON YARN, Janoary, 1848, or they will then have a cali v ia'th $F yan are well, ne-snans sor ' h of Salish I ld Charl ' ° y J ; | a ia ed an ‘o y swans vei + heine tah he teas toaunpie al orders for MILL ) The contineation of the et oe Agente, see Shirting, Sheeting =e rioters, = — Notice. }oonoes ase Of ba VGE § ABLE |S TONES, of the best grit, and oa the shortes: or. K. s Pamphlet. : = of a soperior qoality, which they offer to the C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent . Kab eoiNS S } NOTICE.—Patients and Agents in the State i featket oni Merch : he Estate ol 5 BY. Meals Enka “BaE . once; jut North Carolina, 2¢ Seath and West of it, poblic at the ate cides HL st 5 cere aoe for Dr. Rowand, bes just: received 9 fresh te Att ee. oer ed 10 pay | rohy ts Lia Pitts snd Phoenix —ALSo— | will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of and others, who will examine qualities, anc com ply.of bis genvine Improved Tonie Miizture. Partee, dee'd, are reqneste son the 1 s, -te ‘CHR & Poe ; For sale at the lowest prices, fice, Raleigh, N Cc 2 and thoge in Virginia, and | pare prices, will find it to their inierest to pur- which je fur eale wholesale and relat’, al b same by the last of Janoars, an at ie — Phat aa isan : , ao wl. vals, Wirsow Sil's, 1) wr-sills, Door Steps, rongh ) North and Kast of it, tn Rieimond, Virginia. chase. J RHODES BROWNE JA e t Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, N, C. ness of tne Estate ii ae RB , ~ _ J hurling recks, ‘Tom stones, Gold grinders, &e, August 6, 1843—152 Salisboce Jone 4, 18481145 » gen Dee 19—1f20 gence need be OTP e LL PARTEE. ee : PN soople of the atove Envalnable HR. | SS Se; J HOULDHOUSER. ————— Tatloring Business! | jannsty 7, 13434094 RB Dv TNS te cat swe at daiges’ Cras Racy | wilistury, Beb 26, 1842— ty31 D ; é ' ee P Peet it cuaney. By - 7 NB. Orders for any of the above wronght | A fresh supply of Dr. . LATE HE sobscriter takes thi method of inform — B A. ES McANTOSH {>on aritcles, directed to me at Salisbory, will be Jayne's invaluable Femily Medicioes, just re- 2 She his friends shat he takes in work in the NOTICE. —— ma ENS “_ | pnactnally attended to JH $ ceived aud fi le b we & diet . 2 B - ?. Tore ann —- | ceived aud for sale by wv 7 ° above line on his own hook Ale served aterm adhdee id C dr. dh. Torrence, Look at Dr. Shermian’s ad~ Salibory. Doz A: ee Agent. A Tre~wats. of years at the business ander Mr B. F. inter i HOSE indebted to the !a'e eee ¢ A Sos cemured ty tis Tesidene tb ee miles ines i i ‘ es ~ ; a ts * eis : and flatters himself, that he ean do as good spall dlet 2 Braner, 2'¢ mete? . : sal set MOY PF OC. Geanam’s- Siore. a seman “ id er ec cele to OB : Wedicines, Paints, Oils, as apy ‘Tailor in Salisbery.. Theee wishing to tle tise: age possinle aed ¢ a1 taille Gam S statesvittc | ye rtidtes, call and obtain a remedy of LIME! & i! TaN “Sioffs inn. will_at-all times find him at his | S*t'!¢ tb Alter, ot F hea gry tf ie f Salisbory ta Sinteseite WHEELER. Agent , URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye Sioffs. entourage him. will at all times f im at his "The bésiness mast be - closed a be om where he miy or found by bre friends and ir. Salishore Dec 10. 120 NY quantity of fresh Lime ean be had at Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, shop, on the corner east uf Mr. Moses L.. Brown's Febrnary Cobrt af! anset Jed does F fa tblte at Hl Limes, a teag profesaiuna tly sheaces, ——= the kiln of the tate Jiaeph Williams dec. | and SPIRITS, for medical porposes Indians, late tesidence. eS i si Sint bands of officers for colle RON hs } kos ins Mehedtoot PPL Ofotowe hie thanks Morts. Henderson & Boyden, t By tbe 100 els and over 16 cents 5 40 to Hovck's aod Swims Panacea. Sovffs, Fine }~ His ptices for work, will be as follows -~ 4 — i ton fer Res eal pastas terevofore 1 H 100 macbete:f 3 Sto 40 bushels 20 > dnslacked pe n pel sas Se. Toler 8 Gem pe For making OF Roe ts Salisbury, Dee $f, 1849—e" , ved’ acd Ras gid 2 CoOtL warfare > P . . . an proporti ‘ Spices, ‘erfumes ru . * Th? . Foes o> te A ay : Hes cnarges Shall in all eases he reas. Pen aie Aesociated themeelves int 4 persone wishing lime either at the kilo or | common Soap, Giese Ware, Peters’ Pills, ta “s od Pants, = 75 - ; —— * “ ite; and adaprend-ia tie kardase of ihe thos, ve PRACTICE OF MEDICINE f 165, residence; will apply either to J. ée R otramenis, Maictes, Paperand many other ar Country produce taken fn payment for work, | ams Now 12, f842 8.nt6 * Theit Office is tn the Briek Hoos: WILLIAMS lieles just received and for sale steprices to sai. at the market prices. RM LO P es fF - ile Mr. Cowan's Hotes: { e at pay -W ER...” HENRY -EINGSBURY. + - opposite an's ek, Rockford, Sarr aly C. B- W EL] - : . : - extnty, N.C. Peateeth i re Job Printing neatly done here. Salisbury, July 3, 184¢—4f4 - ‘ AG’: et Stee ‘Sattsure, S12 Stihtery Jae. 1, 164o—Ay28. Tre “ 4 hs ’ Ly ° oat, aetees " 1p te ye jigratti the b igenty five cvn's bo gthanthe 2 4 deduction <a who advertise by 9) advertisemen aceriaia namber ei ft are te teeei cents 2 the Mf afar of 334 pee cen Rw: Ae the year. of times. THE SUBSCRIBER AVING gan of Salisbury, “ brerlpober his Friends | Morphy. ne Public generatly, that the sameis now) ~ fn addition to the above, the, subsc:iber wil} ee baienadioant Travellers R:Boarders.| r ry on the & ‘ake S1 ith. . tin -all-the Ais Tascmeand Ban wiil be sapplied with varieties common in) eauniry towns: such. as the best the market and surroanding country af=}y king Spoons, &e., ~ a reedfng Silve a Srasies spacious, dnd-boontifully sap- | rovender, of al! kinds, al- } attention to busin by faithful an attentive Ostlers. The undersigned pledges himselfthat no ex- on his partshall be wanting to givegep= . : j é pied, with grain ao tended ariion ¢ a call. Salisbury, Sept. 11, 1 840: ff {hoe auavill: betas rinadvaace, - ite = : wdede(oatiat the” optiin of 5 Oe) sstit af orremrages yl ined . — : TERMS OF ADVERTISING. aos nate for the first insertion and | > “gi dollar per “ canines a notices will beckarged 2Sper cty-high- rales. , ig will be continued onii ‘4 and charged for accordingly, anless order- Letters sidresgedtoahé Editor-must paid to e1s0re atiention. 4 We had | O ae rs and ; * * Me. eee ter. ved fora legs time | de to parchased that wellknown and} log established Pablie House, (known ' game of Slaughter's Va¥ern,) io thet; gral egiisfaction toall who may favor him wath}. JAMES L. COWAN, work done in the State. attended to; § Capiss Writs, &c. dian Bonds, Apprenticgt Deeds of Conveyance, uperior Court —Witness ‘Pickets, Writs, ids, Ca Sa Bonds, Subpeenas, Vendi+ tool Expotias, Jurors’ Tickets, Executions. County Court ~Juror’s Tickets, Executions, Affray Indictments, Indictments vs. Owerseers of Roads, Vendi. Exponas, Witness “ Miscellaneous —Constables’ Warrants, (with Rxeeotions attached,) Ca Sa’s & Bonds, Guar- entares, Matriage License, Appe:rance & , Deeds of Trast, livery Bonde, Iojanc- tions, Sheriff's Deeds, (Vendi. Expo) Appeal Bonds, Commissions to take Depositions, Con- sabdles’ Bonds, Administrators’ Bonds, Prosecu- tion Bonds, Saperior and Co Coeart. Printing ! Printing !! PANOY JOB WORE 0 ay in the State. Salisbory, Nov 19, 18.2. F DIFFERENT COLORS, done at ‘the shortest notice, and oot surpassed by ickets, “BLANKS ! BLANKS?! re Sobacriver is desirous to sell, privately, TO CLERKS, SHERIFFS, CONSTA- BLES, §e. HE PROPRIETOR of the “ Watchman } Breyard and Ad ata ee “ A rrilag Office,” respectfally informs the Brevard and Adams @ house Clerks, Sheriffs.and Constables of the surroand: ing Counties, that be has and will continge to keep on hand, a fall supply of BLANKS neatly printed on good paper, and not sorpassed by any All orders from a dis- taoce for any of the following Blanks promptly To THE AFFLICTED.— The sabscriber has just received a large and fresh supply of Dr Moffatt's Life Medicine. obtain relief. C Salisbury, Dee t0—1/20 Call & B WHEELER, Agent. v . for sale at this Off Salisbary, N.C. Oct. Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILES ce. ; 1849—1tf14 Farmer’s Look out.—I have Valuable Traet of Land near Salisbury, which [will sell.on good terms, if application be made son, Salishory, Dee 10 + I. LYERLY. tf20 PRIOES CURRENT AT Sanrissury, Feb. 4 Cenls. Bacon, 425 | Cotton Yarn. 90 Brandy,ap. a gO Molasses, 35 a 40 peach, 40 a 50 | Nails, 6a7 Batter, 72,8 | Oats, 15 a 20 Beeswax, 25; Pork, $3 Cotton, clean 5406] Sugar, br.. S@ offee, 9all loaf, 15a {8} ra, 25 | Salt, sack, $33 Feathers, 20 a 25 | ‘Tallaw, 7 our, 33444! Tobacep, 8 2 20 Flaxseed, 50 255 | Tow-Linen, 124 16 iron, per Ib. 34] Wheat, bush 75 Linseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 80 gal. 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 Favertevit te, Jen 18, MM, peach 45 \} Molasses, 25 Herat Prle $0 a $5 | Nails,eut, 6 2 64 , 54a 64 | Sagarbrown, 642 19 Seeswas, 27 a 28 | Lump, 14 «tee, 102 12 | Loaf, 15018 “toe, 6 2 Gt | Salt, 60 2 60 an Yarn, 14018 | Snek, $24 wy 40150 | Vioomecoteaf 2a 8 pidles, FF. 15.0 7 |-Catton bag 20 Pore’ $1.12 ; Bale rope, Sa lO oe $1 2 948 | Wheat new 80295 $ 230} Whiskey (30a 95 %, 5a 54 | Wool, 15 a Qn Chewaw, Ja Pedi: Beet Racor: Batter in. 3 pean 22 3 25" tee re 20322 Cee tak tt] a 14 Coto : 427 w. 24, (842. Oil gal lamp linseed I 10 a 1. 25 Pork.2001bs S$ 6 Rice 100lbs. 4a 5 Sagar .Ib 4h ore eel Amer. 10.200 : ifs h é : La Cents. 3G 41 Nails cutassor. 728 wrought 16a 18 Oxts bushel 30 a 37 75a $1 $1 14 LO f they are not only the best, vu: the safest that can 25 we him to patronage aiid sv pport, he will mer- Cit. oe .. “ARRON WOOLWORTH. “7. ov. 1S 1h” ; pa’, formerly low J. & W. . to assure the pablic that if punctual and skillful work will eo- eicig: Lexington. that well koown business stand in Lex:ng. ton, N. C., siseaied a short cistance north of ibe Courthoose, formerly occupied by Caldcleogh, Dusetbery & Co,; and at present occu cee by rick, large and commodions, containing an excellent Slore room and dwelling apartments all ander the same roof. Aftached to the premises sre all necessary out-buildings. Those wishing to por- chase or to examine tie above proper'y, will re- teive alention jf application be made to ANDREW CALDCLEUGH. May 1, 1841,—1 Dr. Sherman’s Mevicates Boseuges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, ; NG the eapest and most pleasant.— the Medical Facalty warmly spprove them Dr. Sherman isa skilfot aod Seayriepees Pbs- sician, and a‘teember of the Medica! Society o New Youk. © ; . Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and mos: effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, W booping Congh, Asthma, Tightness of the; Lungs ur Chest, &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroving medci- cine ever diseavered. They hate been osed in over 1,400,000 casessand never known to foil: SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head— ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- { its, Despondency, Fainting, “Oppression or a sense of Sinking o: the Chest, Diarrbea, Las- sitade, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remady fot this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American publie. — In the immense number of cases in which they pa been used, they have never been koown to ail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges, Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and tronblesome during the summer months, may cow be entirely prevented by a proper vse of these Lozenges’ ‘They are prepared express ly for that purpose, and carn be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange ment of the biwels should néver be without them. They afford immediate relief from 21! the attend. ant gripings, faintness, depression, &c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken ae the common Peppermints; and are an active and efficient medicine. They cleanse the stomach and buwels, and are the best cathariic evegueed for bilions persons. Wherean active madicine is reqn'red, be administered. Sherman’s Sirengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumstism, Lom- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, Loins, Side ot Breast. The shove medicine is. for sale, wholeerle or retail, atihe Salisbory Medieal Drng Store, by ' C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept 8, 1842 —1y6 Dr, Woffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines neficial nature. They are composed of ar- tieles the most anii-putrescent, combined with ingrecients known as the only vertain’ antidvte for fevers of every description. When the dis ease is produced either from cold, obstruction, had air, swampy and danrp situations, or potrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by other causes, these medicines are certain in their operations.or effects, «They-are pussessed of pe- enliar qualities, which not ogly expel all disease, but at the same time restore and invigorate the system. -When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor delighfol, ealutary; and permanent. Whea the spark of tife begins to grow dim, the circolation languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- eines are found to giv } @4one to the nerves, ex- bilerate the animalGpirite, invigorate the body, . ae ea O thou E‘ernst One Who fill’st existence wil E-morecing all—.capporting Being whom we call God~ Valuable roperty for sale in|. Sole or Thy ; Thy splendor fills all space with rays divine. Thoa ar:, and wert, and shall oe glorivus! Of Heaven's br Suns lighinin OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- f° through every pore, producing effecis at once | ee Heri xe. eta C Mcf NTOSH, Agent. G@oDd All space doih oceapy all Thoo only God! There.is ! whose presence lat Aueieh a - Derabavir brigh motions aie } Unchang'd through Timés all devasiaiing igh, fo God beside. - Being above al! beings! Mighty One! — Whom nyne can comprehend & rene explore; h Th yself alene, —rling o’er— and kriow no niore ! Ia its sublime research, Philosaphy, . May wmeasore ov! the ocean deep— may coont The sands, or the eun’s rays—bui, God! :for There is no weight por measure ; none can » Mount Up to thy mvsteries. Ressdn’s brigh (esi spark, Though kindled by Thy tight, in vain would try To trace thy connsele, infinite and dark : we is lost ere thought can soar so Ever like past moments in eternity. Thoo from primeva! nothingness didst call First, chaos; then eristence— Lord on Thee Eternity had its foundations 211 Sprotg forih from Vhee—of light, joy, bar- mony ord efeated all, and great! Life-giving, life sustaining igin— al heanty, Thine. doth crea'e: Potentate ! chains th’ unmeasur'd Universe surrounds, Upheld by. Thee, by” Thee inspired with breath ! Thee! praise. beams ? hos, "birth, * lowsty clod cate involved. Thow the beginning with the end best bound, And beaulyfully mingled life and death : As aperks mount opward (rum the flery bleze, So sane are born, so worlds spring forth from And ea the spangies in the sunny rays Shine roond the silver snow, the pageantry ight army glitere in ‘Thy A million torches lighted by Thy hand, Wander anwearied through the bine ahyss; They own thy power, accomplish Thy command, All gay with life, all eloqoent with bliss. What shat] we cai! them ? Pileaoferysial ight? A glorioas company. of golden sires may? Lewps of celestial ether burning bright ? g sysiems with their joyous Bat ‘Thou to thece art as the noon to vight. Yea! ssa drapi water in the sea, Allibis magtificence to Thee is lost ;— Whetare ten thoarand worlds And what am! then? Heaven's ooovmber’d compared w The: ? Thongh.moltiplied oy myriads, and array’d Io all the glory of sublimest-thonghr, Is but an atom in the belance; weich'd Agrinst thy greatness— ie a cypher hrongh: Against iofinity! What am I, ther. ?— Nought. Nough: !—bot tha efflnence of thy l'ght divine, Pervacing Worlds, heih reach'd my bosom too; Fes! in my spirit doth thy spirit shine, Ais shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew, Nevght! but b live, 20d on hope'’s pinions fy ager towardsihy presence f liee, and breathe, and dwell ; aspiring bigh, Even to the throne of thy d Tam, O Gov! and surely rnov most st! : forin Thee ivinity, Thou ert}. directing, goiding a!, Thon art! Direet my understanding then io Thee; Cont rol MY spirit, guide my Wand ting heart ; ‘Phough but an ztom ‘midet immensity, Still ham somethicg, fashion’d by thy hanJ! L hold @ widdle rank ‘\wixt heaven and earth, On the last verge of morta! being stand, Close to the*reatms whete cogels have their Just on the boundaries of the spirit tand ! The chain of heing is complete in mo; In me is Matter’s Isat gradation |.st, And the next step is snirit— Deity ! . I can command the lightning, aod am dast A monarét, and a clave; @ worm, 2 God! Whence came { here, and hu ? 90 marvel- Constrocted and conceived ? ucknown? This Lives surely throuzh some higher energy For from himself alone it ceuld nut be. Creator! Yes! Thy wisdom and Thy word Created me! Thoa sonrce of life and guod ! Phoo epiiit of my spirit, aid my Lard! * Thy light, thy Jove, iatheir bright plenitude Filled ae with an iamortal soo, to spring Over the abyss of death, and bade it wear The garments of eternal day, and wing lis heav'rly flight beyond this liuie sphere; Een io iis soufce—to Thee—iis authorthere. O.thought ineffable ! O vision blest ! Tho’ worthless our conceptions af! of “Thee, Vet shall thy shadow’d image, fill ont breast, aati its homage to thy Deity bes alone my lowly thoughts can soar’; Thee seek thy presedte-—Being, wise & God thy vast wor Hire, obey, @dote; the Bqve0t Bo more, yet get i member, bereafter, to pay the postage ! ae 4k. Mr Pendleton Dear Sir if yoo think. lowt ewor'by please in eurt the paper B este LINES To LAURA——. Fen thonsand times blest, is the lover _.* "Phet's blest with Loora’s love, 1m. And o'er nim will 2 thousand Jeys hover If of her loveshimself wortlip prove. And who would. not endeaver vA please with ail his heart so fine 2 pair, nd be blest with her love forever, And cherish it sweetie ferever there. O'that T could claim the boner Fo please ber, who I most adore Vd strive with alt my heart to please Ladra, And iq blies enJoy her love evermore For she is beagtifal as the mora, As lovely, and innocent as the dove Blusbingly modeat-asthe new. blown tose, And the very girl my heart codld lore, Moekoville. B. Somebody's Sor.—A horse ran away, a few dayn ego, with 2 wagon (sayw ithe New-Haveo Herald.) in which a boy was eeated. An acci- dent occcrred doring this ecene which e corres— poncent requests as to notice, for the honot of the sez, and the-pourirayment of the feelings uf & mother’s heart. While the horse was.dashing through Chapel street, and alleyes were looking anxiously for the fate of the lad, 2 ledy and. her daughier (apparently from the. counity) were standing neat Saonders’ corner, and took a deep interest in the sffair| The old lady became highly agitaied, and when the horse turned into — street out of sight, she started to go after im. ¢ ** Mother. mother,” exclaimed: the daughter, ‘“ where are. you going Don't get into the crowd—you can’t dé bim any good.” Seeing her agitation, a genial sympathy per- vaded the breast of another lady who bappened 'o be passing at the moment, who kindly inquir- ed, ‘‘ is be your son ?” “ Q, no,” replied the good old matron, “ but he is somebody's son.” ; Is it not a beautiful instaoce of pure benevo- lence ? , ST SE oe SPEECH Of Mr. Browasecc, of Davidton, on the Resolufions in relation to the Bank of the State. Mrs Speaker: I rise, with moch reluc- tance, to make a few remarks on the reso- lutioas now under consideration. My re. luctance proceeds from a consciousness of my inability to do justice to this importen: subject; but, sir, when I recollect that I represent, upon this floor, fifieea thousaa: freemen. eho have 4 deep and vital interes! in thie matter, | cannot and q@ill net sit here and give asitent vore. If 1 were not to raise my voice against this destructive mens- ure, | would be unworthy of the cor fidence reposed tn Me by my constituents. Before I proceed any farther, let me pay my re- spects to the gentleman from Martin (Mr. Biggs.) who, in this debete, bas been pleas- ed to dénominate the Whig Members of the Legislature Bank Attorneys, Bank Orators, and Bank Serfs. [ k:»ow not how st ie with the gentleman end his party—they mar have errfs in their ranks who bow the pliaa' kaee to, and Jo the bidding of, their lords ond masters. ‘Fhe Whigs know no such/ distinctions, The word serf-or siave is not foundsin the Whig vocabulary. What? e Whig a serf! Noir, no. Rather thap be a eerf, he’dbe a dog and bey the moon. Rather than be a serf, bhe’d be a toad and feed upen the pvisonows vapors of a dangeon. -Scener than he’d be « serf, he’d water the earth with his heazt’s bes: blood. Mr. Speaker, the Democratic per'y have weged a merciless end uncompromising @ar againet the Banking inatitutytions of the country Demagogues end stump orators, from the Mountsina-to the Atlantic, have reieed a hue and cry against the Banks. They bave been denounced 9s corropt and rotien—‘ss the manulactories of rogoes, thieves, sod swindicrs.”” The Democratic Presses have been onspering tn there denun- eistion end ebuse of the Bsaoks. They have teen beld up to the country as hostile to the liberty of the people. “The Backs sgainst the people” has been stereotyped in large and glaring eharacters, in ail the Den- orratic newspapers throughout the corntry. W hat sir, bas beemtlie effect of thie constsct war against {hei Banking institutions of this Siete ?—I ts et hes teen to impair the confidence ef the -people in them; it has! caused the honegt.yeomaary of the county | to lock spon the@iiwith distrest and saspi- cion ; it bas discredited the charecier of the Banks 0 bome and abroad: What hes been jhe coarse: purened by this Legislature in regard wo the Banks of this State? Has it been seach es sound pel- ; patriotte regard for the welfare uf te a country would dictate? Noir, Moceevm.tn 95, 1843 ¥ im be f= | )except that which might fow in fi foully “corrupt.” Now, si, it. is onesbing des x ity r ey s#2 Ps Banks of th euspen thie tion, would hove been presthied at their counters for payment.—All the specie in their vaults, would have been drained out, -and s Jatge smognt of their’ notes, wore- deemed, would have fellen into'the bands of the honest, herd-work tig. people of” ‘Countiy, worthless’ a6 rags, and we would at this time, be wi:hout 4 ciredlstin jug. ther States. & Sir, the ides that. North Carolina, one of the noblest Stetes of this confederécy, with @ population of more then seven bundred thousand, and with éltber wast résources. svowed in this debate, is tn me traly bomil- bers of the Legislature, seemto we with each other 1p endeavoriag to impose heavy. burthens, restrictions and pansies: on “the benking snetitations of the Siete, he Bor}s seeing thémsel ves attacked ov every hand, ‘have bécome slarmed, end one of: thea hs$ come forward and mede es condi- tional satrender of its charter. Within the lest twenty-four Koors, it hes been rumor- ed that the Bank of. Cape Feer will follow. in the footsteps of the Bank of the Siate.| This Legislature is called upon to decide question of great moment—one of. vast re- sponsibility, viz. Shall the Banks of North Carolina. io these times of anparalielled peeunisry distress end embarrassment, be permitted to wind up their effiirs, withdraw their notes from circulation, and leave the people without a circulating medium. Sir, the heart of the patriot srekens at the con- templaton of the ruin and desolauon that would follow such an event. - Mr. Speaker, I ssk-in ihe neme of a guf- fering people. why is this rutbless, merciless, potty watfere waged against the banking mstitutions of this’ State ? ?Tis strange, tis passing etrange.—They are the work mansbip of ovrown hands, crested. by the assembled wisdom of North Carolina, for the common good of all, diffusing bless: ‘Sule, and benefits to every portion of thesStale to the poor men’s cottage as welt $s. the rieh man’s palace. Our banks test upons. firm and so'id basis, They aré porfecily solvent and ere ably end honestly managed, | the esserticn of the gentleman from Com-} herland, (Mr McRae,) to the contrary not} withstending- That gentlomsiabad. the unblushing effrontery, 10° declare + on crowded the lobby an that the * Banks of this State were co to make a charge of this kind, bat. quite enother to sustain-it. [ here challenge the him to snstaio the cherge by proof, aior Bb b- stantial ind moreto be relied on, than bis mere tpse dizit.* © 2 Sir, he hes not. novihe cannol make good his prom,s6 ta this Honse, that he woald prove the Banks of this Stee, were entropt. Then the cherge falls to the ground, end will add nother to the handred and. one refated cxlummics on the Banks of ahis Siste. The gentleman from Comberland, has pre- ferred another urfoonged charge sgejeet the Bank. fe hag representell the people and the Barks se two great sntagonistical powers at war, each contending for the mas-. tery. The quesnon ts, anys the gentlemen, whether the Banks of the people shall have the supremacy. Sir, | deny the charite, ane again esl! og hire for the proof. There is no. such contest between the people amd the Banks. It exists on'y_ io ti gentleman al digtemSered imagination. Jt is true, the Demycratic party fave » hostile attitude towards the Banke; ve Weged a most ingiarions 6nd Anni iy ogiton thete.. "Phe-war hes been “ole one-sided cherecier, confined exclusively tothe Dem ocratic party aibes , “Sis, let me-entreat theledders af the Dew. ocratic party sesembied within the esl!s of this magnificent Capitol, toebase hostilities agsinst the Banks Let me imp'ore them the reverse. Bil} upon bill, and ‘res- ation upon resolatiog, baw been pilrd of | your table, the object of whichis to impose: restrictinns ead probibitions, ibe most an-. reasonable end impolitic on the bank of this Siate. There is a bill op your table which: to wan.vo longer on the heppiness sad pros- Phas: been | shovig be dependent 60 South Carolinas and} Virginia for « eutrency, es hae hés been] iating. Mr. Speaker, the: Democrati¢ mom-}) ished. rind Rb gentleman to produce the proof. freal} apan |’ 2 % ate ah)” POD, Lapt> Wright, $1 zostecday,we bare p dates lo.the Sth inst. The eowmmnercial treaty concluded by Maj. Reilly: with ane sGavernment bythe Texas ‘Senwte; ang is, ‘Ts ‘Gongerned, Whe lew of porlant treaty for "Mex. an far:ae the u as,and ‘promises good 10 the pel P ipis dod ship- pers of ibis city: “{allows (as we stnied- erak week@ago.) the intforuction af ‘Tazal Bo’ - ton into the’ Upited- States, free. ¢ shall it ¥6 ship a lange n of Ti farnish " ; by. the 2. a Consul at sbis posi... Texas: ey arecoming io very fast at 4 rent cose tom houses aod” land offices.” Mr “Borgen, the collector at Galveston, carried to’ Washington lately, $20;000 of (bem. Teaving,on ily $9,090 oat- 2G. W. Tcteh, Reg) Amory Grae > * : "ef Fr) 4 + £ ‘the Republic, tas fetta out’ s loog sad TWeid Spinion “upon the validity of the-Clierokee Land ‘Titles. He conclodes that none of the locations ‘Wade apon thé lands gecupied by the Cherckee Indians subsequent to the dét¢ ‘ofthe gurftntee made-by the consultation to the todians in 1885, are wali ind.trga!; and cdnseqneni|y_ ibat none made since that daie.are Jegally exempi from sarvey-and gale under she act of Congtess of February, 1840. te Mach doubt-stil! exists.in relation to the loca- tiop.of the seat of Government. i may be re- garded, as certain, however, that the Government will not retara-to Austin dering the present year The general opinion among the people seems to be, that it will bé located temporarity either at Washing*én, San Felipe; of sémie fio! between the, to places. *GedSomerrille, with an atmy of 800 men captored the Mexican town of Loredo onthe 8th of December, The few Mexican troops who oc- cupied the-plece, madea hasty retreat wijLout firing Agua, Being notified of this, the ermy }eeni a messenger tothe Alcade to maké requai~ necessaries, which were promptly fare Aftertsking the town.’2 few of -the troops ‘crossed the Rio~Grande, and planted the bagner-of the Siogle Star 6n the West bank. It is farther stated that about 600 of the troops crossed the fiver on tle 19th, @ndi took ap ihe tions for this floot, 1m the preseacs of this Assembly, aie pt ‘march for gi 7% miles, from and in’ the fere of s large sudience, who) bo ido, the balance, 140, retmznic - d gallery of this Mall, 4. ? fom the Guerrerd'it is. presumedibey wilh ieg home... rapidly onwa take Mier, Comatea ingst, By. which time is t9 to be baped that sufficient seigforromen's will juin Ahem: te encourage decent.on Matamerss. = I) is reported that the Apache ladjaomerpcom mittiog frash depiedations in Chibnehea, god it jgihonght that neasty all the Mexican troapes ander Woll have veen ordered there to drive them hack. {¢ 1 ramored that Tesas bas a'ee- cret agent among these Indiene- to central their operations, and the object of the varios tribesnow gathered together at the Were vil- lage is to enter into treaties with the Govern- merit defensive and offensive eqiinst Mexico.— If this prove trae, the atmy wil! have to encovs- ter little éppositinn.jin capturing all the towns dod villages bet ween Loreda and Mattsmora®, if they P Rus See : march with proper spred. Great numbers of ranewagygegvoes fiom Tex- as, Arkansas aod Lovisinag have escaped to the hardeging States of Mexico-; anddf the ic vading army 66 promp'ly reipforeedy moth eslanble v4 perty of this kind sti! be-recawered.. W, safferors alone to wnite. and epee’ tothe rescue. 2 considerable futce wodld thereby bo marshalled Into the servicer. a te fee It is romored chat they President wilt reeout~ * mend to Congress <he passege of 2 bill providing : for thesale of alf the vessels of War, and cami thing-apperiainingto the Navf. gt The Texas Times s2y<:—“ ‘We fearthst te stall be relectantly compelled to beligragiee th morsof bis qb-operation with Mexien” ees It has bed stated in a paragranit. Shot perity of a suffering and bleeding country. | The chivsirous. tesder from Canberiand,* whose motto is “the wer to the knife end the knife to the hilt,” is for prosecuting the nated, we beliers, orth the Shefiinid firs, hat Lord Morpeth was preparing 2 work on Me sup e* ject of the United States Woe may” sepemith confidence.thst there ie no ground for prec e eistaie— ment. eds Mercury. ° ae a es chequer Bille \are ‘dsitytising "tn walue, ae fotiey @éoers! for © “ ie sa i s 2 reer | T's, ndment wos thed sdopted ; apd | per moted - its indefinte Rosiponement. oe agaghh ger There is misia, tieb pactie, ‘whewee ws 98. - | the quidane rerurting on ihe pefesge of the | Neg.tived, 21 t 19. The | ation then | ¥ the The nigh ingale singeth hefewee: serenade. McCollum, Neal, Nelson, Patterson, Shank { recting the President and Directors «f the te tog of tiie, that has taken place? | licked, There is music'in air, wheo the wild tbanders | !', Sbultz, Stoekerd, Steel. Stone, Skinner, | Literary Fund to loon the batence of Pria- - . Ba rieber, and dearer, and sweeter to me, ; at Lew | bévetohi {it es 0 gross iefractine- of ity arith the serrante-of the Sisie, in the die. — rai natatinine Sy ss: seuheatl sentir OEE. Set comage yom chee fos i tg tabbed ba: | the Constitution, thas isco forbidding | charge of their Federal daties.” STATE LEGISLATURE. provision bad been made for this in snotber | onusuel modes of punishment. Mr. Brown Wr. Caldeeit, of Burke, rose for the “y bil! endrecommended its rejection. had teken occasion, a day oF teo before, io porpose of giving notice that be would offer IN SENATE— Thursday, Jen 19. . The bill was read the second time, and ong oF ioe wig pees 10 “7 r opesine ee mmaeest Nee. ‘i ; engrossed - | indefinitel joned. an& tools, and thet be could not open his uestion, reng from mocrats in tlad 2 Bul fur 1S wen oeedy nea Mr. Guihne. penne a bil! to prevent Mouth on any oubject, bat thet * Teay, ah porta of the Hell, the Spesker’s bammer tration of Justice” coming up on its second | Justices of the Pesce from issuing writs of | Blanche & Sweetheart” were yelping at Bis was lustily plied to bring the house to or- resting, capias ad satisfaciendum 10 certtin cases ;| heels. Before Gen. Dockery wes done, @er—question, qaestion, Question, rap, rap, they asked, were the People ts gain by pruloog- | bat Mir Tae People were askiag for bread, aod the Le- | Rescla sl g constituency, the iaibarrassment of the puolic ia. | crais. ” which he sepmed to think ali Lewyers and Mr. Baxter moved that they be postponed | from bi Quarry was read the second: time certainly, not have said @ word beyond bis hibited by the dommnering and tyranical to tex the people to sn enormous extent fos The bill regulating the prewium on bills Mr. Mendenhall, trom the mittee on majority of this house. (Here Mr. C. was extra Courts, whilst, at the same time, 11 | of exchange sold by the Banks of this State, ee pret skay referred the the called to order by Mr. Bower of Ashe, and would enable them to bold ss many extra} nd for othe: purposes, was pul upon its | &'oseed bi Po — Mh ne argearn ee by various other persens—e very great ex- Courts os they pleased, snd itiereby secure | second tesding. reer ltren ote eee tlichment a0 ter he | f Co Sewesi d itement pervaded the ball—Mr. C. still the ninete dollars allowance for their atten- Mr. Biggs took the floor and went into ds naa be : ano oo m tevertm contioving, ood thet qualomen caught a Goneo. Mr. B. closed bis remarks by mo- {40 srgament to show its constitunionaliiy. | 108 seme back to the House with smend. order, to their hesrt’s content and till they ving the indefinite postponement of the Bill, | He maintained that Banke were public Cor. endnsne Ned cea ie Onone d Va wore out their iron lunge, but be. would Mr. Shepard, of Wake, rose in reply, and | porations, and thet the Legisleture had s cond F - pled, atid continue to spesk in spite of them. Here gave-his * Democratic ” brother from Cos-{ right to amend their Charters, and even if oe, Bree 'ng. ted 0 bill t nd the | Mt Pope, of Helifox, rose end requested well, a lashing whieh bighly-amused the | they were regarded as private Corporstions, R vad Ss. ciao sialdie * Dieores end his friend from Burke to suspend bis re. Seaate. the said, he knew nothing of sach | that the Legislature bad a right to pass the | “ev! Pek cerning oy the Demeocreis, in the forenoon session. trong opposition was made by the Whigs to the Resolations being then t rken up, aod forced op-~ jectivaable, g0ds0 whully anneceesary. What,| Mtendenbalt agreed ing the Sessivn, te discess these Reésulutioas P— Lad. Jones bad gala'ure was going to-mock their necessities, ey | heard io return, b offering them @ stone! ~And even afier the | lation to post pone—ihai Whigs «ere furced iaiv the debate, they repeat constituents cared not, for t edly offered tw stop it, and proteed to more im- of order; they went fur | portant business, if the Locus would agree to lay | was equally fair for the Waigs the Resolutions oa thetable. But av; w suffering | speeches spread apon Juurn SS when he gave way fora tMotion | Sj foregoi h i , | prevailed ; and thus ended the firet a gy Shee ok pe ee night's work apon Mr Cad Jones’ gislature, with the following graphic account of culations, which a the manner io which the debate in questivn was Commons had resolved to force ung aW commenced. [i was taken down at the time, | Majority in the most arbitrary man solations introdeced oy Mr Jones, were called ap Carolina : . % ceed to read Io var: on our journey the | Dll! its second rebding, is wen rejected.by o- paseed te seednd seahag by ihe, B vote. /4 he woeld aoe ie the blué eamiet th4t wends to the vote feb 38. ‘Those who voted is Tas The R-soletiop directiog @ for ns sure of i? eeteot As ; ees" . ee ee ee = cet cially the Democratic Dart of j ng ES 0a, bee. | VOF of ite passage were Moser. Bromaetl; | the -Morigage 00 the Wila@ington toad, | tetives being ioe great degr “oo.” [ie diseassing tbe Political t aintiona | oF any time, yield the flay: 1, tha fo the ong of the bed, and the ham of the . be. Byrd, Coored, Dickson, Ge | asless certain conditions. heretofore 5 pees Py ae, | geen? -NappeMs bby a of Ora Nut “Satish th | jeara. After Proceeding wi, waitin There are ; to be deard ea hy Guibrie, Halsey, Hoskins. Hooser Berry, ed, be complied with, passed its third uA} (800 Send bes: Ls mee, } eying te ey hag rien te ants). wrtee wend sera the 1st Volume a" From | @ the close of each bes na ibe Till, Hollowey, Jackson, J+ fers:n, “J.B, | ing 26 to 13. : ae 4 ae _ y the L heck 'the pealtum n which they = s' ae made ral Water And at righ the ragiGbat's asleep | Jones, Lamb, Lee, Leach, Lord,’ Masséy,| Me. Biliott presented a Resolution, di- — ; . . =» gs ’ % and j heve plsced themselves, “Who hes caused the | ite Door of the Cone of the Kn Pant . There we: ment i 6 i bes F Wuive most assaredty. “Phey mani- | those which were Billed, beig) Pty % adi te . F. Toylor, Thomas, Walser, Whitakgr | expst on band ofthe Literary Fond, Read | obey iaood Sdemtion the beginning 6 avoid the | faces, éxcepi.the W hig pire’ rats Aad the horricane howls o'er the mariners grave, | White, Willey sad Thomas Wilson. three times end. passed. ; discussion -of .these ill sarred -Rreuletions.— | wore mide awake aud dull of y ah And when ‘mid the lightnings that revel op high} = Mr. Bragg, from the Committee onthe| ‘The Senate thea took up the bill author. : Sal alee ee oe of she tensted = , i melee eae SAlleties, ‘The’S.orca-Spifit alters jig ominoes cry. Jaditiacy, 10 whim was referred the en-| izing the holding of exira Terms of the Su- sod Fond b wempndhel. sag Serta ben, J she table ered ta hae als 607 weg Witbi - doib d bill from the Senete, io alter the] petior Courts. The bill was agein. sebisled Over. it is ile) their oppuoeats, te let them remain oo i”| caotion the nasn te OR When sy — ene ae ectorel Districts of thie Siate, reported the fey’ Mr, Browo, ag Gon. Dockery took oc | duty wabakawee na 20m tos displ fr en they eet te eter [eons (be Cll of the Het, ware ’ ey Sir. » J . eo ‘ Was di of, whea they cou taken f-aad anut Motion at 2 ,,'. - 8 Ite sensitive boughs o'er the weary one’s grave,— | ssase back to the House with e substitute as | fasion io replying to him, to pey hia of Government whenever 11 wp ahd diacatd pins Donte ta the publie | was made € adjoures bc ter in Aod'the spirit whoee breath, moves ibe delicate | emeadment; and recommended its pass | in euch corrency, thet be will never forget | may believe & Oceasion ‘has arisen : toterest. Bui they also gave the Loces to wa—| Yr Mendenhall proceeded, wish He” _ leaf . . . “Phe ‘Mendecat was adopted, and | the settlement. We learn, for we did aot That ita opinioa deliberately expressed, t2 | sersiand, ibat if forced inte the arena, they would | when it was saggested th,, if this Hatb a musical voice that sssaageth my grief. the bill was Vhid on the table. heer the debate, thet Gen. Dapkerp’s exeori- | @iitled to the most reepect{ul consideration, Contest every isch of gweod, and leave no effuri order Wes not insisted farther, tha, Te fans he (ocd ah eon ee see, | Mr. Caldwall of Burke, from the Select| ation of the fico Serewanee sed ome | omasel ne, secs tga of the People | untried to defeat Kesclations, so ill wenud, 20 ob | era tend egeee Sdivara. W ’ The socice of the foad, and the lov'd, and ibe trae: immitiee,.1o whom was referred the bill | cestigstion the Session. + some | (themselves, should have the greatest sathor- made bis speech j hese cons . : ing Cisposeg ran in the scale, | a second call of the House being made 294 ing siring of | susnended. and the question upon the resol io the Legia- | being about to be pul oy the § se will be regerd- | on bie feet for (hat purpose, afie Mr. Brown, the Senator from Ceaswel).| which passed i's first reading. ~ he thought, doubtless, these wes a full rap, wae ell thet was to be heerd] After i er ‘soning See Treasary. all com- The question of order be rose sad attacked it in a most vehement and The Speaker again announced es the or grown waeti ff there. . a long time order wes restoted and Mr. C. | eo at abbas abusive msnner, After enlarging for some | der of the day the bills relating to the Baoke wae Resolution in = Bs m. : then proceeded and = thet he ny ant Pasty Resolutions, whieh “> ; j of this State. atson, remunereting bim for Rock us risen to make a Speech and shov most ian.et op wick he wgaed to think all Lemyery sag J 5 pach vy er 96 Buy. expres on of popular} M , Mr Mendenhall rose and cow : ihe entitled, be proceeded to show, | 00t!] Monday next, that business of more | and rejected, original purpose hed it not been for tke uo. | will. t then re blag Aitach, where it prop | sats upon the reeolutions a thie ne “ eae pare we bimectf tbat the Bill | importance to the S:ate might bo transected, HOUSE OF COMMONS. exempled and unpeérailed condact jest ex- ive. - oe Galled jade wioce—vur spoke with much deliberation for & ebon woald furnish tu the Judges an opportonily | bub the motion did not prevail. ’ SALISBURY. on the House, when there wae so much important}. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, Alime hich d'ise Gest andiaecoed marke, while be would insist that the rule a tall being before the Senate, entil he heard | bills presented by the Committee on Banke | A!/Mony, which passed 1 basiness hefore the Legislatare stil! enacied-on; of the bouse should be esforced and that lerk’s table ; but he gould | by wey of enforcing the obligation in the | '®4i0g; aod a bill to seeed the Hewsed | ics méaber (iam Asbe should be required wouveiraie. ava, wight spur-el the moment, contract After he had concluded his Speegh | S!#tate. ack t weed ite fire ee CECCSSIVE | 1g redoce hue point of order te write ir ftom anewering the very unsound end singu- | be Moved to amend the bill by striking out anil jolla paeere tie Ete Bil pe Reao. | C: 8! this suggestion resumed hie seet—M: lar arguments advanced by the Senator. | *l! after the enscting clause, and inverting, |. . fe a ie Heno ee oa he first | N&%h {bea perceiving thet another geatie- That gentleman bed asecrted that the bill | the bill to prevent the suspension of Specie | 'Utons from the Venele. wore reed the first | oo. as reducing the point of order to eri- g _ eymente by the Binks. time end passed : a bill to contrect the lim- ting for the gentleman from Ashe rose and Pte secerfige Me, pepe naa.the | P Before the vestion was tekea on the| 't® Of the town of Wadesborough, in Avson seid that te hoped the Che ould u Pe uhaiKneee ene: penn 2 amendment on motion of Mr Cordwell the | COUN; a bill to amend the charters of she thet the point of order sboull've red need to ms ie vy ae oe adhe ai bill with the amenoment, was laid on the | Severe! Rail Roede in this State; » bill con- writing by the gentleman from Aste bin. idiportancs hed been ind ‘oes Pinsncr table, with the understanding that it 18 to be Poste’ county Trastees «nd Treasurers of | soir end not by proxy ; wherevpon the gen. Court fortwo years % thaftheee eases were | taken op to-morrow, Mr Leach having the ublic Buildings ; @ bill to unite the offices with Bille—some 70 or 80 in number—aad sev ere! of them of moch imporiance to the beet in warned that the cuuntry was ins state of great embarresement and distress, and thet the People ut the State were now soxiously looking to this Assembly to extend some relief to the Couairy, this Assembly, spending the time and money of the People in discussing Politics, ead neglecting : hot being then out of order, be was going ter 115 concerning the Public ‘Treasurer - ; . : The House met at 4 o'clock, end’took up| and e bill coacerning the Commissioners of on inca oan ie aca. novel sight nid which the Judge would receive for his ser— . der for the ev the lastruct; 7 ; . any deliberative body and especially so in : S the order for the evening the Lastruction Navigation io the town of Washington, und the legislative halls of North Carol t ela’ atsa a rnsgaily ae woud be | Resolutions. to amend the 88th ebepter of the Revised | 5.4 as iverenial majority attempti 2 by iy. Eteaca tard EC hucdeed dollere ; and Mr. Moore resumed his remarks, and | Statutes; anda Resolution in favor of J na OY ; force of numbers sad boisterous conduct, to he imgagived ‘thetame might be sud wnt, |*Poke with great power and eloqvence on| W- Satchwell, Aquille Davis, and Jos. Saw- pot down a representative of the free peo- discussion continued (ill the time {0 adjourn for dred dollate. Deduct the ninety dollars, when Mr Michae! Francis, of Hay wood county, rose end addressed the Chair, ai 4 o’elock, aad to whom was referred the bit, such a people, and their rights and privi- Bili provided that whenever a Judge should Mr. Mendenhall, from the Committee an ing Clerks and Maet ° ‘ 3 naieobie leges confided to his keeping, should not be deem ap extra Court necessary, he should | Education, to whom wes referred the bil! to eno md the back . ba H use ond trampled under foot without resistance. — suggert tbe fact to the Governor , that the | *mend the 2ist section of an Act enutlee recomemeaded ite - ; : ‘ R 1 ec. ond He tose to do that which every man on thie Governor should proceed to designate the | 2” Act for the better regulation of Common time aed neecad- Seats Mead second | oor bas a right to dé—a right guaranteed time forthe Term, and appoint as Judge, | Schools reported the same back to the Hoose passed 5 and vn motion, was taken 10 ® minority a8 well as toe majority—a not him that made the suggestion, but some | 24 acked to be discharged from ite further | UP 08 18 third reading. Mr. Freacis mov- : right which he did not ask éhe moiorit in other Judge. How, then, covid a Jodge | onsideraiion, Read second time, and lad | eu '0 amend, by striking out the third sec | (4, sked 1 aud others declared that they woold neither eal or sleep anti! the question was taken. The W higs, it seemed, did not think so. Mr Fran all and every hazard—Sir, said Mr. C. let Mr. Baxter moved to amend by striking y Also. the bill for the encouragement of me tell this ruthless anc overbearing me- HOUSE OF COMMONS, out all after the enacting clause and insert. rining. recommending itstejection. Reed jority that the minority here sre not to be- On motion of Mr. Barringer, the bil! for'| 98 a substitute; but the motion did pot | See” aeeat end, on motion of Mr. Bragg, forced intd measures—that they ere not to arranging the Gth Judicial Circvit, and fix. | prevail. was indefaitely postponed. be deprived of any of their privileges—that in® the time for holding the Courts tberein, Mr. Barringer offered a substitute as an EVENING Srssron. the immunity of their coretituents confided wastsken up on its third reuling ; and was smencment, which Wes adopted, and the The House met at half pat 3 o'clock. lo their care not to be trodden upon by amended on the motion of Messrs. Barring- bill passe.i sts third reading by @ vote of 76 The Spesker announced a8 the order of | reckless numbers—the whigs becease fewer er and Lore aod passed 10 16. The ttle of the bill was also amen- the evening, the Jnstracuon Resolutions in number, are not to be run over and pat On motion of Mr. Avery, the bill supple- | ded, on motion of Mr Barringer, as follows : Mr Moore took the floor, and coneluded down when endeavoring to exercise their mental to an Act passed at the present ses. | ® bill to probibit the levying of executions bis remarks about six o'clock. After concta- | C°28titotional right: no, sir, no, before they 80D to lay off and establish the county of | OP growing crops. ding, he gave notice that before the question @ill suffer themscives to be thus treated M: Dowell, was taken UP ON its second read. Phe Resolution in favor of Leslie Gilliam, | weg taken, he should move to strike out the | 224 forced to yield to rowdyiam they will ny late Shenff of Greuville, was read the third thon firet reeoletion and insert the following : rise a8 one msn snd in defence of law and Several amendments were Proposed by | ''Me, end passed. Resolved, Thet on the adoption of the | 00d order will freely sad nobly spill and Messre. Baxter, Jefferson, and Ca!l’well, of} _ The bill for the further relief of Insolvent Federal Constitution, the people of each | 8#in this floor with the lest drop of their Burke, which were rejected Debtors, was pot Upon ite third: reading , State adopting it, agreed that the divided | !ife’s dearest blood.—Mr. C. then said thet Mr. Avery proposed an amendavent-which | 99d after Undergoing some ditcussion, the Powers of the State end Federal Govern- | be would now do, what he bad intended do- W238 upposed by Mr. Neal, but wae adopted ; | Gestion wes taken on tts passage and deci— Ments should be execoted by different sete | "8 when he was so unceremoniously inter- end the bill pessed its second and third | ‘e¢ wm the negative by the easting vote of | + Agents, both sets, however, the people’s |"pted by this lawless and disorderly ma- reading. . the Spesker. The vote was 48 to 43 Agents: That the Members of Congress jority. to wit, offer an amendinent to the The Speaker then announced es the or. The engrossed bill from the Senete, to are a8 much the people’s servants. as are | fifth resolauon of the gentleman from Or- der of the day the bills introduced by Mr, ster the mode of electing Constabjes, so the members of the Legislature sna that | 29g¢ (Mr. Jones.) The amendment was Biege from the Commitee on Benks. far as relates tothe Cocoties of Caldwell no portion of the members of Congress are | ‘ben sent to the Clerk’s table and read, as Mr Patierson moved to suspend the or- | 294 Wilkes. was indefinitely Postponed, 00 | ihe servants of the Legislature ; that, 1 | follows: der of the dag for one hour, for the Purpose | Motion of Mr. Bragg ; and the bill to Fen-| ihe election of Senators to Congress, the} That this Legisletare does believe and of takiog up his Relief bill ; bot afterwards | ef pavigable Colly Swamp, was rejected thus coniinoed Mr Francis in the discussion, — witha Iuod and clear voice, antil past eleven they ere troe American Whigs, who fight for geod principles and for the best interests of the to edjoarn, and at tke request of his friends Mr | F’. concladed, but — the floor to Mr Baxter, who intioduced a Resolation, with @ Jong Pre- Mr Baxter took an appeal to the House frum the decision of the Chair. This question of order was all important, especially to tinoritics in a deliberative body and for their protection, that Rules of order shoold be strictly observed. He ques - Mr. Ray preseuted a Resolution, direct | cuted. Congress, at ite firet so, Suxiows to te- Hon recurring op the motion of Mr. Wil- ing the Solicitor of the 6th Judicial Cireait, Resolved, That the Legislatare of a State | lieve the People from the great difficulties liams, the mouon wes carried. to suspend a su:t pow pending in Lineoln | 19 the representative of the People, in the | under which they were lsboring.& which were Mr. Ache introduced a bill supplemental | Court sgarost the Jusirees of sar County, | execution of the const:tutional powers of | brought up o them bs causes over which they to an act, passed ht the Present Session ty ] iog, as was undersiood, that this Preamble pre- and they would be held responsible, if they now| The State ‘Legislature adj preésed these Political Resolptione, and detained | the 28th day of January, afi deys, the longest ever held, branches, and respoasible for 1 dianer, when a recess took place till half past $ = money ; bot of .what avail is euch respoe P.M. _ Having met, and the Hunse ealled to or | bility? It cannot réBtore the time aod moog der, the Spesker was aboat.to put the question, | wasted. {[t will nut restore the damage dove ¥ Ube bonor and dignity of the Siae—our wills commenced the discussion upon the Resolatione ; restore the damage done to the credit aod weil o'clock. The Democrats were very, sore ander | 'b€ People love to bave it go. der it all,repeated|y declaring the question should | power is vested, the person so vested can é0 # be takea ; bot the Whigs did not agree to it, for} wrong, and it shall be said when @ rong emanis from the sovereign power, that it was pot ft : will or intention, but that it was fracdulently # of wetding Wits ee ‘aera band vised and falsely counselled, sod whatsoere! # together. At thiglate hour the Demociais said, } done throogb fraad or Misrepresentation, moss if Mt Francis weeld conclude, they would agtee | speedily undone and restitution made to ibe pe 80D oF persons tnjared. But what shall be whe persons assume to represent he soveregt amble, (which it is huped the Journal will show,) | Power without authority? Wheo bey do wf to indefinitely postpone Mr Jones’ whole set of | there 1s no excuse admissible, beeause (heir _ Resolutions. This wes roled ont of order, and | ig wilful and qaticibus, commitied desigat) and forcibly. = was debateable and Mr Meoderhall, of Guilford,| All the aomerous bills and resolotions ce rose ‘o the question of order, and made some re- | duced and discussed during the session, com marks, and among otber thiage stated that it ing the Banks, were confessedly wrong, #2!" ted wrong, because none of them were passe i- and the damage woald have been incressed, a spoke very deliberately, for be is a very deliber- | 29y of them passed into a law. The Pol ; ale speaker when necessary jand be observed thai | Resolatiuns passed, censaring the Senaiot HENRY. CLAY OF KENTUCRY, ’ tha u : " the Whigs hag WO he fag ar y way of Preami, hs . he Cated Qot ky he SUDBan¢ « als, ag for Ube peaker, aod he © adjourn ner, ty Watchmay, tereste of the State ‘Fhe Democrats were For President of the United Stale, : for neglecting to,repair the County buridings. | the State as a State ; and that the Seneturs | hed no eonirol, passed the present lew on the Jey off and establishthe County of Union ;| Reed iret ime but Subsequently rejected. | of @ State ere the representatives of the | subject of Bankruptey, bonestly hoping to wich passed its first reading. A similar Bille presented. —By Mr. Howard, to People, im the execution of the constitution- | eatend relief to the suffering debtor, with- Dill bad before paseed its first reading, bul | amend sy Act to cede to the Uaiied States, | al powers of the State, ss @ member of the} out prejudicing the available clerms of the hed beep lost frot the files of the Glerk 8 certain Tracteof Lend called Bouge Benks.| Uuited States: That both classes of Rep- | creditor; but as the jaw, since its pessage, On motion of Mr. Patterson, tbe bi)! for By M rf on ibe Doorkeéper to furnish bim with four large Volumes of “* Hatsell’s Preeedenis and Obeerva Commentaries,) aad two fresh candles, and a SUPERIOR COURTS. , feller ! i i 2) ; it: , BOt cargied. Marks to discount mouse freely. Me. Coo- VL tett porn mendes kd seep with & mao Git eras Go Demoerate, facts candi rhe people require, copeulipg for shis par. WH tell yous mother.’ were responsible; and if upot reading Hateell Hail e : the fiae imposed > =——=—. ourned fivally g CF & BeBsion ot and we assert gy, ‘ ; the best interests of the country for party nace | Ot fea: of contradiction, that there was lew ¢ A of Superintendent of Pubhe Buildin s, leman fom eo. ae a ond Mr. C, poses. Bat all would not do. "The Democrats uulity in its acts and proceedings than ibu 4 regulerly continued from term to term; thar} floor ; sod Librerien, of the Public Library ; | POTmitted to proceed.] Mr. C. in contina- tested the motion, called the Yess and Nays, | 8ny previous session since the State bad the average casi of) 8 continuance was fif- The House then edjourned to 4 o’clock bill for the relief of the county of Yance *} ation said, that when be wae ealled to or- Pllied thei¢ Party, aod of course prevailed aad The Locofocos hed a coatrullic caren: teen doltars ; making atax upon the people, | this evening. a bill to amend the Revised Stevate chop det, as | now appears very Onnecesesrily, | they havea large majority in both Houses This oe die ta in the shape of cosis, of eight or nine hon. EVENING Sgssion. , he waste of tim ny false and malicious libele against (nem. Ty regard to moet of the oiber Ciediies techs the subject of a Tariff, and in reply to the an and a resulution in favor of Green ple of the State! He was not to be pat He of Re tay tad iron pe Tear the es tee a os cae an unis te remarke of Mr. McRee. He continued bis | Hill. down in this manver: hees well ¢ j sik he; ae Ade giclee en remarks until near 6 o’clock, when he gave The bill to provide for the distribotion W bigs in this house were eas tsa clecies Wi toes Calne yet they oer, i only available use of thie ee for ae § : me of. fin an exire allow way for a motion to adjourn. and managemeat of the Literary Fund, ose by a free and enlightened constituency of | suffer. cach to pass without being heard Upon the hostility generated between tbe Van Bore sg b snea, The Me Ry showed from the Bi} | ,4°9 the House adjourned to balf efter 7 | taken up on its second reading ; and was| , free and independent State and come | subiect - Mr Freneis proceeded and nade a cap. | 8d the Calhoun wing of the sel(-siyled Dav Ee ‘loaf. do: be nidioa! i ee U o’clock. : lodefinitely pos'poned, by a vote of 66 to what may. be was determined that his rigbts ital Speech, and continued speaking till candle-¢ cratic party, for it appears that e large parid ee toe Ball “here eee nat Ps leant fanslits j Nicur Session. 33. end his privileges as the representati ie of ight. A motion was made to aeionra, bot eg Pe { oe ° * x . . oflvred for the preence of corruption The | The House met at half past seven o'clock. Mr. Broge, from the Judiciary committee, avenis iin hone eee aes the time that should have been devoted to esd several of the leading Democrats declared in Legislation, bas been consumed by the saiee Strong terms, that the Hoase-should not edjuurn | '¥° parts of the seme Party to out-genert! til day light, antess the question was taken >— | other, the Van Buren side bas at lasi prevails but such a victory would be equal to the entire feat of both. This party quarrel is rather toe cis, having rested about five minates to have pensive to be carried on at public ovat, eae the Hall lighted ap, proceeded, aod esa Rale of | People will remember at the next eleciioa, and refurm, while they practice extravagua W hen the People are once delrau would be made and the Yeas and Nays ai ali | ed, it 1s the faalt and wrong of the Demagugea limes called. This gave Mr F. iime io rest ;} that deceive them ; bat if deceived a second ust and thas continued the House of Commons, and by the seme party, it is their own fault. Tw ; this house to extend to him; he asked no- the House does not allow a motiog for adjourn— | leaders and followers of Locofoco Deaoeney appoint a ‘Term and hold it for the corrupt on the table. sii Sines nit cha The bill then thing at their hands, but one which the eet till 15 minutes after one eaade ar deci- who promise only to deceive, preach ecooeaf bs rp ose of getting the usug! allowaace, §». | On motion of Mr Francis, the bill to pro. Sah erable 5 , people themselves by their Constitution bad | ded in the negative, the Whigs had to wait at Re. bibit the levying of executions pon grow- so, the bill concerning the Swamp already extended—a right which it was hie | least this length of time; but they seldom wait sid! -wasie The Ball then passed its second reading. | '"® Crops until such crops are Matured, wae and, recommending i!s passage. Read se- firm end Gxed deverminetioa to exercise 1d balf an boar, till other motions 10 adjourn ; taken op on its second reading. cond and third time, and pessed. Demag: gues declare falsely,and devise lies, a W here soveregt is no power in the Legislature eiiber phye" Legislatare is only the n:strument or Agent | coneede, that Congress have a Constitation- | as he wished to examine authorities and Books Congress were Wrong and useless, because ihe? Wihdrew the wouon. Mr. Wiltiams of | 09 "asecond reading. ; of the people and in the performance | al right seeured to it by the 4th clauge of | of Precedents opon this poiat of order, whether Besufort, renewed the motion 10 sospend The Hovse then edjourned, — . | of that duty, ects a8 the Altotney of the| (he Sth section of the Constitution of the | 2 Preamble toa Resolation to indefinitely posi- moral or legal,to enforce sech requisitioe Be“ Me. Milis moved to amend by making them — People, and like all other Agencies, the | United Sates, to pass anifurm lews on the | Pe could hd ges "sulla wets * wing attempt to deprive a {ree ages! the order of the day for Siturday next, but IN SEN ATE— Friday, Jan. 20. Power ceases to exist when it 13 fully exe- | subject of Benkruptcies, and thet the @7b| Coy Out midaight be would move to adjourn the motion did nat prevail. And the 6 and called for the Yeas and Nays—which being | free wil!, poeta grown man to loading ou taken, the Democrats refused to adjoarn, alleg-| make a mere aatometon of a living 20!0 ji igni tare, oy making * vepted them. Mr Mendenha!! then roseand ed. reversing ‘ne lid of nature, vy dressed the Chair ia an audible voice, calling ap | "2ace backwards. . . [19 tions on Parliamentary Law,” which layonthe| The Judges of the Superior Coar's of a Clerk's tuple, (the cize ur near it of Blackstone's | and Coarts of Equity, will ride the Spice cuils, in the fu!lowire order: ~* | tambler of water, and JeHerson’s Manne! from » Pears, t. Shepard, to ineorporate a Cavalry | resentaiives derive their reepeciive powers} bes operated differently from what its| the Speaker's Table as s000 as the Speaker could] 1. Edenton, -_ Bailey 8D equal disissbution of the S.terary Fund Company in Woke — Read three umes and | from » common source, towit: the people; } suthcrs inteaded of desired, it is the Opinion | spare it. (It. was now exactly 12 o’cluck at 2. Newbern, «= Ba end for the relict of the people, Was then | ordered io be engrossed, that nesther class is soperior to the uther io} of thie Legzlatiore that the law shouid be | night.) As the House had Just refused to 2d-/| 3. Raleigh, << pet pon Us second reading. The engreesed Resolnion in fevor of| power or euthority, beediise ibey exercise repeslud 5 and ovr Senators aad Represen- yarn, te hk time to lovk-injo this nition ‘eg | 4+ Hillsborough, «Bale 2M’ Paversoa moved to. smecd by sui- Thoms -L. Liss, tate Sheriff of Caswell, | different ard dretiet fonctions ; end there- | tetivee are heteby respectfully requested to in the paler sip Apri Tees ede 5. Wihmlogtoe, Settle, Bing our all fer the enecting clause, end | was read. and indefinitely Postponed, fore neither bes a right 19 demsod of the { wee their best efforis to procure that repeal, now oly dave od should dodged with| 6. Salisbpry, “ Dick, taierling scobsritute. . The bitl to smend an Aci in velation to | other, sutini sion to ite will, nor to claim or ® modification of the lew the firet of these (oor velamae Spo per thro”| 4 anol «Nash. Mr Bextor moved that it he taid on the the University, {Preventing sale of ardent | to eonirol its action. Oa motion of M:. Barnes, the House ad- | and then proezed on and read the whole foer vol. « Morg ot tibia snd prated ; but the mo:ion did not Spirits within two miles of the Durversity ) Resolved, Thet the Senstors of Congress | journed. umes entirely through, whieh. thé Democrstic| Touisi ; _—A reso at preva, wae read third time sad ordered to be en being the Senators of the People, ere res. part of the House seemed: willing to Beatwalier | teen ; ly. adopted by the Lege, Me. Franefs moved to refer it to the Ju- rolled. ponsible only to the people: and tbet the} 4 Jour wen of good standing recently pro- baving just heard the Speech of six boors of the this State, to appoint a commities whose dictsry Committee with instructions to rae Sli The Seaste thea took Bp the Resotution | Senators have the right +4 jodge. and it is aa mr eslyn sculvan ter. : vot wee’ Aad | covienes ae ey ceete Francis,) sian shall be ts agin into aod report @poe ver POs CousMUOB ity | bul the Molue was. 10 -releive the People, by Trquesiing the | heir duty to decide, what the ratereste of west, when he received for answer : Get out. might take 7 hours more. If so, it was their own it hs day) pola Frenoical Majority ¥ 1844, allusion was made to he table being heavy laden Republican W hig Ticker of bs 4 ffersontian and the Stand std ate e® « | ee is eum pleas in the masterly style os | piel. i . otlattie ald jjeconian—M\ evbserve that the Sta . Bo . vert The Je fferaunian is atierly ignor- ait ri ; arileies. 4 aint The Standard defends ibe big | cus * conduct of the Baoks. a tatere’' wan by p d-—The Bavk of the State is well that the bill > wodid-not have : the Editur of the Jeffersonian te.a0 ig- | pendetit of sec poster ah gorse the Kxecutive is onwi | fool to say other wise. . a0 tet which soniga—The Standard makes fiend like } le os | jis owe parly. ben a edad —Tbe inean allusion uf the “ cor- -~ } : . ronatiee “of the Bank ip regard tu the | be met moderately adr . ——___ epi ise Siandord, aren oo doubt from an tees x of mous userpations.” Pt ‘Sacisavar, Feb’ 1st, 1848. ya] reasooing (rom the basé atid cotrupt ye Pa rig jen io heal eee oe) ae Editor :—1 leara from your “Yast. px "i ia : mest be vetosd, f ' paper the Editor of the Je flersoniaa. 92 | merely beeiuse it may consituéd 46 an act of | Hat’! Bostinges” ie willing to cease'Trom tbe te Ductors disagree who sball decide; here | Compliance with the laws of ~ Lesthe | centiovesey which nak al hartlse Ga Ge oaee veo orga of exclusive Democracy, giting | Georgia Legisiatore and all « ‘ et bim aod myself through 188 columns of your ” , aod if eithet is Worthy | gislatures. puss 2 paving act, dei : po- per ete 7 g character (0 each other me poperny thing by them done shall be construed as indice- eee ewe” J credit the other is vnworthy lieg a regard for their obliga tioas. to. the: . 8008 rienag ie Afiguess esist wsachuselts.— Marcus Merion was installed » office i Governor of this Staie, oo the The Governor having veen duly \ified. 2 conveotioe of buth Houses of the Le- | t ass formed, and (he Goveruor notified kia ly receive any cumimuoication ae whe might think pruper to wake. ed the Hall, attended by ihe Coaacil and Sheriff of Suffolk county, end ipio the agih ulinme. from bi gsoollency thea eoles jginered bis inaogorel address. oo pol The next priacipal topic of his excellency’s jj:ess i9 that of general education. »omends in general ihe imp:-7ement of the neans of coeamon education, but condemns the ppropration made from the School Fund for » establishment of School Libraries. He exami@es at considerable lengib the sub of taxation, although the Government of the tata bag not had any occasion fur many 1, (0 impose any general tax, nor does , recommend one at the preseal time. Hecomplains of the extravagant expengitore by the State for years past, and recou.meods » adoption of a system of economy and re- orm, which shall be thorough and effectual. — be only suggestion fur any specific-saving in heexpeoditure. which his Locofuco Abolition Hlency brings to the notice of the Legisla- we. ig that of abolishiag the Board of Baok ommissioners, He also recommends the abolition of capital ishmenis, and insiead of abolishing private wporations, he recom:rends to the Legislataré, jeseral provision by which persons wishing to mociaie for the transaction of basiness, may furm mseltes into corporate bodies. al pieagore. Duel prevented —We leara trom the “ Rich- joed Siar,” that a duel which was on foot be- een Joho H. Pleasants, and William Ritchie, .. growing out of the late personalities in the ‘big and Enquirer, was prevented by the in- teace of friends on Friday oght. ichie, it i@ said, was the challenger, and the were 25 paces ; fowling pieces loaded wi h veckshot each ; the guns to be laid at the feet be combatants, and at the word “* fire,” each Mloseize his guo and fire within the time tee,” MUTINY OF THE SOMERS. TeeN. ¥ Coorier & Enquirer says :—We wn ftom Washiogton, from aothority which ‘ls of no question, that the President of the wled States, without Waiting to mof the recent Court of Inquiry, has ordered tt Martial to convene at the Navy Yard at "York, for the trial of Commander Macken- tad the officers of the Somers, for the execu- "ul Speocer. Cromwell, and Small. This 2 Wasin compliance with the demand of wktorie and his brother officers ; and will of “we lerminate the proceedings in this case, tl interterence by the civil aathoritiee will "% Gnconsiitational, even if the civil cuarts learn tha deci nally had jurisdiction in the case. We bope that ihere is no just ground for the * @plaint, on the part of the Government of tn *Yainst the United States, alluded to in ‘dllowing Paragraph : 1M PORTANT FROM MEXICO. te New Orleans Tropic ef the 17th ultimo learn from letters which appear in papers, that the recent Wi~We ‘ Mezica Commodore Junes, at \t. } ftounds of complain: th 7 ‘aveagaios: this countr “* poblishes three letter wt of California, Pt be lerms an Prt of San Diego. Ne “Ppears that during the month of No- ** Party of men entered that port and hiraanens belonging to the f« ubicers of the Satay flag, are ‘8 offence MF bef, rification brig Alert, bearing the Uni- charged with the perpetration » a8 she was geen off the port sume "®,and several boats filled with men wea Pesine between the vessel und the me lime of tbe alleged offeace. In and namer- be lar style, the Governor lovokes the lenge crowd ‘be Supreme Government in this bose =“ teat, SADT reer ererecrersit oe ‘ings eink ik ner ducy to ion the pob- lode 2 epeech man, calling bimself A: Wisk,» .e jo a few " ning pe 2Btraet Cores withunt pan Wel : tate: ies bias 2 cetiificate that he t tee, and M tej nie Other pepplars lator ¢ impression. H. Glo eto Rod Rew af. te preceedings mnterey, are not the a Mexican Govern- y- El Siglo Diezy 8 from the new Go- Stating the particulars of oalrage on bis Government at From the staiement His fis address ia 2 some what curious diequisition jtieal rights, and seemingly designed for ication 0 the Rhude Island rebellion, aad io beatification of the Dorrites. ‘Ihe exiled Chief cattle and Capting General of the ae Government of litsle Rhode Island, visited Go- rernor Morton, and doabtless the tender sympa ihien excited by the inlerview, gave colour to the address. 1 opens witba dissertation on the ab slave equality of pulitical rights. “he encoar- sement given tv the Rhode Island Rebels thro’ shis labored argument io their bebalf, by this wice accidental Guvernot of Massachusetts, may spire them with fresb vigor, and céuse their xiled Head to gird on the sangainasy sword oace He re. are ov, Mr. ‘This woeld rémove.an obst venig their very much. ty to thie Gazelle” pleniy ae it ever will be gold or silver alone is to coas # are nearly in the conditi ney evonisies, or, if not gaite there, tobethere. T low. asin Fran most ae difficolt to obtain work.; and, as he approximates the hard Loney sy@iem, be w ae as well off as the Jaborer in Lom javles, or ‘Turke hard muvey currency. We, of the United States, not content wiih the sound 1828, when Gen Jackson wag Presidency, have been trying ao to make about 60-or $30,000,000 sent all the property, all the fa tilole the currency folly of specie repre bor, and all the . us not five dollars each to represent al] we have, ot all we earn—but when we remember that the fhallionaires, euch a§ Joho Jacod Astor, have a goud pari of these eighty millions, it leaves the great masses: of society nothing at al! to rep resent all the industry or capacity “they bave. Thas, when guld alone is money, and money is wade scarce, and the millionaires mo~- nopahze even that scarcity, it is not at all 10 he wondered at that real estate 4s worth bat little in money, the produce of farms less, anJ Jabor least of all. Heace low prices, low Wages, and every 4 thing down. We are thas reaping the harvest sown of a hard money currency. The fruits of the “ ex- petiment” of 1880-"$92"84 are yet apon as. — We are enjoying a few uf the comforts and fax. uries of a hard money Government. We area. boat a@ well off as the people uf France, where there is one Bank with a very restricted curren cy, and oot quite so badly off ag Naples, or Sicily or Turkey, where there is no credit, but a pure hard money, bard money prices must continue If, gold ie the only god that can effect the great inierchanges between man and man, @e must live as people do where that kind of a god is exclusively adored. [t was onse an idea thai this covntry was well enough off, but this is ub— solete, and now we are learning European fash ious From the American Parmer. Some months since, we placed a namber of ac- Count® against subscribera in Alebama in the hands of a collector travelling throngh shat, State. He subsequently remitted to his partner io Philadefphia a draft in oor favor, on Mobile. for the amount of the email Portion .of the bills whieh had been collected, after dedacting twen- ty~five per cent commission for hig collections, and three fourths per cent for difference between the interior of Alabama and Mobile. At the time the draft should have artived, the discount between Philadelphia and Mobile was forty per ct. against the latter, and about three. foarthe pr, ceat between the former and Baltimore, jo favor of the latter—so that, had the amoant teached asia due order of time, we would have fowod ourself minus sixty ex and a half per cent, ‘to which we may add one half per cent for postage. | But the transaction does not stop here: we have had no intelligenee to this day from the partner in Philadelphia, of the reception dy him of the draft, (although @e know, as far-as be ie con- cerned, that our interest will be atiended to ) and it may have been sither lost or stolen from the mail, or, fer saght we know to the cunttary. tbe bank or hooxe on whom the draft was mado, may have fared the satne {rte which hae atiend- ed so many instilatione and houses during the pest year, and thas cancelled the whole concern. “The Magician” at his old Tricks The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, states that in the recent election of s Senator in North Caro. lio, Mr. Van Buren wore two bes. Bedford Brown, who was Botoriously the favourite of the Van Buren Loco Focos, 11 ie said, showed sundry letters from M: V, B., in which he expreseed bie otter want of confidence in Judge Saunders and bis earn- est hope that Brown would be elected. Judge Seunders learning of this, prodaced letters from Mr V. B. to di, in which the “sweet litle fellow,” saft-soaped him iv the most sppproged style, expressed the most unbounded confidence in” his de- mocraty, and the most earnest desire for bis fuecess. This reminds us of the ‘six gen- \ilemen who courted a lady, and who on comparing notes. found that she was engog- ed to all six.— Pet. Ini. atle which now pre- mer py. (Hings-whieh they would ead do, bot their ahatingio bootit General Government — Fyenton State » Wheo -Harrise m sand Van Basen | © the Ladies in interrogstory form. a veing de-| on the other, were eehdidates for { Presiden- | Sirous to ouch ihe eympathetic cord vu theii cy.’ There id about” 19 much specie in the coans | hearts, aod initiate bimeeif into their favor and try now aa there is * per. Guld is as | frieadship. He eails upon the Ladies to take any couatry where on of the hard mo- likely soon he laborer now is paid nearly as ceor Germany, and finds it al ill be bardy, or y, where there is an exclusive pecie and paper currency we had io elected to the w for some time ene and capacity of seventeen millivns of @ Now, dividing these eighty millions of dollars a these seventeen milliors, it gives a his services to the Travelling Poblic. Having fur several years been engaged in keeping Trom the eontroverey. age He says “1 sat too tong winded and wrial him ; and that we béve already Goneumed much space ia your - colywies,”? As it tegar tbe allusion which he makes to myself;]am dis , Posed to pass it over jp silence; bul es it regatds Oa! ocecepyiog too much space ia yodt columas. § em inelined to agree with **fustingse”’ He cluses bis Jaeonical communicativn by appealing the questieo propounded to them, closely to heart, aod lo answer it conscientiously y~ believing if they will only do this, that they will at once be disposed to exoneraie hiw frow all falee accusa tion, and will readily admit thal. he has deen telliog the tra‘h upon thea, whilst | nave only svught +o Mauerthem 1 am id topes that the Lauies by their votiring astiduity ‘lo the caosé of Teatperance will shuw to “ Bustingee,” and all whom it may concern by ocular dewonsira tion, tha. they co fee! intereajed in the gieat Terreran ¢ Refurmaiion In taking my leave of ‘* Bostingee,” permit me, Mi Ediior, to 8ay, that fam vn terme of in'imaie irieodahip with bim, and that it would be» suurce of deep murti fication to my mind should any circumstance ve cor losever ibe ligoamea which binds ue vge- ther io bunds of social trendsbip JOSIAH, Savissvar, Jau 30ih, 1843. Mr. Editor :—1 woald fain not have troabled you wiih the Hug Law as passed oy var Baad of Commissioners, put afier having examined the Onarter, aud seeing the aethorite from @hieb it is derived, | peed out wake acy remark~ of my own. to raise a Just todignation from a Commeanity of ciiz-os ai ihe presen: day, why Profeas tu live under laws establiahed since ihe Star Spangled Banner has been acknowsedged io fluat over the “land of the free and ihe howe ot the Brave.” {| will inerely conclude ov quviing the auiburity under which our Commissiwne:- act. Q Preamble of the Charter of the Laws uf Sa! ieoury, ** George the Third, by the Grace of Guu, of Great Britain, France and tretano — King oeten der of the faiin, &c. Tu al! ana slngatar, wor faithful sadjecis, Greeting. — Whe eae ihe town of Salreoary, which 's siiaaied in oor Couniy ot Rowan, m our Provinee of Norih Carving, is a bealthy and convenient place tor trade, and many of vur loving sadjects have seiiled inem selves and f@@qmilies within ihe saae. “Know ye, and sotwrih ** Sec. 9. And be it foriher enacied by the au thority afuresatd, that no inhabiianto ihe eas Town, sbal/, oo any instante, whaisvever, keep ang hog or hogs, shua: or pige running at large withio the said | or huands of said tows, un penalty of forfeiting uch hugs v1 hog, sboat vu pigs —and payi @ som of iweniy shilling. Proclimation money tc the pariy agtieved; and farther. thas it shat! be lawfel for any Persun from ead afier the 10th day of March, to shot, kill, or otherwise desirous such hugs, shvat or pigs su raoning at lacge in said town.” ALTAR OF HYMEN. saeees << Those whom love cements in kuly faith * And eqoal transport, free as Naiure live, stemees <* What t@ the world to them, ‘Its pomp, ite pleasure and iis nonsense all, “ Who in each uther clasp whaiever fair ** High fancy furms,and lavish bearts can wish MARRIED, Tu Cabarrus connty on the Stst aliimo, by the Rev. Daniel A. Penick, Mr. George W. Cra- ven, of Randolph county, to Miss Elizabed) Pharr. . In Davie county on the 26th oltimo, by Sam ael Teylor, Esq., Mr. Charles Ray, 2ged 70 years, lv Miss Elizabeth Sinith, aged 15 years. ' DIED. In this County on the $0ih Janoary, Abel Cowan, V.eq ; aged about 57 years, afier + pru tracted ijln+se of vear Give moochs, leaving a widow and eleveo childreu to muurb their be- reavement. ** Dangers stand thick thro’ all the ground To borry mortals home, And fieree digeeses wat! srouod, To posh a6 to ihe tomb.” MANSION HOUSE! -& mie “THE SUBSCRIBER, AVING parchased Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- terest in the above Establishment, ienders PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, | M CHAMBERS, - E.D AUSTIN; : PAUL A. SEAFORD. SrecuawCovurr Sap 14, 1843 —405 i KENILWORTH HOGS 1 pus Subscriber has jast added to bis s:ock of Berkshires a pair of Kenihvorth Hoge ‘ported fr m England in the fali of 1841, by Mr A B Allen, voat 18 monibsold. ‘The Boar isa Very supe- ‘ior animal, deep, thick aad excellent ip all bis puinis: the Sow very fiae, with a litter of eight pigs, which, for veawly and form, can hardly be surpassed. Those who may wish @ fuller de- scription ef these fine animels, are referred to Mr Allen's leiier published in the — ‘Vbe Bobscriber has algo, a Yorkshire Sow. par- chased of Vir. Allen, from a Sow: itmporied by him trom Eagland ; and some Thin-rind Sows : and ‘thuse wishing to purchase, cao bate. the pare Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosage of Kentiwaey.b aod Yorkshire, Thin-tind and Berk- shire. His stork of Be kshires was parchased sorpassed by angio the Usiied States, Those wishiag lv improve ‘heit stock of Hogs, have now a beiier upporiuaty of dong eu, iban bas ever seen uffered Soaih of the Potomac Orders for any of ihe avove will te promptly attended to. Ww. F KELLY Near Mocksville Davie co. 125 January 14, 18438. : SHOE SHOP REWUOVED, Bames DB. Glover, ii VS rewoved U8 sic shop to the bouse ‘ately occupied by Vr Juno D. Brown, us a tivner Shoup a few dours east of the Coun Hove, where he @illcununae to carry on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING BUSINESS, as he hae hereivfure done, io all iis varieties. — Those disposed to patronise tim, will always find him ready to accommodaie them on liberal terme. He Keeps vn hand ® good aseoriment of feady mece work, which he oil! sell low for eaeh, or oo time to penctual dealers, Salisbury, Jan 7, 1843 —1(24 New Establishment. "BNHE Sobscribers having associated them- selves toveiher fur 'he purpose of egrrying onthe CABINET and CHAIR MARING BUSINESS, aow offer their services to their friendsand the pubic. It is their purpose to carry on both these depariments in all their va— riove branvhes, and they feel cunfivent of giving antice saliefactivn to at! who may favor them with paiionage. Repairing in their line will be done farthfully and on reasonable terms. All kiess ef coontry produce will be taken ‘a ex- ¢ orbiture or for work done \o order, henge fort K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE. August 27th. 1842—195 . N. B. Witb the view of leesening the cost and preventing incunvenience, the subscribers also haod a quaatily of ready made Coffins. Keep on ‘ ; : K. E.& W.R To Publishers, BRP A YOUNG MAN, who has had con- siderable experience as a PRINTER. wishes a sit vation as Foreman ot Jourveyman. Satiefactors references van be given. For particutare address the * Watchmao Office,” Salisbury, N. C., post paid. January 21, 1843. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. #WVHE Subscriber intending to remove to the West wil! dispose of bis Valuable Tract of LAND, consinng 49§ @#CRES, 12 miles west of Salisbury, aod adjuiaing the lands of Abe! Cowan and ‘Thomas L. Cowan. The land is of the best qualiiy and well adapicd to the growth of —. = con TON. There is aleo en the prom end comionablle DH ELLING HOUSE, and all other necessery oat huvses. ‘Thete is about one hundred end furty Aces cleared. the rest good wood land. Alsuagood Meaduw. Also, another Tract containing VYD Pervez, adjoining the lands formerly owned by Joha uf New Vork, aad are now a- |. ff Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, and is aot | Among which are Dry Goods, Hard wate; which we are determined to sell as cheap for Casi, 23 can be bvaght any where in Cuneord. We invite o'd customers and the pebi:c ia gen- eral 10 call and examioe our stock before purchas- ing elsewhere, as we think we can give such bargains as will be great inducement \o perchas- ers. instant, about two GEN. ERAL ‘CASS, Gen. Cass arrived at E : = at Mount Moaroe, io Iredell county, Le indolges the hope that he has experience enungh ia the duties of his basitiess to endeavor to render com- fortavle, af? who bésiow upon his bouse their pa- Bis TABLE shall always be well and plepti folly ed with every thing the couniry af- satisfy the palate even of an His BAR Wil be found farnisbed with a choice selection of Lignora. Bis STABLES shall be constantly attended vs Eee and attentive hostlers and supplied N. B. Tee Sago Office is kept at the Mansivo Kesler, ——— Clodfelier and othere, vas oa it @ good Huuse aed Barn—and a good Meadow.— 00. tHidietnre, way rei “4 “meade ap in ihe pass emzong fbave boc, og_Ag=d REM ONT Meceuiue sor igs 254 fe, years, and of the Wns. ic SUG St ihe ne celeorated Mee'® iets Sumhere ov. try. E shall potheriiate iy wars qper’ thics to Bet cot acd make. 4. ee : . | LONDON, PARIS, AND. wtW-yorx ‘ BRSHTONVS, feceived monthy® In conctodiba 5 — ree Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMESN ©, second gupply of FALL & W. GOODS, aden to $ 545 PACKAGES, Among which are following 580 pieces calicoes. ‘rom 5.cis té 1 ~ excellent at 10: hog 1-2 470 pair shoes assorted, 90 point end duffle blankets 80 Ibe iurkey red 80 degtotion handkerchiefs 25 pe bed tick 40 do apron checks 55 do flanvels 28 do Kentucky Janes 22 docloths and satiinette $0 du muslin de-lanes 28 do linsey and kerseys 5 ps boliing clothe 190 bags cuffee 14 hhds sugar ~ 185 ps bagging 80 coila rope 2000 lbs loaf Sagar 3500 los sule leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs nails 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 25 prs ENiptic springs 540 bottles easter oil 60 bushels clover seed, warranted Dew crop , J & W. MURPHY: Salisbury, Deces.ber 10, 1842—6if FRESH ARRIVALS! NEW Fall and Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RE now receiving and opening in the brick house west of the Court-huuse, their 4 GOODS, Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Crockery, Pvints, Dye- stuffs, Medicines. GROCERIES, ROPE AND BAGGING, And tn short, a general assor(ment of GOODS, ken in exchange for goods.+ Coantry prodoce tates ine WINKCOOY. Concard, Nov 19, 1842—tf17 and about 100 24C RES cleared, and in goud tepair. Iv those wisbiog to parchase good jand, $ would advise (hem to eail soon, as 1 aw deier mined to sell on ag seasonablé terms ascan be oa: JAMES A. GILLESPIE. Coany, N.C. 2- ie. 1848. t Swat J. %. Johnsion, ATPOHNEY AND COUNSELLOR a? Law. mT AKEN UP in the face, and about 12 veare of age, eppraised a1 920. The owner is reqnesied to come furward pey cbarges, snd teke him sway. Y Thomes Pinekston, sod entered apon tbe tray Book of Rewan, a sorrel Horse, 2 star JOHN 1 SHAVER, Raoger. E. have just received and offer for sale our 7 3 & pieces brown § bleached shirsinge, from 4 cents avyard 0 12h CS FALL AND WINTER ‘¢ isbury, gotog South. he ast | sane 8 8 Seed ead twee rap » do do : A. P ALSOBROS oel Sauodera, Guilfor County, . Thos. M. Oven See 6 ‘Beiutaic, farmer, Guilfard county, > Sat tv, Joquary 24, 184819296 . James Ailes, Da county, ps es ee ees —— poh. : +, -¥ , enjamin S Brittain, Micon county. ‘s ; . O a By. of the Court, NEW danny 11, 1848 Jeg oe DO. FR 3 aary . ~~ .2e J ’ Gis United States District Court of North Cheap oods i. oncboaae uptcy. . FOR CASH aT to @geinet the follo Ye ee % ing Petitioners, wp be lared-Backrupie on | Come F an «4 BOGE R's. — i ire of ste next. , in endovacing to be a Y Lindsey, farmer, Surry ovo: public gener Alired S Conn: Simse, Iredell couse, ' ads 7. + a ail, Ca » Darie cventy, Se Oe Samoel T Hoaston, late merchent,-Iredell., ALL “2? “WINTER e: : Ry order of the Coari, pes. XS geet eo W.E. ANDERSON,C Do f 2S ae Dee 19; 1842—4w27 i : ° i Sa > serie which we are ined to.v0ll_as ches MPresh ana large Arrivats peash as any other 6 sblishmen' ja ‘Salishory, —s a? THs . [Have entirely gold ut oar formér at z are | of we can bow bave the stpasure CHBAP CASH nce LSS & { laying oat thew cash e her6. s¢-weshall spate " Ao pains to render satisfaction, end to sell good on -t small profits foreash..° N. Be We'tender oar most hearty. thanks to our friends and customers for the liberal patroonge extended to us heretofore, and hope by sirict a1— tention to wor business,and selling guode so very cheap for cash, that ‘he idusemen: qill be safe '} ficient to merit, & exatinvance of ihe es me, ; CRESS & BOGER. . Safebory, Now. 11. 1842 ~6m16 REMOVAL ! HE subscribers would respecifully announce to the public, that they have rethoved theif Copper, Tin plate and Sheet RON SAanttactory, One door above George We Brown & Co, and oppose "Phos L.. Cowan’-Brick Row, where ibBy are betier prepared te accommodate aod ex- ecate all orders io their fiee on short notice and io the verv beat style. Also, consiavity oo band, @ choice supply of Plain aod J-pao Tin Ware, Britavvie Ware, Bathing Tabs, Siitis, &e. > JOHN D BROWR & Co. Salisbury, Jan 21, 154$—:126 ; Vegroes for Sate. Sov" valuable Negroes can be bed on rea- sonable terms at private sale, by applying to Mr Samuel Reeves, Saliabury If noi sold by Monday, the 6th of Febraary o¢z1, (being Mon- day of the Covaty Coort,) they will on that day be. pat ep to the highest bidder, at the Cout House ta Salisbory, Jan 21, 1843.—S026 — 20 DOLLARS ILL be paid for the delivery of my negro giti Suse Striekland, «bo Was carried «ff un the 241b December, hy 2 negro meno aamed GOODWIN. the property of James Gardner Suse ie a bright malatto, aboot 18 yr ars of age, straight bair, ber apper teeth inclined to tora oat. She is far ed- veoced 4p pregnancy A reasonable cumpensa- tion will be made for the delivery of Gvodwin, he ie aise @ bright malatio, beiween 25 and 30 yearsof age They were last heard from or the 27:b of December, within two miles of Sal Aoy toformation will be thaokfolly received, it sddreseed to the sadecri- ber, ving on Brush Creek, Raodvipb cueniy, i Office, Bruwei’s Siore. - JOHN*RAINES. Jao 14, 1843—$w25 Onited States istrict Court of North Cerolinu— in Bankrupticg. May OTIC E to chew cause against Petition of James Floyd, of Devidson coants, Laboar er, to be deciared 2 Bankrupi, at Wilming- too, on sooday the firet day of May vext. Alexander Moody, of Surry county, Iron maou- faeterer, to ve declared a Bankrapi, at Wilmington, on moeday the fires day of May next Jobo Shaler, of Davidson evanty, Farmer, tobe dectared 2 Baoksu;:, 2: Wilmiagton, oa day, the first day oi May oext. money By order uf the Coart, H. B. POTTER, Actiog Clerk of Coari in Bankrepicy. J-vnacy $, 1948 ~ 44 25 Jan 23, 1848—4w9T foapd always at the Office of H. fet ” oee Esq, direetly opposite ibe ‘ HIRAM T. SLOAN. Chaslotic, Pevtosry 4, 18¢9—6u28 Hoteh. Mchebory, 50-7, 18481084 G4&kDE.V SEEDS! ; NERAL umen:, may be found as “on Salisbary Medical aod ee Setisbery, M1. ©. Jan. MH, : Wearsh miaemaw@, or ; ‘ aiaynent water, jehe ‘most frequent. exe * cause of thi#’disease 5 atid 7p Aa great’ liarities is 1te-suscopribility. of qpeeacesis wield —evetign ~ the original eet ing eduse. ove Agae differs frdin moat a’ her fevers; aeit is we! koown, thet afier an orcinary fever has onte oc— curreg, and been removed, the person affécied ie f not sotiable-to a fresh atreck 23 ore who wasoot : Bo effecied, These ciscomsiooces render it @z— tremely difficol! to effec! x permanent cure of Fever and"Ague, ihaagh \o relieve ine patient for the lime being 9 a very easy tak.” ~ » DrMoffutia Life Pills. and Phithia Bitters have been tharooghly tested, and id 10 be & positive and Radicateure of Fever , Handreds of bis fellow citisens in the West voluntarily.come-forward. to assure Dr. Moffat, that the Life Medigines are the only medicines ihat will thorouglly effect a removal of this mogt tedious and disagreeable disease. ~ 275: O:hets who baye emigrated to that rich and promising portion of ogreonntry —men who went ont fuil of hope, and confident of, winning a com- petence from the luxariadce of the soil; or who carried to the-outpusts of our #eitlements the mer- cantile or mechanical experience won in the crowded cities or towns of the older ststes, have either retorned with. shattered constitutions and “pressed spgrits, or they remain in their new homes, dragging cut » weary-hfe, or at iast sink Dnder some cigease to which: they aréprediepowed | by that terror of the Weal, Fever and Azue — Theit hepes"tre blasted —tbeir business energies destroyed —their Eldorado becomes @ desert, ind the word of promise, made to (beir-ear, is broken tu the hope. ©” ‘To these iodividaais, Dr Moffat would say — “Try the Life Medicines, and you will ye an- ticipate your most sadgain® expectations, for they will eeajaly restore you to health.’ Fewer ond idee is acomplaint which requites to be met at its first dpproach, and combaited ai every stage. Seldom fatal of tiself, it reduces ‘Yhe stretgth, and ingpatte the fanctions of the organs, so that upon th® manifesistion of dis- ease, Natare~is-unahle, anassiated 10 regist the inrnad. The LifeMedivines, when taken stiten ly accordin dir uwill care it, and give to the week Sad irombt tig victim of disease tow health, life and sirength. yee Ses For foll patticolars of theumode of (teatment, the readér is tefeiféd Yo the Good itan, 4 eopy of which accomipstjes (he medivine. ap Thd above cre ’medicine ie for sale by o ye ag "" “ OTS & BOSER, + Salisbury, Oct 82, 1842 <1919 > ~ SCP A soppig ofthe sho¥e invaluable, ME : Ds C eS mt) teale 2t.Jamea,ross «Roads, rege rl * 4 aes gf tt wee FO"? GC. McINTOSH, Agent. 3 , a's a ee ae ee [Ad@ressed to those who.are in perfect health, or - Teputed, so.) - 7” Re: 8-F Genile Reoder,: - you “would -evert: from you the sickoess, ihe pains, the.wretched: | _ hess, the .prematuré morislirg. whieh you see all © around you, and which, like a shatp sword sus~- pended. is ever ready to fail upon gou, despise not my advice—it will cost goo little, wilt sei- ther infringe uponsyoor oceapations of amuse- menis, and all the. faculiies ef your mind and body will be-as much vetiered by it-ag to repay yon ten fold. 1 ask oaty one week's trial to con vince the mosi srepiical. : . In the first place, discard all ald errors and prejudices from your, mind, especially the o!d adage, * If you are passing well, do not atlempt tv batter yoarself;* it @ the s9¥ing of ignor- ance and guperst:iios ~of hose who a:tribated all they saw around ihem.to chaace and foriune, ipsiesd of ndtare’s universe IswayyHas fot man, fed on by experience, learned to guard hinseli against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrenis of rain? Why then shoald be not, in fair weather, guard himself a- guins! the storms which are. ever rising in his awn frat! body ? Rearember, yoo are every day eating gross food ; ahd 1t is yoor nature to cun- Nin.we to do so. You ate well at present, bat es- ery day the seed of diseasé is growing within von; and if yoo dn not siricily guad your health while gou are well, yee ate rontinsally in danger ef painta) and protraeted confinemenis, und in eome consiitations, death. : Nothing. is stationary ta this world, Even the purest fountain of which we drink —does it not require cleaning? A petsun may imagine he is ip perfect beatth, and get oot know to wuat ‘ PT IE Sitscrinetiniorms the nahi: . =p B88 JOS received “th res oe the 4 Citiesthe latestaat Thriweiy the ‘St apprdteg — ™ Lendon & Parisigy Fis | And is prepar et Bly wa a eee get 3! ote 3 AP ss “pe en i 4 mae ee : ‘ be nt bgt NVe TT. » - ge aid See . LS esis : 7 “ | geod ed : Ox Ti x . Es pak , ; oe & : eS 4 a eagles | ; . F P ie : semis: Ae aie Se Mee = 8D. exp, < : . pow xB: no 2 ‘ +. . bie - SEES hes ca hand a Oke . , 3 we . r 8, 8 i der:trips Tuibans, tor vole: (cewesi Byte) ¢ “ee Mrs. S. Psi Crimping and Piet Salisbur: v4! admisistration jy ia connection with the spe— |) icines,is the vectet of his invariable triumpb, while ell other practitioners either epurely fail | ly tempotatify sepceed, were withthe very remedies that were eee CANETUS, oF yas is either idiam, or daily ; or ‘eedbed 74 m, of fourth-day ; Erotic, or times one of these peridds and sometimes a- nother ; or itis Complicated, by isking these perinds in succession, and then rognipg ioto in- termittent fever of a “more maligaags character. Bai it iv a rema fact, however mysterious and unaccountable may appéat, that each and all of these species of Ague, have .a four- TRENTH DAY CRists, in which they may be cased with cetisiniy, but vx neglecting -which they can only be cared by Chance... iMav- pat’s directions for isking the mediéines legible digense, sre therefore thése :— Fiset, take t¥o) the Live ‘Pris at bed time, sod next merning oefore bresk Wine glares of the Puaniz Birrers. io a fill out the seme quantity of water, and half @ ot iss more io a foll wine glass of water, shoal half an he befere esch meal during tWe. “day. On’ the second right take three pills and the bittereas before; on the {bird night four pilleand the bitters a2 before, and con- linge taking four pills every night for three nightemore, with the bitters cerieg the day.— Onvor before the ‘seventh day, the Agne wil! seam to be entiiroly cured, and the pétiont will feel well hangry, and hearty, but he mvat bet v continue to ‘ek@ the bitters as prescribed, antil and on the fourteenth day, with two pille every night after the seventh day,.— He will’ ther, end not antil then, with ive and invariable ceriajnty, be. permanenily cared, #hd not only of Fever aod Agoe butol whatever by. -} iions-end liver affections it may bave sunsrin— Agents. 4d or ected. If, how- ae 6 in good fl s tlso Prenarad ' Ag on re28on “a - able Leray, ‘style, ind on the stipriest notice. — iy ¥, December 3, 1842, ers eulicit. the patronage of the emaclves to-use their best | |. ‘Pheir-shop is cn ast of the Couri- i’s storé, ER & SHAW. > cartes, BAe and foul aleers, 5 is-t be appl eiorer, ae Usiveasacon Sere enineo PLASTER, tor diseases of theeChest, Dyspepsia, Inflamma- ‘tory Kbepmatiom, Paley, Paralysis, Sc. Da. Kust’s Acousric Oit, for Deafnese end aihethor Auriculas Complaints, which is to be used together with the’ Restorer. wo" Dr Kohl's Pamphlet “Piestment,” &c., entered-according tu Act of Congress, contains fall Direttions for the use of the ahove meation- ed medicines, and accompanies every Remedy. From the Washington Globe. We feel it oor dety :o ingert the followiog munication in oar columne, inesmach ag the oMiency ahd grest success of Dr. Kobl’s Restor- er Ie well Known to us: *€ You will please to notice ia Four paper the follawing certificate: © ’ *« 1d. hereny certify, that about the Grst of Janasry, f was taken with the worst paralysie and iofammatory rheomatism ibet ever wee in- flicted on mankind. So fer 2e1 can learn, the ave of Gvery Himb wae taken from me, besides « tr swelling at every joint, fever, with ibe » 8d attended with the most exerecia— ting pein | bad ever endured. { tried al} reme- dies that were recommendable for ihe sams, but ‘Ib no effect. 1, by atcident wae infofmed thet Dr Koal wes at Orange Court House. I sent for him immediately, and by applying hie medicines, ‘I felta change in lees than an boor affer he came, ‘The medicines nosed, were tha Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Extrect, Gold-Mine Bal- sem, Universe! Plaster, snd Deperative Powder. [, therefore recommend his treatment fo all those Isboring under affliction, as given onder my hand and seal, this 14:h day of March, 1337. “JQHN PEYTON, [x 8} “ Near Orange Court House Virginia” Dr Kuh], not withstanding the statement io the above certificate, wishes to be ondersiood, that in general, cures cannot be effected within an hour, although @ person may be mach benefitied within that time ay the ase of.his médicines.— He feels it, however, necessaty to give tne fol- lowing extract of a fetter from hie Agent at Or ange Court Houvwe, dated May 19th, 1887. ‘* Dear Sir—! saw Mr Jobo Peyton to-day, and he looks better than I ever saw him. He exys if it had not been for your medicines he shuld have been onder gronod. He requested ae to tell you, that you had saved his Ife, for one time; and to present bie respects to you: ** Vour Restorer is the leading medicine in thie eoanty, and many caresof importance have been effected in this neighborhood by the ase of your medicines. [ have hac a great number of ven- ereal cases, and many c, long standing, and al- ways effected, by means ~sur Vegetable Anti. Syphilitic Syrapt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- fect cuore, and that in a short time. Ashborough, N. C., July 18, 1842. Dr. Kour, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—I think yoor Medicines are about to take a start in this coanty, from the fact that they effecied a core which seems to have baffled the skill of the physicians in this section for a year ortwo. ‘The eubjec! ie Mr Rathaniel N., who has been efflicted with the Liver Complaint, together with some other comp!ainis,—say,F jat- alence and Dyspepsia. He bag taken one botile of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in twelve hours ha felt relieved, andin twenty-four hours, much relieved. He has so far recovered, now, a8 to follow the avocation of bis farm with litte or no difficulty. He sayehe wantsall who are afflicted, toase yonr Medicines, and is re- commending them to the afflicted. I would be glad yoo would send mea supply or on tic best i besides the Re- _ NEW FASHtoy, FOR THE PaLi & WiVTEp 1842 & 43 THOWAS BiCKsoy ESPECTFULLY informs 4 poblie, that he Sire T a BUSINES; n all its eariogs branches, iw» oe Wa Morpay's siore, where he cl Coterall urders of bis eusiomers in a manner not surpassed hy toy jp this pan country, Heis elsoimthe regnier ren NEWYORK F > and prepared to accommodate trent Fashionableiat all times. ad December $, 1842—~1y53 TO PAMIttrn 3 to give salisiactics ‘Next dcorto A. Ben PLUMM Paetil7 basiness, at his old ‘stend, near the Coarthouse All work done by-bim will be warranted for twelve months, He still keeps on hand 2 smal assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—1{33 The Bankrupt Law! ! Bovine taken. considerable pains to ac- qusint myself with the provisions of the Baokrapt Law,"lately passed by Congress, | hereby tender my services to such as may wish to avail themeelvesof ity benefit’ {| shel! atrend: the United Srates-Court of this District, aod if necessary, the Circuit Court also.,. Persons wishing toavail themselves of my se:vices, can pee me onthe approaching Sixth Circuit of the} Superior Covrw:—aod afterwards, | ‘shall be found ia my office ia Salisbury. . C. JONES. N. B..1 take this occasion to correct a: pre- | tism, ; vailing error concerning this Law ; many persons | ; [ find, sdppose@ that ng one, except such as owe to the amount of Five Hundred Do'lars, cao claim its benefit. This is a mistake, for it em- braces ‘all persons” owing debis who are unable to ‘‘ meet them,” no matter how small! the amoont. H; ©: J. Salisbury, February 1 , 1842—1f29 George WW. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wicmineton & Faverrevitte N.C, a> @16 expressly pre= d-have acquired. an Thtovehout-the United 'e-$0 asmirably calculated ‘eure » Go family” foul them, — T'be proprietor of these val eparations received his educa- tiop at one of the best medical: Colleges inthe | United States, and bas had fifteen years experi- snce in an extensive and-diversified practice, by which he has tigd ample opportunities of acquir- ing a pract knowledge of diseases, nad the remedies best calcalated to remove them, Jayne’s Expectorant, - A valoable remedy for. Cough, Colds, Gon- — BOWA ND’s omen. ee. "ironchii, etteRhewne oe? | EAPROVED TONIC war inthe Breast or Side Ph and P nation of the Lungs or Throat, di “Bo eathang, and all diseases of the Pulmon a Pag fg Those who would have reeonree to ’ Medicine for Fever anv Acue, Despeny Nervous Weakness, shoud iseriminate t the ** (honsand ‘and one” remedies x heralded forth To the poblic, (ihe seme pes all times pas!, ) snd that a!mosi uniter cessful prescription called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mizk A few remarks will serve to illéstray the ference. In the first plare, the operntion ¢ ¥ pie a in the eure of Fever and ds entirely mew, and peculiar, pt inciples. Kedpodlt : [i ap on 7 resigsthe coarse of the ehills, when pus aod parseveringly used, bi it evcn restor wonted functions of the general systew tog { fectly healthy state; when relapses are no »| liable to ensue thafian atisck of the dis one who Sag oéver had-it before. Thirdly: system, dhring the @dminisiralion of the tr ed ‘Tonte: Mixture, springs up at once vn beniga inff~ence, and gives forth an earnest tarming*health and-vigor. Fourthty: Pr more or fes8-effect on the bowels, ihe cam the disease passes off in the way moti #1 indicated by natpre. Fifihty: its cfecom system are wnifotinly mild and safe, 1 vel efficient, and it ig 2s well ade pied to the infant, simply by a. modification of tbe devas the most vigoroud adult, Many viber com aticns, of the dtnost importance to the wn pireni@’and inealide, mighi be enomertied bat the above ‘are a few of the potn's of cat fn Comparision with the remedies generally ed to in ‘professional and_ family practict, which a proper jodgment ajay be formed lecting the remedy, N._B. With a view to re-estedlics confidence in the efficiency of the © Re Improved Tonic Mixture,” to effects cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor m the original guarantee, viz: “The money be returned in every case whereic the § has been poncteally osed withcul prodecy desired effect. Address : * Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, - No 23 North Sécond Street, Phils Supplies bave been received by the sole M for. Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEZLE -s : 9 : e e Jayne's Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and’ Beaulijat the Hair, and ‘which «ill positively briog in New Hair oa Bald Heads, and prevent 1s (a}l-" iog out or turning Gray. ' JAYNES TONIO VERMIFUGE, ' A pleasant, safe, and cetiain preparation for ibe — “$' Soo tae sia, Seur Stom- ach, Fever aad Ague, Piles, ant of Appe ppetile, acd all diseases of debility; especially ofthe Slomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNI CRIMINATIVE BALSAM, A rage vere for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic: Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Slomah.C holera ‘Mure bus, and all derangements of the Stomach aod Bowels, Nervous Affections. $c. s % Jayne's Sanative Pilis, For Fesiale Diseases, Liver Complaints. Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases ut the Skin. &c., and in all cases where ao aperiens Alterative or Paryative Medicine is ieqnired. * The above medicines are for sale, wholessie or retail, at the Salisbary Msdical and Drog Siore, by wineny way wake ever, the patient should by any neglect, or ag- due con in. sestored health, omit to tske the Phenix: ‘Bitters io the fol! quantities pre- scribed, at least three-timés on the fourteenth Dr, Maffat most hot be blamed if the disease iid return, aad the patient elvald learn wis- dom from sffliction, and” go through enother course of the umeédicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying thege insir@ttions, however, bé wil! be so therooghly cared, that be may bid defiance ] » however aphesiihy may be his stios. or \prevalent-ithe malacy around him. — Fotchildren beiween seven and fourteen years rot age, balf ofthe abave quantities of ihe me dieines will suffice; for younger children, a rela those’qaantitiesy to be increased or iminished in proportion se the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, smalt quantities of the bifters only wil! algne be necessary > This treatment; with these supremely effec- taal * LIFE MEDICINES,” how been perfect- ly triomphant in the worst regions of the Swotn- ero and Western country, and around the nortb- ern lakes, where the malady prevaile with the oniversality of an epidemic, and the demand for this govereign remedy hws heen far gresier than the sopply. DR MOFPAT’S Agenis, how- ever, are now well furnished, and wil] make ev- ery effort to} send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts, Volantary and jealous ly gratefal testimoniale are received at the pro- prietor’s office in New York, by every mail in incrédible nambers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and “Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and billious affectiona, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, bot also in chronic and inflagmatory rheamatiem, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, sero- fola, pitee; worms, scurvy, and a host of other complaints, for the core of which, bese Veget- able Life Medicines are eo pre-eminently re- nowned thronghout the United States. Katw- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well aaa most fatal andermining of the general health are oceasioned by Fever and Jgue. Dr: “wee ondersigaed ia now prepared to receive Govdes at Wilmington, and forward the same to hie Agent at Fayetevilie, who will forward to the Owners inthe back country. He basa latge Warehouse at the River, where Goods will be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to half the asgal cartsge fromthe River to Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the.expense on Goode much below the usuni charge. As his W arehoure is isolatad from: all otber build/ngs, the danger of Firé will be trifling in comparison to the risk iscatred from being situated in town. Those who mayfavor him with their bosiness, may rest assored that every attention will be paid \o the promotion of theit interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : Mesers. John Haske D. A. Ray, - & Son. Fayetteville, NV. C. Alexander Anderson, Jobn McRae, . John Dawson, C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N.C. _ Sept $, 1842—156 | NEW CABINET, - CHAIR & SOFA Manufacturing | «ESTABLISHMENT |! ._ THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING. accoriated themselves together for H the purpose of manufactoriog . Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s, SECRETARY'S; WARDROBES, Centre~Tables, SIDEBOARDS, &C. &C. Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolpbin A. Davis, ~ * George W. Browa, Salisbury, N.C. &. 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1f10 BERASHIRE & RUSS1i4 eae undersigned having sold, in the last tw» years, about two hundred Pigs in the counties of Davie, Stokes, Surry, fredell, Row- an, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Davidson, GoilforJ, and some in South Carolina and Virginia, and. . Sept $, 1842—156 perfection his vital organs may be broaght when assisted hy the hand of Natnre, I have un— doubted proofs of thie fact in the anhounded aac cess of the LIFE MEDICINES. Let those Moffat, in his.advertisements, invites the pne- cial attention of the public to the absolate agcen-. dency OF his medicines over this malady the very soon, by the siage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixtare, as a vast nom- ber of persone are taking them now. the demand sti?! being very great, have added to their well knowo stock, the Berkshire sows of Col. C. Harbin, from Bernent's stock, Albany and now having ten fall blooded. Berkshire sows } in the very best Kind of style,and of the finest materials, beg Jeave to ask at the hands of. the citizens of the country and villages around, a Something: Neu The Subscriver fountain head of'80 mang others, He has only to add that the Life Medicines are agreeable ang invigorating in their operations, require neither confinemen: nor change of dist,and have acquir- ed the repniation itey heve long possessed, not j by the usual artificial efforts, bat solely by their invariable and extensive asefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B, Moffat, $75 Broad way New York. ‘The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or fetaif atthe Salisbory Meédical Drog Store, by ; C. B. WHEELER, Agent. Salisbary, Sept $; 1842—1:6 TO THE PUBLIC. FEE sabscriber takes this method of inform carry on the basiners of ing the publie, that he still continnes to CUTTING STONE, as usnal,at bis Granite Quarry, seven miles sonth-of Salrabore, near the old Charleston rnad, where ha fable to sapply all orders for MILL STONES, of the best Git, aod on the shortest notice, wko have followed the motto, * When soo are even moderalely well, throw physic to the dog” call apon me, if they would be convinced of tbe impurtance of My position. ‘The cperaiion of the Life Medicines in every Pinsiance that has comé to my know)sdge is most gretiiving, Those who ate in eamparative good health .nay perfect their happiness with up in cunvenience ; and those unforianates: who are aid fow by disease of almneat eany description, "os" find sure relief in -those pately vegeisble yspoarmilaas, “Phey operate gently bat power. my gpengche seeretions of the body, and cleanse ti Olowd of all vitiated) haomors. separating the ‘trp che wood, expelling the dregs, drossand ‘es --and leaving behind only what is , and nourishing to natore, Reader, consider and reflect well. evrings of this life, for rich end poor rely WHHID ourselves, in ourown phvysicat ‘ty advice tu all, then, is, guard your {fo you are well, perhaps you mar be | Belter—and you may alwave avoid hetne yt Jndicions ose of the VEGET "Hh MRDIGINES, : ee es Pills and Phuentx scp Dr. Moffars Lifé Bitters, are tur Sale by CRESS & BOGER Satishuty, Ou 29 1849—1514 and two boars, they are preparéd to breed as fine full blood as any inthe country. They have RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russia and Berkshire. They have on hand a goodly number of the above pigs, ready to supply any orders “with whieh they may be favored, at prices ja propor- tion to the hardness of the :imes. MAXIMILIAN CUPHRELL. JOHN H. CHINN. Farmington, Davie co. N. C. (148 May 9, 1842. SALISBURY FACTORY. AKES tbie method of informing bis # aod the patlic, that he bas porches SMITH SHOP, formerly owned by Mr. Frederiek Devt! the ‘Town of Salisbory, which be 9! after to carry on in a manner aliugeiher ## this part of thecountry. He ia not on's* in the ecmmon onderstanding of the tert, he is an actual iron King, being able sod ed to pot tron intn any shape or temper, # er.” All kinds of MACHINE WORK. & ing of MILL SPINDLES, the casi" ae or GUDGEONS, &c., cone at tbe ste a tice, and in first rate siyle. He w!) Mog and repair COFTON GINS of TH Rk. or indeed any kind of MACHINES - he may be called upon to do. He yoo solicits a trial. W.H. WILLIA® Salisbory, Sept 8, 1842—116 NOTICE. HOSE iodebted to the !2!¢ fe nos and Broner, are herets" settle the same witb the least pore’ | "The business most be closed = Ale’ wt Febraary Coort all gnsettied ders ©! in the kande of officers for cone BRUAY Salisbary, Dec Sf, 1342—1!25 ' Five Doltars Rewat4 PRAYED from the . reniot: on Chrisim3s “olde? ’ : * bai uonsdally long in his te rs have the eppesrance of ay ewe sear.on one side occasiuned DY + ood te gine spirited - elt share of their pstronage in oor line of basiness. As one of the Firm, ¢J. Fraser,) has-had Jong experience in working in some of the finest. anc most-fashioneble shops of Europe; and of the large cities of the Northern United Staies, we flatter ourselves that we can and will honestly and faithfully complete in workmanlike manner all jobs called for. wi ‘ _ We will repairand polis any ferniiere thal may be brovght to us on short notice, andin the first styleof workmanship, and orders for Coffins pooctusily attended to. Our prices will be as moderate a8 we eab afford. Their shop is a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, aad one door below Jofies’ old Tevern. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 26, 1842—1/18 N. B. All these indebted to Warren Gheen, are requested 1o make pag ment before the first of Jannary, 1843, or they will then have accellj from an officer C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, bas just received a fresh snp- ply of bis -genoine Immored Tonite Mizture. which is for sale wholesale and retsi'; ai b Medies! Drog Store, Saliebury, N. C. Dee 10—1f20 Cotton Gin Making Business PANHe subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Rowatand the adjvining coon. ties, that he has ¢ nee 4 abuve Bosinees in Salisbury. Hie sho ibree doors east of Moses L Brown's Tan ¥ es este aes re “to execute all work ip bis line o ness “with neatness ard bid , Fro along ex- perience in the basiness, he feels confident of his ability to give entire-estistaetson to all who may favor him with their patronage. +4 N. B. Alt orders froma distance eball be panctedily attended te. Repairing of every de- straments, Matches, Paper and many other ar | sefipiion dése on the shoriest atice, buth Gins + Licles, jagt zeceived and for ss sajt | and Thresbing M at to si , Machines. we “Te Eo #. Respectfally yours, . J.M. A. BC Persons wishing to procur medicines, will pleasadirect their rs the amonnt, (post paid,) to Dr. Konc’s Ovvice, Ricamonp, Virainia, or lo any of the following Agents : NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Hargiave, Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, G. W.& C. Grimme, Raleigh, M.J A. Drake, Ashborough. J F & OC Phifer, Concord. BO Cc J ~ ais, Charlotte. Henderson, Lincolnton. ames J. Horse, Pittsboroogh, N. C. South Carolina. Steele, Gonning & Co, Yorkville. McLare, Brawley & Co. Chester C. H. The continaation of the list of Agents, see Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. NOTICE.— Patients and Agents in the State ot North Caroliaa, and Soath and West of it, will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of. fice, Raleigh, VN C , and those in Virginia, and North and Kast of it, to Richmond, Virginia. Angus! 6, 1848—1y2 A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne's invaluable Femily Medicines, jost re- ceived aud for gale by C B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbory, Dee 10—1/20 LIME! LIMB !! NY goantity of fresh ‘Lime can be had at the Rilo of, ihe late Jogeph Williams dec. Br the 100 bastiels’and over 16 cents; 40 to 190 bnskels 183 5 to 40 bashels 20; aaslacked to proportion, — All persons wishing time either at the kilo or their residence, will apply either to J.oc R | WILLIAMS, . : Roekford, Smarty Be. at be 3 HIS Establishment is now in complete ope- ration. ‘The Company are manufacturing COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheeting and Osnaburg, of a superior quality, whieh they offer to the poblic at the lowest market prices. Merchants |. and others, who will examine qualities, and com- pare prices, will find it to their inrerest to por- chase. J. RHODES-BROHW NE, Agent. Salisbury, Jane 4, 1842—1145 d — &4LS0—- . Forsale at the lowest prices, Window Sil's, Door-sil's, Door steps, rongh building rocks, ‘l'omb stones, Gold grinders, Ser. &e. &e. > J. HOULDHOUSER. Saliaborv, Feb 26, 1842—1y31 N B. Orders for any of the above wrooght articles, diteefed to me at Salisbury, will be punctually atiended to Look. at Dr. Sherman’s ad- Yertisement, and.if you wish relief for your «a nv maladies, call and ° dy of CB. WHEELER, eae p remedy Salisbnrg, Dec 10 1120 ‘Docts. Henderson § Boyden, » Agents. ™ -o Br \ supply cf the abave Invaludhle ME- TM CINES are for sale at Janes’ Crusé Ruads, Fiedvil cuuniy, by A. C, MefNTOSH, Agent. £91. oF. Torrence, : AS removed to hin reridenae thea mites } wear of Mb & PLC. Gratam’s Store, an tha round Snacing from Salisiury to Statestille, wherahamay be foand by his friends and the pudiie at all times, naless professionally engaged, Ho takes this methad of setorsicg bis thanks to the pyblic for the liberal patronage heretofore re- ceived, aod hopes to merit a conbinnation of ihe same. Liisa charaea shall in all eases be reason able, and adapted to the hardness of: the dimes, Nov 12,.1342—3n16 Job Printing neatly dene here, » oe 7 URPENTINE,. Varo Patent Medicines, Hops, Cl and SPIRITS for medical purpe Hoock's and pia vb Armas chewing and smoking ‘Tubscco. ish Cigats common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pilis, to Hay E. aSsoriaied themselres in the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Their Office is in the Brick House opposite Mr. Cowan’s Fotel. Salishory, Jaty 8, 1844.40 - . , , Davie county: gaff P26, 1843. - * +t —_ eee es wae sd . + Shy ee ae ee 9 © WATCHMAN © my ‘. The dollars in 2d¥ance, anc i. ; br ren, a1 thietend offthe your Wy “anscription. Wi ‘ dollars ahd for i advance.-.. (bat at ihe. opul Edivors we TERMS QF ADVERTISING, er square for the first insertion and 00a crats (Ot each coatiuance. ~*~ n Coast not : pave rales. wt tio of 334 per cemtewill be made to - who adveriise by the year. advertisements will be continued anti al nad charged for accordingly, unless order- priid ® tain number of times ‘ jfor 2 ype addressed ‘to the Editor must post paid to ersare attention. ome Rowan Hotel. { ew ee ee THE SUBSCRIBER ING pirchased that well knawn and wr esabliohed Pobli¢ House, (known ine name of Slaughter’s “Tavern,) in ihe an of Salisbury, N. C., informs his Friends ae the Public generally, that the same is now , a for the reception of Travellers & Bvarders. ; His I'apce and Bar wiil be supplied with the best the market and surroanding country af- fords. His 5’ plied, with ended by fait The indersigne ertion on his part s eral satisfaction to al} who may vel JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury, Sept. 11, 1840: uf7 . BLANKS! BLANKS !! TO CLERKS, SHERIFFS, CONSTA- BLES, Se. : HE PROPRIETOR of the * Watchman Printing Office,” respectfally informs the Cle:ks, Sheriff's and Constables of the surround ing Couniies, that be has and will continue to keep on hand, a fall supply ef BLANKS neatly printed on good paper, aod not surpassed by any work cone in the State. ~All orders from a dis- tance for any of the following Blacks promptly ailedded to: Superior Court ~Witaess Tickets, Write, Capiss Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Subpaoas, Vendi- tmai Exponas, Jurors’ Tickets, Executions. County Court —Juror’s Tickets, Executions, Affsy Indictments, Indictments vs, Overseers of Roads, Vendi. Exponas, Witness ‘Tickets, Writs, &c. Miscellaneous —Canstables’ Warrants, (with Rrecotions atiached,) Ca Sa’s & Bonds, Guar= dian Bonds, Apprentices’ Indentares, Marriage License, Appe:rance Bonds, Deeds of ‘Trast, Deeds of Conveyance, Delivery Bonds, Iujanc- tions, Sheriff's Deeds, (Vendi. Expo.) Appeal Bonds, Commissions to take Depositions, Con siables’ Bonés, Administrators’ Bonds, Prosecu- tion Bonds, Soperior and Co Couart. Printing ! Printing !!? FANCY JOB WORK F DIFFERENT COLORS, done at the shoriest notice, aod oot surpassed by any in the State. Salisbury, Nov 19, 1842. ~_— To THE AFFLICTED.—The by es spacious, and bountifully sup- are aie ler provender, of all kinds, at- faithfa! and attentive Ostlers. d pledges himself that no 6x hall be wanting to give gen- avor him with i ple . fe Be I hé receivedefor a!less time |. ate ees jegetsa ices will be charged 25 per'ct. high- Ke = oe sfier ‘he had > ; Pe. Re . a3 WG: . a WF ee a { sénse of Sinking} the Chest, Diarrbawa, Las- | owned by Jno. I-Shaveraid jast below J. 8 Ww : sudscrioer has just received a large and fresh sopp'y of Dr Moffati's Life Medicine. Call & obiain relief C B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dee 10—1120 ‘ Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL -PILLS —_ a REPAIRING. 1 FNL Subscriber respectfully informs his old “Friends and the Poblie generally, that he has’ opened a Bhop'in Salisbiry fw thie above bosi- nessyitt a ‘room ditdetty “op eo West's brick building, in the house of Dr. Burne® foraierly Morphy. > °a _ ae 5 ee ; : ; In additionto' the above fhe béeriber will carr¢ on “the. Silver. Smith wise in all the varieliés common in compity towns: such as making Spoons, © &e.,. aad tepairing . Siive Ware. a8, ' He'begs to assure the poblic that if panetoal aftention 1o-business, and Skillful work will eo- title him to patronage and support, be will mer- it it. AARON WOOLWORTH. Z.ov. T3—tf16 Dr. Sherman’s PAcvicated Losenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, EING the cheapest and most pleasant.— "The Medical Facalty warmly approve them Dr. Sherman is a skilful and experienced Phy- sician. and a tember of the Medical Society 0 | New York. Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, W hovping Cough, Asthma, Tighiness of the Lungs or Chest, §c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES © Are the only infallisle worm destroying meci- cine ever discovered. They have been used in over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation’of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- ita, Despondevey, Fainting, Oppression or a situde, or 2 seose of fatigue. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the mos! certain remedy for thig distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public.— | In the immense number of cases in which they have been used, they have never been knuwn to! fail. Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. of these Lozenges: ‘I'bey are prepared express | ly tor that purpose, and cao be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange }, ment of the bowels shuuld never be without them They afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gripings, faintness, depression, §-c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are ac pleasant and easily taken as the commun peppermints; and are an activa and efficient medicine. ‘hey cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever sed for bilious persons. Wherean active medicine is required, | y for sale at this Office. they are not only the best, but the safest that can Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 1842—tf14 | bo administered comsldrsed \ aanditiens ie bite ihre ten Eee = — ni ff . . = “lasses, a canditions withonot a dns « s Farmer’s Look out.—I have | Shermans Sirengthening PLAS TED, | in lock with Sodieinniiom Yee hneest aenrenTinr, 4 . AVC | The best of all plasters for Rheumaticm, Lum- whose generons ann!) would on! weigh a thunsane i Valoable Tract of Land near Salisbury, which | baga, Pain or Weakaess in the Back, Loins, | a6 tioht ae hisown The namhaelans le chine | will sell on good terms, if application be made | Side or Breast. ‘ ‘ardilike himse!f. puffi-deop with vanity, swelling s00n, LLYERLY: The above medicine is for. sale, whilesale or a ish importanea, and who make a pré'enee of Salisbury, Dee 10 1f20 { retail, at the Seieery Medics! Dug Sture, by | duing scmething, by oreasionally visiting a law- eta nawnoatnmn «am /.B WHEELER, Agent, yer's office, to read a pace or two in Blackstone. PRICES CURRENT AT Salisbury, N.C, | The end of soch a youth needs no prophetic vi- Sactssury, Keb. 11 Sept 8, 1542—1y6 sion tosea ‘ft is as plain as the way to mer Cents. Cenls. | ae ket,\as Dr Frank'in woo'd gay, that he wil! “si 4 a5 | Cotton Yarn. 90 Dr, Morat’s Vegetable Bife pe outa Jox, despised, and miserable tool.— randy,ap.e a 301 Molasses, 35a 40 ; z ethaps the penitentiary will bring bim up— iaacll, 40 a 50] Nails, , 6a7 Medicines perhaps the gallows. Bat if he eseapes these, i Butter, 7a8| Oats 15 a 20 ROS ese qualities of the most-mild and be- | will be to hanglike an incobne on those of bis Beeswax 25 | Pork. $3 neficial nature. They srecomposed of ar- | friends. who for pity’s eake bave vot the heari to | Cotto " 5 S , b 5a 10 icles the most anti-patrescent, combined wiih | serd him where he deserves. c 0, clean 5 a 6 ugar, OF. 28 ingredients known as the .otily certain antidvie Phe above isa tmea picture of many of the _ollee, » Gall loaf, 15a 18} for fevers of every description. When the dis ; voune meo who may he seen daily in our streets. orn, 25 | Salt, sack, $34] ease is produced either from cold, obstruction, | You meet them at evary corner, in all. publie re- Feathers, 20225] Tallow, ~ 7 | had air, swampy and damp situatiuns, of pol:id | sorts, at allparties of pleasare—riding, sviling, lonr, $33 a 415 Tobacco, 8 a 20} miasmi; whether malignunt or epidemic, or oy | talking, langhirg, jok'ng’ eleraaty: apparently laxseed, 50a 55 Tow-Linen, i2a 16 other causes, these medicines are ceriain in hetr | with @oney- enongh. more impndence, and less lron, perlb. 3a4] Wheat, bush 7 | operations or effects. They ere possessed of pe- | brains. But how they contrive to keep body Linseed Oil, 4a a culiat qualities, which not oaly expel all disease, | and sonl together, withoot work. always epend- ty pre Whiskey, 25 a 30 but at the seme timerestere and invigorate ihe | 'og, and never earning, We confess is somewha! gal 90 $1 | Wool, (clean) 25] eysiem ‘When fifet taken inio ihe siomach, | ® mystery to as.” When a project of pleasore is Pireerevines Wek 1 they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor | talked of,.the expenses are haat thought of and Brandy, neach 45 \ Molasses, 95 | through every pore, producing effects at once | the last considered ~O! one thing we are cer- , Apple 30 3a 35 Nails cut 63 64 delight fal, salutary, and permanent. When the | !ain, that we ere fact vercing to a nation of pao- Bacon, 5a 5h Sascrioma 6}.a 10 spark of life begins to grow dim, the cireulatiun | pera It is impétsible for a people to live long Seestray, 27 a 28 Fi wii , 14 | languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- | in idleness, enjoying the lnxuries and blessings Laffee, ir Oa 19 Toate. 15a 18 cines are found to give a tone to the nerves, ex— | of itfe, withont greaily diminishing the resour- Union, 54061 Salt. 50 2 60 | bilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the body, | ces OF comfor! and wea'th Ta be prosperous ac beiton Yarn, 1418 re k $2 and re animate the whole man ~~ . a people, each must do bis part—at léast de sof. Von, , in, a Parte teal 2s The Life Medicines bave also been used with | feient labor to gain his own support. 6 Cintes, FL Po15a 47 | atte baw on | the most happy snccess in Nervwos and Dys-| — Parents sre very guile in thig. matter.—They 1seey 80 a $] | B a mete - Sa 10 pepiic diseases, Consnmption, . Asthma, Liver | Shoald’ not permit their: erent dnbherly boys to Page $1 a $43 Wheat —_ 80 385 Complaint; Rheumatism, [chronic aod inflema- | hang.on them for snpport, wLen thee are well reuhers 99 4 95 | Whiskey 30 a 354 ery) D ropsies. &e. able 10, labor, and when to work wonld promote Tree, 5053 | \Waal 15.020) BCP Call at Cress & Bocer’s, Agents. their heahh, snd make them cheerfal and hap- aia ~ Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—Iy 13 py. You do them a mighty wrong, while you Creraw, Jan. 24. 4842 — dandle them in folly aad nurtore them ig extra- Bee? Zt “ht Mkae Hea BC A supply of the above Invaloable ME-} vagance, end tell them how manly they appear, Baron $23 41 Natls cutassor. 738 | DICINES are for sale at James” Cross Roads, when you know—yoo mast know—the delete— Batter Sa 5h wrought 16 a 13 | jredell county, by tiows consegeenres. If .yoir great boys will nor fr 1233 15 | Oats bashel 30 a 37 A. C.McINTOSH, Agent. | work, oushould not support them ; drive them, "wax 23225] Oil gal 75.8 $1 _—-fraway, it will be for their good andor glory, in “gg yd 2a2z lamp $1 25 To Publishers, eend. Let them cee that, they maton le tope Ib 10212, linseed 1 102 1 25 - sty he a upon themselves, as you done before. “It is tee ly 12h 2 14| Pork 2001s 54 a 6). BIA YOUNG MAN, who-has, hed con- }boring sheme:for szet, Saas — snd ton ' 4a7 ‘Rice soeis .* siderable exp ce i$. a Printer; Wishes'a sit | with é suprott’of s ; r boys— PA ta a bush 4026215 Bc roa | alien 20 Fea mr ReynaA... Soretactery., oie, bet pigmics is » Senke, end man- Pour brt Sugarlh ~ 8 a $s references can be given.» Fur particulats address , Rers—at that tinme’of life when their children Peatt $4 0 4h} Sait sack $22 | tbe “* Watchman Office,” Salisbory, N/ C< post | chonld take them umer their protetion and-care, hon ers = 25 a 30 bush $100 | paid. in > and prori rtheir heatth, comfort, aad.bappi- Lar 100lbs Sa er Amer,.10a00| Jaonary 21, 1845. uesd.— D.C Colesworthys 5 >, 4 Mol so amglish Lb oe Methodist 8. Schools in Ohio Tre sumer ng 38 840) Gorman: 12» 14 Dy Se Sahustan, hot Sabnart Rehoo's within the Ohfe Corfietence. 1251 Teaimpe. $8137. -ATTORSeY, AXD COUNSELLOR AT. LA®— i, Stated is the Christian Advocate to bé°Es “fol. _ COUNTY COURT WRITS, | TAPAY be found: stwags yrethe. Office’ of F jowsie vcsetert* Ki t- oo A "aled on firat rate paper endfor -aale . C. Janes, Esq; direct!s oppusiie ihr. . 980 echocle; 20, 397 srholare, 1,952 teachers, baal this OfBce® Rowan Hotel. © ‘ Salisbory, Jam: 7; T8435 41124 eee ba 3 : How calmly ‘sin reple, aganre Pp? pul bim toa 5 superiptendenis,,.39,393. books in the libra- rres. ° * mag ~ SABBATH EVENING. c ~ eo os Sas M BY CRORGE D. Fs ks the'parting sag. “Yet twibght lingers stit!,” And beantifol as dreams of Heaven ‘It sfombers on the hill. hee Earth si¢eps with all their clorions th Beneath tha Holy Spitit’s wings; And rendéring back the hoes abore, © Seems resting im # trance of love. © ings, Rauod yonder L In shadowy groaps iecline, 2. ike ngns at evening bowed in prayer Around the holy aimee? es And thro’ their leaves the oight-windsyblow, So calm aod still—ibeif mosic low, Zé Seems the mysterious tuice of prayer, - Soft echoed on the evening aig: peck-the foresp jrecs;, a And yonver western throng of clouds, Retiring frum the sky, So calinty muve, s+ 8 fily glow, They seem to fancy's eye. Bright creatores of a better sphere, Come down at noon to worghip hese, And from their sacrifice of loee, Returning to their bemes above. The blue isles of the gulden sea, the night-arch floating high, The flower thai osze upon the heavens, The bright sireima leaping by,. Are living with Religion —deep On earth and sea its glories sleep, And mingle with the star-light rays, Like the solft light of parted days, | ‘The spuit of the holy eve Comes throngh the silent air, To feeling’s hidden spring, aod wakes A gosh of musicethere And the far depths of ether beam So passing fair, we almost dream That we can rise and wander through The open paths of trackless blue. Each soul is filled with glorinns*dreams, Fach pulse is beating wild, And thought is soaring tv the shrine OF glorv undefiled. And holy aspirations start Like blessed Angels from the heart, And bind—for Earth's dark ties are riven— Our spirits to the gates of Heaven, WHAT DORKS THAT YOUNG MAN DO FOR A LIVING? ** What does that soung man do fora living ? is the common inquiry, 98 some fonpish, well dressed individual passes by “ Nothing—nothing at all,’ fs the frequent ‘©Bot what <onports:him in his extrav- Noeeran tell—hot we being a Yare kee, have the privilege of anessing That yonr— ia n who dresses in five Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, 80 com-} eine, and is so extremely palite to bis acqueints mon and troublesome during thesummer months, } ances—espercially the Iedies ia the gon of aman may now be entirely prevented by @ proper ose | in moderate eirenmstaners. who finds it’ diffienl to sustain himself with a moderate income son wishes to be a gentleman, and to live with- The father in his folly, refoses te trade, or send him’ to work ona farm, hoping that something may and hy, when busiress will be better, for his son to obtain a good living withoot now obliged to dispense with the luxuries of ‘ot fabor turn op, by He work. ife—perhape some of its comfor'a—for his son to keep op anpearances. and go intogood societe, a men have. nothieg to do hot dress according to He is quite indepanitent ; and nses language ta bia seniors that might be s that kindof company is termed, where young he latest fashions, - pote 2° As ugoel, the a Ue breadeloth, carries 2 His is te * 5 Bi > . 4Mech 60, tbat -we decline saying. whether we ; Jega the aa saat y faethe straight. est story,.seems (oh Hovston Star, dated:10-u’elock on {he moraing of the 14th, ’ Mr Needham arrived at that placé from Bex- ar, (SanAntoniv.) siated that General Somer velle with a°portion of ths army (200 men) had returned to the latier place, ... . The town of Mier bad been captured by $00 men who seceded from the once ** main army ” deder the command of Col. Wm: S “Fisher. A shower of rain howevet, prevediing the proper use of their rifles, tho Mexican ‘army arrived fetook the town after hard fighting, and took the Texians prisonegs. Seven pieces of Mexican at- lillery were recaptored. .Dusing the engagé- ment it is reported, 400 Mexicans, but only four Texians were killed. This report was gathered from two men who escaped—one of whum report. ted that thé Mexicans were commanded by Gen. Ampudia and Canales, and that the whole Mexi can force was 1,500 or 2,000; It is said that afier Loredo was takénsGuerrero sorrenderec in like manner, withoot @ gon being | fired. Gen, Someivelle, however, helieving that his force was top weak to proceed farther, gave arders for the army to retora to Bexar. gave dissatisfaction, and in consequence the devis sion under Col. Fisher refusing to obey orders; left the command, as before mentioned, and went down the river to captare-the small towas above \Jatamoras. The portion of the army under Gen Semer- velle, returned in safeiy,and broaght in with them a tured. event, was in Mexico the city [avin sjreet, and reterned to his quarters searched the next sight for the number in that! weeks. x ¢gt. IMPOR" Col. Wm G Cooke, Col. Jameg Cooke, Captain Hays, Gen, Hunt, Judge Hemphill, Col Owen, A Lipan Indian bad come into the Western setilements from the Rio Grandé, and reported that 30 Texians were killed in the battle—and that afierwards the town of Camargo was cap. Extract of aletter from Texas, dated “« There can be no doubt but that Col. Fish- er’s division has been captored. confoston here—doubt hangs on the winds of al! as (uv fulore events. nortions of our community believe that we shal! be invaded both by land and sea ina short time, The fall of Yucatan will be a signal fur this * Yop have all the papersby this boat, and can form vour own opinions. and [am surry to proclaim it, vades all classes of our commnenity. | is suspended, none in the National Crereary. bh ad, andit is utrerly impossible for us to obtain any relief any where incase we ate invaded by a powerful force. to the Usited States, as hereiofore ; bat a large | majority willremain and prove viciorious or die | | in defence of their eonnivy end homes.” Escape of a Texian Prisoner —The New O | Bulletto of the 12:h altimo, gives the following , account of a mos: fortunate escape of one of ‘the ‘TexiagePrisoners, from the hands of the Mexi- “* [icky Escape —\¥e had the pleasure of con- versing yesterday with Cal, A Neill, lately res- | ident at Gaudaloope, Texss, who, among sever } al others wag takep prisoner by the Mexicans at San Antonio, while the Court for>that district nomber to about fifty-nine, were made to march andera stropg goardoa the way tothe city of —changing the numbers and characier | of thé guard as they came {6 thigand tbe oiler | bonds of sheriflg and other fficers: military post. When within fifteen leagues uf! yides thet when any suit shall be brought Mexico the route was changed, and ihe prisoners! spon soy bond of sheriff or other public of deverged intothe Peubla toad on their way to Perote ;_in the castle of which, ebout balf a mile | from the fown, they are now confined evening of the 14th December, Col. his captain ‘‘farewell” with very little reremo } ny, and on the next morning at 8 o’cluck, he had | walked forty-five miles, and was in the bear of last him three or four days, be stopped ai a hotel —demaoded a piivate reom—received 20 compa’ | Lay, and attended to telieving bitnself of bis fa- | tigue and curing his feet, then weary and soré, To's day or two he watked «ot—found a cer- } sireet wick hedesired —entered— was embraced by bis friend) oud é¢oncealedin’ hig hoose twa) (ander an assumed oame,) which rune from Mex feo ta’ Vera Cruz, and even stopped one night a! Perote, withio rifle shot, almost, of ihe p: sun erst the castle. Here he heard of his own es pape, and c#tiously made his safety known to kihese inthe Caste * Arrived az Vers: Croz, be wa concesled on board one vesse| until anoiner craft was ready-(to take him te Havana, whee arrived, and thence came tog this city, via Key Pe oe _ \ , ANT FROM. od Hoastoo: sae “we drank: of dctouli’S "aboot tie army: since | ing. A med-om sized sweet edo,-are very conflicting —so ‘. 13.-For the setief Cherokee lands, ;* [Sas of the prine'palon) their’ years from Jan. 1, 1843 : bu @ent-of interest yearly. - me 14 Supplement. to..an Act, passed. by the present'General Agsemply entitled ‘an Act, to lay-off aud establish a new: County by the name of.Catawba.” see? -15< To.emend“an Act oneres’?... Revised, Stators; Chapier_ 25th, Section 41h, ..[Enacis that whens happens ‘thet dhere-shall be no Corofier:in any Coun- ty, w this State, a ehall be the duty of ‘by an “extra” from the, one doesenffee. THe <m fe of the potatoe }a@radoalty ovapureted, aa in about thé sime that coffee wouldibe preparedifor the mill,-thepota tte same process;:- The : easily and’ perfeoily, and the grains came out prettj y from the mill. The béversge wad miWe yedferday by ih : method of drippiog, 3 ny ae and we have seldom drank a cup with greater pleasore.” This potatoe eof feo is a8 strong and ‘dark ‘in appearance as any” other, and only aiffers in taste from “ Havana ey feason of a slight resemblance to cocca. tt akes very littl sogarjandig a subsiantial, cheap. and, no doubt healihy drink, Who e!se tries it? It is better coffee than we everdrank in North or South Carotioa, Georgia; nrAlabama, at any breakfasting house or a roufe, and we would par. ticularly recommend it tothe’ landiady on the soutbern bank of the Roanoke. We hope tosee our planters iry it, and ddnbt that many who live far fiom or inconvenient tu market will dy to introduce it. Poor people ih the city can make coffee fora week, with a picayune’s worth of potatoes.— New Orleans Crescent > 10 appoint some. person’ to-sft es euch in said county, watil the -neas Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, of said county. “The Coroner’so appointing ta: give..Bond. and Security, 40-¥€ approved.ol by the sail Jus. tices, . ‘ ‘ 16..To smend.en Act ofthe Revised Ssatgies, nati 50, entitled ‘en Act es- lablishing Public Landings and places of laspection, and in pedevicnked of [a- spepiors -and” regulation’ of. Inspections. in so much of the 80th, 5}s1, 52nd, Sdbnd 54:h Sections of the-gbove Act, os U.S. Steamer Union.—The Union got under way. from the anchorage off the Naval Hoapital. on. Tnesday morning, and went op to thé Navy Yard 10 handsome style. Three cheers were’ relates to Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, so far given as she passed Town Point by a ndmber of bes its operation extenc ; Spectators, who had assembled.io witness her. Newbero } kor performances, which were reinfied by all hands} 17. To lay off and on board ibe steamer. —JVorfulk: Beacon. ty by the name. of 1 Stale of the Country —Vhe- Kennebec Jour- Suoctienttea a on a hee nal says that, “the country is very muen in the} ~ ap vO pena.) Nie condition of a -drankerd afier a~ fit of delirom Smend en-Act, prased al tremens, brought.on.by. long habits of :dissina 18. Ta Session of tbe. General. “Assemb)?, ensitied lion Under the. Jackson experiments owe “blowed it oat straight,’ and we are’new: going “an Act to authorise the making of 8 Torn- through the process af bankruptcy and»-severe This = 4 large number of fine horses and mules River, sh@to, incorporate a Company for ia, contajning.a_popolation of 4000 souls; has-13: charches—2. Methodist, 2 Lutheraa,,1 German Reformed, 2 Presbytessan. 1. Episéppal, 3 Bap- tisk, 1 Friends, 1 Roman Catholic... - 5 and Representayres the Congress of the | United Stajes.”— Revised | Siawwtesy cha 72 [This, Act divides the Staie into nine Congressional Disiricts, according to the prov sions of the late A First. .Distpict.2e-Cherokee, Macon, ileywood, Boneombe,~Henderson, Ruther- ford, Cleveland, and. Caldwell. Secoyp: District.—Mecklepborg,. Lin- colo. Iredel!, Davie, Rowan, and Cabarrus. Turd District —Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, Stokes, Rockingham, end Casweil. - Fovrtu District.—Richmond, Mont. gomery ; Anson, Stsaly, Davidson, Gaiifurd, end»Randolph.. « .. Firtu Disraict.~— Wake, Chatham,Cum- berlacd, Moore, Johnston, end Wayne. Sixt District.—Robeson, Columbus, Latin a liviag €-—It_is. stated that Latin is spoken in Hongary, and ihe debates © in the Legislatare of that couniry are eunducted in that language, This is probably untrue. January 15, 1842, Captions of the Laws Passed by the Legislature of N, C, at sts4 Session 1812-3. We are all in ‘Vhe prudent and busicess PUBLIC ACTS. General in their operation. | 1. To extend the trme fcr registering { | grants mesne conveyatices, powrrs of altor- | niin - Haden, Brunswick, New Hanover, Samp- Distioet pera ney, bills of sale end deeds of gift. [Allows soa, Duplin, Lenoir, Ooslow, and Jones. two years from the passage of the act; bot} - gavel pee | _ Seventa District.«Osaoge, Person Business | provides that the ect.shell aot exiend to Geanville, Frankhia’ Werteo, snd -Foldox , We have no money in trade— | mortgages and to conveyances in trust ; 8nd : ' : E:icuts. Dsstaict.— Nash, Edgecombe, No credit a- | shell not be so construed ts to give any per- Pitt outs, Pesgaor. W aebin, bi rrell son power to record or heve registered grants i} de Creee ind Coiteret sPEton, BY , from the State for Setimp tehea gives dd, to toed NTH Disrrict.— Matiip, Bertie, Lert the President and Directors of the Literary |, °. Fond by ect of 1836='7.. — Northampton, Getes, Camden, and 3 urrituck, 2 Concerning election returns, {Du* , recis that when vaesocies exist in the stier- | 20. To direct invesiment of a portion of iffaliuly, coroners may~ hold etections and if, | he Literary, Fuod, to preserve the faith and after any election held by a sheriff such shér | cred/s of the State from bemng tarnished, by iff shall die, bis successor,’if any appointed | ber endorsement of the Bood¢ of the Wil- in titne, shall make the returas; apd if no} @'agion end Relergh. Rail Rost Compen®. sheriff theo the coroner shall pezform that} { Directs the Inetary Board to invest $50,- duty. . af 000 in the tedemption of that ampont of 3. Appointing clerks and. mesters.com- | Bonds, issued by Abe Rai rosd Company, missioners. to take Uepositons.” {lavests | °° condition shu. the Compasy consent to a full and free investigation of us »ffaire, ‘them with all the powets of other’etramis- : sioners to take depositions 40 be read in any | bY such Agent.as the prescas Geueral As- ‘ seaibly shail appoint. | ' court of equity, and entitles them to auch fees ss the court lo which the depositions}. 91.<T'o preserve the nafurat benefits of are returnable may allow. . ., eat °PPamlica Sound to the Ciuzens of this Staie 4, Concerning the. bond of the public | [Prevents ety but citizens of this State Treasurer, [Prescribes the - form-of the} from eatebing Terrepins in said Sound | Tresasres'e hagas 92, T's bend the 231 Seetimo” of th: 5. Directing the reference of suits on the! Revised Statutes, relating to Guardian and O-| Ward. fAothorizes Guardians residing out of tbe State, to eal] upon any person, having in fie possession mooey of other property Seer, she-courl mey, on motion wfsenther pelosging to the Wards, sod dbterm the par'y, atang (ime,during the pendency of | s,m@e as they would be entitled to deyif lr On ihe | 8910 sit, refer the seme. for the account to ing in the State. } . on, in tha seme wanneg an der : 7 “Neill hade | = iekem ie naa "wgeletiond vores -- 23. To apportion the Members of sae provided for the reference of siits op beads House of Commons, Ties po leiceote of executors administrators, and guardians, Coopues.in the Stete. tele See and Orange are to elect. 4 Membersan the | Commons ; Chatham, Gransilie, Ganford, < ! 6 Extending the time for perfecting ti- of Mexico. Having money enongh to, tles to Jands heretofore entered. [All por | tredell, Mecklenborg, Stokes,« Sqsty end Weke, each $3 Members; Angon, Béanta sons who have entered vacant lend since the Bertie, Buncombe, Bui ke, Cebsrrad, Cagw first January, 1839, are alowed votil the ist Janoary, 1845. to perfret titles. . , 1. To amesd an act of the present seas— | UT#¥E%- een roe aia! pews. ‘yo extending ‘the tie for perfecting titles | Edgecomb, I ee al ax, : : ~e to lands heretofore entered. [Provides that New peiong= te oe tt, Beth, all those who bave psid the purchase moo- parse eet: wines Wayne ad : osfogd, | ey.0n entires of peblie neds shell be ltow- Wilkes, each 2°Measbers; and every other Covaty in the Siete 1 Méaber: ed vntil the Ist January, 1845, to petfect their ities thereto be grant; and el#entries Ai. iat! made since Ist Seowsty: 1845: provided | 24. To Jey off the Staie into Fifty Sene- that the provisions of this ect shall got ex | tertel Districts. [Pruvidesfor the election tend to the swamp /ands. Lof Fifty Sanators to the State Legislator’. 8. To amend sn act of 1834—5, 10 es-; The Disiriets remartphe se me.a0 before, ox- tablish Merefani’’s Bank of the town of | cept that the 40ib Distinct, which eoasiss d Newbern. [Repeats tbe 7ib sectiod of said |-before -of Cebartus, now consists of Coie’: sect. wheb prohibils the issue of motes on- rus and Stanlr—the 44th D stri-t Baw -Ou- der the denomination of five dollats, and zu- | sists-of Surry snd Ashe—the 46th Distrre , tborizee the dank to issue notes of the ce- of Lincoln and Catawba—the 47th Dis- We are in a bad way Many will coniinue to remove session. The prisoners, amounting iv ‘ ’ He |} He theo boldly took 2 seapin she sisce Rovcerning Cor. : any 4 three Justices of the Peack of said county, ~ exicads to theeTown of establish’ a sew cpa: x agit Umon. \[Bhig, y te ebuplies* of" " phe * the hast 2 tial pike Road from Gatesville, tothe Chowsa’ and most of the other legally appointed officers, ee seirenl of the currency down He the specie thas purpose.” ial ee ee ae retorned with Gen. Somervelle. Flecco, the : ba so 19. Do smend an Act, nsivled San Act Lipo chief, returned with the army. Churches. —The town-of Winchester, Virgin concerping Abe. aog Senstors of Congress: vi8: 9 o ee ¥ ag Pr. <a i” 5f ~ . ~~ a i Ae "25. For the speedy tite, [Prov the Syzerior J State, where the. public intetest may require | it. de er Sa 1. In addition tothe Resigsd entitled “ an Act concerning thé Univers [ Probibits the este of is at, within two miles of the University.] © ‘27, Ta smepd the 10th Seetion of the 104th Chapter’ of the sed Statutes. [Relates tothe duty of eer of Roads }} 26. ining the Soperior Courts of La® to allow Appeals in certsin cases, with- out security,” [When w criminal is under seatence of desih, he may sppeal without security. } 29. To emend the fourth Section of the Reviged Ssajotes, entitled an Ae! concerning Constables. {Where the Court appoints, a) person residing ic the District must be se- leeted, $0. To 1nror the Grand Lodge of the State of North. Carolina, of the Jadepea- ent:Order of Odd Fellows. 31. Supple nental ta an Act of the present Session to establish McDowell County.— [Gwes the County » Seperior Court. } 32. Supplements! to an Act passed at this Session, establishing Caldwe!! County. [Gives the Cgonty 9 Superior Cour'.] 33 ‘To extend the provisions of the 75th Chapter of the Revised Statutes, and to amend the ssme [Requires that persons erecting iron Works in the County of Cher- okee, and wishing to evail themeelees of the Seunty in land, allowed by the State for such works, shell make the necessary entries, with the Clerk of the County Court of Cherokee. ] 34. For the benefit of Yaney Connity.— [Extends the benefits of the School Law to the County, | 35 Coneerning Counts Trustees, and Treasurers of Publie Beildings. [Gives power to the County Coortsto restore these Offices, where they have been abolished. | 36 Supplemental to, and amendatory of the 53d chapter of the Revised Statutes, and the 23:h chapter of the Statute paseed in 1840. . [Prascribes the duty of Sheriffs, 10 mskifig returns of. Governor's Election, and imposes a penslHy of $500 for negli- gence in discharge of said .doty, with fur- their fine Ot imprisonment, at the discretion ofthe Court; and for wilfully omitting to pertorm said duties, to be subjected to a fine ofe$1000, and imprisonment not less than one, Gor more than three years—aod tekes from the Governor the power of par- -doning the offender } 37. “fo amend the Revised Statute, ehap ter 41, concerning Electors of /President and. Vice-President. [Lays off the State into Eleven Elgctorat Distiets. |} 38. To provide su.table Stationery and Candles foribe Executive’ Office, Depart- men's of State, and foture Legislatures, and other parposes. [F.impowers the Secretary of State 10 purchase the same. | 39. For the relief of Purchasers of Cher- okee Lands. [Suspends the collection of the Prinespel for two years, on payment of interest anngallv.] 40. To amend and enspend certein pro- visions of an Act of 1839, concerning Weights and Messures, adopted as Stand- ards. [Authorizes the Governor to procure and have delivered to the several Counties Yard Measures of wood, enJ also, half bush- el, peck, gallon, half-gatton, quart and pint measures. } 41. To omend the Charters of the sever- a! Rail Rosde within this State. [Imposes 8 fine, over and above all damage sustained, on Rail Road Companies for failure to keep Bridges in repsir.} 42. For the better regulation of Offices in the Capitol, and for other purposes, 43. To facilitate recoveries on Official Bonds [Provides against informalities in the ex@cution of Bonds to the Siate.] 44. To incorporate tbe Mecklenburg Monomental Associstion. 45. Regulating the time of halding the County Courts 19 the Seventh Judicial Cir- cuit. , * 46. To arrange the Sixth Judicial{Circunt, and alier the times of holding the Courts therein. . ; 47. Supplemental to an Act; ceding 2 piece of Land called Bouge Banks to the General Government. 48. For the better regulation of the Of. ficesin the Capitol. [Converts the Comp- troller’s Office into a Room for holding the Supreme Court, and assigne to the Comp- troller one of the Treasurer’s Rooms. 49. Supplements! to an Act, passed at this Session. [Provides a Seperior Court. ] 50. To ponish defaults of Returamg O!- ficers in the elections for President and Vice President of the United States. [Makes it felony tor tbe Returning Officer ta®efuse or neglect to make the proper retorns | 51. Pointing out the mude of electing Field officers of Cavalry To be elected by the Commuesioned Officers. j 52. Authorizes the Board of Pablic Buil- dings to procure office Furniture. 53. To incorporate the Muigal Insurance Comyany of Nortb-Caroline. 54. Concerning Executors. [Provides that whet av Executor absconds or con- eeals himself, to avoid process of law, leav— jing a notice at his piece of residence shal! be considered as a valid serving of any le- g2) process. } 55. Fo amend the Revised Statute, en- sitled “ An Act for resteaining the taking of ascessive Usury.” [ Protect innocent pur- ebasese, aader Trust Sales, where the Truet} “ts predrested on an osuries contrect.} $6. Yo emend ew Act for the estebheh- went sad better regulation of Common ‘Behools, peesed inthe year 1840 [Pro- ides thst in those Counties whieh have not adopted the School system, the sense of the e sball be teken on the subject at the tutes, ” holding extra Terms of | ts, in any Coonty of the |: “Makes is the daty of suf prego oly aod res entoee or Clerk of Coutiby the 2¢ Mo in O¢tober ancually, 309 jf say oe at Leado to’ pay it to their succe in offes. Mekes the misapphcation moaeys an indictable offence, to be punish- ed at the discretion of the court. Prohib- ite the taxing free persons of color for the support of Common Schools. 57. For the betterregolation of the mili- tia of thie State. (Reletes to Commission- ed Officers ; provides that Capteios shall muster their Companies at lesst twice a year, provides for collecting fines, and sub- jects commissioned officers to fine for :otox- cation, provides for the enrolmeat of Volun teer Companies, &c, &e.] 538. Tosrrange the sixth Judicial cireust, and to appoint the times of holding the severs! Courts therein [To be composed of the following Counties, end their Supe- rior Courts to be held ae follows: Union, on the 2d Monday io Feb. avd Aug. Cebarrus, $d do do do Mecklenburg, 4th do do do Lincoln, Ist mon after 4th do do Irede)l, 2d doafter4thdp Jo do Rowan,.3d doafter4thda do do Davie, 4th doafter4thdo do do Surry, 5th doafter4thdo do do Ashe, 6th doafter4ithdo” do do Wilkes, 7th doafter4thdo do do Catawba, 8tk do after 4th do do do From the National Intelligencer. NULLIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUNION. ip The theory of Noallification, as applied by State Legislatures to laws of the United Staies, is sufficiently offensive to common sense ; but not more so than the practice, by the sane bodies, of attempting to nullify the Constitution itself, by ordering Senators of the Uniied States to re sign their seats before the expiration of the terms for which they were ebusen. The theory in the latter case is so much more mischievous than in the former, from its aitack— ing the sensibilities of individuals, heretofure too apt to asgist the purpose of the Nullifiers by yielding to assertions of power which, without such yielding, would be iunputent and ridiculous merely ; whilst io the former case the theory can never be reduced to practice so long as an independent Jadiciary continues to constitate the safeguard of Liberty and tbe Laws. For this “constitational fact"’ may we never forget our ob- ligation to these great and wise men who called this Government into being ! The pretended right of the Legislatore of any State toorder the Senators sent to the Congress of the United States from such State to resian, is equally inconsistentewith the Jetter and the spirit of the Constitution, and is, wherever as- serted, a flagrant invasion of one of its most sa- cred principles, “ The Senate of the United States,” says the Constitetion, ‘* shall be compnsed of two Sena— tors chosen by the Legislature thereof ;” and, when the Legislature has “chosen” these Sen- a‘ors, it has nothing more 'odo with them,— These Senators, says the Constitution, shall be “‘ chosen by the Legislature ror six years.’ — ‘This feature, the duration of the term of ser- vice, is a vital priaciple of the Senatorial office. To abbreviate it, tu obstract its execution, to cu! it down from six years ‘o three years, :o two years, or to any other term shorter than six years, by any political mvention or contrivance, isa di tect violation of the Constitution. Nor less obd- vious is ita departure from iis letter ‘Fhe Constitution of the United States was the offspring of experience, by which the ineffi- ciency and inaptitade of the Old Confederation had been conclusively demonstrated. Greater dorability was perceived to be a necessary ele- ment in the Government, to give stability to its policy. [t was for that reason that the Senate vas established, and that an independent exist. ence for six years was given to the Senatorial of fice, as it wes alen,bat for a shorter term, to the Representative office. “Ihe Delegates to Con- gress under the confederation were appointed an nually, ‘' with a power reserved to each State to recall ite Delegates, or any of them at any time within the year, and send others in their stead for the remainder of the year.” The framers of the Constitution for the government of this Un- ion took care to enervate it by no such absord and impracticable provisions ; to get rid of which, indeed, was the main object of the People in changing their form of government. Nothing cao more clearly negative the pretended right io the States to instruct Senators out of their seats than the absence from the Constitution of the provision by which euch a power io regard to Delegates was [not implied, inherent, or con- str active, bu!) expressly “reserved to the States” by the old articles of Confederation. Our attention has been attracted anew to the heresy of this doctrine by the proceedings in the Legislature of Virginia withio this week, by which a series of resolutions was passed without debate, ‘‘ instructing” the Senators from that State to do divers things ; which resulutions are prefaced by a ‘ sulemo affirmation” of the ubli- gation of the said Senators to obey or to resign their seats. If there can be any actiun of a State Legislature more entirely out of the line of iis political duty, or more repugnant to every potion of moral right then this, we cannot imagine it, voless the same Legislature were to erder both Honses to recognise forthwith ite paramoant au- thority over thei: proeeedicgs, or forthwith to break up aod go bome; which would, however, be searcely greater asurpation uf power than that which the Legislature, in passing these resolu- tions, hes actually atlempted. An incideat that occurred in the caorse of the proceedings on the resolations in the Honse of Delegates shows the power of iidieale, when apt. ly used, as alest of truth. After passing all ihe resalutions but the last, (ordering the Senators to use al! proper means to repeal the Bankropi Law,) one of the members moved an amend-— Ment thereto, to the effect that 2 committee of the House be annually appointed to go io Wash. ington to supetintend our Senators.” Thoogh this amendments ip no respect more oper to ob jection thag the main propositions affirmed by ihe resolutions, (of the right to instract Senators, and their duty to obey,) yet, placiog the pretended power of the Legislature in a oew and starihog ight, it produced “great confusion” in the ouse, whieh “ prevailed for neay an hour,” — and at last was only ended, apparently, ty the mover’s consenting to withdraw the amendment. : Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisement, and if you wish relief for your ma ny maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B. next election for members of Congress or members of Assembly ; anc those Counties WHEELER, Agen:. Salisbury, Dec 10 {20 i) von band. Tike Resolution, 2nd he sbuuld support it ie) whether the amendment of the # | Tro Fl bed Broaned ts len or £0 tanert the fond wee | confided to them, would be safely and judi- ae en ‘Mr. Banninoer said, he should vote for | Halifax, were adopted or not, He} no doubt that whether the Board were colfected and yielding no profit, the wost, ciously exécuted. He had no fears of fs- voritism or mismenagement on the part of the Bostd. If feel warranted io this decla- ration, (ssid Mr. B.) from my koowledge of the manner jn which their bye:nese bas been hecetoforatransactec. J take oceasion here, Mr. Speaker, (and fam glad of the opportunity to do so,on te discugsion of this Resolation,) to correct @ gross misstete- meat contained in a pnblication in a paper in this eity—I meso the ‘Standard.’ Flere Mr. B. read tbe following article from the last ‘Stendard.’ “A PRETTY CONCERN.” “It is ascertained by the Committee appointed to investigate the transsctions of the Literary Fond, that there are fifty-one borrowers, forty-five of whom are “W bigs,” and six ooly are democrats. The forly- five “Whigs” bave borrowed Ninety seven thousand, four hundred and sixty-nine dollars, ang the siz democrats eleven thou- sand four hundred and eighty sir. Now is not this a pretty concern? Was ever such an instanee known of unblaehing fa- voritism. No wonder Whiggery strove to keep off the exposare.” Now, sir, this erticle does pelpable injns- tice not only to the Whig party, but to the Board, and to a Committee of this House, of which Committee | was a member—and whose Report on the subject, was concur. red in by this House without a dissenting voice. 1 do here, Mr. Speaker, in my place, pronounce this statement untrue in every particular, and utterly deny every con- clusion attempted to be drawn from these false premises. And, sir, if the statement I shall bere make, in regard to this matter, be not substantiated by the facts known to this House, then I desire, et this time an open contradiction of say of them by any member of the [louse. It is not trae, tbat ‘Whigger y” trove to keep off the *‘expo- sure.”? The fact ss directly the contrary. Tbe Whigs—yes, Mr. Speaker, the Whig Governor aod jthe Whig Board, and the Whigs in this House—invited and sought the investigation. as is well known to every member here. Both parties went for inves- ligation, 8s proposed at the first of the ses- sion, by the Resoiution of the gentlemen from Edgecombe. I proposed an emeng- ment, extending the ioquiry farther than an was contemplated by thet Resolution, and dirrecting the Committee to examine tn- to the solveney of the borrowers, into all the affairs of the Board. and to send for persons and papers. ‘The only difference between the course of the two parties on the subject was, that, witha few honorable exceptions, the Democratic party voted a- gainst this more extensive investigation, proposed by my amendment, while the Whigs went for it A Committee, compos- ed of a majority of Democrats, was ap— pointed—we made a thorough end laborious examination of all the affairs of both Box«rds —of the solvency of the debtors, and the manner in which they had been managed from their first organizaion. Every thing was found to be nght. Not the slightest dis- satiefaction was expressed by any member of the Committee, nor do { believe that any was felt. I cennot believe, that any mem- ber of the Committee hae authorizad the publication to whieh } have alluded. We certainly did not ascertain the fects to be as therein stated,or intended to be pnsinuated. The Reports will speak for themselves. The result of our labors has beenypublish- ed by the House, and received eni- mous concurrence. Nota cent at any time lost by either Board; nor is there any danger of loss, if humen testimony is ta be credited at all. The committee had the power, and did send for persons; and from the evidence of the most respectable witnesses summoned before us, we were all satisfied thet all wes correct and that the loans were safely made. Now, sir, as to the charge of favoritism,bow stand the faets ? i have taken some psins to examine this matter. ‘The reports are before gentlemen, they cap examine for themselves, and look tnto the political complexion of the names and the emounts borrowed. I have prepar- ed a Statement, which | will read to the House, and if there be any error in it, |] ask gentlemen to correct me now, while | em 00 the subject, and not attempt, hereafter to make police! capital out of » matter, which can now be understood and explain- ed while we are bere. In this Statement, I have classed the politics of the borrowers, with their respective amounts, into Whi and Democrats, and heave edded a colump, into which I have placed the loans mede to partners, where one was 8 Whig end -one a Democrat, to Corporations, to Professors in Colleges, and to Ladies, and denomina- ‘ed them all as ‘*neutral.” [Here Mr. Cardwell inquired of the gentleman from Cabertus, if he could inform the House whether the Ladies who had obtained loans. were io fect Whigs or Democrats. Mr. Barringer replied, that he had not required into that perticaler ; but as the Ledies of the whole country were nearly ell whigs, he would grant, if gentlemen desired it, thst they were in thie instance, Whigs. } pand to - ay Re , 2, Shea tone, Ex’r. of Sa- o ge e 2 2 2 3 _— — “ g & 2, 57,000 C J Williams, John Holloway, A Williams, Cowan & Fighe: J CLasater, Cave & Holland, (L & W) Danie! Booo, R Faocett, W J Langdon, Crow- der & Co. C P Mallett, A J Battle, W G Alford, James Phillips, F.learor Hay wood, Wesley Hanks, 2.447 S J Baker, 3 P K Dickinson(for Rail Road ») Jobo Beard, Jr; W & A Stith, J W Lewis, Buno & Bryan, 8,000 Bennett Bann, 6,500 Holderby & McPheeters, A D Moore, F J Swann, Thomas F Davis, Thos P Devereux, FC Hill, David Carter, ‘Tarner & Hoghes, Rom M Saunders Turner & Hoghes, E B Freeman, Abram Rencher, Battle & Ricks,/L&W) R W Snead, A D Moore, L Pool, Raleigh & Gasten Rail Road, James Moore, D S Rassell, John S Pearson, S J Baker, Wam M Sneed, G F Davidson, Eliza E Haywocd, Hugh McQueen, Thos Meredith, Elisha Mitchell, yo y 8 8 o © 1,500 6,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 4,000 3,000 1,200 2,000 Total amount, $110897 $102180 $83,400 Loans since 1st January 1841. Wake Forest College, 10,000 G E Badger & DStone, (State.) Jno M Mason, (State,) Richard Hines, William Hill, Eliza E Hay wood, M Sater, AJ Battle, J W Lewis, John Hatchins, B B Smith, Thos Meredith, 609 210 1,200 1,000 219 1,500 200 2,000 501 2,400 225 Total amount, $4,A01 $4,625 $11,038 The Debts as owed at. the time of making the Report. 14 Locos, including the Cowan debt contracted by Fisher, Owed by Whigs, Owed by Ladies, and notes substi- tuted for the notes of Ladies and Professors ; and loans made onder Resolution of Legislature, and to pay the State debts, $17,849 90 Now, Mr. Speaker, is if trae that favorit- ism has been shown? And if so, by whom? It will be remembered that the first Board consisted, es will be seen by the Commit- tee’s Report, of two Democrats and one Whig. Is it true, tbat the Board have mede loans to 45 Whigs and to the amount of $97,468—and to bat six democrats, the sam of $11,486? Io some instances, the debts stand in the name of Whigs, who beve assumed to pay them, when they were originally borrowed by Democrats. And in one instance, I have pleced 2 large debi, now stending in the name of a Whig, to the Democratic column, becagse, upon my epplication at the Governor’s Office, from the Document on file there, f have ascer- tained that the debt was originally negotia- ted and contracted for by the Democrat, for himself and otbers, as s company. | al- lade to the debt of Mr. Cowan in whose name the debt now stands, and who, as ap- pears from the Report of the committee, has sesumed the payment of it. . The pre- sent Board bave made but few loans, except when specially autborised by law, as in the case of Wake Forest College, and for the benefit of the State, es in the lean to Mr. Badger, Mr. Stone and Mr. Meson, to pay debts due from State. Aod certainiy in re- gerd to (be (rensaction of the present Whig Board, there ean be no pretence of favorit. ism. ‘Their account ies a short one, and can be easly understood. In regard to the loane nade by the ortgina! Board, the charge is equally erroneous ; and indeed, it would be a strange species of favoritism for a Dem- Oeratic Boord, ss it then was to be exiend- ing favors to Whig applicants. And if this first Board bad even preferred to lend to Whigs, rather than to their own friends, it not beeome the Demoerats to com- plam of the conduct of » Democratic Boerd, to the acconnt of the Whigs, not only their own, but the favlis of their Opponents. Bot, Mr. Speaker, I do.pot believe, and $50,211 55 $41,849 90 Mr. Barringer then reed the following Tab- ular Statement : e0 the committee found.-that any fault cen be justly ascribed to ewthes Board. And ? | perty-warfere, {to the committee, end wyeself; e member of Ee? wilt ¢ rable struggles : felt i my duty to 4 Thave f } make this stesement, in justice to the Beard, n—and to prevent any erroneous impres— sion from being made an the public mind from the artigle 16-which 1 bave stludced, sad in regard t@ the matter of which, the Editor wea cerisinly misinformed; And | hope and believe, that when the facts are fully investigated, he will correct say enor that mey bare been committed, or injustice done. CONSERVATIVE DOCTRINE, We-da not kaow when we bave met with an artiole, of the seme lengih, containing more se- riovs and solemn troth, or more just icdoctioo from iodtepatable fects, than the fulluwing, which fe Southera paper, whuse politics pcided party casi, but which is ra- osed than otherwise to the Whig party. etcome the sentiments jexpressed in the clusing article, coming from-euch a source, as a proof that teflecting men, without regard to par- ty, begin to look- with alarm at. those doctrines which strike at the foundation of both pablic and private morals =—WVat. ‘Int. From the Southern (Charleston) Patriot. INSUBORDINATION. The spirit of insubordination which is spread- ing upwards among what are called the eduea- ted classes of American society is 3 fact too siri - king not to have become a subject of remark. — Men who have been instructed io principles of a high morality, aod youth wha have had the benefit of personal association with exalted worth, have alike exhibited in the United States, within a few years, depravity of purpose and licentiousness of conduct shucking to con- template. The destructive have obtained the mastery over the conservative principles of so- ciety. There mast cxist some general cause for this laxity. Instances of malfeasance in pecuniary trasis may be traced to circumstances of a tem. porary character. Speculation and overactiun in gainful parsuits are the sources of a large por- tion of the foibles and crimes exhibited in the forms of infidelity to private engagements, pub- lic defaleations, luxurious expenditare, Suicide, and even marder. But, independently of ‘these social vices and irregalarities, there is a general relaxation of the bunds of society. exhibited in an increasing spirit uf insobordination among the youthfal portion of oor population that does not strike the eye of the observer with the Startling appearances that accompany the ordinary-forms of crime, but which, silent and onseen in its ef- fecta, is gradually undermining the fabtic of American society. It is the duty of those who iwpress sheir own character on large classes of men, and shape pablic opinion, to discover the sources of this re- laxation, and apply tire correetive before the evil assumes a magoilude too formidable for removal or restraint. Wehave our own theory on this subject. It may not be flatiering to the self-love of our penple, but we are satisfied-of its general trath. We have arrived at the conclusion that our entire eystem of law, in its incertitede and feeble influence and sanctions, is acting most in- jariously on the public morals and manners, Those whose recollections reach back to twen- ty years will well remember how mote sure were legal penalties, and how more largely they were respected by public opinion, than they are at pre- sent. Juries then beld in high veneration the shield that the law held over person and proper- ty. Now we see acquittsnces by them, through a misplaced mercy, of atrocities that the whule world have agreed 1a call murder, because they are averse to capital punishments * * @ *% How is all thisto end? Ifthe injunctions and sanctions of the law in the case of capital crimes are to be thas disregarded, where shall we be at the termination of a few years? What crimes wil be thought to merit punishment that will sofficiently secure person and Property? On what scale, abandoning all the standards of pun- ishmeent that have been devised by civilized so ciety, are we to gradaate penallies tn uffences against social order? Are we, in our higher claims to wisdom aod hamanity to adjust punish- ment to crime by a standard of oor own ? There would then appear to be something in the state of public opinion which has brought the law and its administration into a condition of dan- gerous laxity, that is silently, but irresistibly, undermining what have been deemed social safe. guards in the present organization of societ I— Morals and manners are formed by the laws.— Between them there is a sympathetic influence —-action and reaction. The le are the fosntain head in this country of all authority in matters of legislation, government, and the ad- ministration of justice. Juries, magistrates, le- gislators, faoctionaries, are all under the domin- ion of popular opinion. Legislative measures, official _condact, and the administration of the laws acknowledge with us the healthy influence, or the reverse, of soand public sentiment. Bat let this continge to exhibit an indifference to pub- Ite engagements, and malfeasance, private and official, will still spring op in all its frightfa} proportions. Let jaries, from misplaced mercy, display an increasing disposition to screen guilt from ponishment, and crime, in all its forms aod gradations, will be sown like dragon's teeth all over the land. Let the people place no self re- straints on their nataral love of power, as seen in the occasional outrages that supercede the au- thority of the magistrate, and a more des'roce tive range will be given to mistule and licen tioosness. : Real amelioration of opinion, conduct, and manners masi proceed from the peuple them- selves. The basisof such amelioration ts the overthrow of a most pernicious pemacocoisM, which is fast ing with us all the natural influence of »public virtue, and solid ac- quirement. The merican society halle ) the oext stations of our valuable gistretes, the only to the car od of the to their in- ing the tenure of the judi the arts of popular @ Young Convict.—On the 10th instant, George Washington Brooks, aged twelve years, convicted ia the United Srates Distriet Court of the Southern Disiriet. of Alabama of robbing tbe of : ceive, they’ your Bieston ia election ae Senator ig Om.’ from North Caroline, wish ‘ accept the same, it has become so mech a may make professions of Zratitade 5 that {am dot without pprehens:, sions from me will be regarded . Bat called, as f have been “ tion of mine, tq asseme Pongipis:.. € : the series srolioa, it is but a faint €X pression 2 y ings to-deciare that | thank yoo With < for thie mark of your Confidence n pressed bya painful distros of iy This thewhalf of what WY sffection fo hes’ ‘ Prompt me to undertake in her be Stuy lieve it is my duty not to decline alt, wily I would that [had more expe, 2 t! tix capacity for the patriotic work, wena shall be brought to it without reser meh a | enjoys, as she deserves, an en Viadl ® Our gy honesty and disinterestedness, In Hews to liberty and the Usion, she hes ne none. Fur submission 10 lawful ay, oF Seay ezence . law and orde aot, personal righie, 1 do pot bel; aa another people in the world. rs, ee while they distinguish the characte: _ do at the same time furnish Stron ofthe faithfalness ie her public agents ‘ on be in my power to shew my ow, ‘ eat ber partiality, by always regarding iret signed to me 88 an instrument 19 440% welfare. And if, in the order of pees should be my lot to accomplish any pr wet, to assist others in accomplishing Ad Ht a anv serioas evils to our common om North Carolina in Particalar, o- preventing them, I shalt hereaf; that the good work was done, did it, and mach more than | DOW can thar) been chosen by you to aliempt it, : Oo the other hand, should i; be my miss to fail altogether, and to lose ai the cl a fidence which has been s0 generousty | a in the ou's:t, my friends shall noi find for my failure in the lack of zes! to do i : iy to North Corolina; nor wil! my e 2 able fo attribote jt, in any degree, toa a previous pledges ; for, beyond such as my tnd political principles have authorised you jiry infor, [ am bound by no other pledces whais 1 do not affect to-be ignorant that my electing the Senate was made by the Democratic and [ should sporo the thought of deserting ; principles of that party, after haviog aa to fill 80 exalted a post for the Very porpa belping to sustain them. {| em myself bey and conscientiously a Democrat, - It is the common Jot of Public men to encoy calemny and misrepresentation. That seemto be a tax imposed by freedom Upon par otisal; and fam not so vain as to expel ig free. May ieee however, be permitied oth oceasion, withoot censure from an bes peak the candor of a!l just men Hi suspicions which are so common, bat go wells colated to weaken the hands of a (do it more for the office of Sist for myself ; aot 80 much to ings as ta fortify the station | mos: occupy picions, I mean, of the politica! integrity of presentative, begetting distrust, if he fails on oceasions to range himself as a servile ful behind some great Party captain ; and on the et hand, causing even respectable men, to the own dishonor and that of human nature, to tb of enticing a political Opponent from ihe pub rectitade by Pretending to anticipate his ire f, and genera) countr . aid. | fC rejoice » ‘han [ shai, e Senator th Protect my own leg ty, if ever he heppens to separate from his um party leaders upon any question whatere!. fi dread of false clamors by selfish men cf onevm side, and the mortifying enticements of fut from the other, Springing alike from this ov itable source. constitute serious discourage to @ scropulous and sensitive mind scainst x ling @ public office: while to venal or to { men in office they are perilous tempiatio swerve from the manly performance of their It must.meeds be that parties will exist ; and haps it ts rigkt and proper that they should. ' not to be understood as deprecating party; only the malignant ingeauity witb whith strives to fasten itself upon all and every ¢ tion which can be presented. This latier is an andeniable evil. [t makes us slaves & bad passions not only of ourselves, bat of & also. {1 destroys the salutary influence ofs regulated and patriotic party spirit, having & object the happiness of the people, and lookig the welfare of the country. Honest stale have always been more or less party men JM are, however, as there always must be, questions whieh concern our government the rightful control of mere party —questicts the detetmination of which, upright misés# atiached to the same party, may differ wi erime in either; and legislators fur ibe U thongh belonging to opposite parties, may b” to concar without bad faith in either—¢ Oper. which it were as factious to adhere! ty, contrary to the convictions of ones © standing, for the sake of opposition. 3s |! be dishonorable upon others of a different ter to desert party and to falsify the proleson® means of which he Lad been elevated 0 & And is it not 8 dictate of prodence in ‘be to maltiply rather than to diminish the 0% of these questions ? As it should be#p"™ of honor among those who aim to gite #“ {108 to the popular mind, to allow 10 ‘be! ® sentative that there are some poin's 0 being left to think for himself, he wil! #” ted to act independently according 1% /. jedgment, without thereby exposiog — be claimed as anally by his enemies. 0 ed asa traitor by his friends. Thooth Oe man, therefore, apon measures which '' ly connect themselves with ihe ache a principles of party, and by no means sk the bypocrisy of Statesmen or Pol e% may feign tolive altugether above ye is" {dare not surrender the Slate 19 P2''). ty to the latter miske it necessa’y '° ie will I ever sacrifice my party 10 8¢/)° it be in my power to d> thal, ,ar” Relying opon the blessing of © * ee, forts to seree North Carolina, 99d 98! "og {adhering} to right for its own s2k* me io private life, | shal! strive ‘0 cee confidence uf the State and of 1h? oe w favor this high trast has been confid I am your friend and county tir) WILL. H HayWwow Raleigh, Jan 16, 1843. Native Eloquence. The followin was lately made-upon the reorgs! ! the Milita : 4 nr, Speaker, | don’t koow, “s boot this organ-izing the a ker... F go for retrenchment,” end-I consider drums and fifes °""" mail, was recsived in the Peritentiary of that Statiifor the term of two years: Spesker, for the milishy, witbout °° Mr. Speaker.” re preseniating oo Be a eb te t = 4s & 42 ££ BS B BS Ze s le a — et: * Rye Get #4 rarol{ itt abhaoatarss! — SA LISHU RY; PESRUARY 11, 1643. —— a I ‘Ticket! a < ~~ — ee * ee, _- ie es a bel gy TORDAY: of Penosy!— a ee te * \. . ae — oe *s are : Z ' “s ¢ *T . # aa . CEs . tom ; rt ' * : \ pat s iL é h . = 4. a a i >! a ee - ~ 4 ’ on 4 . * — : * 3 * A , 4 ‘4 ‘ bee Btn waite £, Sen J- , eis & polah “a wai roeara nc 1ean : » te - Tin a ee a fy = 5 ee ee te. - ‘te tad” “wh oid, : ~ 34. 5 POPEESRCStY ,7 Sao - : a : ° Ceases 10 Ul s Prac poeagh ; : ; : end ; Tee 2 ’ . ’ : d , te yt ey nl of the United States, For Presi di é oF KENTUCKY. om = » Ne a 4 ~ 4 Frere will bea meetiog of the Rowse | are about to ¢peak is notexscily ro but is | it rman | + vy ashingion Temperance Society, 1a valy absent, which, to all integts and hire Bal ; er 2 Cat odist Episcopal Sharch, on Saturdsy amopais to the. some in effect. A Had the e Captain a huts waansieanie a lee i me 11th jostant. The members of the So~ of Democtacy ia this tegion boen at bome, the self ples of the Guspel. Hew eS wid iinene generally, aro reepeettully io | Loevfecos woald certainly Have bold 2 messing tionste husband, fatherend -ovighbor, and hse, cet? ’ ia Mocksville, « oy Speers © ol eereies é teft's -widow, soar childtes, with » lage circle | quad wo attend. ; * pointment, and have J of the be- | taing more sence sod Bot & ixesand friends, to.moura over the va We received the leng tiny comenitnicn- siness of the Nation j bat being in the repudia- | * lioes 10 Leura. cust Med oved, and which ot Lyuan” last week from Lexington, | ting State, some fhondreds..of milés trum bis |~ “A man can ne more pe Soest post Bak sag ony Maps « Syme a years, and pert. , course parsued by “ Josiab,” io | Guck ; his speech WOuld vot oreduld not makes ‘Pline are-« cheep make keelf agou” ‘ ray shop: fosson tobe- | eotetiraed establishments ia the Suut ing the F P : - “B” yon have certainly mistaken voos. | tieve: Sspul fies gone to dwell with bis | iy, Pehl! oot besitate to ing tbe ladies of Salisbory. rally, @ some of the strikers or ‘bringers-in eo ded vo map he - \ <oe oma in | Heavenly é¢ in the mausions prepared for ote ce and Vihiegs 2 ——- lishing hls commualeation for desired, . ‘The cop ‘meeting was : ; hiey | he feat. —F : ; ane : i aes easy FA We decline peblishing — %. your composition, bat you “aot as yet, facility sop : ; ‘ s:— a perfect snap,—they could*nt come it. 4 e ia expression. You threw Wf astride a —— . = LONDON, PARIS, AND -NEW-YoRK nC ry mF XS: folowing reasdo ang “ents Malis United “States Diatrict Court. of North} : PERS ) THE SUBSCRI tbe sh” and “Bustingee” have amicably understand s yoong ‘an from. Salisbery Weot up long-eared stabhorn avimeal, (aod witha! of very) . * FP.ASHIONS, ‘ - ee * j, “Josiah” 3 at the appointed time to spéechify to vie Demse- | greve deporrinent,) in the vali hope by kicks agd | « Caroling—Ja Bankruptey. wee SD. FPAT ING parchanes: eT pt their controversy toa close, racy-of Davie, bot ‘aher fidding™ the meetinn-| lls you might make it eqnal the speed of the} UTICE to showstause agaings Petition of }eceived mouthy. {rPcunclesivn, should f be eo- Pe tervet iv the abuve figtabl w wre communication of “ Lyman” is entire aie i alan he bats Seoe nepaws an winged Pegasus. Dismount ‘er yuu will be casts Wyatt Brison, of Stokes county, Farmer, couraged, nv one aeed send away te procere guud for ne the Travelling Poblie. ~ easth hd eg: "gy ean ee ae ao headlong ia ihe mod. How ¢foel in sou thas to'be declared a Bankropt, at Wilmington, clothing. She =.:% several years been engaged in Keepin jy wo leagiy- tae i Negi hat from the volgat gage, and: made tie way back | pudjicly io insali the fair ‘daidshters of Jopiter . : ; A. PALS OOK. { PRIVATE ENTER’ MED His handwritiog is so illegible, that we) wi < r ese . z oo wuaday the first day of May next. Reference.~Vhoe: Mi. Oliver Res 3 MEN 3, His ; ’ with caation. .¥ bigs eon. ihe, ind don’t | and Mnemosyne!! Approach them by degrees, By order of the Court. feren - Oliver, Raleigh, N. C. noot decipher many o oe woes let the Loeofotes do their business a: | Yours in | vax them in private, and they May not always HoH. POTTER, Salary, January 21, 1843— 1926 4, We see 00 good which can possibly grow the bargain. x WE. ry oan e fly your embra:es. They are meitier prudes or Acting Clerk of Court in Bankruptey. a ‘ 4 g ; . vetis, ‘They smile not to flater, or flee to ba The particalar object of tke intended meeting Sdodeed. ‘They repay all propet attentions. — the Detiwcrais; 4 was hep eee, ag We ‘bey will eonduct you into natdre’s laboratory but it is supposed it’ was io reace to the nex? | and increase your perception fur the sublime etd Coogressiunal délegatioa. gat of tbe publication of * Lyman’s” production. Were we to publish “ Lyman’s” piece, we gold be bound by the role of right, ‘o allow + Josiab” to reply, and consequently, too much February 1, 1843-4429 SS “Cee ees! Beware of Fraud! oe LL persons are hereby forewarned from al Cheap ‘Goods! \=%« beantifel, both in the nateral moral world. They will keep yonr feelings @ter fresh and tskeo up io our colomas. If } pemretRnes. ti een « Josiah,” perhaps he| . Ispiawa.—Edward A. Hanegan, (Loco) has} cheek prematave se v lity, They qake 'rizhier | & a eens fee aise Pe at 5 m Witee ie aes # Lyman” oaly knew eau been elected United States. Senator f this | the tightaings flash and add emother hue to the | 2 | I, & - ~~ -4 - FOR CASH AT. ; his communieatior to us, re- D elec o ‘a a rom (hls : F ie et 2d day of January, 1843 ; ohe fot $125 due six hs PG ese ; gould not have seat , f b of M Rainbow. They illomine the domestic circle f fi fi 12 CRESS & BOGER’S ‘ng its insertion in oor paper. Oar eorres- State; hs git, youre rom e Hh . arch next, | snd will act a9 a support amid the affictions of are 8 $e 5 3 O00 fet anegee months mrwssirecnecK e ai noms to be qoite aemart man :—sarely | !® the place of O.H. Smith,(Whig.) Asthere | fife. ‘They will attend you as well ia the Freee dete, wat nario fer Sines tga by the MB TAKE slessnes taanncatelnk: 10 od Pie pooden: 8 _, was @ tie intheLegislature,this result was brought | shadowy desert ds in the popaluss eity—in the . ‘, W E TAKE pleasa Snnoutony we (ies ne at? ‘ sig ancestral origio dates ei an “s the 1 im about by the defection of a member who was | hovel as wellasin the palace.- Ina word. af! a, bmg asec sie none oteanan Pe abaees spelen sok nae he we " = 7 Tte Stage: vr is kept atthe Mansion he fires of @ vigorous Intelliec Phi F nature is vocal with their music. [t is heard in . : : atehow recei dsome a = - tee , - gostine age, aod | | elected as 2 Whig, but proved faithless. to the the ro‘ling thender, in the whisperino wind, in | °Y (80d, 1 am determived not to pay them. ~ = BIR RAM T° SLOAN: which then shone with sspsslieig ad ebarge committed to his care, by his Whig con-| the jroch of at haiebe ee oe ie | JEREMIAH BARRINGER. | * FALL & WINTER Charlotte, Febrotry 4, 1848—Ga.2s. ‘ have been transmitted in one onbroken and he~| 41, yenig, Feb. 6, 1845 —$w29--pd O! ‘B’ bow grievously you hive staned} And fora farewell, | wish the chaplets you have won, may lang eontinae green—but shoald you eoon again have temerity t¢ efflict * Leara’ and the pablic with any more of yoor ‘hoes,’ 1 beg you wil! hail from other plice.— Mocksville has lately received etedit envogh for such preductions, and I may ad@ more than ber deserts. reditary line, from father to son,—even down to “Lyman”; heoce we may account for his fa- woos production. If * Lyman” will only con- tinue to look into Blackstone, there is but liule doodt, bat that he will yet make a bit of a lawyer. SAUNDERS vs BROWN. These two late beligerants have patched yp a sort of reconciliation io a published correspondence, in which both rely on the good opinion expressed by Mr. Van Baren, utber thao on their own veracity, the opin- ion of their friends, or their rectitade of conduct for their justification, in their late GOODS, KENILWORTH HOGS. which we .are-det@rmined fo self a3 chea ev 7 © Se RIE £2 =e SA, Se cash asany other esiablishmeat fo Satichaty ss TYNE Sabeeriver has jost to hie stock * Having almost entirely sold out our former sick) of goods, we e#o tow have the pleasute of ex-{ wibiting a well selected and almost eatire fresh Stock of Goods, consisting in part of the following articles, viz | Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, fin’ black Sik} Velvet, and Satin Vesting; Flanhels, Meckinaw and Negro Blankets, Shawls and dress -Hand- kerehiets, Hats, Shoes, Bonnets, ei a handaome assortment of Qeeens and. . ware, ry sole I.eatner, Bagging, Rope and WHIG STATE CONVENILIONS The Whigs of Connecticut assembled in Con- vention at Hartford, seme time since, to somi- nate candidates fur Govercor, Lieutenant Gov- ernor, Secretary and ‘T'reasurer of State, to be supported-at the ensuing April election. Roger S. Baldwin, of New Haven, was nominated for Governor, and Reuben Booth, of Fairfield. for Lieutenant Governor. ‘The Coavention passed the following among other resolations : Resolved, "That having fall. confidence in the justice of our Cause, the integrity of oor candi- dates, 204 the zeal dad determination of our friends we believe the Staté is destined to be tri- amphantly redeemed from the gomination of a reckless and itresponsible party, on the 1st Mon- sf f rATLORING Gat sobseriber tespectfully announces to the citizens of Salisbary, and the surrounding couniry, that he has opened a shop in this piace, in the house opposite the sture of J. & W. Mar- phy, where he will be happy to receive orders in his line. He flatters himeelf, from long experi ence io bis bosiness, that be can do as good work as any other Tailor ia the State, and will war- rant his work to fit well, LONDON, PARIS & PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS, regularly received, and gentlemea may rely on having (heir garmenis- made up in the most FOR THE WATCHMAN. TO “BB.” OF MOCKSVILLE. Come listen to my song friend ** B” I fear you'll never do fur me, For if yuu cannot write ard spell, I'll surely give you * the prueel!.” Flatvry will never gain our hearts, Twina, and those wishing tw bate Bot makes them provf "gainst Uupid’s darts | fashionable and darable styl fi Sagar, Coffee, Salt, Mulasges, Naileand pure Kenilwoith, or Of “eto: . pe-ne : yle. e respectfalty de ‘ ~ ’ ~ 7 wniest for the place of United States Sema-} ey ig April next—and to this end, we call o us re oe agree =“ you, solicits a ahere of public patrooage, and pledges saan = Winia b we ee | Keni X orehire + Vbinetind and J tor, ‘gn every man who bears the name and wears the at we like fups, and flaw’ry too. himself to use his best exertions tv give satisfeo- | friends and the publ ls te até ih calle betes ies Mr. it he : ueres ee a ; Brown says that Saunders was politically | beart of a Whig, to'be teady for the contest.” Our friend “Josiah‘s” most too sweet, ton. laying out their cash elsewhere, as we shall spare. : ‘sabte th <es ; The Whigs of fodiana met in Grand Coon- cil at Indianapolis, on the 17th altimo. Gov, Bigger, was nominated fot re-election, and John Orders from a distance will be pnnetnally at tended to, H. M. JOHNSON. Salisbury, Feb 11, 1843—1y29 now-a better” dishonest, and upon being interrogated, coafesses that he attered the express words, no pains to render satisfaction, and to sel! gouds on very small profits for cash. : N. B. We tender our most hearty thanks 10 And e’eo surpasses your rich treat, Of lines must splendid, rhyqes most pure, *Tis more than we giils can endure. , Flies “ ig - ~~ < +" = wave! , er <x ag fr ee , tuony-@ doing bu, than ban. ever been offered Suuth sithe Potomac. Order” bot in a sense, meaning that he was ambi- Bradle ; ; \ oor friends and customers for the liberal patronnge | (o, uf the ubove will ompity 4 : 4 y, tor Lieutenant Goveraor. They adop- NWOTICE pe yreey yore i: ge be einiet at any e above willbe pr ’ wept ; : * . s — teaded heretofore, and ric a » . F. KELL i. ae wo Beandert rapier e-H Brows tod & tenolation lnetrecting thar: DAagates ‘te y abt ot rape or collt Bee” N persuance to an order of the Court of Pleas lentiun to ous business, and pion y. ™ Wn F. gE ee ee ooly meant tbat he was ambitious to deceive ihe Whigs—aad so far humbug them as to Near Mocksville. Davie co. January 14, 1843. - o the Whig National Conventign to “ suppor sone very ; cheap for cash, that the inducement qilbbe saf— Henry Clay, for the Presidency, as the first u85 ficient to merit a continoanece of the same, + T and Quarter Sesstwss of Rowan Coonty, we will expuse to pablic sale on Saturday the 26th To gain my smile and win my heart, Or wake me feel a Jover’s sinart. ie elected Senator by their votes, he is con- eot(o bear the reproach, because he did ase all kinds of bumbog for that purpose, wd bed the approbation of Van Buren, and therefore had a full right to use all sad every kind of means in gaining the sppointment vhea he preferred bimself to Brown, snd professed personal ‘rieadsbip for him; thos ibese party demagogues think it right to de- tive each other and their party. opponents the purpose of gaining their own pre ent, and after the disappointment of boib, come to a reconcilation by publishing eit own dishonesty meaning ambition, to lhe world. We had expected better things tom the Hon. R. M. Saunders, whom we inow to be an excellent, upright Jadge, and we bad this character by geoeral consent. Bul it 18 much to be regretted that this high theracter should be so greatly depreciated md degraded by political intrigue, that be thould be willing to take bis standerd of thineter from such uncertain and doubtful wuree, asthe flattering opinion of M. Van wen, instead of abiding the disinterested *pition of the citizens of North Carolina, "ho never designed to flatter him. We commend to our readers the letter of tbe Hoa. W. H. Haywood, aceepting the *Ppointment of Senator, as appears in anotb- *eoloma, Its sentiments we esteem most- I) just tad correct, almost as directly avow- “ he ¢octrines as if he were bimself vd Sooded Whig. Jf be shall keep the i ‘ Promise to the ear, anc not break ton © hope, he may do perhaps as well as . €r mao, who would have been by our ‘sb preferred to him. The letter of ac- — 8. a very able and eloquent produc- » 80d would have been unexceptionadle, ie ae error, which @e beg leave to no- Cites ts “the honor was conferred ape” Satis, and without ms kuowl- ties 0 es common fame had fur some wun es . ore avowed him as a conspreu- a idate for the office bow conferred lat ‘ One thing we'sdmire and approve, ; Cvghout the whole, he so fer caste Parl) trammels, a8 to deny the right of bean so much insisted upon by the his sent haere in the § Legrstature: 18 $0 conirary to the party dings in that body, ‘een known, sooner than the fest day : *ston, the elechog would have been ered and indefinjtely pa Was } that we presume | | choice of the Whigs of Indiana. THE BANK OF THE STATE. The General Meeting of the Stockholders of this fostitation, which met on the 2d ult. and which has been continued open by adjournment, from day to day, adjourned on the $Oth ult. sine die, Before edjoarn- ing she following Resolution was unani- mously sdopted by the Meeting : “Tbe General Assembly of this State, having adjourned on the 28th inst., sine dié, without having teken any action on the Resolation. unanimously adopied by the individdel Stockholders of this Bank on the 2d inst. and transmitted to that bady by bw Excelleney, the Governor. The Stock- holders, athough believing tha: as a matter of pecuniary consideration alone, it eodld be to thetr interest to wind up the uffeirs: of the Bank onder the Charter, and divide the Capital ; yet, as the General Assembly bave forborne to express any opinian on. the subject when respéeifullp invited to. do so, the Stockholders decline further action on af this time, leaving the subject open for the consideration of a future General Meet- i ( ding to the President ond Directors of the Bank, to administer its af: fairs in the mean time, with as liberal ac- commodation to the People of the State and indulgence to ite debtors, as may be consis- tes “gh the safety and interests of the ank,’ A PLEASANT’ RECEPTION. A Locofoco Member‘of Assemb!y, on his retern froay Raleigh on Monday fast, wos Wet my 2 constituent, s member of bis par - ty, one of the “original pagel,” a warm personal and political friend of Jacksoe, and en Undevieling supporter of bis edmin- istration and Van Boren’s, when, afer tbe osoal salutations, the citizen, with a ferding which is doubtless common enough among the party; and a-cendor which is anforiu. nately not so common, told his represente- tive, a8 we understand, that he would never again get hit vole ; that they, |i. ¢., the par- ty in the Assembly.] were a pack of fools, whohad done the State no service, but had disgraced themselves. This isthe sub- r emphatic pob- only 16 days befme ber® | Begrait He must not taste a single drop From the exciting, sparkling cup, A Wasbingtonisn he mosi be Who'd ever hope to marry me. Goodness and sen ie, are all I prize, Add fyriaoe's nothing in my eyes ; Noble and free, sincere and true, {fo all respects unlike to you,) OF*hanot bright, deceit abuve, Such jstbe youth * my heart could Jove.” : LAURA. Salisbury, Feb..6, 1988. GOOD! The ‘* Fayetteville Observer” concludes @ severe stricture on the worse than useless measures of our late Legislature, as follows : ** The tong end the short of the maiter is, pthet. the great leading measure of the Sess- ion, fe the act to prohibit citizens of other Ststes from catching TERRAPINS io Pam fico Sound | >This is the grand States Rights, Cupservative, anti-desiructive meas- ure, which could anly bave been coasam- mated by minds like those which composed ‘the majonty, and for shich we propose ‘they shall ever heteafier Se remombered. by having this Assembly known, for afl future time, as *“ THE TERRAPIN ASSEMBLY.” We have not space at present, to enter into ol] the particulars which m-ke this name so appropriate. ‘They will doubtless supest themselves to the repder.” Weknock ander. The “ Terrspin As- sembly’? is a better cognemea then the * Humbog Legislature.” - ALTAR OF HYMEN seeeee «6 Those whom love cements in holy faith “ And equal transport, free as Nature live. ioe ** What ts the world to them, **Ite pomp, its pleasure and its nunsense all, “ Wikio in each other clasp whatever fair * High-faocy forms,and iavish hearts can wish MARRIED. In Iredell evunty, on the Sd inst., by Amos MeNeely, feq., Mr. William H. Brown, w Miss Rivne Dickey. Jo this.county, on the Sih instant, by D. C, > Eeq, Mr Gray Belt, to Misa Marthe On the 25th of Jandary, at ber residence in Rowan county, ‘Mre. Levine Kilpatrick, aged S7igears. Sits “Kilpatrick was felt &-widow al. from@time io ¥. hind ber two little rea | Jesus. — Gorr.. residence ia Rowan coasty on the $ ist he: Esq, in his Tit instant, at the late residence of Susannah Piok- stun, dec'd., seven valuable and likely VEGROES, among whom sre oné WOMAN, three BOYS and :hree GIRLS, sold for disttibuiiun. A cred- it of nine months will be given. MESHACK PINKSTON, DAVID PINKSTON. Administrators. February 6. 1842 -$w29 £0 THE CREDITORS OF THE LATE. ROBT. H BURTON, Dec. od are hereby notified that you are reqnest- ed (0 prove yoor claims against the seld de. ceased, before the Clerk and Master in Equity of Linooln- county, previous to the Is! day of March nex!, or be furever thereafier bared. W. WILLIAMSON, c & ez. Feb 11, 1843 ~2429 FRESH ARRIVALS! Sl , NEW hated Fall and Winter | ~~ GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RE cow teceiviog and opening in the brick huase west uf the Court-house, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which ate Dry Goode, Hardware; Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carrisge Trimmings, Crockery, Pasints, Dye- stuffs, Medicines, GROCERIES, ROPE AND BAGGING, nd in short, a generalgassortment of GOODS, Cash, as can be boaght any where in Cuneord. We invite old castomers and the public io gen- eral (ocall and exanine our stock before porchas- ing elsewhere, as we think we can give such bargains as will be great inducement to purchas- ers. Goantry prodneetaken ia exchange for goods.a J-& R. WINECOFF. Concord, Nov. 19, 1842—t1f17 United States Distriet Court of North Caroltna—IJn Bankruptcy. OTICE to show cause agains: the follow- ing Petitioners, to be declared Baokrupts on Monday the Ist day of May next. ‘Joho Y Lindsey fatmer, Serry Al'red ¥ Carson, farmer, frede! Richmood Nail, C Sameel T Hoaston, / counly, ' | county, , Darie county, 3f@ merchan', Iredell, Ry order of the-Coort, Mee which we are determined to-sell as cheap for | | A CRESS & BOGER. Salisbury, Nov. 11, 1842—6m16 REMOVAL !. TT: the public, that they have semoved their Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet IROW PAanutactory, One door above George W. Brown & Co, and oppose ‘Phos. L.. Cowan's Briek Row, where they are better prepared to aceommodate and ex- ecute all urders.in their fine oo shust nytice, and in the very best style. Also, eonsianity on hand, a choice supply of Plain and Japan ‘I'in Ware, Beitaovia Ware, Bathing Tubs, Stitis, &c. JOHN D. BROWN & Co. Salishary, Jan 21, 1848 —1126 | Fresh and large Arrivals far THe CHEAP CASH Wholesale & retail _ ESTABLISHMENT. E-bave jnat rested and offer far ile our i sacond supply of FALL & WINTER GOODs, amounting to 545ePACKAGES, Among ‘which are the following : 73 ftom 4 cents a yard to 124 530 pieces calicoes. ‘rom 5 cis to 12} excellent at 10 and 12 1-2 470 pair shoes assoried, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 ibs turkey red 80 doz catton handkerchiefs 25 psbed tick 40 @o apron checks 55 do flanpels 28 do Kemocky Janes 22 docloths and eattinetts $0 d» moslin de lanes 28 do linsey and kerseys 5 ps bolting cluths = Th e iF 10 and 10 by 12 Elliptic springs 4 GENERAL eseoriment, may be found at the ee Medical and Dreg Store Satisbary, VW. C., Jan. 21, 1843—t1 26 - W. E. ANDERSON, C. D. C. 1842—4w27 CA SA BONDS . Neatly printed-and for sale at this Office pieces brows & bleached shirtings, o| Phe fand ie of the dest SHOE SHOP REMOVED. Dames DB Clover, temioved bis shoe shop to the hovee in ws wecopléed by Mr. Jobo D. Brown, es : shup, & few -dovrs east of the Cuurt } Huose, where te will conunve to eatry oq the, BOOT d — MAKID » : vC INESS, as he had heretofore done, in al its pestosion. ‘Those wsed to paironise tim, will alwaye find bite ready to accommodate them oo liberal terms. He keeps om hend @ good assortment of ready made: work, which be will sell low for cash, or on time to paseinal dealers. Salisbery; Jan 7, 1843-1124 New Establishment. -. ~ HE Subserivers having ssnociared them- selves together fur the purpose of carrying on the CAB Tf and CLAIR MAKING BUSINESS, gow offer theis sertices to their friends snd the peblic. ft is_their parpoee to carry on bot departmenta in all thei¢ va— rious vendo deities fee! confident of giviog” © entize satisfaction to all whu may favor them with patronage. Repairing in tbeir line will be done faithfully and on reasonable terms. ~ All kiads of conatry ptodace will be sakes in ex- fut furniture of for work done te order. — K. ELLAOTT WM. ROWSEE. Aogost 27th. 1842—1y5 N.B. With the view of lessening the eost and preventing inconvenience, the per apr sisu baod a quaatity of resdy made Coffins. = ’ ’ K. BE. & W. EK. VALUABLE LAND 5 ' . BOR SALE. HE, Sebscriber intending to remote to the Weai will dispose of bie Valuable Tract of LAND, conwsicng 495 ACRES, 12 wiles west of Selisbur Es lng ping the tands of Atel Cowan andé"T s L. Cowan. quality and well adapted to the thof CORN, WHEAT and C OT- T . ‘There ie also on tha premises 2 good end comfortatle DWELLING HOUSE, aod all other vut huuses. ‘There is aboat one hundred anid furty Acres clcaiec, the rest good wood land. Aiso a good Meadow. Also, | saother Tract eonteining eres, adjnining the lands formerly owned by John - Kesler, ————. Clodfelier aad oibers, bes on Ht a good House aod Barn—and a good Meadow— and sbout 100 ACRES cleared, acd it good repair. ‘To those wishing to parchase goed lead, I would advise them w call soon, se | aw deier. : mined to sell on Gs seasunable terms 26 can be wished. JAMES A. GILLEdPIE. Rowan Coonty, N.C. Jan. 28, 1843. } sal ~, Bd . =~ a ° r. , be ie affected, 8 = “Tease dificult fo” effect 3 permanent “cu aH Fever. and. Ague, though to reliene the patien the time beiag iea ory easy tapk, Dr, Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters have been bly-tested,and proved tn bea } Meath Madiodh cure ank Fives and Agoe. Hoadseds of bis fellow citizens in the West have tatily Come. forward to assure. Dr, offut, hat tie Life .Wedicines are the only medicines tt will thoroughly effect 3 removal uf this most iqng and disagreeable disease. Orhets ho have emigrated to that rich and promising poriup of ort coantry —men who went ‘oot fuifg 0, and confident of wincving a com. petéace fromm the luxariance of the soil ; or who ~ eatried to the'outpusts of oursenlenents the mer- camtile<of “techanical experience won in the crowded cities or towns of the older states, have _ either retarned with shattered chnstitutions and depressed $pirits, or they remain in their new homes; dragging cot a weaty fife, or at-Jast sink under some diseasé to which they-are predisposed by that terroraéf the West, Fever and Aeue — Their hopes are blagied —their business energies destroyed —thdir Eidorada becomes aGesert, and ‘the word of promise, made to their ear, is broken to the hope, ° ’ * Da these tndividatie, Dro Maffat wan'!d say — ‘Try the Life Medicines, and yon, will yet an- liciptte your thost ‘sanguine e@xpeetations, for they will certainly restore y.in to health.’ fee and Ague ia Acamplaint whieh requires to Ge met Bt Ns first approach, and eombatied at every stage, Seldum fatal -of irself, it redaces the strength, and iaypairs the fonctions uf the organs, so that upow the maifestation of dis- ease, Nature is unwhla, ngassisted tn resist the inrosd. The Life Vedicivesy when taken strict. ly seeording tudirectiuns, wit! cnre it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, fife and strength “Bor fall partiealars of the mode of treatment, the reader is fefefred 'o the Grood Samaritan. a copy of which accompanies the inedieine, S—> Tlisabpore medicine is.for sale by , “SCURESS & BOGRR, Igents. Salisbury, Out 22,1842 — Ly bSx a oA aupply of the ghove invaluable ME DICIN ES are for -saleat James Cross Roads, bredull cowmty, by 4 A. Cy, MeINTOSH, Agent. % Guard Your Ekectth, 4 ke RAT'S MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Ss r}mafitan, . Rut to ensure invariable suecess, bese’ muatbe rigidly followed, : vie ‘1 al ng} Anti Syenicinc Sravr.—'Tiis med has been proved in‘toore:than’ ‘ten: they hare’fa teasonably can fail, when ta ined,tnd Whieh are also given in: MOF- rt o/] - BEVER md AGUE, in all its fonr-lending species, .is pecaliar. weKtopicaL. administration of aproper.remedy,in connection with the spe— cific. powers of one of the ingredients in his med- icines;isthe secret of. his invariable tigmpb, while ail other practitioners.either entirely fail or only temporarily succeed, were witlt the very hest remedies that were known. ANETUS, oF Agoe is either. Quolidiam, or davl¥ ; Terlian, or thirdedad ; Quarlan, or fourth day ; Erattc, ot sometimes one of these petiods and sometimes a- nother ; or it .is Compheated, by taking these periods in succession, and then ranning into: in- | termitient fever of a more malignant character. | Bat itis a remarkable fact, however mysterious and nnaccountable it may-appear, that each and all of these snecies of Ague, hsve a rour- | TEENTH DAY Crisis, in which they, may. ‘be eured with certainty, bat oy neglecting which they can-on!v be cured by chance. Dr. Mar- FAT’S directions for taking the medicines inthis ‘igease, are therefore these :— First, take (wo of the lire Pits at bed time, and next morning nefore breakfast a full wine glass of the Pucenix Brrrers in aboot the’ same quantity of water, _and halt.a wine glass more ina full wine glass of water, abopt halfean hour before each meal during the day,.-On ‘the second sight take three pills and the bimers as before ; on the third night feor pills and the bitters as before, aod cun- | nnue taking four pills every nigtt for~ three nighis-more, with the bitters daring the day.— On dr hefore the seventh day, the Agne will seem to he e@ntiirely etired, and the patient will feel well, bungry,-and, hearty, bot he must ne- vertheless continae to take the bitters as before prescribed, antil and on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not until then, with positive and invariable tertainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Agoe but of whatever iilievs and.liver affections ix may have superiv— duced or even in any way connected, If, how- ever, the patient should by auy neglect, “due confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phoenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- scribed, at least thréa times0n the fourleenth day Dr. Maffst most not be blamed if thé disease | xhuvld tetern, and the pafient shoald learn wWis- -dom from afiliction, ane go through another | course of the. medicines for a furtnight longer, | Obeying these instructions, howevér, he will be so thoroughly cared, that he may bid d+fiance «hor is there an instance ittwhich’ 4 ‘Strrict. accordance with the directions here or un-! JL AE hi SP. FLW BL: =! ca ER by bile, 7 HETE nal scalemel, barley &e. ,np(in females) fromahe: change-of life, as: specified in the Pawptilet,. ~ icine is “ pi tinall Venerea}.{isord ers,.e certain teme / >) ABYSS Nt ce ted forits speed Gonotheer ann Gileet. Gos» Mixes, Bais aot, for Bilioes and Nervous Affewiions, Colds, &e ; » Aromatic Exraact,.a liniment.for Indiges— tion, Coldness»in the stomach, Numbness or Weakoess, in the limbs, Rireunratiem, &e; ‘“Dereveative, Powner; fur’ Bifions Fever Headache, Diseases of the Eyes Sic, which is | 16 be taken_jnthe-Restorer. xi Japan Ornrmenr, for Piles, which is to be applied besides the Restorer. <° t Bexcat Omrment, fos. Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Sealdhead, Exaptions of the skin, ‘and foul ulcers, ; is to be applied besides the Re- Storer. | Uwyiversaron Srrexctnesisa Paster. | tor-diseases of thesOtvest” Dyspepsia, inflamma: | tory Kheumatism, Palsy, Paralysis, gc. 4 | Dar. Kunw'’s Acoustic O:f, for Deafness | and sil other Auriewtar Complaints, which is to | be used together with the Restorer, bo Dr Kohl's Pamphlet ‘‘Vreatment,” &c , | entered aceotding tu Act of Congress, contains fall Directions for the ase of the ahove mention- ed medicines, and accompanies everyRemedy. From the Washington Globe. We feel it our duty ‘o insert the fallowing commanication in our eelamns, inasmoch as the efficacy and great.success of Dr. Kuhl’s Restur- ert is well known to ds: ‘* You will_please.to notice in your paper the following certificate : “ Td» hereby certify, that about the first of | Jannary, | was taken with the worst paralysis and inflammatory rheumatism that ever was in- flicied on. mankind. So far as 1 ean learn, the | uge of every limb was taken from me, hesides a | tremendous swelling at every joint, fever with i the same, and attended with (be most excructa—- ting pain | bad ever endured. I tried all reme- dies that were recommendable for the same, bat ;tono effect. [, by accident was ioformed that | Dr Kual was at Orange Conrt House. [ sent for | him immediately, and by applying his medicines, | 1 felta change in less than an hoor after he }came, ‘Fhe medicines used, were the Restorer j of the Blond, Aromatic Extract, Gold-Mine Bal. |sam, Universal Plaster, and Depurative Powder. [, therefore recommend his treatment to all those laboring under affliction, as given onder my { hand and seal, this 14th day of March, 1837, “JOHN PEYTON, [x s] | } | ‘* Near Orange Court House Virginia.” Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement jo the ahuve certificate, wishes to be anderstood, that lin general, cures cannot be effected within an ; hong, although a person may he mach benefitted id matters. arisi: pattie Jisorde:s ; fom the vse-ef mer-} TURE, fin Jiquid and in paste, ¥ and perfect removal..of + accommodating ; Wé he Spared to rén- der trips safe and pfeasan! tothe passengers. we eRRILL & P. eR. <Jane52, 1841246": Wen FRR DAVED L. POOL, FYVAKES thigemetbod of ‘ Informing his’ friends, and the public, that he is still carrying’on the Watch} fe end Clock making, and Re- Sq pairing business, at his old stand, near the Courthouse him will be warranted for a A - All work dong -t twelve monthy. Hestfll keeps on hand-a smal assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—tf33 The Bankrupt Law?! AVING tkeo considerable pains to ac- quaint otyself. with the provisions of the Baukraps Law, lately passed by Congress, | herehy tender my services to such as may wish io avail themselvesof its benefit. I shall attend the United Srates Court of this District, and if necessary, the Circuit Court also. Persons wishing toavail themselves of my se;vices, can see me on the approaching Sixth Circuit of the Soperiot Court:—and afterwards, [ shall be found in my office in Salisbury. H. C. JONES. N. B. I take this occasion to correct a pre- vailing error cbacerning this Law; many persons I find, suppoye that no one, except such as owe to the amovat of Five Handred Do!lars, can claim its benefit. This is a mistake, for it era- braces ‘‘ all persons” owing debis who are nnable to ‘meet them,’ no matter how smal! the amount. H.C. J. Salisbury, February 1 , 1842—1f29 Gicorge W.. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wirmincton & Faverrevitie N.C. ie undersigned is now prepared to receive Gouds at Wilmington, and forward the same to his Agent at Fayettevitle, who will forward to | remedies best calculated to remove them. . Wee . _ cae ADDLES. BRIT. Ks; §e:, Se.) |. x, ; ; : ; 2 Busca oo v m des=} PAPRING done. ip good style, and on the shortest notice.— | to with « : j.Cites | approvng ~ + Lenden &. Parisian ew ~$Andis prepared-to exee ath Biney™ |, | Pet ep and'torwarded, begs Crimping and Klat | creek. TRY rs EPP EE Sobscriberingy h has just received the latestand mos wh. ule Otcorg: Nao Mes, a i f SHAACE Shall ee ylish andsatisfacs Work*semt from a dis <— - SD <= oy Mrs. Pv has on be: tof ‘Biinets- are Parbans, for sale, (neweat Style) "GC “e* Mrs: S. P. is ateo Prepared 4p : ing on reas Salisbury, December 8, 1842 ety PEND d@ fia Ly j ~ PLUMMER & Satft7 ~ DR. D: JAYNE’S WILY WEDICLVES. FYXHESE MEDIGINES are expreasty ‘pre- “pared for family use, and: have scijuite an, unprecedented popatai iredg bout the United States ; and a8 they are so admirably calealated to preserve Health and enre Disease, no famils shoul’ ever be without thet,» The proprietor of | these valuable preparations received: his educa— tion at one of the best medical> Oolleges tn the Cauied States, and bas had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified* practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the SHAW Jayne’s Expectorant, A valaable remedy for Cough,. Colds, Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Acute Rheuma tism. Pain in the Breast or Side’ Plettrisy aad inflamalion of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Hair Donic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, and which will positively brieg in /Vew Hairon Bald Heads,and prevent us fall- ing out or tarding Gray. ' JAYNE’S TONIC. VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for the removal of Worms, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Fever and gue, Piles, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially “ofsthe | Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. R 6 all-its various brahches, (wo déot ie, -eute alPorders of his customers manner not surpassed b couniry.* Heis also in and prepared to. Fashionable at all times Medicine-for Feve Nervous Wealiness, should discriminate the. “thousand and one” remedies « hera'ded forth to the public, (the Same noe ail times past, ) and that almos Oni ves}: cessful prescription called ference. Tonic Mixture inthe core of Fevet and vopon entirely new and principles. Secondly : resis the tunrse of the chills, when par and perseveringly ased, bot it soon restong tonted functions of the general sysiewty NEW FASHioyy FAL & WINTEpY © 1842 & 4g" THOMAS DICK ESPECTFULLY ing ; pablic, that he sti} carries mane be TATLORING W. Morpliy’s store, where he je : in agi ¥ BOY in this the recolar K FASHIOye 4 accommodate the nore é * NBW=-YOrR December 3, 1842—1y3 TO FAMILIn ROWAND’s IMPROVED’ TONIC mm, Those who seek shave recourse to af, RAND Acte, Dyry . Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mix A few remarks will serve to illasirae tg In the first place, the operation peculiar, yf It not only prom fectly healthy state ; when relapses are og liableto ensue than an altack of the digg one who bas never had it before, Thirdivg the Owners inthe back country. He basa large af Addressed to those who-.are buperfeet health, or * ; Warehouse at the River, where Goods ill be repute:l so-) JAYNES CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- to the disease, hawever nohealthy may be his! within that time oy the use of his medicines. — Ineation or -prevalent the malady, around him.— | fle feels it, however, necessary to give tne fol- : “BOF*.Gonfle- Reader: ff yon wonkd avert “fides yuu the sickness, the pains, the wretched “Hess, ete premature martiality which you see al! For children between seven and fonrteen years | of-age, half of the abave quantities of the me Jictnes will suffice; for younger children, a | lowing extract of a letter from his Agent at Or ange Conrt tluuse, dated May 19:h, 1837, ‘“* Dear Sir—! saw Mr Joho Peyton to day, stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to half the usaal cartege from the River to Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the expense on plaints, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholie. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mar, bus, and all derangements of the Slomach aod system, during the admioistration of the | ed ‘J'onic Mixtare, springs up at once on benign infloence, and gives forth an earnesl tarning healib and vigor. Fourth!y: Pro more or less effect on the bowels, ihe eg the disease passet off in the way cot t indicated by nature. Fifihly : lts effeesa system are oniformly mild and sale,es ne efficient, and it is ag welladapied to the infant, simply by a modification of ihe dam the most vigorovs-adult, Many ober attuns, of the atmost importance to thea parents and iovalids, might be enume-va but the above are a few of the pdin's of a in comparison with the remedies generally srucad tie, wnd*whiéh, like a’sbarp ‘sword sns- Pisded, istever reaty to fall upon yhe, despise mitiny advice—jt wel cost you fitite, will nei- t fiinze npn’ your occupations or amuse— dali the Jfacahies of your mind and Hody will be as amech bettered by it as to repay vou (tn fotd. | ask onty one week's trial to con winte the Most seepticah. ty the first’ place, diséard all old errors: and prjadices from your. mind, especially the old e adege, “ Tf you ar® passing well, do nut atllempt to helter yourself; it -is“\ke saying of ignor- inte and -saperstition—af those awho ‘attributed Goods mech below the usuat charge. As his Warehouse is isolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison to the risk incurred from being situated in town. Those who may favor him with their bosiness, may rest assured that every altention will be paid to the promotion of their interest. Alterative or Puryative Medicine is tequired. GEO. W. DAVIS. | ‘The above medicines are fur sale, wholesale or | retail, at the Salisbury Msdicai and Drug Swvre, , by quarter of those quantities, to be increased or! and he luoksbetter than [| ever saw him. He dJiminished.io pruportion as the age varies from | says if it had aot been fur your medicines he advanced childhood to infancy. For very young | should have been onder groand. Ie requested children, small. quantities of ihe bitters only will | me to tell you, that you had saved his tife, for alone be necessary. pane time, and to present his respects to you. This treatment, with these supremely effec-| +» Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this ‘oak LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect- | eonnty, and many cures of importance have been ly trinmphant in the worst regions of the Sontn- | e(fected in this neighborhood by the use of your ern and Western country, and around the -north- medicines. I have had a great number of ven- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the ereal cases, and many of long standing, and al- niversality of an epidemic, and the demand fur ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Anti this sovereign remedy has been far greater than | Syphilitic Syrapt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- the-supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- Bowels, Nervous Affections, &c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin. &c., and in all cases where an aperien: a) F in) nia, Br References : Messrs John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, C.B. WHEELER, Agent Fayetteville, NV. C. Salisbury, N. C. 2!) hepesaw aroand them te chefce.andfortune,. iestead of nature's unWersal iaws. Has not man, led on py experiento, learned, to guard himsell aeainst {he other elements uf nature, the waves, tte wied, and the torrents of rain Why then shoald-he nat, in fair weather, -ptitrd himself a- gainst the starms which are “ever ristne ‘inchis ow @ frat body? Remember; you, are every day - eatlog grossduod; and It is yournature to con Acre to do 80... You ave wéil at’prese nt, bat ev- ery day.the seed of disease is growing within | you; and if yoo do not strictly guad your health while rou are well, yenare Ronio ually in danger of painful.aad protratied. cunfinements, and ie seme cunstitations, deatir. ‘pe. Nothing is stationarg.in this world. Even the parest fuentaia of which we drink ~does it not require cleaning 2..A petsom may imagine he is in perfect health, aod yet-not-know to wus! perfection his vital organs may be bronght when assisted. by the Imad of Nature. [have un- dovhied proofs of {hia fret in che nnbounded snc eessol the LIFE MEDIGINES. - Let those wko hive fulluwed the motte, * When yoo are -@ten moderately well, throw. ph¥sie io the dog. ¢a!|_apon.me, if: thepaveuld be convinced of the iuipouianceuf my position, y.. . -.. “Phe cperation of she Life. Medicines in every ~ Jogtance that bas come to my, knowledge is, most * gratifying, Those who afé in cumparative good ~ héalih..nay perfect theic happiness with no in | convenience ;. and thuse ‘upfortunates who are _tnid lose by disease of almost any desetiption, ry fiodsguro relief ia those purely vegerable preparations.” ‘They operate gently but power- tully apontihe secretions of the body, and cleanse | the blood uf abl vitiated hurnors, ee parating a had from the good, expelling the drege, drossand imodrifies—and leaving behind only what i | good and nonrishing to natnre, Reader, consider and refiect well, The blessings of this life, for rich and poor Vie eaticely within oorselves, in our own physica! bodies. “My advice to all, then, is, gtard your health Vf you are well, perhaps you may be still betler—and Yon inay always ‘avoid heing sick hy a jadicinns use of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES, - sCP Dr. Moffar’s Life-Pilts and Phoenix’ Bitters, are for saje by CRESS & BOGER,¥Y gents. Salisbury, Get 29 1812—1y14 Sc A sapply cf the above Invaluable WEL | DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Iredell county. by A. Co McefNTOSH, Agent, —_—--- — —>— Br. J. Torrence, AS removed to his.residepes thee miles weap of M. & 'T. C, Graham's Siore, on the toad leading from Salisbury ip Statesville, | where ha may be found by hie friends_aod the nblia “all times, uniess prufessianally engaged, Pista es thigttnethod of retnraing his thanks tu the pablie for the liberal patronage heretolure’ re- ceived, and hopes to merit_a coutinnation of the | same. His chafges shall ia ali cases be resenn able,and adapted to the hardoess'of the times. “Nov 12, 1842-~ SmJ6 Job Printing neatly done liere. ever, are now well furnished, and wil! make ev- ery effort tof send this advertisement-into-the most afflicted districts, tncredible nnmbers, to the absolote efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and | hillioug-affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, but also in chronic rod inflammatory rhenmatism, costiveness, pains in the,side and limbs, eroptions of the skin, sero- futa, piles, worms, searvy, anda host of other complaiats, for the cure of which, these Veget- able L'fe Medicines are-o pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of-these diseases, as well aga must fatal undermining of the general health are oceasioned by Fever and gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- clat attention of ‘the public to the absolute aséen. dency of big medicines over this’ malady the fonntain head of 80 many others. tw add thatthe Life Medicines are agreeable ani invigoratingJa their operations, reqnite neither confinement oor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repniation they heave long possessed, not hy the esnal artificial effdrts, bat solely by their invaziable and extensive nsefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William BeMouffat; 875 Broad wav) New. York: The above mediciag is forsale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbury: Medical. Ding Store, by C. B WHEELER; gent. Salishory, Sept’ S$) 1842-136 ‘ carry ov the basiness of CUTTING STONE, TO TRE PUBLIC. as usaal,at his Granite Quarry, seven tiles | south of Salisbory, near the old Chasleston road. | where he is able te supply all orders for MILL STONES, of the best grit, andon the shortest nylige. ~ rhe we — ALSO—- 4 e ’ For sale al the lowest prices, Madow Sil's, Door-sil's, Door steps, rongh building. socks, ‘Tombstones, Gal grinders, Ke, | &eo. &e. w- J, HOULDHOUSER. Salishorv, Feh- 26, 1842 ~—1y$1 N B. Orders for ‘any wf-the above wrongh: }. articles, directéd-to me at’ 'S puncioally attended to 2 Look at-Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisemeat, and if you wish felie! for your ma ny maladies. call dod WHEELER, Agent, << Sattshory, Dee 10 1120 _ +a : St Doets. Henderson &-B oyde Have ansacigies themselves ir the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE , Their Office is “in the Briek [loos opposite Mr. Cowan's: Rotel. Salisbury, Jaly 3, 1941,—1f49 Voluntary and jealous— | ly grateful testimonials are received at the pro- | prietor’s office tn New Yotk, by every mail in| He has only , TIE, subscriber takes this method of inform. | ing the poblie, that he siill contioues to | n, fect cure, and that in a short time. ; Ashborough, N. C., July 13, 1842 Dr. Keur, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—1 think your Medicines are about to take a start in this county, froin the fact that they effected a cure which seems to have baffled the skill of the physicians in this section fur a | yearortwo. ‘The eubject is Mr Nathaniel N., who has been afflicted with the Liver Complaint, together with some other eomplaints,—say,F Jat- ulence.and Dyspepsia. He has taken one bottle of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in twelve hours he felt relieved, and in twenty-four hours, much relieved. Ile has so far recovered, nuw, as to follow the avocatton of his farm with little or nodiffienity, He says he wants all who are afflicted, tonse your Medicines, and is re- commending them to the afllicted. I wonld be glad yoo would send mea supply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, as a vast num | ber of persons sre taking them now. Respectfolly yours, J.M. A. DRAKE. EC Persons wishing to procure any of the | medicines, will please direct their orders, with | the amount, (post paid.) to | Dr. Kunc’s Orrice, Ricumonxp, Virainia, or to any of thefollowing Agents : NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Harsiave, Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborongh, G. W.& C. Grimae, Raleish, M. J. A. Drake, Ashborough. JF & © Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolnton. James J. Horne, Pittsboroogh, N. C. South Carolina, Steele, Goaning § Co. oe McLore, Brawley §& Co. Chester C. H. “The continuation of the list of Agents, see Dr. K*’s Pamphlet. NO'FICE.— Patients and Agents in the State (ot North Carolisay and South and West of it. | will pleage direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's OF. , fice, Raleigh, N G., and those in Virginia, and ; North and Kast of it, to Richmond, Virginia. August 6, 1848—1y2 A fresh supp f { { ! | $ ly of Dr. D, alisbory, a be | Jayne's-iovalaable Feouly. Medicines, just re- ceived and for sale by CB WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dec 10—:f20 csuiee remedy CB 6 EMER EERE !! AN quantityof fresh Lime’ean be had at the kiln of the late Joseph Williams. dec. By the 100-hnshels and aver’ 16 cents;°40 to 100 byshels.38 5 5 to-4Mbashels 20; voslacked in proportion. - ~ Y All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or rheit sesidence, will apply either to J. or R WILLIAMS, ©. ««« Rockford, Sorre cannty,N- ©} {4 s Avg 71, 1841 : Alexander Anderson, Jotn McRae, John Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, _ Salisbury, VC. {. S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—tt10 BERKSHIRE & RUSSIA PIGS! ‘i 1E undersigned haviog sold, in the last two years, about two hendred-Pigs’ if the eounties of Davie, Stokes, Surry, Iredell, Row- an, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Davidson, Guilford, ; and some in Soath Carolina and Virginia, and the demand sti}! being very great, have added to their well known stock, the Berkshire sows of Col. C. Harbin, from Bernent’s Stock, Albany and now having ten fall blooded Berkshire sows and two boars, they are prepared to breed’as fine full blood as any in the country. ‘They have RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russia and Berkshire. They have on hand agoodly somber of the above pigs, ready to supply any orders with which they may be favored, at prices ia propor- tion to the hardness of the ‘imes. MAXIMILIAN CUTHRELL. JOHN H. CHINN. Farmington, Davie co. N.C. (f43 May 9, 1842, SALISBURY FACTORY. HIS Establishment is now in complete npe- ration ‘Tbe Company are manufacturing COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheeting and Osnaburg, of a superior quality, which they offer to the padlic at the lowest market prices. Merchanis and others, who will examine qualities, and com- pare prices, will find it to their inierest to pur~ chase. J. RHODES -BROH NE, Agent. Salisborv, June 4, 1842—1145 , LATE ao Arrivals. sp Medicines, Paints, Oils, Tr and SP Hos. i stoments, Matches, Paper.and many other ar | V perience mn the bysiness, he feels-confident of his “IN. B.- All. ofdets..from 9 Paneteally attenged to. ~ Bi | scriptton done og the’ Sent 3 , 1842—1y6 NEW CABINET, CHAIR &% SOFA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT !! THE SUBSCRIBERS “AVING associated themselves together for the purpose of manufacturing . Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s, SECRETARY'S; WARDROBES, Centre--Tables, SIDEBOARDS; &C. &C. in the very best hind of style, and of the finest materials, beg leave to ask at the hands of -the citizens of the country and villages. around, a share of their patropagein ourliae of basiness. As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) has had long experience in working in some of the finest and most fashionable shops of F.arope, aod -of the large cities of the Northero United States, we flatter ourselves-that we ean apd will honestly and faithfully complete in workmenlike manner all jobs called for. We will repair and polish any furniture, that may be brought to us on short notice, and in the first styleof workmanship, and oiderts for Coffins punctually attended to. Onur prices will be as moderate as we cap afford. Their shop is a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Junes’ old Tavern. ~~ JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Noy 26, 1842—1f18 N. B. All those indebted to Warren Gheen, are requested to make payment before the first of Janeary, 1848, or they will. then bave a call frum an officer C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent tor Dr. Rowand, hag just repeived a fresh sop- ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mizture, which is for sale wholesale and retai!, at h Dee 10—t20 . (tton Gin Making Business . a HE subseriber wonld respectfully inform the citizens of Rowan apd the adjoining coun- ties, that he hag commenced the above Business in Salishury. His shop-is: thfee doors east of Moses L Brown’s'Tan Yard, where he is pre-- pated to execute eli work im his line of business with neatness aed despatch. From a ex~ ability to give en re-gatisfaetion to all who may fagor him withs beir.patroosge. pst, NB. “te distance shal) be heresy de- ~ ticles. jost received and fur-saléiat prices tn -suit ibetimes, hy Go B. WHEELER. 5 * Salishure, $33 . aati -and Thresbiog® wi ANDI : | formerly owned by Mr. Frederick the ‘Town of Salisbury, which he iniere after to carry on in a manner altogether ™ ed to put iron into apy shape or (em er. , ing of MILL SPINDLES, the casi"? - or GUDGEONS, &e., cone a! the 60" and repair COT” or indeed any kind of MACT he may be called upon to dv. sulicits a trial. Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, N.C. - in the face, and abuat 12 years”! ® at $20. The owner is reques! pay charges, bait unosually long in bis /3 have the appesrance of scar cn one side occasion’? trots well, and-ia very SP!" ‘above rewatd willbe e'¥' -ariy-reBedtieble compe? opraleg Ge Cc Line, ep oi ed to in professional and family praci which a proper judgment may be furmed lecting the remedy. - N.B, With a view to re-establish confidence in the ,effieiency of the “Ro Improved Ténic Mixture,” to effecia i cure uf Fever and Ague, the Proprievr vhe original guaraniée, viz: be returned in every case whereir the : has been puoctually nsed without prodod desired -effec'. The mong Address Dr. JOHN R. ROWAND, _ _: No 28 Nurth Second Street, Philade Sopplies have been received by the sult C.B. WHEEL for Salisbury, N. C. Vs Sept8, 1842—156 : Something Nat The Subscriber AKES this method of informing bis# and the poslic, that he bas purchast SMITH SHOP, k Money: this part-of theeountry. He is o¢! a in the eemmon onderstanding of tle heis an actoal [ron King, being adie age per, All kinds of MACHINE WOFK-® tice, and in first fate siyle. He wil - : TON GINS or THRE INE WOR , He reaper At W.H. WILLIAYY Salisbury, Sept $, 1842-16 ee TAKEN u é qs Y Thomas Pinekston, and en'er’ stray Buok of Rowsn, 8 wee ed to cus! 9 d take him away. *OHN 1 SHAV ER. Rut Jan 28, 1848—4027 f Five Dollars Rewaré “ya GYTRAYED from the S agli evenint © hoffe, aboat ten yer/s old ; b hite #8 size, with ann peek ™ betPg swcllef a 3 posi ted in bared en for bie # ' @ gation for iota WILFRED ° Davie eaunty, ga2k 1843. anaary 28, eee Oe eT pr re nls 2 ip wei} far, less , dised o TERMS r square far the 3 aa Sas s hare! ar. Pogat > . : far pe : LE — Gee do! for each continugace. See fire cents « “4 -- i ha [Yad Wes norices wilt be chargedibs per ct-higlt : & ase ihe tbove rales, " ig a ——— eit aeton of 334 par Che SIM GM WAR Wa Sen advertise by the year. “'” tl. thse © eertiserents will ‘be “corftinued antil ft * charged for accordingly, aniess order: | ~ t eer!aif number of times merits : gir? Leuers addressed to the _Evitor must - F iT paid to esure attention. iy ce OE S tue > ee > : tie at mm 3 . a > So a blic generall . Ae reception of Travellers & Boarders. and Bar wiil be supplied with ket and sarroanding country af- for th His TaBLe the best the mar we SraBLES spa plied, witte grain and p yaded by faithful and The undersig ertion on his pat eral satisfaction a call. tsnall J TO @LERKS, T ing Coonties, that he keep on band, a full su printed on good paper, work cone in the State tanee fur any of the fo uilended to: © tioai Exponas, Jurors’ Affray Indictments, In Writs, &e. Miscellaneous —Con Rxecations attached,) dian Bonds, Apprentic License, Appe:rance Deeds of Conveyance; jos, Sheriffs Deeds, ciousy and bountifully sup- ned pledges himself that no ex toall who may favor bin with Salisbury, Sept. 11, BLANKS! BLAVKS!! SHERIFFS, CONSTA- BLES, §c. ROPRIETOR of the * Watchman ise a Office,” respectfolly informs the Clerks, Sheriff's and Constables of the surround Superior Court —Witness Tickets, Writs, Cepize Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Subpeaas, Veadi- County Court—Joror’s Tickets, Execoiions, of Roads, Vendi. Exponas, Witness -‘Tickets, Bonds, Commissions to take Depositions, Con- gables’ Booés, Administrators’ Bonds, Prosecu- too Boads, Superior and Co- Conft.« y, that the same is now rovender, of all kinds; af- attentive Ostlers. be wanting to give gen- AMES ZL. COWAN. 1840: 1tf7 - has and will econtinge to pply of BLANKS neatly and not surpassed by any All orders from a dis- llowing Blanks prémptly Tickets, Exeeations. dictments vs. Overseers stables’; Warrants,’ (with Ca Sa’s & Bonds; Gaar- es’ Indentures,. Marriage Bonds, Deeds: of “Trost, Detivery.-Bonds, Tujuoc- (Veodi.“E.xpay ~Appes! tha shortest natic wyin she Srate,~ Printing !- PANCY JOB WORE F DIFFERENT COLORS, done at Salisbory, Now19,-1842, * Printing 2.2 6,and not surpassed by To THE AFFLICTED.—The subscriber has just received a larve and. fresh sopply of Dr Moffatt’s obtain retief CB Salisbury, Dee 10— Life Medicine, Call & WHEELER; Agent. 1129 Dr. Brandcth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbory, N. C. Oct. 1842—tf14 rValuable Traet of La ‘will sell on good term Farmer’s Look out.—I have nd near Salisbury, which 3, if application be made ton, I. LYERLY. Salisbory, Dee 10 y tf20 PRICES CURRENT AT SauisBpury, Feb. 11. Cents. Cents. Baeon, 4 a5 | Cotton Yarn. 90 Brandy, ap. a 301 Molasses, 85 a 40 peach, 40 a 50 | Nails, 6a7 butter, 7a 8| Oats, ~ 15 a 20 Beeswax, 25; Pork, | $3 Cotton, clean 54.6] Sugar, br. $a 10 Coffee, Qall loaf, 154218 orn, 25 { Salt, sack, $3} fathers, 20325 | Tallow, 7 wt - $38$.a 4b’ Tobacco, 8 a 20 "axseed, 50a 55 | Tow-Linen, 12a 16 ‘on, perlb. 3a4] Wheat, bush 75 uinseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal. 99 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 2. Faverrevinis, Feb, |. pray speach 45 | Molasses, 95 ,. Apple 30a $5 | Nails,cut, 6 a 64 ries 5a 54 | Sugarbrown, 6} J0 on 27 a 28 | Lump, 14 (, ii 10a 12 | Loaf, 15a 18 nae 5426 |} Salt, 50 2 60 te Yarn, 14418 Sack, $23 7 40.250 | ‘Vohbaccoleaf 2a 3 ptles,F.P.15a17 | Cotton bag 20 aed = 80. a $1 | - Bale rope, 8a 10 ie $1 ag4? | Wheat new 80885 S$ = =620 a 25 | Whiskey 30 a 35 ™, 3254 Wool. 15 a 20 Bre Cueraw, Jan. $1, 1842. hae 344 4 | Nails cut assor. 728 Satie. 5a 5h) wrought 16a 18 bese 124 a 15! Oats bushel 30 a 37 Nec 22 3251} Oil gal 75a $l} hie Syd 20222 amp $1 25 en? 1Qa12) linseed 1 10a 1 25 Cat to 12's 14] Pork 100]bs 5} a Corn 4263 | Rice 100Ibs 4a Neo bush 40 a 62 Sugar Ib 8 ag2} ; ror $4 a 44] Salt sack $27 ee 25 a 30 bush $100 + 5a 6| Steel Amer.10 a 00 Yolac ; 7 English © 14 ieee 35. a 40 German 12414 123 | Teaimpe. $1-:8137 "Mite ton first gate nonper snd for sale at Clb fir aless time paid for in advance. : Minted (hit Bt the option o gaitors) easil-al) azzenrages. REP ‘OF ADVERTISING srs foto aha As ge! | Lover 1,400,000 cases and never koown to fail. Bt siderable experience as"8 PRINTER, wishes a sit yure eS eee tl ,. COUNTY courT WRITS, “RMS. Sow) Por | rs i advaneey a eebd of Ihe ye v the be. received od 4u09. dollar aod [> ze 253; Pa @ bos building yin-the onge, nsf otvned by Igo. }. Shaver ow. Morphy. ee 4 In addition +, carry-on.the § varieties cee j " Cod making W ote, 8s de He begs to asgore jhe. pal ie hat attention to, businéssyany. ski}lfal w title. him to patronage 4nd spppar!, h MS” "ARON WOOLWORTH. | » Nov. 1S 2 aye oe n Dr. Sherman’s Piedicated Boseuges Are the best MEDICINE S in the World, FING the cheapest and most: pleasant.— ‘The Medical Faculty warmly approve them. sician, and-a member of the Medical “Sotiety 0 New York. 6 x Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, ‘ W booping Congh, Asthma, Tightness of the Longs or Chest; &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only iofallisle worm destroving -meci- cine ever discovered. ‘They have been osed in SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous of sick Head- ache,-palpitation of. the Heart, Lowness of Spir- ita, ._Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sisking of. the Chest, Diarrtaa, Las- sitode, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy far this distressing complaint, ever offered tothe American public.— In the immense namber of ‘cases in whiclr they have beef used, they have never been known to fait. at * Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges, . Diarrhea or lonseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesame during the summer months, may now be éntirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges’ » ‘They are prepared express ly fir that pnrplose, and caasbe relied on with potfect confidence, Persons subject to a derange. ment of the bowels should neverbe without them They afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gripiogs, faintness, depression, &c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges -Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common Peppermints; and are aa active and efficient medicine. They cleanse the stomack and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used fur bilians persons. Where an active medicine is required, they are hot only the best, but the safest that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters-for Rheumatism, Lum- bazo, Pain or Weakness in the Back, Joins, Side or Breast, The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Satishary’ Medical Droge Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N. €, Sept $, 1842—1y6 Dr, Mofat’s Vegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qnalities of the most mild and he- neficial nature. They ate composed cf ar- ingredien's known as the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. When the dis ease is prodoced either from. cold, obstruction, d air, swampy and damp situations, or putrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by other causes, these medicines are certain in ther operations or effects, “hey are possessed of pe culiar qualities, whieh not only expel sl! disease. but at the same time restore and invigorate the system. When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor through every pore, prodocing effrcis-at once delightful, salutary, and permanent. When the spark of tife begins to grow dim, the circulation languid, and the faculties: paralized, these medi- cines are found to give a tone to the nerves, ex- hilerate the animal spirits, invigoraie the body, and re animate the whole man The Life.edicines have also been vse! wil, the most happy suecess in Nervus and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, [chronic and inflama- tory}. D ropsies, &e. BcPCall at Caress & Bocer’s, Agents. Saiisbury, Oct 22, 1842— Jy 13 e BC A supply of the-above Invalozble ME- DICINES are-for sale at James’ Crugs Russ, Iredell, county, by Ge, MeINTOSH, Agent. A To Publishers, tcp A YOUNG MAN, who has had con- eation-as Foreman or Journeyman. Satisfactory refere pan be given. For particulars address the * mao Office,” Salisbory, N.U.. post paid, Jannary 21, 1843. J. Su Johnston, ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AY be foond always at the Office of H. Dr. Sherman is a skilful and experienced Phy~ ticles the most anti-potreseent, combined wiil: | alll US AsSabov hor'sweeljgontent with me, << qo T hat thoeaby ee? “a "ld ibeeause, thesends.widey a ey pad.ihe Lempes Japd ¢ { fear? “ “at 1 Gemb!s.nos my gileless brid@,..-.5.« <P AMiie datgers thou dread Tshaie. ” = , - wget hecniarin’t fest of thewave , |» Add think’stourg@ ant parque will sweep Laght o'er sotme-list one’s grave. Bot calin those Sears bebyld the sea eels gnpotheas the-silves Biream, On whose benks thog of “ Wheo silver'd by, aahy a beam, _ tne % > By many’ a beach from yon summer moun, Tbat-is sailitig ndw. above ; «{Phenecame; my geotle one, and soon We shail reach our hume of love. Nay, nay, I fear not the foaming wave, * Nor the dangers uf the sea 3 Be the same that would yeatn fur me ? Bat my sire i# old, and my mother sleeps In deaib, in son chorch yar@ niyt: ; And when an angel father weeps, Should no tears dew a duughter's eye ? ‘Tis true my mother doth get remain, My father’s ace hell cheer; * Bat ob! when ill, who eould seath his pain Like a daoghter, if one were near ? Andis not this my native tand, - The home of ny early days ? Where Hope frst wav'd ter fairy wand, Where | caroll’d my earliest days ? And eold is the heart that would not ache, W hen parting from scenes like these ; When a last farewell it would paose to :ake Ere it speeds athwart the seas. Bui now | am thine—yes native jand, Thy child sfar does roam: Sh. gave her heart, ere she did her hand, She lies toanother home, © Bat ob! she loves ye—this last adieu She tinger’d awhile to take ; Father! Brother farewell! to yoo: No more—or her heart will break — ~ Tho’ love may. blrss her, and pleasure shine Yet memory oft wil! rosm To that spot where nature erects a gbrice For worship—hernalive home. _ Come cone, I lear the seaman’s ery, 1 fear not wind, nor wave ; With thee all peril I dety, All dangers | woold brave, But marvel not thy bride did weep, W hen ties like hers were brokeo : Home | ihe farewell is spoken. “HOW TO DO GOOD. adopted. do good so far off? pores, peceadillo, some ungesir-ble gesture, sou your vi-sege toward a sister ora Caughtes prey cease to presch bens ficence on a lirg scale. Begin not next door but wrhi will do at, give advice, JO il, give ehastisement. will do it, gry fv atom every momens,” There is a much phiosophy and seund mcrality beau there :s ina volume of sermons. good w:!] present themselves, how moc satisfaction he will feel humeelf, how mncl better he will be eatished with the work and the world with hom. on their performance. which true happiness consists. — Ledger, papers tell the following anecdote: ging by informing the crowd, which he was addressing. that his father was a cooper, and had made many 29 barrel for them. Tom, in reply, indulged in the following straine : ‘Fellow citizens. ] have no doubt that Mr. P.’s (his opponent’s) father was s cooper, a first rate cooper, & glorious cooper—a perfect smasber of 4 coaper, and mode you-many a pood barrel ; but fellow j cihz08, he made one barrel (pointing to P.) in ‘whieb be forget to put s good head.” C. Jones, Esq., directly cppusiie the Rowan Hotel. 4 * wee Salisbury, Jano, 1943~ 14 Outstanding Treasury Notes.—The ‘entire let of February, areniding to ihe repork rendereJ, is $11,731,327 69, . Rats FS “Then has réad perchance ofthe bobinifess deep hes stray'd with me, For shuold’st thou perish, wéuld not thy rive ’ Bot ’tis past, we are now on the boundless deep A qvaint weiter, who takes to himsel! the eogoonton of Charles Quill, gives » short and easy method of doing gnod, abich will be found as effectual a one es could be He sors, “why do you begin i This isa roling erter, Begin at the centre, 8nd work outwards. {f you do not love your wife. do net pre- tend to such love forthe people of the arti- If you let some family grovige, some ' yourown docr, with your next neighbor, whether relative servant or seperier, Ae. count the man vou meet the etmsn you afe to bless. Give-kim such as you have, Tlow can | make bim or her bappier 2 ‘This is the question. Ifa ¢ol- lar wil] do wt, give the dollar. Jf advice If chastisement wilt If a lock. a emile, or wary pressure of the band, or a tesr the Jock, hand, smile or tear, But never forget that the happiness of our wold 18°38 mounts of golden sanes, and thai iis your part to caet some contributo- s ‘fully expressed in these few words a¢ Let every Mdividual practice the tule Jaid down, and see how soon the opportunites for doing ’ 2 } The cammon | duties of life’ are those which sre oftenest psssed over with tnattcntion, and vet the whole happiness ¢f our lives. and of those ecrnected with os depends, essentially op- They show the troe temper of ovr virtue, and, ae they ate good or badly performe”, promote or destroy that peace and perfect satisfaction of mind in -| the foot ef thet Cross which, by day and | night, hs hi 'ar.of cloud ; | shal! be f und wantirg” .Marshalland the Barrel.—The western 'ght, had been his pi'lar,of cloud end of | “An opponent of this gentleman, some few. years since, exhibited his polities! gag. amount of ou'standing . reasury Notes on the | well deserved tte ee 99 « TUB-LATE P.-S. KEY. <Thefollowing report of the Speech of Z. | Gelling Lee, st the late Annual Méeting ‘of the American Colonization Society, bas been prepared for publication: at the request of the friends of she Jete.Mr;-Kev - in the re port fast reat w the-toss this Soci= most d®ticguished benefartors since “ite lest anneal “meeung, prompts tho enxiads Leyessdf this assemblyto seek to-night the a-gihed and-beloved - associate. | hie.epat'isvacant, and-he shall be po more seen (6 gladden, to delight, and to. ingtract rtemporary. interest to those of: eternal hope. The music of his elequenceis hushed far- the fruits of his -setive-virtves are with ve, and .will-become a iich inheritance to ‘al! who would honorably live or nobly die, Pive days aga I nasted, sir, with a trowd of-monrners in following to the tomb ail that was mortal of Francis Seots Key. Fal! of lfe, and love, and chotily, he left this erty on.a brief visit to bis family in Balti= more j there to interchange the. gent! offi ces of Kindred effection, antending to re- turn again to-be present this evening at your Sariety’s: anniversary meeting,‘and to discharge the high forensic obligations awal- ting him in a fornm where his genius ond learning bad been often illustrated. It was on the day preceding his last fatal his arrival, end to hear from bis lips @ warm expresion of his abiding sttaehment to this great cherity, and the assurance that his heart and voice would be with us to-night. Rut, elas, sir, a wise and inscrotable Provi- dence had otherwise ordained: [Ho was attacked on the next day by 9 violeny plen- risy, which. after beflling the highest medi— eal skill, and the most devoted homan ef- forts, terminated the career of this distin- goished mn in the sixty-fourth year of his age. fle died in the full posession of his faculties, abd cheered hy the topes of im. mortality and bliss. He was permitted to breathe his Jast in the mist of those he so tenderly loved on earth, snd to have his oilow smoothed and his obg: qines honored by kindred hands and cherished friends. Mr. Key wes remarkable from youth for the quiekness and trifliancy, of his intel- leet, and the ordor of his fectings in the pursuits (f literature, and ia the promotion of whatever wae benevolent and goad. Allied by marriage to one of the most honorable and honored families of Mary- tand, and ylaced by distalents and virtnes inthe best society and associations, ho ap- peared early and prominently on the stage f Ife, and rose rapidly to distinction ig his profession. Among the many great philanthropista ne one exhibited more zeal, or has left he- hind & brighter record ot good works thar ovr departed friend, ‘Phe poor and the op. bors, and their canse offen touched with thetre el quence his finest forensie efforts He sought the misersb'e but to relieve them, and instrneted the ignorant and vitious tyat ‘he might reform and elevate them. It was his invariable habit thronghont fife to devote every Sabbath fo the ofiers of | religion, and he could be seen in the morn | ing Sunday school with a group of hile | ton. the scholar added to these hombler, but more lovely, title of Sabbath school leacher; end J believe the last Sunday he spent in this ently was devoted to this unobtrusive and hallowed task, . What a lesson should such a hfe teach to the great and powerful! end how does 41 | say to all, “Go se and do likewise!” For, amid all the fascinations which genius and | eleqnence throw around their possessor, | with the honors and applause of the warld | to dszz'e and elate him, he yet never for- got thst be wasa Christian, nor suffered bis beat and hopes to be withdrawn from that faith which was ing comfort in life, and is now his ‘ exceeding great reward ”’ . However overmbelmning the engrossing | and bustle of the arena of active Ife, fire, to which he looked and by which he! conquered. deep darkness, which must close upon the Statesman and waspior’s tomb and memory, anless the Star of Bethlehem shall have shone over their paths anc the hopes of Chris- tianty: animeted their bosoms! Tke.civic wreath sod the, triumphal ear are as nothing to the glory thet encircles the patriot Christian’s brow, and shich we confidently believe is now the reward of him whose virtues and Jabors of cherity & As an advorste Mi. Key had few if any superiors. The fervor and richness of bis Mr Present > "Rhe-feehr g allusion, ‘ety bas-sestained by the death-of 1wo'ef its: absent form and. benevolent-countenance of But, alas,” ‘use! Our friend, the friead of mao, has Yioglory; he heen soddrolytskon from these scenes of ever, bot the light of his pure example ano. attack that [ had+the fortune to meet him on- and intellectosl men with whom he acted, | aressed were the constant objects ol his | luron =Sir lexnect to be the answer ? with which te defende sd rte ae eJ ——— elfcution, » — > nd’ the hal ana’ iin h d agains’ y adunceted ght, added Aiabe mild kindness of his. matnere, ' by clients, who loved tis and 8000. him-to a bigh rank et the Bar” od The Supreme Court, fo whieh vOisd,“wilnessed and m liveliest reeotleetion. of les ring. ever erred, his fullest etonedic tious in tis ha in bis temper, doing good, and equate. None Inew,him, bat to lave him, None named him bul {9 praise,” its bereavement; most self-sactifiving, friend; aided inj foundation, and @atched “Us growth, with mization. ers, the banner of freedom o Africa. Yea. sir, that benn soil, and her redeemed gather inspirations of gtalitude and patriat ism from the sight, will live so long as man has t free or the virtue to be just. very Capitol of our country, and while ap proaching (the oulwoks and font whie enemies. waving over the free and brave—it folds unbroken by the itg mextinguishable stars ect shiniagundim med. {dt was, sir, at this moment of rap 8 brigh ‘ura and the watchword of victory. If noth ever American artsand American arms shal carry light and liberty and civilization. depatted worth, Mr. Lee econeladed by deceased. PE ae From the Raleigh Register, ASECOND DANIEL, Phe iast “Standard” pablishes a Speech, boys gathered aronnd his knees, and reeciv. | delivered by Mr. Hester, of Granviile, ing from him the lessons of Divine instruc. | (L.oco-Fueo, ) suring the late Session, {row Yes, sir, the ora’or, the jurist, and! which we take the foll owing pissage: “Tf, Sir, nothing is done for the relief of the people, when we return we shall find a disappointed people ; and, Sir, 1 fesr an enreged community. J haope, Sir, howev- ef, sie} mae be disappointed ; the ques , will be asked us on returning i home to our constituents, what have you done for onrrele!? Shalt we answer noth- ing? IT hope not, Sir, Bat, Sir, itis vel to be dane. What Mr. Spraker, may we Ht will be this Sir—did you not two veers ago pledge the the People? Tha peaple, Sir tasheen Wrdered ; and there--je ax motion laid® sorrodnded him fribunal his. later professional hfe was 2¢: ust long cherish the hia elrqienco ‘atid , He was daborioas aud neearate va. the preparation and: argument of causes. It may be’ said of film, with (ruth, that if he generevs heart offered the ot Stmple-2a anaustenta- |" _e Te abits, confiding andforgiving | ¥25 & the time ititermed. ofthe eoneloston OF - Prodigal wath his means.in | Perer. Ee proves Lowallier td White been agein= ‘ree from selfishuess and had, radeeg, few, very lew, Bot T-must forbear,” Phie-Society needs no eulogy to estabiish hie -metiteor enhance 1 was iis, €arliest: and father’s Jove. His voice: (the erbods snl whose eloquence still jinger’ in th's-FHall) was early raised in behalf of “Ahicen: cata: ths hend first planted, with oth--, n the shores of | ee of the? free, which his genius and patriotism has embal med in-uodying verse, now waves over her sone, whénever their eyes shall be raised to #8 stars, will The memory of Key he spint ‘to’be It wns during: the late memorable war, when a British fleet had peveirated ta the guard a sister cily, that young Key, then detained on board an Enghsh ship of war, beheld, as the twilight closed upon the inva- ding ‘forres, the flag of his country waving above the fortress of attaek, and whea the night set in, was taunted by the threat and boast of the invaders that ere morning that fig would be streck to the prowess of its” Amid the sinoeke and storm of the baitle and the darkness of the nizht, he watched with throbbing heart and’ anxious eyes the first approach of light, bis fears'and hopes alike agrrating and Oppressing dim. The dawn broke at last, and through the smoke and cloads he eanght the firet glance cf that, yet uncorqaered ensign sfill there, storm of battle, and ture thst the patriot’s overflowing heart gave utterance to Hs gushing joy in a song which has become the brightesi gem of our Titera- ingelse remsined to rescue his memory “am oblivion, this, this alone shall] presetve ttinevry land and over every sea, wher- Wath this brief and imporfect tribute to saving, he offered the resolnuon which he snbchitted a8 a tribute tothe memory of the Power for HOC Lit, but thage who have read it, eptak-of it tn th “phighest terms asa perfect end able paper.” Mr Janes’ A. Pearce; of Maryland, iS the: dj thor of it, oii Reems to have acazited (or bim py sell alonce the respect of The jw tole House, and a tithe ta fame by this’ admirable. prodeetian se Esen thé Lscofico members of the Jadiel Commitiee (Seandets ard C J Todersoll) joie in the strongest commendations _of.it, and it (o-be Roth britliant and pnwerfal [nagent dian. Ut jnstitjas Forge Hal thinning pdt and shows that his daty required bith to-date he did, [t.also convicts Gro, Sacksna’ ab sale =. nications-on this sabject, as it ts important that, this patrative and 4rgn- ment shonld be lsid before. the pene -immedi« ately and extonsigely ox ft je a mast importa n€ porrian of the. bistary of tagseoonta 3 and on the determination of the faniilimayy Weprhd: oor io puberty and cor national desing? “8 = The “ Guar, the, Lorog—= The. Cor tesnandent Af thes Halletphis Untied Statoe Grzetie cives the Tallowing rhetch of a speech hy the ton George f1.. Proffi: >of frdrara.’on the E.sobeqner, in which tr. fired same “prety broad shat intathe f.nens, relative to their biast- ed-Seah-Treasary project: -. a Mr Ptoffit, for sbont be'f on “hnor, kept nna brisk snd mosi effective fire into the E.neofseo members, hie well aimed shoig telling with: met galling effeet, and gausing an umeom mon. senaa- tion, Tis remark were his fly in rentpoi Me Atherton, He asked. the Loetie-if they were still for the Sub Tressury ? Tf thee dared avaw it, and go tn the people on the isshe ? N.' He told them they dared not make any snch avowal —they dared rot pot the nex! Presidential cler. tion fo the peante anon any soch isene, Hard maney, indeed! No psper, no expansian | fle would put a qaestion ta.them, and te wished the Reporters, tfie Press, andiha whole conntry, to note the replp—tell mea, said he, gentlemen, any of yon upan this fuor, addressing himself to the Loeas—tell me, if you can, whe:her there was-one dollar of hard money paid jato the Cus- tom Flonse at New YVark, under the operation of your sub-treasory bard money epstem ? Wag there one dollar? No reply 2? ll domb 2 Tell me, or forever hereafter hold gonr peare. aboot your sub treasory mskine cold and silver the currency of the canntry. 7 a h t Not ane speaks fnot.one of you, No: you know very well that onder vour boasted gub-troasury plan—that plan which required al? does payahle to the covern- ment to he patd in geld anil silver, and in no othe marked pasable in specie!’ What did these difs ferfrom a bank note payee in specie ? Only that they were signed and payshlehy individuals, instead of ay ingarporate! Sank: They were 1} drawn apon Banks and depcsited ia Banke, go that after all, the bank berame sceountable for (he money to the goverrment, This was jhe. operation of yonr.sub treasury scheme. [1 wag a perfect humbug. ft pretended to do what it did not,and eas'd oat da Mi Pocffit was probably prendred, had any one answered him, hy asserting that some hard mo- nay was received by tha Culleetur in New York, to have stated what was the thet, that Mr Hayt recei¢ed epeci fur datier jrst one day ; but find= ing it invonssihle to evant the Muney as fast agit esme in, 2n4 it reqniring four den to carry tt batk to the Bank azain from whence it was branght, he very sensibly zace up the humbugs, and teeived the checks uf merchanis upon banks, a3 osaal, and in arder to came as near complisnre with the requirements of she sub (ressary scheme as possible, he had the checks marked ¥ payable in Specie”? This was operation ef that ‘© crowning alory * of Mir Van Borean’s adminis- traiion—the thrice-ifastricne, sublime, maanifi. cent, never-to-he-too-mouch admired Sno Ttea_ sery scheme. which {ne people, with the most unfeeling indifference and want of respect, with - the an entire inability to appreciate the blessings that faith of the State, to relieve Rail-road Com. | are hidden therein, and not having the fear of panies, 8nd could you not with equal prope. Gen Jackson, Mr Van Buren, Thomas Beoton ety, bave pledged tha faith of the State tu: | 2d the G'ube before their eyes, did, in 1840, re- i relieve ns, padiate, cast. off, renounce, genoonce, and con- . . . =| ;! } > j ey Qs . n if: cares an! duties of his profession, he. still | vii emember these pegs ; and Sir we | demn, and whose ghost, if ihe grave shootd ever rs l} eo ae or : found aiways time to retire from the din | WEE 8008 ase ender an account of nor | to | Steward-ship, and | fear, Sir, when weigbed | ——" One his ponderous and marble jaws Po castit np aguin," in the balance of pubic sentiment, we) mT he qnickly laid where its “ canonized bones” Well, the Legislature has acjourned with | low, I repeat, then, sir, should i cot doing any thing for the relief of the peo- such a life end such a death as oyr Keys | ple, and of course, aceording to Me. Hes- | arrest the mind and touch the hear of the | TeR’s prediction, the Representatives wil | ambitions votaries of pewer and worldly | be weighed in the balance and + fonnd | ward hooars, showing 10 them the emptiness of | wantas? When a Loco Foco member! all human senown, and the daikness, the | thus wckno@ledges in advance, Profitable.—Vhe Boston Advertiser states | that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts bas received the past year fiom the Municipal Court | of Bosten, about three thousand dellars for fines exacted for violation of the Sorday larvs, | will never rgain “buret their cerements.” I heve seldom seen Mr Proffitt more effective, and trecblesome tu thuse whom he attacked than | he wae to day. Cast of the Capture.—In adjasiing the awk- Mouterey affair, the following agreements were entered into between the bigh contraciing thal his Prr- | parties: ity deserves the anger of theie constiwents, | ¥e cannot see with what face any of them | gre hon can dae to ask a re-election at their hands. | They admit. themselves incompetent and | faithless, and of course, the people will deem it folly to entrust them with power | the port which he invaded. again. S:. Thomas Ap C. Jones will deliver dred complete snits of elutbes, of wovlen, for tbe infantry, to replace about one half of what was spoiled of the Mexican division by their forced march io continued rains to 1ecaver 7th. Sr. Thomis Ap C. Jones will pay into the Treasury of thenation fifteen thousand do!- lars, whieh were expended in the genera! alarm eecasioned in the department of the Californias by his invasion of the portof Monterey, as well as for a complete military baed of mosical instrameo ts rendered useless by the same cause, 5000-oxtrs expies, Lhave not get ants ph woe) At makes“ont. a complete Jacksan*s*conduct.th every. pa lar. ‘Tshote that he-knew ta ba nnnecessary, beoa nse he : be mis statements af fact in hia reeent commie o> Twill send you a ainda gann as it is Wiated, . er way, gold and sifver were nck prid, bot checks * - a) Po * 4 om * . we ona < be a ss = es ae art of the U. Sta DISTRICP-of CAPE FEAR” ae Special Session at Willington Deo, 19th. - - Jupes-Porrss os THE Bageu. 5.» Report of contesig; cases in Bank ee 4 Blackwood, Agent Aiea Objecior, ia = Dovid Kerns, Bankiapt. © -- Motion for discharge snd certificate ; mo- : tion opposed vpon the ground thet sfier the . decree declaring petitioners bankrupt, he hed acquired by descent from his mother rea) estate, to the amount of $-——-, aot surrendered to the Assignee . To this objéetion petitioner demurred ; joinder 10 demorrer. _ Potter, Jodge. There can be no doubt ‘as to the sufficiency of the demurrer in this cose. - All the property which the petition- er oweed af the ime of pronouneimg the decree became vesied in the Assignee by sueb deerse He would thenceforth be- come stripped of all mesos of subsisience. but for the pittance which the Assignee might allow. him. ebich is esually very #mall and uneetian, ‘Ii could not be in contem- pletion of the Act of Congress that the pe- titroner should starve. He could have lit- tle relianceon any means bul his own in- dustry. If tbe result of ns industry sre secuted (o the bankrupt by the decree, sore- ly ony cther acqnisitions, whether from gift, demise, deg-ent, or other good forwwae, | are lukewise to he his. Econsidef tins ques- on as well settled as any srieing ander this lew. Ju‘ge Story bas girtuatly déeid- ed stan the case of George Brown, and. if I mistake not, 1n several ther cases, it has also been tuled to that effect by other able Judges. Demorrercgottained. Deesee of uxebarge and rérifieate with rosts. J W, Op: an, for Objector. H.C. Jones, for Bankrupt. Orjectione filed alivdging that sinee Jan- uory, 1842. Petitioner had made a decd of trust, W. Winslow, for Bankrupt, exeepted to probate of the O jectors debt, on secount of is not haveg been sworn to by the party bimseif. In this case it was proved by ex- inbiiag the note and the oath «of a witness, tstabhebiog the hand. writing of the Bank- rat, His Henor Judge: Potcer, thought the debt sufficwwntl: provem and continued the cawse for proofs. W. Winstow, for Bankropt, H.C. Jones, for Ovjectors = “4 4 j W iam PR, Lindsay, Bankrupt, McConnell & Lindsay, Ot jeetors Hyatt Mc Burnie & Co., Objectors, 2 Patrick J, Wilson, Bankrupt. Motion for certificate and discharge. Ob- jectors offered as proof of ther debt the re- cond Of Mecklenburg County Coart, veri- fied by the seal of the Court, to whieb wes appended the affidevt of the Clerk, ataling thet the debt wes unsniisfied, This proof was excepted to by Wa. H. I}.yweod, for the Bankrupt, who argued that the Clevk was nots proper person to prove that the debt was oneatisfied, ss be could know nothing of what hed teken place between the parties to the record ; 81] that he conld know is, thet 1 does no: ap- pear to be discharged, and that would noi be sufficient to enuile the Onjector to a div cend, soit could nut be sufficient to let him in a8 Oojeetor, W. Winslow, forthe Ob- jrewor, excepted to the Assignee’s report, an} contended that it Cid not contain proof of full compliance, and was not in aceard- pace withthe rule of the Conn. Hay- wood, for the Bonk-upt, argued that the re- part shewed a subslantial compliance. His Henor, edinittiing the reyort to be informal, however, disallowed the exeeption. [1]. C. Jones, for Otjectors, contended that the re cord iteelf, would be proof conclusive of the existence of the debt if it had not stood a yearand a day, that the lspse of that t:me created a presumpiion of sanefaction ahich could be rebotted by slight proof. That the Clerk had sworn the debt ws un- satisGed ; whether he -had hexrd the Peti- troner edmit the fact or what were the means of his knowledge the commissioner did not profess to state, nor wae tt necessary. for hire sv to-go, the presumption wae, that he hat! made his statement on sufficient know!- edge of the fact. iis Llonor took an sdvi- sari. Oa the next cay he rpled out the proof and decreed that the Bankropt be disebarg- ed. From this decree Objectors praved an eppeal, which was granted, T. L. Hvearr. Wa. H. Havwoop, : for Beokrapt. W. Winsnow & H.C. Jones, fur Objec- J. D. Brown, §& others, ve tore. Hexay W. Watson, Bankrapt. H. C. Jones, Solicitor in this case, in be- helf of the Bankrupt, took exception to the objections filed that they were not veri- fied by sflidavits, But the Court overruled the exception, on the ground thal the same objections were stated on oath in en inter- locutory petition for en injuction end that sioner to take proof. Tros. D. Meares, for Objector, J. S Young, end others, Joun W. BmitH. . Oo motion for certificate and discharge, the Honor for en order to refer the proof taken before the _ Dobbin, Solicitor fur Petitioner, prey- yee ‘cat for a contiovsnce, sad for ly—eavee continved. mC Donan, for Petitioner. this was sufficient. Referrred to Commis- H.C. Jonss, for Bankrupt. vs. W. Winslow. Soheitor for O»jectors, moved af the Court—who reported accordingly fesee to take testimony. Decree accord W Wrixstuw, for Objector. ° Cc." do BIN, W. Winstow, Lee & Fuller, 6. J. F Barnes, _ This wes petition ia invilwm ageinst J. F. Barnes, @ Trader: of Bankruptcy consisted in « fraudulent ss- sightent sod irsosfer of eertsin bonds and secaruses to Gillespie end Mr Dowell,io pey- ment of a debt due to them, snd 10 contem- pistion of Bankruptcy ; sn injunction hed issued restraining Gillespie and McDowell from collecting the bonds sod notes. On the*coming in of the answer, the injaaction was disscived with costs—bui s decree of Bankruptcy passed against Barnes, W. Wixsiow for the Creditors. Husxe for the Benkrupt. D. B. Baxer for Gillespie & McDowell. Cowles & Wilcox, Objectors, vs. J. L Ward a Bankropt. Motion for ecertifieste and discharge ob- jected to on the ground that said petitioner bad fraudulently fasied to sorrender ail bis property to the Acsignee. ‘The amovnt of debt proved by the Objectors appeared on examining the proofe to be onty $4 25. iH. C. Jones, Soelicitar for Petiuuoner, moved for leave to. pey the amount into Court which wes grated. sod a decree was accordingly entered that the petitioner be discharged, Oa the next day, W. Winslow Solicitor for Ot-jectors. moved to vaceie the jocg- gententhe ground that since the ergu- ment vn yesterday, new proofs had come in establishing a large amount of ded:. Lesve was granted to file the prools, end the ar- goment resumed. ft uppearing that the ob- jections were only steted by the Comais- sioner and oot sworn to be ang one, excep- tien wagtakep on that account and suetain- ed by the Court. Objections overruled with costs Decree for Bankrupt, - HW. ©. Jones, for Bankrupt, Warren Wins iow, for Unjeetors, Af CHRD, ITH a view to establish myself perma nently in the town of Salisbory, | here- with announce ta the Pablic, that in a few weeks, | shall visit the Northern cities in order toimprove myself in mattere connected with my profession, and to make selectiuns fur an exien sive Apothecaries Establishment in this place, to be opened early in the Spring 1} can assore my Medical brethren and others, that no pains will be spared tu obtain and constantly keep the best Articles suited to the wants of the profes sion and the community at large—and shueld there be a desire for any particular Medicines, Books, or Instraments, | shal) be pleased to be addressed on the subject at this place In addi tion to the conveniences, affurded by the above Establishment, | bave several rooms, for soch medical studenis, as mey desire to place them selves under my Tuition. PLEASANT HENDERSON. Salisbary, Dec. 24, 1842—1f22 MANSION HOUSB! THE SUBSCRIBER, AVING parehased Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- terest in the above E:stablishmen!, tenders his services to the Travelling Pablic. Having fur several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Mount Mourne, in Iredell county, tLe indalges | the hope that he has experience enough in the duties of his business to endeavor to render com torteole, all who bestow upon his buuse their pa tronage. Fis TABLE shall always be well and plenti folly supplied with every thing the country af- fords, to please and satisfy the palate even uf an epicure, His BAR will be found furnished with a choice selection of P.tquers. His STABLES shall ba constantly attended by faithful and attentive hosilers and supplied with abondant provender N. B. Ite Stage Office is kept at the Mansivo Hoase. HIRAM TT. SLOAN. Charlotte, Febroary 4, 1843 —6u.28 KENILWORTH HOGS! HE. Subscriber bas jost added to his stock T of Berkshire sa pair of Keaiheorth Flogs, i.nperted trom England in the fall of 1941, by Mr. A B Allen, of New York, and are now a- bout 18 monthsuld. ‘Fhe Boar iea very supe- tiur animal, deep, thick aad excellent -in all his points: the Sow very fine, with a litter of eight pigs, which, for beauty and form, can hardly be surpassed. Those who may «@ish a foller de- scription uf these fine animals, are referred to Mr. Allen's letter published in the Cullivater.— ‘The subscriber has also, a Vorhshire Sow. par- chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by bim from Eegland ; and some Thin rind Sows : and those wishing to poe cao bave the are Kenilworth, or tkshire, or crosses of enilworih and Yorkehire, Thia-rind and Berk- shire. © His stock of Berkshires wae parchased of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, and 18 no: surpassed hy any in the United States. Those wishing to improve their stock of Hogs. have now a better opportunity of doing eo, than has ever been offered South of the Potomac. Orders for avy of the above will be promptly attended to. WM. F. KELLY. Near Mockaville, Davie co. 2 95 Commissioner tothe Clerk | January 14, 18438. | United States District Court of North Carolna—In Bankruptcy. j OTICE to show cause against the follow- ing Petitioners, to be declared Bankrupis on Monday the Ist day of May next. Joho Y Lindsey, farmer, Sarry county, * Alwed Y Carson, farmer, tredeli coenty, Richmond Nail, » Davie covaty, Samee! T Hoaston, merchant, tredell, Ry order of the Coort, W.E. ANDERSON, C. D. C. ‘+ Dec 19, 1842—4w97 The giledged Act | defiaite postponement eodreport the Eouse bill with sundry emend. ments, se-ompenied by @ tepart ; which wae ord: red to be printed. oie 9 7 Mr. TALLMADGE osid the subject was importent, aod one mm which 9 deep interest was felt throngbout the commeniy ; be should therefore move that 1,500 extra co- pres be printed. — , ‘Mr. KiNG would like to know. whasibe emendments were before s vote was token on the extra namber ; and if the report snJ bil! were not volominous he saotcid hke to heave them seed. Mr. BERRIEN replied thet the report went into « full detail, and presented the opinions of jadges and the reports from die 4rigt attorneys which hed been called for from the State Department. ? Mr KiNG could nat see why it was ne- cesssty to print en extra number ; if they were ordered they coald be of ne use, for ection on the bill would have tsken plese before there could be any response of peb- lie apinion. Mr. TALLMADGE qee convinced that they would be called on from sii quarters, : stituents the ground on whieh they ere to ect. He expressed the hope that efter the rearons given in the report should be epread before the Senate, tbe bill would not be re- pealed. : Mr. WOODBURY asked, if the bill was not long, that the emendments might be reed Mr. BERRIEN said the bill was very long. He stated, however. generally the views of the commiltee. The report pro- posed to strike out the ttle of the House bill, and to insert “An ect to emend the ect entitled an act to establish s onform system of bankruptcy throughout the Uni- ted States,” passed the 19 b Angost, 1841. The voluntary clause is repealed—e me- jority of creditors is rendered necessery to a diseharge—corporstions no included. The question was taken on printing, 1,500 additional comes, and decided in the affirmative: Yeas 16, nage 14. ‘From a very hasty giance at the report, before it was sent to the printer, the fol- lowing appeared to be some of the grounds on which the committee thought the act should not be repesied : That overtrading would be prevented. as well as ondue credit checked, by arming the creditor with the power of forcing a feil- ing debtor to go into liquidation before wasting assets. Agein, thet the benefit of the law had been exter: ded toa portion of our citizens, end 2 repes! would be 2 deni- al of “justice to othere ‘whose claims were no less strong, and who might heve been restrained by motives that should command our respect. That by the decision of the qnestion in one of the courts of a State, ber citizens had been deprived of the privileges of the law, while all the rest had enjoyed them. - That the sankrupt lew is the exercise of beneficent pcwer, and one which the ex- perience cf all commercral counties hes found oecessary ; the power to eneet which 1s vested by the Constitution in Congress, and cannot be exercised by the Sietes. That it will prevent stay-laws, ruinning both creditor and debtor, impeding the collection of debts through the medium of State tribunals. That such olaw will extend the protec. tion of Gavernment to 8 class of citizens who, though poor end vofortunste, should not be beyond the psle of proteetion | JESSE HOYT’S DEFALCATIONS— PUBLIC OFFICERS. A document relating to the smount of the defalcation of Jesse Hoyt, late collector of the port of New York, hae just been priat- ed and laid on the tables of the members, 10 answer to a call of the House, made on motion of Mr. Boarpman, of Connecticut. The fullowsng letter trom the Solicitor of the Treasury explaias the case fully : Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, January 7, 1848. Sin: I have received the resolution of the House of Represéotatives, “ That the Secretary of the. Treasury be directed to commonicate to this House. the smount of the defalcation alec, what means, if any. have been adopted for the recovery of the seme, together with the names of the sere- ties of said Hoyt,” and, 10 reply, beve the honor to state, thet it eppeare thet Jesse Hoyt executed three bonds to the Uaited States duting the period he continued in of- fice : the first on the 22d March, 1838, 10 the penalty of $150,000, with Robert Me- Jimsey, Lewis M. Thureton, Lorenzo Hoyt, Jesse Oakly, Thomas J. Oakley, end Sam- uel Jones, sureties ; tbe second on 30th Now-mber. 1838, in the incressed penality of $200,000, with the seme sureities ae on the first bor.ds—this bond superseded the first ; the third oa the 14th December, 1839, in the penalty of $200,000, with Thadeus Phelps surety. This bond was reqeired in addition to the preceding one. ies of these several bonds are herewith enclosed. The emoant of the defslcaion of Mr. Hoyt, se late collector of the port of New York, eppeare, from the adjustment of his aceounts by the Auditor and Comptroller of the Treasury, to be $226,895 31. Of this smoznl it sppears that $10.247 24 ecerued previous tothe executiee of the bond of 14ib December, 1880, snd snit hes been somiteted ia the United States Ciresit Coort for the southern district of New York ageinest Mc Hoy: and bis sureties to bie second bood, dsted 30:h November, rf the Senate. bill,| 5 and it was necessery to show to their con- | ing it-aader » deed of trust for the indempi- ty of hes-sureties on bie official bonds; but ae the object of the twust is indirectly to ae- complish the seme thing, it issopposed that the spplicstion ef this fund to the payment of the debt due te the Government will ol- timately be effected. With great sespect, your obedient servant, CHARLES B. PENROSE, Solicitors of the Treasury. [From the National Intelligencer.) THE PRESENTATION ov rue SWORD OF WASHINGTON. The scene presented in the House of Repre- sentatives yesterday was one of those brief mo- mente of refreshing, which, few and far between, occer to the weary, way worn, heart sick (rave)- ler across the sandy Zabera, where he comes upon a cluster of palms, and beneath their grate fol ehade finds 2 ewelling spring worthy tebe called “the Diemend of the Desert.” [t was an hour when the remembrance of better days rashed with power upon the heart, and bore it away, for the time, from surrounding dearth, and transported it, as in vision, to a happier clime.— I, was moral mirage, io which, while gazing in thought apon what “ that old man eloquent” well denominated “oer Golden Age,’ one for got there aresuch things as demisgogues, and can be euch thinge as statesmen, neither able nor pore. Washiogton, our own Washington, might be imagined, for 2 moment, to have “Bases his ceremenie,’ and to be present in the lative Halle of the land he loved; and both the man who offered, and the men who received, the cherished memorials of the dead Patriot seemed to have felt, while they spoke, the inspiration of a greater presence then that which was visible aboatthem. A fancifal observer might have be- Sword had @ sort of moral electricity about it, and that he who did bat handle the steff on which Franklin had ao often leaned canght by the centact some of his elevating wisdom. Mr Summers, ac we well know, is esteemed at — asa lawyer ha high standing, sod a man of great sirengt purity of character bat his warmest friends could not have desired that his parting speech (if it were his last) ee 2 member of Congress should have been moré wcr- thy of the place sod of the man, He treated s sabject on which it is no easy task to epeak withoat triteness in a manner at enee simple, ap- propriate, and dignified, saying jest enongh and po more, and saying it with @ warmth of feeling too sincere to be counterfeited. His brief ac- count of the relics he presented was clear and succinct, and yet had enough of particularity to give it the highest interest. Ase he proceeded, the crowded halland galleries were mute as the grave; and while every eye gazed, and many aneye overflowed, every ear listened with the eagerest attention to the close, . The response of Mr. Adame wasevery way such as might have been expected from him; but these who ugly read it, most lose more than half the impression with which it was received, The associations of the occasion were such 8 could not fail to reach 2 mind - hie, _ — within it those deep snd power inge which, when unaroused, slember beneath an as— pect and a menaor which give no token of their presence. His intonatione were deep and im- paesioned ; his voice faltered—ihe eloquent blood rashed in torrente to his countenance—and hie whole figure, sttitade and gestore were thuse of one of Nature’s oretore strongly moved. The whole transaction was io 2 high degree creditable to our coantry, snd its record on oor archives will mark at least ove bright day in the contemporaneoes history of Congress. As soon as the speeches were Onded, and the resolution moved by Mr Adams had been adopt - ed, Mr Taliaferro, bimeelf a Virginian, (and we may add with truth a fine specimen of the Vir- ginie gentleman, actiog asthe ‘‘ Father of the House,’ which the date of his commission enti- tles him to do, moved that both the eddress of Mr Sewmers and the response of Mr Adams be inserted at length on the Joornal ; which having been ordered, Mr MeKeonan, a Pennsylvanian, closed the scene in 2 dignified and most appropri- ate manner by moving, in honor of the occasion, that the House adjoara. And now occurred a spectacie true to Nature. The decorum of the House had kept every man in bis seat while the addresses were in delivery and the votes being taken: bot, no evonér had the adjbornment been announced, and the Speak- er left the chair, than there was 2 simoltaneous resh from all quarters to obtain a nearer view of the interesting memorials of car great lost Patri- ote. Nor was ths eye satisfied with ~ Every hand wes outstretched to touch. fi was like Home's scene of the bending of Ulysses’ bow ; and many 8 pony hend now the- swordof Washiogton that would have trembled in the eeenes where it once gleamed in the eves of the fose to American | . Demand after dewand wae meade for a pleasure eo gra and eo rare; and it was loog before the Ser- queetes —y could rescue Pry an falebion them ap to his castody. They were tobe ool sted in the Department of State : bat we pre- same they will eventually sccompany the mili- tary commission, his oniform, and other precious memorials of Wash » whieh have been transferred from that to the halle of the Nations! Institute. Mr. Cray was to heve lei New Orleans lieved that the mere touch ef Washington's vere. ~ great broaght with him 212 ding Colonels Fisher and Green. The Texians were to leave Matamoras on the. bGth instant for the city of Mexico, there to await destiny from the hands ef Senta Ans. Colonels Fisher and Green, aad the prisogers generally, acknow- Ampudisa, since the capitulation, to have been humane and gentlemaniy. We have givea the substance of a decoment whien we have been favored wita the perass! of, bet which is too lengthy for insertion. [The force of the Texiens in. the above sontest ie stated at shout 260 men, snd that of the Mexicane at from 1500 to 1800.} United States District Court of North Carolina—iIn Bankruptcy. OTICE to show cause against Petition of to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, on monday the first day of ee” By order of the H. H. POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankroptcy. February 1, 1848—4929 Fall and Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RE now receiving and opening in the brick house west of the Court-houee, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which ere Dey Goods, flardwere; Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carrisege Trimminge, Crockery, Peinte, Dye- etufis, Medicines, GROCERIES, | ROPE AND BAGGING, And in short, a general.-assorimenf of GOODS, which we are determined to sel] a8 cheap for Cash, ae can be bonght any where in Concord. We invite old costomers and the pablic in gen- eral to call and exanine our stock before purchas- ing eleewhere, se we think we can give such bargains as will be great inducement to perchas- ers. + Country prodnee taken in exchange for goode.a J &R. WINECOFF. Concard, Nov. 19, 1842—1f17 New Establishment. . HE Sabecribers having associated them— selves together for the of carry on the CABINET sod CHAIR MAKI BUSINESS, now offer their services to their friendsend the peblic. It is their perpose to carry 00 both these depertmenie in all ibeir va- rious branches, end they feel confident of giviog entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with patronage. Repsiring in their line will be done faithfully and on reasonable terme. All kiade of covatry prodoce will be isken in ex- change for farnitare or for work done to order. K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE. Aogust 27th. 1842—1y5 N. B. With the view of ing the cost and Gnas pene np, ba sabecribers siso on haad 8 teedy made Coffins ee KE & W. RS SHOE SHOP om Monday ‘est for Mobile, expecting to +1838. For the remainder, $216,048 67, reech the latter plece on Tuesday. try. t sorbenpele w geaeen cles of sarreader will not tbe faithtally The Mexicans report their loss during thie The lose on the part of the Tezians was 11 killed and 19 woul Liege ing ge evinces the superior skill of the Texiens in the use of | fire arms, end the sutrender of the invading ar- my after-s0 slight a less would lead o8 to suppose ledge the treatment they received from Geoeral | Wyatt Brison, of Stokes: counts, Farmer, }- | Twine, FRESH ARRIVALS!) ‘ahd pats ach to Ht-8 cat aad meke. Tee vey ij FASHIONS, received monthy. 4a conclusion, coeraged, no one need send pera < : P. ~ © ee. — Thos. Mi. Oliver, Rale Sahabers, Jsnuary 21, 1848. 3 NEW , FOR CASHAT a CRESS & BOGER, E TAKE plessure io ennounciog i friends and the public. generally, itu w are now receiving @ very ha @ viock of FALL & WINTER which we are determined to: sell. as aegist cash as any other | t in Salishory. Having etmost entirely eold oat our former uj of goods, me coc ube tae ) the pleseare of y.: hibiting 2 well eelected-and Simost’ entire ing, Stock of Géods, consisting in part of the. following articles fron, with many -fanc icles, teo sen mention. We tfully invite oor cost friende and the to -give'us a call, laying out their Caskelsewhere, as we shall no psins to render satisfaction, end to sell very small forcash, N.B. We tender: oar most bearty tb oar friends and.customers for the \ivera\ patron, extended to ua heretafure, and hope by sirict ae! tention to cer bosi ; selling goode 0 rey ‘sheap for cash, that the indacemen:.will by een CaEse BORk z oe Cc & BOGES . Sulabery, alt, 184 $m i6 | . REMOVAL !: m coment : WHE subsctibers would respecifolly to the public, that they have removed tm Copper, Tin-plate and Sha mov. ghanulactory, © One door above George Ws Brown & Co, oppéstie Thos. L. Cowan's Brick Row, #b# they are bettef prepared to accommodate s0¢ ecate all ordefs io their fine on short notice, tl in the very. best style. . hand, a choice sopply @ Also, rpc Bd Plain and Jepan Tia: Ware; Britaovis W * ‘oe Bathing Tabs Stitts;: e , ” “JOHN D. BROWN & % Salishory, Jan 21, 1848—1f26 —— - Fresh and large arrival {at THE. CHEAP. CASI Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMENT. E heve just received and offer for se second supply of F.4LL & INTE GOODS, amounting jo - 545 PACKAGES Among which are the following: ’ Fe pieces brown & blesched obi rtf 738": 4 cents a yard to 24 ii 530 pieces calicces. ‘rom 5 cis # ] excellent at J0-a08 121-2 470 pair al assoried, 90 coat and duffie blankets 80 Ibe turkey + 80 manus tendkerohiels 25 pebedtick | 40 do apron checks 55 do flanpels 28 do Kentocky Janes 92 doclothe and saitine!'s $@ do moslin de lanes @8 do linsey and kersey® 5 ps bolting clothe 190 coffee 14 bbds soger 185 pe bagging 80 cuils rope 2000 tbs loaf Sugs! $500 Ibs sole leather 18 kegs powder -_ 4 70 kege nails James BD. Glover, | 110 kege'wbite lend sony Ne ee ea House, where be qill continee to. ‘on thé eae yuastt : | Salisbury, December 10, 164261! ' al J9 RD SEEDS\,, as he has heretofore done, in all ite varieties. — GENERAL sesortment, my a Those ye rad to pstronies tim, will slersye the Saliebary odes! and At lore. He keeps on peenage 7 eat oe ga Selisbory, N. ga. 3), ready made work, which -be qill cell low for CA SA BO p cash, or on time to peactoal deslers, Pe ve ot r e y Tt _ PS Fe Fe t e ge s gs ce s Si g g weno |... New York f. A Locofoco member >, qolPvomithe Raleigh Regier. =~ 14 watchman. ice Cayo Ra are, Ws pres “der pe LATE LeosLaruge ti Fpotean So parole a & motion for the PF “of the Jury Pon =| Ne Legislat . bat erer'p <a. a0. 1b6 eppoiatwent of _—_—— : oes = ~ ot ee Be ae 4 . 6 aad cea sal at . ' . VORg?T ae . re a ‘ ks . j he: ed - FEBRUARY 18, 1843. We eball now have the. Lecofoed ** natural | wee mapper samt i: 3 } : E 1 S07 > e. ‘ Tenz a : 1% pi z A eg : ~~ i H al e D the coi saad > Y Ban lode papa : allies” of Soutliern [ostitations, brooght op wd aa darsed Sigh gesge oy bial ula) ott Offi} distinguished geést, 0 P i. Se Se ioe 184 OE hte drop ; of Con and BH. HW. Cocks Zivnan. Whig Ticket ° | the.soratch. | oe Pe CF ORL Oe, Baths ae thet happened to “St. Louis ; : pblican 5 ‘Fhe New York Editors, worried by J. ¥ , Leptesenistion ia the H REP cecnerkea, alter the besutifal and se the .° of the United States, wore Cooper's persecittions, have petitioned for pmons, adjourned io time.to have eaten | displey made by oar Military, wy i change ia the hibel law, to ike effect that the ; innese at home, Loce Forgforo- | fire Department, on that occasien it~ could | ne brquerihed io hin by D Benzaup i ee HENRY CLAY. arananiet shall pay tis on conis—a demaod | Wt 0 hate stood. 2 fair ehance in tne Old | hardly be’expected that a second sttempt Tbeee int ing eeftes I wich ein : amen n op KENTUCKY. ; reasonable enough, and vae in which we wish ps esa siden Decl Td eit bvee ihe would be on a sesie of equ.) magnificence cdstiyough yoo, my deat ei, to the, Congress o passed bs ads, is i , ~ | Salt, at an Garly boor yesterday, ve s00n 86 tes, on benalf of thé notion. «| 489 fast. Ste tise secured for himself: ee unde - -Votice. A reaclusion hes been introdaced ealliag oa Con. BA 2 vy mes: appellee the steamboat Feshion brooght the intelli-| « Gongress can dispose of them ie sech mancer —- Post Office cuniract tor terstatlong Mee'ing for Salisbary | grese to pay Amos Kendall's Stockton-4 Stokes Hothing 40cseliev®..the people, ibey | 8°7°° that the Creole, with Henry Clay on | as shall seem musi a iate, add vest caleule- eee Now York. Michigan, AV isconsin.— Episeo Ty i i iracter a the Nor ! : ig i the Methodist Episcopal | debt, or at’ least to. dischatge” him from ‘ptison hor bel aee he Riga prt sxequeiien, ines prev ee be withia -s wiles ws e rama beers. _ Pes na gle pete gl nit a orn - ered States; to ‘he and 26th of Febroary. — | buands. Modest indeed! Wea expect next to ane ebabeth tes Loee Peco matty ay 2 | ative with "aiidtorm. te eres nel wectedend ‘public. [ am, with esteem, yoars, in these hard times, 3 fiftees Aoeed Sroond dls’ ae. day, ot | bear of the Looofocos petitioning for the of : : : : : : SAMUEL T, WASHINGTON, | ©o@!ract ies prety handence jub fr a Printer: - will commence oo Satarday, ! § petitioning for the repeal of | What exease can they render for all their short { that cordial greeting b = : iN. a The Presiding Elcer of the | the Rogue law! eomings ? In ihe’ first place, they were in Ses- ren eaeeaiibes 0 iclolceund ‘enact re en dite. Coscen TE pananse, aa ee Sia pene at Fam a iM be in atte . oF the : House of Representatives. shire, Auditor of the Treasury, Governor, © Ber. P- Dovs,) will be in aused.| 4 aise’ Cidachool,” the able ahd exeel-| since ihe Srate had sawionos = And ae the oc; | "7's history, and ‘one so nearly.sad deeply s10: 10 Gungress, and Sub-Treasater. ‘This cca ae ‘ : ’ identifiedin his: feelings-and pri ,einh . tract is altogether the best office tease ever had, — fant! Westington Correspondent of the Ue ete toy ment Bore, The dui nar | tbe interests of the shevand prineipleseb| THE NAVAL COURT MARTIAL. | sad we cugretelate bia opus bis tuck.—V: I. COMPLIMENT ‘10 NORTH 8. Gazette, @entions « ramor that Deorel | of the Legislatore while! in. Sessiun, 29 néaras | in port at onee lighted their Gres, and made| This Court was ordered to assemble Jeet Expres. — * . “CAROLINA !! Webster is:,mancuvring to bring about the | can be secertaioed, is SIX HUNDRED DOL. | preparstians to proceed down to form en} WedneSdsy morning on board the U §.} ‘The Washington correspondent of the Jour- affects to be indifferent to the good | sominstion of Judge» McCleen, as “tbe” prada eee this sda, by the number of | eseort. The military siso, before the hour | ship Nonta Cakotina, et New York, did | %! of Commerce says thai Mr Spencer. the Sec- Met lightened Foreigners, is acting de- | Whig eandidate for the Presidency insieng | 229° ‘Pe Legistatore sat, and we have x gross | of gine, mace thew appearance in the streets, | got orgeniae-in consequence of the non | ‘C\2'y of Wat. is moking preparations fur an ex- ! a : expendinare of upwards of FORTY-ONE : . tensive official of the mi posis Or 1s indifferent to a good character, | of Mr. Clay, To gerry out Mr.. Benton’s | THOUSAND DOLLARS!! Now we anh |i? their nest end tasteful uniforms, indies-| arrival of the President of the Court end | 146 Wesere and other frontiers, poe A sation : : : heir teaciness to do the honors of the| several of its members. Although this ; that we are particalarly alive re, Judge McL, become the “ Fed. | 222'0, what was doae by the Legislatore, at ail | 8! . ; cess uf Congress. ~‘Thie may be taken as 2 pon- sasreielt® at prevails in England on mae pi caida the Whig man. commensurate with this extravagant out-lay of day, with elf the.ardor and spirit that could | Court baw not been called particulerly for | tradictiva of the teport that Mr. S.. was eboal te the People’s money At such atime of cener-) have been shown on the day previous, had | the triel of Commender Mackenzie, get | leave the Cabioet.— Cincinnati Gazette. ae 5 aes ital “f < , bd : a ie lok ibe following The Alexendna Gazette ts right in the fol- | al expectation, t.ad not the suffering citizens of | our goest arrived. After the Gring of the| we learn that bis case will come defore it "S| lowing remarks: the State a righ! to anticipaye sume demons'ra- | sigaal gun, our citizen soldiers reiled like | on ebarges preferred ageit.st him for mur- -* ALTAR OF RYMEN. J Sun,” one of the most. dis- og tion at least of Rympathy in their distress? , cemen ie * Landon sf the British Empire.| Aa@nd all the turmoil and contention of| Were the guod pevple of the State ever moe | eae The boats, the Jefferson, the New | der, oppression, and illegal pavistment, | **+*+* « Those whom love 19 in holy faith nen rl have a right ia political perties end factions, it gives us feelingly alive ok wae done, or to whet was Albsay, ond.the Formos, obegt down ides wih 6 veriety of per iieaciowh “see ae nee ae ie pig f North Carclica have : the | £7@8t pleasure to observe that the friends of | left ondone P—As their's would have been the the stream, on their wey to form a cortege} The following are the members of the |******” tre the world to ibgm, nad penaged 8 bright. Raxeptien: HENRY CLAY contiaue firm and united, | honor, if by their energy and -wisdum they hed | '° the Creole The militery, the Gret regi- Court, being eleven Captains and two Com- | ,, I'e poss tinpigoeate. and lis satenpes all, piv iling of American faith, made end grow more determined ead zealous ev- tneliorated the condition of the peuple, so their's | MENt of Alabama Volunteers, the Major manders Mid Captein "Downes, President . Who in each other clasp whatever fair al, by 8 leading Britich Jouroalit.| 954 ayy, ‘They look upon their. cendidate | 2°" br the responsibility for failing to act. |General aad bie Stoll, Brigadier Generel | Captaine Read, Bolton, Tarnen, Sloat, Smith, me ane pred 4084 of the day, when we pot}... perior in his adihties for government fod st beam wat _ the red = to | aad his Staff, Officers of the Army end Ne-| Storer, McKeever. Page, Gwint, and Wy- MARRIED. Gonest JOBS » MoreHeaD, io the Execa- to any other man whose name bes been | oo iiinnl one merel i. Neha be "y t, ibe vy, and the Officers of the 48th end 491th | man; Commanders Ogden and. Shurrick. In Rowan County, on the 91h ingtant, by the Chait of North Carolina. While sach med | mentioned ; and they are confident that bis | homes, « brags told this sitering a 3 the open Regiments, were soon formed in line, end | Wa. §}. Norris, Eeq. of Baltimore, Judge | ise, Euan Davis, Mr. Hugh 4-Dobbin, to at the helm, there ia no danger of the sin of | measures and policy would bring relief to | dissatisfaction with whieh they have been 1e- proceeded tw the spot designated as the | Advocate. are oe ee SS as jintion cleaving 1 ear escatcheon, the country. se fer as they could possibly | ceived by their constituents, has eorvinced :hem | Place of reception . The wharf @asthrong | The officets who failed to reached Nee Vote ‘ iG — have en influence upon the concerns of the ere this of their error. ‘The mortifying declara ed by multitudes, eo boor at east before York on Wednesdsy were Captains ’ : 3 A sa From the London (England) Sun. | people. tion has already been sounded in the ears of ma- | the arrival. Carrieges of all descriptions | Downes, Slost, Smith, Stoker, and Wyman, TRUST SALE aw expressed very freely the io- | Henry Cray is their man for the Presi- plier thy Sedan fe anna “he rolled tm, ane ws streets were leas UP! all of whom ere stationed either at Baston * Ses 925 oe arte by some of the American | dent, befere every body else. The states | no longer Steward!” eu J 1a every Grection by moving and living | or at Purtsmooth, (N H.) sad ere supposed | OF ‘to their poblie debt, ft hes be- | 80, the Orator, the Patriot, is their pride masses, eoger to gela view, or hear the) is have been detemed on account of the tea, in reapec , ‘ : Henry Clay. F 5 x ; ; - | and their boast. They cen do jostice to| Correspondence of the Courter and Enquirer. votes ot y y prevalence of a snow storm, which prevent a duty, which we peli great a e other citizens, sod wish to ay ees the = seats Monday nigh’ - At about eleven o'clock. the Creole, with | ed the arrival ot New York of the steam- LANDS & NEGROES ! g, 10 notice the nepacietien om enen | merits of none ; but they regard Henry] 7). 24) 2 ak Meh caer site attendant convoy of boats, came up. A | boat conveying the Eastern mail. . oo the part of Americans generally.—| Cy 155 claims us a paramount for nex'| j;.ccscel here in wolhiccl crlen hae been much | dun from the Creole, was the signal to the| The Court was expected to re-sssemble — this view we republish the following ex—| Pregizent, . bone. having ad iatereoerse a the W i. Stare Artillery to commence ® selute—and|the next day. Commander Mackenzie ¥ virtue of sundry Deeds of Trast execu- from the Message of the Governor of North ; F House, are strongly of the opinion that one wil] | the heantiful field pieces of this gallant end | ¥88 present, but did not appear sad be ac- ed to us by different pereons, for the par- elie: | Mr Webster and Gen. Cass.—Katract an be called. Such, however, is no! my belief.— | spirited ¢ mpany. gave forth their voices of | companied with any counsel to assist bim oes are montane we will expose to pub +The mania for State banking, and the mad private letter from Washington City, tothe Ed | The only reason that would make it probable | weleome in thucder tones, that made the | in bis defeace. Taceda be ris p> parades tot he of internal improvement, which seized 9 j ‘OF of the Baltimere Patriot :—* ft i8 reported } or necessary, would be ihe exhansted state of | firm earth tremble, and the far off hille re- y ct ng the e ° 2.e : 2 a) : k of : H ; gr of the States, have involved them in an | here, io political circles, that a very sharp cor- ihe Eraser, aad this, T understand, bas beeo | verberate their notes: —The appesrance of | 44 new movement for the Presideney.—We rete stieisite rotons bret Alec ness very Pe reste but = ae respondence took place between Mr. Webster and of the emits lettuce tn the bosts, as they sped slong past the city. | have learned withio the last twenty fuur boars, | Wm Chambers, Charles Brown and others, con- Saeed oe a edlienette sar Governor Cass, during the visit of the latter to which has been taken be Mr \Ward and Mr Buck. | “#3 (posing tn the bighest degree. Ther | that an extensive but secret movement has been | taining ble : 1); shies city. The subject was the Quintuple Trea- N cecilia . decks were crowded. with passer gers, and | om foot in the Western and Suathern parts of this i ner, as agents of New York capuatisis. Besides, ; P + : ; , : : SRES donor se open tne otha ty, and the provision of the Wasbington Treaty | were it nut a0, the members uf tie new Congress | (heir banners, the “stars aud sinipes,”” the | States te organize pariy ia favor of Col. Dick 28% ACR , , ihe passage of reeolations expressive of the | in reference to the maintensnce vf a squadron on | will aot be elected in many of the States till | idol flag of every true American, were float |)” ason for the Presidency. Secret meetings | more or less. One other Tract of Land lying td leusivels held, confidential ci i ; reek, edjoini interest which this State feele in the fall | the coast of Africa. ft is said that Governor | August nex!, and when elecicd. and assembled,| ing proudly in the breeze. After passing moaodl tec comely Potuncstere coheed to act, Lands ” of William, Coambee Jeo ae i jon of every pledge of public faith, and | Cagy ook occasion, in the course of one of his ie 90 probability of their harmonizing with | the city, the boats wheeled, and the Creole, | and an active correspondence kept up with other | and others, containing seas , oyers, ie utter detestation of the abominable doctiine letters, to refer, in » very personal and even, of the Bxeculive in any ot his peculiar views In re | with our city’s guest on board, came beck | Staies. ‘The original Harrison men are particu ‘mpodiation. ‘That State which honestly ’ ’ ' f lation to the enrrency and a Government Bank. ° : te . Websi _ ‘ . . obs von ae to the place appointed for the landing. As | larly invoked to come ont fur the Colonel, The 2 20 A CR HS, rua tne can sommand te means | fosine way, toaueeoare of Hr. Weber dur-| he nant Congens will posh eres! be | she couched. the wher. + loud chert wat mvemenie pricisliy aang the rede] Looe | Algo two othe Trace of Lad jing et” oh Sapatied 0 do so, has tieady bartered pub leaat modicam of honesty, honor, of principle left | 8'¥e0 from the wssewbled thousauds tu Uar- | Feces as Yo ore about the 22d Feb- | or on ihe soath side of the Yedkia river '@ Row or, and enly awaits an increase of price to «New Hampshire.—General Anthony Colby, } he is bound ‘o disapprove ‘Ibe new ducirive | ry of the West. rOary.—Jvew LUF press. ao coualy, called the Parker Lande, caniaining poblic liberty. ‘This recommendaticn wil) | of New London, has been nominated hy a Whig | that this Goveroment was created fur the pur- He waa wet by th« Chairmen of the about with pecoliar force from you,. North Car- | mass Convention at Concord as the Whig candi | pose of dealing in commercial exchange, and be- Cc . an y . d ; THE CREED OF MILLER. 373 A has been jeored for sluggishness and indo | gate fur Governor: of this State, The election | OMS the depository, for banking purposes, inthe stead, chith hed Kuen ecocted fo The “ Si “Times.” cres, ,vecause she has chosen to guard her trea | 2+ 4. hes in March next of the funds of individuals wal , in all probabili- ed to the stand, which had been erected for he igns of the Times,’’ « peper. et which are k ne Gretes Le »ead protect ber honor by avoiding debt ,— al ? ‘ad oa a ty, receive no more favor from the next, than the purpose, where Gov. Gayle, in an elo-| which advocates the doctriges of the Miller. Aliso ake eae coe aed yom, ko neem promptly.meeting her engagements. She Dr Lardder on Slavery.—The Doctor, who from the present Congress Mr Tyler bas ov | quent and appropriate addrese, welcomed | jeg, puts forib the following srtieles of faith, . _ here the cl { thei i§- oe ots vouchsaled to tell ug where this power may be , ma. ' i . , . Haver ad Sit yield Orr Mpeg o i | hae been tor eume time past lecturing inCharleston | jugd. per se —it certainly is aul iniba Peaviitwe ee Mobile and Alabama. ‘To thia sslu-| 0, believed ia by the great prophet himeetf THIRTY AND FORTY gory which will atige froma repudiation of aod Savannah, has been asked his opinion of the | tion, and cannot be inferred from any of the prin- oe aus Mr. Clay responded ia Natio It will be seen thet we have a chance of es- NEGRO ES hercmtracts. In the language of one of her | slave institations of the South. Their physical | ciples set furth.ia the asiicles of faith of tbe Vir- PY aia engnter es ? wos, ‘‘ It is better for her to sleep on in | condition, io bie opinion, is very good, better | g'nla abstractionist, ihe resolutions uf “9S monies over, Mr C. was conducted to an | Ceping the great conflsgration, for more than Consisting of MEN, WOMEN, BOYS and innocence, than to wake up to i0-| than that of the free laborers of corresponding ‘Te scramble fur uffice, here, is pitisble and | ¢'ee»ut barouche, drawn by four beautiful | a year yet. and Girls, very likely. Terms cash. yio¢ treason.’ ”” n “ a humiliating. An aged clerk died yesterday, and and well capsrisoned grey horses, end 8 is of Ajiller's Views. Purchasers are invited to attend the above sale, We hope to see more and. more of the.same oe pl rainy I have = ya prc! he the bungry applicants had not the decency to | immediatels took his place in the process- 1 ne al Jesus Christ will come again | 2% the property is desirable and valuable, avd the iad of language in the hes of American | 83% ~ WHO any cgees pegemying fn the: east) wait till the body was cold befure seures of them | ton, a8 previously designated in the program- |. inig earth. cei" | eerms may be changed on the dap of sale toa wiemeo. The stain produced apor their char- | degree those quoted by the anti-slavery (ourisis.” | beleagned the President for the vacancy Much | me. The crowd was 80 immense, and there| 9. | believe he will come io all the lory of | credit of six mouths. by the repadiating doctrines of the notori- | Upon the moral or intellectual relations of the | of this is attribarable to. the scandalous and dis | wes such a confused murmur of many soi-| hie Father. . JAS. OWENS. MeNott, sticks ee thick over them, that it | question, he does not express an opinion. Hsin want of veracity which exis 8 el ces, hes very few persone could heer either| I also believe he will come in the clouds of W. CHAMBERS, require a great deal of active honesty to ~ xeculive head, and in some of the chiefs ul De- ‘a 1d rare! Garl h heaven Trustees. oat the filth, A feweuch menasGovern-| Fellow Fever at Guayaquil.—Letters via | partinents, by which individar!s are induced, by | ‘Ne 8ddress OF Srov. Gayle, or the response Febrary 18, 1843—5«80 e P . . : © ’ , 3 I believe he will th ivé bis kingdum, Morehead, of North Carulina, might do moeh | Havana state that the yellow fever prevails | Promises, '0 wall upon the appointing power in Hr. Clay. We are told, however, they | | will be eternal, on recetee bie Kiegie hratore the lost eredis of: the United States, in | ¢; . . ; daily expectation of receiving employment —| *ere both of them rich in seatiment, and : : . 2 OK OU’ ‘s European money market. Speeches, how- frightfally in Guaysqoil. The popolation has Mr Tyler always gives encauragemrot to thy | felicitous in diction. We were promised ‘ia. the LO a e Saree been reduced tg 4,000. Those who have not j kingdom forever. fe, will.not suffice. Legislation most follow g applicant, and Mr Webster, also, wv luey «8 be | reports of hoth, but at a late house last eve- r : ist's 2¢ comi bod : give practical effect to ibeir opioions.” died bate @ed. Many distingu shed persons | thinks he can use him for bis own selash purpu- nine, they bad not come to hand. eat temaleist oi be seri ir hat Ai LL persone indedted to the Subscriber, ei- have fallen ; among them the sister of President | 8€8; 89d neith+r have that sense of jusiica,or| | . . . g'orione body. ther by note or otherwise, are carnestly t0- IP The Hoo. Hear Crar made a pow- | Rocafuerte, Alzn, Saenz, thetwo Fispantosos, c. that chariatle kindness of heart that would Phe procession having organized, ia the And | believe, also. thet the righteous who sre vested ta setile their respective dues bei wees whl - ; prompt taem lo give a frank and honest refusal. ulmost harmong, an! good order moved on living on ihesstth when bb coied Will beck this end March Superior Coart, as | am com argument before the Supreme Cowrt of} grcpP A slight ehock of an Katthquake was | ‘These.is not an applicant for «ffice bere bul | in ate destined course through the city Ev wd fon merial to immostal budiew, and a pelled to wind up my business. Laisiana, In session on the 28th January, in a | felt in Washi j eens ngton City, on the Sth inst., abou: | what will tell you he has received such enenor—| ery where the sirects were thronged. A®| them who are raised from the dead, will be caught G. B. DOUGLAS. Mind cers OTA eee eee ee aay Tee OURE | icnengen Ge pnibea, ad rong santet then | SEY Ne *zPr<t0d Sem, wis salute, | wpo'men he Edi the alr, and le forever | _Kebranry 18, 1843 — 130 ee, oe ee trang- | erally experienced, and would perhaps, passed | ...0,, hey ie ae | hundreds were anxious to get a glimpse of |. with the Lord. — =a ; wee h ge aiimps : . ; "listen to the eloquence of the distinguish- | unnoticed, bat for the quicker perception of a few promisre of ecoplopaect at ree e oee | the great lion of the day. and accordingly | & ! believe the saints will ther: be presented State of Porth Carolina. ~~ todividaals, who, having ofteo felt the same een- | postponed from time to time till they have ceas crowced the street in the vicinity of the to God blameless, without spot or wrinkle in panes vuser Intarouss —Oliver Oldschool, the sation io other countries, more promptly recog- “ye me cecal as.al.any consequence. learrisge in which Mr Clay was seated, du- ms I believe when Chriet comes the second ROWAN ald siete — 2m it ooly speak the truth, and du Mr Tylerand ts whole passage through the city.| 77 re ; . (Waguished correspondent of the Philadelphia nised it on its occurrence there. Vir Webster no injustice, when | < in nae ay he eS ip eee “se ** | time he will cume to finish the controversy of February Sessions, 1843. — : — The windows, balconies and doors cf the | 7; ties ; ‘hited States Gazetie, says that it ie whispered | Rail Read to Mongreat, Canada --11 is said that |-word, when given politically or in relation w : Zion, to deliver bis children from all bondage, to ; honses so. g the streets where the process- | conquer their last enemy, and to deliver them | Astbooy Benceni, ‘ » Wane citeles in Washington, that Daniel | epirited efforts are now making inVermon! ty con- the bestowal of the patronage of the government, | jg pas-ed, were filled to overflowing with ives the power of the tempter, which is the de. Pe! Origiaal Attachment. thate oak : ; . has not the least weight 19 the communtiy 3 and Daniel Thomas "Salar is endeavoring to make his friends at | tinue @ rail road from Boston, via Brattleburodgh, Me Webster ta particularly notorious f 3 iy. fair faces and besutiful forms, giving to our | vil. . . _ & Nonb, With the abolitionists and antimasons, | to Montreal. On the line are innumerable man ing those who ae the qreatest claim upon Nis “guest by their lonks of gladness and other | S. | believe that when Christ comes be will N motion, and it appearing to the satisfac- “With a party formed of these materials, to| afactories, which would furnish a vast amount justice and sincerity. and | wis about to add his | tokens of regerd, a more endesring welcome tT dd ccdimen ts wae pdr peta tion of the Court, thet the Defendant is vot mali t Western man, a0 a candidate for the | of business in the transportation of raw materi- | graitiude, dut that is an emotion tu which he is a| than could be dune by the glitter of arme or up their svole in the pit uf wo, until their esr. ros See vealies ee Cin jeetey, with view of defeating Mr. Clay. | ale and manofactured articles, [1 is said that ; 9!f9%ger. AU the pomp and pageantry of public parede. | peetion unto damoation Waetcheae fer six weeks, fur the Defendant ta uty MeLons would be bis man bat for the fact | this rail road wes the first contemplated in New The Doctrine of lustructions —'Vhis anii- | The ceremonies ended, upon the process- 9. I believe, when the earth is cleansed by appear at the next Cuart of Pleas and Quarter the hag unequivocally expressed his desire to England, and that the route was once surveyed | quated Virginia notion-has jus! met with a ridi | iow’s reaching the Tlouse of Mr Ledyerit | fire, thas Christ and bs ssiuts will then take Sessiuns, to be treld for the eventy of Rowan, at “Mt. Clay President. Gov. Cass he cannot | fur a canal, a8 the country is so level. entong but yet practical “reboke in Georgia — | on Government street Mr. Clay remained | possession of the earih, and dwell therein forev- | the Cuort Huuse in Salisbory.on the Iai monday tt,in as mach as he has expr apaale. bie a MeDougald, (Loco,) the defeated candidate for! a moment op-o the entrsnce into the honee |: Then the kingdow will be given to the! in May next, and answer or replevy, of jodgment buapprobat; pressed, openly, Mr. Caruoun.—Some of the * Washington Congress. was instromental in causing Mr Sen. | with head oncovercd, and bowing to the saints fioal will be readered agains! him, sod the Ne- \oa uf the Treaty of Washington.— | letter~writers, many of whom discover an inti | ator Berrien to be instrnered: Crawtord, the assembled thron Ae alled for three 10. fheliewe the time is appointed of Gud | groes levied on, he eondemned wo satisty the ‘ty ry Judge McLean. If any sach | mate knowledge of what is passing in the on-| Whig candidate, is elecied over him by four or | , tand a , ernie th yy | when these things shall be accomplished. Plaintiff's debt and costa. : be on foot, it will be attempted to be car- | de" currente of party at the seat of Government, | five thousard majority. ee ely tae Se 11. I believe God bas revealed the time. Witness, John Giles, Clerk of oar said Court at “out by means of the WV bi ; express the opinion that Mr Calhoon is losing] Now, carrying oat the Virginia notion, all ihe W!!h mingling shouts—* again !”—anconce} 12 Ebelieve many who are professure snd| (Office, the let monday ir Fotwnes 1848 eof the Whig National Con- grace at the White Hoose According to them | Locofoco members of Congress elect fiom that; More the voices of that multitude went up to | preachers will cever believe ur know the lime JOHN GILES, Clk. ‘wtoa. The Plot will be to get Mr. Clay re-| Mr Calhoun was adopted at first as a convenience | Staie ought to res gn, with the new U.S, Se-| hesven ina merry peal, Mr. Clay and bis | aptit it comes upon them. . Mad, and Ar, Webster's man nominated. 1} for showing Presideotial ill-will towards Van | nator elect, for in general ticket the people have | ettendarts then retired and the assembly{ ~ 13 | believe the wise, they whio are to shine | however, there is oo trath ia this surmise. Burenism, bat being regarded riaedliendiny Rival, proclaimed the sovereignty of the Whigs in Quietly dispersed. [1 was e'together a nch as the brightness of the Gimament. Dan. xii. 3, Beware of Fraud! bigs cao auite upon bai one man. With fre » bie, 2 a 1 Beate en. eden te (es ; oe ¢ “and beautiful pageant. ‘There was an en- wi Macros he (Gar bere bea aa rom him, and a less dangerous man, Judge Mc-| = The doctrine of instroctians is thus made as 14 Ebetieve the time can be knewa hy. sil LL sre be forewarned f: heir eandicate, they will be victorious;— | Lean, of Ohio, promoted to that high honor. absurd as it 18 withou! sense in a Republ.e,when thusiesm and a charm throughout the whole, who desire to uaderstand and to be ready for treding. fot shies pd giteo to Williem "id any Other, detea The“ C ° wi i : . which words are impotentto describe— | 4; ineed th ‘ ted. eed i aptain” will brook no rival near the | apnlied to the Senators from States. We du bade pe his coming. And 1 am fally convinced tha! some | j- dian of Jaoe McCarter, on tb ished individoal os ne ne i throne, and preposterous a6 the idea is to al] the on tosay a paieen Keprescatssion seats aa it seemed tke that fervid. yet holy idetetry | time between March Qist, 1843, and March fi pease} Peoceré, SaaS: wae for $123 due we » big name will rise tv! world cave himeelf, still cherishes fond expecta- | to go far, very far, perhaps the full length, io which the heart ever pays to pure and bound- | 24st, 1844, according to the Jewish mode of | oo ing afer daie; une fr $126 dur 12 monibs of every one involuntaril i : ; yf h ; y- tions of s second term.— Richmond Whig. t an unequivucal dunbted, and | atriotiem and exalted worth ecompataima of time, Christ will come, sad od her for $123, ¢ b idea that Judge McLean would ea — ee wish of at sue tec.) ie saints with him; and that th froma dete, nad snutte’ Wer Sie Uae wgbions wy plant ; N . hatic wish of 8 knuwo majurity of his co - | bring afl hig seinte with him; 3 at then be date. Saéd notes are si ath 1 Clay detore a Whig Natiozal Gore Instructing Senators in Congress.—A corres | PB8''¢ W'8 w yon wei | months from da gned by the ; ‘+ : or : — bis work shall be ‘ i 3 . f the Richmond Whig. vents, bat the notion, when applied to Senaturs| Convict killed. —A conviet in the penitentiary | 7"! reward every man 90 . subscriber, Braxton Bailey & Semuei G. Walk, mig mpremely ridicoloos, ‘The game played arr ypayed ee ie the Vizinis Logiete- in Congress, is secoubliietional nd revolutiou— , at Jackron, (Miss ) being ordered by the sseeper: ve hin nernrition An meee waten werre ohisined Harrisbarg Convention will never be re- | ture, which hae thie winter, as usual, been in-|2!J-—~VYew Fork Express | Mr J. F. Price. to roll ap his pantaloons that it} Dr. Seudder, the well known oratist, whose | by freed, | sm determiued pot to pay them. Midd With succese. e:ructing the Senators in Congress upon maiters | WEE an — | night be seen if be had on a pair of secks thal | artificial eyes have been such sdmirsble counter JURE AH BAKKINGER. , aan a" and things in general, sends the followiag 10 the OP caaom the oe the pine Peat ‘had been missed in the establishwent. refosed, | feits of natase. re the Albany —. 2] Feb. 6, 1848—Sw29--pd tight sh ; npondoet a. - passed “ 2a we” —providing that all: and, seizing a bemmer, was roshi the | few deys since. ucstion, wit, and fine ed- ; ; e et ne os ci in editors :-eJVat_ ti F Henties property offered for sale onder execution, shal! keeper, when the latter drew a amram! ary sbot | vantages were all sacrificed oo the aliar of in- TO THE CREDITORS . , who was Haj sell for two-thirds of ite »ppraised value, abd that | hi : URTON, Te at the time, reading « newapa- co. Jan 28, 1843. wales ic & be ppra Hue, and that | him through the heart. temperance. He was the son of the founder of | OF THE LATE ROBT. H. B , Dec. tegulated by whst property was the American Museom, New York. : He . T live ip the country, and: therefore bear but | worth in ‘ordinary times.’ The laws extend ion in Keak : OU are bereby notified that you ére request- a ys that the house shook perceivably, ladle test J'be teh Hy ‘eoporiad ta my | adhin Underdog, 7 des* csr bo all Education in ucky —The annoal report Mr Beniamin 7 Fe re, of ed to prove yuur claims auainet the said de- Paper trembled in. b Dee rast, ‘of the Superintendent of Pablic fostreciion in| $CF”Mr Benjamin Healings, eged 53 years, ; Ot erchas in bisband. We fearn | neighborhood that our tore is to in- | Mortgages, Sc., and oblige the plaintiff to bay the Kentucky, gites the-whole amoant of the schoo! Greenwich, Gloacester county, New Jersey, ceased, before the Clerk and Master in Equity M6 fel ig . fe papers, that the sang shock roid the Coort ‘Martial which is to try Captain | property in one year from the date of his execu - fund in the State a8 $1,118,884 90. Thenem | was instantiy killed en the 24th pitiwo, on bis of Lincoln enonty. Biel lane teal | of ¢ - seeuitte, Witaingten, Raleigh, ackenzié to find him guilty. Please let as | tion, at two-thirde its appraised valoe, or lose his ber of children between the ages of seven and | retarn home from market, by seridontelly falling - March vext, or be forever ( “athe, e acd Petersbarg, Va. koow if "Teens fe ectfally, JG. tag to other judgment crediturs.— Boston seventeen, forming the basi uf the school fand {rom kis wegon, and the wheels pessing directly W. WILLIAMSON, c & u & spportionmest, is 113,289 over his neck. Feb 11, 1848-8929 feb 13, 18483—6w30 we \ipg cA? the extreme debility: whi is, often gives rise to other, Marsh. missmaygs oF «the eft stagnaat watereis. the ‘mast . cause of this disease ; 3nd one of it liarities is ts susceptibility of » reneWa ry slight causesssoch ae front the pr an éasierly wind —eveh-writiout th the original excit a ta Awbe Differs from m kovwn, that after ano curred, amf been uy so _affested, the ainte hring 19 & very easy task. Dr Moff Life Pills: and Prooniz Bitters hae becn shorunghly tested, and proved ty'be portite-and Radi a 4 Hunttréds of his fellow. citig-ns in the ‘Vest ha volugiarile come forward to assure De. Moffat, that the Laie Medicines are tbe only medicthes ‘hat wil thoroughly effeeta removal of this most tedivus and disagreeable disease. Others who, tava emivrated to that rich and Promising por-ion of eur counirg —men who we ont fa;} of bope, and coafideotuf winning a com - peteoee from the -lasarisnce wf the soil ; or who carried to the gutposis vf oor settiementa the mer. | won in the: eruwded cities or towns of the alder states, have eigher returned with shattered constitutions and cantile or mechanical experienc~ dapressed epirits, or they: remain in their ne homes, dragging out a weary hfe, or at last sink | under some disgase tsi by that terror of the West, Fever and A Pheir hopes are blasted ~their business energies | destroyed — theie Eidorado becomes a desert, ani | disease, are therefore these t= First, take twe of tha word of promise, made ty their ear, is broken | to the hape. ‘To those individaais,. Dr, Moffat woul! eay — “ Tep-the Life Mediciacs, and you witi ye: ane liviate Youur most sanguine eX pectations, they wallcertainly restore you to health,’ “ever and Agueis acomplaint which requires | to be anet at ils. first approach, and eombatted-a every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduce the strength, and impairs the tonetions of the organs, So that upon the oaoifestation of. dis- | On or befor eave, Natnre is ouable, onassisted to resiat the | see soroad. The Life “Medicives, when taken strict ly according to directions, will cure tt, ahd give ip the wealcand trembling vieiim of disease new | bealh, fife and strength or full particelars of the mode of treatment the copy of which accompanies the medieine. Ec jf> The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Igents. Sulisbary, Oct 22, 1942 sty 13 a Fiedell county, by A. C. MeINTOSHT, Agent. Gerd Your Health, [Addressed to those who cre in perfect health, or | repuled so ) R- > Gantle Reader: If you woold avert froim vou the sirkness, the pains, the wretched Beas, (he preinatare mortality whieh you see al} arovad von, and whieh, ike a sbarp sword stss er ye J Tov aieica—w wilh gust yoo Itile, wilt nei- Int in 7e opaNn your vcenpaluns or amuse | men's, and vil the facalues ef your mind and boly wit begs amuelh betivred by it as to eepay vou tea fold. task only ove week's trial te eon Vince tha me seeptiest, br the firs. plies, ciseard ali old errorg anil pr jetoes from yoors mind, especigily the old a Ve tetter yuarsets; tts the seyine. of ignor- anee aad Buferstition —3i those who altribated Alo heg saw ardnadt them tu chance and fandne, / ‘ ; ; | &var, sre now well futpished, and will ma ye | Tosteadnf pattte’s aniversal faws. Hasnot man, | ‘ ‘ pinned, NT maka ev. | leon Ne experienee, leafed to guard “himsely’ au tiest the viner efentents of patore, the waves, wind aad the torrenis of rain? -\V bey chen ihe notin fir weather, voscd himself ae i » vo teak body 2 Roawenber, yon are every day frross food 3 and Wt ts sour naturé to eon- true ia dose, You are well at pres at, bul ev soy day Tha seed of disease is growing within m3 aod if yoo de not siety guad your health whele yan are well, you are foutiovalty in mungeref palatyl and protracted éun Srdments, andao sume esustinttions, forth, Nuthing is stationare in this world. Even the purest fouttain of which we drink - does if wed reg pire A person may imagive voperfeet heath, add get oat kau to wiat Tectun biswhtal orgata may be bronghtwhea <a oby the hand ‘of Natere, Lhave un- wailed pravds of this faer in the anhounded sue ° LIE MEQHCIVERS~ Let thase hive followed the qaatio, ‘ When you aie | in ihederitely well, Uncow physie to the dog. clvaning ?@ 1 7ae Cots rane, ae they would be eouvineed of ibe hoertanee of try position Vase cperstion of the Life Medicines in every ee ante that has coma to my knowledge is. most geutving. “Phuse who are ia eempurative. goad | health spqy perfect thet happiness wii ov in | eoovenicoger 5 and those unforiunstes who are} Pod tice hy disease of alasost any desertptian, ay fed sare relief io those purely vexeiahie | preairations, "Phey opeiare gently but pawer- | n'y uponithe seeretions of the budy, aad cleanse / » biased of all viuated humors. separatiug the | vid from the good, expelling tha dros, drossanad j Papurities ~ard jeaving behiod only what is} Mand newssliog tu nalore, Hoader, eaunsiler and ¢ Goce: well, Phe blessing bistiie, fur rich and pout | ea by Wwiihia wuisetees, ia gurown prisiean] bes My wiviee to a3), then, is. guard your | Revi YS you ara well, perhaps son may be | s fy trer—ond you may alwys aso? hetaa | Kava jrdisinns nga of the VEGE Lies MEDICINES, cé of ont ie Fepeiton of ing cause.” In thig, Fever enc Ee st-ocar fevers; xs iris wel’ ary fever bas nace oc~. r boved the person elfrcied is, not sir ivéle to a fresh attack as one « bo was out These cirenmstanees rendey iF ex~ anhjain 1emely difficuttto effect a permaneut Cure’ of Feverand Aisa, though to relieve the patient fur ital cure of Wever and Ague. ' whieh thay are pradisposed | cored. with certatn! reaver is referred to the Good Samaritan, a | Psever ready to fall @pon you, despise | we, ‘Hf yon are passing welt, do dot altemp: ; | fouptain head of so many others, rasie., a ‘ ve nit ithe frre Pires at bed time, and next mornin On } during tke day, the second right tak ' night four pills and the bitters as before, and cun S$ | vights mi \ eth? seventh day, the “Ague wil m ta he entiirely cured, and the patieht wil ! teal well, honary, and hearty, vertheless continu { | He will then, and not votil then sured or even in any way connected. lever, the patient should by any negleet | due confidence in restored health, omit should return, and the paiient should learn wis _. | dom from afetion, ang ga through another | course of the medicines for a furtniyht longer. | Obeving these instructions, buwever, he will be | so thoranghly cared, that he may bid dé fance to. tie disease, linwever anhealihy may be his }doeation or | or children boween seven and fourteen years jaf age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines witl suffice ; for youoger chiléren, a quarter of these qnantities, to be increased ldiunioished ¢ | ac leanced ebihihaod to infancy. | alone-be necessary. | ‘Phia treatmenty with) these sopremely effec- taal DIRE MEDICINES,” bas been pe: fect. ly trinmphont in the worst regiovs of the Suita. ern and Western country,and atound the norrfe- this sovereign remedy h4s been: far gresaier than the supply. DR MOLFEATOS Agents, how- j ery. effort. to} send this advertisement into the | most.aftieted districts, ‘Voluntary and jealons- | ily gfateful testimonials are received at the ptp- | plielues office ta New York, by every mail in . | neredible nner o th ; He lie Moras whighae. eper rishia GW bled ioe dibls mbera, t 8 absolute efficaey of | these astonishing medicines, | billions afféctians, and derangement and joflamaaatory rheamatism, costivencss, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, sero- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, 200 a host of other complaints, for the core of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are en Ppre-emineatly re— nawned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that.mang of these diseases, as well asa most fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and Ague, Dr. Moffat, in ins advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the pubic to the absalate ascen dency of his medicines aver ‘this malady the He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and jovigorating in their operations, require peither cot. fnement nor ebange of diet, and have acquire ed the reputation they have long possessed, not by the osnal artificial! effurtsshot sulely” by Their invariable and extensive osefulness. Prepared and sold by Jr. Wiliam B, Moffat, $375 Bruad war New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salishory Medical Ding Store, by | oC. B WHEELER, Agent. Salishory, Sept 3, 1849446 : PO THE PUEELIC. FERRE subscriber takes this method of inform | ing the podlie, that he still cuntinues to earry ov the business of CUTTINGSTONE, sux Granite Quarry, seven iniles | as usngl,at his south of Salishary, near the old Chasleston road, whera he ts able to supply alt erders for MILE STONES, of the best grit, and on the shortes | notice, . 2 Dr. MoMa's Life Pils and Phoenix ! —ALso-- Bicers, are tor sale by } } ° Pagers ss 4 ~ : ‘ j } f CRESS & BOGRR, Deents, | For sale gt the lowest prices, Salisbury, Oct 29 18,2 - Tpit aod \ sipply cf the above [svalnatle MEL: Cross Ria’s, } DT: INS ure tar safe at Jauiwes’ Jerod euunty. by A. C. McINTOSH, Agent. => EPr. of. Forrezsce, | (Ss removed to his residenas th ee miles E w westof AL & TP. C. Grabam’'s Sure, on i+ road feading from Saliabury to Statesville, where he may be foond by bis friends and the pooiic ai all times, unless professiunally engaged, {le tekes this method of returning his thanks to ihe public for the liberal patronage heretofore re- ryived, and hopes to merit a continuation of the sane. this charges shall in alt cases be reason ablo, and adapted to the hardness of the times. Nov 12, 1312—38m16 dob Pristing neatly done here. | Winsaw Sills, hoildjng rocks, Pomb sienes, Gold grinders, &c. Re JLHOULDIOUSER, Salisbury. Peh 26, 1842—1y31 N BL Ordsee for any of the above wranght Darteles, directed. to me at Salisbary,. will be i poaectnally arfended to octs. Henderson § Boyden. a, , WOE im zs Haye associates themselves in the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE heir Office is “in the Brick FJuuse opposite Mr. Cowan's Hotel. Sali-hory. Joly $3, 1849, 1140 Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisement, and if you wish reliet for your ma | nv maladies, call and obtaio a remedy of C.B. | WHIEELER, Agent. Sansbury, Dee 10 {20 oefore breakfast a fall wine glass.of the Paani i Brerens in abont the same quantity. of water, | and hall a wine glass more in a fall wine gtass for | of water, aboot half an hoor before each ‘meal three pills and the bitters as before ; on the third | tinge takiag four pitls every night for vhree *, with the bitters during the day,— to take} SF A snppiy of the above invaluable WE | the Phenix Bitters in the fall quantities pre- DiCINES are for sale at Jawes Cross Roads, | scribed, at leass three times on the fourteenth | day Dr. Maffat mast not be blamed if the disease _- Storer. g x ‘ You following e January, -| and inflar flicted o3 lithe sume, but fre must ne- | ting pain | had ever endored. eto iake the bitiers‘aa before | dies that were recommendable far the same, but ) Prescribed, until and on the fourleenth day, with | tono effeet, | 'wo pills every night after the sevenih day.— | Dr Knilwas » With pesiive | him immediate aud invariable certainty, be permanently cured, | J fella change aod not only of Pever and Agoe but of whatever | came. billions and-liver affections it may have-superin- | of the Blo ' Dr Kuh above cert in general | hour, although @ person may be much benefitted | to bis Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward to | within that time vy the ose of his medicines.— | the Owners inthe back country. He basa large | J- | Warehouse at the River, where Goods wilt be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to.half the usual-cartage from. thd ‘River t0,| via Peyton to day, | Fayeitevijle,—thereby tte} Guods mach below th Warehouae isisolatad.from all other buildings, He requested | the danger of. Fire wilh be trifling in comparison ov. that yoo had saved his tife, for | to 4be risk incarred from being situated in town. Those who may fawor him-with their besiness,'{| preealent the malady around him, — | He feels it, however, necessary to give tne fu lowing ex! ~ ane Cour | ” Dear or| and he looks better than | ever saw him. N proportion as the ace varies from | 835s if it had not been for your medicines he Kor very young | shonld have been under groand. i children, small qrantiies oft the bitters only will | me to tell y | coe Hime, and to present his respects to you. t | ** Your Restoreris ihe leading medicine in this @2y-rest dssored that every attention w cooniy, and many cures of importsnre have been | to the promotion of their imterest.. . | effected in | medicines, ero lakes, where the malady prevails with the | ereal cases, and many of Jang standing, aod al- | snivessatity of an epidemic, and the demand for ways eff-cted, by means uf y | Syphititic | feet cure, i Dr. | . Dear Si | tatalie a st . they effecied a cure which seems to have baffled, the skill of nut only ig Fever | yearortwo. The subject is Wr Nathaniel N. and Aywe, other ioternmitent feyers, liver and | who has been afflicted with the Liter Complaint sof the di- together with some other eomplaints,~—say gestive fanciions generally, but also in chroale | atenee and Dyspepsia, | of the Res } traetand | twelve hoo hours, muc row, as to commendin medicines, the amonat G. Ww M. J CC { Mek | The continuation of the list of Agents, see Dr. K's Pamphlet. NO'FIC E.— Patients and Agents ia the State ot North Carolia, and South and West of if, | | will please | fice, Raleigh, NV ©, and ihose in Virginia, and | Door-sifts, Duor steps, rough | North and East of it, t0 Richmond, Virginia, | August 6. 1843—152 applied besides the : Bencat Ortuend, for Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rneam, Scaldhesd, Eruptions of-tie skin, and foul ulcers, ; is tu be applied besides the'Re- | We feel it our duty .to insert: the- following communication in our columns, inasmuch as the efficacy and great success of Drx.Kuhl’s Restor- er is well knowhto.os : ; “Td, horepy certify, that aboot the first of use of ‘every limb was taken frum me, besides a- tremendous swelling at every joint, fever with ‘Phe medicines used, were the’ Restorer “ Near Orange Court House Virginia” and that4in-a short time, Ashborough, NV. C., July 13, 1842. Kun, Raleigh, - Depurative Powder, little or nodiiifoulty. I wonld be glad yoo would send mea supply very son, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, 2s a vast num- ber of persons are toking them now, Da. Ken's Orrice, Rioumonn, Vircinia, or lo any of the following Agents: Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Hargiave, Gaitber, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborongh, JF & © Phifer, Concord. LB Oats, Charlotte. James J. Horne, Pitisboroogh, N. C. b a * ee 2 ca a) a phlegm | i i? PRRs rr 69 a He ase *f Hiteok let. ro _ Wem, Sr. > - - jous Fewer torer. : Universar on. StRexcTuenine PuAster, will please 10 notice in.your paper the. certifieate : I was taken With the ‘worst paralysis nmatory theomatism that ever-was in- mankind. SoJaras b ean.learn, the and attended with the most excracia— 1 tried all rewe- [, by accident. was informed that st Orange Const House, § seat fur ly, and by applying his mediciaes, in less than an hous after fre od, Aromatie Extratt. Gold- Mine Bal» H, how-~ | sam, Universal Plaster, and Depurative Powder; | #mount.. » oran- / 1, therefore recommend his treatment to af}-uhose laboring under afiliction-, as given- under my hand aud seat, this 14th day of March, 1837. “JOHN PEYTON, (i s] 1, notwithstanding the statentent in the ificate, wishes to be onderstoud, that , cnres cannot be effected within an ract of a létter from his Agent at Or t louse, dated-"May 19:h, 1837, Sir—!} saw Mr J this neighborhood by the use-of gout I have had a great number of ven- + vur Vegetable Antj Syrupt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- r:—I think your Medicines are abou! art in this county, from the faet thas the physicians in this section for a He has taken one botite ‘orer together with the Aromatic Ex He says that in rs he felt relieved, andin twenty-four Arcliered. We'has so far recuvered, follow the avacation of his farm with Tle says he wanis all who g them tothe afflicted, Respectfully yours, J.M. A. DRAKE. will please ditect their orders, with » (post paid,) to » NORTH CAROLINA. -& C. Grimme, Raleizh, A. Drake, Astborough. Henderson, Lincolnton. South Carolina. , Gunning § Co. Yorkville. re, Brawley § Co. Chester C. H. direct-their orders to Dr Kuhl’s Of. | Jayne's in ceived and Salisbor A ia proporti “A fresh supp LIME! LIME !! NY¥ quantity of fresh"Lime can be had at the kiln of the late Joseph Williams dec. By the 100 bushels and over 16 cents; AO to 100 boshels 185 5 to 40 bushels 20 ; unslaeked All persona wishing lime either at the kiln or their residence, will apply either to Joor R WILLIAMS, { Rockford, Surry connty, N. oR tf , ly of Dr. D. valoable Famtly Medicines, just re- for sale by CB WHEELER, Agent. ¥, Dec 10—1(20, on, Bilioosand Nervous { a wh ieh is s which js ‘to. be, Ua iniment for Indiges— ood.a fon, Coldness in the contains tgebitags Or ness, ip the limbs, R punitive Pownen, for Bil Headache, Diseases of ihe Epes, &e to be tskea jn the Restorer. Jarsn OtxrMent, for Piles Fives a are- excellent, and Ivers BP twee gee ep. + trips. ieasant to thep er, ms : ae ERHILE, , , 18a) Joe 12 Seperior C N. B,-l Sal Bankropi Law;”! found in my office in Salisbury. vaiting error concerning tris Law; many persons I Gud, suppose that no one, except suchas owe to the amount of Five Haondred Dollars,- can claim its benefit, braces ‘‘all persons” owing debts who are anable to ‘Saneet them,’’ no matter how. small the isbury, February 1 , 1842—1(99 ay wish { ourt:—and Jafterwards, I shall be H: C. JONES, take this Gegasion to cotrect a pre- This is a mistake, forit erm H.C, J. References Geutge George Ww. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wicmiseron & Faverrevinie N.C. Faure nndersigned is gow prepared to receive Govds a Messrs Juha Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Alexonder Andesson, Jubo MeRae, John Dawson, Dolphin.A. Davie, R. 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. sFiat- | Oct 1, 1842—1110 t Wilmington, and forward-the same lessening the expense, 9b: @-usyal charge, ill be paid GHO. W. DAVIS. - Fayetteville, N. GC. Wilnington, No. Ca. W. Brown, Salisbury, N.C. Be und an, Cabarrus their well kn Col, C. Harbin, from Bernent’sstock, Albany ° and oow having ten full blooded Betkshire sows and two boars, they are prepared to breed as fine PCP Persons wishing to procure any of the full blood as any in the country. ‘They have RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russia and Berkshire. They have above pigs, ready to supply any orders with which they may be favored, at prices ia propor- tion to the hardness of the times. MAXIMILIAN CUTHRELL. JOHN H. CHINN. a Farmington, BERKSHIR fwo years, about two hundred Pigs in the are.afflicted, to use your Medicines, and is re- counties of Davie, Stokes, Serry, Iredell, Row- and some in Soath Carolina’ and Virginia, and. the demand sti!l being very great, have added to E & RUSSIA PIGS! ersigned having sold, in the last , Meeklenborg, Davidson, Guilford, own stock, the Berkshire sows of on hand a goodly somber of the Davieco. N. ©. May 9, 1842. 45 ration. padlie at the pare prices, chase. _Salisbory, SALISBURY FACTORY. HIS Establishment is now in complete ope- COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheeting and Osnaburg, of a soperior quality, which they cffer to the and others, who will examine qualities, ane com- will find it to their interest to pur- J. RHODES BRO nd ‘The Compaoy are ‘mauofactoring lowest market prices. Merchanis WNE, Agent. Jone 4, 1842—1145 T Patent Avg. 21, 1841 Salisbury, Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs, and SPIRITS for medical pofposes._ Indians, Hoack’s aod Swaim's Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco. Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brushés, Candles, Fancy and common Sosp, Glass Ware, Péters’ Pitis, la’ siromenis, Matches, Paper and mang other ar ticles, just received and for sale at prices to suite the times, by Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, District, and if EE ete considerable pains to ac- 3 qaalnt inyself with ite provisions of . the ately passed by Congress, fF hereby tender my’setvices lo Buch 48 may. 10 avail thembelvesof its benefit, stalls tue’ United Srates Conrt of thig necessary, the Circuit Court also. - ‘Persons wishing toavail themselves of. m§. se;vices, can see mé on the approaching Sixth’ Circuit of the C Ag’. his | 2&9 and ply of his genuine Impmoved Tonic Mizture, New Hair ow Bald Heodé)and- prevent ‘11s fail jog out, or tarnjng Gray, t JAYNE’s TONIC SRI =; A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for the removal of Worms, Dy bs sc 30 Stom- ach, Fever and Age, Pues, Want of Appetite, aod aj! diseases. of debiliiy, 4 po Xe Bowels, Nervous Affections, 0, vais Jayne's. Sanative Pills, For Kemale Diseasts. Liver Contplaiils, ‘Fee vers,. Iiflammea itions, Obstyuel ions. Diseases of the Skin. &e.5 andin-all cases" ft ; Alterativé or Potgative Medicine is reGuised. retai}, at tte Salisbury Msdica] and Drug Store, i : : ,, Salisbury, N, Be. Sept S, 1842 —Jy6, NEW.CABINET, “CHAIR & SOFA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT |! THE SUBSCRIBERS |e ee G associaied themselves together far the parpose of manufaciaijog «= Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s, SECRETARY'S: WARDROBES, ‘Centre—Tables, ~~ in the-very best hind of style, aod of the finest materials, beg leave to ask-at. the hands ofthe. citzens of the County and villages around, 2 share of their patronage in our line of business.’ As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) tis iad long ex pefienee in. working jo some of the finest and most fashionable. shops of: Furope, and’ of the large eities of the Northern United States, we flatter ourselves that we can-and wil) honestly and faithfally complete in workmaglike manner all jobs called for. We will repair and polish any furniture that may be brought to ug on short notice, and in the first styleof workmanship, and orders for Coffins ponctually attended-to.. Our prices will be as moderate as We ¢an afford, Their shop is a few doors east. of the Mansion Hotel; and one door below Jones’ old Tavern, JOHN. FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 26, 1842—1/18 N. B. All those indebted to Warren Gheen, are requested to make payment before (he first of January, 1843, or they will then have a call from ap officer C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, bas just received a fresh sop- which is for sale whelesale and retai', at b Medical Drog Store; Salisbury, N.C. Dee 10—1f20 . . a 1 citizens of Rowan and the adjoining coon. ties, that he has commenced the above Basiness in Salisbury. Hie shop is three doors: east of Moses L Brown’s ‘Tao Yard, where he-is. pre- pared 10 execute all work in- bis: line~ofbasiness With neatness and despatch.» From a long’ ex~ perience in the basiness. he feels confident of his abilily to give entire satisfaction to all: who may favor him with their patronage. Nes N. B. All orders from a. distance shall-be puoctually attended to. _ Repairing at every dé- Scription done on thé shortest notice; buth Gins and Thresbing Machineg.- «2-209 = - e ALEXANDER FRALEY. Zar. Sylisbury ef be | SF NEW. FA SHIOXs: ed, Bis eduea- eos ca 1 AARC DOP Burpatsed. by Avy in “this nent “why tet conte ah ges ih-the | Countty. Iso.tn the reg ilar reveiy r Unwed States, and has had fifteen’ pearge natin | ON RK’ FASHION: * { ence-in an extensive and divetsified: practies, ‘by. one ne er eemeMOTALE the tagies which-he hés had ample opportunities of xequir. | Fahion ¢.at-all-times, ing a practical knowledge -of diseases, and the |: December 3, 1842—1y3 remedies best caleulatéed (o remove them, ete . J : lood, Gr ou < Hoopirig Cough, Bronchitis, ‘Dente ahora. Jayne's Hair Tonic For the, reservation, Growthcand Beauly of the Hein eat which .«ill positlvély- the espeéialiy. of the Stomach and Bowls, and Organs of: Digestion: + JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. De htag ae hale A certain core for Bowel and diam Com otie Whom vas never he" it before. ‘Thirdly; plaints, Diarrhcca. Dyseutery,* ) ie. Cramps, | syste ip daring the edthivis(ration of the fa Sick Hi he, Sour Stomach. Cholera Mor-.| od Fone} xiure, spiinos up at ence onde 1 derangements of ‘the Stomich ang. ‘denjan in GHEE, AN gives forth an earnest of lieve an aperiens | ‘The above" medicines are for-sale: wholesale ot’ C.B, WHEELER, Agent’ | ed-to jy 39 which . | be-vetarned in-evefy case -whereic. the cH "| has been ‘ponctually-nsed without producicg» Cotton Gin Waking Business HE subscriber would respectfully inform the MLE Sahiseritpsinfosins thenpu: je SUS: receiver throng) i waihe s. P. is also pre “ $ P2red NI] as dt luting on reaSing Py » December 8, 1939. > a * FOR DHE’ sometimes one of itfese periods and simetiaies a- jor diseasés.of {LesChes!, Dyspepsia, lofamma- ad’ Clock 5 ae a > Fale. & WANT Ep “ ournet 4 af it be Complicated, by, taking theve | way Scheenbatiam ; Haley, Parsignecee. ? pairing, busihess * WNoy.19; 1849 i | oo ae aa | pechide ba sdceession, aud the ronving into Ine! tye Be ouets. ASouatic Oit, for Deafuess |; ae -Stind, nearths Covrthor ———— —~ 4. oe TAs 48 , ‘termurent fever of a mora maligasnt-character.| say ath oubab Aationlay Complaints, which isto |All work@dode by- tins will be warranted for] TR .. i ere ei | Bas tt is a remarkable fact, however wmysterivus bensed tooéther with the’ Restorer. ot twelve months. He'still Keeps do*hand 3 smal} ope eee ee ; AS Dicnx yj j and neaccouptable it may appear, that each and §L3>Dr Kahl's Pamphlet: Yeatmént,” §0.,|-assortmatit of Sewellery. <*> a S. | ee aa CHgoy ~ (all of these species of Ague, isve a vour-4 entered according to Aet- of Congress, coniains| OM Gold sod Silver ‘akeo in exchange for ah fies R* PECTEULLY. in foring his fosall TEENTH DAY CRISIS, in whieh they may _be fall. Directions for the use of the.at ¥e-mention— Jeweltery or work-done. Conde _ =— . = Rea; 2 that. he still Carties ON the etda ae ¥> but oy neglactiog which | bd medicinés, and accom panies évery. Remedy. ; Salisbury, Maret ¥2;1842.133" Ut ws ‘8 ; 4 on wue — | they can only be cared by chance. Da. Map- ’ 1 Sher, rable? ae ret |p all ite Warious bradc | F4T’S diteetions fut tuking the medicines ine this From the Washington Globe. - The Bankrupt Law !! te petsdches, tiv y dal nine th we TO FAMILInZs ~ =* ROWAND's ‘EMPROVED’ TONIC pixm; 2 Thtse wee odld have recourse to Pes edi¢ine for FEVER AND AGUE, Dusen Wrote Wrebinaee should diserimicate wan the ‘* thiusiind eand.cone ” remedies heta'ded forth to alliimes . 2 ere (the some nore ; es.past,}-and that almosi univers! cessfyt preseriptioa ealled (Sally ay S Mtowand’s. Lmptoved Tonic Mirtur, A few nr eowitt t "to Hestrate thea ference. “dathe first plare, ihe Operation of ty | ‘Bonie Mixtare‘in she ete of Fever and Ay Opn « entitely ete and | peciliar, yel 4 jp inetples Se Ps 7Lt not only prompllys rests ‘the: cout “Me chills, when ponctualy goad perse € ¢, bat fr Soon restore woh led fui “die general sysiem to.as able to -ensne-t thing best and-Figor. Foortsy: Produs more ot less Sflech.gn the bowels, the caop the Biseatepas HEF tle way most straig) indicated by nburte.-» Fifshly 2 Ats effects on tha system are-oniformlt Pagd safe, as well s eMicientsand itis #8 well adapred 10 \he ‘edn isfant, sitiply by a modification of ‘he dose, Many other const tance to the ening HHI be enome-aled he femeF the points of conte ison wit Fetiedies Senerally sessional and family practice, & hich a proper judgmeéat.anay be formed is ‘leeting the meeiet. <5 ‘Ne Be Withee view lo re-establish & confidence in the efficiepey of tbe “ Row Improved Tonic Mixture, toe ffect a |r: eure of Fever aod Na oad Proprietor reste the ¢ 6, ¥ig: The money sf 4 original gnarent desited’ effect Address. tS et, ADEIOHN R ROWAND, N62 North Second Sireei, Plilade's! Sopptiee have been received by the sole 42° fox: Safisbuty, N. C. epee id .C.B. WHEELER. Sept, 1842-196. ~ Somethin “eu. : Som thing Ne % The Subscriber AKES this method of informing his" : and the pablic, that he has purchas: ~ SMITH SHOP, formerly owned by Mr. Frederick Moret the Town of Satisbary, which he inter" after to terry on in @ manner altugeiher re this part of tkecoontry. He is no! on's2°° in the €emmon'understanding of ihe (et he is an actaal [ron King, being able 2dr ed to put Iran into any shape or temper 8° er. All kinds of MACHINE W OR ing of MILLL SPINDLES, the casiiog ©! or GUDGEONS, &c , done at the snore" tiee, and in first rate style. He w' SHER and repair COTTON GINS or THRE ve or indeed any kind of MACHINE Woe . he may be called upon to do. He res. solicits 2 trial. Pw. H. WILLIAMS ‘ Salisbory, Sept $,1842—'6 t TAKEN U Bete Pinckston, and rine as stray Book of Rowan, a sure! flo" in the faeé, and about 12 years of 326.) at $20. . Th@owner is requested tv charges, and take him 2w39.- aoe a "JOBN I SHAVER, Re: Jan 28,1848—4027 WOTICE. r of ihe Coort n Coortt 5 f Rows the? 5 . ie of PO IN porsvance 10 an orde si and Quarter Sessions 0 willexpuse to public eale on See al piss’ instant, at the late residence of kel stop, dee’d., seven valoable sod likely : NEGROES, gor Famong whom ase one HW O.WA.N. We and three GIRLS, soid for ditribu' ioe: | jt of nitie months will, be ziven- wKsT ‘, gS MESHACK PINS "pa viD PINK~ TO etd iw istrat-" C. B. WHEELER, ~ $42 Salisbury, Dec. $1, 1842 — 2m93 February 6, 1842—$#29 “a . - *& = eo — - * ff yy true = Pw, fame the k Nate Repottet. of New York. nore’ Be pail believe * ’ “ we knuwo ious, for months past, ‘Ral q mere of discredited Siate stocks oats ith each other, and collect- ag of the ablest lawyers in this w of jnsiitoting suits agatast inst individual citizens oo well founded. ing W rt] gprreaponding he opinio gitb a wie and 3ga pcouragement bas been giveo that an : . g ; se despatched to Europe, by the last - “cit the co-opetation off English, get, on ye 5 oad Duteh bondholders. - contemplation to institate Pwo. soils, in cont a propet gribunalg; one against a nofi— \ . e 2° ‘ 1 a citizen of a _ gtate, aod aouther egalast a r ying State. some it is contended t » fora judgmect against @ Siate,— e fei bat every citizen’s » Lab! ig lia! ; ; ey States are corporations, emanating from federal compact, and liable to be sued, neel a shorter course, and contend cou wbers party to the citizen of a State is a OE atweeo the State and the boodhulders. Ps able, individually, on every bond the 2 rightfully owes. . at eminent counse} have been rela ined » rgsecalion, andell that talent and money do will be dooe. We hase net faith euovgh, ao ‘ ...'% k in for a rise in stocks. paerer, to go Correspondence Wasuinoton, Feb. 10, 1843. STATE OF THE FINANCES. troneons repor's having gone forth. p Hooses of Congress as to the state of pam of the Government, and the condi- Co the Treasury, present and prospective, ay be interested in the following statement ie h is officially received from the Secretary me and which bears the date of ¢ of the Baltimore American Several @ of the Treasury, the 9th of Febroary. imated receipts for 1843 ;:— Ee A $13,000,000 ia id ” 2,580,000 Miscelianeoes receipts, 100,000 $20,483,338 36 Balaoce Jan. 1st, 1843 2,840,041 $23,323,399 36 The expenditures for the year 1843 are esii- piled at $22,932,773 During the year, how- yet, the Treasary notes issued onder the Act gf Aogest last, and redeemable in the coorse of ihe year are $2,420,890—should these notes be mieemed there wil! be a deficiency of $2,011,- "3, provided the estimates are appropriated ,— hich so fay is not the fact, and there is no ex- weation that the expenditures will ode much wer $20,000,000, or nearly three millions an- je the estimates. If the estimates shall be ap- mpriaied, the sarplus in the Treasury ia Jan- ary 1844, the Secretary says, will be nearly 400,000. The Treasary, therefore, though not in a ve- y enviable condition, is much better off than has een represented. The Secretary, in a communication to the Chairman of the Commitiee of Ways and Means, — duty of 20 percent on tea ind coffee” \abilities of the State of Alabama.—It ap- pes fom a statement in the ‘Tuscaloosa Flag of the Union, that the liabilities of the State of Aloema are as folluws ; Unliqaidated bunds for capital sock of her banks School fund deposites Serplus revenue U. States Beok deposite account Bank circulation $11.078,111 38 746,408 76 669,087 22 1,099,847 83 5,408,200 00 Total, ? $18,996,655 19 Amount necessary tobe raised the present jeer, by taxation or otherwise, to pay interest on debt and defray State expenses, $730,572.77.— Por 1844, incladiag $1,000,000 bonds due, $4,- 10,577 27, The Flag remarks: “ We offer no comment 0 this gloomy picture. With Sve and a half uilioos of unredeemed circulation, the State Ws cear two and a half millions of corrent ex remand deb's to pay in less than two years. Where are the means 2 In taxation, We trust, Nd aa ia tepodiation, God forb:d !* The decision of the Court of Inquiry in the case of the Brig Somers, Has been given to the public. After recapit- ‘ating the facts in regard to the case, the Court Rysy ie Coort further fied that the condact. of “a@mander WeKenzie had been kind to the crew Neoiwe to their wanis aod their comforts ; that * "28 ladious to promote their knowledge of “St profession, and that no panishments were Whcted g'ealer than were rendered necessary by Nevin, nature of the crew, and the proper ~ Pate of a man ofsw:r, The Court further find that the conduct of ne t McKenzie, Lievtenant’Ganse voor, \0 officers of the brig was, duriug the iry- — through which they passed, collected, licen and justified thy confidence re— ie by their country. OPINION. Coan are, thereiure, of opininn— *Woting hat been organized en board et States brig Simers, io murder ibe Md take possession of she brig. dshipman Phitip Spencer, Boats wain’s Cromwe!t, and Seaman Eliaha Di ware eitesrned in aod guilty of such mu- = Wed not the execntion taken place, an Fesen, have takea place io relerse the de brn reer ive officers, and tske command ut toch attempt, had it been made in the ‘n. doting » squall, wonld, in the judgment The 9 thee s Thar yj ig } eg ie zmall siza of the brig, and datly ra Poysteat strength of the officers, o¢- Ae” OF almost ennatant witching acd bukea v have het srrvessfiy, ° Vine ‘eee. SOD WA TO NK ar er ntter these cir f writ «PRINTED AND PUBLISGED. BY > *i2c See that the Gonernment doesnot acquiteloo much power. a check V4 B ty fo + Ne. 551. WHOLE his vessel, a ted to disturb the jadgment and try the energy of the biavest aad most ‘experienced officer. the | conduct of Commander McKenzie and his offi- cers was prudent, calm and firm. and thet he and they honorably performed their duty to the service and their coontry (Signed) CHARLES STEWART, President of the Coart. (Sigced) OGDEN HOFFMAN, Judge Advocate. ance ta verse! ‘his last effort ; but we do not yet discover anv thing Byronic in his poetry: to fact, we begin to believe his geaius does oot ‘lie that way, A word ia yoor ear, friend ‘* B.” had a son who was very fond of going into ihe water. When the good woman found it out, she held forth to him inthis wise: ~ My son, you shoold never go into the water till you know how to swim.”’—Do you take, “ B.” ? We are exceedingly sorry for‘ B.’ for he ap- pears to be perfectly ‘broken-hearted’ about the kick Laora gave him the week before last. We think he would have done better to put the ful- lowing lines in the place of his last stanza: ‘- Farewell dear girl, farewell, prucell, I ne’er shall Jove another ; Tn peace and corafor! may you dwell, And I'll go home to mother” — for, evidently, bis ‘* mother don't know he’s out ’ ‘** B” paid his postage this time, and we have made good our promise to give him a puff ! FAREWELL TO MISS Ten thousand times blest would | ‘ B’e Could.| be thought the lover, Of her, the new blown rose to me ; Aad o'er me, her Jove hover. Could I enjoy those lovely eyes, . Which in that rose do shine ; Happ’r than a!l below the skies, If 1 could cal! them mine. Bot [ a lonely “ swain” mus! rove O’er hills, and rocks, and dales, w Without the joya of Laura’s love, In sorrow pass my days. Farewell Miss * L’, a long farewe!!, L hope you'll find another : For |, poor * B’! alone wil! dwell, A broken hearted Juver. Mocksville. THE CHINESE TRADE. {From the Boston Eveniog Journal. Chinese Ports opened to British Commerce —The Liverpool Mercury contains the follow= ing description of the four Chinese ports which are now throwo open tu British commerce. It is taken maioly from Gotzlaff's narratives uf the voyage of the Amherst in 1832: ** Amoy, the first city named in the treaty, is situaied in the province of Fukien, which lies immediately north of the Canton province It pessesses an excellent harbur,. which bas made it, from time immemorial, one of the greatest em poriums of the empire, and one of the mos important markets of Asia. Vessels cao sail op close to the houses and load and unload with the greatest facility, sheltered from all winds. The city very extensive, containing at least 200.000 inhabitants, who subsist entirely oy commerce, the surrounding country being mountainous and steril. They are koown all over the east, in common with the other inhabitaots of Fukieo, as the Yankees of China—bold, enterprising sail- ors, indefeatigable traders, hardy emigranis.— ‘ B.’ td ficers and ie a cure to the guilt Morne’ of trial; and, that | cient vopital, and, by the great canal wir-eh en- * Monsieur Tonson come again —Our friend | “B.” of Mocksville, hag again made his appear- | pal dd@imand.was, however, fur opiam, vt the uni He has improved a Jittle since | versal ose of which, among all elasses, from the Ao old lady once | important internal navigation of China, and a great part of the commerce of Pekin. An ry pe is carried oa-here, the cvosumptios of o ani cles ainong the wmilons of Eastern and(entral Asia being sopplied-in.a great measate through thie port ‘The exports consistwf raw silk, silk 8 offs, and tees besides manufactures, whieh are extensively carried un inghe: ‘Keang Soo pro- Vince; the imports, however, greatly exceed the expuris, Here, and indeed wherever the Aw herst touched, the people were friendly, and willing to teade, if they had not been preveated by she jealousy of the aathorities. The princi- heir tathe throee, whe isireported tu have died from the excessive.ase of tha drug, down to the lowest sailor, we fiod abnodant testimony in the accounts of all travellers From the Boston Record. WASHINGTON’S PIETY. The memory of Washington is deer to every American. The more his character 1s studied, and hig principles and motives of action onderstoad, the more ill that character be found worthy of edmiration and imitation. Washington’e relgion was troly a practical religion; aud there have been very few—if any—poblic men in whose official ects, piety was so uniformly and constantly exemplified. The age in which he lived was by nv means a perfect ege, nor was 11 free from those temptations and seductive influences, which now draw so large a majority of our pablie men into the vortex of irreligion and iofidelity. Wash- ington was not even exempted from th- baneful spirit of party. Tt was amidst the seme uphallowed influences, wiih which our public men are now called to con'end, that Washingion’s piety -hone out in all bie official end private conduct; and it was by triels and tests of virtue, more severe than fell tothe common tot of men, that the choracter was formed which will be an uodying example to those who rule the des- tinies of nations. Who can calculate the influence which an imitation of this exam- ple by our patlic men, woald now have, in controlling the great interests of this country, The following order, issued by Washington, in 1788, relative to the ob- servance of the Sahbath, has heen handed tous by a descendant of an officer in the army, from whose “ orderly book” 1 was copied.— “The commander ia Chief directs tbat divine service 2e performed every Sunday, at 11 o’elock, in those brigsdesto which there are chaplains, and those who huve none to attend the place of worship nearest to them. li 1s expected that officers of all ranks will, by ther attendance, set good examples to their men —While we are zealously performing the duties of citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion, “To the distinguished character of pa- triots, it shoo!d be our highest glory, to adi the more distinguished ebaracter of Chris- uans. The signal instances of providential goodness which we have experienced. end which have aew almost crowned our labors with complete success, demand from ua, in a particular manner, the warmest returns of gratitude and piety to the Supreme Autbor of all good.” ‘Wherever they go,’ we are told, ‘they are well by their capi:al as by their seperur enier prise and indostry, by which they have made their barren territory one of the richest in Chis ums in the world.’ ‘is, undoubtedly, one of the best harbors for European mercan'tle enterprise, both fur its sit~ uation, its wealih, and the siores of all Chinese exports.’ I'he people, it is scarcely necessary to say, are Most anxivus to trade, but a tariff set- tled while the terror of the British arms is fresb io the recollection of the Celestial authorities will be necessary to check the extortivns cf the Mandarins. rarely found ina state of abject poverty ; un the | contrary, they are ofien wealthy, and command | the trade of the whole islands and provinces. as | na, and ope of the greatest commercial empori- | * Amoy,’ Mr. Guizilaff says, | The following order in referenee to pro- fane swearing, 13 from the same source : “© Head Quarters, Moorehouse, 20th of | July, 1779.—Many and pointed osders have been jesued egainst that unmeasniog and- abominable custom of gwearing, not withstanding which, wilb much regret, the Guneral observes, thal i prevails, if possi- ble more than ever. Fis &elings sre. con- tinually wounded by the vst» and s@pre- cations of the soldiers whenever he i340 masses to relieve a soul “f; pargator ‘ will take Snowballs to heat aa reek ar Pressagi |p. 18, 114. Glas. Prot. &. 76. Brownlee’s Letters, p. 248. ' reached the wharf about dark, and tuok the | SATISBURY, PEBRUARY 25,1848, 4 Correspondonce of the Baltimore Sun. Pnivavecrenia, Feb. 11, 1843. TERRIBLE REVENGE. SEDUCTION-ABDUCFION-MURDER. ALL IN HIGH LIFE. GeNtcenen: A deplorable event bas oceusred in this city, a brief notice of which will be found im the Public Ledger of this morniay. kis one which hes prodaced the ulmost exenement in our city, more so than any which has occorred for many verre. The citcumstences ere a seduction, an clopement and a murder of the seducer by the brother of the young lady abducted from her father’s house. The parties are all of respectable and wealthy families. The young gti is the daughter cf Thomas Mercer, @ retired meretiant in Southwark, a man-of consige weahh. Her name is Sarab, and she 1 youngest of three daughters, and a tpauliful and lovely, though weok-aaded oe eae 16yeers of age. Hes seducer, the m murdered by her brother, was oamed Mahlon Hutchinson He- berion, son of the lete Dr. Heberton, e voung mon about 23. Of course an event of this kind, beppeoiog in such society, is valculated to raise aa unusual excitement ; and a thousend rumors respecting the cir- Sponstences of the affair are in circulation. 188 Mercer, it 1s said became first acquaint. et wiih M. Hotebinson Hebertun on last Curtstmas day, end the introduction was accidental. He bore the character of a roue, aud boasted of his success with the women. Whether this fact was known to the parents or not, f am not informed, but they .discouraged their intercourse, and it was efterwards conducted clandestinely. A friend of the family, bearing th:t Miss M_ wae «bout to elope with Heberton, ap- prised the parents of the fact, but it was too late, the young girl that day had left her father’s residence, end could no where be found. A search was inst.tuied by her frientis, a reward of $50 was offered for 1n- formation respecting her, but of no avail, 00 dings could be beard of her. The family were plunged into the deepest dis- trees aod excitement. which was greatly in- creased by information that the deluded girl was dwelling in @ bouse of doubtful repu- tation io P. e street, Her friends instant- iy turned there and conducted the unfor- unate girl home =This bappeoed on Wed. uesday, sad ebe had been gone two days ond n'ghts from her pareat’s house, and it was believed and pretty well established toat Hebderton bed tekeu ber off and placed her at the house where she wasfoand. ‘The friends immediately had Heberton srrested and takeo before an alderwan of the city, on a charge of sbdueuon, The proof in their possession was oot sufficient to war- rapt the mogistrate in dinding him over, and the object of the friends was baffl-d. The hrotber Singleton Mercer, aged 20, deter- mined to ve revenyed for the injury done his sister’s fame, offered a challenge to a, which the latter declined. He then threat- ened that he would shoot H. whenever he met bim, god from thet time dogged his steps very closely. Heberton, to avoid coming in coatact with this person, made arrange- ments for leaving the city with bis legal friend, Mr.C. F. Vendyke. On Friday evening he entored a close carriage with his friead, aad after driving about the ety, | last ferry boat to Camden, N J, where he intended to coaceal himself for the present. Bult Mercer had apprised himself of H’s intention, and, provided with a revolving six barrelled pistol, placed bimse!f aboard the seme boat, and, concealed behind a coal wagon, remained quiet until the boat reach. | ed the New Jersey shore. The friend of | hearing of them. “Phe nsmo olf thot Being from whose bountiful goodoess we gre per mitted to exist and to enjoy the comforts of | lifa, is constantly imprecated aod profaned one of the most extensive tea districts [i is situated on a river two miles broad, and is larger than Liverpool, with a forest of masis, and streets ‘lined with shops richly supplied with every variety of merchandise.’ The inhabitants uf this city sféwed a very commercial spirit, anc notwithstanding the utmost effirts of the Mandarins, the Amherst djove a brisk and suc— cessful trade. his port is fikely to become ve- ty important for the export of tea, which is — in great quantities va all the surrounding ills. ““Ninepo is a large city, three or four days’ rt, from ina auteher and character uf) sail perth of Fuh chow foo, aod nearly oppostie the stand of Chosan. {tis situated in the asidst of a fertile and populoos couniry, and iy deser-b= ed as larger than Fuh-chow-fuo, with more ship ping and as surpassing any thing the expeditiun had seen in China, in the regularity and mag- oificerice of the buildings, as well as in coamer cisl ypulence. “Fhe shops are described ag * el- egant and exreeding those at Canton,’ and as d:splaying * Fiuropean along with Chinese man- ‘ y } ' ‘Kun CHOW FOO, the next Port open to us, | [ge the sake of religion, decency and orier, 13 the capital of the ssme province of Fukien, | and fies a little oortb of Amoy, in ihe centre ut | utactures.’ I'he Portoguese tradéd liere in the | sixteenth century, and found a ready market for | | Eurepean products antil they were driven away | | by the exactions of the Mandarins. Niogpo is | re tobe a great emporium for the export of | silk. ( “ Smano-nae, in the Keang Soo Province, ia! with videly extended mouth, erected ears, eyes _ the last and most important of the ports opened | Jo us bY the regept'treaty ft is srtvated’ al ihe 4 In AR Manner as wanton as itogs shocking. the General bopes and trusts, that officers | of every rank wi!l use the. influenc and authority toche k « vice which ts as un- profiroble as itis shameful. If tbe officers }Oul lo quici the hurses, @i0 had been star would make it an inviolable rule to repri mand, and if that does not do, to punish, solvers for offences of this kind, it could pot fail of havieg ite desired effect.’ PURGATORY. * Huw many masses,” sulemnly asked a Car dinal of the Ruman Chareh, one day, of bis Chaplain —‘* How many masses will it take to pray a seul out of pargatory ? The Chaplatn was mute with astonishment & shame, at hts inabelity to answer so great and profound a question. Io vein he called to bis wind his familiarity with the writlogs. of the accient fathers! in vain he subbed his forehead, placing the thumb and seconc finger of bis hand on eltber extremity, and gradually approxima- ting them towards the centre of the forehead, in order lo squeeze out the ‘ponderous secret from its fancied tneeptable. But vain, vain, alas! were all hts.effertst He was obliged, in otter despair, to confess ihe éruth—a thing vaheard ef before in Rome—.that he did not know! $ Well,” exclaimed the Cardinal, after un- mercifully rogsling the poor Chaplain, who, read, a8 It Were, tu start trom their sockets sal ihe avery image of a parbutled purgatorian ; ( Movth of the great Vang-ise-keang river, one * I will tell you.” And-while the priest, with | @ the: , : e ' - cf the greatest rivers of Asia, which draios the uoaliered expression of cuunienance, silk gezed secucet: Hi. ovened the carrtage door, and jumped | tled by the jar of the boat agains: the wharf. Atthst moment Mercer stepped from his place of concealment, thrust his pistol into the earrisge where Lleberton was, sad fired siz sholg iv succession, one of which took effect 10 side, and lodged in his heart; He- herton uttered bet one groan end sank back in the carriage «Before they reacted the tavern, afew yards distant, he was a corpse. Mercer smmedisiely eonfessed the deed, and a coroner’s inquest was held at Camden, with a verdict rendered thet the deceased died by the hand of Mercer. The shot whieh Mercer fired was a blind one; he knew toat H. was to the carriage, bul not his exact situation. The body of the de- ceased was given to his friends. Mercer, who remaimed in a stopor afier the deed, was conveyed to the Woodburv jail, the of. fence being wihin the jurisdiction of New Jersey. Mercer ays not a word of the oc currence—adanis or deaies nothing. He hes beeo visited by bie comasel, F. W. Hab- bell, of this city. The father of the young msn bears up firmly egamst the double stroke, but the mother aod the unfortunate nl, eines to the blow, and botb are fittle Jess tban in a state of mentat elienation. The grief of the widow, @hose sou has been thus mneiantly cut off, 1s aso exceseive. W bat @ lesson is (histo parents in the prop- er education of thew children and thei care 1 daughters, aod what a lessen to (he Yours, O.P.Q more delicate in constitution, have | p $$$ —_—<— LOCK AND ° WATCH. REPAIRING. ~ t as TE Sabscriber respecifully informs his old ~Frieads.and sho Public generally, that be hiss opened a shop in Salisbury in the abuve busi- ness, in “Groom directly opposite West's brick building, in ‘the house of Dr. Burns’ formerly owned by Jno. {.Shaverand just beluw J. & W. Morphy. ‘ In addition to the above, the subscriber will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the vatietiés common in coaoiry towns: such as making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silver Ware. He begs to assure the poblic that if punctual attention to businegsyend skillful work will en- title him to patronageiaad support, he willmer- id it. ; AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18—tfi6 : Dr. Sherman’s PRerdicated Aosenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, B Mhe Medical Facalty warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman isa skilful aod experienced Phys- sician, and a member of the Medica! Society o New Yoik. Sherman’s Cough’ Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy fur Cuaghs, Colds, Consomption, Whooping Coogh, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or Chest, &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroving medi- cine ever digcovered. ‘They have been used in over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- ita, Despondenty, Fainting, Oppression or a sease of Sinking vi the Chest, Diarrhea, Las- silude, or a sense of fatigue. * Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American poblic.— lo the immense number of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restoralive9 Lozences. i~] Diarrhea or lonseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome during the summer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use if these Lozenges: ‘They are prepared express- ly for that parpose, and caa be relied on with perfect confidence, Persons subject to a derange- meat of the bowels shuald never be without them. They afford immediate relief from all the attend- ant gripiogs, faintness, depression, §-c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are 9s pleasant and easily taken as the common peppermints; and are an active and efficieot medicine. ‘hey cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used four bilious persons. Where amactive medicine is required, they aré notonly the best, but the safes#that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism, Lum- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. ‘The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salishary Medical Drog Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisburv, N.C, Sept $, 1842—1y6 Dr, Woffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qpalities of the most mild and be- neficial nature. They arecomposed of ar- ticles the most anti-pu'reacent, combined with ingredients ktiown as the only certain antidote ‘for fevers of every description. When he dis ease is prodoced either from cold, obstruetivn, bad air, e@ampy and damp situations, or patrid miasmi, whetber, soaligoant of-epidemic, or by other causes, thése medicines are cerlain in their operations or effects. They are possessed of pe- ! catiar qualities, which not only expel all disease, but at the same tiroe restore and invigorate the sysiero § When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapour through every pore, producing effecis at once delightful, ealulary, and permanent. When the saark of tife begins to grow dim, the circafatiun languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- vines are fuund to give a tone to the nerves, ex— hilerate the animal spirits, invigurale the body, and re animate the whole man ‘The Life Medicines have also been used with the most happy success in Nervus and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, {chronic and inflama- | tury] D ropsies, &e. Be cull a Crees & Bocer's, fgents. Saitsbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y 1S &CF A supply of :he above Invalosble ME-| DICINES are for sale at James’ Cruss Ruads, Ad ty, b Iredell county 1. C McINTOSH, Agent. To Publishers, scr A YOUNG MAN. who has had con- siderable experience as # PRINTER, Wishes a sii vation as Foreman or Journeyman Satisfactory references van be ytven. Fu particalars address | the “Watchwao Odice,” Salisbury, N. C., post | aid. | Janoary 21, 1845. | | J. &. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MU AY be funnd ajwass Si the Office of He, M C. Jones, Esq, directly oppusiie the Rowan Hotel Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1643 — 24 Oa pa erik sop. he EING the cheepest and most pleasant.— | | Coffee Ib 12}a 14 ceat*will be A CHOMOl S34 pe . Es a FE 1: ad he mae te ing {!) ‘ ‘ ke 7 4 ¢ xt plas wil oy ee Bent rei oq THE SUBSCRIBER AVING parehased that well keo H long established Pablic House, (heewa by the name of Slaughier's Tavern,) in:the own of Satisbury, N. C., informs bis Friends and the Publié generally, that the same is now open for ihe reception of Travellers &- Boarders His ‘laste and Bar. wiil be sepplied with te hen be market and ert: eventry af— His Stasiesspacious. and Sountifal! . plied, with gfa Provender, of all kis ds,4:- tended by faithfa ‘and alieniive Osilers. t pledges himself that ‘no ertion ow his part shall be wanting to give von eral satisfaction toall whe may favor hin with a eall, ae ; JAMES L. COWAN. ; Salisbury, Sept. 11, 1840: 1f7 ——_— - | BLAVES! BLAINES!:: TO CLERKS, SHERIFFS "GonsT.4- BEES, §&c. MPNHEP ROPRIETOR of the “ Watchman Printing Office.” respectfully infurms the Clerks, Sheriff's and Constables of the surround ing Counties, that be hes and. will continee to keep on haod, a full supply of BLANKS neatly printed on good paper, and nui surpassed by any work cone in the State. All orders frow a dis- tance for any of the fullowiog Blanks prompily attended to: Superior Court—Witeess Tickets, Wriis, Capiss Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Subpenas, Veudi- toni Exponas, Jorors' Pickeis, Executions. County Court —Jaror’s Fickeis, Executions, Affray lodictments, Indietments vs. Overseers of Roads, Vendi. Exponas, Witness *Tickews, Writs, &c. Miscellaneous—Constables’ Warrants, (wiih F.xecations attached,) Ca Sa'’s & Bonds. Guar- dian Bonds, Apprentices’ Indentures, Merriage License, Appe:rance Boods,™Deeds of Trast, Deeds uf Conveyance, Delivery Bonds. Jajunc- tions, Sheriff's Deeds, (Vendi. Expo.) Appeal Bonds, Commissions to take Deposuions, Con- stables’ Bonds, Adwinistrators’ Bonds, Prosecu- tion Bonds. Soperior and Co Coart. Printing ! Printing !! FANCY JOB WORE F DIFFERENT COLORS, done st the shortest notice, aod oot sutpassed by acy in the State. Salisbory, Nov 19, 1842, To THE AFFLICTED.—The subscriber has just received a large and fresh sopply of Di Moffatt’s Life Medicine. Call & ubteio relief. CB WHEELER, Ageot. Salisbary, Dec 10-1120 . Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 1842—1f14 @armer’s Look out.—I have a Valuable ‘I'ract of Land near Salisbury, which I will sell on good terms, if application be made sv0n. 1. LYERLY. Salisbory, Dec 10 1f20 —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— PRICES CURRENT AT Sacissomy, Feb. 25. > Cents. Cents. Bacon, 5 a 54 | Gowes Yaro. 90 Brandy, ap. 30 a 35 | Molasses, 35340 peach, 40 a 55 | Nails, 6387 Butter, 10 e 124 | Oats, 15 a 20 Beeswsx, 27228; Pork, $3 Cotton, clean 55 8 6 ar, br. $210 Cofleey Qall * joaf, 154048 Corn, 25 | Salt, sack, $3} Feathers, 20a 25] Tallow, 7 Flour, $33a41!Tobaceo, 8220 Flaxseed, 50a 55] ‘Tow-Linen, 12a 16 Tron, per lb. 3a4] Wheat, bush 75 Linseed Gil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal. 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 Paterreu) oe 15, 95 R ch 45 | Molasses, 4 ye aeale 30 a $5] Nails,cut, 6 66 acen, 5a 54 | Sagar brown, 64g 1° Beeswax, 27 a 28 | Lump, TS Coffee, 10a 12 | Leaf, 15,8 18 Cotion, Ha ‘ oan 50 2 60 4 aj ach, ere, Yare, 40 150 Mhaceo leaf “nf . Candles, F.F.15a 17 | Cotton bag os Klaxseed 80 a°§! | Bate rope, ea Flour $4 2 $42 Wheat pew ober) Feathers 25 « 25 | Whiskey $0 a trot, 5 a 54 | AVool, 150 20 Crueraw, Jan SI, (842 re Beef 342 4 | Nails cut assor, 73 Racor. 3 5} wrought 16 2 18 Batter 12) a 15 ile eee “4 ; 2a’ il ga Beeswax 22 225 ia $125 a¢ Bagging yd 20a22 Bale ropelb 10412, linseed 110a1 25 ' Pork 100lbs 5% a 6 | Rice 100lbs 425 423 6} combust 40262,Sugarlh 8 @ 123 Fiourbil $48 4h) Salt sack $5 Feathers 25 a 30 sh $0 Iron 100Ibs» 5a 6! Steel ‘Amey 104 i 7 coghish iar 35 a «0 Germab 124 ya Tatlow 124] Teaimpe. $! $1 a COUNTY COURT wriTS, " amd f dle ae Printed va first - rem ut 3 t EES The Mecklenburg Jeflereqmen, discour- ses io the follo g loving strains of his brot ker of the Standard : , * * ‘* We do not pretend to say that Judge Cameron, or any other officer,{or manages, of our Banks, & sid down. a certain sqm in dollars end cents for the Printing office and Editor of the Standard, end received a bill of safe for them ;—bui we know what we say, when we assert thet it is the @elib— erate opimon of @any of the lesdiag men of our party in this State, [most of whom are-mfol sad never were ‘* Nullifiers.”) that for al! pructical purposes, aug a kd might as well have been made to fhe Bink.” ““ Does the Editor of the Slanddrd rer- ollect having within the lagt Bfieed: months, eriitemtonsrtuic teuding Democrats in this State, tgiling them there wes 6 large. debt agaist him fn the bands of the Bank for collection. and thet unless they forwarded him a certain sum immediately, “the Sland., ard would go“down under an influence they would not like’’!—Anod did he not ececive a check for $100 from ene of the gentle- men he wrote to, and nothing from the oth- ers 2 If he does. was it not soon after this ovcorrenee that the Standard ceased its abuse of the Benks, became intimate with the Bank clique at Raleigh and commenced reporting the price of Bank notes, &e, ! A true exbibit aoder this head might ex- plain his hot haste and inconsiderate zeal ia defending his new masters and abusing h:s former she a “The tea that the nullifiers “have a long arrear of hate to settle with the Editor of tue Siandard ” is ridiculous enough. If he does not hate himself by this time, po nge else will ever take the trouble to do it for bim. Before he can excite the hatred of an honorable and intefligent mea of any party, he must throw off that poling and epaniel like sabserviency to those on whom he is dependant, which has ever marked his rourse, and fume (which no one expects his nature will ever permn) the bearing of a genileman.”” The Washington Republican, another pa- per claiming to be one of the real Simon Pures of the democracy, speaks on this wise . ‘© As for him (the Editor of the © Stand- ard) we say, give the Whigs a deed of gift for him, and if they ere unwilling to jake him, free—gratlis— for nothing, here is casting him out of the Demoeratic ranks nolens volens. ‘Though among as, he 1s not of us. Jle 1s vertly @ traitor in the camp, openly fomensing discord and divis- ion among those who-shou!d be friends. The party 1@ not so strong in the State as net to stand in need of all the advantages that ere to be gafned hve nion and concert ef eciion. Away with him then, or else by his concgit and reckleseness the Democra:- te party im this State wil! be distracted—dis- membered, and mos: ingloriously over whel- med s+ Moreover, in the coming elections in our State, our friends will be met every where by the Whigs, upon the stump and wf the eross roads, with the Standard in their pockets, as furnishing teetimony direct of the imbeeility snd meanness of our par- 'y, unless the true friencs of Democracy take the earliest opportunity to disown the suthority of the Standard in the premises. Fur ourselves, we enter a plea to the jmis- diction; and protest against eny judgment which may be pronounced sgainet us, by one who of late has proved himself so Iitile mindful of the integrity, the rmterest and union of our patty.” Our neighbonof the Standard gives it to these two loving brethren right and left, in the following style. We are glad that the whigs generally are not quile so fierce even upan thei enemies. cd THE WASHINGTON REPUBLICAN We were in hopes the Washington Re- publican would have kept within the bounds of propriety, and not have fallen mto the disgraceful course the Editor has chosen, mn bis paper of the 21 inst® He with oth- ers of his clique. must be greatly at a logs for matter to vindieste the cause of Nollifi- ealion, when he r- sorts to gross perversion and falsehood in his attacks on the Editor efihe Standard His paralle! quotations of our remarks on Bank Notes and quota- tions of Bank Stock ,@how such an utter ig- noranhee of the subject of which he treats. that srgoment with bim inthis case is a hopeless concern. How dare the editor of the. Republican cherge the editor of the Standard with “ jn- famy and treachery” to judge Saunvers ? Does it proceed from a low and valgar ap- petite for abuse or does he really think, for dnoww be cannot, that the Judge was beiray- et by us ?—Does the editor of tne Repyb- | lican expect to break down the Standard | « deglemators falsehood ? Has Judge SAUNDERS eaid that we betrayed bim ? | Every one knows, as the course of the Standard has indieated, that we were will— ng to give Mr. Cannorn every chanea for the hominastion by the Democratic Conven- ton, thet his warmest friends could ; | they do, all hands will be Mis to make ro ony for’one v of the Demoeratic porte. merely © an-oce fo agsinst us=—not bec lieve.we ‘i bet Coste mee ne ae ne ™ ress will got surt thei ‘nt purpos a ofthe Standard ort being suffi. cienils « snanwurshiper for the occasion. All watters considered, we think it time we saerted the right-of the ortcinal PANNE, of Democracy, and name the esndidate for the Presideney, who we believe to be, generally, their choice, We shall keep this nomination under our kead, hereafter, se is usdal ip such eases— with oul being opposed to other distiaguished men of a: party. + Democralic Candidate the United States. MARTIN VAN BUREN, Or New York. Subject to the dectsion of a National Convention, Standard, ‘ " for President of €# The Editor of the Mecklenburg Jef- Jersonian still charges us with being influ- enéed oy the Banks, withoot codtroverting the facts we have stated. The first ques- tion is, have we stated the facts—anJ then the Jeffersonian “may bo'dly advocate his doetrine that a man must be under improper influence to induce him to speak the truth. It is a pity but what some influenee could have deterred the Editor of the Jeffersonian from endeavoring to meke a false impression on the pudlic vind, by a namber of ques- tions which he propounds to us. ‘To cut the matter short, let the Editor publish ev- ery fact be can prodace, whieh can substan- tiate, in the least degree, his vile insinua- lions; and then, we essure him and the public, that he may prepare himself for the the editor of the Standard out of the way, | more de@ited to the “ Doullification wing” ' The present is | sp Mr. Clay, while on his way do Tasiasi ppl Sio aton ouston of the Gazer us friond H —< Papthe Caroline Watchman). [TRE SWORD OF WASHINGTON !— | TOPAMILIES & Iyy pian eveoi with him. a | tie . SN emeti i ies dntiniial : a E ap OR RA : ae The following indig. ae ee ee) re ny ~ sen ta ras, fs he: seiat inn linkedin ad- dies may be found at the en ftmity - OF Gree > whiet the otk ieee oa ft: ¢ gated ae A ent with those namest V i , the | @nd soon at every county * ; drys lead” related onthe o¢gasion.— Mobile F ia ip: Sao Sap TNS ey aE 2) BE oe is » Whose | Remember and never o-. Tee ie the wt dune. sf y _ ee; > wie re ae atom Femegn ( Raw ‘Sword never drawn but in the cause of his | have the fac-simile signature u ete PA The familar conversation with whie ropeesented Se halle cheladssliiaiion ies ome country, and never sheathed ea ja te the evening was so agreeah'y whiled away. cqaanaer tf the Whigs, and they openly charg- his country’s cause! Franklin, the Philosopher "“Yrmeticeate, on tha « commenced between Mr. Fiynn, a veteran ed as anworthy of trust; a thousand falsé in- | of the thanderbolt, the Printing » aod the | by the same names are base impos 8 . planter of West Feliciana, and Mr. Clay. | siovstions were made—such as that the Board ploogh-share!—What names these yin the | fits. If the merchant neares: ,, ‘On and iv, The former spoke of bis long residence in |'were asing the fends for electi parposes, jecanty estalugue of the ae ee 2 4 24 me urge him to procure them at >] fs Moen the Florida parishes, and of the ingurrec- | 2nd that the Governor had used a portioa of 11 | kind !— Washington and Franklia! !°—{ next fime he visits New York Of to Cate, tion that wrested. them from the Spenish | in 2 cotton specelation. promises were | Q Adams No family should be a week without sit ten ; Wes n te: given by these lovers of the dear .poople, shag if De shining blade of tempered steel, « Nout thete rey. domsnion. ...Xes: b rerolieg -aaid: Me. they would elect them, all these matters should te ee * a Ng Clay, ‘1 sas in Congress then apd had to +i ’ The ivory hilt, the silver guard, y Ts) gr en an be set to tights in short order. Well, they were Thos make our swelling. bosoms f el defend you, and experience? a0 small ls- elected—at least of them to make op a That virtue brings 1s 02 reward 2 BALMOF COLUMBIA, FoR THE Ry. bor in meking you cut’ good csuse. They | majority ia both branches of the Legislature— Ie it the polish-¢ crab tree spire, which will stop it iff falling out, or restore iz 9 Wb ca'le¢d Ge a republican then, but now they | and with special refereace to the abuses. Sarrounded with 2 go places; and on children ma sey that | am @ federalist,” said he with a | good patured smile Some remarks follow- jed respecting party spirit, its viraleace and variations, when Mr. Clay observed: ‘In | this ttle town above here— Bayou Sara, | | believed it’s ealled—there seome to be quite a variety of political sentiments”? Yes, parte spirit becomes very warm there at times.” ‘| ehou!d imagine so,” he replied, « for last night when our boat landed there dur- ing a few minotes, a large nomber assem-— bled on the shore, some borrahing for Clay —some for Van Buren, &c., at tength» one good stentonan voice sung ovt—Hoarrah for Hell’ J snppose Mr. Flyan, veu heve not many partisans of that particular climate among you ?” A bearty laugh followed, and Mr Ven Buren’s name came ap, Mr. Cley spoke of him as a very agreeable and amiable gen- eman iv whose society he ontformly expe- rienced much pleasure. He alladed to the visit paid him by an Boren at Ashland last May. “4 he really visit your residence?” asked ong of the compsa- ny. “O yes, hes two or three deys at enjoyment of all the sensations that may arise from confused slander and disappoint- ed malice. Standard, GF The Jeffersonian saye the Editor of the Standard bas ‘* destroyed his influence and that of his paper with the Democratic party.” We wander the Jeffersonian does not give as areason for this, the fact, that werefused lo sell qur establishment to a Nullifier. This is, we dare 88y, conclusive to the Editor’s mind of our ntter apostacy. But we may add, for the comfort of the Jef fersonian, that we have received additions to our subscription ‘ist, not from “ whigs ” or oullifiers, but from the Democratie Par- lyproper. We also have received a number of letters assuring ue of the hearty approval of our concourse by the Original Pannel of the Democracy.—/b. = €F We shall file away the papers con- taining the abusive articles against us which eppear in the Jeffersonian and the Republi - can,and publish an Extra shortly, so that we may ley before our readers all, or the chief part, of the matter thus promulgated. Our friends will seein them a personal ma- lignancy of which the history of the Press in this State affords no example. It is wor- thy of the Nullification ‘chivalry ” in its palmiest days of audacity and folly.— Jb. GF If the public should ever come ac- qneinted with the extent of the dealings of the editor of this paper with the Bank of the State, they will laugh 'o scoro the opin- tons of many of the leading men of ovr party in this State,’? spoken of by the Jef- fersonian, relating to this subject. Go a head. The denouncement will bring shame and confusion to our assailants— mark that !—J/b * THE SAUNDERS PARTY.” It will be observed that the borden of the charges made against us in the Jeffersonian and Republican is “ treachery to Genera! Saunders.” The Jeffersonian says improp er inflaence toduced the “editor to speak well of the managers of the State Bank. but the ‘high crime and misdemeanor” is, after all, ‘treachery to General Saunders” —and the Washington Republican follows intheery. Do these Editors expect to get up a Slandard Parly by coneneting lies of this sort? Do they believe, or hag General Saunders the vanity to believe, that the ed- Hor of the Standard is to be led or com- manded hy him to the desertion of princi- ple—and to adopt the foolish language of some of his party here, to *‘ stick to Sann- ders in the last diteb,” when we know of his friends chaffering with the whiggery, and the whige themselves chuckling about the capital, and saying * it is not the first time we have acted with the Calhoun men to defeat the Democrats.”?> We guess if taken. —/b Behold how great a Matter a little Fire kin- dleth._—The tullowing is trom th American, an Administration Paper,of 1839, in | which itis proved that General Jackson’s elec. | tion tothe Presideney was in consequence of a how's breaking into mischief in Cranston, Rhode | Island, a nomber of years ago. The proof rons thos Gen. Jackson owes his election to the vie~ tory of New Orleans; that victory depended | ~ | e Providence | netl desire.—We are stl) willing to’do so.) Bet we ate not williag to have him or any one | e!s# erammed down our throats, — We shall! not trackle ta Noullification, ceo Ax it, gentlemen, And those two precions sprigs of the Nol. lification ** chivalgy,” the Jeffersonian and the Washington Republican, vaderiake to | bestow usby a “ deed of gilt” tothe Whigs, Thia will be a rather more bonorable tran- | sit than you made, gentlemen. who went | of year own accord over to the Whigeery , and broke down your old friends. And she position will be even more honorable than the one yon Oercapy at present, while coolly stabbing the Democracy ®under the. Filth oh.” and saying so very affectiona Wartthon in health my brother 2? | There ie something more at the hottom of | thie effusr than mere ¢ Xpression of opinion | in relation athe Banks on ove part. ‘There! has becg a design fur eevesal years to ges « any way you tely, | i Mer. Burrill wa on the existance of the War: that War Was | declared by the National Senate, by a majoriry | of one Jeremiah B. Howell, a member from | | Rhode Island, woted for the War. Had his! casion to eall on a couple of young ladies, ‘competitor, James Barril!, eveepted his seat, he | | wanld have voled against the war. jell was elected by the eastin Mr. How | & Vote of the presi | dirg officer of the Rhode Island Legistaiure.— The tie was occasioned by the absence of a | member helunging to the polttical party of Bur- rill, Tle was prevailed npon to absent himself | throngh the influence of an individoal at vari ance with Burrill, on account of a law suit re spec'ing the depredation of a hog, ia which snii | S the pruseenting attorneys. Had it not heen fur the hog, there would have been no | quarrel. — Elad there been noqaarrel, Mr Burrill , would have been elected ; the war would nol | have been declared, and the hero of N. Orleans } would never have been known 10 one qnarier of | the people over whom he was called to preside!" According to James Hamilton's letter to John | C Calhoeon, the Victote of New Orleans has | cost the United States five hundred millions of | dollars. ‘his ie going the whore nog! ; Of you w:ll pronounce beodsome,’ ; induce me.’ ; ment, and observed, *would you not, could @y house.” «J oa Riay to be positive of the fact,” said the same perron, ‘for no longer than this morning, | heard a warm friend of his swear, if that eonld be proved on bim. Van Buren covl.in’t again have his vote; I must not forget to add, Mr. Clay. that be swore as stoutly that he would not take your word for the fact.” Mr. Cle smiled, and went on to relate an snecdote with which he bad amused Mr. Van Boren One day at dinner, during the vieit in ques- tion, ‘“While in Baltimore, at a hotel, on my way home, after leaving the Senate, I saw 'n@ paper a notice of Mr. Van Boren’s trip, and a description of the route he was 0 pursue. J remarked to a friend present, that it must be iDCorrect, inasmech ss the route described. was very circuitous, and the Journey might be greatly shortened by an- other more direct end convenient. ‘ Well, bot don’t you know?’ said my friend, “that Mr. Veo Boren never travels the direct route ! Mr. Van Boren tonk all in good part how- ever, continued Mr, Clay, and “remarked, he coald tell a better story on himself.” Whatis it, Tasked? [tis a little eneedote related by my friend, Judge B., of Tennes- see” —and Mr. Van Boren went onto re- pest it, as told by ‘the Judge ‘Being at a cattle show one day in Ten- nessee,” save the Judge ‘I remarked a grea: many very fine horses. Among them was one little stallion, that attracted perticolar attention, Of neat clean limbs, and well formed and well knit in every part, he pranc- | ed and cavorted about head and teil up. to the edaration of all. At length, an old farmer approaching the rider and inspecting the animal closely, remarked, ‘ that is a fine ani@el you have got ‘here and I should like '0 breed @ mare to him, if we can agree on the terms, how much do you ask? Only five dollars sir, and take it in trade. That’s cheay enough, certainly, said the farmer, and off he started in search of his mare. After proceeding a few steps, he turned and cried. “Yallo! friend, what’s the name of your horse >—if you're not bere on my re- ‘urn, what horse shall J ask for?”—«Van Boren, sir: answered the groom. “Van Buren! ejaculated the old men, shaking his head, No, no, that wont do: d——d if I breed my mare to 9 horse named Ven Bu- ren—my colt would slip the bridle, sure. HENRY CLAY AND THE LADIES. The Concordia (La.) Intelligencer telle the following anecdote of Mr, Clay at the late Agricultural Fair at Baton Rooge. ‘ Making our way near him we were stop- ped for a time by the dense mass surroend- ing him, and were thus so fortunate as to witoess a little incident which May prove interesting to our readers. “A lady standing near us was introduced to Mr. C.; after the usual salutetions, she observed, ‘Well, Mr. Cley, I am a very warm friend of yours, so much so indeed, sir. that § would willingly agree to heve the fever and ague six months to see yoo in the Presidential chair.” We thought for a mo- meri thet this overwhelming compliment would take Mr. ©. aback, bot bowing for an instant and returning bis thanks, be re- plied, ‘My dear madam, you bring to mind sn anecdote told me by a friend from Wasb- ington, who informed me that during Lord Morpeth’s visit there, he, Lord M., took oc- warm friends of mine; after the visit, one of them observed, ‘Well, A—, what would you take to kiss that ugly mo@th of Lord Morpeth’s,’ which by the bye is fer ugher than mine, which, | presome, none ‘nothing,’ » ‘Hotbing on earth could The other hesitated fore mo- said Njiss A itensore the eleetion of Mr. Clay?’ She|T thought for an instant, and j»mping from her seat, replied, ‘yes, I'd gous” BoTbe Hon. Silas Wright, has been re-electec, by the unammous vole of his party in the State Legistature of New York, to be a Senator of the Unned States for six growing out of this Whig mismanegément. -Af- ter a searching investigation, this committee reported—and good reader otle veader—par ticolarly if: you call yourself 2 Democrat, what do you ink that report set forth? Why, di- vere abuses of course. No, veiily ; the commit- tee reported O. K .—that a:] was right, and there had been no such abuses as alleged. See the re- port inthis paper. Now, how do yoo think these men, who were an loud and aosparing in their charges of corruption io the ouengrment of the affairs of the Literary Board mast wheo they look at this report made by men of their Own party ? Or, how do you feel towards them when, by their misrepresentations, you were in- daced honestly to oppose men and measurélwho really deserved yoar pe ? We ask honest Democrats to lqok candidly at the eourse purea- e¢ in the Legislature by the leaders of their par- ty, and say if they will any longer be misled by their misrepresentations, or any longer cleave to, or act with,a party who are everlastingly mak ing false charges, promising one thing and prac- tising another, and the tendency of whose course is directly to the rain of every interest of the country ? [Look at their course in reference to the Banks—a course which if carried ioto effect, could not fail to seriousty cripple all the bosiness operations of the Siate, and greatly increase the embarrasements of the people. ‘fhe times are not yel quite democratic enough to please them —they wish to come still nearer the bard-mo- ney condition,—which leaves us almost without any money at all. Recollect the present pres- sore has been brooght about by Democratic mea- sares—the Whige have only had the manage- ment of the national affairs one month in the last fourteen years. ‘They elected Gen. Harai- 80N—he lived one mooth after his inaogoration —and the administration which began with Whig principles, soon went into the worst of Locofucoism.— Highland Messenger. “1 Bomb Shell of 1775 found —The Port- land Argus says: ‘As the two-eons of Messrs. Daniel WWoodsaan and Daniel Gould, were dig- ging for clams,on Monday, io the Back Cove, near the channel, they discovered the rim of what they thought was a Jarge iron jog. After cigging round and tugging at it for some time, they were obliged to get some tackle before it could be taken from its It proved tobe a bomb shell, with the powder yet io it, which was thrown from Mowatt'’s fleet, on the memorable 15th of Oct.—67 years ago—the day when this town wes burned by the British !—measures $8 inches io circumference, and weighs 150 pounds. Capt. Lemuel Moody, and Mr. Wm: Tokey, well recollect seeing it pass over the town and siuk into the waters of the Cove. It was the only one that passed over that day. The other fell amorg the devoted houses, and exploded. {1 seems as if there could be no doubt of the identi- \y of this curiosity. A STRANGE VISITER. On Tuesday lest, » beautiful white Swan wae killed by Dr. Hitz, about 6 miles west of this city. It was broaght to town, and was visited by many of our citizens, who were much gratified et the opportu nity thus efforded them ‘or the first time to behold the “princely magnificence ” of the ‘* peaceful monerche of the lakes.” All who beheld it. must concur in the opin- ion expressed by Dr. Sharpless. that it is undoubtedly the most beautiful of all the water birds, whether we consider the spotless pority of its plumage, the grace- fulnees of its contour, or the majesty of its movements. It isa oative of the north, is migratory ia its habits, strictly monogamous, lays from five to seven eggs, one of which will satisfy a moderate appette without breed. The emallest species of the Swan weighs about 20 and the largest 30 pounds ; and when young, they are much more deli- cious for food then the goose. At first their feathers sre of a deep leaden color, bot change to the purest white. They soar to ® great height, end fly at the rapid rate of one bundred miles an hour! The very old birds have a herd protubersnes on the bend of the leet joint of the wing, which is the case with theone teken by Dr. Hill, and it messured across the wings, from tip to tip, 7 feet, end 4 feet 4 inches from the bill to the extremity of the tail. Owing to the thickness of the feathers end down, it ix al- most impossible to kill them with shot j and when only slightly wounded, it is danger- ous (o Spproach them, ae they strike so hare with the wing as to have been known 'o break ® men’s arm. They may de do- mesticeted, and are then very peaceable end harmless. Their skins, still covered by tne down, which is very thick, are often used in onr country for bonnets and tippeis, and at Hadson’s Bay, a great trade formerly ex- tsted with the down and quills. The Indi- ans slso employ the skins for dresses tor their women of rank, and the feathers for ornaments of the head — Raleigh Star. DREADFUL ACCIDENT. We are greatly pained to learn. that a! most awfel accident happened on lake | Phelps, a few days ago. Two fine interest: ing sons of Josiah Collins, E«q, the one about 8, and the other 11 veers of age, with !wo nezro boys, weat on the Lake in a boat, which opset.and all four of the boys drowned! he numerous friends of our distinguished a committee, baving on it a majurity +f the * tree faith and order of Loeofocos, was appuinted to ferret Oat these abuses and. correct the evils So viv-ng countrymen ade And point the pairiutic breast To Freegom’s dark and tsy Withoa: its smoke, rose pu And bore thy ever— 7 The civie wreath, the olive When Liberty was breathing Forth sprang the Brandished that Sword, with Or foreed 10 supplicate for Posterity sha All sons of F That animated their grand at t e Who seemed allied to Of Franklin, mine. 22d February, 1848. W ashing tots: Birth- Day Witib reverence fur the “mightydead?” | No!—-Despeat memories invest — These Rerics with undying power— Great Washington, the Julian Flame honored name To endless fame’s distinguished height. Franklin, the thunderbolt obeyed The dictum of thy powerful mind , . A Monarch, who an empire swaved, His sceptre to thy hand resign’d& The sage's Staff, the Patriot's Bread, In Freedom's caase go hand in hand To pat imperial Despots down. manliest man of men, To strike down Britain's Diadem, Were not his blows well aimed They ceen'd not in the hardest strife, *Till conquered was each valiant foe, li The trenchant weapon then wae sheathed, The dying sage his Staff bequeathed. Il norse the flame That raised these Jastroment reedom fan the fire And spoke in Wisdom’s tones to him seraphim ? By that War-sword—and by the rod and by Freedum’s God, Who aided Washington, we -owear and no failure. he will cure the PILES) Both Retics shall be sacred here > et them who dare to violate, bd Frepare to meet the doom of fate, SINS SPREAD PLASTER, The fate of victims.— We witt not A better and more nice and useful arsicte Rever wy Forget what cannot be Forget ! made. Al should wear them regulariy. Bat waxing stronger with the course of time, Each freeman say, “ the Sweet end Stef are ke it gtow : ty | those who have lost the hair from any he ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of ens teat in schools, are Prevented or killed by it Key. Ways. = Find the name of ( it, or never try it. Remember this aj ——~.—___ RHEUMATISM, ond positively cured, and all shrivelled Muscles are restored, in the old or young, by te VacETABLE Exixin ann N ERVE aNnp Boxt may but never without the name of Comstoek ing hour. re and bright, Lara. & Coma, are wholly prevented, or governed if come on, if you use the only true Harty j Comstock 5 Go. A and every thing relieved by it that admits of ward application. It acts like a charm. lee’ _—— > HORSES: tat have Ring-Boge, Spy, Wind.Galls, &c., are cured by Roors’ Srrctry - a crowa, hard, hand pre pered P—Weknow, wborses entirely cured by Bagp Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen, ife : ; Dalley’s Magical Paix Ik tractor The MOSt extracriing 8 'o fame ; sre, thousands. It will ta ‘ LIN’S TEMPERANCE BITTER, -on the prineiple of substituting the tonic in place f the stimulant principle, which has reformed 80 many drunkards. To be-used with enter e We scarcel of the Union, ems upon the public services Statesman. present, when he retiracy, gfter havi tion of it to his coantry ; held up as a proud example to t controt the destinies of 1 y pick upa paper from the embarraesinent that bas men who can save the roin,. career, and ask, when d was foremost in the fend her rights an the treaty of Ghent and liberties of the ing them from the View himin the d her honor! could befall her, thro siderations.— When pa of parpose which the great and feel, held forth the olive brane long cherished opinions, introduced and carried through Compromise Bill that restored quility to a trembling Republic. noble example to posteriiy ! Scarcely has an Mr. Clay was not eithe most zealous advocate, politicians and their organs, have vored to build up poli ry of the country has had with the State daring the 12 years Mareh, 1841, who will not ‘bl ways the fear! ple’s righis ? his country’s int tion of the time as a check opcn who forgets th admit Treasory. Heh a8 ever heen the rican liberty and the mortification his country’s w and treachery of cidenthas thrown the elfare blasted by destinies when all his toils are repaid by freemen from every se~ Union, exclaiming, as j Register. oni HENRY CLAY. frem any qnarter that is not teeming What a proud era in his life is thet has retired to the shades of ng devoted the greatér por to see his past services his nation, and to ees the people whose confidence he has joyed, looking up to him to relieve open it by Loco Foco extravance Even some of those who were on revilers now acknowledge him t coentry from impending Let us take a retrospective view of his public anger threatened, who counsels of the nation to de- Chamber, when the ng 'hrough the land, and the country threatened with a civil warfsre, any other ealemity that wing himself inte the breech, regardless of popularity or personal con- rly discord had risen to with a singleness for his coun:ry’s safety, peece and tran moment in the history of his life, and wha: a y great measure of National policy been introduced into Congress, of which r the originator or its and yet a set of pseudo tical capitel by reviling him! Is there anv one who is familiar with the bisto party who guided the helm of Preceding the 4th of ess and able defender of the peo- He was the vigilant sentinel of erest, and thoogh a great por- in @ meagre minority, he acted the usorpers of power, who preyed like hungry voltures npon the pnblic American principles, and the foe af demagogues and pluoderers; and alt hough at the close of his brilliant career, he has had to see his brigh a man into whose power an ac- yet scarcely tas he had time to reseh that home whieh he so long neglected for the Public weal, done thou good and faithful servant 1 — Raleigh PILLS, superior toe] others for cleansing the system and the humor affect. ing the blood, and for all irregularities of thie bowels, nd the general health. . [See Dr. Lin’s sig- Actor-@ Cin Mature, thus :] HEADACHE DR. SPOHN’S HE ADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, cither from the INERVE S| or bilious. Hundreds of familics a using it with great joy. DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTE, for the certain prevention of or any —_——~—___ general sickness ; keeping the stomach in mos. pr. fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination ‘as irALn anne en | ‘ers i with evligi- of thie veteran hose who new so lorg en-~ the cosatry been browght and misrule ? es his bitterest o be the only W pains in the bones, hoarseness, and £& are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. —_—_—@——__. CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure cure. eo = Zu U L Su n e hair any shade yow wish, but will not color the sit 's climax and a dissolation of our beloved Un- —— P ion seemed almost ineviiable, Henr Clay, with ARS I A COMSTOCK'’S (1 the spirit of @ trove patriot and / J $ AP ARIL POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepan tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal ths If you are sure to get Comsrock’s, you will fin superior to al} others. It does not require puffing 00d alone can h, yielded his Congress the ESEGc EU ™ oS CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, 30d external ailings—all internal irritations brought surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in com™ swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Be™ applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at 0" Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cuted bY! Wr. Bartholemew’s te Cos re eee I; XPECTORANT will prevent or cure all incipient consumpt'o”. COUGHS & COLDS taken in time, and is a delightful remedy. Kewe™ ber the name, and get Comstock’s. KOLMSTOCK’S VERMIFUGE eradicate all ; What @ proud vainly endea— e stroggle he that he was friend of Ame- « nT rT In Chicren test hopes for the imbecility with a certainty quite astonishing. J: sells with 1 ‘P+ : \os- almost incredible, by Comstock & Co, New ) ‘4 of the nation, -- —s- — — - TOOTH DROPS. KLINE*S—cure effec‘ the shonia of m > eo tion of this wide spread Fatered necording to artof Con Tear, im the year 1842. Oe os f with one vance, * wel] | & Ce.. im the Clerk's office of ne Southern Drstrict © aif By applying to our agents in acd a mot village, papers may be had free, shows fact, 9 tinned in segsjon ontil fellow-eitizen,Mr.Collins, who isknown and highly respected throughoct the Stete, wil) deeply sympathize with him in this melan. cholly and heart-rending beresvement.— JJ). | ce n s o r s Via apt Reply.—“flustand, I dont know Cameron, Holmes, following Literary Board—Charles David W. Stone, of Ral Donnell, of Newhern. yeors from the 4th of March next, when bis present term of service ends. where that bor got his bed temper—not ‘rom | me, I’m sore,” “No, my dear, for | dont | Perceive von hive lost any.” lader Jones, Sen., of Orange, B. Dudley, of Witmington. ‘Tne Governon’s Councit met in Ro-. leigh last Thorsday was a week and con- Satorday ; present, | Fitts snd Conner. 8ppointments were made : eigh, and Jobn R. Internal Laprovement Board.—Cadqa). respectable names. in the eountry for [n€ that no one can fail to believe them. anare {G- Be sure you c#ti for our articles pon be put off with any stories, that ghee good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, © oot YOUr MOttoweand these never can be tit ae without our names to them! AN these art had wholesale and retail only of u*- : } or « OL Wie Lely Wholesale Dr's o. s erni® 71 Maiden-Lane, New York, and of our & a Salisut ? For sale at the Watchman Office, N, C., by M. C. PENDLETO™™ Feb. 25, 1843.—143!. The Maniy and aad Edward — ut ; — a sae re wthiihre idle he ——— Wl beltten ths: the co- agents receiviga adlaties ranging Twa $1,000 ' Fyron ent pay. “reduction, how or, in te a : ot af ie” e y pli bts SS a. ~~ ga LIsBURY: bees oe Sar of y one now. mel suRDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1843. oli wet 2." ~ = ms WSS TL | | theo, all persone whose salaries re. 0 of Vers Grou, ianot.cooficmed + bat ft eeems thst | ' ‘ with ° “epublican Whig Ticket! |i, $1,000 per annem. ee ia | the Campeachsnos til! hol thei Positive, and Fi have thinge all in theit we " Sep | Fike wlfices of Recorder tnd Sulicitor of the | MHL Chen insets caaediitan scr a; \Whe th hel ete cade , ee sor President of the United States, — | Geir pong nance an 2 __ | atde 1m their attotopee vo-gein posstesion a ithe Bidioess themselves. snd they te ete | ase ested miyeh ro ’ y —_ - = 7 rr : . . NFS 4 , oe f sailplanes At Pea Keer | ees” ate Ey Hen, _ - setlathrent ven killed on the ot gmc mege first ie, while the ‘number of the rid a” and Seog Apnd 7 wagon and horses, {¢ is sup- | besieged a: i er to resist b terial- tons, prayi e Legis! Religion Notice. posed that the be frightened took 10° '¥ (°° «7d. iid “em tore will not repedl it. intermarriage . ee 7 a ue eaty of Campeachy is still welt sopplied | Petition stated, says a Boston paper, that colored fist Quarterly Meeing for Salishory the woods, as he wad some distance from wish peagtnichn vad’ apediiinks at eur, fntige men. io such case, would maby wunPocee, © il] be held io the Methodist Episcopal | his residence in & Hottom dead; “aod dreadfully | ye-20"5 eaciny ihe blockade with the greatest | 2d leave the petitioners destitate of eympathy, an oa the 25th and 26ih of February. — | watilated. , mene = scspeldog: of eee wee also, that Oe Saturday, at " - “¢> “Jernes has really tarned: traitor, desert- ored men e¥en now, in to al . . "sag Gervice aoe eie Beaaidin oe sr ‘be A disorderly day in the House of Represen. ed his ici ds, and gone over to the Mexicans — | ¥'¥e*, While the admarried beaox eg pola rine shes hee madeap- } A.M. e g* tatives.—Tresday the 14th wase noisy day in| I) is noc coc: i tained that be had been for some | ?/T8ogements to obtain white wives, to the great Nyt eit clothes “te the most ei: ibe Rev. P. Dous,) will be ia attend | the House of Representatives. The Nai. tatel- ine holdiog a secret cofrespdndence with’Gen. | '"juty and discomfort of eolored dameels.” prime + tote 4agee a ate — . li that “ nother day’s proceed. | Mison. ——— oe e e. === —— i rae op saute o" Whenever there is nw chance of4eking Cam- : youre, er uf the time, i some of the mast H OF COMMODORE HULL. age nee ney wisessed in thst honorable peachy, with ease, Santa Apoa bimself will be colehipted Mepuahtmenis ia tbe Southern cour— peat —— body.” . ‘Phe scenes occurred pending Mr. At—| seen upep the gréond, ei Yuesian war has FAL CABLE 2 art a hestiaie to guarantee every thiag Hort died at h‘s residence in re to reduce pid ne mem ma we of hile Reboion gnnd he cap abe much - eet ard make. is,00 Monday, the 13th instant, at ongress, w t will be remembered | ¢:pital by the subjugation of that rebellovs pro- LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-Yor pile t 5 o'clock, aged 68 years. he 0 perseveringly urged upon the last Con-| Yince. He has all along saprosed that. General TRUST S ALE : > Tense, “sh wees eee THE SUBSCRI :' s r HULe received an appoin:ment | gress. In looking over the reports in the lest ee heat ghia se oa epee and . FASMI ' | OWS, . AVING potehesed Mra Bl ‘ tin the Navy of the United States | Washington Papers, our attention wasesrrested | ger Wher rarer on innikoeold pa yeaa, onan received monthy. In conclusion, sbanld | be en- 2% ierest in the avove Eeiablishment. pad al om sat 1798, having been in the service of | by the following : appearance, be ‘in ai.she deattigh gad by than. | EBY Firive of two Deeds of Trast to me ex- elothiey. * no one need goad away to progare good | his services to the Travelling Public. ‘Having jn bo 45 years. Mr Mallory moved that.there bea call of the | dering proclamatiuns reapall the honor, glory, eenied, une by Michael Freeze, the other , KP 8 for several years been engaged in keeping erg of ove of bis physicions, “in his | House, atid demanded the yeas afid nays on that | laurels, ‘and credit ot the whole affair. One oy cue rill en ie hoor parinies therein | Reference. —Thos. M. Oa kee eG PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, i : Wotion. ‘ t “of bi ini : ’ er a! pod.je sale, commencin : ote ? of. &. : i he was true to his character— Mr Arnold. {ope ‘the gentlémab will not Oecd cr. been t, wate Ieee at Means do at the honse,of Miehael Freeze, ien miles odie Hatlebery, Jannery 21, 1848 — 1996 ot Beant ares Tred ty, Le indulges * callected, and cheerful, felly prepared to} andertake to d this bill by anch means. | | catan. We are inclined to belivee that he wilt | West of Concord, on Tharsday, the 2d of March Fresh and large Arriv d ilar bie iene, vo staan, Sime oor ange which will bring bim to bis he will sai) under an open flag. remain there for sowe time before the people of | Pe%*- alt the property embraced in the said s' als pr = am wee to avs tender com- ab oe “a t Mallory. 1 always do sail onder an open thet district are brooght back to the Mexican i roe "els the Tract of Land ir jthe Freeze tar tHE vad : wheiheg-ew upon his house their pa- . b old. ust, containing kaa © J see Te ae . “he who recollect the Taek Wy arsand ie onrly | EA voice. A wetsheet and 2 flowing en.) ~ | CHEAP CASH eed sony rhafitagheed ely ee a cand snk soadeand wer Not now—you do nut meet ithe -LATE FROM TEXAS. 290. MAeres, Wholesale oF retail: fords, to and satishy ros Wile pops es 1] Spirit was revived, - * ‘ The steam packet Neptone Cap. Rolling, ar- WH : el iin; epicure, Huxx's victory over}. Mr Mallory. Yeside. I will meet it bere, |; ,; . ' ON” I VALUABLE ESTABLISHMENT. : ; : , slgerable by Commodore ot ela tived yesterday morning from Galvesian, briog- ; ae ene ° Hie BAR wilfbe found fornished with a choice ; j his death, thpogh at a ; ing dates to the Sih inst. Among the psassen- G , Sees selection of Liquors. ibe Goorriere, will lament ors Mr Arnold. You do not meet it now. : Si" MILL, E have just received and offer fur sa! with patriotic grief. Tho Sedther inces i gers were Gen MB Lamar, Merara J D Morris | Cotton Gin and Thr Of new and ; Ww : ~ salecor| His STABLES shall be constantly attended good old age, | open posed 16 order. and Dangerfield. Gen Hagh McLeod, Col Wm - eT TOO end eupply of PALL & WINTER | vy faithfil and attentive hovilers pplied INDIANA. [A voice: —— three old women in ped and Maj Geo Tl’ Howard—itie three lat. good "Par. One GOODs, emounting to TS he a . ss . = 2 ter belonging tv the Santa Fe expedition. : - Tke Office is kept at ihe : i The Whig members of the Legislature of this Cries of ‘art We regret to learn that the news in relation NEGRO MAN, A 545 PACKAGES. Hoose. ey s ~ _— siate, have beld 2 meeting, and ananimoesly re- . ¢ 6 “a. eo oe to the captore of Dr Brenham, at. Mier, is cun- aged about thirty years: _ One Road Wag. Mong tch are the following : ‘AIRAM T. SEOAN. ule, iiatse with Daw's, Kzzso, Mr Wiss aild that hor'Ked’ oa 2 ' firmed. Many of the officers were anmious to | On and Gear, one Family Carriage and > f pieces brown & bleached shirtings, Charlotte, Febroery 4, 1848—6m28 solved tober PL Pe ee : mendment, | romain ; re overruled by Som- 88, row 4 cents a yard to! be on, i ved the party that elected which he wished to come in asan additional pro- ervell wtih mister, Bal Were pe bys erarmaes + 580 a ciiok te a. 10 12} KENILWORTH HOGS sod sastsions im “ees Leafy See Me Arnold, Mr Chairman, we cannot hear a “1 think the Textan government ought to Wc oe FOR TE. -excellent at 10 0d 13 1-8 ~ oe ; sot for six yours from theath of March next.— solitary word. [Roars of laughter.) They are | 8'¥¢ Gen Somervell an office in Bexar t» take —a large stock consisting of Horses, 470 pair shoes assorted, HE Subscriber bas i (Sled 40 Mena that Kelso met with shem ir. all their i r ; _ | cate of the women in that place, so as to prevent MULES 7 90 point and duffle blankets jos d to his stéek They siate 4b laughing here like hyeoas. |Renewed laugh the Mexicans vio'sting thom, lewally iba A ae arpa 80 Ibs turkey red of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs pectings,—proclaimed Limself “every inch a| ter.) . ; : . nk he “sy > = 80 P imported from England in the fall of 1 1, ; 7 and pledged himeelf not to flinch, bat| ir Wise repeated that he had an amendment Gretben Ne Mews retreat from the Rie HOGS, GRALN Shem Mr. AB. Allen, of New York, end are now a2 Mig, . {| tocome in, by way of proviso: Provided that, | U""ee- of all kiads, Led bad bout 18 monthsold. ‘The Boar i whieh, they would not have beer decoyed in- ; Senn owed — Newe from Matamoras to the $0:h of Januar 40 do apron checks , ; 0 ma a.very Stbe- : election at that time, His base treacher Oe aaa pe Chairm age - estion is | 52d been received at Galveston by the sloop Si. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN 55 do flannels rior animal, deep, thick-aad excellent in al! pide a . y r . Mr rman, this question is Capt Delesdernier. 7° o 7 Farnitur 28 do Kentucky Janes points: the Sow very five, with # litter of eight . , : liation. not debatable. {Great laughter and confosinn } | °%% Capt ernier, ‘The Texas Times of arntttetre, : , which. fi yeotirely withoat pretex oF palliation The F object Mr Chairman, to thie debate. [Renew- the 4th insian! comiaine all the additional par One set of Blackamith’s Tools, Farmin Uten- ; 22 docloths and Sattinetts Ltd jet Th meth and form, ean herdly be Whig members of the Senate, who have hither. laoghige Viculars in rélation to the captare of Col Fisher sils of various kinds, with many oth g tio! 30 do tmaslin de lanes ‘sa of b oee. who may aisha fuller de- enapied seats near him, have left them, leav-/* Mr Wise. Fam not debating it. 1 am dic—| Pith a fall lint of the prisoners taken. F:om | too tedious to mentinn 7 omer articles 28 do liasey aad kereeys Me ties nee Goeanimels, are referred to 0 : : , 5 pe boltiag cloths r. Allen's letter published in the Cultivator.— “ that,paper we gather our news. of age oh : ; ig tim alone in bis disgrace. It was feared for | tating my emendment to the Clerk, 0). 4 The prisoners taken at Mier have all bcen 190 baits coffee I'he subscriber hae also, a Yorkshire Sow, par- veo days after his treachery, that violent hades oc nel Soto. That besides Fw | marched to the city of Mexico. with the oneep= mre Property in the Still Trust consists of 14 bhds sogar chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by yuld be laid on him, such was the indignatiga’} ve pr inco feries signs —— it be oy | tion of the lad retained by Ampndia and the sick one ‘Uract of Land containing 185 ps bagging pe; phrase oy and some Thin-rind Sows : {toe ho had basely betrayed ; bat we rejoice | 2ny.1imn® f “(hiaee and wounded. Cul Fisher and Gen Green, with! NENETY-ODD oo helene ! are Kerilwotth, or Bethhins, or sets : ae not”] ia kind, other thar beef—(hisses } probably some other officers. we f 4 2 vi ACRES, 2000 Ibs loaf Sugar pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosses of aay, that not a bair en his bead bas been io-} Mr Arnold. Oh, let bim go on. teeters ‘ re sent forward | improved, and onsurpassed in point of fers 3500 Ibs sole leather Kenilworih and Yorkshige, Thio-rind and Berk- yd. If he had belonged to the E.oeefaco par-{ Mr. Wiee in continuation —not inasted, ['augh of a iri body. who followed vie AGyARSS| iliy, by saw ta she neighborhood. A!so, the 18 kegs powder shire. His stock of Berkshires was purchased nd had deceived them in this way, he would olf coninoed rare of noph #2. [Loud and A letter from one of the prisoners at Matamor | interest of sr Siiit in a small tract of 'and con. 70 kegs nails oe, by ent Uemee ge gt cnt h off eo safely. Th edited” : ~ + es nitulai; ier | (2ining 26 ACRES, siiaated at the fork of the 110 kegs white lead Arend wll adhe ate, 3 mily have come off #0 safely. The aceredi t Arnold.» Mr Chairman, have an stend. | 8 5!2!¢8 that wheo ‘erms of capitulation aj Mier Tuckasiege and Statesville rosds,—aleo #60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 19 | wishing to improve their stock,of Hogs. bave metis, that he received one thousand dollars | ment te the amendment ; it is ae follows: Kx— | "ee gteed upon, many of the Texians shed : now @ better o ‘ ; coe - : : : . ; pportantty of doing sv, than has whis weachery. He no doobt by tnis time, cept “sheguard,” whp ere to receive foreign tears and Gen I J Greene broke hig gun into House Furniture, Bi 5 hse wprings ever been offered South atthe Potomac. Orders rates his reward in the bottom of the ocean.— | missione after the 4th March next, [Roats of | Pieces. 29d was nearly frantic with rage 60 bushels clover seed, warranted | [0% 829 of the’wbove will be promptly attended . . The capture of Fisher has made some of the | most of which is very desirable —a good Jibrary of That most be his feelings when h totigaghier.) A 7 , ns WM. F. KEGLY. ok in the face bi énatidtn “and i ie ioe ad Me Wise. Mr Chairman, f sive toa qnestion | Mextean generals exceedingly fierce. One of “ “Dh W. MURPHY: Near Mocksville, Davie eo. ? 8 g eeply injar ot order [Leughter.] | move a farther amend- them hae q@ritien to Santa Anna from Matamor- S . a ° January 14, 1848. g 125 mulitoents ? “Tyler, Spencer, Cashing, Wises | ment tq Fxcept the Senate, where there ie no | 28 for the loan of 14,000 men, with which io| +4 Salisbury, December 10, 1842—61f a - vio, Proffit, Gilmer, Recher, Collins. and | member of the guard. (Laughter ] overran and subdue all Texas. [t coat him hat | V!th other articles too tedious to enumerate, All FRESH ARRIVALS ! TRUST SALE (ho, — e@nsoll himse!f on the list The Chairman, order most de restored, for we | litle to say he will do this, but it would pus him | Of @bich will be sold as above, atoers abhi is : a nical Principles they were | Cannot hear a word. [(Laoghter.] Gentleman ie, bane lit:te \roable and ineonvenienes to effect known ca the. y wale. ae is online 4 deel i i - itz nown on e ay Oo sa 8. ae to continue OF acled 10 su ? Come gentlemen, don’t be sintadig muting Pre By many it isthonght that another invasion | fom day io day until all is sold. NEW ; wkwai ? If here are aay more lurking io | cries of “order,” and the load hum of wncie) 7 cn The veeitena gpring. headed Feb 25 rie: alee Trustee. . - i Whig carop, let them show themselves at | I hope, sir, the Chair will preserve order, or we | 0? Gen Rosk. ‘The iohaoitanis of the eastern “ _" W - : ws. A tritor t stop. [Lauchter in all : counties, who have heretofore had comparative- ~ S& NEGROES! ‘tor gnmasked, ang exposed to ped | mast stop [Laughter in a parts of the House.] ly little to do with the forays on the western bor WELGEROES FOR SALE, Fall and unter _—_— . teoolemp, is worth two converts gained any ders, are said to be @xiremely anxious to visii er 4 : = sPORTRAIT OF MR. CLAY. Mexico, ** armed and equipped as the law di- ILL sold, at the Court House in Salisbo- GO ODS. Y virtee of sendry Deeds of Trust execu- Dose any sane man for one moment euppose Mr. Neagle of Philadelphis, who was recis.” A body of some 500 men at all events ry, on ‘Tnesda bs] _ Tas to c0'by different persens, for the per wo a ; e ‘ , y; sday. the 2ist day of March i ai Victories woo by. means of sach baseness,| sent by « number of gentlemen of thet is to be stativoed along the frontier for its protec | next, (it being ‘Tuesday of Coort,) THE SUBSCRIBERS re mle ie reg aablekn preted phot any avail to the party, which seems to City, to Lexington, Kentucky, to paint a| Fifteen Likely Negroes REpnow receiving and opening in the brick | /@eeday the 2tst of March next, (it being the nivby them ? ; : 5 : A ; week of Rowan Superior Coort,) Treok j Portrait of the distinguished Orator of the| Presideng. Ivaking.—Exiract from the | consisting of men, women, boys and girls. wanes weet of : wa S7osve- Beso, fOnie Land adjoining the als of Mts “Mecevenill “DOG EAT DOG.” West. has accomplished the object of his | letter of the Washington Correspondent of . | nAMUEL REEVES, Agent. FALL AND WINTER | Wa Chambers, Charles Brows and otbers, con- i. sive ia this paper a few extracts from the | mission and is about to return home, At | the United States Gazette : p oeh 1S Aah | GOODS, intaing daa nt JeSereenlan.” ss Washington Re the earnest solicitation of 8 number of Je- As to President-making, no persons in New Establishment Among which ere Dry Goods, Hardwore; | 282 ACRES, nwiacs Raleigh Standard,” (al! Demo- dies and gentlemen, Mr. Neagle was indue- Washington have s0 much of this business . : , Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, | ore or less. Qne othet Tract of Land lying : ret water,) for the parpose of leting ed to make arrangements for the exhibition | °° do, of are so busily engaged in it. as the HE Subscribers having sssociaied them— Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, on bath sides of C Creek, adjoining the readers see how these brethren love one ano- xhioKtion present igcnmbent of the office, his Cabinet selves together for the purpose of carrying Crockery, Painte, Dye- Lands of William mbers, Jacob Moyers, ©! Will any one ever again wonder that the of the Portrait, which was to have taken and ‘Guard.’ Jt 1s their study by day & their | on the CABINET and CHAIR MAKING stuffs, Medicines. and others, containing abogt “ion shoald abose the Whigs, when they place on Monday last. The follawing no-| dream by night. Not an officer is removed nor oe settee their services to their GROCERIES, 220 AO R@ Ss, lew sx : It is their porpose to rage they quarrel and fight amongst them-| ''¢¢ of the design is from the Lexiegion In. | 20 applicant appeinted, but with reference to carry an both thesedepariments ie ee ao Also two otfier Tracts of Land joioing 68 oth- telligence : the influence it is to have in the next Presi. lini beaavbbe,aud thay SoalienaRdant of wict ° io river} : ; ; ches, of giving] ROPE AND BAGGING, | ¢: 0 the sooth side of the Yadkin river to Row. SONGAES Mr. Clay is represented at full length in welche ares’ re notwithstanding the entize satisfaction to all who may favor them| And in short, a general assortment of an county, called the Parker- Lande, canlaining SS, a standing attitude, pointing to the Amer:_ | °%°W#! of Mr. Tyler, on his entering epun | wit patronage. Repairing in their line will be about , HOUSE oF REPRESENTATIVES, cén Flag, in sllusion to the eloquent re the duties of President, that he wonld re-|idone faithfally and on reasonable terms. All GOODS, 373 A Wednesday, February 16. marks of the Orator in his great Speech on move no tecumbent from office who faith- xiods of coantry prodace will be taken inex-| which we sre determined to se!] as cheap for cres, sit Hoose to-day, Mr Arnold's bill, reda- | the new Army Bill, opon the finor of the | {"ll¥ and hooeaily discharged the duties of change fur furniture or fo KEnuornT We invite od customers aed the eave ie cont | all of which are known as the Craige Leeds. — —. ; : : : his office, except ine here h ine We invite old customers and the public in gen- we Pay of members, was passed —ayes 166, — of Representativer, in £813, in whieh cumbent has been guilty of an active ar: WM. ROWSEE. | eral toealt and examine our stock betore purchas. | A!80, at the same time and place, between . The Globe gives the following sum- e ably handled the subject of the Right lizanshin. he h Y th J par Avgust 27th, t842—195 | ing elsewhere, as we think we can give such| THIRTY AND FORTY "7 of ite contents - of Search. After complaining of the im. | 72"SUP. he bas removed hundreds, aud is} XB) With the view of lessening the cost and | bargains as will be great inducement to purchas- The bit} is to tak ..| pressment of our native and naturslized eee: continuing to remove daly, for the very rea- Preventing inconvenience, the subscribers also | ere. NEGROES ke effeet from and afier its : ; : 9 —a men, a8 subjecis of Great Britain. the arsst son that they eill vot be guilty of an ac-| \eep un band aquantity of ready made Coffinsy Coentry prodnce taken in exchange for goods. we MEN. BOYS TM my of members of C Orator exclaimed —“If Great Britain desires | UC Partizanship in his favor. oe _ K. FE. & W. R. | Now 19 1% R. WINECOFY, Consisting of yi won F a ongress is fixed | « mark y yg she can know her own| But afew days ago,he told ane of his office LOOK OUT Concord, Nov 19, 1842—1 “ sis ry Oe aie oa. V9 te fret seamen, let her give them an ear mark. The | holders in Connecticut, that be did not do snes to deal ; Give months of an i , . | REM V L ’ as the property is desirable aed valesble, sod the m tay, ¥Y session, $8) colors that float from the masthead chonld | right; that he moet turn ont and be setive . | e be ct the day of esle @ a Pe the ‘est he the credentials of ovr seamen.” The| in snpporting the administration !—that is, LL persons indebted to the Sabseriber, ei- | . —— sles © ig ~~ - ’ hil be ag long jag amo months, (if Congress | Globe is intraduced to convey the enlarged | in his own language, he mus: be GUILTY ther by note or otherwise, are earnestly 16. | mee sohseribers would respectfully announce JAS. OWENS, Me the 10 eession,) $6 per day. views of the Statesman : upon it South-A- of active partizanship And yet, who bears quested to settle iheir respective dues betweer to the public, that they have removed their Ww. CHAMBERS, We ft og nero shall remain in session ead Gk is seen, North America is covered | ety complaint of the Executive being en- nell ry ‘wiad. oe be Ineees | am com | fo Mea aee mend Sheet Febrery 18, 1848—5#5S0 freee ven months. $4 per day. unc protected by the flag. which hangs in | g2ged in President-meking ? who complains | P°'ee ‘0 ¥ ind up my business. : : TRON y aihed wets pal ant? Nes in actual begpent pad ps aber tae bo arragse of ae Executive neglecung the public bus:- Febraary 13, 1843 _<f30 B. DOUGEAS. jaanutactory, - H ap E ™ HO P Me sheen r respective Hooses ; unless anvil é, embiematic ness! a . a Ce be oceasioned by sickness of them. | ‘hose great branches of American Industry, Never was profligacy more shameless, One der stove George ve prows & Ce» ane REMOVED. mS Tamlen,or by leave of ither| #78 intaddeed. white Catile are seen graz-| open. and avowed, in any government, thao | SEALE OF POreh CAOLWA, | oryere Thon. L. Cowan's Brick Row, wher ) ~~ ing in ack ground ; nor is commerce | this at this time.—There is not sense of <A r } ecate all orders io their lise on shurt notice, and wai is fixed at $4 for every 20 miles forgotten—in the distance a ship is repre. | Sheme enoogh to put on even a show of “ven ee Ua: in the very best style. ts : tal a istances are to be compated a sented under fall sail. modesty and virtue; butall 1s open, bold, Feb Sessi 1843 Also, constantly on hand, a choice sapply of 4 the Post Offiee hick racteeni ccoré | The artiet hap displaved great taste in| 20d unblushing. There was corroption SOT UAT’ OSSEwns, . Plain and Japan ‘Tin Ware, Britannia Ware, Pames DB. Glover ‘they the rrej eekoning from the avoiding the usual style of such ptintin enough in Gen. Jackson’s time ; but it 1g | Adthony Benceni, Original Attachment, Bathing Tubs, Stills, &e. : , he ada © residence of each member, and has trested his subject ; . gs, fi . vs. Levied on slaves —Yonce, JOHN D. BROWN & Co. Ad removed bis shoe shop te the house Ran MUl8to the Seat of Geveranssat No ipodppinanend pone ject " — ricer prs. ecmelny ate, aod pi . tafin- Daniel [homas Warren and Eliza Salishary, Jan 21, 1843-126 lately occupied by Mr. Juha D. Brows, as —~ » curtains, desks, inkstands, | ely less pains tekén to conceal or cisguiso - : : -* a Tinner Shop, 2 few doors east of the Coort or useless paraphernalia, encumber and de. | i!. J shall not enter into any controversy Cprinerer: pails piaagie Sb nellet rai United States District Court of North | Howse, where he will conunee to carry on the Nthdigg to be allowed, nnless members ally travelled the distance ehaiged in > All offiéers ' rr etroy he beeuty of the picture. Mr. Cley | #3 to whether such practices can exist vader an inhabitant of this- State: Ordered by the Carolina—n Bankruptcy. BOOT AND SHOE MAKING A who are alloweg Ralls cig of the se 8 portico, Opon a plain repoblicsn the Administration of a true patriot, bot Court that publication be made in the Cerolins OTICE to show cavse against Petition of BU Si NESS ‘ “iected i, ikvencea te ing expen- | platform. of Kentucky marble, with the pil. | that they do exist, end that | have not ser Watchman for six weeks, fur the Defendant to{ | Wyatt Beeson, of Stokes conaty, Farmer, ' 9 *talatieg of venoa’ reguiations, . © | lar of Constitutional Liberty upon his jeft, | dowa seughtin malice, | appeal to every man | appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter to be deelared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, | 95 he has heretofore done, in all its varieties.— Siaies, other cflicers: of the . at all conversent with pubire affairs ia,W ash. Sessions, to ve held for the county of Rowan, at on munday the first day of May next, ‘hose disposed to patronise tim, will alwess * Whose pay is not protected bythe &F The Earthquake, r no iced in ington. ° é‘ the Court Huese in Salisbery,on the 191 monday By order Ph Court. find him ready to accommodate them on liberal ch, for instance ; this : : in May next, and answer or replevy, or yadgment OTTER, terms. He keeps on hand 2 good sesoriment of me Jodges_are also broig aA cat all aa ‘ist i : Boner ; final at be rendered against him, and the Ne- Acting Clerk of Geert in Bankruptey. ready made waik, which be will eell low for ies Civil and Military whem 'y ghont the Usion. ; AMALGAMATION,—-The bill .which ried 'groes levied on, be condemned to safisfy the February 1, 1343-44729 cash, of on time to ponsiedl domtars. Nave} Depa 8 7 ; ading for some time in ‘the Massachusetts Le- | Plaintiff's debi and costs. ~ os . Salisbary, Jan 7, 18458—t Blary md rele of the Government, pore @eny ae iwagern islatore, to repeal the jaw against intermarriage | Witness, John Giles, Cletk of our said Conrt at GARDEN EEDSTY _ Balteoery BONDS soy, m, Prceeds $3,000, are reduced Nom & arge masses fire and Java. tween tle, white and black races, has recently | Office, the Ist monday@o Febrnary, 1843. GEN ERAL sesortment, may be found at CA SA. : meir Sre¥ene pay. Officers and erous strangers -s ' there to | passes both branches of that body. Ie the Honse JOHN GILES, Clk. the Salisbury Medical and Drag Store. Neatle printed end for sale st this Office aod witness the grapd ernpti a € vole stood, yeas 182, nays 116, absect 63. © feb 18, 1843—6w50 a, SHHBeary, N.C., Jan. 21, 1843 — 1026 > ~ Fever and Agi pely Cured. 5i_# Fever nos , oa abotinate dis ease, and if, an mid chi pales, re ly resists SHOP wrttatty mode of eure su become very diet to the patient; and by the Sgtremadevility whieh the digease induces, is often gives risgeo her chronic complsiats.— g@iasmal, ee the effluvia arising from sage fe the. most frequent exciting : d 3 8nd one of Its great pecu liarity Suaceptibility of asenewal froin vo canse most other fevers; asii is we! , that after an ordinary fever has once oe- curred, anid been remove person affecied is not'so liable to a fresh a pune who wasoot so affected, ‘I’hese ci tremely difficult toe Fever and Ague, though the time being 13. a. very easy, 1ask. Dr’ Moffal's Lift have been thorough tesied, and proved tube a positive and Radicalecure ol Ve tac- and -Agve. Huadréds of his LdAio wei ie ns in the have volumes come forward io asggre De, Moffat, tha, the Life Vedicines are the onl pemediqices that wyll thorOrnghly effect a removal of this mest tedigas andWigagreeable disease. a Ovhers who bave emigrated to that rich and promising poring of ver country —men who wept oui fail.of hope, and confident of winning a eom- petetice from tire lugatiance of the suit; of whe carried io the out posts-of our seltiements ihe mer- caniile or mechanieal experience won in the crowded cities or towns df the older aiates, have either returned with shaueged constitutions aod dapressed spirits, or-they remaia in their new homes, dragyigg cota weary iife, or at last sink under some disease to which they are predisposed by ihat terror of the West, Fever and dgue — Vheir hopes are blasted —Ltbeir busivess energies destroyed —thsic Eldorado becomes & desert, and the word of promise, wade tu their eaf, is broken to the hape Vo these fadividartia, Dr, Maffat wonld say — “Try the Life Medicines, and vow will yet ace Laos Sif In this, Fever and } render it ex— | enbwined, and which a veal cure of | PATS JIEDICAL MANU iL, and Good Sa e patieat for | | must be rigidly followed. ills aad Pheettiz Bitters | | species, is peculiar PexiObIcaL admioistration | of a proper remedy, in conneetiod with the spe- | cifle powers of one of the ingrediet ‘icines, is the secret of his ifVatiable triamph, | while all other practitioners either entisely fail | oronly temporarily succeed, were with the very | bea! remedies that were known, ) TEBNTH DAY €RISIS, in. whieh they may -be cured with certainty, but oy neglecting which iei~itg yuur west sanguine expectations, for they will gertataly restore you to health.’ Fever add dene is acomplaint which requires to be wet etats firat approach, and combaited at every siage. Seldim fatal of itself, it reduces ihe streagth, and impairg the fonctions uf the urzins, su that upoa the manifestation of dis- caw, Natura is onahle, unassisted to resist the inroad. he Life Medicines, when taken strict ly sc@ording to ditectiens, will cure it, and vive lo the weak and tremdfing victim of disease new beslth, life aad strength Wor full particulars of the mode of treatment, the roader is celerrad to the Guod Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. Br” The above medicine is fur sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Sulisbury, Oct 22, 1842 —ftytS #7 A suppiy of the above invaluable ME PL CLNES ace for safe at James Cross Rvads, lreJei] county, by ‘A. C. McINTOSH, Agent. - _ —_-— Guid Your Mealtha. (Addressed to those Who are in perfect health, or repuleal su ) Soe Gentle Reader: If you would avert from you ile sieKoess, the pals, the wreiched ness, be premature morality whieh you see all d you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended. is ever ready to fall upoa you, despise dot ury adviee—tt will vost you latie, wil nei ther iaffinge apen yeur vecapations or amuse= menus, and all the faculues ef yuur mind and vy wit! beas moch bettured dy it as lo repay you ten fuld. bask only one week’s trial tu cou V0ea the must seeptredd, fi, the firat plice, tiseard oll ald errors and pidices from your mind, especially the old adage, * Ef you are passing well, do cot attempt to better yemrselfs? ry Is the saying of yoor- aoed and superstition —of these who aititbuted frhey saw arouod them to chance aod fortune, in-tead of patare’s universal laws. “Has fot man, ' Doy-expertence, learned to guard hinsels bate other crements of nature, the waves, -4wood,and the torrenis of rain? Why urep ene olin fair weather, guard himselfa- the storms which are ever rising in his wo frit hudy 2 Reunember, you are every day Patbig tress the vad tt ts your nature io con- Whae io doso. You are well at present, but ev— ery day the seed of disease is gruwing within vous andtf yon da not stricily guard your Niectithy whis you are well, you are continually io i aiadule anal protracted: Goufinements, consiitotions, death. Nething is statlanarggga ahis world. Even Rranna Qeriegte WIG Y anu 10 sowe | ind inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains the poorest frontain of with we drank —does it not require cleaning # A person may imagine | he ista perfect health, aod yet not know tu wuat perleetign iG abwrgans tay @ tgugh! when assisted by 1 hind of Nature. [bave un- doubted proofs of this factin the unbounded suc eetsof the LIRPE AE DICINES. Let those who have followed ihe motto, * When you are | even moderately well, throw physic to the dogs ea!l upon me, if Lbey would bé Goavineed of the | importanceef my positlen , | The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance that has come to -ny khoowledye is most gratifying. Tiose who are in comparaiive good bealil aay perfect their happ'vesx with ao in ecuntenivence; and those unfortunates who are | laid low oy disease of almost any” desciptinn, | may find sure relief in those purely vewstable | preparations, "Pheyoperite cently but power. | fully aponfihe seereilons of the dudy, aod cleanse | the otood of al] vitiared humors, eeparating the bad from the good, expelling the drevs, dross and iinpdrities—aod leaving behind only what is geod and nourishing to nature, Reader, consider and reflect wel}. The blessta@iofi@ins lite, for rich and poor | entirely within dorselves, in carown physical | noi My advice tu all, then, is, guard your health VE yon are well, perbaps you umes be sill batter —and Yoo may alWayg avoig ching sick by a jodictons esa of the VEGE raRLs LIER WEDICINES. scP D:. Moffav'a Life-Pills and Phoenix | Bitters, are for gale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 29 IS42—1 51-4 \ ) in —— scp A supply cf the above Envaloable WE. DICINES are for sale at Jaines’ C Iredell county. dy ited States District! Court of North! Unilec Corohna—In Barkruptey. YOVICE te show cause agains! the fellow- N ing Penroners, ih Geeured Backrupes on Nundev the fat das of May next, Joho Y Lindses, former, Surrey conniy, Altred Y Carsen, farmer, tredelf eonnty, Jub Printing neatly done here, | health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr | fountain head of so many others, }ed the reputation ihey have long possessed, not , invaziable and extensive usefulness. Prepared , and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. | way My | earry on the business of vasusnal,at his Granite Quarry, seven me. | | south of Salisbury, near the old Charleston road, } ! where he is able to supply all orders for MILL | STONES, of the desi grit, and on the shortest | !ot North Carolina, and South and West of it, | will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of } lw | | ouilding rocks, ‘Pomb stunee, Geld grinders. &c. | fuss Rog, | A. C. McINTOSH, Agent. | | | Richmond Nail, Carpenter, Davie cconty, | Saiivel ‘f Hoaston, late merchant, [redell, Ry order of the Court, W_ EE. ANDERSON,C.D.C. Die 19, 1842-4027 land rgnowned as are their effects upog diseases as from the prevalence Uf | jn veneral, in FEVER AND AGUE. and ail en without the repetition of | Biliions Affections they are moreso; because, in these they are as infallible as any human means and Ague, other iotermitent fevers, liver and R iD AGUE ANI PE- VF RS.—There is no femedy-knowg either im profegsiona’ or domestic practice, > alae immediately, a@@ pera prevalent aad obstinate y.23.W OF FAT S celehisted and lung éstablished LIFE 8 and PHORNIX BITTERS, Extacrdinery 4 , efficacious fa this canbe ‘This has deen proved in more than ten | thonsand cases, nor is there an ioslaoce in which | they have failed, or teasonably cag fail, when ta kés in strrict aceordance with the directions here lso givenin MOV- maritan. But to ensure invariable success, ibese FEVER andgAGUE, in all its foar leading S$1n bis med- ANETUS, oF Ague iseither Quolidiam, or daily; Terlian, or ihird-dad ; Qudrtany ewietthday ; Eratic, or sometimes ove of these periods aod sumetimes a- nother; or it is Complicated, by takiog these periods in succession, and thea renning inte in- termittent feves of a..mgre malignant character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious aod anaceountable it may appear, that each and all of these species of Ague, have a vour- they can only be cared by chance. Da. Mar- FAT’s diteciiune fur taking the medicines in this disease, are therefore these :> Firat, take two of the Tire Psuxs at. bed time, and next morning oelure breakfast a fall wine glass of the Puaenix Birrers in abomt the samé quantity -of water, and half a wine glass more in a full wine glass / of water, about half am hour before each meal uuriag the day.’ On the second right take three pills and the bitters as before ; on the third night four pills and the bjtters a3 before, and con tinue trims foor pills every night fur three vights more, with the bitlera curis.c the day.— On or before the seventh day, the. Ague wi!! seem to be entiirely cured, and the salient will. feel well, hungry, and hearty, but he must ne- vertheiess cogtinue to take the bitters as before prescribed, until and on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will theo, and not until then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanenily cured, and not only of Fegerand Agoe bot of whatever billious and liver affections it may have superia— daced or even In any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or on- due confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phoenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat mast not be blamed if the disease should return, and the patient should learn wis- dom from afflictiun, ane go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, he will be so thorbughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however unhealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children between seven aad fourteen years of age, half of the abave quantities of the me dicines will saffice; for younger children, » quarter of those quantives, to be incr>aseg oy diminished in pruportion as th® age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- tual“ LIFE MEDICINES,” has been pe:fect- ly triamphant in the worst regions of the Soutn- ern and Western vountry, and around the north- era lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand fur this sovereign remedy has been far greater then the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now wel} furnished, and will make ev- ery effort tolsend this advertisement into the most afflicted districts, Voluntary and jealoos- ly grateful testumonials are received at the pro- prietur’s office 19 New Yok, by every mail in incredible nambers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, but also in chronic in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scrv- fula, piles, worms, seorvy, and a host of other complaiats, for the care of which, these Veget- able Life. Medieines are eo pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well aga must fatal onderminiog of the general Moffat, in his advertise@a@his, invites the rne- cial attention of the poblft ‘othe absolnte ascen denes of his medicines over this malady the He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, reqaire neither confinemen! nor change of diet, aod have acquir- | by the usnal artificial efforte, bat solely by their New York. } The above medicine is for sa!e, wholesale or ; retail atthe Salisbury Medical Drug Store, by C.B WHEELER, deent. Salisbory, Sept 3, 1842 —106 TO TRE PUBLIC, TYE, sabscriber takes this method of inform. ing the public, that he siill contioues to | | ! } 4 4 4 volice. —ALSO—- For sale at the lowest prices, indow Sil's, Door-sil's, Boor Steps, rough Re. J. HOULDHOUSER. Salisbury, Feb 26, 1849~—1y$1 NB. Orders for any of the above wrongh! articles, directed to me at Salisbury, will be puactnally attended in J. H. Hocts. } cut "ad AVE. associated themselves in the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Vheir Office is in the Brick Hease opposite Mr. Cowan’s Hotel. Salichorg, Toly $994). #40 Look at Dr, Sherman’s ad- vertisement, and if you wish reliel for yonr ma ny maladies, call ana obtela a remedy of C B. WHEELER, Ages. Salevary, Dee 10 hy | fenderson & Boyden, | DR. KUBLS. \MBDICINBS 3° RESTORER OF THE BLOOD POR CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES, Weer rs produced by bile, phlegm from internal morbid matiers, arising from badly cored old disurdeis ; {rom the ase of mer- cury, calome!, bark, &e., or (io feqnsiés) from the | change ot life, as specified in the Pamphlet. Uy Anti Syenicitic Syace —‘Phis medicine is ia all Venereal Disorders, a certain remedy. Asyssinta Mixture, (in liquid and in pasie,) celebtated for its speedy and perfect removal of Gonorthgea ann Gleet. . Gotp Mine Bavsam, for Bilivasand Nervous Affections, Colds, &c Aromatic Extract, a liniment for [ndiges— tion, Coldness in the stomach, Numbness Or Weakness, in the limbs, Rheumatism, §c. Derpurative Powpes, for Bilious Fever Headache, Diseases of the Eyes, &c., which is to be taken in the Restorer. Javan Ointment, for Piles, whichis to be applied besides the Restorer. Benoa Oinriigst, for Letter, Ringworm, | Salk Rheum, Scajdhead, Eruptions of the skin, and fuul ulcers, ; is tu be applied besides the Re- slurer. Universar orn Srrexctuenino Paster. tor diseases uf theeChest, Dyspepsia, Inflamma- tory Kbeumatism, Palsy, Paralysis, &c. Dr. Kuur’s Acoustic Oit, for Deafness and all other Auricular Complaints, which its to be used together with the Restorer. BCP Dr Kuhl's Pamphlet‘ Treatment,” &c , entered according to°Aet of Congress, contains full Directions for the use of the above mentioa—- ed medicines, and aecompanies every Remedy. From the Washington Globe. We feel it oor duty ‘o insert the following communication in oer columne, inasmuch as the efficacy and great su ° - Kehbi’s Restor- er is well known to-vgige ‘* You will please oticegn your paper the | following vertifiestes “Td. hereby fy, that about the first of January, | was taken with the worst paralysis and inflammatory rheumatism that ever was io- flicted on mankind. So far ae 1 can learn, the use of every limb was taken from me, besides a tremendous swelling al every juint, fever with 75a same, and atteoded with the most excrucia- ting pain | had ever endured. I tried all reme- dies that were recommendable for the same, but tono effect. 1, by accident was informed Dr Kuhl was at Orange Court House. I sent for him immediately, and by applying his medicines, I felt-a change in less than an hour after he came, The medicines used, were the Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Extract, Gold-Mine Bal. sam, Universal Plaster, and Depurative Powder. I, therefore recommend his treatment to all those laboring under affliction, as given under my hand and seal, thie 14th day of March, 1837 “JOHN PEYTON, (i 5} ‘“‘ Near Orange Court House Virginia” Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement in the above certificate, wishes to be anderstood, that in genetal, cures cannot be effected within an hour, although a person may be much benefitied within that time oy the use of his medicines. — He feels it, however, necessary to give tne ful- lowing extract of a letter fram his Agent at Or ange Cons? (juuse, dated May 19:h, 1837. ** Dear Sir—1 saw Mr Joho Peyton to-day, and he looks better than [ ever saw him. He says if it had not been for your medicines he shuuld have been under ground. tHe requested me to tell you, that you had saved his tife, for une time, and to present big respects to you. ** Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this connty, and many curesof importance have been effected in this neighborhood by the ose of your medicines. | have had a great number of ven- ereal cases, and many of Jong standing, and al- ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Anii- Syphilitic Syrapt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- fect cure, and that in a short time. Ashborough, N. C., July 13, 1842. Dr. Kuut, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—1 think your Medicines are about to take a start in this county, from the fact that they effected a cure which seems to have baffled the skill of the physicians in this section for a yearortwo. ‘The sobjeci is Mr Nathaniel N., who has been afflicted with the Liver Complaint, tngether with some otber complaints,—say,F Jat- ulence and Dyspepsia. tle has taken one buttle of the Restorer togother with the Arumatic Ex tract and Deporative Powder. He says that in twelve hours he felt relieved, andin twenty-four hours, much relieved. He hes so far recovered, nuw, as to follow the avoeation of his farm ith little or nodifficulty. Hesayshe wanisall wbo are afflicted, to use your Medicines, and is re- cummenoding them to the afflicted. I would be glad you would send mea supply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, a8 a vast num- ber of persons are taking them now, Respectfully yours, J.M. A. DRAKE. PCP Persons wishing to procure any of the medicines, will please direct their orders, with the amount, (post paid.) to Dr. Kunu’s Orrice, RicuMonp, Vircinia, or to any of the following Agents : NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbary, Hargrave, Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, G. W.& C. Grimme, Raleich, M. J. A. Drake, Ashborough. JF & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolnton. James J. Horne, Pittsboroagh, N. C. South Carolina. Steele, Gunning & Co. Yorkville. McLure, Brawley § Co. Chester C. H. The continuation of the list of Agents, see Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. NOTICE.—Patieots and Agents in the State fice, Raleigh, N C, and those in Virginia, and North and East of it, to Richmond, Virginia. August 6, 1848—1y2 — | A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne's invaloable Family Medicines, jost re- ceived and for sale by CB WHEELER, Agent. Salisbory, Dee 10—:f(80 LIME! LIME !! NY quantity of fresh Lime can be had at » JR the kiln of the late Joseph Williams dec. ; Bv the 100 hostels and over 16 cents; 40 to 100 bushels 18; 5 (o 40 bashels 20; unstacked in proportfon. All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or their resideoer, will apply either to J.o¢ KR WILLIAMS, ° ° OR ish | otkford, Sarry counry, N Avy, 31; 188t = Oe: From Salisbury, via Statesvu ganton to Asheville, N. Cy S now in full operation, racning through ia two dayg and iwice a week, as follows: Leaves Salisbury every Wednesday end Sat- urday at 6 u’cleck A. 'M,, end arrives at Ashe- ville every Mgwday and Friday at 6 o'cloek, P. = day, at 6 o'clock A. M., arrives.at Salisbury next daysat4P. M. Passengers travelling on this line will receive good accommodations. Our ‘leams and Hacks are excellent, and the Drivers suber, skilful and accommodating ; no pains will be spared to ren- der trips safe and pleagant to the passengers. SHERRILL & PARKER June 12,484 1—1f46 DAVID L- POOL, PRNAKES this method of informing his friends, and the public, that he js still carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re- pairing business, at his old stand, near the Courthouse’ All work done by him will be warranted (or twelve months. He still keeps on haad.asmal assortment of Jewellery. -_ Oid Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, .Warch 12, 1842.—tf3$ The Bankrupt Law! ! HiAvine taken considerable paihs to ac- quaint myself with the provistons of the Bankrupt Law, lately passed by Congress, I hereby tender my services to such as may wish to avail themselvesof its benefit. - [ shall attend the United Srates Court of thie District, and if oecessary, the Circuit Court also. Persons wishing toavail themselves of my se;vices, can see me on the approaching Sixth Circuit of the Spperior Court:—and afterwards, I shall be found iff my office in Salisbury. * H. C. JONES. N. B. I take this occasion to correct a pre~- vailing error concerning this Law ; many persons [ find, suppose that no one, except such as owé to the amount of~Five Hundred Dotlere, can claim its benefit. This is a mistake, for it eta- braces ‘‘all persons” owing debis who are unable to ‘‘ meet them,’”? no matter how smal! the amount. B.C. J, Salisbary, February 1 , 1842—1f29 George W. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Witminaton & Faverrevitte N.C. ee undersigned is now prepared to receive Gouds at Wilmington, and forward the same to his Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward to the Owners inthe back country. He hasa large Warehouse at the River, where Goods will be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to half the usaal cartage from the River to Fayeiteville,—thereby lessening the expehse on Goods mach below the usual charge. As his Warehouse is isolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison to the risk iocurred from being situated in town. Those who may favor him with their business, may rest assored that every allention will be paid to the promotion of their interest. GEQ. W. DAVIS. References : Messrs John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, N. C. Alexander Anderson, Jubn McRae, Juhn Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brawn, Salisbury, N.C. . 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1f10 BERKSHIRE & RUSSIA PIGS?! HE ondersigned having sold, in the last two years, about two hundred Pigs in the counties of Davie, Stokes, Surry, Iredell, Ruw- an, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Davidson, Guilford, and some in South Carolina and Virginia, and the demand sti!l being very great, have added to their well known stock, the Berkshire sows of Col. C. Harbin, fram Bernent’s stock, Albany aod now having ten fall blooded Berkshire sows and two boars, they are prepared to breed as fine full blood as any inthe country. ‘hey have RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russia and Berkshire. They have on hand a goodly samber of the above pigs, ready to supply any orders with which they may be favored, at prices ia propor- tion to the hardness of the times. MAXIMILIAN CUTHRELL, JOHN A. CHINN. Farmington, Davieco. N.C. 1143 May 9, 1842. SALISBURY FA ‘TORY. HIS Establishment is now in complete ope- ration. ‘Ihe Company are mauofacturing COTTON YARN, Shirling, Sheetng and Osnaburg, of a superior quatity, which they offer to the public at the luwest market prices. Merchaais aud others, who will examine qualities, and cuiwn- pare pricee, will find it to their inierest to pur- chase. J RHODES-BROHWNE, Agent. Salisbury, Jone 4, 1842—1145 Boo. Medicines, Paints, Cils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs, Patient Medicines, Hops, Choice WIN ES, and S ITS for medical purposes fadiane, Houeck’s and Swaim's Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘T'ubacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfomes, Brushes, C andles, Fancy and common Seap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, tn stroments, Matches, Paper and many other ar licles just received and for sale at priags to seit LATE | the times, by C. B. WHEELER. Sattsoury, S42 M. 4 {eaves Asheville every: Tuesday and Satnr- | SUBSCRIBERS re : ge Me Spestfally aform the. citi- rzens of S.lisbery and the surrounding country, \bat they have epeoed a shop inthis place, where ‘bey, will carry.an Abe, to Saddle and Harness Making Pee ¥ All orders for SADDLES, BRIDLES, Fiae sed common HARNESS, Leather’ Tranks; &t., &c., willbe attended to. with punctuality. aad: des- patch ; and all kinds of - REPAIRING. done in good. style, and oa the shoriest notice. — The subscribers solicit the patronage of the pablic, and pledge. themselves io use their -best exertions to give satisfaction.. Their shop is on main street, (wo doors northeast of the Court- House, next door to A. Benceni’s store. PLUMMER & SHAW Nov. 19, 1842 —1f17 DR. D. JAYNE’S FL@EILY MEDICINES. geen MEDIGINES ase expressty:pre— pared for family ose, and have aequired an onprecedenied popularity throog bout the United States; and as they are eo admirably calculated \o preserve:#ealth and care: Disease, ad family should ever be without them. © The proprietor of these valuable preparations received his educa- tion at one of the best medical Calleges in ibe United States, and has had fifteen yéars'experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he hag had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge” of diseases, and :he remedies best calcolated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Hooping Cough. Bronchitis, Aeute Rheuma. tism, Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs ot Throat, giculty of Breathing, and al! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs 9 e 2 Jayne’s Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauly of the Hair, and which sill positively bring io New Hair on Bald Heads, and prevent its fall- ing out or torning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIC VERMEFUGE?' A pleasant, safe, and certain prepatation for the rem of Worms. Dusmessia, Sour Stom- ach, Fevérand Ague, Pres, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especiatly of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs.of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer plaints, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, Sick Headache? Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangements of the Slomach. aod Bowels, Nervous Affections, §c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complainis, Ke vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases yt the Skin. &c., and in all cases where aamperitn, Alterative or Purgative Medicine js reqatred. ‘The above medicines are for sale, wholegtele or retail, at the Salisbury Medical aod Drug Siore, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. Sept 8, 1842—1y6 NEW CABINET, CHAIR & SOFA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT ! ! THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together for the parpose of manufactariog Chairs, Bureats, Sofas, SEORETARYW’S, WARDROBES, Centre--Tables, SIDEBOARDS, &C. &C. in the very best hind of style, and of the finest materials, beg leave to ask at the hande of the citizens of the country and villages areond, a share of their patronage in oor line of business. As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) has had Jong experieuce in working ia some of the finest and mos fashiunable shops ef Furope; and of the large eities of the Northern United Siates, we flatter ourselves that #e can aod will honestly and faithfully complete in workmanlike’ manner all jobs called for. We will repair and polish any furniture that may be brought to as on short notice, and in the first styleof workmanship, aod orders for Coffins punctually attended to. Our prices will be ‘as moderate a8 we can afford. Their shop is o few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Junes’ old Tavera. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 26, 1842—1/18 N.B. All those indebted to Warren Gheen, are requested to make payment before the first of January, 184S, or they will tien bave a call from en officer for Dr. Rowand, has just received a fresh sup- ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mizture, which is fur sale wholesale“ end vets’, at bh Medical Drug Store, Salisbury, N. ©. Dec 10—1120 Cotton Gin Waking Business rte subscriber would respectfully infurm the citizens of Rowan and the adjuining coun. ties, that he has commenced the abuve Business in Salisbety. His shop is three dours east of Moses L Brown's Van Yard; where he is pre- pared to execute ail work in bie line of basiness with neatness ard despaich From a long ex- perience 19.4 siness, be feels con ideai uf bis ability to giv satisfaction to all whe may favor him withtheir patronage. N. B. All ordefs froni a distance shall be penctually attended tv, Repairing of every de Seription done on the shoftest notice, buth Gins jand Thresbiog Machines. ” : ANDER FRALEY: Saltsbory, Wee. Sy 1842= ames > +b HE Sohscribe: ; TT bas-jaes "her informs Cities: m: els, (ne larbans, for sale, : *.” Nas. S, P. Crimping and Salisbury, _ is also pre Flating on reaacn: Deveinber 3, 1842 NEW FASHIOys FALL & WINTER 1842 & °43. THOMAS DICKso; ESPECTFULEYW informs his f, MEV podlic. shat be still carries oni, TAILORING BUSINEgs pall its various braoches, two dun W. Marphy’s eiore, where he is pasta cute all orders of his customers jp ere manner not surpassed by any in this part country. Heis wiso in the tegohet teteigtg nd ci AE Rox ORK KASHIONS, @ accommodat Fashionable at ait fies, mete tate December 3, 1842—1y3 TO FAMILIE ROWANE ‘IMPROVED’ Pel . ¢ os. = Those who woold have recourse to y' Medicine for Fav rs Acck, . he Nervous Wealrness, Should discriminate te the ** thousand and one” remedies ccs heralded forth to the poblic, (the seme now » all times past, ) and that almosi uni rersal| . cessful prescription called . OR % = > © Very} C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent ~-. Rowand’s Improved Tonic Miztun, A few remarks will serve fo i}lustrate thea ference. Jn the first plare, the Operation of Tonic Mixture in the cure of Fever and A upon entirely new and peculiar, +e prinoiples. - Secondly : {1 not only promptly rests the courge of the chills, when pane nd perseveringly.osed, but it soon restore: & Wonled functions of the general aysiem to ays fectly healthy stale ; when relapses are oo om liable to ensue than an attack of the disease one who bas newer had it before. > ‘Tbirdly- system, doring dhe admisisiration of the- {mm ed Tonic Mixture, springs up at voce unde beniga influence, and gives forth an earnesi turning health and eigor. Fourth!y: Prodeg more or less effect off the bowels, the cauw the disease passee off in the way most strep indieated by natare. Fifihly : [is effects oni system are uniformly mild and safe, as well efficient, and it is as well adapied to tbe leek iafagt, simply by a aodification of ihe iw, the most vigorous adult, Many other consiy- ations, of the etmoset i ice so ibe sn parents and invalids, might be ju me: bat the above are a few of the alin of cong in comparison with the remedies generally ed to in prufessioua! and family practice, which a proper jodgment may be furmed it# leciing the remedy. NB. With a view to resesiablish confidence in the efficiency uf the “ Ros Improved ‘Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lal cure of Fever and Agoe, the Proprietor r the original guarentee, viz: The money be returned ia every case whereic the has been punctually osed wilbuat pruduciog desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 Nursth Second Sireet, Philadel Suppliee have been received by ihe sole Ags fur Salisbury, N. C. C,. B. WHEELE? Sept $, 1842— 196 Something Ne ot. The Subscriber AKES this method of informing his (n= and the pathic, that he bas purchase SMITH SHOP; formerly owned by Mr. Frederick Move: the ‘Town of Sajisbory, which be intends after to carry on in & manner altugetber pet this part of the country. He is not oly in the common understanding of the ‘ef. he is an actnal fron King, being able and po ed Lo put tron inte apy shape or tempel, an er. All kinds of MACHINE WORK. ing of MILI. SPINDLES, the casting of or GUDGEONS, &e , done at the short & lice, and in first rate style. He will et aod repair COTS'ON GINS or THRE ‘o or indeed any kind of MACHINE WOR he may be called upun to do. He ree. sulicits a trial. W.H. WILLIAMS Salisbury, Sept $.1842—6 WOTICE. fe rN porgoance to an order of the apn * and Quarter Sessions of Rowan eS F will expuse to public szle un Saterday ; instant, at the late residence of Syst” ston, dec’d., seven valuable aud likeiy NEGROES, among whom are one WOMAN. three and three GIRLS. slid for distribute. “4 i ine wont i begiver, voy Sf aime OESHACK eNnsTo® PINKSTON DAVID pas Febraary 6, 1842—$« 29 Beware of Fraud: persons for BOE , from date, and aouther months from date. baad D subscriber, Biaxion Bat-ey : as his pam Aer om As said notes *° oe y ihe det rmined put fu ps “of echt am) ERE VIAL BARRENY {bt & Same’ si Feb. 6, 18.1330 29--pd visiting the grave of Jesse Frank: qian? sortf Coanty, (late Governor of North yy (0 . ; carol.) . pigelled orn is reared for thee, “g Jor iptored scroll anrolls its page, Lar children of the free, 3 _ resis the patriot and the gage, ond the Jone aad simple grave, hing on its marb'e gray, o weeds and tall grass wave pour their shadeless ra ¥. ere FO croae rm” vild Janta! od s00-beams qith earth thy lettered sfone, hidden oft by Winter's snow, t record tells alone ee dost it is that sleeps below. - tore! a e’s enough—that honored name, from eulogy requires ; -yended with thy country’s fame TN flashes round her tallest spires, at nam No aid Editor :—I have been much amused iby the late pseudo love cooing between pe ind B.” as published in your paper. — f has 8 decided advantage over poor B.— be 5) hemble opinion, she shows the con- yee of her position so glaringly as to de- Pit) gas go aber: in that ease, they bad better settle ersy privately, by permittiog Cupid we resesigl siand ed —Be that as it wf contest of words seldom ends in an alli. wee sod matrimony. Lady Laura is | B.isa mere Tyro, at = Fo can a bis poetical flighr. et the former oe tio nocilur””--eotwithetondiag her Aa » qootatioo—the latier, “‘ Heo miseran= Horst? 1 Really, Laura leetares bim well ; * ai have a strong desire to reclaim a fom folly, to genuine, modest, yet ardent ! a motive promps the human breast ! Boi love is foand more selfish than the rest] !” Love brooks n0 rode add ress—tis white Ag snow on Golhard's eandid height ; Unosed to dandy’s flippant tone, Rovisiog, modest, and alone ; Ao enemy to pablic eyes, ji hates obtrasion—and defles The adolation of B— And lives or sentiment “* Per se!” Jp its exterior, bland as when Foi! Luna wears her diadem. Bot thoogh "tis bland without —beware! Moat Etna’s fires are slumbering there— And though s!! modesty —what then ? It will not brook the scoffs of men. Love likes to muse alone—bot ob ! i's raptored by its chaseo Beau— Conesited dandy—stop—bewesre How you introde apon the fair! If though lessly —by Jove, you'll find The reageance of a female mind. "Lae! —what is love,—can Laura gay ? B. describe its cogent away ? — I aeither know or feel the force Of its dominion, heat, or source, Whence all its fine? feelings epring Let Byron's muse the ditty sing : xp Yes, LOVE indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immorta! fire With angels shared, by Alla given, To lift from earth our low desire. Devotion wafis the mind above, Bat Heaven itself descends in love ; A feeling from the Godhead caught, To wean from self each sordid thought ; Anyof Him, who formed the whole ; A glry circling round the soul !” a _ From the Southern Planter. AGRICULTURAL LETTER FROM GENERAL WASHINGTON. We ate indebted to the kindness of an id friead for the foliowing valuable docu- mat; valuable not only because of the mered source from which it emanates, but eenuse it affords many excellent lessons om an able and. preétical farmer ; 11 is too, rongly characteristic of the American he- ® Wesee bere the exercise in private eof that attention to detail, that inflexible evtion to order and discipline, which so mneotly mark the public charseter of Washington. No one can read this letter Whout seeing at once that the writer was " industrious, sound, practical farmer. is whose indomitable energy had given edom to a world did not esteem the most Novia details of agriculture unworthy his Wenhon,. Ry vill probably scrprise the reader to find “0. Washington insisting upon the ase of ‘rows and cultivators in the coltivation of ‘scorn ; this we have been accustomed to fame ourselves upon as a much wore mod- ™ invention. Tis lever directed to his overseers, is fom the manuseript copy in Wash- “vou's own hand writing, and, as we aré td, now appears in print forthe first —Cheraw Gazette. Philadelphia, 14th July, 1793. Gentlemen :—It being indsspensably ne- ‘ary that I should have some person at at Vernon through whom <.can com. cle my orders ; who will see that these Me exeeuted ; or, if aot obeyed, who nform me why they are D who will me the weekly reports transmit i teesive money and, peg its and in 5 to do these thiags do not ep- Pan to thy individual overseer—f have =" Dephew, Mr. Howell Lewis, (who "ith we here) to atiend to them gail ‘Provide a maneger of established »re- “8 In these matters. You will, there- MY due regard to euch directions 8s ten tective from hia, considering, bite ee immediately from myself. tent tO. may have a genera! know!- 4 wha T expect froth you, I shall con- Mee ts view (which 1 have of tbe Shee your eharge) as it g [ Byron. by it: wt > monded sock , without authority. from me to be, a sha the corn ground at the farm you "lay Plooghed__yet, beceuse not only am nothing therewith will be ordered by len en from it, Although it 19 almost needless to re y kK onght to be kept perfectly clean 8 of that grayed pends upod 7 ging the propriety and necessity of the mea- select, unless the parties be known to/«@ Po 5 Fe ayes | RPO Pepe my MACE C, PENDLET ON Oi. ; I ** See that the > . a janagement, b also the wheat crop, which is to succesd'it. 1 eanno:, forbear ur- sore iO vety étrong terms. 2d. The. wheat is to be got inte the berns or into stacks as soon as it can be done with any sort of convenience, that tt may not (es- pecially the beirded wheat, which is subject to injury by, wet weather,) sustain Joss in shocks—and because the shattered grain in 4 fields may be. beneficial to the stock ; bot po hogs are to be put on stubble fields in which grass seeds were sown Iost fail, win - tet Or spring ;.other 99 fern ‘ Hoek , howeter, May ts tate. No exertion or pains are to be spared at Dague ran to get the swamp from Manley’s bridge op to the meadow above,’and the two enclosures in the mill swamp, in the bighest order for graes, to. be sown in the time and manner above mentioned. But that no more may be attempted than can be executed well, proceed in the following or der with them sccordingly” as the weather may happen to be, for this most be consulted, as dry weather will answer to work in the low parts best, whilet the higher grounds may be worked at any time. lst. in withthe swamp from Man ley’s bridge opwards, and get all that is not already in grass, well prepared for it, and indeed sown. 2d. That part ofthe low mesdow on the will run, which ligs beiween the old bed of it end the race, and within the fences .3d After this is done, take that part of enclosure above (which was in-eorn last year) lying between the ditch and fence of No. 1 upand down-togrossfences.. 4ih. Thew go over the diteh and prepare stipe after s!ipe asthe ditch runs from: the one cross fence to.the other, and continue to do this as 'ong as the season will be goud, or the seed can be sown with propriety and safety. I conceive that the only way to get these grounds in good order and with expedition, is to give them one good p!onghing an then to tear them to pieces with heavy harrows. Whether it be necessary to cut down and take of the weeds previous to these work- ings can be decided better by experiments on the spot than by reasoning on jt al a dis- tance. My desire“is that the ground shal! be made perfectly clean, and laid down smooth ; without which meadows will al- ways be foul—much grass |: ft in them, and many scythes broken in cutting whatis taken off. 4th. The backwhesat which has been sown for manure ought to be ploughed in the moment a sufficiency. of seed ,is mpe to stock the’ grourd a second time ; other. wise, so fat frogs its answering the pur puse of manure, it will became an exhaust er. For this reason, if the ploughs belong ing to the ferm are unable to turn it in time. those of Mudcy hole, Dague run and Usidp farm, must combine to do it, the work to be repaid by the farm which receives the benefit, as soon as the work is accomplished thereat, 5th. Where clover and timothy seeds are mixed. and sown together, allow five pints of the first, end three of the latter to the acre ; and where timothy only 1s sown, al low four quarts to the acre. Let the. seed be messured on the proportions here allotted, and put into a half-bushel, and filled with sanc or dry earth.and extremely well mixed together in your own presence or by your- self, which will snawer two.good purpuses, viz: Ist, to prevent theft, for seeds thus mixed would not sell—and 2ily, the seeds. man being accustomed to sow a bushel of whéit tothe acre would be at no loss to cast a bushel of this or anything else, reg- ulerly on that quentily of groond. Gth. It 1s-expected gou will begin to sow wheat early ia August, and in ground per- feetly clean end well ploughed. 1 would have. and do secordingly direct that not less than five pecks of seed be sowo cn each acre. The plan of the farm over which you look is given to Mr. Lewis, from which the‘con- tents of each field may be known. And it is My express direction that every walch that thi quantity actually is put io ; for | have strong suspicions (but this ought not to be hinted to them) that the seedsmer help themselves pretiy large. toil. 7b. “As ode te tee néve teks sowin and eved before, if it*cen be done conre- niently, you are to set heartily about thresh- ing or reading out the wheat; and as ft 1s got out, to have it delivered at the mill or and the best attention may be given to see |. will require. hon -_ : eo 8th. The oats at the farm va overlook. ere, | presume, ali cut ; in that case, tesa! the scythes, and cradles, and rakes which you baye receiged, be de tothe “mansion Re 6.43 oF if fol Mean te F fn them againat next hasgeste pom must be re- sponsible for tbem yourself, — 9th, The presumpuon. also _ is, .thet the flex 1s, ere this. puiledy let it be well secured, and. at -« yproper season stripped of ita seed and spread to ror. Du. ting this operation, lett be Often turned and examined, that um be aot overdone, or receive injory in any other tespect oy lying out too Tong. your constant and close atien- own farm and the quality of the wheat which grows upon it,} mae meet and decide among themselves whether it would be best to have sume of each of these sorts on eve- ry farm ; or, in order more effectually to prevent mixture, to bave one sort on'y on 4 farm. In the latter case. the cutiiag of that which ripens first,and so on, must be ac- complished by the force of all the farms instead of each domg ita own work. If the seed on one farm was 10 be sown on an- other, especially it seed which grew on 4 light soil was to be sown on a enff une, and that which grew ona stiff one sown on a light ground, advantages would usquestion ably result from it. 11th. The potatoes at the mansion house must be worked by tha plougns from Union farm, and when this is required, it would be best, | conceive. to accomp!ish the wo-k in a day. 12th. It is expected that the fences will be made secure, and no damage permuted within them by» creatures of any kind, o1 belong to any body —mine any mote than others. 18th. The greatest attention is to be paid to stocks of ail kinds on the farms, ans the most that can he made of ther manure and litter. They sre ts becovate! regular. ly, that no false ce;oite may be made; and missing ones, if any hunted for votil found, or the manner of their going can be secount- ed for satisfactorily. 14th. A weekly report, as usual, ig to be handed to Mr Yiewis. In this report, that I may may know better how the work goes on, Mention when you begin to ploveh, hoe, or otherwise work in @ field, and whea that field is finished The increase, decrense and changes are to be nuted as heretufore— and let me ask— 15'h Why are the corn harrows thrown asite, or so little used that I rarely, of late ever cee or bear of thes: being at work 2 J have been ron to very considerable exp: nse In providing these and other :mplcments for my farms, end to my great mortibeution and injury, find generally speaking, that wherev er they a used they remain, if aot stolen, tilP@quired sgein; by which means they a* well as the cuorts, receive 80 much injury from the wet weather and the heat of the eup as to be unfit for use: to repair ot supply the place of which, with wew ones. My carpenters (who vughi to be otherwise employe!) are continually oceupied mabese jobs. Harfows, afier the ground is well broken, would certainly weed and keep the corn clean with more ease than ploughs. ‘1 hope, therefore, they will be used. And ut is my express order that the greatest cate be taken of the tools of every kind, carte and plantation implements, in future —for T can no longer sabmit to the losses I am continually sustaining by neglect. 16th, There is nothing I move ardently desire nor indeed is there"any more eszential to my per maneal interest, than ihe raising of live fences of proper ditebes or banks; ye! nothing has ever deer, in a general way, more shamefully neylec ted.or misinanaged 5 for instead of preparing the gtound properly for the reception of ibe seed and weeding and keeping the planis clean afier they come up—the seeds .are hardly seratched into the giovad and are suffered to he smothéred by the weeds and gtaseif they do come op; by which means the expense I have been at in por ehasing and sending the seeds (generally from Philadetphia,) togeiher with the labor, such’ as it is, tbat bas been ipcarred, is not only 'nst, bat (and which is of iffinitely more importance to me) season afier season passes away, and | am asfar from the accomplishment of my object as ever. “i mention the matter thas fully to show how anxious | am that-all the seeds which have been sown or planted om the banks of ihe ditches should be properly attendéd to; and the deficient spots made*good. if you have of can obtain the means for doing it. 17ih There,is one thing I must caution you against (without knowing whether there because tv charge you with it or avt}and thai is. aot. to retain any of my negrues who ase able and fit to work in ibe crop, in or sbout your own hoase, fur your own parposes. This I do not allow any overseer tudo, A small boy or girl for the par- pose of feiching wood or water. tending a child, or some such thiog, I dowot object to; bat so soon as they are able to work ont, | expeci ito reap the beoefit of their labor myself. * 18th. ‘Thong last mentioned, it is not of the least importance, because the peace and good gov- elsewhere, sccording to sclions. The longer this business 1s deleyéd, the more waste snd embez ent w ere be of the | crop. The wheat ie to be well cleaced; | the chsé “sad aat Grins ate to be properly | taken case.of for the horses or other stock —' and the giraw. stecked sod secured as it ought to be against weather and other roja- eroment of the negroes depea’ epon it—and not less so my interest and yoor own reputatinn. | do, theréfore io exdlieit terma, enjoin *it epon you to remain constantly at home, (aoless called off by onavoid=ble business yor fo avien® Divine worship) end be Gunstantly with Your people | when there There is 00 uther sure way of get- ? ries, and until ‘the whole. be dehwered, it | side releases th | therefore, 1 shall be proved to me that you are |“ the most’ of them will sijzbitbeir work, oF be idle altogether. Io which ease correction eannot fetfieve either, bat often produces evils -w eh are worse than the disease. Nor is thete any other mode bot this to prevent thieving and other disorders; {be conseqaencs of opportanities’ You will récolleet that your time is paid for by me, and if baa de- pr:ved of it, its worsethen because it.is.aleo.« breack»of trast, which any honest man opght-to buld most sacred; You have found me, and yoo will continge to find me faith- ful to my part. of she agreement whichwas made with you, whilst yoo are attentive to your part; bat it is tobe remembered that a bréach on *one obligation on the otber. abseniing yoorself from the farm or the people Withont just cause | stall hold myself no more bound to pay the wages, thah you do to attend : strictly to the charge whieh is entrasied io you by ans who has every disposition to be Yar friend and servant. Geo. Wasuincton. LOOK out FOR A SWINDLER. A few days since'® stranger calling himself A. B_ Braddock, stopped’ ata tavera in Law- reaceville for the night, . [a the: morning be-par- chased a horee fromthe li » paying in part with a fifty dollar bill purporting to be on the Commerciab Bank of Colambia, S C. also made a small -purehase ata store, and passed off a twenty dollar bill, on samebaok. “Sooo after he left town, it was ascertained that the bille were nol genuine ; and two men started io pursuit of him. When overtaken, he professed not to know that the bills were coanterfeit ; said he had but (twenty dollars more of ihe same Bank, and was willing to hand over a ‘*‘better cutreney,” and take up the spurions. In examining his money, it was discovered that he had a large amount of the aforesaid bills; and on an intimation that he must go back to town and give an account of himself,-he drew out his pistol aod nimde a hasty retreat, and being pretty swift on fout, he elu- ded his parsners, and took refuge in a swamp. When last seen, he was going ahead, well cover- ed with mud, and several dogsin pursuii. He left two good horses, his saddle bags, containing a bottle of stimelows, a pisiol well charged, a few dollars of the “hard corrency,” hesides sun- dry articles of silk aad shawls, and light affairs which he had no doubt purchased on his route to get off his bills. The bills were handsomely en- graved. but “*Columbia,” seemed to have been inserted after the engraving They were sien. ed ‘A Blanding. President,” in a smal! cramped hand, *J> Ewart, Cashier,” and dated 1840 and 1842 — Southern Banner. A Sign —It is well known that the planet Venus can now be seen with the nuked eye. |i wae@@pied by the Milleritesa few days since, who, we undersiand, assembled with spy giasses lo see if they could discover other stars in the Heavens One old lady in looking through the glass, canted it a little too mach. and gapping with amazement exclaimed—what did 1 see P— as true as [am a living soul, “J.—— P. Baker,” in large letters printed in the skies! “Troly he is a great man!” The glass had been brought so low, that the zealous old Jady had been read-ag an extended eign in the street Portland Tribune. 4 Caleb Quolem.—A regular scheming: shrewd, hard-working, money making Yankee oat West; a chap who rejoices in the varions aecodations of doctor, gunsmith, lawveg, tooth extractor, dry goods merchant, jostice of the peace, and schoolmaster, has recently, by adver- lisement, added the following to his list of pur- suits and qoalities : N. B.—Auctioneerirg of loudest kind, inter- woven with ventriloqgaism and the use of the g'ohes. The advertiser would also have no ob— jection to teaching a singing school, evenings, and might possibly find an hour to spsre each morning breaking eolis in harness, or carrying on a smal] garden on halves.” ft is a enrioos asironomical fact, that there is no new moon in the month of Febroary, 1843, bat there are two new moons in the month of Mareb following. [: is new moon on the 30th of Jannary, again on the Ist of March, and also on the 30:b of March. W hoever is honest, generdns. courteous, hon— orable, and candid. iea true gentleman, wheiber learned ur onlearned, rich or poor The income of the Lora Mayor of London a- mour'ts lo betweev £7,000 and £8,000 per an~ num. A straw will make an impression on the vir- aan snow ; let it remain bolt a short time, and a horse's huof can hardly penetrate it. So it is with the gouthful mind. SS KENILWORTH HOGS! HE Subscriber has just sdded to his s:ock of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs imported trim Englend in the fall of 1841, by Mr. A B Alleo, uf New York, and are now a- bow: 18 menthsuld. ‘The Boar is a very supe- tios animal, deep, thick aad excellent in all bis points: the Sow very fine, with a liter of eight pgs, which, G oeaaty and form, can hardly be surpassed. Those who may wish a fuller de- seription of these fine animals, are referred tu Mr. Allen’s letier published in the Cultivator.— The sabscriber has also, a Yorkshire Sow, par. chased of Mr@Alleo, from a Sow imported by him trom England; and some Thin rind Sows : and those wishiog to porchase, cao have the are Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or erosses of Koailworih and Yorkshire, Thip-rind and Berk- shire. His stock of Berkshires was porchased of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, aad 18 ot now a betier opportunity of doing sa, than has ever been offered South of the Potomae. Orders for aoy of the above will be prompily aucoded to. WM, F. KELLY. Near Mocksville. Davie co. W925 January 14, 1843. = * —— Job Printing neatfy donehere. ~e my purse, } If, | Mf surpassed by any in the United States. Those | paid. wishing to improve their stock of Hogs, have |. M Rowan Hotel ~~ * ho , , REPAIRING; - - I FNHE Substriber réspectfalty idtorime his old ‘\ Friénds dnd” He Publie eralt we bas opened a shop im Salisbury ia the a isi- ne83,1M a room directly opposite Wee's briek building, in the house ofs Dr... Borns*> formerty eee Jno. |. Shaver and jast below J. & W. urphy. . ' ~ In addition tothe above, the subscriber will carry onthe: Silver Smith Business in all the sitar common in coanity towns: sach as making Spoons, &c., ahd’ repairing Sit¥e: Ware. Nae * He begs to assure the public that if panctual aliention.to business, and skillfal. work will ea litle him to patronage and support, he will mer- if it. . AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18 —tf16 Dr. Sherman’s PRericated Boscriges EING the cheapest and most pleasan!.— The Medical Facalty warmly approve them Dr, Sherman is a’skilfol'and experienced Phy- sician, and a member of the Medical Society © New York. : = Sherman’s Cough: Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual rerfiedy for Conghs, Colds, “@imsumption, Whooping Coogh, Asthma, Tightaess of the Lungs ur Chest, &c. . ' : SHERMANS WOR ‘LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroving medi- cine ever discovered. They have been osed in over 1,400,000 cases and néver known tu fait: SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- it3, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinking of the Chest, Diarrhea, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigae. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certaia remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — In the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. ve Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. ~ Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so som- mon aod troublesome daring the summer months, may now be entirely prevented by a pfoper use of these Lozenges: ‘Fhey are prepared express- ly tor that purpose, and ean be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange- meat of the bowels shuald never be without them They afford immediate relief from all the attend- aot gripings, faintness, depression, §-c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozefiges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common pepperminis; and are an active and efficient medicine. They eféanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilious persons. -Where an active medicine is reqaired, they are not only the best, but the safest that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism, Lom- bago, Pain or Weakoess in the Back, Loins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for saleg whulesale or retail, at the Salishory Medical Drog Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept $, 13842 —1y6 Dr. Mofut’s Vegetable Life Wedicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- peficial nature. They are composed of ar- ticles the most anti-putrescent, combised with ingredients kuown as the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. Wheo the dis ease is produced either from cold, obstruction, bad air, swampy and damp situations, or putrid missmi, whether inaligaunt or epidemic, or by other causes, these medicines are certain in thetr aperations or effects. “bey are possessed of pe- culiar qualities, Which not only expel all disease, but atthe same time restore and invigorate the system When first taken into the stomach, they ammediately ‘diffuse themselves like vapor through every pore, producing: effecis at ‘once Are the beat MEDICINES in the World, | O i * HA™6 purchased long established and ihe Pabtic gen 7 the best the marker and fords, ; , Rie Sra) plied, with tended by faithfuband a ertion on his natt shall eral satisfaction to all w a call. Salishur. ry. Sept. 11, THE SUBSCRIBER». « oy the name of Slapehier’s ‘T'aver in’; c n i ; own of Salisbury, a ries open for the reaeption of Tra His ‘Tasce and Bar wie Sspacions, and-fountifully sup in and provender, of'all kinds, at- The undersigned pledges himsei( that no ex JAMES L COWAN. thE well pute ghd» Pablic Horise, (ator n C., informs bis.Friends y thet she same is®now er®& Boarders sarround) deri founding country af- Uentive Ostlers. be wanting ta give gen- bo may favor him veith 1840: 4f7 HE prob Printing Office,” work cone in the State 4 (ance for ang of the fol atlended los County Court —Juro Writs, &c. tions, Sheriffs Deeds, Bonds, Commissions to TO CLERKS, S i IFFS, C OMS TA- BLES, &c. RIETOR of the *\ Watebma: Clerke, Sheriff's and Conslables of the surround ing Counties, that he hag and will consinue to keep on hand, a full supply of BLANKS beatly. printed on goud paper, and riot surpassed by any Superior Court Witness Tickets, @pv rits, Capiss Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Snbpevas, Verdi- tioni Exponas, Jurors’ Tickets, Executions. Affray lndietments, Indictments vs. Overseers of Roads, Veodi. Exponas, Witness -“Mickets, MisceHlancous—Constables’ Warranis, (with E.xecetion® attached,) Cs Sa’s & Bonds. Gaar=- dian Bonds, Apprentices’ Indentures, Marri License, Appe:rance Bonds, Deeds of Trost, Deeds of Conveyance, Delivery Bénds, lujune~- stables’ BonésAdmitistrators’ Bonds, Proseeu= tion Bonds, Saperior and €o Court. * ANE: ! respecifylly infurus the All orders from # dia- lowiog Bianks promptly = rs Fickets, Execntions, (Vendi. “Expo ) Appeal take positions, Con- Printing ! ( ary in the State. FPANOY J F DIFFERENT J the shortest notice, and net surpassed by Salisbory, Nov 19, 1842. Printing rr OB WoRE COLORS, done at . subseriber has just rece obtain relief Salisbury, Dee 10—1 To THE AFFLICTED.— lhe supply,ot Dr Moffatt’s Life Medicine. C B WHEEBER, Agent rest Call & ived a large and 120 « Salisbury, N. ©. Oct Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. . 1842—t114 a Valuable ‘Tract of La son. Salisbury, Dee 10 | Cents. Bacon, 5 3°54 Brandy, ap. 30 a 35 peach, 40 a 55 Butter, 10 8 12% Beeswex, 27228 Cotton, clean 54 a 6 Coffee, 9a tt Corn, 25 Feathers, 208 25 Flour, $3} 2,4} Flaxseed, 50a 55 Iron, per lb. 3a4 Linseed Oil, pr. gal 90 $1 Farmer’s Look out.—I have I will sell on goud terms, if application be made Sarissury, Fev. 25. ad near Salisbury, which 1, LYERLY. 1f20 == AT Ceuls. Cotton’ Yarn. 90 Motasses, 352 40 | Nails, 63a7/ Oats, 15 a 20 ; Pork, $3 Sugar, br. 3210 loaf, 15818 Sait, sack, $34 Tallow, . 7 82 20 Toba Tow Litth. 12a 16 Wheat, bush 75 Whiskey. 25 2 30 Wool. (elean) 26 Faverreviy.Lle. Feb 22, . delighiful, salutary, and permanent. Whenthe| Brandy, peach 45 Molasss by sar of tife begins to grow dim, the circolation | Jo, Apple 30 a $5 |.Nails, cat, , languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi-| acon, 44a 5 | Sagarbrows, €§ 2 10 ' : eines are found to give a tune to tbe nerves,ex-| Beeswax, 27 a 28 ‘Lamy, m\ ie hiler @ animal spirits, invigorate the body,| Coffee, 10a 12.4" 153 16 Pes and ate the whole man. Votion, 54 a6 q 50 2 60 } ; fe Medicines bave a!so been esed with; (oiton Yarn, 14a 18 ; k, 624 f ppy success in Nerv.us and Dys-| Corn, 40 350 | Tobaccolea! 41s 2 | peptic. diseases, Consnmggtion, Asthme, Liver | Candles, F.F.15a17 | Cotton bag 0 t Complaint, Rheomatism, [chronie aud inflema- | /Jaxseed 80 a $1 | Bale rope, Re I tory] 1) ropsies, Sc. (ree $4 2 $43 Wheat new 802 s: @cp Call at Cress & Bocer’s, 4g<"!s. | Feathers 20 a 25 | Whiskey $6 » re Saiisbary, Oct 22, "ama hd ® | tron, 5a 54 ' Wool, 15 5 supply of the above Invaloable ME- Cueraw, Fb 21, 1842 pines ea het sale at James’ Cross Rusds, Beet 3h 4! Nails cutassor. 7 : Iredeil county, by : Baror. 5a 5} wrought fie ts A.C MeINTOSH, Agent. | Butter 124 4 15 | Oats bushel 30 + « —— ‘| Beeswax _22 225; Oil gal 7 To Publishers, Bagging yd 20222 , inp ot os JUNG MAN. who has had con-| Bale ropelb, 10212 , linsee 16a tl. a lai as a PRinTER, wishes asit | Coffee lb 1242 14 Pork 1W0lbs 5 vation as Foreman or Journeyman. Satisfactory | Corien 44271 Rice 100lbs references can be given. For particolars address Corn bush 40 2 50, Sugar lb the “ Watchmaa Office,"’ Salisbury, N. C.. post Flour bik $5 26 Salt sack atberss 25-80! bush . snes assur i 160lbs 5.6] Steel Amer. 10 a4 Lard 7, English 14 J. S. Johuston, Molasses 35 240| Gerasc 45,¢ 14 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLO@™T LAW. Tallow 124) Teainpe-€1 2187) AY be fonnd always at the Office of H. C. Jones, Eeq., directly opposiie the Salisbury, Jan. 7, 184$—1f24 COUNTY COURT WRITS, Printed on first tte peper ene this Office “4-f . 7 creeeliiy 1 prewode itftwstion, we in- Jadge Cameron, to the ~gutlhien This Document ion we have made, and intend to repeat, as of- our Pleasure or Convenience, of the Site is one -of the ’ ations in the Union.— The readers of the Standard cao have no iferest and real desire to bear but the truth ig relation to this matter, aod this we are Pthey shall bear, } Jadge Camer- ; FS Finencier, to fill the, present or any other station requir- ing telents in shillifegerd of the bighgst or- der ; and he is far ad0ve many others in our rocaoteg io another point of view—he is an honest man. So we beg our readers, io the perusal of his Letter, to throw aside pa- litical prejudice, and tske#he matter as com- ing from 8 mas whose bigh moral rectitude entitles bim tothe confidence of polities! foes os well es political friends — Raleigh Standard. ——_ ~ Bank or THE Srare or No. Ce} » December 28, 1842. fon. Bed#ogn Brown, Chairman of Joint Select Commiltee on Banks. Sir: Io reply to the Girst ipquiry eon- tained in the resolution of the Commitee, viz; ‘‘why is the cireulatron of the Baok so much reduced,” the following Statement is submitted, “It 1s a fixed and settled law, in regard to the circulation of money or currency, that the currency of the market in which the products of the s@il are sola, becomes to the amoont of tle value of the products so sold, the curiency of that portion of the countfy, in which (be products were raised for market. The products of the Northern aud Southern seetion of this state, sre car- riod alunost exciusively to the markets of Virginio and Sooth Carolina, and sie paid ‘rin the carrency of those States, and be- ' zg brought by the sellers tote this State of Deceesity excludes from enenlation a like amevot of domestic currency, “The amount of the products of this Stute. Carita to markets, within the S:ate, as eow- pared with the smount earned to those oul of the State, is small, and afier the usua! exchanges for the necessaries of life, re- quire but little money to pay the difference in favor of the producer, and as the prices of produce in fere:ga and domestic markets decline, the amoun: of currency required to poy for it is consequently lessened. In an agiiculture] communily, (such as ours) the products of the soil, constitute the Only nztaral or legitimate basis :o sustain the c revlation 08 aay be necessary for convert- ing the former into money, can be sustained and no more, and whenever there is an ex— cess of circulation, is thrown back op the Binks, issuing it for -edemption. For several yeare past, the amount of prodoce raised in this state, agd sold in ou: own markete, has been progressively reduc- ed ; while at the same time, the prices have eootinued to fall ; hence a much less amount of money has been required to pay for it than in times gone by, when there was a much larger amount of prodace sold in those markets and at much higher Prices. ht does not follow, that the general "| seventepn thousend dollars of the notes of this Bank and branches in specie, which he admitted he bad. : , ; of the Banks of Seiees ia , oa three to five . a other demsads of s like kind, and on ovr notes obteined in like manner, were made during the suspension of specie pey- ment by the Benks in Virginie. Since their resumption of specie payments, on the 15th September last, they have been rapidly re ducing their debt and eireulation ; which hes necessarily pressed on this Bank and its branches 2 further reduction of their cireu- lation. The conygoity of the States of North Gerolina and Virginig, and the ratumste and extensive Com@ercis! relations between them, necessarily affeet the question of Car. reacy in this State. ‘The amount of Bank- ing Capital in Virginie exceeds Twelve Millions of Dotlate, while inthis State n bat little exegeds three Millions. 1 follows that the operation of the Banks must aft ways, toa very great extent, control the action of the Banks of this State. To what extent the redaction mast be cotried, for self-proteetion anc preservation, experience, to be derived from future events, ean alone determine. The Directors of this Bank and its Bran- ches have endeavored at all times. and uo- der all circumstances, to keep their notes et per within this State: In this they have succeeded to the fuliest extent of their wish- es and without loss to the holderS of them. Doring the genera! suspension of speci® peyments, instead of extending their debts and circulation, to enhance the profit of the stockholders, they steadily and gradually cortsiled both, thereby reducing the profits of the Bank. They preferred safety, the enjoyment of publie confidence, and small profis, to hez- ardous ‘oans, distrust, end large profits. They could not disregard the fate of Banke sn other States which, by adopting the op- posite course of action, bad subjected the holders of their notes to great loss, and 1n- volved themselves and their Stockholders in one commog roin. Io reply to the second inquiry viz: *'The smount of Bills of exchange in which the said Bank bee dealt aipce the first time the Bank suspended spec psy ments up to this time”’ the sco tying Statement made by the Cashier marked No. 1, gives the information seaght by the Commitiee. lo reply to the third inquiry, ** ‘The a- mount received by said Bank for premiums oa Bills of exchaoge and the average rate per ceot., on said Bills,” the accompanying Statement made by the Cashier and maiked No, 2., gives the information esked for by the Committee ** as fer as practicable.” The Comaitiee will see that most of the Bills contained in the Statement No 1, were drawn on, and made payable in, Virginia : and as the Banks of that State have been in & state of suspension for a large portion of the period of time speeified, they have furnished no basis for eelling checks on them for any premium whatever ; indeed they have been taken during the period of suspension, more for the accommodation of the drawers than for the prufits derived from dealing in them, inasmoch as the notes of this Bank aud its Branches were generally paid for them, thereby subjecting them to redemption cf such notes in specie payment of the penal Interest presctibed by the char. ter. Th® same remarks may be applied with some slight modification, to the intercourse between this Bank and the Banks in Phila- mittee, appointed by the Legislatarg tsi purpose, to inspect the Bookgand ae X. ne into tbe proceedings of the seid aorporstion, end make report thereon, provided, ssid Committee shal) not be authorized to examine into the private accounts of indi- viduals, except of the Diseetors of the principal Bank and its Branches,’ and to as- sore the Commiitee, that it will sfford the President and Directors pleasure to have them enter upon the fullest investege— tion into she books and proceedings of tbe institation, according to thé) power so reserved. ‘That for tins purpose, the Di- fectore’ Room in the Banking house in this City, shall be st their service, when snd so often as they may desire; that they shal! be furnished with the Books, end atiended by the Officers of the Benk, and that every feciliiy an@ accommodation shall be fornisb- ed them for making their examination, in the fullest and freest manner, and with the | greatest altention to the personal conveni- ence of the members of the Committee. I bave theebonor to be, sir. Yoors most respectfelly, DUNCAN CAMERON, President. From the Raleigh Register. INSTRUCTIONS. A genuine Loco Foco, who has not en- joyed the new lights which shone upon our Constitutional expounders in the last Gener- al Assembly, will wonder why it is, that the old doctriae of the party on this sebject hes been repudiated ; and who it is, that has dered (o interpolate it, with a qualification, which is any thing but Democratic If we misteke it not, in 1834, when, 1t was sought to drive Mr. Mangumfrom his seat in the Senste, by requiring him, to obliterate 9 Journal, whieh by. the Constitution he was sworn to keep sacred and untaushed, the process was began, by asserting a general power in the Legislature, to instract, in eny, and all cases. There was something bold in this—it went the whole figure. But how completely 1s this power abandoned by the last Assembly? Our modern Terarins say that they do not expect their Instructions to be heeded, provided they require a violation of the Constitution, or aa act of moral turpi- tude—thus admitting, by a strong implica- tion, that they were capable of requiring both, and inviting the Senators, who fiom the nature of the case musi judge for them- selves as to what 13 uneonstitutional and wha: ie base, to exemine nicely the Instrac- tions givén. This is yielding, fsr more than half, of what the most inveterate Whig bas contended for, and we are curious to kaoow, by what revelation it is, that the doc- tring 1s modified and the old principle aban- doned, For our own part, if it be conce- ded. that the Legislature hes power over the Senator at all, we do not perceive why it may not judge for bim as to what is con- stitational and honorable, as well as what is proper and expedient. We call attention to it now, merely, to mark the fact that the modern Demoeracy consider the doctrine of Instruction as acted on by the party io 1834, to be, at this day, an obsclete idea, an ex- ploded and “ expunged ”’ error, We took our pen in hend, howeegg, to exhibit another peculiarity of these Resolo— tions ; to show what they do not contain. ‘They relate to a variety of topics and are intended no doubt, from the bigh sounding pretension with which they begin, as the Democratic review of the doings of the pres- ent Congress, and of the Union. ft has been ® most important and eventful Con- gress, in which our Senators bave taken their full share of responsibility. They former, or deny the latter, We will sot prolong this article, by refer- ring to other matters little lese importent, in which the majority of the Legislature, have shown their dread of thet mejoriy of 12.000 Freemen, by whom they were not elected, but may recor to &h presfier. For the present, we conclude ¥ the expression Sof our gralificetion, ‘that the principles which brought the lamented Hanaison into power, sre yet so triumphant in this State, tbat their o ts deem it politic not to encounter them. Let those who have no dared to speak of them in 80 ‘engthened « + Bill of fdstractions, hereafter bold their peace. WORMS! WORMS!! Startling Facts. Handreds of children end adults are lost year- ly with worms, when some other cause has been supposed to be the true one. lt is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, woman or child exists but what are sooner or later‘troubled with worms, and ia hundrede of cases, sad to relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or sume other ailing carries off the flowers of the hamaa family —while in truth they die of Worms! and these could have been eradicated in a day. by the use of = bottle of Kolmstock’s Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dollar ! How sickening the thought that these things should be—and who can ever forgive themselves for not trying this Worm Exterminator, when they know that even if the case was out worms, this remedy coald not by any possibility do hurt —bul always good as a purgative—lei the dis- ease be what it may. How important then to use it, and who will dare take the responsibility in du without it? Let every pareot that is not a brate, ask themselves this question in trath and soberness. Mr JC Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, and atiended by a physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was given, and next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow woman, living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a month, till near a skeleton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ho- nave lady, who called to provide for the family, sent immediately for Kolmstock’s Vermifoge, which brought away great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the cbild grew better at once, and regained its full strength in less | thag a month. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frightful extent, ao! were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of the best families in the neighbur- hood of St. John's Park, it bas been extensively used, from the circumstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had feiled, which was very extensive- ly known in that part of the city. A family in New Jersey saved several children by the ase of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifage was given. The next day three large worme were dislodged, and she left off the Vermifuge, when she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that finally brought away an incredidle quantity of worms,and the cure was complete, aod she gained her healit rapidly, A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks, without being avle to restore bu: one out of the seven to healih. He had the liberality to send for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifage, and cured the rest with it in less than a week. Numerous cases of other complainis were sup posed to exist, and the persons treated for fever, &c., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innumerable quantity of worms, vite pr new General Assortment OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &e, which they offer for sale at very moderate prices. We have just imported a large lot of second ‘quality as GERMAN SCYTHES, of different siamps, aod.bave also on haad’a so pertor lot of : Wheel Irons, Long handled Shovels, Nails, &c., . AT {REDUCED PRICES!! N?B. Particvlar attention geid to orders by mail or other@ise. - FAUST §& WINEBRENER, No 70 North $d S1., aboot ¥ square North of the City Hotel, Philadelphia. March 4, 1848— $#32 GREAT SALE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. utor of the last Will and Testament of Joo Taylor, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said Hstate, to presert them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or thie notice will be plead in bar of ibeir recov- ery ; and those indebied to said Estate, are re- quested to make immediate payment. H¥; undersigned will offer for sale at the late residence of the said ‘Taylor, on Hon ting Creek, in Davie county, on. Thursday tbe 23d day of March next, all the Real and Personal Estate, of which the said Taylor died seized or possess” ed ; consisting of about 278 Acres, of Land ; a large portion of which is rich Hon ting Creek boitom,in a fine state tof cultiva- tion, and the fences in good repair ; about 25 NEGROES, Consisting of MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, Lim St SIX HEAD OF er HORSES, ALL THE CATTLE AND HOGS; Household and Kitchen FURNITURE; Corn, Wheat, Oats and Rye, Wagons Farming 7ools, &c., The above property will be suld on a credit of Estes undersigned heving qualified as Exec- jdess cases, often prescribe it @Ro CERrz;s 1 . * se FE t. ROUECHE, Presper fy) © citizens of Salisbory ang the “lg oy tYs that be has received 5.) *'%m did supply of Contectionaries nic me sisting of all kinds of Met, WINES AND Li of the very bes: bets Teneriffe, Chowpeigg ar se i Malaga, Wines, French Porter, Ale and New A P Lemons, Almon. Sugar and Coffee, Indigo, and varia Mention, which | wil they ean be bought at in Salishury. march 4, 1843—1y39 CONSUMPTION AND Complaint, R. TAYLOR'S BALSAM Dear: $75 Bowery z for the cure of coughs, colds, eatarrhs a soreness of the chest, pain in the side ‘ Ay raising of Blood, Liver Complains, 3 and ail those affectiuns of Throa ang ~~ which are @ source of so much Suffering .° lad, Maseai, cae Brandy, Hult et, k Lider, , ee 809 other FR Rove LIVER this temedy is highly and jasily distin. It is purely vegetable, mild and geile ip fects upon the sysiem, and can be taken 5 most delicate cases, wiih safety a nel] ° \y. Physicians, aware of its Meditin\ lies, and witnessing its effecis een ing and in some ibstances, @pparently amos) { in their Drees Soth 28 a palliative and a remedy Medica! Facalty generally, it has approbation. bP CONSUMPTION--The folloe remarke were taken from the lagi Domber 4 Medical Magazine : ‘ ‘“*The surprising effect Produced by ihe ine Balsam of Liverwort, made a $75 ery, iz consamptive cases, cannut fail exe deep and thrilling interest throughout thy . We have su !ong believed this disease (cong on) incurable, that it is difficult to cred live, restored to health. Yet itis a faci of & occurrence.” The following was given ui a by Capt Scot, of Elizabeth City, N.C. Certificates, “ Being constitationstly Predisposed tp sumption, (a namber of my family having from irritation of the Lungs, Accom panied with severe pain ia my side and breast, til) bottles in all. | began to improve with the votile, aad while taking the third, was s lime, by contiaued use of it, { am and able to attend to my geual bus.ness. To sous suffering frum coughs and affections of lungs, | do earnestly recommend it, (Signed,} Elizabeth City, N.C., Dec 1b, 1842. wae given up by (wo physicians, and told tg pare for death. ms hand to my bead. arrested, so often terminate in Conn, § + Bad ry’ Met FiLd oy senses when we sce persons, evidently cos | Short time ig of this disease,) and having suffered sermp cough and raising matter and blood, tcgy, supposed to be beyond regovery, | was indy »y advice of Dr Perkins, as a last resori igi Taylor’s,Balsam of Liverwort. [ have tskeofs covered, as to be able to get about Since wha quite rebtay JAS C SCOTT. Liver Complaint and Geners\ Devilisy.f ] was so weak | could ports { was io this low gry (welve months, except the land, on wnich a cred it of nine and eighteen monihs will be given, purchasers giving bord with two or more approv ed securities. Sale to centinue from day to day antil all is disposed of. in ROBERT CARSON, Executor. March 4, 1843—8w$2 of to Second and last Call! LL those indebted to the late firm of FR Roveche and R Morris, are respectfully in- regained my heal:h. when a friend sent mea boitle of Dr Taylor Balsam of Liverwort, from.$75 Bowery, aul fore | had osed ap the bottle, I was able to bed. By the fnriher use, { have compied GEO WELL, 23 Joho a Violent pain in the side —I have been 2 a violent pain in the side, extending thay the shoulder, indigestion, cizzinese, |oss of petite, and general debility, by the vse of | bottles of Dr ‘T'aylor’s Balsam of Liverwort,{ JF H Allen, No 7 Merchant's R For sale at the Drog Store of C B Wb delphia, Baltimore and Wasbington City, during their suspension. As a general usage, in the receipt of pre- large and small, and the persons recovered with great despaich. [ostances of this kind might be cited to af immense extent, bat it is useless, one vited to settle up their accounts either by cash or note, by March Superior Coort, with FR Roueche, or they will have the pleasure of re- have voted for tho repeal of the Subtreasu- 375 Bowery. ry—the one measure of Mr Van Buren’s circvlation of Bank notes in this State, has been recuced 1p proportion to the reduction of the circulation of this Bank, or of all the Banks of this State, because the vacu- um created by euch reduction, bas been filled by the notes of the Banks of those States in wbich the products of this State mivm on * Bills of Exchange ” or checks drawo on Banks out of the State, thes Bank, when it bes esked any premium st all, hes asked a preminm of one per cent. above the rate paid by it for Exchange. ‘This Administration—for the distribution of the proceeds of the Patlic Lande—tor two dif- ferent Charters of a National Bank, besides other measures of less prominence. Besides, the recent Whig Legislatures ia 1838 and trial for 25 cents will show any one with aston- ishment the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Caution—Never buy this or ricleiplere it have “ Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifuge” hai mely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. ceiving @ visit from a Gentleman Constable. Salisbury. - march 4, 1848-If F.R. ROUECHE, ROBT. MORRIS. March 4, 1848—S$w$2 TRUST SALE OF ‘ are sold, 0 fer as the value of such Products| dig. rence of one per cent between the rate 1840 have most solemnly denounced the Agents—C B Wheeler, Salisbury; J & R State of Rorth Carolina, goes to produce that reeuit. per Subtreasury system, have declared their ®P-| Sloan, Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillaboro’: J P DAVIE COUNTY. To the influence of the foregomn per cent. at which 1: bas purchased and at probation most emphaticelly of the division Mabry, Lexington - Dr Stith, Raleigh, : | 2 Bong cause,| which it has sold, constitutes the profit made among the States, upon equitable principles Mu a : : > 32 go. Jesse A. Clement, LANDS & NEGROES! on the circulation of this Bank and neces- by dealing in Exchange. The price of Ex- : ve arch 4, 1815—1yS2 vs. In Equity. serily compelling its “@ontraction, mav be : . on © price of &X- | of the proceeds of the ssles of the Public T. Foster & L. M. Gilbert . — ot added tbe following, growing out stile grext See. ns to the amount Lends; and the Governor, in bis recent WHO WILL GO BALD! a appearing ets one, sie the dafeadeats Y virtee of sundry Deeds of Trost ext and unexpected,revulsion in the commerciel, te scaly on the . + len ; Message, a document whose noble and just Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair I reside beyond the limits of thie Staie: Or- ted to us by different persuns, for ibe pe and monetary affeirs of the country,commen. | viz. nig smouni of ra ast inquiry, | sentiments have extoried admiration in Eu- ROM Comstock & Co —Its positive quali- | dered, that publication be made for four weeks in | poses therein mentioned, we will expose to cing with the suspension of specie payment by sacd Bonk on protested Bille ol Ente rope and America, told the Geversl Assem ties are as follows :—Ist For infants, keep- | the Carolina Watchman, that they appear at the | lic sale, at’ the Court-Honse in Salisdery,# id bythe Bunks of New York, in May 1837, y P . xenaoge! bly with manly candor, that the people of ing the head free from scurf, and causing a lox- | next Coart of Equity to be held for Davie coun ‘Teesdsy the 2ist of March next, (it being & and followed be all the Benks in the United States, By the 29th Section of the eherter of this Book, it is enacted that on failure by the principal Bank and its oranches, to redeem the notes respectively issued by them, in specie on. demand, they ancur the penalty of 12 "ie: interest. Although suspen. sion of specie payments wes forced on this Hank, by the general suepensior of all oth- er Banks ; and more especially by those in Vuginre. and elihongh in most, if not all other Stetes, the Legislature released their ‘respective Banks from the penalties pre- | seribed fur the failure to redeem their notes { ' with specie, this Bank made ono application to the Genegah. bly of this State, for the remission Migation of the penalty \ oflicted for aot redeeming tis notes in spe- cie on demand.—It determined to abide by the charter and meet the difficulties by whicb it wae beset as beet it coald. The most efficient means at its command, was ihe re- @uciion of its circulation, there by lessening | its habilties to pay penal interest. |: wos , Borcover compelled to this course by | long contunved suspension of specie pey- | 6 ments by the Bauke in Virginia, sanctioned by the Legislature of that Siate. During that period the notes of the Banks of that State became greatly deprecisted, Brokers and other desiere in money putchased the notes of this Bank in Virginia, at premium, with the notee of the Banks of Virginia, avd then demanded payment in specie, or to piace tbem at If per cent. interést, vatil pric, while the Banks io Virgroia, were ex- cused by low from redeeming their issues tn #pecie, ond were svbyect to no other, or greater penulty, for falling to redeem, than the payment of 6 per cent, interest, In proof of the foregoing, a Broker from stinvnd, demanded the redemption of for said period” the accompanying State- ment made by the Cashier marked No. 3, furnishes the infotmation sought by the Committee. The foregoing statements marked Nos. 1, 2. and 3, exhibit the operations of the Principal Bank in relation tothe matters contsined in them. There are no materials here, for making statements ofthe operations of the Branch Banks in relation to tho same subjects. I have thue es promptly as practicable, answered (so far a8 | am able) the questions prefersed by the Committee, ae I did ques- ions propounded in person hy @ similar Committee at the last session, without stop- ping to inquire into the strict right the Committee to pot interrogatories, apd tore- quire a report from the Bank, on the jects embraced in their resolutio Directors of the ingptation, conscious of having maneged the trust commitied to them with the best intentions for the pablic good, and believing that, considering the adverse circumstances, under @hich tosir efforts have been maie, they have succeeded to a great sod desirable extent. in affecung their purpose, have, as to their own ennduct & that of their officets,no secrets which they @ish to conceal, and ere swere of no inves igation which they should desire to avoid; on the contrary. they would be wel! pleased if the whole of their motives and conduct doring a period of commercial embarrassment al - most unexampled in the history of nations, could be fully and truly submitted to the whole people of the Siate, In this consciousness of good intertions, in thie belief of good Management, with th.s reaciness to meet every investigation, however seve, they most respectfully re- mind the Comaitiee that, by the 15th sec- tor of the Act, iocorpuratng the Bank of “the State, itis made tewfy! “for any com- the State bad decided i: favor of a National Bank at both the two last Gubernatorial Elections. Why is nothing said 10 the Res- olutions on any of these measures? Was it because the Legislatare approved the votes of the Senatore, or because the aceidental majority were satisfied that the people ap- proved them, and that it wes dengerous to make issues on those questions? Be the motive what it may, our readers will bear in mind that the Legislature, in ite action on National politics, bas not ventured a condemnation of any of the great Whig principles of 1840; and bas therefore given them a seeming approval, or the more hu- miliating tribate of a dastardly silence. They will bear in mind. 1st, That the Sub-Tressury, «the great measure of deliverance and liberty,” stands repealed by the votes of our Sonators, end denounced by the Legislatore in the Rayner Resolutions. Yet, with e Majority in the Assembly of six and tweotv, no Democratic hand is found to rescue its remains from an ignow:nious grave. 2ad, That the distribution of the Land fund is aot only tacitly approved, but no ob- jection is made to the actual rece:pt of our share ; and for ought thet appears, our Dem- Ocratic Legislators would be gig of another | dividend as early as possible. While our neighboring Democrats, North and South, reject it with the pompous spirit of chivalry. our own shew “the better part of valor,” in pocketing the money, (aldeit voconstutu- 1008] and debasing as it is), and keeping their mouths hermetically sealed. 3rd, That the Resolutions of our Lesis- lature, in favor of a Nations! Bank in T816, steod woreversed—ihat our Sen stors, whose conduct hes been under review et a recent Session of Congress, voted for a similar mesture—that,go exe'ude any spology on the ground of fubgetfu'ness, the Governor - > ariant growth of kair.—2d For ledies after chil J- birth, restoring the skin to its nataral strength and firmness, and preventing the falling out of the hair.—Sd For any person Tecovering from any debility the same effect is prodoced. 4th If used in infancy till a good growth is started, it may be preserved by attention to the latest pe- riod of life.—5th It frees the head from dand~ roff, strengthens the roots, imparts health and vigor to the circulation, and prevents the hair fiom changing color or getting gray—6th |t causes the hair to curl beautifully when done up in it over night. Ne ladies toilet should ever be made withost it. 7th Children who have by any means con— tracted vermin in the head, are immediately and perfectly cured of them by its ase. {1 is intaili- ble. I had been bald aboot five years—no more hair on the top of my head then on the back of my hand, and ny head covered ‘with 2 thick scarf. In this situation about the 10th of Aogust last, I began asing the Balm of Colambia, from Com. stock & Co. Since which, I have ased two end a half bottles of the Balm, which has fully re- stored my hair, and freed my head eatirely from scurf. My head is now covered with fine, flow ing long hair—which any one may see by calling on me, at Stamford, Connecticat. Nov 12, 1840. D S SCOFIELD. Cosnterfeits are abroad —lovk always for ibe same of Comsioek & Co. For sale at the tehman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbory, Dr Stith, Raleigh, D Heartt, Hillsboro’ ; J & R.Sloan, Greensboro 3J P Mabry, Lexingtoa. saa oh 184$—1y82 Rev. Dr. Bartholomew’s PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. Ana Cordial, and effective Remedy for Coogbs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, fofluenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult F.xpectoration. §C# For sale at the Watebman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury . ° march 4, 1843—1ly32 CA SA Neatly printed and for sale et this Office + ty to plead, answer or demor, to the amended bill of complaint in case filed, or Jadgment pro con- fesso, will be taken, and it heard exparte as to them. L. BINGHAM, cue March 4, 1848—4w32 Br. Lins Galbanum Machine Spread week of Rowan Superior Coort,) one ‘Intd Land adjoining the lands of Robt, Maco’ Wm Chambers, Charles Brown and other, tainiog 282 ACRES, more or less. One other Tract of Land |7m on both sides of Crane Creek, adjviniog Lands of William Chambers, Jacob Most and others, containing about Strengthening Plasters ! f eatheaiees Plasters, greatly improved, end ha- ving the preference of ail others, are warm- ly recommended bs all doctors as invaluable for invalids having paine io the Breast, Beck or side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved at once by their use, and the parts restored to strength and a natural warmth end health. Any person wearing one of these Plasters, will be as- tonished and delighted a1 the cumfort it affords. Those threatened with Lang Complaints shoold never trust themselves a day without wearing a Plaster. {t removes the irritation of incipient Consumption f:,m the Lunge to tke surface of the body, and draws off the internal affection — So in Liver Complaints, and Cooghs, and colds. Children with Whooping Cough should always have one, to prevent the cough settling on the lengs. Their excellence will be undersiood by all on tia. §cc™ For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, by D Heart; Lexington, J -P Mabry , Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1843 —1532 PILES! PILES!! HAYS’ i! qwe PILES —The price of this celebrated Ligiment is refunded to any persun who will ase a bottle of Hays’ Liniment for the Piles aod retare the empty bottle without being cared. The above bave been ‘he terms on which this Liniment bas been sold for nearly ten years past, hell She oral atin returned. Bp ‘or al atchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury 2I&R Slaso Greensooru’,; Hillsboro’, D Heart ; Lez- ington, J P Mabry ; Raleigh, Dr Stith. 220 ACRES; Also two othe: Tracts of Land joining e ot er on the south side of the Yadkin river!" Ro® an county, called the Parker Lands, canis bout 373 Acres, al} of which are koown as the Craige Las Also, at thesame time and place, deers THIRTY A®D FoRT! NEGROES, $ Consisting of MEN, WOMEN, 30! and Girls, very likely. Terms cash. Porchasers are invited to attend the store as the property is desirable and valuable, aod , terme may be changed on the day credit of six mouths. of sale # JAS. OWENS. — -C AMBERS, W. Cu a Febrary 18, 1843-5430 consisting of men, women, boys 2d VEGROES FOR SALEr "IL Lhe sold,at the Coart Hoose i a Ty, on “Foesday, the 2ist day of next, (it being Tuesday of Coar',) es “ . F Fifteen’ Likely Negroe girls. SAMUEL REEVES. #5 Feb. 25, 1843—4w3! S i —-———————— march 4, 1843—1g32 Job Printing neatly done oe a ( as P d " Se g e r 3 3 qarolina THAtCHMAN ‘ GAL ISBURY: —_— qunday. MARCH 4, 1834. plican Whig Ticket! = kep —— 7 F President of the Uniled Slates, of ; HENRY CLAY. or KENTUCKY. ~~Raly Whigs ! tohold a Public Meeting at the ” ease in Satisbury, on Munday of March for the purpose of appointing Delegates a yhig District Convention, tu be held at pit ; 4thof Apnl next. The “ sourne, 08 the a iy Rowan are requested to attend ond ein ils deliberations. It is probable addresses will be delivered, which interesting. MANY WHIGS. LOCOFOCO CANDIDATE! hat the Locos im this pirt of anit ssy totaking “ Captain” ‘Ty- eke candidate? ‘The Captain bas been ed io New Jersey! as will be seen by ion from the Newark Advertiser, ae of oor readers who koow any thing of slities, Will be surprised to learn that Juhn has been nominated by a ‘* Demaeratic TP on” in New Jersey for the next Presi- tom ‘This remarkable movement will, we ine, prove as unexpested to the members of ‘ ‘ generally as to the public at large.— ” Mpevention, though embracing the leading The ‘hig members of the party, was, we we eect and soddenly called, without lice whatever. Panal objet may or may not be fairly ex- qin ius proceedings. We miss the names = or three of the leading men of the party, ee Wail, Gov. Vroom, &c. ch as Gen. mm, § nthe most active gentlemen in this proceeding, wbich looks very much like a flare up in the patent « Democratic ranks,” are Charles Par- jet, wbo presiced, D. S. Craig, Wm. Grant, Geo. H. Ladlow, Mathias Ogden, David White- at, Charles S. Garret, John Galick, and Chas. organ, who acted as Vice President, George W. Smyth, who made the motions, James v. poiskie, who made the speech before the reso. wins were introduced, James S. Green, who nie tbe speech after they were adopted, and J. \ Yard, who called for three cheers for the Res- jotions, three more for the * Democracy of New Josey,” and three more for “ Capting Tyler.” COMING TO THEIR SENSES! Among the}proceedings of the Legislatare of ieSiate of Pennsylvania, we fiad the two sab- resolutions, which passed the House of Ipneentatives on the 14th altimo. We do winow recollect the exact pamber, bat the Lo- nocos have a considerable majority in the Pena- ginnia Legislatare, They are coming to their wus, inthe “ Keystone State,” and Southern anorers and demagogves, would do well to pro- toy their example. What will Mr. Calhoun yo hese signs ? “ Resolved, That we deprecate any action on te part of Congress at its present or any other on in relation to the Tariff, which would be acalated to disturb its permanency in futore, or niuce the belief any where that a well regulated neva of duties is not regarded as a part of the seltled policy of the Goveroment.” This'tesolution passed by yeas 72, nays 11! “Resolved, ‘That a Tariff base¢ upon such minciples a8 shall raise revenue to meet all de- uodsoa the Treasary, and at the same time, yi proper discrimination 1afavor of our domes- manefactares anc agricultural productions, urd adequate protection to these great interesis, boot only constitutional bat called for by every msidetation of soaund policy and is absolately messary (o make us incepeodent ag a nation in mand ia peace.” And this resolutivug passed by yeas 86, nays tse! Siw Yorx— Town Electiozs.—-Vhe Albany ural says we are indebted to the Argus, for ‘information that St. Johnevillé, in Montgom- "county, has elected a Whig Supervisor by Maajority over the * regular’? Locofoeo candi “ale, Last year the Regency elected theit visor by 112 majority, Clerk 104, Justice 8%. Something of a change. So too io ‘towaof Amsterdam. Last year the Locos ‘ied (heir whole ticket by an average majori- 1 130. Now ihe Whigs have carried the “Stee, (be Assessors, Commissioners of High- hi ind other officers, These are ominous Mmoaitories” for the Bourbons. Massachusetts Election.—Saflicient returns Av received to make it certain, that a ehoice “= been effected io only une of the six Congres~ “ul Districts in which no choice was made at “general election. In the 4th District Hoo- ®. Parmenter, is re elected. fo the 5th Dis. * Ms, Hodson, Whig, falls short a very "oes of an election. In the $d District *coasiderable Whig gain since the No- Neer elecrion, In the 7-1: District there is a hrger, bat got suffic:ent gain from the No- *et election. (Ol. JOHNSON IN THE FIELD. — ™y be remembered that a meeting of citi- Wetec county, Pennsylvania, on the Wi taber, nominated Col. R. M. Joun- ‘Ne Presidency in 1844. Ihe Colonel "i Actepig the nomination in a letter of ibe following is an extract: tnt myselfin the hands of my fellow Nears shall eddeavor toconfirm and increase re which they have so generously hy io relation to my services in the cuun- “tation and in the iented field.” i Washiogton Correepondent of the Misilp Commerce says: * Petitions te on ting into the Hoose in favor of 0 woe? , nip , ereral : ; goadtless be NE we wonder © y will “ Weg hnson’s plan of rehef; and th te, plan of rehef: an , nia thebone and sinew of thedemocrat. ¥ Mr. Johneon’s committee is now we, and is composed of very steon tet heir report wali go. like wild fire, the evtniry.” HIG MEETING IN CABARRUS. MapNAHt to" pdblic notice, a meeting of ihe Whigsef Cabarros. County, was held at the Coort pase in Concord, on Wednesday. the 224 Febjuary, 1843, for the parpose of sppoint. ing Delagytes to attend the Disiriey Convention. to be heid at Moont Mvarn, in Iredell eoonty, onthe 4th day of April next, to select some Stitable person to be ron by the Whigs of this District #t thepext Congressiona) Eleciion. When, on motion, Col. George Barnhardt wis valled tothe Chair and R. W. A'liaon request- ed toact as Secretary, The Chairman calied on Col. Juha Lone eXplain the object of the meeting.— Moj. James W. Scott introduced the ing Preamble and Resolutions, which were adopted by the meei— ing, viz: Whereas, » propesition has been made that the Whigs of the 2d Congressiona! District hold a Genera! Convention of the several Counties at Moont Moorn, in Iredell coonty. on the 4th day of April next, to becomposed of Delegs‘es in the Ptoportion of une far every hundred Whig vo~ ters in each connty, for the purpose of nomina- ling a candidate to represent the District in the 28th Corgress, and for more cordially uniting Gpon some man, whose tried integrity, eminent abilities, avowed priaciples and public services deserve to command our atmost confidence and trust, 80 as to bring forth our most_vigorous and oniled efforts, and thas secure a certain and tri- omphant majority in the District. Resolved, therefore. Thai the Whlgs of Ca- barras do most beartily approve of the pronosed Convention, and that we appoint Eight Dele- gates to represent this coonty in the same. Resolved, ‘That the Chairman of thisaneeting be aathorjzed to fill all vacancies which may oc cur through the inability of any member of the delegation to attend. Resolved, That we will cordially #@opt and support any one who may be nominated by the Convention, be he who he may, and we depre cafe a plarality of Candidates from our party as fatal to ovr success. The fo!lowing persons were nominated and elected by the meeting as Delegates to the Con- vention, viz: C. Melcher, Esq, Maj. W. C. Corram, Maj, W. F. Pharr, Caleb Phifer, Jush- va Harrig, Maj. J. W. Scott, Col. J M. Long, and W. S. Harris. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet- ing be published in the Carolina Watchman and Charlotte Joarnal. After which the meeting adjourned. G. BARNHARDT, Chin. R. W. Artison, Sec’y. PROCEEDINGS OF A MEETING OF THE WHIG MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. —_——— At 8 joint meeting of the Whig members of the Senate ane House of Representatives of the United Stetes, held in the Senate Chember on Saturday evening, the 18tb February, 1848, for the purpose of consid- ering the propriety of holdigg a National Convention to nominate candidates tv be supported by the Whig party ot the next election of President and Vice President of the United States, Richarp H. Bayarp, of Delaware, was called to the Chair, and AL- ExaANvER H. H. Srvart, of Virginia, and Joun C. Crark, of New York, were ap- pointed Secretaries. Mr. Tartmapce, of New York, on be. half of @ joint committee appointed ata previous meeting to coasider what measures should be adopted, made a report, which having been discussed and amended, was unanimously adopted. The report js in the following words, viz : ‘* Whereas the expediency of holding a Na- tional Convention for the nomination of eardid— ates for President and Vice President has been suggested by the Whigs in various parts of the Union ; and it having been referred by them to the Whig Members of Congress to designate the time and place of hulding said Convention : there- fore ‘€ Resolved, That the Whig Members of Con- gress, concurring in the expediency of the pro posed Convention, and yielding to the wishes expressed that they shonld designate the time and place, do respeetfully recommend that a Whig National Convention fur the numination of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States be held at the city of Baltimore on Wednesday, the Sd day of May, 1844 ; and that the said Convention be com pused of Deleyates from the respective States equal to the nainber of Senators and Rerresenta:ives of each Siate in the Congress of the United States.” On motion of Mr. Unperwoon, of Ky, it was * Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet- ing be signed by the Chairman and Secretaries. and published in the National InteHigencer and other Whig papers.” RICHARD H. BAYARD, Chairman. Avex. H. H Stuart, Joun C. Crarxe, From the N. O. Picayune. — LATEST FROM MEXICO. Arrival of the Cutter Woodbury with Mr Southall— Gale on the Mexican Coast— Rubberies and Murders— Disposilion of the Texan Prisoners, §c The U S. States, revenue cutter, Wood- bury, Captein Rudolph, arrived at oor port yesterday morning from Vera Cruz, whence she sailed on the Sth inet., bringing P. A Southall, Esq., bearer of important despatch- es from Gen. Waddy Thompson to our gor- ernment, Wm. Eppes and lady, S. G. Nor- vell one of the San Antonio prisoners re- cently liberated, and one of the Sants Fe prisoners who up to this time had remained ir. the country. I\ 1s said thet three thousand Indians have lately flown to the assistance of the Yuca- tecos. At Vers Cruz and other parts of Mexico all eyes were turned towards the campaign against Campeschy, and the gen- eral impression was that it would not suc- Spats Anna was. still at Mange de Clavo, and was not expected to, visit. Mexico be- fore Jéfie. Ia the amuthee orders hed wssaed tothe different departments to raise each its share of voluftcers (!) by the Ist | of March, and to such extent fhat the reg- | ular stending army of the country would Secretaries. LATE fROM YUCATAN. By the schr. Rogario, arrived yesterday, we have news from Campeseby up to the 3d inst., several days later than by way of Vers Croz. - Up to thet the besieged inhabitants were as oie of moatotaining there groand a8 ever, end the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. By the Courier of Jest evening we learo that two skirmishes of parts! attacks had lately come off, without important resulis. The Mexicsns are said to have suffered most in the first and the Yuestecos in the second. Provisiors were sbandant in Cam- | peschy. ‘Ihe Mexican stesmer Moatezume lately made an atieck on the vessels at Sigel, which is reported to bave resulied in a considerable destraction of property. af 1 would that I were capable of saying some | thidg to ameliorate the distress of the bereaved | parenis, yeu | cétmot bid them dry their tears or words of so- 2 aptak, For as f write, hke sommer's tain mine own fall on my cheek, *¥our tears Bil) flow, bereaved ones, aod what better tears are the Shed for the beaatiful, ie young so early called away. . Ob! blest ere trey the early called no grief nor Passion sow Can leave its stain epon the soo] or dim the btigit young brow, That fipwer the hand of God hath plucked. » ©Ob! paresis will nui He With love more tender than thine own thy trea- sure keep fur thee. R. C. M. PVilkesboro’. N.C , Feb. 24, 1843. SS Salisbury Female Atademy. ds hab FE, Summer Session of this Institution, will commence on Monday, March 6th. Ar- rangements are making to procure an assistant Teacher, who will probably enter on her duties in one or two weeks. ‘l'erms as formerly, bat 2 class of small children, learning only Reading DEATH OF BISBOP GRISWOLD. The Right Rev. Bishop Griswevp, of the | Eastern Diocese, died ia Bostun suddenly on Wednesday afternoon, in the 77'b year | those of any former sessiun. of hisege. The Advertiser says : He had recently enjoved 28 good bealth | as for some years past, and walked from his | house {o the residence of Bishop Esstburn, his associate and successor, in Pemberioo | Square. Oo reaching the door of the honse, be wes observed io falter and fall. tHe was | immedJiately takeu up, butin afew moments he was dead, The canre of his death was a diseese of the heart, froas which he had occasionally suffered for suare years past His sudden departure will be deep'y lamen- ted by a numerous Christian pubic, to whom he his long been the object of 1s- pect and veneration, l Hospilable Trees.-There are several trecs or shrubs of the genus Mimosa. One of these crops its branches whenever any per- son approaches if, seeming as if i selnted those whoretire under its shade. This mute hospitality has so endeared this tree to the Arabians, that the injuring or cutting 1 down 18 strictly prohibued.—Neihbuhr. ALTAR OF HYMEN. *eaxas ce Those whom love cements in holy faith ** And eqnal transport, free as Nature live. *yexeee ¢¢ What is the world to them, ‘*[1s pomp, its pleasure and its nonsense all, “© Who in each other clasp whatever fair ‘* High fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish MARRIED. At Allen’s Delight. Stokes counts ,on the 14th nhimo, by the Rev. John Wilson, Mr. Elihu W York, to Miss Lidia’ Sofhern. DIED. On the Qtat oltimo, at half past 9 o'clock, P M., at his late residence, in the Jersey Settle- ment, Davidson county, Ebenezer Moore. Sen., aged 64 years (lacking 3 days) flis sickness and confinement were painful and protracted, which he bore with the most patient furtitude and christian resignation—feeling thai the time wasat hand when he ‘should go the way whefice he should not returan’—and while he proved human life to be affliciive in its progress, he was enabled to rejoice io prospect of its close Tho deceased has left an aged widow and two children to mourn the loss of a kind and affec— tionate husband, and a tender ard deso'ed father; and society in general, the luss of ove of its best and most valued cilizens, He was csiee med for his elevated imiegrity—peacrable dé«meznor— gentlemanly deportinent—circumspect life and upblameabie cunversation—he possessed tha! rare and most amiable trait human characier, that of speaking evil of ne, and seemed at all times, and in all things, to be governed by the Aposiulic injanciion, 3° a8 much as fieth in you live peaceably with all men.” ‘Phongh he dic not belong OMieial!y to the Choreh, he professed faith in Christ and an komble relianee in tis merits fur salvation. He hed the Iife of ihe Christian, died the death of the Righteous, anc now we trust isin the enjuymeot of tha: res which remains for the people of Gud.—[ Com Departed this life, in Wilkesboro’, on the 8th ultiine, John Thomas, the only heir of Benja- man S.and Susan A. Martin, at the early age | of 17 months and 20 days. Here obituary noti- ces, particularly of children, shon!d end, but the writer cannot stop here and feel that he has done his duty, either to the memory of the deparied angel. or his friends, for he was by no means an ordinary child. He was atlacked some 7 or 8 days prior to nis decease with some Encephalic disease, when medica! aid wasemployed and the disease ay- peared to yiel! to appropriate remedies for sever} al days—bat on the 7th day of his indispositton he was discovered to be dangeron-ly ill, and on the 8th. preessely at 2 o'elock, P.M, like the descending snew flake, which nviselessly sinks into the bosom of Hat maternal ocean, which first exhaled its virgin vapyars—his pure ang spovess little spirit, softly and silently sunk back to repose opoa the bosom of that divine Redeem- er, from whom it had 80 recently sprang. And who would recall him again to paces through ihe troubles of an Karthly existenee—oune—surety none Thongh he is torn from the bleeding hearts of the most affectionate parents, and a thousand tender ties have been burst asunder from doating relatives and friends, by his demise; yet let him restin his cloudless, fearless home—tell bis un- tiring Redeemer who ‘ook him to himself, shal! in ce ning years, welcome one by one, his friends to an endless companivnship in the King- dom of God.—That God who says, ** | take this little lamb from yoo, And lay him in my breast, Protection he shall find in me, In me be ever blessed.” To nner or him as an interesting child, we can scarcely find la to convey an jd his intellectan! csontaiallle. there ae me thing im it 80 noble and s0 beautifully ex that themind can scarcely form an feel ot perior excellence withodt soating abové fun ty. He not only attracted the attentien in- terest of bis friends and acquaistances, bat of all who had seen him, and promised i. hadi been permitted to have continued his earthly @x- istence, by mere amplitade of ‘intellect to have ' minaries wiil be attended to, and it is believed and Spelling, will be taoght at 66. Every branch osoally taught in the first Female Se- thal its present arrangemenis are supering to Rev, S. Frontis (a na'iveof France) is instracting a class in the Frerch language, and itis desirable that others whe totand jotaing shoold do so immediately. — He has ul<o consented to take charge of a class in Crayoa gttertid, $5 a branch which is highly appreciated at the North, and but little attended to amoung os =A few squog Ladies will be re- ceived into the family as boarders at $7 per inonth, Boarding can be obiained at several desirable places ia town. Nu deduction made for absence, dat io case of long cuntinved sick- ness. TERMS. Toitian §$6—8—10—or 12 50 according to the advancement of the pupil, Music an Piano per session, €22 50 Guitar per quarter, 12 00 Wrench per session, 10 00 J) -awing with crayons per session, 10 00 Pa: ‘ing in water colors do. 10 00 Wax Work, 5 00 Neeale Wik. &c. taught if desired. pM MA J. BAKER, Principal. Salisbory, Ma,ch Ist, 1843—tf32 Ecclesiast icel Woticce. HE. Presbytery of Cone td will meet 2t Providence, Mecklenbdo:@ “ovnty, on the | second Wednesday in April. at 2 i o'clock, A. Mu STEPHEN FROUNTIS, Slased C&rk. BCH ‘Vhe Charlotte papers, ‘* the Watch- as ie TO FAMILIES &INVALIDS. The folléwing ! dies may be fonnd at the village y Teme. drug stores, amd coon at every country store im the state. Remember and never grt them unless they have the fac-simile siguatare of Mmudttesle on the wrappers, 2s al] others by the same names are base impositions and counter- feits. If the merchant nearest you has them not, urge him to procure them at 71 Maiden-lane, the next time he visits New York, or to write for them No family should be @ week without these remedies BALM OF BALONE 59 THE HAIR, which will step it if falling out, or restore it on bald places; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once.— Find the naffle of CottnslecMtle on it, or never try it. Remember this always. ==> RHEUMATISM, and positively cured, and ali shrivelled muscles and limbs are restored, in the old or young, by the Inptan Vecerasie Evixtr axp NERVE ann Boxe Liniwent— but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. PILES &- are wholly prevented, or governed if the attack has come on, if you use the only true Hays’ Loueyt,from Comstock. SF Bo. and every thing relieved by it that admits of an out. ward application. It acts like acharm. Use it. _———~> — HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roors’ Speciric ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs’ Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. ee Dalley’s Magical Pain Ex- tractor Salwe=-The most extraordinary remedy ever invented for all new or old It has delighted pain in ten minutes, and sores, and sore It will take out ; and no failure. Tt will cure-yabe oe LIN’S SPREAD PLASTERS. thousands. Plt : man of the South,” and “ the Presbyterian,” will please copy the abova. March 4, 184$~—4w32 ACARD, ITE] a view to establish myself perma nently in the town of Salisbury, | here- with announce to the Public, that in a tew weeks, [ shall visit the Northern cities in order | to improve «nyself in mattere connected with my | profession, and to make selections for an exten sive Apothecaries Establishment in this place, to be opened early in tha Spring. | can assure my Medical bretnren and others, that no pains will be spared to objain and constantly keep the best Articles snited tu the wanis of the profes sion and the commeniiv at large—and should there. be a desire for any particular Medicines. Buuks, or Instruments, | shal) be pleased to be addressed on the subject at this place. In addi tion toa: the conveniences, affurded by the above Kstablishment, | have several rooms, for sock medical studenis, as may desire to place tiem selves under my Tuition. PLEASANT HENDERSON Salieburv. Dee 24, 1842—1129 MANSION HOUSE! —— — ™ ’ THE SUBSCRIBER, ! AVING porebesed Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- | terest in the above Establishment, tenders | | his services tothe Travelling Poblie. [aving for several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Mount Mourne, in Iredell county, Le indulges | the hope that he has experience enough in the | duties of his business to endeavor to render com- fortaole, all who bestow upon bis house their ps- | trorage, Bis TABLE shall always be well and plen‘i | fully supplied with every thing the country af- | fords, to please and satisfy the palate even uf ar, epicure. His BAR will be found furnished wiih a choice selection of Liquors. His STABLES shall be constantly attended by faithfal and attentive hostlers and suppliee , with abundant provender. N. B. ‘lke Siage Office is kept at the Mansiun Hoase. HIRAM T. SLOAN. Chartotre, Febroary 4, 1943.—6m28 New Establishment. HE Snbseribers having associated them- | selves together fur the porpuse of carrying onthe CABINET and CHAIR MAKING BUSINESS, now offer their services to their friendsand the pubiic. It is their porpose to | carry on both these departments in all their va- rious branches, and they feel eunfident of givieg entize satisfactiun fo all who may favor them with patronage. Repairing in their line will be done faithfully and on reasonable terms. All! kiads of country prodace will be tsken in ex- change for furniture or for work done to order, | K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE. August 27th. 1842—195 N. B. With the view of lersening the cost and | preventing inconvenience, the subscribers s)su | keep on hand a quantity of ready made Coffins, | K.EK& WLR anaes { REMOVAL! | HE sobscribers would respectfully snnonnce | to the pabdlic, tbat they have removed their Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet tory, One door above George W. Brown & Co, and | opposite Thos. L, Cowan's Brick Row, where ; made a man troly great—bot sow that he bes gone to a fairer and brighter world; his little spi- | rit is no doubt ong of the Redeemen's brightest | jewels and reflects hie Maker's glory no less brilliantly than thoasends that have leng since ; gone before, and the proapect of his companion— ship ia Heaven may innocently mingle with our | brightest anticipations of felicily. they are betier prepared to accommedate aad ex- ecate all ordefs io their line on short potice, amd in the very best style. . Also, consiantly on hand, a choice supply uf Plain and Japan ‘Tin Ware, Britannia Ware, Bathing ‘T'abs, Stilla, &c, . - 4 JOHN D. BROWN, Salishory, Jan 21, 1843-1126 of | POUND EXTRACT. A better and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. LIN'S TEMPERANCE BITTERS: on the priveiple of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has refurmed so many drunkards. To be pged with LIN’S PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect- ing the blood, and for all irragularities of the bowels, d tk | health. > ance be Lan’s wig. &ctu;~O OC4in tee nature, thus :] HEADACHE DR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the mma or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. a gg DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain prevention of BS@RAdse@em™ or any general sickness; keeping the stomach in most per- fect order, the bowels regular, and a determMation to , the surface. COLDS C O UGQHS Loe. pn =2 pains in the bones, hoarseness, and = { are quickly cured by it. Krow this by trying. —_—~—»—___—_ CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure cure. _ ; = | a2 = ee = oA a3 — = hair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin. SARSAPARILLA, constoct's com There is no other prepara tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or egual this If you are sure to get Comstock’s, you will fin enperior to all others. It does not require pufiing ESEBe KK U= ! OSS CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and ai | external ailings—ail internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs, swelicd or sore throat, tightness of the cliest, this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once. Fresh wounds or o!d sores are rapidly curcd by it —--——~»>———_ — Dr. Bartholemew's EX PECTORANT,; will prevent or cute all incipient consumption, COUCHS & GOLDS taken in time, and isa delightful remedy. Kemem. ber the name, and get Comstock's.” ——»>___—_ “KOLMSTOCK’S VERMIFUGE er} Vv vVviy eradicate all! in children or adults with a certainty quite astonishing. It seis with a rapidity aimost incredible, by Comstock 4 Co., New York. —_—~»—___— TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S—cenre effectually. —_—_—~>—— mm the yetr 1842, by Cometurk 4 cding ta actof Can 5 ot hs A sia Sg a oly 10 Seuthera District of New York & Co., m the Clerk's oilice of By applying to our agents in each town anil village, papers may be had free, showing the mest respectable names in the country for these facts, su that no one can fail to believe them. Be sure you call for onr articles, and not be put off with any stories, that others are ax good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, shonid be your motto=-aad these never can be true and genuine without our names fo them. All these articles to be had wholesale and retail only of us. (takliclbo Wholesale Druggis's, 71 Maiden-Lane, New Yak, and of our agents. For sule at the Watchman Office, Salish: y, Vv. C., by M. C. PENDLETON. Feb. 25, 1843. —1431. Agent. A. OOK, . ‘BATLQR. (Late of the City of I HAVE tugated myself in Toun . - Salavure. (pecmadgatly,) cand Hie dee: rying un my RUSINRSS TWeieyte wir iy carpacagd in ihis State dr ont OF. Mr bop ishmenat-ts in the toot on the a a ie Meausion Mott, firmerty ccupiew 9. HAE RL Odiee. 1 have @finhived thé beer f Ren.» Workm * e or P ef? « ‘ e PT paris ust] av cy te render TS a Fashioaaabl - Establishincat | in all respec. Genilemen, therefore, may rely oo baving their cluthes guade op in the asi “SSbionable and darsbi@@penner I have been enpaged regularly in ewtting fer the last five Fears, and part of the tune, in seme cof the msi celebrated establrehmenie in the Southern enane toy. Eshall not hesiiate ro grcrantee every thing 'p fit | cut ard make. . ° LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FeA&S TIONS, received manihy. In conelnsion, shauld f be en- evoraged, nu une need send away te procure coud clothing. . Ra léieh.) a A. P- ALSORROOK Reference. — Thos. M. Oliver, Raleieh AY C Saiisbary, Jannary 2], 1843 — 17260 oo Fresh and large errivats iA? THE CHEAP CASE Wholesale & retail ESTABLISUMENS, y FE, have jast received and offer for cate «+ second supply of FULL & FVINTE: GOODS, amounting to 345 PACKAGES, Among which are the folivwing.. pieces brown § bieached shir 73 from 4 cents a yard tn tld 30 pieces calignes, (rein 3 cis 0 excellent at 10 and 12 l-2 470 pair shoes sesoriesft 90 point and duffle blankets 80 Ibs turkey red 80 doz eotion handkerchiefs 25 ps bed tick 40 do apron checks 55 do flanpels 28 do Kentucky Janes 22 docloths and saltinetis 30 d» moelin de lanes 2S do linsey and kerseys 5 ps bolting eloths 190 bags coffee 14 hbdssogar 185 ps bagging 80 cuils rope 2000 Ibs loaf Sugar 3500 Ibs sole leather 18 kegs powder 70.kegs nails 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10.by 12 25 prs Elliptic springs 540 bottles caster oil 60 bushels clover seed, Warranted new crop J & W. MURPHY: Salisbury, December 10, 1842—6:f FRESH ARRIVALS! pa NEW 7 | Fall and Witter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RE cow receiving and opening in the brick house west of the Court-house, their | FALL AND WINTER GOODS; Among which are Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, flats, Bonacts, Saddlery, Carsisge Trimmings, Crockery, Paints, Dre- stuffs, Medicines. GROCERIES, | ROPE AND BAGGINGE, | And in short, a general assortment of GOODS, which we sre determined to sell as cheap for Casi, as can be bought any where in Cuncord. We invite old costomers and the public in gen- eral to call and exenine our stock before porchas- ing elsewhere, as we think we _ean give such bargains as will be greal inducement to norchas- | ers. Coantry prodnce taken in exchange for gands,- J & R.WINECOFF. Concord, Nov 19, 1842—1f17 LOOK OU'r. LL persons indedted tothe Subscriber, +: ther by note or ot! a,are earnesily 1 | quested to setile sheir + ive dues beiweer | this and March Superior Conrt: as | am com | pelled to wind up my business. G. B. DOUGLAS Fehenary 18, 1843 — 130 , 124 2 wv ww State of Porth Carolina. ROWAN COUNTY COURT. * 1 | | | | February Sessions, 1843. | Anthony Rencent, | vs i Original Atlachment, | | Daniel Phermss. Levied on slaves —Yoree, Warren and Eliza | N motion, aed it appearing to the eatiefse | tion of the Coort, that the Defendant is oi | an inhabitant of this State: Ordered by the | Coasigha poblecativa be made im the Cero: Wat an fur six weeks, for the Defends: :- Poppear at the next Court of Pleas and Qua: Sessions, to he held for the cepaty of Rowen, - the Court Huese in Salisbary,on the Ist mond:y in May next, and answer or replevy, of Jevgmen: final will be refidered againet him, and the Ne- yroes levied on, he condemned (o satis'¥ the Piain'iff’s debi and ens's Witness, Jobn Giles, Clesk of our said Court a: Offiee, the 1st monday ir February, 1843. JOHN GILES, Clk. feb 18, 1848—6wS0 JN —_ —— —_-— Fever at@ Agus positively “Cured. 2 Fever tnd Agae is @ mosi obstinate dis- ease, and in warm aod humidelimates, frequent ly resiste every ordinary mode of cure s0 as to become very distressing to the patient, and by the extreme debility which the disease indnces, tother ehronic com pisiats.— crising from t exeiting ’ Zreat pecu liarities i@ its susceptibility of a rea. «i from ve- ry slight cagses, such a9 fram the previlence of | jn general, in FEVER AND ii often gives rig Marsh miasmata, or the effiuy:: Giagnant water, is the most free cause of this disease ; and one o! . an easterly wind—even withoot the the original exciting cause. Agve differs from most other fevers; 281: 1s we! koowWn, that after an ordinary fever has oace oc- curred, aad been removed, the person affecied is not sv liable to a fresh atté@ly ae oné «ho was not anees render it ex— tremely difficult to effects permaneal cure of Fever and Ague, though to relieve the patient fur | maritan. so affected, ‘Theseeir the time heing is a very easy task, Dr Moffat s Lif@Pills and Pheniz Bitters have been thoronghly tested, and proved iu be a! sp positive and Radical cure of Fever and Ague. Moffat’s AND AGUE can be. thousand cases, nor is there’so j they have failed, or reasbaably eB fail, when ta aust be rigidly followed. U ¥ REMEDY FOR FEVER fog AND BILLIOUS rae VERS.—There is 0 semedy known either in professional or domestic practice, so absulutély, immediately, and per@meanently efficacions in this | prevalent and obstinate malady,as MOFFAT S celebrated and She ti rene I4FE PILLS and PHOENIX wRS. Xtraordinary { ; and renowned as are their effects apon diseases | bidly enred old disorde:s ; from the use of mer- AGUE. and all °°" calomel, bark, &c.,or (in females) from the petition of | Billions Affections they are snore 80; hecause, in In thie, Fever and | these they are as infallible as any human means This has been proved in more than ten stanee in which ken in strrict accordance. with the patton Seis snbjoined, and which are also given in MOF- | ol FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa. | Afrctions, Golds, &e But to ensure invariable success, these | FEVER. and AGUE, in all its four leading ecies, is pecoliar PERIODICAL administration | of a proper remedy, in connection With the spe- | Handreds of his fellow citiz-ns in the \Ves' have | cifie powers of one of the ingredients in his med- voluntarily come feeward to assure Dr. Vioffat, | icines, is the secret of bis invariable triampb that the Life .Vedteines are the only medicives | that will thoroughly effect a removal of this most trdivas and disagreeable disease. Ovhers who have emgrated to that rich and promising pof.ion of our coantry—men who went | third.dad ; out fa;l of hope, and cunfident of winning a com- petence from the luxariance of the soil; or who r | won in the eowded cities or towns of the older states, have either returned with shattered constitutions and earried to the outposts of onr settlements the me cantile ur mechanical experience while all other practitioners either entirely tai | best remedies ‘that were known. | termittent fever of a more maligoant character or only temporarily succeed, were with ihe very ANETUS, or | Agae is either Quotidiam, ort daily ; Tertian, or Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratic, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and then running into in- Bat itis a remarkable fact, however mysterious and unaccountable it may appear, that each and depressed spirits, or they remain in their new allof these species of Ague,have a rour- homes, draggMg out a weary life, or at last sok) peent under some disease tu which they are precisp sed } by that terror of the West, Fever and Igue — they can only be cored by chance. H DAY CRISIS, in which they may be cured with certainty, but dy negiecting which Dr. Mar- ~ Pieie Kopeo aroblasted —ibeir business euerpies rat's directions fur taking the medicines in this destroyed — thir Midorado bec: to the hope. ymee a desert and the word of pruimise, made iv their ear, is broken ‘Fo these individuats, Dr. Moffat would say — “Try the Life Sed cines, and you will ye! ane! Ueipate your most sanguine expectations, they will certainly restore you tu health.’ Fever and Ague is acumplaint which requis -s to be met at its first approach, and comba! every stage. Seldom fatal organs, 30 that upon the manifestatioa of. dis ease, Nature is onable, onasaisted to resist inroad. The Life Medicines, when tak uf itself, it reduc is! the strength, and impairs the tunetions uf the en strict ty according tu directions, will cure it, and vive to tie wealejpod trembling victim uf disease new health, life and strength For foll particnlars of the mode of treatment, i the reader is teterred to the Guod Samaritan. copy of which accompanies the wed.cine. ECF Phe above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Azents. Salisbury. Oct 22, 4842 a~lyl3 1 A suppiy of the above invaloah'e ME DICINES ave for sale at Jawes Cross Roads, | Iredell coanty, by A. C. MeINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Mealth. a Addressed Lo those who are in perfect health, or reputed so ) SP Gontle Reader: Uf you wonld aver froin yon he sickness, the pains, the wretched fess, (he premnatare mortality which you see al t ’ ‘ around vou, and whieh, like a soarp sword sus- pended is ever ready to fall apon-you, despise hot mg advier -1t will cust. you little, wili nei- sliver iaf@te ze spon your oecupations or amuse nenis, and ali ihe faculties of your wind and sity wilh he as moch bettered by it as to repay ‘on futd. Task only one week’s trial to con Vince the wios! sceplier In Vhe Firat place, diseard all old errors and prejouiees trou your mind, especsaily tne old adage, ‘If you are passing well, do not atlempt to better yoarself;’ it is the saying of ignor- ance and. Bup> (tion—of those who attributed Sep enw acme them tochince and fortane, i stead @ natore’s uaiversal laws i-loo by experiance, featied to guard himnseli against the otber elements of nature, the waves, the wind, aod the torrents of gain 2 Why then sroald he oot) in fait weather, guard himself a- Hilost the storms which are ever rising in his vwao frail body 2 Remember, yoo are every day eailag gross twod 5 aod it is your nature to con- tinae to do suo. You are well at present, but ev- ery day the se6éd of disease is growing within von3 and if yoo do not strieily guard your health while you are well, you are continually io sangerof paidtul and protracted cutfinements, and to sowe consiitutiuns, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even the parest fonntain of which we drink —does it not require cleaning 2? A person may imauine be Is io pertest health, aod get oot know to wal perfeetion his vital organs may de drought when asxisted by the hand of Nature. [| have un- donbied proots of thia fact in he unbounded suc cess of the LIFE MEDICINES. Let those wko have fultowed the moits, * When you are! fountain head of so many others, even moderaiely well, throw physic to the dog. Has not tan, ' disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of ‘the fire Piirs at bed time, and next morning | | oefore breakfast a full wine glass ot the Penix |uuring the day. On the second tower, SITTERS in about the same quantity of waiter, and half a wine glass more in a full wine glass for | of water, avout half an hoar before each meal p night take ‘tree pills and the bitters as before ; on the third | Ja righ! four pills and the bivers as before, and con. | an taking fonr pitts every night for three | flicted or mankind. , Nights more, with the bitters during the.day.— | On or before the seventh day, the Agoe wil! | prescribed, uatil and on the fourteenth day, with iwo pills every night after the seventh day.— | p, | He will then, and not vatil then, with positive hic | ind invariable certainty, be permanenily cured, | and not onle of Fever and Agve bot of whatever | -Iious aod liver affeetions it may have superin- | dneed or even in any way connected. If, how - ever, the patient should by any nevleei, or un- | dur confidence in restored health, omit to ’ake the Pheaix Bitters in the full qnantives pre- seribed, at leas: three times on the /ourleenth | day Dr Maffat must not be blamed ‘/ the disease should return, and the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, and gu through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instruc ‘ions, however, he will be so thoroughly cared, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however wohealthy may be his location or prevaleat the malacy around him. — For children beiween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the abeve quantities of the me dicioes will suffice ; for younger children, a quarter uf those quantities, to be increased or diminished in pruportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy, For very young children, smal! quantities of the bitters only will alune be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effee- tual“ LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect ly inumphant in the worst regions of the Soutn eri and Western country, and around the north- ero jakes, where the malady prevails with the | Nnivereality of an epidemic, and the demand for | this sovereign remedy has been far greater than ithe supBly. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- | ever, are now well furnished, aod wil! maks ev ) ery effort toleend this advertisement inio the | most afflicted districts, Voluntary and jealous— ly gratefal testimonials are received at the pro- | prietor’s office in New York, by every mail in incredible numbers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever ind Agne, others intermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive fanetions generally, but also in ebrovic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains ‘he | seem to be entirely cured, and. the patient wil! \Jeotowell;hungry, and hearty, but he mast no- | vertheless continae to'fake the bitters as before DR: KUHL?! WBDECEW RESTORER OF THE FOR . CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEAszs, YW BETHER pfoduced by bile, phiegm from interne! morbid matters. arising from Sez | change of life, as specified io the Pampblets. Anti Sypuicitic Srraure —This medicine is ia al] Veaereal Disorders, a certain remedy. Asrssixta Mixture, (in liqoid and im paste;) celebiated {ur ils speedy and pesfect removal of Gonorhea ann Gleet. Gop Mixer Barsam, for Biliougand Nervous Aromatic £xrracr, a liniment for Indiges— | tion, Coldaés¢ in the stomach, Numbness or | Weakness, in the limos, Rheumatism, §c. Depurative Powper, for Bilious Fever | Headache, Diseases of the Eyes, &c., which is | to be taken in the Restorer. Japan Ointment, for Piles, whichis to be applied besides the Restorer. Bencav Ointment, for Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, Eroptions of the skin, and fuul ulcers, ; is tu be applied besides the Re- Storer. Universar or Srrenctuentna Praster lor diseases of theeChest, Dyspepsia, Inflamma tory Kheomatism, Palsy, Paralysis. &c. Dr. Kunw’s Acoustic Ot, for Deafness and all other Auricular Complaints, which is to be used together with the Restorer. bP Dr Kabl's Pamphlet * Treatment,” &e, entered according tu Act of Congress, contains fall Directions for the use of the above mention— ed medicines, and accompanies every Remedy. From the Washington Globe. We feel it oar doty ‘o insert the following | communication in oor columns, inasmoch as the | efficacy and great success of Dr. Kuhl’s Restor- |er is well known to os: *€ You wili please to notice in your paper the following certificate : So far as 1 can learn, the use of every limb was taken from me, besides a | tremendous swelling at every joint, fever with the same, and attended with the most excructa— ting pain I bad ever endured. I tried all reme- | dies that were recommerdable for the same, but | to no effect. {, by accident was ioformed that Kuhl was at Orange Court House. I sent for n immediately, and by applying his medicines, |! fella change in less than an hour after he }came, ‘Nhe medicines used, were the Restorer -of +6, Blood, Aromatic Extract, Gold-Mine Bal { sm, Universal Plaster, and Depurative Powder. I, therefore recommend his treatment to all those laboring onder affliction, as given ander my hand aad seal, this 14th day of March, 1837. “JOHN PEYTON, (x 8] *‘ Near Orange Court House Virginia” Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement ia the above certificate, wishes to be onderstood, that in general, cures cannot be effected within an hour, althoogh a person may he much benefitted within that time oy the use of his medicines. — tle feels it, however, necessary to give tne fol- lowing extract of a letier from his Agent at Or ange Court House, Jated May 19th, 1837, ** Dear Sir—) saw Mr John Peyton to day, and he looks better than | ever saw him. He says if it had not been for your medicines he shuuold have been under groand. He requested me to tell yon, that you had saved his {ife, for one time, and to present his respects to you. ‘** Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this county, and many coresof importance have been effected in this neighborhood by the ose of your medicines. 1 have had agreat number of ven- ereal cases, and many of long standing, and al- ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Anti Syphititic Syropt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- feet cure, and that in a shart time. Ashborough, NV. C., July 13, 1842. Dr Kuun, Raleigh, D ar Sir :—1 think your Medicines are about to take a startin this county, from the fact that | in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fola, pilee, worms, scurvy, anda host of other complaints, for the eure of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are ¢o0 Ppre-emineatly re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa must fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and Ague. Dr. Moffat in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absulute ascen dence of his medicines over this malady the He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and eall upon me, it they would be convineed of the | Invigorating in their operations, require neither importance of my position confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- The cperation of the Life Medicines in every | ed the reputation they have !ong possessed, not instance that-has come to my knowledge ia mest | by tbe usnal artificial efforts, but solely by their gratifying. ‘Those who are in comparative good | invaziable and extensive osefulness. ‘bealth wag perfect their happiness with nv in Prepared and sold by Dr. William B, Moffat, 375 Brozd convenience; and those onfortunates whey are} way New York. daid how by disease of almost any deseription, way find sure relief in those parely Veyetable preparations, ‘Pheg eperaie gently bot power- fully upnntthe seeretons of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vittated humors separating the bad from the good, expelling the dreas, drossand impurities —aod leaving Beltind only shat is good nod noortshing to nfture, Resdet, consider and raflect wel! Phe dlesstogs of this life, for richean. pour lie enitrely within oupkelves, in oor nivyeieat bodies My advice to ally then, rs ual your heallh US you are well, perhans . a4, siti yetier—and you may always yoo hing eck oy a prdietnne ase cf he VEGETABLE Lift, VICOrCEINES, SCP Ds. Moffave Life Pils . GI vr vale by CRESS & BY sae, Salisbury, Oct 29 Sie are BCP A supply cf the above toe: . \E DIGINES are for sale at James Cr ns Jredell county. dy A. C., Mel’ TOSH Uniled States District Court o/ Caroline—in Bankruptcy OTICE to show eavse against Petioon ot Wryatt Beeson, of Stukes cunnty, rer, to be deelared a Bankrupt, at Wilmfigtun, on mondas the first day of May next . ‘By order of the Court H°H POFTER, Acting Clerk of Court jn Bankrapies February 1, 1943—4629 - GPR DEY SEEDS. GENERAL assortment, may be fonna the Salisbury Med cal and DiueeStore, Saliscacy, N. C., Jan. 21, 1SA3— ts 26 Bitters, are | | | | | ! { } The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbory Medical Deng Store, by ; C. B WHEELER, dgent. Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—196 TO TRE PUBLIC. ryMe subscriber takes this method of inform ing the public, thatche stil! continues ts carry on the business of STONER, CUTTING is rswal,at his Grasiie Quarry, seven lex | south of Salisbury, near the eld-Charleeton road, | where he is able to swppty alt otders for VILL STONES, of the vest arrit, endo the shortest | sorice " — ALSo—- For <ale at the lowest prices, Weg Sta Peer esetls, Dour Sleps, rongh Hoe rons, FB mb stones, Geld grinders, &e, ce, J. HOULDHOUSER, rspare, eb 26, 1842~—143] , Oy Gerpeted me ai Salisbury, will oe dt J MING ty Allend . H. ‘ts. Henderson & Boyden, if AVE. asenviaten themeelves in the PRACTICE OF ATEDICINE + 'Pheit Office isin the Briek Flonse opposite Mr’ Cowan's Hotel. Salichory, Joly > 3, US4y, t+ 40 ae _ Z . 7 4 Look at Dr. Shterman’s ad- fertisemeiit, and tf yoo wish reliet lar veur m2- 'v maladies, call aod obtain a remedy of C. B. WHEELER, Ageot. Salisbury, Dee 10 fs fers tor ang of the asove wronah ' | | | } | hot North Carolina, and Suuth and West of it, | { ' ' | | Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. , Jayne's invaluable Fuusiy” Medicines, jest te- ceived aud for gale by | iP pruportion, they effected a cure which seems to have baffled the skill of the physicians in this section for a vearortwo, “The subject is Mr Nathaniel N., who has been efflicted with the Liver Complaint, together with some otber complainis,—say,FJat— ulence and Dyspepsia. He has taken one bottle of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex. tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in twelve hours he felt relieved, and in twenty-four hours, much relieved. He has so far recovered, nuw, as to follow the avocation of his farm with little or nodifficnlty. He says he wantsall who are afflicted, to ase your Medivines, aod is re- commending them to the afflicted, I would be glad you would send mea snpply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Fixtract and Abyssinia Mixture, as a vast num- ber of persons are taking them now. Respectfully yours, J.M. A. DRAKE. BC Persons wishing to procure any of the medicines, will please direct their orders, with the amount, (post paid,) to Dr. Kone’s Ovrice, Ricumonp, Virainia, or to any of the following Agents: NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Hargrave, Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greeasborongh, G. W.& C. Grime, Raleigh, M. J. A. Drake, Ashborough. JF & C Phifer, Concord. B Qats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolnton. James J. Horve, Pittsborough, N.C. South Carolina. Steele, Gansing & Co. Yorkville. McLure, Brawley §& Co. Chester C. H. The continuation of the list « Agents, see NOTICE.— Patients and Agentsin the State will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of fice, Raleigh. NV € , and those in Virginia, and North and East of i, to Riehmond, Virginia. August 6, 1843—1y2 A fresh su pply of Dr. D. C B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dee 10—:89 * LIMB! LIMB !! A OM OE Adue tothe West. From Salisbury, via Statesville and Mor- ganton. to Asheville, N.C., E now in foll operation, rocning through in two days aod twice a as follows : Leaves Salisbury every nesday and Sat- urday at 6 o’clock A. M,, arrives at Ashe- ville every Monday and Friday at 6 o'clock, P. M. ~“*Beaves Asheville every Tuesday and Sator- day, at 6o'clock A.M., atrives'at Salisbury next days at 4 P.M, Passengers travelling on this line will receive good accommodations. Qur ‘Teams and Hacks are excellent, and the Drivers sober, skilfol and accommodating ; no pains will he spared to ren- der trips safe and pleasant to the passengers. SHERRILL & PARKER: June 12, 1841—1146 WT we DAVID L. POOL, FYNAKES this method of & informing bis friends, and the public, that he is still carrying ou the Watch and Clock making, and Re- pairiog business, at his old stand, near the Courthouse All work done by him wil] be warranted for twelve months. He still keeps on hand a smal assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—t{3$ The Bankrupt Law! ! Have taken considerable pains to ac- quaint myself with the provisions of the Bankropi Law, lately passed by Congress, | | hereby tender my services to Such as may wish | to avail themselvesof its benefit. I shal! attend | the United Srates Court of this District, and if necessary, the Circuit Court also. Persons | wishing toavail themselves of my se;vices, can | see me on the approaching Sixth Circuit of the Superior Court:—and aftérwards, I shall be found in my office in Salisbury. H. C. JONES. N. B. I take this occasion to correct a pre- vailing error concerning this Law ; many persons I find, suppose that no one, except such as owe to the amount of Five Hundred Do'lare, cap claim its benefit. ‘This is a mistake, for it era- braces ‘‘ all persons” owing debts who are unable to ‘meet them,”? no matier how small! the amount, - C.J, Salisbury, February 1 , 1842—1f29 George W.. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wivmineton & Faverrevitte N.C. nue undersigned is now prepzred to receive Govds at Wilmington, aod forward the same to his Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward tu the Owners inthe back country. He basa large Warehouse at the Rivet, where Goods qill be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to half the usaal cartage from the River to Fayetteville,—ihereby lesseniog the expense on Goods much below the usuai charge. As his Warehouse isisolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison to the risk iscarred from being situated in town. Those who may favor him with their basiness, may rest assured that every attention will bé*paid to the promotion of their interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : Messrs John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, N. C. Alexander Anderson, Jubn McRae, Juha Dawson, Dolphin A. Dib; George W. Brown, Salisbury, N.C. #). 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—tf10 ee. BERKSHIRE & RUSSIA PIGS! HE ondersigned having sold, in the last two years, aboot two hundred Pigs in the counties of Davie, Stokes, Surry, Iredell, Row- an, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Davidson, Guilford, and some in Soath Carolina and Virginia, and the demand sti!l being very great, have added to their well known stock, the Berkshire sows of Col. C. Harbin, from Bernent’s stock, Albany aod now having ten fulfbloodéd Berkshire sows and (wo boars, they are prepared to breed as fine full blood as any in the country. ‘I'hey have RUSSIA PIGS And crosses of Russia and Berkshire. Vhey have on hand agoddly samber of the above pigs, ready to supply any orders with which they may be favored, at prices ia propor- tion to the hardness of the, gmes. - MAXIMILIAN CUTHRELL. JOHN H. CHINN. Farmington, Davie co. N.C. (fas May 9, 1842, SALISBURY FACTORY. Wilmington, No. Ca. HIS Establishment is now in complete ope ration. ‘The Company are maoufactoring COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheeting and Osnaburg, of a superior quality, which they offer to the public at the lowest market prices. Merchanis and others, who will examine qualities, and com- pare prices, will find it to their inierest to pur- chase. J RHODES-BROB NE, Agent. Salisbury, June 4, 1842—1145 ae tis 2 ; ts ; . K SUBSCRIBERS ge. wit spectfaily. inform the citi- izens of S-lisbary. the sorrounding country, that they ‘oapit Bs stop ia ttiis ¢ , where they will'carry of the | Saddlé and Waruess Making All orders for SADDLES, BRIDLES, Five and common HARNESS, . Leather Trunks; &c., &e., will be attended to with punctoality aad des- patch ; and all kinds of REPAIRING done in good style, and on the shortest notice. — The subseribers solicit the patronage of the public, and pledge themselves to use their best exertions to give satisfaction. Their shop is on main sireet, two doors. northeast of the Court— Hoase, next door to A. Benceni’e store. PLUMMER & SHAW. Nov. 19, 1812—1f17 DR. D. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICLVES. ese MEDIGINES ase expressly pre- red for family ose, and hase vacquired an onpreepdeted popularity throughout the.United States; and%bs they ate so admirabl calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ore? be withoutthem. The proprietor of these valnable preparations received his educa- tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the United States, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and ‘he remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough. Bronchitis. Acute Rheuma. tism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Hair Tonic For the. Preservation, Growth, and: Beauty of the Hair, and which will positively bring in JVew Hair on Bald Heads, and preveng its fal|- ing out or turning Gray. ~ JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE: A pleasant, safe, and certain Preparation for the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Fever and Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE*’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain eure for Bowel and Summer Com: plaints, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera’ Mor- bus, and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, &c. Jayne's Sanative Pilis, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin. &e., and io all cases where an aperiens Alterative or Puryative Medicine is required. ‘Fhe above medicines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Madical and Drug Store, Jy C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N.C. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 CHAIR & SOFA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT ! ! THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING associated themselves together for the parpose of manufacturing Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s, SECRETARY’S: WARDROBES, Centre--Tables, SIDEBOARDS, &C. &C. in the very best hind of style,and of the finest materials, beg leave to ask at the hands of the citizens of the country and villages around, a share of their patronagein our line of business. As one of the Firm, (J. Fraser,) has had long experience in working io some of the finest anc mosi fashionable shops of Furope, and of the large cities of the Northern United States, we flatier ourselves that we can and will honestly and faitbfally complete in workmanlike manner all jobs called for. We will repair and polish any furniture that may be brought to os on short notice, and in the first styleot workmanship, and otders for Coffins punctually atteoded to. Oar prices will be as moderate as we cai afford. Their shop is a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Jones’ old Tavern, JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 26, 1842—1!18 N. B. All those indebted to Warren Gheen, are requested to make payment before the first of Janorry, 1843, or they will then have a call from an officer C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has jast received a fresh sop- ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mixture, which is forsale wholesale and retail, at hb Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, N.C. Dee 10—1f20 LATE Arrivals. Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Siofis, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical perposes. Indians, NY qnantity of fresh Lime can be had at the kiln of the late Joseph Williams dec. By the 100 bushels and over 16 cenis; 40 to 100 boshels 18; 5 to 4 bushels 20; unslacked All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or | their residence, wil apply either to J. or BR. | WILLIAMS, Rockford, Sarry coonty, N. eT | 2 21, 1947 Hoeck'’s and Sewaim’s Panacea, Souffs,. Fine | chewing and smuking ‘Tobacco, Spanish Cigars, | Spices, Perfumes, Breshes, Ca les, Faney and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, in stramenis, Matches, Paper and many other ar. ticles. just received and for sale at prices to suit the tiges, by Cc. B. WHEELER. Stfisbory,- . $42 ° Cotton Gin Making Business — E subscriber would respecifally inform the citizens of Rowan and the adjoining coun. ues, that he has cothmenced the above Bosiness in Salisbury, His shop. is three doors east of Muses L Brown's ‘I'an Yard, where he is pared to exeeute all work in his line of business with neatness ard despatch. From a long ex- perience in the basiness, he feeis confident of bis ability to give entire satisfsetion to all who may favor him wil htheir patronage. N. B. All orders. from-a distanee“@hall be punctuajly attended to, Repairing of every de Scription done on the shoriest notice, beth Gins | Bhadies ‘Fash . a Tinner Shop, a few doors east Hoase, where he will continue '0 © a he has heretofore done, io 3!! i's se on Those disposed to patronise tim; vl fiod him ready to accommodate 'hew terms. He keeps on hand 2 goed moll i ready made work, which be #'!! cash, or on time to panctoal dealeis. FOR tHe Ons Fe att ana Wintey - ae Subscriberiaforms | jest received thro Cities the tatesi and most ap London & Parisi And is prepared io exe a and satisfactory ork-sent from a dista Put ap and forwarded. be cay S. D. PEN BCP Mrs P. has on hand a bance TON ment of Bonnets, (newest syle) C. ey Ugh the Ptoved he Public ! 2 "hay cule Orders . i) manner, the ‘Turbans, for sale, *.* Mrs. S. P. is also pre e* Lo. Pared Crimpingand & lating on reasonable he . Salisbury, December 8, 1842, ms NEW FASHIONs > FOR THE FALL & WIhVTER 1842 & °43 THOMAS DICKSoy | ements LLY informs his frieodg poblie, that he still carries On the TAILORING BUsINts; 0 all its various’branches, two doors above} W. Morphy’s siore, where he is ready to, cute af] orders of his castomers in , Style manner not surpassed by any in this part ¢ country. Heis also in she reculsr irccitad NEW*YORK FASHIONs, ‘ and nrepared to accommodate the lastes of Fashionable at all times, & December 3, 1842—1y8 TO FAMILIES. ROWAND’s ‘IMPROVED’ TONIO marry Those who would have recourse to a) Medicine for Fever anp Acuvue. D Pepa wy Nervous Weakness, should discriminate belay the ‘‘ thonsand and one” remedies consirgy hera!ded forth to the public, (the same now wh all times past, ) and that almosi Uni versally'yy cessful prescriptton called “ Réwand’s Improved Tonic Kiztur, A few remarks will serve to illostrate the a ference. In the first place, the operation of 4 Tonie Mixture in the cure of Fever and Agoei upon entirely new and peeuliar, yel a principles. Secotidly : {1 not only promptly rests the course of the chills, when poneia sod perse¥eringly used, but it soon restora wonted functions of the genera! system toe fectly healthy state ; when relapses are po 1 liable to ensue than an attack of the disesw: one who has never had it before. Thirdly: system, during the administration of the Im ed ‘Tonte Mixture, spzings up at once unde benign influence, and gives forth an earnest dp tarning health and vigor. Fourth'y: Produiy more or less effect on the bowels, the caused the disease passes off in the way moet st indicated by nature. Fifihly: Lis effecis on | system are aniforials mild and safe, as well efficient, and it is as well adapted to the feel infant, simply by a medification of the dose, § the most vigorous adult. Many vther consid ations, of the ttmost importance to the ant parents and invalids, migti be enumerated bey bat the abowe are a few of the poinis of coving in comparison with the remedies generally re ed to in proféssional and family practice, f whicb @ proper judgment may be formed 0 lecting the remedy. NB. With @ view to re-establish est confidence in the efficiency of the “ Rowand Improved Tonic Mixture,” to effect a |a cure of Fever and Agoe, jhe Proprietor resi the original guarantee, viz: ‘The money stil be returned in every cage whereic the 1eo¥ has been punciually osed without producing | desired effegi. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 North Seeond Sireet, Philadelpt OF we lS a ae Soppliee bave been received by the sole Asam h for Salisbury, N. C. : : C. B. WHEELER Sept 3, 1842—156 F 4 © fi 7 . Something New. @ The Subscriber AKES this method of intorming his {1 and the public, that he has parchased # SMITH SHOP, ff formerly owned by Mr. Frederick Moret: the Town of Salisbory, which he intends" after to carry on in a manner altogether — this part of thecountry. He is no! only Sai in tbe cemmon understanding of the term, . he is an actoal Iron King, being able 20d pre ed to put tron into eny shape or ‘emper, - er. All kinds of MACHINE WORK. ing of MILL SPINDLES. the casting of IN or GUDGEONS, Ke, cone at the shor'e *) lice, and in first rate style. He wi! anes and repair COTTON GINS or THRESH tid Or indeed any kind of Machine W ae he may be called upon to do. He espe’ listen trial. Pw. H. WILLIAMSO% : Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—1/6 SHOE SHOPE REMOVED. caf | Games D. Glover, poest AS removed bis shoe shop ‘0 cai ® lately occupied by Mr. Joho ore Coot ry oa 1be H ‘BUSINESS, “0 rie? ov assor! bf ——— Salisbary, Jan 7, 1843—1!24 and Thresbiag Machioes, ALEXANDER FRALEY. Salisbury, Dec. 31, 1842 —~2@m2g- e Neatly printed sud for sale at sbis one a {0 rhe follo ” mary be fo oh oon a ner . pea jacesinmi ile signature: of reser , 0s "che merchant @eagest you has them not, ; jure them. at 71 Maidemlane, the > besa 20 PE oe ne visits New York, or to write for them rs sally should be a week without these remedies OF COLUMBIA, FOR THE HAIR, pitt falling out, or restore it on bald -a yy children make it grow rapidly, or on ans <° . yt the hair from any cause LM BA ct gp a8 acs ~ wo have \ o* VERMIN that infest the heads of children i * s are prevented or killed by it at once.— » % ae game of Crnatecdter on re - Remember this always. ——_—_——> voz try ve I-ANAE ANE CS FAIVILI INL gHEUMATISM, and | uy cured, aad all shrivelled muscles and limbs | a red, 19 the old or young, by the Inpran f--o7aB ELIXIR AND Nerve anv Boye Lintuentr— seve without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. i ee J ye go sbolly prevented, or governgd if the attack has sogeo, if YOU Use the only true Hays’ Luvmenr,from bmatock 5 Bo. ALL SORE S| and every thing relieved by it that admits’ _ ari application. It acts like acharm. Use it. , —>—- HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roors’ Srrciric ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs’ founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. ey Dalley'’s Magical Pain Ex- tractor Salve.-=The most extraordinary remedy ever invented for all new or old i sores, and ore Sy It has delighted goasands. %¢ wll take out all pain in ten minutes, gdno failure. twill cure the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful artiele never was mde. All should wear them regularly, LIVS TEMPERANCE BITTERS: athe principle of substituting the tonic in place of te strmulant principie, which has reformed so many ¢wkards. To be used with LIN’S {S3@Re Wy PILLS, superior to all ghers for cleansing the system and the humors affect. eg the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, od the g | health. 3" tyr O Oia nature, thus ;] HEADACHE OR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE REMEDY nil effectually cure sick headache, either from the 7 RVES or bilious. Hundreds of families are using is with great joy. OR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, ——>—-—_— rhe certain prevenuon of or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per. tcorder, the bowels regular, and a determination to ve quckly cured by it. Know this by trying. > CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure cure. inka FAMILIBS & INVALIDS. wink indispensable family reme- ound at the village .drug stores, y country store im the state. and neyer get them unless they I ncbeiitle on the wrappers, as al! others Ai . names are base impositions aud counter. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY MAGE €. PENDLETON, | «+ Seeshad the Government ‘* upoa all your Rulers. Do this, a 2 - . ae A — not acqutre too mitch power. _ Keep a check ND LIBEBTY 18 sare.” aaeoh Harrisua. NO. 33—VOLUME XI... ’ WHOLE NO, 553. ab ——— Boston Mail BY AUGUSTINE Not as a battle gift We grasp our ehieftaio'’s s word — Nui in the combat to uplift, Vo tight the hattle’s storusy-rift, Where Freedom’s blood 18 poured ; We hail thee, O thga warrior blade | Of brighter days the sign ; | Like that which a1@’d the Gallic maid W hose hand the rashirg foeman stayed With courage ail divine. DUGANNE, Sword of the mighty dead, Thy light shall guard our land ; And, even as the meteor dread Which flames around the Archangel’s head, Shall blast each foetman’s hand, Sword! thoo art Freedom’s choses guest, Io ber own festal halk; ~ At her right baod in tricmph rest, Thy point at each dark traitor’s breast, W ho would our land eotbrall. Gaze from thy home on high, O, thou immortal gne, Aod hear each blast that rushes by, Each brooklet’s voice, each forest’s sigh, Bless thee, great Wasnincron ! Siar of the patriot’s t,asting soul, When thought shall soil thy fame, May blighting tempests o’er us roll, Aud thonderiag foes, from pole to pole, Proclaim the eternal shame. Hail, falchion, hé@™ven-sent, ‘That arm’d our straggling land— Hail, pilgrim-staff on which she leant, Till Salem’s shining battlement Her eye in gladness scana'd ! And still that sword from out its sheath Stall leap—that staff to sever, So long around our hearts shall wreathe Bright Freedom's chain—her accents breathe lo holy tones forever! eat SERS Tue Fine.—Sénator Dayton expressed ‘our sentiments’ in relation to refonding Gen. Jack- sun's fine, in his remarks immediately preceding he passage of the bil) through the Senate. In allusion to 2a late publication of. the ‘old hero,’ where he undertakg@to dictate the shape of the proposed refunding law, Mr. Dayton says: “© Sir, the exacting spirit of General Jacksoo, which rejects all common forms of !aw, can never be gratified by me. I mean no disrespect to those who view this thing in another light; bu: I, for one cannot craw! with my offering, like a grovelling Hindoo, ta the foot,of phe idu!l. He has taken his stand. He has denounced the Judge, in a recent letter, in language the mos! opprobiows He will accept of nothing short of complete exculpation. Krom this he will not re rede. His character is compressed in a Sentence, “nulla vestigia retrorsum.” But will the Con- gress of the United States—will the Whig par- ‘'y even, seem to truckle! For one, having fac ed the substance, If shall not scare at the shadow. Were this a claim of some friendless, powerless one, I could more readily yield. ‘I'he precedent would be less dangerous. Sut, to‘Gen Jackson, ‘vho comes in the strength of a great oame and party, with his iron heel upon ihe Jadge and the Constitution, dictating the terms upen which \he law must be passed, ifat all—to bim I will try to be just, but my justice must be measured GL $8 0 1 0 ) arany shade you wish, but will not color the skin. Oe ee SARSAPARILLA. comstock’s cum UND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara ! Sarsaparila that can exéeed or equal this - sure te get Comstock’s, you will fin ul others. It does not require puffing ESRLe HU. TW 9S CELESTIAL BALM ‘CHINA. A pusitive cure for the piles, and an ‘ermal ailings»—all internal irritations brought to the “lace by friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs, Welled or sore thruat, tightness of the chest, this Balm wpued ona flannel will relieve and cure at once. “es Wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it Br. Bartholemew’s [Or ee we EXPECTORANT EXPECTORANT Prevent or cure all incipient consumption, CO ‘COLDS V “ ‘in tine, and is a delightful remedy. ‘se Rane, and get Comstock’s. KOLMSTOCK’ YERMIFUGE «” Mdcate al] in children or agults Wh g Foalevexs ‘ . ‘ceTamnty quite astonishing. It a sells with a rapidity Rt inere?: - * meredibte, by Comstock g- Co., New York. v Remem. eee TOOTH DROPS. KLINE’S—cxre effectually. ———— = Potent a apre.? { “eR? inate Re? of Lon Sine Teas, in the year 1R42, hy Cometack ne tea oftice of the Southern District of New York. Wage Wig t2 ouF agents in each town and Bee may be had free, showing the most “h@ Natneg in the country for these facts, so "0 one ean fail to believe them. log Suré you call for our articles, and not rea, of with any stories, that others are as Your AVE THESE OR NONE, should be Wehcag OttOm.and these never can be true and "genuine lad 5 bet names to them. All these articles to be lesale and retail only of us. By ay D “Lane, New York, and of our agents. ly M.C. PENDLETON, 33, 1813 4037. Agent. “nstoetibo Wholesale Drnggiste, 46 ah the Wutchman Office, Salisbury oy square and compass.”” MR, CLAY. HONORABLE T.F. MARSHALL, The fo!lowing beaatiful extract is from an article written forthe Observer and Reporter, in | 1839. by the distingoished Representative from ‘his District, over the signature of “A Citizen THE SWORD OF WASHINGTON. @ of as oth ef | rr ditt ISBOCR ali * be ¢ ‘of the Bos merican, the regder wil! find one of the moat humorous bits of the dag. — From the New Bedford Bultetin, DORR’S SPEECR IN BOSTON, The Great Demoeraiic Pow-wow@ io ‘Ol Funnel’ came off jast evenmg, tothe ex- crotiating dc'ight of the-eouotry members of he Leg s'auare, who bosrd nowhere at six- pence a week, payable whee the landiedy can get HM wHbont interest. The geatiemar from Sexonk, who did sot want-his place of resideoce put ie the Sergeant-at Arm's’ Directory, eat so largely that be could not make s speech when his turn came, from which it. will he readily ioferred thet he must have esten-a great deal Our exclusive Reporter wes in the Hall ; and took eopious notes af the whole affeir, which be deposited-in his poeket-book We regret, however, to say, the: this wes stolen from him, with “a sum of meoner,” winle he was leaving the Hall. Nothing escaped except a report of Mr. Dorr’s speech, which will be fouod below, ~ In justice to our reporter we would ob- seve that:.no-pereon connected with the Boston Post.is ‘sUpposed to have had sny band io the ‘‘abstfsction.”? This will be the more readily believed since the most imeginetive mind cannot discéver the shght- ‘est resemblence between « ‘Bill of Fare’ and a pocket-book ; and should any report of the Festiva) appear io the Post, the pab- le may rest assured that it is not written out from our notes. We hasten to lay before oor readers an abstract of the Speech of the Hero of Che- pachet, We were pained io see the gailent, and honorable gentleman in rather a thin condition. Indeed it will be seen that he made an allusion to th:e fact io the course of his remarks. Col. Greene offered the following toast, which was received with :mmense cheer- ing ‘— Dorr and Chepachet—Inseparable names hke Wellington and Waterloo—they wil! alwsys inflame the bosoma of 1s mili'ary with red hot ferocity against the enemies of Universal Suffrage ard the free and enlight eoened States of North America. When thie was offered Governor Dorr was deep-in the discussioa of aclam-pie and a glass.of hot whiskey punch, and would trave failed to make the proper response, had not the honorable P. W. Leland re- moved these delicious visnds from onder hie nose, with great dexterity, which gave occasion to many to remark, that with pro- per education, ibere was not much doutt but that the member from Bristo! would have made an excellent waiter. Dorr hav- ing been ‘stirred up,’ and told tha! his time had come, srose and said; Mr. President—The. magnificent spreao before me excites abdgmion! feelings withio me, only to be imagined by those who have parteken of the so celled hospitality of [en- ry Hobbard. There is, sir, a touching old ballad to the effect that, Mid mother Hubbard She went to the cupboard To get be poor dog a bune : When she got there The cupboard was bare, So the poor dog had none. Iam convinced, sir, that the Hubberd at present presiding over the State of New of Woodford,” the authorship of which, was sflerwards avowed by Mr. Marshall. [t was | extracted and extensively published atthe time | a8 contajniog one of the most just and beautify! iributes that had ever been paid to Mr. Clay | press : . | “Who does not know him vpon whom the | hopes of Whig America are fastened, and to | whom the eyes of Christendom are direcied ! W bo does not know the-most remarkable mar bofihe age; the man whose youth was withoo! the blessing of a libera! education, the support of wealth, or the prop of powerful connections ; and who, thus naked of all armor, save that «! his own great genius and courage, and unsuppur- ‘ed honor, which the writer of this article con- <iders higher than an imperial station ; in a de—- moeracy with the pepular ban against him; ina democracy where the people are supreme, and where the will of a majority (a law resistless as ‘hedeluge) is spoken uf by men with ortental revereuce ; three times barred from toe highes! office, he has still maintatned bis place at the | head of a Minority, ba tling with undiminished ardor, for the true policy of the coun'ry, and clinging with. the t#meless energy of an uncon qnered giant, to the pillars of her Constitntion! His friends have sireggled with, and suffered | onder him, without a hepe of emolament, pro- scribed from the honors of their ecmmor country He had a0 office to give, no power to bestow, no patronage to extend, no reward to offer. * * ® a . They have felt it no degradation to recogeize him as their head and leade: in a co: flict in| which they are all sofferers, and he the great— est sufferer of all. ‘In adversity they have never deserted him—io his darkest boars they have clung the closer to his side, to cheer and to soothe ; a8 it is not degradation to ubey, so they feel it ts not adulation to praise him, whe has no power, but the love of-bis frieads—no means to punish, reward, or compel ~- Hompsbire, is no other then a legitimate | descendant of the old dog loving lady mep- tioned here. 1 find no fault with Gov. H. as 3 man—my heart beats with the rapidest kind of grateful pulsations when I think of | it is, we perceive, again going the rounds uf the | bis refusal to give me upto Sam Kung, the | wretched Algerine —(applause,) but gezing upon these viands, and remedibering hie house-keeping, my stomach, in Hs primary copacity (great applatee) revolts (cheers) at the recolleetion. Eheu! TZroja_ fuet! (Great disapprobstion among the ‘Democ- racy’ atthe Latin) Gentlemen, { beg your pardon for quoting frem that aristocratic languege. I should rather have said ‘tines applause.) I was once corpulent. was oe tiwe when at Bogman’s Saloon, in my own native Providerce, I swallowed “natives” in peace and quietness ; J smoked my cigar with ca'm@ enjoyment; | drenk Nogg” with subdued sapture, and so quiet- ly an cozily jogged thiovgh life, undisturb ed by the cares of state, and gradually ~c- quiring that firm and solid corporation for which-] bave been renowned. Gentlemen, from this Elysrem of exist- ence, 1 was called :hyithe voice of the peo- le. My netave State demandedjmy ser- eee : Cincimetus a bis plough to defend tus couatry—I frm my oysters The people of Island grosned be- neath a despotiem, savage, remorselese al- gerine. (cheers.) Why. gentlemen, you w)! hardly believe ut, but no person, under thet dastardly and diebolical charter was allowed to sell oysters from the first of May. to the first of Sepiember, {gtoans,) sod, gmptle— | ly putthe executi@a veto on it, | oll was returned they passed it by a consti- tutional moeyjority. “Ex-Goverbor Dorr, by the witty Editor aint now as they used to was been.’ (Great), There \ the | that peculiarly delictove compound Fag | men.jJam now convinced that ut -was also) The very worthy, members of the Legis-| the intention of. the clifrter eathorities to lature of Arkensas, fecently passed a bill submit Crams—yes, gentiemen, Crams, to’ \o pay themselves ip specie for their services, | the same onerous, grinding; ferocious, and 4: Governor Yell very propertly and prompt- ‘ruthless law, (great groentog—breses— When tbe | hoots,) yes, gentlemen, to prevent the peo- | ple, by statute, from partsk ng of tbat beav- tifal and nutricious shel!-fish caring five months of the goede! | do not kaow tiow ‘was @ blow to be aimed at the very bowels of the people {| saw i be lost, if we would preserve our existsace. I sew thet some decisive measure was ne- cessary ; Chepachet ealled to me; Woon- socket cailed to me, ead-s0 vatioas other well known snd celebrated parts of the State. Generations yet unborn, with piteous sec. eents, ovt of the foture, bawied out to me, “Get up a Constitution,” and, gentlemen, I got up one, end that Censtitutioa, wach woulé have secured not only oysetere—not only clame—bui even the right of taking ehiekeos (delicions edible !) from every hen- reest—that Constitution, the glory of the age, to which Mareus Morton owes his elec- tion, wes legally adopted by David Parmen- ter, Dutee J, Pearce, end myself, with sev- eral other distinguished chareeters, and of course im@medietely by every republican principle, beceme the haw of the State, (Cheerg,) Singular to relate, the Algerines refused to give up the governmen! i Parmenter snd myself. | went to Washing- tom to obtain the assistance of the General Government io aegerting my right, bat sin- gular to relate, the President dred not iavite me to the White House to dinner. Burn- ing with indignation, | slept not, stopped not, terried not, entil | reached the Pewter Mog tavern in New York, where | drank a draught of inspiring porter—I mean, potri- ousnn—aod whete | wes presented with a eword, (Cheers.) Heviog @ sword, gentle- men, | now saw my wey cleat, end reterned to Providence with a determinstion to heck, slay, murder, and make mince-meat of the Algermnes. I summoned the people, to the number of one hundied around me, at the domicil of Burtington Aathony ; we mus- tered our forces ; we swore we would teke the Arsenal (at leas: | did); we matched egeinst it ; with a cannon; | touched off the cannon myself, but, gentiemen, the people had plugged the cann‘n aod the cannon would not go off, but the people did, so that in the morning, nobody was left by me ex cept such as were not able to go, fur various reasons, and I, feeling like one, who treads alone, some banquet hall deserted, saw that I should be teken off to Stete Prison if I did nottske myself off, and sol left the State with feelings more easy to imagine than describe. To this hour [ have never been able to understand why the people spiked that eannon—it Is to me inscrutable. Once more I mage at Chepacket an effort to sustaia my Constitution, aad once more I failed. Ah! genttemen, at the bour of trial, when provisions beceme scarce, the people left me.—Wha! does this prove, gen- tlemen, but-that it 18 pecesgarglif you would have the people true to the great principles you mey regard it, byt it sirikés me that hore hat no time was to a CLOCK AND WATCH SEE REPAIRING. (ae Subscriber respecifally informs*his old Friends and the Public genetally, that he has apened a shupiu Salisbury in the above busi- ness,ja & reom direcily opposite West's brick balding, in the house of Dr. Burns’ formerly owned bg Joo. f. Shaver andgast below J. & QV. Murphy. : a In addition to the above, the subscriber will carry on the Silver Smith Business m atthe varieties common in country towns: guch as making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve: Ware. He begs to assure the publi¢ that if ponctual attention to business, and skilifal work wil! eo- litle him to patronage and sapport, he will mer- dtit. ; AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18—tf16 Dr. Sherman’s — PAevicated Losenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, Bien the cheapest. and most pleasen!.— » Fhe Medical Facalty:warmly approve them. Sherman ig a skilful aad experienced Phy- sician, and a member of the Medical Society o New York. Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs ur Chest, &c. gHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infajlisle worm destroying meci- cine ever discovered. They have been used in over 1,400,000 cases and never koown to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Heed— ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondeocy, Faintipg, Oppression or a sense of Sinking of the Chest, Diarrhea, Las- sitade, or a sense of fatigue. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certaio remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — lo the immense number of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known ‘o fail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome during the sammer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges: ‘I'hey are prepared express- ly for that parpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subjeet to a derange- meat of the bowels shuald never be without ihem. They affurd immediate relief from all the attend- ant gripings, faintness, depression, Sc. of goveroment, you must give them enough (oea! propriety of Cism Bakes. After unheard of trials, dangers, difficu! ties, ond festings, (cheers,) by the kind per mission of His Excellency Gov. Morton | What car | do, gentlemen, to express my gistitude to you for having secured me an asvium in your old and bappy State ? There is but one-way is which | cn repay you. If, gentlemen, you should ever want | to establish here a new Constitution, if you should find the purse-proud, aristocratic Al- gerines of this State too much for you, | aad my sword are at your eervice, (cheers.) The people are the source of all power ; 10 them resides the sovreignty : if it does not, where does it reside 2? The will of the peo- ple is supreme, and they have the sole right | to establish government, end overthrow it forty times a year, if they are graciously pleased todoso. ‘Thisis my docirine, gea- tlemen. and if vou don’t believe me, ack Gov. Mor7on Gov. Dorr sat down amidst immense cheering. and was observed by the reporter to fall upon the almonds and apples with great relish, until Mr. Whitmarsh begeo a dy else left off eating, and looked very pale. | GREAT LAND SLIDE AT TROY, N.Y 4 loccurred on Friday List, scarcely infertur in ex- ‘lite, then that which ocedtred several years ago. | "Phe slide ocearred south of the former one 6n the same bili: the avalagene crushing, and near ily burying several frame buildings, at the (uot of ithe ‘tll, and extending quite across Main Street, The accounts var in particulars, but all con- cur in sepresenting the loss of life and, the scene of distress as terrible beyond description. ‘The scene presented an awful and melaacholy sight. Babes io their cradles, mothers with their @hildren in their arms, and stalwart men, whe bet two hours before breathed freely aod in good health, had been takea fiom the ruins, mo- tilated and mangled corpses. ‘The buiidings destroyed were vearly all new, and had bul re- cently been erected, Sone eight or ten of the dwellings, occupied by puo: families, were crushed and burted beneath ten or twelve of whom eseipéd. beyond recovery A man from the conntry, passi with bis team leaped from his sleigh and escaped ' neath the earth: — Philadelphia Chronicle. Hence the beautifal aad touching | | Are as pleasant and easily taken ae the coramen am here, seated at this gpovntiful ooard. | speech, when His Excel!encs ead every bo- | We have accounts of a fearful calamity al | Peoy, N.Y., oceasioned by a land slide which | tent, and itis feared even more destructive of | ! 2 | hilerate the animal spirits, invigervie the wuuy, | the mass Of earth. {n these, it is sapposed there were ffot less"than thirty or forly persone, only | p Withiman hoor wfter the oceurrente, nine bo- dies were dogfrem the ruine five of which were without life, ene partially injured, aed three aol ng at the time a ae © The horses and los? of wood were boried be- {| Rowan Liutel Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges peppermints; and are an active and efficient medicine. ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilious persons. Where an active medicine is required, they are not only the best, but the safest that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best gf al} plasters for Rheumatism, Luw- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, whulesale or retail, at the Salishury Medical Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent, Salisbary, N.C, Sept 3, 1842—1y6 Medicines neficia! nature. They are composed of ar- ticles the most anti-putrescent, eombiced will ingredients known as the only.certain antidivte fur fevers of every description. ease is produced either from cold, obsiruction, had air, swampy and damp situations, or puirid other causes, these medicines are certain in their | operations or effects. | culiar qualities, which not only expel all disea-e. system | they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor i delightful, salutary, and permanent. eines are tound to give a tune lo the nerves, ex— and re animate the Wlule Giyp. The Life Medicines have als» been osed with the most-happy suecess 1n- pepiic dise7ses, Consomption, | Complaint, Rheumatism, {chrouale | tory] D ropsies, &r. gc Call at Cress & Boaer’s, -7gents. Saiisbury, Oct 22, 1842—ly!3 f the above Invaloable MF- James’ Cross fuacs, tc A supply o | DICINES are for sale at Iredeil county, by A. C McINTOSH, Agent. To Publishers, MAN, who has had con- bl rience as a PRINTER, wishes a sit aie ae woreinan or Journeyman Satisfactory references can be yiven. Fo particulars address the “Watchmaao Office,” Salisbury, N. C.. post 1, 1843 Janaary - 7 eo \ J. &. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. Office of H. site tbe } | @cPrPA YOUNG AY be fonnd always at the C. Jones, Esq., directly ofp - . cy Salisbury, Jag. 7, paas—tfed Ee Dr, Moffat’s Vegetable Life OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- | W hen the dis- | miastni, whether tnalignunt or epidemic, or dy | They are possessed of pe- | but atthe same time restore and invigorate the | When first taken into the stomach, | through every pore, producing effects at vice: When the eoark of fife begins to grow dim, We circulation | : res at . . i ‘tanguid, and the facuities paralized, these tmedi- | in Nervcas and Dys- ; Asihmea, Liver | aod inflaqa- | | arch te herent be had Vy cents at the’end of the year. nad mn 0 subscription Will be fora lesstime ge s paid Min adftnce. - as AF aah tinued t at thegeption o *¢ itors) aH arrearage’ are paid. a Phin as OF ADVERTISING. __ Vine collar per square fpr th i ion mest teens fr oi contour ge will be charged: 25 per ci. er aa theabove rates, ad tun of 334 per cent-wil! | ode: tiuse adgertive-by' the year. “ew ° " All nt will be continwed sit BCH Letiers @o ihe some post puid®o ersure attention. Rowan Heiel. [ - nes _ * THE SOBSCRIBER* AVING purchased that well wn and lung established Pablic House, (koowa by the mame of Slaughter's ‘Tavern,) in ihe” Lown of Salisbury, N. C., infgrque hie Friends aod the Public generally, that the same is now open for the reception of Travellére & Boarders. Rh ta Ban will be supplied with (hedest the market 20d sury i - are ounging country af—— fe SMES spacious, and Mjuofifufy sup- plied, with grain and '? span all kinds, at- tended by faithful aga eii@s Outtoee ; The undersigned pledges bimsg)f thai go ‘ ettioffon tis part shalt eral satisfaction a call. Egtter mest * ! © ex e wanting to iv gen- toall who may favét bim wih ry = JAMES L. COWAN., __ Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: 17 Ve. THE AFFLIcTED.— he subscriber has just regeived a large and oftesh supply of Dr Muffatt’s Life Medicine, . Gat & . ubtaic Telief. C B WHEELER, Age. Salisbury, Dee 10—1120 : . Af CARD, ITI] a view to estgblich Gryself perma nenily in the town ef Belisbury, | here- with announce to the Publie, that in a ke weeks, I shall visit the Northern cities ia order to improve myself in mattere connected with my profession, and to make selections for »n_exien. sive Apothecaries Establishment in this place, to be opened early in the Spring I can assere my Medical brethrea and others, that no pains will be spared tu obtain and constantly keep the best Articles suited to the wants of the profes- sion and the community. at large—and shoold there be a desire for any particular Medicines, Books, or Tnstromente, { shal? be pleased to be addressed on the subject at this place. In addi lion to the conveniences, afforded by the-ebove Establishment, 1 Gave several rooms, for sech medical students, as may desire de place them selves uoder my Tuition PLEASANT HENDERSON Salisbury, Dec. 24, 1842-—tf22 REMOVAL ! 4k HE sobscribers would rapectaly announce 40 the public, that they "ah oh their Copper, Tin-piate Sheet IRON. PRanutfactoty, One door above George W. Brown & Co, and opposite Thos. L. Cowan's Brick Row, where they are better prepared to accommodate aad ex- ecate all urders io their lioe un short notice, and in the very best style. Also, considatly on hand, a choice supply of Plain and Japan Tin Ware, Britannia Ware, Bathing Tabs, Stills, Xc. JOHN D. BROWN & Co. Salishory, Jan 21, 1843 —1126 Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbory, N. C. Oct. 1842—tf14 < ins Farmer’s Look out.—I have a Valuable ‘Vractof Land near Salisbury, which ‘Twill sell on good terms, if application be mace | Suon, IL LYERLY. | Salisbury, Dec 10 120 a= er PRICES CURRENT 4T SavysBury, Mareh. #1 Ceuls. Cenls. ' Bacon, 5a 5! | Cotton Yarn. 90 Brandy, ap. 30°a 35 Molasses, 35a40 peach, 40 a 55 Nails, 6a7 Butter, 10a 125] Oats, 15420 | Beeswax, 27 428° Pork, $3 | Cotton, clean 54.26) Sugar, br. 5 a 10 . Coffee, 9all loaf, 15a 18 Corn, 25 | Salt, sack, $3} Feathers, 20225] Taliow, 7 i Flour, #33241) Tobacco, 8 a 20 Flaxseec, 50a 5d] ‘Tow-Linen, .24 16 i fron, per lb. 324] Wiheal. bueb = 75 ‘ Linseed Oil, pr- Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal. 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 FaveTrevilLe, March Ll. $randy, peach 45 | Molasses, 25 ne Ate $0 a 35 Nails, cut, 6a od ; 3acon, 443 5 | Sugarbrown, 64a 10 | Beeswax, 25 a 27 | Lump, 14 offee, 10a 12] Joaf, 15a 18 ‘otton, 44a5 | Salt, 50 a 60 coiion Yarn, 14a 18 Sack, $24 ! (orn, 40 a5@| Tobaccoleca!l dhe 24 Candles, F.F.15a17 | Cotion bag Dit) Flaxseed 80 a $1 Bale rope, 8a10 | flour $4 agd? | Wheat new 75280 Feathers 20 2 25 | Whiskey 25 a 30 lror., 5a 54 Wool, 15 a 20 { _ Cueraw, Fd 21, 1842. f 3ha 41 Nails cut assor. 738 | pacor 3 5} wrought 16a 18 | Butter 12} a 15 | Oats bushel 30 a 37 | Beeswax 22 225 | Oil gal i5a $l Bagging yd 20a 22 lamp $1 25 | Bale ropelb 10212 linseed 1 10a 1 25 Coffee Ib 12} 2 14] Pork 100}bs 54 3 6 Cotton 4487\|Rice 100lbs 425 Corn bush 40250, Sugarib 8 8 124 Flour bri $5 2 6 | Salt sack $24 Feathers 25a 30, bush $1c0 lron L00lbs 5a 6] Steel Amer. 10 a 00 Lard 7 Evghsh 14 Molasses 35 8 ‘0| German 12414 Tallow 124 | Teaimpe. $1 $1557 . *- * 4 torbid zed changed for zadc : a di - -_< ed for a ceriain rami i ee” waleae wis t- Pe tessed : as Bt . > —_—" ee é » | WH eee HIN. NEW ORLEANS. |, SWE. won Se = ~~ fearth ; some of them finding theie wives, | The Tariff—-Pennsylvania—-The Enquirer ~ From the Rale h Register. a Whi wrod che nal ma@nici- | thet man’s Useful ———— ’ ; - . eihepem: < 4 2 oF Ping . al ew ee ae . a FROM MEXICO. cbildren, relatives and sere’is in th yards, Wr. Erowe, of Bretton be _ HOVE , “ee pal riumph in Name peate whether’ « min bat i S << WewUrieans apers ) O'hers in thé streets ; those thet remained We request atiention to the “SThe leading Loco Fotos have ' wetthy to ur th nor. lt isa decree Om Hea ie We fearh 10m the New Orleans pape ir their boages, in many cases, clasped to- ns acopied ia the poplar ¢ of tstkine™ fei ' 1 3th. the sweat of the fece, mg "En the elich cate?) hene e@ptertby that the Unr- : ° te Omarpoteat band, ro- of Pérnsylesiis, last (es. theledus afen | YOR 4 Done can fon” *hall Sal red States revenue Cuter Woodbury, irom PAM a age 7: pardon and merey =~ 47, no@@ 11! Phat body ialarg ; LP eee > cay lle =. gia é ie.” the } impunity Pahght the deca on atis . he 15h | 'ng all-evepts, 5 , gely Demotiatie icon, Siac. 1 e, ani - ,' | ford in Georgia.” wy Verae€'rnz, arr at that place on the 1dih “5 ofr to be th last, » Largely mn + me . ‘ T rd} all, | pe@tung every m fo be the idedty Democratic Anti Calhoup! Deeided- {10 promote tbeir prosperity, hese empty adverse casealities, and by restor- ~ —— = baying of beere Mr, Southall nese ecg jar of furniture moving sbout, the Decides ¥ iy Dem *ratic sfief the latest Jack. Veseieas of love for thg People, have roped fidence, restored Whig guccess.} — 7%¢ Giant ‘—~ When ) Sy ee oe aiches to Mexico, General J A ly an argely Demo . prole ; ting Whig con ce, a conceived the ide f ' Die j aii “e m bogr@® ass was report- | breaking of glase, ec. &c. added to the son cut, or, as lo men and names, any cut, which | been too credulously ligteaed to, aad the We shefi hear antil Nevember 1844, fio le d 8 OF his + fay boy, rm "a bot reansi io a "fet iscthe “i of }creaking of the houses, and the awfyl four the Hero at the Mermkage may prescribe now, regull bas been, shat voisy demagognes aod | doabs of divere “Whig-defepie; but of yet bs eye. ried Muh Rete, . ra, bor remained at bis : ; Ned the boldest bear: dufing his oaterat life. ; w . : ry . 1s Own had already been i of en earthquake, fille or g reckless politicvar.s have been too mech con W phs, sad then of a fiaa!l Prodoceg Mexico. The accounts stete that the ob- itb fear end consternation. Men Il} ‘Thas, while the Democracy of Virginia. re- , a more Whig triumphs, ~ Engiend,~and yerdgiie aXe a : , ; y ms =, el a ey ae fided in. This bein the fect, the common er Shall close thé scene b wes thes Y yerts of bis Mission are id the most favora- | *! b injared. Most of the old | specting the ‘fariff of 1842, is bawling Repea!! | 966d in. ee am Whig viomph winch — * | ter Redd. the Liz Wn "ey le train of adjustment, and that there 1s welle ap a1 thi ioe in besps in different | Repeal! the Democracy of Pennsylvania is ask- rooarere beginning to etn ~ — exterminate Loco Focoism, and give repose, Boston, is undoubtedly the Tor hibited : @o essen whatever to apprehéndi@ifiiculiies sections of the town. ‘The sand or earth, we Lag per petuatiog andibe ‘eer x mya ge ich ee e of | Prosperity snd glery to the country. of his age ever koow. 11, teu Petty : beiween the two conatries. Jt w)li be seen iba ts obsthai ver syste? ¥< 2 of elass~ or evidenc The Tropic ofF'ettnars Bi. sayes Middleborotrin thik Stace cu’ 7 bor, = h, translates from | !orming the shores of our town, 19 opened Flow, ander ‘hese circomstances, ig 2 plain tbeic,.“ love af the People,” whieh: they so os 4B UG State j 1832 a." : by the alone sisrae of the 7h instant, | 9rd raised 19 an extraordinary manners) mawte-denoe what Democracy ts; of “what Ti loudly professed... The Lodo Foco leeders a 1UMPH. sequently is now bat IT years Old; a bit the oceoeentne nected with the | pleinly showing the eeedbe of confined air. (means. . If be goes to Penneyleania, be te told in the late Legislature made larger Promises) _ «We have mettle enemy and they are | he is fuli five feet two inches high, wa.”” that the occurrenees eon ‘explajped | ‘fany families wefe anxiows, and dome pre- | 1bat projectido of bome indusiry, is the cardinal to the People than per any. set of men " The Whigs opie Creaceni City | 265 pounds ! His flesh is TeMark abi te . Ss rapture of Mogtmbey bave been be Me paring to leave their dwellings tu seek safety on! test of trog Democracy; If_be comes to Virgi. du The Peo; page ony and gea- ours - , ithout am effort, achieved a {89d contpact ; and his countens 5 hey { x and setile to the satisfaction of tbe exi- board of vessels in port; even after the shock, | nia out_¥ table beighbor tells bim that pro- éver o— g have, aimoasi w! ; 2 th rose: hue of he lth eg Seay cat Chve nmebt: * feariog the danger wae not over. His Honor, | lection et sti even incidental protection, even} erous, end prone to belreve those, who fawn signal and decisive victory, W eae good sctarad and ate _ lively yi a ; ; - \ ; ec. . : ; 4 m zs @ <% ‘ ; H : itestion nm Er is eleeted mayor by 8 majority 'o Py ; arka y 2 é& —_ blic have already | the Chief, S> Wy. Vankomonds, 28 eoun as the | protection which, while it will avail the manu ;}opon and fletter them finding their e FRER c . chy, Pia hci ee of tbe odie shock bad gabeided, ordet™i# a}! the boats of the | facterer wit dono hart to the producer, is not depressed,and somewhat dishearted because, three hundred and, fifteen votes! and the fr ‘ It seems nro rasible that chy rhe y a > ig yi sant of Califor - port, to Be gtiitioned from the upper to ie lower | Democratic is aot the thisg! We wish the the election of General Hagrison, combined forcesahs em and yler- | 0! (oe age mentioned should Mtlain a . IN gyG Her af of the Depsrim 1 capture of | P&rt of the tommy sunvey-as many persons as | great Fem of Democracy a! the Hermitage, prosperity did not at ogce flowin upon iom are effectually prosteated ! penormous bulk, and few people, We ni» concerving the invasion and capture « Was practicable on board the shipping, in case of | would reconcile hig diseiples in this matier, and them like a replenished stream, concluded ‘The result of ye stroggle is mat | will be disposed to B'VE ereditio y ‘a Monterey and abs: qnent reaniotiog to another shock ; amd here it is my duty to ay issuing some imperial okase, ae bie sev- Sees to try tt ' > bed @ often Yer of. esrneet asd fikere congratulation mae already written.— [ Boston Alla," ‘ Mexico, by Com ore Jones commander | in. momane and friendly feelings of Capt. D R. ereigo incligations at the momeat might dieiate, ) ore De ' ; , BO See ie of th@@aned States squadron in ihe Picific Brooks, ef the Schooner Raleigh. of Washing | would soperadd a decree that no» Demecrat | deceived them. They “leaned Ups — from every Whig in the Union '—New ee Animal Magnetisin.—A Young lady i be The Supreme Goveggment, siwave zealous ton, N Carolina, aad Capy Dixon, of the schr. shoald contravene it, aorth or sobihof Mason & | Feco promises, and found when too ate, leans, the great commereia! emporium o -ton fell on the ice the other day, and bate - Rd rving the national rights asad the | Wanderer, of Liverpool, Nova Seutia, who, in| Dixons line. We know of ro authorit but his | that they leaned upon a broken speer. I[a- the South \ est, bas thrown off the shac- ‘arm. She Was conveyed bome, it ig StRieg he ot af On Avg, had already given notice | the height of onr fears, promptly tendered a wel —Gen. Jackson’s— hich can make hif Devo: } gtead of finding themselves at all benefitted kles that Tylerism had cast eround her, and |« surgeon Immediately sent far, The ine , anor af our flog, to the Minister of the }emMe on board, ig as many inhabitants ag iheir | taey behave with any consisteney ia this matier. by a Legislewure, which contained an admit- stands forth ‘redeemed, regenerated and | however, being a compound One, and very yie " the ‘Sate ke °" e Wa have the | Vessels could carry; and as a further proof of | In Virgigia, the People are told by the Demo ted majority of 26 « Democrats,” they per- disentralled,” As she led-off ia the great bat. fol, it was resolyed io wy abe effect 9 tony ‘ MEXICO. . 7 . ; thre ; ic ! I vst. i ° bi a < nel t «~The a . sa\ssfeetid® fo sunogace that ivhee tecy ae bob voscoly bod cloned aad ansehen ed. 40 Pennstivania, he Demuerate wai ats | ceive, 30 the biter cotively hetepeatede | 2 0f 1840 40 has she commenced in 1843. | Seaupombullebigte, ahd ber eras yore, = swered by the Representative of that Re they have pat off sailing natil to-mortow. Such People, they must stick up to the Tariff at ali | their interests were entirely distegarded— Then tbe victory in New Orlesns wes the irgreaTOperaGG8 was then performed, , > publicin a . ost satisfactery manner. A | nodle conduct cannat but meet the approbation of | hazarde—ihat it is Necessary even to increase it. | thet the professions of the Locos were ia- precurser of a series of spleadid triumphs, | the - stig hiest pain, thoogh She was, d 7 full explanation bes been piven. ‘The pro- | all civilized commonities, and claims the heart- There, to be agaiust a Tariff is tobe a “ Bank,| sincere and treacherous—that their ‘S| and new. B Si ly believe similar resulis: consciogg.of what Was going on. The ray eed P ‘. oe sd re Jones are declared | felt thanks of the inhabitants bere. Immediate- Whig, Federal” heretie. Here, to be for the heve been recklessly itrodden under foot, will follow. — = distant friends be of | « slyz0 and: will heal in that ondg fo feta th viged by an order of hia Gov | !¥ after the arrangement of boals mentioned above seme T's iff, is to be a ** Baok, Whig, Federa!, and thet the word of promise hés been 8P9- | sood cheer, Lou d the Queen City | eg Cle DaOally *lendany 00 SS SNS osized by arly de His Honor, the Chief, ordered Divine Service, | Clay” heretic ! ken to the ear, only to be broken to the o the South will be Tound trae to the great | S0Cb Wovads !— Richmond Compiler. ernme:t; wey are q vowed, ard Ge rep which lasted unt} aboot 1 o'clock. At p. M. We makp-the plaint in thie matte that the hone. It wee the trickery of the Locos that “end “F f the West” in 1844 Pat ar wane salar amare eet aration promised to the honor of Mexico the Island was again alarmed, but the shock was Britons made to the Emperiur Clacdius. « We} ope: i 1 coees tae sory ON ERO eM ey 1 § lisbury Female Acaden A wonsttnffonal ane repwbliean Govesoment of short duration ; and now, as | write, t-past 9. | kné@w out what to do: the Barbarians drive ps deceived the Peopie THEN, bat it will be let who will fatter. A blow has been strock HE Su r Session of this Inetin, '. ibe thas woulg not invade the territory of a P i, we have jost experienced a third Shock, | in the sea: the sea throws as back again ah the | their own fault, of they ere TAKES IN Acaine ich hes pefalysed the foe, and given new Ty sediiebinas Mondey (Marek sate friead!ly nation in a hostile Manner, except | alihough theteo latter Were potuf a very alarm. | Barbatiens.” oe OUrage to ovr fnends; it will be followed reipoments are aakign t. ’ de 6th, ; declarat £ way by its legitimate | ing cam _ | have jost heard warbajly fiom mara- Cannot Vice President Ritchie help the coun. €F Poluicel weath reocks are not con- in July next in gailat style. boge S (0 procure an “pon I ve ris awa poh a letter ‘oxi | gal; Ree Division.” Sorge of the houses are | try out of this serape ? Cannot he either gel | fined to thie side of the’ btieot - Mr. Walsb, rhe Loeofocos and Tylerites have made a wit proyeely enter on her ¢ rereiad hon Cassw niles Jones by de much injured, but no lives lost, | the grandson to make another soblerranean vieit | the Parie correepondent of tt ‘National thei lest expiting kick in New Orleans clase of eadéll "vhildeane learning parm received fr , , ; “ Arni , ae (a aa. > Pos . : ; 5 ier of the United States canfirms theec Thursday, 9th. Arrived ihis morning, the! to Pom eiior Hercolaneam, and let us know félligencer states tha strong sensation The onset yesterday wae ‘the dying throb, | and Spelling, will be taughi at Harn, Memisies of the ; Schooner Sisters, Capt. marshall, who was -off what Thomas Jefferson might, would, could, or been proddced, in the Prerch Chamber of 4 pe dlb h iy tours j mg first F "a Impressions. 41 stases tbat be assumed the St. Kitts at ihe time of the first earthqaake yee | did say, upon this delicate subject, in some one P , TF i eat ” and seon they will pess away and “be bear rapeh asually taught in ihe rot Female P , ; q poa D es by “the thestrics!*transition” of ; i be atiended : d “Tegponsibility of big acts in reptunog Mon. lerday His recital of the circomstances is pa—]} of those innomerable MSS. which ate credited eputies y . F no more.” We are satisfied—satisfied-that minaries wi eliended io, and it is delieny ae, from the impressioa in bis mind that} ihatie in the extreme. Both St. Kitts and St. | to exist somewhere, and to be ready to be forth. | M. Lemartine, the celebrated Poet, traveller whenever we choose to aiake en.effort, such | hat se SPS” cet Fangemes is Res S0perier 5 ar had been declared between the United Kustalia have suffered, but the particalars are coming at some time ; or fatting in thie, let off oe ays macceglertly 7 en one as we will ch. “to” ‘wake in pe eof Fraves) ivioctracting ¢ cee Biles and Mexico ; but that, 3s svon ag he | nos yet koowe. D. ATTWELI . Webers naan . sia Heo what ye na Sein & his wovemsnt oe ie bat 1844, that ce cen quadruple our present Freeh language, and it is desirable that ol | perceived hisserror, he immediately restored eae . on the M ii had oe © tlero’s opinions | wit Wenn? ys mon SeeOyre ri majority! This is enough, and until the who intend joining should do sv immedieiey sgain the Mexiren flag,and performed tne | = : a ry aia “har a ought to do thie The covntr Mr. alsh adds, neither Lours Phi Ippe next contest strives, ge ee content. We He. bas alee consented to take charge of a; : usual salutes and ceremonies:n honor of u.°| WORMSY WORMS! onghtw ia parade a hinoie—Laas fal bd vl M. UgiEdt Wdics and yarn 0 peo arifiex 8 table of the votes given ia esch mv- | in Crayon Drawin . ® brauch whieh in one ! 8 . . wy aR. . © degree whic © meteor itician icipality. app’éciated at the North, and but little attengg : itt ve nat eure . at vere ihe Startling Facts. eealee i tied tron ie, oF aap Fomorini. hie new allies senguinely anticipated.” The meee Freret Genois. | '0 among os. A few-young Ladies a Ae Clava, ane Is bey fore Je 2 l _ F } Hondreds of children and adolta are lust year pating Variff. Unless some decision informa | troth is, polinciens, however inflveacial First Municipalit 513 ‘ 470 ceived into the family as boarders, and Col. g city of Mexico before June. Stns Iherata | 1 Wit worns, when eome other cause has been | tion bo voucheafed from head quartets, to the | they may be so long as they remain true to Seeoid Pentys 605 298 | W. Loxa pil! take 8 or 10. Boarding cans believed that he will in a short time liberate Sanposed to be ihe irne one, faithfal, they witl all be compelled to adupt the | their creed, are shcra’ of their power. so on ° § | be ublained at several other desirable places the Texian San Antionio prisoners now con. Mt is admiiied vy all doctors that scarce a ™M0.! course of Mr. Brown, of Preston—ride both | soon ag they desert the flag under which Third do 174i 20 iown. N@kdedaction mave for absence, bat fired at Perote. ‘The other Prisoners fate- | woman or child exisia but what are sooner or sides of the sapling—be a ‘Tariff man in Preston hey h fouskt desi d ‘otk _- —_— casé of jong continoe® sickness. Jy teken are oo their way to Mexico, | later troubled with worms, and in handreds of —an Anti-Tariff man’ in Richmond—a ‘Varift| ‘2Y Dave fought, and enlist pecer sautagr 1289 974 TERMS. and are under sentence to work on the | cases, sad to rela'e, @ supposed fever, scarlatina, | man where it saiis you, and. with true Demvo- —vnless, as in Mr. W. C. Rive’s ae Mojority for Freret 315 votes. Tuition $6—8—10—or 12 50 accord) road from Mexico to Acapuleo, under the Salt, or some ee ee on the opie cratic Jiberty, ao Anti-'Tariff man where it does nee they oko Ives whore the _ the advancement of the sani Ine ; - 7 of the hnomano famify—white ja truth ey dieo countr Meking out a ¢ t case of disin- P fs . . . — . command of Col.Cerua, Mr. Van Ness and Worms! ani ihese could have been enim a fa ble to th hose g ; torested ord stricie , : In all others, THE GREAT PETITION. Mosic on Piano per session, $22 59 three others, who were senteneed to death. | fa bottle af Kol ke mi IS agreeable to those whose daty it is aes PETPORne. : . d f th Guitar per quarter, 12 § eet s anitence was subgequently remitted | 2-2. 12¥: bY ihe vse o - bolile a ia raehie , L to farnish the real, genuine test of modern De- | a change of positton is fatel—and especially The W mingren. correspon ont of tbe French per session, 10 04 . whieh ange ‘wa! q y re | | Vermifuge, at the cost of a qvarier of a dollar! mocracy, who can blame Mr. Brown, of Pres- | if the selfishness of the motive be *pparent. | Baltimore American, sn his Saturday's letter, Drawing with erayons per session 10 0 'o ten years’ imprisonment, are confined ut How sickening the thought that these things | oo, or any other honest Democrat for trying tol w WwW Fab att awing \ , y San Fernando at present. Mr. 8S. G. Nor- | should be—and who can ever forgive themselves eoritoren himself to it, whatever it may % g hen Mc. . ebster, holding office under | thus describes the: greet Massachusetts pe--} ~ Painting in-waterevlors do. 10 % , ol. C ing this Worm Exterminator, when | © matics y o2pper | Tyler, stood Up amidst a “ses of onturned|.. = te Wax Work, , 5 00 vell. through the intercession of Col. Ca= |} tor not Irying this 0 J ’ to be—for being one thing bere, and another f in F il Hall d vilified d tition: ‘Needle Work, Sc. tavght ‘f desired usco, was liberated, and has returned jn they know that NW not by aay erat worms, there—for trying, as St. Pav] recommends, aj] | ‘8S ih Faneuil Hall, end vil Sn re- ; this remevgy could noi 5 OSS ; 9 ihe Woodbury to New Oslesne. A men-ofswar brig, oder the command ! of Capt. Martin, kad arrived at Vera Cruz | “This morning, the House, doctrines, but holding fast only to that which shall help him most ?— Richmond W. proached men with whom he bed for so ma hig. on entering the Ha!l,of ny yesrs stood shoulder to shoulder, end My attention wes directed to the EMMA J. BAK Salisbosy, March tat, 1843 —buvialways aood as a ease be what tt may. Ppreative—ler the dis- low imporiant then to ER, Principe, —1f32 . y j : even sneered at one of their most promin. | desk of Mr. Adems, on which was a reel NE 5 Micwiean 7 «| ag itv and who will dare take the responsib ny Reha ements mies ent messures, in FH lip which bis elo-| "ith 8 petition arocnd it, helf a mile in Ww from New York, for the Mexican Govern & do Wilbout it % Let every parent that ig noi . y ale Ki ouse of Repre . | DB h ned b fift -one thousand ej ht . . ment, * | a b-ote, ask ihemselves this question in trath anc sentatives of the Commonwealth of Penusylva- queot voice bad been often heard not only re * a4 +a a {Ss =i Tailoring Establishment! The gevere gale of the 31st ultimo ded | eoberncee, ura, wn General Assembly met: ‘That we de-| in the Senate, but in the midst of Popular; hendred ang ajxty three persons of Sou crvsed some lose of lives and much damage Mr IC Ringold had a child very sick for | Precate any action on the part of Congress, @: | assemblies, es “an obsolete idea,” he signed Massachusetts, asking Congress {o pass such A. PRP, ALSOBROOK, al Vera Cruz.* The foreign men-of- war ly. | pear two weeks, snd attended by o Physician, | !'8 presen or any other session 10 relation to the bie political death warrent. the office holder, the patriot. So, and Wise—sl! of sation of Exeeutj laws end to ptopose such emend menis to the Constitution of the United States as mety forever seperate the people of Massachusetts from ell connection with slavery. The ven. erable gentleman sat behind this petition Tt wes eléerly recanting the opinions of téo0, with Cashing, Proffit, whom look ip the dispen- ve patronage, for the “re- Tariff whieh would be calculat permanency in fotare, or indoce the belief any where, that a well regulated system of dulies is not regarded as a part of tha settled policy of the Government. ed todistourb ite TY - Without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was ig at the. Sacrificios suffered.a great deal. | given, and next day more than forty worme were A Mexican brig-of- war 's reported lost. passed, when the child recovered rapid!y. name not known. The United States brig- | A child of « widow wowan, living near the of-wer Dolphin lost ber launch, but no dives. | Manhatian Water Works, had dwindled for . _ "TAILOR, (Late of tile City of Raleigh) HAVE located myself in the Town ¢ a . ” ; 4 “ \ @ summer’s morning,” Saliskory, fpermanently .) and iniend a A sumber of fishermen were caught at sea | menth, till near 9 skele.on, with great dryness Resolved, That the compromise of the Tariff} ward” which they have a right to expect as celm est re butthe 8 g. teed tying on my.BUSINESS jn 2 atyle nol tot tO petished. j Of the mouih, and itching of the sose. A hu bs the act of one thousand eight hundred and | from the men, who, like themselves elevat- It was petition dey, bat the Houee reso!ve sorpassed in thie Staie or out of ii. My Ee - imape ladv, who called to provide for the family, | ‘hirly two, may be regarded as one of the canses ed to power by the suffiages of the Whigs, | '© go-into committee of the whole on other lishment isin the room on the corner of the A REVOLUTION JN HAYTIL. | sent immediaiely for Kolmstock’s Vermifoge, | *hich has produced not only the embarrassed : like them exerts , is infisence to over- business. After the vote Was taken, Mr. Mansion Rotel, formerl¥ oecu pied as the Poste Which brooght «@av great quantities of worws | S!ale of finances, bar operated rainously upon ihe i Adams asked the general conseat of the | Office. [ have employed the best of Norther Copt. Higgins, of brig Joseph Atkins, at} fur iwo or three days, and the child grew beter | great manofaci@ng interests of the coantry, throw 7 for all zee defeat oo a fun House to present his petition ; but objection | Workmen, No expense os pains will ve spar | Holmes’s Hole, from Aux Cayes, informs | ai orice, and regained its fu'l strengih ia less { 27d 10 a great exieni destroyed oor home indos— | ve on et eee one a are nate was mace by several gentlemen, and the | ‘0 render this a . ihe correspondent of the Boston Exchange than a month. — ° ‘9s ihe oniy trne sources of national, as well as | fure ag wall sree ree | cemard”—and Id | bad : bu t b hi b] E blis] t! thai he put to seain consequence of an ir | Several children in a highly respectable fam- | !nuividual wealth and prosperiiy. they will yet perbaps live long enough to | old gentleman bad more course but to sub- Fashionable stablishment. niet He wan “a op the eve of | ity in Broadway had worat ics frighifal exient, Resolved, Vhat a tariff based upon such rrin- | discover that the brief and transitory bon- mit silently. So his cannon was spiked for ors they may win by their spostacy will be once, the 26 | and were ail cured rapidiy with this ciples as shall raise revenae to meet all the de- !n some of the besi Vermifuge. ,; reasory, and at the same time by hultimo a body of men, 6,000 or families in ihe neig hbor- in all regpeets. 8.000 sirong, were reported to be quarteted Gentlemen, therefore, may tei on having their mands on the t elothes made np in the ow anki inher dearly purchased by @ whole nation’s scorn, fashionable and dorable manner. | have be hood of St, John’s ‘ark, it has been exiensively | ® /rener discrimination in favor of our manufac- which as certainly as that retribution, in DUELLING. engaged regularly in egtting for the last ft on the Plein, and ia consequence the Gen - | used, from the cireumstance of having eradica— | ‘ures, and agricoltural productione, afford ace come hape, invariably follows eve ‘de i been j be years, and part of the time, in some of ihe ma eral in command ordered out his foree, about | ted . large qnaniily -ef worms, afier all other | quate Protection to these great interests, is not . 8 f pe, tited y ia their ; ry bI A bill has been introdaced into the Le- 20CO men, and stationed them at theis | -emedies had failed, which was very extensive. | 0°'¥ consiitational, bat ea pewe ‘yom rectitude, is their inevitable led for by every con- and is absolately ne- ndent asa pation, in celebrated establishmente in the Southern cour try. [shall not hesitat 'o fit I cut and.giake. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-Yori FASUIONS, received monthy. In conclusion, sbonld | bee couraged, no one need send away fo procure gua clothing. posts. The next day gislature of Louisiena for the repeal of sil existing laws egeinst duelling, and for the establishment of a court of honor. The Picayune gives the following outline of the bill : “Phe bill, a8 its tithe MP ports, laws now on the stetate book pression of dueling: it provi governor appoint the inhabitants were ail armed, and formed in the public square. | Petit weasel in port got reedy for sea ex_| by the ose of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedivol emaciated before tept schooner James, of Marblehead, whieh | > ey j ‘he Vermifuge was given. The nex: day three Woe cCetuined for want of ballast, and the and she left off the | large worms were dislodged, merchants and others removed their Speere | Vermifuge, when she became again worse, and end valuable goods on board the vessels ‘in had resurt to the Vermifage thai finally broughi the harbor = ='The British merchanis were away an incredivle quantity of worms, awd the loading the schooner Jane Erskine. When healik. | ,cure was complete, and she gained her Capt. Higpins left, a great excitement exigt- | [2nidly ly known in that part of the cily. sideration of sound policy, A family in New Jersey saved several children cessary (o make us icdepe war and in peace, Resolved, Vhat we regard Manufatioing interesis not Some erroneously contend, but same, the farmer and the manafactn market both for th of him, Resolved, That the doctrines of doom.— Lynchburg Virginian. € to guarantee every thing EX-GOVERNOR POLK’S OPINION OF BANKRUPTS AND THE BANKRUPT Law. The following quotations from Col. Polk’s different speeches in :his. State during lest fell, are published for the coneeration of those of bis locofoco fy the farming and a8 antagonists as asone and the producing the raw material, Ter furnishing him a heme at, and the other productions repeals al! for the sup- des that the ® Court of Honor, which A. P. ALSOBROOK. Reference —Thos. M. Oliver, Baleigh, N.C. ‘* free trade” ' iends, whose sv ffer- : . Salisbury, Janoary 21, 1843-1926 a: etand: j- | ' order to operate justly must be reciproc ; shall eonsist of five members > {bet a major- ————_-) ————___ ; ed. Il was reparied that the insurgenis had | | of children ume eek ng octred 8 ami that the thesia of Britigh writers cprceal: and ing and embarrassed situation has compelied ity of them skall form e quorum ; thes to/ WHO WILL Go BALD: advanced within two miles aad sent In @ | restore ba: one out of the ceven to health He | ivet find their own refatation in the policy con- | them toraveil themselves of the benefit Of fthem all difficuliies. between gentlemen | Oldrid ge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hat A SOPMeuication demanding o change of ad. | had the tiberatity 10 send for Kolmstock's Ver- | S'aotly parsued by thal nation of imposing high the eenkreps low. We csnnet ne Ada shall be sobmitted by ‘their respective se- ROM Comstock & Co.—fis positive qos! - ministestion which should do away with | mifoge, and cured the rest with it in less than a, ‘uties, for the Protection of all ber agticuliural | his Excellency it his sweeping denunciation, conds; that on an investigation of the affeir F® are as follows :—Ist For infants, keep teiitary despotism, and the establishment of | weele ; 2d manofacturing interests. , for within our knowledge many who have by the court, such reparation or apology | ing the head free from scur{. and cavsing 4 let" # fori cf government similarto that of the} Numerovs -2ses of other complainis were sap | f scrote, I _ * copy of these resolations be taken it are emphatically honert men, and shall be made by the Parties as the court uriant growth of tair.—2d For ladies after child: Por. CBtates. These conditions being | Posed in exist, and the persons treated fur fever, oo Senators or ae of hie Hoose, atari to denounce a man for his misfortunes as a shall poiat out, or should the court decide | birth, restoring the skin to its natural streng!> con sige ith, they were ready tulay down | X¢-» bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov. ! ° ’ presentatives scoundre) or a rouge, shows neither the spirit of a patriot, a christian, nor a good man.— Franklin (Tenn.) Review. oviife | ered the trne cause of the sickness, by 7 hawav almost an innnmerable quantity of H large and small, and the persons recover PAR TAQUAKE- Is re WEST INDIES | Instances of this \oreal despaich. “ure OFFice, Washington, ? Ted to an immense extent, bat it i i\. C., Fet. 9 § i! For 25 cents wr | ishment the certajgpeHects of this Verm foge. cheoner Raleigh, Capt at this por frOims Sr, Marten, Cantion — Never buy this articce anless it have Whence ehe sa, ed on the Dib bringing | '® Congress, with a request (hat worms, ; ‘he same to each of their lespectiv ed with kind might be | Ss oseless, one | show any one with ?Stoq- they present e Houses. MECKLENBURG, Vas Ata large and respectable meet; | Democracy of Mecklenburg, ; Members, held in the Law Jones, Esq.,on Monday, the handsomely en- | court day, pursuant to lwo the fac simite On motion of Dr. that recourse be had to morta] combat, then, in that case, the court shail have power io : : | select weapons and choose time and place ; “NO HONEST MAN will take the | and lastly, should the parties, 19 opposition benefit of the Bankrupt law,” ssid Gov. | to the decision of the court, meet 14 morte! Polk, in bis speech at Athens. ; | combat, they shal) then be tied by a court Knozvile Post. | of competent jorisdiction; and if found pt Law is a Whig mesenre guilty of disobeying the Coort of Honor, ans of which. D/SHO.V- and firmaess, and preventing the falling ov! o the hair.—$d For any person recovering (100 any debility the same effect is prodoced. 4! If ased in iafaney tif a good growth is siar'ed, it may be preserved by actention to the lates! pe riod of life.—5ih It frees the head from ee ruff, strengthene the roots, imparts healih 2 vigor to the cirealation, and prevents the + fiom changing color or petting gray —6ib ee ng of the pure consisting of nine office of Beverly 20th inst., it being hours previous notice: Tiognal Jotes, Jobn Jooes, 3. Q'; raing the § hs. oreived “Dr Kulmsiock’s Vermifuge™ : graved on the autside label, and ‘* The Bankru of Relief by me 5 e shail be imprisoned in the Peneteatiary for | “2uses ime or oath menalitally when dovet Be hs arrival we have received in. | Of Comsiock & Co. | l'sq. was called tothe chair, and Alexander 8.| ES7 MEN pay their debts with @ kiss of | life. ” No ledicn ence should ever be made withoat it. reece of the alarming Bary q ake, whiet | qe iB ’ oan paliahory , J S : Jones nena pening jones. Ke d the book,” said Gov. Polk, in his speech at 7th Children who have by any means ond red on the 8th isi.se sight sho. & of | Miaheg ledineton a Sith Ral ee ; es by Wm H Jones Bec : Beveily douse, Fon Rogersville !—Jonesborongh Whig. A WORD TO YOUNG MEN. tracted vermin in the head, are arene . wos Delt here, and in many other pla} More 4, 1313 1y32007 | was nominated a6 « suitable candies to repre. “It [the bankropt law] hed spread the We have observed the inereasing indo. | Perfectly cured of them dy its use. {: is io! eon the Unied States, The Subjoined | Poesephip. TT SEAL UNE cHanty of Mecktenvarg in the next | €00r to the most MOUS FRAUDS. lence, (8078 the Balifax Advocate,} OF tath- ar had been bald aboot five years—no more b?' fever from 2). Atwell, brought by Cape. | Rev. Dr. Bartholomers | Genesal Assembly. ‘The Chairman being very | The applicant for istons hed Seen | er want o: employment among the rising on the topof my head than on the back of mf Brooks. gives the particulars, so far as ey | PINK EXPECTORANT SYRup.. deat. Dr. Hicgoal Jones was requesied to stand | fornishes by it with # ne mode of paying | generation in this section of our conniry | hand, and my head covered wiih a thick sco" Were Roown at Si, Marten, when the Ra. | Amapgreenbla Cordial, and effective Remedy by hin and caunmanicate ty him the motions as Off bis debts. He has 19g to do but to with anxiety and sorroq@. Wherever we go, | In this situation about the 10th of Avgos! jot leigh ge.led. ® | tor Coughs, Hoarseness, Culds, Pain in the | they were mae Onn JONES. Chai stoear them off and be feleased from them | we find some young men whoseem to think | | began using the Balm uf Columbia, trom ON bes St. Mantes, Wednesday, ae Influenza, Hard Breatping, and difficult | A. S. Jonrs.Seery, ™""- | forever.” Polk's speech at Pulaski. | it a disgrace to work ; who choose rather pyar ty | na Siace whieh, I have eee ally re- ile “ebruary 8, 1843, é Office. and by Coyne eae Watchman | far we , * NINETY-NINE HUNDREDTH’S of | to idle awey their time, 10 frivolous conver- ena bolt plas Feary * bead eosirely fom ing Akont 10 o'ctock, P. M.. todas, thie feo] merch 1843—1,90" er, Salisbusy. ul. an We vuderstaad that in con. | those who take the benefit of the bankrupt salion, unwelcome visiting, or in doing noth. pe Avia rinchhan eeetoad with fine, 128 the land experienced on alarming Rant quake. — —— rae sinew ri recent inventions in the bv- | taw, fet dishouesily and freedalentiy.”— | ing a1 sng Nt is an old seying sands tre. | jog Jong hair—whick say one way see by ¢2! beng It basted from 9 te 4 minutes ; during whieh | C.BN heeler, sole A SEDC iron noite 18 We nails, from ona olk’s speech at Columbia. one, that an idle man’s brain ie the Devil's | on me, at Stamford, Connecticui. FIELD. a, peniod, and, indeed Some, treme efier, this | for Dr, Rowanu, has jase received afresh sap- >t] lee, ee qeolty are slows y a * ae work shop; =e especially 19H true when Nov 12, 1840 D S$ Sco 5 i the i tnwn, Philpshurg, Nesherlind D vising ex [MV ot bis genuine Improved Tonic Mizture, 5°1'@ 9t lece thee feer conte 2 pound. £z aordinary Production of Cotton — | applied to young men. Out of a hundred | Connterfeits are abroad—jook always Nig Kiniied a ins rye gitfa scene The he: ds *bieh@is tur sale wi resale and 1¢ tal, ato ob ; Ihos rave troly the Journal of Commerce. From @.a0te before ds, =e searn thet James youths who spend their tigre ia idleness nome of Comstoek eee Office, and by C Ral fia Urs or re brsmiie 88 were geen hatter. Dnt : 12 pores Salisbury, N.C, Nill that paper os good ctough to te! we E. Caldwell, Esq. of FainGeld Dietriet, ‘in and folly vet more tHan one; was rely. B Whats Salt tert De suk Raleigh. Sara eal i aleuntee eaten re 10~ 20 how much the price of neile is enhanced by | this State, raised last year, on one aere and will ever make a useful or thriving man,— H ut, Hil'ebos ” 1G R Sloan Greensdure s q Pp erie. somreely ab i ep thee baten I Job Pytiti nea iy oy, Nhe heavy duty iwnposed on importation PF an eighth of land, 3515 ‘bs. of seed eotton. | When once the Propensity to idleness be- P Mi, bs ‘t inet —— Ow up to cael MBisles Movements of the nse heat A done here. ’ {7 rtbome. 8. C. ‘V emperance Advocate, Maory, Lexington. comes a habit, end IxbodF to be considered march 4, 1849~1y$2 ana atch sALiSBURY: Th RDAY. \ CM, I jepublican Whig ‘Tick president of the United States, gi “HENRY CLAY. oF KENTOCKY. A ahy W' Rally Whigs ! tohold a Public Meeting at the Salisbury, on Monday of March f appointing Delegates nvention, tu be held at on the 4thof April next. owan are requested (0 ‘, 71g deliberations. |! , jéresses will be delivered, which aa! interesting. panies be 1ONOFSSNORANY WHIGS. ; fo? the purpese 0 ‘Whig District Co attend and It is probable + gaged in their he difference between Van oP ieoct acy and Calhoun democracy, that 2 forgotten for the last month or more to their position , we take oecasion to remind of his fact, 28 their negligence must be ve- to their followers, who trust to Jead in all matters whatever, puticalarly at the present@period, when am begias to change—policy and opinion and many without the usual and light 00 the sabject, might commit -ayoos puaders in the dark, and get into a 7 A short time past, some of the i yodertook io decry party spirit, that it was ge 10 eae off party and go for the good of the : mn proposi‘ion very readily agreed to,— ss upon enquiing What party errors they were jog to renoance for the good of the country, bey weaild not tell, their position was nut definea- Their leaders had drawn them into this 4 1 1od left them there, and being under sep sirict party drill, they did not dare to think . hemselves. We presume, however, that ihe | sihoon Democrats will shortly be enlightened tbe important sudject of what lead to follow, so that (bat gentleman has been invited io sy the table orator at two conspicuous places his way (0 a stale of retiracy, Giret at Norfolk, iginia, aad second at Camden, South Caroli- yod due notice has been given of these im- events in futuro, that all the faithful fol- wamay see, hear and obey, il being probably time Mr. Calhoun will have a conven— rionity of defining his position and con- ,in such terms as will inwre to his benefit. [ycofocos are 90 pnsily en wyarrel abous t jPThe Salisoury (N. C.) Watchman en- 4 Gov. Gilmer, of the House of Represenia- ive, with several other Congressmen, ‘‘ on the miof traitors to ahe political principles “they Will the Watchman w good as to state what principle of princi- »Gov. Gilmer has gone against that be was weed (o support? A frank answer is seques:— u.-Lynchburg Republican. We will merely meation one instance of a de- rion of principle by .Gov. GitmeR, upon tich he was elected, that of the Distribution ‘the Proceeds of the sales of the Public Lands, og ihe several States,—a measure which he vocaled with all the ability he possessed, while vember of the Virginia Legislature, but which ww donouoces ag the very essence of Fed- Mr. Gitaser continued a firm and able porier of thie great measure, up to Joho T'y- sdesertion of the Party and Principles that nid him triumphantly into power in the ever morable eampaigin of 1840; and Mr. Grirmer, was like, followed ip his fooisteps, and became ¢ supporter of the ONE MAN POWER, instead of remaining true to the rights of the People.— ‘Gitmer while a candidate for Congress velimed bimeelf “* every inch a Whig,” and ‘urse, must have advocated this measure be- tlhe People, also, as it was one among the ‘prominent tnseribed on the Whig banner, suere ne desertion of principle ? "end to know what the Republican louks ap- Sadesertion of principle, out we should say “ia (his instanee, Gov, G, has eleacly shown “coven foot; and that we were right in class- Tm among the Jist of traitors, pabhsbed in “paper of the 25th altimo. Ps Gor, Ginmer give for this inconsisiency ? ‘¢\hal we have seep, which is strong enough “yt him of the charge of. wilfully and ma- sly deserting the principles apon which he 4 “tected, and deceiving his constituents. elecied to support.” We do not What excuse ON DITS AND BY GONKS. ‘Newspaper, ia order 40 maintain its claim to tod conform its character to ils proper | “®ation, should a!ways contain something ~ 8 D0t appeared in print before,’ merely to =e the readers oceasiunally, that the Editor _Relimes write enough to detail passing “shat may be within his.pwn observation ; a. he occasionally louke: abroad opon the 20d hears something more thac the rat- ‘types in the com posing stick, and the gra We offer the following - ternal ebservation—in- "eof what ie going on in the world-arouod m of | pet the Press slide. ‘tecimen of our ex © deen informed that the Honorable as heeler, the Democratic Treasurer of ene ts wiih wife and children, passed is Salisbury on Wednesday 7 iialeigh, to take possession of the ‘I'ree- - “Parlement of ibis Government. ‘The : “tig of Rrettinen are worthy of notice— 4918 perpetuates the evidence of ihe history of the times ; and it is supposed ried from his Lineoln plantation many therewithal to decorate Sh as C last, on their the Treasury hinese Rose Trees, Horse Leaf Maple, Multicaulis, ckbery, Ulinthas Cedar, and h other ornamental or native *Pontaneously in the neighborhood » So that he may be assored that those | ™2°- ance ese more genaine @ ators hemursblé for the ed from 9 di ° Wivee, and ay Thisix by gone ) 2 te th is. ‘That the Hoa- it, late member of Con Soperiatend#at- of the United States Braneb Mint at Charlotte, to sveceed Burgess S. Gaith- er, removed fer non-dooformity to Tylerism..'Tg satisfy Capting Tyler's conscience, the iniqaities ses, is to be visited upon his successor, B. S Gaither, to set on edge the teeth of G. W. Cald- well, so that the childréo whal) be made to bear tion be pagt; authority. “The. love of money (in the Migi)}is the soot of all evil. of the Whigs of the Legislaiure of Massacho-~ *, members in the Sumber of regolotions breathing the trae Whig spirit, on the affairs of State, and the present gloomy aspect of political affairs —brougiht about by the disastrous and ruinous covrse parsued by The Convention also passed a resolution approv- ing the action of the Whig Members of the Con- gress of the United Siates, at their. meeting fen cently held.at Washington. City, recommending a National Whig Convention at Baltimore in May, 1844. } The Bankrupt Law Repealed.—On Sator- day, the 25th ultimo, the bill: for the reneal of the Bankrupt Law, which passed the House of Representatives, was taken up by the Senate and passed byra vote of 32 to 13. The bill, it wil] be recollécted, excepted a'] cases which are pending at the time of the repeal. We subjoin the veas and nays: YEAS.— Messrs. Allen, Archer, Bagby, Bay- ard, Buchanan, Calhoun, Crafis,: Crittenden, Cothbert, Dayton, Falton, Graham, “Hunting - ton, King, Lion, McDuffie, McRoberts, Man- gom, Merrick, Morehead, Phe!ps, Rives, Sevier, Sprague, Siorgeon, Tappan, Walker, Witeox, Williams, Woodbury. Wright, and Yoong —$2. NAYS —Messrs. Barrow, Bates, Berrien, Choate, Clayton, Evans, Kerr, Miller, Porier, Smitb, of Inda., Tallmadge, White and Wood- bridge—1S. LATE FROM CAMPEACHY—THE MEXICANS BEATEN! By the*arrival of the sehooner Two Sona, Capt. Boyisn, at New Orleans on the 172b olt., from Campeachy, we have news io the 91h of Pebroary. Verbally we learn that on the 4th ultimo, a party of volunteers from Campeachy attacked the Mexicans om the heighis where ihe town of Ghina is siinated, and after a ghort. bot severe struggle earried the place at th igs of the bay- onet. The Mexican General Andrada and a sun of Santa Anna were killed in the Je, bevides other officers, and from 400 to 500 o. The loss.of the Campeachanos was 40 or 50 killed and near one hundred wounded. Another pariy from Campeachy, coming io their asisiance, fired npon ibeir friends by mistake end killed aad wounded a number, The possession of these heights is said tobe of immense impcriance to the besieged, who are new in better spirits than ever. The attack was made at daylight io ihe morning. The Mexican fleet, more especially the sail- ing vessels, hardly dare show themselves oulside the harber, a report having reached them that Com. Moore had left thie city with the intention of paying them a visit: The ‘wo Sons was boarded while going in by the Montezoma ; bat tlie officers of the former, pretending they were boend for Sisal, were noi molesied. When night came on they altered (heir eourse, made all sail, and reached Campea chy in safety. The officers and men of ihe Montezuman are represented as being nearly a!| Loglish. WHIG MEETING IN MECKLENBURG. Agreeable to public notice, a meeting of ihe Whigs of Mecklenbuarg took place in ihe Conr: House for the parpose of nominating Deleoaies tu attend the Convention at Mount Mourne, to nominate a candidate to représent this Congres sional District ° On motion, Col Thos. 1. Grier, was eatled io the Chair, and R. I. McDowell, appointed Sec retary, At the reqnest of the Chair, J. H. Wilson ex- pliined the object of the meeting. The following resolutions were then offered by Wm Johnson, who madea few happy remarks showing the necessily of a Convention and the importance of unity ameng the Whigs: Resolved, That we the Whigs of Mecklen- borg county approve the proposition to hold a Convention a: Mount Mourne in Irede!} coaniy, to nominate a Whig candidate to represent this ’ Distriet in the easaing Congress of ihe United States. Resolved, That we proceed io appoint Dele 821'@8 to be nominated and chosen from among ihe people, whose business it shall be to atiend said Conventwa anptedged to any particular candi- date and select some one who may unite the feel- ings of the entire Whig party throughout this District. Resolved, That we will by all fair and honor able means promote ihe election of the individual! nominated and give bim onr individual support, The following persons were then nominated and the vole taken separaiely om each individual, viz: T M Kernes,Jas Porter,Sr., R | McDowell, Dr W Ardry, Cyros Query, Dar'ing Beli, Joho Campbell, Wm Johnson, Join M Fulwood; B. McGinnis. her Oa motion of John Campbell, the Delegates were authorized,’io case of the absence of any of the members, to fill the vaeaacy by selecting a | suitable person. Resolved, That. the proceedings be published | in the Charlotte Journal and Carolina Waich- The meetiag then adjourned. THOS.! GRIER, Chairman. R. !. MeDowert, Secretery. ‘ > igenewrers Anoual Report of ‘ | seondt of | ing their: for MeV eter, for President, Coutt oF f aod Levi Wobhers fo gress ftom ition of Mecklenburg Indepen- dence, is-shi } Teceive the apporniment of | of J. Hs Wihteeler, according to ttre jaw of Mo- | the inigaity. of the father antil the third-gesera- | . a pariv feaders l@ m Whig Convention ix Boston.—A Convention | deceive the appointment power at their selfish setts, pow in session, and delegaies from ibe x “ towas ia that Staie not represenied by Whig | Legisla.a#@, tmet.in Convention | at the Capitol in Boston, on Wednesday evening | the 22d a}timo, and after. calling Col. Strong to | the Chair, and ehoosing a number of bigh!y re- | spectable gentlemen Vice Presidents, passed a! kept in sailing order vniit such jusiice is secured, the: Locofucos towards tbe Banks al! over tie | once preeperous and happy*country. Among oth | Legivlatnse of Maine. reqves:ing ine Goveraer io ers, a resolation recommending the Whigs to, i form ihe United Siaies Goverament tha the I hold « State Convention for the parpose of nomi | British Colonia! Governmen: of New Béens nating candidates for Governor and Cientenant | wick, is atiempiing io catlec’ inoness on bonds Governor of the ‘* Old Buy Staie,” wae adopted. | belonging 0 ibe diapuied ierciiory fond, which, pof the United Siates to take ihe prover sieps wu J Secure ihe disiribution of this. fond according io | Cueshire, sq. Mr Tillman Brogden, io Miss in the n ew Bruns }: of #* Old Set »bhi- tions ~wére wick, (¥ cans,” a « Nar- Vice P esident, a1 ihe &< next Presidential election ; denaoncing ive laie | mm Zermeon, | ! . e . ; aad} cn. Sys 5 rejection, ov Congress, of ibe Kxcvequer bi! 28 others, © Petition Yor reprohate of “a direet jnaujt ig ihe inielligepce ef ine Ame: - et ' din it io be | , and no such persons 28 2/8 named in ji ae io joa Wetrhman, for the said awargaiel- Modan eT eee Msn ete. | norednoite we be'hed Sonact vefore the Fasii lion’ apon ihe eredolity of ihe Moedisen‘an is the lanc vage poi inio the mouth of thé ebief ofaior on the oeeasion, whals represented to pave al- laded to “* the confampiible effaris of a few old aclure publie opinion Jo ¥. Vashington purpises” i0 2 manne, io eom- mand “enthusiastic acclamation,” ~ A fier | the resolatibne “* were avopied ith ealjre Spe Dimiiy !” = ihe next Court to ue* Coor: House in Le setitionly or twill be sei Gown for beati pher.* = 3 Test. - ad RAS. MOCK, c ec. mareh 11, 1843—6 a. a ———— ~~ ‘Oregon.—Vhe Londah Times. complains of the il] simed 204. nnceneiliaiory proceedings ‘0 ihe United States Senate, prosiding for the occupa. | DAVIDSON COUNTY. tion of Oregon ‘Verri:ory : ways ihai ibe -eoregen. | Court of Pleas 20) Quaries Sessions—February ‘Ferm, 1848. ¥ bd « Jazarvs Sink, intives of Fagtand must insis. on striciand spee | dy justice, and advises ihat the Chinese fleet ne | vs Ale'rs2. LowotRa. £ vo Land, (in twe cases 3 che! Sai. bh, Dee'y J - More Difficuliy —A sesoluiion vas naseed ibe (ani of 0s Stare, bai nvolication ue Jom, nersonattic: joo and anpeab by ihe cermps of the Inie reaty, belong to- Mone! ook oe cig Coe, at the vere end Massachasetis, 2n) tu request ihe President have Judgment, Jands levied on, cosi. ihe stipulations of ibe agreement between Great Britain aod che United Siates. Specie.—The New York Express says *— “ Notwithstendieg the large amcuni of snecie that bas come jin he Acadis, it is believed iba: the Great Wesiern, un the way, will have a8’ mech on board. Already more inserance is wanted on ji than ihe offices can iske ” Test, CHAS MOCK,c cc m3 ch 11, 18438—6w3s — Printers fee $5 50 DeatH of Sik Cuarres Bacot.— This fanciionary, after a brief service as Goveiner Genera! of :ne Canadas, 's no more—-having ex- pived ai his residence in Kingsior on ihe 9:h ul timo, He was tie first Minis.er fron Great Britain io. ihe United Staes after ihe resioralion of peace between his country and ite United Siates by ihe Treaiv of Ghent, resided here iu iat ea pacity two or three vea:s, and whilst in itis couniry enjoyed, with his consori, universal res veci and esieem. v nasa wife at R. J. Wesi’s, in Davison co. is well known. persocs of harboring said slave. R. MACNAMARA Rowan co. march 11, 1843 —if$$ fresh and large Arrivals AT THE Mission to France.—We hear ihat the aci ing-P.esident has nom'raced tu the Senaie, Vi. Henry A. Wise, as Minisier io F.ance. !f ive se!f—denying ordinance, whieh the Guard adoyi- ed, does pot interféfe, we pesume tire appoin'- meni will be acceniet. Pairoiism isa co e2: and glorious thing 5 and ver’'y ii has its sews « ! Bat it is to ve ovserved, thai, in all p vvaoilicy it would have gone unrequitied forever ana a day, ‘a this pariicalar case, if Mre Wise had contineed. irueio Henry Clay. ‘Ihe g:eat Ken- iuckian was incanavle of perceiving 6” anp ecia- ting ihe. meriti—which io aman of Can. Tv- ler’s observation, was as pa!pauvle as che neon- day'soo. Pussivly, Mr. Wise vee» me conscious ‘satan early day’ of inis verv gresi wiffer ave between the perceptive powers of Clay ane Vy ler. Richmond Whig. Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMENT, 4'OOD~s, amounting io 045 PACKAGES, Among which are the following : 1 SD 124 '~ frow 4 cenis 2 yard io exceltfeni ai 10 and 1% 1-2 pair shoes asso:iea, poiot aod duffle vlankets Changes in the Cubinet —The Philadel- 80 'bs iu:key red phia Inquirer states that the latest ;umors = vez cocion bandkerchiefs from Washington, ere that Mi. Forward 25 ps ned tick 40 do apron ebecls will resign his piace os Secretary of tie dnillagasis Treasury of the United States—inat Mr. do Wessecky Jaces Spencer ill goto Russia —and that James 2! docloins and saliinetis M. Porter will receive the appointment of du mostin de lanes Secretary of War. But Captain Tyler’s 28 do 'insey aod kerseys paper, in New York, the Union, whom we 5 ns boliing cloihs presume, speaks by the card, savs that we 190 vags coffee most in no way beed the ten thonsand and 14 hneaeepar 1 185 ps vagging one rumors of changes inthe Cavinet. A 80 culls rone change in the Freasury Departinent it says 2000 tus loaf Sugar @:]l no doubt take place soon afer the ad- 3500 los sole leaiher jovrnment of Congress. Bevond that, it 1S kegs puwder continues, further change is as yet, entirely 70 kegs nails unsetiled, not determined upon, neither wil! 110 kegs whice lead be, until this Congress ends. Thus :t will be seen that Capt. Tyler is not on a “ bed of roses.” On aecount of his ireachery we hope he will continue to receive the con- tempt of both parties, es he has heretofore received them.— Lynchbarg Virginian. 25 prs fNiptic springs 510 boijles caster oil new crop J & W. MURPHY: Salisbury, Decen ner 10, 1842—6if res 6 Thoge whom love cemenis in holy faith ** And equal iransport, free as Nature Jive. ‘seee® Os Whatis the wold to them, ‘*fie pomp, ils pleasure and iis nonsense all, * Whoo each other clasp whaiever fair © High fancy forms,and lavish hearts can wish Fall and Winter wane. GOODS . e At che Feciore on be 26 4 nlimo, bv feane | Pann nvune nese Borns, Keqg., We William Martin, io Mrs. Eliz. | abeth Campbell In ths couniv onthe Oh alt... by Morford | THE SUBSCRIBERS McKeizie, Wr William Roggers, to Elmyra Correll. la Davie covnty on the 271b uliimo, by CT | huoose west of: the Coort-houce, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Susannah Juckson. DIED. | In Concord. on Vhorsdav the 2d instant of | Measles, Monroe B. Price, infant son of Chas. N. Price, aged 2 vears ard iwo montirs. Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Crockery, Paints, Dvye- stuffs, Medicines. man of ihe Soaih,” and “ the. Presbyterian,” will please copy the above. . . —_ ~-_ Meclesiastical Wotice. G RO C K R i ES, YHE Preshytere: of Coneord will meet at | : Providence. Mecklenvarg Couniy, on ile ROPE AND BA GGING, second Wednesday in Aprifeat 1! o'clock. A.M.| And in short, a general assortment of STEPHEN FRUNTIS, Slated Clerk. GOODs, BCH The Charloite papers, ‘ibe Wateb- March 4, 1348 —4w32 Ouited States District: Court of North |iog elsewhere, a8 we think we can give such Carolina—im Bankrupicy. ~~ OTICE io sbow cause against (he Peiition Country prodoce taken in exchange for goods, of Henry A. Walioo, farmer, of Rowan, J.& R.WINECOFF. \county, io be deviared a Bankropt, et W,!- Concord, Nov. 19, 1842—1f17 vi on monday the firsi day of May, 1848, CA SA BONDS W.E. ANDERSON, coc. N ecatly printed and for Sale at tbrs Office Feb 27, 1848—4.83 | | | of ovr Gouri of Pleap’and Quartér Scefiogd at “for said county’, at ihe ‘ n » 00 ithe second mon- dag tn wav aex\, ad answer of Gethur to said ting ex- patie, as-tohef and Jadgawent enieréd “Seainst — Printer's fee $5 50 State of Porth Carolina. i Jostices Jodgment te¥ied 'P apnearing co tue Court that? Witham Gor- don, ove of ihe defendanis; is not. 3a igkabi hi 18 ordeved by she Court, made for foe weeks in ihe pEarvlioa Waterman, for the said? Wiltiata.Gor the Jus— it to be held for s#-d coanty at che Coar!-House in Lexing ‘on, on .he 2d monday in May next, and shew cause if 2oy be bach, why che plainuff shal! not _and order of sale agains: the 19 saiisfeetion ef his devis and _ - $25 REWARD. ANAWAY from che sabscriver on the 9:h of Feorvasy 'as , my negro fellow HENRY, e's aboui $2 yeas of age, 5 feet 100: 12 inch. es nigh, dork complexion, slender made, talks fasi, and is very plausible in converseiion. Hea- no voobi he is luikibg in that quarier, where be ‘Veo dollars will be paid for the delivery of said negro fellow in ihe Salisbury Jai',or io Mr Samouet Reeves, Satisbu:y, “and fifieen dollars for ihe conviction of any person’ or CHEAP CASH f, ave just “eceived and offer for sale aur secood sopply eo CALL & WINTER pieees viown & vieached shiriings, 530 pieces calicoes. ‘om 5 cis io 12}, 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 60 bushels clover seed, warranted = — -- ae ’ ——— | Among whieh are Dry Goods, Uardware; | which we are deiermined io sell as cheap far Cash, as eam be booght any where in Concord. We invite o!d customers aad the public in gen- jf eral tocall and examine our stock before purchas-* }bargains as will be great indvcemeni to purchas- | and retarr. the empty bottle withont being cured. | Linimeat has been sold fur nearly ten years pasi, } and not one botite out of one hundred has ever | Office, and bs C B Wheeler, Salisnury ;,J & R | Sloan Greensovro’.; Hillsboro’, D Heerit ; Lex- ‘Sob Printing neatly done here. ENER, se Vile the att pichanis, tothe; E i&e fen Pept,” Se. ond directing said proceed | ca.) Rec brock Ge ote oer # Wil be ingets be published if the Mad"onian. CLetiers Macgave: Damets. | ‘ % ‘ have been received in this city fromq respectable Ns thie cane; : r a 7 HARD W128 . CUTLERY. vea'lemen.of New "Bronswick. voder dae of | ; sof aie As Aste ng to the Conn that © | he, whieh they aller: te at wee ? ‘Tho rgday last, dectsring thts publieaiion. io. he 4 ts Hen coh Dapiets, is not : abi | prices. We Gave jest bed e, = atta hambeg No such weeiing wos held. Le meade a ARs Ae: 3 “ny first and second quetity 7 } GBRYUAN SCYTHRS ot, difigrept stamps, ind-have alse en baud stu Perior tut of Sa . S Shovels; Nails, &c., RT REDUCED Prices: | NB. Partiewlar attention [ paid to orders by mail or eaOST P WINER iT & WINEBRENER, Nw'70 Nori hk Sd Si. about 2 square Noriti of the City Hotel, Phuadelphia. March 4,1848— S8$2> gs to “pine FJ MHE andersigned baving-qoalified ae Exec B vier of the last Will and Teatament of Jno ‘Faylor, dee'd, ber claims agains: said Ketate, io present them duly or this ovtice wril be plead.ia bar of iteir recov. quesied io make immediate payment. fae residence of the said Taylor, on Huo. ting Creek, io Davie county, tr 23d-day of. “March next, all the Real aod Personalj Estate, of which the said Teylor died seized or possess ed ; cdbsigting of about ~ 278 Acres, of Land ; a large portion.of which is rieh Hen. tiun, and the fenees in good repair; about 95 NEGROES, Consisting of . MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, SIX BEAD OF Mfiouseholad and Kitchen FURNITURE, Farming 7ools, &¢. (welve months, except the land, on woich a cred uotil al! is disposed of. ROBERT CARSON, Executor. Maroh 4, 1843—$w32 ea NES of Te rig ns ighe, Mas : ae ‘ <, 2 Mascaty, Clareis snd . Malays. ins, Pane Brandt ich cs ' orter, Ale and Sugar andgCuffee, Canties, ladige, and *varivos othe: Mention, «hich | wil] sel the Pea mbe vought at in Salishury.. ~ Wheel Irons.” Long handled | did supply of Contectionaries and Groce; ‘ d Groceries, eup- kings of AND LIQUORS the ve-y. besi'guality, such as Madeira, Dorr, kK Cider, snd Cuorgia Vider, an: ats, ®, Almonds, Raisins, Oran es, O: stera, Conperas, APad¥e:, Wrticles too ledioug to 1 28 cheap for cach as anv other Establishmene FL R.ROUE i maren 4, 1849139 - Fre Tor the core uf conghs, soreness of ihe ehest, pain in. the side and vressi raiding ot Blond, Liver Couple ; aod a! tho#e affeetiuns of ‘I'bres “whith ares source of sa Much gs arrested, so offem\t this remedy i6 bi It is porely vege Sects vpon the eysi \y. lies, and wilnessing ite e aod in some ihStahces,-9 both 28 a palliative and 2 femed¢, Medical Facah approbation. peu fies all persons baring nothenticnied within she time preseribed by law, |. remarks were taken from the tas aa erv ; and those indebted.to. said Estate, are re- Medical Magazine : PER sedessig aad Will offer Sor sale a the harsday ibe ting Creek bottom, in a fine state ‘of caltiva- bottles in all. ALL THE CATTLE AMD HOGS; Corn, Wheat, Oats and Rye, Wagons. pare for death. The above property will be-sold on a eredit of ms hand to my bead. it of nine and eighteen months will be given, purchasers giviog bord with Lwoor more approv- ed securities. Sale to continue from day to day Second and last Call ! ceiving @ visit from a Geritleman Constable. F.R. ROUECHE, ROBT. MORRIS. March 4, 1848 —Su 82 J.L ‘hose jadebied to the late firm of F R Roveche and R Morris, are respectfully in- vited to seiile ap their accounts either by cash or note, by March Superior Coart, with FR Rovectie, or they wi!l have ihe pleasure of re- DAVIE COUNTY. Jesse A. Clement, es. Ia Equity. T. Fosier & L. M. Gilbert. reside beyond the Jimiis fesau, them. L BINGHAM, cme March 4, 1848—4w8$2 Dr. Lin's Galvanum . ) Machine Spread Strengthening. Plasters ! . , side. Weakness and Lameness ave relieved a | onee by uneir use, aad the paris restured io } strength and a matural warmth and healih. Any A RE cow receiving aod opening inthe brick | persu wearing ope of these Plasiers, will be-as- tonished aad delighted at the comfort ii affords. Those threatened wiih Long Complaints siroutd never trust themselves a U2y Withuplweachg 2 | Plaster, $1 temoves the irtiation Of iaripien! | Consumption from ihe Lungs io jke surface o! have one. wopre’ ibe | lungs. Raleigh, Dr Siith. march 4, 1343 — 1532 ——— |} PILES! PILES!! HAYS’ LINTMENT !! WE PILES—Tbe priceof this cetebraied | ~ Liniment is relanded io any pesson who | will ese a &-tile uf Hays’ Liaigent for the Piles The above have been ‘he terms on which this been returned. BCP For sale at the Watchman ington, | P Mabry ; Raleigb, Dr Suita. match 4, Y3$43—1;) 32 State of North Carolina, rT" appearing in this case, tat the defendants - thie State; Or- dered, that pobtication be made for four weeks in ihe Carolina Wateliman, that they appear al ile next Court of Equity to-beheld fof Davie coun- ly to plead, answer or demur, io ihe amenved bill of complaint in case filed, or Jadgmeni pro cons Yh be taken, and it heard expasie es io more or less. on boih sides of Crane Creek, adjoining the Lends of William Chai bers, Jacov Moyers, aud olhers, coniaining about FRNHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and tia- ving ihe preference of atl others, are warm- ly recosamended by alt duniors as invaluavle for ‘invalids baving pains ia the Breast, Back or A's6 two other Fracis uf tand joining e8 er 00 ihe south side of the Vauhin riveria Row an county, CéHed the Paiker Lands, eaniaining about the body, and dra@e Off the imiertial affeciion — | So in Liveg Complaints, aad Goughs, aud colds | | Children with Weeping Gough siouid.etw:vs { pied: setling en ihe | % Their excellenge-wift be ondersioou vy | | allon tuia.. $7 Fes salesy C B. Wueele:, | as ihe property is desiraple and valuaule, sou ine Nalisbury ; Greensboro’, oy F & R Stosn; Aills- | terms may be changed on ite day of sale tua boro’, by D Heart; Lexington, J P Manry ee of six moult. Februry 18, 1943 —54 30 VEGROES FOR SALE, \ oex!, (itbeing Tuesday of Covr',) ' CONSUMPTION AND LIVER ¢ - * m ae Comptdin Dz! LOR S Bal sal Oeil a. RT. Som. $75 BoweivNew ¥ colds, cziatths, Asia, tis, Bronchius, i apd .2ags,— nffefing, aod un- lerminaie in Consumplion— aad jasily® distinguisued, 6, mild and ile 10 jtmef- aad can bMiakes in ihe safety es yell as uili- Physicians, aware uf tis medicinal proper- even ty lrpoee hope- in thelr practice, aod with ihe Ywenerals it bas met with great ALP CONSUMPTION --"The fullowing taber of the cases, Ofien preecribé “The surprising effect prodoced by the gena— ioe Balsam of Livetwort, made ai $75 Bow- ery, in consumptive cases, cannui fail eXciiing a deep and ibrilliag interest iuréagiaui ike world. | We have so tong believed thi disease (consomp- tron) incurable, that it is difficult to credi, our senses when we see persons, evidenily consnmp- tive, restored to healib.” Vet it ie a faci of daily ocearrence.”” ‘The following was given us a shorj time since, by Capt Scuti, uf Efizebeih Ciiy, N.C, Certificates. “ Being econstitationally predisposed to Con- sumption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the fangs, accou.panied with cough and raising maiter and bioed, with severe pain in my side and breasi, supposed io be beyond recovery, J was induced »y advice of Dr Perkins, as 2 tast*resortso iry Taylor’s,Balsagh of Livergortz [have ieken five | began io improve with tue first dottle, and while taking ihe ibird, was so far ve- covered, as to he able io sei avout lime, vy conliaued ase of ii, { am gute restored and ab‘g io allend io my usual vesiftess, ‘T'o per- sous suffering from cooghs and affections of ibe | langs, | do earnestly recommend ‘i. (Signed,; . JAS C SCOTT. Elizabetts City, N.C... Dec 15 A842, Liver’ Complaint ‘20d °Géwere) Deoility.—1 was given up vy iwo physicians, and told to pre- 1 was so wesk | could aot raise ! was io this low staie when a friend sent me 2 doiile of Dr ‘Vayior’s Balsam of Liverwort, from 375 Bowery, and be. fore | had’ esed up the botile,4 was able io sii up inbéd. By the fariber use, | aave compleiely regained my heal:h. GEO WEI&#s, . 25 Jolio st. Violent pain in the side —I have been cored of a violent pain in ihe side, extending through to the shoulder, indigestion, Ciaginess, jogs of ap- petite, and gereral debility, vy the use of two bottles ef Dr ‘T'aylo:’s Balsam of Liverweri, from $75 Bowery. JF # Allen, No7 Merchani’s Row. For sale at the Drag Store of C EB Wheeler, Salisbory. marck 4, 1848 extreme, ver Was Since which 1y$2 TRUST SALE OF LANDS & NEGROES! V virtee of snndry Deeds of Trust execu- ied io us by different persuns, for the par- poses therein mentioned, we will expose to pub lic sale, ai ihe Court-Howse in Salisbury, on Tuesday the 2tst of Marew next, (ii being the week of Rowan Superior Coeri,) one ‘Iract of Lend sdjuining che lands of Robt. Macnomara, Wo Chamoers, Charles Biown and others, con- ‘ainiag 282 ACRES, One oiber ‘Vraet of and Iving 220 ACRES, otk- : 373 Acres, all of whieb are Known as tae Craige Lands. — A'go, a; ile same iime and place, between THIRTY AND FORTY NEGROES, Consisting of MEN. WOMEN, BOYS nd Girls, very likely. Terms cash. Purchasere are inviieu io acienu (ue anuve sale, JAS. OWENS. W. CHAMBERS, Trustees. (Loe sold,ai the Coort House in Salissi< ry, 00 Tuesday, the 21st dsy of Mant Fifteen Likely Negroes, consisii@g of men, women, bove and girls. SAMUEL REEVES, 4geut Feb, 25, 1848—4w3! —— —————— 3? EEESESESe———————EEeeeE NBW.6. BINET, | Eadies’ Fashione | CHA ‘SOKA > . ot ewe Wan flee Mitr ing Fa and Winter of CSTOBLISHMEENT | | THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together ‘he parpose uf maoufactoriog Chairs, Bureause Sofas, if r SECRITARY’S: WARDROBES; Centre--lables, SIDE BOARDS, &C.&C. in the very best hind uf style, and of the finest si ylish an rogiesials, beg Jeave iv ask al the hands of : citizens of the ecuuntry avd villages around, shiare of their patronage to our line of business. | As une of the Firm, UJ. Fraser,) baa bad long | €xpesience in working ia some of ihe finest anc most fashionable shops of Morepe, and of the | large cities af the Nusthern United Siates, we | flai:erourselves that we tan and will honest and Jaithtoily- conpt@te in workwanl:be mano al! jobs Galled-for. We will repair and pol'sh any farnitare th may de brought to ag on short notice, andin the firgt sty'e of worksianship, and orders fur Coffins | Oar prices will be «© panctually atieaded to. Their shop ts Moderate as we can afford jew doors east of the Mansion Hotel, acd one door below Junes’ old Tavern, , JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. Nov 25, 1§42—1518 1842. . y far | Eities ie latesiand most approved | satisfactory manner. he | 2) put up and forwarded. ‘T'urbans, for sale. lV Crimping and FJuting on reasonable terms. g g | Salisbury, Dévember $, 1942. at | , NEW FASHIONS | FOR THE as | a | 1842 & °43. THOMAS DICKSON KENILWORTH HOGS A Alley Sobel apne jovt added to his stock n all its various branches, two dvors above J. & pair of Kenilworth Hogs,’ W. Murphy’s store, where be is ready to exe- of Berkshite ‘ imported tc m Eeogtand in the fait of 1841, boat 18 inonihs ofd surpassed, The subscriber has also, a Yorkshire Sow. por chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow tumported by : | ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. those wishing to parchase, can have the of crosses of | bim trom England; and some Thin rind Sows and pure Kanilworth, or Berkshire, shire. surpassed hy any in ihe United States, ‘The Boa¥ is a very supe- | cvuniry. rlor animal, deep, thick and exeellent inall bis puinis: the Sorw very fine, with a liter of eight pigs, which, for beauty and form, can hardly be Those who may wish a fuller de- seription of these fine animals, are ceferred to Mr. Allen's letter published in the Cultivator.— REsrectr uty public, that he still carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS 2 by | cute all orders of his customers in a style and Mr A B Allen, of New York, and are now »— | manner not surpassed by any in this partof the He is also in the regular receipt of the NEW-YORK FASHIONS, Fashionable at all times, December 3, 1842—1y3 TO FAMILIES. ROWAND’S how a better opportunity of doig so, than has | cessful prescription called ever been offered South of the Potumac fur any of the ubuve will be promptly attendec lu. Wa. BF. KELLY. N@EMucksville, Davie co. ? January 14, 1843. iF LOOK OUT s LI. persons indebied tothe Suhseriber, ei ther by note ur otherwise, are earnesily re. quesied to setile their respective dues bet weer this and Mar@h Superior Court as | am com pelled to wind op wy business. G. B. DOUGLAS. Bebrnary 18, 1849 —1(30 State of Porth Carolina. ROWAN COUNTY COURT. 25 February Sessions, 1843. t Original Attachment, Levied on slaves — Yonce, Daniel Mhomas. Warren and Eliza. O N motion, and it appearing to the satisfac- tion of the Court, that the Defendant is pot an inhabitant of this State: Ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, for the. Defendant to appear at the next Conrt of Pleas and Quarier Sessions, to be held for the county of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbary,on the Lat monday in May next, and answer or replevy, or judgment final will be rendered against him, and the Ne~ groes levied on, be condemned to satisfy the Plaimiff’s debt and costs , Witoess. Juha Giles, Clerk af oar said Conrt at Oilice, ihe Ist monday ie February, 1843. JOHN GILES, Cik, feb 18, 1813—6w30 New Establishment. FAVE Subscribers having associated them— selves together fur the purpose of carrying en the CABINET and CHAIR MAKING BUSLNESS, now offer their services iv their Treads and the pede. Tk is their parpose to tarry on both these departments in all their va— rrous Drauches, and they feel confident of giving entire satistactiva ta all who may favor them with patrenage. Repairing ia their ine will be done faithfully and on reasonable terms. All Kiuds uf country produce will be iaken inex change lor faranure of tur work done to order, K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE. Nuonst W7th, (842 —1y5 N.B. With the view of lessening the cast and Preventiug meonventence, the subscribers also heepon haved aquantity of ready made Coffins, K. BE & WR Anthony Benceni, vs MANSION HOUSE! ce yese i8 THE SUBSCRIBER, BG AVING parchesed Mr. T Orders | R. blughes’ in- | }| owand’s Improved Tonic Mirture. A few remarks will serve toillustrate the dif Jn the first place, the operation of the | ference. | Lonic Mixture in the core of Fever and Agve i one who has never had it before. turning health and vigor. infant, simply by a modification of the duse, as the most vigorous adult. but the above are a few of the points of contras’ leching the remedy. N B. the original guarantee, viz: ‘The money shal! oe relniped in every case whereir the remedy has been punctually ased witbuut producing the desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 North Secund Street, Philadelphia. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEELER. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 | Something N Cw. | The Subscriber PF AVAKES this method of informing his friends | and the public, that he has purchased the | SMITH SHOP, | formerly owned by Mr. Frederiek Mowery, the Town of Satisbury,.which he intends here afier to carry on in a manner allegether new in 'hif part of the covntry. He is not onlya Smith in the ccmavon understanding of the term, but he isan actoal [ron King, being able and prepar- ed te@ put fron into any shape or temper, whatev- jer. All kinds of MACHINE, WORK, -—torn- ing of MILL SPINDLES the casting of INKS 'or GUDGEONS, &e., cone at the shortest no- tice, and in first rate style. Ele will also build ; and repair COPTON GINS or THRESHERS | or indeed any kind of MACHINE WORK, that | he may be called upon to do. He respectfully | Solicite a trial, W.H. WILLIAMSON, Salisbury, Sept $, 1S12—u16 a terest io the above Establishment, tenders } <s his services to the “Praveilog Publie, itaving | Se Hi oO E &; H P for several years heen encaged in keeping > ’ PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, REMOVED, at Slount Mourne, ta Tredeli ronaty, he indulges the hope that he has tXpertenee coough je the | PRig=e eh duties af fis DUSINess ly end aver to re ude? com. | foitanie sit who Desiow upon tis huuse ther pa qyonause, D D 1 . bos PAOLA sha'l always be well and pleati a avnics over, filly sopphed with every thing the country af- AS removed Lis shoe shop to the house it g . p fer ts, te please and satis’y the jaiste even uf an lately vecupied by Mr. Juho D. Brown, as epinure. a ‘Pioner Shop a few doors east of the Court Phe GAR wilce feud foruished with a chuice House, where be will continue to carry oa the ee td ee SPAMIRS intlyanedy SOOT AND SHOB MAZING ‘ ada stint! altercd . . Ltd. ~ Wy jatbtus ghd alesive Rostery and supphed B U SINES 9 ww! hayes Ofaweancder = N.U Phe Seige Oulice is ke ptatthe Mansion 2s ne has heretofore done, in all its varieties. — House Those disposed to patronise tim, will always PP RAM UP. SLOAN, Cherlatre, Febroarv +l. 1S43-65 Os ~€. B. Wheeler, sole Avent fee Dr. Rowsned, bas just rese'ved a fresn supe peyoot his genuine Iinproved Tome Siiatnure, whic tS fur Sule Weeten ae Shed betel y at oh Mesioal Pag stove, Salpbery, N.C. Dee 1 — 1120 find him ready to accoaimodate them on fiheral terms. He keeps on hond a good assortment of ready made Work, which he will sell juw for exsh, of un time to pnnetual dealers, Salisbury, Jan 7, 1845-24 COUNTY COURT Writs, Printed en first rate paper and for sale at this Office °AS. | He Subscriber informs ihe public, that she las just reeeifed through the Norihern London -& Parisian Fashions, , And is prgpered to execute orders in the most Work seni from a distance shal! be carefully Ss. D. PENDLETON. BC} Mrs P. has on hand a bandsome assort - iment of Bonnets, (newest style) Caps and *,.* Mrs. 5S. P. is also prepared to execute | FALE & WINTER OF ; informs his friends aod and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the } Those who would have recourse to a° Family Kentiworih acd Yorkshire, Thin riod and Berk- | Medicine for Fever agp AGuE, Dyspepsia and ' ths stock of Be:kshires was purchased { WVervous Weakness, should discriminate between of Mr. C, N. Bement, of New York, and isnot {the ** thonsand and one” remedies constantly Those | hera'ded forth to the poblic, (tLe seme now as in Wishing te unprova their stuck of tlogs, have | all times past, ) and that almost universally °suc - upon entirely new and peculiar, yet safer principles. Secondly: It not only promptly ar- rests the cuarse of the chills, when punctually and perseveringly used, but itsoun restores the wwonted funetions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy stale ; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an attack of the disease in Thirdly : The system, dusting the administration of the Improv- ed ‘Yonte Mixture, spzings up at once under its benign influence, and gives forth an earnes! of re- Fourthly : Producing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of the disease passes off in the way mosi strongly indicated by nature. Fifthly: [ts effects on the system are uniformly mild and safe, as well as | efficient, and it is as well adapted to the feeblest | Many other consider- altens, of the almost importance to the enxious parents and invalids, might be enumerated here, in comparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the “* Rowand’s Improved ‘Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting | cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor restores | ~— | Line to the West. | ganton to Asheville, N. C., two day@ and twice a week, as fullows : daysat4P M. good accommodations. ir ‘Teams ers. der trips safe and pleasant to ihe . SHERRILL & PA June 12, 1841 —1f46 George W.. Davis, Winwincron & Faverrevitye N.C. the Owners inthe back corniry. Goéds mach below the usual charge. As to the promotion of their interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : | Messre John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, N.C. Alexander Anderson, Jobo McRae, John Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, N.C. F.. 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. | Oct. 1, 1842 —1t10 | From Salisbury, via Statesville and Mor- ys now in foll operativa, rorning throagh in ‘G6.o’clock A. M,, and arrives at Ashe- Leaves Salisbury every Wednesday and Sat- eds oc M. ‘Monday and Friday ai G o'clock, P Passengers travelling@@n this line will receive Oar aad (are excellent, and ihe Drivers sober, we accommodating ; no pains will he spared to fen- Commission and Forwarding Merchant HE ondersigoed is now prepared to receive Govuds at Wilmington, and forward the same tohis Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward tu He bas a large | Warehouse at the River, where Guods aill be | Stored free of storage, and the owners subjected | only to half the usual cartage from the River to Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the expeose br is Warehouse is isolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison | to the risk incarred from being situated in town. | Those who may favor him with their bosiness, may rest assured that every altentioa will be paid SADDLE & HARNESS MAKING! _ I WVHE SUBSCRIBERS ve. spectfully inform the citi- izens of S.lisbary and the sorrounding country, that they have opened a shop in this place, where they will carry on the Saddle and Harness Making BUSINESS, Inv ALL ITs BRANCHES. All orders for SADDLES, BRIDLES, Fine aod common HARNESS, Leather Trunks, &c., &e., will be attended to with punctaality aod des- patch ; and all kinds of REPAFRENG . ‘| done ia good style, and on the shortest notico.— The subscribers solicit the patronage of the | public, and pledge themselves to ase their best ' exertions to give satisfaction. ‘Their shop i3 on | main street, two doors northeast of the Court- | House, next door to A. Benceni’s store. | PLUMMER & SHAW. Nov. 1 9, ISt2—th7 DR. D. JAYNE’S FAWVILY WEEICINIS, PRNVHESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre— pared for family use, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity throughout the United States ; and as they are so admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be withoutthem. The Proprietor of theee valuable preparations received his educa— tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the Catted States, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified Practice, by which he has had ample Opporbunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calcalated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough. Bronchitis, Acute Rheuma- tism, Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and al! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of ‘the Hair, and which sill positively bring in New Hair on Bald Heads, and prevent its fall- ing out or turning Gray. | TAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, | A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for | | the removal of IVorms, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- | , : jack. Fever and .2g¢ue, Piles, Want of Appetite, | and all diseases of debility, especially of the | Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. ; JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. | A certain eure for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, | Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- | bus, and a derangemenis of the Slomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, &c. sc c m ' olence and Dyspepsia. ot North Caroliaa, and Soath and West of it. | fice, Raleigh, N C., and those in Virginia, and | CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES, W ian internal murbid matters, e ot life, as specified in the Pamphlet. Anti Syeuttitic Srzur.— This ia all Venereal Disorders, a certain rémedy. Apyssinis Mixers, (in liqaid and tn paste, eelebiated for Gynorh Affections, Colds, &e Weakness, in the limbs, Rheamatism, §. “Dervrstive Powvér, for Bitious Fever taken in the Restorer. applied besides the Restorer. @ Sah Rheam, Scaldhead, Eraptions of the skin storer. Universat orn StrRenGTHENING -P LASTER tory Kheumatism, Palsy, Paralysis, &c. be used together with the Restorer. entered according tu Act of éd medicines, and acegmpanies every Remedy. From the Washington Globe. er is well known to us: following certificate : January, [ was taken with the Worst paralysis and inflammatory rheumatismahat ever was in- flicied on mankind. So far ag ican learn, the use of every limb was taken from me, besides a tremondous swelling at every joint, fever with the same, and attended with the most excrocia— ting pain | had ever endared. {1 tried all reme- dies that were recommendable for the same, but tono effect. 1, by accident was informed that Dr Kuhl was at Orange Court House. [ sent for him immediately, and by applying his medicines, I felta change in leas than an hoor after he came. The medicines used, were the Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Extract, Gold-Mine Bal. sam, Universal Plaster,and Depurative Powder. I, therefore recommend his treatment to all those laboring ander affliction, as given under my hand and seal, this 14th day of March, 1837. “JOHN PEYTON, [1 s} ** Near Orange Court House Virginia.” Dr Kuhl, notwithstanding the statement in the above certificate, wishes to be understoud, that in general, cares cannot be effected within an hour, although a person may be much benefitted within that time by the ose of his medicines.— He feels it, however, necessary to give tne fol- lowing extract ofa letter from his Agent at Or ange Court House; dated May 19:h, 1837. ‘* Dear Sir—! saw Mr Joho Peyton to-day, aod he looks better than I ever saw him. He says if it had not been fur your medicines he shvuld have been under groand. He requested me to tell you, that you had saved his tife, for one time, and to present his respects to you; ** Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this county, and many cures of importance have been effected in this neighborhood by the ase of your medicines. I have had a great oumber of ven- ereal cases, and many of long standing, and al- ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Anti- Syphilitic Syrupt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- fect cure, and that in a short time. Ashborough, NV. C., July 13, 1842. Dr Kun, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—1 think your Medicines are about to take a start in this county, from the fact that they effected a cure which seems to have baffled the skill of the physicians in this section for a year ortwo. The subject is Mr Nathaniel N., who has been efflicted with the Liver Complaint, together with some other complaints,—say,F Jat- He has taken one bottle of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in twelve hours he felt relieved, and in twenty-four hours, much relieved. He has so far recovered, | nuw, as to follow the avocation of his farm with little or no difficulty, He saye he wants all who are afflicted, to use your Medicines, and is re- commending them io the afflicted. [ would be glad yoa would send mea supply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract and Abyssinia Mixture, as a vast oum- ber of persons are taking them now. Respectfolly yours, J.M. A. DRAKE. EC Persons wishing to procure any of the medicines, will please direct their orders, with the amount, (post paid,) to De. Kuut’s Orrice, Ricumonp, Virainja, or to any of the following Agents : NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Hargrave, Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborongh, G. W. & C. Grimme, Raleigh, M. J. A. Drake, Ashborough. J F & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolnton. James J. Horne, Pitisborough, N. C. South Carolina. Steele, Gunning §& Co. Yorkville. McLure, Brawley §& Co. Chester C. H. The continaation of the list of Agents, see Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. NOTICE.—Patients and Agents in the State will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of North aod East of it, to Richmond, Virginia. August 6, 1843—fy2 “DAVED L. POOL, Jayne’s Sanative Pills, | For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- | 'eers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases uf | the Skin. &c., and in all cases where an aperiens | Alterative of Purgative Medicine is required. | ‘The above medicines are far sale, whuviesale or wail, at the Salisbury Medical aod Drog Sture, y | } C.B. WHEELER, Agent ! Salisbury, N.C. | | Sept 3, 18.12—156 ~—_s+ + —_—— ee SS | A fresh supply of Dr. D.. | Jayne's invaluable Family” Medicines, jast re-. ceived aud for saleby « CB WHEELER, Agent. Stlisbary, Dee 10-10 Peees this method of informing his friends, } and the public, that he is still carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re- pairing business,at his old stand, near the Courthouse All work done by him will be warranted for twelve months. He sti!! keeps on hand a smal assortment of Jewellery. id Gold and Silver taken in exchange foy Jewellery or work done. Salisburv, Warch 12, 1842.—{33 GARDEN SEEDST GENERAL assor'meat, may be foend a HETHER produced by tiie, phiegm ters, arising from badly cured old disurdeis ; ftom the use of mer - cary, calomel, bark, &c,,or (in females) from the chaay Met. eine is Leaves Asheville every Tuesday and Sator- Mat iy speedy and perfect removal of ceeaerecclek A. Ml., ae mt coleaieary inert Goip Mixe Bavsam, for Bilioasaod Nervous Aromatic Exraact, ainiment for Lndiges— tion, Coldness in the stomach, Numbseess or ache, Diseases of the Eyes, &c., which is ~* Javan Ointment, for Piles; which is to be Bencat Ointment, for Tetter, Ringworm, and fuul ulcers, ; is tu be applied besides the Re- tor diseases of theeChest, Dyspepsia, Inflamma- Dr. Kuui’s Acoustic O11, for Deafness and all other Auricalar Complaints, which is to gc 7"Dr Kahi's Pamphlet “Treatment,” &c., » contains fuil’Directions for the use of the above mentioa— We feel it our daty ‘o insert the following communication in our columns, inasmuch as the efficacy and great success of Dr. Kahl’s Restor- “ You will please to notice in your paper the| “Id. hereby certify, that abont the first of prevalent and vbstinate celebrated and PH x Pans and renowned as are their effe ingenesal, in PEVER AND. oust be rigidly wed. ifi ers.of iciags, to,th secret of his invariable _tiamph while all other practitioners either “enlirely fai *| best remedies that were Known. cured with certainty, but-by neglecting which they can only be cnred’by chance. Dr. Mar- Fat’s directions for taking the medicines in this the Lire Pris at bed time, and next morning oefore breakfast a full wine glass of the Paexix ‘Birtrers in about the same quantity: of ‘water, ‘and higi{a wine glass more in‘a full wine glass of water, aboot half an hour before each meal duringtthe day. On the second right take three pills and.he bitters as before ; on the third night four pills and the bitters as before, and coo? tinue taking four: pills every night for three nights more, with the bitters during the day.— On or before the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem to be entiirely cured;-and «the patient will feel well, hungry, and bearty, bul he must ne— vertheless continue to ‘ake the bitiers as before pléscribed, until and on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not aatil'then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanenily cured, and not ony of Fever and Ague but of whatever billious ag@ liver affections it may have superin— duced or even in any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or un- due confidence in restored health, omit -to take the Pheenix Bitters in the fall quantities pre- scribed, at leasi three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease should returo, and the patient should learn wis~ dom from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instrdciions, however, be will be so thoroughly enred, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however unhealihy may be his location or prevaledt the malady around him. — For children’ between seven and fourteen years of age, half of. ihacebeve quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a quarter of those qmaptities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. This treatinetft, with these supremely effec- toal “LIFE. MEDICINES,” has been pe:fect ly triumphant in the worst regions of the Svutn. ern and Western country, and around the north- ero lakes, where the malady prevails with the universalily of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will maka ev- ery effort to}send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts, Voluntary and jealous- ly gratéful testimonials are received at the pro- prietor’s office in New Yok, by every mail in incredible numbers, to the absclute efficacy. of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other iotermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, but also in chronic and inflammatory rheamatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, anda host of other complaints, for the care of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are so pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal andermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and Ague. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen dency of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others. He hase only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repatation they have !ong possessed, not by the usual artificial efforts. but solély by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B, Moffat, $75 Broad way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at the Salisbury Medical Drog Store, by C. B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—156 Ro. Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Chuice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical purposes Indians, Hoock’s and Swaim’s Panacea, Sooffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brushes, Candles, Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, In struments, Matches, Paper and many other ar ticles. just received and fur sale at prices to suit the simes, by C. B. WHEEEER. $42 Salisbury, Docts. Henderson & Boyden, Have associated themselves in » the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Their Office is*in the Brick House opposite Mr. Cowan's Hotel. _Salishory, Juiv 3, 184}.—~1f49 Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisement, and if you wish reliet for your ma oy maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B. WHEELER, Agent. Sal:sbery, Dec 19 LATE 1120 the Sali-bury Medical and Drag Store Salisbury, N.C, Jan. 29, 1843 —1126 — tied + Be pontieg, SS CPF ever and Ague ine ely Oi} une In warm and he ian “AND | 4 ¥ Semiats Cvery“vtdiaary ‘rox, VFRS.—There is no “fer become very distressing , ie ' ptafessions| or domestic pr | ire extreme debility Which ihe ieee; immediately, aad pera nen! hie Mars ves rise ta Other chronie Serge : becnuse, iD cllane they the original nee coe Mil hont the “ey these they are as infallible as any human means ginal exeiting cause |. ie ig ean be. ois ag geoe roved io mote tban ten Ague differs frori most other fowen Powe, ) theasand*caaés, nb ibe which | koown, that afier an OFrcinary fey, "8 they bave failed, of reasonsbly can yea ta | Curred, and been removed, the perinn’? Mea keo io strsiet geedrdance with the 4 fone here | 20t sd liable to a fresh attack ag be a subdjnined, and. which are, also, given in MOF- so affected, hese circumstances ho FATS MEDICAL MANUALRA Good Sa | |temely difficul: to effect tide i matitan. . Bot io ensure invariable success, these FEVER aad E, io all its four leading species,. is peéuliar Pex1oDICAL administration of a'‘proper remedy; in connection with the spe- the ingredients in bis med- or only temporarily succeed, were With the very gin tel ur Ague is either Quolidiam, or daily; Terlian, or ihird-dad 3 Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratie, or sometimes one uf these periods dnd sometimes a- nother ; or it is Compli¢ated, by taking these periods in succession, and then running into in- termittent fever of a more malignant chafacter. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious and unaccountable it may appear, that’ each and all of these species of Ague, have a FouR- TEENTH DAY Crisis, in which they may be disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of Miasmata, or th stagnant water, is the MOS fy. ase of this disease > 9nd on requent « liarities is Hs Suscemibility af e of thy Tea) “i ty slight causes, such ar News) ¢ a! f,, e effluvig wpm as from the a0 Casieriy wind—eeen ' [4 Fever and Ague, though to retire ae the time being is a Very easy tac Pai Dr Moffat's Life Pills ad Ph a have been thoruaghty lesled, ang sn Bil positive and Radical cure of F Hundreds of tis fellow citiz , | Voluntarily come forward (0 assure J), |} that the Life Medicines ate ihe gi that will thoroughly effect a Tema ' tedioas and disagreeable disease. Others who have emigrated to that alg promising poriion of our CONNITY — gig, rh out fuil of hope, and confident of wing we petence from the luxariance uf the oa carried (6 the outposts of our Se (ements < cantile or mechanical CX perience . }eruwded cities or towns of the older gn either return@with shatiered constitay depressed spiffts, or they remaig id thes homes, dragging cut a weary life, ora a under some disease to which they are ated by that terror of the West, Fever and § Vheir hopes are blasted —ihei; busioessene destroyed — their Eldorado becomes g dual the word of promise, made to the hope.” To these individaats, Dr. Moffat woul ‘Try the Life Medicines, and YOU Will re: ticipate your most Sanguine expeeiai ” they will certainly restore you to bealih,’ Fever and Ague is a complaint Which tev ‘| to be met at its first approach, snd Combatias every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reg the strength, and impairs the fonctions g organs, so that upon the Manifestarion of g ease;~ Natare is unable, onasaisied tp tesig inroad, The Life 4/edicines, when taken, ly according 40 directions, will cure it, and 9 tothe weal-and trembling victim of diseas, Health, life and strength “For (ai patticulars of the mode of trey the reader ie referred to the Good Samar copy of which accompanies the medirine. “Cc The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, 4 q Salisbury, Ovt 22, 1842 —1913 A eVer 88 In the Well al of big ‘0 their ear, igh. GCF A’supply of ihe above invale DICINES ate for sale at James Cross & Iredell county, by ¥ A. C. McINTOSH, Guard Your Health. (Addressed to those who are in perfect ivalhf reputed so.) BCH Gentle Reader: If you would ang fromeyou thé sickness, the pains, the wreicis fiess, the premature mortality which you wep around you, and which, like a sharp sword m pended, is ever ready to fall upon you, despgy not my advice—it will cost you little, wil; me ther infringe upon your occupations or ama ments, and all the faeulties cf yuur wind body will be as much bettered by it as wo ¢ you ten fold. I ask only one week's tial was vince the most sceptical. In the first place, diseard all o!d errosal prejudices from your wind, especially thed adage, ‘‘ If you are passing well, do sol allen to better yourself 5” itis the saying of igs ance and saperstition—of those who attri all they saw around them to chance and fort instead of nature’s anivereal faws. [1as not om led on by experience, learned to guard bin against the otherelements of naivre, ihe wa the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why the should he not, in fair weather, guard himselit gainst the storms which are ever rising 10M own frail body 2? Remember, you are every ti eating gross fuod ; and 1t is your nature (0 om tinue to do so. You are well at presen!, ue ery day the seed-of disease is Browns. * : you; and if you do not sirieily guard Lag health while you are well, sou are euutinu Ss danger of paiotal and protracted cu fueeds and in some constitutions, degth. Nothing is stationary io this world. Ee the porest fountain of which we driak — dos! not require cleaning ? A-persun may 1aige he is in Poe aod yet nut know 10 #1 perfection his Vital organs may be broughi ¥™* assisted by the haod of Nature. | have © doubted proofs of thie fact in the unbourcey ‘ cessof the LIFE MEDICINES Lew" wko have followed the motto, * When yout! even moderately well, throw physic to the’# call upon me, if they would be cunvinced importance uf my position. — The cperation of the Life Medicines 0° instance that hes come to my knowlecge'§ val gratifying. Those who ate in compares health..nay perfect their happ'ness wih we convenience , and those unforians'¢s ee i laid low by disease of *imost any conn may find sure relief in those purely ¥% a preparations. ‘They operate gently bu! Ne . fully aponfthe secretions of the budy, aE ce ‘ti the blood of ail vitiated hamors separeer bad from the good, expelling the on ‘eb! 3 imparities—and Jeaving bebind only *® good ard nourishi@g to nature. , Reader, consider and reflect we. The blessings of this life, for rich ane © lie entirely within ourselves, In ovr oene “a bodies My advice to all, then, 's) 28" ” health Wf you are well, perliaps eg oid still better—end you may ale a GEL ABH sitk by a_ jndicious use of the VEGH*- LIFE MEDICINES. , 6CHP Dr. Moffat’s Life Pils i for sale by ; alt Bitters, are aan & BOGER, «°° Saltsbory, Oct 29 1842—ly!4 —_—_—— t [p08 ane 4° Py tear? WE p 3h SC A sopply cf the above a DICINES are for sale at James Iredell county. by ' MeINTOSH goer A. ? . SALISBURY FAC103): ope —_—_ pcan HIS Establishment is ow 9 * ration. ‘The Company #'° COTTON YARN, burt Shirtine, Sheeting end a wo it of asoperior quality, which they certo ; : riceS. *" j.& public at the luwesi market P yn ‘ P fates. ¢ and others, who will exainine gee erest™ yo pare prices, will find it to (elt ® hoe russ + Job Printing neatly done here. chase. , E J RHODES BROW” Salisbury, Jone 4, 1842—U#? ae _ s ’ Me olla he end of ‘the year, A ge syihe Fo gly ig ae at iow avill be teéei ved $07 a less t) pe se unless paid for in advance. =» 2oe V8. sntinne : , diseontia scitp ) rere poait all arrearages are paid. guild! qvare for the first insertion and tor each comtinuances .«. 28 $ . or Si TERMS OF ADVERTISING. A jollar per 2 - is s ae cents © eg”. notices W! ost ve rates. . <— wy (co of 304 por cent will be-made'tel| ‘SALISB sé py advertise by the FORE: ; sift i EO EE Pe 05 SM ES ieertisements will be continued ppily mS FE ee 4 roed for accordingly, unfess-order- ¥ . x 4 KK } ay peg number of times, 7 , Pa Maal te tere Ci 13 “7 CLOC! : AND 3 Ry gee y cars pidressed to the Editor must}. 4 - tin g r = a ; . >. ae is hed go erasure altention. Lh Atm ‘ we ; Facts. na Z go pol PO eS SS SS re . ah Agta Ch yore! ‘aod sdolig-are lost year: ¢ SS Cae oe ee y ; When some viber cagse has been LER BE OTE Re | sorpiertto te she stor one, ’ ‘Irie adipitied by aliMoctors that searceaman;} — wre. THE SUBSCRIBER iNG purchased that. well know: and established Pablie Hogse, (knoivn augbier’s ‘I'avern,) in the . informs bis Friends the reception of Travellers & Boarders, TasLe and Bar wiil be supplied with. ket and surroanding cvuntry af— fo “ts ihe vest the mar We SeABLES spacious, and bountifully sup: pith grain and provender, of al} kinds, at ed @iiil : , + fithful and attentive Ostlers. The snders yal satisfaction reall. tshall be wanting to give gen- toall who may favor bin with JAMES L. COWAN. salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840; uf7 qe see qHO WILL GO BALD! pigrid ge’s Bolm of Columbia for the Huir AROM Comstock & Co.—Its positive quali- vies are ag follows :—Ist Forinfants, keep« ing ibe bead free from scurf, and causing & lax- pnanigroweh of tair.~-2d For ladies after child: vib, restoring the skin to its natural strength yd firmoess, and preventing the falling out of jy hair.—3d For any person recovering from yr dedility the sane effect is prodaced. 4th i ysed in infancy wile good growth ig started, ; aay be preserved by actention to the latest pe- od of lifee—Sib It frees the head from daod— eG,strengthens the rools, imparts health and gor (o the circulation, and prevents the hair fo changing color or getting gray. —B6th It the hair to cur! beautifully when done.op gfer night. No ladies toilet should ever be made withont it. lik Children who have by any means con— meted vermin in the head, are immediately and wlectly cored of (hem by its use. It is infalli- e [had been bald about five years—no more hair albe top of my head than on the back of my nd,and my head covered with a 4+biek scarf. athis situation aboat the 10th of Angyst last, legan using the Balm of Cotambia, from Com- wk & Co. Since which, I have used two and iulf bottles of the Balm, which has fully re— wed my hair, and freed my head entirely from rf. My head is pow covered with fine, flow ag long hair—which any one may see by calling nme, at Stamford, Connecticut. Nov 12, 1840. D S$ SCOFIELD. Counierteits aré abroad—lovk always for the ume of Comstoek & Co. Porsale atthe Watchman Office, and by C Mieeler, Salisbury, Dr Suth, Raleigh , D Hatt, Fillsboro’ 3 J & R.Sloan, Greensbore ; J Pi\ory, Lexington, mich 4, IS43—-1y32 Dr. Brandeth’s VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbury, N. © Oct. 1842—tfl4 Farmer’s Look out.—I have Valuable Tract of Land near Salisbury, which "sell on good terins, if application be made oon 1. LYERLY. Naistury, Dee 10 tf20 To THE AFFLICTED.—The : has jast received a large and fresh yo! 1). Muoffate’s Life Medicine. Call & Ud relief C B WHEELER, Ageat, Wisdtary, Dee 10—1f20 ther PRICES CURRENT AT --itsBury, March. 18. Cents. Cenls, ‘on, & a5} | Cotton Yarn. 90 ‘andy, ap. 30a 35 | Molasses, 85a 40 Peach, 40 a 55] Nails, 6a7 vr, 10a 124 | Oats, 15 a 20 “sax, 272238 | Pork, $3 “Mon, clean 54a 6 | Sugar, br. $a10 ‘eli Jal loaf, 15a 18 Sai 25 | Salt, sack, $34 “ets, 20a 25 1 Tallow, 7 ' $3$ a 44} Tobacco, 8 a 20 “Seed, 50 a 55 | Tow-Linen, 12a 16 ‘perlb, 3a4] Wheat, bush 75 “weed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 24 a30 gal. 90 $1 | Wool, (clean) . 25 a] avettevinLe, March I. Cneeaw, F-b.28, 1842, ber leer 3 a 41 Nails cutassont7a 8 tag 5 a5 wrought 16 8-18 bese 123.2 15 | Oats bushel 30 a 37 be, 22.25] Oil gal. ~ 75a $1 yr Syd 20822 lamp. — $1 25 opelb 10032 linseed 1-10 al 25 te Ih 123 a 14 Pork. 100lbs 54 #6 d (but at the option, 0.4 It be charged 25 per et. highs} igned pledges himself that no ex 4 42 6}| Rice 100lbs 4a5 ‘sh 40260 ;Sugarlb 8 a12 $526) Saltsock sf 25 ¥ 40 ‘bush. 526] Steel Amer. 10a 1 ,- -% Engh... Stel? 35 2.40 German -12.a-24 |. 124} Teatmpe. $1 $137 gx aad oe sects nen ra Soo ee Ce ae ; me = : = ~ > > = mye ms ie a 3 wi * ., .* a &. = a ae MALSUT. \iewst. € 7 -s &3e ‘ your Rulers. De this, eRe : See es save. * 7 e ~ . .~.. R > 3 ae Se eves 3 Se a6: Sie re 60 Be iN aw ge ** upo Fi ‘ - : in : _ 2 *i its. . ; = > . - > 4 —- Hs but whal are’ soser* or a.day, by the use of 9 bottle of Kolmstock’s . Be shee the-cost of:a qoarter'ot a dtlar!’ ow, | should be—aid who. cah ever forgive themselves’ for hot trying’ this Worm E#lerminalor, when they Know that even if the vase was ant worms; —bdut- always cood as a pntgative—let the dis- ease be what it: may. How important then -to use jt, and who wrt dare take the tespansibility todo wiiboot-it 2. - Let every parent that ie not 3 brate, ask themselves this quésiionia froth and néar-two weeks, and attended by a physician, given, pnd.nex: day morethan forty worms were “passed, when the child recovered rapidly. ~ A child of a widow woman, living. near the Ménhatitan’ Water. Works, bad dwindled for a month, Ull near.a skeloton, with great. Jryness of the mouth, and itebing of the “suse,” A. hda= sent immediately for. Kolmstock’s Vermifage, which brought away great quantities of worms for two. or three days, and the child grew better atonce, and regained its full strength io less than a month. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had.worms toa fright fol extent, an-] were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifoge. In some of the best faniilies in the neighbor- hood of St. John’s ark, it- bas begn extensively used, from tha circumstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very extensive- ly known in that part of the city. A family in New Jergey saved several children by the ase of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifage was given. ‘Thenext day three large worms were dislodged, and she left off «he Vermifuge, when’ sha became again worse, and had resort to tha Vermifage that finally broogh: away an incredible quantity of worms, and the cure was complete, and she gained her healtk rapidly. mit, A Physician of standing, had doctored a faimi- ly of children some weeks, without heing avleto restora but one out of. the seven to health. He had the liberality to send: for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifoge, and cured the rest with it iv fess than a week, Numeroos cases of other complainis were sup posed to exist, and the persons treated for fever, &e., bat finally a trial of thia Vermifuge diseov- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innumerable quantity of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despateh. Instances of this kind might.be cited to an immense extent, but it is useless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one wiih eston- ishment the certain effects of this Vermifuge, Caution —Never buy this article unless it have * Dr Kolawetock’s Vermifige’™ handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. Agenis—C B Wheeler, Salisbnry; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’; D Heart. Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington; Dr Stith, Ruleigh. March 4, 1813—1y32 NEW Tailoring Establishme::: ! 4. P. ALSOBROOK, TAILOR, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) HAVE located myself in the Town Salisbury, (permanently,) and intend var- rying on my BUSINESS ina sigle not ta be surpassed in this State or ont of it. My Mistab- lishment is in the room on the curner of the Mansion Hotel, formerly oecujied as the Posi- Office. I have employed the best of Northern Workmen. No expense or paiog will ve spared to render this a Fashionable Establishment ! in all respects. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clothes made op in the. mos! fashionable and durable manner. | hate beer engaged regularly in cutling for the last five years, and part of the time. io some af the ins! celebraied establishments ia the Southern conn- try. I shall not Hesitate io guaraniee eve-y thing to fit I cot-and make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-york} of J. peach 45 | Molasses, 95 ng ERS ‘ple 30.885 | Nails,cut, 6a 64 FASTHIONS, bee 43a 5 | Sugarbrown, 642 10 f received monthy. In conclusion, should } be en- ne 23a 27, f.ump, 14 | cooraged, nu one need send away to procure gocd "3 aie. tiuonf, 15 a 18 } clothing. oe fiend? Salt, 50a 60 A.-P. ALSOBROOK. Ha, t4253) Sack, $24) Reference —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N; C. aciee ge, 30250 | Tobaccoteal 41a 2h) Salisbury, January 2, 1843 — 1926 OCF taa tT | Cotton bag an tie 8041 | Bale rope, 8a l0 REM v § Pach $i a gt? | Wheat new 75a 80 OVAL we © 20 a 85 jp Whiskey 25 a $0 ies , 9354 | Wool, 13 a 20: FE subseribers would respecifully announce E: the public, that they have removed their Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet tRON SManutactory, ecate all orders in tbeit lioe da’shiort notice, and ? eae 4 x * in-the very best style. Also, constantly ao hand, a choice sopply, of Plain sad Japan Tin: Ware, Britancia— Ware, JOHN D, BROWN & Co. 21, 1843-266 ~~ ty 3 4 a, . * Baliahiry Fab CA Neat es = ee ‘Dlfice ly primed end fot-sale at thie > 2 << . they diet, ning the thought that these things’ this, remedy conld-iot by any possibility do hurt) BS, P : Fd f “Mr J.C Ringold had a child very sick for [, Without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifoge was | mane lady, who ealled to providefor the family;s : BCP AWWOUNG MAN, who/bes hzd con- One door above George W. Brown & Co, and | siderable experience ass Painter, a sit 4 oppusite Thos, 1;. Cowan's Brick Row, where { eation'as' Foreman or Journeyman. “Satislsctory they are better prepartd ta accommodate and ex: | | stan be given’ “For patticdlars address paid January 21, 1843, (abe ¥ tiends and the Pobtie’generally, that he Phas aperied a shop if Salrsbuty tn the abuve bust- | fess,in a. room directly» opposite West's brick building, in the house of Dr. Barns’ former! owned by Jou. L. Staverand just below Jk W. Murphy. nL fo,addition to te above, the subsc;iber will cafry on the Silver Smith Business in “all the. varieties Common in covairy téwas: sich as making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve Ware. : ae . t He begs to.assure the puljie that if panctaak allention to business, and skiifful work wilken- lille -him to patronage and supports he willmer: it it, ; . AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 1S—Ifi6 Pr. Sherman's - PAcdicated Besenges Are the best MEDICINE S in the World, Bas the cheapest and oost pleesant,— MPhe medical Facahy warmly approve them Dr, Sherman is 4 skilful 20d experienced’ Phy- sician, and a wember of the Medical Society o New ‘York. Sherman's Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, W hooping Congh, Asthma, Tighiness of the Lungs of Chest, &c. siiERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are tha only infalliole worm destroying medi- vine ever iiseovered. ‘They have been used in over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation uf the Heart, Lowness of Spir- Hs, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a seose of Sinkingu the Chest, Diarrbes, Las- sitade, or a sense of fatigne, Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the tnost cetiain regmedy for this distressiny complaint, ever offered to the Asmerican pablic. — lo the immense namber of caségda which they nave been used, they have never been known to fail, Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon aod tronblesome during the sninmer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges’ ‘I'hey are prepared express- ly for that purpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence, Persons subject to a derange- ment of the bowels shuuld never be witheut them. They afford iasmediate relief from all the attend- ant gripings, faintness, depression, &c. Sherman’s Cathartie Lozenges Aféas pleasant and en ity taken as the eommon peppermints; and an aciive and efficien! medicine “‘Vhey cleanse the stomach and bawels, and are the besi cathariie ever used for bilions persons. Where an active medicine is required, they are nut only the best, but the safesi that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best if all plasters for Rhevmatism, Lom- bago, Pain or Weskoess in the Back, I.oins. Side or Breast. Tie above medicine 13 for sale, wholesale «: retail, atthe Salishury Medical Ding Store; by C.B. WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, afo Sept 3, 1842 —1y6 Dr, Wofat’s Vegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- neficial nature. They arecomposed of ar- ticles the most anti-patrescent, combined with iogredients known as the only certain antidute for fevers of every description. Whbeg the dis ease is produced eliher frum cold, obstraction, bad air, swaarpy and damp situations, or putrid miasmi, whether malignsat of epidemic, at by oiher causes, theae medicines are certain in their operations or effects. ‘They are possessed of pe culiar quatities, which sot only expel all disease. but at the same lime restore end invigorate the system When first taken into the elumach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor through every pore, prodocing effects at nonce delighifol, salutary, and permanent. Whemthe snark of tife hegins to grow dim, the circulation languid, and the faculties paraliged, these medi- eines are found to give @ tone to the nerves, ex- bilerate the aninabepirits, invigorate the budy, and re animate the whole man Vhe Life Medicines have also been used with the most happy suecess in Nerv.us and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmplivn, Asthma, Live: Complaint, Rheumatism, [chrovie and inflama- tory} D ropsiess Xc. §CPCall_at Cress.& Bocrr's, Agents. Sairsbary, Oct 22, 1342 — ly 13 ec A supply of the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for safe at James’ Cress Roads. Iredell county, by A. C MeINTOSH, Ageat - t e« Wich nao Office,” Salisbury N° C, » post ~ ~ BSS, Fohnston, — ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR AT. LAR. NY: be-fopnid. alwsye-at the Office vfeBy! | ! FE Sabscriber respeetfulty informs hig ’ ° Rolling on, fill the souk with perennial she deceased for investment. ‘T'he: note which was prodaced in-evidence'vf this debt, aed to the exerotign of ahieh by the geceased wm his pres- ence, Dr Bailey made oath forgery. © ‘The its ccipoiiasiad aud bY trial eame on at she Cen | B <tral Criminal Coon, Lupdon, on the firsi Zay of | ahig month: “<It was proved that ke never hed | ing, “ Beef ? any.aequaintance with the deceased, whose e3- iesiimony respecting ih@lr interviews as tal Movatiog lis eboa throne, swayed its Sern nifie aceptre over'a prostrate world, é 1d4leep Sleep'came apon’wan, . F np business Multifarions, f retized to my couch, : To. pass thenightawapethetong dark night, io ** Balsov sleep, tired nasure’s sweel restorer.” While ecnbraced jn’ {he ers of -Morpbeus, lusensible of. things revolving apon - ‘The busy wheel of swiftly scudding time :~ L.dre@med,—tlrat some beoutifal and fair one, Was by»my side, and softty ‘whispered ~ - In my eas,--that there is s lend of pleasures, Pore, and unioterrupted bypassing Events, which avver cloy the amind; bnt through ages Freshness; —Come, said the lovel wing, : And. I will goide thy flight-io esfery, toa Conniry of bappiness,—where a thousand Si:.ay Spots-ornament the spscioos plane, No-gooner ine invitation than accepted. On on: streiched wing of, delicate iexture, Far surpassing gusssmar in beauty, And richness; being seated, i imagined Myself opborned, passing throogh ether pare, With the swiftness of the vivid lightning, When soddenly breating from ihe dark dogty Cloud, opens upon the astonished world wiih tts gleaming flash. In my rapid flight, | Passed numberless worlds, floating in ihe Immensity of boundless space ; and Being highly elevated above them all, I reached the place of my destination, A beautiful worid, indeed—before my } Vision cpened :—a world of brightness And of glory,— where ng pestilentia! Blast trom its baneful wings, aver shakes the Blighting mildew of death. On either hand As | passed alung, bloomed fluwers Amaran‘hine, with the green freshness uf Immortality. "Phe pellueid waters of The rivulet, leaped in playful ripples, As they glided on, winding their senucus Couree,:to ocean wide and unfathomable.— This coontry,—ob “this country, exclaimed I, “hail be my country !--A country presenting A scenery soblime, where tbe iphabisants By the magie speil of ardent Jove, are led On in concerd’s peaceful pathway, tv the Inviting: bawars of blissful revose. While feasting epon enchanting beanties, And my heart filled witt ecstactes onkouwn,— Seddenty I awoke, and bebold it was A dream !—My imaginary happiness Filed away, and { found myself still in A world of disappointment and sorrow. LUCAN. | y_one, join my Salisbury, .Wareh 12, 1848. SERGEANT S. PRENTISS, OF MISSIS- SIPPI. One of the most extraordinary instances ot the power of his el:quence was bia speech ai Harrodsburg, in defence of Murdough and oth- e's On tbat oreasiun Redding, the fomenter of the affiay, appeared as prosecutor. Against him as the real murderer, the orator directed bis must | rnvenomes shafts, ‘Vhe first effect produced vn his victim was aw expreesion of insolent di firnee —the nex!, of resentunent—bul as the storm of sareastp ang denunciation thickened in violence ud inereased in fory, horliog like hai) around | his devoied head—as his norelénting exeention- | er led him to the brick of eternity and pointed ut the torments prepared for tris false, perjured soul—the victin trembled with emotion, and fi- | wally, osable to control his agony of shame and | homiliation, buried his face in his hands and burst into coovolsive sobs, “‘Vhat*was @ triamph of genins bot sarpassed by the mest splendid ef- | forts of Cicero. His speech on that eecasion infinitely surpas- ! sec in eloquence the published copy of it—the latter having been written cut by him from nem ory, at the request of the publisher, long after it was delivered. His success cefore juries is very great, and canna! be more strikingly exem- plified than by the following anecdote. He was engaged in a cause pending in a cirenit east of Pearlriver, where jories are nsually composed of men who shape their verdicts in their own language, leaving 'o the court the irksome task af meulding them into a Tegal form. On this occasion ihe jaty were so captivated wiih P's | el-quence and humor that they canfounded him | , with the aefendant whom he represented, and | brought in their verdict in these words—‘' We. | (Hie jury, find for lawyer Prentiss, and plaint:fl | fo pay the costs,” which of course unsetiled the | gravity of the court, bart, and audience, as‘it has ! q —V O. Tropie. FORGERY. | The elevated station in life of the Rev. Dv. | Bailey, his acknowledged talents.and extensive } influence, and the accumolation of villany per- | ¢ netrated to secure the success of his scheme of | fraud, «ive to this case a character of uncommon. | interest. De-Yailey is a clergyman af the es- } tablished charch and a graduase of ‘Prinity Col- lege, Dubin. ‘Phe tacts relating tv the forgery tur which be was indiwled are extremely etear In May Isst_a suit was iostitaied at his instamee on behalf of his sister, against James Smith, the hrotterc apd personal representative of Rubert Saiith, dec’d, to cecover the amovat of £2,875, and interest, which Dr Bailey ‘estified io be doe @ his sister, (or ber motey loaned by him to ! $ “a 3 th, wes proved to be a Doctor was forthwith indicted for te bedesigned to, defrsuc, and that wrth. the jew Ew of-procvring a copy of bis sigaatate, whose th pee Jones, Esq: directly opposite the | Jows ; Rowan Hetel. <a? oat PF a Salisbury; Jan.7, 1843 — 1f24 e first aiaried to a smal! aes l pre, add then-said: ‘You fave heard abyut the’ endo! suhorhing Witfesses ™ secere the syecess | of language and. manner never before wit-? jer rajoies tn biatbhee and train oil ; adeandy /the comedy of the Knights. | furnishes a sainple of the London sausag’ red cap, a remarkably greasy flannei jacket, | and immensely thick over hatl appeared tw sustain a claim for £1 183 64. agatnst ‘Thomas Tubbs, a wholesale dealer in beef and pork ssusages, black puddings, $ sible to say which was the dirtiest, the plain- very readily and poliely gave way for the savory venders, done ‘het of all who have heard it related since. | gers. sit. { CONVICTION OF A CLERGYMAN FOR | Jemmny. | youvafere vou’re done. (Laughter.) - jean? “Exwain yourself. uw do you! sieke them ? what on? €o3,1f 1 was to telf that, why perhaps —— “enewer any quertien f¥sk?- From wher did y60 Manufacture so Wary satsages,-end Young Germans. as — =m RP a eo a per: ; hing a feceit written ‘by bi a The prisnner said be : # nitefing of iby, the pris: oner were clearly éstablished: and it. was fare ther proved that he hid* been guilty of perjury of his fraudulent desigos. He was sentenced te transpcertaNon for life, A GOOD STORY. Coldnet Harry Babcork of-the U. 8. Ar. my, an educated man of britliégt eoncep— | tions ands oratofical endowments, wis a | very eccentric personages yet aniversolly erurted as @ bion companion. On a cée=) tain‘time wheo hist regiment. -was fortned for prayers, 1 ws arnduncel that the chap: |. le. was unable to attend through «sudden indssposition. "The colonel instantly maunt-: ed the drum-pulpit—eomarsnded, attention —~sssumed a reverential atutude with a sol- emnized countenance 8nd birst forth io 4 strain of the most impassioned eloquence. Nor, said the oarfetor to this writer, was there ® full drawn breath in the-extensive and enwrapt auditory, while supplication on. supplication for every eerthly bleasing, atid the cunversion of both Jew and Gentile na- ons, ia-accordance with the pulpit habits of that day, were effered op in a enblimity’] nessed. Then sfter an appropriste pause, be proceecéd: “And for our enemies’ in particular, O Lord, we beseech thee to hear our prayer, that they may see the error of their ways, end- be speedily ‘brought to e sense of justice, and an end of their oppres- sive and wivked usurpations. - Boe, if not, (changing his voice and manner to a corres- prading degree,) then, O Lord, brace Gur hearts, nerve our atms, and permit us to take vengeance into-our own hands ;” here of a sudden he came to an abrupt pause of some few moments: Thed breaking forth anew. in a@ contrasted style of oratory, he added—“Bat, O Lord, what. shall we say of those cersed Indians 2— Damn em all. Amen.” —The amen. wee responded to by every one, and followed by three Joud huz- ras. Froin the London Sunday Times. MYSTERIES OF SAUSAGE MAKING IN LONDON. Every nation, it has been observed, pos- sesses ils peculier faculty cf eating.— The Tortse quaffs bis bow! of msre’s milk ; the Hindoo relishes assaf@iida ; a delicate young lady of Centon pieks the ribs of a puppy ; an Indian at the North Pole turns up bis nose at segar; a Nepolitan delights in his yard of maesroni; anda Greenlond- of the Land’s End plunges with serene cour- vge into the bowels of a Cornwall pie, and nothing more delights your gentine co¢k- ney, than-a dish of ssussges, or a surfeit of btack padding. As far remote as the days of Aristophanes, the sausege maker and the hinek :pudding seller are introduced into Our reporter } maker, Jeaifwy Hoskins, a gentleman wearing 2. t cxings, avélogs and voung Germans. It is 1uinpas- MW ordefendant; the whole of thé auditory | Commissioner— What's this elarm for ? Jemmy Hoskinos—For mak:n’ o? sassin- it Defendant —You meen for spilen on ’em, -* Jemmy Hoskins (kocwiogle =I spile Commisstoner—Do you wean to say thas his is for wages ? 5 Jemmy Ioskins—Yes sir, for one weck, nvich [made a matler 0” ites ton 0’ s-8- ing«rs and young Germins, (Laughter) | Commissioners—Three tons of gausages | nd young Germans? J t; Q Why, shat de yan | le & Jémmy fhoskins— Dons your henor teen ; What did we meke em 60 ? (Laughter, » fire - - { Comimissinner—Sit, you ‘ste tornd to {F I ‘2 Aaa you cafl them? Of cof ? } ei | Beek??? said semmey Hoskins, refleet- Yes—why, there sartainty were some beef that week ; and, let me see, | ’ e bad fwo green ’uns, eid ov less thao | come (0 99-e8s—For itis seid that jue Y : _ | has recently sent outa large ocimorr Cémmissiener—And prey, sit, Wiat 18) preachers, of great imlent ond surprising be.) ’ ceannt he owed | 8 green vp ? ye / aceonnt hh Hoskins—Vy,a@ beofostunate Pg, Could ail the weu tn Cirsisieusuu, rep fuckies 2” {Et Jemms a | ieker inferthe skins,’ P fest soliciiude. fore aw ttbunal, where felsetiood cannot avail and where justice conne: be eluded. Let petitence agd faith prepare soa for that awfgltrie), for evorinous’ a8 is your gisilt, it does 101 exteed tha mercies of God m | feeb ‘pean. And amey, Gog o29¢ mens | your soule, Diiy.. Wariove” W : ee » ae Pforipod {os . No str me -chp mtn ‘ <4 : Frases. of langtter — simi fade seviie eds We makes." ek l6ts and-Gex mang... sare To tmy Mai ¢ ‘ he alc: 4 ww beautiful, si§—v ne woule ~« tfrom.om er beef. A¥by. ge. pick® oUF, the priate Csfor We cheap.soop hisses, — - tnd penhysqae.shpps: LR oare-ollaoghier:] = - Com nriesiontyaWe iM Theniss: tbbs, 4 ~ and what.de-yom.ssy to-aibthis Regis SiO Bine soe Say, sir-(said Mt. Pubs}: syye se how thimore- man’s alping warmint.. The werry lest-day- ashe Tefisme be. spied apous shies “** huadtéd.wei ght Of the stuff. 0 oo et : | Commissioner = Sia f what Stuf? >. . Mr. Tubhs— Wy; Mio-ssssrg¢-meat, to he. sore.» Inetend _ my idan culd wa- ter, and, in cqurse, th® siggingersheda’t got no faste oor: flavor in’eaet afl. [ Laagh - tet dug ic 240% pe se ag - Coatmissioner— You hear this, Meo Jem- my Hosttins > o., et Ket x * Year tw !—(soid Jommy indignsnily,) im-equrse yeasts bim.. Pie*mornin’ as ho speaks ou f wad guin to fill she skins. anv be comes up te me, and taking a-handfn! o! sassege “meat, he smelis -to-it, aniithep, a shaken bis head he res, Jempmy,”. ses hiv, - “this -yere’s raytier too-strongs youd bo: fer giveita since aver with the lick>r the tlers.” Why othavs for amkiag ker. chep,” ses 1, “and that’s my perqoisne,” Commissioner— What!’ make“ catsup is water that-hotse flesh has been -botied ia Jemmy. Hoskins-- Yes, sir; the best nvun!i room ketchup in the worl’, ars laughter. | ’ ee a , A fat cieek-headed jurepo: bere turned verygick. Mr. Jemmy Hoskins continued — ‘Fact is, et, nobody don’ “know what he yeats in London... {- wani’é my- money, that’s all, end af so be fhe don't fork up worse for-him; thay’s all.. [aint ssid doth about black-puddings set, nor young Germans. —[ Laughter. Com misstone® Forgesecn’s sakeyieas no mere. Will you pay thid-man his claim ? After some. altereauion Jemmy Hoskins agreed totske £1 10s, ia Hquidation of al! demands. Immediately the case was over, our re- Porter was telegraphed by Mr. Thomas Tubbs. end an overture made, for the pur- pose of keeping the case out of the pagers, The reporter reverted thd worthy “sausigo maker to-hig editor, The Seotehman boasts of gebleis raw, Of haggis payach and enekie-leekie ; But sarsage mest may bear the bell From any filth in gude auld RNeekie. As Samoeé} Veller said tu Maadé — ** Don’t bay. your wiltles reddy ehur'd.” { ata 4 AN A WFUL PICTURE. Three men, Archibald Kirby, Willie G. Cerro! sad Zebediah “Payne, were hung st Nashville,Fennessee, on I'riday. the 10th ult., for murder. ~ ‘Ihe first, Kirby, for stinoting 0 femsle—ibhe secvood, Catroli, for shnofing a minister of tne gospe!, and the third, Payne, for shootitg 3 young man whom he recognizad as hie bosam frend. The former of those wretches, it 1s suppos- ed was oribed to commit the horrid set by some wreteh whi Uesired her deaths end maney being solely the object of the two tntier.—We give tho conciuding part of Judge Green’s sentence. And now in each of your cases, the mast deliberate and cold-blooded purposeis man- ifested, without theJeast provocation or au- ger, snd in-every case lastigated by the eur- ed Sust for money ‘Io obtain some ‘rifting sam, the ene destroys cn torocent femele— the other an inoffensive minisier of reliaion, and the Jast a youtoful travelling compan ion = COineidieg in the character of your geiii—the judgment of the law dooms sou to alike puoshment. + Before the execution the ¢gurt will ap- pot you a short time for preparation. Bet pis time be employed withthe most egro- You ore soon to apidéer be- esus Christ. . Employ aii the meens to hritig your bears in deep humility, ond eapty-eonléssion, to his mérey seat, Ea- 2ge tH services, advice ead preyers of the ; Reveread elergy of the city, and let your rediaifing vaye, ve days uf penitence, aad our fights be oighis of devoioa snd pray- ro "Fad now Archibald Kerby, Wilke G. Karroll, and: Zabadrat Peyne, the judgment Lof thedaw is that you b- taken to the n \ whence you came, there to remain anti fiday, the 10th day of. Pebraarn, beiwees aure OF 10 o’ctock wo the moruing ave vw’ dock ta the @yentng, you be take ts | thre putire gallows. enbin ose mile uf [*~ ty, aud beng hy the neck aati yo ” The. Mormep g¢elosion is aut Wh ‘v < of hes ab vey will do more to kev pup the detusn >* = >. . * ing the” proper "=<" 4 { death of the atser fe pris > Salen <add sat ig : ee 4 atid tat Peuried im, . The-mited, . aero apions dries "em Ow ’ a ~~ we r t {Coaiiaistioner-—Upon thy wor _ , pos | Wa v ofthis s-clever fellow. pain eG AS hangetriting and Caio Fntimston: chai Fehooght) °2 (eee em. Vell the crud whetaduckyiy Ter tommy thoskins-- Adak jj sir. id-acose * 4 The. prisoner said he sbistd. Yery wach Jike io. ** MPele—-with “a brerideabinthe stran— -— seet and. I showed | *!¢0 a2. beedkin-e leg-gittén & shift. run.ttice :? Sp > om ae . F 7 + 3 oe os! * @ o oe . & x to ¢ ~ coaanstitote federalisay Jam a Fedarslist ; if | bof the State gove » i I ide 8 : +k lh” oe _ MIRGINIs Weic. Ot On THe 22d ea" ¢— Bentlemen: 1 take the Cheir- ss dent of tbr Congestion, to. which yoo hate called “me, with mo other sedse of fiiness for wh6 place. or. wosthiages of the” honor it confers, bul 2 eousei ousnessyef: the seul. meats | bringio nt. + ean lay my haod oo my béert; end mos! sincerely gd coascien- Vigbsly *declaré, that Lfsve no political fee:- 1p ’ spring from an ardest a " = evciyy member of jt, promoted and Secured by 3h honest and judicious sdministration of th 3 cohfided'by the Cupstitution the. Federal Government, and of those “yeserved iv the State Guvernmenis—thol J -bsvelne wish to prémote, snd [reb no inter- | Tes: ip.ps success of the Whig ‘gbke of the petty ; no <biber than that which Of Bt F{rqm & forvition, 11a. 1a principles 1} gnd-sdund, snd tat Neaoliey “désires to have adopted and , 1s cal. culated. 16 fosier-advance @nd secure the ‘ jotetréts sad happiness of my country—the whole country and every partof it. If» detotion to the Constitanon of the Usited States, anda sirong. feeliog of fellow-citizen- ehip towards the people of-our sister Sistes, rer St. Pci a jealous and. vigilgaf tegerd for the rights Rights men, | kaov Aeet that I am and iri os thé eommon weal of the whole : » 200° the inverest sad happiness of t* !a, constitute a State + erests j-® ont of} myual o, which shall spel eaelt ond all 16 offers some sscrificeon the altar af paitidism , sod whicly will be equally’ salutary, what ever pamby obisia the sscendency in the ‘sdatinistfation of the Gavernmen}. | am for ho compromise, no thendoument . or*sserifice of -prineiple ; ‘whieh, vader any admiat-iration, would ve perorcious. Let me iltustreté the distinc— non by one or two @xamples : I ailaded this morning to the proposed remission of thetice imposed vpon General Jackson, for “his-conjémpt of the arit.of habeas cvrpus and of the court ths! awarded it (for the Jadge to this purpose was o court,) not while he was engaged. in. military oper— ations for tle defence of New Orleans, bot afier the defence was vietoriovs sad com- plete ; got et s time when fdriher wiiuary Operations were anticipated, bat in trath af. ter'the enemy bad retired; repulsed sod ‘broken ; sfter al! military operations were at ap end, and after all apprehension of any occasion to-renew them had passed. away, Now, if the proposal to remit this fize and to restore the smount with interest, to Gen. Jackson had been put‘vpon the ground, foo in his own mind thet is was necessary | for the safety of ihe couatry, the defence of whietf was entrusted to him, to adopt and | persist in hig measures, or upon the ground, ways hove been one, 21 am not a sirict consirnesinaigt, 1 the party *sense of that | phrase—eone ‘who. when those to whom [| ams opposed are entrusted @ith the admiois- tration of fedetaleffairs, ia duspgsed to deny all powers to tbe Gencfal. Government, or | ro to restrict tis powers as to render them iopractieatde or uugatury ; much less am J 6 \utitudsaarian, who, when wy friends are in power, acknowledge no canstitutional ohovnds ta ther discretion. We ought all | (oO ingigt on @ tat construction of the Con- stilultOb, to whomsoever the edministratior may be-confided, whether our political op- ponents or Jeeads. Nd man is more sen— sible af Ripa@iag fallebility than l--'] may err in mv estiaste of mca, and in my opinions of incasores-~ bet L have truly declared my eeniimenis, end am quite sure thvy are right. ae “The great object we should all bave at | beasty and whichin these times presents ii- self most prominently to every refleesing | urind. is to restore tbe confidenee of the people ip their governments, State and Fed- erat, ood (whet is yet more important to so cial hapoiness) cor fidence between man and mao—ihai cocfidence which seems now a!- mosteniurely goune—Itbat confidence withon> whiGh ii is imposaifite aor’ politica! inetitu- tiangs-can bave shy bealthfol actioo. . Hit eahoct Ve resiored, we must~ abandon all Lope of publie ptospesity, or of privete hap: piness. in alf governments, the work of legis'a- hon, end the administration of public affairs, must necessarily irvelve a compromise of cpinions and interests, And. this is espe- cially tf@e ia the government of the United Sist's; 2 goveroment extending over twen- ty six States, all connected together, and velin a great megsure independent of each viher—over su@h a vast extent of territory, over peoplehaving such diversity and vari- ely of interests: the tnterests of various eleeses of individuals, in-ihe same part cf the cquatry, diversified bytheir various pur- sais ; antl ihe interests of some parts of the Union, diversified from thoseef others, by variety ia the employment of capital, variety inthe purso‘ls of industry, wariety in the productions of soil and ciimate as’ well as efindusiry. No man or set of mep, no Suite, no pertious of the States, East or West, Nershor Senth, Agricultural, Com- mercial of Manvfacturiog—Slavehelding or | non-Slaveholding, can reasonably expect } thaC their parkeuiar opiniens shall. prevail, | or theie rndividual or focal interests be alone, | oF even nest prominently the object of re- | gard, ‘Phe duty of the Statesman and the | Pattiot is to consult the epinions, the feel- | ings, the wishes, the interests of each and | all ; to reconci'e tham when they are eon. | fheting, if tbat be-possible ; and if it be | found smpracticable, to devise and pursue toch measures as, requiring every one to | yield something, but poae to sacrifice all, | shal} be best calcnlated to promote the wel- | fare of each to the utmost extent tompati- | "Phe Con-' siitvtion of the United States, ta which we} all proless sa much attachment and devotion, | agains ble with the welfare of others. was dicteted by the most Jiberel spirit of comwpromisés and it ie only by the coatiaa- _elexertion angi: Quente of the seme spirit. thafthe Foderal Government can be opheld to any good parpuse—tat tie pagers can be made to work beneficially for ihe com- | mon weal—lor the harmony, the prosperity, apd the bapptness of the Union and of all iis members. {t- way Se euppozed by others—indeed, J) its citizens—-to suspend, at his discretion have to contribute as large, or nearly 4s} am myself conscious —that 1 am. uitering truism,” Bat, if 1 am not much apistaken {woatd to Heaven | could believe fhar4 am Btell mistken)} iv my view ofthe present stite of public affairs, and espdcisily ef the state anchiemper of parties, itis really’ he- ceesety, that we should be ell awglfbied to ‘plivety eng serions sense of these very tru- t and the isme hse come, Whee u be- hiehves ail men, end all parties, (0 recall | them to wheis minds and to iter hearts, aod. lo set, practically aad with général consent, navies theie influence. - If we can only dé pronght to remember these trujsms, and act wp to them, as our fathers dic, wih @ rea- sonable degree of heartiness and gerreratit¢ of purpose, thougt dufficalues enough will still remsnto ex reize the wsdQnof States- tin-n and Patriots, atl mey yet be well — pitfie eanfideace may be revivgd, evcial harmeny nay be renewed, induary and en | be established. the danger will be aggravaied werpriss rehaved from the pressure of des~4 loa degree whet 48 impossible taesti- | tanee fo the main pont | mast omy wheb?, | which he incurred it, against the ssurpations of military power, / cue of a fellow-cinzen from military arrest that a joet consideration of bis meritorious services, end of the oprightnese of his in- tentions, oul weighed a}! consideration of the irregutarity of the means he thought proper to etnploy 10 aecomplish hrs success aver a formidable invading enemy; or on t! ground, that @ vast majority of the people have sequitted him of all intentional fault, and that respect.to them, not less than re- gar! for bins, required that he should be re- leived from the punishment he justly :ocar— | red ; or even upon the ground, that sech a) manifestation of the Nation’s pardon and! affectron would soothe the feeling of an em- i tnent publie servant, now in the fast set of | life: if the remission of this fine had been | puton these or any like grounds, though | with my opimons of the man, and my know!- | edge of the history of his conduct, | could | not heave approved the measure, J could yet with a safe conscience have deferred to the opsinioas sod feelings of Gen. Jackson’s friends and admiters—I could have compro- mised the matter with them—and if they had declared such reasons for remitting, the fine, and expressly provided that the act should not be drawn into precedent, I should have been conteat. But General Jackson has publicly declared that the remission of the fine shall rest on no such grounds, and rendered all compromise impossible; b+ disdains to accept o3:1don ; hedemands that the fine shall be remitted, as a condemna- tion of the Judge who imposed it'vpor him, and as a full. jastification of the conduct by Condemnation of the Judge now when he has gone to the grove ! Condemnation of the just Judge, who, in awarding the writ of habeas corpus, did what the most solemn obhgatons of his of- ficial duty required at bis hands. and what it would have been u criminal and impeach- able offence lo refuse to do; and who, in vindicating his just and doubted anthority gave one of the most signal exampies recor- ded io history, of civie virtue, and maral and even personal courage—the imposition of a fine for an open end apparently wanton violation of the laws, upon a victorious Gen- ersi. who was still at the head of troops, flushed with the common victory, and who wag sustained by a people apparently Llind- ed for the time by the splendor of militars renown that flzsbed in their eyes, and heat. ed with enthusiastic gratitude to the offen- det, for their own safety recently achieved by his valor. To grant a remission of this fine, thus audaciously and imperinusly de- manded, a8 8 condemnation of the Judge. isto wara the Judges of this Jand, that af ever, in time to eome, they shall dare to issue a writof habeas corpus, f e res- by a victotious General from imprisonment vad trial before a Court martial, from itheg al bondage and jeopsrdy of life. they may be expetied by the same military power, and driven with ignominy from = their fami- lies and homes, and from the seat of : rem Lire 4 ng. z iso of teohngs, wished; |’ that the conduct fos which the fine was im- | fair and qmutuel compromise—the terifl of posed upon bim, though acknowledgedly 1!- | gaties an imported goods, Io its very na- legal, was yet dictated by 80 honest convic- | ture, it involves conflicting interests ; and | nohepptly, in our country, these conflicting | expenditure ; an economical not a parsimo- ov gen 2 ate ree 2 aie a Sy. OR Ae Bg wt Tae ye 7 Spent: LA - bat ag =) oa e~ oS ae es 0 and the apie —mey sod willa any compromise would .bé a sorrende: of the fundamental principles of eivil Hher- ty aod Republican. Goverament.. | am talking of the pricciple of the measure and the denger. of the precedent, not of | the mouves of the én who sre urging i on; those ere. their O@f alfsirs: 1 pa eure they do not view it in the same light I do, or they woald revolt from it with és. much horror and dismay > bot -whatrver may be, their motives, the mischief ts the same to us all. I shall mention another subject of gener- o!, deep and exciting imerest, which calls for rontual concession; which must be eet- Jed, and can ooly be settled by a spirit of interests, or at l@ast the conflicting opinions and feelings ea the subject, are marked by geographieatbounds. Like most of mp fellow citizens of the Southera Agricultural States, lem, what was called en anti-tarif? man, tho’ not what may, perhaps, be now soeall- ed, since eccording to some opinions, thése only sre regerded as. ant: tariff men, eho thiak it proper to raise revenue for the sup- port of Government by direct taxation, retb- er than raise the whole, if the whole can be conveniently raised, as doubtless it can, from the customs. | am opposed io the raising of more revenue for the support of Government upon an economical system of nious niggardiy system of expenditure, stinting the Army, the Navy and the civil list, leaving the fortification to ga to ruin, end disappointing the public creditor of prompt payment: and | am opposed to the imposition of duties on foreign goods for the mere purpose of protection to the home tadustry, and especially to domestic manu- factures, without regard to revenne.— Now, f the representatives of that portion of the country which is chiefly engsged ia manu- factures only ask that io raising the neces- sary revenue for the support of Govern- ment, the terff eball be adjusted on a sye- tem of diseriminating (not prohibitory ) du- hes, which will efford incidental protection to their manufactures (end this, as fer as } can coilect from the debstes in Congress. folly to concede thus much tu them. Ie there any good reesor, in respect to our own interests, why we should insist on a horizontal tariff—to use the metaphor lately introduced in Congress, which seems more franful of good metaphor than of any other good thing—a system of ad vulorem duties on all or most of the imported artocles, those which are now dutieble and ‘hose that are free, in peference to a system of discriminating dutics on a part of those arti- cles which come into competition with our own productions! Supposing the same enount of revenue, be that what it mey, is to be raised from the customs, wh«tever sys- tem of duties shall be adopted, I really can- not see how any greater burdens is likely to be imposed on us of the South by the system of d:scriminating daties which wil! afford incidental protection to home pro- ductions, than will probably result from 8 horizontal tariff. According to my infor- mation, the eggregste ealue of imported ar- ticles, free of duty, is (or was before the present tariff wae enscted) nearly equal to the eggregate value of the datiable articles. If so 20 per cent. ad valorem on all, wauld yield about the same amount of reve- cove, a8 an average of 40 per cent. of dis- cri@inating doties on half. ‘The consump- tion, both of the free and of the dotiable ar- ticles, must, 1 suppose, be nearly uniform throughout the United States—as great in the manufacturing Statesin the others. It, under the system of discriminating duties | am to pay 40 per cent upon the cloth cost | wear end nothing on the silk gowo which my wife wears, | shall contribute about the their jurisdiction; aod that the “Democ- rece”? will etand by the milisry power a- t the crvil authority, and damn the Juages for coing their duty, even efier they are dead and gene. To grant a remission of the fine, thus demencved as a justification of the Generai’s condaci,is to make a for- | mal and deliberate Pek nouiétgment of the right-of a commanding Gateral of the Uni- ted States to proclaim aud. to enforee mar- tual law within’ the Uaidin, over the whole | Siate where he may be in'commani over al! and for sueh timeas be may think proper, all the enwil authorities, State and Federal —and to shut ont of their Hell (or shut up in st) the members of the State Legisistare, for presoming to assert their enostitutional powers, (which they are sworn to maintain, ) Whe General shall give them teave Is ut wht wonderful, that State Rights men—men, indeed, who elaim to oe exclusives in their Gevotian.toxthe tights of the States—ran consent to proeisiae such docirines ty (he @ord? If this ve Democracy, tt is Demoe- racy Without Repudlicanism, which io its essence cunsisis in a government of laws. A victorious Gemeral at the head nfm vieto- nous army in the bosom af the equatre it- ' self, has at all times been dangeraaaty Re- | publics—ihe danger 3s tar so great ‘they are 2brosd—and rf this: presedent | 'same amount towards the revenue as if I | were required by.a horizontal tariff, to pay | 20 per cent. on the cloth and 20 per cemt. ,on the silk. I know very well, that nogen- | eral reasoning of this kind will squere ex actly with practical details; nor am I, on this occasion, studious of accuracy. The | geocra! thonght has occurred to my mind— | that whether the principal of the bonzon ; tal system, or that of discriminating datioe | shall prevar! in the regulation of the terff, ‘each end every part -of the eountry will large, an smonnt towards the support of | Goveromen!, under the one system as the other. And this general thought is thrown | ent for consideration. If 1 be cOteect, or | Approximate to correctness, far from pre- , ferring to pay my contribution under a hori- ane eveo for talking of exercising them, Ull | zontal tariff. wich will relieve me from no | | part of my burden and confer inerdente! | bene fit on no portion of my fellow-cinzegs, | rather then pay rt aader the system.of «ses | eriminating duties, which will add nothing } time of my fellow-citizens will cerive af | meidental advantage, | say plainly, | should { prefer the latter. ‘The manufeciurers are { ad @eiow-civacgsy aad if we gree them a is all they do ask,) I think we ought cheer. | fested in all his actions, may iospire us with to my borden, and from which a lerge por’ ‘ ~~. 7 ae es SPM AH. Get? PaaS : ; igented by. thet aaibion sub whteb }) bis. 4 But, however, all thia who égrees with us in all things: we shall find no-such man. If there-is en¥compel- itor for the office, whose opinions are now!d- ed by the interests of his ambition, end eansulis the feelings end opinions of ‘his fellow-citizens only to get their votes, that man w uaworthy of our confidence. If there is any competitor for the office, who professes exclasive devotion to the interests | of any one portion of the empire; who rests bis claims to our sv atirely upon ren- for the place, I know a man who has: proved himself capable of exsecily that'k of compromise f approve; who has ever avowed his principles with the utmost can- dor, end maintaio them With independence, and who yet, whenever the interest of his country has required, has been fescy to make the most liberal concessions, in mat- ters of policy, to the opinions, the wishes, the feelings, and the interests of others,; who, without forgetting, mech more sacrifi- cing, the interests of bis own pert of the Union, extends his generous regards to those of every quarter of the empire, and whose abilities and wisdom are equel to any aad every exigency of State effairs—That man 1s Henry Cray. The Whigs of Virginia heve thought pro- per to convene us together on the bitth day of Washingion—hoping, | presume, that the memory of that generous and magnani- mous devotion to the interests of bis whole country, and that just and eqns! regard for every pert of i, which he so signallg mani- } sf emulation of his illastrioas example. Ao Italian remarked —“‘fn every block of mar ble there is a beautiful statue ; the only diffical- ty is in getting it. out.” Soin every boman bo- dy there is ® mind, but education must chise! out its intelligent beaaties before it can receive the admiration ef the world. — ——— — Fresh and large Arrivals AT THE CHEAP CASH Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMENT. E have jost received and offer for sale our second supply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, amounting io 545 PACKAGES, Among which are, the following : 738 pieces vrown & bleached shiriings, from 4 cenis a yard to 24 430 pteces calicoes. ‘rom 5 cts io 124 excellent at 10 and 12 1-2 470 pair shoes assoried, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 (bs turkey red 80 doz cotton handkerchiefs 25 ps bed tick 40 do apron checks 55 do flannels 28 do Kentucky Janes 22 do clothe,and sattinetis $0 do muslin de fanes 28 do linsey and ketseys 5 ps bolting cloibs 190 bags coffee 14 bhds sugar 185 ps begging 80 cuils rope “2000 Ibs loaf Sogar $500 fbs sole leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs nails 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 aud 10 by 12 25 prs Elliptic springs 540 bottles caster oil 60 bushels clover seed, warranted | new crop J &W. MURPHY: Salisbury, Deeember 10, 1842—6if State of Porth Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions— February Term, 1313. ; Lazaras Sink, 2s. t Justices Jadgment levied Heirs at LawotRa- © oo Land, (in two cases ) che} Sanith Dee's} | T ep to the Goort that: William Gor- ~B. don, one of the defendants, is hat aa imhabi. (aot GF thie State, few ordered “by. the Gvart, Caroling Watebang, fer the said William Gor. don, personally 10 be sa¢ appear before the Jus- beorlit, wiibout injury to dorselves, it isvery ‘| butte to sey we ought todo TF haves whes i real feeling of felinw-eitizenship fog. hem. -ehali t However, these su rewell or itl-foon pore, and the apeng of national prospertty | mate. fi the Commanding General has a are, thst this subject of the Tariff aught to reatured tu ti wuuled elasi-ity aud vigor— “rightlul power; Upon a like plea of pecessi- be adjusted ina spirit of hbesal compromise estiong of mine, whet. a are of tute iapar<t Lees of said Cort, at the next-Coert tbe held for seid coanty at the Court- | tah; en the 2+ in erase if voy he bab, why the pai shel! not hove Judgment, and order of Gale against. the Ta selecting a Statesman fer the -Chief/ ii magisiracy, we should never look for a man | | Peunsetwania, has made a rhat pablieation be made for foor weeks in tbe | se ta Lesiog 4 May Next, and shew } lo'secare the election of ver be resorted to, unless the. issue was broadiv and distinctly, made before the people prior to the election of Members to the: legislature, [Raleigh Register. A REMINISCENCE. It has been a question, much agitated heretofore who wes the originafor. of the idea of the Jaw, passed. some twenty-fire years ego.to provide ferthe support of the surviving Officers and Soldiers of. the Rev- olutionery War. ‘The eredit of that meas= ure has heen given to different individuals of bigh character, both in and out of Con- gress, who are known to heve urped the passege of the first st upon the subject, I: has been charged sometimes tn have been a Northern measure, the fruit cf Northern cupidity, é&c-—30d it has been. orceasionalle. reproached -es a Federal measure. Ac- erdentally torning over some poriion cf the history of Congres« vesterday, we were surprised onreelves to find that the Revolu— tionary Pension System actoally originsied with Jobn=Rendolpk of Roanoke; (even that distinguished Federalist.) who moved, on the Ist day of Dec. 1807, that provis- ion ooght to be made, be law, for en sde- qnate and comfortable support of such o% ficers and soldiers of the late Revolutionary army 38 Bre si:!l existing in a state. of indi. gence, disgraceful to the country which owes its liberties to their valor.” This resolotinn wss debated in Commit - tee of the Whole two dsys, and-on the 4th of the same month wee agreed to, anda committee appointed to bring in_s bill ac- cordingly. Before thet committee repait- ed a bill, bowever, viz. on the E8th o£ same month, the embargo wes recommended hy the President, and passed -by Congress on the 22d—from whiehtime ’ the--deficiency in the revenve andthe -growingcinterest- of our Foreign Relations so absorbed the at. tention of Congress; that it was not until after the close of the wat which folluwed, that Congress recurred. to the subjec!, nn- roe; when, in. Merch, 1818, the existing provisions on thé enbject were in part. en- acted into law.—.Vational Intelligencer. A deep and painfal excitement was 3wakened among our Cllizens yesterday, upon learninethal Mr Lavergne, president. of the Consolidated Bank, had, in the coarse of the Morning, cém-— mitted suicide in the graveyard on the opposite side of the river. _ He sareived bot a few hours the woand by whieh-his self destruction was ef fected, If we have beard aright-on the subject rhe ei left behind him a writ. en exvlanation of the reasons which indoe him thas tocid himself of life. This lore tigipates that -hie motives. will be.misconsirved. bul pe-'tively denies that any. misconduct of his own had led him thns to sacrifice himself, it believed. by ovr citizens thafsuch AS thé evan, The deceased had exercised simoaat absolate con. trol in the managementof the Bank over which he presided, a0” pictees as he ba: been to thé stockholders and the public in endeavoring to bring about its resumption, he found the cates aod responsibilities of his pusifion too over- whelming for him, and sovgbt an escape. from them in death inflicted by his own hand. Mr. Lavergne.was a gentleman nf great-a- menily and elegenes of manners, of distingaish ed connections, and, in addition to the advanta- ges of tris elevated soctal position he possessed the unqualified corfidence and este: sioess community.— JV. O Picayune. A lady of Laneastes, ‘ ‘proposition to the Ja dies thranghout she. Siate, throogh the colemes of the Laneastoc Examiner. that (bey torn their whole sock of jewelry into co'n, buyitp the. ick; and: makea present Patriotic. Women.— . winsylva— ate— ‘et lands ; est, i. ; ad ee CHAS MOCK, ccc. mareh 11, 1843 —6 w 33 — Printers fee $5 50 tc SS leeeed an, to mu NGaINS : Sintians O04 je “supply.” os Po| < #® REDUC ‘ GREAT 84 hoy Bs hoe eR - oe |} BB oF 4 3 we : .P ts | quesied.1o make immediate pay meci oR Tate tesidétce of the said Taylor, o der the recommendation of President. Mon. | fall-en-tvial, go For sale oy © B “0 the | adit rh J Bhavels, Nails, &., 7 ED PRicgg,, oy - Fa . i i it mail or otherwise, ere a“ Prdey FAUST & WINE RR No 70 Norib $4. ST ENER) _ _ North of he Git : Maioh 4, 1813 Sago ent Phila : : OF - : , AND. PERSON ROPERTY. Fe E andersigned-having qualified a ps i. io aior of OT and Teszaca ‘Parlor, dée'd; hereby noijfies al! persone laidis against gaid Hsiaie, io prese;; tengd Snihepticaies Within the time prescrided by or this notice will be plead in bar of ; ‘ery ; ahd those indebied to said B. x ee beic a ale, are ry Ce oe ae mee ¥, undersigned will offer for sale ting’ Creek, In. Davie counit, vn Thorstes @3d day of March oexi,a!! the Real aad "9 vt Personal? Estate, of whieh tie-said ‘Tavlor ¢ ed; consisting of about 278 Acres, of Land; ada : pottion of which is rich f ting Creek “hotloin, io” a fine siaie tof cabins tiun, and ihe fences ia good vepa't ; adja: 95 91 ‘ NEGROES... «Consisting of k MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, <M SIX HEAD OF HORSES, Sad, ied seized or Podtey S mee deeb ALE THE CATTLE AND HOGS, Mousehold..and Kitchen PURNITURE, Corn, Wheat, Oats and Rye, Worm Farming 7 ools, Sc. The above property wll be sold on a creditd twelve monitis; except the lad, on which a cred it of nine and eighteen monilis will be gre, parchasers giving bord with two 01 wore apr. ed secorities, Sale>1o coptiaue from day wy unlifalf is disposed of. ROBERT CARSON, Lzecute. March 4, 1843— $432 Second and last Call! 1.1, ‘hose indebted to the late firm of Fh Rosveche aad R Marris, are vespeci(ully it vited tv seitle op their accoants ejiher by ct or note; by March Séperior Cour, win Fl Roneche, or they will have ihe pleasore of ceiving @ visit from a Gentleman. Constable. F.R. ROUECHE, ROBT. MORRIS Marebh 4, 1848—Sw$2 State of North Caroli DAVIE COUNTY. Jesse A. Clement, : In Equity. vs. T. Foster & L. M. Gitber'. T appearing io this case, that the defendast reside beyond the limiis of this Siaie: Or edered, that poblicaiign be made for fuur weet the Carolina Watchman, itoi iver appears # next Coart of Equiiv vo ve held for Dariec® ty 10 plead, answer our derour, .0 !he amended of complaint in case filed, or Jodgmeni po™ fesso, will be takeo, and it heard exparie ## them. L. BINGH4,¢*# Match 4, 1848—4w32 Br. HwWs Galvani Machine Spread ‘Strengthening Plasters PRNHESE Plasiers, greatly improved, oat B Wing the preference of ail oibers, 27 7" “saponins by all doctors as insalvi* P in@Mids having pains io ihe Bressi, bam side. Weakness and L.ameness 3°¢ sar ‘ once by iheir use, and ihe ais "65%" A strength and-a natoral warmth apd bets! © person wearing one of tiese |’lasiers. © fe tonished and delighied 2: ie comfort" Those threatened wiih [uog Compitt*” never iFust themselves a day wiliroal FF © Plas It removes the irriiai/o0 Oe Consumption fram ihe Lungs to +t? fee a the-body, atid draws off ite invernal 3 “ie So ia Liver Complaints, 20d Coog ns, 2" Children with Whooping Cough sie” have'one. to prevent ibe covg!! see nd longs, ‘Wheir excellence w'!' v€ * I pelt Sloan. hd 1; p Met 15-1 * Salisbury ; Greenstoru’, ov } & boro. by D Hear; Lexing'on. © | Ral De Stith. march 4, J® ern PIL ES—'The price of ihe ® WE Leiniaen: js refooded.io #9 "7 will wpe a bottle uf Havs’ Liniment © and ferdre the-cinpty bottle wilhov! Peer, b Tine above have been she terms © - Linient tas been sold for nesr'y 10 land Hhat.one. bowie ont of ove hundie., Been rermineds PoFFor sale at ibe ys Office; and.bs © B Wheeler, Salen". Slane saore’,; Hillsboro’, D HP" jagton, 1 P Mabry ; Raleigh, D> nrasch 4, 1843— 1952 - ee President of the United States, a ENR y CLAY. og KENTUCKY. 11 Salisbury, on Monday of March } wie Dist? to be held at , Moorne, OF ‘ Rowan ye io its detivers addresses W! geet! , A , jnteresting. j sss 08 M are requested to attend Bnd. iberations. It. is ANY WHIGS. ox —A few mistakes deenr in the pndlished on the out side of this For “ opborred,”re@d apborane. mer and sinn ons ag they occur pot spelt correcily. gcTl toe ety yp pels 8 ey ent “FON. A. RENCHER. pe sales as f the principles he'so zealously advocated. ie tne People th 1940-'41, toherever he had en) sity, that the Whigs have failed to (nlf, - aos wey madeio the year 1840. Will the Peop!®, thai he (Mr. Rencher,) 30 600n | wns entrosted with that confidence he was ni of, began 'o meditate upon belrey- pat trost, ARNOLD like, «nto the hands : es of that cause? No, he will do no put attempt to jastify himself by hat the Whig Party have not Will Mr.° Rencher be so good le wherin the Whigs have vad io carry out the principles whictithey ad— i ad ic 1940, so far as they were abie ? Did | vy not pass tbe Bi!| estabiishing a Bank,and the potion bill, a8 they promised ‘f Will he ibe Pooplé why be bas not stood firm by them ihe clonds of adversity were thickest, and sed a9 if they were ready 'o borst upon gith the destraction of an Eastern Siroc- sad blast their hopes forever ? And whether Whig Party has not redneed the expendi- down to sboot TWENTY MILLIONS Wp DOLLARS A VEAR? Nearly TWEN- Y MILLIONS OF DOLLARS LESS maN UNDER THE DEMOCRATIC DMINISTRATION OF VAN BUREN. lad Why he bas not urged the adoption of those masares not carried out upon the attention of enem! eb thing 5 piaely romertig | one ibeit 4017. ip inform the Peop gress. We cannot, for our lives, see how Mr. Rencher | »have the impudence to eharge the Whigs ih neglecting ‘0 comply with iheir promises, sven he was as muck bound to bring them for- maid and oress theif adoption as anv other Whig But like every recreant servant, he turns round od aduses bis friends for nat aceomplisning that sbich they were unable todo, and which he had Bi even the courage to attempt, Such condoet andlic men, deserve to be looked upon with cnlempt by every honest m3n, whether Whig or Locafoco PROGRESS OF THE DOG FIGHT! Under this bead we propese to give our reag— an occasional peep at the sayings and doings fibe Vac Buren and Calhoun wiogs of the wierrified Democracy.” Every body reco} - clsbow the organs of he iwo wings abused each rer inoar Siate a short time ago,—how the flersonian and Washington Republican squirt- nod o9 the Standard —and bow the Standard trv dirion them in return, [t appears that ‘ne fuss is vecoming general in the family—tnat isepreading far and wide. To show how ihe brethrea love each other, we spr ihe following from the Richmond Whig, Wiuea by a Van Buren Loeofoco. He narrows reconlest fur she Presidency down ie Van and Caine, aod aif pariies will admit, that be makes (ue fur fly. Read it Whigs and J.ecofo- _ ‘ir Editor :—-As Mr Ritchie has declared, MU he will publish nothing upen the next Pre- Weniial election, eaming from the friends either Mr Calhoun or M- Van Baren, oats afierthe Swing elections are past,—{ throw myself apun tor liberality, and bespeak a bearing through Weslamos of the Whig. be dono. wish to be wedersiood as censuring ‘taure'y dissent from the propriety thereof. eve that i. ig now narrowed down, in the Re: Molican ranks, to Mr Calhoun and Mr Van Ba "wia; Geo Cass is ovt of the question. ‘Scianees are but feeble at vest. Asa Repab "Mr Van Boren, ‘ his mind ? * Democrat, during the Aummistration of Gea ates and Mr Van Buren for a single momen “lale ta declare against Mr. Oathooe? tn tor Gea, Arvinst the Demoerais: *n, tnd » Wreteg Who | ie af peoegr delivery of said negio fellow ia the Salisvery nt bro-uer, father against son, in deadly rom. | in Congress assembledy Phat the Act entitled |. The Canal across ihe feibmas of Panatoa, oni. | mane RE ee sa te shane live. yu, or 1o Mr Semuc! Reeves, Salisbury, 20¢ "ish \0 redde@ oar yee land wiib ihe Cloud uf | Ao act 10 establish bra Aysiem of bank ting the Paerfie and Atlantic Ooevaus, has been | “4 iis plevsuré dad iis uhbaie all, fifteen dalfars for tbe con victiog of afy perses ef. Pier te eepeatiet label e. _ > ae ee) ne Ageia ny abt commenced by a company of ciimens-of New| . Wo ia weal citer clasp wha.overfair persous of. harburing said a MACNAMARA. a. Who vice that, stigmatized and | repea sd Provided, Tig thinset nen not rahe Grenada, Ibe disiance of _excaratton wl! be | ** High fancy forms,end levish hearts can wish ewan co. merch 11, 1843185 sede Democrats. and ealled them ti na arene any proceeding 1a “bapkrapicy Gom~- | only 124 miles—the remaining distance (37 a MARRIED... | Te TT dora C Caan oe ae ose date Ti this, fy miles) will be through the rivets > ne ee tA, this County, on the sh F ot, be. the Ga 4 : sa se - _ . : ie “33° rnder | wea aA eee ce ait ‘ insten | Sor “wil :. spay be cocliny-. Grande, which-cawoe made nivigesie. Ik will Rey, Jomes D- Hall, Mr. Gegrse @ A ite Satisherg. Medica! and Dreg Store — Fe aF 1 epold a Public Meetiag at the appointing Delegates |. bable Tbe delivered; @hieh fF vention, Yr Ritchie for the course he has marked oat, yet, as lhe candidaies for the next Presidency.— 'Bochagan has Hosstrength oat of Peansy!- Col. RM. Johnson although deservedly popolar, yet “9 ‘hen, [have to choose between Mr Caihoun And what true or genuine Recrai can hesitate fir a2 moment in making tlow can snyone, who hailed as if) a eal and arsiuous stroggte between the Dem- Us and Whigs, during the Administration of Jackson. where was Jain © Calhaua ?— ‘When the Bank of the "§. order to put doth the Democratic % of South Careline, aod other States to trea- as ready iu see ihese Uniied States and turn to nivees? John C. Calhoun. Was i\, sbat soeght io array brother s— -.” tne i oi ke ee ee 5 ae selena ‘Kiait ae ne wT | suceeded in laying the etolotians on the table, very much tothe: pia a ge eli adhereis, of. che Litile Ma | There 'are eutivas stories toll. of cerisin distossiogs, which pccarred in eeriain uses; after the adjuarnment of ite Coo in which distassions tha * vote riifiéd democraty "were noi a fistle disenited io heir, opintons of matiers and things. Kindeiho..k may ao well retite + Measures? ate prabahly jo train which wil! give “ ihe Great Nallifier™ theascendency. Tyler's infloence, if it ig Worth any thing, is likely enorgh lo go for the latter, .Hill, Woodoary. and the oiher bloodhounds of the party, are. fat'ing jam that scent—and the little cars about the Stare Huuse Er peitleeso oot Tong since, sddseseay 6 ites ¢ 14 join the perk. Let ibem- go un. ’ gditor of the Raleigh. Register, tn) FBC eae eels for President will be elec- 6 > i oe “ ‘ F + ao excuse for bis base abandon- | ted im 1844 ~The Aulas, we think, is mistaken io sopposing that the “ Great Nallifier * will ever * goin thé ascendency among the Locos. Whs ?— Betause the great body of ifie party. (“the origi- nal panel ” ‘as ihe Standard ealls it,) enieriain the. same dpinion of bim as “ Aristides,” the Virginia Locofoco, does, ‘They cannot forgive his former denunciations uf their demi-god, Ac~ drew Jackson, or his wéasonable nullifying doe- trines. We regard his prospects as fat more gloomy than those of any other Locofoco aspirant—not ex~_ cepting ‘ Capting Tyler, The party will eheat Mr, Calhoue in going into a Nationa! Conven- tion, where he will be throst aside witboot ceremony, and Dick Johason or Mariin Van Bu feo will have the-honor of being beaten by Hen ry Cray. The Raleigh Register of the 3d instant, con- tains a Jong address to the Peopleof this State, from Jadge Saunders, in compliance wiih 2 pro- mise made some time since. ‘Phe principal iop- ic of this addtesg.is.ihe Senatorizi election a! ihe lasi session of the Legielaiure ; its object, ive defence of the Judge against certain repruachfal charges touching his condact as one of the aciors in that scene, We-thinkdJadge Saonde's shows plainly, that he was somewhat badly handled bv the Brown faction of the Locofuco party of the Legislature. , The Re-nominations. —The arrogant and tn sulting course purseed oy Mr. 'Fyler,in alttemmt ing io force the Senate of the Uniied Siates into a compliance with his wishes, has met wiib ibeai condemnation on all sides, which fi 90 jusi'y de- serves. We have aol get seen the person oF a ner ihat even attempts tu éxlenuate vis conduci. The Washington Globe, which atirivutes the course pursoed to Mr, Webster's counsel), ibus speaks of it: ‘s The feeble and wavering Mr'Fyler we con- sider as nothing in this case: he did Mr Web- sier’s business fur Biddle in 1884, and he did Mr Websier’s bosiness in tosalting the Sen- ate on Friday night fast: and certainly ihe Sen- aie of the United States is reduced to 2 low ebv when Danie! Webster is the man to insuli it.— Certainly be has reasons not to love the Senate Besides the well koo@e fact that they would noi confirm hiss to Londen. the Senate hak just spoiled a part of ihe fraudulent scheme of: smog giing him there in the recess: ihey had jasi net a previse ta the Chinese $40,000 dill, requiring the “agent” who was to be appoinied under it to be approved “by the Senate before te went. Thrs was epoiling a partof the game. —The Chinese mission was a contrivance to vacate the London: mission in ihe ecess, whereby it could be filled in vacation; and thus filled by Websier. ‘he proviso compelled the managera of this scheme io * let the cal oul of the wallet.” The bill was passed ai mideioh:. and Mr Everett apron cts al midnight; but \. Websier could nal bé nominated ‘n his place, — and bence his reasua-for insulting the Senate. — The whofe Chidese scheme was io male on frocked priest,” (\o use Mr Bentun’s words.) and on in the East. This was ihe design Foriy to smuggle the ‘* God-like” ‘to London, Becy Mr. Buchanan has rentied toa fetter ad friends, in which, speaking of Demoeratic can he could secure harmony, and that * in his opia ion the candidate who would either intrigue » personally electioneer for ihe Presidency raise mocracy of Peansylyania” with ananimity e nough to give moral force to the act, he Savs hb theif wishes ” t pealing the Bankrupt Law exclades from bank pan Stites, put forth alt iis power and influ~ | vetere he si it, We give below the law as aided by its one hundred miltious of paper | j.siands. le will be seen thal it says no pro— | ceeding commenced before ita “ Passage” sha wie Utration five re of JVew Cans, \be affected vy it. We do not know how ihe he? en, Was Join Jathaunr aiast | word * ss3ge" can be construed to cover an *Vemrerais, Who was it excited ¢ cith~ % J Au Act to Repeal the Bankrupt Act. Be it enacted by the Senaie and Honee of R \pnnt NO, NEVER4Y N Then FO ton a Rit NE- ~ Baio whew firs: ndtited, just wfier the sui had } *s fate ittinneY we aheieih equal ip tbat oF Ye: {| ops. Lis si-uaiion is very near the Jimb of the LSen 5 ity fa) appears sbdat thes tees in, leagth. mat bethe Cornet” seme onentng for Webster, and: to furnish an * ua- a vacant youth, with pablic money io irave! op | thoosand dollars to mrke room for Mr Weosier ; then outfit and salary to stast hing : near $60,000 dressed to him by some of bis Pennsylvania didates for the coming Presidentia! election, be |e umes, Co some e he remarks that he would resign bis: pretensions if a strong presomplivn that he is unworthy of it.” | 7, = F sen r@in 00 3 aver, s oreszence 's de Should he himself be nominated by ihe * De- | eos Baie’. whose oie iee DV should “ feel that he ought not to counteract THE REPEALED BANKRUPT LAW. Question has atisen as to whether the law re- rupley those whose peiitions were filed while the bill Was sn. the hands of the President and time after ihe passage of the bil) by Congress : ptesentanves of the United States of America ap oat ee ke ghee et @ gndy oF nucleus 93 below the Wesiern he padi ibe jail stseamed off byiltfautly*iowatds | si 5) the Bein Bast reais ¢ fonts of the disitoce | scriis Hidhtavens- Maree anths in Enrope 5 it was then traversing the edtistellation Draco 5 "be it that of Smuaher, | is of race b ifliancy, “Phere a ebotibtee oo re~ cutd of sefficien. brilliascy to be seen in the das season. ‘Ihe ficsicwos 48 yearscelure Cliris'. gp cafied a © hairy Siar ;” it was seen wih the Hrked eve io the dav time. ‘The second wes ia tbe year 1402, and Bas so brilliant (hat tbe | Night of ibe sno, Ht ive end of March, did oot | binder neople seeing it at mid-day 5 do1b its ane } levs end iistai! was,do ose the lenguage of {be day,“ two fathoms luag’ The third appeared, #Webrua:y 18th. 1744, 200 nearly equa'led Venus Hig sv endor, aod manv persons saw ft af mid-day without glasses. brm29 vet prove ‘hat the comet of io day és the same 28 ibet of 1402.” THE WEATHER. Marc’. is spom vs hereebouis in great style; last Wednesday presented indications of good plessant weather, bo’, alas, on Thursday, we had the wind from tie north- east, which drove the clauds in flying move- ments over the heavens :—The rain de~ scended, and the trees were all belted -with ice, which heng in glistening festoons from the drooping boughs. Dancan K. MeRse, of Fayetieville, has been appointed by the Presiden!, by and wiih che ad- vies snd consent of the Senaie Atiorney of ibe United States for the Disinet of North Caroli- a place of Witliant H. Haywood re- signed, . "The President of the United Sta:es has re— voked ihe séntence of the Naval Court Martial under which Commodore Ballard was sasnended frem command for the period of twelve months. From Matamoras. ~ Vhe schooner Waichman savs ite N QO. Bulletin, a rived at ihis pori on ihe 23d oli, fiom Maismoras, rod we have a file of the Lasiiga to the Wb oli, The ‘Vextan prisoners had afl tefi for Mex'co—sixo ihe prin cipa! office s in advance of ite main body and mounied. ‘hhe Menterev paver announers ihe'r arrival at tha: nost.. Gevecals Fishe: and Green wrote a comolimentary leiter io Gen. Ampudie thanking him for bis genero.s iveaiment of ihem and bs -br ughoum She brings avoul $23,000 in snec e. honorable eondect LATE FROWY MATAMORAS. Reported Escape of the Tertan Prisoners . ‘Ihe schooner F.mblem, Capiain Kinoes, ar- ‘ived at New O e795 from Matamoras on he Ist ‘osianl, which puri she lef on ive 19.h of Feu. ary. The Cantain reports tiat on ihe 22d, while lying off the bar wailing for a nilot, news eame weta Col. Satito, tba: ihe nrisoners caniuced at Mier, Fisher, had risen opon their goed 92 overnowered them afier a shu! s.cucgle, ond siarted in hoi hasie Sor Vesos. From Salifly to ithe Rio Grande, there is a dec Col. Jurdao onee wade a successfu! eseane from £ men. road, and as near ihe same po'n. wi.h a less numve o itis more than ‘ikelv, inet Bishe's men will be able to do ihe some i"ing, prov’ved hey were able io secu‘e a suffic-eviev OF @ Ms and ammao- nitive to fight iheir wag through. We are fearful, however,—so. many false re- poris are s.ared sade: colaied ‘in Mex-eo —ivei the al.empl io escape was nv. made, a'.hough ihere is much io confirm os in he ona vo tha a large. $n covfi- mation, it is said ira, Coline! Kioney, who was anor. .aking passage for ive Unvied Ssaies, vad seen arresied afier ihe Em- vlem tefi Vatanoras, oo sospicion of paving some hagu fo assisiing ine Vextan prisone.s .o escapes | Crpics, Exqiof bot we bad rather beat Baten ihaa-any other been sending a paper'te BF. bere every week. 11 ii has oot beeo regolarly | ;torng puolished in ihe Sooth Carolina papers, the urave ‘olluwers of Col. F-shera eonce mo e | OIE © s 7 + ¢< x “ We learn that the: task assigned thes by the *! ; racy,” on Puesda y last, by- on et Well, they bave a right 1 man béfonging to the Celhoua-tail, inthe Dine! trict, and'we intendtordo it too... 3 a ee For the last Seteo or dight months we “have Dates: at ‘Midiy s. We received the fuilowtag Veiter ‘rom the: Master there this week, aod ibis 's ovr tagly> The paper hasbeen regula 'y mailed and pub ioie the Post Office } ~ Fork, Gteaveland teceived, the faalt dveg oo. rest wipe, i Mir. Oates will pay for ii $1 50 up to ibis date, we will disconiiaue it; olherwise, we will sead. ii oa ti! the ead of ihe.gear, and iry if ahey bave-any law up iat way. Here is the letier, N. Caroxima, Muddy Fork; March Cleavelzod Coaniy. Yh, 1943. Mace-O. Pendlelon—Sit: You hate. been sending 2 few papers io this Offite since. the 28ib July last, filieen vembe's, and the subscri- wer oot oaying for bis subscription. agreeable io your terme, the paper was to fiave. siopned. | want .yor_ io send no more, ibe spbsoriber, F. O2.es, nit wi-bing io pay for a paper ihat ras no more of ihe affairs of Goveroment than you's has, Your demands was paid-wher yeor agent presevced them, 4 you wani pay for your fif- teen panes, sence vour account oa—a eontinu- ance, he posiage will ve charged io you. Wm. OATES, P. M. Curious Calculation.—1i was sometime sinee sivied ihat ai s dinner given bv President J'v'e , a ovii'e of wine was broached which -was feur hun dred vears old. ‘lve Vermnesance Herald enters ‘nio a ea'calation of whai ii was Worli, basing is fist: valae ai 50 cen.s ; this sum, pa, ont at SIX per Cc. interesi, would, in the: time, amouni to tne enormous sum of §7,159,185,.498, SOUTH CAROLINA. The following gentlemen, it appears by re- will compose the Representation of in the nexi Congress : First Disirici—James A. Black. Second Districi—Richard &. Simpson, Void Disi:ici—Joseph A. Woodward. Fourth Distuict—John Campbell, Fifth District—Armistecd Burke. Sixih Disiiiet—tsaac FE. Holmes Sevenih Disirict —R. Barnwell Rhett. BANK FAILURE A} NEW ORLKANS. We tearn from ihe New Orleans papers ihat ihe Commercial Bank of inat Criy suspended on ihe 20h off this Stete The circumsiance s thus noticed ‘n ihe Bee of the 2Isi: Vhe C’ y was vesierday thrown “nto rea! con fus'qgn by the announcement, in the morning, thai ihe Comme.cia! Bank had s.opped payment This fact was ‘he mere asiounding as no run had been made opon iio! tate, and some little confidence was beginning again .o ve felt in our moretary insti.oiions, The causes which led ivih s cesuli, mus. have grown out of ihe arevi- ons monagemen', whereby she was so much weakened ag to be anavle to stand op againsi the natscal wemands and exaciions of commerce She scival‘y fel! from cxhaustion. AS was 0 wave been expected from so unio ward an event, ihe note holdere,ipd in some ia- siances ie de asitors, took .-he alarm and made a ron onon the other Banks. ‘Fhe Mechanics and ‘Traders, and the Ci.y Bank had io meet the vuotof the paoie. They both paid oui snecie with grea’ alacrity ; oe) her made zn¥ atliempi to evaue the run wnon her—every officer being engaged in counting vul the dulais .u ihose who wan.ed ihem YVowarcs thre o'clock, ibe rng anonthe City Bank creavile avated; bui the Mechanics and ‘Traders kept her doors onan for twa hours afiet the usual t'me lo aceomaddale sueh as desired to exchange her ovules for specie. ‘ U on the Siate> Union aod Canal Banks, the rag was verg iriséal, naymen: The Eud.—Parson Miller lately described,in a sermon a. Benningion, Vermont, apprarances that wil probably be presenied when his doctrine is real zed by the sudden destruciiun of this world: ‘* A small bright spot will first appear in ihe eas!, wuich will prado. fly expsod as it approach es be earh. Be oad vv, a smal! cloud will ap pear oefore ibe tuminnns va!', 20d ne ween li and | ine eaih = On ih's clove wi! ve seer ihe Sen of Mao, standtig eect, bis figure otsinig ves-vle he Ai be sound of sizaal) ite b ‘gh i spo. having orauuatty Homnsied ine Woole trea b vena, ibe . ehieonus dead suall -i.e fom leat oo ntace, and he sen ood leing sarois stiatl rit evihe ve coogh. op ard mee. ibe Say-on in the 8 | a! sr ben vey witloe nstemits chrogeu and cluti- | owob npmetad yo Pee Sauer will hea pre- -{ io ive sneci2.o 3 on ihe ea che His luminens mass, v@riee. weheu. spor oF ) Wrine! ee} bv .he marriage covenant, as 2 brie co ve Son Vhev will thes be consti uted the New Jernsa- lem, and, logeiber with ihe Savicar, will de Je Vhe Farber will ine give ie saints, i ee from Macarzas, we have received auvices ia Th Ballas, arcived at Matanzas, on the 20°h ultimo e | cape without being overhauled . : ~ 1400 tous e90 pas throsyh i. Naval.—The brig Witliem, at Chai tesion | the United Staies brig Boxer, Lieat, Com’g from a cruise aear tie Js'e of Pines; having | fallen in with and given chase to a topsai! schoo- net whose movements and appeasance exciied suspicion, but whieh con:rived ioinake her es- telie fire years lo conjpleie the “work —ships. of Honor to whom honor.—Mr. Veter has, at | Iast, done one act, for whieh we desire to give | | bim credit. tle bas appointed Mr. Wise, of | Virginia, Minisier Plenipoienary to France.— (| tle bas thos gut bim oui of Congress, where be 1s a perfect mar-ofot, aod we tee) willing tog've him fall credit fo: bis discretion in ihe maiter.— By giving him a5 honorable 2ppointment, he hee paid Mr Wise be taking him out of the coon- iry, he bas benefilied the neonle.— Ral. Reg, The Richmond Enquirer.—Mr. Ritebie, for thity-erght years sole Editor of tnis pa- per, gives notice to the Public that be has associated in the interest and foriooes of the E qairer his two sons, William F. sad Thomas Richie, Jwn., and that the paper will be hereafer conducted under the firm | of Thomas Ritchie §- Sons. | 4 Good Thing.—The following, alibangh hrief, is veautiful and eompretens' ve :—“*Kvers | fly, zod evers peoule. and evere- flower, are io- | iors io Hré great-setonk of naiore, lo insiruc. «be T rangemenis ate.making to procite au’ assisiant Teacher, who will ‘probably. enter on Vier duties | clase of supall childred, teatni Read clase of small ‘children, tedrnine ont ading Se eee inet. tind sais Siete branch Ostally ta nlahtiee wiilbe-altended 10, avd it:is nelieved that Hs present atradgemenis- are superior 1 those of any” former session, Rete s Frou (2 adiive of France) is instructi Frerch language; and it is desirable who wigod jolaieg should do-so immediately. — | He hae aleo consented (otake-cliarge of 2 class m Crayon Drawi app*eciaied at the Norib, and bet little avier to among us,< A few young Ladies will, be re- ceived into the family as boatdérs, and Col, R fw W. Lone wil! take Sor 10. His residence is agréeably situated if @ retired part of town, and very convenient to the Academy. No deduction made for absence; but io cases.of long coatinued sigkaess, the advancement of the popil. PRESH ARRIVALS! hy, and p Salis bury Female Academy. HE Sammer Session of this lostitutivn, will commence on Mogday,tMarch 6th. Ar- ‘Yorms as formeriv, but a Maeght st $6> “Ever at in ihe firsi Femsle Se. that ethers > ® branch which is high TERMS. ‘ Toition §6—8—10—or 12 50 aceording “to Music on Pinno.per session, “$22 50 Gaitar per quarter, a 400 French per session, 19 80 - Drawing with c:ayors per session, 10 00 Painting ia water culors do, 10 00 ~ Wax Work, — a ist 5 00 Neeale Work. & 0, taught: if-desired. ; _- EMMA J. BAKER, Principal. - Salisbary, March Ist, 1843 -1f82 NEW Fall and Winter GOODS. - THE SUBSCRIBERS RE cow receiving and openiog in the brick | noose west of the Court-house, iheir FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among whieh are Dey Goods, Hardware; Cavtery, Shoes, Boots, Yate, Bonnets, Crockery, Paiuis, Dve- siofils, Medicines, GROCERIES, ROPE AND BAGGING. And in short, a general assortmen¥ of | GOODS, Cash; 2s can be boop tt-anv-where in Cancuiu. ‘og elsewtiere, 3s we hink we ean cive such utrgaios as wi"! ve g-e2t ‘odecemeni .0 nerchas- e's. Covniry podocetrien in exchange for coors, ; J&R. WINECOFF., Concord, Nov. 19, 1842 - if17 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY: Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions—Febreary Term, 1845. ‘ George Zeracor and } others, { Petition for reprobate of es Samuel Zeracor’s Will. Samuel Kohroekb & ; Matga'et Daniels. j . N -ihis case i; appearing to the Court ihat the L défendsn. Margaret Daniels, iv not an inhabi rant of this Siete; fis urdered,- thal pgbdlicatinn | ve made for six successive weeks in the Caroli- faa Wateiman, for the said swarga-et Daniele’ nersonailg.se ge aed appear before the Jusiices of ovr Coartof Pleas and Quarier Seasious, 21 ihe aext Court twue held for sdid cnanty, at ihe + | mind and imnrove ve heart. ‘Phe four eiemenis | are the four rulvgner, ia which all the Woks sre | writen. Bvery area bas io bis own hfe fo'lies scend 10 ibe er ih, Whicw, uuring ‘heir absgnce, | enongh—ja his mind, truobles eoungh —‘o ihe | pel! bas veen »a ified, and the wicked boined up,— ! perfordaoce of his dailies, deficiencies enough ~ 4 Cee wuere.ibe sain:s willdweli with Chris. forever.” | ip his own foriaoe, evils enoogh—withoat veing | er. cosieds aboai the affairs of others.” ' A’ Yankee Enterprise —Vhe steamer Bangor, i) Captain Dann whret teft Bostaa bast Augast {ur Consiantineple, was, by ihe fast accounis, al Trebisonde, ia the Black sea, at which place ste arived from Constaniineple, with 700 nassea- ers! flee ibe same oombet. An admirable Mlusira- ‘Vion of ¥ankee enterprise.— Inquirer. ALTAR OF HYMEN. sestis «6 Those whom love cemenis in holy faih 1] | man, of Cabaicus, to Miss Medlishia Mai youngest saeghter of. Mr. Kindall Jueebs. She was to reiarn io Constaptiaople with | | Cours Hoose ia Lexingion, on the second mion- | day in may oex', and answet or demiay to said | peinton, or it Will be sei down for-bearing ex- as iv her and: Jadgment entered agzinsi Testy” ~ CHAS. MOCK, ccc. march H1, }843—60 33 - Privter’s fee $5 50 . |= “3 $25 REWARD. { B ANAWAY from ive sabscriver on ihe 9.5 of Febrearg lagi, mv aeg'etevon HENRY, he is aboui $2 gears of age, 5 feet TG or 12 inch- es high, da.k compl-x‘on, sleodet made, taiks fast, aud is very pleesdie fm cont ersaiion, Hen ry has @ wife a R. J. West's, to Daviuson co. ; no deabt be is jarhibg in tret qoarier, where he is well known. © Teo dollars wilt be paid for the i 5 ed YLOR'S BA Ss —— fro af = a for the cute. { sumption, (a-wdmber of of thie disease.) and paving. from irritation of ihe: f.vrge, strou: cough and raising omaier fad ‘biped, \ supposed to be beyond by advice of Dr Perkins, 39 e; Wo: votiles in alli botile, and white taking ihe wid, was so fer te- covered, 33 to bp.able fe time, by conlioved vse Of ix, 1 am geile iestored and abie to atiend io my uses susicess, ‘T'oper- | sous suffering from. copgiie sods Saddlery, Caviage Trimmings, : which we are determived to sell as cheap for}. We inviieo'd cusiome's and ive -publ‘e in gen |» e el iocatldod exaaiine cur stuck beluie parehas- A ee ee ee % ey a class_in thé a moo a Iv predis y Ty ; 7 ogettier with severe pain in my side Bbw brensiy ijl | was tepote: vy 1 wae idveced 2 Yast yesortio ity tot. f have izken five I began to imnsove with Alle first Taylor's Balsam of Li avout. Since-woich feeiigns of tho longs. | do-earnesily end ity eS (Signed.j) 2s: ASG SCOTT: ; E.Neabeth Ciy, N.C., Dee tu, 4842, - & was given up vy (wo. piysicians) 2 sabe ae death. J was so weak ry yates my hand-to.my bead. L was in “was ae a ere sce a bottle of. ulsam uf Liverwori, from 375 Bowery, >0d-be- fore | had used“vp tie boise, 1 was able 10.¢t up in bed, By the furiner use, hove completely regained my heal:t. GEO WEPLs, - _~ @ Joho at... Vielent pain in the side —I have beeo cured of a violent pain in the side, exiending. thiough to the stouldef, indigestion, cizz'ness, loss of ep pettie, and general debility, by the use of two battles of Dr Tayioi’s Balsam of Livecworl, fom $75 Bowery. JFU Alles, — No 7 Merousni’s Row, wiaret 4, 1848 — 14932 TRUST SALE "OF Salisbary.- S emmieniall 1h Y vintage of sondry Deeds, of Trasi exeeu- ied tu us by different-persons, lor the por- poses tiereit mentioned we il? expose to pob lic sale, at ihe Coorl- House mm Salisbore, on ‘Fuesdey the 2iei of Marci men! [Cit being the week of Rowan.dupe:‘or Conri.} ove I rset ot Land adjuining the ands of Rebv. Macnsmars, Wa Chambe:s, Cha: 'es Biewo aad ythers, con ininieg > . OE 282 ACRES.. more or less. One other Tract ofsDierd lying un both sides of Crzne Crezk. 80j-ining the Lends of William Chawiers, Jzcuo Moyers, aud others, Cealsiving about 220 ACRES; Also two oihes Tracie of Land joining et - ‘nth- er 00 thé south sideef “the Youkin. jiveria Row an county, called the Parker Lands, cantaining ae 373 Acres, ali of which are known as the Craige Lands. — Also, 2: (he same iime and piece, beiween THIRTY AND FORTY < NEGROES, Consisting of MEN, WOMEN, ROYS and Girls, very likely. Terms cash. Pervhasers a:e inviced jo afiend the abuve sale, as the nioner:e is desisable end ve'uaole, and the terms may be cusnged oa ibe day of sale law red Of Six montis. —_ JAS. OWENS, W. CHAMBERS, Trustees. ~ Peurury 38, 1843-5430 WEGROES FOR SALE. FLL soldat the Cadrt House in Saliebo~ 15, 09 Tuesday. the 2ist day of March acx', Ci being Tuesday of Cuurt,) Fifteen Likely Negroes, consisting of mar; women, boys and girts. SAMUEL REEVES, Agent. Feb, 25, 1843— 4081 ‘Seltsbory, NiO. Jan. 2), 1843- 126 Job Priiting neatly done here. panied with Liver Complaint and General; Desist . For sale at the Drag Sigve of OC B Wheeler, ® pointe’t the pigs, whielt,, su eee , cenpriug ob these t Me ANG ulbivator — Sow. imported by. hiat from Kogland.; aad some: ti "= aod +home, wishipg to. pate Keftitworth, er « aschased ta, s Near Mockarjile. Dav January 14,1843, LOOK > -< LL. pasapos t ~ thes 6 oF otherwise, ate carnesily te. quested tu settle their tespeetive dues “bet weer. tbis-and Mereh>Sopefist Court, as 1am com pélied to wind-up wy business. ac ts «GH Bos DOUGLAS. Bebroary 18; ite of Porth Carolina. ROWAN: COUNTY COURT. Seal i: * February Sessions, 1843. Anthony Benceni, Original Attachment, ws ‘ Levied. on, slaves ~Y ounce, Daniel, Fhomas... Warren-and Eliza, } N mntiyn, aod. jt sppearing ta the satisfac- Quen tie Couit, thar the Defendant is not an tohabitaot of this. Siase: Ordered by the Court thai pobtication be made in ihe Carolina Watchman for'six weeks, fur the Defendant 10 oa gad a Gvort of Plese and Quarter - Segsione, ‘on beld for the coanty of Rowan, al the Court House in-Sulisbuty,on the Is: monday in’ May Next, 3nd answer or-replery, or judgment final will be rendered againsi him, ‘and the Ne- goes levied an, ihe condemned to satisiy the Piainsiff's debt and cusis. Witness, Juha Giles, Clerk of onr said Coort at Office, the 1st monday in February 1843. . ; JOHN GILES, Clk. feb 18, 1843—-6w30 New Establishment. pre Spybsctibers having associated them-— . selves together fur the parposeé of carrying onthe CABINET and CLAIR MAKING BUSINESS, ouw offer sheit sbrviees to their . Giendsend the pode. 11 is their patpose- to - cattyon both thesedepartmenis in'all their va~ rious branches, and they feel confident of giving entite satisfaction to all who may favor: them with patronsge. Repairing io their lind will: be done faithfully and on reasonable terms. -AH kiudS uf coontry prodace will be taken in éx- change for fornitare ur for work done.to‘order. eid a K. ELLIOTT t. WM. ROWSEE, _Angust27th. 1842+ 1795 — N. Bu With-the-view.of teassening the cost and preventing .inengvenienee, the subscribers -siso keepon hand aquaatity of ready made Coffins, K. E.& WR ‘MANSION HOUSE! “THE SUBSCRIBE] Fate purchased Mr,.T.-R: Hoghes* in- &.@ terrst in the above. Establishment, tenders his services to the Bravalhing Pablie, Having fur several yearsbeémengaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Monat Mourne, in Tredel¥ coujity, te indulges the hope that he has experience enoogh in the Jottes of hig business fo endeavor to tender eom- fectante, alt Who hesfiw pod bis house therr pa- tranuge, ia Pis TABLE shall always be well and plenti fuity sopphed with evety vitng the couniry af- lords, io please ind satisfy the palate even uf aw epicure. : His BAT will be found furnished with a cheice aelection of Pasquibrs: “onteasanable terms. t $ ’ 1842 . NEW FASHIONS PORUTHE «. FALL & WINTER OF 1842°& °43. - " . bo a THOMAS DICKSON ESPECTFULLY informs bie friends and public, that he still-carries on the TAILORING BUSI nal} its various branches, two doors above J. & W. Marphy’s store, where he is ready to exe~ ente a}l orders.of his-eustomers ine style and manner not surpassed by: sng in. this partof the countty.. fle ia also.in the regular receipt of the . NEWYORK. FASHIONS, and prepared \o accommodate the tastes of the Fashionable.at all times, _ -December.S,.1842—t1y38 TO FAMILIBS. ROWAND’S | ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. Those. who ould have. reeourse to a* Family Medicine (or Fever amp Aque, Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate bet ween the ‘‘ thonsand apd one” remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the public, (the same now as in all times past, ) and that almost univarsally*suc - cessful prescription called’ ~ Rowand’s Improved. Fonic Mixture. A few remarks will serve toiflustrate the dif ference. 1a the first place, the operation of ihe Tonic Mixtare in. shévare-of Fever and Ague is upon entitely wey and peculiar, yel safer principles. Secondly ; lt not only promplly ar- resis ihe course of the chills, when punctually and-pétseveribgly used, but it soon restores the wontei functions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy state; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an allack of the disease in ane who bas never had itbefore, ‘Thirdly: ‘Phe system, duting the administration of the Improv- ed ‘Foote Mixture, springs ap at once onder its benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of re- turning health and vigor. Fourth!y: Producing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of the disease posses off in the way moet strongly indicated by natore. Fifthly: [ts effects on the sysiem are aoiformly mild and safe, as well as efficient, and it is a8 well adapied to the feeblest infant, simply by a mudification of the dose, as the most vigorous adult, Many other consider- atrong, of the. utmest importance to the anxious parentaand iovalids, might be enume-ated here, but the above are 2 few of the-points of contras’, in comparison with the remedies generally resorc- ed-to in professional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- lecting the remedy. : N. B: With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the “ Rowand’s Improved ‘Tonic Mixtore,” 40 effect a lasting cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor restores the original guarentee, viz; ‘he money shal! be returned'in’every case whereir. the Lemedy bas been putetually need withuut producing the desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R: ROWAND, No 28 North Second. Street, Philadelphis. Sappliee have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbury, N. C . C.B. WHEELER. Sept 3, 1842—196 Something New. The Subscriber VAKES this method of intorming his (riends “and the pablic, that behas purchased the SMITH SHOP, formerly owned by Mr. Frederick Mowery , the Town of Salisbury, which he intends-here- after to carry on in a manner altogether new in this part of the country. He is not onlya Smith in Vhe ecmmon ondersianding of the term, bot heis an actual tron King, being able and prepar- ed to put won injo any shape or temper, whatev- ér. Att kinds of MACHINE WORK, —torn- ingof MIL2, SPINDLES. the casting of INKS or GUDGEONS, ‘&e., done at te shortest no- tice, and in first rate stple, He will’ alsn build and repair COTTON GINS of THRESHERS or indeed any kind of MACHINE WORK, that he may be called upon fo do. He respecifully solicits a trial. W-H. WILLIAMSON. Salisbury, Sept $, 1842—r16 SHOE SHOP REMOVED. tii: SLABLES shail be constantly attended by tauitul aad attemtive frestters and supplied with abupdan: provender. , N. ib. bbe Stage Office is ke pt at the SJaosivn ttouse. ‘ HIRAM ‘TF. sLOAN. " Chartotte, February 4, 1848.—6r28 4... Bion. far. arthelomers PER SPECT TORANT SYRUP. "‘. Peete tay ‘ osnd eff Mauve Remedy Lis “ss, (ray Pam de the me; Sivsd Breathing; and*difficuls R.)* Fouesale atthe Watchman 2 vs heeler, Satisbury — A532 ; 7 mairseP {'_- BAY Heeler, sole Agent Tre ewan o. tk) Jos? retetved a fresh snp t bis’ Brae Immoved Tonic Mizture, ‘feer nae: i, L543 w bred ‘} i }i-oy Store, Sal Meru isburyy NU. Phen r0- (2A ————. = = Job Printing neatly donc here. “se letvhutesaterand reiai', at be | | ; : ; ! - o > . | Dames DB: Erover, I AS removed ‘bis shoo Shop to the bonse lately ocewpied by Nr. Juhn D. Brown, es :aTioner Shup, a few doors. éast of the Court ( Hense, where he will cdntinue to carry on the | as-hedias heretofore done, in’ alf iis —t a /"Phose disposed to'petronise tim, will always find-bias ready to aecommodaie them on liberal terms. He keeps on hand good assorigsent of ready made wok which he qill sel low for cash, ar on time t0 punctoal dealers: Salisbury, Jan 7, 1843—1f24 | COUNTY COURT Writs, - ‘Printed on first rate pxper and for gale’at this Offige Ld ‘| the Owners inthe back country. a 4 at 6 s od PLM, 3 der trips safe eRe to the ets, 2 wore SHERRILL & P ER. June 12, 1841—1f46 ‘George W. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wirmiisston & Fayerrevitre N.C. Ponda wie ja-now prepared to receive t Wiimington, and forward the same’ to hia Agent at Fayetteville, who wilt forward to. He has. a large Warehouse at the River, where Goods will ° stoted free"of: storage, and the owners subjected onty to Walt the useal cartage from the River to Fayettevilje,—thereby lessening the expense on Gvods much below the osyai chatge.” As bis W arehouss is isolated from’ al! otter buildings; the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison to the risk incorred frombeing sijasted in town. rThose who may favor hit with “their business, may rest assured that every attention wil! be paid to the pfomotion of theif interest. GEO. W: DAVIS. References : Messts John Haske & Son. D. A..Ray, Fayetteville, NV. C. Alexander Anderson, Joho McRae, Juhn Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury. N.C. &, 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842 —1110 SADDLE & HARNESS MAKING! HE SUBSCRIBERS re- specifully inform the citi- izens of Sulisbury and the surrounding country, tbat they-have opened a shop:ia this place, where they will carry on the Saddte and Marness Making BUSINESS, IN ALL ITs BRANOBES.. All orders for SADDLES. BRIDLES, Fine and cummon HARN ZSS, Leather —runks, &c., &€c., will be attended to with punctuality aod des- patch ; and all kinds of REPAIRING done in good style, and on the shortest notice. — The subscribers solicit the patronage of the public, and pledge themselves to use their best exertions tq give satisfaction. ‘Their shop ia on main street, two doors northesst of the Court- House, next door to A. Benceni's store. PLUMMER & SHAW. Nov. 19, 1842 —1f17 DR. D. JAYNE’S FAMILY WEDICINES. APRESS MEDIGINES are expressly pre- pared for family use, and bave acquired an unprecedented popularity throughout the United States; and-ag they are so admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should aver be without them. The proprietor of these valuable preparations received his educa- tion at one of the best medical Culleges in the United States, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases; and the remedies best calculated to remove them. ‘ Jayne’s. Expectorant, A-valaable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spilting of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Acute Rheuma- tism, Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and Some of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne’s Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, and which will positively bring in New Hair on Bald Heads, and prevent ite fall- img oat or torning Gray. JAYNES TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for the removal of Worms. » Sour Stom- ack, Fever snd Vigue, Piles; Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debilityy especially of the Slomachand Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNES CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain eure for Bowel ——— Com- ints, Diarrhees.. Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, ora Fer nat Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus; andall derangements of the Stomach aod Bowels, Nervous Affections. §c. Jaynes Sanatice Pills, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skia. &e., and inall cases.where a0 aperien, ; Alterative orPorgative Medicine ie required. | ‘Fhe above medicineaare for sale, wholesale or Poy C. B. WHEELER, Ageat , Sali , 8 Soept_S; 1842-196 — hasty Sexi ry next assengers travelling Gh tbis line will receive “}good moctheeede vee: Gor Ttntee and. Hacks » Tare. : jvess auber, skilful and ire ele coated wits snteatiocee: retail, et the Salisbury Mediea) ahd. Drug sine, | GAR EDS! NE ee eee: etorer. . Usiversat on Straeneruenine Praster, tor diseases of thesChest, Dyspepsia, Inflamma-. tory Kheomatism, Palsy, Paralysis, &r- u’s Ac¢ ; Oi, for err re rae 5 a“ ~ wo De mphlet “Treatment,” §-c., entered according to Act of oa eR8, contains ‘fall Directions for the use of the — ed medicines, and ac nies every Remedy. - We feel it our duty :o ipsert the. following communication in oor columns, inasmech as the efficacy and great success of Dr. Kolil’s Restor- er is well known to os ; ee ‘* You will please to notice in yous paper the following certificate : y iat sep Si “ 1d» hereby certify, that about the first of January, | was taken with the worst. paralysie and inflammatory theamatism that ever.wag in- flicted on mankind. So faras | can learn; the ose of every limb was taken from me, bésides a tremendous swelling»at every joint, fever wiih the same, and atisaded with the most excrucia- ling pain | bad ever endured. 1 tried al] reme- dies that weré recommendable for the same, bot tono effect. [, by accident was informed that Dr Kuali was at Orange Court House. I sent for him immediately, and by applying bis medicines, I felta chenge in lees than an hoor afier he came. The medicines used, were the Restorer of the Blood, Aromatic Extract, Gold-Mine Bal- sam, Universal Plaater,and Depurative Powder. I, therefore recommend his !reatment to all those laboring under affliction, as given ondér my hand and seal, this 14th day of mafch, 1837. “JOHN PEYTON, (c s} ‘* Near Orange Court House Virginia” Dr Kuhl, aot withstanding the statement in the aboye @ertifieate, wishes to be understood, that in genétal, cores cannot be effected within an hour, althoogh a person may be much benefitted within that time by the ose of his medicines.— He feels it, however, necessary to give tne fol- lowing extract of a letter from his Agent at Or ange Court House, dated May 19:h, 1837, ‘* Dear Sir—1 saw Mr Jobo Peyton to-day, and he looks better than I ever saw him. He says if it had not been for your medicines he shuald have been under groond. He requested me to-tell you, that you had- saved his tife, for one time, and to present bis respects to you; ‘* Your Restorer is the leading medicine in this county, and many cores of importance have been effected in this neighborhood by the use of your medicines. I have had a great number of ven- ereal cases, and many of long standing, and al- ways effected, by means of your Vegetable Anti- Syphilitie Syrapt or Abyssinia Mixture, a per- fect cure, and that ip a short time. Ashborough, NV. C., July 13, 1842. Dr Kunz, Raleigh, Dear Sir :—1 think your Medicines are about to take @ start in this county, from the fac: that they effected a eure which seems to have baffled the skill of the physicians in this section for a year ortwo. The subject is Mr-Nathaniel N:, who has been afflicted. with the Liver Complaint, together with some other complaints,—say,F Jat— ulence and Dyspepsia. He has taken one botile of the Restorer together with the Aromatic Ex- tract and Depurative Powder. He says that in twelve hoars be felt relieved, and in twenty-four hours, much relieved. He has so far recovered, nuw, as to follow the avocation of his farm with litde or nodiffieuliy. He says he wants all who are afflicted, touse yoar Medicines, aod is re- commending them to the afflicted. I would be glad yoo would send mea supply very soon, by the stage, of Restorer, Aromatic Extract end Abyssinia Mixture, as a vast num- ber of persons are taking them now. Respectfully yours, J.M. A. DRAKE. FC Persons wishing to procure any of the medicines, will] please direct their orders, with the amount, (post paid,) to Da. Kusv's Orrice, Ricumonp, Virginia, br to any of the following Agents : NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Hargiave, Gaither, & Co., Lexington, J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, G. W.& C. Grimme, Raleigh, M. J. A. Drake, Ashborough. F & C Phifer, Concord. Oats, Charlotte. C Henderson, Lincolnton. ames J. Horne, Pittsborough, N.C. South Carolina. Steele, Gunning §& Co. Yorkville. McLore, Brawley & Co. Chester C. H. The continuation of the list of Agents, see Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. NOTICE.—Patiente and Agents in the State ot North Caroliaa, and South and. West of it, will please direct their orders to Dr Kuhl's Of fice, Raleigh, N C., and those in Virginia, and North and East of it, to Richmond, Virginia. August 6. 1843—1y2 DAVID L. POOL, (RNAKES this method of informing his friends, and the’ publie, that he is still carrying on the Watch icra ra 5 is old 2 sisnd, near the Courthouse e by him willbe warranted for still keeps on -haad 2 emal wellery. . and Silver taken in exchange for poh 12, 1842183 work done. 2 SEEDS J B C J twelvemosthe. S$ort Old a ape or 2 Satisbery, N. C., Jah. 21, 1848919 Da. Kon ¢ Ort, for Deafness band ol @ubat Aivicals Codelatets, which ‘ja to ine nig ‘= out tit) the day.— Ague’ will} 6 prescribed, antil and on the fowrleenth day, with two pills every night after, the seveqth day.— He will'then, and not until then, with ‘positive and invariable certainty, be permantenily cured, and not only of Fever and Agoue bot of - whatever billious and liver-effections it may have superin- duced or even in any way eonnectt If, how- ever, the patient should by aqpi@ieglect; nr un- due confidence in restored health, omit io teke the Pheenix Bitters inthe fall quantities: pre- scribed, at feast three times on the *fotirteenth day Dc. Maffat most not be blamed if the disease shvold refern, and the patient should Jearn Wiss t ‘thee wil} ipte met at its the. strength, ‘sad-im ease, Nature is unable, ingoad:~ “lyaecording to directions, 4o.(hei weak and trembling health, life.aad strength tredell_ county, ‘by so Terarieose the a : yu ts of ODT seit . edtcines, 20d-¥ou pili SOOM PAOZUINE ex nectating cer iaiat } téstore You to hella d a complaint which mx St approach, and comte n fatal of itself, ip paira the fonctions yal fgaos,s that epon Ue ‘aniifestation uy ONassisted to re; je Life Medicines, when takes “will oure it, npg Victim of dis “For full:particblars of the: mode of trey ‘ he readér.is teferred to the Good Samaria cany of which-accompanies the medicine. “FC The above medicine is for sale ~-GRESS & BOSE Salisbory, Ovt 22, 1842 —1y1$ ee , i BCP ‘A snpply Of the above inval DIGINES to er ES are for eale ‘at James Cross A. C. melNTOSH, Agut dom . from affliction, aod go through ‘another coarse of the medicines for a fortnight“longer. Obeying these instractions, however,- he will be so thoroughly cured, that be may. bid defiance to the disease, however anhealthy may be’ his location of prevalent the malady -aroond him. — For children between seven and fourteen years of age, half of thé: above’quantities’ of the me. dicines will saffice ; for younger, children,’ a quarter of those quantities, to be increased ‘or. diminished in proportion: as-the age varies from Padvaneed childhood to infaney. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- tual“ LIFE MEDICINES,” hasbeen perfect. ly triumphant in the worst regions of the Sovtn- ern and Western country, and around the norith- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply... DR» MOFFAT’S Agents, how- i ever, are now well fornished, and’ will maka‘ev- ery effort toJ-send this ‘advertisement into the most afflicted-districts. Voluntary‘and jealpus- ly gratefal testimonialgare received at ihe pro- prietor’s office in.New York, by évery mail in incredible nambers, to the absolute efficacy. of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Ague, other intermitent fevers, liver - and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally,bat also in chiosic’ and inflammatory rheumatism, coBtiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of thé skin, scro- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, and & host of other. complaints, forthe cure of Which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are 60 pre-eminently re~ nowned throughoot the United States. “Knew- ing, however that’ many of these diseases, ag well as a most fatal ‘anderminiog of the general health are occasioned by Fever and gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advettisements, mvites. the sne- cial attention of the public to the absoldte ascen- dency of his medicines over this malady “the fountain head of so many others. He has only. : a tu add that the Life Medicinés are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require © neither confinement nor change of diét, and have acquir- ed the reputation they have long ‘ by the usual artificial efforts, but solely by their invatiable and’ extensive usefulness. Prepared aod sold by'Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at the Safisbary Medical Dreg Store, by - ; C. BB’ WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Sept $3, 1842146 & Arrivals. Medicines, Faints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical. purposes. Indians, Houek’s so shies Panacea, Sroffs, Fine ebewing and smoking ‘Tobacco. Spanish Cigers, Spices, Perfomes, Brashee, Sy mee ne x eet common Soap, Claes Ware, Peters’ Pills, In stroments, Matches, Paper and many other ar- ticles. just received and for sale-at ptices tn’ Suit Bi B. WHEELER. 4g ) Look.at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisement, and if you wish relief for your ma io dves. caft and obtain a remedy. of c. 8.4 » Agent. ithe times, by Salisbory, s =~ Z Re ted Uuited” States District Court’ € 2 = a gs ote lie entirely. within ovrgeives, in ov bodies. My adviee to all, then, is; health. If yoo ase well, perhaps yf weitd still better—and. yon-may slw2ys aT aBLE sith by-a “jodiciots ose of the VEGE! ‘LIFE, MEDICINES. SF -Dh Moffat's Life Pills Bitters, a _ Salishary; a A supply cf the above fnvslcs DICINES areforsate at Samed Cross fredeit SALISBURY FACTOBY. vetition } of @ superior, quality, which they oe > x iD -pudlic at the lowest market pe : Ae Wils | and others, who will examine quali oF ‘parerpticos,-will find it to their inves +3 Guard:Your Heatth, { Addressed to those'who are in perfect heall Tepuled so.) §> Gentle Reader: If you would from you the sickaegs, the pains, the wreig ness, the premature mortality which you sed around yoo, and which, like a sharp swordm pended, issever teady to fall upon yoa, esa not my advice—it will cost yuu little, wills thet jnfrinze epon your occupations or a mefis, atid al} thes faculties of your mind a body will be as much bettered by it a9 w you ten fold. Vince the mosi sce aly one week's trial tom eal. In the first. place, diseard all old erronm prejodices’ from yoor mind, especially thé adage, ‘* If you até. passing well, do vot at o better-yoarself ;°"it Ts: the saying of igus ance and seperstitiou—of those who attrite all they sew aronnd them to chance end fortum nstead of nature’s universal laws. Has not ed on by experience, Iearued to geard bi agaiast the other elements of nature, the ¥2 the wind, and the torrents of rain ? Whyte shoold he not; in fair weather, cuard himeells gainst the storms which are ever rising ink own frail body ? “Retsember, you are everyaf Baling gross food ; and it is your nature (ee inae to do s0.° Yuu are well at present, boi ery day-the seed of disease is growing © you;.and if you do not siricily guaid while -you are well, yuu are continaallfil danger of -psintul and protracted conficemett and io some constitutions, death. Nothing ia stationary in this world, Em be purest fountain of which we diink—doe not require tleaning ? A person may im be is in perfect health, aod yei oot know (0 perfection his vital ofgans may be brovgh! me assisted “by the band of Nainre. doubted proofs of this fact in the unbounded # cessof the LIFE MEDICINES. Let wko have foliowed the motto, « When yor Y-| even moderaiely ‘well, throw physic ‘o the of call upon me, if tHey would be convinced of # importance of my ~The-operation a6 ty that hes come to my knowledge is om gratifying. healthy convenience ; an laid low by. disease ‘of a}jmost any descrpli™ “mey find suse relief vin those purely 8" Preparations: «"Mhey operate gent; bo! po* folly apon}ihe secretinns of the bods, and Coat the blood cf all vitiated “humors age bad from the good, expellipg the dregs, a imporities—and leaving behind on good ard nousishing to nathre. I have & ition. the Life Medicines inet Those who are in enropars'it & wiafecs their happiness with “a nd~those unfortunates #b9 ce ly what ’ Reader, consider and Tefleci wél!. 4 ya The blessinge af this life, for rich 3° i wo phs in our oad wo at @ Jgents ~CHRES & BOGER, 2 Qor29,1842—1y 14 a ble ME Rach ‘ys by A. ©, uofTOSH, AS plete of" HIS Establishment is now io one - “ration. "The Company ere mau’ * COTTON YARN. é ‘Shirting,. Sheeting and Osncburs: “a? ? offer fe ices. Merchaa ties, 20e esi (0 J RHODES BROW NE, 4 Salisbury, Jone 4, 1842—1145 * cae ®t 4 ‘5 Re aint . 4 =o oy ie Fy is sll ee we os ies i bet eo . . ee re - ee eae itis < . , Sl oe j sf . . * : . > :, ba . “ahaa ns * be 5. »- * . . , & . . on > + : * é * 4 e 4 P * “ . a p a a * * « . ae 2 : | « Warelltal aap hereafter bem a iy i ‘ < ‘ar ¥) ~~ z ty Kind Fal ‘4 4 ) ; Pere am ee render iny. gant opts % cusseripilan Wilt ber fe 7 ; & lees ‘ ig ~F = ; y Sven tie of - oo. 4 00e years oalens eee She epilon ; “ie | Ch Be it Mba nda we NN 5 wrioki earth, an old Ne paper : rs she oeeiat tele ° sae “a : a er Tos ey ~ ae : =e aie i a .; i a -- Y Ps ; az 2 ON ee Sgt 4 . o. happeved to fall 1a with esaw.. There : pe gyiotsy ont arrea gst phd Bustos 7% a © ‘PRINTED AND eopcrsan® ay 4a Fa £ < =< oo “ -— ‘3% S + _ a sate = <— —— ; ? = 4 esa ‘cutting oir’ ebroad that t TERMS OF ADVERTISING. ae +h eer rags eet ns t-does not ire loo much pow _. NO. 35—VoaLtnur J fhe newly shaven ehin with chaps. gollarper sqaare fet the first insertion and | + ob as c. PENDLETON; ; ** upon all your Rulers. Do this, AND-IABERTY 18 8488.”’- Ree Page: 3: Br, — XE >... sep old “ery P said ‘the exé, ‘how , nis for each continuance. a : > mee , ee." ee OF oy pie Sy = es 4.3 ef ags ‘ ” r be " : OLE gst eee ee Ss Fr" ou came r | vO) Ones will be charged 25 per ct.bigh- Pe — > ar sams - —— = _* ba AK > aS etee ary. now | rite.” -_ y ose >. bh beve rates. ? ba : = ; " ’ Pig* ; , ES SRS 2a a sam ——— — - 9 ' h 4 * . ; pie sion of 334 per cent will bemadeto}... -= ¢ ee Bis . ong. ; Wnthexe he,’ enid galieee Lat roushonz' Ae o advertise by the year. sare ail? Pe? ae ee See pare iis se, van Sah a seth eee ae om pe tisements will be continued oat) | EE SSS —_ - ¢ eae’ Be ee frou 8 - My; A ig chorged for accordingly, unlessurder~ ww OR! Ss! y TORMS!! ? | = —_— : re the. doctor who, terns ior a certai® number of times Zap ile 03 oarend. or etl : Fig arrespondeat 7re2 ite Ele? in post, sano better than o- o> Letiers addressed to the Editor most at Startling Facets. é bevel ¢ z » Hlowdiig acount of a ‘old file: Pe = WisGw WE workshop jest post pgid to ersure attention. Hoodreds bp mx sed q j * He a. 7 ' ever 5 pen mt 7 “? peta a ee M, where— me eee aie 3-4 a — te whhsw chiens me hw PID es year | * mee Then.ap-with the ald Whig Fi 2] See nee eee. Gem Ted Where;a0 doshtFod . ‘ 2 oC ee E13 Lat icteliy fap le then ne Dlay was 00 hig way to ihn a ae F » pe “ Rel “ , . < 2. P , r ths ‘reeslv P a > ow . ‘ . 4 r, : ee It ie admitted by al] doctors that scarce a man, AG +s Oar foes at its Mutiér Will Jac, .| of the genetous Vieksbore the hearty'welcome c showed i fort 6 a woman or child exists bat ‘what “are. sodner or Jina ” For the vew may well taro ‘Sem pale rita ge é jeksburgers: and taken ‘eave ‘ : as) choly fth= fie eat oe ene raniees REPAIRING. Se” | ceten tien Siettae AG Bi 0s.1 ator saeco gS cold; or some other ailing casries off. the*flawers | ff Vie: Subscriber respectfully informs his old | They know that its folde ‘embrace aba abet ibid «ct ata SR A one ae ee oe a Atge ; ; ng carries owers Prende ig, A, R Os athe PE be AES ing, when an enthoslastic little French couy aes of the hamen family—while in truth they die of tiends. and the Poblic'generally, that he | Our countty— its valor—its laws ; ‘goal Whie, sala knee cd o<. , } Be dering 7HE SUBSCRIBER Worms! and these epald have been otediented has-epened'a shop in Salisbury in the ahore besi-| Where proudly. it fleats, ye may tiace shisene aes os eee known fo -mapy of the s (beset ta can, in act owrehased that well known and |i” @day, by the use of a bottle of Kolmstock's | 2°%:'0.@ room directly opposite West's brick | = py, triomph of Liberty's cans ns of Alississippi, was seen rushing dowe tof eorke for: +% ns oe ia ages bished Pobdlic House, (known 4 Mek ee ets th, wicherames bermedty I it maseeraua te ae ew. alge it, n the bill at foll emped, etying— “stop de boat!| | ‘And-do you ‘ever gré y » ee. age” e J *te ease How sickening the thought that these things 06°C? 29 4 40- -Shaverand fast\below Jy me hii ore « | stop de boat | ¥ shalt see Mr. Clay!” . : ; “he gy wee comme of Slaughier's Tavera) in the! to aad who ead ever forgive th Marphy. What thoogh we Baye sometimes fail'd, ee. Mr. Olay!" Geeuc-|axy c.g Pee ee * OE own of Salisbury. af nefadnlorens his fh gate fat nok wing Wis ates Kenneihatt oben In addition to the above, the subscriber-will| By oar chivalric honor deceived— veeees io getting on board: before the plank was |< *Not..with over. work,’ replied thi-eaw, i be epi bi 4 "Pearslicg ac Beavers they know that evep if the case was not worms, eatry on the Silver Smith Business in ‘althe Yet we never were known to have qnail’d, pe in, but ia answer ty the ‘Temonsttances of ‘indeed, I heve always found that constant Tne ieee Ban will be supplied with | ‘bis: remedy coald not by any: possidility. do nor nee ene nian ere ren | Nor forsaken the truth we belier'd. the matetbal the bort wopld siait before he could | “MPlo¥ment - best preserves: our “polish ; a cne market and surroanding cuontry af=|—°% always good as-3 ative—tlei the dise Waren poons, &e?, ; and repairing uve Iv. have an opportooity of seeing Mr Clay, he re- which, after allyisipnly Parfit? ped ease be what it may. How important then, to ; plied, * Start and be'd==d? Su Cyiet ‘ublke ‘Yoo are quite w philosopher.” Fe: Fis STABLES 8pa shed, wi Fhe 00 sign on bis part pra} satisfaction to a call JAMES*L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: 17 cious, and bountifolly sup- th grain aod provender, of all kinds, al- faithful acd attenti dersicned pledges ® shall be Wan | who may- _ Osilers. fthat no ex: ‘to givegen- vor hin with fa eriaalg prt, seston ag { ai wHo WILL GO BALD! Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair ROM Comaivck & Co-—Tis positive quali- ag are 93 Collows t—E8k For infants, keep~ 5 ibe bead fee from scurf, and causing a lox- ” a gromih of t2/t. ~ 2d, For ladies after chilJ- he skin to Hs -naftral sirength od frmoess, 2nd preveatiog the falling oat of ibe hair. — 90 Kor ang person recovering from. oy deoitiiy tbe same effect is produced. 4th if osed in iofancy \ilLa good growth is started, «may be preserved by aitention to the latest pe- od of lif. —5 > Wt frees the head from dand- Zsvvengiheos ‘ve ruots, imparts health and voor to the ci.colaieo, and prevents the hair vn changing color of geting gray —6ib hh sage jhe De cio curl beaasifally when done op giiover ngn No ladies ivile: should ever be made withgat it, have by any means con- tin Children wio aed vermin 7a the head, are immediately and wrfecity cured of them oy is use. I: is jotalli- pl had been ba'd anout five years—no more hair ibe copof my head than on the back of my ad.and my head covered with a thick. searf, lp this situation 2ocat the 10th of August last, lwgan osing ihe Baim of Colembia, from Com- wek & Co Sinve which, | have ased two'and rh poviles of the Balm, which has folly re- wed my hair, and freed my head entirely from wwf My head is now covered witb fine, flow ing ‘sag hair—which aoy one may see by calling moe, at Sitamlord, Conaecticut. Yor 12, 1840. D S SCOFIELD. given, and ase-it, and who will dare take the responsibili'y indo without it > * Let every parent tne a'brote,; ask themselves this question in trutPand ‘Mr J © Ringold Wad a-child very sick for near two weeks, aod attended. by a-physician, withoot relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifage was next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered dly. A child of:a widow woman, living near the Manhaitaa Water Works; had dwindled for a cornth; till near.a skeleton, with great dryness. of the mooth, and itebing of the nose. . A ho- mane ladyj shorcalled to provide for the family, sent ly for Kalmstock’s. Vermifoge, which:brovght away, great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew befter atonce, and regained its fall strength in. less than a month. Several children in-a highly respectable fam- ly in. Broadway had worms toa frightful extent, and were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifoge. In some of the best families in the nejghbor- hood of St.Jiahn’s Park, it hag been extensively aged, from fhe cireamsiance of having eradica- ted a large ity of worms, after all other remedies had felled, which was very extensive- ly known in-that part of, the city. A family in New Jersey saved several children -: by the use of it. One, a-girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifage was given. ‘The nextday three large worms were dislodged, and she left off the Vermifoge, when.she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that finally broagh: away an. incredible quantity of worms, and the cu gcomplete,and she gained her healit rapidlgg A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks, withoat being avle to restore bu: one out of the seven to health He had the liberality ‘0 send for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifnge, aod cured the rest wiih it io Jess than a week. Numerons cases of other complainis were sup posed tn exist, and the persons treated for fever, - Poonierfeiis are abroad—look always for the | go, bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ume of Comsivek & Co. Por sale at the Watchman Office, and by C } BWheele-, Satiebary, Dr Suth, Raleigh, D Hesiti, Hi! shore’ 3 J & R.Sloan, Greensboro 3 J great despatch, Tostances of this kind might be P \any, Lexington, much 4, 1843—1932 Dr. Brandeth’s TEGE TABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbory, N. © Oct. 1842—tf14 Farmer’s Look out.—I have Valuable Tract of Land near Satisbary, which will sell on good terms, if application be made won Salisbory, Dee 10 I, LYERGY. 1f20. To THE AFFLICTED.— Fhe wxerber has juss recerved a large and fresh. wooly of Di Moffati’s Life Medicine. C B WHEELER, Agent, Wain retvief Call &. Saispury, Dee 10—1/20 —— inane —_ PRICES OURRENT AT Sitispury, March. 18 Cenls. -f Cents. Baeon, 5 3 54 | Cotton Yarn. 90 Srandy, ap. 30 a 36 Molasses, 35 a 40 peach, 40 a 55 | Nails, 6a7 Butter, 10 a 124 4 Oats, 15 420 Beeswax, 27228; Pork; $3 Cotton, clean 54a 6] Sugar, br. Sald Voffee, Sal loaf, 15a18 Corn, 25 | Salt, sack, $33 Feathers, 20 a 25 | Tallow, 7 lon, $3$.ad4t' Tobacco, 8220 “axseed, 50a 55 | Pow-Linen, i2a 16 perth 3a4d{] Wheat, bush 75 seed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal 90 $2.] Wool. (elean) 25 FaveTreviLie, March 10, ered the trae cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innnmerable quantity of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with cited to an immense extent, bot it is useless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one with eston- ishment the certain effects of this Verm‘foge. Caution —Never buy this article anless it have “ Dr. Kolmstock’s Vermifnge” handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. ; Agents—C B Wheeler, Salisbury; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’ ; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington; Dr Stith, Raleigh. - March 4, 1843—1ly32 _.-, NEW Tailoring Establishment ! 4. P. ALSOBROOK, _. ‘TAILOR, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) HAVE. located myself in the Town of B Salisbury, (permanently ,) and intend ear- tying on my BUSINESS ina style oot to be surpassed in this State or out of it. My Kstab- Jishment is in. the room on the corner of the “Mansion. Hotel, formerly occupied as the Post- Office. 1 have employed the best of Northern Workmen, No expense os pains will oe spared to render this a Fashionable Establishment ! in all respecis. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clothes made np ia the mow fashionable and durable manner. | have been engaged regolarly in’cutting for the last five years, and part of the time, in some of the mest celebrated establishments io the Southern coun- try. I shall not hesitate to guarantee every thing to Gt I cut acd make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK ‘ody,neach 40 a45°| Molasses, 28a 25 Apple 35 a 40-L.Nails, cut, 54 2 6 FASUIONS, OR 4¢a 5 | Sugar brown, 644 19} received monthy. In conclusion, should | be en- esmax, = 95 a 27.}- Lump, 14 | covraged, no one oeed send away to procare gvod ee, fOx 12} fwal, 15 a 13] clothing. ee 5a 5h { Salt, 50 a 60 A. P-ALSOBROOK. -\toa Varn, 14.048 | Sadek, $24) Reference —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N. C. Candi 48350 | Tobacedteal 22 24) - Salisbury, January 21, 1843—1y26 ay tks 15] Cotton beg 29 1 a 90): rope, al " : fer fag t Wher vee 520, REMOVAL tathers «= 0 g 85, Whiskey — 65 a 30 - cages mh, 8 a5d) Wool, - 15 020] FRPVHE subscribers would respectfully annoance cae : oo to the public, that they have removed their Beek e eeete Speck TED Copper, Tin-plate ana Sheet hin _— - wrought 164 , rROW Regal 432 52) wrought 16418 = as 5 = rite “10d 24 Fats bushel $0.4°37| PRauutactory, *swax 22226} Oil gal 75.-a. $1 | Gnadoor above George W. Brown & Co,,.and raging ya 20 922 lamp opposife Thes. L. Cowan's Brick. Row, where pp tonelb: 10a?) linseed 1 10:9 1 Q5 | hey are better prepared to aecommodate aad ex- nolee th 124 2:14] Pork 100}bs. 54 a 6| Sealeall orders io their lige on short notice, and Aiton: 442.64 | Rice .100lds | 4a 5] 10 Ihe very beat style: Corn bust . 46% 80? Saameb 82 © =Algo, constantly on hand, a-choice supply of Plowr br}: “$5 . Salve 212 ‘and Japan ‘Tin Ware, Britanoia Ware, hai ee 4 Sa tseek m Tabs, Stille, &e. : . roe 25230" bush —. $1007 = 3 JOHN D. BROWN & Co. lard O0lbs - 52°6| Steel Amer. 102 00} ~ ary; Jan 21, 1943—1/26 oe Wao B.y Qkee English SR) ree arr ae ea Talo 3008 B| German 12414 ‘CA a d F* 123.— Teaimpe. $1 $137! Neaiy pria at this Office He begs to assurethe public that-if poncteal atiention to business, and skilifol work will en— title him-to patronageaad Support, he will mer. it it. AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 183—tf16 Dr. Sherman’s PAevicated Borsengts Are the best MEDICINES in the World, KING the cheapest and most pleasen!.— I'he medical Faealiy warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman iva skilfel aad experiented Phr- sician, and a member of the Medical Society v New York. Skerman’s Congh: Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, Whooping Cough, ,Asthma, Tightness of the Longs or Chest, &e. e SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm. jgestroving, meci- cine ever discovered. They have ben used in over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head— ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinking o' the Chest, Diarrhea, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigne. J Fa Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American pablic. — In the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome during the sommer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges’ ‘They are prepared express- ly tor thar-porpage, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subjec! to a derange- meat of the bowels ghuuld never be without them. They afford immediate relief from all the altend- ant gripings, faintness, depression. §c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common pepperminis; and are ao aciive and efficient medicine. ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartfe ever osed for bilious persons. Where an active medicine is required, they are not only the best, but the safest that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best @f all plasters for Rhenmatism, Lom- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, Loins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, atihe Salishury Medical Drog Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept 3, 1342 —156 Dr, Wotat’s Vegetatbie Life Wediciucs OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- neficial nature. They ere composed of ar- ticles the most anti-potrescent, combined with ingredients known ag the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. When ihe dis ease is produced either trom cold, obstruction, had air, swarapy and damp situations, or patrid miasmi, whether ioalignant or epidemir, of by oiher causes, these medicines sre certaio in thetr operations or effects. They are possessed of pa- coliar qnalities, which not only expel all disease, | but at the same timo restore and invigorate the system. When “first taken intos@iie etomach, they immediately diffuee themselves like vapor through every pore, prodveing effecis at once delightful, salutary, and permanent. W hen the snark of life begins to grow.dim, the circulation languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- cines are found to give 2 tune ta the nerves, ex— hilerate the animal spirits, insigaraie the body, and re-animate the whole man. The Life Medicines have also been used with the most happy success in Nerr.us and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rhenmatism, (chronic and inflama- tory} D ropsies. Xe. BCP Call at Cress & BoGERr’s, Ageilts Saiisbury, Oct 22, 1842—ly 13 the above Invaleable ME- - A ly of MS ua Ye at James’ Cross Rusds, DICINES are for s3 county, b = A. C McINTOSA, Agent To Publishers. pcp A YOUNG MAN, who has Had con- siderable experience a8 a PRINTER, wishes a sit uation as Foreman ot Journeyman. Satisfactory For parti¢ulars address N. c . post referenceg canbe given. , the ** Witebean Office,” Salisbury, January 21, 1843. ND COUNSELLOR 4ST LAW. d always at the Office of H. , Esq, ditectly opposite the . e . ATTORNEY A AY be foan C. Jones Rowan Hotel Salisbory/ Jan. 7; 1845-124 Job Printing teatly done here. "Tis true, an arch Traitor, accursed, Like a viper, thats warmed: into life, Has wounded the bragst where it nors‘d, And tarn'd out a felf brand of strife. . y. Yet still will we proudly unfold Our colors,—in prieciple sirong,— Our Honor, unbarter’d for gold, Oar Fame, eovbscur’d by a wrong. VI Then ap with the old Whig flag, Let it boldly flap in the guile, Our foes at its flutter will lag, For the view may wellturn them pale! * . From the Edenton Sentinel. THE TERRAPIN LAW. Mr. Epitror :—Accident carried me ? few weeks since into a oeighboring County» and while passing through a Swamp I over- took some half dozen caris, As | could pot pase them I] bad to jog bebind. Pretty soon the foremost cart came to a halt, pull- ing up suddenly, .as if same danger was just shead This vronght all to a stand, myself among the number, when the following conversation, ag aearly as [ can recollect, took place: Hellow! [| say Bill Atkins, whai’s the meatier a bead, that yon stop your cart and keep us all wating in this tarnation swamp for ? "Stop my catt, hey! { guess vou would siop too. if you wes me— Well, what the devil is the ‘matter—for at this rate we won’t get our tar to marke: to-day—and if J don’t carry some sugar and coffee to my ald woman this night. I'm blest if she don’t blow me clean ont of the top of the chimney and comb my head with the poker, and J tell you whet Bill. you ain’t any better off, for old aunt Bes is a sneezer just like my old woman. [reckon | knows that, Jim Brown, as well as you do—so [’m gwine to have sone certain, if | can ges this tarnel Tarpin out of the road. Terpio! what's that you ere saying abou! a tarpon, Bill ? Why there is a tarpin in the road, and | eap’l get around it, Well now just let me tell you, Bill At- kins, don’t you trouble that ere tarpin, no how yoocan fix it; for] seed it printed tbat the legielatur passed a law agin troub- ling lerpins. Yes that’s a fact, Jim Brown, for I seed ’em talking about it, and they seid if any body troubled o tarpin when he was out visiting his neighbors the court would find him one hundred do'lers; so Pm darned if this bere child 1s gwine to trouble that cre tarpin, if the old women does blow me up. We!l Bil, these ere democrats weni and done it. Yes, I will jest tell yco what it is. Jim Brown, I believe them democrats is all hombugs. They made me believe they was gwine to du great things, and made fe vote for em. and the upshot of itis, there will be the d—!to pay at my house this night if the old woman don’t get ber sweet- “a | me to New Orleans? “I ghall not care—I have come all -de way fro Jackson io see Mr. Clay. and have jost arrived in de cars, and I shall see him, be gar! i which he rushed ap into the cabin, and elearing for bimself a passage through ibecrowd which surrounded the grest statesman, placed himself in front of Mr Clay. ‘Are yoo Mr Clay ?’ he demanded, [ am, sir, replied Mr Clay. ‘Den, sir I shall be very hap py to make you acquainted wid me.’. [ am very happy to make your a¢quaintence,. repked. Mr Clay, extending tis hand to the good Fieteh - man ; pray sir, favor me with your pame. 40h! dam de name,’ said the Frenchman, grasping Mr Clay’s hand, ‘suppose [ tell yoo my name, you shall not recollect him five mioute. I bave- come all de way from Jackson to see you, Mr Clay, and I am 80 happy, you shall not suppage-- [ nevair was so happy bat one time before, and dat was when I shake hand wid de grand Na~ poleon, and I shall nevair expec, to be so happy again till I shake hand® wid my Savior in de Kingdom of Heaven.Now I am satisfy and I must go. Goodby, Mr. Clay. I-hope you shall beour next Presidents «By.garyT © kaow you shall. [have bet my ‘whole pile on yoo Mr Clay,and I don’t care ove ‘dam if 1 lose or if I win. Adieu, Mr Clay. God bless'you and make you de President.’ Then giving Mr Clay 2 hear- ty shake of the hand, he retired and reached the deck just as they were about to pull Yn the last plank —M O. Tropic. 4 The best way to bring up Children —“Bring up a child in the was he would go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” At7 years old start him to school but you need not make him gaonly when he wishes, that is 2fou: one day in five—keep him at this till he is fifteen— then take him home, (N. B. Do not examine him whether he bas learned ang thing or not.) Let him (when his education is completed.) con- \inue to act as he-pleases, (young men. are very wise in these days,) and he will be sure never to harden his handa or soil his cluthes by work (N, B. He will be sure to wear the finest clothes.) Furnish him with all the money he needs— (what is your money for if ‘tis aot for your chil- dren.) Allow him to ride about Whetevér he pleases Donot chide him for any improper con- duct, such as taking a horn occasionally or an in- nocent game of hazard —(Boys will love to play.) Encourage him to act independently—that is, to despise and neglect all advice of his seniors— (Boys are wiser now than wen.) Permit him to select his own profession end fallow it ia his awn way. He willbe sure toselect one that is easy of practice. Idleness, for instance, which ts a very popular profession in these dave. In short give loose inclinations, and ten to one, if you do not live to see bim promoted above the earth a wonder and admiration of multitudes. Halifax Republican. Marcus Morton of Massachesetts is the most abominable bungter at a witticism,; whose efforts in that wag’ we have ever chanced to stumble opon. His jokes are of the stub-hoe order ; top dall to do any thing bot to beat a bog to pieces with tbe eye, bot if his Clamency has no wit ning, end this here tarpin seems mighty happy, juet like he was gwine to stop here all day > | Tjoirs you in that, Bill, | does—ycn | wont eatch mes voting agia for them dem- | ocrata, | can teil yoo. They was always a | talking about the big things they was agoing to dc—they was egoing to blow up the | Banks §- set all things straight, and they aint dore nothing bot make this blasted tarpin low. I may es well add here, that the terrapin having sufficiently rested himself, pushed off to Complete tis visit to his neighbors, leaving the road free—the old women 221 their sweetning, end Jim Brown and Bill Atkins went on their way rejorciog at their happy escape from the terrapin. = A Yankee bas invented plaster so strong that it draws prizes in a lottery, the most béesutiful landscape views, the wagon to charch and cider froma berrel, Won- derful !—very ! ’ W by 18 the Welch Isngnage like th Maeistrom ?--Becaase it is not easily soun- ded. ' A drove of. hogs .were carried into the gir some 20 -feet, by the blowing ep of a steamboat lately, On the Mississippi That wes 2 * riseof pork ” with @ vengeance. “i A telebratgd wit wes asked whe he diknotimarty a young.lady to .whom he ss much atiached. -““1 know no: respect —he is sometimes the cause of wif in oth- of his own, he is like Jack Falstaff ia another ers. Whiea Mr Morton was leaving Taunton for Besten, says one of the papers; there being a good deal 6fsapw on the track; fears were ex- pressed that (heigars would be detaineJ. “ But never mind,’’-said the Governor pulling out hie waich, ‘we shal! doublless get io by abuut one.’ ‘That's the way,’ rejoiced Mr P., a witty young Whig from New Bedfards+that your Ex- cellency usually get in—bdy aljout one.’ The Governor put op his repeater — Courier & Enquirir. »* { i] { John Porter, nephew of the Governor of Penn sylvania, ison tris) in Philadelphia for the tar ceny of money™ and goods te the amount of abont $1000 from his employers, the \War- nock. The crime appears to be fully prov- ed upin the young reprobate, a good deal of the Property being found upon one Mary Sheets, a female residirg in a house of tI! fame. Mr War- soaps hwhich is'teptamount to seying he is a ie foo}. sHes very sharp mAs sometiait= the. axe. dy | al too." ‘how you'taik! Lam ‘sere not give you any trouble ~ moo ted the axe. ‘foryalthough Feo net'codip! of my teeth exactly, my chops- give me a es" wit. Mr. Carpenter; so ‘don’t show your teeth a im ofa relation oft yours.. they are the words of a wise OLD saw. should not sneer at theories, therefore, pro- vided they are good, or probably good. If” (hey have been proved they must beseceie- ed a8 axioms. , eae ceedly hot atid lose my témper. - ‘And what says your master ?? ‘Why, he generally desisis awhile, vad I sonn grow codl-agsig,-and then | eut.ewéy hke razor x through’ s prece* of ‘mottled «lag fellows said e . ‘how different Lam situstedS re ike isa ‘chopping “boy,”~ with a thick ‘aon, palimes grow -€x. *You.are a happy and when he finds | am inclined to be blunt, he grinesme most cruelly,” , . ‘Alas? cried the sew, “is the way of the world, my. friend ; for I have invarisbly re- marked that tbe rch always grind 4 forthe. @akeof the chips... * ~~ -*Brava! you'are “aio thesis feet,” said Ot pe eee ce. nee sce [bose not Viniad ta Woete of all this title, without geuing-@ hotch " oo said the saw, ei —e. pa ‘Nor I either,’ rephedithe axe: ‘alihgugh in obtaining the sed -nntehes; t have. net on- ost my cours a peptiog-of..my m oY SORTS SE af gay, gael ar a . ‘Well, L never saz, éxelsi med bis Se areny: : 3 * alh.bsy? tea étre- 310 ‘laze your pardon, pretty considerable qouble, I cda- dell you. ” The saw grinned-en approval of the Ax- ‘Pesce |’ excaimed the exe. (Here comes nil you ean.bite’—F beleve that ise max< ‘Not a relstion,* said the other, ‘though sysTEMAT!O FARMING. The New Husbandry.—Every good far- mer has his system, his theories; they may be trae or false ; written or cagril:en : bat he hae them and sects spon ‘them. We The mind of a real farmer will not. be idle,even in winter. He.forms. bis plans and he hes time to review them. He.hesi- . tates in regard to new methoce-which he is inclined to adopt, end ‘hu gonsults other far- mers who may bave tried thom, or in whdse | farmin | og grein.— Mass. Ploughman. * opimons he tos confidence, , But we have some men smong us. # say they ean do nothing et farming in the winter, therefore itis aseless to read-on the subject tll the spring-opens! Ob'wretehed men-that you. ate. — Will yoo. wait mil her- vest time before you sow sour seed! Ip summer will yougay you have Ro time to read, . Yoo must now adopt.s new sysiem of r g: if sou have not alieady ; for the siate of the morket 1s euch that you ell got get enough to’pay sour laborers. You must thiak ® fittle more end lay - plans.to.csise sométhing that will repay gou, A part of the new system,of hasbéndsp, is toresd end consider well Jawhe water seeson when you need not bé an a hurry to raise your corn at d_potaiaes on Jess land, and devote !he surplus to grass—to Jay your gros lands so thet 3 maa will reke $0 acre im fialf an hoor instead of -balf a dey, aod with @ rake that will pay for iteelf in a sin- gle day—to tura to manore what grows on the soil rather than putchase manure from a distance—to enrich your Gelds by raising grass rather than imnogerishtihem by rais- Days of Worship—The foliowiwg days of the week are set apart for podlic worship, in differdot nations :-Sunday, Af the Lord’s Day, ty Christians ; Mooday, by the Gre- evans; Tuesdays by ‘he Persians; Wed- . by the Assyrians; Thursdsy, by gyplians ;*Fricay, by the ‘Turks; dey, by the Jews. A learned Auorney in 9 Southern State nock, one of the wiinesses, informed the jory up on his examination, that be bad been offered $1000, to keep ste matter from the, public, “an the yonug man might possidly obtain @ ‘sitaation | in the Shes ffs Office’! , The correspondent of the Tribune says, ‘A pardon | presume is al- readg prepared.’ These» Porters really seem to be a very interesting family.—Cour. § Enq. Distress.—At the delivery office of the Prov- jdevt Soviety ai Philade! phiaon Monday, the ap- pligations for work, making shirts at 12} cenis replied he, “except ‘he great reget have for each other.” F each, were about eight huadted. has takén for his motto the Latin words suum cuigre, which he thus renders to English « Sue "em quitk ”’ * So wise, 80 yourig they say doner live long —A child with two heads wasborn a tew days since in Baltimore, bat did not survive more than a few hodts, so that no opporiort'y was afore ed for testing jhe troth of the savicg “he ty heads be featly Better than one — Pennsylranian tor e Shed has taken a rise, as vor Journeymsn ssid when be threw up bie breaklast. - af lic, in their distress, had ejaculsted-with all} the fervor of a sick man’s vows. ‘In thus From the National Intelligencer. The late Comgress. — 4 i g fs .. h > . : 5 an . “< ill hm - ‘ z ie 2 Qe 4 &: 3 ex claiming performance, where em ecthing mount whieh pededabeane so te a ee ee ' Sty i = i | * pe s Sk y} <¥ = P a - > ? = te ad “f : t* PREPARES FORTHE NAT-INTELL f reece ; PUBLIC Ae 4 ~ $*, * b rx > a for the oivilits * oe wat fanly to be claimed of:the conte but : | | the mocere, 008 egg ooo Nate aie | ee ee ee ae Broken up Qho rival factions as the olira- | promises, the ay. vt ys : ee ieaidrhitle, y tha Gorthy Fae D. morratic (called Locofoee) party is in 2 te be’ good ‘whole sue at taal iiadenn thet we ebal!’¥ the struggle of us| Presidential candidaies erseries fe ’ cheno aie : for ascendency, il9 different organs, too hap. py @rparently to find 9 single political topie ve semmenes upon whieh they can agree, are. ap»pigous ot scie Magee performenee expesied ; bot who so. simplel & 4 10 end ciameorous in their de of the as to recor to the siedied)the intébuonsl | a Whig Congress, whose term has jest expi- 1 ere, in ' red. By persons whose -pis ere dolucione wil! phistiitibeetatestn ghee its dupes, ualess, pert eh ¢ =. nding 2008 Joon, 1845. matic ex for the fiscal ear ending Ore Juge, 1844. warts the Béval'peur begin- eading S0ih Jane, ! tide. for’ be neve service | the last week pf ing 1st January, : nod for the fiscal 4 and eoding 30ib Making appropriations “for fulfilling treaty stiguiations wih various “Indian tribes, end for. the eorrent and coptingent expenses of ihe lodi an department, for ihe belf caleadar-year begin- ning Ist Janeary and ending let June,: 1848 ; and far the fiscal year beginning Is: July, 1843, aod ending 80th Jone, 1844. * Making approofiations for certain fortifications of the United States for the’ half calendar year beginning ist January and ending S0ih Jeane, T8435 and for the fiscal year beginning 1st Jaly, 1843, and ending $0th Jane, 1844 some esses, uiterly blindediby theig preju- dices, aod by sathers who. wantithe power of mnd to disenminate between the bed add the good thar C ner edope, the Whigs are bersted and Aboot rhyme or na with DY *tHtempt.to show io bot pirtiguiers they have etred. ‘Such vagueistd wholesele condemnation shows wilh 20d, worse temper, ord is not" to = wey me the eneral. character of merely ma- Hghant or frothy declamavon »gsinst Con- grees, there sre, of course, some exceptions ; “s@onget which we*noted and leis ae Ree, some dave yp, on orticle in the vw York Evining’ Bait m which something WhO ‘epecification of the misdeeds and omis- sions of the Whigs is attempted, in yusti6- cation of the reproaches cast opon :hem. The article to which we refer sets ont as follows: %& THe Reicy or THE Wuics.— sgress closed its session yesterdsy. The Whig dynssty is ended. Ia two short years the standerd besrer has feller, the log cab- ms bave heen sold for taxes, snd the hard erder hae changed to vinegar,” ft contin Ges thus: ‘ Ales tall théir- professions, sid the = me eciyng Frese i call Veneres| Disosders,-a certain a esse of Cargress caberre ys (METCRD sigan coe proved that pd ders a rve hisown tmbi- | Gonorhes and Gleet ¥ and perfog ; tious esnirstions, sa edveere his'oen pet-| Gorp Mive:Batsam, forBitionsdly ya | interest, - He betrayed his Boperitu— | Afverions; Colds, &c me sonal interes! Pee Berta actor foam on hoMarse HxrRac, a linimen for cherished polities! principles—wnited even wero” be, amach, Ny = with thé common ene vend pat bimeelf Dervritive Powner, for Rae We forwatd ap the leader of that “band of de~ | Headache, Of the Eyes, ge sertersfrom the Whig Party, eho were apt. carer. om ly ¢alied the “corpordPe guard.” Whea. be first-did this, he-was accused of doing it for office, He demed 1. Sodid his fel- lows. His*patroo hed offered thém all of - fices, but they bad, so be, éad, and so they er. said, declined it—leaving the people toim- | Lien Farther to-rontinue i# force the act for the fer that olf thet they at ees ngh oe a te paya@ent of herses and otner property lost.io the ip whiten’ a2 alle Grom military service of the United Sta‘es, Loe matter f= Why in the-very lest hours To provide for carrying-into effect the treaty oe (wenty-seventh Congrese—when the between the United States and Great Britain, of the official-life of ‘the Guard were concladed at Washington 9th Aogus: 1842. vearly all wosied awey—when they were latices Sei means of fature intercourse be- : about to pass from. public 'ife, 26d to cease tween the United States and the Government of to heve power to servé their patron except $18 $96,094 ro 14,884 846 HA 2 $9 |1888 18 S07 75}. 82 1839 22 025 95 1840 20 968,992 49 1841 25,884,272 24 17,830,681 40 1842 93,177,924 60 The aversge yearly sppropriations in the four yeers of the Van Boren Administration, the reader will observe, were twenty -orx millions one hundied and fifty fise thousind ond seventy-nine dollars, ‘ The whole smount:of sppropriatio made by the late Congress fur the present veer end the firat balf-of the next year-weas, es the reader will learn from the subjsined official statument; bat teenty-fonf millions and a haif of dollers; thet ie to say. bat a little more than sisteen millions of dollars a year !—mocb les® thin two-thirds of the annual expenditure under the leat Demo- cratic “dynasty,” ang less than one half of the expenditure doring each of the two last years of General Jacksoa’s or the first of Mr. Van Buren’s Administration. 1836 937 ning let Jaly, 1837 1844. Making a another peculiarity ¢ they ete sometimes performed to a very rediarkable extent. Witwess the important facts exhibited in the seport on the finénees which we place: before our readers some days ogo, (bereef- tet more psrticolarly alluded to.) from whieh it appeare (hat daring this anhappy * Whig reign of two yrare,” the pablic expenditures have already been. reducéd to about one- half of what they were under the pslwy days of Democratie tule. On woful Whig foilure !” And most “ disastrous to the country!” “How deplorably insgaificant is such @ reform as” this, within two years, in comparison with what Locofocasm ac- complished in twelve, or is yet to bring about with the returning Cynasty, the bo e of whose second advent the Post holds out in glee and zladnéss to ite readers ! The Post next inveigi ageing! the offi- 21,789 116. 57 their union,’ their log-eabing, their herd er. cial prosefiption pot in practice by the China. def, and their coons, have shared the same melancholy Gisestroes fate.”” And it cto- fs ste specific charges sgaynet the Whigs os follaws+ _* We might “go through the whole list of their public erts, and compare “em with their promises, and each would ' ptove not only a failure, but. @ disastrous “ gneto the coontty.” ors From @ journal so distinguished ss the Post is, Hot merely vy its positon at one of the’great entra) points of what-at calle Re publicanigm, but by the acknowledged abil. sles of sa Gccomplisbed ¢djtor) one might have expected, sutelyyif Worteomething of | candor sowerds the codduet af an Opposite party, at leust some gleem of public feeling, some tokef¥ of patriotic regret, over the dis- asters ‘ehich psifis—disesters certainty as well those: of the country at large es of ihe Whig »patiy io -paitieular ; ead over whith, ne thetadi the Post exulis instead at ' is y thea, *, melancholy omen must Wé hold jt,/end fit to casi s double g!ocm OvEr-wbalever te sombre in pubhe offsire when ‘a*party “whose long career of misraufe a d= havoc bad raceived, at lepst. » momentary interruption. flattering itself with the hopeof te-ascensign into its former pow. er of mischief, snaounees, with evideni grotifieaon, that the work of good wiiteh hud Gees promised bas failed s that the gied hopes which dawned upon us in 1840 ~-have again been completely overcast ; that the Whig success bes been but a glimpse of sunshine swallowed up ina deeper gloom ; and that, in short, the country remains in 3 state of depression and distress slmost aa forlorn. a8 when LoMofoeniem, yet unre- boked, roled «nd ruined the land. Let ws, however, examine mora nearly thetong indieiment which the Post prefers ogenet ihe Whigs It strikes us that there srefew counja init which the Grand In. W hige. Jackson's famous sxi0m of rotation in of fice, or who knows any thing of the great precept of the New York school, “to the vic- tors belong the spoils,” thereis an amiable un- copseiouspessin the Posi’s complaint which 18 most delectable ‘ively, that it was some fragment out of the polities of King Saturn’s reign in Italy, or from some citizen of one of the ideal Re- publics whieh the Greek philosophers loved to erect, pozzie over the jnst, the patriotic, and the hiberal context, will hardly fiod much inter- Bal evidence that will connect i with whot the patty for whom it is written have boen doing for some tw general operation of which, 19 the Post’s own Stote, they hove just. subjected every~ adversary whom they could reach. tion of one or two other particulars in the Posi?s \apexchment of the Whig Congress. seek the sefety of the public money,” &e. and ‘became so careful of 11 that there 18 none left.” this, certainly, from the lips of @ party which left so little money in the Treasury On going out of office. taat, to prevent the Government from coming to a dead stand for want of means to pey its ordinary ex - penditure, it became necessary, before the Whigs had been 8 month in power, to cal! Cungress together to Provide ways end means for the Government. millions we do not now recol! ons were required to be proviied to sup- ply the reckless expenihture snd wilful improvideoce which the Whigs succeeded And, through the faithful and honest exertions of the To one who remembers Genera! Qne would tbiak, pos- The future commentsturs who © years pas!, and the cial extermination to Asstract or Appropriations madeat the last " session of Congress for the half calender year ending June $0. 1848, and the fiseal year end tng June$0, 1844 — that is, for 18 months. Civit and diplomatic, 6 monthe, ending Jone 3, 1843, Civil and diplomatie, year, eag- ing Jone 30, 1844, Military establishment, Fortifications, Nava] establishment, Indian department, Pensions, invalid, resolutionery, and widows, Pensions, naval! To give effect to the treaty with Great Britaia, Improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi, Missouri, v 1 91,896,068 00 | § $,691,952 00 4,738 130 00 808.500 00 9,196,734 00 2,104,205 00 § a 1,117,490 00 46,000 00 k 532,726 00 in place Let us pass; hawever, to the considers- “Tiiey professed,’ says the Post. +10 A most ungracious reproach How many ect, bot mil- of the Administration to Ohio, and Arkansas rivers, Constroetion of harborsen Lake Michigan, Paymenis to Georgia militia, 19,400 60 Vo establish telegraphs, . 50000 00 For survey of harbor of Memphis, Ten. $,000 00 Private claims, amount not ascer- tained, but which may be esti- mated at about Various publie ubjects, scch as ext tra pay to officers of the Kx- ploting Expedition, pay af Michigan militia, called oat to maintain neutrality un the Ca- nadian frontier, and othere which are directed 10 be set— tled, the amount nut known, but, when ascertained, to be pid at the Treasury, estima- ted at - 150,000 80,000 50,000 00 Vv P p 100,000 00 a __— $24,499,255 00 [In arriving at these sums, fractions of dollars Were nol taken Into the additions. The appropriations for the Post Office Depart mect, which are paid exclasively out of the rev enues of that Department, and therefore ate no silver coins in the United Si system United States, real estate of | lumbia. vlutionary soldiers ficers Making appropriations for the payment of na- y pensions due Ist July, 1848, and Ist January $44, Authorizing the reiseure of Treasory notes, nd fofother purposes, To aothorise the chief clerk in the office of the Seeretary of State to frank public and official ocuments sent from that office. ~« Making appropriations for pensions for the half calencar year beginning tst January and ending Gth Jone, 1843 ; and for the fiscal year begin- tng Ist Joly, 1848, and ending 30th Jone, 1844. To permit theentry f merchandise recovered from shipwreck in certain cases, free from duty. To amend the lawe tegalating imprisoument for d@bt within the District of Colambia To perfect the titles to lands south of the Ar- ansas rivers, ele under New Madrid locations nd pré-emption Tights, ander the act of 1814 In relativn tothe two per cent, fund of the State of Misviszippi. Regulating the currency of foreign gold and ates. Yo fix the value of certdia foreign moneys of account ia computation af the eustom houses. To. test the practicability of establishing a of electro magnetic telegraphs by the Yo modify the act entitled “ An act to pro- ide for tbe better security of the ti vee of pas- sengers on board of vessels propelled ia whule or art by steam,” approved Jaly 7th, 1888. To repeal the bankropt aet In relation to the exemplificatiors of the re- cords of land patents and other evidences of ti- ile, and amendatory of the act entitled “ An act '0 recognize the General Land Office.” Aatburising the sale of lands, wiih the im- rovemenis thereon eregied by the United States, for tne ose of their~ agenis, teachers, farmers, mechanics, the Indians. aod other persons employed amongst To provide, in certain cases, for the sale of the nfants withia the District of Co- Granting a pension to certain widows of Rev- 'F. authorize the election or appointment of of in the Territory of Wisconsin. as individual private citizens—at his ume, when they had done all they could and now could de no more—to uphold end glorify s traitor whose treason they couvnselled, at this moment when service had ‘ceased. on one side and the rewerd, if at° oll, was to come from the other—1! was then that four members of the goard were selected for me prominent office, snd in the face of fe hots country, the bargain between the master and his men attempted to be eon- rupt dayr of the most corrupt reign of Eng- land—ia the darkest hours of polities! in- trigue;. and when the whole powers of the Crown were openly prostituted: to reward end purchase supporters of 9 corrupt minis- 'ry,—-we find no examples@is more un- blushing and sndscious proceeding than this. In this ety, When the romor first reached us, of the intenuon of the scting President to make these nominations ta. the Senate, it was received with almost onivér- sal cisbelief. That the acting President wae the man to do this thing, few doubled: He bas, in his two years acting 8 chief magi trate, shown that there is nothing f& politically for him Oo the cor deeper the wrong, the more outra 601 proceeding, the more he seemingly delights to Jo it. That the men to be rewarded, were the very men, of all others in the land, who would thus stand up in the presence of the American people, and receive ~ without e blush, the rewerd for their desertion of their politica! prineiples; for their beirayal of their constituents, and for their subser- viency, to the man from whose hand their reward was to come—was not less undoubt- ed. They too as the counsellors; the com. panions, the defenders of the President, hed shown thst for such a President they were the proper servants, sommated. Io the history of the most-cor-: < : : . , ObRer Marion ay have nib yin: recommending then in afflicied eve whefe.. Our opinion 18 still, it was when sve first uped there medicines, they ate superior to any we have ever The Doctor, bimself, Mas with os a hy this week, and from cases staied to US, 6 inp ‘been more sitongly confirmed in our former ion, that theyrare superior to s)| other medicing The efficacy of Dt Kubl's remedies ip ty treatment of extraordi cases is almost cedeoted, and the year 142 was tich of 1a, tant cures, two of which alone oo; Bpace permit ue to notice at this time, My AS of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, last Spring, » ry suddenly taken with a total blindness tw be his eyes. He used numerous prescriptigns wi other medicines, but to.no benefit. [pn May he he procured the Restorer, Gold mine Balng Universal Plaster, fram Andrew Fodge, F Covington, Va.—took the two first mecicing fernally as directed in Dr Kuh''s Pamphlet the Universal Plaster he applied to the tem and ‘some {imes over the eyes and bv this ip ment he has his eye-sight eo far recovered, ty heean read both print.and writing. ifs explicit gtatement should be desired, s leueh rected to A Fudge, Cierk C Court, will red satisfactory evidence of the above. A lady of Bedford county, Va , was (ord 17 years afflictedwith the Liver Complain treated with~Calomel, took cold on 11, and me taken with coutra and lameness, She wel the whole time a great number of preseripi of Physicians of eminedce, and every medial that was recommended far her use, insiead (i fording relief, had @ tendency rather lo aggratts the disease. “She sutk from year to yer, ud! ‘digestive organs were sd, déranged thet noltig agreed with her. Fn August, 1842. the pai had not been out of her: quest of the’country will not ignore, 18 3000 charge on the Tressury. amount to $4 ee ps it-bas had time to scrutinize them, either because. what is siledged is cot proved, or because, when proved, nothing wrong is es- tablishéd for which Whigs are jestis res ponsibie—uniees i be-admiited to be wrong in them to tepest the Buokrupt Law in de. ference to the will of the Supposed majority ofthe People. + . ist, the Posd atinovnces that “ the Whig dynrsiy is ended.” Well, be un se: but what dyoxsty, then, boy hegon? A Demo. cratic one? = Of course ; for why else should the country be called on for a Loco. foco jobilation ? Sutely the party. which holds Yat there is.no shelter for the pabhie good except under the shadow of its wig eanont bethus hashing any thing lese than the triumphant reestablishment of its own principles ! “Vet, can the arquisitinn of 3 mAjority in the more popular braneh of the National Legisistere (all that the * Demo. crete” can boset of, if even of that) amovo: toa cKange of dynasty 2? For our pert, we have slways looked opon that royal term as appliceble to the Executive, not the Legia- lative pow@e ; so that eng thing which could bercalled a Whig dynesty ended when the preseat Chief Magrairst- placed himse!{ in Opposiuon to the pariy which browght him 1010 power, and sought to gtiher arovad bim a party of hie own. Vf, thea. the Whig party beve jost the control of pabdhe messures, bave the J.oen- focos found 1 7 ~ Nat yet. Qur troubles may be. eaded, but tliéirs are just beginning. Hitherto « ihe. fixed. constitutional fact ” hes wrecked those measures which- the W bige deemed most ¢fiicient of pubhe geod, Are aot. ovr -opponents, erating «hem all the soceras they. claim, now to ater ii? Do they hope'for beter sodlineia tbe conflict with Execotive power ? , Bui the Poet proceeds te say thet two short years have sufficed to disso he whole Whig power * end then it en WH vest seusfaenén apo the gree mh wtreh hes been 7 ae genet We whole ‘oree of the Executive power end of @ strong and unscrupulous opposition, to cure in two years all the }/! thet “ Democravy » could iafret in twetve “there is one point on whieb the W hig There are taunts that carry with them jhe | Congress deserves credit and that is for the noblest etmplim- nie. Sach is thet of the | ameunt of privaie business trensected,’* But it wes thought that Mr, Tyler would shrink from meking the offer of payment ax openly and as audacious! asthey were pre- pared to receive it. Ina the small streams of official patronage, whieh. . flow secretly but steadily from the exeentive® mansion— snd which ere not the jess tiehly laden with gold because they are unseen by the people —the payment for such service s&abe Goard had rendered, are always supposed to flow. It wes from one of these streame, whose walers are supplied by lesks from the treas. ury, that the Guerd most naturally old | given such 2 happy tésuli, that ehe is now a be refreshed after their long and oer 1| to walk aboot—the nervous affections Lave end—wesdmit—sble and faithful, labors in | her, hetJigestive organs are moch improved, the service of the Present. I: #288 there. | het general feelings good. She is much {ue fore doubted whether the nominstions ta | #84 her complexion quite fresh, which ae the Senate had been made. - And when the ee Wig sid that ty anil ty confirmation of the rumor caine, end there. ase ot ide inet aa martieulase wea were no longer oncertainty as to the facty| is desired, wa chee to De Kohl's agen', ot men of al] parties hesitsied not to pronounce:| Outer Bridge, Bedford county, Va. the proceeding—ss we have ealied 11 —the We have particolarised these cases no ® most open, bare-feced, and starthng ey-| much to akof the great-value of Dr kell dence of. political corruption, which any | Wédicies, as to inform the affiicted liow -" country. claiming to be free, ever presented. | ™*¥ be relieved, Fe treatment has ages There was then 2 general wish—more, Niced, mss others may Bow thar rd “ there was a universal expectation, ag if whet caore deatrable dns riche a wes expected ought snd mast come to pass BPersons-wishing io procore any 0 —that the Senate would reject the nomina- ‘medicines, will please direct their orders, tlons—and this wish end this expectation’ the amount, (post paid,) to : . was felt and evowed, as we sey, by men of | Da. Kuut’s Orrice, Ricnmoxp, Vircs' all parties. The Senate did its duty, and or to any of the following Agents: rejected the nominations. Agsin and again NORTH CAROLINA. the President impodently thrust the names seus Re ciorwr, of his proteges before the Senate, and again J ‘eR rs Aes Stccaekaroceh . end agein they were rejected. At length on- Dr N. Stith Raleigh, - ly two men of the whole body of Senators M.J5 A. Drake, Ashboroogh. were foond willing to conSrm the bergain. 3 F & © Phifer, Concord, It wes under these circumstances that Mr. Osis, Charlotte. Wise goes before his constitvents; He played a high geome for office—steked his all opon the east—bat failed to obtern the prize by the virtuous firniness of the Sens- tors. Asa “disappointed Office-seeker” he 0 fize years, excep abused Whigs, there is at this moment more mone7 in the Treasury than there wae at any-'time during Mr. Van Boren’s Adminis- tration after the first six monthe of it. It is trae, as the Post says, thai the Whigs declared “that they found a debt of twenty millons, whieh had been eaused against the G vernment bythe previous Adminis. tration”? It is no less true that the Whigs Save funded that deht io part. and provided * revenue out of which to pay the interest ¥poD it and the remaioder of the Prineipal. They have gathered @rapes from thorns. Finding the Government left by their pre- deceasors on the verge of benkrupicy and surroonded by diffi: ulties, they have extri- cated it from its embarrassed conditinn, sup pled its wants, end Placed its finanei.!} means and credit on a respectable founda- ton. And this they have done, only with- eut the aid of the “Demorrats” in Congress, but, with veFy few exceptions, m the fec- of the most determined Opposition in that quarter from first to last. But, says the Post, “They [the Whigs] set on fuot a scheme to raise op ® great na- vy; they crested a Home Squadron. bat bave never yet menned aad eqaipped all the vessels. The bopes and pride cf the Davy were teised only to be dashed down egein” If atl the vessels of “the Home Squadron are not yet manned and equipped, is not the fault, sasuredly, of the Whigs in Congress. How high the hapes and pride of the Novy were raised, the’ Post dees not sey... Bat what we know is, that the smount ‘appropriated by Congress for Naval expenditnre for the present yeer snd the first half the nex: year is more then one-third of the whole expenditare of the Government, being considerably over nine willioos of dollers for that period of time— six milhonse year—sixieep o; seventeen thousand dollars for every day in the year —Wwhieb, in propornon to the means of the Government and the demand for (be services of the Navy, can herdly be considered ae ® niggerdly appropriation of the pablie mo- ney. = The Post, however, xith all its disposi- tion to fod fault, frankly confesses” that For the protection of commerce on the wes- tern shores of Lake Michigan. Providing for the setthement of claims for sup- plies tarnished the Florida militia. ‘To set aside certain reservatione of lands, on account of live oak, in the southeastern district of Lovisiana Authorizing an examination and survey of tbe harbor of Memphis, in Tennessee. Vo authorize the investigation of atleged fraude onder the pre-emption laws, and for other por- poses, Providing for the sale of certain lands in the States of Ohio and Michigan, ceded by the Wy. andot tribe of Indians, and for other purposes. To amend ao act entitled “ An act making an &ppropriation for the erection of a marine hospital at or oear Ocraenke, North Carolina.” Amendatory of an act establishing the branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, and defining the duties of assayer and coiner. To fix the compensation of the Commissioner of Public Buildings To redace the salary of the surveyor of the por: of Camden, New Jersey. Directing the survey of the northern line of the resetvation for the half~breeds of the Sac and Fox tribe of Indiacs, by the treaty of 4th August 1824. Amendatory of “ An act for the relief of sick and disable@™@eamen.” Altering the times of holding the circuit court of the United States for the district of Connect- icot, To amend the charter dria, To re-enact and continue in operation the sev- eral acte now in force for the relief of insolvent debtors of the United States To continae the officer of Commissioner of Pensions. To authorize the Legislatores of the States of ulna, Arkansas, Lovisiana and Tennessee, to settle the lands heretofore appropriated for the ; use of @ehools in thuse Braves is o © Fetes. Ligcolatce, N.C. 60 boshels clover seed, warranted To change the time of holding the cirenit and James J. Horse, Eissbosene “_ new crop district couris of the district of East Tennesses. S. Pei ; Krrnereville, Stokes J & W. MURPHY: _To change the place of holding the eircuit and Salisbury, December 10, 1842—6if — on in the district of Maine. of the payment of seven companies of Geor- goes before his consti-vent : ane - rs B—fonstiluents State of North Caroltna, end TBgiy °F Services rendered inthe yeare 1840 | Sn hes betrayed, snd eitempted to DAVIE COUNTY. To amend an act establishing a district coort trensfer to their political enemies. He Jesse A. Clement, es. ; Ia Equity. T Foster & L. M. Gilbert. Jemes Waterloo, Guilford. of the United Siaies at Wheeling, Visginia. whines and raves slternately—as the recol- T appearing in this case, ihat the defendants when rewoved by othets—go nervous ths! em versstion of walking’ in the room produced te most disagreeable effecis Dpon the head ; herget eral feeling very bad, sour stemach, &e § fad no intention to use- more medicines, bal king’a dase‘of the Gold Mine Balsam wit # prem ein that in one hour she felt better, a thea need'a regelar course of Dr Kobll medicines, -She'tosk-a dose of the [estore # the morning-andone at night, and two dosed the Gold Mine Balesm peiween meals. Th limbs were robbed two or three times a day wit the Aromatic Exiract, and this t:catmen! Fresh and large ‘Arrivals AT THE CHEAP CASH WholesaJe & retail ESTABLIS MWESYT, E, have jast received and offer fur sale our second supply of PALL & WINTER GOODS, amounting to 545 PACKAGES, Among which are the following : 135 pieces brown & bleached shi from 4 cents a yard to 124 530 pieces calicoes. ‘tom 5 cis to 123 excellent at 10 and 12 1-2 470 pair shoes assoried, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 tbs turkey red 80 doz cotton bandkerchiefs 25 pe bed tick 40 do apron checks 55 do flanvels 28 do Kenincky Janes 22 doclothe and sattinetis $0 d» maslin de lanes 28 do linsey and kerseys ps bolting clothe 190 bags coffee 14 hbds sogar 185 ps begging 80 coils rope 2900 Ibs loaf Sugar 3500 Ibs sole leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs onailg 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 25 pre Eltiptic springs 540 bottles caster oi! rings, of the town of Alexan- ' C MeLaresA & Co. Chester "he Goblinestied of the list of Age ™ | ‘Dre Ks : oe ' tnt Braonock $- Waller, Weotwor'i, Recs Regulating the mode of paying over to the | lection of what he lostend how he dont & reside beyond the limits of thie State: Or- Te allowa people of the Aécomec - They | oC North Afolins, and Nath ond - togbam co “3 RW Lawson. Yanceyrille, James R,Callem, Milton, | State of Alabama the two per cent. fund relin- | comes to his mind, and he experts confi. — i by the act spprered ib Sep | dently that he will be-tetarned anes re hier. ‘How: pension to Nancy Williams, widow | 2° ™*¥ be We know votbing @f =the} Nath Cavoling es ats Soa Wes “o dered. tbat publication be mede for four weeks in | of David Willieen, ed wee. diawist! Se os ers.to Dr Kull? theCaroling Watchman, that they rat the | of Maj Andre. may be willing to receive sgein” ints es Serre in Virgiot.™ Post, when it Measnres twee sears of lamed | The Whi Cc .| Rext Coart of Eqnity to be held for vie.coun- | Fo the relief of the owners of the fond re- | bosom 8 viper who has stung nies Parca, * WV C, and d, cad muwed Wing (ower aearmst twelve of | but it decacves credh alee for eee ; 7’ on via eat ot demer, to the amended = coiwed frow she British Goverament #8 a0 indem- hope ree iki ir believe noi—for we. 7% ios 1 ‘3— Anges e more lost on board the Comet sad En- | tbiok 80 poorly of the politiea! intemn — ee sae de ; ' of complaint in case filed, ar J t procon- nity for slaves a psa Wnenc:hbered. unembarresse:d!, alqost jrre ‘oon this I is entitled to the praise al | fees, will be taken, and i: heard te to | eont arny of \ “indebled tothe Sistuiole Locofoco escendancy. Tee Post ' having, Vrough @ series of labors acd diffi- thet. ri BINGHAM. fn Diwm, at Nassau, Babames. i rod body OF people. Wf they hoplde: 4 P } those ind 4, a insists that the Whigs are peep6 te for feulies Dever in any sort approached by any ty1843 —4052—Priviers tee $5 * Alebama.—T is Ste has refased to receive. 4 of Mr. Wine =f the failure to accomplish, in © brief Space, | preceeding Congress, restored the pubhe | ber quota of the [Land Fundiend siflers i: ai! those promises which they and the pub. | credit; replenished the Trestury ; aud.se- ting neatly done here. . idle in the ‘Treasary of the'Upited Sites lie of Witliam oatlany sg ol? ward 3 Vr Courier and Enquirer. officer of the Gur | hit 3 a. wr Caisoun Was® bi olt—a insidered bia=io afar way ot " highest post, Hhere was ad-man who woe! ; J ned ations. more la fing notion: en “| wees and streaguivof the Fed- ja" Phe Srghe Tee See igi ace id his view, rpere! muds as See- fies te hee 4% , ime 5 ‘ P War ae the m Fi ‘yngtitational power, were such get? ty be presented wow, So was it with i fie ‘Tuan gentleman was in the hab, y Ong the costivenc se of thé absiraction- sien r) and eo Mare bas placed ™® more aon ihe stiches for he “doctrines of ee tairly laujied she State figthte” disei- a 4d. Mr. Galboun tao, contended peive General Gevrerament, the bare eer which at thie time would thraw them * ial hysterics ; and if Congress were re the disposition to exercise even @ et me of those powers, the twe “great en ra” would call the legislatore «f Soath re ogetber and nullify. Mr. ’Daffie ae soundest and clearest headed of the Cy eee’ langaage on his sobject, which 0 nor taliZe him, if we could forget the qa! nt nullification uf his own sentiments. jowieg nodle laoguage, held by him before ne ‘gnake bitten,” is worthy of becoming wear om in politica! sciences and we repubs + the faint hope if whould meet bis eye, ane ndace him to recemmence his studies bis text book, geome of bis own yd set the National Jadiciary have solemn s raed the constitationalitr of a law, tt is psisted oy the State seer Loh vicé versa, M the National Jodiciars have solemnly de- wt Siaie law to be enconstitutional, it is to % mjoreed by 'he State rulers, the constitution is ly at an end a —_— of the ‘gol ready accomplished an hy wanes his grid scepire over the broken aliars of this hap- ny Union.” From the N O Picayune of the Tth inst. LATE FROM ‘PEXAS. Yesterday sfternoon the stesm packet \ew York, Capt. Wright, -artivéed from Griveston, bringing dates to fast Saturday, je 4b inst. Below we give e brief sum- gery of the Dews found 1n our files Toe Houston Star of the 23d ult. states 4st Mr. Navarro, brother to the gentleman bat name attached to the Ssata Fe Ex. jijoo, and NOW a prisoner in the Accor- yds, in the ety of Mexico, has :riived at rr from that city,end states thet the Coogress recently broken up by order of juts Anna, has re-assembleJ at Jalapa and qoned business, baving formed a new sasttotion, containing articles ceclaring ig neither Yucatan nor Texas she com- aaced for the purpose of inducing them mbly to return to the confederacy. vothovsand soldiers and fourteen thou- md ciizens had assemb'ed to protect the mgress from the Central troops, which ¢ we greatly diminished 10 numbers me desertions resulting from the want of yand provisions. The influence of San- viens is ssid to be greatly impaired, the euntty is ina disturbed state, and atrong vieatians of another revolution. Mr. ‘wmtro says that thegg sre not in the eas- wm provinces 2000 Central troops, of whow wy 1200 are fit for service. The same paper of the 25th saye that a letican bas arrived at Bexar, who reports Gen, Arista has declared in favor of is Congress, end that be will be supported ‘amajorite of the people of the oorthern oioces, For ourselves we cannot credit ‘intelligence 10 relanion to the Congress, ‘he Galveston Civilian states that Mr, es Danny, of that enty, has entered into clract with the government to ‘repair “i for service immediately the brig and nooner belonging to the bavy now in that "”” The sebooner is aground, but it 1s “ibatshe ean be easily gotten off, and ‘be put afloat fortha@ith, The commissioners appointed to meet tlodians at the Waco village left Wash- toon the 6ih ult, but were detained dives by the high waters of the Brazos “i tributaries. It is reported that near- '-9)0 Indians had assembled at the village ‘ide let of February. The buffalo were "Oomerous in she vieinity that they easily “aed an abundance of food. ‘\s said tbat the citizens residing on the ‘dalope have derived great profit this “son by gathering pecans. bese nats "ebeen so abundant im that section that ‘“y {ymilies have picked enough to pur- “we ail ibe corn, breadstaffs and groceries ‘Twill need for the whole pear ; they are “Sit @ measure compensated for all the “# they have eusteined from the drought ‘(be incursions of the enemy. _ NEW GOLD-MINE. 'é hear that a very rich gold-mioe has been “tered on the Jands of Corne'ins Shields and “s'. Moore county, about 40 miles from Pace. A friend informe ne, that he saw ,.. 900 persons on the spot, most of whom ,, ‘Zployed in the search for the glittering /'"d with extraordinary svecess, Without aa ofany machinery. o even of quicksilver une generally realiz d thirty or forty. dol- - week, in lampe of various size, the larg- a hare heard of being worth $10. The : Seal 1 few inches below the surface, and lang ber _ of the plantation. We under- 1) 06 the land is tet in small parcefs te tig 88, Who work on Shares. Ifthe search vg, NO Meiedtifically, itis prohatly that don : —e would be obtained tru thecurh ‘ va UY Coanty, ahon! 89 miles west uf this eal *e mine of Mesers. Hearne tess been and ae it '0 great profit, ‘Chere, machine Dd ig gered by which the stonein whieh partn od, is erashed, and the most min . lng of gold secured. Tt haa here been | ~ “Oly profitable business to the proprie- Some “ang + of the old mines of Montgomer : v Cabar- Daridson, are still worked, aod we: be= i Pith great suecess, y. the entire mid- | tne 100 mach to ay. On sats i My, The orth Carolina, ‘Sonn been discovered in " © surface, and eome deeper, om BY reasonably inediindd that it which presenis the Got io every instance 7 cubsidered. hiargetl—ne} Perea { Riehard Harris. f ther iy ald ae cb Oe Vn edad <a s NT pe Pe et ie et, oe 4 Peto, , aa wang YS cad eek dhtiel 1a%x, ens tis : ~ be oa | ee * a eee oe see | - Ai . mt : 3 ae athe 2 ae a * 4. , ean : : . = — —— cs 4 - : . SALISBURY: ~~ SATURDAY, MARCH 25. isa4. Republican Whig Ticket! 4 For President of the United States, HENRY CLAY. OP KENTUCKY, ——— _ Mr. Daniel, 2 member of thedocofoeo Con- veation, whieh assembled at Richmond, Virgio ia,eome time since, haviog been called opon for s spéech, gave his Locofuco friends bet little com- fort. He woald not agree tht the Whigs were defeated, o¢ were an evemy tobe despised. ‘The Democratic party, he‘gaid, hada long list. of dis- tinguishéd mer from which to choose their lesd- er—but among them al!, there was no man caleo- lated.to attach the affections of excite the enthu- siasm of the People, \ike HENRY CLAY—a men, to whom, while he disapproved of many of hisprinciples,he assigned a great name and a most distinguished elevation! Mr. Roane and other speaker, who had preceded Mr. Daniel, made light of the Whig party. ard looked npon them as already defeated. Mr Daniel evinced more sagacily, and intimated not-only. that the thing was to do yet, but that it was not allogetheras easy 'o do ag was thought by those wo had pre. ceded him. BOP The Cray Crus of the City of New Orleans, throogh the public papers, have retarn- ed their thanks io their political opponents for the handsome and noble manner in which they co-op- erated with them io doing honor to the distin- gnished American Statesman, Henry Clay, dor- ing bis recent viait to and departure from the City of New Ojleans.*~ We constder this as be. ing one of the iandsomest things ever done by. either of our great political parties, aod it reflecta great credit upon al) interested. . the Whig candidate, was on last ‘Toesday week elected mayor of Salem, by a vote of 774, while BF. Brown, the Locofoce candidate, received 2387. Nathaniel Wright, the Whig candidate, was on the same day elected mayor of Lwell, receiv ing 1,903 out of 2.102 votes. Seventeen Whigs anc one Loco were elected to the Common Coun- ec}, WHIG MEETING. In pursuance to public notice, a large portion of the citizens of Ruwan County sssembled at the Court House in Salisbury, on Munday, 20th instant, for the Purpose of appointing Deleaaies to the District Convention 10 be held at Moon Mourne, Iredell county, on the 41b of April nex: David F. Caldwell, Esq, explained. the object of the meeting in a few pertinent retinarks, and moved that Col. E. D. Austin and Abel Gra- ham, Esq. act as Chairmen of the meeting ; and David Kerns and J. J. Broner, a8 Secretaries. The meeting being organized, Major Johu B. Lord arose, and after a few remarks relitive io the new Dis:tict, and to the pian of the propos- ed District Convention, submitted the following preamble and resolutions for the cunsideration of the meeting : Whereas, it has been preposed to hold a Dis- trict Convention at Mount Mourne, in the county of Iredell, on the 4th day of April next, to nom inate a suilable individual as the Whig candi jate for Congress in the 2d District ; aod as our bro- thers of the Whig party in several of the cou: — lies composing that District have already ap— poloted delegates to attend the Cunventivn, Resolzed, That we, the Whigs of Rowan heartily approve of the object of that Conven- tion, and that we will be represented there. Resolved, That we now proceed to appoint nine Delegates, who oncommitied to any partic- ular person, shall, upon consuliation, select tbat individoal who will be the most acceptable to al! the District. Resolved, We will without personal regard or individual preference, heartily sopport the nominee of that Convention, and will use every honorahle exestion to promote his election. Resolved, That the delegatiun shall have power to Gill vacancies. After the foregoing Preamble and Resolotions had been read, David F Caldwell, Esq arose and made a short, very appropriate, and neat address in their support. “The question of their passage being pat to the meeting, they were unanimously adopted. Whereupon, in conformity to the second Res- olution, nine delegates were appointed to atiend the District Convention, as follows: Bockwer Crowell, Alexander Holdhowser, Paul Seaford, James Jamison, John F. McCorkle, William P Graham, William Krider, John’B Lord, and Resolved, That the preceedings of this meet- ing be published in the Carolina Watchman. On motion, the meeting now adjourned. E.D. AUSTIN, * 2.,, ABEL GRAHAM, bch a Davin Kerns, 2. , J. J. Baunea, b Sec'rye WHIG MEETING IN IREDELL. Ata large and respectable meeting of the Whigs of Tredell covoty convened at the Coort Hoase in Statesville, of the 24th instant, ac- | pointing Delegates to a Convention, to be held ai Moeni Mourne, on the’ 4th of April next.— John M. Young, Esq. was called'to the Chair, appointed “Gectetary. Col. and ‘then ners J, A. Young, Eeq., and wuanimously adopted : tity to support Re Elections in Massachusetts —S P. Webb," {B Gooch, the American commercial agent, who cording to previous notice, for the porpose of ap- | % , ai ‘ is) th < 1y peans lo } ant ther Phat e7. - te : exblved, the? the: Whigs of Ire} 2ouaty, do must b eartily agcedé to said prop Resolved further, that. thie mireting. proceed to appoint Eighteen Delegates to aitend said Convention; wé pledge ourselves individu- Hominee, be be who he may, and \o use -all le “means to procure his Resolved, Tharthe Delegates in attendance at the Conveotion have power to fill vacancies shontd any occor. de quest that they publish them in their respective Pp r4 o Thefollowing gentlemen were then nomina ted as gates to aitend said Convention, viz: Samsel+Voaog. Thoms Crompler, Jovn Da. vidson, William Mi Altison, John H MeLagvh lia, Silas D Sharpe, N DP Temlinson, Rafus Reid, Thomas F Houston, Learider Q Sharpe, Dr G W Stinsor, Willixm King. Joseph M Ba gle, Joseph Chanibers, Grorge F Davidson, Dr John Allison, Jubo A young acd Abner Feam- sier. JOHN M. YOUNG, Cha. S. R. Beve, See'ry HENRY GLAY .—In speaking of the pro— peed Clay Convention to be-held in-Harisborg, on the 22d inet. ; the Natiunal Furom discourses thus eloquenily : . © Let bot the trompet blast be heard in Penn- sylvania that heralda Henry Clay as the cham- pton of oar cause ; let bot an exprecsion, go a- broad, that (be noble Henry of the Wes: ie stil! ithe polar star by which we hope to sieer ont shat tered bark into the haven uf victory; let. bis hanner be flung abruad on the authorisy of a State Convention, and a new impulse will animate every breast. Despondency will give place to bope—the wounds made by the tiand of treach- ery be healed by the agsurance of futere success. and we shall go on conqe*ring and. to conqner, tbroogh the might of a name never yet coupled with dishonor; bat ideotified with the proudest records of oa country 3 and blessed by the love of a nation, which looks to him ae the déliverer from the worse than Egyptian bondage which now oppresses it!” Hon. WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. Wrh the expiration of the rerens Session of Congress, terminated, for the present, the Senatorial eareer of the distinguished gentleman, whose name stands at the head cf this psragraph. [le retires fron his po- sition cheered by his own self-approbation, and the plaudits of hispolitical friends, end, as we @inc-re!y beliewe, with the undivided recpect of this political opponents. He has proved himself eminently worthy of the die- tinguished station, end shown hy his pabhe acte, that he has been garded by the polar- star of wistom and integrty.— Rol. Reg. = te-ssiisty sundry hie interest jp ™ : =. inne in mm ri Chns: ; eS mas. ba! Sobjéel te their hire wail p eae abso, .. At thesame time and plece, FORTY POUR NEGRO; 4 Resolved, That a of the foregoing teso— | belonging to the esiate of Vachs het . deta, lotions be sent to the of the Caruliaa | cobsie' ing of MEN, WOM and CHIL- Waichaan aod Charlotte Joornat, with a re- | DREN,( BOYS. Sc...) to-saris ly sundry exe- cultons in my hands, in favor of and others. —ALSO-~ I will-eell a valeable TRACT of LAND, belonging to CoB. Wheeter,-or bis-interest io the same, adjuining G. Baily, and-oinets and Twelve ¥esrces, ie to said Wheeler, ‘tonsis'ingof MEN. WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, \osatisty an execution iw my bands io Jevor.of John Murpli¥, agains: N..B. Taylor, as pringipal, end C B. W beeler, and others, as securities ALSO—At the same time, SEVEN NE- GROES, levied on as thé property of Witham Lunn, to satisfy sundry executions ta my hands, ia favor of Charles Hartman, F. H. Shaman, Ag't, L. Bingham, and others. Te sale will take place ou the 24th of April, 4543, and continue from day, if we cannot get through in one day. WM. B. MARCH, Sheriff of Davie county, N.C. merch 25, 1848—1f85 ~ State of Porth Carolina. IREDELL COUNTY. ‘a Murpby, = _—_— Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Febroary Term, 1843. Christena Leatz, vs David Len'z, John Lentz, Heary Leniz, Law. son Lingle snd Wife Elizabeth, Conrod Miller and W,fe Sussanoat, Alexander Miller & Wife Christena, James Heathcock and Wife Mary Ann, Joel Kimble and Wife Sally, Caroline Lentz, Simeon Leniz, Eli Leoiz, William A Len:z and Rachel Leniz. Petition filed for Dower. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Goort, that Simeon Lentz, one of the Defendaote in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State: [tis therefore, ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks notifying the said Simeon Leniz, to appear al the next Cuurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.to be held for the county of Iredell, ai the rthoose 'n Statesville, on the 3d monday ia May next, The Revolurian in St. Domingo — By the ar Savannah fi: publicangbas authentic intehigence relative ta the revolt in St DP minga she fulluwing from ihe Republican of ihe Sib in- Stant; “The American consul, or commercial agenl, at Aux Cages, sent despaihes io the honorable Daniel Webster, Secretary of Siate, by the Woedstock ; they were furwatded to W ashing- ton by yesterday's mail. “The revolt oa commenced on the 26th of Jannary, by the assembling of a considyiable force uoder arms on ‘ihe. plains,’ about six miles ‘rom the town of Aux Cayes. The insurseais, e macaded by a Col. Riviere, e man of moer resolution and energy, despayched a message |: ths Guvernor of Aux Cayes, stating that their onject was neither bloodshed ‘per pillage ; but they demanded «uch a change of Government a- ‘hey conid live under, and ® new Constiation, modelied afier that of the United Siates, A he capital of the island, (Port au Prince, ) 2!! was consternation when Capt Baker lefi. A strong military force was concentrated there. in urder to oppose an apprehended stiack by the in supgents, A very hostile fesling was manifosied tomarcs the,Gozeroment, in many quar'ers. The soldiery were badly paid, and !ived, in creat part upon plasder. “President Boyer is supposed to havea large sum of money al bis eommand ; and it i$ presomed that, if the insurrection succeeds, he will leave the island, and sail for Franee.— O)bers suppose he ie ready to call to his aid the intervention of France—which iil be buta pre- paratory,step toa surrender of St. Domingo to that power,” The Republican publishes a letier from Wm. states that the whole isiand was ina state of re- volt, and business almost entirely, suspended. The revvlotivnisis had from 4,000 to 5 000 men under arms, and were conimustfy increasing ; and i! was anticipa‘ed there would be some hard fighting, before either party woald surrender Abominations of Miller .sm.— Mr, Shortbridge formerly a merchant of good standing at Porte- muaih, N, H., fully believing in old Miller's ab- sardities, lately provided himelf with “ascension robes,’’ climbed a tall tree apd started upen. his flight. lostead of gaining towards Heaven, he tumbled to the ground and broke his neck. Col Richard M. Johnson —Vhis genileman has heen nominated ag the candidate tor Govern- or of Kentocky. A young lacy once remarked that there was but ane word in the Bible sbe: wished altered ; and that was in the psesege, © Who- heave the. word smil e changed to kiss, Price & WeMasters, TAILORS; CONCORD; NO. CAROLINA, -Are still carrying op the above bosiness ip ail its branches. All orders trom [ y sttended to. rival of the brig Woodstuck, Capt Baker, at | Savannah, oo the 7th inst, from Aux Caves, the | Wo copy | soever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, + ‘tura ta- him the otber aleo.” She would then and \!ere to answer, plead to Or demor to sald Pertticn, or judgment pro confesso wil! be [taken asto him, and @® writ of Do-er ordered aceon’ tualy, Test, J.F. ALEXANDER, 1 ccc. mach 25, 1842 —6w35— Printers fee $5 50 NOTICE. — RY. virtce of a Deed of Trust executed to me | on the 15th dag of Joly, 1841, fur purpo- ses therere mentioned, | will expuse to Public Sale on Sionday the first day of May next, ai the Coot Hoose, in the Fuwn of Salisbury, (1 being the week of Rowan County Coart,) one HOUSE AVYD (me i] aij LOT, the property of E.R. Barkhead, sitoated in the great eas! squire of the own of Salisbury, ad- )oing the lot No. 6, which property the said Birkhead purchased uf John MeCtellend, Rubs, Macnamare, and Charies Fisher. ‘lerms made known on the dey uf sate. ™ JAS. 1... COWAN, Trustee. march 16, 1843—tf$5 %B Lanp AND A GOLD MINE! FOR SALE, > Wish to eel] a Traet of Land lying ville, in Davie county, containing 121 @CRES, opon which there is a prospect of a first rate Geld Mine, upon which considersble work has been Cone in opening it. Miners are invited to examine ii and jadge for themselves. ‘Fhe quel- ity of the land is excellent, and the plantatiua is | In good repair, and has good farm buridings aad a first rate apple and peach orchard on jt, A guod bargain will be given if application ir made to either of us svon. near, Mocksville. WILLIAM HAWKINS, THOMAS SMOOT. march 25, 1843~—43$5 State of Porth Carolia. DAVIDSON COUNTY. - Coart of Pleas and Qoarter Sessiuns— February Term, 1843. Lazarus Sink, } es. ---{ Justices Jadgment levied Heirs at LawvfRa- £ on Land, (in <we cases } chel Smith, Dec’d. j T appearing to the Court that Wilham Gar- | don, ove of the defendants, is not an Wwhabi- tant of this Siate, It wordered by the Coart, thar pablication be made for four weeks in the Carolina Watchman, for the said William Gor don, personally to be and appesr before the Jas- ties of ‘said Court, af the vext Qourt ip be held for said county at the Coart—-Hease —— too, on the 2d monday in may next; shew cause if-any he hath, wy the pleiauff shall not have Jodgment, and order of sale egsiust the lands lewed on, io 8 of his debis aod ° . est, ost CHAS MOCK. cco match 11, 1848—6w33—Printe:g fee $5 50 A-fresh supply of. Dr: D. Jayne's invalaable Fawtiy Medicines, just re- ceived and for sale by withih one mile of the ‘own ef Mocks- - CONSUMPTION AND Liven. Ds TAFYLO WORT. for the euré of ene soreness of the chest; pain ii ‘raising of .Blood, Trideg- io and all those affec tions of “Piroa which are 4 soutce-of so-much suffeting, and ua ‘ects upon the eysiem, anit es be taken most delicate casés, with safety a6 well ag utili. \y. Physicians, awate of its medicinal proper- ties, and @itbessiog its effecis , ga i 6¥en In -exlreme, and in some. instences, appatently ‘almost hope- tess cases, 0 . . oftep prescribe it in their prac Sovh x-a palfiaiive ond 2 remedy, aad oh 3 Medical Facalty generally, it has met with great approbation. : ~ remarks were taken from the laet number ef. the sprog @: ‘ : < “The surprisiog effect the genvu— ige Balsam of Liverwétt, made id $75-Bow- ery, in consumplive cases, cannet fail exciting 2 deep and chili tual throoghout the werld We have'so fong believed this disease (consump tion) ineurable, thal itis difficult to credit our senses when.we see persons, evidently consnmp: live, restored to bealth, occurrence.” The following was given us a by Capt Scott, of Elizabeth Cit Certificates. predispi to Con- family bavi 4 breast, till | wes »y advice of Dr Perkins, as a last-resort to” Caylo:’s Balsam of Liverwort. } have iakep five bottles in all. | began to improve with the firet vottle, and whiletaking the third, was-eo far re- covered, as to be able io get about ~ Since which lime, by continutd use of it, f am quile rasiored and abie to attend tp my usual ousicess, 'To per- longs, I do eatnestly secommend it, (Signed,} . JAS.C SCOTT. Elizabeth City, N.C., Dec 18, 1842, Liver. Complainta0d General Debility.—1 was given op by two-pbysicians, and told te pre pare for death. } was so-weak | could not raise my hand to my bead. when a friend sent me a bottle of Dr Taylors Balsam of Liverwort, from 375 Bowery, and be fore | had aged up the bottle, | wag able to sit up inbed. By the further use, t have completely regained my heal:h. GEO WELkLs, 23 Joha st. Violent pain in the side.—I} have been cored of a violent pain in the side, extending throvch to the shoulder, indigestion, cizzinese, loss of ap petite, and general debility, by the use of two bottles of Dr Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, frum 875 Bowery. JF Et Allen, No7 Merchant’s Row. For sale at the Drag Store of C B Wheeler, Salisbury. marck 4, 1843 — 1y82 Dr. Lin's Galbanum Machine Spread ‘ Strengthening Plasters ! PFNHESE Plasters, greatly improved, end ha- ving the preference of all others, are warm ly recommeaded by all doctors as invaluable fur j invalids having pains in the Breast, Back or | side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved at ; once by theis ose and the parts restored io | strengih and a natoral warmth and health. Any | person wearing one of these Plasters, wi!l be as- ' tonished and delighted at thé comfurt it affurds ; Those threatened wit Luog Complaints shouid never trust tnaemselves a day without wearing a | Plaster. {t removes the istitation of incipient ; Congumption from the Lunges to tke sorface of | the beady, and draws off the internal éffection — | So in Liver Complaints, aad Coughs, and colds. | Chitdren with Whooping Cough should always | have one, to prevent the goagh settling on the | loags,. Their excellence will be vnderstood by allo tia. §CF For sale by © B Wheeler, | Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, be D Heartt; Lexingtoo, J P_ Mabry . Raleigh, Dr Stuth march 4, 1843- 1532 _ _PELES . PELES 1! HAYS’ | u ‘ge PILES—The price of this eelebsaied Liniment is refunded to any persun who will use a bristle of Hays’ Liniment fur the Piles afd re'are the ewpty bottle without being cured. The above bave been ‘he terms on whivh this Liniment has been sold for nearly ten yeats past, and not one botile oot of one hundred has ever | been retarned. §t—J”For ssle at the Watehmas | Office. and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; J& R Stosn Greensooro’,; Hilleboro’, D Heart ; Lex- ington, |. P Mabry ; Raleigh,: S Duth. march 4, 1843—1y$2 © DAVID L- POQL, = § BYAKES this me hed of informing fie fueadcs, and the public, that fe ?- still carrying ob the Waici, , ap Clock making, and Re. S pairing business. ct his ag t ' “A ‘stand, near ihe Courthouse work done by him will be warranted for aeehel monibs. He still keeps. on hand a oma) assortment of Jewellery. Oid Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbery, Wareh 12, 1542.— 1{$3 COUNTY COURT WRITS, CB WHEELER, A ance, prompt] Concord, March 25 1843~$m35 gent. Salisbary, Dee 10 —:f20 . Printed on first rate paper end for sale at this Office ~ alee ** Shea ke we ee te, U hs HIG TF ; @hesp for « sh aso ‘hey eat be-tought at say oiler Folablish eng a im nury FER ROVECHE. © } mateh 4, 18432192. i in the iF CONSUMPTION The following | Yot itie a fact of daily } storttime sie] ee erences “oe ond recovery, | ‘was: induced: sous suffering from coughs and affections of ihe { was ia this" low. state 4 ~~ a - bury Female Academy. ofthe es) welll. arresied, so often terminate in Con _ iA ¢ Toyiration ibis remedy is highly and’ justly disttog = a ~ebtmmencs-onMonday; Marek 6th Ara fe is porely vegetable; mild and-gentle in ite ets r r . ig aes. Sage 6s . Pi children, learning - Reading and Spelling, will ‘be tntghr ¢ My Every. branch uspally taoght In the fir Fimale-Se_ mioaries wait be led to, 800 it sig: believed (bat HS present arrangements. sre superyor to ‘thoke OF any former session. Rev. Ptositie aaliver +i ie vless "in the e ple thet ottiers : vara rge_ of - Js. X M blag? ik hon c ing to the advaneen of the pupil}, i _ Mowieon Piso per session, $29 50... 4 Goitar per quarter, . — 3 *~ 12.00 | Freneh per session, >=. >. 10.00: Drawing with crapons.perSession, 1600 Paints ey Ee SNe “de. ~ -10 00° War Work, S600 | Neeole Work, &6; taught 3f desired.» - . ‘ EMMA J AKER, Principal. Salisbury, Mazeh ist, 1848—1f32 —_ Fall and Winter GOODS. RE cow receiving and opening ia the brick hoose-west of the Cour!-hoase, their FALL AND WINTER OODS;.: Among which afe Dry Goods, Hardwore, Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, - Cartisge Trimmins, Crockery, Pints, Dre- stufis,.. Medicines.. * ROPE AND BAGGING, And if short, a general assoriment of GOODS, which we are determined to sell as cheep for Cash, as can be bought any where in Coneord. We invite old castomers and tbe public in gen- eral ta call and examine our stock betore parchas- ing elsewhere, as we think we can pive soch bargains as wi!] be great inducement to purchas- ers Coantry prodoce taken in exchange fot goods, J &R WINECOFF. Coneard, Nov. 19, 1842—1f17 3 ne a State of Porth Caroling. DAVIDSON COUNTY.* cemataeenenneea Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions~F brea ry Term, 1848. George Zerecor and } others, | Petition for reprotiate of vs. pSemuel Zerecor’s Will. Ssmeel Ro hrock & } Margaret Daniels’ J N this case it appearing to the Coort-that the defendsnt Margaret Dante's, is not an inhabi tant of this Siate: {1 is ordered, that publication be made for six successive weeks to the Cerolj- na Watchmen, for the said Margaret Daniele personally iu be and appear belure ihe Justices of oat Court of Pleas and Qoarier Sessions, at the next Conrt to be held for said connty, at the opr: Hoose io Lexington, on che second mun— day ia May nexi, and answer or demar to said petition, or it will be set down for hearing ex— parte, a8 to her and Jadgmeni entered agalust her. Test. r CHAS MOCK cece mateh 11, 1843 ~6483 Proter's toe $5 50 z nN $25 REWARD. ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 91h of Febragry fs1, thy negro fellow HENRY, he ts about $2 years of age, 5 feet 10 or IZ iorh- es Ligh, dark complexion, sleader made, tah; frst, and ts very plausible in conversation. HHen- ry tins a wife at R. J. West's, 10 Davidson c.; fur tiovd! be is forkibg if that quarter, where |.+ ig well known, ‘Ten dollare will be paid for se delivery uf said sepro fellow inthe Salisbu:y Jail, or t6 Me Samuel Reeves,Salisbury, 2:4 fifteen dollare for the evaviction of any peison ut pereor.s of harboring saidsisve. R. MACNAMARA. Rowsn eo, marth (2, 1843 —1183 GARDEWY SEEDS GENERAL aesorimest, may be fu-d 11 the Salisbury Medical and Drog Store, Salisbury, N.C., Jan. 21, 1848~ 1126 CHAIR & danufactu Aa Fest Kind of Hatepha “ber Yeas Q: 10 a I gens bt the country.abd villages. aroand, a share uf theit. estronegein ourtine of basiaees. Cheir shop is afepe doors cast of the Mansion ‘putel, and one doarngelaw Jones‘ old: Tavern. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. nicch 19, ABYSS ee SILSVORTH HGGS } PATER, Scoseriber baw just added-to his stock Go ouf Berkshire sx pair of Kentheorth Hogs, hupocted fram Engtand ip the fait of 1841, by “hi A B Alten, of New York, and sre-now a— i iS months old. “Fhe Boaris.a very “supe- ir an ral, deep, thick and excellent io all bis wap's: ‘he Sow very fine, with a litter of eight (gs, Which,@aw beauly and form; can hardly be suTpazsed.. Phose who may wish a fuller de- Seriptiun of these. fine animals, are*teferred to Ma. Mbey’s fever poblished t9 the Culfivatoy — “he saoveriber hae a’so, a Vorkshire Sow, pat ‘based of Mir. Atlen, froma Sow taiported by teem frogs inaland 3 and soma Thin rind Sows : and chose weshlog tm porrhage, ein have the pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, “or efesses of m4 SR on Re het HE Subseriber infarms the public, that she has just reeeived through the Norihern Cities the tarestand most approved London * Parisian Fashions, Aad is propared to execute orders in the mes! stylish andsatisfactory mannet, ; ‘Work seni from a ditence shajl be carefully pus ep and forwarded. , S$. D. PENDLETON. $C} Mrs P. has op hand a handsome assort- fmont of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and ‘Tarbans, for sale, *,” Mrs. S. P. is also prepared..to execate Crimping and Fluting on reasunable terms. Salisbury, Dévember 8, 1842. NEW FASHIONS FOR. THE FALE & WINTER Or “1842 & 743. -THOMAS DICKSON ESPECT¥ULLY informs his friends and public, that he still carries on the TAILORING BUSINZSS n all ite various branches, two doors acuve J. & W. Murphy's store, wherg he ig ready to exe-~ cate a}l orders of his customers in a style and Keatiworth and Yorkshire, Thin-rind and Berk- shire, Ubastock of Berkshires was porehased of Mr. G. NoBement, of New York, aod is not sorpassed hy anvia the United States. These wishing to'improve their stock of Hogs, have 6oW a beiter opportuany of doing sn, than has ever been ffered Sotiith of thé Potomac: Orders for aoy of the above will he promptly attended '- WO, FL -KELEY. Near Mocksville, Davie co. Rugs ” January 14, 1843. ~ LOQK OUT a e LI. persons indeoted to thea -Subseriber, ei ‘her by note or otherwise, are earnesily te- quesied to settle their respeetive dues betweer this and Mareh Superior Court, as 1 am com pelied to wind up my business. G. B. DOUGLAS. Mebraary 18, 1843—1f30 tu, / A State of Porth Carolina. ROWAN COUNTY COURT. February Sessions, 1843. Original Attachment, fdance] Phomos, Levied on slaves —Yonce, @} N inotion, and tt appearing to the satisfae~ ee { ‘othony Beneeni, vs Warren and Eliza. son of the Court, that the Defendant is nat «no inhabitant of this Stale: Ordered by. the Court that poableaiion be made in the Carolina ‘vaichman fur six weeks, fur-the Defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to ve held fur the county of Rowan, at ihe Court Eoudse in Salisbury,on the Ist monday in May nc xt, and answer or replevy, or jndgment final will be rendered against him, and the Ne-~ groes levied on, be condemned to satisfy the Plain iffs debt and eosts. Witness, Juha Giles, Clerk of onr said Court at Office, the Ist monday io February, $843. JOHN GILES, Cik. feb 18, 1843—6w30 New Establishinent. rANHE Subscribers having .associated them- mo selves together fur the purpose of carrying onthe CHBINET and CHAIR MAKING BUSINESS, now offer their services to their friendsand the public. It is their purpose to carry ow both these departments in all their va- rinus broavhes, and they feel cunfident.of giving entire satisfaction to all who may fayor them with patronage, Repairing in their line will be done faithfully and on reasonable terms. Al! Kiuds of country produce will be taken in ex- change fur forniture or fur work done to order. K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE, Angust 27th, 1842—155 N. B. With the view of lessening the cost and pretenting int .venience, the subscribers also keep on hand a quantity of ready made Coffins, h. E.& W.R RANSION Ho USE! ~ THE SUBSCRIBER, 4 AVING porchesed Mr. 'T. R. Hughes’ in- RB terest in the above Establishment, tenders his services tothe Travelling Public, Having tor several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Mount Mouroe, io Iredell county, he indulges ‘ha hope that he has experience enough in the ies of his business to endeavor ta render com- tao'e all who besiow upon his house their pa I'S} ABLE shall always be well and plenti svopced wib every thing the coantry af- pease and sauisfy ihe palate even uf an PhS BAR wollte found furnished with a choice t 1. q > TABLES shall he constantly attended ful ambatective hostlers and sepplhed prove nder. po. Nace Oltee is keptat the Mansion is HIRAM TT. SLOAN, > Feornary 4. 1843—6 428 >. 3). Bartholomew's \K EXPECTORANT SYRUP. areenble Cordial, and effective Remedy Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain ia the ast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficalt I’ x oectoralian, aCHPo Ko sale atthe Watchman Gilice, aod by © B Wheeler, Salisbury. mareh 4, P843— 1532 ” Q- C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent 1). Rewaod, has just received afresh sop- ‘is geonine Improved Ponte Mixture, - sale wholesale and retail, at he ‘yn Store, Satisbury, N.C. on cuu irrting neatly done here manner not surpassed by any in this partof the country. ~ {Te is also in the regnlar receipt of the NEW-YORK FASIIIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tasies of the Fashionable at all times. December 3, 1842—1y3 TO FAMILIES. ROWAND'’S ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC NZIXTURE. Those who wonld have recourse ta a® Family Medicine for Fever anv Acuvue, Dyspepsia and aabobend bVeatkness, should discriminate bet ween the * thoasand and one’’ remedies constantly hera!ded forth to the public, (the same now asin all times past, ) and that almost universally’suc - ceasfal preseription ealled Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixture. A few remarks will serve toiljlustrate the dif ference. In the first place, the operation of the ‘onic Mixtore in the cure of Feverand Ague is apon entirely new and peculiar, yel safer principles. Secondly: li not only promplly ar- rests~the course of the chills, when punctually and perseveringly used, but itsoon restores the wontled functions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy state ; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an attack of the disease in one who has never had it bafore. Thirdly: The system, during the administration of ihe {mprov- ed Tonic Mixtore, spzings up at vnce under its benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of re- turning health and vigor, Fourthly: Producing more or less effect un the bawels, the cause of the disease passes off in the way moet strongly indicated by nature. Fifihly: Its effects on the system araantformly mild and safe, as well as efficient, and it is as well adapted to the feeblesi infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as the most Vigorous adult, Many other consider- ations, of the, atmosi importance to the anxjous parents and fnvalids, might be enumezated here, bat the above are a few uf the points of contras’, in comparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be -furmed in ‘se- lecting the remedy. N.B. With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the ‘* Rowand’s Improved ‘Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor restores ibe original guarantee, viz: ‘The money shal! be returned in every case whereir the remedy has been ponctually nsed without producii-gz the desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, . No 23 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEELER. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 Something Neo. The Subscriber AKES this method of informing his friends and the public, that be bas porchased the SMITH SHOP, formerly owned by Mr. Frederiek Mowery, the Town of Satisbory, which he intends here after to carry on ina manner altugether new in this partof thecountry. He is not onlye Smirb in the cemmon understanding of the term, but he is an actual Iron King, being able and prepar- ed to pot iron into any shape or temper, whalev- er. All kinds of MACHINE, WORK,—tarn- ing of MITE. SPINDLES. the casting of INKS or GUDGEONS, &c., done at the shortest. no- tice, and in first rate style. Fle will aleo build and repair COTTON GINS or THRESHERS or indeed any kind of MACHINE WORK, that he may be called upon to do. He respectfully solicits a trial. W.H. WILLIAMSON, Salisbory, Sept S$, 1S42—u6 SHOE SHOP REMOVED, Pames DM. Glover, AS removed his shor shop to the honse lately cecupied by Mr. Juho D. Brown, 33 a Tiener Shop, a few doors east of the Coort House, where be wil] conunve to carry. on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING BUSINESS, as he hss heretofore done, in all ite varieties. — }'Those disposed to patronise tim, will always find him ready to accommodate them on liberal terms. Ele keeps on hand a good assortment of ready made work, which he ‘wit! sell low for cash, of on time to panctoal dealers. Salisbory, Jan 7, 1843~—1/24 | _ COUNTY CoUrRr WRITS, | Printed on first rate paper and for gale at this Office ; Should ever be without them. ‘From Salisbury, via States canton to Asheville, Nz C., cow in fell operation, ranging throagh is two days and twice a week,-as follows : Leaves Salisbury every. Wednesday and Sat- ardag at 6 o’elock A. M,, and arrives at Ashe- ville every Munday and Friday al 6 o'clock, P. M Leaves Asheville every ‘Tuesday and Sator- day, at § o'clock A. M., arrives ai Salisbury next days at 4 P. M. ; EF scoongedd travelling.on this line will receive good accommodations. Our ‘Teams and Hacks are excellent, hé ‘Drivers suber, skilful and accommodating ; ‘no pains will be spared-to ren- der trips safe and plezsani-to the passecgets. SHERRILL & PARKER. June 12, 1841—1f46 George WW. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Witmincton & Faverrevitte N.C. pe gndersigned is now prepared to receive Goods at Wilnington, and forward the same tohis Agent at Fayetteville, who wiil forward to the Owners inthe back coentry. He has atarge Warehouse atthe River, where Goods @ili_ be stored free of storage, and ihe owners subjected | only to half the usual cartage fromthe River te | Fayeiteville,—thereby lessening the expense on | Goods much below the usuat charge. As bis | Werehoute is isolatad from all other buildéogs, the danger of Fire will ba trifling in comparison to the risk incarred from being situated in town, Those who nay favor him with their bosiness, may rest assured that every attention will be paid to the promotion of their interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : Messrs John Huske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayelleville, WC. Alexander Anderson, Jobn McRae, John Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, N.C. m. 5. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1f10 SADDLE é*? HARNESS Go MAKING! _~——— HE SUBSCRIBERS re- spectfullg inform the citi- ‘zens of Salisbory and the surrounding country, that theyhave opened a shup in this place, where they will carry on the Saddte and Harness Waking BUSINESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. All orders for SADDLES, BRIDLES, Fine and common HARNESS, Leather ‘Trunks, &c., &c., will be attended to with punctoality and des- patch ; and all kinds of REPAIRING doe io good style, and on the shortest notice — The subscribers solicit the patronage of the public, and pledge themselves to use their best exertions to give satisfaction. ‘Their shop is on main street, two doors northeast of the Court— House, next door to A. Benceni’s store. PLUMMER & SHAW Nov. 19, 1842—1f17 DR. D. JAYNE’S FAWEIELY WE DEICEVES. PANHESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre- pared for family use, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity throughout the United States ; and a3 they are so admirably calculated 'o preserve Health and cure Disease, no family The proprietor of these valuable preparations received his educa- tion at one of the bast medical Colleges in- the | United States, and bas had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Acute Rheuma- lism, Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, aad al! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Jayne's Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, and which will positively bring in JVew Hair on Bald Heads, and prevent its fall- ing ont of turning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for the reatoval of Worms, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Fever and 4gte, Prles; Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, ard Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM, A certain core for Bowel and Summer. Com-~ plaints, Diarrhee. Dysentery, Chotic. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangemenis of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, &e. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases ot the Skin. &e., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterelive or Pdrgative Medicine is required. The above medicines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbory Madica! and Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbory, N. C. Sept 3, 1842— 196 A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne's invaluable Family Medicioes, just re- ceived aud fur sale by CB WHEELER, Agent. Salisbary, Dec 10—:{20 esvilléand Mor K rT GU t re ie ho maritan. Bui toensere invariable success aiust bé rigidly. followed. ~~ , these species, is peculiar PEKIODICAr ‘administration of a proper remedy, in Cannection wiih the .spe- cific powers of one of the ingredients ia his med- icinds, is the ‘secret of his invariable, triaipph, or only temporarily succeed, were ‘the very best remedies that were known. ANeErus, or Agve is either Quotidiam, or daily; Terlian, ot third-dad ; Quartan, or fourth day ; ‘Eratic, or sometimes one uf-these periods and sometimes 2- ndther; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and thes running into in= termittent fever of a more malignant charaeter. Batit is a remarkable fact, However mysterious ‘and unaccountable it msy appear, that each and all of these species of Agne, have a Four- TEENTH DAY CRISIS, in which “they may be cored With certainty, but by neglecting which they can: only be cured by chance. Dr. Mar- FaT’s directions for taking the medicines in this disease, are therefore these ‘— First, take two of the Lrre Piics at bed time, aod next morning oefore breakfast a foll wine glass of the Pucenix Bitters in about the same quantity of water, and half a wine glass more in a full wine glass of water, aboot half an hoor before each meal duting tke day. On the second sicht take three pills atid the bitters a8 before ; on the third night four pilleand the bitters aa before, and con- linge taking four pills evety night for three nights more, with the bitters during the day.— On or before the seveoth day, the Ague wil! seem to be éntiirely cured, end the patient will feel well, hungry, and hearty, but he must ne- vertheless continue to ‘ake the bitters.as before prescribed, until and on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day,— He will then, and not until then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billious and liver affections it may have superin= duced or even in any way connected. , If, how- ever, the patient shoula by any neglect, or un- the Phoenix Bitters in the ful! quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease should return, and the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, he will be so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however uohealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children beiween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion asthe age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- tual “LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect- ly triamphant in the worst regions of the Soutn- ern and Western country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will maks ev- ery effort to} send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous— ly grateful testimonials are received at the prd- prietor’s office in New Yok, by every mail in incredible nambers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent: fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions génerally, but also in chronic and inflammatory rheamatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fula, pilee, vorms, scurvy, and a host of other complaiats, for the care of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are so pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Knaw- ing, however that many of these diseasesy as | wel] asa most fatal undermining of the generat health are oceasioned by Fever and Ague. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sve- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen- dency of his medicines over this malady the fonnt&in head of so many others. He has only to add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither | confinement nor change of diet, aod have acquir- , ed the reputation they have long possessed, not by the asual artificial efforts,bot solely by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbury Medical Drog Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—146 a Wedicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Chuice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical purposes. Indians, Hoeck's and Swaim’s Panacea, Snuffs, Fine ehewing and smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brashes, Candles, Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’: Pills, tn stroaments, Matches, Paper and many other ar- ticles, just received and for sale at prices to suit ihe times, by C. B. WHEELER. Salisbory, $42 LATE Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- verlisement, and if you wish relief for yoor ma ny maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C. 8B. WHEELER, Agents __Salisbary, Dec 10 (20 Uuited Siates District Court of North Carolina—In Bankruptcy, 4 OTICE to sbow eause against the Petition of Henry A. Walton, farmer, of Rowag county, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wil- mington, on monday the first day vf May, FATS MEDICAL Ma&NUAL and Good Sa” FEVER agit AGUE, in all its faut leading’) while all other practitioners either entirely tail 4 due confidence in restured health, omit to take}. Dr. Moffat's Life Pills and Phenix Bitters have been thoroaghtly tested, and proved ta be a itive and Radical cure af Feverand- Ague. Fiandreds of bis fellow citizengin the West hate voluatanily come forward to assure-Dr. Moffat, | | thatabe Life Wedicines are.the only medicines that will thoroughly effect a removal of this airat tedidas abd disagreeable diseases Others whohave emigratéd-to that sich and promising potzion.of our conntry —meén-who weat out fu:l.of hope, dnd confident of wianing a eom- peteace from theduxarisnce-of- the soil; or. whe carried to the outfirsts of our settlements the taer- cantile or. mechanical experience “Won in the crowded cities.or towns of the older states; have either returned with stattered-constitutions: and depressed spirits, or they remain in jheir new homes, dragding-cut-a weary iife, or at last sink onder some. disease to which they are prediaposed by that terror of the West; Fever ard Ague — Their hopes are blasted their basiness energies degtroyed—iheir Eldotado-beenmes a desertjead the word of promise, made to their ear, is broken to the hope. a ~ “Fo these individuais, Dr. Npffat won!d say— “ Pry thedafe Medicines, atid you will ye: an ticipate your Most. sanguine expectations, - for they will certainly restore you to hedlih.’ Fever and 4gue is.a complaint which-requires- to be mat at ils first approach, and combatied at every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs .the fonctions of ihe organs, so that upon the manifestation of dis- ease, Nature is unable, onassisied to_resist the inroad. ‘Phe Life Medicines, when taken strict ly according toditectivns, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength For fall particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of whith accompanies the mediere. “pC The above medicine ix for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y13 ? Sc A supply of the above invaluable ME DICINES aie for sale at James Cross Roads, Iredell county, by . A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your EZeatth. [Addressed to those who are tn perfect health, or reputed 60.) 5 Genile Reader: If you would aver: from you the sickoess, the paius, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al! around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended, ia ever ready to fall upen you, despise not my advice—it will cost yoo tittle, wili aei- ther infringe upon your occupations of amose- ments, and al} the facalties ef your mind and body will be as mach bettered by it ag to repays you ten fold. {ask only une wéek’s trial to cun vince the most sceptical. In the first place, discard all old errors ani prejudices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, ‘ Ifyou are passing well, do not attemp: to better yonrself;”? it is the saying of aganr- ance and saperstilion—of those who attributed all they saw aroond them to chance and fortune, instead of nature’s universal laws. [las not man, led on by experience, learned to guard himsel! against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrenis cf rain 2?) Why then should he not, in fair weather, guard himself as gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, yoo afeevery day ealing gross food ; and it is your nature to con- tinue to do so. You are well at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease.is growing within you; and if yoa do not sitricily guasd your health.while you are well, you are continually in danger of painful and protracted cunfinements, and.in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary ia this world. Even the purest foontain of which we drink —does it not require cleaning ? A person may imagine he is in perfect health, and yet not koow to wisat perfection his vital organs way be brought when assisted by the band<of Nature. Ihave un- duubied proofs af this fact in the onbounded snc eessof the LIFE MEDICINES. Let these wko have followed the motto, *When you are even moderately well, throw physic to the dog" call upon me, if they would be cunvinced of the importance of my position. The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance that has come to my knowledge is most gratifying. ‘hose whv are in comparative good health may perfect their happiness with no in convenience; and those unforiunates who are laid low by diaease of ajmost any <descriptico. may find sure relief in those purely vegetable preparations, ‘hey operate gently but power- fully aponfthe secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated humors, eeparating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and impurities—and leaving behind only what is good ard nourishing to nature, Reader, consider and refiset wel}. The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within ourselves, in oar own physical bodies My advice to all, then, is, guard your health If you are well, perhaps yon mar be still better—and you may always’ avoid heins sizk by a jndicicus ose of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES, §cP Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills and Phenix Bitters, are for aale by , UKESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 29, 1842—1y14 5c} A supply cf the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Reacs, Iredell county. by A. C. meINTOSH, Agen’. —f SALISBURY FACTORY. hei IS Establishment is now in complete ope- ration. The Company ere mauufacturing COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheelmg and Osnobung, of a superior quality, which they cffer do the Public at the luwest.marke prices; Merchants and othess, who will examine qualities, ar com- £848, _ W-.E. ANDERSON, coc. Feb 27, 1843 — 4933 pare prices, Will find it-to their inieresi to pours \ 3 : ae 4 “tents, df the . merchant fpfind the name * Orpnahr th, Rimes are : u rg0_ him to procure them at a) ¥ a Den nextume he visits New York to seats Ne fantily should beg week withoys Ut thee” + Tea, ‘BALM OF COLUMB “ what slop if if ae MN PORT ag places ;- and on’ehildren make it ps es ‘Rig those who' Hhvedost the hair from - . dey “ALL VERMIN thal infest the in -sehools, are prevented or 3 NE ogds acs “SS Of ch Wed by Lag 5 “ F . He a3) Yu ct } 5 p ttwor never try it. Remember this ala,» ——— . RHEUMATISM, and [RI positively cuted, and all shrivelled m are restored, in .the old or young, Vieetab.g.Evixtr anp Nerve avy P; u MENE: vac’. , = 8 ang by > . . XE Ling, but never withoat the name of Comstock & | " PLLES & are wholly prevented, or governed if the a ‘eome on, if youuse the only true Hayy Lina, Comatoch J Go. POR ar. pans ACES aR and every thing relieved~by it that admirs 4; te ward ‘application. It acts like a charm. | y a ‘sn — : HORSES that have Rin Wind:Galls, &c., are cured by Roors' gy, ; Four 4 ed horses entirely ¢ Founder Oinumént. Mark tis, a!) | & £-Bone ew 2 ured byt . Dalley’s Magical Pain 4 tractor. Salvew=The mx... remedy. ever- invented for all new or «! and sores, and sore [RASS Tt, thousands. It will take out all ya and no fail:re. It will cure u —_—_——— LIN’S SPREAD PLAS A better and more nice and usefu! ar inade. ATi should wear them rezi'a, LIN’S TEMPERANCE BITTre on the principle of substituting the toric the stanulant principle, whieli !.as reo drunkards. To be used with LIN’S SRRpme ey PILLS, - others for cleansing the system and ing the blood, and for all irregular.ties cr : and the general health. a . Bec ty:-O Yi, {See Dr. Lin’s sig- nature, thus :] 0 onan HEADACH DR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE REME will effectually cure sick headache, NERYES or bilious. Hundreds of ta + vt. v. using it with great TER: oo —_—~»—_- DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEAL for the certain prevention of Has general sickness ; keeping the s!on.a fect order, the bowels regular, andad ce, . . r pains in the bones, hoarseness, an. &° are quickty cured by it. Knew 1 —_——@——_ hair any shade you wish, but w:. ae —— SARSAPARILLA. © POUND EXTRACT. There -: tion of Sarsaparilla that can « If you are sure to get Cowst superior to all others. It d —__+_~. oe - ae EPRPEBRe HB At” * CELESTIAL BAL: OF CHINA. ; external ailings—all internal irr. 3 surface by friction with this Bi: swelled or sore throat, tightness «! applied ona flannel will relieve ° Fresh wounds or old sores are 13) a Dr. Bartholemiews EXPEC POR) wid A positive ¢ taken in time, and is a de!.gn'! ber the name, and get Curs/ —_—_-_>-- — < erst KOLMSTOCK’s Vili Be with @ certainty quite aston! s. e almost incredible, by Comstock ee TOOTH DROPS. KLINES~<°” ——_-—~ Enteredaecording to actof Congress 1: & Co.. in the Clerk's office of the 5: By applying to our agers ! vUlage, papers may be lad "°° *' respectable names in the ¢ that no one can fail to believe ' a fk} Be sure you call for ou! _ be put off with any stories eas es good. HAVE THESE OR % YOUF Mottoerand these mere” 2" without our nemes to them. All me aE had wholesale and retail 02) oe dimstietibe” r our & 11 Maiden-Lanc, New York, and of “a Fi ‘Tie amce mpedicines ry a Walebmen Office, and ai tlie + Pa g u are chase. “ee J. RHODES BROWNE, 3 Salisbary, Jone 4, 1842 —1145 49 gent. B Wheeler. eae fel Salistury, Feo. 25, 149 « Watcry an > mary herenfier-be had ose i neal ROC Ope co dollars and ae neo doliarst es Tenis 24 ine ent year. ee deep toll WiiPhe réceived Taratesetime Nos noless ytd for in advance, pear * 4 « ; 2! pea discontinded bot at ‘tire optiof® o Ne )ootitall arfearages ate paid. Winns be Bae gerd OF ADVERTISING.” § ] ne daigr per kqurare fir the first insertion and - five eon!S ivr eat!) eihitnlindee . ann not «he anove &2!es. at ction of $3} per cent will be maue lo <p BLY adveriise vy ihe year, ; yi] adveftisements will oe contianed ori Jang charges for accordingly, unless erder- pre ° lain aember of times: for ace! 5 {,eners addressed to ihe al s alleertion. > ok pod io @rsure allection n Hotel. Editor .movsi x2 Rowa THE SUBSCRIBER AVING pirchased ihat well known and ‘Jong esiab! shed Pablic. House, (hk wn ae come of Slaoghier's “Paverh,) in the r aof Salisbury, N. C., informs his Friends mike Puolic generally, that ihe ‘same is now ? for ine Tecenitdn of ‘Iravelers & Boarders. His TasL& and Bar wiih. be sapphied witb she vest the market aou sorrdunding coonhtry 8 f- a SrasLes spacions, and bopntifully sup ‘j, wiih groin and provender, of al! kinds, at goed oy faiibfal and alientive Osileis. _Yosoodersigned pledges timselfihat oo 6x pion on bis nari shall Be wanting to give gen~ gra} saiisfaciaa to all who may favor in with JAMES L, COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: if7 WHO WILL GO BALD! oldrid ge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair ee Comstock & Co.—Iis positive qoali- geall, ‘ies are 28 follows :—Ist For infanis, keep- ing ibe bead free from scurf, and causing 4 lox- sriaatgrowih of tair.—2d For ladies after ebi! J- sith, restoring the skin to its natars? sirengih sod Graness, and preventing thé falling oot of ihe bait.—Sd For any person recovering. from oy deviliiy the same effect is produced. 4ih if aged ia infancy ti! a good growit is siaried, iy pay be preserved vy ailention lo ihe faiest pe- rid of Hife.—5Sih t frees the head from dand- wf,gitengihens the roots, imparts health and ngor io the circulation, and prevents ihe hair jom changiog color or getting gray—6ih It asses jhe hair io car! beautifally when done op io it over might, No ladies toilet should ever be made withoat it, Tth Chiloren who have by any means con— incied vermin 'n the head, are immediately and perfectly cared of ibem vy its use. [i is iofalli- Ye {had been bald aboot five years—no more hair othe top of my head than on the back of mv wod,and my head covered with a thick scarf. this siivation abeat the 10th of Aogusi fast, Tegan osing ‘he Balm of Colombia, from Com- weak & Co. Since which, | bave need iwo and noalf botiles of the Balm, which has fully re- sored ay hair, aud freed my head eniirely from wo. My head is now covered with fine, flow fig loag hair—which any one may see by calling we, at Siamford, Conneciicai. Nov 12, 1940. D S SCOFIELD. Coonierfeiis are abroad —lovuk always for the wme of Comsioek & Co. For sale at the Watehmaa Office, and by. C 3 Wheele*, Salisbarv, Dr Stith. Raleigh, D Hearti, Hil'sboro’ ; J & R.Sloaa, Greeasboro ; J > Maory, Lexington. * wareh 4, 1848—1532 by Dr. Branadcth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbory, N. ©. Get. 1849—tf14 Farmer’s Look out.—L have Valuable ‘I'raet of Land near Salisbury, which vill sell on good terms, if application of made sel I. LYERLY. Nalisuory, Dee 10 1120 Yo THE AFFLICTED.—The mecriber has just received a large and fresh “ply of Di Moffati’s Life Medicine. Call & main retief. C B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbary, Dec 10—1/20 PRIOES CURRENT AT. Sacissory, April 1 , Cents. Cents. baton, 5 a 53 | Cotton Yarn. 90 brandy, ap. 30.235 | Molasses, 35a 40 peach, 40 a 55 | Nails, 6a7 ter, 10 @ 123 | Oats, 15 a 20 “ewix, 27228 Pork, ‘ton, clean 5486] Sugar, br, Sa10 “fee, 9all loaf, 15418 ‘ra, 25 | Salt, sack, $3} talkers, 90 2 95 Tallow, 7 $38$a 44! Tobaceo, 8220 aseed, 50 a 55 | Tow-Linen, i2a 16 ‘" perlb,. 3047 Wheat, bysh 75 seed Oil, preg iskey.. 25 a 30 gal. 90 $1 ool.(clean) 25 Farertevinie, March 10. ‘Wy,nerch 40.245 ) Molasses, 983 0 95 S, @ $5.2 40 | Nails,cut, 54 2 6 oe 442 5 | Sugarviown, 64a 10 25 a 27 | Tormps ? 14 i: ard! Poaf, 15218 ay PRG. Salt, 50 » 60 % Yarn, be ais | Sock, i ™ 2250 | Tovacco teal 2a 2 NGE.P14aI6] Couon bag 9h 4 808 49 | Balevope, 8.2.10 ibe. $4 4832) Wheat new 75480 ~ © 0425} Whiskey 25 80 225% | Wool. 15 a 20 ete 34a 4 | Nails cutassor. 738 Wier 4ga a Wrovght 16 a 18 ins 10 2-124 | Oats bushet 30 a 37 hee, 22 825] Oil gal 753 $1 Nahe 20222 lamp =| $1 x 0a 1M wa rh 10a 1 25 - Itwre RVOBibs 53 a6 al 4426; | Rice 100}bs 445 ryt. 20250) Sogarib’ "sag Dene $i a 5} | Salt sack $2 a L001 25 a 30 bush $100 3 3 6} | Steel Amer. 10 a 00 | *6) English en 30 2 35-| German i} Ry 124 | Teaimpe. 1-043 ee will be charged, 25 per ct. Hig h- 3 St 9I997 De - WORMS! WORMS: 1, Startling Facis.. | Haedreds.of, childten, and adulis are lost _year- lv with worms, when some other cause-has been sopposed to he the trae one. It is admisted by all dotrors that scarce 9 man, roman of child exisis’ bat what ‘are sooner or later troobled: with wormsyand in hondreds of eases, sad to.rela'ey a supposed fever, scar|avina, cold, or some other silingycarties off the flowers of the, baman family—w hile io, \cuth they die of Worms! and these coold have been eradiraied in aday.bv ihe vse of a bojile, of Kolmstock's ermifuge, at the cost of 2 quarter of 3 dollar! “Flow lakaliiag’ he \boayt ‘that ihesd ihings shotild be —and who ean ever forgive temseties for not trying this Worm Exlerminalor, when they know: that dven if the cose: wasinet worms, this remedy could pot by any pospidiliiy do burt ~~dut a) weys.good as.a gorar iinet: ibe. dis- ease be what i mey. W_imporiant (ben to use it, and who wil) daré ‘ake the responsib'li:g tn do without tt > Let every paren: ‘that ig no! a brow, ask ‘ihémselves this question in trofh and soberness, . = ae 3136 Mr J C Ringold hada child serv sick for near two weeks; anid-atiended by 2 physician, without relief, when Kolmsiock’s Vermifuge was given, and nextday more.tban foriy worms weie passed, when the child recovered rapid'y. A child of a widow., woman, living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a menth, till near:s: skelnion, swith great dryness of the movth, aad itching of the agse, A_ha- mane lady, who called to provide for the family, seni inimediately for’ Kolmstock’s ‘Vermifage, which brought swag great quantiies of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at onee, and regained jis full strength in less than a monih. ; : Several children ia a highly respectable fam- ily in Brordway had worms toa frightfol exient, and were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifoge. In some of thesbesi families'ia the neighbor- hood of St. Joha’s 7a: ky it has veen exiensively used, from ihe circomsiance of having eradica- ted a large qnantity of worms, 2fier af! other remedies had failed, which was very exiensive* ly known in shat part of the ciiv. A family in New Jersey saved several children by the ose of it. One, @ girl of eight years of age, had become exceeding!v ‘emaciated before the Vermifoge was given. Thenex: dey 'tiree large worms were dislodged, and sbe lefi off ihe Vermifoge, when she, became again worse, and had resort jo the Vérmifage that Gnalle brought aWty an incredinle quantily of worms,and the core was compleie, and ste gained her health rapidly. A Physician of standing, bad doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks, wiihont being anle to testore bu: ong oat of; ihe seven:to healih He had the liberality 10 send for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifoge, and cared the rest wich it io Jess than a week. Nomerous cases of oiber complaints were sup posed to exisi, aod the persons treaied for fever, &e., bot finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ered ihe true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innamerable quantiiy of worma, large and small, and the persons recovered wiih great despaich. Jnsiances of this kind migh! be cited to an immense exlent, bol it is useless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one wiih aston- ishment the certain effecis of this Verai‘foge. Caution — Never buy this ariicie onless i: have “ Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifvge” handsomely en- graved on the ontside label, and ihe fac simile of Comstock & Co. Asenis—C B Wheeler, Salisborv; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’; D’Hearti, Hit!sboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Suith, Raleigh. Mareh 4, 1843 —1y32 Tailoring Establishment ! A. P. ALSOBROOK, TAILOR, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) HAVE located myself ion the Vown of Salisvorv, (nermanenity.) and iniend ear- rving on mv BUSINESS ina sivte ovi ta be surpassed in ibis Siaie or out of it. My “sian- hshmeni is in the répm of the corner of ihe Mansion Hotel, fefmerty orcupred a3 ihe Posi- Office. | have etwployed the best of Norhero Workmen, “No etpénse or palos will 06 spared to-render ihis a Fashionable Establishment ! in all resnecis. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having ibeir cloihes mave op in the mos: fashionable and derable maoner. fb have deen engaged regolacly in couing for ibe lasi five Fears, end pect of jhe i'me.io someal ihe musi celebraied esiablishmenie io tue Southern cova— icv. Ushalf noi hesiiaie to guaraniee every thing io fit | cut acd make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS, received momiif™ Iw eonefosion, sboold T be en- couraged,'no one ‘neéd Bend away to procure guod ALP: ALSOBROOK. clothing. : Reference —Thiog. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N. C. Satisbory, January 2t, 1843 — ry26 REMOVAL ! SVHE sobscribers would respeci folly. announce \o.the pudlic, that ihey have iemoved their Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet * Manufactory, One door above George W. Brown & Co, and apposite Thos, L. Cowan's Brick Row, where ibey are better prepated to accommodate aad ex- | ecate all orders to their lige Ot Short notice, and | oer ene vlogs AiG Me : Alea; constantly on Bend; a choice supply éf i Japan ‘Tin: Ware, Britannia Ware, Bathing Tabs, Stills, sc. JOHN Ie BROWN & Co. _ Sivihargennd'21, 14S 16 G+ CA SA ‘ a Neatly Ps 5, . e at the Office’ REPAIRING. PPV E Sabsctiver resneetiolly informs his old Friends and ihe PUblié generally, ifiat he has opened 2 shop ia S ry io the ahuve ovsi- ness,in a room direétly “onpostie West's ‘urick batlding, in tfre house “of Dr.’ Barns’ forme'ly atned by Jud. 1. Suaver and jusi celow J. & W. Morphy. fo advition to the ahove, the subec-iber will carry on ihe Silver Smith Business in att ive va‘ielies common” in eppviry towns: such as mking Spoons, “&e., ‘and repaiiing Silve Ware. He»egs to assure ihe poblie that if pancival al,emioa io business,and skillfal work will eo- \iile him to patronage aod suppor, ue will mer Ti ite AARON WOOLWORTH. Nav. 18 +1f 16 By. Sherman's PRevdicated Rosenages Are the best MEDICINES in the World, EING the eheanest and mosi pleasant. -—- Vine medica) Facoliy warm!'y anp-ove ibem Dr. Sherman ig a skilfol aad experieoced Pne- o New Vork. Skerman’s Cough Lozenges, Ace the safest, swresi, and most effeciu2! ‘remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consompiion, Whooping Coogh, Asihma, Tighiness of the Lungs or Chest, &e. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm desiroving mevi- cine ever discovered. ‘Phey bave been used in over 1.400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHEER SAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fain'ing, Oppression or a sense of Sinking o: the Chest, Diarrhea, Las- sitade, or 2 sense of fatigne, Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Ave the mos! certain remedy for this disiressing complaint, ever offered tothe American poolic. — lo the immense number of cases in Which ihey fail. Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. sician. and a wember of the Medical Sociely o Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head— have been ase, ibey have never been known io The dav was bright and beaatifa]— The boys to play had qin” Save one who sat’ behind the door, He brastied the failing tear. His li:tle heart wae rent with pain — He coald not join the play ee : shiathetvohes rok He rontd not ton aboot the fields, And by the brook side strav ; The rolling boop; the:bounding ball, The kite borne by the wind — The acorn hant.were nonghi to him— For he, alae! was blind ! anly should He onald not see the setting son, And watch the glowing skies— The beaaty of the moon and stars Fell not apon bis eves. The rainbow, when it spann’d the cloods Was lost opon his sight — + And waving woods, and sparkling streams, For all to him was sight. : of impudence, j beset me, the These trnths came fresh upon his mind W bile sitting thas apart . No wondor that the tear-crop fell, And heavy was bis heart, Ab! little did the youthfol throng, Whose hearts were fall of joy, Reflect: opon the lonely state, OF that poor sightless boy! et VICTORIA, AN EXAMPLE. The Queen rises at half-past six, and takes breakfast at eight. This among Americans, would be late in the eoantry, pot is qvile early in the city. Some of oar readers may have ris. en and breakfasted late, to avoid vulgarity. Now they may veniare to be upan hour earlier. Roy- al examples will save them ‘rom reproach. Eerly rising is a saving of time and health. [t is important fur devetion. Ao honr given to prayer and the reading of the Scriptures before breakfast, would rescue many from fearfol baek— slidings, and not a few from fatal apostacy. We can hardly conceive how a faithful Christian Preserves a good conscience in “lying abed laie F'rue, some plead their i!) healib. Bot this is no excose, [1 is an aggravation of the offence. Perseverance in early tising for ten or twelve months woold probably restore their healib, Let these persons be reduced (o Poverty, and ibus be compelled to early rising and hard labor, the glow of health would soon sopplant the pale, sickly hoe which overspresds their features. Mrs. A.rises #1 fiveu’clock. She spends half an hoor on her knees, and enjoys blissfel com- other. them elsewhere. violently. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE « TALE OF PODPPEi1.” Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, s0 com- mon and trovulesome Joulng the summer months, may now he entirely prevénted by a proper ose monion with her Savioor believing beari she searehes the Se: ipiuresano'h- With a penitent and . teas 2 sa mwcme_} mary isd mag oil, nd 4 we i : ? , 4] eitae Ft iwe'g © az J$G4><2.. asi on «(Cf Ola = ny Raber oY ~ . ws ° : Efbas* torll lo URBUNTRO ASD PUBLISGED BE, ‘7 hy. a ea : : SSS err ~ . | va‘! See that the Government does nol acquire too Ae ¢ ; “MACRO! PENDERTON, © (1.4 wou dleyour Raders. Do this, ano Linckry i hartoe Gane eet NO-'36-=VOLUME XI. eM Gitisnne ent hadatie eM bt wsenitof! :aacdiu aa | a ditw e & 96 Bi ? WHOLE ; ros Ne ec” ok es eto : * ; “VO, . 556. Riess F 6 2881/55 4 = MAN. VESTAL ; OR, A Let him who has never ed and ‘ soffered f, And as the pay gol rt horrors of bashfulness,"pass by hie ution. - Came fainily to bieear, He wilt find here asthing “with which he He sighed and from bis swelling lids cen sympathise. Bat tie who’ knows*the of #stemprramen', whose very mature almost shuts hrm out from hr while ‘it’ Gpetis dpon him of lenghter and riJieole, he read, for he only can anderstand, this chapter of my sufferings. ‘It is but a specimen of my life. To all others it will {ain; sné, as they pags it by inthe proud coascinusness of the unspeaksble blessing ( let them thenk Leaven that i'6 waters can never flow for them. Ag my object is bot fo give » sperimen of | the numerous contre-temps that incessanily ( moment J appear in ladies’ society, I shall merely speak of those-that hefel me at the only dinner in Paris to which I was invited. Though laden with introdactory Jetters, | never delivered an- Ex uno disce omnes. be only a sesied foun- I pass by the wsrione efforts I made. be- fore I conld muster sufficient resalation to deliver to Madame O, the one that procnred for me, and 2 friend who came mith me, the diuner in question. trepidetion of. the everlasting pes! with which the bell responded to. my timid touch. Sesrcely could | distinguish the Parlez au Suisse, over the porter’s lodge, where prob- ably Swiss never stood since its erection. I pegs by, too, several minor blunders ; sueh as asking the porter to direct us to ‘ Ig chambre de Madame,” meaning her craw- ing room. Siffice it to say thet my lees nervous companion, dictionary in hand, boldly led the way; that, having traversed @ goodly number of courts and stairs, we at length arrived safely at an ante-rnom, where stood a servant before & pair of folding doors. which he threw wide open, and announced us by a.pair of names thet we should never have recognized as our own had we net I pass by, too, my Already agitated, and perspring with ner- vous trepidation, this ostentetious mode of entrance, so different from the repnblican simp'icity to which I was accustomed, was a formidable trial to me. gled, my knees trembled, and my heart beat J slunk silently behing my vun- sbashed companion, and gather sufficient cograge, to conceal the tre- My cheeks tia- endeavored to ‘| 20% comme . Somp and beuillie, f: > and fowl, tol ads ntremets ed boas df Iron } of these Lezenges* ‘hey are prepared express. ly for iha: perhose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence, Persons subjec) to a derange ment of the bawels shuuld never ve wiihool them. They afford immediate relief from alt the attend- ani gripings, faintness, depression. &c, Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as oleasant and easily taken as (he common pepperminis; and are an aciive and efficient medicine. ‘hey cleanse the siomach aud bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used fur bilious persons, Wherean active medicine is required, they are not only the best, but the safest thai can ve adminisiered, Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasiera for Rheumatism, Lom-— bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at ihe Salisbury Medieal Drag Siore, by C.B WHEELER. Agent, Salisourv, N.C, Sept $, 1342 —1y6 Dr, Momut’s Vegetable Life Medicines Possess qealities of ihe mosi mild and be- neficis! naivre. — Thew are composed of ar- licles ibe most anii-po:rescent, combined wiih ingredients kuown 38 ihe ooly ceriain antidoie for fevers of every description. When the dis ease in prodoced eliher fiom cold, obstraciien, bad zit, swamny and damp siivations, or potrid miasmi, whether malignant or enpidemie, or oy o:her e2uses, these medicines re ceriaio fo iireir ope alions a; effrcis, J'hey ave possessed of pe- eoliar qnatities, whieh noi only exvel all disease, hoi a) inesame iimacesiore and invigoraie the svsiem When fist iaken-ino che siomach, they mmmediaiely diffuse themselves like vapor througl, every nove, pradecing effec's at once delighiful, saluiary, and permanent. When ihe snark-of, hfe negans to-grow dim, tie errcolation eines are found io vive 3 lune-io the nerves, ex— hiferaie ihe ao'ma! spi i's, invigorate whe body, andre animate tne whole man. Vine Life .Wedicines have also been osed with the mosi happy success in Ners.as and Des- reniic diserses, Consnmption, Asitma, tive: Complaint, Rheomatism, [chronic anu inflama- tory] D ropsies. &r. gcpPeCall at Cress & Bocen’s, Agents. Saiisbury, Oci 22, 1842 —1y 13 A supply of the above Invaloable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Tiedell county, by A. C McINTOSH, Agent To Publishers, BoP A YOUNG MAN, who hes had con- siderable experience as a PrinTER, wishes a sit vation aa Foreman or Journeyman. Satisfactory references ran be yiven. For particulars address the ‘Watchman Office,” Salisbury, N. C.. post Pee ais Hi, 1843. J. 8S, Johnsion, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AY be foond always at the Office of B. C.- Jones, “Esq., directly opposite the Rowan Hotel “ Safisbery, Jan. 7; 1843 — 1f24 Job Printing neatlydone here. | languid, and the faenlies prralized, ihese medi- | er halfhoar, and feeds opon the milk of the word. By this time her children awake, and the care of them takes up her atiention. Her waitino at the aliar bas prepared her heart for all ihe duties of the day. She meets her family witha smile of holy love, and no temptations or trials of patience can move her, ‘Whe law of love is in her beart, and the law sf kindness upon her longoe. Aided by the heavenly wisdon which she eoughi in payer, she “guides her house wit! discretion * Her children observe her examole of devotion, are won by the meekness of her ear riage, and become the worshippers of her Gad Phey rise ap and call her blessed. She dies and her memory is cherished by her pious hnansehold, and her virines are embalmed in their hearis — This is not faney, bot biography ; and it isa praise worthy of example,— Ladies’ Rep. MILLERISM—THE COVET—SIGNS | AND WONDERS. Never was a sect more foriunate—never a hy pothesis sustained by ,a more singular coinei- dence of extraordinary events. The prophets of Millerism seem born fo geod luck ‘Vo sustain their theories and induce a helief in their predic- | tions, we havea perfect rosh of signs and won | ders; There are wars and romors of wars in| every portion ef the world. One day a burri- | cane strews the shores of ocean with wrecks navies. Then come a_ serizs of earthquakes, shaking half the globe, borying tow ns and cilies, | destroying thousands of people, agitating the | vast sea, shaking the hills, and sinking whole islands beneath the waves. There is a hole jost | UF Permost. ronning ir. a whit!pool. the Mississippi rolls and trembles as if it repos- ed on a great ovean of melied lava. Asif this wer8 not enough, here is 2 comet, blazing across the sky spreading terror with i's ire Moon was making wry and frigh'fal faces | immediate desitection are existing in all this. — They triumph in the seecess of their creed.— Jovfatly they welcome the sound of ihe earth- quake—thev poirt im eestacy to the comet— ‘* Lo! a sign!” they ery at every new event on the earth, at every extraordinary sign in heaven. Daily the iafataation of the ignorant is increas ed. Negleciing :heir bosiness—given ap to the cont, mplation of a horrible event—with narrow- minded notions of the Almighty and his Provi- dence, they are sinking into 3 mainia, too deplo rable to be ridicoloes. We deplore all this sincerely. While we laugh ai, we pity this delasion. Since the ha- man race has inhabited the earth, men bave been misled and made miserable and wretched by re- ligious fanaticism. Every age has its prophe- cies and i's imposiares. Millerism is but a re- vamped hambug. Ii is 2 piece of gress assump- tion in these men to pretend that they arder- stand the prophecies and theirs interpretation bet- ter than the ehorehmen of so many centaries. — Havg the theologians of all sges been in dark- ness, that the light should berst opon this Miller ? Since the earth began it has always been sob- ject to convulsions, voleances have blazed, ea‘ th- qoakes have engulphed, storms have wrecked, pestilence has destroyed, and comets, meteors "? and atmospheric phenomena have diversified at times the aspect of tbe heavens.— VY. Ple- bian, > mor that shook me hke en agne fit. ame ©. rage to receive ous; and, as we ap- prosched her it became necessary that | should deploye from behind my frieod But, in so doing, [ did aot notice a large pet dog, who, comfortsbly stretched on a red velvet cushion, lay napping beside his mistress, directly in my path, only to get throngh the introductory cere- monies as soon as possible, and then to en- sconce myself in some remote corner, where, “ The world forgetting, by the world forgot,” I might escape a!l notice or remark. troly says the French provers, * L’ homme se propose, mais c’ est le bon Dieu qui dis- pose ;*? and very unfortunate were his cis- positions for my intentron. on, all glowing with confusion, and quaking with fright, just as I began my bow I stum- | bled over the detested pet, and wes sudden. ly precipitated head foremost, like sn an- cient battering ram, into the lepof Miss P ; overturaing episodically a countryman of my own, who was seated next her, balanc ‘ing his chair on its two bind legs. Mad- On I went, anxious Bat As 1 hestened To suve himself he instinctively grasped the vf back of her chair; sod bis weight at her re:r, acting at the same moment that I was hurled at her in front, deeided all hesitation, ard over we all relied together, the chairs The vile cor, who had been now, God knows how deep, in the bed of ihe, at the bottom of the whole miechief. seized Mississippi river, down which, the wreck of one | me by the leg, and, receiving a hearty kick steamboa! has sunk, and where the waters are! in return, added his howling to the chorns The whole vailev of | of dismay that now filled the apartment. | Happily the female sofferer, in ibis melee, | engrossed al! the sympathy and attention of | the company; bot I wel! knew that. in the sirange radiance and iis fiery tail. The sun, | Short minute that bad elspsed since I enter- they say, hasa sirange appearence, and we | ed the apartment, | hed made three mortal sbonld noi be serprized to learn ihat the Man in | nemies, of a man, a dog, and a lady. For mv own part, a8 soon ag] had extri- The preachers of the doctrine of tho world’s | eated myself from the teriible ergsh, covered with confusion and sbeme, | retreated into the mnst obseure corner of the room, where I sought to hide myself and mz overwhel- ming mortification, behind the guests who were lonnging about there. The call to dinner served asa relief to my embarrassmect, for 1 hoped that that | would engross every one’s attention, which | now, | cou'd not help feeling, must be oc- evpied with my awkwardnéss. the company in the dining too, I @aw thet each plate conteined « card, on which wes written the neme of the gucst who occupt ihe place thos designated. Every one seemed to find his own place by magic ; bat, for me, four or five times did | make the circuit of the table, lookirg in » aim for Indeed, I know not bat I naught have continued running about unnoticed among Following | was to the crowd of servants. al) dinner time, had not Madame O.’s eye at length detected me, as] ¢ircled round and round, with an bys- teries!!y_ increasing rapidity, py eyes dim with confusion, and a clammy perspiration bedewing every pore of my body ; and I at length sunk ato my seat, when found, fair. |. ly exhausted with mortification and shame. Here, ageio, I found myself embarrassed | solving not to be detected, J instantly rolled | et. ‘hoge spider was seen running fike a rece horse, op her arm. e - "Try — sr'ie ha? T hong it by’ s y my , MY sett was uexitos cites Tpit: cxPee n un! 4 v8 tei »* Ompar infinitels bet ode ed 4 zany oh ante ban s : The ord ary routine of a French ding: while a ting'us to partake of » “ehaa, one as many : el anéer strings of nemes whic re) indonesia amaee PUG L va mo sitiop, oF then they did my pe is bl Res Inte to avojd all further Opportunities for displaying my. predominant irait. | satin the nent obstinate silence, saving + oui? to everything that was offered me eal with most devoted AA sth, ys evil hour, my (air neighbor, were o} wy tacitornity and her own, at tc wth b rself began a converssuon, by inquiring how I was pleased with the opera. ‘ © question wa’ pat at erdurlucky mo. ® “© 5 ment L-was just rising 2 lerge morsel of polatoe to my mouth, and, in order to reply ™ as quickly as possible, | hasfly tarast it in, intending to swallow it as hastily. fleav ens! It was hot as barning lava. t * which involuatagi!y 1 beds were sirsintog Mom #helr soc rion of amaze ‘*Monsie infernal firebrand upon my ~* be slightest tendency to 8 smile plete. Nott visibly rofied the imperturbable pol:tenese of the lady. - She soothingly Bondoled with me on my misfortune, ther gradoally led the congersation to a variety of topics ; ti!!, exerting the magic imfluence trae politeness always exercises, I began to forget even my own blunders Gradually my checks burn- ed less painfully, and I could even join in the conversation withont the fear that every word | ulftered shared the fete of every ac~ tion I attempted. I even ventused to hope, nay, to congratulate myself, that the cate- logue of my calamities were completed for the day. “Let no one call himself hippy before death,” said Solon; and he seid wisely. The ides of March were not yet.over, Be- fore us stood-a dish of cauliflower, nicely done in butter. This [ naturally enough took for @ custard pudding, which it soffi- ciently resembled. Unfortanately my vo- cabulsry was not yet extensive enough to embrece all the rhmcelajes of the table; anc when my fair neighbor inquired if I were fond of chou fleur, L verily took it to be the French for custard pudding; and so high was my panegerie of i that my plete was soon bountifally laden with it. Ales! one single mouthfal was enough to dispel my i'losion. Would to Heaven that the chou fleur had vanished slong with it. Bat thet remained bodily, and, as | gazed des- pondingly at the buge mass, that loomed up almost as large, and as berning, ss Vesuvius, my heart died within me. Ashamed to eon- fess my misteke, though | could almost as rescily have swallowed an equal quantity of soft soap, | struggled manfally on agasnst the diabolicel compound. I endeavored to 839 |he mountainous heap at its base; end, shatting my eyes and opening my mouth, to inhome as large masses as I could etth~ out stopping to taste it. But my stomach soon began, iptelligithly enough, to intimate ils intention to admit no more of this nav- seous stranger beneath its roof, if not even of expelling thet which had already gained unwelcome admittance, The seriousness of the task | had onder- tsken, and the resolution necessary to exe- cute it, had given an earnestness and rapid- ly to my exertions which appetne would — nol have inspired; when my plate, having somehow got over the edge of the table, spon my lesning forward, tilted up, and down slid the disgasting mass into my lap My handkerchief, unable to bear so weighty a load, bent under at in its torn, end a great proportion of it wemtthus safely deposited in my hat. The plate instantly righted it- self; as ] raised my person, and as I g'anced my eye round the table, and saw that no one had ncticed my disaster, I inwardly eongratulsted myeelf that the nauseous de- ception was so happily disposed of. Re- my handerchief together with all its remoin- ing contente,-and whipped u into my pock. The dipner table was. at Jength eseried for the Giiwing room, where od liqueurs were served round... -Mesatime, I bad sooght out what | considesed a sefe inding plsce for my hal. beneath .2 chau in the dining room, for I dared ngt carry it longer mn my bend ; having first thrown « morsel of psper inio the crown, to bide the cauliflower from v shovid. any one chancé if seekiog for his owp. bat, to Jook into mine. ° On my retorn to the drawing room. I chanced to be again seated by the ladv by whom | hed gat at.dinner, Our conversation was natorally resGqi@: end we were in ‘he midst of an acimated. discnssion; when a ae ~~ a” ~ | ad m PF * = 5 Pd aa Already belf dead with gonfusion at the " Piste r ed, I cast my eyes upon my ~ once whit send @ew at a glance the vole extent of my dilemms. I hed ‘ 0 site ape "id feted pocket, and 4 ernshed odt the liquid botterWend the MP ake it off—take 11 off!’ she ejaculated, tified tone. . ' ANS alwsys ofraid of spiders ; 90, to avoid touching him with my bend, | caoght my 6b kerchief from my pock- et, snd clapped it at once upon the mis- creant, who wes elready mounting over her temple with rapid strides. Gracious Heaven! I had forgotten the eauliflower ; which pow plastered over ber face jike so emollient poultice. feirty killing the epider, and blinding en ese of the lady ; @hile lit- tle streamlets of soft butter glided geotly down her besutifal neck end bosom. “Mon Dieo' mon Diev !” exclaimed tbe astonished fanr. ; “Mon Dieo!” was eehoed from every mouth. . “Have you ent your head ?” inqnired one. “Non! non !—-L’sraignee-—laraignee. Monsieur vient d’ecraser |’sraignee ” ‘Quelle quantite d’entrailles!” ejeculated an astonished T'reockman, apconsciously, to himself. Weil mighthe be astonished. The sprey of the execrable vegetsble, hed spattered ber dress from hesd to foot. For myself. the moment the aceident occurred, I bad mechanteelly returned my bandkerchief to my pocket ; bot its contents remained. ‘What » monsterit must have been:’ observ- eda young lady as she belped to relieve my vietim from her cruel situation. ‘] declare I shon!d think he nad been living on csuli- flower.’ At that moment J felt some one touch me; and turning, [saw my companion who had cone with mea ‘Look at your pantaloone,’ he whispered. soft past sexctoble, which had daubed Snd dripped down them, till 1 seemed as if actuably dissolving in mypgpentaloons. deing i fromthe spoi,@l spring to the place where biedlef mghat ; but before | could res@h it, a sydde® sf@rmeof wrath ‘Wosthe ore , 4 *‘Sacr-regee Y hege! Sacr-r-re Seer-r-r-r-re !’ dhe rio the last evilable heing made to roll hike a watehman’s rattle, mingled with an- other epithet and name that an angsy French- man never spsres, was heard risinfe like e fierce tempest without the door. ° Sudden- ly there wes a pause—a gurgling sound, as ene swallowing involunteriiy—and the storm of wrath again broke out with re- donbled fury. I seized my hat. and open- ed the door, and the whole matter was a! once explained. We had exchanged hats, and there he stood, the sof cauliflower | filling his mouth, hair, mustachios, ears end whiskers. Never shall 1 forget that specta- cle. There he stood astride, like the colos- sus, and stooping gently forward, his eyes forerbly closed, his arms beld drooping out from his body, and dnp ing cauliflower and butter at every pore. I staid no longer; bat, retaining his hat, T rushed from the house, jumped into a fi- acre, and arrived safely at home; heertily resolving that, (o wy last hour, J would nev- er again deliver a letter of introduction, ance. cotton market is ina siete of stegnation, Arrivalofthe Great Western. LATEST FROM EUROPE. The steamship Great Western arrived at New York op Sundsy afterncon. She lef Bristol (England) gn the 11th witimo, and arrived at Fenchal (Madeira) on the 19tb, and from thenee ssiled agaygon the 20'b. Ao extract from her log ststes that ‘from the 13th of February she * had notbing bul westerly winds, generslly strong, end some- times blowing very Nerd, with heavy sea, excepting part of one dey, (10 of March,) when the wind was easterly. Jt is worthy |of remark that the engines of the Gree! Western have been goimg for twenty days, without stopping one instant, and that she has steamed a distance of four thoussod sev- en hendred miles with a consumption of 660 tons of coal—a feat, probably, unpre- cedented in the annals of steam navigation.” Of the papers brought out by the Great Western we last night received Wilmer’ Liverpool Times of the 16th vltimo, from which w®@ gather the follow ng intelligence embracing, so far as we could discover upon a hasty glance at its coatents, the principal points of what {bed transpiredjin Europe subsequent to the sailing of the Bosion steamer of the 4th of February. Froin the European Times of Feb. 10. ENGLAND. The Great Western carries out two ‘a- portant debates respecting Caneda, and ¢ speech more imnediately referring to the United States and Franee, made by Lord Brougham, in reply to M. Dupin, in the Chamber of Deputies, which, though con- taining nothing abso'vtely new, yet puts the night of ;search negotiations between England and Americs in 1824 in a striking and correct light. The discussion respect- ing the amnesty for political offenders in Canada, and the motion of Mr. Labouchere for admitting Canadian wheat into Englend onfthe t@érms beld owt by Lord Stanley in his despatch, cannot fsil to excite deep in- terest in that colony. Mr. Roebuck’s mo- tion for the pardon of the persons who sof- fered transportation during the lato out- bresk in Canada was not received with much favor by the House of Comaons, In a commeretal point of view the replies of Sir R. Peel to questions put to him inthe House of ‘Commons respgcting pending treaties with foreigm countries are not with- Lout interest. announced, has adopted Greet construction of the existing treaty, namely, that it terminates ins November,’ 1844 ; end not, ag was at first mainteined by the Empe- tor ead his Mioistry.1n November, 1842 Sir Robert is tired, it seems, of Portuguese . finesse, and threatens to cut the cable. an- gushing down his cheeks, blinding his eyes, | , Brazil, it is now offierslly Britein’e ess Donna Maria’s advisers show more promptituce and business hebits in their future negotiations relative to the new teriff. He attributes vo inconsiderable falling off in the revenue lest qoarter to the uncertain- ty which hangs about the new arrengement with Portugel. spesks rather confilently respecting the euc- cessful termination of & commercial troaty witb her, As regards Frence, he Commercis! matters wear a dull appesr- The money market is heavy, the School Room.—‘‘Geography class, come op,! end the share market hes been receding for Ephraim, bow is the State of Maine situated 2” some time, even in the established lines. “fs bounded on the north by Kennecbscott, | The existing depression may be accounted on the northeast by the bonndary question, on | for, the east by Scovy Notia, on the south by the Chinese wall, and on the west by the Missapis- 8y river. to ® great extent, by the uncertainty which prevailed respecting the commercial movements of the Government. Engage- ‘*Very good ; describe the soil and climate.” | Ments, in mang instances, were pos!poned ‘Ive climate is very salobrious, and tho eoil | "Mtl it was definitely ascertained whether lugubrious ; prodacing immense swarms of her— | Sir Robert Peel would advance farther this pacions animals called gally-nippers. about the size of dadey's wind mill, with padding tails, fence rail legs, and can bite through a file, they infest the forest in herds, frequently destroy- ing vegetation for whole miles around, and they are taken In steel traps by the natives, for the purpose of immegration.’ ‘For what is this state celebrated >” They are | session in the direction of free trede. He has stated emphatically that he will oot. Again, pending existing negotiations for new tariffs with France, Spain, and Portn- gal, a good deal of capita! is inert, and trade is correspondingly paralyzed. ufecturing dietricts, where, @ month ago, In the men. [u's famous for flit-nead babies and pretty | matiers were beginning to wear e@ more ac. gals, who go to meetin’ to practice ‘animal mag netiam ' Tt isaleo the birth place of Mazzeppy, the Moore of Venice? ‘Elegant !—What are its prodactions ?? ‘Flour barrels, bean poddings, codfish and cot ton pods; also ten penny nails—sheet iron, cod— dings and red flannel saesingers.’ *E.xrellent; take your seat—you'll snon be fil fur Congress.’ How sweet are the affections of social kind-— ness! how balmy the influence of that regard which dwells around our fite-sidé! Distryst and doobt darken not the brightness of its puri- ty, the cravings of tmierest and jealousy mar not the harmony of that scene. Parental kindness and filial affection blossom there in all the fresh- ness of an eternal spring. It matters not if the world is cold, if we can bat tarn to oor dear cir- cla, and ask and receive all that our own beart claims. Diogenes, being asked who were the noblest menin the world, replied, those who despise riches, glory, pleasures, and lastly life; who overcome the contrary of all those things, viz. poverty, infamy, pain, atid death, bearing them with an andaunted mind. And Socrates, being asked, what troa nobility was, answered, tem- perance of mind and body.— From the Italian. Jadicioos mothers will always keep in ming that they are the fist book read, aod the last’ one laid aside, in every child's library. Every Juok, word and gesture—nay, even dress,§inakes | an ippression. CAUTION. A very serious Fire nearly oceurred ic Ves Cay, 8 day of t#o since, from the in- captious use of Spirits of Turpentine in cleaning And-trons—very common!y em. ployed for that purpose, now-a-days, In tive and healthy appearance, the recent Ministerial fiat has acted like a wet blanket, damped the energies and depressed ‘he hopes of the mill owners, Money contin- ves abundant, aod only waite safe channels for investment. A considerable smount of specie has been shipped of late to the Uni- ted States, and rvery packet as taking ont more or less. The : verage gales of cottcn, apto Thursday were 5,900 datly, bot the demand hae received a partial check since, and prices have receded a trifle. Mexico, owing tothe non-arrivel of remitences for the dividends of the last packet, ia in very bad odor on the London Stock Exchange Many innocent people who hold the bonds of that Republie, will, it 1s ssid, be ruined, if faith be aot kept with them. FRANCE. The Soult-Gaizot Ministre issafe. The discussion in the Chamber cf Deputies on the right of search terminated on the 3d of Fobruary, by the adoption of the para- graph in the address indirectly censoring the treaties of 1831 and 1833. ‘The Mio- istry, by making the paragraph in question its own, although M. Guizot emphatically stated that he would nof negotiate for a modification of tbe treaties, disarmed a good deal of hostility, or perhsps, more stricily pspesking, efforded the clamoious a !oop- hole for a decent retreat. ‘The debate hav- ing terminated, the Chambers divided, when there eppeared, aves 278, noes 101; major- stead, of having 8 smal! portion of it in a #eparaie utensil. the bottle was brought to the hearth by @ servant, and accidently up- set. Ina momentugpe whole room was in a blaze, and thongW there were persons in the rng. who exerted themselves to extin- cuish the flame, and others more energetic. mmedtately at hand, tt was, with the great- est difficulty, thet the destractive element was mastered. [fad a coal of fire Seen thrown into a mses Offftin-powd:-, the ig- Guizot was lefi in a minority of three ! SPAIN. freedom of discussion in mrien cond ant have been more sydden or widely ¢ Mused.— Ral. Register. 9 2 be anticipated. ity for ministers 177; @ strange winding up of asinggle in the course of which M. The conduct of Gen. Secane at Birce- lona; bis severity in exacting the contribu- tions ; bis quertering the soldiery on all the princips! inhabitants; his putting down the the press, and throwing the writers into prison, and sup- pressing three journals; this system of se- verity is prodocirg its fruits, and another revolt, not less formidable and bloody, may Indeed, romors were cor- rent io Paris that serious disturbances hed made their sppearance st Bercelons, bat thoy do not a aees be well foonded. The city was in a state of the greatest ferments- tion. Secret meeungs were being held, and all the preliminaries for soother revolt were spparéot CHINA The overland meil reached J.ondon Sun- dey night with intelligence from Bomosy to the 2d of Jeouary. and from Maceo to the 19th of November. As regards Ch.na, events were progressing favoredbly.- The Queen’s ship Herald had errived at Hong Kong. on her way home, with £3,500,000 in dollars, part of the first ingtalment. That place 1s ceded in perpetuity to England, end the Hlong merchants are virtually defunct. A fnendly feeling bad sneceeded the bell- gerent one with which the English and Chi- nese formerly regerded exch other. Before leaving Naonkin. the Imperial Commission- ers give a grand entertsinment to the offi- cers of the army and nevy, et which pro- fessions of semty were indulged on both sides. The British foreces;were to be sta- tioned in about equal divisions at Amoy, Hong Kong. and Chosan. English mer- chants and their families are permitted by the decrees of the Emperor, to reside at Canton, at Amoy, at Fowchowfoo, et Ning- po, and at Chenghae. At the lestmention- ed place, Captaim Balfour is to be stationed as British Coosul General. Sir Hugh Gough, the military commander of the expedition, was about returning home, and Sir Henry Pottinger was expected in the beginning of December at Hong Kong, to arrange about a commercial tariff. INDIA. The news from India is of a negative character. The firet division of tbe erey, onder Generale Poliock snd Sale, reached Ferozopore, from Affghanisten, where the Governor Geners!, Lord Ellenborough, re- viewed them on the 18th of December eith great pomp The remainder of ths army was expected on the 19th, and the Cadahar troops, under General Nott, on the 20tb. Sickness had shown itself amoogat the troops, and a namber of the men and offi- cers hed been carried off by the ravages of NEW SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES AND G@ROOERIUS !! R. ROUECHE, respectfully informe the e cilizens of Selisbury and the sarrouoding couniry, that he has received a new and splen did supply of Confectionaries and Groceries, con sisting of all kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS of the very best quality, such ae Madeira, Port, Teneriffe, Chempaigue, Muscat, Cleret, and Malega, Wines, French Brandy, Holland Gin, Porter, Aleand New Ark Cider, and Cordials, Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranzes, Oysters, Sogar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, and various other articles too tedious to mention, which I will sell as chesp for cash as they can be bought at any other Establishment in Salishury F. R. ROUECHE. match 4, 184$—1y3$2 CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Cos pl cint. R. TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT,—from $75 Bowery, New York— for the cure of coughs, colds, catarrbe, Asthma, soreness of the chest, pain in the side and breast, raising of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, and all those affections of ‘Mbroat and Lungs,— which are a source of so much soffering, and un arrested, 80 often terminate in Consumption— this remedy is highly and justly distinguished. It is purely vegetable, mild and gentle in its ef- focts opon the system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases, with safety as well as otili- ty. Physicians, awar> of its medicinal proper- lies, and wilnessing its effects even in extreme, and in some instances, apparently almost hope- less cases, ofieo prescribe it in their practice, both ae a palliative and a remedy, and with the Medical Faculty generally, it has met with great approbation. i CONSUMPTION --The following remarke were taken from the last number of the Medical Magazine : “The surprising effect prodaced by the geno- ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- ery, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throoghout the werld. We have so !ong believed this disease (consump tion) incurable, that it is cifficult to credit our senses when we see persons, evidently consnmp live, restored tohealth. Yet ities a fact of daily eccurrence.” The following was given os a short time since, by Capt Scott, of Elizabeth City, N. C. Certtficates. *« Being constitutionally predisposed to Con- sumption, (a namber of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the Langs, accompanied with coogh and raising matier and blood, together with severe pain in my side and breast, til] | was supposed to be beyond recovery, | was induced by advice of Dr Perkins,as a lest resort to try Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. | have taken five bottles in all. 4 began to improve with the firet sottle, and while taking the third, wae 90 (ar re- covered, as to be able toget about Since which ‘ime, by continued ase uf it, [ am quite restored and abla to attend to my usual business. To per- sous suffering frum coughs and affections of the langs, I do earnestly recommend it (Signed.} JAS C SCOTT. Elizabeth City, N.C., Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint aod General Debility.—1 was given up by iwo physicians, and told to pre pare tor death. J] was so weak | could not raise my hand to my bead. [| was in this low state when a friend sent me a boitle of Dr ‘Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from $375 Bowery, and be fore | had ased ap the botile, | was able to sit np in bed. By the farther use, { have completely regained my heal:h. GEO WELLs, 23 Joho st. Piolent pain in the side —I have been cored af a violent pain in the side, extending throuch to the shoulder, indigestion, cizziness, loss of ap patite, and general debility, by the nse of two bottles of Dr Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from $75 Bowery. JF H Allen, No7 Merchant’s Row. For sale at the Drog Store of C B Wheeler, Salisbary. marck 4, 1848 — 1y$2 _—______ Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vertisement, and if yoa wish relief for yoor ma. py maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B. WHEELER, Agent. Salsstary, Dee ip - tf20 THE TYLER MEETING AT NEW . YORK. Hggill to is from c <c different jourasis of the meeting of the friends of Mr. Tyler ae candidate for the Pres idency, so long contemplated and advertised to be held in the city of New York on the evening of Wednesday last, besides being essentially a fail. ore, it was one of the most disorderly ever held, inside of a howse, ew: n io that great Babel. We shall not fatigae our readers with a | ng account of it. ‘The most agreeble part of it sppears to have beer the delightfel mesie from an exeel— lant bagd stationed in the gallery of the Charch (the Tabernacle) in which the meeting wae beld preceding the organization of the maeting ; the most respectable partof it 2 speegh by the Hoo. Caleb Cashing ; and the reputable part of it the small ‘rows’ got up dering the evening on ‘indi- vidaal responsibility.’ dnd the larger one ‘got up’ after the adjonrament, when ‘n> or two of the offending parties were taken to the watch hoose.’ Upon the whole, althongh the meeting afforded feeble indications of the strength of the party by which it was projected, it seems to bave been an oproarimus bat rather good-natered congregation of the friends of all :ne candidates for the Presi- dency. A series of resolotions were read, and we dare say wore idered as adopied, though it is ssid that, owing to the prevalence of disror~ dant sounds, not one person in a bondred heard a word of them. They were of cooree friendly to the general objects of those who called the meeting, and to the claims of President ‘Tyler to a 1e-electioo.— Nat. Int. ILLINOIS. A meeting of the Whig members of the Iili- nois Legieleture was held at Springfield on the 2d instant. The resolutions adopted by the meet- iog embraced substantially, among others, the followiag points, viz: 1. The imposition of a tar:ff of daties sufficient 1o raise a revence to defray the necessary expen- ditares of the National Government, and at the same time afford adequate protection to American industry. 2. Opposition to direct taxation for the sapport of the National Government. . S$. The necessity of a properly restricted Na- tional Bank, to regalate the currency, and sid in the collection and safe keeping of the public rev. enue. 4. Adhesion to the principles of Mr. Clay’s Land bill, as most according with the best inter esis of the Natien and of the State. 5. The active support of a Whig candidate in every Congressional district at the approach- ing eleetion, without regard to the chances of soccess. The following resolation, offereé by a member, was adopted by acclamation : Resolved, That Heory Clay, of Kentocky, has the entire coafidence of the Whigs of Silinois ; that, as a candidate for the Presidercy in 1844, he would be our choice in preferance to any dis- ingaished Stetesmean of the Whig party ; but, acting as we do. from prineiple and not fo: men, we pledge ourselves to rally to the support of the nominee of the National Convention, hoping that the selection will fall on ‘‘Harry of the West,” the first and dearest hope of oar soffering coan- try.” From the Albany Evening Journal. ANOTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY. The following letter from a friend io Uti- ca conveys the agreeabdts intelligence thst in Utica, as in Troy, the Whigs beve swep! the Geld. In both cities the contest was an unusually severe one, and ir both, the Whig (riumph ie complete and decisive. Utica electse Whig Mayor, Supervisor, Justice, Assessor and nine Whig aldermen ont of twelve.—Last year the Loco Focos elected their Mayor by 181 majority, end carrie@the Assessor, Justice and seven out of twelve Aldermen! This is a triomph in- deed. From the New York Courier & Enguirer. TOWN ELECTIONS. In the County of Solliven, 5 Whig end 6 Locofoeo Supervisors have been elected Last year 4 Whigs end 7 L.ocofocos. In those towns e¢here there was a contest there has been e decided Whig gain. Westfield, Chautsuque Co., hes elected James Pratt, Esq.,’Whig, over Thos B. Cempbell. Loeofoco, whose election Jast yeer wes heralded in the Argusesan im- mense triumph. tn Coventry, Chenango Co ,Wm. Church, Whig, ie elected. This ie the first time for several years. thet a Whig Supervisor has been elected in this town The whig Supervisor is eleeted in Cort- landville, Cortland Co., by en inereased @ejority. This ise triumph over the eom- bined force of the Locofocos and Abolition iste, In Oxford, Chenango county, the entire, Whig ticket has succeeded for the first time: The contest was unusually animated snd the vote very large ; 687 more votes were polled than at the election lest fall There wes a specis! effort made to defeat the Whig Sopervisor, Col. Pracy, but he wes elected by a lerge mejority. All the towns in the county have been heard from, but two, and the result is 8 Whigs snd 9 Loco Focos bave been elected—e gain of three Whigs. ATTEMPTED MURDER. Mr, Samuel Jackson of this county informe os, that on bis return home, on Wednesday night the 15th inst. from the hoese ofa friend, an at- tempt was made to take his life by two assassins who entered the road dressed in women’s cloth- ing. One of them ordered bim to halt, and on his comiog to a momentary stop, his seeret ene- tay made an attempt to seize his bridle, at that moment Mr. Jackson moved vff and received 2 blow witha knife which eut through his coat and panis and tonched the skin. They being Cisguised acd it being night, he could not guess at either of their fea'ares, but says he thought he kaew one of their voices. ‘The Scoundrels should be sought out and brought to justice. 11 was nat more than two weeks previous to thie affair that Mr Jackson bad his barn burnt in broad day light, after that, bis oat stacks were bornt! Jt does seem to os, if we had cach enemies, there would be mote trath than fiction in oar guessing at them.— Ozford Mercury. Marne —The Legislature of this State is in 2snarl. The Senate has voted not to a their share of the Land money; while the House of Representatives by. vote of 100. to 19, has decided io receive it, apd resolved 99 to 98 to Maintain their position. Which will give wa “yeepeins tobe séeh, s y ‘ql! possible allowanres: for prejedice | Makiag @ possible the ats give: RETORT ELOQUENTY, [ _ M. Frames, the member ofthe list Le- gisletore from the county of Heywood, who ‘by the way, io one of the eblest debaters wo ever listened to, wee, born in: Scoilend. Mc, McRee, the member from Cumberland, is also of Scotish descent, hie grandfather having been a ustive of the lend of Burns. During the debete on the Ingtraction Reso- lutions, McRae alluded ine sneering men- ner to the birib place of Mr. Frencis, who in reply, delivered the following eloqeeot and severe retort : “ Bot the gentiemen from Cumberlend, finding his arguments not quite es convine- iog 28 hie declemation was flowery, next attempted to enhst the prejodices af this House, by asking where wus the gentlemen from Heywood, in the lete war? | shall answer very cbeerfully sir, by telling thet geatleman that | was e school bey in thet country which gave birth to bis gread-father, who, I understand, was 8 very estimable citizen ; e country, whose sons, whether et the bar, in the pulpit, in the halis of legis!a- tion, or in the tented field, need never to be ashemed of thet verdent spot that zeve them birth; but who, if we take thai gen- tleman ae a feir specimen, would very soon degenerate, even in the second degree from 8 common socestty. But |: pray, sir, thet Heaven = its vengeance mey peley the tongue sod psralyze the heart of say in whose veins one es of my blood shall flow, even to the twentieth generation, who could become so detestable a renegade as to attempt, for vile party purposes, to casi an odiam on the country which geve birth to his ancestors; who could desecrate all the nobler feelings of the homan soul to pender to the baser passions end popolar prejudices.” NEW YORK AND VIRGINIA. Not 8 word is ssid in Richmond ort Al baoy, on the subject of the controversy ! Mum’s the word. After all their promises, the Democracy of New York heve foiled to prove themselves the ‘‘netural silies of the Sonth,” or their leader “a Northern men with Southern princip'es.”” Even Mr. Ritchie, we think, must now be estieSed that old Ve. has been humbugged— if 1n- deed, he did not know from the first, as we did, that she wes to be hambogged. Ought sol however, Gov. McDowell to show his bend and let the people know if be has made eny new demand from the new Dem- ocratic Government.of N. York, of Gan- zey, Smith and Johnson? The Democra- cy of New York, he will remember, prow- wed to surrender them end repeal the Jury Law, the moment they got into power. Well they have been in power now.more than two months. Should he not adminis- ter a gentle hint to the ‘‘nstural allies” thas Virginia expects them to be as good as their word 1—Rich. Whig. 4 q €# The Hon. A. Rencher, of North Cerolina, a Whig member of Congress, and a Whig Elector in North Caroling, in 1840, has given ia bis adhesion in form to Mr. Tyler end been enrolled among the “Guard.” That body now numbers eight, some New York Whig members having joined it, unless as report goes, Gov. Gi!- mer with instinetive segacity, has sbandon- edit. If so, the “Guard” numbers seven members of Congress, which, during three sessions, and with all the peionage, honest John Tyler eould only recruit from near $00 members of Congress! The fact is a volume in itself.— Rich. Whig. RHODE ISLAND. The Supreme Coart of this Stete com- menced its sitting at Newport on Tuesdey week, when the prisoners sgainst whom ic- dietments for treason were pending, were diseherged, they having petitioned the Gov- ernor for pstdon. This termination of the prosecotions, upon the offenders making fall sebmission to the laws, will. we believe, be universally epproved.— National Intel. March 22. LOSS OF THE SLOOP OF WAR CON- CORD. Captain Briggs, of the ship Barclay, at New Bedford, states that while at the Cape of Good Hope he heard a repor: of the lose of the U. S. sloop of war Concord, on the coast of Mozam--: bique ; and that the U_ 8. sloop of war John 4d- ams sailed from Cape Town on the $d of Janus ry for Rio Janeiro, having Cart. Boernm and the other officers and crew of the Concord on board, This report, as it stends, is not generally credi- ted, thoogh it may probably be correct. Postseript.—By the arrival at Boston of the Maria ‘Theresa, from Manilla, we have a con- firmation of the above report. The Concerd was lost on the rocks in the Mozambique channel about the 2d of October; and we regret to add, that subsequently to that time (on the 2d of No. vember) Captain Boerom, Purser Hart, and one of the crew were drowned by the epsetting of a beat in crossing the bar of the Zangola river. The United States sloop of war John Adams was at the Cape to take the officers and erew. She was hoarly expected at 8 Helena. The Maria Theresa has on board 2 letter bag from the United States sloop of war Boston, of the East India squadron, and one from ihe John Adams. THE 10 COMMANDMENTS IN VERSE. t. Thoo shalt have so more G Il Before no idol bow thy vical bat we, Ty | Take not the name of God in vain, iV Nor dare the Sahbith day profane. V Give both thy Parents honor doe— VI sare that thon no marder do, Vil stain from thougbis & words onclean, VUE Nor steal tho’ thon art poor and mean ; - Nor make a wi'fal lie, nor love it, What ie thy neighbor's, dare not covet. Singular Star.— Greneda (Miss.) Herald states that there is a star in en Eset North-Esst direciion, which exertes consid. ‘BRILLIANT J @. GREGORY ALEXANDRia Lop, ; K, for Ey To be drawn at Alexandra, Dic April 22, 1843” Lindy 1 Splendid Capital of ' 1 Prizs of $50 O49 1 do 20 fig 1 do 16 Og 1 do 7 Neg 1 do 5.00 50 Prizes of $38 50 do 1,0 50 do mh 65 do 4ng ; 65 do ms Besides Prizes of $100, ¢90 $30, $20, $10, | 950, ty 78 No. Lottery—18 Drawn, Ballo Tickets only $10—Halves $5— Quories Certificate of Packages of 26 whut. Tekan do 26 aif 4 thle do 26 quarter 4, : The Mammoth Schen,,, $60,000! $30:000! $15,009 |, 16 DRAWN BALLots: ALEXANDRIA LOTTERy Class M, for 1843. To drawn at Alexandria, D.C 27. 1848. MAMMOTH SCHEME! 1 Grand Capital of ’ Saturday, 1 Prize of he 1 & 10.009 1 do 8 ) 1 do 6,000 1 do 5 009 1 do 4.000 1 do Q': 1 do 2811 4 Prizes of @ 5. do : 10° do ie 30 do 1,959 50 do 1009 50 do 500 50 de 400 100 doe $00 100 do 959 170 do Besides Prizes of $150, $100, $80, $70 $60, $50, $20, $15, 12, 610" 78 Nember Lottery—16 Drawn Ballo’ Tickets only $20—Helves $10 — Quarten gs. Eighths $2 50 certificates Packages of 26 whole tickets §270 do do 2Ehalf do 135 do do 26 quarter do 6739 do do 26 eighths do $8} For Tickets and Sheres and Certificates { Packages in the above magnificent Lotteis,- Address J. G. GREGORY & Co. Manager, Richmond. Vina BOF An account of each drawing will bem immediately afier it is over, to all who orderti ets from as. april 1, 1849-Sw% Fresh and large frritué AT THE CHEAP CASI Wholesale & retail ESTABLISHMENT, : —_— E bave jost received and offer (or sae second supply of FALL § WINTD GOODS, amounting to 545 PACKAGES, Among which are. the following: of 3 pieces brown & bleached shi from 4 cepts a yard to :24 530 preces calicoes. ‘rom 5 cis #4 excellent at 10 and 12 1-2 470 pair shoes assories, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 Ibe turkey red 80 daz cotton handkerchiefs 25 pe bed tick 40 do apron checks 55 do flanvels 28 do Kentucky Janes 22 docloths and sattinet!s $0 do maslin de janes 25 do linsey and kerseys 5 ps bolting cloths 190 bags coffee 14 bhds sogar 185 ps bagging 80 coils rope 2000 Ibs loaf Sogsr $500 Ibs sole leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs nails bead 110 kegs white lea 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 end 107 25 pre Elliptic springs 540 bottles easter oil 60 bushels clover eee yee W. MURPH! Salisbury, December 10, 1842-6"! LIME! LIME!!! NY qnantity of fresh Lim ; the late Joseph ; the Kiln of the 3 over 16 eesti 0 bushels 20; &* -— - 2A ~~ me e Uv a ee Fa l l seed, wari ~~ ea =a *- Se a &* ' a2 «a ao A By the 100 bushsls an 100 bushels 18 ; 5 to 4 in proportios. ; All persons wishing lime ¢ their residence, will apply WILLIAMS. Rockford, Surry caonty, N. C.2. march 18, 1843. _ 0) FTE Price & MeMaste® 5 T ATLORS: 0. cAROLIs | A jther at 1 ai either '0 * es e -« BF so - CONCORD, N rable curiosity in thst commnunit be seen about 11 6’Mock A. M. appea to be about an hour high. Ik ob ada , increasing and diminishing in size; and op | “peers to pave a swinging motion, yg. Tt mey| : the above beso f All orders fl nded 10 1343-5@ Are still carrying 0° in all its branches. distance, promptly atie Concegd, March 25. (2 raat » asjpet ae wy weet co . s 4 Sa as Oe mn oS eo . SO F wm 8 Se a) _ EF . . ays Re oe Watchnan. carolina 2 woiaele —_——— = SALISBURY: ae hTURDAY. APRIT 1, 1834. *Tieket ! =: Vhig President of the Uniled States, HENRY C LAY. oF KENTUCKY. oS Aw AN SUPERIOR COURT. Spring Term af this Coert, commenced “ath ultimo, Jodgs Dick, presiding. — i pesday the 22d Caro, a negro man, be- is, Foster, was tried fur barning the Cowan, Ksq., and after a pa- both sides, the Jory retised ht in at verdiot of guilty. On Friday prisoner was brought into Coort aad ood iv be henged on the 2%th of April a” auorney for the State, H. C. Jones, ga. (OF the Prisoaor, Daviv F. CaLpwELL, TRA FOR MURDER. 4 the Spring term of the Superior Court yue for Stanly county, the trial of James oleman and Robinson Lesk, for the der of Elijah Hinson, came oo, His ot Jadge Settle presiding. After » investigation snd full srgoment, jor the Prisoners and the State, the de- igdents were acquitted by the Jury. Al- rney for the Stste, Robert Strange, Esq. _sod for the Prisoners, D. M. Barringer od George C- Mendenhell, Esquires. For on the gor Hoo As AccnowLEDGemEeNT.— The Hoo. Na- LP. Taccuanes, recently in the Uni ied States Senate, made the following acknow!- sigement of an ers committed by him several years past. He was discussing hie Exchequer scheme, 204 remarked that the charter of the United S:stes Back expired in 1811, another ais chartered ip 1816. ‘That charter expired ad he was one of those who opposed the rechar- uring of the Bank. He well recollected the mark whieb a distinguished Senator from Ken- ueky made to him shortly after be had recorded sie vole against the Bank. « Sir,” said he, ‘* there was a young map om the West in Congress, in 1811, who voted wainst rechartering the old United Siates Bank. Tige weot on, and troubles crowded thick upon iy country, We attempted to get along with- uta National Bank, but we found it indispensa- ‘elo he proper management of the finances of ‘be country, aod the preservation of a sound and ‘piorm corrency. That young man was con- ‘need by experience, that the vote he had given ‘mu ap erroneoas one, and ia 1816 be voted to darter another United S:ates Bank. You have pow voted as that yougg man did at first, against mbertetiog the Bank ; but time and experience vil, | bave no doubt, convince you, as tWey did fio, that you bave committed an error.” And sir, said Mr. T., I stand here to confess ha ime and experience have convinced me of ay ertor, aod to acknowledge that Mr. CLAY wae rignt. sue Hoo. Henny Crary arrived at Lovisville, Keniecky, on the 4th altimo, and set oat imme- inwly for his residence at Ashland. His tripto ibe Soath West, has been an aninterrupted tri- mph. The People, with hardly an exception, ave eargerly.weicomed him ae a Patriot and \siesman, the pride and glory of this gieat uien, At Vickebarg, Mississippi, bis reception ms eothasiastic; bat thie was greatly sarpass- du Jackson, the capitol of the State, where ¢ Wes met and weleomed by the largest con- corse of the bone aad sinew of the Srate, ever membled together. Again at Memphis, Tenn, be whole region round about crowded into the uly to tender him their respects,—to look on and ‘sien to one, whom we verily belive, a large mjority of the People of the United States look ionas best qualified to raiee our depressed ‘antry to her former prosperity. ALasama-—This State bas been Districted by ‘te Legislature on the basis of the Whiie popo- ‘lion, in order to give the Northern or Locofoco ‘vision of the State, greater weight in the elec- 0 of members to the National Legislature.— Bat 90 concentrated is the large Lovofoco major- ‘ee, that it will, we think, de quite easy fur, the Whigs, if they do their daty, to carry thiee of ‘te seven members. Of tbe delegation ig the a Congress, (all J.oeofoeos,) Mr. Shields fs fo ‘be Ist, and will no doubt be succeeded by a gen- tie Whig: Mr. Lewis in the $d, which will Motably re oleet him; Mr. Payne in the 4th, "here ihe Whigs with proper efforts ooght to “atbim, and Mesgte. Chapman and Hoaston in “5th, We hope the Whigs of Alabama will “rkle on the the trae Whig armour, and if pos- “le, throw off the shackles which has been “own around them for so many years; for no People of any other Statein the Union has suffer- \han the Alabatniane, from Locofoco mis- li. .H. A. Wise podlishes in the Madiso- “2, the organ of His Ezcelleney Capt, John ‘ +a lorg windy Address to the People of tit concerning his rejection by the Uni- en Senate, a8 Minister to France. He 7 . their hands 8 re-election to Congress, in erodes Dr. Mallory, who he says. as soon ss heard fhis rejection, magnanimously de- ‘ted in bis favor to repel the aspersion of ike —~for which he professes the greatest re~ “40d whose action he looks upen as mys- | tee la the coprse of his address he says, r it the commencement of the extra Session ‘ee May in 1841, he was arged by Mr. An take a foreign mission,—that opon the tinea up of Capting Tyler's Cabinet, he dex Rees office of Secretary of the Navy De. 9s » Offered to him by Mr. Tyler ; and tha; ‘ ther recovering from his sitkness, John fe apni him to name some foreign mission i a Poald Lke bat that he deciined,and thatia "8 of (hé fast sesctop: of Congress, he way tendered the office of mioister lo the Cour! of France. fis letter is evidently written under great e nt, and throoghout the whole- there is not the least attempt todefend his incon sistency in political affairs: -NEW HAMPSHIRE. The election4or State officers end Represen tatives in Congress took place in New Hamp- shire un ‘Tuesday last. There were four candi-~ date in the field for the office of Governor. Ac- cording tothe Boston pepers, the returns from seventy three towns give to Habbard, Locoloco, 9,069 ; Colby, Whig, 5,700; White, Conserv- ative, 2.654; Heit, Abolition, 1,576 Govern- or Habhard’s vote is not so large as jast year; bat we suppuse there is no doubt of his re-elec— tion, or of the election of certain persons ab Rep- Teseniatives to Congress, whose election, how- ever, is wholly ansathorized by law. The Representative chosen to the State Le- gislatore, thus far, are $8 Locofocos, 37 Whigs 7 Conservatives, and $ déubifal. Very Rich.—The varied acquiremeots and extensive kuowledge of the Locoforo leaders and great bogs, of ‘Tennessee, are certainly very flattering to the good citizens of the Siate. A few months ago Mr. Dew, a member of the Tennessee Legislature, located the Plymoath Rock in ** Virginia, commonly called the * Old Dominion’! ! Since, Mr Andrew Johnson, ano'her member of that same enlightened Le- gislature, and now a candidate f.r Congress, alleded, in a public speech, to the band of Revo lationary patriots who threw the ~“ Tea over- boord in the harbor of Baltimore!!!" General Cass in the Field.—The Hon. Lew- is Cass has declared his intention of being 2 can- didate for the Presidency, always submitting to the decision of the Locofoco National Conven- tion. He avows his opposition to a National Bank, bet is in favor of Incidental Protection to Home lodustry. On Tuesday the 28th oft, we had the wind from the east, and an incessant day‘s rain. By the time noctorna) shades began to prevail, the trees were well loaded with ice, which presented a beautifoll appearance We retired to rest after passing through a melancholly day of labor and toil; aed while ov: senses ware locked up in the comfortable enclosure of balmy sleep, suddenly we were aroused from our state of somnolency by the crashing thuader, with its awful and pealing notes swiftly passing through the heavens. Not expeeting a thunder storm, <1 first, we did not know but that some cord in nature was anstreng and Miller’s prediction was about to come to pass. However, the mottering of the thunder soon ceased, the night p1seed away,and we were spared to witness rosy murn,with silken footsteps, bringing along the bright shiniag of the Sun. Mr. Epiror :—The election of Representa- tives to the next Congress from ‘his State, is a- wakening (as it should) considerabie interest — The time is drawing near, when both of the great Parties, which now divide the people of this coontry, will buckle on their armour to fight the decisive battle, which muet determine the permanent policr of the Federal Govern- ‘ment. Oar victory in 1840, has (bv the treach. ery of one man) tarned ou! a * splendid failure.”’ The Whigs bave done all, that was possible for them to do. But the People must again say, whether the national currency shal} consist of a good paper circulating medium, sech as we once bad from the days of Washington till those of Andrew Jackson—soch as is saited to the rapid growth of a new country, and sach only as will noto, in some measure, resusitale our paralyzed energies; or whether we must be compelled to sabmit etill longer to our present distressing con- dition, ontil the Demoerats sacceed (which they certainly intend doing) in introducing into the United States sn exclusively specie eurreucy.— We will be called apon again to say, whether American industry can be protected ; or whether it is to be forever crashed by the competition of the old and over-populuns netion of Europe: all throogh the beaotiful, but absurd doctrines of Free Trade. We will agair. be called upon to say, whether the Siates are to be relieved by (which in all jast!ce betungs to them) a disiriba- tion of the proceeds from the pnblic domair ; or whether that immense treasnre is '0 continue to be held out as a bribe to the Weat for President making purposes. ‘Those are the real marks of distinction, Reform, Economy. and other sob~ jeets of like natare,are merely incidental and are equally promised by all parties. ‘Khe former will make op the issue. The victory ia that Waterloo contest, as re- gards North Caroline, will be materially effeci- ed by the result of the coming election of mea- bers of Congress. If the Whigs in all the Dis. tricts retain the strength, they now have, the State ie certain for Hewny Crary in 1844. Her vote at that time (coming among the first.) will exert no little influence vpon the final issee tant ia it then, that the Whigs of North Caroli- oa, if they regard their duty to themselves, if they regard the character of their State for sia bility in her prineiples—if they regard the sec- cess of those great leading measures, which they hold, as necessary 'o0 our prosperity and great- ness as a People—ihat all, all should come out aod march in solid phalanx to the Pulls am the (bird of Augest. Exclasive of the interest felt by every tree Whig of the second Congressional Disirict, for | GF saccess a9 inflaencing the great battle of 44,” it eannot but be a source of rejoicing to many, to have at Jast an opportunity of triemph- ing io tara; and of sending 3° Representative to Congtess worthy of our confidence. Surely the Whigs of Mecklenburg, Lincola and Cabarres have been long eooagh brow-beaten and diegrac. ed by the rabid Democracy, that elected :he last two members to the National Legislatere— _— other portions of the District bave been too often “hooked” by fiishing demagogues. The idea of holding a general Convention of the different counties is doubtless a good one We area new District and it is proper that we should see each other, shake hands and consult our mutal wishes, befure bringing forward our pCMtididate. Certainly no modest,or prodent mao would force hi vpon one portion of a Dis- trict, on which he as 00 claims—how strong su ever his claims might be opon another purtion. It is the only scheme for reconciling conflicting wishes or ‘interests—of which there will of cobrse be many, till some man is sgreed upon by @ majority of the counties. No person of real merit can refuse to submit. hisclaims toa Gen- eral Convention—no0 Whig from principle can throaghout the Union. How very —very impor- beaitate te support the nominée. Soa theughi our opponents —ro have they acted. ‘Their nom inee is, withaat doubt, the strongest man with the Party; bat to his name is attached neither teal warth, poblic service, nor pablic honor: and he deserses to be beaten. Let the Whigs see that it xedone, Let the Convention meet io a unity of spirit. and be assured the Whigs will, toa man, unile with yoo at the ballot box. Not only does our present, bat also oor future snccess, depend entirely npon the action of that Cenvention. If union ever—union now. ** There is a tide in the affairs of men, Whieb taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.’ Now swells the tide of oor hopes If we secure, 8 tHiemphant majofity in Augast next, it will with redoabted effect in “ 44,” and it will be e>- sily retsined for ten years to sume. If lust, it will be irrevocably lost It is to be hoped then—the Whigs Lave a right to demand—that at this e:itical period, the Del egates to that Convention sacrifice their indivi daal preferences—all their private feelings to the welfare of their Perty—end wnile opon the per son, who would most lik-ly command and bring forth our whole strength in everyeoonty It is also to be hoped, that al! hands will follow the action of the Convention. What must be thought of that man, who pretends honestly to bold principles, which be believes the only trae and safe ones far his country ‘to persue, and @ill yet sacrifiee those principles, great as they are. to his own selfith views? Whata seorco of remorse to narselves— what an object of ridicale to the world would it be, if with anscknowledged majority, we were to permit (by oar own pelly diesentions) this Distriet to sink unsnpporied in- to the open embrace of Locofoeoisin ? ‘Thirk, Fellow Whigs, of “ 44"—of sour conntry’s pros- pects! Arouse your pride—yvor public spirit—- your patriotism ! - PROSCRIPTION REBUKED. We resd with sincere satisfaction the fol- lowing inthe Alexandria Gazetie of Sator- day: “ JosepnH Eacues, Esq wason Thure- dey fast wnanimously elected Mayor of Al- exandria, by the Common Covneil, vice Ropert G. Viovett, E-q., resigned. “Thies mark of respect and confidence was bestowed with a procptness end bar mony which enhances the velue of the com- pliment ; coming, as it cid, ton, from the Couneil composed of gentlemen of both political parties. Ani it may be added, tco. that never dida commnnity give a more dignified and emphatic rebuke to what is considered, generally, an unwarrantable and improper exercise of power on the part of the President of the United States. “Mr Eacues was 2 few deye since re moved by Mr. Tyrer from the office of Collector of the Cuetoms for this pors, and immediately afterwards the same Mr. Ea- cues is elected, with general acquiescence, Mayor of the Jown. The sircumst«nce requires no comment, and il is sufficient to state the simple fect."” Something Rich —The Madisonian of Satordsy hes this paragraph : “Mr. Webster has expressed a wish. | e- cause of certain con-iderstions, well ond: r- sicod between the President and himself end @hich did not, in the least, affect their public or privete retation, to retire from the Cabinet. The President had been please: to grant him permission to retire This fact was publicly stated in the Senate ; and it was declared by a Senstor, authorised to do so, thet Mr Webster would retire in thirty days after Mr. Cushing’s confirma- tion.” “The President” —John Toler to wit !— “had been pleased to grant bim”—Danie! Webster to wit! !—*“permission to retire.’’ Con the ridiculous be carried any farther ? By-the-bye, since the rejection of Mr. Cushing is. secording to jnst inference from this paragraph, to heve the effect of keeping Mr Webster in the Cabinet, it should be looked upon with favor by \bose who con- sider Mr. Webster’s stasing there, no mat ter voder what circumstances of humiliation or bonor, advantageous.—V Y. Amer. LOCOFOCOISM IN ALABAMA. We have already stated that the Loco Focos in Alabama, in cividing that State in- to Districts for the election of members of Congress, had acopted the FVhite Basis exclusively, thus abandoning that provision of the Federal Constitution @bich looks to a representation cqual to three filths of the which will be received with cpplause by every Abolitionist. It sppesrs from e pro- test of the members who voted against the bill, that its passsge wes determined on, by the loco foco majority, in order to give the northern fart of the State sn undue advan. tage over the South, in the election of mem- bersof Congress. They declare, moveorer. that the adoption of ‘his digtinelion cuun- tenances she doctrines of the Aboluionists teods to encourage them in their wicked sckemes—aod giver :o the rights and insti- tutions of the slave-holding States the most dangerous blow they have ever received from Soothern men. Here, 1a Missoor:, 11 1s worse, They not only violate the Constitution and the lews of Congress enacted io pursuance thereof, but they disfranchise. end cut off from all represertation, thirty thousand free White American Cilizens,—10 order to perpetoate the success of s parcel of jo- litical donkeys, who, if their electiog de- pended on their fitness for the place and their sound political principles, would atend no chance of obtaining the votes of a major- ity of thew fellow enizens!—[ St. Louis (Mo) New Era. — Mr. Clay.— We take occasion to say that ne- Yer, in our opinion, were the prospects of Mr. Clay for the entertainment of the high office to which hia (tiends seek to elevate bim, brighter thao they are at present=never were those friends 80 united, zealoas, and enthusiastic. All that is waating ie, for that anion and enathusieswn to con tinue, and, if possible, increase. “4s a band of brothers joined, firm, anited let us stand.” Let them revive the glorious daysof 1840 for ihe Great Man of the People !- Alexandria Gazette BF Joe Smith, the Mormoo Prephet, has been aquitted by the aathorities who tried bim, | on the eherges made against him by the Govern or of Missoori- slave population, and making a distinction | WHIG MEETING IN DAVIE. In porsuance of public notice, the Whigs of chat met in the Court House, in Mocks- villey on Tuesdey the 28th of March 1843, it beifig Tuesday of ti Re acy! on mouon af Gen. Cook, the meeurg was organized’ by cailing Wm-~ is Esq., to the Chair, end appointing Caswell Harbin, to ect as Seeretary, The object of the meet- ing was explaived by the Chairman, opon which G. A. Miller Esq., srose and offefed the following resolutions for the considera- tior, of the meting, which sfter being read, were ananimonely adopted. Resolved. That we approve of the pzonosition \o huid a Convention at Mount Mourne, un the 4th day of April n&xt, as the only means to pre- serve harmony among the Whigs of the District. Resolved, ‘That we havethe otmosi confidente that the Delegates to that Convention, will aom- inate none but a gentleman in character,a Patriot in soul and a Whig in Principle—one whose head and heart will reflect credit upon the District — one who is capable of realizing that it is oot only discrediable, bat base io a Representative, to sac- rifice the ioterest, disappuiat the hopes,and betray the confidence of a geoerous consiiteency —one into whose hands the Whig banner ansiained by detebcation and repadiation, can be safaly entrest- e!, Resolved, That we will send five delegates to Represent this county in said Cogveativu and that they be auiborised to fill vacancies. Resolved, That the conduct of Henry Clay in relation to the Harrisburg nomination, is wor- thy the imitatior of Whig aspiranis in this Dis- trict—that he manifested vo that uccasion as well as on every other, that io his affections his coun try is first—himself tast. Delega'es appointed— Wilford Teroer, Lem uel Bingham, Thomas Smovt, Juseph M. Hooser, aod Henry R. Avs in. On motion of Gen James Cook — Resolved, That the proceeuingsof this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, anc sent to the Carolina Watchman for publication. Wa. HAWKINS, Chairman. C. Harsin Secretary. The late sale here at Public Auction of Bank Stock was a8 beluw 110 shares Bank of the Cepe Fear Stock, brought 80 and 81 dollars per share; the great- er part 80 20 shares Bank of the State Stock, brooght 90 and 91 dullazs per share. All was suld on 6 mouths credit, ‘There have been several sales here cince, of Bank of Cape Fear Stock at 80 dollars Cash. [Wilmington Chron Post Office Department, : Marcu 16, 1843 igen alteniionr of all disposed to engage in the mail service, is specially called to the ad- vertisement for proposals for carrying the Uni- ted States Mails io Virginia, North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Georgia, and Floride, issved on tne 13th of Decembe’, 1842. The lastdsy for receiving bids is the 13th of Apri! next, (at $ p. m.) ond for deciding upon them, the Ist of May 1843 — Service to eommence Ist July, 1848, and continue in force until the $Oth Jane, 1847. All, who take an interest in the matter, are referred for so much of the advertisement as em- hraces the State of Virginia, to the Richmood Enqatrer, the Winches'er Virginian, the Fred- ericksburg Keeorder, and the Abingdon Batiter ; for so wuch as relates to North Carolina, to the Raleigh Standard, the Charlotte Jeffersonian, and the Washington Republican ; for 80 mach as embraces Suuth Carolina, to the Charleston Patriot, the Colambia South Carolinian, and the Edgefield Advertiser; for so much as inclodes Georgia, io the Augugta Constitationalist, the Savannah Georgian, the Athens Banner,ihe Co- lumbus Argos, and the Milledgeville Flag of the Union ; and for 8» much as embraces Florica, 'o the Vallahassee Floridian and the St. Augus- tine Florida Herald, The entire advertisement is poblished inthe Washington City Madisonian, and is also to be found in pamphlet form at each Post Office at the end of the several routes. In the advestisement fall information is given as to the particalars of service, the nature uf ihe lia- bilities, the made of bidding, and the form of the guaraoly, which is to accompany every propusal C. A. WICKLIFFE, Postmaster General. S$ wS86. ¢ WNVHE sobecriber respectfally returns his thanks for past favors, and informs his uid fnends 4 ° « \ Salisbury Female Academy. ; re ‘Stmmer Session of thtt lostitation; will commence on Moaday,!March 6th. Ar- raogemenis ate making to procure an. assistant it ie believed that its present ig are superior to j those of any former . Rev: S. Frontis (a native of France) is instrecting a siess in the Freech lage, and itis desirable that others who islead joining should do so immediately.— He has Xlso cansented to take charge of a class ta Crayon Mrawing ; ® brasch whieh is higbly appreciated af the North, and bat little attended to among us, A few young Ladies will be re- ceived into the fanrily as boarders, aad Col. R W. Loxe qil! take 8 or 10. His residences agreeably situated in a fetired part of town; end very convenient to the y- No deduetion made for absence, bat j@ cases of long continued sickness. . TERMS. Tuition $6—8—10—or 12 50 accdrding to the advancement of the papil. minaries wiil be NOTICE. BY‘ virtoe of a Deed of Trast executed to me on the 15th day of Joly, 1841, for parpo- ses thereic mentioned, [ witl expose to Public Sale on Monday thé first day of May next, a the Court Honse, in the Town of Salisbyry, (11 being the week of Rowan County Coart,) une HOUSE AND LOT; Macnamars, and Charles Fisher. known on the day of sale. JAS. L. COWAN, Trustee. march 16, 18498—1$5 Teacher, who will pfobatly @fter'on her duties |) in one or two bs. 2 as formeriy, bo 2 | _ — only Reading * Spelling, will be at Kve braneh asually rat 5 the property of E. R. Burkhead, siteated in the great east square of the Town of Salisbury, ad- joining the lot No. 6, which propetiy the said Birkhead purchased of John McClelland, Robt. ‘Terms made mad sunscaivEns > Tite house west of the Coat ‘ their ~ FALL AND WINTER: Among elich are Dey Goods, H oa Corlery, Shoes, Bootsy fats, frome Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Crockery, “Paints, Dyé. stufis, Medicines. GROCERI ROPE AND RAGE ‘e, Masic on Piano per session, 422 50 Goitar per quarter, 12209 And in short, @ general assortment of — per sessign, 10 00 GOODs, rawing with crayons per session, 10 OC P r . vpintieg in water culors =—s dv. 10 00 Cahuen eee he 24 theap for Needle Werk ut it dexired, °° | We invite old enntomers and the pobife ie geo FMA J. BAKER, Pricipe!, | St! toall thd exerive oar sock bolore parshas- Salishory, March Jet, 1843—1f92 ‘| ink eleowhere, se we think we can give euch bargains as will be great indocement io purchas- Country prodnee tzken ine for 3 & R.WéNE OFF. Concord, Nov. 19, 1842—tf17 COPE. SKtate of Porth Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY: Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions —F, ebreaty Term, 1843. , . George Zeracor and } Others, Margaret Danie J N this it appearing to theConu he | Dissceates arene as Cor hs tant of thie State: Js is wblication ** be made for six. Bsive oa Watchman, for the sei FOR SALE, ville, ia Davie county, containing 121 ACRES, Gold Mine, upon which considerable work has been Cone in opening it. Miners are invited to examine it and jodge for themselves. ‘The qual- in quod repair, and has good farm buildings and a firetsate apple ard peach orchard on it. A good bargain will te given if epplication ir made to either of us soon, near Mocksville. WILLIAM RAWKINS, THOMAS SMOOT. march 25, 1848—4w$5 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas an-1 Quarter Sessions—February Term, 1848. Loazarne Sink, vs. { Justices Jadgment levied Heirsat LawofRa. © on Land, (in two cases.) chel Smith, Deed. j JT sppearing to the Court that Willram Gor- don, one of the defendanis, is not an it,nabi- tant of this Stase. It ts ordered by the Coart, ‘hat poblication be made for four ‘weeks in the Carolina Watehman, for the #314 William Gor don, personally to be a%@ 2:snear before the Jus- tices of said Court, at ine next Court to be held for said county at ine Coort-House in Lexing ‘on, on the 24 mondgy in May next, and shew cause 'f aay he hath, why the plaintiff shal! not and the public, that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its various branches, and at the old staod on main street, one door beluw Dr. P. Henderson's shoa, and opposite the Rew an Hotel, where he may always be found. He keeps cunstantly on hand a variety of well finish- e.' work, such as is suitable for this part of the cu cntry, and at ag low prices as at any otber es tab!’ “ment in the piace or serrounding country. His material is of the very best that can be had, both Walnut, Mahogany and Cherry. Al! those wishing to buy goog Furciture, aculd du well to give him a call A supply of ready made Coffins coustanily kept on hand, to sait any measure. N. B. All kinds of Somber or country pro- doce taken in excnange for work. DAVID WATSON. Salisbury, Anril 1, 1843—1f$6 Salisbury Male Academy. YBVHE First Session of this Institation will commence on Tuesdgy, the 4th inst., onder the superintendence of the subscriber Terms per Session of five months, For the ordinary English Branches, $5 00 English Grammar, Elocaition, Khe~ ‘erick, Logic, Philosophy, Astron- omy and Chemistry, 7 50 Algebra, Geomeire, Latin & Greek, 10 00 3 S. EDWARDS, Principal. Salisbory, April 1, 1843— 1{36 NOTICE. — HE Sobscriber having gone to Virginia with a view of cemaining several weeks, requesis all those iode>ried.to him by Note or otherwise to call on James L. Cowan, and settle the same by May Court. GEO. B. DOUGLAS. April 1, 1848 —tf Stockholders Meeting. GENERAL aeeting of the Stockholders in the Salisbery Manofactaring Company, will be held at the Factory of ssid Company, on the first Mooday ia April nex: (it being the Sdday} at 8 o'clock P.M. A full ‘attendance is requested. Wa. CHAMBERS. Pres. Salisbory, Maren 25, 1843.—1w. GARDEY SEEDS? GENERAL assuriment, may be fowid at beve Judgment, and order of sale egainst the lands levied on, in satisfaction of his debts and cost. Test, CHAS MOCK, c cc. _wareh 1 1, 1843—6w33— Printers fee $5 50 Br. Liws Galbanum — Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! HESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ba- ving the preference of al] others, are warm. side. Weakness and Lameness 87 re',eved at once by their use, and the strength and a natural warryin and health. Any Plaster, have one, to prevent the cough settling on t longs. DAVID L. PCOL, AKES this method of Yforming his friends, still carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re- pairing business, at his old stand, near the Courthouse All work done by him will be warranted fcr twelve months. He still keeps on haod a smal assottment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery of work dove. Salisbury, Vareh 12, 1842.—sf38 Ecctesiasttcal Wotice. RE Presbvtery of Concord will meet at Providence. Mecklenborg Coenty, on the second W ednesday in April, at 1! o’olock. A. M. STEPBEN FROUONTIS, Slated Clerk. BOF The Chatlutie papers, ‘the Wateh- man of the South,” and “ the Presbyterian,” the Salisbery Medical and Drog diyte. Salisbory, N. C.pJan. 21, 1849-1126 will please copy ihe ahnes. Nasch 4, 1843 —Aw32 = - E wish to sell a Tract of Land lying withib one mile of the Town of Mocks- opon which there is a prospect of a firet rate ity of the land is excellent, and the plantation is ly recommended by all doctors as invaluable ‘or invaltds having gains io the Breast, Be: or parts cesiored io person wearing one of *’sege Plasters, will be as- | tonished and deligh’6g at the comfort it affords. Those threaten? 4 with Lung Complaints should never trust! smeelves a day withodt wearing 2 [t removes the irritation of incipient Cons”. aption from the Lunge to the surfate of the cody, and draws off the internal affection. — do in Liver Complaints, and Coughs, and colds. | Children with Whooping Cough should always ® Their excellence will be understood by all on triai. §tcg For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; Greenboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- bato’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J Raleigh, Dr Stith. P Mabry. march 4, 184$8—1552 | and the poblic, that he ts personally tv be and abe of our Court of Pleas and Qe -~lachatergee the next Court tobe held for said cusnty avi Court. House in Lexington, on the anne ; ie in iene. clip smwer of donee an » ” wi set down for bh 7 GOLD MINE | naRiit sores = ? est, CHAS. MOCK, ¢ ¢ c. 6w83_ Prittet's fee $5 50 Davie County Sheriffs Sales, Ww ILL be sold for cash on the 24th of April, 1843, at the Court-Hoose it Mocksville, the following property, to wit: One tract of Land belonging to N. B. Taylor adjoining J Roberson and where, of bis lasavese in the same, sapposed tn be - . 250 4JCRES, to satisty sundry execatione i his ioterest in 91! his ‘ene in my bande, Aleo, NEGROES, bat subject to their hire watil next Chrietmas. ALSO, At the N time and place, FORTY FOUR EGRUES, belonging to the estate of Nathan Choffin, dee‘d consisting of MEN, WOMEN and CHIL- DREN, (BOYS, &c.,) to satisfy sundry exe- chtions in my hands, in favor of Joba Murphy, ang others, I will.sell a vatoable TRACT of LAND, belonging to C. B. Wheeler, or his interest in the sewe, adjuining G. Baily, and cihers and Twelve Vegrc es, belonging to said Wheeler, ‘consisting of MEN. WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. io satisfy an execution in my hands in favor of Jolin Morphy, against N. B. Taylor, ae principel, and C.B. Wheeler, and others, as securities. ALSO—At the same time, SEVEN NE- GROES, levied on as the property of William Lunn, to setisfy sundry executions in my hands, in favor of Charles Hartman, F. H. Shuman, Ag’, L. Bingham, end others. Te sale ‘ill take place on the 24th of April, 1848, and continne from day, if we cannot get through in one day. WM. B. MARCH, Sheriff of Davie cuoaty, N.C. { march 25, 1848-—4f85 State of Porth Carolina. IREDELL ‘COUNTY. Caurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Febraary Term, 1843. —_— march 11, 184$— Christena Lentz, es David Lentz, Joho Lentz, Henry Leniz, Law son Lingle and Wife Elizabeth, Covred Miller | and Wife Sussanaph. Alexander Miller & Wite Christena, J eatheock and Wife Mary | Ano, Joel K ‘and Wife Selly, Caroline Leaiz, Simeon z, Eli Leow, William A. Len:z and Rachel Len‘z. Petition filed for Dower. ik appearing to the satisfection cf the Coo:!, that Simeon Lentz, one of the Detendaots in this case, ig not an inhabitent of this State: [1's therefore, ordered by the Court, that pobdlication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks notifying ihe said Simeon Len'z, to appear al the nex! Cvart of Pleas and Quarter “Sessions to be held for the county of (redell, a: the Courthouse in Statesville, on the Sd monday in May nex, then and there to answer, p'ead to or demer 'o said Peiitien, or jndg@ent pro confesso wil! be taken ae tu him, and a writ of Dower ordered accordiog|y- Tess, J. F. ALEXANDER. 1c cc. marph 25, 1843—6w35—Priniers fee $5 30 Lost or Mislaid, A NOTE of hand, sigeed by Lomb Taylor & payable to Announ James, with James Eaton as security, and payable thrap gears from 4:1, January, 1840. Any pereon finding said mute snd returning it (o the subscyiber, ut giving me infor mation so that I get it, will be linerally rewarded, JAS. CORNELL. Davie ccnnty, march 18, 1848--Se34 ~ re) —— 4 UPREME ete Ook oo FEVER Jy resists every ordinary mode of eare.so as to RNB 3 . a Winter of Sa Thee nee eed SKEET acenc very diwession 10-2h0 tative; and. by RESTORER OF Tye p.™ 8 JM Uw ae tu Tee Fall an VF RS,—There is no remedy known: either 10 yaaa Whieh id disease i d E Bldgp 1 an | . professional cr domestic praciice, so absolutely, et lapel ii 2 ie ye soietenpiea tii ° For ' a . BST. ISHMENT |! : | Line tothe West. inci ot ar pean any Sauk woemettesr the efflavia, arising from CHRONIC AnD OTHER Dis ; . ; .* . ‘ pre e , , jour : . aan a x T SUBSCRIBERS. [S42 & "A483. From Salisbury, via Statesville and Mor- celebrated and long established JAFE PILLS | 8agnent bptaty ad the tt qieant. exccilag W BETHER Prodneed , bs AVING nasoriaied thetselves together far | ganton to Asheville, N. C., and PHOENIX BITTERS, Easaordinary Steithoete teethorplite deopri hin of eioden fal (Rica ve. badly cnred ol pe a Mater 2, = f the perp e of manufactoring lb now in full operation, rorning through in | and renowned as are their effects nnon diseases spines bed asad Aol Sisadaean' oflearm cn ° SRO, Frog, tty porpee ; ; ° iwo days and iwiee a week, as fullows : in geoeral, in FEVER AND AGUE, and ail [79 #8 ater — with ee ition of | chance of Hk bark, Ke. or (in feta 41 Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s. HE Sobseriberitforms the public, that she| Leaves Salisbury every Wednesday and Sa!- | Biliious Affections they are more so; because, in NS galt d Li retes 4 thig, Fever.and\ - Arr Ser: a8 Speeified in. the Pall SECRETARY'S; WARDROBES, T has jast received thruogh she Norihern | orday at 6 o'clock A. M,, and arrives ai Asne- | ihese they are as infallible 28 any homan means A ie divers fe thet enbartdderd viene wel lin all Wane ae be Syrup 74), 2h , ; T Civiesitve fatesi and most sppcoved ville every Mooday and Friday at 6 o'clock, P.| canbe. ‘This has been proved in more than ien | 98 } Pros ; » AS amereal Misorders, y Cera; ig Centre-- ables, “t.. 6 ! . M. - thousand cases, nor is there an instance in which | OW", that after an ordinary fever has ance oc- |, , ABYSSINIA MIXTURE, (in ligne Tete, SIDEBOARDS &CO.&C London & Parisian Fashions, | Leaves Ashevilleevery Taesday and Sator- | ihev have failed, or reasonably can fail, when 1a ic Sarr 2p here re porastnedicn is eeighated tur its speedy ang Pailin 8 pe In the very best dynd ub aty te fd ot fire Beest Aad 's prepared io execute orde's in ihe mos | day,at 6o'clock A. M., arrives at Salisoury nex: | ken io eierict Semmronce pe the nga) Rar Mine 9 soe Sesame ae Gots Mine a * Feta: ain ae ; ds of the | sivilish and sattsfact er, days ai 4 P.M. ; sobjoined, and which are a so given in a deer = ee : : Sai yr AUSAM, for Bilig rivers af rl ‘cowniny “sad filles. avond, : Work sent from eahasbeeshan ve carefully | Passengers travelling on this line will receive | FATS WEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa | ‘tremely difficult to effect a permanent cure of | Afféctions, Colds, &e “Sand Ny, a s. = Jf » CHAIR & SOFA Share uf their pationage in oor line of bosiness. Vheir. shop is’ a few doors east of ihe Mansion Hotel, and one door be!aw Jones’ old Tavern. ° JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHERW. mareh 18, 184% 1338 ) . —s KENILWORTH HOGS! FYTNE Snbseriber his jost otded @® his stock J ot Berkshire sa pric of Kenilworth Hogs, Lepovtedte m Kagland on the fall of 1841, py Mr A B Allen, of New York, and are now r=4 ‘Tie Boar isa very sope- boot $8 monihs old. Ou@BINET, Ladies’ Fashions Pci op and forwarded. S. D. PENDLETON. ‘Toroons, for gale, C imping and Flating on ‘ezsonavle .e-ms. S1'suury, Decemver 3, 1842. NEW FASHIONS PALL & WIVTER Or 5c Mrs P. has on band 2 bandsume assert - i meat of Bonneis, (newest siyle) Caps and | der trips safe and pleasant 16 the passengers. a Ms. S. PL is also prepared io execute SHERRILL AND PARKER’S good accommodations. Our Teams and Hacks are excellent, and the Drivers sober, skilful aod accommodating ; no pains Will he spared to 1en- SHERRILL & PARKER. Jone 12, 184! — if46 George WW’. Davis, : Commission and Forwarding Merchant Witmiscton & Fayverrevitce N.C. ee undersigned is now prepared to receive Goods at Wilmingion, and forward thesame ior animal, deep, thick aau excellent in all wis poin's: she Sow verg fioe, wii a tier of eigii pias, which, % wean y aod form, ean hardly ve 1842 &°43. tohis Agent at Fayetteville, who wil forward io the Owners inthe nack coentry. He basa large Warehouse at the River, where Goods ail! ve Moffai’s - maritao, But to ensure invariable success, these musi be rigidly followed. FEVER and AGUE, ia all its four leading species, is pecaliar PExIODICAL adminisiration of a proper remedy, in connetiion with the spe— cific powers of one of the ingredients in his med- icines, is the secret of his invariable triamph, while all other practitioners either entirely fai! or only temporarily succeed, were with the verv ves! remedies that were known. ANETUS, or Agoe iseither Quolidiam, or daily; Terlian, or ihird-dad ; Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratie, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in suceession, and fhen renning into in— ‘ermittent fever of a more malignant character. Bat itis a remarkable fact, however mysterious —— » Fever and Ague positively: Qered. BC Fever und Age iv most Wistindte dis ease, and jn-warm aod hom'd climates, freqnent. Fever and Ague, though torelier- the patient for the time being ts @ very easy taste, Dr. Moffat's Life Pills anit Pheenix Bitiers have been thoroughly tesied, and proved to be a posilive and Radicaleure of Feyer and Agoe. Hundreds of bis fellow citizens in the West have voloatarile come forward to assure Dr. Moffat, that the Life Medicines are the gnly medicines ihat wall dhoroughly effect a removai of this mest tedioes and disagreeable disease. promising poriion of oor conniry —men who went out fuil of hope, and confident of winning a cam- petence from the luxariance of the soil ; or who carried to the outposts of our settlements the mer- caniile or mechanical experience won in the crowded cities or towns of the older states, have either returned with shattered constitutions ang Others who have emigrated to that rich and | _ Aromatic Extract, a tion, Culdoess in the stomach Wt lng Weakness, in the limbs, Rheor, Notas Deruaative Powpr ai R, for Bj Headache, Diseases of the Eyes mF to be taken in the Restorer, JAPAN OixtTMEnT, for Piles applied besides the Restorer, BENGAL OINTMENT, for Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, EK and foul ulcers, 5 is to 3e ap storer. Universar or Strex tor diseases of thesChest, tory Kheomatism, Palsy, liniment f 3. F OSC. whi + Which j; ‘ Vetter, Bin MoNODS of the g Plibd vesides «© CTHENING p._ Lge Dyspencia,t, . : Paralysis, ( Dr. Kvnu’'s Acoustic Oi 1 , f : and all other Auricntlar Complaints ps ; , . T x q > tored free of storage, and ibe owners sobjecied : ed rons . be aSedstogetber wiih the Restore 8 surpassed, Jruse s ne mov weha fuller de- How AS DIC HKSON only ‘6 half the usoal cariage from the River to and unaccountable it may appear, that each and depressed Spirits, or they remaio ia their new ECP Dr Kobl's Pamphlet ‘ Trex se.iption of these fine: niarls, 2 * referied 0 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends aoe Fa etleviite —ihereby lessening the expense on all of these species of Ague, have a FOUR- homes, dragging cuta weary hfe, or at last sink entered according to Act of c ! “men"p Qe, Alien’s ber pnot tee on the Cullrrator. — pnube, that he still eeccee an he ay INNO, 4 Vie sev-eriber bas alsu,9 Vorkstive Sow per rg a Sow tmoored by | : | Oall its various branches, twu doors above J. & creerda of Nir. Allen, { Liai vom oglaas 5 avs some Vhin rind Sows TAILORING BUSINESS aed thoes wish'a4 ions ctase, cao hare vie | W. Murphy's svore, where he is ready to exe- pore Kearlworih, of Be Karte, 07 ef ysae wa, Wi), F KELLY. Neos Mocksville. Davie co. Q ® Jroor 6 14, 1845 g 9 of ‘cule all orders of his customers in a style and ROWAND’S ~. New ‘Bsiablishment. JV HS Soose jvers towing ossoriaced them- . so'vesiogesher for the no nose of earryica or he CABINET anu CHAIIR AAKING BUSINESS, now offer ieir services io their li is iheie porpose to €21.9 9) vo lvesevenzrimens in all their wa- rinus or2arbes, and .wee feel confiientig& giving who mov favor them {ciends and ive yuo’ e. eotve sac's‘action to all Medicine for Fever ano AGur. Dyspepsia and Nervous IVeal:ness, sould discriminate between the ‘thousand and one’ remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the poblic, (the same now as in cezsfal prescription called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixture. A few remarks will serve toillustrate the dif ference. ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. Those who would have recourse to a’ Family all times past, ) 2nd thai almosi universally’suc - Jn the first plare, the operation of ihe 4 Goods mech below the osoa: charge. As his Warehouse is isolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be irifling in cemparison to the risk iocarred from being siiaated in iown. Those who may favor hia with their ovsiness. Jobn McRae, John Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Biowa, Salisbury. NVC. %. S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oci. 1, 1842-1510 SADDLE & HARNESS ; | TEENTH DAY CRISIS, in which they may be cored with certainty, bot dy neglecting . which ibev can only be cored by chance. Dr. Mar FAT’S directions fur taking theumedicines in this diseage, sretherefete these :— First, take two of ihe I.ire Piivs at bed time, and next morning \inve taking foor pills every night for three dights more, with the bitters doring the day.— On or before the seventh day, the Agoe wil! seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hungry, and hearty, but he must ne— veribeless continue to take the bitters as before prescribed, aatil and on the fourteenth day, with 'wo pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, end not antil then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billious and liver affections it may have superin— duced or even in any way connected. If, how- ever, thé patient shoulu by any neglect, or an- under gome disease to which they are predisposed by that terror of the West, Fever and Ague — Mheir hopes are blasted —their business energies destroyed — their Eldorado becomes a desert, end the word of promise, made to their'ear, is broken eT ar Yo heave P ‘yu ead Be k- | manné@r not surpassed by any in ihis partof the | mov resi assured thai every attention will ve paid fv fae! ; to the hope. 25 , : . Ki newer baud Yo b ent Wy Y a B k I pouar Hei ne make Y aciar receipl ofthe | t0.xive. prompilow of their interest, ne e mire a wine glass of the faint To these individaais, Dr. Moffat would say — We a for some ne, intended ix: see. His sieck of Be keh: es NOS nn ciaseu | NEW<VORK FASHIONS GEO. W. DAVIS. ITTERS In about the same quantity of water, | « Pry the Life Medicines, and you will yet an | Commendatory notice of these 'OValuable 9. of. Mr. OC. N, Bement, of New ¥ 0 k aad ts no, | and ptapared 10 accommodate the tasted of the| References : and half a wine glass more io a fall wine glass ticipate your most sanguine expectations, for | ©/mes, bat have been Preveniec by the ree g 7 passed ng angio wne (aied S.sie., Biuse Fashionable at all a; of water, aboot half ao hour before each meal thev will certainly restore you to health.’ other matters from doing so. We have fe Wisviog a inorova ber sinek of Hogs, have | ‘Deron re 7 . g ne Messrs John Haske & Son. suriag the day. On the second sight take Fever and Ague is acomplaint whieh requires | '*8! five or six yeare, been quite femiliar wig Hea oe sou inne of “ Zan, il co mas _Srecomber 3, 194%—1y3 _ D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, N.C we pills mit oe aes oa oe {kine to be met at its first approach, and combatied at ie eee by experience and deri , FO Deen offered Seo bo he Poiumec. ide a » vv. U. nighi four pills and the bitters ae before, and con- every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces | h8ve no hesitancy in recommen ing them us s fry: 2og of ge avove wil ue ponpmil¢ a:tended T rt ] FA MT LI BS.- Alexander Anderson, y g ? 2M ig the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, so thal upon the maoifestation of dis- ease, Natare is unable, onassisted to resist the inroad. The Life “edicines, when taken strict. ly according to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength For fall particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medieme. “pc The above medicine is for sale by CRESS’ & BOSER, Jgents. Salisbury, Oci 22, 1842 —1y1$ . . One ress fot! Directions for ihe use of ih ed medicines, and accom panies every Ree. " From the Sowh Western Virzinis, . 11, 1843, |S ey DR. KUWLS MEDICINES » Con: 8 2hove tens afflicted every where. Oor opinion is gi « it was when we first used these medicines wt they are superior to any we have ever 7 The Doctor, himself, was with U8 @ fon, this week, and from cases gtaied to 0s, ih, been more strongly confirmed in Ovr forme, , ion, that they are soperior ta 2ll other medi The efficacy of Dr Kubl's remedies ne treatment of extraordinary cases is a}mog : cedented, and the year 1842 was tich of pe tant cures, two of which alone op; tpice ya permit us to notice al this time. Mr Asie, of Alleghany county, Va., was, lasi Noride. ry suddenly taken with arotal blindness ni wih pavonage, Repricag in ther tine will be | feren ] due confidence in restored health, omit to take xe . : ‘nikaloal his eyes. He used numetous preserin:ions, ) eoue faithfully and on rearsonavie terms. All| Vonie Mixtnre in the core of Fever and Ague is Al , the Phenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- DIGUNES 2 be gale ae ean ete ME other medicines, but to a0 fenefit. In Me | kinds of countey pryiace will be taken inex-{apon entirely new and peculiar, yet safer scribed, at leas: three times on the fourteenth , , ciisnge fur farniture or fut wo-k done to order. K. ELLIO Wl. ROWSEE, Avgust 27th, 1842—195 NB. With the view of lessening ‘he cost and preveniing inconvenience, the svoscrive’s also keepon haod a quantity of reads made Coffins, K.E.& WR MANSION HOUS B! principles. Sceondiy: li not oafy promptly ar- rests ihe course of Lhe chills, when punctually and perseveringly ased, but it soon restores the wonted functions of the general system to a per- fecilipheulthy slale ; when relapses are no inure liable 49 ensue ivan an atiack of the disease in one who has never had ii before. ‘Hhirdly: The sysiem, during the adminisiraiion of ibe {mprov- beoign influence, and gives forih an earnest of re- toring healib and vigor, Fourth!y; Producing move or less effect on the bamels, (he cause of ihe isgase passes off in the way mosi strongly indicated by natare. Fifthly: Its effects on the system are uniformly mild and safe, as well as -| ed ‘Vonic Mixture, sp:ings up at once under its _—- FRNVHE SUBSCRIBERS re. specifolly inform the citi- zens of S.tisbury and the surrounding cooniry, (hai «bev have opened a svup in this place, where ‘new will cairy on tne Saddle and Harness Waking BUSINESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. , All orders for SQODLES. BRIDLEN, Fine and common“ HARNESS, day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease should retorn, and the patient should learn wis- dow from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instractions, however, he will be | so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however anhealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children beiween seven and fourteen years of age, half ef the above quaniities of the me dicines will suffice ; for younger children, a qoarter of those quantities, to be increased or diusinished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young Iredell coanty, by A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Heatth:-~ °° { Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed so.) BCP Gentle Reader: If you: would avert from you (be siekaess, the pains, the wretebed ness, the prematere mortality which you see al! aronnd you, and which, like a sharp sword sus~ pended, is ever ready to fall upon fou, despise not my advice—it will cost yoo lili!e, wil! nei- ther infringe upon your occupations or amuse— ments, and all the faculties cf your mind and -he can read hoth print and Writing. he procured the Restorer, Gold wine Balsam a Universal Plaster, from Atdrew Fadge, Ey g Covington, Va.—took the two first mecicine Ternalty as diteeted in Dr Knh’'s Pamphlet, ay the Universal Plaster be applied to ihe \emple aod some times over the eyes. and by thie vey ment he has his eye~sight so far recovered, iby If tome explicit statement should be desired, 3 letter é rected to A. Fodge, Clerk C Court, will receiy salisfaectory evidence of the obove, A lady of Bedford county, Va, was for sy 17 years afflicted with the Liver Comoiny. treated with Calomel, took cold on 1, aod a taken with contraction and lameness, Ste ox body will be as much bettered by it as 10 repay yoo ten fuld. 1? ask only one week’s trial to con vince the most sceptical. In the first place, diseard all old errors and prejudices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, “ If you are passing well, do not atiempi to better yourself ;” it is the saying of ignor- ance and superstition—of those who attributed all they saw aroand them to chance and fortune, instead of natere’s universal Jaws. Has not man, led on by experience, learued to goard himsels the whole time, a great number of presenping of Physicians of eminence, anc every mediciy that was recommended for her use, insiead of fording relief, had a tendency rather to Aggro the disease, She sank from yeacto yeas, au ike digestive organs were so deranged that cing] agreed with her, {n Angost, 1842. the nies had not been ont of her bed in fire years, ercet when removed by others—so nervoas thal em Versation ur walking in the room prodreed i most disagreeable eflecis upon the heed ; bergn efficient, and ii is as well adapied to the feeblesi in‘ani, Simply oy a modification of the dose, as ive most vigorous adult. Many other consider- ations, of the atmost importance to the a0 Xtous ptrenis and invalids, might be ename-ateu here, not ihe above are a lew of the potnis of coniras’ in comparison wiih ihe remedies generally resort- ed to in professional and family practice, from | Which a proper jndgment may be formed in se- leciing the remedy. N B. With a view to re-establish entire childreo, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. . THE SUBSCRIBER, “AVING parehased Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- I . lereat in ihe above Ksiablisomeni, ienders 2 his services to ihe Travelling Publie, Having for several years Been engayed in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT. at Monat Mourne, 10 Leedellenan y, Leather Trunks, &c.. &e.. will be attended to wiih Puncivaliiy 2nd des- patch ; and al! kinds of REPAIRING dove io good style, and on the siro:ies no ce — This treatment, with thege supremely effec- ‘oal “ LIFE MEDICINES,” bas been perfect. 'y Iriumphant in the worst regions of the Svuth- ero and \Vestera country, and aroand the north- ero lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, aod the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than che supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will make ev- Le indolges : the hope tha. he bos exrecience enoveh In the dacies of his nosiness 16 endeaeor ig render com fortaste. all who besiow upon his house iherr pa The subscribers solicit the Palronsge of ihe pablic, and pledge themselves io ase their vesi exeri'ons lo give satisfaction. Tireir shop i3 on main siveet, (wo doors norivesst uf ibe Couit- : . i > t t w eral feeling very bad, sovr stomach, ke Iranage, confidence in. the efficiency of the ‘ Rowanu’s House, next voor io A. Benceni’s cine. ery effort tof send this advertisement into tbe towiph adieu of ia? Whee ed ie ne ey sce ened votives iat f2. VABLE shall always oe well and plen'i | Improved Bonie Mixiore,” to effect a lasiino PLUMMER & SHAW post moe districts. cee etary aa Jvaloos- should he not, in fair weather, guard himself as king a dase of the Gold Mine Balsam wib¢ te , , . ° ; ; : ‘atefal testimonials c e pra- : ; rears ; . , ial b sim ee eves bing ie couniey at- The ariglned eens eee: the a resiores Nov. 19, 1S12—if!7 gate office in New York, by every mail tn gainst ny iw — ue ever rising in bi- beg panel ihe in ose nowt ipa age etus, io pleas salig ne pala ev g go: . Zs e oney s ' —-—— ig . en co ular course o T ™ nnieu-e. } y ‘ne palaie even uf an be retained in every case whereis the y sha incredible nambers, to the absolate efficacy . of | 079 frai body emember, you are every day g 8 remedy has been puneiually need without producing ite desired effecl. Address 7” Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 Norits Second Sireei, Philadelphia. Sappliee have been :eceived vy ithe sole Agent for Salisoury, N. C, medicines. She took a dose of the Resiow 4 the morning and one at night, and two dom é the Gold Mine Balsam between meals. Te limbs were rubbed two or three times a day wa the Aromatic EXxiract, and this t-eaimeni given such a happy result, that she is now sad to walk abowt—the nervous affections bare her, her digestive organs are much improved, her general feelings: good. She is much {vit and her complexion quite fresh, which has * ‘onished every one (bat was scquainied wit long standing disease. We have omiiied name of this lady, put if any particulars so! be desired, we refer to Dr Kuhl's ageni, of ealing gross food ; and it is voor nature '6 con- tinue to do so. You are well at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within vou; and if you do not strictly guard your health while you are well, you are continually in danger of paintal and protracted confinements, and io some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even the porest fountain of which we drink—does it not require cleaning @ A person may imagine he is io perfect health, and yet not know to wirai perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Natere. I have un— doubted proofs of this fact in the unbounded sve DR. D. JAYNE’S RIWWILY WEGICILWES. PANOESE MEDIGINES are expressiy pre— pared for family ose, and have acquired an onnvecedenied popularity ihrovoohoui the Uniied C.B. WHEELER. Siaies; and as they are 90 admiraule caleulaied ‘0 preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be wiihoutthem. Phe proprietor of these valuable preparalions received bis edoce- ‘ion at one of the best, madies!~ Colleges in ihe Cosied Siates, afd Has had fifieen years experi- | Core in an extensive and diversified practice, by His BAR will be found farnished with a cvoice selection of Liquors. Hes SVABILES soall ba constantly atiendeu v¥ fawbful and aueniive hosters ang supplied with Dhooeani provender. N.B. Tre Siage Office is kent ai the Mansion 4 Blouse. these asionishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other iniermitent fevers, liver and b) ious affections, and derangements of the di- aes.ive fanciions generally, bat also ia chronic and iofammaiory rheamatrem, costiveness, pains ia the side and limbs, eraptions of the skin, scro- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, anda host of other complaiats, for the care of whieh, these Veget- able Life Medicines are eo pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well aga most fatal undermining of the genera] healib are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. FIRAM ‘IT. SLOAN. Charlotte, Febroary 4. 1843 —6r28 - sev. &P?’. Bartholomew's PINK ENXPECTO RANT S¥FRUP. An ogreeable Cordial, anu effective Remey Sen S, 1842—156 Someth ne New. : Pets : | vr ir. | Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- : . r * for Conges, Hoarseness, Colus, Pain in she The Subscriber | ine a prea ee eenele oPPo Uiseases, and" the | C8! aitention of the pablic to tbe absolute secen | cess of the LIFE MED art eet tow | Otter Bridge, Bedford eoaniy Lens’ cams 168 8 ers', | fluenza, Hod Breaining, and difficeh AKES this method of infocmino his friends | .emedies best calcalated to remove dais . dencr of his medicines over this malady ihe wko have followed ihe motto, * When you are e@ have particolarised these c2: B Me pectocvion, §CP Fo. salew: the Watchman 1 : much to speak of the great valne of Dr Ke'! Medicines, ag to inform the affiicied how if ' may be relieved. ‘Ihe treatment hae oeeo ticed, so that others may know thai br 2 sa'# courte they may also obtain ihat which §# C caore desirable than riches. wig C Persens wishing 10 procure 2n¥ ‘ A MEGMIines, will please direct their orders, * E ‘v@ amount, (post paid,) to F ' F I L . and the poble, that he has Purchased ihe SMITH SHOP, formerly owned by Mr. Foederiek Mowery, the “Town of Satisvery. whch be intends here afier to carry on in a@ manner o'uceiher new in this nart of ibe country. EHeis not onlya Smith even moderately well, throw physic to the dog call upon me, if they would be convinced of ihe importance of my position. The cperation of the Life Medicines ia every insiance that has come to my Knewledge is most gratifying. Those who are in eomparaiive good health aay perfect their happiness with no in convenience; and (bose uofortonates who are laid low by disease ‘of almost any description, may find sore relief in those pwely vegetable preparations. ‘Irey operate gently but power- fally aponfilie secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiaied homors. separaiing the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, drossand imporities—aod leaviog wvehind only what is good and nonrishing to nature. Reader, consider anu reflect well. The blessings of this life, fer rich and poor lie entirely within ourselves, in our own physiea! bodies. My advice to all, ihen, is, guard ‘your health. If you are well, perhaps vou may be | sirtt vetter—and you may always avoid heing sick ny 2 judicions ose of the VEGETABLE LAFE MEDICINES, CP Dr. Moffai’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, are for sale by . CKESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 29 1842—1914 . _— fountain head of so many others. He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating io their operations, require neither confinemen! nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed ihe reputation they bave long possessed, not by ibe osoal artificial efforts. bat solely by their invariable and extensive osefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or reiail at tbe Satisbory Medical Drog Store, by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. 5c A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hand and for sale at Hamp- tonville, Sorry eounty, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Salisbory, Sepi $, 1842—156 Uili-e, and ov C-B Wheeler, Salisbury. ’ ‘4 . march 4, 1848 —1y$2 Jayne’s Expectorant, A valnable remedy for Cough, Colds. Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, cute Rheuma- lism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamalion of tbe Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and al! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Y 7 C. B. Wheeley, sole Agent fa: Di Rowand, has jst received o fresgp agp- myof his genuine Impmoved Tonic Virlure. ‘yhie is fer sale wholesale and retai’, at be | in the eemmoa vndesianiine of the te m, bal Medial Oraug Store, Salisbury, N.C. | he is an acinat Jeon King, veing able and prepar- Dee 10--1120 led to pot iron into ANY SANE o- ‘emer, Whaier- fer. All kinds of MACHIN WORK,—torn ingof MILELSPINDULES ihecas: neof INKS { De. Kuue’s Orrice, Ricumoxn, Viriis or to any of the following Agents: NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Homphrey’s & Gaither, Lexing:-"s J. & R. Sloan, Greensborovel, D: N. Stith, Raleigh, M.J.A. Drake, Ashborotah. JF & C Phifer, Concord. 2 B Oats, Charlotte. a C C Benderson, Linen!nion. James J. Horne, Pit:sburoogh, N. © S. Peiry, Kernersville, Stokes James Brannock, Waterloo, Go Braonock & Waller, Weniwuril, *~ iogham county. R W Lawson. Yanceyvil!r, James R Cailum, Milton, South Carolina. ; Steele, Gonning & Co. Yorkvi't |, MecLare, Brawley §& Co. Ches‘¢! ge The continaation of the Jist of Age?” Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. . $25 REWARD. RAMWwaAY from the sabseriber on the 9h | Jayne's Hair Tonic or GUDGEONS, &e . donee: ibe shoriess noe F : ; : ion, Growth,and Beauly of ‘ice, and in first -aie siyle, § iM alten halig | For the Preservation pad ey’ of Febroary last, my neoro fellow HENRY, | and ena COTTON GIxs ea ESHRRS | the Hair, and whieh will positively bring in he is about $2 years of age, & feet 10 or 12 inch- | or indeed aay kind of MACHINE WORK wwe, | New Hairon Bald Heads,and prevent iis fall- es high, dark complexion, slender made, talks | he taik 1 | g Gray. clon, é | he may be called upon to do. He respec. fully | (OF OU! OF ‘uroing Gray fast, and is very plaosible in@onversaiion. Hen. | solicits a trial, W.H. WILLIAMSON, | SAYN NIC VERMIFUGE ry has a wife at R.J. West's, in Davidson e0. ; | GIAMSON. | SA =e , Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—1i6 i j no doubt he is Jurkihg in that qnarter, where he | — 7 , ‘ ‘ pleasant. “en and certain a i for is well Known, ‘Ten dollars will be paid for the j the removal of Plorms | Dyspepsia, Sour Stom. | . > ‘exey aid. ‘te | LATE delivery — ¢ negra fellow in the Salisbury @ E Gy Hi oO P pat ever ane Ague, pues, Pant of appetite, | oOo: Ss sa}j nd | 0 { as , . : : sill erte Mr amoel Reeves, Salisbary, and , a | Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. fifieen dollars for the conviction of any person or REVWOY ED, JAYNE*’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM, persons of Karburing said slave. | , A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- Siz Lee eed plaints. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Cholic. Cramps, R. MACNAMARA. | Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Moy- | Hantes D. Glover, 1848—if83 bus. anv all derangements of the Slomach and AS removed bis shoe shop to the house. PELES !} PILES?! | Bowels, Nervous Affections. §c. fa.ety vecopied ov Mr. Juba D. Brown, as! Agent. SH dail, evals. Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical porposes. {undiane, Hoock’s and Swaim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobsceo Spanish Cigars, Rowen ca, sare) i, a ee ae a a a 5 A sopply cf the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Iredell county. by HAYS’ LINIMENT!: I Jayne's Sanatirve Pills, i ¥°*HE PILES ~The price of this celebrated | $42 ad , . Spi hes, dies, Fancy ani A. C. meINTOSH. Agent. oe : the S 6 Liniment issefonded to any perton wha ; # btaner Shop a few doors east of the Conrt | eat lon Diseases, Liver ror agreed a mene ae Glace Were "Peters" Pitts, in ! _—-— 7; NOTICE.— Patients sod Agee a will use a brittle of Havs’ Liniment for the Piles? are - — vers, Inflammatvons, structions USTAECS © | . ’ , ; ; p ot North Carolina, and Sooth #8 “ads OF and return the etwnpty botile witha bina eared, | House, where be will continne to carry en the | whe Skin &e., and in all cases where an aperien, | 8!'omenis, Matches, shell end mony ciner il SALISBURY FACTORY. will please direct their orders to Dr BY, The above have been the terms on whi:hthis) BOOT AWD SHOE MAKING Aiierative or Paryative Medicine is required. ese a feneived an c. B. WHEELER —-_ . | fice, Raleigh. NW C., and these 10 ' bed alt Vinimeci bas been sold for Nearly ten years past, ‘The above medicines are fur sale, wholesale or e times, by _ ° rpNAis Establishment is now in complete ope- | North aod ast. of it, to Richmond, | Ue : Salisbury, and aa! ove bottle ont of one hukttred has Pver BUSINESS heey petarned. §icg>For saleat the Watehman ' “ 9 OMiee, and by C B Wheeler, Salishury ; JER B28 he has heretofore done, in all its warieties.— | Sloan G eensgurn’,; Hil!<boro’, D tlearti ; Lex ! ‘Phosa Gisposed {0 patranise tim, will alwaya! ington, PP Mabry ; Raleigh,e S Diith, ‘find bim ready to accommodate them on liberal | march 4. fS43— 1992 tering, ration. retail, at ihe Salisbury Madical and Drog Siore, The Company are mauufacturing | Angasi 6, 4843—152 b yt hae - COTTON Yarn, Shirting, Sheelmg anil Osnoburg, ——_—— a3? a) (be F* wo ad inne LI. those indebted ace | of William Barr, ce “i : quested 'o cone forward a0 of a saperior quality; which they offer ‘16 ibe: | Cuited States District Court of North Carolina—In Bankruptcy. ‘WY OTICE to show cause against the Petition C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbory, N. C. Sept $, 1842—1,.6 He keeps on hand a good assortiine:t of | : —— ‘AN of Henry A. Walion, farmer, of Roxan pablic at the lowes: marlet prices. “Merchanis | paymest withou! dein: MeCORKLF, & re ~_ — ready made wok, which he will sell iow for | A fresh supply of Dr. D. county, to be declared # Benkropt, at Wil- | eed others, who will examine qualities, and Sis | march 25, 1843--3053" pd —— - PARP SLEBSY eat wh an vis : panetoal dealers, ' Jayne's invalnable Family" Medicines, jest re- minaton, on monday the first day of May, | pare prices, will find it 16 their inierest to pur ' ~~ “County court N RITES, of GENERAL sscortment, may he foond at) il elie | ceived and for sale by 1843. chase. ry or and fot ft -. RHODES BROK NE, Agent. ! Prifted on first rate prnet and Salisbury, Jone 4, 1849— 1148 ’ 3 thie Office —— ——2 + tiper W.E. ANDERSON, coc. A Salishorg Medies! and Prone Sigre, | Feb 27, 1843 —4w33 Satay, N.C, Janu. 21, 1843. 126 lol Paine? +3, | C B WHEELER, Agent. Job Printing neatly done here,! — salmbety, Dec 10—1120 ” ‘ ‘ ’ - ° BS > ' : é oi = ~*~ o 7 ee > - a . ’ | > . ? 4 PN — ~ew TERMS. ls ; 2 . on a WarcuMaN” may hereafter be had , Tre salons i” advance, and two dollars and | ia (From the Albany Evening Journal } — ht gat the end of the year. . WASHINGTON'S OLD. SERVANT. a iy renee plo” will be received fer a-less time | : . Wasnuecren. Fe. ¥ a year, oatess paid for in advance. — fy ; of : aa pam ner discontinued (but al the option 0 , — refreshed thie Patriotiow witha me has been No mir’) onsit all arrearages are paid. to, _ - _+ : whose existeace con ved with a mon og BHP ide OF ADVERTISING. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY ~ we, pths the G ha ; a , x NO. 37 only tek orbits bi westy ibe ae . ‘See e Government does nol acquire loo muc er. he L — UM ry ages ue UL ove doliat per square for the first iasertion and MACE C. PENDLETON. ‘‘ upon all your Rulers. Do this, aND LIBERTY I8 cace.”—Gen® : —— VOLI E XI. long long pent. . igre cenis tor each continsance. = ‘ WHOLE NO, 557. ° of Rese noliced that 2 bill passed the Hose eet notices will be charged 25 per ct. high- Siaep SORE ears! --——- ’ . ™ Daueaaeen @ pension to Joha ; satiate = — b was the eervant of Col. Wasbiog - toa at Braddock's defeat, and who was also his bove rates. es 7 gibt on of 834 per cent will be made to 4 “ . . i ; sie advertise by the year, 7 SA LISB U RY * APRIL | $43. as ag 00 daring a pay of the e- ~ | adveriisemen'® sae contiaees antl — aaa : ———— — —_—__— ———— ae Nir ihbag trachea ee. v the Hon. ’ roed for according!y, - ” . ; aE. " : a ince en oe WORMS! WORMS!!/ CLOCK AND WATCH SHOULD MAN BE PROUD! _| Gish mouthed, beboda-shonldered, esuierpi. {ld set ob oat own sate, companied mato th jot 1 ers adaressed.to the Editor most aviling a — egged ° estiérpil. | °'¢ veteran's cabin. which 1s breach er aid 1 Y#ore stiention. St s Facts. or Shoulé man be proud ?—go ask the great, | cond d : jaa ‘ fepeiren We io i x salle from the nay fe. pe Ea ae Hondréds of children and adolts are lost year. | : The great io wealth or power, of name— ered drone in the world’s bee hive ! what | \Ve ‘°n¢ hima good health and with « strong are you good for? Nothit™ Gatto ead feeling of giatitade to God and his coontry a1 You will not find wi ( ou will no wiih all tbeir state, | your tailor, nearly hep by note » Ime for the prospect of a peotion. He says that the ly with worms, when some other cacse has been ; gowan Hotel. sapposéd to be the true one. , : : The true in heart, the pure in fame. : people of Virgini trey’ : " iginia, thirty’ years age, Basi . aula Me tar kat ‘sre -poouet oF oa ‘Vhe world with its infectious bresth oyster” wher ae a ae. oe come = Wasbiogtos, he wenid bs etch trodbled with worané, aad in béadredsof | REPAIRING Hath scattered wide the taint of sin— silly girls 1 the fe alm al make | sore to get a peosion, and though he hes suffer. cca. Malte tate,a ouppaced faves soli srt ‘ ° ‘ike warble o'er ike plees of death y y girls ae ool sheme‘ully. I say,|ed many yeare of disappointment, instead of cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers iT HE Snbscriber respectfally informs his old Thoegh talr without,'aite vil Sarm, ae your mother know you'r put, poor complaining, be hes been thankfal for the mer- | of the human family—while in trath they die of Friends and the Poblie generally, that he a wuein. oseless toad £ I om afreid yo beve no mo- | “uted Oi stings he hae enjoyed. THE SUBSCRIBER ofthe haan family —while in irath they. die of nas opened cshopin Sahsbaryie tbe above bvsi-| Chould man be proud ?—ask ther nor never hed. _When we commenced conversation with him ?—ask poverty— You ere po more use in this world shen jean lone aad ‘bie ottorance difll- ANG pirehased-¢hat well known andj ina day, by the use of a bottle of Kolmstock’ ness, in a room directly opposite West's brick ; WING pt n MSLOcK's Degraded oft below the brute, 8 time-piece in a beaver dem, or e heir -me- It. Bat this, as his feelings rose, wae over- ablished Pablie House, (known | Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dollar! | Cu¥dieg. in the boase of Dr. Barns’ formerly ‘ fl ee ot Slaugttar Tavern’) in the | How sickening the ihonght that these things | °%2ed by Jao. I.Shaver and just below J. & W. | Will not its burning tears reply tressinahog pen Yon fill no longerspa mech ond be talked for am her anda helf with ff Salisbury, N forms his Friends | *hoold be—and who can ever forgive themselves Murphy. ; . ; In language el-quent, thoogh mute— in the world’s eye than the toe : il of Sagem ee evlesing: remarkable intalll- We Poblic generalfy, THat the same is now for not trying this Worm Kalerminator, when | In addition to the above, the subscziber will) fis ceaseless tale of bitter wrong musquito would in k eee ie Sete Homa a ihe receptiongf Fratellers & Boarders, | they know that even if the case was not worms, jearry on the Silver Smith Business in allthe| 1), G.65 ahasement—e'n in d , stomp tailed do i merket bouse, or a Ce foea i fo edid not koow bow old be was, pe 'rypLe and Bam gwiil be supplied with this remedy could not by any possibility do burt | varielies common in country towns; such as mee are Cust, gin ell oat doors; vou ere ) information derived from persone who His vas atkel and sading Coonlry at —but always good 28 a purgative—lot the dis- | making Spoons, &e., and repairing Silve | Will answer loud and answer long, as htile thought of asthe fellow who knock- oo best, fixes his birth io 1722. ° He says i mY ease be whas it may. How important then to! Ware. And answer trae—as trae it mast. ae greenies last tooth down bet | gel” re “Broddeen pee oe hen he ™ * srasces spacioas; and bountifully sup | 58° it, and who will dare take the responsibility | He begs to assure the poblic that if punctual tbrost, end as for brains, ten thousend such | him asa sennel Stas aan ane “— Bein grain aod provender, of all kinds, at tndo without it? Let every parent that is not) @1)en 10 {0 business, and Pee work willen-| Should man be proud ?—go ask the grave, could be preserved in a drop of brandy end | 1743, telling bim be mest give awy bie mado nde oy faithful and atientive Ostlers. a brote, ask themselves ibis question io trath and | eit im to patronage and support, he willmer The cold, the lone down trodden tomb, have as much sea room as 3 tsd-pole ip. Leke | stop playing with dice sali ha a ane. The andersigned pledges himself that no ex | S0berness. ee OL TH W here sleeps the monarch and the slave Superior! and as for ideas, you have bat | of bim, and that he found hi i kind ov pavetg ion oo his partshall be wanting togivegen-| MrJC Ringold had a child very sick for; AARON WOOLWORTH. In kindred dust and kindred gloom one snd that is stemped on your eh skull | ‘€'-. He gave os a brief ba “les —. jqiistaction to all who may favor him with | Bear two weeks, and attended by a physician, - villi eel an inch deep, that teil nd leodgp che of the disas:rous battle i Ne 5 ag ee a” _* without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifage was | aa Dr. Sher ; ——j} Gotothe place were thousands sleep to be teak ilors and females were | ¢ oceral fell. Tie |i s whieh the English -— JAMES L. COWAN. | given, and next day more than forty worms were rv. Sherman's In still obtivion’s midnight shrocd, om eo” y you, and thet all may enve | which occurred sleoet oy howdred 2 batile suisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: 107 passed, when the eblid recovered rapidly. . HRevicated Loseuges And o'er the wreck of being weep hon oi fei Anspen tobac- | from the lips of one of the a Brey #g0, _——— child of a widow woman, livi near t , » | case. — ; : actors same HO WILL GO BALD 3) Maohatao Water Works, bad derndled for : | Are the best MEDICINES in the World, And ask, ask ‘here— should man be proud? | aber know you're out? It ie louch trme ; wir Briggs ehcnel tbe old . id ge’s Bolmpf Columbia for the Hair | meth, ti} near a skeleton, with great dryness ING the cheapest and mos! pleasan!.— | nignry CONC vs so start, buy @ brandy toddy on tick from longing to General Washiogioe "hich bys lc goM Comstoc *& Co.—Iis positive quali- of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ba- I'he medical Facalty warmly approve (hem ENTRATED SERMON | some goog natured landlord, end eat lunch | 775 supposed to be the one wore at Braddosk's sews ollows z-~I8t For infante, keep- mane lady, who called to provide for the family, | Dr. Sherman isa skilful and experienced Phy- BY OLD HUNDRED. vatil you ere as tight es @ dram, sneak to | 2%: After examining it, the old man said ig tne bead free from @urf, aod causing 8 lage at aT eal qraatil Vermifoge, sician, ane a member of the Medica! Society o My der dend abelles. bed end think of nothing eatth oa tall that it wae not 80 ; that the “ Colonel” had two 2 ' 11a. rought a vantities of worms | New York. y dear dandies and belles, fops and flirts 7 : swords with him in that cem ranigrowib of Lair. —2d For ladies after child P asleep. to dream of apes, pant straps, end | he said be had the care of, paleo, to — ‘ip, restoring the skin to its oataral strength for two or three days, and the child grew beller| Shop peen’s Cough Lozenges, and other stregglers down the bill of life, | tei!or’s bills, not to awake until the dinner | scribed. Mr B. informed him that the sword . - ta im that t , , at once, and regained its full strength in less oj Grgoess, and preventing the falling oat of | an 9 Aa +4 Are the safest, aurest, and mos effectual remedy my text to day 1s that much osed and ebus—| bells call you to est again. came from Washington's gratd eephew ; but be +P > be brit. Sd For any person recovering from Several children in a highly respectable fam- | for Coaghs, Colds, Consumption, W booping ed s»ying, * Does your Mother know you How many harmless, shellow mortels of | persisted in saying thet it was not used in that , debility the same effect is produced. 4th | ii, ; . ; are out ?” , : . : ar : ; y in Broadway had worms io a frightful extent, | Cough, ‘Asthma, Tighiness of the Lungs or ; an order go seudding ebou . | campeign, as is the fact, for : daa Nee treatin ta ue bisaiae. and were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifuge. Chest, $c. Poor silly inflated grub-worms, I would | face of the world’s serait wi t a kle “G. W 1757” is pools a Fs may 0 P pe ‘In some of the best families io the neighbor- SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES say from your sh.oes and capers that ghe| motive ; guided only by chence, whim or it was mede two years after thet battle. ; tJ sof life. —5ih It frees the head from dand- He then gave acme 8 t of on the % ' , ° . 3 b) strengthens the roots, imparts health and hood of St. John's “ark, it has been extensively | Are the only infallisle worm destroying meci- | don’t know you're out. You young lady, | impulse, like a mellow bug in 8 big eddy | Brandywine, in the Revolution ad of « , ary war, ® , . 4 | osed. from the circumstance of having eradica- | |; ‘ | with a parasol like a wet cabb } : veto the circulation, and preveots the bair ? : g | cine ever discovered. ‘They have been used in P cabboge leaf on a | under a shady willow, ! . : 1 seeing color oe getting gray —cib It ted a large quantity of worms, after all other: over 1,400,000 cases and seer koown tu fail. rem-rod, and cbains of hair do@n eachycheek, | lowed up b ned . ke they ere swel- | the surrender of Corowallis, when he was egein bai | beantifaliv when é remedies had failed, which was very extensive. like a bottle-tailed spider ¢ di ny greedy bass of death, and Washing#tin’s servant, bat with less distinciness T the har 10 curl beautifally when done op |.1y ynowo in that part of the city. | SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES | tag been maki P hie urn ; ack-| the firet thing that they know. they know | showing that the earliest scenes were best re. u over org” - Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head— a. making bis everlesting Ol pe- | nothing; when I see one of these, | alweys membered*-Whea he treard of Washington's } ment, over your rouge-covered face, leaving | think poor beg, your mother don’t know illness, he came from his r@idence to Mount se a . , A family ia New Jersey saved several children | ‘Naladies toilet should ever be made withoat it. by the ase of it. One,a girl of eight years of | ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- A ; a broad trace bebind him, ead on your back | you’ge ont. pigeon arriving the day aftes tte General died. t first nobody there knew him.or would allow th Children who have by any means con— P i , ; : age, had become exceedingly emaciated before | ita, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a anole of the hesd, 010 ste lt. the Vermifoge was given. The next day three | sense of Sinking o. the Chest, Diarri.ca, Las- | * peck of bren,—and your mincing gait, How many silly ones neglect their busi- ce y ° large worms were dislodged, and she left off the silude, or a sense of fatigue. like you were picking your way among rot- | ness and get after some foolish pleasure and {had been bald aboat five years—noo more hair Vermifuge, when she became again worse. ad Sake | had resort to the Vermifuge that finally broagh! bim to see the remains, buthis importanities , ‘ | fivall Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges ten eggs, or wes barefooted in a brier patch, | chase it,end keep chesing it—lke a boy Apacs be one seone eainee., the family ont, 09 and your arm lioked to ® brainless dandy, | efter a butterfly, until they weer out the het| At the close of the war General Washiogton pite top of my head than on the back of MV) ay incrediol tity of wor d the} Are th tcertaio dy for this dist 1 ; io, 10d ay head covered with a thick scarf. away an incrediote quantity of worms. and the) are ne mover io remedy for this distressing | (hy: [ll come at him as soon as | am done | of constifut i hi is ti jd ay head corre wih ck. are ma complete, and abe gaol er bei: me ee ter of een mich they | are ionpent ntsc seer |sp9 oan, beating the ground with the | Esfalyposeved, and vsloce 38 eo legra osing the Balm of Columbia, from Com. whet? to hunt up indigent virtue, or suffers sod finally fell into some hidden ait enver: bove any price the world can offer. This was A Physician of standing, bad doctored a fami- | have been used, they have never been known to y of children some weeks, withoat being aple to | fail. yet ¢ Co. Since whieh, | have ased two and | | ing Innocence, to pour belm on the wound- | éd-with flowers to rise no more? I then shown to un, It ie ble, with yellow laciogs, half bottles of the Balm, which has folly re- . f large i pred my bait, and freed my head entirely. Wor restore bu: one ont of the seven to health He | Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. edd apirit of poverty, or only to smear poor | tbig# poor fool, your mother don’t know ‘sles we ety olehtan, ‘rani ames L My head is now covered with fine, flow had the liberality to send for Kolmstock’s Ver- 5 ‘own gidiy heart with the corroding grease | yoo're out; nor you won't be ' e' ea by tors. Io atand “a hair—which aoy one ma be calli mifage, and cured the rest with it ia less than a | Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so com- ' f yanitysto hear fools whisper as you pass: | apai : y out soon | talking of this precious garment, the men ay ong ha i y one may see Dy Calling | yoo, | mon and troublesome during thesommer mouths.) . what ea far girl!” R b : >| aggio. brightened op. and became entbusiastic. Mr. woe, ai Stamford, Connecticut. g emember, vain one, When I see a young man step in the skiff Briggs ‘esked him for the coat. ‘He saw 3S Nomerons cases of other complaints were sup ‘ may now be entirely prevented by a proper ose | |, : hen Is re 12, 1840 5 Pat adlons sees nosed to exist, and the persons vated for fever, of these Lizenges" They are prepared express | heauty is but skin deep, end the storms of | of dissipation, and etert down the streem | ‘he question was not in earnest, and barely re- wre “us wk & Co —lovk always for the i &c., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov. | ly tor that parpose, and can be relied on with | matria wy and the olesk winds of affliction | of pleasure, using the oars of improdence, plied, ** Don’t ask gach a question, massa.” Mr phen ieicLnan Office, and by C ered the true cause of the sickness,- by bringing : perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange | rubs n all out, end leaves the counten-| while folly holds the helm, pessing the rr epparent eae repeated, 2 away almost an innumerable quantity of worms, | meat of the bowels shuuld never be without ihem | ance bare and unbecoming as a wea-| shores of propriety faster than a streak Of | John?” At thie he drow up and plied. with 2 Wheeler, Salisbory, Dr Sth, Raleigh, D real . ; . “L >> 1& R Sioa eo. large and small, and the persons recovered with | They afford immediate relief from all the atterd- |ither-heeten barn door, unless you put, li i ; : : fe tains & R.Sloan, Greeasboro ; J ara despatch. Instances of this kind might be: ant gripings, faininess. depress §c. on a coat of the lasting paint of meek nese, | anes over the fella of total yasaeeen Ma icing te ok, on ue = he ops ach 1, 1845-1953 sist for 25 masts anitshow ony. one por ipo ; Sherman s Cathartic Lozenges worth. end pases the varnish of besuty. and dashed into as many stoms ss 8 drap of | could not bay that coat. Bot be added, a” _ — Brandeth’s ishment the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common i you ean augh uke Ie wpe wins, and water from e four story roof, I then sek of | ™2V pat it on, as a heap of ladies and gentlemea sep : . Caution —Never buy this article anless it have | pepperminis; and are an active and efficien: | Know that you ere etill love and lovely,| myself, for | cont ask of bim, did his mo. | have done before.” EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS “ Dr Kolmstock’s Vermif»ge” handsomely en- | medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and thet vou ere still ceeutful, now that, ther know be was out. When I see a boy Having been with him more than an boor, I __lor sale at thie Office. graved on the outside label, and the fac simile | and are, the best catbartic ever ased for bitions the gloss which bid your worth end good | leaving the prison door, after a long and spoke of going, bat he urged as eo earnestly 10 Salisbory, N. © Oct. 1842—tf14 of Comstock & Co. | persons. Where an active medicine is reqo‘red, | ners beneath iis dazzling glare is gone, you ‘dreary, confinement, with a pale fece and or Tih ponstautly tooreasiag. I — wows / . i : : . aah . ' o ° look at De. Sl arman’s nid eee ern Hillabero Ss n ney ae the best, but the safest that can eee siBoence oo al near yon withered heads, his step wesk and tottering | who has lived to more than y™ score ‘and ten . ; A sab oot oeton ee a lsiok > | ; : ; ° sf | g eel just like 8 _skulking along, dodging all he meets like @ | years. . isement, and if you wish reliet for your ma ry, ington , , gh. | Sherman’s Strengthening PLAS TER, |-oan almost frozen feels when be sets doen | guilty thing, ghading his eyes from the usual} His mente! facelties ere yet unimpaired. His maladies. cal] and obtain a remedy of C.B. March 4, 1843 —ly32 The best of all plasters for Rheomati+m Low- | by a cheerful fire at his own home. He, glare of devlight, cut from the society of vision and speech are affected, bat hie bearing is } —_— WHEELER, Agent. , —tti—(“it*# be , Weak in the Back, Joins ew th Tr . nan ood. His wife i b , Sali N ago, Pain or Wee ness in the ‘k, Loins. | hears the storm but heeds it not; he 1s hep- ; his fellow beings, for some trivial eitence | C8: Ele mite te eerg tees Seven) ee ‘alisbory, Dec 10 1120 EW Side or Breast. ‘cleanle vt oy once more. But bave you done this ? | committed in the thoughiless of erring boy- tee in and ue one ragga: end neree. They To THE AFFLICTED.— Lhe Tailori } ; ’ Ihe ative medrese ts for sale, wholesale ' 1 i am freid that you are bul a butterfly, born , hood, (when if mild treatment had been | ive in a cabin which be beilt before the late : ailoring Establishment ! retail, at ibe Salisbury Medical Drag Store, by é : | war. niweriber has just received a large and fresh a C_B WHEELER, Agent, a worm, to die an insect. resorted to and tbe crime buried in silence, | ‘The bill which has pessed the House, ender meply of Di Moffatt's Life Medicine. Call & A. P. ALSOBROOK, Salisbury, N.C, Ab, I doo’t half hke that langh—it wee: and inducements held ovt to him to think | the auspices of Col. Taliaferro and Mr Briggs, mun reltel C B WHEELER, Agent. TAILOR , Sept $,1542—1y6 : forced; you preiended to be pleased with | well of bimself, perhaps that°boy might | gives him a pension of $80 per annum, commen- Suliebary, Dec 10—1120 OR, | ee ee that fool’s wit, when yoo knew it was sto- , have been saved from treading the slimy {og '@ 1842. = ——————— Late of the City of Raleigh. | Dr, WMoffat’s Vegetabte Life \\en! Oh, why such decent, giddy fluutering | road of villiany,) | say, when I see this, I | seme vertee April 1 ar \ HAVE. located ‘s ‘i T . ) _ Medicines worm of the cabbage patch ; ycu are sold, think of the grey heired mother at bome. if | FROM ST. DOMINGO. : ’ © located myself in the town oO. ” sou! and body, for a litte empty, windy. a hovel can bes home, the scelding teers | Cents. Cents. Salisbory, (permanently,) and intend car- | SSESS qualities of the most mild and be- in: ; ’ ar’ Later secoonts from St. Doming> receiv- Bacon, 5 a 54 | Cotton Yarn. 90 | tying on my BUSIN ESS ina style not to be | ae sivere. ‘They are composed of ar- at edule bb rin os he na i. or ok bor ebasing eech other off her high ed et New York report that e battle hed Brandy, ap. 30 235 | Molasses, 35 a 40 | Surpassed in this State or out of ita, My Estab- | ticles the most anti-putrescen', combined with | -O8*° sk h t f . led ow op Bs on A ha ak bones, and her bony band shaking | peep fought between s portion of the Gov- peach, 40 a 55 | Nails 6at lishment is in the room on the Corner of the | ingredients kuown as the only certain antidote eda snake | " ooled your mammy in -; with age ard sorrow for her cooly hope— | ernment troops end the Insurgents, in which R ’ : ‘Mansion Hotel, formerly occupied as the Pust- description, When the dis |®™ 8 trick patch -end oh, scissors! how | her scp, while her bold looking eye rests Batter, 10 9 124 Oats 15 a 20 for fevers of every descripiten. f . the Insurgents were the most successful. bets, 97 P k 3 Office. I have employed the besi of Northern | ease is produced either frot» cold, obstruction, | he will strip thet finery end raise a dust for, on nothing; I sey to myself, poor suff 1108} A nother portion of the troops sre reported Pai xX, a 28 OrkK, $3 | Workmen. . No expense os paios will ve spared | had air, swampy and damp sitoations, or petrid | a mile ground with that peck of bran. S+y,! woman, you don’t know ‘he is out—yes,| «4 pave gone over to the Insurgents. A cme cieen 54.6 | Sugar, br. $a 10) to render this & | misemi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by flower-sucking butterfly, does yoor motber | he is out! out of jail; oet of friende, Out! preg: many citizens ere under arrest. nd : ee, 9all loaf, 15a 18 Fashionable Es tablishment 1 ' other causes, these medicines are certain im thet! | koow you're OU! 2 If she does. she is un- | of credit; aud oot upon the world, @ SCOUN: | taeginess is at 2 sto Bot little en ap- vorn, 25 | Salt, sack, 34 : . ‘operations ur effects. ‘They are porsessed of pe - end h © eats re - ergy *P Peat +]. pe or , \ all diseas feuhful to her trust; and ought not to be! drel, for the rest of bis days, all for the cOm- | care to be manifested on the part of the - ers, 20 a 25 | Tallow, ? in all respects. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely ' op qualities, whieh Na eee iorigorslé Whe trosted again, any more than the man who | mission and punishment of a boyish crime. | Government forces.— Post. Planee J et 4 ‘i Lia 5 a 1 pale de = symaieeil eae 1 have been | ea Wieo frst taken into ihe stomach, | Stole @ handful of acorns from the blind | So the world goes, and soit will go, till it} | e - . ’ . : 2 . e . i r . ; : ; . . , — ; lron, per Ib gad Wheat, bush : 7 engaged regularly in cutting for the last five | they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor sow. Go home, gossamer, and try to pre- | is ran down, re ! vee to think. ue But \{ € Ruling Passion.—A \edy in ove of Linseed Oil. pr Whiskey OF a 30 years, aod part of the time. in some of the most : through every pore, ineniaie ial ore are yourself . = 3 weedy ene ee | few of our moth-rs know we are out: our villages was lately :hrowa from » wagon * On i : ”” | celebrated establishments in the Southern coun— ' delightfol, salutary, an permanent hen the | when you are sbroac, any bo will know _ - . / | gal 90 $1 Wool, (clean) 20 try. Eshall not hesitate (o guarantee every thing spark of life begins hi ee ive Se eet. | \hat your mother knows you're out. ! VETO EXTRAORDINARY ! and corre bowery eevee Ne ay to fit | cut and make. | languid, and the faculties paralize’, ihese medi- N het was cut oot f - IMPORTANT DECISION ! : a i FaveTTeviLLe, Mareb 29. | eines are found to give 2 tune to the aerves, ex= o@ you kus" & oot for 8 man. dol : N. _er bad the surgeor com is opers— ‘andy,peach 40 a 45 | Mol 98 995 LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK | tilerate the ‘animel spirits, invigorate the body, was so villainous'y spoiled in makirg op, The ex-member of the U. S. Senate, the ; tion than spimetion returned, end opening = )», Apple 35 ; 40 Nails, cur 5A "16 FASUIONS and re-animate the whole man. Pll attend t» your case. For whet end dic | brightness of whose genivs sheds such a her eyes she lisped beseech ing, ‘Do, doctor, | ‘acon, Aba 5 Sugar brown, 64210) encived hy. I losi fl ld TE been. | . The Lye Medicines bave also been used wiih ys bert apoe the world's door and rush | palo of light around the great * cemocratic , sew it neatly Of ecurse the gtilent op- “PSWAX, 95a 27 Fump, 14 Pee red Se cin bead tend sway to oaths cond the most happy success in Nerecos and Dvs- io oncalled, like a men chased by a mad family,” and the splendor of whose elo- erator ran the stiches es close as 8 milliner ; fre, 10a 12 | Suwaf, 15a 18} clothing , yior © | peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Live: hull what good do you expect to bestow on | quence so charmed the awe-stricken end: working @ wrist-bend. \ -Xton, 5 a 5¢ | Salt, 50 2 60} s A. P. ALSOBROOK. Complaint, Rheomatism, [chronic and inflama- | yoar fellow man—some useful invention, | sdmiring democratic sojvurners in Raleigh, | —— Con. Varo, 14018 | | Sack, $24) Reference —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N.C. | tory] D ropsies &e. : sume heroic act, some great discovery, OF | during the last session of the Legisiatare, | M. Fontenell lived to be nearly one ben- Candles eE 5150 Tobacco teaf 233 zi Salisbary, Janaary 21, 1845 —1926 BPCall at Cress aera Agents. even one solitary remark ? No, those that | sometimes condescends to withdraw, for 8 dred yeers oid. A lady of peerly eqael Flaxseed oo . Tatenpe. Ba + R L ' Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y . look for eny toieg ee eed sont from si short time, bis thooghts from Bsnks aod. ages said 10 him one ra kee oe peng th M 43 new 73 EMOV »_ | will be jost as badly fouled os the man w o| other corporations, (the usual topics of his | ‘Moosiear, you & ' Feathers nD 5 os Whiskey a5 a $0 — A oeoca als 0 atone dae et Ronde, cought the skunk and thought it was 8 kit- | eloqnent Potepoar age) and to eet es chair- | 1 have a notion death has gar us.’— Irn 5a54 ° Wool, 125 ald T E subscribers would respectfully announce | Iredell county, by ten ; of the woman when she made greens | man of the county eourt of Ceswell. Du-: ‘Speak es sofily es you cam, eid te a ‘ he pablic, that they have removed their . A. C McINTOSH, Agent of gunpowder ass ier where the | ring the trial of a suit lately in that court, | pie Funtenell, lest you shoeld remia t 4 2. 7 ; —_ , tightest ts, with the strongest ' ig- . OM. veel Oh Aiea cot assor. 7a8 Copper; Tin-plate and Saeet Ecctesiastical Wotice. cape, we got oa “ tick,” but you don't ved er wre Fo ae ee coats delivered. by iding in N (ror 4ja 54 | wrought 16218 IRON TENHE Presbytery of Concord will meet 21| know where the next useful lecture is tobe | Chief Justice Raffin, 2s spplicable to the a lt Mos : rears, whe bed eoca vailer 10 a 123 | Oats bushel 30 a 37 FRanutactory, Providence. Mecklenbarg Contty. oa thé | gelivered, you know the feshionable collet | esse then pending, when the preeiding Jas- | York, nemed min doctt re, end eon rx 2 of e gore d illustr: ’ ; 2225 Oil gal 75 a $1| One door above George W. Brown & Co, and)" SPRPHEN FRUNTIS, Stated Clerk. sel oes erred that tbe appesrance of the comet her- Aggingyd 20222 lamp $1 25 | opposite Thos. L. Cowan's Brick Row, where vr. Gieteiie ners, ¢ the Watch-| °° hues of a rainbow, onless it wae toe opinion as follows : | case the riemedste anak ike BcP The Char papers, for a prece to make a Crevat of ; you koow| © ..eriet, sir, wy be Law in Raleigh, bet, | vod, sttet aorci¢e by ewellowicg Bale ro ' ed mod: ex- ; pelb 10412 | linseed 1 10a 1 254 they are better prepar to accommodate aad 2x h.” and “ the Presbyterian,” man of the South,” 2 how # fool feels in dress, but you don’t sir, 11 shs!l not be Law in Caswell, while Lovin teed. He: was cnaacesmtiel ond Coffee lb 114 2 14 | Pork ecute al! orders in their tine on short notice, and 1001bs 5%'a 6/. , will please copy the abovo. ton 4426 i in the very best style. . P oF ee _se% know how e man feels when be ests the honor of bold sisi om site Corn bush 40 ; - aad b ba : Also, coemient on bo a ston ote of| March 4, 1843—4w52 Koow cerned honestly by the sweat of his have tbe one Paaafivan sine Re te. be ag! ae ee apy dade the sutbor | Flour bri $5 a BE Salt sack $2 Bathing ‘Trate, Stills yA ue GARDEN SEEDS % own brow ; bot you know how @ monkey | nave considerable reputation as 2 Lawyer, im all recent attempts et saicide must have ioe nc 25 a 30 bush = $100 "JOHN D. BROWN & Co. | A GENERAL sseorimen', way be tog nt looks ; for Beasts inckieg coe al bot he 20% strengthy.”-- Washington Whig siruck all oor readers. Very lstely # men on 100 ; oe sali edical and Drog Store. | times, 19 you ; . : Lard 8 * 83 a: eee lh Saliobary. dm Sh FO a alban wo, Jan. a1. 1848 1126 ae don’t know bow 8 man feels after doing The British have received $1,500.000 neatly cut Bie heed of angel rye ee Molasses 30 5 33 i 7 . CA SA ; g good action, you don’t go where (bet sight | port of the first instalawpt, from the Cbi~ | woek Te er toing aulel "illow 123 Teiiinpe. 81 $137) Neatly printed and for-sale at-ths Office Jol¥Printing neatly done here. | isto be seen. Oh! you wasp-waisted, cat-| nese. é into a basin é hd " - + ee ee . 7 i a The following extract from the Circular of the Hon. James GrawamM, to his Constit- vents of the T'<elfth'Congressiona} Dustriet, will eae Sa to our readers: A OPRIATIONS. The expenditures of the Government have been greaily reduced during the last Congress, and are still in the way of being -educed much lower, as may be seen by re- ference to the subjoihed extract, taken from 2 Document, No. 227, being 8 Report from o Committee of Wavs and Mesns, made ‘omfie House on the 2$d of February. 1843. which shows the actual appropristiocs for © vert 3842, and the probable approprie- tone for this year, 1843: leads ofappriation. Year. Year. 1842, 1843. y'l & diplomat. lint and misvel- yyeets not Judina the Post Office Dev’iment, $4,495. 990 00 48 6P8,895 00 urmy, 6.495.286, $6 2,721,027 18 Navy 6,774 495 42 6 191,462 $3 Worificatinne, 278.000 00 521.500 00 P néione(nasy army) 730.776 00 499 41500 jadian department, trontice. Ren, 1300077 47 =878.119 49 Privare hille(Honee) 87,142.04 $7 14294 Privaie bills(Senate) 19,903 29 19,303 29 Standing appropri ationaand intgrest n pobtie deb Harbor bill Vo Mascachonetts and Maine, under "ie treary 1,572, 90000 2 450.042 49 953,390 00 $90.000 00 $21.698 78453 18,175,289 37 18,175.289 37 3 428°495 21 © T: will he perceived, that among the ex- traordinary appropriations for this vear is ore of 300.000 to pay Maine ond Massa. chneetts the sam stipulated by the Wash- ington treaty and that $953,390 95 is es- iimated forthe harbor bill; $150,000 of that eum hes slready been appropriated in the army bill; and should the votes of the 1! se, as given tha other day, be taken as ‘nu scting Hg final intentions on this sub- jr. 118 fair to) presume that the remain-— «+s will not be appropriated ; and, in that sae, the aprropristion for 1848 would be ces than the amount estimated by 4808. 390 95 But assemjng that the whole will - appropriated as there estimated, and that the receipta arg not over-estimated and that the expenditur s @o not exceed the appro- prations, then the aesonnt for the calendar yeer 3843 will stand this: Total amornt of receipts Total amount of expenditure $2 1 3.3 81 Leaving a balance in the Trea~ surg on the Ist cay of January, 1844, $5,148,110 71” The statements in that table, | thirk, are very accurate, except the harbor bill item, which was, on my motion, stneken ant, and that bill entirely rejected, After deducting that large item, that radnces and leavee the appropriations for 1843, only seventeen mi'lions three hundred and seventy-one thousand eight hundred and ninely eight dollars and forty two cents— $17,371,898- 42m The qvestion hea been often asked, in a taunting manner, of the Republican Whigs: ‘Where are your promises of reform, re- trenchment, and economy 2? What abuses have you corrensed ? and what expenditares bave yon lessened ?” IT anewer. and point to the appropriations oF 1842 and 1848. That document is the highest evidence, and tells the plain truth. When were the appropriations, in any one vear so low and small ss $17,371.898 42? Never, since I have had the honoar of a seat in Congress, Seventeen millions is a vers small som when comptred with the appropristions made doring the preceding administration In the very first yearof Mr. Ven Buren’s administration, Congress appropriated, for the year 1838. the enormous sum of thirry- eight millions four bondred aad thirteen thousan.! sixty four dollars and eighty-seven cents, ($38 418.064 87,) as may be seen by reference to Honse document for 1837 and ’8, No. 464, 2d session, 25th Congress, and ith volume. Fo: the second year of his administration, that same 25th Congress appropriated, fur the year 1839, the sor of thirty-six millions. eight hundred and «ixty-two thousand, two hundred aud forty-two dollars and seventy- eight ceats ($86.862.242 78.) See House document, No. 249, 3d session, 25th Con- gress, and 6tb volume. That you may see ata glance, and fairly contrest, the degree of habilitiesand ameonnt of appropriations imposed on the people by two opposile majorities in Congress at dif- ferent periods, I will present a brief table for illustration and comparison. 25th Congress. 1838, $38,413 96400 1842 $21 603,784 20 1339, $6,862 24278 1943 17,371,898 42 Som savec each year of the 27th Congress. 1842, $16,809 280 20 1843. 19,490,344 $6 These are the facts and the figures, taken from public doeuments, standing ont before the people in bold relief and in paralle! Knes. Now look opon that picture, and theo upoa this, and s+y if much, and very much, has not been done by the @7th Con- gress to limil appropriations and reduce the eXiravagant expenditures of the former ad- tT npatraton. The document (No. 227) of the Com- mittee, being mode defore the adjournment, could on!y state the probd@le amount of ap. prnpriations, but { have this moment receiv- ed from the clerk of the Honse, whose duty bie, hy Jae, to forn-h “an abstract of ‘approp:iritons made at the last sesstoa of Conare sor the half calendar year ending 36th Inne, 1843. and the fiscal year end- ing 30¢hk Sime, 1844. anv thai document atiowes tial, for eyghieea months, 27:h Congress. LL | The whole appropriations amounted to That is, for the present 6 months . 8.166.418 00 h ding $Qth Jone eae — 16 332,887 00 So that the clerk of the Honse, in hi¥ of. ficial capacity, reduces my estimates, and fixes the actual appfopriations of the !ast sessinn of Congress to a little over sixteen million dollars for one year. Thos you see the good work of limiting »ppropriations and redgeing expenditures, or of adapting the means of the people to the just ends end useful purposes of Government, has teen successfolly end signally sttained by the last session of Congress. Rabid pasty politicians, who are full of onbelief, aod are unwillmgelo confess their own sins may try to doubt, cavil, and evade the [acts and statements collected and presented in the docoments; but they can’t get over, onder, nor round them. ‘There they stand, the monuments of — F.xtravagant appropriations for 1838 and °39. And of smal! apprupriatiuns for 1842 and °43. The expenses of Government are now re- duced to about one-half of their former smount. No wonder the Government got in debt in time of peace, when the appropriations were more than thirty-six and thirts eight millions of dotlars every year. he liabi'- ities of the Treasory, on the 4:h day of March. 1841, (which was the «sy after the expiration of Mr. Van Boren’s administra- 1100,) amouated to the large sum of thirty - four milhong, six hundred and six'y-five thousand, two hundrea and sixty-nine dol- lars and thirty-nine cents-$34 665.269 39 (See docoment No 281 of the House 24 session, 271bh Congress,) That was a heavy load to start with, 1a addition to providing fo: o deficient Treasury beside. That beavy hrabitity and destitution of adequate means rendered it indispensable to cut off and reduce all unnecessary expen- ses. Accordingly, many gross abuses were reformed snd correcte.i by abo'ishing some offices, and reducing the pay or salery of others In 1838, under Mr. Vao Buren’s administration, the army was increased from abou: eight tkousand mento twelve thou - sand five hugdred. [| then opposed that in- crease. In 1842, the last Congress reduced the number of the ermy to seven thousand five bundred and oinety men, and thereby saved and reduced the snnual expenses of Government about seven hundred and._fi/ly thousand dollars ~— $750,000. Ido noi thiok we need a large standing army in time of peace. We should encour- age our young mea to form volunteer com- pao'es, and train and discipline oor militia, war, | feel confident an impartial and en- lightened people, who are searching after truth and jastice, will be satisfied that the last Congress has made much greater pro. gress in the work of reform, retrenchment, and economy, than any other in the last ten or twelve years. Experience ani close observation bave taught me that Congress may do its duty by enacting the most wise and wholesome laws, and yet they are of little avail or ad- vantege, unless they be well and troly ad- ministered. The effect and operation of every law and apprcpriation depends at last upon the execulive administrulion. Shall the law be fairly and fully executed, or eva- ded? That degends upon the President. He begins just where we left off. If the President, the Fleads of Departments, and those whom they sppoint to places of office and trust, do the:r duty punctually and faithfully, good laws will do much good ; but if the officers and agents are incompe- verted anc used as an engine of oppression, instead of a blessing ; ase cloak and pre- tex: for fraud and specalation, instead of justice and equity. For exampie, when Sam. Swartwout was a defaulier, and em bezzled and defrauded the Government out ot twelv@ buodred thousand dollars, the law was good, out its administration was bad. The executive officers oegiected :beir business, and it is feared some of them win- ked at the fraud. Heace 1 say good laws alone will not do, but the exeeutive admin- rstration of them must be performed by men of integrity, intelligence, and indepen- dence, before feubstantia! benefits can be derived from them. Those offices are too often bestowed, not apon men of merit and suitable qualifica - trons, but upon some active, noisy pertisen, asthe reward and consideration paid for perty services, in the nature of a political bargain. Politics, now-a-days, is a trade, by which many men live, and speculate, and make money. ‘The capital invested, and merchandise employed, are the passions and prejudices of the people. -Sach rabid politicians are always busy, exciting and ag'taling the country. to inquire and ask what is right and whatis wrong? Oh, no; they would make nott- ing by that, They are not after good prin- ciples, but good offices, and that 18 the be- all and end-all of their devotion to power and place. Thos you perceive the moet salotary legislation may be, and oltenis, defeated by the executive administration appointing weak or wicked men to office, and hence * the people mourn, when the wicked rule.” Fellow-citizens, the last Congress was remarkable for novel scenes sod important subjects of legislation [i was full of inci- denis and events. The difference of opin- ion and action between the legislative and executive branches of Government prodaced great excitement and much delay m ihe transaction of business. I: wes extremely embarrassing to have the action of Congress on four different bills superseded by the veto of the President. I have a great aver- sion to the will of one man deelaring what | shail. or what shall not, be the Jato among seventeen millions of people. Stull, if we could not do all we would. we were bound to do all we could, to relieve the country. $24,499,255 00 | so as to. make them expert and efficient in. ten: or unfaithful, the good law may be per- | Bul they never stop the people, no mailer by whom adminisier~ ed z on ; Amidst ell the trials end perpleging ques- trons which heve’deen encouniefed in the path of doty, I have steadily endeavored to" ascertain what was right and best, and then decided and acted in obedience to the con- victions of my own judgment. It is the amine and anderstand all the views and ac- tions of their representative. To sach es may object, I now sey * Strike ; but bear me firs.” Censore; but updérstead the Irne cause of objection first. 1 desire my op'mons and condort to be feir'y and folly investigated. If they be right, I shall be gratified, If they Se intentionally wrong, they deserve reprobation. If they be erro- neous by mistake, snd not by design, then 1 is humen to err, bat divine to forgive. When I took back end remember the difficult times, the exciting scenes, the egi- tating triels, and the great questions that have divided and convulsed the country since | entered Congress | om troly grate- ful thet mv poblic coorse bes received so litle cenenre, and given so much satisfac- lion to my fellow-citizens. The bighest earthly reward the representative cen re- ceive is the approbation of his constitoents. I heartily appreciate the kindness and con- fidence | have repeatedly received at yoor hands, for which | tender you my sincere thanks. I am now a candidate to represent the First Congressional District of North Car- | olinain the next Congress; it being my former district with a change of number, and an addition of population. Respectfully presented by JAMES GRAHAM. Wasnincton. March 4th, 1842, -_— eR [From the Maysville (Ky.) Eagle.} Ma CLAY—Mr. TYLER--Mra BENTON It is indeed cheering to the supporters of the great Statesman of the West, to know that we have the testimony of more than his polities] adherents to tbe fact that he, above al! others, 1s best fitted to fill with honor to the nation, the office of Chief Me- gistrate of the United States. Even those who are vow his bitterest rivals,bave in (1mes gone by, ere they were corrupted by party prejudices, conceded to him the most ex- alted talents, unimpeachable integrity, and the purest patrictism. Among these we mav mention the names of John Tyler, the traitor President, snd the Hon. Phomas H. Benton, U. S. Senator from Missouri. —We are aware that the (testimony of these men is not necessary to prove to the people that Henry Clay is a pure, an bonest and power- ful statesman, but it wey be interesting to some of our readers \o know the estimation in which these time-serving politicians, be- fore they were lost to every principle of honeaty and justice, beld Mr. Clay. Mr Tyler a fw years since, delivered a speech in th =Virginia House of Delegates, in favor of the Distribution of the proceeds of ve Poblic Lands In his speech, the “Captain” used the following lanQuage : ‘‘In my deliberate opinion, there was but one man who coold have arrested the then course of things, (the tendency of nollifica- licn to dissolve the Union) and itat man was Henry Clay. It rarely happens Mr. Speaker, tothe most gifted, and talented, and patriotic, to record their names upon the page of bistory, in eharecters indelible and enduring. But, Sir, if to have rescued the county from civil war—if to bave preserv- ed the Constitesion and Union from haz. ard and total wreck. constitute any grovad for an immortal and undying name among men, then I do believe he has won for him- sulf that bigh renown. I speak what I do koow, for | was an actor io that perilous period. When he rose in the Senate Cham- ber, and beld in his Send the olive branch of peace, I, who had not known what envy was before, envied him. I was proud of bim ss my fellow-countryman and still prouder that the Slashes of Hanover, within my old distiict, gave him birth ” Again, itis well known that this seme Joha Tyler, at the Harrisborg Convention, expressed the warmest and most devoted ‘admiration of Mr Clay. He used his greatest efforts to bave him rominated for the office of President; and when it was ascertained thet Gen. Harrison had received the nomin- ution, he “Dropped tears as fast as Arabian trees Their medicinal gam” A few days after the adjournment of this Conveation, a dinner was given to the Del- egates at Washington, at which Mr. Tylor is represented to have said: ‘] do declere, in the presence of my Heavenly Judge, that thg nomination given to me was neither solicited nor expected; | went to the con- vention in HONOR OF HENRY CLAY, | and in the defeat of the wishes of bis friends | I, as one of them, made sacrifice of feeling | even though my own name was associated | with that of Harrison. * * © 1AM A TRUE AND GEN. UINE WHIG, and 1. the Capitol yoader, [heve shown my love for Whig prioci~ ples.” But what says Mr. Tyler now! The | Madisonian and every other press which is supposed to have his confidence, declare that he is no Whig, but a genuine Locofoco and be might now, witb the aimost propri- ety, affirm that “ia yonder Capitol where my former political fygads, to whom 1 am indebted for my pré¥ent exalted station, have wiinessed @ith shame and mortification the reading of my Vetors, | heve shown my love of Locofoco pritciples.”’ But let us recur for 8 moment to the for- mer opinions of Mr. Benton. On the 23d dey of October, 1824, this gentleman pab- lished, in the Missouri Intelligencer. a let~ ter from which we extract the following par- agraph: “The principles which would govern Mr. Clay’s administration, +f elected are | weil known tothe nation. They have been | displayed upon the floor of Congress for the We most never give up, nor despair of the iast seventeen yeasts, privilege and the duty of the people to ex- | sy | Ue saves, * We can go before They coostilvuie e;a0d swear th:t we believe hn republic, fur the Government belongs to sysicm uf A@ericen policy, bssed on the leave the Siate.” venl d msnnfecture of own agriqpliure aod, ee country—opon ioterior as well | commence—upon interior os well ss see- ‘bosid i@provement.-vpon the independence! of this new world—close eomamercial silt- acces with Mexico and South America if tt is seid others would pursue the same sysiem, we enswer, that the founder of the stem is the nstoral exeeator of bis own work That the most efficrent protector of American iron, lead, hemp, wool and cot- ton woold be the triumphant chempion of the new Tariff, the safest friend to interior commence Would be the statesmen who bas procisimed the Mississippi to be the sea of the West—the most .zeslous promoter of internal improvement, woold be the Presi- dent who opposed the constraction of na- tional roads and cansis—the most success. fol applicent for-treaties with Mexico and South America,-would be the eleqcent ad- voeate of their own independence.” Now we qoald ask, why is it that these gentlemen who once entertained such ¢€x- alted opinions of Mr. Clay and hie prinei- ples are now found arrayed in deadly hos- tility egainst him? Has he ebanged his po- litical fath ?—No: be still stands proudly erect, the oneanqoered advocete of those glorioas principles of political trath which he bas ever maintained. From the Milledgeville Recorder. Jt must be obvious to ell, thet matters are coming lo 8 crisis with the colton growing country. Cotton cannot be made with pro. fi: (even small profit) at the average price of the present crop. Aad that an edvanc- ed price will Be permanently maintained, so long as the present over sopply contin- ues, is an opinion, we think, 8 wise or e pro- dent man will neither believe nor set on. What is the mischief? It is the low price of our cotton! What is the immediste and obvious cause? It is that we send to mar- ket greatly more thsa our customers need, or can use. Suppose our friend, the read- er, wished to buy « hat which he needed, sod bad no more money than be had use for. While under such cireumetances, he would readily give a fair price for one hat, let bim ssk bimself what would be his course if the hatter urged epon him the sale of half e dozen, and all for his own use alone. Would be be willing to give the same price for the five be did not need, as ‘or the single one he did? and let him ask himself what diminution of price from the usoal value it would require to induce him to purchase and lay by the five super- numeraries, till they might in years to come be required ; taking into view et the same time the certainty, that before they could be used thev must be essentisily injored in quelity by the delay. And having settled to himself satisfactorily the case we have supposed, he will bave a fair illustration be- fore bia of the cause of the present depres- sed price of cotton. and by an easy inference the remedy for it, Tha immense supply over the demand 1s the evil ; the greet cur- tailment of the product and supply, is the obvious and the only remedy. Yet in the face of these irrefutablepfaets, sad while we are suffering so sorely -ftom the effects of their operation, the whole cot- ton growing section of the Unionis at this moment putting forth its every euergy. to increase (be evil by asagnilying its cause. From al! acc@unts a lerger crop of eotion will be planted this year then was even last; and the result, as is most obvious, must be but enother vear of withered hope and dis- appointed expectation. This perhaps is ne- cessary, to make such an impression on the pulic mind ae will force it to turn its etten- tion seriously end prectically to the discov- ery of new sources of wealth, and to their active and energetic developement. And when the public determination is distinctly brought to this point, we have no fear. Un- productive labor will no longer mock the hopes of the plough, or paralyzethe arm of the artizan—prosperity will once more gild our paths, and bappiness gladden our hearts, for comfort and competence will be the as- sured reward of manly industry, and content (their usual attendant,) the associate of our firesides, titherto the sdvisers and advocates of the views we heve suggested, have labored this subjeet without beert or hope. Bat ad- versity is an effective though ea stern advis- er ; anc 1¢ will force attention on our people t> thie vitally important subject, indifferent as they have been in times less rigid. And so importent do we deem the poblie con- sideration of this matter, that we design to devote at least a portion of our time and la- bors in urging it on oor people. The first and msin point is, to ascertain a eubstituted labor which will not only add to the eslue of oor main product by diminiebing its quantity, but supply in some measure en e- qnivalent in value for the product thos di- minisbed, even at a fair price for the erticle. This, we think, can be diseovered ; and to this we propose to some extent to direct our attention, and to urge the attention of our readers. €# 2 Narrow Escape.—Some of the Officers of the Navy are now in our enty for the purpose of inspecting and proving the new cannon cast for government at the T're- degar Foundry. The process of proving hes been going on for two or three days past. Wednesdsy a ball from one of the Cannon gisneed scross the upper part of Belle Isle and passed through the Cotton Factory on the opposite side of the river. It passed over the heed of one of the feetory gitle, who was sitting at her work Had she been standing it would have teken off ber head = Quite a nerrow escape. Pre- cautions will be taken to prevent the intra- sion of these balls into people's houses agein Richmong Compiler Not Bad.—A Lowell, Mess printer re. quests one of the Millerite preachers to ** coll and settle” for the printing of some second advent hymns before he goes up. @ Megistrate iafends to of five cents per pound, will { ~~ @ATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1884. Republican Whig Ticket! For President of the United States, HENRY CLAY. or KENTUCKY. FOR CONGRESS. Col. D. M. BARRINGER, OF CABARRUS COUNTY. «4 DISTRICT CONVENTION. We learn from one of the Delegates from this Connty, that the Convention which sssembled at Mount Mourne, on the 4th instant, to nemi- nate a candidate to be ran by the Whigs at the ensuing Angust election, onanimons!y nominated Col: DANIEL M. BARRINGER, of Ca- barras Coonty, as the most seitable man. With Col. Barrincer for oar leader in the approach- ing contest, we enter the campsign perfecily sat isfied, knowing that he possesses every qualifica tion oecessatry to make him a conspicbous mem- ber and an honor to the District, should he be elected. Whigs of the District |! arouse, awake, and pot on your armour, and make a LONG PULL.—A STRONG PULL, AND 4 PULL ALTOGETRER, AND THE VIC- TORY WILL BE OURS! New Hampsuire.—Retarns of the election lately held in this State have been received from all the Towns but nine, which give Hubbard, the regolar built Locofoco Candidate for Govern- or, @ majority of 959 votes over all other candi- dates. The Democratic Guardians of the dear People, refusing to District the State, an elec- tion was held for Representatives to Congress course nul! and void,) at which the Loeofocos re- ceived a majority of votes. If the majority in the last Congress had been Locofocos that passed the Law requiring the States to elect their members by Districts, and the Whigs wherever they hed a majority, should have refused (0 obey the Law; every little pen- ny sheet of the party from one end of the cooun- try to the other, would have paraded the act forth to the People, as an attempt to resist the laws, and to revolutionize the Government. Bot it is the perty hypocritically sailing under the Demo- cratic fag, that choozes to disregard the solemn injunctions of alaw passed by a majority of the constitutional Representatives of the land, and not a single Locofoco sheet from Maine to Louis iana are to be foand raising their voice in oppos- ition to this infraction of the law,—or saying one word agains! the enjust and oneqoal manner in which some of the States have been Districted for party purposes, where in many instances, they accidentally obtained a majority in several of the State Legislatures ; but on the contrary, are found aiding and attempting to jastify such dishonest proceedings Bat there is a day of retribution fast approach- ing, when the evvereigns of the land will rise in their wight and drive from power their corrupt aod tyrannical law-meakers, ina voice that can- not be misunderstood in the coming elections. — People of North Carolina, wil} you sanction the doctrine thet a State has the right at any time, wheoevera law does not exactly suit them, to obey or disregard it at their pleasure? If we are permitted to jadge from your decision in the ev- er memorable Nallification question of 18$1-'$2, we unhesitatingly answerno! Ard if we are not egregiously mistaken when the proper time arrives, the party advocating such a dangerous and disorganizing doctrine, will have no room to doubt the trath of our assertion. Maine Leaistarurt anp THE Treaty — The Legislatare of Maine appointed a Commit mitiee of twelve to take into consideration the Boundary Treaty made at the City of Wasb- ington ; six of the Committee made a laboured report upon the sabject, in which the Govern ment (aod particolarly Daniel Webster,) is de- nounced for negotiating sach a treaty, aod the Commissidters appointed by the State of Maine, pretty roughly handled for their agency in the matter. ‘Those members who disapproved of the report bad no opportanity to present a counter re port, as they did not see the report ‘which was made anti] Monday the 20:h ultimo, and mos them not before tho 21st of March, a short ti before it was presented to the Senate. A strange way of transacting basiness, indeed. I is, how- ever, gratifying to know, that in the lower House the report being brought in, was rejected by the decisive vote of seventy-two to thirty-four. Border Troubles. —The Bangor (Me ) Daily Whig contains the proceedings of a poblie meet. ing of the citizene of Hancock Plantation, in relation to the arresi of Daniel Savege, a citizen of Aroostook county, who was attempted to be earried off on the tst instant on civil suit, by in- dividuwle known to be aathorized agents of the authorities of the Providence of New Brans- wiek. [1 appears that great excitement prevail- ed apon the border, and that the People aided by the United States troops succeeded in effecting his rescue. Subsequently the citi met, and paesed snodry resolutions expressing indignaticn at the outrage ; and it was “ Voted that the thanks of this meeting be presented to Captaia Webster, commancing the United States troops at Fort Kent, for so prompt. ly fornishing assistance to the civil euthorities to reeaptare oar citizens on ovr own soil as defined by the late treaty, and to secure and oder to jeottee ** ne, wee = Vermont Sugar.—The Mvotpelier Watch- man estimates that the maple sagar produced in thet State the present egason, at the low price tof The United States sy; had 8 narrow escape entrance of Trinidad de Cops ruary last. Owing to throwing over four or qnantity of provisions, throw overboard all th have saved the vessel the anchors and most op and saved. The one thousand dollars, from lot, she strock on a reef at channel, the wind being fair ter trying in vain to get off fons of water, the commande, accomplished, a squal| trising, h @:. and the cables slipped, had to force her over the reef, Witbout an fay damage. This was a bold ane dari ue king, and perhaps the on! : ter obtaining the requisite suppl provisions oo the 26th, she purey Cape Antonio and theaee to Ver ¢ PS We yp, den Meta, 2 On the negligence of the Mor; of 0 dtixe ile dating the wh five hundreg ‘ and Starting 69 Five ee Ut before it ‘ © Order the am the =. oh SS the e Zune; Y OMe which - By the aid of o. | of the ProVinang whole loss dig etm ‘ ; did OM » including lighteragy u ¥ of waig ed her cre toz, We announced Philade!pbie E:-q« Even in the “Benn our political oppo favorable, and men of Philadelphia es elsewhere, that ( by General Ticket, (contrary to Law, and of | C®US€ were never more vnited in Pj p1a—were never emph of Henry C theo at the present A BRILLIANT WHIG Victypy the Ward Elections were favors) sults since ascerta'ned, shew tha brethren achieved a signal Whig y They carried every ward in the ey one, end by a splendid acgregate Obj the enure Whig Ticket was eleeted, friends of Henrv Clay have every rejoice. The weather wae tlogetber, lected to attend the polls out was sofGcient to vindicate the e, ford conclusive testimony to our on Satordey ( Says " For) that the T*turng * & Our er Ward,” go talleg : nents. North Mcip, Fett ¥ Vters, no doo Still, the tw a Whig city, ond he friends of the more devoted 10 the lay and Whig Printing period A new paper has dency Peon. , called the “ Harrisburg Argus,” is to be devoted principally tu the Support of Cass, as the Locofoco Candidate for the Py been started at Harry ec. We take great our readers, as it hb Locos) an imperisha we say rejoice and land Gut, should it Republican. An Act to preserve bly of the Slate Pamlico Sound, for to be recovered by a thie act, said person tion, be imprisoned ity aforesaid, ‘That shall receive on his lashes. [Ratified the 19: 1843.] THE TERRAPIN ACT. Below will be fuuod this Act, jost as it measure of relief afforded our citizens, tg lines of lasting gratitade be wriiten o r hearts, fo the authors of this great mewm, Who koows but the next Legislaiore oy ford the same protection to the J'errapins yes the Tadpoles and Boll Frogs of ust CHAP. LIII. Pamlico Sound, to the citizens of this Sua Seo. 1. Be it enacted by the General is hereby enacted by the authorily of th That any person who ie not a citizes ¢ State, who shall ose drag nets in the w rapins, shall, apon conviction before sey J of the Peace, for each and every such forfeit and pay the som of one hundred who may warrant for the same; one half ose of the informant, and the other hall wardens of the poor in such county wher offence may be committed Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Toi free white person shall violate the provisim ble to pay the fine impused, shell, upoo « Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, by the shail violate the provisions of this sci, ss son 80 offending, and being convicied 't Src. 4. Be it further enacted, Ths shal be in force from and afier iis ratifics™ pleasure in laying it | ae won for its su:hon; ble fame. This is the be exceedingly gla. be Lozo Foco?—R the natoral benefis d of North Carolina ad the purpose of catching ction of debt, by any 80 offending, and deing at least twenty devs if any free persue ot or het dare back, (bir! h day of Jacosry, 4 At a meeting of Edward Robinson, Wis!y nominated a —Nat Int. “ Resolved, That date has served tog’ “* Resolved, ‘Ihat os more than ever af Democracy further.” THE WHIGS OF MAINE. Legisture of the State of Maine, beld - State House on Monday, March 20th, of Governor, to be recommerded ‘0 |b P of the State. Whereupon the following ® tions were aduptec, which we heartily to imitation by honest men all over (bt in the correctness of the W which we have long contended, dition of the country calls for wer in diffusing those principles ens 1nd pority of the people to adopt them sent session of the Legislature have a union of all consider 1 Ae sisting the wild and mischievous which under the assumed and has already done so ™ trate the best interests of the State the Whig member d of Thomaston, w# s 8 candidate for ibe aa aa Us —~ we t a a : fa our experience O° ve us increased © hig princip@ & tha Me acing § fib the proceedings ° the stern necessy ate and.honest mie? f used nowt ab ch to d threo” ” tiny wee d who were instently such circomelances of Commerce. * ANOTHER MUTINY: spat ei” The report is rife this "ing aed! from the US. Ship Joba Aves when near the Cape of Good among the crew, thet th on deck, and beirg 9'F4nk . were ssked what they ¥8"! of them stepped fo ordered to their duty. report exectly from like thes must bave occeried.—-"° Hop® yee i d, sword eith asi shot dows, eo po # ff e2 2 8 ea r re n e e We have” first hend? bee that we think $j ge e LER MAN 4NN, CAROLINA. ss Ln ene sacia ting with make on readere h pi pret +3 oneiee fee of whom, We , had any, if! e . ay we, , vai nf jen fine epintedice eS o ad der ort tn support | res iste. Bat its even go—one ad theory there ts | y_and he fives in Pi 8 >eferth. y will , wg Rencher— Abram Rencher, late Re- taf : ecks. ‘Te 1 ¥ mie ie Connie Tr te ysl in New ther a ai *\ and Spelli ey tanga . 2 . - 42 . . ot steed ee mort yA co, aad wrote 2 let. ly addition to the of the seme in the r —_— branch a taoght in t “fivet” {sh; Oe OO hich we find in the Madisonise | identyesl direction in. which a cows tail was ¥ virige of sundry Deeds of Trost execo- | minsrieS will be attended to, and it’ ie believed 01 se jatter, the annexed paregraphs a€ | wont to ineresse ite growth. There ss how- ted to ob on the 224 day vf Joly 1840, for) ‘bat ils present see waperior to foe lever nothing more.sabstential io.the afore- | (be porposee therein contained, we will sell st | ‘hose of any former session. Rev. 8. Frontis wee et 3 Br sgobiless see, 29 the whole country will | said nether then there is in a rey | he Cour—Hoose in Salisbary,on Torsdsy the c foe te France) is instrecting 2 class in the THE SUBSCRIRERS — § Yet ciow injotice dove by erfich aad | of ight fromthe van, the mown, or the eters, /24 a7 of Mey. 1843, (i being The Toeedsy of oe aa cid do no lmmeditely.— } BE sow reouvinr and dont inthe wick Wan lenders 10 90 rine ‘ee Prapideat well | OF 8 candle even; sadif there was, wiist of te? Tne | He hae also consented to she-sheape of a ca 1 do y p00 Servers ge ibbeis : Presse ey That thoroogh | it? Dig not Col. Crocket threaten the pre- Tract of Land, in Crayon Drawing ; branch which ie highly] =! 5.000 FALL AND WINTER — oth of the maa and bis principles, | deeeseut Of this comet to get on inp of the containing aboot : appreciated at the North, and’ bet little attended 1 3.658 nis friend.” alleghany mouatsios.and wring ifs {ail off! — to smong us. A few young Ladies will: be re~ 50 Prizes 1,000 a*33 por pe “ morable campaign of 1810, it was Bat the Millerites .aisy . here remiod us QP ACRES ceived into the family 98 boarders, andGol..R 50 "500 A which ere ‘ {a the me bear somewhat of a conspiceovs | thet the hero of this enticipaied exploit is iy 9 W. Lone qil! take 8 or 10. Hit residence is 50 400 Cc ‘Bhoes, Boots Herdwere; wg ioe’ . one of the whig electors for ’ more or less, joining the landeof Robert Mecea- | syreeabiy stivated in a retired part of 65 $00 ’ \Saiieat Rats, Bonoets, gsi a i d Laver, that so far as.the “roan eee se romedirs her that pi aod — | mera, eer Brown, — aceon. S08 very convenient tothe Academy. No ice 65 a50 é rat wee Trimmings, » Ca ia? d wile ’ ther ' e 0 88Y 8 | others, and known as the and. Also, | made fo ia cases tineed| Besides woeser sinte e- woos - woe) that Site, thew are idan | atest gumber of "Georgia Majors’ in the | one Tract of Lend on the South side of the sickness, sbaence, bet ie —_— Ps ©. $80, $50, $40 pre tae” 10108 ee pee n which Juha Ty- | West who can out Croeket if néede bein | Vadkio- River in Rowan coanty, wiereon Thos. TERMS sell the same 4 . Pehich he has endeav- this respect or eay other. Seo jet not the Craige lives, joining the lands of James Craige’s Toition $6 —8—10—or 12 50 according to 78 No. ry—I8 Draen Ballots. GRO CERIES yr vow 100d itber § rty, to administer the | comet rely upon any essurence from Mr. | heirs. the heirs of William Crzort anc Widow | ihe advancement of the pupil. Tickets only $10—Hialves $5— Quarters 2 50 1 s oat. _— " screal, anierei bot feel as; Miller or any body elsé to the effect that rte | of Jouee Pinkston and others. contnining aboot | Maric on Piane per session, #22 50 | Certificate of Packages of. 26 whole Tiekets $140 nye! AY pins bat re he ne, Getto dignaot at the coarse epitheis, the | sonreasonable length of tail’ will not be eu 67 ACRES Guitar per quarter, 12 00 do Ms half do , 70 * = of i charges with which be bee arent off close vebind the esrs?—~— if it ventores 3 “ 9 Naneis phcopen a per . i. re do 26 quarter do $5 « GOODS, ; to ra ayon séssion, . : piel 09 eo ed Sinton, 80 well’ thet of | '0 Come near enough for thet purpose,— | ™°re i eee een eeu Painting. ja coat en do. 10 00 The Wammoth Scheme ! ! Ce nee ania wo exfh-ne_ cheng fer sok perce eae ee well kuown before in nce of the untimely death of NEGROES, Wax Work, - a eet 5 00 , ee me m € e?! a heh yn vadh —7 in Concord. Sesion io 1840. a0 it in now. Heth were Cul. Crockett. Danville Reporter. Consisting of Mien, Women, Boys| Neeale Work ge Wi Ort, $60,000 ! eral to call and exennine per i parts. en open sonetiietiesel grounds, and| Editorial Independence. —What consii- and Girls, Salishary, March Ist, 1843 —1f32 } gt cal deo whl bogs worth it cece, a psitio® was made the grovad of merit be- tates the independence of a Newspsper ? Terms Cush, thoogh they may be changed raY _ $30.000 4 $15,000 J 1 aan great i t to purchas- ae of the South in every public ad-| If it consists in poblishing, with <ontrol, ovr | on the day of sale. toe credit of six months. N O j ICE. 6D we: N B pnts Country prodace taken ine for goods poe pich | either read or heard. Shave,| own thoughis and sentiments, we ere on- JAMES OWENS, ee ! LARUE OELOTS | J & R. WANECOFF. ivr, Onn right to know that Joho ‘T'yler | justly charged by a correspondent with wan- WM. CHAMBERS, Y¥ virtoe of a Deed of Trost executed to me ALEXAN Lo’ Concord, Nov. 19, 1842—«f19 _. ° bas been. and [ venture to say he vever) tine thet virtae. if, by independence, hos- 4 Trustees. on the 15th day of Jaty, 1841, fur porpe— ~~ Class 51, FoF 184: il, goul'Y of treachery to his owo long cher ever, is meant the exercise of the power we April 8. 1848—1087 ses therein. mentioned. I will expese to Public | Fo drawn at Alexandria, D. C,'S May State of Rorth rolina. shod repadlican principles, orto the generos) | ioe: the press to abuse individuals, to List of Letters Sale on Monday the first day of May next, a1 @7,.1843. ied ; abo confided in bim. . cttistens te be terensal Gentes Cat abiver~ eve ; the Conit House, in the Town of Salisbury, (it MAMMOTH SCHEME! DAVIDSON COUNTY. Why, Mr Reoeher appears to be ignorant of pine og+8 p emaintne in the Post Office at Salisbary, | being the week of Rowan County Coart,) one E! Coart of Pleas . . mele ‘he past (wo years have bronght talight. ar notions, and to censure in gross terms N U, Mareh Sist, 1848. MOUSE AND 1 Grand Capital of $69,000 . and Quarter-Sessions—Febreary He bas been stad ying “the man and hie (profes- all who ehaoce to. differ from.us, then we A—Anderson michael, Andrews George 1 Prize of $0,000 Term, 1848. ‘ wei) principles” aod has paid no attention to his | rejoice that this press is not INDEPENDENT. B—Beshier Conrad, Bradshaw Roheri 2, Bea- 1 do 15,000 G Ze _ = w#) tne Whigs have foand Tittle faalt with Raleigh Register. | ver Benjamin, Basinger Juho, Barch Catharine, LOT; 1 do 10,000 Pike late nate of ibe positive ecraplen of Ibs a “ aoeiece a : ig = ince, z ar ‘roan ee x the property of E. R. Barkhead, sitoated in the 1 do mie vs. - Samuel Zerecor's will ° 2 Bank of tbe po Bank is souraal is. The Veto Power.— With the vividoess Joho ao am, Cuwres ’ Ber | creat east square of the Tuwn of Salisbury, ad 1 do 6 200° Samee! Roihrock & | , complained of, 00 ie ase SSenslobera bad noted of lightning does the following passage in C—Clark Warner, Castor Phillip, Caronts joining the lot No. 6, «which property the said 1 do 5.000 Margeret Dsoiels. | that he deceived tee, “a Cc toh Mr. Clay’s speech at Memphis fissh con-| 1 w , is * | Birkhead parchased of Johan McClelland, Robi. 1 do 4.000 N this case it appearing to the Coart that th a! ere ted to Leow Bees Mr. Wereh- viction upon the mind that to the veto pow- D —Desieon H D. Douglas Dr GB Macdamars, and Charles Fish=r. ‘l'erms made 1+ do 2.500 I defendant Margaret Danie!s, ie not an inbati Weel hicview it wes any part of “the | er is to be traced the long train of disssters| fF — Fallen wider Jacob - known on the dey of wee we 1 do 2311 tant of this Siate: [1 is ordered, aha pobdlication wine pes and policy” of the Whig party in thie | which have cursed the country, aod broaght| G—Gors Frederick, Graham miss Zilpha,| od ag 1aas iss OWAN, Trastes. 4 Prizes of 2,000 = — re Ox qapuscsive. washes jm the Coroli- ele io the memorable campaign of 1840 to | it 10 ite present prostrate condition = ** Had | Gardner mrs m A. reh 16. : 5 do 1,750 na a man, for the said mergaret Daniels tora mea oat of office solely for their political o- | there been no yeto,” said Mr. Clay, * there H—Hoarris Richard, Hal) Jos , Harris WG 10 do 1,500 a. tu be and appear before the Jestices yinioa's sake # It it was not, and weaffirm that) would have been 00 prevention of the char- J—Jones Joho, Jubnsion John Jones Abram, LAN D 10 do 1,250 he pe Ce of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at was oot then has not Joho Tyler endeavorec ser of a Netewsl. beak, ne remevel of the Jacobs Kendal, Joneg miss m ot EI, Junes Caleb, , 50 do 1,000 the next. Court tobe held for said cuenty, at the i» sdaipister the Government in accordance with rived T * einen! tt Jordan Holley 5Q do 500 Cenrtstipese ia Lexington, on the second mon- oe es of the Whigs of thie State as de- posites,no freasory circular, AO Bvii- | KK _ Kerns John, Kannaday Cannon AND A 50 do 400 5 \o may next, and answer or demor to said riloped in 1840. pheation of State banks, po inflation of pa- 1.—Lenz Dewalt, Laws ‘I W 2, Vyrely G 100 do $00- petition, or it-will be set-down for bearing ex- per currency, no stimulating of excessive | w. Lyrely mrs Nancy, Link Joho, Lemly Phillip GOLD MINE ' oo rn : poet mes as to — Jadgment entered against Cs) % ° est, TEXAS—FURTHER ACCOUNTS. On the 4th of March, a pablic meeting was ied at Richmond, Fort Bend county, for the of taking into consideration the present uodition of the ccuntry and to devise means to please a!) Texans now in captivity in Mexico Rewlations were adopted, expressive of the manimous voice of the county, in which the tiizens pledged themselves to aid to the exten! ol their capacity both in men and means, in any ampaiga which may be set oa foot under the wepices of the government for the invasion of Merieo, holding themselves in readiness to take ihefield whenever called on, provided that the somber of two thousand men shall be raised, for wbich purpose companies will be organized, con- nbations made &c. The meeting aleo resolved memorialize the President to call for volon- wersand to invite the other counties to anite vith them in the above project. So great is the wibesiasm that prevails (bat several of the cit. was of Fort Bend coanty bave-not only volun- wered their personal services but have agreed woferoish borees and arme to those who are will- ing to join the expedition bat are destitate of means. li is said that Capt. B. MeDalloch, of Gon- nies, ig in command of a large party of mount- men, well armed and ready to make 2 foray to le Rio Grande. The Hooston Telegiaph ex presses the hope that he will dash forward to La~ indo as speedily as possible, as he may thus be mabled to cover the retreat of Col. Fisher and bis men, and escort \hem with safety into the witlemenis. Moat of the Mexican families who accompa- tied Gen. Woll in his retreat from; Sexar, io September last. have returned. Many of them destitute, and in a wretched condition, They ny they were induced to accompany the Mexi- tan army becaese Col. Seguin told them thet hey woald all be massacreed by the Texans if i in Bexaf after the retreat of Gen. all, The news of the eseape of the Mier prison- «nis not confirmed by way of Texas, and we we again fearfal they are still in the hands of lke Mexicans. Had they escaped at the time tiated it woold seem more than probable that wae of them must have reached Texas ere this We shall shortly koow all. Orion Porter Rockwell, the Mormoa who bes been accused of being the person who Missouri, leet sammer, wes apprehended td to jail. He will now have to stand bis Wial.— Georgia Chron. and Sentinel. James A. Black, Esq., recently elected to gress from the first district of South Carolina, twenty-five years sgo carried the United States Mail on borse back through that part of the State. Mr. Caleb Cushing bas eanovnced that be will not be a Candidate for Congress. Love is the shadow o! the morning, which the asthe day advances. Friendship is @ shadow of the eveniog, which strengtheos "ith the setting sun of life. The past Febrosry es in New England the coldest known for twenty years, with °¢ exception, that of 1836. (From the VW. O. Tropic, of 20th inst.) INTERESTING FROM TAMPICO. By the arrival at this port yesterday,of the " Brazos, Lincola, master, from Tampico, report of the escape of the ‘Texians capiured ? % Mier, is fully conficmed. rose a wt Beards, ececeeded in afore sae, haaty 8°28 prupartion. of ,and made a a retreat towards Texas. {1 ig stated that “ or five thousand Mexicans had been ™ parsait of the ‘Texians.—At the latestiac- — they had not overtaken them. The Mex the ana? Ordered, if Case they'should recapture | tar ache pat every men to death, Brazs brings no other news of interes!: The late proper . gales prodeced a loss of ty, ia hips and cargoes, belonging to Kogland, wae despatch- ulempted to assassinate ex Governor Boggs, | US. Louis on the 6th instant end commit. | | enterprises and mad speculations, no conse— quent explosion, collepse, and the universe! ruin which overspreads our noble lund. Such 1s the history of our caree’.”’ Like. Wise. ~A geatleman writing a pol- ittea! letter to a friend, ssys the Beltimore Patriot, made the followiog unintentional pun :—* Wise was rejecied three times, and Cushing like-wise.” Nimrod, looking at the moon the other morning, remarkod that it must be nearly oot of change. ‘+ Why so,” asked ee. ‘t Because | see it bas got to its last quarter,” replied the urchin. Eloquence.—The following sublime prerora- tion wae recec.tly delivered in the interior of ** Your honor sets high apoa the adorable seat of justice, like the American eagle perched apon the Asiatic rock of Gibraltar, while the eternal stream of justice, like the cadaverous clods of the valley flow meandering at your feet.” A duel was fought near New Orleans a few days ago, by Mr. Waggaman, formerly United States Senstor from Lovisiens, and Dennis Prieur, late Mayor of New Orleans. Mr. W. was wounded in the fleshy pert of both thighs ; Mr. P. escaped unburt. = ALTAR OF HYMEN. ; *s4008 «s Those whom love cements in holy faith “ And eqnal transport, free as Nature live. ssaneee «* What is the world to them, ‘*Its pomp, its pleasare and its nonsense all, 7 Who in each other clasp whatever fair ** High fancy forms,and javish hearts can wish MARRIED. In Stanly county, on Sanday, the 2d instant, by A. C. Freeman, Esq., (at Henry Marehall's Jr.5) Mr. George Sides, to Miss Ithamey, only daughter of James Cagle, dec'd. FORTY DOLLARS REWARD! ANAWAY from the sabecriber on the 1«' of January last,a Negro Woman, named NANCY. Said git! ie about 21 or 22 years of age, of a vellow complexion, (or rather light.) with long hair, aod goat bailt,,of the common height, and was purchased of Caleb Phifer, of Concord, North Carolina, and raised in Lincoln ton, N.C. Sheisbelieved to be lerking about Mount Pleastat, N. C., ot perhaps may have a free pass, and trying to make for a non-slave— holding Stute. I will give FIFTEEN DOL- LARS for the apprehension and delivery of said girl to me io Ashboro’, ot ennfined in any jeil in this State; and TWENTY-FIVE DOL- LARS for proof to convict seppeore in a Court of Jastice, of harboring or that has ka: bored said gitl,or given her free papers. JOHN A. CRAVEN. April 8, 1848 —4w87 DAVID L. POOL, WAKES this metlied of Infor hie friends, » and the that he is sti}! carrying ou the Watch and Clock making, and Re- business, at bie old stend, near the Courthouse All work done by him will be warranted for twelve months. still keeps oo haad 2 smal assoriment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—1f3s J. &. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. mw — mcCubbins Samurl,mcCloud June, witch el! J B, mcCennaoghey J C 2, moss Dulphus A, moose Jaeob, miller Heory N—Nea! John, Nanly CC. O—Owens Peter P—Peeler Daniel, Payne Ellis, Pinckney Samuel, Pearson Hon R M, Phillips FE, R—Rafiy Edward, Rice John, Roberts Noah, Ratherford John jr, Ramsour David S—Shoping Jacob 2, Shoman John, Snider Lewis, Swink Daniel, Swink George, Shaping N, Stes Wilson, Swink Letitia, Swink A, Smith vames, Schell John T—Thowps?0 Miss Marv T—Trexler Jonathan, Faylor John U—Utzman R » W—Weant Alex, Wittiker Peter, Walton T R, Wiodows Henry. B, JULIAN, P. M. 8w37 Post Office Department, ; Marcu 16, 1843 PWNUE attention of all disposed to engage in th: mail service, is specially ealled t0 the ad vertisement for proposals for carrying the Un ted States Maile in Virginia, North Carolina Soath Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, isqued « the 1$:h of December, 1842. The last day fi receiving bids is the 13th of April nex!, (a1 3 p m )ond for deciding upon them, the Is of Soy 1843 — Service to commence Ist July. 1843, 30% continze ia foree antil the $0th June, 1847. All, who take an interest in the matier, ar referred fur so much of the advertisement! as em braces the Siate of Virginia, to the Ricbmon Enquirer, the Winchester Virginian, tho Fred- ericksbutg Recorder, and the Abingdon Banner ; for so much as relates to North Carolina, to ihe ; Raleigh Standard, the Charlotie Jefferson ar. | andthe Washington Republican ; for se moc! as embraces Sonth Carolina, to the Charleston Patriot, the Columbia. Sonib Carolinian, and the Edgefield Advertiser; fur so mach as inclodes Georgia, to the Augusta Constitationalist, the Savannah Georgian, the Athens Banner,the Co- lnmbus Arges, and the Milledgeville Flag of the Univo ; and for so moch as embraces Florida, to the Tallahassee Floridian and the St. Augus- tine Florida Herald, The entire advertisement is published in the Washington City Madisonian, and is also to be fuund ie pamphlet form at each Post Office at the end of the several routes. In the advestisement full information 18 given as to the particalars of service, the nature of the lia- bilities, the made of bidding, and the form of the guaraoty, which is to accompany every proposal. C. A. WICKLIFFE, Postmaster General. $w36 CABINET MAKING ! HE eobecriber respectfully returns his thanks for past favors, and informs his uld fnends and the public, that be.still continues to carry on the above business in all its varives branches, and al the old stand on asein street, one door below Dr. P. Henderson's shop, and oppusiie the Row an Hotel, where he may slways be found. He keeps cunstantly on band a variety of well finish- ed work, such as is sviteble for this part Of. the ecoontry, and at as low prices as ai any other es- ment in the place of surrounding couptry. His material is of the very best that cao behad, both Walnot, Mahogany aod Cherry. All those wishitig to bey good Furciture, woold do well to give hima call. A eapply of ready made Coffins constantly ken on hand, to suit any measure. . B. All kinds of Lember or country pro- duce taken in exchange fur work. DAVID WATSON. Saliebory, Aoril 1, 1843—1f36 Salisbury Wale ficademy. ree First Session of this Institation will commence on ‘Tuesday, the 4th inst., aoder the superintendence of the subscriber Terms per Session of five months. For the ordinary English Branches. © $5 00 English Grammar, Elecstion, Rhe- toriek, Pbilosopby, Asiron- omy aod Chemistry, 7 50 Algebra, Geometre, Latin & Greek, 1” 00 FOR SALE, F. wish to sell a Traet of Land lying withib one mile of the Town of Mucks- ville, in Davie county, containing 121 CRESS, npon which there is a prospect of d firet rate Gold Mine, upon which eonsiderable work hes been cone in opening it. Miners are invited to examine it and jadge for themselves. ‘The qual- ity of the land is excellent. and the plantation is in good repair, and has good farm buildings and a first rate apple apd peach orchard on jt. A good bargain will be given if application ir made iu either of us soon, near Mocksville, WILLIAM HAWKINS, THOMAS SMOOT. match 25, 1843—4435 State of Porth Carolia. DA vins@ c OUNTY. ‘‘onrt of Pleas ant Quarter Sessions— February Teri. 1848. L.azarns Sink, ~ vs. F Justices Jadgment levied leirsat LawtRa: f on Land, (ia (wo cases } ‘ret Snih, Deed J BT opp aring to the Coart that Willam Gor- don, ove of the defendants, is not an inhabi of this Sate Pts ordered by the Coort, © pnbdlicatran be made for four weeks in the rolina Watehman, for the said William Gor ‘on, personally to be and appear before the Jus- eos of said Court, at the next Court to be held r said county at the Court-Hoose in Lexing on, on th» 24 mondasy in May next, and shew eanse if any he hath, why the plaintiff shal! not have Judgment, and order of este ageinst the lands levied on, in s:tisfaction of his debjs and cost. Test, CHAS MOCK. ccc march 11, 1848 —6w33— Printers fee $5 50 Br. Liws Galbanunt Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! PBNHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ha ving the preference of all others, are warm ly recommended by all doctors as invaluable for invalida having pains in the Breast, Back or side. Weakness 2nd Lameness are relieved 3! once by their ase. and the paris restured io sirengih and a nateral warmth and health. Avy person wosring one of these Plasters, will be as tonished and delighted et the comfort it affurds Those threatened with Loog Complaints shonid never trust themselves a day withon!t wearing 8 Plaster. $1 removes the irritation of incipient Consemption from the Lungs to the surface of the body, and draws off the internal aff- e1ion — So io Liver Complaints, and Coaghs, and colds Children with Whooping Cough shonld always have one, to prevent the coogh setiling on the lungs’ Their excellence will be ondersiood by allen trias. §CCf For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; Greensborv’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J P Mabry . Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1848 — 1532 SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES AND GROCERIES! ! R. ROUECHE, respectfolly informs the F. citizeas of Salisbory and the sorrounding country, that he has received a new and splen did supply of Conféotionaries and Groceries, con- sistiog of all kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS of the very best . soch as Madeira, Port, Teneriffe, Champaigue, “Muscat, Claret, and Malaga, Wines, French Brandy, Holland Gin, Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials, Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Opsiers, | Besides Prizes of $150, $100, $80, $70 $60, $50, $40, $25, $20, $15, $32, $10. 78 Nomber Lottery—16 Drawn Ballots! Tickets only $20—Halves $10— Quarters $5— Eighths 42 50 certificates Packages of 26 whole tickets $270 00 do do 26half do 185 do do 26 quarter do 67 50 do do 26eighths do $3 75 Packages in the above magnificent Lotteries,— Address J.G. GREGORY & Co. Managers, Richmond. Virgivia BCP An account of each drawing will be sent immediately afier it is over, to all who order fiek- ets from as. april }, 1842—SwS6 Fresh and large 4rrivals AT THE CHEAP CASH Wholesale & retail ESTABLISUMENT. Ww GOODs, amounting to 545 PACKAGES, Among which are the following : 1735 pieces brown & bleached shirtings, from 4 cents a yard to :24 530 pieces calicoes. ‘rom 5 cts to 12}; excellent at 10 and 12 1-2 470 pair shoes aesoried, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 {bs turkey red 80 diz cotton haodkerchiefs 25 ps bed tick 40. do. apron checks 55 do flansels 28 do Kentucky Janes 22 doctoths and sattinetis $0 do moslin de lanes 28 do linsey and kerseys & ps bolting clothe 190 bags cuffee 14 hbds sogar 185 ps bagging 80 cuils rope 2000 tbs leaf Segar $500 Ibs sole leather 18 kegs powder 70 kegs nails 110 kegs white lesd 60 boxes glass 8 by 30 and 10 by 12 25 prs Elliptic springs 540 bottles caster oi) 60 bushels clover seed, warranted pew crop J &W. MURPHY: Salisbury, Decen der 30, 1842—6if LIME! LIME! mantity of fresh Lime can be bad a! ee tla al the late Joseph Williams cec. By the 100 bushels and over 16 cents; 50 to 100 bushels 18 ; 5 to 40 beshels 20, unsiacked oD. . aul peteahs wishing time either at the kiln or their residence, will apply either to J. or R. WILLIAMS. N. ae E have just received and offer fur sale our % Roekford, Sarry covnty. march 18, 1845S. SS ER Price & Mc Masters, 'Y ATLORS, COXCORD, NO. CAROLINA; 74 134 Sogar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, mention, which | will sell ae chesp for cash 38 they can be bought at any other SALISBURY, N. C. 41,000,900, and about 500 heman hives. Salisbary, Jan. 7, 1843a5tf84 + B &. EDWARDS, Principal. Selisbary, April 1, 1843— 1136 in Salishury. F. R. ROUECHE. merch 4, 1843— 152 Indigo, 204 egrises other articles tog tegious [0 ¢ Are still carrying on the abeve busioess (7 wall its branches. All orders thom 3 a AY distance, promptly attended to : Concord, Mareb 25 1843—$m35 For Tickets and Shares and Certificates of i second supply of FALL & WINTER CHAS, MOCK,ccc. march 11, 1848—6w3S— Printer's fee $5 50 Davie County Sheriffs Sates, ILL be sold for cash on the 24th of April, 1843, at the Cvatt-House in Mocksville, L po wit: ging to N. B. Taglar, of others, or bis interest patr pposed to be ~ 250 FCRES, indry execotions in my bands. ig’ 01! hie IGROES, but subject to their hire uatil next Christmas. , ALSO, At the same time and place, FORTY FOUR NEGROES: belonging to the estate of Nathen Chaffin, dee‘d consisting of MEN, WOMEN and CHIL- DREN, (BOYS, &c.,) \o satisfy sundty @xe- cations o my bands, in favor of he Morphy, and others. —ALSOQ- I will sell a veloable TRACT of LAND, belonging to C. B. Wheeler, or his intesest in the same, adjeining G. Bei'y, and others aad Twelve Wegrces, belonging to said Wheeler, econsiating of AI EN. WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. to satisfy an execotion \n my hands in fevor of Jvha Murphy, against N. B. Taylor, as principal, and © B. Wheeler, and others, as securities ALSO--At the ssme time, SEVEN NE- GR OES, levied on as the property of William Lann, to satisfy sundry executions ia my hands, in favor of Charles Hartman, F. H. Shaman, Ag’, L. Biogham, and others. Tbe sale will take place on the 24th of April, 1848, and continue from day, if we cannot get through im one day. WM. B. MARCH, Sheriff of Davie cuunty, N.C. march 25, 1845—1f85 Rtate of Porth Carolina. IREDELL COUNTY. Also, ~ Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1843, Christeoa Leos, vs David Lentz, John Lentz, Henry Lentz, Law. soi Lingle and Wife Flizsbeth, Conrod Miller and Wife Sussannab, Alexander Miller & Wife Christeoa, James Heatheork and Wife Mary | Aan, Joel Kimble and Wife ally Caroline Leo'z, Simeon Lentz, Fi Leoiz, William A. Len:z and Rachel Len't. Petition filed for Dower. T appesting to the satisfaciion of the Const, that Simeon Lentz, one of the Detendenis in this czse, is no! a0 inhabitant of this State: fiis * therefore, ordered by the Court, that poblieation be made in the Cardlina Watchmen for six weeks notifying the ssid Simeon Len'z, to appesr at the next Cuart of Pleas and Quarie: Sessions to be held for the county of Tredel!, 2: the Courthouse in Statesville, on tbe Sd monday in May next, then and there to answer, plead to of demer to said Petition, of jodgment pro eonfesso wil! be taken ss to him, and 2 writ of Doser ordered accordi a Test, . _- J. F. ALEXANDER. re cc. NOTIOD. T HE Sebescriber haviog gone to Virginia with 2 view of remaining several weeks, requesis all these ed to him by Note or other wise tu Sey James L. Cowan, and seitie tbe same by Court. 6E0. B. DOUGLAS. April 1, 1848—«f ob Printing neatly done here. ¥ 2. NEW CA. - CHAIR ‘& SOFA. ~~ Manefactur JAR SUBSCRIBERS AVING aasociated themselves together for the parpose of manofactariog — Chairs, Bureaus, Sofas, SECRETARY'S: WARDAC Centre—'Pables, SIDPBOARDS, &C.& C. iethe very vest hind uf style. aod of she finest materials, beg leave to ask at the bands of the citizens of the country aod villages around, a share of their patronage io oor line of business. } ¥ z Their shop is 2 few doors east of the Mansion | low Jones’ old Tavern. JOHN FRASER, WARKEN GHEEN. march 18, 1943 —#3$ KENILWORTH HOGS! FP FNHE Snbscriber has just added to his s:ock . of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs, imported tt m Engiaod in the fali of 1841, by Mr. A B Alleo, of New York, and are now a- beut 18 months uld ‘lhe Boar isa very supe- rior agimal, deep, thick aad excelleat in all bis points: the Sow very fine, with a Inter of eight pigs, which, for beauty and form, can hardly be surpassed. These who may wish.a foller de- scription of th@se fine animals, are referred to Mr. Allen’s lever publishedin the Crdtivator.— The subseriber ‘has a/su, a Yorkshire Sow. par ebased of. Mr. Allen, from @ Saw- imported. by hin trom Moghead ; and some Thin rind Sows : aod those wishing to porchase, can: have the pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosses of Hotel, and one door be s —— BIN OBT,. wy5 i! sng ons, |'T" ® . + Laiies.., Fashions ‘ ae Femme Sabtb dp ed Fall and Winter of & °43. 42 | HE Sabscriberinforms the public,that she has jast received through the Norihern Citiesibe latestand most approved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to execute @f@ers in the mos stylish and satisfaciory manner. Work seni from a distance shall be carefully pot up and torwarded. S, D. PENDLETON. pC} Mrs P. has on *handsome assur! - ment of Bonnets, (newes® siyle) Caps and ‘Turbans, for sale, .. “s" Mrs. S. P. is also prepated to execute Crimping and Flating on reasonable (erms. Srlisbuty, Decembem3, 1842. NEW FASHIONS ~ FOR THE FALL & WINTER OF 1842 '& °48. THOWAS DICKSON ESPECTFULLY ieforms bis friends ane podhie, shat he si@fiimerries oo the RING BUSINESS branches, twy duorsahove J & y's sore, where he is ready to exe- cute all orders of bis cusiomers in a siyle and manner pot surpassed by any in this partof the Keotiworch and Yorkshire, ’Thin-rind and Berk- shire. Hes siock of Berkshires was purchased | of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, and ts not surpassed by anyio the United States. apes | wishing te improve their siock of Hogs, have now abetter oppurtunity of doing so, than has ever been offered South ef the Potomac. Orders fo any of the above will be promptly attended io. WM. F. KELLY. Near Moekevitle. Davie eo. 1195 January 14, 1848. -_ CONSUMPTIOV AND LIVER Complaint. R TAVLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER VOR T.,—fiom 375 Bowery, New York— for the care of eunghs, colds, eatarrhs, Asthma, soreness uf the chest, pain in the side and breasi, raising of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, aod all those affectiuns of Phroat and Langs, — which are a source of so much suffering. and on arresied, So often terminate in Consumption — this remedy is highly and justly distinguished It is purely vegesable, mild and genile in its ef- fects upon the sysiem; aod: can be takea in ‘the most delicate cases, wiib safety as well as otili- ‘y. Physicians, aware of iis medicinal proper- lies, and wiinessihg iis effecis even in extreme, | and in some instances, apparently almest hope- | less cases, ofien proses in their*practice, both a8 a palliaiive and a Temedy, and. suhires Medical Faculty generally, it has met wi eat fH ing remarks were taken from the last hes fsin: Medical Magazine : ewer, 7 ‘The surprising effect produced. o- ine Balsam of Liverwort, made, 5 Bow-. rv, In Consampiive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep aad thrilling interest throughout the world We have so tong believed this disease (consamp lion) incurable, that it is difficult to credit our senses when we see persons, evidently consump (ive, pesiored to healih. . Yet itiea fact of daily occur fenee.”’ : The following was given us a shoritime since, by Capt Seutt, of Elizabeth City, N.C. Cerlificales, * Baing constifuiionatly predisposed to Con- | somption, (a number of my family having died | of thig disease,) and having suffered severely | from irritation of the Lungs, aceopanied with | cough and raising maiier and blood, tugether + Withegevere pain in my side and breast, till! was. supposed. tebe beyond recovery, 1: was indneed | ny adviee of Dr Perkins, as a Jast resort to try | Paylor’s Balsam of Liverwoft? [have taken five | bottles in all. 4 began to improve with the first | bottle, and while taking the thitd, was so far re covered, a3 to be able to get about Siace which | time, by cuntinued nse of it, fam quite restored | and abie to atiend tomy usual business. Tu per- | sons suffering from coughs and affectiots uf the | lungs, | do earnestly recommend it, (Nigned,;- JAS C SCOTT. Elizabeth City, N.C., Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint and Gerieral Debility.—1 | Was given op vy iwo physicians, and told to pre pare lor death. ] was so weak | could not raise my hand to my head. | was in this low state | when a friend sentme a boitle of Dr ‘Haylor’s | Balsam of Loverwor!, from.$75 Bowery, and be | tore | had used ap the bottle, b was able to sit up | inbed By the further use, | have compleigly regained my heal:h. GEO WELLs; 23 John st. Violenfipain in the side —I have been cored | of a violent pain in the side, extending tbrough | to the shonider, indigestion, dizs'ques, lose of ap petite, and general debility, by the use of two. bortles of Dr Taylu:’s Balgam of Liverwort, from 375 Bowery. JF H Allen, No7 Merchant’s Row For sale at the Drag Store of C B Wheeler, Salisbury. march 4, 1843 -1y$2 $25 REWARD. j ANAWAY from the subscriber-en the 9.b AB of Febenary last, my negro fellow HENRY, hetis about 32 years of ye, 5 feet 10 or 12 inch. | approhation. sof CONSUMPTION --Th es high, dark compl+xion, slender made, talks | fist, and is very plausible in conversation. Heo ry has a wife at R. J. West's, in Davidson co. ; nu doubt be is furkihg in that quarier, where he is well known. ‘Fen dollars will be paid for ibe delivery uf said negro fellow ia the Salisbary | and prepared io accommodaie ihe tastes of the j in the common understanding of the term, bat | tiees and io first rate etple, covatty. He is also in the requiar receipt of ihe NEW-YORK FASHIONS, Fastivnable at all times, December 3, 1842—1y3 TO FAMILIBS. ROWAND’S ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. Those who would have recourse to a° Family Medicine for Fever anv Acue, Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate between the ** thousand and one’’ remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the poblic, (the same now as in all ti@mes past, ) and that almosi universally suc - | cessful prescription called Roveand’s Improved Tonic Mizxlure. A few remarks will serve toillusirate the dif- ference. In the first plare, the operation of the Touic Mixture io the cure of Fever and Ague is apon entirely new and peculiar, yel safer principles. Secondly: Li not oaly promplly ar- rests the course of the chills, when panciually and perseveringly used, but it soon restores the wonteil functions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy stale ; when relapses are no mure liable 10 ensue than ao attack of the disease in one who has never had it before. Thirdilv: The system, during the administration of ihe Impror- ed Vonic Mixture, sp:ings up at ounce under its beorgn influence, and gives forth an earnes! of re- turning health and vigor, Foorth!y: Prodocing more or less effeet on the bowels, the cause of the disease passes off in ihe way mos: siroogly indieated by nature’ Fifihly: Its effects on the system are aniformly mild and safe, as well as efficieni, and ii is as wel! adapied to the feeblest infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as the most vigorous adult. Many Jther consider- ations, of the uimosi importance to the anxious pirents and invalids, might be enume-ated here, bat the above are a few of the poin's of contrag:. in comparisen wiih the remedies generally resort. éd'to in professional and family practice, from ' Zine te the West. From Salisbury, via Statesville and Mor- ganton lo Asheville, N. C., S now if full operation, reening through io two days and twice a week, as follows : Leaves Sahsoory every Wednesday and Sat- orday at 6 o’clock A. M,, and arrives at Ashe— ville every Mooday and Friday ai 6 o'clock, P. M ° Leaves Asheville every Tuesday and Sator- day, at 6 o'elock A. M., arrives at Salisbery aex! daysat4P M. ‘ Passengers travelling on this line will-receive good modaiions. Our Teams and Hacks are lent, and the Drivers suber, skilful aod accommMouating ; no paias will be spared to rea- der trips safe and pleasan! to the paseengers. SHERRILL & PARKER. Jane 12, 1841 —146 George W.. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Witmincron & Favettrevitce N.C. HE ondersigoed is now prepared to receive Gouds at Wilmington, and forward the same tohis Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward to the Owners inthe back country. He basa large Warehouse at the River, where Guods @ill be stored free of storage, and the owners subjecied only to half the usual cartage from the River to Fayeiteville,—thereby lessening the expense on Goods much below the usual charge As_ bis W areboure is isolatad4rom all other build/ags, the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison to the risk iocorred from being siinaied in town. Those who may favor him with (heir bosioess, may rest assured that every attention will be paid to ihe promution of their tolerest. GEO. W. DAVIS. Refer ences By Messrs John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, >» Fayetteville, N. C. Alexander Anderson, Joba McRae, Joho Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, NV C. £.S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1110 FAMILY WEDICLVES. FRENHESE MEDIGINES are expressty pre- pared for family ose, and have acquired an noprecedenied popularity throughout the United States ; and as they are so admirably calcalated 'o preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be withoutthem. The proprietor of these valoable preparations received his educa- ‘ion at one of the best medical Colleges in the Catied Siates, and has had fifieen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir | ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and :he remedies best calcalated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valoable remedy for Cough, Colds. Con- | sumption, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Croup Hooping Cough Bronchitis Acute Rheuma lism Painin the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and al! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Mair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of which a proper judgment may be formed in se- lecting the remedy. N.B. With a view to re-establish entire | confidénce in the efficiency of the * Rowanu’s | Improved Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting cure of Fever and Agoe, the Proprietor restores | the original goaraniee, viz: ve returned in every case whereic the remedy | has been panciually sed without producing the desired effeci, Address Dr.JOAN R ROWAND, . No 28 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Soppliee have been received by the sole Agent | ’ for Salisbury, N. C The money shal! | t C.B. WHEELER. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 ‘Something New. The Subscriber AKES this method of intorming his friends aod the poblic, that he bas: purchased the SMITH SHOP, | formerly owned by Mr. Frederiek Mowery. the Nown of Salisbury, which he intends here after to carry on in a manner altugether new in this part of thecountry. Heis not onlya Smith he is an actual Iron King, being able and prepar- ed to put irun into any shape or temper, whatev- er. All kinds of MACHINE WORK, —torn- | ing of MILL. SPINDLES thecastiog of INKS or GUDGEONS, &c., cone at theshoriest no- He will also baild | and repair COTTON GINS or THRESHERS | or indeed any kind of MACHINE WORK. thai. he may be called upon to do. He respecifally | solicits a trial. W.H. WILLIAMSON. | | Salisbory, Sept 8, 1842—116 MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, AVING potehzsed Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- lerest in the above Establishment, tenders Jail, orto Mr Samuel Reeves, Salisbury, and fifteen dollars for the conviction of any person or pe:socs of harboring said slave. _ R.MACNAMARA. Rowan co. march 11, 1843 —1f3 —_—, _— PILES 3: Skee , HAYS’ uf rEtHE PHLES—The pace of this celebrated Liniment is tefuaded wp’ Boy person who Piles and reture the eimpty dotile wiibout being cured. ‘Hie above have been the terms of whieh this liniarent has been sold for nearly ten years past, will nse a bettle of Hays’ Liniment fer the his services to the Pravelling Pablic. Having for several years been engaged in keeping | tbe hope that he has experience enough in the \ daties of hishusiness to endeavor to render com petasie, all who béStow dpon his house thetr pa tronage,. ss Pis TABLE shall atways be well afd plenii fully sepplied with.every. thing the couniry af fords, to please and satisfy the palate even of an epicure, . His BAR will be foand furnished wiih a choice selection of Liquors, His STABLES shal] be constantly atiended wad not one bottle oat of one hundred bas ever | be faithful aod attentive hostlers and supplied been returned iogion, JP Matry x Raleigh,r S Drith. match 4, 1S43—1y32 o BoP Por sale a' the Watehman (iffice, and by C B Wheeler, Saliabury ; J&R Sloan G eensoere’.; Hillsboro’, D Heartt; Lex- wiih dododant provender. N. B. Te Stage Office is kept at the Mansivn House. HIRAM T. SLOAN. Charlotte, February 4, 1848 —6m28 , done faithfully and on reasonable terms. | PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, | at Moant Mourae, io Iredell county, Le indolges | the Hair, and which will positively bring in New Hair on Bald Heads,and prevent its fall- ing out or turning Gray JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for the removal of Worms Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach. Fever ani Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, esnecialley of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, ( holera Mor- bus. and a!) derangemenis of the Slomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections. &c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints. Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions Diseases of the Skin &c., and in all cases where an aperien Alterative or Purgative Medicine is reqorred. “The above medicines are fur sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical and Drog Siore, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbory, N. C. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 . New Establishment. HE Sobscribers having associated them- selves together fur the purpose of carrying on the CABINET and CHAIR MAKING BUSINESS, now offer their services io their iriendsgodithe pab'ic. tt is their parpese to carry on both these deparimenis in all their va— rrous branvhes, and they feel confident of giviog entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with patronage. Repairing in their line will be All kiuds of country produce will be taken in ex- change for foroilure or for work done to order. K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE. Angnst 27th. 1842—195 N. B. With the view of lessening the cost and Preventing inconvenience, the subscribers als: keep un baod aqgaatily of ready made Coffins. K.E.& W.R Rev. Dr. Bartholomew’s PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cuordial,"and effective Remedy for Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pam in the B east, lofluenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult Expecioration. §(-# Foi sale at the Waichman Office, and by C B W beeler, Salisbury march 4, 1843—1,82 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent lor Dr. Rowand, has jast teseived a fresh ~op- ply of his genaioe Inmiproved Tonic Mizture. which is fur sale wholesale and reiai', at he Medical Drag Store, Salisbury, N.C. Dee 10 — 120 A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne's invaluable Family Medicines, just re- ceived and for sale by EELER, Agent. CBWH Salisbury, Dec 10—:fe0 . ME RSMEDY FOR “EE , D AGUE AND BILEIOE —There isno remedy known | professional or domestie-praciices se ely | jmatedtately, vad porabecestl) pe tebe rh, sreedleshaed ubstinate malady, as MOFFAT SS die io general, in FEVER AND AGUE, and ail | Biltious Affections they are more so; in } these they are as infallible as ar'y bamaa ibe nd cases, nor ip there ao‘ieatands in which they bave failed, or reas can fail, when ta kea in sirtict aecordance with the directions here subjoined, and which ue she given “MOF - FATS MEDICAL M AL ad Good Sa meritae. But to ensure invariable success, i hese musi be rigidly followed. FEVER and AGuE, iu all ite four leading species, is pecoliaf PERIODICAL ‘administration of a proper remedy, ia connection with the spe- cific powers of one of the ingredients in his med- icines, is the secret of his invariable triampb, while all other practitioners either entirely fail or only tempotarify succeed {were wilt the yery bes’ reme that were Kkoown, -ANETUS, or Agee is either Quotidiamfor daily; Tertian, or third-dad ; Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratic, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and fhen ronning ioto in- termittent fever of a more malignant character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious and unaccountable it may appear, that each and all of these species of Agae, have a rouR- TEENTH DAY Crisis, io which they may be cured with certainty, but dy neglecting which they can only be cured by chance. Dar. Mar- FaT's directions fur taking the medicines in this disease, are therefore these :— First, take «wo of the Lire Piics at bed time, and next morning oefure breakfas: a fall wine glass ot the Poorix Birrers io about the same quantity of waiter, and half a wine glass more ia 2 fall wine glass of water, aboot half an hoor before each meal duriog the day. On the second sight take (bree pills and the bitters as before ; on the third night four pills and the bitters as before, and con- \inve taking four pills every night for three nights more, with the bitters duriog the day.— On or before the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem to be entiirely cdred, and the patient will feel well, hongry, and bearty, but he must ne- 4 | vertheless continue to take the bitters as before prescribed, until and on the fourteenth day, with 'wo pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not until then, with positive and invariable certainty, be’ permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billioas and liver affections it may have superio- daced or even in any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient shoule by any neglect, or an- due confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat most not be blamed if the disease shculd retorn, aod the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, an¢ go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instractions, however, he will be so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however aohealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children be:ween seven and. fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only wil! alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- toal “LIFE MEDICINES,” bas been perfect 'y triamphant in4he worst regions of the Soutn- ero and Westero country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will maka ev- ery effort tol send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts, Voluntary and jealous- ly gratefol testimonials are received at the pro— prietor’s office in New York, by every mail io ‘ncredible nombers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, but also ‘fb chronic and inflammatory rheamatiem, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, and a host of other complaints, for the care of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are eo pre-eminenitly re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen deocy of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others. He bas only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, reqeire neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repatation they have long possessed, not by the osual artificial efforts, bat solely by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at tbe Salisbury Medical DrogStore, by Cc. B. WHEELER. Agent. EC? A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hand and for sale at Hemp- tonville, Surry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH. COWLES, Acent. Salisbury, Sept $, 1842—1, gent Medicines, Paints, Oils, PPE ES INE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs. Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical potposes Indians, Hoock’s and Swaiai’s Panacea, Souffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Broshes, Candies, Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, In strements, Matches, Paper aod many other ar ticles. jast received and fur sale at prices to suit ibe times, by C. B. WHEELER. Salisbury, $42 — Uuited States District Court of North Carolina—In Bankruptcy. OTICE to show cause against the Petiti N& Henry A. Walton, farmer, of Rowse county, tv be declared a Bankrept, at W i|- Miegion, on monday the first day of May, | celebraied and established LIFE P stage sod PHOENIX BIT TERS. Eaneosichy © and renowned as are theif effects 0 ; his has been proved in mote thaa Ay Ague rson affe ad _is nat su Tia a8 one wlio wasto | 0 Tc anche aa Wiloes wipetinlinent vere of tremely di t ope “cure 0 Fever cord spony pam soopaar the patient fur the time: 1s a Very-enay . Bi Dr. Maffut's Life pand Phenix Bitters have beeo tho lp tested, and proved io be a itive tical e of Fever. one A ne. Fandreds f bis fellow citizens in the West Rave voluntanly come forward to asstre Dr.~ Moffat, that the Life’ Medicines are the only medieiwes that will effeet'a removal! of this. most tedioas and disagreeable disease. Oihere who bave emigrated to that rich and | promising por:ion of oar iry —men_who weal out foil of hope, and t of win a.com- petence from the loxariance pf the soil ; or who carried to (he outposts of odr settiemente the mer- cantile or mechanical experience won in she crowded cities or towne of the older states, have either retarned with shattered constitutions and depressed spirits, er they remain in their new homes, dragging cata weary hife,-or at last sink under some disease to which they are predisposed by that terror ofthe West, Fever and Ague — Their hopes are blasted —ibeir business energies destroyed —their E.idorado becomes a desert, and the word of promise, made ‘o their ear, is broken to the hope. To these individeais, Dr. Moffat would say— “Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet'an- ticipate your most sanguine expectations, for they will cestainly-restore you tohealth.” Fever and Ague is a complaint which requires to be met at iis first.epproach, and combatted at every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs the fanctions of the organs, so that upon the manifestation of dis- ease, Nature is vnahle, anassisied to resist the inroad. The Life Medicines, when taken strict - ly according to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength For fall particalars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. “gc The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y1S Bc A supply of the above invaluable ME DICINES ate for sale at James Cross Roade, Iredell cuanty, by A. C. mcINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Health. (Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed 80.) BC Gentle Reader: If you woold avert from you the sickoess, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see all around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended, is ever ready to fall opon you, despise not my advice—it will cost you little, wili nei- ther infringe opon your occupations or amuse— ments, and all the facalties cf your mind and body will be as much bettered by it as to repay you ten fold. J ask only one week's trial to con vince the most sceptical. In the first place, discard all old errors anv prejadices from your mind, especialty the o!d adage, “‘ If you are passing well, do not attempt to better yourself ;” it is the saying of ignor- ance and superstition—of those who attributed all they saw around them to chance and fortune, instead of nature’s aniversal laws. Has not man, led on by experience, learned to gaard hinseli against the other elements of ‘nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then should he not, in fair weather, guard himself as gainst the storms which are eyer rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross food ; and it is your nature to con- tinue to doso. Yoo are well at present, bat ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within you; and if you do net strictly guard r health while you are well, you are continually in danger of paiofal and protracted confinements, and in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary ia this world. Even the porest fountain of which we driak—does it not require cleaning? A petsun may imagioe be is in perfect health, and yet not know to what perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I have un- doubted proofs of this fact in the anbounded sac cessof the LIFE MEDICINES. Letthose wko have followed the motto, ‘ When you are even moderately well, throw physic to. the doga~ call upon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position. “S The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance that bas come to my kaowledge is most gratifying. Those who are in comparative good health may perfect their happiness with no in convenience ; and those unfortanaies who’ are laid low by disease of almost any description, may find sure relief io those purely vegetable preparations. ‘They operate gently but power- fully aponjthe secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated- bumors, separating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and impurities—aod leaving behind only what is good and nourishing to nature. Reader, consider and reflect well. _ The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within ourselves, in our own ph ysicai bodies. My advice to all, then, isf guard your health. If you are well, perhaps you may be mst ee you may always. avoid bein sit 2 judicious use of the VEG LIFE MEDICINES. ST ABE bc? Dr. Moffat’s Life Pille and Phoenix Bitters, are for sale CKESS & BOGER, Salisbury, Oct 29 1842—1914 BC? A sunply cf the above Invaluable ME~ DICINES are for sale at James Cross Ronee Iredell county, by =< A. C. melINTOSH. Agent. SALISBURY FACTORY. 4 as Establishment is now in complet teope- ration. The Company are manufacturing COTTON YARN, Shirting, Sheeting and A of a superior quality, Pablic at thedowea a they = to the and others, who will examine com-~ pare prices, will find it to abet incertae, pur- Agents. 1843, W. E. ANDERSON Feb 27, 1848 4083 Niowe. HETHER prodo from interne! el 8 cary, calomel, bark, &c. change of life, as specified ; &wri Syrmivinc Syrup — in all Venerea! Disorders, certai ABYssINta Mixtvap, (in |j ? celebtated for its speedy ang re wed in Gonorhees and Gleet. Temona Gop Mine Batsaw, fi Bitious Affections, Colds, & Ney Aromatic Extract, a lintmens fo ems Cotdness > the stomach lodipg, feaknees, in the limbs, Rheow, ‘Derorative Pownper, on nde Headache, Diseases of ihe to be taken in the Restorer, Japan Ointment, for Piles applied besides the Restorer. Bewcat Oinruesy, for Tette;, p; seer rss = alpen Eruptions of irae and fou 3 is to be ied bes; prog “ppt ene Universat on Srrenoruening Py tor diseases of thesChest, Dyspepsig fay tory Kheumatism. Palsy, Paraivsis, ee Da. Kont’s Acoustic Oi, jo and all-other Auricatar Complainis, Which | be used together with the Resiorer, “ecPDr Kuhl’s Pamphlei “7,5; entered according tu Aci of Con full Directions for the ose of the ahove ot ed medicines, aud accompanies every ie From_the South W estore Virginian of 1, 1848. . DR. KUUL’S MEDICINES, We have for some time, intended gir commendatoty notice of these invairs medi remedy, fet Bilious pe” Eyes, & via » Which ig be se, Men,” gers, Cont j im eines, buf fave been prevented by the other matters from deing so” We bare jy. last five or six years, been quite familiar for effects both by experieme and Observe tigg have no hesitaney in recommending them i afflicted every where. Oor opinion is sult, it was when we first used these Medicines, gy they ate superior to any we have eve, The Docior, himself, was with os 2 fepa this week, and from cases staied to os, wp been mare strongly confirmed in oor Former ogy ion, that they are superior to all other meds The efficacy of Dr Kabl's remedies in (treatment of extraordinary cases is almost cedenied, and the year 1842 was rich of i» tantcures, two of which alone oor permit os to notice al this time. Vir A Sawn! of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, last Spring, % ry suddenly takeo with a total blindness nig his eyes. He used numetoos Prescriptions other medicines, but to no benefit [pn May hy he procaréd the Restorer, Gold mine Balsmai Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fodge, Ey Covington, Va.—took the 'wo first medicingy ternally as directed in Dr Kuh''s Pamphlet, the Universal Plaster he applied to the enpig and some times over the eyes and by this try. ment he has hig eye-sight so far recovered, iy he can read both print and writing, [fing explicit statement should be desired, a leg. rected io A Fadge, Clerk C Court, will recaig satisfactory evidence of the above, A lady of Bedford county, Va , wes for ig 17 years afflicted ith the Liver Comviaige treated with Catomel, took cold on i, a0 m taken ith coutraction anc lemeness, Shea the whole time. a great nomber of preseripi of Physicians of eminence, and every wedi that was recommended for her use, insieadd fording relief, had a tendency rather to agent the disease, She sank from year to year, ath digestive organs were so deranged that nul agreed with her. In Aogust, 1842. the patel had not been out of her bed tn five years, esta] when removed by nthers—so nervoas thal ¢ versation or walling in the room prodoced most disagreeable effects upon the head ; ber eral feeling very bed, sour stomach, kc § had no intention to ase more medicines, bal king a dese of the Guld Mine Balsam wit moch benefit that in one hoar he felt heiter then commenced a regalar course of Dr K medicines. She took a dose of the Restom the morning and one at night, and (wo dos the Gold Mine Balesm between meals I limbe wee rubbed two or three times day the Aromatic Kxiract, and this treaimed! given such a happy resolt, that she is noe to walk about—the nervous affections bare her, her Jigestive organs are much improve, her general feelings gagd. She is moch ! and her complexion quite fresh, whieh bw tonished every ove thal was acquainted will long standing disesse. We bave omilld ® name of this lady, but if any particolars be desired, we refer to Dr Kohl's agenl, ® Outer Bridge, Bedford county, Va. We have particolarised these cases ™** mach to speak of the great value of Dr medicines, ss to inform the affiicted bow may be relieved. ‘The treatment bes bee” ticed, so that others may know thai by #5 ¢ course they may also obtain that which # tcaore desirable than riches. r 8CP Persons wishing to procore 2ny ° medicines, will please direct their orders the amount, t paid,) io Dr. Koun's Ornen, Ricumoxp, Vise or to any of the following Agents: NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Homphrey's & Gaither, Lexing'°", J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, DrN. Stith, Raleigh, ° M. J. A. Drake, Ashborough. JF & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lineoln!on. x ( James J. Horne, Pittsboroogh, *- S. Perry, Kernersville, Stokes. “fot James Brannock, Waterloo, Go!" go Braonock & Waller, Weotwo! iogbam ty. . RW Lawson, Yanceyville, James R Callom, Milton, South — P Steele, Gunning & Co. York#!'® , McLare, Brawley § Co. Cheer The continvation of the list of 48 Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. a these NOTICE. Potieots and Agentsis' d* ot North ee South 3 ju? will please dt t ir 7 Virgo ce, Ralei C., and those '° pea and it, to Rickmond, ror COUNTY cour Printed on fret rate peper chase. J RA BROW NES pent. Salisbury, Jone 4, 1842—1145 . this Office, «Warcumas’” may hereafier be had La jars in advance, and lwo dof fy te gi the end of the your. , zs ji seston will be received fora "fest evens paid for in advances» ee , discontinned (but atte: option o ee) oati] all arrearages are paid? sERMS OF ADVERTISING. goltar ner square for the first insertion aad. five cents tor each coatinvance, . J notices will be charged 25 per ct. high- q the above rates. ; mi edoctiva of 334 per cent will be made to one advertise by the year. ; vi) advertisements will be continued until : aod charged for accordingly, unless ordert a certaia number of times. v> Leiiers eddressed to the Editor must post paid to erasure attention. gowan Hotel. ih THE SUBSCRIBER \VING parchased that well known and i ‘lo0g established Paoblic House, (known ie came of Slaoghter's ‘Tavern,) in the sof Salisbury, N. C., informs his Friends ihe Public generally, that the same is now or the reception of ‘Travellers & Boarders. gis Table and Bar wiil be supplied with st ibe market and surrounding cuantry af- e gis STABLES spacious, and bountifully sup- bod, with grain and provender, of all kinds, at- ‘ed ay faithful aod attentive Osilers. The ondersigned pledges himself that no ex- og oo his partshall be wanting to give gen- yj qiisfaction toall who may favor him with al JAMES L. COWAN. salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: sf7 70 WILL GO BALD! id ge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair FROM Comstock & Co.—Its positive quali- ties are 28 follows :—Ist For tofants, keep- be bead (ree from scurf, and caasing @ lex- gigrowth of kair.—2d For ladies after chil J- _resioring the skin to its nataral strength frmaess, and preventiog the falling out of pair. 3d For any person recovering from pdebdility the same effect is prodaced, 4th wed in infancy till a good growth is started, say be preserved by attention to the latest pe- @ life. —5ib It frees the head from dand- sirengthens the roots, imparts health and lo the circulation, and prevents the bair ebanging color or getting gray —6th It the hair to cur! beautifully when done up over night. No ladies toilet should ever be made withont it, th Children who have by any means con-— ed vermin in the head, are immediately and ecily cored of them by its use. [1 is intalli- [had been bald abont five years—no more hair be opof my head than on the back of my ,tod ny head covered with a thick scarf. ibis silaation aboot the 10th of August last, iin osing the Balm of Columbia, from Com- ek § Co. Since which, | have used two and wif dotiles of the Balm, which has fully re- wed my hair, 2nd freed my head entirely from | My head is now covered with fine, flow bog hair— which any one may see by calling oe, at Stamford, Connecticut. 12, 1840. D S SCOFIELD. Counterfeits are abroad —look always for the of Comstoek & Co. forsale atthe Watchman Office, and by C Wheeler, Saliebory, Dr Stith, Raleigh, D ait, Hil'sboro’ ; J & R.Sloan, Greensboro ; J \aory, Lexington. wich 4, 1848 —1y32 Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. hiisbory, N.C Oct, 1842—1f14 Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- isement, and if you wish relief for your ma waladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B. HEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dec 10 1f20 To THE AFFLICTED.—The rivet has just received a large and fresh yof D: Moffatt’s Life Medicine. Call & aio relief. C B WHEELER, Agent. Siisbary, Dee 10—1120 PRICES CURRENT AT SavisBury, April 15. Cents. Cenls. con, 5 a 54] Cotton Yarn. 90 andy, ap. 30435 | Molasses, 35 a 40 peach, 40 a 55 | Nails, 6a7 Miler, 10 a 124 | Oats, 15 a 20 etewax, 27228, Pork, $3 ‘on, clean 54.86) Sugar, br. Sal0 offee, 9all loaf, 15218 orn, 25 | Salt, sack, $3} ‘auhers, 20225] Tallow, 7 ‘it, = $3$.a44)} Tobacco, 8a 20 useed, 50255] Tow-Linen, 12a 16 per ib. 3a4] Wheat, bush 75 ‘seed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal. 90 $1 | Wool, (clean) 25 Fayertevitie, April 5. i0d3,peach 40.045 | Molasses, 28a 25 . Apple $3 a 40] Nails,cut, 54 a 6 rv 44a 6 | Sugarbrown, 64a 10 owar, = 85 a 27 | Lump, 14 ‘alee, 10a 12) Voaf, 15a 18 a, 53436 | Salt, 50 2 60 “on Yara, 14818 | Sack, $24 Casa) _ _ 43250 | Tobaccoteal 2ha 24 Pas °,F F.t4até | Cotton bag 20 ” Seed 802 90 | Bale rope, 8al0 ;' $44 6S | Wheat new 75280 te 80 a 25 | Whiskey 2530 3a34 | Wool, 124 ald , Cueraw, April 5, 1843° “i 34a 4 | Nanls cut assor.6 28 bau 54 a 6 wrought 16 a 18 Be er 12 a 15 ' Oats bushel 30 a 37 oo =e Oil 75a $1 tg y a 22 lam 1 rape 10a12, linseed t 10 A 3 Cue” " a ot — 100ibs 5426 a 6 ice 100lbs 4a 5 pat bash 45250, Sugarlb 8 a 10 Mealy \ $5h026]Saltsack $2123 hog in 25 a 30 bash $100 lin O0lbs 5a 64] Steel Amer. 10 #00 Moige 536 English 14 Tillow 80 a 35 German 12a 14 aad 125 | Teaimpe. 81 $137 by the use of it. age, had become exceedingly emaciated before aa. 4 NS v4 AS ~ 4 a : « ( © PRINTED AND PUBLISAFD BY T MACE. C. PENDLETON. 3 * See that the Governinent Wijites Si pees Rulers. Do es nol acquire loo much power. this, aND LIBERTY 18 sare.”—Gen'l. Keep a check arrisop. WHOLE NO, 558. ~* WORMS! WORD ; ae ; ’ chs. ‘® Hundreds of cliiidret’ tod sdolts are lott year- supposed to lt is admitted by all dc tht scarce a man, women onchild exisis butemhat are “sooner or later tteobled with worms, and in hundreds of cases, sad (0 relate, @ supposed fever, scatialina, cold, or some. other sile@ ageire off the flowers of the hamen femily—while im iruth they die of Worms! and these coold have been eradicated in a day, by the ose of a bottle of ‘Kolmstock’s Vermifuge, at the cost of a qoarter of a dollar ! How sickening the thodgiri that these things should-be—and who van ever forgive themselves for not trying this Worm E2terminator, when they know that even if the case was not worms, thie remedy could net by any possibility do hurt —bot always good as a pargative—iet the dis- ease be what it may. How jmportant then to use it, and who will dare take the responsibility to do without it? Let every paren! that is not a brate, ask themselves this question in truth and soberness, Mr JC Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, and attended by a physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was given, and next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow woman, living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a month, till near a skeleton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ha- mane lady, who called to provide for the femily, sent immediately for Kolmstock’s Vermifage, which brought sway great quantities of worms for two or three days, aod the child grew better atonce, and regained its full strength in less than @ month. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms to a frightfal extent, anJ were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifoge. In some of the best families ia the neighbor- hood of St. John’s Park, it has been extonsively used, from the circumstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very extensive- ly known io that part of the city. A family in New Jersey saved several children One, a girl of eight years of t | he Vermifoge was given. The nex day three arge worms were dislodged, and she left off the Vermifuge, when she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that finally broughi away an incredible quantity of worms,and the core was complete, and she gained her health rapidly. A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks, withoot being anle to restore bu: one oat of the seven to healih He had the liberality 'o send for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifoge, and cured the rest with it io less than a week, Nomerons cases of other complainis were sup posed to exist, and the persons treated for fever, &e., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innomerable qaanlily of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despatch. Jostances of this kind might be cited to an immense extent, but it is useless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one witb aston- ishment the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Caution —Never buy this articie unless it have “ Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifuge” handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. Agenis—C B Wheeler, Salisbnry; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. March 4, 1843—1ly32 NEW Tailoring Establishment ! 4. P. ALSOBROOK, TAILOR, (Late of the City of Raleiga.) Saliebory, (permanently,) and intend car- tying on my BUSINESS ina style out to be surpassed in this State or out of it. My Kstab- lishment is in the room on the corner of the Mansion Hotel, formerly oecupied as the Pust- Office. I have employed the best of Northern Workmen, ~ No expense or pains will ve spared to render this 2 Fashionable Establishment! in all respects. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clathes made ap in the mos! fashionable and durable manner. I have been engaged regularly in cating for the last five years, and part of the time, in some of the most celebrated establishments in the Southern coun- iry. I shall not hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit | cut and make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS, received monthy. In conclusion, shoold | be en- cooraged, no one need send away to procure guod hing. _ A. P. ALSOBROOK. Reference —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N.C. Salisbory, Janoary 21, 1843—1 926 REMOVAL ! HE subscribers woald respectfully announce to the pablic, that they have removed their Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet TROY PRawutactory, One door‘above George W. Brown & Co, and opposite Thos. L. Cowan's Brick Row, where they are better prepared to accommodate aad ex- ecate all orders io their line on short notice, and in the very best aryte. bend, 2 chelee oupply of Also, consiantly oo hand, a choi o wide os Japan Tie Ware, Britannia Ware, Batbi Stills, &c. ang eee OLIN D. BROWN & Co. Salishary, Jan 21, 1843 —1f26 CA SA BON: Neatly printed end for sale at this Office . 2 a ly with i when some. other cause hae been t “ HAVE located myself in the ‘Town of | a , SALISBURY, APRIL CLOOK -& ATCH ~ 7) Ss ia REPAIRING, 1 F\HE Sabscrider respecifally informs his old Friends and the. Pablic generally, that he fas opened a shop in Saligbary in the above busi- ness,in a room directly opposite West's brick building, in the house of Dr. Borns’ forme’ owned by Jno. [Shaver and just below J. & Marphy In addition to the above, the subscriber will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the Varieties common in country towns: such as making Spoons, &c., and tepairing Siive Ware. He begs to assure the public that if pancival attention to business, and skillful work will en- title him to patronage and sup~ort, he willmer it it, . AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18—t£16 Dr. Sherman’s PRevicated Losenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, Bese the cheapest and most pleasan!.— Ihe medical Facoliy warmly approve them Dr. Sherman iaa skiltol and experienced Phy- sician, and a member of the Medical Society o New York. Sherman’s Cough: Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, W booping Cough, Asthma, Tighiness of the Longs ur Chest, &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES dre the only iofallisle worm destroying meci- cine ever discovered. ‘Ibhey have been used io over 1,400,000 cases and never known tu fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinking 0; the Chest, Diarrbca, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — lo the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they bave never been koown 10 ail. Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome during the sommer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper ose of these Lozenges: ‘I'hey are prepared express ly tor that purpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange- meat of the bowels shuuld never be without them They afford immediate relief from all the attend- ant gripings, faintness, depression. &c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken a8 the commun Peppermints; and are an active and efficien! medicine. ‘hey cleanse ihe stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilious persons. Wherean active medicine is required, they are not only the best, bul the safest that can be administered, Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheomatism, Lum- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salishary Medical Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept 8, 1842—1y6 Dr, Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qpalities of the most mild and be- neficia! nature. Tbey are composed of ar- ticles the most anti-putrescent, combined with ingredients known as the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. When the dis- ease is produced either from cold, obstraction, bad air, swampy and damp situations, or putrid miasmi, whether inalignant or epidemic, or by other causes, these medicines are cestsin in thetr opesations or effects. ‘They are possessed of pe- culiar qualities, which not only expel all disease, but at the same time restore and invigorate the system. When first taken into the siomach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor through every pore, producing effecis at once delightfal, salutary, and permanent. When the spark of life begins to grow dim, the circulation languid, aod the faculties paralized, these medi- and re-animate the whole man. The Life Medicines bave also been used with the most happy svccess in Nerv.us and Dys— peptic diseases, Consnamption, Asthma, Live: Complaint, Rheomatism, [chronic and inflema- tory}-D ropsies, &e. BcPCall ai Cress & Bocer's, Jgenis. Saiiebary, Oct 22, 1842—l1y13S BC? A supply of the above Invaloable ME- Iredell county, by ° A. C McINTOSH, Agent. DAVID L.- POOL, AKES this method of informing his friends, and the public, that be is still carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re- pairing business, at his old stand, near the Courthouse All work done by him will be warranted for twelve months. He still keeps on hand a smal] assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbory, Mareh 12, 1842.—t{33 J. S. Johuston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SALISBURY, N. C. Salisbury, Jan. 7, 184$—1f24 cines sre found to give a tone to the nerves, ex- hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the budy, DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, ——<—$—<—$—$$ LAST WOURS OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH. The close of the hfe of Sir Watter Ra- LEIGH wes 38 exWeordinery as mény perts of his varied history ; the promptitude and sprightliness of bis genius, bis carelessness of ife, and the equanimity of his great spir- it in quithog the world, cen only be paral- leled by a few other heroes and seges Re- ‘leigh wee both ! Bat itis not simply his dignified yet active conduct on the sceffuld, nor his admrruble speech on that orcasion. citcumstances by which many great men are jocged, when their energes are excited fur § Moment to act so grest a part, before the eyes of the world assembled at their feet , it ls not these only which claim our aotice. We may pause with admiration oa the real grandeur of Raljeigh's charscter, not frcm a single circumstence, however grest, tot from @ tiesve of continued little inci- dents, @hich occurred from the moment of bis condemnation tll he laid kis head on the block. Releigh was a man of such merk, that he deeply engaged the attention of his contemporeries ; and to this we owe the preservation of several interesting per- ‘tievlers of whet he did and what he ssid, which have entered into his hfe ; but all bas not been told in the published narratives. Contemporary eriters in their letters bave set down every fresh incident, and eagerly caught up his sense, his wit, and whet is more de!ighifal, those marks of the natural cheerfulness of hie invariable presence of mind: nor could those have arisen from any affection or parade, ‘or we shall see that they served bim even in bis \ast tender fare. well to his lady, and on many uopremedita- ted oceasions. I have drawn together in a short compars all the facts which my resesrches have fur- nished, not omitting those which are known, concerning the feelings and conduct of Ra- leigh at these solid moments of his hfe: to have preserved only the new, would have been to mutilate the statue, and to injare the whole by an imperfect view Raleigh one morning was taken ont of bis bed, in a fit of fever, and unexpectedly burried, no! to hie trial. but to a sentence of death. The story is we!l known. Yet pleading with ‘* a voice grown weak by sickness and ar soge he hed at that instant on him,” he used every means to avert bis fate; he did, therefore, value the life he could so easily part with. His judges there, at least res- pected their state criminal, and they addres- sed him in atone far different from that which he had fifteen yeers before listened to from Coke. Yelverton, the Attorney General, said * Sic Walter Raleigh had been asa ster at which the world have gazed; hut stares may fall when they trouble the epuere where they shide,? and the Lord Chief Justice noticed Raleigh’s great work : ‘*} know that vou have been valiant and wise, and I doubt not but you retain both theese virtues, for now vou shall have occa- sion to use them. Your werk tsf-n admira- ble work ; I would give you counsel, but | know you can apply onto vonrself far better than | om eble togive you.” But the Judge ended with saying, ‘execution is grantee.” It was stifing Raleigh with roses! The heroic sage felt as if listening to fame fiom the voice of death.” e * * * * The last night of his existence was oc- jcupied by writing what the letter-writer calls “a remembrance to be left with his lady,” to acquaint the world with his senti- mente, should he be denied their delivery from the sceffold, as he had been at the bar of the King’s Bench. His lady visited him that night, and emidst ber teers acquainted him, that she had obtained the favor of dis- posing vf bis body ; to which he enswered smilingly, ** lt is well, Bess, that thoo may— est disposing of thet, dead, thou badst nor alwave the dispose of when it was alive.” At midnight he entreated her to leave him. It must be then, that, with oneheken forti- tade, Raleigh sat down to compose those verses on his death, which being short thp most sppropriste may be repeoted ‘© Been soch ie Time, that takes on trust, Oar youth, our joys, oar al] we have, And pays os bat with age and dust ; W bo ia the dark and silent grave, When we have wandered all our ways, Shots ap the story of our days.” He sscended the scaffold with the same cheerfulness as he hed passed to it; and observing the lords seated at « distance, some at windows, he requested they would approach him, as he wished they should all witness what be had to sey. The request wes complied ith by several His speech is well known; bot some copies contain matters not in others. When\he finished he requested Lord Arundel thst the King would not soffer any ‘ibels to defeme bim after deeth—“and now | have a long jour- ney to go, end must take my leave.” ‘He embraced all the Lords and other frends @ith such courtly compliments se if he bed met thee at some feast,’ says a let- ter wrter. Heving teken off his gown, he called the beadsman to show him the sxe, which aot being sostantiy done, he repeat— ed, ‘I prithee let me see it, dost thon think that | gm afraid of it!’ He passed the edge ligh:ly over bis finger, and smilingly observ- ed to the Sheriff, “Th bot a sound cure for pn Se laid it down. his is that, that vs.’ After this he went wae. ih st of the seaffold,"and kaeehn all the people to pray for hi long prayer to himself. fit himeelf for the block, aod down to try bow tha aller rising up, the exécutioner kneele do@n to ask his forgivenese, which Releigh with an embrace gave, but entrested him Dot t> strike till he gave ® token by lifting up bis hand, ‘and then fear not, but strike home ? When he laid down his head to receive the stroke, the éxecouoner desired bim to lay his face towards the east, ‘ht | 79s no great matter which way a man’s head stood so that his heart lay right,’ seid Raleigh ; but these were not bis leet words He was once more to speek in this’ qporld with the same intrepidity he had liv in it, for, having lain some minutes on the block 1D prayer, he gve the signal; but the-exe- cutioner, either unmindful, or in fear, failed to strike, and Releigh, after once or twice potting forth bis hands, was compelled to ask him, ‘Why dost thou nut strike? Strike! men!’ In two blows he was beheaded ; but from the first, his body never shrunk from the spot, by any decomposure of hie posture, which, like his mind, was immove- able. Thus died this glorious and gallant Cavalier, of whoa: Osborne says, ‘His death wes mansged by him with so high and reli- gious 8 resolution,es if 2 Roman bad acted a Christian, or rather » Christisn s Roman.’ Aiter having read the preceding article, we are astonished ot the greatness, and the veriable nature of this’ extraordinary man, andgbis happy genius. Witt Gibbon, who once meditated to write bis dife, we masy pause, and pronounce ‘his character embig- vous ;” but shall not hesitate to decide that Releigh knew better how to die than to live. ‘His glorious hours,’ says a contemporary, ‘were his erreignment and execotion;’ but never will be forgotten the intermediate years of his lettered imprisonment ; the im- prisonment cf thelearned may sometimes be their happiest leisure. ‘ is ie a sharp medicine all diseases,’ and kis- Another Wriler has & down desired @™, tad recited e When be began to he first laid bim- block fitied bim ; D’Israkx1. George the fourth’s Domestic Habits — He osually received me at from ten to elev- en o’clock in bis bed. He chatted with me for helfen hour or an hour, end was generally very egreeable, elihough now andithen irri- table. He was not strictly attentive to facts but embeilished ell his stories to render them more amusing, so that it would not answer elways to repeat his sayings of oth- ers. When ill, the King would oever al- low that it bed been caused by his own im- prudence. One morning his tongue was white, and he was much heated. ‘By G—d,” said he, ‘itis very extraordinary that I should be thus heated, for | lived very ad- stemiously, and went to bed in good time. I must have some beaume de vie, sir.’ — When we went out of the room, W—— said You must not professionally act op- on what his Majesty said; be was drinking maraschino at two o’clock this morning.” He wase govud judge of the medicine which would best seit him. (This is e strong admission for a medical euthority.) He bore enormous doses of opistes—one hundred drops of laudsnum, for instence. In bleeding also, | have known from twenty to twenty-five ounces taken from him sev- etal times, (probably on that very account. ) | The King was irregular io bis times for eat | 1og aod drinking. ‘Bring me eold chicken,’ | be would say at eleven before he rose,.— ‘Yer, sire.” ‘Bring it, and give me a gob- let of sodagwater.” Soon after he ate sgain, and a! dinner largely; Sut he did not in | generel drink much at dinner, unlees temp- | ted by the society of men that he liked. He | suffered much from rhuematism and gout, | but the colchicum relieved him. One morn- ing, when he bed rheumatism in bis hip, and there wasa doubt ebont the propriety of giving him colchicum. be said, ‘Gentle- men, | have borne your haif measores long enough to please you—now I will pleare myself, and take eolchicum,’ which he did, snd wae soop relieved, Sc.—Life of Sir Asiley Cooper. U. STATES SHIP DELAWARE. The Boston Advertiser pablishes the following dated Rio de Janeiro, United States Ship Del- aware, Jan 23, 1843: ; ‘© We have just retarned from Montevideo, where neither officers nor men were &llowed to | gu on shere, except on basioese. The piace is onder martial law. All who are able to bear arms, whether natives or strangers, ere mosier- ed every day, in the several districts, in expec— tation of an attack from the Baenos Ayreans. — Bat we were in no want of amuesement while there ; spent mach of oor time In fishing. The River La Plate is famed for the abundance and delicious flavour cf iis fish. Namerous species ; a . of sea fowl! are also seen in the Rio; of monstrous size. Jo coming out, we csoghPaith hook and line an Albetros. Yoo will wonder | fowling with fishing tackle. The following is the mode of procedore : A piece of pork, conceal- ing the hook, is towed over the siern of the sbip; the tempting morsel is scon expied by the bird ; and forthwith, disappears. Bot alas, “ there hangs a tale.” The bird ie drawn in, audGor 2 while seems to dispe! the m»avtony,oa beara a NO. 383—VOLUME x1. * several corners. and lawgh at the idea of the suns of Nepione |, *@ told. that ia more they measure from 15 td ther odes 3 Cc Pi nd * vinda. Tas eck eH ee aoe la “ seem tajhave been ehnaie of wey They are, indeed, touched the Creator ef all things. '“ Daring our stay at. Montevideo, we weie cane would he impossiblejand’) will vot attempt ut. At the mouth of the river we etcountered a gale, (HB most severe we hive ever yei e@xperi- enced. T could not have believed there was sock power inthe wind. VPhen the blow came up, which was very sudden we had neerly all sail set. The first broadside it gave us tore our fore- sail acd two other sails eotiely into ribbands, whieh flew before the wied. Oar ship creened sous to dip the mozzles of the main deck guae. in the water, Awful indeed was the scene. — To me, destroction seemed inevitable. Over Commander, cool and collected, gave bis orders clearly and promptly, and the men ubeyed with alacrity, The ship was soon pot ender easy sail, and rode the “ mountain wevee” in safely. “ It is generally thoaght by those on shore that the discipline on board a man. of-war is cra- el nnd tyrannical. ‘This may be thegrase in some ships, bat by no means eo on board the Deleware. The kindness of Commodore Morrie to the men who have, at different times beep under. his command, has endearad him 1o thoussods of the Poor sone of jhe acear, “* Mr. . Alden, the Cheplain, ie a very kind and feeling man, and is much beloved by all on board, “On the thifd.day atter we left Montevi- 4 caused by falling from aloft. him cast into his watery grave. Yet he left in friendship's heart.en epitaph behind.” Death of the Hon. G. A. Waggaman. ago in a duel, sult was agticipated soon after bis deel, end for the last-thi@e'days was quite cerisio, as mortifi- cation had began its work of death. From a post mortém examination-ef the body it was dis. covered tha} the femoral artery had been com- geoa when he received the wound. The deceased was made aware of bis approach- ing dissolution several days ago. He met his destiny #ith composure and firmness, and breath- ed his last surrounded by his wife, children, and a number of his friends. FROM MEXICO. The United schooner Dolphin, from Vera Cruz, tovebed at the Southeast Pass op phe 22d of March. The news is given briefly’ by the New Orleans pspers. Trangoility prevailed throughoot Mexieo._ * President Santa ‘Aona had left his far pear Vera Croz, jo order to be present st the adoption of the new Constitation in the Capital. Information had fached Vera Croz of the re- capture of one handred ané eleveo of the Tex- ian prisoners, and that the Mexicans were clese up with the remainder. [t is said that Santa Afina has sent sgents to Hooston to treat for peace between Mexico and Texas. e The Mexican army is said to be very nomer- ous. The officll letters from®ghe Mexican mander near Campeachy speak in a confident tone of the immediate success of the enterprise ; and the Vera Croz pepers record the frequent de. partore of reinforcements to the besiegers, which they believe renders the fall of Campeachy ab- solutely certain. * From Florida.—Cap:. J. R. Vinton, with his Company uf the $d Regiment United States Ar- tillery, recently stationed at 8:1. Augustine, in Florida, arrived at Savaonah on Tuesday last in the steamer General Taylor, and immediately proceeded to Augusia, to be stationed at the Arseoul pear tbat city. Lieetenaet Hemmond and Bragg are attached to the company. The St. Aogestine News of the 25ib oltiao, | mentions the tetern of 2 party of gentlemen from didtely ia the rear of what is laid down on the army maps at Boca Ratiooe, some eight o ten miles south of Jupiter Iolet,) who represent the lands in that sectiot of coentry as being ve- ry sich indeed. Frost, they sey, bas never been koown there. The sweet potatoes, sogar cane, and pease planted by the Indians are as green and as fresh as they generally are io the months of June or July ; and the sugar cece which they found growing in tbe Indian old fields measered from six and a half 10 seveo inches in eitcoméer- twenly to twenty-two feet in ae nea wes filled ‘ath isin af a soperiot qoality. Boring for on Office —-The Philadelphia Fo- rom tells the following : “ Do yoo know Jedge Blythe ?” said 2 cos- tom house borer to 8 perfect etranger yesterdsy, on Sandereco’s steps. “ ,” was the reply. “s par yap would introduce me, then ” “| will,” said the geotleman, “ on one con- dition.” Wat is it?” “+ Get some one to intioduce you to me. an expedition to Lake Worth, (sitested imme- — bythefhand of aa artic. by thet Gipet Ani, Visited by a pompero. Tu-deseribe this tori’ : deo, sgloom was cast over our usually beppy crew, by the sudden death of one of our boys, For a long time nooght but the praises of the lad, mingled with genuine sorrow, resounded throagh theship. It is melancholly to contemplate the uncertainty of life. Bota moment before the poor youth went into steroity, he wae gay as any of ihe laughing crew around him. We buried him in the deep. No fond mother was there to drop a tear over ter bcpeless child—no kind brother or sister saw The New Orleans papers of the 24th oltimo anvounce the death of the Hoo. George A, Waggamao, from wounds received some time The New Orleans Bee of March 24tb, says: The Hon. George A. Waggaman expired yea- lerday al a quarter past one d’clock. This re’ « pletely severed, ae declared by his atteading eur-* . * Re ° ° ’ «4 eer i . - wak * 4 . a7...” coma od * « - @ * i a x - ——<—> ee ‘XTRACT FROM*A SPEECH.DELIV- DA FEW BAYS SINCE, BY MR. 3 C. CLARK OF NEW YORK. A nold had tgpdered to hie rountry grest ‘issinguished services ; but one ect of hore not only citeelled every obliga- r gratiuede, bosepatigned bis memory eivteomgry sod contempt. Poetry, in the «grit of truth, bas doomed to an ing!orious nomertalug the wooder of his age, as © The greatest, wisest, meanest of mankind.” Thus sppreciating men, and grest men, 1o yor may not expect of me, when speak- ing of their backshditgs and deformities, an over nicety in my selection of rhetotiesl or- n ments. The henter, (and I em ne ex- pert hanter,) when aboal to immolate the ficrve and stealthy pentker which may bave crossed his peth, seeks not for chapleis of roses with which to adorn the escrifice.— Plaee, however exslted, give loits posses- sor no immunity from censure and condem- = nation, when deserved. But, in proportion to the exaltation of the recreant, should be the measure of the censure end condemne- tion J »m not one whofbel.eve that a deserip- tion of the President and some of his minis- ters, in their present attitode before the country, should be sttempted in bland phra- seciogs or honied aceents — Their portraits should be sketched by a master’s hand, (which | regret 1 do not possese)—not in the soft and Mellow tintng of a ‘Ljtien, bat in the bold and startling coloring of a Coreg- gia. Office has its mghts and privileges : Among them | reckon not, a8 one, an ex- emption from the animedversion which de - linquence merits. Place, mere piece, con- fers no honor on ils possessor ; but, e con- verso, man gives rank and dignity to the office. As one of the most prominent workers of mischief to the Whigs, to their canse, and to the aseendency of their principles, pre eminent in genivs and arquiremente, stends the Secretary of State. In the order of im- portance, he deserves (o occupy the fore- ground of the pictare, in bold and frightful relief. Bnt, es in every dramatic represen- tation, whether of tregedy, comedy, or farce, there must be characters greet and small, so my dramatis persor must be, in some respecte, presented in combiration, es well the Magnos Apollo as he who hag justly earned a distinction conferred upoao one of the old Popes, of whom it was said, ‘* Maxzimns in parvis, minimus io magnis.”’ The amusing snd veracious author of ‘(Ten Thonsend a year,” in speaking of Tittlebat Titmouse, Eeq., M. P. for his im- mense prospective wealth. remorks ‘ that the reptile propensities of his mean nature bad thriven under the sudden sunshine of unexpected prosperity.”- Now. sir, I will not apaly this lenguage to the President of the United States. But I may bepermit- ted to say that the sentiment is strikingly applicable to him—to his aceidental advent « to power—to his resolutions soon thereafter taken to perpetuate that powrr—and to his subsequent operations —all having in view the same objects J have no dovbt that John Tyler came to Washington on the demise of Geners! Har- risoa with nonest inteneions to edminister the Government on Whig principles. His inaugural address bears on its face evidence ofanch intentions. The dectaratinn that be sheuid take as bis model the * fathers of the Republican schoo! ”’ soothed the alarms of many Whigs wbo dis:rnst Virginia pol- ticians—I mean those of the modern ab- straction sehool The inaugoral, taken in connexion with bis partiality for Mr. Ciay, and hie tears shed at the Yarrieburg Con- vention over his defeat, were haled by them as hatbingers of progperity to the country and of safety to the Whig parts ! The sentiments of Mr Capen regard to the currency end to 8 National Bank were well knewn to Mr. Tyter and tothe country For years they bave been emblazoned on the pellare of the Capital in cheracters of Ree” go iiving light, and had illumined every hill ns, de top in the country. hey a not believe , =e Mo within the range of pdtsibility that Mr, SF Tyler knowing, as he did know, the opin- ¥ ipps, of Mr Cloy og all subjecie@! national oY? Beoncernment, and @ho, at that Convention = 4, and elsewhere, had manifested such 9n ar o#* dent zeal for his nomination to jhe Presi- “+ dence, could torn bis hétk npon dis princi- ples and his friend. What, said they, is 1 possible that he can be guilty of the glaring ineors cy of advewsting the claims of e man tothe Chief Magistracy whose’ whole life and conduct stand pledged to give to the nation a sound eurrency through the instrumentality of.a National Bark, and not himself be the friend of such ao ingtita- ton? Surely, said they, Mr. Tyler cannot believe a bank unconstitutional, else he conld not, with eng appearance of honesty or consistency, aid in placing in the Preei- dential chair 9 man whose first «fficiea! eet would be 9 stiomg recommendation of that very measure! Though might have been known to them thet, at certain penods ef iis tife, Mr. Tyler bad entertained opinions instite to a bank, they believed, and they had aright to believe, that his presence at a Whig Convention, avowing bis predilections oi faver of abenk candidate, and himself repting a nomination from thet Conven- woe for the second cffice in the Repabdlic, centshed conclusive evidence of a change of opinioo. Better men than John ‘Tyler changed their opinions in regard to a bank, and why mey not he have seen in the ne. reseities of the times, end the sfilictions of bis conotrymen, shundsot reeson to change bis >pinions alse ? . But the fond hope. inspired by the inan- gual in the bosoms of the Whigs—of the pore and patriotic men who hed taken Mr. "Tyler from obscurity and pieced himon the minnacle of powe:—were doomed to sad end hiner disappointment. The good resolves wih which he came here armed, were socn smothered in the impore embrare ofa forbidden ambition. The fatal words second lerm were whisper. _* a a” ae awe led jntd’ his too qilliog esr, and “all was lost.” Thé@e have been the ** open sesame " to all the w6es and sfilictions of the Whig party. | . He found himself suddenly, enexpected- ly in she possession of power, snd soon ve- ry soon, tasked brs ingenvily to devise plans for its pespetustion in himself and his soc- Surroanded by Gatterers, he greed- ily inbaled in their incense, freely offered, to gratify at once his vanity and.to minister to their own sdvancement,— Pleased with the rattles with whieh his maiden ambition was tickled, new visions of glory fitted be- lfore his bewiidered fancy, and new hopes swelled bis tiny heart to the very verge of bursting. With @ promptitede commensur- ste with the energy of his character and the mognitude of his towering genius, he issned to the admiring sycophants of his corlege the sic volo of bis delikerstions, and, 10 the stern language of a second Cato, thundered forth the tetriGie fiet, ‘* Delenda est Cartha- of The degree for the dismemberment of the Whig party was promalged from the palace, end hie faithfal veseals were charged with Ns exeention. This decree became necess- ary to effect bis object. The “ one term” principle—a principle which [ trost is row permanently incorporated into the Whig creed— presented an insuperable barrier to bis re-election. That re-election could be effected only by a new, a third, a Trler per- ty, to be composed of a portion of the Whig party and the ‘‘ odds and ends”’ of all par- ues, Sir, hed the President been left to himself, I doubt.not that he would have proved troe to his prine:ples, to bis country, and to his party But most anfortunately for him, for his country, end for the Whig party, he be- came the dupe, and perhaps the willing dupe, of more experienced plotters and con- trivers. Sir, I have them in my eye. In ‘ancy, | see the conspirators against the prosperity of the country and the welfare of the party to whose confidence and partielity they owe al! their political consequence, stealing under cover of the night to the assigned place of rendezvous, ashamed that the biessed light of heaven should look upon their Saseness. Starting, like goilty things at the echo of their own footsteps, with ceutious tread they stealthily epjroach the Executive mansion. I see the prime mover of the plot—the Cat- aline of the group—his once majestic form, ensbrining @ spirit that might have out pdt- egoned the world, is now crouching, in very shame of its degraded position, in the ante- chamber of power. His once noble brow, on which the Almighty had impressed the eignet of greatness, is now wrinkled by the force of contending emotions.—That voice, which erst thrilled through the hearts of grave Senators and admiriog mil!ions, and which, when the battle waxed the hottest, was heard high over all, cheering on his brave companions to the onslaught, with the spirit stirring eppeal, “once more to the breach, dear friends, once more,’ is now subdued into burried and mysterious whis- pers. tis the voice of Cisar on his sick bed, ‘' Titinius give me some ditnk,”? and sot the voice of Cisar at the bead of bis cor quering legions, In clairvovance,! watch with no little anxiety the portentous movements of the gang, threatening consequences baneful to the well-being of that devoted party which had so recently elevated them to place. end hurled from power the men who had long wallowed in corruption and fattened on spoils wrang from the hends of honest but paralysed industry, Hist! Again | see them! They now emerge from the secori- ty of their skulking place. Under the gui- dence of the lurid glare of a blue light. throwing its sickly rays onthe blanched cheeks of its bearer, they move with roise- less pace in gloomy procession towards the imperial closset, A: its door, in mockery of majesty, and in derision of greatness, stends the trembling subject of their edola- tion, tbe objeet of their wiles, and the in- strument of their ambition: and most cor- dially are they welcomed to his embrace. Ata coalition so unholy, and formed with Pirpages the execution of which would prove so deadly to the parties concerned and to the welfare of the nation, even the goddess of mischief and discord, who had westched their movements with no®ttle con- cern, and who was theo flepping her raven wing with anwonted delight, veiled her face in confusion and disgest . What transpired in the closet, though chronicled by the tutelar deity of the place, her of the biack pinion, has not yet been promolged. Its record, however, is cave- fully preserved by its faithful evstodier. She took 1t with her to ber abiding place ; end it may be found in the archives of hell, in the same pigeon-hole containing the corres- pondence of Sir Henry Clinton with @ no- table personage whose memory bas come dowp to us loeded with iafemy, and who, in co-freternity with the heroes of my vis- ion, will descend to posterity a stench in the nostrils of its latest generation. Now, sir, although I may noispesk from the reeord of the ploitings of the closet, | may infer, from the acis and doings of one of the caba! at least, the plan of operations by which the disruption of the Whig party was to.be accomplished, and also the price to be paid that distingaished geutleman for his coatinuance in office. Sir. it is @ matter of indabitable Listory tbatin no one bas a United States Bank founda more uniform, able, and eloqueos advocate thao in the person of the Secreta- ry of State Up to April, 1841, there is no evidpnce than his opinions had ender- gone the slightest change on that subject. It te equally well known, certainly to @eny members of this Honse, that, during the pendency of the Bank bill before Con- { ' gress at its called session, the Secretary was busily engaged in the exertion of bis sll powerful infiveace upor members to give the ** go-by ”? to the measure, promising to presenteal the next regolar session a plan of currency and finance which wou!d meet the four or five, all told, views and wishes of the Whig party and the expectation of the country. How feubf be. hes re sg eit ne Tritonie from the brain of Jo ere some eighteen geltiemen only in favor of the Sectetary’s “ monsirum horrendum”™ of » Government benk (many of whom,! an- derstand, would have voted in the negative had the question been on the bil! itself) an- swer to the covntry. Instead of standing by his prineiples @sth the firmness of a patriot, and with a self- sacrificing devotion to the grest and pars- movant interests of the country, the Secrets ry became the humble apologist of Jobo Tyler’s delirqueney, ay, and of his imbeci- ity too, What bad become of his vaunted boast that the pillere of theeCepitol * Shoal fly From their firm base as soon as | ?” Sir, liko the courage of Bob Acres when the hour of trial came. all bis firmness enJ all his patriotism “oozed out at the ends of his fingers.”” [t seems that the fear of the loss of place, like a spectre, has haunt- ed him in all brs out goings and incomings. Sir, had he assumed towards the President the port and bearing of a man resolved to go for :he country at ell hazards, maugre all personal and private considerations, I he- leve in my heart thet at this moment the Whig banner would be proudly floating to the breeze in every directior, But the closet scene had been enacted, and it was no longer any pert of hie porpoee to act the honest, feithful, and fearless coucsellor of the President. ‘The dignified and lofty Minister of State hed dwindled down into the mere sycophent and parasite. I have said that the record of the compsct bas not been promulged. But | will hezard the conjecture thatthe high contracting par- ties, for good and sufficient considerations them thereunto moving, resolved that, so far as they had the power, John Tyler should be elected President of the United States ; that the politiesl world should oe torned upside down ; that quiet should be thrown into confusion, bermony into discord, end order into chaos. The Whig temple, with ita stately pillers end splendid capitals, rear- ed with so much toil and care, and staod- ing forth a model of political beauty and of strength, was to be razed to the earth, and from its disjointed materials, sided by cross- ties dog from the ruins of the Locofoco Herculaneum, deluged by the molten !ava of the revolution of 1840, was to be con- structed a new edifice, ard dedicated to the own right in 1845, and theo to pass :o his successor, Daniel the first. Sir, it is my firm and honest belief that consideration, other than those connected with the importance and delicacy of our re- weight with the President in retaining Mr. Webster, in the Cabinet [le saw that a storm was in preparation, and although at that time the cloud in the political horizoo was no bigger than a man’s hand, he felt that it would rapidly increase, and that ere long the little speck would become a ¢eso- lating tempest. He wished for strength, for support, for allies, to enable him to weather the storm. And whos: the North could give him more efficient aid than the men who, to talents of the very highest or- der, united in a eminent degree the respect and confidence of the Whig party? His meens of mischief were in @ ratio compoun- ded of those talents, of that respect, andcon fidence. Leaning on its pillars of the mighty reputation, which bad cost him years of on- remitted toil to erect, the Secretary vainly fancied that bis fall was beyond the resch of homan power. Vain illusion! Among the horest and sturdy Whig sons of the North, 60 far a8 my acqvaintence extends, he stands almost desolate end slone, still Majestic in the ruins of his own erestion. Like the strong man, he has macly serzed hold of the granite columns of his own fair fame, but, unlike him, he has buried with himself neither friends nor foes beneath the ruins. The more recent condnet of the Secreta- ry well warrants me in drawing conclusions unfavorable to the purify of motive which prompted his continuance in the Cabinet end bis labors to defeat a National Bank. 1 will not bere inqnire whether tbe Presi- dent, in retaining Mr. Webster about his person, caleulated upon his influence in the Senate, a place where he was wesk, and where, in regard to confirmation of nomine- tions, strength was highly desirable. Tsk- king into viewthe character of the parties and object of the coalition, it is highly probable that the potent influence of the Secretary was tu be brooght to bear on the north wing of the Capitol. Has an attempt been made to exert that influeoce? If so it bas most signally failed. The Whig portion of the American Senate, in the sternness of conce- ded virtue end in the grandeur of unsaspec- ted patriotism, with no stain of distrust rest- ing on the pority of its parpose or the con- siaocy of its attechment to the principles of the party which 11 89 ably represents, pre- senis a spectacle challenging the respect, the confidence, and the admiration of the world. There, execative influence has been powerless; here too it has been nearly so. The sum total of Executive recroits from the Whigs in Congress amounts to some If my colleague from the Otsego district has inseribed bis name on the roster of ‘the corporsi’s goard’ it may swell up tosix How fer the eppointments of Locofocos to office generally, of the ep— pointments of the family connexions of Lo- cofoco members of Congress is particuler, or the promises of eppointments (if such promises have been made) to Loeofoco members themselves, to be mace ia future, may bave influenced the course of the olira Demoeracy on the floo:, I take « not epon mvself to say. That those sppointmen's and promises have in no small degree sol- tened the ferocity of Lecnfoeo attacks, speeches of gentlemen might be cited in procf. reeeived by the Hoses, | t the voices of | contempt! t 1 Re sane iets i use of John the ‘l'hird, President in his lations with England, had overpowering . “ An. honorable _ “pm A good old soul, forsooth! Ay, when wielding the veto club to cleave down the Whig party, 8 ‘good old soul!" But ip his detioa of the eal of the sub-Tressory, the ‘good ald soul” tes passed the vanishing point. When appointiag Lo- cofocos to office, 2 desr old soul3™ self.. Whst 2 President tod whats eulogiew! The eneomigsiit ofthe soe is ia all respeet worthy of litieal profligac) and ingrained stdpidi ‘other. F This influence Thos far the of the’bonorable gen- tlemen of thag# ’ mty be etirnt to the former. Up to this period I hevé deith- er the right nor diépesition tn impaga their: motives. There may be doobdiers end skep~ ties on this subject ; from such let me in— voke for the gentiemeg of the ‘Guerd’ the chasity of their silence. i velapements of time—the gréat trier of thiegs and of men. Wait till the 4th of March, 1845. If that day shall Gnd them in this place, represening, with their well- known ability, the interests of their constit- uents, or having been dismissed the public service here, it shall find them mingling 2- mong the messes ; or rf that day shall find their shoulders onsoiled by the robes of of.-. fice. then may those who, from motives of prudence, now practise non-committaliem, award tothem their unquelified approbs- tion, so far at least as motive is concerned. I trust, sir, that by this good time the eyes of the Whigs of the country are fally open to just spprecistion of the motives snd the management of those who have betray- ed them and mede the vain effort to sell them to the support of the President. Up to the period of the Faneuil Hall speech there were no doubt some, perbaps manv, Whigs who cherisbed the bo e thet Mr. Webster would return to the fold from which ambition in a fatal moment had temp- ted him to wander. They thought of his bricolean intellect and of his indomitable spirit when fighting in the Senate the bat- tles of constitutional liberty, and they were slow to believe that be hed left the camp of the faithful to form a lasting siliance with a crooked, perverse, snd‘uncircometsed gener- stion. But. sir, thet speeth extinguished the last hope of bis few remaining friends. Those who believed that his efforts to de- feet a National Bank were prompted by con- siderations of anxiety for the peace and har- mony of the Whig party, of the position in which a veto would place the President to- wards that party, and the effect of that posi- tron on that peace and harmony—those who belreved that his continuance in the Cabi- net resulted solely from a conviction that he could there best serve the country by con- Cucting to a successful termination oor ne- gotistions with England—were coapelled then to edmit that they bad extended to bim a charity which he did not merit. Then it was that the painfal reality of his tergiver- sttion was fully realized. Then it wes. re- viewing the ‘tout ensemble’ of the Secret:- ry’s course, that they discovered that ambi- tion and the love of place, more than love of country, hed counselled him to remain in @ Cabinet from which his highminded, pore, and honored colleagues had retired in disgust And the honorable Secretary wes not conter! to remain in his degraded posi- tion in silence. To evince tis subservien- cy'o the President, as a volanteer he appears in the poblic prints and unblushingly her- alds to the world not only bie went of sen- sibility to insult and of manhood to resent end repel it, but his fixed determination to remain in power, notwithstanding all the contumely which the Presiden thad heaped upon him and his lete essocistes. In his letter to the Editors of the National Intelligencer, under date of 18th September, 1841, he informs us “ that he nad seen ao suffi- cient reason for dissolution of the late Cabinet by the voluntary act of its own members.” Sir, the Secretary’s optics were not usually sharp. His eyes were dazzled by the glare of the premiership in present possession and of the Presidential coronet in the distance. He is a Yankee—belonging to that tribe famed for ite coolness of calculation, especially in all matters of pecaniary and personal thrift. Sir, [will not intimate that the Yankees are not a8 sensitive to attacks epun their honor 28 others ; such an inti- mation would Cishonor my own father and all my kindred : bat the Secretary seems to be an exception to the general rule of hiscaste. The alligator is not devoid of sensitiveness ; bot it is impervious to assault, and the hanter’s attempis to reach it vain : the rebounding balls of his en- emy demonstrate the impenetrable nature of the = of mail with which Nature has protected im. ‘The infloence of the§Secretary over the Pre- sideot is said to be second to that of no other gentleman ; but he remains here, calm asa eum. mer’s morning, the quiet and pleased epectator of the persecations for opinion’s sake which the farvous rage of the President inflicts apon his ci devant brethren: What cares he that Jonathan Roberts, and thousand of othere—good men, honest, faithful, and capable peblic servents—are rodely ejected from office, for no cause other than that of an at- tachment to Mr Clay, to make room for the hy- pocritical neophytes to Tylertem. so fong as be continaes quietly to gnaw the bone of office. _ Sir, the President exacts from his dependants a strict execotion of the condition- of the bond, thoagh it may consist in the performance of ser vices from #hich 2 well regolated and patriotic spirit would revolt. The Secretary was becom. ing enervated ia the enjoyment of i 8 ease at Washington : an important election was about to take place in Massachusetis; he was therefore ordered by his taskmaster.to gird on : the-armor, in which, like another Richard Conr de Lion, he had so often met and vanquished the Stalwart keighis of the ealtra Demveracs, to conch his unennqoered lanes against nis once confiding and generous allies. The same Jubn Tyler, who, in his inaogora! address, proclaimed that ‘he would remove no incombent from office who hes faithfally and ho— nestly acquitted himself of the duties of his of- fies, exeept he has been guilty of an active par- Webster. — triamph ip that rene tum- salih ! 1 Beve spoket6f Executive influence. 4 p be benelicent of malign. f” Weit for the de- , which we sre determived to Cash, as can be booght any We invite old costomers and the public in gen- eral to call and examine our stock before purchas- og elsewhere, as we think we can bargains as will be great inducement ers don taking — jo adiminis- tration, of a's aining fom any —_ =| ship, or wn§ wey Spacey b with party ee oceans omarion | becke er to desecrate the * Cradle Bey te, aad aid.in the ac ievement of 2 Locofoco venerable and patrigtic Common- caa compare this okase of tbe office rs with the electiva - , aad get feeheon- for man? I knew Expres: P. the revoltivg spectacte'of a politica , Sontag ‘ot State oyster: thé peves and Inieg- rity of the party which elevated Lim to office, attended with the pomp: and'perade of official _pigeautry, aod with the delivery “of a partizes: speech by. thie'same Séerétary. 2s destitute of taste and as it was a to the ‘ good men ad true*.whe were” 10 wit. ness the degradation of théir ,onee béloved ora- tor. - Sir, the time ig not distantywhen the Seereta. ry would give all the wealth of ihe~ladiee to have every trace of that ch blotted from the recollection of hiscounttymen, Waovld to God! I could throw ovef it the thick mantle of oblivion aod replace ite anhappy anther on the proad.pin nacle he occupied ov the 4th of March, 1841! Vain wish! The recording angel has perfurm ed hie office ; an ocean of penitential tears can- not efface the record, There will it stand, throngh all time, a: monument of frailty and fol- ly of human weakness. What most have been the anguish of feeling of men like Abbott Lawrence, when the mendi- cant orator, after refering to many offices in the customs filled with Whigs, and to the mission to England eo ably filled by an accomplished seh: ! ar and statesman—all of which oppnsition to the Administration of Mr Tyler might place him in jeopardy—pitwously inquires, ‘Where do the Whigs iatend to place me ? where am I to go?” Here again the fear of the less of office, the necessary result in this reign of terror of a faith fal adherence to principle, is most plainly deve- ‘| loped. Sir, had there been in that assemblage ove trve, honest, and frank friend of the inguir- ing Secretary, he wou!d, in response, have cited hitn to the 5th verse of the 27ih chapter of St. Matthew, and, io the spirit of pity and mercy, would have recommerded to him an imitation of the axample of his great prototype, recorded in the verse referred to by the faithful evangelist. A great man gailty of ingratitude to his friends of the abandonment of his principles for the sake of office, and treachery to hie party,can finda resting place only in the grave There may his bones and his faults repose together, in the on- certain hope that the hand of friennship may place on the title-page of his biography the charitable maxim, ‘ De mortuis nil nisi bonum.’ Bat, living, in vain may he invoke the charity of the world. He cannot escape the daily reproach- es of friendship betrayed. of faith violated, and patriotism outraged. Sn the langnage of Scrip- tore, should he take the wiaogs of the morning and fly tothe attermost parta of the earth, even there will the voice of violated obligation reach him, and nightly disturb tbe repose of his bed chamber. The inquiry. ‘ where am I to go?’ seems to have been made in the spirit of deprecatory anti- cipation, The 4th of March, 1845, will soun arrive. Then, in anguish and bitterness of sovl, wil) he make the same inquiry. Ard the spirit of prophecy need not be invoked to indite the an- swer Then ail] rash upon him, with affiictive and soul-rending force, the frightfal recollections uf the past and painful furebodings of the futare. — Though now glittering in the pride of place, the subject of heartless flattery and of hollow respect, then he will find ~* none 80 poor as to do him re- verence.”’ And now, the Secretary, having folfilled his political embassy, no doubt enjoys with infinite gout the fruits of his treiehery, in witnessing the chair of the [ancocks defiled by an altra De- mocrat, the abetter of revlutions, the hero of clambakes, end the instigator of a rebellion which ‘threatened to wrapa neighboring State in flames and deloge it with blood. But [ mast part with the honorabie Secretary We could have better spared a better man. Bat be has gone, and peace to his political ashes !— It belongs not to me to write his epitaph. An bonest,Jpatriotic,*and betrayed party. anda de- serted country, will, in their own proper time, inscribe oo his headstone an appropriate “ hic jacet.” FRESH ARRIVALS ! 3 NEW Fall and. Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RE now receiving and opening in the brick A house west of the Coursshonte, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which are Dry Goods, Hatdware; Cutlery, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Crockery, Points, Dye- stuffs, Medicines. ssa ce dr ates sell 2s cheap for| 4 where in Concord. bilities, the made of bidding, and the guaranty, which is to sceompany every propa CABINET MAKING ed work, soch as is suitable for this pe ae country, and at as low prices as at 309 ° tablishment in the place or sarrounding Hie material is of the very best that c#° Y virtae of sundry Deg, ted to ws on the 22, dey ot ee PRrey, the purposes therein coniained Sean the Coart—House in Sali ‘on will 2d day of May. 1843, (W be; Rowan County Court,) one Tract or Lana, , containing abont more or lesa, joining the landsof R 8, mara,Chazles Brown, William Chee ot and known as the Craige Leed "8. aa one “Tract of Lend on the Souih side by. Yadkin River in Rowan county, whereon he Craige lives, joining the lands of James The heirs, the heirs of William Coan an, wee of Jeage.Pinkston and others COnttining ake 9 673 ACRES more or lese. Also, about Twenty [ix NEGROES, Consisting of Wen, Women, Boy, and Girls, Terme Cash, thoogh they may by chy on the day of sale. to & credit of six mop ‘ : JAMES OWENS, WM. CHAMBERS, April 8, 1843 —ts$7 True List of Letters ewan in the Post Office at N C, March Sist, 1843. A—Anderson michael, Andrews G B—Beshier Conrad, Bradshaw Rober: 9 ver Benjamin, Basinger John, Borch Cathay Brown & Chambore 2, Beeffel mary, Brack) F, Black William, Bowles Erwin, Baring John C—Clark Warner, Castor Phillip, Cone H W. D—Denison H D. Douglas Dr GB F— Follenwider Jacob G—Gors Frederick, Graham iss Zilte, Gardner wre M A. H—Harris Richerd, Hall Jos , Harris Wo J—Jones John, Johnsion John Jones sin, Jacobs Kendal, Jones miss or H, Jones Cag Jordan Holley K—Kerns John, Kannaday Cannon 1.—Leniz Dewalt, Laws T W 2, Lyning u. Lyrely mrs Naney, Link John, [emir Phit um —mcCubbins Sameel, mcCloud John, nig, ell J B, meConnaughey J C 2, ssoss Dolpha) moose Jacob, miller Henry N—Neal! John, Nunly CC. O—Owens Peter P—Peeler Daniel, Payne Ellis, Pinciag Samuel, Pearson Hon R M, Phillips EE, | R—Rofiy Edward, Rice John. Robers Nai, Rotherford Joho jr, Ramesour David S—Shoping Jacob 2, Shaman John, Ssie Lewis, Swink Daniel, Swink George, Shopy N., Sides Wilson, Swink Letitia, Swink 4 Smith James, Schel! John T—Thompson miss marv T—Trexler Jonathan, Tay!or Jobo U—Utzman R u W—Weant Alex, Wittiker Peter, Wile T R, Windows Henry. Sw37 B. JULIAN, P.M Post Office Departmen. Marca 16, 1843 TINUE attention of all disposed 10 engage it mail service, is specially called to (he vertisemeni for proposals for carrying the U ted Siates Maite in Virginia, Norih Card Sovth Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, issoede the 18th of December, 1842. The last ds i receiving bids is the 13th of April nex', (i$ m )ond for deciding open them, the 1s: of Ma 1843 —Serviee to commence Is: Joly, 1843, cootinee ia foree antil the $0th Jone, 1847. Ely Sli referred for so mueh of the advercisemeni 2 ¢ braces the State of Virginia, to ihe Ricmal Engatrer, the Winchesier Virginian, the Fi ericksburg Recorder, and the Abingdon Bans) for so much as relates 'o North Carolina, o @ Raleigh Standard, the Charlotie Jefferxom aod the Washington Republican ; for so a a8 embraces South Carolina, to the Charles Patriot, the Colambia Sbuih Carolioian, a Edgefield Advertiser ; for so moch 28 i Georgia, to the Augusia Consii‘ationslist, # Savannah Georgian, the Athens Benner.tbe(* lambus Argos, and the Milledgeville Fig * Union ; and for so moch as embraces Fi to the Tallahassee Floridiag and the St. Ag* tine Florida Herald, The entire adver'iseo® is published in the Washington City Madisn™ and is siso to be found in pamphlet form *! Post Office at the endof the several rule the advestisement foll information is givet® the particalars of service, the nstore of (be form 0 C. A. WICKLIFFE, Posimaster Gener SwS6. HE sobecriber respecifally retorns bint for past favors, and informs his wid and the poblic, that he still coniinoes 10 / the above business in all its various branches." at the old stand on main street, one doo Dr. P. Henderson's shop, acd opposite! an Hotel, where he may 2! ways keeps coustanily on hand a variety be Ro be found He 1} bor of we . ie oot be pad, GRO CERIES, both Walnat, Mabogany and Cherry. aa "= . . 2 A 00 ROPE AND BAGGING, | "hing tc bay good Forciare, wool” acai 4, @ general assortment of A sapply of ready made Coffins const’ GOODS, kept on hand, to suit any meesore. wont N. B. All kinds of Lomber i i k. ace taken in exchange VID waTso® Salisbory, A ‘til 1, 1843—136 = give such to perchag- Country prodnee taken in exebange for goods, J &R. WINECOFF. Coneord, Nov. 19, 1842—tf17 GARDEN SEEDS! GENERAL aseoriment, may be found-at the Salisbory Medical and Drog Store. Salisbary, N C., Jan. 21, 1843. 1196 lizanship, or by secre! means, the fess maniy, and therefore the more objectiunable, hae given Job Printing neatly done Here. —_.. Salisbury Male Acad E First Session of this Irnstitoli™ ie commence on Tuesday, the 4ih sostr the superintendence of the subscriber Terms per Session of fr aa " For the ordinary English Braoches. : ae Rbes English Grammar, Elocrtion. ©” toriek, Logie, Philusophy, Aso" ; # vand Chemistry. | 1 Teche, /aeaetig Latin & Greek. gal « Salisbory,gApril 1, 1848— 1136 BS. EDWARDS, Pr“ Att, who take an interes! in ihe maliel, @ nu ef e f @ w e e $ u e r p m e # e @ a e s . s } | / 8 8& @ e s 4 s 4 n m r e e * © % 7. LISBURY: —_——- arurDAY. APRIL 16, 1843. Gapublican Whig Ticket a for President of the United States, HENRY CLAY. oF KENTUCKY. FOR CONGRESS. 3 : had bees tied, and the ‘tracks: ver ev of those fine traits whien charsc— Col. D. M. BA RRINGER, to thi Coart*House,“aboal a” us “A party }terinethe Getman race from whieh he is descen- oOF@ABARRUS COUSTY. purseed, first the man’s tracks, and then of | 4ed. These traits, ab the t day are all aaa |i hge ho i yd nt | pire owt eh, noe Fu Rexcren —We received a copy of Mr. Senday morning. h an oof Ned tod 5)! 19 i pucored in so eminent, degreé bythe naw Rencher’s Cirenlar Addresea fowdaye ul ne tothe house of Eijah Speueer, about Whig candidate, we sccatd<to bim eur most a which we learn beyond a doub!, that.all | 18 miles of “Phe Ya itacks agreed im size | Billing confidence, sod aberiab ihe most ardoni " chensions of a portion of the Whigs in| with Spepeer'a, and borden" with those of | ple ee oftalead te “intend pe reat relation to the steadfas'aess of that | ( otis: “Spencer sell, his son +. ao aamnegy £ those other gentlemen who ja4t a's principles, are fully realized. It H were arrested, apd .carried constitate the leadera.of the Whig party in this geailemaa gos (eo predicted, that as he had always been yp insioeare Slitician, be woald be sare to de- gert the : : iq), For ourselves, we did not believe these ‘ag: We could not think that a man er stand ap before an enlightened people, od talk 28 Mr. Rencher did, was so rotten at yar, We coold not think that such treachery spd base hy pocriey coold assume a countenance blameless, oF frame sentiments of such virtoe: “— wssacad mistake, and we Lave agsio yseknowledge, “That man when smoothest he ‘appears, Is most to be suspected,” Ababam! Abraham!! You are a weak ves- we hope, aad not so miserably corrapt as reondct indicates; bot as there is no dan- that we will ever be deceived by you again, ge will take leave of you, hoping that you bave frond a congenial spiritin your devotion to the « body guard” service, either in John Jones or the Captain himself; and that like him, yoo gay godown “to the vile dust from whence yo spreng, anhonored and unsung.” cP Geo. Solomon Van Rensalaer,the form a frieod and comprnion of Gen. Harrison, has imp removed from the office of Pestmaster at jheoy, New York, and James Wassan, 2 Loco feo Van Barenite, appoiated in his place — Gen. Jackson always refused to have the old Geo, removed throughout the whole of his Ad- sioistration. Mr. Van Baren after considerable igsitation turned him out, and appointed A. C. Pagg. After Gen. Hairison went into office, ie reinstated Gen. Van Rensalaer, and now Jno. Tyler has removed him, without any cause of enplaint whatever. He was dependent opon ie office for the means of sustenance, and had wutained from meddling in polities. And yet wiwithstanding this and mary other glaring in- uances of Joba T'yler’s meannese, his little squad i sopporters say that he has done nothing to writ he condemnation of the Whig Party. The following extract of a letter purporting to lave been written by Mr. Cray, to some friends in New York, has been going the rounds of the Leofoco newspapers for some time. Every per m whokoows any thing about Henry Cray, whis feelings can easily see that it is a most mlemptible forgery, and one among the many teetioneering tricks which Demagogues very eo show themselves so expert and apt in man- taetoring, to gul) and hambug the unsuspecting. “My name never again, with my consent, tn! be bronght before a Convention. I have wn most shamefully treated by men in whose ilerated promises of support I placed every mfdence. When I ascertain that it is the teh of the people to elect me tothe Presidency, Hvilheonsent to be their candidate. “With these men. I never consent to go inta tmvention. if the Legislateres—if Towns, if ies and Hamlets, nominate me—if the people ol forme, 1 am at their service; bot] am too pp}, too tranquil, tvo comfortable oa my farm— he (rom debt, and surrounded by domestic feli- Wand true hearted friends, to be dragged by bmer before the public, and my name used for personal purposes.” The Locofoco Treasarer of Mississippi, R. S Graves; bas proved a defaalter to a considerable, © mknown amount, at least 165,000 dollars.— Will 20y person be asionished at this, when :t is weallected that he was nominated and elected on party that has refused to pay the State Jomy TyLer has openly throwo himself in- “ihe embraces of Locofocoism. He bas remov- “ine is still ejeeting from office all the Whigs “1 shout time since appointed by him, and fill “their places with fall-blooded Democrats,— Nabe View, we suppose, to ingratiate himself “* \bt good graces of the Locofoco party ; bat * think, botwithstanding all his professed at- “etent for ther and their ruinous doctrines— _ ‘ry ptinciples which he so vehemently HP haa he was bypocritically running ig ticket for Vice President, will be ¥ awtaken. How can any party rely upon ty 'Y, when he bas su shamefully and wil- deceived and betrayed those who made him ‘tes? The Madisonian, his mouthpiece, him a candidate for the Presidency ,— ite ‘o the deeision of a Democratic Nation- owvention. Yet, afier all this, our late Ke lative, Mr, Reacher, sees nothing in Jubn Whigs whenever there came a day of to Lawrenceville jail. Th the result of which we have not. WHIG C ‘TION. . * At a Convention, the’4th of Apnil, for the porpose of seleciing a suitable person to represent tbe 2d Congressional District in the next Congress: of the United States, the following Delegates sere present, to it: From Rowan—James Jameson, Paul Seaford, William P Graham, John F McCorkle, Alex- ander Holdshowser, Abel Graham, David Brad- shaw, James Cowan, John B Lord. From Cabarrus—C Melehor, W C Coram,J W*Sentt, W Coleman, C Phifer, Joshua Harris, W F Pharr, W 8S Hartis. Prom Mecklenburg—T W Kerns, James Porter, R T’ McDowell, Isaac Campbell, Cyrns Quary, Wilson Alexander, John Campbell, W Johoson, Jobn M Fulwood, Charles B MeGia- ois. From Lincoln— Andrew Hoyle, R M Alex- ander, Robert Brevard, Dr W B McLean, J H Moore. From Catawba—Jvhn D Graham, Alexander McCorkle, FE L Shaford, Juha Coulter, Matihew L McCorkle. From Iredell—Wm Kiog, J H Mclaughlin, L Q Sharpe, Wm Allison, N D Tomlinson, L D Sharpe, Abner Feimster, George F Davidson, Rofus Reid, Geo W Stimson, John Davidson, R Donelson, M White, Samue! Young, Jobn A Yoong. D Ramsay, Dr Joho Allison. From Davie—Jvseph Hovser, H R Austin, Wilfred Terner, L Bingham,—one delegate ab- sent on aceoant cf sickness. The Conventicn organized by appointing Wil liam King, Esq, of {tedell Chai:nan, and L. Bingham, Secretary. The object of the Convention having been ex- plained by William Johnson, Fsq., in a short but appropriate address, a full and free interchange of opinion took place with open doors ; when the following Resolation was offered hy J.H Me- Laughlin, Esq, and unanimously adopted, viz: Resolved. That DANIF.L M. BARRING- ER, be considered as the numinee of this Con- vention, to represent the 2d Congressional Die- triet of North Carolina, io the 28th Congress of the United Siates. The following resolution was then submitted to the Convention, and ananimonsly adopted : Resolved, That having every confidence in the correctness of those great Principles for which the Whigs are now contending, we, each and every one of as, will use every hunorable ex ertion, fo promote the snerese and insnre the election of the candidale of the Whig Party in this District. It was then, on motion, ordered, that a Com- mittee, to consiet of one Del:gate from each county ia the District, be appointed bv the Chair to inform D. M. Barringer of his nomination, and request his acceptance of the same ; when the Chairman named the following Delegates tocom- pose said Committee, viz: J A Young, Iredell; L Bingham, Davie; J B Lord, Rowan; C Phiter, Cabarrns; Wm Johnson, Mecklenberg ; Robert Brevard, f.in- coln; EL Shoford, Catawoa. The following resolutions were then offered and adopted ; and the Convention adjourned: Resolved, That the thanke of this Convention be tendered to Maj. Resp, for his kiad provisien for aut comfert oc this occasion Resolved, ‘Theat Me proceedings of this Con vention be published in the Whig papers in the District. Wa KING Chairman. L. Binauam, Secretary Mr. Epirorn:— ‘Phe result of the deliher- ations of the Whig Convention letely as- sembled st Mount Mourne, must prove highly satisfectory to the Whigs ‘of the Se- cond District. Coming as the Delegates 41.1, from differ- ent parts ofa newly formed Distries —from Cocatiesr, which bed not bitherto been thos politically anited, it was hardly to be expect ed that they would mamfest such entire unanimity of feentimeat—such perfect har- mony of sction. .The event however has given us another proof of the oniversal fact, thatlwhile Whigiprinciples are unchangeable in thew nature, Whig policy inverying ip its eourse,— Whig ehsracter and W hig tastes are so similar in their material end compost tion as ever, when brought 1n enntact, to co- alesce and co-here by 2 natorel sfliaity. But what we intended perticulerly to no- tice is, the very happy selection, which the Convention had the good fortune to make, <A Seah el age } evurse - he ever evinced the anything. There no i OF candteye | slightest aptitude ia etecting new constructions the baah p Tot a week, vo that Iwas etidently outef ald party fragmenis. [no the stability of set on fire. a ‘charsoter‘whicb the political course of Col. Bar On, Saturday morniog, & négro- accidentally discovered ip the woods, 2 place s ) horses They were io tieve had }an examination befere a Magistrate on Monday, at Monet Mourne, a- greeably to” previous arrafigement, on Tuesday, ronsiatenage of course astould well be epee 6 Seto wu large majori- ’ 2 ~ ae, a * ‘ ful. 2 he ndeviar Pi th, ever a ' } ae the } feopteal » be supposed to acerae from ‘Change of rosition, have draw him from his a- = : es rrr, — winger has evinced, as. well as ia his habits of Canatant attention to pro- Lagd other porsnils, we think we disco- District. sech, meg pre-eminent in ability and distin- guished fur wei whom would, if elected, do honor to the Dis- trict, and esntribute materially to redeem it from the obseuriiy, mot to say disgrace, into which its patties have severally been thrown by the an- ortana:e selections which have hitherto been made To some of these jt may have been de the party, yet it is high'y gratifying to see thet private and personal considerattons have not oat- weighed, nay, that they have not even interfer ed with that larger and more important object, the success of the Whig parry En passant, we can but notice the perfectly disinteresied, and highly generous course of our friend Mr. Osdarne. Among the individoals spoken of as likely to receive the nomination, Mr O was one of the most prominent, and latterly the selection was considered fo have been narrowed to Col B. and himself. Mr. QO. was well known in the District as a young man of shining talents, and who from the zeal and ability which he had manifested in the support of Whig principle. , had, in his own part of the District, a: least, be- come identified with the Whig cause. [t was perfectly natoral therefore, that he should have him to that post of honor which they well knew hig talents would adorn. Under these circom- stances, he might well have coveted the prize held ont tohis view. Bat there were other pre ferencés and pre iilections to be consulied, and the entire harmony of the party was to be ob- servec. Mr. O. wasnt the manto sit down and coolly calculate the chances of a nomination, ur to prefer a chance of personal success to a cer- tainty of party victory He, therefore, expres sed the wish ih ths own name might not be sab nitted{to the Convention, and is now ready to throw the entire weight of his influence in favor of thenomin e Before closing this article, we ought perhaps, to notice the fact that Gen. Edney is said by some to intend offering himself as a candidate, and thus to defeat the regular notninee. We are well awars that 'o the Lecufocor, this were a ‘consummation devoutly to be wished,’ and their anxioos flu tering opon the sabjert shows thal sueh a step on the pat of the General 18 a main ingredient in their plan of snecess. — Bat still we do not for one moment velieve the fact; first, becanse we have enfficient credence in Gen. Edney’s past political career of that gen uine Whig feeling, which woald deter him trou the attempt, besides granting for a moment, as ‘he report assumes, that Gen. Edney has no prin. ciple bot that of ambition, we give him credit fur lwo mach good sense to take any such step. ‘I: suceeed himself in the coming election, would be ulterly hopeless. Iie might defeat the Whigs or he might not, In either event, whase alliance would he sabsequently seek? ‘That of the Whigs? The bitierest execratiuns woold take the place of past expressions of gratiiade — Woald he seek the embraces of the Locos ?— John Tyler's ate attempt at moving the Awa zoo, Shows that, thuagh by no means chary in her favors, she has none for sa h -s hi ! Oo the whole, it occurs t) us, tbat the Locos have taken io themselves qni'e too much unction from the manifes aviuns of Gen. Edney. tHe has ia time past done good service to \be Whiy eanse, and no doobt thought, as well he mighi, that he-had claims upon the party which bad not yet been cancelled. We know, too that he has all along, been opposed toco’. ventions, thir k ing with many others, that a more republicar, pice wvou!d be toeshan ce claims of every prom- inent man tothe People always, arid let pablic sentiment gracually seltle down npon the most available. ‘This ia the General's opinion. Iris nol ours, nor do we think the principle, thoogh plausibie enough in theory, could well be carried oat. Sull it is not absurd norse'fish, nur du we see any great impropriety in his advancing the doetrine previously to the Convention, and siriv ing to give itcarrency. The principle, howev- er, if it ultimately prevails, cannet now be acted opon ; and this Gen. Edney sees. We have, therefure. Bo fears that he will, by any such er- ratic course, as has been suggesied, give counte- nance to his enemies, bat that he wiil still be foond in the ranks of his friends, yielding them his powerful and efficient suppert. HAMILTON. SPRING and SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1843. HORACE H. BEARD AS jast received of Mr. F. Manan, the LONDON PARIS & PHILADEL- PHIA FASHIONS, for the Spring and Summer of The party rejoices in a number of t sof character, any one of sirable to receive thé nomination and support of imbers St. near the Post Office ; NEWw- Hitvé on hand an unesnsily large stock of their well knows PRINTING TYPES, ORNAMENTS, BORDERS, RULES, &c., of the best metal, cast in original mortices, and very accurately finished. AH of which they have determined to sel] at GR fe DUCED PRICEs. os mare? xe Placing Book and Newspapexfonts as follows : Pics, at $2 cis. : Small Plea, $4 als Pong Primer, $6 Burgois, 40 Brevier, 46 Minion, : 54 Nonpareil, 66 Agate, 86 Pearl, 120 For approved paper at six months, or at six per cent less for eash. Wood Type, Printing Ink, Presses, Cases, Galleys, Brass Roles, Composing Sticks, Cha- | ses, and other Printing materials, furnished with prom ptitade and at ihe lowest prices. Printers of Newspapers who publish this ad- verlisement with this note, three times before the Ist of Jone, 1843, and send one of the pa pers to the Foundry, will be entitled to payment of their bill on baying four times the amoeont of it. Apiil 25, 1848 —Sw$s LAND FOR SALB! By virtue of a Decree f + ss * , “\ 545 PACKAGES, Among which art. the fe 7 PS maplpaen marae : aS fro, 4 cents aryardito 224°, er Pteces calicoes, ‘rom excellent at 10 and 19 1-2 oe 470 pair'shoes assories, 90 point and duffle blankets 80 ths turkey red ; pee nee handkerchiefs 40 dospron checks 55 do flancels 28 do Kentucky Janes 22 docloths and satiinetis - ri muslin de lanes 28 do li and kerseys 6 ps buliine oths " 199 bags coffee 14 hhbds sugar 185 ‘ps dieting 80 coils ropa, 2900 Yes losf Sogar 3500 Ibs sole leather _ 18 kegs. powder 70 kege nails 110 kegs white lead 60 boxes glass 8 by 10 and 10 by 25 pre Elliptic springs: 540 bottles easter vil : 2 reings 60 bushels clover seed, warranted new crop _ J & W. MURPHY: Salisbury, December 10, 1849—6if the Gourt of Cguity fer Toman County, the Blerb and MNaster will ex ficse Za Court of Pleas and Quaster Sessions—Fe State of PorfH Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY: Term, 1843. 1g breary per "ravice) ie wee and in is a, who intend joinicg He has alee consented to te : . ie per : Drawing with crayons per session, ja-mates colors de BA P. s . Vx Mareh 11, ee — NOTICE. Salisha PRY virtve of 2 Deed of Trast executed t B on the 15th day of Joly; 1841, fur tached 6s therein mentioned. | will expose to Public Sale on Monday the first day of M the Cont House, in the Toon of Silubert, an being the week of Rowan County Cuart,) one = HOUSE anpD LOT, the rly.of EF. R. Barkhead, siteated in the great east square of the Town of Salisbury, ad a large number of friends, anxious to elevate sale on the premises 838 ACRES, of Sand an Saturday, the bth day of May next, ty. ong on toth sides of the great Piedmont Stage Koad a miles Southwest of Sates. bury, the late restdlence ff recently, the residence and frperty of Gasper Smith, dec d. A credit of One year will te peven fr half the jperlce, and tu0 years pf? the talance, on the fuirchas. er carecuting bonds with afr. hroved securely fe the PUN chase MONEY ON the diy of sale, SAMUEL SILLIMAN c a. &. April 15, 1843 — 4038 N GTICE.— Porsoant to a decree of the AN Court of Equity for Rowan County, will be sold at the Court House in Sal.sbory, on Monday of the Coonty Court, (1st May next.) valuable STONE DWELLING HOUSE, three miles suatheast of Sal:sbury, for distribu- tion amony the legatees ; the house is valuable on aecount of ifs containing $500 tons of rock, bat is mach outof repair as a dwelling. A cred- it of twelve months will be allowed on the pur- | D,. fno. Scott, ank mores ' 1843, and continne fromgday, if we cannot get Margaret Dsotels, | I defendant Margaret Danie!e, is not an inhabi- tant of this State: {+ is ordered, that publication be made for six suceessive weeks im the Caroli- na Watchman, for the said ssergaret Daniele personally to be and appear befure the Jestices uf our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessione, at ithe pext Court to be held for said cuunty, at the Court Hause in Lexington, on the second mon- day in May nex!, and answer or demor to said petlilon, or it will be set down for hearing ex- parte, as to her and Jadgment entered against her. Test. CHAS. MOCK, ccc. march 11, 1843—6w33— Printer's fee $5 50 Davie County Sheriffs Sales, j ILL be sold for cash on the 24th of April, 1843, at the Court-House in Mocksville, the fullowiog property, to wit: One tract of Land belonging to N B. Taylor, idjvining J Roberson and others, or his interest ‘o the same, supposed io be 230 ACRES, io satisty sundry execations in my hands. Also, tis interest in all his NEGROES, but subject to their hire until next Christmas. ALSO, At the same time and place, FORTY FOUR NEGROES, belorging to the estate of Nathen Choffin, dee'd conaisting of MEN, WOMEN and CHIL- DREN, (BOYS, &c.,) to satisfy sundry exe- cottons in my hands, in favor of Joha Murphy, and vihers, —ALSO~ I will sell a valoable TRACT of LAND, nelonging to C. B. Wheeler, of his inierest -io ‘he saawe, adjoining G. Baily, and oihers aud Twelve Negrces, belonging to said Wheeler; eqnsisting of MEN. WOMEN, AND CHILDREN, to satisfy an execution \n my hands in tavor of John Musphy, against N. B. Taylor, as principal, and ©. B. Wheeler, and others, as securities” ais ALSO--Atthe same time, SEVEN NE- GROES, levied on as the property of William Lunn, to satisfy sundry exeeutions jump bends, in favor of Charles Harton, F. H~ Shaman, Ag, L. Bingham, and others. The sale will take place on the 24th of April, through in one day. Wi. B. MARCH, 8 de joining the lot No. 6, whieh tty t George Zeracor and } » “© © ~ 94 ;]| Birkhead purchased of Jaha LieCiolons, Rea others, | Petition for reprobate of | Macnamars’, and Charles Fisher. ‘“Kerme made vs >Samuel Zeracor’s Wilt, {| known on the de 4 sale. Samuel Rothroek & |. dn .t.. C N this case it appearing to the Court that tbe ly recommended by all doctors ss ine, for invalids having pains io the Brea: k or side. Weskness and L:smeness are ved at = march 16, 18439.11@4°< bd LAND | GOLD MINE FOR SALE, | E, wish to sell a Tract of Land lying VY withib one mile of the Town of Alocks— ville, in Davie county, containing , 121 ACRES, epon which there is s t of a Gf Gold Mine, upon Beh tosccrosliedly been dong in opening it. Miners ate inv examine it and judge for themselves. The OWAN, Trustee. 4 ity of the land is excellent, and the plentation ie in good repair, and has good buildings aod a first rate apple and”peach td on it, A good bergain will be given if spplicatfon ir made to either of us soon, nesr Morksville, WILLIAM HAWKINS, THOMAS SMOOT. march 25, 1848—4w3$5 ‘ State of North Carotma. DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas snJ Quarter Sessions—February Term, 1848. ceneiemmmmeenl } vs. Heirs at LawefRa- c chel Smith, Dee'd. J | fi appearing to the Coort that Willem. Gor- don, one of the-defendanis, is not agiinhsbi- tant of this Stare [tw ordered by the Court, that poblication be made for four weeks in the Carolina ae the said Willism Gor- don, personally ibe and appear before tie Jas~ \ices of said Court, at the next Court to be held for said county at ihe Coort-Hoose in Lezing- ton, on the 2d monday in may next; and shew cause if any he hath, =py the plsinuff shell not have Judgment, and order of eale sgeinst ihe lands levied on, in. satisfaetion of his debie and cost. est, CHAS MOCK, ccc. rosrch 11, 1848—6w$3— Printers fee $5 5@ Br. Liws Galbanum Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! npbse Piasters, greatty improved, end ha- ving the preference of ail others, are warm- Lazarus Sink, Justices Judgment levied oo Land, (in we cases ) chaser giving bond with approved seeurity fur the purchase money on the day of sale. SAM’L SILLIMAN, c me. Sheriff of Davie county, N.C. march 25, 184$3—1f35 April 15, 1843 —1/38} AKEN up by Richard Stoker, in Stanly coonty, two miles south of Burages Factors, an iron gray FHIORSE, four years old, four feet six inches high, sorry eyes, not shod, the State of Porth Carolina. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February IREDELL COUNTY. ‘Term, 1843, onee hy their use, and the paris restored io strength najors| warmth and health. Ay person wasring one of these Plasters, will be as- tonished and delighted st the comfort it affords. Those threatened with Long Cum plaints eboald never trast themselves's day without wearing a Plaster. 1t removes the irritation of incipient Censamption from th® Langs to tke surface of the body, and drawe off the internal affection right hind leg white half way to the hock juiat ; | a emal] wart on the under pert of the Jefi ear, in low plite. Appraised at $10 E. L. PARKER, Ranger. april! 15 —2w38 1843 ! which far sarpasses any thing of the kind here— tofore published, He still carries on the Tatloring Eusiness in all its branches, at his old staod, where he is ever ready (o meet and accommodate his old and FORTY DOLLARS & REWARD! i Leniz «nd Rachel Leniz. Christena Lentz, vs David Lentz, John Lents, Henry Lentz, Law son Lingle and Wife Elizibeth, Conrod Miller end WrieSimssannah, Alexander Miller & Wife ChristenaytJames Heathcock and Wife Mary Aan, Joel.Kimble and Wife Sally, ©aroline So jn Lives Camplai Childrea with W have one, to prevent the cough get Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Silos boro’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J P Raleigh, Dr Stith on the opgs, Their excellence will, be ondefsiood by. Hon tia. §CP For saleby C B Wheeler,. n; Hille- Mabry e merch 4, 1843— 1138 Len'z, Simeon Leo'z, Eli Leoiz, William A. Petition filed for Dower. ie appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, that Simeon Lentz, one of the Defendants in tbis case, is not 20 inbabitset of this State: {1 is therefure, ordered by the Court, that pebdlication be made in the Carolina Watchmen for six weeks | notifying the ssid Simeon Lentz, to appear at the s next Cuart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be | country, shathe bée'reteived a new! and. held for the evunty of fredell, 21 the Courthouse | did su in May next, | sisting in Statesville, on the $d moada then and there to answer, plead to of demor to said Petiticn, or jadgment pro confesso wil! be of taken as to him, and a writ of Doser ordered | Teneriffe, Cha ‘Test, UPPLY OF CONFECTIONABIES AND GROCERIES!!! R. ROUECHE, respeetfolly informs the. e citizens of Sulinbory and the ‘“ 1g of Confectionaries and Grocesies, coa- all kinds of a WINES -AND°LIQUORS the very best quality, such ae Medeira, Port . Mescat, Claret, and ° diogly. accor” 5. ALEXANDER, 100 c. march 25, 1842—6«35—Pripters fee $5 50} J*t, Worthy of fa candidate to represent usin Congress. | 2¢7 customers with fashiouable cutting and ma- : hit tie ee Cal Bumager we have long knowns ad | Hino gure, not tw srpned by any | PRANAWAY fot te hu hang : . — in the Legislature of this mired, not only 98 possessing views of poli- sed feist nies an tad Sen. ence aon be} NANCY. Said girl is abou 21 or 22 years of aa St, aller some months of hard cy similar to Our own”, bot es 8 gentleman of bis aim and object Thaokfal for past encoor- age, of a vellow com plexiun, (or rather light.) i iy passing q bill, which Was not enlarged and cultivated, mind, of extensive agement, he : to merit iis continuance, with long hair, and stout baift, of the common tn ee for them, distticted the State in | attainments, no less in litersry than in legal| —P. S. Reference he deems annecessary, as hig | height, and was parchased of Caleb Phifer, of “eitous manner, if » than that | parscite, of refined testes Of high moral in| experience’and Work for the last thirteen years | Concord, North Carolina, and raised in Lincoln heeyina i i “ i YY wi ton, N.C. She is believed to be lorking about eae la or Odio, $0 a8 to give the Whigs | tegrity, and in fice of that large will show. = dered - |e ot csee. 00, of gubegs can tome Mean, ne een members to which the State | Of quahties whieh distinguishes the petriot. " —_ i Cake *” | eee cod siplag snteahe Suns secpolane- a * ic stetesman from the reckless aspirant, sod all holding Stste. 1 will give FIFTEEN DOL- eat, Sonat > | which constitojes the beau ideal of Whig DISSOLUTION. § | LARS for the epprehension ond delivery of said wl Me Rober: ee ~The Hoo.| character. —— gitl io me in Ashboro’, of confined in. any jail in Wincis. i *: Senator of the United States | Col. Bartingét hes never bad» seat in Con-| ee Firm of Elfiowand Rowzee was dis—| this Sta end TWENTY-FIVE DOL-~ * died in Cincinnati on the 27:h ofsi- | eress, avd yet be isby no means an untried pud- solved ow the Iet'of Feb. 1845, by limita- | LARS ot prootao convict any perseo in a Court | — 40 years, after a short ifln re- lie servant. For several years he bas _— 2 | tion and mutual consent. K. ELLIOTT of pegs i ertoring or that bes taibored said | OM a cold tax crossing the leading ‘member of our State Legislature, sad 2 . ELL : gil, or giteo her free papers. . ™ hin way humme fron Ware ibe moun | reference to the record of that body would, ld his Wa. ROW ZEE. JOHN A. CRAVEN. | ashington city, "case, afford os fine 40 fostange of aniform tod) = March 16, 1843-8wSS April 8, 1848—4wS$7 ceived aud for sale bv A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne’s invaluable Family Mediciaes, jost re- | CB WREELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dec 10—4f20 Malaga, Wines, Freoch Brandy, Holland Gin, Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials, Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Oystete, | Sagar and Coffee, Candies, : Indigo, snd variaus other articles foo mention, which | will sell as ehetp for cash a8 they cau he bought at anv other Establishment in Selishury. » Madder, tediaas to F. R. ROUECHE. merch 4, 1843—1y32 PW CABINET, ” CHAIR er Manufacturing ESBABLISHMENT ! ! «> v 26° . _ FHE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together for H te pus pose of manufacturing Chairs, Bureaus, Sofa’s, SBOREFARY’S, WARDAOBES, ~Cenwe~Tables, t hind uf style, and of the finest leave to ask at the hands of the cizens of country aod villages aroond, a share of theis patronage io ovr lice of business. Their er is a +e ie east af 3h Mansion tel, door below Junes’ o avero. Hole of JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 18438—133 KENILWORTH HOGS! HE Sneeeriber ise jut added to his stock T of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs, i. pporteitriay-Eogiand in the fall of 1841, by Mr: A-B Alleo, of New Vork, and ere now a- bout 1Smonihsold. ‘The Boar is a very eupe- rior animal, deep, thick aad excellent in alt bis points: the Sow very fine, with a litter of eight pigs, which, fot beanty end form, can hardly be surpassed. Thefe whe may wish aafuller de- scription of these fie animals, are referred to Mr. Allen’s letier published in the Cullivator.— ‘lhe sobscriber has a/so, a Yorkshire Sow. por chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by him from England ; and some Thin rind Sows? and those wishing to purchase, cao have. the pore Kenilworth, or Berkehire, of crosses of Kenilworth and Yorkshire, Thin-rind and Berk- country. Heis also in the regalar receipt of the shire. His atock of Berkshires wag porchased NEW-YORK FASHIONS, of Mr, C. Ni Bement, of New York, and ig not | and prepared to aceonMbodaie the tastes of the surpassed by any in the United States, , Fhose wishing to improve their stock of Hogs, have PBVHE Subscriber info Citiesihe jatesiand most approved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to execute orders in the mos: stylish and satisfactory manner. pet up and lorwarded. ment of Bonnets, (newest style) Caps and ‘l'urbans, for sale, Crimping and -F lating on reasenable terms. n all its various branches, two dvors above J. & W. Marphy's sore, where he is ready to exe- cute all orders of his castomers in a sty!e and manner not surpassed by any in this partof the Fashionable at all times, _—_— —— adies’ Fashions FORGMRE — a: Frau ‘ana Winter of 1942. & 43: 8 the public, that she BL tsas just received ‘throegh the Norihern Work sent from a distance shal! be carefully s. D.. PENDLETON. BCP Mrs P. has on hand @ haedsome assur! - I | orday at 6 o'clock A, M,, and arrives at Ashe- ville every Monday and Friday at 6 o'clock, P. M. day, at 6 o'clock A. M., arrives at Salisbury next days at 4 P.M. good accemmodations. are excellent, and tbe Drivers sober, skilful and accommodating ; no pains will he spared to ren- der trips safe and pleasant to the passengers. je , Pane fy Line Jo the West. From Salisbury, via Statesville and Mor- ganton to Asheville, N. C., S now in full operation, rucning through in two days and twice a week, as fvllows : Leaves Salisbary every Wedoesday aad Sat- Leaves Asheville every Tuesday and Sator- Passengers travelling on this line will receive Our ‘Teams and Hacks SHERRILL & PARKER. June 12, 1841—1f46 *,* Mrs. S. P. is also prepared to execute Salisbury, December $, 1842. - NEW FASHIONS FOR THE . Spring and Summer of 1843. THOMAS DICKSON ESPECTFU LLY informs bis friends and poblic, that he still carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS Apiil 15, 1843—1y¥38 now @ better opportunity of duing 80, wy fas ever been offered South of the Potomac. tders for any uf the above will be promptiy attended 10. WM, F. KELLY. Near Mocksville, Davie cv. 2 yas January 14, 18458. “ CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint. Ds TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LHER WORT .—from $75 Bowery, New York forthe @ure of coughs, colds, eatarrhs, Asthma, sor of the chest, pain in the side and breasi, salsing of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, and albshose gffectiuneof Mbroat.and-l angs,— which. ate a gouree of so much sufferiag.and en arrested, 80 often terminate. in Cansumplion— this remedy is*bighly and jusily distinguisbed. It is purely vegetable, mild and gentle in i's ef- fects upon ihe sysiew, and can be taken in the most delicate cases, wiih safety as well as utili- ty. Physicians, aware uf its medicinal proper- tiesyand witnessing hs effects even in extreme, and.in some instances, apparentlyjalmost hope- leas. Gases, ofieo prescribe it in their practice, hotly a@ a palliaiive and a remedy, and with the al Faculty generally, it has met with great approbation t ° * ac CONSUMPTION --The following remarks were taken from the last oumber uf the Medical Magazine ; “The surprising effect produced by the genu- ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- ery, in consamptive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We have so !ong believed this disease (econsomp tion) imenrable, that it is difficult to credit our serises when we see persons, evidently consemp- live, resiored tohealih. Wet itis a fact of daily occurrence.” ‘Fhe folowing. was given a1 2 short time since, by Capt Scott, of Elizabeth City, N.C. Certificates. “ Being constitativnally predisposed to Con- sdmption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and braving saffered severely from irritativa of the Lungs, accompanied with coogh and raising matter and bleed, together with severe pain in my side sa@breast, till | was supposed to be beyond recovery, | was induced by advice-of Dr Perkins, as a fast resort to try Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. have taken five buttles in alk.’ I bezan to improve with the first voitle, and while taking the third, was so far re- covered, as to beable to get about Since which lime, by cuntinved use of it, f am quite restored and abie tu attend tomy gsual business. ‘T'o per- seus saffering from cvaghs and affections of the Jangs, | do earnestly recommend it. (Signed } JAS C SCOTT. Elizabeth City, N.C., De® 16, 1842. Liver Complaint and General Debility.—] was given up by two physicians, and told to pre pare for death.” ] ud¥ so weak | could not raise my haod to my bea [ was in this low state when a friend sentme a bottle of Dr ‘Vaylor’s Balsam uf Liverwort, from $75 Bowery, and be fore | had ased up the bottle, | was able te sit up in bed. By the farther use, 1 have completely regained my heal:h. GEO WELLs, 23 Joho si. Violent pain in the side —I have been cored of a violent pain ia the side, extending throach to the sbuulder, indigestion, ew ecy tens of ap patite, and general debility, by the ose of two battles of Dr ‘Taglo:’s Balsam of Livérwort, from $75 Bowery. ‘ J PH Allen, NoT Merchant’s Row. For sale at the Dreg Store of C B Wheeler, Salisbery. arch 4, 1848 — 1y$2 $25 REWARD. AN3SWAY frow the sabscriber on the 9:b of Febraary last, my negro fellow HENRY, He is about 32 years bf age, 5 feet 10 or 12 inch- es high, dark complexion, slender made, talks fast, and is very plausible in conversation, Hen ry has a wife at R. J. West's, in Davidson co. ; no doobdi be is lurkihg in that quarter, where ‘he is well known. “Bea dotlars will be paid for the delivery of said negro fellow in the Salisbury o Mr Samoel Reeves, Salisbury, and fifteen dollars for the conviction of any person or Jail, persors of harboring said slave. R. MACNAMARA. Rowan co. march 11, 1843—1f33 ‘IMPROVED’ TONIO MIXTURE. Medicine for Fever anv Acuvue, Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate bet ween t heralded forth to the public, (the same now as in all times past, ) and that almost aniversally"suc - cessful prescription called ference. Tonic Mixture in the cure of Feverand Ague is apon entirely new and peculiar, yet safer principles. Secondly: Li nut only promplly ar- rests the course of the chills, when punctually and perseveringly used, but if soon restores the wonted functions of the general system lo a per- fectly healthy stale ; when relapses are no more | one who has never had it before. system, during the administration of the Iimprov- ed ‘l'unic Mixture, spzings up at once under its beniga influence, and gives forth an earnes! «f re. | t more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of t i 8 efficient, and ii is as well adapied to the feeblest infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as t ations, of the atmost importance to the onxiuus pirents and invalids, might be enome-ated here, but the above are a few uf the points of coniras’. i ed to in professional and family practice, from | confidence in the efficiency of the ** Rowand’s eure of Fever and Agoe, the Proprietor restores TO FAMILIES. ROWAND’S Those who would have recourse to a? Family he *‘ihonsand and one’’ remedies constantly Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mizture. A few remarks will serve toillustrate the dif- In the first place, the operation of the / 8 jable to ensue than an attack of the disease in Thirdly: | The | urning healib and vigor. Foarth!y: Producing he disease passes off in the way mosi strongly ndieated by natare. Fifithly: lis effects on the ystem are onifurmly mild and safe, as well as , he most vigorous adult. Many other cunsider- n comparison with the remedies generally resort. which a proper judgment may be furmed in se- ecling the remedy. . N.B. With a view to re-establish entire |! Improved ‘Tenic Mixture,” to effeet a fasting the original guarantee, viz: ‘The money shal! be returned in every case whereir, the remedy has been ponctually osed without producing the desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R. ROWAND, No 28 North Second Sireet, Philadel phis. Sopplies have been received by the sole Agent ot Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEELER. PILES !} PILES?! HAYS’ LINIMENT !! PFVHE PILES —The price of this celebrated BR | Liniment is refunded to any person: who -will dse a botile uf Havs’ Liniment for the Piles aad reture the empty bottle withoal being cured. ‘The abuve have been ‘he terms on which this Lisiment has been sold for nearly ten years past, and not one bottle out of one hundred has ever been returned. ROP For sale at the Watchman (Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbory ; J&R —— - — Something New. The Subscriber I and the public, that he bas parchased ihe SMITH SHOP, the Town of Satisbury, which he intends here- after to carry on in a mapoer altogether new in in the cemmon ondeistanding of the term, bos he is an actual [ron King, being able and prepar- er. All kinds of MACHINE WORK, —torn- ing of MELL SPINDLES thecasiing of INKS tice, and in first rate style. He will also boild and repair COTTON GINS or THRESHERS he may be called upon to do. He respectful! sulicits a trial. W.H. WILLIAMSON, AVING parehased Mr. T. R. Haghes’ in- terest in the above Establishment, tenders for several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, the hope that he has experience enough ia tie daties of his business to endeavor to render com tronage. Bis TABLE shall always be well and plenti fords, to please and satisfy the palate even of ao epicure, selection of Liqoors. His STABLES shall be constantly atiended with abundant provender. N. B. ‘Ire Stage Office is kept at the Mansiun Sept 3, 1842—196 AKES this method of iaforming his friends formerly Owned by Mr. Frederick Mowery , this part of theeouvntry.” He is not onlya Smith ed to put tron into any shape or temper, whailev- or GUDGEONS, &e , done ai the shortest no- or indeed any kin’ of MACHINE WORK. that Salisbury, Sept S, 1842—u6 THE SUBSCRIBER, his services to the Travelling Pablic. Having at Mount Mourne, io Iredel! county, Le indulges fortaole, all who bestuw upoo bis house their pa fally supplied with every thing the covo'ry af- His BAR will be found farnished with a choice by faithful and attentive hustlers and supplied House. Stae Greensaoro’,; Hillsboro’, D Heart; Lex- ingien, 4 P Mabry 3 Raleigh,r S Deith, match 4, 1843 —1y32 HIRAM T. SLOAN. Commission and Forwarding Merchant to his Agent at Fayetteville, who will forward to Warehouse at the Rive:, where Goods will be Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the expense oo Gvods much below the usua! charge. W arehouse isisolatad from all other baildings, to the risk iocarred from being sttuated in town. Those who may favor him with their business, may rest assored that every attention will be paid to the promotiun of their interest. References : Oct 1, 1842—1110 semedies best calculated to remove them. sumplion, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis. t Breathtng, and al! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Hair Tonic the Hair, and which a@ill positively bring in New Hair on Bald Heads,aud prevent its fall- JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Fever and Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, ard Organs of Digestion. plaints. Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangements of the Slomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections, §c. vers, Inflammalions, Obstructions. Diseases of George W. Davis, Witaineton & Faverrevitte N.C. HE ondersigned is now prepared to receive Goods at Wilmington, and forward the same he Owners inthe back country. He basa large tored free of storage, and the owners subjected ly to half the osoal cartage from the River to As bis he danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison GEO. W. DAVIS. Messrs John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, NM. C. Alexander Anderson, Jobo McRae, John Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, Geurge W. Brown, Salisbury, NC. ®. 8. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. DR. D. JAYNE’S FAMILY WEDICINES. HESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre— pared for family use, and have acquired an hould aver be without them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Acute Rheuma ism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleuri nflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of For the Preservation, Growth,and Beauty of ’ Y og out or tarning Gray. A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- Jayne's Sanatirve Pills, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- the Skin &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Puryative Medicine is 1equired. ‘The above medicines are fur sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Madical and Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. Sept S$, 1842—1y6 New Establishment. HE Sabscribers having associated them- selves together for the purpose of carrying on the CABINET and CHAIR MAKING BUSINESS, now offer their services to their friendsand the pabiic. It is their parpose to carry on both these departments ia all their va- rious branches, and they fee! confident of giviog entize satisfaction to all who may favor them with patronage. Repairing io their line will be done faithfully and on reasonable terms. All kiuds of country prodace will be taken in ex- change for farniture of for work done to order. K. ELLIOTT WM. ROWSEE. Angust 27th. 1842—1y5 N. B. With the view of lessening the cost and preventing inconvenience, the subscribers also keep on hand aquaatity of ready made Coffins, K.E.& W.R Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy fur Coogbs, ‘loarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficuk FE.xpectoration. §C-f For sale at the Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbery. march 4, 1843—1y32 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has just received a fresh sap— ply of his genuive Impoved Tonic Miazture, which is fur sale wholesale and reiai’, at be Medical Drog Store, Salisbary, N.C. Dec 10—1120 A fresh supply of Dr. BD. Jayne's invalaable Family Medicines, jast re- ceived aud for sale by *, ME zu r A "AGUE VERS.—tThere is no rem immediately, aad pefi nrevalent aod ubs'inate na celebrated and to sod PHOENIX BITTERS and renowned as are their effects upon diseases in general, in FEVER AND AGUE; and all Biliivus Affections they are more so; veceose, mn these they are as infallible as any homen. me cau be. ken ia strrict aecordance, with the directions here subjoined, and which are also given in MWOF- species, is pecaliar “PeRsopicaL admin of.a proper remedy, in eonarction with the” cific powers of one of the ingredi icines, is the secret of his inva or only teaiporarily succeed, were witht the very best remedies that were known, sometimes one of these nother; or it is Complicated, by takiog these termitient fever of a more malignant character. and unaccountable it may appear, that each and all of these species of Ague, have a rouR- TEENTH DAY crisis, in which they may be cured with certainty, but dy neglecting which disease, are ther=fore these :— First, take two of oefore breakfast a‘full wine glass of the Paewix of water, aboot half an hour before each meal daring the day. seem to be entiirely curec, and the patient will two pills every night after the seventh day.— and invariable certainty, be permanently cared, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billious aod liver affections it may have superin— duced or even in any way connected. ever, the patient should by any neglect, or un- unprecedented popularity throughout the United | due confidence in restured héalth, omit to take States ; and as-they are so admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family | scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth I'he proprietor of | day Dr. Maffat most not be blamed if the disease these valuable preparations received his educa-) should return, and the patient should learn wis- tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the| dom from affliction, an¢ go throagh another Untied States, and has hed fifieen years experi- | course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by | Obeying these instructions, however, he will be which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- | so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the | to the disease, however anhealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children between seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me Colds, Con- | dicines will saffice; for younger chileren, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from and | advanced childhood to infancy. children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. the Phenix Bitters in the ful] quantities pre- toal “ LIFE MEDICINES,” bas been per fect- ern and Westero country, and around the north- : Luff R professional or demestic pr ~~ taordinary. + estat od far J 4) This has been proved ia 4 thoesand cases, nor is there an instance in whic they bave failed, or reasonsbly.can fail, when ta * FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good’ Se maritao. Bat to ensvre invariable success, these must be rigidly followed. FEVER and GUE, in all its four leaditi ts in his med- ble triamph, while all othér practitioners either entirely fail Aneros, or Agee is either Quotidiam, or daily; Terlian, or ibird.dad 3 artan, or fourth da s Eratie, or riods and sometimes a- periods in succession, and fhen ronning d4nto in- Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysierious they can only be cared by chance. Dr. Mar- rat's directions fur taking the medicines in thie the Lire Pits at bed time, and next morning Bitters in about the same quantity of water, and half a wine glass more in a fall wine glass On the second sight take three pills and the bitters as before ; on the third night four piiis ana the bitters as before, and con- \inve taking four pills every night for three nights more, with the bitters during the day.— Oo or before the seventh day, the Ague_ wil! feel well, hungry, and bearty, but he must ne- vertheless continue to take the bitters as before prescribed, antil and on the fourteenth day, with Tle will ther, and not cotil then, with positive For very young This treatment, with these supremely effec- ly triomphant in the worst regions of the Suutn- ero lakes, where the malady prevails with the oniversality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far grester than ihe supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well farnished, and wil] make ev- ery effort to} send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous- ly gratefal testimonials are received at the pro— prietor’s office 10 New York, by every mail in incredible nombers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive fanctions generally, bat also in chronic and inflammatory rheamatiem, costiveness, pains in the side and !imbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fola, pilee, worms, scurvy, end a hest ef ether complaiats, for the cure of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are eo pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal andermining of the genera] healtb are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen-. dency of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others. ‘He bas only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repatation they have long possessed, not by the osaal artificial efforts, bat solely by their invariable and extensive osefalness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. | way New York. ¢ The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at tbe Salisbery Medical Drog Store, by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. 5C A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on band*and for sale at Hamp- \unville, Surry county, N Carolina, by ; JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—116 : VWedicines, Paints, Oils, tht chen Varnishes, Dye-Sivffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, aad SPIRITS. for medical purposes Indians, Hoock's and Swaim’s Panacea, Sooffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco. Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brashes, C andles, Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, to straments, Matches, Paper sed many other ar- ticles, just received and for sele st to suit the times, by Cc. B. W ER. Satisberv, $42 Tv HE Subscriber having gone to Virginia with 2 view of remaining several weeks, requests all those indebted to him by Note or otherwise to call on James L. Cowan, and settle the same by Mey Court. GEO. B. DOUGLAS. Charlutie, February 4, 1843—628 CB WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dec 10—:f20 tae” April 1, 1848—tf is copy of which accompanies the medicine. : & ‘th a - q' coseerel thie @ersee 9:8 tone. of ji tive in Ra metetett my causes, such as tg ape ki y wind—even withoot the repet ioe of inal exciting couse. In tlie; Fever ae pm most o'her fevers; asi ie andreds of tis fellow ciliz net, nae that the e Medici | that will thoroughly, : tedious and di digeasé. Others whapav6,emigratéd to that rich and promising ..f who went out fail of , and winning 2 com- petence from the laxari#ice OF the soil ; or who carried to the ovtposts of our sétUements the mer- cantile or m 1 experience won ia the crowded cities or. towns of the older etetes, have either retarned with shattered constitutions and depressed spirits, or they remain in their new homes, dregging cut 8 weary life, or at last sink under some disease to which they are predisposed by that terror of the West; Fever and 4gue — Their hopes are blasted —their business energies destroyed—their Eldorado becomes a desert, end the word of promise, made to their eer, ie broken | to"the hope. - = .- ‘To these individeals, Dr? Moffat would sey — “Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet ab- ticipate your most sanguine e} —— for they will yy ate restore ota pealth.’ Fever and Ague is a compleint which requires to be met at its first approach, and combatted at every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, #0 that upon the manifestation of dis- ease, Natore is onable, onassisied to resist the inroad. The Life edicines, when taken strict- ly aecording to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength For fall particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a “gcc The above medicine is for sale by _ CRESS & BOGSER, Agenis. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y18 Bc A supply of the above invaluable ME DICINES ate for sale at James Cross Roads, Iredell county, by A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Health. [Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed so.) BCP Gentle Reader: If you would avert from you the sickness, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al! around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended, is ever ready to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it wil] cost yoo little, wili nei- ther infringe apon your occupations or amuse- ments, and all the faculties ef your mind and body will be as much bettered by it as to repay you ten fold. | ask only one week’s trial to cun vince the most sceptical. - In the first place, diseard all old etrors anv prejadices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, ** If yoo are passing well, donot attempt to better yourself; it is the saying of ignor- ance and soperstition—of those who attribated all they saw around them to chance and fortune, instead of natore’s universal laws. Has not man, led on by experience, feared. to guard himnsel) against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of“tain? Why then should he not, in fair weathety guard himseif as geinst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross food ; and it is your nature to con- tinue to do so. You are well at present, bat ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within health while you are well, you are continually in danger of painfa) and protracted coofinements, and io some constitations, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even. the parest foentain of which we drink— does é not require cleaning? A persun may imagiee he is io perfect health, and yet not know to what perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Natere. I have un- doubted proofs of this fact inthe unbounded soc cessof the LIFE MEDIOINES. -Let those wko have followed the motto, ‘ When -you are even moderately well, throw physic to the dogs" call upon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position. 58 The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance thet has come to my knowledge is most | gratifying. Those who sre in ecomparat health may perfect their bappiness with no in. con venience those uofortanaies who are laid low by of almost any description, mey see Teed ion those purely vegetable preparat operate gently bot power- fully aponfthe secretions of the body, and cleanse Fr the blood of all vitiated bhamors, separating the imparities—aod leaving behind only what is good and nourishing to natare, Reader, consider and reflect well. _ The blessings of this life, for rich and peor lie entirely within ourselves, in our own physical bodies. My advice to all, then, is, guard your health. If you are well, perhaps yoo may be ae a you. may always avoid being si a icious of 1 E LIFE Mi DICINES. 7 PRESALe, P ws Life Pi mone Pr Rac 2 ife Pills and Phoenix CHESS & BOGER;, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 29, 18421914 cf the above Lnvalesble ME- Dlcingsee'e le iredell OM Bre nen ene Roads, A. C. ueINTOSH, Agent, SALISBURY FACTORY. a= Dini The Campers te mae COTTON YARN, Shir ting, Sheeting mg and Osna abur 2, fa 7 : 4 pele wih leat mart pict ae and others, who will examine qualities, com- oun Prien, mil find it to their imate por- rng Job Printing neatly done here. ~ lw We. | badly cured old J bad from the good, es a a Og . HETHER change of life, Asti Syeuitir celebtated for its Gotp Mine Ba Affections, Colds, fF} ‘Aromaric Exreraér, a linim tion, Coldgess in Weitere » in the DePurative Pownper, fo Headache, Diseases of the Eyes to be taken in the Restorer. Javan Ointment, for Piles, applied besides the Restorer. . Bencat Ointment, for Tettey ‘Salt Rheom, Scatdhesd, Ero and foul ulcers, ; is to be appl storer, Universat or Kheomatism, A a 8 a. Kuat’s tcHP?Dr Kabi's entered according tu Act of Con. foll Directions for the use of the a ed medicines, aod accompanies every From the South Western Virginian DR. KUGL'S MEDICINES. We have for some time, intended commendatory notice of these einen, but have been prevented b other matters from doing so. W last five or six years, been quite familiar effects both by experiente and have no hesita afflicted every it was when qe first used they ate superior to aoy we have eve; : The Deotor, himself, Was ‘with us, an thie week, and from. cases stated to os, been more strongly confirmed in ocr former si | ion, that they are se The efficacy of tant cures, two of permit og te Botice of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, last Spi ry suddenly taken with a tote! blindaewe his eyes. He used numerous prescrip: other medicines, but to no benefit. he procured the Restorer, Gold mine Balsa a Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fudge, Covington, Ve.—took the two first medi ternally as directed in Dr Kuh!'s Pamphlet, aj the Universal Plaster he applied to the ‘empl, and some times over the eyes. and by this tru. meot he has hie eye~sight 80 far recovered, iy he can read both print and writing. If sam explicit statement should be desired, a letierd. rected to A. Fudge, Clerk C. Court, will receig satisfactory evidence of the above. A lady of Bedford county, Va , was for sag 17 years afflicted the whol = vhole time, a of Physi fording relief, had the disease, agreed with her. had not been oot o versation or walki had no intention.to king a dase of the her, her Ji her gener name of this lady, Otter Bridge, Bed may be relieved. Bc Persons w the amount, (post or to an Jenkins & Bi Hemphrey’s J. & R. Sioa Dr N. Stith, iogham R W Laweon, Yanceyville, James R Callom, Milton, South Carolins. Steele, Goon NOTICE.—P from interne) isurder cary, calomel, bark, & 88 specified ig ia all Venereal Disoiders Apyssisia Mixtore, (i |G rhe and Gide. Pere tor diseases of ihesChest, Dys and all other Auricutar Compiai be ased together with the Resi in recommending ther . aokons, Our # them te treatment of extraordioary cases is almost cedenied, and the year 1242 was rich of igun’ treated with Calomel, took cold on 11, and wy taken with coutraction and hameness. Sheed cians Of eminence, and every mediciy that was recommended for her use, instead of & She sank from year to yesr, aut digestive organs were 80 deranged thei not when removed by others—so nervoas that tm most disagreeable effects upon ihe bead ; het pe eral feeling very bed, sour stomach, &c. much benefit that in one honr she felt better,t then commenced a regular course of D: ki medicines. She took a dose of ihe Restor the morning and one at night, and two dead the.Gold Mioe Balsam between mesls. Tw you; and if you do not strictly guard your | timbs were rubbed two or three times day wit the Aromatic Kxiract, and this treatment Mt given such a happy result, that she is no# to walk. aboat—the nervous affections Lave ive orgens are much improved, feelings good. and her complexion quite fresh, which bs tonished every one that was acquainted wiht long standing disease. We bave omitted # be desired, we refer 1o Dr Kohl's agen', @ We have particolarised these cases »4* much to speak of the great valve of Dr ke medicines, a8 to inform the affiicted bow ' tieed, so that others may know thai by 28 course they may also obtain that which # tive good | Sore desirable than riches. medicines, will please direct their orders, Dr. Kuu’s Orrice, Ricnmosn, Vio? NORTH M. J. A. Drake, Asbborougb. J F & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolnton. James J. Horne, Pittsboroogh, *-~’ S. Perry, Kernersville, Stokes. James Brannock, Waterloo, Ge Braonock & Waller, Wesel McLure, Bra The contingation of the /ist Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. ot North Carolina, an¢ South - pat Aogost 6, 18438—1y2 For CHRONIC: AND OTHER Dis produced 5 morbid mai Y bite a, ere eg 8; flor tbe lg, C.. OF (in females ¢ Mem the Pe OP —This 78 Certain re 1c Syr . Weide iy 10 liquid 2 —_ in Gi Qdan pss 1 remmona LSaM, a. for Bilidte 0d Nery “eh MALIBM, fo. r Biliow Pig 4 » Ke. whit Whichis wy Ri Ptiong ‘of on ied besid iene Strreverue the stomach limbs, Rheo NING Prasy ia, lod tr, Palsy, Paralyoie. + CousTIo Ort, fy Ol8, Which | orer. ich & ty Pamphlei “Treatmen "be BTERS, copia,’ hove eating. Remedy, ' Of Marg or 11, 1848. tevalatiy . ¥ the prey © bave for With observation opinion is still, these medici few dap we to all other : Kubl's remedies ip ihe whieh alone our sithistime. Mr AS: ) We, +10 ba, JOn6 anf In May lag Eyd ines ip. with the Liver Complaints: great sumber of preseriping a tendeney rather to aggnmt In August, 1842. the patient f her bed in fire years, excep ng in the room prodoced use More medicines, det Gold Mine Balsam withs She is moch f@ bot if, any particolars ford county, Va. "Phe treatment has bee? * any oe wil ishing to procure paid,) to the following Agents: AROLINA. les, Salisbury, — & Gaither, Lexing'o, n, Greensborovgh, Raleigh, ~~ -— — et ee e ae oe ifort county. OO — EE —— — — — — — — — — — — Oe OO ee ee j Co. Yorkville. y Le Go. Chester C4 of Agee” sin . Wet atiente and Age dj will please direct their orders 10 igi, Raleigh C_, rnd those in Vite ee epee of avo Richmond, VOC™ we! payment without LL those indebted 10 we of William sito wested ‘0 cone marehi95 ,1843-Se5S"Pd__- wi Ye soley eCORELE 4 forw Printed on Brst J. RHODES-BRORKR Salisbury, June 4, feu Agent. COUNTY COURT ITS, wR , rate p*per and fof this Office, dol five port ngric pan ihe a y" dedac! -) . , % gunseripiton bove rates "year. ; -» who advertise by the year. 4! jor 3 advertisemen wil! be received for a Jess time NO ae year, unless paid for in advance. — jun OF , discontinued (bat at the option o Migr) voli! all arrearages are paid. Pe geRMS OP ADVERTISING. lar per square for the first insert cents for each continaance. e2 will be charged 25 per ct. high- 2 ion aod iyn of $3$ per cent will be made to and charged for accordingly, unless order- cariain number of times, Letters addressed to the Editor must THE SUBSCRIBER P rchased that well Kaown and aVING long esta he the 02ME oo of SO blished Pablic House, (known of Slanghter’s “Favern,) in ihe lisbury, N. C., informs, bis Friends: vibe Poblic generally, that the same is now: for the recep! H ap gest the M ais STABLES 8 rg, with grain a ee by faithfal and 190 00 eal. | wtisfactio jon of ‘Fravellers & Boarders. Tasce and Bar wiil be sapplied with arket and surrounding codntry af- pacions, and bovatifull nd provendet,.of all ki attentive Ostlers. - © The ondersigned pledges himself that no ex- his part shall be wanting to give gen- n toall who may favor him with y A JAMES L. COWAN.. Geishury. Sept. 114.1840: 1f7 wae i) rtd ge’s Bo AROM Comstock & C ties are 28 follows :— Ist Lhe head free from scurf, and eaasing & aoigrowih of tair.—2d For ladies after chit. restoring the skin to its nataral stte oj firmness, and preventing the falliog out of WILL GO. ae Im of Columbia for th o.—Its positive quali- For ihfanis, keep- a lox | h \ hsir.-3d For any person recovering from dedility the seme effect is prodaced. 4th ued in infaney til a good growth ig started, my be preserved by aciéntion tothe latest pe- seef life. — 5th It frees the head from dand- if, strengthens the roots, imparts health and + to the circelation, and preveots the hair’ changing color or getting gray —6ih Tt ihe hair to curl beaatifally when done op ip it over night. No ladies toilet should ever be made withont it. Tth Children who have by any means con— ated vermin in the head, are immediately and wdectly cared of them by its yse. ft is iofalli- s [had been bald about five years—no more hair athe top of my head then on the back of my iund,and ny head covered with a thick aearf, this sitvation about the 10th of Angast lest, [egan osing the Balm of Colambia, from Com- ek & Co. ewf. My head is now covered with fine, flow ig long hair— which any one may.gee by calling | week. Since which, | have used two and shalf bottles of the Balm, which has folly .re- wed ay bait, and freed my head entirely from | had’ the liberality to send for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifoge, and cured the rest wiih it in less than a ove, at Stamford, Connecticat. Nor 12, 1840 une of Comsioek & Co. For sale at the Watchman Office, and by C away almost an innomerable quantity of worms, BWheeler, Salisbary, Dr Stith, Raleigh, D} jarge and small, and the persons recovered with Heartt, Hil'sboro’; J & R.Sloan, Greensboro ; J | great despatch. lastances of this kind might be ? Mabry, Lexington. mareh 4, 1843—1y82 D S SCOFIELD. Coonierfeits are abroaeg—look always for the | &c., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- Says iC. PENDLETON:. Ys Rulers. Do this, asd LAB BR8Y wea FD.” Gent. —— : = <= a imme e— Startlings : Ha of ebildren and adults aréTost year- ly wit worms, when some othér caugebad been soppesed to be the trae one. tt ieadmiited-by alldigerors that scarce aman, woman or child ‘3,001 what are sooner or later seoobled vty orms, and in hondseds of eases, Sad to relate, ‘a gi posed fever, scarlatina, cold, ‘of some ieher stitbe carries off the flowers of the hum¥h family—while-in troth they die of Worms! and these cowld have been eradicated in a day Mey the useief 2 bottle of Kolmstock's Vermifu the enat of-a-quartet of « dollar! Gi scldmine ihethought tat thesegtings be id who Gan éVer forgive themselves tor not trying thisehirm Haliniinaior, when they know that even if tHe case wis not warms, this-r mes-by asy idpehi | gos, bert it ake 4 4 por a ease be what it mag. How important then to use it, and who will dare take the responsiblity tn do without it? a brate, ask themselves this qrestion in truth and Mr JC Riagoldhad a child very sick for near two. weeks, ane sprended by.e physician, withoot relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifoge was given, and nex: day more than forty Worms were d, when the child recovered tapidly Avchild of a widow woman, living near the month, till near 8 skeloton, with great dryness of the manth, and itching of the nose. A ha- mane Jady, who called to provide for the family, sen} immediately for Kolmstock’s Vermifage, which brought sway great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at onee,'and regained its full streogth in less than a month. Severa) children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frightful extent, an! were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifnge. In. some of the best families in the neighbor- hood of St. John’s ‘ark, it has been extensively nsed, from the circamstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity ,of worms, afier all other remedies had failed, which was very ex'ensive- ly known io that part of the city A family in New Jersey saved several children by the ase of it. One, girl of eight veare uf age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifoge was given. ‘Tho next day three large-worms were dislodged, and she left off the Vermifoge, whee she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that finally broogh away an incrediole quantity of worms, and the cure was complete, and she gained her healit rapidly A Physician of standing, had. doctored a fami- , r Friends:ahd ibe Pablie generatip, that he hes.opened a shop invalbsbery inthe abuve besi- ness,in a room directly opposite, Weas beeldi wats Ly urphy. “{n addition to the above, the subserfber will earry on’ thé Silver Sixith Business in att whe varieties: comawn in countty tawns? such! a6 making Spoons, &e., aod _tepairing- Siive Ware. : % atfention to business, and skillful work willen= title him to patrgpage aod support, he willmer ett, F oo : Let every paren! that is noid ; . Nov. 18—1f th Q Sines REPAIRING. 2 Subscriber respectfully inforine tis old inn the. of Be. Barns’. forsarrly Jag, I}. vet and jas below J, & W, i He begs to assure.the pablie that if punetgal i. AARON WOOLWORTH, Manhattan Water Works, bad dwindled for a, Are ‘the best MEDICINES in the World, sician, and a wember of the Medical Society o New York. Sherman's Cough: Are the safest, sorest, and.mosi effectual remedy for Covgha, Colds, Cuoasomption, W booping Congh, Asthma, Tightoess of the Lungs or Chea, &c. Are the only infalliaie worm destroving medci- cing ever discovered. They have been osed io 0 Give immediate relief in nervous or ack Head ach ita sense of Sinking.o. the Chest, Diarrhoea, Las- situde, ora sense of fatigue, Are the most certain remedy fur this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American poblic. — Io the immense nomber of cases in which they h@ve been used, they have never been known to fail. > Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS YT for sale at this Office. Saliebory, N. © Oct. 1842—tfi4 ~ Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- vetisement, and if you wish relief for your ma ty maladies, call.and obtain a remedy of C. 8B. WHEELER, Agent. Salisbary, Dee 10 To THe AFFLICTED.—The moeeriber has just received a large and fresh ‘eoply of Di Moffatt’s Life Medicine. C B WHEELER, Agent. ‘aisbery, Dee 1O—1120 Gain relief. “120 Call & Bacon, Brandy, ap peach, Batter, ox, Coffee, Corn, Peathers ; Flour, laxseed, linseed Oi ga 1 Cotton, clean 54.6 lton, per Ib. ‘PRICES GURRENT AT SaLispuryy April 22 Cenls. 5 a 54 - 30035 40 a 55 10 8 12% 27 a 28; 9all 25 20 a 25 $33 a 44 50a 55 Bad \, pr. 1 90 $1 > Cents. Cotten -Yarn. 90 Molasses, 35a 40 Nails, 6a7 Oais, 15 2 20 Sugar, br. Sal loaf, 16218 Salt, sack, $3} Tallow, 7 Tobacto, 8 a 20 Tow-Linen, i2a 16 W heat, bush Whiskey, Wool. (clean) *rindy, peach 40 245 B,. Apple 35 a 40 con, 5a 6 Seewar, 95 a 27 Vaffee, 10a 12 vition, db a 6 i Yarn, 14a 193 an 45 150 poules, F. Boba Ié iiseel §G.a 90 ae $44 a g5% “lkerg A 25 ¥ 5a 54h FavettrevinLe, April 12. Molasses, tump, Loaf, Salt, Sack, Tobaceo feaf 22 24 f Cotton bag , Wheat new 759804 REMOVY AL ! Bale-rope, Whiskey Wool, Nails, cut, Sugar brown, 64a 19 Cisxaw, April 5, 1843" Nails catassor 6 » & rought 16 a 18 °75 25 3 30 25 23 a 25 54 a 6 14 $24 Qa 8a lO 25a 30 424 3 15 wee bu: one out of the seven to health cited to an immense extent, buat it is aselees, one of. children some weeks, withont beinw anle to He Numerons cases of other complsinis were sop posed to exist, and the. persons treated for fever, ered the trove canse of the sickness, by bringing trial for 25 cents witl show any one with pstun- ishment the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Caution —Never hoy this articie unless it have © Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifi ge” handsamely en- graved on tHe outside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. Agenis—C B Wheeler, Salisbory; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’ ; D Heart, Hillstoro’; J P Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. March 4, 1848—1y32 NEW. Tailoriug Estabiishment ! A. P. ALSOBROOK, TAILOR, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) HAVE located myself in the Town «! Salistery, (permanently ,) and intend car- ‘rying an my BUSINESS ina style not to be surpassed in this State or ont of it. My Hstab- lighfent is in the room on the corner af the Mansion ‘Hotel, formerly oecapied 33 the Post- W ogkmen.= No expense or pains will ve spared to render this a Faslitonable Establishment ! in all respects -Gentlemen, théteforesmsy rely on having their clothes made ap ia the mos: ‘ashionable and durable manner. | have been engaged regularly io cating for the last five | years, and part-of the time, in some af the mas! celebrated establishments in the Svathern coun- iry {shall not hesilate to gaaranteeevery thing to fit f cat and make. FASHIONS, received monthy. 4% ednchusion, shon!d I be en clothing. A. P. ALSOBROOK. Salisbury, January 21, 1843 —1y26 mon and troublesume ducing,thesommer months, may. now he entirely preventéd by 8 proper nse af these Luzeages: ly tor thar purpose, and cag be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons sabject to a derange- ment of the bowels shuuld never be withont them. They afford immediate relief from all the attend- ant gripings, faintness, depression. §o, Sherman’s Catharfie Lozenges Are ag pleasant and easily taken as the commen pepperminte; and are an active and efficient medicine. ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best eathartio ever used for bilions persons. they are not only the bést, bul the safest that can be administered, —~ The best-of a!| plastera for Rheumatism. Lam- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. pease is produced either from cold, obstroction, Office. [ have employed the best of Narthern LONDON, PARIS, AND. NEW-YORK coaraged, no one seed send away to procure godd Reference —Thos. M. Olewer, Raleigh, N.C. 7 4 to ihe public, that they ba rT in the very best style. Bathing Tubs, Stills. &c JOHN D. BROWN & Co. Salisbury, Jan 21, 1948 —i(26 _ FANE subscribers would respecifully announce ve removed their and Sheet _t... dr, Sheymanis PMevicated iosenges EING the cheapest and, most.. pleasant.— Wheemedical Faeoliy fmty approvethem ~ Sherman isa skilful and experienced Phy- Lozenges," SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES % 000 cases and .osver known to fail. [ANS CAMPHOR LOZENGES jon of the Heart, Lownesm sof Spit- cy, Fainting, Oppression ores Sherman’e-Fever.and Ague Lozenges Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrheea of looseness of the bowels, 80 2om- ‘They are prepared express W here an active medicine is required, Sherthan’s Slrengthening PLASTER, The abuve medicine isfor sale, wholesale or retail, at ihe Salishory Madica! Drng Store, by C.B WHEBLER, Agen. Salishurv; N.C, Sept $,1842—1v6 Dr, Woffut’s Vegetable Life ‘ Medicines ~ SSESS qoalities of the most mild.andbe- “2 fieficia! natore. They re composed of ar- tieles the. myst..anti-patrescen!, combined with ingredients Raown.as the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. When the dis bad sir, ewampy and damp situations, ot potrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by other causes, thése mé@dicines are certain in their operations or effects. ey ate possessed of pe- calidr quatities, whic not only expeél all disease, but at the same timo restore*and invigorate the sysiem Wher Girg) taken inta.rhe stomach. they immediately diffuse themeetves like vapor through every pore, producing effee's at once delightful, eabataty, andepermarent, When she aoark of tife begins to grow dim, the cireufatron Goveror Porter. bas-veteed the Bill which bed. passed the Legisleime, providing fer the elaetion of the Cana!’ Commissioners “Yo the Hose of Representatives on Friday, a member preferred a charge of attempted bribery against the Canal Commissioners—ithe sabstance of whieh was that he had neen offered an office aa- der them, provided he wonld seppert the Gov- @ror's veto agaiost the Bil! above mentioned — The sntject was referred to@ special committee. | SPimons — A steamer recently passed Natch ez, with 500 Kaglish Mormons on board, bound for Naa voo, Professor Silliman has delivered io the course of thejest six years, in Boston, 143 tectores, spaker'200 boars, and presefited 2000 experi- mente,’ * An extraordinary verdict.—The Cattaranges Republican reporis the trial of Nathaniel A. Lowry, for forgery, at Warren, Pa. The jary, after heing oa! from 11 at night entil 7 the next morning, same in with a verdict of not gatlly ; bot that the defendant pay the costs. | Or Sanday the 12th ult., no less than four revolotionary soldiers died jo Alleghany town- ship, Westmoreland county Pa., Jobn Delap, aged 80; Juhe Gallagher, aged 104; Robert Dooda, aged 79 , and John Jobason. aged 19 An Old Socielg —The London Society of An cient Britons, lately celebrated its 120th Anni- versaly. ‘This Soviety sapports 200 children of Welsh parents ~ Bankrupts in Georgia —The namber of ap- plicants in Georgia for the benefit of the law, ap to the time of its repeal, was three buodred and ten, of whom eighty-seven have been discharged A dentist in New York,on Monday, gota ter rible dowhiding. Jt must have been a scorcher by the arconot we read) The cause was this: he had paid his-attentions lo a young Jady, and the maviage wag at hand, when her brother, hearing some hints, foand, by search, a wife and some children of the said dentist, whom he had lefty and this wife said he had abandon- ed anothen wife.in another place, whereapon t ha brother proceeded to the thrashing al- ready mentioned This wasa violation of the law, and shoold be ponished. The dentist, how ever, deserved more than he got. . The amount of Treasury Notes ootstanding on the 1-t of April, it is officially statad, was 411 686 3887 46. The Pittsburgh Chronicle of Satordav says that Captain Collins, of the steamboat Catter, which arrived at that place on Friday morning, being her first trip sinee ber accident, was. ar- rested and held to bail in the several some of 1500 and $4000. at the anit of Wm. Schantlin and Win. Schantlin and Wife, for injary snsiain ed by them on the occasion of the late explosion. ‘““ This will be a very important case”? adds the Chronicle, ‘* and the firat ever tried in the city. tt will decide how farthe Captain antt-owners of. the noat are to be jastified in their knowledge of the defeet of the boiler which collapsed.” The term “dun.” in ife peenniary sense, owes its origin to a famone bailiff of Lincoln, named John Dan, who flourished in the reign of Henry VII. ‘This catehpole was <9 dexternos in his husinéss. that when a man refused to pay his debte, it was asoal tosay, ‘‘Why don't you Don him ?” Every, Man a Laeyer in Maint,—The Le- gislature of Maine passed a few at its recent session to admit every persin of gand moral char- acter to the practice of the law in that State — It passed che Senate with only one oprosing vote A similar law was passed by the Legislature of New Haoipshire at its last session Hon. A.C. Gioson. Whig bas deen elected Mayor of Schenbetady, New York. over Joho I. De Groff, by a majarity of over $00 The Whig candidate for Sapervisor in Ro'ter~ dam, igelected. The Argas claims a victory in Waterford. To Walliamebarg and Newborg, New York, the Whig tickets haye succeeded. ’ Religious Revivals. —The nomber of persons languidy and the facwlties paralized, these medi- cines are fouad. te give a fone to the nerves, ex- bilerate the anumal spirits, ingigerale the body, and re-animate the whole man The Life. Medicines have also heen osed with the most happy. success in, Nerecus and Dvys- adinitied ag Probationars for the M, E. Cbarch | since the last New York Annnal Conference in , four of a ties attended, and the all x : , folowing Tesolation adop Resolved. . Psat in tbebpinion of thie meeti the standing of James Breche to ths meeting, continuance§ herein, . ° How to figure up.a Whig Vietory —By the following chain of reasoning, the Jonesborough, Whig, makes oat 2 Whig victory in Montes eo, Tenn. . of the Democtatic party, tae of merder>in the at degree; in ' Monree connty.-io thie State, and sentenced to te al by Jadge Scott. And a Mr Barton, Leno roco, has been elected toshe Penitentiary for ene year, for hog steatiag, from the same cooaiy.— The Loco Foces of that county only had about Majority over the Whigs, and five of them bave been sent to the Peniteatiary, ahde one is to be bang, so-that the county ie" Whig ” Important from St.. Domiago.—~By she.asthn place she '«fi about the 20th altimo, we learn that intelligence bad desu received thers a few da ys prior to his departore that President Boyer bad Med the Island, leaving it in complete pos- session of the insargents. , The Orcbilla trought no papers, and heace outhing is yet knowa of the particalars of the erents which led to the abandonment of the q@oantry by the Presideot, but it js inferred that the revolutionary pariy have been entirely suc- cessfal. ‘Thenews was generally credited af Jacqueinel. The report states that President Boyer bad taken sefoge for the time on beard an English man of -war, bis immediate destination suppused to be Jamaica. Capt Mackenzie again arrested.—Claik A. Wilson, a naval apprentice, has brooght #n ac- tion against Capt. Mackenzie—damagas §10,- 080 On the 5th instant the Captaio was ar rested at bis resideuce at Tarrytown, and held te bail in $2,000. . [From the N. O Bee | FROM TEXAS By the arrival of the steam packet N-w York, we have received Galvesion papers tothe 29th ult, From former advices it appearec that Jodge Robinson, one of the. Texian prisoners captured by Gen Wail, at San Antonio, hed been ettrusted eith offi- cial propositions for an accommodetion be- (ween the two countries. By this arrival, the terms of the proposed errangem pt have transpired. They.are as follows: let. lt 1g proposed that Tex. should ac- knowledge the sovereignty of Mexico 21. A general act of amnesty to be pass- ed for past acts in Texas. Sd. Texes tv form an indepencert de- partment of Mexico, 4th. Texas to be represented in the Gen eral Congress. 5th. Texas to institute, or*originate all local Jawe, roles end regalations. 6h. No Mexican troops onder any pre- tex! whatever to be stationed in Texas, The Civilian which puBlishes thé fore- going propnsitions, spesks of them in @ de- cidedly favorable manner, and demands for them a seriovs and respectful consideration. It is onderstood that Sante Anna is @illing to concede every thing to Tex s, except the name of Sovereignty. He is convinced of the utter impossibility of te-conquering | the country, and 1s anxious to make térms) while he-can do so with honor. A Galveston paper states that it learne from ondonthtedt suthority: that the siege of Campeseby is to be raised by the Mexicans about the lst April. They dread the erckiv season, and have -eiready lost 6ne-fifth of their army. Specimens of Texas sugar, said to be é- qaet to that of Lousisos, have been receiv- ed by the editor of the Galveston Times, The Telegraph states that it hes ceived a letter from Washington *atidoncing that Col Batler, tee Commiseioner on the part of the United States, had arrived with twen- 100. Totel $371. pepiie disevees, Cunsomption, Asthme, L.iver Camplaini, Rheamatism, {ehronic and inflama- tory) D ropsies.&e. | . $C Gall ab SEM o@ER sy Agents. Saissbory, Oc ¥2771842 —1yi3 DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads Iredalf county. by ~ : A. MeINTOSH, Agent DAVID L. POOL, AKES this method o & . vaforming his friends etill carrying om the Also, constantly on hand, a choice sapply of D| Plain and Japan ‘Tin Ware, Britancia Ware, D pairing gtand, near th Alb work done twelve months. « Jewellery or work done. Salisbory, Wareb 12, 1842 — f$3 J. &. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. CA SA. Neavip-pemied and fot sale at this Office SALISBURY, NV. C. _ Salisbary, Jan. 7, 1843— 1f24 tc A sopply ofishe abovelinygs!orble VF - Cc in oe +}gust. Mr. Boone and wife sailed: for the Eas in 1836, and settled firat ot Batavia. whence they removed-to Macao in 1840, aod thence to Koo- BS) and the public, that be is old him will be warranted for gt:!| keeps on haod a smal assortment of Jee ie Oid Gold. Es ph ed talen in exchange for Death of an Ameriean Lady in China.— | She died of the prevailing fever on the SOvh Aa after the cessation of hostilities, f aré packed in ice. the raio, Of the fisheries op Albemarle Sound. Episeopel Chtareb, now sitting in Phila’elplia on the receipt of intelligence of the 4 ed reselations expressive of their regret. toad in a body A Tyler Postmaster.—A Mr. the city of New York, is 2532; in the city cf, ty men at the Waco village for the purpose Brooklyn, 739, io the village of Willismsbarg, of treating with the varions tribes of Eadiens The Canton Register of November 15th men— tinas the death, at Kooleongsor, of Mra Boone, wifeof an American missionary, sed daughter of Chaneelto; Desavssare, of South Carolina — The Biizabeth City Old North State com- several Northern vessels loaded with a the Natrows near that place for the ptrpobe of taking shad, which, when caoght, 1 The ancosl Conference of the Methodist dea:h 0: the Rov, R-bert R. Reperis, senior Bishop of the Methodies Episcopal Cbarch, immediately paes They | also a funeral service to be performed tn | ee Cart, which they resolved to a!~ jin conjunction with the Commissioners of Texas. + MAGHINE POETRY. Happy the men who wins 20d wears W hat always lasis and never tears— Without a flannel shirt 10 wear-— Tut £ tar! Ep! tbet won’ do—iry i a— gain. My home is on the rolling derpy . spends my time 8 feedin’ seeps Aod when the waves on high are rongia’ my bag 20d goes 2 gonnin’ ; Bheets be Sects in deep snake holes, . And drinks gin sting from two quart bow ls— Oh, bold op! That fellow les like a troo- The lightnin' roared, the thander flish'd, Aod granny’s tea pot went tew smash — The rain 1 mbistied, the wind it pucred, And daddg? Iaid down in the corner aboot nine o’ctuck. and snvred ! Give a'torn there, Ebeneezer. t the -s ) begging end bile rc for? a | Market, by the fallitt vatiie aud the embar- beats ofthe. times. i 2 sae od Gh ith. prodigious fre fr» yur ps te the ferm interests of Keniocky, with the hope of an Haprovementia the conditiomof things eo thet @ suspension of the ‘work end of pey- Went might be seonded. The sale of the:property took place shout # fortaight ago, and ds usuel in such casce attracted several huacred persons, and a mong them may of the creditors. Mr. Clay then told: them tn substance that the ssegnment was, for the benefit of all th: oes saa included —that the emount due Gi wee es targe as-el! the other clerms combined— thet frem the: relationship in whieh he-stoud to the debtor, it was prob- eble some, and many of the crev'i- tors, had bebome under the expecta= trof that:if oy oecurred, he Mr. Clay, would protecy sbem— thet tithoogn there was no grous® -whateverfor asking himy to do-eo,-yot retber then “het any one should think be had the shgbtest reason | complain of bia, aad, in order fetther, ihst val of the brig Orchille, trom Jaequemel, which | tery debt due. to others, should be paid, he oow released al] interest ender the es- sighment until every dollar due to others was paid, and then if eny thing was left he would teke it. The sal= was matte; th: other creditors were al! paid, and what ist- tle remained wes all Mr. Cley got for hs. $25.000. - How different this from ‘the ordir.-« course, when Mr, Clay being the confi © tial creditor, would have been first , and in this cage the only one paid. sod +! bot Henry Clay coutd be found, onder such circumstances, to rejecs te whetca at any rate bis of the proeeetis ? But this as a farr specimen of *Hicry ot the West,” both in public and privece bilo His covniry firat, and himsetf last—tne wo terest @f those men who without esleut of right were suspected off having relied upon him, were to be prefered and his own pust- poned, Such spee,mens of high amined, hanor able ennduct, occur so rarely, that for the honor-ot mankind they should be chron cled at set-offs, so far as they go, sgeinst the drawbacks upon it we every deyi age: happening sbout-us, aod especially in- these degenerate days —@leaveland (UO ) Herbte. DEATH OF BISHOP ROBERTS. We regret to learn by a slip from the Cincioostti Western Christiap Advocate, thafthe venerable Bishop Roberte, of the Methodist Episeopal Cuorch, died at his residence neat Lewrenceport, Indisne, on the 7th March. Advocate ennounces the melancholy infor- motion : » Messrs. Weight and Swormstedt,—Deer Sirs—] hasien to communicate to you the moovrnful intelligence of the death of Bish- op Roberts. He died this morning at about half past one o’clock. J havé no time, and but little inclinstion, so soon after this af- fictive dispensation, to give you any of the perticulars connected with (he last sickqecs and death of tis departed men of God Suffice it, for the présent, to say, that he suffered long end much, 20d @es only re- lieved from excraciating pain by bis expr ing bresth. The fgoerel will take pls to wdrrow, end all that remains of Bishop Roberts will be deposited in a place ahmost hidden from allethe world, a’spo. deeign- ed by bimself upon the farw Where he has long lived, In haste, gours, Joun S M'D: warme Lauwrenceport. fa March 28, 18432. Congressional Reminiscces.—The {at Congress 19 remarkabie for many peceliar circumstances, distinct apd spert polit- ical characienstec of acts. {i wae" pcivel session, More hap one year and » quarter. No otber Congress eser sat over swelve months. ‘This Congress oe! more months, more weeks, more days, end more-hours than any, other. since the beginning of “More onsiness, received mote pettiong: amined more cages, made more. ; printed more erted. otations, passed ax more prvete bills. inte acts andlawe, rag end more bills wetoge “ greater retrenchmente, caused more re in the parliamentary rules, lost mote bers by. resignation, lost mote. memlets 4 Stop Eb! Give ¢ litle screw 10 the cor- desih, than sny previons Congress. ‘Be ner there. Now for it. _ Teen of Lis members died-—Saven logt their Plonged into-a gu! pt of deep despair, ] wis, 6 by death. Nise —Tweive or mote. lost therr.children by death... Seven Senotors and /welee Representatives resigne ed. O' the twelve representatises 80 s6~ reigning, three Were re-elected to the seme sests in th same Congress. Severs! were very ill,snd sear te death. Ove hed bis broken, snd one bed bis car bit off in im —American. Stephen Gward’s Will.—Tne Supreme Cour: at Wheshington have ordered 4 t°- argument ta the case of Girara’s all. This @il! dvubtiess canse exestemeat at Phitad: - phia. Ii makes the question of the ngct of the ety to the @whole of Girerd’s estate Thupder end-Mars! P.t-op the confoun- James Brovks , ded thing! It won'l go right to-oight. dovb.fal, whereas before it appeared absurd to quesuon the right uf ihe erty to the estate. The fullowing letter to the editors of the Government, it made more speeches, o” Fy of tecue in Smith's Wealth of WNarions, and TO THE VOTERS OF THE &h GRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF VIRGIN- 1A, COMPUSED OF , THE COUNTIES OF SPOTTSYLVANTA, &c. Having feee all pasts of the onee actively upon the canetge CON- astorsnce from nesrly [ fict, thet the nominstion made by the Oonvention of Teppshenr orb, of o candidate {0 represent you im the nex! Congrgrs, meets the cordial epprobauon of the “whole Whig perty. | Weve entered s! I had hop- st te have the plessore of comaruniceting ‘reely In person, with the people of overy You all have.s n-or a cart 19 eREtp your crops to market, and for farming pur- poses. Suppose of V ia _should-pes rie v stitute si/ger wheels” (bat gow have 69 long ased. _Yout ty woold not be materially lessened there— bv. The metel would still be io the wher ls ite intrinsic valoe pot lessoned, end they woold answer precisely es well, but nv bet- ter tnan the wooden ones. Would you not rebel sgainst such an set of erbitrary power? And how is the case changed. when the government shell compel the people to sub- stitute for the chesp and coavenient paper, inty in the district, bet the election 19 8 Nhe costly and combrous silver wheels. a: band, aid the rosds 90 besvy, that with my oimost exeruone, J shall ‘iy part at leset,in sceomplishiog my de- doring -¢ short sejourn in Frederickebarg, to 8d- ‘ear PWeize, therefore, eo hovr, trees you thre letter. My views on all the grest questions of she diy are well known, aod I have rd of- nto sey, thet I am @ thorough Whig, ry which | mean,e Whig io practice as wer of ia princicle, and that I support Whig e cor space to enter inta detas!s. 5 ‘A, wen and Whig meseures. ‘I'bere is, however, a great and sbsorb- Ing question, which im the present distres . condiion of the people end the -tonn- »», reaches far above and beyond the mere jotsty interests of parts, on which I de- -pecialiy te reason dispassionstely with ‘jadiced men of all psrties— 7] mean the Currency. O; sais great.q testion,jia e debsie at Es- crx Court on Monday Jest, the issue was rly made up between my distinguished id bighty respected opponent and myself. 3 liv avowed himself baldiy an advocate of bard money currency; whilst J] matntamed oo the other hand, the expediency—nevy, indispensable necesstiy, in the present con- dition of the conntry, of a sound converta- ble paper currency, which can only be at- laiued (hrough the agency of a well-regule iva Nations} Bank. ciuzens, you ere the triers. 18806, The effect of a sound converteble paper currency, in stimulating industry, quicken- ing commerce, and sdvancing agriculture y been enlerged npon, 3s well in this eountry os sbroad. But it issomewhat remarkaole, that the di- rect effect of such acurreney, in edding 1m- mediately to the wealth of » nation, although beautifully ilustrated by Adam Switb, ssys, the Edinburgh Reviewers and other d.stin- guished @riters in Europe, hes never, to my knowledge, been stated in print in any speech or pamphiet poblished in this coun- J propose briefly to ilaetrete thie sub- ject; and as it is one effecting most cesply the welfare of the whole coun:ry, and of every citizen, | claim for my views, which though new here, are ndPonginsl, the calm and the erts, has freqne Iry. consideration of every voter of aj) parties. J annowece that the substitution of a sound convertable paper currency, for en much of the specie conatituting the circula- sy properly displace, is eqinvelent to ap odes increase of the wealth of the country to the extent of at least seventy-five millions of dollers; and of Virgioia, to the amougt of This proposition mey seem startling, bot it is pevertbeless true, snd is fully vindicated by both reseon sod author— Let me explain: —Tbe circulating me. dium, or money pecessary to earry on thp trade of the United States in seasons of or- dinary prosperity, | estimate (which isa ve- ry near approximation to the uth) al one Leodred sud fifty millions of dollare, and This if specio be used, 1# 80 actual capital to that ameent, which dumng the (ime it answers ting medium of the United States as it six millions! ! iy. that of Virginia et tweive millions. the purpose of curseary, is, onproducuve. Now, if by any contrivance, you can sub- stitute Boy article thet will cost nothing, for one half this specie, you release the spe- cf@ from its function of a mere circolsting medium, end heaving a8 intrinsic valae it may be used m the arts, or eent abroad to pay Our debts, or to enlerga osr foreign commerce. <A sovad convertible paper car- rency 18 just a eubstitute. Et coats nothing bot the price of ibe paper and printing and Bnewers all the parposes that specie ean an- swer as a mere circulating medium. It map be substituted, accerding to Adem Smith, Sey, and other sonad politica! economisie, at Jeast to the extent of balf the whole cur- reney of a nation, without in the least in- flating ityqe déprecsting its value ; there is no dsageftberefore of a repid rise of prices (oO 8 speculative standard from the use’ of such a axed correney ; for the specie that 1s thus released from ive function of @ circu- latmmg meédiva@, wii! flew ebroad and be [pet the circulation of the whole world, or at gdemst oi!) prodece no appreciable effeer on thi currenéy of ovr owa country. By the SoBitate of 2 sound converteble psper cur- * reney, forgohi eg® atver tothe extent of one traf the eirceletir: diam of the U. *Sfater, 1 is thes demonstrable, that tne pa- ti wealih if intteesed to the foll amount venty-five @Uroot, and thet of Wirgin- tee smount of six m@ithone, without geay mjncious cons«quencee what- | t. *For the sovhiiness of these views, |! confidently eppeal to the chapter en Banke Of this 1esue, fellow- And J] need not remind you, that you sre Beund by es high vod holy obligstions to render a just verdict as 'f you had been sworn aa jurors to try the commerce. gument. out a0 eqvivalent? we to gvve for 117 sre deeply in debt. the cses, goes to pay debts It cennot, so lovg es we latiog medium? When will our indebt are 19 debt abroad. economy? the day? 8) as well a8 6 eure corrency. ford a purely metallic currency. And we shall soon, | fear, if the even very smell change. world to carry on its commerce. moltiplying their money. pound of pore silver. in the reiga of Philip Ist, wav redoced to 8 ounces; and in giil! later reigns to about 2 onnces. orld such expedienta have been resorted to, if there had been an abundance of the pre- ciove mete! to answer the demands of trade? I know that these disgraceful expedients have been imputed toa desire, on the part of the Sovereigns who practised them, to cheat their creditors ; but they coald surely not have been impolled to a proceeding, so disreputable, except by dire necessity, eris- ing from @ scarcity of the precious mets!s. Has such an expediont been resorted to since the reign of Wilham 3rd? and why nol? Simply because banks of issne, then intro- doced the great secret was discovered by increasing the corrency of @ country, (by issuing sound convertable benk peper,) without debasingeit. It is ascertained by polities] economist, ss well aseuch @ faetean be ascertsined, that the amount of the precious mettols in the world has diminished—owing to the ex- tensive use of them io Plating, gilding, end tbe arts generelly—124 per cent. in 20 years, or rather more than} per cent a yesr. | For this fact, I refer to Toeker on money | and Banks, page 3886 = It may _be assumed as e well esteblished principle of common sense, as well as politicel economy, thai the condition of @ covatry 13 most prasperons, in which prices are graJdoally advsncing— aod on the other head, that its conditinn js most disastrous when prices are conlinually, however slowly, declining. Jn soch a stato | of theee siaies.of socigly is certainly prodo- browght about by hard money. ovstrable. metals in the world diminish at the rate of | creasing, the demand for money must keep | pace with this ineresse, on: prices will cop. | stenily tend to accommodate themselves to | the changing value of the standard, which continually becoming higher from year to year, a cerlain end {fiaed rule ts established S-y’s Palitieal Economy, end to various ariveles, oa Curreacy m thy Etiaborg Ro- view, ’ Now, fellow-citizens. fet me ask the condition of the United States is so prosperous that we can efford way seventy-Gre millions of dollars? Is. privote as sbe ts, in a condition to give @way | Fix willicns? Will you sgie £6 dothis up- | { svise act merely to gratify sume elamornus | doetrines. demrgegues v0 one band, ond aciags of im- ; Creative power, for from the visionaay char- practicable, vosionary trancendepial politi! acter of their schemes we mizt crnsofthe S Caroling Schoo! oo tbe oth | rr? E.et ae ilbostrate this subject farther, _, | of a berd money ecorrency, that it matiers you, if | ts vafvedle as an aunce ; or in other words throw e- | { a dollar, and in the end it wou!d be all the Virginia oppressed with debt, public end | seme. a8 inexorable a9 fate, by which prices must | of necessity ennstani!y decline end com - Meree be thas destroyed. But seye Mr. enter, and the advocates | not whether half sn ounce of aiver be made et four pence balf penny be as valuable as world 2 ons, there would be some reason in thejr Bul fortunately thes bsve no: Mr. Huoter meintanas there is go!d enc sileer enough in the world to carry oa iis Adant it, for the sake of ar- How sre wa to get iv io Vitginis? jt .¢ not here now, will n come here with- What equivalent hsve The Siste and People Every crop sold, even if it were to bring specie into the Siste, which ninety-nine times is a hundred is not If the moaey comes smong os, will it remain as @ circu edness, Siste and individual, be discharged? In 20 yesrs, even with the most rigid, J apprehead not; avd until! the coming of thst millennis! period, however distamt, we ean neverexpect to enjoy the felicity of eving » pure Metallic currency, Are you willing to weit for ifs coming, end m the meen time lite without wens, to plesse the visionsty political cathusiasis of In thie country. we require an economic. ! Nose but the oldest and wealitiest petices, unless they have within themeelves, like S. America, rich wines of the prec ious motels, can af- New end poor covatries have been coapsiied by ne- cessity, before the introduction of Benke of issue, to resort to iron, copper, shelle, to- bacco, salt, skins, ss a cirenlsting mediom. The armor of Diomede, (Says Hower,) cos nine oxen, that of Glaucus one bundred. visionery doctrines of the hard money dewocrats shell | prevail, be compelled to resort to similar | ted States—in 1811 being 20 years, they expedients. As e@ plain farmer in my neigh. bourhood, wittily remarked—we shall be soon under the necessity of psying lerge debts with cows and using the ca'ves for change. Bot as cattle are no® selling in the West, it will require fat oxen to make But I deny that there is now, or ever bed been @ sufficiency of gold and gilver io the A eon- clusive evidence of this isto be fooad in ‘be varione disgraceful expedier.ta resorted to in all nations ; from Rome, in the palamest dsys of the republic, down to the reign of William ITl of England, for the purpose of The coins were frequently lessesed io valve or in quality by sdding alloy, in order to ioveresse the gnantity of money, the livre of Charlemagne which, ss the word imports, contained » | might be transferred to the South, shron escitalists mske of ther idle money, then in the stock of @ .we} Bank 1a, how readily anc netorally it woald be made lo circulate among us. of thingsgtrade most remain siagnste, for | ch a bank moreover, would not be sff-et- bo prudent man will buy when he knows | ed by our indebtedness abroad as the issues that he.goost sell at alose. Now the firs, | Of the State banks, but having univeres! cre- dit and cireolation, when sent north to pay ced by a sound convertibly benk cnirency | OUF debdts, they would not come beck to be ond the lost condition of thiegs inevitable | eveemed in specie, but would be sent ; here there j _ others. and known ag the Craige Land. Also, It is dem-| where there is a demand for them—to New one ‘Iract of Lend on the Soath side of the Yadkin River in Rowan county, whereon ‘Mhos. Craige lives, joining the lands of James Craige’s heirs, the heirs of William Cczort anc Widew | of ‘esse Pinkston and others, containing abcat The amount cf ‘the precious Orleans, or even to China—should the bank | be able,as in time it doubtless would be, to} 4 per cent. per ennom ; the population end | @stabiish as high a credit as the old Bank of | commerce of the wofld are constantly in- ' the United States. If these gentlemen could create the | teturn to mew, or expunge ali existing obliga | because a boiler may occasionally ode 7 ‘be pot on ? M very ree- | dictate of sound reason. sonsbly infer, thet tbey would not order | thiags quite as wisely as bis been vlready | | tablisbment Moxey bas bee called the wheels of iiade, «done by our wise 2ad beneficent Creator. Bank, would afford great cod immediate re oy represép 3 zou iacrease sixteen fold the comm those who have the berd money over the property of their Gegbbors, and that you multiply to aa indeGnite extent the command of creditors uver debtors? Fell aw-ertizens, if yoe ‘‘ owe no wan eny thing bus love” — if you have @ plenty ofhard money iv yoot ebesis, or deeds of trust on the property of your neighbors, you may affurd tu be hard money democrats # If, on the other band, you or your friends ere ia debt ; if you owe one fourth the estemated-vatue of your prop- erty at @ fae price—My, 1 beseech yoo, from the clutches of the hard money demo- cracy ; for sf they eueceed through your aid in effecting their raipous projects, you are gone pset hope—it wi!l be * beyond the power of surgery, or even of gelvanism to save you !”’ I think, fellow-citizeos, I have clearly shewn that the project of a bard woues corrency ‘sa desisueuve scheme, hetched in the brains of mischievous demsgogues, ond adopted by honest but bair-brained pol- itical eothusiests—end that ¢ sound couver- uble paper currency is iadispenseble to in- dividus! sod national prosperity. How is this to be @tteined 2 Caw ii be sopplied by Stete Banks slone? No seo- sible man at tbe preseot day aj] maiatein sorhe proposition. Can anv one be sa absurd os to suppose that eveb mstitotions deriving their exrsteoee from the legislation of 26 independent States, sad without soy effectua) checks or costro!, can fernish such a currency ? But experience has sbowa how these ia- stitutions may be checked god controled, and al the same time sided asd iovigorated by a nations) institetion. Boyon see mosh- rooms spring ap io the glere of the noon- day sun? Nor wil! vasound Banks spring up or exist in the presence of a nstional in- stitution—facts prove (his ; 10 1792. when the first Bask of the Uaned States was chartered there were J2 Banks in the Uni- bad increesed to cnly 80—in 1820, (there baving been no Bank cfthe U S. from 181) to 1816,) they hed increased to $05—i1n 1$38, in the course of eight veere, a#hilst there was ne bsnk of the U. States or after its restraining mfluence bad been desiroyed by the war upon it by the government, the Stete Banks hed increased fo the almost in- credible namber of 829. Do «mushrooms epring up more abonidant!y efter the gun has sonk be'ow the horizon ? But the state banks in the sonth esnnot furnish eoch @ currency in the presen! state of the world even if they were eonducied on the most prudent principles, and aot on- duly woluphed. Tier notes cannot be kept long enough ta ciregianiod, owing to the indebiedness of the Sistes and people. As soon @e8 they are issned, they go north fo pay debis ; end notwithstanding the en- tire soundness of many of the tanks, they are sent beck immediately for the speai. Their issues sre thus so ¢ircomecribed that they cennot possibly fornish an adegnate currency, alibongh } conbt nos they woald | gledly do #0 Wf they eonld. An obsolete politician hos said that a na tiona! bank ts an cbsoleteidea. |} will noi tarn from my purpose to inquire with what motive thrs extraordinary declaration was wmede J leave that tothe good senso of the I have ssid nothi De. er of Congress to t L Fhave neither time lo discuss this question. Suffic that I here no doubt aboat it, and bold myself a ell times williog and able to vindieste tha con- stituuonsl*power by seesonead: authorify. | care not ike epithets that may be horl- ed ait.me for daring to: gad avoe such an opinwe. They caanot-injare met as they have heretofore been recklessly ap- plied to such characters as George Waeh- ington, James Madison, James Monvwe. Ai- bert Gullatin, We. Hy Crawford, Wm. Lowndes. Joba C Cathouo, Henry Clay, Jobo P. Hung@rferd, James Bardber, - istéad Mason, Jés. Pleasants, Henry =. George Tucker, and @ host of other patri aod repyblicans, who had the moral f&w— oes. 40 austain by words and sets the con- stitutional power of Cungress to ebarter a Nafionel Bank. These views, fellow citizens, thongh vé- ry bastily sketched, ere the result of long and Isborious stedy and rcflection on the subject of which they-treat. | beve perfect conG dence in their soundness; } invite the strictest scrutiny in segatd to them, end sek the dispsesionste consideration of afl patri- ote to the important treths which they ip- culeste. , ; 1 Know, fellow citizens, thet slarge new- ber of those opposed to. me ia politics, con- cof with me in thé correctness of these views end | appee! to. von #s.patriotg, loving your country ; ond sg wey ring a due regird and those of your wives . " x il nah for your ipterests terested partizans, and in the trial of this great ond momentons issue, fo End a ver- dict in favor of & offering country. ‘Thoagh party leaders may censase you, your own consciences will spprove the act. And derstandings of the whole people to the per- ception of their trae interes!, whatcver that my be, is the sincere and ardent desire of yoor friend and well-wisher, WILLOUGHBY NEWTON. Fredericksburg, March 26ib, 1848, Fall and Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS ° RE cow receiving and opening in the brick hyase west of the Coort-hoose, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which are Dry Goods, Hardware; Coilery, Shoes, Boots, Rats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Cartisge Trimmings, Crockery, Paints, Dye- stnffs, Medicines, GROCERIES, ROPE AND BAGGING, And in short, a general assortntent of country. But I effirm that this ts the most GOODS, suspicious, period for the establishment of such en inentation. Vow, indeed, is the accepled time. The abundance of money (specie) in New York. is onprecedented, One Bank in Well street. has one million six hundred thousand dollars in its vaults, anc envld readily lend two millones, if it could find’ borrowers who could give the regaisite security. The complaint there, upon el! bends, is, that money is too ehund. ent, and that i cannot be lent out excepl at less than—tegal interest. The capitalists will not lend owt people in Virgipta, this Mooey, because they want confidence in our abnity or willingness to pay. Bot bow readily this surplus treasure of the North, h the instrumentality of a Nations! Bok. What better investment could the Northern t trguleted Netional And through its brenetes in Virgin- The issues of LANDS & NEGROBS. B the Court-Hoase in Salitbary, 2d day of May, 18 Rowan County Court,) one which we are determined-to sel] as cheap for Cash, as ean be booght any where in Coneord. We invite old customers and the publie in gen- eral tn call and examine our stock before purchas- ing elsewhere, os We think We can give suok bargains as will be great inducement to purchas- ers. Country prodnee taken io exchange for J &R.WINECO Concord, Nov. 19, 1842—tf17 TRUST § 8, F. T SALE OF Y virtoe of sondry Deeds of Trust execn- ted to us on the 29d day cf Joly 1840, for he purposes thereia eonizined, we qill sell at 00 Torsdny the 43, (itBeing tbe Tuesday of Tract of Landa, containing about more or less, joining the landsof Robert Macns- mara, Charles Brown, William Chambers, and 282 ACRES, I am not insensible to the evils that have | heretofore resulted from a badly eonducted | banking system, yet 1 have confidence e- | More ot less. Also, aboat ‘I'weot noogh in the wisdom and virtue of my conn- trymec to believe, that with the aid of the | 9imple experience, of the past, we may guard ageinel ibe recurreace of such er tls, by pro- per checks to be imposed by the charter of | Mfeorporatron. Upon this pomt, I esnnor | °° Consisting of Mien, Women, Eoys and children to disregard the clamor of in- | msy God, in his wisdom, enlighten the an- | iF, Black William, Bowles Erwin, “Jacobs Kendal, Jones mi Jordan Holley uw. Lyrely ure Naney, Link el! J B, meCennaughe | Moose Jacob, miller Henry Samoel, Peareoo Hon Rutherford John jr; Lewis, N., Sues Wilson, Sw BRY, ae 4 1 Splendid Capital of 1 Priza of b - 4 | Besides Prizes of $800. $80, 0 $30, $20, Gis. 78 No. Loitery —1$4Drawn Ballots. % 7. F “ iy Hi LONDON. Pap} Tickets only $10—Halves $5—Quatiers $2 50 HORACE 4. B AS just received of 4: ct Earyn® “ HEA FASHIONS, tur ne Hl SPU and ts . Sit 1843! Pe r r , Busines, ever ready to meet and cooomnal Ther, ley new costomers with fashionable pe his Os ay king uf garmenis, not to be Sur passed ey the sovibern couniry. Puncteati, by toy - | eadefaistitoh work as isos been, alec hipaia endubject. Thantfol iy ot My agement, he hopes to meri its coption s .S. Reference he deems unten experience und wok Fer the las Pineal Tr)" will show. “ uw Nee t . vj A FORACE » is Ce en ap belf edo 30) APHIS t8gs—usy PEt Ul do 26 qvatier “do. 85 Type at Reducea Pricg The Wammoth Scheme?! 360.000 ! $30,000! $15,000 !! 16 DRAWN BALLOTS? ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY f Class Ml, for 1848. | fo drawn at Alexandria, D. C, Saterday, Ma - 27, 64de MAMMOTH SCHEME ! 1 Grapd Capital of $60,000 1 Prize of pe 1 do 15,000 1 do 10,000 P I do 8.06 1 do 7,000 ; 1 do 6 008 1 do 5 @00 1 do 4,000” 1 do 2.500 : 1 ‘do 2311" 4 Prizes of 2,060 5 do 1,750 10 do 1,500 10 do- 1,250 60 do 1 060 50° do 500 50 do 460 140 do 800 100 do 250 170 do 260 Besides Prizes of $20, $15, $12, $10. 78 Nomber Lottery—16 Drawn Ballots! Eighths $2 50 For Tickets and Shares and Certificates o Packages in the above magnificent Lotteries, Address J. G. GREGORY & Co. Managers, Richmond, Virginia immediately affer it is over, to all who order tick ets from as. april 1, 1842 —Sws6 LIME! LIMES! the Kilo of the late Joseph Williams dec By the 100 boshsis and over 16 cents; 5@ to 100 bushe!s 18; 5 to 40 bushels 20; unslacked in proportion. All persans wishing lime either at the kiln or their sesidence, will apply either to J. or R. WILLIAMS. ° Rockford, Serry county, N. C. 2 march £8, 1848. § ({34 Hist of Eetters Reyer in the Post Office at Salisbary, N C, March 81st, 1843. A— Andersen michael, Andrews Geerge B—Beshier Conrad, Bradshaw Robert 2, Bea- ver Benjamin, Basinger John, Bach Casharine, Brown & Chambors 2, Beeffel mars, Bracket FE Barringer * John C—Clark Warner, Castor Phillip, Caronts HW. D—Denisoa H D, Dooglas D1 GB F—Folleawider Jacob — G—Gors Frederick, Graham iss Zupba, Gardner ur8 uw A. H—Horris Richerd, Hall Joe , Harris WG J—Jones John, Jubnsion John, J Abram, SS M oF Hi, Jdpes Csleb,. K=Kerns ‘John, Keonaday Caanon T.—Lentz Dewalt, Lawes T W 2, Lyrely G th. Jobn, TF. y J C 2, 21088. Dolphus A, m -~-meCobbies Simnel, ucCloud Jo N—Nea! Jobo, Nunly C C. O—Ovwens Peter P—Peeler Daniel, Payne £llis, Pinekney M, Phillips © Eye ice John, Roberis Noab, Ramsour David ping Jacob 2, Shuman John, Snider Swink Daniel, Swink. George, Shaping ink Letitia, Swink A R—Rafiy Edward, R S—Sha ’ ct y LIKELY and Giirls, Terms Cash, thoagh they ma the day of sale, to s eredit of six months. This would seem tobe the I 1s my confident Opinion, that the es of a well-reguisied National HE Firm of Elion aad f yoni on th Fan Rowses sran dis | Hon anid mutual Match 13, 1843 — Sw3g Feb. mt hed 1843, by limita- K. ELLIOTT, Wa. ROW ZEE. Smith James, Sebel] John | W—Weant Ale T R, Widows H CABINET y be changed | T A evpply of ready kept N. B. All kinds of qi Fhomema Miss Marv —Vrexler Jonaihan, Tay} U—Utzman R uw ndeeiinan x, Wittiker Peter, Walton enry. ; B. JULIAN, P. M. ee 3w37 MARKING ! HE suheeriber respeeifally returns hie thanks for past favorgyand informs his ould fnends nee andthe pablie, that ke stil} contin 9 Publ 1 : JAWES OWEN Yagi igh . ogee 10 eatry on | des tt A. 1 will expose 10 5°” cf le a, ee Ss tS Pet creel ec Sa con be of sufficient magaitede to eopater- «Trustee. | Dr. P. Henderson's showiitid boss: i, i the Ovayt Ionse, in,abe Town of Sei a balence the great end ieeobaaats benefits to| AgPOcr000—1087 = an Hotel, wherehe-imas ig the Row- /bejng the week uf RowanCoon'y Co be derived from such on institution —Would GARDEN SEEDS? *y eye os stan oH fi a ‘MOUSE VD you Ciscentinve the use of steem-bosis, and GENERAL ascoriment, may be found 4 x a the flat boats of the Mississippi, the Selisbory Medical ‘and Drog Sure. | bloke s-| iE “LOT, _ Balisbary, N.C., Jan. 21,.3848~ 1196 * He meted war oak be 9.) oe ity af BIE. Borkbesd sitoated ort | Would sou not rathe ‘ pas, y nad, wae te ot, ” Salisborys © ' rather require that the bosl- LUTION both Walnnt, property of Satisdo') ere should’ ke strengthened, oad less shots DISSO a ish nut, Mahogany and Chesry. All those | gte2| east sqaare of the Town Furciiure, would do well-to made Coffins eonstantly ¥ Measure. Lowber or country pro. on hand, to stit an dace iskon in. exehange fur work Salisbury, April }, 1 $150, $100, $80, $70 $60, $50, $410, $25 Tizkets only $20—Halves $10—Qourters $5 — certificates Packages of 26 whole tickets $270 00 do do 26half do 185 do do 26 quarter do 67 50 do do 26eighths do $3 75 BI FAp aceonnt of each drawing will he sent NY qnantity of fresb Lime ean be hed af sate, joining the lot No. 6, which property Of Birkhead’ purchase! of Jovn Me Macoamara, and: Charles Fish. known on tbe dey.pf GEORGE BRUCE, & co, TYPE FOUNDER: AT No. 18 Chambers St. near the Pos; Of WEW-YoRE. ; AVE on hend’an aneserii > . \f large th EE their wel) knows PRINTING 78 ORNAMENTS, BOKDEUS. fhe ¥ | &c., of the best metal, ces: 18 original », he . i aod very seourately finished. 41 of Thick bave detemmined to so}! at GREATLY pp DUCED PRICES. j Plating Book and Newspaper fonts a; Selig ae. , ae at $8 cis. a}, P ie ta, - { ng Primer, 36 sa 40 + Brevier, 46 | — Mision, 54 . Nuppareil, 66 Agate, §6 Pearl, 120 For approved paper at six month: F per cent fess for cash. Wood Type, Priming Ink, Presses Galleys, Bress Rules, Composing Sticks, Uap res, and other Printing waterlale, tornished gg promptitede ead at the lowest prices, Printers of Newspapers who Publish this Verlisement with thig note, three Times belgy the Ist of Jones 1848, and send one of (he me pers to the Foundry, will be entiiled to pay ae of their bill on baying four times ihe amovet gli, Apiil 15, 1883 —S8wS8 LAND FOR Sais) By virtue of a Devel the Gourt of Gyuity i" Noman County, the Clot and Master will cafcsei sate cn the feremiscs 838 ACRES, of Land an Faturday, th bth day of May ner, h ong on both sides 7 the grid Piedmont Sage Ieoad j mites Southwest of Sali Cury, the late restidence f Dy. fro. eYcott, and mr PE COREY, the residence and | hrofurty of Baspeer Smith Tae _ dee d. yA credit “at year atl be pooen f” haf | the jportce, and two years [? : the lalance, on. the fer chat: . er executing Conds with a 4 | p hroved securely f°? the ful - Rs . , ; a chase money on the day i ‘ SAMUEL SILLIMAN c »& April 15, 1843—4w38 NOTICE. Y¥ virtne of a Deed of Trust exeen'*4 ea on the 15th day of Jaly, 1841, fo pet” Clelien4, ‘Tem R pitt N, Trust’ pe a k ea e Se e p e eo sale. ee JAS. bs. COWA anarch 16, —0IS5 DAVID WATSO 843 ~ 1/36 in J ee ee ob Printing neatly done he 4. gavoliitat Watchman. y and its vi ait was eae SALISBU | I entertain — =-==== | ciaity, the aetiele published inthig week's haper, als SAL iaBURY, | Wiiten by ovawbe wyler Hel degra. Drunkard: Heimakes many, ties | aTURDAY. APRIE, 22, (843. whieh shold produce a thrill upon ings | wi ‘efficien rie!, Pshati Siw , ‘geal'to maiotsia their principles. ciple is ith ot = Whie Ticket of tliose open the sitar of whose hearts tie fires | !! ae life al, in the ip ! shell aneerna te eae lash! Do Juha. Tyler and bis Bil <2 ican Ime LICKEL. fof phils still bern. _ | Pa ife, to s thal their copfidence has not | frie Wak that tbe Democratic part be meme | pepublican NY NS aie rE oi gem wee as 28 | been aniopiaced. f soauccessial, { shall yield, | indeed to take up, no ils eandidete far the Pree ESTIBLISUMENT, United Sites es vhs po th awakeo every | with cheerfel sebu 1, to the will of a majuri | idency, ibe east off starveling of Coonery ? : ‘or < ; : for President of the Unite ? W ashingtonian from his state of nén chalance, ty Of the people. T Bie Ow receiviog the lar. E have just received sod RE Ginette bar > ’ 634) 4 . Py ——> gest and most 1 ’ HENRY CLAY o%. | or eutof hie Rip Ven Winckle sleep. Wien | Be <pleaced to os Lannion for yoar-| Montgomery Court House.—We learn | 504s, ever brought 4 captereep lend rn G apps J — bd ote . | our Society was first commenced, the citizens of | Slvegand the respectfal Weuner ia which you that the extmioation of Elijab and Harbord | 7 P*"* of English aod French Cloths and Cassi os KENTUCKY. 2 SR . bave made kcown the es of the Consentios,; 5 , if Cosas 545 Fr Ck AGES, . en __if var town, (the th : rll caprsit Nn : . : x meres, Satinets, Kentucky J PA pee — CONGRESS. acbjeci of Teper. rived eam ue my Ne consideration. Srencer, resulied m “their fall commiimest | men's sommer claths, Nethies ant Une Ca, Among which are the followin, a * ‘ > , lent serrvan ; Tt i ; : : D M. BABRINGER. fo say, that there is bat little interest now taken dD. bi. BARRINGER. ale: for buraing the Court House. Painted and Ggvied Frances American Prints, TBA ee rar teaches dain. (ol. ° y) upon the subject of Temperance. And why 21To Messrs. Joho A. Yunog, 1. Biaghaas, Joho wo secon of the 84ih chapter of the Re- Satin Striped aad Paris figured ‘Betsoreins, teow from 4 cepts a yatd to bes | ‘ or CABARRUS CoOUSTY. Is it becanse the subjec\ is of leas importance? | 3- Lord, Caleb Phifer, Willian Juboson, Kk. | vised Sistutes, makes the burf@ing of a Court article) plaia, Biack aod faney colored Lawns, 530 proces calicnes. “rom 5 cis 20 12h -<agPBRANCD MBETING 1°’ Bat itis principally owing to a want of | 1° Shulord, Qobort Brevard, Committee, Kc. | tiouse of other pebhe builuing, felony, pan- eer Eoieeka ie eT oar ato pal shase sented, ‘ 4 0} . . : J , es, Plain an Phat. : ° TEM as : united inl on ihe me 04 iriends of the} Ti. following sruele, which we fiad sa | table with deathy Without beoefit of cler- | ies, Black and caloted Alpacker fevisieaad Beas. 3 eee blankets ‘pq of (he Ruwaa Wastingtoo Tem- } cause. et us awake, as Wasbiogtonians, anite pi - “i | gr. . bazines, Bine, bleck and colored, plaip aod e:r:. turkey sare riety.Will 8 beld io the Methodiat | in solid phalanx, and-direct-all our asal io poll. oonan “ $ ——— oe The motive far the perpetration of thie {Ped SHk®. Sik "gimp and tringo for triaesing $0. dca cotton handherebiefe on Choreh en Satarday the Gch Mtay, at | ing dowo the temple erected to the god of Bach. ——— a ‘or oe | t firs ae ne | greene et and Swiss meistine and Bishops | 40 Late chiar’ i yr bi. Afull atteodance of the members | us. It is high time that we were doing some. and even solemn, consideration of .cve:y | Cfi@e was at first supposed to be, to centioy anne seg ane Jase drilts, Biaet and f 53 dn aie ecks oo ly rgoested, as the election of Oflcers | thing for onr couotrgmea. ‘Many are idbag a-| M48 to the country who us capable of com- | the evidence of @ fargery, for which Etijab bundkerehiefe ‘Mess jai = — 2B do Kenock Danes. nil : take plaer- way thelr time, spending their money for naoght, | prehendiag thé extent of suct: a celemity as | Spencer, the father, wos under indictment | sballs, Black and white silk Huse, Bulties cluthe, wanes ond nartinetts” pi" FLH. HARDIE, President. | aod binging :beir families to degradation and | the breaking op of this Government through | 10 Montgowery Court, io altering a deed; from No.5 to 9, (warranted geouin®,) Yailors A arabs Ge lanes RELIGIOUS NOTICE! want We can bot judolge the bope that the} wilful and factjous resigtauce, by individyal | b ut it 1s dow stated. that in addition to this | tore Pa QErang carpeting ase iil Ta- ~ 5 bling cette a time will yet arrive when our community will | States, 10 the Constiution and the Laws, Molise, there was an execution ogainst bim | Brag and: Sime Be: A *p tae Grohe j 199 begs coffee ne Second Quarterly Meeting fir Salisbory | be regarded as an entirely tewperate community, | . NaF $7 | fon sour $200, ond a heavy bon GtWGY in Far and ‘ani Hess pci Gia abl Tee yan! 4, 14 thds sugar Ss will be held in the Methodist Charch, and no onpleesant eireumstance shall ncour grow- . a *. § tie Court 1] ‘ for the forthcoming of a Caps, Rubinsoo’s five Ki slips, do Seal may call ag pe bagging _ day and Sundaz the 29:b and 30:6 GF] ing ont of intemperance, to be atjested th der [Vom the Ohio State Journal } : ‘ ouse, tor the orang ot Walking, 4 duz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia made t , nn ails + “e Divine service will commence half afier |-ennrs of judicatare, or any other place. So mote The Crisis Approaches! Thero are number of negroes, who had been seized t0 | cali god morocco, Buvis, 15 eases Geatfemen's sete i pe ies : ae The Presiding Elder of the Dis-| ji be ~ | Clouds mm the polities! bor'zon which pur; prescot the being run off to the South. {and Ladies lined and beend low price sbogs; | 18 le soe oener niyo p. Docn,) wiltbe le sWendance , tong evil. They overshadow the whole | Those were all deetrcyed ‘The oa!y thing | Ctrhery, Hardware, Saddiery and Sadiers (cim. 70_kegitaila = ° rt (Ret. P, Dows, 2 : RHODE ISLAND cOontry. A storm is gtthering before whieh | belonging to the offices ebich was sven, yh ptd sere A it: description, (10 hee Be lead Read ihe excelleat Address of Wit-} Returns fromall the Towns io this Siate have | the stoatest frames will tremble ; and it | f-the Repister’s book i "| Sule and Upper leathe, ype is y Wind 2 60 boxes gins at 10 and 10 by 12 KP Rea ; ; will be well for the Amenean People—for |W one o e kegister’s books, which : ge + (1 P. ow 25 pra fF Springs Ngwton, Esq., to the Voters of the | been received, (Block Island excepted) of the glass, Potty, Nails, White fead No. 1,2 and : yooaBy NBWTON, trhet of Virzicis Seat Wiccivan Ga delet ah Postitontcnat the cause of Constitynonal Liberty through. | 5appened to be a! the house of e gentleman pure, (warragted good,) Castor Oil, Salts Qui 640 bottles caster oil 9 Congressional Distriat of Virgiois, in en : eager “ pew Vonstitation ef hs ing wotld —if there be stout hearts avd.| O! the bar. The loss of ell the wills deeds bier, snd Rowen's ‘Fonie sslartuae Loef fad 60 boshels clover seed, warranted os salawiog was spoken by Mr. Coshiag, of Darts Rutan, The pieritermaby the cloer heads to meetihe shock ene turn the corke's, oy eee of renee Ke ue segar, 20 — Brown do, 25 Hode, eew “th W. MURPHY How log ebsllion. 5, we sre hoppy | moral tempest seide. “C4 Must be a eource of incalculable and ir- | Muizsses,. 81! bags Rio Coffee, 8 tone Knatish lab 12. ° yassacboeet!9, O00 or iil nape to say, thet the Law and Order party beve tri- Tee refusal of a portion of tte State of reparable evil.— Fay. Ob. 1 ire, Spring i ister and Cast Steel, a lene ia aia December ip. isa8—6if ya long since, at (he Ay , omphantly elected their Governor by a majority | (bis Union to comply with the law of Gone Oe eet uo aed Castings, Bavie C Y : Ch ounty Sheriffs how York : sen uaraste lateudeltawbar of 1746 votes over the Dorrite eandidate, and | @°€88 preseribing ihe mode of electing {for the Watchman.) ana ie elena nade eect sara a Ereateare, — eet « Phat ihe W a iely aed colemaly ieaweated they also bave the Legislature by overwhelming | @@Mbers of the House of Representatives, | Yy oil § ho did binder you?’ | wiprecedented low prices’ The Pabliv are roe I1.L, be sold for eash on the 24th of April, pepe ‘ate power by perpetrating a fraud | Majorities, pA ator i 8 virtually a@ dissolution of ofan sigh ors season, who did binder yco! pectfally invited to call and examine fur them- the fallowing proneng na seme in Mocksrille, jt, and ¢ , . - - on ! hee hee . Selves, . ) : ao ibe people.” * ie CH The Nashville Whig states that Juhe ‘The’ law in question is andovbted'y al .; What has become of the Rowar Wasbingto- JENKINS"& BILES One tract of Land belonging toN. B people . a: sa tonbied’ Baciatn sa __ JENKIN! o | _,0 ging oN. B. Taylor, jj tke Whigs, by chartering a Bank, baceuees Tyler bas appointed Jeremiah G. Harris, editor | congutational one. Assush it js bind.og on lantbrophic zeal wie a rei tcted pa Salisbary, April 22, 1843—1y39 acjrining J Roberson and others, or his interest » ‘perpetrate a fiaud upon the People,” why | of the Nash#ille Union, one of the moat rabid hes it i ld onei J —— in the same, supposed 10 he " penpe sea all the Sistes. ft is the paramount law of} would turn the world upside duwn ; or more pro- | P ; pro-| State of orth Earolt gj Mr. Cosbing vote for every Bank Bill that | and abusive Lucofuco sheets in the coaniry, 102} the lend, and eannot be Cistegmded or con- perly.as if it would never cease until there re- , vol Wa. 250 CRES, wis brought before Congress ? Why did he! fat Foreign Agency, the Charge to the German | traveved withont eetting et defence the mained nothing more for it to ace mplish ?— DAVIDSON COUNTY. io satisty sundry execations in my hands. Also expose the trick, and let the People know | States, lawmaking power of Congress. The work: | Where are the Washingtonian Orators ? Where IN EQUITY “8 5 his terest in ell his : " jed work oing on? =But ts then done, The National Legitature | 8¢ the Docture, the Lawyers, the Merchante,! 4+V EQUITY—APRIL TERM, 1843. wl vader ane work was ? fe 5 Be Wie yee. CixcxEnzre.—We are pleased to learo everes jo possess - power en extensive w: a the Clorgy, 6c, who pledged themselves to Jobn P. Mabre, 7} NEGROES w, Mr. Coshing knew very we @ that the Court Martial recently convened to try : . pits Sree ‘ ““ etand vp to the rack ?”” ‘hey done well for 09. . i : . 9 siriog tbe above sentence, that it was a false- | Capt Mackenzie, for the execution of the Mati. the Union. The S/ales. indiviaually, ere}, Geaton, Bot where are the nupoments of their | Cicero Lowe, Henry R.4 Origine} Bill. bot subject to their hire anti! next Christmes, sod (rom beginning to end ; and by way of trying ecine board the Somers, have ariuels aeqait- gc a Uoned Siates ; aod what re- } \sbors poe? > wien ia the mble he Daseobory, Adw'rs, and r ALSO: ‘ . : ted him on every specification. and the Preemdent r Ublo emperanca “cho answers—twhere!! The! Benjamin FF. Williams, | i . injostify that miserable of all miserable beings, of the United States has approved the Verdict. Let as porsue this subject a little farther. W iehingtonian Society is taking a Rip-Van- aud bis wife Jane. At the came time end place, FORTY FOUR hho Tyler, be dues oot hesitate to make any as- The law of Congress requires that the States | Vinxle sleep. ‘The zeal of its members have [ appearing to the satisfaction of the Corr, NEGRORS 9.» at ettion, let it be eves so destitate of the least Ec > A most disgracefal scene took place in| shall be Gistricted—esch district to elecr | Passe away like a morning cloud, and the good that Benjamin I’. Williams and Jane his wblance of trath the Pennsylvania House of Representa‘ives on o ber. Sorin ' M2n's heart is grieved when hecasts bis eyes @ | wife, defendants tn this case, live beyond the ngin , 7 FS “Th very fact of jiself, of Mr. Casbiag’s vo-) the Sth instant. One of the members, Mr. Me- euaphiore. Cree er Tor tine Lisl a tnd boboide the irramph of * bed toren hie of thie State: Te is therefore ordered, that cessing OMEN. BOS na "pan iag or every Bank Bill, ia sufficient to break Gowan, stabbed one of the publishere of the may be separately examined, as well as ihe Weny of tinee whe were Theis wink Aleuhot. ts Carica Wes ae eee aaeuetn DREN, (BOYS. Se.,) fo satiste scndagiex. tefiree of the slandetons charge, and well cal- | Harrisharg Gazette, Mr. Bratton, on the floor, in } manner of complying with the law on the] the son!-dasiroying sngel—-the lanrels of righie- sppeat and anawer conplainunte Bit net and other) Bends, th fstor of Sebo Warphs. saied (o braod him forever, not only as a liar, | the midst of the members. part of some of the States ~netther can effeci os enthusiasm —are sgain seen reeling and stag- | term of this Court, to be held for the ceunty of , —ALSO- es sas. an unfaithful Representative—one who a ihe gtestion ander consideratinn ) They refose | geting about the etreate. with bot fe@ tup'y.| Davidson, at the Coaort House in Lexington, on I wil ; _ ‘ vt. Mourne, 4th April, 1843, complianee, and to proceed to elect Representa - | and hone to take them by the hand! emper- | the Ist munday efter the 4th monday jo Septem will sell a valuable TRACT of LAN, mold fora certain price barter away the liber- wofbis coontry, We would respretfully sng- D. M. Barringer,} Esg —Sir: The ander. tives to Congress ander a law of their pattioular | ance ts torgotten! and its late friends have been | ber next, or Judgment pro confesso will be en- belonging to C. Bb. Wheelcr, oF his interest in signed, at a Coovention held this dey, at Moont Steie. When Congress shall assemble next! scattered like the sheep of a fold wheo the| tered asto them. the s3a:e, adjsining G Baily, and oilers and si lo be members of the “‘ guard,” hereafter M ‘ December, and t{ese pretended Repregédtatives | * hepherd is atneken +» Th ‘My i3 Victorious! | Witeess, W.W : 4 * ; ourna, for the purpose of selecting some suil ep sen, fhe enemy ta victorious! | Witeess, W. Wommack, Clerk and Master of Teecive Cg le more careful how they make charges, if} p), pereoa ta represent the Second Congrovsione! shall present themeelvea, what will be the con- and 'o the vietor belongs the spoils! Arcore, said Court at Office, the Ist monday after the | galongi ; ee “Ves ened wr do not wish to be convicted of the very | District in the mex! Congress, were appoinied a | *d7ence ; li it Bd see “Wass! what Ms nn i snd Chrisiians, end look ye a-| 4th monday in March, 1848 WOMEN. GND Chinbhee t hide ‘ ay . : : F F becomes of the law ongress ane } je} MAGt you: [tis your duty ta fat h aof 7 Ww ; . we ae » fo Satisly an joes (bey accuse ibe Whigs wish being guilty | Committee to inform yoo of your enanimone } comes of the Ja eve oe ‘a poe Baty 1 tseas iecbe eaiient Ws WOMMACK,c mB. | oxecuimn ‘n my hends in tavor of Juin Murphy, eet at defisnce, why not two—tbree—rne| Truth: Behold now siaiely and ornamented are 6w39— Printers fee $5 50 domination as the Whig santidate for this Dis- eee ae against N.B Taylor, a8 principal, and C B oe triot. wore ? Who shall angwer this question 2 | the Temples of Backns, and how they seem to pracligiog. : Not Congress for its power hae reased! The} meek you! Sebold! and remember that tbe _ - oe State ef rf or ty a Wheeler, and others, 2s securities kPThe Whigs are often taunted by the Ty- d And we earnestly hope, that, x8 heretofore O° bla prescribing its own organization imder the | lives, nay, tbe gonls of bundreda of your fellow oe ee N te Carolin ALSO--At the same timé, SEVEN NE- vias ata Lnceloons Khreugbeut the couniry, | de very adverse Circomstances, at 4 great sacri Constituti hes t ded inthe dust! | manare srerificed ri if . NTY. R s levied on as the property of Willia = Gce of personal feeling, and with tbe certainty | Constilution has been trampled ia the dust! | « sier'ficed to perpatnate their magoifi- es 7 tisf : perly = vib not baviog fulfilled their pledges to the of defeat before you, yoo consented to agar aloft To what higher po eer shall theappeal be tsken ?j esnee. Look, mothers, and trembls for yonr IN EQUIT'Y—APRIL TERM, 1848, * an er cL y suingry execulivns in my hands, joel, made in the Presidential campaiga of | the Whig banner, yoo will now, with highly To tho People 2 Not eo. = Fhey habe already | tender suns, who are 0 beset by the strong De- a _—__. : Ag L Bintan Hartman, F. UH. Shuman, 40, Bot are oot some of the auful predic- | auspicious prospects, and with a fairar field bee | decided it in the offir mative ! Tere 13 NO Pile a ovely. one look who has exposed | Martin Nading aod) re "i - we Oraeree mt the Locotsere enfolGtted alo? For (ore you. make-eny resmunstia merifican, tocem | SIOANE POWER. hey have deliberately with. | [ried By conte ae ce, done ta. resene them ? | orhere. La. odie iT take place on the 24th of April, : ple with the wishes of the Whig party in thi drawn from the reach o ederal legislation 8s | ay aanity of the influence and strength | 7. & Petition for the sale of Re- } 184 nd continne from day, if we eenaot get mace, where is tbe F.ecofoco that can say, he District 'S TT he morai prever hae been exbansted. Nu hing} of a!l the Christians and ‘Philanthropist mneb | Barnet Wyre, and 3! Estate through in one day. seen any poot while mano or woman sold With bigh respect, yours, &c remaing bat force, bale furce. has been accomptisted in other parts of the! others. . WM. B MARCH, debt,” since the election of the lamented : me Th, Shall force be regojed to—sball the experi~ | Country; then why may not ale commanits of | T appearing to the satisfection of the Conrt. Sheriff of Davie county, N.C. unnison. Will tbe circulators of tbat contemp- ae Wi je een Breer: ment be tried P Ay, shan j! 9 nd wo shal] | Sslisbory from snch e anity reap such froits P— | that Joho Micheel and Betsy his wife, De— march 235, 1843 —1i85 try it? Not one State in open gor flict wiih an | Gentlemen and Ladies who have responsibilliy | fendanis in this case, live beyond the limits of « - | spiicaduan other? That wontd be donble treasm. ; “r the | $99 onghi to discharge it. Bat aside from its this State: It is therefqse ordered by the Court ; , _ thiok it will puzzle-the most reckless Conconp, N.C., April 17, 1813 power of the States is eqnal, and they are fornid- | Deing your duty to keep op Temnrrance, there | that publication be made in the Carolina Waich- State of iLovth Carolina. de Sarty,to shew an instance all over the oN. Ue, Apr TG, 18GS. den by the Constitntion to « erg2ge in warun {15 0 2réat pleasure in looking aroond opon those | man, for six sucressive weeks for said Defend-| * IREDELL COUNTY wiry, And we bave no donbt, that if there Gentlemen:—J received on yesterday yoor | less sectually invaded.” Not the present Fzec- who page been eailed hack from traveliing the | ants to be and appear at our next Coart of Eqni- 4 . ‘efilsehood in and aronnd this place, inform | Fe L. Shaford, Committee, ‘man iat ‘ racy,” | letter of the 4th instant, informing ma that on ative; for he bas virtaally provoked the ap. | downward road, whisa will amply compensate | tp, to be held for the cunnt vi : , ee > to bas ty leet apr of hae pede that day at a meeting of delegates from the Se- proaching crisis, and invited the Staies tn iste ; Fon for all the trouble thst yoor zeal may cost { Coprt House in Le ‘ Mf . 8 Ist mondee wedrbiot (Pleas “ Qasrier Dossions, February in bis vei . as ., | cond Congressional District of this State under} gard the law. It is broe, he is erpressty enjoin J con. On! who stand ‘ye here idle? Vet all} uferthe 4th thondey ih S her nex!, then salad hata To bls veins at thie time,—and_who has aid- the ocew apportionment, the Convention had | ed by the Constitution to “take care thar the { Onckle an their armor afresh, and co out jn de lend there to shew canse if they hz ve wh a ‘Spromulgatiog this dirty and infamous slan- onanimonsly done me the honor ef placing my | laws be frithsolly execnied.” Bot what of ihar | ce of humanity, sobriety, and trnth! Aad! ihe prayer of the Petitioners shall on he vente Christena Lensz, “gost Gen. Harrison in 1840, must feel } name before the people of the District as a can- | when we think of his conrae in tha Rhode Is— | 00n again aball the glorions bannerof Temper | od, other@ise jidgimen| pro confesso avid ; David Lentz, John I a H m0,and corse the hour that be ever attempted didste to represent them io the next Congresa of | land rebellicn, where he was qnally boand ip | ance stead ont before your rapturons vision, flot | whit he entered, and the cause heard expart abt le wir sD Leal | Lentz, Lew. rina ibe minds of the ansuspecting end un-. the United States—while lam duly impreséed | act ander the Constitution tering to the winds of an approving God; for 7 \¥ itness, SV. Wommack. Clerk and Masier of son ae ife Elizsbeth, Conrod Miller eigeot portion of ab ni t [ with @ sense of the onsolicited compliment thas Bot, save the quibhler, ibe Corsiitetion @sof + 'Trath crashed to earth shall rise again, { oer said Coort at Office, the Ist inonday after | Christens Jimes Hi promi Wie mee Mwild Ble litwincresaaee cen bestowed, fam deeply sensible of the great re- f provides thai “each Hou-e sha!l be the jndge af The eternal yours uf God are hers, | the 4th monday ia March, 1843 Noe, Joel Kisahl nd Wif Sell ‘Catoling *teried bis life in many a hare fooght batile sponsibility your oonfidenea bas imposed open} ihe eleg icns, returns, and quaifirations of its Bot errnr wonnded writhes in pain i WW. WOMMACK CME , oui, Si tL nn ‘i Casin OME Sllish firmly our free institations—and fonti sig Pe I un not be os as af-{o*n memters.” Troe; and the same Constita- | Asd dies amidst her worshippers ” } 659 —Printers fea &5 50 » , , tems tad Fate Love nani, eee hose caly object wae t r ity a j- | fecting a diffidence I do not sincerely fe-l, when | tion also expreasiy ssys: * This Cunstitotion, | aD aA DETArye 4 i —~ = - po lt ae % hie belceed vsentrye eopetity sod happi 1 1 declare that if the Convention bad determined and the lawe of tho United States which shall | A REFORWED DRUNK ‘RD. 10 TIO“. Petition filed for Doport « on tbe selection of any of the many worthy foe meade in pursfiance theraof, shall be the u- | - ANAW AY from the sabzeribet in Stariy) o., . Sm.” i T appearing (n the satisfadtion ofthe a, MARRIED, coonty, North Caroiina, on the Int day of 2 KP Toe Richmond Whig of the 718 inst.,{ gentlemen fn the Distriet, who wonld bave beer preme,lave of the land; any thing in the Con | "cui representing “the Mill Boy of the 4 @Ore compétent than myself to serve the peo- fatitorian or laws of any Siaieto tke contra: Ta this eoncty on the 6ih instant, by Mavid | Jonnary last,a Neggo Womap,oamed NAN. shold “have bee Fix: . that Simeon Lentz, one of the dagts ig. ” Heory Clay, as b io his yout ple, I : ve ® maob gratified, and | notwithstanding.” The qasiification cf mem | Mists. Esq, David Casper, to Miss Rachaeli CY. Said girl is atout 21 years of age, thick | [DS C#8¢, is not siitimhabitant of 1 le: [tis he letson tt shar? “s verte 7 ‘8 yoath. | would bavd given to their nomination “tay most | hers most be adjadged under the law. Aj! laws | >/’Piag. daaghter of Michnel Shopisg. f se and of coramon height, a light Salata? refure, ordered the Conf, hit poblication iF alo > Show: Feordial aad aalons support. Princip'es not fenacted in pursosnce of the Constitation aya} _'% 'bts county on the 76th instent, by Jobe | very cmart and quite inteliigeot, isa g am®) © Dade inthe Caroling Watchman foreix weeks -. dees, the teward of taleo‘s and ecergy | wea” should bathe creed of every irae Whig. | binding. The jndges of every State are boand| Seaver. Enq, Mr. George Parker, of Stanly stress, and is a good house girk Said wag | Nelifying the Sid Sigpeondien'z, th appear at the tireeted by noble ambition. Henry Clay} The candidate of 2 party is the mere instrament | thereby, as are algo tha mempers of the State | SO%B'¥, to Miss Catharine Aiiler, of this co rrised in Lineolnion, North” Carotioa + wm e | Pex! Ceort of Pleas and Quaster Sessions to be io: { h@ld for the codnty ‘of Iredell, a: the Cowrthouss. "Ute time an homble & Mill Boy,” with. ] OY Which thev attempt to carry ont thelr prinei_ Legisletares, and all Executive and judicial of In thie gonaty on the 13th instant. by James? that cho has obiained free ps 1s, ip t lina a fiends none rae I dial phos : And all trae Whigs, who believe thor the ficers, “beth of ihe United States and of the| pvene Fieq , Mr. Jacob Fraley, to Mise Irabel | 1, grito some freeState, 28 haw OMMING cca | In Stajeaviile, oPibe Sd atondey in May fiexr, rina be now stand : ay prineiplés for which tbey contend ara cssential | several States,” by express provisinn So ther | /! Sieathman, drvghier of William Heathman | ness wauld secure ber a passege almost to any ihen and there to answer, plesd 10 or demat to Si aad SighdR a Prond monoment of the | to pyblic liberty, the prtity of the Gove:nmen: | if one liw may be disregarded, eo may a! 5 for} In Sorry coanty, on Poesday evening. the place, where she is not known ; ar ehe may be said Petition, or ju mi pro confesse? wil! be 1 “'8dos of our (ree institutions, Let { and the general prosperity, oa know bat one | by their oath they are bound to soppor! arr, not | fink iinatan!. Ry tie: Rhy, Me Porvie, Col Har. | jurking 1m the neighborhood of Manns Pleasant, | '2ken a8 to him, aa a writ of Dower otdered ‘etple see the tikeness of the © Mill Boy.of mode of peaveabl y seenring the trlampb of their | @ part, oY Ge “ “ auch. to Miss Mary U., danghter | N OC. Ll wit give THENTY-FIVE DOL. | 2ecordingly. ! ng Sie» ihaiey imsy. recieaiber, Shen principles ; and that ia, by wnion at the baliot | {| repeat again a crisis approacuEs! St js 0! Geo. Graves. | LARS tor her soprehension aad confinement | a5. te. A haga ar thera rece. ~*84e9 tell them about arsiocracy and de- bon That lama Whig, it is needless to in-} wilh fear and trembling that [| watch ts ap | Hjatl in ibis State, and FOR FY DOLLARS in; Pes 25, 184 ~55—Printers fee $5 50y "y, what ¢ ‘of ; form yoo. None other eould have reasived the proach, Not that ( fear My own pores of per | DIZzyY. | taken oat of the State, and confined in anotter | _— we, vhs ort of stock llarry of the West | confidence of the Convention. I wil not say sonal endarance—bot | tremble foronr proad| Ta thie eonrty, on the 16th inetant of Pirnrie | State, and FIFTY DOLLARS for the convie~ OTICE.—Parsvant to a decree of ihe. \ ma. “Tem every inch a Whig” berause in these Unioo, onee the mark of the prize of the joyous] sy, John Coughenour, Esq , aged about 50 years. { ten in say Court of Jostice, uf any peren or | Nom of Faqnity for Rowan Count wit . Columbia Chyopisis cxys thar al Whi days of political degeneracy, .profession is 6 | sone of Liberty throaghont the world, [wanld} .-.. | — wenn | persons of hatbaring said giil, or furnishiog her! hs sold at the Cont Uonse in Ssligbery, on ¥ Seb ( let J rat 18 igs thiag, prartice should be every thing. In the] here adapt, with sh@ht variation, as appliethie : wiih-free papers. ~ | Monday of the Coanty Coort, (1st May nezt.)a i. Wolina, who have been in a state of highest office in the gift of the people, a nomi } cn this decesion, the language of General Cass keead: J4ade j JOHN A. CRAVEN. | estosble a aoe. . i ‘Some time back, begin to exhibit re— nal prefession of principles has been nesociated | ine late letier to tbe Secretary of State a | am | ¥y { April 8, 1848—6087 STONE DIF ELLING HOUSE z 0888 of animation, A notice appears in | With a treachery whieb will be notable in the | clear in the belief tbat it is belter to defend the} i 48 Phe Ral. Weekly Register will insert 4 | aa a“ . Plaadarg Seana. calling ied thee to histury of the nation and whieh has frosirated oat works than the eltadel—tp figbt for the : eo j times aod forward his accognt tome at Ashbor- | three miles Saineaet of Sai shots, fog ese clined ret Iescon aed meet in convent: , some of the dearest hopes of the Repoblican | first iach rather than for the last—to maintain | - | oogh. JA. C. j Gon among the !eyatecs ; Hine he 3 MP ooh ble Has saventton at the | narty who elevated itg author to power and place. | oor Union and the Constitction when attacked, | | Sy etl Baal oa. spore ee eroan of fe eonaring S500 -ofs 4 ok _ 90 the first Monday in the month, But if a sound, urifarm, sofficient and well-| rather than to wait Hill we have none to be a'—} The beautiful Engtish Stallion hiaported ; nyt ia moch wnt of repiteas aoweine aos ir, *ayS and means to be represented | regulated enrrency both for the State and Gen- | tacked or maintained ; and sach,- f trast and | "reat Whig National Convention, which | 013! Gevernments—if a Tariff whieh shall raise | bope, wil! be the onwavering detérmination of | "le im the city of Baltimore on the | StMlicient and no mare than enongh revenue for | every ecustitutional member of the next Con- the purchese mnney on the day of sale, | oof twelwe caunths will be ail-wed oases ony PUZZLE, Se . : : PLE LF EN aie ILE. stand the present season 4 ind . day of Ma the econumien! wanis of, the National Govorn- gress.” MONTGOMERY : 4 ; SAM. SILLIMAN, cae. , May, 2841, to nominate suitable + while et! ‘me § | ° . which hes ‘now commenced il 843 — 135 eg | : men', while atthe same time it shall be se acs | CAR I GES le of Co!. Charles Me- April 15, 1843 — . Pani O be run by the W higs of the Union jusied as to render.es independent of the selfish From the Wayne County Herald. R A : FOR SALE. Dowell? calles north of Morgan TT _ — * tod Vice President. of the Usited | policy of Foreign Governments, and secure in- | JOHN TYLER AND THE DEMOCRAT. VHE Sobseriber will keep constant! , : ’ ; ' . n ~|! y on hend ton, Burke countv, North Carolina, at the re- WOE next fome yeRrs. 4 Cidentally the industry of oor own people agairst IC PARTY d | oe supply of Ready made Carrisges from | duced price of $25 the season, payable within ry foreign pauper labor and hostile legislagion— if |- ; : the well knava i at Vanecyville. | ihe same, and $35 insorance. He is of fine size, Shetcce Senator — We Jearn | the assertion of the right of our own State, to-| I! is well enough io let John Tyler know that consisting of COA ES; BAROUCHES, being over 16 hands high, a datk bay or brown | Herald, that we are abont to} gether with all others, to her jost amd due pro. | heand the Democtatic party-ate"two—ibat there | aad + bb ews which he will warrant io be dappied. And for beaatifal symmetry, chal- 1. ae Price & Mec.Masters, TAILORS, CONCORD, NO. CAROLINA, Wear of 4 Us : 4 é : . - States Senator contested. | Portion of the proceeds of the Poblic Domain is an impassable golf between them—ihet it not jor, (o.any msde'in the Norib- | |e xhibition before the best of judges. Puz- A, Haomagén, wen.ieet teas and anceasing opposition to iis serrender and | impossible in the nat “of things that thet ero es, fos beaaty parte , alo wee sired by Reveller, among the very first Loeofoes eo is a ehare of | tteled Seneior long | cession to the new States alone—if 2 rigid ecov- | \y, with tis pore, its bigh, and iw holy sobdscriber io the listo! Eaglsb stallions, and whuse colts from Indiana, bat th ‘ - we ; ) “har J a ere ap | omy in the public finances and sirici acoponia- ples, can take to its embrace a wen Who bes. patronage. y slWays be found at: arecumminding as high prices as the get of an Ning Olive me informality ‘a the elee- bility of public cfficers—if the diminution of Ex proved false to every y vith which be pote, the siand-former!y owned by Juho I. Shave. horse on the Coniinent. (For particolare al Are still carrying on the sbeve busi eefore - Smith, the Whig candidate eedtive power ang patronage and the correction | had any thing to do. Wen wheartayed hia- | WM. OVERMAN, Agent, aphandbtls) The breeders of Western Carchaa,’ F) ,, ail its bianeber. Ail * oe anes Mag sontest. We belieeé this iy the of their freqaent abuse—if these ennstitute some | self m deadly hoerttiny ageinet the Jast Detoo- For Warr Warxer.» will carely have the services of soch a horse ag i “2 distan re - : ity ter 4 jie “ee tein pnt United State Sesaior havi of the leading principlew of the Republican Whig | cratic Administration, and strnek hands in polt:- | Salisbury, April 22, 1542-6238 ) Puzz'e cffered ihein, a the atrrve anuseal prices FP Cor na Marae as 1948 3 35 “on Gon teste), aT0g T eriy, theo I claim always to have been ove of | ical fellowship with Henry Clay, and finally oN. B. Repaising doge ia the best ctsle, J. POWELL, Avent EN et ee me —" " % Ng epugistent, thodgyh homble, mémbers. proved false even iohiw : the maa whocan tere ° VW. @. Morganton, NC. Apa 11, 1842-5439 te meg yy The Se DAS Se TS BR: ABINET, NEW Oo CHAIR &? SOFA Manyfacturing ESTABLISHMENT ! | ‘THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together for the pa:pose of manolarturiog Chairs. Bureaus. Sofa’s, SHOCORETARY’S, WARDAOBES, Centre-— ‘Tables, SIDEBOARDS, &C.4C. in the very orst hind uf style, and of the finest materials, beg leave to ask at the bands of the citizens of the country and villages aronnd, a share of their patronage in oor line of business. Their shop is a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, aod ove dour below Jones’ old Tsvero. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 1843 —1'33 KENILWORTH Ho6s ! HE Snoseriher has jast added to his stock A f | of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hozs, ipported tr m England in the fall of 1541, by Mr A B Allen, uf New York, and are now »- bout 18 monthsold. ‘The Boar is a vesy sepe rior animal, deep, thick and excellent tmell hi points: the Sow very fine, with a litter of eigh! pige, which, for baauty and form, can hardly be surpassed. I'hose who may wish a fuller de- scription of ise fine anigals, are referred to Mr. Allen’s i-iier published in the Caullivator.— The subscriber has also, a Vorkshire Sow. por chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by him trom Fogland ; and some Thin rind Sows : and those wishing to putehase, ean have the pore Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosses of Kenilworth and Yorkshire, Phin-rind and Berk - anire, His stock of Berkshires was purchased Ladies’ Fashions FOR THE Fau and Winter of 1842 & 43. yrs Subscriber informs the pablic, that she has just received through the Northern Citiesthe latestand most approved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to execute orders ip the mos stylish and satisfactory manner. Work sent from a distance shall be carefully put up and forwarded. s. D. PENDLETON. SCF Mrs P. has on hand a handsome assort - mont of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and ‘Tarbans, for sale, - %4* Mrs. S. P. is also prepared to execute Crimping and Floating on reasonable terms. Salisbury, Decewber $, 1842. NEW FASHIONS _ FOR THE Spring and Summer of 1843. THOMWAS DICKSON Oi cade eer informs his friends aod pobhe, that he still carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS all its varions branches, two doors above J. & W. Marphy’s store, whore he is ready to exe- cute all orders of his customers in a style and manner nut surpassed by any in this partof the couvotry. Heis also in the regniar receipt of the NEW*YORK FASHIONS, of Mr. ©. N. Bement, of New York, and ts not surpassed by anyin the United Sistes, Phose wishing to improve their stock of Hogs, have now a batter apacrtnasty of doing sa, than has everdseen offered South of the Potomac Orders for any of the above will he promptly aitended to. WM, F KELLY. Near Moekaville, Davie co. 2, Jannare 14, 1848. - CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint, R TAYLOR S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT. —trom 375 Bowery, New York — for the eure of eonghs, colds. catarrhs, Asthma, soreness of the chest, pain in the side and breasi, raising of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, and all those aff-ctiuns of Pbroat and Longs,— which are a source of so much siiffering, and un arresied, so often terminate in Consumption — this remedy is highky and justly distingoished Ji is porelymegetaole, mil@and genite tn its ef- feets apne aystéth, and can be takes in the most delicate cases, wiih safely as well ag atili- tf icici peare of its medicinal proper- fieseand witnessing its effects even in extreme, and TW some instaneres, apparently galmost hope- less cases, ofien presenbe it in ther practice, boih asa palliative and a remedy, and with the Madiei! Faculty generally, it has met with great apmrebation, arp CONSUMPTION --The following semarks were taken from the last number of the Nledica] Magazine : The surprising effect prodaced by the genn— ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at 875 Buw- ery, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exenling a deep and thrilling interest thronghout the werkd We have so tong believed this disasse (consomp tion) incurable, that itis cificalt to eredit ou Renses when we see persons, evidently -— ; ; daily trve, resiored to health, Vet itis a faet perurrence.”’ The following was given at a shorttime since, by Capt Scott, of Bhasberh City, N.C. Bon- Certificates. © Being constitntionatly predisposed t somption. (a nomber of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the Laogs, accompanied with congh and raising matter and blood, irzether with severe pain ip my side and breast, till | was supposed to be beyond recovery, | was induced by advice of Dr Perkins, as a last reaort to try Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. | have taken floe t25 and prepared 'o accommodate the tastes of the Fashionable at all times, From Salisbury, via Statesville end Mor- ganton lo Asheville, N. C., S now in full operation, racoiag through in two days and twice a week, as follows : Leaves Salisbary every Wednesday aad Sa!- arday at 6 o'clock A, and arrives at Ashe- ville every Munday aad Friday at 6 o’elock, P. M. Leaves Asheville every Tuesday and Sator- day, at 6 o'clock A. M., arrives at Salisbury next daysat4P WM. ; Passengers travelling on this line will receive good accommodations. Qur ‘Teams and Hacks are excellent, and thé Drivers sober, skilful and accommodating ; no pains will he spared to ren- der trips safe and pleasant to the passengers. SHERRILL & PARKER. Jane 12, 1841—1f46 George W.. Davis, |Commission and Forwarding Merchant Witmincton & Faverrevince N.C. HE undersigaed is now prepared to receive Gouds at Wilmington, and forward the same tohi® Agent ai Fayetteville, who will forward to the Owners iotbe back coentry. He basa large Warehouse at the River, where Goode @ill be stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to half the asaal cartage from the River to Fayetteville,—thereby lessening tbe expense on Goods mach below the osua! charge As bis Warehouse is isolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be trifliog ia compariaen to the risk incurred from being situated in town. Those who may favor him with their beeioess, may rest assured that everg attention @ill be paid to the promotion of their tntereat. GEO. W. DAVIS. r References : _A pril 15, 1843—1y3 TO FAMILISS- ROW AND'sS ‘{MPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. Those who wonld have recourse to a’ Family Medicine for Fgver anv Asue. Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate bet ween the ‘thousand and one”? remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the poblic, (the same now asin all times past, ) and that almost universally suc- cessful prescription called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixture. A few remarks will serve toillostrate the dif ference. Io the first plare, the operation of the Tonie Mixtore in the cure of Feverand Agve is npon entirely new and peculiar yet safer principles. Secondly: [1 oot only promptly ar- rests the coorse of the chills, when punctually and perseveringly used, but it soon restores the wonted functions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy stale ; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an attack of the disease in one who has never had it before. ‘Fhirdlv: The system, during the administration of the Improv- ed Vooie Mixtore, springs op at once under its benign inflyence, and gives forth an earnest of re- turning health and vigor. Fourth!y: Prodvoing more or less effect on the buwels, the cause of the disease passes off in the way mos: strongly indicated by nature. Wifthly: Its effects on ihe system are aniformly mild and safe, as well as efficient, 8nd it is as well adapted to the feeblest infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as the must vigorous adalt. Many other consider- inns, of the utmost importance to the anxious } ts and invalids, might be ename-ated here, | the above are a few of the potnts of contras’. in comparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a proper jodgment may be furmed in se- lecting the remedy. N B. With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the ‘* Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixtore,” to effect a lasting cure of Fever and Agge, the Proprietor restores the original guarantee, viz: ‘The money shal! he returned in every case whereir. the remedy has been pnoctually used wilboat producing the desired effect. Address Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, hattles in all. | began to improve with the first | bottle, and while taking the third, was so far re- | covered, aS (0 beable toget about Since which | Hime, by continued use uf it, fam quite restored } and adie to attend to my osual business. ‘To per- eons suffering frum coughs and affections of the lungs, | do earnesily recommend it. (Signed; JAS C SCOTT. Filaabert Catv, N.C , Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint and General Debility —] wes viven up by (wo physicians, and told to pre pire tor death. } was so weak F eould not raise my hand to my bead. # was in this low state whep a friead seottme a hyiileof Dr ‘Vaylor’s Baldtin viverwart, trom 375 Buwerg, and be tored d opthe bottle, | was able to sit up io be” By the fariher use, I have com pletel segained =". GEO WELLs, = 3 & 23 Jobo st. & Violent pain ia the side —I have been cured of a vialcnt pain in thee yxtending throach to the shoulder, tadigestion, Cigziness, toss of ap No 23 North Second Street, Philadel pbia. Sapplies hav@sbeen received by the sole Agent for Salisbary, Cc. “4 P LER. Sept $3, 1842— MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, AVING porehased Mr. 'T. R. Hoghes’ in- terest in the Gbove Establishment, tenders his segvices fo the Travelling Pobliec. Having for several gears been engaged in keeping PRIVATE*ENTERTAINMENT, bat Mount Mourne, io Iredell county, t.e indolges fe bop@tbat be bas experience enoegh in the duties @ his bosinesg.to endeavor to render com tortagie, all who bestow upon his house their pa we OB. WHEE petite, and general debility, by she use of 1 dat tles of Dr Taylut’s Balsam of Liverwort, from $75 Bowery. J FH Alien, oo Na? Merchani’s Row. For gale a1 the Drug Store of © B Wheeler, Salisbary. march 4, 1818—1iy32 25 REWARD. ANAWAY from the sebscriber on the 9th of Febraary last, my negro fellow HENRY, hejte abous $2 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 12 inch es high, dark comp!-xion, slender made, talks fast, and is very plaosible in conversation. Hen ry bas a wifé at R.J. West's, 10 Davidson co. ; | tr _ Bis ‘TRGB sWiatl always be well and plenii fully supplied with every thing the country af- fords, to please and satisfy the palate eren of an epicure. Has BAR will be found fernished with a choice selection of Liquors. Hs STABLES shall be constantly attended by faithful and attentive hostlers and supplied | with abundant provender | N.B Te Stage Office is kept at the Mansivn House. HIRAM TF. SLOAN. Charlotie, Febroary 4, 1848—6m28 4 Messrs John Haske & Soo. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, N. C. Alexander Anderson, Jobn McRae, John Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davie, George W. Brown, Salisbury, NW C. &. 5. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct 1, 1842—1t10 DR. D. JAYNE’S FAVWELY WEDICINES. PEVHESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre- pared for family ase, and have acqoired 4n unprecedented populerity throogkout the Upiied States; and as they are 80 admirably calexfated to preserve Health and core Disease, nofamils should aver be withoutthem. The proprietor of these valaable preparations received bis educa- tion at one of the best medical Colleges io the United States, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he bas had ample opportunities of acquir ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and :he remedies best calcnlated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valoable remedy for Cough. Colds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup Hooping Cough Bronchitis. Acute Rheuma tism Pain inthe Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs ot Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs J ayne’s Hair Tonite For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, and which «ill positively bring in few Hairon Bald Heads,and prevent its fall- ing out or tarning Gray. JAYWWS TORIC VERIMIPUSE, A pleasant, safe,and certain preparation for the removal of Worms Dyspepsia, Sour Stém ach Fever and Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite, and af diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhea Dyeentery, Cholie. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus. and all derange.erts of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections. &c. Jayne's Sanative Pilis, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints. Fe. vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases ut the Skin &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Porgative Medicine is seqoired. The above medicines are for sale, wholesale or ' retail, at the Salisbary Medical and Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. Sept S, 1842—1y6 ‘Rew. Dr. Bartholomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy for Cooghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain io the Breast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult Expectoration. §tc#For sale atthe Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbory. march 4, 1848—1 5382 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has jost received a fresh sop— i ply of his genuine Improved Tonie Mizture, which is fur sale wholesale and retai', at he Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, N C. Dee 10—1120 - Br. Liws Galbanum Machine Spread 8 ME RSMEDY - Bg AGUE AND BieLID a 2S.—There isno remedy a cea ‘professional or domestic praciice, so absolutely, immediately, and permanently efficacions in this prevalent aad wbstinate malady, as MOFFAT S celebrated and long lished LIFE PILLS and PHOENIX BITTERS. Extraordinary and renowned as are their effects npon diseases any human means ved in more than ten ré an instance io which they have failed, or reasonably can fail, when ta keo ia strriet accordahce: with the directions here subdjoined, and which are also given in JWOF- FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa maritan. Bat to ensure invariable saccess, these mest be rigidly followed. FEVER and AGUE, in alll its four leading species, is pecoliar PERIOMICAL administrawon of a proper remedy, in connective with the spe— cifie powers of one of the ingredients in his med- icines, is the secret of his invariable triampb, while all other practitioners either entirely. fail or only temporarily sacceed, were with ihe very bes' remedies that were known. ANETUS, or Agoe is either Quotidiam, or daily; Terlian, or third-dad ; an, or fourth day ; Eratic, or somefimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and fhen renning into in- termitient fever of a more maligoant character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious and unaccountable il may appear, that each and allof these species of Ague,have a FOUR- TEESTH DAY cRisis, in which they may be cured with certainty, but dy neglecting which they ean only be cared’ by chance. Dr. Mar- Pat's directions fur taking the medicines in this disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of the Lire Prius at bed time, and next morning oefore breakfast a full wine glass of the Puwmix Bitters io about the same quantity of water, aod half a wine glass more in a full wine glass of water, aboat half an hoor before each meal daring the day. On the second sight take theee pills aod the bitters as before ; on the thitd night four pills and the bitters as before, and con tinue taking four pills every night for three nights more, with the bitters during the day.— On or before the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hungty, aod hearty, bat he must ne— vertheless csttinue to take the bitters as before prescribed, anti! aod on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day.— He wil then, and not aatil then, with positive and (nvariable certainty, be permanently cured, axd not only of Fever and Ague bot of whatever oillious and liver affections it may have superin— duced or even in any way connected. Tf, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or an- due confidence in restured health, omit to take the Phenix Bitters in the fall quantities pre- ascribed, at leas: three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat mast not be blamed if the disease should retaro, and the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another coarse of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, he will be so thoroughly cured, that he may bid defiance to the disease, however aohealthy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him.— For children ba: ween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to,infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the biiters only will alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- ioal “ LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect ly (riomphant in the worst regions of the Svutn. ero and Western country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than tbe sepply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well fornished, and will make ev. ery effort to§ send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous— ly grateful testimonials are received at the pro- prietor’s office 10 New York, by every meil io incredible nombers, to the absolute efficacy~ of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Ague, other iotermitent fevers, liver add billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive fanctions generally, bat also in chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fola, piles, worms, scorvy, and a host of other complaints, for the care of which, these Veget- able Life “Medicines are so pre-eminently re- nowned tbhroughoot the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal ondermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the pablic to the absolute ascen deocy of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others, He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating ia their operations, require nbitber confinement nor ch of diet, and have acquir- ed the reputation they hsve long possessed, not by the nsual artificial efforts. bat solely by their invaziable and extensive osefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbory Medical Drog Store, by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. SC A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on band and for sale at Hamp- tonville, Sarry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—146 Arrevadls. is often gi Marsh missmata,or the stagnant water, is the most frequent e eRe of this lamest an Ws great iarities is its susceptibility of a tenewal from ve. ry slight canges, such as from thee prevalence an easterly wiod—even withoat ——. the original exciting can Ia this, Fever and Agoe differs from most o evers; asitis wel known, that after an ordinary fever has once oc- curred, and.been removed, the person affected is not so liable to a fresh attack ae one «ho wasno so affected, ‘These circamstances render it ex- tremely difficult to effect a permanent cure of the time being ts'a very easy task. Dr. Moffat's Life Pills.and Phenix Bitters have been ihoronghly tested,.and proved to be a positive and Radical cure of Fever and Ague. Handreds of lis fellow citizens in the West have voluntarily come forward to assure Dr. ioffal, thatahe Life Medicines are the only medicices that will thoroughly effect a removal of this most tedioos and disagreeable disease. Others who havo emigrated to that rich. and promising portion of our conniry —meo who went out fail of hope, and confident of winning a eom- petence from the loxariance of the soil ; or who carried to the outpests of our settlements the mer- cantsle or mechanical experience won in the either retarned witb shattered constitutions and depressed spirits, or they remain io their new homes, draggiog cut 8 weary life, or at last sink ander some disease to which they are predisposed by that terror of the West, Fever and Ague — Vheir hopes are blagted their business energies destroyed—1their Eldorado becomes a desert, and the word of promise, made ‘o their ear, is broken to the hope. ‘To these individuals, Dr. Moffat would'say— ‘Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet an- ticipate your most sanguine expectations, for they will certainly restoré you tohealth.” Fever and Ague is a complaint which requires to be met at its first approach, and combaited at every stage. Seldom fata] of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, so tbat upon the’ mapifestation of dis- ease, Nature’ is onable, unassisted to resist the inroad? The Life “edicines,-when taken strict ly according to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and streogth For fall particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. “gc The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury. Oct 22, 1842 —1y1$ gf A supply of the above invaluable WE DICINES aie for sale a#t James Cross Rvads, Iredell county, by A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Heatth. 7 { Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed 80.) BCP Gentle Reader: If you would avert from you the sickness, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al! around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus~ pended, is ever ready to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it will cost you little, wili nei- ther infringe upon your occupations or amuse— ments, and all the facalties ef your mind and body will be as much bettered by'it as to repay you ten fold. { ask only one week's trial! tocun vince the most sceptical. In the first place, discard all old errors anu prejodices from your mind, especially the old adage, ‘‘ If yoo are passing well, do nol attempt to better yourself; it is tbe saying of ignor- ance and saperstition—of those who attriboted all they saw around them to chance and fortune, instead of nature’s aniversal laws. Has not man, led on by experience, learned to guard himself against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then shoald be not, io fair weather, guard himself as gainst (he storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross fuod ; and it is your nature to con- tinue to doso Yoo are well at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within voo; and if yoo da not sizicily guard your health while you are well, yoo are continually in danger of painful and protracted confinements, and io some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in, this world. Even the porest fountain of which we drink —does it not require cleaning? A person may imagine he 1s in perfect health, and yet not know to what perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I bave un- doubted proofs of this fact in the unbounded sac, cessof the LIFE MEDICINES LetAhose wko have followed the motto, ‘When you are even moderately well, throw physic to the dogs’ call opon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position — The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance that bas come to my knowledge is most gratifying: Those who are in comps talive good bealth* nay perfect their happ'pess with ho in convenience; and those unfortpnaies who are laid low by disease of almost any description, may find sare relief in those purely vegetable preparations. They operate gently but power? fally apanfthe secretions of the body, aad ¢leanse the blood of all vitiated homors, separating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and impurities—and leaving behind only what is good ard noarishing to natare. Reader, consider and reflect well. The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within oargelves, in our own physical bodies My advice to all, then, is, guard your health If you are. well, perhaps you mat be stil] better—and you may always avoid being sitk by a jedicious nse of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. §<> Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills aod Phoenix Fever and Agte, though to relieve the patient A@ | crowded cities or towns of the older sta‘es, have fand all other Auricalar C manicing, ie fh. Ag FOR CHRONIC AND OTHER Disp M7 HETHER produc 6d ' internal morbid bY bie, Matiers » ni ftom the a C.. OF (in fom aS Specified in the Pai old disorders ; Slomel, bark, &e., ot life, colebiated for fe apocde ty Mt td . or ils speedy Gonorhees and Gleet Yund perlee Tetagng Gotp Ming Batsam, for Aff-ctions, Colds, &e . Aromatic Exrracr, a jin; tion, Coldness in the stomach, Ne iim Weakness, in the limbs, Rheomatieg Dervrative Powper, (6; Bites’ s Headache, Diseases of the Eyes one to be taken in the Restorer, Japan OintNENT, for Piles, Which j applied besides the Restorer, meu Bencat Ointment, for Terr Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, E and fuul alcers, ; glerer, Universar or Srrexcr tor diseases of ihesChest, ory Kheumatism, Palsy, > Dr. Kvuat’s Acovst er, Rin UPTIONS of iby : : ead. 13 lo 2€ applied besides ibe) HERING Pp Dyspepsia, Inde Paralysig, be, c ob fur om plai ar be ased together with the Resions Which jg §— Dr, Kahl’s Pampblet “Trearnen, entered according to Aci of Congress fall Directions for the use of the ahove o ed medicines, and accompanies every Rew’ From the South Western Virgin; 11, 1848. Gunian of DR. KUHL’S MEDICINES We have for some time, intended a commendatory notice of these invaluati, eines, bat bave been prevented be the other matters from doing so We have fy last, five or six years, been quite familiar effects both by experience and Obeer a tign, afflicted every where. Our opinion is eu, it was when, we first used these medicice, they are superior to any we have ever The Doctor, himself, was with os a fey this week, and from cases stated to 08, we ion, that they are superior to all other meds The efficacy of Dr Kuhl's remedies jy (reataotent of extraordinary cages is alos cedenied, aod the year 1842 was rich of , tant cores, two of which alove onr space permit us to notice al this time. MrA Sy of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, last Spn his eyes. He used numerous prescription other medicines, but to no benefit fn May he procured the Restorer, Gold mine Balsagy Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fodge, Bj Covington, Va.—took the ‘wo first moticing ternally as directed in Dr Kuh!'s Pampble, and some times over the eyes and by this ment he has his eye-sight so far recovered, he can read both priot and writing. Ifa explicit statement should be desired, s letig recited to A Fadge, Clerk C Coort, willrg satisfactory evidence of ihe above, A lady of Bedford coonty, Va , was ly 17 years afflicted with the [ver Coma treated with Calomel, took cold on tt, asd taken with coatraetion and lameness, Se the whole time. a great number of pr of Phgsicians of eminence, and every medy that was recommended for her use, insiestd fording relief, had a tendency rather to age the disease. Shesank from year to year, a digestive organs were so deranged thal nll agreed with her. Fo Avgost. 1942. the pal had not been out of her bed in five years, when removed by nthers—so nervoas thal versation or walking #n the room prodoced most disagreeable effects apon the beed ; her eral feeling very bad, sour siomech, &e § had no intention to nse mare medicines, bal king a dase of the Gold Mine Balsam wit much benefit that in one hoor ahe felt dein; then commenced a regular conrse of Dr k medicines. She took a dose of the Rese the morning and one at night, anditmo das the Gold Mine Balkeam between meals limbs were rubbed .two or three times 4 def the Aromatic Ixiract, and this tieaimen! given soch a happy result, thar she is n0# to walk aboot—the nervous affections Lat her, her digestive organs are moch impntt, he: general feelings good. She is moh! end her complexion quite fresh, which bs tonished every one that was »cquainied #! long standing disease. We bave omilld name of thia lady, bat if any particolars § be desired, we refer to Dr Kuhl's eget, Otter Bridge, Bedford county, Va. We have particalarised these cass ™ much to speak of the great value of Dr ¥ medicines, as to inform the afiiicted bet may be relieved. The treatment hss he ticed, so tbat others may know that or? course they may also obtain that whl? ® coore desirable than riches. , BCP Persons wishing to procore ny medicines, will please direct (hei! orders, the amount, (post paid.) to Dre. Kuuu’s Oprice. Ricwuoxp, '™ or to any of the following 46° NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, _ Homphrey’s & Gaitber, Lesing' _ 3: & BR. Sloan, Greensdorongh Dr N. Stith, Raleich, M.J A. Drake, Ashborovg!. 3 F & U Phifer, Concord. B. Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Linesinion. x James J. Horne, Pii'sboroeg?. S. Perry, Kernersville, Srokes Xai James Brannoek, Watertoo, OF Brannock & Waller, Wee ’ Ke, Whig, ’ "I ha have no hesitancy in recommending then i been mare strongly coafirmed in ovr formers ry suddenly taken witb a total blindness wis the Universal Plaster be applied io the tepaal ingham counfy. R W Lawson. Vancoyrifie, James*R CallomAMilion, South Caroline. — Vorkriv® no doobdt be is lutkibg in that quarter, where he imewell known. ‘I'eo dollars will be paid for the delivery ofemaid negro fellow in the Salisbury Jeil, or to Mr Samnel Reeves, Salisbury, and fifteen doltars for the conviction of any while Bitters, are for sale by CRESS & BOGE Salisbury, Oct 29 1842—1y14 Strengthening Plasters ! TWNHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ha- ving the preference of all others, are warm- 4 ly recommended by all doctors as invaluable for Wedicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES. and SPIRITS for medica! purposes Indians, R, 2 4 SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES Agents AND | | BC A supply cf the above Invaloable UE~ 7 persons of harboring said slave ~~ R. MACNAMARA Rowan co. march 11, 1843 —1f33 GROCERIES!! PILES 2 PILES! couniry, that he has receive 'a new and splen ‘did sopply of Confectionaries and Groceries, coo R. ROUECHE, respectfolly informs the @ citizens of Salisbury and the sorrounding linvalids having pains ia the Breast, Back or side. Weakness and Lameness sre relieved at once by their ase and the parts restored io sirength and a natoral warmth and bealth. Any person wearing one of these Plasters, will be as. tonished and delighted at the eomfort it affords, Hoock's and) Swaim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brashes, ( andles. Fancy and ‘Common Sosp, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, In stromenis, Matches, Paper and many other ar i ftielés, just reeeived and fut sale at prices to suit DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roa¢s, Iredell county. by A..C. mcINTOSH. Agent. SALISBURY FACTORY, Steele, Ganning & Co. McLare, Brawley & Co. The continuation of the fist of Dr. K ’s Pamphlet. NOTICE.—Patients 20d “a ot North Carolina, and Soath * OB will please direct their orders ‘0 HAYS’ LINIDIENT 11 sisting otc kintsot al a her EVA, PILES -Vhe'price of thie celebraied | WINES AND LIQUORS Linimen: ts retondedto aoy. person who of ‘be very best quality, such as Madeira, Port will ase a herite of Hays Lioiment for the Pies | Teneriffe, Champagne, Monreal, Claret, and and. ceiore the empif do'tie without being cured Malsga, Wines, Freach Brandy, Holland Gin, ‘ne above have been ‘he terms on which this | Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials, it has beet sold for nearly ten years past, Lem -ns, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Ovsiers, a mo, gre hotile at of one hundred has ever | Sugar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, MadJer aoe vetot 4. BoP Kor sale a! the Waichme@a | ludige, and various ether articles too tedions to been cabot CB Wheeler, Salianury 5 J & R| mention, which | will sell as chesp for cash as See an ewor ; Hittebaro’, D Heartt; Lex- hey can be bonght at anv other Establishment caaine, P Mabry ; Raleigb,r 9 Diith. in Salishury F.R. ROURCHE. ° maich 4, 1843 —1)32 fice, Raleigh, NW C., avd thos "gia North sod Bast of it, 10 R > 5: Acgust 6, 1843—152 fresh supply Jayne's inva)nable Family ceived and for ~ WHEE Urh. Salisbory, Dee 10—1f20 FS GOUNTY COURT wal i first rate paper Printe@ on “he Office % Those threatened with Lang Oocmplainte shoold never trast themselves a Paaesenap weating a Plaster. ht removes the teritation’ of incipient Consumption from the the body, and drawaolf the HE Sobscriber having gone to Virginia with , colds. | Bs view of ning 6€¥eral weeks, reqnesis Children with Whooping € ' T. id to him by Note or otheri pe. settling on on James Lz Coahe, cel settle pr aplec So in Liver C and have one, to prevent the lungs. Their exeelience will be anderstoed by} Atay Court GEO. B. DOUGLAS. __April 1, 1848—1f allon tria. (> For saleby © B Wheeler, Job Printing neatly done here: FSAIS Establishment is now in completeope- ration, ‘The Compaoy are manofactoring COTTON YARN, Shirling, Sheeting and Osneburg, of a superior quality, which they offer to the pablic a the lowest market prices. 5, Pieces aod others, who will examine qualities, and com- pare prices, will find it to their interest to pur~ chase. J RHQDES BROW) Salisbory, Jone 4, sank t ished . of Dt Jedicio® Selisbury ; Greensboru’. by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, bs D Hearts; Lexington, J P Mabry. Relelgh, Dr Sith. match 4, 1848—15S2 | jngaion, .. march 4, 1843—1)j 02 Agent. aa 2 ———— ————e CN Lyatcs es Neimay beresfier be had ean advance, ap lage deilurs 20% el end of Ure year. fa 1e . ry Weill be receiv ed far a less time ojess paid again advagec. i ceantinated (ht ai The eption.« ogrreerrges are paid. shy et ; pi ses = s, 3h <> ig prail : 3 on ao pr aADYERTISING, . oo aes : ar sqnare fut, ihe first inseral eaci! cai mngnees— ecaMe 2 Aad 4 } Bm P % » | <7 ‘ ' = . > on ‘ a <> ? > Pia PAO % ‘ — * ’ ae. - > 5 . 4 “2% . ia Coe. Sas . Se ew? | ‘i> gee CAMS OF ty" ye . a will be charged 25 per Chip high- 1 PO’ . i 4 he ere ra'e3. . sata seth Of OOF POT cent il be made to siete gcertisads 0 FERC ger cements FHT be confinned -ontil n genre fe ~ \" 2 yeang tor accordingly, onless urdeg- ys a raner of Temes ear cary alt essed 16 ihe Jiditer must rs y pard woe site atiention. y t “ ——- <== SS ~ a yan Hotel, Raye <= a * + . | ? ‘ rane : t THE SUBSCRIBER norehased that well known andy , established Poblic Flouse, (snerrn | . namne ot Slavgbter's ‘Tavero,). in ihe af SalisvUTY» W- C., informs bis Friends plic generally, thatthe same is now not Travellers & Boarders. Ban wiil be sopphed with 1nd surrounding cunniry af- bg VING / jon - qn? pe Po he recepity 4 for ’ nd yg TABLE 2NG xg 0S he market ie STABLES spactons, and bountifylly sup- 4 gith grainand provender, ofall kinds, at- pg faiihful and attentive Os! lers. Tre pndersigned pledges himself that no ex og on bis wartshall be wanting to give gen— vpisfactioa to all who may favor him with «4 JAMES L. COWAN. ZF Sept. 11, 1840: if7 Ghishury. Sepl. bee “0 WILL GO BALD! grid ge 8 Bolm of Columbia for the Heir 20M Comstock w Co —I[tg positive qvali- ies are as fullows 2— Est For infants, keap- vige bead free from seorf, and causing a lax- sof kair.—2d For ladies after chil vy restoring the skin to its nataral strength sfrmaest, and preventing the falling oat of yire—od For any person recovering from pdedility the same effect is prodaced, 4th wed in iafancy Wiha good growth is started, sp be preserved bY attention to the latest pe- {of lite oth It frees the bead from dand- gihens the roots, impatis health and mio the circulation, and prevents the hair : nging color or getting gray —6ih It autifuliy when dune op woe growtt ! ” J f siren oa cba poseg ibe hair to cor! be prover night. No ladies toilet shonld ever be made withoat il, =» Children who have by any means con— aaed vermin in the head, are immediately and pclec!ly cared of them by its use. [1 is intalli- f had been bald abont five years——-no more hair sihe topof my head than on the back of my dmy head covered with a thick scarf, uation about the 10th of Angast last, sing the Balm of Colambia, from Com- wk & Co. Since which, J] have used two and half bottles of the Balm, which has fully re- wed my hair, and treed my head entirely from yi My head i3 now eovered with fine, flaw phoag hair—which any one may see by calling seat Stamford, Cunnecticat. Vor 12, 1840 D S SCOFIELD. Conterfaits ara ahrea@—lovk always for the sme of Comstuek & Co. Por sale at the Watchman Office, and by C Weceler, Salisbury, Dr Stith. Raleigh, D ait! Hil'sboro’ ; J & R-Sloan, Greevaboro ; J abry, Lexingtog, much 4, ISAS — 1982 ped, an this 8 joan 0 Br. Brandceth’s p teh PABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Svooorys NG Oct. 1849—1f14 Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad -wment, and if you wish relief for yonr ma ‘paladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B. HRELER, Ageot. Siiscorgy, Dee 10 lo run AFFLICTED.—The ssrber has jist received a large and fresh iy ot D: Moffatt's Life Medicine. Call & relief C B WHEELER, Agent. Sosburv, Dee 1O—1129 PRICES CURRENT AT Sanispury, April 29. 1{20 Cents. Cents. y 5 a 5) | Cotton Yarn. 90 y.ap. 30085 | Molasses, 35 8 40 — peach, 40 a 55 Nails, 6a7 ‘ier, 103 124 | Oats, 15 a 20 bestax, 272828, Pork, $3 ‘ion, clean 5$ a6 | Sugar, br. 8a10 Loffee, Yall loaf, 15a 18 sen 25 | Salt, sack, $3} "avers, 20825 | Tallow, 7 €3ia 41) Tobacco, 81220 veel, 50455 | Tow-Linen, 12a 16 -oerlb, Bad] Wheat, bush 75 seed Oil, pre Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal 90 $1] Wool.(clean) 25 Faverrevinus, April 12. tech 40.245 | Molasses, 25 25 1 35 a 40} Nails,cot, 53 a6 5a 6 | Sugarbrown, 64859 25a 27 | Lomp, 14 e 10492! baal, 15a 18 %y 4sa6 , Sait, 40 a 60 “Varn, 14a18 | Sack, $24 43350 Tobaceoteal 2a 24 .ELE t4a te T Cotton bag an S82 80) Bale rope, Sa tO \ 61h agot | Wheat new 75280 jluss Wa 25 | Whiskey 25a 30 : 9354 °° Wosl, 1X4 ald Currnaw, April 19, 1933° . 3ya 4} Nas cut assor.6 48 bet Leon 1 Tailoring “Mstablishment ! > oy reeset —— rw. _ Be -P. ALSOBROOK; : 4 ~ (Bate of the City of Raleigh, ) HAVE located myself tr the Town of: _ Salisbury, (permsnently ,) and intend car- rying on my BUSINESS jn a atyle.dot to be sorpassed ip this Stete oy ont of it, My Eetab— , (dinbment is ip, thé room om. fhe corner of the Mavision Hotel, formerly oecumed as the Past- Office. | have employed the best of Northérn Workmen, No expense or pains will ve spaced | do sender thig a Fashionable * Establishment ! ia all respects. Gentlemen, therefote, may rely on having their clothes made np io the most fashionable and durable maoner, I have been engaged regularly in cotting for the tast five years, and pari of the tiroe, in some of the most celebrated establishmenteia the Soathern cotrn— iry. I shall not hesitate to gaarantee every. thiag to fit P eut and ‘make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS, receiveo monthy. In conclusion, should! be en- conraged, no one neéd send away to précuregood clothing. ‘ A. P. ALSOBROOK. Reference —Thos. M, Oliver; Raleigh, N.C. Salisbury, Janoary 21, 1845 —} 926 \ WORMS! WORTWS!! Startling Facts. rfurdreds of children and adolts are Jost year- ly with worms, when some other causa has been sopposed to be the true one. hk ia admitted by atl doctors that scarce &@ man, woman or child exists but what are sooner or later troubled with worms. and in bana, ws of cases, sad to relate, 2 supposed fever, seatiat 43, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers Worms! and these conld have been eradicated in a day, by-the ase of a bottle of Kolmsioek's Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dollar! How sickening the thoogb! that these things should be—and who can ever forgive themselves for not trying this Worm Eaterminator, wheo they know that even If the cage was not worms, this remedy coald not by any possibility do burt —bot always qodd a3 @ pargative—tlot the dis- ease be what it may. [low important then to tn do without it? a brate, ask themselves this question iu trath and soberness. Mr JC Ringold had a ebild very sick for near two weeks, and attended by e physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was given, and next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of 3 widow woman, living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a month, till near a skeleton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ho- mane lady, who called to provide for the family, sent immediately for Kolmstock's Vermifoge, which bronght sway great qvantities of worms for two or three days, and the child crew better atonce, and regsined its full strengib in less than a month, Several children tn a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frighifol extent, an! were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of the best familirs in the neighbor- hood of St. John’s “ark, i! bas been extensively ased, from the circamstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very eXxiensire- ly known in that part of the city A family in New Jersey saved several children by the use of it. One,a girl of eight gears of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before ihe Vermifuge was given. The nexi day three large worms. were dislodged. and she lett off the Vermifoge, when she became again worse, and had resurt to the Vermifuge that finally brongh) away an incrediole quantily of worms,and the core was complete, and she gvired fier healit. rapidly A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks, withont being anle ta restore ba: one oat of tha seven to health Pe had the liberality fo sead for Kolmetock’s Ver- mifoge, and cored tho rest witb it in fess than @ week. Numerons cases of other complaints were sap posed to exist, and the persons treated for fever, ered the trae cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an ionamerable quantivy af worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despatch. Instances of this kind might be cited to an immense exient, bat it is oseless, one trial for 23 cents will show any one with aston- ishment the certain effects of this Verm:foge. Cantion —Neyer bug this artic'e onless it bave © Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifuge” handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the ‘fac simile of Comstock & Co. Azenis—C B Wheeler, Salisbary; J & R SInan, Greensboro’; D Heartt. Hillsboro’ ; JP Mabry, Lexing'on ; Dr Siith, Raleigh, March 4, 1813—1532 REMOVAL! f BVILE suliseribers would respectfully announce to the poolic, that they fave removed their Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet ton HManwutactory, One door above George W. Browa& Co, and oppos:'e ‘Ehos. 1. Gowan's Brick Row, where they, are befler preparéd,to accommodate aad ex- ecate all.orders io their tine on short notice, and in the very best style. ; Also, consian tly on hang, 3 choice supply of “Plain sed. Japan Pio Waare, Britanoia Ware, Bathing Tabs, Stills. Sc. Hee ee OLIN D. BROWN. & Co. » Salishory, Jan 21, 1943 —1/26 © a ee ns ee —— We aa > bi 5h a 6 wrought 16 @ 48 et =. 12 a: 15. | Oals bnshel- 309 8F ‘ mx 2% 225} Oil- gal 75a $l Prd 20-622 damp $1 25 . optib- 10a 12; Tiftseed 1402 1 25 ‘ieely Tihs 4] Pork 100fhs 54 #6 mi 42 6%! Rice 100lbs 405 wre bref Sy; Suqar lh 8. a1 ~wht ghoka Bel Salt sack — $FIZE ae TF aad bagh $100 os 52 6h} Steel Amer. 10a 00° Sa .836, English ~ 14 rates 30 9 28 German) 12.914 oy 124 | Tea inipe SE 0137 : Weatly printed avi for’ sale at this’ Office of the homan family—while in truth they die ox | use it, and who will dare take the responsibility Let every parent thal ig not | &e., bat finally a tria} of this Vermituge discov. { A. C McINTOSH, Agent nr : ——_——— a DAVED L- POOL, ; JAKES this wetbod of B informing his friends, and the poblic, that be is still cgrfyipg on the Watch ‘and Cloek making, afid Re- pairing business. at hig old. stand, rear the Courthouse “py. bim will be warranted for He stil) keeps on hand 2. smal All work. done twelve months, assorimept of y. oe Old Gald aod Siler taken in exchange for CoA “Jd. §. Johnsion, , ATTORNEY AND GOUNSEELOR AT LAW. > “gabISBURY, NV. C. Salisbory,; Jan..7, 1845—1f24 5 ‘ ; | pelted? ~"Fheee quest She has a right t> consult her own sefety’; but, at she same time, she” witst’ tskeé care patio violsie the rights of otbérs*—She | may se any precsutions dretated by the | ptedence or fears-of her officers. eilter ts | to delay or the progress or course of her voysge ; but.she'is: nor af hberty to “yafiet injuries upon other fonoeent partios, simply bersuse of conjectural das gers. 2m Bat, ifthe vessb! thus approached stlempts t6-avoid thie Wessél approsebing;'or does nat ‘comply with fer commenderé order to send him her papers for bis ettion, nor ‘con- ‘sent io be visited, canta, stan 1s nex! tobe donet Is force to be wed, and, if | force be used,,aiey that force be tewfully re- | 160s lead af once to! the elemental principle, the essence of th Bris claim. Soppoye”the werent ree- 4 i ty made Known is opin the ‘world lay Cowa befdrehand sny rate! for the governments of ceses of jnvalontyry | trespasses, dotensio excopt thet, ip beib reason make & commited through miseke. and tpynsies | coarmitied by des Lote trues hataget | tiled to fair en4, just.compenssiion, the-lot- | ter demandiaz exemplary deaisges; end | sometimes persons) panisiment: © Fhe Gov- | erndient Of the United Stetesthes trequent- | repests, that the. precuce merican vesse tion, bowever guarded by instruc bowever cantiously + xéressed, necessarily | teads 10 sefions inconvenience and injury The amoont of loss cennrt be siwsys we he bad nasoonet. discovered (hap ‘. 7 .+* 1s the end tome 2?” On beingeassared Ut had ns, and injories at B68 5! not, be replied, * 4 thongbt was, by g: losses cf cases, law. and | they had furg 4 di8 saint aliogether-— rookly. distinerion Between injeries News . ; De fon, whiely Ht now | They fave po body t ertice of deteiping A- | mend ibeir eothes. Is, Fvhjeet to jist’ compense- | js nobody to meke them Sage tes; Cunseqnues! | tiens,.or | they drop off. he ings sh, and ro —' Ma,’ syd 2 young lady where- abetite shalt} fiod the Slate of Matrimony’ Om gareplied the motbers*you will fod thai 19 oneo tre United Slates.’ Ord bachelors. do not Jive so Jong asolhermrn. o darn their stuckings a» ‘They eateh co!d, and thie + Why is a thief parened |.ke 8 fashion: = ble tady? Becanse shyre’s a d——tcf a gycertained. Comyensanor, if it be adc~ bustle behind him. e 4 e oahies vee aS eke : a - : “See thal lhe GCateramient 2 dacs not aoguinetoo much ee . . [Sting bas iil: “ upon alt your Ruléns.~ Do this, 8D LuseTy igp4res Beamon : He ~~ ane bt thee a lk hes TER a ee Y UES ro MS Se ae wish, ther ore ta pales Soe ee —--———-- Yl at *. "t “tabes » ee 2 8 2 gh JO. ‘560, . . te ‘Svoid BW vccksion for thei te “ ‘ ‘ wom ~ - a On the « eS er = - : « + eae penile z= a ———— ti Cie nn the Government of Vie stig af e . “a ee aes, ; i Wes 7 2 Lripht eer wes Me deg St) Br oe an _ | df. sisiz or search, 2 ie gran: ———— MEN ee ee pate tM oh ERAN . sla: (From @ late Foreign Journ ral} %% 4-4 a; ae . ‘pat adayt that ty “ihe law and pr “ : v oo THER OWER PEARY & ooh daael, Gage | Bations there tasee. ouch thing as e tight of 3 : {e _ By Fedwgig’S.Oscoop, ~~” [does Boog! dhe ighlo!seaioh. 1. veg wot admit that * Hay son 2 bright sau bappy child. abe ) snp 45s ot benee Amerighn mercha0i, sestela by Briush WilLeateh oar 1 tone: Pin® : = the béhs uaa take drake WANSes. righl, aotwiibstandiag Aad giad to have a frolic wild, of visit Exists rovietence Var ike Biker’ a ¢ ouch TORT ie ts Buit- ws 4 Math utr mirth wiih ber own. that wr afded i 4260 oi ae eer: rex, Wen, OF jese- B canhot but'see EP AIRING tf os RT beet, Uae eT se ee Oe ema Band acer: Mea ate 1 ENUE Subseri sh hig BP Sige | seid to Anos once<* Good night, that penalt a vessel and “cargo. “Is ' — — ciaisdgs, Vine “atready led 16 i ubscriber respeetfolly informs.bis old My ptecious Mignionete y "> > tna : yx a other penaliy, to be" Nees; iid it. fears shat, if comtinded, it wae Ral eae tbe Rable goneraly et be Aad she raplied..with quick deli ti es tadty ta Vien Th time jenn tead Av pa aenees, highly in- in “Gg j a . hn Le ‘ 5 Comin Jai sos snoaisng eas |: "evan ny Vitel min? (ivory te Gr ante |Saet e byilding, in the house of Dr. Burns’ formerly Ih ttied agaia—* Good night, my Bink, mander of the ctuitef, of ome of bid teat ‘1 (be same time, -the Government of the owned-by Joo. 1. Shaver and just below J. & W.Y My Jessamine, my Laurel on ‘ med, be killed. @het 4 ms bid tee Pee Sse Fer) admits that its flag cao give iney mS ; She pressed fier lip—* I cinnet think_2 wilh haee week committed ? sats ob pid 40 er hie ae (0 any other than ition to the shove,” the subscriber wil} Oh, yes! good night, my Sorrel! oe fest; to Behalf of the cn = ne be tt wes 2 m Ambticag veise]s; end carry. on the Silver Smith Business in, all the pee eee, 5 HS Higer, that he tivdhed ee OP the €FU-" § neon eiesion tycet —. Wholeease, with « Varieties common in country towns: sneh as Once more I speke in pleased-sarprise- : *véesel for a-vésse} tha Sen 0: tDestsoth of these sentiments, making Spuons, &e. d air i he i are of Eagtsad, Brazil, or Port . Crack futly assumed ibe dutic Q ‘ a Wiree puons, &c., god repairing Sitve Ps Good sight my liule.Fux glove ;” this enimake-of hia ute ugal ; but does} in the Treaty of Washington, in cs faced a H ; et ) answered me wiih laughing. eyes—- ee . e awa from - the} 7 of diffic ’ ppe. that 16 begs 'o assare hig. papi that if panctual “ Good night, my pjeceot Box, dove |” Amorigah vésse! ihe night of seif—defenee: #4 might be altogether rem ee aed of dlirense atféntion to business, and skillful work will en- The wrirers of authority dechata ae LPctreis aight de temoved, and (bat the (wo. title him to patronage and sepport, he will mer I though: to tire her baby brain, principle of patitaltaw, that che’ gewttogs ct curabetand an > Mees dah de it. But no, she'd not give ap; se) f- defencé @xii a3 am . uaffic which a i Suppression of x ; AARON WOOLWORTH. ‘Good oigbt, my Rose 5* she taugh'd again— t mistakeartbe’ mete etn aie alta tab i pivilization ae: {Gard ass Yeptoech upow the Nov. 18—116 * Goud mgt, my Buttercup!’ hou te oni pests ite a for ipa principa) of hom mie ta ce war with: every . 4 a 4g to ass¥i ’ ia The Go > - ristian seniimetnt _p =* Sherman's But little versed in Flosa's lere Lord Abetdeen cannot fail 1o sed, thete~ | Mtetest nor. ie it AK hb ar States Lge.po e Pilevicates Fa! ore ngs Is Anna; yelan hoor, - fore, what ectious consequence eo might en | OPitions, which ahold lead it owt. nilhbons's . ‘ re yr: She racked her infant brain for more, sie, if « were tote adimuted thactbis-cleiim {168 of the just aathor ity and “ 6 gfe “fa , Are‘the test MEDICINE Sin Ute World| — And gave me flower lor flower. to visit Th tiaie of peace, tiawarée “Irmied | Me Fowets, Bui in the ae eiahite vobiet ie FING thecheepest and mos! pleasap!.— or defined, stiould be ‘petmited'to exist a3 a ensertaios, and io the mensites whieh j aN x ; no w- Wea t} F : @, “BO ‘permited to exist as3 Poet © menrGtes whieh i\ bas a— The. wedical Facaliy warmly approve them Ty at least, shesighed oat, while strict matter vf fi {arate bei ‘os dopted,; f bias been goversed sufely by j Dr. Sherman ig ¢ akilful snd experienced Phy- Lv valedlned _onlinginpirtend right, i moat be fat i for. if it exist 88 a | desire 40 Suppdtt those principles sod (hous give sician. and’ e wnember of the Medical Society o ir a ard tanta gad ates amile— duties snd Ghiieett owed by corresponding | tices whinb- it betleves.iv be-sonformedle iu pob- New York. shinlidie dnioaivcarerstal fulfil those Solite Goats ators? rate Ng 7 alg Pearce mowers gees Enribsny Sherman’s C 7 e 5 eliek 4 Ayes et: Phew wttite Phe pact: . oust. Lozengses,| pightof Visitationcr Searely |. propeteapeed eit: Bh. WE Ste Beek Foe eae Uegregs, with.s :remerbab'e Are the Gafest, sorest, and mas} effectual remedy) oe egy . woald become, ia truth, little Jess, or Tittle | “°@Se Of coanimisy, bate made express provis- for Coughe, Colds, Consamption, Wbooping ur readers will recollect that the Great | other, than the belligerent rigtt of seatch ions for carrying into eBeet the 6ih article of ibe Congh, Asthma, Tighiness of the Longs or | Western brought a remarkable debatern the| ‘Hf visit, or visitation, be-nat accompa ied ipa Aleta seks pee wil) enie=dia Chest, §c- British Parliament on the above subject, in | OY search. it will be, in most re ieee a Mo gon ctieaedss Sie i be Ter ‘24 shales 7 : : . ; pect 5 Pf bor tt re . Peelers Racing preieantiag a _ | which surprise wos expressed at the ground i A sight of papers aay be’demsatied, | tions and copies wit te febuieead agree Brine ‘ sorter nie en seaming mei [ hen in the Presidents Meamges andl rage ant unutecsay ta pte [tei etal Seemed . . re ieees | over 1,400,000 cases and never known to feil, | though any right of search at sea was dis-/| and difl ore corey falen em Ci tm eA Gisich soncursoace el thé two: w erent sete of papers. A-search for | VOTnments, to the mode agreed on i “‘BHERMAN’S CANPHIOR LOZENGES tinctly disclaimed, the right to visil wav es| other papers then must’ be..made, where mofé effectual than aopefforis yet. wade rorvie Give immediate relief in nervous or eick Jtead- distinctly asserted. The Weshington pe- | S0epicion jusufes it, or else the whole pro re Set ofthe slevetrede = ® -“ echo, ualyiece of phat Lomnest of Spir- | pers bring us a letter from Mr. Webster to ceeding would be nugetory to stspicious and, deere ising thao’ Aberdeen ies "Deapndeney, Fainting, Gppreson 7" # afr, vere, our Shinisar at London, dat@d| of ine erew efa tmnong ine meereral mets | on es wagons map © , ea, Las crew 4A) A | es ' sitade, or a sense of fatigne. ms lsuely: se: the eOsh: tite, aehtal may Oe) tepiay the national charactor of tha saan, Epeanp Everng ea pra mn rf Shermas’s Fever and Ague Lozenges eee of the Message, and contrivertiog Tho cargo on board, also, often . indicstes | ; a a a” ; . Are the most oetiain remedy for this distressing those of the British government. The let- | the conatry from whieb she conves~-Her{. We select the fllowing, as abott the best a complaint, ever uitered to the American pablic.— | ter 53 very able, and takes high ground— | !0g-beok, showing the previous, course and} thing Fecebtly coming pode Our notice fo” 10 * 3 Io the immense nasmber of cases in whieh they | lesving the impression on the mind that the events of her voyage, her interasl -fitmeni, | style of. German.nuvel wiki » Ae a = 5 have been used, they Jrave never been known to . . end equipment, are ell evidences for -b i: ’ ‘ ® e 4 fail, subject may yet leed to difficulty between against her on her sUeaplivae of ob er, OF} ~ * A certain count, who; io ordér to, raise the” 4 Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. he wo connsries, an erguing at length | —These wiaiers, it is Svmus. sen pat pir manrbas sisttied Us nergomen. pe — - - Diarrhesa or longeness of the bowels, so com- | (hat there 18 po eilieronce between seerch | ascertained by rigorous search deoly wailed “hie diaholieg! | Sica ° ’ i L , ppon bs his diabo! ) mon and trooslesome during the eummer months, | and visit, and that the United Sistesdeny | kh may be seked—-if e-vesse! may. not be fOr” 28 on his aie deg i Aa may now be entirely prevented by @ proper O86 | i468 rebt. in tt at if ; y. ©) * Come, we must be off! The Co of these Lozenges’ ‘Ibey are preparet express | gat, me peace, of any foreign | celled on to show her papers, why dows she} much tertiGed. 0 4 s70thi ' unt appeared ly tur that parpose, and can be relied om with | vessel to do cither, Mr. Webster continoes : eercy papers? No doubt she maybe call-_| tation -he said—> Our igieeeent * " for forty perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange- [Fay Observer. ed on to show ber papers; bat the question} gears , bai twenty bave elapsed ; Geos } in mest of the bowels shunld never be withuat then. . . ° is, where, when, snd by whom? Not in|‘ Yes,’ said the guest. in a det : aa Theg afford immediate relief from »!hthe attend But withos! pressing further these ingul- |} ume cf pedee, on the bigh seas; wheré her ged sort of 4 tose: ‘ Grant erin oe ant gripings, faintness, depression. §c. ries into di to wae, = eT ch of uel righte ere eqaal to the rights of apy ol “No.” ‘A day?’ *Nof ‘Then’ a ‘the oO, ° ntions, and the usee of words, | proceed to! vessel, aad where pone , Jouht, ‘ you sée this caddle— it j peniiasin 5 Catharte Lozenges draw your attention to the thing itself, and | tes: her. The se pi 4 tee 4 ya per it ie-burning ore eraser ra Are as pleasan! and eagily taken a8 the commen | to consider what these acta sre which the} of war, t ‘ oe tle.a eapiisl cigat to.regale you. Will peppermints; and are an active and efficien' | British Government inrists its cruisers bove we Re aetiorea pat wbea visit~ | sprre me sil this candle 19 burned 001 ?, ‘ Yes,’ ed hy bell: t medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, ’ gerevt cruisers ; and, in both | said the guest. ‘Very well,’ d : and are the best cathartic ever used fur bilious aright to perform, and to whet ennsequen- peace and war, to show her national chag- | blo out the Pete! d and nalting iene ersons. NWherean active medicine is required ces they natursily snd receesarily lead. | ecter, end the lawfulness of her voyo in | pocket‘ ihen { an spu; "os ns p q , : . nees OF A yege in spug enough !' So saying they are notonly the best, bat the safest that can | A® eminent member of the House of Com- | those ports of other countries. to which he-teft (be aparinient by; anothes door. The per- be administered, mone thas states the British claim, and lie} she may proceed for purposés-of trade. ton io black got up, his whole frame tremdling Sherman's Strengthening PLASTER, statement is acquiesced in snd sdopted by ht eppeers to the Government of. thé with anger; aod bis eyes seiptyliating with lurid The best of all plastera for Rheamatism, Lum | the first Minister of the Crowa : Aiied Stites. thet tbe sieat cl tks ates earKaOtY one oi gen Hie docked witbal re- : loale F ; : ; 2 : ‘ : : ably sneaking, and vani hago, Pato ov bY eakness in the Back, J.oins, Theelsim of this cocntry ts for the right | subject which is (he*most netosally ts- thander ! pished with a clap of The above medicine ia for este, wholesale or ° opr eroreets 0 eer whejher 8 mer- | ken, is elso the most legal, aad most 1. retail, at the Saliabary Medical Drag Siore, by chant vegsel 18 jastly entitled fo the protec—; snalogy with other cases. British cruisers | ; A Lesson for Young Men.— 4 correspondent C.B WHEELER, Agent, von of the flsg which she may happen to have a right to detain Britiehomerchanimen inferdi-oe thet he waggurgnzinted some thing Salishurv, N.C, #4 hase hoisted—such vessel] being in circum-= | for certain parposes {and ¥ bavea right iforty] seare age sat " young men, a!! then Sept 3, 1342—196 . stances which tender ber lable to the i. stein "| eee o-mechsnical ‘trades, whe bearded Pt 4 -Ay6 on eg sl er ber ae 8 td ate 4 acquired by trealy, to detein merchant ves— | togethet at a boarding hoase in Marray etreet. Dr. .Woffat's Ivectable Lite. ci " ‘ she Pia no ha e \o t | sels of several other -netrons for: the same | Each of them was poor, having no means bat .Wedicines | protec eu of the flag; and, secondly, 1!) purposes, But they heve-no rights al} to} the seanty allowances of appreotices, which bare: OSSESS cnalities of the most mild and be- | Bet entitled to. ehe was, either onder the | detsin en Ametican merchant veespl. ‘This, | 'y sufficed to pay their board and providg bem” P neBicial natore. ‘They srecomposed of ar- | law of notions of the pravierons of treaties,| Jord Aberdeen sdavitg in the fulles: with workicg apparel ; eo that ow Sanday, ticled the: oat anti-patrescent, eonihined: wilt | subject ‘6 the supervision and contro} uf oor! manner. Any detention of an. American mhes imentigeie men — holy day suits in ingredients known as the only certain antidote | cruisers. a vesse] by @ British cruiser is therefore a: “psp ees caitateacn tee” el for fevers uf every description. When the dis Now the question is, by what means is| Wrong, & trespass, although it maz be done | af] of them were honest, industrioos,aod prudgnt ; ® ease is prodnced either aa cold, obstrection, | this ascertainment (o be effected 2?” | under the belief tht she goss British ves+| and, as lime wears on, one of them bis a . bad air, seampy and ap Brustiens. oF pore As we understand the general and ertiled | sel, or thet she belonged a nation which} been Mayor of Georgetown@& C., the second ? ats, ets ne teastinaes i gl yg dig rules of poblie Jaw in respect to ships of | bad conceded the tight of euch detention Mayorof Newark, N. J., thd the third is Robe >, operations of effecl’ They are posseesed of pe- war sailing under the satbority oftheir Gov-| the Briti¢h cruisers; afd the trespass, | °" Smith, who, we trost, will vefyacon be May- “= « calige qualities, which notooly expel s!l disease, ernment‘ taarrest pirates and otherpatlic of. | theretntg, ea involumtsry trespass. If 0 ead Paes York 4 Sectiszeng ete Sr the but atihe same time reajpte and invigorate the | fenders,’ there is no reason why they may | shop of war, in thick weather, or in the rewards of OC ee Theda though = - eystem When first taker into the etomach, ‘not spproach any vessels deseried at sea, | darkness of night, fire upon aod sink a neu- ee Esc . they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor | for the pcrpose of ascertaining their reai| tral vesse! onder the belief that che is en A Love Disp ule-—A youn iglow bythe throngs ener? pere, producing cers once characters. Sucha right of epprosch secms enemy’s eessel this is 3 trespiss—® mere | name of Wisely, seiidtadpoome biyese cout Weat! . Sa ab legine a eo tie, 0 Srechaie | indispensable for the far and disereet exer. | 100g, and cannot be Said lo be an act done jim a fit of jegluusy, recently attempted to stab.9- tangaid ond ke. ‘coli parelized, hive ail: | cise of ther suthornty; end the use of it onder any right, eccompmoicd resfionsi— iporher by ie nsmeof Touwell, |i seeme the nines abe found to sive & tone ta the nerves, ex- cannot he.justiy deemed indicetive of any bility for daaeges. So ff officer on } Fours lady who-caused the digpute,was : hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate ihe bedy, design to ingult’ or injure those they ep- pong * hae promoss " Sgeinet, One individ- had sir pasa ites oan Todi” and re-animaie the Whole man. _ | Praach, or to impede them in their lawful) Cal. and through mistake errest spother.| pose enaebill, a Scutelr poet Sos oe aathion The Life Medicines have also been osed with | commerce. On the other hand, tt is a¢ this artes! is wholly tortious. No one ok canail live effigrs _ ‘oes the most banpy success in Nerv-us and Dys- | slear thet o> ship is, coder such cirevm would think of sayicg it was dene onder oo a“ =. # é . Ant ake vor tone Asthma, fae" stances, bound to lie by or waitthe ap-| ay lewfol exereise of euthosity, sabjeet prvi, ‘said a . Gomptet Sheers isin, {chronic and inflama-{ och ef any othersbip. She is at full fit-/ only to responsibility, er (hat tt was any Fa gobstos thomas ens an ee . pop Call at Cress & Boora’s, Agents. erty to pursue her voyage in her own way, | bal # mere trespass, though an onintentiona! Made woman's ionguetthe longest. « Sairsbary, Oct 22, 1842— 1913 and to use ell neresséry precsviions to s- | trespass. lhe municipal lew does not un- i—_ void any ensperted sinister enterprise oF dettake to lsy dowa beforehand any role} «On oor way to aur office this morning, we ° | BCPA sopply of she above Invaloable ME- | hostile attack. ~ Her righrto the {réeuse’ of | fur the government of such .ceses, and 28| ere sorprised to bear cries proceecing as (rome, - pa al are fi sale at James’ Cross Reads, | the ocean is as perfect ae that of any other. mee io are coh of the Maser\apont at Sines ganared a wrath avers Ir county, by ; ; xi t ated Ststespottoes the” fic law FABSreS, anc H 18s wae CS * y An evtire equality is preeamed to exist. 8, the’ public te covered dixeing fof daylight Jeomla eBMar, “hie 5 Woney System. or, “re Rater 88 we do, th _remefhs of the present Secresary of State, 1 the Senate of Ns United «States, (while op- posing the sub-Trassnry Bill,) dpon the eb- surdiiy of attempting to carry on all the 1mm rcial coneerns of the country by merns of hard moneys, We recur to the. subject now, from having net in @ salasble Eagish publication of i at vear, with an article bearing eech rong resemblance to Me Wesstsr's re- rks, ond exposing so fally 24 powerful- ite Felly of the ides of bemng able to tren- ct ex easive business by mere metalic ex- tas ges, as to indore us to.meke room for he insertion of both in our columns, We bold the condition of things in this ettry to he euch asgan never admit.of 3 congh remedy without the existence of @ secured, sefe corrency, of cqaat-and ere 5t recervsbahity and value, conse ng cer, redeemable in gold and silver on and; and we seer look to seen eor- having thes» qualities, aniess if be , Which shall corry with it the stamp and action of the Goverament «This ss.0ur jvdgment, the result of thirty years? expe- pe vee, ie: What: ver is «fered tothe whole ¢onntry. andintended to recommend seself ee curten cy to every cigzen, must have aboat it en *Sordor of nationshts,” as was said, with os much trib as felictte, by Mr Wepster on another occas: -n.— Nat. Intelligencer. Extract from Mr. Wenster’s- Speech, Marci 32, 1888. ** As'to an exclasive metallic currency ar the A‘minetrapon, on this point, is reg- ularly Jenue-faced.” Out doors and among ine peovle it shows itself * all clinguant, all ta gold.” There, every thing is to be hars Money—DNo paper rage—no delusive credits, 10 bank monopolhles—no trust in peper of eny kind, But, in the Tressary Depart- ment and in ihe Honsee of Congress we see another aspect(—s mixed eaopesrance, partly gol’ and partiy paper—go'd for Government rod paper for the people, The small voice which is heard here, allows the absntute ne- rexsity of paper of some eor!, and to some extent; while the ehoute ia the eommunity ‘omand the destraction of all banks, snd the fine! extermination of all peper circulation. ‘To the people, the tion roars against paper money tn sll the loudness and terror ‘f his nsfnral vote®; ‘bul to members of Congress he.is mogewiscreet ; lestthe shonid frighien thera ant of their wite, he here ree. ‘rans aod moduletes, end roare ‘sas gently ae any sucking dove. or, as it were, any nightingale? ‘The impracticability of an exclusive metallic carrency, the abeurdity ‘f attempting any ench thing ina country ke this, is so manifest, that nobody here Jertakes to eupport it by sng reasoning rergoment. All that is said in its favor 19 ° general denuncistior of paper, boisterous tery against the banke, end declamation ycinet existing institutions, full of sound 4 fury, egoifying nothing. ‘* Sir, the moment any one considers it: sees how ridiculous any such attempt adobe. An exclusive metallic circufa- wtor the second commercial connte on rot. in tne ometeenth century! Sir) vou $ hi as well propose to abolish comm: rece ‘ ey (her. Vie currency of Engtond os estimated tie melons sterling 3 and it ‘s Mr. Me. noes eslealation that aif tris curreney vr allgold. allowiag only one quarter of ecerceut. for wear of metals. the annoal vse attending such a currency would ieee milhons end a qoarter a year, or tiv five per cent upon the whole, With is charge would be much greater, The of capital would he mare, owing to the cher tates of inverest ; and, besides all, ‘ig is the cost of transportation, which, tn * country so extensi¥e as ours, would be > st and not easily calenlated. ss rare, proportionally, arore specie shi regusite in England, because onr sysiem of exchange, by means of bills of xchange, is at present, and would be, un- ver such &@ system ag is proposed, much leas * perfect and convenient than that of England. Besides, the Enghich metallic circulation is ‘nosy gald: gold. being in Englend the s‘andatd metal, With us silver and gold wh ave made standards, ata fixed relation - ondaf we should sneceed to keep this rela. On fo true 88 to preserve both of the ore- clous m tala among os, (which, indeed, is ‘tvery Probable.) ourteiculation would be I} more expensive and eombrous, fram ive quactity of silver whieh st would con- in The si'verin ihe world 19 estimated ov he fifty times as much as-the gold an a- mount, avd consequently something more ‘anthree times invvelae, © Tf both shonld ryrealete therefore «quails WM proporthen io volae, the carency would be'three parts er!- ver and one gold. ‘Now, sir, the annual expense ofsuch a errevufation, upon the basis of Mr. McCol— toe! snnust expenditure made for our army and ove asey. Consider, sir, the amount of ac- toal dvile payments made in the country. L is difficult lo estimate it, and quite impos- eible to sseertaapit with ang accuracy, Rat ¥e ean form some notion of ut by the daily oporatl of payments io tbe banks in some Jo times of prosperous bosi- cass and commerce the darly emount of psy- meas m the benks of New York stone hes Whether we elt thts a tenth, a twentieth, or « fiftieth «| of al] the psymente énd sreetipts meade e tty ta the country, weseeto what en eg- . And | held for the county of Iredell, ait wt ibe cities ‘Leen cg rel to eight millione. g fe resalt the whole would rise. wis ti peassihle Phateoch emovuni of re- cand parmant coutd be performed by | rtsel passing of gold and sileer from teh ud ¢ sock notions, sir, bardly reqaire serious | ober con! a ; millions, whielr is in the eame proportion as £20 oa men who turos over ina year £6,000. the rate of forty millions 2 year ; end it we! We should } “a estimate, would exceed the whole were to stiempt to garry op lis wittr his petty casi only. x “Tthss been given in evidence before s committee of the Hovse of Commons tha: no less 8 sum than one@wthoesand millioos annually is exchanged by twenty eight onl» of the principal Losdon bankers, st the Clearing-room, end all the gold and silver wanted to effect this enor mous exchange 18 -about £20 a day. Here i is petty cesh in- devd ! ‘* As it i@ withthe individual so 11 13 with the nation, which is simply # number of in- dividosls ; and that the coin of the county is merely itg petty cash will he peyabie when we learn from Mr. Jacob (who wrote of the precious metals) thet the whole a- mount of earn is only thirty millions, to car- ry on trading transactions tha: nu:t emouat to many thousand millions. How many thaveend millions it wonid be impassible to sav, but a guess msy be hozeried. ‘* We lisve it io evidence that twenty- eight hanks only exchange bilis end checks representing sles (independent of their transactions over the coonter, and transfers from one account to another, when two par- ties bank at the esme honse) to the amoont annuelly of £1,600,900,000. Noe, take into eccount the transartions of these twen- tv eight berks over the covnter ; those of fifty-two cther bankers in London > those of the Bank of England, (forshe bees clear- Ing-room of ber own .) those of the Stock Eschange sud Share Market; the operations of ell the shopkeepers and merchante; the datly expenditure of two millions of indi- iduala for food ; and you will not have less in Lendon alone, sonusiiy, than a further amount of exchanges of £2,000,000 000 Take the rest of the empire at a guess (and very rough one it must be for want of da- te) to have the same amonat of transactions as the metropolis, £3.000,000,000—ioral, 6,000.000 000. ‘We have a total of mx thovsand mill- ions carried en with a petty cash of thirty 6 “We have imported farcign prodece a! only take into our calebletion the let teen ty years, this would come to eight hondred milhona ; aod the gold coin in the country, or rather our petty cash, being within five millions ag much now as it ever wae, i shows that the foreigners cau only bave been paid by having taken our goodsin bar- ter for theirs, “ { ’ Bot it fs said they wil! postively take no more than they have done ; that If we take ten mi'lions more from them of carn, sugar, ot coffee, they will have gold for it. If 80, Sieting-rished fellaw. Monday [o8t, ‘wauld aad eur readers must be satisfied with the | imperfect cketch we shall be able to present } from recollection. The Administrstion—the Benk—Tariff — Distridvtion—-limifation of . Execgtive Hopies pon which he dwelt, He spoke.ol the pen briberyend cotrmption now ptac- tived end more shamelessir avowed by the sdministratinn in the distrbation of the pat- ronsge of the Gove-nment, with the se- knowledged snd bossted purpose of secar- ing to the support of the Adminisiretinn one of the great parties of the country. -Mr. Tyler had tried one and fonnd it clad io the armor of trath and jnstice—trne to itself sod the cnuntry—impregnahle to al! eessulis, either upod rg virtue or its patriot- ism—neither to be awed by the frowns, nor seduced by the promises of power. Foiled in this, he @as now exeriing all the vast patronage of his office to bug up the Dom. ocratic party to bis support. Mr Cisy thooght that, however unprineipled teeders might be disposed to bargesin and harter ow-y their principles for the sake of office, (he great mass of the party would scorn the tfMforte mede to bribe them He said: “that he hed no hesitation to express his opinion, as en humble and privste citizen. that no mon. who had ang feelings of self respect or honor or painotism, could take or hold shy office the tenure of which depended on the President’s will, subject to the de- grading and d:sgracefut conditions which were imposed opon tts poseresion ; and that it woold be the bounden duty of the next President elected, be he Whig or D mocrat, to purify the pabhe service by promptly discerding all sueh conteminsted jocum- beots. knew there were some, now in office, disdained to submit to any euch conditions, end they ought, and he doubted not would receive juet end full consideration, aod be judged according to ther capacity, honesty snd Gielity to their country.” lle hoped tbero were many, he who diegracefol In connection with this subject of Gov- ernment patronage, Mr. Clay took occasion | {0 speat of the fact, that, for the past filleen | ¢ yeare, the Whigs had been elmost ontirels excluded from all participation ia the bon ors and emoluments of office. He said, ‘thatin bis opimion, if » Whig President should be elected, 1t would be bis impere- ive duty to do ample j»stice, in the admin- stration of the public petronege, to the great Whig party of the conntry—what he verily beheved for years had embraced a majority of the people of the United States That party, Tor opwards of fourteen years | past, with the exception of one month. been systematically proscribed and exclud- bad one stock of petty césh would be in great danger; for, being cnly thirty millions, in ‘hree years it would de all pone and the whole coontry must she; np shop « Bot is not this conclusion absurd 2? Un. | der a free system every article finds its lew. el in price, and so does gold. If we have too litle petty cash to carry on our trade, | PAarnothercoontry has too much. we can give a higher price for it, and back it comes. | “ht follows, then, that for every quarter of wheat we take from the foreigners, they | must take our goods in return; and that | the more wa take from them the more they | musi take from us, and thereby give work to the un mplayed, orders tothe metchante, t perity to all.” Ready. Made i | R SALE. 9 BVHE Subscriber will keep constantly on hand 8 a supply of aay made Carriages from the well known Manafactory at Yanceyville, consisting of COACHEKS, BAROUCHES, snd BUGGIES, which he will warrant to be equal, if ‘not superior, to any made in the Nurth- ern States, for beauty and durability The subscriber reepecifulty solicits a shere of | public patronage. He may always be funnd a: the stand formerly owned by Joho J. Shaver, WM OVERMAN, Agent, Por \Wyatr Wacxer Salisbury, April 22, 1842 ~60$2 N. B. pifingwdone tn the best strle. + Ww. O. : ed from all public employments. | from on | held | mate, and perpetuate proscription. Not only ginal appointments. bot when they office, they bsve been hurled out to make way, ofien for unworthy persons, of opposite pelrtics. / how pursviog this practice that he is dis- | Miesing men whom he putin, not only @ith out charge, witnont fault, without | clea of trial And so far is Mr Toler any & e- » Out with # full knowledge thet ithe duties of their offices have beeo dili- gently honestly and faithfully exeented, and potting back in their places men whom he had himself dinmisced ! Livery coneid- eration of equality, of «quity and of jus- tice demands, said Mr. Clay. tbat the most fall and complete reonration of the injoties enante from the empty wareboure, and pros. | 4000 to the Whig party should be hereafier | °® Comfdence in the justice and saccess of the made. Nor would that be Proseription, Jt would be the severest rebuke of proscrip- tion. On the contrary, to continue in office men who bad been put there by the dis- mission of other and better men, for pouti- cal reasons, would beta sanction. consum- But if ‘could be regarded aos prosenption, who isto be justly reproached with beginning proseription in this country ?” “No man felt more profoundly than he did the evils which were hkely to grow out of stroggies for the prize of Government, with the distribution of all its honors and oflices exclusively confined to the success- fol party, He doubted whether ovr evstem could long e-dure the consequences of such struggles. But he boped that e remedy would be hereafter found, either in the| emenJment of tho Constitution or the Law, to guard against these evils.”’ Mr. Clay entered a: some length into the Instory of the efforts of the Whigs, during the Extra Session, to restore the currency of the country in the establishment of a Netions! Bink. Theress one eitcomstance comnecied with that history that has been generally lees understood, and more grossly sstate of Porth Carolina. : IREDELL COUNTY. ! | Cosrt of Pleas and Quarier Sessions, Term, i845. Christena Lentz, : ts David. Lenz, John Lents, Heary Leniz, Law son Ligyfe sed Wife E.limbeth, Consud “Miller and Wife Sussaunah. Alezander Miller & Wife Chrisiena, James Heaiheock and Wife Mary Ann, Joel Kitoble aod Wife Sally, Caroline Lentz: Site Renz, Eli Lentz, William A hreoiz and Rachel f.eo'z. Petition-filed for Dower. T appestiag ta the satisfaction of the Conrt, that Simeon Lentz, one of abe Detendsnis in thts cise, fe not ae inhabitant of ibie Stare: hi ig therefore, ordered by the Conrt, that pobdliestion be made in the Carotine Watchmen for six weeks notifyiog the seid Simeon Len‘ Y, to appear at the next Guart of Piéas and Q rarter Sopsens to be he Canrthonse in Statesville, on ibe Sd monday in Slay nex, (hea and there to answer, plesd to or demer to srid Petitiun, oF judgment pro eonfesso will be ‘taken asto liom, and 2 writ of Duver ordered ' aceordiog!¢. ‘Pes, : J.P. ALEXAND SR icee mae! 25, 13949 -6wS5—Primieis Jee $3 50 Fedraary misrerresented than sny other. We refer to the 16D seetton of the seeond Benk Bill its character and the cause of its adoption. | Thee was explained by Mr. Clay in a clear, |locid and entrely eatisfactory manner. The section Heelf reads thns: “And the eid directors may also estab— | lish one or more competent officers of dis- | count and denosite im any tesritary or deg- | triet of the U.8., and in any State, with | the essent of such Stale; and when estab— | lished, the said office or offices shall not be | removed or withdrawn by the ead directors | Prior to the expiration of the ebstter, withs pan the previous assent of Congress: Pro. ; Vided, in fespect to any Siste which shall ; not, at the ficst session of the Legislature |thereof beld afier the pasesge of this act, by resolution or other nsuat hegislative pre. ceeding, tncondiinnally assent or dissent ‘to the establishment of soch office or offices | within it, the sesent of the setd Siste shall thereafier be presumed ; and provided. ne- j t { } verthelese ¢ tha: whenever if shall beeome| Fi necessary and proper (ur earryiog into ex. ceutron any of the powers granted in the Constitation, t estab!hieb an office ar offices 10 ane of the States whatever, and the es- {iahfishment whereof shatl be directed by law, it hall be the duty ef the ssid direc- power, sod the Bankrupt Lew. were the | ae the eetaldighatent of tbe Renk—tbe privi- lege of branching mse 2 matter entirely dis- noct sod might be conferred, subject to eny restrictions npon the Durectore Congress might see fit to impose, end these restric trons could. aol, by any. fair conetfuction. be undersicod as 8 concession on the part of Ci » Or an . J of ttgenn- the secon; Mr. C. effirmed, rendered” the mitter beyond all dispute thet Congress, so fer from yielding ar even seemme to yield ie constiational power to establish branches im the several States, exprosely asserted the power to exist snd declered its in- lenucn to exercise it whenever it might become, in the words of the Constitution, “necessary end proper for carrying into ex ection any of the powers granted to Con- gress” be that instrument. : The charter, in this form, was not sach es he himself or the mesa of the Whigs, would have preferred, but they regarded. it a8 a question of expediency and nol 96.9 matter of principle, and as the Bill eou!d only be pssssed by retaining this featose, the great body of the Whigs were willing to yield this minor consideration for: the eske of seevring the passege of the Bill end furnishing to the country 9 sound end uni- form currency Upor. the questions of the Pariff, snd the Distribunon of the proceeds of the Public Leods, Mr C. eonclusively showed thetthe Whigs in Corgress bad done every thing (bat could be expected of them. They hed succeeded 19 passing © Tatiff which, while it affords sufficient revenue to meet the wents of aa economics) edminisiration of the Gov- ernment sf the same time fernishes edequate incidental protection to Américen Industry. The Whigs hed beea censured for the clause which was attsched to the Distribution Bill as originally passed, providing that whenev- er the rate of duties shou'd exceed 20 per cent. the distribution should be suspended. In this way only could the Bill have pessed at thet time, end believing that, in the ed— justment of the Tariff, would not be ne- cesgary to exceed that rate. or thatif itshould, the pasiponing clausa might be afterwards epesied, the Whigs, rather than lose: the Bill entirely, geve a reloctant consent to its introduction At the next session tbat classe was rspesied, and the Distribution law strip. | ped of all clogs or impediments, which would prevent its free and full exercise, but Mr. Tyler interposed his veto and thwarted Con- gress in thie measure. The rapid and elarming increase of exec- ulive power, and the means proposed for restricting i!, were ebly and eloquently trea- ted of, and a conviction of the necessity of @ limitation of the vo power, we believe, wes fastened opon every anprejudiced mind. A more finished, conclusive, irresistable ar gument vpon any subject we have never listened to. In conclusion Mr. Clay made an eloqnent ap- peal to the Whigs to stand firm in defence of their principles, and deetared his sincere end un wavering e@onfidence in the success of those principles jn the apptoeching contest. And as (het patriot voice, which bee lost none of its ricb fulness and sweet melody —and that has soofien rallied the drooping @pirits of his desponding comrades, and nerved their arms to decds of dar ing valor—fell upon the ear, it sent s thrill of jov and hope through ¢< very brecst, and ewaken ed in each heart new hopes and nev resolves for the futare. Each Whig backled on his ermoor closer and felt his strength re invigorated, end e:use in which he battled greatly increased. May the same spirit animate our friends every where, and mey continued, and uninterrapted health end buppiness be vouchssfed to the gal- lant chief, upon whom the hopes of Whig Amer- ica are now centered, antil the consumaretior of that victory, which will essoredly crown the ef- fagis of the Whig party in 1844. Wore Wonders. We find that many romors are a@oat in thie} city in relation to an articls that sppeers in the Cincinnati Son of Monday. So many inguries are made of ur in regard to it that we are in- dared to publish it. Our readers can of course decide as welles we whether to regard the ec- count ses hoax per ted by the editor of the Son. an imposition on the part of the pilot of the Wa. Penn, the strange hallucination of a dream~ er or madman, or @ ifue stalément of en acioal epperrance. fn these days, when the terrors of Millerism ere 60 extensively abroud, thousands of imaginations are ready to. convert every phenom enon of earth aod sky into a stpernatara! appart- tion. We hardly need speak of the absnrdity of sup- posing that soch a sight as is spoken of below was aciually seen by @ single individoal, when there are handreds of persons in the commoni- ty abroad at all hours of the night none of whom observed it — Louisville Journal. Full partleuiars of the wonderful sights seen by the Pilot of the Wm. Penn in the sky on | Thursday night. Mareh 21.—On Satorday after | Mr. Frances, Pilot of the Wm. Penn steamboat, @ pecket that rons between this city and Rising Son, Indiana, called personally at onr office to | give us the full particulars of the wonderful sight seen by him on the night above mentioned, fol— ly impressed with the eglempity of the sobject, and the awfnl responsibility of telling anything of this nature bot what rs strictly trae. “Mr. Frances informed os that he is ® member of the church, and aseured os, in the mos solemn, manner, that whathe was about 16 relate was troth, and he is ready to convince apy gentle— man or lady that will coll opon him. He states that ae the Penn was.on her trip to this eity, when between Rising Sun ahd Aorera, aboot If or 12 o'clock P. M., he was steering the boat.along, it being % star bright night, ex- cepting 2 few cloads in the west, low down, ; When of a cadden a light burst forth, the sehole face of ihe earth appeating to be ht ®p, which 00 blinded him that it wag @ith Gifficeliy he fonld vee anything, ever the mast pear obifeer: Is first impression was that in lightened very ‘Sbarply, bot iis continuing eonvinced him that it musi he something else, which be rould nat ac- ¢oant for ‘The eap:ain of the Pene, James Prsigthan. wae sitting in the eabin a: the tre With three or foor eandies ; he saw the bghi ' 4 diligently aet at the aide wf. the* pitos Areas | then he saw the os. of & sep Abosks ‘Straight; the ) ‘ joa fies bright ced,. deep aig, mained stationaty. in the staré, “Sir waiched Yfor two or hréa mitiates, when the Ps e 7 Coos (ail part disappeared the smilddle; and the remainder io a gtadeal mane: formed 44.10 a distinct Roman” he Leal aor "; og E < “ the rivet, end delitetate upon the beauty ard grandeor of aletierin thesky! i wes remark- avly interesting to him ee may well be soppased, from the aveorary of its formation, Afler-svout one minuie and a half, be watehing it ond tbe boat alternately, it changed, turning trie a dis- : ae tint. as perfect a5 was ever seen, ic which position it rema'ned ts before, Mr, F stated that he was greatly suprised at this, but not scared or fright ened in theteast, and immediately tapped the bell for the Captgin to witness ithe scene. The. Captain did not come immediately, but ere this, the. Pasre ie the beavens had changed to a plain distint Yeuer D The Captain said to Mr. F. “What's wani- ing?’ a here quick,’ seid Mr. F,.‘and loot up yonder ; did you ever see the-tike?’ The Cepiain answered : ‘I ese it’ and looked at it 113).i1 disappeared. it fotmed 2 kind of ablong shepe,.and thou came Straight on one side 28 @ D shouldbe, Wher it diseppeareé it. turned into the seme ob long shape es-befote, and gredually, te sky re- torned to its originel eppears s Mr Pranceg stetes that he did not leave the wheel of the boat bat'steered if to thig city He declares that, let othére think o7 say as they will what he bas related is etrictly true. He 2 no Millerite, neither is be crazy nor frighiened, end if gentlemen or ledies will call upon him he will coovince them. that what he hae told is truth Capt. Pratzman remerked et the time, that it wes something quite inexplicable, and was sorry he did not come to the deck sooner, 60 #8 to have had a full view of this grand, wonderfal, aod on- aceountsble phenomenon. FRESU ARRIVALS ! NEW Fall and Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RE row receiving and opening inthe brick 4 house west of the Court-hoose, their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among hich ere Dry Goods, Hard ware; Cotlér¢, Shoes, Boots, Hats, Bonnets, Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Crockery, Pinte, Dye- stuffs, Medicines. GROCERIES, ROPE AND BAGGING, ind in short, a general assortment of GOODS, @hich we sre determined to sell ag cheap for Cash, es can be booght any where in Concord. We invite old costomers end the public in gen- era! tocall and examine our stock before parchae- ing elsewhere, as we think we can give such bargains as will be great inducement to porches- ers. Coantry prodneataken in exchange for goods. J &R WINECOPFF. Concord, Now 19, 1842—1f17 TRUST SALE LANDS & NEGROES. Y virtus of cundry Deeds of Trost exeen- B ted to as on the 29d day of Jaly 1840, for the purposes therein contajned, we will sel] at the Court—Hoose in Salisbary, on Toesday the 2d day of May. 1843, (it being the Toesday of Rowan County Coort,) one Tract of Lana, containing ahont 282 ACRES, more or less, joining the landsof Robert Macne- mara, Charles Brown, William Chambers, and others. and known as the Craige Land Also, one Tract of Lend on the Soath side of the Yadkin River in Rowan county, whereon Thos. Craige lives, joining the lands of James Craige’s heirs, the heirs of William Cozort sneé Widow of "ease Pinkston and others, containing aboot 673 ACRES , bg more of less. Also, ahnot Terenty LIKELY NFGROI &S, Consisting of Wen. Women, Hoys and Girls, Terms Cash, thovgh they- ma on the day of sale.to 9 credit of ei mle gett a pombe WM. CHAMBERS, Arril 8, 1843 —1<87 Heaters. GARDENS A SONERAL the Salishar OF y be ebanged ERDS} . ? Salishory, BDISSOLDTION. AE Firm of Eltions a solved-on-the ion 2nd matual co nd Row tee Wap die hseat oewitheanding, tan ont to the pesrd, Ranson te Roow jt:e pause, 2nd asked Ar, Fracce: if he j t ° K. ELLIOT, tire ey Fax > se) Fh | Mr F. had {ii fow tb mind fag ehanaél of} Mr. P etates that when the O torned io aD} T j term of this Coort, to be be!d for the « ~— | Ist of Feb. 1848, by limita | 4 Beet ANd Mos! compleie avert brourtt to this Paipted end Satity e¢ri Pleio and cclored, plain for hed. it ee Silk ang Lig and Sitk ding loti mp and fring. one Swiss mest ns and Tanen dr ts end Stocks, ane Mastin eallars 8, Black and white sitk Hose, B,,,; from No. 5 to 9, (Warranted cessing NE : (rimpiegs, Ingrane carpeting and Wai tig, “a lors Patent shears and points, Lawn pie te Braid and Straw bonnets. Panama, Furand wool Hats, Seal, Cloth wd tt Caps, Robinson's fine Kid slips, do Real ait 4edoz. Miles’ fine Philadeiny morocco Boots, 15 cases Gentleman Price and Ladies lined snd bound low Crockery, Hardware, Seddlery ang Sadie of every deveripy 8, 8 large qhantingg 2p.) Wi glase, Patty, al »25 cas Ra eel, a ha ected with wholesale ocd joa The Pablie te te €XemIne for ; JENKINS’ & Bit Salishary, April 22, 184$—I1y89 = Htateo? Porth Caroling DAVIDSON COUNTY IN EQUITY—APRIL TERM, 1543, Joho P. Mabry, 71 vs. } Cicero Lowe. Henry R.! Dosenbory, Adm’rs, and Benjamin F. Williams, | andhis wife Jane. j T appearing to the satisfaction of the ( thet Benjamin F. Williams and Jane wife, defendants tn thie case, live hmits of this State: [1 is therefore or Poblication be made for six successive weeksig the Carolina Watehm:n, for ssid Defendaniey appear aod answer complainents Bill at the nest lonty gf Davidecn, at the Coort Hoase in Laine the Tet monday afier the 4'h monday in Sepiep. ber next, or Judgment pro confesso will DE te tered asto them. Witnese, Wo Wormack, Clerk and Master of said Court at Office, the tat mondap after iky 4ib monday in March, 1848 W. WOMMACK, cure 6839 —Printers fee $5 50 State o€ Porth Carolin DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN EQUITY—APRIL TERM, 134, Martin Nading and} others, | \. Petition forthe sale of Re i a} Estate. ngs, pectfolly. in selves. Origine} Bit), bis beyond te, dered, that vs. Barnet Wyre, and others. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coat that John Michael and Betey lis wife, De fendante in this case. live beyond the limisd this State: It is therefore ordered by the Coo, that publication be made in the Carolina Waic- man, for six sucressive weeks for said Delené- ants to be and epprar at onr next Conr! of Ey ty, to be held for the coonty of Davidson, at ite Court Hovee in Lexington, on the Ist monde afier the 4th monday in September nex!, thet and there to show cance if any they tare. wy the praver of the Petitioners shall not be gran ed, otherwise judgment pro eonfesso as tote will be entered. and the canse heard exparie. Witness, Wo Wommack. Clerk and Masierd eor said Conrt at Office. the 1st monday sie the 4th monday in March. 1843 W. WOMMACK, me. 6«89—Printers fee $5 50 WOTICE. ANAWAY from the suheeriber in Sr coonty, North Carolina, on tbe Is! _ Jecnary last,a Negro Woman, named NA* CY ~ Said girl is about 21 years of se be set, and of common height, 2 igh! mors very smart and qnite intelligent, is 2 good stress, and is a good honse girl, Said gi! 78 tsised in Lineolnion, North Carolina; m1 * that she has obtained free papers, and is (14 to get to some free State, as her colont end eat" Bess wonldsecore hera passage almost (0 Hf place, where she is not known; or she my larking tn the neighborhood of ai anit NC twill give TWENTY. FIVE DU- LARS for her apprehension and eon finer er jail in this State, and FORTY DOLLAk a taken ont of the State and confined an State, and FIFTY DOLLARS for he"? tien in any Court of Justice, of any persons of ha boring said girl, or fornish't * with free papers. JOHN A. CRAVEN April 8 1848— 6w$7 ; avieagtit ‘,* The Ral. Weekly Register mr Ae limes and’forward his account 1o me : c ongh _ =, The beartijeul English Stallion Jnapor? PUZZLE: | wi stand the presen! 5 which bam now c@ - at the stable of Co! Cine » Dowel!, 2 miles north of ee oP; @epontv, Nor'h Carolina. "oil duced. pride-of 425 the sesson. meyer ‘esti the same, atid $35 insurance. He's eet i, ds high, 2 dark b3¥ pe ages PS ot pee OF dw . a jeo a8 8 had ys! "e a d i. Se r e ae ee e Mach #3, 4839 Sas Wor, ROW ZEEE, gg ee 4 x(09 FRERE 18 STAENGTA. , ge vo that there*nresevegal Eaogree- We yee ia this State, in which 4" is pr Pr) Drei be {we of mane Whiz Candidates ‘Toa “Pris ts very wrong; end itis the ¥ ! ry tener Whig (+h acee forbs. Coan ou sey fl himself) (» inmedistely iehe pre ' arerrns gach unb-ppy nigen-. Se a he -pat S: These whe are fot 4jon. : olo who.are not for , blie apinion, are fur themselves, 20d 0 f° ple If any Canthdare te se reck ° gis 'he reer sa of WW hig principles and Wing pd 18! fer himself osll other men, # 43 to prefel hitnse inate and self-wilted as to op- of a majnity vf bis political he is cnworthy to becalled a tue Soh perverse obstinsey end self~ add y ard most destroy anv party but ‘| preserve or givetoil any support: i mes that try men’s principles, and ij soon see Who ere fur (be coentry, mad ae themselves We shall see who will o- Vr i of the many,or who will lend patie to the enemy. and beesme the tools Pe, Loco Moen party, to enable them: te divide - ver as (bev did in the last Eeoistatare, ie have a clear and large m3jori'y a- yaar in No:th Carolina, since before Byreo #98 alecied President, They alwaye wi ihe State when united, and alwags los: it jivided. Men tan only act efficienily ually, by moving in masses. fan o sysiem, no organization, no-anion, pat toon, fooght on his own -hook, when. sod how he pleased, regardless of all oth- ihat army world certainly be routed and de soother of half ite nombare, well or- ‘ad drilled and anited.. Ifany Whig in the dicn had ‘old General Washington, he aot aodmit to the Rales aod Articles of y, dopted for the-sefety and efficiency of the + bat that he would fight on his own honk, Se kaging would have told sech a man he ihe 2 Whig by name. bat he was a Tory at and he most leave the camp and company ne Whigs. Who fought for principle and not ar, No oneman, nor soone Candidate srigh to set his wili up above and aver the aod say, in substance, they shall take ‘gind oobodv else, We blame no one, with inble gaaliGeations, for aspiring to a seat in ess, bot no man should be the judge of his p qualifications, when he offers to become the ee fag others. When there are two or Whig Candidates in any one Distrier. let Whig party bold a Conventian, nominate o them, orany otber individual whom. they ,ond let all others, who are true Whigs, ine and sapport the nominee. Le: all good higs, bke all good trees, be kaown by their iu.—Ral. Reg qe th hom the Halifan (N. C.) Republican ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. We should as far as in our power lies en wage home industry—our own Farmere, jeans, Tailors, Saddlers—and, though y,00' least, the County paper, in prefer— yelo those sta distarce. This is the t policy.—If the Lawyer and the mician, send North for every thing they wl,smply because they can get it > few nis cheaper —in self defence. if the Mer- wal, Farmer, &e., need the services of they should send off for them, and em- ny olbers, in preference to those living a- ogthem. Bot weare opposed to such a iggard policy” in toto ~=We hold it to the duty of all to trade at home, even if nhave to give more for the article—for tingat home, there is a probability of gelling a portion of the money back wi—bot af they send it off there is no wee, Suppose a Farmer sends North wlbis Sugar, Coffee, Iron, &c. can he wnsbly calenlate on selling his produce every men he refuses tn patronize ? | Well on the other hand, supoose the chant, Mechanic. &«., send North or Corn, Bacon, Poultry, and such like lev; can they expect, or even hove that Pormers will buy of them? No! Thea itis clearly our duty to patronize ‘own Parmere, our own Merchants, oer " Mechanics and our own Press, Apart bose noble and generous feelinze that ‘ald stimulate the heart to help our fellow nslong, pohiey, interested motives, should ‘Up osto it So fer as we are concern. ind we speak ourselves alone, euch ar- '* 18 we stand in need of, we had rather Tithome, even if they cost ns double “98 Would have to pay for them else— mi And anless this principle is ingtll- lo the hearts of every one, we cannot het! to be a prosperous or a happy peo- ’ Too long bave our people paid tribute te North—ead a disposition is atill cher- by many, though we are sorry to soy Pend every dollar they get North, io hin '0 spending it st home—where ake . We intend for the future to : wt back upon all such 3 for such as ‘ot encourage those that are worthy “it encouragement, are oot fit to live, — to be countenenced in any com- . of Starvation.—The following al- “credible account of death by starva- flue the Rome, Oneida county, N, | "S, Citizen : : Saturday last a gentledian broaght to . 8° the following heart-resding ac- “ Ao Inehman with his family, some “0ee, took up bis residence in Fior- "'9 Wis county, four or. five miles from a and e mile from sop neighbor. ut \he man waa killed by the felt. . * tee, leaving 2 wife and three sma} Left thos alone, the peor woman ‘0 svstain berself and little or bly, tl winter with ate sevartee a Phe deep snow shut het lite shanty, ond “she 1 le , ann .s SALESBURY; . SATURDAY, APRIL 29, (848. “Republican Whig ‘Pieket ! ) For President of the United States, HENRY CLAY. oF KESTUCEY. FOR CONGRESS, Col. D. M. BARRINGER, OF CABARRUS covsrTy. —_— aoe TEMPERANCE WEETING!. °«“ A meeting.of the Rowan. Washington Vem- pérance Society, will be Held in the Methodist Episcopal Charch on Saturday the 61H May, at candletight. A full attendance of the members is earnestly reqoested, as the election of Officers will then take pleee. J.H. HARDIE, President. EELIGIOUS NOTICE! The Seeond Quarterly Meeting fur Salisbory Station, will be held in the Methodist Chureh, on Satorday: and Sunday the®29:h and 30:h of Aprit. Divine service will commence half after ten o'clock, The Presiding’ Elder of the Dis- trict, (Rev. P, Dovs,) will be in: attendance, A Whig Victory in Hinois.—The Galena Gazaite of the 29th ultimo contains the folluw- ing : GLORIOUS VICTORY ! THAT 8AME OLD C@ON STILL ALtve!! The Clay Ball in motion in Mlinois !! ! Glotioosly did the gallant Whigs of Jo Da- Viess acquit themselves yesterday. Notwith- standing the wiley maneexering of our opponents, and all their loud boasting that the ‘* Coons bout ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MA- JORITY! The vote is :he lergest ever polled in theeounty. The resalt of this election should convince every Whig, that notwithstanding our temporary defeat fu Kognst list, we still have a decided majority in this district. New Vork City Election ~The Whigs have met with an overwhelming defeat in the City of New York. ‘The majority fur the Locofuee can- didate fur Mayor, Rober: H. Morris, is 5921.— ‘Phe Whigs have elected five Aldermen and three Assistants, The Locofocos twelve Alder- men and fourteen Assistants, In Brooklya the Whigs lost the Mayor by from 159 to 300, bat earried a majority of the Counce! In Albany, the Whigs have done nobla — they have elected their candidate for. Mayor, 6; Mor, thy, tefure bis departare }appainmentol Mini England —~ bo: we me chotaand. that he bra diferent views and-that } more than a-menth ago thisiotéation was wen, { vention should be skinned,” we carried the county by a- | ra RAST. we aSTER, ~ “Phe Retirement of this genile s Ares beso generaily ex govaced in some~ Y ‘ton..he.sens 19_hie resignation a9 Setretarg | fof State, to take ‘efleet apn the, first. of oexi retiring from the eabines, lee would received the he wili40@ cotizinty become a candidate for the } Presidency ot the nexi- election ee leatn thet koown toa distinguished pdliticitn of Pennsyl- Vania, 10 Whom be avowed his_déierminatign to éostain the plan for relieving the States subastied by the Hon Wm.aos Johnson, * We admire thetalents of Mt. Webster,and Lave no donbt that, iHelected President, te would exett himself. to promote the honer aéd interests of. the coantry — bet. updér existing eir, comstences, we doubt whether he will exhibir Lis usual discretion in becoming a candidate — However, this is a matter fur hisown consider aliga.” | grated to this cdentsy. Ninn “the | Pobth.-.1' bas beamsopposed by many, jhai on } de t " Weithink there ig geeat.probability chai Mie They ee ee wtreedng hota gee ; Aulkenny coun. Ly vbA provide @ Laseainetaee he wi- peat 1825, — Shorily efter bis antes theamiomih nen es as a nt | porest and bfighiest an ‘en heart —tha) enshe = bir white yet'a y palivity, the home of his-tindred, hag room ter their follest_sod freest expa ruig the jate war with Great Britain, his whole item which had prompted ww found “Da. sou! was salisted vpee the side of his edopted country, ead he is comembered to have rendered the mos! active and efffelen: services je organiz ing. arming and Yiscipliaing the militia of the } ection of the codoiry where he then resided. While living at Golembia, ~ becbecame ar BF” The Globe and Vir. Calhoon’s organ: the Spectator, in \V sehington, gre gelting war- mer and warmer fn thelr qnasrel. fn fact, we believe the Glube wilt seareety seppart Mr Cal- hoan, if he shoold get thé nedhination of wort Natienal Convention. [\ seems to have no idea of Mr. Tyler's name ever goirg betore the Can- ‘Tne Glohe endexvors to create the impression that the friends of Calhonn are leagu ed with Capt. Tyla to defeat Van Boren. And as the Cathonn organ says ** bas long eotteuck- ed articles tu prove shat no one would hate susperied ” The Spectator repties with great independence to the Globe, and aecases if of garbling god misrepresentaticn. We hope te see the fight continned—it will affurd! great a masement to the Whigs, — Virginian. LATEST FRU ‘PEXAS, By the }ast intelligence from Texas, we learn that Judge Robinson, one of the Texian prsun- ers captured at San Antonic, by Gen’ Wool, bas been entrusted with official pro; o-itions fur an accommodation between Texas and Vesieo, the terms of which are reported as follows : Ist. It is proposed that ‘lezasshuold ackaow!- edge the-sovereignty af Mexico, 2nd Ageneral amnesty tobe passed far past acta of Vegas. 3rd. Texasto form an iodependemt departmen! of. 4exiro, * 4 Ve ieatns to be represented in the genera! 5h, ‘Texas to institute or originate all fecal. laws rules and teaulations y 6:h. No Mexiean troops onder any preténce whatever, tabe stationed in T+ yas, Some of the T+xian papers, it is said, apeak of these propusitions in a decidedly favorable man ner. Shoald they b» received by that Govern- ment, tt will confirm us at least, in what we have fora tong {1me more than suspecied, that Santa Anna and Gen. Hooston, noderst.nd each othernow, as perfectiy as they did while ia Washington City, in 1952. b painfo! siroke are wounded and torn, orinird withthe yeangest daughter of the date om, Juha Steele of this-place, whom he shortly afrer@ards married, andawith-whane-te cvatint= ed to lite in the en) syment of wniptersapted do--| méstic hippinesa, upto the periad of hef death a few yearé Since © Subse \Ie to-hig -Gistriege, the deceased removed “te. Mlishaty, N C:. and reanmed the dnsinegs ofjg@mirchandizing Find ing, Lawever, «hat ihe. porguits of. agricoliuré were more congy nial io ‘his tagte }han those .of business, be purchRsed a large plantation in the eastern part of Rowen connty, and commenced ir@@pttivation. Here in the calm dignit¢ of ag- riciltural oceapations fa soperiatend ng the edu cation of his chidren_in tre enjayment-of social totercourse and iq the exercise of 9 fetge and liberal bespitatity, th€ deceased has pessed bis laer-"years ; not remitting; meanwbile,, the poactoal discharge of tnpsé@ pumefous duties which devolved opon bim, frtin his-public and cial relations ke * In tracitg this slendarigketch of the more pro~ minent incidents which marked the life of the deceased, the writer feels that he has but half perfurmed the.mournfol tagk to whieb his feel- datenand evenis may be required by the propri etves of the occasion, they may be satisfactory to the mird ofthe common enqairer. Bat they are not the recollections whieh spontaneously crowd upon our own arind.and wedyu severe vivlence io our feelings, even in maming them. ‘Ihe de- eeased wa8S our companion, our friend, our bro ther In the intimacy of our arquainianee, ihe frequency and clogeness of our intercoarse, there had-eprang op teelings of regard, of attachment. of sympathy, of love, which by this heavy, this fain give some atterafce, some pnolic vent to vut emotione, and we feel that they will meet a warm, @ sympathizrog tesponse in many bosums We apeak not now of those afflicted members of the family—of those @ieeons: tate orphans—ot that eiricken and bereaved brother; upon whom this dispensation has most heavily fatlen. With their sorrows “ihe stranger may not intermeddle.’ Bot-we allude to those individuals, snd their fiis said that the “Mexican Government is | williag to concede to Texas every thing exeen; | ihe name of sovereign:y, and is very anxinus ‘| make any terms which can be done with honor as all hupe of re-conqverivg ‘Texas, has been giv en op. Sugar is made in Texas which ig. avid te he on qvai t that made in Louisiana, — Highland Mes | genger. OPINIONS OF ‘THE PRESS. A man who would cieat 8 printer wontd sites! a meeting heuseand ropa grave yard. Hf he a majority of 263, and have als:,a deeided ma- jority in the Commou Cooneil. MARRIAGE EXTRAORDINARY. In Wilkes county, during the week befire last, Cuane & Ena, the eelebratod Siamese | Twins, to two young Ladies, the daoghters of | David Yates of thatcoonty, May the connec | tion be as happy as it wil] be close, i. 7 WHIG MEETING IN WILKES A respectaole nomber of the Whigs of Wilkes county, convened at the Court Huuse in Wilkes- | borough, on the 18th instant, according to pre= | vious notice, for the purpose of eppointina Dele- gates toa Convention, to ve held at Roekford, on the 27th instant, Col. James Wellborn was called to the Chair, and James E Reynolds, E.aq. was appointed Se- | cretary. The object of the meeliog was explaio- ed in a brief and appropriate manoner by Colone) Wellborn. The following Preamble and Resolutions were introduced by A W Bioly, Esq. and ananimous- ly adopted : Whereas, @ proposition has beer made to hold a District Convention at Rockford, in the coun- ty of Sorry, on the 27th instant, for the parpose of nominating a suitable individual as the W hig candidate for the 23th Congress, in the Thitd Distriet*~ Resolved, That soch are the onty means to reconcile conflicting opinions and enscre success to the Whig cause. Resolved, ‘Vhatthe meeting proceed to ap- point Twenty Delegates to atrend said Conven-4 lion, and we pledge ourselves to sappert ihe no- minee, be he who he may, and to use all honor: able means to secure hia eleetion. The following gentlemen were then nomine- ted as Delegates to attend said Convention, vie: Col James Wellborn, Col James Mariin, Gol Peter Eller, Col Joba I, Johnson, James Hunt, Feq RJ Cook, Col John J Bresh, Maj WV W Peden, Dr R G Martio. Dr L G Jones, Dr M Oglesby. Dr James Calloway, W H Martin Esq, Dr Charles Harris James E Reynolds Esq; Geo WH Horton, W Mastin, Martin, Jobn Brown, Esq, and Col A - Resoloed. That a copy of these be'sent Yo the Garolioa Watchman : to publish them. e meeting , laaac lichell. proceedings » With a re- { mote room in @ masqaitie’s eyo than a buti-frog } athe Pacific ocean. ; would fail to discover them, and when fuond nasa soul, ten theasand of its 6:2 would bave He ought :0 be winked a: ay blind people. and kicked ts death across lugs | y cripples. —4nn Harbor Woolverine. Yea, thousands of such souls would sattle ina mustard sved—danece coutra-danees gpon ihe point of @ wavpsSting,or maich aheast through the eye of acamoric needle A sular-microseop they wonld not fil the emallesi cranny to ctea tion — Post, A‘nen!. Such a being would steal the molsa ses oul of asick nigger’s gingerrake—take from | a drunk man’s mouth his Isst “chaw’ of tohaee | —walk all night throogh tha sain to deprive a htind sheep of. its “oudder—travel fifiy miles on a | fasting stomach, la cheat a dying woman ont of | her Coffin —and aipal the wax out.of a dead dug's | ear, Sush a man ovght to be tied toa aheep’s | teiland potted to death by a sam.—Florence | Democrat. | Such a mao would steal the eorn out of a dead sronod hog's bullow tooth - Vea, be would not | hesiate tu skiu a flee tor bis bide sid tallow — We all. High Waters, —The-thApnt showers ” of sesterday snd the dip<pefore lieve raised the waters tn Dan Riverand the County!ine | creck several! feet higher then wes ver knew ‘hem to be before. ft 1s feared that great damage has been done to fences, and stock Among the passengers observed yesterday going down the Dan, was a horse, borne on the dashing current, at 9 gate ” too rapid | for desenptan. Several «+ unmanned.?’ Boats also paseed down, one of which was | seen to etrike one of the rocky pillars of the p bridge, broadside, “burst her boiler’ and pres on-heaven only knows when or where she’) stop, Milton N. C.. Chron, April +4 ct Father Matthew, the great Jrish Aposile.of Temperance, will, it is seid, vi8- tthe United Siates this summer. now prepared toresome the psae. “Vee of his profession. His Office is removed to.Mr. Cowan's brick bai'd— Ing, 2d door. April 29, 18483—1140 LIME! LIME!!! | cism, from fanatieal zeal snd careless DR. L. KILLIAN, | AS reiorned to Satisbery, and i¢| number is not smali in this commonity, between whom and the decease’, there has existed a close, a warm, an endearing triendship—of (huse who have so often felt his kindly and cardial vraep of the hand—of those who have sn often satat bis liberal board, and participated in the hospitslities, and festawities Which his mavs on affurded—afthuse who have stuod by his side in those -pa:riotic and benevolent enterprises in ‘hich fe erer steed foremost. ‘I'o these, the remval ef ovr brother has prodated a void which we can vet but partially realize, a blank which i is painfal tocontemplate. We feel that one of the Most promtment members of ovr svciety hus bern tora from os, and we lovk round in vain fur an ther to fil! his place. While condcliag with each other npan ovr be- reavement, we may not forget that the seme Providence which hes effl'cied as in removing uur friend,bad already crowned his path with sig- val blessings. Though not full of years, he had l.ved an-active, eventful snd well spent fife. ‘\ henfar removed from the resiraining ts fluences # family and kindred, the temptations of south vad wot torned him from the pathy of reclitade and propfiery, and adventure and change had not watped the Srmoess of carly ard well furm- | ed habdivg ‘Thongh not permuted again to eee the land of his fathers, he tad made his own dable to represent the lybesality of Irish characier, he was enabled io recall and live over | avain inthe midst of his own family, the scenes of his earliest and fondest recollections. Equally removed from bigotry and progabye nti oA fier - ence, he continoed onshaken io the religion of Liv ancestors. He lived in ihe practice of ite Virtues: in his last siekness he was enpported by 163 consulativos, and in i's faith he died i Communicated Iu this eotaty, on the Qoih lostant, Mr. Jehan Roseman. BSC Salisbury Female Academy. i Sommer Session of this Institution, will eommence on Monday, March 6ih racgemenis are making to procare an assistant Teacher, who will probably enter on her dwies in one or two Weeks. ‘lerms as formeri¢, boi a | class cf sroall children, learning only Reading | and Spelling, will be teugh' at ¢6. [Every | branch asoatly taoght om the firs! Female Se- | minaries will be attended to, and 11 18 believed | thal tts present arraggemenis are superior to those of anv former session. Rev. S Frontis (a nativeof France) is instructing a Gass in the Frerch langnage, and itis desitable tfret others Who tajend joining should do so immediately. — He has alseconsented to take charge of a class in Crayon Drawing ; 9 dranch which is.highly appreciated at the North, and bat litle attended to among os, A few young Ladies wil! be rea heived into the family 2s boatders, and Col. R W2Lone wil! take 8 or 10. Fis residence is agrepably sitoated in a retired pari of town, and verfreotivenient to the Academy. No deduction Made for absence, but in cases of long continued ‘sickuess. TERMS in 1, Sort Ostet na, 4 Teiatrnan’s | ofitt to feave the shoreg of: file}: ings prompted him. ‘This formal statement of We'would’ Ar- | 642 -pp. Georgia Nankeeng" “418 do brown and bleached domestic, 5 b Pctine. Bsseried, 0 printed mualin sed lawes, 89 do brown. diilie; 4A -do. Kentucky janes, ~ 33. do had ticks 20 do Ginghsms . 5 do het anchor boliing stoths “190 leghora god willuw hats 187 dog palm leaf do. 220 do cotton handkerchiefs 1240 pr shoes, assorted $0 cases hate assorted 446 ladies bonnets essaried 2&8 dz combs aegoried 425 gross butions ase ted 43 siddles gasoried _ 22 d:a grass and erain seythes 103 «2% pocket knives . 181- dex knives ond forkd 4 dox eatting Knives 21 4.2 weeding hoes 9 bl vises 6 do- anvils 4.pr do bellows La dom saddle trees 30 pieces bagging 8 cails rope . 405 bags coffee 17 bbhes enear 173 kegs white lead 22 pre elliptic springs 75 prs ttacé chaias 1000 tbs loaf sugar 54 kegs powder 182 kegs oails and brads, Tugether with a generat stock of all Kinds of These goods were selected wiih the utmosi cate, and they have been bought with cash and for eash, «hich ie more ihan any other establish ment in thie pleee can say, (if ‘hey speak the 'ratl) ; and we further say, that. itis by’far the largest sieck that bas ever been brought to this place—and we defy a contradiction. These goods 21@ for sale, and we are determined tosell them for cash, lower than they can be bought elsewhere, let the ‘price be what it may. All we ask isa call, if you please. Most respectfully yonrs, J & W. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 29,1843 —1f40 OVCE MORE, ’ EXUOSE indedied to the late firm of Pendle= ton. & Broner, are requested io make set. \lemen! immediately by cash of note, either 10 them at Salisbory. or to their agents in the dif- fereot paris of the country A failure to eom- ply with this notice, will add coat to their ace coun's or notes J J BRUNER. Selisbury, April 29, t843~ $140 ee NOTICE. , 1.1. perenos indebted to the Mefate of Sam vel Miller, dec’d, are requested io meet. me in Salisbary, on Tuesday and Thorsday of next May Court, acd make payment of their levis to said estate, as longer indalgence will oul be given. : : JAMES C. McC ON NAUGHEY, Admr, April 29 1848~—ttp E. Hl. ANDREWS, DENTIST. Bxttects Jo.Felurn to Salisbury in. e few weeks Persons wishing his services, who ate living in the country, can inform him of the | same, by addressing him throogh the Post-Of- fice at Salisbory. Such ealls shall wiways be oromptly attended Apiil 29. 18436440 _ CABINET MAKING. T — ee ——_ thanks for past. favors, and inferws hi NB At kindsgof Lomber and Country Pro ' duce taken ie exchange fur work. -K. ELLIOTT, ‘CABINET MAKING ! TAF sobecriberrespec: folly revurns histhanks fF i for pasi favms, and. inturins his old fnends and the poblic, that he still continves to carry on Ihe abute business in all its varioes branches, and al the old stand on main street, one door below Dr. P. Henderson's shoa, and opposite the Row an Hotel, where be may always be found We keene covstanthy on hand a variety of well finist:- ed work, surh as ts suttable for this pan of the | April 29, 1843 —15+40 i] a Htis material je of the very beet that can be had. borh Watnot, Mahogany and Cherry. wishing to boy guod Furcitare, wcold do welt lo} sive hima call A supply of ready made Coffins constanils | kept on hand, to suil any measore. N B AI kinds of Lember of country pro- | duce taken in exchange for wark e DAVID WATSON | Salisbary, A -ril 1, 1843 -1136 OTICK.—Porsoant 16a decree of the Coart of K.quity for Rowan. County, eill be sold at the Coart House in Salisoary, on Munday of the County Court, (Ist May next.) a valeable STONE DWELLING HOUSE, three miles soatheeét of Salwbury, for distribn- i ion among the legateés ; ine howse ie valuable ca sesn A its evpiaiowng 3500 t0n8 of sock, bet is méch out of repair es sc dwelling. A crec- it of twelve months @iilte allueed on the per- cheser giving bond wih approved secority -for — Music on Pisoe per scasion, $22 50 A SF IRITED GIRL. nantily of fresh Law een be had a | Samar per quarter, io an A Boston | tells of a yanng lady, ALE: af ibatere Jase Williems dec. Eaneek pes eosvien, ‘demien 5 = oe sith ors wha, having been several times ingnited by | By the 200 bushel? and over 16 cents, 50° ol coy gw thang de | 1000 ia ep- | some fellow who dogged. ber in the street, = eeatste 46s: 0 10-40 20; unslacked) “Wes Work Pa ren 6 00 ptovided herself nendfoll af cayenne | '° Properiive. _ ty Needle. de. taught fired. Pepper and scuff winch she ete. Pare rv aries time either at i pea " us J. BAKER, Principal. | eyes of the dandyethe next time he sccost- WILLIAMS” wit apply either to J. or RB.) Sstighary, March ts, 1843-73250 a ed her. Thier ae @ Warmer 6 tha k far s unty, N.C. se P ‘ he looked tor, oT Merch Phe t9gs. we § sx Job Printing neatly done here. “ _- ae 2 5" ie . _— the porchase morey on the day of sale. os SAW SILLIMAN, cme. » Aorth 15. 1848 — 138 e" HE Sobseriber respectfully tetgrns se | chontry,and at as low prices as at any other ee- | tablishment to the pisee of surreending country | All those | _ n Sud object =: pest ehceur- agement, he hopes iment ite cons ino ense. . P 5S, dielerence be deems unnecessary, as his experienee and work for he tass thirteen years will show. Hor an . : AG B . April 15, 1849—u$8 Se" Sano AT AVE on hdnd se dnnscatlp thige stork of Hi thert well k n INTING PES, ORNAMENTS, ~ RDERS, RUEES. | $e.. of ine beet metal, caste origina! amortices, «fd very scearaiely faished. All of which they have determined ta et GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES. * of Placing: Book and- Newspaper fonté ai follows : Pics, . @b Seis. & Io. Smell Plea, > . $4 Pong Primer, 86 *Bargots, 40. Brevier,; 46 Minion, ba Nonpareil, 66 Agate, 86 Peai,- 120 Four eppaoved paper at six months, or at six pet cent tess for eash..- Wood Type, Printing Ink, Presses, Galleys, Braga Rules, ses, and other Printing majertals, furnished with promptitade and at thelowesi prices Privters-of Newspapers who publish this ad- xpFieecee! ties nibte,< {bree times wen Ure ist of Jane, 1843, andcgend one of.1 ps: pers ta the’ Fotbdty,. 1 BaD ictoa.se payment of their tien bayieg four Hiygee the amovat of it. April 15, [848—Sa33'- a's Cagés,, the Court of Gyuity yer Rowan County, the Blerk sale an the frvenitecs moe 7 838 ACRES, of Land, an Satan ce ynthe bth day f May next, ly. ong on both sides Vi the great Piedmont Stage Fond TD mites Southgbest of Sats. bury, the late residence of Dy. pro. e7colt, and more recently, the residence. and Aroperty of Gasper Sith, decd b | ait Abuster wilh, edficsc ta * ry cok “ = * z L jive for ke the fre, and two years fr balance, on the pure See er exccutigg bonds with aifre Arcved security fer the hur. chase money on the day ff sale, SAVUEL SILLIMAN c m, gz. April 15, 1843 - .w$s NOTICE te V virtne of BPreed of Trost exeenied to me oo the 15'h- day of July, $841, for PErpo- 8s theresn mentive will e to Public Sale on Monday the day of Mey pext, at the Coart House, in the Town of Salsbury, (11 being the week of Rowan Covaty Court.) one i HOUSE 4.¥D . LOT, the properts of E R. Barkbead. sitoated in t'e2 gies! eas! eqaare of the Town of Salisbury, au yuning the lot No, 6, whieh property ihe said Bitkheed purchased of John McClelland, Rib. Maecnamara, end Charles Fisher. ‘Terms wave Kbown oa itfe day af sale. Jas. i. COWAN, Trustee. marcy 16. 1848 W385 Job Printing n atly done here <a Composing Sticks, Cha- - No. 18 Chambers SBncay the Post Offices xe By vertie of @ Decree of ‘ we ae ij ‘telgand cue Jo x + > - ¢ Bitpasted, Those wito may wish a fubire« sevptinn of these fine animale, ‘#re- referred to 7 avaig, ity bag leaye,toash at the bgads of the kts saf ihe counuy. aud villages aronnd, a shave 1) patronagejo our line of business. Pia; eh pis @ few doors eastof ihe Mapsion |- -buutt8 months ald. -piot abiaiat, deep, thick and excetlent inc! bis Poitis: ihe Sow.cesy fioe, with a litter: 4 “CHAIR © SORSS Manufacturing BSTABLIS MTS | THE. SUBSCRIBERS ~ AVING nesociated thomsdlvee together for the parpose of alanufact ~ Chairs, Bureaus, So SRORETARY'S,. WA Centre--'l ables, o aay | DS; &C: &C. a ED eee , & "ie St ae in ine ery best hind ot siyle,acd af she figest as ur below Jones’ old ‘Tavera. JOHN FRASER, WARKEN GHEEN. iy £8, [843 —1/33 nt? DAS. WORTH HOGS? ¥ RYH By Srrbsepider. hae jnst sdded to his rock ut Boilies + pair of Kenilicorth Hogs, noported from England in the fall of 1541, by Nbr AB Allen, of New York, and ere now 3- ‘Nbe . Baar is a very “sepe- w igs, which, for poaury andform, ean ier 5 for Mr. Allan’s letter poblichedin'the Cat ivator.— { ‘Phe sabeority: 419 afso, & Vorlshire Sow, por. ‘sed TT Mar. Alten, from ‘a Sev imported -by | > ¢, soa! iarye GRhing te pereliase, caghave the} core Wantleomh, or Berkabire, or crosses af) ® alwasih ands Yorkshiregh hin-rind and Berk - | aie. this stuck of Retskises was purchased | of Mr. ©. N? Bament, of New York, and isnot: sarpassed hy angin the United Sistes, Those | rishtay ty imprave their stock of Hoge. bave | how a better opportunity of doing sv, than has | ever been offered South of the Potomae. Orders for any of the above will be promail¢ attendad | to Wii F KELLY, | Near Mocksville, Davie co. ? 125 Jinnacy 14, 1343. g ? CONSUMPTION AND LIVER | Compiaiat, q R.TIVLOR S BALSAM OF LIVER MFI ORT —lram 37% Bowery, New York tur the evre of coughs, coida, eatasths, Asshma, soreness of the chest, pata in the side and breast, iiistog of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronetriiis, and all those aff-ettons of “Pproat and Lunage,— which are 2 soureeof so mach enfferisg, and un arresied, s» often téftiiniie in Consumption — this remedy i3 higtty and jasity disunguished J is porrely vegetable, mild and gentle in its €f- f2ets upon ibe sysiem, snd can be tzken in the rnost deHeste cased with safety aswell as utili- iy. Pbrviciaus, aware of its medteisdal proper- | lies, and witnessing wis offects even ta extreme, aodia some instances, apoarently3atmost hopes less CaAsea, ofien preseriha it an ther borh as a padtat.ece and a remedys.and wih the Medieal Facutty generally, it has met with creat approbation, , ASE eae ONSUYMP TION -- The foll wing remarks were taken from-the fast nuoaver of ihe Medieal Magizgne = “Phe surprising effec: produced by the-genge "Bs HAVE Sabseriverinfurme the publie that she OBES, has jost reeeived through the Norhera’ Citiesthe latestand most approved And is prepared to exeente orders in the mos' stylish and satisfactory manner. put op and forwarded. ment of Bonnets, (newest siylé) Ops and practee, | = es” POR THE | rat aud Winter of | 1842 PR ° 43 ~ > * London & Parisian “Fashions, Work sent from a distance $tiall be carefplly 8D. PENDLETON. | SCH Mrs P. has on band a_bandewme assor! - Turbans, for sale, *.* Mrs. S. P. ig also prapared to execute Crimping and Flating on reasonable terms. Shlissury, December 3, 1342. _ NEW FASHIONS i FOR THE Spring and Summer of 1843. THOWAS DICKSON BSPECTEFU LLY informs his frien derand | pubhe. that be sill carcias an the : i TAILORING BUSINESS mall its varians branches, two doors above is item Raghedd; an¢ come Thin rind Smes:| W. Murphy's store, shere ho ts ready 10 OKe | ente all orders of his enstomera in a style and manner nut surpassed hy any in thisprtt ofthe cooniry. Peis also in the regolar receipt of the NEW=YORK FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate t txstes of the Fashionable at all times, April 15, 1843-153 TO FAMILIES. ROW AND'A he ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MixTURE. Those who would have reeanrse to a? Family | Vedicine for Paver asp Acuer, Dyspepsia and Wvervons Ieakness, shuntd discriminate belween ithe “ thousard and one’? remedies copstamtly heralded furth lo the public, (the same now ps in al} times past, ) and that almost universally “sue- cessful prescription cailed Rowand's Improved Tonic Mixture. A few remarks will serve (oilingteate the dif- ferenco In the first plare, the operation cf the Yonie Mixtore io the care of Fever and Ague is epon entirely acevo and peculiar, yel safer proreiples. Secandly : dt net only promptly ar- resls tie caprse of the chills, when punetaally and perseveringly used, bat i: soon restores te wonted functions of the geseral system to a per- fectly healthy state; when relapses are no mure tioble to ensue then an attack of the disease in one who has never ied ifbefore, Phirdly: The t system, during theadminisiration of the tmproy- ed Vome Mixture, springs up at once onder its benien infkience, aod cives forth an earnest of re turning beslthand vigor, Foorthty: Producing more or less effeet on the bowels, the cause of the disease passes off in the way moet sirong!y indieated by natore. Fifthly: Its cfiects on the "ine Balsam of Liverwon, made st $75 Bow: ery, ip eansumptive cases, ernnot tail exciting a | eGrep and tering interes! throug hoot ge wurld Weubaive so tuog helleced thie disease (eonsamp bey inenradle, that yl tag Healt ta coadit our senses when we see persons, evidently consnap- | tive, residred tohealth, Wetdiisa fact of dairy oucuerence.” ‘Phe fullowing was gifen nt ashartiime since, > ag C t IN by Capttseott, of Mbgrberh Lacy, Ce: lficates. “« Deiag-eonstiontinnally predisposed ty Con- motion, (4 Ammder of my fiwity baetog died His Gisense,) and bey g wHtered <evar by boon: irritation of the furevs, secoupanred with poag') aud raising matier sod blood, crether Oi secere natn in dig side ead breas!, Ub T Was curansed ta he heyond recovery, § was induced by advice of Pr Perkins, as a iast resart te iry Paytor's Baissm of Livefwort, ibare taken Ree bottles tn aH. Pbegan to ifiprove with the first Lote, and while ishing the bird, wasso far ras covered, 2s to be able ia cerannut ~~ Since vbich one, hy continued ose wl it, bam autte festored mod able tu ationd ty osual bnsteess, Fo per- song soffering from Cavghs snd afectians of the Jenga. Edo catnesiiy recommend at (Signed } JAS C SCOTT. Mb zibeth Crty, N. C., Dee 15, #842. Liver Complaint and General Debiliry —i waa given up oy iwo physicians, and inld te pre pare fur death. ] was su weak | con'd noi raise mf Wand to my Bead. Po wasuo this low state whed afcend sentme a boitle ef Dr Vay tors Batsim ef Etverwort, from $75 Bowers, and be fore | had ased op the bottte, F was able to sit op | in bed. “By the farther use, { have completely regained my heal:h. GEO WELLes, 98 Joho’ st. Trolent pain ia the side —¥ have been cured of a violent pain in the side, exténding thyoug ly system are uniformly miid and safe, os well as efficient, and il is as welbadamed to the feeblest | infant, stiwoply bea modification of thed j nla Simply cali 16 dose, as the most viroronsedalt, Many other consider- Pations, of (be utmost importance ta the anxious ont the above are a faw of tha points of Gentrie’, tn coinparison witli the remecies generally resori- ed to in professional end family practiéé, from acting the remedy. NB, i eonfidence iy the efGcigncy of the “ Rownnd’s tniproved "Penie Mixtore,” to ¢flect a Javting : the original gusreptee, viz: ‘Phe money shal! he returned in every ease wherein the remedy has been punctually veed without prudacirg the desired effec’, Addresr Pr, JOHN R. ROWAND, No 23 Nei Second:Street, Philadelphia. Supoalies have wa 1ecelved by the sole Avent for Satisbory, ANS C.B. WHEELER. Sg p! 3,,.3542 —196 MANSION HOUSE! | | | 5. AVING parechesed Mr. 'T. R. Hogkes’ in- , terest in the ahove Establishment, tenders ' his servicesto the Travelling Public. Haviag ‘fur several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERPAINMENT, {at Mount Mouroe, in Iredell county, be indalges | the hope that be has experience enough in the daties of his business to endeavor lo render com gut { b J. & | prrenis and javalid<, might be enomercated here, | which a praper jodgyayent may be furmed in se- With a view to re-establich entire | cure of Fever and Agoe, the Pronrictor restores eisiored freaoferarage,; 20d the owners subjecied- Henly osha the.vsoul cartage-from the River. te K dy entevili#j—thereby femsening the expense oo Goods much below the asdar charge. As bis VW srebouse is.isvlateds(rom ali other buildings, the daageral Fire willbe triffiag in comparison to the-tiak ieacred-from being silaatedin tow de Those whe may favor him wet «ieir. business, may rest aseured \bat every atlention willbe paid ly the promulivn ef theis interest . GEO. W. DAVIS. Refer ences : Messts” John Heske & Son. D. A. Kay, Fayetteville, Nv C. Alexander Anderson, Joba McRae, Jolin Dawéun, : _Wilnington, No. Ca. Dalpbin A Davis, George W. Brown, Sblisbury. N.C. GS. Powel, Packet Agent, New. York. Oct. 1, 942~— 10 DR. 1). JA¥NE’S F.40ILyY PLCINES. ire ate expressly pre- pared for family ose, and have acquired an noprecedented popolaricy tito ughoot the United States 5 aod a they are so sd mitably calcolated lo preserve Health and core Disease, no family should ever ho wilhout them. ‘The proprfetor ‘reese vataable preparations received liis educa- | tien at oné af the best mediral Gollegés in the Eiotied Statesy and bes had fifteen years experi- | ence in an @xtendive and diversified practice, by | which he fas hadampte opportunities of acqnir- | ing a practical Kndwiedge of diseases, and the | remedies bést catealafed to remove them. Jayne’s Kxpectorant, | A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis. Acute Rheuma- | tism. Pain ia the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficully of Breathing, and al! diseases ul the Pulmonary Organs Ps aYNE Ss Hlaiy Tonite For the Preservation, Growth,and Beauty of lithe Hiair, and which will positively tring im New Hairon Bald Heads, and prevent its fall- ing out or turning Gray. JAYNES TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe,and certain preparation for the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Fever and Ague. Piles, Want of Appelile, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A eertato enre for Borwcl and Summer Com- plaints, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chalice, Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- hus, and allt derangements of the Slomach and Bowela, Nervous Affections, §c. Sayne’s Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Olistructions. Diseases of the Skin &c., and in all. cases where an aperienr Alterative or Purgative Medicine is required. The above medicines are fur sale, whojesale or \rctail,at the Salisbury Madical aod Drug Sture, \ -_ — — — - I by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbory, N.C. Sept 5, 1842—156 Rev. Br. Bartholomee’s | DINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. | Ao agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy | for Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, 'ofluenza, Hard Breathing, and difficolt [xpectoration. §roF>For sale atthe Watckman ' Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbary. Pe SEE TYPED Pe) Fa thy “2h der nage ae There is vo remedy kaown € jber ; or domestic preéttce,” so suey. jnediately, and permanently efficacious'in this prevalent and pbsrigate malady, 2s MOFPAES) ; celebra ished LIFE PILES) ted sed long rstab! and ph ro ei FAIATERS. Kxttaordinaty and refowned ae are“tlidir’ effects npon diseases’ jo geveraly. ioe EVER BND AGUE, md att} Bilfious A feciions they<ate moreso ; -beca septa these they are as intslliblé ze2ny aman means canbe. - ‘This hus: Seed proved in more than. ten. thousand ceseg pnor is there hn instance in which they have faited, of reasonatly can-fajl, when ta gabdjnined FATS MEDICAL MANUAL andGood 8a- inaritap. Balio endure iovatiable success, these must be rigidly fullowed. FEVER and AGUE, in alflts four leading species, ispecoliar PERIODICAL administtatioo of a proper remed cific powers of one of the ingredients in tris med- icinés, is the séret of bis invatiablé tri¢mph, while all other practitioners either entirely fail ar only temporatily succeed, were with the very bes: remedies that were known. ANETUS, oF Agne is either Quotidiam, or daily; Tertian, or itiitd-dad ; Quarlan, or fourth day ; Eratic, ot sometimes one of these. periods and sometimes.a- nother; ar it is Complicated, by taking these periods in snecession, and fhen-renning into in— termittent fever of a more malignant character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious and unsccountable it may appear, that each and all of these species of Ague, have e FouR- TBENTH DAY CRIsHs, in which they may be eored with certainty, but by neglecting avhich they can only be’eured by chance. Dar. Mar- rat's directions fur taking tle medicines in this disease, sre therefore these :— First, take two of the I.sre Pits at bed time, and nex! morning oefore breakfast a full wine glass of the Pucntx Birrers in about the same qoantity of waiter, and half a wine glass more in a full wine glass of water, aboot half an hoar before each meal during tke day, On the second night take three pills aod the bitters as befure ; on the third night foor pills aod the bitters as before, and con- tinue taking foor pills every night for three nights more, with the bitters during the day.— On or before the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hangry, and bearty, bat he must ne—- vertheless continae to ‘ake. the bitters as before prescribed, until and on the fourleenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not until then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, aud not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billions ond liver affections it may have s#perin- daced of even In any way connected. If; how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or un- dué confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phoenix Bitters in the fol] quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourleenth day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease should returo, and the patient should Jearn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another coarse of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obcying these instractions, however, he willbe so thoroughly cured, that he may bid defiance to the disease, however wobealihy may be hie location or prevalent the mslacy around him.— lor children botween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger chilcren, a qoarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. -For very young children, small-quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- toal “LIFE MEDICINES,” bas been pe:fect- ly triomphant in the worst regions of the Svutn- ern and Western country, and around the north- ern Jakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy hes been far greater than the sopply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- over, are now well furnished, and will make ev- ery effort to} send this advertisement into the most efflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous- ly grateful testimonials are received at the pro- prigtor’s office ta New: Youk, by every mail.io incredible nambers, to the absolate efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever { march 4, 1843—1y52 | ». B. Wheeler, sole Agent . for Dr. Rowand, has jnst received a fresh sup— ply of tis gennine Improved Fonic Mixture, | whieh is’ fur sale wholesale and retai’, at he | Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, N.C. | Dec 10—1f20 | Br. Liws Galbvanum Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! | PNVHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ha- _ ving.the preference vf all others, are warm- ly recommended by all doctors as invaluable for invalids having paine io the Breast, Back or side. Weskness and J.ameness are relieved at /onee by their use, and the parts restered io , strengib and a natural warmth and health. Any person wearing one of these Plasters, wil] be as- ‘onished and delighted at the comfort it affords. — a tothe shoulder, indigestion, Cizz'ness, toss of 8p | jurtaole, all who bestow pou bis house their px } These threatened with Long Complaints should petite, and general debiluy, by the use of two dattles of De ‘Vaylur’s Balsam of Liverwoyt, from $75 Bowery JF H Allen, No Mereianv’s Row Fur cate at the Droge Store ef OB W herler, Sybeapry > KE RD 625 REWARD. BD ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 9-h of Febrnarg last, my negro fellow HENRY, hejis about 32 gears of age, 5 feet 10 or 12 torh ev high, dark complexion, slender made, talks fast, and is very plausible im conversation. Hien ry-has a wife at R. J. West's, in Davidson ce. ; no doabt he is lurkibg ia that qrvarter, where be- ‘Feo dotlars wit! be paid for the | ss well koown. delivery of eaid neytte fellow J the Salisbury ing sat slive TEeMACNAMARA Rowan en, mareh PT, 1843 —1t55 PELES I PILES I! TAS’ LINIMENT!! & eet ses (toe OPO ES ~The price of this celehratéd ‘ig refmoded to ang person whe oof tiass’ Lintment for the Pres eurnty bottle without henge Cured. hoon “ye derme on which thes ey ond for nedp lem years prst, 4 one hondred has ever - esteat the Watchman ir" Sahar; SRR . 1) Fleartt > Lex- aon Pato person «7 persog@ cf har } ° av z~, %° ~~ F na march 4, S413 —1¥82 bot orto Me Samael Reevedp Balisbury, and | Gitteon dollars for the eenviction of say white | | tronage. | Bis SABLE shall always ba well and plen'i fay supplied with every thing. the country. 2f- fords, to please and satisfy the palate eres of an epicure. Hits BAR will be found furnished with a choice ‘selection of B.rqaors. by faiihfol snd atientive hasiless end supplied with abasdant provender. N. B. ‘The Siage Oilice is kept at the Mansion | Lluase. ; IHRANM PT. SLOAN. Charlotte, Febroary 4, 1343 —Gin25 ss NEW or ; SUPPLY XD GROCERIES!! EF fums the R ROVECHE, respeetfally ir @ ciligans of S#Wsbary and the surrounding country, that he has recereed o new and splen | dod supple ot Gonfactionaries and Groceries, con | sisting ef all kinds uf BINES AND LIQuONS haf the very best quality. such ss Medeivs, Port ‘Ts nenffe, Champaigne, Muscat, Claret, snd ‘Malaga, Wines, French Brandy, Ebejiand Gin, ! Porter, Alaaod New Ark Cider, and Cordial<,4 Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Ofsiers, WSogar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, Indign, and various other ariicles too rediane lo mention, which | will sel! as cheap fir cash as they cen be cought al anv other Es(ndiishment Fo a. ROUECHE. te Salrshoiry wwaich 4, 1843 —1552 Hs SPABLES shall be eogstantly attended \ CONFECTIONARIES | | newer trust themselves 3 day without wearing a ; Plaster. it removes the irritation of incipient | Cunsamption from the Lungs to ike surface of | Sa in Liver Camplainis, and Cooghs, and colds. | Chitdren with Whooping Cough should always have one, to prevent the congh settling on the lungs. Their excellence will be ondersiood by Lallon tria:. gcc For sale by C B Wheeler, | Satisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, by LP Heart:; Lexington, J P Mabry, Ralegh, DeStith. mareh 4, 1843 ~—15$2 Ved ¢ ct SSeS Sas Sats BS = 4 iw ° oo) # ~- ¢ 2355 —< --s~ es ig i) Price & We WMasters, Md Sat wD TAILORS, ; *e eal a CONCORD, NO. CAROLINA, a i TE Are still earrying on the above business wh in all its branches, All orders fiom 2 3 : yd distance, promptly attended to. 2g Ms Coneord, N} ired 95 1843 —Sm35 | (Ay ore Pate’ Pema ! % NL as et te as Cog sai’ Sak Soe as ae = oe a VAKEN op by Richard Stoker, in Stanly county, two roifes sooth of Butters Factory; $n itoo gtay HORSE. foor yeats olf, four feat six jerfes high, smry eyes, tot shod, the pight fied vz white pall way to the hock juin ; aggall war®un the onder psrt of the left ear, in toe ate. d a1 gf aprit 15 ass { } Appraise 4 (.. PARKER, Ranger the bedy, and draws off-the internal affection — | and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and | billious affections, and derangements of the di- | gestive fonctions generally, but also in chronic | and inflammatory rheumatiem, costiveness, pains | in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- ' fula, pilee, worms, scurvy, and a host of other compilaiats, for the care of which, these Veget- lable Life Medicines are 60 pre-eminently re- | nowned throughout the United States. Know- ling, however that many of these diseases, as | wel asa most fatal undermining of the general | health are occasioned by Fever and gue. Dr. | Moffat, in his advertisements, inviles the sne- ‘cial attention of the pabjie tothe absolute ascen. | dency of hig medicines over this malady the | fountain head of so.many.others. He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in tbeic. operations, reqoire neilher confinement nor change Of diet, aad have acquir- ed the reputation they “have !ong possessed, not by the osual artificial efforts, bot solely by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, 875 Broad way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbury Medical Drug-Store, by C. B. WHEELER, J4gent. §(CF A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on band and for sale at Hamp- tonville, Sorry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salishory, Sept 3, 1842 —1v6 LATE iw” Arrevals. Gils, Medicines, Paints, IRPENTINE, Parent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical purpases Indians, Hoeck's and Swaim’s Panacea, Suoffs, Fine chewing and smoking; Fobacco, Spanish Cigars, pSpices, Perfumes, Brashes, Gandies, Fancy and 7 | struments, Matches, Paper and.many other ar | ticles just received and fur sale at priresto suit | C. B. WHEELER. $12 -~ NOTICE. « BB Sobseriber tia ving goné to Virginia wii fi a view of remaining several weeks, reqaests | all thds® indebted to him by Noteor otherwise to j calf on James L. Cowan, andsettié ihe came by Vay Court GEO. B. DOUGLAS. ihe times, by Salisbury, pacing ne _April 1, 1833—1f_ 3 Printing neatly done here. Job ken 0 stsriet eecordance, with the directions here | ined,-and which are alsosgiven in HORS y,in canneeiion with the spe— Varnishes, Dye-Sieffs, feommon Sosp, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, tn | | - Sut } Mom i hd — evea' wit yout citing cause, a ; " y ‘the original ex hee 7 eRe tarred, And leer removed, « pot so tiahle ta a frest atleck-ae tne whe-wrsho~ s0-affeci-d, ‘These Bir¢owpétabcesrender it ex- \femtely difitenlt to effect “e-permanent cure of Fever and-Agus, thoug i té reliere Gre patic 5ufer ‘The time beiag 48 & -veTy-easyp 4ask..- .- - Di. Adeffat's Li sand Bhaniz fialie ' have (ett: eS and proved te " i | positive and Radical cure of fever and Agve. Hundreds of {1s fellow citizens if te West have voloatarily comeforward (oussure De SAiofful, that the Life Medigines.are the only medicines that wall thoroughly effecta renteva! uf this most 4edians and disagreegble disease. Octhers who'have emigrated ta that rich and promising potsien of our-contitry smenwho gent out fail of hope, and confident of winning a com petence from theduxatianee of the soil ; or who caried to the oatpasts of our settlements the mer cattle or mechanical experience, agen in the crowded cifies or towns of the older States, have either reterned with shaifered constitutions anc depressed spirits, or they remain in_ikeir new homes, dsaggiag cut a weary life, or at last sink onder some disease to which they are predisposed. by thal terror of the West, Fever and Behe Pheit hopes are blasted —theig busisess energies destroyed—their Midorado becomes a desert, and the word. of promise, made to their ear, is broken to the hope. To these individuats, Dr. Moffat would sey — “Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet an- licipate your most “sanguine expectations, fur they will certainly. restore you to lealth,’ Fever and Agueis a complaint which requires lo be mel at ils first approach, and combaued at every stage. Seldom fatal. of itself, it reduces the Strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, so that vpon the manifestation of dis— ease, Nature is onable, anassisted to resist the inroad, The Life A'edicincs, when taken strict- ly according todirections, will cure it, and give ty the weak and trembling vicum of discase new health, life and strength For full particolars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medieine, cP The above medicine is fur sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842 —Ily18 Ec A supply of the above invaluable ME DICINES ate for sale at James Cross Rvads, Iredel! county, by A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Guarda Vour Freatth. (Addressed to those who are in perfect heath, or repuled so ) BCH Gentle Reader: If you wonld avert from you the sickness, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al; aronnd you, and which, like a siarp sword sus- pended, is ever ready to fall upon sou, despise not my edvice—it will cost you little, wilt nei- ther infringe npon your eccupations or amuse— ments, and all the facaliies ef your mind and body will be as moch bettered by it as to repay yoo ten fuld. [ask only one \.eek’s trial te con vince the most sceptical. Io the first place, discard all old crrors ond prejadices from your mind, especially the old adage, ‘* If you are passing well, do not attempt to better yourself,” it is the saying cf ignor- ance and superstition—of those who atiridoted all they saw around them to chance and fuitune, iastead of natore’s universal laws. I]as not man, led on by experience, fearned tu guard himselr eqainst the other elements of nature, the waves, tue wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then shoold hie not, in fair weather, guard bimself as gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross fuod ; and it is your natare to con- tinue to @eso. You are well at present, bul ev- ery day*the seed of disease is growing within you; and if yoo do not strictly guard your health while you are well, sou are continually in danger of paintal and protracted confinements, and in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world, Even the porest fountain of which we driak—does tt not require cleaning? A person may imagine he is in perfoct health, and yet not know to what perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. J have un- duobted proofs of this fact in the unbounded suc cessof the LIFE MEDICINES. Wet those wko have foliowed the motto, ‘When you aie even moderately well, throw physic to the dogs” call upon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position. , ‘The cperation of the Life. Medicines in every instance that has come to my kaowledge is most. gratifying. ‘Those who are in eomparalive good health may perfect their happiness wilh no in convenience; and those onfortunates who are laid low by disease of almost any description, may find sase relief in those purely vegetable preparations, ‘They operate gently bot power- folly upan}the secretions of the body, and-cleanse the blood of all vitiated homors, separgiing the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and imparities—and leaving behind only what is gond and nourishing to patnre. Reader, consider and reflect well. ~The blessings of this life, fur rich and’ poor lie entirely wiihin ourselves, in oor own phy Sical bodies. My advice to all, then, is, grard your health. If you are well, perhaps yoo may be sull-better—and yoo may always avoid being sick hy a judicions nse of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. ; §Cc# Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills aod Pbkoenix : Bitters, are for safe by A. CKESS & BOGER, fgénts. Salisbury, Oct 29. 1842—Jy ¥4 gc _A-supply cf the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roats, Iredell county. hy ‘A. C, welNTOSH, A 1 gent a | celebnated (ar Ry Ee nes : : FOR ; inet — OTHER Diskag aR Pred oced by iy ey matin ~ bis Medicina j" Rd in Dagiet ! Us speedy aod Pelfeci Temorg! } “Gonorhee and Gleet. - Gein Mone Barsayw Afivetions, Colds, &e ’ -Asomatie Exrract, a linimen: (ion, Coldness in. the stonact, N i Weakness, inahe limbs, Rheumatic a Drecrative Powper, for bin Headache, Diseases of the Eyes hen Feve, tobe telien.in. ihe Resiorer, eT Japan Ointment, for Piles, applied.besi¢es-ihe Restorer. Bexcar Orstwest, Cor Teter, p, Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, Eruptions of iL . and foulsaleets, ; is tu be applied besides Ny storer. ==> oe Re Uaiyetsar on Stresctursixe P t diseases of thesChesi, Dyspeps ry Khaamatism, Palsy, Paralysis be Dg. Kunv’s Acovsiic O11, fo Dest and all other Auricalar Complainis, y: ich ioe be used togetber with the Restorer, i, BF’ Dr Kohl's Pamptle: “Treatmen: entered according to Act of Congress ,. full Directions for the use of the ahove me. ed medicines, and accompanies every Rema From the South Western Virginian of Mi j1, 1843. 7 wand ‘DR: KUUL'S MEDICINES We have for some. time, intended. oiy, commendatory notice of these invaluable , cines, bul have been prevented by tie preg other matters from doing so. We have fy “ last five orsix yeare, been quite familiar win, at effects both by experience and observation have no besitaocy in recommending them He afflicted every where. Oar opinion ig guj va jt was when ve first used these medicines, lig they sre superior to any we have ever ened The Doctor, himself, was with us a fow tm this week, and frum cases staicd to us, we rh been mare strongly confirmed in oor former ey, ion, that they are superior to al! otber medicion | The efficacy of Dr Kubl's remediog jn iy treatment of extraordinary cases is almost np cedented, and the year 1242 was rich of ites. tan@cures, two of which alone ovr space ey permit us to notice’at this time. MrA Sewpey of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, last Spring, » ry suddenly taken with 2 total blindness in taj his eyes. He uzed numerous prescriptions xy other medicines, bat to no benefit, In Mayiy he procured tte Restorer, Gold mine Balssway Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fudge, Fag Covington, Va.—took the two first medicines». ternally as directed in Dr Kab!'s Pamplilei, a the Universal Plaster be applied to the icone and some times over the eyes and by this (rem ment he has his eye-sight so far rec.rered, ty he can read both print and writing. If age explicit statement should be desired, s letterd tected to A. Fudge, Clerk C Coon, will teceig satisfactory evidence of the ubove, A lady of Bedford county, Va , was fir dex 17 years efflicted with the Liver Compiin treated with Calomel, took cold oo 1, and ew taken with cobtraction anc lameness. She wm the whole time, a great number of preserip'ag of Physicians of eminence, and every medcu that was recommended for fier use, instead of & fording relief, had a tendency rather to egenmy the disease, She sank from year to year, a1 digestive organs were so deranged tbat nothin agreed with her. Fo Auguat, 1842. the pag had not been oot of her bed in five sears, ex when removed by nthers—so versoas thiel ee versation or walking in the room procuce¢ \ most disagreeable effects upon tlie hezd ; berg eral feeling very bad, sour stomach, &e » had no intention to use more medicines, bul king a dase of the Gold Mine Balsam wil § much benefit that in one hour she felt beiiet,s then commenced a regelar course of Pr ket inedicines. She took a duse of the Restor the morning 2od one at night, and (wo cows? the Gold Mine Balszm between meals. Tis limbs were rubbed two of three times e cey © the Aromatic Hxiraet, and this teatmen! ™ given such a happy resolt, that she is now™ to watk aboot—the nervous <fections live’ her, her digestive organs are much :mprev"'s® her general feelings good. She is ave 3” and her complexion quite fresh, which 1° * tonished every one that was ecquainted © ° long standiog disease. ‘Ve have oni” name of thia lady, bat if any particulais ©" be desired, we refer to Dr Kohl's eget) © a. & = & te - 4 & » fur Bitions an for Ine; Indingg a 1a . bick 13 ty ie Lise la, lofaane f ’ CON Lag Re | 18 e # any Mo ders. i Oiter Bridge, Bedford county, V2. . We have particularised these cas moch to spesk of the great valne of Dr a medicines, as to inform the affiicted 10" ° may be relieved, ‘The treatment hiae beet © iced, 60 that others mey know thal of 7°" course they may also obtain thal wl) = more desirable than riches. Sc Persons wishing to procore medicines, will please direct ‘hei’ © the amount, (post paid,) 10 Tac Dr. Kune’s Orrice, RicumosD, | 8” or to any of the following Age: NORTH CAROLINA: Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, _ ce Homphrey’s & Gaither, Lexing'° ‘ in J. & NR. Sloan, Greensborere"s Dr N. Stith, Raleigh, ‘ M. J. A. Drake, Ashborove!. JF & © Phifer, Concctd. bs J) B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Vine !0' ete bore s S. Perry, Kernersville, “on” James Brankeck, We'e!!00. by Brasocck & Waller, Wea inghamcoun!y. RW Lawson. Yancesei % Jawes‘R CallomsMilice, South Carolina Steele, Gunning & Co. } orkenil Ah NecLare, Brawley & Co. Cher eat e continpation of tbe list O° d Age | SALISBURY: FAC#OR Y? ! HIS Establishment is new in-campleteope- COTTON YARN, Are | ‘of a superiog Qnality, whieh sbey ciipr.io4 i pablic at te dowest market. priges.. Merchaais | aod others, Hho willexamine qualities, and caiy- pare prices, will fiad it to their ipierest to per- éhase.. bing Set ~ © = ics J. RHODES BROWNE, ‘agent Salisbery, Jone 4, 18494145 es 3 rad a hs ge . , = ration. ‘Lhe Company gtestmanufactaring + { Shirting, Sheeting ond Osraburg, ” nis h and OTICE.—Patients 26 orth ate — p ; pr. _A feesh supply oh ets Joyne's invaluable Fsmily é ceived aud for mal WHEELER: # “ Salisbuty, Dee 10—1/20 on ST ROUINTE COURT WA gillian | Duated ob re paper 20°. Printed ob first eee (fice aff srw TERMS... . a heresfier be had twodlollars and end of the year. im will be received fora less time’ snless Pp id fr in advance, . car, ONIPSS pale one ¥ seontinoed (bat al the ppt il all arreagages are paid. 5 OF ADVERTISING. # aWaTcHMAN dollars in ad PANl, tf gt the We se ipilod a Pe, paper d! . zor) ual 9 4% TERM , gollar per square for the first in ge cents tor each coptinnance, 7 1 tives will be charged 25 per ¢ ae gbnve rates. B. i ion of $35 per cent will be gctiv bo ad 9ArLISO by the year. ; Seortiserpents will be eont ontil PP ninarged tor accordingly, order- eerain narabper of times & yr piers addressed to the Editor®nast Fs paid to eisore attention. r ——— gowan Hotel. THE SUBSCRIBER WING p rehased that well known and z esisblished Pablic House, (known name of Slaughter's Tavern,) in the ysalisbary. N. C., tnforms bis Friends Phe PaDlic generally, that the same is. now fap ihe recep! lon of Travellers & Boarders. . tyre and Bar wiil be supplied with a ie market and surrounding country af— srasLes spacions, and@ybountifally sup- gin grain and provender, of all kinds, at- 7 by faithful aa@ attentive Ostlers. ~, aogersigned pledges himself that.no. @x: ee sartshall be wanting to civegen- “a ction toall who may favor him with | atisfac : JAMES L COWAN. MACE ©. PENDLET . ‘upon all your Rulers, Do this, “1 Sec tha the Geter dn acu oe power * check A AND LIBERTY Is sa\ ne Goat Hare Tailoring Establishment ! A. P. ALSOBROOK, TAILOR, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) HAVE located myself in the Town of Salistery, (permanentiy,) and intend car- rying on my BUSINESS ina style nv be sorpassed in this State or out of it. My Eétab— lishment is in the room on the corner of the Mansion’ Hotel, formerly oecupied as the Post- Office. | hate emploged the best of Northern Workmen, Noex pains wil] oe spared to render this a Fashionable Establishment ! in all respecis. ntlemen, therefore, may rely oahaving their clothes made op in the mos ati@ dorable manner. | have n ed Tegetttly io Gotiifig for the last tee “years, and part ofthe time in som@of the most celebrated cin the ern coun— try [shall not to guarantee every thing to fit | eut and mak LONDON, PARIS, AND. NEW-YORE Galisbury Sept 11, 1840: uf? Ho WILL G® BALD! airidge’s Bolm of Columbia for the Hair e } Comsiick & Co —Itg positive quali- | } ae as fullows t— For infants, 5 ae ep~ ihe bead free from seorf, and caasing # lox- pfgrowth of Farr. —2d For ladies after childs , meator'og the skin to its oatgral strength frmness, and preventing the falling oat of ir. -3d For any person recumering from jedility the sawe effeeh is prodtced. “th ged in infancy tile guod growth is stared, giy be preserved by attention to the latest pe. of life. —Sth It frees the head from dand- suengihens the roots, imparts health and vio tbe circulation, and prevents the hair ebanging @olor oF getting gray —6th It ihe hair to curl beautifully when done op gover night. Ny ladies toilet should ever be made withont it. fh Children who have by any means con—' 4 vermin tp the head, are immediately and ly cored of them by its use. [1 is iatalli- bhad been bald aboot five years—no more hair ihe op of my ead than on the back of my} wand py head covered. with a thick scorf, bis situation about the 10th of Avgast last, | eno osing the Balm of Colombia, from Com- :& Co. Since whieh, haved used two and wif bottles of the Balm, which bas folly re— my hail, and freed my head entirely from \y head is now covered with fine, fllw long hair —whi y one may see by calling pm, at Stamford, Connecticat. & lov 12,1840 ~ Ds SCOFIELD. Coomerfeits are abroad—look always for the me of Comsioek & Co. Posale at the Watchman Office, and by C Wheeler, Saliabary, Dr Stith. Raleigh, D but, Hil'sboro? 5 J & R.Sloan, Greensboro ; J Maory, Lexington. wrch 4, 1848—1y32 Dr. Brandeth’s RGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Slisborv, N.C Oct 1842—1f14 Leok at. Dr. Sherman’s ad- tisement, and ifeyou wish reliet for your ma pmiadies, catl and obtain a remedy of C. 8B. HHRELER, Agent. * Sahsbory, Dre 10 To THE AFFLICTED.— The Meeriber has just received a large and fresh mee of Di Moffatt’s Life Medicine Call & Wain relief C B WHEELER, Agent, Wisbary, Dee 10—1120 PRIOES CURRENT AT Sacispury, May 6 1f20_ FASHUTO.NS, ived monthy - {fn conclesion, sboald | be en Staged, no one need send away to procure good ing @ A. P ALSOBROOK. Reference.—Thos M. Oliver, Raleigh, N.C. Saliehary, Jannary 21, 1848 — 1926 WORMS! WORMS?! rad — Startling Facts. Hundreds of childten and sdolts af Jost year ly with worms, when some other cause has been sopposed to be the true one. lt is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, woman or child existe but @hat ere sooner or later troubled with worms, and in hondreds of cases sad torela'e, a supposed fever, erariatina, eld, or some other ailing earries off tha flowers of the human family—while in truth they die of Worms! and these could have been eradicated in a day. by the use of a bottle of Kolmstock's Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter gf a dollar! How sickening the thought thai these things should be—and who can ever furgive themeelves tor not trying this Worm Ezterminator, when they know that even if the case was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibility do hurt —but always good a8 a puorgative—!ot the dis- ease be what it may How important then to ase it, and who will dare ‘ake the responsibility tndo without it? Let every parent that is no! a brate, ask themselves thie grestion ip truth end soberness, : Mr JC Ringold had a child verv sick for near two weeks, and attended by ® physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifage was given, and gext day more than fort; #orms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly A child of a widow woman, living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a month, till near a skeleton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose, A ho- mane lady, who called to provide for the family sent immediateity for Kolmstock's Vermifage, which brought away great qvantities of worms for two or three days, and the child. grew better atonce,and regained its full st h in lese than a month. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms ioa frightfol exient, an! were all cured rapidiy withethre Vermifuge. In some of the bes! families in’ the neighbor - hood of St. John’s ‘ark, i! has been extensively used, from the circamatance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, sfier all othe: remedies had failed, which wae very extensive ly known in that part of the ci'y A family in New Jersey saved several children by the ose of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifoge was given. The next day threr large worms were dislodged. and she left off the Vermifoge, when she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that finally broogh: t Cents. Cents. | 2%3¥ an incrediole quantity of worms,and the | Bacon, 5 w 5} Cotton Yarn. 90 pte ea complete, and she gsined her healit TAA, ' rap ¥ ee : <4 il aa A Physician of standing, had doctored a fam- tte ™ is awe Lege ly of childten some weeks, without being avle to 10 9 124 Oats; : 15 2 20 estore bo: oee-ont of the seven to health H:- mx, 27228 Pork, » . $3) haa the liberality 'o send for ‘Kolmstock’s Ver- “ion, clean 54° 6 | Sugar, br. Sa 10} mi abd Cored the rest with it in jess than a ee, 9ail loaf, 15a 18| week. © 9 a Arn, + 25 | Salt, sacksx $3} Numerous cases of other comiplain's were sap tathers, 90.251 Tallow 7 | posed to exist, add the persone treated for fever Fir, 3B 4 4 Tobacco 8 a 20 | &C-» bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov Patseed, 5 t — 1 ered the troe cate of the sickness, by bringing Iny » 50455 | Tow-Linen, 12a away almost an innamerable quantity of worms. “perth. Sad | Wheat, bush 75 large and smali, and the pessuns recovered with ‘seed Oii, pre Whiskey, 25 a 30{ great despatch. Instances of this kind might be gal 90 $1 | Wool. (clean) 25 | cited to on immense exiea!, bo! it is useless, one trial for 29 cents will shaw any one with aston , Faverrevitus, April 26. ishment the certain effects of this Verm:fnge mF. peach 40245 \ Molasses, 28a 25 Caution — Never buy this articie anjess it have , Ante $5 a 40 | Nails,ecot, 54 a 6{ ° Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifige™ handsomely en- ot, 53 6 | Sogarbrown, 6} 10} graved on the ouiside label, and the fac simile emt, 95 a 27 | Lump, 14] of Comstock & Co. “lve, 10212 | Leabes 15218] Agents—C B Wheeler, Salisbory; J & R tian, 4426 ae 50 260 Sloan, Greensboro’ > D Heartt, Hillsboro’ ; J P <0 Yarn, 142818 | Siek, $24 | Mabry, Li@xingion ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. Chdley vr 435.150 | Tobaecoteal 24a 24 Mareb 4, 1843—1y32 py, ©. FP. 14a td | Cotten bag 0 Pi loi tite ash! REMOVAL ! % a$54 | Wheat new 75 80 =. . *, ——im : 4 4 3 Wiis 128. : 3 E_ subscribers would respecifally announce Ca aa a + the public, thatthey have removed their amd me ed Copper, : ate ani! Sheet a 41 Natls catassor 629) " Bieta i i. . and 5 , where r modate aad ex - on short notice and “be consisotly on hand, a choice supply of x hae > snd Japan ‘Tin Wate, Britannia Ware, BP G2 7125 | Berhing Fors; Stille. &e SS vg JOHN D BROWN & Cow % st Steel @mer. 10 2 60| Salistiry, Jan QB, 1843 —1/26 ba 6 14 — ———— 37} German 122 14 CA BONDS f24'| Teximpe $1 2187 Neatly praved and fot sale at this Office | tory} D ropsies &e, REPAIRING# ’ HE Sabseriber respectfelly informs his old Friends and the Poblic generally, that he has opened a shop in Salsbury in iy, Sparta basi- ness,in a room directly ite West's brick building, in the house of . Boros?” Pew owned by Jag. I. Shaver and jasi below IP'Bddition to the above, the subscriber will Mafpby. carry oo the Silver Smith Business in albthe werratles commen in country towns: such as making Spoons; aod repairing Silve » Ware. Se iain He begs to asgure the public that if punetaal attention to business, and skillful work will eo- title hia to patronage and sopport, he wil) mer- i it. : AARON WOOLWORTH. 1f1é6 , Dr. Sherman's PMevyicated Lozenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, FING the cheapest and mos! pleesanf.— Vhe medical Fa@@ilty warmly approve them Dr. Sherman ia a skilful and experienced Phy- sictan anda member of the Medical Society o New Yok. SRherman’s Covgh Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughe, Colds, Consumption, W booping Cangh, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or Chest, &c. a ‘SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisie ee destroving meci- cine evepatiscovered hey have been ased in over 1.400 000wases and never known to fail SHER UAN’S CABPTIOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in netvous or sick Head— ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- us, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinkingo the Chest, Diarrhea, sitode, of a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the mOst certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American poblic - la the immense oamber of cases in which they ave been used, they bave never been known to bes Diarrhea or lonseness nf the bowels, so mon and troublesome during the summer months, may now be enlirely prevented by a proper ose f these L.zenges’ ‘They are prepared express ly tur that purpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence, Persong.sabjec! to a derange meot of the bowels ghoul er be without thom Thev -fford immediate relief from al! the attendy ant gripings, faintness, depression. &c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as plensantiind easily taken ag the common Peppermints; and are an active and efficien: medicine ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever ueed fur bilious persons. Wherean active medicineia required, they are not only the best, bat the safest that can be administered Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of al! plasters for Rheomatism. Lom- bago, Fain or Weakness in the Back, I.oins, Side or Breast, s The above medicine ig for sale, wholesale or retail, atihe Saliehory Medies! Dring. Store, by C.B WHEELER. Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Nov. 1 Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Sept 3, 1342 1v6 Dr, Wofut’s Wegetable Life * -Wedicines | aioe qualities of the most mild and be- neficia! nature. They are composed of ar- | ticles the most egllibetreccent, combined with | ingredi@iits known a8 the only certain antidote tur fewer® of every description. When the dis ease is pro d either from cold, obstroction, had air, Swampy and damp'situations, or potrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by other causes, these madie are certain in their operations or effects. Thee are possessed of pe- caliar qualities, which not only expel all disease, but atthe same time restore and invigorate the system When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffose themselves like vapor through every pore, producing effecis at once delighwfol, salutary, and permanent’ When ‘he spork of life begins to grow dim, the circolat languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- eioes are fonnd to give a tone to the nerves, ex- hileralé the anima! spirits, invigorate the body, and re-animate the whole man The Medicince have also been wsed with thé most happy success in Nerv.us ane Dyst ptie “diserses, Conenmption, Asthma, Liver omplaint, Rheematisay [chronic and inflage- BCHCall a! Cress & Bocer's, Agente. Saisbary, Oc! 22, 1842— 1y 13 BCP A supply of the above Iqualosble ME- DICINES are for sale at Temes Cross Roads, Iredell county, by” ps A. C McINTOSH, Agent DAVID L. POOL, r KES this me‘hod of hie fr ‘ and Cloek making, and atand, near che Coorthouge All done by him will be warranted tor twelve moaths...Hestill keeps on hand + smal a ry . fad Silver taken in exchange for Jew or e te Salisbary, ) 12, 1842.— tf$8 J. 8S. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ‘ET LAw. SALISBURY, N. C, Las- 4 —— — . Ma. Epi ton s—Sinee the Steustica! To- come t CCT five aovengh estan c I beve devoted some Of leizure houre to an investigation of their contents. These tebles show me impor- t-nt facts, ed@ though hy } intel gs rrect, prove beyond the possib of a doubt, tbat North Corolina.is one of 1 ‘firet agriculm- ral States in the Union. p colli vetesprof itebly a greater variety of erop than any oth- er Stote. In the great staple—eotton—she near y equals her sister on the South there beings difference of only one sixth in the quantity raised by the two Chiohe age while she exceeds Virginie seventeen times. Th the other great staple=Tobseco—she is a little e then doubled by Virginia eccor. dingto tion—while she exceeds South Caroline three hondred and twenty-five times. In tice she is bebind South Caroli - na, but greatly ahead of Virginia In wheat she is behind Virginia, bat gr superior to South Caroline. Jn corn she beats Vir- giria according to population as 31 to 27; and nearle doubles. Sooth Caroliaé. Upon the whole, the produce of agricultural labour including the yield of the forest and fishe- res, in the two Ceroliigs and Virginia stands ae follows: veloe t each, of the pop- vlation. ok, pa Non Caroline $30 70 ' inia $30 55 sod Carolinas $28 29 This estimate is founded upon the crop of 1889 —of course the resulis would vary each vear according to the local scarcity or abun- dante of thr crop. If the BEmber of laborers employed in ag- riculture bad been teken with anv kind of accuracy, 1! would have been more proper to have estimated the product to the hand ; hot apon examination I find that postion of the returns so incorrect as to forbid the at- wt ‘tempt In many of our eoontiesthe deputy marshalls m no return ; while to others they made nomber nearly equal to ihe whole population—some extended the com putation to boys of 10 veare ; while others confined the enumeration to mep. It is more certain therefore to compare the pro- ducts to the whole populetion- asthe tote! enomeretion is 8lwaysw@orrect. ” The above results do not afford an abso- lute tegt of the progress of wealth in each State Beesvse stockersising. the mechaaic arte, manniactures §-¢., fe not teken into the eceovnt. It may happen that the pro- duce of these combined @ith agricultural isbonr cause a more rapid growth of wealth in a State less benefitted by agriculture If the pr: fits of mechsnical. and manufacturing indus'ry contd be rtained from the pres- ot statistical reworos, wath as much precis on as these of sgricultore, a combination of the whole would be more eatistactory. This however | have not attempted. The above estimates inclode only the immediate pro- vets of the soil, forest end fi-heries in the 'hree States named. I ooght also to state that in arriving at the above results, | ascertained as well as I was edle, the price of every article of pro- ‘nce in each State in the yer 1839. And taking dine mediom price, supfiosing the ar- ticle Bald a: the plantation, reduced the wfiple to dollars and cents and devided the ‘opreg te value by the whole population. Noe @hile the statistics) returns them- selves are not .absolutely correct, owing to the embarressments under which the depuly marshals laboured, (10 conse quence of ignor- ence end demegogueism ;) vet opinions may be form them more satisfactory thin from any other data; and mis grestig.so be wished fhat at the next census m : plete returns wi!] be made, } have ae instituted a comparison he- tween the cownties of ofmown State upon the ssmexprinciples ; efcept that the pro ducts of the forest and fisheries are not in- cluded. ‘The value of the products of the soit slone to each of the population is as follows : Cabarras, $49 S9/Washington, 21 17 Northampton, 41 52)Stokes, 20 82 Davidson, $8 03/Wake, “99 35 Anson, $7 45)Johnston, 18 36 Yanev, $5 58/Randolph, 18 84 Iredell 35 42|“Monigomery, 18 22 Rotberford, $3,.28)Pitt, 17 9$ Caewell, $2 22/Corrituck, 17 36 Jones, $1 24) Martin, 17 80 Davie, Unslow, 17 61 Chowan, Gates, 16.69 Perquimons, Macon, 16°97 Lieco!n, Doplio, 15 74 Greene, 28 6 Pacquocadlle 15 72 Warren, 28 S$5iGuilferd, 14 72 Rockingham, Robeson, 14 71 Franklin, 27 65 Vyrrell, 54 55 Hay wood, 27 46|Edgecombe, 14 44 Bertie, Celumbes, 14 Hatifex, New Hanover 13 Cherokee, laden, * 18 35 Burke, Person, 13 06 pairing business. at his old | Boncombe, % Bronswick, 1) 87% chmond, fort, 10°00 ilkes, 5] Moore, 9 17 Sarry, 23 40/Orange, ” § 86 ; ampson, 7 86 Chatham, 4¢itienderson, "724 Camden, b{Craven, 6 69 Warr 22 76|Naab, 5 73 22 12/Carteret, 9 47 Bei Len plan! _ The reterns from Lenoir are pleynly in- correct sn thé wclé of corn. Hertford end Rowen wefe poi taken—tbese Coun- Selistury, Jan. 7, 1848~ 1124 * ‘ * = sock services.” cent. t6 the 100 mites distance, would be s "aoe where wagons tre used. beo in comparing two counties by the ebove table, Gne of whieh is near to mar. ket end the other distant; such per cent. must be added to the velas opposite the neercounty. For instanee Géhe is di tent from merbot Winle Ondterlond wea now '0 eomparinghose two counties, Cum- pPerland must b the adventage af her lo. cality. end es the ptodnée of both counties are priced alike in making out the above table, tbe per cent. equivolent to this ad- tage must be added to the result annex- 6d to Cumberiaid. f° w:!t not gay that 30 per cent. tothe 100 miles 1s the correct rate but leave it to the judgment of the re ° , The abovetable exhibits the agricultural haracter of each covnty : but not the rex! profits to the hemd. ~A very gond idea how- ‘ever, may be foraied of the profits of this kind of labor compsreti¥ély «mong the counties from the abdve table, by observing that the results were obteined by dividing the aggregate valoe of the products by the ebote populenon. Nuw if in any given county @ great portion of the population are engeged in other pureuits ther the egritul- ture in tbat County is (he work of e few bands, and though the produc may be swel! to each of the whole popolation, yet: they may be considerable to the hend em- ployed. When therefore. segr@at oumber of poreons in ary one county are employed 10 other -porsuits, the emount opposite that coonty in the table should be proportionanly incressec. This allowence cao bes made Pwith some eceuracy by any one pretty weil 2equainted witb the pursuiis, and situstions of the different counties. Upon the whole however, from the inves- tigauon T have given the subject, I am sat- isfied that after making all the above sug- gested exceptions, sad allowances, the coun- ties will stend in aboet the same order as above enumerated. That is, the greatest profit to fhe labourer is realizedgn.the great- est agricultorel counties And | am also s-tisfied that the most permanent progress of wealth follows the same order. Ihave given you this much, Mr. Editor, for the smusement of your readers. | would be exce®dingly happy, if thesé bints should provoke the investigations of some vne more cepable of doing jostice to the subject. And I stall be more then com- penssted for ‘be trouble of prep#ting this “ommunication, if the representations here made ehell tend to animate the sgrieoltural pride of oor cHgens, or vindicate in any ‘egree the characier cf the “good Old North State’—God bless her! sf was seid by Dean Swilt, I believe, that he who prodoces by improvements in egri- culture, two blades of grass @here only one was grown before, desesves more honor (ban the most emioent Statesman What s blessing 11 would be. 1f some of our surplus political ambition could be converted spto agricultural pride! There ise great mis- teke in the public mind @ith regard to ihe professions. North Carolina ealls for ej- aceted end spirited farmere, and if the fa— thers of our Siate will furnish them, her in- fluence will soon be felt throughout the onion Yoor homble serv’t, «JUNIUS L. CLEMMONS. ~Lexincton N C., Apri 28, 1848. ETERS Buncombe — Talking to Buncombe, &c —Buneombe county is the extreme West of Carolina, among the Blue Ridge mogn- tains. A few vears 8.0, &8 raw country «t- torney came to Congress from that region, and begse a speech one morning before the house assembled. Rising solemnly ‘10 bis place,” be tagned toward the colored man who wes eweeping erotod the Speaker’s cha.r, ‘Mr. Speaker,.’’ seid he ‘render unto Cesar the things tbat sre Cesar’ and to M's. Cesar the things thet sre bers p> for® man are a man all over the world, and @ hog are a hdg. Sir. I’@ opposed to toat thar bitl— its 8 transparency to slterpste ine coosty- tu-shy-op, Mr. Spesker. d a you!” Phe vegtadropped bis broom snd stared around the ball, and then at the urator firm- ly persueded thaf the man was crazy, he ventured to remonstrete. “btink mass.’s cater order, pon de count dar’s novody f1 9Bhere cept me, and Jim whet’s ovterside-” The orator raised t- hand peremptority “sh—ehonigeet. I’m talkigg to Buntombe ” | —New York Plebian | Republican Logic.— We find the foliow- | ing poser th the Charleston -Mereury cf a | lace dete. A gentlemen was expetating on | the jastice and propristy‘of an hereditary | nobilite. * [tas eoght,”? eatdibe, * in order | to hand dowa to posterity the virtoes to the | country thet sherr posterity should enj-7 the honors conferred on them a reward ior “Ry eame role,” sxid the The same remark above made q@ith re- gird to the Sietes, is here spplicabie to the a: at a * hanged for bis miedeeda, you"ee duve it, Mary! you've burat my leg to 2 all his posterily should be hanged too ! ? rt to the di Ity i er- taining the pladtation price in Po eaity with exsetneds, a dhiform Price was assum. ed throughout the Siaté in the computenon of the shove table. leaving 1 to the reader to make due ellowence for nearness, |~ or distan @ market. The gpnera! rate is that the prices of produée are enhanced by nesriess to aerket: perhaps 30 per He not fallen 1 ) Thechainiess ond etidden mind Oppose the torrent’ beadiang Aod torn aside the whirlwind's force Bot deem not tha the mighty mind wi wr the be es sie, | For though Waste dremn x Ivqtoope not from his ‘high epiate ; \ Marius ‘mid the ruing still. He is aot fallen? F : ~ Phat alee t Reseny From: wild a Or where the ricn & Plosts snow like on Is Booming un ward to bis ear, *A homage to tiie lofty'nind & ‘ "A weed the falling newer fin é of A pains abich pei nll. Se Stanolthe West! A million eyew Are mmioniedly ante him ; a “tdola' ries The abrise of ore bre kind! : Aad tien & bi ty Sag i speed ; Or meteor - ezling to betray The Caroest tha better dey, -3 All hail! The tne te tnsteolagions ‘ ¥ When, vainly tried bf siancer's facie, . + » > Colombia shall behold ber eon \ Unharaied, without a laurel go . As from ihe “flames of Babylon "te & © Rhe angel zaarded trial exe! The standerer ghall be silent then: His spell shall leave the minds of men, ‘et upon airiot’s fulare fame. es VISIT TO SANPA ANNA IN 1839 We atrived about five o'rlogjeat Mangade Cla- va, afier passing through leagers of uataral gal- den, the property of Sania Aona.- The house is pretty ; slight looking, aod kept e* in nice order, We were received by swaid-de camp in full vaiform, and by severalofficers, and condacted tod large, cov! agreeable apartm@ng? . * with little furnitare,inio which ehorily entered the Senofede ‘Santa Anna, tall, thin, and at that early hour of the morning, dressed to regeive us, jn clear white mostin, with white satin shoes, aod @ith very splendid diamond earings, broagh and rings She wes very polite, ard ini her daughter, Gagdaloupe, a “wi n mamma io features and costume. x. In-a little while entered General Anne himself, a gentlemanly, good looking. quiet dressed, rather melanch»ly loukipg person, with: * Es as w . = ~ one legs-epparentiy somewhatof ae to us the most interestiog persog "in me ' He has @ sallow complexidpfine dark eyes, i mm. esting expres: im : sion-of face. Koowing nothing uf tis prettiis= e would have said a philosopher, ne world, end found that al! was vanity ;“one who had soffered ingratitode and who,if he were ever persuaded to emerge from his retrejiiy hiscoontry. [tis strange how fre expression of philosophic resighatign; sadness, is tu be remarked og, the _ ity . ing of men. C——o gave him a logger from “4s the Queen, [of Spaic] written on Ppesition + . & ed well pleased, bat merely made the tonorent observation, “ Haw well the Qoeen writes!” It was only now and then the expressi~n of which is cat, off below the knee. uepeaks of it freqaently, like Sir John Ramoray blondy hand ; ang wiltn he gives an sccount of his hie coantengace assumes ‘that air of bit'erness whick Ramorney’s may have eRpidited whea speaking of, “Harry the Smith.” ” spoke a great deal of the OU Svates and of the persons whom he had known there, and ip his manners w3s qaiet and gentleman-lik# and, al- ted to see. To judge from the past, he will not long remain in bts present state of inaction. Breakfast was announced The Senvra de After the breakfast the Senora despatched an officer for her cigar case— which was goid, with a diamond latch—offered me a cigar, which I per cigaerita, 2nd the gentlemen tullewed ber good exainple.— Life in M wien Retort Courteous —Edwaia Kvereit, ovr pre- beforethe Ph: Beta Kapps Suciety at Cambridge, at tbe'r annual celedration, a lew years agu, aud, after the poblic exercises were over, the Society soft and peoetrating, with 1 a torgy e ia ibe ica retiremen: ; ene, who hed tried | woold only do so, Cincinnatos like tg benefit ge : thi si of the deepes!, must ambitiong, and qost designs» ofebis stl] being President. with which beseem- ~ his eye was startling, when he epoke of his leg, wound and alledes to the Fredch on that dom O:herwise he made himself very agrepable, together, a nure polished hero than | had expec- Santa Anna led meio. * se eo 8 haviog declined, she lightes her own. a title pa sent Vinigter Eagiaed, Celivered an oration had a dinner, as 1s ugoal on euch occasions.— J odge Story, “who presided at the tables, is ssid to have proposed the following sentiment, efter the cloth was removed, in compliment to the or- ator: The Orator of the day—Applause followethe , footsteps of fame @ serever it (Everet!) goes." .. » This directed Yhe attention of the whole pany to Mr Evereti, wbo immediately rosy alt = made the following beppy retort: # L « The of al Profession — However 8 cops @ay ve, they hofty 1 9p nevertan tise b =<. . Effects of Imazin@li@n.—A @rrespondent of a the Satem Owerver, relates, tbe, following ex ae * well -sathenticaied snecdole, Io4y who” was aceusiumed to ply ber " Pihe lung winter evenings, lorg éfter her h dtacdre * tired totpst from the labore of the @as- Betore . retiring, she was in ihe babi: aigelitming ber side of the &d with the warming pan Jn co- ing this, she was often angoyed by bis — d strances egainst it,@sying that she wavid bur him thongh she had of:en asseréd bim thers was no danger of that Te cere him of this hs bit, she oue eight filed her psq with snow in- stead of coals 5 no guoner did the pan touch hia, than be sprang from, ihe sed egelaimicg, “qo@ dlister !” ta %. wt oe mS 7 . . id . * ° Ld ~ ee he. te ® iv . | ! ieceerts | “Prowm the Miwisla™ ee, . : of the 2dth of reference to eit Sr ae } = = the Senate, the Resolution of tag tighter theo si nd seferiben) BOLD AND EXTENSI — sere aa teh, 934, di oving of the Removal of Whig Prophecy}, Bre, "aageer*e” eadeot Jacton, le D. LOOK ON THIS PICTURE ! the midetivf jie dciasions of the reige of | eeptaelianae (oy ‘ ‘ pes wt ie : SDAY. MAY 6. 1843 erehtipen, beside Jackgovigm, te 1838. it. will be se that Ae = Se 7. grvsk se | ore.0 aT if _ ton Le a RD AAY 6 1843. 2 od of “-From@he Jonesborough Whig. this “segscioes Stgtesman, from the proud ;, tha Wien det. fae of, the Westera Se rs a . a, nL. The Hon. Mr. Binney, of the House of | emioeace on whieb he stocd, looked at the es Company, at Colombas,,; & - © . ' which were to befall | partments; and Wo to the offices, who hav othe night of hen Represeagfuves, in the wee ee wins be csomry ioe 48.5 He drew from the | ing weceived gold from the eroment, | - pte esi aml diszvised, » betes whieh mou _ J x Polk of | past, sad ihe them presenty Belutary lessons, | shell presume ot dare to differ paper to the bout 8 o’cloek, while the officers, seer cee hae rd tho foll wie morale | ‘or the futéte, whieliwe sre nodiboslizing @idiers of citizens. Then 8 great stresany Murd@ek and Rass, were closing the zaulie > ae we sudere Vepnevers: eae nh Gee : v ded then, | the troth of. Ooly lank et what he predict- gold will fow up the Mississippi from the light wie extinguished by the robbery as. om . yen predie:ion, which, meee =: teuel [ See} ed @ovld accompany and follow the destrur- ND oy end diffuse itself all over the , and beld ————r, | Tr ~ : Se en ee tion of the United States Bark ! Will aot | great West. Nestty'all the goldseainage of ; Gatil they Ne Si olin, Pe Ir as Weeolty sass wes corned into | bis prediction be found complete ? we ag: on Moses to pr Mir. Viken’ . The ae ¢ done > bat we may int “ . .| He seys: ' ates; fOr, ee aa — f _ Feit ye. the t FT RF most s@Her, unless t . 7 ae effect there would be a hundred benksstert-| © le he. our circulyion was sixty one Governments of Me _ South Ameri-, by th® robbers. who car- SapoNTy. ‘Toggns Be aroived : help aon A of the oseribed : ; ol és . ; x : ——_—_____.. Usinet Besoee 5 oe would have | millions of dollars. In Janwarv, 1835. abl ca, being the epinage of, gobel eet he ried away ia e007 6 to $15,000; in eS tye a me riends abroad fee) inclined 1 ns, : . emtlee i ; hundred | cannot go to off Spsin, OF to « otes 15 to 18, “package belonzing EMP ; , thew shooting out their paper missiles ¥ all oad then, ~~ aga Teens capes co | daaiettucek, ane thereforepill” come am ert me of f a hea’ matee ana —", , = aid they can forward the amox directions. “Rhey would come from the four es senty mill the United States as its nature] snd dest bh ciel _ . ie seeent cf méaying of the Rowan Washington T'em- | Hityap, Postmaster, who is the 5. less than ons hundred and @enty ; bis will Gil the West wiib doab- | Ctr special perance Society, willbe hbld'in ihe Methodist | Committee of Relief, aod ive. quarters of the Union.” izty milli dollars in | market. . jot 20 t ; d of $5,000 on Agsio: Mr McDurrie, of the House of sani t grea the feats frou age Be sl loons ad half joes ; and ingerght or nice ales 7 are = ‘— ° Episcopal Charch on Saturday the 6:h.May,“et | judiciously appropriated.» x Representatives, ot, page 27 of the able Re- he Tress- | wonths from this tine, every substantial cit- | © len fotiigwas fonnd on | candle fight. A full attendance of the members| 4; R nn ; tetarns made by the Secretary ofthe Tr 7 ‘ @ G6 A part affthe stolen pwas : “een ; g. Rayner.—The Hoo Kee por, made oo the 83th of Apsil, end thirteen a a j izen will haves long silken parse, Of fine otuindl . is earnestly reqaest the election uf Officers . beth Sere ogo 9: Soon haa” Bo nt ae senelhhogh, rina eS GAA he i en em leg! Oe nay na "If the Beok of the United States were | . ineremes tartare or shoes years before | #bifeh the yellow gold.will shine and glitter. then endempxewiliéd. Tiktes cern | © J. H. HARDIE, President. ane whois th Dive, hi destev ved, agd the loca! institut.ons left with- yet time, and reflect on the enor@ons rise Then traveliers wl! be {ree from the pesti- were selellied st-ebou' 11 o’cleclt at night | 3 ; aa. , competitor wil} b out @ restraining ir fluence, the currency | |, propegty since (a sure snJigation of an | leace of regged, filthy, and counterfest woch “exhsustedi> The alarm wee given, BURTON CRAIGE. « BCP We had the pleasure yy, * wotd aliost certainly relapse into » state voteslthy cuevlauon,) we most be satisfied | Doles. Every substantial man, aod everv end the whole 10% slesce: arogsed for the Thio geatlomsn ‘@ of oat-resders know, Tadsdsy sight last to 2 lecte 2 a of Bnsoandness. The ver§ pressure which that there hss been pa than seventeen | substantie! man’s wile =e <nOe ties. a night. = is the Locofose cand ; e ‘Congress from this delivered by Dr. A Crane; bap (Pao @@ théwresegs Bank. in winding up Of 118 con- millicos edded to the circulation within the | (revel upoa gold. rhs “ee Be Pr : District. How the Jackson Van Buren portion | jt was the best lecture by far, w, bent PPE <A < gerne, would make upoo. the toca! iastita laet sixteen months, and that one hundred | bénk slone, to ehow their al eee See thé fp PucAG OF THE UNITED STATES. | oF ihe ean sopport him, W® cennottthe subject. He reasoned well # ee es. ag Ser) ee MrEee Sov R- oad twenty alligns is below rather theo a— lo bey . nates ee if i The flag.of the Usited Spay wee Sie ad for oor lives iiiagine. Whagsecurity have they plausibility as was wel) calcaaad _ J @% TAM THEIR DISCOUNTS WHEN NEEDED, OR hove the cost auumeate. * oss h paper. a fl nated by Cong in Gtion, passed gee that if his" favorite. Joh faline . ba eae ckeptica) in reguée We > ie vser®p specie Payments. Hts not a glenre, the i | Sy Giri. it 10 predict whiclwof theese alternatives ane of ihe beso * * ar things. an THE BLACK LAKE. to consist of thirteen horigontal stripes, altetnate | the Presidency, should Said poo =a jp there is trath ij . After he had go nbld_sdopt under the reamatances : pret , , o _ . red and white; and the Union was to be thir- | the Locof Natiofial er deeture, he blindfalded hiteself, ana os sary > bcop ’ oh) : who catihet also, sir, see at 8 g'ance how This isa sheet of water, lying eleven miles te@p stara, white in a blue field, tepresenting a pot dese m should he i individoals well koown | . ig which they woald ‘be ips Whe ia- is to end ?—If the evil ghould be checked | south from illedgeville, in tbe county of Wit- | new constellation. the Whigs in !8$7, bees triumph did not "“Whadiite b d with ane p&npes Wants of & suffering community now, aad the reduction be slow end gradeal, | kinson. It derives ite name from the color ofits} By an Act of Janoary 14, 1794, the stripes | ‘°° tee tn 2000, Some P pate @ read with much ee would call for discounts 15 lengusge which we might escupe the consequences wilich | water, which is-of a very dark hae; and it i | a4 stare were both to be fae Penomber, to | inare to their benefit. Nope at all. Who wes ration of the Assembly Di.€ Could wot be disregarded, The public ne- | me hee inevitably mm store for us under an- | remarietble for the quantity aod variety of Gish | isin effect from the Sret of ay, 1795 This re ingall the land to be nd more lowd-moutb- | to be a clever man, and doubt! cea ces@fties would demand and public Optnion | hes poles. Bat, sir, Tar from expecting which it contains. as ats: for iis great depth. | sadition of two stars and stripes to the flag was | ed, and iMterly. to, Martin Van Boren in “hrenologist we ever saw. would sanction the suspension or at least | thie, I look to sn incresse of the diseege. [1 | There, may be found the Bnest trout that swim owing to the adimission of Vermont and Keo- 1835-'36, than this same WBuirton Craige, be- The Satu¥® of Lounag. at — isiane oj a8 ; : ing@ny waters. One weighing nine poand, caogh: | tyoky into the. Union, the former on the 4th of fus, ies an evasion, of specie payments.” appesrs to me inevitable. A universalted- in it a Thursdéy, last, graced}ithe table of one of Merch 1791—the latter on the let of June, be believed him to be hostile to the tr: a the TthultiGBe ster a taba Now, we esk the candid reader, if this! ness has taken possession of the pubiic | ine hotels thig @ity on the seme day. The 1792. ‘terests of the South —becaase he believed hity to AE, Prediction bas not also beer fulfilled, and} mind. Wubia the laet four months I have} bream, veh red horse, sucker, cut, aod other} By another ect of Cotifftess in 1821, (we be- | be an 4 onist of the first water, and who hes days. + hey passed ebill Dis:ricting tga with an exactness, only sorp by the ful- | heard of augaieatetions of banking capitel, | fish are caught ia it in large quantities. lig lieve) it wee provided that from and after the fol not to this day devied the Heh: of Congress’ to providing for anew election of ember » fi'lineot of propbeet tp Holg rot? Bae Proposed or pessed, to the amount of fifty | abapt:wo miles in length, aod from@ixty to sev- loging fourth of July, the flag of the Usited abolish Slavery in the District of C i | gress, ‘The revedite bi!l and the bil) Dot the currency relapsed into @ state of un- millione-of dojlers, and more 1 am told sre | eat¥ yards in wedth Sometigngs, 2 slight cur} Cisies should consist of thirteen horizental stripes We walbenaasbic the meeting di"the freemen ape Bank Lae of last session feilec. 7 kes: os. : . rent may be observed rimpling’ the water, bat | 344 the Union be eémposed of nty stars — pe ‘ 4 soundness, sinetsthe Jickson dynsety pros projecting ; so that we msy expect to see seldoin is this the case. The scenery surroud-| The same act aleo provided, that. ni admis- | of Rowan, @iVogler's grové in May 1835, and BO We had anticipated with « trated the United Sites Bank? Did oot this sysiem continuing until it oresks aod | °°"? "' . man) hie : . . : . ; hy woe mee aceasta te fale mn own igh end magnse. oh cn dgaia sephora [auf ger, Signe Unravel semen cog Mr. Cig blight, hs nate nc they were most neede!? Did they not sus-| Jy the present state of things, the States are chmenncde a view of many miles in extent, | tape effect on the 4h of Je then next oho- orth{tot eople on that ogeasion, w a irefal | dates for gresspwere expected i pend specie psyments again and egain !| 31) interested to increase the circulation of and he who desires to view one of the mdsten- ceeding such admission. Offourse, the present effect the Blection of Vaa"Buren woold have on Salisbury during the prosén: week - aniy Have-novthe Locofocos proved to be false | their own banks, and prevent that of their | chanting prospects in this or any er couoiry, flag of the United States consists of Thirteen | ‘he Coantry ; and we are sorry to acknowledge, ingly having heard the Shenf tne ‘plophets tn predicting thet‘gold &eilver would neighbors, Indeed, we already see aym- | would do well to pay this really obscure Spot 80 | Stripes and twenty six Stars By thie regula— | ‘hat what be then foretold has uofortunately Monday, in that full end formal tone which supply the place of Bank issues 2? And have | toms of a war of legislation the result of | early visit. The Poet will eA oe cwety thing tion the siripes Teprocabite bombersof States, | proved too true. Here we are, in the midst of racterizes the official procla-nation of thy they nbd proved to be false prophets in say jealousy, by which they are aitempting to | '° excie bis imagination, and the Painter wou by whose valor and resources Americtn Indepen distress— without agoané and aniform Carrency tionary, that Mr Craige, Geo. Eéner ay ; . d ing toplace, agefar as in his power ; —qhj é iti . aly: . ing Wat we could get slong without a Uni | restrain the notes of banks io other States lev, thet “omon canvass, which natore has vonia dil ieinseecnah x shed siege lane —tbe nation almost bankropt, from the misrale Barringer, would address their fellow cii ted Sietes Bank, and vat the State Banks from passing within their liaiis, ed shoold ornament this spot, - | tion of the present Constitotion. of Jackson and Van Baren's disastroos Admin- the Court-House the next dsy a Prec woold supply its piece : This deplorable state of things must yet Ono the other side of the Leke isa large _ _ - istration Do we find those men who stood ®P | o'clock,” we repaired to the spot at th » We next.se:ect' Mr Earn, of Ohio, and get worse ; aod well might the Senator from | swamp which abounds with deaigped “the wild Althe age of 18, George Weshingtog so manfally for the People’s rights in 1835, still Wied that we ight | pe . Mr. Layton, of Deleware, pot as more | Missouri depict it in the colors be did a few | turkey uf the woods.” The gro@ th of this swamp copied into a sort of memorandum back advocatingitheir cause? . No! We find them | ¢ , [ oe ee steseiiredie then thone alréesdy named deya ago He could not overcharge ‘his | ‘8 28 Various, ag the most romantic fancy would which be then kept, e set of rules for be- Ste by side with the * Re . wad Rendkea — of that interesting occasion, ‘go “wh et-was to follow the destruction of the pictore—a picture, sir, rendered more paing 4°site — Natore seems to have been lavish when havior, the influence of which seems cleer-| > “_ oy anes: © hoase was already neably filled ws “ she paid ber first wipit to it, and caused to Bpring 2 . striving to strengthen the National Executive, crowd was still pouring in. We oo lv discernible, opoe the whole ofthis illos- . : Ee : which they then thougbt already too strong, and | however, in procaring @ cOapfortable seri, Unite PStstcs Bank, but a8 more condensed | fy! to contemplate, by the recollection of . E « mu. <a was then & Senator in Coneress, | our condition before thé war was waged on ee: lei ba ‘wich all thier ng tious life. One most sinking and useful . . ro @ a 1881) eud has since been Presideot Hartt | the Bark of the Unied States. For 81x | recommend sn lovely aepot, there isa something was.—Hever, in the presence of uthere, which seemed to them io be bordering. on NMon-| which to make oar observations. The thie a we ro, ae of the Treasury. He said, | teen yeers it regolated the currency of the | @anting, without whieh, to dwell ia, n0 place is | tc. do any ect which might seem to imply = archy. Freemen of the Second District, are you | roes had taken the judges seat ; and thoaghaig Se. on the or of the Senate Fs counlry with @ wisdom end success of which | desirable. Healjh sbides not here. lo the wien, or disregard of them: but ta accom. | Willing to trast your liberties into the hand # | out the judicial re Or wige, they ceriaialy HO: % * But this " @ all. You sap the morals | there is no parallel. We threw it wey, and saan pt pean aye ath Certain! pany every movoment with e gesture ot | such Jim Crow politicians. Vien who have m0 | sented an sf ranee, "by no mesns comme -s ta & at the seme ti you thus rudely shake the | we see what we hav@ got in its place. Sir, ole a ’ bey ee Iy- tentors pagers loak of courtesy end respect, et leest so as | other object in view than théir own personal ®g | animposing, Gen. Edney occupied | a prosperity of the peopte. Their firs: -esort | all the projects of regulating aad checking a reatdance Nite Whiektca!, This is tha| ‘© So » mindfulness that others are pre- | grandisement. Whigs of old Cabarrus,°what | Whether th pias an tions! courte, + & Wl) be to. legistotive ard, and REUIEF | the excess of bank emissions by» lew, refu only bitter, thet intermingles with the sweem| seat” See these edmirables rules in Sparks’} say yoo? Whigs of old Iredell, are you willing if 90, w er it. was extended to him is # AAWS follow, or, in other words. law' to | sirg to rece@ive at your Treasury their notes | 44,3; may be extracted from the Black Leke and | Life of Weshington. to run the risk ? Whigs of the whole District quence of military retik, or for the poy as. prevent the collection of debts, (for wht] of a less sum than $20, will have no more its vicinity: Were it otherwise, no place that They ovght to be read by all whos in what say you? Awake from yonr lethargy, and relieving bim from any small degree : Ba gals eovieautevingece stress cag een nee wanted Bure g bucket fol Stop its [ot uomer than aan PoPUaeG 0 rotor! Ta atage-caaeh, slip. sexr feet opon | ante open the eld and fnsiews BARRINGER | sr im fi might be thoogtt ike} Sn Op " n : 118. a ; . . A : “* Wee ?) or, if not ihan the crestioe ole host current. And as to pusbing go'd and silver At the present time, there W¥ncamped at the ery all who ‘emthe xa a piageoveth, os and tbe victory will be yours. from the novelty of hie posttion—orwbel Black Lake, a large patty of gentlemen from _ *< srrangement was merely accidental, we dil oar city, who have gpne there for the perpose of other confined place where other persons EIGHTH DISTRICT. leata. eandigerd bes armed with hunting and fishing. Among the || *r@e-by all who indicate a tempt forone; Hon. Ep Sranty, the fezrless und un wavor- i ‘aitke Weal! the heavier at last And | up, and supplying its place with their notes, crack stints, and oondly fishefmen. Tovited to neer them, by hucming « ie, efother ON- | ing defender of true Whig Priociples; hes beed papers Sie memoria, “wbick rene neinstead of the sale and sound carren—| that is eqaally impracticable , a cheap and | periake of their hospitalities, we paid them a | coorteaus noise—in short, by sll the vulger| = : press ready somewhat worn The nm _ wer which we no@® enjoy, we shall 8gain have | ® dear currency never can exist together ; | visit last week, and were much delighted with | or rude people, who thiak their free ecar- endulmoed’) Bemniaated by the Whigs of the | under bis lefi arm a panderoue 1:4 wel oe” a depregiited ond worthleas mass of trash, | the former always destroys the Jatior | our trip) Onthe day of oor vist, they had hard tiage is blunt honesiy, when in truth it is Eighth Di fict, cs their candidate for Congress. | ed tome, which to an admiring fancy, *# which willegass inio the haads of the peo;ite, | Having no power by the Constitation toin- | !y more than settled themselves. The poris of | only a méén celfishoess. For true polite. At the el nin 140 tor President, there was | “ intensely suggestive,” of absiruse disqeai x and there sink into nothing, leaving them'to | terfere directly with State Legislation in this Med wing were bot just vw bets necs is nothing bute constent thought for | @Locofoco mejority of 727, but the Whigs, we | upon constitational Jaw, or unsolvable pr . vs ; ‘o " i ; . . . . : * F x: > «+ bese the toss. matter, | see that the coulitry is destined to ale There ow abacdence’of eect, as thig | the eege end comfort of others; of course | hope, will make a galieat effort ia bebalf of their | Political economy. “Fhe volame in qve * _* Mr. Clayton then an able Senator in| £° through the Same srenes of agitation and hanting perty expect to remain at the Bleck | !@politences is nothing bet e@ constant! noble champion’, Hie address to the People, | Stuffed with portions of mangscript ant om oe Congress, held this language prophetic and | *vflering which it did previoas to the tithe Lake, some ten or twelve days longer, they will thought of oor own esse end comfort. breathes the right spirit throughout, and will no | 8¢’ections of newspaper scissorings 201 mee impressive, He-said : of the lore Bank of the United Siates Af | cateh and kiW} a large qoantiiy of fish end game Southern Liférary Messenger. prioted matter. We were counting opel a” * Theeformer must again sell hie grain to = . large intellectas) flow, which such a fouststt m © the eona@ted merchant for Sra BANK PaA- well calculated to supply, and oor in »* ¢) PRR AT A DISCOUNT OF FROM TEN TOT , ; . . i ef in fia ight of ope WOR THIRTY PER CBNT..1n the * vesren But F sobmit if it would not bave been as i ae on our Nente aee bi following anecdote, which, if not altogeth- | which lately met in Washington : oie wh oe Pn es a NTs, . ° ’ uc . : ss ; a, commercial city? Se. © The loss of eo fi- well to have prevented this state of (Qings uthers, fond of such macly cporie, to pey a eit er new, will bear frequent repetition : “ Resolved, That io the opinion of this Con- pe Satiakaend oe eeession.. Trait ‘eves among men. the total d twoyears ogo? I enquire, what géod bes he Black Lake, of Wilki “The celebreted John Rendolphy on a| Yention, the bigh and commanding ‘talents, the sows é ofthat ad vroble ryeiwe af coke been, of can he atteined, by puttiny th Peo- a Misilnen: 20s. [Geurgia Jearnal, visi; to a femsle friends found ke = lly exalted patriotiom, and the jost and dignified | "°W lying idle and harmless at the which is now avknowlecgea to be ates ple through this fewrful tral 2? Five or sir ses, molitig up a quantity, of clothing. sentimenis of the Hon. Henry Cuaryof Ken- | feet—bat then, how soon mightan ¢ thom eximtn in ang other country on the | ¥2ars hence will be the time to get an an- Extreme Old Age.—There ig.noz living | “What work heve y hand?” = «Q, tucky, entitle him to the esteem and gratitade, | render a resort to them secessary, and bow i . . Got of the Whi iy onl t . : of whi Globe, overtrading and speculation on falar | 3@er to these questions.” 1D Moore county @ black woa he ser-—| sir. | am preparing this hing to.gend to} ican citizen , sad thi Gee tention erent and explosive might.be the materiel wi cop tal @pevery part that rapid fluctuation Thos the reader wi'l see, what wes Whig | ¥ t. Chalmers, who, fro nqves- | the poor Greeks.”” On teking leey@;.et the | beter calculated to guide the ship of State wise "| Posed that magezipe! —_— in the standard of value for money. which Prophecy nine anda dezen Years ago, ia | ton data, 's ascertained to be aboot 116 steps of the mansion, he sew samé of her | ly and successfully than any other whose name | . Oor friend Mr. Craige the esndids'e like the unseen pestilence withers all the ef- History now. And never did the © facts of veare of age. She wee wet nurse to Ben- servants in need of the very “1d which | has been mentioned io concexion' with the nex: [gen of the “ largest liberty ” pnd forts of industry, while the sufferer ie %,| teal le” more irlampbanily gemonstrate | j2ain Willieme,@ho became well known | thsir tender bearted mistress was sending Presidenoy. 5 ee pee Sony a. aon uller ignorance of the causeof his destruc. | 'be vegacity of tbese eminent Statesmea | as Governor of this Siete, end ag be was| abroed. He exclanmied*Madam,the Greeks | . one That we hove: entire ie aa be intrest t $4 Po our eye be tien ; beokrupteies and rnin, at the anticipg-'| Laspiration from oa high. could only have | born just about a century ego, it follows | are at your door !” eerie neta Seo et fap Szas-| 04. e oat it vee, oorme | , pe y genuine patriotism of the Hon Enpwsap p04 Io the olightoat possible degree, oer tron of which the heart sickens, must follow | More luminously -foretold the miserable fu- | hat the nurse mest be ébout the age above a Ly, end that the Whigs of M@ District owe | Sdgety-now moving restiessly in his cbt vo the long train of evils which are etsured. ture than did the sagaciiv of these States— | steted. She has been remarkebly healthy Immigration Scheme.—The London cor- him respect ablgretiteds Pg Saga Saha ¢ FendSartiee glances? ly before us.” men foresee and predict the ruinous tendea- | and active woman; never took a dose of | respondent of the Montreal Courier wiites feithfal advocaey of the great priner les ict | and now by Raortaia NET sop In 1885, Mr. Cy, in the Senate of the | CY Of Gen Jackson’s war upon e National | me‘lecine in her life, has reteined her facu!. | thet ‘a scheme has been metored in London | they contend.” 4 and coughing, making as it wer, vert Bank. ties perfectly, and abou: seven years ago, | '9 concert with the Roman Catholic clergy . ono spprenaraiion fox the.goos! efforts ied walkedieight milesto Church. Her sight } @ Ireland, for an extensive immigration to VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. Pverbelne, ots god ahd hosp ieee has been so good, that she has never used the agricoltural free states in the North The Electi f Memt while, we aig —— oa srain oe spectacles. H6r daughier and ber graod—| Western Valley of the United States, com : 16. doshiplaetinigt ee lear oe a "q . . : : f NOW LOOK ON THis! denghier, both old women. sit by her with | prising the States of Omo, Michigan, Side the Legislature, took place throughout the Siate | modic twitching of the corners 0 Bl ig of > 14,1777. A g to that resolotion, i ie ~ # ou a * bark eith Getitious capital which may | nto circulation when you higvefive hundred =f * seem for a time to suspend the blow, hut | and fifty binke interested in gathering 11 all x ‘ % . doubt, do much to expose the réeklessness of Lo ter the evils have come toa height when | of varions.kicds. One of the gentlemen-prom- ———— : they can no lofiger be endured, we shall have | ised 8 to keep an account of their succeaasn Charity Begins at Elome.—This time °focotem. The following are the two muvst another NationstwBank, and pot until thea | 29d off, the water. This we iniend to presen! | honored maxim ie well illustreted by the prominent resolutions of the District Conventivo United States. uttered the followmg memor- avie warning. Tell us ye Locofocos, was - (his Bot prophecy, and has not the predic- Locofoco Prophecy! von being fuifiiled to the very letier ? ’ Phere being no longer any seaunel et 5 e-teries, while she ie able tosew with | ene, Illumoee Wisconsin, lowa, and Missoy. | °° Pbersday the 27th ultimo. Sufficient re- which jeamet ep stekes valving ernst the bead . our Banking establishments to Loco Foco Pro Neen pe: out their use. Such instanced” of lon- {@- Fot6er Matthew ts ote ofthe trustees | ‘8788 have not been received to warrant us in Lncuaraus conseyalne ch ante pari — f sta maton and aperstions “We-now peste’ ma he gevily. which are not rare among the slave | Of the proposed compeny.” 4 saying which party bas succeeded. But frown | ble foretasies of anticipated foo wists! ™ of »pprosering danger. the local institutions, | ecy. — We now propose, by wy of contrast, isting of the South id of *pahe seturns before as, we lined ji be. with lighi degree of ancerta:c:) # lready multiplied toa larm to show whafcontem reneous!s was Loco- por . ep halla ahs alcation.— sein, Whig, hae beet. | the genera rele ; a Pp nD alarming extent, es that Kindness and care so generally extend- Def atton.— W anderstend that the | shat the Hoo. W. L Goggin, Whig, has beat- | the general resoli. a8 end abmost daily muluplying, ta seasons of | foco ophecy! Lisfen to ts great ex- ad An ibe their masters, of whieb th collortor of customs at New Orleshs, ap- en ihe red beable G sein, nig, has beat— The beetle stoned by the entranct + minty wifotic fete 7} | pounder MSW sehingion Globe, whieh, Jor : e vated be Mr vier. eras es ov. Gilmer, in the Albe- ided, and the ba-' nha enna eslraine abohtion f the Nowth know, or affect | P° . Yior, te'minus io his cash | marle District, and that Mr: R, Hivoler, the | cow’ bad sommmpbsided. jcatiog emisstons ! Ail :he cbhaovels of circulation | 8 @any years bes Commanded the con- to know'so hule.— Fay, Obs. aecount about one hundred thousand dol- sslented Editor oF the Lyechblly “gporete (Ne | ious expectation was already !odica!i° d , wi! be gorged. Property wil) mseextrave | fidence of the entire Jackson, Van Buren lars.— Globe. rginian, is | time for the opening scene bad fully #"" elected to Congress, over Hubbard, Loco, in that | _Gen. Edney tose with 2 good degree it a ®. . antly bigh, and constantly | —_ Beaten Locofoco party, tnd w Is still . ; Cantly big § laoklog up—the r te We notice in Penney! vania the marriage Murder.—We learn thet Mer. William | District. ‘The W higs have elesied their ‘eundi- | tent self possession, and wiih 80 air,‘ Lelgptatioa will be irresistable! Jaordinate | fh acknowledged organ of tha i: : . él * specdiiion will ensue, debts will bedreely | Froi the Washington Globe of July 16. 1984 (2 Fett bad ae deat, Belterway Mr. | Poster, of Loussburg, was barbarously mor dates (0 ihe Legislatore 10 Richmond Cily, Hen. | Peshaps. to snit-the taste of some. Ow ycreivitted. andl o he a al Gases pipe t bad mo doubt resd Pope’s Univer— | dered on the 5th inst. in George, by his | rico, Campoell, Cumberland “Bedford, Nelson, | 2°2°°{#! Bor on the whvle of ibe ty comes, ow bolas sat Bank ma “While every part of America tejoices— | sal Prayer, particularly the following verses | own Negroes, while on their way to Als—/ Pittsylvania ; and the Site ed ian | oecasion. ‘he opening od by 3.03) ing without Rn ond Aboot stids. while every beart not enslaved to the scrub- | Of i: bama. We have not heerd the particulars | Helifax Bucki ham. be-§ 4 4 0 | om Was Bh Spemes he gt ~ wheying the te . salica, will i aristocracy of the peper system — while ev- ff I 1 right thy grace impart - Mr, F. bas seft ani ting family to de- | fotte Lat, Aah Kd apa +p Page er. “= Poses ol my le as tbe shme time, call tw their issues ; the ory independent and patriotic eitizen exulte | * _,, Sull'in the cight to stoy : i bis premature — Bal, Reg. sional Disattie web he |, bag eA ey 6 ‘The Maker, however, gradvallt vaet nomber-wall exaggerate the alerm. sod} 1” the recovery ang restoration of thedong- If | afm wrong, oh teseh my heart a R ——— has been phe ove “ais nee — bthe® itil ng deg fe of confesion Or og it . hea te oad rela, ond peal lost gold currency ~—the West, and all mest- Tolfind the better way. ; ; Killing two Birds with ene Stone.—\1 |" 0 defeated by... W. Je Bs, Eiteoloco.— | ied ci be i ficared, aa Sopiosion the general banking enstem ern citizens, have the deepest and greatest 1s gard that for e potrircal salute of one hun- Phe District Was 80 mriserab ably ger ye nd fed. by | ved As ’ podincoreeds a) or the establishment of a, cew Seah nd tbe couse for proud exultaion aod marly fe- A lew days ago a vote taken on board | 9980 guas, fired at Aleany on Th theWast Legislatore; that the es ates De And eT -* -Unnted Sistes,gmull ‘be the ultimate effects.” | 201C'28 8! thts propitious event For, of all the steemer Vieiresé® di ber pegsege | he. Whigs furnished tbe guns j reasonably expeet to re.eleet Mr: Botts, ©” i ing vecaaaeye e {his remnaihs # Cts." | Ameries, the West is the part which needec | from Cineinnatu to Si. Lovis. Tw the | their success in Albany, She. v ; ~—ate B10. gINe wihe (enor of his there 8" ty v add one more extract, snd that is from | most, and will profit most, from the eirey- passengers were for ‘I'yier, four for v- | the powder, in_ honor of ‘sheie Bxxcoriof_On last Friday, Cato, who} i alt Fria asta och Fs, eeth delivered ia the Senate of the Uni- | lation of gold Hoppily, they have but | ren, aod seventy founfor y, beside all she | New York. This ws: “ihde., ’ Was convicted at our last Superior Court of Acct ten pope es in a tone & aa a. 2 oe ee the et able | few benke in the West, and therefore need | ladies. Of the two Tyler PD, one was the | 286 economies. : or =| 0M, suffered the penaliy of the Lew, in the ‘ ; eee nate; bot a very big Senater from Locistana, oo vesday,| gold to carry ot ead to isavel upon. | surveyor general of the St. Bovis district. | ace of anu a “i, er aod mace impassiore” the 22.4 of Merch, 1836. >T ins Speech | Hoppily, egein the greatest supply of gold | and the other a fellow ois the promiee | ' mes foun anal ae states, that at the We codestara kts cote of —ee oratory, ®& Sas la oppusitica lo the motion made by | will go to the West. ‘The emtgrents re | of a litle post office up in Mhaoie. oroet rea ee enne we WED w29 seen 10 : . Grover t6 bis feelings ofne ordiaary in ir. Beujou, ta expunge from ibe Journal of mowing (o that great region will all carry le Journal. _ heighe of Afiy feet. ‘spoot from the eatth in several pieces to the | exeeation, he made a {al} fessicn of the crime top violent to be even ’ for which he forfeited his 1. . . "were findtog for themselves 4 ¥¢ here «biel a shal) thea 4 ens > St ‘or ieg esil Sop sha aoe iat mestlyeo v2 . Craigie made stkera! | pis auh omar.) of alive dfeel dD ne To this we respo we aol iaabe old f , Oa te: Cae he By & é hal eg. ) w bere pupahaligaditanore paging 204 fafa 2 (hot be S00 ea ye more pare, ae " ae A bs Sey? | Fe e * : ea) , , r- Besides, rich @ ay ‘ the country ndugk a! oe, maetic us (uf to jo saumnin ai ing cuawentigg D be held io towregfie it a tisel¥ avervome 4 7 1 “ ; siege of rivalry amen 6 Mey we : = SS oo /,\ a : : : 3 : $ el sad dessly Soul BE auieiy—e ‘Wie —otheiiieid shat. iyeat Conflugr@tion iad yr ee SO aie ested trate Pen hese ty C.EMeDIS Of Suc.01y—@ eon t — 3 : . bs Pej ning’ which Umspeaker mipst sincere— val ® b—that b deprogatam. lt w stew | # Tittle elipplog, and ifs Cathooten licks isto ‘a cea ing. Cerin, Loweter, Mr. Cemige peat : abi 8 te 4 3 singularly eratic. The * oaudh z “the Fugis, and " ap’ whieh he pr teat and inte , «9m of the fair tree of American a _ Ps Woe é ‘oced — |e i . erver, bdivinc Fiow tbese eral prioeiples, which. mer ** What menagine thing is 4 * an top awful and destroctive eat! forth and snpporte adile ? : Ue a ecteded to dedace the patiiculags _— It jas! d sr like teal adh gion, on Sua th: S0ib al- fe sorely no motiWeg@eprivate delicacy : it bas & it io Fass sv bigh ii i. tial At levet two magia y the dév@bring ele its frank exp ) shat the speaker's TONG ¢ : 6 eshend 5 he fit and pro] fo represéat ee 2. : ; egen | Gee nui i in t = ‘ ‘ du, OF itt ing ! Onl ef Papers destroyed vA tenia 425 gross b ris {The writer feel = abe oe a0. apalogy ! ie ® pent. . icle, cap less thas . “4 Se Simms 40: Dn _ 45 seddlen: >. eg reyihes to : 18 €on- Tisso. Acd thal ME ste wei! 6 ue for Wis i st Se ‘ 4 * |here is ranre ; Sa(uf ne 3 22, da g caged detail, Nhe setelel oneal ’ : ; of this leaving ay 0 doflarg, to . Moplwith i . 108 ca {81 &z ko nd forks ~ P p (be°above conelosion was crived a at. | Diese . . NG Bite (Be eandid expo by : -*i r ' f are, tint >, thes aaae ofprede- ne . SPAN EMEENE © of Major eral BY M. Ep 4 aa cattigg knives 6 © ie . Be eT te flag Dt S*ery description, : ag ° a innit « oll the the 4th Divisionof Norh Caroliun Mil | Btu y hoey Sd a. * large, quantiupét h ito tear down . M. > - . u rt ; a meet o ed | sospeaitb . . ts circumstances * Beats det , 4 bleckeniih Vises : ud gluse ; P aN = ‘geuncionscoss. wh i p or aishe Sub-T i. ; A. Stieewart, : 3 ! en i tte ‘two 1 Ne 3 ~s , - tam ti Captains wit! maké’sheir rétgrus.on (hilar of , Drill. ASSTIRE WALT, A teeta 5 dei x" — eee =. oe. ation b pli we Lae may ” We »| ly io 7 land oh * engers siand | iek throogh all the tothe tomb ” 4 ughis have th sonces ly tt Dp 4 cled th. of «Mrs. a Pes N bincen thivaowa bee rien cauldrog bail ‘ o pene bardeperied thist life, un t Saliabory, te 6, nail candi » 8Veg, Dero now the BS = ny , é had been carpeted Z ; ae / Wo, im this place, aged about GO years) tr Bead . eee eS . Loeraat perptee of F ga nes: ‘aia ay a ad wee a sire. Thom bad been for a series of sears adam eathall emalé These goods were selected with the tbat descriptiow..be Cai t.cousider biaiselt Hes 1% ‘sahtan’ coasistent of the M_E. Church, afta summer Session uf ive foetitutio y | care. and they have beep booght with jstified, 1p trespasstag ‘thevattention of was a ipr to her triends her in- /% ence oo M March a e- fer cash, which is mote thao any, other ber 20d more intéltigent ion.aF hie s “3 bi ool re 7 ; nose of Cass, e Chureb of her choice; | pa, gem era making’ ure 6 meo' iftbis place can say . f they. We y, 09 making those explanati bich Bg — + ae pation to serve Gud a8 direc | Peacher, who will nes ter on inti rath) 5 @pg we f ‘he | Cicero Lowes H ip requisite, — sous iberetaee nger rvs ‘ted itty folly prepal- | in one or two we ‘Derme-se formerly, but a largest siock thet b = ad this | Da Ogenbory, * dm'rs, and f Leaving the subject ey b > Cont aT ed, gine Is of light in | @tags of small 100, learniog obly Reading Plgco—aud we @ o Benjamin F, Williams, | ing appropriated to the those scorching Phis ata. . Rey WE seen” her in the | and Spelling, will be taught at $6. Kvety enodapre for sale, ogy en tosell | endthis, Wife Jane. 2 iets and withering iaycerives 0 pecoliarly h wary of God, a pg upon «be MINIs'TS | branch usually tamght im ihe first Female Se- | ‘Hem for Gesh, loweF than they ‘1 BT appearing tothe And yet Mr. Craige says, that He Miog of the Word of lifes. exbibi:ing markscon- | iinaries with be attended to, and it is believed | cse™her at the price be whagjit may. meth that Beajamja F mma, the Gen proceedéd, in confirmation of. the : How thi d ] n\ conclusionpto which we have t- | ‘0 Swaltow this * rankest cumpoud sinvvs’ | vineing add satisfeciory in their character, Mt) that tts 9 arrangements are supetiur to} *9# H, if yoo please. + : wile. deieodanis ag ed, and with ap mach delicacy stuff, all togethor, or in broken d her-dflections were not glued tu the surdid hove of sor ener session. Rey. S Frootie Most respect{gily yours, -“* limits of abi wre of the would admit, to adv e doctor,—the people, will only Or (0) ties cf time. But she is 00 luager among (a nauive OfeFrance) is insirecting aciess in the J & W. MURPHY. pablication, Ter a other words, if he can be elected™ Congress ress, ese. ‘To If!—* ay, there’ the rub.’ *Mach virtue > tues which were nortured in her heart by the — tend joining shoul 80 t — a r dnswe i? 1° ‘The patient is always the worse judge “in fos\erin@tin fluroce ot Che ty, and so fully | "yy ne aleo consented to take chergiot kc : eal the Cour, to ei ) = hig.own case. The people, or at least the Whig developed in her ive She is gone— 2 rawing ; 8 drauch whieb is highly| - a¥idgon, st the re isi ’ portion, will rally as one wan around their favor- gone from the sufferings of thre w fibula app” ed al the Nurth, and bot Jiithe att d = the ay afier the ite ca ate ib t Mr. Creige with t Aion to her Eden home on high, where e el- | ww among vs. A few Sijung Ladies will _ rs = ~o vahes ae DA pro ‘ioe ee tbe @vaied toa seat at God’ bt band tu Re Se the fagaly as boarders, and Col. R }@ * . Plered as to the » we ask, why Mr Craig@ does unfading joys of ererany es’ thou sainted t & wil! take Sor 10. Hie residence is Wit Ww Wommack, Ont a4 @ out and say what he ia for ?—Subs “fre the busum of thy Gudiifreed from ser . Divated j etived part of town, and : = sit Cori af Office, the _ United Siates Bank, Vari or Dir ‘ax. pain and death sodio oe fe- | very Gonvenient to iw Acadainy. No am — Pri W6% 4th ae ay in March, 18 . on to diaplay those laudable and praiseworthy vif—| fy language, and itjg desirable thet others Sglisborv, April 29, 1843 —1(40 the Caroliog: Watchman, for’ a. to" rn & 0 r A WHIG . enl rayg emanating ff neu made for abscace, but io Cases of long cogtioue 4 . W, WOMMAC Sicey play spond y er remindi sickaees. we “bws9 Printerg fee 50 & Oy ~ CURRENCY QUESTION. a i ; , that an A uf bliss tebhigs.’? Mrs TERMS : i ( ident All k a that this th ~ ave wii behind — ie joss mf Toition $6 —8—10—o0r 12 a to CARR GES FOR | SALE. State of Porth @ar ibaa those test named, Geo E. teetty diseltics : es wie Crest question [ieee TD = ire hey mourn! ihe advancement of the papil, j id DAVIDSQN \ eT oe, mein utention of peatontia the” ~ of supe | 8 * Country has been @recked ; | not as those d they ie sand on © per sessiva $22 50 rye si Su ' stanily on band af cole colleges, ‘ad a!l koow with What patience, the Whigs her a8 eh@ followed Christ, and fina y nvet ie Guitar me , 12 “asapp ; Catrisges fromy, I.’ EQ UITY—APRIL A vg at sobeuie bo" ee che the opin | Congress waded through the Bztre Session, hie See hgavea wbere,— Frapch per e «| well actory at Wiiceyville. —_— Ce @ ' ofa ceftain di Loco Rago ¢ struggling with ceaseless, though useless tyrant d@ath tables: the smiling ple Drawing wil ers yore r session, S10" c sire 2 tanh oe BARQUCHES SP Martin Nading and} *¥rae® in of hie, three or four ye » to save the parte en ALLY Bu Oe ym hold aneveriasting Me... "} eintiiy in. water colores de 10 00 BUGGIES, wh e will warrant tobe others. 1 wee . a be this indi ] ‘was referred to, onder the) tepm. perfidy Journ Tri een A Friend. Wax Work, 5 00 1, if “e sapdit to -f madeMin the Nort ws. b > etfilbn for the sale of Re- snesion tha: & congeniality of taste and fool up balf, or more that bal yay ng th : Died'in this place,on the 28th aliime, Mrs.j« Neeale Work &c. taught if desired. ein uilbeauly and ween Baroet Wyre, and | = vatween him and the speakervhad peculiarly a bl , BEIM ev | LIZABE LH @LOVER, consort of J | KMMA J BAKER, Priacipal. ce respectfully Bolic @areof} others. wiided “him for a correct appreciation of the y possi wey to eo a dem that D Glover, after an. illness of aboul ten Saliebary, March tet, 1843 —y/32 publie pa He may always food at 'T appearing to nlities of the latter, we are antble to sa Was cast in their face, twice « theis lerge | Chict ehe bore with Christian folftiude andte. the staad fortaorly owned by John 1. Shaver, seit a To meet. the objections.of certain iNers | CONCessions bs filed by the arbitrary tp signatiuon Mis Glover hac been & consistent LAND FOR,SALE! y OVERMAN, “Agent, endanisiimethis, case tu wight be named, Fae iborieed to,de j sto8 of the Veo power. What they e mefpoer of ibe ME. Church for a number of 4 Wrarr WaLxer. | this Siate.2# =e, that RO apparent vi of modesty would} they did byeare, duriog which time she adorned the dov~ oe . “Salis, pril 2871842 — 6uS9 . that pablicat ) ve been ineor the -partof the Gen. br “ Whod he best. hi TT tring of her profeasion She did not serve God | 77% Virtue f az. ECTCE of a. B. Repairing dune in the vedf style. man, for six parisons of and qualifications, if a : gabe ae ee stance a fug nought, tor in ger last moments, she fully 7 W. O. ts to begin direct method of @ffectuating the objec: had | Doesvel “= nobly, Ancelacuald ne more.” | Oo eed thé auth Poet, — . a &. to be heldafor dered’ at allipracticable. Raleigh Register. | , lie Gourt of Exel ONCE WOR ® — | Court Hovsg in Lexingreo, i i aL Mowe amber, «Me © Gq man meets bis bee .| HNHOSE indebted to the late fitm of Pendle- | #fier the 4themanday tee pi ; i CLAY? WE AND “SPEECHES® a + be tradi at " No tke G too & Braner, are reqaesied 10 aijfte ser | 80d there to show bse if any they beve, wh “ffieeo minates, of imi ie Publishers of * The N Y.T Is privileged befund the comalap wa w OWAN UNE LETH 6 ent ‘immediately by Hote, eithid@s to | Me praver of th itioners sifel|_pot be graot— compels asf , oa sherso e : serie Of virtavus ‘ie. quite on the verge of beaven ‘igs ry. or to th nts io the dif- Sateen jo 1 plo goafesso nea thew loa close, L 2 ~ — . *] She is no longer amongs! os; but her spir*t, ‘ ite cou coe wi eotered, and te cause. heard He. “itcouns next week, and! og Pi , BR 2 they are enabled 10 issue | ff comtoem mortality, Bapi tees finds a ste will expose to Za y with this cae ain add ct to ib eir a Mickie » Wi Wommack. Chery and Mzsierof candidates for thig tem : ” _j roms ore Plates of hre orrgrns! sad 0 where being lee with - th, P 4.cov ng oF poles J. . ai On st on ba Remoriehe: 1 | One. collection o s tho dé suoeleafemiles from i enienance | . ‘ 1» Selisbury. il 2 _ E - tb. 4tb monday io Mare ction of Toe Spretats | a th: | SALE A if te feremtscs Selisbory Amil 29, 1843 ae : "7 J Ww WHA NRGR. cus C ME. J ‘Lay, with en ongindh Memorr | of her teconciled ge. she will live in the un- } —_ . dien of that w ‘3 for varvergal ciren of eternal life. ihe CABIN LT ee ets. fee $5 $0 i fation at the ches palit possible ite. This je Lord smile wpon her bereaved frierds, _ * ry — SOTICE edition will comprise over 1100 peges.of ' y ber busband and the little chileren, , r f Subsertber respeesfally rejdrne his r i i i thanks f f . i, bis ol NAWAY frm the subscribe? Sterly i large and: fau lever-press, hs a Porte with his cogege!, aud in heaven save Wewle nt 8 fur eelie ites ve capi wontigere Ree Ry’ Carding, ow the let die +Mr nt on Steel, and.t Jan ; _ ; . y's! vaii La Ae os other Eogra- an everlas vanes A Friend. . eg on 7 carry oa” avcve busi a all ite var y fast Woman, named NAN- plumes, snd sold 9 branches, at the old .efind ob maia str ; CY Said. gif ct 21 years of, age, thick Died in thie place, on the 29:h ultimo, Mrs. ; = : set; spf Of con: height, » Nghs multi, gettin Ellen* Elliott, wite of Mr Kinebeo Elheti, nbcleier aigcreiedrdinn te ee aa ery aie and quite + ial ' ae good seam- Faged $5 vears—leaving a hesband aod eight; - ; . may always be E tess, 8nd is a good house Pe id girl was . at haat Pee eee : not be suger ebildrea, ogether with eerice traie band a vapiely Rae gee é app ised in. Liveotnion, ; may be ist. is a very : i ry, : ihe, E.htion of tives and friends, to muuro their irre parab ; oon.ta ie 7d times, Also a supply, of 4 eh mee ghee ; wryloy cs les with asilkea eh ‘ nh _" and Memour 7} p § seth msde Cu. Mine. consianily kept on hand lo s¢ifany her rand smari of the bead’ with a guider are. is Ib. TF Ogne vytenag ue ; ; Meaeere-; at bower #.. thaw ever they jer poten’ pessage almost to any = reatiogty polite, with that @emile is alwa doob t she has gone to rest. — ia te beenimedled fur. place, ag ee js ne known § or she may be jsble upon the countenance ‘of his ct a even " Capt Ty nuchgos master General | Qhied in this place, on. the27: i NB AT kiuds of her niry Pro. | forking’ fn the ndetho:'. dif Mapor Pleasant, ine head has tolled from 1 laffe, to graufy their hawed of Henry d anwot 19 Coa j gue taken in exchapge fu atk ult: N © fot give ‘ ENTE 7%, DOL- hag gurgle bas” ed in the 7 has Clay, heve remdved the Whig P ester). . this county, he s athe P wescces ay *, D wslorr. LARS edhe epprehens:. ae. Sy if i the noise att’ parade. ihe bustle (1 hope | at Lexington. Ky, 0nd put anoite@@™itien-in ry Weand, aged about .5SPan =. urg ile 6 a | ; April 29, mo ae ; peri be ae og POHTY BOL i avotter goed whatey fara heagiber resfibetfalty re g said girl ogee her . re Ss : co i: personaof bay imester coald mY the FA ions AMbcnity, A vesidonge and for Piast favors, and informs tends ie free papers. . JouFa RAV EN. and the pobjic, thet be stitfieontiates tv catty on a 4) 8 1848 6u$7 will excuse the word) aod flourish of | his places .Thns ie in sight Clay’ J g r. Clay’— nog s T OLLARS (1 th < the grimaces and starts theatrical, residence. “The “| eevee estes that b aEVG ond SU ot Scott, and pe Maitinic | Sale} cle cS ecens ws rt cry we a Lrg ‘ aa aetarize inferior orators, bat he 2 ere was po ca ~~ ne r more valuable, a thoroogh at the rejected veantifol, t compliéated 3 rea Government, sirdag pe jocaes and votes of nine- ‘tenths of the comMmMuAIty, he FO rm | 18413: ? Pelceptiun of a great tcial, manu | #89 80 lar and gave such general satis- 2 Sti: y,. ne i business fff all it6 #atjous branches, and We Bale Weekly Register will inser: 4 ena rectors coun Unlike the faction. 7 e might Have expec all CE H. H. BEARD Aroperty aaafier L alth cisnd ongmein sireet, one door ja ut cn Cod dareind hen Reap ins _ of the Virginia Schos!, bis views » tbs weighed a feather with Capt. Tyler, sivad al Six fanan, the; * # J. i ho. nt ae feat Hey’ wgh rs Ke aod practical. , Sj 5 =e sadianee sel a last bel if be pre Faget re Cle for the Pres y- ep Panis S HLADEL - wec wu. ° > cradle ¢ eg ki Hy ogband d tarieiy fy Ht Buish- ‘~The, Beau tigul Bneli b Spo! jon bnpor!.. a et politics. «He has : ; fe ye tne ‘ed , eueb as ifeble fur 1} of Be | Ht siyle ag ater 7 j m1 id mR ye Le Swing AND Summer of > 3 - covnt sand at 28 low prices suai ace ér es- fr > PH 7 LE,» : tablishmept jn the piece or oth. ‘ountry, | i t J : ; : ig mater the tery » de bad, }-, id Wii a) LC Lal Wiglosy, Regs and Qhercy. dQyts ow yo gee arciiure, % Coldaligeys eli {btw able of CH Caerles 3 2p !+s.001 ib. of Nleigeu. posgib iD he h imient, in Orang ; f the kind he j Y may «ie , Rapsard the Sec ed ad: eee . one ngo j i sere sting at pfitted hig oo a ge He still carrieg.on the a . ply tage wade pis cunstaiig rene North Ca¥olins, at the se- he igred bic tithe * a i appg.> Pailoring Business * |% "Se, Se feet iy i agp ellie. ti Kas) Sth ee ome d pete, Fs: cIee*0 + Di mothe iy iees i ig branches, at his old staod, at ee . : gtr Cao”: Bi y* nde ig 4 pitny am ac oe | i j@media © meet and accommodate TECH é 4 \ rh MUG Of the ey 4 pl hfe ie iy ps ae on ~ t ae Sie . fe hts yf be me al bt ace Eu! whea tuavhed on the sulfeer wl »® S igeet ' very o * % " . A ® he 4 me xeully. as xs Sameer te NUNCIATION. > Bh stteaded Mitr i an ST henkfe for pasi. eacoas- |. , AS returned to Se ) the p Aachen i ph partieglers » 6 ae Oped to merit its eoatingaDee. . a f BEE nog, prerared 10 resume he pres Lee -ermmntrhed Wesiers Ceiutins . na fe aon P t PS. Refereo deems ih tere profession. His Office is jog wervices ‘et gece e bores aa ny be who ph ae ey Pe te for oe ge s% : age Mri wae'’s trick vet'd- jp 4 31 the rbeve enusuat priess, wipely comat contain | mo Holle A. BEARD, «l =) SAMUEL SILAS AN. ni 7 fae, rte , Morgoghn, N Rin Need 8589 iDgs to manhiad... We fos we Bhat} + oiled seal : | April 15, 1843 — 4688! ~ 1 HO o~ = “ ' Ad . x we . # ABIN BT, cu ATR &? SOKA @ 7, Wan facta uri eg a. ee SH Nagy E SUBS CRIBERS» (VIN Gassociated themselves together for | ‘ue purpose of Taspufaciasing . PCAMME. <of as WEW Cc - } ables, ent 2 éC. io!" SIDFBOA imtnecwery vest hind 4s 4 of the. finest weteriaige-beg leave to ask # the had@s of the Ps: Bey Aa ‘oat the pantry and «villages aroond, a share of their patronage in gor kine of business. Paeir <3) 14a teow doors vadbof the Mansion tel, adune al helow Janes’ old Trverh. AN. FRASER, WARREN GHEEN H matrh 18, 1x 4@lars Te os pe tn Hol TRUE sabeeriber i ge tothis ai of Pires» <- aaa Hoga, ipported tr m Ke an ihe fall of 154}, sy Mr A°B Alles, o w York, and are po boat 18 montis old Be tate yery — rior anima), deep, sbick and, i in alf his points; the Sow very fine, with a biter of =! pigsy whish, for beauty and form, can hardly be surpassed, "Phobe who may “ieee fullanede- scription of thes? fine avimals, refert to Mr. Allen’s letterubi<bed in ‘or.— ‘The cuabscriber hag ates. a Forks por chased of Mr. Alida, from a Sow it led by himfrom and} and Thin rind Sows : and those wishiviiy. to pa » cao hate the nye Keotbworth, or B Berkshire pr eroseas of eniiworih and har ari re, Fhio-tind and Berk - shire. tis stock of Be:kshires was poreh of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, and ts 6 surpassed hy anyin the Uoited. S:ates. huse @is!iing ioe. 1 stock of Ae ave now a belfer opportunity OF deing eo, than has @ver been-offysed Southof the Putomae. Orders for any of the abuve wit be prompul® attended i ww. F KELLY. Near Mockaville. Davie ce,, January 14, 1843. fers CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Comet aint. MOF LIVER 7. New York— , Asthma, oD of the ebest, pain in the’ wr and breasi, raisisig of Blowdadider Gomplatats, Bronchitis, af Mbp hogh of ff uf Foroa: and Luags, — whieh are ree+f go mueh suffering, and un atresied, su witen terminate tn Consumplion— this remedy is bighlyyand justly distinguished Li is-pitfely vegetable mild and gentle in its ef- fects epon the syste i can be taken in th most delicate cases. sa as well as niili wate uf iff medicinal proper R. Ta WORT. fae 7 fury ¢ cure % coughs, cold 8. \y. Physicians, a ties, and wiiflessing iis effecis éven in extreme and in some iDslancesgiapparentty., almost hope- lees cases, efien prescribe it in their practiogs both-t8 a palliatiee.and-asemedy, and with th. Medical’ Faculty Hy, it has agg wich grea' approbatinn. GCP CONSU.YPTION-- The following vemarke me taken from the las! oumber of the Medicab- Razine : “The gutprising effect produced tp®the genu- ioe Balgem of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- ery, in Gonsempiive eases, cannot tail excning a ‘dee PPand thrilling interes: ahroughout the warld WWe heve so !ong believed ts disease (cossump 1108) ingorablagahat it iegwiffienlt to cregit our | senses Phen We see poreons, evidently consnmp. | Ave Atiory to health. Yet itiea fact of daib octurtence. : The folowing was given us a shorttime since, by Capt Scott, of! lizsbeth City, NC. ificates. mek predisposed to Con- of my family having d ,) ad haying suffered meitly from irritati a he, accom competed with cuogh and réigitg matter ae » wuzether wish Sen pain in my@@ide ast, till | was ve yond recovery, | ‘was induced The: ot Perking,@§°@ last resort to try Vaylor3 B of Lidia: | haWe taken betiles Oh ade Toegan prové with the i. borrle, aa hile taking the third, was so far re- Since which «covered, 480 be able to get about time, by continued use of ig, 1 am quite restored and » atlénd to my business. ‘To pet- ring {roa coaogh® and affections of the y “ Being tion, af thie ¢ sous laags. bdo earnestiy reegmmend rt (Signed.y JAS SCOTT. Elvtabett@itv, N7C , Dee 18, 1842. Liver Céimplaint and General Debdility —} wae given up vg twp physicians, and told to pre pare tor death.) was su veak | could nop raisy my hand to my bead. { was in this low state when afifend sent me a bottle o Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, trom $75 Bowery, and be tore | had osed op the bottle, Bewas able iteap inbed By the farther L have ve regained ty heal:h. WELLs, 23 Joba st. Violen Spe ite side —I have beer evi a vigle ¥ in the side, extending thie to the sb r, indi petite, gad general ia) = ion, cizan ilies by ‘tles.of De Taylor's Balsam of L ; JfH alien, NoT Merchane’s Row Bor sale a at the Drog Store of © Bo Wheeler, lixbury. march 4, 1848 ~1y$2 873 Bowery. = cE? Timp! NY qosatity of fresh 1. ee. be bad at AS 1h Kilo ot she late Jas or 100 Bashsle and over 1@,eents; 50-10 | ~.she!s 18555 to 40 bushels 20: ; unslacked | 2) rifon Ai ns wishing lime either: at the kiln oF ‘edr gesidence, wil apply ether to J. or R. + county, *ELLEAMS. Rockfern Sore N C. P msreb |* 9845S. b gd GARD E.. v SfeDs) GENERAL sasotimeni, may be foand at ne Salisbory’ Wedies! and Drag Swor Salishury, NOC , Jan Bb, 1843 _ 196 PION f PELES!! HAYS’ LINIMENT!! i g {HE PILES -The price of thie Celebrated i Liniment 39 refunded to any rson. @ho will use a brasle of Hays’ Liniment for the Piles ned retorr. the empty boule ng cured. The above have beeo the termgpoo which this Lintment bas been sold for neart sow nalbeat tnd not owe bottle oot of one handred ever Loen peturned §rge For sale _ (Nie e. and hy C B Wheeler, Siiscery 1 Siae G eensoure’.; Hulsbor® D Heattt; IP Mabry ; Raleigh¥eS Diith, search 4, 1845~1y32 ot oers a 4 a ras Williams dec | ™ has j Lede 6st Spproved Laidon & afisian Fash Andis von to ; teenie orders in the stylish and satisfactory manner. ~ Woark.@en: froma digtanee shal! be c put ap and forwarded, s, D.- PENDLETON sc FP Mrs P. ” onghand a ands: seapecti- ment of Bonnefa, (newest siyle) Caps and T'arbans, for sale. ** Mrs. S. P_ is also prepared execute Crimrings Inting on he +e aerial _ Salisbury, ber S, 1942 NEW FASHIONS? * FOR THE * Spring and Summer or _ 1843. °°" THOMWAS DICKSON ESPECTEULLY infogms his friends ane poblie, that he still ca on the T, RING BUSINESS nall its various branches, two dyors above J. & W. Morphy’s s.\ore, where he is teady to ex cote all @fders of his: customers in a_style manner ool assed hyeany in@ this part of the couptry, also in the f@gnber receipt of ibe new -vork FASHIONS,, 4h Abe « > + and prepared | ‘o accommodate the tastes Fashivdable qt all times, April 15, tys Those who would eats recourse to a Kainily Medicine for Fevex ang Acve. Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, shuuld discriminate besween thi‘ thousand and one’ remedies constantly hera! forth to the public, (the seme now agin pall ritmes past; ) and that almosi univegsally suc - ressful prescription called *s Improved “Tonic Mixture. w reMarks will e tutllustraie the dif- In the first plait, the operation of the ae in the caraof Fererand Ague is 6 new and peculiar, yet safer Secondly : farence i onienMixt opon = entir prineiples. * Ii not opl¥promptly ar- @prests the course of the chills. when ponetually and perseveringly"fsed, but it soon restores the wonted functions uf the gegeral system to a per- fectly healthy state ; when relapses are n6 more liable to ensue than an attack of the disease in one who has never bad it béfore. Thirdly: The system, during the admipisiratiog@iof the Improv- ed hic Maxtor, spiings up at ofee under its penign infl#6nce, and gives fofth an earnestpf re- tagning health and vigor. Fourthly: Producitg more or less effect on the bowels, ‘the cause of the disease passes off ifthe way moe: strongly tea dla! adapted t the feeblest infant ply by a modification of the dase, as the mostvigorous adult. Magy other consider- aftons, «f the atmoats ce 'o (heganxious parents and in @p lids, ‘be enume-ated here, but the aboVe ‘area few of the 18 of-c ., in compafison with thecemedi erally ed to inyprofessional family practice, from which a on tae Judgment may be formed i se- a the femedy N With a view to r&es entire contliey n the efficiency of theu# Me and’s Improved Tonic Mixture,” to effect a Tasting cure of Fever and Agce, the Proprietor restores the original goaraniee, tae he money shal! reir the remedy ne returned in every casey has been punctaally ased without producing tbe desired effec!. Addreas Sr Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, N@Z8 Norib Second Street, Philadelphia. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent for _ N. C. C.B. WHEELER. jaa maton HOUSE |. €x 4. E SUBSCRIBER, I AYING porehased MreT.R Hoghes' in- Mf terest in the adove Establishment, tenders Phis services tagthé Travelling Pete Having r several. years engaged in eeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, Fin Iredell county, te indoiges <exp@rience enough in the business to efideavor to,render com ole all who bestow upon his house their pa ege. Pig TABLE shall always be well and plenti fully suppt ith every thing the country af- fords, to pl ant gay the palate even of an epicera HisBAR will ns found fornished wiih a choice selection of Liquor His STABLES fall be constantly atiended by faijhfal and atientive hosilers aod supplied wN dant prover Hovets = * HIRAM T.. SLOAN. Charlatie, Febrasry 4, 1843.— S02 Ge OF CONRECTIONARIES AND GRQCERIES!! KF R. ROUECHE, regpeesfolly informs the Bitizens of Salichur¢ and t couniry, that he has received a pew @ did supply at Gaye ineaticn “e Gr sistiog @f @Y kinds of » WH. A: ND LIQUORS the vety bes! quadily, such ag, \ladeira, Por eneriffe, Cham pay neg) fuscat, Claget, lag@y Wines, Fyench Brandy, Holland Gin, Pocer, Aleand iNew Ark Citer, and Cordials, | mons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranzes, Oysiers, Sugar aad Coffee, Candies, Cop > Madde, ' Indigo, and various ether article too ‘tediogs to! mention, which | wil sel! as cheap for cash as they ean be bodght at anv other Establishment . tr Salishury F. B. ROUECHEA mageh 4, 1843—f98e- . SUPPLY» * through the Norihesn | the O rs in the Wa al the - - free of st half the ’ a ’ ifling in | vo sitagied @ Own. ith their besiness~ No. Ca. ‘Belptic A. Davis, ° George W Bpwe . . Salisbury, N C. .| ieines, is the secretiiet B.-S. Oct -1, +6 well, “Packet Agent. peal ; New Sg JAYNE’S MEDIC 1 HVAESE MEDIGINES are FAD 4 *| Slomach and Bowel and Organs of Digéation indicated by natare = Fifthly: Its effeets on thee system are ormls mild ‘and a as | for Dr. Rowand, bas josi 4 pared for family ose, dod have sequired an nptecedented popularity, thtroughout the Udiied tates ; and_as they are so admirably eat ipe to preser cure Disease, no family ould ev them. The proprietor of these veloable preparations received his rane bi jot one of the best medical Collegés in “oh oned States,and has had. ears experi- ence ip an extensive and d practice, by which he had ample opportunities of eeqair ing % rect ieauatare of digéases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. s Jayne’s Expectorant, Hooping © tism Pain inthe Breas. or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lung or Throat, difficulty of Breathing “Whd all disea~- ‘ot the Pulmonary Organs -. Jayne's Hair Fo For the Pres@#®ation, Growth,and Beauty of the Hair, and whieh «il! positively bring in New Hair on Bald Fleads, afd prevent its fall- ing out or turning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIO VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certainypreparation for the removal of Worms Dysp Sour Stom ach Fever and Ague. Piles, Want of J and all diseases of debility, esnecially of the JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BAL SAM. A certain core for Bowel and See Com plaints. Diarrhea Dygsentery. Chotie amps Stek Headache, Sour Stomach. ‘ holera M bus. and all derang+menig of the Stomach aia Bowels, Nervous Affections. §c. ~ Jayne's Nanative Is, For Female Diseases Liver Complaints the Skin fy and io all cases where an apenen, Alterative oy Puryvative Medicine is reqairea The above medicines are for gale, whulesale or retail, at the Salisbury Madicafiod Drog Sivre, ‘ C. BAWHERLER, Agent Salisbury, N.C. Sante S, 1842—1y56 Rev. Pr. Rarthelomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remery for Coughs, Hegrseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Influenzd, Hard Breathing, and difficult Exxpectoration. FCF Fo: sale atthe Watchman Office, and bye© B \Wheeler, Salisbury march 4. '$843— 1y32 on —- ¢. B. W heela sole A Reived a fresh ~np- ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mixture which fe fur sale wholesale gpd retai!, at he Medieal Drag Store, SalisburyyaN. C Dec 101/20 -. Br. Riws Gal : Machin€® Spread » eentte ening ~~ % Esk 1éfs, greatly improved, and he ing the e of all other, are w ly recommended by all doctors as laab re invalids having pains in t side. Weakness and Brest, Back o7 ‘tre relieved at once by their ose and His restored io s'rengiff and a natoral wormtts and health. Any person Wearin i of these Blasters, will be as tonished and bted at the comfort it afford Those.threate ith Long Com plaints shor new t themselves a day without wearing Pla It remoges the irritation of incipient Consamption fram the Lungs to the surface of | Childfen with & i ‘re Siage Otte is kepsat thé Mansivn | j Beleet. Dr Stith Ey Write & We dy, and draws off the internal #ffection — So Liver Complaints, Coughs, and coldes froopia ghs | have one, to prevent the cor h Their excellence will be un tria,. §C> For sale by C B® > ury ; Greensboro’, by #e& R Sloan; , bore’, by D Heartt; Lexington, JP march 4, 1843 — 1532 2SFesooy ateb4 SESS: sters, TamoRs,, ( ie congpun, NO CAROLINAS, "e), _Areiil carry ingion te above bosinitee af s %, bra All orders trom a& vf » pro fended !o. 3 ord. March 1848— 80:85 : G? Ss ERY 37) (aa eRe es | 7 LE. BE"ANDE | EE tof weeks Ptrsov8 Wi are living in the coodteyy) ishory in g few is services, who inform him of the oo UE csareeoinn bin 5 the Past Of- fice at Salisbury. Seb calls shall alaays be str b eet S. Toa bua dari me ' remedy for Cough, - 3. ai jAethma, Spitting Croupy w@h Bronchitis e Rheuma | he vers, a a Obstructions Diseases ; retail at y “Salisbary, Sept 8, 1842—186 sg Pea Biliious floeticae ~ . matilan. réi must be rig FBVER ‘and AGUE, i ‘species, te pecoliagmpe aor cag a cifie powers friable success, these four leading admivisiration io while all othe rrrciinen r entirely. dail or only ae sucteed, Were ag: Very that were known. A 8, oF Abee ip tthe ,or darly; Ti at bp ‘Quarian, 1 fourth days i limes one of these periods aod t her ;.or it is Complicated, by taki igs | ip succession, aiid then renning: trent few character. Bat itis a and unaccountable all of thése species of TEE om DaY CRI3s18, in Which they may “ay cre but by neglecting which h cared by “ehance. Dr. _Mar- Fat il cine: 8 Star taking theg sease, are therefore these :=, hel, 1ikePILLs at bed times nefore brenktaat’d full wine glat Bitters in about: me: and half a of water, @ war, that each day. Mie bitters ag.bef Mis acd the bitt@fe as before, and. Ae taking foor “pills every night for hypperes withthe bitters dori fore the @eveoth day, 4 geem to be entiirely cured, and fee! well, hungry, and hearty, vertheless continue to take thé bitte preseribed, until and on the fourteenth a with two pills every night after ii pevont day.— He will then, and nogwotil th with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently curate and not only of Fever sng Aguebutef what billious aod liver afoeti = = ainsi doced or e¥@h in any a ever, the patient shoulo gs any neglect due confidence in reetéted:health, omit to ‘he the Phoenix Butea the fall quantities pre- ibed, at leas: three times.on the fourteent zy Dr M:ffat most not be blamed if the disea petitedfiahoo'd retoro, and the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go throagh another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying i ee ee however Mhe will be 80 thoro that be may bid defiance lo thé*di#®ase, however unhealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him,; For @hildren betweeg seven and fourteen yea of age, balf of the abewe quantities of the me dieme@s. will suffice s for younger children, ir of thoseiqusntities, to be increasedanor diminished igupfOportion as the age varies advanced chif@hood ‘o infancy. For very children, emell quantities of the'bitters only’ alone be netessary.. e supremely effec- To Pee al Li ” hasbeen perfect ly triomphant in the @orst regions of the Svatn- tp and Westero country, | oh the ‘north - kes, where the me eith the onveeranlity of an epidemie,% jaod for thie sovereign remedy has < ter than the cupply DR MOFFAT’S Agents, hoe- - a: are now well furnished, and will mak~ ev- effort tof send this advertisemen! into the moet effliet@d diatricis. Voluntary and jealous— ly gretefal testimonigis are received et thg pro— prietor’s office in New York, by every mail io ‘acredible nombers, to the absolute efficecy of ‘hese astonishing medicines, not only in Fever ind Ague, other intermitgnt fevers, liver and billious affections, and ngements of the di- aestive fuictiong generally, bot also in chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in ‘he side and Ijmbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fnle. piles eorme, scurvy, anga host of other fompiaiots, for the care of which, theese Veget- able Life VUedicines are 90 pre-emi ly re- nowned throughout the aired Siate w- ing, howe thet many of these , as well cova most fatal ondermining q the general health are occasioned by and gue. - Dr. Moffat. in his advertise 8, Invites: | cial attention of the public to the abst dency of his medicines over thigjama fountein head of so mapy others. “Eig has only tu add that the Life cines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither | ' confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the reputation they have long possessed, not by the osual artificial efforts. bat solely by their aziable and oxymive usefulness Prepared sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad way New York. ; Thea mecicine is for sale, w le or alisbery Medical Drog Store, by > C..B, WHEELER, Aged. i von y of the ses d Son hand and for sale at Hemp- ety county, N Carolina, by © JOSIAH COWLES, Medicines, Patna NPVURPERTINE, Varnishes, Patient M ops, Choice NES, and SPIRITS “ofledica purpeses “Endians, Hoock’s and Sweim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Bing hewiog and smoki olficco Spanish Ci ices, Perfumes, es, Ca . Fanc ymon Soap, Glass W are, ills, a ments, Watches, Paper and @ ) othetgar P Oils, ye-Stuffs, = ticles just received and for sale at priers to seit nes, by 3 B. WEESLER. bury, THES a view all these indebied to him by hey cours James L.. Cowan, and set GEODRr OONGLAS. ‘April 1. 18:3 Tob Printing me g neatlpdone here nant water, is thesitt : t fi ties is iis su het causes, st@tly wind at exciti Pe vgn BUSA =, Fes ost csadhtied ‘ on; nfier a0 were feve ‘ j curted, atid been re S00 hot sc lable to a fret ack | one a 3, and proved to be of Fever and if bjs fellow citi x y come forw @Oiters’ o hgve emigrated # {promising poriion of oars J out foil of hope, and es petencefrom the, carried to the ow pe pthe word of promine, ma Dn ‘og sococd aitight lake Peeper an ore 300 the thitd | «a itself, it reduees organs, so that epon the manif se, Ne is onahle, axaienot nroad. Thelbie MedicinasWwhen taken strict dy sccor. irections, Will cure it, and give to the aE on irembling viet of disease new health, li Strengt For fall sculeie bt silos of treatment, the reader is referred to th d Samaritan, copy of whi mpanies the medicine. “pcr The medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOSE _ Agents. ‘ Salisbory, Oxguag, 1842—1y] Asupply of the above fvaleable ME Sere for eale at James Cross Roads, nly, by » A. C. mweINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your KFeatth. {Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed so.) fF Gentle Reader: If you wold avers, from yoo the sickoess, ips, the wretched , the premature m ly whicl’ you steg around you, and which, like a sharp sword id is.ever ready to fall upon you, despi not My advice—tt will cost you little, pther infringe apon your occupations or, ments, and al] the facalties of your % body will be as much bettered by it-¢a to re} you ten fold. 1 esk oaly one w prial to con vince the mosi sceptical. “3 Ip the first placeydiseard all “etrore an prejudices from your mind, especially the old adage, ‘* If yoo are pasaing Gell, do not atte@fp! to better yoursel! ; ” it is the saying Jof ignor-_ ance retition=saf those wharanit allth y around bio chance instead of batore’s un llaws. H led dh by e j learned to tard hinsel against th elements of nature, the waves, » wind, amg. the torrents of rain? Why thea , Id he not, in fair weather, guard himself as net the storms which are ever rising In his, own frail body. DICI. Iredell! © Remember, you are every day’ eating cross foes ; and it is your natare to con- tinue to doco Yon are well at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease igigrowing” within you; and if yoo do not siricily guard your health while you-are well, you af@ continually in Ginger ‘of painfol and :protraeted ‘con finements, and ip some constitutions, death. M4 Nothing is stationary in this worldioBveo the pures! fountain of which we di does it not require cleaning ? A pereun™ he 19 In perfect health, aad yet not Ke 0 perfection his vital organs may be be g assisted “by the hand of Nature. 4 doubted roofs of this fact in 'be ant cess of the LIFE MEDICINES w moderately well, throw physie to the dog mportance of my position. he Life Medici instance that : ; gratifying. health may convenience; 800 those unfortepaies: who -are laid low by disease of almost any. description, | | may find sure relief in. t ely vegetable preparations. They o > bat pune fully oponfthe secretion of the body, and the blood of all vi bomors, separati ~ bad from the Rood. expelling,the dregs, Bross and toed —anod leaving behind only what is nourishing to natase. Oe der sider and reflect weil. ae The blesSings of this life, for-rich and poor ie ap_lie entirely within o in oot own physigal Tbodies My advice toa en, is, guard yodir ealth If you are welt, perhaps you may still better—and yoo may always avoid being ck by a judiej nse of t 1#E MEDICINES. ' Dr. Moffat’s Life Bi , are for sale Salisbury, Oe: 2 BC? A sopply ry t » | MICINES are.for Iredell county. by 1S Etahtiebiaios ie now in& The Company are mati & $ MOTTON YARN, Shirttig, Sheehng and Osnabaieg, a superior quali whith they lic at the lo thet: pri d others, who © ile: pare prides, will find ix chase. SRHOD Seo Seleborg, June 4-18. > 8 Cértaip pane E, (in Ij ripe ae tion, Coldnese io” ihe Weakness, in the ho be | LPR en in the Reatar JAPAN OINTMER®, for plied besides the for Ries, thi BENGAL OINTMENT, for B Rs . Sealdhead, rae ten . TS, 5 is tae applied besides tel OR Statnervexiy 5 hest, Dys +f Palsy, P RUE 1c Ore, f her Aaricular Complai be ased together with the Reston _ cP Dr rT gSouth Western Virzinion y IT, 1843. . RUWL'S nt, :: for some time + inten We hye notice of ae inval ; hike aid Sy . lie . e fonctions ¢ “thet resist the oS eines, bot have been ented bv the pes other matters omalee We bay 26! Gime or six been quite familiares ‘apd combat edeat |), fefine 1nd. cbsérey;) ; et ihe " Sipe rior Sep ay we have ey 4 Ped ccter, himself, was with vs ¢ hes” a: perk afd from.cases stated to clema tagre.sirongly confirmed in oor f, ica, that are prior 40 all other me wif ty suddenly taken Ww | his eyes. had not" man, The efficacy 4 Kubl's remedies Pi treatmentof extr NAV Cases ig alos: y _pmedenied, and the’Year 1242 was sich ey © 7 tant cures, #WOrof Which slone our epic permit us to notice at. thie time. Mr 4 Sanne of Alleghanpeoangy a., Was, last “pring, a total blindness i He used numerous preser rip: other medicines, but tomo benef, [np ¥ he.procured the Restorer, Gold mine B Uys Plaster, fromsAndree Fodge, Rae ngton, Va.—took the | wo Girt mecicice lees as directed in Dr Kuht's Pampbie, the Universal. Ptaeses, he applied fo the ven aod some tiniée.aver the eyes and by this im ‘meat he has hie ee Pe ecorere Ahe ean read both prio . Ifa +x li jistai should be desired, s leur 18 preke C Court, will A lady “OF Bec 17 yearg_ afflicted treated Wi ¢ of preseri 4 h of eminesilifend every mi that was recommended for her use, instentyl fording reli ad a tendency rather to ag the dise hésank fromeat Lo yas, aul digestive esos were so. deranged thal nd agreed her, t, 1842. the oot of most disagregmble effectespon the head ; eral fecling Very bed, sour stomach, & & had no intention to.cse bre medicines king@ dose of the Geld Mine Balsam whe mifeh benefit thatimone hour she felt delten then commenced ular course of Drh medicines. She took a doge of the Rew the morning and one at night, and tno G the Gold Mine Balssm between merle limbs were rubb+d two or three times add the Aromatic Bx ract, and this cena given Cech 3-happyv | fesvlt, that abe bw org ins are each i improve ro She is word te fresh, which im iby imagicie ko have followed the motto, ‘ When you aed: ee me, they would be ponvrbond of th rf + a zi j - obtain thal wbicd @ good wz des dialects. f was pcqusinied ® We have fF Brier, Bedford cvunty, Vs.- ~ We’ Brised these cass preat waloe of Dr 5A orm the affiicted bof wT th) he treatment hae! st “may know that bs? any 8 Persons wishing to procure Swill Please direet theif , {post paid.) 16 r Kunt's Orrice Ricnmom. )%* or to any of the following Ages: NORTH CAROLINA Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, _ Hom 's & Gaither, Lexingi J & R&Stoan, Greensbotovz DrN. Suth, Raleich, M.J A. Drake, Ashbor roveb. JF & C Phifer, Concorde B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincolntoo- “6. James J. Horne, Pir:ssoroogb, - S. Peary gernersv!!'e, Stokes. - James ock, Woarterlao. Ge Braonock W aller, Weniaahs inghem conn'y. RW La . Vaneeyvilles Sames‘R allum sMilton, Dp of she jist of 48 a 7 i 1843—192 . mm ie 3 iret supp of ly Medici cai 7 count a t oi § ? gh 006, Prisiée on Gret ‘ors OF ee sje romana i Jollar's jn °3 or ; Se dk pe ens 2G 1B : " a 255 , soless pe waa St ze wrvpalil all arrearage® sasha be the Sroernmélt mY acquire loo yoyr Rulers. “Do thid, a * wT of $3} per cent w 1 Be iaidde'to Ps wie erthe by the sop , mad . : enis will be» ontil | a iy oe a panes, for acegpling Fs ; o number o j y) 1a oddrested ». iure @ ~ “9 _ . « ‘ ‘ ™ Zh wenys she polities Ys . +. Pad Coisthes Ke © actor yo rey F “ae . sal ce ts hare = ces !—If-tins Hobby carr 1 veh r ( i ia an ; Phe ~ ae a ft. “a ? — ay a han = ._ -_ “ee _ 7 — ‘ . . ; y WaT Oa 7 dem 7 t BADES OF THE cols Be of eBoited Siaies! Tod cpg : stray WHS th ! ? 2gaiiiitygb © sky wee ov ork of rma ocre- -{ ronally fel lobe of ist | ty Bre not - x ILDR, City of Raleigh.) « i io thé “Town of . —— Presidency against the. * “a clear ¢@ 1). ane intend oar— oe eis his old fof Mr Clay, eiptben, that high "bee ‘Tap gied S aaece on BUSINESS de style o be F enerajly, tbat be| tery in whie i i ; ya thrill of ple seis thi of io this State oragt of it. Lab i tebory io above busi- | .} is ithe foom.on the the | 2¢s8,in irectly op Bie Nae ’s brick vlate ata ventare By «Dangers, was tion, @trnal @earth on the eafth, and. de . Pade on fier perosing Mr. Cags’s last t H lished y occupied as tbe Pogt- | burid n the house of sDr. Bornsigformemy ass st two elabotate i ret Sia hte Sethe best of Norther : ned BY Joo. |.Shavera hat b ae W. | letters (o Wr. Websier, I commence writing seees = matiers onl pen » N. Cink DS ill ogiepared | tu . piri on those parts t “ Ri 7 pepecnt bag of Salisbury tothe above, the Gubscriber w aris touching Gp © Right of the rafted oa the ‘h e. i i is.nowl? - . bp Public Genera Fy ag fom oe 4 , ; 7 car e Silver Sumth Business in all search and @sitation” of ted slaves ; | futuré; ow 3 : ; ér bal Tre BI found the ‘subject so sige io sééee- | mountains, the eating fa tee fofty omen served wu) @aat aot ban ff et . pra common in Country towns: BD of iM, @igh ket and arredaaie 09 ae ay (enakiag: Spootigy &e., and™tegiiting Sil , ons Of UME Vation eneer, that | ty foresis, the sweet savor of , 10 whieh atke 4 ~ teed Ware. + i Par abandoned the inténtignof@plac- | #mong the a which } he Ing grovep;'| "| Ybte tad to the Het, of tiff : 4g ye e b@s to assare e piilic that if pofict mg service | must ng re~ | nfency—hong t the thre ry et BY. eh Be courely. « tor the last Give tion 10 busmess, and skillful work will en— | sort to My hobby, and hobble afte wor Coluataé om the | the ute’of the es spacious, folly sa ashionable an Re sietod seicliirn kinds, ae _ red ¥ " fat ang attentive Ostlers.. a years, e goal of wm eka, Garken to that” Toor of % of wat ws. thoriti Bp Ble poo, the Hi, besteningfof the flood! béir the sharp rip | T'S? aleeeted. <a hes ae ‘hw inabi ; le him to patronage aod support, of Harry of the West, whieh ay - veg: coun- - n’wBOL WOR sweepingly to the Cait Sits: move Pp himself that.o ion 0 DIS et shsl fe Wentiog oe to ii: Pi arantee every thiog Rc forward with compactaeny smite in bt g by yonder tock! The w tor | duet t . j «isfaction | toal] who may favor as — ————~"Fmerited sepport. S.m k he e : from _in gee of @ The | Henry Pour sp ‘ Ce pg 1: ogame’ Se 7 ja e weeks ago t rd 4 WamMES L. cowAn. uo D D Bic A EPO oe = Sherman's Lucan sent y ae his, o» marge di oe anak 10tb Maes 4 8 ” t. 11 £640: 4 P ; pseu ges “On “ihe bay of swaff . — e frait oe. shadts to - § : _ } — w y eadding time ! betwen 0 sinogol ist or io have on view. Sib him, w - ey recei ofi, sheold I. Are‘the best A LYE Siifthe World, bp! followpmust be consideredan ‘* Hiliak- 7. oa ined It ‘ 0 WIL : y te provu , igg Dream"—eHd Lucan wi} pardéh land—glides quickly a ssiaow neds? It 1s sad be bee de * t's Balms of oe latbing. ae a 2 Pe ees rety wat oy plea a. — Bexicin ete ‘or awa. of hie suraidn athe, amon pe: yillege Of ceder board row fr m by ngs the whole « 7 2 Gamnieek. & Cal s positive wi ts vie P. A OOK. }Dy. Sherman ol Fo hy eet AD porpgge. _ Tine at =A utifaMhittle tothe right. | Of their debjs, vis to“thevekient” a ' » os follows ae or infants, keep-— hf erence.— Oliver; b, N.C. | sici@i, and a wember of the Medical Society OTF Tis th © lower isian d the @as- | 3.000 000. os 2 . af Ae 2 ory$Sanuary 21, 1843— is thaenset of life give me myst cades! Ap iéfimense trough of b 7 dotead free from causing & Nata cyning sa caai ik . ig trough of boulders of | Onithe Tih, Lord Brong “earried hi f of kair.—2d For ladies after chi # - $2 oO Sz “7 oz cenes * - cas adanen are.” rock og which*rush “ Great Riv—« moti®aifor 8 vote of th “y= I ord And 4 ing the skin todts ,watgral stre Ww i fous. ‘ a 's Milern - jerofthe West!” The e vane 2 i? : jyaess, 2 e and preventing the falling omy — b2 Are rh ha ure: nd musi effectual remedy *T was morning—the reviving’ sun the Indians are conveying iad vos burton for suctessfally Degotiati Bree. uir.-3d For any pergon® recagsng om Startling Facts. for Coughs, Colds, Confamption, Whooping |. Uprose his daily course to ran the portege—end while this is dei done ty of Washington. Jn. the a the & * y debility the same rfondreds of children and adult Jost year. | CM@sh, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or find as be ughered in tbe @a ® | the reeder will have time t 1 ihe ae. debat ft d Brodthon, very. # ° io infancy tile growth is wanted ly with worms, ‘some other cf¥8e has been | Ubes! &e- 3 - e seem'd Me harbinger of Clay !, er falls of the Columbi ate aaa oe Gea. 6 <a eevee =p . wr be preserved by attention to thedatest pe. a) a0 to be the trae one. SHERMANS woRm LOZENGES py 7 tints of burnish'd gold Bh 'e and their wsinage, on Geo. ries ” ‘ : ylife—oth It frees the head fig danda @Meie admitted by all doctors: that scarce 8 man, te tne enigdafstitole wae destroving medi- tops of stat ines,” e trail of the Portage. runs near. t Walter, cfRcandidate ete < yrengtheos the reais, imparts lth and woman.or child exisig but what°are sooner or ae diggovered. whey have been used in i a nt garnitore 7 torrent, slong the rocky slope on ite:aorth- at Nowtinghad, Gisborne ofa =. vee ae ee sip ha later trqubled with wroppred in bondi, 9 of | over 1,400,000 cases and never koown tv ale ‘The ir wie gal, thewky sarene, we thea en Sr ok sbretiagee I rewiigpre bean etected re 63 ajdtingip sa ehangi _ @,"8 sup ever, scarlati s MANS CAMPHOR™ Fi ; Th bs ’ y ods of egesy: - * the bair to curl beautifally when done op eo Severtt : JOZENGE e vision camO—bui ‘twas no dream— fortOF the trough The Great Western left L velpoobito ¢ “m@- gover night. he homan family—whi om io tru of | Give Tmmediate relief ig mervous ur sick Head- Hyperion drove—in open light about a’ mile ond belf | a Mie ie nto doc at Milford : ~ ”, ladies toilet should ever be made withoat it.| Worms! and these could have been ad } ache, palpitation of ine ig. Lowness of Spir- I saw the car of Phebog bright, end vovege _ ong. Aé ils lower into dock at Milford om the 7th April. a - oe Cade who hava by any means in a day, by the ose of a ~bottle of ock’s | it8, Despondepcy, Faillitg, Oppression or a With stripes anc spangled banners gay, the | yegea.se-embark when the river is at | Was not publicle apaepoced, at Live ‘,.° j vermin in the head, are inneiatoy al Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter.ofa dollar! | 8e°8e of Sinkingo the Chest, Diarrhoea, Late Receive patriotic Clay BS Qw gisg®, end run the lower rapids previous ro tne iki tit che would sot feeily cared of them by ite use. Ii is ia How sickening the thought th things | S!tude, or a sense of fatigne. * T h the East and West ut woen it is swollen by the annusl fresh- ra the 16th, pda : . « should be—and who can ever forgive thedizel ves Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges lage ple spartan rohe was dreee'd, jets, they bear their boats about # mile ands The M rr 4 * i beeo balapsboet fiveaears—no more hair | for not trying this Worm Eaterminateg, when vet : . 5 * ever aud anon he gare’ d half farther dowa, where the water ie deep e Mont trrived at Liverpool é opal a d thap on the back of my | the Know that even if the case was not worms re the agggi certain remedy fur this diftressig o ‘where the Southerf ¢rasier burn’d ; and less tumuftuousg. In walking d big | 07 the 7h, and the Howipeer on. the a ag with axihick scesf.| thig'Temedy could not by any possibility do hort complaint, ever offered to ihegmperican | poblicas Pianeed at the polar Cynosore, <s= sd } ath, | had a nea vie f ‘hole lengeh ti . fo stion about the 10th of Augast lest, | — bot always good as ? ateative—ist, iba dlé- [eee Combet of Con ihe oundprctos wade his statidn sare ; of he ams 1. Wh the whole length i a . osiog the Balm of Colaiis, fr m- pile be what i it mapigiow important then am have been used, they have never beef Aeegd Figin Sirs iuguied ifs-Gpatkling ne . of ne am F ras. T pb ins tbs Psa news Siow Pree. ol 4§ Co. Since which, two and itfmod Who will take the respeasibility I. Sher , 4 ~ te, on the aygpidian high, of. dy or vin og st ineli b AgitcliPeogrin ved x0 pre vail at ‘Tgm. af ale of the Bal nay Hpere— } without it? Let every "parent tat is not verman’s Restorative Lozenges. ‘ sa." Li hearted star i‘, - eighty ae abodt 400 yards | igtan 7 a . oj my hair, and fr ly head ent tely from | 9 brate, ask themselves this question in trothyand Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so.zom us DegW oul afar: =— @ top, an iminisbing to ab r - oe” a * “Aly head is ial gy bs with ne ernc ae troudlesome during the summer ch re caving ott cia na chest haiete ene lena ae — ‘s the Prices tio Sgt oametony aang, 90? calling _ {Ringold be as many ae for - aap entirely prevented Ae [[ use He for hts Country vere ie if wae ‘ apvitel te wea 7 ae ne , % a - a ord, ear weeks, and aitende y o physician, | of these Lozenges: ‘They are p ved eh TESS S ’ ance ter s about 13 et: in the ussi — etter from St. Petgi of or 12, 184 DS SCOFIELD: thout relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was | ly fbr that pur and can be relied Gn witht hould she his death require * | rapids, above andwbelow its feat 2 . . . a Comierfeits are abroad —look aiveye i ibe given, and day more than forty worms were Hect confid Persons subject to a derange jf, Ie s'oud erect with lifted ba » j amiciuip the whole deceen cui; +d ri >| the 16th ult., pablian in the. = we fConisioek & Co. sl pa } ‘child recovered rapidly. mebtof the bowel b th . Ssjeoiic. enappall'd, and ga :yT i eet. | des Tribunsox,” states thatthe Em a Fesle ai yhe Watchman Offigesand by C|" A child of & widow gwoman, living neaf* the | They afford immediate fre Resend In attitude of self command | calelabl® Ba rae whieh passes berelie | of Riigsia, hed ‘geqsed a full amoesty te on -. Lie Fomiby 3 Dr Syaun ay 5 Manhattao Water Works, had dwindled for a | ant gripings; faintness, depression y ge. | incre ili: the w | it may be ob 6 fact ths a’ - nomber of Roles exiled to Siberie dithe in. *.' «i, Hillsboro’ ; J SRS ; - l , a ‘ “y, ct that while : ° ‘abry, ringtona®.* : 4 mo it wel weblion al the on ‘ane ‘ pm ain’s Cathartic Lozenges faye wit pigiege mh \th locity eat that the ef with el of Russta, for the part theysbed take A arb 4 47 1848—1582 * Fi * + ao called a provide fa tomily, Are a6 plogsa d easily takenas the ~ ae ae Nba glietior ere ' ay tome ea Bg _ sur- a. erie of November, 1830: Kol age, perperming are an active and e en: —_ ea 6 lowest —Th iPr. SPicandete’s Which bf@aght away great qvaotities® of wee | medicine. The¥ eleanse the stomach and bowels, Wri Bazing millions cheered to see | stoge of the rivér, that it rises and bande f rkey,—The Wrengupeut of the dif~ [toe epLE URIVERSAE PILLS | for two or three days, and thed@iildgrew betfer | and are a best caggertio everused for bilious - won no dees . st A free. (like ageagof molten glass o of arenes Sa ween Turkeytan Persie is said “’ for salg.at this Office. « | at once, and regained iis full” etgepgih io less | persons. Where affictive medicine is requir 7 a ee eS | imme k i ] to have made no progress sio ur lag _ @ 2». ‘ 842 A. sige Gere The Whize Were animating Cla immense récks, without breaking I ace “ve a be iulisbary, N.C Oct. 1842—tf4 i) | than a month. they are not only the best, but the safestthat can y! le ' ’ | covats from the Tarkish @pitof. RS ose OW, * Several children in a highly respectable fa be administered, The Locos shronk away.in shame, xcept near the shores: so deep and vast is g° . ~ GR? Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad-|.ily in Broadway had worms toa frightful ex! on Sh@&man’s Strengthening PLASTER | an Ai Mat Soi jhe mights flood je, to - Jone Hesbots, Algior Gt Seo. rsa: bd went Sea Fy vit, s Nat ide, o. isement, and ee wish reliet for your ma = om eae bee oc Neat a. ’ cimthe. Bhe best of all plasters for Rheumatism. Lom- Predestin’d soon Its ship to auide , declevities of 700 mw! er rocky ere ee; ori Fogge, to enNerive te : — call atid obtain a remedy of C.B. hood of St. Nnak Catt be eal ail bago. Pain or Weakaess in the Back, Loins, | In satety through the stormy tide “ one on: the easiern ede 7 he men 2! hostile tribes bas beeg cor ledjo fe- - le, EELER, Agent. Side or Bréast. Of party strife, a faci at 7 : 1 = €8i— | turn without office dares rb °’, 2 paler Dec 10 ~ « 120 ~~ a the Gpeumetance of ze ieee Vhe above medicin® jg for sale, wholesale or “ Geil seh wd tract wil Rh 4 vstaic 8 Range, come down, the Cagéades s: il “# Jeet. -™ 4 te adie h b tied hi x aah, after all other retail, at the Salisbury Mipdical Drog Store, by Nor shall their efforts be in vain ~~ most present ® spectacle of subli is) Circumsiahti l Eviden oc > -_ To THE AerLioRaDc—~ Phe iy kegwo a ‘cipatar ihacity ig Stoney C.B WHEEL ER. Agent, et all strike e With might and main 'e led Nd by Niagara. This is the pase ge Punishment. We cmentinnéd 10" coi = f rider has jus. pecele aliepe darge and fresh Salisbury, N.C, pd viciory w joe of the river through the sreaidest s Range, ” “ees ty of Ds M ar ELE RA “Call & byt py in Mae cal of wiskt tal Sep! 8, 1342—1v6 Upon their banner in the hour® @od the mountains nesr it omeither si ti ne fa Aaher ri fous we Acherol jae om. ws * *. relief. . t. : - of . Wee Appointed ty de'ermine pow'r— w orttis of their distinguigh wig ENCON _ amet ® r. wisbary, Dee ioe wtgent. pie Venn e 2 raga be neat day thrse Dr, Wo aps Vegetad fe Life’ I Jo Pi crows the day shoft distence from the ran orl hl hoon ca-ter, fos Si berder “ bd : fy and Henry Clay. P. (Wo female servents of Mr Litigmoed, . PRICES se aT Ware wheo eho be woe again aotee, aig pBsess qualitievof the most mild sud be | — —— z other terebeaGin “tas pave eh withipines 5 Pendletou,on the the. 26:h of April, 1817." *- sta.” 3 a ne peficial nature. They are composed of ar- | : — ats @ (4 Sol: ‘ ."y “ee, May ~ Came ar, : Scaible quantity of worms broogh picles the most anti ee combined with | ‘TH vee vod y S FRIEND.’ W ot over ce a ¢ 4 e we of the “fin bo a : - 6 * » Cents. , . rgd knowa ait e,only certain antidote | his i rase usaap by the Politicians of | M8CK crags, Which elevatl selves “4 acon, 58531] Cotton Yarn, 90) core was complete, andgshe gained healit: of every description. Wheo the dis WHE presiiiday, in all of (heitgpolitieal bar~ | great grendeur one beyond Pha saeni¥ confessed higfself the perpetratoraihe © ye mdy, ap. 30 a 35 sses, 35a 40 He Physics ef nicndlew. bad doctised a taal Cae is d either from cold, obstruction, | angues e (h@pecple. or thirty miles to the southwardteluster or ombis death bed. The following wagi- NG peach, 40 a 55 aits, 6 a" ly of children al it bein viata bad air, y sod damp situations, or p@trid| 4 ‘oang stripliag, with thandm | round the iey base of Movuat Weshington. cal cireumstances occurred at the tae] end o y dren some s, witht being a y ng od g aa lr, = 108 12} | Oats, 15 @ 20) restore ba: one out of the seven to health H Paniagmni, Whether toaliggaet or epidemic, oF by | ce, will-get op b+fore esembled crow.) | On the ot e of the Cascade 8 is 8 sim- onegetion- appecte Shot Bh uns: preee- < x, 27228; Pork, $3 bad the ‘iy to send. for SS arot ‘s Ver. r causes, these medicines are certain in their | a aha eaself « Candies aesatin the largeene. SO, dugicom lofeas. 1°" ware wil hoqpeoeseenend thet apon re- . > .8.*. io, clean 54.8 6 | Sugae, br. “Sa 10 mifoge;: ed the ae it io Jess than a rations or effects. “Phey are possessed of pe | L eaivletafe for gress—ot Some other sp- | tangled wit Willen timber sf ur trable carrie contange ‘Westh, each of them” ss." . 9 f, 15.418 culiar qeatities, which nol only expel all disease, pointtaent—and ig coarin away” { tb “ming ed to th his innogenc®._ ane haa Ce, all loa al N ttt but at ihe same time restore and invigoraie the! « qijantie to the ae y a e i a cover mountai hich in the croft, og, € ‘leimed, s is $9.4 bath — 4 Salffenek, si Remon ois he Ber cased Tar fever |systera When on ooeeee the stomach, thence to the ‘ Sand hills of Attica" will States would exey a the LP wrt us is eis blood. Galteg ies ~ ; ’ a allow ® they immediately diffuse t selves like v ” hag tion tor their ma i ! paid * y. oar, a 44 Tobacco, 8a a cred 7 Ggelly » Se ee ehabnese, be bsivniog throug every saree producing effecis at = See the aaah mare trielid a fe nge his pov | dwindled Wito ie 2 \icence it “her t a ny cormestly Sai won a used, 50855 | Tow-Linen, 12 a 16 ‘almost an \omeilble quantity ye wortae, delighiful, salutary, aod permanent) When the @Fty asa qualification for reePand codsexor 4 viewed in presence of the shining Fac | de Kogeon oe w ae one hil glia we e .*% : | ehinhin 3a4| Wheat, bush 2 and small, and the ns recovered with ad aril a teed ore paral “ deli list the rapide of ‘the poor’ in b gif.| end messing. grandeur of Mount Adams, | ae sr ial daslare it so to the fast.” Ode seed Oil, pr. Whisk 2h a 36 despateh. lostances®this kind ht be n his is Demagoguism. ‘Phe ‘ honegt r | hanging over them. _ ‘ p ’ ; gyrate nia san extent’ bet - pide: t 0G arefound to give a tone to WB nerves, €X-) shoold be pitied and respected—but soch ay gine Daved Ashcroft ed God, end prt Rs gal 90 $1 | Wool. f@lean) ° 25 o 3n immense extent, bat it is uselees, one 5 , body. | i P yl Tt b Sead al — trial for 25 cents will show any One withgaston | 1s anima! spiritggen*'g Y>} to excita ‘ the poorvagaing ‘abe ricb,’ d mi tivene het ee des rung porth | his innocence ia oF aes ie FayerrevirLe, May 3, ishment the certain effeets of this Ver ze. i ener _— Eee hi commiseration — bby. Alu estwardly ; proaching t t,| Asboroft, the youo “1 efor a \d7,peach 40 243 | Molasses, 2% a 25 Contion® Neve! buy thia article it have | 0 Life . ceocess io Neres Se povert crime* aoe te means agevir , ‘urns westWart—andi@fier eniéridg the | crime never cowmiigd; | imple hones, Apple $3 a 40 Nails, cut, 54 a 6 |‘ De Kolms Vermifuge” handsomely en- 4 .. Consamption, AstBtnay Lis e nem geem i us that an sadist | | (rough south westwerdly ; ; and baving pass: | or to Jook 4m mercy Upon my F @ile and o a, 6 a 7 | Sugar brown, 64a 10| graved on the oatsi et, and the fac simile S issisiticaslicaie and u w ho@to manage bis own affair -|ed this, i reeumes its coursego the horth- children.” fer e wife being in "2° &: 5 et, ha 27 | Lump, 14 | @ Comstock & Co. 1D ropsies he. mel + seeking the chaige © of thepablic. Let west. By this bend, leaves bet “its | shrieked oat, -] Wille ‘ a ee Ga 10, loaf, 158 18| Agenis—C B Wheeler, Salisbory ; J & oll at B 2. Avene. ™ oal seeking @Bigh and tesponsible ot shore and#the northern mountat me- alr g upe. said: “* se 70° *) aPC Creag & Boos (pointe g wp 0 - o , Agents. have wealih, and if successfol taki r . . ’ 4426 | Sal 0 2 60 | Sloan, Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hitlsboro’ ; JP : fol, in taking care . ia Ya: & alge ove Mab D h, Raleigh. Saiisbary, Oct 42—P¥i3 of his own interest, he will be sare to provide what brokep plain @ ip » and| yonder who knéwe we ee :é , uo, 14a 18 - 5 $24 7 ae oe aleig ' ° fot where. , bout fagr Miles ins leng@:* At the uppér | who make amends for ibis’? These - wes, 45 350 obacco leaf 24a 24 mare y -~ apply of the above Ingalosble ME-| , t. 91 tod of rapids, this plain fe ggerly on ® | excia ons being by the judge, ° = F.¥.13a14 | Cottom, bag DI The poor man, “te poor man’s friewd 3 y "a < Rsee, 80a 90! Bale pe Ss | MW ' for sale at Jaq ross Roads, se ea words nesrned, bah ” aan i. rivor ; so that a0 ioconsider- | sentedee of death Wee upon @s oi $54 ag! | Wheat new 75 #80 QO. AL ale ad McINTOSH, Agent e Befriend Has be opt ad- | is the water yp to ostoral | at theconclusionof which Dard * of “tts 095 | Whiskey .*.25 a 30 Ss — ‘ ee minister to his wants? In the y tog oT Way across tite” bend. gs that he hoped God a . 5253) ¥24 015 oguerh tfally announce DAVID Loo, and distress, to hh a hea £ a help, , andithe absence of »qp ; , Careaw, “Apel | and shed A Ss this method of oer a a ct that ot Apa tions in the dorm of ~ ne 3ha 4 (Pate cut assori6's 6} . Tiger: his friends, aud often wis help. — ok a _ St 26} wrought 162 18] ote, inst Be ™ anil not oo! om still the W “ ew hic 1 y opermeem ev. ee a) ee i Dalles, bot furnish st, tifls in- d Clock D d and Clock making, an - éocéien le amount -of Oats bushel a yl :¥ il gal ® 7 “Co : TS Repu diation -* ( nin, ’ . pairing business, at his , Rita 4 , we «% ~ : w, whee : stand, near ihe cata cp ary oMice - 1S coe © 1Pa, insee 10a 5 a ter prepare te tea wick oS —" oe 1Ta 14 | Pork 1 5i ae | 9 orders io their lice on notice, and | 1g os ell Reepe oo band a sma} | *hieb J decended > ton troo de bgads ob Es: is #8 pa ; Min, 112 08 | Rice 1001s 1 ere ee and, 2 cil pO | “Chana ig ae ae abs ES on ae cm 1 o51 ~ Dials Sod Fopep Tia. Ware, Britatoia Ware : ann ay 2 charac fe . ) ‘Vhab de tBior tod Sicery ba Soet if the Sofeeiag? Be $5546 apan ‘Tip. Wase, >| Jewellery anes Ss ov det | hab account, and dai New “so i 5 Otis Se, 20 et hing. sot, Sti o 1842.—t . . style t © igo, a2 N OWN & Cos a 1'Webaowledge ut sah, letmeal-| “5 stiby are om —— clea. oli 43.4 5 ; ” fu F Ru f Lanaeet apg je{e0 deform y change hab céim ol en , 5a 6) »Eng ‘sg 4 - sper: ae ten Law. de state ob th ® solemnly €| They're bran, or sli with tow, Ss 23 a German’ 12214 ’ wee de account gpd il neber pay, @ epetick out boo! a fest, or * * * we & ge Aod look fiset cate, by hocrant Be 71 Teal inne SEP 0137 { vhs Office soothe t cow Mrs. Sipp - : ¢ e 2 Tes ite can, by: ang laa- "* f, a Opes i“? oe att wh natin sre Wtesested, mofe particoleriy.t Br ibggiate sr béeeg? am + “pop dengs, Tg of a 4) got haract I *-ovéthatears ofthe wrt ~ ganet atory war on by 7, é aga: ee Texas, Thetnetr “Tene of the + > DDT Maimister a ac4 dectsritig the : tT “is >, se Be eto Mr. Webster a ©o 10 re-gubjogsie 0) 4, ‘ wh A vsuols. Mak ogebted righg’ot M aa Sian the manner ahait be c : ted We hate rr fe at principle. destiogw! we } a de, wikeep ag on te i’ which u ‘ tended for thy n leet nS ie “ ee at peaeé wiih ihe vt : ponte to inter- pose, in the gyast formal meiner, inst svelr ; vocals » Io the recent 1 n fe Mi xi upctiBens pore) citizens of & Unie 8 ste8, atl place, were t-ken prisougses. These persons were 1h ‘Texas vpoL. oH Lbusnese, ond althoogh there is reasoe te délieve they wilh aH. \iBerated, yel their captivity was upjo their de- teativn From theigbusiness fh and tor- lidtis. this ihstence we ae epnse- quences” to over natiins of an irreguler and predatory war, “fed the government of Mexico pur hersenifidies to reduce the siaie of Be wae foree and activity torrerponding with the ie. to ofthe aplaim set up to the ter y of the*epultic, eve eibzens would, not have got to the eatre of “war, —or Had-they done so, they | > woulddaave been therein their own wrong. ’ a \ the mekiog of warphe law of netions ad— with a fo > $ a) i <* ” > * But Mexico had so long e.spetided bostili- ties Qygeins! Texesy ae to leave SOgtounds ta believe that she would ewer dé able to proseodte. wer soccessfylly, or even that she would resdme fhe atte to do so. The Wecaacc oa ofthe republit had been recognized. during*the wessaiion of bestili- iempne incursion vu ‘Bexar was al iiher iregular and sganstiffie law of na- The citizeos of neighboring States asdf@o expect such an incursion eir government the is bed nor nor Wed In so avgost an exercise of sovereignty as “mit of po equivgestion, no dallying “in doubtful de monet it must be prose- cated with reasonable vigor.or cease altoge- ther anda ‘ovaceosa belligerent ope— rations Must b pamied with formal notice to neulra powers. These pf lee ate not” naar b isnity 1a confgrmable to ¢ de ope : \ the recépt evidence of wr * done to innocent ’ “Persona by the sdoption.ef a course by * Mexito st war with them, exbibiis ina striking light the necessity of WBatral pow- era. ing opon their being ‘respected. It baimes™ a part Othe doy of all govern. menisin amity with Texas, to interfere io & matter which so Nv affects their own citizens trading to 8nd trav@fliog 10 that coptitry@ and we are glad to learn that the Dnired Vivice Secretery of State has mated to Gen Thompson the intention of the government to remonstrale in a yet MOLe egrioUs menier’ if Mexico declines making ee, unless she shall show the sposifien and®ability to prosecute the war equal to the s léfpnity of the ondertak , ©, Weshave no doubt that Mr Webster has alae oddredied: Pe apeinetic U.S. Charge - in Texas, offeging iatesbetween the twa poweta, and ge. retaliatorw® ir “}uptions 19ta’ Me xieo. The United Sates, us a néighbér to both parties, ought to en- deavor to bring about astate of amity be-| ,, bur private cosmes— es Secretity of Stfe to one nations “jot ¥ Jol |. Campeach y, g IMPOR'BANT Ngee UCATAN. Srri oe AN Cap. port em ee Morning, e brifigs most i tag, Just befdte the Rosario, information was abet @ total d aene Mexicao army, intended for interiorof Yacatan. be facta. tithe ease, as we have been Gpabléd tg gai them from the most Teliable sources, 87, 28 $: Geo: Lemag, th tor tly i of the Yucattn for » had been head of the troops, 2,000 in nog ed at Telbac, for the subdjogation ‘Telhec mall village on the Bh @hundred and sixty miles coal d thirty miles . eis ak welfrquaiat- wae, presadibd that Lemos # wit country, that he w ex ls in. wmakiog his Way to in- hit was well keown that Gen. ves 0, with 2,500 Yucateces fy gathered atid had" determined to op is advance. Al? pr rations having been made, Le- ows took his F ne of marchefiom Teihec towards Merida. The road, it see @as a strange one, aktied ofeach side with Jew swampy ground. <igo, with his force retreated, until the mced toa small¥iltage eighieen ini vom Merida, where he attacked th@genom y. most onexpectedly, an front ang in rear, with ext ordinasg. vigor. The Mexicans for a short o¢ defetided themeelves wi veda! bravery, and were tina ered in numbers. Mére *hen foot Bendred fel! on the’field, acd the bal- ane@took refuge ig, @ stone teh, ac och other buildiags as promised protection. oss of the Vodlteconsens eomparatigely qaite small. Aboat the time the Rosario | voond ike the report that plage, that beyond ddobt the Morin forgg- would be anni Jaied, as all chance of getreat had been cat off, and their siteatidn in ewéry particular Wie most perilous. The news from the fleet is likewise quite in- teresting. The schooner Sialeana, mouniing 4 guns, had been surrendered to the Campeacha- evs | She was manned @ith thirty-seven men, ,. r amnved at thi r days fr ip cogpmand al the { inforwssivcilt . necessary to pnt them upon thei guard,— etweep the two— if = a in this atlempl, he? duty to her own™@iuzens requires of Wer t® see thai the war is prosecuted ace: “ ding to rules established by°@W civiliz ‘ed 0s openly, honorably and Lcontins, | aovs! 7. - « Weeinderstand that the Tostroctions of the French Cab:netto their Midister in Mextéo are more peremptory and decided than those wf the United St or British Governments ; end fromigne positfin as- “somed by those pow IMpression 1s grining gtoond in Te Ri the contest draw : Wetlen tte: our piivate, corres dence dite the Commissio of Tetad who ettived 10 ee > sae fore the sailing of the fleet, h stré®trons from cata pote ®ang.the veese!s of im nuendo Moore and \o appig. yo the Unned States av for a:d'ime taking possesgyon of ‘them, im ease the Comatodore retused to surrender them. ‘Phey. had@:hkewie lamaties from aire, o » de- og the opped toner alical and bavuthoue by gave mt, io tbe eveat the c@eii not be Taken. dore Moete, we are-informed, intigated to Jbe Commissionera that he wou aceed to Galeesion cadHtve & talleawith Pre- ridenf bpon . the metier,- which sdvueed _Camamo- who with the officers, the Capiain alone exce ted, determined to desert from the Mexicins. The gaptain was pot ashore, and the schooner mailer lo capt Boylan by the iieuteo At Lagaona, fow previous to the@ailing of thefosario, 22 of crew of the schooner Eatte des@rieg, and desertions from all the ves- sels were most frequent. The Promehi Re- generador, in a gad condition, eaking® badiy, bad sailed for Vera Croz, in company with four of the traneports. The Montezuma’ and schoo- ner Eagle Were at Telbac waiting the result of the invasion of Yucatan. The steamship Gua deluupe and the brigs Yd@ateco and Campeacha Ho, were at Lerma_ mat he delodpe ia de- sontbed tobe in a mit desrerse ip Wire, having a erew of thirty one men, ten of them ® Bat five of the origidf'al crew of English Rehad Femained on board of her, She had received three balls from the gun” boats—one of them strack the mainmast, the second damaged the foremast, and the third lodged in ae . The se tT wo Song, forme this port, had Gain shased bv Gov. Mendez and added to the Yoeafan naval hoa) The whole Mexi-" ors — ore Moore.aeyV. O SHOWER OP:8ULPHUR. hw Tennessee thatywe,bad a-- ea | Hee. of a shower of%lood. We now have a report of a shower of sul pbur in the same quarter, W od the following particulars in the Na@hville Union : Fhe Shower of Sulphur — ‘There mistake abou: the fall of sulphor, or th dav isst. fre Comma no me - eit, doring ‘he storm on Wednes. The Franklin-Review end Mur. sborough Telegraph notice the cire e, and the Faveiteville Journal the subste supposed to be s disco: ered after thé rain,upon the streets, and on the surface of the war ther plae Sue Thompson, of Soringt ant Matry cient @ letter :o 3 friend in this cite, fo es a solution, which we trust may pac fy those who are prone to Milferism. He eayer ‘A singpler thing hes ring teat night” “There was bout it, os es a of ace panied witha real of bl< b>] ARS Sa Be ur, i Meer fingparticles, so ful Mis! 8 ig leave an edging of salphur in 1 the pool® where the water evaporated This is isolated case, bute! The rosd pools a Villege hove Dery of it. | , was oy fed bere da- mistéke a— in “shower ‘ thooder storm passed | stot tha feru of the T'hames; g | dian dr reday lest, ong ® ingdish+d hoaers without” remarks on memo- ina Doble comrade in arm eharacter and fame of that assailed by Col. Jobnson’s omen, wil ! with having boeo and to pay ts debis the increieed an t becomes 3 me that de enue, doctrine ve (ree, of the mosh waportll 4 a mile from the batile ground when the victory was achieved! WHY did oot Col. Jéhnson speak then ? Why did he wait till his old friend was buriebeneath the clods of the ¥. fure be could n his lipe to rege! the croet: | afifecling sia One word from Col. J son ine have bts he alagniators, @nd viadicat @ on the c the t, which should have dear,a wo Bat no— i Col. Johnson was tas the ave. Bat, like Gen. Cags—another associate 1D arm tsisan—now when the brave old Ge the dust, where the shafte of calumay candtot réach him—when no alijects are to be attzined by traducing his che: racier aad _ er ir fame—now, Col. Jolson can Volantarily, and do Tne to his thers wre a vor | iy, a oclow | son for his egoetheiy noble bearing,” &c., bagtgt | > out"part, we despise both the act ‘and the tive—we do not thank him for this timéief day. The feme of not the aid of Col. J ake it immortal. then, of his tribute to the memory rak Hartison—falthoogh just and merited in itself) ole such o entitle Colonel Johoson to no ere from the iriends of the Ia bat, rather cale cite feel‘ngs of indignation and st... No, no, ohnsen—we Want gene of Feugog e of your tributes, now !— There was a when such a course would have been nobly gitgnani —now, ivexhibiis a spirit of selfishness a © to tickle the pop olar ear for interested purp ses, that is contemp- tible aod diegustipg —JMobile Advertiser. A SECOND POC NTAS. The Committee on Indian #i@irsllih theta Honse of Representatives reported asbill al ing a pension fo to Milly, an fae map of the Creek tribe, daug tier of the: Pp ronbet and chief Francis, who wagaree ted by order of Gen Jackson in the Semi git to wo par of 1917-'18. The subject We ta cock, who communicat Milly, atthe age of sixteen, when ber oe e notice of the Comm ittee by incident opon-whieh was at war.with the United S:ates and her®t ther mange the most decided and indefati- of War at the iostehee Lieat @ par Libel mm be favorof the Gd¥ermm a8 founded. gable of the white people, saved the iile a tree, and his ~ Warriors wit ir rifles, were reund bi partory Paine hia a The Indian at d with pity for the devot Be- sought her father to spare him, bat the Chief declined to interfere, saying that the life of the whose right it was so pot fim to death. S then torneéd to the warriors aod implored them to forbear their deadly purpose ; bot She was re pulsed ; and o@® or them moch enraged, told her that be had lost two sisters in the war, and that the prisoner must die Her inter— cession na ef continoed; she persevered in entr nd ased all the arts of persuasion whi Gr woman’ 8 | ah seme ested 5 he finally succeeded in S&ving his life o . that the young while hould dom wiilie become one of the trite It appeare from the ifffora by Col Hitcheock that som the whileman sought this bene in mar- riaggy bat ehe declined, and su y mar- rn e of her own people. Her hasbind is now dead. Her fathenwas po oop in cine: war of 1817 —@88, a her m have sioce pe: She 18 pus poor, residi i Verdigne r Ker, Dp, a boy and tho pisis, all e for themselves, ae Dt opon their réllther for sup- pet he Commitiee thoi at the occasion presemed by this case waea suitable one, net op ly to@i@ward.a meritorious but also to sho to the ladj ow mérey and homagity are appreciatédiby ihe government. The giant of osion, With a clear exposition of g of its allowance, would have a salu \ufloefice, it was believed, upon savage customs commanicat a Is event too youn = bave formed a Bry black precipitation wi A he back of pas watch. [| visa buPhed ut, preciptiatyan with seetate of eed, Where is no donbt of Ne being sulphur I account for it by sup- be nationgeand lear free tocomad our est Perhaps some particularly wise be able to give & betier soluti oO “WN, ond salpbor themit0 hetp quiet voril he gar of ihe Ovals fusfin with . Gave aipleasan: trip 10.6 mn e e . the® Aug > thet the informed him at ae xiove settee to Tex. , <slher rn ~ he "Cont re ° DOC, be ee . s}8 da tiheos nt would nogbe pr ‘= “ Sprineffime, April 12. 1843” an = evn Gold. — We understand that = SSen discover re in this ee ww) PF Cotns, otethian promigns a neh h sald oft i pre a Geld ges of every Ly the a@ilee v the wan far sonia * $4. 500 each, Decyet g2'F day tor expeo- of ees* ond there is left opr dt 8 $4,500 fare year senda qu moe “wesides the honor. -” & & receiv. to about Pp sulp wetled.bydroger © decom posed | oo actioa—the hydrogen forming Li foture A a was ‘cordingly reported to to Milly @ oe $96 per annom \ Pigidclar ife Santa Fe Traders.—tLet o> be ved ic St. Loais from Ja able men, galing thabs number of iding on the frontier bad left, as it w ed, for the bonadary line between the United Statesand New Mexico. It is believed thai theam men expecs to joined by a number of oa of like character hail ee combin- to make ea : oo tree of fiche hewn. The seme er 10 the miods of many ny furn robbing | ble@hat j @ just ‘ie for attacking and haote, . i proba ~ neither ican por th the promptness w acis, wrHe lo the Seere- io proture pe Mr. Almonte, for 1 exican such an meet an escort fi Doifed States t pl all Mexican aw io. roops. ‘The : Mateo s lorioug lease. * ape fie shout of Free fo bave the privilege of selling without exor- the industry cf others sre opened to us— see " for th eighteen of an American citizen who hed been taken pri- | ch soper by her iribe The ive was “athe jifen fleet is deseri in @ most miserable condition, and haw 7 Miaitfishen ened by the defeat jeans in the inte rior. MBheir fate wll Oops tne artf¥al of re prisoner was in the haude of his own captors, Ee erescet how tra a good deal more /Imericanized, let our own peupere and letorers, ineteng of ‘feeding those of Eng'end, let us aben ence, end procieim to the world, we heve “| posing doties, but that we The Ameri “" y we be su - _ poet sle | be adm the rope cen te to praject our- selves against ar inflox of the onejr to me the operditive exclusion or héavy thes inceeg ere we avows! of this + éi ine" W r 2 OF KENTUC fom For CONGRE " — a ’ a Ps: ihe 28 in- " Pe nanbind F calle*opon é hether b Te yora FP of. Tae in favor of the rallies $ rence rks, not one solitary. aT re f front hi as —_ the / B ied States, of os ARRINGER gi Sun-Treasvgy oF ‘r s ak i), bot Hexey Cray, . Will, when the ‘ath moe Tariff or Direct Tai 18 the People Epner AW bile adecis of her per cént., winle the Sanctions: ofthimer-. labor have been either ¢ her @ or perceat. Her write Nations, Gesceotip Free Trave. Her political ournels shout to as across the Atlantic— Free Trapp ”—and i@® glorious privi— lege of buying who you please. Some of us re-eeh it Trade, ivilege ing @f wh a do ¢ heag rede, and.t privilege of selli whom we choos t isas Importeat to us itaot exactions, ee it is to boy without them. every fecility end inducement to purchase t every fe and inducemefi#to sell the Rode of ‘Git industry ere obstructed or en most we become, most surely, 8 people. This seotiment, oered our most @istinguished Presidente in 1824, in relation “0 3 Teriff, and et a time he was before the pecple as 4 yd— igh office, is fully sustej y of subsequent experience He said * In short si, ave “too long sobject to the poi British Mer. Gtould become a |11- d. ineteed of feed- ng the paupers and laborers on gy our own ; or elge, in. inuing ovr present , Me be policy bes not bean ered paupers ours then recommended b é€ shadoved forth Let us resis! the present condition” pe fe policysof British Z%erchants, let us pe food “a etof that policy which leads to peeperism, and adopt thet which ej peupers and |a- borers (to com y end independence. Let us decié¥é our Commercial lndepena- the power, not only to raigg revenue by itm- ve the power, by imposiiig them, to protect en ia- dustry egeinst European ind nd to countereet by our legislstion, any Foreign the some hostile to intereste. Bot, at the seme time, lejos e ell i commercial intercourse gith us, 4 most extended | moet be terms off lity and f@8iprocity. That the General Government hes el to impose duties for the protection of A ican Indostry, sgsinst European ‘ndesiry, and to counteract Foreign legislation hostile’ our ipter I think cennot admit of » bt. When the States became indepen- dent, they had the power, unquestionably. All theigpowers to impose duties they trane- General Government. Constitution. - ‘tower ; ead, nt bas it not, thea ihe. Is there an Ametican wit ? Te do not wish { unders quire it, 1 } docietee of Free Trade, es.far as it is precticable ; hes it ceases practicabile,. Tuin- ous sacri fee to us, I at pand say to the worlde-*‘ We will | they do unto us.” % 1 have th t proper, on thi asion. to sey thes maeh on this important subject, ought to know 1 rom one extreme to * devised plans, ealeulations, sad often* founded. py High Livin Prisop, prosecus swear that he + -~A lea ve na : ering ae * e08@ wold not map * ere we plesse, and to}: | Sometime doring this month, Peipla of g the People 08 ‘wii was eomew bai severe, (a the w — rare | =! “74 iB with lac 1; re We repeat 4 “e the Con veation tnd c ir Ci come oat openty and say what b Tt skewer he is infgmor of the Sub-Tre —a measuredy .. in ope where - the most eee ‘Os = nee ee of Ear a measeare which ex- } a ao meet nent danger ;—an¢ ike le -| oe at reeled, Van Buren's. trial 1 befona.s J Leninipirsnié fe lost'millions Wecall opoe bin a to come ovtiboldly aod-say whether he int acs rate—their sesis ver pue tr @ enough to I is & iy jrect Taxation, as a eh them. General with al boasted smb “tT smart en mgh to diecover their object f which our country will be taxed | Dy Ppocritically appla@@ing him, when be hg ey collecting Officers. almost “ag! loriously injuring thergrest cause which to sustain pend their withhe locuste of Egypt The Peoplege m= pling ‘to tee and it is the duty of every cs ge oe was telling thea 6 since n when he presents bimeelf to the Peo- ne bald ig sins, ple for their suffrages, to make known th p BP ie asciber éolumnsbt today's ciples freely hy which he q@ill be guided. » found ah extract ‘The message of se he doit? Weeshall to the last General ” Chieti : pes news ny ide, and particel re obi ¥ x af C 008, t to the part AF attention of TY, DOL one’ y heard to give bim the by Siam ping with their fa, ton the contrary, a} a or wCh wronped efithe. The gelled inty ak a * rin mf MR. WEBSTER. | will certatnly retire from the State j 7 ted sune weeks ago, he retiz pasting himself before the A ; @Bndidete for the Preside F (we are Not yet positively informed Bat let his motives be#hat they. mag, they will avail him bat ditie.. Ais ati sein the C majesty he Ba oe cals GINIA. ELECTION. re as aye neahpaired from al te bat 28, and show emighiy i popule, tof the agains! (he Locofoed eae wes, oo fara Lspects the Leg Legislatore. And. we ana that if the@fection hxdfbeen 2 maébih fi the higs woald have completely flood focoiem. ‘The pe give the Whigs il the Locos 55 ts of the Hoose df gates. The remaining eounties to ti from, last -year stood, Whigs 9, Looe 18 9 Senate last year 20, Whig With-no forther ehange, the vote of j will stand Wh , Locos 94. Asie the eléétion sa of Congress, ‘be hayeegetsiniyieledted three. {9 the Al Division ts in@Sttain- whether Mr. 6 seeded ; reporis givt a smail majorit giry, and that must conclusive- @ if oat altogether what he has Tofessed to be—that the welfare of country does not oceupy the greater part of bis affections; bat that self-aggrandisemené stande Moet promiaeat. Wecao elfMr. Wesster, once aod for all, that he need not lookfor sup- por: from anyf the SoatheraGF Western States, for there is now, one occupying the entire affec— tions of their bearts— whom they knows irue and who has never deserted nor hie country or friends io the mos Sipe either tor office or for an Ah and that men is HENRY CLA we ' 6 ¥© Others charge the Lm HISTORY OF THE TA — FCOMMitling a fraod by keeping the pe W@ipteed to give por readers alerly for| thres days ia Madiedn and Greene emié some ke to come it. broken doses, 2 complete | Gov: Gilmer’s Mt, and that Mr. Ge ory of the several ‘Tariffs from the foor ja~ | cont Mr. G's, Fight 10 bis seat io of the 349.1 pnd District Mr. Jones hi ty it is seid by illep istricts we have 00! relied upon, bet thiok # Gerrymecders bere we Gore ly 100, Whig papers ) othe the men that asively the |’ aoe the ples put forth by some of the very men, who not only went {ofa Tarif 0} Revenoe, bot far ve in its fomis garry the State, for we think that ne 1 then soy thet b established sines, to be} of Locofoeo a: will sweep it fe entirely groundi@™p, and deservitig of the ders for many, ¥e2 me tocome, tempt of all parties. We sincerely hope that otir —— f will not only carefully read the articles FROM HAYT ot By the latest arrivals at New 0 ing as they are published, fibt that they will pt. Sa the. ater ei eontsin- Hayti, we have news op !0 the 24 olt a ed among al! th , whether hb revolution bad ended in a peaceable! Whig or Democrat ; that they may k mapner, “and the people bad gegcoved Ue? who ibose men are that push themeelves bxtiand avoeations. asthe peculiar guardian ae rights what their opini “Tariff was it Prelimia eps had been taker © afew years ago. Wes aré tight gled that the Whig hid pew Constitetion ; but tt was thoog>! hether ners residing 10 ‘os Pec be a to hold estates. “ the Gf 1s cagdidates for the,ob ae ak ae on promae Chief saat , ig to be we beliere, eo years, oi il ia “4 piinslples as nearly like that of ins , ee of the iat ghost was enihusiastically ¢ and a triumphal people @ e3t of Books, (such as the sei: i = andl half: 4 ~ ¢3% F $ b ~_ as a . ’ Ca ad - e - e. * t ad P oe ge $= > 2 4 Bs ; ip scene a8 clused by a-gecors) ldmius"P rege Pires: . jihe city ig the evening soe a . a fie name OF Meweity, we Varn, is to be - or re. April 31h, nged (row Port ale Bho Port ‘Z = > & ~. o’elock, P, M. hg wd ‘; Wika ex ive snd val ortion. of our a _ *} onforiunate town hee Fa ihe The Seereiary of be Tyeasery gives naliee | few hou aid in ruins re—prob tee , ig the Madisonian that the Ms ieee pied the Most ariious one that ever vigited a : gfa!] the Treasury Notes of the United Jeast two handred build) we thio 2 , - = j a adel iasoed, hearing date on or be— ry kind aré Pesiroyed, des ansio. aa. — p 7 ill re 4 r sing she i on we a e ihe 1st of Joly, 1842,iand whieh shall be- deal of propetity of other kinds. Be. ral Pence Conventitige A g@wore! cerca Zecetvieg, ud offer for sale, \OWs, ti to thie marke ;—covsiating PP? sme names are bods ieee ae ¢ before the silts eaaite and thal Jand 12 to-day, whilst a very fiéa- | Convention of the friends sec, te 18 oer supply @f Spring 20g Sumipes Goods, ie Eng li and Freneh Clotiifiand Casi * feits. “If the merchail you Wie bt one? : to the different acts of Congress, in- | ef wind was blowirg from the | be held wmJ.ondon on the 224 June a se ad >. # meres, Sauneis, Migniucky Jeans- and Gea urge bim to procurg 7 Inne oe pote all the notemuga abot deocritea | Seotheatie greater part of ib ican it-ig expected thats ler v of theifrie - 8 4 58 * men's sammer cloths, mipkconged Courage next time-he visite New ¥ ork, or fai 0 wre oP ha 30:h of Jone The notes | heing st the time engaged st the” variops | of peace sare <lipertas jae Npsld Will be ‘Paétkages. al rie ead ig Prints, | NO family should be ithout diiecdice © gill conse 00 he 90 b. : Churehes resent i ions @fe not_only exten- ted and Gigured French musiios Lewes : 6? gel ss ai ‘ ted States urches, the roof of the old warehouse’ Pp : ‘ A in striped sad Pari ige sobs redeemed 0 Voslp ar Line. | koown a MecKails, on the alley next (Wed to Petee Societies end Assépiations, mong h, are the following’ : a "Bleck ae ee (vew ae at” jtories in New Pougpar ¥ ‘ = bk : : th cikliesyand évery man | 642 ps. @ giauN aultee : anev colored Lawns, BALM - * ir Depasitories In NEN Se” rr Northvof imeBenk of Fear, ‘was dis- | bat to al! het ic we oe : . gheme, Crape an BALI OLU : rit, {the 9 sfEte that che Boe: red to. be on Gre. » st immediately | Who feels an interest in spreading abroad - 4 cp poser! lic, figured masiin de Laen-Piie eae betty which will s it if falling ont, or restore it id One cl he ga the:flames toolithold of oth@F Wooden build- | th doctrines of peace inculeated by ibe Sa- |»510 caligaes, sseer ied, arid colored Alpacker luetece aed Bum. | P8se and on children mike it grOw rapidly, or on ipo ladies are holding lemonade parties, A ings peer by, and swopt igth Tew minuies | viour.” : . 98 oe an walle aod Jawos : Blan, black and colored, slate aad a those who have Jost the hair from any cause ’ jnge peach bow! of water is provided, which | gerosg Princess Street, to the dwellings of . *.% 46 do Kentucky oie - pee a Uk gitwp and, fringe for trimming | . A MIN that infest the heads of children geeened by the young ladiemials plaeiag | Mre. Robeson, Mr. Asderson; and Mr. Spoinst dese Hoy! bag resulied| g3 go hog incon " - regees, seunett a Orin maslins and Bishoos | '" hoods, are prevented @ipkilled by it at once — it lips to the bt, The old waide then | Calder, when all-bope was lost of saving a | myn fevor Donrodimn ies fonds, 20 do coats fo0@MMilk Cravats and Stocks, Sill’ cod hin’ | Find ge name of | oa on ! de is * done'did,?”| 99 Of the Northegp pert of the town above: SS demagesiahd six cents costs:| 5 do hes anchor bolilbg etotys handkerthiefs, Moslin collgi and Silk ane |, : ; * wok jnto it and the lemonade is “ done’ d: | thoa® points, between. Front sod Weter-and |" ive six Sureties hen appointed re 7 b apd willy tats e: shall, Black and white stk Flees Bolting cleg pit, or nevir oye this alweys. ~ ‘ere ound ‘i th oz pa af do. y * 7” « — T Bachelor.—A goung bach. | Front and Sezond. Street. | o sed te boggy a the com of 220 do cotton handkerchiefs tee Ne to 9, (warranted geonine,) Tella) 5 a = . A Tasty Ba gpovg. onward the flames ptogressed leaping from 1240 pr shoes, aseurted ee lagrane carpeting and wetting, ‘Iai-| RHEUMATI and elor. in Lsfoarche, who propaged for the busiding to building with fearful rapidity. - ; - Te ¥Vaseet $0 cose beh seserted as Braid i ao points, Spee. Florreoce, Spositively curpd. ed . i ° . ’ o . —_— ; ni) i nets, ’ > , 2 jooghter of o weslihy panier thet parish In ike] 7] fi e time'the slarm was : Bee vn oe a shen — 446 ladies boomets assorted Fapaod mod) Hats, ‘Seal, CUM ace re are restoredy. im. | the? Inniac sssigted, 10 his letter to her father, on re- given “fi ‘ ‘ ed the Rall Road sue ork Express states that eaoffi 288 doz combs assorted CapseRebineon’s fice Kid slips, do Seal aed Veserasre Evrxm AND Lannierr— a with ber 38 @ dowét ®@ certain soger Depot boii dings, ance of three e:ghiths: on board one of our National veoedl, 18} 425 gross buttons asgqisd wa re. 4 doz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia made | °° newer with@ut the name ef Comstock & Co. on i. gervi0g wl | ofia mile from where it commenced. Be- shout to be sent home for triel foraa-vane- 45 saddles assort _ ‘ealfand moroeco Boots, 15 cases Gentlepen' ats, paaiation whieb 168 latter owned; for. t Princess Strrvets: tlie Revi Road, | tural offence, which is pogererie by death, * 22>don grass and grain stythes cng Ladies lined and bound low price sheag ydedthe gallant io his letter, “1 shoold ‘end SécondiStreet and the fiver, not more} in Eoglaod, but nolgo in This covmiry. ; a ponker wires C kerss Hardware, Saddlery and Sadlers t:im ‘ - a ae ; sl . ‘0 A : . Pi . trl jae 10 mn wife as Ido tool y coffee— he hanis dozen buildings “ lefi standing — There ie a wamen in St. Lonis who sro 4 doz culling knives Sein aad sirens irl! vate costes. art -w prevented, or governed if the Galick, hoe dened ! i <a a er rves there was gn im~ ‘ : “ 248 Zs 21 dus weeding hoes * Sole and >: comié OG, if you use the true Hay : , meienee =" P mense quar: Ro produce, such | esses to imagine herself i w Mary. 9 blackmith vises : ghee, Pets en coor R) Wietew Z only true HaYs’ Loetemw?, from MR. CLAY. { es sivel ot ‘amber, alt of whteb | She is 2 native of Scotleod, and sdymshe had 6 do anvils” al * | Pure, (warranted good,) Castor Qil Salis, Qui- toot TF Go. Tatimeny of an Intelligent and ‘Honora- was destroved, om °"y ‘@milics lost the | @ call fs@@ the Holy Spirit to leave Glasgow 4 pr do hallows we | Pine, and Rowan's Tonie mixiire, Losf ang jaind every thing tioved bynit thee bduni Se out ble Opponent. ~~ whole of theipdigenitarc: Otbere @ part. Wes noe Sof. hey she . onthe Hi Betead trial sei . ee cur, 20 Hdés Brown do. 25 Hiddg | *¢ application. It acts like aidharm, Use it. 4 : \ oaks ‘wax a YeTMmgreatWelue | fw a of April, be delivered of a pleces bagging ae asses, Bit } Rio Coffee, $ tone ngliel —_ ’ weapy Meg ering set Tween donot think “tUere was By a.” greater pert | Saviour, immedistely after which the world Pa = 9 Tire, Spring B ister and Casi Stee], a Inge HORSES finve Ring-Bonsy in, ae vibe Char 0 ‘Metedly on sihet dene. betes gcc ca eo ot 'so di- | would be d ed Accogdingly she pro} “7 poe me 3 The abo of Iron and Castings, | Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roors’ Srrcrric ; and ik interest @t the r of the Soath- iy pape Gnas llthe fire se tha I]- | posed to be i auveo at thé time specified | 17 kegs Shite lead " 4 and will ora Oe ieee rent care, Foustlensd earn = eA Reoh’ wing of the “7 | ; a for thétextra-natural seeov-hmept, Sheisa! 99 pre elliptie.springs unprecedénted low prices ee deel T \7n tenting is, all "ir the Democrats of the South wish td havean}. 2 Area pip Orme povecs large { sweltever in the transmigrationaf qpule. 4 |» 75 pre trace chains 3 peufelly invited ote ra % Mie ce Denki aaa aoc (eroreriion ot oleae | SS {1000 ew foal agar © [selves, 7 , Dalley’s Magi¢al ‘Pain ‘ny- ‘ ho “ cao a oo ee er . *, xz é . bry Clay, a8, scoaiding 0 the. bowing of | ~ The toss by this dreadful fire 19 estime- b*- rahe off, Maxwe Uu, ; 182 ails and brads, wi Salisbury, April oo ee PiLgs réiedy ever Raaese (aia mee extraordinary oso of their own number he is jost the man vho ted at 800,000. There is insurence to Hi‘ G = bieniell a1 Gen Kerr's lay Togesbéf with a general stock Sf all kinds of * - » amd or all new.or oid cones folly ap to that exalied steodaid -—; the extent of $100,000, ps Sd supposed, cal Rows yet. Word, politely tenders ae Goops State of Rorth Carolina. ter. 3 ‘i leavi d deGiei be be b t- | Salisbury to Beatie’s . ate 8 DAVIDSON - ri we ane rg ners Rights | raeoe, under al the ether dopebening cit ereeryr mee thy” Palle These gogds were selected *with the otmost IN EQUITY. —— end. sores, a : It has celighted -it John ainoun, dy opon the | ; i ay fo. gage e CC , and the been bought with cash and —APRIL TE . : : eater ie hope, is (ole dead upon the riim- | “stances ofegbe times, : : le aden 7 lk abich ie more than i other ' ish John P Mab ee ene Ie wit take out ‘Wil pain ig'ten minutes, mris, like 2 gallaat steed fallen in the front rank MORAL COURAGE. Salisbu -Female Ace ay Or thin place caneey, (if they speak the bs. aory, } and nollie Tk will eure -ine —borne down and trampled apéh by the reag— . — HE Summer Session of this Institntic > Fl! 'rath) ; and we further saypshat it is.by far the | Cicerg Lowe, Henry KR. Origins! Bill PPILE S} yd can only hope for justice from ¢ who shall There is seys the Savaonah Republican, commence onjMonday, March Gih .S!-| largest siock that hes ever been brooght to this Dasenbnry, Adm’tm,. and . 4 ‘ lok apo0 these disjointed times with the eyes so mitch good sense in the following, from rangementa.are making to procure an assigtan: | 0!ace—and we defy @ contradichon. ‘These Benjamin F. Wi ame, | LIN’S SPREAD PEAS d postority—if, for. sestedness above and the J, t of Commerce, that we give it a Ragcher, who will probably: enter on her duties gov.4 re for eale, and we are determined to sell and his wife Hine A beuier and more nice and useful article ee erento p nach nee ody sail ng Place “Editor, it is tee, is in a respon. | if@ne or two weeks. ‘Terms as formerly, but | them 1." C#8h, lower than they can be bought appearing to the satisfaction of the Coort,| made. All should wear them regular! Perna wae ane meike ofan sathuctes. sibl’ position where he is watehedeever ; _ sr ling ve hearniog only Reading elsewhere, !et the pricebe what it may. All that Benjamin F. Williams and Jane his “alle Shaan bs w% soppo , bis acts and motives areal! scan and Spelling, wi taoghi at $6. jeiost: Give us a man of some noble traits, | 7’ Red with r- jhold, brave, gallant, higbminded man of géius, | 8'9 scrutiny, and ss he can please but few, phd, thoogh we see his political errors, we ean be is of course, found fault w b by the ms- yet assore ourselves can do nothing m Give ny. Happily, however, moat Editors gel meoch 1 ma®, for instance,as HENRY CLAY. used to being skinned and lesrn to view this lie qoule baw our respect, our. admiration — | advancement and retrocession of colluding Noof solitary Ghiefiain heroism—Oh, no! but | pipe, With composure. ¢s kind not aif related: to the hambug family. Let one thing be remembered, however. wm i fi 2 oitteet twee ache anther wit If Editors are in @ position where they ate a by every one, vice versa. they can see le Northern Whigs for offering such a maa}® be soffrages of the opposition. We tell the every one. They therefore see abundant gness and skulking in some, the right Soibern Whigs he isthe only man.on whom of feeling 16 others. Above all, no by can rally a congeering patty, inless the maple come more Seddon ‘o itor-need be eighteen months in bis chair : eir monoetboy miave a right to expect, and atance do theme hy nont having before bim a catalogue rais- tu man in ‘hecognye the settee Be onee of those who pretended to muck moral J: and physigsl courage, but sre afraid tocome out and tske to themselves responsibility which they are ever willing to throw opon the shoulders of others. One ‘earns vecat q dee! of men, if only he is placed'in exactly @ right position to view them - Moral Courage.—This is a choice com modity, and 1s shared rely Sag moet every individoal, in his own estimation, while he Mr Clay in New York.—Th@Whig mem- ofthe New York Legislature have put forth wadle address to the people of thesSiate, pass- agin review tbe great questions of public inter: s. They conclude in the fullowing significant} lems : “The Whig party of the Union hopefilly waits the day when its unwearied and.wibro- 3 4 ita massea shall rally to the contest ee Every le'Se- and it is belieyed 8 are superior™ to branch usually taught in the first Fema minaries will be attended to, that its present arrangement those of any former session. Rev. S F roatis (a native of France) is instrocting acless im the Freoch langnage, and it is desirable that % who intend joining should do 80 immediatel¥.— He has also consented to take char of a clase in Crayon Drawing ; a branch which ig-highly appreciated at the North, and bat little attended to among’ us, ceived into the family as boarders, and Gol. R W. Lone wil! take 8 or t0. His residence is agreeably eituated in a retived part of town, very convenient to the Academy. Made for a sickness. Toition 96-2810 8 BO cording, 1 the advancement of the pupil. bgsiice, bat in cases of fong continued Music on Piano per session, $22 50 Guitar per zvarter, 12.00 French pssion, 1-00 Draw im crayons per session, 10 00 Paint ‘Water colors de 10 00 Wax Work, 5 00 Needle Work: Se. taught :f desired, ae EMMA J_ BAKER, Principal. v 18 apt to consider it sadly deficient in others. There is a feeling very prevelent in ihe com- manity, that editors especially are deficient ‘in this estimable characteristic Mea won- der that edifors are not ready to run e tilt against evergewind-mill within their reach ‘ also to ride every bobby, however spavined be may be, or however broken the ground, If these are ditches or stone walls to be lea ped, or pit-falls to be crossed, the owner ¢ the sforessid hammel applies to the editor, as a matter of course, to make, the exper) - ment ; keeping bis own precious self out of danger. Ifthe editor breaks bis neck 10 the. attemat, the owner still remains vakoown ; but if he geis safe over, perchan@@the mys- terious agen: who bas used him as @ cats— | pew, may come forward end shere ihe bons ors of victory. Take a case by wey of illues waring proudly on their bapner the name of the feat orator and statesman of-our country and 4¢—a newe which not even the moat inforiated malevolence. the most-reckless calumny, dare ple with treachery or dissimalation — with fn- Gneity, Wrong or dishonor. Under the banner of that great statesman will the vietors of 1840 revindicate@: themselves by wv iriomphs, from the foul slandermand bitter Meals of their enemies... And the benignant re wis 99 fondly and just! anticipated from the Presidency of Gen Harrison, but blighted by his wih, shall be more than reslized under the as- siaeey of the profound ability, the ripe expe on transcendant civic genius of HENRY ”n THE GLOBE ON. 'TYLERISM, The Globe in a recent article thas "speaks. of Tyler Administration ¢ “The administration of apostites, utterly ab | tration. A day or two since, we receive hed by the honest men of both parties, without | sn an nymous communication, to which was baring teolitary friend retafned as yet to either oppencttie following | eript : | of the next Con rees—having no princi- “ oo Me to baild up a party spat no system of mea- F, S.7Gae now, doy , “mbt that whieh the coontry tas marked Te reprobation —now addresses itself alto deiber to the cupidity of the mercenary, to en~ Mt body of Seige for flowera,” - above is a single sentence of one of the eV assaulis apon the administration. It is "uth, pot only in regard Wethe adminis- “Xion, batas the character to the party to ‘Neb that administration is ‘ addressing itself” ‘llowera— Pet. Int. in the Uniongwe question whether you bavel enough to ie tine bove 2 plece in “your useful and wide spread journal, We hope to be disappointed, however by seeing it ap- pear ; for wickedness must be re ked, or we perish.” »- Look Wi§hin.— Yes, friend, § ° - ; for wonders. You? fii , Lartwouling in Prussia —M Geof- tion there. So do my, receiver of taxes and Postmaster at parneseel, ig Prussia sconded into tee, leaving a defie$} due to the Go- nt of 18,500 france. In virtue of between the two Governments, the ‘et was arrested, and sent back, td be bi to justice in his own country. He a found guilty, end condemned io La 1's the place Bod enovgh ior contempla show and things of sense Shot ap the eas dp- on the noisy world of steam and politics and cease fain 20 anxiously, the vision after comets Gad eV@ntfu; signs. Repress that strong Athenian desire for ‘ some new thing’ that orges on the gaping’moaltitode. Close your to (he world without, and @ontemplaie ihe world withi@t Look into theMepths of our own soul. things and wonders i continoally. Reflect op e mighty capabilitigs of pleasare and of pa sider its eternal deati asing s6) in sio and its redemp- ©;— remember t bliss or mis. hat, - . , ery-—=your ell is staked etl With all te oa this country, we snctine saad gezing after strange p : ppa, do not for- | Opinion, that very few sfterwarde} 20; to tura the eye within! we wih have had any inclination fOron away |- ee : the Money of others. , “3 The import of specie into “ _ - & I Read —A Millerite i January 1, 1848, to 220 instant, : ve, NS bus provided a linge tovtel igh crree Wee | was €3 49,730 10, gold aod. $80,520 10 leg trian} Sp hited of his-offices, tobe flogged tbree : ‘athe poblic @arket place, to be 1m- ais for hfe,to refind a sum due him, and pay all costs: “If such an saple had. been made of some of the enongh to think at 8 Provided a latge basket, inuwhic : ew fainily are to ake cpa the | c-| Siiver. Thees wauring tbe ssme period es the Second Advent. madesn | wag $46.146 ip $157,491 gpl i, ot, and intends hiteaing to a ge vets” 4 tog, fie he canfidently expects will be fet — ams abote “ie Morhing ¥p question — Men doat on thie world as if it grere never to . ny: of the o American call this! have an end, 2 lect the @¥at asif i: were ven upon Ib “ on hook.* never fo have a begioning. . g2ze forever upon outward | . A few young Ladies will be re— ht No deductivn | we ask is aca. ' if you please. We Must Tespectfally yours, , J & W. MURPHY. wife, défendanis in this case, live be limits of this State: Salisbory, Apri] 29, 1 °43—1f40 ) eee CARRIAGES F¢€ VANHES cont of © sad Yesies, ah eqiial, iF not saperior, to any made in t ) ero States, for beauty and durability pudlic paironage. He may always be For Meyarr W Saliabury, April 22. 1842—6m39 N. B. Repairing done in the dest YHOSE indebted to the late fi i ton & Bruner, are requested to fereal parts uf the country Ready Made LS, BARQUCHES, he will warrant to be ubgeriber will keep constantly on hand a “pli éady made Carriages from the well kn it clory at Vanceywille. tz tie i The subscriber respectfolly solicits a share of he stand formerly owned by John I. Shaver. WM OVERMAN, Agent, OWCE MOR bax tf of Pendle- ement immediately by cash of. note, either to them at Salisbury. of to their agents in the dif- A failure to com- ply thi tice, will add cost to coo potes J. Je BRUNER. Salisbary. April 29, 1843— $140 a tered ag to them. fi t i n e 4:4 monday in March, 1848 ie. W, WOMMACK,c » x. oct Printers State DAVISON COUNTY. . IN EQUITY—A.8IL TERM, 1848. Martin Nadide aod } others. | x = he North- vs. Barnet Wyre, an others. i fendants in thig ease. live beyond the limiis of ‘his State: It i@thegefore ordered by the Court, ‘hat poblication be Bite in the‘Carolina Watch- u, for 61x successive weeks for said Defend- ts to be and appear at oor next Coort of Equi- ty, to be held for the cuunty of Dae Court House in Lexington, on the m afier the 4th monday in September nex!, then ind there to show eause if any they bape. why he praver of the Petitioners shall not 6® grant- Pacers ise jodgmen! pro @onfesso as to them ihe entered. and the cause heard expartes | Witness, W Wommack. Clerk and Masterof oor eaid Couttat Office, the Ist monday after the 4th monda¥ in March, 1843 d{ val Estate. wr found at ALKER, stvle. W. O. make set their ac- j “Subseriber respectfully re Garry on the above posite the W may always He keeps con ces tv svt thetimes, ave been sold for. doce taken in exchange fur work. April 29, 184S—1540 CABIN ET MAKING? Ts. ks for pas: favors, a@d informs his ld Mriends and the public that hestil! eoniipoes to att its “Warious Manches, and at a om main street, two doar below J, & W. Matphy’s store and op- wan Printing Office, band a variety of well finished work, and at pri- os Also a supply of ready made Coffins Gonstamly kepton hand to suit any r Measure ; and ai lower prices than ever they | '° get to some free State, as ber colour and N. B. All kinds of Lumber and Conittry Pro- K. ELLIOTT. W WOMMACK,¢ me. 6*39—Priniers fee $5 50 NOTICE | f Rell ts from the sohscriber in Stanly county, North Carolina, on the Ist day of Jecoary Mae Negro Woman,named NAN- CY Said girl is aboct “@1 years of age, thick set, and of common height, a light mulatio, very smart and qaite intelligen!, is a good s'reas, and is a good bovee' att es | raised in Lincolnton, North#’Caro ; ma | that she has obtadfied free papers, and j tarns his where he stantly on ness would secure her a passage almost to any place, where she is not known; or she may be lorking Im-the neighbaghond nf Moont Pleasant, NC [will give TWENTY-FIVE DOL- LARS for her apprehension and confinement if jail in this State, and FORTY DOLLARS in Bo} F BNE sobscriber respectfully returns HORACE H. RD HAs ved of Wr. F Manan. the .F . PARIS §& PHILADEL- PHIA FASHIONS, for ihe Spring and Summer of ge which far sorpasses aay thing of the kind b toforepulilished. He still carries on the |. Tailoring Business io all its branches, at bis old stand, sngrete is y to meet and accommodate his old and Pode with fashionable cutting and ma King of , Not to be sorpassed by any in ue Punetvality, despaich as has Siways shall be bis aim and t. Thankfal for past encoor- he hopes to merit its cantiquance, P-S Reference he deems anhecessary, & his { experience and. work for the lagpetinrieen years will show. ras | werkce H. BEARD, NTT ) kept on hand, to suit se B All kinds Ee mber and the poblic, that be stil] conténaes | Dr. P. Henderson 0p, and opposite ‘epb keeos coustan ed work, sach country, and at as low prices as @¥ any tablishment in the or sotroandin Hie aiiteria! is im a call : supply of ready: made Ca doce taken in *4 Lg hs =: Salisbury, Aor! 1. 1843—136 NET MAKING! for past faves, and informs hie old tends the above business in all itg various branches, and at the old stend on main etreet, one door belaw an Hotel, where he may always be foupd — Leo hand a variety of well finish- is suitable for this pat of the of the very beef that can be had, both Walout, Mab and Chemey. All a wishing to boy Farriture, eo!d do well to } . or gou State, and FIFTY DOLLARS for the «onvic- tion in any Coort of Joetice, of any per on or persone of ba boring said girl, or fareishing her ith free rs. led . pope JOHN AFCRAVEN. Apr:l 8 1843—@@S7 histhanks o esfry on the Row H times and forward bis account to me at Ashbor— e ongh. 2 J A.C. The beautiful English Stallion Imported PUZZLE, ILL stand theipreseni season which Tow commenced ai the siable OF Co’. Chariecs Me Doeell, 2 miles nosth of Morgan- copeiv, NortheCarolina, at the te- ‘ollie ee. g nt . . : j 5 the season. le within pf ee cam, ingdtance. He i@@t finesize ON. | being over 16 is high, rk bsy or brown . ‘ | dappled And for besatifal’ i AVING Pa the poblic Particolar €tt@ation will be paid to cal cases eptr to his care the large Murphy’s store. Erlistnry, May®, 1843 —1/91 pr. @ B. DOVELAS, { - . ; P Salisbery, offers hic professional services are comm nding as high prices as the get of aby ner house, nearly opposite J. & a Powile offered them, | horégon the Continent. (For parucolars see all Seri- | hia ndbitie® The breeders of Westero Carolina, Office in| will rarely have the services of soch 2 horse as at the ebove unusual prices J. POWELL, 4 Morganton, N. C., April 1f, 1843 B39 i youd. the It ie therefore ordered, that pablication be made for six successive weeks in the stimulant inei has i the Carolina Watchman, for said Defendants to- drunkardsso"t' be with appear and enswer complainants Bill at the next ’ term of this Cougt, to be held for the county of LIN Ss PILLS, superjor to a!) Davidson, at the Coort Hoase in Lexingtan, on others for clearising the system and the humors affect. the Iet monday afler the 4th monday in. Septem. | ing the blood, and for all itpegularities of thebowels, ber nexf, or Judgment : pro confesgo will be en- * Witnese, W Wommaok, Clerk and Master of said Court at Office, the Ist monday after the fee g5 50 : cf Porth Catolina. * SPetition for the sale of Re- T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court. that Joho Michael and Beisy his wife, De~ i , at the fe ioc; 4 Fresh | taken out of the State,@nd confined in anotter | *,.*The Ral. Weekly Register will insert 4 | be good. jet and thé@eneral health, See'Dr. Lin's sg obye= owe. tag eee O OFin HEADAC DR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE will effecwally eure gicl’ headache, ei INERVE S| usipg it with@great joy. _——> DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain preyention of MEDY er from the or bilious. Hundreds of familie are’ erany @encral eickness ; keeping the stomach in most per. fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. COLD S pains in the bones, rit ee is by trying. are quickly cured by it. Kno French Plaster is a eure cure. = + e = = Ba = & CORNS.—The | hair any shade yomwish, but will not color the skit ~ < SARSAPARILLA, coustoctes ox POUND EXTRACT. There is no other preparh tion of Sarsaparilla that can ex er equal this If you are sure to get Comstocx’§-you will fin superior to all others. It does not require puffing _—_———— ert ES EGe 7. SoS CELESTIAL BALM OFMCHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and ait externa] gilings—~alb internal irritations brdught to the surface by friction with this Baim ;——so0 in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Baliy applied on a flannel will relieve and eure at once. wounds or old sorce are rapidly cured by it “per. sarthoi A lemew’s | taken in time, and isa delightful remedy. | ber the name, and get Comstock’s, KOLMSTOCK’S YERMIFUGE ~: WV ORMS| eradicate all e Kemene m ‘children of adults | with a certainty quite astonishing. It sells with ® rapidity almost incredible, by Comstock & Co., New York % <i. “Deeern DROPS. KLIN£’S3—cure effet: lly =. -- —_- -— -- se oe - accord ng fo Congres. 1m the WE, by Go ert & Ce., i the Clerk’ of the Buuthera of ie By applying i@, our Sgenrin cach town « village, papers maybe. bed free, showing the mo= respectable names” the céuntty for these facts, +. that no one can fgit 49 believe. sure you I fer our articles, and no: With any stories, thatothers are 1. AVE THESE OR NONE, should be our'naes to them. All these articles to oa 1 | { | : n-Lane. New York, and of our agents. ; ‘hove medicines m2v be had ai the man Office, sod ai the Drog Srore of C Salisbery, Feb. 25, 1843—~1yS1 od _S « dies” Fashions | on THE ana ad + ¢. & 243. NOW CABINET, Manu$acturing Ea { THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together for the parpose of ufactaring hk Ss aus, Sofas, ARY’S;) WAR DAOBES; | Centre-- 1 ables, SIDEBOARD, 4.0. &0. iy best hind uf styléand of the finest materials, peg leave to ask at the hands of the ct z°ns of the codniry and villages aroand, a share of their patronage in oag ling of business, Vheir shop is a few doors east of the Mansion Hote}, and one dof be!ow Jones’ old Tavern. JOHN FRASER, = WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 1843—133" | : & | FPNHE Sobscriberinfotais the public, that she | 2 has jesp received through the Northern Citied@ithe latest an Lapproved London & Parisian Fashiomgy And '8 prepared to ex@tute orders ip the mgs stylish and satisfactory manner. nA if pct ap and forwarded. <. D. PENDEETON. §CF Mrs P has on hiind a handsome assur! - ment of Bonnets, (newest style) Caps and Tarbans, for sale. *.* Mrs. S.P. is also preparedpée xecute « Crimping and@@lating on reasonable terms. KEVILWORTH*HOGS th Salisbury, December 3, 1842. _ apne Suber: iber Bas just s4ded to hfs sock N EW FASHION of Berkshire & pair’ of Kenilworth Hogs, - iD ported tr wm Kogh FOR THE falp-of 1841, bye s . Me A Be Alleg sat Nes York, and are now a= Spring and Summer of The is a Very sope- bout 18 wunihs old 1 843. riut animal, deep, thick andwex@ellent in all bis : THOMAS DICKSON poina; the Sow very fine, with a lstier of eight pigs, Which, fog beauty and form, can haidly be ESPECTFU LLY infogms bis frends and public, that be still carrié¥ on the surpassed? “Tose who may qish@ fuller de- T RING BUSINESS seripfion »f these fine animals, are referfed to n all its various branches, two doors above J. & a Mr. Allen’s letter published ion the Cetigator.— | ‘The supseribes bas also, a Yorkshire S . chased of Vir Alea, from. a Sow imported Bb ‘ him from can ;.and sume Thin rind Sews : | W. Murphy’s score, where he is ready 10 exe= and those wishiog ‘to purcha@e, can bare ‘tha | cute all orders of his customers ip & style ang pote Kenil@urth, kshire, @ crosses of | manner not wurggsseo by mapy in this part of the Keotiworih aad York@tiire, Phimgtind and Berk- | Couauy. Heifalso in the regular receipt of the Bhire. fis stock of Be:kshires was parchasedy NEW=-YORK FASHIONS, of Mr. C. N.Beiment, of New Yorky and 4s not | 294 prepared to accom@iadateitie tastes of the ze Fashionable at ell times. ' April 15, 1848—1y3 TO FAMILIES. ROWAND'S | ‘TMIPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. surpassed by anyin the United States. Bhs ave 2 wishing 10 ffproge theas stock of Hogs, now a better oppurtunity of doing so, than has ewer been offered South of the Puiumac... Orders for any of the above will be promptly attended lo. WM. F. KELLY. Near Mocksville, Davie co. ? 425 Januarg4,1843. >; ~ CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint. R TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT, —trom 375 Bowery. New York — fur th@scure of coughs, colds, catarrh®, Asthma, suteness nf the chest, pain in the side and breast, raising of Blood, Kiger Complaints, Bronchitis, apd all those @ffeciiuns of Ptroat aod Langs, — @hich are a suurce of so much suffering, and un afresied, su often terminate in Consumption— thig.remedy is highly and justly distinguished | fits porefy vegetable, mild and genile in its ef- | fects upon the system, and can be taken in the mus! delicate cases, w fetyias well as uiili- ty. Physiciags, aware of its médieinal proper- lies, and witnessing ite effeetg-even ih extseme, and in some instances, apparentlyjal most hope- Tkose who would have recourse to a° Family Medicine for Fever anv AGue, Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate between the ** thousand and one”’ remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the public, (the same now as in | all times past, ) and that almost universally‘sac- cessful prescription called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixture. A few remarks will sefWe toillustraie the dif- ference. In the first plac@pthe operatiun of the Tonic Mixture io the cure of Feverand Ague is upon entirely new and peculiar, yet safer principles. Secondly: |i not only promptly ar- Pests the course of the chills, when ponctdally and perseveringly used, but it soon restores the wonted functions of the general system to a per- | fectly healthy stale; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an attack of the disease in leas Cases, ofien prescribe it in their ptactice,p0%% bo has never had it before. Thirdly: The boih 18 a palliative agd a remedy, and with the P>¥Stem, daring the administration of the Improv- Medical Faculty generally, it has metiwith great | &4 Vomc Migture, springs ap at unc under iis approWAtion. | beniga influetce, and gives forth an earnesi ufse- iP CONSUMPTION -The following | turning health and vigor, Fourthiy: Producing rémarks were taken from ibe last oumberuf the | Mere or less effect on the bowels, the cause of Medical Magazine : the disease passes off in‘the way mos: strongly The surprising effect produced bytlve genu- | indicated by natare. Fifthly : Its effeeig on the ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- | 8¥#tem are uniformly mild aad safe, ste!) as ery, in,@dnsomplive cages, cannot fail exciting a | @ficient,and iffs as well adapied tv the feeblest de~p and thrilling interest throughout the werld. | infant, sitf®ply by a modification of the dose, as We have su !ong believed this disease (congamp theymost vigorous adult, Many other consider- tion) incurable, fat it is difficult to credit. our | 208, of the utmost impogaace to ihe anxious senses when we See persons, evidently consnmp. | parents aod invalids, mig Bt be eoume-ated here, live, restored to health. Yet itis @Mact of daily | bet he above are a few of the points of ly reall. occatredce,” in compart8on with the remedies g@@nerally resape- ‘rhe following was given d1.a shorttime since, ed to in grufessional and family practice, from by Capt Scott, ui Elizabeth City, N.C. which a proper judgment may be formed in se- CBlificates | lecting the remedy. * Bailing constitutionally predisposed to Con- sumption. (a number of my family having died | confidénce/tih the efficiency of the *\Rowand’s Of utiis disetee,) and having suffered severely | | Improved “Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting from irritation of the Langs, accou.pavied with the, of k ‘le. ae Ages, the Proprietor seunoiee coogh and raising matier and blood, tugether | hots -“s i ‘goaraniee, viz: , he money shal! with severe pain in my side and Breast, till | was retained in exery casqawlitreir. the remedy supposed to be beyond. recovery, I was induced | 29 been panctually osed without produciog the by advice ot Dr-@erkins, as @ Jagt resort to (ry desired etfeci. Address Uaylor’s Balsamof Liverwért. | hav@taken fire bottles in alfis Pbegan to fimprove with the firat Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, Nog8 North Second Street, Philadelphia. sotgle, and while taking the third, was sofar re- evvered, as lo be able to get about Since which Sapplier have been received by the sole Agent tiwe. dy continued use uf it, f am quite restored for Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEELER. and abe tg atlend to my usadPbusiness, Ty per- sons safferiag from coughs @nd affectiuns uf the lungs, | de earnestly recomend it * (Signed; JAS C SCOTT. ElvgaberbeCaty, N.C., Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint aod General Debdility.—] Was @ven op oy two physicians, and told to pre pare tur de@@fi. ] was so weak I could not paise my hand te my head. { was in this low state : when a friend sent me a bottle of Dr Taylor's AVING porchzsed Mr. 'T. R. Haghes’ in- Balsam of Liverwort, from 375 Bu y, and be terest in the above Establishment, tenders fore | had osed up the bottle, | was able to git up | his services to the Travelling Pu , Having in bed §=By the fnriher use, I have completely | for several years beemengaged in k ome regained my healsb, WELLs, PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, 23 Joho st. : 7 uot r ! ty, Violent pain in thé’ side —I have been cured me Moura a semaine Seen ae gee of a violent pain in the side, extendiog through | daties of Wie business to endeavor to render com to the gboulder, ea Cizz:nesg, Megs of ap ieidhe, al! who bestow upom his house their pa petite, and general deOMity.by the use of two trosage. bottles of De Taylys’s Balsam of Liverwort, fromife Bis TABLE shal! always be well and plenti 375 Bowery. J F HAllen, fully supplied with every thing the éountry af- No 7 Merchant’s Row. fords, to please@nd sati t v tare of CB W beeler, | epicure, f 7 he palate eta wien “@areck 4, 1843—1y32| His BAR. will be fouod furnished + —__- —~--—~——- — | selection of Lignors. | His STABLES shiM be constantly attended | by faithful and attentive hostlers and supplied cate be had at | with abundant provender Sept8, 1842—1y6 MANSION HoUS#! es 3 THE SUBSCRIBER, For sale at the Drag S 4 } : . . Sali our with a choice 4 10 k Agent a Fayett |e Work sent from aadistance shal] be carefully | NB. With a view to re-establish entire | ~ Serse W. Da Cognmission and Forwarding = hant le, whe will fogware ihe Owagis inthe back try. He baie laege Warehow: atthe Rivers heteaipeds ill be oredgfree of storege, the s0d)+gled only to haf the usaal eartage from the River to | Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the ex e on | Goods felow the osvai charge. As his W arehoure ig isolatad fromsall other® n thédaager of Fi i) be @fling in coool to the risk tom be} tasted in town. hose whe may favor hia’@uh their basiness, ay rest agsured that every attention will be paid othe promution of @iBix amter GEO. gP Ais. Refendiites : , . Messrs Jobn Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, a 2 Fayetteville, N. C. ' Alexander Anderson, Jobn McRae, « Jube. Dawson, a | | | r i} | | * Wilmgngton WVo. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury. V. C. &. 5. Powell, Packet @gent, New Fork. Oct 1, 1842—1f10 DR. DeJAYNE’S FAMILY MWEDICLYES, PPHESEpI EDICINES are ex pre— pared for family ose, and have aeqoired gn unprecedented popularity throughout the United States ; and as they are so admirably calculated to preservegf@alth and.cure Disease, no family ould ever be withogt them. T’he proprietor of these valuable preparations f@8eived bis educa- tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the United States, and bas had years experi- ence in an extensive ang div ed practice, by which he has had ample Opportunities of acquir- ing aPractical knowledge of dié®eses, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne's Expectorant, * S., 2 A ble remedy for Coug su h, olds, Con- + Asthma, Spitting of igo Croup, Hooping Gough Bronchitis. Aéite Rheuma- tism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, afl@ all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs ” = . oo. © Fayne’s Hair Ponic For the Preseftimtion, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, and which. will positively bring ia New Hair on Bald Heads, an@ prevent its all- ing out or turning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIPUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certsin preparation for the removal of Worms. Dg*pe¢ sigh Bour Stom ach. Fever and Ague, 7les, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bswelsygod Organs of Digestion. JAYNES CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain cure for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholie, Gimps, Sitk Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangemenis of the Stomach-and Bowels, Nervous Affections. §&c. — i Jayne's Sanative Pitts, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- the Skin bd in all cases where an.aperien: Alteralive yative Medicine is required. The above medicines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medica Drug Store, by % » C.B. WHPELER, Agen . SalisborygN. C. Sept 5, 1842—1y6 ; Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's ) PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy for Cuooghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Influenza*Hard Breathing, and difficul Exxpectoration. §t-7For sale at the Watchman ve Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury. march 4, 1848—1y32 for Dr. Rowand, has just re@®ived a fresh suf ply of his gefftuine Improved Tonic Mixture, which is fur sale wholesale and retai!, at he Medical Drog Store, Salisbury, Be C. Dec 10 —tf20 ' Br. Lin's Galvayum Machine Spread F Strengthening Plastems ! PYNYHESE Plagters, greatly improved, and has) ving thé Of all o\bers, are warm- ly recommended b ctors as invaluable er invalids havidg ‘paine io the Breast(Back or side. Weakness and Lameo e relieved at once by their use and ther restored 1 strength and a natura] warmth and health. Any person wagring one of these Plagters, will be as- tonished and delighted at the comfort it affords. Those threatened with Lung Complaints should never ee themselves a day without wearing Plaste ft removes the irritation of incipient Consumption from the Lungs to the surface ¢ the body, and draws off the internal affection — So in Liver Complaints, and Coaghs, aod colds. Children with Whoaping Céigh should always have one, to prevent ihe cough seti! luogs. ‘Their excellence wil] be underst all omstia.. me LIME! LIME!! 4 NY quantity of fresh Lime late JosepWW illiams dec | N. B&Bke Stage Officeis kept at the Maosi By the 100 bughstls and over 16 cents; 50 | Huuse. © ° opt at the Maosion HIR the Kiidof*the 100 bashels 1S ; 5 to 40 beshels 20; unslacked in proportion. 6 . | Charlotte, February 4, All persons wishing lime either at the kifm or, —__ — their residence, will apply either to J. or R. | WILLIAMS. N. C2 { . 134, . ae Ruekford, Sursg tonnty, Mirch 189 1843. GARDL.Y SLEDS} | GENERAL assor!mea ay be four at the Satisbary Medica d Drog Store, Sahsbary, N gJan. 91,3843. 1:26 PILES } PILES!) HAYS’ INT 1! ny sae PILES —The price of tiie taied a Licimens is refunded te any pessun whe will ose a bettle of Hays? Linimen: forthe P 1 end reture thé empty botile withea: being ats! The above -bave been ‘he terms a Which this M T. SLOAN. 3—6m28 2 {SUPPLX¥ OF CONFECTIONARIES ‘ _ AND * ‘G@ROCERIES!! a Ca 2-& R. ROUEGHE, respeotfolly informe i8e g @ citizéns of Salisbury and the cean'try, that he hag received a new . aud Groceries, B00. - : oo 4 did supply ot Conteefionaries sistieg of albkinds of = ive SVD 7. of 4 rey jpet ily, euch as Madeira, Port le, Champaigue, Algscai, “Claret, and FS Wee Precch Brandy, Holland Gin, ' ', Aleaed New Ark Cider, and Geedials, | pistes ieee sold for ately ten yeate past, Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Og ore, | ead nut ove butile =o one hundred has exert Sugar aad Coffee, Candies, Copperas, M: er, | ae ci nee Si |i ane he / ce, Ny 3. } io Svan Greensovro’,; Hiffsburv’, BD Heart: ; Lez. epnan ie ‘ul vieghierdieng tmgtud, 1 P Mabry ; Raleigh,r SDiith. mem march 4, 1843—1y32 ey oS ty33 me? ~~ ne esp for cashias | aay other Establishment F.R. ROUECHE. ° march 4, 1843—15$2 Price Mc. Mters, (F )y TAILORS, oat ( s CA ¥ ’ 4 LA 4 - « 2 * 4 . , 7 3 my - > ‘) igtan “pee 4) nehes. All orders trom a Sz "prom ply ed to. A » March 2379348—$m35 — a = SS RSE ANING Alaa Geilo e ae: See ’ ‘ & 4 yess So5 Oy ©. H. ANDREWS, ® DEN Tr XPECTS to return'to Salisbury in a few werks Persons wishing hi rvices, who are fiviag ia the covotry, on hn him of the same, dv @édressing bim Vhr the Post Of Far Salisbory. Such ealls ¢shall @ways be ly atfended. Api 29. 1543—6 040 0 , pr » ’ * iminished io vers, Inflammations, Obstructions Diseases uf Job Printing neBlly.dgne here mie N.C. ( a - ‘ . ay “_ com ptact z pea le ‘pe nently elficacht ore van pte athe ’ celebrated and long established. P PH 1X BITTERS. Ext and reno as aré their effects upofl disease: in gevier@l, in FEVER AND AGUE, and all Biliious Affeciions they are mores; because, in thegp te ial igen. gipres ip bumanm‘means can de. is thousand’ cases, nor is t they have failed, or reasonab! keo rriet eit recti re subjoined, eet et given in “apr FATS MEDICAL MANUAL @#id Good Sa- marilan. Bato te invariable suggess, these must be rigidly followed. * : FEVER and AGUE, io atti species, is pecaliar MRO DICAL 4 of 0 Peper remedy, sPrrorre 0 cific pewers of onetof the ing ictnes, is the. secret his ia tridiip, while al] otfi@r practitioners‘6ither. entirely: fail or only remporliity succeed, were with the very best. remedies that were koown. nt 8, OF Agee iseither Quotidiam, or daily; Terltan, or thrdeded 3; Qifertan,or fourth day agiresic, or tj etimes one of these periods and Bier ; or it is Complicated, by takiog ‘periods in succession, and fhen ronning iote in- (eripitient fever of a more maligasat character. Bat itis a re able sg heed mysterians L four leading inistration the spe— in bis m and unaccountable it may r, that each and | all of these species of Ague, have a youR+ TEENTH DAY CRI818, in which they may cur ith certainty, but dy neglecting whic they ae only be carbia by pr beta : rat's directions for taking the meditines in this “disease, sre therefore these :—Figiet, a wo of the Lire” Pints at bed time, horning oefore breakfast a full wine glass of the Prcenix Bitrers io about the sameymoantity of water, and half a glass corel fall wine glass of watér, about half an hour before each meal during the. day. ree the bitters fore ; on the third ght foor site and the bittefs as before, and con- tinue taking four pills every night for three hts more, with the bitters dor feel well, hongry, and bearty, bot he must ne- vertheless continue to take the bitters as before prescribed, unti/ and on the fourleenth day, with two pills evoly night after thy eoth day.— He will ‘neo, and not golil then, with positive and “) variable certainty, be permanently cur pad not only of Fever end.Agoe but of whatew billious and Liver affections t may have superin— daced or even in apy way connected. It, how- ever, the patient shoulg by any neglect, due confidence in restaged health, omit to take the Phenix Bitters e fall quantities pre- scribed, at least three ffmes on the Fourteenth day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease eels return, and the patient should learn wis- from affliction, ane go through another coarse of the medicinés for a fortnight longer. ing thes¢ instroctions, howezs:, te will be Moroughly coréd, that be may bid defiance iv the disé™ige, however unhealthy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him.— Fori@hildren beiween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the abnve quantities of the me dicines.avill soffice ; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased x oportion as the age varies from to infancy. For very youn hier only il! sSupremely effec- dvanced chil ildren, small gaantities of th palone be necessary. » has been perfect- This tregtigietiy-sithes th wal “LI LE E ly'triamphant tn the worst regions of the Soutn- ern and Westerd country, and araund themorth- erndigkes, where the malady prevails with the oniV@tsality of an epidemic, a this sovereign remedy has the supply. DR MOFFAT ever, are now well furnishedygand will make ev- etyeffort tof send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous- i tinae to do so he blood of all vitia = LATE a J Arrivals. Medicines, Pain : URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stofs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for 1 purposes Indians, Hoock’s and Swaim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smokes Spanish Cigars, Seices, Perfumes, Br , Candles, Fancy and: mon Soap, Glass W are, eee 2 a In uments, Maiches, Paper and mao er ar licles, just received and fur s2leat prices to suit » by C. B. WHEELER. theaj Wistery, $42 f Hi trodes i fated to 7] c tive Of his afewion. Othe re) 2 removed to M1. Cowan's br tng, 2d door. Aprit 29, }— 140 Ba os totes cob Dr. Mar-}"J Qo the second ht. take} inogshe day.— ‘On or before the seventh day, th joe will seem to be entiirely cured, aad t lient will =| of asuperior quality pot = the lowest and Others, who will exam ti paré prices, Will find Ti to aT chase. 4 badly ‘ Toys obange of | ities is fe s wa ety slight causes, such as from the p an easterly wind—even withoot theme the.gri exciting cause. [n th 8 Agate sfrom most other fevers 5 -& known, that afier an sa oh fever h moved, t ye Lhe pal ied Aaa Sites ea thoronghly tested, and proved to be a woe aha Radical curve of Fever and Ag undteds of his fellow ingin the West hav. ‘voluntarily come f ss that Life Meditiges that4 ! tedi i tsease Gihers who have e * Omrment, for Piles, a torer, a aa ied besides the carried to the o@tpusts ree cantile ors anical experience . crowded c of the older. etat either rod el shattered eonstitatior depressed spifits, or they re 4 homes, dragging cut 3 weary hfey a some disease by that terroraahy ‘heir hopes @fe mein destroyed— their Eidoreda mes 2 des the word of promise, made toabeir ear, is broken h ; a BS hein iecone, Dre { flat would say— “Try the Life Medicigy dou will yet an- t @ your most sang ee as eee OD int a fatale ¢ ations, for ill certainly : aan and t which requi: to be met at j nd combatied@ self, it reduoes |. fonctions of” ae tesist the | jhe when taken strict- f impairs ¢ ‘ones e of treatment, the reader is referred to the €f00d Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. “§CP The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y1S A ly of the above invaleable ME VES are for sale at James Cross Roads, nly, by ‘ ‘ A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Health. [Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed 80.) Poe BC Gentle Reader: “If you would avert from you the sickoess, the pains, the wretched DICH Iredell , the premature mortality which you sees around you, and which, like a sharp sword eas pended, is ever ready to fall upon ‘you, despise bot miyadvice—it will cost you little, wilh ther infringe apon your occupations or & ments, and all the facolities ef your mind’ & body will be as much bettered by it as To repay you ten fold. J ask only one week’s trial to con vince the mos sceptical. am. In the first place, discard all GM Giiots and prejadices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, ‘* If you are passing well, do not attempt 4o.better yourself ;” it is the saying of. ignor- “ance and gupefstition—of those who attriba all they aronnd them.to chence aad*forti instead of nature’s oniversel Jaws. Hasot ma led on by expérience, learued to guard himseli against the ¢ snente of nature, the waves, the wind, a torrents of rain ? ‘Why then shogid he not, in fair weather, guard himself as Inst the storms which are ever rising in bi- own frail body ? Remember, you are everyday eating gross food; and it is your nature to con- You are well at present, but ev- jery day the seed of disease is growing ‘within you; and if you do not strici¥* guard your ‘health while you are well, you are continually in danger of peintul and pfotsacted copfinements, ‘and in some constitations, death. Nothing is stationary io this world. “Bren ‘the porest fountain of which we drink—doesift not require cleaning? A person imagine he is in perfect health, aod yet oot know to wirat perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature? ‘I have @n- doubted proofs of thie fact in the unbou sac cess of thas LIFE MEDICINES. those [who have followed the motto, ‘ When you ale even moderately well, throw plrysic to the dogs" ‘callopon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position. F ‘The cperation of the Life Medicines. 7 every | ticed,. ys Q nged thet fer. Ages, 1942, beg ent of ber bed in five yeans Dy others—eo nervous thi fh 10 use More ‘Medicines, be of the Gold Mine Balsa it that inene bout she felt belle nced aMfepdlar course of Dr , the the morning-and ove at Hight, tnd 19 the.Gold Mine Balsam “between 4 a limbs wee rubbed two or three \imemm' the Aromatic Ex'tact, an@™this 1: given such v resylt, the: she is to walk ie 4 vous sffections ive ate mach 'm lings . She is wok fresh, which : every one.that was scqoainied 1 long stindiog d i. “We have omi name of this lady, if any particolas be desized, we refer to Dr Kohl's ageal,® Ouer Bridge, Bedford county, V2. We have. parti 4 we Dhe treatment bes ite mey know thatby ; ‘pleg obtain that whict © et , ‘POP Persons wishin , medidines plod direcgeateir 01 | ttre amoun paid,) 10 = Drei Kvut's af etal Vine or te of the following : a ee NORTH CAROLINA. % Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, — Hémphregie-& Gaither, Lexing'o J&R: n, Greensboroog), Dr N. Stith, Raleich, ~ M. J A. Drake, Ashboroogh. J F & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. CG C Henderson, Lincolnton... _ ¢ James J: Horve, Pitisboroagh, ¥. * S. Perry, rsville, Stoke. James B » Waterloo, Guill Braonock aller, Wentworth iogham county. At W Lawesetg Yanceyville, “James’R CalfaméMilion, Steel@Gunning & Co. Yorkville. MeLare, Brawley & Co, Chester Soe indat fist of Ag r Ks H NOTICE. Patients and Ages's#® ot ote Caroliaa, and South ape C., and those 7 c ase di . North sodeffast of is, 10 R their orders * Aegust 6, 1843—1y2 to procure 38) © ting the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, drossand4) impurities—aod leavieg behind only what is good an@@Mourishing to nature. . Reader, consider and reflect wel!. ‘ The bl of this life, or tn poor lie entirely within oorse i yn physical pdies My advice to » is, guard your health If you are well, pethaps you may be still*better—and you may ac avoid being sizk by 2 jndicious vse of the, <a P..3 boenix LIFE MEDICINES. $c Dr. Moffai’s Life Pil BOGER, Agents. ly14 - Bitters, are for sale.by % CKESS, ; Salisbury, Oct 29 1 Bc A supply cf the. DICINES are for sale Iredell county. by oe er : NS Establishment is tow in com ration. “Fhe Company are mana } COTTON Y4RN, Shirting,-Sheetmg and Osnabitg, - Mes ties ‘prices: DEs-BiOn 4, 1842-1145 Printed op first PO fice NE, Ageat. Salis je ary, % Fe poo pip: a , > 5 we! _ he ac’ wa ¢ % ier: ‘ *” * Eire 5.0 & . ae ,” - e 4 + J yy a => A a 3 * 4 ¥ b . é- 5 ti“ é a E ° . ’ ' . 2 F: R { . e -* 5 tf 9 . aT * Bate: ¢ S . . oa ee = ae WaTCHM An? m2y hereafter be had ly dollars in advance, and two dollarsand ai ite endef the year, fet fie ful . ,ceuds : 2 griy ce" srjpite will be received fora less time No subst Iese paid for iacad¥anc ; 7 — ane VEaTs NOIPSS pad for 19, a¢ ance. . ¢ 2 ae ¥ paper discontinued (but at the ‘dptton o — — ~~ : = . er “uitor) notil cil arrearages.are paid. o™ sic “a TT —— spe Bul sed PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY 2 aoe ‘ote ee : em o> TERMS OF ADVERTISING, 6 Sap a das a © See that the mn nol acquire loo mich power. Keep. a check é tollar per eqaare for thedisst insertion and MACE €. PENDLE PON, ‘upon all your Rulers. ‘this, AND LIBERTY 18 sare.”—Gen. Hatrisoa, “Ave cents {or each*Continuance. mn Gout notices will be chatged 25 per ct. high- han he above raies . . 6 “deduction of 234 per cent wil} be made to a eh adsertise by the year, om advertisements will be eontinoed ontil J charged for accordingly; unless order- pron’ jreriain number of timer ee > [eiters 2ddressed to the Editor must nud to eisure atlention. par post pe “eolitary Wwatellers a16 Sometimes exposed. men. wo, Mr. Schibelen’s congregation, at Bethany; tetaroing homeward from a Visit to bie friends, wok’a ehr— cultuus ersese tq. order tospass 2 sinall fcunisin, renty-three pas | Or pool, where he hoped to Gill an antelope tu. 5000 dollars, and carry home to his family: © Fhe evn bad risen to sume height by-ihe timé he reached the Spotyadd Seeing no gamehe laid bis gun down on ashelr iog low toek. ite back part of which gs coves |, the 2d alt.” She brooght twentyahies Sa... ‘sengérs, and on freight 60 i a 170 serons of eschineal. — The warufacturing districts of Lanceas— hire continue io 3: heshkby if nota wudyent state. ‘Phere’ is: moré’dowg, beiter prices “NEW A. P. ALSOBROOK, TAILOR, . ARRIVAL OF THE HIBERNLA! Wreck of Steamer Soltwvay— Loss of life— a soy of O’Conell’s coming here to agi- tate Repeal— Proposed le aliging ahfhe rain at atow otel. 3 ; Rowan H ze : ‘ : dmission” of Ameri } ed over-with @ species of.d ot Late of the City of- Raleigh. : i ard reabave, a Men cs bhlladam 4 HAVE Jocated Pa io the i y . \ PEDAISUNG. ai as he on j i ies Liverpeat oa Mu ket has extib- prt ie oct, vinoks he ene Salisbury, (permanently,). and intend car- jf H& Subseriber respectfully informs hia old be new Steam-ship Hibernia, Capt. | ite’ during the’ past weet, « very onimated © Tock, smoked a pipe, agd beyog a 1HE SUBSCRIBER \VING p rebased that well known and il toy raiablished Publie House, (known yy ihe | fuwn' yod 108 ger for | H 3 he pest ste be 0€ wine of ‘SSlaughter's ‘Tavern,) in ihe f salisbury, N. C., informs his Friends Pyolic generally, that the same is now he reception of Travellers & Boarders. f,ste and Bar wiil be supplied with e market and surrounding cuuntry af— Mis STABLES spacious. and bovatifully sup- ® enced oy ! ad wit graie and provender, of all kinds, at- ‘athful and attentive Ostlers. fas onversigned pledges himself that no ox- og og his partshatl be wanting to give gen- yt! i call Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: 1f7 giisfaction toall who may favor him with JAMES L. COWAN. wh) WILL GO BALD! gidtid ze's Bolmof Columbia for the Hair he Cunstock & Co —Ita positive quali- en. pegtor'n pitover a'ght. yrfeclly cured of them by its use. we weck §& Co ne, at Stamford, Connecticut. Nor 12, 1840 »s are a8 follows :—Ist For infants, keep- vibe cead free from seorf, and causing a Tox- Syigrowlh of }atr ~2d For ladies after chilJ- y the skta to its natural strength id of life. —Sih It frees the head from dand- nf sirengiveng the reols, imparts health and ngor athe circulation?and preveots the hair fom chasging colot or getting gray —6th It anses the hair to curl beautifully when done op No ladies ioilet should ever be made withont it. Mth Children who have by any means con— incied vermin tn the tiead, are immediately and It i€iotalli- | had veen bald about five years—no more hair ihe top of my head than on the back of my jond,and ay head covered with a thick scarf. ly thig situation about the 10th of Aogaust last, lyegan using the Balm of Columbia, from Com- Since which, | have used two and 1iboliles of the Balm, which bas fully re- gored my hair, and freed my head entirely from © My head is now covered with fine, flow ng nz hair—which any one may see by calling D S SCOFIELD. Conpierterts are abroad —lovk always for the came of Cumstoek & Co. Firsale at the Watehman Office, and by C Wheel-r, Salissury, Dr Stuth, Raleigh, D ‘oat, Hil'sboro’ 3 J & R.Sloao, Greensboro ; J D Mapry, Lexington march $, 1843-1532 VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS sale at this Office. “SSssuty, NL OG Oet 1849—1f14 Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- viaemeat, and if you wish reltef for your ma niladies, call and ubtain a remedy of C.B.| WHEELER, Aveat, Svisporg, D-e 30 tf20 To rug AFFLICTED.—The “Serioer hus jimi recetved a large and Solyot Do Moths Life Medicine C B WHEELER. Agent, 10 fe lief ‘visburv, Dee 10—1{20 fresh Call & PRICES CURRENT AT Sautseuny, May 13 rying on my BUSINESS ina style out to be surpassed in this State or out of it. My Estab— lishment is jin the-room on the corner of the Magsion Hotel, formerly occupied:as the Post- onthe I have employed the best of Northern Workmen. Nw expense os paias <vill oe spared to render this a ; Fashionable Establishment! in all respects. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clothes made ap in the mosi fashionable and durable manner. J] have been engaged regularly in cutting for the last five years, and part of the time. in some of the most? celebrated establishments in the Southern coun- try [shall not hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit | cut and make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK * FASMIOTS, _teceived monthy. In conclusion, should | been cooraged, no one ceed send away to procure guod clothing A. P ALSOBROOK. Refercnce.—Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N.C. Salisbury, Janvary 21, 1843— 1926 WORMS! WORMS!! lt is admitted by all doctors that scarce 2 man, woman or child exists but what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and in hondreds of eases, sad to relata, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of the human fami)y—while in truth they die of Worms! and these could have been eradicated ina day, by the use of a bottle of Kalmstock's Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dollar! How sickening the thought that these ibings should be—and who ean ever forgive themselves for not trying this Worm Exterminator, when they know that even if the case was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibility do burt —but always good as a purgative—let the dis- ease be what it may How important then to use it, and who will dare take the responsibility tn do without it? Let every parent that is not a brate, ask themselves this question in troth and soberness, Mr JC Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, and attended by a physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was given, and next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow woman. living near the Manhattan Water Works, had dwindled for a month, ti] near a skeleton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ho- maue lady, wo called to provide for the family, sent immediately. for Kolmstock’s Vermifoge, which brought sway great quantities of worms for 10 or three days, and the child grew better at once, and regained its full strength in less than a month. Several children tn a highly respectable fam- ity in Broadway had worms toa frigh'fol extent, anJ were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of tha bes! families in the neighbor- | hood of St. John’s -’ark, it has been extensively | used, from the cirenmaiance of having eradica- ted a large qnvantity of sorms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very extensive ly known in that part of the city A family in New Jersoy saved several children by the use of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifoge was given. The next day three large worms were dislodged, and she left off the Vermifuge, when she became again worse, and ~~ had resort to the Vermifuge that finally brongh: | Friends and the Public generally, that he fas ope’ vd a shop in Salisbury in the above basi- ness,in a room directly opposite West's brick building, in the tiouse of Dr. Burns’ formerly owned by Jno. {. Shaverand just below J. & W. Murphy. In acdition to the above, the subscriber will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the varieties common in couniry towns: soch as making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve Ware. He begs to assure the publie that if punctaal attention to business, and skillful work will en— litle hit to patronage and support, be willmer- it it. AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 13—(f16 Dr. Sheraan’s PFAevicatzedD Bosenuges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, A“ING the cheapest and mos! pleasant.— Whe medical Facolty warmly approve them Dr. Sherman 19 a skilful and experienced Phy- sician. and a member of the Medical Society o New York. Sherman’s Cough. Lezenges, Are ihe only infallisle worm desiroying medi- cine ever discovered. They have been used in over 1.400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immbdiate relief in nervous os sick Hend- ache, palpitation of the Heart, L.owness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinkingo. the Chest, Diarrhoea, Las- sitede, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the mos! certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to tbe American public. — In the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they have never been inown to fail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome during the sommer munths, may now be entirely prevented by a proper nse of these Lozenges: ‘They are prepared express ly tor that purpose, and cao be relied on with perfect confidence, Persons subject to a derange ment of the bowels shuuld never be without them They affurd immediate relief from s!] the attend ant gripings, faintness, depression. &c, Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the commot., Peppermints; and are an active and efficien: medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the-best cathartic ever used for bilions persons. Where an active medicine ia required they are not only the best, bui the safest that car be administered, Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism. Lom- bagogPain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins. Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, atthe Salisbory Medical Drog Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept $, 1342—1y6 Dr, Woffat’s Wegetable Life Medicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- neficia! nature. They are composed of ar- ticles the mogt anti-putrescent, combined with 'olt,, to whieh ¢ |the shore in safety by paddling, Se. Judkias, arrived % Boston gesterday morn- ing. She aailed{from Liverpool onthe 19 1b we have full files of Lun- don and Liverpool ‘pepers. The Great “Western was not to sail tll the 29th ult. There being no graving dock unoccupted at Liverpool} large enovgh to ac- commodate her, Miwas txukeo round Milford, wheretti@dagyage was repaired in (bree days, She is sewn Liverpool. The Hibernis came’ out full of Passengers. Every berth was takén. Letteretcom.ihe Hon. Ed ward Everett an- nounce that he declines the Cnios Mission Parliament has adjourned for the Easter holydays, and will meet again on the 24:h. Without the exception of tbe Uoited Siates, the debates during the laas fortnight have on- ly possessed a domestic interest. Another vessel bélonging to. the-unfortu- nate W. 1. Royal Mail Steam Pucket Com- paay has beco lost—the Solway, which sail- ed from Southempiun on the 1st instant, bownd for the Weat- Indies. She was wreck- ed on @ reef, off the island of Sisarga, euoot twenty miles to the west of Corunna, hav- of hooss. all the passengers and most of the crew (with the exception of those on duty) being ip their berths asleep and uneonscious of their danger, the vesse! suddenly strack on 8 rocky shoal, celled the Bsldavo, witb- ina mile aod a belf of the coast; and not- withstanding the uimost exertions were used by Captain Donban, the officers, and crew the unfortunate vesss! sunk wiihin twenty minutes, in thirteen fathoms. By the order of Captain Duncan (who was lost.) the balance was first got into the water, and as many as it could conveniently bid were lowered toto it, but the frail bark wee not destined to reach the shove. From some cause onexpleined it was espezed, and every soul on board perished. The firet paddle-boat was then lowered, and into thet also as many crowded as possibly “could, and notwithstanding ‘there was po oar to assist them, it managed to reach It is supposed that many went down eh the versel, there being no time to launch the «ther boat that ia kept on the paddle wheel, to save those ‘eft on board. Those who were thus saved esceped, of course, with no clothes whatever but those ‘hey stood in.—Immediately on the vessel striking sbe pitched considerably head fore- most, and @¢ suon es the cold water reached ibe boilers they collepsed and blew up. It is supposed thet many perished by this mis- vop, and it also forthered the more epeady festruction of the vessel. The size of the sddle-bosts—boats kept expressly for cases ' seeident— may be judged ftom tne fact that 52 haman beings escaped in one of ‘hem, and se close was itto the watersedge, that it was q@omercy it reached the shore in safety Nothing but constent balieg and good management kept her »float. The Solway steamer entails a loss of £30,- 000 sterling, upon the London offices, and | upon those of Glesgow +f £10,000. Lloyd's *ppearence. The'detand has been exten- 8196 and-oniform. fevt, at en unpreeédented low rate of inter out any disposition being shown £61 ex(ree- aga : t The prices of the eta. ple still low. but the present s:ste of things if continued, must epsedity improve tt. Mo. ney isabunden (which ean be had to any ex.) ‘ gis-for any, tbing tke good secority, with. OF ovtrageous speculation, There is Some prospect that the non-in- trasicausts Sh be in a minority at the next meeting of the General Asse Choreb of Scotland. wn 4 “ The nomber of Royal infants i still but two. The Queen’s eccouchment is looked for daily “The opening of the whole line of the Paris and Rovep raitroad to the public,””) $073 the Presse, is positively fixed for May 3. As the time epproaches for the edmission of Canada wheat and flour into Englend at. e Gxed duty, hopes on the one bang, and fears on tbe other, ere felt ond expressed respecting the probable working of the new measure, The fears of the country gentlemen are Eighteen Vessels totally lost.—The late north-@asteriy winds have, we regret to say, been productive of the moat disestrous ship- wrecks along different parts of the coast though happily auattended with loss of hfe, arising from the alacrity and efficieney of the Coast Guard service and their boatmen. During the last three weeks upwards of eighteen vesseis are known to bave been wrecked. . In the House of J.ords on the 11tb, Lor little tired, fell asleep. Ina shor: gms, the beat’ reflected from the rock-awoke Lim, and-openi his eyes he saw a large lion crouebing before, him, and his eyes glaring in his face, and with- in a fit:le more-than a yard of his feet He eat motionless for some minates, till he had recover- ed bi€ presence of ming, then eyeing bis gun, moved bis hand siowly (awards 11; the lion gee ing him, raised hia head, and gaAVe 8 tremendous * roar; he made another and enotber aiemppi sit (be gun being far beyond: bis reach; ‘he gach it up, ae the lion seemed well aware of his objecy and was enraged whenever he atlempted to move his band. His situation now betame pain- fol io the extreme ; the rock on which he set.be- came so hot that he could searcely bear bis na- ‘Ked feet to touch it, and he kept moving them, a!- ternately placing one above the other, The day passed, and the night also, vat the lion never moved from the spot, the suo arose egain, and its intense heat soon renderad his feet pas feeling. At noon the lion rose, walked to the water, orly a few yards distant, looking behind as it went, lest the man should move, and seeing ‘bim siretch out bis hand to take his gus, turned io 2 rage, od firnnes>, and preventing the falling out of see ; Are tha safest, surest, and most effectual remedy | ing called at the latter place to receive and seriously worked pon. by the knowledge and was on the point of sptinging upon him — an read Por any person réaovering from Startling Facts. for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Whooping} deliver mails. The melancholy accident of the fact theta bill will be miroduced af- | The animal went io the water. drank, and re- ny deolily (he sage effeot is produced. 4th} sfandreds of @hildren and adalts are los! year. | Cough, Asthma, Vightness of the Longs or| wecured at midnight on the 71h, afier she ‘a, Esser for legalizing the admission of | turning, lay dowa again at the edge of the rock. used in infancy Ulla good growth ia started, | 1y with worms}-wWher some other cause has been | Chests Sc. had been @ week at sea. Norta American grain, at a low rate of du-| Another night passed ; the man, io-deseribing It iniy oe preserved by aCtention to the latest pe- | gunposed to be the true one. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES After baving left Corunna about a couple ly. said, he knew not whether he slept ; bot if he > did, it mast have been wiih his eves pen, for he always:saw the fion at his feet Next day. in the forenoon, the animal went again to the wa- ter, and while there, be listened (o eome noise, apparently from an opposite quarter, and disap- peared in the bushes. ‘The man now made an- other effort, and seized bis gun; bot on allempt.- ing to rise, he fell, his ankles being without pow er. With his gun in his hand, tie crept towards the water aod drank, but looking at his feet he d Ashburton eddressed the bousé iif the fold saw, as he expressed ii, his ‘* toes roasted’, and lowing terms, in reply to the vote of thanks the Lords conferred upon bim for regulating the American Treaty :—My lords—Before your lordebips proceed to the business of ihe day, i beg to teke the earliest opportu- nity of. making my acknowledgements to your lordsbips, and of expressing my deep s€nse of the honor conferred on me by the resolotion which, by the votes of the pro- ceedings of your lordship’s huuse, I observe was passed on Friday last. (Hear, bear.) That resolution gratifying and highly grateful to myself personally, is rendered io mv mind, of infinitely grester vaiue by the opinions expressed by your lordsbips, namely, the expression of the ratisfaction of your tordships “st the resto- ration of a@ good understanding with the United States which it is alike. the duty end the interest of both counines to maintain unbroken ” An expression so full of Wie— dom and sound policy, delivered by such 8 body as the peers of this kingdom, cannot fail to have a most valuable effect in pro- ducing that concilietion, which is in tteelf sufficrent to secore that end so much de- sired by your lordships. The overwhe!ming importance, in my mind, of the settlement of those unfurtun— ate differences which had gradually grown op between the two countics, was my the skin torn off with the grass There he sat a few moments, expecting the lion's return, wheo he was resolved to send (be contents of the gon through his hes@ ; but as it did not appear, tying his gan to his back, the poor man made the vest of his way on his hands and knees tu the nearest path, hoping some solitary individual might pass . He could go no further, when pro videnually, a person came up, who took him to a place of safety, from whence he ublained help, though be lost his toes, and was a cripple for life.” The Courier Francais bas the following on the discussion relative to territore between England and the United States of America :— “We shal! stortly discuss the legitimacy of the preientions of each party Thee ison both eides an imperivas fact which predominaies over all considerations, and which militaies powertolly in favor of America. [i has been often said thai civilization was returning to the East In fact, through Reassia acd England, Europe is preparing to foree the barriers of the Asiatic con- tinent.. On the other band. Great Britain is ex- tending her colonies over Nex Hollaod, New Zealand, and the Archipeligo of Pulynesia Con- sequeotly, Europe is spreading herself over both ihe newest and most ancient regions of the globe, all in some measure washed by the same waves. great inducement to undertske the tesk— [hear}—and perhaps cansed me not sof Hence, the time is not distant when the Pacific Ocean will cease to be a desert, and soon will be Celts Tends, | away an incredinle quantity of worts,and the | 5, gregi : idote | have escaped with a trifling cost, most of the | ciently to estimate My own deficiency fcr ploughed by the keels of commerce, driven by ils, C y q yor ingredients known as the only certain antidote ‘ : ; 245, | Cotton Yarn. 90 | cure was complete, and she gained her healit | ¢7 fevers of every description. When thedis | insurance offices being her underwriters. | its execuuion. I have had, however, the| gail or steam, will pass freely through the Ieth- 30351) Molasses, 35a40/ fapidly ; ease is produced either from ‘eold, obstruction, | The cost of the ship was £60,000, #0 that | good fortune to have the performance of its] mus of Panama France herself, whose genios 10 455i Nails, 6a ; ‘ rnp eteiae of tending: ed sdoctered 2: farnt- bad air, swampy and damp situations, or potrid } the unfortunate company 1+ which she be | duties epprones by my Sovereign by her} of enterprise has slept too long, has raised he- H ns a tr ’ i : al . Ler, 10. 124) Oats, 13 2 20 ciel oo neks. wiiboo head . miasmi, whether malignant or or nb longed wi!l be minus £20 000. Majesty’s ministers, and | have aow to add phar. on tbe Marquesas Islands. {1 is the law “x 27-28 Pork, $3 | bad the liberality 'o send for Kolmstock’s Ver- nail shane. Vhes ote eederned ot be. This 1s the third steamer wich hes been tine ateacet ras ale honor of the ap-| of gravitation which makes all political and com- Maclean S56 | Sugar, br. § a 10! mifage, and cured the rest with it in Jess thao a ities. which not only exnel all disease, | (08t by the company in a few momhs. The | probation of your lordships’ bouse, and it} 1. ia) spirit of ambition teed towards this ese. toe v | loaf 5 ot ot eee an ' »| Méd \ will be remembered, was wreck-| is quite impossible for ne to express to : : : ’ tity ioral, Lda 18} week. . but atthe same time restore and invigorate the | “8C!0a, | s lordeips how deeply sensible I tre, and which America obeys while she usges a 25 | Salt, sack. $34 Numerons cases of other complaints were sup | sectom When first taken into the stomach,|ed «ff Turks-head, and, more recently, the | your if eaip DIY sensivie tec forward from tue east to the west, till she reacb- hers, 20225 /] Tallow + | posed to exist, aod the persons treated for fever, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor | Isis. « f Bermuda. of that honor. ‘neh | ; 41 & ial of this Vermifuze dis - y es the shores of the Pacific. She has no part ga2 «41 | Pobacen 8 a 20 &c., but finally a trialo this Vermifuge diseov- | inrougt every pore, producing effects at once Amongst the novelties of the day may be My lerds, in con stries onder free govern- ; . : : . 4 4 ac, a d the true canse of the sickness, by bringin 8 Wh h ; ’ on (his sea, but is a@xinva to obtain one. She 50455! Tow Linen, «2a 16) 7 : ble “SS, vee MEPL | detightfol, salutary, and permanent en the | voiced the speedy dep: rture of Mr O'Con- | ment, such 48 we bave the bappiness to se, howevel, wanaged 16 bcetré s téstlog place 34] Wheat. bush 75 |targe and emall, and the persue recovered. wh | S227 of lif Tre eclion paralized. thege weci. |°C.t 4 eldest son for the Unitew States, ac- | ive ander, and America, ot ie wetarel that | 0% Secu tebe Ren 8 Oe Bae i . Pa arg meets Sons Tecovered Wit) | languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- | 4 ’ - is-}°° ; ~ te OT | Whiskey, 25 a 30/ great despatch. Instances of this kind might be eines sre foand 10 give a tone to the nerves, ex- rompaniet by Mr. Thomas Steele, to organ- | questions of this importance should be dis ed by her protection against Bruish georpaiion. The American Confederation, therefore, aspires not only to extend (o the otmest ite territorial cussed with great freedom, and that has been the case with regatd to the treaty which 11 has been my Jot to execote. Although I ize en apitation there for the more speedy repeal of the union—an Irish method, truly going so far absoad to. carry a project at gal S] | Wool, (clean) cited to an immense extent, bat it is useless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one with aston. PareTrevinbe, was tO, ishment the certain effects of this Vermifnge. 29 hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the body, and re-animate the whole man The Life Medicines have also been osed with (ae a to | Molasses, — 28 a 25} Caution~Never buy this articie anless it have | ihe most happy suecess in Nereus and Dvs-| bome Pecuniary, rather than patriotic mo-| trast that the conditions ere such as are Possessions, but, by turning its views towarde — ‘ ie 320 40 | Nails,cut, 54 a 6} Dr Kolamstock's Vermifuge” handsomely en- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver} tives, it is uncharitably assumed, influence | I!kely to be conducive to the future main-{ Asia, China, andthe sew lands of Oceana. 11 doeaway by a . Sugar brown, 64a 10 ae on a label, and the fac simile Complaint, Rheumatism, (chronic and inflama- | ip, mission. tenance of peace, and effectually, and en- | foresees a magnificent prospect of future eom- ¥ : 2 asf | Lump, 14 | of Comstock 0. tory} D ropsies &r. The- ; ttle th ion in dis. | ial wealth. England become excited, “fee, 9a 10) Toaf, 15a18| Avenfé—C B Wheeler, Salisbory; J & R b Cal a! Cress & Bocen’s, Agents, rhe Toulonnais of the Gth inet., stetes | Uirely and fairly to settle the qaestion in dis | mercia gland may become e Aton, 4446 | Salt 50 2 60| Sloan, Greensboro’; D Heart, Hillsboro’; J P er 5 Oct 22. 1842-1 13° thatthe Emperor. of Morocco bed given gat- {| pute, | most freely assuse your lordsbips aod regard witb a jealous eye these develope- we Yarn, 14.418 Sack, $2} | Mabry, Lexington : Dr Stith, Raleigh. i Sal - eed isfaction tothe United S:ates for the msnlt) that the mere minute question of ae or | ments of a threatening mercantile rivelry. [1 1° Candi , , 49.150 | Tobascoteal 94a 24 March 4, 1813—1ly82 BCP A supply cf the above Invalasble ME- |‘ flered to their Consul by the Governor of | lesa of boundary, which bas been th? sob- | mainly from the infloence uf this spirit of tra'e layeee? FF. 13a 14 | Cotton bag 2n DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, | Targier. Tbe tauer bad been superceded | ject of much diseussion, both here and on) shat the family tes beiween the muher enaniry . i 80 a 90 | Bale rope, 8a 10 REM OV A I | tredell county, by in bis post, and the fl»g of the Union having | the other side of the water, weighed In My | o04 her culopies are bicken. Old and oew Car. Veathers = 2 # | heal Ms a = ’ 4 ®@ A. C MeINTOSH, Agent been hoisted on the ee was fetimation very her empenenn pe he thage can never forgive each other avy murval - ad Sk 23 a — <= a ‘ = ~ : ttement which it! . : iH tte, oe, | = . : . saluted by the halteries of the plece arger question of the se | vifsaces. For oniselves. livinw aside all cus. AR CE 124 a 15) 2 estegr itera wootd raspee\felts snpones DAVID L. POOL, The pessengc’s arrived aut in the packet | would be satisfactory to meke in the estim. | ** . to the public, that they have removed their siderations of precaution againgt the Fuglanc, Cutraw Apr! 10, 1843: *s VAKES this method of i f - i b! ds in both countries; ; ’ : < . . ; ship Montezume, Capt. Lowber, before sep- | ation of hor.orable min Nees h pleasure @ movement which e..- a 4. 5 Narls cutassor 836 Copper, Tin-plate and Sheet informing his friends, arating presented a bighly complimentary | and shovld contend that the settlement is | ne st eusere io Mont Americ .. cee Bate BE. 6} wrought 16 a 18 ’ IRON and the isa ah Se 18 | and eicquent address and a piece of plate to| one which is founded on honoreble terms, ee . in the elvitvaation af the world ° puller 12415! Oats bushel a 30 PRawutactory, wis Fick oatieg wade Captain Lowber, for his personal coaresy,| and which is likely to produce peace = [r| Scl'¥e pa Bay ty 2% 9 25/ Oil gal 75 a 80} One door above George W. Brown & Co, and siting, basineabs at his old snd his bomanity in saving sixteen fellow | is no: my ee 0 Be ~ al) mata ony Missing Vessel.— The Scbr Greeosburv Bie, Gyd 2a22 . lamp $1 25 | opposite Thos. L.-Cowan’s Brick Row, where stand, near .he Courthoose | creatures from perishing on the wreck of @ | questios connecte with this transac ict Holt leit New York on the 16th Morch | + Cofec nee 10212) linseed 110 a1 25 they are better prepared to accommodate aad ex | at] work done by him will be warranted for} French brig celled the St. Bernard, of Fe | but I will only ogain express to your ior ¢ this port and has not been heard of since. Cat lb 1ffa 14] Pork 1001bs 54 a 6 | ecate all orders-in their.tioe on short notiee, and | twelve months. He still keeps on band # sma} | camp, which be found sinking »t sea. The} ships the deep sense wbich | veneer of She bad» full freigbt for merchants her. on $a7] Rice 100lbs 4a 5 | io the very best style. assortment of Jewellery. eket ship Hotunger, Cept Bursley, ar-| the honor of thst epprobation whic aad ta Ube ferericn 0 the Beales Com be a pecs hich ) sh 50 Sugar Ib a 10 Also, constantly on hand, a choice sopply of} Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for{ rived out on the 8th, and the Virginia. Capt. | you have been plessed to express, whie | Wilmington Chronicle. Peete 95 + 5$ Salt sack $2 25) nie ad Fagen bt ay are. Britannia Wares! Jewellery or work done = Allen, on the 14th olt.—and the day fol- | the highest reward he j ceo receive . the — no et’s 258 30 | Bathing Tabs, Stills, &c Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—1 , Columbi esrance| humble efforts which | made in what I con- // : dis © isve dae, fe Is 7a bush - 5 ; ht Mla hohe na ere. ee _ | lowing the Columbia made her app Asa looking glass, if i: is : aa ae | Steel dimer to a 00 Salisbury ee imeeue. ah J. S. Johnston, after eleven days passage from Halifex,con- | ceived es a “a ri (Cheers } the fally represenis the face of Bice ee My 7 a : 9 a - ce abc . ; ila i ty. The Dukeo ellington: I amare go a Wife oaght to fashion be'se!f tothe aff e . Molasses, 7 ° po English 14 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. ae nd wri ip se lety Mail steam ehip| house will have beard the speech of theau- of her husband, not to be cheerlal when be 1s ae tama CA Sh BONDS SAL ISBC Ry Teroit Capt Alten arnved at Falmouth on! nobie lord with setiafection, 1 consider cad, nor ead when bev cheerlnl. $3 ’ 7 ? Teaimpe 81 0137 Neatly printed and for sale at ims Office Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1849-—1f24 \ History of the 4 ‘ _ I TH of Getane with patableelt of the Government - Legislation of Congress from 1789 to 1849 i danger Sp Presidents. frem lo J Quincey Adams— Washingion , ; nd Van Buren while Votes of Jackion a ; ms Yon Burm Senators in Con j asd Wool grower— Gen Jackson's ions while Presidtnt— Ex Gov. Polk— Hie attempt to jax Tea and Eoffee in i 1833. . > ” A Tort of Revenne aod Protection we have always regarded ws part and perce! of | the established pohey of the Goversment, | hesing its origin in the earliest legistetron of } Congtess after the adoption of the Federal Constitutiop 1 1780, 204 continyed thro every sugressive Administration from that ace of” Homé Mann factiirés, the -i in- mM eases + form en<emple npmpeasation? Estatheh- lene ote Of thie soft, commensurne only Wah 4 not to in= ts il, for ms these are. of and e~ ) ‘Ought our countty to remain 10 soe dependent on foreign supply. precari— ius, bereess fisble 10 be intertapted 7 ij the peceasery eruties should in* (his mode, cost more iv time of peace, will Hot (he se- curity end independence, henge arising, b | hberstion of oar re ‘the esis of the pabhe service io time of 5 Nae Onsia: ee bese a shel, +9 th pay eli still, ere tong, ments of public debt which we are, permit- ted hy. contact topey. Thes cannot, public. ong ae. be. spplied to extin-. guishment of this. nd the complete “at the must desrte- | bie’of ‘alt objects: oor, if our peste con- existing purpose. The qnestian; therefore, now canes forwerd, to whet olbar objects shall these stitplusés be eppropristed, sad. whole surplos of impoat, ter the ea— discharge of the poblic debt. and donng thease intervals when the purposes of war shell not call forthem? Shall we then, {- | withoat a “modification. assented to by the: tinwes, itt they Se wboling forspy other | eo tn ‘ ceomelrtion of | mogeys ia the Weasvty beyond tbe instal- |. ‘“s Hy ce pactuy, pine, panne B gays for. to maie . <i: fettd it vb A earn them. heave no mo | that Bat ecloed iP pass a4 laig i the . ' A i eS cote over they fe he Gt for # moment — 264 5," a, ted Mhelieve it i, oly hg Pek “ol, eny Ceparture op thei; DEY tng eHOwe! (GG those k-ng fea ‘national good faith wie eu ; printiptps: of Feligion and coms . Lehat Pnow Shand Nere-addrecsing cat 8Y, and * " sind in Tie a Americans vat “once more f between } ‘ {f Washington down to the present time. | sti eta ar, eesily he exten- : Morivngy ‘ rec@nt exsmination of the public records, ! Segend ab agelag tele f a 2 St#ting a time, feelnrond @na fee the impost. end give that to- it jog. their. station a tion to the exigenciégof the! \o which*we were induced by the attempt } ded. 19 preporti now making in thie State to torn the te-ed— yostment of the Tariff hv the late Whig Cougrese, to party account, so far from | changing eur opipien of thé origin and his | toty of this subject, hae served to sirength- en the eonvietion that its enanexion enh our Nattonal policy is alige essential to the support of Government and the independ- Fence of the People ase great commercial, sgrienltapal 20d menvfseturing community. ~ With the light of history before them, b ij end the recorded sentiments end tecommen- | - datious. of alf the distingnished men who have filled th Presidential Ohair to support | them, the Wing psrtv angbi well be proud | 11 acknowledge the Tanf ss » Whig mea- sure Aod tf « so plesge cur Democretic opponents, the connexion.is st once end en- equivocally avowed, so fer as the opiatons of this prees are concerned, end we believe we mey safety speak for more than nine- tenths of the Whig petty in Tennessee — We sre for a Tort cod against Direct Tax. sation, The stete of the Treasury. ae left by the Van Buy'en Admynistration, the state of the Tre sury av at present reduced from the influence of the destract:ve meaartes of that and the preceding administration, de- mend a Tariff of Revenue ‘The condi liotot amps of out manofsetiires, that of lion-for example ; the low wages of pauper lehor in Eurone , the policy of Other nations with which we are intimetely connected by commerce, in short, common sense and common prudence demant a tariff of dis- crtmination and protection. The genius and habits of aor Peaple are against Direct Taxation for Federal revenne in time of peace; their self reaspeet and sturdy independence forbid the introduction of Free Trade, to the destruction of our own manufactures, while other nations aré porsurng the most rigorous and prohibitive meosores agains! Poreigo competition, to cherish ao! sustain theirs. They sre for raising revenue hy imgp@at duttes, and they sre for levying impost duties with @ viéw t> the encouragement and protéetion of Home Iadustry, to the developement of Home Re- eources. | trade. government ; ond “may even. ihaps, be | f Wade to vield 2 surplus for na ae ply of our citizens st lstge, ses to-mitigete the, privations. from the toterroption= of their Ifadopted, the plan ought to a clade elf thase brepeties which are already. /or hkely soon to be. established in (be tun. try in ordor that there may be ogde ger of interference with eureorts of rndisicos) industry —W ashington’s Message 1796. TARIFFS OF 1797. These were pusaed and approved during the Administrstion of Joba Adams. They relate to Sngar, Molasses, Tea end Ssit. The first, entitled ‘an act for. raiging a fur- ther som of money, by sddjtionel duties on certgih. articles imported.and for other pur- poses,’ passed the House Feh, 25. seas 66, nave 21, and the Senate Feb. 28, q@ithout e division, end was spproved by Adams March 8. The secood, entitlec an sct laying ap additional doty on Salt, &c.’ passed the Hoose, Jule 5, yeas 45, nays 4@, and the Senate July 6, without » division, and was approved by Adame Jas 8. TARIFFS OF 1804 The first of these @as on ect for the cres- tion of what wascalled the -Mediterrencen Vund,’ to protect our commerce and sesmen egeinst the Burbery Powers. It increased the..doties on Foreign imports two and e belf per cent, . Passed the House of Repre- sent-nves onapimousiv, end the Senate peas 20, neys5, and approved by Jefferson March 4 26 The second was so ect ‘imposing more specific duties on the importation of certain articles &e? 21. veas 65 27, without a division, end wes approved by. Jefferson, March 27 hers of the House who ented for thie Teriff, It psased the House, March vevs 41; the Senate, March [Ampng the mem- we notice the neme of George W Canip- bell of Teaneser.] PRESIDENT JEFFERSON AGAINST DIRECT TAXATION AND IN Fa- VOR OF THE TARIFF Io his Inaugural Address, March 4. 1805, Ta proof thar the FIRST CON- GRESS which assembled ander the Foder- a! Cersintetion and its svecessors, and that the sHusiriovs WASHINGTON and his successors so understoad the sentiments of the American People, we sow appeal to the record, pa 16 an fo] THE FIRST TARIFF. | The firet Tariff Art passed by Congress ese’ the House of Represeotatives on the th Mey 3780, wittout a division by yeas d nays, and the Senate un the 17h June lowing in the same way. ‘fo give more then ordinary solemnity-to thes first Tanft Act—<eelsred by the presmble to be + ne cessary For the support.of the Government, for the discharge of the debts «f t. Woited States, and the encouragement and PRO- TECTION OF MANUPACTURES” Pr esident WASHINGTON approved the Gil on the FOURTH OF JULY 1789. wares judging from its provisions, no other respect The sct levied heavp cuties upon “goods, and merchandige imported,” and was paidto articles of ** prime necessity,” suct ag Salt, Sugar, bon, &e., except to tax them with @ special wew to theencour agement of thew production ead ture ai home. 17 }y en h menufac- TARIFF GF 1790. ‘Phe seeand Tarfl. Bill was pessed in 90.10 the House of. Representatives, J u- 19 tr.e vote of yess 40, nave 15; Yn tie Senare, Augns! 5. without a division, d approved by Waswinatan, August 10: increased the duhes levied by the first act, by wey of “ making further provision for the pzyment of the detts of the United States.” . au the TARIFF OF 1792. This was ‘an act for raising a further m of money forthe protection of the fron- rs and for other purposes” Tt passed the House, Aprrt 21, yeas 37, Hays 20, and the Senate Apr: 27, .e:thouta divisioo, and was approved by Wasnineron. TARIFF OF. 1794. This was ‘an get laying additional duties on gocds, @ares bod merchandize imported inte the U. States.” without a divimon, and was approved Ww pa He Ww Gr expenerce. President Washington thue ex- pe Congress, uothe 7th December } m C at of manufactures, Congress hove repeatediy, and net with- ress Cirected their atterdnn w the ENCOURAGE MENT OF MANUFACTURES. The cut ere 1\ passed both houses sshington, Jun. 7 A supplementary ect sset! aad spproved Jan. 39, 1795, expla- lory of the origoal ASHINGTON’S OPINION OF PRO- TEC TION. A A‘ter the passage end approval offthe fore. ng sets, and after ther “in bid Bren tested by time and prectiee! eascs homeetf, in hig anno.! ~ 4 onths ' prior to bis leaving the hetr. It wit! ¢ Shectally dir cted to the enc by | policy and wis-) works Me-saze to YH J T180n 96, a few” the Tanff— Execotive | be seen that hie sematke fy ouragement present Piesident Jefferson thus graphically describes the comparative operation of Direct Texa- tion end 8 tanffon imports. We cal! up- on those who profess to be © Democrets of the Jeffersonian school,” but who ere, sev ertheless, disposed to favor. directly or indt- rectly, 2 scheme of exe'se taxation, to mark his language : At home, fellow citizens, you best know whether we have done wel! er ill, The suppression of unnecessary : ffices, of useless establishments and expenses, enabled ug to discontinue oor internal taves These cov ering our land with offices. and opening our doors to their iutrusions, had al/reatly begun that process of domiciliary veealion, which, once entered. is scarcely to be re strained from reaching successtvely every article of produce and property. i among these \axes sume minor une fell which had not been incopvenient, it was. because their amount would not have paid the officers who collected them, and because if they had eny merit, the State authorities might adopt them, stead of others less approved. The remaining reveoue, 10 the consomp- tion of * foreign sriiclee, is paid chiefly by those who can afford to add foreign luxuries tof domestic comforta, being col- lected on our seaboard snd frontiers on- Ie, and incorporated with the transecuions of Our meresniile eitize: 8, it may be the pleas ure and the pride of an American to ask— what farmer, what mechanic, what laborer. er secs a lax -gatherer of the U. States 2 hese contnbutions enable us to support tie current expenses of the government, to fulfil contracts eth foreign nstione, \o ex- tinguieh the native right of soil eithia eur hmits. (o extend those limits, end to epply such a surplus to our public debts, as pla- ces ata short day their final redempiioa, ani that redemption onee effected, the rev- ende thereby tiberated may by ajos repsr- tition among the Stetes, and 93 corres pond- ing emendment of the Constitution, be ap- pled, in"time of peace, to rivers. ¢anads, roads, arts, manvufactaies, edocetion, and other great objects within each State Jn me of War, if injustice by ourselves, or others, mast sometimes prodéce war, ine creased as the seme revenve will be ingreae- ed by population and consumption, snd aid- ed by other resoarces reserved [or that cri- sis, it may mect within the year al) the ex- peases of the veer, without eneroaching on the rights of future generstions by burder— tng them with the debis of the pest. Wer willthen be but a suspension of useful 3 80d 6 return to 2 state of pesce, 2 | Terura to the progress of improvement. | In hie Message of December 2, 1805, thos refers to the operasions of The duties com ad, wii! cedse, session posing the Mediterranean by law. at the end of the Considering, boweéver, that they are levied chefly on tuguries, and and thet we have an Impost on selty 2 ne- Seecary of hie, the tree ase of which is otb- oreign ovér DOMESTIC MANUFAC TURES? Qo afew asticies of mote gen: erel end necessety.ase;: ee ip due season, will doubtlessibe right; but the gteal mses of the erticles, on which impos 1s paid, are foreign lwsuties, purchased by those only whe areasich enough to sfford themselves the fphem.—T bey petrict- ism would certainty,.prefer ite cantinoance, and sppleatiop to-the “the grest purposes of the public education,-roads, rivers, ca- oels, end such other objects of pyblic im- provement ss it may be shoaght preper to add 10 the. constitutional: enumeration of Foderel powers. TARIFF OF: 1812. This was ¢ Wer Tariff and im:csed dou- ble duties upot Foreign imports, 11 passed the Huse, June 22,"year 76. nays 48, and the Senste June 30. yéas"20, ‘noy» 9, and wag approved by James “Mtdison, Juiy 1. Like thé subsequent Pariff of 1816, - on thespeace establishment, it was essentially House, hy Nathaniel Mseon, John C Cel- houn, Witham Lowdes, Richard YW. Jobo by Wilhem H. Crawtord, George W. Camp- bell and other prominent friedds of the Madison Administration. SALT TARIFF OF 1818. This act imposed a duty of twenty cents @ bushel on imported salt; Panced the House. Julv 17, peas 00, neye 553 the Sen- ate, July 24 yeas 20, noes 10, and epprov- ed by Madison. July 28.—Among the ad- vocates of the Sel: ‘Tax, we find the aames of Felix Grundy, Johp H. Bowen, Thom- as K. Herris, Party W. Hopphreys, Jobn Rhea end John Sevier Representetives, and Joseph Anderson end George W Campbell, Sesstors from Tennessee. MR MADISON’S OPINIONS. As ecrly as 1810. Mr Madison thus re ferred in bis annual meesage, to the encour- agoment of Home manuféeciures— I feel perticolar satisfaction in reperking, that en-intenor vies of our conairy presents us with grateful proofs of its substaatiol and iocrossing prosperity —To a thriving agri. culture, and the improvemenis related to it, 1s added a highly interesting extension of useful mannfactures—the combined pro- vet Of professional occupeuons, sad of household indusiry.—Such, indeed, is the experience of economy, ae well as of poli- cy, in these substitutes for supphes bereto- fore obtained by foreign commerce, that, in @ national view, the change is justly recerd- eds of itself more then a recompense for those privations and losses resulting from foreign injusice, which fernishe the gen- eral impulse required for tis sccompliah ment... How for it may be expedient toa guard’ ‘be infeocy of this imprivemen ibe diembution of labor, by resulettan of the commercial tari is a aubject which cannot fer to suggest self to your patriot- i¢ reflections. %. Hie opinions of the policy of a high Ter- 'ff of Revenue and Protection in time of war, end of the propriety of the Selt Tax, are sufficiently indicated by hieSpprival of the Acts of 1812 ant! 1818, défere nuticed. His views of « Tariff on the peace estab- lishment are left in Bo. sort “of obscurity. In'bis special Message of Feb. 18, 1815, commonicsting to Congress the treaty of Gheot, be took ocession commend “ to (be prompt end constant g Srvieaship ” of thet body the subject of bome mauufae tures: The resources of our country were at al} times, competent to the attasnment of every ational object; bat they will now be ens. riched and invigorated by the activity which peece will introduce imto st} the scenes of domestic enterprise sod tabor. The pro- vision thet has been mate for the public creditors, during the present session of Congress, must hove a decisive’ effec(n the establishment of the poblie credit bo'h at home and sbeosd. The feviving mteresis of commerce will claim the legisiauve ot- tention at the earhest-opportunity ; end such regstations will, I trost, be seasonably de- vised as shall:seeure to the Unined Stites their jost proportion of the navigation of tbe world. The most Irbers! policy to be faind the ‘most beneficial policy towards vorselves. Bul ther®is no subject: that can enter with greater force and merit in 0 the deliberations of Congress than a consideration of the means fo preserve and promote THE MaNuFacTURES which Heve sprung iat existence, abd aftamed sn ae- paralleled meturity throwghoat the Uaited States'deting the period of the Earepean wes. “Tois source of National mvEree- DENCE 4ND weaurH. / an>i recow- mend, therefote, to the prompt and constant sage, Feb 1815. ° Agsin—on meeting the Congress of 1816. @ body pminently distinguished in the anvals of Americon legislation, far Stategmanship ‘CF wige 13 eo smpertunt, I recommend to yous end sbility. he chug hrs recommen: dalios om ue ie » Republican measure. voted for, in the’ son end Pelix Gturdy, and id tbe Sensie | guardianship of Congress.— Special Mes- tri p'ies, ever subject 10 cagua! failores.,. ticles aecessery for the \eonnected with the primary wants of jodi- | 7 viddele —It will be an additional reram- from ‘our «grirulture, and consequently iai- part snd enspre to thet greet fund of n -tion- a! prosperny and independence an encour: egement which gannot iu to be rewarded. + Message Dec. 5, 1885. . © ék CURE FOR CANCER: "Fhe following cure forsthe Cancer-bse teen found emong the old papers of « fried, who has Pkiodly faroished it tous Tor publication, ia the hape that it mag prove of some benefit to those who are efflicted with this dreadful complaint: (Pet. Fatelligencer. Paitapeiruia, Jan 26. The editor having ce -sived. from * friend the following receipe for the care of the Cancer, is induced, from the veracity of the writer, and the importance of such @ remedy to many a filic ted individosite, to tay jn before the public. A safe and eficactous remedy for the Cancer. Fake the narrow teafed dook root 2nd boil it in water till it is quitesoft, then bathe the pari afflicted in the degoction es hot ag.ecan be borne, three or four times e day ; tbe reot mast ihen be mashed and a plied ae a poultice. ; This root bas proved an effectual core in ma— ny instances; it was first inirodaeed by en In- dian woman, who cilike to the house’of a per- 600 it the country whe was mach afflicted with a Cencerio ber moth; the Indian perceiving something wcaftbe matier, enquired what it wae; and, on king informed, said ehe would core her” The ccoman eonsetited to e trial, though with little hope of saccese, having previously geed many !bings without receiving any benefit The Indien went out and goon returned with @ root, which she boiled end anplied as above, and, in e short time a cute was effected. ~The Indian was very ecrefel to conceal wha‘ these rote Were, and refused. giving any information respecting thom ; bat bappening One “day to ley some of ‘them down, and = out, the wuman concealed one of the roote, which she planted, and soon disccvered what it was; not long efter» person, 'n that: neighborhood, being afiicted with the seme complaint in her fece, she informed her of this tomedy, and in two or three weeks she was" cored Some tigie sfier 2 wan was cured of 2 conf:med cancer epon the'back of-his-hind ; af- lersugering much, arid°untble to get any rest, baing told of thie root, it was procered and pre- pared for him.; he kept bie hand in the water as p NOt ag he could bear it-for some “time; the root wee then applied as a puoltice and that night phe slept coc-iortable, aod in two weaks hishand was entirely cured , . bal Daniel Brown's faitier having bed a cancer 0 bie head, had it-eat out-end appzrently heal- ed; but, some ot the roote remaining, it again broke out ; bie doetor then informed him that pothing more could be done,except borning it oat scith hot irons. Thisbeing too barsh-a rem- edy to sebmit to be was much discouraged. The dock root wes soon after recommended, and it cored bidilih e-short time. In the beginning of the winter 1798, a. hard lamp appeared-in the middle of my under lip, ie ® shor! time, became psinfal ; I-then ehewed 11 10. @ person of. skill, and soon found he -spprehen- ded it to be vancerous: afieriwo-or three differ- ent applications, she compleint increased rapidly Los. Trip, having beerd my complaint, meo- tigned thie root. J called on bim-to- know. the particulars of. it—the root was procured, and oa ed inthe manner above mentioned—taking 2 mouthfal of the water, ia: whieh the root was boiled, and 'et itdrip over my lips as Wot as } could bear it; this { did three -or four times & dey, and then kept the root to it a day-and-night and in two days the pain entirely left ityand in two weeks it was cured . This remedy is simple, safe, and not attended with anything unpleasant. Affecting Incident —On Priday last, before the anoual Conferences of the Méettiodist Epigeo pal Charch, Bishop Heading preached a very eloyeent funeral discourse in _meméty of the late t Bishop, Rev ‘RY R. Roberts, who died a few weeks ago af By, Pew in fediana:; A correspondent of the New York Advertiser. says a strikiog incident occurred,’ while the Bishop was io delivering the funeral digeoprac. Intetligence'came from the South of the dés of) the Rev, tsaae R Willer, « member of the Phil- adelphia Conterence which bad fast closed its session, Mr W diedat Smyrna; Del. on his way home ; and t the same time the cars from the East br t tidtage of the ceath o’ the Rev. Joseph B MeKeever, who died tha: mom ing at Newark, where be was ona of the ste— toned preachers. ‘ This ietefingenes, together with the dniy in which hey werd engaged, cant a .mouin- ful gloom ovet the Conferente. Resolutions were. passed, sympathiding with the afflicted family, add as many of the preschers a6 ould, affecting brenebes more especisiiy ented to the | pubdlie patronage, @ prefereare obvionsly | chsimed by such op will relieve the United | anderst Stales frow s dependence on foreign sup>' tor ar- bing hi ie defence, or | gotiations mendation-of pertieular manofectures whore | the meterials for them are extensively dtawt pity of tha new world | This was.after ihe whole e laughter) Mm, for tore capacity than he had for i ponte and difference; or by his own: province wari pe with. French Pa d.the_ ire- ween France vd, with ieh he had no meré todo than with-any trea thar were xpoken in the moon — —vor b¥ any other argements of whic’ he bad 00 ‘ rg But 0 i | ty bet | fer the avowed. purpose of breaking the state. of pesce betweenthe two countries ;-for which ‘be | bad been reprimanded hy. Mr Webster. - | And-he had-dene'alt-thie, fotrowhdt 2, For the sake of: hisown ‘electioneering inter- —the possession of which heenned- Mr Tyler— » For that puspose he “wae out shove pandering spin it mob feeling ‘of the lowss rabble in the United “States. He (Turd Brougham) peed seatcely cay that. all ihe re_ Spectable persons ic Ameriea weroaverseto ¢ wer with England ; but he bad taken upon him self to. aegert, that wherever jo ‘that coamry { { @ legs. g8t of rabble pplinicians; of) ag pede <2 eee poe jog, grovnd=}: inferior ling i contra casié and sta ‘ Lofop jane—a set of mere tabbie, as reepectabiliiyfiaod f infort —ip that quar ter, among the rabble mob; were. ceriain to find the strongest and. most 4 erate prejadices against the anionbet ween America snd Kugiand and the greatest disposition.to see war instead of peace between.the coustties * ¢ * bed hen ii,was said thet Lord Aghburica had, ata public meeting, tsiked of America ce he cradle of liberty. Lord. Camphetl.—Boston. : Lord Brooghewm.—Yes, snd this «ns seid to be a compromising act. Bao: thig- was-afier the hegouiations were aver—-this wee.‘ the song of trinmph °t9 09¢.an expressiva of a noble friend opposite one former evening-—(a laugh.) At this pnblic meeting at Boston. there was no bo- siness to be transacted, eat it wag -held -for the purpose of ce'ebrating the allienee re~mede and the reconcilement re-effected bet ween these two kindred nations. He marvelied .tocheer the whigs objéc: to any eoch proceedings ai a pob lic meeting, bot abuve all, to hear whige, ror & sort of higs at least—(adavgh)—objeet.to any thing that was ssid in favor of the cradle of-lib- erty. Heshould bave thought the very lana guage was so sweet and dear io every-friend . of liberty, that it might reconoile.them io whai } might etherwise have appeared a breach of dig oily and decoram. oW there was other autkority, end it wes ths.Jast to whieh he wished to. refer—sbat of our revered monerch, George Hi. He didnot consider that he stooped from his high degree, on: pabat he adopied @-trockling and anbecoming tone’ when io his reception of ihe fizet Americtn min- | 4 Bpitish descent abe Of their B ‘by mix: |. ween the prinees ofindia he didall. hi) the seat of the first magistrate of that” mighty \- y Fiihed trom -persoos vf property, of | ' e - "itigh binds Seshag?-and aciigo ge = they bay, . Mu gtain shadld be suffered lo Teg! on any That pan Pitiele vations! horior (Cheers. ) “HARRY. FREHONEST AND ry Tuns-~ “Rosin the Boy » Ye-galtant (rue*Whigs of the Phateongaered with Tippecanoe ‘Come 'w WBA join now the sta, “Or “Harry honest and troe» 4 5 OF Harry the houes: and ites oe Owe Hatrys te tried ang the (thes PWhebughvin wétanks” a, i. “With vs tor'old’ Tippersnce 2 army We hare not, my friends, now to ~-“Oor former commender, ‘tis Pi, | For death Hae been here «nd Promoted Dar ebieli ifi, brave Tippecanoe ; “=%" Our Chieftain, brave Tippecarce p> Oar galsnr ola Tippecance. ag He@eleft os.t0.juin tbe high aray 5 ose who are frithfol and use! L y ‘ : , - eee sige et in the same cause we're united, __ We fight the dame enemy 100. “And have, for der, invited “The friend Of olf Tippecanoe _ peice. f ole Tippecance, Our honest t PF snocavce He's lefi ‘viene behind him more wo Than Harty, the gifted and irae! We koow that He meyer will leore m, ~ "Fe join with (Deen crew ; We Know tie wilPnever deceive os, i He ever wes hones! and true; * The Statesman, bold, fearless und if Oor Harry the tonest and roe; The trasty and cherished sx ppore, And friend of old Fippece noe! Oar gallant off Ohief. when be jefi uy, Beqneathed os a Captain, thooght tap Bat the traitor has since joined the way That foogh' against Tippecanoe, That fooght agains: ‘Tippecana, Oar notile uld Tippecanoe; * Bot come boys, we'll yet ‘head tbe Capi! With Harry, the daontless and ire! et The viet'ry we gained once so nvbly, We've hist, and by treachery 'ov; But, shall ever the soldiers despair, on, W ho’ve fought With old Tippecanoe, Who've fonght with old Tippecaom, The gallant old Tippecance ; Piek-yonr finie again—--look 10 you pri And FIRE! boss, for Harry, the vw Salisbtry Female Academ BALE Sommer Sescion of this Insiitote J .commenee on Monday, March 610 wb» first represeated.shese revolted subjects at they had shaken off,, and. whose sovereign was) [knowr to hageckepi fast bold of-hls American sovereigniy unlibil was wresied from his royal gtasp. He took the opporianitpof giving acmost coutieous. reception, aac of saging—which was npnecegsary, but, needless thi b 4t was, he thought.fit te-say—that- although-be was the last msn in. his dominions: Re Sensor niagto the independence of .Amerioa, there. was no man ir. his dominions that wished. better to that. iade~" pendence, and felt more anxious forthe prosper-" ofthe military proceedings. had closed, as the speech of Lord Ashburton had been made after the negotiations tiad elosed—(hear.) My lords. (said tke.poble aod Jearned Jord,)4 breathed the same prayer which my. late Sovereign exp. eaged upon that memoreble orcagion. | kope.and toast, for the sake of Amerien first ;-forhe sake of England next—for the sake of hamanity, of mankind ai large—that the prosperity and hap- magnificent epi : erected 10 cnalland and my heart glows when I reflect that to Kagiand is owing that. which America.never scruples to-confess she owes (0 Eogland— those laws, hose. Agstiiniions—above ali,.thay spirit of liberty,.ot. religiousas. well ae’ of civil liberty, whieh has made the American repablic the greatest democtalic pation that ever held-existence upon the face of the earth. Thege is enough to. fill one with j admiration, with bupe, with exaliation $..bat, in order io ap- ‘preciate its merits, and 10 carry Ahose feelings to \heir. o:lermost, it is Neerssary that.we-eompare and-conitesi i! with whatehss happened 6lse- where, in other paris.of the nea wold, whéfe, all the gifis.of pature wete not atiended with. the blessings of. social exisience,. Look 21 Seth’ Ametiea, jock at the evanis ‘which : rated the Spanish colonies from the. pa, contemplate, fur moment { b. sia natara} bless'ege, of , mal power, of all that can and-.prosperoas, and gifs whieh ovght to heaves—peare'y! 20d . of page, diversified | which¢an. pour inio Prodiot of indostry.or scent the the pooverdia} and’ dneurpsseed wealth”-of thei climates, var - = with every species of their lap ait with sonsisjently with other daties, wed to New ark toattend the teneral. Severat. Bp 4 WP The citizens of Fayetteville have made apd ' orewaréed to the unfortunate sufferers by 16 date digastsous fire in Wilminglon, the suns Pgh eased 0 | ister who represented his revolted subjects, and {2 had therefore a must difficali task to. perform— | the court of their #overeign, whose allegiance} 3 ve t-emalt ehitilten, I-arnine volt Be be 5 -piness.of that people will-be perpsinated forever 4 My lords, 1 cannot view with indifferénce.che't.’ which .: Englishmen® have | - from the pc, be toga [Sslisbar émenis are making. to. precure ap ssi fer, Who will probably enter on her me-or iwn weeks, ‘Terms as former'',™ tes and Spelling, wit! be teoghi o ¢6. £ branch ososily ‘taught in ihe first Feoole! tMineries Will be attended 'o, and it 8 that its present -arrangemernis sre soperis those of-gnv formersessinn Hev. § F (a native of France) is instrocting 2 css # Frerch langnage, and {1 is desirable thse who titendgoising should do so immedi’ He has alao consented to take charge of 1“ wo Crayon Drawing 5 @ branch which 9%) app:eciated at the North, end but Kittle a to smong as,’ A few young Ladies #" * ceived: into the family as boarders. 2nd Gr W. Lowe wil!.take Sor 10. His hy agreeably. situated in a retired pari ol CPs" a pa Secale the Academy No eo made for absence, bat io cases of long it ol TERMS - Painien- §64e8—10—or 12 56 sco the a faz mentof the popil. : Male on pn Piang’per session, Guitar pet quarter, . French: per.session, Drawing wth erayens per sessioo, Painting in watercolors dt Wax Work, ; Needle Work, &e. tavght :f corr”, EMMA J BAKER. Pr , Salisbary, March fs1, 1843-92 HEAD QuaRTt! SALISBURY, Sar ° “ 5 ZPEPICERS of the 64h : ia s— Yoo are ae ype goon A riday ihe 24.6) - A eM., wath Side AOS orolock, A A, Srvdewits, Aol ‘ , wo ° ke eis F “a ares wil gake ~ Mey 6, 16¢3~ beet ga LISHURY:. ee TF saTURDAY. oifa¥ 2 epublican Whig ‘Ticket! For President of the United States, HENRY- CLAY. oF KENTUCKY, as & 1843. <= R ~ FOR CONGRESS. col. D. M. BARRINGER, ¥ OF CABARBUS COUNTY. _ Z “— “Traited States Circuit €ourt.—The United gigtes Circvit Court, for the Distriet of North Carvlina will convene in the City of Raleigh, gro : Mondas the 24th instant. o eee - The quarrel among the Democrats ! rom al! parts of the coan:ry, we receive ac— gnis uf ‘be quarrel, that is now going on be- en the Democrats as to who shall be the wien of the party for the next Pregidency a Now York Regency are out for the little acti and seem disposed not to submit 6 pe clsine of any other of the greaf men of their ary ‘The Locofocos of Penasylvania. bave perl aominaied Wr. Bucaanan, an old Ped- galt of the deepes: dye, and are urging his juips with might and main; and the Locofocos of ke West are urging 'hec!-ims of Gen. Cass,on he party--while the “ chivalrous” friends of ir CaLHoun it the South, are making : ter- rible noise aboa! his right to be the candidate; og simost threaten 2 dissolution of the covart- nership formed in the latter part of 1837, if he is gor nominated DY the Convention, and say they are not responsible for the split in the party, should such a catastrophe happen. Butthat the lame gost fall on the Van Baren men, whom | hep not long since styled “* Rogues and Royal. ints” Well, wa don’t pity them, for when men go far forget that which is due their couniry and ommon decency, for thegvain expectation of personally benefitting themselves, and onite with sparty or set of men whom they once stigma- tid “ disorganizers and revolutionists,” —and aho were only hetd together by the “ co- iesive bonds of plunder,” deserve oo better treat W ho can repose eon fidence in such men ? Not even the “ rogues and royalists ” —— john Tyler's Nom nation —Gen. Solomon F wen. None Jan Rensalaer, a brave and valiant old soldier of | ihe last war with Great Britain, was removed jering the reign of Van Burenism from the of- fre of Postmaster at Albany, New York, and re- appointed by Geo Harrison, as soon as he went into office, was not long since, as our readers know. removed by his acectdency John Tyler, veeguse he refused to use the influence of his of- fre in sustaining the ‘I'yler paper recently es- piisbed in the city of New York, and chiefly wonorted hy the office-holders, as an evidence i ineir loyalty. The following statement will wwthat Mr. ‘Tyler is indebted to the gallant General for the power he now so tyrannical- y uses, 4 the Harrishurg Convention of December, 339 on the morning after Gen. Harrison had een nominated for President, the New York eiegation, of which | was a member, were as euoied by themselves, and were considering the question of a candidate for Vice President, when pined them. As I entered the roem, one of nem observed that they were wailing for me; nai as ‘he Convention had united so harmoni- vusiy on my nomination for President, they wished me to nominate a Vice President also “Treplied that [ did not wish t. name a can- didale, but that | shovid jotn them in anr one hey would be pleased to present. This my col- eagaes declined, and again urged me tooffer a dominstion, [ then satd that if such was their vist, | wonld name several individuals, from hom they could make their choice ; and accord- osly [ presented the names of Joho Tyler, Go reroor Owen, of North Carolina, and Joho Bell, Teonessea ‘Whey still declined making the *<cllun, and wiehed me to designate the candi {then named John Tyler, and he was ‘ymously accepted. He was on the ground, “° snew what course [ hag taken. Had I de- Sznated either of the other two gentlemen nam- *i.n¢ wuold bave been accepted with eqnal dale, b {engraving of His Vajesiy. Lovrs Pararee, | Short ime, as will also.a magnificent full length } come to Wen FNo GAnn.stzect, New Vaik, 11 is devot {te the dissemination of elegant and en twining. literatuse, generat intelligence, | Verso, and pubis > red ‘ . Py - hi legislative and other public deSates ; commerce; the fine arts, music, the drama, lecivrewand gens etal miscellaneoas:news. ‘Fhe publishere have | in almost a finished state, a sobperb. Aqua tints King of the French, whieh will sppear i 2% purtrait of tbe immortal Wasuincron, $5 The Iocofoco papers are exulling at a high sate, about the skin-deep victory io Virgia - ia, wt the fateelection. We thiok they have bat little 10 efow overt in reality, wher we take into consideration, the shamefal manner the State was digtyicied last winter. Another such 2 vie tory, and they are completely shorn of their pow. er. The Richmond Eoqoirer save: “ We bave too recently grappled with the Whig power, pol to koow its strength.” Fie, fie, Mr. Ritchie! did you not fee! its overwhelming strength ip the year’ 1840? We think you did Bot ne vertheless, we are mach gratified to see symp- ‘toms of returning sanity in the old veteran of the Enqvirer ! : - Virginia Election — Patties in the vex! Le-~ gislatore, will stand as follows: Sefiate. House, Locos _ 20 75 W bigs 12 59 Locofoeo majority 24 on juint ballot BC} The correapondent- of the Baltimore Pa triot, generally well informed, erites fron Washington as follows; “ Mr. Cushing, it is said, has selected Mr. John Tyler, Ji., a8 his Private Secretary. Mr. Webster shortly re turns to Massachusetis. Fle held on ee long as be could without changing - his- polities ae a Whig. The Locdfocs ‘tendencies of tha Ad- ministration beeame too strogg for bim, and hetherefore reluctantly, and--afier grcat per- sonal effort, cot loose from ttiexoffice. | do not donbt that be cow “n¥eathes freer.” “V7hat will be bis fatore contse is perhaps as uncortaio to-himself ss it is entifely unknown to the pod lic.” §C¥ Anderson Mitchell, Esq, of Wilkes county, has been pomineied for Congress, by the Whigs of the 3d District, compe J of the coun- ties of Wilkes, Ashe, Surry, Stokes, Gocking- | bam and Caswell. The Hon. Kdmnnd Denerry, and George C. Mendenhall, both Whics, sre candidates in the 4th Distriet. Northeastern Boundary —Among the pas— sengers in the steamer Hiternis; ct Doston, from Liverpool, are Captains Brosghton and Robin- son, and Lieut Ripon of the British ereny, who in connexion with a depotation of Amsrican en gineers, are to lay down and aserk the boundary line between Maine and New Branawick, accor. ding to the recent treaty FROM ViEXICO. The New Orleens papor> ha7e received let- to1s and papers from Vera Cruzto the 24th ul- tinto, and from the cit? of Siaxico to the 17th. A letter from the latter place, published in the New Orleans Bee, says: “ There is little of interest to communicate.— A forced loan upon Mexican citizens of two and a half millions is about being rads, of which two hundred and sixty thousand dollars isto pay the first instalment of American elsims.” A decree increasing the deties upon all foreign goods bronght into the countre 20 cent., was pro- mulgated at Mexico on th> Tih, to take eJeet in the ports. on the Gulf in tout Gonths, and in those on the Pacific Ocean in six months from the de- cree: The National Congress was in sessivo in the city of Mexico. ‘The Minister of War had re- commended that the name of Gen. Gaudaloupe Victoria, the first President of the Confedera— tion, be placed in letters of gold in @ cowepicuous place in the Hall of Representmives, and that his remains and those of Guerrero be removed *idinese and unanimiy. Vaz God and my countrymen pardon my > Yous error in this matter, which | shall nevs | Tcease iu deplores. But I did it for the best.— ad served in Congress with him, in years pe by, and then 1 deemed him an honorable tan; and ae Virginia was nearly balanced, { “sped she nomination of my amiable friend might “ioe ihe seale in our favor “Such isa orief statement of the manner in Pict Soha Tyler odtained his nomination, How tsuusly he has deceived and disappointed ex- © Son, the whole country ea testify, Bat “avon 18 drawing mgh, and the tokens ean- me uatsiakeg. A lower tall awaits him than ‘veriaken any public man who bas ever be= ‘he misplaecd onfidence of the gountry,. SOL VAN RENSALAER. ‘82 Wate Cxranron, is the title of a neat _ red title paper ynst started in Rate ch. ’ H. Husted, Ednor, and pablished under the “¥isloa of the Whig Central Committee. "OD presence appearance, it bids fair tobe an "tnd + fierent advocate of ibe principles which “Ne the great Whig Party. We hope that Inends of the eause, and of Hesrv Cray, ; a eesti themselves, and give u if Possible, a “eealation. {ft will be published, Ghontd “ficient number of subscribere be obtained,) “hiya: the extreme low price of one dollar a Far ig advance e a trian Whig.— The seco number of a at and Spirited paper under the above title has ‘Meeived. Et is published in. the City of tire at the printing establishment of Sam vee wear of Baltimore and North 2 year in advance, or ten copies Mc reek and “ed dollars ontit November, . 1S tame gdiéates,it is an anffiecb- comer of the tree. Whig prineipies, aud ~-"*alton of that Patriot. and Statesman us y to the capital, and deposited in tbe tomb design- ed for them ° A private letter dated at Saltillo on the 2 ol- esiré in-every quanter a the Ylokes juries," —— ~ be secret uf the Sypenac: to Execo= tive favor ~aduintion of Jobn Tyter—for we are very donhbifal if there is to be found frendt¥to llr Tyter, wo bias not’ his nwa porpoises to subserve. Resdlutions were adopted indicative of Tyler policy, one Of which smelt so horn bly of Repudiation, we petceive from the’ Sun, se to r+ guire to he amended, lest the | people should ideatfly it, we presime, with tis diebcnest progenitor of Mississippi. Tie President was of course glomfed {for his mo- narchical asevof the velo; an opporwnity demanded for him-of going helage s. N stion- at Cénvention in May,1844 —Mr Cathoun’a time— Baltimore designated as the place of holding it—the establishment of a Bark de- nounced, as also e Tariff-f dates h:gher than neeessary to the eronomicel support of government—The hand Bill sod. +*Cost Jobnacn’s plan” were each resolved against, &e. The reading of the doings of this Tyler meeting reminded os of the reply wade by @ lady to her lover, @bho kneeling before ber, poured oat in fervent accents, bis tale of love, and wound up by asking ber band—1o ali @bich she replied, piecing the fore fing- er of hec rmbt hend- on her noru—': You can’t come it "— Baltimore Whig. - A St, Malo joornal givea the following accouni of a sinaclar mersiege Istoly-celebraied a: Com- bourg, near thet port. A widower, aged 47, having ten children by bis late Gife, who was aleo hia consinegermain, cuootrected @ new allj- anee with a ‘-:idow who hed 14 ebildren, 13 ut whom are still living. Thsea of ihe cew wife's children were already allied to the family of her husband, and these on attending the nuptials fund tbemselve~ in presenco of mothers, fathers in-law, mothors in Jaw, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, and children to the emount of 60 persons. And yot the whule of the fatily were not assem bled, for some of the relations, refosed tobe wit- nessza of a qarriate by which the brother be- came the father-in-law of his own brother, the mother beceme the sigier-in-law of her own daughter, and the wale and female cousine be- came brothers and sieter-in-law. ALTAR OF H¥YMEN. ceases «6 Those wham love cements in holy faith ** And equal transport, free as Nature live. seentee ) VZhat is the world te them, ‘{ta pomp, its pleasure and iis nonsense all, -* Who in each other clasp whatever fair ** High fancy forms. and lavish hearts can wish RSRRIED. In this county on the 11th inat.. he the Rev. Samuel Rothrock, Mr Caled 4 Heileg, to Mies Mary A. Barrier. In Stokes county an the 25th oliimo, be Wil liam “Matthews Fxq, Mr Jerome B. Vaughn to Mies \Vancy Leak, Also, on the same dav. by William Witherg. Fieq.. Mr. Jonathan Flinn, to Mas Jane Sothe:n. alfuf the coonty of Stokes. | DiwyY. In this Town on the 17'b inst , Elita, infans daughter ot DF. and Susan Haden, aged abou! one year fn Mecklenburg eoanty on the 5th instant. M: James A Hart, sged 22 years. Obniusry Next week erihe Hmite'of ihe ‘cite, 2 sitigic individoe! | Fasiionable Establishment ! in all respetig. Gentlemen. shere 0 baviog their clothes made pp in the most faebionsble and durable manner. Wee have been engaged regolarly in cutting for the last five yeaye,and part. of the time. in some of 1i,e must celeprated establiahmenisin (te Soathern coun-, \ Ai We shal! not hesitate to gagrantee every og Ww fit we eut and mike. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK ; FESHIOWS, received monthy In conclosion, should we be encouraged, no ene need send away to procure tore, may rety good elothing. A. P ALSOBROOK. HS °MILLLR. Reference. + Vhos. M. Otiver; Raleigh, N. C. Salsbury, May 20, 1849— 1926 Ready Made CARRIAGES FOR SALE. ‘ (* HE Subscriber will keep constantly on hand a supply of Ready made Carriages from the well known Manofactory a Yancey vilte. consisting of COACHEES, BAROUCHES, and BUGGIES, @hicb he will warrant to be equel, if not superior, to any made io the North- ero Sfeteo, for besuty and derability The sabscribér réspectfully sulicits a share of public patronsge. He may always be found ai ‘he stand formerly owned by John 1. Shaver. WM. OVERMAN, Agent, For Wryarr Waxes. Salisbory, April 22, 1842—6a$9 N B_ Repairing done in the best sivle. Ww. 0. State of Worth Car olina. DAVIDSON | OUNTY. IN EQUITY—APRIL TERM, 1848. &~ etiv Martio Nading and } others. i] ws. } Petition for the sale of Re- Barnet Wyre, and | a) Ee-tate, others. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart. ther John Michael and Beiss bis wife, De— fendanis in thie case. live beyond the limiis of ‘hie State: Bt is therefore ordered hy the Coort, hat pablication be made in the Carolina Watch man, for s1x suceeasive weeks for said D+ fend- ints to be and appear at our nex! Coat! of Equi. 'y, to be held for the county of Davidson, at the Court House in Lexington, on the Ist monday sfterthe 44h monday in September next, then sod there to show cause if any they bave, why he praver of the Petitioners shall not be grani- ~d, otherwise jodgmen! pro confesso as iv them vill be entered. and the cauge heard exparte. Witness, Wo Wommack. Clerk and Master of oor said Court at Office, the tst monday after the 4th monday in March, 1843 W WONMMACK. cure 6w39 —Priniers fee $5 50 Gadlrann od & DOMESTICS. THE SALISBURY MANUFACTUR- ING COMPANY } AVE still forther redaced the PRICES of ther MANUFACTURES, in conse- quence of the continaed depression of business throughout (he eountry They are manofactor- tro, which the Balletin thinks entitled to cre dit, etates that seventeen of the Texien prigen- ers taken at Miet have been executed 91 Salado. ‘There seems, however, to be no confirmation of this ltem of intelligence. Robbery of the Publie.—For some @ays past a notice has been published in the Government: pa pera, by the Secretary of the Freasary, thet in formation had reached that Department ttt on the 26th day of July last a package was made up at the office of the Collector of the Castoms at New Orleans, contairing Treasury notes of the United States, which had not been re- ceived at that offive,and had been paid and can cellec by writing upon their fece and by a receipt endorsed upon them, which package had not been received at the Treasury ; and that it had been ascertained that some of the notes thus paid and | eancelled had been paid into the Custom Houses and :o Receivers of Poblic Moneys, bearing ve ry sight indications, if any, of a priot cancella tion, from which was apprehended that othere af tie-same description might bein citcolation, §c. We now leain from ibe New Orleans “ Prop ie” of the fitst instant that the amount of Trea sory Notes contained in tha package above re- ferred to was one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ; that enough has transpired of fhe facts asceriained in an investigation made by an agen: seot to New Orleans from the Treasury. for that Purpase, to render it quite certain that the mo- cey did not lenve the city of New Orleans ; ‘and that the recerds of the Costom Howse in that city do in fact-sheW tha! ‘some of the identical Holes comprising that packsge have again been Washington | : The guilt of this extensive robbery rests by memes between the Cusiom.Honse and the Posi Office a: New Orleans; not that any officers of ether should be presomed goiliy proved-to he ao—bat it is certain jhe robbery can on F received in payment there, aod forwarded to | - iog Cotton Yarns, AMV os. assort. 4. S hirting, heavy. Ge¢ dhe. tne. SPEEVG end STILNER PASHIONS FOR 1843. HORACE H. BEARD AS jnst rece'ved of Wr. F Manan the LONDON, PARIS & PHILADEL PHIA FASHIONS, for ibe Spring and Sunimer of 1843! which far earpasees any thing of the kind here— tofore published. He still carries on the Tailoring Rusiness io-all its branches, at his vid stand, where be is ever ready tv meet and secommodate his old and new vastomers with fashionable catting and ma king uf garments, not to be surpassed by aby in ihe southern country. Puncivality, despaich e (7-2 da. hear y- = . 3 = re ., The Pablic are assured tba | their guods are of the best qualify, and ean be porehased on terms as favorable, as they can be procured at.any other establiahasent. J. RHODE BROW NE, Agent Salisbury, May 20, 1848 —1f48 me NOTICE. 4 VYHOMAS McGUIRE of Davie county en- tered on the siray book a Bay Filly about (wo years old, with a.defect an the left bind foa: hardly discernable; valued by two freeholders according to law a; !wenty dollars Said -beas: was taken ap the 24:h Apri]. The owse: is requesied to come and prove property, pay chargesand receive the same ; otherwise in due ume, it will be dis of aceording io Jaw. JAMES RENSHAW, Raager of Davie coonty. / agement, he hopes to merit its-continvance. and fath{o} work as has been, always shall be hia aim and object. Thankful for past encoor- oP_.d. Reference he deems unnecessary, as his | experience and work for the last thirtees years { wil! show. ‘HORACE H BEARD. April 13, 1843— 1/38 - CABINET MAKING! HE Subscriber regpectfally returns his thanks for past favors, and informs his vld | friends and the public that be still continues to | carty on the above business in ali iis various | branches, and at the old stand on main street, — 99. do-pripied_ muslin and lawas, 89 do-browa drills, 4f do Kentecky janes, SS _do bed ticks 20 do Ginghems 5 do bet anchor bolting cioths 190 leghors ard willow hats 187 dus palin leat do. 226 do cotian handkerchiefs 1240. pr shues, assorted $0° cases hats assoried 446° ladies bonnete assorted 233 doz combs assorted MTS gross bitions assured "45 stddles assoried FT diz, grass and grain Scythes 105 ¢:2% pocket knives "ISI doz koives and furts 4°duz catting krives 21 dz weeding hoes 9 blaekmith vises 6 de anvils 4 pr do beliows 15. doz saddle trees £0 pieces bagging 8 coils rope 405 bags coffee 17 hhds sugar 173 kegs white lead 22 pre elliptic springs 75 pre trace chains 1000 jbs loaf sugar 54 kegs powder 182 kegs osils and brads, Together with a general stock of ‘all kinds of GOODS. These goods were selected with the nimos: care, and they have been bupght- with eash and for cash, which is more than any other establish ment in tbis place ean say, (if ‘hey speak the truth) ; and-we further say, that it is by far th largest siock that bus ever been brought teths place —and we defy a contradiction. Thes- goods are for sale, and we are determined 10 Beli them for cash, luwer than they can be bough elsewhere, let the price be what it may. A’ we ask isacall. if you please. Most reapecifully yours, J & W. MURPHY Salisbury, April 29, 1843—140 NEW Spring & Summer GOODS. ' f° HE Subseribers are now receiving the la: gest and most complete stock of desirabi- Goods, ever brought to this market 5—eungisti: in part of English and French Cloihs and Cass: meres, Satinets, Keniucky Jeans ano Gentie- tarn’s summer cloths, Nankeen and Cotton Cas meres, French, Evalish and American Pyigis Painted and figured Freach muslins ane a ws- Satin striped dnd Paris figured Balshreing, (ne ietiele) plain. Black awd fanev teo'ored Lawns Sentech ginghame, Crape de "anes, Plain an- figared mastin de Lanes, Ploin and figuteo Cha! es, Black and eoljored Alpe wer lusters and Bur -aines, Blue, black apd colored, plain and sir ed silks, Silk gun’, and fringe for trimaine dresses, Jacouet! ane Swrs mustins and Bishops Lawns, Gambroor,¢ and [.inen drills, Black aug fancy silk Crayats and Stocks, Sitk and Lines. handkerchie‘s, Muslin collate and Sik dres- shalls, Bouck and white silk Hose, Bolting cloth~ from Mo 5 to 9, (warranted genuine,) ‘Tatters ‘MD nings, lagrave carpeting and matting, T'ar ives Patent shears and points, Lawn Florence Braid and Straw boonets Panama, Leghor:.. For and wool Hais, Seal, Cloth and Leathe. (aps, Robinson's fise Kid slips, du Seal and esi: ‘| walking, 4.doz. Miles” fine Philadelphia mau. ealfand morpeco Boots, 15 cases Geatlemer. and ladies lined and teund low price shoe- Crockery, Hardware. Saddlery and Sadlers isin: mings, Carriage trimmings of every deseripiio: Smith and Carpenters tools, a large quansiig Sole and Upper leather, (very cheap.) Windus glaes, Patty, Naits, White lesd No. 1. 2, and pure, (warranted good,) Castor Oil, Saks, Qu:- nine, and Rowan’s Tenie mixture, Loaf, are Lomp sugar, 20 Hdds Brown do. 25 Hdde Molasaes, $1! haces Rio Coffee, 3 tana Fnglisi. Tire, Spring DB ister and Cast Steel, a large assortment of fron and Castings The above Goods was selected wit! great care and will be seld for Cash. wholesale and teta ha unprecedented low prices The Public are res pecifully invued to cail and examine for them. selves, . JENKINS & BILES. Saliebury, April 22, 1843—1539 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY. ee IN EQUITY —-APRIL TERM, 1843. John P. Mabry, —s 8. | ‘ { Origins) Bill Cieera Lowe, Henry R. Dosenbary, Adm'rs, and Benjamin F. Wiihams, | and his wife Jane. ‘T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coer: wife, defendants in this case, live beyond the twodoors below J, & W Murphy's store and op- posite the Watchman Printing Office, where he | may always be found. He keeps constantly on | that Benjamin F. Williams and Jane bis hmits of this State: It is therefore ordered, that peblication be made fur six successive weeks } hand a variety of well finished work, and ai pri- | the Carolina Waichmsn, for said Defendants t:. ces seaoeit ihe times, Also'a supply of ready l appear and answer complainaots Bill at thenext made Coffins constantly kept on hand to suit any | term of this Cuurt, to be eld tor the eventy o! Mvasere; and st lower prices than ever they | Davideon, «t the Coart Hoase in Lexingian, o« have been. sold for. - | the Ist munday after the 4th monday in Septem N. B. All kinds of Lember and Coentry Pro- | ber next, or Judgment pro confesso will be en- dues jaken io exchange for work, { May 20. 1848—Sw48 Dr. G. B. DOUGLAS, wes permanently located himself in ' Salisbary, offers his professional servicas lo the publie, ’ . ‘ | be paid to ali Surgi Abar ty bave been penis. as the Tropic says, by some porson or persons familiar wilh the.mode , Cray; to the nex! Pregiden . + + , * TR 5 fe he Whig tanty, - eee . of condacting business in those establishments, | Pariicalar attention wil a! cases entrasted to his care. §t-f Office in dormer Bouse; nearly opposite J. & W. Morphy's siére. Sstisimry, May 6,-18a3—1f41 ¢ P Ln - a | K. ELLIOTT. April 29, 184S—1¥40 _ _ DENTIST | tered as to them Witness, W Wommack, Clerk and Master of said Cuurt at Office, the tst moaday after thr 4th monday ia Mateh, 1848 W. WOMMACK,c mz. 6 «39 — Printers fee $5 50 XPECTS to revere to Salishary in a few) weeks _ Persons wisbing. bis services, who " Dr, D, 4, Maxwell, are living ia. the covetry, cae inform him of the AVING located brmself 3: Geo Kerr's io same, dy addressing bim ‘hroogh the Post Of- fice at Salisbury. Such calls swe!t always be ¥ attended Ami! 2. 1848—€ w46 Ruwan county, on the road leading from Salisbory ‘0 Beswie’s Ford, politely tenders bis professiunal sereires ‘0 the pablic. May 15, 1843 —1142 ¥ ae te ee = — BAe YA * ‘ws 5 te - 4 -” ; Dh eS eee teen goes ad ¢ as : 4 . > vs x drug a a eck sg ms marge ¢ - gett ae they re ia: eS . 2 pid bers tivieg, sed «fer for sate; | 1 fr e of ta Rast of Spring ond Summer Gavds, 845 Pack ages, | Among- whieh, are the folloning ing : . Se ae ting - - ~_ ‘ oh domesiic, places; and on éhildrem mak€ it : 510. do caticoes, assured, thane who haze leet ght Sere cig cota “= ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of childrea i selools, are prevented or killed by it.at once — Pind the name of I it, or Rever try it. Remember thie, always,» ——— ars os RHEUMATISM, and positively eured, and ail shrivelled + are restored, in the old or young, by the Typ Vacetasia Etram axp Nekvs ann Bons Lixttenr— but never without the name of Comstéck & Co. on it. i “= 2 Go. and évery ot 5 Co of an out werd application. It acts like ® charm. Use it. —— HORSES that have Ring. Wind-Galis, &c., are cured by Roors’ Spsciric ; and Fi ' horses entirely cured by Roofs’ Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. _ Dalley’s Magical Pain Ex- tractor SalveThe mos extraordinary remedy ever invented for-all. pew or old Bone, Spavin, thousands, It will take out. all pain in ten minutes, rand no failure. It will-cure he FSS LIN’S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was made, All should wear them regularly. LIN’S TEMPERANCE BITTERS: on the principle ef substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. Tobe used with LIN’S PILLS, .superior to ai! othere for cleansing’the system and thé humors afiec:. ing the blood, and fer all irregularities of the bowels, d-th | health. “isiee Dr. Lin's sig- &ctor@ Ci ev eieniiemenenl Ol nature, thus :] HEADACHE DR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the Bekeg OF bilious. Hundreds of familics are =? using it with great joy. —— DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain prevention of FEVER S{ or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination t- seme, GOLDS pains in the bones, hoarseness, and DROPS are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. $$ CORNS.—The French Plaster.is a sure cure. 13 0 1 0 ) ( Ne ' i 1] ' bY hair any shade you wish, but will pot coler the eh - ) ’ , . : ’ SARSAPARILLA. coustocics c. 3 POUND EXTRACT. There is no other preps: tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equai If you are sure to get Cosistock’s, you will fin superior to all others. It does not require puffing Mais ESEBoe HUE SSS CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and + external ailinge—all internal irritations broveh: 1) surface by friction with this Baim ;—so in c swelled or sore throat, ughtness of the chest, ihn Bo'r applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once Fresh wounds or old sores are rapid}v eured bv 1! Br. Bartholemew's late EXPECTORANT, eill prevent or eure all incipient co COUCHS & COLDS taken in time, and is a delighdul remedy. ber the name, and get Comsteck’'s. _ VERMIFUGE in children or adults with a certainty quite estonishing. It sells with a rapid: y almost incredible, by Comstock ¢ Cv., Now York TOOTH DROPS. . KLIN E’S—cure effectual’ —_——— LE wa ec ek wots of hea Romans Dummett Mee Non By applying to our agents in each town «1 ' village, papers may be had free, showing the) - respectable names in the country for these fac‘s, -0 that ho-one can fail to believe them. Og Be eure you call for our articles, and no be put off with any stories, that others are ~~ good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be your motto-«and these never can be true and genie swithout our names to them. All these articles to be tiad wholesale and retail only of us. CUmiSTbehitGo Wim ee Tl Maiden-Lane, New York, and of our agents. He Lue Heute Mester s wey OF hav a Lie Watchman Office, and at the Drug Sivre of © B W heeter Gatisthry, Fev, 25, (845-1551 JXPECT tT ia eS Kemem will wrw CABINE CHALR €? SOFA’. Hanufacturing ose eeIMENT |! ———_ THE SUBSCRIBERS’ AVING associated themselves together for ihe parpose of manufacioriog Chairs, Bureaus, Sof@’Ss,. SECRETARY'S, WARDROBES, Centre--lables, SIDEBOARDS:; &0.4&C. in the very best hind of style, and of the ‘finest materials, beg leave to ask at the hands of the citizens of the country and villages around, a share of their patronageio oor line of business. Their shop 1s a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Jones’ old Tavern. JOHN FRASER, . WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 1943—1/33 ee KENILWORTH HOGS! FBV Snbscriber has jast added to his stock H ot Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs, imported tr m England in the fali of 1841, by Mr A B Allen, uf New York, and are now a- bow. 18 munthsold ‘The Boaris a very supe- r nimat deep, thick and excellent ia afl bis pow ‘he Sow very fine, with a liter of eight pis, wiich, Mr oeanty aod form, can hardly be surpissed. Those who may wish a taifer de- seription of these fine animals, are re“Iprad to Mr Aljeo’s letier poblished in the Cut ator.— The subscriber has also, a Vorkshire Sow. pur- chased of Wr. Alien, from a Sow ftaported by him tram Koghand; and some Thin rind Sows : and thase wishing to purchase, cau have the pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosses of Keaiiworih aod Yorkshire, Thin-rind and Bark- shire. Hos stock of Berkshires waa porchased Slr. ©. N. Bement, of New York, and ts not surpassed hy anyin the United States. Fhose wishing to improve their siock of llogs, have how a better opyurtunity of doing so, than hss ever been offered South of the Potomac. Orders for any of the above will be prompily aitended to. WM. F. KELLY. Near Mocksville. Davie co. 2 455 January 14, 1845. a CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint, R TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER | WORT. --t:om 374 Bowery, New York— tor the eure of coughs, colds, eatarrhs, Asthma, soreness of the chest. pain in the side and breast, raising of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, | aud all those affections of “Pbroai and Lungs,— which are a source of so much suffering, and un arrested, so often terminate in Consumption— It is purely vegetable, mild and gentte tn its ef- fects upon the system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases, with safety as well as utili- ty. Physicians, aware of its medicinal proper- lies, aod witnessing its effects even in extreme, and in some ihstances, apparentiysalmost hope- less cases, ufieo prescribe it in thetr practice, both 49 & palliative and a remedy, and with the Medical Faculty generally, it has met with great approbation. Ee CONSUMPTION --The following remarks were taken from the last oumber of the Medical Magazine : ‘The surprising effect prodaced by the genu— ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at 8735 Bow- ery, in consuinpiive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the world We have su ung believed thie disease (consamp Hor) incurable, that it is difficult to credit: our senses when we see persons, evidently eonsump- tive, restured to heaith. oveursence.”” The following was given na ashorttime since, by Capt Scutt, of Elizsbeth City, N.C. Certificates. © Beiog constitatiooally predisposed to Con- suraplion, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely | from irritation of the Laugs, accompanied with conga and raising matier and blood, woyether “with severe pare in my side and breast, till | wae Supposed to be beyond recovery, | was induced by advice of Dr Perkins, as a last resort to iry Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. | have iaken five bottles io all. PT began to improve with the first Soine, and while taking the third, was so far re- ‘overed, a8 to be able to get about Sinee whieh ne by continued ose uf tt, fam quiie restored oe ( aitend io my usual business. To per- ~ sulle nag froin coughs aod affections of the - | do earuestly recommend it ( Mianed n JAS C SCOTT. ihre Cite, NLC, Dee 16, 1942. | rs ' croup ny two physicians, and told to pre ‘death )] was so weak | eonld not raise “omy bead. TF was in this low state ec seat me a bottle of Dr Taylor's i, verwort, trom 375 Bowery, and be ‘ap the bottle, T was able to eit ap ‘he further use, | have completely y health GEO WELLs, 28 John st ‘2 the side —I have been cured in the side, extending through vigestion, Cieziaess, loss of ap an? ceseral debility, by the vse of two ! Or Paytu'’s Balsam of Liverwort, from JF H Allen, No7 Merchani’s Row. ve atthe Drug Store of © B Wheeler, "snneg march 4, 1848 ~1¥392 LEME! REMB!! c Ss . ° D> Pursery NY qnantity of fresh Lime can be bad at ‘by Kolo ot the late Joseph Walliams dec By ibe 100 bushsls and over 16 cents; 50 to! 100 bushels 18 ; 5 to 40 bushels 20, unslacked in propartioa All persons wishing lime either at the kila or | iheir residence, will apply either to J WILETA MS. poy : Rochford, Surry county, N.C march 18, 1848, “§ 84 GARDE SEEDSY a A Dury Megical and Drag Store N © y daw 91,1843 1196 “HL? SY PIL -y mo “HES yoimen’ is refunded to aay person wh use ah tile of Haws’ Liniment tor the Pile ard » have been the terms on whr h thi ' bas veeo sold for nearlp ten years past, } cut of one bundred has ever tif For asie at the Watchman | Iadigo, an ius C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; J&R en mre yottle rtyrned isv-re’,3 Hillsboro’, D Heart PoSaory ; Raieighj¢ $ Duith, ; loiu—ty32 5; Lex \ this remedy t8 highly and justly Eietoaaianeds) Yet it ia a fact of daily | r Conplaint asd General Debility. —1 | or R.} GiNERAL assoriment, may be foend at aSIy VS’ LINIMENT!! PILES -'The price of this celebrated v'ore the emote oottle without beiag cured \ SEN TES > = arene 7 oe at L- ies’ ‘ Fashions ~ yO THE rat and Winter of IWVE Subscriber informs the pablic, that she has just received etireugh the Northern Citiesthe ‘atest and most approved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to-exeonte orders in the mos" stylish and satisfaelory manner. Work seni from a distance 3:01) be carefully ptt up and ferwarded. Ss, D. PENDLETON. BCP Mrs P has on haoda handsome assort- meat of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and ‘Turbans, fur gale. *.* Mrs. S. P is also prepared to execute Crimping and Flating on reasenabie terms. Salisbury, December $, 18-412 NEW FASHIONS FOR THE Spring and Summer of 1843. THOWAS DICKSON ESPECTFULLY informs his friends ana poblic, that he still carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS nall its various branches, two dours abuve J. & | W. Morphy’s store, where he is ready to 6xe~ | cote all orders of his customers in a.style and manner not surpassed by any in this part of the country. Heis also in the regular receipt of the NEW=-YORK FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the | Fashionable at all times, April 15, 1843—ty3 TO FAMILIES. ROWAND’S ‘TWIPROVED’ TONIO MIXTURE. Tkose who would have recourse to a° Family Medicine for Fever anv Acute, Dyspepsia and | Nervous Weakness, should discriminate bet ween ‘the ‘thousand and one” remedies constantly | ' hera'ded forth to the poblic, (the same now as in | all times past, ) and that almosi universally “suc - | cessful prescription called | Lowand’s Improved Tonic Mizture. A few remarks will serve to illustrate the dif- | ference In the first plave, the operatiun of the | ‘Tonic Mixture in the cure of Feverand Agoe is upon entirely mew and peculiar, yet safer principles. Seeondly : Lt not only promplly ar- i rests the course of the chills, when ponctually and persevering!y used, but itsoon restores the wonted functions of the general system to a per- | fectly healthy state ; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an attack of the disease in one who has neverhad itbefore. ‘Thirdly: The system, during the administration of the {mprov- ; ed Tonic Mixture, springs up at once under its | benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of res | tarning health and vigor. Fourthly: Producing | more or less effeci on the bowels, the cause of | the disease passes off in the way mosi strongly | indicated by natare. Fifihly: Its effects on the | System are oniformly mild aod safe, as well ag | efficient, and it is as well adapted to the feeblest | infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as | the most vigorous adult. Many other consider- ations, of the almost importance to the anxious parents and invalids, mighi be enomezated here, but the above are a few of the points of contrag’, | in comparison with the remedies generally resorc- | ed to in professional and family practice, from |; which a proper jadgment may be formed in se- lecting the remedy. N B. With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the ‘ Rowand’s Improved ‘Yonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor restores the original guarantee, viz: The money shal! be returned in every case whereir. the remedy has been puoctually ased without producing the desired effect. Address Dr.JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 North Second Street, Phitadel phia. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent fur Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEELER. Sept 3, 1842—156 MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, ' terest in the above Establishment, tenders his services to the Travelling Public. Having tor several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Mount Mourne, io Iredell county, Le indalges (be bope that he has experience enoogh io the daties of his business to endeavor to render com tortaole, all who besiow upon his house their pa tronage, Bis TABLE shall al@aya be well and plenti folly supplied with every thing the country af- fords, to please and satisfy the palate even of an epicure. His BAR will be found furnished with a choice selection of Liquors. His STABLES shal! be constantly attended by faithfal and attentive host | with abundant provender ' House. HIRAM T. SLOAN. Charlotte, Febraary 4, 1843.—6m.28 \--——~*+-+-- \SUPPLY OF AND GROCERIES!! ae cuuniry, ihat be has received a new and splen did supply ot Confectionaries and Groceries, con sisting of all kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS | of the very best quality, such as Madeira, Port S| Peaeriffe, Champaigue, Moseat, Claret, | Malaga, Wines, French Brandy, L. ) | lemons, Almonds, Raisins | Sugar and Coffee, Candies, Mention, which T will sell as cheap for cash a ~| iu Salishury FR ROUEUHE: march 4, 1343 —1y32 AVING porehased Mr. T. R. Hughes’ in- | N. B. The Siage-Office is kept at the Maasivn | CONFECTIONARIES R. ROURCHE, respeetfully informs the e citizens of Salisbury and the surrounding } and | lenges exhivition before tbe bes! of jndges hey can be bonght at aay other Establishment , Pozsle offered them, at the t ramtg Davis, - vs Forwa - ommission-and ILMIRGtO®- Ere VILE N. G, dis tow prepared to recéiy: | B Goods ag Wilmington, and forward | ; \whis Agent atBayetiewlie, who wil forward the Owners th the bark. cogotry. He bas a tsrge stored free of storage, and the owners subjected only toh age {ro Fayettaville,—ttereby lesseniog the expense 00. Werehouse ts isolatad:from all other buildings, the dangér of Fire wil! bes: ifling in compatigon® to the risk iocorred from being situated in town, Those who may favor him with their basidess, may rest-assured that every attention wil] be paid to the promolion of their-raterest. GEO. W. DAVIS. Ref -rences ; Messts John Haske &:- Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, WN. C Alexander Anderson, ; Jota McRae, ' Joho Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. . Dolphia A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, VW. C. E..S. Powell, Packet Agent, New. York. Oct 1. 1842—1f10 ; DR. D. JAYNE’S FATUULY WEDIttNES. parse MEDIGINES are expressly pre- pared for family ase, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity throughout the United States ; and as they are so admirably calcalated lo preserve Health and cure’ Disease, no family should ever be without them. ‘Phe proprietor of these valuable preparations received his educa— tion at one of the best medical Colleges io the United States, and has had fifteen yecrs experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he bas had ample opportunities of aequir ing a practical knowledgevof disgases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Cokds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spilting 0/ Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Aéute Rheuma- tism. Painin the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Tungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth,and Beauty of the Hair, and which wit! positively bring in New Hair oo Balil [!cads,and prevent tts fall- ing out or tarning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach. Fever and Ague, Piles, Want. of Appetite, and alj diseasas of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhec, Dysentery, Cholic Cramps. Sick Headache, Seur Stomach, (holera Mor- bus. and a}l derangemenis of the Stomach aod Bowels, Nervous. Affections. §c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Purgative Medicine is sequired. ‘The above medicines are for sale, whoiesale or retail, at the Salisbary Medical and Drug Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. Sept 5, 1842—1y6 Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy for Congbhs, Hoarsenese, Colds, Pain in the Breast, fofluenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult Expectoration. GI ?For sale at the Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury march 4, 1845—1y32 . C.-B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has jnst received a fresh <up— ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mixture, which is fur sale wholesale and reiai’, at he Medical Drug Store, Salisbury, N. C. Dec 10—tt20 ! Dr. Lis Galvanum | Machine Spread | Strengthening Plasters ! PBNHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ha- ving the preference of all others, are warm- ly recommended by cif doctors as invaluable for invalids having pains in the Breast, Back or side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved at once by their use and the parts restored io Strength and a natera) warmth and health. Any person wearing one of (hese Plasters, will be as- tonished and delighted at the comfort it affords. Those threatened with Lung Complaints shoold never trust themselves a day without wearing 2 Plaster. It removes the irritation of incipient Consomption from the Lungs to the surface of the body, and draws off the internal affection — So in Liver Complaints,.and Coaghs, and colds ere and supplied | Children with Whooping Cough should always have one, to prevent the cough settling on the lungs. Their excellence wi)] be ondersiood by | all on triai. §tc# For sale by C B Wheeler, | Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J P Mabry . Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1843—1532 ' The beautiful English Stallion Imported PUZZLE, Fil. L stand the present season which has now commenced ai rhe stable of Co!. Charles Me- Dowell, 2 miles north of Morgane | ten, Bocke county, North Carolina, at the te | dueed priceof §25 the season, pagable within ) the same, sou $35 insorance. “He is of fine size | } | being over 16 hands high,a dark bay or brown! ,| dappled And for baaatifel syametry, chal- Po2z - ; iland Gin, + ale was sited by Reveller, among the very firs: | Purter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials, _in the list ot Eaghsh stallions, and. whose cols » Oranges, Oysiers, | are commandiag as high prices as the get of any ; Copperas, Madder, 4 various other articles too tedioes te , horse on the Continent. (For particulars see | handbilia.} ° The breeders s | will rarely have the services of goch a horse as above unusaal prices _ J. POWELL, Agent Morganton. Co. April £1, (842-5059 SE See rding Merchant Warehouse at the River, where Goods ii be}, of Westera Carolina, . —? ae ves ee 2 ‘4 aie Ww ’ 2 a rH alf the usual éatiage from the River<(o” d re Goods much below. the osam charge. AW bis | 5; must be rigidly foliowed. - cific powers of one of the ingredients fn his med- icines, is the secret. of -his invariable triempb, or only temporarily succeed, were with the vety bes' - remedies Guhiaine aeene, povkthe or Agus iseither Quotidiam, or daily; Terlian, ot ibiedcdad 3 Quartan, or fourth day.; Eratic,or sometimes one of these periods and sometimesa- nother; or it is-Complicated, by takiag. these periods in succession, and fhen ronning into, in- termittent fever of a moré-maligoant character. Bal it is asremarkable facts however myaterious and uusccountable it may appear; that each and all of these spevies: of Agus, bave a FouR- TRENTH DAY CRISIS, in which they may ‘be cured with certainty, but oy neglecting which they can only be cared by chance. Dr. .Mar- FaT's directions fur taking the medicines in bis disease, are therefore.there.:— First, take.two of the Lire Pitrs at bed time, aud next morniog oafore breakias: a full wine glass of the PH@nix Brerers in about the same quaotity:of water, and half a Wine glass more io a fall wine glass of water, aboot half an hour before each meal duriog the «dey, On the second. night. take three pills andthe bitters ae before ; on the third night four pillsand the bitters as before, aad con- tinve taking foor, pills every night for three. nights mote, witb the bitters during the day,— On or before the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient wil} fee! well, hangry,; aod bearty,; but he must ne- vertheless continue to take the bitters.as. before prescribed, until aod on the fourleenth day, with two pille every night after the seventh day,— He will theo, and. not antil then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billious and liver affections jt may have superio— duced or even in any way connected. If, -how- ever, the patieat shouvla by any neglect, ar an- due confidence in restured health, omit. 10 -take the Phenix Bitters in the fuil quantities pre- scribed, at leas: three times on the fourttenth day Dr. Maffat must.not be blamed if the disease should returo, and the patient should Jearn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines for a forthight longer. Obeying these instructions, however, be will be so thoroughly cared, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however unhealthy maybe his location or prevalent the malacy around bim.— For children beiween seveo and fourteen yeare of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children,” a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies {rom advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small qaantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. id This treatment, with these supremely effec- ivoal “ LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect ly triumphant in the worst regions of the South ern and Westero country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy~ has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT?’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and. will make ev- ery effort tof send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous— ly grateful testimonials are. received at the pro- prietus’s office in New Yok, by every mail in incredible nambers, to the absolate efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of . the di- gestive functions generally, but also in chronic and inflammatory rheomatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fnla, piles, worms, scurvy, and a host-of other complaints, for the care of which,-these Veget- able Life Vedicines are 0° pre-eminenily re— nowned throughout the United States. Knaow- ing, however that,many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and gue. Dr. Moffat. in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen dency of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others. He bas only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the reputation they heve long possessed, not by the usqal artificial efforts. but solely by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, 375 Broad way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retaif atthe Salisbnry Medical Drog Siore, by C, B. WHEELER, Agent. CF A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hand and for sale at Hamp- lonville, Surry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Jegent. Salisbury, Sept $, 1842—196 LATE Arrivals. Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Stoffs, Patent, Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical porposes Indians, Houck’s and Swaim’s Panacea. Sno@a, Fine chewing and smoking Tobacco Spanish Cigars. Spices, Perfumes, Brushes, Candles, fancy art common Soap, Glass W are, Peters’ Pills, In struments, Matches, Paper and many other ar ‘ the times, by | Salisbary, C.B. WHEELER. $42 DR. L. KILLIAN, AS returned to Salisbury, and is H now prerared to'Tesume the prae tice of bis profession. His Office is removed 16 Mr. Cowan's brick bvitd- iog, 2¢ door. April 29, 1848—1140 Joh Printing neatly done here FEVER ‘and AGUE} in all its foap leading species, is peculiar PekroDtcaL adminisiration | of a proper remedy, in connection with the Spe— |: while all other. practitioners either entirely tail ticles. just received and fur sale at pricesto spit j 3 aetne «lio wasn uTOs\gaces & permanent. tedious and disagreeable disease: ~ --Ofhers who havo eungtated o-that ‘rich’ and nising poriion of our conntty men who went petence from tlie luxarianve of the soil$ of who carried to the agtposts of our settlements the mer. cantile. or ‘méchinical experience © Won in the- Crowded ‘cities Or towns of the oldet states; have either retorned with shattered constitniions add depressed spirits, or they remain io their new hidmes, dragging caf a weary hfe, or at ast sink ohder some disease td which they are predisposed by that terror of. the. West, Fever and dgeue — F'bheir hopes’ are blasied —their business energiss destroyed — their 4dorado becomes a desert, and the word of promis¢, made {o their ear, is broken to the hope. ‘ oe 2 To thésé individuals, Dr.’Moffat would say — “ Try the Life Medicines, and you will yei ac- ticipate ‘yout’ most sanguine expectations, fo: they ‘will ce: tainly restore.you to bealib. «” ‘Fever ahd Ague is acomplaint which-srequires to be met at its fitst approach; end tombatied af ‘every Stage. Seldom fetal: of itself, it reduces the strengih, and impairs..the fonctions.of the organs, so that open the manifestation of dis- ease, Nature ‘is doable, onassisted to réesist.the inroad.* The Life Mediciies; when taken sitict ly according to ditections, will ccre it, and give tothe weak Bad trembling’ vicum-of disease new health, life and strength >. : _ > For fol)-particulars of the:mode of treatment, the reader is iefersed (6 the Good Sameriian, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. pC” The above medicine ig forsale by CRESS & BOSER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 22,1842—iy13S §CP A supply of. the above invaloable JIL DICINES ate for sale at James Cross Roade, fredeli county, by A. C. mcIN'TOSH, Agent. Gwe~erd Yeur Cveasth. f.@ddressed lo those who-are ia perfect health, or reputed 80.) BC Gentle Reeder: If you would aver from you the sickoess, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al! around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended, is ever ceady to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it will cost you fittle, wilt nei- ther infringe upon your occcpations or amusc— ments, and all the faculties ef your mind and body will be as much bettered by it es to repay you ten fold. I ask only one week’s tiia! to con vince the most srepticsl In the first place, discard aJ] old errors an prejudices from your miad, especially the o!d adage, “ If you are passing well, do not altemp! to batter yourself; it is the saying of ignor- ance and soperstition—of those who attributed all they-saw around them to chance and fortune instead of nature’s universal jaws, Has not man, led on. by experience, leart.ed to guard himsel: against the other elemeots of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain ? Why then should he not, in fair weather, guard himself as gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body 2 Remember, you are every day eating gross fuod ; and 1t is your nature to con- tinue to doso Yoo are wel] at present, bat ew- ery day the seed of disease is growing within yoo; and if yoo do not siricily guard your health while you are well, you are continually in danger of painful and protracted coofinements and in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even the purest fountain of which we drink —does it not require cleaning ? A person may imagine he is in perfect health, aod yet not koow to wiial perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I have va- doubted proofs of this fect in the anbounded suc cessof the LIFE MEDICINES Let those wko have followed the motto, ‘ When you are even moderately well, throw physic tu the dogs -eall upon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position. The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance that has come to my knowledge is mosi gratifying. Those whoare in comparative good health may perfect their happiness with no in convenience ; and those unfortonaies who are laid low by disease of almost any descriptivn, may find sure relief ia those purely vegetable preparations. ‘They operate gently bot power- fally upon}the secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated humors, separating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and impurities—aod leaving behind only what is good and noarishing to natare. Reader, consider and reflect well. The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within ourselves, in our own physical bodies My advice to all, then, is, guard your health If you are well, perhaps yoo may be still better—and you may always avoid being sizk by a jadicions ose of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. 6c F Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitlers, are for sale by CKESS & BOGER Salisbury, Oct 29 1842—1914 eee , Agents. 5—F A supply tf the above Invaluable ME~ Iredell county. by - A. C. mcINTOSH, Agent. Price & Mc Masters, 3 TAILORS, - CONCORD, NO. CAROLENA, : : a Are still earrying onthe above business =| ty Cw ele ele EMI . 4 ws, Vee ae — - re, ted is feader if €x- |. emoval of this most promising. pa ng mien 4 eut fajhof.fiope, and confident. of winding x¢om © DICENES are for sale at James’.Cross Roaes,} ti je a0d°G leet. Mi. € Salt R t. tor diseases of theeChe li, r Yor ifs Speedy 2 Bausan, for Bj aoe o>, FOr AND OTiurp Disp . DEC a Certain tems “ in lig Universar or Strresotiis:, P ; Dysne Psi: fa. aory Kbeomatism, Palsy, Paratya. ) St, .. Dr-Kvuuw’s Acoustic Q); and aJl other Auricutar Compla; be used together with the Restore. $c Dr. Kah!'s Pampile entered according tu Acs of C, full Direetions fer the use of ed medicines, 2nd accom From, the South Western Vircinia, | 1843. : 1008 2nd Ne Nery. Te } ad ane - i. nd Perlecy Tem, a® {. Japan Orntuent, for Pile. applied besides the Restorer. aes BENGAL Orerment, for Ter, €um, Scaldhead, Erp: afd fou ulcets, 5 is tu be applied besides j,. 18) VSis &-p Nis, q ms ut effects both by experience xnd ohsery have no hesitancy io recommending them : afflicted. every where. The Doctor. himself, was with us: | Teh ty Our op Ah NOTES a. STORE, ares iM ‘DR. KUUL'S MEDICINES We-have for some time, intense. commendatory notice cf these inr,! tines; but have been prevenied by +; 4 other matters from doing so last five or six yeara, been quite § es ue pt YO Core f ba) " ot Lidia, "US Peg, Ons Gh M Be. efor Lest, heb (Veer say Uadie py. i INlGD tg ¢ mi it.was When @e first used these jedi; ‘< they afte saperior to any we bare ¢-;, this week, and from cases staied tp <been more sirungly con ion, that-they are sape firmed ir rior to all orb The effieaey of Dr Kubil's remned treatment of extraordinary cases Is ain his eyes. eedenied, and the year 1242 425 tanicures, (Wo of Which aluve (vr ape 5 permit ue to notice aithistime. Mr Sten 1 of Alleghany connty, Va., was, las: Spring,» ry suddenly taken with a tote! i other medicines, but to no benef mca wey Pe ied a0 (NE ahore men Paniew ewer | mai tt 3 ubp. Ym Se Indnesg be He ased numerous press fst Ir Nash he procured the Restorer, Gild vite Pocpy, the Universal Plaster he applied wv it and some times over the eyes andor ment he has his eye-sight 60 far he can read both print and writing, || +xplicit statement should be desired, s leur rected to A Fadge, Clerk C Court. wing satisfactory evidence of the auuve. A lady of Becford county, 17 years afflicted wrih the treated with Caiomel, the disease, agreed with her. versation or walking 1 mast disagreeable effect eral feeling very bad, bad no intention to nse king a dase of the Gul medicines limbs were rubb:d ihe Aromatie [Hy her, her digestive orvan her general feelings gu and her complexion gui tonished every une that long standitg disesse. name of thia lady, oot i We have particula: much to speak of the ¢ may be relieved. ‘Ehe the amount, (post paid Dr. Kunr’s Orrice. J. & R. Sloan, Gr DrN. Stith, Rale JF & C Phifer, McLure, Brawley The continoation of Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. NOTICE.—Patien! will please direct their fice, Raleigh, N C,* a fresh sup Sslisbory. Dec 10—' Printed on firet 13! {{fs M.J A. Drake, As North and East of i!, to" Augost 6, 1843—ly- As:} Jayne's invaluable Fam" A¥ tS ceived and for ate wHEEL county cous er af tock b 4 Vag he rr vt eCUid On} taken with coutraction and lamencss the whole time a great number of jw of Physicians of eminence, and es ihoi was recommended for ter use, : tording relief, had a tendency rather She sank from yearii' digestive organs were so deranged In Avsus: had not been out of her ted in fic when removed by others—-=0 1 “y 4 } a . il ‘ e7 a the roem oo gs epon the h SOnr 20M are d 3 d care D ad. ‘ «t te | Minn t mech benefii that in one hoor then commenced a regu! She took 2 « the morning and one at + the Gold “lina Bales two ar it ce ract, ¢ given such a hapnv reen!: ta walk about—itbe nere Qu Was °Ce We he +r Fe fang nertiy 1y, teat ee trealts ticed, so that others may bios eourse they may also obiaca raore desirable than ric! Et>?Persons wishii: ec ] ° be desired, we refer to Dr Kets Otter Bridge, Bedford cove ised the Va Medicines, 2s to inform tie ofl oto eo et? ‘ Ry eel 1D, Con B Oats, Charlotte. € C. Henderson, J.iar'6' * James J. Horne, Pitiso S. Peiry, Kernersville, James Brannock, Wale * Braopoek & Waller, We iogham county. R W Lawson. Yancey! * James’R Callum ei! 0%: South Careline Steele, Gonning & ei & Co. € the fist - § aD ders 10 hose or nd | ply 0 {20 Pp} (fice Co. yc Th ad Ag . th ane ot North Garoliaa, and 400!) ° Med! medicines, will please direct «* or fo any of the follies NORTH CARLIN Jenkins & Biles, $2!'<3 Hompbhrey’s & &2 °y, € . Sue moer, t iy pout ‘ oe? ” ¢ Af as Universal Plaster, from Asdiew Fedo f- Covington, Va.—took the two £18: Metiting ternally as directed in Dr kub'’s Pano: tle rath] & ot ents 8 \\ sa ! ing Richmoxd, ¢ Dr pet! ne 3 1G. Teropered th commie —+ Fr WarcuMan” may hereafter be had The dollars in advance, and two dollars and ge 0? the end of the year. . fv cea nto will be received fora less time 1 yosttse oles paid for in advadte. i * ge? 008 ye diseontinued (bat at the option o Nha) pil al! arrearages are paid. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Har per square for the first insertion and One i. cents tor each continuance. gy vvotices will be charged 25 per et. high- ad ve rates sme of $34 per cent will be made to ya advertise hy the year, ; a jrertiseme nts will be eontinued ontil Ne reed for accordingly, onless order- ‘9 nomber of times. Leiters aidressed to the Editor must THE SUBSCRIBER +1NG purchased that well known and AVN'S fabthshed Pablie House, (known qame of Slaughter’s Tavern,) in ihe 4 of Salisbury, N. C., informs his Friends Mike Publicgeoerally, that the same is now ” re the reception of Travellers & Boarders. "ii yasce and Bar wiil be supplied with sje dest 10 market and surrounding country af— *. Srasies spacious, and bountifully sap- i, with grain and provender, of all kinds, at by faithful and attentive Ostlers. The andersigned pledges bimself that ne ex: sion 09 bis part shall be wanting to givegen— a yalisfaction toall who may favor him with sal JAMES L. COWAN. salisbury, Sept. 11, 1840: 1f7 wHO WILL GO BALD! Oldrid ge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair ROM Comstock & Co.—Iis positive quali— Fie sre a8 follows :—tst For infants, keep- d free from seurf, and ceasing 2 Jox- ranigrowth of tair.—2d For ladies after chil J- yirib, restoring the skin to its natural strength und fcmoess, 2nd preventing the falling oat of ihe hair. -3d For any person recovering from ov debility the same effect is predaced. 4th if osed in iofancy till a good growth: is started, it nay be preserved by attention to.gie latest pe- sod of life. —Sth It frees the head ‘from dand- nf,siengthens the roots, imparis health and rigor (o the circulation, and preveots the hair fom changing color or getting gray —6th It eames the hair to cur! beactifally when dene up ‘jpit over night. No ladies toilet should ever be made withont it, Tih Children who have by any means con- incied vertnin in the head, are immediately and yrfecity cared of them by ite use. 11 is intalti- ing the hea ble. { had been bald about five years—no more hair m ibe top of my head than on the back of my haod,and my head covered with a thick scurf, lp this situation about the 10th of Avgest last, |egan osing the Balm of Celambia, from Com. wok & Co. Since which, | have used two and shalf bottles of the Balm, which has fully re- vored my hair, and freed my head ebtirely from wat. My head is now covered with fine, flow ing long hair— which any one may see by calling ow me; at Stamford, Connecticat. Nor 12, 1840 D S$ SCOFIELD. Coonterfeits are abroaé—look always for the ume of Comsiock & Co, : Forsale atthe Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbary, Dr Stith, Rateigh, D Heartt, HiM'sboro’ ; J & R.Sloan, Greensboro ; J P Mabry, Lexington. march 4, 1848—1552 Dr. Brandeth’s EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at ihis Office. Salisoury, N. G. Oct. 1842—tlh4 Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- erlisement, and if you wish relief for your ma y Maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B. WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, Dee 10 To THE AFFLICTED.—The ntecriber has just received a large and fresh apply of D: Moffati’s Life Medicine. Call & iain relief C B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbary, Dee 10—1120 = PRIGES CURRENT aT "Satispory, May 72. 1f20 Cenls. Cenls. Baron, 5 a Sé:} GOtton Yarn. 90 )ondy. ap. 830235 | Molasses, 35a 40 Peach, 40 a 55 Nails, 6a7 uler, 100 12h | Oats, 16 a 20 seeswax, 27 a 28 | Pork, $3 ollon, clean 54.6] Sugar, br. 5210 offee, 9all loaf, 15418 ‘orn, 25 | Salt, sack, $3} eathers, 20225 | Tallow, 7 four, =6- @3Z. 44 | Tobacco, 8a 20 axseed, 50455] Tow-Linen. 120 16 on. perth, 8a4] Wheat, bush 75 useed Oil, pr. | Whiskey. 25 a 30 gal 90 $1] Wool. (clean) 25 Faverrevince, Mav 17, “indy, neach 46 a 45 | Molasses, 23a 25 + Ae 33.2 40/ Nails,cut, 54 a6 ee 54.26 | Sugarbrown, 642 10 “e8AX 25 a 27 | Sump, 14 “Stee, 9210 foaf, 15a 18 aon, 4406 | Salt, 50 a 60 “ton Yarn, 14a 18 Sack, =~ $2 ie! , 43.250 | Tobaccoteaf @3 2t “whee FLFL13@14 | Covton bag 2 _— 80 2 90 | Bale rone, 8a 10 ‘ll $44 3954 | Wheat new 75280 te; Te 20 2 85 Whiskey 25a $0 , a 54 | Wool, 124 315 Cutraw, April 10; 1843 42 5 | Natt cutassor.5 36 od 6h 6§ ee 16 a 18, ll 12 3 15 Oats bushel " a 30 berg ya abe Oil gal 75.a 80 = am tee 10412», linseed I 10 os nll Mi}a 14] Pork 100lbs 5486 Contesn 827! Rice 100lbs 405 Moor int $5 sy Ib a10 P 3 $} Salt sack r 25 wie ; “a x bush 5 60 Lara 49} Steel Amer. 10a 00 Molasses = 526) English 14 ™ 3 95 German 12414 ow 74 = T . ‘4! Teaimpe $1 9197 ‘ fag * PRINTED AND PUBLIS@ED BY MACE C. PENDLETON. ** See that the Government does nol acquire loo much - Keep @check ** upon all your Rulers. Do this, anv Liperty 1s ants. "Gert, Wieten. 1 NO. 44—VOLUME WHOLE WNO,, 364. Xf. be TCH pas Subscriber respecifa'ly informs bis old Friends and tbe Povlic genesaliv,ihat he has opened e shop ia Salisuury in ihe above busi- ness,in a room directly opposite West’s brick burlding, in the house of Dr. Borns’ forme 'y owned by Jno. 1. Suaverand just below J. & W. Merpby. ln addition to the above, the subsc-iber will carry on the Silper Smith Business in all ibe varieties common in coantry towns: soch as making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve He begs to assure the public that if panetoal attention to basiness, and skillful work will en- litle him to patronage and support, be willmer it it. AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18—1f16 Dr. Sherman’s Mievicated Rozenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, EING the cheapest and most pleasan!.— ‘Vhe medical Facolty warmly approve them. . Sherman is 4 skilful aod experienced Phy- sician, and a member of the Medical Society o New York. Sherman’s Cough) Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Tighioess of the Langs or Chest, &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroving medi- cine ever discovered. ‘They have been used in over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Siokingo: the Chest, Diarrhea, Las- situde, of a seose of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public.— Io the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restoralipe Lozenges. Diartheea or looseness.of the bowels, so com- mon aod troublesome during the eemmer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges’ ‘I'hey are prepared express ly for that purpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons sabjee! to a derange- ment of the bawels sbuald never be without them They afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gripings, faintness, depression, gc. Sherman’s Cathartie Lozenges 1 Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common pepperminis; and are an active and efficien! medicine. ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever ueed for bilions persons. Where an active medicine is required, they are not only the best, bat the safest that can be administered, Sherman’s Strengthening PLAS PER, The best of all plasters for Rhéomatism, Lom- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at ihe Satisbory Medical Drng Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept 8, 1842—196 Dr, Moffat’s Vegetable Life ' Medicines OSSESS quvalities of the most mild and be- ticles the most anti-poitescent, combined with neficial nature. They erecompored of 2r- 4 iogredients knowo as the only ceriain antidoie for fevers of every description. When the dis ease is produced either from cold, obsiruciion, bad air, swampy and damp siluations, er peirid tiesmi, whether. malignant or epidemic, or b¥ oiber eauses, —_ medicines are cérisin in their operations or effects. They are possessed of pe- culiar gaslities, which not only expel ali disease, but at the same time restore and invigorate the system When first taken into the stomach, they rmmediately diffuse themselves Jika vapor through every pore, producing effecis at nonce delighifal, salatary, and permanent. Whemthe spark of life begins to grow dim, the circolation languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi- cines are found to give a tone to the nerves, ex- hilerafe the animal spirits, invigorate the body, and re-animate ihe whole man The Life Medicines have also been used with the most happy success in Nerv.us and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, [chronie and inflama- tory] D ropsies, &e. BCPeCal! at Cress & Bocer’s, Agents. Sairsbary, Oci 29, 1842—ly 18 5c A sopply of the above Invaloable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Iredell county, by A. C McINTOSH, Agent _ Divi L. Poot, VAKES this nrethod of informing bie friends, “R and the pablic, that he is iLearrging ou the Watch »and Qlock making, and Re- paiting business, at his old ian ¥ stand,mear the Courthouse All. lone by him will be warranted for todlee oie He still keeps on hand a sma) assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold ‘and Silver taken “in exchange fer Jewellery or work done. |) Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—1{38 Ware. : _ SALISBURY, WORMS! WORMS!! Startling Facts. riundreds of childreo and adulis are lost year- ly with worms, when some other cause has been sepposed to be the tree one. lt is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, woman or child exists bat what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and in hundreds of eases, sad to relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of the homeo family—while ia truth they die of Worms! and these could have been eradicated in a day. by the use of 2 botile of Rphasieek's Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dollar! How sickening the thooght that these things should be—and who can ever forgive themselves for not trying this Worm ‘Exterminator, when they know that even if the case was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibility do hurt —boi always good as a porgaiive—ie: ibe dis- éese he what it may. w important then to ase it, and who will dare take the responsibility tn do without it? Let every parent that ie not a brate, ask themselves ibis question in truth and sobernere, Mr JC Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, sed atlended by 2 physician, without relief, whea Kolmstock's Vermifuge was given, and next day mure than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of » widow woman, living near the Menhatian Water Works, had deindled for a meath, till neat ‘a skeleton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ha- mane lady, who called to provide for the family, sent immediately for Kolmstock's Vermifoge, whieh brought ¢way great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at once, and regained its full strength in less than a montb. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frighifal extent, anJ were all cared rapidiy with this Vermifoge. In seme of the besi families in the neighbor- hood of St. John’s ’ark, it has been extensively need, from the circemstance of having eradica- ted a lerge quantity of worms, after all other t remedies had failed, which was very exiensive- ly known io that part of the cily A family in New Jersey saved several thildren by the ase of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become stent? emaciated before the Vermifuge was given. The next day three large worms were dislodged, and she lefi off the Vermifuge, wheo she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifoge that finally broogh: away an incrediole quantity of worms,and the care was complete, aud she gained her healit. rapidly A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks. without being anle to restore bu: one out of the seven to healih He had the liberality ‘0 send for Kolmsiock's Ver- mifoge, and cared the rest wiih it io lees than a week. Nomeroos cases of oiher complaints were sup posed to exist, aod the persons trealed for fever, &c., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost ap innomerable quantiiy of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despaich, Instances of this kind might he cited to an jmmense exigai, bni it is useless, une trial for 25 eenis will show any one with aston ishment the cerisin effects of this Verm fuge. Caution — Never buy this articie unless it have graved on the outside label, and the fac simile of Comsinck & Co. Asenis—C B Wheeler, Salisbury; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’ ; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. Moreh 4. 1813—1y82 —- — SULT! ERN AFRICA. A work has been recently published deecrip- tive of Southern Africa; itis the production o! Mr. Moffatt, who spent i wen'y years in ihe Mis sionary service, and who appears to have been no less observant of the pecoliar features of the country, than the manner end customs of the na- tives. Part of the country throogh which he travelled, which is now almost aninha bited, ex— cept by beasts of prey, appears to have been once densely populated. ‘ On the sides of the hills and Egehan movnteins” says be “ towns in ra ine, where thoussnds once made the country a- live, amidet froitfus valer now covered wiih lox orieot grease, inhsbited hy geme.”’ Sortbe of these towns were armazing inexten! and exhibited signs of im@ense lator and perseverance.” “Everr thing wus eircolar, hom tbe inner arells whieb sorroond each dwelling of family residence to those which eacircle a town "—"* the eifeola) walls were generally composed of hard clay, with a small nix\cre of cow-darg, 80 well plas- tered and polished, ihat the interivr of tbe house hed the appearance of being varnished. The walls and door@ays were also neatly orna@en e@ with @ kind of architraves and corniees. ‘Ihe pillars sopporting the roof in the form of pilasies, projecting from the walls, and adorned with fin ings and other designs. showed moch taste in the architeets.”” ‘The history of Africa, as well as oor own conntry, declares thai change is the or- det of nature. Empires rise, aod flourish, and decay—cities which were onee the pride and glory of nations have fallea into rains, leaving noteven a mask to tell by whom they were erected. Mr Moffatt, while contemplating a large ex- tent of levél groond covered with ruins, torned to his companion, one of the natives, snd enguir- ed what had becume of the inhabitants His companion, stretching forth bis arm, replied with mach emotion ia the following strain of native el.qeence : * There lived the great chief of multitades. He reigned among them like a king. He was the tain brow ; his flocke covered the plain. He thought the numbers of his warriors woald awe hig enemies. His people buasied in their spears, and laughed at the cowardice of suchas had fled from their towus. ‘| shall slay them, and hang ep their shields on my bill: is a race of warriors. Who ever subdued our fathers ? they were mighty in combat. We sul! possess the spoils of ancient times. Have not our dogs eaten the shields of their nobles? The vultores shall devour the slain of oor enemies. — J. Ss Johnston, ATTORNEX, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ISBURY, N. C. Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1846—1f24 fe they sang aed thas they deoced, till they a eld op yonder heights the spprosching foe — e neise of their song wes heshed in night, nd their hearts were filled with dismay. They “ Dr Kolmstock'’s Vermifege” handsomely en- 4 Ocr race | erv one on this side, admits to be ably sus- MAY 27, 1842, saw the clouds ascend from the plains. It the smoke of berning towns. Fagen Paar “~~ a whirlwind was in the heart of tbe great chief of the blae~colsred caitle. ‘The shout was rais- ed, “They are friends ;” bat they shouted again, “ They are foes)” till their neat approach pro- elaimed them asked Matabele. The men seized their arma, and rushed oat, as if tochase the an- ‘elope. ‘The onset was as the voice of lightning, and their spests as the shaking of .2 fores: in the automn siorm. The Matabele lions raised the shoat of death, and flew upon their victims. |: was the shout of victory. Their hissing and hollow groans told their progress among the dead. A few moments laid hundreds on the ground. The clash of shields was tte signal of triampb Oar people fled with their cattle to the top. of yonder mount. The Matabele enier- ed the towo with the roar of the Jivo ; they pil laged and fired, the houses, speer'd the mothers, and cast their infants (o the flames. ‘The sun went down. ‘Fhe Vittors emerged from the smoking plain and porsued their course serround ing the base of yonder hill. They siaoghiered cattle ;.they danced and sang till tbe dawn of day ; they ascended, and killed till their band were weary of the spear.” Among the curiosities of the country, Mr. Moffatt givea the faflowing account of A TOWS ON A TREE. ‘* My attention was arresied by 2 beautiful and gigantic tree, standiog in a defile leading into an extensive and wooded ravine, between a high range of mountains. Seeing individuals employ. ed on the ground onder its gbade, and the conical points of what looked like houses in miniatore, protading through its evergreen fo- liage, | proceeded thither, and fuand tbat the tree wag inhabited by several famibes of Bakones, the aborigines of the country. ascended by the notched tronk, and fouod, to my amazement, no less than seventeen of these erial abodes, and three others anfinisbed. On reaching the top- most hat, about thirty feet from the groand, J en tered and set down. [is only farniture was the hay which covered the fluor,a spear, a spoon, and 8 bow! fall of locusie, Not having eaten any thing that day, and from the povelty of my situation, not wishing to return immediately to the wagons, [ asked a woman who sat at the door with a babe at her breast, permissiun to eat. ‘Thie she granted with pleasure, and soon brought me more in a powdered siale. Several more fe males came frum the neighboring roosts, stepped from branch to branch, to see the siranger, who was (o (hem ae great 8 curicsily asthe tree was tobim, I then visited the different abodes, which were on severa! principal branches The stroctore of these houses was very sit- ple An oblong scaffold, about seven feet wide, is formed of straight sticke. On one end of this platform a small cone is formed, also of straight sticks, and thatched with grass. A person can nearly siand upright in it; the diameter of ‘he floor is about six feet. The hoase stands on ‘be oblong, $0 as to leave a lilile equare space before the deor. On the day previous | had passed se- veral villages, some containing forty housgs, ali built on poles about seven or eight feet from the gruond, in the form of a circle, the ascent and descent is by a knotty breoch of a tree placed in front of the house. In the centre of the circle ‘there is always @ heap of the bones of game they have killed. Suck were the domiciles of the impoverished thousands of the aborigines of the country, who having been scattered and peel- ed by Moselekatse, had neither herd nor stall, but subsisied on locust, roots, and the chase. — They adopted this mode of architectore to es- erpe the lions which abounded in the couniry.—- During the day the families descended io the shade beneath to dresg their daily food. Foreign Pews. ARRIVAL OF THE GREAT WESTERN, TEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. another Royal Princess— Markets. Sc. The Greet Western Caot. Hoskins, arriv- ed yesterday morning 1 New York, in twelve end a haif days from Liverpool. The Liverpool papers are still complsin— ing at the sbandence of money—the un- healthy ‘euperfluity of it in the merceniile world, while iuterest can only be obteined from beokers to the extent of two per cent., the money holders wi!l run to stocks, rai!- roeds; &e., both foreign and domestic. The Enghsh papers ere filled with ac- counts of murdere 86 our owr, are. Mr Badward Brerett, the Americen min ister, heetwritten e@ letter{to the Wew Far- mer’s Journal, to eontradict the ststement reported tofhave been{mede be Mer Joseph Hume. M. P., at a meetting of the Ant- Corn-lew League in Drory Lane Theatre, — namely that at a public meeting beld 10 Rotlend presided, Mr. iEverett,) the A merican minister, ststed thet bacon, which would bring 6d. per pound heré, was actu- having no other way of getting rid of the} superfluity.” “If this remark ts correctly | ascribed to Mr. Home,” says Mr. Everett, “on the report of hie apeech, it must have been made in consequence of misioforma- | tion ae to what was said by me on the oc- casion alluded to; no suca statement as that in question having ever becn mace by *) The discussion of the right of visit, oF | the right of search—eall it which neme yoo | chief of the chief the blue colored cattle. They | tke, for in Americe the terms sre held to be, lutely to the groond which be took four were namerons as the dense mist on the moon~ | very dissimilstr—has been revived with vigor, | weeks since, snd rejected, 38 of toa onsalis- @ntingent upon the arrival of Mr. Webster's | despsteb to Mr Everett, which came to hand | on Tuesday. Mr. Webster adheres with coming pertinacity, to his ews which ev- teined; and the British Government, de- pend upon it, will adhere with no less per- tmaeity to theirs. But the question, ofter all, is rather abstract theo practical ; and, with the bonesty of purpose which Mr Webster claims for tbe Uni:ed States in pat- ting down the slave trade, cadnot be pro- dactive of any collission. ————— Death of the Duke of Sussex—Birth of September last, at whieh the Duke of | th them, |” ally used 0s fuel for steemboats wiih them | city intendedio present * BHilicn ia favor | The Doke was twice married, sithough neither of the marriages reeenwed the sanc- tion of the Royel. Marriage Act First to Lady Auguste de Ameland Marray, et Rome in April 1798, which ma-riege wee declared null by the Prerogetive, Court, in August following. The issue of this. marriage are Sir Auguatus d’Este, born January 15, 1794, and Etlen Augusta Mademoiselle oEste, born August 11,1801. Lady Aoguete Mor- ray survived her separation from her i!lus- (nows husbend until March, 1830. The daugbter of the seeond Eerl of Arran, sur- vives his Royal highness; she was created metropolis. BIRTH OF A R@¥AL PRINCESS, Her Majesty, Queen Vietoria, has graced Thiv eveot was made known, threogh the metropolitan pspers on the 25th inst. Buckincuam Patace April 25. was delivered of a Prineess. grandmother—two and twenty ! salute of forty-two guns. Eztraerdinar discussed in the press. Chinese Ransom.—Oa Monday, lars of the Chinese tensom. | Sie H. Pottinger. FRANCE. Duke’s second wife, Lady Cecelia Gore, Duchess of Inverness, Merch the 30, 1S49. The Duke of Sussex qas, through life, the constant enconreger (as fer ee his means allowed) of lesrning and science, and the patron of all deserving aspirants io the va- rious walke of art—as well as the benevo- lent sapporier of most of the various chari- ties whieh adorn and distinguish the British the British nation ‘with Another Princess. This morning, et four v’clock, the Queen Judging of what may, by what bas: oc- curred, there seems every chance of Mr. O’Connel’s wish being gratified, thet ibe Queen should have es many children as bis At oine o'clock ibe Park and Tower guns snnoenced the joyful event to the inhabi- tants of the metropolis, by a double royal Emigration Bubble , nefarious bubble scheme for fleecing poor emigrants hes just beer brought to light, which has excited extraor- dinery interest from the number of titled and other influentis] persons connected with It has been noticed in the House of Commons, in strong end iodigeent terme by Lord Stanley, and hes been eleborstely six wagons errived et the Royal Mint with up- wards of one million end a quarter dollars worth of Sycee silver being the lest moity of the first instelment, namely 5,000,000 dol- The silver, as On precrous occasions, is pecked in strong wooden boxes, bearing the official sea! of ber -digpilaionon vou teen as an Eape- ror were «streedy uncieputed me “all the Christiea provinces 6 Danuve benk, end the Porte a din ste— withoug-o:her power or will-in ite Earopean distriets then that in which it may be per- mitted to ex*rcise in the pamwe and by con- ser: of the Czar.’ ~ INDIA. Caleutta papers to the Sth alt., inclusive, ough | brought to Alexandria by the steamer Ten- negserim, to Malte by the Cyclops, and thence to Marseilles by the Acheron, have bren received. The papers thas received ere almost des- titgie of political satelligence The succes- sor of the late Mabsrajab of Gaulior was to be instslléd.on (he 20th of, and no - Bitton t> bis accessioh wes to be sp - ded. Lord Etlenborough wes stil! et Agra, whither he hed proceeded from Dethi. on receipt of the intelligence of the Jate Meha- rajeh’s decease. No news of a later date then that receryed by the ordinary meil hed been received 10 Calcutta. cither from Scigde or Cabul. . A Caleutis circoler, of Merch 4th, gives the following besiness detaile: = Io our cireular of the 18th ult., we said that oor money market had become exceed- ingly tight, and offaire generally are now in te bad a slete as could well be conceived. Our bezexr is quite bare of cash., Latest London Money Market —Very few bergains have been transected in the English market to-dsy. The state of rele- lions between Russia and the Porte, regard- ing the sovereignty of Servia. hes hed an unfavorable influence on prices. ° Shipwreck of the American Ship Hewes. —On the 17:h inst. the fine American ship Hewes, from New York ty Hull, was wreck- ed on Goodwin Sands, Within twenty-four hoors after strieking, she was engulpked in the sand; she broke her back. Her cargo consisted of about 3.000 barrels of turpeat tine and rosin, of which 1,100 barrels bave been picked up and Janded at Rsomagete, 181 barrels brought ashore at Deal, 172 ber- rels landed at Margate,and.51 casks of ros— in eonvesed ashore at Calais. ‘The value of the ship and esrgo is reported to be at least £9,000. There is no insurance effected on the vessel at Lioyds, but it is supposed that she is insured at New. York. His some- @bat remarkable that the fast vesse! lost on the above mentioned sands was the Same- rang. She was an Mmerican built ship, from and bound tothe seme port, was of the same tonnage, and her cargo consisted of the same queniity of turpentine and fosin as that o: the ship Hewes. The Semereng was lost during the dreadfal hurricane in the month January lest’ The crew of the Hewes was taken off by the Deal buatmen. MISCELLANEOUS. A new method of shipping corn at Dant- zic which threw some berges out of use, caused a riot on the Lith, The military were called out, and the disturbance was not quelled until they had fired ; one man being shot dead, and many others wounded and ridden down by the cavalry. Longevity of Women.—There died throughout England and Walcs, between lst July, 1840, and 30th of June, 1841, 5,247 femsles, aged 85 and upwards ; whereas, of the seme ege, there died only 3,954 males, leaving a balance in favor of the old ladies, of 1293 Among the females wh» died, seventy-one bad passed the age of 100, but only forty motes. The Vine Crop.—The intelligence from the vine districts respecting the «ffects of the frost on the 12th, 14th end 15th instant, | may, soye tho Moniteur, be thus summed The Courter Francias announces that; ap: Longuedoe experienced Iittle or na im- the report of the bhadget would be Ieid be- | jury, The loes of the Bordeaux wines may | fore the Chamber Bf Dopnties on the 15th | be estimated at one-third of the crop; e- | mence on the 25th. | bave concluded al! parliementasy business by the 25th of June, ss the members al- | ways leave Paris sfier the debate on the | Budget.’ | The Monileur publishes the details of | the marraige of the Princess Clementine.of | Orleans with Prince Augustus. of Sax Co- | harg. which took place at the Palace of St. ' Clood. SPAIN, The qnestion of the prolongation of the i mrnority of the Queen was beginning to be | The Castellano contains a letter j | agiteted, | from Saragoasa of the 12h, stating that the | Ayuntamiento and national melitia of that of that projeet to the C:rtes. of May, and that the debate would com- | round Libourne, in two nights, one helf of | ‘In that case,” adds | ine buds were destroyed. In the country ed- ithe Courier Francias, © the Chamber will joining Cognac,tthe vines des premieres bo- is and Champagne snffered considerably from the frost of the 12th and 14th. Io the two departments of the Charente a similer calamity occurred In Champagne the wines suffered greatly, Factory Girls ia New England.—In the in- troduction to an ioteresting work Istely pubdlish- ed at the office of the New World, entitled * The Lights and Shadows of Factory Life, by \2 Factory Girl,” occars the following passage : | “ In [840 and 1841, there were at school in five besides myself who had been factory gitls One of them had stedied French and Pistian, and was then stodging Greek and Lat iin She is pruseentiog her siudies now with } ner husband, who is, or ig about to be, a clergy- man.. Two others commenced the siudy ef La | tin. ; One of them hool aed beeame the Prince Jerome Nacoleon Bonaparie hed | wife of a physician. neighborhood. The arrived at Cadiz. Matters were begining to asswawe a more. attending the school again. settled appearsace in the Congress. PORTUGAL. The last accounts from Lisbon annonnee | above mediocrity. { ‘other is vow in the y with the object of f Aoother is study- | ing the Latin, Greek, and French, un peu tres | peu. ‘Ihe other was ihe daughter of one of the | frst menio the village. Her scholarship was She is now seccessfully en- that the negotiations relative to 8 commer- | giged ia teaching.” cial treaty with Englegd are for the present atan®nd. Jord Aberdeen adhered rean- factory a nature to be entertained, the lest proposition of Portogal. The British En- voy has been directed peremptorily to break off the negotiatioos—‘interrupt” is the offi- cial word. The remaining point in dispute bet ween the two countries isa culy of 3d d spon woolen cloths— s sum which existing duties, amounts to less than sit thougend pounds per annam, or 25 con- tos. A production, smounting to 800,000 pipes of wine per annum—for euch is the The Anniversary of the Sabbath School Un- ton was celebrated at the iabernacle, io New York, one eventng of last week. in the course of the proceedings, Rev. Dr. Tvng, of Phila- delphia, presented a rescluiion, accompanied sy a speech, full of the noblesi sentimen's of Chris tian anion aod co-operation, “Tl am an Episcopalian,” be exclaimed, “ and not less so 28 [ grow older, bet I will oot allow myself to be doomed for life to sulitary confine— ment. f qill not be shat op withio prison walle so high that J cannot look over them vpon my fellow-Christians, vor they look over them to me.” He arged, with t earnestness, opon the audience, as did Mr. Hagee, the obligations of average vintege of Portuge!l and Msdeira— 18 sacrificed out of regard for the progecere ihe present generation to educate tbat which is growing up tesucceed it. r History of the Tariff, CONTINUED. From the Nashville 1 hig. TABIFFS OF 1816. The recom the ‘farff of double duties smposed by the ect of 1812, which, by 18 own Simitation. ‘would otherwise have ceased one yeor after the conclusion of peace. Tbe purpose of this ect weatittpceveat Foreiga imporiations in the interregnum between the expiration of the War Tariff of double duties and the permaneot te-adjusiment of tbe duties on imports on the peace establishment. So careful were the members of Congress of the ynferest of the manofacturere, and so thoroughly satisfied of the propriety and necessily of the whole Tanff policy, that they were unwilling to admit Foreign im- ports, even fcr a limited time, under ihe acts in force before the imposition of double du- hes. The sect to continue the Tariff of double dotie® passed the flouse, Jan, 23, without a division, and the Senate, Jan 31, yeas 25, neys 5. Ji was approved by Madison, Feb- ruary 5. The same session, Mr. Lawndes of S. Carolina, supporied by bis colleague, Hon. John C. Calhoun, brough: forward the grest tariff of 1816, which passed the House, A- pril 8, veex B8, nays 54, and the Senate, April 19, yeas 25. neyg7, and approved by Ma vison, April 27. The Republican authorship of this act is dations of President Mad- ison were not lost oo the dietinguishec councils to which they were submitted, One of the first acts of Congress wes to pass an act to continue in force, for e limited time, | important. js it,10 at incident (to fereign Address March, 1817. The striet exeention of the revenue lawe, resulting principally from the salutary pro- visions of the ect of the 20th of April last, amending the several coljection jaws, has it 1s presumed, secured to domestic manu- factures allthe relief that can be derived from the duties, which beve been imposed upon foreign mefchéndize, for their protec tion Under the influence of thts relief, several branches of this important national interest have sssumed greater activity ; ond although it is hoped that others wil! gradu- ally revive, end ultiarstely triompb over ev- ery obstacle, yel the expediency of grant- ing further protection is submitted to your consideration.—Messaze November, 1818 la‘bis meseage of 1819, after adverting to the peeoniary embarrassmenis growing out of the transition from @ spurious and unsevnd currency, to a National and specie paying State -Gerseney, sod to other caus- es or depression smonz- the manvfaciurels, President Monroe remarks— An additional cause for the depression of these establishments may probably be found ia the pectnisry embarrassments which bave recently affected those countries with whicb our commerce hss been principally prosecuted. Their manufectures, for the went of aready or profitable market at home, have been shipped by the manufae- tarers tothe United States, and, in many instances, sold at @ price below their co:- as wel) established by the record as the fact that it was no half-way measure in its pare poses and provisions. It was projected and advocated bs ihe pillars of the Republican party, and was voted for by?a commanding majority in the great Congress of 1816, whose devotion to the Republican cavse was not less sincere than thei zeal for the trve glory and advancement of ourtNational ia ierests was ardent and successful. It wes voted for by men}who deemed their duty to this ssstem of Reeenue and protection but half performed eantil they had established a Sinking Fund for the extin- gnishment of the Peblic Debt, ands Bank of the U, States for thepromotion of a sound od uniform currency. It was voted for by John C. Calhoun and William Lowndes, of S. Carolina, Puilip P. Barbour and [enry St George Tucker of Virginia, Richard M. Johnson of Ken- locky, George W. Campbell, Jubn Wil- hams, Newton Cannon, Bennet H. Hender- son and Samuel Powell of Tennessee. Among other duties it imposed the%fol- lowing: | Ad Valorum. Woollens 25 per cent, Cotton Goodg.25 per cent, India piece goods $34 pc, Hats end Furs 33} p. ct. Shoes and Lesther $8} p. ct. Clothing 334 prr cent, Hempen cloth 20 por cent. Wiadow Glaes 20 per cent. Queenswaie 20 per cent. China Ware 20 per cent. Specific, Candles, Sperm, 6 cents fb. Coffee 5 cents |b. { Iron Ih cents Ibo Tedigo 15 cents tb. Nails $ cents |b. Suger 3 cents Ib. do T.oaf 12 cents Ib. Teas, Imperial £0 cents Ib. Salt 20 cents a bushel. With the usual addition of 10 per cent, if imported in other than Americon Ameri- con vessels; and in the crse of Teas, (Im- perial and Gunpowéer,) an addition of 18 cents if :mportod in foreign vegsels, masking the whole daty on ‘Peas 68 cents a_pound. TARIFF QN IRON 1818. This was an act ‘‘lo increase the daties on Iron in bars and bolts, iron in pigs, cast- hogs, nails end elum.’? Passed the House, Apri) 14, yeas 83, nays 47 ; the Senate, April 18, without @ division, and approved by Monroe, April @0. It substituted for the former duties on Iron, the following specific doties—Pig Iron 60 cents per hundred, Castings 75 cents, Nails 4 cenise@ pound, Spikes 3 cents a pound, Iron not rolled 75 cents per hundred, (rolled iron ss before, 1} cents a pound,) and Anchors 2 cents a pound. SUPPLEMENTAS TARIFF 1818. This was en act “io increase the duties on certain manofartored articles imported into the U, States,” copper ware, Saddlery, Ruesia Sheetings, tacks, brads and sprigs &e. Passed both flousesy without division aod appraved by Monroe. ‘TARIFS ON WINES 1819 This wae an ect to regulate the duties on Wines. li passed both Housee withoot a éivision and was approved by Moorce. MR. MONROE’S OPINIONS, The Tariff and Mawufacturing interests found a warm and SteadP advocate in Pres- idest Mooroe, whose Administistion was pre-ewinent!y free from the influence of party spirit on all the great subjects of Na- tional policy that were broughi wnder dis- cussion et the time. Tis messages make frequent end direct reference to the pratec— tion of Home Industry.” We subjoin a few extracis— Our manufactures wille likewise require the systematic and fostering cere of the Possessing, as we do, all the Government. raw materials, the front of our own soil and industry, we oaght not to depend, inthe degree we have done, on supplies from otb- er countries. While we are (bus depen- dent, the suddcn event of wor, orsough and unexgected, csanot-feil to plunge us in- kis im- to the most serious @ifficultirs portant, too, that the eapitel which neurrsh es our manufactures shou!d be domestic, a al as well as domestic purpose, the greater | cessary for public purposes should be sup- | Dee., 1821. rent value at the place of manufacture. Al- though this practice may, from its neture, be considered temporary or contingent, it is not on that. account less injurious in its effects. Unifcrmity in the demand and price of an article 1s highly desirable to the do- wesc manufacturer. It is deemed of great importance to en- courage our domestic muaovfectures. In what manner the evils which have been ad- vertod to may be remedied, aad how far it may be practicale, in other respects, aflord them further encouragement, paying dove regard to the otber great interests of the na- tion, is submitted to the wisdom of Con- gress.— Messagre Dec. 1819. Again in 1821, after the country had re- assumed the quet prosperity. to which from the blessings of peace and the salutary in- fluence of a Nation nk, it was entitled, President Monsoe 5 So It cannot be dofthied thet the more com. plete our resources, and the lees dependent we are on foreign Powers for every nation- and more stable will be the public felicity. By the increase of domestic manvofactures will the demand for the rade materials at home be increased, and thus will the de- be feli advantageously on ogricullure and every other branch of iaduswy. Equally j ome a market as, by extending the nee the price, and the ersualties ets — Inaugural TON anc David Barton were for the Bill. The Kentueky Senators too, were upited, RICHARD M. JOHNSON and Isham Tal- bot voting »n the affirmative. See Senate Journal, p, 401. Gi sion + Tie Tid of .1 Toni of 20 cents a bushel ov Salt, 5 cents a ‘pound on Coffee, 50 to 68 cents a pound on Gunpowder and Imperial Teas. 8 cents a poond on Brown and 12 cents 2 pownd on Loaf Sugars, snd 1} cents a pouod on rolled Iron. It increased the duties on Wollens to 25 per cent. on worsted sivff goods snd blankets, aod 334 per cent. on other wol- lens ; on goods of Cotton, Flax and Hemp manufactnre, and Silks to 25 per cent; on varolled Iron from $9 ‘09 fixed by former Tariff.) to $18 a ton; Cotton Bagging from 20 per cent. ad valorem to 33 cents « sqiure vard ; .2xes from from 20 to 25 per cent ad valorem, it imposed a duty of 50 cents a yard on Carpeting. 50 per cent. ad valorem on Bonnets, 5 cents a pound on Nails, 4 cents a pound on Mill Irons, 30 per cent, on Culling knives, Scythes, Sickles, Reuping Hooks, Shovels and Spades, 30 per cent. on Screws, 35 per cent or Copper vessels, 8 cenls a pound on sperm-Candies, 40 cents a gallon on Costor O:), and a duty of 123 per cent on all articles which had paid 74 | per cent ed valorem under the former Tar- iff. An additional daty of 10 per cent oa sll imports in Foreiga vessels. Pending the consideretion of the bill in the Senate a motion wes made by Mr. El- liott of Georgia to strike oute proviso to the duties on Cotton Goods, which requir— ed that all Cotton frabrics costing jess theo $0 cents a square yard should “be teken and deemed to have cost $0 cents per equare yard and should [shall] be charged with du- ty accordingly,” This amendment, which affected, 9 ma- terial degree, the duty upon coarse Cotton Goods, failed by 9 vote of 23 to 24— Messrs Benton, JACKSON, Johnson and VAN BUREN voting against the emendment, and in favor of taxing all Colton Goods at least 7} cents the square yard. See Senate Journal 1824, p. 353. MR. V. BUREN AS A WOOL GROWER Until late years Mr. Van Buren was one of the most extensive Wool growers in the State of New York: We have heard the nett proJoct of his sheep farms estimated at a hundred thousand dol’ars During the time be was thos engaged in his own affairs, he was also serviog the people of N York as a Senator in Congress, and pendance of the several parts of our Uniun adhd does od be serge th of forty per centum ad valorum until thirtieth day “of June, eighteen hundred end iwenty-cine, and from that time » duty of That on all mapufectares of woo', excep! flannels and bsizes, the actael valve of which ceed ibitty- e8@ poe third eents per | sqaare, yard, sball pay fourteen cents per square yard. . ; - Thied. On all aanofectures of wool,’ or of which won! gball be @ component part, except as aforesaid, the actual value of winch, at the pleee whence imported, shal! hot exceed one dollar the square verd, shel! be deemed to have cost one doller the square yard, end be charged thereon with a daty of forty per censum ed. valorem until the thirtieth dey of June. eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and from thet time a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem. Foaorth. On all manufactates of woo), or of which wool shall be a component pert, except es aforesaid, the actual value of which, at the plece whence imported, shall exceed one dollar the square yerd, and shail not exceed two dollars and fifty cents the square yerd, shall be deemed to have cost two dollars and fifty cents the equare yard, 20d be charged with ea duty thereon of forty per centom ad velorum, until the thirtieth day of June, eghteen bundred and twenty nine, and from that time a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem: Fifth. All manofactures of wool, or of whieh wool shall be a component part, ex- cept as aforesaid, the actual value of which. at the place whence imported, shall exeeed (wo dollars and fifty cents the equare yard, ead sball not exceed foor dollars the square yord, shall be deemed to have cost, at the place wh&nce imported, four dollers the square yard, and a doty of forty per cent sd valorem shall be levied, collected, snd paid, on such vajoation, until the thirtieth day of June, one thousand, eight hundred and twenty nine, and from that time a duty of forty-five per centum ad valorem. Sixth. On all maoulectures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid. the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed four dollars the square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and psid, » duty of forty-five per cent. ad valorem until the thirtieth dey of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, and from that time a duty of fifty per centum ad valorum. Seventh. On woollen blankets, hosiery, mitte, gloves, and bindings, thirty-five per ceatam ad valorem ; on clothing ready made, fifty per centum ed valorem. Eighth. On Brussels. Turkey, and Wilton voted for the high Tariffs of 1824 and 182s. | C3"pets and carpeting, seventy cen's per How far bis public duty was made to com. | £duare yard; on all Venetian and ingrein on each other, and the strength oF the Union | ort with hie private interest, the reader | C®Pels or carpeting, forty cents per square itself, be proportionably sugmanted. In thie process, which 1s very desirable, and inevitable under the existing duties, the re sources which obvioosly present themselves to supply @ deficiency in the revenue, should it Occur, aré the interests which may derive the principal benefit from the change. If domestic manofactures arg raised by daties on foreign, the deficiency in the fund ne- plied by duties on the former.— Message, And again, in 1822:— From the best information that | baze been able to obtain, it appears that our man- ufactores, though depressed immedistely afier the peace, have considerably increased ane are sill increasmg under the encourage- ment given them by the tartff of 1816, and by subsequent !aws. Satisfied I am, what- ever may be the abstract doctrine in favor of unrestricted commerce, provided all na- tions would eorcur in it, end it was not fia- ble to be interrupted by wor, which has never occurred. and cannot be expected, that there are other strorg reasons applicable to our situations and relations with other coun- tries, which impose on us the obligation to cherish and sustain ofr manufactures.— Message, Dee. 1822. And agaio, in 1823 :— Having communicated my views to Con- gress, at the commencement of the Jast session, respecting the encoursgement which ought to be given to our manufac. lures, and the principle on which it should be founded, I have only to add, that those views remain unchanged, and that the pres. ent state of those countries with which we have the most immediate political reistions, and greatest commercial intercourse, tends to confirm them. Under this impression, | recommend a review of the tariff, for the purpose of affording such additional protec- tion to those articles which we are prepar- ed to manufacture, or which are mure im-— mediatély connected with the deferce and independence of the country.— Message, Dec., 1823. TARIFF OF 1824. The -ep-adjnstment and increase of the Tariff in 1824, followed the repeated re- commendations of Presdent Monroe in favor of the protection of Domestic manu- factores and may be considered the result of practical operation end popularity among the people of the Tariff of 1816. The Tariff of 1824 passed the Honse, April 16, seas 107. nays 102, a close vote, broached, that the ‘Tariff policy was une- avd interests of the Union. Senate, May 18, yeas 25, nays 21 approved by President Monroe, May 22. ‘} In the House the bill received its chief sopport from the Middle and Western States, the extremes of Nornh and South uniting - | 9geinst 11 —The Tennessee delegation were divided, Adam R. Alexander end Samuel owing to the theory, then for ibe first time qval in its operation upon certain sections It passed ibe Tt was Mr. Van Buren’s course in the Senate of 24 ard 728 Tye Tariff Bill of 1824,8s reported by the eoaomiltee on Manofactures, proposed to scale the duties on Wool, commencing with 20 per cent ad valorem in 1825 and running up to OO per cent in 1830, Mr. Mills of Massachusetts, moved, as in Committee of the Whole, to strike out all over 30 per cent so as to fix the maximum daty on wool at SO pere’t. This motion was carried 25 to 22, Mr. VAN BUREN voting in the negative; Messrs. Benton and Jack- son in the effirmative—Senate Journal, pages 857-8. { ‘I'he amendment being or- dered in Commitee, Mr Van Buren subse- quently voted im Senate to concur init. Senate Jouraoal p. 390.] The bill as reported,tsxed all wollen goods from $34 to 374 per cent The Maximum was subsequeoily fixed at $3} Mr. Kiog ol New York then moved to ex- cept from the general provision ‘! worsted stuff goods,” reducing the duty on soch fa- brics to 25 per cent. This amendment wss agreed to, 27 10 20, Messrs. Benton and Jackson voting for, end MR. VAN BU- REN against it. Mr. Hayne then moved to except ‘Blan- kets’ from the general provision, reducing the duty to 25 percent. This emendment was 9lso agreed to, 24 ‘0 23, bot agsinst the vote of Mr. VAN BUREN ane of Messre Benton and Jeckson.—Senate Jour- nal, p. 366. Mr. Lloyd of Meryland, then moved to reduce the duty on wollens costing not over 334 centsa yerd to 25 per cent. This amendment was also agreed tn, 24 to 22. Messrs. Benton and Jackson in the affirma tive; Mr. Van Boren in the negative, Sen- ate Journal, p 869-70. e Altboogh defeated in L.'s views upon the WOOL DUTIES on the Tanff of 1824, Mr. VAN BUREN was moro successful in | 1828. Le was then still a Senator from the State of New York, and succeeded in IN INCREASING THE DUTIES ON WOOL AND WOLLEN MANUFAC- TURES to the following exteni— Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the thirueth day of June, one thousand eight hendred end twenty- eight, there shall be levied, collected and paid, on the importations of tbe articles hereinafter mentioned, the following daties, in liew of thase now imposed by law. First. Oo WOOL unmencfactured, four cents per pound. and also in addition there- io, FORTY PER CENTUM ad yselorem volil the thutieth day of Jone, one thage sand eight hundred ana twenty-nine, from which time an edduional ad valorem duty ,of FIVE PER CENT, shall be imposed,- ANNUALLY, until the wbole of ssid ad- valorem duty shall amount to FIFTY PER CENT. And ali wool imporied on the skin shall be estimated as to weight and value, and sball pay the same rate of Culy. as oth- er imported wool, Second, Oo Avanufaclures of Wool, or 119 infiuencein that case, mstead of exhags. bag, ts it ney do ia foreign bands, would Houston voting in the effirmative, end Rob- ert Alleo, John Blair, John Cocke, Jacob of which woo! shall be 8 eomponeni part (except carpetings, blankets, worsted stoff can determine from the lights efforded by yard; on all other kinds of carpets and car- petings of q@ool, flax, hemp, or cotton or parts of either, thirty-two cents per square yerd; on all patent printed or painted floor cloths, fifty cents per square yard; on oil cloth other than that usually denominated patent floor cloth, twenty-five cents per square yard; furniture oi! eloth, fifteen cents per «quare yard, on floor matting made of flegs or other materials, fifteen cents per «quare yard.— See tariffof 1828. and Sen. ale Journal, page 410. A National Bank.—We remarked, in our last thet the necessity of incorporating a National Bank wil! soon be so univereally admitied, as to render it the most popular question of the dey, overthrowing all who array themselves spainstit, That this is to be so, we have no sort of doubt. Its abso- lute necessity will scan be apparent to all, and even those who gill not sustein it, wil! be silent, as the Enquirer and other of the same kidney were in 1819. or will run as P. P. Barbour did. The Tennessee papers tell us that it is the prominent issve in that State in the active canvass now going on for Governor, for members of Congress, snd for members of the State Legislature. The words ‘‘United States Bank”’ are inscribed op badges snd banners—and a letter to the Naskville Benner from one of the counties, ssys: ‘Even on the tiouses and fences, in travelling through the country, can often be seen in large letters,‘ United States Bank.” Let it be recollected that this is in Tennes- sea—once the most devoted Jackson State in the Union—where his word was more omnipotent than tbat of Jeflerson ever was in Virginia—and some estimete may be formed of the extent of the change in pub- lic opinion, which has slready taken place, aod whieb is still progressing. — Zgnch. Vir. Repudiation Rebuked.—The city elec- tion at Springfield (Jilirois) was mede to turn, by the Loeofoco leaders, expressly on the question of repudiating the city debt— some thirty odd thousand dollars—ineurred by the city to secure the location of the State Capitol. The repudistion ticket wes got up at the office of the Register, the State paper, and was supported by its. whole in- fluence. ‘The result, however, -has sdmin- istered a wholesome correction to the vile schemers. All the Whig candidates, in fa- vor of preserving the public faith, were elec. ted The vote for Mayor was for Hil, [whiz] mejority 49. Lest year the Locofocos car. ried the city. Governor Ford voted for the Repodiator’s ticket. The repudiation of the city debt wae un- doubtedly intended as the entering wedge tq the absolute repudiation of tHe Sigte debt. Columbus Journal St the capitol of Mexico, ia excessively indig- pant hersase MrSiephens obtained fiom Vaca tan, acd presented to the New York Historical Society, a nomber of ancient and valuable mag~ uscripia throwing light on the history of that country, sad recommends that a law be passed prolibiGng foreigners from carrying mone mpote of -antigeity way h@eafer be found? forty five per centum ad vaiorem : Provided» at the place whence impored, shall not ex- | re ge af 337, Grubb, [L F.] Repodiator, 288 ; Hill's | The National Standard, s new Paper printed | away be and manuscripts a 27, w29. Republican Whig. Ticket” ‘ For Presideit of the’ United States, HENRY CLAY. OF KENTUCKY. _ FOR CONGRESS, __ Col, D. M, BARRINGER, OF CAB&4RRUS COUNTY. Election on Thursday 3d of August. . ‘The Citizens Of Rowan congtgiate espeetally requested to mee! in the Couit Housé tn Monday evening the 28th instant, at 4 o'clock, for ibe purpase of making arrangements for celebrating the Fourts or JuLy THE PROSPECT. From all parts of. the District we Jearn that the right spirit prevails, with the exception uf one or two emall sections in Mecklenborg and Lincoln If the Whigs will but do their duty, we do not hesitate to say thet Col. Barrincer wil} most unquestionably be triamphantly elected to the next Congress of the United States, not- withstanding Geo. Epney so vnceremoniously persists in being a candidate ; and knowing as be does, that he is not the choice of a majority of the Whig Party. What will Gen. Edney sey if Mr. Craige the Loeoforo Calhoun candidate should be elected ? Woold he not, as all honest men will at once do, ascribe the defeat of the Whigs ‘o himselt? We anhesitatingly say be most, for there is no other alternative. If the District bad remained as it was under the old ap~ portionment, we would not have thought so moch of the General's trying to force himself apon the District asthe most available candidate; bot here is a District with three new counties added to it, who are ander no obligation to him whatever— and upon whom he hss not the shadow of a claim and we think the General should have awaited the action of the Whigs, out of respeet’ to the citizens of the new counties, if for nothing else. And as to his opinion about Conventions, we think it should be hooted at by all candid end honorable’ men. For if any person will ony re- fer back to his course in 1840, they will at once see that Gen. Edney cannot be sincere, aod that this opioion of his has been formed to suit the oresent occasion—because he knew there were men more talented and better qualified to repre- sent the District, aod whose claims opon the Whigs were mach stronger than his own. Becanse he was not liberal enoogh (as every trae hearted Whig should be) to surrender ap in- dividual claim for that*of his country, and abide the decision of a Cegvention composed of Dele. gates from al! the cousties in the District,—not becaose he. was afraid they would not do him jostice in the selection of the most proper man, but because he was not patriotic enough to treet those who composed the Mount Monrne Con vention. And we will here say, withont the least fear of contradiction, that there never was a body of more patriotic, honorable or true heart- ed, liberty loving set of men assembled together than those who composed that Convention. If Gen Edney is so moch opposed to. that mode of brrirging ont candidates, why “did he sopport Gen Harrison P_ How could he reconcile jt to himself..io throw aside this principle which he pretends to value so highly, and make speeches in favor of a man who was presented to the Americag People by a Convention, which accor- ding to ne new notions, ate so very obnoxious ? As for ourselves, we do not believe if the Gen- eral at all, and think that his course jusily mer- it the condemnation of every atdent lover of the Whig cause. We call opon every true Whig to rally around the regular Whig eandidate, and triamphantly bear aloft the wan who has shown himself worthy to be the bearer of that Standard — who has never attempted tv cast an obstacle of any description in the Whig ranks—who bas always had the good Of his Cowtry in view, and tot his individual aggrandizement! We call opon the Whigs fdr the sake of that cause for which they so glorioosly battled for in the never to be forgotten campaign of 1840, and upon the triampb of which all believe depends the exist- ence of oor present free form of Government, to let no one create divisions among them, and thereby endanger the saccess of those principles, let him be who he may, and fet his professions be ever so loud and clamorous. ORGANIZE! ORGANIZE! It is high time that the Whigs were making some efforis to present to the enemy, (whu are always ready) signs of an intention to dispuie every inch of ground in the approaching coniest fur the Presidenee Ans how can they do it bat by being acited. We respecifolly sugges! to the Whigsof Rowan the propriety of forming a CLAY CLUB atthe next Connty Court, or 8S Soon as practicable. as the beat means of 2/— vancing the caase of the great WESTERN STATESMAN —whose ecavse is that of his country’s, and apon the success of whose pric- ciples we verily beliewe depends the futare hap- piness of thig nation. What s Whigs ? Do you kx0w'any other pla bell ited ta furthes ithe great cause for which We are battling? If you do, name it, and we will beartily-co ope- rate with you. ‘ ~ nee a : Suicides.~Tiae Natcbez Free Trader 20th alt, says: * Two young. € , ve- cently retaraed from school in K y'té their homes on Red river, commited suicide. one be- caase he found his relatives in extteme poverty, @nd the other Detante he found the affections of bis father estratiged fromsbim, his’ mother hav. ing died doring bis'dtizenee, OB! tiother! mo ther! how dest thee-eling atoondsevery homan meanory, and thosgh cherished in oor heart of hearts, still thod art aot Sppr ed vnti} fost furever ""' tye { Rh a ao | the Usited ate. fea rene Se of State, in the Place of Danie! Ww "hy ed. Bot a8 the Colombia s C totiey we caneot see bow M, Levies, Thiel under such a man as Jobn Tye what his friends say he ie. ve bei ed and honorable man, io og. ee any show of principle acer hands of Mr. Tyler, whep ever, X firms them, that be is poy tei “y ples far more worse than Locof. °F Oe % man who has proved himsely Riese i" instanee, to al! ibe solema pledges Party that elevated him to man who bas been proven casjon to have been gviliy lf Mr Legare be the man Mig, ve Power tng OD Mare thas of dowerigy, that hig fr boncile it to bi v York, The heaping every mean end low epirh,, tha in his power, upon the tmiserabje ble occapant of jhe Presideniia| base cesertion of his confiding friends 8 ry short time after acvepied office onde i and commenced shouting hosannas it hia ; Again we ask, how can Mr. Legare y Me; able man, fellowship with soch & man a . M. Porter, of Pennss!vania, NOW Seery War, whose neme in his own Siate ig idges with nearly every species of fiaug and : and who was.dismissed from the Army the last war by a Coort Martial, for mign Soch men are not the associates anj comp of honorable men. And to as, things . pear to be working right, and room for is, by no means scarce. rr HENRY CLAy The fact is well known from sad eres that these are hard imes, soch 45 Tr souls. The time hss been when O0r ean not salated with the hue and cry —y hard times ;” but those dass of Prosperity passed away, and now our once happy oven, as a captive daughter, clothed Bpon wiih ments of mourning, is compelled to lament pe the base and treacherous aberations of day, gogaes who have involved her interes ing, labyriath of hazardous difficulty. Bet then, mains one consolation-to the Whigs: there brilliant star of hope which shines ir tbe We, and that star already throws his brightness our pathway—which we may TOGard a8 an og of better days yet tocome. Le: every Whig up bis head, for the day of his redempiioe dng eth nigh. We look forward with blest Unie, tion to the year 1844, when Hexry Char, ty * Star of the Wess,” shall be cleraies ot Presidential Chair of these United Statee—bp the fires of bis burning zeal {or the Wella ¢ his country may flare oat in living Corroseatng, directing the People of this Republic (0 pean, happiness and liberty! MR. BOTTS: LETTER. Below we give two extracis from t larg the Hon Joun M. Borrs, latea Represeaiain in the Congress of the United States, : reply to an article published by aottority inthe Ye isonian, the officia! organ of the Exeentive,e posing to the pablic gaze with a masterly bea the troe charaeter of John Tyler How anves cen set down and read the whole letier of Botts, and tise again from bis seat withoet ings of coniempt sud disgust for Mr. Pyle,i besond our comprehension If it was not {ri great length, and the press of other matter, 2nd cog, Chair, fey GO gy S080 our readers might see for themselves Betti enongh to know, that nothing ihat can be al about Mr. Tyler's baseness, oan sink bm a lower in the estimation of an injored 22d inst ed People than he now stands. “Tt was.on Wednesday the third day #1 E.xtra Session of Congress, thst I visited Tyler on business that had been introsicd 10m charge, by some of My constituents, wher! following conversation took place, ‘he soma of which be now so emphatically denies: as J mean to affix my affidavit to it, shallgm entirely and in fall, verbatim ct litcrsis nearly as I can recolfect it, (and | beliere!# repeat it precisely as it occurred.) and thé ® plead my apology for the introdoction # * guage. which I eonfess was neiiber recon Mr. 'Fyler nor myself, and still less prom ® the padlie prints ever as it was used repeat it here: cus After getting through the basiness #h™ ried me there, Mr. Tyler said ; F * Well, Botts, I naderstand et en lenooncing my message ; 10 whic ‘No, Mr. Tyler, I have said sothiet your message that deserves to be cbt " as dennnciation. though J am sory (0 £ have already established a back sia! | h H saper (bs! 7 ere, 10 communicate every wiisper Ut be made. I'll tell you candidly wb!“ of the message, when asked my opirmt” | said. it was a slip slop, milk and ane and not such as | hed expected or Ces Mr Tyler, said with some 206)". good homoredly : ‘ Well, God de®? “ did vou expect or wish ?” at * Well sir, said 1, «1 woold have Yo have recommended a Bank of the L ws fla! flooted, and jn the mos! pngnal Br ‘ Now, by God,’ said Mr Tyler, aye how dammed hard yon are to new oy submitted to vonr cunsideration three Ae Bank 4 the United States, the seen tem and the Sob-Treasvry; #”¢ yar fe) totake yoarchoice, and } woald be # either, . ‘ Bot,’ said I, « Mr. thata Whig Congress w Mate Bank System nor | Certaioly 1-dié," said be, fight fo he sati fied.’ ld pare we p * Well,’ 1 answered, ‘1 shor’ red that you shovid have eee att of the Bnited States ovtrigh', * have come to your aid and shoulder upon the question. 7 that each had been condemo we shoald then have ¢¢? now ment with from o0r VPP 99 have 2 Whig President ©) oy sim mend 2 Bank. ’—: Bot.'! contr 16 another objection | bad (0 ye he ds have had you to reccmmend (DE the sates of the poblic Janes, tlon’? . ‘ And sol have,’ said - » 4 Oh no,’ 1 said, Syn go, tha! the daties to be levied @ithoo S would cheerfally poblish the whole letter, _- — S& S = 2. & te a oe ~f & ea Pe ee ae ae ae ee ae er ed Se on e an «6 ee s |. se e iw — as ibs 500 Leow jase enoog ant.” Myer it is again,” said he, ‘why by God, sir, 908 dont ande {laws conta! yond from it 0 preven! gob da iber of jpe fa a gue 'o suite Now,” said excess yod what ie ¢ if this be your in say 395thi thea , it yinlated, a6 h fore required us gioation, than y med 10, and an yoor debts, a8 Wi lated by the act of 1833, which aoe are ubliged tad de, in orer to h revenue for the soppurt of Govern- ping nf 10 his table, he browog sie? = the passage which declares that ro- we perera eopiained shall be so consirued as ee the passage of any act prior 4o the gof Juve. 1342, in the contingency ei- tas of duties, &c.—so 48 tu adjust tbe rev- cen? ta (here nut a deficiency in the revenoc? grigen! - raising the duties to 20, 39, (49, 50, o1 100 i cent. if it shall be necessary * without viola aie provisions P’— Well, said 1, Mer ‘Tyler ied bv it, 10 connection with the subject of Dis pation” * Ob," 6aid he, ‘ you know q@hata cot (io portion of the country tbink of the eom- _onise act, aod it ie well enough to boemor aod for this it was that I denvenced bis phar- yeical and hypoeritieal cant about the Compro- pie act #hen he vetoed the Variff Bill because ji ibis point there was a slight pause in the gearersation, When [ said, Tyler there is one ece of advice | want to give you, and as you yve invited me to talk freely with you, I sball jw, You area poor man, and will fael it gore sensibly when yoo retire frem your present sill find it necessary to live and entertain ina yvie different from what you have been accos yoo will be placed in an embarrassed situation. * Yoo ought to lay op from yoor salary $15,000 prear, which in 4 years will give you $60,000 ind that, in Williamsborg, will be a fine estate, yjon which yoo can live after the payment of all ratand the Compromise Ac'!,’ and the volume ning the Compromise act. andy or deficieacy of revenue, alterine her contingenry. he, ‘sir, hasnt the ecentingency here in this act to prevent youu eonsiraction of that act why did ng about the * dcties contempla- e said, its provisions, and there to give up the Distribntion clause ou haveever done hefure—yeu less you provide the means now, | IMPORTANT FROM YUCATAN. Arrival of the Texian Squadron at Cam- peachy—and surrender of the Mexican tnvading Army ! ” late and interesting news from Yocatan. Com. Moore with the Texiao Squadron went into the port of Campeachy, on the 24th oltimo, and wastecelved with every demonsiration of joy. The day before his eatering Campeachy while in sight of tbat port, be was becalmed, and the Mexican steamers Gaudaloupe and Moniezoma. then lying at Lermo, made an atiack on him. Bot with all their advantages, the attack was a total failure, and a complete developement of the cowardly characier of the Mexi shois from the vessels of the siagle ficed to frighten them, and they speedily took Sbelier at Lermo, and the ships Austio and W borton, sailed in‘o Campesehy withoat inja- ry or further resistaoce from the great Mexican Squadron. A few » sof- The force ander the command of Don Matias de Ja Peoary Barragon, occupring the town of Tixpeual has been compelled by the distress which it hed suffered for some time previous, to | ™89 capttolate to Gen. Liergo, the Yocateco Com- mandant at Merida. Favurable terms have beep It become yoar station granted to the Mexicans, with the ondersiand- , | ing that this even) was considered as a prelimi | nary step to the entire evacoation of the Yaca- tan territory. Articles were signed on the 28d “« Botts," said he, “why confine me to four | ult, by which the Mexicans were to lay duwno years.’ “+ Why confine Pye why confine me to four years? Why not twelve? Ta pired erm Of General Harrison, and if I ean gake my administration popalar, wh§ ehoutd I not be entitled to and theo if T cou ihe people, Why should IF not serve out my own tight years, a8 others have done before ’ “Why, Mr Tyler,’ I answered. * you forgot ihe onelerm principle.’ * No,’ “ihe. ‘ ifev. wy body else would be bound by one term pinciple, so would I, but wo body else is, and ghy should I be.? This having been said ap>arently half in jest yd balf in earnest, | was doubtful bow he in- woded it, coti! ia @ more serious tone he re- smed : ‘Now, Botts, don’t you go off half cocked, and oppose my adm mao in Congress tio than you—1 am under greater obligations yoo than any body else, and there ig no man vhose interests | in promoting than yours. Now,sir, I havea Cabinet around me not of my own ibis is General Harrison's Cabfnet, and do not snow how long them. [don’t know how econ I may have to allaround =me a political family of my own choice, and when I do, where should I look so won as to my old friends, from my own doors,’ elending both hands towards me, Said 1, ‘Mr Tyler, itis time you and I had cme to. an onderstanding : You sey you had ra- ther any man in wdainistration than [ yoo, if it is your ytothat great Whig party to which I am and eer bave been attached on prineiple, and Fhich brought ¥ purpose to carry oat in good faith those measures ftelief, which we have promised 4o the coun- ‘y—yoo shall n for while } am stance ; bot, by G—d, Mr. Tyler, if it is yoor purpose to betray Neasares, if it is your purpose to break them jown and set ‘amned if ever you did see a more violent and ‘ler opponent than you will find in me: snd, ts for office, to which you have alladed, Jet me %y lo you, that there is not an office in the gift of the Execotive that I destre to hold, and not oe that | would consept taMpccep!, if it were ith the slightest sacrifice of my Political integri:y, or of the confidence of my ‘0 be allended w constituents? * Well, well, said he, ‘we wont More about this and stay and di ‘ese myself ; he insisted, took my hat and om- Yella from me; and I staid and broke Wbread bai day with him for the last time in hi own Souge,” “Ona the night of the 2d of March, °41, Mr yler and myself slept in the same bed, and ‘alked more than balf the night on various sad- Fels, public aud private— among tose subjects ofa public nature was the establishment of a ational Bank. "There was strong reason to apprehend that bale op that question, w ted : Bat said I, Zionous epportunity tj if the establish pensable to the be carried by 5 Nation onder a Yer be forgotten :* Was a respon Would rather avoid (hat, they should fied that he was Dational represen: of yielding all *Tepresentative of Virco On the ne xt called, ‘ining w he stould ha Presiding officer of th 0 them: * You need that Sodject ; don’ Botrg : *8) farther ah if Gfiy simes »geniiemen,’ ‘Well FO0 this ve mach—if lam called on to give the ©. 7 will give 1% without the slightest reter— Pee to an ° Period h " Represeniat , “ have anginflaence on My present coarse tere wae : _ be satisfied, and I do ne: believe ~All seeined t 8 trog Worth that he ath . would and some of them introd ta Bank, ae | supposed, with af bat they had to expect from Mr Tyler, fears on be Tyler will do. what is t:— vote fora Bank? « Come,’ said Mr you commit me ‘oo far en that subject, "Why. eaid I ‘fT cane J opinion that } may at any former ave entertained or ex yheveniative of Virginia. you to what,’ said I, with sor- m only finishing out the nnex- an election on my own account, 'd make myse!f acceptable to inistration—] had rather any should oppose my administra— ‘n should take greater pleasore lion ; I.gan live in harmdhy with Congress shoold oppose your Now, sir, let me say to purpose to act with strict fide} oo into power; if it 1 yoor ever want a sopporter on that there and able to render you as- that party, and to defeat their up a party for yourself—I'l! be talk any now—Come take off your hat oe with me.’ [tried to ex- e * * « there would be a tie in the Se- hich we both depreea- * Tyler, it will afford you a mmortalize your name ment of an institution so indis- Prosperity of the country should oar casting vote; it will lay ihe: Weight of obligation that will ne- "—To which he replied,‘ That sibility he did nat covet—sthat he it; but if it did come to capable asa ‘stive, of making a sacrifice, or his former «pinians expressed as nia? t morning, @ number of gentlemen the subject Ww of ascer- Ve todecide the question as the e Sengte—and | remarked not indulge any yler, fommit you you have @fready commilted over.’ an sald Mr Tyler, © Pit tell Pressed while a I sm now a Nation- ive, and will not allow old opte— ° Present (who believed Mr Ty- ¥) that left the roam with a doubt vere for the bill if fre Lad w vote Stanly and Arrington, sagse—“ We wish to draw no invidious comparisons. vious to ne, that Mr. Stanly *has the double ad-~ vantage of advocating the right side of the question, and of the onasualhy well this season and thus far promise an abundant crop. the State as merchandiz-, recoverable by law. crimes, James Hudgins, Isaac Allen, and Williem Simpson, were hung on the 2tst ult. et the yerd arm of the Avetio. — were sentenced to be whipped, two to re- ceive one hundred leshes each, end one fif- ty lashes ; sad one’ man wes declared not guilty. from eating the thatches. matches, Mthe sompositicn om the edis a most We regard this The independence of BC The Editor of the ‘* Newbern Specta tor,” in allading.to the progress of the eanvass, that Congressional District, between Mesars Bot ap it is ob- The wheat fields in Michigan are said to look Erie Canal.—Some ide# may be formed of the amount of capital employed in the transportation of goods and passengers on thie canal, from one | of item mentioned in the New York ‘Iribune.— **Oae house in Troy, engaged in the forwarding business on the Erie Canal, employs eight hun- dred horses, aod two handred and fifty boats:” Important Decision. —Vae Coart of Appeals, in Mississippi, has decide@ that the amoonts of | ¥ears, the purchaser giving ‘ : for slaves branaht into} CU'l Ys Syable at the Agency of the Bank of the Erousinecry Boness Ei veo fir Waves bronght into State of Nouh Carolina at Charloue, with in since 1832, are not The Savannah Georgian says: MB rinting by Eleetricily is said to be almost accomplished. Mr, Alexander Bain, a native of Scotland, dold~ ly proclaims that he can print any camper of e- pies of a newspaperal any distance from his office, by means of wires electro—magnetized. As Mr. Baio has iovented a clock aod lar principles, the scientific are very ready to be- lieve a good deal of what he says,” raph on sim'- Missionaries +The Rev. Mesere. Chase and Pingtree, of the Methodist missiog ‘in Africa, arrived in New York, in the Globe. retarned for the benefit of their health, bot ex- pect to sesume their labours in the fall, Editor of the African Luminary came over io the same sbip. They have The The Rev. Eugene Kincaid and Lady, of the Baptist mission, in Burmab, have reiurned to this countzy to recruit their health. Mr. K. has been absent fourteen years; he brought with him two of the children of the Rev. Mr. Comstock, of the same mission, to remain wiih their rela- ives in this country. The Mormons are building another city on the mississippi, a few miles below Burlington, Towa. Mutineers Executedi-—-Toe Motineers of the Texen ship ‘of waf Gn Antonio, who | board the ship Austin, at New ort'time singe, fdr mutinying ering the heuteram in command, eceived the punishment due then Four of them, Antomo Landois, Three of the men BC A little girl died recently in New York nds of fricten or locofoco Parents should be carefal of their ’ virtlent poison?” By late arrivals at New Orleans, we have qvid detrimenti R their arms, give op their artillery, and be con- | should all faithfolly, to the best of our dacted to T'elchac, whence they were to embark | keep and fulfi! that charge. — Alex Gaz within eight days peremptorily for ‘I'ampico.— = The arms, monitions of war, &c., were to be ta- | Weeluable ken to Merida, and deposited in the Arsenal there to be rendered up to the Mexican Government at the close of the present contest signal success of the Yacatecos as fata! to all hopes of the Mexican Government to re-estab— lish its autbority over that people, and Gen. Am- padia, the Commander in Chief at Camperchy, will no doubt soon follow the example of his sub. ordinate, in quickly retreating from the scene of his successive defeats. a th tt . Yocatan is now beyond al! question. e next term of 4 J commodious perfect familiarity that his | with thirteen and a half superior experience haagiven him, with all the adjoining town. facts and fopice that are connected with the dis- | Coulaining cussions, we are reminded by M¥. A.’s consent- ing to meet him face to face before the people, of a remark made in Kentacky by a Scotch gen tleman, on seeing alittle bull rosh might and main upon a Steam Car, under fuil headway, by which be was thrown off the track, with a bre- ken feg—‘* the little bull, said he, has courage} KVOWN 70 BE PRODUCTIVE. enoogh, but bad judgment.” - ‘o bea gvod winin a “Porttie®. tn this ded apd ‘elk hec, are & part, rd man ; becaose | Wife laws, and the pur ess of every citizen, and, the goveroments of the Naij as to touch the » and mech > of the the Sia commonity. Hence, and most feel an interest. in the lities of the evvntry—and every one or the other of the political listing his wishes the division vond the reach ernment. Nor i the whole laod of ty. zeal ; and the only wrong measures pursued by those in aetbori conducted by discretion. there is always danger of men to calm down their passions or their and, admitting their own imperfection hem 'o do jastice to the motives, forgive the errors, epudlic, to tolerate all whilst we, with independence, sssert and main- tain ourowo. Bat the entire abstinence ’ from care a8 to the politics of out coantry, ought not to be encavraged and cannot be excused. No can wrap himse!f op io bis self-sufficiency r selfishness, and say, ‘ let the world wag on— ‘cannot injore we.’ He is wanting in love for bis neighbors and affections fur his country, when he ceases to fee! an interest as to those who are to administer the Government, or what is to be the policy of the nation. So to act is '0 prove, io some sense, recréant to his obli tons. To every one is given in charge—* ne eepublican caprat,’ and we ability, ~ — —— Real Estate, Gola MINES, &. Public Auction ! Ww AT ILL be sold tothe highest bidder, at the Court House in Charlotte, on Tuesday of ecklenbarg County Conrt in uly, the following desirable property, Viz: A PWELLING HOUSE, nd FOUR LOTS attashed, situated on main- street. Sixteen unimproved LOTS lying back of «the bove-named premises. ‘The MANSION HOUSE, ACRES of LAND; One TRACT OF LAND “40 ACRES, ying eight miles west of Charlotte, on which hereis a GOLD MINE, -- ALSO — An vodivided interest in a Tract of Land, 5 cr 6 miles from Charlotte, containing Gold. The above is koowa as the property lately owned by Col. William J. Ad@exander. At the same time and place, an undivided halt S27 Jeres of Land, ying on the waters of half Mile Biaoch, known 8 tract, lately the property of N. W. Alexander TERMS.—A credit of one, t%o and three tond § approved se terest from the time of sale JAS. A. JOHNSTON, Jeent of the Bank of the State of N.C. at Charlotte. May 27, 1843 ~1mje44 State of Porth Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equity—April Term, 4. D 1843. Joseph Martin, 7 vs. John Martin, Thos. war tho, Samoel martin, Geo. martin, Elizabeth Harris, + Original Bill. Thomas J. martin, and | Hampton Bynom, Ad- ministrator of Wm. G. Martin, deceased. | this case it being made to appear to the sat. isfaction of the Coort, that John martin, one of the defendants in this esse, does not reside within tbe limits of the S:ate of North Caroli- aa: It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Carulina Watchman, printed at Salisbury, that upless he, the said John martin, appear at the next Coort of Equi- ty, to be held for the county of Stokes, at che Coort-Hoase in Germanton, on the second mon- day afier the fouith monday in September next, and plead, answer or demar, the Bill will be takem pro confesso and the cause set dows for hearing expatie as to him. Witoess; F. Fries, Clerk and ssaster of ourssid Guart at office, the 2d monday after the 4th monday in March, A. D. 1848. Copy from the minates. F. FRIES, c me. may 27, 18483—6w44--Printers fee $5 50 J Ibcigh ofien deri +. are made to. a snd tha ea becaube. thes affect on 8 ' Pecanisry condition, socie Ppiness and genera! welfare of the whule every good citizen does, parties and po- tepoblican is more or less a pariy mao—taking sides with - And itis all r that thié should pe—for the © eitizen is too humble to be be- of evil measares, and -none too bigh to be elevated above the fear of a bad gov sthere any quarter or section of which can eacape from the effects The knowledge of this fact dimoulacs to : reqaisite wanting, is, tha: this zeal should be tempered with pradence, and lo high party time, improdence and rash- ness ; of strife and bitterness. Bot a little re- Not the least interesting portion of the intel- | fection will enaole al! reasonable end honorable ligence says the New Orleans Tropic, brouy ht by Capt. Coffin, is that contained in foll files of ' Merida papers of the capitulation of the remains of the Mexican Aimy, intended for the subjuga tion of the interior of Yocatan. teelings, + impels and @xcdse or of their opponents [tis ae part of the duty of oor station as citizene of a differences of opinion, ceived inte the family as boarders, and Col. _W. Lone wil! take 8 or 10. His residence is agreeably situated in a retired partof town, and made for absence, sickoess. the advancement of the pupil, Dil, NOTICE. withiaws in pe will. be barsed of recovery by the said act t a“ NATHANIEL BOYDEN, Ada. Salisbory, may 27, 1948—1f44 time © undersigned having qualified as Ad- Tere el Estate af Robert Macna- Beas: es nvtice to all persons hav- m 8 against the Esiste of the said Ro. bert Macnamarea, to present them for payment ined by an Act of Assembly, made and provided ; otherwise they ation of the COUNTY COURT WRITS, ; this, Office ‘ Printed on first rate paper and Wer sale st Court of rey. 1842. Elizsbeth Haaser, Jacob) hore aod wife and ate ers. vs Anthony Hecser, of Land. J the Court, that Aathon fendani in this mai ten ys limits of this State: fh is poblication be made for six weeks in na Watchman, Court of Eqaity, to be held for Siokes, at the 1t House the second monday afier the set down for hearing exparte as to him. Court at Office, the fourth monday in March, A. D 1848- opy from the minates, F FRIES, c we. may 27, 1843 —6w44—Printers fee $5 50 MPVHE Sommer Session of this Inetitntion, wil] commence on Monday, March 6th. Ar- rangemente are making to procure an assistant Teacher, who wilt probably enter on her duties in one or two weeks. ‘I'erms as formerly, but a clase of small children, learning only Reading and Spelling, will be tanght at Every branch asvally taught in the first’ Female Se- mineries will be attended to, and it is believed that its present arrangemenis are superior to those of any former session. Rev. S. Frontis (a native of Franee) is instrectiog a class in the Freech language, and it is desirable thet otbeis who intend joining should do so immediately. — He has also consented to take charge of a class in Crayon Drawing 5 ® ranch which is highly appreciated at the North, and bat little attended to among us, A few young Ladies will be re- R very coovenieni tothe Academy. No deduction bat ia cases of long continued TERMS. Toition $6—8—10—or 12 50 according wo Music on Piano per session, $22 50 Guitar per quarter, 12 90 French per session, 10 06 Drawing with crayons per session, 10 00 Painting in water colors de. 10 00 Wax Work, 6 00 Neeale Work, §c. taught if desired. E.MMA J BAKER. Principal. Salisbury, March Ist, 1843~—1f32 HEAD QUARTERS. SALISBURY, May 6, 1843. Attention ! FFICERS of the 64th Regiment of Mili. tia: —Yoo are commanded to parade in Salisbury, on Friday the 2d day of Jone, at 10 velock, A M., with Side Arms for Drill and Court Martial— And on Saturday, the $d day of June.at 9 o'clock, A. M., with your Companies fir Review and Inspection. By order of Major General B. VI. Epser, of he 4tb Division of North Carolina Militia, - J. A. BROWN, Col: Com'nt Pd 64th Regiment N.C. M. A. Stinewayt, Ad't. Captains will make their retnrng on the day of A ESTMREWALT, Adj, May 6. 1848—5wal DOMESTICS. ING COMPANY AVE still farther redaced the PRICES of their MANUFACTURES, in conse- quence of the continued depression of business throughout (he coontry, They are manofactor- ing Botton Yarns, MN os. assert. SF Td hirting, heavy, 4.4 da. SP tne. [=P do. heavy, The Pablic are assured tbat parchased on terms as favorable, as they can be procared at any other establishwent. J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent Salisbery, May 20, 1848—1148 me NOTICE. FANHOMAS MeGUIRE of Davie enanty en- j tered on the stray book a Bay Filly about hardly discernable ; valoed by (wo freeholders according to law a: tweaty dollars. Said beas: was taken up the 24th April. The owne: is requested to come and prove property, pay charges and Teceive the same ; o'herwise in due time, it wil! be disposed of according io law. JAMES RENSHAW, Ranger of Davie coanty. May 20, 1848—Sw43 : Dr. G. B. DOUGLAS, AVING permanently located’ himseif in Salisbury, offers his professional services the pablic. ° Perticalar attentiop will ¥e paid to all Surgi cal cases entrosied to fits care = Br Office in the large corner house, nearly opposite J. & W. Murphy's store. © Salisbory, May 6, 184$8—tf41 CA S * Neatly printed aad.fos sale at this Office Petition for the sale Sppear at the aext for the couaty of it. Germanton, on fourth monday i Sepiember next, and plead answer or denen, the petition will be teken pro ronfesso, and the cause Witness, F. Fries, Clerk and master of our said second monday afier the Salisbury Female Academy. their goods are of the best quality, and can be | two years old, with a defect on the left bind foo: | State th Carolina. | NTY. | this case it appearing to the satisfaction of ‘ { in alls i especis. 7 t consisting of COACHEES, sod BUGGIES, whieh he will warrant to be equal, if not superi ygmade in the North- ro States, for besw @arability , The subscriber ‘Solicits a share of | ' public patronage. Hemayalways be foond at | °lsewhere, State of Porth Carolina. Martio Nading and) vs. Barnet Wyre, aod { i 3 that Jobo Michael and Betsy his wife, De— | eres. Satioets. Kentacky Jeans ana Genile- Tere see Try ee live bevoad the Ticaia of | awe ongimer cleite, Neskeon silt Cotisn Ces. e ’ 3 & Py his State: [1 is therefore ordered by the Court, Painted and figured French moslios and babes, Satin striped and Paris figa:ed Beleoreins, (new article) plain, Black and fancy colored Lawns, Scotch ginghams, Crape de Lanes, Plain end figared mustin de Lanes, Plain end figered Chal- ies, Black and colored Alpacker lusiers and Bom- bazines, Blue, black and cvlured, plain and siri- ped silks, Silk gimp and fringe for wruming dresses, Jaconett and Swies muslins and Bi Lawne, Gambroons and [.inen drills, Black and fancy silk Cravats and Stocks, Silk and Lioen sandkerchiefs, Muslin collars and Silk dress shalls, Black and white sitk Hose, Buliing cloths, from No 5 w9, (warranted geouine,) Tailors man, for six successive weeks for said Defend ants to be and appear at our next Court of Equi- t Court Honse in Lexington, on the Ist monday afierthe 4:h monday in September next, then | | and there to show cause if any they have, why t ed, otherwise judgment pro confesso as to them will be entered, and the cause heard exparte, Witness, W) Wommack. Clerk and Master of Tailoring Establishment ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, TAILORS, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) E have loraied ourselves in the Town of Salisbury, {permanently ,) and intend ear ryiag oo sor BUSINESS ia a style nut te be surpassed in this Siate or oat of it. Our Estan lishment is in the room on the corner of the Hotel, formerly cecupied asthe Post— Office. e have employed the best of Northern Workmeo. No expense or paias wil! be spared to render this a Fashionable Estabiishment ! On having their.eluthe« made op ia the mogi fashionaliiand corable manner. We have been engaged regularly in catting for the last five years, aod Bari of the time, in some.of the most celebrated hd ab in the qerekal oii ry. We shall nt hesisateto guarantee every thing to fit we cut and make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-yorK FASHIONS, received monthy. In conclusion, should we be enco@raged, no one need send away.t0 procure good clothing. . A. P. ALSOBROOK. H.S. MILLLR. Reference.—Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N.C. Saitsbary, May 20, 18438— 1926 Ready Made HE Sovbscriber will keep constantly on hand a supply of Ready made Carriages from he well known Manofactory at Yanceyville BAROUCHES ? be stand formerly.owned by John I. Shaver, WM. OVERMAN, Agent, For Wyarr Wacker. Salisbury, April 22, 1842-6m39 Gentlemen, therefore, may rely | care, and the for cash, which is more than any other establish - largest siock thet bes ever 642 pe. Georgia Nankeens* . 478. do brown and bleached domesiic, 610 do calicoes, assorted, $9 do printed masiin l 89 do brown diille, — 46 do Kentucky jones, $3 do bed ticks 20 do Ginghems 5 do het anchor boltin he 190 legborn and willow + ye 187 doz palm leaf do. 220 do cotton handkerchiefs 1240 pr shoes, assorted SO ceses hats assorted * 446 ladies bonnets assorted 288 duz ecmbs assorted 425 gross butions asso: ted 45 saddles assorted 2 22 doz grass and grain scythes 103 coz pocke: knives 181 dez knives and forks 4 doz caiting knives 21 duz weeding hoes 9 blackmith vises do anvils 4 pr do bellows | 15 doz saddle trees 50 pieces bagging € coils ro 405 begs coffee 17 hhés sugar 173 kegs white lead 22 pre elliptic springs 75 prstrace chains 1000 {bs foaf sugar 54 kegs powder 182 kegs nails and brads, Together with a general stock of all kinds of GOODS. These goods were seiected with the nimest y have been bought with cash and ment io this place can say, (if ibey speak trath) ; and we furiter say, that itis by far i beeo brought to this place—and we defy 2 contradiction. These goods are for sale, and we are determined to sell hem for cash, lower thea they ean be booght let the price be what it may. All we ack is a call, if you please. Most respecifally yours, J & W. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 29, 1843—1(40 N. B. Repairing done in the best style. Ww. oO. DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN EQUITY—APRIL TERM, 1848. ee others. > Petition for the sa! al Estate. aphers. appearing to the satisfaction of the Court. i hat podlication be made in the Carolina Wate y, to be held for the cuunty of Davidson, at the he prayer of the Petitioners shall not be grent- onr said Court at Office. the 1st monday afier k the 4th monday in March, 1843. W WOMMACK,cmeE 6%39— Printers fee $5 50 ; PHIA FASHIONS, for she Spring and Summer of which far serpasses any thing of the kind here- \ofore poblished. He still carries onthe in all its branches, at his eld stand, where he is ever ready to meet end aceommodate his old and new customers with fashionable caiting and ma king of garments, not to be surpassed by any in the soathern country. and faiihfol work as has been, always shall be bis aim and object. agement, he hopes to merit ils continuance, experience and work for the last thirteen years will show. SPRING and SUMMER | FASHIONS ° _ FOR 1843. HORACE H. BEARD &. AS jost received of Mr. F Maniw ‘ep LONDON, PARIS & PHILADEL- 1843! Tatloring Business Punctuality, despatch Thavkful for-past encour. NEW Spring & Summer GOODS. > HE Subscribers are now receiving the Tar- _|V oof Re | ee and most complete stock of desirable Goods, ever brought to thie market 3—Ccoosisti 0 part of English and Freoch Clothe and Cassi- rimmings, [ngrane carpeting and matting, ‘Tai- ors Patent shears and poinis, Lawn Fla cenee, Braid and Straw bones Panama, Luton, Far and wool Hais, Seal, Cloth aod Leane: Caps, Robinson's five Kiet stipe, au Seal ss nas: walking, 4 doz. Miles five Philadeiph s mao: calfand morocco Bots, and Ladies lined and twine low price shoes, Crockery, Hardware Saddlery-aod Sadlers trim roings, Carriege trimmings of every description, Smith and Carpenters tovls, a large quaniicg of Sole and Upper leather, (very cheap) Window glass, Potty, Nails, White lead pure, ning, Lump sugar, 20 Hdds. Brown do. 25 Hdde Molasses, $1! bags Rio Coffee, 3 :ons K:nglieh Tire, Spring B ister and Cast Steel, a lacge assoriment of Tran and Castings 15 eases Geutheuen 4 V0 1,2, and (warranted good,) Castor Oil, Salis, Qui- ad Rowac’s Tonic mixture, Loal, end The above Goods was selected with great care, and will be sold tor Cash, wholesale and retail, at unprecedented low prices pecifally inviied to call and examine for them- selves. The Peblic are res- JENKINS & BILES. Salisbary, April 22, 1843—1539 PS. Reference he deems unnecessary, as bis HORACE H BEARD. April 15, 1843— {38 friends and the pablie that be «til! continues io | carry on the adove business in all its various branches, and 2* the old siand on main street, ces to suit the t'mes, anide Coffins constantly kept on band to soit any bave been sold for. CABINET MAKING! HE Sobscriber respect fulls retorns bis thanks for past favors, and infurms bis old two doors below J, & W. Murphy's store and op- posite the Watchman Printing Office, where he may always be found. He keeps consiantly on | hand a variety of well fioished work, and at pri- Also a supply of ready Measare ; and at lower prices than ever they N. B. All kinds of Lomber and Country Pro- duce taken in exchange fur work. . K. ELLIOTT. April 29, 1843—1540 EE. H. ANDREWS, ' DENTIST State of Porth Carolina. Cicero Lowe, Henty R. | Dusenbary, Adm’rs,-and Benjamin F. Withams, | DAVIDSON COUNTY. IN EQUITY— APRIL TERM, 1843. Juho P Mabry, } ws ' ‘ Origins) Bill. and his wife Jane. ¥: 'T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Benjamin F Williams aod Jane his wife, defendanis in this case, Hve beyond the limits of this State: I is therefore ordered, that pablieation be made tor six successive weeks in the Carolina Watehman, for sa 2ppear and snswer complainente term of this Court, to be held for the county éf Davidson, at the Coort Hoase in ee, on the Ist monday after the 4th monday in § ber next, or Jedgment pro confeseo will be en~ tered as io them i W. Wommack, Clerk and Master of endanis to | at the next ptem- 1d Court at Office, the 1*t monday after the 4th monday in March, 1848 W, WOMMACK,c me. 6#$9—Printers feeg5 50 XPECTS w retorn to Salisbury in a few 4 weeks Persons wishing bis services, who are fiving in tbe covatry, can inform bim of the shme, dy addressing him ibroagh the Post Of- Dr, D. A, Maxwell, AVING ‘ocated himself 21 Gen Kerr's in Rowan coonty, on the rood leading from fice at Salisbory. prompily aitended . | Api! 29; 1843—6w40 Sucheealls sisall always be; Salisbury to Bestie’s Ford, potitely tenders hie , | professional services to the public, May 15; 1843—1f42 ba ] Waveness of the chest, pain in the side and breagi, 3i eee eee CABINST: a at €? SOKA Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT |! _ +. THE SUBSCRIBERS LF ahs themselves together for ihe par pose of maoolacioriog hairs, Bureaus, Sofas, |; ' SBORET: WARDROBES, Centre-- Fables, SIDFBOARDS, &C. &C. in the very best hind of style, and of the finest | materials, beg leave to ask at the hands of the citizens of ihe cooniry aod villages aroand, a share of their oat-onage in oor line of business. Their shop 1s a few doors east of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Junes’ old Tavern. JOHN FRASER, ‘ WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 1843-133 KENILWORTH HOGS! TRVHE Srbser iver bas just added to his stock of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs Lpported frm Engtand in the fall of 1841, by Mr A B Allen, of New York, and are now a- bout 1Sipunihsold ‘The Boaris a very supe- rior agemal, deep, thick aad excellent tn al! his pints: the Sow vere fioe, with a liter of eight p'gs, which, foBveaniy and farm, ean hardly be surpassed. Those who may wish a fuller de- seription of these fine animals, are referred to Mr. Allen's letter puolished ia the Cullivator.— The sobseriber has a/so, a Vor shire Sow, por chasedef Mr. Allen, from a Sow tinporied by bim trom England ; and suroe Thin rind Sows : and those wishing to porchase, cao have the! pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or crosses of Kanii worth and Yorkshire, Thio-ciod and Berk- shire. His stock of Berkshires was parcbased of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, aud ts nol 8 surpassed by anyio ihe United S:ates, Those wishing to improve their sinck of Hogs, haee| now a better opportunity of doing so, than has | ever beea offered Souih et the Potomac Ordera} for any of the above will be promptly atteaded | to. Wi), F. KELLY, Near Moeckaville, Davie co. Janoacy 14, 1848. Ss CONSUMPTION AND LIVEB Complaint. Dt TAVLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT, -{ om $75 Bowery, New Yok — for the core of conghs. colds, catarrhs, Asihma, ——__—__ sing of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronehitis, and ali those affections of ‘Hbroat and fLLangs,— which are a sou'ce of so mich soffering, aod un arresied, so olien terminate in Consumplien— this remedy is highly and jasily distinguished. It is parely vegetanle, mild and gentile in iis ef- fects upon the system, ang ean ve taken in the most delicate cases. wiih safety as well ag atili- ty. Physicians, aware of iis medicinal proper- lies, and witnessing its effecis even in extreme, and in some instances, apparentiygalmost hope— less cases, olieo prescrike it in their practice, boi ag a palliative and a remedy, and wiib the Medical Facully geneia!)y, it has met wilh great approbation, rp CONSUMPTION --The followiag remarks were taken frow the Jast number of the Medical Magazine : “The surprising effect produced by the genu- ine Ba'sam of Liverwo.i, made at $75 Bow- erg, in consompilve cases, cannoi fail exciting a deep and thrilting interest throughout the wold We have so long velieved ihia disease (consump tive) incorable, that itis Gificult’ to credit our senses whenewe see persons, evidently consnmp.- tive, resiored to health. Yet itie a faci of daily oceurreace.” The following was given os ashortiime since, | by Capt Scott, of Elizierh City, N.C. Ces tificales. * Being eonstitaionally predisposed to Con- enmp-ion, (a number of my family having died of inis disease,) and having suffered severely ‘rome dwiiation of the Lungs, aecomu.panted with cong gid raising maiver and blood, together with seve @ pain in ag side ang breast, till | was smpposcd tone beyond recovery, | was induced vy aiviee ot Dr Perkins, as a last resort to try i rrtsamol Live: wort, | have taken five f be2en io improve with the first . 4 . vies ? tay ‘si viteaan all ‘ ovile, aout wi'e iak eg ihe third, was so far re- covered, as tn ve wo et A avout Since wh:ch ine Oy runtinued Use of Hi, Lam que restored and av'e to attead ta my asual vusiness. To per- song saffering trom coughs and affections of the lungs, bau earnesily recammend it (Signed 5 JAS C SCOTT. Nhginert City, N. C.5 Dee 1b, 1842. Liver Complaint and General Dehility.—1 | foa@n oy oy (wo physicians, and told to pre be vest] was so weak | could not raise Dy ais my bead. [ was in this low staie bed ateena seavnme a bottleof Dr ‘Vaylor’s Bolsam ot Liverwort, trom $75 Bowery, and be ture f vad osed ap the bottle, | was able to BI up iy bed By she fariher ase, | have completely regained iny heal'b, GEO WELLs, 23 John st. Fiolent paiain the side —I have been cored o! a stolent pain in the side, extending throoch ‘othe shvoalder, indigestion, cizziness, loss of ap petite, and general debility, by the use of two haitles of Dr Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from $735 Bowery. JF #H Allen, No7 Merchant’s Row. For sale ai the Drog Store of C B Wheeler, Salisbury. march 4, 18483~—1532 4 NY qnantity of fresh Limt can be lad at the Kilo of the late Joseph Williams dec By the 100 busisis and over 16 cenis; 50 to 100 bashels 18 ; 5 (0 40 bushels 20; unsiacked { in proportion. All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or | “Av ye LIME! LIME!! ibetr residence, will apply either to J. WILLIAMS. meer Re Rockford, Surry connty, N.C. ; march 19, 1843. sa | GARDEYV SEEDS Y GENERAL assor:ment, may be foond at | A the lsbarg Medical and Drug Store, | Salisbury, N ©, Jan. 21,1843 1126 - PILES? PILES! MAYS’ LINIMENT!! fi thik PILES —The price of ihre celebrated | Liniment ts refunded to any person o} will use a bottle ul Hays’ Liniment for the Piles | and reiors the ewnpty duttle withoul being cured, j The above have heen the terms oa which this, Liniment bas been sold for nearly ten years past, | and not ore bottle oot of one hundred has ever | beso returned = BtcF” For sale at the Watebman | Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisoury ; J& Ri Blan G-eensooro’.; Hrilsboro’, D Heart ; Lex- iegtoo, J P Maney 5 Raleighe S Duib, prareh 4, 1843—1 p32 * Ladies’ Fashions 1842 pat op and lorwarded. Crimping and Flotiog gn e2sonab!e terms. ~{ FOR THE { Fat and Winter of | & °43. | HE Sabscriberinforms the public, that she has jost received throngh the Norihern i Citiesihe latestand most approved London & Parisian Fashions, | And is prepared to execute orders in the mos: ivlish and satisfaciory manner. “Work sent from a distance shall be careful!y s, D. PENDLETON. pce Mrs P. has on hand a handsome assort- ‘ ment of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and | larbans, for sale. “> Mos. S. P. is also prepared to execute Salisoury, December 3, 1842. NEW FASHIONS > FOB THE Spring and Summer of 1843. THOMWAS DICKSON ESPEC'TFULLY ioforms his frieods aod pobl:e, that be sill carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS all its various branches, two doors above J. & W. Morphy’s store, where be is ready to exe- cule all orders of his customers in a style and manner not surpassed by any in this partof the country. Heie also inthe regular receipt of ihe NEW-YORK FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodaie the tastes of the Fashionable at all times, April 15, 1843—ly3 TO FAMILIBS. ROW AND’S ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. Those who wou'd have recourse to a°Family Medicine for Fever anp Aaus. Dyspepsia and -Vervous Weakness, should discriminate between ihe ‘* thoosand and one’’ remedies constantly heralded forth to the public, (the same now as in all \imee past, ) and that almost universal! y-suc - cessfol prescription called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Micture. A few remarks will serve toiliusirate the dif- ference. In the figat ‘Tonie Mixiare im the noon entirely new principles. Secondly: ft not only promptly ar- rests the course of the chills, when punctually and perseveringly used, bat ‘ii soon restores the wonted funclions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy slale ; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an atiack of the disease in one who has neverhad it before. ‘Ybirdlv: The sysiem, during the administration of the Improv- ed ‘fonte Mixture, springs up at voce onder its benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of re- tarning health and vigor. Fouarthiy: Prodacing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of the disease passes off in the way mast strongly indicated by natore. Fifihly: Its effects on the system are oniformly mild and safe, as well as efficient, and i! is 38 well adapted to the feeblest infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as the most vigorous adult. Many other @onsider- ations, of the utmost importance to the anxious parents and invalids, might be enume-:ated here, dat the above are a few of the points of contras’, in comparison with the remedies generally resor:- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- leciing the remedy. N B. With a view to re-establish entire | confidence in the efficiency of the ‘* Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixture,” to effecta lasting cure of Fever and Agoe, the Proprietor restores the original gnaraniee, vig: ‘The money shal! be retained in every case whereir. the remedy has been punctaally nsed without prodacing the desired effee!. Address Dr. JOHN R. ROWAND, No 28 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbory, N. C. C,.B. WHEELER. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, E “AVING parchesed Mr. 'T.. R. Hughes’ in- OB ierest in ihe above Ksiablishmen:, tenders bis services to the Travelling Public. Having for several years been engaged in keep'ng PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Moant Mowrne, ip Iredell coaniy, te indolges ihe hope that he bas expeience enocgb in tbe daties of his business to endeavor io rende: com fortavle, all who besiow upoo his buuse :he'r pa tronage. Bis TABLE shall always be well and plenii fully supplied with every thing the country af- fords, io please and satisfy the palate eveo of an epicure, Hia BAR wil! be foond furaished wi.b a choice selection of Liquors. His STABI.ES sball be constantly atrended by faithful and atientive hostlers and supplied with abundant provender. N. B. Tre Stage Office is kent at ihe Mansiun Hoase. H!RAM T. Charlotte, Febroery 4, 1843 —6m28 —_— -—-—— ~~ -- SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES AND G@ROCERIES!! R. ROUECHE, respeeifully infores the e citizens of Salisbury and the sorrounding couniry, that he has rece:ved a nsw and splen did sapply 0! Confeciionaries and Groceries, con Sistiog of al! kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS of the vey besi quality, such as Madeira, Pori Teneriffe, Champaigue, Moscat, Claret, and Malaga, Wines, French Brandy, Holland Gin Porter, Ale aod New Ark Cider, and Corgials. Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Oysters, Sogar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, and various other articles too tedious to mention, which | will sell as chesp for cash as they cambe bought at ’ny other Estadli8hment » the operation of the of Feverand Ague is peculiar, yet safer { boro’. by D Heartt; Lexington, J P Maory, ~~~ |} Raleigh, Dr Sita. NEW : | The beautiful English Slatiion Imported = eo! —=— ‘George W. Dave, Commission end Forwarding Merchant WiLMI ek Faverrevitte N.C. HE ondersigned is now prepared to receive Goods at Wilmington, and forward the same | 1o his Agent at Fayetteville, who wit! forward to | jmediately, the Owners inthe back corntry. He hasa large Warehouse at the River, where Goods @ill be siored free of storage, and the owners subjected only to half the wsaal cartage from the River to Wrehouse isisolatad from all other baild/ngs, the danger of Fire will be trifling in compariaon to the risk iocarred from being srtuated in town. Those who may favor him with their basiness, may rest assured ihat every attention will be paid | to the promotion of their interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : Messrs. John Haske & San. D. A. Ray, . Fayetteville, V. C. Alexander Anderson, Juhbn McRae, John Dawson, - Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davia, Geerge W. Brown, = Salisbury, V.C. B.S. Powell, Pecket 4gent, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1f10 DR. D. JAYNEB’S PAUILY WEBICLYES. fAVHESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre—- Hf pared for family ose, and have acqoired an onprecedented popularity throughout the United States; and as they are so admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, oo family should ever be wiihoaitbem. The proprietor of iuese valnable preparations received his educa- tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the United States, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which be has bad ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and :he remedies best calcalaied to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valnablo remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spitling of Blood, Croup, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, Acute Rheuma- lism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, end all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Jayne's Hair Tonic { For the Preservation, Growlh,and Beautg of tbe Hair, and which will positively bring in New Hair oa Bald Heads,and prevent its fall- ing oat or tarning Gray. JAYNES TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe,and certain preparation for ihe removal of Worms, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Fever and Ague, Pies, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Siomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINAPIVE BALSAM. A certain cnre for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhea. Dysentery, Chotic. Cramps, Sick Headache, Scur Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangemenis ef the Slomach and r Bowels, Nervous Affections, &e. Jayne's Sanative F itis, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin. &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Purgaiive Medicine is required. Vhe above medicines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical and Drug Swe. by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbary, N. C. Seni S, 1S42—196 Rev. Br. Wartreionree’s PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. { | An agreeable Cordiz!, and eGective Remedy for Congha, Hoggseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, la @uenzs Ha. 8 @aining, and difficoli Expectoration. §C8 Fo saleatihe Waictmen } Office, and o¢ C B Wheeler, Salisbury. march 4, 1845— 1932 | | Cc. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has just regeived 2 fresi) sup- nly of his genaine Impmoved Tonic Mixture, which is ferwale wholesale and retai', at he Medical Drag Store, Salisbury, N. C. Dec 10 ~if20 \Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! FYNHCSE Plasiers, c-eaily icproved, and ba- ving ihe prefereace of a!! others, are Warm. ly recommended v5 3!! dosiors 28 invaluable for invaliis baving paios ia ibe Breast, Back or sive. Weatkuess and Lomeness ace relieved at once uv «tivir ose. anu «ve paris resiured io Seng.) and 2 o2.u 2! waemib and healih. Any peso) Wes og one o: .uese Plas.ers, will be as- onished Xn0 velaived 2° re comfort it affords. Those tea ened w t Long Complaints shoatd oete ..0si inemselees 2 d2¥ wilhoal wearing a | Ploscer, 4. removes the irritation of incipient ; Couseran.ton fiom ihe Lungs to tke surface of che vouv, aud draws off ibe internal affection. — So iv L. ver Complainis, and Coaghs, and colds 'Clrldvea wich Wioopiag Cough stould always | bave one, io n eveni ihe coveh seliting on the _lvogs. Virerr excellence will oe undersiood by | - ,2a!l on uiay. SLOAN. : gcP For salebvw C B Wheeler, Salisoa-y ; Greenggoro’, oy J & R Sloan; Hills- march 4, 1843~—15$2 = and in warm and homid climates, frequent SA tae RR EE eTTOUs A Ty resists every ordinary made of — = = ie VFRS.—There is no remedy known either. 1 Poecome very distressing '0 the patient ; y professional or domestic praciice, so absolutely, aed permanently efficacious ia this prevaleat and obstinate malady, 29 MOFFAT'S celebrated and long established LIFE PILLS and’ PHOENIX BITTERS. Extraordinary and renowned as are their effects upon diseases | Fagetteville,—thereby lesseniog ‘the expeose 09 | in general, in FEVER SND AGUE, aod ail | Goads much below the osuai charge. As bis} Bilfious Affections they are more sa; because, In these they are as infallible as any homan means canbe. ‘This has been proved io more than ten theasand cases, nor is there an instance in which they have failed, or reasonably can fail, whea ta keo in strrict accordance’ with the directions here subjoined, and which are also given in MOF- FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa- maritan. Bdt to ensure invariable saccess, ihese musi be rigidly followed. FEVER and AGUE, ia all its four leading species, is peculiar PEKIODICAL administrative of a proper remedy, io connection with the spe— cific powers of one of the ingredients in bis med- icines, is the secret of his invariable triamph, while all other practitioners either entirety fail or only temporarily saeceed, were with the very best remedies that were known. ANETUS, oF Ague is either Quotidiam, or daily; Terlian, or third-dad ; Quartan, or fourth-day ; Eratic, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother ; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in saccession, and fhen renning into in—- termittent fever of a more malignant character. But it is a remarkable fact, however mysierious and onaccountable it may appear, that each and all of these species of Ague, have a rouR- TEENTH DAY CRISIS, in which they may be cured with certainty, but dy neglecting which they can only be cared by chance. Dr. Mar- Pat's directione for taking the medicines in this dise2se, are therefore these :— First, take two of the Lire Pris at bed time, and next morning fore breakfast a full wine glass of the Puenix Birrens in about the eame qeantity of water, and half a wine glass more in a fall wine glass of water, aboot half an hour before each meal daring the day. On the second sight take three pills and the bitters as before ; on the third night four pills and the bitters as before, and con- tinge taking foor pills every night for three nighte more, with the bitters during the day.— Cn or before the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hongry, and bearty, but he must ne— verthelegs continue io take the bitters as before prescribed, until and on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after tho seventh day.— He will theo, ang not until then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanenily cured, and not only of Fever and Agoe but of whatever billious and liver affections it may have superin— doced or evan In any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or en- due confidence in restored bealth, omit to take the Phenix Bitters ia the fall quantities pro- acribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease shoeld retorn, and the patient should learn wis- dom from sffliction, anc go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying theee instractions, however, he will be so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however aohealithy may be his location of prevalent the malacy aroand him. — For children beiween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the sbove quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger childrem, a quarter of those quantities, to be incre or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childheod to infancy. For very yourg children, small quantities of the bitters only wil! alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- ‘val “LIFE MEDICINES,” bas been perfect- ly triomphant in the worst regiona of the Svatn- ero and Western country, and ground the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with tho universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy bzs been far groater than ine sopply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will maka ev- ery effort tof send this advertisoment into the mosi afflicted districis. Volontary and jealous— 'y grateful testimonials are received at the pro— prieior’s office in New Yok, by every mail in incredible nombers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicince, not only in Fever and Ague, other intermitent fevers, liver and bitlious affections, and derangements of the di- cestive fanetions generelly, bat also in chronic and infaramatory rheamatiem, costiveness, pains io the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fula, piles, worme, scurvy, and a host of other cemplaints, for the cure of which, these Peget- able Life Vcdicines are so pre-eminently re- nowned througheat the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well a9 a most fatal andermining of the general healih aro occasioned by Fever and Ague. Dr. MofWat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen- dency of his medicines over this -malady the fountain bead of so many others. He bas only te add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating io their operati@ns, reqoire neither confinement ger change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repotatiog they heve long possessed, pot by the esual artificial efforts, bat solely by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad. | way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbery Medical Drug Store, by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. BC A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hacd and for sale at Hamp- tonville, Serry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbory, Sept $, 1842—196 Medicines, Paints, @Qils, PUZZLE, | MM” 'UC siand thepresent season | : which has vow commenced | ai the siable of Co!. Charles Me- Dowe!!, 2 miles north of Morgane | tod, Burke toontv, Nor Carolina, at the re b dace price of $25 the season, payable within! the same, and $85 ingerance, He is of fine size, | being over 16 hands high,a dask bay or brown | lenges exhibition before the best of judges. Puz zle was sired by Reveller, among the very first | in the listof Eagfish staltions, and whose cole | are commanding as high prices as ihe get of any horse on the Continent. (for partieolars sre | eaodbil!s.) The breeders of Westero Carolina, , Pwill rarety have thé strviees of such a horse as | | Pozzie offered them, 31 the shove anasus! prices. | in Salishury. F. R. RO . march 4, 1843— 1739 RCE oo J. POWELL, Agent Morgintow,N. C., Amit 11, T342—5w39 ‘dappled. And for teeotfal symmetry, chal-| — URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs . Patent Medicines, Hops, Chuice WINES, and SPbRITS for medical purposes Indians, Hoock’s and Swaim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking Tobaeco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfemes, Brushes, Candles, Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, In struments, Matches, Paper and many other ar icles, just received and fur the times, by t priceato suit Cc. $42 DR. L. KILLIAN, H* retoreed to Salisbery, and iS pRB now prepared to resome the prac . ‘see of his profession. His Office is removed to Mr. Cowaa’s brick bwi!d- ing, 2d door. Aprit @, 1843—1f40 Job Printing neatly done here Salisbury, Iredell county. by distance, prom pily*atiended to ; pea March 95. 1843-@in35 MS %, we ee Pever and Ague positively Cured. . Fever and Agee is a most abstinate dis- he extreme debility which the disease induces, | i often gives rise to other chronic complainis.—© Marsh miasmata, or the efflovia arising from stagnagt water, is the most frequent exciting cause of this disease ; and one of its great pecu liarities is its susceptibility of a renewal from ve- ry slight causes, such as from the prevalence of an easterly wind—eveu without the repetition of the original exciting cause. In this, Fever and Ague differs from most other fevers ; asit is wel koown, that after ae ordinary fever has once oc- corred, and been removed, the person affecied is not se jiable to a fiesh attack as one “ho wasno so affected, ‘I'hese circumstances render it ex- trem iffievlt to effect a permanent cure of Feveadih Agee, though to relieve the patient for the t being 1s a Very easy task. Dr. Moffat's Life Pills and Phenix Bitters have becn thoronghly tested, and proved to be a positive and Radical cure of Fever and Ague. Hundteds of his felldw citizens in the \Vest have volontatly come forward to assure Dr. Moffat, that the Life Mediciucs are the only medicines that will thoroughly effect a removal uf this most tedioas and disagreeable disease. Others who have emigrated to that rich and promising portion of oor coantry —men who went out fuil of hope, and confident of winning a com petence from the luxariaoce of the soi] ; or who carried to the oatposts of oar settlements the mer cantile or mechanical experience won in the crowded cities or towns of the older states, have either retorned with shattered constitutions and depressed spirits, or they remain io their new homes, dragging cut a weary life, or at last eink under some disease to which they are predisposed by that terror of the West, Fever and Jgue — T'beir hopes ara blasted —their business energies destroyed —their Eldorado becomes a desert, and the word of promise, made ‘to their ear, isbrukeo to the hope. To these individuais, Dr. Moffat would say — ‘¢Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet an- ticipate your most sanguine expectations, for they will certainly restore you to health.’ Fever and Ague is acomplaint which requires to be met at its &rst approach, and combatied at every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it redoces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, so that upon the manifestation of dis- ease, Nature is onable, onassiated to resist the inrosd. The Life Medicines, when taken strict- ly secording to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength For full particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. “BC The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Jgenis. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y1$ ai A suppiy of tho above invaluable ME DICINES ave for sale aj James Cross Roads, Iredoll cocnty, oF A. C.-mcINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Meatth. { Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed 80.) ECF Gentle Reader: If you would avert from you the sickoess, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mertaliiy which you see all afound you, aad which, like a sharp sword sus~ pended, isever-ready to fall upon you, despise not my advica—it will cost you little, wil! nei- ther infringe upon your occupations or amase- ments, and all the faceliies cf your mind and body will bess much bettered by it 26 fo repay you ten fold. 1 ask only oné week's trial to con vineo the most sceptics). In the first place, discard all old errérg and prejudices from your mind, especially the o!d adege, ‘ If you gre passing well, do nut attempt to better yourself; it is the saying of igoor- ance and superstition—of those who attribated all they saw aroond them to chance afid fortune, inetead of oature’s tniversal laws. Hag not’man, led on by expericace, learned to guard himseli against the other elements of nature, tbe waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then should he not, in fair weather, guard himself 2s gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body? Remember, yoo are every dus eating gross food ; and it ia your nature to con- tinue to doso. You are well at present, bul ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within you; and if yoo do not’ stricily guard your health while you are*well, you are continually in danger of painfal and protracted confinemenis, and io some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even the palmmt fountain of which we drink—does it not require cleaning ? A persun may imagine he is in perfect health, and yet not know to witat perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I have un- doubted proofs of this fact in the unbounded soc cess of the LIFE MEDICINES. ” Let those wko have followed the motto, * When you are even modera well, throw physic to the dogs" call opon me, if they would be coavinced of the importaree of my position. _ The cperation of the Life Medicives in every instance thet Bas comé to my knowledge is mos! gratifying, Those who are in comparative govd health may perfect their happiness with no in 1 convenience; and those unfortonates who are laid low by disease of almost any description, mey find sure relief in ttose purely* vegetable preparations. ‘They operate gently but power- fully aponfthe secretions of the body. and cleanse the blood of all vitiated homors, separating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and impurities—and leaving behind only what is good and noarishing to natore. Reader, eonsidet and reflect wel). _ The blessings of this life, for rich and ponr lie entirely within ourselves, in our own physiecai bodies. My advice to all, then, is, guard your health. If you are well, perhaps yoo may be ; sull better—and yoo may always avoid being | sick by a jodicions wse of the VEGETABLE DR. KUAL, = i WEDBICrY RESTORER OF - as ° FOR 0), ¢ CHRONIC AND OTHER HETHER prodneed by bit " e, Dhlany { from intétnel morbid pt badly enred old disorders ; from: Areing f cory, calomel, bark, &¢..¢F fin fan ye change of life, as specified jn Anti Sypuinitic Syry in all Venereal Pisorders, a certain pet Asyssinia Mixtore, (in liquid and celebtated for its speedy avd perfect 'D page Gonorhees aod Gleet. Tewor,| Gov Mixer Batsam, for Bill, Affections, Colds, &e. T0820 Ne Aromatic Extract, a linimen; for Tog tion, Coldness*in the stomach, Nya t® Weakness, in the limbs, Rheomatisn " Derorative Powper, for Bins” Headache, Diseases (f# the E.yes &e . Fer to be taken in the Restorer. ~ DISP as g Lith | Jaran Ointment, for Piles, which: , applied besides the Restorer, =e Bencau Ointment, for Tetter, Ri, Salt Rheom, Scaldbead, Eropticas of bi) and fuul ulcers, ; is tu de applied besides ie starer. ‘ae Re Universat on Strexctugnixg tor diseases of thesChest, Dyspepsia, tng. tory Kheumsatism, Paisy, Paralysis, g« id Dr. Kuur’s Acoustic Or1, for Des and all other Auricalar Complainis, whieh be used together with ihe Resiorer, 7 bcoreDr Kuhkl's Pamphile: “"Vreatmen entered according tu Act of Congress full Directions for the use of the shore ed medicines, and accompanies ever; Remedy From the South Western Virginian oy. 11, 1843. — ‘DR. KUHL’S MEDICINES. We have for some time, intended site commendatory notice of these invalust'. » cines, but have been prevented by the Prey othet matters from doing so We hare Ph last five or six years, been quite familiar wigy effects both by experience and obser Valigg . have no besitaney in recommending them te sfflicted every where. Qur opinion iggy): a it was when we first used these medisions, they aré superior to any we have ere; ose The Doctor, himself, was with os a {es by this week, and from cases siaied ty os, We bn been more strongly confirmed in our firme: per ion, that they are superior to 2!! uiher medic The efficacy of Dr Kohl's remedies paneer extraordinary cases is almos : eedentedswad the year 1242 was rich of tant cures, two of which sloue on; space wi permit us to police at this time. Mr A Same of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, lasi Sonne» ry suddenly taken with a tots! blindness i igi his eyes. He used numerous presctipinsyy other medicines, but to no benefit, In Mayty he procured the Restorer, Gold mine Ba'og yy Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fudge, Fe y Covington, Va.—took the two first mec tee ternatly as directed in Dr Kuh!’s Pempheiay the Universa! Plaster he applied to the (epg and somo times over ibe eyes. and by this ian. ment he has his eye-sight eo far recovers, iy he can read both print and writing. |! ane explih statemBnt should be desired, s eu). rected to A. Fadge, Clerk Cour!, w.! neem salisiactory evidence of ths above, A lady of Bedford county, Va , was for si TV years afflicted with the Liver Cummn treated with Calomel, tock cold on 1, a wa taken with contraction and Jamenese, She ww the whole time. 2 great number of prescripion of Physicians of ¢mineore, anc every nedee that was recommended for her use, instead ot fording relief, bad a dendency rativer iv sgenm the disease, She sank from year to yes’, 16m digestive organs were so deranged that aim agreed with her. In August, 1342 the pie had not been oat of her bed 'n fire years, cs when removed by others—so nervous thal om versation gr walking in the rocm pioduced # most disagreeable effecis upon the hecd ; eg era! feeling very bad, sour stomaci, ke’! had no intention to nse mare medicines, bul & king a dase of the Guld Mize Balsem wibs moch benefit that in one hour she felt belie then commenced a regular course of Dr ket medicines. She took a dose of the Mesirr! the morning and one at night, and two cass the Gold Mioe Balsam between meals. | limbs wele rubbed two or three timesa day the Aromatic Exiract, and ‘his t/eaimeni given such 3 happy regult, that she is co# # to walk aboot—the nervous affections hare © her, her digestive organs are much ‘mproves, # her general feelings good. She is aivea WW aud ter complexion quite fresh, wlich hes * tonished every one that was acquainted 8 1¥ long standing disease. We bave omilld™ name of this lady, but if any particulas be rites we refer to Dr Kuhl’s eget! Otler Bridge, Bedford county, Va. We have particularised ihese cases" € mach to speak of the great value of Dr br"! medi€ines, as to inform the afflicted hor ai may be relieved. ‘The treatment has %? ™ tfeed, se that others may know thal by 2mm course they may also obisin that wii ** toore desirable than riches. , Persone wishing to precore anf * medicines, will please direct (beir ore! °° the amvont, (post paid,) to a Dre. Kune’s Orrice, Ricumosn, V8 or to any of the following Agee | NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Humphrey's & Gaither, Lexing!0" J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, Dr N. Suth, Raleich, M.J A. Drake, Ashburong!. JF & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Lincalnton. | James J. Horne, Pitisboroogh, Ae ~' S."Perry, Kernersvilie, Stokes. James Brannock, Waterloo, Go" pes Brdhnock & Waller, Weaimell': =e + CORaiy Men) iY th top ime | el l e u s i i e > Ee «i a « Ho n ee e pa r a n g lo w |} e LIFE, MEDICINES. ; Lj D-. Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, are for sale by CKESS & BOG Salisbury, Oct®9* 1842—1y ce ace A sepply cf the above J f le ME: DICINES are forsale at James’ CY: Roacs, A. C. meINTOSH. Agent. { » Agehts. | ees Ss Sets is Sis SS SS Price & McMasters, Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. ot Norih Carolina, and Soo'h and wil! please direct their orders '0 fice, Raleigh, WV C., and ihese'? North and Kast of it, 10 Ricimor _iggbem county. R wson. Yanceyville, Jamee:R CallomzMilton, South Carolina. Steele, Ganning & Co, Yor” 6, Lure, Brawley & Co. Chee og The continaation of the list of AS” } re Sia ) ee ee OO , ee NOTICE.—Patients and Agere off ; ls & ae gi s 116 uv d, Firs August 6. 1843—152 —— TAILORS, conc8kp, NO. CAROLINA, 7 Are stifLearrying on th@abeve business In afl its branches. ‘Aly’ orders tium & yaw ne - o Jayne's imvalaable Family Medic ceived aud for sale by Salisbory, Dee 10—!(20 ka ae, ae COUNTY couRT WaI™ 4 Jf | Printed cn first joes, jee a fresh supply of CB WHEBLER A rate paper ane this Oct * yaw TERMS. «Waren an may hereafter be had Tre jollars in, ad¥gnte, and fwo dollars and We is atthe end the year. . gly cn ripitos will be received for a less time No subse less paid for in advance. “9 one year, ue : ° . ae diacontinved (bot at the option 0 pe ser é rat gntit all arrearages are paid. gERNS OF ADVERTISING. vlan ner aquare fur the firat insertion and oe ive ceats tor each contynaance. wera notives 70 be charged 25 per ct. high- rhe anere rates . 1 jaclive at 335 per cent will be made to hu adveriise by the year. om * prtisemen!s will be continned vatil ' * charged for accordingly, unless order- yo * ber of \imes noe WW ho 1b yal parizia Ham “eP teiers addressed to the Editor must ; re attention. al pwd bo @ 980 go ps oe a am HH THE SUBSCRIBER \VING p rebased that well known and ing estabhished Public House, (known ihe orme af Slaoghter's ‘Vavern,) in the Hf salisbary, N C., 1oforms bis Friends Jot Publie generally, that the same is now fog the eeception of Travellers & Boarders. , Taste and Bar wiil be supplied with ‘ ket aod surroanding country af- jy vest tbe mat sraBLes spacious, and bouotifully sup- j, wilh grate aod provender, of all kinds, at- ed by faithful and attentive Osilers. “rye undersigned pledges himself that no ex- ion 08 WIS oart shall be wanting to give gen— action toal) who may favor him wih JAMES L. COWAN. spisbury. Sept. 31, 1840: 1f7 igs A's "4 satis yell vio WILL GO BALD! qdridze’s Bolm of Cotumbia for the Hair g0M Comstock & Co. —Tts positive quali- Ei. areas fallows ;—Ist For infants, keep-~ og the bead free from seurf, and causing 3 lux- want grow of tair.—2d For ladies after ehilJ- nn, restoring the skin to its natore) strength sod Groess, and praventing the falling out of ye bir. -3d For uny person recuvering from ay debility the same effect is prodaced, 4th i osed in infancy till a good growth is started, , gay be preserved by attention to the latest pe- dof life. —Sih It frees the head from dand- of.suiengthens the roots, imparts health and ngor to the circulation, and prevents the hair oo changing color or getting gray —6th Ik aes the hair to curl bgpatifally when done ap p | over night. No ladies toilet should ever be made withoot it. tth Children who bave by any means con— acied vermin 'n the head, are immediately and vdectly cored of them by its use. [1 ds iotalli- ' ye | had been bald about five years —no more hair sihe top of my head than on the back of my sod,and ny head covered with a thick scarf. sthig situation about the 10th of Angwst last, wgin osing the Balm of Columbia, from Com nek & Co, Stoce which, | have ased two and talf boules of the Balm, which has fully re- red toy hair, and fread my head entirely from sf, My head is nuw covered with fine, flow y long hair—which any one may see by calling ome, at Stamfurd, Connecticat. Nor 12, 1840 D 8S SCOFIELD. Counierfeits are abroad—lovk always for the ame of Comsioek & Co. Por sale at the Watehman Offi-e,and by C } Wheeler, Salisbary, Dr Suth. Raleigh, D jeartt, Hullsboro’ ; J & R Sloan, Greeceboro ; J \Maory, Lexington. mareh 4, 1843—1932 Dr. Brandeth’s y RCETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Salisbury, N. © Oct. 1842—tfl4 $$ Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- erlisement, and if you wish relief for your ma y maladies, call and obtain a remedy uf C.B. VHEELER, Agent. Salisbory, Dee 10 To THE AFFLICTED.—The abseriber haa just received a large and fresh ooply of D: Moffati's Lite Medicine. Call & diain relief C B WHEELER, Agent. Salisburv, Dee 10—1t20 —— 1f20 — PRICES OURRENT AT SaLissury, Juoe 3 Cents. Cents. Bacon, 5 a 54 | Cotton Yarn. 75 Brandy, ap. 30235! Molasses, 35a 40 peach, 40 a 55 | Nails, 6 Butter, 10 4 124 Oats, 15 a 20 Beeswax, 20-22, Pork, $3 Cotton, clean 54-6 Sugar, br. $210 Voffee, 8411 loaf, 15a 18 orn, 35 40 | Salt. sack. 275 $3 eathers, 18 20 | Tallow 6} ‘lour, Sih 5 | Tobacco, 8 a 20 ‘laxseed, 50455 Tow-Linen, .2a 16 ron, per lb. Sad | Wheat, bush 75 Liuseed ON, pr | W hiskey, 25 a 80 | gal 90 $1! Wool. (elean) 25 Fayerreviits, Mav 23, " Orandy, peaeh 40% a 44 | Molasses, 9% a 95 ), Apple $54 404 Nails,cut, 54 ac Bieon, Sta 6 | Sugarbrown, 64a 10 Beeswax, 25a 27 | Sump, 14 Vuffee, 9a 10° Joa, 15a 18 Votlon, 46 a6 j Salt, 50 a 60 ‘olon Yara, 14a 19 | Sack, $24 Worn, 45 150) Tohaccoteal 23 24 Candles, FF. 13.014 | Cotton 20 Flaxseed 80a 20 ; Bale ot Sa tO Ploar $44.95} Wheat new 75280 Feathers = 20 a 23 | Whiskey 26 lrur., 3a 54 | Wool, 124 a 15 Cueraw May, 1813° « Beet 445 Nails cut assor 536 6 2 6L| wronght l6a 22 4 15! Oats bushel a 4 ‘tewax = 22 a 25 ! Oil gal 75a 80 gngyd 20222 lam 125 re {b> 10a12 i . ° linseed 1 10a 2 25 t gence Who | Pork 100bs 54 a6 “oon 442 6% Rice 100ibs 405 Cavroltn ct PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY MACE C. PENDLETON. ** See that the Government does nol acquire too much power ‘* upon all your Rulers. Do this, asD LIBERTY 1s saPre.”"—Gen’ Keep a check arrison. NO. 45—VOLUME XI. WHOLE NO, ‘8s. CLOCK AN OS = REPAIRING. 1 WNHE Subscriber respectfally informs bis old Friends and the Public generally, that he has opened a shop in Salisbary in the ahuve busi- ness,in a room directly opposite West's brick building, in the house of Dr. Burns’ formerly owned by Jno. | Shaver and just below J. & W Murphy. In addition to the above, the subsc-iber will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the varieties common in coantry towns: such at making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve Ware. He begs to assure the public that if punctaal attention to business, and skillful work will eo- title him to patronage and support. he willmer it it. AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 13—1f16 Dr. Sherman's — MMevicated Bosenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, EING the cheapest and most pleasan!.— Ihe medical Facelty warmly approve them | Dr. Sherman isa skilful and experienced Phs— sician and a member uf the Medical Suciety 0 New Yok. Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Cunsumption, W bovping Coogh, Asthma, Tighiness uf the Lungs or Chest, &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroying meci- cine ever discovered They have been used tn over 1.400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head— ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- ita, Despoodency, Fainting, Oppression br a sense of Sinkingo the Chest, Diarrha@s. Las- situde, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the mos! reriain remed or this distressing complaint, ever offered tu the American public. — Io the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they have uever been known to fail. Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. Diarrhoea or looseness nt the bowels, se com- mon aod troublesome during thesnmmer months may now be entirely prevented by a proper nse of these Lozenges ‘They are prepared express ly tor that purpose, and can be vePed on with perfect confidence, Persons subject to a derange meot of the bowels shuuld never be withoul ihem Thev afford immediate relief from all the attend ant gripings, faintness, depression. &c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common peppermints; and are an active and efficien: medicine. ‘They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best eatbariic ever used for bilious persons. Wherean active medicine is required. they are not only the best, but the safest that can be administered, Sherman’s Strtngthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism Lom- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, }.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, al the Salishory Medics! Ding Store, by C.B WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C. Sept 3, 1342—1v6 Dr, Woffats Wegetable Lift - Medicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- neficia! nature. They are composed of ar- ticles the most anti-po'rescent, combioed wih ingredients known as the only certain anttdute for fevers of every description, When the dts ease is produced éither from cold, obsirection, bad air, swampy and damp situations, of potric miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, oF by oiber canses, these medicines are certain in ther operations or effects. They are possessed ot pe culiar qualities. which not only expel all disea-e but al the same time restore and invigorate the system When first taken into the stomach through every pore, pruducing effre's at once deligh:ful. salutary, and permanent W hen the spark of life begins to grow dim, the elrenlation languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi eines are found to give a tune to the nerves, €xX- hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the bedy, and re-animate the whole man The Life Medicines have also been the most happy sve¢cess in “Nereus ans Dis- pepiic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rheamatism, (chronic and inflama- tory] D ropsies Se. BcPeCall a: Cress & Bocer’s, gents. Saiigbury, Oct 22, 1842—1yi3 osed with ply of the above Invaluable \JE- & A CIN ee Cross Rosds, DICINES are fur sale at James’ Iredell] county, by A. C McINTOSH, igeat aVIDL. POOL, ~* Pp AKes this me' bod o/ informing his friends, assortment of Jewellery Otd Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or werk done Salisbury, March 12, 1842 — 133 J. &. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A} Law. m bust ~ 50, Sugar Ib 410 proer ort $5} 53 | Sak sack $2 25 iruthers 25 » 30 bush 50 60 i 4425 Steel Amer. 10 a 00 oles ¢ 94286 English 14 Seas 23. 25 Germap 12a 14 Te %k\Toainpe $1 137 SALISBURY, N. C. " Salisbury, Jan. 7, 184B— 1124 they immediately diffuse themselves like vapor | | ; ease be-ahat it may WORMS! WORMS?! Startling Facts. riondreds of children aod adulis aregjost year. ly with worms, when some other cause bas been soppesed to be the tree one. lt ig admitted by all doctura that searce 2 man, women or child existe but what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and in hongreds of cases, sad to relate, a fever, ecariatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of the homan family —while in truth they die of Worms! and these could have been eradicated in a day. by the ose of a bottle of Kolmstack's Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dubiar! How sickening the thought that these things shoold be —and who can ever forgive themselves tor not trying this Worm Eaterminator, «heo they know that even if the case was out worms, this remedy could not by any possibility du hurt —bvut alwags good as a purgative—let the dis- uf ' ie important then to use it, and who will dare ‘ake the responsiblity indo without it 2? Let every parent that is no! a brute, ask themselves this quegiion io troth and suberness, Mr JC Ringold bad a child very sick. for rear two weeks, and attended by n physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was given, and next day more than furly worms were passed, when the child recover-d rapidly A ehild of a widow woman, living near the Manhattan Waiter Works, had dwindled for a moth, till neat a skeletun, with great dryness of the mouth, and itebing of the nuse. A he- mane ladv, who called to provide for the family, sent immediately for Kolmstock’s Vermifage, which brought sway great quaniiies of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at once, and regained its fu!l strengib iu lees than a month. Several children ta a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms to 4 frighvfal exient, an! were all cared rapidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of the bes! families in the neighbor- hood of St. John's ark, it has been extensively ased, from the cirremstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, afier wll other remedies had failed, which was yery extensive. ly known io that part of the cily A family in New Jersey saved several children by the ose of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifuge was given ‘Thenexi day three large worms were dislodged and she left off the Vermifoge, when she beeame again worse, and had resort to the Vermifoge that finally brovgh: away an incrediole quaniny of worms, and the cure was cumplete, and she gained ber healtt ramdly 4 Physician of standing, had doctored a fam: ly of children some weeks without being able tr restore bo: one wor of the seven to health =H had the liberality 'o send for Kolavsieek's Ver- mifnge, and cured the rest with tin fess than 3 w eek. Numerous cases of other complainia were sap posed te exist, aod the persone treated for fever &e , bot finally a trial ot this Verinituge discov ered the troe cause of the sickness, by dringine away almost an innomerabl: quantity uf worms, large and small, aod the persvos recovered #i!t, great despatch. Instances of this kind migh? be cited to an immense exieot, bat it is usel+es, unr trial for 25 cents will ahow any one with aston ishmen: the certain effects of this Verm t ge Caution — Never buy this articie noless it have * Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifoge” handsomely en graved un the outside label, and the fac simi! of Comstock & Co. Avenis—C B Wheeler, Salishory; J & R Sloan Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillsboro’ ; JP Mabry, Lexingon ; Dr Stith, Raleigh Mareb 4, 1813—1y32 Extraordinary Power of Recognition in a Tiger.— Ove day last wrek a sr gu! circumstance occurred in Wombwell’- Ros 1 Men-gene, corroborative of the ertenty memory said to be possessed by thie most wcious of the forest ibe, the tiger. A sat- lor, who bad been stro ling around the exi- hibitier, i bering bere end there to admire and idenufy some of the animals with those hehac seenin far.disteot climes, was at- ‘racted hy the strange noe made by a tiger, who seemed itritated beyond endurence Jick. somewhot elormed, eeoght the keeper 10 16g: ire the couse of se singular ea display of feeling, which, he temarked became more beisterous the near r he app: osched the animal: thy keeper rep ized that the be- havreur of the tis todie-ted esther that be was Vortiy plessed oF cpnoyed , Open tie the sailor again appre ched We éen, end after gozing at the tiyer fora fw minutes, during whieh the animal became fraati with seeming rege, lasding bis tail sga-.nsi bis sides end giviog ollerance t> the most feigh:ful heilowmes thecoue rng the wger to be the ssme snarl trourhi te Ene land onder the epreasl care ef the wealhet heaten tar, ft new beeeme Jack’s turn te be delighted, ae it epperrec the Wer was in recognizing is ald friend, cad after ms king repeated applications to be peraitt d to enter the den for the purpose, 88 he said, of “shaking » fiet” with the hesaiteal ati- mal, he ose » fi-red soto do: the tron door was cpenea and (1D jumped Jack to tae delight of himself and s-riped irend, and to ihe xstopishaent of the !-ohers-0o, The affection of the animal was bow showh by caressing and leking the pleased sa:lor, whom be seemed to elcome with the hear- trest satisfaction ; and when the honest ter left the deo the anguish of the animal ap- oghaneopnortehle. _ ~y ~~ Devenport Independent. The Albany Advertiser says: * A poor fel- low, raving on the subject of Millerisin, was about the siseets yesterday, and has been placed in jail for safety. He is a stracget, from Peno- sylvantia.’ : ‘Two steamers recently arrived at St. Lovis, one from Cincinnati and the ober from Piuts- bory. having on botrd more thao OOD passengers, an their way (o lowa. Al the Anniversary of the New York Sea- men’s Friend Society, a Sailor named Welsh, made the following speech says the New York. Tribone, with great fluency, and strong Irieb brugne : “ Ladies and gentlemen, said he, behold and look with wonder upon what you have before you —a Sailor about to address yoo on the present occasion. J am very happy to talk to so many of my brother seamen here this evening; and | say to all within the soond of my voice, that that Saviour who once walked apon the water and said to his fearful diseiples, * it is 1, be not afraid,’ loved the sailors, and thought them. wor- thr to preach his gospel. Ano if that Saviour dues oot assist me, in the few remarks | am a— bout to make, they will prove to your ears hot ‘as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.’ You will readily pereeive, my Christian friends, that the object of the few remarke J am about to make, cannot be to gain public honor, nor the applause of man: .bus | trast to glorify my father who is in Heaven. It ie fallen to my Jot to toil upon the bosom of the treacherous ocean for twenty— seven vears of my life A few years ago I land- ed apon your shores here, a poor-dronken sailor, without even a jacket The ship which brooght me to your country, gave me eighteen dollars a. month, sod when I landed at Salem, in Maese- chasetis, | had not enough left to pay the turn- pike toli, or buy a walking cane! Me, and an- other poor druoken sailor. like myself, traveled from Salem t. Bostun, and went straight toa rom shop boarding huuse in Broad street , and there we staid eleven days, and at the end of that time I bad 122 gla:ses of grog chalked down to me. This brooght me to look about for a ship I could have got a place on any ship that | want- ed, bot I foand they would only give me one monih’s wages io advan@e, and that was $12, which would’nt pay my score of grog: so 1 tarn- ed about and shipped in the state service with Captain Perry, of the Brooklyn Navy Yard — There were 78 sailore at Brooklyn to fil oot the sip; and there,on board of a United States fri gate, with thege wicked sailors [ set out to seek *the Kingdom of H+aven. [ never shall forget A man of God came aboard, and the firat thing he saw me, si'ting upon the breech of a gun, making a straw hat on Sunday. tha’ time Says |hetome, * My good fellow, can’t you find no other time to work but on the Sabbath ?’ none of your business,’ said | ‘We are going io have preaching,’ said he ‘£ Well *go and preach, for all o? me, said 1; ‘I've been to church onoe to day, and that's enough for any sailor.’ He then went and talked with the rest of the sailors, and some cursed and swore, and some laoghed, and some went to the derth deck to hear the preacher The thought strock me that I'd go down and persecote the men, on what they were saving. Sol went down; and a mao a- mout my s'ze took ap a Bible and selected i and when he preached bis sermon, if any y had been in that house who had known me from a boy, and every thing | had done, and had come up oo deck on purpose to tell it, he cvuld’at have ne it mure completely than ‘he preacher did! Cheering ) Well after the sermon wae over. | ent op tothe man aod savsl ‘How come ycu to preach that sera on aboot me 2? You don’t know ovihing about me.’ ‘No, my aan,’ said he, 5 never krew any thing ateat vou —nor has any body told me any thing’ ‘Well, then,’ said I, ‘how come you t» come op here and preach and tell my stipmates here, who know nothing against me, all about me and shat I have done?’ Upon that I looked up in his coantenance, and | saw a big tear roll down his cheek , and that big teat broke the poor sailor’s heart to preces — what shot and shells could not do for years, in waging battle againstall nations [Cheers and epplavse.] That tear acsed the poor sailor to surrender !— And why? L asked myself—can it be possible that this man comes on board the ship and sheds ters over & poor, unworthy, druoken sailor — the like o' me! This was what broke my heart io pieces. And says he, ‘du you feel tired of liv- ing in sin and rebellion? ‘I think I dy, sir,” said 1; and I tuld him I bed lived on the bosom of the sea for twenty-five years, and shipped into the State service for three years more ; and how Phad lived af} that time 5 ard bow drunk- en and unhappy | had been : for OC! I tell yoo, shipmaics, [sid be, torniog to the company of sailors in the gallery of the Sailors Home.} there’s no harvest io serving the Devil! Aad he told me I must pray. Said I, * I never pray ed in wy iile, anless it be tbe sailor's wicked prayers, and them [ can §pray pfast fenoogh.”— Said he, ‘you can pray the prayer of the peblican ’ Said 1, ‘and what is that 2 * Gud have mercy on Me, & poor wicked sioner,’ he sai ; “and if sou pray with all your heart God will bear aod answer your prayer, and teach you how to pray.’ « fis night, whee | was ap in the cold chains, with no, body to see me but the eiars and the moon, and no nvise around but the washing of the water and the sound ef the wind in the dggg of the ! sbip, when all hands were asleep below —then, sbipmates, [said be, adéressing the Sailors,) | prayed to Gud in the chatos that He woold have mercy «i poot sailor. And | was now and thea Intetrepted by the marine seotry ai ibe I believed that in my heart, and that veg poor stilor. At other times oe he and kneeling I went amidships upon the breeches the cables, with the hatches ie aon no ray of ght shiving ia poe me—and there I eried to God for mercy on @ wicked sailor !— Aod oo! contiaged to cry, and at the expiration of nine days God was pleased to hear aod an- seer My prayer, and set my captive soa! at lib- erty. And if I were now on board that frigate 1 coold point out the very plank on deck on @hich I knelt down ; for I shall never forget it as tong as I live. The hing I did was to ight | go straight to the greg “ab, if « ' my grog as long as I'm ship !"—* What's that, and tay shipmates; ‘is the old man orazy * nt have wondered at his veries ‘ino gions; bat it ent the lke of him to stop his grog ’ Said Ito them ‘shipmates,it we Stay Roard this ship together long, you'll see greater won- ders than this’ Well, | went on ard at the ex~ Piratton af one year] was master ot $190 and as good sailors clothes #3 any body wanie, and a good Bible and a Hymh"Bouk, and-I felt. in my heart that, in trath, ‘godliness with conteniment is great gaia. (Cheers ) _ The next year | was made an officer in the State service for drinking cold water without acy rom or brency in ir! (Cheers ) That office, to be sare, was small; as I don’ donb some of my shipmates here know what i: was to be cap- tain of the foreeasile in the Brandy wine frigate for likely enough some of them have been aboard a man of war. Bat | suppose it was about as fa- vorable an «ffice as a sailor could expect to hold on board a manof war. And | found that what ever liberty | wanted I could always have; and 60 | found there was great comfort and happr- ness 10 8 sober life on board aship. (Cheers.) Now. I'm told sometimes tha: | am a tura coat [ confess that in one sense | am a turn coat ; but in another sense] can prove that | am nol. Io the first place I tarned off the dronkard’s jacket and pat on the temperancé jacket: and in the next place, when [ went on board, I hed neither coat nor jacket—and could'nt have heen a turn coat if | had tried. (Cheers and laoghter.) Yoo will observe, my Chrisiain friends, that when I started on the stormy ocean | wae bu a youth. J was the onl of a widowed moth er—her only hope io ter ol age: bot before | was 16 vears old, | rat away from my appren ‘iceship and went on boatd 2 mao of war, and it wes a great number of years before ever any body laid eyes on me that ever knew anv thing absut anybody that cared for me afore. May be there's some widowed mother here to night who has a son on the ocean ; and if there’s one thought in her heart above another now it’s about him that is away. Let me say to soch that her suns may aow, if they will, goon board a Temperance ship and sion the pledge uf total abstinence. This thoaght most be cheering to such a mother.— Bot in my day, when I hegao to plogh the vcean as a8 common sailor. no man was thooght to hea sailor till ho evuld get dronk ‘The first thing T observed was that all the old sailors got drank, chewed tobacco. and swore con!inaally ; and I thought that if I could goal! three | should be a sailor right off Here voosee shipmates. what example is in society ; and [ rejoice, as one ot the Msoagers of the Sailors’ Temperance So ciety, thai to my knowledge over 13,000 seamen now belong to that Society, end iosteed of sing- ing the drankard's songs, they sing the praises God in bis sahctuary This rejoices me— and Lam glad to see the seamen coming oat aod no longer drioking in liqoor as the ox drinks io water. Bot as much time has already been occapiec, I rannot tell you all | would tke toeay Some timest am askea ‘Why, what are sailors to me? I'll te}l you what they are to you > they bring you the products of every country — the rich. es of every clime They brave tte sea—they endore every hardehip fur vou. And this is not all; they are the ones who defend your nation What wonld you dotf it were not fog them ? Vhey are the bord of anion with every part of | the world. Nor do they stop bere ‘Whe satlor carries the gospel to every nation under heaven Pray, then, for the poor sailors! [rejoice tha: I see no many Christian friends engaged in res- caing the sailor from the dronkard’s grave and the drunkard’s hell. To lives drunkard ia hor- rid; bot todie a drunkard — to go into the pres- ence of God, and hear him sey Depart, ye drunkards, from me’—langeage woold fail to de- actibe the scene, and I leave yue to fill ap: the hairid pictare For myself whatever time and talents I have, and whatever of life is yet left to me shail be cheerfally devoted to thegreat and mighty work for | know that greater is be that is for us than all they that are against us ; and with these re- marke | close (Loud and repeated cheers ) EFFECT OF PERSEVERENCE: NEVER DESPAIR. The Providence Chromele formshes the following sccount of success from ontiring perarverance, morality and honest Isbour. Io the fall of the year 1830. young man jast out of bis time, |-oded st White- hell, New York, to seek employmen: as a journeyman printer. He wss compara uvely poor sad frrendiess, and after three months spent seeking work, wes sbout ready 1 give up sll hope of succe-s, bat resolving sul to persevere he at length obtained em- ployment es 8 journeyman at eight dollars per week, in the office of the N. Y. Even- gelist 9 we-kly paper published in that cite He continued in thet situation tll the Spring of 1832, wheo he procored # press and 2 few type, on credit. snd opened a very smal! pnoting office to priat cards, and circulors. He hac 00 sooser commenced business 10 this smal] wey for himself, than the Chole- ra, that awful scourge appeared io the city. He wes compelled, with 3 beavy debt, to close bis office and go to work e9 2 jour- neyman on (he Evangelist, to procore bread | Pictorial Liusteetions whieh | ie req The tprisiog end persevering young @en prifiter is no other thin Rob- ert Sears, the well known svothor, wr: 2 compiler, premier, publisher and hook- ler, of the three bésutiful volumes of eded'each Other at intervals of sboot Month, om of which, by the aid of aboot 95000 rx = _— iO advertising, the almos: yncreds- sole number 30 000 were sold in less thea eighteen monthe; end eleo of two other Bivle B a pictorial volames—“ The tography, “ ti , dedi wat 4 7 iy the “Pictotiel W are received with a quite equel to thst of tions : and in a of “Seers?’ Monthly Famili: Magazine” @ most valuable peredical publication, which hes alereedy obtained am simos: on- precedegied eircolanop. How ainky g an ilastration 8 efforded in the arbi! progiess of this friendles: journeyman prioter, nt the treth of the sdage—- vincitT.” oo JEWISH ANECDOTE Trenslated from the French. + [The following aneedote is transtsied from an interesting work pablished this ve .1 at Paris, eotitied Les Matitines du Same:/i (The Seturdey Mornings.) eritten ny G Ben Levi. for the uss of the Isreelitish pouth of France } ® DAVID IN THE WILDERNESS.— 4 Legend Wheo King Daeid was fi. ing across: ‘he desert of Ziph, pursued by Saul, nei igre which be had to break, and one day, when he wee pricked by a worm he cried rato bis. paesion, ‘Great Gud! why hast then crested flies and spiders ehich are of no use, and only serve to burt men? +] ail moke you understand,’ enswered ¢ prophet. te voice. Some time efterwards, he descended Movat Achild. and ventored, ty might; into the camp of Saul, to deprive him while asleep of his arms and cap.” After bev.ng sucgecded ia this project, he was ebout to retire, wheo hie foot becsme entangled in the legs of the feuhfal Abner, who sie, beside Saul, Greet wes the emberrassment of David, how he should disengege his foot from the hotd of Abner, without awa- kening this valent servant, and to find hi self serprised thus alone m the c mp «l ha evemy! David's anxiety ws at hisherght, when a iy tit A’ ner on the leg. and the pain ehich the warner felt, made a cove mefit which David availed him-elt, to witb draw his foot; be then At beimkl,, theok- ing God for having created fl... Saul, however, pursued tim inte the de- sert, and to eseepe him, D.vid had slipped into a c-vern, when God sent a epider which wove ite weh seross the narrow entrance of this rock. Saul and Abner were quickie to the footsteps of the fugiuve, end Ab er baving ead ‘He ws doubtless concealed in the hollow of the rock ; let as go snd seek him there.” ‘lt 18 useless,’ answered Saul, ‘ds you not see that the entrance of this cavers ts cofesed with 8 spider's wl and thet oo one could bave entered without bre-king tbis delicate tssve ?” ‘You are right,’ answered Abner, end they retired to continue their search in avother pert of the desert. Then David cast himse!f on the ground. and cried; ‘Tord! pardon me for baving doubted :by wisdom; heoceforth, mv f-e- ble understanding shall Cot ceas- to bm te iteelf before the sublime harm nies of thy creations. Lord! the ema'iest f thy t+- tures 19 of use (to man; the spiders ind the flies themselves, have e part to perform in natere. Lord! what thoy sagesi ts well, whet thou dest 18 jor.’ ‘Salisbury Female Academy. HE Sommer Session of this fusittorws., will -eommence up Monday, Siarch Ge Ar- rangemenis are making to procure #n assis’ nt Teacher, who wil probably enter on her dirs in one or two weeks ‘T'erms a8 formerly, boi a clase of small children, learning onls Reading and Spelling, will be taaght at $6. Every braach osoally taught to the first Female Se- minaries wi!l be attended yo, and i) te rele ved that its present arraogeaienis are supriin tu those of anv former sessinn. Kev. S Frontis (a native of France) is instrecting 2 class in the Freech langnage, and itis desisable that oibeis who toiend joining should do 80 immediately *—, He bas alco consented to take charge of 2 claas in Crayon Drawing 5 a branch which ie highly appreciaied ai the North, and bol listhe attenced to among os, A few young Ladies will be re- ceived into the family as boarders, and Col R Ww. g wil! take Sor 10. His residence is agr situated in a retired part of town, ard very convenient to the Academy. No dedoctiun made for absence, bul ia cases of loog cuntiaued sickaess. TERMS Toitien $6—8—10—or 12 50 sceording to the advapcement of the pepil. Masic on Piano per seesion, €22 50 Guitar per quarter, 42 00 French per session, . 10 00 Drawing with crayons per session, 10 00 Painting in water culors Wax Work, BS le Work, &e. taoght ‘f desivedlitiss Nesole E. M BAKER, pal. Salisbary, March Ist, 1843—' + NOTICE. | IRE of Ow Bi aoe tered on the stray book 2 Bey rite abet two years old, with a defect ve the-lett +104 foo: hardly discernable ; valued by (wo freebolders according to jaw 81 (mente dullars maid beast was taken op the 24:b Aprit The owwet nested to come and prove property. payee receive the same; “heremse™ doe ieprerd vf cording wiaw. = TAMES RENSHAW ’ P¥tHOMAS “cGU charges and time, it will for hie little famity. Afier ® few montas, | when the cholera hed subsided, nothiog | daunted by 80 vepromising ® beginning, | thie persevering young mar reopened bis | *? when be ngway as be sung out ‘All's well’! e pe the be; bat all was not well with the jutle office, aod obteined, occesiunally, @. job or (we of work. . . Ranger of Devie coeaty. May 20, 1843—S~43 OA SA Neatly printed an¢ fot —— sole at ts Office " « These iwo.vo! vet ; Popularity oearty | : Of theeP eo Udition to Mr Sears is now Editor, Propriever snd, Polishes t@petient et the quantity of epiders @ébs es 4 Si d a . ; ‘ Admin- : would 6s leave a creas ad sotbave trad upon the policy of duis ‘ ' 2 > ions eandid : . Vang istration, bis messages pases —— Abe Comnn nee 3 review thie SD , : . nothing of his offictal sanctiog to P ef the report be jost the duties on i Dpor's to — state of the OE Bilt - g 22.) prove that'be elfter tains _1 For the Watchman. eee rt the eee revenue. Dee. 6, 1S$2. | ed agtitile eyaipatby for FreoTradoas for} Ma, Evitog :—Having been quizzed into and making speeches a1 then ren Pie Siar. -y Fiori Ge ofdediit Nullification. - the belfef that_he isa great man, and has exira. Me 1) : ‘On m , ; en 2. af. limitation on the 30thJuse, 1832, a ter whieh Congrees was left free=to re-ad- ir shi h slegoate heir ships, the trade of the Nort ie skeivea. and the manele nople i , while the w nell pet cee ‘0 forego industry, to be clad in a foreign gar’ ; that the Congress of the Un.ou ere impotent to restore the History of the Tarif, CONCLUDED. From the Nashville Vt hig. ° —an We, y: forces itse'f irresistibly ie the 9. TARIFF OF 1828. is was et‘ jn alteration of the sev- sulinew "6 ing duties on imports.” It passed the House, April 22, yeas 105, nays 94; the Senate, Mey 13, yeas 26 vaye 21, end was spprowed by Mr. Jonn Quixcy ApaMs, May 19. Like the Tariff of 1824. i received its chief supportio tbe House from the Middle and Western States, New York, Peonsy|sanis, Ohio and Kentucky -- 1) received only 2 votes out of 13 from Mas- sechosetts, @from Virginie and none from the Carolinssior Georgia. The Tennessee delegation 1p the House voted agaznst this, bill, it being an Admoisirationg measure, (Mr. Adame in power, )although sobsequent- ly united in favor of the Tariff of 1832 ean Administration measure also, ot a dis- ferent man in power. Whatever credit, therefore, Ex-Gov. Polk may take to him- se'f for voting against the Tanff of 1828, he is entitled to it. not on principle, but on the ground of his devotion to parly In the Senate, the bill was voted for by Mr. VAN BUREN of New York, Mr JOUNSON of Kentucks, Mr. Eaton of Tennessee, and Mr. BENTON of Migso0- ri. Judge White of Tennessee voted in the negative, end voted the same way on the Tarnff of 1882, when Gen. Jackson was in power and approved that bill. The TsSff of 1828 contsined the Salt, Coffee, Tea and Sugar duties. 1t increased the Wool duties as above noticed. [1 in— creased the duty on Cotton Bagging to 5 cents the square yard, on rolled Tron to $37 #ton, unrolled Iroa to $82 40 2 ton, on Cotton fabrics to 35 per cent or 8} cents the equare yard ; on Molesses to 10 cents 8 gslion: on Axes to 85 percent ; on Cut- ting knives, Svythes. Spades, &c to 40 per cent , on Flemp to $60 8 ton Anew Tariff on Wines was passed in the House, May 22, veas 79, nays 72; in the Senate, May 28, seas 25, nays 10, and approved by Mr. Adams, May 24. TARIFF’S OF 1880. These were, first, en act to reduce the da- ties on Coff-e to 2 cents a pound till Dee. 31, 1831, and subsequentiy to 1 cent e pound , on Teas (Gunpowder and Imperial ‘o $72 cents,) and on Cocoa to 1 centa pound This act reducing the daties on Coffve and Teas passed both Houses without “a division and was approved by President favor of native industry, destroy- od be ake aseie of another reelm? More just ind more generous seotiments will, I irnst, prevail. If the tariff adopted at the last session of Congress sball be found, " experience, to bear oppressively upon the interests of aay one section of the Union. it ought to be, and | cannot doubt will be, so modified as to alleviate its burden. To the voice of just eomplaiat {rom any portion oO their eonstitaents, the representatives of the States and of the People will never turn a- wey their ears. Bot, so long asthe duty of the foreign shall operste only as @ boun- ty upon the domestic article--while the plan- ter and the merchant, and the shepherd, and: the husbendmen, shail be found thriving ta their occupstions under the daties imposed for the proteetion of domestic manufactures, they will not repine at the prosperity shared with themselves by their fellow citizens of other professions, nor denounce, as viola- tions of the Constitotion. the deliberate acis of Congress to shield from the gupongs of foreign laws the nalive indasi the Uo- ion —Messaze. Dec., 1828. & The United States of Ameries, and%ihe People of every State of which they are compored, are each of them Sovereign Pow- ers. The legislative authority of the whole is exereised by Congress, under authority granted them 10 the common Corstitution. The legislative power of esch State is ex- ercised by assemblies deriving their author- ity from the Constitution of tne State. Each 1s sovereiga within its own provioce. ‘The disttibation of power between them pre- supposes that these euthorities will move 10 bsrmony with each other. The mem— bers of the State and General Governments are all under oath to support both, and alle- gianceis dune tothe one and to the other. The case of a conflict between these two powers bas not been supposed, nor has any provision been made for it in our ipatita— lions ; a8 @ virtuous nation of ancient times existed more than five centuries without a law for the punishment of parricide.—Jb. TARIFF OF 1832. This wasan actto “alterand amend \be several acts imposing duties on importe.”? Passed the House, June 28, yeas 132, navs 65 ; the Senate, July 9, yeas 32, nays 16 : end approved by President Jackson, July 14. Like the Tariffs of 1824 and 28, it rules and orders of the flouse. upon, 8 Committee of ways and mean: eas appointed, consisting of Mr. Verplank, Mr. inted, pursuant to the standing wales eed © of And there- Ingersoll, Mr Gilmore, Mr. Alexander, Mr Wilde, Mr Gaither, and Me POLK.” Journal p 105, Dec. 26. ‘Mr Verplaok from the Committee of Ways and Means, Heme si Bill No 641, to reduce and other- fse alter the duties on imports: which bill was read a first ard second time and referred tothe whole House on the state of the Union.’ J. 110 Dee 28. ‘Mr Verplenk, from the Commitiee on Ways and Meens, made a report intended to secompany the bill No 641, reported from the Committee of Ways and Means yesterday, to reduce and other- wise aller the duties an imports §c.’ From the foregoing report, we make the following extract— ‘The Committee perceiving no sofficient reason why foreign loxuries should not pay their share of the public burthens, propose to raise the doties upon silks nearer to the average rate of duties imposed by the bill than they now are onder the act of 1832 They also propose to fix a moderate specif- te duty, equal to about twenty per cent on the velue upon teas. and also upon coffee, wbich were made wholly free of duty by the act uf last summer. This has been added from a motve of financiel prodence, lest the revenue from the customs, should, from any modifications of the bill, or other cause, fall short of the estimate, or lest the pro- ceeds of the public lar.ds should be in _part diverted to some other channel; in either of which cesses an increased revenue would be derived from this source of about one million of dollars, calculated on the rather short importation of ‘Tes, in the last year. Should this sum not be needed for the pub- lic service, it may be repealed without af- fecting the other parts of the system ’ House Report, No 14, 2nd Session 22nd. Con. The bill having been referred to and dis- enssed, and amended in Committee of the Whole, it was reported back to the House with sundry amendments, among the rest, one to strike out tbe duty on Coffee, and another to strike oot the duty on Teas. We copy from the Journal— The general rule to be applied in gradua- ting the duties upoo articles of foreign growth or mapufsetore is that which will p'ace our own in fair competition with those of other countries; and the inducements 10 edveoce even & step beyond this point, are controlling in regard to those articles which are of primary necessity io time of war. When we reflect upon the difficulty and delicacy of this operatian, it is impor- tant that it should ever be attempted but witb the utmost caution. Frequent legis lation ip regard to any branch of indesiry, affecting its value, sag by which ss capital may be transferred to new channels, must always be productive of hazardous specula- tion and lose. In deliberating, txerelore, on these inter- esting subjects, locel feelings and prejudi- ces should be merged in the patriotic deter. minstion to promote the grest ioteresis of the whole. All the attempts to connect them with the party conflicts of the day are necessarily injvrious, end should be ciseoun- tenenced. Odnraction upon them should be under the control of bigher end purer mo- lives. Legislation, subjected to such influ- neces, can never be just; and will not long retein the sanction of 8 people, whose active Pairiotism ts Bot bounded by sections! lim- Hts, Dor insensibie to that spirt of conces- sion and forbearance, which gave life to our political compact, and still susteins it,— Message, Dec. 1829. Agaic in 1830 :— !% . The power to im, ose doties on imports. originally belonged (o the several States. The right to edjust those duties, witb a view to the encouragement of domestic branches of industry is so completely inei- denta! to that power, that it 1s difficult to sappose the existence of the one without the other. ‘The States have delegated their whole authority over imports to the Gener- al Government, without limitation or re- striction, seving the very inconsiderable reservation relating to their inspection laws. This authority having thus entirely passed from the States, the right to exereise it for the parpose of protection does not exis: in them; and, consequently, if it be rot pos- sessed by the General Government, it most be extinct. Our political system would thus present the anomaly of a people strip- forward as a candidate for Congress, aud is de- termined to ran, in spite of the known wishes of a lage mijutity uf the Whigs. thave no: yet heard the gentleman address his fellow-~citi- zens; but § enderstand that he ubjecis very bit- terly tothe manner of the nomination ef Col. Barringer, and prates largely of his owe exalted claims Let us examine these matters a litle. There are a number vf genttemen in this Dis trict who would add honur to the State in Coa- gress. ‘Ihe District isa new one, the counties composing it never having vated together before; & what course remained fur the Whigs but tuho'd a Cunveniion, compare notes. and select the man most likely to prove acceptable to the Majority. O ponents very properly adopted the same ole They, tan, have severe! proginent gen- tlemen in their ranks, —and they thought it. doe tothe wishes of each county that they shou'd mee! together, furm an arquaintance, and ehoose the man as the representative of their princi- ples whose name was most prominent in the Convention, which was accordicgly done. This wes ceriainly the proper course, and the one parsced by our party. Asa [ said before, we have a number of prominent gentlemen in ont party who won'd reffect honor on the Old North State in Congress—men of talents, edacation, and patriotism ; and it became our doty to select from the oember ene on whom we conid all onite. One was for Barringer, another for Os borae. another for Caldwell, anether for Shipp, &e. &c. To settle conflicting opinions & wishes the Convention was organized, in the usual man. per; it met, and Col D. MM. Barringer was selected—(a man as far Gen. Edney's superior 28 the noon day sun is snperior in briltianey toa tallow candlet) No delegate, that I know of, went to the Convention pledged to support any particular man. ‘The names of Cot. Barringer, Mr. Oeborne, and Gen, Edney were presented to the Convention. Col. Barringer (on the Ist bal!ot) received $0 votes ; Mr. Osborne 25 ; and Gen. Edney 1! ft was then onammously re— solved that Co!. Barringer should be the can— didate. “€ Bat,” says Gen. Edney, “ the Convention was improperly organized ; it should have been com posed of a member from each Captain's Com pany” “It was” says he, “got up by the town aristocracy 1o defeat me'! &c. T think that Gen. Edney’s name should never have been mentioned in the Convention at all; for he had barred bis owa nomination by declaring that he would not be governed by the Convention—tha: he would be a candidate in spite of it. I know that it is the privilege of every freeman to aspire to any office he pleases; bot under ithe presenicir- cumstances, it looks vather ugly to see a man thrasting himself for ‘ar Minds ih -'" Otdering a that his Cause Ow ui ay principal, if not sole object j militia, was sn idea vanced therehy. Just at this season, \{; that the farmers of moeb the largest clas busily empiuyed. and CONStanily , other time in the Year—tha; every Spare 7 tant—and that they ean better days in the fall, then one n nn aifference with Genera! Kan ul Uh ae show himself to the @s8embled ; Yay, his speeches, ana, if possible tin, (ade, tege” over his Competitors ; thinkin’ to entrap the voles of the mili 2, hen the community by Gisplay my form! l-sappose he has 80 soy ei the intelligence of the People ag . will overlook the want of Qualifies; tt man, and be captivated by the tines) and gewgaw \rappaings of the @ : perhaps he wants to give th as thetr General, to vote for I am inclined to think, “advantage” of reviewing in prove a dis-acvantage to Gan. Piha People are very much dissatisfieg ren] ed ont at this unusual season > And are ta be any hetier pleased when they gj oa General’s object; and when they 20 ni ditor ' Be , the Country ( nae 3 In the nili ue ; 1) at Viti “than » ing Ls] iat-box in August, it strikes me that ; show him that his calling them from the} at the besiest season of the year 28.2 ten, avise sten— whether it were done 10 prihe love of show, or to give bim an « sirane over his competitors, i —____ For the Watch THE NARROWS OF Tue YADgiyy We live ina beautital world, and Treen are admirably charmed by a sa; ' Fey of ing & pendous and’ magnificent appen dages, Nee, tains, majestically grand, swell UP id tla, ery direction ; silvery cascades SWCD down iy declivities, which alisten in the POT and oy dulterated sonlight of heaven > their lof) py are lifted high above the level of “all the ig below,” and oftentimes mantled With bela g tee, presenting to the eye of the lover Of tater, Scenery, an aspect (rely sublime, There rr Ocean, with the eternal music BON Of her eng dashing waters, upon the CXPANSITE bong j which, the gallant vessel skips from Piney wave,—tending to the destined harbor, in Whig she may throw ont angbor, and bid defiance y the ravages of the storm, let down from 2 Teg higher than earth,—and which SCOW!8 thoy spreading in ite train devastation. Placig hin girt around by rocks ang hills, and deeply eg, bosomed in romantic forests, are Presented i thy view of the amatear of natural scenery. Try patent rile stream along in playful ripples, me muring-as softly and innocently as the whisnes ing zephyr, that fang the tops of stately trege Aod meandering rivers with their sparkling m ters, rolling onward, winding their SiNDODS coo to the bosom of the “dark b'ae se2.” Thy thooghta have beer: suggested by a recent vg to the Narrows of the Yadkin. I have bed th extreme pleasure in my life of visiting sven extraordinary sceneries in nature ; | orce visie the Peaks of Otter, in the State of Virginie, enf while standing on the elevated pinnacle, & as the eye could penetrate away in the bloe de lance, objects of an imposing character prem ed themselves. | have stond upon the celen ted Natural Bridge, and looked far up the de cavily, at the dashing waters of Cedar Cres (wo hundred and fifty feet below : [ have gia upor its oval arch, and Strong immovadle pills I have also looked opon other sceneries in nvitn of less magnitude ; but nothing [ have everset in nalere pleased me to the same extent. 29 il romantic scenery of the Narrows of the Yadit The soriounding country presents a pict: esque appearance ; and its asperity is well ci culated to canse any person to bear in mind tw fatigue which all realize, who promenade ther abouts. Just above the Narrows the wit spread: owt about six hondred yards in extent j= they flow onward, prodacing a soft crashing ois antil they congregate at the entrance of them vine, along which they sweep with surging (or. To stand upon the cragged rocks throws l1tisb ly around by the hand of natuie’s God, and lot al the wild extravagant prancings of the wale, as it rolls along with violent and irresistible petuosity, wave chasing wave, anc dashing mit lawless violence agatnet the ruqged rocks, is vd calculated to produce a thrill upon the mind, a call into quick and successive action every feeling of the heart. The impression made on my mind when [ gazed opon the a seenery will not soon be obdlitersiec by ihe st ence of swiftly rotling years: J will ende to cherish the impression, and whenever | é‘ upon the enchanting sreneries of Natore, we gratefully remember Him who has creaiet® ‘The question was then put, that the House do concor in the amendment of the Committee of the Whole; ebich proposes to strike out the following item of the first sec- tion, wiz: ‘Thirty first—On COFFEE, from and afterthe 31d September, 1933. a duly at and after the rate of one ceut the pound, weight.’ And passed in the affirmative, yeas 117. nays 57. The yeas and nays being deman- ded by one fifth of the members present. The question was then put, thet the House do concur in the amendment of the Committee of the whole House, which pro- posed to strike out the following item in the first section. viz: *Thirly.second—On TEAS, from and af- ter the Srd March 1834, a duty at and efter the rates following, that is to sey, on Impe- ria!, Ganpowder, Gomee, Hyson, and Young Hyson, six eent the poond weight; on Hy- son skin end other green, Souchong and other black, (except Bohes,) four cents the pound weight; and on Bohes, one and a half cents the poond weigtt.’ And passed in the affirmative, yeas 108, n 62. © foregoing extrects speak for them-— selves, They would not have been pre- sented in this connexion bot for the disin- genous coarse of Gov. Polk towards the late Whig Congress on the subject of the Tariff Atan early day after the adjournment of the Extra Session, in a dinner speech at the Nashville Jon, he tbus asssiled that body: The new faz bill, which 1s another of the relief measures of the late Extra Ses- sion of Congress, will answer the question. New taxes have been laid, not only on wines, s:lk# aod other luxuries, but on ne. cessaries aleo. A tax of 20 per cent. has been retained cn Salt, that article of indis pensable necegsily to man and beast. Ev- ery farmer’s cow that 1s well fed, consumes more of it ina year than the richest money croker in Wall street. The federal major- ity io Congress refused to make Salt a free article, because the tex upon it was neces- ped of the right to foster their own industry and to conaoteract the most selfish and de- structive policy which might be edopted by foreign nations = This surely cannot be the cese : this indispensable power, thus surren- dered by the Stetes, must be within the scope of the suthority on the subject ex- preesly delegated to Congress. Io this conclasion, | am confirmed as well by the opinions of Presidents Weshington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, who have each repeatedly recommended the exercise of this right under the Constitation, as by the uniform practice of Congress, the eon- tinued acquiescence of the States, and the genera! understanding of the people.—Mes. sage Dec. 1880. TARIFF OF 1841, Thie wes an act for revenue purposes im- posing 20 per cent duties on eertain articles which were before doty free or subject to less than 20 per cent duty. The act was passed under the express authority of a pro- viso to the Compromise Bill to the purport that all free doties or duties under 20) per cent should be subjectto revision by Con. gress before the expiration of the Compro- mise. . It paseed both Houses by a parly vote, and to sucb an extent was the factious Op- position of the Democratic minority to all Meesures proposed by the majority, carried 10 this instance, that en sttempt was made to break down the whole Tanff policy and thas throwing the Government upon Direct Texation, by admitting Suger and Iron and Other important manufactures duty free-.- See House Journal, Ist Session, 271h Con- gress. received a large support in the House from New York, Ohio, Kéitucky and Pennsyl- vania. The Pennsyltania delegation was more divided than before, 14 in the afirm- ative and 12 inthe negative. Jt also pe cieved, in the House, the unanimous sup- port of TENNEssEE, among other membeis, tbe Hon, JAMES K. POLK. In the Sen. ate, it was voted for by Hill of New Hamp- shire, Webster of Massachusetts, Marcy of New York, Dalles and Wilkins of Pennsy!- vanie, Clay of Kentocky, Ewing of Ohio and Benton of Missourn. It was opposed 10 shat body by ‘I'yler and Tazwell of Vir. giora, Grundy and White of ‘Tennessee, and all the Senators from the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabame and Mississippi. This Tariff, in the support of which we find the Hoo. JAMES K POLK co- oper- ating with the Hon. HENRY CLAY, and egainst his colleagues in the Senate, Messrs White and Grundy, imposed a daty of 25 per cent on Cotton fabrics, subjecting all coarse Cottons costing less than 20 or 35 cents the square yard toa duty on the value of 80 or $5 cents. It imposed a duty on Wool, costing over 8 cents a pound, of 40 per cent. On Iron, rolled, $80 a ton, vn- rolled, $18 a ton. On brown Sogar 24 cents @ pound. On Loaf Sogar 12 cents a pound. On Axes, Hatches, Chisels, Draw- ing knives, Cutting knives, Reaping hooks, Scythe blades, Spades and Shovels 80 per cent-—On Castings 1 cent a pound. On Mill irons 4 cents a pound. On Mill sews $1 each.—On Hammers and Sledges 2} cents a pounc. On Steel, ¢1 50 a hon- dred. On Cotton Begging 374 cents a square yerd. On Wool Hats 18 cents esch. On SALT 10 cents per (bushel,) fifty-six pounds. On Window Glass 8 X 10 end 10 X 12, $83 abox. On Bonnets 30 per ceni. TARIFF OF 1883. The circomstances under which the Coa- promise Act or the act to reduce, by gradu- al process, the duties on Foreign imports to 20 per cent. are too genarally known to re- quire recapitulation. Jackson, May 20. The second, an act to reduce the duly on Molasses to 5 cente a g2!'on, passed the House on the 27th May, yeas 118, navs 60 ; the Senate, May 29ih, yeas 30, nays 8, (among the nays Thomas H. Benton,) and approved by President Jackson, May 29 —The third, an ect to reduce the doly on Salt to 15 cents a bushel | 31st December, 1881, and subsequently to 10 rents @ bushel. passed the House, May 27, yeas 24. nays 15, and approved by President Jackson, May 29 PRESIDENT J Q: ADAMS’ OPINIONS. Mr. Adams said little or nothing aboot the ‘Par: full after the passage of the Act of 1823. |t was not by his suggestion or at the instance of bis Administration, of which Mir. Clay wa®a prominent member, that the Tariff wos revised, but the revision once made, the President not only spproved the Act, but subsequently vindicsted the Tanff poliey agotnst the threatened Nullification of the South = We quote from the Annual Message of December, 1828 :— Edney ected itm ? J consid er it very doubifal, myself; for | hardly believe a man can be fougdsin each ‘< Campany” who is 80 dazzled by the General's Military display. (his greatest qualification) as to wish io see him in Congress. ‘Thiscry about « Coatain’s Com- panies” and “ town aristocracy” js only the re- sort of a demagogue, and is beneath the dignity of any man who is fit for § seat jo Congress.— And now to the General's clatms. In the Congressional canvass of 1889, Gen Edney was a candidate in opposition to Hon. H. W. Connor, in the District composed of Cabar- ros, Mecklenbarg and Lincoln. 'Fhe prospec: of success was rather gloomy ; the General used every exertion to obtain his election; and was only beaten some 500 votes. He advocated Whig principles to the best of his ability, met Mr. Connor every where. and searcd the old gentleman pretty badly. Now, admitting that Lincoln, Mecklenborg ane Cabarros are under obligations to him for this, what claims has he on Iredell, Rowan and Davie ? Troe, he made a speecn here on the 4th of Jalv, 1840, to the Ladies! Boat is it the doty of the people of Rowan to vote for him becanse he mado a liitle chank of a speech to the gals, when we have men every way more deserviog apar| from po- litical services ? Surely not! Has he ever done any thing to place Fredell or Davie onder obligations to him?“ Not that we know of,” you answer. In 1840, Gen. Edney was a sor! of travelling Whig Miesionary, attending all the gatherings of the Whigsin the country within reach, ma- king stomp speeches, and advocating, to the best of his ability, Whig principles, on every occasion. But was he disinterested in all this ? No! he was actoated by a mercenary spirit—he looked to be rewarded for it! [tis well known that he went on to Washington City, to the In- augoration of Gen. Hartison, asd was very or- gentin his solicitations for an office. Bat, “ somehow. or some how else,” his lofty claims were overlooked, (and very properly, too.) and he did not get one. What were Gea. Harri- son’s reasons for not giving him an appointment, 1, of course, do not know : bat I suppose he was rejected on the gronnd that the offices of the country should no: be bartered away for partizan services—a principle fur which all Whigs con- tended in 1840, and noone more strongly than Vhe great interests of an agricultural, commeicial, and manufacturing nation are so inked in union together, that no perma- neol cause of prosperity to one of them can cperate withont extending its influénee to he ouhers. All these interests are alike un- der the protecting power of the legislative suchority , and the duties of the representa- tive bodies are to conciliate them in harmo- ny together. So far as the object of taxa- Nonig to raise a revenue for discharging the debts and defraying the expenses of the community. its operation should be sdapted, as much as possible, tosuit the burden with equal hand upon all, on Proportion aith ther ability of bearing it without oppress- ion. But the legistation of one netion 1s sometimes intentionally made to bear hesvi- ivy upon the interests of another. That le- gislation, adepted, as it is meant to be, to the special interests of 118 own people, will often press most unequally upon the several COM ponent interesis of its neighbors, Thus the legislation of Great Britain, when, as TARIFF OF 1842, The Compromise Act hevin its own limitation. the ‘Tariff ed by the 27th Congress, the wants of the Treasory, crimination 2 @xpired by wee re-edjust- With a view to anda due dis. io frvar of Home manofactures. As a revenue measure it wes absoluiely de- manded for the support of Government— es a Tariff of incidental Proteetion it por- has recently been avowed, adapted to the depression of a rival nation, will naturally aboung with regulations of interdiet upon the productions of the soil or industry of the obher, which come in competitign with ty own; and will present encoursgement, Perbaps even bounty, to the raw Material of the other State, which it cannot produce liself, and which is essential forthe use of its manufactures, competitions in the mar kets of the world with those of its commer- cial rival. Such is the state of the commer. _cial legislation of Great Britain, as it bears Upon our interesis. jt excludes, with in- terdictung duties, all 'Mporlation (except in time of epproaching famine) of the great staple productions of Our Middle and Wes- tern Stases ; it Proscribes, with equal rigor the ®uikier “lumber ane ive stock of the £4M€ portion, end also of the Northern and Eastern part of our Union, It refuses even the rice of the South. unless ®gegravated with a charge of duty upon the Northern earner *ho brings i to them. But the cotton, in- dispensable for their looms, they q@iil re_ ceive almost duty free, to woave it inte a fabric for our own wear, of ovr own manufactures, enabled thus to underseil. tecting energy of ibis nati that there eXiets, j of our covatry, no power to counteract the bias cf this foreign legislation 2 that the €rowers of pracy muet sobmit to this exclu- rion from the loreign markets of their pro- dnce ; that the shippers must dismantle The bill which passed both Houses ani received the sanction of President JacKson, was brooght forward in the Senate by Mr. Clay. It proposed the gradual reduction of all dutice which by the existing Tariffs ex. ceeded 20 per cent. ad valorem, as follows: Section 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress sssembied, That, from aod after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three, in ell cases where duties are imposed on foreign imports by the act of the fourteenth dey cf July, one thousand eight bundred and thirty-two, entitled “ An act to alter and amend the several acts im- posing duties on imports.” of by any other act, shall exceed tweoty per centum on the value thereof, .ne tenth Part of such excess shall be deducted ; from and efter the thir- ly-first day of December, 1885 enother tenth pert of such excess shall be deducied , from and after the firet day of December, 1837, another tenib part thereof shall be deducted ; from and after the thirty-firet day" December, 1839; another tenth pers, | thereof shall be deducted and from and af- ter the thirty-first day of December, 1841, | of such excess shall 3 0nd from and after the thirt)- jority in thee Bobject, mu ©, 1842, the other half there- acted, | The bill passeg the House, Feb, 26 119 neys x le 5; the Senate, March 29, aays 16, and was Ps yeas | 1, yeas Pproved by Presi- Gent Jackson, March 24. }t expired by its sary to supply the ceficiency in the Treas— Ury created by the Distribution Bill. A tax of 20 per cent. 18 retained also On Iron, steel, sugar, molasses, and many other ar- ticles of prime necessity. A dominant ma- popolar branch of Congress, by a solemn vote, imposed a tax cf 20 per cent. on Tea end Coffee also, and in that form the bill passed the House. Io the Sen- ale, these two articles were struck eout by the votes of Democratic Senators and 8 smal] portion of the Federal Seretors > Mr. Clay of Kentucky, and other Federal Sene- tore, recording their votes to retain the tax opon them, and against meking them free articles PRESIDENT JACKSON’S OPINIONS, Gen. Jackson, it has been seen, voted for the High Tariff of 1824, while a Senator in Congress from Tennessee. Elected to the Presidency by the suffrages of the great Tenff States of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and Ken:ucky, he bad no mo- live to change bis first impressions on this ck less to prove indifferent to the sentiments of that seetion of the Union from which his Administration derived iis firmest support. Peonsylvania —the Key- stone of the Federai Arch—had peculiar Claims upon bis gretuude. She ned ralied {o his standard under al! competition — Pennsylvania was and 1s 3 Tarif State, the Most anaoimous of any other ia tag Uaion. Aad Gen. Jackson, with al! bis fealts, sel- dom lost sight of the claims of a tried friend. Whaterer influonce this feeling mey or may ; sued the established policy of the country from 1789 to the present time, the duties being regulated by the improved condition of our Home Manufectures. On this prin- ciple, the daties generally were fixed below tbe Tariffs of 1817, °24, 28 and 32. For the convenience of reference, we annex the following brief porallel between the duties opon certain staple articles imposed by the Toariff of 1832, for which Gov. Polk voted and Gen. Jeckson approved, and the ‘Whig Tariff, so called of 1842, 1882. 7k c. $30 $18 2he 12c Se 10c She l6ec $0 p. ct. 5e 3e Ib 40 pet. SOp.ctad v. 50 Pp. ct. 40 p. clad: ov. Remedy for Whooping “Cougs. Th Tennessee Siate Agrieatinees ae ee 1842 6c sq. yard $25 2 ton. $17 aton 2h. Ib 6 c. Ib. 4h c. gal. 8c boshel. 4c sq. yard. 14c eq yard. 40pciad. pv. Cotton Goods Iran, rolled do not rolled Suger, brown do Loaf Molasses Salt Bagging Fiennels Axes Nails Wool Cloths& Cassameree three cents worth of liquorice, three of rock candy, three of gum erabic, put them in a pan of water, simmer them till nearly dis- Gen. Edney himself! Or, it may have heen that the old General did not consider the young General qualified for the stations 'o which he as. pired ! {1 don't say that the latter teas the rea. son ; but still it| may have been, you know.) — Bat eo it was, Edney got nooffice. It appears 'o me, upon a view of the case, that Gen. KEd- ney’s patriotism was called into &clion by a de. sire for the “ loaves and fishes” and not by pore love of country ! and his boasts now of his exr- fraordinary claims on the District, have a ten- dency toshow that he regarde his election to Congress a8 a sort of pay fn his old speeches ! By continuing to be a candidate, the probabil- ity is that a Locofoco may be elected to Con- gress. ‘The blame will, of ar, rest ecitnl upon Gen Eda the frowns, « fellow Whi damnation. If, oa the not receive enough votes 4which I have reason canes). it nent his and will ese election of a Lo. “yr Sn ‘ur the Watt Mr. Penvretox :—I noticed in the last Watchman, ap order signed “J. MM. Brown, Col. Commandant,” {ur the militia to assemble in this place on the Su instant, for the Purpose of being reviewed by « Maj Gen B. M. Edney.” Why are the militia Ordered oat at this anus. val season of the year, Mr. Editor ? I caenot Severely, colved, thea add three cenis worth of para- Bore and a like quantity of 2atimonis! wine. Let "cool and sip whenever the cough 1s 'roubleeome, and the cure is aid tobe cer. fonceive the object,-enless 1 be that Gen. Eg_- bey expected tu advance his interests before the peple. & will give yoa my reasuns for this sup- tain, > co Position Jn the early part of the Spring, soo: aftenithe Gong ancounced himself a candidate for Congress, it was reported that he said th, things, and thruogh nature's works, iat Ratore’s God fur that protection and _ rn which I need, while parsuing life's !a! ‘4 way. _ aud Y ane led & DOMESTIC THE SALISBURY MANUFACTR ING COMPANY AVE still further redaced tbe Paice" their MANUFACTURES, f tern qoence of tbe cuntinued depression througbout the coantsy. ‘They are m*0° lag er Botton Yarns, Nos agus” FG Shirting, G4 do. (-@ do. hea VY Fine feary os The Pablic are assured, d their gouds are of the best geal. as purehased on terme as favorable, * her establishment. | procared Ba eres BROWNE, 42" Salisbory, May 20, 1843—!(45 = 2 COUNTY COURT wriTs, on™ Ie g ior § rinted on first rate paper 20 . 3 thas Offree ——— ——— ao ——— —— gs LISBURY: eee syTURDAY, JUNE $. 1843. yepublican Whig. ‘Ticket t —_——~ ip President of the United Slates, HENRY CLAY. OF KENTUCKY, FOR CONGRESS. al, D. M. BARRINGER, oF CABARRUS COUNTY. flection on Thursday 3d of August. “The Wh ig Banner! « gsound National Currency, regulated by vj] avd aulhorily of the Nation. an adequale Revenue. with fair protection eric an Industry —just restraints on the re ve Power, embracing a further restric i the exercise of the Veto faithful administration of the Public Do- _ pith an equilable distribution of the Pro of sales among the States. » gn honest and economical administration of i General Government, leaving Publie Offi- * perfect freedom of thought and of the right /yfrage ; but with suitable restraints against ren on interference in Elections. » Ja amendment of the Constitution, limiting F racumbent of the Presidential Chair to a walt Term.”—(Henry Cray. t Gen B. M. Epnev with the pertinacily of a j still persists in being a candidate for Congress after it has been nearly demonstrated at he cannot possibly succeed. We regret to ge ony a0 for whom we havea respect, galled into tbe trick of playing cats-paw for his politi- ai spponenta—attem pling to divide the party tp whieh he professes to belong ; so that his op , jos ay have a fair opportanity of electing ipeit candidate, while they are known to be iygely io the minority. If Gen, Edney would onside? this probable result, aod that he is the nmeciate cause of soch result, it is to be hoped jatbe will yet withdraw. As it most be evi- dot that be cannot succeed himself, aod is hin- jering the saecess of the other Whig Candidate, slaying the very game the Loco‘oco leaders wish \in to do, and that which they designed origin- iy br bim, and by flattery induced him to on- intake. None bat locofocos ever remembered bathe had superior claims to the support of the Whigs, and none other koew that the Whigs sere compelled to elect him: none other stimu— wed bis vanity sofficiently inflated before to veh himself forward before the People without ying called, asd against the express wish and iesiga of a great namber who would otherwise lave been his friends, but who oow say we will wot have this man (o reign over us: his present ysition is one in which he looses the popularity spoilt chil ie bad gained before ; for that instead of favor- ing the sound policy and correct principles of the Whig party, he is using his strongest efforts to defeat the measures of the party—and is thus arfvooring the opposite party, and affording witer assistance than he could do, if he were di~ eclly and avowedly a genuine locofoco. Under his view of the case, we would urge upon Gen. fdney the necessity of withdrawing for this ne—as having found himself in a false position, ke the Lion when falling short of its aim al- rays retreats for the porpose of making a more aio spring from a better pusition: should he assess the Lion’s boldness, he should also have 1¢ Lion’s magnanimity, and be reminded that ‘setelion is the better part of valor. Sound Doctrine. —The candidates for Gover- or in Tennessee, having been interrogated in gird to their opinions on the Tariff, Governor noes, the Whig candidate replies as follows : lam ir favor of a Tariff for Revenue; one 1\ will be adequate to the wants of the Govern eat economically administered, with such dis- ‘imination in favor of home industry, as will in w greatest degree enhance our National Inde- endence and subject our mechanics and mano-~ telurers to the least practicable extent to a com sion with the panper lahor of the Monarchies. od Despotismsof the Old World. Iam, there- ve, fora Tariff for Revenae, with such inci- ental protection as may be afforded without op~ ‘essing any partico'ar interest of our national dustry. This is the true Whig Doetrine. It is the helrine of every sincere American: it ts the octtine that every man onght to advocate.— ‘nd itis the Doctrine of HENRY CLAY, the ‘ly acknowlecged candidate of the Whig Party tthe next Presidency. Just give our mecha- eS and manafactorers bot incidental protection gains: the pauper labor of all Europe, and we ‘ill not always be dependent Upon foreign na~ ng for those things which we can make just as deap and much better. Give as but that pro- "ction which we are entitled to, and we will not “J be independent in name but ia reality. Alempt at Murder in tie Virginia Peniten- “ary —On the 2tei altitoo, a convict by the “ae of FVinston, attempted to murder Mr. Fer- on, one of the keepers, by culling him with te. Winston would no donbt have killed as Mr. . was avt in a sitvation v6 make “J resistance, when the arms of the murderer "te seiz-d and held fast by another convict "med Shaerick Brown, from Washi ¥ Wethink ngton conn. with the Richmond Whig,thst the “Per authorities whieh, on such occasions, are MoD enonwh to distribute Punishment, will ‘8 how to distribwre rewards for good conduct . moeratic way of ‘T'ravelling.—The Colam- *Alississippi WV big, says thay Ex-Governor i 1, the antorions Loeofoco Reffadiator, ig "10 take the stamp in defence of his repodi- *2 doctrines, ‘Wel ia pare Demoeratic. style, on horseback, “Na pai so bee Pair of saddlebags containing a gallon : ‘ Fach end, and 0 ; “ee “OS 1 bags of an reticent.” ne shirt, and a pais of pan- | 1 CH} Official jofurmation bas been réceived at the State Department, from the United Siated Consul at Galveston, (Texas,) that the Collector of that Port, has received instructions, in accord* _j ance with the Law, to impose an additional du- ly of five per cent on all goods imported from this country, over and above the amount levied opon merehandize introduced from countries with which Vexas has ‘Treaties. BCP At a Locofoco meeting lately held at Augusta, Ga, a resolution was intredored by Mr. Guieo, Editor of the Georgia Conslitution- alist, and ananimously adopted, reqnesting the Delegates appointed by the meeting to the State Convention to be held at Milledgeville some time this month, to arge upon the Convention the adoption of a resolation recommending the nom- ination by the Locofoco National Convention of Joho C. Calhoun. Florida Election.—David Levy, Lteofoco,” bas been elected to Congress by about 800 votes over Major Ward, Whig: Mr. Calhoun and the Frish —This aspirant for the Presidency bids for the Irish vote in the letter appended hereto, The Charleston (S. C.) Mercury is delighted with it (of coarse,) and says:— Shall we be charged with being over sanguine, if we say that it may be among the decrees of an inscrutable Praqvidence to mark the period of his elevation to the Presidency by the achievement of O'Cun- nell’s victory over the enemies of liberty and of Ireland ?” [A very beantifal fancy that of identifying the arch-devil, who is eternally throwing firebrands across the Atlantic at our slavery system, with the grand defender of slavery.—E.p. C. Wart.) **Fort Hill, 1$th Mareh, 1843. ‘Tt wuold have afforded me gresi pleasure to participate in your celebration ; nothing that is of interest to Jrishmen, or the sons of Irishmen, is indifferent tome. [am proud of my descent from so generous and so gallant a race. “[ am, gentlemen, yonrs, &c. *JUHN C. CALHOUN. From the Richmoad Whig. “WHAT'S IN THE WIND.” Ever and anon, we find mysterious hints thrown out in the Democratic papers, that Hen- ry Clay is not, after all, to be the Whig candi date ; that he is ultimately to be put aside as un available: that the Harrisburg experiment of 1840 will be played over again ! When these sormises come to be scrutinized and examined closely, they vanish into thin air No evidence is adduced 10 support them, beyond ® bold assertion here, or an authorized supposi tion there. In trath, the Loto Focos wish that Henry Clay may not be the candidate of the Whig Party, is father to the whole strategy by which the Loco Foco party are endeavoring to shoffle Mr Clay out of the position which he fills vith the united concurrence of the Whig party in this country. **Down, busy Devi}, down!" Mr Clay is not thus to be-whistled down the wind, and the great Whig party 1s not by sach shallow expedients as these to be choused a se— cond time out of their privilege and their prefer ence. They are for Mr Clay within a fraction of unanimity, and with an ardor and heartiness that will tolerate no other Whig candidate, and brook no second disappointment. Already have they yielded enough to a patrivtic spirit of com- promise, and found themselves rewarded for it by John Tyler’s introduction into the Presiden- cy, and by Fate itself becoming their foe ? They will compound no farther, and now they are re- solved either to win a triumph which will be worthy of the name, and productive of the prop er results of a civi) revolotion, or they are pre- pared in the other alternativbs to sustain a con- clasive and final defeat. No more compromises! No more temporis ing! Nomore cowardly capitolatians wi:h ex pediency! CLAY.IF HE ISALIVE. for the next President, or else let the Whig party dis- hand, and despairing of the direct accomplish- mentof their patriotic purposes, incorporate them~ selves with their victorious adversaries, to tem- per as far as they can the erueliy of the conquer. ors, if they are so disposed, and to promote in directly what they believe salutary fur their country. We do not believe that any WHIG meditates the exchange of Henry Clay for zny other man If there be such an one. calling himself Whig, we would not give a pinch cf snnfffor his Whig- gery. We have never seen such a Whig, and never expect tosee him Not either, that the Whigs are addicted to the idolatry of mao wor ship! They revere Mr Clay in a certain sense indeed ; but it is a patriotigm that venerates the valor which has rescued the country from slave- ry, or the wisdom which” has made it great and prosperous. Asthe Athenians venerated Them istocles or Aristides: as all rational creatures are boand to venerate him whom the Creator has en dowed with a superior intellect, and with a pob lie virtue correspondent toit. Thos the Whigs thiek of Henry Clay, and thas thinking, we be- lieve they are altogether ananimous in the pur pose of supporting him for the highest station who is best qualified to adorn it, and throngh its instromentality, to promote the happiness and glory of their country. All these “‘shallow devices” of the enemy to create suspicion and (o detach the Whig patty from Mr Clay will prove onavailing. COMMODORE PORTER. We have received the Torco-F rench newspa- per, the ‘‘ Journal de Constantinople et des Inter: ets Orienteanx,” of the 6th of March, in which published as 11 is opon the spot of Com. Por. TerR's long residence, and addressed to that di plomatic and European popalation whose organ the paper is—it gives us pleasore to find the fol- lowing just tribnte to his memory, which we translate :—JVational Jutelligencer. “The diplomatic body of Constantinople has jnst lost one of its most distinguished members in the person of his Excellency Com. Davip Por- TER, Minister Resident of the United Statee of America neat the Sublime Ottoman Por:e ; who died on Friday, the Sd, at his house in St. Ste- a lung and painfal illness. hom se entire life of Com. Porter belongs to the history of his country. Entering her navy In his early youth, the war which she sustained in 1803 upon the coasts of Barbary, against the Regency of* Tripoli, furnished ‘him the occasion | of distingaishing himself almost in his boyhood. | Io its progress, th Me onfortunate ship- wreck of the frigate Philadelphia, (on board which-he wag,) he fell, with various other offi- | cers, into the handsof the Tripolitans, and re- castle, wihoot ever losing for an instant the | . firmness” or cheerfulness of his patriotism and | | Courage, : "yg | _ ‘ Daring the war of 1814 with Great ’ in the frigate Essex, he led in the Pacifie a itile squadron formed ovt.of hig gwo piizss, and ac- qrited by a teries piles s' repaizticn for dravery and nava) skill as brilliant asa seamen seed. desig. Towards the of he Wes again made prisoner, an sangeinary confliet, in the by the English curveties and Heeubea. ** With the return of peace, Commodore Pon TER begamother services, not less neressary 'o his own sountry and her commerce than useful ‘9 humanity at large. He wes employed for some time in ridding the seas of the pirates that then swarmed in the West India waters, whom his indefaigable activity and coorage at last completely destroyed or broke up: ‘Sin the year 1881 he was sent by President Jacxson 28 American Charge d’Affaires near ihe Sublime Porte, to ratify the treaty of amity aod commerce now subsisting between those two Powers ; and his persona! chatacter contributed no! a little to smooth the difficulties which s:i!! stood in the way of the conclusion of that treaty. “Te 1833 Mr. Van Boren, then President of the United States. raised the mission which he occupied to the grade of a fell minister, with the view of affording hima ratirement from ac tive service worthy of is reputation and of that which he had conferred opun ibe arms of bis country itself, “Since that ‘ime the bealth of Com. Porter, shaken by the fatigues and piivation of a long maritime career and by the wounds of many bat tles, became every day feebdler, and obliged bim to fix his residence in the village of St. Siefano, of which the air seemed atone to bring some re lief to hie continval bodily sufferings. [t was there that he breathed his Iasi, with the same calm coarage which had marked every action of his life. He wasa man of great goodness of heart, brave and true in the highest degree ; sach that his death will be deplored by his entire country, while it will plonge in lasting regret bis family and his friends, **His obsequies will take place to day, at St. Stefano, with-all the honors due to the high rank which he held. His remains will be trans ported, at ao early day, to bis native Jand.” ALABAMA COURT SCENE. Ain amiable and Kind hearted Judge.— We have heard a eapital story told of a jedge ip the mterior of Alabama, whose de- cision, in a case of great perplexuy. hea won for him a name for goodness of natare the greatest law dispensers in our land might envy. A case was going on involving many in- (ricate questions of lew ; and while the lawyers oo either sice were engsged in for lifying their poiots, end rendering perfectly clear the jostice of their clients’ claims, one of the spectators quietly leid bimsellf down upon a bench in the courtroom, and after settling bimself into an easy position on his back soon fell esleep. He wes 4 most inveterate snorer—as great a one as a friend of ours who, while 10 @ sail boat on Pascagoula Bay early one morning, cruizing sbout in search of the “ mysterions masic,” fell fast asleep in the bows. Hewasno sooner asleep than he was snoring—=.nd the trombonel.ke tones rose upon the {still and calm morning air with en effect approaching the astounding. ‘Phe black helmsman, who had been list- lessly whistling for a breeze, picked his ears as the first notes from the sleeper’s nos: rose sbove the waters: he conld not, a first, conceive from whence came the strange and most unnatural sounds. [He looked first to windward, and then toleeward, and finally over the bowsprit and ahead, vauge- ly imagining either that some high pressure steamer hed found the way into the quict waters, or else that the “ mysterious music ”’ had caught co'd and was boarsely endeavor- ing to pitch ite notes toa more seemly key, The cause was fically ascertsified, however, and the sffrighted hel!msmar’s mind set u! res@®but ‘o return to vur other snorer The cause went on and the snoring con- tinued in court, and the judge sat uneasils upon his seat. From verv goodness of dis position he did not wish to break the man’: nap; andopon referring to avihorities 1: his mind, and hastily glancing overs few pages, where * disturbances” sre define with his eye, he foond the etatutes and row- mon law cf Alabema gave him no posiiv: jurisdiet.on , there was no enactment ‘med gee provided’ for such cases. < Still louder and Joader, the nvzsl_ notes continued. The judge was in a quandary ; the decorum of ihe court was fast losing it- self. Wound up, finally, to @ pitch of des- peration entirely unwonted for him, the judge beckoned for the sheriff. ‘Go to that gentleman on the bench there, Mr. Sheriff,” @id he, pointing at the same time to the snorer, “goto that gentleman and quietly and zarefuliy turn himover! | am extremely reluctant to run any risk of dis- turbing or waking him, but if that snoring continues, this bonorable court wil itself be fast aslecp in ten minutes !""— N O. Pica- yune. Nags Head —Caypiain Campbell Graham ot the United States Army, and Walter Gwynn E'sq., civil engineer, Lave been appointed to make anexamination wilh a view tu re open Roanoke inlet at Nag's Head, and establishing it a wanent ship channel from Albemarle Sound to the ocean, and report to the government on the practicability of as well asthe probable expense of the work. Major Gwynn, who is well ac- qaainted with the subject of inquiry, deems the work praciicable. If soand it ever shall will 06 incaiculable, while it will add.-anorher harbor of refoge to veesels on bur coast 1mmbad weather, hereby saving an immense amoont of property from shipwreck —.JVorfolk Herald. The Hon. J M. Robinson, ofe of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Illinois, late a Senator in Congress from that state, died at Ottawa, on the 27tb ult., in tbef{50 b year of bis ege. Vew Orleans, May 7th. Our River.—The Mississippi, opposite our city, is now ata stand still, and feare of ae inundation have nesrly subsided. The lower tivers, by this time, huve peured in their annosl spring floods and are falling, and by the time the rise in the upper sueams reéches the Mississippi there will bé e erte e The Whig says, “he wi}] “Wained for more than a year shut opin the Bey’s dpnger of ap overfjo A young man named Pareade, recently com mitied suitide in MeDosough county, UJinois, jn cunseyoence of having beeo rejected a¥& suitor by a lady. that 4 bat waeg | dren be complishee, its importance to North Caroliea Jadge Cairson has granied a motion made by 1 Grand Mr Bietiterhaésett, to sommon a sp Jary, and to.eppoint sjspecia! time fur ahe hold- ing of a Coart for the ‘tial of the Charvis mer —the two. MeDapieis and others. The ) Coort will sit £6 soon a8 witnesses cen be dum ‘@oned (some of them from*Sania Fe) for this purpose.— St Louis New Era, April 3. Dr. Mallory is talked of as the probable soc- cessor cf Commodore Porter, at Constantinople. Mr. Cashing, Commissioner to China, has gone to Norfolk, to meet Secretary Upshor there, Ar. Summer's Majority.—This Whig mew- ber of Corgress from Virginia had @ majority, whieh, equally distriba‘ed, would, besides, ting him, hawe also elected three of the 4 W big candidates for Congress, in that State, Phe Hon. Garrett:*D. Wall, Ex United States Senatur, was attacked with the palsy, Monday evening, at his rssidence in Barlingion, N.J, and bat litle hopes are entertaiued of bis recovery. , A OE RR ALTAR OF HYMEN. *reses «¢ Those whom love cements in holy faith “* And eqaal transport, free as Nature live. **eeeee «+ What ts the world to them, ‘*Iis pomp, i's pleasure aod iis nonsense all, ;’ Who in each other clasp whatever fair ‘* High fancy forms,and lavish hearts can wish MARRIED. In this Town on the 23h altimo, by the Rev Thomas F. Davis, Mr Geogge W Brown, to Miss Cornelia K. Long, daughter of Dr. Alex. ander Long. In this place, on the 28d alt, by J. M. Brown, Esq., Mr. Alexander Lyerly, to Miss Mary Grimes. Crowell, Esq., Wr. Nicholas Bringle, to Miss Rosanna Agner, Near Honisville, Surry county, on the 16th ultimo, by the Rev. B. York, Mr. James L. Blackwell, of Davidecn county, to Miss Jane E Long of Sarry. State of Porth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. IN EQUITY—SPRING TERM, 1843. Robert Carson, Fxecator of John Taylor, Dec'd. vs. . William Taylor, James Taylor, Rebecea Tay- lor, Zachariah Gaither and wife Sally, Milton Gasther, Elijah Gaither, Noah Gaither, Asbary Gaither, Willie Gaither, Alexander G. Gaither, Margaret Gaither and Casper Kinder, and wife Temperance. ii appearing to the satisfaction of ihe Coort, that William Tay ames ‘Paylor and Re- becca Taylor, Defendaf® in this case, are not inhabitants of this State: It is therefore ordered, that pablication be made for six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said William Tay- lor, James Taylor and Rebecca ‘Taylor, io ap- pear at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the county of Davie, at the Court~House in Mocksville, on the 4th monday afier the 4th monday in August next, and plead, answer or ‘emor to complainants bill, or the same will be ‘aken pro confesso and heard ex parte, as 'o them. ‘Vitness, L Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Coort, at Office, the 4th monday after the 4h monday in February, A. D. 1848, and in the 67th vear of American Independence. L BINGHAM, cme. 6w45—Priniters fee $5 50 meg TAKE NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscribers by Note of one, two, three and four years ~sidi@@™® are requested to pay of renew them by the 20th July next. Also, thuse who have ac- cvunts of longer than 12 months standing, wil! please call and eettle by exsh of note “Those who fail to comply, mast not think hard of ns, it ‘hey shoald bave :o seitle with the Sheri d Constables, CRESS & BOGER. Salisbury, June $3, 1843—3w45 _ NEW Spring & Summer GOODS. FEN HE Sobscribers are now receiving the lar gest and most complete stock of desirable Goods, ever brought to this market ;—cunsisting in part of English and French Cloths and Cassi meres, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans ana Genile- men’s sommer cloths, Nankeen and Cotton Cas- simeres, French, English and American Prints, Painted aod figured French muslins and Lawns, Satin striped and Paris figured Balsoreins, (new artiele) plain, Biack end faney colored Lawns, Scotch ginghams, Crape de Lanes, Plain and figared muslin de Lanes, Plain and figared Ctal- ies, Black and colored Alpacker lusters and Buom- bazines, Blue, black and evlured, plain and sirt ped silks, Silk gimp and fringe for, trimming dresses, Jaconett an¢ Swiss muslins and Bishops Lawns, Gambroons and I.inen drills, Black and fancy siik Cravats and Stocks, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Muslin collars and Silk dress shalls, Black and white silk Huse, Bulting eluths, from No 5 to 9, (warranted gennine,) ‘Yailurs irimmicgs, Ingrane carpeting and matting, ‘l'ai- lors Patent shears and puints, Lawn, Flurrence, Braid and Straw boaveis, Panama, Leghorn, Far and wool Hats, Seal, Cloih and Leather Caps, Robinson’s fine Kid slips, do Seal and calf calfand morocco Boots, 15 cases Gentlemen's and J.adies lined and boand low price shoes, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery and Sadlers tzim mings, Carriage trimmings of every description, Smith and Carpenters tools, a large quaniiiy of Sole and Upper leather, (very cheap.) Window glass, Potty, Nails, White lead No. 1,2, and pure, (warranted good,) Castor Oil, Salis, Qui- nine, and Rowas’s ‘Tunic mixture, Loaf, and Lomp sugar, 20 Hdds. Brown do, 25 Hdde Molasses, $1! bags Rio Coffee, 3 :ons Fnglish Tire, Spring B ister and Cast Steel, a large assoriment of Iron and Castings. ° ‘Tbe above Goods was selected with great care, and will be sold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at unprecedented low prices. The Public are res- | pec(fally invited to call and examine for them- selves. ; JENKINS & BILES. Salisbory, April 22, 1843 —ly39 Bre D. ff, Maxwell, AVINGocated humstif af*Gen. Kert’s in Rowafi county. the toad leading from Salisbory to Bestie’s Ford, politely tenders his professional services to the pablic. May 13, 1848—1f42 In this county on the 18th ultimo,by Buckner walking, 4 dvz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia made | (Late E gon lishment Mansion Office. Workme lo render in all res engaged years, an try. W thing to good clot YRAIY/ Tailoring Establishment ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, Salissarv, (permanently ,) and intend ear sut passed in this State or out of Fashionable Establishment ! on having their clathes: made Bp in the mos) fashionable and durable manner. celebrated establishments ia the Soathera coun- LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-¥YORK received moothy. In conclosion, shonld we be encoeraged, no one need send away to procure Reference.—T hoa. M. Oliver, Salisbory, May 29. % Summer a” po NE TAILORS, of the City of Raleigh. )- have located oorselves in the Town of vor RUSINESS ina style not to be in it. Our Esrab is in the room on the corner of the Hotel, formerly oreuped as the Post- We have employed the best of Northern n. No expense or paias will ve spared this a pecis. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely We have been regularly in eatting for the last five d part of the time, in some uf the musi e shall not hesigte io guarantee every fit we cut and make. FASHIONS, hing. . P. ALSOBROOK. 1. S. MILULR. Raleigh, N.C. 20, 1843 — 1926 gE 478 do 510 do 99 do 89 do do do do do do pr bla pr col hh 54 182 Togeth for cash, ment in (roth) ; largest s place—a them for we ask j Salisb Great Bargains YW holesate g Retail ESTABLISHMENT. . oursupple of Spring and Summer Goods, amounling to 845 Packages. Among which, are the [oflowing : 642 ps. Georgia Nankeens® leghorn and witlow hate . doz palm leaf cases hats assorted ladies bonnets assorted diz combs assorted gross buttons asso: ted saddles assorted dvz grass and grain seythes coz pocket knives duz knives and forks doz cutting knives dvz weeding hoes diz saddle trees pieces bagging bags coffee kegs white lead prs elliptic springs prs trace chains 1000 Ibs loaf sugar kegs powder kegs nails and brads, These goods were selected with the ntmost care, and they have been bought wilh cash and goods are for sale, and we are determined to sel! elsewhere, let the price be what it may. Al! af AT THE CHEAP CASH, are now receiving, and offer for sale, brown and blesehed domestic, calicoes, assorted, printed muslin and lawns, brown drills, Kentucky janes, bed ticks Ginghams het anchor bolting etoths do. cotton handkerchiefs shoes, assorted ckmith vises do anvils do bellows Is rope és sugar er with a general stock of all kinds of GOODS. which is more (ban any other establish- this place can say, (if they speak the and we further say, that ft is by far the ioek that has ever been brought to this od we defy a contradiction. ‘These cash, lower than they can be booghi sacall, if you please. Most respecifully yonrs, J & W. MURPHY. ory, April 29, 184$—1f40 1E 1 and BU equal, if Thes N. B. CARRIAGES FO asopply of Ready made Cartisges from the well known Manofaciory at Yanceyville. consisting of COACHEES, BAROUCHES, ern States, for beauty and darability noblie patronace. the stand formerly owned by Juhn J. Shaver. Salishury, April 22, 1842—6m32 Ready Made R SALE. Subscriber will keep constenily on hand GGIES, which he will warrant to he not superior, to any made in the North- ubseriber respectfully sulieits a share of He may always be -funnd at WM. OVERMAN, Agent, For Wrart Wacker. Repairing done in the best style. Ww. O. HF carry on branches ces to sul N. B. CABINET MAKING! thanks for past favors, sed informs his old friends and the peblie that be still cuntinges to two doors below J, & W. Murpby's store and op- posite the Watchman Printing Office, where he may always be found. He keeps constantly on hand a varieiy of well-fivuished work, and at pri. made Coffins constantly kept oo hand to suit any measare ; have been sald for. duce taken in exchaage fur work. Sobseriber respectfully reiarns his the above business in all its various .and at theold eiand on main street, t the times, Also a supply of ready and at lower prices thao ever they All kinds of Lomber and Country Pro- 4 vs. John Martin, Thos. mar LONDON. 4 PHIA FASHIONS, for the of »~ ? w a? serpasses say thing of the kind her - toféle published. He ill conte on the _ ¢ Tailoring. Business in all its branehcs, ei bis ol@ stand, where le i: ever ready Lo oat and i his old >... new customers with es en and » - king of garments, not to be surpassed by anvn. the southern couoiry. Pancieality, deep... «. and feithtul wok as has been, aiwaye shail b.. his aim and ehjess Thankfal for past encov:- agemenj, he hopes to merit its continvance. P.S. Reference “ot, sie ennecessary, as | ‘s last thirteen yes: experience and work for the will show. “i HORACE H. BEARD. Aprit 13, 1848—1f88 | Valuable Reat Estate, Gold MINES, &. Public Auction ! ILL be sold tothe highest bidder, at tl: Coort House in Charlotte, on Tuesday of em yal Mecklenburg County Court in aly, the fo ing desirable iz: iene g desirable property; Viz: A DWELLING HOUSE, and FOUR LOTS auached, situated on main - street, Sixteen onimproved LOTS } back of tL above-named premises. ‘I'he ame MANSION HOUSE, with thirteen and a half ACRES of LAND. adjoining town. One TRACT OF LAN) containing 40 ACRES, lying eight miles west of Charlotte, on which there is a , GOLD MINE, KNOWN TO BE PRODUCTIVE. — ALSO— An ondivided interest in a Tract of Land, 5 or 6 miles from Charlotte, containing Gold. The above is knowa as the property fate! owned by Col. William J. Alexander. At the same time and place, an ondivided }:a/! of S27 ficres of Lana, lying cutie waters of half Mile Branch, known to be a good mining tract, lately th N. W. Alexander’ 7 r TERMS.—A credit of one, two and three years, the porchaser giving hond & approved se- curity ,payable at the Agency of the Bank of the State of North Carolina at Charlotte, with in- terest from the time of sale, JAS. A. JOHNS’ ‘ON, Agent of the Bank of the State of N.C. at Charlotte. May 27, 1848 —1mjc44 State of North Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equity—April Term, 4.) 1843. Juseph Martin, 7 AT . tin, Sativel srartin, Geo. mertin, Elizabeth Harris, Thomas J. martio, and Hampton Bynom, Ad- mMinisirator of Wm, G. martin, deceased. | this case it being made to appear to the gat. isfaction of the Cuort, that Jubn Marlin, ore of the defendants in this case, does not reside within the limits of the State of North Caroli_ na: Ui is therefore ordered that Publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman. printed at Salisbury, that anlese he, the suid John martin, appear at the next Coart of Equi- ty, tv be held for the county of Stokes, at ihe Court-Honse in Germanton, on the secund mon- dgy afier the fourth monday September nex, and plead, answer or demar, the Bill will he \2ken pro confesso and the cause set down fur hearing exparte as to him. Witness, F. Fries, Clerk and aster of ovr said Coart at office, the 2d monday after the 4it monday in March, A. D. 1843. Copy from the minates. F. FRIES, c me. may 27, 1843—6944—Printers fee $5 50 State of North Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equity— April Term, 1842. Elizabeth Hauser, Jacob Shure and wife aad ot | ers. os. Anthony fElaoser, i this case it appearing t> the satisfeetion of the Court, tuat Anthony Haaser, named de. fendant in this case, does not reside within the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered that pablieation be made for six wepks in the Casoli- na Watchman, that unless he appear at the next Court of Eqoity, to be held for the county of Sokes, at the Court House ic Germanton, on the second monday afier the foarth monday in Sepeamber nexi, andplead answer or demor, the petition will be 1sken pro -onfesso, snd the cause set down fur bearing exparte as to him. Witness, F. Fries, Clerk 2n¢ master of oor said Court at-Office, the second monday afier ihe fourth monday in March, A. D. 1843- Copy from the minates, F FRIES, cm ez. may 27, 1843—6w44— Printers fee $5 50 . E. H. ANDREWS, - DENTIST XPECTS to retora to Salisbory in 2 few weeks. Persons wishing bis services, & ho are living in the country, can inform bim of the same, by addressing him tb the Post Of fice at Salisbury. Soch calls {stall always be prompily attended. April 29. 1848—6w40 t e Origioal Bill. J Petition for the sale of Land. K. ELLIOTT. April 29, 1843—1y40 Job Printing neatly done here # = —— eo NBW CABINET. CHAIR & SUFA « Manufacturing ESTABLISHMENT ! ! THE*SUBSCRIBERS AVING associated themselves together for the parpose of manafactariog Chairs, Bureaus, Sofi's, SECRETARY'S: -WAHDROBES: Centre-Tables, SIDEBOARDS, 40. &C. in the very vest hind of style, and of the finest materials, beg leave io ask at.the hands of the citizens of the aint and villages around, a share of their patronage in soar line uf besiness. Phetr shop te a few doors rast of the Mansion Hotel, and one door below Junes’ old Tavern. JOHN FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. mareh 18, 1843 —1633 MEVILWORTH HOGS! TAVHE snnseriber has jast added to his stock i of Berkshire em parr of Kenilworth Hogs, ported Ir ay Kaghand in ite fat of 9841, by Mr A B Atlen, of New York, and are now a- bout 18 menthsuld ‘Phe Boarisa very supe. rior animal, deep, thick aad excellent to all his puin's: the Sow very fine, with a liter of eight pigs, Which, fur neauty end furm, can hardly be s@spassed. Tnose who may swisha faller de~ senption of these fine animals, are referred to Sir Allen's letier published in che Crdlivator.— | Te subsériber Gias also. a Yorkshire Sow por chased of Mr. Allen, from a Sow toported by hin trom Kogland ; and sume Phin rind Sorgs : and thus~ wishing to purchase, ean have the pore Kenilworth, ‘or Berkshire, or eroeees of & Ladies’ Fashions Fall gna Winter of 1842 & 7°43. (ue Subscriber infurms the public, that she has just received throagh the Nourihera Cities ihe latesiand most appruved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to execute orders in the mos stylish and satisfaciory manner. - Work sent from a distance shall be carfully pet up and forwarded. . Ss. D. PENDLETON. BCP Mre P has on haud a hands-me assur! - ment of Bonnets, (newest syle) Caps and Tarbans, for sale. *.* Mrs. S. P is also prepared to execute Crimping and Flating on easenable terms. Silisbury, December S, 1842. NEW FASHIONS FOR THE Spring and Summer of 1843. THOMAS DICKXON ESPECTPFULLY ioforms tis friends and vubtie. that he sill carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS nall its warivus branch. 8, two doors above J. & W. Murphy's sore, where he is ready to exe- Cute all erders of his customers in a style and manner not surpassed by any in this partof the Keatiworeh and Yorkshire, Thin rind and Berk- | shire, His stock of Be:kshires was purebased of Mr. C. N. Bement, of New York, and ts no: | surpassed hy angin the Untied States, Phose wishing ju timpruve their stuck of Hogs. have nuw ov better opportunity of doing sv, than has | ever dven offered Soath of the Putumae = Orders | for acy of the above will he prompily aitended | to. Ww. F. KELLY. Near Mocksville. Davie co. January t4, 1843. CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint. R. TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER IVORT', —trom 375 Bowery. New York — for the cure of coughs, cotds, eatarrhs, Asthma, soreness of the chest, pain in the side and breast, raising of Bhd, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, aod all those affections of Vproat ahd Langs, — which are a source of so much soffering, and ua arresied, su offea terminate in Consumplion— ibis remedy is tighly and justls disttnynished } (f25 couniry. Weis also in the regular receipt of ibe NEW=-YORE . FASHIONS, and prepared iv accum@odaic the tastes of the Fashionable at all times, April 15, 1843—1ty3 TO FAMILIES. ROWARND’S Tkose who would have recourse to a* Family Medicine for Fever and Acue, Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate bet ween the *‘ thunsand and one’’ remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the publie, (the same now as in’ all times past, ) and thaf almes: aniversally suc - cessful preseription called Rowand Improved Tonic Mixture. A few remarks will serve tu illustrate the'dif- ference to the first plare, the operation of the ‘Tonic Mixture in the cure of Feverand Ague is upon entirely new and peculiar. yet safer fis purely vegetaole, mild apd gemile in iis ef- | principles, Secundiy: | iis only promplly Gr- ‘eis upon the system, and can be takes in the! Tests the course of the chills when punctaally ‘nos: delicate cases. wiih safety as well as uasili- ly | and perseveringly used, bul it soon restores the Physicians, aware of its mediemal proper- | wonted functions of the general sysiew fo a per- tis, and witnessing its effecis even in extreme, | fectly healthy stalc ; when relapses are nu more and du seme insiagces, apparently almos: hope- Ird3 cases, often prescribe it in their practice, | 00¢ Who has never had it before, doch ea palliative and a remedy, and with ihe | edies! Faculty generally , i bas met with areat | wpyy Dyibuae, ‘ HPC ONSUVPTION --Phe following swaths sere lakeo tu the las! oumber of the Niedical Mauwszine : “Phe surprising rffeot produced by the genu- ine Balsa of Liverwort, made at 875 Bow- riv, IN ConsumBplive eases, cannot tail exciting a p acd thrifltag ieteres: throughout the world have su tung believed this disease (consump mor) incurable, that itts Giffieult to credit our sases shen we see persons, evidently consnmp. We, restored to wealin. Yet itia a faci of daily sence.’ pha fs owing was given ava shorttime sinee, Mutt, of Ki:gabert City, NC. ¢ Ces bifteales, uituuaily predispased to Con- (2 Gumder of my family having died rivense,) and haeing suffered severely ‘the Lung’, accompanied with g matter and bloud, covetber # pale in oy side and breast, wld was d beyond recovery, | was induced ' Dr Perkins, as a bast resort to ry staf Liverwort, Lhave takeo five 4 Pbevan towmprove with the first «taking che third, was so far re- Ode ane tagetasout Since which sted use of ut, bam qaite restored 4 eye COTS: ey Fadss rity atead io cy asia tosicess, ‘To per- . ’ ‘ g ' pss roo Mon Coughs and affections of tbe ‘ ~ boo esihesiiv recommend it | (Saeed | JAS © SCOTT, tC! giteth City, NOC ’ D.c 15, 1842. Dover Contrlaint and General Deoility —| was given op vy two physicians, and told tu pre pare tor death) was so sesk f enuld not rates My hand te iy ws [ was in this low state | Shea attend seoWMe a bole at Dr Paylor’s | Baisauny of Ligerwort, tron 375 Bowery, and be | ture Tobad used up the boule, | was able to sit up: ie bed By the further ose, | have completely ; f-@aierd iny health, GEO WEL! s, 23 Juha si Prolent pain inthe side —f have been cured 1oviolent pao in the side, exiending through / he shoulder, tadigestion, Cigz oess, lose of ap pits, and general debility, by the use of two | tesa! Dr Paylor's Bsisam of Liver wort, from | 175 Bowers JF H Alten, | No7 Merchanv’s Row | For sale at the Drag Stora of CB Wheeler, | Salispery march 4, 18438 1932) i} on a | | | t ! i { DIME? LIMES! NY qoantity of fresh Line can be had at! shy Koln of. the late Joseph Williams dee | By the 100 bushsis and over 16 cents; 50 to 100 basbels 18; 5 tv 40 bushels 20; unslacked | ia propertioon AN persons wishing lime either at the kila or | thelr residence, will apply either to J. or R.| WILLIAMS. Ruekford, Surry county, N. C. mareh 18. 1843. GARDEN SEEDS GENERAL assortment, may be fourd a1 the Salisbery Medical and Drog Store. Selsbury, N.C, Jan. 21,1843 126 PILSS ] PILES 32 HAYS’ LINIMENT!! PRYHE PILES ‘The price of this celebrated Lintwent ig retunded to any persem who will use a bottle of Haws’ Liniment for the Piles and selurn the ewpty Dottle without being cured The above have been ‘he terms on which this Lintunent hag been sold for nearly ten years past and not vee Buttle vat of one hundred has: ever been returned $17 For sale at the Watehman Offics, and by CO B Wheeler, Sahehury 5,3 & R Stoa0 Gieensoory’.; Hillsburo’, D Heartt; Lex- iogton, FP Masey 5 Raleigh ,r S Duth. march 4, 1S13—1y32 34 liable (v9 ensue thawan attack of the disease in ‘Thirdly : The system, during the administration of the Iunpror- ed Vonie Mixture, springs op at once under ite benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of re- tarning health and eigor. Foorthiy: Producing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of the disease passes uff in the way mos: strongly indicated by natore Fifthly: [ts effects un the sysiem are oniformls mild and safe, 2s well as efficient, and i) is a3 well adamied to the feeblest infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as the must vigorous adalt, Many other consider- alt-ns, of the utmost importaace to the anxious parents and invalids, might be enumerated here, bat the above are a few of the potn's of contrae’. in comparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in proufessivoal and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- lecting the remedy. N B. With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the ** Rowand’s Improved ‘Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor restores the original goaraniee, viz: ‘The money shal’ ne returned in every case whereir. the remedy has been pnoctually osed without desired effec!, Addreas Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 North Seeond Stree, Philadelphia. Sopplies have been received by the sule Agent fur Salisbury, N. C, producing the C.B. WHEELER. Sep 3, 1842—1y6 if@ANSION HOUSE! ? AVING porehased Mr. 'T Ro Hughes’ in- terest in the ahove Kgiablishment, tends rs his services to the ‘Peaveiling Public, Having tor several years been engaged in keeping ° PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, 'at Mount Mourne, to [redell county, te indulees | the hope that he has experienee envogh io the Julies of his business to-endeavor to render com furtaole all who bestow upow bis house their pa trovage, Ris TABLE, shall always be well and plenti fuliy supped with every thing the country af- | fords, to please and satisfy the palate even uf an | epleure, His BAR will he found selection of Lequors, ; Hi: STABLES shall be constantly attended furnished with a chvice | by faithful and attentive hosilers and supplied with ahurdant provender N.B ‘The Stage Office is kept at the Mansiun | i House. BKIRAM 'T. SLOAN. Charlotte, February 4, 1943 — 60.98 NEW SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES AND GROCERIES! R. ROUECHIE, respeetfully infofms the @ citizens of Salisbury and the sorroundin cuuniry, that he has received a new And splen did supply ot Confeciivoaries and Gruceties, cua sisting of all kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS of the very bes) quality, soch ag Madeira, Port Teneriffe, Champaigue, Muscat, Clarei, and Malaga, Wines, French Brandy, Holland Gin. Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials. Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Oysters, Sagar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder. lodigo, end various other articles too tedious to mention, which I will sell as ehesp for cash as they can be bought at anv other Establishment in Salishury. F. R. ROUECHE. march 4, 1843—1y$2 George W~. Davis, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Wiraineron & Fayerrevitce N.C, VI EL ondersigued is now red to receive q Gvuds a1 Wilmington, and furwatd the same to his Agent at Fayetieville, wl» witl furward to the Owners inthe back corntry. He bzsa large Warehouse at the Rives, where Goods aiil be stored free of storage, acd the owners subjected j only to half the usual cariage from the River to Fayetievill:,—thereby lessening the expeose oo Goods much below the usuai charge. As bis Warehouse isizvlatad irom all other baildags, the danger of Fire wil! be trifling in comparison to the tisk incurred from being siteadled in town. who way favor him with their business, x. assured iba every aitention will he paid tu the promotivn of their interest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : e Messrs Juhn Hoske & Son. D. A. Ray, | Fayetteville, N’ C. | Alexander Andersun, { Juobn McRae, Juin Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. { Dolpbin A. Davia, - George W. Brown, Salisbury, N.C. ©. 8S. Powell, Packet 2ftat, New York. ct 1, 1842—t10 | ! DR. D. JAYNE’S | FDWELY MWEDICLVES. | FENHESE MEDIGINES ate expressiy pre- pared for fadfily use, and have acqnired an vaprecedented popularity throoghout the United States; and as they are so admirably calculated | !0 preserve Health and cure Disease, no family | should aver be without them. ‘T’he proprietor of ‘these valuable preparatiuns received his educa- | tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the | Coued State s, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he bas had ample opportunities of requir. ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colitf, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spilling of Biood, Croup. Hooping Cough Bronchitis. Aeute Rheuma- tism Painin the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the bungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Hair Tonic For the Preservation, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, and which will positively bring in WVew Hair on Bald Heads,and prevent its fall- ing out or tarning Gray. JAYNES TOMMY VERMIFuUGE, certain preparation for A pleasant, safe, an the removal of Worms eee. Sour Stom ach Fever and Ague. Prles, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. | A certain enrm for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints Diarrhea Duysentery, Cholic Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, ( holera Mor- bus. and all derang+ ents of the Slomach and Bowels, Nervous Ajfections §e. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases Liver Complaints. Fe. vers, Inflammations, Obstructions. Diseases of the Skin &c., and to all cases where an aperiens Alterative or Puryative Medicine ig reqaired. ‘The above medicines are for sale, whulesale or retail, at the Salisbury Alsdical and Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 . Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. agreeable Cordial, and effictive Remedy | for Cooghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult E.xpectoration, §CF Fur eale at the Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury | march 4. 1843—1,32 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent tor Dr. Rowand, has jost received a fresh sop- | ply of bis genuine Improved Tonic Mizture. which is fur sale wholesale and retai', at be Medical Drng Stoce, Salisbury, N.C. | Dee 10—120 Br. Liws Galvanum — Machine Spread j | Strengthening Plasters ! | (PVHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ha- | ving the preference of all others, are warm | ly recommended by all ductors as invaluable for invalids having pains io the Breast, Back or | side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved ald | once by thetr ose and the parts restured io | s'rength and a natural warmth and healih Any perseo wearing one of these Plasters, will be as- | tonished and delighted at the comfort it affords. i Those threatened with Long Complaints should never trust themselves a day without wearing a | Plaster. [1 removes the irritation of incipient Cunsumption from the Lungs to the surface of the body, and draws off the internal affection — So in Liver Complaints, and Coughs, and colds , Clildrea with Whooping Cough should always | have one, to prevent the cough setiling on the longs. ‘Their excellence will be onderstood by allon tia, §c Forsale by C B Wheeler, | Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- ‘boro’, by D Hearti; Lexington, J P Mabry, Raleigh, Dr Stith march 4, 1843 —15$2 | Dr, G. B. DOUGLAS, | } AVING pertnanently located’ himseif in Salisbury, offers bis professiunal services to the public Particular attention will be paid to all Sargi ! cal cases entrosied to bis care =P Office in , the large corner bouse, nearly oppusite J. & W. | Murphy’s store. Sa}isbary, May 6, 1943 —1/41 ‘EY Ny | NO'PICE. | per undersigned having qualified as Ad- ministrator to the Esiate of Rubert Maena mara, deceased, gives nutire to afl persons hav— ing demands against the Estate of the said Ro- bert Macnamara, tu present them for pagment within the ime required by an Act of Acsemb'y in sech case nade end provided ; otherwise they will he barred of repovery by the operation of the said act” | seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient will Moffat’s PREME REMEDY FOR FEVE SY iD A AND: BIBLIOUS FK- VERS.—T here igno remedy known either in ptufessional ur domestic practice, 80 absulately, immediately, and permanently efficacions in this prevalent aud ubstinate malady, as WOFFAT' S celebrated and long establishet LIFE PILLS end PHOENIX BITTERS. Exuaordinary and renowned as are their effects epon diseases in general, in FEVER AND AGUE., and ail Biliions Affections they are. mute so ; because, in these tbey are as infallible as any homan means canbe. This has been proved ip mare than ten thousand eases, nor is there en instance in which they have failed, or reasonably cap fail, when ta kea in sirtict accordance with the directions here subjoined, and which are givenin MOF- FATS MEDICAL MANUAL and Good Sa- maritan. Bat to ensure invariable suecess, ibese myst be rigidly fullowed. FEVER and AGUE, in all its four leading species, is peceliar PEKIODICAL administration of a proper remedy, in conacetivn with the spe cifie powers of one of the ingredients in nis med- icines, is the seeret his invariable triemph, while all other practitioners either entirely {ail or only temporarily succeed, were with the very bes' remedies that were koown. Awertus, or Agve is either Quotidiam, or daily; Terlian, or third-ded ; Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratic, or sometimes one of these perivuds and sometimes a- nother; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and then ranning into. in— lermitient fever of a more maligoant character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious and anaccountable it may appear, that each and iallof these species of Ague, have a rour- | TEENTH DAY CRisI8, io which they may be | cured with certainty, but dy neglecting which i they can only be cared by chance. Dar. Mar- Fever and Ague positively Cured. &>-.Fever nd Ague is a most dbétihere dis- | ease, and in. warm aod homid climates, frequent ordinary mode of core go. 28 to the patient; and by ly resists ever become very distressing to | the extreme debility whieh the disease indnces, ic oftew gives rise Id other chronic eomptaicss,— Marsh miasmaia, or the efflavia arising tom Stagnant water, is the mest frequent excuing cause of this disease ; and oge of 11s great pecu liarities is its susceptibility of a renewal from ve the original exciting canse. {n this, Fever and Agoe differs from most u‘her fevers; asit is wel known, that ofter an ordinary fever iis once oc curted, and been. semeve), the person affecied is not so liable to a fresh attack as ape who wasau so affected. ‘These circomsianees render it ex— Fever and Ague, though to relieve ibe patient fur the time being 13 a very easy task. Dr Moffct's Life Pills and Pheniz Bitters havethecon tharanghly tesied, and pruved tu be a | positive and Radical cure of Fever and Ague. Hundreds of bis fellow citizens in she \Vest have voluntarily come forward toassure Dr. Voffut, that the Life Medicines ate the oyly medicines that will thoroughly effect a removal uf this must tedious and disagreeable disease. Others who have emigrated to that rich and promising por:ion of oar conntry—men who went out fuil of hope, and confident uf winning e-com petence from the luxariance of the, sil ; or who carried (o the outpusts of aur settlements ihe ner cantile ur mechanical experience won in the crowded cities or towns of the older states, have | either returned with shattered constitutions and depressed spirits, or they remain in their new | | homes, dragging cut a weary Ife, or at last sink onder some disease to which they are predispose d | by that terror of the West, Fever and Ague — Their hopes are blasted —their business energies FaT’s directions fur taking the medicines in this | disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of | | the Tire Pris at bed time, and next morning | | oefore breaktas! a full wine glass ot the Penix | Birrers in about the same quantity of water, | and half a wine glass mure io a full wine glass | of water, aboot half an hoor before each meal | during the day. On the second sight take three pills and the bitters as before ; oa the third nigh four pills and the bitters agbefore, and con ‘inge taking foor pills every night for three nights more, with the bitters during the day.— On or before the seveath day, the Agne wil! feel well, hungry, and hearty, but he must ne— vertheless continue to iake the bitters as before prescribed, antil and on the fourteenth day, with two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not antil then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whalever billious and liver affections it may have superin- doced of even in any way connected If, how- ever, the patient shoulu by any neglect, or an- due confider se in restured health, omit to tane we Phenix Bitters in the fall yuantites pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth | day Dr Maffat mast not be blamed if the disease should return, and the patient shuuld learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines tor a fortnight longer. Obeying these insiructions, however, he will be so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance to the disease, however uohealihy may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. For children bo: ween seven and fourteen yaarel of age, half of the abave quantities of the me dicines will soffice; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished io proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only will alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- toal LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect dy triomphaot in the worst regions of the Soutn. ern and Western country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for (his sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well fornished, and will make ev- ery effort to¥ send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Vvuluntary and jealous- ly grateful testimonials are received at the pro- prietor’s ufice 1n New York, by every mail in incredible ngmbers, to the absolote efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other iotermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, but also in chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, sero- fula, piles. worms, scurvy, anda host of other complaints, for the cure of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are eo pre-eminently nowned throughout the United States Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal andermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. Moffat. in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public‘to the absulote ascen dency of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others. He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating ia their operations, require neither confinemen! nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the reputation they have long possessed, not by the osnal artificial efforts. bat solely by their invariable and extensive nsefulness Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, 875 Broad way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail atthe Salisbury Medical Drog Store. by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. BC? A constant supply of the above described AYE DICINES on and and for sale at Hamp- luaville, Sarry county, N Carulina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbory, Sept $,°1842—1+6 Arrivals. Wedicines, Paints, Gils, eo Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs. Patent Medicines, Hops, Chuice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical purposes Indians, Hooek's and Swaim’s Panacea. Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tubacco Spanish Cigais, Spices, Perfumes, Brushes, ( angles, Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, tn s'romenis, Maiches, Paper and many other ar licles. just received and for sate at priees to suit the times, by Cc. B. WHEELER. Salisbury, $42 ‘DR. L. KILLIAN, H* re‘arned to Salisbury, and is now prerared to resume the prac NATHAMEL BOYDEN, Adar. Satisberz, msy 97, 19491144 | “* Try the Life Medicines, and you will yet an- | they will certainly restore you to health.’ gratifying. ‘Those who are in comparative good convenience ; and those unfuriunates who are tice of his professivn. His Office is ih removed to Mr. Cowan's brick eid- | °F) ° Are-stift carrying on the above basi » ing, 2¢ door. ’ | 2 wo’ all ifs branches. Alf aan a. April 29; 1848—1140 ° pistence, prompily attended ‘0. destroyed — their Eldorado becomes a desert, and the word of promise, made ‘vu their ear, is broken to the hupe. ‘To these individaaie, Dr. Moffat wou'd say — ticipate your most sanguine expectatiuns, for Fever and Ague is acomplaint which requires lo be met at its first approach, and combatied at every stage Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, 80 that upon the manifestation of dis— ease, Nature is unable, onasaisted to resist the inroad. The Life Medicines, when taken strict ly according to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength For full particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan. a copy of which accompanies the medicine. “gc The above medicine is for sale by CRESS &.BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842 —1y13 BC A supply of the above invaluable ME DICINES ave for sale at James Cross Rvads, Iredell county, by A. C. mcINTOSH, Agent. Guard Your Health. {Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed so ) BCH Gentle Reader: If you would avert from you the sickoess, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al! around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended is ever ready to fall upun you, despise not my advice—it will cost you little, wili nei- ther infringe opon your vccapations or amuse- ments, and all‘the facoliies «f your mind. and body will be as much bettered by it as to repay yoo ten fold. 1 ask only one week’s trial to con vinee the mosi sceptical. In the first place, discard all old errors an prejadices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, ‘‘ If you are passing well, do not attempt to better yourself; it ts the saying of ignor ance and superstition —of those who attriboted all they saw aroond them to chance and fortune, instead of natore’s universal laws. Has not man, led un by experience, learned to guard bimselr against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrenis of rain? Why then should he not, in fair weather, guard himself as gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross fuod ; and it is yoor nature to con- linae to doso You are weé!} at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within you; and if yoo do not siricily guaid your health while you are weil, you are cuutinualiy in danger of painfal and protracted cuvfinements, and in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even the purest fonniain of which we driak—does it not require cleaning? A persun may imagine he is to perfect health, aod yet out know to wiat perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand,of Nature. [ bave un- dvubted proofs of this fact in she'unbounded sue cessof the LIFE MEDICINES Let those wko have followed the motto, * When you aie even moderately well, thruw physic to the dogs" call upon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position The cperation of the Life Medicines in every instance tha! has come ty my knowledge is must health wav perfect their happiness with wo in laid low by disease of alaost any description. may find sure relief in those purely vegetable preparations. ‘They operate gently but puwer- fully oponjthe secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated humors. separating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and imparities—and leaving behind only what is gond ard nourishing tv natore. Reader, cunsider and reflect wel!. The blessings of this life, fur rich and poor lie entirely wiihin ourselves, in our own physica! bodies. My advice to all, then, is, guard your health Uf yoo are well, perhaps yuu may be sull better—and you may always avoid heing sitk by a judicious use of ihe VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. <P Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoesix Bitters, are for sale by CKESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 29 1842—1y14 5? A supply cf the above Invaluable VE- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roacs, ry slight causes, such as fromm the prevalence of ao easterly wind—even without ihe repetition of tremely difficuli to effeet a permanent cure of | Aff. clions, Colds. &e ne ~ ~/RESTORER oe Ba Predaced W neTe ER a TOD Notercal mordi bie, badly cured uld disur@l a male, ig ! cory, calomel, bark, Ke. op finan Use change ot life, as Specified in the pelt any S¥PUILITIC Syeup ~The ina enrteal Diso-ders, ‘te thing inn: Abyssinia Mixture a etl "ted eelebtaied for its speedy 7d ia Gotorhes and (leer Goup Mine Barisan FLy ¢ ? A aud Pet fee; rant , ’ for Bilionsaag Aromatic Exrract, 3 lini i tion, Coldness in the st, _ Weakness. in the limbe, Rheonmar. me | Derurative Powprr, {,, Bee ‘ Headache Diseases | Mg Pa , lu be taken ia the Restorer, rhe wig | Jaean OrntMent, for Piles, whi | | applied besides the Restorer, * Wiech ig ey BeNGat Ointment, for Salt Rheum, Scaidhead, Brunt stem and toul ulcers, + is tu ied hea % | gtorer. . Ye applied besides oe Usiversar or STRENGTHER}y P tor diseases of theeChesi, Dyspepsia , tury Khenmatism. Palsy, Paralysic ’ _ Dr. Kvui's Acoustic On, ; fr. | and all other Auricniar Complaints. « be used together with the Restore, "* BOF Dr Kohl's Painpile: “Treat entered according tu Aci of Convio fall Directions for the use of ihe the t * 2 ve | ed medicines, and accompanies ¢ ne Very Rep From the South Western Viz ini x 11, 1843. . No Nag DR. BR HLS MEDICINES We have for some time, intended aie commendatory notice uf these invaluabj “at einer, but have been prevenied by the other matters from duing so rm We bave fu ‘ las! five or six years, been quite Familiar wi effecis both by experience and Ob6er ata have no hesitaney in recommendi : afflicted every where Our opin ni it was when we first used thes they are superior to any we h The Decior, bimeelf, ie wi thie week, and from cases staied lo 08, we been mure strongly confirmed in oor fot mer ion, that they are superior to all other weg The efficacy of Dr Kubl's remedies ig treatment of exiraerdinary cases is almoy redenied, and the year 1242 was Teh of imp, Yantcures, two of which slone og Spee pi perm't u8 to notice al this time, Mir A Ne of Alleghany eoanty, Va., was, last Spring, ry suddenly taken with a total blindness abd bis eyes. He used numetoos DT68CTi pions ty other medicines, but to no benef: In May ia he procured the Restorer, Gold wine Balsa ag Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fudoe Ew Covington, Va.—tvok the two fire: wedivion g ternally as directed in Dr Kuh!'s Paniptilet, ag the Universal Plaster beapplied to the 1 pl and sume times over the eyes and by this trea ment he has his ege-sight so far recuvered, the he cao read both print and writing. Viom exphicit statement should be desired, 8 leierg rected to A Fadge, Clerk C Court, will tecey satisfactory evidence of the abuee, A lady of Bedford county, Va , was for am 17 years afflicted with the Liver Comvlsign treated with Calomel, took cold on 11, asd oe taken with coutraction and Jameness, She og the whole time a@ great nuaber of preseripiuy of Physicians of eminence, and every meditiy that was recommended for her use, instead ol t fording relief, bad a tendency rather to aggnmt the disease, She sank from year to yeas, uci digestive orgabe were so deranged the! nol agreed withher To Augugt, 1842. the pag had not been out of her bed in five JOR, ern when removed by others—so nervous that em versation ur walking tn the rvom produced ost disagreeable effects upon the besd ; her gee eral feeling very bed, sour sivmach, ke & had no intention tu use mere medicives. bol & king a dase of the Gold Mine Balsam wits much benefit ‘hat in one hour she felt better,a then commenced a regular course of Dr kil Mep: for | ‘Mach Ne Old ig sull, e Medicioes, ave ever Ua, th 08 a fey medicines. She tovk a duse uf the Resim the morning and ove at night, and two dom the Gold Mine Balssm between mesls limbs were rubb-d two or three times day ® the Aromatic Ix-ract, and this t-eaimesi given such a bappv resull, that she is n06 to walk abowt—the nervous sff-ciione Lave her, her digestive organs are much improved, @ he: general feelings guod. She is much {il and her complexion quite fresh, which ba # tonished every ove thal was acquainted wiblt loug standing disease. We lave omilied vame of this lady, but if any particulars st be desired, we refer to Dr Kohl's egea', @ Otter Bridge, Bedford county, Va. We have partieularised these cases 8 mach to speak of the great valve of Dr Ket) medicines, 28 to inform the affiicted bow may be relieved. ‘Whe treatment has beet ® ticed, so that others may know that by 2s course they may also obtain that woich #* tore desirable than riches. ; BCH Persons wishing to procure 3) ° medicines, will please direct their order * the amoort, (post paid.) to oo Dr. Kuney's Orrice Ricumonn. Virci™ iM or to any of the following Agents: NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Homphrey's & Gaither, Lexing!® J. & R. Sloan, Greensborough, Di: N. Stith, Raleigh, M.J A. Drake, Ashborough. JF & C Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Henderson, Linevinton. James J Horne, Pittsborvogh, N- & S. Perry, K-rnersville, Stokes ingham county. RW Lawson. Yanceyville, James*R Callum, Vilion, South Carolina. — Steele, Gonniag & Cv. Yorks le f MeLare, Brawley § Co. Ches'¢! The continuation of the list of 42°" Iredeil county, by A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. ‘RICE TRIE: TAILORS, CONCORD, Ne. CAROLINA, Job Printing ueatly done here, Boncord, March 23 1843— $035, SSiee Stay Legs ef 4 ” ce, Raleigh N C, and these!" : Ran and East of i", to Richmond Dr. K's Pamphlet. NOFICE.— Patients and Ager's! * nite @ ' James Brannock, Waterlo, Coe oat Brannock & Waller, Weaitull” % { ot North Carolina, and South end ‘als j i lo will please direct their orderé Virg0? | Vi Aagost 6. 1843—Iv2 B* ceived aud for gale bs A fresh supp Joyne’s invalnable Faiwily Mediciv™ cB WHEELER, 4 Salishary, Dee 10—:20 COUNTY COURT W sr gpd {08 Printed on first rate proper & this Office RITS, —————— ly of ae at? ee ee ee Re . *. C) ° ~- & ‘ . utrw TE . — . WatcuMas”™ fier be had 4 E j ox gre “* ig advance, dollars and a ; ¥ _, pga dollars A ge . *, -RUSALEM..- ity yoseript oti wil! be reeeived for a less (hme ‘ om With all this accu “ Nos ¢ id for in advance. _— is insult aed car, unless paid for tn ; | at ot er digewntinwed (but at the option o , cy ieee No . ard . id. | ; Lal? r : ite gdisor) gosil all arrearages are paid PRINTED AND PCBLISHED BY as TERMS OF ADVERTISING. dollar per sqnare ff the first insertion and | five cenis tor each continnance. pny notices will be charged 25 per ct. high- wat the above rales. ge yctivn of 334 per cent will be made to | “who advertise by ihe year. Country, why, it wilt be fis to other and- happier landé?. Why i jhe seek to rest under the shadew of Setess- lems wall? Independent of that ‘ loge of country which exit g this peaple, (wo objects bring the Je@.to Jeru- NO. 46—VOLUME XI. WHOLE’ No, 566. ** See that the Government-does nol acquire Loo much _, Keep a cheek } “ upen ae Rulers, Do this,anv Lazeary 10 8a78.”—Gen'l. Harmen, SALISBURY, MACE €. PENDLETON.” —_ ~—s-——_— — Sy hd isements will be continued onthe = ee ; ‘ . ii) gdverils : > Bom _ Se a ee salew—to etady the Scriptures end the T'a!- harged for according!y, untess usder- : : a al oo *immber of times, “ OR Mes Wer s 33 Impertan c from ’ Texas, jad; aad themto Jie, aad bave bis bones wir Letiers addressed to the Editor mus: | - SONG FOR THE TIMES. By the —_ P .wuwy _ | laid wah bts forefathers 1a the velley of Je- ead to ensure attention. Sartling Facts. attivel yesterday of. the steamnbip heaks oot post PO? ee, t riandreds of children sod adults are lost yeer- I New York, Copt. Wright. we have Galves- ‘phet..oven a5 the banes of the patri- Thea op wib the oid Whig Plag, Let it.baldly flap in ibe gale ; . Oar fore at ite flutier will archs were cerrred yp out of x metter what or.how far distant vg “ where the Jew resides, he stil lives epon ly wah worms, when some other cnese bas been ton detes upto the 16th inst. supposed t6 be (he trae one. , Tb will be foead of aausual idterest. enews . a , , One of the most ‘@portet: items ; . child bat. For the "i : :@portent items is the | the hope th ; = . pened oon wh —_— sapaer 4 view any ae 101g them pale sae thes thet & lerge force left Texas onwer No Sion ene tay Sen ve es Subscriber respectfalty informs bis old | S?e8*- gad towplate, » supposed faver. soeriati They heow thal ite folde embrace 7 ta ee Spting on apoth er Sentd Fe ex quench tha: petriotic stdér on @bich the pe cr gb » Pabile ren veld, or pais other earfies of the Our count?y—ite velor—ite lawe - pedition, slihough the time their object 1s | Jew bebolds Jeruselem mn has opened a shop iat Sahsber ae domeaal of the af Tathity—cwtiile tn truth they ddl) -wehers greadty-¥ feed ye mey trace war end sot trade. Sowe time in March'| vista of a. jong faturity — the |THE SUBSCRIBER peas, in & Sweosh y Wortss ! "and these eould have ween Credicsted| 71, trium pty of -Liberty’s cause. Col. Shively reserved « commission to raise et war. Gn Bis sppeeash ite West's brick | . to the city, whi AVING pirchased that well known and buildiag, in the house of , Burs’ formerly vy ft a body of $00 men in (he frontier t) chy, while yet within a day’s jour- ; / ornifuge . covaties | ney, he’puts on bis beat epparel ; and hea jong eee cee Eat ( ceowe Mary 4 Jno. 1. Shaver and jgs; below J.& W. | 43 wa + the cont pear caprael ow tone bd a ihoogh we hare sometimes fail'd, Fetter for ’ ie oe upon Sante) the first view of its beth s Dis hger, name : vo ’ ? a Mt . . F ; ivalric h decei —_ - ® : caplare of the fyregt A a) d : , im PSalisbary, N- C., informs his Friegds | In addition to the above, the subscriber wtih] ‘held bexsand mha oan ever forgize sbemesizes | F-0a" Chivaltic hepor deorived— quail’d, | ‘he treitor Lewis; and forther, io infiet | sed may vee meat, falls dows to @ 4 ibe Public generally, that the same is now earry on the Silver Smith Bicsiness in, al! the frthe reception of “Travellers & Boarders. ™ aad pray over the long sought object of bie varieties common in coesiry towns: such as Nor forsaken the trvth we beliew'd. pilgrimage, end with dust sprinkled on his suitable pupishment for the barberous treat. os . . > , ; od = a4 som .4 ot visited . n he t d . a 1 be lied with ae this TéRedy Could hot by any fossibifiiy > hort Iv. oe 3 $ radin expedition head, he tate aarket ini surrounding coantry af~ | TAine Sroas, Ke., and repairing SUve | ‘yur aways gond we # porgutive—Ve the die | “Tisiree, amaroh Traitor, accursed, vader Melend and Cooke, W | No ebiif ver grscecd horse chon tna abs y He begs to assure the poblic that if punétea! ease be what it ay ~ w ‘then to | Like « viper, that’s wavmed into life. The Galveston Civillisa of the 16th inst | sence with more yeernings org ff ne "ie STABLES spacious, and boniitany, St attention to business, and skillful work will en vedo Sula oe haan oe naan iene Stas mano dad the: breve! phere nasi, stelee that “che principal difficuliy was, | proed'’beron ever beheld bie chcedWel al tow. , with grain and provender, of al! kinds, at | vitle him to patronage and t, tre will mer : oreep pareat tbat Aed toro’ a rand of strife. nol to reise enough men, b#t to k wate faithful and attentive Osilers. it it. patronage sod soppor Pbraje, themseteee Lbis quegiion io tru .b.and Vv %8 bat eep [ram | ere and lordly balls, eben they had become raising too many. Five hapdred are known , another’s,.with grest certainly to be in the field, and it ig thought j grester sorraw then the poor Theondersigned pledges himself that no ex Jew-when be frst beboids Jeruselom. This o his part shall be wantig to give gen- AARON WOOLWORTH. ‘Yer otill will we proedly wufotd Nov. 18—tfi6 a as ; er Vir JC Ringold had a ebild very siek for 108 Oe ti ' len Oi neat 1wo ‘weeks, and ait b; 0 phpsician Oar enre—in principle strong— ; that the force 1s oearer eight.” The pl at léest, is patri ‘ one * to all who may favor him with : pills wo FR. , oA Ec place . 18 pattiousm. ‘ii 1s curious. ei austin oa lay Dr. Shermaw’s mivhoot oli, Given Kedenet Be Vers os was ei va uobarter “i gon, Hn aaaste| opedegsons wes Coff e’s siation, the learned aatbor from whom | ells Y JAMES LU COWAN. | Qehenicated Boye mges —fesced, wher the chitd covered mpaly 1. rele bere Gon ot Apa. ‘The men were | rendy qaoted, ‘afer sorveying thie plmost Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: tf7 Aré the best MEDICINES in the World A child of a widow woman, living neer- the Then ap witb the old Whig flag, | memoncer al the glee af | tote on of Palestine, to d the in- " a ’ wHo WILL GO BALD? Manhattan. Water. Worske,had dwindled for a | Generel merting ang merch: immedistely.” | dieation of fond ettsehment to: hs very sir Lat it boldiy-flap in the gale, | The .whbole thing ha keps i . ; EING the cheapest and most plessant.— | month, til] nean a skeleton, with great drynege Oar fnga 2 its Ga: ter will lag, - "eee been kept & .spagot and soil, seatiered ebout in the Jewieh wri- plarid e's Bolm of Columbia for the Hair The medieal Facalty warmly approve them | of the tooth, | liching of the poge. rs a-| Fer the view mey well tura tbem pale! in Texes—end in this the edttess of thes | tinge; sil! it js gaic, thet men ie esteemed g0M Comstock & Co —Iits positive quali- | Dr. Sherman isa skitfal and experienced Phy— | mane lady, who Called to provide for the faeity, : a The ectouitiee hefet the fermen daten Fol eee ae be be Barred v sician. and a. cember of the Medical Society 0 | sett! imitmediately “for Kelénstcck's Vermifoge, New York. which teway gteet quantities Of woras | Sherman? ough Lowe for) wo-ort days, and the -child grew berter - : € wes, at once, and regeined ite full-strength in less Are the safest, surest, and mos: effectual remedy x 2 | than ® month, ih for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, W hooping “n Broway ip a.bigbly respectable fam- The calamities befel the former Santa Fe expedition were in part caused by the too grest publicity given to 1s movements. Tie rout taken by the present expedition is to the south of “Red River, only crossing that siresm when the road tendered it ne- esch the land of Polestine, end be buried here, or even shall have his ashes ‘eprin- led by &@ hendfal of its severed dust.’ ‘T it of the lend of Iereel,’ esys one. ‘ma man wise;’ enother wntés. ‘he who walks four eubits in the lend of Isrse! is sdre of THE. LATESFE WONDER. Since the abegaatulation of Treasurer Graves, all guris of digeeveries have been madein Migs— issippi. The latest wonder that bas come to" light is recorded by the Register, published a1 yes are a3 follows :—Ist Tor infants, keep- she bead free from scurf, gnd-causing a lax- grantgrow@th of tair.—2d For ladies after chit3- no, restoring the skin to its nataral strength wd frmoess, and preventiog the falling oat of jg hair —-3d For any person recovering from debility the same effect is predaced. 4th Congh, Asthma, Tightnéss of the Lungs or | jjy in Bn ly is way had wormeioa frightfol exsept, | ? . . . ae . vain iofancy till a good growth’ is started, | Chest. Sc. | amd were alt sod aplaly ats Vergsifoge, | Panola, (Miga.) The secanat fairly “takes the | C*seery. Military operation® were to be ox- | being a son of life to come.’ ‘The great 1 aay be preserved by attention to the latest pe- SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES In ‘some of the bes! families io the hbor- | rag off the bush "—if jt does pot cause some of wise men are wont to kiss the borders of* clueively confined to the territory of Téxes and Mexico. ‘Tbe St. Lowis wibbecntered 150 mites from Sante Fe, within the terr)- tory of that department. , By fer the mast important news brought hood’ef St. John’s “ark, it Hac-beon extensively aved, from the citcumstancé of having eredica— ted a lavge .qeantity. of worme, efter alt other SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES tompodiga, Rags feited, which was. very oxtensive- voi of life. —5th It frees the head from dand- nf,strengiheas the roots, imparts health and yest to tbe circolation, and preveats the hair ig chtnging color or getting gtay —6th It the Hoély Land, to embrace ite ruins, and roll themselves fn its dust." “The eins of thave'ere fargiven who inhebit the land of Teréef.” “He who is buried there ie recon- Are the only iofallisle worm destroying medci- cine ever discoveréd. ‘They have been used ia over 1,400,000. cases and never known to fail. our superstitious friends to open their eyes, we are mech misieken.— JV. O Tropic. WONDERFUL PHENOMENON. ir | beantifalle when ¢ y known ip that.part of theecity. Singube _@ black . be . , oe bee cur! beautifaliy when “one “P | Give immediate.relief in nervous or sick.Head—| A family in New Jersey saved several children pens “water spit inte Yragmente *y we Nee York, is the fart (het Generel Ewald fea og No ladies toilet should ever be made withoat it. | ache, palpitation of the Heart, Low ness of Spir- | by the ase of it. One, a girl of eight years of —liehts shooting off thand forming into poumoR hse issued a proelamation viriwally the daye ofthe M ish? le earthy of ith Children who have by any means con-| ''8, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a| sge, bad betome exceedi emaciated before tie shape of a man! denonneing Com.- Moore se a pireto, and ys e eseish. tIs worthy o sense of Sinkifyg o: the Chest, Diarrbeea, Las- | te Verailfoge’wis given. e hext day three sitade, or a sense of fatigue. , in in the head, are immediately and we terme tn See ee Mn Inrge worms Were dislodged: and-she teft off the making wer upon the Mexicans, eontrery remerk, os stated by Sandys, that so at g rectly cared of them by its ase. {i is iotalJi- Mr Jemes D King, a respectable citizen of lo his (Honston’s). orders. The Commo- te thé desire this singular people bave el- rt) Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges —— eo Arana ard tte bea are this coantry, aod a gentlemen of undoubted ve- | gore ig, moredver, charged with acts of dis- | ¥*¥® manifested for beiog borigd Within bald about fi ars—no more hai . _— regort to the Ver ge het finaly borough! Wed at offi Wednesd d ion : : these secred Irmits, thar: seventeenth iceet my neal (hice ce the peck “of me Are the most eertain remedy for this distressing away-dn incredible quantity of worms, sed the racity, ca = ce on Wednesday and | obedience, contumecy, and mutiny by Hous- ’ a od,and Dy head covered with a thick scorf complaint, everoGered to the American public.— | nore was complete, and she geined her healik gave the following details of a most remarkable | ton, is declared suspended from all com- century Targe qrantiyes of thei ee wore pnd, : . bones as lo the immense number of.eases in whieh they idly appeatance of the moon, for about an hoor be-| mand in the navy of the Republic aod is y erly sent thither from”all ports of the Oth of A t last, rapidty. ppe p ; : : ae ia ine Balas of Colembie, trom Com. rt been used, they bave never been known to A” Bb yaicive of standing, had doctored a fami- | tween seven and nine o’clock on Tuoeday night | Ordered to report forthwith, in person, jo world, for the petpeve of ‘being interred in the valley of Jehoehephat ; for the Tarkish ly-of children tome weeks, without being sole to] | rofers at thet time permitted but = very , the fWeed of the Department of War dhd tastore bu: one Oat of the seven fo health = Ae k& Co. Since which, | have ased two and ep woek § c Marine of that country. We now give the ast. rbalf bowtles of the Balm, which has fully re- Sherman's Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so zont- | hud the Hiberatity ‘0 wend for Kolmetock's Ver- mon and troublesome daring the sommer months, | Mifoge, and. cured the rest with it io less thag a He states that being in the habit of noticing he appesrences of the mvon al this season of two concluding petsgrephs of Houston in smell nomber of the Jews to enter Pales— tine. -Sendys sew ship loads of this mel- sored my hair, and fr y head entirely from eur. My head is no fered with fine, flow ng long hair—which any one may see by calling m we, at Stamford, Connectieat. Nor 12, 1840. BD SSCOFIELD. | Coanterfeits are abroad —look always for the his own words :-— ‘* And I forther declare and proclaim, an failure of obedience to this command, or on hrs having gone to sea, contrary to or- week. 1 Numerons cases of other complaints were sup posed to exis!, and the persons treated fer fever. &e., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge diméov- may now be entirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges: ‘They are prepared cxptess ly tor that purpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject th a derange- be year, with @ view to the common prognosti- cation of whether it would be “ wet or dry,” he ubserved, while looking with that ebject on ancholy freight; Joppe, and the valley of Jehoshaphet, ere lnerally paved with Jew- ih tombotonee.-qieFUe's Travels. pine of Comstoek & .Co. Fer sale atthe Watehmao Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbory, Dr Sth. Raleigh, D Jeartt, Hillsboro’ ; J & R.Sloan, Greeasboro ; J > Mabry, Lexington. = mareh 4, 1843 —1y82 a Dr. Brandeth’s y OCT ACL RSV ESAT: PILLS for sale at thie Office. Salisbury, N.C Oct. 1842—tf14 They afford immediate ratief from afl the attend ant gripiogs, faintness, depression. &c. Sherman’s athartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the common 4 medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilious persons. they are not odly the best, but the safest that can be administered, a Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, Look «at cr. Sherman’s -ad- great despatch. cited to an immense extent, but it-is useless, one trial for 25 conts will show any one with aston- pepperminis; and are an active and efficient ishment the certain effecis of this Verm‘foge. ment of the bowels shuuld-never be without them. | ered the tree cause of the sickgess, by bringing h away almost an innamerable quantity of worms, arge and small; and the persons recovered with lastances of this kind might be Caution —Never buy thisarticie anless it have * DeKolmstock’s Vermifuge” handsomely en- Where an active medicine is required, | greved un the ontside label, and the fa¢ simile of Comstock & Co. Agents—C B Wheeler, Satisbury; J & R Sioan, Greensboro’; D Heart, Hifleboro’; J P ‘Tuesday night, that it appeared at firet moch larger than common, nearly three times the os- ual size, and more like a circular sheet of fire than like an erdinary moon. Ina few moments a very dark and deep bleck spot was plainly dis- cernable about the centre of the mioon’s disc, which immediately commenced playing up and down, backwerds and forwards on the surface, and as the spot approached the apper edge it grew less, and a faint light distinctly shone throagh it, This ®pot finally became stationary in the ders, that this government well no longer hold itself responsible for his acts upon the high sees; bat.in such fase, reqaesis all the governments in treaty, or on terms of amity with thes govérnmesnt, and al! oaval officers on the high seas, or in ports foreign to this coantry, to seize the stid Post Cpp- tern E. W. Maure, the ship Austin and briz Wharton, with their crews, and bring them, or any of them, joto the port of Galveston. that the vessels may be secured to the Re- public, and the culprit or eu!prits atraigned - Batracte froma Modern Dictionary.— Belle—A beeutful bu: useless insect with- out wings whose eslors fede on being re- moved from the secehme. Heert—A rare erticle, sometrmes found ia humas beings. It ie seen however de- stroyed by commerce with the @orid, or else become fatal to its possessor, ’ Hogsewifery.—An ancient art, seid to nivetboen Feehionable among young gitle and wives; now entirely out of use, or prec- , : Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. rrr 4 ponished by the ach a leval tr. | tised only by the tow orders. wiisement, and if you wish reliet for yoor ma The best of a deamon for ier ig pum areh-4, 1843—1y82 centre, when the moon ilps into three a a ished by the tence of gal th “Wealih— ‘The most reopectedle quality of ‘maladiog call and obtain a remedy of C.B. bag, ia or eakness in the Baek, T.oins, —- - — } ate fragments, each siviog istines and separate +. seldom that we have been more os-| ® 20. , ‘ r breast, - ' i j i ‘ Paring as . - : : : . REE LER. — 1{20 “The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or Salisbury Fémale Acailemy. elie testi ey Tech acl (hema a ‘hee tlc tonisbed than while reading this document | .. Virtue—An awkward habit of acting Salisbary, Dec 10 _ = retail, at the Salisbory Medical Drog Store, by HE: Sommer Session of this bostitation, will | POCEH he spol Had spit © of Gen. Houston—We do not koow how | “ifferently from others. To ° y LICTED —The C.B WHEELER. Agen, commence on Mondey,—March Gib. Ar- | moon gradually retatnse ib halen give! appearance fer Com. Moore, has disobeyed the orders A volger word— [i creates great mirth in 0 rHE AF? 4 ° Salisbury, N. CG. rangemenis are making to precusd wir-—28sistan| and from that again lovked natorally. of h E ti f T, ho bh fashioneble circles. e veeriber has juat received a large and vee Sept $, 1342—1y6 ; Tapcher, who will probable. enter on hen dele. Whet be had slready sen was 0 remarkeble the pxece ive pattie w og very Men Of lotteries— Men who pey the opiy of Di Moffatt’s Life Medicine. a — af paove or two weeks. ‘I'erms as formerly, Li th . Min Kine. with bis family, continued the probably commen: . im to Go many things legrslaturé handsomely for the privilege of vain relief. D C B WHEELER, Agent. | BDar, a Vegetable Life we of small children, learning onls Reading i map if a momente had elapeed he wes utterly unable to obey 4 but under chouting the peaple. Sslisbary, Dee 10—1120 e/ es snd Spetting, will be taught at ¢6. Every | Observation, and bot Brew ! _ | tne present circimmstances to thos pusHen | — — — SSESS qualities oft ye most mild and be- | branch ostally tanght in the first Female Se- | before the black spot again apneared, and *22'° | him 38a pirate and mutieer,is an act Wwe of Lew proewedibge Unbrusbed eob webs PRICES CURRENT AT neficia! nature. They are composed of minaries wil be attended to, and it is believed | the moon divided—this time into fui Lustinet | never supposed Sem Houston -woold™ be Sstineal ve Hermlese i ‘i Sauispury, June 10 ticles the most’ gnti-patrescent, combined Male iP piece arrangements ae yl alg '0| regaldr parts or fragments. And im medi very yap; re S STO Ie epee ESL mln verse poems— mlese impertinence ; : the only certain antidote | those of any f@mmer session. vy. § rontis . vines eben: = ° . Rie ene Cot Y mae See rate aecoiiation. W ben the dis: | (a native of France) isiostracting a class in the | * light resembling the teil of 2 comet shot ‘rom sere how he cea justify hie conduct. Merrioge e zste thgpugh which the B; E " 8a clasea 5nd ease le prodaced either from cold, abstroction, | Freech. langnage, aad itis desizable that others the lower fragment at the sonth erst coroer, ap~ | While Mexico is at-war egeinst the Govern heppy lover lesves his hented visions ahh. Ape Ss S 40h Molasses, sae) had air \ decnt and damp situations, of potrid | who intend joining should do. s0 immediately.—>{ parently sone three or fonr feet downward, while! ment over which he has rule; while armed ead reieres tp burih _ peach, 40 a 45 | Nails, _ 6 miasmi, whether walignant or epidemic, or by | He has aleo consented to take charge of a class | another mach larger, from the apper portion o” bands from the former eeuntry are contiaa- Desth—-An ill bred fellow who wer “ind 10 2 12} | Oats, 15 a 20 oiher causes, these medicines are certain in their 4 in Cragan rane > ranch bee is i it north-west corner, atrack off direc:!y upwards, ally making inroads into Texae,-carryreg people a! all sessons, end insists opon thew *eswax, = 2: c 3 i ' ssessed of pe | appreciated at the North, and bot litle attenc - as acne i . s, | aa nt “ toile b 5 . operaivons or ements. 7 ee lg ecrel aft ditegve, i eindeg os, A few young tadies will be re- | 0 the lengtlf of between five and six feet. This her citizens into the worst epesies of capi immedistely returning bis cell. ton, clean 534 » 6 | Sugar, br. 5 a 10}. coliar qualities, which not only ex; g # aad leit the = ently | ity after destroying their property hile . . Coffee, 8a | loaf, 15 18 | bot at the same time restore and invigorate the | ceived into the family as boarders, and Col. R | last now went o - : ° . aoe a fa oll thie goiag on, an officer of the Texan Anthor— Dealer in words who gets paid ( ~ ; t taken into the stomach, |W. Lona wil! take 8 or 10. His residence is | foar feet or more and formed into the shape uf a oie : in his own coin. Pear i es sack, 275 $3 Hage arly didlyee themselves like vapor | apreenbly attuated ia a retired part of town,and | man! standing erect. The figare was of the ee Prince throveb bis owa Domeshe blise--A verm used by Mitton. anerey eat ‘ 2 a 8 $3 cae anaes pore, producing effects at once } very convenient to the Academy. No dednection mos} perfect imaginabie symmetry. of about the career the een . cneme eos ae aaa Bargain—4 ludicrons trenssetion im : itseed “i : 55 Tow-Linen 12a 16 delightfol, salutary, and an, th ik heart abseace, bat in cases of long continued medium size and height, clothed ia the purest ie publicly idk foie ed ne euticw ends On whieh each party tbinke he bee cheated the us 9 ’ vi ine to grow dim, the circu : : ine } . con, per lb, 3ad| Wheat, bush = 75 arid, . tne feeeliies paralized, these medi- TERMS snow white and the back alone presenting Heel! 4421 Homaton may have ressone fur this outs ie Asylom—-A kind of bospitel Linseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 cians ar Sand to give a tone to the nerves, ex-} Taition $6—8—10—or 12 50 according to) to vew. It war visib'e a few moments, when) |, recountable course, bot for the lives of ra lena _ © . oom gv 90 $1} Wool, (clean) 25 | hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the body, | the elie of the papil. gat se gradnally tbe figore changed tq the viople Night, Ga we Senest fushow them. naigg — pe Meteo a ies: = d re-animate the whole man ; Music an Plano per session, . the lights retreated to the fragments, ihese again ln the meeatime- Com. M. hes the sem- ave ; Pave trevitie, May 51, oT he Life Medicines have also been vsed with { Guitar per quarter, 12 90 | come together and ibe moon resumed 1's pataral | pethy and best wishes of abet every men thew owe ifrmily. ou, S-andy,peach 40 245 | Molasses 23 a 28 | the most happy success in Nervus and Dys-| Freneh per session, 3 on tance in Texas ; end even should he be brought sal —The penalty of mischief, and often » Avol : 0 | Nail t 6obbh ag io di Consnmption, Asthma, Liver} Drawing with crayon session, 10.00 | appre ; . . ; , (be reward of virtwe. », Apple 35 a 4 Walls, cut, 93 a 0 | peptic diseases, : hronic and inflame- Paiating in water colors de 10 06 The'family of Mr King consisting of bis wife | to Galveston a prieoner not a terbunel covid bacon, at a 6 \ rest brown, 63a 10 ce op phonastiss, {el ron Wax Work, & 09 | and a daughter thirteen years of age, with an-| be found tn try bim. Showid be succeed Ruling Pavsien strong in Death— he 9 : a coat. I5a is a cel st Cage & Bocer’s, Agents. Needle Work, &c. 130 ¥ if ie, Prtatipel other yeang lady, 2l! witnessed what is above re-| 19 cepturing tne aeaeee steamers, ou Whoa Learence was lying © ciched oa he Uaiton, 44a6 | Salt, 50-260} Saisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y13 EMMA J KER, lated. Mr King lives about five miles east of bringing (hem safely sate the Harbor of Gol- deck of the Chesapeake, mortelly wounded . tion! Viera 140181 Sack aL —. Salishary, March 1st, 1643 —1f32 ~ this place. He proiesis that in calling 08 es to veston, he would be bailed with seclamation tod the immortal spirit was ebout quitting Uorn, 45.150 | Tobaccoteal 2a 2i} 8c A supply of the above Invaluable ME- ; ee make poblic these facts, be bas no motive bu! to by the entire population, white Houston its frail tenement. his last dying iejuaction Candles, F.F.1Sa 14 | Cotton ebag 20} DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Diamond cut Diamond. — A thief in Boston : ished tale of trath, aod mould descend to en imfemy his acte ere wno—* Tans else up the ship.” Flaxseed 80a 90 | Bale rope, 8a 10} Iredell county, by latety enacted the constable for the nonce, arres tell a plain aed Seraranne ’ fast hastening him towards When Bat eid relay s ling in death, Flour $24 a5} | Wheat new 75080 A. C McINTOSH, Agent | ted a brother thief, whom he chargud with rob- leaves others to jedge of ite import — that he was The Texan papers contain s list of the ca'thé b6d of eltkuioe bin Oiweay rever- Pealbera 20 a af | Whiskey 20 { a bout oot in the least alarmed or agnoted, bat *e mack ropesitions mede by Santa Ants jo the th ant aaa ‘ lize, 4ha35. Wool 123 al3! DAVID L. POOL, bery, and pretenved that hs was a to carry | ‘ bis cober senses so be ever wee im bie life— P fat nt The Flouston ted* to the sceriesin which be hed meny : t PySAkes ‘this method of | him to the city jail. but finally c = _—_ sad in urder that no one should have occasion to, Talegrigh Satimaton thet, ‘Fodge Robinson, | ° J te if ~ cored) off ee. Cuzraw May $1, 1845" informing his friends, | $100, all that the otber had about bie ae secuti- ar : ae’ ; agined himself in “eom@sn a gelfent g his friends, | $100, a doubt the sincerity of bie parrative, be bas 20 | ine Keerer of these propositions, first ad- ; Beet 42a 5\Nauils cutassor 608 and the publi he i : the Court Howee the . " vessel, sorroouded by hie officers, on the : bs 3 s public, that he Is ty forpis appearance at — bi ad to refer to his Senta A for ° 7 J . : . ; ‘ -._ | thorised a8 co give his pame & dressed a note to @ Agna, sssuming o snd all he 4 a Sk 5 wrong 16 : ee ent phd ym Drehleh next meraing. ‘Foe arrested need ae aie family 26 witnesses of the scone with biese!! himself the right of making peace, and that itobetee oar resect effort, bees ‘clovmed, swax 2 F 25 Oil | : i5a sn | pairing business, at his old fecpignarirensined gan that anetad en- | To what causes it is attrinetsble he does not be did it solely for the parpose of atteiaing | .. 47) git'hands to bourd the enemy?” 2acging yd 20022 lamp 25 stand, gear the Coerthouse | >Y rn tet » hae bined know—whether i: was 20 optical illesion affect his owa liberation. Z Wheh Porter, ia a foreign land, was s10k- Bale rope lb 10412, linseed 110 a1 25 | Ail work done by him will be warrawted for | circle & more artfa! rogue cag his whole family at once—an operation of 02 oo. waiias 2 as ing ite the grave— bis body worn ost with pe lb a g " tend « ome! mg . . A eriter in the ‘““Whiteball Caronicle” seys, ever hick be Coffee lb 1], 3 14) Pork 100lbs 53 a G) twelve months. He stilf keeps on We learntrom. the*London papers breeg ht by | sore never before witneseed, or something of a} ae : "| the exposures and pe toe 4 5 f Jeweller e | every Admiaisiration ghonold be known by ite cha bad been . ed for a iod of men } " . . . < . t ‘ . . tton 4h» 63) Rice 100lbs 4a 5 | cine — én in exchange for | the Caledonia, that Mr Fi City Tremscr | mireceloes charzcter, be does vot anderiake 10 Ory ale: eabjecte | per pony Corn bush 50 Sagar Ib a 10| , OM Gold and Silver taken ; bh £4,000 or determine ; but avowe thin WG matement from racieriete cog ; ; __ | yeers, 10 the service of bis coustry—in bis Ploor bri @5 , a k 2 | Jewellery or work done. 56 er of Deblia, has . het tor vain | WOE wa wees Cevisied, if at sll, in-no essea- My. Medison’s 6 the Bar Adututerration. Fact momenjys he directed thet bia body Feathers td oH . coals se P| Salsbury. cath 18. 198 56.000, 008 wae copped to beve = tial particalar, is tree, and:it Will at al! times be | . Oo kane” . ies 7 should be beried st the foot of the fleg a'sff, Iron 100ibs & - Steel Amer. 10 2.00 d S. Jokhnetfon, country in the Great Westero. maintsined to be tree os bis. Honor aod songs “ Jectnca’s < «© Expermectal “ thet after death the glorious stere and Lard O07 English 14 ATTORNEY AND COUNDEREOR AT LAW. An Irinbagen thue dgporites a » heelbetyow — | as — ep wien ef ties ferthet ie i. « V Boren's “ “ Stealing « stripes of A@erice might wave over big ‘— Molasses 23 3 2 Gites 12alkA - §@LISBURY, N.C: x ‘Tt is a little carriage With, ore wheel, aud the gind yf cess to engeire o « Tyler's ‘ « Treacherore “ Mercantite Journal, Tallow Pe ¥ Tes initpe & 2083 Rptiatery fen. 7, 1046—e12¢ horse is @mse,” ‘ . @ * e . ae 7 a y @ % ii S x aa pod - De sy _ or oo, me . TT From the Raleigh Register. 4 Protective Tarif, it is very evident, from the signs of the > simee, that the oco Focos, afraid of going before she peopR® on the issce of a Nation- #i Bonk against the Sub. Treasury—on the subject of the Publie Lands—or any of the old tssues decided in 1840 —are determined to make en. lo gel up an excitement! on the Petiff qoestion. Nothing could more strongiv illustrate the desperetion of the party than this ; for, if there be soy one question, in the whole range of Poltics, on which, more then another, the Loco Foeo leaders are commitied, it 1 on thre very qtestion of a Protective Teriff. They are welcome, then, to all the capital they can wske, by sgitating it. It wil! be found, on eugmining the Proceedings of every Luco Fico meeting whieh 10 held sow-e-deys, that the poltey of fostering Menefactaree, jn any wavy, is deciared to he uaronstitu- tional, and rbinoos t» the Soath, end the ‘Whigs are denoanced in the most unmeas- ured terms ffor thew agency in passiig the ast Terr] Law. We have taken the troe- ble of huoting up the opinions of the great Fathers of the Democratic Chureb, on the subject of a Protective Tariff, by way of il- lustrating th® ecohsiciency of ibe present course of the party. [low can any Loco Koco, ofter reading the opinions we subjoin, have the impudence to charge the Whigs wrth bemg the exclusive advocates of the doctrine of “Protection. Oar extracts are necesdarilp brief, bet they could be extend- ed lo any length, had me the requisite space for them. We begin with Mr. Cautoun’s Oprerons, es contained ip his celebrated speech on this subject. He said— * When our manufactures are grown to a certain verfection, 9g they soon wil) undcr the fostering care uf government, we will GH, Jorger experience these evils, The far- mer will find a ready market for his surplus produce 3 aod what is almost of eq-al con .sequence, a certain and cheap supply of aij his wants [lis prosperity will defuse itself \o evéry class 10 the community ; and in- stead of thatlangor of industry end individ. val distrées now jacident toa state of war, and suspended commerce, the wealth and Vigor of the community wil not be materi-« sily Wimpased. The asm of government will be nerved, and in the hour of danger, when esseatnal tothe undependencé of the nauan, Moy be gresily inereased ; loane so uncertgimand hszsrdoms, may be less relied on 5 thus sitmared, the storm may beat with- out, but within all_will be qoiet and safe. “But it wsll.no doubt be seid, f they ere ro fas established and at the situation of the country is so favorable to their growth, where is the neceesity of affording them protectiaon? is to pul them beyond the reach of contingeney. Besides, capitel- re Dol yet, and cannot, for someume, be ad- justed to the new siageof things. There is, 1n fact, frcm the operation of temporary causes, 7 great pressute on these esteblish- wents. Theg had exiended so rapidly due ning thelate war, that many, be feared, were without the requisite surplos capital, or shill, to meet (he present erisis.’? Gen. Jacksen-#rote in bis Letterto Dr. CcLemen, as follows : ‘* Heaven smiled vpon end gave us liber- ty and independence ‘That same @rovi- cence has blest us with the means of nation- sl independence and national defence If we omit, ot reuse, to use the gifte which he lins extended to us, we deserve oot the continuation of his blessing. [ehas filled our Mountains and our plains with minerals. With lead iron and copper, apd given nea chmate and soil forthe growing of hemp «od wool. “Phese being the great materials ef our national defence, they ougm to have éxtencded to them adequate and fer PRO -4 ‘TEOCTION 5 that our manufactures avd laborers may be placed in a fair compeli- tian with those of Europe, end thai we moy have rithm our Country a enpply of those | ¢ ond important aruicles Jeartin ” L ¢ itial In Wer a mcre tecept expositions om Meeere. Van Buren, Jonnson, Cass and BucHanan. al! of them Yioce Foco as— prentsto the Presidency, and all of them s Reowledged leaders of the party. In Mr, Vay Bunen’s ecent Leuerso the Indiana Convepuon, be seys— “ N. a Were 4, hae viewer retstian to the Protective isu ested for by the Shocco | —T ee in 1832 and freety given. | A coovicion thet the Cstiblishment of com- Mereisi reguistions With a view 'o the en- cour gementot comestre interests, is within cower of Congress, was | PecasloD Asupbecily avowed. & e * ° . — \ ie! Tes wer the consutoti rat CU lodt The unbiassed sentiment of the county, mm respect to what 18, Onder such cuctastap- ees. the role for legislative aciiop upon this suhjeet, bas, } dak, by the course of events + dad thé progsess of opinion. been brought to tbe conclagion, briefly expreased in one of the resolutions of your Coaveauon, viz : “a dreeeimiaating tanff for revenue purpo- ses oaly, and which sill incidentally pseo- Pect Americanjadusiy. *. 3 There ase direct adveatazes which result Yo the manafactaring imtesest from ihe tern - dng of reveape by the waposition.of duty up- On Mpports, insiesd of citect texXetien - “e > a] To sit present eppesrances, the acqes— cence, tn a teri for revenues, now eu gene- rel, may, in the ebsence of epeciel exeite- ment, endure (or a period es long as4ecom- pioniy eabrace im calculations ¥ >asineds. 7 . e * O% the constitutional power to @lake dis- clear'it ie, thet thé prociice of méki bas existed from the commencement c government, and consti ites a feature io errs ery principe! tariff bill wh upon.our stsiajr boek. indispensable to t every reyenuy bill. encoursge the menor at. e ich If it be at any time deemed necessary, or conducive to the safety of the eountry, to | home of the necessery articles to 116 fHce 1n war, | no:bing cen be wore proper than to do v0 by a diserimmation in favor of their domes- | tic msnufacture. + . _ol! (diserum nation) is therefore a pawer, the coostamt. and faithful exercise of which is. im my jodgment, demanded by oneider- atione-of justice, homanity end sound policy. Ov! Jounson in his reply 6 the same Coovention, thus speaks— ‘© 1 am in favor of raising, by deties on Impostetions, as much money as may. be ail- equate, when added to the sgles of ive Pub- lhe Lands, to pay the entire expepses ol the Federal Government, economicely admja- istered, and no more. In Gxing sucha Tea- ng them Timmetsé exp ave orHe tenth of tof the | Twould save them ifrom sinkisr uch.@ rate of diser jessiryto pepservaptnt is my creqa. sag it wa) ae * ie Tetbhéte ofthe urch ” b | | Frop the Mobile Advertiser. | igs ENRY CLAY, A FEDERALIST? | The reckless f:ppancy with which the pop- | injay politicians of the present day deauence ; I igary Clay as a federalist, | eL_Hi ches 4: deralism, o . Hay’ n&tion, they inteod, wilfully aod hoon ingly. to impose spon the publi, by the palpable alsification of bistory ? ‘ ‘Whey are eompelied to tate one boro lor the other of the dilemma; fur, if federalism \is what it used to be, jt bas so mure zealous ep- porent in the universe than Beit He came into poblie Tifa, as every one Riidws, an ar dent republican atid subidined With déVoted en- ihosiasm, the repablrean adfninisffations of Jef- ferson and Madisuo. It ts unnecessary to dwell upon this fact, fas ibere ase 100 many proofs of it recorded om she pages of Aqersiesa-bimiars for any one tedoebs it.. Was Hoary Clay a deter alist, when, near abirty years age, on the .Goor riff, } think st good policy, and consistent @ith an equitable consideration for every interest, that due regard sbould be bad te such agrieuNural commodities and prodye- tions, and manufactured articles as can be fabricated in abundance end.pesfection, and whieh ere of essential snd pay use. Tax- es collected indirect'y by commerce are they can be so regulated es to evolve great National ressurées, ond réarbvy skilfal arti- fiters and' manufacturers, (he pstriot’s haope wovid Be conosnommeled. It is the true Demectatie doetrine, a8 far os |] understand it, to give this wncidental protection \o agri- cdlfurslists and manufacturers, end thus give universe! satisfection to all liberal tage, cqualfy regarding every interest and every sewtion ofthis great exiended conied- eracy.” Mr. Cass stys— * The subject af a Protective Ferifl has been so long and ably discussed, thet 11 would be useless for me to dio mure, than to givo the result of my wiewe. TI think, then, that the revenue of the Government ought (lo be brought down to the lewest pons compat jth the performance of ite con- stitutional Tugctions ; ang that in the impo. sition of dates, necessary, with the pro- revenue, incidental prdtection should be af- forded to sich branches of American sodus- iry as may requive it. This appears lo me not onfy Constitutional, fut called for by the great iMierests of the country ; and ifs wisely and moderately established, and then left to its Own operation, so that the com- munity could calculate upon its reasonable duration, and thus evoid ruinous fluctua- ligns, we might look for as general acquies- cence in (the arrangement, as we can ever expect ir. questions of this complicated kind, when focal feelings have been enlisted, more o1 less, ond endeavor to reconcile.” Aod Mr, Bucnanan not only goes the whole figure in favor of Protection, but far- tifies himself by quoting Gen. Jackson's opiriow® Hear hiar— “If, By a Protective Tariff, you mesa ibe levying of any bigher tax wpoyx imporis tban may be necessary {0 secure sufficicnl eonomical admiawtration of the Govern- ment, thea | am opposed to any such Ta- riff, On this sutjeet J cannot better present 1o you my views then by eopying a few sen- ‘ences fram my remarks, made. in the Seo- ate of the United States onthe 271bh August lest, on the tariff bill. ‘They were es {ol- lows : ‘* | woeld upon the present, es upon al- most evety other oceasinn, have acted open the peinctples of General Jackeon, s man nesrly es much distinguished for segacity ang statesmanship, as fer bis courage end conduct on the field of betile. ‘That illus— ‘tious old man, having dd@ion of the Tariff of 183% distinetly in view | naes, the fotlowing Jsnagae> 19 : . ao. annual message of Deeember of that year ! ‘* "Fhe soundest mexime of public policy, end the punciples upon which our Repabli- cen ipetitutions, ere founded, recommend a proper adeptetion of the revenue to the ex- penditures ; and they also reqnire that the expenditure shall be limited to what, by on economical administration, shall be consist- ent with the simplicity of the Government, and necessary to an efficient public service. Jo effecting this edjosiment itis cue; in justice fo the interesis of thé different States, and even to the preservation-of the Union eeif, thet the protection afforded by exrst- ing laws to any beeaches of natioasl-indus- ty should ot exceed what may be necess | ey tocounteract the regulations of foreign nati-ns, and fo seture a supply of those articles _ f manufacture essential tn the na- lionad independence and safety in war” la several of his ptevious Messsges tn Con- gress he avows similar principies in terms suull etroager ; and in eae of them he eites upon the subject of the Tani, aud [ oa both wailing and snxions to carry it oft fair- ly 1m peetiee. my politics!’ friends from the North, Soeth, the East, and the Weet, the lo west point, consistently with the national | honor and the nations) safety. would not | mmpeose one dollar of duties on fareign »m- | ports, beyond what may be neceseary to! meet such an economical expenditure. Io adjasting these duties, J shall never aban- don the principle of discrimination in fa vor of such branches of honte- industry as | may be Decessary **io secure @ sepply of i eat thai he h those art.cles of manufacture essential to! the’ nations! independence and -esfet in | \1in6 Of war,” and this more éspetially alier erismicatvens, T have no doaht. Kaqaglty such manufsctoses have been established at feast felt, and most cheerfolty paid, and if | minded ajen, by extending @ general acvan- | ceeds of the publie lands, to provide this Protective Teriff, upon this principle, were which a prudent Legislature must consu!t, | revenue for the purpose of sustaining a0 e- | the revosal ard re- | ont } the suthority of: Jefferso.., Madisen, end | Monree in these support. ‘This is my ereed {can party, and jined the federalists. J am wrbhoag to unite wah | , of Congress, he defended the character aod fame of Mr. Jeffersuo against the violeot assaults made | ey Josiah Quisey, then the leader of the federal | party in the House of Representatives? * The | f.Nowing was the langaage of Mr Clay on ghat occasion. | ‘* Neither his retirement from public office, his | eminent services, nor his advanced age, can ex~ empt this patriot from the coaree ssefuhts of par | ty malevolence. In 1801, he snatebed from the | rude hand of usorpation, the vielated Gonstito- i tion of his country, and that is his crime He | preserved that instrament in foun, aed subsience, ; and spiril, a preclous inheritance for generetions to come. and for this he can never be forgotten, How’vain and impotent ig parly rage, directed against such a man! When the geatleman, to whom I have been compelled to sllude, shall | have mingled bis dust with that of his abased | ancestors, the name of Jefferson will be hailed with gralilude, his memory henored and cherish- ed as the second founder of the liberties of the people, and the period: of his administration will be looked back to as one of the happiest and beightest epochs of American bistory—ao oasis in the midst of 3 sandy cesert.”” Abd fhis is the langaege of ¢ man whom the Pupsiart politiciens of the present day—rcen whe, at the Lme Heasy Cigy wes thus boldly defeag- ing the political opinions of Thomgs Jefferson, were “puling and wwewing in their burse’s arfis” —are stigmalizing as a federalist. Again —we presu.ne no. grown man is so igno rant as not to know tbe part takea by Heorg Clay in favor of the lagt war with Eggland, and it is also known that never were twe lines of party more Cistincily drawn, ihan-igmediaicly preee— ding and Outing the ingance-of that war.— At ihie erities! petiad of our covntey’s history — (to use the language of am eloquent writer) — when every ariifice was resorted to for the par- pose of alienating the confidence and affections of the peopte from Mr Madison and his advisers — when Nollification and Secession were threat ened in New England—wheo a Hastford Con- vention endeavored to produce a dissolution of the Union—and when ‘Peace Candidates’ for the Presidency were brought into the field, backed not only by New [ogland, out by New York— when oo effort was unessayed to effect the over- throw of the Adminisiration of Mr Madison, anJ with it the Tepublican doctrines of whieh it was the offapriog and the champiva— when even the ‘favorite soa of New York” @as leagued with those who declared it to be ‘* unbecoming a mor- al and religious people ” to rejoice at the success of our arms—who grew every obstacle in the way of the suceessfal prosecution of a War wag- ed io defence of our national rights and%onor— preventing enlistments and denying the obliga- ‘tions of the militia to obey the requisition of the President —while we say Mr Van Busen occu— pied this posivien until he saw that bDaaajority | was fixed and igimoveable against him, when with his usoal dexterity and treachery, he de- serted his allies —Mr Clay stood upon the floor of Congress, the main piHar of the Administration, | cheering the eountry io the hour of darkest gloom aod most imminent peril, infusing copfidence in- to the timid, confirming the wavering, and re- pelling every assailant by the thunders of his el oquence aod the lightniog glance of his inJig- nantoye. He thos depreis the conduct of the Federal party at that day : | ‘The course of the opposition by which the | administration of the government has been unre | Mituiogly impeded for the last twelve years, is | Singular, aod I believe unexampled in thet siory | of any country. ‘The «administyijon has not | been forgetful of its soleay,, obligations. No art | haw been left uness> veg ; no experiment, promis lng a favorably result, left votried—to maintain iv, with what unfeigned sincerity, with what | real effort, the administration cultivates peace, | the opposition insist that it alene is calpable for every bseach that is made between the two coun i tries. Restriction after restriction bas been tried | —negotiation has been resorted to, until further | negotiation would have been disgfaceful. While | these peaceful experimente are underguiog a tri- | al, what is the condaet of tbe oppusition ? They are the champions of war—the prood, the spirit | ed, the sole repository of the nation’s honor—the | memof exclusive vigor and energy. ‘Ihe admin |-istratton on the contrary is weak, feeble and po- | siltenimons—‘tncspable of being kicked into a | wer.’ ‘Fhe maxim, ‘sot a cent for tribute, mill- | ions for defence,’ is luudiy proclaimed. Is the | administration for negotiation; the opposition is tired, sick, disgusted with negotiation, They | want todraw the sword and avenge the fation's | wrongs, ‘I‘hey are for war and no restrictions, when the administration is for peace.. They are ; tur peace and restrictiogs when the adminisira- dhe izparate hom the “party: wioe $2, pinivn 2 Wrehat constituted ff en Ww hat made him a feceralist in 182 | no evasion — we demand an explici! answer. We care nothing about the ppt faderalies—it ‘ie Gsed by Jemagegtes, tnd excite n¢thing wt aodsl for neat ‘usd ffTiihe wigds of al] highminded and sieiligent men. And what | ever of odiuai formerly atiecked to ine meme has | beentegt sigh! 1€0- nig ogee ap, the old fedgralists t@ blush rat have ant ae 950 Elbit ovleted abaieat A 2 149. be repelled; that roe SRUTH sball be,tuld and his true chenacten, Placed. phesuyp. and {ig the peopte, - ~ ‘okt is surprieing"how meny yoong men of Dur eount rye rn st born gba Fens ‘se Dor- tore, Hott speak of Divines” I tex... would.ostasally fee!, such s.one shoatd calenlete the cheaces of--success open to him’before he ¢eunches his fortunes, for good endvevil, upon the verte of busy life. ~ Guécess tw sny honorsvle purseit de- volves upon the charsttér of every individyal, wko cen generall;, by deserving, command success, bat if he rashes without talent into any profession or t20de, op-even with -telent, into one too much crowded to euthorize hice to-hope fer seceeseful ware b those who heve' preceded him, he lied math better heve tarned to some other pursuit wherem his energi ight beve been prop- erly developedaged the covetry which he inhabite, receive the full benefit.of bis jabor end exertion ia administering to the genere! weal. ‘ . We are eware that some who sesk to em- bark in the learned professions think it be- teeth them to become apprentices to a (rade. How prepostereas, bow rid the mind does not constitute tbe man,—and energy of cheracter-in any eolling he may underteke, commend specess. The mechanic, whether carpenter or ma son, who ftemes apd feshions-the stately edifice ; (he shipwright, who knns toge:ber by bis sinewy arm, the proportions of the beautiful vessel, whieh is to extort the ed- pleasure when sho glides puscefully into ber netive element, end with swelling can- vass skime like a bird the surface of ibe o- céén ware. . = The blacksmith, the shoe maker, nay, al! trades ere honorable. “ Would that we had beee bred a printer” bes more than once borst from our lps, for circumstances made us discard Jaw end ali its quitbles for that vocetion, which is ours. Not that’ we do not deem thé legal profession bonorable.— When not made to pander to the worst. pas- sions of the humana heart, itis. highly hon- oreble. - Besides itis generally the path of ambition, for in it public speaking, which cherms the moultitade, becomes an every day employment, and be whocan witch the ear with studied or nataral eloquence, is gt popular we implied before, the ma6 exalis the calling, not ibe calling tbe map. A young friend of ours says that he wishes to build asbip. Let the ruting passion of youth be @atured by encouragement; end an on, Georgia, may produce ber Eckford, or kis successor, in this beeutiful branch of the mechanic erts.— Sav. Repub. Monument to Commodore Perry.—The m oument ordered by the Legislature of Rhode I[slend \o be erected over the re- mains of the late Com. Oliver H. Perry has jest been completed, sfter a» delsy of sixteen years, 1: stands on an elevated spotin the northwest corner of the new | Burial Ground in Newburyport, rising from the centre of a movid ma square of fifty feet, gpatssed with a handsome ornamental “iron feoce with s granite basement. ‘Ite sisis of a granite obelisk, with pedenbi four-feet, end sbaft of twenty-one feet, the base cased with Kelian white merble. the pean, ati : y \ bio!” PS*eful relations of the couotry. No mat- | tion ts for war. You will fing them tacking with | every gale, displaying the colors of é¥ery party, | and of all nations, steady only in one onelterable | parpose, to sieer, if possible, into-ihe havea of | | pewer”’ | Is this the language of a federalist? But pro- | bably we shal] be tuld that Mr Clay hag changed | iis opinions, that fre has abandoned the repodli- Wherein | | has he ehsoged? What single opinion dues he | | | $@teriain cow, wha} measures does be advocate, | | Hocausisien} wiih his opinivus at that day ?— | ia recweing | Search the anuals of his life, and, with the ex- | the expendituces of the Gueernment to the ception of & United Sites Bank, the incorpora | lion of which he opposed in 1811, there 1s no | greal.su5jvet upon which he-hae -eves ehaoged | an opiniua, since bis ficst entrance into pablic life | —down io this day—not ove! He stands now | where Le stood in 98, by the side of Jefferson — | where he sod in 1812 by the side of Madison. | And, indeed, |: is.but a few deys.since a Leoo- + | fueo paper in ibis eity adsulaicly wrgedbit asan! teh mde, sndggt vbjeciiog lo AL lay, thas he had been, consist~ | never changed lis opiniors |} — paper presumes lo talk of bis 4 Aad yet (he | ‘aeparauon frof™ the republican pany,” aed sc- over tt. toaliy Axes ihe date of-ihal ‘ sepasasion” aly 1824! ~Hebas never changed, bat still he eep-+ arated from the republican party in 3884! Buw The End of the World.—The Miller- | iteg bave diseovered a newagvelation in re- | letion to the President of the United States. We undetstand that they alledge thet Mr. Tyler is to be the last ruler. It is to be hoped thet he is he is the lest of his kind ; and we think there is no great faith requir. ed to believe that he will be.—NM. ¥. Ex press. We note this ee something uncommon: On Friday last, Spencer, who was convict- ed of the murder of his son in Herdin county, Kentucky, wes teken to the‘chorch in Elizabethtown to hear bis own funere! sermon '—On Seturday be wes driven to to the gallows, where he met his doom.— Louisville Keutuckian. Selling Whi en.—Two white men were sold, on the 4th inst at Spertenburg, | South Carolina, under a law of that State —whether for debt. pseperism or crime. wo are not informed. They brought 64 cenis each, and were supposed to be dear at that price. Where are Locofoco sympa- ibies? Will they not make it an item in he bill of indictment agsinet Mr. Calhoun, that, omfipetent es he rs in Soath Carolina, | hé permits, “‘poor neighbor white men” thus to be hoisted at auction? Where are the handbilts ' °° BCP A young men aewed Thomes Jones, | buicher by profession, was killed by light. ning o@ Rechmond, daring the storm of F;;- day night Jast. He was io the.act of light. ing a cancle, when the bolt fell, striking him on the-side of hie hesd; peesing- down his st (be shoe, -setuag his clothes on lite, ¥ jeevinga mark on his person as if sapred by passing 0 heated iron - ‘The tqual p Is¥is0 of lielétd. j; year 1841, wae 173,990 a » 12 the & b> Reed fairly be-| = Election op ‘ { “TNE LEARNED PROFESS‘ONS.,. | a 0¢ iby ty i a. bic a ‘hap . a2! hoa sities hia dyties to bis cova- ous, ae if @irauon of bis fellow men, fesise giow of | for principles that are betieved to be important on, shell eisher + Hify the naminstion sade, orm / +} Peet thes propnsiston for Compromise and harmo- greed to by boih ALI@BURY: ~ £ Ry ote 10. f843. Republican Whig Ticket! Pr, of the Undéd Sates, NENRY CLAY. OF KENTUCKY, FOR NGRESS. 7 Cac ATBORSERISGER: OF CABABBMS. COUNTY. Peday 3d of August. the will aud authonityet Urea “a adequate Revenue, with fair -penk do American Taduptey~ just resttainis oa Baecutive Power. embracing ping ia further restrie tion on the’ exercise of the Veto «A faithful administration’of the Public Do- main, with an equitable distribution of the Pro and the precise plan to, in the onset of 1 been acteded tu Captain's Distr elecied anc inet tiels, whom they , ble at Davidson Colirge, o » ceeds of sales among the Slates. ~-* An honest and economicalad ministrat von of the General Government, leaving Public Offi- cers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suffrage ; but with suitable restraints against improper interference in Elections. « fim amendment of the Constitution , limiting the incumbent of the Presidential Chair to a single Term.”—[{Hendy Crar. BCP From the following Circulars of Col. Barringer and Geo: Edney. it will be seen, that a setilombit of thé unpléssant difficilty exist- ing for some time among.a portion.of the Whigs of the District, ie sbout tobe amicably adjusted. We hope every Whig in the District witha at éach Captain’s muster ground id the several counties on Saturday the 24th ins:ant, and ap— Fourth of July next. i To the Whigs North Carolina / the Second Cungressiooa) District, we -sgree that the Waigs of egch Captain’s Company in the several Counties in the District shall meet at their respeetive places of company masier on Saturday, the 24th day of this month, and pro- ceed to select and instroct 2 Delegate for the Whigs of soch Captain's Company ; and :hat said Delegates so chosen, shall meet at Davidson next, and then and there determine who shall be the candidate for the Whig Party in said Dis- trict :—and we hereby agree to abide by the de- cision of said Convention, whether the same be ia our favor, or in that of another. . The manoer of orgaviziog the Convention and ] of declaring their decision, to be determined by said Convebtion on their assembling. 8 candidate thas designated, and the decision of the Convention as promulgated by iis officers, shall be taken as that of the Whig Pany with- out further appeal or question. We earnestly hope that our friends of the Whig Party considering the importance of sur- eess in this District, will daly appreciate this ef. fert in favor of the union of the Party, and will lend their prompt assistance on the day selected to carry ioto effect-these our views BALIS M. EDNEY, D. M. BARRINGER. Salisbury, June $, 1848. A CARD. To the Whig Voters of the Second Congres sional District of North Carolina Fre.Low Citizens :— You will learn froma Neiice this day published, that those who have heretofore been can es for yoor support, have eed that the Whigs in each Captsin’s Com- 5 in the District, sha!l meet on Saturday. the 24:b day of June, and select a Whig Dele, gate from each Company—ihat the delegaies’so chosen, shall assemble at Davidson College, on the 4th day of July, and then and there, deter mine who shall be the Candidate of the Whip Party, and they will abide by such decision.— Haviog been nominated by the Convention which met on the 4th of April last, it is due to that hody, to ihe cause, and to myself, that | briefly state the reasons that have indaced me to the course now adopted. I have believed and still believe, that the decision to whieh that Convention came, expressed fairly the wishes of a large majority of onr party. Bat with two Whig Candidates in the field, if defeat was na certain, success wss at least doobiful. Our friends were discouaged, and our opponents re— jotcing in the hope of vietory from our divisions. Serious injnry was likely to be done to the cause in a new District, especiaily in the present cri- sie of effaizs, is all-important and Paramount to oneée svize.the opporianiry, and meet together pot a Delegate to represent them in the Con- vention to be figld at Davidson College, on the Of the Seéond Congressional District of For the porpose of ariting the Whig Party of College, on the FOURTH DAY of JULY That #e will cordially unita in the choice of Confer, 7. d thug "thet, Pin ra caese | thought mg chanes fur it i’ doubtful, hot for the reason that] po Coin that the Free People of ihe Dre, advised with or consulied ; an. revit ing | cowld be made koown to me, | nec tay he lo gnbmit, my nor commit i tag a tee “ponseni, 4 He tRtgr, dt "Sy a m. Thareit, 8 fidence ir the integrit Leh aracis, OTe a ened patriotic mo:ivey™ Sis an trl, trol the Freemen of @oin::y Be ay whenever they aré Be core tier ce POP PORY Consulied 1% tully subqit tu their Voice, a5 erery leap. is bound tode. Cunventions Culm wy or an expatie character, ofien ae waite correspandiog response on ihe Paitof a ple, and therefore, do not serve the interests of a party, but to breeg | ealisfactiva among friecds. |. hower itd dy, j impoge the motives or call ints oo.) | this occasion, the patriotism of that bed hay ' may have gone there lospired wiih re tives—but | do nal approve the plant (hen and am flow salisfied, that thes Ot ty mistaken policy—a policy. which, | atin) ‘lieve would meet the cordia) 2 pprobat; my Whige of this District. { tare hay ® with a powerfa) influence connected aed Cosvention to Which | have alindeg. be a ing that I was ating in behalf of 2 bine confiding republic, and in aecurdance ay settled maximsof Free Goveroment Pee. the charter of vur liberties, | hag the m is e 4 do my duty in defence of theee oe @# upen which our happy Goveromen: ig, ded, and upon which it is to be ESaiinuel perpetuated, from generation io Bene aien the-plan which is now agreed to, ang tes which i proposed and published, the ean ple ate consilied.” ‘Ihe Poor and thie ric} > plated apon equality, end gives to al the; of equal freedum. In the defence of og ey try, all are bownd to take par', and jn bean ligo of ite law makers, all should be aloweine untrammelled privilege of chuice—oary ite | Cial eyetem, one of matual interes:s tnd . | taal powers, and congeqaeni|y in jis dalton tion, mutuality should ve the arin Spring oy, tion. ‘The adoption of this plao,. by whi g are sonbulied, ta not enly calcolated 10 Oren, en and unite our party, but io exali and the prisciples which characierize the Whigng this codniry,.and advance the cause Thich » all havehitherto eagerly sought io maioiis If 1 have any one principle wore dee); titan ln my heart than another, it is the Ui etmpbag success not only of the Whigs of this Deine, bat of thie nation, for the achievemen: of wig I bave beretofure taken an humble par, ay | shall upoo all futere oceasions lend my bese sistance. | hombly agd earnestly trosi, iy this concession and ‘‘hutpal adjusimest, oi ty collision ia our rake, that the Whigs wily again reinvigorated, and take an active anime ous. interest in attending seid meetings, wn iy. wardiog the clovetione 1 am pleased that anpleasant task whidl have had to perform in reconciling dificsig among ourselves, js now al an end, and itu! appear no longer in that character, bol com fore you now with the uleve branch ig my baw a8 @. messenger of peace. Col. Barringer and myeelf will motaaliya Ty on the canvass until the resuli uf the [ep “Convention, is known. I am convinced, by a mutual and corditle operation, that the Whig Kleg will beagive furled to the coming confeat, aid floal as pio upon the breeze as it did in the memorsdle a vass of 1840; and with gfamt Iufiy spirit vie called a‘Wasbingion and a Hancock tele (0 consylt for the good of their couniry, as all again motyally rally ander our belurcd Fy —eiring upright its lofty standard, or pes under-its folds. Your Sbedient servent, BALIS M. EDM Sarispury, N C., June 3, 1843. ‘in Intrigue Exploded —'The Citti nati Gazette, referring to a current rep that Hon. John McCleen, of Obiv, s'o# brought out as a Whig candidate fo Pres dent decidedly observes : “Who are the @upposed projectors ol ii Mysterious plen or what may be theres We cannot divine. Nor do we pretend # know the views of Mr. Webster. Bull do know from an euthority @bich be questioned, that Judge McJ.eso bit ™ Knowledge of any soch design, sod tbe will not sanction eny movement, come what quarter it may, which would mei ba 8 candidate for the Presidency, in “f)" tion to Mr. Clay.” Li a Distressing Aceident.—A fatal ecov learn by a letter from Statesville, cc’ that place on the 2d instant. A goe ! we of Mr Daniel D. Sanfford, accidental's 9° ~ causing the death of a valaable nezio 2' ’ blackswiih) the property of John M. >* _ The ball entered the beart, ard the suf “ avout fifteen minutes. A jury of inquest ¥E every other consideration, bnt our honor. Un- ton and harmony are essential to that success. — | It | koow myself, 1 am the last man that would | intentionally throw any obstacle. in the way of | the triumph of our principles Having been nowigated ‘by a most respectabie and nomercos Convention, | was not placed ina Pesition to decline with honor. But eoncessiors to the will of the people for the seke of united action, and involves na dishonor. If the. ramination hereto- fore made ie not sastainéd, "I shall eheerfully subarit end unite cordially in the Suppart of ine cause. henest zeal, the principles wi we believe es sentis! tn the welfare of oor Moo couple. Tt is due ta the caase th Hil! canvass the District, oasil the Conventic ‘is agveed heretafore some other for the Whig Party. I bope the eople will, daly aprteciate and ny. io our ranks, in the spirit io whieb it ie a- aod (hus Casure the-eutRes® Gf dlr principles. Your ub’) sepmant and fellow-citize D. M-BARRINGE C.,Jage 5.7845. » r “ ‘Firkzoenky, N. ee. If it is confirnied, I shall eantinve to ad ont Maintain with what ability | bewe, and with anipoo to pay the money wes a [ol ded at Campeachy by the Mes the Candidates, and 1 ; i. J | will faithfully eadegror to carry it wot ant come race ot Camaer, (N.: ] gisier wos 2din the first he to (he eccond. over the body, who decided that it #48 ; ‘ dent, and attached no blame wiser Sheff ord. Later from Mexico.—Vhe New 0°" pers of the Q4th oltimo, euntain some" from Mexico by the brig Archi:ecl, 7 Crez. The most important intel’ge ou the first ingjmlment of the indewn's © United States, 2moanting to §270,0¢ me paid to General ‘I’hompson, our Mivié te 5.08 ° ° . D ee great dissatisfaction was expressed 05 ple of Mexi There is a sister ; by this gembel, that Com. Moore is 0" " : can feel | tore Crot & ™ yellow fever was raging at Veo ure lime of the departure of the oily. oo Faskion agai Pictort ning (08° ous.—?! - bi go ) wee pee 9:33.0"", ashion, in twa Meats, beatine } reise 7:58; ‘ime a? et, 2nd J and Register. « ? ot re a " =| 3 © @ s & eo e - = g 2 @ w2 2 s 3 - -_ - — U l — Sg e o e n r e x v x a g o e a Fi t gore sal sat seme Providence ta yee esis of national indepeaden i “jolene. If we omit, or refase, to ese M gbich he has exteaded 'o-ga, we de- yf" ibe continuation of bis blessing. He an our mouniains and ont plains: wiib piled wiib lead. irea and copper, and given pn aod soi) ior the growieg of hemp some These being the great materials of go?" Jefence, they eagh! to have extea- oe dequate and fair protection ; that vor a and jaborers may beplacetin a fier en with those of Kurope, and that’ we a within our coopiry @ supply of . thase pete impusiant alticles so esseplial in #1 ssk what is the real situatinn- of the ag- at? Where has the America farmer a ve for bis su”plus prodace ? Exeept for pit haseeither a foreign nor a bome mar~ ‘vag ol this clearly prove, whea there is asbot either aj home or abroad, that there om ped labor employed in agrieultare P— i” sense at once points oot the remedy. jom agricoliure io the United States six Lat thousand men, women and children, oq will at onee give a market foi -more #3 than all Earope now furnishes us. ir, we have been too long subject to wie? of British merchaots. It is. time we id pecome a little more Americanized and {feeding paupers and. laborers. in. Eng- sei, ied oot OWD 5 or else in a short time by ‘sing ont present policy, we shall-all be red paapers ourselves, tis, therefore. my “ig tbat a careful and judiciogs Tariff is wanted (0 pay our nationabebt, and to af- igi os the cpeans of that defence withia oar oo which the safety of our conntry. aod y depends, and last, though not least, give , poper distribution to our labor, which most » beneficial to the bappiuess, independence od wealth of the commanit y. 1am, sir, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Avnprew Jicxson. ,yeW WITNESS ON THE STAND. The Editor of the Wheeling (¥a.) joes, Mr. Wharton, hes come forward on ie appeal of Mr. Botts to say what he ows sbout Mr. Tyler’s having declared jpert pwoold consent to the estabhshment of sutions) bank notwithstanding his former ons. Mr. Wharton's testimony as be- yt bas adds to the evidence which wae be- re overwhelmieg of the faithlessness of itr. Tyler. “Estly io March, 4841, I was present, nhsome other gentlemen, in Mr. Tyler's nom, when a discassion of the prabsbitity df the psssage of a bank charter took place, jwing which the opinion preveiled that won that question, the Senste would be «ually divided. Mr. Tyler wae asked veether he would, in that event, give bis using vole for or against the cherter He wplied, a9 near a@ | can recollect—*In bet event, sir, 1 should: give ty vole, regardless of opi non when | was wishes of my constituenis. vords, but the n@erk we c woech, as the thatthe vetoes of the extra session ulin to such. ac _fifstitution.” VAN BUREN ON THE TARIFF, “« He might and he might not.” The reply of Mr Vao Buren to the Indiana Convention is about as ¢lear, distinct, and to the pint, as the fullowing testimuny of a North Car- lina witness : The * Old North State,” published at Eliza- wth City, gives the following ludicrous scene, ‘hich occurred ata Jate term of the Sopérios Cort at that place—Judge Pearson presiding :- “Considerable amusement was produced in Court, by a wittiess in a cace of assanlt, named Harrington. As the counsel could get nothing cot of him, the Judge undertook to question him. Jodge. Were you present at ihe place on the ‘ay this fight took place ? H, Udoot kaow—f mouoght and 1 mosght bot, Jadge. You don’t know whether you were ‘here or not? = Recoliect what happened to the est of your knuwledge. big {mooghe prlteen sei ime in the cay. now tothe n nowled e. Judge. Did not the defendant tel Jou to sive evidence in his favor ? H. I dya't knauw—be mooght aod he mought Judge, Where were you born and raised ? H [dont know where { was born, 3 was nised in Ferginny, Judge. Can yoo tell tie trath ? 4, I doa’ know, sir—{ mought aod I mooght The Judge, finding it iarpossible to elicit any ‘hrmation trom such answers, let him retire. _Yan Baren “mougbv? go for a ‘Tariff, and he Rought not.” “Phe fact is, Van “don’t know “Ihe best of his knowledge” whether be will “he wont, His frieds in New York think be Tought” while Cuigen Ritchie is clearly of ‘“C opiniun that he *““mought not” “Rumselling Postmasters, took ont for aking Tickels.— In a conversation with the ; es baskets, ‘Theg-eales every door thai is. open, | 7 page lee A. Pacha mater | and under nce of selling some small article Wer, 0 Hgeee of July es office | thar can be bought aper.and berger in the tebiogion, he assured vs thétifherev- | shops, examine the promisés and ei@nl shy thing 2 post office was kept in @ store or place Viere tipplers were furvished wish tofoxi- he rinks and were allowed to loner pee ' the stére, to the annoysence of ladies ¢ Others whe might wish to visit He of- mail or fo réceive letiere, it woud be | 9 the Depas:ment its dutz to re—. tretn in ite-wake. 2 h emphaded in-threé-or uch Post Offte front: four minutes, with: a. loud report, Ree, to deemed Rove the sve tk he kerr ce.” NV HE. ,. -| decedsed qfe’s sigidr.stricken from the rag- etna and acted sentative of Vir- gis, ic favor of the charter.— When | was siepresentative of Virginia, I acted in ec- cordance with what | beheved to be the I am pow the representative of the whole. Union, and be ieving that a lerge mejority of the peo- ple,at the last election, expressed them- wives in favor of a Umited States Bank, | tall if ealed upon vote for a charter.” These, we presume are not precisely bis is the samee®-It iags t mistake or forget, in- ess anc decision there manifested, induced me to feel confident were on secount of some supposed defecis in the detais, and were not grounded upon. oppo- inpg that @ndze G oxeeo ment ia. f-anr of of Fexas, fo. VWEMTY ow of a doubt - there, of the’ oft whispered here. “Phe t will be mest aoxionsly.. traaget with intense intetea!. . ai .saeen — bc > Mr. Loring bee disposed of che Siand- ard. Office, te Williaa’ W. ‘Holden... The -prin- ciples of the paper witl unéergo no chance. sc Mr. ag in his farewell addrese to his Ez- Adv state that Bryer, while. efijay i the good thin#s of At hate » {where he fe héen entertaining the merchants «hd principal citizens with somp:oons dioners, or as the Kings ton papers cal! thein, “‘second breakfasi,”’) was suddenly alarmed on the 2d inst. by a demand from the Haytien Government upon the Gov- ernor of Jamaica, tu deli¥er iim op to, the form er tobe hinged! The demand is ridiculed by the Kiegsion people, who declare that it sh?! never ba complied with. PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEM- BLY. New, School~—Thie body pow in session at is, has before it some inierest- ing Matterg One 1s yevtien to beve the article? concer nid foo wares of a ulations of the sssearbly,. They have also under consideration the.two felluwing reso- Jutions : ; ‘s<Resolved, That tbongh this Aseembly cannot coneent to hold eny refation to slave- ry de.a sysiem which implies epprobetion, bat must be understood to regerd it'as a great evil, involying most anhappy conse- quences,.both to master and slave, yet the removal of it, though ea object of intense desire end fervent prayer, end ope calling for the costmued action of truth and love, does not fall within tie constitutional pow- er of this Assembly. “Resolved, ‘That the fashionable amuse- ment of promiscuous dencing isso entirelv unseri }—so-emmently sod exclusively that of the world, which heth in wickedness and wholly #ieansistent with the spirit of Christ, and with that propelgly -aad panty of heart which bis followe-@are bound to maintain. ss.to render it eMtirely improper and injunoos for professing Christians e:- ther to parteke 1 H, or to qual:fy their chil- dren by tesching them the art—but also to call for the.faithful and judicious exercise of diseipline oa the part of church mem- bers who have become guilty. that the Bfrish au ye ion of the ding Sandwich Ie) ’Paulet, ¢o Hi B. M. ship : oo the 25h February last, tm honor of the an- nexation of the kingdom tw the British Empire, and on the@ame day notified the Consul of the United States that be could na ‘longer exercise bis official functions without.being acknowledged by the British Government. a lengthy and formal protest ageinst this prove- dore, which has been tragsmitied to Washing - (yn by 2 special express whe arrived in the Archi tect:” Express coatiers bad also arrived ai Vera Cree England, to proceed via Havana and the MMhited States. AlfHhe papers explanatory of these proceedings wert brought by the Archi- tect —V O Bulletin. At a meeting of the Locotuco party, held in Utica (N. Y¥.) on Faday week, a resolu. lion was adopted refusing to recognise Mr Tyler as a candidate for the Presidential nomination, and declaring that his ‘*deser- tion and treachery to those who confided in him form no recommendation to an Honest democracy.” The Uuce Ubsetver accom- paties the publication of the proceedings with the remark that they think very well ‘of Capt. Truer for removing Whigs and appointing Locefocos, BUT that neverthe- 4 an ettertie ~ : the Mexiean Pid jas Prisqnersa butchery that has been perpeirated by a gorera— ment professing tobe civili@>d; withia the iis: cegiuts. guard were noi on patale, and had, therefure,.2n undoubted right to use every tneans ipshen yow @r tb eseape. , them 10 a position thut would involve a furfeit- | Jemur to complainants bill, or te ogy 2 ’ ure of Ife in case of soch an attempt, they ought Xparte, 16 to have been permitted to go at large, opun pa- aie rifeef hodor.—New Orleans Bee. : Engheh Comasiserooers io'rer the few Nie of the Nosshedstern boondery oro_ai New Brunswick. dhetr labors in ibe fosest about the first of shell be divided into poerties aj differeht tigagised the British flag | Vhe Kieg made} helr guard and at- |: a Saledo, wae carried intone of March, aod shat ike 4 4 iers were shot to. deaths Ceptain Wm. M. Basiland, Sesgeant J...N. dd. Tuempsen, * Privates: This wes, perhdps,.ibe most inhaman picee of The. prisoners who rose upen their If the govein ment desiped to pui The Bonndary Survey.—*& part of the They expect 6 commence June, aad heave proposed to ous Commissinn- et to employ a lurge oumber of mer, who ' pala ts. . a EB wr OF HYMEN. aiatatatasad ose whom love cements in huly faith *“ And transport, free as Naiurg Jive. vaeeneee ¢¢ Whats the world to them, ‘* Its pemp,.its-pleasare and itg.gonsense all, 7 Who in each other clasp @haiever (air ** High fancy forms, and lavish hearts can wish MARRIED. In this county on the 4rh instant, by the Rev. R. P..Bibb. Col. Jeremiah M. Brown, wo Miss Mery. E. Lucas. . do this county he 26th uhimo, by the Rev.- Samvel. Rosbrock. Mr Franklin Smithio Miss Mary.flan, davgbter of Joho Fisher “lo thisecocaty op the S0ih olt., be the Rewd Ssmeel Retbrock, Mr Stephea Kirk, te Miss Mary, daughier of Jacod Warabeart. lo this conaty on the Ist instani, by the Rev Samnel Rothrock, Ms Damiel Icehour, io Miss Leah, daughter of the-Rev G, Boger. DIED. In Columbas, Missigsippi, at the residence of Mr Jos. Bryan,op fie 19th alsimo of Small Pox, Mr. John H. Brandon, after a short illness ‘which he bor® with singolar forijtude, leaving many friends and relations to mourn his irrepar- able loss, $e whose death we now record, came among usa few Yeats ago frém the county of Rowan in the Siate of North Carolina, where tig thost of bis relations reside —almost an en- tire stranger, blessed with you, health, and that gem of great value, a youd native—by which be has won the confidence of the cotamunaily in which he lived. By the mildness and urbanity of his manders, be won theijr-respect, and by the warm and generoes impulses of his heart their highest regard, and thoogh he died distant from most of those united tah m by Kindred ties, they may be assured that his dying bed was surround ed by warm and sympathizing friends, in whose memury he yet livee enshrined, ap exemplary pattern of the noblest’ work of Godan honest man.—Columbus Whig. CARRIAGE WAKELVG AND REPAIRING! THE SUBSCRIBER EGS leave respectfully to taform his friends BP and the public at large. that be stil} contin- ues’ the above business, at his staud on the main street, North of the Goust House, where be may at all times be found; and will- make to order NEW WORK in his tine, such as one and iwu Salkys, Carryajis ity by apyes tablishmentin this par: of the gon niry His own attention will be aureuitiingly bests - ed opon repairing of alj kines of carriages Hav- ing 2 SMITHSHOP autached to his estabtish ment, and faithfe) workmen in bis employ, will enable him to du all kinds of repairing with the manner, und a the low -t charges. A fair trial ie respectfully soliciied. NATHAN BROWN. Salisbary, June 10, 1848—6w46 State of Porth Caroltua. DAVIE COUNTY. ee less they “regard bim Merely s¢ President for*thet ve of ns term, und not as 3 candidate for re-election.” DEATH OF NOAH WEBSTER. By en extra of yesterdsy morning from the New Haven ‘Herald, We have the parn- ful intelligence of the death at that city of NOA WEBSTER, LL. D., at $ o’elock | on Sunday evening, 28th inst., in the 35ib year of his age.— ews York Tribune of Tuesday -* Molasses.—A great ives io thls article is ex- perienced in hot weather by fermentation, An inigdligeat friend communicated tous afew days | ago a mode of effectually stopping,this ; and in- somuch as it. may not be. generally knows, we give it publicity. It is siarply todotredace Ainio chery hogshead that threatens te burst ds a ta'low candle. oa short time after, . cess-of ferarentation.wil! entirely cease. It peeds 1o be repeated. ag often ag ocevasion mpg. require. One candle, however, will last fort7 eight hours { { 4 } | . M 5 i Small Thieves.—-The city of. New. York is infested with small thieves. . The Herald sass there are over @D sand boys and girls of deubifal Gbaracter Who prow) aboot that city with amd every thiog they cap put their hands oa. Meleor-—A large and brilliant Metéor psssed. over.ovr Town last. Seturiey eve- ning, between 7 end 8 o'clock. Its was from West to East; leaving 8 jumideus “by — thander—<M C. 7 emp * ° ad : : ° ate £ ' ! { Count of Pleas and Qnarter Sessions — May Ses- siotit; A. D. 1843.” —_- John McRoriey : vs. »Atiachment levied on William Luade Lands and Negroes. Thode Noy eely. . USe Attachment levied on Wiliam Lunn. Lauds and Negroes. Emanvel Shober, vs. WaHiam Lona. , Attachment levied on ‘ = Negroes. S: ar . and BUGGIES, wb Will Wetrsnt be | es ( Same. \f =o ho. heavy. j equal.if not superior," to the North-.| ony ecie g ere. y i erp States, for beauty iny —“ age “2 4 The Pablic areasswured tou | The sviecriber | Kelly & Gaither =" | theie goods are of the best quelity, and can “be | public patronage. Hea y fownd ai = vs Constable's levy ow Estes , purehased terms os favorable, es they ean be ihe siaud (oe aE BUR ‘ 1. Shaver. William "Laon. and Negroes ~~ procured af any other rage a ; » 4 BNe Agent, T sppesriog 10 the eee see Wactl, Salisbury, Ney 20, 1843-1143 ee Salisharg, Aprib Bd, 1842 — $959 that the Defendant, jam Loon, is mot oe : NB. Repairiug dove ia the best etyle. an inhabitant of this State: [1 is therefore order- | P ia J ' WO. ed, that publication be made in the Carolina | Watchman, pobdlighed in Salisbury, for six weeks notifying the said Wolliam Loon, t) appear at) the nexi term of the Coort of Pleas and Quar- | ter Sessions, to be held for said conaty, ai. the | Court-Hosse in Mocksville, on the 4th monday | ia August nex!, then and there show cause if | any hehas, why the said Lands and Negroes | levied on, ehal! not be condemoed agd sold to sa: tisfy the plaiatifis dew: and cosis. Witness, Joho ClemestyGlerk of oupgeté Court at office, the 418 > V in May, » and of American Independence, the 671b year. Is- gued > 1848. : Pe JOHN CLEMENT, Clik. aw Primers fee $8 , ; CA SA BONDS Neatly prited and for exfe at thrs Office "+ @ 8s. ~ ’ - ler, Zavbariah Ge a wife koe sb aen G A G... : , ; wile Sally, Milegn - 3D Cogka, . J N. Ferres Thomes L Sues, J UL Shepperd, Tt Whaling, W_H Cowan, Matgaret Gaither andCasperKia C Hi Robder's, KF, Evz, . . | Pemperaoee, ° P J ‘Tawbeff, . eH Dunham, Tappeariag 10 the satisfaction K Af Yanais, C Wig, | ib thot W ilhage Pay lor James Tey P Mahup, : AL Cash, | beeen Vaylers Defendene ia tris LM Ogden. imbebitan eof thie Biate: ft is ‘that -pubdireasion be made for sik: weeks, in “the horse Baroue ies, | and io shest ever n of work done cn the shurtest notice,and lo be surpassed for durabi- | greatest poseinie despatch in a worlwnaolike | Carolina Watehwmiwpforahe said-Wittem Txy- lur, dimes Wyler aad Rebecea ‘Taylor, io ap- pear at the next ‘Term of this Coust, tebe ‘held fur the county of Dagig, ai-ahe tlesse in | M Mocksville, on the 4ib moriday -afteg the 4ib | Ofigs J are. y tego ern wonday ia August aext, and plead, answer or Wir Nex ex pai mee. . peese os paine-wabl be + pared yee aw Pilg — to render this a « — e aken pro cuofesso a de them. | Fashionable Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk apd of said Ceart,at Office, thegih mor. minday io February, : 1843, aad jn the 67th vear of Amert a ft “a AM, S™ c. 6w45—Printer® 5 90 5—Pria hag d By — eS f¢q $i p oe: Loper jode to ti by Ake os “Sed wh = as srending, are requested te pay S eae ‘ the 20te-July wex ise, these wite-traee de-. evunts of longet than 12 mouths -ctendingrertt please eall end settie-bycastr or -ncte “Puts: wherfatt (o-comply, mest-net think herd-ofes,-4f trey shootd uve :v-settio whh the Sheriff-end Ovnsiadles. . | | fashion cel + 2 * CRESS & BOGER, Salisbury, June’ 3, Y848—9w45~ ———— NE = aad FOU R LOTS aitaehed, situated opmain - ° € oe izteea Goi ed LOT'S lying back of the Sprang &. Sununer | eee ung Basten.” To ‘ GOQaDS. with thirteen and a half ACRES gf LAND, iw Ya - oat Ar ivi adjoining ‘towa. One PRACT OF LAND BRE Subséribers are gow receiving the lar. Spier et Spin ypand cmt ; <n eee Fo f itn and most edmplete steal g e Gounsingsts enidtiatinets igen at , . ACRES Goods, ever brought to this markél ;—conSisih ’ ~ , “p, 2 ck ot P seg in part of English and Freoeb Cluths and Omesi-|" ts ages. _ | Pping*eight’ mileeweet ‘vf Cbertotie, on whieh Sevier We eens Jetns apg - tet eg: So ee ae , mets 30 or of » Nenkeen and ort - : simeres, French, English and Amegzican Ppints, , < GOLD MINE P Peinted and F revch mustins afd Letwos, . +. ee owe 7 eee - Satin striped and“Paris figured Batsorefng. (sew KNOWN TO BE PRODUCPIVE. article) plain, hag ge | colored Lawne, | cn” —ILSO Scetch ginghams, Crape'de f:anés, Pain vad a Bee en figaredunustio-de Lanes, Plaio 2 ed Ghal: - An gndivided-inigrest in a Trac .& ies, Black and colored Alpacker lusters af Bum-| 98 do bedgie ot 6 miles from Cherloue, . bazines, Bide, black and colored, plain and siy-{ 20 06 Giggh The sveve is es the property lately ed silks. Silk gimp and fringe for wimming 6 } @wred by Cot. Wi J: Atexander. Soca, Jaconett aod Swiss aasittls and-Bishops: a ’ _ “" —ALSO— — Lawos, Gambroons and Ineo grille, Black sed IT Gor * de. ‘ee the _ faney silk Cravats and Stocks, Sifk afd Linen! 280° “haadhergbiefs - At the same time aod plage, an undivided half handkerchiefs, Muslin collats end Silk dress | 1240 pr chives, : , of a shalls, Blagk and white silk Huse, Bulting cloths, | “30° cases hate @esorted™ S27 fcres of Landy from No 5 to 9, (warranted genuige,) Tailors 496 ‘tadies botndls assorted “is lying on the waters of half Mile Braneh kno trimmings, Ingrave carpeting and mattiog, Ta- | 2788 doz combs ted 2 good mining tract, lately the — lors Patent shears and points, Lawn, Florréhde, | 425 gross buttéds assoited . “Aexasdere , Propenty of Braid and Straw baanbin, Panama, Leghotn,| 45 Sadtles tgso a 5 1 . For and wool Flats, Seal, Cloih and Leather} “2% doz | ind grain scfibes | | TERMS.—A credit of one, two and three Caps, Rebinson’s fine Kid-slips, du Bent ated calf | 103 0% | kaTves 8 Foor, the porchaser-giving hond 6 enproved se- walking, 4 doz, Miles’ fine Philadelphia made Knives tnd Birks * . poe 9th bana toat Agency af the Beok-oPtbe calf atid morocco Boots, 15 cases Gentlemen's | ~~ cduitg thives =” - Sipte a&-Dtonh Cerolina-at Charlone, with in- and Ladies lited sad bound low prieg shoes,; 2! beepers “saad . satan. of este Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery and Saglets trim | © 9 blackinith vises * | gd ON, Agent of the mings, Carriage trimmings of every description, 6 do anvils - fs Bau of NV. C. at Charlotte. Smith'and Carpenters tvols, a large quantity of 4 pr do bellows ; L ileg BF, 4049 — 4° Sofe and Upper leather, (very cheap ) Window Mi duz sid¥le trres ee =e, - glass, Putty, Nails, White lead No. 1,2, and [ sh i a Sta orth oure, (warranted good,) Castor Oil, Salis, Qui- 8 cdifs' rope . a te of Br ‘ Cavoliua. > nine, and Rowan’s ‘Tunic mixture, Lol and “05 wee coffee * ‘“; STOKES COUNTY. ° [Lump sogar, 20 Hdds. Brown do. 25 Adds 1 6 sugar . _ : Ud Perm olaabe, $1! bags Rio Coffee, 3 tons English | 178 eae wirite lead” * " Court of Bqwity —liprit , 4. DA843. | Tire, Sprieg’-B.inter aad) Cast Siecelpa® large] 22 “pre elliptic springs * k» soeeph Mastin, . 2 } assortment of Tron 2nd Castings, . 75 prs trate chains , tags. Sa ty ep al The above Gonds was seletted with greattare, | 1000 |bs loaf-siiget ie «* : 5 peoeng and wqll be-suld for Cash, wholesale ag reta'!, a! 54 kegs eye . one Te Eli oe edd itd a . unprecedented low prices ‘The Public are res 182 kegs neits aod brads, , ot Tl bomes J : +r Original Bil. veeialhf invited tv call and examise for them- ‘Logerher with a génétat stick of gil biwdg-of er ‘Byeom, pers” ; - co : st pion > ey :, | selves. JENKINS & BILES. _- . ema & Wa Gt» a: ar ° These gaodewste selected wit the’ uimestpasirtin, deeesced. > j ¥* Salishury, April 22,1843—ly39 — lesse and they have been buopht bit tui ond ; - . 7 + 6 BPr, PD, 4, Maxwell, for cash, abich is more than any ott dorablivs - LR Saher it being ome to appetr = e tg AVING locaied timestf ‘bt Geb. Kerr’s in | eet in tite place*ean say, (if hey ge Lot thé defeidahte ji thia case deea! tee eta Rowan eounty,on the iad leading. frum troth) ; and we further say, twat’ ft is the+ Within 188 fmnlis of the Rime of Nerd Cargi- Salisbury tv Besne’s Ford, politely teuders his largest siock that bas. ever bopaght toibis |.y, | aris iherefore ofdered Amat publiestien.be professional services to the public. ly i thoes , sa ie ten made las six wépks in the Coroliva Watebman, May 13, 1843 — 142 gooss 3re Jor salP, and We are etermin a printed ‘at Salisbury, that enless he the said | : ne cash peer aed naa e i John martin, appear at the next Coort of Equi- Ey } “eS A Labi waere “ty, to be freld fur the cosoty Of Stokes, at the Na vie YARNS me. NS ‘¢ OR ay has ectfall | Gourt-Flease in Geringnten, on the secund mon- ae * cea ee Oe bet y RPHY. | &82 *fierthefonth-monday ig September next, 129, 2849x640 & | end plesd, enswer or —_ '* Bill will be ae ee |-tatbem pro confemo tnd tke etuse set dows ler rying on vor lishment ig in the room omsther earner Master ie after the 4ih | al -fewpects. oa having thei engaged regulethy Meme fe years, and 1 thiag to fit se Salighory, A BUSINESS ia a syle poet wal io thie State aceut of it. Qurii@ed ce in Whe. wes: Yoder been last five part of thegimenin some of the musi king La Ar to Be + RATE oi | THE SALISBURY MANOPACPUR- ING COMPANY ’ WAVE still forther redaced shee P ACES of ; ttreir MANUFACTP RES, ia conse-, queace of the continu epressiun wf buajnese | thtuughuut the couairy “They are manalecias- | ing a | ; ‘4 . | Cotton Yarns, Nos. asscrt. I Cpe 5 Z : i | uh Shir ling, heavy. b x | fF do. Fine. & DOMESTICS. be .. LOOK AT THis! CABING?P MARENG ! x 3 . . a J <r ; oy tee > ee: ¥, bd 4 ; ois = ‘ m a2 = 9 . ~y m ate oy % i * - e+ i 2 : v7 CARREAGES FOR SALE. FRYE Setiseriber Fill hes peateusnity on fand a supply of Ready mddy, Carfiages” ftin ishe-well known Menvfgetéty at Voucefville, eonspsting of COACHERS, BAROCCHES, Strayed or Staten from the Sub. | | scriber on a erday the Srd of June Jast, (being | E. Subsesiber respectfoly seiarne ee the day of the General Muster,) a large blue and thaaks for past favets, and 'of his “id black speckled Hound, one of his years isa guey- ish black.and the ethef righ: black, with a olack friends.and the, polalie thas carry. on the abore hp. sti/l eontindes to basiogss To all ite vacions t e sogt of big tagfabunt ze of a sil- | branches, and at the old stand on main strest, BOOS 7S othe apo Wainer of bis fore | two doors below J. & W, Merah sn stare 20d op teeth. ‘I'he dog's namets * TRUE,” he is a-| posite the ae patie ’ sce 4 bomt ten years uly —sery heavy iwsade— combi greatsirengih and mogcvlar power ¢ betvn nately he is 100 old and couseqeently ae of aot! fivichad work, 26@ ‘med, Ailes 2 aapply rsea but owoer, who-we ‘Coffins constanily kept oa to svitany hia merely becasse-he. has reepent-for eld yee e oor em ever Any*person finding the above aamed dog. . . voraimghian-to me asthe * Watehmes Priming| N- B: AM kieds of Lamber snd Country Pro- Office,” shall betiberally rewarded. due taken iexcbange fur wert. LITT. JOHN BILES: “> iy ELEIOTP.__ cr 129, re43= 1940 Selisburygdare 10, 1948. Apri ~ |. DWELLING HOUSE, ¥ x ae | a share of | fitnits of this’ State: [1 is therefm wu Auetion * .L be'Gald' to the highest bidder, at Ube PH oa ee Sl tee00 Teeedly of Satyr or k lenburg oatty Conn in Mec Fahy, the foflowiag detimable property, via: | < te | heating expartegeats him » | AWirnesd; F. ries, Clerk afd matter of our eal. |v @oort a1 Ofte, WE motday after the 4th monday’ fir A.D. 1948 °°" a al Cupy from ihe winetes. ‘ae eh BR tt * ane’ Pi FRIES -c M t. £303.27 « ISAS Ge 4he-Prinsere fee $5 50 State of Porth Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. rs ‘ Court of Equify— April Term, 1842. Abliaaberh Hauser. Jacob ld + | Petition for the sales ‘Dhote and qile and eth- . f ie co ee ot Lead. ait cat ‘Haoser. ~ NN this case it appearing to the satisf of ine Court, that Anthuoy Haoser, vemed de. ' fendags in this case, dues not™reside @ abliestion be e for six @. | = Waccheden thet Goose he appear at the.gex: Goan of Equity, to be held for the of Siokes, a1 the Coun House ic » On ihe second monday afer the featth monday io September ndxt, and plead answer or demar, the | pelitiqn srilh be taken pro -onfesse,and the cause set dowa for liesring exparie as to him, Witness, F. Fries, Clerk ane master of our said Court at Office, the second monday after the fourth monday in Moray A- D. 1843- : Copy from tornaies. ' . __ F FRAKS, cu ek. may 27; 1643—Ow44—Printers (ee $6 90 E. H. ANDREWS, DENTIST XPECTS w return to Salisbury in 2 few - weeks: Pessoné wishing bis'eer vices, vr. fining in the covery, consiptormbiar of the same, by addressing bin eg en Oo ways | P a | Gice at Salisbury. Such calje dust proppily attended. Apiil 29. 184$8—6740 Manufacturing ie | THE SUB&CRIBERS AVING associated themeelves together fr H the purpose of maaufactoring Chats, Bureaus, Sofa’s, SBORETARY’S. W osx. ; entre--l abl -* . > os i wery best hind uf style. and ef the finest eotkicle, bog leate to ask at-the hande of ihe citrgens of the country and villages around, a shase.of their patronage ia our lige of business. ae shop is a few = oe ta, e door below Junea’ avers, eee JOHN FRASER, 2 WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 1948—1'33 KENILWORTH HOGS HE Snbse:jher has jast added 49. ~ } greek of Berkshire = pair of Kenth loge, iwportedtt-m England in 'be fai 909641, by Mr. A B Allen, of New Virk, andere now s— beut 18 imonthsold ‘The Boar is a veege@ape- riop-amimal, deep, thick and excellent: bis points >the Sow very fine, with a lit seription of + fitte animale, are Mr. Alten’s letter published in the C "Nhe subscriber has also, a Yorkshire Sow per- chased of. Mr. Allen, from a Sow imported by him trom Fagtand ; and soma Thin rind Sows: and those wishing to purchase, cao hase the pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, or efapsea of Kentiworih and Yorkshire, Thin riod aod Berk- shire. Higstork of Beckahites: was ‘pint@hased of Mz, C. N. Bement, of New York, and 1s not surpassed by anyin the United States. Those Wishing to improve their stock of Llugs. have now a better opportanity of domg su, than bas ever deen offered South of the Potomac. Orders for-adycof the abovo will be promptly atteaded 10. ww. F. KECLY, Near Mocksville, Davie co. ? 126 January 14, 1843. 5° * | CONSUMPTION AND LIVBR Com ptadint. - R TAYLOR'S BALSAM OP LIVER . VORT. —from 375 Bowery, New Yorhk— for the cure of poug bs. cold@, catarghe, Asthma, eoreness of the ehest, paininthe side ang breas!, raising of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, and abl these affeewons uf Pbreai and Langs,— which are a source of so much suffering, and an arrested, so often terminate in Consumption— this remedy ts highly and justly distingeished. It is y vegetable, mild end genile tn its ef- feets upon the system, and can be takes in the most delicate casea, with siféty as well as wtij- ‘y. Physicians, aware uf its medicinal proper- ites, and witnessing it8 effects even in extreme, and in some instantes, apparentlygatmost hope- Jes@ cases, ofien prescribe it in their practice, hoth gga palliative and a remedy, and-with the Medical Faculty genecally, it has met with great apprabation. : be CONSUMPTION -- Phe following remarks were taken frow the last namber of the Medieal Magazine : _, ‘Phe surprising «ffeet prodaced bysthe geno— ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at, 875 Baw- ervy, in consumptive cases, cannut fail exerting a deep and thrilling interests hovt the werld We have su long betieW@® ase (consem p tion) inourable, that it is sifféuls to eredit oer senses when we see oF lng evidepi|p conanmp- live, restored tu health. occurrence.” . . at ‘The following was given ha a short time since, by Capt Scott, of Bbgabeth City, NC. ¢ Cerlificates. “ Beiow consfiturfunslly predisposed to Con- Smapiion, (a nnmber of my family having died cf ‘his disease,) and ing suffered severely from irritation of Ue igiags, secompraiéd with tough sod raising matter and » load, tugether ‘ith severe pain in my side-eed breast, tilt was supposed to be begond recovery, | was induced ‘y adgice of Dr Perkinsyas a test resort-to try Viylon’s Bal sm of Liverwoet, | have taker five ae in all. 4 oezan to improve with the fivet So! and while taking the third, waa.o far te- & tovered, as (0 pe able to getabdbuut Siree whieh tyme. by contianed oge of gt, f aay quite restored and ab‘e to attend to my usaal business. Tu per- sén9 suffering from cuoghs and affectiona uf the fvags, f de earnestly revommend it” Ptroned 5 JAS C SCOTT. Fiezicheth Catv, N-€ , Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint and General Debaliiy ~1 Was given up vy wo physicians, aed ietd ta pre | pire tur death. ] was so weak | eovld not raise | my hand to my bead. ff wae io this low sitdte ~Sen a friend gent me a baitle ef Dr Dayler’s Balsam wf Suiverwort, from $75 Bowery, and be fore | had ased op the’botile, f wae able to.sit ap in bed.- By the fariber uae, | have completely pags, which, for beauty and form, can bardly be THOW N sotpassed. Those who may wish a fuller de- | : eode selena TR Sree, rime be eet itifos eas tris aod —_—— Yet itie a fact of daily HF Sobscriberinformp-the-pedlic, that she T has just recelved thi } the Nerihern ities ibe lates' and mest approved on & Parisian Fashiops, Aaa is prepared io execute orders in thd nibs: stylish and saijsfactory manner.” Work sent from a-distanve sha}! be carefully | Refwoncss : PENDLETON. | $C Mrs P. hes-on hand a handsome seser!- | aad tor werded. taal ° &. D. ment of Bonnets, (newest siyle ) Gape and | ‘larbaps, for sate. “et Ohne.S. PB; ic alse prepared to exectic Crimping aad Flating.obyeagenable terms. Satisbury, December $, 1842. _ | NEW FASHIONS | For THES j Spring avd Summer of 1543.00 pubhc, tim he etl? carries ow the samegae BUSINESS n all ite vations hes, two duore above J. & more, where he is ready to exe- Of his customers in a style and by any in this part of the in the regniar cecetpref ihe to daniaens and prepared to aceammodate ihe tastes of the Fashivnabdle at all times, April 1574848 —1y3° TO FAMILIBS. = " | Those wha.wonld have recourse to a’ Family | Medicine for Fever anp Aauz, ja and Nervous W. should discriminate bet ween the * - 6 cogetantiy heva'dea tot ic, (Yhe s8me now as in | all timeg past,.) gad that alasoer: universally ‘suc - cesefal prescriptioh eofled = Rowand’y Impréved Tonic Mizture. A few reaiurks will serve to iflugisate the dif- ference In the firgt place, the eperation of the ‘Tonic Mixture ia the care of Fewer and Ague is upon entirely new oud peculiar, yet safer rineiples. Secondly : {1 not only promplly ar- seals me coarse of the chills, whet es, and perseveringly used, but it soon restores the wonted functions of the general system fo a per- fectly healthy state ; when relapses are 20. gure liable to ensee than’Ba altaek of the disease in one who has never had*it before. ‘Lhirdly : The system, daring the administration of the Improv- ed ‘Tonic Mixture, sp:igs up at once under i's benign influence, and gives forth an earnes! of re- turning healib and vigor. Poarthly: Producing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of the disease passeseff in the mos strongly |. indicated by mature. Fifthty : effeeis on the system are ontformly mild aod safe, as. | as efficient, and it is as wah abess to ramet cs infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as ihe must vigorous adult. Many other eonsider- ations, 6f the eatmost impertance to the anxious prrents and invalids, might be enpme-aied here, but the above are a few of the pointe of contrac’. ia comparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- leeiing the remedy. N B. With a view to re-establish entire eenfidence in the efficiency of the “ Rowand’s Improved ‘Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting cure of. Fever and Agoe, the Proprietor restores the ovighoal gnarantce, viz: “Ehe maney shal! be returned in every case whereir. the remedy has been poneiually aged withuat producing the devired effect. Add DEJOHNR ROWAND. Wo 28-WNorth Seeond Sirees, Philadelphia. Scppliee have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbury, N. C. - C.B. WHEELER. Septs, 184Q—176 : TRE SUBSCRIBER, AUN erections Mr. T. R. Hoghes? jn- | his servides to the Tre veth terest in the above ablishmeni, tenders for several years been engaged in keeping Tegained my heat:b. GEO WELIs, 2$ Joho st | { Fiolent pain in the side —{ have been cured | of a violea! pais on the side, extending throogh | to the shonlder, indigestion, cigsinese, loss of ap. | petiie, and general debility, by wpe use of two! Qe S73, Bowery. No7 Merehani’s Row Salisvory. ~~~ REWER? aM NY quantity of fresh Time ean be had at the Kilo of the late Joseph Williams dee By the [00 bushele and over 16 cents; 50 to 100 bagbe’s 185; 5 to 40 bustiels 20, umslacked In oftinn “ AMW persons wishing timqeither at the kile ar. thett residence, will appty etther to J. ot R. W PLEA MS. sy RoeBford, Sarry county, N.C. March 18. 1848. GARDE. SHEDS z GENERAL assuriment, mapohe found at the Salisburs Ntedieat and Dreier Store Salishory, NO, Jan 21. 948 1126 PILES? PEL sll HAYS’ LINIMENY? |! VAYHE PILES - The price of this celebrated Limiment is cefandest io any person who | will ase a bettte of Haws’ Liniment for the Pilea | and returc the etaply Qottle without being cured. ‘The above wave been the terms on which this Liniment has heen sold for nearly ten years past, and nat one bottle ani of gne-huadred- has ever the Watchman | Saheboary J&R Lex- beso revurked BP ar wale a Office, and »y C B Wheeler, Sloan Greensaoro’,; Hillsboro’, D Heartt ; ington, | P Mabry ; Raleigh, S Duth. marci: 4, 18t3—lyS2 So 9 | wona . bottles of Dr Taylo’s Balsam of Liver@ort, ftom - J FH Aten, fi to please a ; patate Por sale at the Drag Store of © B Wheeler, | ~~ aa earatrnee Seen vf ao . marek 4, 19-40". Fy 88 | B16 Public. Having PRIVATE ENTERTAIN MENT, at Movat Mourne, is Fredelicovnty, Le indeiges (be hope that heshas emperienes enoagh io the duties of his budhiets te eadeavet ty render com fortavie, all wht beste’ opee bit house their pa be well and plenti Ng the country af- Bis TA BEE what fully supplied with every thi epicure, His BAR witl he fovad furnished with a choice | | Selection of Ligners. Airs STABLES shall. be constantly attended | | by faithfel end attentive hesilers and supplied | With abondant prowender N.B. Tte Stage Office is kept at the Mansivo Housese. rimaw T. SLOAN, Charlotte ebeoery 4, 1843 —60.28 NEW .. OF CONPECTIONARIES AND eGROGERIEZS | { | | SUPPLY ¢ citizens of Selrsbary end the serrounding | Sisting of ali binds of WINES AND LIQUORS of ibe very bee Penerifle, Chs Malaga, Wines, Freoch Bandy, Halland Gio Porter, Aleand New Ark Cider, and-@ordi Lemons, Almonds, Re Qrangés, Ope F. R. ROUECHE. merch 4, 1843 — 1y$2 igfpmatio n of the Lungs or Throat, reathing, and all diseases of the R. ROUECHE, respectfolty informsahe | coaniry, that he hes receiveda new and splen | did sepply ot Confectionaries and Groceties, cun | quality, such es Madeira, Por | tque. Museat, Claret, and | ondersigeed ts Te" Witsdington, and forwatd the seme to his Agent at Fayettevelle, who wiil forward tv ttre Oweers inihe back coentry. He basa large Wearehoese 1 the Rive:, where Goods @ili be stored (ree of storage, and the owners subjeci@d to half the wees) cart the River to ilfe,—thereby lessening the expense on mach below the osvai charge As bis is jsolatad from all other buildings, the danger of Fire will be trifting in comperisén he risk iecusted from being stivaied in town. who may favor him with theis besiness, may rest assored that every aitentioa ill be paid jon of theis +oterest. aiid caine ‘GEO. W. DAVIS. Messre Joha Haske & Son. Dd. A. Ra Py Ps y Fayeltevilte, N. C. Alexander Anderson, Joho McRae, Jobo Daween, ° Wilminglou, No. Ca. Dotphjo A. Davia, Geotge W. Bead), Salisbury. WC. E.8. Powe}l, Pucket Agent, Vew York. Oot1, 1842—410 DR.. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICINES. DEDIGINES aie oxpreasiy pre—- pared-for faurily ase, and have sequired an ‘enprecedeated popularity (throughout the Uo: ted States ; 2nd as they are 90 admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be withoutahem. ‘he proprictorof these valuable preparations received his-educa— tio atone of the beet medical Colleges in the . Uarted States, and bes had fifteen years experi- | ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by whieh he has hid ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical Raomledge of diseases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. ~ Jayne's Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Cokis, Con-' sumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, ing Cough. Bronchitis. Acute Rheuma. tiem. Painin the Breast or Side Pleurisy and difficulty of Finnie Orgens : 3 x) , ° Jayne's Hair Tonic Bor the Preservation, Growth,and Beauly of the Hair, and which sill positively bring in New Hair eon Bald Heads,and prevent its fall- ing out or turning Gray. rs PREME REMEDY AND AGUE VERS.—There is no remedy kndwn BitWeFah | professional or déemestic practice, so absolutely, immediately, and permanently effieacions in this prevalent aod obstinate malady, as MOFFAT S i celebrated and long estattished LIFE FALLS and PHOENIX BITTERGs Extisordinary and renowned as are‘their effects npon diseases in general, in FEVER AND AGOE, and ail Billious Affections 1 can be. is has been proved in more than ten thousand cases, thereap instance in which they bave failed, or reaso can fail, wheo ta kena in strriet aecordanee with the directions here sehjnined, and which are also given in MW OF- FATS MEDICAL MANUAL ené Good Sa } maritam; But to ensure invariable success, these | must be rigidly tulluwed. | FEVER and AGUE, in all it. fous leading species, Is peculiar PEKropIcAL administration | | of a proper remedy, in connection with the spe—- cific powers of one of the ingredients in his med- icines, is the secret of his invariable triegph, while all other practitioners ejiher entirely tail or only temporarily succeed, mete with the very | best remedjes that were koowo. Ares, or | Ague is either Quotidiam, or daily ; Fertian, or third-dad ; Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratic, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- | nother; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and fhen runtiing into in- termittentfever of a mofe maligaent character. Bat it ts a remarkable fact, however orysierives and unaccountable it may appear, that eath and afl of these species of Ague, have a rour- TRENTH DAY Crisis, in whieh the ay be cured with certsinty, but oy neg which they can only be eared by chance. ~ Mar- | FaT’s dtreetions for taking the medigines im this | disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of | the Lire Pitussmt bed time, and oext morning oefore breakfast a full wine glass of the Pu@nix during the day. é thzee pills and the bitters ag before ; on the third night four pills and the bitte tinge taking fodr pills e sight for three | | On or before the seventh dpy, the Agoe will | | seem to be entiirely cured, snd the patient will | _ feel well, hungry, and bearty, bat he cust ne- | vertheless continue to take the bitters as before | prescribed, antil and on the fourteenth day, with | two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not until then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Ague but of whatever billiaos and liver affections i1 may have superin— duced or even In any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or an- JAYNWS TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe, and certain prepafation for the removal of Worms Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Fever apd Ague. Piles, Want of lite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, ( holera Mor- bus, and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections. §-c. Jayne's Sanative Pitts, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fo- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin &c., and io all cases where an aperien: Aherative or Purgative Medicine is required. The above medicine’d are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Madical and Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Ageot Salisbury, N.C. Sept S, 1842—1y6 a Rev. Dr. Barthotomew’s PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP: An agreeable Cordia!, and effective Remedy for Coaghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Paip in_ the Breas!, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult Exxpectoration. §t-fFor sale at the Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury march 4, 1845—1y32 $$ . B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has jnst reseived a fresh sop- ply of his genuine Immoved Tonic Mixture, which is for sale wholesale and retai', at he Medieal Drog Store, Salisbury, N.C. Dee 10—1120 Dr. Hiws Galvanun Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! PFVAESE Pieoters, greatly improved, and ha- ving the preference of all oihere, are warm ly secommended bs all dociars as invaluable: for meelids having pains in the Breast, Bask’ ‘or side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved at once by their use. and the parts restored io strength and a matoral warmth and health. Any person wearing one of these Plasters, will be as- tonished and delighted at the comfort it affords. Those threatened wiit Long Complaints should never trust themselves a day without wearing a Plaster. [It removes the irritation of incipient Consomptien from the Luags to the surface of , the body, and draws off ibe internal affection — iver Complaints, and Coughs, and colds | | Chif€ren with Whooping Cough should always | have one to prevent the cough seltiling on the lungs Sod Their excellence will be onderstood by allen tra, GCP For sale by C B Wheeler, | Balisbory ; Greenevere’, by J & NR Sloan; Hills- | bere’. by D Heart ; Lexington, J P Mabry , | Raleigh, Dr Stith. mareh 4.41843 — 1532 Dr. G. B. DOUGLAS, | AVING permanently located: himseif in | Salisbury, offera his professional services | to the pattic. | Parucular attentipa will be paid to all Surgi BCP Office ‘in | cal cases entrusted to his care. Morphy’s store. Sslisbary, May 6, T843—1f41 ah ; { ' ' Eu SE ministrater to the Estate of Robert Macna ‘mara, deceased, gi Cepperas, MadJer; ‘ NATHANIEL BOYDEN, Adam Salisbory, may 27, 194S— 14. the nee corner house, nearly eppusite J. & W. NOTICE — igoed bevies quelified 2s Ad- due confidence in réetured health, omit to take the Pheonix Bitters in the full quantities pre- | | scribed, at-least three times on the fourteenth | day Dr. Maffat mast not be blamed if the disease ‘should retorn, and the patient shoald learn wis- | dom from effliction, ane¢ go through another coarse of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obey ing these instructions, however, he willbe so thoroughly cured, that he may bid defiance to the disease, however unhealthy mey be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children boeween seven and fourteen years of age, balf of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished io proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters only wil! alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- 'oal“ LEFE MEDICHNES,” bas been perfect. ly triumphant in the worst regions of the South- ern and Western country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are Aow well furnished, and will make ev- ery effort tof send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Volantary and jealous- ly grateful testimonials are received at the’ pro- prietor’s office in New York, by every mail in incredible nambers, to the absolute efficacy of (hese astonishing medicines, not only in Féver | and Ague, other ioterapigant-fevers, liver and billious affections, and ements of the di- gestive funetions generally, bat also in‘thronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, sero- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, and a host of other complaints, for the cure of which, these Veget- able Life Médicines are so pre-eminently re— nowned throughout the United States Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal andermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the 8he- , cial attention of the public to the absulate ascen. | dency of his medicines over this malady whe , foantain head of. so ‘many others: He has only ; tv add that the Life Medicines.gre agreeable and invigarating in their operations, require neitber confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repatation théy havelong possessed, not | by the usual artificial efforts. bat solely by their invariable and extensive ulness. Prepared aod sold by Dr. W ileal ote $75 Btoad way New York. x. The above medieine is for sale, w le or retail atthe Salisbory Medical Deng Store, by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. 5} A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hand and for sale at Hamp- | tonville, Surry county, N Carolina, by MAH COWLES, Agent Salisbury, Sept 842 —16 Arrivals. Medicines, Paints, @iis, URPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Sitoffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Chvice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical porposes Indians. Honek's and Swarm’s Panatea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking Tobacco Sp@nish Cigars. Spices, Perfumes, Broshes, Candles. Fancy and | common Soap, Glass W are, Peters’ Pills, In Stroments, Matches, Paper and many | ticles. jast received and fur sale at Pricesto suit ; the times, by C.B. WHEELER. | Salisbury; $42 , { | DRL. KILLIAN, | H*s re‘crned to Saliebery, and i$ | now prepared to tesuime the prac tice of his profession Hig Office is removed to Mr. Cowan's brie 'd- on, Ad deve KE bai'd April 29. 1848—1f40 30 Printing neatly. done here. ~ gc# Fever and Agee is a mos enng, ond in erm and-homid climates, frequent ly te every ordinary-minde of etre so as to | beeome very dé ing to the patient; end by. the extreme debility Which the disease induces, ic often gives tise.e-otber chepnic eompieiats.— Mareh mi or the eflevia arising from stagnent water, is the most frequent exeuing enuse of thia disease; apd one of 116 greal pecu liaritfes is iis eueceptibility of arenewal from ve | ty slight-caeses, Sock as fiom'the prevalence of | earv, calomel, by: ttn es, © emi ioied ais Wer ; becuse, In | an eastefly windesen witfiuat The répeiition of these they are as infallible as any Tiaman means | tn tis, Fever and “a; asilis wel ary bas once oe- the vriginal exeiti Ague differs fr ns knuwe, that af ~~ WETHER Prodneed 4 om iMternel morbid badly cored old disorders ; from a ky & ° Cc...or-/ change of life, as Sper ified mene from phy _ Aver Syenenitic Syrup ~Thi io 8H Vancreal Disorders, g certain, ~ te ve, . curred, and beet + the person affecied is not so listle to a fregp Bttack ae che ufo Wasno eo affected, These @itcomrtances render it ef | | Gonerhees and Glee: - Apyssisia Mixture, (in liquid apy relebtated for its speedy and peifeer bs Teton Geip Mixe Bats Brrrers in about the same quantity of water, : and half a wine glass more in a fulwine glass | of water, about half ao hoer ‘before each meal | On the second night take | ! | to be met at its Gret a as before, and con- | every *stage. nights more, with the bitters during the day.— | the time being Ie-%-#eTy fas task. Dr Moffu's Life . have been the positive and Ra | volastarily come forward to assure. Dr. . Veffat | that the Life Medigs ‘that will there tedious and disagre . i Others who hsv6 er tot | promising poriion cod sh 2.reme Bing 1 , ofogr . sae | out fuil of hope, and confident of winning a com | petence from the luxariance of the soi! ; of who | tor diseases of iheeChesi, Dyspe | carried to the outpests of aur settlements the ner -cantite or mechanical experience won i tremely difficui! to effeet @ permanent enpe of Affections, Colds, &c Fever and Ague, though to relieve ihe patient fur! -ARnomatic Extract, a lin tich and aad foul elcers, ; is tu be applied besi who weol | sturer. o the) 4M, fur Bilious ang io. . : iment ' | tion, Coldness in the stomach for | f Be’ . or ij the Eyes, hewn » Which " te Tetter, Riney TUDtONg of the the Sided thepy RENGTHERIS¢ P,, Pills and Phenia Bitters Weakness. in the limbs, Rheoma ten tested, and paved iu be 2° Ci cure of Fever and Agoe. Handreds of his feHow. citizens in the Vest have to be taken in the Restorer. ; Japan OinTMENT, for Piles only medigues applied besides the Restorer, , ‘of thie most Derurative Powper, Headache. Diseases | | Bencar OntMenr, for | Salt Rheom, Sealdhead, FE ! Ussiversar or Str Pein, Infaee’ | tory Khenmatism. Palsy, Paralysis wna : Kvunt's Acoustic OiL, for i crowded cities or towns of the older gtateg, have aod all other Auricular Complaints “ae | be used together with the R : 1 either retorned with shattered constitations and _ depressed spirits, or they remain ig their new homes, dfaggiog cut a weary Ife, or 9s last sink ander some disease to which they are pradisposed by that terror of the West, Fever and Ague — Their hopes are blasted —their business energies destroyed — their 0 becomes @ deser!, and the word of promise, made ‘o their ear, is broken to the hope. ‘To theseindividgals, Dr. Meffat would say — “ Try the Life Medicines, and yoy will yet an- ticipate your most sanguine expectations, for they will certainly fidiare yv0 to. hWalth.’ Fever and Ague is a compleint which requires ippreach, atid combatted at Seldom fetal of ‘itself, it redoces the strengrh, and impajrs the fonetiens of the organs, so that upon the manifestation of dis— ease, Nature is unable, unassisted to resist the inroad. The Lefe Medicines, when taken siriet Ty according to directions, . will cure it, and give to the oat and trembling victim of disease new health, life and strength . For ful} partieulars of the mode of treatment, the reader-is teferred te the Good Samaritan, a copy of Which accompanies the medirine. ; The above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury. Oct 22,1843—1y18 A suppiy of the above invalaable ME DICINES are for sale at James Cross Ruads, Iredelf county, by . A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. Gaard Yeur. Heaith. [Addressed to dhtose who are in perfect health, or “~~ veputed so.) hc Gentle Reader: If you would averi from you the sickness; the pains, the wretched ness, the prerbature mortality which you see al! aroand you, and which, like a sharp sword sus-~ pended, is ever ready to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it will cost you fittle, wili nei- ther infringe upon your oceupations or amusee ments, 3nd all the faculties cf your inind and body will be as much bettered by it as to repay you ten fold. I ask onky one week’s trial to cun vince the most sceptical. In the first place, diseard all old errors anc: prejudices from your= mi specially the old adage, ‘' If you are | Nl 1, do not attempt to better yourself ;2.it ie HE saying of ignor- ance end soperstitfn—of those whe attribnted ali they saw arouad them to chance and fortane, instead of nature’s aniversal laws. Has not man, ted on by experience, learned to gaard hinselt against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then shoyid he not, in fair weather, guard himself as gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross food ; and it iseyour nature to con— tinue to do so. You ase well at present, tui ev- ery day the seed of @isease is growing "Within yoo; and if yon do fot siricily guard your health while you are well, you are continually in danger of paintol and protracted confinements, and in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world. Even the porest fountain of which we drink—does it not require cleaning ? A persun may imagine be is 10 perfect health, and yet not know to whet perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. I have un- doubted proofs of this fact in she onbounded suc ctssof the LIFE MEDICINES et those wko bave foliowed the motto, ‘ When you ste even moderately. well, throw physic to the dogs’ call upon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my position. Theeperation of the Life Medieines in every ingtagce that has come to my knowledge is most gratifying. Those who are in comparative good health may perfect their happiness with on in convenience; and those unfortvnates who are laid low by disease of almost any description, foay find sure relief in those purely vegetable preparations. ‘They opersie gently bot power- fully aponffhe secretions of the body, aud cleanse the blood of all vitiated hemors, separating the bad from the good, expelfing the dregs, dross and impurities—and leaving behind only what is good ard nourishing 4e natore. Reader, consider and reflect well. The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within ourselves, in our own physical bedies. My advice to all, thea, is, guard your health. If you are well, perhaps you may be kine jue you _ always avoid being st @ jndicious vse of the VEGET LIFE MEDICINES. ABLE Dr. Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix B » are for sale CHESS & BOGER, Jcents. Salrsbery, Oct 29 1842—1y914 “Agents Br A supply cf the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are-for sale at James’ Cross Roacs, other ar | Iredel! county. hy m i A. C. me§NTOSH, Agent. $ Price-& MNcWasters, TAILORS, CONCORD, NO CAROLINA, Are still carrying-on the above business rn-all its brawehes. < Atl orders trum a : diatanee, . attended te. ° Coneord. Mafeh @5 1849— 3m.$5 te ie vr te eStore, BCP Dr Kuhl’s Pamphie: “Treatmen» entered secording to Act of Congress A be, | fall Directions for the use of th * oer . [De ahote Men} /ed medicines, and accompanies every Reani4 From the South Western Virgin; : | , 11, 1843, 0S 'DR. KUUL’S MEDICINES. We have for some time, intended tin commendeiary notice of these invaluable nu. ciner, but have been prevented by the tay other matters from doing so We bar, ey last five or siz yeers, been quite familiar wae effects hoth by experience aod obser Va ign, . | have no. hesitancy in recommending thew afflicted every*where. Our Opinion is gi} - it was when qe firs used these Medicines tbe they ate superior to any we have eve; oad. The Doctor, himself, wag with cs 4 fe tm this week, and from cases stated to U8, We bey been mere strongly confirmed in ovr former a: ion, that they are superior to al| other meg > Toe efficacy of Dr Kubl's remedies id th treatment of extraordinary cages is almos: . cedented, and the yéar 1842 was rich of pee tant cures, two of witch alone our space 9 permit as to notice at this time. Mf, A Sanyen of Alleghaty coanty, Vo., was, last Spring, vs, ty suddenly taken with a tots! blindness ‘ute his eyes. He ured numerous Pre RCriptions ay other medicines, but to no benef In May he he procored the Restorer, Gold mine Balsa ni Universal Plaster, fram Andrew Fodge. Ex ¢ Ooviagton, Va.—took the two first Medicings ». ternally as dweeted ia Dr Kuh!’s Pemphiet, sy the Universe! Plaster be applied to the tempi, and some times over the eyes and dy this ey, ment he has hie eye-sight 60 far recovered, ing he can read both print and writing. [fame explicit statement should be desired, a letter 4. rected to A Fadge, Clerk C Court, will een satisfactory evidence of the aboze. A lady“ of Bedford county, Va , was (0: sxe 17 years afflicted wifeetbe Liver Compisin. treated with Calo Bok cold on 11, an¢ wy taken with contraction and Jemencss. She om the whole time @ great umber of prescrpiim of Physicians of eminence, and every meditin that was recommended for tier use, instead of t fording relief, had @ tendency rather to agerei the disease, She sank from year to year, aud ty digestive organs were so deranged thal natin agreed with her, Fr Angost. 1842. the puier had not been out of her bed in fire years, exe when removed by others—so nervoas {l2! Versation or walking in the room prodoced i most disagreeable effecis npon the heed ; herg> @ral feeling very bad, sompegtomach, Kc. % had no intention to nse more medicives bu & king a dase of the’ Gold Mine Balssm wits much benefil that in one hoor she felt betier,& then chmmenced a-regoler course of Dr Kot) medicines. She jaok a dose of the Restorer! (he morning and one at night, and two dos: the Gold Mine Balssm geiween meals. Te limbs were rubbed two or three times day em the Aromatic Ex-ract, and this tveatmen! given such a happy resolt, thar she is now al to walk abowt—the nervous affections Late é her, her digestive organs are moch imnroted, he: general feelings good. She is moch fit and her complexion quite fresh, which he * tonished every one that was ocquainted wil long standing disease. We have omilled # name of this lady, dat if any particulars set be desired, we refer to Dr Kohl's agen!, @ +» Oiter Bridge, Bedford county, Va. We have particntarised these cases ™* much to speak of the great valine of Dr Ke Medicines, as to inform the affiicted bow may be relieved. The treatment bas beer ® liced, so that others may know the! by — course they may also obtain that which # raore desirable than riches. y BF Persons wishing to precore srt medicines, will please direct their orders: ™* ihe amount, (post paid.) 'o oth Dr. Kuut's prt ea or to of the following get: ‘Of TH CAROLINA: Jenkins de Bites, Salisbury, Homphrey’s & Gaither, Lexing™™: J. & R. Sloan, Greeneboroog, Dr N. Stith, Raleigh, M.J A. Drake, Ashboroogb. J F & C. Phifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Hendersen, Lincolnioe. A James J Horne, Pitisborovgt, §. S. Peiry, Kernersville, Stokes James Brannock, Waterloo, 6 & Brannock & Waller, Wealrer ingham county. R W Laweon. Yanceyville, James’R Callem gMilton, South Carolina. . Steele, Gunning & Co. Yorkt" . McLare, Brawley & Co. Cbes' a a The continuation of the list of Ae" Dr. K Pamphlet. ip thes" | N’-F F.. Pa: es a and Agee ag! ds ‘ot Sth Carolina, aad South snd ‘yas? Wl ies their oct 140 “en ad fice, Bf A OPEL ria Noriteane Bast of nu, to Richmond Aone S 6. 1843- 1 2 p A fresh supply of Dr Jayue's tovaluable Fami'y Medietor* ceived aud for gale by HEELER, ay CBW _ S#lisbury, Dee 10—1f20 _ ew TT . Eounry Court wall ; tor Printed on frst: rat@ pepe’ ond this Q ba pilfered 4 ~ S > ee l —_ — o eS ae - |. on as DO OC w t w s er s F a! lL L7 8 8 OO Pe e 2 20 28 fe eo «WarcaMan” a1 the end ripuon Wi ° yeals »! oe | jw advance, may hereafter be had aod two dollars and of the year, . 1} be received for a less time goless paid for in advance. — jiscomtinaed (bat at the. option o rir) poii! all arrearages are paid. reRMs OF ADVERTISING. gallar pe ive nis for each ey esices will be charged 25 a ihe goove rales. vedaei ; qho 2d veri's® | yorertise@en ad cha ged mine 9 COT ae Leiiers 4g id io gx paid 50 ¢ square for the first insertion and contnea ion of 334 per cent will be made to by ihe year. ig will ve continued until for according'y, anless order- gin nombes of times. gid-essed io the Kditer must ersnre aiieniion. et. high- a PRINTED AND PUBLISGED BY MACE C. PENDLETON. — sa gowan Hotel. \THE SUBSCRIBER AVING a revosed Eh 00 oe qame 9 ) of salisvr Fs yis TABLE 20 jp vest se msa.seb and sur: y3 iw Tne vaders's gien 00 bis als siaci sol ai well known and esisvlsned Paole House, (known t Slavgnier’s ‘Vavera,) in ihe te N C.,+oforms his Friends legenerally, that the same is now oe recep ion of ‘Pavellers & Boarders. “ nd Bae will be sepplied wiih ounding couniry af- Mag STABLES snacious, and boentifully suap- giv graio aad provender, of al! kinds, at ay fuibful and aireative Osilers. ‘ ned pledges himself ihat no ex nari siall ve manta ioe toall who may JAMES L. COWAN. salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: if7 to give gen- avor hiin wih qHo WILL GO BALD! larid ze" 3 Balm of Columbia for the Hair R0M Comstock & Co —lis positive quali- \ ies are 29 follows s—Ist For infanis, keep- f, and causing a lux- of tair.--2d For ladies after chil J-. ing she skin to jis oataral strength wd franess, and preveniing the falling oat of ie air. —Sd For uny person recovering from yr deoilily the same effect ia prodaced. 4th yoged in infancy itll a good growth is staried, aay be preserved vy aiiention to the faiest pe- oi of life. —Sie tt frees ihe head from dand- nf, siengihens ihe roois, imparts heakn and peor to the circulation, and prevenis ihe hair rl clanging color or gelling gray —6ih Ih auses (he hair io curt veautifully when done op ing tbe head free from scor yasigrow! ri, regior ig i over night. No ladies ioilet should eve: be made withoat it. Tih Children who have by any means con— incied vermin 'n ihe head, are immediately and wrfec'y cured of ihem vy tis use. ve ‘ | had been baid about five years—no more hair mine op of my bead than on ihe back of my inod,and ay head covered with a ihiek scarf, ln ibis Siiuation about ihe 10ih of Augast last, Joegaa asing ihe Balm of Columoia, from Com- Siace whieh, | pave used igo and rhalf boiiles of the Bala, which tras fully re— y head eniirely from vered with fine, flow ing ong hair—which aay one may see by calling sock & Co. yored my hairyand :ree wo’. My head is og h wwe, ai Siamlord, Conneciieat. Nov 12, 1840. Counie:feiis are avroad —fook always for the D S SCOF game of Comsivek & Co. Po: sale ai the Waichman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisaur¢g, De Hearti, Ri''sboro’ ; J & R.Sloan, Greensboro ; J P Navy, Suexiagion. marci 4, 1848 —1¥32 Sui, Ra (ELD. leigh , D Salisoury, N.C Oct. D>». Brandeth’s yer Asl UNIVES for sale at thie Office. 1842—1/t4 tSALS@PILLS, Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- Yerlisement, and ?f you wish retief for your ma nv malades. cal! and oviain a remedy of C.B. WHERLER, Ageat. _Sahsno“v, Dee 40 120 To THE AFELICTED.—The sodseriver bas just recerved a large and fresh seoply of Ds Moffats’e Lite Medicine. CB WHEELER, Agent. dWisia rerief. Salisborvy, Dee 10—i129 Cali & PRICES OURRENT AT Siuissuay, June 17. Ce 4iSe Bacon, 5 53 Brandy, ap. 35 a 40 *peaci), 40 a 45 Bauer, =: 10 a 12h Beeswax, 20.222; Cotton, clean 54 » 6 Coffee, S84 Corn, 35 40 Feathers, 18 2 20 Tove, 4g a§ Plaxseed, 80455 lon. perth Sad Linseed Ov, pr. gal 90 $1 Cotton Yarn. Molasses, Nails, Oats, Pork, Sugar, br. loaf, Salt, sack, ‘Tallow Tobacco, Tow-Linen Wheat, bush Whiskey. Wool. (clean) Favetreviin.t, Jave 7, ‘randy, peach 40 a 45 Molasses, d Apple 35 a 40 | Nails, cui, pecan, 5 a 64 Seswax, 25 a 37 voffee, 9a 10. ‘adden, 4ia 6 ‘tion Varn, 142 18 n, 50 3 60 Candles, FF. 13a 14 Flaxseed 80 a 90 Floar $4 a $5 Peathers 20 a 23 -, 44.0.3 Svearviown, 642 10 lump, 14 Loaf, 15a18s Salt, 50 2 60 Sack, 62+ Tovaccoteaf 23 2 Cation bag Qn. Bale rone, 8a 10 Wheat new 75380 Whiskey 26 Wool, 124 a 15 Cueriw May $1, 1848: Pork 100%bs 54 2 6 | twelve mopihs. Rice 100lbs 4a 5. assoriment of Jewellery. Cenls. 75 35 a 40 6 15 a 20 $3 §al0 15a 18 275 $3 6} 8 a 20 . 12a 16 75 25 a 30 25 48°2°28 53 a6 REPAIRING. gree Subscriber resnecifalty informs his old Friends apd the Poolie generally, that be has opened a shop in Salisoary in the abuve bosi- ness, in a room direcily te West's brick building, in the boese of Dr. Barns’ formerly owned by Jno. |.Shaver and just below J. & W. Marphy. In addition io the avove, ihe subsc-iber will carry on the Silver Smilh Business in al! the varieties common in couniry towns: such as makiag Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve Ware. ; He begs to assvre the public that if pancioal aitention 10 vusiness, and skillfal work will en- title him to paironage and support, he willmer it it. AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18 ~if16 Dr. Sherman’s PMevicated BRojzenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, EING the cheapest and most pleasen).— The medical Facalty warm!y approve them. Dr. Sherman. isa skilfel and experieoced Phy- sician, and a member of the Medica) Society o New Youk. Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, sorest, and mos: efeciual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consamption, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Tighiness of the Lungs or Chest, &e. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisie worm desiroving medi- cine ever discovered. ‘They bave been osed in over 1.400,000 cases and never known tu fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief !n nervous or sick Head— ache, palpitation of the Heart, (.owness of Spif- iis, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Siokipgo: the Chest, Diarrhoea, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigae. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy romps distressing complaint, ever offered to ihe rican puolic.— lo the immense number of cases in which they have been used, they have never ceen known ‘o fail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhoea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome daring the summer muoihs, may now be eniirely prevenied by a prorer vce of ihese Lozenges’ ‘I'hey are prep2red express ly for that porpose, and can be relied on wiih perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange ment of the bowels shuuld never be wiihout them hey afford immediate relief from a!l ihe atiend ani gripiogs, fai , depression, &c. Sherman’sWathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easi!y taken a8 the common pepperminvis; and are an active and efficien. medicine. They cleanse ihe siomaeh and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bitious persons. Wherean active medicine is requ'red, ihey are not only the best, vu: the safest ibatcan be administered. Sherman’s Sirengthening PLASTER, The best of a!| plasiers for Rheumatism. Lom- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or B-easi. The avove medicine ia for sale, wholesale or retail, ai ihe Salisbury Medica! Drog Siore, by C.B. WHEELER. Agent, Salisoury, N.C, Sept 8, 1842 —1y6_ Dr, Moffat’s Vegetable Life ‘ Medicines OSSESS qualities of the most mild and be- neficia! natore. They are comnosed of ar- ticles ihe most anii-pairescent, comoined wiil) ingredienis kuoma as the only ceriain antidole for fevers of every description. When the dis ease ie produced eiiher fiom celd, obsiraciion, bad air, swampy 20d damp situations, or poirid miasmi, wheiher malignant or epidemic, or ov oiher caases, ihese medicines are cerizio in ther ope’ations or effecis. They are possessed of pe- catiar qualities, which noi only exnel all dicease. but at ihe same time restore and invigoraie ibe sysiem. Wien first taken jinio ihe siomach, they immediately diffuse themselves like vapo: through every pore, producing effecis at once delignifal, satuiary, and permanen!. When the snark of fife vegins to grow dim, the c'catation languid, aod ine faculties paralizeu, hese medi- eines Sre found to give @ love to the nerves, eX- hileraie ike animal spiriis, ipvigoraie ihe body, and re-dnimate ihe whole man Vie Life Medicines have a's0 been nosed wii tr ihe most happy svecessin Nervcus and Des- pepiic disesses, Consomption, Asilima, liver Comp'aini, Rheemaiism, [chronic ou iaflams- tery} D ropsies. &e. ecP Call ai Cress & Bocer’s, Agents. Sai:sba.y, Oc: 22, 1842 —1y 13 BC A sopply of :he above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ CrogeMvads, Iredell county, by A. C McINTOSH, Agent DAVID POOL, | KES ihis me:hbad of Informing bis friends, and the peblic, thai he is siil! carrying on ihe Waich and. Cloek making, and Re- Pairing business.ai his old stand, neaf the Courthouse All work done by bim wil! oe cwar:anted fof He sill keeps Gn band a ema! v.) t 4a § | Nails cutassor.6 a8 se 6$|} wrought 16a 18 bier =» 12.215 | Oats bushel a 30 wax pb Oil gab. 75a 80 mgyd Bie22 $1 25 topelb 10412, linseed } 1 25 on Ih 13h 014 ‘ton = 4a 63 Corn bush >. 50, Sagar Ib 210 . dnt G5h-a 5$! Saltsack g2 25 ctthers, 25 3 30 | bush 50 60; a l00fbs Sa 6h | Steef Amer. 10 a 00' ah - 6987, Enghsh 14) lasses 23 » bh, ore 12414: “Ow Te ea impe $1 0137 Old Gold and Sitwer taken io exchange for Jewellery or wo'k done. Salisbary, Mareh 12, 1842.— f3$ J. S. Johnston, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SALISBURY, NV. C. Salsibary, Jan. 7, 1 1f24 = Dew rlandreds of children and adelts dre lost -year- ly with worms, when some other cause has been supposed io be ihe ive one. - it is admiited by al! dociors that seaiite 2. man, woman ot child exisie but whai are sooner or later iroubled wiih worms, and io bandreds of cases, sad to rela‘e, 2 cupped fever, Searlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of ihe haman family—while'io truth they die of Worms! aud these could bave veen eradiraied ina day. by the useof a bottle of Kolmstock’s Vermifuge, 2 the cosi vf a quarier of 2 dollar! How sickening ihe ipooghi ihai ihese ibings shold be—and who.can ever fuigive ihemselves for noi igying ihis Worm Ealermiaalor, when they know thai even if ihe case was@al wo ms, this remedy could noi by any possibility do huri —but always pocd as 2 purgaiive—let ihe dis- ease be whal ii may. Huw imporiani ibey to ose it, and who wil! dare sake ihe responsiblity in da =" it? Lei every parent tbai ts nol a brurepaek ihemese! ves Luis question in iruih and soberness. Mr JC Ringold had 2 child verv sick for near iwa weeks, and ailended by o pirysician, without relief, when Kolmsi Vermitoge was given, and néri day mure than forly worms weie passed, when the ebild \ecovered rapidly. A child of a wwew women, living aear ihe Manhaiian Water Worka, had dwindled for a @meonib, till near a skelo:on, wiih great dryness of the movib, aad iiching of ibe sose. A bu- mane ladv, who called to provide for ihe family, seni immediaiely for Kolmsiock’s Vermifoge, Which brought away great quaniiiies of worms for iwo or three days, and the child grew- veiter altonce, and regained iis full strengih im less than 2 month. Several children 1a a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway bad worms ioa frighifel exiegi, anJ were all cased rapidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of ihe bes: fmilies in’ the neighbor- hood of St. Jobn’s ‘ark, ii bas been extensively ased, from ibe circemsiance of having eradica- ted a large qoaniiiy of worms, after vl other remedies had failed, which was very exiensive- ly Known in iat part of thecily A family in New Jersey saved several ebildren by ihe ase of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become excr ding!y emaciaied before ihe Vermifuge was given. ‘The nexi day ihrer large worms Were dislodged, and she lefi off ibe Vermifoge, when she became again worse, and had resort to ihe Vermifuge thai finally brovgh. away an incredinle qoaniiiy of worms,aod ibe core was complete, and she gsined wer healit rapidly A Physician of standing, had doctored a fam:- ly of children some weel.s wis trav! being avle iv restore bu: one oat of ihe seven io healih =H bad ihe fiberaliiy to send for Kolamsiock’s Ver- mifoge, aod cured the resi wich it ic fess than a week. Numeroos cases of o:ber comnlzinis were sap posed io exis!, aod the persona :rezied for fever &e., bot finally a iriatof this Vermifuge discov- ered ihe irve cause of ihe sickness, by vringine away almost 90 innumerable qaaoii:y of worms, large and sinati, cad the persons recovercy wiil: great despaich. losiancesof this kind mialii be ciled io 29 immense esieo:, vu! ‘i 's aseless, one itial for 25 cenis will show anv one witb asion ishmeni ihe cerizin effecis of ihis Vermiluge Caution —Never ovy ihisariie’e onless it have * Di Kulmsiock’s Vermilege” hanvsomely en graved on ibe ouiside label, and ihe fac sim:le of Comsiock & Co. Asenig—C. B Wheeler, Salistory; J & F Stuagn. Greensboro’ ; D Heaiii, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington; D sith, Raleigh. March 4, 1813 — 1v32 Salisbury Female Academy. ype Sommer Sesaion of ihis bosiitncion, we _ commence on Menuay, Mach Gib A-- rangemeois ate making io procure an assisian: Leacher, who will probable enier op her duties in one or two weeks. ‘l'erms as formerly, but a class cf small children, learning only Reading and Spelling, will be taoght at #6. Every branch asually tedght w jhe firs! Female Se- minaries wi'l be aiiended io, and it is believed ibai ie present arrangemenis are superior to those of any former session. Rev, S Frontis (2 na-iveo! France} is jostracting 2 class in the Frerch language, and it's desirable “that others wlio ‘n.end joining shovld do so immediately. — He hes alen consenied :o ieke charge of a class ‘9 Crayon Drawing ; a dravev which ie highly enpeciaied ai ihg Nui, and but Jiile attended Jo zmong os, A few young Ladies will be re- ceived iu(o the family as boarders, and Tol R W. tone wil! I Sor 10. Elis residence is ag-e@erbly siiuat areined part of sown, ane ve:v convenient to the Academy. No deductior made for absence, ov: 'o caseg of long continue: sickness, Toiiian §6-8—10-—o0r 12 50 according ‘to the advancement ol ihe pont, Music on Piano per session, £22 50 Guicar pe: quagter, 12 90 F-ench per session, £ 10 00 Drawing wi.) crayong Her session, 10 00 Painiing in waie, culos de 10 00 Wax Wok, 5 00 Neeale Wo k, &c. taught ‘f desi-ed. EMMA J BAKER, Prinejpal. Salisbory, March Isi, 1843 —f32 CABINET MAKING? HE Spdseriber respecifolly retarns his thanks for pas! favors, aod informs his old friends and the public ibat be still continaes io carry on tbe adove business in 2i! iis varioos branches, and ai the old siand on main streei, two doors below J, & WaeMurphy’s sore 30d on posite ihe Waichwan Prin:ing Office, where he may alwavs be found. fle keeps congianily on hand a variety of well finished work, and 2: pri ces to suil ihe iimes, Also a*supply of ready made Coffins consianily kept oo bend to sail any Messuse; anv ai lower prides than ever they have been sold for, p N. B. All kinds of Lumber aod Covntry Pro dace iaken iv exchange for work. ELLIOTT. K April 29, 184S— 1940 GA SA BONDS Neatly prinied and fot sale at this Office FOURTH OF JULY, 1776-1843. ‘Through time’s tumol:uary sceve Thy conflicts, Li » have been Loog, various, bluody, and severe ; Yet thee ari st:\! man's chosen Queen, His cyausure aod spur supreme ‘That prompi to manty action here. Tie sevage of ihe desert wild, Tae A: 20,-Naiore’s iameless child, fa a!l inexr movemenis follow thee ; Shall man, ioformed by learping’s light, | Thy pradent admonitions slight . Ciying —* Be Rationally Free !” What Is Ambilion ?—"Tis thy soul Panting to rise above eonirol, Catt restraint, to reign-slene | W hat erged ibe mighiv Casar oc ? Impelted the peerless Washi ? Raised dread Napoleon to 2 itr :‘Ane ? “Thy inborn spirit. modified By circumstanzes and by pride!" In manty minds 2 spirit reigns la@paiient of Teraonic chains, O: Hietareby’s awfal frown ; No bog arrayed in deadly siee!, No Brutum Fulmen’s :hreai’ning peal, Can siiike ibe Freeman's Banner duwa : Thoogd clouds ai times its gloies veil Despotic arms io vein assail. Hope sits wiih bjzod and brilliant eye Upon ihai Baoner’s apex high ; Hopeznimaied Washington, _ Roused Wallace, Sydney, Britus, Tell,— She bleaches noi ?— Pai to ihe Ban, She :allles for ihe rights of man, Unawed, though fearfui odds assail ; Nay, a8 ihe covflici sierner grows. More ardent!y Hupe’s bosom glows. This Day, vpon ihe Dome of fame Our Sires ia characiers of flame, Inscribed, O Lipertr! ‘Thy nawe!— Siero, onappalled, in open light, They p:oved to all their inoorn sight To sei ai naoght Despotic migin, Erect :bey stood— they beni ibe koee ‘lo none. O Freedom's God! bai hee. By ihem redeemed {70m thral]—sball we, Ambitious selfishness," io (hep Sobmi ? — regardless of the fame Of our brave ancesiers who stood ‘Through scenes of per'!, toil, and blood, ‘To vind:caie Great rreedom's Faue ? Thai wesi noi be—ihe trophied sion Of Liverty shall wave .brovgh time, Uos.iled oy ireason or eceil, Armorial siain,or vase defea! ; Her eagle on b's.mouniain throne Dispiays it io ttre wortd at large, Astrea claims it as her own, And io Columbia's suns in charge The consie!luied siandard gave, ‘Tu be defended by ibe Brave. O. *-* Ambitious selfishness — ihe principal ac- valing mo:rve of ihe present Admipisiratioo, judging from is condaci, viz: ‘*Duwa wiih Buckiogvam !—off with bis head !” PATENT SERMON. BY DOW, JB. My present discvorse is drawn from this text: Aye, common mysieries are these — Bui who on ea::b cao solve ibem ? My hearers—the common kind of mrste- nes of nature, are just 88s impenetrable the short-sighted anu feeble eye of the ho- man understanding, as thore which are-sur- rounded by thicker fogs, and are further moved beyond the pale of philosophy. We think we know the why, the where- fore end what, of all that we can see, fec! or bave any :dea of , when, in fact, we know no more about itthao the milkmed, who knows that buailer is made by churning, but ondersisndeth oot ihe philosopby thereof. At night when ell else isstill, when we hear invisible winds wendering amid te wild woods, we listen to their hollow mur- murings, and yet they are not to be bebeld —for ihey are withdu: form and void. We opposile sexes to approximate as. mrsieri- ously es will equash seeds when flosting.o- ver the calm surface of a cuptot waiets is mystery. Cheese ie produced from milk in 2 seemagly unaccountable manner ; so hood of States, were originally formed by a mysterious cardling of chaos, cause by some chemical experiment made by ae’ who ssid in she beginning, ‘ Let there be when a locofoco match is rubbed against the rough s:rface of sand paper. know my es su dservient to of ours is k ulovs agegey of Omnipotent volitio es fur our trying to comprebend it, weam ss wel! ondertake to account for the in the cocos nut by a new agsiem of math- ematics. of common clay, as we all are, ean be ani- rection which causes. the My dear hearers—nearly ali we behold suppose the earth and the wiole sisier- ight,” and -« flashed forth as suddenly as ‘You that muscular action is Aye, allis mystery—ihat lumps meted with livirg souls, be gGssessed of feeling, and have the pewer of locomotion. {t 18 @ mystery a6 to where ell go when the wave of death breaks over wiitexte oor firm grasp oa the worlé—and washes us back into the anfathomable ocean of eterni- ly. The rainbow upon {ihe bosom of s shower is « besutifal mysiery, reminding one of (be bright halo of hope that ever ea- compasses the heart of 2 true Chrisiian, the rains that descend to quench the tiiret of suffering Terra Firms, are a mysiery em- blematical of the soft showers of mercy that fall upon a wicked and ongrateful world. It 1s mysterious how :bat Nature, with her invisible needle cea work such beautiful embroidery each year for the earth : it ise mystery how she can find sufficient rew ma- terial to weave such elegant enoual carpets, and hoe she produces suche gay variety of colors ; and .tis a mysterious wonder how sbe can bind the brow of semmer with such beautiful wreeits, manufactured from that very same dost which is equodied in the vile. carcasses of toads, snake@fand other loathsome repii'es. My heerers---instead of winly attempting to solve the mysteries which lie beyoa: the scope of mertal comprebension, you ovght to confine your thoughts within (he small circle of what is real, rather than allow the (ime to wander end become lost in the mis- ty mozes of idealty, notwithstanding what my freed, Mr. Dickens has said to ihe con- tracge. You should. make i your stady how ¥ou can best coniribute to ‘your owg heppiness, and at the same (ime smehorize the manifold miseries of myriads ef your fellow moitals. Don’t shed vuin and use- less tears over the tombs of the pasi, nor aggrieve yourselves with anxiely for the future ; but look to the present, and endea- it were the last of your I"ves—and the grea- test mystery of immortality will be solved (o your entire satisfactiog. - MOFFA1’S SOUTHERN AFRICA. sionary Society tn that country. tt is re from the recent English edition. We take an extract. ing mantles, or telling news. Sitting down beside this grea perceive that thei 1a) prnton o: lime gent- ly brosb ibe dew fiom the grass an flowers, as if fearlsl of creating a distu:b one fell stroke they level some of tre aght- iest works of man to the cast. the , a the power. and tie might of the wind, and wonder tow that which is imms- formidable substances, and come of eicio- rious, even wilhool a bruise. 1 see th ough it, and yet I don’t,” as the fly sad when te butted bis head sgainst the window pone ; so with you, my fii nds, in regare to the atmosphere that susrounds you. You see through it visually, but, to the opt.cs of one’s comprehension, it 1s as @ bag of bid shot. My fri€nds—the oniverse is asa vast volume of mysteries, endersivod by the great Author himself. ter, can be no end to the longer we ponder over the sut;ject, the more our thorghts become perplesed sad con- founed :—so wecell them with 2 whistle, | and-eporaid them for retorning from their idle stands as they stated =i 1s. a mystery that keeps the complieatéd machinery of creation in constapt operation We feel 1o Natere’s duminton—ead then again, wil | We cannot perceive bow there can be an end to space and mat-| have been, to make men deed men alive” | aud neither con we imagine how there; This led me to describe his power, and | He then lay i@s veeks i: -reat agony, and from same.— Ail 1s wrept bow that power would be exercised a1 the | ttrat in the dutk .meotle of mvstery—and we; | news. | ' gavage Cisposition. ‘common order, ‘Hove you ever Strange news es these?” ‘No,’ 4 82 sessed ell the knowledge of the cour ie) tong before the period when vor to improve each passing bour, as though So mote it be. There have been several enterteining books of travels sn the southern portion of tbe African continent given to the pablic, and now_we have avother agreeable volume from Robert Moffat, who, for twenty-three years, was ibe egeot of the London Mis- published by Robeit Carter, of this city, | INTERVIEW WITH MAKABA, CHIEF O%g THE a “In the forenoog, taking scme of my company with me, 1 went into the town, end found Mekab3 seated emidst a large number of bis principe! men, all engaged ether prepating skins, culling them, sew- t man, i- | lust:ious for war end corquest, and amidst the | nubles end counsellors, inciuding rein ma- e€; hers and others of the same order, I stated io him ibat my object was to tell him my His countenance lighted up, hoping We witness | to rea of feats of war, destiuction of tribes, | and such like subjects, eo congenial to his When he found that Ps tz c: | Pru pg . see y years, was a personage. of. ge’s snswet ; “I Had supposed thet ' have heard the tales of many generations. Tem tm the place of the eneients, but my knowledge 1s confounded with the words of Bis mouth. Surely, he must bev@lived ere born.’ Mukabs, then terning end ing bim- self to me, and laying bis hand oo my breast, said, ‘Father, [ love tyon much. Your viet and your presence have aiede my be@brilahine es milk. The words of your a@uth ere sweet es honey. but the words of « resurrection are too great to be heard. Ido not wish to heer again abnat the dead arising! The desd canant rise! “ih. not arise!” *Woy? | sa- quir D so grest a man reiuse Enowl- aad turo away from w ! Tell me, my friend; ehy [ mast not ‘edd to words. end speak of a resurrection?’ Re sing and- uncovering his,arm, which had been strong :n battle, end shaking his hand ss if quivering a spear he rephed, ‘I bave stain my thous nds, (bontsiatsi,) aad sbell (bey arise ?? Never before had the light of divine revelation dawned upon iis savage mind, end of course bis conscience hed ne- ver eccused him, no. not™for one of the thousands of deeds of tapine and murder which had marked his course through a long career. EFFECTs OF PERBETUAL DAY. -Nuthing made so deep an impression on our senses as ihechange from alierpate day and night, io which we had heen iabiiuzied from our infancy, to ihe continoed daylight to which we were subjecied a8 soon as we crossed arctic cirele Where the ground is bui tithe irodden, even t:'fles are imteresitog ; and I do not therefore, hesitate to deaciibe ibe feelings with which we regarded ‘hiechange. ‘lhe no- veliy,.1 musi oe admiited, was very agri ecole ; and (he advantage of sonsiani daylight, in aa onexplorec and naiarally vosierous sea, was ivo great io allow as even to wish for aweturn of the alternations avove alluded to ; but ihe reluc- iance we felt to leave ihe deck when te sun was sLining bright aon our sai's, and to ceiire io our cabins io sleep, ofien depsived us of many hoars of necessary iesi; and when we reiurned to the deck to keep our n'gat waich, if ji may be so called, 20d s.i!! found ihe son silding® the sky, it seemed 2¢ i! she Jar would never finieh. What, therefore, a: fi.si promised ( ve so giaii fyiog, svon thieviened io cecowe ex.remely irk some ; 2nd would, indeed, have oeen a seiious inconvenience, had we noi lulluweu tne exem- ple of ihe feathery tiibe, winieh we Waily observ- ed wingin@heir way to roost, wih a clock yok regula.ily, and reiiring to our cahin al ine proper hour, where stoiting oat the rvys of the sun, we dbiained ihai repage which ihe exe:cise of our Joties required. © Al first sigint it will, no dowbr, appear to many persons iat consian: daylight must be a valuable aequisition ip every count. +; pata little reflection will, FE ibink, be sfcreat so show hal the reverse is really she case, and io satisfy a refleciing mind, thai we cannot over- raie the blessings we derive from ihe whole- some aliernaiivas of lavor and resi, which is ‘na manner forced upon as dF the succession of day and night. Ii is impogsivie, by removing to a high laiiiade, to wi the difficaliy ihere ‘s io tie regalaiion of he proneness ihai is feli by ihe indefatigable mad zealous to rivet themselves to their occupations, and oy ine lado lent and procrasiinaimg A poipone their duties, without being truty ilewkfol for thst @H-wise and mercifal provision’ with which ne endowed the more habitable portions -- (Beethy’s Narrative of Buchan's iowards the Norib Dole. . LIVING WITHOUT SLEEP A recen! number of ihe Boston Medieal aod Surgical Journal, (says the Baltimore Ameri- can.) cuntains a letter from Mr Robert F. Goar- lav, giving ao’account of hisextraordinary sleep lessness. According to Mr G 's own account, he was first bereft of steep in the year 1633 for six weeks, when about 40 years of age. Prior to shat time he had never suffered for wani of sleep althongh at times a litile sufficed for refreshment. Mr G. was confined in London, as he alleges, by British tyranoy, three years and eight anos and it was during this period, he thinks, that, a habit of living without sleep began to form. D ' ring his confinement he felt very little need of sleep and the greaier part of hie time in bed, which was mever more than six hours in she twenly foor, was g ven to reveries, chiefly, he deciares, ‘‘as wo scnemes fur betiering the condi- tion of ghe laboring poor of England,” &es _ Soon afier his Iineration, having first ed Seotland, he left Edioburg for A 7 He hed-not sleep aati! he reasctied Liverpool, where he touk a warm bath befure going to bed. ' had the desired effect, and procured him a cevial an@ tangle, con combat sold aod/ my topies ad solely areference to the Great | old me ed fr N@Work, which he reached tn | Beng of whom, (he day before he | veaid. he resomed with the character of the Redeemer, which 1 was en@eavoring to describe, and particu- [larly with bis miracles. On hearing that he raised the dead, he very natural’y ex-- claimed, ‘Wha: an excellent ductor he most last day in raising the dead. In the course of my remarks, the monarch caught the startling sound of aresurrection. +What? be exclaimed wiih astonishment, what are these words abovt? the dead, the deed rise! ‘Yes, was my reply, aliihe dead shall arise.” —‘* Will my fethet arise 2” ‘ I answered, ‘yoor father will orise. confident that it is not done by steam. by horse power. by wate or wind ; snd we) sy, it is all through the influence of materi- al or Magnetic atirection, bot when we en- I) the sisin in baitte arise ?% ‘Yes,” ‘And fl all that bave been killa end devoured by lions, tigers, hyenas, and crocodiles, be knew nothing, and of the Savious’s sais- sioa to this world, whogename he had never imeknife and jackal’s | | skin, and hummed aaa ir, One of! sicep for three years. Ye toolelaud | bis men, siitiog near me, sppe red strock | that had no effect; he drank whis Yes’ P Will) bh of repose. ‘The next morning he | without having had one wink of sleep: | diaely on landing at New York he procored a | warm bath, got into a able bed and slept isvondly. Fram that time forward id aot » but m the | hope that it would indace sleep, bat it only made | hin sick In the early-part of 1887, while tm Ohio, be wasatiacked with erysipeles ia the leg, and du iio. five ge. was witho | sl ep. Mr G, bee ree v- | ered ie heath sy some degree when inieliigence reached him the deaib of ‘wo of his children. time tothis, » period of foor years and six monihs, he has been j deprived of sleep. The ‘ast siz months of “bie life have 2ee8 spent 2: Busioa, ite health bas moch improved, and he enieriains a hope thai as soon as he is able io iake exercise, he will teeover. On various oc- casions of Jate be nas peen almost asleep. New Loan.—The New York papers soy thet the Secretary of the Tressary has | detérmined not to negotraie 2 five per ceat | loan for ten years, ss #8 coniemplaicd. The Philadelphia Peansylvenis says (bet eguin revive?’ ‘Yes: and come to judg- deavor to Solve mysteries of the atiraction, we can fo poe sccount for it (han we can « meat” ‘And ail! these whose bodies bave been lefi to waste end to wither on the des- there wse 2 flight of ‘ids over that erty on Friday nigh(—the sate sa 19 Baltimore. ‘ ge - = Po bd A : < 4 LEANS, Map-07,_ are. put in portsot fat cut further Ory Campeacuy. May 17 1845. We bod another engegement with the Mexican equedrom yesterday morning si 4 o’cloek.='bne.wmd beimg very light bot fair, we stood oat in company, butes usual, the s@®emets stood out to sea, before we conld get in range of them. Having cacorted their satleg vessels ont several miles, 4ney bore Gown for us, sme it being then.svout £0, A M. ond the wind baving died awae, we perce ved that they intended giving ova. fight.. Lying es may were, all peesimed, our gailent iitthe Coameider at 11 »eloek, made sgoal to attack the enemy, then svout a «pile sud a half to windward, or rather ceaword of as. This we soon an- svered and brought our long ‘Tom to-#esr ‘iforiated blecks ; consid 8 the egroes on the South side of the fiend, in the immediate vicinity of S'. 4 eee From seccdunts, the plot. _. ave been Pot ak: 1 peonea ie ok ai Cardings. some five or sx weeks ago, sod much more des- perate end bloddy ip ile'execvtion. A large numbe of plar ‘their overseers and families, were the ba victims of the in- 4 a'so destruged, So important was the jntelligenco from Gen Ulloa, immedictely despatched s man- of.war steamer to the seene of riot, and or- dere were also given for = frigaie, 1wo brigs of ear, and another steamer, to follow with troops. without delay. These vessels were all to sail} by Wednesday, Gen. Utlos go- ing in command of the expedition. By our next sccounts from the Flavanna, which we shell look for with enxiety, we may expect to hear more fully the detaits of this melan- choly incident.— Picayune, From the Petersburg Intelligencer. It may well be doubted, saysthe Bostun Atlas, whetherany measare ever before won iis way so anccessfully into poblic faver, as the Tariff Law, that, with go mech diffiehlty, and in the so’ many, ebsiecles, walitriumpbanily, on thé@tron steamer Gsedaioupe, th m- anodore at the eame time engaging the Mon- lezaman. e action here cvoatinsed hot aot beavy for avout two hours, changing Our position but gery liusle, and the steam- ers ortarionally having off to repair dama- eges. On one of these occaaions, when the Mootegema, alier seceiving a brisk fire from the Commodore, tanted off and stuod away, fare males through by the last Congtesag. Noiwiih. si@idiag a few faulis thar may easily be remedied ifs succeas and its bencficial influence have been remarkable. Of this every day is bringing us new evilence af@ additional testimonials No more striking proof of that need be asked than the manner in whictr the fierce opponents of the late tariff laweare now eating their own words, See the Joarnal of Commerce, sow compelled tn admit ihat j18 prophetic, warnings, of its bad ef- the Cemmodore, fivdemg bimself- within ranze sien of the Gasdstoupe, opened his fire on hes, and™with the first shet, carried eway her signal etsff, which dropped grace- folis ower her toffra:!. ‘The seo breeze about this time sprang op, and the actinn egain became general, the Commodore engoging the Montezuma ond our little beauty, the Gnadalovpe, ‘The action now, as wel! asthe day be- came very wt; shot flew sround usin ev ery direction, but none of them took tho feas: effect, whist our shot, | ans sure, most hove done immense damage. We have not deen able to ascertgin to a certainty, bus al! are of opinion on boerd that we damaged the machinety of the Guadaloupe very ma- terially. One thing is certain, she was en- veloped in her own steam for a considera ble time, end wae seen afterwards to work with one wheel. About half psei 1, P. M., the otiention of the e\eamers seemed direct- ed to the Commodore, and they rarely deigoed to give os 8 shot, although we kept ope very brisk fire on both.—Abdout 2 o’- cleck, one of our seamen was blown to at- oms by the gun at which he wes engaged.— Ho was ramming home the cartridge, and the captain of the gun not seeing him at the mvzzie, fired, and blew the atan to pieces. From thes time ual 3 o’clock. the action beeeme general and very hot The Com- modore received several shot in bis bull and bulwerks. At 3. the steamer heuled off, j and the Commodure, havetig received a shot between wind and water, which caused his vessel to leak much, wore ship and stood back for the anchorage. He made signal for os to withdraw fromthe action. We gare the Goadalospe a parting browdside, ead followed in the wakeofthe ship. Av4, came to anchor off Campeachy, where we ledtnod thatthe ship hed. received fifteen shot. She wes stan simost every direc- tron, below anid ab yet what is most m- raculona, did notloose a single spar She hedtwo killed and twenty-five wounded ; among the lsiter ia Event. Wilbur and Mid. shipmaa Bryan. —A number of ampr'tiions hevetokenpiace, a great pity, a9 @better or ma bréter crew never trotied on deék, | ht wos with great reluctance we withdrew from the action ; but the magazne of the flagebip bad 25 inches of water in it, and as they had no powder il was useless to re- main a target for the enemy. The Mex- consseemec very glad that the deys work | had terminated, as they did not make the least effort ta folyw up the engagement,— The loss on thew side most be very great, as at the commeocement of the action their decks were lined with men. |! am quite ppeiden that if the action lasted one hour Onger and wecould get a little closer to them than we were, we would have captor- ed them. This morning, sbout 5 o'clock, a very “warm engagement took place sehore, be- | tween the Cempeachyanns and Centrelists. From ibe suturhs of Campeachy, or the western part outside the wall, bei in pos- session of che Cenyalists, they opened therr | fire. which wes rcturned with compound in- ; are very inferior at that; on the 18th of May it | asserls that the |; ination yesterday of some beantifel specimens of fect in enkhg@pcing the prices of mannfac:ures, bave all been falsified, and that by the aid of a tariff ensuring safety to our manofactnres, we are now able in comuste most soceéssfully with forerrners in thetr own markets!) This is one of the-most marked. and speedy instances of benefit ever known tn a public measure. And so stag- geting iis inflaesce cpon the opponents of pro- lection, that they know not how to attempt to explain awsy so clear a refotation of their false prophecies.~ They gtope acd stumble about I:ke aman inthe dark, onknowing what new fact they may strike their head against next. So, too, with the New York evening Post— we hear but little now in that quarter, of its oft repeated ery of repeal For the present, at least that warcry is hushed. In its place we find passing indications of retorning sanity In the N. Y. Evening Post of March Tih. may be found the following: Let os see how this Tariff operates on some of the maoufactores of iron : —** Wood Screws are charged with’a duty of eighty pef cent. ad valo- rem, making @e refail price not tauch less than double. if rforted under the present tari ff,. over a free imporiation, But thrs article is prohio— ted, and the domestic article will be sold ingtead causing ihe consumer lo pay no .tax, indeed, to the United States, but a tax to the Eastern mao ofaciarer of one-third the price, for the privilege of using his inferior article. ‘The domestic arti- cle is handsome to the eye, being made by ma- chinery : but on account of the bigh price of la- bor, has to be made ont of wire jinsiead of forged blenks ; and so will caose manf a carpenter to green over b@ds twisted off Besides, the worm | ig not so good far a carpenter's use as (th@Poreign article. These inconveniences are to be borne for the privelege of contributing to the il! goiten gains of the manufactarers at the East, &c. &e &e. ° How much the views of that paper have been since changed, may be inferred from the follow— property was, iis estounding report of the loss of life and | property, as well as the extent of thy plot of | the 1isorgents, thst the Admiral of the Port, | “ what money it Wills 1 per cent, stock, it : swelhatl coat, abore par now, owing to Ps redoction of its expenditure & crease of 11s revenue from duties on imporis borrow ang amountol monepshat it desic- ed at five.per cort..énd periiops even al @ lower interest.— Nal. Int. * , THE BOSTON APLAS & MR. W ‘ STER. - ron return so the Whig ranksyend again battle for that cause of which h® was once so zeslous end efficient s champion. In their paper of the 3d inat., they say; ‘* We firmly delve that he will not disep- pont his Whig friends in Massachusetts. We believe thet he will do all be caa do to redeem the State from the misrule of Lo. cofocoism. When the good Whig @ause of old Massochutetts calls for the array of her champions, deep will be our disappoint- ment if Daniel Webster is not toond emong the foremost ip ber rankt.’ The relgctance of the Boston Editors to give up all Hope of Mr. Webster’s return to the true fold is natural enough. ‘To use their own language ‘they have been accustomed to upon bis strong arm for eid, in therr politicel ex- gencies,’ go long, that it stems ageinst na- ture to give him opto ‘a reprobate mind.’ We fear, Lhowever,tha: the Editors of the Atlas are ‘hoping against hope,’ when they imagine that the Whig cause will bave Mr. Webster’s aid during the coming struggle. In this quarter, we have long since made up our winds'to do without Mr. W. His famous declaration that “he saw now no cause for the dissolution of the lete cebinet by the voluntaty act of iis members,’’ so well prepared the Whig Party for any course however inconsistent with his former pro- fessions and esndeet which he might par- sue that his Faneuit felt speech, while i excited profound regret, did not elicit mach surprise from the great body of the Party. While they were willing to recognize the necessity of Mr. Webster’s remaining 10 office until the negotiations with Great Britain were concluded, they coold nev- er admit the propriety of his cast ing imputstions on the motives end conduct of men, who abandoned therr offices rather than sacrifice the principles for which, in concert with Mr, W.’ they had so long siroggled. Had he been pleesed to judge for bimself alone, and remein in the cabi- net, while the country particularly required bis services, his particapation in the coun- cils of Jobn Tyler mig ht have been forgiv- en, io consideration of the pstriotic motives which governed him. But when he im- pogned the motives of es true end honore- ble Whigs as ever lived, and contributed his name end influence to the support of that man who had betrayed his perty and bis country, they were forced to say “‘let him alone’,’ for the 1s j ined to his idols,’ ‘There are other ressons which forbid the Whig Party to hope any thing from Mr. Webster's talents and influence in the com- ing struggle. His unworthy jealousy of Henry Clay will alweys prevent him from acting with the Party which seeks to elevate him to the Chief Magistracy. The jealoa- ing extract from the same Journal for May 1Sih, | sy 18 too rancorous to be concealed ft shows only about two months after : “American Wood Screws —We have been stowed a sample of screws manufactnred by the New-England Screw Company at Providence, R 1. They are remarkably neat and regular in their Workmanship, compared with the British article, which ig coatse and rongh to the eye, We are told that the cost of manufacturing them /ti0n from the old and iiself on all occasions, and we believe that to itis to be attributed Mr Websters aberra- true path Rather than act with the party which supports H. ocy Clay, h@ will throw himself into the erms of those whom he once threatened with a halter, acd who would have thought 1s about Recent a gross, that a girl will tora ont, with the machicety, sixty gross a day. and that ihe manofactory of the company makes a- boataton of them daily. ‘They may be furnish ed twenty five per cent cheaper than the Eng- lish article, which will ensore their sale in this conotry, we suppose, ‘Tariffor no Tariff. See the advertisement of the company ” Well may the New Tribone exclaim :—Sach O Free Vraders ! are yonr oracles! On the 7th of March, tie Evening Post editortally declared \hat Woad Screws cost in this country double wit they ought, on accoont of the Tariff, and at Mperican article is far superior to the British, and is wwenty-five per cent cheap er ad . The same paper of Tcesday has the (ollow= 4 igg :—- ‘American Cullery —We were in the exam- American. Cutlery, manufactured by J. Russell and Co, at the Green River Works, Greenfield, Mass. ‘he articles are folly equal in material and finish to the best specimens of the rnval wares of Sheffield; the blades are mace of the best cast steel 5 the handles ate ivory, bone, and beantifaily po'ished wood. Not only are these go ds, bul they are afforded at a price below | m terest from the walls. From the heights, Heleo, ovt side Compeachy, the Mexicans | pourcad in their shot . > Fripay Nignt, Mzy 19 | eonniry before the imposition of oar present ‘Ta- nff, We learn with pleasore that the market for Ameriean Cotiery, as well as other articles The trnops ashore have beep engaged for upwards of@wo days and wmghts. The lesson the Central side is very great , the Yoeitecos hive hed only 10 killed. Tur selion on the 17ib, the Geada- ‘oupe bad 42 killed; Lkaow not how ma— ny wounded. ‘he Nontezuma had abvut an equal doss. QQ, W. W. We learn verba!ly that og the day follow- 4hg. the Commodore bad repriréd damages, end intended immediately to put to sea and ercnew (he engagement. i cen ae '* LATE FROM HAVANNA. New Onreins,. May 28. _ By the-stesmship Alabeara, Capt. Windle, “perived yesterday morning in-H6 hours hom ‘Mavanas.one of the editors of this psper -exme passenger, through which metipm we ~are ensbled to leg the following important spews belore ovr readers. “On ibe day previous to safliog of the Al- aduma (Monday ,lasi} an express arrived at Havanag briogiog the melancholy intel- protected by the New Pariff, is steadily extend- ing. giving wider and wider employment te A- | and forks day. and are making arrangements for a sull further extensioo of their business.” The Wigs have reaso) tobe gratfiied at the effect of the measures proposed and carried by them tn the Isst Congress for re- storing the eredis of the government, and placing tbe finances upoo » somewhat more ihe Jate Administration left them “The at- | tempt of the Goverament to borrow money hat an interest of six per ceal perenum to supp'y the deficiency which thst Acmin- j istration leh im tbe ways and means of the Government wes, when first made, not only vain. bat t even became a subject for the scoffs and jeers of those who delighted in the embarassment of the Treasury. Since the presage@f the sew Tauff oct, agagiist the violent oppasition of nparly the whole Locofoco pariy, old and new, the Govera- that at’ which Cutlery was ever sold in this | merican Labor. present, the Green River | Works re ~bandred d- zn of knives | respeciabie footiog than that opon which | a halter’almost too good for him. Strange things are constantly happening, end the, world may yet see the Soath Cerolina Nol- infier end Daniel Webster,holding each oth- er in a most cordial embrace.— Pet, Int. The friends of Mr. Calhoun’s claims to tbe Presidency have at their late Convention in Sonth Carolina, not only recommended a Nation al ‘Democratic’ Convention to select a candidate fur the Presidency, but have gone so far as to e- lect delegates to attend it. Toshow Mr. Caihoun’s own views of these National Conventions, and party machinery ia general, the Newark Daily Advertiser makes the subjoised api qaotatior fram one.of the speech es of that gentleman in 1833-84, opon the re- tnoval of the deposites from the Back of the U- nited States .— Vat. Int. “Mr. Calboun said that the Senator from Kentucky, in coanexion with this part of the discussion, read a striking passage from one of the most pleasing and insiractive writers in any Inngaxge, (Plotarch)—the description of Caesar toreing himself, sword ig hand, into the Trese- uty of the Roman Commonwealth’ We are ai ihe same stage of our political revolation, and articles fully equal in merit to the rival English | 'h@ analogy hetween the two cases is completed Said?’ ‘ Certainly, my d varied only by the character of the actore and the circumstances ofthe times. Tha@@iwas the _ case of an intrepid and bold warrior, as af open | pluaderes, Seizing forcibly the treasury of the | codniry. which in that Repeblie. as well as ours, wasconfided to the legislative department of the | Government. ‘The actors in our case are of a | differen! character—artful, canning, and corrupt | politicians, and not fearless warriors, They | haveen‘ered the Treasury, not sword in hand, | 88 public plunderers bot with the false keys of | fophistry, as pilferers, ander the silence of mid- | night. ‘The motive and object are the same, va. | rie@ in like manner by character and circomstan ces. ‘With money I will get men, and witb men power,’ was the maxim of the Roman pleo- deret. With money we will get pastizaos, | With pertisans votes, and with votes money, is ihe maxim of eur pubiic pilferers. With men and money Ceexsr struck down Roman liberty at the fatal battle of Phillipi, never to rise again —from which disasiroes hour all tbe powers of the Ruman Republic were consolidated ia the person of Ceasar, and perpewwated in bis line-— W ithfmoney and corrapt partisans, a great ef- fort is oow making io ehoke and stifle American Wber\y, through all its eatoral cor— fopting the press, by overawing the other de~ partments, end finetly, by setting up a new and pollated organ, composed of office holders, and The editors of the Bosfon ‘Ailas stem yet} to entertain hopes that Mr Webster will cofpept partisaosmader the name of a Nativoal Conveniioe, which, counterfeiting the voice of the People, wilt, if not resisted io their name, Whig; who, in Joly, 1831, was appoin Superintendent of the Branch Mint at Char- loute, by President Tyler, and Greeg, W. Cold well, & ranting Loeofoeo, tete r of Congrets. appointed in bi stead. * Mr Gaither hes not changed bis politice, nor hes he sd with politics, 2s we lonen pais pe detiese fiicien'- ly be faithfo néver was 8 more gtsring anfortu@stely there have of equal enormity. Do not thé peoplesee to what deplorsb!e conseqnences this system of removals o1!! leed—nay has lead ? Whaie it that sow gets o 2 With bot few. exceptions, mere y hecks, men with no character bot a8 party brawlers. And it will get worse aod worse. For en of character and tal- ents will not consent to go into office with the certainty of being turned adufi at the end of a year or two, for no fault, bat mere- ly as @ ponwhment for exercising the free- dom of thought and speecb.— Fay. Ob. The Hoc. Mr. Arnegton, the Locofoco cendi:‘ate for Congress in opposition to Mr. Stenly, faPnishes no litte amusement to the Whige of the 8th District. Being about to’ start for Hyde county, some one asked him ‘‘if he would go over to the Banks, whilst dower there?” He replied by how wide was the river?” Again, ot close of one of bis speeches, he was asked if be would go for ep appropriation for opening Nag’s Head, grbich ie in bis District.) “ The Hon. geptleman wae stumped—look- ed again and agaid et hie litle book—{uund no snswer there—said he would think over the matter—at present could not tell wheth- er the work elloded to was nations! or not —never heard anything of it priot to this canvass -prom:sed to give the subject some attention—if Congress should appropriate any money, would sitend that we should get some,” The man who dont know Pamlico Sound froma River, and whohed never heard of Nag’s Head, is a fit representative of Loco- focoism 19 the District in which both o- these ere located. It ia said the Locos enceavored to raise & subscription, to buy bim a Geography, but the subscription did not emouat toaccom- plish that laudable objeet.—Jb. The pretended extract from 2 letter of Mr. Cley, in the last Mecklenburg Jeffer- sonian, has been pronounced, authoratively, a vile forgery. Will not the Jeffersonian let iis readera know of the imposition. We see it has not corrected its misstatements of the Whig eppropristions, to ehich we call- ed its attention, but that may have beentbe- cause all hands have been “ laid up with the measies.”—Jb- A GOOD SIGN. There is no mistake in the sign described in the following article. Whatever may be thought of Millerism in the concrete. in the abstract this particuler omen is worthy to be specially regarded “We fiad it without credit ia en exchange paper, but its suthenti- city should not be qvestioned on that ac- count, as such things “‘ sometimes occur.” Baltimore Patriot. A Mr. Bhadmen, pilot on a flat-boat on the Ohio, recently saw a most. wonderful sight in the Heavens. He was watching, eagerly, the comet’s tail, when all at once he saw the teil curl up, and form in big let- ters, the word PAY He didn’t pay much attention to it ; but in a few mipates he loo round again, and saw distinctly, in the seme place, the word THE Astonished at this, he ran below to inform the captein, and when he had got back, and looked ap at the teil, he found thet it bad changed sgain, and had formed the word PRINTER Whereupon be end the ceptein marvelled greatly, and resolved instantly to heed the admonition, and as soon as they got bome to psy. the printer. , We wish a good many could see that sight, and profit by it. A Shrewd Wife.—We Gind in one of out e changes an excellent anecdote : « My dear hosbaod,” atniable and wit- ty wife to her troant morning after re- turniog sta late hoor What the worse for the evening's dissipation, ‘ do you think, really, thatman and wife are both one, as it is sometimes » how can it be otherwise? Bot why ask question ?* ‘ Be- caose,’ she replied, ‘if that be the fact, am bourd to express my regret, and ask your for— giveness fur being proden last night. Par= don me this , and 7 promise you that } will never get again.’ The rebske was effectual. =—_ LOOK AT THIS! Strayed or Stolen from the Sob- seriber on Saturday the Srd of Jone last, (being the day of the General Master.) a lerge blue and black speekled Hound, one of his ears iea giey- ish black and the other righ: blaek; with a black spot on the root of his (21! abvat the size of a siJ- ver dollar, aod he bas also lost part of his fore— teeth. The dog's name is * TRUE,” he is a- bout ten years old—very heavy made—combining great strength and , = power ; bat unforia nalely he is too old to hen!, afd consequently of no use to any person but the owner, who wanis him merely becanse he has respect for old age. Any person flading the above named dog. and re- tarning him tome atthe “ Watchman Printing Office,” shalf be liberally rewarded. JOHN BILES. Salisbory, Jane 19. 18438. Dr. D, ff, Maxwel, Fyavise located bimeelf at Gen, Kerr's in Rowan coonty, 6m the road from ment has fovod ite credit gradually trsing, and latterly has had no difficulty in getting s dictate the seecession; when the deed will be dose—ibe revolotiun be omapleted—aod et «=May 13, 1843 —1f42 ption, though sil am ‘ aON ay? eee | tre hig Ticket ! moEN2L 32345 2 b* es | nd oe oa? > PE oy dantunts 4 : interference in Elections. itis = # amendment of the Constitution , limiting the incumbent of the Presidential Chair to single Term.”—(Herry Cray. a gC From the following Cireular of Col. Barrioget-and Gen; Edney. it will be seen, that a settlement of the unpleasaot difficulty. exist- ing for some time among a portion of the Whigs of the District, is about to be amicably adjusted. We hope every Whig in. the District @ill at once seize the opportunity, and meet together at each Capiain’s muster ground in the several counties on Safarday the 24th iosiant, and ap- point a Delegate to represent them in the Con- vention to be held at Davidson College, on the Fourth of July nezt. - To the Whigs. Of the Second Congressional District of North Carolina! — For the porpose of asiting the Whig Party.of the Second Cungressiona) District, we agree that the Whigs of each Captain’s Company in the several Counties io the District shal] meet at their respective places of compeny master on Satorday, the 24th day of this month, and pro- ceed to select and instract a Delegate for the Whigs of sach Captain's Company; aod that said Delegates so chosen, shall meet at Davidson College, on the FOURTH DAY of JULY next, and th d there determine who shall be the candidate Tor the Whig Party in said Dis- triet :—and we hereby agree to abide by the de- eision of said Convention, whether the same be in on favor, or ia that of another. The manner of organiziog the Convention and of declaring their decision, to be determined by said Convention on their assembling. That we will cordially unite inthe choice of a candidate thes designated, and the decision of the Convention as promulgated by iis officers, shall be :aken as that of the Whig Party with- oat farther appeal or question. We earnestly hope thal: friends of the Whig Party considering the importance of suc- cess in this District, will daly appreciate this ef- fort in favor of the anion of the Party, and wil! lend their prompt assistance on the day selected tocarry inte effect these our views. BALIS M. EDNEY, D. M BARRINGER. Salisbury, June $, 1°43. THE TARIFF, If the Tariff is so bed, how is it that goods are so cheap? If the Tan is so bad for the South, how is it that no body can fiad it out bot Politi- cians ? What is it that hes brought tato this coun- try twelvc millions of specie eincé last Jan- uary? a Great Britain taxes our tobacco 70 cents s pound, and whest 30 cents a- bushel, and vever talked of reducing either anti] we put @ pretty strong Tariff on some of their articles: now, they ere for sgreeing to a compromise: and itis believed that a nego- tition is going cn between our Government and that, to have daties fixed by treaty.— We dovbt the policy as well as the propri- ety of introducing this matter into a treaty ; but the mére talk about thus settling shows that something ig kesring pretty strong up- on their interests.’ ‘Nothing is more certein than that most of the duties laid by our pre- sent Tariff comewet of the profits of the Bi.tish makers and sellers, and it is there they ure beginning tofeel. Just look at the British newspspers and you will see our Tanff more abused then any where in this conniry. They say our Tariff 1s teking a- Way moch of their profits, and if their Gov- oA ent don’t reduce their Tariff on our breadctefis and tobecco, they ere efraid this cop Ary wall never come down in its tariff on their goo@® sfd that they are thus cut off from ‘former profits, About the time of pessing our ’present Tariff, the National [atellhigencer copspi . nf 7 =pee these articles in hopes that we would give ap,oar tariff on their goods. . And wai did we seein soswer to this ? Why the friends of @bigh tex on Amencan Salisbury to Beatie’s Ford P profeliceal ve oe’ politely tenders hie eorn and Tobeces, told. ttem tobe easy & have potionce,thiet there wee aparty at the - | monstfation of tke practice of Siz lions which are reised by American products Aay a i British . Pers must have for the hope entertained that the tg party would prevail in this free ng on tobséro, corn, wheat, 50, oan would have been so reduced hye doubled the irade in sobseco, ng in the cthor articles a steady and tte one long before this. Proll, Whi as the reeson piven for not giving @ high nice fot Roan dell, and Lineola four? why *, that Northern flout meets us (here ars ‘ price, end thereupon we musi be see by the price of that article, Winey English.merket was open? |; toni be ebout the same to take flour to be from New York, es to teke it to ¢ from that city; If we had an oe there; we never should see » barn \hern Gour st the Sooth. Indeed, oa the flour of Rowan, Tredel! ang 1; $ would be pushed on ecross the 4 at Colombiaand Charleston they to give us a living price. What an adventage there would be for the Is there any one thet dove not sort of @ Tariff? — If there be any such, be musi be for sg, reet tax se the mode of raising rereny_ Revenue must be raised or Go must repucisie its contracts, sid the Wha netion be disgraced. The. People never will submit to, diteg tex, sothere musts Tariff. There was in the world any such thing a [rte trade orjess it was the trade cerned ty piratesand smugglers There my 4 some Tariff—enough cerisinly to Weel thy wants of ;betressury. How that is lobe lig whether euch sn article can bear, nr more or ¢ cent less than justice and equ, ly requires, can never exactly be setiied, | must be the theme of contention and fm among Presiiert-makers, end bence youd ways see the Tariff becoming most oppra, sive just before a Presidential elecuorm Tax is. a sudject upon which the peoplem very exciteble, politicians koow this a hence it is they are eternally contrivingy create discontents and local jeslousia~ How much do you think Joho C. Calhom or George Mc Doffie ceres for the odd tip pence that Hon. opper their neighhe has to psy on Molasees ? What were thes pinjons of Mr: Cathoun on this subject vig he gave his mind fair-play ; that is i 1h before he thought of running for the P dency? Why he not ohly was for raising seven by a tariff of duties on foreign goods, tt he weot for protecting American menue tures. * When the compromise.between Col. Bane ger and Gen. Edney wag announced ico dap ago, the Locus looked chap-fallen, their gust was ended before the stakes were son ot at; thetr deceptive canting became a doll basi when barrah for Edney any how, was vo lage & capital good jest and charming argomen! ; wi no event could have equalled the dissppoia! incident to the luss of a chance to play é to chase with the hounds and ren with ibe ai the same time was qaite pleasent sporl. Aa to be. deprived of it, and obliged to depend their own resources to sopport their own candidate, isa melancholy refiection—'is F fol, wondrous pitifal, particolarly when (hes sources are so very slender. [1 would mates reflecting man melancholy, for at lees! five a ates, when enumerated and considered.—fi ** 1 am a Democrat,” a common answer Wet question, and is actually a worn out old sv, means noibiog more nor less than thet (bef son is willing tv be on the strong side, if bem Gind out which cide that is! ‘I'he vex! 6° am a States Right Democrat,” which lite # first means any thing that is for the tive fF sent; convenient as id South Carolies, # résisiance io and contempt of ihe Feder! ernment. In Georgia the same. 10 Teo shirking and shifting, equivocation aod niet for he aid of the party—aod this last 0% well assumed as the true characier of | politicians ti” all.places. Bot in New °" and.in the House of Repiesen(atives 25"? Siatés Rigs t Democracy means oppos!'i# "™ contempt of State laws end Siate suiba's” Democracy scorns the broad seal of © 5! In Rhode Islaod, State Righis mesos (bt mocracy has aright to role aud Fn, whole people withuut regard 0 renee Ger Thomas Dorr has a legitimate righ “ et ernor i spite of the will acd vist ust jority. simply beesese he claims '° ers Rigtt Democrat. If any man c20 fre righ! nel ag pet mocracy, asceriain tis trae meaning. 0 logic in his head than is dreamed i ‘losophy - Qiber resources ase tbe PY United Siates and the Bankrop! -“_ ot ing defonet, can essily be @agoifed | nn Of sters of bedious mien, pot for 997 coment did while living, tot that like Soak is? slew ireaboir death thee 'e) Oa g Re oe er Fs on who has she aati seeb stinkiog, rotten, decayed, OMF mains, mus: have the mt dngenel Hvease of propriety, nol to be : ‘pletare of his own painiing: "tan painter tioig 1 ihe scene of his ond io the of a Valtare, eros er ' character seems to fatten 08 research is tion. Another Degg’ ‘ys discri og sal. 90837 gome thirty or lron, molasses, sury sia, quite jy ackaoW rating ¢ % care Wha Treasury — If t wm ad a “pio their validity im cor next oumber. _——— + Out renegade is worse than len Turks.” ig ibe experimental declar cuinelt¢s yt! petweed oaioties past git Spain, the oa and scarce to be itcitated by the new E sah Carolin’ Standard, Monnted on the tri- m qsralent to the beloved Doakey Dapple, mies from his elevation to the Second Con- 44) Distriot, io msst courteous style :— ,in tbe second Disirict we have * the gal ‘Binge’ Poor Edney! bow art thoo seo by thy summer friends 1” Ob fie, Mr. yi thou ort theman! one of those very wn friends, aod canst best answer thy own My: and in 80 doing, may well understand esplaio the Register’s fresh mountain meta- os it would be well to explain at the ae what hidden intent or design is sop- io be propagated by the words *‘ gallact ge” isolated io a preiended quotation P— «all comprehended io the sweeping asser- ig, nat Barringer is ** both shallow and super- ‘of so, thou bast lackily found the troe myrino brass helmet in the form of a barber's minating Tarif of 1842, woolen and forty per, cent. on their rmits indigo, cochineac, log wood, ffs o be imported treeof doty — is another Democratic re- sparingly used, scafcely even ive reluctantly brought forward n this manner from Bavks, atioan of a vet- when specolating on the doubtful the christians and Forks sever- in that land of ooted chivalry, cuontry of the illesirioos Den less illustrious Sancho Panza, jeeds of noble daring are apparently at- Nditor of the “6! ka “his tion, bas torned U, States Marshal, of => man universally beloved, and one of diligent an@ prompt officers of the U. States.— Mr. Newton is an bonor to.any State and ly compeieni and responsidle io. Gill she. oflee from which be has been drives. No chasge was eve thought of by any in this Siate, ki is true, he is a bigh minded and t Clay man. Thisis the only reasoa the old traitor conld have bad for this high banded act. . Mr. Newton's successor is 2 man calculated for ne thing : does not even ide for his owo wile and children any kind of tt. He is a bank rapt aod already’ a defaakter, and is competent for nothing, bat is a low, vulgar, sireet babbling Loco Foeo. His standard of honesty and mor- ality is at sacb a low siatein.shis city, that he could not get credit for five dollars on aoy ac- covn!.” The above is an extract ofa letter from a bigh)y respectable gentleman at Little Rock, Arkansas, Tyler seems determined to leave no | man io office, who is honest and independen: enough to differ from him as to the next Presi- deat, or rather, is determiaed to drive every man from office who does not think be (Tyler) should be the man. No State nor office filled with a Whig is to escape the corropt eye of this de praved and traitorous fonctionary. Honesty, in- dependence and capacity are traits of character safficient with Jobn Tyler to har) any nan from office. Only the other day, Col Gaither was driven from ihe Miot at Charjotte, than whom a more perfect gentleman snd a betier officer could not be foond in the Government. Not ihe slightest objection could be vrought against rim, but that he prefered Henry Clay for the nex! Presidency. ‘I’be day is not far distant, when this corrapt accidental President will himself be proscribed by an abused aod injured couniry,and barled from the high place which he now occu pios, and his name be held in derision and con- tempt by all fatare generations. 0 To the Freemen of the Second Congres est and most ardent aiiachimepis of ibe friends of freedom, in the advancement of ovr cause a~ gain to action, Let us noi despair, but reiovi gorateand reinstste ourselves again icto favor aod confidence with each other—let os cherish those fend feelings, which led os in the triom phal cenvass of 1840. Asa band of brothers, those feelings whieh we have inherited, from that dignified baad of Patriots, whose deeds, of honor and manly achievements, have spread over this bhoad green Cooniry, its manile of protec- tion ender whick we hav tehed our tents io peace, and ihe day will be ours. “ Whigs, once more to the breach—once more.” BAIS M. EDNEY. Lineolnton, June 11, 1843. AVERAGE PRICES OF FLOUR. At Boston, . $4.75 * New York, 450 * Philadelphia, 425 “ Baltimore, 4,25 ** Richmond, 4.124 ** Cincinnatt, 3,20 * New Orleans. 2.65 eae oe TEMPERANCE MEETING, BCE There will he a meeting of the Rowan Washington Temperance Soctety, in the Meth odisi Church, on Saturday eveotny the 17th in- stant. ‘Ihe mewbers are particularly requesied to attend. J. H BHARDIE, President. State of PLorth Carolina. . DAVIE COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions— May Term, 1843 liram Phelps Administrator of Natbaoiel Mark- Jand deceased, against, Joho Markland, Pavlina Markland, Mathew Markiand, Marian Ma kiand, George Marklaod, Leeisa Markland, Heary »onive and wie Fan- 5, William Beeding and wife Nan®y, Charles i CARRIAGES FO! FBVGE Sobseriver will keep consiantly on hand L asopply of Ready. made Carriages from ‘he well known Manpfaciory 21 Yanceyville. consisting of COACHEES, BAROUCHES, aod BUGGIES, which he will warrant to be equal, if no: soperier, to any made in the North- ern Siates, for beauty and darability The subscriber respecifully solicits a share of public patronage. He may always ve found at the stand formerly owned by John J. Shaver. WM. OVERMAN, Jgent, For Wvarr Watxer. REPAIRING! THE SUBSCRIBER EGS leave respecifally to inform his friends and the publicatgange. that he still contin- aes ihe above business, at his stand on the main sireet, North of the Coart Hoose, where he may at all times be found; aod will make to order NEW WORK in his line, sach as one and two horse Barouches, Buggies, Salkys, Carryalls, and io short every description of work done un the shortest notiee,and not to be surpassed for dorabil- iy by anyestablish men! in this pari of the country His own attention @ill be anremitiingly bestow- ed open repairing of all kinds of carneges Hav- ing a SWITHSHOP auached to his establish ment, and taithfcl workmen in his employ, will enable him to do all kinds of repairing with the greatest possivle desoatch in a workmanlike ever t io pact of English abd Freseb C meres, Satinets, acky Jeans ang Genile- men’s sommer cloths, Nankeen and Cotton simeres, French, English aed American ~ 2 Painted and figured French meslins and Lawns, Satin striped aod Paris figared Balsorsins, (aew article) plain, Black and colored ns, Seoteh ginghams, Crape py Pong aad figared mastin de Lanes, Plain and Chal- ies, Black and colored Alpacker lusters and Botu+ bezines, Bive, black and colored, plain and sifi- ped silke, Silk gimp aod fringe for trimming dresses, Jaconet! an¢ Swiss woslins and Bishops Lawos, Gambroons and L.inen drills, Black and lors Patent shears and poiais, Lawn, Florreoce, Braid and Straw bonnets, Panama, Leghoro, Far and wool Hats, Seal, Cluth and Leather Caps, Robinsoa’s fine Kid slips, do Seal aod ealf walking, 4 doz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia made calfand moroceo Boots, 15 eases Gentlemen's and Ladies lined tnd bound low price shoes, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery and Sadlers t:im mings, Carriage trimmings of every description, Smith and Carpenters tools, a targe quantity of Sole and Upper leather, (very cheap.) Window glass, Potty, Nails, White lead No. 1,2, and pure, (warranted good,) Casior Oil, Salis, Qui- nine, and Rowan’s Tonic mixiore, Loaf, and Lomp sugar, 20 Hdds. Brown do. 25 Huds Molasses, $1! bags Rio Coffee, 3 :ons Finglish Tire, Spriog B ister and Cast Steel, a- large assoriment of Iron and Castings. The above Goods was selecied with great care, and will be sold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at unprecedented low prices. The Pablic are res. pecifally Invited to call and examine for them- selves. lying eight miles west of Charlot thereis a of years, the porchaser giving hond & Sixteen caimproved LOTS lying back of tle above-named Salisbory, April 22, 1842 —6m39 fancy silk Cravats and Stocks, Silk and Li hhc. wg N. B. Repairing done ia the vest style. handkerchiefs, Muslin collars and Sith "ares ee oe TRACY or D _ Ww.o. shalls, Black and white silk Hose, Boliiogeloths, con talateg ,, ok _ from No 5 to 9, (warranted genvine,) Tailors O ; CARRELAGE WAKLWVG trimmicgs, Ingrane carpeting and maitiog, Vai-| ~ 4 4 RES, te, on which GOLD MINE, KNOWN TO BE PRODUCTIVE. An andivided interest in a Tract of J.and, 5 or 6 miles from Charlotte, containing The agove is known as the property lately owned by Col. William J. Alexadtier. —ALSO— At the same time aod filsce, in undivided half 527 ficres of Land, lying on the waters of half Mile Branch, known to be a good mining tract, lat N. W. Alexande © irect, lately the tart of r. TERMS.—A credit of one, two and three ' proved se- curity,paysole at the Agency of the Book of the State of North Carolina at Charloue, with in- terest from the time of sale. : manner, and at the lowest charges. A fair trial ; JENKINS & BILES. Salisbary, April 22, 1843—ly39 gio filed with curds, and hast drowned thy Green and wife Martha, Thomas Markland and | - tfully solicited apn by inversion of tne basin in a cool bath of vv ehary, June to the Heirs ai Jaw of Nathaniel Marklaod,J:,|! Parret Yiarkland and Nelson Markiaod. NATHAN BROWN. sional District of Y. Carolina. It behooves me, tu state openly and c3odidly, om goats milk! lo nataral history and spinephy it is 2 conceded proposition, that ani- a's partake generally of the character of the od vpou Which they feed ; that by Mesmeric ifocnee, the milk of animals intended naturally yy ibe oourishment of their own species, neces gily iransfers the character and disposition of be parent prodacing the milk, to the party as~ wr imbibing it as food. Hence, we have waiared to sappose, that the Editor of the Stan- ied bas imbibed from soffusion, what we woold wi weert bad been derived from actual partici- ion, Bat to be shallow and soperficial both, mercedes our logtc entirely, unlesss we refer | Soskespear, and say, Sir Robert Shallow lice of the Peace aod Coram, and sv follow~ ag, ay Sr. Justice Corum Shallow Peace of Crown and dignity superficially invested rh the com nission of jastice shallow, any aod my dayin the year, Sanday’s not excepted ; «ibis being an unsatisfactory expjanation, we sre sought for, aod incideotaliy found, @ more wpleieaotherity, ronning on all fours, with the wy doabtfol question on hand. ‘The casé aris~ y opon the testamentary devise of Sir John wile,of Swale Hall, in Swale dale, hard by River Swale, as reported oy that most ac sie, talented and learned counsel, Martinus wibaleres, Wherein it 1s adjudged that the mwds“white and black Horses” shoald be dis- ined by the substitution of the disjunctive word rin place of he copolative and, unless the black oves were mares, which fact mast be ascertained sibe inepeetion of a Jury. Upon this authority ebave arrived at the conclusion of saying that ¥ wiecedent both and the copulative and shall siecluded in the disjunctive or, so that saper ‘ial op sallow, shall mean one and the same ing, ne imperative victum of the Standard to e contrary notwithstanding. We further plead ‘not gailiy” to the charge of Shallow, and sallenge proof to ihe issue. Asan Eagle towering in the pride of place, the indard Editor becomes suddenly earnest and solent, ‘f Bat really we are surprised at the nerily of Col. Barringer, acceptable as he seems be io most of his party, in coming into the field opposition to Mr. Craig. For 1n the first place ere Seems to be nu sort of comparison between ir respective abilities and qualifications. Mr. nig is not only well versed in Federal politics, i be has the boldness and independence which ssoesseniial to snecess.” So impudence is a not only tu the Freemen of this 2nd Congres- sional District, boat to the poblic generally, the position | now occepy. and the one which I took originally apon the sadject of Conventions and Candidaies coming before the People. | only desire io place myself fairly before the couniry, and | am satisfied thal a simple development ol ihe facts connected with this canvass, will noi only disarm my enemies, who have waged ao exparte war upon me, with indecent haste, bui will also place me apon that bigh greend | io- tended to take and maintain—althoogh | knew that I wae destined to be thrown in collision with a powerful influence both of talents and waglib, yet I have withstood the storm —met the catrent, and soccessfe!ly breasted the waves which bid fair for a while to sweep me dowo- ward, 1 took the stand to submit this matter on the part of the candidates, to the people of each Captain’s Company prior to and be‘ore any meetings were held to appoint Delegates to the former Convention. [ took it that all mem, both rich and poor, in the towns and in the country we be placed apon equalitr, which [ conceive i the Uae spirit of a Representative Govern~ ment—which course I thought was fair, and ac mirably adapted to quiet those prejudices which existed in many places betwoen townsmen and countrymen, and thas saccessfully hormonize and uniie the whole strength of the Par:y io one common and glorious siroggle. I[ did not stand out against the actior of the former Convention from selfish or personal considerations, and f only ask the favor of mgfriends to look back for one moment, & ses whether or not | have veen aciu ated by such considerations upon past occasions } took upon tmyself the duties @f a canvass iu this Distuict when a dark cload hung over us— with a party on the wane— with a perfect know- ledge that I was tu be sacrificed ; and apen all occasions since, | have been battling in the same independent eanse. [| was browght before the | couniry by the Whigs, by-their consent and vy heir approbation—and | now reapecifully ask hat same generous and confiding pecple, whe- her I have ever deserted or flinched from my au ies apon apy ode occasinn since they invited me before the conoiry. What have I done to incur the displeasure of my party? Is 1 thai | have labored too much, or advocated the Whig cause too zealously ? Is it that 1 would not yield to a v- - - nest sor rising fault in Col. Barringer, while the | Convention which met and acted wilhout hav- ave Virtue is most essential to the euccess of j t Craig, who is well versed in poiitics, so well weed, that he repeats wiih a Parrot accuracy. ‘| the slang of the Great Globe itself aod its cal- ender, ibe Standard. Now we consicer that a ‘ls common sense, fair and logical arguments, nd a candid honest expression of opinions, such “Col, Barringer has avowed, more essential to given general notice io the whole country ? If these be the feasons, 1 ask again to examine for yourselves, and give me justice. During all this canvass | have stood ap for the people, ovi only of the old Disirict, out for those genuine and irae hearted Whig counties, which have been added to our District. J have stood by the side of the people when no one else woald—! NS success, than all the bold, independent baf= | have fought for your inierests among friends and meery of Mr Craig in which he is‘alledged to be | foeg—and by them I was resolved to stand, whe "ell versed, for we estimate the understanding ‘(be people of this district a little higher than ther I, as a man, rose or fell. I fought apon principles as I beiieved identified with the in- Sseppose they will be led or governed by souud | terests of this well regulated Government —a nd fary signifying nothing. tC We onderstand that a very beantiful system of Government. Lanar Rainbow was witnessed here on Wednes. departure from which, would ere long brokeu ap its beautifel fabric, and destroyed ihe whole Let us not yield fur party sake or personal favoriteisms— any princi- 4y night the 14th jnst., aboot 10 o'clock. It{ ples which are calculated to make inroads upon aA perfect arch, and contained all the coloarg : the Solar rainbow, only more faintly delinea~ ed. It will be remembered that mach rain fell homble, feel his freedom and maintaie his rights, | .; oer mutual rights, if we did, be assured assaulis will soon be made upon our homes, our properly. and our lives. Let each man, however poor and rs Petition for sale of Lands to pay @ out- standing debts. T appearing to the saiistaciion of ihe Coort, that the Defenuenis, Heary Moore and wite Faooy, Witliam Beeding anu wife Nancy, Chas. Green aod wife Mariha, Thomas Markland and the Heirs at: Law of Naibaniel Markland, Jr., Parrei Markland and Nelso. Markiand, reside beyond the limiis of this Siaie: Ji is therefore ordered by the Court, thai publicailon be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, noil- fying the defendants, to be and appear before our next Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions, io be beld tor the County of Davie ai ine Court House ta Mockssiile on ihe 4:h Monday tn August next, then and thereto plead, answer or demur to said Petition ; otherwise the allegaiions sei forth therein will be iaken pro confesse, and ie peri- sion beard exptrie as tothem. Wiiness Jobo Clement, Clerk of our saiu Court ai Office, ihe ‘ty Monday in May 1843, and in tiie 67-h year of American lndepenience. JOHN CLEMENT, Ctk. June 17, 18483—64 47—Priniers fee $6 00. State of Porth Carolina. SURRY COUNTY. Superior Court of Law-—-Spring Term, 1843. Kiochen Goss, vs Catharine Goss. 'T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Catharine Goss is not a ciizen of ibis Siate: Itis therefore ordered by ihe Court,iha publication be made in the Raleigh Regisier anv Carolina Watchman for bree monitis, thai the Defendant (Catiarine Goss) appear ai ihe nex Soperio: Coort of Law, to ve held for ibe Conniy of Sorry, at the Court House in Rockford, on ihe 5th monday afierthe 4. monday of Augnsi nex’; ihen and there to plead aud answer or demur vo aid peiition, or tie same wi!l ve heard expar e, and decreed accordingly. Witness, Winsion Somers, Clerk of oor sate Couri at Office, the 5\h munday afier the 4! monday of February 1843 WINSTON SOMERS. c.s. c. June 17, 1943 — $47 — Printers fee $10 00 COTILON GINS. HE Sobscriber wishes to inform the ertizens of Rowan, Davie, Davidson and the adjoin- ing Counties, thai he Las the Coiton Gin Mana- factory caried onin the town of Wadesbviu’, Anson County, Norih Carolina. in a sivile not entpassed by any viher Hstablishment in the United States. Consisting of ihe fullowiog arti- cles to wit <— Steel Saws, Stcci plated Fen- ders, Gins, & Co, &Co All the above Irons eareful'y manufaciared by myself, except the Gins which are put up by old experienced Gin Wrigh's of Svvth Carolina Gins of 40 sawe will pick trom 3 to 4000 poanus away, wih a ‘Teami®ol two Horses wiih ease Joiion picked oy those Gins leaves the sispte moch betier and will command a be-ies price In Market by far than common Gins of the Covatry ECF Orders from 2 distance for any Giffyreni ze Gios will be promptly atiended to, and all t Petition fur Divorce. s Salisburv, June 1:0, 1848—6w46 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qnarier Sessions —May Ses- sions, A. D. 1843. Attachment levied on t Lands aod Negroes. 5 5 John McRorie, vs. Willham Loon. Thomas McNeely, vs. Willian Lano. Attachment levied on Lands and Negroes. [manuel Shober, vs. William Lano. Aitachment levied on Lands and Negroes. Same vs. Same Same. Kelly & Gaither, vs. Constable’s levy on Lands William Lonn. and Negroes 'T appearieg to the satisfaction of the @oart, that the Defeodant, William Luann, is not an inhabiiantef this Siaie: [t is therefure order~ ed, that publication be made in the Carolina \V aichman, published in Salisbury, for six weeks coufying the said Wolham Lune, t» appear at ‘he next term of the Court of Pleas and Quar- ver Sessions, to be held for said county, at the Court-Hovse io Mocksville, on the 4th monday in Augost next, then and there show cause if ane he has, why the said Lands and Negroes tevied on, shall not be condemned and sold tu sa ‘3fy the plaintiffs debi and costs. \W itness, John Clement, Clerk of our said Court ai office, the 4th mundav in May, 1843, and o’ American Independence, the 67:b year. Is- sued 3d Jane, 1843. JOHN CLEMENT, Clk. 6% 46—Printers fee 98 ——— State of forth Cavolina. DAVIE COUNTY. IN EQUITY—SPRING TERM, 1845. sity Robegt Carson, Fxecator of Joba Taylor, Dec'd. vs. William Taylor, James Taylor, Rebecca Tay- lor, Zicharieh Gaither and wife Sally, Milton Gather, Elijah Gaiiber, Noah Gaither. Asbury Gaither, Willie Gaither, Alexander G Gaither, Margaret Gaither and Casper Kinder, and wife Temperance. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coort, that William T'avlor James Tylor and Re- becca Taylor, Defendants in this case, are nol inhabitants of this State: [tis therefore ordered, that povlication be made for six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said William Tay lor, James ‘Taylor and Rebecca Yaylor, io ap- pear at the next ‘Term of this Coort, to be held tor the county of Davie, at the Coort-House tn Mocksville, on the 41h monday after the 4th monday in Aogust nex', and plead, answer or demar t6 complainants bill, or the same will be inken pro confesso.and heard exparte, 28 '0 them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Conrt, at Office, the 4ih monday after the 4ih Spring and Su ummer FASHIONS for IP 4! S/ NEW T tloring Establishment ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, TAILORS, Late of the City of Raleigh.) E have located ourselves ithe Town of Salisbory, (permanently,) and intend car ying on nor BUSINESS in a style nut to be arpassed in this Siaie or ontof it. Oar Estab ishment iain the room on the corner of the Mansion Hotel, formeriy occupied as the Posi- Office. We have ewployed ihe best of Northern Workmen. No expense or pains will ve spared ‘a render this a Fashionable Establishment ! in all respecis. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clothes made op in the mosi ‘ashionable and darable manner, We have been engaged regularly io catiing for the last five vears, sod part of the time, in some of the most celebrated esiablishments ia the Soathern coun— iry. We shall not hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit we cat ard make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS, received monthy. In conclosion, should we be encoaraged, no one peed send away to procure guod clothing. A. P. ALSOBROOK. H.S MILLLR. Reference.—Thos. M., Oliver, Raleigh, N. C. Salisbory, May 20, 1843— 1926 State of North Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equity—April Term, 2. D 1843. 1 ( r 8 | Joseph Martin, vs. John Martin, Thos. mar tin, Sameel martin, Geo. . ; martin, Elizabeth Harris, + Original Bill. ‘Thomas J. martin, and Hampton Bynom, Ad- ministrator of Wm, G. martin, deceased. [* this case it being made toappear to the sat- isfaction of the Coort, that Joho martio, gne of the defendanis in this case, does not reside within the limits of ihe State of North Caroli- vat Itis therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks io the Carclina Waichman, printed at Salisbury, that onless he, the said John martin, appear at the next Conuri of Eqni- ty, to be held for the county of Stokes, at the Coo1t-Hoase in Germanton, on the secund mon. dav afier the fourth monday in September next, and plead, answer or demar, the Bill will be taken pro confesso and the cause set down for hearing exparte as to him. Witness, F. Fries, Clerk and master of our said Coort at office, the 2d monday after the 4tb { J \ amounting io JAS. A. JOHNSTON, Agent of the Bank of the State of N. C. at Charlotte. May 27, 1843 —imjc44 Great Bargains CHEAP CASH, YW tolesate & Retail BSTABLISHMENT. & are now receiving, end offer for sale, our supple of Spring aod’Summer Goods, 845 Packages. Among which, are the following : 642 ps. Georgia Nankeens? 478 do brawn and bleached domestic, 510 do cal » assorted, 99 do pri muslin and lawns, 89 do brown drills; 46 do Kentocky janes, 83 do bed ticks 20 do Ginghems 5 do het anchor bolting ctoths 190 legbors aod willow hats 187 doz palm leaf do. 220 do cotton handkercbiefs 1240 pr shoes, assorted 80 cases hats assorted 446 ladies bonnets assorted 288 doz combs assorted 425 gross buttons assorted 45 saddles assorted 22 doz grass and grain scythes 103 doz pocket knives 181 doz knives and forke 4 doz cutting knives 21 duz weeding hoes 9 blackmith viees 6 do anvils 4 pr do bellows 15 doz saddle trees $0 pieces bagging 8 tope 405 coffee 17 bhes sogar 173 kegs white lead 22 pre elliptic springs 75 pre trace chaios 1000 |bs loaf segar 54 kegs powder 182 kegs oails and brads, ‘Together with a general stock of all kiods of GOODS. These goods were selected with the otmost care, and they hare been bought wilh cash and for cash, which is more than any other establish - ment io tbis plece can say, (if hey speak the troth) ; and we foriber say, tbat il is oy far the largest siock that has ever been brooghi to this placee—and we defy a contradiction. These goods are for sale, and we are determined to sell them for cash, lower than they can be booght elsewhere, fei the price be whai it may. All we ask is acall, if you lease. Most respecifolly yours. J & W. MURPHY. Salisbory, April 29, 1843—1f40 SPRING and SUMMER monday in March, A. D. 1848. Copy from ihe minntes. F.FRIES,cm ee. | may 27, 1843—644—Printers fee $5 50 State of Porth Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equity—April Term, 1842. Elizibe:h Hauser, Jacob } Shore and wife and oth- 61s. f Aothony Haaser. | N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of ‘bat evening, bat the clouds bad nearly dispers- ‘,and the moon shone clearly, It formed a veantifal spectacle. for by this being done, by each cominon citizen, ear Government is apheld, and the neglect ol one citizen, In the discharge of his relative da- tess, which he owes to society, affecis to shal extent the well being of society ge . This ; is a Government of the People, and one of . vention. its inhabitants has a seperate and independent A a Whig Convention of Delegates for the | right to claim protection and shelter under ils ‘izth Congressional district of the State of Iili- | broad panoply of justice. ; "8, beld at Rock Island on the 10ih May, af- That this matier is now, by poblic eile ‘er nominating Cyros ‘Walker > “"" | brouget home to the people in their owo Heigh- date for C ™ as their candi- | borhoods, that they may taik over the matter at Ga! ‘ ongress, E.. B. Washbarne, Esq, (of | their own fireedes. Actuated by pajriotism and 20a) was selected as the Delegate from the true love of countty, | am perfectly satisfied — let to attend the Natronal Convention at | for when the people act, 1 will cheerfully obey, the above Gins warranied by me in be genuine, . JOUN D SMIPH. Wadesboro’, Anson Conny, N.C. 2 Jone '7, 1843 —1y476 NOTICE. VY virtoe of a Deed of Trost execnted to me, 00 the tlih day of June, 1842, for the parpose therein mentioned, I wil! expose to public sale, on Tuesday, the 4th day of July next,‘at the late residence of lew: Gheen decd , on the Wilkesburoagh road, eight miles of Sal- isbory, one Feact of Land whereon the said de 200 ACRES, mure or maunday in February, A. D. 1843, and in the 67th vear of American Independence. IL BINGHAM, cmeE. 6045—Printers fee $5 50 ugg TAKE NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the snbscribers by Note of one, two, three and four years standing, are requested (o pay or renew them by the 20th July nexi. Also, those who have ac- counts of longer (han 12 mooths standing, wi!! please call and settle by cash of note gi bose who fail to comply, mast not thiok hard of us, if FASHIONS VOR 1843. ‘HORACE H. BEARD H* jost received of My. F. Manan the LONDON. PARIS & PHILADEL- PHLA FASHIONS, for the Spring and Sumer of 1843 ! which fas sarpasses ay ih'ng of the kind bere- tofore petlished. He sil! ear-ies on the The first Delegate to the Vhig National Cor- Petition for the sale of Laad. . lived, containio a! oe : de. , Baltimore in May next. This is the first ap- and Heaven grant, that they may be esedve Jeeecadjoining the land of ‘Thomas Wood, Ar- | they shcald have :o settle witht the Sheriff and Fe ee eee cd Teall wlikie ibe Tailoring Business . Piniment of a delegaic to that Cavintice ted toa wise and beneficial conclasion for the thar Neely and oihers ; 4‘mules, one Wagon aod | Consiables. timits of ibis enie * It ig therefore ordered that io all ite branches. 21 hie vid sisod, woere be ie CRESS & BOGER, Salisbury, June 3, 1843—Sw45 genera! goed of the country. 1 have beea actuated by a consciousness of ap- righ\ intention, throughoat, and the highesi ev~ idence that { was contending for those principles of freedom, which are the ballwork of oar Gov- ever ready to meet and accommodaic bis old and new customers wiih fashionable co'ting tnd ma king of garmecis, not to ve surpaseed by eny (0 the southern country. Puncinaliny, despaich and feithte) work as bas been, always shai! be Gear, 4 head Cattle, aboo 20 head of Hogs, Honsehold and Kitchen Farnitore, and Plania tion Touls. Te property of Levi Gheen. Terms of sale cash. HEZEKIAH TURNER, Truslee. plication be made for six weeks 10 the Capoli- na Waichman, :hat onless he appear at the next Cours of Equiiy, to be held for the county of Siokes, at the Court House ic Germaaton, on the second monday afier the fourth monday in ‘hich we remember to have seen, 4n Honest Confession —The intelligent Mot of the Augusia Constitenonalist, (a ig Stock-flolaers Meeting. alc paper, aking of isla- ernment, is that those honorable gentlemen, whe Jone 12, 18438 —Sw47 —- Sen t, and plead answer or demear, the bis aim 20d odject. Thankfol for pat encoar- ton of thet state ‘doen . : the legisla held the former Ooovention, have at length a- HE Stock holders of the Salisbury Maoe- Sertion will be akee pro reulaitt & ng th e cause | Sgement, be hopes to merit jis contioagoee. bi da at Orgia,) says: =“ It has| greed to my pe -~ond gee g and — DR. ‘KILLIAN: facioricg Company, aresespectfally reqoes- |. gown for hearing exparte a6 to bie. P. 5. Reference he deems unnecessary, #8 bis misforiane of the democratic par-| Ship now pervade oar. s. 1 confees L. »s led toaiiend a geaeia! meeting, of said Stock- nd masterof ovr said | experience and work for the last thirtees years Witness, F. Fries, Clerk a Coort at Office, the second mooday afier the toorth monday io Mareb, A. D. 1843- Copy from ihe mipates. F FRIES, c » £. maz 27, 1843—6w44—Primiers fee $5 50 have a deep seated regard for every Whig, not only of my own District, bat for everyone io America, and when | meet them at bome or a— broad, in adversity or pr rity, they tooch the hand of a tree friend—and 1 trost for all time hereafter, to be actuated by a irae devotion to thé best interests of my country, by virtue, by‘ holders, to be peld in the Ton of Salisbery on | Friday the 90th insi., toetect Officers in said ; Compaby for the prpsen! year, and for _ por- . Ages ceis request poser. ARAM CHANBE Prest. Salisbary, Jone 15, 1845—2w47 AS ensonned ©. Sdtigeasy. end i , pow prepared (o fesome the prac uce of his’ protecsid®.” His Office i. removed to Mr. Cowan's brick palid- ing, 2d door. i April 29, 1843—1[40 ll show. “ HORACE H. BEARD. April 13, 1848—1f38 Job Printing neatly done here. 'Y {0 petefat in following s conree of legis- tea, whieh experience had shown to be wen to continue in office men a to be atiesly ungoalified, by honesty 7 © the discharge of ther duty.” Se a NEW OAE : CHAIR & SOFA. Maygufacturing te iY > . - “HE SUBSCRIBERS H AVANG aesdtiaied themselves ogether-for the par pose of manufactaring Chairs, Bureans, Sofa’s, SEORETARY’S, WAHDROBES, ( entre-- Fables, SIDEBOARDS, &O. &O. in che very best hind of sigle,aod of the finest materials, beg leave io ask at ihe hands of the ciiizens of ibe couniry sod villages around, a share of their oaironage ia oar line of business. Vheir shop is a few cr ee a? door below ra, Hoiel, and one di on ee FRASER, WARREN GHEEN. mareh 18, 1843 —183 > KENILWORTH HOGS! RHE Snbseriver bas jast added to his stock q ot Dorleshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hozs, nnporied ir m Kogtand in the fall of 1841, by Mr. A B Allen, of New York, and are now a- bout 18 monihsofd. ‘he Boar iea very supe. ‘ior 2a: mal, deep, thick and excetient in all bis poiais: the Sow very fine, with a liter of eight pos, whieh, for nege'y and form, can hardly be surpassed. Whose who may ish a foller de- seription of ihgse fine animals, are referred io Mr. Allen's l@ier puvlishedin ihe Cullivator.— ‘Vhe svoscriber has a/so, a Vorkshire Sow, par chased of Vir. Aen, from a Sow imporied by bimicom (ingland ; and some Thin rind Sows : and those wishing io parrhasr, can have the pore Kenilworih, or Berkshire, or crosses of Keaorsyor.t) and Yorkshire, Phin-rind and Berk- sire. His siovk of Berkshires was parchased of Ma C.N. Bemeni,of New York, and is no sor vssed by angio che United S:ates, Those Wiss to improve their stock of Hogs. hace now a hetier opporivany of doing so, than has ever deen offered South of ihe Potomac. Orders for any of the above will be promptly attended to. Ww”, F KELLY. Near Moeksville. Davie co. 2 i195 Jianna-y 14, 1843, 5; ~ _—— — CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint. R. TAVLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT, —feom $75 Bowery, New York — for ihe cure of coughs, colds, eaiarrha, Asthma, soreness of ihe cheat, pain in the side and breagi, raising of Blowd, Liyer Complaials, Bronchitis, and all those «ffectians of “Mnroai aod Langs, — whieh are a source of so mueh seffering, and un arresied, So offen ierminaie in Consumption — this remedy is bigily and jusily distinguished ti is parely vegeiaule, mild and gentle in iis ef- fects npon ihe sysiem,2od can be taken in the most delicaie cases, wit) safety as well as aiili- iv. Physietans, aware of iis medicinal proper- eS, ond winessing iis effects even ta extreme, Jn in Some tusigaces, appareniiyjaimost hope- less cases, ofien presc) ive it in their practice, vo. 19.2 palliative and a remedy, and wiih the Seve! Paealiy genecels, ii bas met with gieat RPP con, 7 3 CONSUMPTION —Phe following remarks were iaken from the last namber of the Mecteal Magazine : “Tue sucprising effect produeed by ihe genu- ine Balsam of Liverwoi, made ai $75 Bow- Pi ¥, (a Consumpilve eases, cannoi fail excitiag a deep and vurtiiog joteces! (4 oaghout the warld ‘Se haveso ‘ong vetieved its disease (consump ‘)nenroole, hast is cifficult te eredit our shen we See persons, evidenily consnmp- vyored conegiin Ve iis a fact of daily ce, ow og Was given as a shortiime since, .o El geveih City, N C. Certificates. iy CONS Hallows ll” predispased to Con- vu, (2 cumber of my family having died sease,) ond having soffered seveiely rh r eno. che bangs, sceompanied wiih p fascog matter and) food, wyeiner eye @ bon in me side ang breast, till | was reo 10 De onvond cecover9, | was induced 7 1) Perkins, as a last resiwtio iry Vio ’s Balsooo ol Liseswor. Pbaveiaken five ‘es all, bneoan vo improwe ith the first , dou while iskiag the third, 30 far re- vered, aS lo ve ae ioe about Sree which “w? uyY eontroned vse ol, fam quile restored 7 are iu alleud io my usual ouginess, ‘T'o per- suns suffering from coughs and affections of tbe ‘auras | do earnesily recommend it (sigaed JAS c SCOTT. Zoeh (orig, N.C, Dee 16, 1842, Liver Complaint and General Debility.—1 Wis given op o¥ «Wo physicians, and tuld to pre pare tor devin, J was so weak | could not raise My pant co my bead. ft was in this low etate When a iriend seni me a voile of Dr ‘Vaylor’s Bals:m of Liverwori, from $73 Bowery, and be fore | hav ased op the boiile, | was able to sit op ‘bed. By ihe fnriher ose, 1 have completely regained my neal b, GEO WELLs, 25 Joho st Violent pain in the side —I have been cored of a vioten: pain io ihe side, extending throng h lathe shoulder, digestion, cizz'ness, loss of ap Petite, and general debility, by the use of two bottles of De Taylos’s Balsam of liverwort, from 375 Bowery. JF H Allen, No7 Merehani’s Row. For sale at the Drag Store of C B Wheeler, Salisbary. mareh 4, 1848 — 1y32 LIME: LIME?! A NV qoantiiy of fresh Lime cao be had at the Kilo of the late Joseph Williams dec Be ive t00 busisls and over 16 cents; 50 to - Be ror THE Ciiiesi tre latesiand most approved And is prepared io execuie o-ders in th s. glist 20d $21's“aciory manner. pai ep aod forwarded. BCH Mrs P. has on hand 2 handsome ‘Tarbans, for sale. Silisoury, December $, 1842. FOR THE Spring and Summer 1843. THOMAS DICKSON ESPEC'TEULLY iofo: ms tis f:ends avd pubbe, that be suill earcies on the TATLORING BUSINESS a all its various branches, two doors avowe J. & W. Murphy’s s.ore, where he is ready to exe- evie a!! orders of his cusiomers in a si! manner not surpassed by any in ihis partof the Neis also in ihe regular receipt of ibe couniry. NEW-YORE FASHIONS, and prepared io accommodate the tastes of ibe Fashionable at all times. April 15, 1848—1¢08 Ladies Fa shions of ' H & Sobseriber informs the poblic, tbat she 2g jost reeeived through the Noribero London & Parisian Fashions, Work seni ‘:om a disizncesina!l be carefully s. D. PENDLETON. meat of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and “.* Mes. S. P. is also prepared to execule Crimping and Flaiing on easonaole tems. NEW FASHIONS _ e mos Refer ences assori - of io his Agent ai Fa ihe Owners inthe back coentry.. Warehouse 2 i siored free of slorage, aod the owners subjecied ooty to welf the usaal cattage Fayetteville,—thereby less€ning the expense on Goods much below the osea: charge. Warehouse is isolaiad froth si! other beild/ngs, the danger of Fire will be trifling in comparison to the risk incurred from bétng situated in town. Those who may favor him with their besiness, may resi assared that every aiiention will ve paid to the promotion of their interest. td the same ttle, who Eipteve large » where s will be from the River to As his GEO. W. DAVIS. Messrs John Huske & Son. D. A. Bay, Fayetteville, N. C. Alexander Anderssen, Joba McRae, Joho Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, V. C. E. 8. Powell, Packet Agent, Wew York. Ort 1, 1842—1110 vie and TO PAMILIESB ROW AND’S cessful prescrintion called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mix A few remarks will serve tu Hlusirate fe-ence ‘Vouic Mixture in the core of Fever and resis ite coarse of the chilis, when po and ne/seveupa!y used, but it soon restores the ons of the general system fo aper- fectly healihy slale ; wheo relapsesare no more liauie to easve than an attack of the disease in one who has never had it before, “Phirdly: The twoonled fruae sysiem, during the adminisiration ofthe ed ‘fone Mixiore, sp:ings op at ‘unee o benign influence, and oives forth an earnesi of re- Foorth!y: Producing moe or less effect on the bowels, the cause of ihe disease passes off io the way avost sirungly Fifihly: Its effects on the turning healib and vigor. indicated by natore sysiem are uniformly mild and sale, as efficieai, and ii is as well adapied to ihe ive musi vioorous edo, ations, of ite aimosi imporiance to ihe Pirenis and invalids, wighi be ename-ai in compa. ison wiib ihe remedies general! ed to in pvufessional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- leciineg the remedy, N.B. confidence in the efficiency of the “R Improved Yonic Mixture,” to effect a cure of Fever and Ague, ihe Proprietor ihe original goaraniee, viz: be relained ip every case whereic the has been punciually ased wilhout desired effect. Address Dr.JOHNR ROWAND No 28 Norih Seeond Sireei, Philadelphia. Sapplies bave been :eceived by ihe sole Agent for Salisbury, N. C, Sepi$, 1812—1y6 ‘IMPROVED’ TONIO MIXTURE. Those who would have recourse to a°Family Medicine for Fever and Acur. Dyspepsia and Nervous Wealrness, should discriminate bei ween the ‘* ihousaod and one” remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the public, (ihe same now asin al! limes past, ) and thai almogi universal!y suc - Jn the first plare, theoperation of ibe unon entirely new and peculiar, yet safer piiuciples, Secondly: li aot only promplly ar- in‘ani, simply vy a modification of the dose, as Many other consider- vut ihe above are a few of the poinis of contrae:. With a view to re-establish entire The money sia!! prodacing ite C.B. WHEELER. Organs ture, the dif- Ague is nclually Improv- nder jis well as feeblesi anxious ed here, ¥ resori- | OY DR. D. JAYNE’S FLWMILY MEDICIVES. FRNHESE MEDIGINES are expressiy pre— pared for family ose, aod have acquired an unprecedeoied popularity throughout the United Siaies; aod as they are so admirably calcolaied to preserve Health and core Disease, no family sboold ever be wiibout them. (bese valoable preparations received bis educa- ion at one of the best medical Colleges io the CU otied States, and has bad fifieen years experi- ence io an extensive and diversiGed praciice, by which he bas had ample opportunities of ecquir- ing 2 practicz| knowledge of diseases, and :he remedics best ca'culaiev to remove ihem. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valoable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, Croup. Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, feule Rheuma- lism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lunges or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and al! diseases of the Pulmonary The proprietor of Jayne's Hair Tonite For the Preservation, Growth,and Beauly of ihe Hair, and which «ill positively bring in New Hair on Bald Fleads,and prevent iis fall- ing out or turning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIO VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe,and ceriain preparation for the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Fever and Ague, Piles, Want of Appetite, and al! diseases of debility, especially of ihe Slomach aod Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. FAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAD. A ceriain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic, Cramps, Stcl Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus. and a'l decangemenis of the Slomach aod Bowels, Nervous Affections. §c. fayne’s Sanalive Pitis, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, ObstructiOns, Diseases uf the Shin. &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alierative or Pucgative Medicine te :equired. ‘The aoove meu’cines ave for s3!é@, whaleszle or retail, at ine Salisbory Medical aod Drug Score, C.B. WHERLER, Agent Salisbory, N.C. Sept S, 1842 —1yv6 owand's lasiiae resiores lemedy i THE SUBSCRIBER, [ AVING porehzsed Mr. T. R. Hog a tereal in the avove Esiaolish meni, his services io the Travelling Pudlic, 2i Moant Movrne, 10 Iredell! coun'y, the hope tbat be bas experience enonon duties of his vasiness io end avo: io + au fortavle, all who besiow upuu b's louse. ironage. Bis VABLE sbstl always ve well ag epicure. selection of E.iqnors. His STABLES sie!) ue consianily > vy faithfol and aiteniive bos.te 8 and 8 With abundont provende Hoase. ] 00 vusiels 18; 5 to 40 bushels 20; anslacked to proportion, | . All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or | inely ievidence, will app!y ei:her io J. or R. WILLIAMS. -™ ve Rockford, Sarry conniy, march 18, 1848. 184 GARDEN SKEEDSY GENERAL sssor:ment, mov be fovad at ne Nalisbery Mediral ang Drag Siore. Selisoorg, N.C., Jan. 21, 1848. 1196 N. an ee PILES ! PILES!?2 HIRAM TY. Charlotte, Febroary 4, 1843. —60:28 NEW SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONA AND GROCERIES! @ citizens of Salisoasy and ibe sarro Couniry, that he has rece’ ved a new and HAYS’ LINIMENT!! ? ; ‘HE PILES —The price of ibis celebraied Lircnea: is refanded to any person who | Sisiiog of a!! Kimis of WINES AND LIQUORS of ‘he Very beg. Clare MANSION HOUSE! for several years been engaged in keeping °° PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, Le cnalaes AJ fully supplied wiih everv ihag ove eonni-w of fords, io please and saiis‘y ine palu.e even of an His BAR will ue fovad fu aisbed wiih acuoice N. B. Te Sirge Office is ken: 9: ibe Mansiun SLOAN. R. ROVECH!, respecifolly informs the did supply of Confeciionaiies and Gruceries, con. quality, soch as \ladeira, Por: Dec 10— Fix pectoration. i120 C. B. Wheeler, sole for D:. Rowand, has just received a fresh sop- nly of his genuine Impoved Tonic .\Meture, which is fur sale wuolesale and reiai!, at he Medical D-ug Store, Salisoary, N. C. PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Codit!, and effective Remedy for Coughs, Hoa seness, Colds, Paro in ste B.easi, fofluenzu, Had B earthing, and dificuli BCH Foi sale ai the Waickm2o Office, and ov C B Wheeler, Salisoory. marcb 4, 1S45— 1532 < A gent hes’ in- ‘enders Having ” ibe side. Pe com he: pa n'en.i Z Plasier. ended upphes leags, | a'l an yn Sui Ou o ne Rove on, | once by iheir * Br. Liws Salvanum Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! f BYHESE Plasiers, g:eaily improved, and ba. ving the preference of a/! others, are warm. 'y recommended by a!! dociors a8 invaluable fur tavalids having pains io ihe Breast, Back or Weakness and Lameness 2-e relieved ai ose, and ihe paris restered Sirengit) and a paiural warm:h and healite., Any person wearing one of these Plasiers, will be as- ionished and delighted 2! the comfort it affurds. Vhose ihreaiened wiih Loog Com plainis ¢hoald never (ust inemselves a day wiihoul wearing a i removes the ivritaiion of incipient Consurmniion from ihe Lungs ta ike surface of ihe cody, and draws off ibe internal affection — So in tive: Complainis, aad Cooghs, and colds. Chitdren vith Whooping Cougir should always heve one. io oevent ihe cvogn setiling on ihe Vue excellence will o@ ondersiood by IF For saleby C B Wheele:, Sun, wot Greensoo-o’, ow J&R Sloan; Bills- D tiesii > lexington, J P Mabry, marci 4, 184$ —15$2 RIES i 10 she publie. ' unding | splen Particular attention will be paid to ell Suri ca! coses enirusied to bis care. ihe large coroe: buase, nearly opposite J. & W.| Murphy's store. Salisbary, May 6, 1848 —:f41 | Pe wode nitg “Srtisouig, offers b's professional services | Dr, G. B. DOUGLAS, AVING located: bimseif jn 5CP Office ‘in | i, and NOTICE. | HE endersigned having qualified #8 Ad- H forward to | : ‘at’s My: UPREME REMEDY. FOR celebraied and | and PHGENIX BITTERS... Extraordinary and renowned as are their effects open diseases in general, io FEVER AND AGUE, and ali Biliious A ffectioas are more so; becaose, in these they are as asany haman means canbe. This proved in more than ten thousand caees, noris 20 instance in which they bave failed, or,reagonably.can (ail, when ta keo in strrict — the essary subjoined, and w are aiso. given in - FATS MEDICAL MANUAL aid Good Sa maritan. But to ensure invariable suecess, these most be rigidly followed. FEVER and AGUE, w al} its four leading species, is peculiar PeKiopicaL ad@mieistration of 2 proper remedy, in conaectioe with the spe— cific powers of one of the ingredients in bis med- icines, is the secret of his invariable triampb, while all other practitioners either entirely fai! or only temporarily secceed, were with the very best remedies that were known. Averos, or Agee iseither Quolidiam, or daily; Terlian, or third-dad ; Quartan, or fourth day ; Eratie, or sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother ; or it is Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and fhen running into in— iermitient fever of a more maligoant character. Bat itis a remarkable faci, however mysterious aod onaccountable it may appear, that each and all of these species of Ague, have 2 rouR- TEENTH DAY CRisis, in which they may be cured with certainty, but dy peg which they can only be cared by chance. Dr. Mar- Pat's directions for taking the medicines in this disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of the fire Prius at bed time, aod next morhing oefore break{as: a full wine glass of the Puenix Birrers in about the same quantity of waier, and half a wine glass more in a full wine glass of water, aboot half an hour before each meal daring the. day. On the second sight take three pilleind the bitiers as before ; on the third nighi four pills and the bitters as before, and con- i\iove taking four pills every night for three vights more, with the bitters during the day.— On onbefore the seventh day, the Ague wil! seem the entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hongry, and bearty, bui he must ne- veribeless continue to ‘ake the bitiers as before prescrived, until and on the fourteenth day, with iwo pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, end not until then, with positive and invariable ceriainty, be permanently cured, end noi oaly of Fever end Ague but of whaiever billious and liver affections it may bave superin— doced or even 10 any way connecied. If, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or an- due confidence in reaiored health, omit to take the Pheenix Bitters in ihe fall quantities pre- scribed, at leas three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat masi not be blamed if the disease should retara, and the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instractions, however, be will be 80 thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance lo the disease, however eohealiiy may be his locaiion or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children becween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quaniities of the me dicines will suffice ; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of ihe bitters only will. alone be necessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- ioal“ LIFE MEDICINES,” has been pes fect ly iriomphani in ibe worst regions of the Soutn- ern and Wesiero couniry, and around the north- ern lakes, where ihe malady prevails wiih the universaliiy of an epidemic, and the demand for ihis sovereign remedy has been far greaier than ine sopply. DR MOFFAT’S Agenis, how- ever,are now well furnished, and will make ev- e-veffori io’ senu this advertisement inio ihe mosi «fflicied districis, Voluntary and jealoos- 'y g aieful iesiimonials are received ai the pro— n-ieo:’s office in New York, by every mail in iacredible nambe's, to the absolute efficacy | of ‘hese asionishing medicines, not only in Fever and Ague, o.hes iocermitent fevers, liver and vitlious affections, and derangements of the di- ges.ive functions generally, but also in chronic and inflammaiory i heomatism, costiveness, pains io the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fula, pi'es, worms, scurvy, 2nd a host of otber complaiais, for ihe cave of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines 2°e so pre-eminenily re- nowned ibrovghoui ibe United Siates: Know- ing, however ilai mony of these diseases, as wel! asa mosi fatal undermining of the general healih are ocezsioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. Moffat, in bis adveriisemenis, invites the she- cial aiteniion of the public to the absolate ascen. deacr of his medicines over this malady the founiain head of so many others. He has only to add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating jo their operations, fequire neliher confinemeni nor change of diet, and bave acquir- ed ike repuiation ihey have long possessed, not by ihe osual artificial efforts, bat solely by their invariable and extensive osefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Bread. way New York. aye The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at the Salisbary Medical Dro Siore, by C. B. WHEELER, Agent. BC A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hied tne for sale at Hamp- tonville, Surry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbary, Sepi §, 1842—196 _— Medicines, Paints, Oils, YORPENTINE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs, Paient Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, 2nd SPIRITS for medical Parposes Indians, LATE | Hoeck’s and Swaim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brushes, ( indies. Fancy and common Sozp, Glass W ate, Peters’ Pills, tn s'-emenis, Matches, Paper and many other ar licles. just received and for sale at ptices.ta suit ihe times, by on B. WHEELER. Salisbury, FEVER |® IND AGUE AND BILLIOUS F&- known, that afier ao ordinary fever has once oc- carred, 2 not so liable toe fresh gitack as one « ho wasno $0 affected, ‘Tt Slances render it ex= wenalyataicen Weir permineat cure: of Fever and Ague, though to relieve the patient fur the timebeing wa easy task. . Moffed's Life Pills and Phenix. Bitters have heen ihe big iested, and proved io be a positi aid Redtcel cure of Fever and Agoe. Hundreds of tris fellow citizen bthe West have voluntarily come forward to sesere Dr.’ 4 that the Life Medicines are-the only = “ that will shoroughly effecta: this most tedious and disagreeable be ee NE Others who have Hed to that fich and ptomising porcion ‘of our comntty—mea Who went out toll af hope, and confident of wining a com. petence from the luxariance of the eoil ; or who carried to the oat of our settlements the mer cantile or mechanie2! experience won in ihe crowded cities or tdwns of the older siates, b2ve @itber retarned with shattered cotstituiions and depressed spirits, or they remain in their sew bomes, dragging cat 2 weary life, or at last sink onder comtnenne to which ihey are predisposed by that terror of the West, Fever and dgue — lheir hopes are blasted —iheir business ene*gies destroyed —their Eldorado becomes a desert, aad ihe word of promise, made :o their ear, is broken to the hope. _ ‘To these individaa's, Dr. Moffat wou'd say— «Try the Life Medicines, and you will yer an- ticipate your most sanguine expeciziions, for they will certainly restore you to healih.” Fever and Ague is a complaint wirich requires to be met al its first approach, 2nd combaiied 31 every siage. Seldom {aia! of jiself, ii reduces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of ihe organs, so that upon the manifestation of dis- ease, Nature is onable, onassisied {o'resisi the inroad. The Life .“edicines, when taken si: ci ly according to directions, will cure ii, and cive to the weak and trembling victim of disease new health, life and sirengih For fult_particolars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies ibe medie:ne. “BCP Phe above medicine is for sale by CRESS & BOGER, Agenis. Salisbary, Oct 22, 1842~—1y1$ BCP A sopply of ibe above invaluable ME DICINES ave for sale at James Cross Roads, iredell county, by i: A. C. uelNTOSH, Agel. Guard Your Heatth. {Addressed to those who are ia perfect health, or reputed so.) BCH Genile Reader: If you would avert from you the sickness, the pains, ihe wreiched hess, the premature mortality which you see ai! not my advice—it will cosi yoo fitile, wil! ther infringe apon your occapziions or amuse- ments, 2nd all the facoliies cf yoor mind and body will beas moch bettered by ii ag to repay you ten fold. | ask only one week's trig! io con vince the mosi sceptical. In the first place, discard all old errors anv prejodices from your mind, especially ihe o'd adage, ‘* If you are pastingame'!, do ool aiiempi to better yourself,” iit is MWe saying of ignor- ance and superstition —of those who att: ibuied all they saw apovod them to chance and foriune, instead of naidre’s nniversa! !aws, Has noi man, led on by experience, learned togaa'd himse!i egainet ihe oiber elemenis of naiure,ihe waves, the wind, and the torrenis of rain? Whe iven should be not, in fair weaiher, guard bimself as gaiosi the storms which ae ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross food ; and 11 is your naiv-e io con- tinue to do so. You are well at presen: vuiev- ery day ihe seed of disease is growing wiihin vou; and if yoo do not siricily guad your health while you are well, you are coniinually io danger of painful and proiracted confinemenis, and in some consiiiutions, death. Nothing is stationary in this world, Even the parest fooniain of which we d:ink—does it not require cloning A person my imzgine be is in perfect beafih, and yei noi know io. what perfection his vital o-gans may ve vougii when assisted by the hand of Naivre. | have un- doubied proofs of ibis faci in she vnveunded suc cessof the LIFE MEDICLNES. Lei those who have fuliowed ihe moiio, ‘ When you a:e even moderaiely well, ih-ow physic io the dogs” call opon me, if ihey would be convinced of ine importance of my posiiion. The cperation of the Life Medicines in every insiance that has come io my knowledge is mosi gratifying. Those who are in compaiaiive good heslih may perfect their. bappipess wiih ao in convenience ; aod those anforiunaies who a-e° laid low vy disease of aiasosi any description, may find sure relief io-ihose. pacely vegeiaile preparaiions. ‘They operaie gently but power- fally aponfihe secretions of the body, and cleanse‘ the blood of all-vitiaied humors. separaiing ibe bad from the good, expelling ihe dregs, drossand impurities—aod Jeaving vehind only what is good and nourishing io naiore. Reader, consider and reflect well. The blessings of this life, for rich and poor withia ourselves, in our own physica! iy advice-to all, then, is, guard your ~ 45 you are well, perhaps you may be ne es yoo me always avoid being sizk by a jndicious use of ihe V F LIFE MEDICINES. a —S Dr. Moffai's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitiers, are forsale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbory , Oci 29 1842—1914 Agents lie bodi eee 6 A supply cf ihe above Inealoable ME- DICINES are for sale ai James’ Cross Roacs Iredelf county, by . é A. C. meiNTOSH, Agent. around you, and which, like a sharp sword pended, is ever ready to fail upoo you, ‘exe ‘ WV HETHER. jis frou interial morbid mar? bite Whey cured old disordeis ; from ibe ting ona oe Ke.» or (in femajee : ‘ : » BS Specified in the p ) Stag . Anti Stenitinic Sravp ~Ti | in all Venerea} Disorders, his Redicing BYssjmia Mixture nd been removed, the person affected is | celebi lebiated for its speed Gonorhess aod ‘Gleet. Gop Mine Barsay Angfanc Extract tion, ness fp. ihe Stoma Weakness, in the timbs, Rheen’, Ueda, Depurative Pownen, {o, Binge Headache. Diseases gf ine Byes ilk ta be taken in the Restorer, "8. Whig | Javan Omrtwenr; for Piles, whet; applied besides the Restorer | hin y _. BercaL Oustwenn,, for Tetter Bi Saht Rheam, Scaidhead: Eruption, 2% and foul ulcers, ; is tu be applied besa . eturer. ENIKg Poy +for Bitiousseg yy a Tiniment for § Universat on Strencry tor diseases of theeCiesi, Dyspepsia (eg Mbpawetion, Palsy. Paralysis ; ‘Da. Kopu's Acotstic 0); yk. aod all o.ber Auricula, Complaints, y Deaf be-wsed together with the Resiore, etl SF Dr Kohl's Pamphloi yp ,.,, eniered according iv Aci of © wo foll Directions for the usevf ibe aheve os tes ; © meni ed medicines, and accompanies every f From the South. Western Virginian y 11, 1848, 'DR. KUHL’S MEDICINES We bave for, some ime, iniende ,;. comméodaiory police of ihese invalot cines, but have. been prevenied by pc gh matiers from doing so We Ve OF SIX pears, been quite familin: effecis both by experience ve rani have no besii2ocy io recommending thew’ afflicied every where. Oar opinion ineull, 5 it was @beo we first used these medicine £ they are superior io any we hare The Decior, bimself, fe wiih . ihig week, and from cases siaied 10 08, we been more sirong!y confirmed in 00 forte jon, that they are superior io 9}! other meds: The efficacy of Dr Kubl's remecig ad (reatmept of extraordinary cases ig alagy cedented, and the year 1242 was Lich of wm ianicores, two of winch alone oo; trace per mii us .o notice ai this ime. Mr Ass of Alleghany coanty, Va., was, lasi Spr ry suddeniy takeo wiib a toial blindness 5 bis eyes. He used ovmesovs PT@SCTipiiong other medicines, but to no benefit |p he procured ihe Restorer, Gold wine Boley pivetsa! Plaster, from Audrew Fudge, Jovington, Va.—iook ihe wo fis! medics ternally as directed in Dr Kuh''s Pawpile, he Universa! Plaster be applied io ihe 2od some times over ihe eyes and be ihigy meni he bas his eye-sight sc far recovered, i he can read boib print and Writing, If explicit staiemeot should be desired, « leg tected io A. Fadge, Clerk C. Court, wills saiisfaciory evidence of ibe above, A lady of Bedford cooniy, Va, vas fg 17 years afBicted with the Liver Comms treated wii Calomel, iook cold on 11, a0d9 taken wiih couttaction and lameness, Sb ibe whole time, a.gre2t number of prese of Physicians of eminence, anc ere’y thal was recommended (or her use, insiextdl fording relief, bad 2 tendency rather to agp the disease, She sank from year io yeu, a0 digestive orgaos were eo deranged thei vill agreed with ber. In Avgus', 1842. ihe mui had not been out of her bed in fire years,e when removed by oiters—so oertous thei versation of walkiog 10 ibe :vow prodoced most disagreeable effecis upon ihe lierd ; berg eral feeling very bad, sour siomach, &e had no inieation to nse more medicines. del King a dase of ihe. Guld Mine Balsow wit wach benefit ibai in one hour she fell oeiie, (bea commenced 2 regular course of Dr k medicines. She took a dose of ihe Resi ihe morning and one at nighi,and two dose ihe Gold Mine Balssm veiween meals I limbs weie rubbed two or itiree times day ihe Aromatio [.x:ract, and ibis i-eaimesi given such a happy resull, iha: she is p08 lo wa'k abowt—ihe nervous affections have her, ber Jigestive organs are much impror he; general feelings good. She is wor ! aad ber complexion quite fresh, whieh bas tonished every one that was acquainted wid long standing disease. We lave omiiied name of thia lady, but if any particulars sm be desired, we refer to Dr Kohl's ageol, Oiier Biidge, Bedford county, Va. We have particalarised ihese c2ses ™ much to speak of ihe greai valoe of Dr & medicines, 28 io inform ihe affiicied bos may ve relieved. ‘Ihe treatment bas dect ticed, so that others may know thai ds 2 fourse they may aiso obtain ihai wbich # taore desiravle ihan riches. BC Persons wishing io procare any medicines, will please direct (heir orders, ie amount, (post paid,) to De. Kout’s Orrice, Ricnmoxp, Vie - or to any of the following Agems: NORTH CAROLINA. Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, — Hompbhrey’s & Gaiiher, Lexiog'ot, J. & R. Sloan, Greensboroogh, Dr N. Siith, Raleigh, M.J A. Drake, Ashborougb. JF & © Purifer, Concord. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Genderson, Lincolnton. | C James J. Horne, Pitssboroogh, N. “ S. Peiry, Kernersville, Siokes James Brannock, Wsterloo, Guillory Brannock & Waller, Weoiwol ingham county. RW Lawatp. Yanceyville, James’R CattomgWil'on, South Carolina : le Steele, Gonning & Co. Yorks. setae Brawley & Co. Ches'*! 7 The continoation of the fist of 4s Dr. K ’s Pamphlet. he sot ' NOTICE.—Patients and Agen'# ie dé ot North Caroliaa, and Sooth _ ws @ will please direct their orders '0 Virgo fice, R JN C., and those '® ring North aad Kast of ii, to R a> a the bate ei OO Oe wilt ase a ontile of Have’ Liniment for the Piles Teneriffe, Chamna'aune. Moseai, and sean the ewmpty butile without being cured. | Malaga, Wines, F-ercn B andy, Holland Gio. | mara, deceased, gives mutice to all persons hav— ‘Toe anave have been the terms on which thig | Puiter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Corvials, ing demands against the Estate of the said Ro. -_ Lin':aeq! nae been sold for nearly ien years past, | Lemons, Almonds, Raisios, O-203¢s, Oysters, | bert Macnamars, to them for payment | mired avd ny one bolile vet of one hundred has ever | Sugar and Coffee, Candies, Copper2s, Madder, | withim the time an Act of Assembly been returned = Bt For sale a! the Watehman | Jodigo, and various othe: ariicles too tediees to | ia ease wade and > othe: wise they Mice .ond ay C B Wheele:, Salisoury i243 & R/| Mention, whieh | w!! sell as chesp for cash as Seite tarred d mone by the operation of the biyan G censoore’.; Hilisooro’, D Heaii ; Lex | hey ean be dooght at acy oiher Establishment | sald act . F.R BOUECHE. NATHANIEL BOYDEN, Adax. SaTMory, may £7, 1948 1144: —— aa ae SE] Anges: 6. 1843—1y2 1 2 DR. LE. EILLIAWN, of g ; : . | A fresh supply wt oe nett. eal . ; Jayne's ee 1 " uce of his profession. His Office : ceived and for sale +4 WAEELER, As™ removed to Mr. Cowan’s briek “wei! d- Salisbory Dec C120 tg, 2d door. " QOUNTY COURT WA! _ April 29, 1843—1140 Job Privting neatly done here Printed on fst on fice ms tbi minisirator to the Estate of Robert Macna ~ Are stil] carrying on the above basinees py '0 all its branehes., All orders trom @ 4] distance, Prompily attended io. Concord, Mareh-25 1843— $m35 v4 TS, ier © jngion PP \laory 5 Raleigo,r 8 Duith, itm Salishury. march 4, 1843—1y32 maica 4, 1843—1y$2 Z & = ss ae, ga! qe ¥° ats sg paid'to ins No paper dis oe ggror) 00" ib all mrreetijes#76"paid i ee TERMS or ADVERTISING.” rus F arner square for the ficst Pier Yn atid dsl! pie Ore re nis for each conatmnancé* =F )"¢ * 7 hve! 6 otices will be charged (oui ‘ ‘eibe 1@ avs VE rages. jee! peiuo of 334 percent will besmade-to pse whe advertise by ty ear. i oe —— af jJrertisem@men!s , W atts pai vid and eha"e ged for ace ingly, nk “oy drder. g certain number of times’ * as um Leners -ofdressed ‘to the: Editor _— THE SUBSCRIBER ~ 4VING p rchased that ‘avell “kbown ‘and!| ing established Pablic H ouge ime of Slanghier’s Wiedte “in thes oy the 0 frat f Salisbur ne Public g generally, thal the sameMe: Ow ft the reception of Travellers & Boarders. | . Yasue and Bar aviil be supplied ‘with | yp 065 tbe market and surrounding Country af—J Mya STABLES spagious, aod bountifully sup | je, with grain and provender, of all kinds’ at. by faithful and attentive Ostlera: ag’ The aadersizned pledges himself that po 6x”. soa his part shall be wanting to give gen- , jj ausfactioa to all who may favor him with JAMES L. COWAN. wwisbury. SE Sept. 11, 1840: Uf7 rill 20M Comstock & Co —Iis positive quali- Var a3 follows: :— fst. For infants, », keep- ' oe wead free from scurf,: and cansing’® a-lox- aaigrowih of hale. —2d For ladies after elpits- na, restoring ihe skin.to its natoral-etrengy) pd irmoess, and preventing the falling dat. of eer Fort any person recovering. from gr deniity the same effect is produced, 4th y osed in infancy villa good growth is started; r be preserved by actention to the latest. pe- | oi of life. Sih ft frees the head. froth dand- } aang tens the roots, impatis health and} i the circulation, aod < prevents: the: hait w changing color or getting atay. —6ih It yoges the hair to card ‘beaatifally when done up git ole a! ght. ) ladies tat na let should ever ba made withoat if, : th Children who have by. gag. Raat pa con | tie oe noted vermin tn the bead, are immed miely cored of them by ite use.” it is” ba al "Vhad neon bald about five years—oo mare salt oof my bead tha on the back of my wad, aod DY head covered with a” “thick séorf, ths situation abgut the 10th of August last, worn osing the Balm of Columbia, from: Com- ock & Co. Sinee which, | have aged two a ‘ poiiles of the Balm, which has. fully Pang syed my hair, and freed my head. eately Hag ef My head is now covered with fi ne, af gy long hair—Wwhich any one may See by calling” ue, at Stamford, Connectient. Nov 12, 1840 DS SCOFIELD. - , Counterfeiis are abroad —look always for the} nae of Comstoek & Co. Py sale ap the. Watchman Offic rar a ShS c B Wh ‘eeler Salispary, Dr Sth. Raleigh, | rete, Sit 5 R. Sloaa, Greensboro, Many, Lexington. march 1, 1843-1982 Dr. Brana athe t9 Br andeth’s sin °CRPABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS ‘ur sale at this Office. iNsbary N. © Oct. 1849—tf14, ‘ Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- nisement, and of you wish relief for your ma niladies, call and obtain a remedy of Cx B. HEELE R, Agent. soury, Dee “10 1f20. To trun AFFL 1cTED.— Pe} * oer hav jist received a large and fresh po! Di MoMfutt’s Life Medicine. Call & ohief CBW aia Ageat. sourv, Dee 10—1120 Sa “) PRICES CURRENT AT SvLispury, June 24, Cents. Cents. “OND, 5 a 5! | Cotton Yarn. 75 candy, ap. 35 a 40 Molasses, 35a 40 peaca, 40 a 45 | Nails, 6 mtasmi, whetber malignant or epidemic, or bY | beoce Taylor, Defendan's ja this Ase, are nol the sp { 1799, in the town La qt arts 10a 124 Oats, 15 a 20 other catises, these Medicines are certaifin their} iy, obit, y of this State: ft is thétet re ciderst. Tt wae tn ene pee v D _ |e thing like the trth, Brother Jospthae may weserved for the neglect od ecmetimeseven th. wix, = 2 ee | Pork, $3 operations or effects. They-sre possessed of pe- that bhatt be made for six Wigker ta the of Mexandri» a ee me Ligh Ko pride Ligeetl wt being the very-pink of decoram, edly ol er hesbayd (0 diseoves tu the auife th yi 1 m : ’ Tb ort yt se 0 ait | c 0 8 ton, clean S446) Sugar, br. $a bObeanat qualities; @lich not only expel all disease.) Oa, o1,08 Waichman, forthe said Witlisa’Fay- a Sin ne heceot hd hat louse, | | and the wildest. legislators from tlre back ~wooeds terrible secret, thal it waeghe glises gf hemgold . vffee, o : i loaf, 15a 18 hut at rhe ke time restore and tovigarate the) bp farnes, Taylor and Rebecce Taylor,jo ap- ez eee") 1 of -Amerion most yield the pas in dtntatity aad | Lorn, 35 40 | Salt, sack, 275 $3 | When first ‘taken into the stomach, pac al the next Kerm of this Court;,to be, hetd4 and imaredtately fronting Grdeby’ 3 taveth: ; ; rinstand : tad poi the excelieace of hes character ,that was Peathecs, 18) 20] Tallow 6} hey reathediately. diffuse theme! ves lik vapor | (ay. County of Davie, at the Coott=Houvse in| Foe entrence joto iv waeeby a slight Might | tolzerity to the countty gentlemen of Engiand : | 69 fascinating im hiseves. Reckless speculation, 4} 15 ' lob: aco, 8a W throvgt:: ‘ever ‘pare, producing effecie: at -onee \iockewil vite on the 4! ih monday alter the 4h | of erezy stéps onthe pot sider The elec- |" Those of our readers who may happen to have ot copiinual dissipaliva, sooo involees him 1° \ 50255! Tow-Linen, a2a l6 deliahtfal; salutary, and permasent When the monday tn Abgust nex', and plead, aoewer o: | (ion was ptogresern g—sevoral thonasads of! visited cld Exeter ‘Change—now, alas, namber- | debt bring kia a tattered-beggar 19 the door of , . Awa . neat oske 75 éoark of fife begins to grow a ae _— dembt'to dm plajhsnts bi U, or the seme will be one in the Goort Fronse y art end “bm-"| ed with the th ings {hat .were—cancal fai) to. to. ruin, snd-dtives his.ecnfiding wie and onoffens- ‘1. nk Whiske - 25 a 30 languid, at Yl perso pte wake Aaah hae takep pro confesso'and heard exparte, a9 40 them * meeite ‘ei ghboting “streetss~ snd 1 wed! méaiaber the strange séene of uproar that nseg to ing-children opon theehatily of a cold, anfee!- cat 9) $1 |W ool. (nlean) Pi His Aevpheage ty sptitig hei gorate ne baey, Witness, L Bingham, Clerk and pire Melagre standing enGadsby’e wien the father ’ be pregented i in the mahagesie-al feeding .time.. in-world: = Waste just, thal het property stoold : rid re anichate the’ whote mat Court, ai Office! the 4th aan oa of hisscountry droge ap, end anihediatety | p16 wild beasts on boih sides the exhibition rcom 4 he gacrifired to sztisty the cepidity of creditors, Pavtctevirube June 14, The Life Medicines bave es. used, with ea a i tS enduaee, | apptatehed them ‘Covit House steps, 2041 were all in tne fiercest state of excttemen!— } some of whom wera, Most probably, auxiliary to, iy ; hate a. sey aSatSy 23 328 | the most bappy success in NE ogand dye L BINGHAM, cme. @whben withia a vard or ha wee: ] phe yelling —brayinf rearing —each vieing- with the if aot the Fomeditte ean ‘ hie @ownfal! 2— ro, Sa 64 | Sundown. 34 0 10 uel Mpa renites ee ; ous. Ps 45—- Printers fee.§5. 50 vgn k enact good aaah es bcat te pee atfer in his manifestation of impatiance end it- | Never It ‘wes hever litended“ the’ innocent e3 - } 7, > ? ——— — —— 2 Ff ons} ritability. Just gueh a scene was presented last ghoold ekpiatesthe offen 4 of the wilty—that Uiffee. 4 : te f> 14 | tory a a : & Bocer’s, Agents. - € IN eeu MAKING! éotirert spring ‘siminlteneousty, “sit place night in that political nadaadioty we or: ae help tea “ omae Coa be Srceghi to deg- Uotion” ae a ’ cn = angers Pan ae seve tyad — AB themeel vae*in positions to ‘uphold and-gup- ise tt no lotter'term—the Fiduse ér Cbtinc ns _ datigg, ind ‘ail Goefuse of her ‘niscreant has- Vottion Yarn; 14a 48 Sack; $23 ini A tele A rect rasa aig “bie port the: seek eth fain eorn | Ov gpotron being made by an honorable mem- . id. “Society ‘Or rg thes the female portion of i: Lom, 5) 360 leat 20 2 A supply of ‘the the above tuestosble F- thanks forpast’favdrs, sad Wfora® his old | gpg 'gscent ofthem. “was tamecieic ? ° 1 Candles, F. Fot3 4 14 Waele ea . ay oy, at * Sates" Cross Ay a friends, andthe ae oe “he stil! continves: to hidrback, avd’ thet postwon entéred the | bertor an odjatdhra nt Of the debate on the eorh bas long eotorkd: tyr 36me snch gotidote fo villa— raxseed 80 4 80! Bale rope 8a 10 Iredell’ county, eany on the. — bibsiness in. 2)| ite variods ~ House wih bigs foiowed jp his laws, an uproar took place synch as hag not been oy as this law a,astioetiledly prove, — Somerset Hour $4.25 ‘Wheat on 75 380 . ‘e. c MelNTOSH; —_ branches, a1 andsat ' je, ofS mand on main =: a walle a edense ctowé'to' (ne ipotts— witnessed since the night of the memorable. dj- i(- Mey), Herald. . ones 20 a 25 | Whiskey 26 ‘ Penarth “A ' Tage sees ar vee int = co (HF vision on the refartp bill There was cack cee | — . 44 423.' Wool, 124 a 15 DAVID Le POOL, | ‘ Heap ale Ne “ ee reetedy ‘on | ont werd ‘grawd= heard tip bd Dy Wore ‘fog 1D its highest ‘perfection, the bleat of the cal’. ) eye La Th weit = ‘cone 1) Be oS bot that je no oncemmpeas ws Ba &% Cueeaw J ; . ¥ KES. this method of ed work, and at than two t “as we entered | the oray._of the ass,) ot “y Ca bt Netle eat 6 1 Aeptecosingstih frends, 8 He 9 ‘a Gop i bis carriage—and ‘Siw bis dependre.~ | caged on the Treapury. side, vf the. Heose,) ures a Dacor 5 ; C tse ma ie and the. public, that. beyis, esr) fy keptoe babe ve soit & ; There were five oF Mx can Ndsted On ThE | pige of she .quose, iageiber with, divers suppie~, A rr7vva la < Hatter 12 | Oats taebel ‘. 30 soul Giack miitag. and Wasik! medsure 5 “and rae prices" Vian" ever Tey) | nop ‘sitting, ahd s¥ Saye Géoers! bes ones menial.sconds, to whteb Mr Cabdonidid-a0 motes ; . P an bata deatiec Id for. ; 4&4 Bode and bowed 4 impatiial jostice @hew hedesc: 10>! Dak a ieesmax 22a a6 | Oil gal 75a 80}. ‘pairing “businesé:at His IT] NO By Al) kinda.of Lomber aa Coonur. Seon ed theas sAreered rar ping been | Pereira ane wee exsrepinscy «0 Medicines, & eeeel Sue. eee iggiag yd §=2Ua2d lamp $1 25 “gtand, hear \hé-Oowrthouse | duce taken io exchange. for, work: smilingly,. rally the Geriefsl a. | ede + ka bea Berner IRPENTINE, Varoisbes, Dye-8" bale Cope tb 10412 ; limgeed 1 1021 25) Al-work done -by-himewill be warranted “for: "K ELLIOTT, | returoed “very gracelulfy, prey | aha ee ean Tenor * Parent Medieiues, Hare, Choice WIN F~ Vofeetb Li} ard pRérk 100%Ibs 5} a 6] twelve months. » nar» din A hand-s’emal-| April 29, 1843—1540 mediately cast brs eyes towarda she regary | readers. agk us who were tha principal performe's 244 SPIRITS der, medal parposes: Indi: alte ° 49. 6} “Rice 100lbs 4a 5 assortment of Jewellery. ; of the Polls, when Colpael penerpe™ ~ the voral concert? The tr gngpol's: ‘ of Hooek's ayd DBasie’s Panscea Seats Brice Corn tush 50 , Sugar, lb a 10 Old Gold and Silver taker in exchange , for DRL j think uo wasy sard, vmell. Generel. how pe | eoutee > ihe reckless. half phreszied monopulis!s, _ chewing and gomkiog Je! oc . pe Pa 4 : [our bri Jewellers or work done. = Cs oa vote? =the Groceal tooked le ho were. anxjons to 8° Or all furibes disc session Spiges, Perfumes, 2 Brag ° er f, dy $5} a 5} Salt sa k hk : d A P w So Glass “Miare. Peters’ Pi | c $2 25 o. AS recorned to Saliebei rr . ‘Geni t vote for com Mo) ap, Glas ’ eathers 15 a 30 bush 50 60 Salers Pree YE, tows SRST now prepared to tesome tac, cancidate, and end; it “pa to the ofan bnogne qnesiiin, and madly hoved 10.2: eaeni«. Matches, Paper acd inany other 2 ~ eal — ( a € g enis, ce 8, e (on L00lbs_ Sa 6h} Steel: Amer. 10 a 00 ade. Ss. Johnston, Tice“of his profession” His Office ts measures not for aan snd ee ‘hig voie Pd! down by clamoribose, whom thes. goad .nyt Tidles juet reetved angers peale at piers to “ard, 6a7 E Yerioved to Mr. Cowan's brick build- recording table, sodibly pronovace fore by arg@men!. Of course, “phie tielence ie iimes, by /WHEELE Re Molas:eg 93 “83 | a 4 ae BRD, COU REBEL AR one ‘tng, 2d door —sew it entered—made » gfecetu! bow ane t; e ing deg ree vf Vivieuce ofthe Salisbury, $42 LOIS sa 2% 4 - ’ . yevul a currespergl g > Tetow Fa | Teainpe 81 2197 Saistbuiy eee T tease “ April 29, 1843-1140 retired.” i oe . ~ > ~ a> 25 per. cl, bigh-, y. N. C., inforais hig Friends?“ WH WILL GO BALD!/— nunize’s Bolm of C olumbia for the Hair | - baildide, ze Be a ote te ar Ney a 2 pn x hy ae = ew? i pe t paid to ersure atientione: . wet as 4] or . B A treme SMa re > = Oe ok “collier 9 id 19 thé Wee “a. fleaweest vem | Rowan Ho .. . * ft ars: ai ve} + Vga ¢ 08 Be Nativity rth P D8 Wy | es j~” 3 coamae, | Wikio aie ever “eb area porens = pabueliing — 0 oN - nal mren eel “é oe go we . sity - . SUBSORIBER ~ eee: sae mae diet sare Age ‘eens ee ip. WwW: attention 4o be title him top it it. wooLsvau YH, Las Me f a —_— : BO Sd Sherman's PEEING the chegpeat and», most®, pleasent. --! The. medi lily Wartaly approve them. Dr, Sherman js a skilful and expetianced Rby- and & wnember of the Medical” Socitiy 0 0 ew York. * ‘Sherman’s Cough Lozenges; | éffeoiual remedy Arethe sifesty ddrest, erid are’: for Coagiie, 9, Consumption,’ ‘Whooping Cough, ‘Asthma, Tighmess of the ita wt Chesi, &c. : SHERMANS WORM, LOZENGES Are the only infailidle. worm destroying -medi= cine ever discovered. “T’ Bey have been used ia ovér 1,400,000 cases and never koown to fail, ~ SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES oes jorwediate reliet i in nervoug or ‘sickiHead— ondency, Fainting». Sinking, 6} tbe Chott. Race fox e, oF a sense of fatigue, — “Shiieman's” Fever and Agie Lozenges éqmplaint, ever have been used, they have never béen knoe, to fait. oe Sherman’s Restorative Loz zenges. « Diarthea- or. jooseness of. the. bowels, so om-. ton. afd troublesome during the sommer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper vse of these Lozenges: “Chey ara prepared express: ly tor thaf-purpese, and.can be. relied on, with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange= meotof the bowels shoald never be without them. Theg afford timediate relief from all the attend- ant gripings, faintness, depression, &c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant ‘and easily taken as the common pepper migts 5 and are an actt¥e and efficiens: medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best eathariic ever ueéd for. bifiens persons, Where an active medicine is required, they are not only the best, but the safest thatcan be administered. Sherman's Strengthening. PLAS TER, The best of at! plasters for Rheumatism, eet Gago, ‘-* or Weaktiess in the Back, 4iging) Side. ot Breast, ~ The above medicive isfor-sale, wholes cale or retail; atthe Salisbury Medical Drng-Store, by C. B. .WHEBUER, Agen, Sulisbury, a. Cc. Sept. 1342—1y6 Si edicines. “neficial, saitie. for fevers of every descripiion. W-ben the dis éase is produted either from cold; obstruction, bad air; pitAtion of. the Heart, pete yet Dr. Seewegigr 4 Vegetable Life SSESS qualities‘of the most mild and be- They sfécom posed of ar- fieles she qmost afifi-putrescent, combined with ingredients}known as the only-certain antiduie swampy and damp:situations, or putrid ret a in, dow ithout.it Pp 8 good. aa@. 3 ee find a ery s rgating—tetithe: Ei | nag See ee thy & . anise. thiags | And the’ waboyitaser tine ealibe. ee erat. | a teth® Séarh dari st even-if, agra yr cme a - Rbietinck = yono ant . jie be could: not -by- any. possibilisy..do- tian § week Went ene otie F Latics ot . regponsits ity | yopareot! that wo} | ee ee ee "he epr , dignity me i that ever anu Parliamedte?-Many a man bes ee j hawt A Ta = i tia oe: ° . oot Phat we may-hevwontiiie’ oh we afe ander for ihe WS Wea de@ os look prerienes j YtuPtidiogs announced ig Andstberho nets oped shir roane t “e Were ieee a sen aw me , Fates, watts | 184 i ye - > le Se nly akg tong; Aad gay birds ate ¢! , . mopatato and | sien ‘pedie-pomn, soe gs the station-touse for exh bes _ | Streets than Was ethidhed. st ntghi in St. 8 HS Sarely Sir Robert "Peel most by th be fariily ashamed of his maqnopp 7st spr » ; me sas a3, 2 tay aaa As YOUN@ @7Qu0g rie hk paprare o2¢!0 save. . tek hemmie! vepahin gps pndgcimtoet ae a we as. age a - BW gtey Git. Hie dotayn eet nae ee ya ©: tingold ind a zp ghitres siek for Sha bl ropnd 2 hye earns eremr of qian? te “these | h pbYsiefany whan cae balefoh effects of thermore! death whith Perre | | Bed wd he coo been sia oad ty. than fw x rt tiogene: R Videur oi walewiaenigit ini? ded inp clagses ofr men. were tcabidine ariging @ppn.sbeepetern. Raitrond. the fed Peale eg day'mote thi forty wofuis were N the gosh of gist fépntains, we'll rest us ateve, oft Gaijet more ayfal ‘that pan eses..of immepdiaiels apd, aliet a fewmomeats she at when the child's écovered.tapiaty,.: o (rouble to Vex pa.and- ae -sorraw te grieve ! cot dei disk en ror hr wl py ae succeeded in ‘Tteachsng.,hes. father’s house, A ss ed of a widow woman, , > “rear ideo \ Dil eacmepsertinn!Bpetine:' | Fed gop, the. alien Gane. with pain, and siill.shepiking ig frog: * Meat atten ap te. dle Pe fc. anc on, a — Ppa bent we ab al ti “fe {ul peceena,~ + Murder! Marder!” Mc. Patnoth,- t "gest: > a ‘an iff of the teoath,-aad ie of the. Sage.” ts ~s Sseck, banntifel one t | o rerchedeeas ia foters: "the wait oa wade ref best Ce tk ee oe wane lady, who calted pee Jor Wg fomity, Ub! coms to ho.86atb; tis the Wrorne. of tho \galion,.and strifeyand~tormoil wh iob-renvered |-in_such eshocking cope tip, aad haSie ge i pSeot, immediately Mor Which brought s@ay great qusntivie tfor two or three days, afd the ehildp armitage, bs $y rey wo By sk bbe ea oon 8 deen passion jianpart.; cer the , Saciely @.curse- me 26fth,.« Were precorsors vf \ sf , | aged aa ip _ part —, wee & ,onendi ng miseries -of ld.of woe... Nor, in+ at once, and seatort: ig fat vcogalh if léss A ak et was there an f ‘than's month. 4 Saker there woo ; AW the: vor" ‘ibere wide tak it ahem gS Several childseo ine ‘bighty-tcopectobfe: fata | And life pass awa A ty oar Gaol |# Phildsophers 1 ore eels and ‘ily in Broadway ormene &frigh tty) e rent, | Back: wish of thy heart stieéld realaed be, vain. Man wae gtllgrawitig wdise and worse, | t oJ were all-cuf In some of the*best famities i ja thé neiphbar- brapidig sith sie Vermifuge. ‘hood of St, John’s Warf, it hag been extensively used, from, the ciredinsiance: of--havittg eradica— re ted-adarge qoantity of Worms, efier all other aiedies. had failed, which wae: verj-exiensive- ly known io that part of 4hecity. by.the ase of ‘it. a | #ge, bad’ become rags the Vérmifoge.was given Jatge, worms were dislodged. “and-abe deft off the 4 bad ri Ate'the. most nartaigitemedy for this digtcésSivg | awa pasa to fie American public. watt ane Io the immensenomber of cases in which they tapidly ly. of reetpre ba: ope out 7 faid the liberality fo send for wifoge, nd Cured the rest wik -week. A family in New Jeraey Saved several children One, a girl of elpbt yeats of emaciated before nextday *htre to the Vermifuge that finally brought coonptite quantity of worts, and the te, aod she gained ber «healtt. A “Physician of st¥ding, had doctored a fam ehildren, some, weeks, wiihgut, being aple the seven to health: ‘Kolmstock’ s Ver- h itin less than 3 a val @hen she becaméagain worse; and i] "ye He “Naweroos cases ‘of other comptainis were sap posed 10 exist, and thé pérsans treated for fever, b&c. but finallya trial of thie Vermifuge discov« 4 esed thetrue.cause of the sickness; by-bringiog. ei away. a large and great: despatch. almost.an innumerable quanuly of worme, small, and the persans recovered with Instances ofthis. kind might be ted 46 an immense exient, bai it is useless, one trial for 25 dents will show any “dne with sston- ‘ g a ishment the certain effects of this Vermifuge. * Caution Never boy this article ontess tt have | and had there been no’ tewedy thay ‘Was io scrapty rentcalmoess hg-was deceised end.aufiered bim to depart pon.m search of shegufien. He soon over- hauled. @ person snaweringthe indefiniie de- of bie daughter but-ftom his apps- He was subsequently. arse: ed sng taken to Mr, A's houke,.where the seengdions, bim ss. the And this Seaetife}tenil seem ah. Bd r : “een _. | be fouad ia hisown, besom,-fhere woald have peree on mediate - Ine-of the sun, ; been anend lo all peae and appiness ou earth, ty genito j aa 1a mn i: dwell in its bowers, . . . and oar ea eS ad been sealed.—, i &, compla ™ pea aL oe). “| Bat a ania fa w Blt ait lege wee. prpfes ted, » jet. him by. Mr, Ansun "|e ray yc ala iy "a | samy apene pant ado (For the Watchman... meyers ve! The follaw UB He Wetchniaa... Highs sere paring rsd Sane consequence-of bi éceriaus piste the ex — . olla ing “B.copy of a letter. received hed strived. 2p ah disblotd ow j Siamied by ate from x" young Tecy of Witkés county, a| fora moment, waastit..-. Phe a Tike tesanethinn iponed 12. TPyeeds § vex: while,.ardered 40° secogoise faw days Binee. whieh you” will please insert verbatim etliteratim= =~ s. - 4 & Towe myé Deare'J. D.” ~ Statoof*North Caroliner, ‘Witkesborrow.Post ofice: 4 Myvye Deare Sor i now’ tsk Wp mye ‘pen in ande.jow tate..goumow-ibaied hav note fargo oa yit bat j am aferde you hav furgot mee.ande, wante yow tow cum downe ur Sende mee A let ® withowle faile for I herde thate yow wur nule ggwaine tow cum a tau! fur i puther Se a leter fram gow thane tow Se ane uther pereun in thee wourld® boftt'T etilt bop thatei Ghale se you woret mor-: . mye pen are bade mye inke are pale’ mye lov two yow wile nevver faile ‘Thee ros are.rede.thee velett are blew Shoger.are Swgete.buie note like yow -! ‘Thee roa are redd thee aleme are gene ‘Thee tintetse past thie wee hav gene Sow no mor ate preSsent Bute remaines youre efictionate Lowver tele Dethe ’ sight overhang the stumbering worlds Fpe4 ‘| flueks were reclioing atease on thetr grassy-bed, and the shepherds sequestered from the. conrupt=. iog inflaeoce of human society, were their figh Eee A ed @ voice ton tip sweetly (Hevear. “Tr wae the wo oy ht wee Angel's song B “EF brin you good: tidings of-greet jov which shalt be an- ‘to all. peonte 5 fer ugto yea-is bora thts day in the cily of David, a° Savior, who, &c. Aud were yyo duly sensible of the. misery. of your, condi~ tion, “and of the grand Obj ecis accomplished by this Savint,"what joy Waule, pow thrill ygur bo- son: white ¥ot Have heard : a fresh anniancistion of these glad i dings” Bivery blessing of this | life; your deliversnee fromhelland the” proffer éd glories of eternity, are-all the froi's of his purchase. Acd bow-immense was the price of i this purchase, we are reminded-by the roinraof | sérvics of this day—tpis anniversary. While | the héaventy hosts sreaxuhing at the prospect of our delf¥erarite, ahd érying glory to God in the Wivhest,; pewdé off @hrih and good “wilf td-men, t BlMOO for. ts appearance. Uys ofeognien exiieme. . of mer "110 a jetty —one of. | sed. aod. per, edge. swellings apon every part of pease reti= dered.at a ii focescestan the exieu' of the eo ‘Dr Kolmstock’s. Vermifoge’™-handsom ely: ene SL s raved:on-the outside babe}, and.ihe fac sims {. Comstock & Co. wAyenis—C-B Wheeler, Salisbary3cJ & R loan, Greensboro’; D Heart, Bil aboro’ : JP labry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. Matoh 4,/-1843 — 182 1 State of #Lovtit Carolina, Robert Carsdn, Fxecutor of Jobn Taytor, Dee’d. William Taylor, James Taylor, Rebeces Tay- Gaithet Elijah Gaither, Noah Gaither. Asbury Gaither. eee! Gaither and Casper Kinder, and wife [ DAVHS COUNTY. . ee * IN EQUITY—SPRING TERM, 1843, vs. ot, Ziehariah Gather end wife Sally, Vitton Wittie Gaither, Alexander G Gaither, Femperance. T appearing to the satisfaction of, the Const, that Wiilliera Tay lor, James"Vaylor aod Re- | is fall of intérest “Prearr. | the only begotten ofthis Holy ‘one ié Tying 3 Senn Senne. | deapised babé-in Bethlehem ; Was tied tis Birth GENERAL W ASHING’ BONIS: "LAST (in a.stable.;: is cradled ‘in és manger,--and thos VOTER Every incident in the Life of ss hoagton That plain heroie #ag- | iade.of mind which distinguished him a- hove all other man was.evident in all tis action, Patriotism, chastened by, sovac | judgaient ard careful though. prompted all his public sags, end made them examp'es for she study and guidance of manksad. | hae heén said \hat no one can have the shor: fest intetgzie w with | a truly great man, with- | our beng” msde seasible of his superiority. Of tod meny, who have some why earned the title of great, this 1s by no meéns true. | lis applicability to the character of Wosh— | ington, 13 verified ro the following snterest - ing circumstance relaird by a corre sp sondent of the Charleston Courier, | “} was present, ” sags this.corresponden' twhen Gen. Washington gave his last vote. nN commenged bis consse- of. ignotaiay, aad-seffer “nihated in the tragi¢ seene displaged on.cal wary, | | Creator? Sash wie the priée of your ‘Ttedemp- i day evening, or rather Satorday morning last; Jong, and sorrow for agpebejtious world -whicb ter - when dhe éatth ‘was sheken, and the rocks were, rent; by “the convulsive throws of their dying tion, and what-wag your condition when avct* mercy were esséntlal to your deliverance?” PARLIAMEN TARY DECORUM As 8 specimen of Parliamentary decorom we | give from the Liverpool Mercury of tne 19¢b of May, the following account ofa <seene in ‘the House of-Commoans: © We read oceasionally of extraordinary laches of tegislative dccorum occurring en the other side lof the Atlantic, but if the following description, | of the, scene in the House of Commons on Fti-t which we extract from the Sun, be the trath, or 4 cht xpressio of pane io. bese anly.an the Miss. ‘Avaga’ ‘a hice ‘was dhtecally poveded bee grec fen camy ite? clo- bro beyefhormyjus Her head was “em ip, several places, ber lips cot to her teeth, and , het ihrgst® aud neck disfigured by, the violence of she al- tempted choking, Such was the excitement | in Esst ‘Boston, where the, poor sufferer was belaved by ev- ery. one for ber meck cieposition sod many virtues that the people would -have tora (be ruftien limb {rom Jimb-bat. for the proyclionu »florded him, by the police, ~ ~~ ~ ; Law relative to married Women. Most.of. feeders ar6.probably not aware of 1 ate Legistature, whereoy tgs pROperty Slethe wile is-exermpt frompbiabrli: y for the GPO MARS Yoodand. ‘Fhe passtge of this*taw indicates the etisteoce of a high and sense df justice amofg the members of 4 that body... {t Festores to the diher sex a right ot whiteb thiggy have been long deprived, 8nd wil! unquestionably % alleviaye much of that direfu! misery, ( the, 19 eration of which pas beem a dis- grace to*humaaity) fesuliing from qur previous lasvs.of. persapal property, ‘The worlty aad an- 8. speetiog femaleoften-tal}s a victias to the wiles ofa designing “villato, who seeke {o repait a equendesed fortune, aad regain his former st3- tion-in society by marrying a wealthy wife. — With the siealthv#nd invidiousness of the ser- _pent, bf skilful dissembling, and artfol hypocri- gy secures fur im a piace ID thd affections of bis deluded victim. He is but tuo successfol io the gontummativo of hig hellish scheming, and itt: yAbers, must belere i410 be _ ————" | WHIG AND LOCOFOCO POLICY ts ot ie deel ae nested 10.gpilish « coyg of Sate! BAH sold Perks 6. uagenerse th UE TARIFF NTRASTED Never were the. prospects. of ig) “We here seve saqeeniay 10, qpblis ’ sea ~ that men of such exig, "Phi THE TARIFF. bec CONTRASTED. Patty so well fodnded, so brill and 80} ih¢Pa:ral Law, and have copied it from the | =< <r | -- | epesbbtbine with, me Pb lady, . From an excelient epeech delivered,» on- a . ceriain 98 now. Revised Statotes as follows. sua * OY ce ‘* 2 ; "ee enme Merton 4 State; ., reial Advertiser. LY weds. ! see ‘ for the pavpers .of Provig gr shy Mr Morris, of the democratic rrom the Buffale Comme We should regard it as 8 poor triumph,| 4 pe x engcted General Assembly atu . JURE 24. 1843. RAN &3: SORE, at the ot P-onsylvagia, we make the followiegex- | ri. Saale of specie since the fire of | ich, like thei of 1840, did not elect Hen. the State of North Clreliee _ “ as Py a = ve rerantis ot dinette >in ten aim ve this discussion fer - leet Jenoary onder the operation of oor pre- ag h i we aloes seen eto ee ero jr oes of tnt Camp er of pits, Repu iean hig Ticket! of a very suspici chet Pings b . pi . eisnce at the gist of the |sent Whig Tarrff bave been neatly as fol- cos dofested vod venqeished party. Tt 19) conoty, should the court deem it necessary, at a. ih im & position dirpetly opened ot Mt mole argument against the Teri. @. the | lows : igre: Mr. Giay 1s indispensable two our the first cow og each — ga = te United States; bis own eovntir, and in favor a i inlete old exp'oded docinne, that it taxes the con- | yan 1, per sieamer from Liver pool a priveiples, bet bis election 1s to give us day of oe sopuiet bdieal eniatacs HENRY CLAY. Foreigners. e terns sumer for the benefit of the manofacturer.| « from Vera Croz a6 955 | the evidence end the cernest of popular of three persons, io each ala’s distret in P-KRNTOCKY CF The poii A.complete refutation of this charge isto be) © 27. His — 1,066,846 | opinton being on the Whig side. The | aig county, whose duty it be to employ 2 — : pened of separating ta Gorin, found in the deseending prices of American - q from Vers Crez ” 60.000 | man we, could do without, bet so well | patrel of such number of pucyensy, se they may FOR CONGRESS. ment from Banks, ussally called the » goods, since the imposition of the Tend. Mareb 12, per Great Western 1,000,000 | with nobody else: the evidence that the | think necessaty to patrol their disinet: Provi Col. D. M. BARRINGER: tedapandont Tressory —Constisations . Before 1816 the price at : yord ies April 16, from St. Thomas eo oon, People beve returned to their common sense, dat, pe mathiing yredine tp ames Bom — SOL, i BB. . . - 9 |ey—Hfard Money. System, or fealty — birtins a-s 35 els, and the wages me ips from Liver 000" i sable to ve : CaBARRUS coUNryY. ~ary, is se decided) i: = ae SOs per weeks wee uke eum}! Sie [rom ao pool 50 000 | #84 10 sqand prrnetple, is indispen slog eudh ested an ay wet lich gepte oF CaBARRUS co ¥ Onpopatar, that ing 190.000 | tue vitel interests of this eountrv. [ishing tosee any person ae . one of tke patrol ion on 3d of A t. seeki _ fe, pr Martella ai nua 9360 | << a0 stosmer frow Liverpon 1,200,000 | Mr. Clay all be elected next year by the | > Aa pemon. eppointed ano of water af oe Pie May 34 of ivgus ever abderteking to carry whe ag bes of ibe opscstiers hese he «fives upoo | « 27 ships Liverpool and Havre $50,000 | most overwhelming vote tbat eny candidate discharge the doties impased by the preceding The Whig Banner ! Hf everdemoasore was Canvassed tne, "eek, per @eck Such has brow tee + ue n | May 5, steamer from Liverpool 2,300,000 for the Presidency ever yet ge As to he | section, shell be sabject-to a penalty of twenty- Se age ll ealty condemned, this. was in 1340 Wiha all vther fabrics made in the aon A a a ‘thine . ° 150,000 result, we feer nothing. het we feel e0- | five dollars, to be recovered on métion to the - a ie . F lp the’ Presidential election of thet + Dot only our woolene, hoseries and particolscly up | 11, Great Western 1.600 0°0 | |. citnde ebout is tbe vate of Virginia Thai | court by the proseesting officer of said county, awe Nation Currency is ulated Con jena! ‘ehectiéns: ia 184 Year, bat jg On our calicoes, which, tn nepiness of pat-| . Caledoaia 1 500,000 | 5 ne ig an extremely vice matter, end a hairs | end, when recovered, tw be paid over to the a ba ad authorit ty of. ry a mle arm , i 1 SoWellins tern, richness of color, and strength of eS: | gasiier sume at various times 1,000,000 ight may earry it esther way. No other , Cenly trasiee, te form a fond ia aid of tbe tax 1, ag Revenue. with f if —_ us circomsiancs seems to be iin Dong. ture, now maintain a soecessful competion | Sia ' yd Union is v0 closely Civided, or | '2 Sepport of the patrol. “ vaaate - ane ter vahee restric Candidate at this time, that he mos, teens with the English calieoes, both in the do- $12,817 301 lee Hoon icine it ie so dif re © break 8. Ii shat bethe daty of the patrol to visit enon sasvaies of the Veo. . confesses hia spprobation of thai syne mesticend inthe foreign market. Ovreot-| sonig especie continue to flow into this | through - hanpabesony ta wavelet A sae pate -” = Shean ithful administration of the. Do. } ther half decries such 2 conclasion, 4, ee tony are now predéess ab cheapie thet we | ooiy for the remeinder of tbe veor arma | Let five Eandred good Whigs each meke | ighment, tot exceeding Giteen lashes, on all | mait, with an equitable distr of the Pro- | better than no system! the lack of ‘a heve driven the British desler from the South American market, and we are able to compete with bim and the Hindoo, even in the E\sst Indies, 1, myset? have heerd A. seme rete which it has during the las: five Months, our balence-sheet on the Ist of Jan- very, 1844, will show a clear gain of $27,- 000,000. This is the netural result of this promuse to bimself: | will convert one | slaves they may fied off their owner's planta- ceeds : ; : . a aad steainiah | Locofeco before November, '44; let bim tions, withoot a proper permit or designa honest economical administrat f do this. ahd the thing is sccomplished — | ting the place or places, hg wich the save the Concrot Government, Publie Off | There ss not now, from aur stetistics, one | ates have leavetogo. It t Of sales among the States ‘ing to the double Veto of the Mcling Pres of the United States; . Which ino Which Veto 2 Power the candidate highly approves ra 20d tary, ‘ . ; ! of i ly defends. [1 would scarcely be Worth menican cottons erred in the nigra Whig policy. which checks the excessive | thousand majority eli told, egeinst the Whigs doy of ee ae “a yy yaew. of suffrage me ‘)per to mention the exploded sysien wa spaniimople, end oie seen e jee voes Importation of toreign goods, which encoor- | io Virginie. shoo be eaete daty 10 be diligent io apprebond) re Fe. rm lof the on. limit ibet it is iibiiowsly sought to be ety " it ag ork ro s bs vee ie ee ee ages home production, and thereby creates | Overeome one thousand votes in 80,009 | 411 ronawey negroes in their tespective distriete, | he of the Presidential Chair t\0 | oath country with all ‘ts atiendaat aise sila bic Poe ; (be wherewith to sustain » large export of | and old Virginia is Wh:g end vote for Hen- | to be vigilant apd endeavor to detect ail thefts, | single — {fener Cray. aySeparating the Government from sy 28 eotton stufls oof Lowell ang Fall River. Our rmoannfactures now find their way into all the open poris of the world, trade. We q@ish to place this momentous snbject in the simplest possible fo-m before ry Clay in 1644 it it any event : bat chenge a thousend votes | We believe she eill do and bring the perpetrators to justice, and also all | penis qnilic of trading @ith sieves The mperance Meeting !/ |- all most necessarily make a specie CUTreNCy fey Officeholders, and Jeave tb d the reeder; and we appeal to: eer . tro} thus em ed, shall have sach as ; aw / the rest of the P “Now, sir, from all thie wide ftange of “a oo soy i “ics large veticeitural, ~~ rp 3 . aL hn eoend oae be pag A Proper diecharge, of the A meeting of the Rowan Washington Vem- with jost such currency as ther may ian discussion ioto whieh | have been driven manufseturing, and commercial firm of Jon- ee ee nd “4 daties herein-enjoined, and if, npon taking ap a perance Sosiety. will be held get ; thereby reducing the price of laboy, hay by the general attacks upon the whole polt- cyt Prowctive daties, | trook the follow ing practical ronclusions may be deduced. 1 That no nation hes ever become pros: perous, powerful, rich or really,independent bul by the protection of its own menufae - tures and productions. 2 That such has been the policy of Eng- iad, of all the great states of the world, and Fuch the established practice of the Colberts the Suliys, the Walstoghams, the Pitts, the Hamiltone, the Jeffersone, and all the other great statesmen. 3 That such has been the poliey of the United States from their origin as @ nation | 4 That the manufactures of this coupiry have been erested and developed by the Tersfl, and that they are now abundant sources of netional wealth. 5 That in the progress of our manofec- tures the carn grower of the West, the cor- ton grower of the South, and all the agri cultural interests, have been great'y bene fiil— ted by the opening of a domestic market: athan & Co. are not, when taken in the ag- gregate, better and cheaper clothed. housed, aod fed at this me, while laying upon (wenty-seven millions a year in gold and silver by therr foreign trade slone, than they were iv 1841, when, inetesd of laying up a commereis: profit of twenty-seven militons, they actually ran in debt over and above all | their exports thirty-seven millions for for- | eign g w-gaws? Do not these uodeniable | facts show adifference, a balanee of account, in favor of Jonathan & Co. ander Whig poliey of sixty four miltions ? Tbe Lucofoco policy ran the firm in debt thirty-seven millions a yeer, while its au- thor gloried in the encouragement thereby given to fureiga mdustry, to the manifest in- jury of hame labor and home production. To pay this needless foreign Locoforo debt, \s has taken more than two dollars’ worth of the properiy of the firm to pay one of the debts, owing (6 the scarcity of » sound cir- eulating medium, which never faile to afflict They can easily sceomplish this. Richmond Whig. From the Raleigh Register. OUR UNIVERSITY. The Annvos! Commencemen! of this in- doing, stitution took place on Thetsday last. We, were unable to aitend, but we understand from gentlemen who were present, thet the atteadance of visiters was wry respectable, and the number of Trustees present greater than usval on such occasions. The Addcess before the two Soeieties by Dr. Joun Hitt, of Wilmington, was, we learn, from competent judges. a worthy of- fering of an accomplished son tu bis vener- able Zima Mater. Kt was a return for her anxious labors aod nursing care, for which she might be grateful end glad.— ‘The fires, whieh glowed in the bosom of her son, in early youth, still burn with s tempered flame. The refined humanity, the philosophie en- quiry. the manly piety. the liberal secom.- negro and chastisipg him, as herein dite be shall behave insoleotly, they may inflict farther punishment for his misconduct, not exceeding thirtyaive lashes. 4 I shall'be. the duty of. the several county courts; to ad@pt all necessary roles, regulations end restrictions, (ur thé government of the pai- rol of the: respective counties, and the patrol, when appointed, eball be eobject to the same, and ui¢erboch fines and penalties as the said esvrt shal) fix and direct, 5 The pai-f committee shall have full power and sactiority to discharge any one or more of the patrollers, and employ others, at any time wheo they may think expedient, 6 Any person, who shall be appointed a pat- rol ander this act, and who shall refuse or neg- lect to serve, shall be eubject to 2 penalty of twenty dollars, to be ened for in the name of the State, by the patrol committee of his particolar district, and when recovered, shall be paid over by them to the county trastee, to form a fand in aid of the tax for the suport of the patrol. 7 The patrol, sppoinied under this act, shall receive such co npensation for their services as may be allowed them by the county court, and m the © hodist Episcopal Charely, an the Path ph iy next,at 10-¢ kA M. An 1 will -be delivered ot tin belies 4 Sha BUR- TON, Esq. ‘Fhe Ladies and public in general are respectfully invited w attend. BCH Aoother resource of the Democratic can didate is, what be catls Whig protnices of 1940 ; alledging that they- promised then if put into power, that times should te amended— debts paid off and money plenty, none of whieh promises have been fulfilled. ‘They also promised to re- duce the expenses of the Government, which hae not been donet ‘tis iroe the appropriations have been made for a year aad @ halfin advance at Twenty-four Millions—which is the rate of sixteen millions @ year ; but then Congresa meets again in December next, and may enlarge the appropriations, and ne doubt that. what ean be talk ahoat reduced appropriations, when “they done, will be done; so that it is all humbupitp: ite present valoe, sod by the same ryi, does the walee of the officeholders salaries, ate y once realizing the deprecated Democraiic Ho. bug of making the rich richer and ihe Dect vy poot indeed. ‘Ihis system not only reper Government from Banks, but from the Peaple So ;- setting the interest of the Officeoiden 4 antagobistical position to that of the People. traneforming officers from the character gf . spectable servants, into that of imperions ig masters. In fact the whole scheme is 00 ting both in its resulis and tendencies, tha it is dig, cult to conceive the motives that could indice ig adoption or approval of it; unless (bey sia arise from that depravity of heart and wind, tonging to. those beings, enemies of mankind p tally beot on-mischiéf. Cuarcorre, June 15, 1848 Fo the Editors of the Journal and Watcing. Messrs E:ditors :—By an arrangement ads. }ted by thé Candidates df the Whig pariy fy, a ‘ . | Shafl also be exempted from working oo the road, . is — seat in Congress, the question has beeo aj 6 Tnat the charges preferred aginst the ilsm hor Haseneeee te eoealie ee preche pA les: and from the militia service, except in times of | #9 be eolarged. So in_a political discassion, submitted to a Convention of the District ay ; establiehment of manufactures, as tending interest of cost of collection to the debt of | ble production We presume, of course, | @¥##ion OF insurrection. s facts are useless troublesome things, and should | ig hoped that the uohappy divisions which ny to enrregt and demors|iz~ eoeety, are en- thirty-seven millions. snd to that the enor tbat it is to be published. BSeleoted ld Mi be entitely disregarded, as {hey tend to comber neon co deen og chien in ‘ ~ : . . electe a ine. ° r sentiment may be as title distracied uirely erteneous, 88 demonstrated in the con mous saetifice of property to bring itdown| We subjoin a scheme of the Exercises, [ from aio aeazsay. | the free ase of fancy, that condoces to a more poaiiite, by the claims of rival aspiranis, | é 7 ditto: of the menutaciwring population of ths country. 7 That e relaxed Tariff leads to exces- sive importation, wo:eb drain the evuniry of specie and derange al! business and mo- netary operations. 8 That the protective poticy of self de- fence, and necessary 10 the national inde- pendence, 9 That the old ery, that a Protective Ta- to ts value in gold in foreign markets, after Payinga duty for the sapport of foreign Governments averaging $118 on every $91 worth of exports, tbe loss of the firm eaunot be estimated at less than one hundred mill- '0ns, (0 say nothing of the greater loss from the idleness and unproductive labor of so large a portion of ine partners. Uader the protective policy, instead of | power, and as fast as each gun came round ,| Thomes Jones, Mi cn Commencement day : FORENOON, 1. Prayer. 2. Salutatory Oration, (in Latin. ) Joseph C. Hoske, Fayetteville. 3. Oration. ‘* Moral influence of Scet- ence.”’ Joseph McClees, Tyrrell. A QUAINT SERMON. Mr Dedd, was a minister, who lived me- ny years ago a few miles from Cambridge, end heving several times been preac a- geinet drookenness, some of the Cambridge scholars (conscience, which is sharper than ten thousend witnesses, being their moaitor,) ‘were very much offended, and thought he made reflections on them. Some little time spirit of Mait, which rustics make, M— desirable reselt: when the argument and con- fac:s must be changed and modified to fii the conclusion of the conclusion substituted for the fects. Other appropriations can be made, thete fore they will be made—conseqoently an appro- priation of sixteen millions is no redaction of an expenditure of thirty five millions. Connected clusion will pot fit the present state of facts—the: this opportunity to say to the Whigs of the Dy trict, that I cannot permit my name to be tay nse of in cornection with the proposed Coorg tion. If private congiderations, (ihe fore ¢ which is notin any degree abaied,) wade iim duty to resist before the former Convention, it wishes of my friende. there are views ct subject which make it tenfold more my day at present. One gentleman has been fore the District for some weeks, voder ihe a selling property to the smount of one hun- 4. Oration, * Rage for Novelty.” efter, Mr Dodd was walking | with the expenditeres, is the argument on the| tion of the Mount Moorne Con ventinn—ai a) é ; 7 owards Cam- pe *S mo oor , joa of the manufrevorer ree idles the dred mil:ions to pay a foreign debt of thir. : Richard F. Jones, Virginia. bridge, ang met some of “he gownemen | Tariff, to which many ‘objections are made or | with mach zeal and distinguished abiliiy, bm evinced inthe fapid growih and comien os millions, the firm will be out of | 5 Oration. ** Resources of North Car- who, a8 soon es they sew him at a distance, | tather assertions in regard to what may-be its re~ sole Reus thie ealfieseh aa oa choapening of manufactures in this coontry edt, and have twenty-seven millions of for- olina. resolved to make some ridicule of bim. As | sult ;—it is not for Revenue because it is diserim- | that body. ‘Toenter into a Competition wi *}eigo gold whieb it will bave paid for this Robert P_ Dick, Greenshoro’. b b — ; y 0 8 since their establishment. year, over and sbove what it has co d| 6. Oration. “ Gradual | p| moe ae De come OP, they accosted bim witb | inating, not taxing every thing exactly at the | him for the nomination, would be grost injusia And lastly, vo every point of view, nation. of fore: n prodaeis.—Hence it ad il be abe Man.” . Mprovemeant of | « Your servants, one > He rephed, “ Your same rate; it is too high for revenue, because it | a the other hand, Gen Edney haa argued a 6!, politcal and social, the Proteeuee eve~ gnp . Wil be able an. servant, gentlemen.” They asked bim if is someti “evaded by stunsli iis felt, that his claims have no! received their da ‘em 18 productive of the greatest Seee fits (p Put pine aillions more then usual into Jos. W Laneaster, Edgecomb.” he bad not been preaching against drunken. | © °°™°"™es ev ¥ smogalieg. OP | consideration by the former convention, and fn Here, sir I rest my defence of ‘inden the pocket of tbe manufeeturing branch of 7. Oration, »» French + Conside’ rations ness very much of late? He aoewered in | Pressive to the South by operating unequally—it (be beginning of the canvass bas urged ibe Industry. I do nt desire to dee thie coun. | (°° &'e2! firm of Jonathan & Co. Over sur Influence Jotellectuelie de ls the affirmative. ‘Rhey theo told him they is levied and collected on Foreign goods, and in- | priety of submitting the matter to a body dife- ry hecome a great political power, oves twelve millions of dollars of this som, as | France.” had a favor to beg of him, and it was that | °'628¢8 their market price—those Foreign goods | ently organized, where he believes: that they wt vlridnwing the wortd keiths sient form of | 'O* figures at the head of this article demon- | John L Bridgers, Edgecomb.” | he woulg preach @ sermon to them there, | #@ paid for or taken in exchange for Southern wronid be mxdre jastiy weighed. sho ssanle! a : g g strate, have already been divided. Ite aus- | € ly the Tariff duties are af} | for: is wholly between ihe two gentlemen; 1 Ma, Binglind. but 1 do say, that with all our A y if AVTERRNOON, from a text they shouldchoose. He argued Cotton, raed Nae 3 are 2" | while I recognize fully the right of the pecpl, , muluphed facilities. this 1g the very country ‘lmen inHvence is manifest in the building | 1. Oration, « Virtue and Iatelligence thet it wae an imposition, for & man ought paid out of the value of the Cotton. There is to call on any citizen lo act ina public s'aiis, = for great Manusacturing operations, What Y ace ah and splendid ships at New the Safeguards of our Liberty.” to have some considerstion before preach- | bot ove step between the sablime 1nd the ridiea yet, for the reasons to which I have referred, | , would it be were it a mere agricultural or cee Sli enn nk lord, ond ne Wcreased Willis H. Saunders, Johnston. ing. They seid they would not put Up with | lous, therefore in Foreign countries American cannot permit my oame to be used ic thet TMM ig pastoral country? A mighty wilderness of Ls eoducte: to ah. a i a! agriculty- 2 Oration. “ Decline of Morals ia our| 2 denial, and tnsisted ‘upon bis preaching | Cotton cannot be sold for any thing, bat exchang. | Pfoaching eaetien, , | forest aud prairie, roamed over by a few r ? © Joy and much needed Country.” immediately (in a hollow tree, which stood ed for Foreign goods, and the amount of the-A- Respecifolly, SBORNE. 7 ahent relief of the husbandmen—and in the ag- : JAMES W OSBOR! ‘ epherds and thetr flocks—and Arcadian lonishing improvement of evety breech of Ashbel G. Brown, Grenville. by the road side,) from the word MALT. merican Tariff is first deducted from the estima i ‘wh 9 ; ‘ oy oo solidiude where a few sheggy corridons domestic maaufactures, many ob whicn ave 2. Oration. Connexion between In| He then began, “ Beloved, let me crave ted price of the Cotton, and aéded tothe price of} =p the 5th instant the third tr.al to ele! le wib their berds aight shelier themselves in , tellectual and Moral Cultivation.” your etteation. J em a little man—come a Forei d by pra f legerdemai lace 2 " . now for the first time exported to G oreign goods—and by process o egercomaio | Rp C took place 3 tue depihs of vast foresis, or bask upon the Brit } sold 6 P reat | Samuel J Person, Moore Co. short distance—to preach a short sermon— the Gotton grower ie turned back to the home epresentatives to Congress took p 8 Virgo bosom of bovadless prairies. Sur, | oft8!9 800 sold ata profit Reader, which 4. Degrees Conferred. from a short text—to a thin congregation— bd : eo four distric's of Massacbusetis, neiber « ie w is the true system? The free trade run in in : market to get cash if he wants it in exchange for ts : ere (he great streams whieh course their 9 Annual Report. 1D 8n UBworthy pulpit. Beloved, @y text : ° : th vious efforts proving euccessful, '° ue debt policy of the Locofaces, or the keep- a . . ; those same foreign goods; being cheated in some | the pre P 8 . woe from the remote fouotains ofthe North ep 5 Oration. © The Bonds of Society,” | is Malt. I cangot divide it into sentences, ? F : Fority of el) (De intended oly to roll their waters beiween | OULOL debt, money-earoing, money saving with the VaLepicrory " l chere being none; nor into words, there | 729 "e knows not bow or where out of the a-| in that Stete it requires a Majorily 0 : ( Solitary shores, and lose themseives in the policy of the Whigs? Walter W. Lenoir, Caldwell. being but one ; | must therefore divide it in- | Mount of the Tariff daty, as the goods will not | votes cast to elect.—In bot one of tbe } ovean? Yonder broad river which pours A New Instrument of Desiruction.—A 7. Prayer. to letters, which } fiad in my text to be these | S¢!! for more after that ig added to their cos: than | is there sow aoy choice ; Daniel P hing, Vsrapid current along the foot of this bill to revolving steam battery has just been tried There were thirty-three Graduates, whose four MAL T. . they would without it. This conclusion most Whig, in the second The Whigs part the Chesapeake. was st not destiaed to be in New York, and pronounced successful %8Mes we subjoin, viz : . M—ts Moral. A—is Allegorical. L— | be either non sequiter or ridiculons, as it cats off geined largely, comparatively, in evel) dir hecetanne be which the rehes of the moun- | on a small scale, though doubis were ex- Chesley P. P. Barbee, James MeClure| Literal. T—is Theological. «The moral | the obvious Proposition, ‘* that the consumer pays tri h fi trial i dos that border it, aad the rer f the ed of th prs lend teach j : the duties,” which i i i ric, on each former tral. be “ rerources o pressed of the success of the prineiple upon Boyd. John Luther Bridges, Ashbel Green | '3 '© teach vou rustics good manners : there © Cuties, which is agaia contradicted by the — HDtry ueeeen which 1 bows might reach | an extended sea'e It was a fort contain- | Brown Henry Lawrence Ciement, Thomas | fore, M—m masters, A—All of you, L— | fact, that the foreigo producer looses nearly the Bunker Hill Celebration und 5o's © : eeaeian Look at the ficids of the ing one hundred guns, in four rows or tiers. Arey Covington, Williem D. Cowan, Rob- Leave off, —Tippling.” amovnt of the Tariff duty in the price of his Hospitalit A lution is before te 7 Covered with cotlon, rice, tobacco, ) Of twenty- five each. The whole frame, | ort Paine Dick, James Webb Downey, Phi- ‘The Allegorical is, when one thing is | goods, else i: could make no kind of difference to| — Pn y-— [eso (@bieb it gh 7 _ ete the omar 0 the west | worghing one son, was moved Piece in @| lo Henderson, Richard Bradiey H1!!, Jose opeees “ _—_ asap The tbing | him what amount of doty was levied on the for- Len conn of Saas opti ' ae Wa aving ciops of wheat, rye | cirele two steam engices of one h Caldwell spoken of is Malt. © (hing meant is the | 9; ions; seid will certain a88,) snd corn, embracing all the agricultural at. y g ne horse | Caldwell Huske, James Pation Irw n,| °P° 8 eiga productions; whether ten or one bundree | *® ype bo beel Anderson King, per cent, it could nopaffect his interest, and be $3000 for s proper reception of the a!'""! pres of the world, from the eotton and the,su- | to bear upon a certain int, it was di r-| James W ; our Meat. A—your Apparel. L—vour P ner pe gre ofthe Ludies to the praia of the Balue, | ged. th would be a tremendous inetrowent | Leok, Wihe: Weta al step Liberty T—your Trost” “ The Literal eeroie Theda pon fee ou dure ei Tue aa B nef nd the wheal of the Odegsa—to our hilis | af at could be made of practical service in | Jomes Lord, Joseph McClees. Thomas | '*» ecording to the letters, M—Much, A— at ae Tate. £ siopian vision often spoken | ces, on occasion of the great Bon Ww revered with every ganiety of timber—and | war, which is not likely, from the descrip- | Smith D McDowell, Bartlett Yaney Me- Ale, L—Little, T—Trusi.”” of, mach pyyi ie bat cever eee nor is it ever Celebration. The Boston Courier out t to the wide spread surface of the country tion given of it. | Nairy, Jobn Londoo Meares, John Gray ‘“« The Theologica! is, according to the likely \o;b6' realized, because it is not the inter- The Dinner. ~The Committee of - rounled vp and hoked together by netural ’ - | Blount Myres. Somuel Jones Pesson John | Heete it works, in some, M— Marder, in | °* ° *!! parties tu adopt the system at the same rangemenis of the Bunker Hil! Motus’ ir jf Timonvesteag, I say, with ibis diversi. | +7 Ltr foe Fact.—Mueb atiention has J. Reese, Willis H. Sanders, Thomas Da- | Others, A—Adaliery, in all, L— Loogeness | '™°> nor is it the interest of one Party to adopt Association have resolved to bave 30°" _ tiesteomte fie ead “aith the. beeches at | iised'of parigions ae rom eb creed °-| vis Walker, John Thomas Watson, Jobn | Of Life, and in mang, T ~Treschery.”” lhe Totoreet or a clters will aot. Bat if it be| tog, instead of a dinner, at Fane0l be ; tate of ine North whieh soGriskes: 4 race | plucking off the She cd increased by | Lea Williemson, Clemens Gitlespre Wright. | __“*! shail conclade the subject : First, by | the interest of Eorope to have free trade with on the efternoonef the {71b, 6 #biC blossoms {fram tho pleats | vf bold and hardy seamen, the long line of | Pruducing them, a resort Quite consistent | rex board pierced by excetient ports—and j wth thoory, This important observation with all our other meturel adventeges thet no | has been completely confirmed by M. Zell- country in the world possesses greater ad | at. the Direetor of the Agricultoral Society | | was confered upon the | Alumai.of the | Covington, Richmond Co. ; J. W. Camer- The Honorary degree of Master of Arte following geatiemen, lastitotion : Messrs H W. way of exhortation M—my Masters, A-- All of you, L—Listen, T~~10 my Text. Second, by way of caation, M---my Masters, A--- All of you, L~-Look for, T---the Trath, the United States for all their prodactions free of daty, while they refuse a like freedom in their respective ports to the productions of the United States, are not the Anti-Tariff politicians of this (ne Presidect of the United States #04 a er guests of the Society will t¢ Fe The Hall will be eppropriately isan The price of tickets is ixec at $5 & vantages for egriculiuse, commerce and at Darmetadt In the year 1839 field ieey, Riebmond Co . Ww. 8. Green, Daavilte, Third, by way of communicating the Truth; coantry advocates of foreign interest in Opposi- SE bg! be | manufactures, and that they can pever be the seme size. lying aids by side and wan ; a5 x ‘ areal Danville, Va. ; A. moar thie : ‘ines, is the sunop- | tion :o the interests of this country ? The af-| The trie! of Joho L. Lewis, 1 Cole ‘ ’ . sy _ 4H. modest : ; e developed, and perticulerly the hatter, but ) ered in the same Manner, were planied in Woke Co. ; TF i nenel hase | destraction of tion , aarp Y —- wows a Clearly a8 interes stews) Coe. indicied acian accent] 1 o ae U, wee fae Stow: tem of DOMES. the Blossoms wen ibe viens hed flowered |, 44 Taytor, Mecsiesippi ; J. J Jackson, | ‘RO Alehooee’s benefactor ; hie wife’s sor- | rm wO eraker's parse. The whole pev- | Bank robbery at that place, resu ; gst P TI PROTEC r lON? _ | the rae were removed from those in| pinebory’ + Heary K Nash . Hillsboro’. || '°%; bis ebildren’s trouble ; his ows paige 16 Unignd — i 's supposed, conseme sequitel, much to the surprise, #04 !° set Elopement Extracrdinarvy.—-Thamas | ues me while those 19 the other Geld shame ; hie neighbor’s scoff, a walking or pay for about ninety millions of dollars Worth | ton apparently, of the people of Colua ¥ Sawyer, E-q., of Kirby Stephen, Weamore | were lett untocched. The former produced “Why doo't you wear a “hush,” ma?’ asked | S@1il-Bow! ; the picture of a beast: the of foreign goods anoaally, and the supply is equal ‘ clable membe! oa 47 bolls, the latier only 37 bolls, a listle boy. ’ to thedemand. Oat ; Lewis was tho respe of hind, Cog, « genilemen of foriune, aged 36 | “A hush! what is that er | monster of a man ?” : ih of this twenty-five or twenty. gang of thieves, having beea once Maf . 2.3 F | . , ; ; _ od ; | 18 that my dear: never | 81x millions j : y a eee, a alached pliniey won| Gold Agem—The Asheville (N. C ),, heard of such a thing.» y a “What a lazy tellow you are, Jack! « O, | ment by the Taunt . use of the Govern. Colembus, and at the time of tbe Ve earty | Ty ADraMs, @ servant git! of | Messenger Seys the go!d mines lately dis-| ‘* Why yes you have, ma—TI asked ei Mary ne, not lazy —only you eee, Bill, | end work had ly BF: art law,—which if there wae on Solicitor of that Judieis! Cireait. of " ‘ mage ut 16, the davghier of poor Parente, | covered in Haywood and Macon counties | ¥%2! made her baeli stick om! 90, and she eaid—_ 2 80rt of talling owt, when | was a bey, and we y Free Trade and fo Tariff woold go to Ku There was a meeling of the peop “ Siucuced by the opposition of bia and | are like to prove the riebest vet discovered “4 my dear. So you do koow what a hash is” have’at made it up yet.” rope, and leave ihe same People to pay the rev— Colembus, but efter the rendition of the . ber firs jaa to ‘err marriage, to elope with | ia the State. Some of tbem, it uodersiends, | ies eae ne hs sel went loa sleo ping | A country boy being asked the other day what} ""* of the Government in some other way: so diet, at which resulutions wee eee 7 Nerto Coolns “arcene, where ihe knot was! yield from three to five dollars per diem tof aok a hea masse Poa, lw a traveiier :— | was Meant by universal soffrage, instantly re | '° (ts amount foreigners are interested in free susie therr belief in the guilt of a ned. each hasd emploved, I wants dis shee? for de twhel clack i Get op—' plied—**why, it means that every man shoold | trade, g the verdict. He res’ soffer ahike aad to that extent do the anti tariff poli. tiotans advocate foreiga interests, aod if they are notwitbstanding am the Solicitorsbip after the tr!’ » jo #ick to the sea, and ig nye, or seems to any, * | don’t ca og Presidea ’ . Phare wodior us recently visited’ Kewiucky, of the nation and his household:: whasees so maa 8 wr eathaage” ta? 4a that oar well tried (rieg eS a ewes ¢ otal fom sn interesting account of his Joar- , ve extract the following,-to’as..very ing paragtaph concerning the great emspapors a8 an ; c t- a So re . 4 Ss + Die* "Se t—[am-at the service of my] is published weekly 1m Cinéinaatt. | 4 Wistes 3. F. Alexsoder, Clerk of oar * 6a4?—Priniors te 95 50 ates pater orl Gate of Noh Carolina. ae prod & a ‘etien his fotmer enue, | 7 frtenda, eté. ?. Mp Chav ond the whdle te togies upon “hem im Whig | Epa SG you could ascertain bs * avuee | el st me pe cet nord’ indued © } Sentalion , a8 edit- or of * ‘ Cove Recorder.” | a —The Buffslo papers av: Gaeof the Cansdian polities! con- wow. An obitwery néti¢e inthe Badslo | Commereiel sage : i j - © She wane of aoeommon 4 ardent yn and of ontiring on- ext rious in ebsif of her bosbesd snd hs escape, -procuredtheir final padoo. Her irisle and sufferings during-‘this period of incessant toil end anxiety ere most effectionsiely end graphically. described in ber letters to a friend, pablisbed in ber-husbend’s narrative.’ oun » Lieb : February and March Isst. bo rs ty of yd rebad there were fonnd six ever, | tuadréd thonsend: pounds i specie, ond as | queh though iS 4 iOn.Of More, wes con— lled, and brought under Brit- > 3 sted. di ‘Wi jewels, whieh the Bagtish Could ase to better Fivantage 5 the tighiful-owgers, and so they con- ‘the whole to their own use: - “She Aerritory.of Seinde extends from the \t mig sea-along the course of the nver Iadus, 300 iy. be well} Miles fram its mouth, its breadth i) re the widest patt 160 miles, 1h is a fruitful Tong. country, hes misfufactures of cotton as the end silk of various kinds, besides others. ions Death ¢f-an-old Servant.—'Tiie Washing eo aoverne | 0% Capitol of this morning, says : biatt. He iethow Sy “ General Washington's. coldred servant C4 - sim a lawyer, aad.déee not farger hig [BYs was buried on Sanday last, from Greenleat's hich is in admirable 7. fie hence ie Porat, and was followed to the grave by alaige el, nd bie imprOemaniactaamea. ity ‘Sen=| natieer of backs. | He wet we cadereahd, 3 ie of i “mead tal Pahade trees |! tedeath 114 yéags-old, and was-for at bo bis own tnt 3, are in gor d tasté,and | 2 Dember of years ostler to Gen. Washington, ouplete keeping with ié-seneblionn princi- | *bom he served at the passage of the Delaware, wind manners of life: And theo, Mrs. Ciay and.at the batues of Brandywine and- Trsiten | greea house, and collection of flowers and oe, are most tasty and well selecied. Bot ">atter—yes, ber butter (for we Batrsome of Stoperior. From ber dairy, com " ber eye, she supplies the principal hotels of *linglon ; and it is no eazall gle * so Thomas showed, the : ich bis mother purcahsed for hii | iv lher butter. Whether ber | orrella or not, we , in vere, dsr poe et atid al ou “ia; aod we wereglad to learn’to Our sat »that Mr. Clay was a «Christian reli M tlended, wit t Protestant E (frequently b Duel Prevented. Ml aathority of the ta ~R, rdaoa, « diffeakty grew out. of ich they were both coonse ght Was to ensae, bay city Court, the Judge: > parties. The procoss was 20800, who was boo a of $10,000. M ‘city, it the a We learn (says * misenderstandi ), between Re tardeoa, BE. ‘more Coo t Richa the officers was ang : aly Court, has, t a of friends, and after mo * Mtisfactorily and honor The Corporal's Ephraim ig a” 1@ 8 up lo every \hiag } u ities and Poff ot "We idozen of Simon,” 178 00 the cold ¢ bs) llowing wE . —lo Kennebuok ‘ee Wisdom Aon betting the above read, and wrote out the seman rato ping, hte > be rio gion—that he vad bis bible; b his excellent lady and family piscopal Charch in Lexiagton, eard ministers of other Churches. —By tne interference of the Baltimore, a duel which was between Reverdy Jobnson, and » Was prevented. a case in coart, in Blaha: that ; Been lodged before aed his warrant for served on Mr ad over to the peaegin the having left -erve him the Baltimore Patriot) that ag which cecurred Ivet Fin ‘vhogon and George #9°8.. OM the itial of a cause before el of a fel- the Pua, Poe- TR lle give io Seems to be ail of at ic avant” » Maine, Mr James dines, Ephraim sa! ing on the seles and read it > spethag. an air of ised Their Thats ae and basket sinae shall bese, \dren ; Whose am increase ; ll her pathe are Pracs,’” > | BIBB, of the North Old Cary was known and respected ty every citizen of this placee—be -luved the ry of his.patriotic master, and as an humble mark of respect, oo his birth day, and in fact, every mil itary parade, wore.anold shad bellied unifaray coat, and a three cornered hat with a huge cock ade, which he said Washington gave bin On these occasions the oye used to collect around him, bet his ven ®-appesrance disarmed them of all thoughiwofamisehief, and he. was always allowed ‘he honorable privilege of hobbling in ihe tear of the military, under whose protection he generally placed himself. Not_bad.— May is considered an anforianate martying month. .A country edicor saya, ttrat a aes asked et peal to unite herselfin. the 0 tid, to a bri ehap, who sane De fo, hie proposals. ‘The lady tenderly hinted that May wean onlocky mouth for marrying. ‘Well eke it Jupe then,” hunestly replied the swrin, bam, @hat’s good for. t ‘Eh, whe got ‘em, aid “Why me got ‘em io of my neck, and al! befo “ey same ime—cus em how ‘em ake?” wei, tell- yoa,e first. raie sntigote for ’em, what'll care you jis: as soond as a hve haadle, if you follow my inscription.” “What dat, Epberham 2?” “If you jest git de braine ob s iron wedge, and de blood vb a enailet, and de leaf fat of # weeding hee. wid a-half pint.of pigeen’s milk, sndistew ’em to geddet iato a beg’s horn, liged wid: cat | feathers, and-take it three timegadey before breakfast eternally, and. rub a little on de ontside every nite, il cure: yoo.” Pompy, limped off, railing op thereiite of his eyes at am without saying.a word — Sou- thern Miscellang. ALTAR OF HEM EN. *t#tax «© Those whom love cements in holy faith “* And equal transport, free. as live,- sxstees «+ What is the world a in ‘has pomp, its pleasore and its ' a * Whoia each other: whatever fair ° ** High fancy forms,dnd lavish hearts can wish the 2 b inst, by pte the Rar: ROBERT MARIA R. CRUMP, late of Visginie. == * Devea Bull for sale. WHE onde has fer sale 2 fel) blood North Devos Ball, shout 1S or 14 months old, ef fine form end-dize jor stock. G gb, on ira T. Wyche, the lo Rev. ] aod from ALFRED AVE. ‘Lexingtom, Jane 4, 1948— ~~ the 3d mondey in May 1848. sod'm the 67th year of ovr 4 ce. 3 F. ALEXANDER, Cik. Cuert of Plegs and Quaiter Sessions— Vi : ato — May bP —_——_ Williom B. Steste,) Original Attaches: le- ve. vied on. Land. arpeeriag we ibe satisfaction. of the Coert, that iffe Charles Martech, is not ao inbatneant of thie Seate : fis thereto-e ordp:- dy the Court, that puliliedtion be made in the t qur next , te 8 pourt of Pless end Qu: rpose, to be held | for the “Of tredell, a the Court Hogse in on the Sd ménday of Avgost nex, ‘thenrantd: thete 16 anewer, pleadto or replevy, or Judgmemt ‘pro confésso will be takeo, and the land levied opon, be con to satisfy plein- uffs debt, ae cosis. aed in the 67th yes of oor +f ADEKA Swgo— Priors Ee Gs GO gg-onon Mona: AND THE LAST CALL ! T the have aesoonts with him vane monies siandjag, to-eall and settle with.cash or note. by next August Covurt,or they will certaia ly have tovettle with an officer. , HORACE H. SEARD. Jane 24, 4849—:f48 SALE OF NEGROBS. BR vutae of a Deed of Trust to uswxecated by Rybert N. Craige, for ihe parposes there- 19 ee! forth, will be sold at the Cuan Honse in Salisbury, on Tuesiay. the 19:h of Sepiember, nex!,(it being Tuesday of Rowan Soo ror Coar') the tollowing likely Negres RITEA, ‘AT HARRIET, BILL and CHROLINE ‘Perms —Nine monthg credit, with interest from the date, purchaser giving bund and ap- proved security. JAMES OWENS SAMI. CRAIGE., June 24,1843 7048 ravat Nay COTTON GLNS. NHE, Subscriber. wishes (o inform the citizens » of Rowan, Davie, Davidson and the adjois - ing Oouanties, that he has the Cotton Gin Mano- factory earied onia the ‘Town of Wadesbvi’, Aason Coonty, North Carolina, in a style ovt ‘Byr by any otber Metabdlishment in the Unaned States. Consisting of the following arti- it <= « Saws, Steet plated Fen- ders, Gins, &e., &c. All the above frone-earefully manvfeciared by myself, except the Gins which are pat up by old expericheed Gin Wrights of South Carohna Gins of 4Q.eaws will pick trom 3 \u 4000 pounds a day, with a Team of two Horses with ease Cotton pieked by those Gifis leaves the siaple mach better end will command a beter price iv Market by far than common Gin@of the Country §CP Orders from a distance for any different sizeGins will be promptly atiended to, aod al) the above Gias warranted by. meso de genuine. JOHN D SMITH. Wadesboru’, Anson Cooaty, N.C. Jane '7, 1848—1y47. e ini” é Trastees. is DOMESTICS. THE SALISBURY MANUFACTUR- ING COMPANY AVE still tarther tedored. the PRICES of tbeir MANUFACTURES, ia conse- quence of tbe cuntinved depression of business throughout the country ‘They ere mauufacter- Botton Yarns, Nos. assore. 4 Shirting, hear Y gf da ine. {2 do. heavy. The P- fr ave assured tha their are of the best quel: Ps ee porchased oo terms ag) we they procered at ; yiablist ur went. oor a »% , Agent. . J. RE VUES Bi 4 Salisbury, i y 20 , 18S — ie oe ° . HEZRKIAH TURNER, Trustee. Jone 12, 1843.—Sw4T enadle him te do | grealest pessitie fier he fits, why the said Lands gd Negroes ; av . ee the tacd leading from we | EA aces, mee ed nig tom workmes in bis employ, wil! ati kinds of repatting with the despatch im & workmanlike meoner, and athe lowest charges. A feir wiel ie respectfully solicited. NATHAN BROWN. Salieburv, June 10, 1848—6046 Z 94 thet the Defendest, Villiam Lenn, is no imhebigant of this State: ft ip cherefors order- éd, that publication be made in the Carolina ‘Waichmen, published in Satisbary, forsix weeks notifying the-eal@ Wiliam Lunn, to appear at the nex! term of the Coast of- Pleas and Quar- ter Sessions, to be said gat the Coort-Hovse in on the 4th io Aegast next, then and there show cause vied on, lg 48 coadetmned and sold to sa- isfy. the tiffe debi a " . Wise, line Oleoees Bare vur eaid Court at office, the 4th monday in May, 1848, and o’ Améfican Independence, the 67:b year. te- sued $d Jane, 1848. JOHN CLEMENT, Cit. 6 w46—Printere fee $8 State of. Morth Car 3 - a COUNTY, aap of Plens.and Quarter Sessions— May Term, 1848 {liram Phelps Administrator of Natbenie! Mark- lead deceased, agains: , . John Markland, Pauling Markland, Mathew Marktand, Marian Markland, Merklaod, Louixa Markland, Heary Vionroe sad wife Fan- ny, William Beeding and wife Naney, Cheries Green aud wife Martha, Thomas Marklaadiané the Eletrs at law of Nathaniel Markland, Jr, Parrét Starkland and Nelson Marltland. Petition for sale of Lands to pay off owt standing debts, T appearing to the satisfaction of th that the Defendents, Heary Monra wite Fanay, Withem Beeding and wife ‘ afcy, Chas: Green aad wife Martha, Thomas and ‘he Fheits at Law of Nathaniel Mand, Jr... Parret Markland and Nelson Markiaad, beyond the limits of thie State: i ig therefore, ordered by the Court, that publication be made+ in the Carolina Watchmen for six weeks, noti- fying the defendants, to be aod appear before.onr next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiens, (6 be held for the County of Davie at the Court House in Mocksville on the 4th Mondag in Auguat agi, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said Petition ; otherwise the aHegations set forth therein will be taken pro sonfeeso, andethe peti- tion heard exparte ss to them, Witness John Ct+ ment, Clerk of oor enid Coort a: Office, the 4'h Monday in May 1848, and in the 67ih yeer of Americen Independenee JOHN OLEMENT. Crk. June 17, 1843 —6047— Printers fee $6 00. Coert. State of Porth Carolina. SURRY COUNTY. @ Superior Court-of Law~—Spring Ferm, 1843. Kinchen Gess, us Petition for Divoree. Catharine Goss. T appearing to tlre sstisfaetion of the Coart, I that Séieries Gess ig pot a citizen of this State; 1 iv therefore by the Coart, that publication b@mede io the Raleigh Register and Carolina. Watehaian for three months, that the Deféndsn: (Catharine Goss) sppeat at the next Saperiot Court of Lew, to be held tore County of Sorry, at the Court House in Rockford on the 5th monday afierthe 4th monday of August next; then and there to plead and soswer or demur | said petition, or the eame wilt be heard exparie, and decreud i ; w 2, ' rs, Clerk of oer said Coort at bee motday sfier'the 4%b of Febrosry 1843 =~ WINSTON SOMERS, c.s.c. June 17, 1843 —$m47 — Printers fee $10 00 Stock-Molaers Meeting. rps wt hepaeia pleads Mang- faci ori » are respectfully reqees- led aaind apse | , f said Brock to be held in the Town of Selisbery on y the SOth jast., eee yy one said Company for the preseat year, other par- poses. “ geet atcendsnee is ed. (LLIAM CHAMBERS, Pres. Salisbury, Jone 15, 1845 —2w47 Dr, D. 4, Mazweli, UNG loceied, bunseti at Gen. Kerr's te f Court of Pleas end rier —May Ses- “ aay mae Se Cope, Babine: | ee dos. John McRorie, ? and =moreesn ve. «= Autschasent levied oo | 4 Ladies lined. und towed low SS : P Sait ena © Dt 7 ° is . & , we. - O. Atdisnend lesied on prea Beg . William Lean. Laods and Negroes paseo ied teed No. eng a ; , ad Kmane! Shober, } pean dap | va. Attgchment levied on Lomp sugar, 20 fdés. ‘= S41 tage William Looe. and Nejroes. ag 2 r rohgor gS - The deieGone B. Ses Same. dad wil ve vold-Tor Coss, ate a1 Kelly & Gaither, eT nee we rind exewine for them- Willem Lena. and pad = - JENKINS & BILES. | T appearing tothe satisteesiad of the Coprt pth ADE 89s WONS-Ctyes ce F may 27, 1843—6044—Pripiere ‘fee cM $5 30 1. Eliz:beth Haeser, Jacnd Shore aod wife aad oth- 4 i é i i i Petition for the of Land: f il i e s § H ul | Court of Equity— April Term, 1642. 2 [ t t Ri d he 3 rs q a : | og Mt eoretine tne nt piece, an endivided halt 2s thé ot halfiMile +4 ‘Wect, lately N. re Credit of one, two and theep- roy eter ened Spee ~ the of the TALLORs, — (Late of the Oigy of Raleigh.) bs peep tnn ds ce drt Coll Sere E hyve located doracives ic the Town of | and ia ear} ee rying.on_ oor truewes| S45 Packages. sesed in: or outer it. Gar Estep: . ef oa lishment is io the room’ em the corner of che}. Among whith, ore the follwing : Mansion Hotel, formerty oedupied'as the Post-| Gye re. : Offiée, We have employed: Cnet of Rortbgre 478 do and | domestic, Wertagen. Bie expepee ot palne-will ve epared 510 do ssoried, . ra thie oa pnt Soe and lawns, ashionable Establishment ! browa io all us. Geopilomen, therefore, may rely | bes Rows janes, oo having their clathes made op io the mosi 20 do tashion able and durable manner. We have been 6 do Sen bel x engaged regularly. in catting for the last five| 196 aie years, and pajt of the time, in some of the most oer Sa ly és.’ celebrated establishments ia the Soethern coun | 220 do te hendkerebiefe . try. We shail not. hesitate ta guasantee every | i940. een < thitig 10 Git me cbt end make. pf elena anal LONDON; PARIS, AND NEW-YORK| 446 ladies bonnet segorted FASHIONS, ° 288 doz combs aseoried recetved monthy. ‘In. conclaibm; etioold we be! “tc Sigur muons sented ed aaibing — = sanqvens ont gests scy thes . " Fy . — 104 doz knives end forks . . , . . 6 eatting es erence.—- Thos. M. Otiver, Be ©. = Fm Moy 20, 1843—1598 e dst wont soe -— ma 6 do. apvile- State of Meorth Carolina.| <p dorelows _ STOKES COUNTY. Soe Court of Equity—April Ferm, A. D 1843. 8 coils » ee Joseph Martin, bee Sr ~) v8. John. Martin, Phos, mar. |... 128 ge eli te lead iin, Geehit acts , Geo. % pre = eosloge . wertig, Ettzaberh Heerie, > Original Bill. | sage, WS ier ‘Fhemec-J. psartin, and oe Sa Gare Hawpiso Bytom, Ad- as 182 bege.oeiis end trade, . watt teased j Tugesbes with « general stock of ail kinds of lite amo i botngr-inaiategppent te the bot: | GOOoDs. islecton of the Const, that martin, one | Tbese were selected with the oimest of the defendapte in this-elst,-does oot reside} e*re,.and they have bepn bough swith eqsh and within the lingits of, she Siaty of North Covet" | for cit, which lo more ibe say other establien aa: It ie therefore ordesed shat be | ment ta this place enp say, (if ‘hey speck the made for siz weeks ia the Carolina Waichmae, | ‘teth); and we farther say, that it is by far the priewed at Salisbury, thet enless. te, the suid | fengest.sigck that bes ererbeen | to this Jobo martin, appear‘at the next Coprt of Equ-. place— and we ely a contradiction. - Phese ty, tv be held ter the ‘county of Stokes, xt the | goods are for Soh pe ar seveeinal o-onlt Coust-Honse in Germanton, on the seaund tings | 'hem for cosh, than they cps be booghs day afier the foarth monday ie ‘next, | chewhere, let price be what it may. Ail and plead, answer of demar, the will be | We ask io 2 call, f you please. . taken pro confesss aad the cause set down for Mo rest soccivad of Mr. F Manan, th Hiidxpon panies rhicaeL ie PABHIONS, fot tbe MRK: FOR ork pilates Gary mote Ogle so ss |, ee Oh oe | — AND AGUBHAND BILLIOUS F&- Rm ee UamaLy nor € PUG: °° $9.) RESTORER ot tue te: He onde ot pagel * prepaged to recety S. — There is no rene koown eer we ssa, a Sand et asta thd Ee EC Rainn Gua gat Rgion, an t : Mt ~ aghy, 7 Be, . g ee Fie a : dita we. me: * chy ai to his Agent al Fayetteville, who w ) BET OBFIseto otter pleats: * HRONIC AN MT ey '* : | aie" intte back coent Warehouse arure "River, f sromage, and meneeve y te hel the satin he fos as oedthie thé dangerof ‘spi AP. La ages , = athe need om bg ue tedietore uokeeh amare very ; wis nya ‘ votaiebior'Wiasedeclyete ii when te ann i An . sat ont 3 gid aan i hed f be oe ane Laie apatbe’to siedets ore’ mes fe mde) ee eared pont fo ‘strrict agoordaibe Wi (tthe creche Be egg osama, : AR RS tate leet incipd rl moantry and vilages around, BT" Satisfactory manter. saepes > prothotion of nee GEO. W. DAVIS2” subjoined;-end whittrare s8o* riven Wh a! ee 7 veg Re . SMéciions. Colds. he \ jn :068lipe of bosiness. . FATS MEDICAL MANUAL, and Citi ohareee angi Mn eed mse Ref erences ° metiiaay Burio ensue’ weveyeole apt e Their shop is 9 tow dootaigaes af ansion put up and forwarded. ; nvatidble susbess; he Wikcreane ° | li Bou ven bn et i Hotel, aad.ope dow belo eee vero. “8! D, PENDLRION. ; - Meret Jane reeked Hon’ _ | gaat be rigidly followed: 2 ES eae eabitpss, in if ike Rucosaen <P | 9c Mrs. Pee on hand a hatidsotne assor' - ay, ©, C 4 ries i 1 ei, . S.8t (in fealeg Pr trehouse coaee aoe ; hieorighhal Sacttie coe te Fever sid ¥Pussric in ibe Baa ; : ia sowie yur vilvers fa ke or fore: sso! 1 Bae grate Rar Ri et “A . ; . 2 < > - . . » FEVER AGUE, ip alfits four Yeading monghiy-tesiéd, 8H proved io Detour. Pownsr, tor wn . ,~WARREN GH | ment” of Banners, “(hew est style) ‘Cays and e Fayetteville, NV... C» species, en aug ea administration . Ratlical dure of Fever std. Ague. ect ihe Eye ke payne 18, 1943.—198 - z hae ag - ; 4 keg nn ut prorer remedy, in res ie ahi the spe— deeds-of his fe izenginshe.\\' est: Seba the Restorer, ‘ 7 “<* Mfg, is also prepared xecu Jolin MeRae, a ers of'gne of the*ingredten is 10.bi A aie oon ‘ % t iste for Piles KENILW ORw “HOGS Coaiping and Flaling ln. ida Joba Dawson, oo . ; seine fe thd Sderee of higiivariable idee. ; ile Life Weditineg are tbe only turditints }ap ya ie tee rer, “Ss Which g § VHE Br. ARs gage haa joss haded to hie stock BMsbury, Detouaber 5, 1842, om ee | - eke . Wilmington, N ~ Ca. S while aft other practitioners either | entirely fail | dhweed ; offect a.re ut Thi atte ~ Gi abate for Tetter, Ri te of Berkshire s4 pa't uf, Kenilworth Hogs, -NEW FASHIONS. Dolphin A. Davis, or only tempararily seeceed, were With the very todienmpseitipasoe ise. ctodl -peet* | Sele @benm, Scaldbead, Eruptions of vapor ted from Efigland in the fall gf I 41,09 George We “Brown, bes' remedies that were known. ga orf ap pe ben t a 4-at 1 diceré, < > t8 tu be applied ret 4 Mr A B Allen, of New York, and are now 2- FOR THE. . Salisbury. VC. Agee is eithet *Quotidiam weary <n hs! at Pertinn. or Fore oY country —wen who went Storer ha bout 19 months ald. “Phe Baar ia a Very- supe s ring and Summer of” @.B. Powetl, Packet Ageat, New York. | ihird-dad ; Quartan, « or foerth day ; Eratic, oF | out full ofpope, and confid eed | ar ynuepente Sracwcrute, P rior-etitmal sdeep; thick and exeeflent in aff his | - ad ; _ 1842 —th10 sometimes one of tuese periods an sometimes a-7 tae, tale i of, the sai} ; Autidineases of ahesChes:, Dsspepsia, hin puinig >the Sow very fine, witg,e liter.of eight ok 1848. , a adthers rit" is: Complicated; byte king these ee y-of dur-ge| emeéi Aner} iory Reotauicen Palsy, Paralysis, ¢. pigs, which, for neau'y aod form, cao tiardly be , DR b. JAYNE’S periods in sheoession, and fhen runpigg”into in- je. oF. ; paper te “An. i . Dr. Kuav’s Acotsnec Onn. (0 Deg surpassed Those who may: wish a fuller de- * sae as ICEWES termittent fever of a more matte characte. wp ded cities ot towns of (he older states, have: and all other Ae soles Complaints; wig scription. of these? fine animale, ararreferred to _ THOMAS. TiGKGoX. FARTIEY : MEDI * | Borit isa remarkable fact, Howe ng Bche er refarded® shétiered gonstit ations: and. berused-together hethe’ Restore, Mr. Allen’se/eti¢r published jathe Laiiioalor-— | Wy mePe CEU LLY informs his friends 20d PANHESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre~ | and cnacconntable it may appear, ‘Sot e od spivits,or they ethain: in? ew A BC Dr Kohl's Pamphlet “Ti, pared for family use, and fi¥¢e ecquired an | athof these enecies ‘Ague, hive . yep as nes, . outa - 3 ok | entered decording to Aci of Congress om i ‘Lap subseribes has algo, a Yorkshire Sow, por the °° ae ee anes ff Wea flen."Yrom*a@ “Sow. Iepores | bs an ee one f onptecedegied popylarity throoghows the Vutied | reentH DAY Cryst," in whieh they. fay” “be 2 a etal hich. sb reds fali.Direciions for the use of the ahore him trom Fighand:-and ba Pitesind Soies : BUSINESS Stafes’ sand a§ they ate soadmirabty calculated | cored with’ teftainty, “but neglecting “whieh | , ( effor - West, Fever a — ed- medicines, and accom panies every Ra, those wishing to purchase, ean have the pall iss various braaches, two doursebore J. & ic preserve H@alth arid ‘cure Disease, ov family | they can only be cured by Bhgnce. “ras Mar> : >I ipess energi oe Kepikeorth. © oF Berkshire, of erosses of | W. Mutphy’s siare, where he ig ready, to exe~ should ever be without them. The proprietor of | pasts directions for tskiog tke mediciges tn” this Pes a sae atc | From the South eSoueard Uginian of | Kaaiworsh and Yorkshire, Thin-ried.aad Berks | ome alt orders. of his customers ina Siglp 209 | ihese vataable preparafions received bis educa- | disease, are therefore these :—Fitst, take twoof agen efi ‘of rob ihe en ie brokel ‘DR. KUUL'S MEDICIN shire. His ain-k of Berkshires wae parchased manver not surpassed by ang In this part of the tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the | the Lire °PiILes at bed time, and next bs ; 1 CINRS, of MreCoN.Bement, of New Vork aaa $4 18 pot }2OGntry. Fle te also in the regular receipt of ihe | (- i104 States, and hasthad fifieen years. experi- | oefore bfetkfast a fall | witte'g ss of the P ais Dri, seould say 6 have for some time, intended fig surpassed hy any in We Utined- Sarde. “Those 4 2 NEW-YORK FASTIIONS, : | ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by | Brrrers ia about ‘the same” quantity me Ve chest Dieting and For: wilt sex en commends tary patios of these invaluable wishing 10. improve their stock’ Of Hogs. hace £9? "prepared te accommodate ihe: tasle’ 0 which he bas had ample opportunities of acquir | and half a wine glass moré in wfall wie ayaa ticipate, -yaur- moat . ~expectations,. for eines, bul have. been prevented dy the». b Fashionable a} ’all times, ete | knowledge vf disease#, and tb t t-half ain hagr’ before each “meal rae. {other mattersfrom deing 80. We hay new a better opportunity of doing so, than” has ing a practical knowledge o eas n ej of water, aboot half an. opt mea sa a ora Ms rein $9 ou. 1 to healthy ; lest five or eix years, been guite hn three} and the ditters'as beforé.; on the third far any of yhe abave will be promptly attended |. . i. ‘ WM, F. KELLY, TO FAMILI E s. Ja yne’s Expectorant, night fo Sak aad the bitters as before, andcon | every stage. rt Peg ix reduges | HA%E Hn hesitacey ia recommending then yy la siieted-every where. Odor opin ' “Near Mocksville. Davie cv. fees ROWAND’S_-: A valoable remedy far Cough, Colds, Con nciggefes nt px every Be aa the strength, end farpairé the fol rictions of the casemobhieh se Sire used thete aednat ever dego uffeted Syuth of the Potomac. Orders Aprif 15,°1843—1y3 remedies best calcolated fo remove them. during thie ; the'Second night tutte pisint nt wich requires inf met ee: its aie ombatied ai | ©Hec's both by experience and obserrain. Seldom ___Jannary 14, 1843, x ‘TNIP eee nigh ’ with 1 e bitters it hi) ns; 80 that-o the manifestati is- ~ OONSUMPTION AND. LIVER ROVEDE* azG URE. Fecing” Cough Bronchitis, Fase Pind pOn 0 Paresh fyen\k, Beane. Agne aH = Naivre- ~as celia anagsisted 10-resist the ase appeate: to 003 be ever was Complaint. a Thise who would have recourse to o* Family tism. Pain in the Breast or. Side Pleirisy and ,seem) to bs eet aly eared,” Sue's € pationt Will.) joroad. “The Life, Medigines, when taken ore: this Week, abd Tron c cases stated vane ; feel well, hangry, and hearty, bot he must ne-| } according.te directions; will citre it, and give R TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER | Medicine for Fever anp Acye, Dyspepsia and | inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difigulty of veriheless continas:titake“the bitters as before a the fatto trembling-sic um of digease new béed More strongly confirmed in ont fue IW OR TF, ~from 375 Bowery, New York — jon, ahat they are superior to a!! ober r med abe einige unten Ions sibelertinr Rreeibing, and al! anit eam preseribed, aotil and ow the fourteenth day, with th, life and strepg for the cure of coughs, celds. catarrhs, Asthma, “1D j d die ) | ] ‘af the cheat f the Side and b heralded forth to the poste (he « ine now asin OwE., -- He ate sare night anes peer day.— |. er fa?’ parttoolars of the mode of: treatment, oi meth ar hae rethedies id soreness he efiesf, ain ta e si e an veasi, = . . sal} . T e wi then, an nol oll t il tlive th ‘reader | is refe rred i the Goot Samaritan; a i eS fs al Most ps raising of Blood, Liver: ‘Camplaints, Bronchitis, j ames silicon eee entversally suc J ayne’: 8 Hair onie and invariable certainty, be portnivenly coved, copy of which sobom puntos thednedieme: - vevlan sats PRL NAAL P42 wan rich fem aod all those affections of *fbregt aod. Lungs, — | ; P oP ir d Toni a and not only of Fever and Agve but of whiaie¥er T be ai hie eae b taptences, 1% of, swhich alone oor sme } ?owand’s Mprove ‘onic. Mirlure.s For the Preseruation. Geik, and Beauly of Nicue 8a liver alfeétions i it may iaye siperin— | “pC 16 above “—s an sa em pera ic to nofiee.ai this time, Mra nf BR 8. a which are-e-bourceef e» mach suffering. and un A few remarks, wil) serve tu illustraie the dif- | the H d whreh. wilt ilively bring i V arrested, so’ often terminate in Consumption — ee. me ARES lu 'GuatraimAbe- a: | the Mair, sad wbreh..«ill- positive ton doced or even 1n any way condected. If, how- SEE COONTY, Va., Was, last Sprop wy this remedy is ‘highly"and jastty- distinguished tference® Ih theafirst place, the operation of the | New Hair on Bald, Heads,and ponent its fall- ever, the patient ahold by any neglect, or an- Salisbory. Oct 227 1842—aty18. 54: ie 13 én. with a “otal blindness hg 1. ts purely vegetable, wild and gentle in iis ef- ‘Tonic Mixtare-tp, the cure of FPererand Agve 's | jng.out or turning Gray. due confidence in restored health, omit to take A eupply. of ten abate invaloatie\ A He mapd. numetoos prescrip'ion i heinespamt to no benefit fects upon the system, and*can be.taken in ‘the | ¥P07 entirely new and peculiar, yet safer JAYNEZ’S TONIC VERMIFUGE. the Phenix Bitters in the full quenities pre- teat ae Ge wala al James = Gi *, _ fof ed icines, ea a” Ges t Maybe q * ‘ 1S, A t, Gold Mine ting 1 3t delicat with safet 1 as plili- | principles. Secondiy : W wag only promplly ar- : | be: red ihe. we Phycishane, eware efits sseaituiicsl proper~ 1 rests the course of the chills, whea punetuaty A pleasant, safe, and certain Preparation for nerined WY Joost ,theestimes.op. be four pee Iredell county, a wer) mF °F T. coorent dine er, Acdiew Fudge, iy Jem, and wrnetcing iieetbcie oVécth eutredigt ond perseveringly Used gpbuil itseon restores the | the removal of JVorms Dyspepsia, Sour Stom y A. Agent. © ]"¢ el aA ete aigp Andres ’ ’ should rejuro, and the patient should Jearn wise Ree Ge oP agic op, 2 10 first meticng ne ome ins 2 wonted functions of the Qeneral sysiem.to a per- | ach Fever and Ague. Piles, Want of Appetite, : “ ry . ‘'s Pawphle vs cacy olen pracibe Kn tet prac, | elly eal lal} hen relapace ave mo fore | nodal istngn ot iby, especially ot she| 400, fom efletin, en€ go trough, another Meads | eC atersl laser be spl ie sorh s9.@ pattiative gad aremedy, and with the Kp hg agree ts tell, fie aeg Stomach aad Bowels, acd Organs of Digestion Obesing these instructions, bowever, he will be {Addressed to those whadee in petfec ealth and some. Limes, athe eyes and de thie: Medical Faculty grooms, it bas met with great aysiem duning (bi atawtniaiaalian of the Impres JAYNES CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. | so thoroughly cared, that he may bid defiance ‘reputed 80.) the ca he ear le far re approbation. _ - “ the disease, however unhealiby may be hie| gr Gentle Reader: If you would avert | he can read both print and writing. if ' CONSU MP. -<Fhe _ full ed ‘Tonic Mixtare,aprings op at once onder its| A certain enre for Bowel and Summer C ? 8 remarks were laken PY A " a wr benga iffluence, and givesforth anearnesi of re- | plaints. Diarrkea Dysentery: Cholic C ramps, ation ay prevalent tbe malady around big. — | from yoa. te sickness, epee ideatir- aioe ee oterk C “Coun oa ama.b For children bo.ween seven and fourteen yéars | ness, the prematore mortatity whith you a rected to A. Fadge, ler url, wil a Medical Magazine tarning bealih and vigor. Fourihig: Producing | Sick Hheadache, Sour Stomach. Cholera Mor- “The serprisia effect rodaced by ihe genu— | More or less effect on the bowels, be cause ot | bus. and all degange meats of the Slomach aod | of age, half of the abve quantities of the me | around bial ond WVIChs tke a sharp: swett antisinctory Panera, Si ore ae P yee dicines will suffice; for younger chiléren, a | pended, is ever ready to fall upon you,.. deg} avy o rd county, Va, warig ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- | ‘be disease passes off in the af mosi strongly | Bowels, Nervous 1s vAffections. §ec. varter of th titi og | d lieu h 17 years afflicted with the Liver Compl ers, In coosninptite cases, cannut fai} exeiting a | ‘Rdieated by hatore Fifthly: Its effects on the J ? % tive Pil F eratched fen quan tes, to be increased or | bot mp-sgajce---1t wil goat. yas little, per with Calomel, took de 4 thal ‘ferent ah - cyttcm arsennermity mid ond saleges well as e ayne’s Sanative tlis, diminished in proportion as the age varies from | ther infringe apon your occupations or, amnge— | treated With Calomel, took cold on 11, an erp and thrilling interes roag tout the wertd . : Sale € Dis L advanced childhood to infancy. For very young cients. and all the facullies pf your inied and taken with contraction and lemeness, Shea \We have su long believed this disease(consump | ¢Mieient, and i! ts as wet adapted to the feeblest For Femate Diseases Liver Complaints, Fe- . ? ng ’ he whol ; thon) incyrab’ thst if wm. Cidbenle. iu ered p infant, simply by a modification of the dose, a8 vers, Inflammations, Obstructions Diseases of | Children, small quantities of the bitters only will | body will be as much bettered by it a8 to repay | 'he w oleh, 8 great number of preset : ‘ Srebboil te alone be nécessary. ov ten fold. 1 sek only one week’strial to éon. | Of Physicians of emigence, and ere'y senses when s.. see persuns,.evideotip consump. | the most vigoruns adult. Many other consider= the Skia “&e., and in all Cases where an aperiens y that was recommended For ber ose, insiead live, restored to heatth, Yet itis acfact of daily | 24008, of the atmost importapee to the anxious | Altefative or Porgative Medicine is reqnired. This treatment, with these supremely effec- rince'the most seaptiéa!: d all old fording telief, bad atpodgeocy rather to ogy ocenrrence.™ parents and tavahds, might be enome-sted here, | © ‘Phe above medicines are for sale, whviesale or | ual “ LIFE. MEDICINES,” has been pexfect- In the first place, discard all ‘old errors a the die se She.seak from year to yea i The fot@wing was given us a short time since, bat the above are a few of the paints of cootras’ | retail, at the Salisbary Madical and Drog Store, ly triomphant in the worst regions of the Soutn- prejodices from your mi6d, especially the ‘o!d teers . wipe 60 deanned Fa ail by Capt Scutt, of Kiizibeth City, N. Ce in comparison with the remedies generally regorr. | by | ern and Western country, and around the north- | 2488 “ If Sealife? pees oy r do ees —_ Sin: <in.-Angust, 1842 \he wid Certificates ed 10-in prufessinnal and family practice, from C.B-WHURLER, Agent | ern takes, where the malady prevaile-with the | wand eo tatition—af those “who attributed | had not beetngot of er bed in fire sere “ Being constitutionally predispesed 1o Con- edt wh ok ibe dndgayat may be formed in se- Salisbury, N.C. | universality of an epidemic, aod the demand for all they os Mead thice to Sanps wid: (orion when remoxed by Dihers—so nervous thal a : sumpiion, (a number of my family hewng died | lecting the remedy ‘ Sept 3, iste 1y6: | this sovereign remedy ‘has been ae hm ” lwersati 10 duced of thi” duesse, end Watieg-aelleedd Sevately N: Bo With @iew to re-establish entire | pe ihe supply.” DR MOFFAT'S Agents,how- instead of oature’s universal Jaws. Has not.man, ee sation or walking IRethe room produced | “ led:on by experience, learied to.goard biwreli ; mestd eig-apon the head ; beg . from irritation wf the bangs, accompanied with confidence in ihe effieiency. of the’ Rowand’s | ‘Rew Pr. Trav thelasctav'e hry are now well furnished, and will Fake agayent if Taos feceonis of "stare, the waves, |eral feeling. SAREE Sour stoniach, he | - | cough and rasing maties and. toed, coxether Improved Tonic Mixture,” to € fleet a basting ery effort to’ send this advertisement ? ( bet & Wilh secege pain in mpeideand beneet tt was | Curve of Feverand Agao,-the Proprietor regtores} PINK EBXPECTORANT SYRUP. | most efilicted disyiets, Voluntary and the #ind, and the torsenis of rain? Why ihen | gg DAE ae ene i : wit , the original guaraciee, viz: ‘The money sha!! ; ly gratefal testimonials are -received at the pro- . fgeront, in fair. wenthor, Byard himself ge benefit ih vie he { , ciel be retained in” every’ case wherejc the somedy An agreeable Cordial, and «fective Remedy | prietor’s office 1n New York, by everymail io gal ‘the storms which are ever risir g ie Gi— | mock benefit Abe in one bow sree or Dr ke Paylor’s Baisam of Liverwort. | bavetaken re i has been ponefually need withuat” pruductng the for Conghs, “Hoarsenese, Colds, Pain in the! igeredible nombers, to the absolote efficacy of ; one n frail dy ? Resember, you are every day | then commenced a regular course of Dr he i 1S it i é ici She took a dose of the Resior ‘desired effec!. Address Breas!, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult | these astonishing medicines, not only ia Fever | ©2'iog gross food ; and it is your nature fo con— | Medicines. e g : y tinue t6.doso You are well at present, but ev- | ‘he morning and.ohe at night, and (6 6m ery day the seed of disease is growing within | the Gold Miné Balssm beiween me's | you; and if yoo do not stricily guard your limbs, were gubbed two or three times: ci? supposed to be beyond recovery, J wag ied uced by advice of Dr Perkins, as avkast. resoft-to-try | _— | bottles in all. Theaan to improve with the firs cP bottle, and while taking the shird,-woa sofar re- | De JQHN:R- ROWAND, 9 << | Expectoration. For sale atthe Watchman | and Agne, other intermitént fevers, liver aad No 98 Notih Second Street, Philadelphia. Offjee, and.by-C B Wheeler, Satisbary billious affections, and derangements of the di- ' , Srpplies have Heén tecefved b the | arch-4, 1845—1 $2 : : 1 b } : . Hine, DY Cuntinued use uf it, fam quite restored | "Pl ecefveo by sole Agent gestive functions generally, but also in ehronie » artes ie a seaumeal and ab'e to attend tu my inal ce hae ‘To per- | Oe Salisbury, N, G. C.B.W _ | and inflammatory rheamatism, costiveness, pains Kegith et alle you are #el i = sa adel septins peppy renal 3 . Ces ous safferin ) vhs .B.N C eR. * _ | daoger of painfol and protracted cuufinements ° PPY result, thal s! sous soffering trom ecoovhs and gsffectives uf the HEEL R. | Cc. B. W heeler, sole ‘Agent in the side and limbs, €ruptions of the skin, scro andia some constitutions, ¢ , “No watk alee isctbe- nervous affections Late ‘ 1esS! yf | Sept 8, 1812—1y6 b x Jungs, | do earnesily recommendat | ai yo. for Dr. Rowand, has jost received a fresh. eup— ices Asli om eC wtih: Soe of thr Nothing is stationary in-ahié world, Even her, herdigestive organs are much mpi, | : the purest fountain of which we.driak—does i(| he: geserat:feelings “good. She is och f (Signe iby s LAS SCOTT. - : | ply of hig genuine Jmpmoved Tonic Mixture, MANSION HOUSE! which is forsale wholesale and retai!, at he able Life Medicines are so, pre-eminently re- not require cleaning ? A pérsun may imaging | 20d So oe qifiie fresh, which Fi Zrrveth City , N c + Dro lo, 4842, Taver Compleat i uh - t cr Compliant ood General Dedslity +1 } Medical, Drug Store, Salisbury, N. C. nowned throughout the United States. Krrow he 1s in perfect health, and yet not know to ae i tek re shat pace a Was Oreee uy oy shale ana, and told topre 2? Btn : as Dee 10—«20 ing, however that many of these diseases, as ; ae pare tir devia 7 Was so weak b-eouldnot reise well asa must fatal undermining of the general ey health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. assisted by the hand of Nature. E’bave un- name of: {bid lady, oat if any par! , iny“hant iv my bead. 4 Wae iethiadow state , B+ 4.) ea OO i ( . “s . fer to Dr Kutls¢ when a trend sent me -a boule of Dr Vagior’s Lape — Dr. hiws Galvan nt Malad in bie adver! ta, invites. th _ | doubted proofs of ibis fact-in the unboupded-saq | be desired, we re e Balsim of Liverwort, trom.325 Bowery. aed be THE SUBSCRIBER, Machine Spread " faattegiion of the: public tothe absolate ascen. | cess of the LIFE MEDICINES... “Let ibow | Otter Bridge, Bedford couniy, V». 4 ous ’ - t d these c3§ . tore | hat osed apshe-tintite, b was able 10 sit up AVING purchased. Mr. 1. R. Hoghes’ int denosof his. medicinés over this ‘malady the Sei sc, (ama gaat Aad 8 rhe sete Warskt the ical valve of D D re tu dea . by the further use, b have oompletély terest in. tie aheve Bsreblishmenr, tenders Strengt he n Plasters ! 1 fountain head of so many others. Heé has only m ihed 4 nm 5 cal} epon me, if th would be'¢ ¥ {the | Medicines, as to inform the affiicted | regain my. dive ala. GEO W ELtis, his services to the “Pravelliog Pabdlie. Having to add that.the Life Medicines are agreeable and iaipaetante's? ‘7 = : on inced 0 tiay'te relieved. ‘The treatment hi 23 Joka st for.several years been engaged in keeping a aS Plasters, greatly improved, and ha | invigorating in their operations, require neither The cperation of the Life Medicines 4 in every | tieed, 60 that others may know thai oy 14 Violent pain in the side —1 have heen’ cured PRIVATE BNVERTAINMENT ving the preference of all others, are warm | confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- instance that:has come to my koowledge is wt course they may also obtain thal wich 8 of & tinlent pain in rtie side! @xtending throuch \y recommended by all dociors as invaluable for | ed the reputation they have long possessed, not to the shelter, ittdigestion , Pizzihers: we a Mound Mooroe, in Irede!| county, te indulges invalids faving: pains im the Breast, Back or | by the osnal artificial efforts. bat solely by their | gre yhe Those who are in competative tapte desirable than riches. sé bet he bas. experience enough in the side. W eakness and Lameness are reliewed ful P bealib aay perfect their: happivess With fo is ‘$C Persons wishing to precere °°) petite, and ™weneral debility, by the use of 4 the hope | gh e: ved at | invariable and extensive osefulness. Prepared | battles af Ts Taylors mare ON erwdkt Fisted duties of, his husiness io.endeavor.te teader com | nee by tbeir use. and ihe parts reeivred io| and sald by Dr. William B. Moffat, 375 Broad an tow of @ and those’ vd Ales who are medicines, will please direct their ore 3 2 kn | tuptaole, all who bestow uv his buuse therr | Stren th and a natural warmth end health, An New York. laid low by disedte of almoat: “description, | he amoant, (post paid.) to 375 Bowery © ‘JF H Alien, i" pes = . oe | 2a | may fiod sore reiief in those purely seat Dr. Kout’s Orrice, Rroumosn, 1 : -Ne7M 3 \ronage, | parsns wearing one of these Plasiers, wi! be as- Jgent For wn atthe Drag WO EN AHN | CHR TAAL shallwazee meltand pen finsied snd Sethi the son U aflnd, |, FHt state meting for ales whleae ot peprainn. “They operate gendy bul bower | orto anyef tefl i Sslibacy week's, 1848 — 1589 fully supplied wiih every thing.ibe couptry af- | Tirose threatened with Long Complaints ehould C. B WHEELER. Shine fully opanfthe secretions of the body, afd. cleanse "NORTH CAROLIN«. y fords, to please and satisfy the palaie-even of aD | never trust themeglves a day without weating a CR, Agent. the blood of alt vitigted’ hotiors; separating’ the Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, LE 2: ‘EWE rr = | epicure, | Plaster. gy remB¥es the isritation of incipient | ScPeA constant supply of the above described | | bad from the good, expelling the ‘dregs; dross and Hesmphrey’s & Gaither, Les | HiaBAR win befoanétosatshed with a ccice | Consumption from tbe Lungs4o the surface of | MEDICH NES on isd Nid forsale at Hamp- , itnpurities—and leaving behind only what is J. & R. ria a aranel wg * ; | seléction 6f Liquees. | the body, and draws off abe internal affeeiion — | OVille, Surry county, Carolina, by goad and ~eeaitdenie t + Dr N. Stith, Raleigh ANY ei : : fate an he | His ST vy 5 shal baMeonsssntby attended | So in Liver Complainis, and Coughs, and evlds JOSIAH COWLES. 4eent -eeager ct-well. M.J A. Drake, Ashborovsb. j:by faithful aod attentive hostlers and supplied | Children with Whooping Cough should always! Salisbury, Sept 3. 1842 1:6 The igs oy ie ie, for-tich and poor J F & CU Phifer, Concord. f t By ite 1 f ag yy tustrefs and ovet-36 eenis , 50 \ with abuadant. provepder. - | have one, to prevent the sei'ling on the | a : y obrsel tes, in our owt physical Bats, Charlotte. , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' e@eovered, as to be able to Fer. about |. Since: which | be e t oo t Pe t be e ee e ee ee ee ee ee >. 100 bust in Ws ake SEE BP beokibty F onlacked N, B. The Siage Office is Kept ai the Manstun | wee Their oxcounee will be Woderstood by | od a — & advice to all; then ris, guard your C C Henderson, pares no \l pe dog: 8 : | all oa thas. scr ‘or sale Cc B Wheeler, | j é youare well, thaps ou be James J. Horne, Picu'sboroag Ps ner tee Bn "either ". kilo él HIRAM T. SE DOAN. | Salisbygg ; Greensboro’, by J ik R Sloan; Hills- | still belt <a jou may. yee a8 ca Seine S. Perry, Ketnersville, Sick 5 WILBIAMS. * Py ek oe Charlotie, Febrosry 4, 43 60S boro’, by D. bhegstt; Lexington, J P Mabry | sizk b rer of the VEGETABLE James Branacck, Waser! Goi" “ 52 ue rai Raleigh, Dr Stito. march 4, 1843 ~153 2| , ae é Lire ie Braanock « &, Waller, Weel®® } | Keene Sorry comty oe be oN EW | —— i y > Dt. Mofai’s Life Pills and Phoenix ing higmreounts. Maret TR 1843 : , = | Dy. G. ‘B. DOUGLAS, | Bitters, ae fore 4 R W Laweno, Yanceyril lle, GARDE NEODS + “'SUTPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES, iL AVING permanently located timseif in | ‘ a Salisbory, Get 90. ots BOGER, gents. James’R lc ion lina. - ° —ly are J. GENERAL aseartment, may be found at! axD SallebAi ty offers bis professiopal services ; athe. -Sadssbure Medies| od Db Ss t ta.the p ic cide | im St le, Gunnio § Uo) Ssieowey, No ©., Janey 1843 ints me | a @RO CBRIES ! | Particular attention will be paid to al) Sorgi obi f the above lovaloable ME- : Mebav,- Brawley & ( &G twat - : cal caseaentrosied ta big care. grep Office in ep) aa “=, Fredait ate for sale at James’ Cross Roacs, T “Re vatisa of the ial PILES tf. PILES TY R.ROUBC LE, re respectfully informetbe the Jarge corner hose, neacly opposite J. & W, CAR LAG RST : 4°" Connt gs: by D Hs ow hfet. HAYS’ LY cepeaten oF zaibory andthe werouadiog | Murpbyy stra i> tI AA Cs MeINTOSH: Ages | PS Eien Patents aed AE" . ¢ | Ps is ‘ . >. y, 7 si a oupiry, that he has-received @ new-and splen | Sslisbory, May 6, 5, W843—tfal | (rprae sp const Sind | * ot North Carolina, and Sout! re tot ~ son . . , ‘ TRE PLLES +The price-of thie eetebrated 4 8upply.ot-Confectionaries and Groceries, eon- N O T Ic E will please cirert thei7orc ae rie f ¢ i, aig eA Is reloaded to ange persen who Ste ling ol_all kings of the _.welk voll fice, Raleigh N O., 906 Wve "ro ¥ i ii} use a ootile of Mays’ ibutiment forthe -Pites | WINES AND LIQUORS ° ; ; mons. nad Te . ’ : Consisting: of: € BaROUC IES, Rriien-4 &. ca s Norttrand Saat of it, to Been sad reiure the ewmate Both wittent being @arad, | of WE very bes! quality, . soch. as Mecles, Pott, | EE ondersigned ‘haviae qualified @s Ad- | aod BUGGIES, ebiech -be wili warrant ile om sters, se 7 haeen ©: Woes ' -PATEORS, ve apore hove een the ie on which-this “Tineriffe; ‘Chan ig ie, “Muscat; and | ministrater io the Kstate of Robert Maena- | enoateif fot any cid wal pie burlle’ nee e6 wee Wenurad te en nla Widtes; tack Brandy, "alhoed Gin, | mara, deceased, gives nytice to al) persons: ti Site, rtmaty aoa a beew feturned = Pro Poreale at ihe Waretintinn | il Ege nll Sider, and Cordials, ing demacds against ibe Ketsie ofihe gab ; . Jayne’s ingalaable Famy OF > andoyv CB Wheeler, Salish 8 7 - Lemons Almonds, Raisins, Oratiges, Overers, bert Viacnamara, to present ihem. for payment pau raacion! : “By concern,” NO, € ABOLENA, © ae vynes and for 32 ‘le by Q.! sic a Geeneyrm’.3 Hittebore'. D Howrit ; Lex > Soe Goflee, Candies, Copperas, Wadder, | within the time required bp.an Act of Assembly, the stand fomaoris owned vy hh Bilavér~- < ce , CRW WHEELER ED Macy: Raleigh. Sith ee ndtgo, @ ‘va rloug other: artieles*toe tedious to | 10 such easé made and provided ; ober wise they “ee . ® Are, sfil] cabrylig Bo ane business. | Salih Dev 0 6 = 420 At, Fe MARY 5 " : mention, whieh be will selt as etiesp for cash as | will be barred of recovery by, tbe operatiop of the | L a all branes aise from a t Saligbuss, Sy SN macen 4. bR4. Pah bite % wer = at tr, other BKestablishment } said act Salieury. April 22. 1842—@ai99 va KER? dias ie oi ai ipeded Cc OUNTY | COU { ee —® in Sa , ( 5 J ? : Job? rntine neatly done here. mers niger ae Re ROVECHIE. | Salicns ya ee Admr. N. B. Repairing done im thé peat rae Fy Pest ua Bigs — we eT ade pe mr I ° . , . . bake nar ! MIENIAN AS: ' , ( wots Sle he she ete of Be oR eet : “—_ A fresh supply. of “ Meaiea Toe ae cs = _-—_ — «aw TERMS. sWarcuMAN” may hereafter be had Hays in advance, and two dollars and ww? nd of the gear, “a ee will be teceived for a tess time = aid for in advance. § Ne: years unless Pp A - paitol qeRMs OF ADVERTISING. per square for the first insertion and gs tor each continnance, , @parged 25 paye!. bigh- ave rates 4 . pe en of 334 per cefl Wi! be made to \é po advertise by the year. R * jeertisements will be econtinned antil si vy charged for accordingly, unless order- i peertain number of times. "eg post gollar - i five cents © yf t notices will be - \THE SUBSCRIBER ,VING porchased that well known and ‘jong established Pabtic House, (known name of Slanghter’s ‘Tavern,) in the toe of Salisbury, N. C., informs bis Friends ihe Public generally, that the same is now for (he reception of Travellers & Boarders. ie Taste and Bar wiil be supplied with jprest the market and surroanding country af— Srisces spacious, and bountifully -sup- ied, wit grain and provender, of al} kinds, at. es oy (aithfal and attentive Ostlers. ,aodersigned pledges himself that no ex ion 00 bis nartshall be wanting to give gen- a eatisfaction toall who may favor him with JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: 1f7 wHo WILL GO BALD! plarid ge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair ROM Comstock & Co —Its positive quali- tiga are a8 follows :—Ist For infants, keep- vam ihe head free from scurf, and causing a lox- ananigrow!h of tair.—2d For ladies after chil J- pirin, restoring the skin to its nataral strength sod freoess, and preventing the falling out of ihe bair.-3d For any person recuvering from gy dedility the same effect is produced. 4th if aged in infancy till a good growth is started, a aay be preserved by actention to the latest pe- rod of jife.—dih It frees the head from dand- nf, strengthens the roots, imparts health and to the circulation, and prevents the hair joa changing color or getting gray —6th It gays the hair to curl beautifally when done op ip it over night. ; No ladies toilet should eva made withont it. th Children who have by any means con- meted vermin in the he d, are immediately and wiectly cured of them SY its use. {1 is iotalli- yoall. Mi had been bald about five years—no more hair aihe top of my head bhan on the back of my yod,and py head covered with a thick scarf. ip this situation about the 10th of Aogast Jast, [began osing the Balm of Colambia, from Com- uek & Co. Since which, I have used two and shalf bottles of the Balm, which has fully re- yored my hair, and freed my head entirely from wut, My head is now covered with fine, flow ing long hair— which any one may see by calling moe, at Stamford, Connecticut. Bor 12, 1840. D S SCOFIELD. Coonterfeits are abroad—lovk always for the mm of Comstuek & Co. Py sale at the Watchman Office, and by C BWheeler, Salisbary, Dr Suth, Raleigh, D Heat, Hillsboro’ ; J & R.Stoan, Greensboro ; J P Mabry, Lexington. march 4, 1843 —1y32 Dr. Brandeth’s TEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS for sale at this Office. Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- verligement, and if yoo wish relief for yonr ma ny maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C.B~ tf20 To Tne AFFLICTED.—The mdseriber has just recetved a large and fresh spply of Di Moffatt’s Life Medicine. Call & ddiaia retief, C B WHEELER, Agent. Salisbary, Dee 10—1120 PRIOES CURRENT AT Sauispery, June 24, Cents. Cents. 2acon, 5a 5} | Cotton Yarn. 75 Brandy, ap. 35 a40 | Molasses, 35 a 40 peach, 40 a 45 | Nails, 6 Baer, 10 a 124 | Oats, 15 a 20 Beeswax, 20322. Pork, $3 Cotton, clean 54.26 | Sugar, br. $210 Coffee, Bait loaf, 15a18 Corn, 35 40 | Sali, sack, 275 $3 Feathers, 188 20 | Valiow 6} Flour, $44.25 } Vobseco, 8 a 20 Flaxseed, 50255] Tow-Linen, i2a 16 Iron, per lb, 3a4 Linseed Oil, pr. gal 90 $1 Wheat, bush 75 Whiskey, 25 a 30 Wool, (clean) 25 e Favettevitts June 21, Brandy, peach 40 a 45 \ Molasses, 23 228 4, Apple 35 a 40) Nails,cut, 54 a6 Racon, 3 2 63 | Snoarbrown, 64210 22°S3WAX, 23a 27 tump, 1A \offee, Qa 4) : ify 1218 Votton, Astad Salt, oO) 2 69 “otton Yarn, B44 18 | Sack, $2 Vern, 591604 Posacesteaf 2a 93 Landies, F.F.§3a 14 | Cottua dag Qn “sxseed = 80.2 90 | Baterope, = Sa 10 ae $4 ash Wh at new 73a80 dbers 20 4 25 wWauInhey OK TOL, 4:45 Wo), 12h a li Cnueraw Jone 24, 1343" Bee! 4a 5 Nails cutassor 628 cones = Ba BE wrought 16a 18 utler 12445! Oats bushel a 30 Beeswax 22 a 25 | Oil gal 735.0 80 Baggmg'yd 2022 lamp = $1.28 Bale rope Ib 10012 | linseed 1 10a 1 25 fee Ib Lig wad) Pork ti ths 5406 amen #26}) Rice bvvlss 405 orn bnsh 50; Snare th a 10 Jone bel $548 53) Sali sack $2 25 “eathers 25 a.30° bush 50 60 Kon L00lbs Sa 6} | StecY Amer. 10a 00 my Sa 7%) Enghsh 14 Ten’ 23 3 $5 German 12.14 oow 6a 7; | Teniinpe $1 9137 Letters edidressed to the Editor most} F | ) PRISTED AND PUBLISHED BY® — —r - aaa MACE C. PENDLETON. ** See thal the Government does not acquire too much power. * upon afl your Rulers. Do this, AND LineRtyY is sare. Gea'l. emid the rvine of lideof some muddy » too, as he _ done : ad _- | Witte meanest voldier. : Bis b vod 5 R ‘ ” : : a clack NO. 49—VOLUME XI. |awemetmepcence nl WHOLE NO, 569. the.how! of the Jackals —--— € REPAIRING. 1 HVE F Subscriber respeetfally.informs his old Friends and the Poblic generally, that he has opened a shep in Salisbory in the above busi- news,in 2 room directly opposite West's brick building, in theeiouse of Dr. Barns’ formerly owned by Jno. I. Shaver and just below J. & W. Murphy. In addition to the above, the subsc:iber will carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the varieties common in country towns: such as making Spoons, &c., and repairing Silve! Ware, He begs to assure the public that. if punctaal attention to business,and skillful work will en— title him to patronage aad support, be willmer- it it. a AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18—1f16 Dr. Sherman’s HAevicated Roseuges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, EING the cheapest and most pleasan!.— The medical Facalty*warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman isa skilful and experienced Phy- sician, and a member of the Medical Society 0 New York. Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, aod most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or Chest, &c. EF SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroving meci- cine ever discovered. They have been used io over 1,400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Desponcency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinking oi the Chest, Diarrbwa, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigue. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — In the immense number of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, so 20m- mon and troublesome during the saramer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper use of these Lozenges ‘They are prepared express ly tor that parpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Persons subject to a derange- ment of the bowels shuuld never be without them. ant gripiogs, faintness, depression, §c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the eommon pepperminis; and are an active and efficien! medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilions persons. be administered Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism, Lum- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, J.oins, Side or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical Drog Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C. Sept $, 1842—1y6 Dr, Moffat’s Vegetable Life Medicines OSSESS gqpalities of the most mild and be- neficial nature. They are composed of ar- ticles the most anti-pntrescent, combined with ingredients known as the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. When the dis had air, swampy and damp siluations, or putrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by oiher causes, these medicines are certain in their operationsior effects. ‘They are possessed of pe caliar qualities, which not only expel all disease. system When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffuse themselvea.like vapor through every pore, delightfal, salutary, and permanent. When the spark of life begins to grow dim, the circulation languid, aod the faculties paralized, these medi and re animate the whole man. , The Life Medicines have a's» heen nse’ with the most happy success in Nereus ani Dvs- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rheamatism, [chronic and tnflama- tory] D ropsies, &e. BCP Call at Cress & Boaer’s, Agents. * Saiisbury, Oct 22, 1842—ly 13 Iredell county, by a A.C McINTOSH, 4set DAVID L. POOL, Ty b) still carrying on the Watch and Cloek making, aod Re- pairing business. at his old stand, near the Courthouse twelve months. He suil keeps on haod a smal assortment of Jewellery, Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—t J. &. Johnston, e. i] ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. {33 SALISBURY, N. C. Salsibury, Jan. 7, 1845—tf24 They afford immediate relief from al] the attend- | Where an active medicine is required,- they are not only the best, but the safest that can ease is produced either from cold, obstruction, | but at the same time restore and invigorate the producing ellecis at once cines are found to give @ tone to the nerves, ex— hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the body, ECF A supply of the above Invalnadle ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Civss Roads, | AKES this me‘hod of informing his friends, and the pablic, that he is AN work done by him will be warranted for O!d Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Natetl pand h — yell of the skirmishing faaslouke. M equares six deep on each aide, with the artillery at right engles, and tbe eavsli}, beggage, and emmunition in the centre, the Freich army, drew near the'plem of Csiro. WORMS! WORMS!!! Startling Facts. rfondreds of children and adolts are !ost year- ly with worms, when some other cause has been sopposed to be the true one. lt is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, woman or child exists bnt what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and in handreds of eases, sad to rela'e, a suppo:*4 fever, scarlatina, euld, or some other ailing caries off the flowers of the boman family—while in truth they die of Worms! and these conld have beeo eradicated ina day, by the ose of a bottle of Kolmstock’s Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dollar! How sickening the thought that these things should be—and who ean ever forgive themselves for-net trying this Werm Ealerminalor, when they know that even if ihe case was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibiliyy do burt —but always good as a purgative—ew@he dis- ease be what it may. How important then to nse it, and who will dare take the responsibility todo without it? Let every parent that is not a brote, ask themselves this qaegtian in trath and soberness.~ Mr JC Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, and attended by 2 physician, without relief, whem Kolmstock’s Vermifoge was given, and next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow womao, living near the Maohaitan Water Works, had dwindled for a meoth, till near a skeloton, with great dryness of the month, and itching of the nose. A hu- mane lady, who called to provide for the family, sent immediately fur Kolmstock’s Vermifoge, which brought sway great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better atonce, and regained its fal! strength in less than a month. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frigh'ful extent, and were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifoge. In some of the best families in the neighbor- hood of St. John’s ark, it has been extensively used, from the ecireemstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed, which was very extensive- ly known in that part of the cily. A family in New Jersey saved several children by the use of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated hefore the Vermifoge was given. The next day three large worms were dislodged, and sbe left off the Vermifuge, wher she became again worse, and had resort to the Vermifoge that finally brough: away an incredible quantity of worms,and the cure was complete, and she gained her healit tapidly A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks, without being aol restore bu: one ont of the seven to health ‘ had the liberality 'o send for Kolmstock’s Ver- mifoge, and cured the rest With it io Jess than a week. Nomerons cases of other complaints were sup posed to exist, and the persone treated for fever, &c., but finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innomerable quantity of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great deapaich. Instances of this kind might be cited to an immense extent, but it is vseless, one trial for 23 cenis will show any one with aston- ishment the certain effecis of this Vermifoge. Caution —Never buy this articie anless it have “Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifuge” handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile fComnck & Co. enis—C B Wheeler, Salisbury; J & R in, Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P | Mabry, Lexingion ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. Mareh 4, 1843 —1y32 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. IN EQUITY—SPRING TERM, 1843. | Robert Carson, Fxecutor of John Taylor, Dec'd. vs. | William Taylor, James Taylor, Rebecca Tay- | or, Zachariah Garther and wife Sally, Milton | Gaither, Elijah Gaither, Noah Gaither. Asbury | Gaither, Willie Gaither, Alexander G. Gaither, | Margaret Gaither and Casper Kinder, and wife | Temperance. [ appearing to the satisfaction of ithe Coort, that William ‘Taylor. James ‘l'sylor and Re- becca Taylor, Defendants in this case, are not inbabitants of this State: [11s therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks, io the Carolina Watchman, for the said William Tay- lor, James Taylor and Rebecca ‘Vaylor, io ap- pear at the next Term of this Court, to bé held for the county of Davie, at the Court-House in Mocksville, on the 4th monday after the 4th monday in Angnst next, and plead, answer or Jemur to eommplainants dill, or the same will be taken pro confessoand heard exparte, as !o them Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Courf, at Office, the 4th monday after the 4ih monday in Febroary, A. D. 1845, and in the G7ib vear ul American Independence. : I, BINGHAM, cme. 6w45—Printers fee $5 50 CABINET MAKING! HE Sobscriber respectfully retarns his | thanks fer past favors, and informs his old friends and the pubhe that he stil continues ic carry on the adove business in all its various branches, and at the old siand on maio street, two doors betr-s 3. & W. Morphy's store and op posite the Watchman Printing Office, where he may always be found. He keeps constantly on hand a variety of well finished work, and at pri ces to suit the times, “Also a supply of ready made Coffins constantly kept on hand to soil any measure ; and at.lower prices than ever they have been sold for. N. B. All kieds*of Lomber and Country Pro duce taken in exchange for work. K. ELLIOTT. April 29, 1843—1¥40 DR. L. KILLIAN; AS retorned to Salisbory, and 's now prepared to resome the prac “ice of his profession. His Office is reméved to Mr. Cowan's brick build- ing, 2d door. ' April 29, 1843—1140 scorching, withering, searching sand, with THE BLIND CHILD. [BY MRS. HEMANS. Mother! they aay the stars are bright, And the broad heavens are bloe ; I dream of them by day and night, Ana think them all like yoa I cannot tooch the distant skies, The stars oe’er speak to me, Bat their sweet images arise, And blend with thoughis of thee, I know not why, but oft I dream OF the far-off land of bliss ; And when I hear thy voice, | deem ‘That heaven is like to this. Ween my sad heart to thige is pressed, My follies all forgiven, Sweet pleasure warms my beatiog breast, And this, I say, is heaven. O mother! will the God above Forgive my faulta like thee ? Will be bestow soch care and love On a blind child like me ? Dear mother! JSeave me not alone— Go with me when I die; Lead thy blind daughter to the throne, And stay in yonder sky. THE DESERT MARCH. —_— A PASSAGE IN THE CAREER OF NA- POLEON. On the 7th of July, 1798. as the dying day with gotden spleador tipt the mosques and minarets of Alexandria, a spirit-stirring bugle “sounded froma lerge eacampment beside the city walls, and atthe same time the beavy boom of the evening gun from the Kalipsh’s tower announced to the lazy Turk thet the eagles of France had folded their silken wings upon the sbores of Egyp. The droms of the French now beat to arms |- The army of the East started to its feet. “To Cairo and the Pyramids!’ cried the Sevan. “To beard the Bays of Mamalouke !” cried the impatient Murat, “To found an empire opon the ruin of centuries,” cried Nepoleon as he mounted his wer steed. ** Soldiers of the Republic, advance !” “ Tong live the Republic!’ thundered slong the mortal line, as it broke into open columns, and moved onward, preceded by the guides. Soon the sentinel, looking towsrd Dam- anmoor, from the moss-decked tower of a- ges, saw the giiltering files fade into the dim shadows of evening. A faint strain of martial music strock vpon the ear —s hum as though a multitudes bad spoken, passed vpon the breeze— Napoleon entered the Desert! Who can tell the sufferings of that weary march !—The night soon psssed away, and the verticial sun, undimeied by clouds. withont a tree or shrub to offer a momentary shace looking down upon the serricd ranks of the armv of the East, The leader and his Generals now dismounted, and endured the soldiers sufferings. On- wd they march, a band of fiere® and in- Jomitable spirits ; led by the @nquerer of the Alps. ca , Thirst could not tsme them—the scorch- of tormenting insects wafted fromthe slimy Nile ceterred them not. The Arab’s yell at midnight was music to gheir ear. On- ward ! shovted the leader from the bound- lees highway cf the desert, and onward rushed the tide of Ife. Aroond them what a prospect!—They were freeh from the plaing of sunny ialy,—from. thegmrance bowers upon the hill sid€s, géf with temples helicwed Ly genius. and cottages redolent with life and Jove. How changed the scene! On every side, the desert, like an oceen, waved in voiceless tide. The chrystal fountain epring, fed from the g':m- mering pesk of Jura, flashed before their thirsty eyes no more. The chesnut of an guedock and. Provene@ wooed them no lon- ger to ila whispering shade. Al! was sad, ing sand offered them no hindrance. sing by the spear, or behooded by a stroke of here and there the mirage, looming sherd ike the breast of an inland lake, to tants!ize their longing vision . Night came without twilight cold and piercing, but brought no relief. —Far in the distance, looming in gi- ant proportions ag2inst the snnset west, the desert ship pursued ite favorite course. And now the shivering soldier laid down by bis | toil-worn Gencral to die Black bread, | teeming with vermin, sickened the voracious app: tite; and thesbrackish water of the stag- nant poo! made the thirst still greater. It rs said that Larnes and Murat occea- sionally lost command of themselves, anil once when boiling with rage they dashed ‘heir laced hats on the gands and tramp'ed upow them before the soldiers. Napoleon dashed emid the throng, with his mighty epirit flashing from his eegie eyes —‘ Gen ersis,’ said be, ‘treitors! you have used moutinous Jangusge—tako care that [ dono! fulfil my duty = ft 1s not your being six frer high that should save your being shot in 3 couple of hours” The haughty Generals trembled before the master spirit. and sluok away.ashamed. The soldiers, like all French soldiers, were light of heart. They soon forgot past sufferings. The present slone ex sted with them, ond if the guides saw evidences of: Arab well at suoset, all was right The | song end the merry tale awoke the sleepers from their dreams on the sands—and the hope of glory banished gloomy forebodings from the ranks. Coffarelli, who was suDd- posed advised Napoleon to embark in this wild crosade sga'nst the Mamaloukes, was a Kcr. as tie morning of the 13:h dawned up- | threw themselves upon.the solid squares; | with firmness ina clear and distinct voice. Be* It was on the 19:h ‘of Jul yat cde when a sbout from the vanguard brok "4 onthe lepgard eat, end a peaked cloud» wooden-legged General, and pest the soldiers joked treaty. be ybbied ‘« He ts sore of having one foot in France” said they, “‘ let what will beppen.” When their General was seen, as the col- omns wound round the hills of sand, the pleasantly seid. — _— ‘* He promised us seven acres of land the rogue ; how moderate ! he might have safely promised us a township ; we would not have sbused his good nature.” The learned commission did not escape the satire of the light hearted, soldiery, and the jack-asees that bore the philosophers’ camp-kettles end the scientific instroments. were called “ demi-Savens.”? Buitoned up to the throat in bis gold-laced cost, witb his barninz sword ander his erem—with a com- pressed lip and thoughtful took, the leader firmiy trod otthe headof his staf fe looked not to the right orthe left. The course was regolariy laid down by the as- tronomer, and the “mount of each day’s march was laid before the commander in chief, ere the order to rest thandered stoog the weary line. The third day came, and the General be- gan to be aware that the river of Egypt was at hand. ‘The srms of the eareless wanderers were now inspected. Terrible as was the sun even here, etl) the iron law of military despotism was enforced. The uniforms of the stragglers were now brueb- ed up—the ranks closed their files. ‘Ihe eagles waved in the centre, end the army in the order of battle drew near the river Nile. Noon came, and all at once the river, the besutiful river. rotiéd in ils majesty at the feet of the adventurers. At little distance floated the flotille, wih the flag of the re- public waving proudly over 1; and green fields and waving groves, spread in heauty around them. ‘The Nile! the Nile!’ thuncered elong the line, ,and then officers and men without due consideration rushed heedlong into its slimy wate Not asol- dier threw off his knapsack @r\stacked his musket, ‘* Water! Water! Oh God, a drop of water ?’’—cried the weary and the sick ; nor did the egy cease, until the fore-4 most soldiers bavidg satisfied themselves, mipisterec to the wants of their fellows. The army soon reached Danhour, ¢nd en- camped upon a field of grain; Napoleon making bie head quarters at the house of the old Sheik. . Hesring that the Mamsloukes were at Chebreissa !o dispute bis progress, the lead- er gave the word, snd the army moved up the Nile, in Solid squares. A horseman splendidly dressed, with his turban waving gaily in the breeze, and his jeweled trap- p.ngs flashed in the sunlight now hovered along the edgewf the horizon, reigning in his metiled steed. Another and another appeared until @ respectable number had mustered ; and then witha horrid yell rush- ec upon the sdvancing army. It was the onset of M3amaloukes under Mourad Bey, and dearly did the Frenchmen suffer.— Though near the Nile the soldiers were dy- ing with thirst, aod if one was adverturous enough to seek a draught from the swollen river, the next moment he was either pierc- hrs eager eye ss he gszed around the hori- zon. Napoleon and bis eteff, mounted on swift dromedanies, rod®.to the front of bis columas ‘Th@ ‘night on its black wings passed s@ifily slong the mountergs of Upper Egypt.’ The sun rose in Esgiern splendor from the desert and hit the sombre sends—e bright ray fleshedwpon thetar distent ob- ject. _ li was a spectacle never.eqnalled in sub- limity. The whole army excisimed es one man—“the Pyramids,” and as the squéres advanced with wartial-mame—s train o camels came finkling roand the baee Sphynz—an Areb borsemsn galloped out of sight behind the shade of the Girge, and the strain of the dying eymbels of the Mama— louke melted away in the rosy light. _ Nepoleon bad passed the d@ert. and the time-defying tombs of the P’ he flocked ia the ‘elear ermosphere beforebim. — EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI At nine o’c ock Santerre presented himself at the ‘Temple. ‘You come to seek me,’ said the King, ‘allow mea minate' He went into his closet, and immediately came out with @ testa- rent in his hand, ‘pray you,’ said he ‘0 give this packgt to the Qoeen my wile.’ ‘Thatis no concern of mine, said the worthy representative of the municipality ; I am here only (o condact you to the scaffold” The king then asked an- other member of the commone te take charge cf the document, end said, ‘Let ag set off.’ The next day the monicipality pubf@hed the sesta- ment ‘as a proof of the fanatitism and crimes of the king :’ without intending it, they thereby taised the noblest monument to his memory. In passing through the-Qourt of the Temple, Louis cast 2 look to the tower, which was dead to him ia the world ; and immediately summon- ing up his coarage, seated himself calmly in the carriage beside his coo fessor, with two geodarmes in the opposite side. During the passage to the place of execution, which occapied two hours, be never ceased reciting the psalms which were pointed out by the venerable priest. Even the soldiers were astonisbed at his composare. The streets were filled with an immense crowd, who beheld io silent dismay the monrofu! procession ; a laige bodyof t oanded the caniage ; a double Gile of fe and National Geards, and a fétmmidable ie cannon, rendered hopeless apy altempt at rescue. When the procession ar- rived at the place of execution, between (he gat- dens of the Tuileries and the Champs Elysees, he descended from the carriage, aod undressed himse!f without the aid of the execationers, bat testified a momentary look of indignation when they began to bend hie hancs, we Edgeworth exclaimed, with almost inspired felicity, ‘Sab- mit to that outrage as the last resemblance to the Savior, whois about to recompense your suf ferings.” At these words he resigned himeelf and walked to the foot of the scaffold. He thea reeei ved ihe sablime benediction from his confes- sor, ‘son of St. Lovis ascend to Heaven.’ No sooner had he mounted, than, advancing with a fifm step, to the freat of the scaffold, with one look he imposed silence apon twenty drommers, placed there to prevent his being heard, snd said with a loud voice, ‘I die innocent of afl the crimes laid to my charge; | pardon the authors of my death, and pray Ged that my blood may | never fall opon France. And yoo, unhappy pes ple—’ AWMihese worcs Sanierse vide ed > drums to beat; the exeentianere sezed the hoon, and the descending axetermiaates ): the «cymetar from the Arab horee nan. ‘Where is Cairo ?—it is but a city of mud hute,’ cried the ignorant eofferers ; ‘if we are to thirst by the rivers, and starve by the green pastures let us die at once by the sword of the Mamaloukes.? ‘The Mams- loukes—Chebreissa’ cried a thousand vo'- the army of the French. Moorsd Bey and his matchless cavalry | One of the assistents eo:zed the bee “bowaved awatted the approach of the weary squares, lit in the ate j tha bluod: (ell on sea. ennfe.ger, wba and soon the war cry of the horgemen gtruck | was sill or his Knees beside the lileless bi dy «1 upon the Generai’s ear. The hattle now commenced in earnest. The Mamalookes, fresh and powerful, on the most splendid horses of the East, glittering with gold and si.ver jewe!s, charged upon the squares of French in‘anteg. Dreadful was the onset, terrible the meeting; death bung apon 3 blew, and destruction upon a horse’s hoof It was a bstile of stern necessity on the partofthe invaders The desert anc shame lay behind—Cairn and glory before—the cymbals of Mourad Bey clashed—tbe bugles sounded shnifl, and sgain the Msmalockes hts sovereign. . EXECUTION OF THE QUEEN. The King was execnted on the 2Ist January, 1793, and the Qaeen was brought to trial on the ath October following ; atier the death of the King she was confined tothe prison uf the Con- ciergeric, aod denied every comfort. Her fare was of the humblest kind, and her dress the coarsest habiliments When she appeared be- fore the <fevolaitonary ‘Fribenal, ber cheeks were pale and emaciated, and surrow and con- finement had whitened her once dsavtiful hait ; her figare and air were still commanding. and she answered the interrogatives of the tribanal but it was ell in vain. ing brought befure the tribunal for condemnation When stabbed, or wounded with a gon-_ rather pan for trial, her senjgne was suua pro- shot, the wild,horseman of the desert clung; couneed. ; : = | When led oat for oxen (sys Allison) she 1o his steed, 8hd he was dragged along the | wsedresbid 16 hie5 id esl hair ground, leaving a bioody trail behird, be! oi) per own hands. Placed ina hef@le, with gnashed his teeth ia bitter hatred, and swept | per arms tied behind her back she was condacted - bis flashiog scymetar across the knees of 5y a long cireui: to the place of execotion, which the foremost ranks of the bristling squares. , was on the place of ibe Revolution, where her The Turkish fleet now attached the husvand had perished The people, roased by fhe French floulla. Heavy cannon thundered | sevolotionary emissaries, raised savage shouts of the Nile, and waked the echoes of shegyey 2 she passed aluog ; the Quese, with a se- .. ae: b it > herd f.ene louk, indicating pity rather tbao suffering, Pyramids ; but after several hours? bard yee nat last expression of popalar fary. When Gghting, Menrad Bay proasor ced the Feench ihe processian reached the fatal place she @peen- to be invincible, leaving three hundred = | ded the seal id with a firm siep; her counte- ry Jerd upon the battle field. “Pie Vork- | nance was illuwioated by the expression of ish Acet et the same time hauled off in great) Christian hope 5 and the daoghter of the Caesars aisifese, and the cannon’s roar melted into | died witha firmness that did honor to ber race. ne buate? - Jinns nole wpcn the arid | ‘Phas perished, at the ge of thirty-nine Mas ne: bugles aoe P | tie Antuinetie, Qeeen of France. Calted in plains of Chebriessa ; ~ 4 ' vary Ife to the first throne to Farope, sarioncd ‘fla, Murat? said Napoleon, as be rode! 0405 4 cplendid curr and 2 flatteriog ood'ity, aver the field of the dead, and saw the W:!d | che seemed to have approached a nearle as ihe dog feasting upon the turhaned enrpses,— | vre-rainty of life wil adroii, to the tims of Aa- ‘Give me the Mamalocke esvalry and the; man felicity on died, after years of boat he ! ; 4 ish. broken by capiyity, sudacarc neh infantry, and I will corquer the! ane sogelsn, ' : Prev ’ " 1 miafortune, bereft of her children, degraded from wen } : ffuld, where she had recent- . ber ‘hrope,on the ses ’ ‘You will eonquer.it withoot, said Mu-! ’ 3? ’ ret with a smile, ‘bot see, the colomns wait. ly seen her hasband perish. Histoig has sot re corded a more terrible ins.ance ef reverse of for- Ooward,’ said the leadeggewitb 4 W5%C one of more illustrative of the wisdom of the an- of his bend, ‘ten days and ] sup 1D Cairo.’ ‘ eieni asying Sihat none sho in ie pronounced . H ai { the +f ceatn. ‘For eight days the army continued to happy Lil} che dapot iberr ceath ee. seemed to rise from the Nile, end caught . ¢ Cd - ; terri- been prostrated apd pressed by e ble storm, They are a striking lem i" that most wonderful people, prostgated sn trodden down everywhere but in Ametica ; and yet the heert of the Jew turns toward the side of Oliwet, over egeinst the sacred | tion as the: on which once stood the tomple of | from a pond ipa in the tisver doce bie fathers and there he desires, sv0ve al! | not add a, y _ a ing ie " ' i i | v ral} es ay" rar See ringer ebtn tbe bo. back in retére a cargo of coffee in exchange for ege is finished. ey d it, does edd something to the national wealih— Iy enty anc steal pier us Sati tone something positive urd defivite. Whieh contri ili to the west side o place cf wailing, oF buted mest to this increase of wealil, the * prs | alle ) . temple, es ghosts that have been frightened dactive”’ Isbour which cat the ice from the pond, regsons hie ign toahis ze oftenti ’ away. end returped again tothe resting p'a- goed or the commercial labour which made it an avail | en: on that subject. The speech beving ' : 1st Jews | able article ? ; been quoted egainet Mr. Clay, somewhere. picasa vealewn were th : alite apurl | This may be called 2 simple ae we belibeertt the éxtre session, thet’ geatle- I sew al Jerusalem were ree, ‘ _ _ | tion of commerce ; yet it embudies a principle pee reptio’ os telieee : in the rent (rank of en aged olive ‘yy | which raas through i's most complicated ‘ransac EF ihe wae the deep retired vale of the Gibon. I pity sone Beiclo carty on extensive operations a “Yee sir,” seid Me. Clay, “it is very centa, And i; Cer; Tariff what induces tivaiion of Indigo, aialy Was hof the abs UP : | HB RY CLAY—A BNITED STAT RANK. 4 he Gtatesmt ; has dom Mr, la : | — honor Neon bis avtiBa vag 3 LSfT before its readers. “That tedly conteins the best argument that reat be made in oppos'tion to @ Bank, but it failed to convinee even its.owa entbor snbsequently, ibat, the country could Govr- ish without the aid of an institation. If the Statesman wes disposed todo Mr Clay jus- lice, iLw follow up his speech, @ith the — isti Journal. From the Christian eateand " THE VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT. Tor :—I t»ke pleasure ia sey- oni 1 brother Daurbin’s promised letter from t alley of Jehcebsphat, hes been duly ved. You will doubtless recollect the postser:pt to one of bis letters, which was recently published 10 the Advo- cate, in which be ‘sisted his intention fully to redeem his promise made me prior to bis re from this country | send you his fetter for publication, thet yoo ead the r@igers of the Advocate may participate ip othe plessare See citonstels, oh twstton of C abandon 04 pad ing to you the NG thing 'FStign Y For PhesiPient of the Unitid Statis, HENRY CLAY. OF KENTOCKY. _ ..FOR-CONGRESS. Col. D. M.. BARRINGER, OF CABARRUS: CouNTY. be P, “* Dufactores ., *eting penee of Agricoltote, j: Would seem li &, conclode that Agricolture #ould be “te, the same proportion that itis som. sive, instead of its annually ineres nt : HENRY SLICER. Baltsmore, May 20, 1843. ——_— VALLEY OF uenee Mareb 7; 1843. My Dear BrotHer Suicer—Here I sit yn the stade of the Tomb of Zecberias at the foot of Mount Olives, where 11 descends into the Vali@p of Jehoshaphat, directly op- posite the eastern wall of the Temple, and towermg bigh sbove the brow of Mount Morish.—Mount Moriah ! What a wor'd » of heavenls and transporting energy does this werd awoken in the bosom of the Jew, the Moslem, but particulerly the Christian ! The offering op of Iseec, the plague of Da- vid for numbering the people, when the an- gel of destruction stood here with a drawn sword ip Re threshing floor of Ornan, (1. o. xxi.) the travenl end indostry of the ales rety = perMissron- of Cyrus to rebvi'd their temple, the wongerrul miracles of Christ end his Apostles wrought on that movat before me the obstinate defence of the Jews, when Tiiws pressed them from them from my very heart. Just above where J dete from is the gol- den gate from whic ovr Saviour used to 18- sue at the evening, and retire to Moupi Ol- ivet. Jt is now walled up in the temple wall. Above me in the Valley is the repu- ted tomb of the Virgin, in whieh I attended the devotion of the crowd of pilgrims, and followed them into the little chamber where they pressed their lips long end erdently to the cold rock, as a young motber kisses for the last time ber only chi'd before it 1s laid to wrest in the grave. Whst a mystery this world is! The glory and great works of man heve perished, but the savor of the ceeds of the Almighty, and the presence of his favorite primitive children, still perlome the rocks and mountains, sod al! nations send their pilgrims to bonor the consecrated places ; 1t is painful®to the Protestant to know that this external worship 18 consid— ered efficacious for saving the soul. | wish b eontd deseribe to you what J saw in and around the Church of the Holy Sepotcbre. the Temple to Mount Zion, the destruction of the sacred edifice, the appropriation of the holy Mount to Mosiemisa, its restitu- tion to Christian worsbip by the Crasaders, vod Ng return again to the Moslem service, in which it continues, crowned with the Mosques of Omar and El Aesa, whose bean. tiful domes sit above the sacred place with But my letter to you, at your request, be- longs to the Valley of Jehosbaphat. Fro the Valley I ascended, of course, the Mount of Olives. psused and— under the gnarled and rent olive trees of Gethse- mane, which seems if they might te the same that witnessed the sgony of our Sa- viour, rambled out to Bethany, stood on the ascension spot, returned to the ently slong sdoureble lighinese and grace = As J stroil- ed by the open gateways, and looked in, how earnestly did I long to enter the sacred enc! sure, linger in its walks and amid its 'rees ; enter even he mosques, particularly that of Omar, which covers, perhaps. the ve- ry spot where Isase was offered. and over which be dedicated to God by the most el- | oqnent and sensible of all prayers, excep! | our Lords . (1. Kings, vii., 23, &.,) bot the fanatical Moslem forbids the feet of the Christian dog to tread upon the sacred soil, and cross the consecrated threshold. But [ must return tothe Valley, from whence I] promised yon this letter before | left home, and which promise you received somewhat doubtingly. 1 have wendered up and down i. from the tombs of the Jad- 208, just beyond ite head, to the north west of the city, ebout ene and e half miles to the well of Job, retfiape be En Rogel cf Seriptore, @ quarter M3 @igmile below the south-east corner of sh > It isdideed e valley of the dead, or rather of tombs, for their contents are gbne ; and the seplilchral chambers, where they slept in peace many centuries ago, are Dow bot gapping caverns in the rock, where reptiles nestle, if they be single, smal) sepulcbres; or flocks lhedown, f they belarge, ss the tombsof the Judges, Kings, and Prophets, and some in the sov- thern eli ff of the Gihon, both under and s- bove the ‘ Poulfers’ Field.” | have wan- @ered through them all, and found not a fig- ment of theircontents The hmestone rock in which they are excavated is soft, and has yielded to the elements, and broken away in front of, and sometimes above the cham- bers, This is the cose all over Palestine, (also at Petra, where the rock is soft sand stone.) and constantly reminds one of his mortelity, and reduction to dust, and disper- sion to the winds of heaven. Whate giori- Ous assurance, that the soul is not commit. ted to the tomb, but returns to the God who gave n! I have jost come ap from tae Poo! of Si- loam, which has a coenection with the Pool , of the Virgin, several hundred yerds higher up. ‘The first isin the mouth of the Tyso peon Valley, just where it entersthat of Je- hoshaphat, and the other is on the west side of the latter, not many bundred prards from where I date this letter. ‘The connection is by a narrow passage cut through the point of the bill which slopes down from the south-east corner of the Temple. These fountains are now subject to oceasional vio- lent, irregular flows of the waters, which rovke one think of the Pool of Betheses, inentioned in the filth echaptee of Jobn, whose waters the, angel trocbled ‘ata cer- ‘ain seagor..” Our countrymen, Dr. Rob- inson and Rev Mr. Smith, witnessed one of these singular movements of the waters. We were not so fortunate. No one knows whence theaters come to these cavernous pools, but th@¥e isa steady tradition, and general impr that they have a con- oe with t untains under the tem- ple’ erea ; and perhaps Mallon was apprised | of ihiswhen he wrote, Siloas brook that flowed Fast by the oracles of God.” ¥ descended into the Pool to wash, as ail | gPod pilgrims do, and fourd a course, rig- > strapping Areb woman, washing a dir- told quik, which lay floating upon the ehellow volome of water. She shrunk vwey from me as from the approach of 3 le- Her, and stood huddied up in e litte chasm tu the rock. looking blankly upon my pil- grim devotions, The water ts sweet aod Bord. I sfisll not now wndertake to describe the tombs to you, but perhaps J may allow you ‘oO peep into my omnium getheram, where | have plans of them. and notes also. But I feel oppressed with sadness as | cast ny eye np the side of Mount Olivet behind mM, end look open the Jewish cemetery spread- ingoveg the sacred hill side, covering it with ehont, thick stones, eseh of whieb hee flat cn the ground, aad preased into ifa little, gil they bad once sigod erect, and had | are not afte: wards fashioned by | themajestic pile siands forth in "8 grand propor | end, is not withont a useful tendeney towards the | some other, and al! of the earth, which yrelds bread silk for clothing ; ces ; if it be said that he, the way of our Saviour’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem , but | must pause: Bethel, Shiloh, Sychem, Samaria, Nezareth, Tyre, Sidon, Damascus, Baslbec, &., &e., are before me and my sheet is full. I bave a stick for yon cut from the most consecrated of spots. My kind regerds to your family, especially to the best one. As ever yours, JOHN P. DURBIN. P. S. I sed! this letter in sight of Smyr- na, baving this morning at sunrise gaze’! upon the Island of Patmos, and read with vunwonted zest the ingoduction to the Rev. | blood —operations so esseatial to the vital econe- Tt is sstonishing what | | of the system, that the hands which labour light and power the Scriptures have when | and the head which directs, have no canse to elation of St. John. read on the spots, and amid the scenes de- scribed. {1 may be my faith is stronger under such circumstances, From the Baltimore American. MERCHANT'S AS PRODUCERS OF WEALTH. It is common with a certain class of theorists to speak of merchanis as non-pruducers —to de nvonce them as a class that grow rich upon the indostrv of other classes, adding nothing them- selves to the actual products @hich consiitute the wealth of a coantry. In the same view capital - ists are held up; and one would think, from the representations of these philosophers, that there was 3 direct aniagonism between capital and la bour—an unceasing hostiliiy—and that most of large capital is required ; commodiises must be true that I opposed a Nationa! Bank in 1811; accumaiated in view of futore demand, and a va- riety of commodities in view of diversified weots. “The good merchant contribates, and large‘y, to national wealib,” seys the Southern Quarterly, ‘for iCis only throagh him that those exchanges can be made which stimulate production gad keep the energies of mankind in the highest stele of activity. ‘Ihe highest stimulos (o indestry is immediate reward. Reward to industry cannot be immediate anless there is somewhere a pre- vious accumulation. What the farmer or the mechanic most wants is the power (o exchange his surplus proddetion at oece fur something that he needs. Jf he is able to do tbie, the highest possible motive is offered him to exert bimeelf to ihe utmust. Now the merchant does this very thing, and affusds this very opporcunity, and the richer he is, the betier; the more solid and exten- sive are the benefits which be can confer apon his fellow-citizens and bis country. And the more wealthy the merchants of any conniry are, as aclass, the better it is for ils poorest citizens.” The Review goes on to illosirate the office of the merchant by styling him a great collector who accumulates io a vast heap the various pro~ cuctions which people want for their uses and comfor’s. Every one who brings to that pile something of value which he does not want him- self, has aright to take away c# much value in something which he does want. ‘The greater the heap, the more extensive the assoriment ;— that is, the richer the merchant, the better for all concernea ; the more the laborers are stimulated, and the better ihey are rewardes, the less fluc- toation there will be in prices, the fewer reval~ stons in business. the greater certainty in all in- vesiments, and the more certain reward for every species of industry. Ii is considered by some asa good device in pol. ilics ty excite the prejudices of one class against another. Ths is indecd the favorite resort of demagogues, who caring for no interesis bat their own, are ready to Stir up dissentions to the inja- ry of all classes in the community, if bv any means they may gain a temporary advancement. The old favle of. the stomach and the membe might be remembered to advantage. if evident facts are disregarded. In respect tothe opera- ‘ions of commerce, however, and the functions ef merchanis, they may he better compared with the | guish and die. | non-committalism or two-sidedness might the social evils of civilized life resalt from the un doe advantage which capita’ possesses over lapur. | That (his is a narrow and imperfect view may be evident to any one who will give the subdjeck fair consideration. A_ plain analogy may show something of the true view. The labour which produces granite from the qnarry, bricka from clay, timber from the woods, and so on of ot materials, is reatly the only productive labor that goes tu the boilding of a palace—emploving the | term “ productive” in the sense in which it is used by those whose notions we have alluded to. Now if the stones, bricks, limber, and the like, | are nol conveyed to the city where the edifice is | lo be reared, of what ose wil] they oe ? If they | the haods of ar- | chitects, carpenters, and other mechanics, sagas | 'o be adapted to the severa] Purposes for ich they are designed, how can the beilding go on? When the whole stracture is completed, when tons, with its admirable contrivances for all ihe various uses for which it was designed, and with beauty, grace and grandeor in its ootlines and blended in the harmony of ali Paris, what would be said tothe assertion that the labourers who procured the materials of the @uifiea were in troth the creators of the whole fabrics? ~=Woald it be rational to maintain that the architect who plaaned the noble design, and the skilfal work- man who onder his directions {ramed and adjust ed the various paris, the Painter, the upholstet— er, and the nomerous other artizine who aided in iis decorations and completion—that all these cuniriboted nothing to the byilding —that thei wages were levied as taxes upon the labonr of those who toiled in the quarry, in the brick field. and the woods, or otherwise served io procure materials ? Ic the great system which cjvilization has rear | ed in these times there are A, paits mking | op the grand whole. fndostry has disiribated | itself into many forms — yet each has its definite | accomplishment of those firal resalis in which | alf are concerned. Hach woeatiun is necessary to | are linked rogether by a mn-! If it be said that the eultivator | and sustains an cotton, flax, woul and | 25 Metals, minerals and timber fur | the variuus oses of shelter and other convenien- | . ! the cultivator of the ear:b, whether asa farmer, planter, shepherd, | miner, &c., is the only prodacer of Wealth, and that all other classes live npon bis labear and | draw profits therefroin at his expense, ihe absar- | dity of soch a position becomes apparent at Phe raw materials which ae produced diredly or indirectly from the earth must go through ma. | ny changes by many hands before ihey are fil for | their destined use, One cannot ea' raw corn, nor clothe one's se with raw cotton, woul, or flax, | nor find proper sbelier under trees. The final process by which a thing becomes snited for use | 1s as Decessary as ihe first Process which brought | the anfastioned Material into existence. When ! 2 man te ae house already finished—a thiog complete fit for use—the suar which he pays tor it includes the™wages ot al} who contributed | to build it. So when one buys a thing adapied tual dependence. imals for ons subsistence ; and we cified, we remember, a letter to ® the Richignd Enquirer, fer} on MraeWebster’s speech, which it insists | and the resolutions of 98, movements of the heart and the circulation of the complain that they are obliced to work for the support of the interior organ without the hgalih- fulaction of which their own energy must lan- MR. VAN BUREN ON THE TARIFF When Mr Van Buren’s lodiana letter was published, it was said in this paper, and we dare sey in many others—for the same idea must have occurred to all who under- stand the juggling politics at which that gensleman is such an adept —that whatever be infused into it respecting the Tariff, in order not to frighten away such of the Nor- shérn democracy a3 believe in the protec- tion of home industry, would be counterac— ted at the South by some private missive— And so Wturos out. The Richmond En- qvirer, of Friday, 261h ultimo, ic an article Must not he permitted to balk the democra- cy en instant in its purpose of repealing the Tatiff at the hext session, introduced the expected leticr ‘rom Mr. Van Buren, toeing thesSouthein mark plump up. Here is the extract from the Enquirer : ‘fe @?!! lve decided friends enough, we hope, to stand by us— we hope to witness ithe same spirit among them, as Mr. Van! Boron avawe, who writes: ‘J have st no time or ny where hesitated to exprees my decided disapprobation of the Tariff ect of the last session, as well in respect ia the principle upon which it is founded, es to i's details.” Withmshis spirit, we hope the next Congrese wiff assemble and act, all the speeches of Mr. Webster to the contra— ry notwithstanding,” ‘‘As Mr. Van Buren writes,”’—aye, there itis, for the Southern market—*‘d ecided disapprobation of the Tariff of lest Congress both in its principle and in its details.” There it is—all printed in the Enquirer— and therefore next to Jefferson’s writings and before the constitution, to be believed by the intelli- gent end not at all gullible democracy of Virginia! Sut will the Albang Argus republish this | extract? Will Mr. Van Boren’s friends In this State, in Vermont— if be have any there —in Pennsyivanis, in New Jercey, to say nothing of other States—will they proclaim this asthe faith of their leader and their own? We shall see. Meantime, if one might make bold to ask, we would like to kaow the date of this writing—to whom addres- sed, and what other political professions, if any, 1 may contain? We sabmit to the Riehmond Enquirer that of wrung so Precious, s few more ex- tracts might be valued.— New York Amer. can. ' War and Intemperance.—'The Repurt of the New Urtiish and Fereign Temperance Sociely computes that,in the one hondred and one bal- laliuns, ina period of eighteen years, 143.218 soldters, or one-tenth of the whole have been (red for crimes committed onder the infloence | of strong driok, and have received 11,925,575 lashes. and 3.453.796 days imprisonment ; aod | riser, am before you, the deluded lovers of Strong drink have furfeited in their pay, far drunkenness, the sum of 130,-| M13Sh 12s, 4:d. ’ ¢ tucky, is the first and party of Clinton county os Presideney in 1844—believing, as we do, that his bigh aad commanding triotism entitle him to the every American cilizen, and that throogh his pa. whose name has been with the Presidency, can oor coontry be restored the speech you qeote is my speech ; it con- taios a frank expression of the opinions | then held an the subject, But five geors of psinfel National experrence convinced me I had been wrong— thet « Bank was ne- cessary to the country, both in relation to its currency and its revenves. and the very next occasion that offered, | avowed the conviction which time and Nations) suffer- ing hed produced : and to these convictions | have ever since edhered. I em aot ashe- med of having growa wiser by experience, and on this only, of all great nations! qres- vone,d-have changed my ground. Jadge from the argoments and facts | now submit to you whether I bad or had not good rea- son.” On this question, Mr. Clay and the Whigs stand where Mr. Madison and the. Demo- cratic party stood in 1816. Ilo opposing the Bank, the Statesman and its friends oc- copy the position sssumed by Deniel Web- ster and the Federal party of the same pe- riod. Mr. Webster in pronouncing a Na tional Bank en “obsolete idea,” simply re- tteretes the opinions on which he acted when Federalism bore sway, as 1{ now does, in the State he then represented in Con- gress—a State that rejoices in a delegate to the Hartford convention, in the person of i's Governor. In acceding to the constitu. tionality of a National Bank, ss Mr Madi- son, Mr. Clay, Mr. Calhoun, and all the prominent Democrats of the country did in 1816, we presume it wes on the principle that they bad lived lunger and grown wiser, than when they enterteined opposite opin- ions. Thet Mr. Ven Buren was not in the catalogue at that period is probably assigna: le to two causes. He was opposed to Mr Madison, and bed been engaged in an in- trigoe with Rofes King and the Federal par- ty to break down his sdministration, and though he has Jong been growing older, we have never heard it intimated that he bes grown wiser by experience. —O. S. Jour- nal. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Forum. OPULARITY OF HENRY CLAY IN PENNSYLVANIA. Meeling in Clinton County. HarrispurG, June 10th, 1843. Gents It is gratitying to see the constant. ly recurring evidences of the popularity of Hen ry Clay in Pennsylvania. A gentleman from the North-western counties informs me that in that portion of the State the feeling in favor of Mr Clay is growing more geoeral every day.— The numerous factions into which the Locofoco party is split,acd the strife between the leaders, demonstrates plainly enough that personal ambi- tion is the moving spring of all the aims of Mr. Van Buren and his competitors. The election- eering letters of the Eixx-President, equivocally elaborate and like the oracles of Pvthoneas, in- tended to bear a double constroction, ba¥e disgas- ted a great many of the plain spoken Mr Van Buren never was personally Pp Pennsylvania, and never less so than at t f sent moment. Gen’l. Cass was killed at once by the demonstrations made from the Executive Chamber at Harrisburg in his favor. Cul John~ son is onquestionably mare popalar with the masses. J should not at all be sarprised, how- ever, to see a movement made at this place in a short time in favor of John C. Calhonn, and less surprised to see that movement resolt in securing him the nomination of the National Conven- tion. Mr Clay will command not only the suffrage of the entire Whig party, but the favor of acons siderable number of his former opponents, who have become convinced of the soandness of his views of governmental policy by the disastrous experience of the roinous effects of the perish Credit! perish Commerce system of Lecofoco- is!) I intend this remark, not asa prediction, but as the result of my own observation, whieh | can confirm by poin'ing to individuals now no- minally Loeofocos. . At the Whig meetings held \brooghoct Pennsylvania, Mr Clay’s name ie al ways mentioned in the warmest terms of entha. siastic regarc. The tone of the addresses and resolutions indicate that their feelings is not the resalt of party discipline, but the generens, spon- taneous overflowings of hearts fall of attachment to this distinguished statesman. Mr Clay has now got hold of the affections of bis countrymen. When any podlic man hat touched the HEARTS of the people, you may be certain that he is no ordinary character, and that the ardent devotion he elicits is the sure presage of his elevation to the noblest honors within the gift of the people As a sign of the Clay feeling in the interior, I refer yoo to the great Whig meeting held at Lockhaven, Clinton county, May 15th. The meeting was addressed by Mesers. Blanchard and Mackey, the former of whom is known to me asa lawyer of eminent worth and abilities, Both of these gentlemen dwelt trith eloquence upoo the character and services of Henry Clay. They met a cordial response from the meeting, the sentiments of which are well expressed in the following resolation : Resolved, That HENRY CLAY, of Ken- only choice of the W hig the-candidate for the talents and loli pe- fove and gratitede of riotie efforts more than those of any other man mentioned in connection © her once prosperous conditioa .” : Toadyism.—The Madisonian records, with moch seeming satisfaction, 1 following in- stance of Tuadyism in Phin i The President had retired. is He said to Mr. one —r Mr. Seeretacy.” fy cer eplied, * Ves, sir, you are before me ; hing, and always likely to be.” verery Election:on Thursday 3d of August. ane ! ‘ nee 1 Curreney, regulated by the will and authority of the Nation. “fin asco Revenue. with fair peeeien lo American —just resiiaints on Executive Poe, embrazing @ further restric tion on the exercise of the Veto - « A faithful administratic he Publie Do- main, with an equitable distribution of the Pro- ceeds of sales among the States ** An honestand economical administration of the General»Government, leaving Public Offi- cers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suffrage ; but withsuitable restraints against ae a eal soy bake! od es. ; ** An amendment Onstitution limiting the ineiimbent of the Presidential Chair to a single Term."—[Hewry Cray. Sa eee Temperance Meeting ! A meeting of the Rowan Washington Tem- perance Soxiely, will be held.im ‘the Methodist Episcopal Cherch, on the Fourth day of July next, at 1@ o'clock A M. An Address will be delivered’on the ocession bt ROBERT BUR- TON, Eeq. ‘Fhe Ladies and poblic in general are respeetfolly invited to attend. LITERARY.-+JAMES W. OSBORNE, Esq., of Charlotte, North Carolina, has accepted an jovitation to deliver the next Annoal Address before the two Literary Societies of Davidson College, at the commencement on the 27:h of July next. By order of “18 -Philaothropic So- ciety. “* A sound The Locofoco papers are crying out for har- mony among the friends of the different candid ates forthe Presidency ; do not express any pre- ference for any individual ontil a Democratic Convention properly chosen, shall express the proper person; whereopon the Richmond Enq rf r, Charleston Mereury & Colombie South Carolini- an, fall into a quarrel pell mel! aboat the proper mode of appointing delegates to such Convention, & the time ofits meeting ‘All discord is harmonr not anderstood.’ The Enqnirersaysa Democratic convention must be appointed according to Demo- cratic usage, that is, by general consent of the party, so that the force of Virginia may -not be divided, else it were useless to have any conven- tion at all, if every one were allowed their own free opinion op the matter—and as to the time, itought to be before the méeting of the next Congress, so that the nominations may be duly respected and confirmed by that body. The Enquirer then slyly asks the question, “If Vir- ginia is so obstinate asto stick to her own mode of appointing delegates, which ste has a fall right todo, and will do. Will the South Car- olina Convention stick to the Democratic party or withdraw from it as on former ocessions ?— The Sooth Carolina convention some time 3g0 had appointed two delegates, equal to two Se- nators,aod directed the other delegates to be ap- nointed by districts, and the Voling per capila as the only trae Democratic mode of appointing delegates to a Democratic Convention - The Soath Carolinian then says—‘* The Mercury is a noble paper, eometimes rash, imprudent and in discreet, and the Enquirer should not be galling it with questions, inducing saspicions of a design 10 distorb the harmany of the Democratic party, that Soath Carolina goes fur principles not men, bat goes for Calhoon. for.the sake of these prin- ciptes, that if he were acteally nominated by a convention, which she believed did not express the will of the People she would promptly re~ podiate it, and him too, if he accepted it.” This is like the condoct of the boy, who whistled to avoid being scared. For the plein conlusfon is, that onless Mr. Calhoun be actually nominated bv the Demucratic convention, South Caroling will not helieve that it expresses the will of the People, and will therefore be repudiated, for har. manioosly it will not enure tothe benefit of Mr, Calhoun, and this is the sine qua non of South Carolina. Harmory may be had and maintained if the Locofocos will follow her lead and ohey her dictation; asthe only trae mode of express- ing the will of the people ; if not she stands rea- dy to nollify and repudiate, now and at all times. Another argument against the Tariff is, that it interferes with some of the ordinary pursoits of the People—that a Protective Tariff enriches Manof.cturers at the expense of Agricoltare, and indaces 2 change from one employment to another. Admitting for a moment this assertion 'o be troe, what harm is there in. i: > Shall free men be boand to the soil on which they were born, like feadal serfs or Villains without the pow- er, oF liberty of changing eit her their condition, lo- Catlon, or employment fremi-generation to genera. tion? If mempfiod their Occupation gnprofitable, shall they not have the liberty of changing it? 1 the production uf Cottan'bewnprofitable, where is the necessity or propriaty. of continuing the occupation? Ji sarely w Botbe p etended that men accustomed to raise Cotton, therevy Become soch mere actomatons as. to be incapable of any other employment, but it is inconvenient to change, and it is alike inconvenient to follow a loosing business. ft Canootfbe pretended with 209 show of plausibility that the Tariff is the caose of the over Production, and conseq vent di- minished price of" Cottons which, io the couise of forty years past bas decreased from an avers age price of thirty cents per pound , down to fire vatil the market is every where mee superaboadance, far eXceeding the @ My consumption, which proves tha; thes Rade ory is contrary to faet ane e2perione, ee ty shows that since the Sear 1816 : the Protective Tatiff, the Prodne, of c increased more than three bold ig a States, while there was also ¢ Uy article from the Kast ladies, Fe America and Mexico. Up to — 1826, the cousamption of Cotton seg - pace with the product ; at th; tio appeared to exceed the demand, ang . ce ed excess has ever since Sradaally a the price; speculation and contingey ie sometimes varied prices and give, a i, stimadlos to the value ; but CPTY decling . a little n-low than the previous lowest wy: So that it is evident the ove- Prod vetiog the Protective Tariff, 8 the cause of Pe depressed value of the article, What e the remedy ? Js it not Plainly to dj Sai production : by changing the OCCU Pating, production of something else more profiel, Shall the whole commonity joe their wn! and their insiinet of self interest Logeibe cause some may think the Governme, . sive ia taxation, or partial in its 26 minicirgs Shall common sense be abandoned fo, Were the ry—unavailable and impracticable? \y,: a man be considered insane who employed energies in making nails by the olj made of forge and hammer, where bis laboers not be worth more than ten cenis per ly beeause he had been accustomed 0 the ged io place of leaving it for some other kitang copatien as forging horse shoes, or Other menis not yet procuced by Machinery ; i ay the Cotton grower be lees insane jn ichering his business from the mere habit, When cibery proymenis are not yet fully OCCUpIEd 4 om stocked. TYLER $ OAST IN 1835, A cotemporary shes the sabdjoine ine, given by John Tyl@P in 1839, and preteen with the following remerks : “ As Mr. Joho Tyler is aboot to oncerialy political pilgrimage to Bonker Hill, for i * pore of strengthening his Guard, if posible & following toast, delivered by himself, iz a)lasg to Van Buren and his Cabinet, may serve fresh bis memory in his path of dety ” And we will add, that the joke world goed one, if some friend of the ‘ Pilgrim’ hunter of 1839. when his Accidency mye the festive board in Buston, were {o risej seat and ask him to permit him to pledell in the very words an@ sentimenis of hig toast. The hit would be a palpable one; could not fail to make the object of it feel, dargerous 1: is, for a dishonest politician wo sume the virtne he does not possess—to 2 to be what he is not— to affect the port and of patriotism, when every vein and artery of heart are palsied by the plague spots of lies ery and deceit.— Balt. Amer. Whig grim Presidents and Traveiliig Cabine's- fruitfol offspring of the seeond Presidentis| | One term and no re -eleetion—the best inte of the country demand it— will vot the suffrage of the country sustain it in 1840. Az-extra from the Boston Times «fice, on Tuesday, 20th June, at 9 o'clock, A brings the fullowing melancholy in‘elliseot DEATH OF MR LEGARE. Died this morning, at a qaarier to 6 oi at the house of a friend—Grorge Tick. ia Park street—Hon. Huey 8. Lecut, torney General of the United States, 4M ing Secretary of State. Mr Legare died @ digestion, or stoppage in the bowels, sl geen very unwell since his arrival here day las:. He was present in the receptio# of the President on that day, and since (hal) od, be has been entirely sec!nded and prosm ov a bed of sickness. His attending physician was Dr. Bige™ this city. Mr. Legare was a resident of (i ton, South Carolina, a most ripe scholat,# tinguished and clessic orator of eminet! attainments, and oniversally beloved 10 ™ ted. He has left a large circle of fi moorn his sudden death, which took sf distance from the familiar scenes of gar he was surrounded by all the eomfor's solatious which sympathizing friends a impart to hisdying bed. He #234 ‘e sonal frieud of the President, who wild j and members of the Cabinet and sue veo" afflicted: DEATH OF A PHILANTHROPE The paragraph which we are abot * will carry pein to the hearis of 20) devoted friends. It isoar melancholy duty death of an old, an intimate, 20 mate and friend—Dr. Georce P19 no longer numbered amony the cha er at his residence fn this place 00 ie 2 ing Isst, (the 20th June) at 15 a 5 o'clock, in the 45th year of '6 92" gs A severe apoplectic attack wiih CP" | visited neerly three years 22°; to gnnenet d a velored Carica? lee att those around him to expect tle reso!" § now make known to the disianl Pe oti st ‘That he whose death we (08 riot ® greaily esteemed and beloved we yi ne is truly and sincerely lameni¢e been ken from oe aitesied by "be es inos of our citizens, an account o grt be seen below sed to which ae oa ing our own feelings more folly se have time tu olter the or >. the Ap intimate acquaintance ae a this notice, fer the . pd oie es us to testify tv the 4 tbe? which has fas poo to bis gr "Set gens and cor poraie antborities © ri tits well as by the breshrea of the my that #e a We say with perfect since ik never known sock an iadivideal. \ - ' porter. A Toast From Joun Ty er is 1839-fi -> => —S hh . 2p . . . 2. 42 ee © —_ w n e w p s n P p om n e s fe e w W f = n= y AND HENRY COLLEGE. pave recenti? received a pamphlet. with je he Officers and. Students of ullege, Washington coonty, yytion (We keow frowt avtoal visi'a- ad existence,) is located ina most being nearthe head springs of he prineipal siem, longest and nch of the great naturally requires Segreat ; Vis waters into np asemi-circle. rd, tuition and other expenses are reported at much lower rates f the like kind that we have ted States, (vf ibeir character and og we KNOW po'thing)—one tem of their " highly pleased with, and co- Tennessee Ri- t a “distance of” 2 terms of boa jytiv08 we are Labor Department.—There is hihe Establishment a Farm, con- of aboat 600 acres, on which th have the privilege of laboring a ” y day-—Maoy by ureir labor have been proportion of their board order, and soand morality, peen greatly augmented and secured “by ent arrangement.”” gNRY CLAY—JOHN TYLER. The Richmond Whig speaking of John ffice-retained pertizan fol- ly remarks. “We would Van Boren—«for Mr. Benton— ly opposed t6'ug at every point we would vote for any man who bad generous 80d confiding people. hem because we once sdmired fought by their side for the e country—loved them once : y bem because we Jove to see our men folfilling the high expectations iheir countrymen, instead of provin gives the parasites of power and the .cocks Of their own party vanity and adizement. a flow compare these poor changeliogs— shllow dupes of their owa vicious spbition 900 Egregious vanity with HIM goation loves ta contemplate—with ihe! aso who teaches our youth to be great; jom whom nO man’s “censure can detract’ gio wbose fame No man’s praise ean ‘add yobi’—with HENRY CLAY !”” “Ay! stand erect—the c loud is broken ! Above thee stands the rainbow’s token ! The shadow of thy onward way, Is bending into perfect da The slanders of the vena Assail thy honest name in vain ; For thon art still as théa hast been, The hope and trust of patriot men. Still boasts thy tip Thy heart its joy i Still free thy tongue to 8oothe or warn, Still keen its fiery shaft of scorn ; Siil] soars thy soul antamed and strong, The loflier for its sense of wrong, Still first in Freeman’s cause to stand. The champion of ber favorite land!” "Here ig9a man described whom /reemen oy reverence—and whom republicans may voire wibout compromising tbe dignity dibety. This is the man—erect, noble mebsnged. unbought—whom power weld- by the vile has Jong sisndered snd op- yened—but whom, thank God, it has nev- a~down, nor even caused to pause or viniein bis high and glorious career. aman weal ; From the Georgia Messenger. MR. CALHOUN. In 1816, the-god-father of a protective wif, ia 1832, the advocate of Nullifice- In 1833 the soppor- wr ofthe Compromise act; in 1841, the violent opponent of it; in 1816, the advo— aie ofa National Bank ; in 1834 propos— ug (0 extend its charter 12 years; in 1828 ind 1841, denouneing it as anconstilution- i; in 1816, the advovate of @ system of In- iran! Improvements; in 1819, the moving spirit, that breathed life into it ; ihe denouncer of it, as entailingall the evils dihe Tariff; In 1843, agein its advocate ; ln 1886, the advocate of distributing the woceeds of the salesof the Public Lends wong the States, and the author of the In 1841, the reviler of the scheme Worconstitutional’; In 1842 the advocate ‘lhe proceeds of the publiq lands being ‘olinued at ihe Treasury, es the only con- ‘ational mode of application ; In 1884, ihe author of the proposition to teke them hom the old States, and to cede them to the. Sates in which they lie; [no 1816, the aa= hor of the proposition to appropriate the bonds of the United States Band, to works of [nternal Improvement. "ler of those who voted for his proposition. lo 1825, the pround boaster of his great ervices in giving being to the “American ystem’”’—now the traducer of those who » and followed bis lead; he system of Internal Im- which has squandered go many ollars for no good end, and now ng reviler of those who attemp- out theschemes he planned; (of the Sub-Treasury in 1884, the great advocate of i: : ae of every measure |; iad the hold Senator, hat he had not lion '0 overthrow it- In 1840, the re- acted with him The author of 1 provemen:s, millions of d the persecuti led to carry ihe opponen The advo ‘ted by South, who declare a changed any of these prin- es, and yet the supplicant for their votes be blustering advocate of “free-trade” 10 is whole Congressional career before his ‘ounection with Mr. Monroe’s Cabinet. he "8 the ultra advocate of shea and speeches. “OX sinee-1832, amidst all the excitement ite Tariff question, be bas never yet pre. i fo the American people, the first etude proposition 3 thisis the poliician, heweriyet raised a party sion h political weathercock, whose frected-a press at Macon, to rthe people of Georgia to follow is the’ Presidential aspirant, the vote of any two States What aa imposition upon Protection both by A member of the “the Union! is @ lady's bustle like a cigar 7 ’s manufactured to 6 | «THE PILGRIM PRESIDENT.” and 8 yery gent hed of Wl lers ; who rallied rather 10 Exmapit || their strepgth then from aay love for “the occasion.” Phen. theeg wes « pretty | | that good gathering of miscellaneous’ people, as there always is when is a. to be seen—not so many es there would have been to see a colored gentlemen hung, but still very fair considering. The spectacle wes very lste in reeching the Cuy, having to stop at New Brons@ick and Perth Am- boy on bis wey from Princeton yesterday ; so theta great many grown people, ta sa nothing of the babies, were kept lobger stondeng in ‘uae than ould have been eondacive to bes bh og ood temper. It was 5 oelock when the Progiitien. biese to move up Broadway, and after 8 when it got baek to Howard’s Hotel, wey-worn snd thivety. I gc op Chathem street, the President. : d—<es we are told—in the midst of the Sportan Band, while Abas- Heros rode ‘s horse somewhat in edvance. A confused die. that might have been mis- token for cheers, alarmed his Excellency os he passed Tammany Hall ; but he soon re- covered his self - sssion atid bis hat— which bad secidentally fallen from his band. The procession doubled Union Square in the most solemn silence, which was well maintained antil they were well down Broadway. A friend who chanced to be passing, telle us that the train ,being forced to stop, a weg eried out ‘three eheers for Henry Clay ;” they were given iwith good will,-and the effect was electric, especially epon the Aceident. The great chargoal cart, known all over thevcity, we der. stand, rather wickedly brought.up the reor & | for-e part of the distance—efidorsed “ The Bigest Rogue inthe World.” The “ truth: shouldn’t be spoken at al! times.” John Tyler and Ahasuerus, so fer as we could jadge, were nui io their best looks; which is not to be wondered al, the coldness of the sovreigos being taken into eccount. Now if the officeholders and seekers wi'! only let our distingoished vi8itors have a lit- tle command oftheir own time, we doubt not they will beebliged We give this ad- vice * free gratie,”? and shall set an exsm- pie of the way it should be followed. Great ness and the delicate attentions of those who want to live at the public expense are doubtless fine things ; but a man wants time to think and turn aroond if he is President. N. ¥. Tribune. TUE GREAT DAY AT BUNKER HILL. Oor readers will be gratified to learn that Saturday last was a fair day, and that, un- ders serene sky and favoring circumsten- ees, thousands upon thousands of the sons of New Ergiand, from far and near. sssem- bled on Bunker’s Hill to commemorate the great eyent in memory of which a fitting monument has been erected on the soma@it ofthat hill Among the persons present on the occasion wera the President of the United States and Heads of Department of the General Government, the Governor of the Commonwealth, wih his attendants, &c., the most interesting part of the com pany present being surviving soldiers of the Revolution, in number one hundred and eight, of whom twelve were present at the battle of Bunker’s Hill. After an admirable prayer by the Chap lain, (the Rev, Mr. Ellis, of Charlestown.) tbe Orator of the day Mr. Webster, ad. vanced to the front of the platform, where bis appearance was bailed by the loud and prolonged cheering of the immenee molti- tude, and delivered the Oration, which, it mey well be imagined, was listened to with rapt attention by all within the hearing of it. A number of reporters were on the spol, and we bave already received reports of it Bat of such an oration, however. it might gratify curiosity, 11 would hardly be just to the orator to publish any other report than the one which bes undergone revision by himself.— Nat. Int. BUZZA FOR VAN BUREN. Oat of sixty-seven land receivers under Van Baren, sixty-fuor were defauliers! (bree ooly were found honest!!! More of this: Ii is a fect that in 1838 the, Loco Fuco Land Officers, in and out of Poffice, had in their hands the enormous sum of.one million nine hundred and fi/ty thou- sand dollurs, that the defaulting Locofoco Custom Hovse officers had tn their hands the round sum of one million four hundred and twenty seven thousand four hundred and ten dollars, making in all THREE MILLIONS, THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY -SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS!!! These are the gentlemen who talk of two dollars a day and roast beef, and who ask for power again !—Indiana State Journal. TE MARRIED. In this County, on the 29 hb inst., by Jeremiah M. Browning 0 t. Felix Sowers, to MiseMar. tha Ann Br w. In Catawba Coonty, on the-2S8th inst., by the Rev. Hall Morrison, Mr. Mathias AJ. Boger of this place, to Miss Sarah Derr. DIED. In Salisbury, on the morning of the 26th Jace, Major JUNIUS SNEED, Clerk of the Sape rior Cuurt for Rowan County, aged about 55 years. , On the 22d June, Jerusha Jane, only daug ter of James and Nancy Cowan, of Mosnt U! . la, Rowan coanty, N. C, aged 6 yeara, seven , meuntns and 21 days. She was a feeble child from ber infaccy ; but remarkably interesting She bore her sickness with the patience and resignation that ig not common to children of her age.’ She left ' the world so gently, that it was diffica lt for those that stood around ber dying pillow to kaow wheo her spirit retarned to Ged who gave it. Asleep in. Jesasob how sweet ' From which ever wakes to, weep A calm and ondistarbed repose, Unbroken by the fash of foes. ~ * { Com. ne _ Court of Plews sed Qeerte Sensions— May —-— ~ gq MRP ELL COUNTY. - q Term, 1 wa fi ifgieg the said Walliom Luon, to appear'at the ext Coa Plees anc Quarter Sessions, to 60 Leld for said county at the Hease ia Statearille, oo the 3.) moa~ day of next, then vig i f any be has, why the said mare.as 708, oo not be condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debis costs, ‘Witness, J. F. Alexander, Clerk of oer said Coast ee moo@ey in May 1848, and in. 67th year of oar independence. J. F. ALEXANDER, Cik. _ 8g 4*—Printers fee $5 50 , State of MN orth. Baroling. \AREDELL CouNTy.~ Court of Pleas'and Quarter Sessions— May Term, 1848. vied on Land. ‘Wilam F. eek: Attachment le- vs. Charles Motdoch. i appearing to the ratisfaction of the Covr!, that the defendant Charles Morduch,-is not an inhabitant of this Siate : [1 ie therefo-e order- ed by thé Court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for siz weeks, notifying the said Charlee Mordech.to appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiovs, to be held for poner of fredell, at the Coart Husse in Statesville, on the $d monday of Augnst nex, then and there to answer, plead to or replevy, or Jodgmgnt pro confesso will be taken, and the tand tevied upon, be condemned to satisfy plain- tiffs debt, interest and cosis. Witness, J F. Aléxander, Clerk of our said Court at office, the $d monday of May, 1848, aad in the 67th year of our Independence. J.f. ALEXANDER, Clk. 6748 —Pristers fee $5 50 -ONCE MORE AND THE LAST CALL! E sobscriber again requests all persons who have aecouz's Vith him over twelve months standing, to call an! sé‘te with cash or note by next. August Court, or they ‘ill certaie- ly have to settle with an officer. HORACE H. BEARD. « June 24, 1843—1f48 SALE OF NEGROES. V virtae of a Deed of Trost to ns executed by Robert N. Craige, for the porposes there- in set forth, will be sold at the Court Honse in Salisbury, on Tuesday. the 19i:h of September, next,(it being Vaesday of Rowan Superior Conr!) tifollowing dikely Negroes RIT'T.A, CATY, RRIET, BILL and CAROLINE Terms —Nine months credit, with interest from the date, purchaser giving bond and ap- proved security. JAMES OWENS. Trost SAMI, CRAIGE, 5 *OSPES: Jone 24, 1843 —7w48 COTTON GINS. HE Sobscriher wishes to inform the citizens of Rowan, Davie, Davidson and the adjoin- ing Counties, that he bas the Cotton Gin Mano- factory caried on in the ‘Town of Wadesbor’, Anson County, North Carolina. in a stvle not sorpassed by any other Establishment in the United States. Consisting of the fullowing arti- lees to wit >— lt Saws, Steel plated Fen- * ders, Gins, &c., &c. All the above Irons careful'y manofactured by myself, except the Gins which are put opby old experienced Gin Wrights of Sooth Carolina Ging of 40 sawea will pick from $ to 4000 pounds a day, with a Team of two Horses with ease Cotton picked by those Gins leaves the siap!: mach better and will command a betier price ir BCP Orders frum a distance for any Gifferent size Gins will be prompily atiended to, and all] the above Gins warranted by me to de gennine. . JOHN D SMITH. Wadesboro’, Anson Connty, N. C Jane '7, 1843 —iy47. e han ans Dood & DOMESTICS. ING COMPANY AVE still farther reduced the PRICES of their MANUFACTURES, in conse- quence of the continued depression of boriness threaghout the country. “They are manotactur- ing Botton Yarns, Nos. assert. 4h SA hirting, heavy. 4.4 de. Fine. 7.8 te. heavy. purchased on as favorable, as they can be procered ata y establishwent. JoRHODES BROWNE, Jzgent Salisbury, May A 1843 —1145 Y virtae of 2 Deed of Trast execoied to me, on the Iith day of June, 1842, for the. patposs therein mentioned, | will expose to pablic sale, on Tuesday, the 4ih day of July oext,-at the late resideuce of Levi Gheen dec’d , on the Wilkesborough road, eight miles of Sal- isbary, one Tract of Land whereon the said de ceased lived, containieg 200 ACRES, mure or less, adjoining the lands of Thomas Wood, Ar- thur Neely and others ; 4 mules, one Wagon and Gear, 4 Cattle, about 20 head of Hogs, pre org Kitchen Furniture, and Pfania- ti The property of Levi Gheeo. “> Terms of sale cash. HEZEKIAH TURNER, Truslee. June 12, 1848.—Sw47 watt Cente Waited. ¢ besiness,'et bis stand on the main st North of she°Coart House, where he may at sll \imes:be foued; aed will make to order NEW WORK ighis line, soch as one and two horge“Barooebes, Buggies, Salkys, Carryalls, anda short every description ef gork done on ihe re aes notiee,and pot to be surpassed for durabil- y by enpestablichment io ibis part of ibe country. His.owa stteation will be enremitiingly bestow- ed pairing of ali kinds of carneges. Hav- ing @ SMITHSHOP aiched to hi establish. ment, and fgitfifc!_workmen in bis eaiploy, will enable him to do all Kinds of repairing with the greatest possible @esgatch ion a workmanlike manner, and ac the lowest charges. A fair trial is respectfully solicited. NATHAN BROWN. Salisburv, June :0, 1848~646 State of Porth Carolina, ip part of Eng meres, Satineis, Kentucky men's sammer cloths, Nan simeres, French, Painted and figu Satin siriped s article) plain, Plaio and figared C packer lusiers and , solored, plain and stgj- fringe for uimaming | muslins and Bishops and Linen drills, Bleck and | and Stocks, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Maslia collats .and Silk dr shalls, Black and white from No. 5 to 9, ( trimmings, lngrane carpeting fancy silk Cravatg silk Hose, Bolting cloths, geauine,) ‘Tai DAVIE COUNTY sions, A «D. 1848. Jotun M -Rorie, vs. ~ Attachment levied on Wilham Laon. Lands and Negroes. Thomas McNeely. U8. i Attachment levied on William Lunn. Lands and Negroes. Attachment levied on Emanuel Shober, t Lands and Negroeg. vs. William Loon. Same vs. Constable’s levy on Lands William Leon. and Negroes’ T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, that the Defendant, William Lann, is not an inhabitant of this State: §t is therefore order- ed, that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, pudlisked in Salisbury, for srx weeks notifying the said William Lann, to appear at the nex; term of the Court of Pleas and Quar- ter Sessions, to be held for said coonty, at the Coort-Hoose in Mocksville, on the 4th monday io Aogost next, then afid«thére show -eause if Kelly & Gaither, : levied on, shal} not +e condemned acd sold tos# ‘isfy the plaintiffs debi and costs. W jinsas, Jobn Clement, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 4th monday in May 1843, and of Ameriesn {:idependeace, the 67ib gear. Is- sued 3U June, 1843.- JOHN CLEMENT, Clk. 6w46—Printers fee $8 State of PLorth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions— May Term, 1848 idiram Phelps Administrator of Nathaniel Mark- land deceased, | against, ) John Markland, Paulina Varkland,”Mathew Markland, Marian Markland, George Marklaod, Louisa Markland, Heary \tonroe and wite Fan— ny, William Beeding and wife Nancy, Charles Green and wife Martha, Thomas Markland and the Heirs at law of Nathaniel Markland, Jr, Parret ‘iarklaod and Nelson Markland Petition for sale of Lands to pay off out- standing debts. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, Market by far than common Gins of the Conntry. | THE SALISBURY MANUFACTUR- . The Pablic are assured |b their gouds are of the best gnaliiy, and can be | that the Defendents, Henry Monroe and wife | Fanny, William Beeding and wife Naocy, Chas Green and wife Martha, Thomas Matkland and he Heirs at Law of Nathaniel Markland, Jr., Parret Markland and Nelson Markland, reside beyond the limits of this Siate: Tt is therefore, in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, noti- | fying the defendants, to be and appear before our next Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be | held for the County of Davie at the Court House {in Mocksville on ihe 4th Monday in August next, ‘hen and thereto plead, seswer or demur to said Petition ; otherwise the allegations .set forth therein will be taken pro confesso, and the peti- tion heard expirie as io them, Witness John Clement, Clerk of our said Court at Offices, the 4th Monday in May 1843, aod in the 67th year of American Independeoce. JORN CLEMENT, Clk. June 17. 1848 —6w47—Printers fee $6 00. State of Morth Carina. SURRY COUNTY. and mattiog, ‘I Lawn, Florrence, saw boooets, Pansina, Leg . Hats, Seal, Cloth and Leather | Caps, Robinson's fine Kid stips, do a | walking, 4. doz. Miles? finePbilad calfand moroeco Boots, 15 cases+Gent and *hevad low price shoes, ad Sadlers t:im arpeaters: ramus ea per leather, (very chea glass, Potty, Nails, White lead pure, (warranted . Lomp sogar, 20 Hdds. Brown do., 25 Molasses, $11 bags Rio Coffee, $*:one Kamal wand Cast Steél, a tayge lors Patent shears and points Braid and. sag Court of Pleas apd Qnapter Sessions —May Ses | Far and and Ladies lined Crockery, Hardwate,§ in riage trimmi Sole and Up ) Window o.1, 2, and Tire, Spring B assoritment of Iron and Castings, “he above Goods was selecied wit will be sold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at unprecedented low prites. The Pablic ate res. pecifally invited to call and examin Same vs. Same. ' @ for them- : KINS .& Salisbury, April 22," a Bag Spring , ond i FASHIONS for — IAAP / / NEW T iloring Establishment ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, TAILORS, . any he has, why the said Lands and Negroes |” . Sixteen stone aimed meena’ LOTS Ipiog bck os cs — woe Mesining town. One TRA Per rank P 4 Céntaining. tying eight miles thereis a GOLD. KNOWN TO. i A\ thesame digs ' $27 eres of lying op’ the waters of half Mi torbe a good tainin t N. W. Alexander aaa ite TERMS.—A credit of one, two and or Miping bond & o fa 2A of the Baok of the Pirate, 9 Chatlotie, with in- (Late of the City of Raleig bave located oorselves in thegJ'own alisbory, (permanditly ,) and rying on ver BUSINESS in.asseyle apt sarpassed in this State or ont of it. Ushment is in the room @n the eorner Jifansion Hotel, form Office. We have employed hersi /* 428 do brown af No expense Pared | 5éQedo ealic Workgen. to render this a@ Fashionable in all respecis. on having tbeis glothes™ fashionable and ayrable manner. engaged regularly in cuttmg for t years, and part of the, fime, in som celebrated establishmeois in the SodVigrn We shall fot hesitate to gaarantée thing to fit we cut ard make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS % received monthy. In conclusion, should” we be encouraged, no one need send gwey to procure A. Pk ALSO K.* Reference. —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N. C. Salisbery, May 20, 1843—1y26 good clothing. ordered by the Court, that publication be made | John Martin, Thos. mar tin, Samoel martin, G martin, Elizabeth Harris, Thomas J. martio, and Hampton Bynom, Ad- | ministrator of Wm, G. | martin, deceased. Original Bilt. N this case it being made to appear fo the sat. | isfaction of the Coort, that John martin, one of the defendants in this case, does not reside within the limits of the State of North Caroli- Superior Court of Law=Spring Term, 3843. Kinchen Goss, vs k Petition for Divorce. | Catharine Goss. T appearing to the‘satisfaction of the Court, { that Catharine Goss is not a citizen of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, thal publication be made io the Raleigh Register and Carotina Watebman for three months, that the | | Defendant (Catharine Goss) appear at the nexi | Soperior Coort of Law, to be held for the County ' of Sarry, at the Court House in Rockford on the 5th monday afterthe 4th monday of Aogust nex!, | ‘then and there to plead and answer or demut to | | said petition, or the same wil] be heard exparie, | and decreed accordingly. { * | monday ot Kebroary 1843. | WINSTON SOMERS, c.s. c. | Jone 17, 1848 —Sm47— Printers fee $10 00 TIKES UP ! Rowan, on the 12th insiant, a sor- rel Horse, foor or -five years old, and valued at Twenty Dollars. Said horse bas a bald face, and both hind legs white about Lailf way to the ham joints, and shad befure. ' JOHN It SHAVER, Ranger. Salisbory, July 1, 1848 —3w49 Journeymen Cabinet Makers WANTED. WO first rate Joorneymen Cabinet Makers _ A can get ye a a0 aod good wages, by ap- ' plyiag to the subscribers. et GH®EN & FRASER. - nat [tis therefore ordered that publication be weeks in the Carolina Watchman, salisbory, that onless he, the said | John-martn, appear at the next Court of Eqni- | | ty, to be held for the county of Stokes, at the | Court- House in Getmanton, on the secund mon | daw afier the fourth monday io September next, and plead, answer or demar, the Bill will be taken pro confessoand the cause set down for | ' hearing exparte as to him. | | Witness, F. Fries, Clerk and sraster of our said | Court at office, the 2d monday after the 4ib | — monday in March, A. D. 1843. y from the minotes. F. FRIES, c me. Witness. Winston Somers, Clerk of oar said | may 27, 1843 —6w44—Printers fee $5 50 i Court'at Office, the 5th monday after the 4th) State of Porth Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equity— April Term, 1842. ; | Elizsbeth Lancer, Jacob } Y David Cowan, living im the ; Shore and @ western part of the coagly of | eis. fe and oth- { Petition for the sale -y - - Anthony Hauser. N this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Anthony Hanser, named de. dant in this case, does not reside within the limits of this State: {1 is therefure ordered that Vieation be made for six weeks in the Cateli- Watchman, that onless he appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the county of Siokes, at the Coart Hoose ic Germaoten, on the second monday after the fourth monday io September next, and plead answer or demar, the petition will be taken pro confesso, and the cause set down for bearing exparte a8 to hia. Witness, F. Fries, Clerk ané master of oar seid Court at Office, the second fourth monday io Mas Salisbory J !y 1, 1843-449 | CA:SA.BONDS } Neatly printed and for sale at this Office may 27, 1848-—6 in , « F FRUS, cme. w44-APriniess woe bl tonace an i if) -Packages. ps 5 are the following : "642. ps. Georgia lankeens® hed domestic, -« s iJ ig doz palm leat. 6, ‘dy alting ctothd” : born aod pifly we 4 doz grass and grain scythes 103 doz pagket knives * . 181 doz “kaives and forks 4 doz cutting knives 21 duz weeding hoes ol 9 blackmith vises State of Porth Carolina. STOKES COUNTY. Court of Equilye—April Term, 2. 9 1843. Joseph Martio, 6 do anvils pr do bellows 15 doz saddle trees 50 pieces bagging * 8 coils rope . 405 begs coffee 17 bbds sogar 173 kegs white lead 22 pre elliptic springs 75 prstrace ehains | 1000 tbs loaf sugar 54 kegs powder 182 kegs nails and brads, | Together witb a general stock of all- lays of GOODS. These goods were selected with the otmost care, and they have been bought with cash and for cash, which is more than any oiber esiablish- ment in this place cao say, (if they speak the troth) ; and we further say, that it is by far the largest siock that has ever been brought to this place—and we defy 2 contradiction. These goods are for sale, and we are determined 40 sell them for cash, lower than they can be booght elsewhere, lei the ‘price be what it may. All we ask is a call, if you please. Most respecifully yoors, J & W. MURPHY. Salisbury, April 29, 1843—1f40 . rs SPRING and. SUMMER’ FAS = 7 | FOR 1848. HORACE A. BEARD ° FS jnst reeeived of Mr. F. Manan. the LONDON, PARIS & PHILADEL- PHIA FASHIONS, fot ihe Sprig and Summer of | 1843! | which far sorpasses aay thing of the kind here- tofore peblished. He still carries on the Tailoring Business io all its branches, at his old staod, where he is ever ready to meet and accommodate his old and new customers with fashtonable cutting snd ma- king of garments, not to be serpassed by any in the sosthern country. Paoeteality, despatch and fsithfal work a8 bas been, always shai! be his aim avd object. ‘Thankfel for past tncou: - agement, he hopes to merit itscontinesoce. P. 5.. Reference be deems annecessary, 26 his experiegce and work for the last thirteen years will show. HORACE H. BEARD. April 15, 1848—1#38 le Job Printing neatly done here. . ~» ie as ° * - > CONSUMP ELON feets upon th eos delicate caseg, y. Physicians, aware uf y best hind of style, aod of the finest materials, beg leave to ask at ‘he hands of the citizens'of the country and villages ardond, % oar line of business. Their shop east of the Mansion Hotel; aad one * bids jos(add to his s:eck of Berkshére sa ‘pair of eM orth Hogs, ted ffm Eagland. in the fall. of 1841, by eof New York, agd are now a- ‘The "Boar is a very supe- hick aad"exeetlent io abbbis i re Ss impor f months = 1@, with a liter of eight Form, can hardly be whe y wish a foller de- fine animals, are referred to r poblished in the Cultivator — hee aled, a. Yorkshire Sowyper- ow imported by } hin rind Sows: wish rchaeg cam bare the” t enite cor Berkshire, “or crosses of Keita at ore ,'Ebin-tind aad Berk- shire. - HieSwelr of Berkshires was purchased of MrcG, N. Bement, of “New Vogk, and ts not sarpdesed by any in the United Stator, Those wishing 10 improve their stock of Hogs. have nowem better oppostunity of doing sv, than has eter been offered Soath ac” Orders for ang of the above will be -p by attended lo. : BALSAM OF LIVER $375 Bowery, New York — vhs, colds, calarrhs,-Asthms, reness of the chest,paig ta the side and dbreas', Hsing of Blood, Li Jotiplainte, Bronchitis, and all those affeet Lhroat Lan which ‘are-a sour miich.soffering, arrested, 80 often” Téeminale ‘in @onsumptic this remedyts highly and j ishing iis parely vegetable; mi 5 ip can, lies, and Witpessing i and in some ingtanées, apt th less “easeay oféo prescribe at ji” her Practiog both as @ palhiatiig and a edy, tad wept Medieal Pacalgy general}y ; iyhag- met with gteat approbation. hopé— | ~-Fhe following” rematke were taken f 3 en) hi Medical Magfrzine ; 4 “Phe surprising eligctipramm ine Balsam of Liverwort, mad ery, in consumptive cases, ca deep and thrijjing ifteresi thre We have so fong. bel z ~~ | ae met cote oil & jeved this Uleease he tive) incurable, (hata ciffcult to credit: . oa ~¥ sons, evidently na Vet tie a fact of * senses when we see ‘ive, restored to bealth. cecurrence.”® ‘ Ihe folluwing waeg by Capt Scott, of Kh 6 * Certi a ut @ Short time sing Gir, N. ue ry Beiog geile! | faci en #0 Com sumpifon, (a avinber of ing family having ‘did of ibis disease,) and having suffered severely from irriittion ofthe Langs, accampanied with covgh and raisif™tmatier and» loed, together with severe pain In mg side ond breast, till 1 was supposed to be heyond recovery, | was induced by advice of Dr Perkins, 2s & Iast resort to try Paylor's Balssen of Liverwort, { have taken five bottles in al!. | began to improve with the first Sottle, acd while taking the third, was so far_re- covered, as to beable to get about §=Since which | tine, by continued vse of it, fam quite restored and abie te attend to my osuat business. ‘To per | sons suffering from conuzhs and affections of the | , | lungs, | do earnestly recommend it | ' } | (Signed > JAS © SCOTT. Fliaibett) City, N.C, Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint ard General Dedslity.—] | » «wo physicians, aad told to pre | pare tor death] was su weak beoold not rats m5 4 w my bead. [ was in this low state when a friend sentme a bottle of Dr ‘Taylor's Balsam of Liverwor, frum 375 Buwery, and be: fore | had used ap the botile, | was able to sit up in bed. By the farther use, | have completely regained my teal'h, GEO WELLs, , 23 John st Violent pain in the sive —I have been cured af a sictent pain in the side, extending through tothe shouldes rad cesiton, dize:aese, lass of ap petite, and general dehihig, by the use of two bottles af Dr Paylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, from $75 Bowery JF El Allen, No7 Merchani’s Row or sale at the Drog Store of CB Wheeler, | Salisbary. march 4, 1843 -- 1v$2 | CIM? LIMES? Was give: up nue fresh Lume can be had at | AS A the Kilo of the late Joseph Williams dec | By thet0@ bushels and a¥ef 16 cents, 50 to | 100 fughels 18; 5 to 40 poshels 20 5 unslacaed in proportion. - . Alt pe s wishing lime either atthe kilo or “A their residtince, will apply either io J.or R. WILLIAMS. N. O-8 (34 Rockford, Surry county, march 18, 1848. PILES’? PILES? 3 s. HAYS’ LINIMENT!! 4 f tHE PLLES—The price of this celebrated Liniment is refunded to any person who will ase a betile of Hass’ Liniment for the Piles and seters the empty dotile without being cured.” The.abeve have bean the terms oa which this Lisimens-bas been sold for neariy tea years past, and apt oe botile oat of one hundred has ever been sesurned. §t fF or gale asthe Watehman Offiee, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbary 5.J & R Sloan Greensaoro’,; Hillebore, D Heartt ; Lex- ington, J P Mabry ; ‘Raleigh,t S Diith, mareh 4, 1843—1y32 Devon Bull for sale. THE andersigned has for sale a full blood . North Deven Ball, aboot 13- or 14 months old, uf fine formand site, and from superior stock. ALFRED HARGRAVE., Lexington, Jane 24, 1343—Sw43 les is prepared to execute ofters in the mos* stylish and satisfactory maf _{ ference. HE Sobscriber informs the public, that she has just received through. thé Noriherp Cittés the latest atid most approved ndon & Parisian ashions, ork sent from a di sha! be carefully put up and aie a : BC Mrs. P. has on hand a han ment of Bonnets, (newest style) Caps and Turbans, for sate. «.* Mrs. S. P. is also ppepared to execute Critmping and Fluting omreasonable terms. Salisbury, May 27, 1842. NEW FASHIONS Spring and Summer of 1843. THOMAS DICKSON * ESPECTFULEY informs his friends and poblic, that-te sti!l carries.on the T. G ‘ walt us various branches, twe doors above J. & « Morphy’s s\orey where he is ready to exe- customers in a atyle and mariner not surpagsed by aay in this partof the country. He is also in the regular receipt of the NEW-YORK FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the Fashionable at all times. April 15, 1843—ty3 TO FAMILIBS-. ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. cute a orders of his Those whe would have. recourse to a Family Medicine for Fever anv Aevs, Dyspepsia and JVervous Weakness, should discriminate between the ‘* theasand and ene’ remedies constantly hera'ded forth to tte public, (the same now as in all times past, ) and that almost oniversally’suc - cessfol prescription called * 4 Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mizture. A few remarks wilPserve toiflostraye the dif- In the first place, the operation of the Tonic Mixture in the cure of Fever and Ague is upon entirely new and peculiar, yel safer jninciples, Secondly: 11 oot only promplly ar- $ the course of the chills, when ponctually J persgyeringly used, but it soon rest@hes the wonted Functions of @he general system to a per- y eigic; when relapses are no more nsuve than an attack of the diseage in ho has geverhad it before. ‘Thirdly; The ystem, during the.adminjgiration of the Improv- ed ‘Tonic Mixttte; spzings up at once under i's benighioflo ives forth an earnesi of re- Fourth!y : Producing e bowels, the cause of c n the way mos: strongly ed b; ifibly : Its effects on the mild and safe, ag well as open, Berd i: is as well adapied to the feeblest of cine by a modification of the dose, as 8m orous adult. , Many other consider- E ® ulmést importance to the anxious t#and invalids, might be ename-ated here, but the above are a few of the-points of contrae’. in gomparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in professiohal and family practice, from whicha 1 jadgment may be furmed in se- legting the remedy. N.B. With & view to re-establish entire confi in the efficiency of the ** Rowand’s ‘inp Toni Mixtore,” to effect a Jasting cure 0 ever find Agde, the Pruprietor restores the Briginal guarantee, viz: The money shal! be returned in every case whereic the remedy has been ponctually nsed without producing the desired effect. Addreas Dr. JOHN R ROWAND, ¥° 28 Nurth Second Street, Philadelphia. Sopp for Salisbury, N. C. ¥ iee have been received by the sole Agent C.B. WHEELER. Sept S, 1842—1y6 ° MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, } "AVING porehased Mr. T. R. Hogtes' in- M terest in the above Establishment, tenders his services tothe Travelling Pablic. Having for several years heemengaged in keeping ° PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Monnt Mourae, io Iredel] county, be indulges the hape that he has experience enough in the duties of his business to endeavor to render com fortaple, all who bestow upow bis house their pa tronage, Bis ‘TABLE shal] always be well and plenti fally supplied with every thing the conniry af- fords, to please and satisfy the palate even of an epicure, His BAR will he found furnished with a choice selection of Liquors. a His STABLES shall be constantly attended by faithful and attentive hostlers and supplied ‘to bis Agent at asgor!- 7}: | with abandant provender. . | N.B. Tee Stage Office is kept at the Mansivo | [louse. HIRAM T. SISAN. ' Charlotre, Febroary 4, 1843 —6in28 ~NEW. SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES | AND GROCERIES! R. ROUECHIE, respectfully informa the @ citizens of Salisbury and the serronmiiieg couniry, ihat he has received a new and did supply of Confectionaries znd Groceries, con sistiog of all kinds'of WINES AND LIQUORS of the very best ity, soch as Madeira, Port, Teneriffe, Checrraigts, Muscat, Claret, and Malaga, Wines, Fredch Brandy, Helland Gin, + Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Cordials, Leme Raisins, Oranges, Oysters, Segar andies, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, aa4 vartows other. asticles too tedious to mention, which | will sell as echesp for cash as they ean te bought other Establishment in Salishury. ROUECHE. march 4, 1843 the Owners in th Warehouse at the stored free of st only to half the : Fayetteville,—thereby leaseniafy the expeose of Goods much below the osuai charge. AS Bis W arehoure is isolatad from oH other build the danger of Fire will be trifling ia) ‘ to the risk inedtred from being situs Those whe may favor him with their ‘itagetd may rest asegted that ytd attention wi to the pr jon of thefr interest. ’ — GEO. W. DAVIS” re ater Goods #ift b and the owners sobjegted References : “ Messra. John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, : Fayetteville, Vv. C. Alexander Aadeison, Juba McRae, : Joho Dawson, iu Wilmington Wo. Ca, Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, NV. C. B.S. Powell, Packét Agént, New York. Oct. 1, 1842—1110 PR. D. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICINES. BES" MEDIGINES are expresaly pre- pared for family ase, and have acquired an unptecedented popularity throaghout the United States ; and as they are 90 admirably calculated ic preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be without them, The proprietor of thesé valuable preparations received his educa- tion at one of the best medical Colleges in the United States, and has had fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calcalated to remove them. : Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Coan- sumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, cute Rheuma- tism, Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy aod ihangies of the Lungs or Throat, difficully of Breathing, anda}! diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Jayne's Hair Tonic Forthe Preservation, Growth,and Beauty of the Hair, and which. will positively bring in New Hair on Bald Heads, and prevent its fall- ing out or gorning Gray. - JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, A pleasant, safe,and certain preparation for the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Fever and Ague, Piles, t of Appetite, aod all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and*Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints, Diarrhea. Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangements of the Slomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections. §c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions, Diseases uf the Skin. &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Puryative Medicine is :equired. The above medicines are for sale, whoiesale or retail, at the Salisbury Medical and Drug Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable. Cordial, and effective Remedy for Cooghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, lofluenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult Expectoration. §C For sale atthe Watciman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury march 4, 1848—1 432 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has just received a fresh sop- ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Mizture, which is for sale wholesale and retai’, at he Medical Drag Store, Salisbury, N. C. Dec 10—t!20 Dr. Liws Galbanwuan — jUachine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! PWNHESE Plastereggreatiy improved, and ha ving the preference of all otbers, are warm ly recommended by all doctors as invaluable for | 1ovalid® having pains in the Breast, Beck or side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved ai once by their use. and the parts restored io strength and a natural warmth and health. Any person wearing one of these Plastérs, will be as- | tonished and delighted at the comfort it affords. Those threatened with Luag Complaints should never trast themselves a day without wearing a Plaster. kt removes the irritation of incipient Consamption from the Lungs to tke surface of the body, and draws off the internal affection — So in Liver Complaints, and Coaghs, and colds Children with Whooping Cough should always have one, to prevent the cough settling on the longs. Their excellence will be andersiood by allon tia. §(° For sale by C B Wheeler, | Salisbury ; GreensBoro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- | boro’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J P Mabry. | | Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1843—15$2 | Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnisbes, Dye-Stoffs, Patent Medicmnes, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS @r medica! purposes ‘Indians, Hoock's aod Swaim’s Panacea, Sooffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfomes, Broshes, Candles, Fancy and common Sosp, Glase Ware, Peters’ Pills, lo straments, Matches, Paper and maoy other ar- ticles, just received apd for sale at prices to suit the times, by -C. B. WHEELER. Salisbery @ 342 . Dr, BD, 4, Hass bimeelf a4 Gen. Kerr's in Rowsn yrow thé road-teading from Salisbury to Bestre's Ford, politely tenders his rofessional services to the public. May 15, 1843—1f42 we J cartege from the River to|* must be rigidly followed. . “WEVER and AGUE, in-all'iis four leading species, is peculiar PEKIOpICAL admidistration of @ proper remedy, in connection with the spe—- | cific powerg.of one of the ingredien bis med- prachagrs ihe sectet of his vac 0 while all other prattitioners either entirety fail or obly te succeéd, ‘Were:with the very best remedies that were Fae pri or Ague is either Quotidiam, or daily; tian, or thind.ded' Quartan, or fourth-dey ; Bratt, sometimes one of these periods and sometimes a- nother ; or it is.Complicated, by taking these periods in succession, and fhéa-reoning into in- termitient fever of a more maligdaht character. Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysterious and unaccoontable it may appear, that éach and allof these species of Ague,have a rour- TEENTH DAY crisss, in Which they maybe cured with certainty, bat py. neglect they can only be cured by chatice. ~ rat's directions fontaking the medicines if this disease, sre therefore these :— First, take two of the Lire Pitts at bed time, and next ening oefore breakfast a full wine glass of ‘the Brrrers in about the same )quantity of water, and half 2 wine glass more Ww a fall wine glass of water, aboot half an hoor before each meal during the dey. On thes night take three pills and the bitters ag’before ; on the third night four pills and the bitters as before, and con- tinue taking foar pille-erery, t for three nights more, with the bitters vhe day. — On or before the seventh day, the Agae will seem to be entiirely cured, and the patient will feelowell, hongry, and bearty, bet he must ne- vertheless continae to take the bitters.as before prescribed, antil and on the fourteenth day, With two pills every night after the seventh day.— He will then, and not uolil then, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Féver and Agoe but of whatever billions and liver affections it may have superin- @oced er even In any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient shoula by any neglect, or un- due confidence in restored health, omit to sake the Phenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat mast not be blamed if the disease should retorn, and the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, ané go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instractions, however, be will be so thoroughly cured, that he may bid d to the disease, however uohealthy may be his lécation or prevalent the malady around him. — For children between seven and fourteen years of age, half of the abave quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for “younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age vartes from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bittersonly will! alone be necessary. : This treatment, with ty supremely effec- toal“ LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect- ly triomphant in the worst regions of the Sontn- erp and Westero country, and around the nortb- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFPAT’S Agents, tow- ever, are now well farnished, and will, make ev- ery effort to} send this advertisement i most afflicted distriets, Volontary aud jeae ly gratefal testiménials are received at the pro- prietor’s office in New York, by every mail in incredible nembers, to the absolute efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Agne, other intermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive functions generally, but also in chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limos, eruptions of the skin, scro- fula, piles, worms, scurvy, and a host of other complaints, for the care of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are so pre-eminently re- nowned throughout the United States. Koow- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and 4gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, ipviles the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolate ascen- dencs of his mediBines over this malady the fountain head of so manyothers. He has only to add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the repotation they heve long possessed, not by the usual artificial efforts. but solely by their invariable and extensive usefulness. Prepared aod sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, 375 Broad. way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at tbe Salisbary Medical Drug Store, by C. B,. WHEELER, Agent. BC A constant supply of the above described MEDICINES on hand and for sale at Hamp- tonville, Surry county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbory, Sept $, 1842 —196 Ready Made CARRIAGES FOR SALE. HE Suabseriber wil! keep constantly of hand a sopply of Ready made Carriages from the well known Manofactory at Vinesyville, consisting of COACHEES, BAROUCAES, and BUGGIES, which he will warrant to be equal, if oot superior, to any made in the North- ern States. for beauty and durability The subscriber respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. He may al@igs ty the siand formerly awned by John 1, WM. Oven MAN, “ or Salisbery, Apri] 22, 1342—6m$9 N. B. Repairing done in the best style. Ww. oO. ory which | Dear it es — ure of promising por Hout fajl-of e aleekiteantioe cartied to the oatposte of ou cantile or. mech | experienc crowded cities or towns of thea either fetarned with shatreter depressed Spirits, or they remain id homes, d cot 8 weary hfe, « under ase to whieh they , destro a t, and the w iat ear, is broken :.to hope. - : vera dais, Dr.’ Moffat would say— .* Try the Life Medicines, and yourwill yer an- | ticipate. fist sanguine expectations, fo: they will certainly restore yau to healili?’ - Féver and Ague is a complaint which requires to be met at its first a ch, and combatied ai every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, so that upon the “nianiféstation of dis ease, Nature is onable, enassisted to resist the inroad. The Life .“edicines, when, taken strict. ly sqoeeding to directions, will cure it, and give to the weak and trembling viet of disease new health, life and strength © For full particulars of the moe the reader is teferred to the Good Samaritan ; & copy of which accompanies the medieme. “ “$cc The above medicine is'fot sale by CRESS -&. BOGER, agents. Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y13 BCP A supply of the above invaleable ME DICINES are for sale ‘at James Cross Roads, Iredell cousty, by : A.C. McINTOSH, Agent. 4 Guard Yr Heatth. [ Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or ’ . repuded so.) : grcp Gentle Reader: If. you would aver! from you the sieknegs, the pains, the wretched ness, the premature mortality which you see al! arqund you, and which; like a sharp sword sas~ pended, is ever ready to fall apon you, despise not my advice—it will cost yon Jiitle, wili nei- ther infringe upon your oecupations or amuse— ments, and all the faculties cf your mind and body will be as much betlered by it 25 to repay you ten fold. {! ask only one week’s trial to con vince the most sceptical. In the first plece, discard all old errors anv’ _prejadices feom your mind, especially the o!d adage, ‘* If you are passing well, do not attempt ‘to better yoorself;” it is the saying of ignor- ance and seperstition—of those who attributed all they saw around them to chance and fortune, instead of natore’s aniversal laws.-Has not man, led on by experience, learned to guard himself against the other elements of natére, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain?) Why then should be not, in fair weather, guard himself as gaipst the storms’ which are ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross fuod ; and it is your nature to-con- tinue to doso. You are well at present, bat ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within you; and if you do not stricily guard your health while you are well, you are continually in danger of paiofal and protracted cunfinéments, and in some constilutions, death. Nothing is stationaty in: this world. Even the purest fountain of which we drink—does it not require cleaning? A person ‘may imagine he is in perfect health, and yet not know fo what perfection his vital orgats may bé brought when assisted by the hand of Natare. I-have un- doubted proofs of this fact in the unbounded suc cessof the LIFE MEDICINES, Let those who have foltowed the motto, ‘When you ate even moderately well, throw physic to the call upon me, if they would be convinced importance of my position. The cperation of the Life instance that has come.te my knowledge is most health may perfect their happiness with 9o in convenience ; and those unfortunates who are laid low by disease of almost any description, may find sure relief in those purely vegetable preparations. ‘They operate gently bat power- fally oponfthe secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated humors, sepatating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, dross and impurities—and leavieg behind only what is good ard nourishing to natare, Reader, consider and reflect wel}. The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within ourselves, in our own physica! 5 My advice to all, then, is, guard your health. If you are well, perhaps yoo may be ul tet ane you wre always avoid being sitk by a judicious use, of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. . ne 5c Dr. Moffat's Life Pilla and Phoenix Bitters, are for nee ? ae CRESS & BOGER, Agents. Salisbury, Oct 29, 1842—-1914 = A supply cf the above Intatoable WE- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Reads. Tredelt County. by" i A. ComelNTOSH, ‘Agent. - NOTICE PPLE andersizned bavios ualified as Ad =D 2... mar, deceased, gives pytice to alt a bert Macoamiara, to present ihem for payment reg by an Asrof ; bly, a BOYDEN, Admr. 1948—t(44 Ader NATHANIEL Salisbory, may 27, nw Find ‘the name of ny ity a er try it. Remember this gh pss-energies | desert, and | | the ‘t#imulant principle, “Teli CHINA. . A.positive cure for the pit Medicines-in-every ‘external. ailings—all internal irritations brovgt gratifying. Those who are in comparative good- ; ‘nistrator to the Estate of Robert Macoa..| | Ing demands againat the Estate of we ‘said | as py C | are restored, “in the old or jihid ‘ Be Eibe aamie-tamnes are beaein Pg wee. to : next time he visits 4 No fainily should beg 7 _ let ) places ; and'on children make i greet these ‘who haxe lest the hair trom any cane ALL VER Bon infest the heads of j iu schools; are ikea ot killed by it a: am + sage _RHEUMATISM, onli Veckraeie Exaxim anp-Nerve anp Boy nd Ina | but never without the name of Comstock pee 3 aus Ben ger wit —~-—_ Ppa yh governed if the aia ft if you use the only true Have Loman i Sf G, . ST Py, 1 toch eo. and every thing relieved by it that ads . ward application, It acts like & cham, Uae: oe a HORSES that have Ring-Bone, . I Wind-Galle, &c., are cured by Roory’ Srecie; 2 Foundered horses entirely cured by Rag Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horseme, ‘ be toe ae eal : ‘tWactor Salve.—The ms commis invented for all new or ff 4 * +> . a nedy. gas ‘and sores, and sore ff VE S Tt-has thousands. It Will ‘take’ out ll'poin in ten nig ang no failure. It.will cure the ay _ LIN'S ‘SPREAD PLASTER, A better and-more nice and useful article nere made. .All should wear them regularly. LIN’S TEMPERANCE B on the principle of substituting the tenic in pax ich has reformed » drunkards. ‘To be @ with LIN’S & Mm PILLS, supere » @eahsing the system find the umn aia others for. ing the blood, and for all irregularities of thebes and the general health, &ctor-O Yi {See Dr. Lin’s sig- HEADACHE ‘nature, thus:] : DR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE RENE will “effectually gure sick headache, Met fi marae or bilious. Hupdtedsof fa using it with great joy. ‘< DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEAL for the certain prevention of PSS Saegiuae 1 general sickness ; keeping the stomach in mot fect order, the bowels regular, and 4 determin the surface. CeGOEDS x OU pains in the bones, hoarseness, and HAS UF “are quickly cured*by-it.’ Know this by trying. es —————— 2 + NS.—The French Plaster is a sure ¢ ~~ \ oe Ch Uu cos hair ary Shela yentwieli; but will not color d ay ; a ee amr POUKD EXTRACT. There is no other " tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed of equi If you are sure to get Comstocx’s, you wil # superior to all,others, - Jt does not requre pols tee, tp Ete Zam ‘CELESTIAL BALM awl : surface. by friction with this Balm ;—* s” swelled.or sore throat, tightness of the ches, BF a applied on a flannel will relieve and car ae Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly PE c x >} wie eB & Youu 4 & A Q — & prevent.or cure all incipient const J taken in time, and is 2 delightisl remee ber the name, and get Comstock’s. K@lmasTock’s VERMF eradicate ail in ebudre? “ with a eertainty quite astonismng. | ch 8 — "Ke ce: almost incredible; by- Comstock § *" : ——— ~ Sp-S Serre BOOTH. BBGPS KLINE'S : —<—— Entered necordias to & Co., in the Chee (BY appjringsto “van een ces village, papers, thay" be* had free. on BE respectable names in tte cove Pe that no Ohe-éan-failio believe “ME é suite ‘yor cal} actof Cope i che! s office of the Hove” ig- He for om be paver with an ok a eines Mie above: mcs the. Dt Waiehopo Office, and on | _B Wheeler. eb. -~ ” x #8 \ ° ne —— = —<— out A nw TERMS: ee oS “\Ware aan | agepereafter be had | Litre inn actvanee, api éeto.dollars and | - "3 he end of Me year. ; . will oe received for atégs tire ware ines pald for in advanée, gent inned (bot at the option 6 yer ct arrearages are paids : TERMS OF ADVERTISING.. <, ar 4 2 ‘j sar eqnare for the first fnkertion and ep “ cenis tar each coatinaanee. gs tives will be charged 25 per ct. h ; ie 2000 Eanes juan of 335 per ¢ jgertise bv the year. cuisements Will be eantinued notil | "| sharced for accordingly, unless order. } eta number of times | oad } { d to the Eid:tor mrs { i. 4 far 5 ee « £33 rahe ‘ { ent will be made te. 2 yack Ps es ‘3 a addresse posure ai'ention. AE SUBSCRIBER * {WING p rchased that well known and ', established Pablic House, (known game of Slaoghter’s “Paverasy' in the ;aqlisoury, N. C., toforms his Friends " pyolie generally, thatthe same is* now spe reception of ‘Travellers & Boarders. . tasce and Bar will be supptied with - the market and sofroanding country af- ses spacious, and bountifully sup- sith grain and provender, of all kinds, at- , by faithful and attentive Osilers. aqgersigned pledges bimself that no ex “pis vart shall be wanting lo give gen— | eqctiza to all who may favor him with - jig STA JAMES L. COWAN, vjagur), Sept. V1, 18402 U7 40 WILL GO BALD? sid 70’ Balm of Columbia for the Hair | 10M Comstick & Co —Its positive qoali+ 4g yas fullows :—Ist For infants, keep~ ge nead free from scurf, and causing @ lox- igrvatb of tair.—9d Fog tadies after chil J- , storing the skin to its nataral gtrength ‘j-goess, and preventing the falling out of .-3d For any person recovering from yihe same effect is produced. 4th .jiaifancy wll a good growth is started, oe oreserved by attention tu the latest pe- "i —3ih It frees the head from dand- engtheng ihe roots, imparts health and ine circulation, and prevents the hair saoging color of getting gray.—6th ft she hair to curl beautifully when done up ver night sdies toilet should ever be made withont it. Children who have by any means con- .j vermin tn the head, are immediately and y cured of them by its use. [1 is intalli- .jpeen bald about five years—no more hair jp of my head than on the back of my and ay head covered with a thick searf, ssiuation aboat the 10th of August last, vosing the Balm of Columbia, from Com- Co, Since whieh, | have used two and pitles of the Balm, which has fully re— doy hair,and freed my head entirely from / My head ie now covered with fine, flow > hiir—whieh any one may see by calling u Stamturd, Connecticut. 12, 1840 D S SCOFIELD. feits are abroad—louk always for the Comsioek & Co. valeatthe Watchman Office, and by C r, Salisbury, Dr Stuuth, Raleigh, D Hillsboro’; J & Re Sloan, Greeesouro ; J 7, Lexington. 1, 1843 —1932 Dr. Brandeth’s ‘GETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS gale at this Otfice. y N.C Oct. 1842—tfl4 me \veeler Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- ment, and if you wish relief for yoor ma niladies. call aod obtain a remedy of C.B. ARLER, Avent. soary, Dee 10 tf20 + bd [7 bl lo THe APFLICTED.—Lhe (has gost recerved a large and fresh 1) Moffatus Lite Medicine. Call & C B WHEELER, Ageat, ‘ voirv, Dee 10-1120 — PRICES CURRENT AT Satispury, July 8 | nessyia a room'ditecthy ’ a se Ss ed = 5 it Spr ES. REPAIRING. 7 I BXILE-Subscriber tespectfully informs bis ,old fr Ut riends rine cue geberiiy; Mrat-he has‘dpened a shop iu:Salsbory in the.ahuve bask eoppdstte.. Veet’ briek building, inthe house of Dr. Boras’. formerly owned by Jno.1.Shaver and just below J. & W. Morphy. 2 * S tp} rer att S44. the [n-additiopto the above; the aubscziber wil! catry ow the Silver Smith: Business inal the Varieties-commen ‘in'coup ity. towns: .svchnas tmaking* Spoons, 8c, and repairing Silve: Waract3 os Ha fone oe He begs toassurethe’publiec that if punctual ailention to business, and skillfel work witt en- title him to-patronage and support, he willwer- : } it it. i 4 . AARON. WOOLWORTH. ~ Nov. 13—-tf16 =: a eo ORE Dr. Sherman's — PMevicateyd Reseuges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, Bes the cheapest and most. plessant.— Phe medical Factliy warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman is a skilfo] and expérienced Phy- sician, and a tember uf the Medical Society o New York. : * a Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, sarest, and mosi effectual remedy for Coughs, Golds, Consamption, W bodpipg Cough, Asthma, Tightness of ‘the Lungs or Chest, &e. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infaHisle worm destroving medi- cine ever discovered. They have been used in over 1,400,000 cases and never koown to fail. SHERMAN?’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervous or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression . or a sense of Sinking o! the Chest, Diarrbcea, Las- situde, or a sense of fatigne. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — Io the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they bave never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restoralive Lozenges. Diarthcea or looseness of the bowels, so com- mon and troublesome during the summer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper ose of these Lozenges: ‘They are prepared express ly tor that purpose, and can be selied ov with perfect confidence. Persons subjeet to a derange- ment of the bowels shuuld never be without them. They afford immediate relief from ail the attend- ant gripings, faintness, depression, &, Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges- Are as pleasant and easily taken as the commun peppermints; and are an active and efficient medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bavels, and are the best cathartic ever osed for bilious persons. Where an active medicine is required, | they are not only the best, but the safest thal can be administered. : Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheomatism, Lom | bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, Joins, | Side or Breast. | The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbory Medical Droge Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent. Salisbury, N.C, Sept $, 1342—1y6 Dr. Moffat’s Vegetable Life . Medicines pss qualities of the most mild and be- ~neficial nature. They are composed of ar- tieles the most anti-potrescent, combined with ingred‘ents known as the only certain antidvte for fevers of every description. *When the dis ease is produced either from cold, obstruction, bad air, swampy and damp situations, or putrid miasmi, whether tnalignant or epidemic, or by other causes, these medicines are certain in therr operations or effects. ‘They are possessed of pe ealiar qualities, which not only expel all disease, but atthe same time restore and invigorate the system When first taken into the stomach, they immediately diffuse themselves lhe vapor through every pore, producing effecis at once delightful, salutary, and permanent. When the | svark of tife begins to grow dim, the circolation } languid, and the faculties paralizedsthese medi cines arefound to give 3 tune to the nerves, ex- hilerate the animal spirits,invigorate the body, and re animate the whole man The Life Medicines have also been used with the most happy success in Nervens and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Comphint, Rheomatism, [chronic and inflama- tory} D ropsies. &e. BCP Call at Cress & Bocer’s, Agents. Saitsbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y13 ~~) —_—_—-- | { ECP A sopply of the above Invaloadle ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Iredell county, by ‘ . A. C McINTOSH, Agent DAVID L- POOL. YAKES this method of Capts. Cenls. 5 a5! {Cotton Yarn. 75 1p, 33 2401 Molasses, 35 a 40 ach, 40 a 45 | Nails, 6- 10a 12h) Outs, 15 a 20 smix, 20422, Pork, $3 ion, clean 54 4 6 | Sugar, br. §al0 Tee, Sal loaf, 15a18 33 40 | Salt, sack, 275 $3 ‘hers, 18 a.20 | Talo 64 ir, Sibas Yobacca, 8 2 20 xseed, 50 255.1 Tow-Lineu, s2a 16 oper lo, Badl Wheat. bush 75 iseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal 90 $1 | Wool. (elean) 25 PAYeTTEVILTE June 28, Freeh 49395). Molasses, 99 2888 \ 35 a 40 Nails,cur, 5) a6 6237 Suarorown, 61a 10 My Ba aT ny ~ odd 9a bi r, 15a 18 . 4326 salt, 30 a 60 barn, 12a 3S Sack, $2 ; of 60 Tooaeso fea Qa 2} SPOR t3a tt! Coston. bao an 80a 90) Boterope, Ba 10 $2 2985 Wheat new 75380 e 29 @ 25) Whiskeg 26 48a Wail. b2} ald Chenaw June 28 1843: 42 5 (Nails cutassor 648 a 6 a 6} wrought 15918 let 12a15 Oats bushel a 30) tibiae 22 225} Oil gal 75a 80 ey? 20a22 lamp $1 25 wen 10412) linseed 1 10a 1 25 i, b lige i4 Pork 100Ilbs 55 a6 atch 4a 63 Rice 100lbs 405 er at 50; Sugar Ib a10 me bri $5h a 59) Salt sack $225 anor 5a 30. bush 650 60 Lied Ibs a 6} | Steel Amer. 10 a 00 Molasses 30 033 | eae 12 7 AHO Ww 7 a ve \ T ‘ av ii Leaimpe $1 3137 f | informing his friends, and the poblic, that he is still carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re- | stand, near the Courthouse twelve months..- He stl keeps on hand @ smal assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold and ‘Silver ta Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.~+tf33 ea ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. - SALISBURY, N. C. Salsibury, Jan. 7,°9848—1/24 ken in exchange for \ ‘a brote, ask themselvem+his questi soberness, .-- givén, and’ next day more than forty worms were af the mouth, and itching of the nose. sent immediately - for Kolmstock’s Vermifuge, for two or ibre@ days, and the child grew better atonce, and regained iis full strengih in less ily in Broadway had worms io anJ seete al) cored rapidiy wit ased, from the Cirenmstance of Having efadica- by the aserof jt. age, had become exceeding! | of Comatock & Ca. | inhabitants of this State: ftis therefore ordered, pairing business, at his old {* All work dane by him will be warranted (or | 4 Cacpies OM th cold, of Sumeothes 2 of (be Boma eagilty — white e 3 ; Worms! an fan HD VF ) tbeée Gould have bees’ Bradicaled in a day. by the use of 3 ale ratock Vermifuge.ai \h& cost of4 G) of id fart flow sickening the 1 should be-—and wh for not trying this. ; they k thal even if. ihe this fe hought’ that oan ever Torgi trator, when 4 hec P was not werms, | Tetedy could bot by any possibility ao dan —but always-pood as 4 pargative—tet the dix- ease be what it may Silow importan: then to Ose jt, and "who will dare ‘ake the reSpansib' lity indo withoutit 2 Let®very patent that fs ‘not On in truth and WIT. Ringold bad a child very sick for near two weeks, and attended by a physician, without relief, when Ko! mstnck’s Vermifuge was passed, when the etiild recovered fapidly. A child of a widow womad, liting_ near the Moanbastao Water Works, had dwindled*for a amrnth, (i! near-a skeleton, with great dryness ve mou ’ r A. bo- mane Jady, who called to provide for the family, Which brodght, away great quaptiies of worms than a month. ‘ ; ‘Several children ig a highly respectable fam- fGaniiel exient, ‘this Vermifige, In*some of the ‘best families in the neighbor- hoa of St. John’s-'’ark,it-has been extensively ted a large quanjity of worms, after ull other remedies had failed, which was very extensive. ly known io that partof the city. A family ia New Jersey saved several-children One, a gith of eight years ot y emaeisied before the Vermifuge wasgiven. The pext day ibres latge worms were dislodged, and she left off the Vermifuge, when she became egain>worse, and had resort to the Vermifuge that-finally broagh: away an incrediole quantity of warms, and. the cure was complete, aud she gained her healik rapidly " 3 pete A Physician of stending, had doctored a farni- ly of children some'weeks, withoot being ale to restore bu: one out of the-sevensto-health =H had the liberality te send for Kalmstuck’s Vet- mifogs, and cored the rest Wil it-in Jess Uban a week. . Numerous cases of other complaints were sup posed to exist, and the persons jreated for fever, &e., bot finally a trialof this Vermifige diseoy- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringisy away almost an innnmerable quanti yof worms large and small, and the persons recovered wish great despatch. lTnstonces of this kind might! be ciled to an immense @xfegt, bul it is nSelees, one | trial for 25 cents will show aoy one with aston- | ishment the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Caulion—Never buy this arfie e anless tt have “ Dr Kolmsiock’s Vermifoge” handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile vizeuls—C B Wheeler, Salisbury; 1 & R Sloan Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry DAVIE COUNTY. IN EQUITY—SPRING TERM, 1845. | | Robert Carson, Fxecvtor of John Taylor, Dee'd. vs. William Taylor, Jaines Taylor, Rebecca Tay- lor, Zachariah Gaither and wife Sally, Wilton Gaither, E'ijah Gaither, Noah Gaither. Asbors Gaither, Willie Gaither, Alexander G Gaither, Margaret Gaither aod Casper Kinder, and wife Temperance. , [ appedring to the satisfaction of the Conrt, that Witham. Taylor. Jamas ‘Taglor and Re- becca Taylor, Defendants in this case, are not that publication be made for six wreks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said William Tay lor, James “Taylor and Rebecca Vaylor. io ap- pear at the next-Verm of this Court, to be held ; for the county of Davie, at the Court-Huose in Mocksville, on the d:h monday after the 4th monday in Angust next, and plead, answer on demor to complainants bi!!, or the same will be Witness, L Bingham, Cierk and Master of said Courf, at Office, the 4th mordag after the 4th monday in Febraary, A. D. 1843, and in the 67th vear of Amerie:n Indenendence. I, BINGHAM. cme. 6w45—Printers fee $5 50 CABINET MAKING! HE Sobseriber respecifully rerarns his thanks for past fa vets, and informs bis old friends-and the public that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its various branches, and at the old stand on main street, two doors below J, & W. Marphy’s store and op posite the Watches et ie ig Office, where he may always be found... He keeps corsiantty on hand a variety of well finished work, and at pri ces to suit- the tinies, AJso a supply of ‘ready made Coffins constantly kept en hand to sdit avy measure; and at lower prices thao ever they have been sold for. ; N. B. All kinds of Lomber and Country Pro | duce taken,ip exchange for cork } | | ELLIOPT. April 29, 1843— 140 AS returoed to Salisbury, and 15 E now prepared tb resome the prac: Fiic® of his profession His Office is removed to Mi. Cowan's brick bord- oe eerceem > Tey tim ‘Prom i ; . fa : From ell, where jally dazzle the.@elestia!s by tbe namber and taken pro confesso and heard exparte,as 'oihem | nS . 2, ¢ ae aire ¥ - 5 -& s ait a ae “<< % e ¢ . z . * *.. « — 7 £ Ay woo ereeuon. of this thomas An mad, the. frit gi Of ds “aik's < peed distif ke the dew of hese: — ae | 06 Reber Het 9h | ‘tiga’: ERT Tos | mowed bloga nee poen: ear = STE there «s'e-teep hd onsngh “which ones pow: VOrs Vv ; eA pawork; tnd wll “te Wwabteg® Of We pednge tee. ceo Poontorg: we pobt iat xe Yh irra trig > Com. CA fe cw bo? tear noe eee ant bd ate pe 6 ~ ¥ 1 ASRS TSS” ehese= | Othe works bot-cne'} Fits Far frie oO" OE Ro 8 Bee pomcea) tee fret Bresicent olaihie eh oral “3 ye al 4:2 meg ms] gk wing the® hi i" ~ > ote ° = a 4 Gahe: at-5 rocks who fd Beh here. Bs “MBS WEESTERS ORATION, oapla edu ne; WE afirrwards distingbistie | a Delivered (he 17 tea teat thecelePraitonh © % \Boveret Scot the révototitn + ‘And bid it, poar -: of thécomplet t Bunker Jit =} ywerdend abe, “Wrobghomn= bis wire, , oF @\ 4-4 Medtandl & . » harvests bent er ‘Saugaa 8 ‘ein: . . ee rere bron : Atoute th¥tonetol fen 4 ; 4 ; - Tees, ~ Tb@ brev ze thst corls thPowa tery deeps 1 he Strain. thal oder thy mountains sweeps I3 fresh With trecdom’s brea ih 3 > Shite aqrnalg bras ihe crest and bhaiyo, “PHY ser Gled-bs diner tells the wave ‘Of Biverty“or=Dea ih. Re nemberest thoa {hose ancient sire ‘Who ‘mid the Indiad’s coonril fies mu Fixplored a tiackless clime 2” The pillar oftheir Gad was bright — His clond by day, his fame by night ~ <p -ftnpell’d theirceeuree sublime. _ Remémberest thou the méa tho shed Dheit blood spor thy bosom ‘red «> Whephaacht foes were nigh ? The remnant of that.wasted bund Here,—’midstheir baried comrades stand,— Uh! —bdless them, ere they die. | ‘ All bail, proud colomn! strong’ and fair, Which to exulting throngs dust bear “High record of the past, * And’show them.on thisogiorious morn ‘The spot where Freedom first was born Amid the thunder. blast. Nottike thoee gloomy mounds that rise O'er crouching Rgypt's sultry skies, Not-fretted fanes that brave Old ‘Time,.on Rome's imperial soil, By stern taxation @rong from toil, The tyrant from the slave. z Bat the free gifis of hands unchained. And hearteencrushed, end hemes unstained, ‘Khon throvghhe cloud dost: peer, And warn, like morning's blessed star — The waichfal warrior trom afar, That alt he loves draws near, S:il] onward, o’er.the sea of time Unfold thy chroniele sublime, And teach a race onborn The leseon lagroed on Bonker’s height To trost ip Heaven,—ophold the iight,— And base oppression seorn. Point to the skies, and bid them read * Of patriot faith, the hallowed creed, And goare its ritnal bright, — Andin the path their fathers trod, Those friends of fibet'y and Gad, Pass-to @ reatm of tight. <r wey Presents to the Emperor of China. —The Fiigtish and American Governments seem to be vielog with each other which shall most effeciu magnifigence of theingifis. When we read the aceoint, by the Jast sieamship, of the manv sa nerh things that bad been despaiched by the Brit- \ { \ ) | Wega Soldier @ ittioutfger: a min wit _il reprosch.~ {Loud-applause,. aide Fevolus .. Steet Te: Te take rere hero ‘on thanplattitmy® ekélaimet, ABs ow. we give the. New°Sork Herald’a cheeks pol ible Sooo: hs € ae ‘epott ofa ; { M “Ww = - ° > ow 83, My copiaer. < Pknbw OES OF8 Pabol Mr. Webster's Oration— ‘well, rat ia thes “ettading “We ‘dew, I | “ben fhe chapléin . fijs sea, Mr I enuse many festeto flow, from recofiec- ‘08's advenged lo the front of the plat. | "0Ue OF Dereavemtic mie t50 tgceit tombe supa’ ~ nt Ppt - ~~ . form, ety. ©, : {pressed ; but such “ bonorable®. meatidn - ‘oud. sad he appearance was hailed-by ibe) due tovhen Prsitre ond ‘private | aigtes obit . | multitade ‘longed cheering of she immense | Specially on (ais otesgion, ‘fo ‘thelr zest "eo °F Wee: <The ascene of .singulareuh— | 2d efforts i thesedowplishment of tha” a | solemhity—the y I | who decupied the } atl made Up a | { t respect to the successive presidents, boards ish Ministry tothe Chinese potentate, we began ‘9 feap that competition was out of the guesiion. | Bat our apprehensions on this score have Seen | | happily relieved by the following paragraph from | he New World of Satorday : We onders'and that a small picket addressed | tothe Emperor of China, and bearing the great; Pmider, who bas watched the laying of one seal.of the United Siaies was received on board | sione upon agoiher, from thé foundation to ie Brandywine frigate on the day of her de- | the top. pirture from Norfolk, ed ina beautiful box of insewood, eight inches eqnere, with a glass cover. It is said, by those | 'kely to he the hest informed on the subject, that | feo tans acapy of “Ashasnérus.” The package was enclos | farther progress in the work*were jed fonds for carrying it on, end saw them ‘be witl be qoiceimpossinie for Queen Vietoria 0 find anything within the limits offher domin- ions that can mateh this present from Captais Teler! Wew Financial Schenic.—A eorrespondent in Washington whose ocersional letters. have giv en hints of coming events or biats which seem ed to prevent certain contemplated acis, weiles | ito os as fullows.— Phil U. S Gaz Mr Speocer has a grand scheme of finance ang ciressation on font, to issue ten millions of Treasury notes, al! of $50, a!l redeemable al dil ferent banks in the farge cities, which are (90 be made deposit banks. tled, and it istntended as a movement againg a Unned States Bank by atving a ciretlation tu the country in the form of gheir noes Great importance ts attached to it by the Cabinet es a politiea! move, and i will -prebably be tha no- rrom the Detroit Daily Advertiser. Wuie Canpipate For Presipt xt. — Among the Whigs of Miehigan, so far as we have heard | an expression of sentiment, there ds no conf] | cided in favor of HENRY CLAY, a8 theircen- cidate for Presiden: of tbe United States. And chiee, and cordially cans gwevontte with oor triesds tn doing battle in bis behalfiin the eom- ing coniegt. Whih this avle, feariess, honest ane straight forward champion of Wihog priecintes, come sveces; or defeai. we are willing, nay aox iuns to risk our political furiunes Abolition Impudence —It is steted by the BostOn Atlas that atthe Anu-Siavery Society Convention, bolden at tbe ‘Taberna- cle. it ws voted to appoint a coMmitleeto wait on President Tyler, during bis visu to sigoed by thé mem to be delivered'to (be President on the same oceasign, > _ o- New mode of advertising far awife.—Anold trait, 98 taken by the above. Apply witha.” = Ans: “tog, 2d door. April og% 1843—1140 tongue. = | cleasor which to b-ild a great politica) machine © ' embracieg diseonnts and exchanges, Ke. f chorea, all are anited, warm, steadfastiand de | althengh we have ont yet placed his name at the | head of onr columns, most einphatieally ishe our | Bostvun,and request him to emancipate his | smong the living ; but a tong hife, now drae- slaves ; and the Committee was also fur-. ing towards its close—elw~ys clarveterized ther instructed to prépare an address to be by ects of public munifieence snd pubiic bers ‘of (he Convention | spirit formiog 8 character now become his- bachelor ia Danbuee, Engiand, keeps his por- | o | : 1 Dag aerrotype, in his win- | ly projectors of this str clure, none ymore trlesign, orynat otject, for vs seatiment, for dow, and has appeaded to it the follyw ing po- | zealous, none more vn ont ice: “ Wanled,a female companioa tor the py perkins, —t his ever hospitable roof thet those | have OWhe 18 a jew-shdrp Ike a woman ”’ | mentioned as among the dead, aod those Because 1 ts noting without (he Poow living, havo been ealled together for The plan ja fixed and cet /Sothat the mathers ond daughters of the’ ve plan js fixed and cet: |} i ‘structure itself, or of utility or of public grat- | | PUTpoee-whrelr beg Op: reached ats -Wifil- .. oiler in all iis imptessive | : | ment Time- endy nature ‘have -bhad their ~ ests y . * rene sky—ihe majestic hee eer | course’ in Winminiching the*number_of these ae.he stood ‘silently. pacha teor tors | whio were here at the celebration af thé eye? ' ¥--FegEINg the cdlossal ing the corner stoue of “the m&homént “18 — loma— m colomn—ihe hoary-headed band « Pathots | VEATs Bgos oiostobabe revolutionary char- front séate of the plaie, Bcters have j oe Pe eof the ar 8 havo joined the tongtega - | scene'never fo be forgotten, || leed. Late veito sleeps in: tye “naivy fe a tien, _ ree | yet the oe me and rs harre ; After the demonstration of the feelings of Whore nine kiodved at eatin, Digerne, 6 vast assemblage had~ been givea, thé |! Xnowlion, of M-TAyne are here. . Aad most unbroken silence followed, and ther ur most bere,*oo, heaved sad respected, ev untver- e- great Fepreseatative of the nation thus | ane Fr ea ner 8nd ptm vengrahis commenced his in sell FOr buy yeags, 1° the'€ vo of the gn’ lsat, dating, W8omitabie P ORATION. rand enthosiaatieceheanng eae a A duty hae been “performed —a work of | aed sereno0, aa palriotism and of gtainude is accomplished. | of those who performed: That stfociore, b : aving 11s broad fauedations ina soil which drank deeply of catiy sevo- lutionary blood, hag ai feagth reached its destined height, and bow 4s its summil to the clouds. We are assemb/éd-to celebrate the accomplishment of this undertaking. and to indulge afresh in the gratifying reeollee- tions ef the events which it is designed to commemorale. Eighteen years ago—more than’ balf the Ordinery duration of a gener— ation of mankind—the cornerstone of thie monument was.taid.— The hope of those «bo coficeived the design of raising here a strociure worthy of the events it was inten- ded to Commemoraie, were founded in yol-" untery, contributions, private munificence, and general pablic faver. "Those hopes4 have not been disappointed. Individual doe nations bave been arsde, in some cases, of large amount—emall contributtofs by thou: vande; and ail those who eoteftain an opin: ion of thé value of the object itself, and the good attained by its successful accomplish- ment, will cheerfully pay their homage of * Sab 2<—<eemal! bend — Mtl tary service the field on the 17th of dave? 15 tates applaogr}—ell of (hem gow fir adornced if age, who parieok in the dangers sn! fy of thst memorable conflict. (Chovrs,] They bave outlived. all the | orms. of the Revolution; they have outiieed the evils reeulung. fromsbe want of » good and- ef- ficrent Government. in this conntrr ; they have. Opilived {he ‘pendency of din, ers threatening the public liberty; they fave eM the most of their contempore?ics ‘They have oot outhwed—they vaenot oot- live. —the ever-abiding gratitude of their country. [Loud and eothusisstic-cheering.] Heaven has not sHoited to oukgeneration an Opportupiy of rendering service hke therre: but tt may Well become bs 10 praise actiqns that we cannot equal—to commemorate what we were not bora to perform, JA b- arversal burst of applause.) ‘Pulchtuin est bene facere, bene dicere, haug absurdum est.” Yes, Bunker Hitt Moncment is completed. Here it stands. Fortonete in the natoral eminence on which if 19 placed, higher, infinitely io ts object_sad parpose behold it rise over the fund and over sho see, and visible this moment to 800,000 of the ciuzens of Masachusetts. There it stends —a memorial of the pest—s monitor-to ihe present, and to ell sucereding generations of men. | have spoken of its purpose, If. it-bad been without any other purpose than the ereatien of a work of art, the granite of which it is composed would have continued to sleep onits native bed. But it bas. pur- pose, and thet parpose gives it dignity, and cadses 0s to look upon it with awe. ‘Mbat purpose it if-Which enrobes it with a moral grandeur, thst porpnse it 1g which seems to invest it with the at:ribuies of an august, intellectual personage. It is itself the great can Orator of this oecssion. [Great eteering. applied with fidelity and skill, [is a grates ft ys not from my lips, nor could it be from fo} duty,to acknewledge on this occasion any human lips, that that strsio of eloquence the worth and effierest effort of that assocta- | is to flow, Most competent to utter the emo- tion. The remaining .effsr(s to complete | tons of this multiude. The potent speak. the construction oftbis edifice bad another | er stands @otionless before yoo.[ Here source. Gatlands cf grace ant elegance | ihe speaker pscased, and with ootstretched were destined to crown a work which Sad | arms, looked upward do the summit of (he iis origin in manly patriotism. The win-'| eo'emn pile. end the vast assemblage joined ning pow r of “the eex ” addressed siseli lin one fond and long shout of enthosisetic to the’ public, and all that was needed to Leppiause | Ii 19 a plein shaft, st bears no carry this edifice to its proposed height, and y tol ' inscription, fronting the tisieg sea, from io give it its finish, was promptly suppliod | which the forare enuquarian shall he em-— ploved to wipe away the dusi; nor does land have cootributed largely to whatever. the riging sun aweken strains of mas. op there may be of elegance and beauty in the | its summit; bul there it stands, end et the rising of the san, end af-the aun, and amid ifeation in ws accomplishment Of those! (he tisze of noonday end in the milcer ef - with whom the pian ol erecting this monu-, ful-enee of luasr light, there v stacds = Jt ment originaied, many sre living and are looks—it speake—st acte, to ihe Tyil com- ‘aow present ; but alae! there are others pretension of every American mad, to the | who have themselves become snbjects of awakeniog of the highest enthusiasm in eg- | ronumental inscription, William Tudor, ! ery true American heart. (Grest applavae,) ‘a distinguisbed scholar, an able oriter,@| [is silent but swiul uttersnce—ihe deer, mest emrable man —ollied by birth and sen- | paths with which, 29 we look upon sf, a timenttc the patriots of the revolution, died | britige before ve the 17:6 of Jone, 1775, 00d inepublic service alwoad and now hesburied ‘the consequences.resvliing from the events in so foreign Jend. Walham Suilivan, 9 of that dav to ne, ty our eounirg, and to the name fragrent with revo utionary serwice | wor'd —eones quences which mist - oye he endspub'ic merit—a man who concentrate d 4415 gain inflnence’ on the dest nies of .in himself, to a greut degree, the confidence | kind to the end of time —surpesses a) i iiat of thie whele community —one wis was a!-! the study of the eloset, or even the menira- wave most loved where best Krown—he (pon of genus. cou'd produce. too nas been aathered to bis fathers, And (¢- dag it aneske to re, fast. George Blake, a lawver of fecrning' sad eloquence—2 man of wit and ta'ent— of soca, quatties the Most agreeshie and [s. c1aabing—ol gifts whieh enabled him to ex- eréige large Sway over poblre bodies— ina- closed his hag@an eareer. | have, thus fir, -gpoken on!y of those -who have ceased to + of directors, and commitiees of the corpora. tion whieh have bed the geacral manage. ment of the work. The architect, equally eplitled (o our thanks apd consideration will fiad other rewerds inthe beauty of thé obe- lisk itself, and in the distinction: which it confers on him" ssa. work of art. Nor on ibis occasion should the omission be made to mention the praiseworthy sersices of the At @ time when. the prospects of gloomy afid discouraging. the Mechanics’. Assoria- tion, by a patrintfc and vigerous effort, rais- mine To day— The f:ture paditors lve the suecessive grnerations off men. \sahoe sh inive np Sefore us, and gather round ifs base. 1+ zpeech wil! be of carnage icatectism—of religion and liherty—of 4 coverpment—of the renown of those acriuiced themselves to the good oftheir country In the older world, ma- ny fabrics are eti} in existence, reared by | human haod, who-e object and bistory are ‘Yost ia the darkness of ages ‘They are now i Monuments of nothing bat the power and ;ekill which constructedthem. The mighty pyramid rise/f, half boried in the sands of Africa. has nothingto bring duwn and re- port tous bgt the power of kings an¢ tho gervitade of the people. If asked for is ¥ VY tericai—sancifed by public regerd and pri- | vere affection—mwey confer, éven on the | living, the proper tmmuniy ofthe dead, and | be the just subject of honorable medita ion nd. warm commendati n.— Among the Lar- i ) zou d, end of ite heing, tis sis mittione of human beings 4 ‘pt its hasis on the cat3acom's it. faving thus no jast object now known to mankind, thovgn tt be raised agaist the ent than Thomas west It Sete eg@ractinn ! ’ ’ y ar was benesth 9 hie (Ch _ at ‘tein the d toatl surroond ! the purpose ; took the first step (owerds the sy . OT ee ae — . 2 time, I wit) look ot is ii cekeues a var lhypalies oa of power, miagled w 2° Bova the ‘pregedt eivih- ful, fobaded, af ft is, oo the hee, oT gt smsiowent # ty on dinery know nature, . <) epewed and punfied & 31 9 by. mor- ' me 10-0 a pore yi sentiment and thetruths of the Christies jar dretinction. twas apeo this _ relipan—ifghis civiliz-tion be destined to | inenee; in the nvighborhood of yonder rite, , = olan # terahnstion of hd: | jn the presence of. more spectators thea there Soeoodes on the estttithed the purpose |qvere combstents in the fight—moen, sad of his oatipent will coptinre jo be koOwn| women, and -children, “aint thew “{dbahiet hide, cétnes, Aad if, in ¢ d90er—| homes, filling the phil,” eburebes, 4 satisin“of Providence, the “civilization of the | covering the roofs of public dwellings, aad th whole, eer tes BE "7 warld is to be cavértbrown, sod the ft aU their residences, lookingson for the regult = : ah igpatoint ; of Christiapity obecored by snother ‘obe contest of the consequences of which ‘ j ol the ; me : of barberiea’ stl the memory of B R y bed the deeyest conviction. poy ke M ramen Fisux ead the grest events with ebieh it 194 a bright sen, converted, will be parts end elements-of jhe nothing bot verdare “knowledge of the fast man to whom the | ang coliace ; ( was indeed 2 pote of aw- hight of civitigetion’«nd ebtisusnity shall be | Fy} preparstion? ia Boston, —but here, ol! extended. (Loud cheers.) ~ ‘This catebra- | was peace”; ond the fimids then rich with tron io "howored by Ahe presence of the | the promise of the easly harvest, told af-ne- Chief Magistrete ofthe. Nation, surrounded} thing bat treoqusli The ‘moromg of by the wetiogoshéd indisidoa's who ere} 174 he sae ® thing ehonged. = © ‘in England, end some p bis consitortot g “Gd¥iserss.-(cheerm) Av! ing night. rednodts hed been throwltl of! of Rerabe, whieh ; cerasion 89 nstionel—so igummely connsc-| stew hardy mem under the adiveg”” wait ab Paaiaty teg with that revoletion, ot of whieh the | Prescos, At the dawn of the mor”®> age | thet, cond coaik ak saan te “government Mgre #, is, sorgly. worthy of this ing perceived by the enemy, 8 pa wer Heney Vil. 1 pleat mens A ‘wark of respect and¥ admiration from him, | was Opened upon them from “"? 4 on a effective effort ees meade for that pa whe oe tp renee il fellgw entizens end | patteries on the water, aod “° gona naa it | either by the crowa, or the ‘gubjects the laws of-she copmiry, ve ‘placed os. ihe orngr vide of Chotleas ney deen. its protection, for al@jost a coatesy. . ati 4 <p ae o:ated fi Viviog, here may ‘be ¢ zealous tot oe ted ae fiead-of? that goverdiment. Femiliarly ac- would bo dificult p~Mlitery pola f W ithdct inquiring mto the cease.of -this 1 Sengeenia Hs ‘eidlote of ont ae larvae pride’|,. 40 vndivided inser § Teta, “qrawited a be Te with Yoretown, where | io ascribe any jr«snotive to either party for ; facies. adhbes ie pelbciel- wted 0 Senth cham ind. a Se be borome of aif" Ihees. wha shall % 6 wiles from Charlote, co thing thetest gree mifitery«flort of the Revolu- thar carfliee ¢ ft probably was not | oo ae Ragined, in. tis tegue| sdepandl nee — wade” eb pe ss ee D rf set 30 a dat Siri vw the Hon was performed, h= bas now had. on op-| igsortantsor the proviecisl-ermy to bem in ive ; prs iatail ava tenes Pandy » aay peered pack on honored sp es Gr i iow’ J. Alexian Pica Brea eae tne fx tre of the Brot of | y3@ Besish 19 Boston. yo ieee Mve: been | comiog fi tnd competent to colonize Noth | men, ot kemmenreome Tnk f tele ome ee | lean span. a tasn lh ALB ese. peat etruggtes. He hae seen where’ er, then thet could bebly heve been og = op bre sities iter tod pencn ' , will to em 1, but Americs, end men were traimoag for that Ss . Warren fel ; where. Starke, Knowyrony by 8 force a littie fuer in the rear. | » - ae dy 10 awe the s PUrnam.and MrLanize anit ther aseocistes, purpose, competent (o introduc Eng- | “? : YOn the other hand it is quite evideot that if | le Bemae reve ite are fowpit, He hes seen the field on which? Ton a in ot itiewenne the Brithish bad nothing else in view bul to | oe tions for the meanest ; hensand chosen regniar iroops of Eapend, @ great portion of this western wor hierarehy, oot vse distodve the occupants of Bunker Hill, the a were smitten Baws im the first groas cont: St |-Britieh eomamanded the waters, the M.stic | commercial spirit was encour . for Liberts, By the arm ofthe yeomanry of one the. coup side, and the Charles river on New England and, @ith o béart fyll of A-"| she -orher ; and a8 those two rivers approech- | Geric n feeling, He coms bere to-dey, |) ef each he verte, the eciSum nol en ertra- | ey do aot bela yn at ae | rthori a ee ie eo - . ao dna e “oe, - Sos with thirtéen and-2 belt line town. 0 aie ; the set n | M-esechuretts— eve ally | rs GOLD MIN; WOWN TO RE fe Uy, mat t- tee 8 oe ae jn > PGB Meres of “Weerae im the:waters of half Mile Branch Lmining tract, tai te < wioleg OY the prope TERNS. —A credit of one, tw, 185 he-parchaser giving bond & ty payable at the Agency eh e* we OR” aed ~ ot. ottdne. 7 petra other, it wee perfectly competent ! am euse, (0 pameipet gn as feehng © de- | iy egt off all comatunicatiip end reduce Engiand / nnd nome a2 mares eee gue 08 eng individual present) in all ie en- | Preseots to fomine ia eight and fortv hours. | eetions of the the ke ys joo consonant thusissm—an'eib the gtalefu! recolfections— | Bat thet was not the dey forsuch a sort of by the power o aa toe aun en thant whieh this dav and occasiqy are eatculvied | caleylation on either side The truth is estetes. These, and other a pa f 1a create (Cheering.) His’ Excetlency | oth perties were ready, ead enxious, and | period, and other ae -~ a Mea wos dias? the Gove rnor Of thé Cammonwealth 19 a!80 | determined to try the strengib of their arms. sag, of sorleh 7s frst rey ee - i tose pe acing present; nor ie i t6 be Powbied that hé too} The pride of the British would not-eabmit | f “it the baspm of the Fead: a = er watchful ; pionnt eet enters with-e glow of efittysiastic feeling | that redoubtof the rebels, as they were | this rself, on the naar pig - ope. oer (Eotbasiastic ‘Tapee.) 1 pide of intd an oecdeion jotended to celebraje 90 | egiied, should be here, and stsnd in their | Thus was a commercial or m 7 asa— Sercrapes event so inghly bonordble to the people of very face and defy them to their teeth.— | @ eless neiwhes barons nor = and owners os thet Commonwealih .over whicty it is bis Without calculeung the cost, or cariny for | oo the one side, ner on the _ er meer “a gedd fortune fo. be calléd “to preside | 4, thes object wasrto destroy the regoubt | eipers of the great baroas or t ages (Cheers ) Banners and flegs, processions | at once, and creete awe by the power of the | sqcléés of industry, of commerce, h ues - aad batiges, ennovore to us thal “with this Royal Army, and take revenge, as well as | (ion, thus produced—a change on the maltitude have come up thoosands of the | suain secority. On the other side, Pres- | of Europe. niives of Néw England resident in other | con aod bis gaiien: followers being folly Operative causes were srising and our States. Welrothe, weleumie, pe of kindred persgeded that ihe time wes near when the | land pradaced an eff-rt, which, from the ac- name aod Kindsed blood! (Great chéer-: Px.eting controversy must break oul imto o- | cession of Heary Vil, 10 the brevking out “America bas.not feiled to make _re- ing.) Fron the broad savaiinag of the! nen hostilnies, th6y thirsted for the contest. | of the, civil wass, enabled them to enjoy/tarns if she has not cancelled tbe obligation, South—from the foir regione of the West,| Phoey wished to try it, and lo try 11 Now, | much more of peace then. dunhg the contro | she has ai leat made. tes; advances to from the thoussnds-of Esssetn origin Whe | ond that ig the secret which pleeed Prescot! | versy of the Houses of York and Lancaster. oa Aad she oe as a nation, sbe coltrvate the tieh and feftile valley of the therewith bis troops. [Cheers. } 1 wil } Ceuses of another description isp come in- | 988 2 part to act e advance- Gemessee aod live slopg the margin of our got aiteaipt to describe what’ hes been so of- | to play— the reformstion of Luther broke none Se ptetes a aT Reps with pre }out, kindling up the minds of meu afresh vlogs enstliies: at . 3 aod the markets of the old world leading to new babits of though and dissén- ivéd the ‘tichest products of ber eli- tion, and the waking energies of individoasts | mate irde-and animals of: beauty and value}. fancy that before were wholly unkaown even to! have been added to Ey collections; trans- themselves, The religious controversies of | plants a the ee re egg that period changed the siete as well ss re- | ‘reasures of our forests have mingled sheir ligion, and indeed it were easy to prove, if | Ties with the — and-ashes, aod classic oaks this were the proper occasion, thut they of England ut who can estimate the amount | Great Bargaiy AT THE Jeage also with filial reg cu tare of each men as Hampden and ‘aad | other. friends,the seed of hberty fitst | grinned, wich now overshedows the whole : os, Among which, are the followine 642 ps. Georgia keens' 478 do brown sia Metal domestic, 540 do calicoes, assorted, i | 99. do printed muslin“ind lawie, 89 do brawn drills, ‘Swies m ocean tehes—from the modniains of Pénn - “ aad I rylvatie—ftom the thronged ond crowded cities of the cosst—weleome—welcome ! Wherever else you may be strangérs, you: sre all at home here. (Most enthusias cheers, the ladies on the glecis waved their hantWerchiefs.) You beve @ glorious at.- cestre of liberty. you bring with pour nemes ten described better than | can doji. ‘I'he eannoneding from the water—ihe sssaolts from the land —the coolness with which the prowneis! armyyaf it might be so called, met.the charge of the enemy, the valor with whieh they repvised 11, the second attack, the second repuise, the buraing of Charies- town,.and finally the closing scene of the 5.10.9, (watrented get irimmiags, Ingrane ea or value of the sagmeniation of the commerce of sich as ate found on the rolls of Lexington, and Coseord, ord Bunker Hill, You come here to this shrune of hbervy peer the family { alters where your lips. were first taught to hep. the, name.of God, near the temples of public worship where you recewed the first | lessons of devotvun, the botis-end colleges where soil reeewwed your education. You come bere, same of yon, to-be embraced once more by a Revolution»ry father, to receive, perhops, another and a last blessing. bestowed 1a love and teers, of an aged moth- er who has survived thes lorg to bebuld and enjoy your prosperity and happiness, JE those fanily recollections, if thos. tender associations of early life have brought you bere with something of extraordimeary elec- rity, aod gtveo from you to us end from as fo you, something of a peceliat end hearty ateeting, 1 has extended to every American slew retreat‘of the Milins of New Engiend over the Nock, I shall not attemp: to de- seribe ; bot in ita conseq ippces the beitle of Bunker iil! stands amongst the most iw- portant thet ever took plece between rival States, Ji was the first great contest in the Revolutionary, War, and in my jedgmeni, it was nol only the first blow struck in the wer, hal it was *the blow that determined the issue of thatcontest. { Cheers. | I: certarnly did not put_an end to the war, hut it pot the country in a state of open hos- lity ; it pot the euntroversy between them to the atbitratian of the sword, and made Fone thing certain; that, sfier Warren fell ; efter the. woops of the Néw Engtand Stases had Ween eble to aveet and repulse tie at- tack of the: British regulars, it wes certain that peace woold never be established be- from every and any spot, who hes come up here (his day to treed thie sacred soi! with | Ainerican feelings, and who respires with ylessure and atmosphere redolent of the’ se: ments of 1775, (cheers.) In the sev- emeen milons of beppy peopie who com- pose cur AmetieaD communily, there is nct ere man who has pot en interest in that Structure, just as there is pot one who has nota deep and abidiag interest io the events | which it was designed to commemorate. The interest, T may say the sublimity of ibe occasion, depends eotitely on its nation- | ality. |: is all, ef! Amenesn. Its senti- meni is comprehensive enough to embrace the whole American family, from North to Santh; trom Evsi to West; endit ell stand, 1 ope, for ever. emblematic of that Umon wich coppects netogether, Aad woe be- ude tne man who comes up bere to-day wht sentiments any tess than wholly Amer acan. — (Cheers.) Woe betide the mand who shail venture to staad here with the sirife of loeal jealousies, fees! feelings, or Joes! enimities burning ip bis bosom — Ail our happiness and all eve glory depeod on eurwgion. (Cheers } That monument it- relt, to al! that is commendable in its senti- ment and character, depends opoa union. | (Cheers.) Ido not know that it would fe!) if the States were rent ssonder by faction of vio- }roce. 1 do potknow that the heevieg earth would mo.e it ‘rom its base, and that it wonld artnally totter to its fall, if dismem- herent shonld be the sffl:etion of oar land, } ane Teosnnot say that it won'd mingte its tweed the (wo counisres, except 00. the ba- sis of en acknowledgment of Aqmericen ia. dependence, When that suo went down, the indepen- dence of these States was certain ‘Cheers.) | No event of great military magnitude took place between Jure '75 and °76, whea in- dependence was former's declered It rests, 1 know, oo the mes! ijndubitadte authonty, that, when General Washingicn, heaving just then reeetved his appointment ag Com- mender in-Chief of the American srmy, heard of the beule of Boaker .Hill, and wos told, that for wentof emmuntion and other causes, the drhwa yielded the ground to the English troops, he ssked if the mihtia of New England stéod the fire of. Engliel re- guler troaps,—ene being told that they did, | and reserved their own till the enemy. were witbia eight rods, and then disebarged it with fearful effect, he then exciaimed— * Phe liberties of the coudtry are safe !”’ (Gras ebeeriig. ) The consequences, then, of the battle of | Bunker Hill ere just of the same import- sace as the revolution itself, If ibere is | no‘bing of valve —ifthere is anthing worthy | the regard of mank:od in the revolution yi- | self—then there ts nothing worthy of regard m the battle of Bunker Ell, and thie nse- | quences flowing from it. Bat if the te | can revolution be ea era in the history of | man favorable to bumen happiness—if it be on eveot whieh has masked the progresr-ol the heman race fram despotism to liberty — if it be an event which has shed @ vest jn- A.ueoce on not only this eontinent but the world—then thet monument is not reised | rn fragments with those of e broken Con- atitulon Butin the happening of seach e- | sents, who ts there that could derejo look Who is there that Tram heoeath | reel on overwhelmicg fosd of moruhestion telame econ'd aporoach to bebold nt? 'S tnere that woold not expect his eye | halls ts be seared by the intensity of us vi- | bem negra] « : For my | part) | sae that if it be a arfortune, design. | ede Pourutence for me to live to eee such yptoawts { Mona ¢ " ', \ ticeat apotsnse.} ( without exesé—then i¢ Banker Hil! not un- | worthy of perpetual memorial. What theo is the principle of the Ameri- | can revolution, and of this syetem of poltti- cal government, pT it bes establish ed and contirmed? Now the trath is Mh the American Rev- elation wes mot ecaused by eny instenteneovs adoption of a theory of gaveroment which had ever before entered anto the minds of men. nor the embracing ‘the ideas and sen- changed the state in instanees in which they did not change the religion of the state.— The sptrit of foreign commercial eftterprice and edventure followed the revival of com- merce, Sir Walter Raleigh snd his Assomates in the settlement of Virginie, may be regerded as the first of these causes. setiling the colony, by makiag eroizes upon the ocean for the purpose of fighting with the Spaniards, and so frequently did ther cross the ocean, that the trme and the diffi- culties end dangers of navigation being con sidered, they were calculated to exctte the deepest surprize at their dating mntrepidi'y. It wae other canses which moved the set- tement of New England. When the May- flower touched ou shores she came with no higher bope thah for 8 place of refuge, vo love for gold—ihe prayer which had been uttered on the Sea Coast of Holland, bed invoked a blessing upan ber ike the dove to seek a resting place for the sole of her weary foot. The tar that gurded her was pure relig- iono—on her deck was erected the altar of the Irving God, end prayer on the ocean mingled with the sighing winds. If prosper- ous,winds fill: d their sails and carried them on from their own land—if : the elements were wrooght with tury, or if the tempest should threaten to rend their fragile bark, land—living or dy ing—theatm of God was with them, Engtand bot thev afford ouly a pleasing variety inthe great family They early felt the neces sity of furming a anion of some kind. The Revolotion formed.aew links, and fioally the pre sent form of Government, which sees them with only one country, one constitution, and one des- upy. Vhe colonization of the tropical Colonies af- forded an ample subject for meditation. Asear ly @s the year 1652—jost about the period of settling Massachusei's —Spain bad formally ta- ken possession of every foot of groandsfrom Geor gia torCape Horn. The obdject of ber setiers | was gold and they searched fur 4 with a sordid haste (ovehed with maliguast cruaity. Spain did got acoffer sovereignty to her eole- nies bat maintained it there was nu liberty ra mit ao liberty to Ameriéa. Oa the othes band the Colonists were pursn- ing their course of liberty fn vain descended apoe them the i | yield, and Kagided on prulferiag protection erty Pee wnat —Spaia we power .— The ists were makiog ta power by means of cheissisnity and BoB ried oo =her domin fre and Sword The.difference reseliing is that here, oo this. day, at the foot of Buaker H:!!, we are assem- | bled to celebraie the compltelion of 9 monnment She came; There sre some differences of opinion in New| ! the world that. hes sesulied from America P— Who could imagine the shock to the Eastern Con:inegs if the Atlsmiic were no fonger traver- saule, or there were no longer. American pro- ductions or Ametican matkeig? America exer cises an influence, and helds ont an of aljag—on the prin- halts capable of {ul- the purposes of goverament—ihai it 1s practicable. to elevate the masses of mankind— to raise them to self-respect—to make them competent to act in the great daty of self gov- ernment. Thiaehe bas shown can be done by wwiedge and cd Bui Evrope and the world ehsracter of W } (Great cheering And if mn laameber Ey not Le that woold mankind. —Washingion—(ibtee long cheere)— Washingion—fist ip. war, “Ta. peace, anc first io the hearts of his conatrym a Pa 4 i ioe as the earth on which | personal motives as pare a8 the serene Heavens ic which its so.nmit. islost. (Great applause.) But indeed it is not a0 adequaic emsiem. ‘I’ far above this colame that oar bands heve bu:!t, bebeld oot by the citizens of a single Siate. bat by all the fem- ilies of man, aseeods the colossal grandeur of re character and - of Washingtoo. (En- thasiastic spplawse } In all its ent paris = ‘il it@ acis—io “me ‘its vines wantoatigtane admiration, it is an American prodection, | (Deafening spplaces!) Bors Gpoe oar soil ; of F parents born spon our sail; Lever having for 2 single day bad 2 sight of she old world ; réared amid our gigantic » 5 instructed according beve entitled them to the fe set of. sely Ww Cc d walk , 4 doz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia. made c+ Enon, Bond an ieee te “price shoes sade 4 Dw 9 Grockery, Hardware, Saddlery and Sadiers t:im mings, Carriage trimmings of every description, Smith and Carpenters tools, a large quantiiy of Sole atid Upper. leather, (very cheap.) Window glass, Potty, Nails, White lead Now; 2; ah pure, (warranted good,) Castor Oil, Salts; nine, and Rowgn's ‘Tonic, 1 Boaf, ang Lemp sugar, 20 Hdds. Brown do, 25 Hodde Molasses, $11 bags Rio 3, 8 tons English Tire, Spring Biister and ™ Steel, a large assoriment of fron and Castings. 3 The above Goods was selected withgr and will be sold fo; Cash, wholessioan T tloring Establishment ! ALSOBROOK @ MIL TAILORS, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) Citizen 5 (great wholly for Sqeriea - > md darkened toare the night; im 1h and | i aay thagal which far serpasses ail pair 446° ladies bonnete ~ 22 duz 103° doz m ahd and for assorted 288 doz combs assorted 425 gross buttons asgopted 45 saddles assorted. | - grass and grain soythes pocket knives ~ jog 281 doz knives and forks , 4 doz cutting knives hoes we ask is a call, if yoo please. Most respectfolly you's, Salisbury, April 29, & W. MURPE! 184$—1f40 J SPRIVG a jost received tofere published. in all ite bratehes, ott ever ready te meel new agr will show. Ralhshury. Dee 104 d ob Printing t S. Reference he deems pu experience and work for 'he April 15, 1 na sumus ‘HORACE A. BEARD yess. piss. ON. PARIS & PHILADE of Mr. F. is ai aecommd reat] y done 7 fc ihe Convention, sign se jem them: the bell wae | he} be delivered 8 most cheering end patriotic. 2 giving bis bearty aequiesence 10° be nomnation of Col, Barningers aod} | ining bis most cordial sid on flinch.) Capt, bis election, His speech was and was received sha ae snd seed . ing support to aent, gies —at its conclasion, 2. sepped forward on the platform ihe following resolafion whieh was: at mously carried ages ( tae cane bale Manet party ieee gS | for ihe patriotie end magnapimove ‘course by him in relation tothe. ion of the Whig Cony ied for abe eloquent-sad ¢ delivered 08 the, ocession. We leara that the, Whnge weot home in. ihe very best spirit and fully confident of neces. From what we know ftom other vere ond Sues leet gees ean, puber through the von, who Senden tar point is the Distriet, nothing but the most pro-}. jcond and criminel spathy can. prevent Col. | buringer from being elected by 8 ai and a. as thie place, sentiments icPSpeaking of President Tyre | teat” and bis reception by the several cities aod towns inoogh which he-passed, the .N. York Exxprese | wye that “* out one vf the numerous vhich have been addressed to him from the time. be set oat from Washiegtoa antil:be left New Tuk made the most distant allusion to his re- decina ; pot a shout. from the member of any curd, aot a banner Gor insctiption of ‘any-kind from any quarter hae been, heard of, ‘which ted a eadeney to convey the slightest it be President that there was @ voter who jatend- | od \o support him at the;next contest” This is}. eraioly a remarkable’ fact, sad the Express Capt. apierepeey aye that it hae reason to ion from @ variety of | sources, ot \ewaped the notica.of hisAccidency, “The vie oyedt,” says the Express, ‘‘of mage! ‘.uary attentions of our City ralers wae to possession of tbe few remaining offices now ia be hands of thé Whigs ; bat: they.did not dare vid 80 high as to offer him their support.” that the fact has The Right Spirit.—The following letter from (be Hoa. John M. Clayton, o firms the impression generally lohty and disinterested patriotigm. There is no colting and shuffling for ‘ Namber One ”—n0 waking “ where am I to go ?%—bat a spirit of (rue and honest devotion to his country’s welfare, regardless of what may seem to be bis personal inierest, breathes ia every line of the letter : New Castle, Debpions 17th 1848, Gruttemen —Undersian vention of the Whigs of Detail “alled together for the purpe jelegates to attend the Whig Natiogs ion, whieh will aes in Balti pri ext, to nominate eandidates'for President and Vide President | Hee states ; epee hat elogates would be selected from thie’ Stale fa. rorable to my nomination _ Vive Pi vecomes MY duty to ni 0 ri — to my eitiea friends, o them, as | now wish oe: oy prs not, desinves. a rey Tees = sod tha’ I shall not be a eatid at the a ntantial election. fede Dot without 2 doe td to yreat and patriotic sin to pe ws im devotediy-attached, and dpon ° ‘ne futare destinies of our Oar t piospeets, a8 a » instead of diss pari. pees of candidates fur an wabraken front for the second at- —88 We nagnes - the persea vl Hen. ancl, ye is sach Aomination, Sate that wee daily ; and now be Coavention ans malt ‘oe fee io * a> Ye ia l ~Age “ : i doe ¢ Wilkinson's do : “ Ballad’s. 98, Moore : Setzer’s— b Rott Perkias ° 06 Wonk o “do capt. clement’s co. “W. P. Kelly “ Riche’s do J. “ Farchese’s do t “ss pet do W. “ Wyas = do “A. | die Betaanis dg Het : a J. kM dé £. 0 de M, Guaptel i%)] tee do oa. ite do Wa! feon do A. MoNeety « M. i do Wa. King. LINCOLN COUNTY. C. Leonard ne i's ae . M. Shipp « “Nixon's do R “bernathy ‘* Jarret’s do ~Bee Moore * Beattie's do ‘Wy MelLean « McAlister’s do. Eti Hope “« Lowe's do no delegate “ . wendenbal!’s do no delegate MECKLENBURG & UNION COUNTIES Charlotte company, James H. Ore. Capt. Brown's do Robt J, McD.well, “ Davis’ do Juha Blaek, “ Aall’s co no delegate, “ Dennis’ do S. M Wilson, “« Young’s do F. Stafford, “* ‘Alexander's .do, D M. Lee, © Ferris’ do ‘Thomas I. Greer, “« Neal's do no delegate, «« ~ Kerr's do James M. Kerr, ™ a do W.W. Walkup, 04 mn’s . fio no delegate, “. “Winohester's ‘do J. D. Smith, bie Sedrest’s do nodelegate. j * -prartin’s do James Hoaston, 100 . @o Richard King, do J. J, Torrence v's «= do D. L. Torreace a Pex. .¢o RP. Hunter $2. rx well , = ‘y Riche’s do no detegaté ROWAN COUNTY. eee ie ae do” no Fhe da ee A La do po delegate, * ad H.C. Jones. Shinn’s do } Eddtemao, « Millgrs do. Barr Kaw, : a Sloop’s do * aN och, “ “nae do “Satiws! , Sd ilespie’s do ‘ 1 on, “ MéNeeley’s do E. D. Aosin, “ MeCorkle’s do F. McUalloch. On motion, it was unanimously, Resolved, That when this Convention deter- mines who shall be the candidate of the Party in this Congressiona] District, woh solemniy agree to abide by sech d ® On motion, » Convention then proceeded to vote viva ¥ Paplia for a eaitable person to _| ran ae the date'jo this Congression al District, whee com parigun - | lege, for theif’ Réoess eid politeness in allowing tbe een the con- rentton. ,9 P.M $0ih, 1848. | E D Austin, Esg mrs Nancy Lyrely | Joho A Patterson Sam! Leslie ‘J L, Beard Rober: W Losenba : Col J M Brown ‘Joho Black welder Jaco Lingle Mre Ano Bird Piz > meNeely Sarah = Brown ati ie Joha Bonner I gabet Lmartio 3 Jane Browo ni. Andres mewery Sam! P Carson George H Peler Richard Diamuke Franklin Pinkston Henry. D Denison James Renshaw Mooroe Fesperman Wm Row zee 2 Ase Fite Joho Rice Ferrand Col David Reynolds bagie Frank Daniel Sw | eae oa will cordiatiy anite in supporting the sominedbe | pe >| he whem he e Voles, Daniel M. Barridger, of Cabarrus, was deciar- ed to have beed pated as such person. » | Nancy Wa H Kiscaid On motion, } ~ Resolved, thanks of this con- os Sos are MOUSE seepeciiully tendered io e Faeulty of Devidson Col- at prayer by an address aften; Te pe ic dignets ‘wer bad Jo the day. doe db “Hendler gn’s gro ei fF pd mabay’s "Pood, i [ regard the enemies Didesivé to have no s or them,” ‘He tio atid: « Wheo we obtain encmartitotce triumph, we | mill agsist in reseving :he.sinee.in every land on the fave of the Globe." Sech tolly and fenatici¢m will effectaatiy ase ep sympetby for the Repeaters in the South, and witha vast’ portion of the North — Riehiund Compiler. With the Pet. lotelligencer, we avk :— Whe: will the Poet.and QOrator, Master Bobby Tyler, say to theseopicions of his trend sad corres- pendent ‘Daniel O'Cennel!?- Bobby either ie or woald mach like. to be ‘‘a elaveowner.” Ja he wifling to be classed by hisfriend Danie! among “rogues and pickpockets?” We will thank Bod to Yet us-hear from Wim the next time he geis 2 letter from Daniel. "Fhe Washiogton correspondent ‘of the New York Acrora,—the s¢mi-official organ of the T'y~ ler administration, writes— Biait of the Glove tas reierned from tus pil- - 8 to the *S Hermitage” with a flea in bis Fhe effort 6 commit Gen. Jackeon (1 Me¥aa Boren proved 2 failure, and the Globe people-are not in the best homer conceivable. — te is: waderstvod thal Geo. Jackson was made Wide.awske to the whole movement in advance of thé -atrival of the ambassadur extraordihary, and:eensequentiy ‘treated the missivo as it de- served. PHOTOGRAPHIC MELNTATURE 8. HE Sobtecriber ainestiles to the citizens o! alistor’, that be hag takin Rooms-et Mr. West's rick PFlouse. #bere he is prepared 1 take NIATORE LIKENESSES, 0». ratis of above beantiful Art) Persons who have neve n the tele improvemeuis in the art, can form no idea of the perfec'izo to which it has been brooghi. Ladies and Gentlemen will please call and see specimens, by whict they can jadge for thems+lves. SCF ROOMS open Gon So’e'oek A.M. 10 |. BSALEXANDER, July 8, 1S483—2050 IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post | Office at Salisbery, North Carulina, June | jLevi Lawrence Robert Bradshaw ~ as L martio imies mary Moorman ‘John Jolies martin George uw Smith Seaman -2 Kelly Frere bt years past of thai wretehed Complaiat, is imitated by Io pasiers 0a aj! Sides, and ip every way that eed just save them frum being amenable [0 | poblir the law: the a¢@e “ Tonle Miz:ure,” the ap- pearsbce ang qeantity of the hquid the dope, the diseotions for use, ying remarks, &c. Sce., beigg se near (o the ine Wixttuve that it beboowes every one te ceseful whal they rohase, void Peron yee We store of C. B. W heslet. Baliabo:y, _Jay.8— ioe $0 B. psu M. July 8, 19483950 & Parasuls, and Spades, Saddlery BOOKS ss STATIONARY, Gs ae oak) MEDICIN & PAINY | Oe China Plains, Ci GROCERT IRON, STERL. CASTINGS, So All of which fam ‘dicpased to sell low, wery —_ or ia exchange fur Preddee, MIC BARL. WN. Salv 4. 18481150. THE. SUBSCRIBFR 2 pod gomepesend ee part of the sive’, of said 10 the inte Fira of BREVARD s m cbst, and he can agsore tho-e tog to porehase pene elnd that they witt| and exemioing for themselves agli Low Prices will based inducement. Mushe GOODS are Public Auction on a credit of six months. The sale to contiaas from day to day, ont! HENOERSON ADAMS. Lenlagten, NN. 6., Joly 4, 1843 — Sw50 FP EMALEA ACADEMY PIN E-wext Session of the Mocksville Fe- a@nale Academy, will commence pn Vanday mv Appen, @ 1. 4y “of superior qualifieatinns 20+ a set ati: Phe terme of taition ate as follows: Elementary breaches, ioclading Reading, Wri ting snd Arith@eétic, per session, $5 00 Grammar, Geography eed History, 8 00 Natoral Philosophy, Chemisisy, Astran- ony, Botany; Rherorc, Algebra, &c., 10 00 Painting, 8 00 Board.ean be had in respectable families, 21 from six to seven dollars per month, JNO, CLEMENT, THO. MeNEELY, A.G CARTER, JAS F MARTIN, W_F KELLY, L. BINGHAM. Trusiees.. Mocksville, July $. 1848 --$50 Worthy of Public Attention! f SHERRILL’S FORD -. FOR SALE! +8 THE SUBSCRIBER ISHING to remove to the Wes!, now of fers for sale two valeable Plantations, ly~ ing on the Catawba River, in Catawha county, within a quarter of a mile of Shersii’s Fords One planiatiop, (the home place) contaias up- wards of A400 ACRES. Between 80 and 100 Acres of which 1s firstrate | bottom land on the River. ‘Vhe whole planta- tion is now in a bigh state of 1aprovement ; has on it a fine newly finished DWELLING HOUSE, KITCHEN, BRICK SMOKE HOUSE. | | and all other out-buildings, necessary for convenience and comfori on soch a farm — The plantation is well: watered; aod embraces a large body of excellent meadow and well im- proved, and the situation is as bealihy a8 any portion of te moantain gounity of the Stale. — Tae other plantation coniaine about | 2 lying one mile troat ibe irs “plies, on Lredeli side of the Catawba River, of which wep: 100 Acres is River buttom land ansurpassed by any ‘ing simtlar jand on the Catawba fur richoess of soi!, and beauty of loeation. Qa this tract aisu, is a | large body of excellent treadow fand, cymforte- | ble buildings, and good springs of water. ‘I'he | plantations will be sold togetber or separateiy.— Pp a desirous of perchasing valuable lends, see the shove, es the subaerider is determined Satagths . Derms> will ve | made easy to purchasers. ABSALOM SHERRILL. 1848 —4~0 5) Jaly 8, BEWARE OF DECEPTION 1! *: The Old Favorite and 1 Sterling Remedy! The oaly True, Original and Genuine ! Rowinvs (tMPROVED) TORIC mixture ! Se oniversally and so favorably inqwo fer 12 as the great pad only permanent core COUNTY man wWRiTs, Printed on first reté peper and for sale at ibis Office. LOOK AY THIS : has-nots ot thet they will be induced . wild pritately between this tnd AUGUST COURT. they will be-sold a i thie 17th fostant, under the ehetge of ‘Wiss Ew. + qnesce of the contioged depression of business IREDEEL COUNTY. ‘ls tate Court of, Presy’ ant Qsecter Séasien Mae TS . Term, 1943. -, ~~ ee Willie F. Stgela.p-Seiein Coatt of Pleas months sta to call-and settle « note by next Augnst Coort, or ibey w ly have to seule with-an officer, ‘& BEARD. j dong’ a4 1843 —1f48 | OF NEGRORS.| virtue of « Deed of of Prust ih é at Br: Robert N.Craige, for the porposes there- | Howes in| 4d set firth, will be edld at. the Court Saliebory, on Tuesday. the 19th of September, | .- bext,(it being Toesda i 4 the follawing likely &, CA HARKIET. BILL and nd CAROLINE. Terms —Nine months credit, with ia from the date, purchaser giviag boad and ap- proved security. JAMES OWENS, SAM. CRAIGE, Jone 24, 1848-7948 COTTON GINS. FE Sabsacriber sithep.tcinform the estizens | wife af Rowan, Devic, Duvidean and the adjoin- | the rae law r ing Counties, that he has the Cotton Gin Mane- | Pacret Markisnd and Neleoo factory caried on in the Town of Waiesbor’, Ansan Counig, Notth Cerolina, in 2 style not sorpassed by any other Establishment in the Hiram Phe Adalat Wain ‘Mark- © Toma, Steel Saws, Steel plated Fen- ders, Gins, &e., adc, All the above frons earefully aianufactered by myself, except the Gins which are put up by ald sam wil abba ter 198 Save Wi } : a day, with a ‘Feani of iwo v4 ith ee Conon: picked by those Gids. lea moch better abd will commead a Market by far a gunn Gs ofthe BP Orders for say ¢ size Gios will be the above Gias warta ee t s. i Wadestorw’, Anson County, Dope-t, 1843 —iy47. THE SALISB ORY MAE ING COMPANY ~~ pire ra mers erent. ther MANUFACTURES, in conse- | 9? Speaenes S £ They are macofacter- Ention Yor 4, Mos. CASSOPE, }. Sof Shirting, or | 4.4 the. | ingen the country and decteed ¥. Wrnese, i Clerk of oaf said et ee Sfier te 41h mondsy of I . SOMERS, Co Og. Jone 17, - Neatly printed end for cele at thee Office Jone 12, 1843 —3@47 " CHAIR * r & SOKA. Manufacturing EST. : “THE SUBSCRIBERS JP AVING sasociated- themselves together for tie parpose wafactariog ; } SECRE’ WAR: BES; in he*wery best bind of style, and of materials, Bag leave to ask a1 the hands of ihe 4 ciltgns of the covalfy and villages “around, a share of their patronage in oar line of Business. Theit shopis # few doors east of the Madsion Hutel, aad Mne door be!ow Jones’ olg Tavets. JOHN FRASER, ~ WARREN GHEEN. ~ march 19, 1843—ti33., | REVI WORD HUGS || , guile Snpseciber:has jost added to his s:ock y Derkshire ea pair of Kenilworth Hogs iin Kogland in the falr of 1541, dy | \ B Alen, of New York, and are now 9-4 ot 1S monthsatd he Boar isa very supe- | - an mat, deep, thick and exeellent tn all his | points: the Sow very fine, with a litter of eight | pigs, which, to: beauty and form, ean hardly be | surpassed, Those who ajay wish a fuller de- seciption uf these fine animals, are referred to | Mr. Allen’s letig: published in the Cullivator.— Ihe subscriber has also, a Forkshire Sow. por chased of Vir. Allen, from. a Sow imported by hin ffotekeogland 5 and some Thin rind Sours : and those wishing to porchase, can have fhe pure Kenilworth, or Berkshire, oF crosses © Keanwornh and Yorkshire, Thin rindand Berk His stork of Berlishires was parchaged ehire, of Mr. C.N. Bement, of New York, aud ts not counity. surpassed by anyin the United Statee, Those wishing to improve their stock of Hogs, have n hetter opportunity of @ing sv, than has ever hoon off-yed Soath of the Patomac. Orders fir any of tue above.will he promptly attended 10. ; Wal, F. KELLY. Near Moekevitle, Davie co. 2 195 January 14, 1919. A at ~~ CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint. . R.TAVLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVER VOR T,—troat $75 Buwery, New York— | fur the eure uf coughs, calds, catarrhs, Asthma, soreness of.the chest, pain in the side and breasi, raising of Blood, Liver. Complaints, Bronchitis, | and all thase affections of ‘ncoat and Luogs,— which are-a source of so mach suffering, and ua arrested, so often terminate in Consumption— this remedy is bighly and josily distinguished. I. is parely vegetable, mild and gentle in its ef- | fects upon the system, and can be takes Mn the most delicate cases, with safely as well as utili- ty. Physicians, aware of its medicinal proper- lies, and witnessing its effects even tn TERS, | and in some instances, apparentlyjalmost hape- jes3_ cases, ofien prescrida "it in. their practice, both 29 0 palliative and a remedy, and with the Medical Faeshty generally , it has met with great approbation. é go CONSUMPTION --The following | remarks were taken frum the last number of the | Medical Magazine : ‘The eurprising effect prmduced by the genu- ipe Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bow- ery, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout the werld We haveso long believed this disease (consump tron) incurable, that it is cifficult to credit our Sefises when we see persons, evidently consump. tive, restored to bealth. occurrence,” Tho following was given n\ ashorttime since, by Capt Scutt, of Khzibeth City, N.C. Certificates. * Boing constitativaalle predispnsed to Con- sumption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely Via { — {| 2 from irritation of the (Lungs, accompanied with | congh and saising matter and. lvod, together withagevere pain in my side and breast, till I was suppoasd to be beyond recovery, | was induced by advice of Dr Perkins, as a last resert to try Taylor's, Balsam gfbiverwort, [have taken fire bottles in all: 94 be®an to inprove with the first bottle, and waatpasking the third, was so far re- covered, as té-b@able to cet about Sisce which time, by continued use of i, fam quite restored and abie to atiend to my usual busicess.. To per- | sous snffering from coughs and affeetions of the | lungs, | do earnestly secommend it. (Signed; JAS.C SCOTT. Biezibeth City, NOC » Dre Id, 28842. Liver Conptatut aod General Dedility.—] | | { was in this Jaw state | when a friend sent me a betileof Dr Vaglor’s | | Was vives up by lwo physicians, and tuld.to pre pare for death, iny hand to my bead, Balsam of Liverwor!, fromS73 Bowery, sad be fore L.nad ased up the butile, f was able se sit up | ie the tunher use, | have codipletely | vw bed. regained ing healvh. GEO WELLES, 23 Joho st. Violent pain in the side —I have heen cored af a violent pain jn the side, extending throuch to the shoulder, indigestion, dizziness, loss of ap | petite, and general debility, by the use of tw battles of Dr ‘Faylor’s Balsam of Liverwort, fror 375 Bowery. JF EH Alfen, } was su weak f could nor raise 18 AE Subscriber infornts the public, that she {fxs jast received ttrongh the Norihem Cities the {atest and mést approved . Pe ‘e * % ae London & Parisian Fashions, Andis prepared to execute orders im ihe mos: siylish and satisfactory inanner. Work seni from a distagge$ha!! be caréfully patup and forwarded. |" &. D- PENDLETON. gC Mrs. P. has on haod 2 handsome assur! - ment of Bonneis, (newest style) Caps and ‘Turbans, for sale. ‘? *,> Mrs. S..P. is also prepared to execute, Crimping and Fluting onreasunable terms. Silisbury, Mey 27, 1942. NEW FASHIONS For THE Spring and, Summer of 1843. “THOMAS DICKSON R"* ECT FULLY informs his friends and pebdlic, that he still earrieson the o. &. BUSINE ss nalt i ranchés,-tivo duors above. J. & $ Mor 3 siore, where he is ready io, exe~ sé alf’orders of his-eustomers in a style and manner-not surpassed by any in this pati of the He is also‘in the regnlar receipt of the NEW*YORK FASHIONS, and prepared to accommodate the tasies of thé Fashionable at-all times, «April 15, 1843—ty3 TO FAMILIES. ROWAND’S ‘IMPROVED’ TONIO Vv iXTURE. Those who would have reconrse to a’ Family Medicine lor Fever anp AGue, Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate between the ‘‘ thousand and one’? remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the public, (the s#me now as in all times past, ) and that almost universally ‘sec - cessful prescription called Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mizlure. A few remagks will serve to iHustrate ‘the dif- ference. In the first place, the operation of the ‘Tonic Mixtute in the cure of Fever and Ague is upen entirely new and peculiar, yel safer principles. Secondly : Li net only promplly-ar- rests the conrse of the chills, when punctaalfy and perseveringly used, bat soon restores the wonted functions of the general system to a per- fectly healthy state ; when relapses are no more liable to ensue than an aitack of the disease ip one who has never had it before. system, during the administration of the {mprov- ed ‘Vonte Mixture, springs ap at once onder its benign influence, and gives forth an earnest of re- turning health and vigor. Fourthiy : Prodacing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of | the disease passes off in the way mosi strongly { | indicated by natare. Fifthly: Its effects on the | infant, siiaply by a modific the most vigorous adult, ation of the dose, as Vet itis a fact of daily | at'ns, of the utmost importance to the anxtwous | | ptrents and invalids, might be ename-ated here, | but the above are a few of the points of contras’. | in comparison with the remedies generally resort- ed to in professional and family practice, from | which a proper jodgment may be formed in se- | fecting the remedy. N.B. Improved the original guarantee, viz: "The money shal desired effect. Address Dr JOHN R. ROWAND, No 28 North Second Street, Philadelphia _ Supplies bave been received by the sole Agen Y for Salisbury, N. C Sem 5, 18R—196 | 23 *adorgel We Thirdly ; The | system are uniformly mild and safe, as well as | | efficient, and it is as well adapted tu the feeblest With a view to re-establish entire | confidence in the efficiency of the ‘ Rowand’s | be relurned in every case whereir. the remedy | bas been puoctually osed without producing the i= \¢ sion and £0r Z t “g: v3 I.MINGTON SPA EVILLE NS undersigned Is now prepared ae c i Govds a Wil ming: ap, and forward the: , to his p89 Fayre, wie Bi forward lu ithe Owners i ihe ba, - '\Warehouseat the Rivév, Where Js aii i stored free of .storage,and ihe owners snbjewied Jonly to half the vsaal carlege from ihe River to ‘| Fayetteviile,—thereby lessenigg. (he expense on Goods hich Belowthe Wauar ehirge. “As ‘bis | W arefigusetis Sola ted from, all qphet Baild?rgs, | the dander-of Kiré will be triflio in comparison ‘ to.she cisk imcarredstrom being situated in town. Those whd nay favor film with ‘their Bdsméss, may rest.ag d ahat ae + a be paid | to the rt theif fatereai . : : ~GEQ. W. DAVIS, { » aot & ~*~ a g~4 | References = } ~ iat . | = Megsts John-Hoske & Son D. A. Ray, + Fayetleville, N.C. | Alexander Anderson, «Jobo McRae, Joho Dawson, i, . rington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davis, George W. Brown, Salisbury, VW C. B.S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. , Oct. 1, 1842-10 \ i | | { | DR D. JAYNE’, FAMILY .WEDACKNES. YHESE MEDIGINES are expressly pre- pared for family ose, and have acqoired an unprecedented popalarity throaghont the United Siates; and as they are so admirably calculated tc preserve Health and eure Disease, no family should ever be wiihoatthem. The proprietor of these valuable preparations received his educa- lion at one of the best medical Colleges in the Cited States, and has had fifieen years experi- benice in an extensive and diversified pgactice, by Which he has had ample opportunities of acquir- ivg a practical knowledge of diseases, and ihe remedies best calculated to remove them. : Jayne’s Kxpectorant, | A-valoable remedy for Cowgh, Calds, Con- | srhexpiesone Asthma, Spitting of Blood,-Croup, | Hooping Cough Bronchitis. Acute Rhewna- | tism. Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy and inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary | Organs | Jayne's Hair Tonic Forthe Preservation, Growth, and Beauly of the Flair, and ‘whieh’ will’ positively bring in | New Hairon Bald Heads, and preveot its fall- iog out or turning Gray. ~ JAYND’S. TONIC VERMIFUGE,. A‘pleasant, safe, and certain preparation for | the removal of Worms Dyspepsia, Sour Stom | ach, Fever.and Ague. Piles, Want of Appetite, and. all diseases of debility, especially of the | Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain core for Bowel and Sammer Com- | plaints. Diarrhwa, Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, | Siek Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- | bus, and all derangements of the Slomach-and | Bowels, Wervous Affections, $c. | Sayne’s Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases. Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflamimations, Ghstructions Diseases of Many other consider- {the Skin &e., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Puryative Medicine is required. ‘The above medicines are fur sale, wholesale or | retail,at the Salisbary Medical and Drug Siore, , 9 | C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N. C. | Sept 3, 1842—1y6 Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's "Fonic Mixture,” to effect a jasting ; i cure of Fever and Agae, the Proprietor restores | PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. | '| An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy Expectoration. §IFor sale at the Watchman | Office, and by CB Wheeler, Salisbury march 4, 1845—1y32 t GC. B. WHEELER. | Cc, B. Wheeler, sole Agent: ‘for Dr. Rowand, bas just received a fresh sop-jfula, piles, worms, scurvy, anda host of other | o. * . MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, i his servicesta the Travelling Public, for several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, of ao! trunage, AVING purchased Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- | terest in the abave Establishment, tenders Having at Movat Mourne, io Iredell county, te indulges | ibe bope that he has experience enough in the | doties of his business to endeavor to rendercom | fortaole, all who bestow upou bis house their pa Medical Drug Store, Salisbury, N.C. Dec 101120 Dr. Liws Galvanun {Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! PYNALSE Plasters, greatly improved, and ba ving the preference of all others, are warm | | { | { | | | | ly recommended by ali ductors as iovaluable for | invalids having pains io the Breast, Back o | side. Weakness and Lameness are relieved a ; once by their use, and the parts restored j xs ia ; ng Métchon Ve } for Conghs, Hearseness, Colds, Pain in the | Breast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult | incredible nombers, t@ the absolote efficacy of | these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever io | Streng:b and.@ gateral warmth and health. Any | | person wearing one of these Plasters, will be as. | | tonished and delighted at the comfort it affords. | Mo RE iUR aS = ina!é ni | prev stent a ,, ju {these the. re as infallible. af S.—'Ther€is no setiedy koown either fm | profesetin alien dothestir practice, 86 Tbsuldiel yy F & | immediately a Peisnettly eMicatiace th Hie : ck cotntry, He hasa large | be’ i celebrated and long established DAR Be PILL S § and PHOENIX BATTERS, Kegan ifiars ih i and renowned.as..are their-effeets-apan diseases geoeraty in FAVE RAND AGUE, 20d all; | Biiiious. Adieciionstheyrafe sporesy ; -becs uses mm | canbe, ~P bts has deem.proved in more ihanfen thousand cased, nor ie there an inétites in whieh | itieytaee failed, or reasons bly Can fait, «hen anyhomso0 weans , Ague fife from sa ta | keawn strict eccordanceswiih the direciions here subjoined, and whickeere also givenin J/OF- | FATS MEDICAL MANUAL aod Good Sa maritam, | must be rigidly followed: { | Agoe is éiher Quolidiam cored with: certainty, bot oy neglecting ; spore, with the bitters during the ‘seeay two pills every night after the seven:h duced or even In any way connected ever, the pationt shoula by any neglect, advanced childhood to infancy. alone be necessary. ihe supply. ,ery effort | Most afflicted districts. ly grateful testimonials are received at t prietor’s office in New York, by every Bat to ensuré invariablesuccess, these ‘ icines,isthe,secret of hig invariable triumph, | that the Life iam, or daily; Tertian, or} romisingpor;ion of ooreonntry —menwho went third-dad-; ‘Qwartan, or fourth day $*Bratée, or ia , Y | sometimes one of these periddeand'sometimes’4- | pejence fr: nother ; or it is Complicated, by. taking: these | cattied (o the ovipas's of var setUements the mer periods in succession,.aod then ranning ini, in- 2 ‘ ' ‘ermittent fever of a more malignant character. But itis a remarkable fact, however mysterious. and unaccountable it may appear, that each und all ofthese “species of Ague, ave’ 2 i "a TEENTH DAY CRists, io Which they. may * ‘ they can anly be cored by chance, De." MAP-4-Their hopes are blasted —their business energies rat's directions fur taking the. medicines in ‘this | gestroyed—their Eldorado becomes a desert, and disease, are theseforesbese :—Pisst, aake two of the-Lire Pitts at.bed time, and text. overt oefore breakfast a fall wine glass of the PHeenrx Birrers in about the.same quantity of- water, and half a wine glass more in a fali wine glass of water; about-half an hoor before each>meat darteg the day. -On the sebond. sight take three pills and the bitters as before; oa. the third gigh: four pillgand the bitters as before, aad con- inde, taking four pills every night for three day.— JuoPbelore the seventh day, the Agne wil! fo be entiirely cured, and the patient will feel well, hungry, and hearty, but he must ne- vertheless continue to take the bitters as before preseribed, until and.on the fourleenth day, with day.— He will then, and not until shen, with positive and invariable certainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Fever and Aguve but of whatever billious and liver affections it may have superin— If, how- or an- due confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phenix Bitters in the full quantities pre- scribed, at least. three times on the fourleenth day Dr. Maffat must not be blamed if the disease should retarn, afd the patient should learn wis- dom from affliction, ane go throtgh another a ee rouree of thé medicines for a fortnight longer. Guard Your Heatth. beying these instractions, however, be will be . a are t ; so thoroughly cured, that be may bid defiance (sides ofee np wel wo) perfect. panith, or to the disease, however unhealthy may be his °P location or prevalent the malady aroondhim.—| 6C#> Gentle Reader: If You. wonld aver For children bo.ween seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a quarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished in proportion as the age varies {yom For very young children, small quanlities of the bitters only will This treatment, with these snpremely-effec- toal “LIFE MEDICINES,” has been pes fect- ly triumphant in the worst regions of the Suuth- ern and Westero country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than DR MOKFAT?’S Agents, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will maka ev- tof send this advertisement into the Voluntary and jealous— he pro- mail in and Ague, other intermitent fevers, liver and | billious affections, and derangements of — | gestive functions generally, but also in ! | nowned throughout the United States. the di- chronie | and inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, sero- ply of his genuine Improted Lorie Mixture, | complaints, for the cure of which, these Veget- which is fur sale wholesale and reiai!, ai he | able Life Medicines are so pre-eminently re- | Know- ‘ing, however that mang of these diseases, as | well asa most fatal undermining of the fountain head of so many others. invigorating in their operations, require t t | invariable and extensive dsefulness New York. way health are occasioned by Fever and gue. Moffat, in his advertisements, mvites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen- | dency of his medicines over this malady the He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and general Dr. neither confinement nor change of diet, aod have acquir- | ed the reputation they have long possessed, not | by the usual artificial efforts. but solely by their Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $375 Broad No? Merchaoi’s Raw, | PT x : < . Ba: oe Aa . 718 ‘TABLE sholl always be well and plenti Por sale at the Drog Stove of CBW herler, fully supplied with every thing the country af- Salis! . 843 -§2 . Salichury. marek 4. 1843 - 132 turds, to please abd satisfy the palate even ut an a msy | epicure. ; | His BAR will he found furnished with a choice A NY. qoantity of fresh Lime can>be had at | Selection of Liquors. the Kiln of the late Jeseph Willams dee ; Bg the t00 bushsls and over 16 cents; 50 to OY faithful and atientive bostiers and supplied His SPABL.ES shalt be constantly attended ushelg IS: 5 tv 20: unstacked , ¥!Uh aboydant provender. eae ; 3 to 40 bushels 20, unstack N. B. ‘Ite Stage Office is kept at the Maosiun Ab persons wishing Vime either-at the kilo or {Touse. tele resionce, will sppty etther to J. of R. WILLEAMS. Roektotu. Sarre eooaty, N. ©. 2 Mareh FS F543. g i384 | LING? LIMBS! HIRAM 'T. SLOAN. PELES SS PILES?! EAYS’ LINIMENT!! ai q Wik PILE S—TPhe priee of ibis eelebraies | Lintmen! is refunde| 40 ang petson who | will use a botile of Hays* Liaiment fur-thePrles | and revace the ecap'y bottle wHheul beag cured. K ‘Toe above fave been the terms vo whth shis | eouniry, that he has received anew and Splen Li iment hos oven sold for pearly ten yeats pst, fdid sapply of Confeetionaries and Grocerits,'¢on and wot ve butile out of ove hucdred has ever V sisting of-all Kinds of beea retusred. —- Fo: sale at the Watebman | geve > Office, a d by Wheeler, Satishury . F& RI WINES -4NQ LIQUORS Gi. G venshore%s filtsbore’, D Hearts Lex Pel the very best quality, such ag Madeira, Port ington, | P Mahry > Raleigb,r S Duh... bf, IS43—Vp$2 6-5" OF CONFECTIONARIENS AND GROCERIES | R. ROUECHEH SUPPLY ytespee'folly informs the > | Malega, Wines, Freneh Brandy, Hoflacd Gin —¥ Porter, Aleand New Ack Cider, and Cordials Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranges, Oysters Sugar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madde: v4 Devon Bull for sale.. PEATE at EON: b Devon Boll, about 13 or-14 fimo'hs | mention, Wbich Twill sell as cheap for cash as of fine turm and s 29, aod from soperior stock. ALER a oo hey een be bought at aay other #steblisimc in Salishrnry. FR. ROUVECIIF. Indgien 1, (843 —1532 ol " | ED HARGKAVE. ! INAS re 315 @ citizens of Salisbary and the snrrounding | lerstoned kas for sxtle a fall-bl ood | Indige,and vasiaus oiher articles too tediuas to | | Those threatened with Lung Com plaints should | | never trust-themselves a day wilbout wearing a | retail atthe Salisbary Medical Drug Store, by | Plaster. It removes the isritation of ineipient | | Consomption from the Lungs te the sorface of | : the beady, and draws-off the internal affection — | .| So in Liver Complaints, and Cooghs, and colds Childrea with Whooping Cough should always | have one, to prevent the: cough settling on, ihe lnags. ‘Fheirexcellence will be understood by jalon tia. Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro, by DD teartt; Lexington, J P Mabry, 'Ralergh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1843 —1552 > LATE | Arrivals. Medicines, Paints, Gus, vw. URPENTIN i, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs, Pateot Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, aad SPIRITS for medical purposes. lundians, | Houck’s and Swawm's Panacea, Soofs,. Fine ; chewing and smekiagLobacco, Spanish Cigars, | , Spices, Perfoues, Brushes, Candles, Fancy and ;eommen Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, fo | strugrents, Matches, Paper and many otber ar Tenerife, Champatgie,.rlascat, Clarei,, and ; ticles, just received and fur sale at prices to suit | . the times, by Salisbury C.B. WHEELER. $42 _, Dr, D. a, Maxwell, AVING located himself at Gen. Kerr's in >| rt a c t prosessional services ta the pubic Noy 15> 2240 a aaa | 1 §CF For saleby C B Wheeler, — ‘Roiwan* eoonmiy, en ite read leading from Salisbury 'o Bestie’s bord, politely tenders his The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or C. B. WHEELER, Agent. EC A constant supply of the above described > fatiasy nod 2 olmure $Q.-a8 sinpsging 10 the patient; and by ity. which the disease induces, Yrother chronic complaints. —4 ar the efflevia arising from * he Smndst “fre que nt “exciting of “unit Ase ; 8nd One of Lis'#reat peca: aritigs ig tts suste plibility of arenewaldrom ve- ry stigh} eases, such as fiom the prevalence of aneasterly. wind—even witboni the repeiition of the otigifig! exciting cause. In this, Fever and vst other fevers; agil}s wel | Known, that after an vramary fever hse" ; curred, and been removed The person afteeted | nat su liable to a fiesh attack as ene Wo-Wasno | $0 affected: : p i pee becom ta Rage cause | Dr. Moffat s Sifedic bes “OF ibis Gost a & Oi betseseho have emigrated tothat ‘ich and hope, and confident of widnipg a com. the lyxariance of the soil 5-or.who om caniile. of mechanical @xperience won in the crowded cities-or townsef the older states, have either returned. with shattered consi@Ofions and. t | depressed. spirits, or they aemain io theic new | | homesy.dragging put a preary life, oratdast sink , onder some disease to which.tbey are predisposed } by that terrorof the West, Fever and,dgtie — the word of promises made-‘otheir ea to the hope. tnd ikye. Fey To these individuais, Dr. Moffat-would say— “ Try the: Life Medicines, and you will yet an- litipate your most sanguine sexpectations, for trey will certainly restore you to heath: Fever and-Ague is aeomplaint @hieh requires | lo be met at.its first approach, an® eombatted at | evergestage. -Seldom, fatal of itself, it reduces {the strength, and impairs the fonctions of, the ;organs, sothat upon the manifestation of dis— 'ease, Nature is unable, onasaisied-to resist the | inréad. “Ibe Life Médicines, when taken strict _ ly according to directions, will cnre tt, and give to the weak and ireinbling victim of disease new health, life and-sttength ‘Say For full particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is réferred'to the Good Samaritan, copy of which accompanies the medieine. $7? The above medicine is for saleby CRESE & BOGER, Agents. Satisbery, Oct 2271842 —1y18 —— Br A supply of the above insaleante WE DICINES ate for sate at James Cross Roads, Iredell county, by pata A. C. meINTOSH, Agent. from you'the Sickmessythe pains, the wretched hess, the premature mortality which you see al! around you, and which, like a sharp sword sus- pended, is ever ready to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it wil} cost you fittle, wil! nei- ther infringe upon your occupations of amuse- ments, andiall the faculties ef: your mind and body willbe as moch*bettered by it as to repay you ten fold. |-ask only one week’s trial to con vince the most sceptics]. In the first plece, discard all old errors an prejodices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, ‘* If you are passing well, do not attempt to better yourself; it is the saying of ignor- ance and superstition—of those who attributed all they saw around them tq chance and furivne, instead-of natore’s universal Jaws. Has not man, led on by experience, learued to gaatd himnsel; against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then should he not,in fair weather, guard himself as | gainst the storms which are ever rising in hi- owa frail body ? Remember, you are every day eating gross fuod ; and it is your nature to con- tinue to doso You are well at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within you, and if yoo do not siricily guard your health while you are well, sou are continually io danger of painful and protracted cunfiaements, and in some constitutions, death. Nothing is stationary ia this world, Even the purest fonntain of which we drink—does it not require cleaning ? A person. may- imagine he is in perfect bealth, and yet not know to what perfection his vital organs may be brought when asststed by the hand of Nature. J have un- doubted proofs of this fact in the anbounded snc cessof the LIFE MEDICINES, ~ Let those wko have folfowed the motto, “When you ase even moderately well, throw physic to the dogs’ eall opon me, if they would be convinced of -ihed importance of my position. . 1 ‘The-cperation of the Life Medicines in every gratifying. ‘Those who are in comparative good health aay perfect their happiness with oo in convenience; and those unfortunates.who are laid low by disease of almost any déscription, may find sure relief ia thoge purely vegetable preparations. ‘They operate gently bot power~ fully uponfihe seeretions.of the body, and cleanse the blood of all-vitiated. humors, separating the MEDICINES on band and for sale at Hamp- \unville, Surry county, N Carolina, by _ JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbary, SepuS, 1842—156 Reudy Made ‘CARRIAGES FOR SALE. PYNUE Subscriber will keep constanily on hand asopply of Reavy made Carrisges the well Manofactory at_Vanceyvilte. ‘consisting of CONCHEES, BAROUCHES, and BUGGIES, whieh he will warrant to be equal, if not spperior, to any made in the North- ‘ern States, for be@uty and durability The gubserjber respectfully solicits a share of ; Povlie paironace. Ts may alwags be found at | (he stand furmerly owned by John I. Shaver. WM. OVERMAN, Agent, For Wratr Wat Salisbury, April @2, 1842-6990 N. B, Repairing done in the pest styte. W: 0. “from | bad fromthe good, expelling the dregs, dross and | inparities—and leaving behind only what is | good and nourishing to mature. . | Reader, consider and teflect well, Phe blessings of this life, for rich and poor i lie entirely.wysthin ourselves, in our own physica! | bodies, My adviee to all, then, is, guard your | health” Af-gou are well, pethaps you mav be sul! beer =e -yoou ‘gl always avoid being | sick by a -jadicious use of the : Y | LIFE MEDICINES. Se TT ABLE | §c Dt. Moffat’s Life Pills and “Ptoeniz Bitiers, are fur sale by CKESS & BOG | ER, . Salisbury, Oet 29 184 Agents 2—Jyl4 c Ried F 7: Gonorhes and. G ; A flections, ‘ion, a Tory Kheamatism, Palsy = t, is broken }° 5 instance that has come.to my knowledge is most | 9 ‘medicine | Weakvoess.in the limbs, | @Deérvrirve Powpr “Headache, Diseases of 1 to be taken in the Restorer, applied-besides ihe Restorer, Salt Rheam, Scaldhéad, Eruptic anid foul ulcers, ; is to Se applied Meturere. -Universat or Strrenctrn ENIXG tof diseases-of thesChest, Dyspensi, f= Dr. Kusw's Acoustic O1;, randall other Auricolar Compiai be.used together with the Restore; entered according tu Aci of Co foli Directions for the use of the ed medicines, and accompanies ever commendatory notice of these inyaly, other medicines, but to no beaefil, Io Marly siiisfactory evidence of the above, - digestive urgans were so ceranged thai n iting medicines, 38 to -ipform the sfliie'ed Pinay be relieved. “A'he treatment 1s © “Dr. Kuur’s Orvice, Ricumos? YARD OM Disk i. Pa Fs Thom th the ROP. — Ti, SSD Certain tementt EXE, (in liquid and is id Gees.” tern Goin Mink Batsis, for Bifioosang \ ‘ _ etry linimens 4 te he omach, Neat Rhesmatieg, & Ry” for Bil; . he Eyes, cant Feng tag Agomatid ExPict, a Coldntss jnethesst “SFAPAN Oiwrmenr, for Piles, Which is ¢ 18 to by ENGALSOINTNENT, for Tettor Riary , T¥o ng of tha My YESideg the Re Pract lnflann,, : &e. » for Deaf, DIS, Which ig 4 » Paralysis $CHDr Kabl's Pamptier*y ‘realment ngress, COniaitg ahore DEA tien 5 Remedy, From the South Western Virginian of M , Li, 1848, ua IDR. KUHLIS MEDICINES We have for some time, intended 9 i ch Ving Ve medi 10 preg gy Ve fo the cines, bat have been prevented by {| other matters from duing so. We ha last five or six years, been quite famli effecis both by experience and ot ave no hesiianry in recommending them ; sfflicted every where. Our opinion ts still i it Wss.when we first used these medicines th they te superior to avy we have ever ened . The Doctor, himself, was wiin os g few tim this week, and from. cases stated to us, we be been mare strongly confirmed in onr former, ign that ihey ere superior to sli oihber me Tee €fficacy of Dr Kubl's remedies 1k treatment of extrrofdinsry cases is almos, . . eetenied, and the year 1842 was rich of Mn tant cures, two of which alone our space pe permit:ng to notiee ai this time. Mr A Seep, of: Alleghany coanty, Va., was, last Sprine ry suddenly takeo with a total blindness, his eyes. Ee used numerous presen; ar Wiib igo SEV ation, ng ne diet, "% + Ohi he procared the Restorer, Gold mine Balsa yy Universat Plasteg, from Andrew Fodge. Ey, Covington, Va.rtook the two firs: medicine a ternally.as ditetted in Dr Kuli!’s Pamphie: ay the Universal Plasier be applied to the \mpa aud some times.over ihe eyes and dy this iy. mentshe has his eye~sight so far recovered thy fhe i ae both print and writing, [isn exphigh statement should be desired, s |e iu. rected to A. Fudge, Clerk C Court, will recon A lady of Bedford county, Va , was for ake 17 years afflicted waih<the Liver Comoiin- treated with. Calomel, touk eold on it, and mm taken with eoatraction and lameness, Siese the whole lime, a great eumber of prescrpmm of Physicians of eminence, and every mxen that was recommended for her ose. insiead fording relief, had a ten4ency rather to scene the disease, Shesank from rear to yer, edie agreed with her. To Aneus!, 1842 thenen 9d not been out of her bed in five years, excep when removed by others—so nersous bis! cm versation or walking in the room procures % most disagreeable effects upon the lead ; herm eral feeling very bad, sour stomach, &c bad no intention to use more Medicines. 01! & king a dase of the Guld Mine Balsa much benefit that inone hour stie fe/! then commenced a regular course of rh? medicines, She took a duse of the Restor’ the morning and one at night, and (wo cat 4 the Gold Mine Balssm between meals | limbs were rubbed two ur three timesa cot F the Aromatic E:xtract, and this teaimen’ given such a happy result, that she iss 6 °° to walk about—the nervous affections iit" hege digeslive organs are much ‘mp! hefgetoeral feelings good. She is a’ and her complexion quite fresh, whic tonished every one that was ecqnainied ® | long standing disease. We lave oni name of thia lady, bat if any paricus's* be desired, we refer to Dr Kuhi’s eg’ Otter Bridge, Bedford county, Vo. We have particularised these os much to speak of the great valve ol 1! 4 a tieed, so that others may know the 068°" oe y.may also obtain thal whe ® ble than riches. ersohs wishing to procoe 2) s, will please direct their v7e™ ihe asoount, (post paid,) to -_ or to.any of the folluviue 42''” NORTH CAROLIN}. ~ Jenkins & Biles, Salisbury, Homphrey’s & Gaither, Ie J. & R.Stoan, Greensburvvz” Dr N. Stith, Raleigh, M,J.A. Drake, Ashboroves. JF. & C Phifer, Cuncor- B Oats, Charlotte. C GC. Henderson, Linc’ "0 5 cn pion. 5 A sopply cf the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roacs | tredell county. by A. C. mcINTOSH, Agent. NOTICE. _ ai Minisirator to ihe Esive of, Robert Macna mara, deccased, gives nutick to al persons hav- ing dematds against the Kgiste of the said Ro. ‘ben \iacnamera, to prese . | Withinthe time required In soch ease nade and-pro will be barred of retuvery Said act xg _ NATHAN Salisbary, may 27,18 an Act of Assembly, ded 5 otherwise they the operatiun uf ihe BOYDEN, Admr. —144 HE ondersigned having qualified as Ad- | them for pafment . James J. Horne, Pitisboroogl, 9 S. Perry, Kerrersvitie, Stokes James Brannock, Waterloo. 6% 5 Braonuck & -Waller, We'®’”’ ingham county. RW Lawson. Yanceyvillts James’R CalfomsMilien, South Carolina. ad Steele, Guoniog & Co. York cf bs MeLore, Brawley & Co. ("| 5, BM @ The continuation of the list & ~* tt Dr. K.’s Pamphlet. eine ‘i NOTICE.—Patients and Agen wad . ot North Caroliaa, and South ay lS Te will please direct their orders an ying” ad ic fice, Raleigh, N _C., and these pire North and. Bast of it, to Ricumon™ rs August 6. 1843—152 7s Dr... B pov Be SFPAVING perinavests VOM ye TM ¥ _ Sabisbniy. offers 28 aan . F to the pyblic ; gin HE Pariéufer streiiwn wi Be eP oF, . i eal cases etrasieg iv ver oppostt€ ie a e , Morpby’s store. the large corper huuse, © —ud4i Salisbasy, May 6, 1848 -_ a ethy Gel Job Printive '! per e ts - : pgrneets thas ple sn . > we ae Me Ae : 73 ‘ ~ * ; fthe colebested -H -: me rae... 0 . it ws eal la” | ee _« eg pep see | wae . as i ae <= seas es i . f : —- . mences o \. ghee = wns ty Pet oh Rede Sok Chie tes open | G- < s nol déquire lob much power. Keep a check ei ‘ NO. 45 we 7 5 = =] - ’ =, “we =—"% Feit —. 7 ~, P r : ; ee - ~> eo ™ — ——————— er < yore Qeverts ta ie. - comdetenasion. ofexh o Slngl tgs I BOK AND waren ret at v - * ogi (Ab SORANEY ¢ i Se , . . & a } : 7 tes - Sierme) {ger th of every ceper ~ peur tes | rec on or 1 2%.! ai of ons iS oa nent qi ai fitsetl won er d looks oF atc wh | re eenosit with the slam he OF them off ag ; aa 2 U aed ve eene-8 of the. thoug ge 1a reflet w mue of she difs eae vviween usand some of _the-Btite : aja hes merely ‘the gift of “spedeh, a neatly ecomeshuman. beingsy by, lo-. : aa bE “pla watts gi, would be brosght. to shestee |» Th vans Fotal Abstinence Steir tie meré ‘" | aes stroke mh the -predomiasting | 9, 1 brehre in t Wee a ‘jal-look 10 the Faces of the boymef-the | of Captain.Cook.the quperceego remoming | ipstarce, has acvery. lates MBRibeliy. ofvall ‘sal, though there were som-~ female led. at Rip. Nenezsoteade. -Capiain- Goak.im- Pores 5 Va ; ae a he * ae é gren with coun'enances of a very deli- th "Y modsately | rte ta, she..Castom House follow geet gel ba algae she aatay a ie, ' be us gpd banded. many fest~ of his cargo, given. > a 2 7 ‘ i" . owned by. J = vp sod intellectasl Gast. “9 wes ! 3 [wae aa owe (oo estly for. the.‘ per- thot if consequence of: having been | = From the Wew.Orle ; pees.” and { climbed inte the-big: sad- he “det 9? rt 4 Ped TVR Sees ne <a ai at ro aricies on 7 nf 4 * . ete by “ Sign, *baaere ewe ly pe te 8 MB Tely AY ! iy ry alicia’ ¥ f statec shana ipak It ©99 (als) Evan ; weebewasnde a tbe pts athe “Spoons “of the four elephantscend their keep- s Puntished, ee FRA, she. cgee 19 | bosn Aiello sre jiobOu | Wares ind vistors. I bad stisrieed totes in the N folto ws. | COms: quence o that de hath ate and | be; ~~ a Were, 2 oot aaa ee ae i: bo eves of these buge spimals were 40- Tine l, 143" thd Shoegag of fis sip 4s MEG SC. C.—Joun cane 7" t coe saan oul ek ne ssi), ‘Those of * Hannibal,” the nearest De ep aha “Or my | Beek. the coltectar,fin ‘presence ofa oer-| 7” » tha ectain meh hence? vile bi ve saan Delcien. te vinenitt sphant 10 Me, resembled the-eyes of Sir enjoying tbe pnv aktr a. preontt hid it sho ae Liwrente reais 1 ary srtielee |" * * : a = aa @ iw ee ok wuer Seow, ond 1 thongbt, too: that tbe | sc ed bréthren, the | ooo BFod he 7 Cr EN te Re ew ran tacts ah a ag . oF spead was not unlike SieWalters. And, | teetotallers of the.U. Sttes, is-more'diptant pas hytetpe stapit be wade” *On -frgaress of: chopaney,——The foolish on gf | > Nast 15—th6 ~ aft on eae. Leeiiea ian ote snot resemblenes anaials, are rn ag ye. af. ‘ ; reqident, who s Uinok SéretPancad \ oo — — - Lisfi if | resemblance enough, there | th ony | the Itt of Aprile Capwin Conk: gevenotiee | (he Preadént, who apotls blank. torse,"epoais | , = “é : sit De. rest? |" ie Seer mania ao ame ‘ys copious issue from a-bamp: between | . -] cannot leave’ Irélatid for thet purpose hafelie wag shout (0 sail, snd ihijs veasel-wse | Dlsbk Prose at fish fepeal meetings Morbead and his ear" (What wight | earlier then bextopling 1Wetetehinsynis dulyseatchediby «Mr» McCormack, «gh | i rot 9 “» W objeto the disposal” of ‘got expect 1f elephants had ‘est paper | and I rejoice im the romér that fas téached Sunkpightshinece peyahibetes sf Jov-nnt py manera, <ertiydet aan aoe et jdrook irk ?”) The resemblance c5oas— | you of my intended visit, a9 11 bas procuted meniranee mAnenere® + Phece he serg- bers Ther} Ni . Perk. yar ang — ‘te age why ed, claimed, the forfendre, snd. refased to . antares ie PUevicate: Losengen’* He the wes ; o BALD! | ae peat aid thos! ples ashe F ‘inthe logs, it is bat reapeetfal to Sir | for mey.theough. gon, @ heart-cheering, sffce- . Facol , rite to say 5 for Hannibal is a.dandy and | nonate invitation from the Freeman’s~Vigi- allem 1g. a a a ag “4 .| WORM 7 2 fg aif bd Ge pare - RO! . sai svg she fashionable gaiter-tropser, with e | lant Total abstinence Gaciety habe. cp01. ‘ Op jhe A Tiby the vegeelwas clesred,. andy. = — onus i Ae Row pictcert a te. ferenee— the geiter fitted: neatly to every | Washington. »., | wheoten!y, sh-0ee agen WeAslagsic.s ’ Startling acts. . ee ted ing ther hend trea from scurf. and pot “a 7 “ 4 . e * Pre ae: a ote “5 see © - ~~ = ae v ~ fendteds of children and idults.are lost year ‘Cottgh? ~ariantgrowth oftkair.—2d after chit- | The warhke name Of this” el pha 1 shall. ever cherish.s ‘grateful peaain bgain’drar ‘ol by SPL omelaw be ger! old be given to Siam, for the tatt ris the | brance of this hasoy, and would to God, ets {o pus she ressel about. snd re “with avorms, when some ottres-ceuse ha: : - papas rc est warrior of the party, and in a fight of for the sake of the B8cred.cause, thal | was Tb Chak ae Al: i shortly afterward Cap- | supposed so.be the irye-one: =. a, walt Seago: Célde-sOuublngpetye, “W tooping and ficmaces and: preventing: the goat of six hours with * Nanoleon.”? some threé| worthy, of it. o Cook gave the pivot’ ah order to put! k is admitted by all doctors that, mi? | ath aed ena ot the Es @ | the hair.—SdiFor any person“ técovering from |! Ob iifan ‘ C16 e's MeCortnt ted by ofa. that scaree aman, | Cough; Asihaa, Tightiess “of the Lyngs ‘ur debi b hasta 8 poids since, broke off both his tusks. He Amida the difficulty which must necegs- sieesive’ nets fuly"by ths. come aft, mous or gid aries but what are sopner or | Ubéety G6. 8k ES Ror Bem a ts } tbe pail rt caps pi 4th ats like a most determined brviser. ** Vir- sarily acca any sac a misao as mine, a Oa praia: : Bi 6 shou dets, ater troubled - ith worms d in handreds pf ee +4 iss Ha SC toni ae Ee Oe 1 he Sn wih i¢ started, .- : nos” (she show-man told me). killed. bis it 18 Soncaileg is seg e “tach a communi- ae 2a ged pha ; sev fil ensued cnt, vad trl ape ver spn Sotemle Warnes pi. saipenl pa ot mre maybe + ang Efe <4 o Ps « » * oe wide le whic c Tm! , ‘ ’ P rr ) ; . 4 : * 7 . 5 oa eer ond made his- escape into the mar- | estlon as that with which you have so cour | vows of hisown an oak shares eR? | Wtcthe hone famity=-whrie 7a prieth they eae eine ever diseovered, 'Thef have been used.in.| tH, strengthene the*reotsimparis beelh-end ae sof Carolina not long ago, sad; sfteran | teously favoted me. Convihced as | am |... ys eie-end the vessel t ke ost, WAS! Wormet. and-these could havé been eradigated over 1.400,000-cases and: néser‘koown tofail,, | Meer to the circulation, and..ptevents.ahe bair woce of six weeks, was eu d-end.} thet ite not he that plants; gr he that wa-| tbe viver ‘a*Finalows py severa) miles | ig a day, by the use of a battle of _Kolmatock's |: SHERMAN*S CAMPHOR ‘LOZENGES fiom changing» color or getting —6ih, It aa ought back. by. a former keeper: of whose tersamut the Lord who’ gives the increase ; eat ad barkescusiy Th fe captain bere | Zermifuge.at the cost of a quatier of a.dullar! | Give imaiediate relief in nervdus of ‘sick Head— Fie Sp A Semele fonp.ne 4. eipline be bad. a. testified reedlleetian that {he success” of the''grédt temperance Ndi eee pile @ vessel! was again How sickening the though! that jheae things | ache, ated of the Heart, Lowness a Fin tase Ginsbaasad es ufteeely, » ou yere are certuinly different degrees of .a- move is the wotk of the right hand of the yet ’ poe afte chronme'er, shod!d be —and who oan ever forgive themsplves is, Beagond icy; ining,” i ever wede ithout an . 80 aps of Money, and "oiher articles re— | {or not trying this Worm Exterminator, when | senée of Sinking’o’ t e' Chest,” trhc@a,“Lins- | tracted vermin in the head, ave imm Tod ‘ hs naa deren: juaiebab rinse stall. bist, restoring (hewskiowa its Sasa) strength Fy thew eountenances. JT loo a abihty 19 the ) looked } Most High, apd.is admirablea ovr e7es-; | veg some bags of money, and other ara | (R4Y Ritow that even if the cise was hot Worms, | sitodl, ot & serie Of fatigne. nin for some of the wrinkles of ‘age in) yet it woulc’be affectation in me, to assert | |. , pa oe * . D pad. oe . h d ad tb b er e => 48 ? « awh Niger one they said was much the oldest ;.00-| that I wassnot ref eshed and comforted by eles H age a a —— mete mee noe siwsyeg ache % o) orptive: let the die. herman’s Fever and. Ague Lozengese {MO os VSR ae os their king grow sm@oc ther with time, | yoor very lacdatory letter. on.th qautieee A “bo mate were 2180, | 2256 be what it mays How important-then to | Are the most certéia remedy-for thie distressing gh hed tpondinlt ate ae umoretelt » enviable rascals! T noticgd, by the ’ As Dr. Sewalt has‘not yet artived in Ire- 28 Mody: rmick and his-men | use it, and who will dare take the responsibili'y ; complaint, evenp ered-toibe Ameritan public: pn the top of my head the Sone sal k of. my n though the proboscis of each of 1: | land, I have not received the letter to which peroug : op he ore Police Coart, end fin- | \ do without iP, Let every parent that is no! la*the 1 J vane rt of eateSin which« o thiwel aes <i PP) ame ive “we swag ag smooth as dressed lesthéer, tampof | vou have alluded ‘ , on ny s _ eo a ; ’ orale. ask ihémsel vrs this question in trath and piri been aved, they*bave weser‘berw fred "0-4 fbegan oslog ihe Balm fom ou x: Fa ® im resembled, in textore, a scrobbing-| ‘Present my gratefol thaoks tothe mem- Leptain Cook contends that the conduct | “miners ae ame 8 | atch Oo. “Sitice Which, LbaV6 néed Ted and’ ugh, or the third day of a. strff beard. | bers of the Femindit Vigilant, Pota! Absti- of the Collector is entirely unwarranted ; | | sth Ringold had aN Ygry sick for} * Sherman's Restorative Lozenges: << fa half botles‘of the Bato, whic bas fatty ive versie -wratirs-- snd atten ya physician, | Diarrhoea or loogen@We of the bowels, so com— | Btoréd my hair; and freed-my djrely.ftorg © ‘ : : . at he had perf joy he should travel with a “har trunk ” | nenée Society of the city of Washington, that he hed performed all thet the lows of without relief, when Kolmstock's Vermifege was mon and troublesome during the summer months scurf.. My heud js slow. eovered. sith fing flow the others-not I could not get ovtof | and tellthem how | appreciate the appro- the port required, and that the seizure. Of| Jigen, and next day-gore than fort Gt S, a oiven, t y worms we : seal nite. whi bycalli eshowman. “Fhe expense of training and | bation of my bumble coc in the step his vessel at sea wis an outrage utterly UN- | passed, when the aia recovered splat: a 7A now fe enuiraly rere ey. 8 a Saag arr oy A ty ot Meg porting these enimels is enormous, end | cause of isetotaliam. - warranted by law. Ti ix alleged by McCor. {A child of a widow woman, living near the io Tor thet He cbs and cao hngh Nov 12, (840,25, ~D. S SCOFIELD ey are considered worth a great deal of | Wath fervent» prayers for your bappiness mick, that he only acted in performance of | Manhatten Water Works, Gad dwindled for @| ooctect qonfideniee Be ‘gubject to d derayge-| _Connierfeits are pbroaé—look always for the The four together consume abou ; his duty. Metth, till neat a skeloton, With gteat dryness |‘ ap: rnp St Gi ute oS a ? ‘sme of Comeicek & Co.” a Oo oF PS boney fog y t| | em,dear Mr Cunningham, yours most sin- 1 ie Wagithe, sad ifohing’of tb A ment of the bowels ehoyld never be withdut them. riame of Cams! »e <a wbandred weight of bsy and eix bushels | cerely. wf rhe Wiowtly, and itening of te oor. ho- | They afford iaimediate relief from all the attend- | | Forsatevat the Watchman Offite; and by mane lady, who called to provide for the family, ant gtipiogs, faintness, depression. §c. B. Wheeler, Satisbary, Dr Stuhs Ra fe) nt ge e On. 4 Gr ~ The documents giving a detailed history {oateper diem ‘Fortunstely they.do. their THEOBALD MATHEW of the transaction, hiavé heen taid before the iéatsieruaiese! ; . ; ' - _. oly ‘ y for Kolmstock’s Vermifoge, } 3 i > . need transportation end-casry \hetown |) To A. F. Conninghem, E-q. ae onied trl ak ‘ recut ih ey which brooght Away great quantities. of worms Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges | sy retest sear — i unks, ‘ ee nbd te S = ; ° stieut Lewis, of the U.S. | for two of three days, aod tbe child grew bett t ORES TSENG 7 SR ; a3 — Ly ats “At 4d oelock Siam knelt down, ahd¥on Tha, Devil caught at last!!—Un_ board the | >rig- Pornose. : = Hy onc su) reahitod its fall. strength in less Are as pleasagt and easily taken as the common maroh 4, 1843— iy52 by ute ee ec siggeoen Mai T} steamboat’ Patrick Henry, Captain Dorsey, jost thad a @oalb papperminis, and -are_an aclive and efficient “Dr. Brandeth’s © fire men }'fied bis omnibus of a saddle iefrom Attakapas, can be seen one ofthe must The Litchfie!'d Enquirer gives the follow S \ child hiohT medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, aT. Ea a Rt rs ol on his back, * Tbe band then struck apie ; tani: A Cr Sevatal children in a highly respectable fam- | 10g are the heat cathariic ever deed, for biltous EGEYTABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS nf ch, ond €3 it of PES | astorishing Monsters ever beheldhy-humameyes | NZ 'nierestt: g incident: *A Carrier Pigeon | ily in Broadway had worms toa frightfol éxrent, | © 8 ies an active medicine is required for sale at this’ - ° ‘ich, and he'made the eireuit of the 1M=|" ‘The.thing-appears to pasleketof three species, | alighted st the house of the Hon Wm. M | oi were all cured tapidiy with this Vertnifage. They. are. pol only the best, but. the safest thatcan | ~ Satisbory N. OP Oe-184d #14» ) nsetent; bot the effect of an elephant | viz: man, béast end fish, Burrall, in Canaan, on Monday afternnon In some ofthe best families in the neighbor- | 1, administered. notion with only his legs end tronk vim: | » The héad, Shoulders'and arms that of man. givipgesigns of hunger and fatigt hocid-af' St.Joha's -’atk, it has been extedsivet a a i ‘ ; ' , a pond, th arms th and fatigue And as | bood-of St_Joba’s ‘atk, it has been extensively ; ng PLASTER, | “Look at Dr..Shérmat’s,gd- tb the trap: | only the eyes Very large, with one ‘In: the fore— | py >| tepdcien ea at hoe | Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTE. OOK a r.. r . s ‘(his body quite covered with the trap J y ' Jadge B. never sends the traveller empty | "S*"> fram the ckrcumstgace, of haxipg awadioe The beai of aH. plasters for Rheumatism, Lom- | vértisement, and if you, wish fe iet for 4, 4 a iv of” head, the other back or dirgetly opposite. ed a large quently of worms, after al! other ngs) was singul droll. It loqgked Jike }-! ; } : ; : ’ ‘ Pa seup woking valk preceded by whuge | | The tage from area to waist, ihgi of fish ; ek: drab Nae ieee wheat to bie} T caies had Tailed, which was very extensive- | bago, Pain or Weakness io the Back,.l.oins, | ny maladies, call and obtatnasemedy af "U1 aces cou! la being covered with scales of an indescribable col Cee wee SS very. greedily ate |i. inown in that part of the city. S-de or Breast. —— ery \WHEBBER, Agent:. * eee ierpiilar T could not resist aughing ote from. hishands While the pigeon ‘was eat A family in New Jersey sived eoveral children The above medicine is for: sate, wholesale or| Satisbary, Dee 10 “aes early. After one ronnad Siam stopped and |- ‘From the waist down, that of beast, with clo ing. its legs were noticed to be wrapt with | y the ase of it. One, a girl of eight years of retail, alihe Salisbory-Megiral Drag Store, by - a a pe ¥ neit again to receive passengess. The ven feet, grizzly loog hair, and tail nine feet long; | paper : and on removing the, handsges they | ge, had become exceedingly emaciated before c.BW HEELER, Agert, a? To - THE. AFF v ees : roden stepa were fait against hs eyebrow, | when onvisiurbed carries the tail rgand his oeck, | were foond ta contsin Mr, Wekster’s spereh .e Vérmifage was given. Thé next day three Salisbury, N. ©, subscriber en igh gore ec 3 e and. fresh ud ndihenee the children stepped. to thatop resembling a cravat delivered on Saturday,.at the Buoker Hull} !atge worms were dislodged, and she Jeft off the Sept $,1842—1y6 * : sapply of Ds Moffati's Life Medicine. Call f& ‘bis head, though nere and there p- | It, was captured by Capt. Dorsey apd part of | celebration. written on two sheels of tissoe Vermifoge, when she became’sgain worse, and | gy. Mottat’s.. Vegetable "Life | vs eljel,,<_- Co BEELER. Agent, let shortened the step by pulting Soot | fis crew, while wooding near tieke Meringua, Th J x hast th ] had resort to the Vermifage that~finally brooght | “= © Cys : Salisbary, Dec. 10— a 7 -* ra severe fight ; was finally secured by an patel: re Jucge hads the pleasures Of! s yay an incrediole quantity of worms, and Ahe ak Medicines © +. — ————— mildandbe-| PRICES CURRENT aT le, see of tbe palit aa. fn ve expert Spaniard, with a rope round its neck sit ee at last loaded with twelve gu » 084) “When standing erect is between four and five | i*fying its hunger an | regaining ite strength | rapidly n this ** fearful responsibility” on bis} féerhigh. - and then replacingothe seve boots on the A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- | ticles the. most anti-patrescent, combi ed with oy ST eats bie the elephant rose and made his rounds, This'astonishing creature my be expected at | faithfo! airy messenger, it took'a rapid{Aght | ly of ‘children some weeks, withoot being able to | ingredients known as the only certaiw gntidote Bescon, “3 9 53 Cott mY arn. "8 ‘eeling and renewing hie lofd of “{nne-| St. Martias¥ilie, on the steamer Partick Henry, | to the West, and soon. we (rast, found its| restore ba: one out of the seven to health “| for fevers of every deecrntong AD “a age Sie Brandy ap. 35 aA0 ‘Molbsses, $5 3 40- a = ? ry ° e “ : 4 * j reading the speec while the bird wes sat | core was complete, and she gained her healtk Pp zs qualities of the most on eA nak ari 3048 ; nefigial natare. bey are composed Of ar—- SALISBURY, _ e ~ * te F sn eoce ? at every circuit, an-Monday, the 5h Jone. Thethrong to see! | way to the owner had the liberality+to sehd for Kolmsivck’s: Ver- | ease is prodweed either from _ roction, . “The lion-tamer preseqtly appeared and yesterday (May St}io New Orleaus~was im- mifage, and cored the rest wiih it ip Jess thao a Thad aig, swampy and damp situations, or patrid Bu Rene Ne ids Si ~ gg fs . A < “pamense. Thal is most true,—The New Vork Atlas is week, : miagini, whether, maligoant, of epidemic, or by |. ott *, y, ou. aa * . , Numerons cases of other complaio's were sep | oiher causes, these medicines are ceriajn In their | Beeswax, 20a 22 | Pork, a $8 ! 2 : Sogar, bus. S 2 10 ‘ stonished the crowd rather mure than the} Np — ft is’go “he New i o4 7B.— pposed to be the Qaarloo—a ' i har A prologoe wae pronog Set+ | thing tieretofore-regarded’as fabtlous. sepeqionn & pcacelons Lace thal he posed to exisi, and the persons treated for fever, ' operations, or effects. They_are possessed of pe- | Cation, clean 54 a 6 ng forth that a slave was to 5 “We wre astonished thai the peopteof St-Mar | ai) ihe essentials to sucerssful anverpriae, Pet. | &C-» at finally a trial of tbis Vermifuge diecov- | cyjiat qualifies, whicb not only expe! all disease. | Coffee, Salt loaf, 15418 iptowild beasts, &e. &c. A tinsville aud vicinity were puzzled in determin neterance: ie a sine g@é a Pondivatity ig na- | ered the trae cause of the sickness, by bringing | hy: atthe same time restore and invigorate the Corn, “45 40 | Salt, sack, 2 75 $3 vas spread before the cages in» in tke natute of the anima: they had canght — eueest¥s hei witha perseverente a man will away almost an innamerable qnantity of worms, | system When first taken into the ‘stomach, Fealhers, “18 9 20 | Tallow "5 64 eat, (‘* parlous work,” | thovght, sthong They have captared that exceedingly rare ari ana seece.s been appuintmeats to. which it in| "8° and amall, and the sina area we i they immediately diffuse pitty? at ita de leer , rye 35 Tobacco, 8 2 20 great despatch. Instances of this kind mig througt every pore, producing ,e&s Fonssd, , ahs 55. Tow-Linen, i2a 16 uch tender meat a Ae mal “alive: Tylerman’ ‘The description will | 4), | conoid oti _ is nd out sprun fa enema! ebuSres,) andwer for nothing else ander the sun.—.¥. O. hs ak f Wien pune eal gitPheerince 1 cited to af immense exteot, bot it is eseless, onr | delighiful, salutary, and permanent, . When the a. prung a full grown tiger, who sei - 7 re xperience, pe - | lb 4| Wheat, bush 75 red the geni| . ger, Who se Tropic. ttath able only hi’ pérsdveretice * e thftk thie trial for 25 cenis will show ahy one with seston | spark of life begins to grow dim, the circplau n Tron, per 1. a4} Wheat, L inroat "A siressie. Ash eolsred Santee; natable nality nae bebe rather eotited in mod. | ‘Shment the certain effects of this Verm:foge. languid, and the facyities paralized, these medi Linseed Oil, pr. , ees 2h ‘, 30 al ’ gg'e ensues, m which they ‘*Books of the Season.’ —Our library sable is | orp apatites read te young. men “thongh ald fa- Caution — Never buy this articje anless it have | eines are fouh to give 2 tone to vhe nerves, ex- gal 90 $1 Wool. (clean) 25 ‘0.1 ower and over on the ground, and, final- | strewed With books of the season, the principal | iher Jaoon recognised the mischief atiendiog a |. Dr Kolmstock’s Vermifuge” handsomely en- | pileraie the animal spirits, invigorate the body, ; - — : 1, the victim gets the upper hand and’drags:| of ‘which is oor Grocer’s Book ; and we find that | jgnk ‘of j pape i his graved on the outside Jabel, and the fac simile and re animate the whole man ; ; Fivtgee epee: Jone Rel out his devrou : gs te ? lack ‘of it, when he said to one of sons, tC k & Co . The Bife Medict havéaleo been vsed:with ‘. KG5a AW) * 99 998 rer by the nape of his neck. | we have Jet these Matters get into gach arrears, | e{Jngtaple as water, thou shalt not excel” at SnOIEOCe ‘ ; . R The bife aarNee Ee and Biye- | Brandy, peach Ta soAcnvolacses, ==" * * | was inclined to think once ot twice that | ‘hat the authars or’tompilers’of these books arus! Agents—C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; J _& R | the most happy seecess in ‘Nervous apd Dys- |. 5, Anple “$5 a 40 | Nails, cot, 5446 the tiger was doing more than was set d naturally be impagient for ug to take some notice | 2 Relic of the Revolution.—Died_.1n Derry. | Sloan, Greensboro’ ; D Bearti, Hillsboro’ ; J P| peptic: diseases; Consnmiption, teecteage eee Bacen, 64a°7 | Sagat brown;"642 10 for bim in the play, bot asthe N f CON) of thea Our Grocor’s Book ig: an instinctive | (N. H.) on the Sih ult , Major George Bornham, | Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. ° |-Compfeinr,-Rheomatism, {chrooie and inflama- | pooswax, 25 @-27-|omp, * ~~ 14 ‘and dog -f the esiab!i.\snent looWe a litte manaal, from which we Gad: that coffae 9} In the 84m yedron Nes ati a or i. he | eel ouire Gaun & Boven’s Agents Gee, | Au i ee ‘So080 Ty qa rn : e- |} two shillings a nd. and that: moisi sugar is | Continental srmy thr “the eatife Revolation- a ot ad PCa g » Agents. Coupe. dha It, } are { reserved ™y crilicism, ‘| suld at the rale vise" pence the seme pre= arr straggle <ithost.s Oseh farloogh, even to CABINET MAKING! Salisbury, Oct 92,°1842— ly 13 ' Celio Varo, 148 18 | Sack, $2: wih be , err next appeared in the long cage | senting a carious ‘analogy to. the theodie tax — | visit his friends, and was engaged in most of the ype Sebecriber respecifolly Tetarns his ' a ae nove Fnvatesble MFC Cora, _ 5f 3 60. Tobacco teaf 23 - be is aurmals—lions, gers, leapards, | We miy however, diaw a distinoticn ; for'while | battles of the Revolution He possessed an in- | J thankefur pasi favors, aod informs bis old | Bc A soppy OF the = St Grose Ruvds, | Capere?: ¥.F.18a 1%} Cotton bag 7 Ue pulled them about, put bis hands | the one is sweet, the ottierds bitter, OarButch- | tellect of a high order. which ‘he retained in a0 | friends aod tbe public that he isi continess to | pre iN ES are er sale at James’ Cross | eG xseed bis - Bale rope. ie 0 ) their . okie: a , ; i j “ iod of bis the ve business in all ils various | fredeii county, “ YP lour a eat new! ) mouths, and took ss meny hberties [%* Bock de: © ‘very -qurlenss productions sed | extraordinary q@eneerss meine fone ° Srsktbves, and ate of etaod on main street, Avy CoMeINTOSH, Agent. teers 0 a 25°| Whiskey vee ~ - az... 4425 | Wel, 8 itt fly in bieroglyphi ticalasly shat | life. ° written partly erog!yphirs, parti y ife too doors below J, & W. Murphy's store and op | ~~ DAVID L POOL; | $rOr.y e \- NAKES this’mestind of . 4 Cnéeae ‘Aobe 28, 1843: 6 1 inforining his fhénds, | Best 4254 Nalscutessor6e8 ~~ ] the pablic, that he is | an ht 16a 18 aiken vie on the Watch Bacor. 6a 8 Oats Secnah S80 and Cluck making, and'Re. | Butter = ide 1b | Oe eo D pairing business. at his old | Beeswax 22 225 On ee ae stand, near he Gourihouse | Bagging yd 202022) — mp Ine Bale ropelb 10492; linseed 1 10-4 1°25 k . “¥ . : by him will be warranted for | . ‘KOELLIOTT. | 4 aida He still keeps oa hagd a smal Coffeelb 1} 2 14 | Perk r00lbs 5] 8 ‘ "ith bis stock of px Key as if 1 was al Dade into ma . s already art of it which relates to-déems; though the ; ‘ aon" . Pam ed and aula a. They grow!- on total is set oot with laudable Souinedes. — AD Pore bs i os bea — posite. the Watchman Printing Office, where he hey were galled Ant Pat came when! We have not been very well-pleased with the Bice the Ane hima selection of candidates for | #9 always be found. ' He kee ps constantly on serv mi ‘ 1 80d did as they were bid, | annotatius,-and there ie note at the end of the} (54 S aidicat 3 ce Presidency, passed a handa variety of well finished work, and at prt 4 : veh to my astonisiiment, He Made } last pace. whieh. we thought extremely ‘tbo L; Nero y i ETAL 6 iSdewce in the | 2e8 © suit. ibe limes, Also a supply of ready Re ‘ bed of them, among other thi ; ; ores . . Coffins constantly kepi on band to suit aoy the wr: s ng other things—palting vant, [t speaks of the necessity the. author Is principles an -patriotienn of Mart o* Van Boren, made mp = loupe prices ibaa eeer ‘1bey Eacross the lion for a pillow. surcigh- | under of meeting a-heany payment oo 8 cer'sin | Joho C. Calhoun, Richard M- Johnsone-Lewre | re scid for on theron, and seether ti dey, and cr ! of the individual * ‘Levi Woodbory, James . . ihe Feopard. _ | is, : i j deter Bocee yor inds of Lomber and Coontry Pro we tse thar ea “Tce th a he sere K Polk. and Wim. R. ‘King. ‘ done conde invanchange for wort 2) “hee-*s that thes temperament, } * » + e d.| whichis Hable vaJead-him 10 the eonttission of | "RS; Grdocs—The Missiesippiae says :— . elve months. . b ne‘at jess London'#* Puneh.”* Law] parents of Mas. Cares havesepeived a lat April 29, 1843—15 40 Z Siena Jewellery. _ ; Cotton = 6 | Rice joolbs ary i ae alle a ee bet « La mcat A waren 5 Mec DR. i. KILLIAN; Old Gold. and niless taken in exchange for pal per: 4 Sogu 92 os yaeri hia +} ,.MoN att, of. Misaissippi, in bis late pab- | do 4 : oe 4 : i Jewellery or work cone Flor ort - of S: wae ‘bres app: Ip. asleep .an.tyg | Wonton, $ "Dor Seatpesiad of wy ad— | derstand shelly rote to her father sd, (etic AS revuragg to Salisbury, and ‘'s *Salisbure, Mareh 12, 1942 —U3s - | feathers. 25 a 30 bush 50 60 iy a: ee iit on of Fane + oie , sont 960000" it the padlie ¥ herself a the fact thet he Ee _ « reic ‘ now prepared 10 resume the prac ——~ 7. & Johnston tron 100lbs 5a 64 | Steel Amer. 10 a 00 rey sy if. fighteny tants Tener uldor aris | tions (ilagh that e women en Wed) ie b md viceof his professian His -Office 's aie — Lard « 6a 1) English 7 ba ack. 1 fowene, aire | 7? me dollar thereof.” eae —* nee wii teers fae an removed to Mr, Cowan's brick band- ATTORNEY AND srt ieee agree uw. Molesses 30°28 57 | German 124 14 Nm ge a ie ee Soihere me haxerthevenGoxerapr of a State | 4he-reach of lega! pr ran ; ; yw. C. ~ ’ _ Atusg then brought ode youne rae f hg ae honor.because he is | fore, that the “Colgnel bas passed -beyund the ven rob Salsidor are Hae Tallow Ta 7 | Teampe mS ‘ ghy ok yo a>. ee ne pt ee Mrs. Graves is bat Gift s of age. April 29, eye —'"40 Sakisorg, tae. ', . ; p j rs # ® # professioné mat het ‘ j 2 ‘erieB.o contest, Leedfogoiem 1s assumption of populer de- sernoening vofeflect:ng pottion of eo Sy > = aisepeaipeere Sy 7 et, ewe? cen, inets d Loco, vous (pee Sings Democracy aa keae cn ; pce ogc 1is “codnt: hk 4, vé no efinity whatever. a Te le panty instneted by Thow- as Jefferson dormg the adminisiretion of Jobo, Adstas’bad for iteordimal principle ‘the redudlion of Execotive power, Loeo- foegiata, 6u-the rontcery, hes af ndvo- . cated the preservatieh and extension of the Prerogstivés:of the Exeestive. During the - admaistration of General Jackson, the veto, for the first time in the history of the Gov- erimment, wae employed pot.esa weapon to defend the constitution, bot s9.ap iastrament to enforce the personal views of the Exeeu- tive. The views of the President qere . Sthem pétamoont to the aetion of the Legis- lative brotich of the -Guvetnment, end the latter wos (Bight to regard iself 09 a snbdei, diary mstregient to carry oat the intentions of the President. Ina word, the one-man power grew supreme, ard the will.of the Presiienthecame as eget stern se the of the Russien Czar. dn impristyon gl Jackson, the Governors the Stites, the | same politics! party, segAep their individaa! wils as the standard of law and legistetion, and redoced ihe Legislatures to mere regis- tries for the recording of their edicts. ta this-practieal and stesming inerease of Ex- ecutive power, Loesfocotsm 18 al alter vari- ance with the unceasing vigilsnce atanifest- cu by Mr. Jefferson of the powers lodged in the Premden: by the constifution, ‘Thomas Jcff-sson would’ heave regarded the modern use of toc velo power by the Locefoeo Ex- ecutives os the sery essence of despotism lt would be diffiew' to fied any single in- stiuece in which the Locoloce democsacy s- grees with the democracy of Jefferson and ¥ F still seting Willi it, efter the mesa. to 9 political partyin Hee my ‘ very allractive whe ecoynt for the ddjoo withie its ranks Sinton » Of the besest deaiagogues ané rmost te ’ The passion P ocohe pleader, for the * spoils” of bs fice, give to the-dtovements of the Loeo- foco party en epergy, zeal, and Buon of | ection thas enables it to triumph over the Jose disciplir.ed-forces of the friends of law ] sod order, whose chief object of pxetiion © the secunag of good governwent. It is sor- prising, however. (a$680 maby respectable j ’ experience we hase bad for the last foutieeo years of its exits eo apd cor. ruption, and the blipatiog t of. ity des- trectiwe palicy vpod the chm wade of she country. 1: is natural e that office seekers sod spoils hunters show -stitl fiad ® consolation for al whe evila Locofocowm in the boodhes*besic wed opon them for sereices.sn tiie war waged epon the credit and twade of the nation, but (het so- ‘ber we!] disposed ertizeos shoold be delv- | ded to self-iaid@elauen on thd Moloch altars ! of Kioeofocoigm Sy the hypocritical” ery of | «“ Democracy ?”** Democracy ?” is a ast | ter of astonrshment to a | eninghtened men. From the Natvonal Intetligencer. COMPENSATIONS AND CONSOLA- . FIONS. In the beaafifal letters of consolation and of | gtief between two celebrated men of antiquity, ondef. them advises the other to take refuge, ‘sha sff-ction of a-severe domestic loss, in the exértions uf pablie affairs and the hendradle -plessure of conferring benefits on bis: country — “ Alas,” he teplies, “ there was a ime w soch. a remedy as you propese might have av edyand when they whom individee! calamrties | overwhelmed could escope from their private misfottunes into the contemplation or creation of public greatness or happiness. But now al] this is denied ps, and every distress at home is deep- ened hy the speciacle-.abroad of pabtic affairs as disheartening to the citizen 88 beren vements hike mine are tu the man.” Such is, in so slight degree, the feeling which, fur some ime, haé been spreading over the minds of mady. A.dengerous discouragement, amount ing alainsi 10 dismay, has seized apon the public spirit. ‘The good find that the mosf anprincipled counsels but too often succeed ; the able, who will not consent to seek their support ia every Madison. Io wath. no party of which we have ane knowledge ever evinced such a ra- | dical difference between its professions and | ‘prettice es thie same Locefoco party. As the polls, when votes are to be gsined, no party is more strenuous in its denuacgations of ex'ravgroce ond ex pense in the Guences-of the Government, and yes, when in power, none is more notorious both for its prodiga| waste of thé public funds and far their cor- rupt misepplication. We need only. refer to the thitiy-five -millions annual expend- ture of the sdamaisiration of Mr. Vain Bo- ren, in contrast with the tweive millions of J. Q- Adams, and the oumerons defaications of the former, without. a single instance of peculation under the latter. Not a State in the Union which bas, for any length of time, been subjected to locoenfo rule but exhibits the same traits ae those displayed at Wash. ington under the Vin Buren administration, Pennsylvania affords. probably, the moet @omplete iilostration of the vicee of Locoto- jem, 68 itis here that it tad for a series of years rhe most vabounded hieense. The character of the leaders and publie agents eeleeted by this party is discreditable both to the teputauo, and welfere of the county. Tgnoraotdegregouges, known on. Ny for restiess agitation in political pot-hou- ses j political adventorers, without moral oes or any intellectual elevation, are delegated by the -Locofoco party to fill our halle of legishafign. ah ?10 direct thedestinics of Sis . b bes been the degredation broug rlegislatures by Locofoco Repee ja iv is with ao tithe diffi. eullv that men Of cheractes and. talent can be induced fo accept of these high public troste. graded stamp of men that the Loenfoeo part 's 1m the babit of sending to the Legislatare, the grosses corruption ‘sad the most venal profl. gacy have berome characteristics of the Locoloco legislator, and the p@eceful hatis Of tegisistion have been converted into the arene of [ectious wolenee and bloody strife. We feed not cali to the mings of our rexd- ers any iflostratione of thesezemarks The history of locofocoism ia the leet Pennsy!- venia Legislature is toa atrocives apd too receat to be slready forgotten. Another characteriatre of becoloccism is its ind flerence to the neture of the doe- ttanes it adopts into its erced, provided, they be popolar and have $ tendency to sogment i's power. In Rhode Istand we find it en- rolled under the treasonshie vanners of Dor. He, and senctooarng civil wer, murder, and Outrage, end the famaus doetrine that @ mi- nority have a fight, by forte of arms, to o- verthrow the constiluted suthorities. lied the rebeibon of Darr Proved suecessful: as Wwaeld with a lorofoee Presicdent at the head of the Government, no Siate Govern mentin the Union have stood against 'o threaten its exes eris. Property ® Minority bold enough and life would have teen a the mercy of an infusrated mob, aad the orm of advil power would Lave been power- Yess to protect out homes and firesides from \ncendiary violeate and rapine e: be forgotten that the eatire L '¥ was arraved to support of th treasog of Dorr. la Missiseippi we see this same paty advorate repudiation, and pub- Niety procleimeng to the world, through its organ, the Loecofoen Governor, that it does nm held the psynent of just gally or Mossl'y_biading wher of Ubese sentiments, bettes ‘ord of freetmotess than ebei:zed men, ftook the wredit and repudiation of the A- menican Union, depreciated the stocks of tne Stata and Peceral Government, end casi teh a hight on the America meme and ‘Uarsrter shat w long period of uae must e- As a netaral.esfixequence of the de- | could, fur a moment, | stence by an appeal to | Let it nev. | eevfoco-par- } @ murderous | debisenther le. | The mere utter. | filing 9. bad acd shallow Gelnsion, are dragged down and trodden over bv every base competitor; while the Public eortinnally deceived in its onwisely chosen fasotites, is, because they whom it pre- ferted bate proved worthless, falling fast into the still more deplorable errr bf bel:eving that all are corrupt alike. If,in the poputar favor, donor, | worth, patridtism, capacity. ex perience, indepen dence aad all that gives reciitade, zeal, loftiness, disinterestedness to public service, are contigual ly worsted by the fafab arts of the mere duma-— gogue, so that fitaess to perform'one's part oobly attd to serve the couniry usefully becomes an a/ mos certain exclision from popelarity, what mas! foliow P He who woald rise musi disenc umber himself of every inconggnient’ virtue; anilities | minst bend (bemselves, pet to workiog oul the pablie good, bat to flattering the prevai'ing pop- ular passion 5 and al] the guod who are not driv- | en from pedlic affairs, must a: )asi abandon them io despair. With this wide expulsion or withdrawal from the public employments of those who could give a just dignity end efficiency, a still more gener al and disastrous effect has gone hand‘ in hand 7—an apathy of the good and intelligent at large, who (though teking ne direst share in politics, except as a portion of the constituent body) mighi yel, by their votes or their influence there, have at last retrieved things frow their present unhap- Py condition, Botin them the gloom of long public adversity, the disappoiaiment of near ly every hope. has at lagt engendeted distrusi of our institations themse/ves and forebodings of 2 re- salt so aniformly uaforianate, that many of them, Loo wna '0 Consider public affairs as given over (0 hapeless confusion and error, abandon the struggle, and seek in the se'fish care of their pri vate pursuiis the only remedy or eompensation | which public disorder and dis!raction can afford, | Yei, while the brave, the good, and the pro- | deat preserve their courage and their constaney, there ie always hope in public affairs, There is no nobler instance of Roman wisdum than that "raceeding of their Sevate after the ierrible blow ai Canue, fostead of Yielding to the popular econgietnation or visiting opon the unfortunate commander (as woul! be sore to happen in this | covatry) the wrath which contd only -bave weal ened the poblic spirit still more, they seo adep otation %, pe ee but il judging leader, to thaok him-thet, affer so dreadfal ap everthraw, “he had net despaired of the Repnblic 3” for they knew that while they kept alive “ia she minds of théir ceagtrymen That toftiest of re— | sources, confidence in their own brave spirit and | in what that can effect, they could never be re- | duced too low for hope Our own Revelation - ary history affords a like example of magnani. | mous prudeoce in the resolutions sent by the Virginra Assembly to General Gates, afier the | disasi rons battle of Camden. No man car, in such a contest as now waging, safely quit the field. drawing from the fight, abandon to its fate, while we ean yet * Sirike one siroke for tile or death,” ne man should be weak enough to think Jnqoesiiogably 1 ig well to louk after ovr afisirs, as so meny of ug have reed to de what will ii profit io have we suffer those to iake the cae give es nothing short and private? -[f that we are | As to with- ing the country of tt. — | private But | dose an, if meantioe | Sway whose success | of tenewed ruin, pablic » then, we go back to vor fields, levit be as or ancestors did in Indian times, when every one ploughed with a rifle and sholt- pouch at his back. The entire safery of all-we ‘have, public or private,ts at stake | tion, almost now, whether we are fo be | OF not; and every man shveld now w | one h iS aqnes a society | ork with aod aad fizhi Locofucorsm with the other Gs A Frenchman stopping at a tavern, | asked for Jacob. “ "Phere ig no such per- | $e@ here.” said the lendler@ Tis no, | Pearsons | want, sare ; but de beer make | } Warm wid de pokesir,”” he replied. ++ Oh, ho!” exclaimed the host, “ that is flip.” | . Ave—yes, sare, yeu right,” sai the over. “pyed Brak, “ I mean de Philip \ | A glotton ot a feiloe dining at 2 hotel. | | eceidentally cut kis mouth, which was ob. | | werved by 8 jester, wlio bemled oat, * Lay, | fread, don’t make thet bole in your counte- | | MaKce any larger, for Merey’s sake, sf you! do, the rest uf w= will get Nothing to cat.” | & ; Yu P ity dl retarned, | sohoson, Srias Wright, Benton & Ca. Bench by Gen Jackson. thus : FROM YUCATAM. 0». ivdl of 8 Spr; Ai ° estiliues between the B datanes@had entirely ceased, G.-n. A : pudis ead stuff had waited the city of Cam- peachy. Ai Lerma, sels engeged in receiving the Mericen troops, and the artillery, begg»ge, Se. of the expediticn, . wbeace they were to be tramepotied to Legags. .” The “steamers vad other vessels of war of the Mexican ¢qued- ron, were B)so tying there. The inbsbnents ed fecarenrtoaae the embsrcttion to o wat or WT fiser.ong be Lerma bad been dis- mantled gnd the. osdvance removed, The inbabstenie of. thee plsce who were detven from thew homes during. the was, bad fear- an, the Goyernor Gonerel of Ya- ican tarred 7 cystiog of the Istend oY Carmen afwistice could be es commend was stil} Miy, ebout four miles frow the Mexzicée™ » Phe slight damages sustained in, tWieengagements with the steamers, have been Tepaired, on he is now ready for action again. Fhe Fexans are | represented as being very popular with the Campeachancs ;—friendlg {gehngs _ being meoifesied towards them ina vatiew of weys. Captawm Lander ws for a trme. engaged In earrying troops, dc. from Campeacky to Lerme, and.bes frequently been on board of the Mexicap steamers lysog there. He says thet the officers,who ste mostly English- men, spoke tn the highest terays of the mab ner in whieh Commodore Moore brought bis commend into action, end edmitted nu wasnot bis fault he did nat bring them to close quarters. ‘They deny, however, that they sustained ny Joss in the engege- mepis end siete that bul ene or two struck their veseels, Two or three men on board of the Tex-" an squadron have died of thé vomito. officersand crew, however, were all well by the last arcounts. It was noi kn wo what were the ioten- tions of Commodore Moore,. Fre armis- tice between the Yucatenese and Vexicans coes nof.affect wherelavons Between the lat~ ter and Texas—nor can we suppose thet it rotetferes with the’ Commodore’s freedom to act a8 his judgment may dictate. We may therefore look for a demonstration of some sort before long. The editors of the Republican bave been furnished with the following extract of a letter from an officer on board the Wharton confirming the impressions we have just expreszed : “Of Campesehy, June 18. ‘We have had no engogement with the | Mexieen fleet since [ wrote you 4est— pert. ly in eonsequene of nor having been able to raise @ breeze of wind, and partly becouse » complete cessation of hostilities has taken | Place between the Mexicans end Yucatea- ese. Bot you may expect to hear of seme- thing like an engagement immedistely efter the first of July. All the Englishmen on board the Montezuma were paid off on the 151h inst., and discharged; those on the G.udalospe, also, will oe paid off on the 30th, and discharged. Op the 4th of July we iotend to make sai! in chase of the ene - my. with the American and Lone Ster flags fiying at our mast head. Geo. Ampudia and Keff have been. I un- derstand, in Campeachy, where he was well ‘treated by the Yocotenese. He was embarking his troops as fast as possible The former inbabitants of Leama were re- taraing to their homes every dey. We are allin good spirits, and anxiously waiting fore fight. G. W. W. BF The Washingion Globe protests a- , beca it resisted EK i foserip- gainst the employment of Mr. Wesster to | rene oe son pase nd neers Pp Aa negotiate 8 Commercie! Treaty with Eag- | °" ; mnboratte to avow the land, and insists thet, sinee our Protective Tariff is to be crushed, a Free Trade Loco- Foco should be selecte.i, and not one who bes been all his life a Whig advocste of Protectron.— Our sentiments, exactly. If the T-riff is to be seerifieed, it does not be- come Mr. Webster tn be ts exeeutioner. The Globe is mistsken, however, about the steadfastness of Mr. Webster's position. He wasa strong Free Trade man down to 1820 at leasi—we think till 1824. f¥é vo- ted sgeinst the highest Protective ‘Tariff ev- er paesed —that of 1828 — while Van Buren, sop- ported at. But Mr. Webster, though not @n early, hes been 9 strong advocate of the Proteetive Policy, and we can hardly yet believe that be will take any course intend ed to overthrow that Policy, His letter to bis Boston friends is very decided on that | point. —dVew York Tribune. Old Times—Tbe Cincinnstts Gezetie copies from its old files the proceedicgs of @ meeting of the “ Jackson Democracy ”’ | 10 that criyon the $Othof May 1828, com- plimentary to Henry Baldwin, then a mem: | ber of Cotigress from Pennsylvania, and of- ‘erwarcs elevated to the Supfeme Coart The notice reads “A ‘public dinner will be given in this city to the Hon. Heory Baldwin of Pitts. | barg by the friends of General Jackson and | Domestic Munufactures.” The dwner wes accordingly given, and the Jackson | De woeracy toasted as the only party which could be relied opon to afford adequate pre lection to domestic manufactures! And how this same * Democracy” deoounce the Whigs os the °* brgh tan?” party, and the tarff isetf es ene of the heads of the Federal hydra ! Among the conapievons natpes embodied in the Cmeinn t. proctediagswe fipd tore of Etijeb Hayward. afterwards Commiseioa- er of the Generst Land Offee, end the more nolonoes Dr. D Lyne hburg Virginian. - ® there were snugher of, ves- | Gown jo great dumbers | The } vocan, afterwards the Leco- | foco member of Congress trom Cinéinnati. | | } ft Pinsent of tg Uriel State HENRY GL: t. ! OF KENTUCEY. A. ; Col... pA OF CABARRES CouNtr. ¥ Od of gus. . 4 , , DISTRICT. “Phe election ie nat far distant, when a mem— in the Congress of the United States, and if you de hot chopse one ‘for youredives, a Whig that will poly represent your interest®aind opinions ; the Logofoeos wilt choose one for you, that. wilt misrepresent beth. They ate ective aod vigilent, io ake advantage of ery negligence of their op- party, boast on ait docksions of the vertsioty of District accarding tw the 1 election; and by that of 2840, pearly, 1200.— The.difference wae ibe bess-of the Whigs from. apathy, and not a gain of the Loses by any change of opinion, Shell_the Whigs ‘then be: 8a opreless as fo suffer the Bjection to. be éarried by defaolt, im failing to atiend the there be the s3me proportion of less an the ensuing Sd of August, am more, then the Loces will cartnidly gain the election. ‘Toavaid such, threatened eatasttoptie, cach Whig ought to consider bis.une vote.of as meh importance as if by it the majority were to determined; apd suffer ne-frivolous excuse to 2 of abesnce ebeh as, there is enough me, my vote is bat one in a thousand wont be dissed, or some smal! ititon veaienc? as loss of time, hat sunshine-or a shower of sin; these are bat small matters in comparison with the importance of the Election. Recollect: that thousands are made up of units, aod every one abstracted leaves the nomber less ; that meglect- ing or refasing to vote at an election is a voltn— tary surrender of one of the most important rights that belong to freemen. & Democracy ever-changing, ever—new, Stealing power from the many to the few. The Virainia Resolations of 1798, the patent charter of Democracy, assumed that the major- ity must and should govern in ali cases where there was any difflereneé,of opinion They also declared that the will of the People must bé obeyed by the Executive and Legislative author- ities. ‘They charged that the Federalfsts wish ed and intended to establish an Aristocrecy with the royalty of the President at the head of priv ileged-order, made up of the Officers of the Go— veroment, Civil and Military. The trae doc- trine was alleged to be, that the Feders! Gov- eroment was a mere agent and creature of the States, formed and adopted by the States—that the Constitgtion was made and agreed to by the States, and not by the People, as its preface de- clares. Siriet constraction required this altera— tion ; and it was verbally made and read so ever sine, al:boagh the words are still retained the same ae inthe original writing. In 1812, De- mecraey declared it to be mors! jreagen for a State or an individual to refase ta lend money to the Federal Government. or to forbear to volunteer as so'diers in the Army; and in 1816, it was rank Federatism to oppose-the establisliment of a Bank of the United Stages, or a high Protec- i lve Tanff. Ina few years, the Tariff began to be odious and the Bank monstrous: the first be cause it furnished a competent Revenoe, and the | both were entirely uncorstitational : and althongh | the will of the People and the Legislative power | Supperted the Bank, yet the Execuiive authority destroyed it: thas changiog original Principles, and robbing the many, to gratify the few, who with the great currency :inker of the time, thought Siate Banks far more profitable and con- venient. Yet how soon did they discover the fatal error, and what was the result; instead of retracing these falge sieps as migh’ have been reasonably expecied, they blendered on obstinate. ly and bliedly disregarding the will of the Peo- ple, with specie orders, actording to the royal willof a Democratic President, until the Sub- Treasary was established, thereby Stealing the money power of the Coontry into the hands of the President, entirely beyond the contro! of the | People or their Representatives. With all these | Changings, doublings and tarnings, the Demo- | erats of the present time, (at least the last time they or their leaders Jefined their Position) occu | Py the same ground that was charged to be-occu- pied by the Fedesalisis forty years ago, approv- | lag. advoeating and maintaining the highest y, under onetitution. The Federal Googress of 1779 enacted, that all daties on foreign Goode should be collected in money of the United States or foreign coin at a specific value; and ffip Svb-Treasury Scheme enacted, and it ig sought agaiz. to be enacted, ' that all dees tothe Treasery shall be collected _in Specie; conld there be a more exact to identify mudéro democie ersiism ? The Mecklenburg Jeffersonian says :-— Py, charged that the aan T reasyr . rupt, aad promised to provide meg lv 10 replenish it, Th redee | stretch of Execative power and avthorit | an alleged strict copstrection of the C { | Cy with ancient Fed. ber is 10 6¢ chaser to represent you fortwo yerrs | wall knowa that ponent; and for the parpose of eacberaging their’| their success, while in tect, their success depends | iv eatirely on the-negligéoace of the Whigs. There:|. is. known Whig mejority of ever 600 in: the} te ea | Tariff of Seventy Cents per povad’on American likeness | how feprubating ibe | The Whigsof this i County, was.ens - | promise thade? The vety extravagance of she} ¥ the idea that any sneb ieohd, the promise was ré- law \o give away. the pro ceeds of . Hew coald 2 pro- cise be vedgetied that véver existed ? No per. son er patty ever paomise”d or pretended to give awey PBoren'said, * the People expect td: mach from the Government” when shep expect hosesty ; Cathova and-thé otber Lécafeenes insist thet i ts more than pte een ara the te. -maioder of » plé¢geis robbery. Tiird —t0 grati fy Git sstettdin Montanaacn A ie ay hed nothing to do with the wr ta, teas osnal on : e ade 4 the oe Per . en. he had s ted States pores THe INDEPENDENT. — [hig new paper jnst.staried in the by "Thomas Loring, Esf, late is Ibe tide y City of Ral biurers, théy"wre wo part of ave hor Fight. to" ask any thing ihe Government, and. mast ao! by say means claim she tight-to express an-epigion of policy ia any way differing from rhe -will ‘considered and matorely formeéd Goginas ‘of the Mecklenburg Sefferstnitn, abd othe? mivor stripes of the Cal- boun tail, Peorih—raised the Tariff v0 high as to-make it prohibvory, and-thup stil!’ fdteber to rob: the “Breasory:. Untit ctedible’ avidente: is addunad:to enpport this declaration; h® probibi- | Ca. Standstdyand devored to Editor Of the ag Literatar \. pace tty “Miscellany and Genera] a tis handsomely Printed on goog peau ‘god edited wit, spi a ) nirit and ability $F Jonx Naseos appointed Attorney eneral of the Yau on™ in place of Hogh S. Legare, Pht Stay fee “OREN, decennad, TO THE “WHIGS of THR s CONGRESSIONAL Distance 1 presume the fact of a Disirie; Cosmas hawing been organized in obedience 10 the » of \larytang, bas | ted articles tamed ad@ proved, this assertioe must beat the stamp .of falsehood. the ad valorem duties are all below 50 per cent , oone of which cao be probibitery when a Roreign ‘Fobaeeo docs not prevent its export to foreign tory. Bat do the Loeofecos now consider them- selves as pledgiag and promising immediate rem- edy for all the evils of which they choose to complain? Do they promise lo-abolish the ‘Pa- riff, and restofe the given away Public Lands ? They: ought padér their own construction. of words tobe consideted as promising something. Or do they wisli and ifitend to be unders that all their vaanting vituperation; shall pale as the idle wiod which noone regards, or as foul wind, which is loathsome. a. nae ECP We are pleiteg to notice the arrival io this place of Mr. @°S: Honwen, Dentist, fw ros County for several weeks mach to thesatis fessionaly. Mr. H. wasa private Stededt with Dr. L. Roper of that. City, and is highly rec- ommended by him ay.a skillful operator. Heal so bas with him letters of recommendation frum the following distingvished individuals: Dr. Geo. McCletlen, Pailadelphie, Dr. Samuel Jack- son. do., H. C. Garland, President of Randolph Macon College, ‘Va., Louis D. Henry, Esq , Fayettevilie, N. C., and others. BCP The notable Daniel O'Connell with his [ristt Repealers, have had a great blow up with that port of the American sympathisers ‘who are not Abolitionists. Io one of his istely pebtligned agitation speeches he boasted, that when-he geis Ireland freed from the British Parhament, be will extend bis benevolence to Ametica, aod as- sist the Abolitionisis to free all the negtoes—that ia his present straggle, he wants neither the sympathy. nor the support of Slaveholders This is quite a broad hint, and is equal to saying di- rectly to the American People, that they were interfering in a matter that did nat congerg them: and that he, O'Connell, intended “to repay them by money and applausé, a part of a Foreign ‘e ton in “Treason. and Rebellion against their Go erament, bas ai all times been considered a just cause for a declaration of War against a Nation 60 offending, and when individuals sp aid as pri- Vate citizens, they ate always treated ae rebels | and traitors when they can be camghi-and ideh- tified. Witness the fate of the Cungda sympa: thisers afew years ago, and that of Arbathnot’ be the resalt of the folfilment of O*Cdpnell’s (breat, or atttempt to carry it into Opetation , and he should be caught? We would hardly have the patiedce to give him a trial for treason, but as in all sicnlar cases, resort to the more summary process of Lynch-Law. None, therefore, have 2 right to expect English law or practice to be less sanguinary than ogr own. The besi sym- pathy we ae Americans can give the Irish, is to keep bands off, and let them alone entilely, as any other interference wonld oly hasten the im- | pending catastrophe, that ‘awaits the first overt act of rebellion, 5 We take aveasign’ to.semark, whai a cor. trast iusthe state-of poblic fegling—how changed by the treachery of one. Wan; the hope, confix desce-and entiiusiasm tha, brought ten*thoosand to Salisbory, on the 4th of Joly, 1840 Disam painted and sickened by hope deferred—and treachery intraded, Seateely one (o am hundred, appeared on the present occasion. How desola~ ting the fraud! Hew deep the-sisin! And f3 " tmanrg tn He comegeton of abn Tyler CR: see ee - GEORGIA... . Stave met in Convention the 39th ultime, the. Hon. Hien, presiding, for the per- Candidate for Gavenngr and pose of npminating a Congress. George Yen*ion. gs the Whig I: is diffiewts to eenceive what es, * fic Would amonat ‘8 probitnign, when the Sanction of the D . = = = 7 ivine aod Alezander-H. Toliage Tepe candidate for-Corgress,- Nal a ‘Ta theact of 1842, : igh Countries. 11 is therefore, not oniy-falseybat idle | 1 aed ridiculous to assert that the ‘Tariff is probibi- }.P' Philade!phia, who lise’heen operating “in “Catar- | pl fection of his patients. He visits ine plage Pro- | in kind when opportunity offered. This aiding | é io Florida at more remote period. What would f4 Originally proposed 2y myself is peneralie which plan of conceived to be theoaly one -eonld be adopted, 80 ae io telen ¥ public sentimer, Fhat the difficulties which {sy in he "the formér Gin vention have been effeetnaly eomhe by-this.mode, there can now bai: bt. The anpeai has been made 10 the whi &{ Cause, and by og deeds of folly, made OOF party ihe victing ‘eager and designing opposers. ‘That i, ih first proposed, and.as now carried on! Dv ate has.established a permanent preceden; diy bést character, and saiisfaciorily sgp ‘ed the eiids Tor which it was designe! ju, ty ‘eutisfied —that it has met a Corresponding » sponse 88 on the part of the people laboring tule burning prejadices and TrOwing animositin, ss cesstolly quieting and harmoniziog the vid, 2 triomph of which any one may wel! boas I was well aware, that the adopiios of thy plap, by the cosypromise of Col. Barriopey nveell, was déhtined to bring upon me a » fromthe fact, that the pariy tale p iced against me by an expsriee cane: the nominee under the former. (Mount Nes convention. Bat, fellow citizens, acioasiys same spirit of true devotion to the Whieam which fits inflaenced me in 1839. to reais your cali, and toenter into the fatigues wf bors of a canvass, which musi have bem rent to all, that I} was doing so, at the om crifice of my personal interest, fromthe that I was yielding up the profi's of mr sion —my only sonree of income, for supp expense:in the oguse ofa pariy then om wane ; and-hadbeen défeaied for 20 hay large and_overwhelming majorisies all: ubese sacrifices to be made, and insuw ble diffienkiies to enconnter, | hoidly stepped ward, touk fresh hold of the flag siaff, anc farled the Whig banner again upon the om aod to-the satisfaction of my friends. and ie tomsShment of my opponents | obiained ave by far the lergest, ever obtained by any Wee ‘the District before or since, and in a shorbe vases of six weelks, reduced the then maj! 1400, down to the small Majority of 500-h thet'time until the present. I have ever ¢ myself, my time, and my money, thes of the Whig cause. From the long tried friendship which tas sisted and bound us together, | had ress? lieve, that F was euthorized after ihe new om flién of shis District, to ask of you ove a ind oft friendship and cordiality, 2% the same principles which soo fis) me before the country —and as o: hers then ed to enjoy honors and seek favor a! yoo! tm by @ convention, not made up of the pears" of a few, I refused to abide such a cons and then proposed the identical one bela jast acted, composed of the peovie o! ibe trict io their primary assemblies, which " mice was rejectedand another inetitatee—w Pating a candidate, who canvassed {0! 7 fil it wes ascertained that (bey istaken policy, then they oe 1@, however, se | wel! knee” ” “interes!, bat jost in time. 3 Ir + ¥e the party, which | agreed" oi peeling any personal benefit, bot 0%" coontry. ¥ ce F have given four years services 108 8 " thousand dollars 10 the Whig aaa ; I am now sopplanted by another! willing to give ag.much more 38 ive - triumphant sutress of th cavse. for onsselves, but for oa: coun!" ¥— ee country—anJ nothing bat oar coun''t ” look back in grateful recollection of (6 * in fond anticipation of she foivre, dee - at feast, one link, in the ebain of om which may prove as useful to those * | come after us, a6 the one which has 2 these whohave gore hefere us, } feared that the plaa 2s pret Oe friends of Col. Barringer, which" him before the District, was cal. * eoncile difficulties, but aa ad discords, and the result which onset, was anfartanately brovgh! '~” by the aetion of the Mpont Mourne ; After which, my plan, based ee Plinciples, was agreed to, hire inet say, bes cured most successfa J iss ae pleasant discords and exciied © od bid fair to brake pp oar unica whet a been actuated throaghoo! ans 18 yy a an spright and honorable pnt ae ‘as far as in my power lay, tbe a partyto which | befoog, 204 &0 act of mine, mbea - want of patsialis® raked: pave 08 Hf f know aty-own healt, ' "+ ibe! bition thpe the ubimale éaume.: Orr faibers eased? r§.fop-fteedam=—bieedi° *™ tle: prownde of the country 5 ‘Phe Convention also | Retinated Hop. Jota MM; Berrien; 48-the chewe we flinch to do Mike deede blessings. of free Governmen!. , Gentlemen, im conclusion, [oceo . vpoo (he union, ihe Whig partg’shfoughont the i; i a9 aS ‘b° Dsvidsot Qollegexen the 41h of opie ¢ pst eg aico to tender 10 “sex Whigs of thts aie ay warmest and most sis€ere pines Dsie r ichip 24d Generous hégn@iny whie ur the tee vended to me, with fwands aad a? Castile and Wherever wy tol-mey be cast, in i grateful for the kindness and re fi jaa ch 1 baee receized at the hands of le meo. oot Dl etfully, your ob't sérvant, , ro express an earnest desire fer they. paminee of the Gowven(iot ow hied | oo = -* P ? 4 . . - “ae ae a - J 4 mt ens P = T¥? Y _BRELEA, with fi dated 16453, 1 ebied t wae 2 taken away on Fhurgday tbe 6th | Salisbary, Joly 15, 1843. N: —_—- Very respe B. M. EDNEY. July 3th, 1848 | | DEATH OF GEN. EUSTIS. General Abraham Eusis, of the g, AtMYs commander of the 6b military i. ment died at Porthend op Tuesdey jagt, 10 thE 57th year of his age, of couges- tion of the brain. qoe following official order has-been ie— veg by she Adjotant Geoeral of the Army an United States, viz: - L Orpers ) *HpapquaRTERs oF Brigadies 4 wENER {| THE Army, Adju- tent Generals Of~ No. 41. | fice, Washington, J June 30, 1843. The General-in-Chief, in deep: eorsow, ounces to the Army, that official iotelli- ce is just received of the death of a dis. hed brother oficer— Brevet Biigsdier General Abraham Eustis, which melan- choly event occurred at Portland, 1 Maine, oo the moroing of the 27tb instant. The deceased entered the Army, a Cap- tain of Light Artillery, in 1808,10 the ex- pectation of the war that was not declared iil foor years later. Io this interval, be aide himself a master of bis profession :— yrved in that war with honor and hes since porne an important part in many expeditions of difficulty and enterprise, including’se ver- | recent campaigns io Florida Jnacareer of thitty-five years, he uniform- jy egbibited vigor in command, c aned } wid bigh intelhgence and impartality,and ip all relations, public and private, ero- gsi sod most spotless integrity. No men’s ord of motives could have been more uni yersally respected. The Army hus lost a distinguished light snd ornament : the country one ofits most patriotic and gallant defenders. As appropriate bonors to the memory of the deceased, the posts of the 6th ontitery Department, late under his commend, will fre minute gons (eleven) and display the national flag athadf staff ull sundown, the day after this order shall be received by the respective commanders—botb honors com- menacing a! 12 o’clock, p.m. Ina addition, ibe officers of the same Department will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. By command of Major Gonerstiigt R JONES. Adjutant General, 300 gen og uls ae The statements in’ the sabjoined para- graph may or may not be true; ar they may be in part true, and. in part false, Hf 107 considerable part-of them be well foun: ded,an entirely new channel would seem tolsve been devised for the diplomatic in- recourse between the United States and Foreign Powers, by the resort to which neither the ex-Secretary of State nor our Minister to London can have felt themselves perticularly flattered. It seems to us prob- atle, however, that the whole etory ts but an ingenious fable, devised for the amuse- ment of ourtransatlaentic-friends:— Nat. Tne, “The London Herald, at the close of ap irlicle on the subject of a commerctal treaty between Great Britain snd this country, makes the following statement : "Mr. Durr Green—the gentleman to whom we bave already referred, who was formerly coonected with a Washington urnal, and who enjoys, we are told, the Presideni’s confdence—being lately abdut ‘6 proceed to Europe, was put by Mr. Ty- ‘Braid and Straw Painted and figgred French mruslios and Lawas. Satin striped and Paris. Balsoreias.- (new artiele) plain, fancy culored. Lawns, Scetch yinghams; Crape de LanesgPtain pnd figared mustio de Lanes, Plaia aad: Chal. ies, Black Atpecker astets:and Bamw- testers, Diets ‘ ned sshd; plain acd -siri- silks, Silk-gimp and frin , i dresees, Jacdnett and Swiss m «ih: Lawos, Gambroonaaod Juneo drilix, Biaek and faney silk Cravats and. Stocks, Silk ‘and Linen handkerchiefs, Mustin collars and dress shalls, Black.and whisesilk Hose, Buliing elpths, from No 5 to 9, (wartapied genuine,). Tailucs trimmings, Ipgrane carpeting and matting, “Pai= Jors Patent sheareand poinis, Lawn, Florreace, ; , Parama, Leghorn, Far and wool Bais, , Cloth and Leather Caps; Robinson's fine Kid slips, do Seal and ealf walking, 4 doz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia mede | calfand moroceo’ Boots, 15 cases Gentlemen’s and Ladies lined and bound low pride shoes, Groekery, Hardware, Saddlery and Sadters trim Carriage trimmings of every description, ings, Sart ore nan ome: glass, Putty, Néils;“White lead No. 1, 2; aod. pure, (warranted 4 good.) Custor Onl, Saks, Qui- Oine, and RoWat’s Tonie mixture, Loaf, ond Lunip sugar, 20 Hada Brown do. 25 Hdds Meleors, 311 bags Rig Coffee, $ tons English Fire, Spring Bister and Cost Steel, a large ‘assortment of fron and Oastings 5 ‘The above Goodd was ed with great care, and will be sald for Cash, 9 fale and retail, at unprecedented low pricés. “The P&blic are res pecifully invited to call and examine for them- selves. . JENKINS & BILES. Salisbury, April 2%, $843—iy39 Tring and Sumaner 7843 / Tailoring Lstablishmenit ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, TAILORS, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) : Ww y a nove located capes in the Your of Ty, rmanently ,) and intend éar tying on cor BUSI fe sorpassed in this State-or oat of it. Our Estad Jishment-ise-in the room on the corner of the Mansion Hotel, formerly occupied as@he Pos'- Office. We have employed the-best of Northern Woarkmen. No expense or pains will be spared to render this 2 Fashionable Establishment ' ‘io all respects. Gentleaien,-therefore, may rely on having their clathes made op in the mos! fashionable-and durable manner. We have been engaged regularly in: cutting for the Jast five years, aad part of the time, in some of the most celebrated establishments ia the Southern coun- try. We shall not hesitate to guarantee every thing to fit we cut.acd make. LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS, Teceived monthy. In conclusion, should we be encouraged, no one need send away to procure good clothing. A. P. ALSOBROOK. H.S MILULR. ‘et into complete possession of wd sirongly recommended by the”. derkto the American Minister rasidept. ‘bisCourt. Mr. Everett was indeed diree:: \ed by Mr Tyler to present Mr. Green to ‘it Robert Peel in reference to this subject. | Mr. Green had not, however, any officral|' character or powers, and his mission wae Simply \oimpress his williagness to oped Regotiations at Washington. Mr Green| has, we hear, been placed in communication Wib Sir Robert Peel; bat it tgguem e informed, been intimated to hit 2 's not possessed of any diploma Or character, no expression of op reply to his statements can be given responsible servants of the British Crows. Those statements have been heard with at= , a ee sad courtesy, and there the matter he. « —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—— 10M. OF ] j VIE undersigned as Executors on the Es- taleof David Reed. dee'd, will sell at pub- | ° sale on Friday the 4 ' rf the fay ) : : i an ue dwelling | : svid deceased, in Py WIG Stokes’ Perry, a valuable . — :. LOLN , containing 96 ACRES, ‘tom es Whereon ihe deceased resided,— LIKE wena Same time and place six LIKELY NEG SG sROES. Terms made known na) ripe e dag uf Sale, y of August next, cont MILLER, tie, «- OEL REED. UV to, 1843305] Executors. PHOTOGRAPHIC MLVLATURE S, TT HE Sobscriber W, announces to the citis cpatnbers, that he bag shen Fis a fe ae Pa House; where he is Prepared to INIATURE LIKENESSES "ans of the sha¥e beamtiful-act ; ; ‘Ave never seen the late improvements in the , ‘Siprelock A.M. to ' I. ¥ N “J ° J ne S, 1943 2w50 B. ALfXa DER, a we: Sx by the} Reference. —Thos, M. Oliver, Rateigh, N. C. 4 Salisbury, May 20, 1843—1y26 “BIST GF LETTERS remaining in the Pos: EL Office a1 Satisbory, North Carolina, June pis Sacre L , D Avstia, E urs Nancy rely Joho A mee Sam! Leslie , JL Beard | Robert W Losenba Gol J M Brown i Lawrence JSibo tke t Jacoh Lingle 'Mre Abb Bird Anny McNeely Sarah Jane Brown (George milter Joho ree miss Elizabeth L martin Robert | radshaw George L martin : Mrs Jane Brown sais arary Mvorman Jobo Bird Jobo Julius martin Wa Cowan Andrew Mowery Sam} P’Catson \Georgé Hi Peler* bard Dismuke |Franklio Pinkston ftenry D Denisogg)+ - James Renshaw “Monroe Fesper - |Wm Rowzie 2 . John Rice S'L Ferrand * ‘Col David Reynolds Lovis Prank Daniel Swink . Joha Gardner Avgestes Swink | Laura KE. Gorman. George m Stith John R Gorrelt ‘John Shaman 2 Frederick Goss Wai Sivkes Mts Sam! ‘8 Horner ‘Thames Stee! Dr Sam! S Horner Allen Stoker 2 Miss Caroline E Harris|George Smith Andrew Hodgen 2 |Louis Saider, Jesse H Howard 10. Stith Miss Cathatine Howard § Stiles Miss Margate: Harrison; Wm, Smith Andrew Hoat \George L Saath Mrs Levi Hall wits Eliza G Smith Dr P Henderson Joseph B ‘Podd 2 Daniehfernbarrier {Thomes R ‘Phompsoe mts Rebecoa Hatson (R m Utaman Samuel Joboston Devid Upright H A Jacobs. Thomas Vail 2 Peter Koon © mies Lucy A Wall A D Kerfifteq John H Wesnt Col J Bi Keer’ mary West 2 Alexande; Kestler Joha W ibis Eeq jMancy Kelly. David Wise Wow # Kincaid ‘Phomas W illaford Denia K 208 Thomas Wyait Semi Kerr Aaron Wilhelm Sami R Kelly 2 |Sacob Wayvesborg peDauiel ¥ Kelly gran ¥eang” * Jaevd Lovis ryt B. JULIAN, P M. July 8, 1843-—-Sw 50 4 7 a = eigen 4 of “i Yt ot gk Sa ed 7 * FASHIONS for. SS in a style not to be# “yt: wr Q« AE. — » * ERS EG . Ld] ; * . '] ee ae ee " D = cage & Al . | goaery coenty, B,C., or confa S -¢ & tng a pee 2° eg y Eats: pring , WINE? i they Gu@ing escaped from the jar! of aivo GOODS, —__|wouiied ealocaciorsext 2 commilted ende r seliing a eo | . fre tae patie tahinheg te a ouse) es : os in gaid codnty.* — ’ “ T FE Sabseribers sre gow receiving thé'ler | “The epi Elijah Spencer: ie aboul.20 of gest and most- complete suck of desirable | *$¢ 4s t mao, & or Goods, ever br to this market ;— consisting | [T-idebea grey his fes io part of Engle of Cloths and Grassi. | strongly marked Ds, heavy eyelash - meres, Sannéts, ang Geatle- es and brows, c fax, ‘vather ved, face men’s sammer cloths, N. | Cotton Cao. | inelined-to be » slung aqtebsee or simeres, French; Enotish can Prinis, | ‘eee apse. oe * PFhesaid Hetteard Spencor, is a son of thaa- foressid Khjsh, Ke ts shout 86 years vf-age, iu built, sbcur 5 iget-8 sr inghes liigh, weighs as | boui 160 or TO poucds,-a round full fece,sbarp Bove, smal) or -bhve-eyes, btack Heir avd “and if extired stnmmers-@ Vite. ~ L CARITIN, sig. ‘Joly 4, 1943~6950 ——— rr CARREAGE HARV AND. . ‘ REPAIRING! THE SUBSCRIBER EGS leaverrespect fully ta inform his friends P and the pubtic at lange, that be stil! eentin ‘ves the;sbove business, at bis stand op the main street, North of the Coan House, where he may at a times be found ; and, will mske to oder NEW WORK in his line, such a8 one-and wo horsé® Barouehies, Buggies, Sulkys, Carryalis, and in short every description of work dené on» be sherfest hotice,and not tn be surpassed for durabil- ity by any establishnrent in thie pgrt af the eountry His own attention wil! be onremitfingly besiow- ed apon repairing of all kinds of carngee iog 2 SMITHSHOP atieched to his esvablich mént, dad faithfel workmen ig his earploy, wil! enable him to du all kinds of repairing with the gresiest possible despatch in a workmanlike manner, and at the lowest charges. A fair trial is respectfully soliened, NATHAN BROWN. Salieburv, June.:0, 1843—6w46 State of Marth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. Cees of Pleas and Qnarter Sessions —May Ses sions, AD. . Attachment levied on t Lands and Negroes. ne 5 5 ) 1843, John M*Rorie, ws. Wiflttm Luna ‘Thomas MeNeely. Atrachment levied on vs. William fonn. Lixods and Negroes. Emanuel! Shober, vs. Wittiam Lono. Same Attachmént levied on Lands and Negroes. vs, Same. Same § Kelly & Geither, . vs Goustable’s lewy on Lands ‘William. Lena. and Negroes’ T appeating to the satisfaction ofthe Cogn, that the Defendant, Wittiam Lenn, ts no! an inhabited! of this State: ft is therefore twder~ ed, that poblieation be made in ihe Caroline Watrhmen, pudlished in Salisbury, Tor sfx weeks iotifying thé said William Lenn, t) appear a: the nex: term of the Coon of Pleas and Quar- ier Sessions, to be held tor s#id county, auahe Coort-H@bse in Mocksville, on tre 4th monday io Aipiist nest, then anu iheré Show cause r any he hee, why the said Lands and, Negroes levied on, shall-not-re condemved qud seid io 32 lisfy'the plaintiffs debi aod eosts Witness, Joho Clemens, Olerk of ovr said Coer: at offiee, tha dih monday in May, 1843. 20« 0’ American Independence, the 67: year. [s- sued 3d June, 1843: JOHN CLEMENT, Cik. 6w46—Printers fee $8 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions— Hiram Phetps Administrator of Nathaniel*Mark- jand deceased, against, John Markland, Paulina Markland, Mathew Markland, Masian Markland, George Markland, | Louisa Markland, Heary Montwe'and wife-Fan- | F, Wittiam Beeding and wife Nancy. Charles Green and wife Martha. Thomas Marklend and ‘the Heirs at law of Nathaniel Marklaod. Jr, | Parrot Markleod and Nelson. Markland. Petition for sale of Lauds to pay off out. stunding debls. ¥ appearing to the satisfaction of the Cour. that the Defeodents, Henry Moarve aad wite . Fanny, Witham Beeding and wife Naoey, Chas. Gwen aod wife Martha, Thomas Markland and 1 the Heirs at Law of Nathaniel Markland, Jr., | Parres. Markland and Nejégn Markland, reside | beyond the.timits ofthis Slate: J: is therefore, | | ordered hy the Court, that publication be made | 19. the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, noti- i fying the defendants, to be and appear before our | next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 'o be | held tor the County of Dawie at the Caer Hose | | in Moeksville on the 41h Mondayin Aagest next, then and there to plead, answer or detgur to said therein will be iaken pro confesso, and the peii- Clement, Glesk.of oor ssid Court a Office, the 4b Monday in May 1843, andin the 67\b year of American Independence. aA at JOHN CLEMENT. Clik. Juae 17, 1848—6% 47 — Printers fee $6 00. .: TAKEN UP ¥*Daeid Cowan, |jving in the Rowan, oa the [21h insian', 2 ser- ‘ye! Horse, foor or five yeais old, ai Twen'y Dolla rs. Said horse bas a ; : - —_ : ae tach VY ML te iver tor melarpastieion ana beang bard, oe oF big upper fropt teeth decay— ed, complexion tolersble feir, and aiingether an imtellectaal countenance, generaily apesits qowh, Ment gomeoy County, A, Or | /FSMALE ACADEMY Petition ; otherwise the allégdijane set forth | tig heard exparte ae tothem. Witness Jahn | western part of ihe county of | it Sebooves every one ta be eareful what they bal Pod 5. ae x Pg t : ot * * pi oe a cS ., be = “s . ” i » af * Pen Pai pe tory ad fe % : 2 ea < * y Be, that pabtieatien be rin ie — for sig weeks, nalifyieg” Luon, to appear at the pext Court od + MEDICINGS & PAINTS, (657) an f) v - Delph, Chiwe. oh j “t * he a ; —n 5 P 2S Se Solo aher, Vimbrellés,}” a; year he “ Re ot Si ai cog 6 Pron hegs 0. ° 4 f Nnth Carlie ; a . 3 ae > oe GROCERIES, | cis rary IRON, STREL, CASTINGS, Ge. 5. "ee , An of whieh Tam OF posed fo: 86 tow, very | iow for cash, ot in exoly Ua |" Selishurpsaboly. 4, '_ “EHE B cow selling:off the combining part, of she | swekwi >: CoP 6 part of the | betonging-to-ihe le Firm of BREVARD §: ADAMS ai cost, 2nd he can assore ito w ish- ing to potchese good a , Hat ihey will Taose nothing by-calting we diionioingtleshonsoat Gh fle'Was nota duabt but that they wili be induced to pucchasejif . . _ Low Prices willb@ any inducement. If the GOODS ate not gold. privately bet ween this and AUGUST |. pet COURT, they will be eatdat ee" . . , 2 e. - = Public Auction’ +. . ™ > : on a_eredit of six months. ‘Thé sele to comtinng from day to day, until all.is sold : HENDERSON ADAMS. Lexington, NG; doly 4, 1843 — 5050 di e s + iw = aaa A ANDTHE Tice: gas ra Retiber again . : accounts with avon the | note by next Augast Const. or they will certain. y have te settle with an officer. HQRACE H, SEARD. 1848,— £48 TETHE next Session of the Mocksville Fe- rmosle Academy, will commence on Vonday ihe 17th instant, under the charge of Miss Em- my Apen, a lady of snperior yvatifications a 1 deacher. ‘The terms of taition are ts follows : Elementary branches, including Reading, Wri Tone 24, DY virtue of 2 Deed of Trust to us exeéated by Raber! N. Craige, for the. pprposes there- ting and Aritfitmetic, per session, $5 00 | In se: forth, will be sold at the Court Blouse ia Grammar, Geography and History, 8 00 | Salisbary, on Tuesday. the tOch of " Natyrtal Phitesophy, Chemistry, Astron- aext,(it being T of Rowan tier Gens!) ony, Botany, Rhetoric, Algebra, Ke., 10° 00| he sollewing likely. Negroes RE SATY, | N-edle work, 3 00| BARRIET. BILE ond CAR OLINE,. | Painting, 00| Terms —Nioe months Sredit, with interest $ Beard can be had in respectathe families, a: frum six to-seven dollers per month, R. M BEARSON. JNO,CLEMENT, | ; THO MeNBELY, | A.G CARTER, JAS F MARAIN, W.F KELLY, proved security. ae JAMES OWENS, SAME CRAMGE ¢ Prastees. Jane 94, 1843 — 748 ‘ COTTON GENS. * L. BINGHAM. - ‘Trustees.. HF. Sobscriber wishes to inform thecitizens Mocksville. Joly 5, #843 —8w50 \* e. Rowan, Davie, Davidson and*theadjpia- wt nca be ne Bhd. Ban cas. | ing Consties, that he-basthe Cottur Gin Mena- Worthy of Public Fitention! factory caied on in the ‘Fown of Wadesbore’, ‘surpassed by any other Hsteblhshmebt in the United.States. Cofsisting of the follewtng arti- lees 10 wit ‘— - Steel Saws, Steel plated Fen-. ders, Gins, &c.; &e. All the above- frope careful'y manufactured by "ISHING to remove (the West, now of | eaagself, pir Cia wisn a peel oo psa Ac . i ° perieac m rt e ; ¥ ‘ers forenla twovilusble Plantations, ty— | Gine of AQ saws will pick from S$ to 4000 Saas mg onthe Catewbu River, in Catawha- aoanty, |, gay @ith a Team of two Horses with ease vithin a qoarter of a mile of Sherrie Pore:— Coron picked by those Gins leaves the stapte One plantation, (the hufhe place) contains op- | much better aod will-command 4 betier price in wards of | Market by far thaa.commen Gins.ef the Covatry. AGYD A CRESS BCH Orders from 3 di®tance for any cifferent e size Gi ill be ly attended to, and al Betteen 80 and 100 Acres ef -which 1s firstrate agrees Gins waereandier ne tite giastne. bottom land on the River. The whole planta- ‘JOHN D. SMITH. tion is now in a bigh state cf improvement ; has Wadesboro’, Anson County, N.C 2 on it a fine newly finished Jeae+7, 1848 —iy47. DWELLING HOUSE, KITCHEN, BRICK SMOKE HOUSE, ard all other out-buildings, necessary for convenience and comfort on seth a farm. — The plantation is well watered, and embraces a latge body of excellent meadow. land: well im- proved, and the situation is as lrealiby as an potiion of the mountain coontry of the State.— | The other plantation contains. about 268 ACKES, lving’one mhile-frum the home place, on Iredelt sideof the Catawba River, of which abont 100 | | ! Aeres is River bottom tand onsorpassed by any { (ng | simetlar Jand on the Catawba for richness of soil, | ‘and beanty of location. On this tract sisu, is a | Botton Yarns, | large body of excellent meadow fand, couforta- b'é buildings, and good spriogs of water. ‘The | . plantatiuns will be sold together or separately,— | if Petgons desttous of purchasing valuable lands, would do well to call and gee the above, as the | SHERRILL’S FORD He FOR SALE! ————— THE SUBSCRIBER een b Sn > a ~ DOMESTICS. ING COMPANY Hiv: stilt turther redoced the PRICES of their MANUFACTURES, in -eonse- quence of the confioued depression of boéiness througbuut the eguntry. ‘They are maowfactur- i * Ne 05. wsdort. S4 hirting, heavy. I ZL ‘ +o ’ . subscriber is determined to sell. Fetms wit be | > ae a Lo. 4 LHe. made easy to purchasers. wousy to pOrePOALOM SHERRILL. | 7.2 ff heave. Joly 8, i1843—4050 .” | c . ue - . >» Patient,’ The Pablic are assured tha Fever and .igue i ptneess): | their guuds are of the best quainy, and cao be | purchased on terms as favorable, a8 they can be | procured at any other estabtishwen'. . wa? 2 tg J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. | The Old Farorue and Sterling Remedy f The Ralisbore, Way 90, #049—1148°— vse only True, Original and Genuine! . | — ila ree == | ROWANDS (IMPROVED) TONIC MIXTURS* Wi ‘T So aniversally ald 89 wane? known for 12 | years past as the greet. and onlg permanett cote | | a reat wereeal complaint, is smitéted by Im- | posters oa afl sides, and io every way. possible thal can jest. save them from being amenable fo ‘the law: the name “ Tonic Mix:ure,” the ap- | pearance and quantily of the liquid, the duse, the | disections for ese, sccompanyiig rer fe. Xc., being se near to the Gendine Mixtere’the BEWARE OF. DEGEPTION i! S me, of the Firp pdb 1842, 4dr | the pur thereia meal will exposé te. poblicasie, oo Tégedag, the 4th day oC Qty pexi, at the laier of Levi tec'd., 09 the Wilkesboroegh read, eight - isbasy, ove Tract of Land mhereon the sai ceased lived, coptaisieg. 200 ACRES, méteser. less, adjoining the landsof Thomas W og#, Ar- ther Neely and others ; 4 on Ys and fear, 4 bead Carle, 0 ot Hogs, preg rent Sen ge go Coadee kd -hase, ta aeold deception | peor sale a: the Apothecary store, of C, B | Woheeles. Sabsbary, N.C. Jaly. S—1(Det 50 au way to the aN | SHAVER Renee. | Primted on first rate psper and for, sald st . MRE FURNME, Frustee. Saltsbary, Jaty J, (845— 849 ° ‘ : this Office. of | : ; ee € a | ae ST Sake, 3. i Great - Bargains 7 standing, to cal}-and settle with cash or f from the date, purchaser giving bend and ap-}- Anson-Coonty,. North Carolina; in. a styl@ not | ¥ shsegtot a. Deed of. Trast execmed tps? > of) aan yy * . <r loes ie . 4 Fate F as > ‘ &, 7% 2.2 as ~ = i * 4 . n ; Lua TS. ie sa... “ =A80-— me ‘ idee . ie, with ta- “ # » Agent of the Ci at Charlotte. - _ S&S, A. JOH Bank of the State of t _ -May-27, 1848 —1myjeaa — —~.____ AT THE _. CHIFAP. CASH, . E are now recetving, aad offer sale, “‘Y oureupple of S . amounting rad i ea Sumner Gow, 845 Packages _ Among: which,* are thie following : 642. ps. Georgis rp aanes demnnaii ae 478 do brown-and bleach 510 de eal orle % K prin en janes, ‘de bed ticks e 20 do Giaghams . 5 do het anther boltiog ctoths 190 leghord aod willow hais 187 doz palin leaf do. 220 do cotton handkerchiefs 1240 pr shoes, assorted $0 caaés hais assorted 446 ladies bonnets assorted SB 22 dow grease and grain scytheg ’ 103 éuz cotbet Kalas me £81 duz knives and forks 4 doz cattiag knives 21 duz weeding hoes ‘9 blackmith vises % , Se do anvils pr do bellows - 15 doz saddle trees $0 pieces bagging — . 8 coils repe “% 405. bags . 17 bhes t > 173 kegs white lead | 22 prs elliptic springs 75 prstrace chains ~ 1000 lbs loaf sugar 54 kegs powder 182 kegs nails and brads, Tougetber wiih a general stoek of all kiods of . GOODS. oare, and they have been booght swith cash “aril for cgsh, wbien is more tban any other estab)is}. - meat in this plece can say, (if they the troth) ; apd we further say, that it id by far the largesi siock thet hes ever been bronght to this place—and we defy a* cintradiction. The» goods are for sale; aad we are determined to se!! them for cash, lower. thio they can be bueg!:: elsewhere, let the price be what it may. All we ask Js 2 call, if you please. Mest 5 ifally yoors, & W. MURPHY. Salisbory, Agri] 29, 18483—1f40 | SPRING ana SUMMER FAS | FOR 1843. HORACE B. BEARD AS jnst ed of “Mr, F? Mauaw. the BR LONDON: PARIS. & PHILADEL- Hid FASHIONS, foribe ‘os meee Spring and Summer of We 1843! which far sorpasses soy thing of the kind-here- . | 1ofere pobtished. He still carries on the Tailoring Busteess Te all its branches, at his old stand, where fe «< evet ready to meet add accommodate his old 21d néw cugtomers with fashionable eotting apd.ws- king dE garments, nut to be by- any in Jéhe gaathefh ‘country. sslity, desprich aod work as thas been, always ebai! be bis sim apé objees. ‘Thenkfet for past epcour- apemept, he.hopes 10 merit i chn!inasnce. P. s: be deems unneceseary, zs |.is experianéy ane workfor the fast thirteen years ill show. wm noe- * HORACE H. BEARD. April 15, 1848-1188 -°, Job Pyinting neatly done here. yd : yy eel: Tee aan 2 Oe 4 ae % + pee: ie. These goods werp selected with the pimncr * a27% & - 2 og a t * J ca . = ee eee |e ey I Paar nd A ye posite : aS ee iaaies, <— F Be wo7yat § pe Peder ati Nae Is am oe ‘ssbisasion’ am ding Bier Gita Ve ng BI > ee gt Ths ees foam and humid climates, frequent nissioh and. fbregar icine AL TT QURREME "R LMEDY FOF PRY Ri. eas eS 2d parycninde of ttre "sor-8s to | Maiuseton RATSTTe GLE aS | DAG. ANID § EEAOUS FE pebbkiewery disfiesshog 10 (We patient Pand by aon te Ae é ae 4 VF Re = "he | he f ne: / yet cirer a “he Ww feme debility” whict { fe sider inspect, : a a ' BF | professtonabor domestic practice, 80 adsvlai@ly. | i often gives rise to-other chronic complatnts.— tohig Agent ai Fayeyevrtle, who will forward th; l pesmanenily efficacious in this Marsh missmat& ariihe efflavia arisiog fromm the Oweersiethe cotmrgsette has wlarge: evalen! ad fbstinxic arilady,as WORK AT S| °"* — . + frequent excitiog farehouse al the Fiver, where (ood @ill be | i mod an: Yopg establi LIFE. PILES | een Bae sae © of ig areal peco. sfoted freon ttoragé, upd the ofmtets subjected a eho arreeas tiaurdinasy arith wee eepriimicy of a renewal Gen ve. only to half ihecusaat oupwhe River 10155 + -chowhed as are heir effects npoe diseases ip A SE és. sadh as from the prevalence of ny « % Fagenterille, thereby lessening the eXpense-on in octal, in FEVER AND AGDE..and all », easterly wiud_—ip ig witheot the repelition of | E Subscriberin forms ihe-pablic, thatshe | Geeds.mach. ee his Billtous Alfectjons they are taore-s0 ; because, in the original exteiting 42686, ifn this, Fever and | 1 orga tae S. a N chern | We 'OG>: | these she pe in ‘ n¥:hum@ap. means } . other fevers: asitis wel | aa bas just reeeived throvgh the Norihern da Ay $é ‘ Ague differs from mivst other ; WEG: rye SHE Approv the ad sasha can pe, hee.ve ved inmote than lef | oon at afier ae.orcingry fever has oocear~ | : 4 Citiestbe latestand most approved | , known, that afier n , | STDEAC Ds; ; é as . actigate b oeeee d coabie Pet is thes pastanee jo.wh ich ated aid been removed, the person alfecied is | 1 the wery best hind “0f Bight aad, of the “finest London & Parisian, Fashions, bsp wy the ava Hed or season b)y.can tally wheats: | oo eo Jisble td flesh attack 2eune % ho-wasvo bhai Lance tege a hag 2 + Ue Wands of’ the | Andis propared tp execute erders in the. mos | P29 Feseasea . kedrin sittici ateotdamee, wit thedireciions ete -s0-alfegted, -'Phese cireumstanees rendertt. ex— pre fs at Sar askat a aapeeat 9 Fey ah afl satiplaciogs Maduer to thé pomatios of sobjoined, and which areewiso given in MOF- renielye di + to-effere ent. cure of st acinar. villag ound, sfacii os yr se eae OHI, Me FR. mely-difficels to effecre pe Shara ob belt abt ese tur ig tate oh mah 5 Werk S60 fiona Maho cll be carefully References : - one te phos 4s Suptasaben gla ~— sarah eb 7" ads ean i sed f the Manvion tap and forwarded.“ * : -— . @>y. 3: jay Fe INVATabIe SuCrESss, th the tithe Heine gg-mrery easy dash. nae Se H phe pachttace- 7 (siemk Ponees. Peers eee e D. PENDLETON. Mesirs John Haske & Son. | must besigidly fulowed, eee Dr Moffct Life Pills sand. Pheenix Bitters a ae "~~ JOHN. FRASER, §— > Mrs P has on band # bapdsome asser'- De A-Ray,-) °: ; -¢C FEVER .and AGUE; inal its four leading | pave been ihorgugbhly tested, and-proved to be ‘ay . e+e N:GHBEN. | ment of Bonneis, (newest style) Caps and ayelteville, N. C. species, is ar PERIODICAL adminisiration | positive and ft Bever and Ague. WARREN GH > 4 y a rs spec pecuti P Alexander‘A ntlérson, | Jobo McRae, | ~ " Jota: Dawson’, a , as, Plivsingion, Vo. Ca. Dolphin AL vis, “ : ‘ George W: Browo, | a Oo Salisbury. NC. B.S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Qet 1, 19425tf20 % DR D. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICINES. march 19, (84383 | Tartans, for'gale. 7 anew Ca “*.* Mrs. S. P: is also prepared to execte Journeymen € abinet Makers { , n 25) _| Crimpjag and F }oting on reasonable terms. . Salisbury, Meg 27, 1942s. a WO firgtrate Joarpeymen Cabinet akers TW REA WSs . ean get employment and goad micah 2 ap- NEW FASHIO? s body; ar FOR THE PIG Ie tne ou OVER: & FRASER. ror Salisbury, Juby.1, 1843—tt49 : _ Spring and Summe KENILWoRTH Woes?) 1843. EF, Snbscriber bas joat added to his’ stock gic arb THOWAS DICKSON : apie falegglead aera of 4 rte oY ES agit Pd eked his friends and Mr. AB Allen, of New: York, and dre now a= piblie, that he atilf cartieson the - bout 18 monthauld. ‘Ibe Boar isa very supe- TAT ING BU E tior anima}, deep, thick and exeelleat in all fis | mall ite.vatiods branched, two duo's wbuve JI.& points: the Sow very fine, with a litter offeight WeMourtphy’s store, where he is teady to exe- pigs, which, tor beauty and form, can hardly. be Late afl.orders of. his eugtomere in: a style and) i. yaluable preparations received bis educa- surpassed. Those who may wisha fuller de= enanney pet surpassed by ‘any in this part of the scription of these fine animals, aré referréd to cogntty. . He is also in the regnrlar récetpt of the Mr. Allen's Jetter poblished inthe Cullivator.— NEW-YORK FASHIONS, ‘Phe suaseriber tas atsu, a Torkshire Sow, par! and prepared to accommodate the tastes of the chased of Mr. AMen, fram a Saw imported by { Fashidnable at all timés. ~~ him trom Eogiand; and some Thin rind Sows : April. 15, 1843—ty¥$ and those wishiag to purchase, cau have the; — ~~~ pare Kenilworth, or Berkshire, of erosses of T ra) FA MIitI, I B s- Keailworth and Yorkshire, Thin-ricd and Berk- “ IW ND’s shire. Elis stock of Berkshires was purchased RE wy Ais PF” ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE; ot Mr. G. N. Bement, of New York, and isnot surpassed by anyin the United States. Fhose wishing tu improve their stock of Hogs, have Those who would have “recourse to 0 Family | now a better oppurtunity of doing so, thaa has | Medicine inf Fever anp Aeue. Dyspepsia aud ever seen offered South of the Potomac. Ordere | .Vervous Weakness, shuuld diserimipate between for acy of the above will be prompily aitended , Be ‘thousand aod one” remedies canstaatty WM, F KELLY. [| heratded forth to thé publics (thé seme now as in Near Mocksville, Davie ev. 125 .| all times past, ) and that almos: universally suc - January 14, 1843. iz -? cessful prescription called . ~~ “GONSUMPTIOV AND LIVER | ls Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mizxlure. | & few remarks will serve to illustrate the dif- ference Jn ihe first place, the operation. ofthe Complaint. R. TAVLOR’S BALSAM OF LIVER | ‘Ponie Mixtare in the care of Fever and Ague is BF WORT, —from 375 Bowery, New York— | upon entirely. new and peculiar, yet safer tor the cure of coughs, colds, catarrhs, Asthma, | p;inetples. Secondly : Li not only promplly ar- soreness of ihe chest, pain in the side and breast, | resis the course of the chills, when panctoalty raising of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, | and perseveringly ased, but it socn restores the and all those affectiuns of Throat and Langs,— | wonted functions of the general system to a per- which are @ soarceof so much snffering. and un | fectlizhealthy stale; when relapses are no more arresied, 90 often terminate in Consumption — | liable to ensue than an aftack of the disease in this remedy ts highly and jastly distingaisbed | ong who has never had it béfore.. Thitdly: The It is purely vegetable, asild and gentle in its ef- | system, during (he administration of the mprov- fects upon the sysiem, aad can be taken in the ed ‘l’onie Mixture, springs ap at once under its’ inost delieate cases, with safely as well as util | benign inflaénce, and ives forth an earnest of re- ty. Physicians, aware uf its, medicinal proper- | torning health and vigor. Fourth!y ; Producing iies, and witnessing its effects’ even in extreme, more or less effect’ on the bowels, the cause of aud in some instances, apparentlyjalmost hope- | the disease passes off In the way mos: strongly less cases, ofieo prescribe it in their practice, | indicated by natore. Fifthly: Its effects on the doth 48 a palliative and a remedy, and with the | gyciem are uniformly mild and safe, as well as Medical Faculty generally, it has met with great | gfficient, and it is as well adapted to the feeblest approbation. , infant, simply by a modification of the dose, a3 bP CONSUMPTION --The following | the most vigarous adult, Many other consider- remarks were taken from the last number of the ations, of the utmost importance to the anxious Medical Magazine : parents and javalids, might be enumecated here, Phe surprising effect produced by the geno—! yur ihe above are a few of the points of contra’, tne Balsam of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- | jn comparisun with the remedies generally resor:- ed to in professivnal and family practice, from ery, in consumptive cases, cannyt faibexciting a derpand thrilliog interest turomghout the werld | which a proper jddgment may be formed in se- leciing the remedy, \We have sv tung beleved this disease (consump N Bo With a view to re-establish entire hon) meurable, that it is dificult to eredit our senses When we see persons, evidently consamp- | eonGdence in the efficiency of the ‘* Rowarid’s ive, frgivred to health, Vet itis a fact of daily Improved ‘Tonic’ Mixture,” fo- effect a Jasting vecorreace.? . ; cure of Fewer and Ague, the Proprietor restores ‘The follywing wae given us a short time since, | ine original goaraniee, viz: ‘The money stl! by CepmiScott, of Elizabeth City, N.C. be returned in every ease wherein. the remedy Certificates, — has been ponctually used without producing the “ Bridg constitationaily predisposed to Con- | desired effeer. Addreas spinplion, (2 nnnbegif my family having™ died Dr.JOHNR ROWAND of this d:eease,) and having suffered severely No 28 North Second Street, Philadelphia. frym isriiation af: Lungs, accompanied with Supolies have peen received by the sole Avent congh and’ raising matier ands lood, ioether | ¢,,, Salisbury, N. C. : . with severe pain in my side and bréast, till was C.B. WHEELER supposed to be bayond recovery, P was induced | Sept 8, 1842—1y6_ : by advice of Dr Perkins, as a last resart to try | MANSION HOUSE! Vsylor’s Baisam of Liverwort. [have taken fise | THE a. voltiss in all. PT begamto improve with the first volile, and while tsking the third, was so far re- covered, 33 to be able toget about Since which time. by contioned use of il, 1 am quite restored AVING parchesed Mr. T. R. Hoghes’ in- terest in the above Establishment, tenders his services to the Travelliog Poblie. Havino for several years been engaged in keeping ° and ab'e to attend to my usual business. Ta per- PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, nous suffering from coughs and affeetions of the longs, | do estmestly recommend it. (Signed } JAS C SCOTT. Ebizabeth Citv, N C., Dee 15, 1839, Liver Complaint and General Debility.—1 Was given up by two physicians, and told fo pre pare fos death. } was so weak F-could not raise my hand tormy bead, | was in this low gtate at Moonat Mourne, to Fredel! county, te indulges when a friend sent me ,a boitle of Dr ‘Taylor's the hope that he bas experience dcocgt in the duties of hie business toéndeavor te render com fortante. all who bestow upon his house thetr-pa lonage, , Fis TABLE shall always be well and plenti fully supplied with every thiog the couniry af- fords, to please and satisfy the palate even of an epicore. Batsam of Liverwort, from 378 Bowery, and be fore | had osed ap the doitle, I wag able to sit up His BAR will be found farnished wiih a choice selection of Liqunrs. in bed. By the farther use, t have completely 7 gained my heal:b. GEO WELLs, 23 Johast His STABLES shall be constantly atrended by faithful and attentiveshostters and supplied with abundant provender 4 a bs 4 pared for famil ence io an extensive-and diversified practice, by which he bas hed ample opportdnities of aequir- remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumplion, Asthma, Spitting 0/ Blood, Croup, fism Pain in the Breast or Side Pleurisy aud inflamation of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs Jayne's Haw Tonie tor the Hair, and which will positively bring in New Hairon Bald Heads,and prevent its fall- ing oul or turning Gray, JAYNE’S TONIC VERMIFDGE, A pleasant, safe,and certain preparation for tbe removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach. Fever and Ague. Prles, Want of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Slomach aod Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S ORIMINATIVE BALSAM. A certain care for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholic. Cramps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all detangements of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections Sc. Jayne's Nanative Pills, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- | vers, Inflammations, Obstructions Diseases ot the Skin. &c., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Purgative Medicine is required. ‘Phe above medicines are fur sale, whoiesele or retail, at the Salisbury Medical and-Drog Siore, by . C.B. WHEELER, Agent ’ Salisbury, N..C. ° Sept 3, 1842—196 : Rev. Dr. Bartholomew's PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy for Coughs, Hoatseness, Colds, Paig .in tbe Breast, lufluenza, Hard Breathing, and difficoli Exxpectotationb. $C For sale atthe Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Satisbary © march 4, 1848—1432 C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has-just received afresh sup- ply of his genuine Improved Tonic Miature. which is for safle wholesale and retai’, at he Medical Drug Store, Salisbury, N. C. Dec 10—1120 ‘Br. kiws Galvanun |Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! / BVHESE Plasters, gieatly improved, and ha ving the preference of all others, are warm ly recommended by all doctors. as. invaluable for invalids having pains in the Breast, Back or side. Weaksess and Lameness are relieved at once by their use.-and the parts® restured io Strength anda natural warmth and health. Any person wearing one of these Plasters, willbe as- tonished and delighted at the comfert it affords Those threatened with Long Complaints should never trust themselves a day withont weating a Plaster. Jt removes the irritation of incipient Consempticg from the Lungs to the serface of the body, aod draws off the internat affeevion — So in Liver Complaints, and Coughs; and colds Children with Whooping Cough shouhi always have one, to prevent the cough settling on the i luags. Their excellence wjil be understood by Piolent pain inthe side —I have been ered of a vivleot pain in the side, extending throuch to the shoulder, indigestion, cizz:nesa, loss of ap petite, and general debility, by the use of two bottles of Dr Taylur’s Balsam of Fiverwort, from 373 Bowery, JF H Allen, No 7 Merchant’s Row. For sale at the Drog Store of © RB Wheeler, | aye! N.B ‘te Stage Office is kept at the Mansion | alt un trias. BCP For saleby C B Wheeler Salis » g P @ y , istary, oo Beet: iets W392 | (ouse. Salisbury ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- LIME: LEME?! HIRAM T. SLOAN. | boro’, bs D Heartt; Lexington, J P Mabry. Charlotte, Febrnary 4, 1843 —6a28 Raleigh, Dr Stith march 4, 1843 —1)$2 NEW | OF CONFECTIONARIES , Bo... Ail persons wishing lime either at the kiln or | AND iheie residence, will apply either to J.cor R.| F . ’ gts o* : » ~| GROCERIES! Medicines, Paints, Oils, URPENTINE, Varnisbes, Dre-Sioffs. WILLIAMS, Rockford, Surry county, N C. 2 4 R. ROURCHE, respectfully informe the ' | Bre cHizeos of Salisbury. eed the surrounding | Parent Medicines, Hops, Chvice WINES, and SPIRITS for medieal purposes Indians, march 18 1943. § 134 _ Te * . _ , coamiry, haf he has received a new and. splea | vaLE c PILES 33 " digpupply ot Confectionaries and Groceties, con. | Fonek's and Sqsvm’s Panaces, Saoffs, Fine HAYS LINIMENT! ! sistiog of all kinds cf chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco Spanish Cigars, PRNHE PILES— Tre price of this celebrated! WINES AND LiQUOBS | Spices, Perfumes, Breshes, Candies. Faney and Linwment is rafunded to any person whol of the very best quality. has Madeira, Port Common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, tn wil ese a bottle of Have’ Liniment for-thé Piles | Toner Fe, Chacreergre. Mote Clem ka | straments, Matches, Paper and many other ar eed retors the empty bottle without being cured. Malaita Wines, French Brandy, Holland Gin, | ‘icles. just received and for sale at prices te suit 4 eabeve tove been shea terms.on wWhir h this Porter, le and New Ark "Sider, and Cordials, t the times, by Cc. B. WHEELER. NY quantity of fresh Ling can be had at the Kiln of che late Joseptr Wiliams dee By the 100 bushsls and over 16 cents; 50 ta 190 boshels 18; 5 tu 49 bushels 20; unslacked SUPPLY + / ~ IN Pronortben . Jscment bas been sold for gearly ten years past, temops, Almonds, Raisins Orsozes, Oysters, | Salisbury . $42 , sod notone battle out ofeone hundfed has ever: Sogar and Caffe; Céodies, Copperae, Wadder, 4 —— —— “Nn reinened — gig? Far gale at the Watchman Indizoyand. various other artittes toectedtind3 to | A fresh supply of Dr. D: Wife, sad os C B Wheeler, Salisbery 5.J & R mention, whieh I: will sel! as chesp for cash as | Jayne's invajaable Family Medicines, just re- Sogn G eenspere’.; Hillsboro D Heart; Léx- | DP Aboy ) Raleigh SDith, »— tra. they can be vonght.at agg other Ekablishment in Kalishury FR ROUECRE. | mareh 4, 1843— 1939 ceived aud for sale by CB WAEELER, Agent. YO fIN a. ‘ H Salebure, Dec ag* ae VHESE MEDI S_are expressly pre- tion at one of the best medical Cotleges: in the United States, and has had fifteen years experi- ing a practical knéwWledge of di8easés, and the Far the Preservation, Growth, and. Beauty of | icines, is the: secretof »hits.invariable-triamph, | white all other practitionerseither -etitirely fail ly temporarily eucceed, were’ with the very 0 ANETUS, Or or daity; Tertian; at ay; Eratic, or hGomelimes ong of Lhege petinds and sometimes a- — | nother; or it is Complicated, by taking: these: a periods in suecession, and then Fonning ioto in= | oF On | jest. remedies thatewere* known. | Ague is either Quotidiam, | thirdsdad 3° Quartan, or fonrt of aptoper fethedy;in connrétion with the spe- | cific powers of one of ihe iigredtents in his. med- | \ermittentever ofa more’ matigdant oliaracter. during the. day. tinve -takir dom from affliction, an of age, half of the above quantities of the me alone be necessary. This treatment, with tual ‘LIFE MEDICINES,” has been perfect- ly triumphant ip.the worst regions of the South. universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than tbe supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agents, how- ever, are now well fornished, and will make ev- ery.effort _to§ send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary‘and jealous- ly grateful testimonials are received at the pre- prigtur’s office in New York, by every mail in inéredible nambers, to the absolate efficacy. of these astonishing medicines, not only in:Fever and Ague, other intetmiten! fevers, liver and billious affections, and ‘derangements of - the di- gestive fanctions generally, but also in chronic and Inflammatory rheumatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- fola, piles, worms, scirvy, and a host of other complaints, for the cure of which, these Veget- able Life Medicines are eo pre-eminently re- nowned throughout theUJnited States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and gue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the sne- cial attention of the public to the absolute ascen dency of his medicines over this malady ihe founiain head of+so many others. He has only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement ner change of diet, and have acquir- ed the reputa'ion they have long possessed, not by the osoal artificial efforts. bat solely by their invaziable nd extensive usefulness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, $75 Broad way Now York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at tbe Satisbury Medical Drng Store, by C. B. WHEELER, gent. MEDICINES on hand and for sale at Hamp- lunville, Sarry-county, N Carolina, by JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbory, Sept 8, 1842146 ’ State of Morth Carolina. SURRY COUNTY. Superior Court of Law—Spring Term. 1843, | Kinclen Goss} vs Catharine Goss. i appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Cavhgrisie Goss-is not agitizen of this | State: Itis therefore ordered bythe Court, ibat pyblication be madeija the Raleigh Regisier and Carolina Wa'chman for three months, (hat. the Defendan' (Catharine Goss) appear at the next Soperto: Court of Law, tobe held for the County’ of Surry, at the Court Hoesein Rockford on the 31h monday afierthe 4th monday of Augost.next; then and there to plead and answer or demur ‘te ssid petition, of the same will be beard exparie, snd decreed accordingly, Wiiness, Winston Somers, ‘Clerk of oor said Coort at Office, the 5th monday afier the 4th monday of February 1848 WINSTON SOMERS, c. 5. ¢- June 17, 1843 —$m47 — Printers fee $16.00 ——_— _____ COUNTY COURT WRITs, Petition for Divorce. | Bat it is a réimarkable fact, however gi¥sterious’ awd unaccoentable it may appear, that each and jse, and bave acquired an , all. ofthese» species® of Ague, have’ @ FoUr- unprecedented popelarity (hroeghout the Uwited | TERS TH DAY CRISIS, id whieh “they <may~ be States; and asthey areso-admirably catealated cured with cetainiy, but vy neglecting which ic preserve Health and cure Disease,:o family | they caf :only be cared by chante, Dr. Mar- should ever be without-them, Ihe proprietor of FAT's diréctions for taking the medicines in tbis disease, are therefore these :— First, take two of tbe Lure Pitus at bed time, and next. morning oefore breektast a fall wine glass of ihe’P enix: Birrers in abodt the satis quantity of water, and half-a wine glass more- im a fal} wine glass of water, abuet‘half an hour before each meal On the second sight take three pills and the bitters as before ;-of the third night four pits and the bitters asbefore, and con- fopt pills every night for three nights more, with thebitters during the day.— 5, ; t vent ay, the ne wil! Hooping Cough Bronchitis. Acute Rheuma. gotta Ue covets eeraa’ aes ve ie, ni | feel well, hungry, and bearty, but’he must 'ne- | vertheless continue to take ‘the bitters ag ’before prescribed, until and om the fourteenth day; with two pills everynight after the seventh day.— | He will then, and not until then, with positive end invartable cerlainty, be permanently cured, and not only of Feverand Agve but of whatever billious and liver affections it may have superin- | duced or even in any way connected. If, how- ever, the patient should by any neglect, or on- due confidence in restured Health, omit to take the Phenix Bitters in the fol! quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr. Maffat most oot be blamed if the disease should return, and the patient should learn wis- go throtgh “another course of the medicines for a fortnight longer. Obeying these instruetions, however, he will be so thoroughly-euted, that be may bid defiance \o the disease, however aunhealthy may be his lecation or prevalent the malacy aroand him, — For children beiween seven and fourteen years dicines will suffice; for younger chileren, a quarter of those quantities,’ to be increased or diministed in proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. ‘For very young4 children, small quantities of the bitters only will these supremely effec- ern and Wesjero country, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the SCF A constant supply of the above described | ; fully uponfthe secretions volagiarde come fotsvard to assare Dr; Moffat, that abatement are~the ar pvermaier a that will thoroughly ot aremygval of (his most er hcentiryn ing: ernie. wy ay «. Oshers-who have emigrated to that zich and promising portion of our-connity —mien'wfio-wenl out fail of arope, and confident of winning-w com peterice from the luxariance of the soil ; or who carried to thé oot posts of our-sottiements the.mer cantile. or mechanical.experience won -in the. crowded cities ‘or towasof<the alder states, have either returned withshatiered constitutions and depressed spirits, or they remain io their new homes, draggiog cut a-weary life, or at lagt sink under some disease to whith they are predisposed by that. terror of the West, Fever.and Ague — -Pheir hopes are blasted—their businessenergies destroyed — their Eldorado becomes a deser!, and She word of promise, made ‘o théir ear, is broken tothe hope. » . . ‘Fo these iadividuels, Dr:zeMoffat-would say — “ Try she Life. Medicines, and.yov will yet an- ticipate your most éangdine expectations, for they will ceytainly restore you to health.’ Fever and Ague is a complaint which requires to be Met at its first ‘approach, and combatted at evety stage... Seldom fatal” of itself, it reduces the strength, and impairs the fonctions of the organs, so thatupon the manifesiation of, dis— ease, Natore is onahle, onassistéd to resist the intoad. The Life Medicines; when-taken: strict ly according to.direttion6, will cure it, and give to the weak and tremd ing victim of disease new health, life an@dstrength For foll particulars of the mode of treatment, the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan, a copy of which*accémpaniés the medicine. BCP The above medicine ¥s for sale by CRESS & BOSER, 4gents, Salisbury, Oct 22, 1842—1y18 1 ; sc Asopply of the above invalwahle ME DICENES ate-for sale at James Gross Rvads, Iredell county, by A. C. meINTOPH, Agent. Guard Your Heatth. { Addressed to those whosare in perfect health, or reputed 80.) BCP Gentle Reader: If you would avert from you the sickoess, the pains, the wretched ness, the prematare mortality which you see all aroond yeu, and which; like a sharp sword sus-~ pended. is ever ready to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it will:cost you fistle,. wilt oei- ther infringe apon yenrsoccupations or. -amuse— ments, aod ali the faculties cf yous mind and body will be as ‘wuch bettered. by it as to tepay you ten fold. [ ask only one week*s'trial te con vince (h@ most sceptical. In the first place, discard all old errors. anv prejudices from your mind, especially the o!d adage, ‘‘ If you are passing well, do not attempt to better yourself; it ‘is the seying of traor- ance and saperstition—of those who attributed all they.saw aroond them to chance and fortune, instead of natufe’s universal Jaws, Has not man, led on by experience, learned to.gaard hinse!i against the other elements of sature, the waves, the wind, and the torrents of rain? Why then shoald he net, in fair weather, guard himself ag gainst the storms which are ever-rising io bi- Hundreds of bis fallow Gitizenstf the West have | Japan Ointment, fur P Benoa Ointweng, for -And foul ulcers, ; is to Se ap slarer. tor diseases of thesC hes: tory Kheumatism, Palsy, P Dra. Kouu’s Acoustic entered according tu Aci ed medicines, and accompa From the South Western 'DR. KUHL'S We have for some time commendatory notice «f th eines, but have been preve afflieted every where Ou T this Week, and from cases 5 The efficacy of Dr Kat treatment of extraordinary « permit us to notice al this ti of Alleghacy coanty, V2., ry suddenly taken with au bis eyes. He veed numer Universal- Plaster, from An the Universal Plaster he a; satisfactory evidence of the agteed with her, medicines. own frail body.? Remember, you are every day eating gross food ; and it is your nature to con- tinue to doso You are well at present, but ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within vou; and if yoo do not siriely guard your health while you are well, you are continually in danger of painfo} -and protracted confinements, and in some constitutions, death. Nothing. is stationarg in this world. Even the parest foontain of which’ we drink—does itd not require cleaning ? A person may imagihe! he ts in perfect health, and yet oot know to what perfection his vital organs may be brought when assisted by the hand of Nature. [havé fn- doubted proofs of this fact in the anbounded suc cessof the LIFE MEDICINES. © ket ttiose | - *ko have followed the motto, ‘When yoa. are even moderately well, throw physic to the dogs" call opon me, if they would be convinced <f the importance of my position. 7 laid low by disease of almost any description,’ may find sore relief in those purely vegetable: preparations. ‘They operate gently but power- of tie body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated humors. separating the bad from the good, expelling the @reos, drogsand impurities—end leaving behind only what is good and nourishing to nature. : Reader, consider and reflect Wel}. The blessings ef tris life,-for rich and poor lie entirely ‘wribia ourselves, in our own physical bodies. My advice to all, then, is, guard your health If you are well, perhaps you: may be cull pets you may always avoid being sick by a jodiciows use of the VE LIFE MEDICINES, nent b> Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills ‘and Phoenix Bitters, are for sale CRESS & BOGER, 4 , Salisbery , Oct 29 1842— 1914 gents A supply cf the above Invaloable ME- DICINES are forsale at James’ Cross Raacs. fredelf county. by . ; | A. C. mcINTOSH) Agent. maybe relieved. the Gold Mine Balssm_ pet limbs were rubbed (ovo or three times dat the Aromatic Hx:raet, and this treaimen: ti given sucha happy resol, thar she 1s pow a to walk about—the nervous affections hore’ her, her digestive organs are much improvec.::! he: gegeral feelings good. d haem exo quite fr ished every one that was Obg Sianding disease. Otter Bridce, Bedford count We have particularised The cperation of the Life Mediéines in every | ©°°'S¢ they may also obtain instance thathes come to my knowledge is most |: 7 °Fe Semitable than riches gratifying. Those whoare in comparative good |. ©Ceeeexsons wishing to health mag perfect their happiness with ‘oo’in. 1 Fe ee i please direct convenience ; and those unforiunates who.-are:| {'@ afeant, (post paid ) to Da. Kouc’s Orrice. Ric or to any of the follow applied besides the Restorer, Sal, Rheum, Scaldhead » Eruptic; UNIVERSAL OR STRENGTHENig< D ’ Dyspeps 3] and all other Auricular Compiai, beused towether with the Restor §cP-Dr Kubl's Pamphle; «' foll Directions for the nse of 14. 11, 1843 other matters from diving so lasi five or six years, been quite fam effects hoth by experience and obseres:ic have no hesitanew in recommending thor it was when oe first used these wey they Bfe superior to any we have ey been more strongly confirmed j: ion, that they are sunerior ‘o redented, and the year 12842 tantcures, two of which alene on: other medicines, but to no bh nef he procured the Restorer, Guild mine Bac n drew Fudge Fo Covington. Va.—took the two firs: medi ge, ‘ ternally as directed in Dr Kuh'’s Paupt a: ; and some times over the ey Pment he has his eye-sight so far recover he cafgead both print and writing. Vir explicht statement should be desired, ator. rected 6A. Fudge, Clerk C Court, wl: ile $ j 6 Which § Ter ' te ¥ er, Rae: GS Cfrs plied | OSigeg oe eas ] 8. Lat 9 aralisis ¢ Cir . f Congress A Nie ae a. EF DICINES » Iniended C8 invleable » nlec be the, aPR Dem | ropiny MSs Cines, taied to us Be OUP former nie al other gy Vs remedive nik PHSEN Ig aly s S$ aly 2 was jich of 5 ‘ me, Vip A Nag was. | Sy tal fh OUS Nregerp. Je the es and by this plied ta above, ° and every ween meals She is mech esh, hich bea a acquainted 8 y, ¥2: these ensee § {0% MCS: fom tt cory, calemel, bark, &e..or fing nek v - change of life, as specified 7 eit + ANTI Syprinitic Syrup ie in all Venereal Disorders, 4 ous M4 i Abyssinia, Wixtwee,/in flagd, remedy ' cetebiated for its Speedy and u ; 80 ig Gonorhaa end Gleet Perlect ren GoLp Mine Bavsam, for Bits, Affections, Calds, &e "O08 atd Ny, , - Agomatic Exreacr, ; linimens (54 tion, Caldness in the siomach New Witt Weakness. in the limbs, Rhein. me « Dervrative Powner, fi; Br, Headache, Diseases of the Fires. &. Pere tobe taken inthe Restorer, Se whie ae ei. V S'ing y he: , "e We bate fo. A lady of Bedford county, Va , ma /: 17 years afflicted with thé Liver Comnis-- treated with Calomel, tock cold on 11, ard my Dieta aie? that which § procure ay their ordefs ’ fur Desa‘ by {Sy which |; ] Teatmen: “O Soy ahs a | Ave men ; S§ Very Rem: is reiman of | ® ry hal er Used ctor, himself, was with nag few tan ite * Me. e Mose taken with coutraction and lamenese, Ste: the whole time, a great number of preseris ing of Physicians of eminence, ; that was recommended for fer ose, instead i te fording relief, had a tendency rather to 2egate the disease, - She sank from year to year, aiéihe digestive organs were so deranged thal nithiy To August, 1842 the paven had not been out of her bed in five years, except when removed by others—so nervous Viat cm Versation cr walking in the ruom prodoced ib most disagreeable effects upon the head ; her ge eral feeling very bad, sour stomach, ke * had no intention to use more medicines bul king a dase of the Gold Mine Balsam wt: mnch benefit that in one hour she felt deter.« then commenced a regular course of Dr Kei: She took a dose ot the Restor + the morning and one at night, and two doses I We have omite’” } name of thia lady, bot if any particulars sf be desired, we refer to Dr Kubl’s agent, © much to speak of the great valne of Ds bo | medicines, as to inform the afsieced ‘Whe treatment las ber? ~ ticed; so that others may know that by as’ s Lr) HMOoND, Vir" sing gen! NORTH CAROLINA Jenkins & Biles, Salisb Humphrey's & Gaither J. & R. Sloan, Greensborwvg? Dr N. Stith, Rateith, M J A. Drake, Ashbo: uly, - Lexington 5 oue b, JF & C Phifer, Concor. B Oats, Charlotte. C C Hen !ersen, Juinc:! James J Horne, Pit'sborsog! S. Peiry, Kernersvii'e, ‘James Branouck, Ware SY fe rhoo, Gi Ss Braogoek & Waller, Weeitei togham county R W Lawson. Yanceyville, James’R Callum, Vilion, South Carolina. Steele, Gouning & | MeLure, Brawlers § C« 5 rhvié » Chere e : 4 The continuation of the Ist of ?- Dr. Kos Pampblet. NOVPTICE.—Patients and the 1 ‘fice, Raleigh NC, 206 NO TICE: | North aod Eas! of ni, to Ricum Anousi 6. 1843—1¥2 gee undersigned having Mluistrator 16 1he-Estat mara, deceased, gives n ing demands against & bert Marnsmasa, to qualifiéd as" Ag-" tate of Rubeft.Macna- | Niee to all pergons hay- the Eistste of the raid Ro basa, to present them for” payment’ wiihia the tigi required by an Act.of Asseab! in soch tnade and provided ; otherwise they will be barred of recovery b , 106 uf aid ac? OF Hecuvery by the operation of the NATHANIEL BO¥DEN, ~ Salisbory, way BF; 1843144 “e | f Agen's! . : ; " 1ot North Carolina, and Scoth abe 0 ! mill please cirect then orders fe Dp pel seit AB. J ugh oid, e Dr. G. B. DOUGH | AVEING permcrertly set ohurge, offers Lis pt to the pris Par seuler oes tae wall be cal cuses enirested Ww bis ari the large cornerybouse, 0€al'S ¢ Murphy's sture. J Sattsbnry, May 6, 1843—'' Printing neatly fe sgh? * p ja te ? a done wo” lated I wee ere: ae doll ty ces at the end f No guoscript shan ge yeas ‘ f se Bator) ontil all arrearages are paid. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. of the year, onless paid for in advanee. One gents Ave cents for each continvanee. t « WarcamaN” moy befeafter be had lars in advance, and two dollgxs and ion will be received for a less time discontinued (bat at the option o dollar per square for the Grst incerfen cad PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY MACE C. PENDLETON. ** See that the Government does not «‘* upon all your Rulers. pay rhein i il ng ~e ee Coart notices will be charged 25 per ct. high- — = — - _ gr 120 the oer 5S) per cent will be made t A ISsSBUR JULY : a6 CA , . A de sdvertive by the year. . “ee a eS si ; L Ba Y, Allie 4 22, 1843. all advertisements will be continued ontil a ee — — ' wid and charged for accordingly, unless order-| CLOCK AND WATCH |WORMS! WORMS2!3) Mx. Kvrron:—1csayo stew Suien of = tain . opens Pat dae “— Tenters sddressed to the Editor must Startling Fact oor young Bard's effasions, eritten in bis four- | ever participa‘ed io post paid to ersure attention. s. £6 teenth year. You will please ineert them jn | its 80 is by ho mesns « a _ randreds of children and adults are lost year- | your next paper, and oblige yoors, &c. stances, with the etmadbt abhorrence. H ly with worms, when some other cause has been ASo One.cr-two instances are known where they Rowan otel. supposed to be the irae ope. Chapel Hill, July 11, 1848. | Bat? visited attempts to their ht ie adaitnes oy ot Craters thet aearce 2 man, fave 4 . with Vengeance It It woman or exisie what are sooper AFFECTION t ts cage REPAIRING. later troobled with worms, and in bendreds of Fair beau’y may preter . the most canetty taster of Oe f ’ rs Subscriber r fally informs his old | °*e* #24 to relate, a supposed fever, ecariatina, The partial fondness of her's, the Pangwe territory was within. one” THE SUBSCRIBER AVING porchased that well known and I jong established Pablic House, (known yy the name of Slaughter's Tavern,) in the foan of Salisbury, N. C., informs his Friends and i dis Taste and Bar wiil be supplied with ihe best the market and surrounding country af— — SraBLes spacious, and bountifully sup plied, with grain and provender, of all kinds, at isoded by faithfal aod attentive Osilers. The ondersigned pledges bimself that no ex tion oo his partshall be wanting to give gen- al satisfaction to all who may favor him with sell JAMES L. COWAN. Salisbury. Sept. 11, 1840: tf7 WHO WILL GO BALD! Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia for the Hair 20M Comstock & Co. —Its positive quali- jeg are 29 follows :—I1st For infants, keep- ing the head free from scorf, and causing a lox- yitatgrowth of tair.—2d For ladies after chil J- nb, restoring the skin to its nataral strength od firmness, and preventiog the falling out of be hair. —3d For any person recovering from op debility the same effect is produced. 4th ¢ gged in infancy till a good growth is started, nay be preserved by attention to the latest pe- od of life.—5th It frees the head from dand- if, strengthens the roots, imparts health and wor to the circulation, and preveots the hair om changing color or getting gray —6ih It ges the hair to car! beaatifully when done op it over night. . No ladies toilet should ever be made withont it. 7th Children who have by any means con— sted vermin in the head, are immediately and rfectly cored of them by its use. 11 is intalli- | had been bald aboat five years—no more hair ‘ihe top of my head than on the back of my ind,and my head covered with a thick searf. this situation about the 10th of August last, vegan using the Balm of Colambia, from Com- xk & Co. Since which, | have used two and half bottles of the Balm, which has fully re- wed my hair, aod freed my head entirely from arf. My head is now covered with five, flow hair—which any one may see by calling sue, at Stamford, Connecticut. - ier 12, 1840 D S SCOFIELD. ‘Qoentérfeits are absoad—look always for the of Comstoek & Co. Tor sate at the Watchman Office, and by C ‘Wheeler, Salisbory, Dr Stuth, Raleigh, D arti, Hil'sboro’ ; J & R.Sloan, Greensboro ; J Vabry, Lexington. mareh 4, 18438 —1932 Dr. Brandeth’s ] EGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS Salisbory, N. C Oct. 1842—tf14 for sale at this Office. Look at Dr. Sherman’s ad- rlisement, and if you wish reliet for your ma maladies, call and obtain a remedy of C. 8B. HEELER, Agent. Salisbary, Dee 10 To THE AFFLICTED.—The decriber has just received a large and fresh ply of Di Moffatt’s Life Medicine. Call & jain tetief C B WHEELER, Ageat. Salibary, Dee 10—1120 ‘ — PRIOES CURRENT AT Savispury, July 22 1f20 Cents. Cents. jacon, 5a si Cotton Yarn. 75 randy, ap. 35 240! Molasses, 35 a 40 peach, 40 a 45 | Nails, 6 atler, 100 124 | Oats, 15 a 20 eewwex, 20 a 22, Pork, Olton, clean 54.46) Sugar, br. $210 offee, 8all loaf, 15a 18 ‘orn, 35 40 Salt, sack, 275 $3 tathers, 18. 20] Tallow 64 ‘our, $44.25 ' Tobacco, 8220 laxseed, 50455 | Tow-Linen, i2a 16 fon, per lb. 3a4] Wheat, bush 75 inseed Oil, pr. Whiskey, 25 a 30 gal 90 $1 | Wool, (clean) 26 iends has opened a ¢ ness, in 2 room directly building, in the hose of Dr. Barne? owned by Jno. I. Shaver and jast below J. . Marphy. the p ia Salisbary in the ublic making Spoons, &e., and repairing Silve? Ware. He begs to assure the public that if puneteal attention to business, and skillful work will en— title him to patronage and support, he wi!imer- ic it. . AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 13—146 Dr. Sherman’s PRevicated Rosenges Are the best MEDICINES in the World, Beixe the cheapest and most plessant.— The medical Facolty warmly approve them. Dr. Sherman isa skilful and experienced Phy- New York. Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, Are the safest, surest, and moss effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, rippemtrs W hooping e Cough, Asthma, Tightness of Longs or Chest, &c. SHERMANS WORM LOZENGES Are the only infallisle worm destroying medi- cine ever discovered. They have been used in over 1.400,000 cases and never known to fail. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES Give immediate relief in nervéus or sick Head- ache, palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir- its, Despondency, Fainting, Oppression or a sense of Sinking o: the Chest, Diarrboa, Las- sitade, or a sense of fatigue. Sherman’s Fever and Ague Lozenges Are the most certain remedy for this distressing complaint, ever offered to the American public. — Io the immense nomber of cases in which they have been used, they have never been known to fail. Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, 80 com- mon and troublesome during the sammer months, may now be entirely prevented by a proper ose of these Lozenges: ‘They are prepared express- ly for that parpose, and can be relied on with perfect confidence, Persons sabject to a derange- ment of the bowels shuuld never be without them. They afford immediate relief from all the attend- ant gripiogs, faintness, depression, §c. Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are as pleasant and easily taken as the commun pepperminis; and are an active and efficient medicine. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and are the best cathartic ever used for bilious persons. Where an active medicine is required, they are not only the best, bui the safest that can be administered. Sherman’s Strengthening PLASTER, The best of all plasters for Rheumatism, Lnm- bago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, [.oins, S:de or Breast. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salishary. Medical Drng Store, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent, Salisbury, N.C, Sept 8, 1842—1y6 *, Moffat’s Veget able Life Medicines posses’ qualities of the most mild and be- neficial nature. They are composed of ar- ticles the-most anti-pu'rescent, combiaed with ingredients known as the only certain antidote for fevers of every description. When the dis ease is prodoced either from cold, obstruction, bad air, swampy and damp situations, or patrid miasmi, whether malignant or epidemic, or by other causes, these medicines are certain in thetr operations or effects. ‘They are possessed of pe- caliar qualities, which not ooly expel all diseace, bot at the same time restore and invigorate the system. When first taken into the stomach, they mmmediately diffose themselves like vapor through every pore, producing effecis at once delighifol, salutary, and permanent. When the spark of life begins to grow dim, the circolation languid, and the facalties parelized, these medi eines are foand to give 2 tone to the oerves, ex- hilerate the animal spirits, invigorate the body, and re animate the whole man The Life Medicines have also been osed wih the most happy seecess in Nertos and Dys- peptic diseases, Consnmption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rheamatism, (chronic and inflama- tory] D ropsies. &e. BCP Call at Cress & Bocen's, Agents. Saissbeary, Oct 22, 1842—1ytS BC A sopply of the above Invaluable ME- DICINES are for sale at James’ Cross Roads, Iredell conaty, by A. C McINTOSH, Agent. DAVID L. POOL, | VAKES this method of and the pablic, that be is stitl carrying on the Watch and Clock making, and Re- besiness, at his old = stand, near the Coarthouse All done him will be warranted for twelve months. He still keeps on band 2 ema! assortment of Jewellery. Old Gold and Silver taken in exqpange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—tf3S J. S&S. Johuston, ATTORNEY AND =) Law. Faverreviite Joly 12, s"tady, peach 40245) Molasses, 28228 Ba: Apple $5 a 40 Nails,cut, 54.46 Sewn? 64 a7 | Sugarbrown, 64a 10 swat, = 25 a 27 | F.nmp, 14 aoe, 9a 10) Toa, 15218 a 44a6G | Salt, 50 a 60 “ton Yarn, 1419 | Sack, $234 a, 50160 | Tobaccoteaf 2a 23 sadles, F.F.18a14 | Cotton bag 2¢ are’ 80 a 20 | Bale rope, 8a 10 Veath $4 0 §5 Wheat new 75280 or 20 & 25 | Whiskey 26 On, 4425 |) Wool, 124 a 15 bh Curraw July, 4 1843° Raves 4a 5 | Nails cat assor 628 Bas 6 a 6) wrought 16 a 18 ter 12215 !Oats bushel a 30 aaa 22 225 Oil gai 75a 80 baie eee 20022} mp $125 Core 109 19. 1 1091.25 Ca eelb it}e 14] Pork 100%bs 53 2 6 Con 263) Rice 100!bs 425 hi ush 50 , Sugar Ib a 10 — bri $5h 0 52 | Salt sack $2 25 aers 25 a 30 bush 50 60 ee 5a 64| Steel Amer. 20 a 00 . 627, Enghsh 14 Bses 39 8 +5 German 12414 ce.’ * 731 Teaimpe @8 0087 Be SALISBU: Salsibury, Jan. ¥, 1 N.C. 14 rally, that he ve busi- ite Wesat's:brick y In addition to the above, the subscriber witl be Pablic generally, that the same is now | carry on the Silver Smith Business in all the for the reception of ‘Travellers & Boarders. | varieties common in country towns: such as sician, and a member of the’Medical Society 0, informing his friends, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of the homan family —while io truth they die of Woras! and these could have been eradicated in a day, by the useof a bottle of Kolmstock’s Verméifuge, at the cost of a quarter of 2 dollar ! How sickening the thought that these things should be—and who can ever forgive themeelves for not trying this Worm gator, when they know that even if the case was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibili'y do hort —bui slways as 8 purgative—let the dis- ease be what it may. ow important then to ase it, and who will dare take the responsibility todo without jt? Let every paremt that is not 2 brate, ask themselves this question in trath and soberness. Mr JG. Ringold had a child very sick for near two weeks, and attended by n physician, without relief, wheo Kolmstock'’s Vermifuge was givén, and next day more than forty worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow woman, living near the Manhaitao Water Works, had dwindled for a a@eonth, till near a skeloton, with great dryness of the mouth, and itching of the nose. A ha- mane lady, who called to provide for the family, | sent immediately for Kolmstock's Vermifoge, which brooght sway great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at once, and regained its full strength in less than a month. Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frightful extent, an! were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifuge. In some of the best families io the neigbbor- hood of St. John’s ’ark, it has been extensively ased, from the circumstance of having eradica- ted a large quantity of worms, after all other temedies had failed, which was very extensive- ly known in that part of the city. A family in New Jersey saved several children by the use of it. One,a girl of eight years of age, had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vermifoge was given. ‘The next day three large worms were dislodged, and she left off ihe Vermifuge, when she became again worse, and had résort to the Vermifage that finally brough: away an incredible quentity of worms,and the cure was complete, aod she gained her healit rapidly A Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- ly of children some weeks. withoot being aple to restore bu: ope out of the seven to health He had the liberality to send fos Kolmstock’s Ver- mifage, aod cored the rest with it io less than a week. Noumerons cases of other complaints were sup posed to exist, and the pereons treated for fever. &ec., bat finally a trial of this Vermifuge discov- ered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innamerable quantity of worms, large and small, and the persons recovered with great despatch. [nstances of this kind might be cited to an immense extent, but it is aseless, one trial for 25 cents will show any one with aston ‘shment the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Caution — Never buy this article anless it have ** De Kolmstock's Vermif:ge” handsomely en- graved on the outside label, and the fac simile of Comstock & Co. Agenits—C B Wheeler, Salisbory; J & R Sloan, Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexing'on ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. March 4, 18183—1y$2 State of Porth Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions— May Term, 1848. Hiram Phelps Administrator of Nathanie] Mark- land deceaged, against, John Markland, Pavlina Markland, Mathew Markland, Marian Markland, George Marklaod, Louisa Markland, Henry Monroe and wife Fan- ny, William Beeding and wife Nancy, Charles Green and wife Martha, Thomas Markland and the Heirs at law of Nathaniel Markland, Jr., Parret Markland and Nelsoo Markland. Petition for sale of Lands to pay off out- standing debts. T appearing to the satisfaction of ige Court, that the Defendents, Henry Monroe and wile Fanny, Wilham Beeding and wife Nancy, Chas. Green and wife Martha, Thomas Markland and the Heire at Law of Nathaniel Markland, Jr.. Parret Markland and Nelson Markland, resid: beyond the limits of thie State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, tha! publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, noti- fying the defendants, to be and appear before our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Davie at the Court Hoose in Mocksville on the 4th Monday in August nex, then and there to plead, snewer or demur to said Petition ; otherwise the allegations set forth therein will be taken pro *enfesen, and the peti- tion beard exp3rte as to them. Witness Joho Clement, Clerk of our seid Coort a: Office, the 4'h Monday in May 1843, and in the 67\b year of American Independence. . JOHN CLEMENT, Ci'k. Jone 17, 1848S—6« 47— Printers fee §6 00. CABINET MAKENG ¢ HE Subscriber respectfully retorns bis thanks for past favors, sod informs hie old friends and the public that be still continues to carry on the above business in all its varichs branches, and at the old siand on main strest, two doors below J, & W. Murphy's store and op posite the Watchman Printing , where he may always be found. He keeps constantly on band a variety of well finished work, and at pri ces to suit thetimes, Also a supply of ready made Coffins constantly kept on band to seit avy measere ; and at lower prices than ever they have been sold for. N. B. All kinds of Lomber and Coontry Pro- dace taken in exchange for work K. ELLIOTT. April 29, 184S8— 1740 Job Printing neatly done here. re oy ebill the blaze of love a0" soft 2eph yrs blow ; The pondering mind a" hao rove, Apprized that nothing draws like love Say, what exceeds: ion’s side, Which mast to exb and flow, Mid sweiling waves or every side, My beart is reeling to and fro. Oh! what in natere can remove, The sting, the plaling bemgof love. Sey, what thou wilt, | meet be thine— how distant magnet of my soul ; Forbid the rose of love to pine, _ Which glows or fades at tly control. Not all the lovely belle of Jove. Excell'd thee on the stream of love. I'l) bam around thee till the Isst And pour my wishes in thy ear :* Till beauty sinks in ages biast— And life becomes no longer dear. And then the bymenial dove Shall coo apop the bongh of love. And though the sun of life may set, It sinks notin oblivion’s gloom, For love too vital to . Prevails ta blossom on the tomb, W ben fleet from'time thou shall remove, Throw deck a smile on tracing love. Whatever storms in life may rise, Affection’s torch still batps the same, It may grow dull, but never dies— And death can only quench the fame. Witness the strain ye heavens above, That nothiog swaye the rod of love! Ob! Princese when expression dies, And speechless love can tell n0 more, She listens io the dirge of sighs, And thinks of wongeis told before. - When breezes thro some fanera! grove— Flow from the languid sou! of Jove. PLATT. (nnn cc ee A NEW NEGRO NATION From an extract published in the Albany Ar- gue, and derived from the Narrative of Mr Wil- son, a missionary in Africa,we learn that he has discovered a nation of Ethiopian never before agen or described by any white man, Mr Wil- son is stationed on the Gaboon River, which emp- ties in the Atlactic, abont twenty miles. north of the Equator. 7 having a fine opportunity, Mr Wileon accom panied Toko, a distinguished negro merchant, up the Gabooa and its tributary the Big Orombo, to Kobangai's town, fifty miles from the ocean. on the Bawke, a braneh of the Big Orombo.— This was as farup the river as he ascended — While there, be met with a new nation of Af- rieans, * some of whom were said to come five days journey and others ten to twelve days jour ney from the intertor"— that is, from 200 to 400 rmoiles from the sea cowst. He calls them th: rectiva in which a coantry of that name lies.— The distance from the coast indicates that they came ftom Ethiopia ; and possibly that this peo- vle may spread over that vast unkoown region of Africa. The existence and use of iron of their own wanufactore, seems very remarkable, and philo- sopbers would say, indicates an advanced state of civilization, for it is known that a barbarous o1 gavage people never have iron of their own man- ofactare until it hae been first introduced by the whites ‘Ihe non-existence of slatery and the slave trade among item, shows a feature still more distinctive from the ordinary African. We are furnished by the Argos with the ful- lowing passage from the journal of Mr Wilson. * Daring ogr sbort sojourn in this place, we met with a nomber of mee entirely different in their featares and general appearance from those in this part of the eountry. Some of whom were said to have come five, and others ten or twelve days journey from the interior, They were known by the name of Pangwe people. — They were on a visit to this part of the cooniry, which is a3 near to the sea coast as they have ventured. Héaring of us at this place, they came in considerable numbers to see a white man and old Tcko, one of whom was as much an ob- ject of curiosity as the other. Those of them whom we saw, both men and women, were vastly superior io their personal appearance tothe maritime tribes ; and if they may be regarded as a fair specimen of th®ir peo- ple, | should have no hesitation in pronouscing them the finest Africans whom I bave ever met with. ‘They sear no clothing, except a piece of cloth made of the inner bark of a tree. This is drawn between the legs and fastened around the loins by a cord. Nor do they covet clgh. — Oo the otber hand they jeer the bushmen of this region, by telling them that they wear cloth to conces! theit personal defects, sod their external diseases. Both men aad women braid their hair with a great dea). of taste. The women braid their bais on the forepart of the head in : wo rows, which lie over the forehead not anlike the frill of acap. ‘Thai on the back part is pleited inte five or six braids which reach below the should- ere. The wen are of ststore, remarkably well formed, healthy ‘TH their appearance, and manly in their deportment. They hed koives, spears, travelling begs, and otber articles of co— rious and ingenious workmanship, specimens of which we procured for a very small quantity of + well beads. All of their implemerts are made 0. irow of their own, which is cgasidered vastly & “or toany brooght to the country by trading vessels ‘They set 00 value upon cloth, and 2s yet have never acquired a taste for tobacco or rem. Beads, powder and brass they prize high- ly, and were willing to give away any thing they had for the smalles! quantities of either of these ‘They represent their country 38 moen- ! tainces and healthfol, aod affirm that cutaneous ‘ and other diseases cummon to the Garitime re~ ed to thivk that the people : _ . os ned ) from ting in large bodies towards the cong. | intermediate beshmen, ast the slave trade, must iney FRUITS OF TREASON. . sed to Miss Scutyten by ALEXANDER Hamitton-on the 25:h September, 1780, and recently published, shows in part whet ruin, 10 addition to the loss of his owa fome the Treason of ARNogp sesitered srosnd | him, viz. ‘ - “* ARNOLD, bearing of the plot being de- tected, immediately fled to the enemy. | went in persu:t of him, but wes much too late ; end could berdly regret the disep- pointment when, on my return, | sew sn s- miable women, frantic with distress for the loss of a busbend she. tenderly loved: 2 (raitor to his country snd to his feme: e disgrece to his connections: it wae the most effecting scene | ever was witness to. She, for @ considereble time, entirely ‘lost herself, The Gengre) (WasnincTon) went up to see her, and she apbrai him with being in a plot to murder her ciitd. “One @moment'she raved. snother she melted in- t@ tests. Sometimes she pressed her itifant to ber bosom, end lamented its fate, occe- sioned by the impradence its father, in s mepner that woul@ heve pierced inseosibili. ty itself. All the sweetness of beeuty, all the loveliness of innocénce, alt the tender- ness of e wife, end all the fondness of e mo- ther, showed themselves inher appearance and conduct, We heve every reason to be- heve that she was entirely unacquainted with the plen, th ¢ the first knowledge of it wes when Aroold went to tell her he mast banieh himself from his coontry end from her forever. She instantly fell into @ cOn— > This morning she is more composed. | peid her e visit, and endesvored to soothe her by every method in my power ; though you may imegine she is not easily to bé'con- soled. Added to her other distresses, she is very epprehbensive the resentment of her country will fell opon ber (who is only un- fortunate) for the guilt of ber hesbend. | have tried to persuade her that her fears are onfounded : bot she will not be convinced. stence thet would interest ovr sympethy ; and her sufferings were so eloquent that | wiehed myself her brother. to have a right to become her defender” THE CONTRADICTORY COUPLE. ‘ I dobelieve,’ he says, taking his epoon out of his glass, and tossing it en the sable, ‘that of all the obstinate, positive, wrong headed creatures that were ever boro; you are the most so, Char lotte ° . ‘Certainly, certainly ; you have your owo way, pray. You see bow mach I contradict you,’ rejoined the lady. - ‘Of course you did'nt contradict me at dinoer time, ob no, not you!" says the lady ‘Yes. I did!’ says the.gentleman. ‘Oh, you did!’ cried the geatleman, ‘you ad- mit that ?* ‘If you eall that contradiction, I do,’ the lady answers, ‘and | ssy sgain, Edward, that when | know you are wrong, I will contradict you. | am not your slave.’ ‘Not my sla@®!’ repeats the gentleman, bitter- ly ; and you still mean to say that in Black- burn’s new house there are more than fourteen doors, incleding the wine cellar ? ‘] mean to say,’ retorts the lady, beeting time with her hair brash on the palm of her hend, ‘that in that house there are just foarteen doors, and no more.’ ‘Well then,’ says the gentleman, risiog iv ce spair, and pacing the toom with repid strides, ‘this is enough to destrog.a man's intellect, and drive him med !’ By and by the gentleman comes too a little, and passing bis hand moodily across his forehesd, re-seats himself in bis former chair. There is a long silence, and this time the lady begins ‘1 appeal to Mr Jenkins, who sat next to me on the sofa, in the drawing room, during tea ” * Morgaoryou surely mean,’ interropts the geo tlemae’ . . *{ do not mean any thing of the kind,’ answer- ed the lady. . . ; ‘Now, by all that is aggravating, and impossi~- ble to bear,’ eries the ggatieman, clenching his hands sod lovkiag opwards in agony, ‘she is go- ing to insist thay Morgan 1s Jeokine 1" *Do you take me for-a perfect fool ?’ exclaim- ed the lady De wpccrine ne keow t one from the other you esa gry dsnow that taai wao the biee Mr Jeokine ?* : ‘Jenkins in a blee coat!’ cries the gent witha groan ‘Jenkins in 3 blue cont !—e who would seffer death rather than wear any thieg bet brown!’ “>. ‘Do you dare to charge me with telling 20 vo- trath 2” demands the a tos *] charge you, ma'am,” : —_—- ctartiog, “wnt being a monster of ion | _ monster of aggravation—a—a= Jenkins ina ' blue coat !—what have | done that I should be doomed to bear soch statements?” The following”exiract of e Letter addres. 1” She wes not » being to love with en exrtin ly affection, Her pereon bed 90 with her mind. I: bore no resembispes to those beautifel forme which glise before the eyes of romance in the of dreams. - It was not like tes of being she wealth of besetp® rah ee mye + in the @.of woman. It was 1 ’ peculiar deformity, nan ple ay a tellectus! glory of a dark, soul-like ope. Yet, strange ss st may seem, I loved her, deeply. psssionately es the young heart can love when it poors itself out ike en oblation toitsidol. There were gentle and lovely. sround me—crentores of smiles snd blush- es, soft tofes end mélung gisocer, but their beauty mede oo lesting impression oa my > were, by the mysteries of mind. Mine was not a love to be re thronged circle of gaiety and was svowed underneath the bending The mission is at the mouth of the river, bot | VU!sion, and he left her in thet siteenon-| en; when the perfect stars were slone gez- ing spon us. It wes rejected, but not m scorn, in pride, nor in anger, by that bigh- thoughted girly She would ask my friend- ship—m@y sympathy ; but she t —sy, with tears she besoug ht me, to no more of Lave. I abeyed her. from her preseace. I mingled in the’ bgsy tide of being, end ambits tere my soul. Wealth ce vndriy ctedly ; and the noice of * Pangwe people, because they came from the di- | She received us in bed, with every circom-| come g’femiliar sound. § ret et lest with the impress of msnboeod on my brow, sod sodght egain the being of my dreams She wes dying. Consumption—psle, ghastly consumption hed tskea away her hold'on existenee> The deformed and vn- filting tenement wes yielding to :be impul- ses of the soul. Clasping wasted bead, I bent over her in speechless agony. She raised her eyes to mine, and in these beav- ‘fal emblems of her soul, I read the hoerd- ed sffection of yesrs—the long smothered emotion of a smothered heart, “Heary,” she said, end | bent lower to eaich the fel- tering tones of her sweet voice—“[ bave loved you long end fervently 1 feel shat Tam dyiig. I rejoice at it. Earth qill cover this @wested an¢ unreemly form, bot soo! will returs to thet promised and ter laed, where go change of cireum- stance cén mer the communion of Spirit. Oh, had it Keen permitted !—bout | #3! not murmor. You were crested with more than menhood’s beauty, end | delormed— wretched as f am, have dared to love you ! I knelt dows and kissed the pele brow of the selferer. A smile of more than earth- ly tendernese stole over her {esteres. end fixed there, like an omen of the spirit’s bap« ptness. She wes dead. And they buned ber on the spot @hieb she bad herself selec- ted—a delightful place of stumber, curlsin— ed by green young willows. ! have stood there 8 thoussnd times in or moon- light, and fencied that J dia every breeze thet whi among brenches, voice of the or “Devoted girl’ epirit, bash never abendoned age. Geatly ead Le to wateb over my —to F H ping me amidst the trisls of homenity—to gle thy heavenly sywpethies with my and sorrows, end to meke thy qld ¢ tings known and felt in the mon of existence ; 10 the q i : A i i it fs i of the living, I fee! thet then St seqfso— “ Thyself a pore and ssinted ove, Waiching the loved ond frail of earth.” — There is s wen in New Orion name 1s so short that it woot beer 3 : ro | e = ae 2. it in h r ‘ Turning now to the consider : immediate object of our eben ack ge The wnporience of the trost ehich is confided to us to contemplating ft, the find waturally recors to the Conven-- Lion of 1840. to its immediate issue, sod to its more remote results. The con the country ot thet momen’, +s fresh in your recollection. hs histery #29 wr m ehaiscters not easily effaced, by yeors of tyranny, of misrule, and of edrruption ; and thengesistgnee Which waketed, is not less vividly impressed pot Gnr memories The notwof preparation weelirst sounded i this hell, from whet®e, returning to oor respective homes, the shout wes prolonged antil jte reverberstions were heard in every Wall, end plein, and vallegithrougboat. the land. We rolled ander the bennér of the potriot HARRISON, end-whileour sdter- snide were confounded by the rapidity and extent of our prepsrations,.we rushed to victory. « By an itiscratelle dispensetion of Providence, the froiteof oor triumph were wr pmour grasp—Pmisteke, Gentle- men, they have been filched from ts by tretchery, by iHe betrayel of our coniidence, by @ shameless ingratitude 5 of al! which our adversaries were prompt tu profil, how ho y wo themselves, let themselves de- termine, when the best and exeiement of the contest shall have passed away. They fiove however steadily refused al] «filistion rator, and the eceredited news Pp an of the party, pubhehed withe stone’s*throw of the Presidentiel mansion, has not hesiteted. to remind its imcumbent of the mexias, that men may love the trea- son, end yet despise the traitor. Neverthe- less, as an ally in the war, they have fought ender a common banner, predetermined to discard ‘wheq be should cesse to be * useful to’ 4 By the united strength of this uohellowed offfon, your representatives in the National Legi@leture, have been beffied in their ef- forte to advance the interests of the coun- try, each successive messure having fallen by the jndiscriminste opposiion of a dis- eiphned minor sustained by the Presn- deaual veto, Still, however, the Whig por "in i National Legislature have render- ed essential service to the country. They fave checked the corrupt and @pblushing vee of Executive patronsge, have reduced the snnual expenditures of the Government, by a retrenchment of some ten millions of dollars, ond have passed many wholesome laws, whose effects sre gradually develop. ing themselves. fHavidig done this, their eppeal is now to their politicel associates, hy whim they were deputed, and never, in the apnels of history, hes eny bo men exhibitgd. the sume steady scm and resolute adherence to principle whi®h have tren displayed by the great Whkk party thronghout the Union. A petty betrayed by ite leader, anJ furiously pressed by ite adversery, has refused to yield an inch, but siendiog to Ite arms, aw-its the expiration of the armistice Jiatited by the Constitation, » eager for the genewal ofthe conflict” The note of preparation is heard on every side. Our Whig brethren thronghout the Union, are busily emploved in mustering their for- ces, in selecting their leaders, in arranging the plan of the campaign. : One division of this patnot Lost is com- willed to our pecelias care = °Tis ours to marstal. to discipline, to prepare it for ac- tion, and one, and the principal object of ovr assemblagernow, is to designate iis lea - der... Gentlemen, we canagt ivo highly es- timate the importacce of that selecti@n. The manifesto of the Whigs of Georgia, has already gone forth. We have chosen, as fer os we cen control the choice, the leader of our Federal host. We hevg given ovr colors to the breeze, emblazoned with the name of HENRY CLAY of Keaotucky, aod resvived under his banner. to do batile for the maintenance of our rights. We ‘have « thrown down the ggunilei. The lists are in preparation, — Our edversary, marshalied for the conflict, watches our movement, and viotory, or an ioglorious vefeat, awaits os. Our Girsrgreas duty is to cherish a spirit { harmony among ourselves, to secure uni- ted, and therefore efficient action, in the coming ceprflict’ To the interests of the party, ortwhich is an €Quivalent expression, to the great in of the couniey, aif in- dividual eri i partialug avet yfeld Ths printipleof athon must fin® iis first iNustratioa yh the selection of a candidate _ for the Execotive chair, a measure so impor- tant in its. influence on the contest which 1s to follow. And surely this ill not be _ difficalt, All the gentlemen, whose names hove beem pres nied to the police cons:der- ation, are entirely unexceptionable, perfeeily qneliified for the discharge. of the duties of _ Ane chief magisiracy All thas remains to > ps, 19. to determine, who ond6r the circom- stances of the momept, will probably ‘com. aend the highest populer vote, and if, sfer a free intetchange oF 19, the question shatl still, to ony ccanidereae huwber of dys body, seem wo bea ful. one, the mode of selving 1. eppears..to be obvious. The members of Abie Cugveptinn, may cer- intr he congsdered asa fair_reptesenistion of the, Whig pariy of Georgre—as correcily reMlectiog 100 opiniens and feelings of then a lend the infle ‘avon, gp| counsel, concert in action. | Ocracy” “i they have siready |! oduced on the poblie mind. whose name we have presented to the peo- ple of the United Stetes,.. - gud We owe it to the t whig.party of the mbo are e to elaim from us a0 setideg'nud 20 for ss.mey depend op oer- selves, en efficient ¢ 109 It is due to ourselves, as indispensable to toggle in whieh we sre our soccess in nf abou lo engage—e contest which sodeeply involves the rights sod interests of the free men of Georgia. . . Leta. then, Gentlemen. proceed to the alae of the, trust which. bas been con- fided to us: onder 2 deep convictionwf the cedsity of harmeny in feeling, anion ip us select from the roll of patriot etaiesmen, whose names have been presented to she public consideration, the individual whe shall con- centrate the voiee sjority of this Con- vention-—mseribe his néme on our banner, B then fearlessly give it to the breeze. je be it fudg. “Let st foot, and flost ga! sotly io the coming *rife. Plant it oo your mountain heights. Unfart it ie your md- Jends—and fanned by the winds of Ocean, let ii wave in itiumph over your Eastern plaios. «THE ERRING PENITENTS,” OR “ PENITENT COONS.” e The Democrats are, in some sorts, com- ing to there “wits. They begin to have s very high opinion of the * Coons, whom they have a rather singular way of compli- menting.—-Mr. Dixon H, Lewis,the Peters burg Republican, and various others ac; knowledge. thet unless they get some.aid from the “ Coons,” the Demociacy .will be besten in. 1844, as they wege in. 1840. The majority, and. a very décided one, they admit was theo agaics: them. Their object, there- fore, 1g 10 bring over the Coons to their sidé, either by presenting » more acceptable men than Mr. Van Burea, or by persuading the * Coons ”’ of the agar ol their ways, ang consigging them that they were shame- folly d » 0 1840.by the “ Log Cabin and Coon Skin Mummeries and Hard-- Cider Renelries.’’ flattering mode of approaching the ; or, de- luded Coons, sad the Democrats wilh no doubt make a vast deal ofeapital by it ! The. Petersburg Republican, touching on this. point, very clearly exposes the woak- ness.6f Mr. Van Buren : ‘* We know something of the last can- vase, at least in Virginie ; we had the hon- orto beappointed eub-elector in the Me- tropolitan District, and we met ihe Whig Oratots in every county it contains; we talked with the people, both privately aod publicly, and the question we had to argue was not Bank or no Bank, Teriff or 00 Ta- riff, but Martin Van Buren or no Martin Van Buren. Not one of those whom we met on the stump, save Jobn M. Bolts, a- vowed bis sopport of a Bank ; and their great endeavor invariably wasto ,prove thai Hernson was opposed both to Bank and Tariff. We remember upon one occasion during @ discussion, that one of the Harri- son Orstors admitied that he agreed with ws in opposition to a Bank, a Tariff, a Dis- tribution; we said to him, why then war againgt the supporter of your own principles? ‘| wae against the corraption of Martin Van Baren,” was bis reply. He was mistaken in his opinion of Mt. Van Buren, 11 is true, 80 were thoussnds, entertaining soand Dem- oeratic Opinions, end these thousands have already come, or are fast coming back into our ranks.end they should be received es brethren and welcomed to oor wermest confidence. This jealousy which some seem inclined to excite between those who were with as in 1840 and those who have come 'o vs since, is pot only imprudent emd anii- Democratic, but, if carried out, would be as beautiful s specimen of the “reductio ad absurdum” es we ould exbibit for the a- musement of oor feeetious opponents. We koow many of those who either wore nev- sal, of voted egainst us in the last election with whom wercoul) fied bat one single point of difference, and that woes our opin- ion'of Mattia Veo Boren. @®here are tho- sends Who had no other reason for tier coutse than (to use Mr. Lewis’ languege) ‘the bitterness and Violence of that personal Gishke to en individual, which at the Jas election threw such numbers of them in op- position to the Democratic candidate ; and which, if the same candidate be agein pre- sented to them, mey agein produce a simi- ler result.’ For o@e. we cannot end will not put our ban op avy one for his opposi- ton to Martin Vah Buren in 1840. Noone in this broad Union more zealously, and as far as our humble ability extended, more acuvely supporied him than we did in the lest canvass ; andthe part we took in the contest, brought os in contect with huae- drede who abjurtd the name of Whig, and were with os entirely in prinerple. vet could not be induced to cast their votes for Mr Van Bufen. We canaot, we have no right —bo_ man or ges of men have the right to set themselves up as high priests of the Dem- ocratic charch, and to dictate he peunance, upon which absolution shall be granted to the « peniten 1840.” oq*irer cammot use he unpopuffr- ity of Mr. Van Buren to win beck the “er- mng penitents,”’ because it isa Van Buren papers bat it. drives “hambuggeries” sod ‘aram meries’ of 1840 at the coons with » feu Oe power. . It says to them if sub- st ‘you were great fools to be gatied by ms, and ins, sad hard-cider ; — Ain’ yg@ ashianed of yourselves? Dont you feel mesn? Well,come join ihe Dem- Sach appeals most be irresistible! —Richmond Whig- mw ~~ ‘ bis @wo rapacity sod ambition. ‘The op We are bound by the relations whieh we . f eve sssumed to thet distinguished citizen, | .. Ay, This is certainly.« egy 4 fe Repeal agitation io Ire ress ; and the “ rial” Cot nella—-who has ao compunenion ‘ alf-atarved to feed Peek init in land cepreseat the Peel Minists bein foes acd al @ the ew en- ’. ly be by We ents Thi ee i . J, isdhe : ate A Trade.in, England, and the alleged prabstili'y that at no digiaot day po hs ro will be entirely abolished. We'hitve heard Missame tone foryears, and always at Thode periods, when oor Tariff was under digoession and about .to oa- dergo revision. {visa part of the policy of En- gland to indace us to beliewg that.by adopting free trade of oor side, we may probably obiaio free trade (Bm her. ‘This delusive promise has been held oat lodg enoegh, and has bees disap- pointed often enough, ong would thiok, to core the most incorrigible eredalitg.. England will not, and eagpot. abandoo protection. Soe bas too many great interests at stake upon it. Her politica! institations are depeudent upon it, and she can never surrender it, save amid the Mroes and convulsions of rev « When the man ufactoring clase shall ail over all others—the landed, the mercantile—Nobles, Kings and Commons, she may have Free Tyade, but-aot on- \il thea ; andabat will newer come te pass, oni! a bloody and dévgaiasing @gpsiution shal] bave doneiis work. “» . The Liverpool paper, from. .whiche we copy, manifesis a great desire to impress the American mind with the belief, that Free Prade is making rapid progress. i maynot ta seplace in one, two ot three gears (it says)—bot it will come sooner orlater. lerefers toand dwells apon a motion and speech by Lord John Rassell in favor of a fixed doty, as proof of its asseriions. In anoth er colomn, ft gives an accoont of a‘ neeting in Bellfordsh7re-cattended by this’ Lord Johps broth er—who strendoasly opposed Free Trade, and advocated a fixed duty ds affording the best pro- lection. Thisis the sort of Free Trade, which both of the great parties of the kingdom support —it is the Free Trade which will give the sar—- est protection to Finglish industry. The Liverpool paper samiiiog’s discloses the secretof its solicitude on this sabject, by saying that the American Tariff will probably be revis- ed next winterand sadjected to many modifioa- tions highly beneficial to English interests. [1 is to prodace this yéry result, that it holds oat soch cheering hopes of Free Trade on its side of the water—lOpes to gull and deceive as, aod never to be realized Bat who are they here, who ate going to make these impertant modifica- tions in our ‘Tariff for the benefit of England ? British Whigs, of course! ‘The pure Demo crals—who hate England and every thing Ko~ glish, would entlure the rack sooner than do aught to benefit the detestable British! They are all tube sare Free Traders —opposed to all duties—aod woald open our ports, and rvin our own interests—all, however, from pure hate 'o England! ‘They are the real Anti- British Par ty !— Richmond Whig. THE TARIFF— REPEAL A correspondent of the New York Ex- press, writi at London, the 28th April, 1843, says: ‘* There is not much freight going out hence to the United States. fron, salt, coal, a little linseed oil, and @ very lim- ited quantity of British manufactures, with emigrants, just enable ships to psy their way.’ Very well.—This may be a great grievance to the Eog'ish, but we can beer it like philosophers. Let them tske our bread stuffs and salted provisions, end their ships will earn freight—they will do more than * pay their way,” We will let them catry «ff our provisions ifthey ill ; with- out stopping to_enquire about the national bottom in which they ere sent forward. The British sailors and manufacturers suffer for food ; we have a surp'os at their ser- vice, ifthey will takeit; endif they will not take it when they may, they will not excite much commisserstion on this side the Atlantic. Under our Tariff if they will “yo hungry rather (han ovy our provisions, let them do so. We can bear it ead they MUST, onlil they can get votes enough in Congress, sympathising with their feelings. to repeal our import duties — Circinnali Gazette. ast farthing froma ‘DID YOU SEE THAT CALL ?” ‘Whatesh ?? *Why the ca!! contamed in the Laneasler Ezaminer and Democratic Herald’ of the 5th insi., signed by WILLIAM HESTER AND 1865 OTHER GOOD AND TRUE WHIGS, convening @ meeting of the citi- zens of Lencaster county, Pennsyivenis, friendly to the election of HENRY CLAY to the Presidency, and in favor of » sound ational Currencij'tnde-Tariff. to protect the American orer, Mechanic, Manu- facturer and Farmer, against foreign com- petition, to be held at the Court House ir the city of Lxncaster, oo Saturday the 29¢h inst . at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of effective organization.” “Mo, did not see iit; but I’m glad to hear it;.for when ihe people get faisly to work, HARRY OF THE WEST will.bear every thing down before bim tke an) ave— laxche. And, my good sir, 18 i not time that oor friends in Balumore had throwa tir standard to the breeze ?” ‘‘Yes! and when they do. ovr glorious chief will rally to his support many an hon- est fellow, who hes hitherto fonght against his own interest. Let Clay be but Presi- ‘Went; and the whole face of our covairy #i!! be changed—for then, he will cafry ont those great measures, promotive uf the ,in- terests of thé wotking classes, for which he hes beem battling during the igst thirty seers of bis life." Baltimore American Whig Singular Death.—The Cracinatt: Sun of Tuesday says :—'* Some time last week a man wes found on Deer Creek St:dge, desd in 6 singular position. _ | appears ihe. fel- low hed been stealing hogs through the wes on his fourth voyage, bot gétting wes- ry ad stopped to rest. The fee: of the an imal were tied @uh s cord and slong over his bead aod ag he leaned upon the railings, as is supposed, the hog slipped over the side choking the man to deaib.”’ night ead made off with them safely snd |. sublican Whig Ticket! -* Pop Presidentof the United States, AENRY CLAY. * OF KENTDGKY. if August. BCP We tiave rébeived the proceedings of the eslebrition of the 4th of Jaly at Wilkesborough. Oring to the crowded state of our colemas, we are under the-necessity of defersing their publi- cation anti! next week. ee . 8. 8. HORNOR-==DENTIST, Retutiis tis sincere thanks to the Citizens of Salisbury, for the paironage bestowed on him since his arrival, and Would respectfully request those who require his professional services, to give itm anvearly call, as bis arrangemenis will compel him f leave in a few days. ——_+ LOCUFOCO POLITICS ©, As set forth io their. Jatest definition: of posi- tion Fat they are io favor of re-enacting the exploded Sob-Treasury, to purify the currency ; in appropriating all the specie 10 the ose of the Government and office holders; by. ‘Which the price of labor is to be redaced tor ‘om Af per dey, aud operate as beneficially tc facturing ipteresis as a protective the rich richer and the poor mach x. To repeal the Fariff and miredace Free Trade, so as to render. Direet Taxes and excise necessary to raise Revence for the sepport of the Federal _¥ Col. 2 a Tariff, (omake Tropic, and ae dell certain. ‘being about meat then words, sapposed to beve greatly contribated to not allow him 2 the election of Sli- ~~ Sores £7 , : that a Seoic battle, addressed his regi- Tra in a few emphatic conn formed in order, a % oes pe St IO eens nap fightsodey,y > sing that’s far 2way, is our enemie . Charge! éb ki Lthem or they wil) kill ye. * The hot ha te: ithsety for the friend of Henry Clay ; ~ Parade.all nawbers nobly to. oppose The oombers of sour boast: rg threatning foes : Ont aumber the Laeos—you have the pow’r, Come op to the polls at the trsing hoor, Do not neglect true vigila nce due, Or the Logo electors will surely beat you Perpetual vigilance is. the price of liberty, as well as of saccess in an election; and success cannot be expected from negligence no more than that the land should yield its inci@tise without be ing goatded and ealtivated, fenced, _ ' and planted. .-.. : _ HENRY CLAY. The Savannah Republican says :—We this day publish xn editorial. from the Milledgeville Journal, which we believe is the only Whig pa- Government, as well as the Proceeds of ithe Pab in which they lie—to get clear of their trouble and expense ; oribing those new States;with the same means that the naoghty Whigs have at- tempted to bribe all the States. To have no debts of any kind bereafier, and avoid all those that now exist by repodiation, the easiest way of discharging any obligation of a State or Corpora tion ; and a very commendable example for ¥ Federal Government to follow. But above ail, to insist on economy in the expenditores of the Government, such ecunomy as was practised by tre Democratic Administration from 1829, ap to 1841, wkich reduced the public expenditures from 18 millions to 35 millions per annom. How do the farmers and laborers of (be coun. try, those special objects of Democratic sympa- thy, like or approve the Democratic policy of reducing the price of labor to 15 cents per day in hard money, and the prodact of the soil in like proportion ; for sach is the effect of the bard mo. ney system in 25 ont of 27 foreign Governments consulted by Van Buren in maturing his plan of the Sub-Treasury ; and how do the bone and sinew of the country approve the system of Di- rect Tax by the Federal Goveioment, where the amount of tax would be at least one hundred times larger than the ordinary State Tax. Ra- ther-too large a sum we shoold think, to be paid for the visionary phartom of Free Trade, and rather too hard to be procared and paid in hard money Ceanany honest man approve the sys- tem of Repadiation when its operation is eqaiva- lent to positive robbery—and the theory contrary to the received and long cherished ralesand laws of civilized society ? The extravagant retrenchment and back ward reform have been so notoriously practised, as to be eo palpebly fraadolent, that it is scarcely ra- tional to sappose anv individual would be longer deceived by such ridiculous flammery as Locofo *o promises of economy and retrenchment. BCP The Elective Franchise was 2 point contended for in the Revolotion, and a point aain- ed in that contest. The American Colonies were denied the right of Representation in the British Parliament, while the Parliament claim- ed. the right of taxing the Colonies in all cases whatever ; a. thing odious to the Colonies, and a right by them denied to exist ander the English Constitntion: so Yhet the Elective Franchise was in fact the principel canse of the Revolu- tion, representation being then considered the na~ ‘oral agd inherent consequence of Taxation, has become an established principle in odr Constito— tio dnd Subsequentctaws How lecking then in the obligation of daty to himself and his neigh- bors most any freeman be, who voluniarily sur- renders and renounces this great privilege, by neglec:ing to give his vote for a Representative on the day of election. Has this privilege, that cost 86 mach toil and privation, blood and treas— ure, lost its value by Jong enjoyment? Of what tiility is a privlege tha! can only be enjoyed in the osing, and is-not used? [1 is like the s!nth- criminally aseless and unprofitable. Permit os again to exhort oar Whig friends oot to suffer any small consideration to prevent them from coming op to the Polle on the day of election, if their Party end Principles are worth caring for, they have need of support, and should be sustain- ed ab ihqexpense.of some small incopvenience, {f the Whig cpndidate is not exactly to your li- king, consider that he is the best that can te had, and at least better than bis opponent who wish—/| anf es to be elécted in bis place It cannot be ex= pected that a candidate should be found aesinst whom some tions would not be >; the” porest and | exempt from the shafts of- slander, moch less a man of modest pretensions, exposed to b excited party vituperation, Lar biscotti tion of pretended friends, = - ee i i FF pe 7: Louisiane Election.—The New Orleans papers having failed toreach us yesterday, we have no news of the election which took pleee in slies State on the Sd.ad: 4c) ost. The RichmondW hig states that the Court- lic Lands ‘To cede those Lands to the Pat} fol servant's talent kept hidden in a napkir,’ men that ever lived have not been |. | for political Energies? per in the State thathad not already run up the flag of Henry Clay. The viewsof the Journat are sensible, fatignal. They dwell with ‘poteo- cy opon the claims of Clay, and. expose with equal effect she bamiliating changes, “* more in- constant than the moon” of John C; Calhoon. There is now no, wavering, 80 misgiving, no un- certainty, in the Whig ranks, We have all been slow, too slow to acknowledge the irflaence to our cause ofthe vame of, Heary (Clay, In last year’s Convention -his manly and American course recommended him to our affections. This fear, a Convention of two handsed and. thirty- four ss good men, ahd true, as ever assembled in this State, have sanctioned the preference by their onanimous vote. ‘Io the Whig party of this State, the name of Clay is a tower of strength. So it will be to the Whig party of all the Union,—for thé more the public services of Henry Clay are examined, the better bis straight- forward,open and frank course is known, the and from the union of the Whigs, they are now profiting. The prospect of their success, sot.on ly the State of Georgis, bet the United States, ai the coming elections, is as good ‘as it- can -be, —betier by far than at the same time prior to the great struggle of 1840. 7 _ OFFICIAL, From the Madisonian of Saturday. We are authorized to snnounce that the Cabinet artangements have at length been sompleted, and that the Departments are placed uncer the administration of the on- dernientioned gentiemen : Hon. Abel P. Upshur, Secretary of Siate, Hou J. C. Spencer, Secretary of the Treas- ury. Hon. J. M. Porter, Secretery of War. Hon. David Henshaw, Secretary of the Navy. Hon. C. A. Wickliffe, Postmaster General. Hon John Nelson, Attorney General NOMINATION OF Mr CLAY IN MIS- - SISSIPPI We have before stated thet HE CLAY wes nominsted,by the recent g convention held in Mississippi, aod. #e.now annex the #esolutions making sach nomi- nation. They were moved by.that gallant fellow, S. S. Prentiss, whose elequent | tongue and brave heart never tires it sup- port of noble ends’ In moving theee Res~ olotions he made a Speech in their support, which oceupied two hours in its delivery “His keto wit, (says the Natchez Courier.) eutting ike a newly sharpened sabre; his withering sarcasm, sad totally destructive arguments, brought pests of spplause at every sentence, so that during his Speech the essembly was in rapture.” ln adopting these Resolotions, it was moved and carried, thas three cheers be giv- en, and. by the time the question was set- tled, the hail resounded with the deafening hozzas of the thousands who were there of- ‘ficially, and anoffieiallffto do and witness the doings of the Convention.’ A more en- ne issippi Abusiastic body never met in Miss since she has been a State; all haemg but (wo objects in wew, the resene of the Siste from the bands ofthe knaves snd. swindlers The fx hi s of Mis CLAY as the and the he- be once told-e secret to hig. wife tn cuttences are in vur ti ay berries” Since the int by steem, river, lake, with the rapidity of a bird ame rail_roads are passed and at least, as much safe! way in those days of robbery and , (See Cieero’s delenes ot Mila ) Rome to Athens was considered y, thm hezardous ithe time of Horace . 4 pride tothe Christian era, that o, of Virgil his intimate iriend’s 90, former invokes the divinities to Prcteet the and denounces the man.who first bag : lips hood to trust himself ima ship! g. * Bett the air, as an audacious defiance. —and asee these strong express ode—a version of which by Fra sent—as being fat Superior io some ' my own—to approach the beautify! If Horace was so torror theft of Prometheus, tbe how ¢ he feel, were : ea that heis preparing a Balloo , bond Apa long — And ee bag more will he be appreciated. Union is strength, |” > none : © might & nin iat ve dune himself; ang ott Why Unive] the aes. as ‘* 7: * Policing at © bles, and ue Over wiih y Y. 28 was tormn ' vt Qt On the Yety 8 thither gt He reproves the allempt o! Deeialos i g, ria of Proven ong 'G big thing Oris ig herew Otp; mn TE, bE Q s Shien urdoan esi ; = Colom tpeum ‘petinus sinjiit »_ Strack at the 4 fight of Des | he now in ieee padvertisement of Johy, Wise sing te tion of “ Tife in the clouds,” on 13ip ot which was published 10 ‘the N ational § ; cer of the 28th ! Bat tothd Ode 11 is valoable a striking contrast between ancient ong adveniure and improvement, $c. Sic te Diva potens cypri” — fe So may the cyprian Queen divine, And the twin-stars with saving logire So may the Father of the wing All others, bat the western breezes bing © As you, dear vessel, safe resiore ‘3 The entrusted pledge to the Athenian ues And of mv soul the partner save, My moch-loved Virgil, from ihe gig . Or oak, or brass, with triole fold, } Aroand that daring mortal's bosom roll\d, Who first tothe wild ocean's rage | Laonched the frail bark, and beard the pig . engage : Tempesiuoes, when the South descergs Precipitate, aed with the North conieog: Nor feated the stars portending rain, Nor the food tyrant uf the Western mais, Of power supreme the storm to raise Or cal@er smooth the surface of the seas What various forms of death coold fright The man, who viewed with fixed, costay sight, ‘The flogting monsters, waves inflamed, And rocks for shipwrecked fleets ill-tamed? dove has the realms of earth in vain Rivided by the uninhabitable main, hips profane, with fearless pride, ‘Beane o’er th’ invinleble tide. No laws. or human or divine, Can the presompteons race of man conkgr, Thas from the sen’s etherial beam Whee bold Prometheus stole th’ eali flame, Of fevers dire a ghastir brood, 5 *Till-then anknown, the’ anbappytn su’d, On earth their horrors baleful spread, And the pale monarch of ihe dread, *Tilt then slow-moving to his prey, Prescipitately rapid awept his way. > Thos did the ventoroos Cretan dare, To tempt, with impioos wings, the val air; Throneh Hell Alcides urged his course: No work too high fur man’s audacions Our folly would attempt the skies, ~ Aad with gigantic boldness impiods me; Nor Jove, provoked by morial pride, Can lay his angry thunderbolis aside. “Ne qn Per nostrom patimor scelos fracunda Jovem ponere fulmina ” (Hi th) -GOOD NEWS FROM WADESBO From the Southern Christian -Mé we learn, that ot the close of s 9 Revies| of Religion in Wadesbors which 232 persone applied for, sd admitted to Chuteh Membership ° Methodist E. Church; 2 Teor meeting was called, “and 81 person the Total Abstinence Pledge Ret. ‘Darent, Pastor of the Church, sys" the Tempersnce cause, which oftet! the forerunner of a revival, fell ° shdgrocefuliy into the weke of OH val—was one of its first fruits.” With ell our beart and soul, ¥ bid God-speed to this glorious Religion, and Temperance, in ol voro.” Wehsppen to know 50” tout Wadesboro,’ in former ve although it then contained some® of the earth, we csn bear tesi0° much needed bis purifying les" would esrnestiy pray that this (%. ence msy continue to work whole lamp is leavened, &€ ; hop nor , crmker left. boro’ friends. pies of the Tempera crease your zeal, end siren pose in this good Temperance © - Since writing the sbovt eae favored with the peruse! of * Pr : from's gentleman at Wad June 29th, He informs 0S gious Revival, which is st! | Wadesboro’. 4 dete nambered, | * had up to de 00. adéniose 0 ™ *Choreh ~The writer te ie } | onrention do Bere. States and to pledge the his election, they iv- petéor.el and ‘ee: ¥ "1 out of ten, i€ a De wspoper, al times during the Grog-seller 188 heerecenily “dist Gide Wiisre. to ‘nine cases’ tobe found. © owing a bill (0: the Jast strong bo! bg i = : Reviv ' Grog-drisken, iniry. : pP Jef. ogee Wadesbor?* F id of Alcohol Temperancs « j [S. C. duh inst. 7 rade Mbexien, ‘ : ‘ hi liber jon ia . ; 5 sa i or - confinament—Sarts An- ri = gone ing te signalize his ‘birth dev ; : Ce ee an atonement for eee “= * ne “<< rs 24 VEIDEL | Wiliam, ne ich he has com - Shores, Exeeutors ~ «ee , . fe evens who had beeniin-'| of John Phillips, dec. J “ nee te | Fr Now ade ge. copoly of Goods, I ppeatieg ‘0 ate offences were lvberated, | IT appearing to the satisfsction of see Coort, a — Rds co et age a - «| mbabitant of this State f itis a - For saatiroti wes sworn imod| & that Juha W. Shores, one of the nda proterdese sas ‘Naxhoos ba0Colen oes. Ba Ames German and American) that pablicatien be in the Ce regi h great pomp snd cefemone, in this cane.-is not an inhabitant gf -this State: | simeres, French ‘Enetish and American Prints,’ DRY Go x Leon share ines L Ree ies: ot pr eat mat x. weeks th roli i ‘Paris ‘ardwat and Cutlery. and Bonnets, Sessions, to be held for Baid « A yay ceremany at alls of. universal | Walchingn, printed at Selabory. that he perdod|ertile) plaingblck wed taney colored tiswes, Hardee nd OEY IEE ANE INNES tne Court House in Siateaville, on the $4 -mbe eon eat preys | deraieaae aT a.nis — ater r brat te sata a? 2 Sich gions, Crepe’ de kamen, Phin sod) & — rye Be ear Gr Ghd Sale wre nes tokes, . . wa : - } : + at of the troops who had.eapit- | at the Court House in Gatlisten, os the se- — codtetenaiaienine Sone an ‘Boots. and * ws Shoes shall nét be ; ple 10". hace serived ‘at | cond monday of ember next. then and th : at ei ‘ ‘ and costs. 4 yr Gea Pena hove y of September next. | here a. Blue, black and colored, plaio aod siri- | jordan coat, with theif General |! plead, answer or demar, or the petition will) ped silks, Silkgimp and’ fringe for trimming: Oak and Hemlock Leather, Umbrellas, | Witness, InP. pico, 99 : be taken pro cunfeaso as to him, and ard ex~| dresses, J wusline end Parasols, and . and Tronks,| Court at offier, a Vere Crud. bghe , Jaconent and Swirs Bishops BOOKS ud in the 6Ttb gh hee- parte. Lawns, Gambroons and Lanen drills, Blaek and OKS and STATIONARY, (a. large alock,) | 2ue 10 the OFIN} 2.—We were sirock, the other cide k called the “ Lives of bing ata wor te h Poe 1 nee ia” with a few curions csincidences ye Previgea'® © 1g which relate tothe line of five pre~ fmm ginning and ending with an Adams. me able, for instance, of the perinds in sich they were born and wengwou! of offices : , Bora Retired 735 Joba Adams 1801 1748 Thomas Jefferson 1809 1751 James Madison 1817 1759 Jamee Monroe 1825 1767 J. Quiney Adams 1829 Now, it will be seen by this shat Jeff porn just eight years after his . Psi 2; Madison eight veut after po dece “oe Jefferson 5 Monroe eight years after Madison; John Qainey Adams eight years afier Mon Anothér carions fact to be observed is, that ag wan jost sixty six years old when he re . Jefferson was sixty six; Madison Was ‘is; Monroe was eixiy six, and Jobn ae Adams, had he been elected to @ secood Te goold have been sixty six. Adams, Jef- <a and Moaroe, alj ‘died on the 4th of Jaly.— Y. Post. a W Bryan, Esq.,of this place, has een appointed by the Governor of Alabama, a ioner for that State, to reside in North (yolins, and hae accepted the appointment. His daties, as sach, will be to receive and re- doce the tes'imony or depositions of witness es o writing, and to receive acknowledgements of Deedaof Conveyance, to be ased or recorded in jhioma. This appointment will accommo i many of the citizens of North Carolina in ijeit basiness transactions with the former State. Newbern Spectator. ae ~ The Boston Atles, Courier, Lowell Joarnal, and the Whig Press of Massacbu - ytis generally, contradict, in the most ear- nest and emphatic language, the assertion of the Journal of Commerce that “ the leading guvlacwurars of ** the East have become stisied that Protection isa delusion.” No- body endorses or sustemns that assertion— pobody Yet the Journal neither offers a- ay proofof its statement nor manifests a disposition to retract it! th The ‘ crowds’ that followed Tyler’s prngress seem to have suffered considerably rom pick-pockets : this reminds us of a rich joke which occurred in 1840 at a Loco- Convention in Laneaster, Mr. Bach- “do, we think, was on the platform, who, mgsiting that he once had commenced the a ‘we, as Federalists,’ prefaced bis meat oration with the words “ we all ‘Wwesre Democrals.” Almost simultane- as with this expression one of the com- @iliee on the staging cried out, ‘ take cere fellow-citizens, we bave pick pockets here |” [Phila. Forum. TROUBLE AMONG THE MORMONS We learn from the St. Louis Republican thet Joe Saath, the Mormon Prophet, who was indicted a short time ago in some the opper counties of Missour: for treason ind murder, growing out of the Mormon war, has been arrested and placed in jail at Ottawa, [ilinors, whitber he had fled assoon as he obtained knowledge of a requisition having been mace by the authorities of Mis- sour) for his person. The news of Smith’s arrest was brought to 8: Louis on the 29:b ultimo by the steam- boat Osprey, the passengers on which fur thef report, that when the intelligence of bis prehension reached Nauvoo two bun- tred\horsemen of the Legion started imme- diately for Ottawa with the intention of tib- treting him, and thatthe steamboat Jowa bid also been chartered at Nauvoo by the Mormons to ascend the Illinois river with one hundred and fifty armed men i order tosecond the aiteck of the horsemen.— Ottawa is situated op the Hhnois, and is distent above three hundred mules from St. Louis. t ; DIED. Arithmetic, 10 00 a the city of Raleigh, of Cengestive disease,| Lower Branches, 8 00 oa Poesday the 11th instant, in the 66th year ‘ B, CLEGG, Principal of bis age, John L. Henderson, Esq., Clerk of | Mocksville, Jely 17, B4$—8» 52 the Supreme Court of North Carolioa. Mr.H.| — > . tesided 19 this place, bat was thee io attendance N CE , "poo the Coart, now io Session. He was batied| . : bed vith Masonic honors. ] HUND DOLLARS the vicinity of Hamptonville, Sarry coun- #7. 08 the night of the 6th instant, the Rev'd. w Mr. Angel Sone of the few temaining soldiers of the *volation. He wae at his death in bis S4th Year, and for the last 50. years an incessant’ la— me? 10 the cause of Religion. Asa private ohn Angel, of the Baptis! chareh. den & very worthy man, me , W NOTICE. a the Conrt- Toesday,-the Bh ¢ Svesday of Rowan We property, to wii: FOUR LIK Witness, John Hill, Clerk of our asid Court at Court of. Pleas and Quarter Sessions Catharine Tull, widow is therefore ordered by the Coort, that pub/ics- tion be made Vor six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, pried ai Salisbory, that he pereon a. ter Sessions; to be held for the county.of Sickes, at the Coart House in Germsaton, on *he second monday of Septe nber next, then and there to plead answer or demar, or ihe petition will be | ¥@P ILL be sold cn a credit of nine months Heuse in Salisbury, on r of August next, (it being onnty Caart,) the fullow~ Office, the 2d lay of Jane, 1843. h OHN HILL, c cvc. Jaly 22, 1843—652 — Printers fee $5 50, St of Werth Carotina,. STOKES COUNTY. Sine Term, 1843. of George Tall, dec'd vs. John Tull, George | Tall and others, J “T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, + Petition fur Dower. } case, ig not an inhabitant of thie’Stste: kt tly appear at our next Court of Pleas and Qoar- taken pro confesso as to him, and heard exparte. Office, the 2d mocday. of: Jone, 1843. JOHN HILL, cc c. Jaly 225 1843 - 652 — Printers fee $5 50 VALUABLE LANDS: FOR SALE! Dee to a decree of the Coart of 1848, Eqaity for Davidson county at Apri! ‘Term, will expose to public sele at the Coart House in Lexington, oo the 15th day of August next, the following TRACTS.OF LAND, belonging to the heirs of Joseph Pearten, dec’d, viz: one TRACT known a8 the Kigeade tract, lying on.the Kast side of the’Vadkin River, ad- joining’ the lands of Daniel Linebaogh, John Calloway, and others, containing about 130 or 40 ACRES, Also—a iract"talled the Bais Tract, lying on the main road leadibg from Salisbury to Denville, adjoining the \lauds of Henry Grubb, Phillip Sowers, and others, containing about 200 ACRES, Also—g tract of 100 ACRES, near the pine meeting louse, jdjoining the ands of Richard Barnes, and others. Also, a tractof 25 ACRES, adjoining the lands of P. Hairstoa, and others. Also, a tract of 200 Acres, adjoining the lands of Needham Wood, nd oth ers. Alao. one dher Tract of 80 ACRES, call ed the Peeks Mik tract, adjoining the lands of Needham W obert Simison, and othere,— sold to make distabotwin. A-credit of 12 or 18 months will be allowed for the purchase money Bond aod approval securi'y required. W.WOMMACK, cme Joly 22, 1848+4w52 GF NOTICE sp N pursuance ota Decrees of the Conft of Equity, open ard held for the counts of Row- an, at the Gourt Hinse in Salisbory, on the 3d monday after the 4b monday in Fabroary Jas, as Receiverio the hatter of Christian Bringle's Trast, I willee!l atthe Courthouse in Salisbo- ry, oo the 7th dayof August next, (it. being Monday of Rowan Gounty Court,) a likely VEGRO FELL ow, Enamed Sampson ‘erm of sale, six months credit, upon giving bind and approved security. JHON B LORD, Reeeiver. Salishory, Joly 14) 1843—3 052 ps de] MALE " ACADEMY! , HE exercises of this Institution were re- newed on the 17\h of Jely. ‘The patrons of the institation are mquesied to sead ibetr suns and wards, as soon as ponvefient. The following are thttermsof ihe School, (i ¢.) For Latin and Greek, «exclusive of any lower branches, per|session of fire A ihe, ‘GeameyBarveyiog &e. English Grammar, Geography, and z $15 00 12 00 wis te given br the.apprehension and delivery to me|n Lawrenceville, sont- gomery county, N.C, or confining in any jail so that T get again, Elijah aod Harbuard Spencer. or fifty dollarg{or either.qne of them, they baving escaped fr¢m the jail oo! gume- ry countyfoa the night ff the 2nd instant, being committed under a charre of burning or setting fire to a public building) {viz: the’Ouort Howse) in said county. The said Elijeh Spencer, is aboot 70 years of age. a stroug, athletic, mbast?man, 5 feet 10 of ELY-NE-} 11 inches high, head perfectly greys bie features : Chae ONE WOMAN AND THREE) strongly marked sndpensinentel anatase: Evie @ THREE HEAD OF HORS | es and brows, complexio; (aie, rather red, face — Estate of Richard Graham, | inclined 16 be Jotig aed mirow, a long aquelioe oF td of the Note with approved seearity reqoir-| roman nose. be porchacers, _. Wu. CHUNN, Pm ncer, is a.gonef the a- July 194 d Graham deceased. | toi "Ehiniie w 80 years of age, stout ae ' — ae oa Gamer see > os itt eS. 160 or 70 pounds, a round fell fece, sharp Aik PERsons baving claims agains! the | nove, emai) grey or eyes, black hair and | *iihin the time Teqnesied ty present them | heavy beard, one of bis mo teeth deca y— Weated ; and 1 Presoribed by law, duly anihen | ed, complexiun tolerable fair, and altogether aa vil make lament eters to the said Estate, tga! countenance, generally speaks quick, wy Payer te _— fadol- | and if excited stammgrad little, b cog t t - CHUNN, JOHN L.CHRISTIAN, SAf. 55g ote Graham, deceased, omeoy County, N.C. fancy silk Cravais and Stocks, shalls, Black and whise silk Huse, lors Patent shears and poiats, Lawn. Florrence, Braid and St:aw bosneis,.. ama, Leghorn, For and wool. Hats, a Leather Caps, Robinson's fine Kid Beal and calf walking, 4 duz. Miles’ fine calfand moroceo Boots, 16 68 and Ladies lined and hound low price shoes, Ahat George Tall, one: of the defendants in | & Witness, Joho Hill, Clerk of oor said Court at | Selves and. ilk. drew ing clotha, andkerchiefs, Moslia collars Sadlers t:im Spring and Summer FASHIONS for 1843 tS a MEDICINES & PAINTS, ‘Delph, China and Glassivare, Carpenter's Plains, Carriage Trimmings, GROCERIES, IRON, STEEL, CASTINGS, §e.-&c. All of which | am di@paged to sell low, very low for cash, or inexehange for country Produce. MICHAFL BROWN. Salisbury, Jaly 4, 1843—1150 COURT, they will be sold at Public Auction on.a credit of six months. “Fie sale to cantione | from day to day, ontitall is sold. HENDERSON ADAMS, * 843 —5wh0 >. , | 4.1 NEW Tailoring Establighsa rent ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, TAILORS, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) E have located o@rselves ia the Town of Salisbory, (permanent}y,) and intend car rying on ner BUSINESS in a style not to be surpassed in this State or out of it. Our Estab lishment is in the room on the corner of the Mansion Hotel, formerly occupied as the Post- Office. We have employed the best of Northero Workmen. No expense or pains will be spared to render this a Fashionable Establishment! in all respects, Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having their clothes made op fn the most fashionable and dorable manner. We have been engaged regularly in cotting for the last five years, and part of the time, in some of themosi celebrated establishments in the Southero coun- iry. We shall not hegitatg to guarantee every thing to fit we cat ard me LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASUIONS, receive&monthy fn conclosion, should we be encooraged;.no one need send away to procure good clothing. A. P ALSOBROOK. H.S MILLLR. Reference. —Thos. M. Oliver, Raleigh, N. C. Salisbary, May 20, 1843— 1926 IST GF LETTERS remaining in the Pos! Office at SalisSury, North Carolina, June $0th, 1848. E D Austia, Esq John A Patiersun J = Beard Col J M Brown Joho Black welder Mrs Anno Bird Sarah Jane Brown Joho Bonner Robert Bradshaw Mrg Jane Brown mrs Nancy Lyrely Sawl Leslie Robert W Losenba Levi Lawrence Jacob Lingle Anvy mcNeely George miller miss Elizabeth L martin George L martin Miss Mary Moorman John Bird Joho Jolius martin Wm Cowan Aadrew Mowery Sam! P Carson George H Peler*® Franklin Pinkston James Renshaw Richard Dismuke Heury D Denison Monroe Fesperman Wm Rowzee 2 Jacob File John Rice S L Ferrand Col David Reynolds Lovis Frank Danijel Swink Joho Gardner Avgasive Swink Laura E Gorman George m Smith Juha R Gorrell John Shomen 9 Frederick Goss Wa Siokes Mrs Sm! S Horner /Ttromas Steel Dr Sarol S Horner Aten Sivker 2 Mies Caroline E Harris. George Smith “ Andrew Hi 2 ,Lovis Snider, Jesse HHudiitd = |. m Smith Miss Catharine Howard James S Stiles Miss Margare: Herrison|Wm Smith Andrew Hant George L Smith mrs Levi Hall miss Kliza G Smith Dr P Henderson JusephB ‘Podd . 2 Themes R ‘Thompson aniel Hornbartier ts Rebecca Hotson §=[R wm Utzman of Jaly and the other on the 15tb instant, two white bound boys, by the vame of Calvin aod Robinsia Cress. All perguns are hereby forewarned from harbating or employing them, 28 1 intend to put the law in foree against ai! those Jaly 4, oe F Lezing', N.C HE next Session of the teacher. JAS. F L. BIN ADEM? male Acsdemy, will commence on Monday the 17th inetant, onder the cha iy Aupes, alady of saperior The terms of ‘cition are as follows : Elementary branches, tocluding Reading, Wri ting end Arithmeticyper session, (Yammer, Geography and History, N.vtoralPhilosophy, Chemistry, Asiron- ody, Botany, Rhetorre, Algebra, &c., 10 00 Needle work, Painting, » Board can be,had in respeetable families, at from six to seven dollars per month. R. M. PEARSON. JNO. CLEMENT, THO. McNEELY, A.G CARTER,’ W.F KELLY, _ Mocksville, Joly 8. 1848—~—8«50 Mocksville. Fe- eof Miss Eu- ‘Fenlibeptions ae $5 00 8 00 $ 00 S$ 00 MARTIN, GHAM. ' Truslees. SHERRILL’S wards of on it a fine newly finished DWELLING for convenience and coasfort on The. plao large body of e proved, andthe lying one mile from the home side of Ta:ge body of ex plantations will be Persons desirous of pa would do well to call and see made easy to purchasers. a8 ABSALOM Joly 8, 1843—4050 Worthy of Public @itention! a FOR SALE! THE SUBSCRIBER ISHING to rediove to the West, now of fers fur gale two valuable Plantations, ly- ing on the Catagyba River, in Catawha county within a quarter of a mile of Sherrill’s Forc.— | One planiatioo, (the home place) contains oap- 400 ACRES. Between 80 and 100 Acres of | bottom land yn the River. The whole planta- tion is now in a high state of mmpigyement , has KITCHEN, BRICK SMO and all other out-buildings, necessary tation is well watered, and embraces a xcellent meadow tand we'l im- situation Is as healihy as 20 portion of thé mountain coontry of the State.— The other plantation contains about 268 ACRES, the Catawba River, of Acres is Rivéf bottom land ahsorpacsed by any sicirla¥ Jand on the Catawba for richves of soil, and bestity of lotation. On this tract a cellent meadow land, comforta- 'e buildings, and good spriogs of water. sold together or separately.— tchasing valuable lands, snbscriber is determined to sell. Terms will be FORD | whieh ts firstrate USE; HOUSE. such a fatm.— plaee, on Iredeli which about 100 The the above, as the SHERRILL. rehaee, to 2% Oro wale a: the A Wheeler. Salisbary, N. C hecsry store of C B Semel Jobastoa David Upright Fever ana Jgue Patients? H A Jacobs Thomas Vi! 2 =a - Peter Koon: ise Lucy A Wall _. BEWARE OF DECEPTION tT! = A 1 ¥ Esq John H_ Wesnt F rg +e Se -— Col FE Borr meaty Xe cat 2 ‘The Old Farorite and Sterling R Sse ad Kestler pb a | only, True, Original and Gen oe AS ROWANDS (IMPROVED) TONIO MI | Wan H Kinesid Tbomas Willaford ; . Daniel Kerns Thomas Wyatt So universally ands coe wane gl h Dr Sam! Ketr aron Wilhelm years past as the great an J pe Sami R Kelly 2 Heout Waynesbarg por that laa wevtonge nary is an wee” Dagiel Atiy” — JAdrow Young | ann jout eave tiga tom being emenale 1 ne ¥ B. JULIAN, ?- M eae igy the same “ Tonic Mixtare,” the ap- 3 848—S050 Nv PM. | pearance and quantity of the liquid, the dove, the = as = directions for use, accompanying —— “t. ; to the vine Mixtare tha ————— nents pt to bé careful what they ANAWAY (rom the subscriber one tbe 4th | it behooves € ‘ July B—1f0et 50 JOHN CLARK. 1948— Sw52 this Office. COUNTY COURT WAITS Printed on first rate peper and for sale at William F. Steele , . eR ee ei om % T Jone 24, 1843—1f48, a | IREDELL CQUNEY.” ex 62 4.2 tia ; a HE subscriber again who have accounts with: months standing, to call and settle note by next Augtst Coort, or | ly have to settle with an officer... - . HORACE. H. BEARD. = Sate off Neovth Basile ie ving sieht Conrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions— May Term, nd ; five k_ pee <4 Tate on Land. Altechmeat le- ts al] persons ‘ or hey will ceriain- i + +5 — nage, Cartiegs trimmings of 8¥exy description, OOK ". ~ ed : page ” ee ialo. divlooen avails ol L AT THIS that @ satlee. At — te ole an pper leather. (very chesp ) Window : , ah fat ; ia ‘woove is, lacs, Patty, Nails, White lead No. 1,2) andl. » TOS, SUBSCRIBFR red pers ‘by Gols’ : pure, ( “i Row owe) Castor Oil, Sap. Qui- &T — seve ge the femsining part of the) Cc Pe onal ne a nine, a owans Tynie mixture, Loaf, and at ae ve id C Fe ‘ inte reac vung Hilda Brown do. 25, dds “ Gon weed Keeries § : wot > pene iens eerereen ene Mc ate. Rio Coffee, S$ tons Finglish belungieg to the tad Fi “of ‘BREVARD for the coualy.of Iredell, at ‘ Hove io é bis. Heiter and Cast Steel, © lage | ert eee. costsned he exe aecere thore wists, foiateetilleg op the $4. mand age no ood Rowing. .: . ‘he's Sat icles that they will Tones | Be” 2nd there. tw-answer, plead f0 4 cor | Iging I'he above: 2 was selected with greatcare, |! fe parehase good ar! — ey wi Judgmeet pro eonfessa will be. takep,.2 e and will be sold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at fe — by and exsmining for themselves | isnd lavied apon, be condemned to salisly plain- recedented low prices. The Pablic are res © hee nots Gu bat that they will be induced | |, debt, interest and cosigs = pecifutly invited to call and exemine for them- to purchase, a Witness, J F Alexander, Clesk of oor said . ow Prices | Coart at iy of May, 1843, Pt aby BILES. | will te'any inducement. “If the GOODS are| Hiathé 67th your Raliebary, April 22, 1843—ly not sold privately between this andsA UGUST J me E are now proved security. : JAMES SAM’T,. Jane 24, 1848 —7#48 SALH OF NHGROgS. oad . ; V.vitiue of a Deed of T-ust to us execated BD ty Robert N. Craige, for the porposes thiere- in set forth, will bé éold.at the: Coort House is Salisbory, on Toeslay, the 19th*of September, next,(it being Taesday of Rowan the following likely Negroes RIT’ pHARRIET, BILL and CAROLINE. Terms —Nine months, credit, with interest from the date, purchaser giving ' our supple _ our supple of Spring emoupting to , Sopetior Geant) 642 ps. Georgia Soe <f "Y, | 478 do brownand . 570 do calicoes, assorted). ae fas Sie - ‘ pucied eee andlawes, .~ bond and wo diills; - > nn *P | 46-do Kensecky janes OWENS. ? 7 83 do bed ticks ‘= CRAIGE.¢ rostees. | 20 do Ginghoms 5 do het anchor bolting cteths 190 leghorn aod willow hate © T ing Counties, > factory caried © Anson Copnty, Ices to wil :— the abeweGins warrante ¥ w esbore’, Ansor C COTTON GINS. i! R, Subscriber wishes to inform tlhe citizens of Ku van, Davie, Davidson and theedjoin- athe has the Cotton Gin Mano- nid the Town of Wadesberu’, Notth Carolina, ia a stylénot surpassed by any ather Establishment in the United States. Consisting of the fullowing arti- Steel Saws, Strel plated Fen- ders, Gins, &c., &C. All the above [rons carefully manafectared by myself, except'the Ging which are pat op by old experiesced: Gin Wrights of South Caroline. Gins of 40 saws will pick from 3 to 4000 pounds | . a day, with a Team of two Horses. with ease | Cotton picked by ghose Gins leaves the staple mach better and will command @ betier price in Market by far than common Gins of the Country. Gia ain oe pdbpty sede be ine. ws JOUN D. . ‘adesbor oonty, N. Gag. Jone *7, 1843 — iyA7. ‘ / and dhy me to Gifferent 187 ‘doz palm leaf do. 220 do cotton handkerchiefs 1240 pr shoes, assorted 80 cases hats assorted 446 ladies bonnets assorted 288 doz combs assorted 425 gross buttons asso: ted 45 saddles — 22 doz grass a rain scythes’ 103 éoz pocket kolees “181 -doz knives and forks 4 doz catting koives 21 doz weeding hoes 9 blackmith vises 6 do anvils 4 pr do bellows 15 doz — trees $0 pieces in 8 coils se < 405 bsge coffee 17 hhds sugar 173 kegs white lead 22 pre elliptic springs 75 prs trece chéins 1000 ~ loaf sugar 54 kegs powder - 182 ‘kegs nails and brads, * ‘Together .with a geners! stock of all kinds of GoOoDs. a hac E ing Gui dha procered oe otber Salisbory, w DOMESTICS. “THB- SALISBURY NANURACTUR- ING COMPANY AVB still farther redaced the PRICES of their MANUFACTURES, io conse- quevce of the continued depression of business ihiovghout the countsy. They are mavolactar- Botton arns, MAM cs. assore. 4.4 Shining, heavye. tne. 7.8 do. teary. 2 ~ The Pablice are asst 4 their gods ase of the best quality, 2 purchased on terms as favorable, as they establish went. peer as” Agent, a that ‘can be These goods were selected with the uimapt carey and they have been bought with eash and for cash, whieh is more that any other establish- ment in (bis place can say, (if they: - the troth); andwe further say, that it is by far-the Aargest siock thet bes ever been brought to this }places-and we defy a i These | goode are for sale, and we are determined tosell them for cash, lower than they can be booght we ask he ae you please. - we Pe W. MURPHY. Salisbary, April 29, 1848—1f40. “8 ‘SPRING and SUMMER HORACE A. BEARD aw e ee HIA FASHIONS, forahe ‘t Spring and Summer ot . 1843! aay thing of ee se: be which far serpasses NO’ ne signed a8 <papr David Reed .Rowan eaqnty, cear PLANTATION, More or less, whereon Also will be sold LIKELY NEGR Jaly 15; 1849,-Sa5t E. ssid deceased, 96 « * — ... the" Es- [Hew ine dec, wil pab— lie sale pe Aa A ine oye of at the late d ng ong ae cage contaiaing ; the deceased at the same time aad OES. Terms made AARON MILLER, JOEL REED. next, in all ita branches, at bis old sized, where be is all _ "Job Printing neatly done here. + i elsewhere, let the price be what it may. All. he OI ag ge ddand pnd 8 es 4 « = mo Ir ARDS &0. &O. the very best hind of style,aod of the fines! otal beg leave to ask at the bands of the citizens of the country sod villages around, a share of their patronage ia oar line of business. Their shop is a few doors east of the | . ean Hotel, aad door below Junea’ old ‘Tavern. eee” YOUN BRASER, WARREN GHEEN. march 18, 1848— 1133 Journeymen t Makers » WANTED. WO first rate Journeymea Cabinet Makers can gei employment aud good wages, by ap ing ioibe ; oe * GHEEN & FRASER. Salisbery, Joly , 1943—1149 KENILWORTH HOGs! HE Snbseriber has jast added to, his s:ock of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs. iwported tr fand in the fall of 1841, by Mr. A B Allen, bout 18 monthsuld. ‘The Boar isa very supe- rior animal, deep, thick and excellent io all bis puinis: the Sow very fice, with a litter of eight pigs, whieh, for beaety and form, can hardly be sutpassed. Those who may @isha fuller de- seription of these fine animals, are referred to Mr. Alien’s letier published in the Culfivator.— The sobseriber has also, a Yorkshire Sow. par chased of Mr. Allen, {rum & Sow imported by him-trom Kagland; and some Thin rind Sows : and those wishing w hase, Gap bave the re Kenilworth, or Berkshire, of crosses of enilworth aod Yorkshire, ‘Thio-rind and Berk - shife. Lhis stork of Berkshires was purchased of Mr... N. Bement, of New York, and 13 not surpassed by anyin the United Siates. Those wishing to improve their sieck of Hogs, have now a better oppurtunity of doing so, than has ever been offered Suuth ef the Putumag.- Orders for any of the above will be promptly attended to. WM. F. KELLY., Near Mocksville. Davie co. 425 January 14,1843. “CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Complaint. > De 24r70ns BALSAM OF LIVER W ORT ,—from $75 Bowery, New York — for the cure of coughs, colds, catarrhs, Asthma, soreness of the ches!, pain in the side and breast, raising of Blond, Liver Complaints, Bronehitis, and all those affections of ‘I'broat and Lungs, — which are a soarce of so much saffering, and un arresied, so often terminate in Consumplion— this remedy is high!y and justly distingdished. It is parely vegetable, mild and gentle in its ef- fects upon the system, and can be taken in the most delicate cases, wiih safety as well as utili- ty. Physicians, aware vf its medicinal proper- lies, snd witnessing its effects even in extreme, and in some ibstanges, apparent yfalmost hape- less cases, ofieu Wes cise it in thetr practice, both ts a palliative and a remedy, and with the Medical Faculty general)y , it has met with great apprihation. e—P CONSUMPTION --The following remarks were taken from the last number of the Medical Magaz'ne : The surprising effeet prodaced by the gena— ine Balsam of Liverwort, made at $75 Bow- ery, in consainpiive cases, cannut fail exciting a deep and thrilling interest throaghout the world. We have su ‘ung believed this disease (consomp tion) inenradle, tha! it is cifficult to credit our senses when we see persons, evidently consump- live, resiored tuhealth, Yet itis a fact of daily occurrence.” ‘The following was given ns a short time since, by Copt Scott, of Elizibeth City, N.C. New York, and are now 2- |) HE Sabscriber informs the public, that she has just received through the Noribern Citiesthe latestand most approved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to execute orders in the mos: stylish and satisfactory manner. Work seni from a distance shall be carefully pat op aad forwarded. 8. D. PENDLETON. gc Mrs P. has on hand a bandewme assur - ment of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and Tarbans, for sale. *,* Mrs. S. P. is also prepared to execute Crimping and Flating on reasonable terms. Salisbury, Mey 27, 1842. NEW FASHIONS POR THE Spring and Summer of 1843. poblie, that he gril] earries’on the F BUSINESS | oll its tarioas*branches, twe duvrs above J. & W. Murpby’s siore, where he is ready to exe- cute’al] orders of his customers in a style and manner not surpassed by any in thispart of the county. He is also in the regoler receipt of tbe NEW-YORK FASHIONS, and prepared tv accommodate the tasies of the Fashionable at ali times, April 15, 1848—1y8 TO FAMILIBS. ROWAND’S ‘IMPROVED’ TONIC MIXTURE. Tkose who wonld have recourse to a*Fainily Medicine for Fever anv Acue. Dyspepsia and Nervous Weakness, should discriminate bet ween the “thousand and one” remedies constantly hera'ded forth to the public, (the same now asin all simes paet, ) and that almost oniversally’sac- cong preseription called etvand’s Improved Tonic Mizture. A few remarks wi!! serve toillusirate the dif- ference. In the first place, the operation of the ‘Toute Mixtare in the cure of Fever and Agve is upon entirely new and peculiar, yel safer principles. Secondly: 11 not only promptly ar- ——. course of the chills, when punctuatly sad veringly nsed, but it soon restores the wonted functions of the general system to aper- fectly healthy state ; when relapses are no more liable toensoe than an aitack of the disease in one who has never had it before, ‘Thirdly: The sf » Soring the admicistration of the Improv- ed ‘onic Mixtore, spzings up at once onder its benign influence, and gives forth an earnes! of ren, turning health and vigor, Fourth!y: Prodaciog more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of the disease passes off in the way mast strongly indicated by mature. Fifthly : fe effecia on the system are oniformly mild sod safe, as well as efficient, and it is as well adapted to the feeblest infant, simply by a modification of the dose, as the musi vigoreos adalt. Many other consider- atiena, of the aimost importance to the anxious parents and jovalids, might be enume-ated here, bat the above are a few of the points of contrag’. in comparison with the remedies generally resor:- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a preper jadgment may be formed in se- lecting the remedy. NB. With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the ‘* Rowand’s Improved ‘Tonic Mixtore,” to effect a lastine cure of Fever and Ague, the Proprietor restores the original goaraniee, viz: The mosey shal! be returned in every case whereir. the remedy oe — a | Commission and Forwarding UZ Wraeosisoton & Faverrhvicce HE cadre mn pape : Gouds 2t Wilmington, t to his Agent at pb bape ag wiil forward to the Owners in the back . He basa large Warehouse at the River, Goods @ili be stored free of storage, aod the owners sabjected only to half the usaal cariage from the River ‘te Fayetteville,—thereby lessening the expénse™on Goods much below the esuai charge. Ae bis Warehouse is isulatad from all other buildings, the daoger of Fire will be trifling in compariaen to the risk incarred from being sitaated io town. Those who may favor him with their besiness, may rest assared that every attention @ill be paid to the promotiun of their mterest. GEO. W. DAVIS. References : Messrs John Haske & Son. D. A. Ray, Fayetteville, N. C. Alexander Anderson, Jobn McRae, Joba Dawson, Wilmington, No. Ca. Dolphin A. Davia, George W. Brown, Salisbury, NV. C. « =. S. Powell, Packet Agent, New York. Oct 1, 1842-1110 “i DR. D. JAYNE’S FAMILY MEDICINES. FSHESE MEDIGINES ate expressly pre- pared for family ese, and have acquired an. unprecedented popularity tbrosgieas the United States; aod a9 they are so admirably ealcolated tc preserve Fealth and care Disease, no family should ever be without them. The proprietor of these valuable preparations received his edoca- tion at onv of the beet medical Colleges in the United States, and bas hed fifteen years experi- ence in an extensive and diversified practice, by which be bas had ample opportunities of acquir- ing a practical knowledge of diseases, and the remedies best calculated to remove them. Jayne’s Expectorant, A valosble remedy for Cough, Colds, Con- sumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup. Hooping C . Bronchitis, Jeute Rheuma- tism. Pain in thé Breast or Side Pleurisy and i ion of the Lungs or Throat, difficulty of reathing, and’all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Jayne’s Hair Tonic For-the reservation, Growth, and Beauty of the Hair, ané which. will positively bring in New Hair on Bald Heads,and prevent tte fall- ing out or torning Gray. JAYNE’S TONIC GB, A pleasant, safe, and certain preparaticn for the removal of Worms. Dyspepsia, r Stom ach, Fever and Ague. Piles, ffi t of Appetite, and all diseases of debility, especially of the Stomach and Bowels, and Organs of Digestion. JAYNE’S CRIMINATIVE BALSAM. ‘ A certain core for Bowel and Summer Com- plaints, Diarrhea, Dysentery,Cholic. Cramps. Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Cholera Mor- bus, and all derangements of the Slomach and Bowels, Nervous Affections. §c. Jayne's Sanative Pills, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- vers, Inflammations, Obstructions. Diseases of the Skin. &e., and in all cases where an aperien: Alterative or Puryative Medicine is required. The above medicines are for sale, whviesale or retail, at the Salisbary Medical and Drog Siore, by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbary, N. C. i Sept 5, 1842—156 Rev. Dr. Bartholomew’s PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable Cordial, and effective Remedy ie : : 3 y . a x ae 7 Re iS 2 ee roar } ; > the ee ee , ‘ A mote than ten “a failed car ee ant ha iled, or en ta. peng Salat accordance with the tions here sie cebre Satake ma cleo marsitan. But to ensore invariable success, these musi be rigidly fgllowed. FEVER and AGUE, in ea ne loston species, is peceliar Pexiopical: administration of @ proper rémedy, in conaection with the spe~ cific powers of one of the i nisin bis med- i ie thé secret of his invariable triampb, all other ers either entirely fail tily sueesed, were with the very period: in succession, termittent fever of a more ; Bat it is a remarkable fact, however mysierioys and upaccountablet may that each and _ have a FouR-. ever, the patient should by any neglect, or on- due confidence in restored health, omit to take the Phenix Bitters iathe fall quantities pre- scribed, at least three times on the fourteenth day Dr, Maffat mast aot be blamed if the disease sbould return, and the patient should jearn wis- dom from affliction, ane go through another course of the medicines for a fortnight | - Obeying these instraciions, however, he will be so thoroeghly cured, that be may bid defiance | io the disease, however avhealthy. may be his location or prevalent the malacy around him. — For children between seven and fourteen years of age, half of the above quantities of the me dicines will suffice; for younger children, a qGarter of those quantities, to be increased or diminished ia proportion as the age varies from advanced childhood to infancy. For very young children, small quantities of the bitters oaly will alone be wecessary. This treatment, with these supremely effec- ioal * LIFE MEDICINES,” bas been perfect. ly dey wane icy tot regions of the Soutn- ero and Westera otry, and around the north- ern lakes, where the malady prevails with the universality of an epidemic, and the demand for this sovereign remedy has been far greater than the supply. DR MOFFAT’S Agems, how- ever, are now well furnished, and will make ev- ery effort tot send this advertisement into the most afflicted districts. Voluntary and jealous- ly gratefal testimonials are received at the pro— prietor’s office 10 Néw York, by every mail io 4 —even without the re of or canse. itn this, Fever and Agve differs from most other fevers; sit is wel kaown, that after an ap 4 fever has onee “ya cupred, and been removed, t e person, affected not so liable to a fresh attack as one «lio wasao so affected, These citenmstances render it ex- tremely difficul: to ® pe Fever and_Ague, though to the patient for the time is a vety easy task. Dr 3 Life -and Pheniz Bitters have heen 1 hiy tested, and proved to be 4 iti R ré-of Fever and Ague. Sauna tekbee ties in the West have volantarily come forward to assure Dr. Al who have emigrated to that rich and SITIES conc vad cordon atcguclag a.com. aera ge pe egies Sie a Tread Besta cantile or mechanics! experience won in the homes, d cut @ weary hfe, or at last sink nas eS on wideh ahah ce sposes by that téfver of the West, Fever and 4 Iheir hopes are blasted —their destroyed— their Eldorado the word of promise, made to to the . a individaais, Dr. Moffat es a desert, and bir ear, is broken To fo : sy~— Try the:Life Medicines, and you wiles ane ticipate most sanguine expectations, for t sett aavtolaly restore you to health.” and Ague is a egmplaint which requires tobe met at ite first 2 » and combatied at every stage. Seldom fatal of itself, it reduces the strength, afd impaire the fonctions of the } |.to resist the }, when taken strict - scp The above icine is for sale by - CRESS & BOGER Salisbury. Oct 22, 1842 ~1y18 p Of tte “above jnyaleeble ME BC A ‘supply DICINES ate for sale 3t James Cross ‘Roade, | A. C. uclNTDSH, Agent. Iredell county, by Guard Your he. { Addressed to those who are in perfect health, or reputed so.) | * Bc Gentle Reader: If would avert from you the sickpess, the paig, the wretched ness, the prematare mortality which you see all aroond you, and which, like a sharp: sword sus~ pended, is eves ready to fall upon you, despise not my advice—it will cost yéo little, wil; nei- ther infringe upon your occupitions or amose- ments, and all the faculties ef your mind and body will be as moch betteredpy it as to repay you ten fuld. I esk only one veek’s trial to con vince the most sceptics}. In the.first place, discard all old errors ani prejudices from your mind ially the o!d adage, ‘‘ If you are passing do not attempt to better yourself ;” it is tha saying of ignor- ance and superstition—of t who attributed all they sew.stoend them tofhance and fortane, instead of natore’s aniversail jaws. Has not man, led on by experience, learze{ to guard himself against the other elements of nature, the waves, the wind, and the torfenis g rain? Why then, should he not, in fair weather, guard himself as- s 4 cure of }- crowded cities or towns of the older states, have |! mn either retarned with shattered constitutions aod he ‘ depressed spirits, or they remain in their new |" : j ergi * ia all Venereal Di. WES medi Anyssimta Mixture, (in heastay e its speedy and Seite Ru, * for Tetter, as Eruptions dima applied besides tent Universat on Srar | tor diseases nf thang other mat bg 80. We last five or six years, been quite effectis both by experience and have no hesitancy in recommending afflicted every where. Oor opinion ig ay when we first used these they afe superior to any we have The Doctor, himself, i with ey this week, and from cases stated to os heen more strongly confirmed in oor for jon, that they are superior to all other mesa The efficacy of Dr Kubl's remedies jp treatment of extraordinary coses is eimost um cedented, and the year 1842 was tich of tant cures, two of which alone ou; permit os to noticeal thistime. Mr, of Alleghany county, Va., wae, lan a ry suddenly taken with 2 total blindness in iyi his eyes. He used numerous Pr eeetiptions wy other medicines, bot to no benefit. in Mayig he procured the Restorer, Gold mine Balegyy Universal Plaster, from Andrew Fudge, Exd . a Bie i ie * Covington, Va.—took the two first ternally as directed in Dr Kuh!"s Pawpbieijay the Universal Plasier be applied to the aod some times over the eyes and by thingy, ment he has his eye~sight 60 far recovered, iy he can read both print and writing. Ifinm explicit statement should be desired, a leterg rected to A. Fadge, Clerk C. Court, will recs satisfactory evidence of the above, A tady of Bedford county, Va , was foram 17 years afflicted with the Liver Complige treated with Caltnmel, took cold on tt, and taken with coutraction and lameness, Shei the whole time, a great oumber of presetl of Physicians of eminence, agd every that was recommended for her ose, igsi¢ fording relief, had a tendency rather tags the disease, She sank from year to geat,é digestive organs were so deranged that tl agreed with het. Jo Aogust, 1842 the had not been oot of her bed in five yes when removed by others—so vervoas that § versation or walking in the room most disagreeable effects opon the bead ; ber eral feeling very bad, sour sivmach, &e. had no intention to ose more medicives, bet king a dese of the Gold Mine Beln@ wi much benefit that in one hoor she felt then commenced 3 tegalar course of Dr gainst the storms which a ever rising in hi- own frail body ? Remember, you are evety day eating gross food ; and it B your nature to con—- tinue to do so. Yoo ate well-at present, but ev- ery day the seed of di we ia within you; and if yoo do nptisiricily. guard your health while you are well} you até contioually in danger of painfol and, pptracted confinements, Certificales, * Being constitutivnally predispased to Con- sumpiion, (a number of my family havieg died of this disease,Land having saffered severely from irritation of the Lungs, accou.panied with congh end raising matier and: lved, together with severe pain in my side end breast, till | was supposed to be beyond recovery, | was. induced for Conghs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Influenza, Hard Breathing, and difficult Expectoration. §C#For salegtthe Watchman Office, and by C B Wheeler, Salisbury march 4. 184$—1y3$2 medicines. She took a dose of the the morning and one at night, and two he Gold Mine Balesm between limbs were rabbed two or three timess éaf he Aromstic E-x:ract, and this | :eatmest given soch a happy result, that she is ne to walk abowt—the nervous affeciions bat her, her digestive organs are mach im has been ponctually ased without producing the desired effect. Addrese Dr. JOHN R. ROWAND, Nn 28 North Second Sireet, Philadelphia. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbury, N. C. C.B. WHEELER. incredible nambers, to the absolate efficacy of these astonishing medicines, not only in Fever and Ague, otber intermitent fevers, liver and billious affections, and derangements of the di- gestive fanctions generally, bet also io chronic and inflammatory rheamatism, costiveness, pains in the side and limbs, eruptions of the skin, scro- C. B. Wheeler, sole Agent by advice of Dr Perkins, ag a last resort to try Taylor's, Balsam of Liverwurt, | have taken five bottles in all. J} began to improve with the first bottle, and while taking the third, was so far ra- covered, as to be able to get ahout Since which time, by continued use of i!, 1! am quite restored and ab:e tu attend tu my usual busicess. T'o per- suns suffering frum cougha and affections uf the lungs, | do earnestly recommend it. {Signed.) JAS C SCOTT. Fl-gbeth City, N C., Dee 16, 1842. Liver Complaint and General Debdility.—1 Was given up vy two physicians, aod told to pre pare for death. ] was so weak | could not saise my hand to my bead. [| was.in this low state when a friend sent me a haitle vf Dr ‘Vayler'’s Baleam of Livereor, trom $75 Bowery, and be fore | had ssed op the botile, | was able to sit up in bed. By the farther use, 1 have completely tegained my heal:h. GEO WELLs, 23 Joho st. Violent pain ia the side —I have been cured of a violent pain in ihe side, extending through tothe shoalder, iadigestion, cizz‘ness, loss of ap petite, and general dehility, by the use of two battlés of Dr Taylor's Balsam vf Liverwort, frum $75 Bowery. JF Ul Allen, Ne 7 Merehaai’s Row. For sale at the Drag Stare of C B Wheeler, Salisbary. march 4, 1548 - 1y$2 LIME! LIMBA! NY — of fresh Lime can be had at the Kile of the late Juseph Williams dec. By the 100 bushels and over 10 ecenis; 50 to 100 bashels 18 ; 5 to 40 bushels 20; unslacked in proportion. All persone wiehing lime either at the kila or their residence, will apply either to J. or RB. | Sept $, 1842— 196 MANSION HOUSE! THE SUBSCRIBER, AVING porehased Mz. T. R. Hughes’ in- terest in the above Fistablishment, tenders his services to the Travelling Public. «Having for several years been engaged in keeping PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT, at Movat Mourne, io Iredell county, t.e indolges the Hope that he has experience enough io the duties of his business tu endeavor to render com tagtacle, all who bestow upon his house their pa Tronage. Bis TABLE shall always be well and plenti fully supplied with every thing the country af- fords, tc please and satisfy the palate even of an epicure. His BAR will be found furnished with a choice selection of Liquors. His STABLES shall be constantly attended | by faithful and attentive hosilers and supplied with abandant provender. N. B. Te Stage Office is kept at the Mansiun Huese. HIRAM T. SLOAN. Charlotte, February 4, 18483— 60:28 NEW SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES AND @ROCERIES! R. ROUECHE, respectfelly informs ibe e citizens of Sglisbery and the sartoanding cooniry, that he has received a new and splen HAYS’ LINIMENT !! . se f hat PILES — The price of this celedraied Liniment is refunded to agy person who will use a botile of Hays’ Liniment for the Piles and return the ewpty bottle without being cured. ‘The above have been the terms on which this Lieimeait bas been sold for nearly ten years pasi, and not one bottle out of one bundred has ever been returned. $f’ F or eale at the Watehman Office, sad by C B Wheeler, Saliabary ;.J & R Slosa G-eensbore’,; Hillsboro’, D Heartt; Lex- ington, J P Mabry > Raleigh,r S Duith, march 4, 1845—1y39 did su of Confectionaries and Groceries, cua sisting of a1! kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS of the very bes! quality, such as Madeira, Port, Teneriffe, Champaigue, Muscat, Claret, and Malaga, Wines, Freach Brandy, Holland Gio, Porter, Aleand New Ark Cider, and Cordials, Lemons, Almands, Raisins, Oranges, Oysters, Sagar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, Indigo, and variaus ether articles too tedious to mention, which | will sell as chesp for cash as they cae bt at acy rm. Establishment in F. R/ROUECHE. march 4, 1845—1yS2 a Medical Drag Store, Salisbury, N. C. Dee 10—1f20 * Br. Lin's Galbaninm [Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! Pees Plastere, greatly improved, and ha ving the preference of all otbere, are warm ly recommended by all doctors as invaluable for invalids having paine in the Breast, Back or side. Weskness ead Lameness are relieved at once by their ase. and thé parts restered io strength and a nateral warmth and healih. Any perien wearing one of these Plasters, will be as- tonished and delighted at ibe comfort it affords. Those threatened with Lung Complaints should never trust themeelves a day without wearing a Plaster. 41 removes the irritation of incipient Consumption from the Lungs to the sarface of the body, and draws off the internal affection — So in Liver Complaints, and Cooghe, aad colds Childsea with Whooping Cough should always have one, to prevent the cough settling on the lungs. ‘Their excellence will be understood by all on tia.. §cP For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ,; Greensboro’, by J & R Sloan; Hills- boro’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J P Mabry, Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1848 —13$2 Arrivals.& Medicines, Paints, Oiis, for Dr. Rowand, has jost received a fresh sn p- fala, piles, worms, scurvy, and a host .of other ply of his genuine Immoved Tonic Mixture, | complaints, for the care of which, these Veget- which is for sale wholesale and retai’, at he | able Life Medicines gre so pre-eminently re- | , nowsed throughout the United States. Know- ing, however that many of these diseases, as well asa most fatal undermining of the general health are occasioned by Fever and fgue. Dr. Moffat, in his advertisements, invites the soe- cial attention of the public to the absolete ascen dency of his medicines over this malady the fountain head of so many others. He bas only tu add that the Life Medicines are agreeable and invigorating in their operations, require neither confinement nor change of diet, and have acquir- ed the reputation they heve !ong possessed, not by the esval artificial efforts. bat solely by their invariable and extensive asefalness. Prepared and sold by Dr. William B. Moffat, 875 Broad way New York. The above medicine is for sale, wholesale or retail at the Salisbery Medical Drog Store, by Cc. B. WHEELER, Agent. BC A constent su of the above described MEDICINES on rere ale at Hamp- tonville, Sarry county, N Ca by ; JOSIAH COWLES, Agent. Salisbary, Sept $, 1842—116 State of Morth Carolina. SURRY COUNTY. Superior Court of Law—Spring Term, 1843. Kinchen Goss, ve Catharine Goss. . 2 i appearing to the satisfaction of the Coort, that Catharine Goes is not a citizen of this State ; _ It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register and Carolina Watchman for three months, that the Petition for Divorce. rRren INE, Varnishes, Dye-Sioffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, and SPIRITS for medical porposes Indias, Hoock's and Swaim'e Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking Tobacco Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Broshes, Candles. Faney and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, In stromenis, Matches, Paper and many other ar licles. just received and for sale at prices to suit the times, by C. B. WHEELER. Salisbery $42 A fresh supply of Dr. D. Jayne's invalaable Family Medicines, jost re- ceived aud for saleby CB WHE™ LER, Agent. Salisbery, Dec 10—1(29 | Defendant (Catharine Goss) a at the next Soperios Court of Law, to be held for the County | of Sorry, at the Court House in Rockford® on the Sth monday afierthe 4th monday of Aogust next; | then and there to plead and answer or demur to | said petition. or the same wilt be-heard exparte and decteed secording!y. , . Witnese, Winston Somers, Clerk of oor aid Voort at Office, the 5th monday sfier the 4th monday of February 184$ WINSTON SOMERS. ¢.s. c. Jone 17, 1843 —~$m47— Printers fee $10 00 CA SA BONDS “Neatly printed and for sale at this Office and in some constitutiois}death. . Nothing is statiohargin this world. Even he porest fountein of which we drink—does if not require cleaning ? person may imagioe be is in perfect health, aad yet not know to what perfection his vital orgags may be brought when assisted by the hand jf Nature. Ihave un- doubted proofs of this fiet in she anbounded suc cessofithe LIFE M&DICINES. Let those. wko have followed theimotto, ‘ When ron are even moderately well, throw physic tot dogs call opon me, if they would be convinced of the importance of my posifion. The cperation of tha Life Medicines in every instance that has come to my. knowledge is most gratifying. Those who are in comparative good health may perfect thrir happinesswith no ia convenience ; and thase unfortanates who are laid low by disease of almost any description; may find sare relief in those purely vegetable preparations. They qperate gently bat power- fally upon}the secretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of all vitiated hamors, separating the bad from the good, expelling the dregs, drossand imparities—aod jeavipg behind only what is good and nourishing td natore. Reader, consider and reflect well. _ The blessings of this life, for rich and poor lie entirely within oumelves, in our own physical bodies My advice tq all, then, is, guard your health {f youare dell, pechaps you may be still better—and youjmay always avoid being sitk by o of the VEGETABLE LIFE ) . $CP Dr. Moffa’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, are for sale URES$S & BOGER, Agents. Salisbory , Oct 29 { mens > A on he above Invaluable ME- DICINES nen oe sodlery fads fredell county. by at James’ Cross Roacs, A.|C. wef TOSH, Agent. alt lisbury, and is efared to resume the prac i@ profession. His Office is removed 1 M1. Gowan's brick: build- > 1 = . ' COUNTY COURT WRITS Printed on firet r this Office. paper and for sale at he: genera! feelings good. She is mut and her complexion quite fresh, whieh b# tonished every-one that was ecquainied long standing disease. We have name of this lady, bat if any particulass be desired, we refer to Dr Kohl's ages? Ouer Bridge, Bedford county, Va. : We have particularised ene @uch to speak of the great valve @edicines, as to inform the affiieted bow! may be relieved. The treatment be ticed, #0 that others may know thathy?™ course they may also obtain that tore desirddle than riches. Persons wishing to procere #® medicines, will please direct tbeit onde ™ the amount, (post paid,) to b De. Kunt's owe. RicHMOND, ¥s : or bo enuel ‘ollowing a NO is H CAROLINA. | Jenkins & Biles, Salisbery, — Homphrey’s & Gaither, Loring J. & R, Sloan, Greensboroogh, Dr N. Btith, Raleigh, M.J A. Drake, Ashberovg. J F & C Phifer, Concord. B oe hele | -_ C C Henderson, Lincoln's. James J. Kone, ga NF : S. Pesry, Kernersville, fd Jemes Branoock, Waterloo. Guile ; Braonock & Waller, Wes!" iogham county. R W Lawson. Yanceyville, James’R Callum, Millon, South C 7 Steele, Gunning & Co. Tene MecLare, Brawley & Co. C “ The continastion of the |ist Dr. K.’s Pamphiet. 4S Patients and Ag "i att a 6 Job Printing uc@ JULY 29, 1843 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 9, 1843 MISSING No suosgriptigg ’ than ge ¥ea'gen tes No paper diseett the Exitory ontiP att PERite*o One dollar per re twenty five cenisdorg Court notirds ami er than the above oar A dedaction nes i those who ad vertied's All aJvertisemenje ma, bee fordid and charged-far #oedi : ed far-e ceriain spmbego pcHP Leiters oddp come post pod id pica HOR. 1CE He He BEARRS \S jus: received Sof Mine B ee LONDON. PARIS &: P “i Y PHIA FASHIONS, for Abe. Spring aud Sumer of. 1843! is see 14: whieh far surpasses any thing of 1he kind here~ é He stil Parries on this? ; tofore pubimbed Tatltoring Business. io all its branches, at biseul4.alaed,, Chae be | a ever ready to meet and aceominddate his ald and new customess with fashionable éollibg and.mar king of garments; not to be snr ihe southern coentry. Punetuatity, despateh | and faithful work as-bas, been, always. shail be his aim and object Thankfal for past encour- agemeat, he bopes to merit its continuance: P S. Reference he deems annedessary;-eahis | experieace and work for the asi (biteeo pears wilh snow, ; HORACE BEARD. April 15, 1848 —1f38 WORMS! WORMS! Startling Facts. randreds of children aod adults ate fost year \y with worms, when some othef cause haa been ouppeed to be the true one. , aon stented fh af ee that scarce aaan, byaag ie | | 1 agate ppaRreN de OL ilvér Sauth Business in aed ae b copy: lowpass Syoh as "Spogas; : Be. end pita: Sitve . ‘begs to Sesare’ the if spaitaeg$ | attention +o business, and iyi fork will en~ ie bhim-to patronageand he willmer:} ai 2s tit,» at “KARON Woorweit rH. Nov S016 . a oe Dx. Sherman's - per: | PA cvicaten. Loxeuges: Are the best MEDICINE S inthe ‘World. BEING the cheapest abd. most” pleasant. Dr. Sherovaivign skit fél-acd experienced Phy sictansand e member of the Medieval phi? oe New York. Sher'man’s Cough Loseng¢s, Are thesafest, sorest,aad mosy éffdetunl remedy fot .Coavlis; Colds;Coasumpuon,.Whwping Oongh, Aah Tightoess: eo] be Longs..ur later troubled with-@ sre qooner or cases, sad to rela‘e, a supposed fever mf cold, or some other ailing carries off the flower of the human family—while in trath they die of | Cin Worms! and these could have been eradicated’ in a day, by the usé Of.a betile of Kalmstock's | Vermifuge, at the cost of a.quarter.of a dollar? . How sickening the iheaght that (hese things shold be—and who can ever forgive themselves > tor not trying this Worm Eaterminator, when they know that even if the casé was not worme, this remedy coold not by any possibility do turt —doi always good a8 a prreuine=ies the-dis- ease be what it may uW inportant then to ase it, and who will dare ‘ake ihe responsibility todo without it? Let every parent that ig fot a brite, ask themselves this qnastion i in trath and gobderness, Mr JO Riagold tad’ a child very. sick for near iwo weeks, and atténded by 2 physician, without relief, when Kolmstock’» Vermifuge was given, and nex: day more (haa forty worms were paseed, when the child recovered rapidly ~ A child of a widow woman, living’ near che Manhaitao Water Works; had dwindted for 4 month. till near a skeloton, with great dryness of the month, and itching of the oose. A bu- maue lady, who called tv provide for the family, sent immediately for Kolmstock’s Vermifage, which brought away great quantities of worms for two or three days, and the child grew better at once, and regained its fa! strength in less shan a month. : Several children in a highly respectable fam- ily in Broadway had worms toa frigh: ful exient, an! were all cured rapidiy- with this Vermifuge. In some of the bes! families in the neighbsr- hood of St. John’s ‘ark, it has been exteasively ased, from the circametance of haviag eradica- ‘aia large quantity of worme,afier all other vamedies hed failed, which was very extensive- 5 known in that part of the city A family in New Jersey saved several children by the use of it. Qne,a gach of sight yeare ot age. had become exceedingly emaciated before the Vormifoge was given. ‘Fhe next day three large worms were distadged, and abe left off the Vermituge, when she oecame again worse, and | had resort to the Vermifage that finally broagh: away an ineredidle quantity of worms, and the cure was complete, and .she geined her healtk zaptdly. 4 Physician of standing, had doctored a fami- iy of children some weeks. without. beiag anole to vestore bu: ope ont of the seven to- health He had the liberality 10 send for Kolmstock’s- Ver- mifuge, and cored the rest with it io lese than a week, Namerons eases of other complaints were sup- posed to exist, and the persone-treated fot-fever, &e., bat finally a trial of this Vermifage diseov- ered the true cause of the sickness, bp bringing away almost an innumerable qnantity of worms, large and small, and the persons reeoveted with great despaich Instances of this kiadwmight be cited to an immense extent,-bat It ig oselees, one | ga trial for 25 cents willshow any one with aeton- ishment the certain effects of. this Vermifoge. Caution —Never buy this article unless ut have | * Dr Kolmstock’s Vermtfiage”, handsomely en- gtaved on the outside label, and the. [ze simile of Comsiock & Co. Azenis—C B Wheeler, Salisborg; J & R Sloan Greensboro’; D Heartt, Hillsboro’; J P Mabry, Lexington ; Dr Stith, Raleigh. _ Mareh ch 4, 1843 — 1y32 CABINET MAKING t FYVAE Sabsoriber respectfalty fetiras. bisy ‘hanks for pasi favors, and. sofarms his old friends and the podlic that he still continoes 40 carry on the abave besinegs io all ite various, branches, and at the old siand®on main Street, two doors betew J, & \WW Murphy's wore ad@op posite the Watebman Printing may always be faund. He keeps ces \) suit the times, -Also.» sapply of ready made Coffins constantly kept on hand to Bolt a2 measure; and at lower pricés than ever they. have beca sobd for, : N B AN kinds of Lomber and Cépnior Pe duce take i ip exchang- fur work. _April 99, 1843 HyAGE 7 aR | caged, and the. facalties-paralized, these aunt Where Be fi constantly.on re” SN oy band a variety of welt finished work, und at pri: i = 1s nel es BANS worm LOZEN@ES: + — WOO: desirus ing edi over 1,400,000 a tor Pag wuibaw seis CAMPHC im vite immediate relief in nervous or pad— alpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir fiz éepotidency, Fainting,“ Oppression or w# sense of Sinking othe ‘Chest, Diarrica,’ Las- situde, or.a sense of fatigue. Sherman's-Fever-and Ague Lozenges Are tbe most certain remedy for this distressing }- complaint, ever offered to the American pubtic: — In the immense member of cases in which they. ats been ‘used, they have never been known’ {o tal ; Sherman’s Restorative Lozenges. - Diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, 80 cam- moo_and troublesome during the summer months, may vow be entirely prevenied by @ proper use f these Luzongeus'- ‘Phey are puepated ex prege ly tor that parpose, end can he’ relied op with perfect confidence. Persons subjec!.to a derange ment of jhe bowels shuvld never be without them They afford immediate retief from all the aitend- ant oripings. faintness, depression. §-¢ Sherman’s Cathartic Lozenges Are-as pleasant and easily taken. as the commun poppermints; aod. are ao active. and efficien! medicine: They cleanse the stomach afd bowels, and are the best cathariic ever used for bitious persods.. Where an active medicine is requited, ep are not only the besi, but the safesi thal cap be administered Shérman’s Strengthening PLAS TER, The hegt of af} plasters for Rheumatism, Lam- hago, Pain or Weakness in the Back, I.ping, jon erhigsnboars, tho, subeertie! wl? rt State: of jrert v a » ‘Superior Comet af Leotpring: Tera 1848 ‘Prevstédical ¥ seaity warm! y approve them” >} Sates ‘ publication he made ia the Raleigh Register and t ies ge ah eas fe aa <4 te A. ; : a E “a in rt, - ~ 7 ie 0 Ne ; at Scat Ha, a # rr pos &* carry oe caccamee tidy Carters: | Maoesy thes oe a4 Sati ry _Satinbury, Sept 10, Y840 =f e Senge eetbe Kachin Gor, ‘aa ts° ; Cathal ine Gres Eanes to the ea ictection of ihe Covtl, that Catharine Goagja:not @-ciligen of this rte therefute ordered by the Gouri, thar :Peéthtion for Di {vorep, Catdlins Watched. for three months, that the .(Cathatme-Gogs) appear at the nen: Soperio: Gear: of Law, \o be held tor. the Cusnay Sth monday afierthe 4b monday of A oust fem then and there te plead and ameaee or demu t: said petition, ot the samme wi!l be beard exparte, pand decreed aceording}y. ' “Witness Wiriston” Somers, Clerk of oar batt sais (at Mab ag the Bhi es after the 4th June 47, 1843 — $m OM LRA, WHO WILL G6. BALE Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia for, the Hur RUM Comstock & Co ~ the positive quak~ —— ~ thg the hedd free frota seurl, and esusing 9° lix- uriantgrowth oft atr.—24 Wor ladieg afar chivy bitsh, restoring {be akin to its naturel Strength and fitness, and preventing the falling dat. ot the harr.—3d Fur apy- persun reeuvering tro any debility the gawe effect is produded. attr If aged io infancy ull @ good growth +9 started. it may be preserved hy stieption id thetaled pe Trad OF Wfe.—b It frees the bead frou daon. ruff, Strengthens the tools, “te parta heatefh snr: Vigor w the circulation, sid preverts the bar causes the hair to cord beaatitulis whem dune vj, io Ul over night, No Iedies toilet shonld ever be made withoat it. Tib Children who have be any means ‘con tracted vermin ihe head, are rmmediately and perfectly cured of them vy ils ase. fi is .etalh-~ ble I had-been bald aboot five yearse—no more bal: vo the top of my head. wen the back. of a. hend, aad my head cove with w ihiek Rew- lo this-eituation xbout themtOth of Angas |.- I began using the Bala Oolumbis, trom Cou: stock & Cv, -Stoce whteb, | have aged qo «, a batf bottles of the Balmy-wshieh bas folly - Sideor Breast. retail, al- ihe Satiabory. Medical Drug Store, by. | C.B WHEELER, Agent, : Salisbury, N.C, Sept $, 1342 —1y6 © Dr. Moats Wegctable Life - Viledicines SSESS qualities of the must mild and be - | -geficial nature. - They are composed of ar- ‘ucles the most anii-puireseent; combiegd with ingredients knowa es. the only restain antidute for fevers of every description. ~ Wheo thesis ease is produced éitler from cold, obstruction, vad ait, swampy.and damp sijuations, .or paterd niasmi, whether malignant. of epidemic, or dy | perations or:effects © ‘They are possessed of pe euliat qastities,.whicb not aolp expel all disease, | bot atibegsame-time restore. and invigossie the system . When. first ‘taken jfto ihe, stomach, bey t liatels .diffyee themselves like vapor unread every pore, producing effec's at once htfal, salutary, aad permanent. When ibe ily life begins to gtow dim, the.circelation (NS. DETER OR me body, cihes are foupa.s s@ soog, bilerate the.an a invig and te “Tage i The! Te “The sbove meticine ia for sale; wholesale or scurf. ~My bead is now cotered with fine, fl dther cavses, these medicioes are certain in (dew pue. yas < ve Pstored iy Bair, aod freedimy head entirely ( ing toug liait— which dny ene many wee by calls on Me, at Stamford, Connectiewt. Nov 12, 1840, D4 SCOFIELD Cumnietteits.are abroad — lovk abways fur th name of Comsivek & Co. Pox sale at the Watehnge Offica,and by © B AW hegler, Satibary, Dr Sitti. Bsleigh , 1D Hearit? Hi lsby re" I & ReSloan, Greensboro ; 3 <p P- Vupey, he xing we. werch 4,1843~—1 582 George 10’. Davis;- Cominttsion and Forwarding Merchant “W uunator & Payverrevice N. 0, Undersig ied 1p uo Ww prepared, to recgive Gouds a at Wilihingion, aud forwatd the same | to hie, at at Bray co bit who V2e aaeees to the” re ityibe coebiry.) Me baba targe'] a Warehduse at the Riveiswhtete’ Gusda_svilt be stored’ free-of ‘storage, aud the owners subjecte >. oaty. to ie ‘thé ‘usuxt caciage from ihe: River takai ii dg 4 ip. thuch below the. ognat Warehoure is isolated buor «i yeher baiLings ihe dauger of Fire will b “riffing tp ce Fa to the tisk idvarred froty “being Miaauele Toby -| Phipse, # homiy tev or Libeir Saat } aang Fost sqnored (hat esary attention ill pati even to ee i ouiae of, their inkerest: as GEO. Ww. DAYI-< Aamadey Karan en . John MBRse, = yo oiwedsoe bi pare poe i mag to Give gee rhe. Han <8 etal gatistacti favor. “Br : en oer dheciny oe "icttsene LANES. E. cowaN,: le of Saery, apthe: Gourt Honge in Roekfard onthe p Et ties trons filkdwet—tst Porpntanis, keep~ fram eLanging color or getting gray = Bh hi ¥ va a tT Ne wet 2. 4y a. he it vb A site ig ig Zoe's ee eee x ° —— * - Reverxai 4 are blastéd— $ pacific Fe: Eldorado ' Fibs wotd ‘of ‘promise, ‘made athelr eat, to the hope: 4 er _. E+ “To these iniltvidaate,. Dr. “Moffat whit any > “ty the Life: Medicines; and-yow Wil) 961 ‘ane Vicipaie Yose-Mosi’ sdaguine “ex péciations, Vof | they w pss. so baplie: a te | « Fever ite 9 Kags compiaian nish regsiieg to be met es ors soph ed at m “o iaaett, % very. sage reduces ueeoate end tm paire the fonctions of the f pase, ratur ed tre Saifestation of dis ee u For oll particulara a of the mode of Areaimeht, thy reader ig referred 1 the Good an,a eony of whieh accompariles the inediemnp, SCP Pho above -miediciae is for sele by CRESS. &- BOGER, Agents. } ~ Satisbury, Ocs 22, 1942 ~ty rs‘ A avpply af the » above invaldable Vi DICINE Sue for sale af James ‘Gives a tredell covnty, % . C, vel NTOSH. Agen. imate. Your Heatth. ( Addressed £0 those who ave in perfect health, o: uted 30 ) BF Genile ester? If you. Would aver. rum you the aitiinews, the pais, ihe wrefetec se, ihe'pretnature mortality which poo tee of vend vou, and which dike @.sharp Kword 805 xedeal is ewer ready total) epee yuu, despre i my advice wilbieoss you litte, @H; nei er infringe wpan go occa payans pr .amuse—_ vnis, sng ald the Hest soot mind sao | dy witkbe as. mach bettered be it aq to reps oo ten fold. Dagk daly. one week'strial og cee (be most Seephes}. fe the firet: place; Aiseata at old. errors rn’ <-godices ftom your mind, especially the. ofa ie, * Lf yap are passing Pell, do nvtanemy: oll they saw aroond sbem,to, sbance anit fornane instead of ndture’s Univer She as Nol Mar: led'on by exptrience, tear ta gnard hse!) ageing: tte other etnies istie, the Waves the wind, aod the 1orrenyeyf-tain? AEs one. he.ndn; ie fait Weather: guard Keemsc!t ne | t the terme aehich — pit dee ny owas frail ? Reme mabe Severy day eating grass food ; ¢ aad a alare te con— tin ge to-do so™ You aro Eo present, Honey J ety dey (hl aeed of diseuse is grows vou; 20d IF yoa “do nat trie guard your while. yoo dremel, gowgre eorten aally io | pe » Pate po 0 “apatite yank ishing, wor "Eee. the porest pane of psa at gnt ; t may -imagice We chee w Wiiat feoti beat a ‘amas bY tbe haed. of ‘Raiaie.- ~EBave in. Dr. @: 8. De } LVING permandatly” foraed 2 bo (be publig. Paritcalar itientiog wit be. id ‘oO all pal caseg enttostedl so bis Bizet 0 the large Wotee, Wegely Sivephy'¢ staré, Svtiabore, May 6-188 Delispeiy,_ offetes. tis pegtseeonsl tree! eavetie Se/ ter got teeth s? tl. imthesgagingof-ignor . ance And” soperstitidn af, those whe wiibutid | Wiha obbveghe when fy hose wishing: E ae! speitie a decnaus OFUping= 10 de Neat Meckeyiilé, Davie 2, + January 14, 1843, 2 Bi in pene price oo Or: or: stiles: 4. worthand ¥ tind ant Be | aon ie 5 shires was’ Paton, ew York; ‘and a ay ited Stites, = k-of Hogs, Nie sop kbar ~ > oe offered’ Roashof the Potogme. Ord. - for agy of sha soge:arith. be > penetmcnde he! ; 2AM, E. sami Ne ABS ne i PADY cre OF CON , sorenegs of ibe ebéest! paiD. in thes ferig apoo the system, and eft’ Re most delicate cases, With safety ‘a8 youth as @ palliative aod 2 tem+sz, P Medical Msg: zine-3)" “Phe surprising effect prodoced fy era ah x is Sificwl refses” When we pe. occurrence,” > CBINGE: PTIUN =e f 18 in rotusthe Were rater Wee dat 38 nember ut tk intend, ‘The Life™ ot * ie ax CONSUMPTION, ANDY: ‘<aved le secording ta dirécvions, pe core — Complaint: tv the weak and (rembling vieuai of direase ne mm tr z. as , nealth, lite and strengib , bn OAS AL. Salt OF LIVES 9. Bowery,.New Yb York arrhs : Ath atsing ef Blood, Diver’ Complaints, Br Cy aoe tod al} thoge affeeudns of “Parad: and fones vhich.are a soyreeof so muel suffering and - threat ed, so after _ (ening le 10s GC ausunipaton hig, remedy 6 highly and jostle disttnywst. it1@ porely vegetable, aig and gentle in is lakes in “well who: -Physicisns, aware uf its" medipinat Ra ay and ‘witnessing ite effects even wextren Mb in seme shs'tores, apparenityfaimos hes lens. enses,.ofien prescribe 41 in their prata atd wih tr Wedijeal. Ba ee ‘ it hag mef" With gir jig by thegt she. Balsam, ot Liverwor,, made 2 $75 ‘bev | oie plige cages; es guitar! exciting a thr tea beioteak Morotahta the wats. fieved this: disease Coahayss. ta cred: pee ay ve, regtered fo" peat Yerit is 4 feet of fF: The following Was given ad ann timesines by tg Reaiah ‘Ei arial bitre C... ; te Beiog ‘canst iteuonslly sedioge rao, went Pt nogber pt my i} tog a3 | f this diseste,) and havive pert coigtiasinloke the Lwogs, ur cted ‘w rh g* hatter i ntozers- ith eeverd pain Nepehan Hi te supposed to be begond Hecove ry ych-weg. ian dre... be adticesnl, Dr P bat thee. 16. ef]- dottle, ane while t | cavered, a3‘ Be able ‘tie: by eoRtinedd ove lange, } doves rests recommend. tt, AS 4 ind Geveda oe, ie oie » (Sigged.> Bhasteif Fat & Liter Complaint “ang Ppate tot death. “J was soe ren bend wmy beads f wae | 0) fore had hn hte ! as Prd gng ser Se ~ be WF a8 e* Ht, Paty” ine teste? and sbleto attend tomy’ognat Spies Fp pe sons enffrring ftom: cooghs. and affections of 1. wae giten apy [Wr oti tes 308 to p>” “of alr wnt tatinds VDoiorbsand- epkins, asa fest reygert jo Taylor's Balsomaf Livermgrt. ne Alga fi: 1 a ee lo a es fi’ ie fas “Binee’ eh. Cort. Diidiny,. , “haa a - ht . vo 4 eon peg a, LIN'S ene PLASTERS. A batter ahd more. ujée and tseful article hevet was } )Yhade.~ All-strould-Wear them poem “3 LINS TEMPERANCE nrerins. ed Las ptineiple of-ehbstituting ‘the temic’ in place of | the ‘stinsilant principle;-whieh has reformed so many ; diuinkenrds. Tobe ‘used with : “Lins - "sapetige “A all ovhers for ‘leansing thé system ahd the. homore affect. ing the bloed, and for ‘all irregularities yt bowels, parley Ketor-@ Citing nature, thoes] ~~ CHE REMEDY ie will effedtiielly cure sick headache, eithor fremi .the NERVES ie bilious. . flundreds ‘of families. are ome using it with great joy. . DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the “certain “prevefition of ‘or any geriérel sickness ; kééping the stomach ini rhost per. fect order, the bowels regular, and » déterrhination to | he ssrgce. a pains in the ‘pones; hoarsehess, ond (ako aa “are ‘quickly. cured by it. Know this by trying.. —»_——_ bs CORN. The French Paser is B sure -eure. al l s¥ r e 7 0 0 ‘Hatecter ths skin. Te COMSTOCK'S COM * There is no otfies prepara an ACT. tion ata Sarsepardia’ thee edn exceed: or equal this if yea “are “Buterto get,Comsrect 3, you will .fin eniity alt ofhrers Ih Woes not votine puffing * irene ages, EEEee ok = CELESTIAL | “BALM | OR catsA A positive cage Lop the piles, and ‘2! external fag visa rere ipfitayons. brought to. she et » with this Baim ;—so. jn ceughs, ed or sore at, tightmess of thé chert, Wiis Balm -apniod on a Aanuel Will. relieve amiheure at once. JPt 1 Wound oF old sompe. — aes cured by it a $x Be: Bart owies 4- hens friend spot me.a*boiileat-) Tayler | {20 Si0008 er i” Bs ; » galls seieh | a rapidity le, ‘Suctetint tos New York. ee “Bi snp a KLIN a a mihi ak. ee = | Ag ee ee conan : ~ By % to. one Mens if each: town and ; illage, “Whig be“ Mad free, euifwing the most | “teepegiatile ‘nalts. in thy auttiry Sor these fairs, 0 4 that Tig Gne catr fail to belic¥e whew. eo > Ly 3 ‘(me omerensp) fot ir articles, and wot any stories, that others are a- ‘ ESE OR NONE, shipald be thea’ never con betmme and-gertuine our-pames to iim. AB articles (© be 5 he snd rt nt of ore NaN RA Rok caed te dirs “if Seatairon a: ata ey te hbdeai the *Office,"ahd a ihe Drng Store vy ise OS Fay 95, 1848 — 1531 * Arash roonins m3 pa us toads: ex- Bee, Oe og Ue MAKE nab nine hoa pottike Os, With views of subjecting and ences, bot for: mote. hepors- tie ied at of defenee.:. and connect tea the: interests of varidus sec - tidus of great country; Let anyone lqoK st Uh6- vast cost of transportation go ring the, wat, moch of whieh is chargeable to the want pf good roads and canals, and be. wall not deny the vast importance of a dus sventigg to this subjert.2 _. .. ~ Ga the protection that should ed to Amérieen fodestry, he spoke #To - the pes extend- 6 thuse to this questron how fer maa- wfactoces onght ta-be-(ostered, Mz. Calhoon sartae wis THE DUTY o Site THE “DOMESTIO IN DOMESTIC INDUSTRY Of THE COUNTRY, more espraily yy part.of at wingh providgiabe” necessery. ma- terials for clothing amd defénee. Let ns took at. Ue’ ngture of tte war nist Jikely to occur. -Engleed is 29 thé posse'ssidn of the o¢eeu } BO Man, however sanguine, can belévé Abat.we cen deprive her soon of fier: predominance there. - Thef conwol deprives vs of-themgans. of maintsiamy vor _-ermy and navy ches any od. The question re lating lo manufacluges must NOV depend ot’ the abstract’ eiple.- that indhatry. left-to pursue ils.cwn course. will find in ify own interest all the encouragement that is nectssary, | lay the €laims-ot mary foe- turers “entirely out if veew, said Mr ‘Cal- hoon; but on general prinerples; without regord to their 1alerest, acertein enconrege- meni shoo'd be extended at, least to our woollen and-cotton manufactures:’* Tbe-Inteiigeocer also refablicher a} Spereh of Mr. Calhogn, of Apert 2: “7816, iu Cpposition to Mr Randolph’€ motian fo strik: ont ibe mmimem velostion on, Cot= ton Goads. fn thét speech-we have incon- lroverfible- Anterican doctrine, “whatevér parlizene may think o¢ sey ef at at present. Mr. Calboun sage : '\ Neither agricultures, ma factores, ner commerce, ithen separately, is the-canse of wenlth ; IT FLOWS FROM THE YHREE CoM- BIxeD, AND CANNOYL EXIST WIPH- OUT EACH. “Therwealth of any single} natiun vs ep lodividgal, it js Irue, asy not | immediately depend on the 4hree,- such weaith always presupposes their exatence. He viewed the chen a io tha’ most enlarged sense. Withodt commerce; tndgsiry would bave ao gtmulye ; 3 wiyhout menufactores, it would be without the means of production ; ; and without agticaritare acither of the-ot hers: can subsist. When sepatated entirely and permpuentiy, they perish. ~ War in” this covatty produces 10 & great extent) thal ef- fect ; aud bevce the g‘eat ‘ewbarfassment whieh foliows in its train, .Fhé failure of the wealth and régsourcée of the nation ne- cessarily invotved the sain of- its finances and its correfey. kt as edmnied by she midst strenvoys advocates, on the otter side, that om COnntry ‘ught“10 be dependent’ on. dnathet for ite meens* of defence; ‘that, bt least, ovr musket and bayonet, bur.esan6n and ball, oughi w be of domastte msnofac- tore. But what, te asked, ig more heceasa~ ry to the defence of tonntey than its ctr rency and finanee! Circhmsianted 33 vor country is, cau these -si@od. the shock of war iowBehold the elfect of.ube lafe-war on them. “Wheo Gutdpancfactures are growo toe certain -peffertion, as Kev soon. will under therfouteing ‘ear e-of Goyernment, The fertier ate take taal recenat ie The farmer fine & fesdy ‘werkef for his surplus produce’; and, #hatué.aimost equal vonseqaeace, “a cerfaiy a6d ches supply of all bie -wants. Wie Peozrsty will dilfuse heel! to every clays ts the coun- trv; “Wndy instead of rhgt lapgear of indus: ny end Andividual disttess’ now ineydent to} 2 state" of-war and saspended commeres,.thé mill nob wealth and vigés of the-cOmmunity be materiatty The ar@ ‘of gov- ernment wall benerved ;: Tfid’ tees, is (he hour of danger, when essentt ral te. the jnde- pendence of the naien, may be bodyl Te creaged ; Toane. So ufgeriaia a ardous, orsy be legs relred .on § thas™ storm map best withost, ew wittie al} be quict.and safe? 2 pohtcy by the subdjoined wbith experience ny Proven caue Seah aad inc ontrepéguble: zy The ection sae qoalleg:. wadsfactares are net to Be, introduced— they are‘altead y op ‘THiroducet! to a greabextont; freeing ‘nygely from the haz itde, age va"R great eure, the nsciveges esPer that Between 9 tariff of protection, agd-a Justice and the plairest prsneiples of Pe — dei And he futther enforces a: Biiatigees | | porteits tbe-eoontry woold: ensisin niet ‘dom. are lavbrable'to Mitract ta ouy eopntry much skiHt ‘end industry. - “gountry in} Europe having the mom “sksifut.work @en-is bruken up . It_iate os; if wisely used, aivte: valusble then the prof. the edict’, of Naatz wee to Eingend: “She bad the pru- dence io profit by ii Tar. us: nor discover less politiestyegreity: Afford 10 iagenvity and wdusiry immediate and ample PRO. TECTION, oni they wil, aot fork to gure CE | eprelorence do.thag | and bappy ara wy.” ; We feel perfects antishied that tho great body of the American peopté, when enem- bérrgssed by perty teommels, will prefer Mr. ©alboun’s early-opinians, vitared whoa he wes nol s0 aspirant for she Presidency, to those more recently oseribed “to ium “’v the South Carolina Convention, which are, . j Gaff of revenue discriminating [or protec- tion,-he 19 able to see no difference ia con- stitutional principlé ;-end-he holds the one as much as the other repugnant to natural | litical economty; and in their tandoncy sub- nb. versive of the very. ends of civil “nogiety THE TARIFF—ANALAGOUS CASE. The Sciota Gazette: gives a conversation with an joretligent Polish gentiomsna—one of 46@ axed pairinis—on ne suvjoce of the Tact - this lengoege wes decided ard re- “matkable. 68 he said : © Sar, the Toriff is the element of life of this coontry. Your prosperly, your inde peadence, your national existence, de- pend vpde regulating your impotis from abroad, by a Tariff formed with @ view to protecting #nd eneoutaging your Sgriculfure god menufactures at homo. > "Pili never: ‘do-for the penpte of .one sovereign ‘to keep theit workshops.ca the-soi! of another go- vernment. We bad a-fair test of. these things,” he continued, “ip Poland. . Nepo~| leon introduced the" T afiff bie femious -con- tinental system * Al English goods were rigorously . debarred ies the downfall othe Corsrean, jhe Autograt, foreseeing the benefit. (o~ inure: from it, eontinved the Taff. Since the days-of ‘Peter the Great, Reesia hae flourished by the very @int of her home policy. Well, the restriction went hicd ‘with as for theee or fogr years, for we tisd to begin every thing. But oecessity has lqwe, end they are often goed otes.. Our péople and artizaos. wéat to work ; mills and wmeontac- loties were ttected ; sheop were introduced from abroad ; . méchanics of obsuspessed., skill came from Englend 90d. France; and found ready employment—fielis That were wastes Or _pleasute grounds ‘were planted, and -prodaotive, every principle of industry’ was develdped—and. the result wes that iD gi youte after the first inmtis- tron of the Tatifiwe hed beltér -and chea- per wodlens“énd cottons, better wagons and tetroges, better vagricultdral’ implements, if you Dusband Bn a witt cal the na- ti Dar oasl.coffers.? St. “ lose, Sueh would, | ud debe be the fact 10 |" {a considersble exteni, if not protected Be- % sides, citcumstinges, if we set with. wis- |’ Pt which an uopoliéd: béitot “in two counties might have nediralized i Kewaedy’s dih- trict by age fa pe toebes on dolph end A ¢ rH) Basyton ?s distriel, (herduse ola djap fection e- Whig eandidite,) where sbere.is se ‘Majority of one. pereeek Whig ¥ pty Probably it “Papae’s ‘Areal SS baigas Nie for peily offines: Persons! cahdibeaice went very far, if not wholly, loWants. White’s defeat. In this end the. district frog whieh Messr:: Dévis and Peuit ste-elected, Wendie dis- poséd to consider she Aéet. pretty feir, al-| th there wes tuch- fool play “here; 10+ which it ts patoful even to abude. We are defeated in the Le Yet the undisputed Whig | agn senda er ‘ 8 Boe; thecundis: ty of Hancock sends one; - Bats holamew, Gibson, Spenegr, . Jefferson, Al-. len, Knox, and. I might eitumbrate « several more! Aod the Whig counties of Foyete and Unio send ups Locofico Senator, so Lake t This miachiefis to be secdbated for by apailiy senda maltitude of sival Whig Candjdates. F need Mot add thar th¥se. se- rings wider curréats were bot to “be ‘with stood by amy Whig candidate for Governar, sapping as they did the very foundations of the hope of his success. But in this revalt, exinbiting a8 it does afl thé ‘power whieh wie Locefoce party machinery, aided by the feetinous. helps enumetated, can possibly bring to beet in fodiens, how-pleinly 18. tbe undimmiehed Whig strengih discernible... A fall turn ov! woold have overcome the common enemy with-all sherr siliances, - Now, @ wotd or ye vupdn another sub- ject: What Seay hi u this’ restlt Lo have upon the Presiden tion? =What etonker is ready 46. papegacayes witietle eppreben- s1on.that in, thes there 18 urfavorable omen to the prospect of Mr. Cley ? © Da the gyn tied esuges, prominent ay which have y ah tended our fas ia’the past contest, point to. ‘wards’ thus 1 ine “petriot?—Has he soght (0 do willl the foeal divisions,the per- sonal 9q: he afd exchange, and the at. weighed. dow the Whigs in the past comest? ‘rWVhat oth- er nemé is more poputer then bis With: the Whig/party of Indiana! -Wharéet of prio. tiplés CibeP then those to whieh be . hee clung through evety’ shade of police! far- state mo bigs, can the Wigs of Iagi- aDF; esire ‘Aad shat ean they avait the bostility: of Sree vin beg eae a “bértle fielJ where Vaa Be 1s. Overwhelmingly | sg a constant routed este bulletins tay Pat we are snd better -finedt end mest costly leery, o'‘saceeed i a! ettug- mitervenipg. ind willbe found, sre. thio we hag “before, the. Bupsrot's. Tarill ane oe ta sonora A lee no pont wt Deb ir vaberhep. : edict, 90 all at @uelt lower prices! “Sir, a oars the Whig-pas ther stat + We are now suffering come of these com (her ea@phatically rages had u pot Whig ssagen re cote | seqaénees, ord, 1 Wt: may “Be, have nor yet been for thesPolish& Tariff, the »Raesien'| 2 : acres the lowest deep—tbough if seems soidiesy would haverreached the citadel of} “ersHoas Spats Ber art Ace Fecaccely possible ‘thi any things short of Weooe, at the termination of our fast-eon.| Sey ; By ee evant ruin could -be~ much * than | test wit them, much soouer thag they did,) "~ 5 at siptesent-eendnion of our, monetary of- | for, ! telt, yous » gpod bon! of ssiahne rmoadese a4 cs ain te fie Obstraction has. been coped ato | the citzeng of wv country to wpon their | tems 6 conde) {-etageation and every. « ; ms own ebergics; insppres She, apringgt body pee wees ie re tha paratyere. ©. “with conidenes sm iis own veaoeress—dnd. a tire Cc tpital in the ‘cox Few and Toe vesiictivs dleasunés sad jhe #2, | iequivigg of opm fae | guise F) exertiad, have forrowed: (jel dy & net were by into’ three or-four © -samicirealae " ‘Oe aa fe ppres nt oy ‘wome perpeadicelar capa “gight Piatricts. for | over fy negate x ry pie Congress. Ta Matgons distrigt by 0, voiey poiut, we “aah allen, 8 28 the gislatgr ect does Randolph, s0.do Laporte, Porter and}, ow: on Ry ey , x r\ ¥ pe — “” ~ x! “=: Sad } see oonbe eee Pt 7 et (his cage of featur Pa “Wi e Ra | t 19: » ted,’ tat child pression of the eve, the-ball of Sane pice , ing, 30-48 to catch, stitough the lashes, a-view of every abject near ;. the nose somewhat large and F pressed alittle over to the leh side ot the face; bythe frequent. application of enuff with the | Thumb af the sight baad 5 (heeides of the mouth rather drawn toget tier, the tips parting,‘ seady made vp fora broad smile; if: necessary, oF the shortest agtice; the corders éf.the mocth ‘add fagkerd on “each ‘side by two vertical trench . es, which in their youthful” days. mav -heve. passed for dimples. The whole rumioative, i of an amt or thé, gagle of ine clination of the sayin 43 egrées; wa ml en ptiar tees; 10 @. mibisier eed: adres to Ry charge, T5-degrees } io equals, perpendeular ; to their inleriofs, a Hol low fo the beck. “There” is oft extraordinary facalty these pevple have-acqulred, that of con- fF verging wth one person while they are listen— ing-to the conversation of all others withia ear- shot range.” We think, Genilemen, the’ freghing motceau i$ too pungent and characteristic to be last “fu yotr readers; and hopegou will bo of the same opinion. {[t will make every trie American stilt prouder of the “ Brave old Gommodore!” of wbom ell were so proud ig his palmy days of Ocean trivmpb. Stern and unyieldirg to the laef, He nailed his colowrs ta the mast,— That Flag, which only dank®-when all His masts did in destruction fall. “CURRENCY” pent-of the boesiness effairs of the cou acthing «more then wap prodicte’ whea the Goveroment, shut- tyng its eyes upon the: hghis: of experience, end torping a .de ef to the eounsels of wisdom, bolied oUF of. the safe paths of precedent and ussge us a ‘‘betferCurren- ey.” In elt oug> apeculenons concerning the proximate ‘censes of present disasters, let us pot lose eight of this important fact— for, upon the proper ‘appretistion of this fact, depend aft juet hope forthe restoration of order sad security, unless experience be @ dream. - Por-t@éniy years ptevious ‘te thiut fatal act of “disobedieace . which bronght death” into our concerns, the-busi: | ness. sfiairs of the-cobniry had” proceeded | wb the regularity ahd certainty of cloek - work. The moment the finger of violence was eid upon the mainéprng of the more- | \ ment, the dreorders whitch -have- ensued, |" “were fully foretold ¥p ; Bir rionteabe nies | quentes, hor has: of the predictions failed of us occdinptiehtnne > Reed ste Speeches inthe Sénaié-of the United States, in . 18$2~32,. and the. whole bistory_of jhe TUE*BBT The otter. der iv be pi t h ad.) sion, that thatdaty paid oo wottinn hit peop 4¢ Spaurend : -wtmitied trath, withoulany -proot tTforty bales enriched the Northero Maaefabier- |. Bs hyde oA, ae oe coe aie: «Same ¢ fens eee” pee ae atbnited ee * | Si soubor ‘ nel bo: seldom ingtease their moe oe wert, “Thig fie repeated ia b+ various found, strat ii.seeme ie gore 2 Ba | whatever, ite validity, and to depead -enicely on ¢ tity) nd | forbsoppon. “ft was ened attempted’ io jestify. Fant Tax a0 the, Seathera. cottea, - forty balep-Jor ‘the privilege of. selliag - evaty hundred bales produced or exdoried, ah laid, and of a reflective cast. Theshesd a a gis “Sy ra te inclined on_one sa and forward, raed wf" aeOF Whe feres @ Subject, ied alterwards- gatch ibe slightest d, ar bow to the sfigt Beene 6 Ps oricha? ret jisotigioa) Propli gators jp rattan Mido wee sligh at | areishagied ofir, and eodeavor to suppress thm * Oo met 5 Feound. ' The tenet sa in Proportuved io “atgiment, andtake » differest ground, ansertiog | that cofion forms the” “fergest amount’ of exporie {to foreign countries, and thar it ig necessary te take the,prodavis of foreign manyfaciere. ih-ex- chaoge, ag they. have noibing else 6 pay fer the | cation, without ‘doing this,’ thé capacity of for- eigners to porchase’ ‘and consume eotton is sus- pended or destsayed. Admitting this to be tor; rect. let ue engaite, where would.ibe American’ peaple derive or ¢ontinue their capaeny to -pur- chase aad consume foreign goods? Must ail their indugtry be -cdpfined to the prodaction ot} cattoe or sach- articles only ee con fo cachanszed for foreign produgts ? Cannot-cotion be sold for cash ia Earope as readjiy-andveasily as foreign avods cat. be sold for cash in the United States 2 W hen trade is Confined to the mere act of barter, there 18 no need for the, atsicte. called mpnay in ‘any form ; so thet this theory of casting: the bar-~ den of_ the ariff tax on the exports of cotton, ex clades. cesh from trade entitely, although it has atwaye heen considered the veryslife’ of srade and exchange. Still ft may be gode policy in any ¢oontry.io. make their exported producia, wneet the amévat of imports’as fat'as practicable. But to soppori a foreign interest at the ‘expense of ‘hothe interesi is. 4 seicidal policy and 8 voldn- tary sorrender of our National Independence, dy adopiing the Loglish colunial pylicy in, the time of Chatham, when by-act. of: Parliamect ai! Manofactarers of Wool and [tow were strietly prohibited” ig the colonies of Noth: América, —| The gréat benefite derived ‘by -tbe American people. from ' a Protective. "Lariff-are- the~ encour- agement of. home manofpctores, divesting: 3 part of the productive fabér ftomagricuhare, foraish ing a.fome market far its prodapis abd increas— ing their valoe, by reducing the expense “7 saving thé time of &° tong: transportation, grain, or even cotton, - ean be-sold - at or: ‘ie where.it growe, the prodscer saves the tite and \o afi export market; and the prige of thgse ait’ > cles Jike OrBTS. ‘Abing elee that ig or. sold, | is regulated and: governed by the Proportion ot} sapply to demand —hende, ‘when ‘many bands: are dizerted trom. the. IaGore of agrieoliere’ to paint profitable labor, § - heeome of | agricultarel prodactas dimioish esha been doced as-s seqaently ‘the - ae oo Nethak Te tad cntaekt lel pple ari ewe FP ary Ny ne PP POLI, 1. ey, oe ee z . leper de. sable iG toot die 1 pe. § Nii co aa ag De. enc pM all, @ + ; 7 Pinta Satay, a a meee a 2 i Ge — . g Wy hag honestmaa- Picated ‘hot entirely this allegation by raising up ¢ ‘theory, calledithe j Sorty bale systen, dhiely patported ty thy aiisie expense of ‘carrying it one or two hundred “tniles | _— dBef 08% on al the snange tind. — © ses a cat ooo a OC Aa = % . bd = ae —" % % 3 Se na vi Wa Ven. ys their-candidate ne ere inctined: 4o- think mais ose ot oepe tier eh onan am : ge t What {hey care. Sw phar: Mr. Calhoun is ib 78 thot Honest in ie whole aim & blinded 2, shat cacnot see Mr. Cal- ous object fo thos alavishly eringiag aod bow - —s _ Whoge very touch | Tog 0 , Ben es ait Ge’ pe wes, seco ig to his ‘opinion, often Soe th¢ Uorted Staces, The hone Courier ad- nila Abal-the: Whigs eeaaeats oiling _— 4 alat-vote.of virts aeneer. “do not see how - ferean baes any dodbts Opon that seore, for he well’ Kaows; that aft jn geveral Dis tcietp Where the Whigs: 1 po opposition the | Whig majority is: as great” 03 .¢ever, and when the. proper. time arzivesy will paar forth gach a | ote ag ami be felt not only ia'thee o&e-Districts, but strike terror fo the Logdeall oxer the. State, We would like. for. the Edisor_of the Coutier to inform, as why. it is shat the ° ‘Whigs baye not {elected = majority of the membera of Congress, with their knoww-end- ondispyted: preponderance tio-the popelar vote ? “Does be eai*betieva that if the Siate had been districted by -the last Le- gislatare eccording: tothe principles of honesty and justice, the Whi “almost beve‘made aeleag-siverp of the membets ? _' The Demeete's of Ciimbeclaud -eeld « meet- jug tu Fayetteville, op {ha 4ih inermal, ot which Mr. Hoke.was recommended -as the éandidatc -of the patty ~for Goveloor. But not ifke their brethred of Moore, dared not avow their prefer- ence’for the “Yittle Magician,” bat agreed to support the nominee of the National Conven- tion, le: bim be whom he may. One would think from the early start made by them io bringing oat their candidate so early, that they havé some ides wf carrying the Stale by storm. -But we are of the opinion, that if they had‘eommenced immediatly after the signs! de- feat of thes great. champior Mr. Heary, they Y would be just as far from bumbogging the good ‘People of the-State-as they afe now. CALHOUN AND VAN BUREN. Phe Jest New York: “fribone, gives an 2c- -eount of the proseedings of the Locofoco Ward meetings . for ihe telection. of delegates to the State, Convention, whictr is to assenble at Ssra- case. Ia the 4tb Ward two Van Buren men sad one Caltioom man were chosen by 2 close vote; and io the 9th Ward three Calhoun dele: gates were thosen,by an average majority of 119, ons largepoll, The Tribene farther says : Thisis the severest: @éofent the ** Old Honk- ere” Haye-met with. Mike Welsh was the leades af the Calhoun forces, which exbirited 2 -atrebgih we hed bo idea of. The’ poll closed io The résuh being 20 > Was ceceiv- teat Best three cheers fo a and the Dis- : e meeti “ta thé ‘Eleventh ?Ward ‘bere oat ii (wo to chodee, 20d ‘no division as to one of them ~~ For ihe other, the gaquatified Van Bu- i fen man provailed over the “ District Sysiem ” mad by SS majority. rs j . at ‘all. —The result of the meeti eee last evening, was ‘ol 9 Yan ‘aad 4 Cathoun Del- Mo” the Siste eee They were chosep afier (he su aa sath each sending 'n meee Soc: gate passed (35 to ge WieReriesgens Verner aiege 4 Hem of info:- ie oie the presen! sea- ate entirely y ab oa alla Soch Harford which 1s so Let the fer= the rue ise it bex bei ween hy SHALL PHE bd NUTS. ee | Wes Re * BE ee ate’, exchénige ps tablished thd : rise by"an 7 ae heghet tore s ; gues “Phat she Top Congress intend, if elect uve featers Ngo = 2M ang, . 6th. That produce has rsp in™ iv tion to the ineresse of the Totty, byt} olitigal Bia w mg up a merket at Home,“ mee te Phas ine 7th. That &owerds, ond. + he. 2a °F The month OF tio. pasty ome. higher in! specimen of to New York then io Livetpao!— Eisnipgphsc one ree an . saiig mainly atiribpted-to the feet thet: maau gs ~ tories have been pea st paee oy ited | econ’. pees - ‘bg p Dae wy we pcre of Taft thie by cutting up. cad nties and titoblog ‘the pie. } howe mate i. 4 ee9 thereof together, ia a ag we vek dawn the Sib. “That so Lecofece:d well known charges. A. oer: by eoares ua ; in WHIG OPIN Tine SRGIA eq rile, Potion open One. The Whig Convemion: the-wiehes-of a committee, of which Sengtor. Berrien ts {cae Bogitapren Ral. chairman, have ise0éd a0 able and injeres?} ting addregs fo, the-People of thet Stste.— The following iethe concloding paragraph: “The Conventien have.atso reconsrdeted + and ‘with entire vecnimity reaffirmed, the+ pomination of Hawny Cray for the office of’ Chief Magistrate of fhe Union.- triotie chzen, so long. Of thus ps- aad .40-, eminent! whose name is faaiilar a8 s household word throughoutthelength & breadiis of ont fand, vad who bas elevated our, nauontl charac. aime! ome spd abtoad, what shall we gy? leas ~iee ing and grarofo! sores Sha his services? For more than Abinty years pest the record of thew ig to be found in the pages of oar nation’s bistiry, What then—shall we Begilent? . No, felicw citi- zeas! We beer {6 you the aspiretions, the ardert desires.of a 90 fering pedple, as they are wafted to us on every breeze fronr whe North: snd from the Soath, from the*East and from the W of freemen béwing in bumble submission 16 that ingeratible Prov- idence which hss ‘heretdfore wtested from them the fruits vf victory, bul firm in ther reliance on the same abiding..mercy which. bas been so often vouchssfed ‘to them, sirong.io the assurance of -a hape which. bes never faltered, aod turning. wath anrted and unwavering confidence to the Sermer of Ashland a¢ the stay and ‘hope of oa: countey, -0f Deo jucante, the restoret and protector of her prosperity ond happiness. Prepared for the siraggie which awans them, tbey ‘bide thew tame.’’ and they. ssy.to (he, freemen of Georgis, ‘Br yoralso ready. » KENTUCKY. It appears that Henry Gsider, and not J. W. Irwin, Tylerite, is elected to Congress from the Sd District. The Legislatare stands thn: Senate, Hoase, Whig 26 Whig - 62 Locofoco 12 Lacoufeco $7 Whig maj. 14 _- 95 Ove Delegate donbifal.; one Lone Senator pledged to vore Whig ; the seal-of another con- lestedby a Whig. A decided a Wig gaia fiem last year. ALABAMA LEGISLATURE, — The pasties stand tas: Leecfoco, Whig. House G2 38 Sanate 19 14 St 52 Locofoeo majority $9, being (wo fess than last year. x . Mr. CLAY IN O@te. The folowing highly setisfectory infor: mation of the evrent of opinion among | the Whigs of the great State of. Ohio is eopied from the Ohio State Journal of the. 29th ultimo: “It most have been observed that every declaration of mass and dolegate Conven - tions throughout this Stete ‘heave deen in Te. ra of the great American stalesmea of Asb- and. expression, in a. township, country, or: dis- Wict meeting, or meeting of delegites, {and | 19"5' bearly every one has spoken;) bat what has been a clear and explicit commend: ton of Henry Clayvand an ion of akigoei confidence in the election ol thi Tavorité of | all who are advocating 4 complete restota— tion and establishm@™=ni of ‘the pabcy of Washington end.the farliers of the. Repnb- lic—the Ameriesa policy and~ Repablicsh principles. ~ Phere-is batone feeling among us in Ohio, aad for this reseon- We, have neglected 10 copy. sli the expressions _of public feeling, but have been content -with recarding those of Congressional \Conven lions, Our friends. in. otbes, Sites may rest assured that Heaty~-Clsy wilh. this State ageinet Van. Buren, or pins . spay or-40) modify the Tout as td aleip a st moter 4 We do not remember having:seen om | tte iqiporiant marter Of oceam siexm = i} “THE FOX AND. THE, weasels. The Virginian chuckled” at the idea’, thaf nei" ther Van Boren nor Calhouw “can. be elected, an@ that Clay will wie the pnze.” Is it not op, who tells.ag the fadleof the Fox, whe eatried away thé prize frocathe 1wo lordfy ahi mals, who had worried and exbaueted each oth Y | er? = Enquirer. distioguisbed jo the conoeils of the nation, | Well, really, we never could have i thatthe Exnqotrer wauld have. enditsell, he epi- thet wpplied by Mr Calhoun to“ the awest- tit: - tle fellow,” andeay-chat liule Van, hke ‘the fox ye Wie: fable. wanlds.catry: atay the. puzs fram Fp se -artimals”—-Harty of ihe West nes et We sately cannotbe mista. en as to rate the Boqairer assigns” the ‘pert’ on "in the S eeneth te drama.” He Domestic Industry ~The Toriff = ia apt jo foil operation; and same of. them. te fal- fi! orders for export are running. day and night, Bith-iwo-distinet sete of operatives. ~ Speaking of the politics ofthe day, the Cin- cinnati Chronicle says the pasition of parties, for the next two. yeard, will be something tike Mid- shipman Easy’s dael—trangolar. The resutis of the elections have demonsirated-shat the vaci- tous” branches of the. Gavernment: will be held thos if Fagen % Tyler; Senate, Whig; Hopse, Loco Foeo.- This_isa very. good arrangamen, excepting the difficatty. in*the utder of firing. — Heretofore both thé President and the Luco Fo- cos have fired oa the Whigs, which is not alto- derherveyaitabls. ‘Suppose thé Locke fire on the President, the Pystident on the Whigs, and the Whige on ibe Locts. This istikely 10 be the cage, at least in pariz-for the Globe and its >eo- ‘adjoto-s are making. furinus war en ibe’ Presi- dent, to keep biar oufof their camp, where he would make ae much mischief as Sampson's fox es among the fields of the Philisiines. j _ Extractof a Letier from Orange They bad a Loco Foro meeting here, the «ther day, which nembered some 20 or 25, f andes. stand, After it was over; Montgiwnery stepped up te:eome wan whom he mistook for one’ of them, aad remarked, sotto voice, ‘a doen: | smal} affair.” “Yes,” replied the other, ‘jos: sueh gone as yea deserve” ‘The Ducior Shv- ped. ‘Fhe late trip of the Cunard steamer Hibernia from Hiatifax to Liverpool, in the brief epace of eight days shd twetity boors, js perhaps the mosi exiragrdinary, performance of steam nevagaticn on teedd, ‘The circumstence, ‘#6 may well be imagined, excited no Iittle stiention in England. & London paper has the following remarks ia relation to: the’ passage < “OF alt the eXtraofdinary paesigés we have ever noted as having been ‘accomplished. by the} stedmefs between jlils aad America, none have ever egasiidd shat of the Hbecnia, [0 og a memoradle feat, and must completely wet at regs thie question of success anit of salety in the acca Sledming. We have here x stesinet- arriving fromthe shores. of North America withig.s peri- pad of nine days, 20 Accomplishment scat e]5 io be etedived, and which, when abpouoged by tel. egtaph, could hardly te believed Capt: Jud- kins cannot but fed! prood of tis noble ship and her wondsous @, the shortesi of which had Caer ialtiobod hp teers » bat beliewed by few. “ft egnaut be chen. tae : heweficial io ing yaad we truet that if anything he gat Wanted to eettlo the iow of ability and power id *tegatd to ttiese vessels, i: has now been more hopie separed SWEARING, our OF FAS8 iON. ‘Toone of the exeelte letters of Pirtr-* pad nts vo a 4 Gornsl, who~ie in ~ ad gayei— “Sonne on en am. bere Peas bd sag Sepa ont of fashion. eae ihe no- | bility, beesase I have got wae an ele, bat witht ‘elf other: classes. thao * Seco ete af ** Oithe ahd. un. ction ies; are a bs aienttog Z mem, ¢ e lan. scarcely 4 cotton factory in New England thet aie : ee em," * Ia thi ere IDh insiaat, . x awe es “A mgr ~ apres tae, te on we. 7 , Ore “ ore Cn kate cee ri PMc “axe Dra is place, so NN > periber ia } yes nighé, "he? chesnut sorrel Hon” wodld eqwe a «dollar, eee said Pa, 1 'd Wooder-my baad woy fook wiI toe days of wy We ‘ath et eine ate wot sng? ta en x Gr. 4 gs Se owe a ee BPs REI ew Se, Pes wisted Sar, : aries = Sept Chaffin, Dosty., ~ 1843—$w7 Writiog aad WP Jowelle ‘i laforming hi ; Ba and the ruble, that he 1s still carrying on the Waieh and Cluck m4king, and R- pairing basiness,at his old’ : stand, near the Coartheus: - AN work dope by him will be warranted. ter (welve monifis. Hestil] keeps op hand @ sma assortment of Jewellery, Oid Gold and-Sitvertaken in exchange fos rv or work. done; poleheny Hareb 12, 1842 = 1138, ‘As the Administrator of Na- 1. eu aH. sell a at ihe above ‘en or Fifteen VAL To the Business Public! BOOKS! BOOKS! !. LOW sate at thie OF PICK cheap for cash, » splendid sdpply of Blank Day Books, Ledg- ers, with the alphabet to each, of all sizes, . an. bound in plain and élegant style. orandam, best paper. Also Mam, phering Bonks, of he Sep 2, 1848 —H0 DAVID L. POOL, — : LAKES shies me‘ bed ot 6 friends, Salsi SALISBURYEN: C. bury, Jan. 7, 1848— 1124 = ATTORNEY “AND ‘COUNSELLOR AT LAW. “Bidany Evening | Candies er single Locoface, @ majore as over- hein as did Gan Pr aa, > Th : cing the, result. State says: aon ¥ ton, that at RO. pe tacky been More thdroug: now, and jatend@ to remet. - monsirated: @heb thie ail before the péepte aiihe Sie Phere may be jf sous of sptereat— : ‘bin will atebée diaetae le ob ough age the aug uP indomit _ © —S, ee e 5 . . sire Denia > Pm sts od bated, bei ie 5 eS ng C ominisgioners. a a LIN SAY. Peaenp a Seep moa om a eredit a as ND. head Faaithgetote, . 7 j mmnmalne! said fs- | by 52, isnow. going ap, ve wails: qi! propabl are wil! be received in . , A. G. CARTER, Ad . won by smirk 2. a 7 DOMESTICS, THE SALISBORY MANUFACTUR- ING COMPANY aes ing AF SA farting, fesse. ‘$4 do. /8- do. CHC. Reavy ? rovared at angother establishment. « J. RHOPES BROWNE; Agent. eal dal Mey 8A" 1848—1' as; , ° aS 300 MALL : AVE still fertier reduced the PRICES of ae MANUFACTURES; in: eonse- of (be cost daed deprebgign of Bosjsest Pf Shronghgut ibe country. Taoy are aanufactur- 8 Dotton Yas ‘915, MN 04. assore. The Pablic are assured tba ‘vex goods are of the bret quality, and can, “be wehased on (efms as frvorgble, as they ean be g f. ‘eek ee ee = tsa pe 2 Se = i P\Enown aad ~ ee fing pe _— ee = Pay ~ e 85 : een bak ¥ ; abd.plere « om Be i = naes fF ecnok “~ - - y hee ee oe a ene, = ~ Perms mate WW evitabe Gerd ness ‘of. iWe Tithes.~ ~ COB SKILES. es Bs Aug 28, 1843—bub uf -his lege. He at eet} | so at anaes and inal ar, we wh " bliad in omé “eye Any- pesson 44 Sift) 4 i bose and retarsing bid te we, will ans a ing djreeted the : Lie gone r-warded, AC BU r : Aven Safisbory, Sept 16 1949 ‘a Re: Pig KF po setestar atte z. nel, a +b . ed Bana for’ Sate - ee ee ae mre eatitactery tha Hy <A Psat. exposé at Pablic Auc-| “4 * lrpue subschibers ignore io abe) 5 Spee Samia tiod on the 26th rueteat, at the Coori” Hodse-ie “West. offersifor "sale: note PRACT: Heywood, ée., Te., Dee.. “Wied. Laie SiGe cesar, Ae a ea s a: Coated conveyed io me pitta es eae papal phen To. as 5M. Taadeay 50. ACRE pda simapfoyed—-all.. neceteory + ,-Sir-—Your nr agent left with meg qosnilsy ol nes wherein ; jtatied. joer ae 4G: erso the sgenief the Boord, ogs..buildings, 75, Actes:0f bouomr| your Vegejable Pills 10 sel} ‘Th sales hape 4 GW. PEARSON: sniat a Jacnes Reid, High Rock »N-.C varaele pod ! ed 8. ur Pre atyy Sg ebro dew ax a . . Davie county, Sepi 2, 688-3 w7 : Ss eb eet themecives aod ceigifaere bees have Ostd Thou ie oft tanitties in’ Sik Sestpche. aml -Dewol: Osepisint wank ao ver faitiog-sueeess Allow me to: particalange “4 Some whatone -of-my neighbots, Viexdonn y "Meee thabibe defendant 4 State; ofi-motion, ordered for siz weeks, that the defendeat’ next Court of Please. and Quatic de held | for Horse th te wembernext, then “aed Pheteto. plead. pat t sions, oP T r ans Wer and cost. at uffiee, thé ts: aaapday in Phas att 1843, Ang. Wb” 1843, te te few’ $5,5 bin onic to the Afllicted ROM the many. and exrraardinary. ‘cures have porta ¢ Wheo-tbe skill-and hopes allolbers bad par Bare Seggesiions friends shat | ehoold make pablic that ail am Pger of disease ineident to the Hagan Family, ia contemplated with a sperdy ‘and } ESP 190% LB upehs the-palilie that pPBOTPOL. rr ni Mill, fowp atiles from iyeutent; weet, bare Hand, . in cers, JOURNALS, pay, ase, Hebips, Rested, Se cte a, ae Fe State of Porth €avolina. Romar, Cowaty Court, Auger Sesion, ote this pubiication. be made in the Carolina Watchman orbs Rates of Rowan; at the Cour Ory, on.dhre first monday ‘in No= { ‘deat, else jadgment final will be taken against 4 she Gatnishees, 10 satisfy the plaipufis “Bemane Witness, John Giles, Dlesk of onr; ‘said Court} N-GHES.“O%- @ svbad cure :—. “} sich as Consumption, Dincey. Livet Complaint, Disperaa, Cancers, Rueomatiem, Asttima, Fe " ‘P vor of every description immediate! Patrasied. | Rhodes, was taken sick -with fever eabom ihe Girstof fast Summer. we PSiciao, ahd in follow! pis pr peftially restored {6 5 bot | se cantee of e~ few days wae taken down tigtie, pend Ris ese was’ | 99 bad ihat bis physiecien evony foars Ea 1 Woabir Assee, Soha Gite agto his-ettimate recovery. dn this cogdi'idn, pens Vogler crt ew be dvaght and used a.box of De. Brogg’s. Pilis $vlaria L Beis, alia the Sed as Gernteheee. without the slightest beneGit Some one who ’ Coffée a hedoped your: Pills,eirongly recommended bem isfaction: of theiGosn 10 him + seeordingly he-porchased 2 box. and his’ ihre ee peg es , did him more good than all the medieme. he ‘used cating his ikne*s—in fett, they: cored hine”™ He hie-ever si ‘the most perfect health Agother case 7 Mr,. Daviel-, Robertson, evffering: -with Chills aod Fever, -wag-restored to: bh. -by the use of your Pitls © Stitt roettery ty fas tberein-lew, Fraticig M. ‘Wood, was-danger— ousl¥ sick with fever, aceompanied with geliri— om,ahd out faint hopes were entertained for bis retovery. We made ttiel of your Pills, and she | very soonbeged (6 improve, aed in 2 shori time fram the. first vse ef your medidine. tie -was re- | Stofed-to good heslia. He wage they were ihe means of saving his‘life. . . CR AQANSON. rom G tA. Hoddleston, Fisg ; a 7 respecte bie Merchan(, of Wilson oe., ‘Ten, Huddleston, Crose- Roads, Wilson co. -» Tenn, January 14, 18438. Thiet to gertify, ibett was appointed an Agent for Dr. Spencer’ @ Vegetable Pile fest Aprih stoce which times have sold aboat'seren- ty boxes; and: they have given better saligf#etion abe ed oetigccog vd better than at F oma P.nét p hide S¥er cola. he best evi he <0 or ont i 1 of of ae w ‘aebuped ts the Post | Pilla; goon nated qi act We havé@empfoyed the best-of Northern | kes 1 Fert ont mach” . ; No expanag-ot- paige Will ve upared ood beslibfal 111. Gyrengeb. agate this 2- <n oy 5 9%. creaving end imprt tae screener ign ooh Years 26d. past sf thetime 10 Fashionable Establishenest } |” dorable, mzener. -We-hase been | engiged tégvlarly-in cutting for the last fire tg eee rH a ‘ a aan Dseonaty,: “orate eae ae ws ef ine these: whooneé take a Bee shase PRICES CURRENT AT | evroes. at Anetion. tymach or Bowels, 2 specific for diseases y ilies re not ites . he <-withoge them, 304 ie: ¥ ¢3 . rao ‘ rs Craldren, sech 4s Ctrofera dnfantom, . : Saguvagee Begypener te. 2 Fr Si: Those disposed 10 make 9 trial rae tet eee er J 9 ym ven atte in Cents. Gents, f tite anid -medicing. will apply id meé, occupying my own fagitly with-ealire iW Captive Seeon, 5 « 6} | Cotton Yarn, Te) _} the Bret House @ joining ‘he jait jet. ness, Sick’ Headtehe, and Buwel™ Chap hict, Hrandy. ap. 85 aaa Molasses, 35» ng JW: aVNeSRURC. thee ate the beat madicine 1 am acquainted wich each, 40 a 45 [ Neila; _— j sy cameleindl x o.a\Natl herd cote.“@hs Solisbury. Siig. 26, 18421 975 * fo GB HUDDLESTON. Batter, - > 104 raf Oats, 16 a 5 Re ren ‘oust Hon ee @adetion : we EFDa the offt ot tho-nale pS “the - For tale wt ahatey by’ ic de Be 6 i 88 ry ; Ye em 5 eswax, 20a “4 Pork, Ls Mood ot ORE oe EBu perior Congr, (Sap- Srb instant, 2 blue Broadeloth Cloak part. inion, Jobo Moke, t ‘olton, clean 54.8 6 | Sugar;.br. 5210 “oe { shout Fh hive rig wera. The owner Gan have-ihe same by sbet ville, oC Rave: Coffee, Salt -. Voaf,, 158 18 RRINNTE, HHS “a tohy- poe ange for this nd ife. rb CLARKE. - “ Spartanbudg, Folge: $36 Corny, «38°40 | Salt, sack, 2.76 $3 | 1. swelendle, NEGROES, ut babi. sexes, | Solabuty dat 26, 1849-173 Rattertordron.,.D Mek Peathers;; itt 220} Tallow | seed of alt paar Persone wots on ye “= »Chartot'e, B Oasis. * > se ° tein ‘Ger veatv-fos” sey pSriieulnr- epeaes ae - And wry dé" fowtidiins moe ‘of the towaerend Fiassiod, 8 ; oer: eb Lie i. 3 238 cmploymest,-or thorq.able to “take odéan- Spring ‘gat “meaner villoyee ny be ‘Tuded Gsm i ‘10m, perth. Be 4 Wheat, hush 761 ee Or etearenreey ead oy) tines: re E Ss F Raney 46, I9B—Jy8-. Ff 6 te pure J ASHICHN tor i | inseed Oi g al pa Rjsan) 3 3.30 <4 The sale will continue from day to any LEGS. 7 tr . ; ete “ a unptit peed werd are ew at. VEGET.IBLE: saree, OND AGUS F YErrewtt.y 18, > A credit of sig moothe will begiven, i a ANDANT PEVERPILLS.. . r = ion a5: ents + 3 By BORDERS Aget - NEW | | A cetfatit died effec: ofl Cate for AgWtene- 2 Meaay ida sat 55 ; Fh Sead oF 3 a ce 1949403 Taito’: id ist as ‘mers sise.ased dnecpeefally in the’ trex. dacen, - Fa AOd } Sager bros, rs fay Ruled Peper - ; z adlishimen ; ewes oe = jal Nere Cadre, = 8a JL deme: 480 TB 6 etry aieapaated Mobinil! ALSORROOK &.MILDER | |." Unuton, © 5} a Gp Salt; 50 2 66 ye ak < Me i eg OH TAILORS, - “< % of this Carne to coo fimhicimeal tte wel Oe WE ‘STABLISHMENT (Late of the City of Raleigh.) Phgsionae oie ‘hea 3 EFUB 14 fF Sotion “<= /0C ie W E have > located , ‘sareeieae the T: f} it Ts, that ag 4s @ver Flaxseed _~ 80-2 99 Taleo ae ok Binding §: Blank Book; Salisuary, (per pd bad inakee er used w an ae gO a “ets Tey flour 4 aga new reted as »Manwactory, - ‘4 tying-on cf BOCTNES Sn we to be a and, no ce attain sre a, 25 * oN Ts ; ‘|S ogt int e E p. |, eMiliete Mt igh eS LINCOLN PAPER DELI NO. nf pit ibn GR arate ma Iptaess. Persone ilisg.cie ape ds ty | the C&At~and Fever the: first day “and oe sicken the etomach or ope Bpon_- he bowels whole Jo _ ie 0 Barle-her Indeed; the waete,tepeitet And she shali herve veem—not by 700, Whe plag one-hole snd open we, As tinkere bangle apa keule, By sésping down the solid metal For tier sly porquidite; Bat by ~~ Arties Of skill and sgience high, "Taogiit 10 the shops of those who knew Both how to plan and. build her ‘too ! Unmask, anmask—vnmash you most ; Pseodves must tite their netive dust: Tce Yong babe charlatans eve been | oo Presbribing to gress freedam's queen The deadly dose !—’Tis time, high time Vo porify-her-of their-siime. Poo'fong the EscuLarian” stake Has Slombered — he must now asske— Cast off his. slaogh—erect bis crest « With burnished glories on his breast,” Reparge itie naiton trom discase, As formerly he did ip Greece, Phacg-puriiy, Jo open day, . Susisined by Whigs ond Harry Clay. 6 * The Whig Party, \ooften defeated by seit own defeplt. om From the Washington Capitol. } “ALES ‘WELL THAT ENDS WELL.” BY HORATIO KING. # Ffogor and shame trom no condition rise ; . Aot well your part, there afl the honor fies.” - “Say whet yoo will, Mrs. Eenelon, my daughter shall pever merry @, mechanic— that point 1s settled beyond question. What right has a mechanic to seek her hand ?— She moves, now, in the fils: society ; and { iofend she sbell never unite besself in matrsige wilh ony one whois nother equal, at feast, io rank.” “Welt; they dossy,” replied Mre. Lin- cota, “that George Hamblen hse acinally offered ‘biaiself to her, or is on the point of doing 0, and if gocd be the fact, and. my advice. were asked in we,matier, I should sey let Masy accept him by all means; she cah never do better, sad may do. much worse. As to your remerk sboutseak, if you intend to ratimate that bis rank isnot eqval to that of your déughter, I must be allowed, frankly, to differfrom you True, George 38 a mechanic; but I have yet to. learn shat-@ well edvcated and accompiish- ed young man, !ke hidk is any the less a gentleman, or tho less eniitied to be con- sidered as of ihe “‘first society,” for beng & mechanic.” : . “Oh, pow, you teedp’: talk so to me,” anid Mra. Ons; “‘you"l never meko me de- leve @ mecbenic is a gentleman, tn the-true aceeptation of the woul, ‘Tbere-tay be some who erelolershly edacated, end knaw* liow to appear’ quite respeciably when thrown into cOMpsny 5 bat there 1s Some- tng 10 my @ind, so vulgar in the idea ofe mechanic, thar Leen hever tonsent to any arrangement whith would tend to introdrce inem- ante the first society Last of all, shail any one, with My permission, ever Ba- Tote me o@ bis mother in lew. Pshaw! Mrs. Linco'n, the thing is preposterous.”’ “sf, doubtless sppears so to you, Mrs, One; yur yout views, on this subject, are nll wrong, . You cenfiot hove examined it in its true ight, end reflected properly upon i. (Pray, whom de-you consider as the on- ly persons wht> should compose whal you call the ‘first society?” “Why, professional men, of course—such as lawyers,-doctors, ministers, &e , 28 well as ganemen of plevenre,serired merchanis, and otters, wbq@ are living upon ther mo ney, withopt say particlar employment I do not wish-to be vdderstood a8 saying thet mechanics, farmers, ond the like, ere not respeétable mn theis.placer, Mre. Tancolo ; oll Lack is thet they move in their proper | sphere and: nni intrude ibentselves where | accomplished young doctor, st this point.— , “Where thought méets thought, ere from the lips it stact, And each waray wish springs mutsal from | _. he heart,” —= lesaing thie part of the pictare to the im- aginatyon of the reader—we come directly to the feet that, al} parties joyfally assenting, the beas were duly published, end the day of matriege Mery never fooked more beentiful t on themotning of ber marriage dsy—e bright morbieg in Mar “Hiexveo was in hereye. - {o every gesiure dignity and love.” At the sppounted hous, the bride and ty five ¢ they do not belongs”: “Yes, 1 understand: you prefers sn associate for yourself ind daughter, the ‘polished gentleman of teisure,to an bon- eat, intelligentand industrious: meehuaic. — And who sre-many of ‘these gentiemen of leisore, whd ere. sdmilted into, and caressed hye your ‘first sceiety 2? Bankrapis 1 pro- porty, moral preverple, sad every thing else, except brass and bfisiles; creatures, who sould pace currently for puppies exery where, fexcept the fire} eoctety,) thangb bat for theit logyacity, some wight be te- kon for Yours im” breeches, of duradg-avt- ange from the asteficistand:? | Agamns: your | lawyerd, doctors.snc: civings, } Laya.noth- | bridegroom— Mary Ons and ing to aa: in your own, Jangdage | respect | hams, altended by. ber caysin. Lacenzo and them all in ‘therr places.’ -Bubes diaiioct classes ia society, nether isa whit beter, ’ as nofe respectable, “then the hardy me- chaoids sad yeomanry of our country gen- erally. Bf ihere be apy distinction, the pro- tani. dacing clatses pre eetjanm'y, entilied to. the | higher consideration.” ® Well, Mrs. Liecole, yon don’t heat giit- Why. pour doctrine; -cormed~ sat, {or the “frst society” emang por of tg lmparitise, end the WOrthy mechanic #8- ary fied now jot moter troduced He had no sooner left ihe house ther Mrs’ Olis embraced the occasion-ta draw 8 lively comparison between. him, as oae of the learned professions. end méechaniées — With en air of eelf sanafection, she said— “Show me your mechanic, Mis. Lincoln, who ig able to congerse like Dr. Williams. Did you not observe the variety and extent of his knowledge, his happy Facalis munication and pol Not to me of your met every thing pleassn! and agreeable—nay, even valuable, in a gentleman, § will place Dr. Williams, futile as I have seen of bim, ageinst apy dozen mechanies you can pro- duce. Mrs. Lineotn not disposed to eontinne the controversy farttrer, and ever willing to acknowledge merit wherever she saw it, very cheerfully concurred in the favorable opinion expressed of Dr. Willrams—adding, however, that there were mooy mechanics folly equal to nm in extent of knowledge. resdiness of communication, and polish of address. hi is peep tos Ous. a young female as carriage, in reedmnese. end w | whodied wo €8 fotadally 107i: ‘the newly -@atrind.coupple 19 those is Wait- ine te them. > hs _-Condgclng them at onee 19(0. Of the company, *Al . ee ite ge | ’ ’ wt a * y eee 2 ee 98S do ved sieke eft | 20 do Ginghame | . Oe wean an¢hor bold hortapd willow 487 dacputad leat” " of B20 do cotto@bahdkercbiefs” - 124@ pb shoes, assorted © 80 casps hate aseor 3 ‘bondets ass 288" die. combs assorted 425 crogs.butions assorted 45 saddies assotted ~~ 22 dig grass and fo RET As80c10-' we ond waht of gen. temsn!y ateomphshments. Heoce my dn- opinion of thea ae. class. Bok, obaeried no Wefiéncy of edacation; | iked. your apparent eineetitys-1 was pleased with your deportmen|— I eatettdined the mast entice 2eonfi Get honesty. sod purity of “yoor arora | riverples.” Why, then, shold f hesitate? The lutle deception @hich, Fam wal! sware~ ticed at The iostenee | of per who is now your.wile—borne.on by fries not excapling ber owe father, 0 hom she} confiied—is of slight atomsay ~Ou'p. het there be ao fusther deception—as! sm-sure none is iolended—and f exo most Cheerfat- forgive vad forget whet has € wy véughter; vt is your choice—11 ts press. foo jete. &¥ ¢ Uaned Stars ed j rem returned-from ¢ sbort, walk: Well Knowing the prejudice of ber aginst mechonics, she reettately t0- sisted thet Mre. Liarotn must dave mistaken ber cousin Lorenzo fir Mes Hambjen, os ihe person with whom: she was, promensding. whi at her port’s, At the momedt the door: bell rang. and 2 gentleman wos.immediniely conducted into | the room, wham Mery secognized and ip- Mr. Wibllismss, a young physi | cien from a neighboring village. met hiw.as @ recent party ; and he had call- ed, in passing, jost to present dis compli- ments to ber, and see that she euffered no inconvenience: from ‘het exposure to the damp air op the night of the party. His age was about twenty-two—bis sta- tore a litle sbhosethe.meJium height —eom- ptexion light—eyes and nose promingeat— ard his expression altagether agrees dle. After # half'af boar of pleasant converse- tian; he-tonk ‘bis leave, fo however. wish- ont receiving and accepting @ very pressing invitation from Mrs, Ons... in which her Gaughter, of coursey modes.ly joioed to call in stythes St dow. koives bod forks 4 doz eoMing knives - 27 dom weeding hoes 9 blackmith vises + do -antils © pr do belfows 15 dot saddle trees 30 pieces-bagging $ colle rope 405 bage coffes 17 hhes'sagar 173 kegs white tea 92 pis elliptic springs 75 pre (race chaio 1000 Ibs loaf sagar 54 kegs powder | 182 kegs nails and brads, ; Together witb a general stock of fall kinds of GOODS. These goods were selected’ with the ofniort care, and they have been bought wilh cash and. for cash, #bich is more hab any other establish - | meot in this place ean say, (if ‘hey speak the troth) ; aad we farther say, that it is by far the that hes ever been brooght to this we defy. contradiction. These nd we are deierepiere sell h, lower than they Can be womb elsewhere, tet the price be warden” ; we ask is a call, if S8erecifally yours, ~ J & Ww. MURPHY. Salisbory, April 29, 184$—1f40 NEW: Spring &. Summer GOODS. HE Subscribers are now seceiviog the lar gest and most complete stock of desirable Goode, éver broughi to this market ;—coosisting io past of Englyh and French Cloths and Cassi meres, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans ano Geaile- men’s snmmer cloths, Nankeen and Cotton Cas simeres, French, Engtish.and American Prints, Painted and figured French musiins and Lawos. Satin striped and Paris figuted Balsoreins, (new article) plain, Bl.ck and fancy colored Lawns, Scotch ginghams, Crape de Lanes, Plain sod figared mustin de Lanes, Plaia aod figared Chat } jas. Black and colored Alpacker tastete and Bom- bagines, Blue, black and colored, plain and eirt ped silks, Silk gimp and fringe for. trimming dresses, Jaconett and Swiss muslins and Bishops Lawes, Gambroone and J.inen drills, Black and fancy silk Cravats and Stocks, Sitk and Linen handkerchiefs, Maslin collars and Sik dress shalls, Black and white sitk Hoge, Bolting cloths, from No 5 to9, (warranted genuins,) Teilors irimmings, lagrane carpeting and matting, ‘Vai- ints, Lawn, Florrence, Braid and Straw boonets, Panama, Leghore, Fur and woot Hats, Seal, Cloth and Leather Caps, Robinson’s fine Kid slips,do Seal and celf walking, 4 doz. Miles’ fine Philadelphia made calfand morocee Beols, 15 eases Gentlemen's and Ladies lined and bound low price shoes, Coockery, Hardware; Saddlery and Sedlere t:im mings, Carriage trimmings of every description, Smith and Carpenters tools, 2 large .quaniity of Sote and Uppet leather, (very chea giaes, Potiy, Nails, White lead ntife, (warranted’good,) Castor Oil, Salis, Qui- nine, snd Rowan's Tonic mixtore, Loaf, and Lamp sugar, 20 Hdds Brown do. 25 Héds Molasses, $11. bags" Rio Coffee, $ tons English “Tire, Spring B ister and Cast Steel, a tacge assortment of Lron and Castings The sbove Goode was selecied with greatcare, sud will be sold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at unprecedented low prices pectfolly invited to call and exemine for them-~ JENKINS & BILES. Salisbory, April 22, 18484989 hee been pract ‘‘'o you, my daughter cow just entering vpon new and importent:relanions in life, in the language of gnother, let we scviee you that the good wife is offe who is strreity and conse:sntionly ‘virteous ; ble and modest from reason ang conviction, submissive from ctioise, and obedient from jaclinsions What she acquires. by tove, and preserves by prutlence, her dehgbt to please her hostiand, berng confident that-every thing thal premotes hiv happiness, must, in the ead, coniivate to ber own. “She-slways rejoices in bis pros- perity, aad wy her tencarness and good hu- mor, leseons his cares dnd -ffletrons. —and miy Heasyen bless you both.’ Young Hamblen, 2s may well be sup- nosed, wes not free fromemberrassment on this oceasion. Addressing Mrs. Ous. ‘You are correct,’said be, ‘ia the that | yielded, with gre littte artifice she is hum- She makes it Jargest siock plate aod them for ces ,erwersnce, to the been employed, I ooty on the strongest 48 lgurance, from those whom! knew to be that -I should be held Itt have sated go tere tt res Talk | your beat frends, nice? Ia pornt of | blemelessia the matter, into port ander false colors, ) was vot from mt o@d inclination. but in obedience to commanding signal from the very prize | ‘have captored,, Oapitot Hin, D.C. of manners. AMERICAN INDUSPFRY. The Newark Dati; Advertiser saya it is that two thirds of the eolton vera now spinning in Piterson te of contract for Thus it ts that Ameri- can industry aod eoterprise, under the fos- tering influence of the American System is remotest corners of the the Amerscan~ Manchester thrives on tbe profits of a trade with Chins, the neighboring farmer @ill find 8 ready and exieadiog homé market for his pro- the China marke: ! extendisg to (he giobe. As per, to remark here, that Angos- quire, the husbend of lady Otis, wae s.gentiemen of great good sense, and & lawyer of distingoiehed abitity. the son of a worthy mechanic, he was or ver beard to spesk of mechanics in any other than terms.of the. greatest respect. over. had be been present, there is little risk in saying Mrs. L-acoln would heve found him beantily concurring. with ber wp support of her cause. Dr. Wiliams soon became intimate at the house of Mr. Oris, .who with his lad spared no pares to make hia visits. agrees tohim. It was slso.gvile spperent that Mary contributed ber part,towards the same end, with the most perfect cheé;folness end good | watt. As the writer is nat wt liberty to disclose | farther what transpired in ihe jpnocent ead friencly intercourse between Mary end the The Phildelphia United States G>zette sevs thats gontiemen celled a} the coun- ting-hoose of ave of the iron merchant tbat city to purchase fifty tone-of pig ram In the course of the negttotiog the mer vice (O° wha’ purpose the ion was, to be epplied.” “To make weights for Yenkee clocks.” “Why, whal can yoo do with so many elonks?”” =“ They ard shippedto England.” Fifiy.tons of woo for clock weights, escb requtriog probably leas theo five pounds !— An Evglish paper states that they are being introduced into the manufecluring: distrets of Great Britein, end almost evety work- maa was becoming the owner of one of lors Patent sheers and chant was lec to i Think» of that | ) Window o. 1,2, and InpEPENDENCcE In Wooten Masurac~ rurE —The Portiend. Advertiser stetee shat the domestic manufecture of. cerpeirrg is fest staining a firm and prosperous positon, that the .mporistion of the lower priced carpetings-12 bow entirely ceased they are dow bringrag oat-sesaveral esi2b~ lishaents io HiieGonntry superior Brticles of Brussels carpet? It-is but lately that this higher brénch-of thé srs hav been in thie country; and soch is the tty, under, the .torifl. protection. ‘tat Broesels cerpet sells 0! fees r toed the ev, ed of ihe forage aificle — The same medofictdrer is at this moma! ngigome \o commence the. #eawng a sull bigher end moe veyaa) prospects of sor The Pablic are res ; and that Rev. De Bacthalomrw’s PINK EXPECTORANT S¥RUP.| < An agreeable Cordial, und effective Remedy for Coughs, Hoarseness, Colds, Pain in the Breast, Iufluenza, Herd Breathing, and diffical | Bxpectoretion. §CF*Forsaleat the W Office, and by C-B W teeter, Salisbary < aoarch 4,4843—89S2> |. C. B.. Wheeler, sole Agent for Dr. Rowand, has just received a fresh -op- Trapr Tonic. Mixture, apd tetaj', at hej attempted of Negroes* Shoes, which pe desires those wishing $3 | i fesp nding wart young Wil- socitigesiepped into 8 at the door, sad has tened (6 Wait epon the minisier.of thie pireh, residing al the uitlege,abeut eigh! miles tis: ore Io the mesotrne & shall. party of friénde, Mr. Latcolty among theires?, seeem,- bled atthe bose of Mir Quis to offer their | congratylatons.teshe happy coupie ao thee retota, and tender the aed apch jay ous The wiviste the get@mony, “whi {with Uibir ettendehiis’ immediately setort met at the door by . of Wiltoa cerpets, costly gfade, with ply of bis genoiné r sale wholesa i isbury, N.C. re st ab 3 » a = 2 i. Tue Bomsry Businece, 9978 the Nie Yuck Soe; hke alafost alicothers, musi sw- mit to-a revaiutzjoat” Pherets now 10 ae tion ‘room 2 | are |” Greee hi Nie. tLe eT oe | ye : ; Leather man takeo In exchasge for ‘Shoes and a fresh supply: of Dr.: D , ‘s oe Fowi't Mevicived, just 16 , : le by. ¥ ST eyo soot performed his part of Doc 490} =. “hisbgud ed — ‘ertg..the Buropgens vfacture host bur new we ascembled How te, ladies abe gentlemen?” nid Mrs. Livevion, 10 rntvodeee you 40° Doc- = i ¥ * = ence inafrextensh ing pr dees Re PT Ae | Jayne’ s Hair Tonic ‘For the Préseroatton. Growth, a0d Beauty of Lavid.preparedio accemmodaie ihe iasies of ihe | ihe Hair,/and -whiteh~ # itt “posttively Yering in’ Fashionable etetliimes. New Hait on Bald: Hends;and prevent us fall- ing vut of tiriing Gray. a JAYNE’S CRIMIN ATIVE BALSAM. A eertain cera for Bowel and Summer Com- oe pie SAG Fections. ge. == Jayne's Sanative Pitts, For Female Diseases, Liver Complaints, Fe- Alterative or Pargative Medicine is reggired. by C.B. WHEELER, Agent Salisbury, N.C. Sept 3, 1842—1y6 Br. Hiw’s Galbanum j Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! PBVHESE Plasters, greatly improved, and ha ving the preference of all @ebers, are warm strength and a ostural warmth and health. Any person wearing one of these Plasters, will be as- tonished aod delighted at the comfort it affords. Plaeter. Ht removes the irritation of incipient Children with-W booping Cough sboold always lungs. Theirexecellence will be onderstood by all oo thias. Qc For sale by-C B Wheeler, Salisbory ; Greensboro’, by J & R Sinan; Hills- boro’, by D Heartt; Lexington, J.P. Mabry. ‘Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1843 — 1532 FWNHE Sabecriber take this. method,of inform ing the citizens of Salisbary and :be sar wounding country, thal he ull eatries on -the on the North-east square, in. the town of Salis- bory, where he is-prepated to make Boots and Shoes in a style of workmanéhip oot to be. surs passed by any shop io this place, or even.in-ibe State. He assures thase who want. good found. ations for their understandings, that he canac. commodate them with'as good an astiele as they. on mee at any other sbop, for dorabiliiy and ty) ‘ » The subscribér bison hand the following shoes,.which be offers lower for cash icing clistomeis on a efedit bo as good ti cial "daaive edit'0o as good terms ae they Shoes & Poa & children’s shoes, together with a targe ‘ene to purchase to€all avid examine before se pply) themselves elseWhefe, as he.is ennfident sath sing thew 99,19 quantity; quality, and price «< .. Mr, cesb Lele ho 5 OS ai leave the shop Sic ned nt gre wee hi wride-ada “aved io ato ete wae toa a gisianes perelgely x, plaints..Diarrhea, Dyseatery, Cholig. © oat ® Sick Headeghe, Sour Slomgeh-S Ganeh’ and vers, fiflammations, Qhstructions Liseases ot i Fashions, : ce pepsres 10. Teche: ar £18 in the most ime fag BA ron atgnce shal be carefully awe fh pare 5 s aled -D Yixees =. SD. PENDLETON P hasan handa handsome ateort« Bonne ie, (néwesi stple ) Caps end a Sool ; . Se ‘aig-also prepared to execute gee 7% on reasenable ter wrys May,27, 1343. ms Paeforms his feeds and Garries dnt he ‘ a , * > Pl ude! > i - ‘an.of the ThA® a a difientiyos 0 Tits vagiGas reaches, \wo doors wove J. & Feattang. and alk diseases of. the Pubmpuary. W. Mityphy's'wtore, where We ivrerdy 10 exe- Ovpane AR 2 ie ¥ wy ined all-arders of hiscustomers ie a etyle and ‘manger net gunpassed by any in this part of ibe county. He is also-in the regoiar receipt of the NEW«YVORE “FASHIONS, - April 15, f848—iy3 | saywe’s TONIO VERMIFUGE, | oO Pe : ILIgs. A-pleasaat, ‘safe, and’ certain, preparation for : pitas gs" the temoval of Worms, sia, Sottr Stom’ ach. Fever and Ague. Piles, Want-of Appetite, aod elf diseases of debilicy, especialfy of the Stomach and Bowels,; acd Organs of Digestion. } | AND’S o5y-*ea-S os QE gy he £ < in _ Thoee who would have tcatirse W 1’ Ramil Meditine for PeVen key Acts, Dynepsia ate “Nervous Wealmness; Sh0bld discrithin re won ceo the “ thansand™ aad: = igen Constantly no 1 , (the. game.now as in hers a >) and that almost enisersalls suc- cessful prescription called Rowand’s. Improved. Tonic Mixture. A few remarks willserve toillogiraie ithe dif- ference. {a the fire! plare, the operation of the Touic Mixture ia the cure of Fever and Ague is upon entirely new and ‘peculiar, yet safer principles, Secondly? 1 not only promptly ar- the Skin" &c., and-in all cases Whete an aperien: ‘The above’ medteines are for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Salisbury Madital‘and Drag Stere, ly recommended by. all doctors as invaluable for invalids heving pains io the Breast, Back: or side. Weakness and Eiamenese-tre relieved at once by their ose and the- paris resicred io Those threatened with Long Cor plaints should never trust themeelves @ day without-weariog & Gongumption from the Lungs to the sarface ot the body, aod draws off the internal affection. — So in Liver Compleiats,and-Cooghs, aod colds. have one, to prevent the cough settling en the Boot and Shoe-making Business at his Tan yard ead be bought at any offer sep, or to puneimat | ° B: LARRY a : Gentlemen’s fine . Bovis, Geoviemen's Ase. lees-t0 alk rw oy “9 ‘ me Pie % rests the course of the chills, when -ponciually and perseveripgly used, but itsoon restores. ihe wonted functions of she generel system to ¢ per- fectly healthy statc ; wheo relapses.ete oo mure liable 1e-ensue than a attack of the disease in one who has never hed it before. Thirdly: The system, during the admicistration of the [mprov- ed Vouic Mixtare, springs ap at once voder its bentgn infloence, and gives forth an earnest of re- tarning héalitand vigor. Fouritiy : Producing more or less effect on the bowels, the cause of thé disease passes off in the way magi sirongly indicated by ostare. Fifihly: Its effects on the system are uniformly mild end safe, 2s well as efficient, and it is as well adapied to the feeblest infaat, simply by a modification of the dose, as the moéi vigoroes adalt, Many other consider- atwns,-of.the atmest importance to the anxious parents and invalids, might be enumerated here, but theebave are a few of the points of contrae’, in comparison with the remedies generally resor- ed to in professional and family practice, from which a proper judgment may be formed in se- lecting the remedy. N. B. With a view to re-establish entire confidence in the efficiency of the ‘ Rowand’s Improved Tonic Mixture,” to effect a lasting cure of Fever and Agoe, the Proprietor restores the eriginal gaarapiee, viz: The money shal! be retuined ip every case whereic the remedy hasbeen punctually ased witbont prodacing the desired effec!.. Address - Br. JOHN R ROWAND, No 28 Nurth Second Street, Philadetphis. Supplies have been received by the sole Agent for Salisbury; N. C. C.B. WHEELER. Sept S$, 1842—1y6 NEW SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONARIES AND GROOERIES! F R. ROVECHE, respectfully informs the e citizens of Salisbury and the sarrovading ury, that be has received a naw and splen did supply of Confectionaries and Groceries, con- sisting of all kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS of the very best quality, such as Madeira, Port, Teneriffe, Champsigve, Muscat, Claret, and Malege, Wines, Freoch Braody, Holland Gia, toes Ale and ag Se viet, and alo ie , Raisins, Oranges, Oysters, f Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder, 0,404 wartous other articles ton tedious (0 renal 4 witl-seli- as ey aebows "s they ea0-be boogh! ai: any other men in Bolishury glishury. ~. *P. R. ROUECHE. march 4, 1848-1 $2 COTTON GINS. £ Sobseriber wiehesto.ipform the eitizens rs of Rowan, Davie, Davidson 2nd the adjuib- iE Soret. that Hie has the Cotton Gin Mana- clory Garied on in the Town_of Wadesboru’. Absud Ootnty, Nor *Cercfins, in 2 sivie not eurpassed by any. other Feteblishment in the United Staies, ising of the following arti- Steel’ Saws, Steel plated Fen- °° Gere, 4 2c. Cc. the above frons ately manotaciored by fawes| Ube Bins Whieh are poi up by old ia Wrights’ of Scvth Cerolins. it pick trom.S 10.4000 poosds | veveronce'a young map, becaase he day be: oseful when | om i ive dost — , tor Wiliams, Geter Khown ss Mr George + ait Ki Eeam -of (wo with ease ow ere ~ figbary, and nn an oeee ve wr . ed \e resting (he ‘eotrmandg.a betier price in ° of: hi =profespion ant far4 eed athe Yoontry. -_- 7, Dowan's ‘Dréer tanya eT inl Bie MP ED inte areal —_* Aprit ee hw et aS-w al by me to be genuioe. - ee 40 a s ign’ & P et % con a os un d SMITH. % Je 2 : 2) € i 4 : } oapely oe , ng | ee eed COURT WRITS tain relief PP . al Salisbory, Dee 10-1120 = aad aan SEPTEMBER 23, 1843 THROUGH OCTOBER 14, 1843 MISSING - . a? as — — TOFA ‘ ~ aK » RIV VE ‘ees a <a : a 3 ——_,. be ey See: The following in is <n able family reme dies may be OA (oi ae oe en a oe and soon at every Co eat Remember and never é. them. have the fac-simile siguatar Conutetetbe on th by the same names are base is feits. If the merchant’ nearest urge him to procure them. at 7F Maiden-lane, the: Kei next time he visite New York, or to write for them. No family should bea week without these remedies. - 4 BALM OF COLUMBIA, FOR THE: whigh will stop it,df falling out, Or restor eit. on ald. places; and on children make it grow rapid] pe those who have lost the hair from any cause. ~ ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children in schools, are prevented or ste St hs Find the name of Cp on it, or never try it. - Remember this « La ey w RHEUMATISM, and positively cured, and all shriveled use limbs are restored, in the old or young, by the fnpmuy ViceTaBLe Exrxme axp Nenve inp Bots Eaererr— but never without the name of Comstock & Co; on iti be _ pee eo ward apaeation. It acts like ac —_—__———— HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin, Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roors’ Srgciric ; and F amuganedt horses entirely cured by Roofs’ Foun intment. Mark this,-all horsemen. —_—_—a——_ Dalley’s Magical Pain Ex- tractor Salve-=The most extraordinary remedy ever invented for all new-or old 2 4 ~ ee “2d wees, and sore SY It has delighted —_— pain in ten minutea, and no failure. It will cure tee 2 LIN’S SPREAD PLASTERS. |: A better and more nice and usefi} article never was made. All should wear them regularly. LIN’S TEMPERANCE BITTERS: on the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. .To be used with LIN’S PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect. ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health. . {See Dr. Lrn’s sig- Ac tor-@ C4; wv nature, thus::} a HEADACHE DR. SPOHN’S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the Mae VES or bilious. Hundreds of families are - -_ using it with great joy. —_—_—p——_ DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain prevention of 1 SA/ASR=a08 or any j general sickness ; keeping tlie stomach in ‘most per- fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. COUGHS] saa V. pains in the bones, hoarseness, and DROP are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. _—— hair any shade you wish, but will not color the skin. a SARSAPARILLA. comsrocss cum POUND EXTRACT. There is no. other prepara tion of Sarsaparilla that can exéeed gt equal this If you are sure to get Comsrocx’s, you will fin superior to all others. It does not require puffing —————=_____ ESERZe Eu M SS CELESTIAL. BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and alt external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this Balm;—so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm, ‘ applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once. Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it Br. Bartholemew’s 2. "> Sins 2 ere z ; ‘THERAIR, |}. se { eral satisfaction to all _w 4 sag the head free from. srmf, and eausio, a lox- ft uriantgrowth of tatr, —2¢ Fur ladies af or ehits “nell Keown end € Huv-e, (Knoun ; "= ‘Tavero,) in the rie his Friends : a ef ae 2 + + e@all. = AF Salisbury. Sept. 11, aad CLoGk AND WaTen ° “3 4 . / A ee ims REPAIRING. ® ‘al ‘ ‘ > HE Sabserine: cesdeci (ete informs his old © Friends aad the Peotic pyle gnaw he cs opened & in Salisnv<e in the above busi i, a wat tices appusite Weat's. brick utding, in the bause of Dr, Bufns” formerly woed by Jao. TShaverand just peluw J. & W bocphy. ‘ In-addition tothe ahve, the sunse joer w'H on “the Silver Siti: Business in all the ' 2 in covnrny tdwna: such es ’ maod repairing Silve 80 effected. ‘These ci<eamstances render it ex— ) the time being is a ver He begs to assure the pot TOT aitention to business, sod skillful wo kw \iHe hia to patronage and <uppor'. be willmer it. AARON WOOLWORTH Nov. 18—if16 ‘ CABINET MAKERG! | hied Sobseriber respecitatly reiores bis thanks for past favors, aod informs bis old vrend@ and the poblie that be sil! eontoves w ‘ere on the aonve business in all iis ¢arimos snehes, and at the old ‘stand on main streei, «o doors brinw J, 8& W. Murphy's store and op site the: Watchmen Priating Office, where b- vav always be fonond. fe keeps constanity on and 2 variety of weil finished work, and at ni ar.enn the times, Also a supply of reais nude Coffins consian:'¢ kepi on hand to. sait any meveore; and-at lower -prices than ever they have heen sold for, N.B> AU kinds of Lomber and Covairy Pro » duce isken' in exchange for work. K EVCLIOTT. April 29, 1843 —1\ 40 | LEMS ENTE? 9. ‘eh santity of fresh Lime can be bad ot the Kiln ot the lave Joseph Williams dee By the 100 buehels and over 16 cena; 50 10 100 bushels 18°; 5 1 40 beshelg 20, unstavked Pin propottion. All persons wishing lime either at the kiln or hetr residence, will apply either to J. of R. | Roek ford, Sorry connty, N. ore March 18, 1843 $4 Wie WILL Go BALBY? Oldridge'’s Bolm of Columbia for the Hair ROM Comatock & Cu — lis positive quali- ties are a3 follows :—tsi Por rofania, keep- oirth, restoring the skin ‘o iis nmainrs! strength t aad firmness, and preventing ite falling gut of the hair.~Sd Fer any pe sen recovered from any debility the same effect ts prodnced. 4. 1f ased ia infancy till a cood © owtlf is Miaried, i mag be preserved py aiention to jhe latest pe iod of fife. —5th Ut freesthe bead from dand- rofl, sivengihens, the ruvis, imparts healih ane vigor to the circulation, end prevenia the bay ‘kom clanging color or getting gray —6ih |) eynses. the hair to curl begatifuliy when done op in. ik over night. : . No ladies toilet should ever be made withoni i:. Tih Children*who have by e929 meas) cun- i-aeied vermin in the head, are immediately sad } vesfeccty eqsed of them oy iis use. Ii gs intalli— . > e : * : ” Phad been batd aboot five years no mee fei: Pant the top of my head than on ibe hack of my L vendzand mv head covered -with a nek ‘cen f ! spr ares: tn this situation shang iba 1Hh of .Av@ost last, tet the nea os 3 Reroem Pj onde using the Balm ui Colamasa, from Com _=ee eae sock & Co. Since wh have used tea and Petes ae cor cote ae { a balf butles of the ich has folly re- KOLMSTOGK’S VERMIFUGE-+i" | “wet my iy, saa nes ey om | radi y - (5 Pseurk, My-b bred.with fine. flow eradicate all in children of adults ing Hong hair w one may see by calling with a certainty quite ‘astonishing, ‘tk joo me, at Stainford, ectient. —“ a sells with @ rapidity almost incredible, by Comstock ¢ Co. New York. ee — TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S—care. effectually vr ing tact of ee I 4 office _By applying to our ‘agerite in en village, papers may be had fted, | reapectable names in the. ot tyat no one can fail to . > Be sure'you =D SSCOFIELD. | look “al Ways fur the Office, and by: = sl obineaen abe oy pay 12, 184005 a nterfeits are x - age of Careek & Cet —— w WILLIAMS, cooteniencea; and. plain by di my find sore retie' preparations, “Phepoperaré genily bot power- (olty apon theseeretions of the body, and cleanse the blood of ait vitiated hamors deparating ma Bars | ie rte, rl a is an easterly wird rhe original excising swown, that after ad ardinary fever bas onc c: cusred, wean removes, thi er son Afeeier is ‘NOt en liable (0 4 fresh attack as one who wa: iremely diffcol: to eff Pever and Agne, th eat cure of be the payent for volontarty come forward to asepre Dr.» Moffat, | that ihe Life .Wedicines are ihe only ieee that wrt! thoronghly ¢ feet a recouval of this mast tedioos and disagreeable disease. © ‘Ovhers who have emigrated to that rich and promising por.ion of ovr conntry— men who went oat fail of hope, and confident of winning a com petence fram the lexarisoce Of the soil; or who carried to the outposts of our settlements the mar cantile or mechanical ore won io the crowded cities or towns of the alder states, have either reterned with shattered constitutions and depressed eptrits, of they remain in their new homes, dragging cul © weary fife, or 41 fast sink onder some disease ta which they are prediaposed hy thet terror of the Wes, Fever and rue — Fheir hopes are blasted —iheir bosivesa- nergies destroved — their Ridorado beenmes a desert, and the word of promise, made ‘o theit ear, is broken to the hope, ; Vo these todividosis, Dr. Moffat would say — Try the Life Medicines, aod you will ge: an- licipate your mos! sanguine expeciations, for will certainly restore you to health.’ f Gove is acomplarnt ebich requires aproach, and comba:ied ai f, it reduces to be fr , every stage Se ihe strength, and imsairs eraans, so that upon ‘ihe manifesi«tic ease, Natnre is onahle, Onassigied to resist the inroad. The Life “edicines, when taken strict ly secording to directions, will core it, and give 'o the weak aad trembling viettm of di-ease new health, life and strength For fell particotars of the mode of treatmen: the reader is referred to the Good Samaritan : copy of which aceampanies the medicine. Sc Phe adnve medirine ig for eale by CRESS & BOGER, Agents Salisbo’y. Ori 22, 1842 - 1913 Pr A conpiv of the ahnee invalnahle ME DICINES ave for sale ai Jamea Cross Roa: Tredell coenty, hy A.\C. mefN TOS. Agen: Guard Your FFreatth. { Addressed to those who are in perfect health, 0 reputed so ) Ere Genile Reaver: Uf ven wonld are hom goo the sickvese, the paina, the wreiene ness, the premature morialitg which gon see z around gon, and which, like a sharp sword av nended ia ever ready to (sil upon you, dea; noi my advice—1i wil cost you litle, wil; ne thee infringe upon your oecnpations or amu - meoisy and all the facelting «f your mind woig Will he as mnch betiered by it as to rep you ten fuld. [sk anty une week’s trial toc vinge the moe sceptical In the ficet place, diseavd all old errors orejodices from-oor mind especially the aduge, ‘ If vow are passing well, do nota: 'o better goorselfs” it ie ihe seying oF ig- ance and sapersiition —of those who omtinn alt they saw aroved them to-benee and fortone, instead of natare’s universal Jaws Has not man, led wun hy experience, learned to geard himnseli acaias! the other elemenis of natore, the waves, the wind. ond ae tcrren's of rain? Why then ~hoold be no, ifeir weather, guard himself as gainsi the storms which are: ever rising in hi- own frail body ?_ Remember, you are every day e2-ing a oss fued ; and it is your natere to eon- tinge io. doso. Yon ate well at present, bat ev- ery day the seed of disease is growing within vou; aod4f yoa do not siriesty guad your health white you are well, you are eoniinually in doager of paiofal.and jitoi-seied vofinements, and in some consiiiations, denth. Nothing is stationsry in- this wold. Eve. ihe porest fountain of which we diok —does ii not require cleaning ?°°A person may iniogic he is io perfect healih, and yei owt know tow. © necfection hig efial argane may be brovgt: wh assisted by the hand of Naftre. [bare un duabied proofs of shia faetin the nenninded.ars cessot the LIFE MEDICINES: > beret. whe have followed ite.motia,* When you 9: even moderately well throw physic to the dig eall opon me, if they would be eunvinced Bf th. importance of amy posttian. ‘Phe eperation of the Life Medicines in ever: instance thal has come to my knowledge is mis: gratifying: < Those who are in comparative goow hh may perfect their happiness with oo in unforianates, Who are in ‘those parély vegetable had from the géod,expelting the @reve, dross and: Lie a Ohi ges Peiois: the of alqrost any. description. + R ee "Order fr banks or War figered mustiade Lanes, ies, Black and colored A boa ines, B black ele psy irimipiegs, lagrane carpeting Jors Patent shears:and points, Braid and Straw bonneis,. Pa: Far and woo! Hois Books to bind seierat the chmae Office, Satisbary, will we promptly ate 19. Lincals sat N_ Caroling, Avgns' B, 1843. pooner. » Seal, Cloth and Leather KENILWORTH HOGS ! RE Satferiner bag just addea to bis siock of Ber fev ay of the above 0 Caps, Robinson's fine Kid slips, walking, 4 doz. Mites’ fine calfand moroeco Boots, 15 cases-Gentlemen’s | ‘and: bound low price ghoes, . Saddlery and Sadiers tim coings, Cerriege trimmings of every description, | ~ Smith and Carpenters tools, a large qoantity.o! Sofe.and Upper leather, (very cheap. gloss, Potiy, Neils, White lead es rere, (warranted good;) Castor Oil, Satte, Qui- nine, 20d Rowan's ‘Tonic mixtote, Loaf, aod mp sagar, 20 Hdds.. Brown do. 25 Hdde - bags Rie Coffee, 3 Ipbia made ighire sa pair of Kenilworth Hows, Dported tr m England in the fall of 184}, by Mr AB Alen, of New York, and are now +- vont 18 monilsold. ‘The. Boaris a very supe- rior animal, ep. thick. end excellent ig all bis w very fine, with s liter of eight | pigs, which,for nesniy and torm, can hardly be surpassed. ‘Those who may aisha fuller de- seciption of these fine animis, are refered 40 Mr Alleo’s lever published in the Oultivator.— The svitriber haa also, a Yorkshire Sow por chased # M-. Allen, from a “ow imporied by him treo Feglend ; and some Thin rind-Sows : and those wishing 1 porehase, can base the pore Kenilworth, or Berksvire, or crosses of Keniivorib and Yo-kshi-e, Vhin.:ind sad Berk- shire, Hie stock of Beikshicves was purchased of M,C. N. Bement, of New Yo:k, 2044s no: sorpased hy angio ihe Uniied States, ishtg to improve ‘hei: sack of Hogs, hzve riuniiyeof doing ¢o, then has t ihe Potomac Hie Attended ) Window o. 1,2, and “wh ‘ Molasses, 31! fort Tire, Spring _B ister assorimeat of [ron and Castings. ; The abave Goods was selecied wii! greatcare, and will be sold for Cash, wholesale and retail, at unprecedented low prices pecifully invited to call and @xamine for them- JENKINS & BILES. Salisbary, April 22, 1848—\339_ Rev. Dr. Bartholomew’s PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. ‘Ap agreesble Cordial, and effreiive Remedy s, Hoaiseoess, Colds, Pain in the ad Breathing, and dificult tons E.nglish and. Cast Siecel, ny The Pebdlic are res Ww! Near Moekaville Davie co. January 14, 1848. CONSUMPTION AND LIVER Comptaint. R TAVLORS BALSAM OF LIVER SF WORT, —Com 375 Boweiy. New York — far the core of coughs colds, e2'arrhs, Asihma j soreness of the chest pan io ibe side aed breas:, ateing of Blood, Liver Complaints, Bromehisis, red afl those affecitons of S's :09) and Longs, — »hieh are a souree of so much suffering and un ‘rested, go offen terminate in Consumption — tis remedy ts highly and jostly diacnguisted i is parely vegetable, mild end gentle tn iin ef “ris opon the system, and can be taker in ih: vos detieate cases, with safety gs well as util) Physicians, aware of i's medicinal prope: 8, and witnessing its effecis even to extreme din some insiances, appareotly almos: hnpe- less cases, ofien prescribe it in theit practive. rif asa palliative pod a remedy, and with th Medie.! Facoliy generally, it bas met with gies eprobation, + BP CONSUMPTION -- Fhe followin: athe were taken from the lag nomver uf the ecical Magazine : ‘The surprieing effeet prodoted bythe genu— Balesin of Liverwort, mode at $75 Bow ‘nh rorsomplive causes, c2nnui fai! exening a and thrilling interes: tyrongho: : have se !ong velieve.! thie disease (consamp fun) incurable, that ii is difficult to credi: ov: senses when se see persons, evidenily consump live; realored tv bealth, oceerrence.” The following was given at 9 sherri time since, by Cap Scou, of Hlizaveth Ciry, N. C. Certificates. * Being constitnitonally predispnsed to Con - sumption, (a number of my femily bavirg died of this diseaseyfand having suffered severely from irritation of the tongs; eecom.panied* wilt cough snd rsising matier and with-severe pain in my side and brersi, ti!) | wos sepposed to be bevond recovery, | was induces: we, advice of Dr Perkios, as a jast resort io i: Vavior’s Balsam of Liverwort. [ have iaken five | began io improve with the fis oltte, and while taking ite third, wagso far ie covered, a8 io be able to gat aboui nne ve continged nse of it, bam qriie restores and able jo attend iomy vsual.pasicess, Taper. swtrs an ffering from eenghe and »feeions of she boogs I so earnesily recommend 4. JAS C SCOTS. Ebgubeth Cite, NC, Dee bj, 1842. Liver Complaint and Genetat Deniline — 4 was given up oy iwo physicians, ond told to pe } was se wesk 4 contd cot reise t was in thisdow. stale when x friefd seni me a boule of Dr daylor’s . Baleam of Liverwori, from $75 Bowery, and be fore | had eased ap the bottle. 4 was able to sit up ta bed. By the fariher ose, 1 have completely }- tegained my heai:h. Fiolent pain in the side —1 have been cored |. a vivient pain jo the aide, extending thronch | to the shoalder, tadigesijon, cizziness, lasgo! ay petite, and general debility, by tne use of two| bottles of Dr Taylor's Balsam of Viverwort, fom JF BH Alten. WNo7 Merchani’s Row. Store of C B Wheeler, bottles ap alt (Signed } pare tar death. myhand io my bead. $75 Bowery. | Vermifoge, when she became bad regort to the Vermifoge that finally broog ht incrediole quantity of worms, and the is complete, aod she gained her. healih SAP 4 Phseicianiof standing, had doctored a fami. ly of children some weeks. without bei restore bu: one vur of the seven to heali had tbe libereliiy to send for Kolmsiock’s Ver— mifage.and cored the rest with it io fees than a Fx pectoration, Office, 2nd by C B Wheeler, march 4, 1845—1.\$2 DR. L. KILLIAN, AS reiorned to Salisbury/and is now prepared to resome the prae ice of his profession. removed to Mr. Cowan's brick build- tno. 2d*door. April 29; 1848—1(40 State of Porth Carolina, SURRY COUNTY. Coart ‘of Pleas 1n.j Quarier Sessions, Joho © Davis ithe Wateckman His Office is} Term, 1843, Original Attachment Leviec John Martin. ; N-1b's case, & appearing to she satisfaction of ihe Const, ihat ibe Defendani ig a non-resident of this Sisie: be Coot that pesestion be ms tina Watchmen, a newspaper, prinied in Salis- bury. N.-Carctina, for six successive weeks. for he Defendant io be, vod appear at the oxi ‘ecm of Sorry Coonis Cobr, io be: held i’ ihe , Jobe Marin, IL is ordered oy de inthe Caio- > day a 7 r; 3 colured, plaid and siri Mr IC Ringold had a chit ‘neat two weeks, and attendeduby “withoot relief, when Kohn given, and next day more (han for passed, when the child recovered than a month. emedies had failed, which was f his known in that part of the cit A faniily in New Jersey saved several children by the.ose of it. One,a girl of eight-years of age. had become ourertina esterases before he text day three she tefi off ihe 9gain worse, and ihe Vermifoge as given. large worms Were dislodged and away. an week. Numerous cases of other complpints were sup treated for fever, ermifuge diecov- ered the troe.canse ef the sickness, by away almost an inonmerable quantity large and small, and the persons r great despatch. - lostences of this kin cited to an immense extent, boi it is itiak for 25 cents will show anyone with asion- isb@ent the certain effects of this Vermifoge. Cantion — Never boy this article anless it bave handsomely en-@ graved on the outside label, and the fee simile posed 16 exist, and the perenne &e., bot finally a trialef this V. * Dr Kolmsiock’s Vermituge™ of Comstock & Co. _ Agenis—C_ B Wheeler, Salisbury; J & R Sloan: Greensboro; D Hearts, Hillsboro’ Mabry, Lexingion ; Dr. stith, Raleigh. Mareh 4, 1843 — 132 Fown of Rock fordvon ihe Qnd Mongay io No vemver nexi, aod plead or replevy, or jodgment pio confesso witl be entered, end ihe Land ‘evied op, condemned io satisfac Yet itis a fact of daity tion of plaintiffs Witnese, Francie K. A rmsirang. Clerk of ovr ce, the 2nd Monday io Ao F. K. ARMSPRONG: Clk Sept 23, 1843 ~ 6w9— Prin.e:s-he $5 50 State of Porth Carolina, CABARRUS COUNTY. Snpeiior Coort of Law - Fall Term. 1843. Jane F. Ross, q said Coort a Off gus', 18438. ingredients kno ease is prodoced either had air, swimpy and da <miasmi, whether malig oi ber caases, these medicines aré cerizi operations er effects » The caliar qualities, whith pot only bot at the same time restore and sysiem When first taken “ini ibey immediately diffose themsel through eve re, ue! 1s at detigh fol. ss rey aoe porectbeor™ line “syork of life*begins 10 grow dim,: the circelation languid, and the faculties paralized, these medi - eines are found to give a tone to the ner hileraie the animal spirits, ipvig and réeanimate he m3 food, cogeiber Petition for Alimony. Robert A-ess,and © Semuel Ross ‘ T appeaiing to the satisfaction of she Conti, that ihe Defendani, Roveri A. Ross, is “na: ao inhaoiant of chis Sisie: Ui is ihetefore otter ed oy the Coosi, that pubheation be made for 4 weeks, in the Catoltaa Waichman, as io ite De fondant Robert A Ross, that he beand-appear ai our nex: Sope'ior Court of Lawy4e be hetd for be county of Cabacrus,.on the $4 menday in Febreary oexi, and plead, soswer or demur. or Jody gent pro coufesso, will be had agains: him. Wiiness. J. 1. Long, Cle:k of oar said Conn at Office, thre 3d monday in Augosi,” 1843, and tae 68th Of Agie-itan Endependence : JM. LONG, Clk Sept 25, 1843 —409— Primers fee $5 59 NEW | CONFECTIONARIES Sinre wiceh the most happy svecess ji pepiie disesses, Consninption, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Rbeomatism, [chronie and inflama- GEO WE LL»; Br. Motus Vegetable Lite Medicines PPOSSESS “aostinien of the most mildiand be- neficial natore. They are composed of ar— ‘i¢les the most anti-potreseest, combined with wn as the only ceriain antidote for fevers of every description. When the dis- from cold, obstrvetion, @Bp.situations, or patrid fant or epidems ‘whole The Life Medicines bave also tgrv] Dropsies. &eo HF Cal! at Caress & Bocer Saisbury, Oci 22, 1842—1y18_ A ae 4 ‘of poss eee CINES are for sale “at Somes’ | Iredell county, by SUPPLY OF” GROCERIES! R ROUECHE, respeetfolly informs the | euizens of Seheeucy and the: conn 49, iffat he bas .ece:ved.2 new did supply. ot Copleciionasies and sisting of al! kinds ef - Sotfounding Groceries, evo | - ~~ oo CTAB at >N yy marek 4, B43 1932 ‘ ‘ o ag WINES &ND LIQUORS Very bes: quality, soch as ira, Port ~ Claret, and | et 184O— td wal < . po U ca? cellent gi lity, cheap. Yor aah tog sale’ Soga bog pu ae «ORGS this Office. = orms we! A child of a widow ‘woman, living near «> Maphasieo Water Works, bad dwindled for. a month, till near a skeleton, wit! yy till with great Sry ness ofthe mouth, and it ¥ ing of the nose. A ho- mane lady, who cae to pe ide fortbé family, sent immediately for -Kolmstock's -Vermifoge, broogbt sway great quantities of woras por three days, and the child ac nnee, and regained its full strength io less Several children 10 @ highly respectable fam - ily in Broadway bad aR toa frightfal extent, aod were all cured rapidiy with this V In some of the bes: faniilies io the, hood of St. John’s “ark, i: has bee osed, from the circumstance of hs ted a lerge qnantity of worms, after al! other very extensive- 0 extensively ecavered wiih d might oseless, a “Bre possessed of pe- expel ail disease, invigoraie the the siomach, ves like vapor orale the body, ae with n he a 's, Agente. ‘A. © MeINTO 1, Agent SS re id 46 all Sarci- > Onn. f bis ia the last voy Grea tern will make this season When | toras to Liverpool, she wil to bead querters at Bristol, and. there Iny | Bayes op. tll the spring,” - Tbe Cotton Market-remains buoysnt, but | consids ation from. Alsace _th | Ceates mere = — topos ti Gite tenis no further advance hadtaken place. The | Algeri ; -% Phy yak ae ccinee is—whyt thea > dots og: Foreign Wiget ems aemmees 101k et a anounces that it is 1-| Why, oothing but that They did not unforstand| 17s. ; 2. @0 at ‘report 10] (he sabject as it is anderstor ww. “Thi: which f The disturbances in Wales continue, y's visit, to. be was approved in theory ioe C yaad and are becoming more serives, leading to impersonations | it is wot the first time ihat such a result|has €a- the loss of several lives. ; i A letter from Amsterdam states thet pau- perism was realy frightiulin Hollsnd. It is supposed in well 1dformed quarters, that Mrs. Gi'mour will not be convieted. The Parisads were much mortified tha Queen Vicioria did not visit Parts. The eccounts from the monufacturing districts continue to be favorable. O. M. Lowndes, Esq, bas returned in the Great Western. Uis business, :t is wel kuown, to England, was to secure the fa- mous Jack Read, the aotorioue forger, who practised his frauds on Jacob Little & Co When Mr. Lowndes left London, there was hardly a doubt that Read would be given "p, aad the-gounger Heyes wos left, for the purpose of bringing him ovt ~ The spplication for his delivery ander the (réa- ty, had been made, and it was believed no objection would be interposed by the Brit- ish Ministry The Queen of England from a delightful trip to Belgium, had returned to ber island The visit of the Queen and Prince Albert, ac- companied by the King of the Belgians and his amiable consort and their svit to Ostond home, offer an absence of nire days. Bruges. Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp, re- sembled an ovation, The Q:een, i: 18 said, traversed in ber journey. five hundred miles of ratiwey io Belgiam. Ateach town the siardy Burgomaster was in readiness to re- ceive bis ditingaished guests, an@ the in- trodustion was followed generally by a long speech from that rmportaut funetiona. ry io the Netherlands—sometimes deliver. 6d with @ great deal of embaerressment and hesitation, but always received with cour- lesses and smiles by the lady to whom it was addressed. The royal party left Ant- werp on the afterroon of Friday, and reach- ed the Thames the next morning at 11 0” clock. They landed at Woodriéh,’* and immediately proceeded to Windsor by rail- way. From Wilmer & Smith’s Times, The Acadia took out very encoursging accounts respecting the transaction in Cot- ton. The market, it will be remembered, betweeu the interval of her departure. and that of the previous packel, was ina state of extreme beevancy; bot it was a little checked shortly before the Acacia sailed. and st the present moment specnlators e- vince 6 disposition tc draw in while the de- avend from the trade is both uniform and large. The latter buy with confidence, and the state of the trade shows a healthy feeling of activity, greater than has been exhibi- ted for along period, Freights to Ameri ca by transient shias have been low of late, though a slight improvement has been vis- ible during the last few weeks. Ail the transient vessela to N. Orleans, Sosten and New York, have been chartered by good parties, and the goods cffering have not been nomeroos. The coro matket has of late exhibited mote firmness, antkan advance of a penny to twopenave per bushel, hes taken place.— A grest breavth of wheat bas been sown fbis year, and the harvest has been tolerably good, but as we do not raise enough for the soppott of oor awn prpulation, and as an import hecomes iodispensable,the improved feeling of the market may be attributed to (hat course, combined with the yield of the new erop not being equal to expectation, — It is very probable, therefore, that a con. siderable quantity of flout may find its, way from Canada, thro’ the act of last ses- sion. Piring the last few deys an immense queotiy of wheat and flour has been re- leased from bond at the duty of 14s. per quatter, whieb, at tha present price of the matket Would render the importation of Canadien flour a ptefitable specolation, — The weather continues very fine—and where the harvest has not been already ga- thered, the weather has materially aided the operatigqn. O’Cennell continnes as active as ever, and we hear ao talk of bis speedy retire. went to his mountain home at Derrynane, where, hitherto, at this season of the year, he has been more accustomed to the music of his Beagles than to the vox populi. All his energies oppear to be absorbed in his present agitation, which leaves hlm no iime for rest or retirement. Al tae weekly meeting on the 281th olt., at the Corn Exchange, Mr. Conner guve noue’ that.on'the next day of meeting he would mave the following resolation: ‘"Ehat gatil our national rights of self Irgistation in the possession of our own ‘Parliament, and of a valuation anda per. pe of bis farm to the tenant, be restor- ed inus we repealers shall pay no rent, | county ess, rent-charge, tithe, paor rate, or anv other ebarge out of lead.” This create) great exeniement; and after awry warm debate, resolutions strongly condemamg Mr. Conners preposition, as seditious and crimioal, were Onanimously prseert, and threats were beld oot that wn- lexs Mr. Conner withdrew his motion, his expulsion would foilow, In the county of Carlow, in several ca- -geg where seizures bave been made for rent, el nd 1 | engaged: of Prussia bag written inviting Queen Victoria end ber consort + the original cost. passengers, smoug. whom was Gen. Boyer health. ses. shop, is estimated at more than 20,000f.— The steeple of the Church des Missions de France bas been, itis said,enturely desitroy- ed by the electric fluid. SPAIN. We have received, by the extraordinar express from Spain, the manifesto publish- ed by the Spanish Government onthe eve ning of the l4th,in a supplement to the Madrid Gazeue. Paris, Sept. 20— Telegraphic Dispalch— Pertpgnan, Sept- 17th —Upop..#e 14h. the Junta bad repiied to «ve demand of th. French Consuatewt'h respect to the sailor belonging to the Mclearge, who bad been wounded whilst going for fresh water, that the sentinel at the Port-du-Mer had been forbidden to fire upon every unarmed ind)- vidusf, Bayonne Sept—18 —The elections be- gen at Madiid on 16th. The Opposion had gained 7 of the bureaus cat of 12, but the tote! of suffrages on the first dey were in favor of ibe Parhamentary party. Mad rid was tranquil on the 10th. According to the latest intelligence received, the other provinces were (racquil, with the eXception of Catelooia. Constanlinop'e Aug. 23. Frecution of a Christian at Constanti. nople.—A short distance trom where 1am now writing lies the headless trunk of a man who has just been decapitated, for no otber crime than that of professing the faith ofnearly the whole of Europe. He was an Arminian by bitth, and after arriving at the age of manbooJ,in an evil hour,under the influence of strong drink, as it ts said. he renounced his religion and became a Mus- selman. (le had no sooner received possession of his mind than he saw the madness of the step he had taken, and embracing the Girst opportunity, he fled to Greece. How long he remained there | do not know ; but, as- saming the European dress, he returced to this city, where he was soon recognized aqd thrown into prieon. Every effort was made by threats snd promises to induce him to return to the faith of the false proph.- et, bot in vain. He was, on several differ- ent occasions. led ont iv chains io differ. ent paris of the city for execution, and with Ahe sword of the executioner drawn over bis head,he was r: quired to renounce the Chris- tian religion and believe in Mahommed; but he resolutely persisted in declaring that he was ready to die rather than deny Christ. He was executed in his European dresy, after decapitation, the head, with a Frank cap upon if, wes placed between the legs It is a poblic and moss outrageous insult vpon all Chriettan notions. Every Euro- pean here feels ihe indign-ty, but yet no one seems to kuow what is the proper rem- edy BCPThe Yellow Fever is prevailing at Key West. A letter from thence in the Charleston Courier, dated Sepi. 8, informs as of the death by that disease on the evening previons, of Lieut. BlydenjHledge, U. S. Revenue Service. Sev- eral workmen and soldiers (names not given) had died at the barracks. Capiain Ogden was Preparing to move the tropps tv Indian Key.— Capt.O. bimself bad had ihe fever, bot was re covering. Mr Bragg from New York aod G. Faulkner, were the two first cases; they are both dead. "+ The Boston Times says that it is impossible \o find a Millerite in the City of Notiods ” he Frankford Journal states the King 80 aulegraph letter extend their visit on the continent to Ber: The Y.ondon MornimgChronicle has giv. | Pro en insertion to several documents from hal. | tultoe of \he game sort. ders of Pennsylvania Stocks, addreseed to the governor of thai State, settifig forth the destitution which many parties are now reduced to by the sysiem of tepodiation — The price of Pennsylvania Stocks is now a- bout one belf less than that of Hlinvis, and the Stoeks of the repudiating States are now merely worth from a fourth to a thitd of The Royal Mail steamer Dee, at Fal- mouth ov the 18th, brought twenty -five Violent Storm at Marseilles.—A most wolent storm of rain, thunder and lightning borst over this town in the night on the 14th and 15th inst, occasionicg an immense deal of damae m streets, shops, snd hou- In the Rue Paradis, the loss of ove single tradesman, by the mundation of his sued both in ities and io mechanics." .> is rather a sophisti itdoes not dnd capact overthrow the ted for by the Republican pasty, a8 both | high] ° | a violeat opposition to it, a8 both inexpedént’an proposed {even in denouncing i') a greater insti has shown the. Bank two be a is only necessary tosay that /the the Bank cannot Justify itsel, in oppesition was older by gui ight years That of consti'g'ionality it guid not touch 3 on merely according to the ib yests of financial eonfosiun bid satisfied the Re pensable public agent. It wa tried, with great general success, ap to aboot 1384, when the vio lent aod anprincipled exeriionof the whole power of the Government, wielded & the despolic will of one who made of the Congitution and Laws just what he pleased, broke it wn, by compell- ing it to engage in politics and ight! for its lite with the same sort of weapons wich js anseru pulousenemy used to destroy it. Experiedce, then —which is really all that the Pinnsylvanian alleges—is here every way an inadiguate plea : first, becanse it applies only tothe natter of a variable expediency ; second, because all €xpe- rience was favorable when the Jackon ep posi tion began ; third, because the fins! realt ia, to say the least, sach that no candid Jadsaun man even can well dare affirm that the Bak wouid have fallen bat for the fatal. the overs" means resorted to fr iis detest Let the Penns ce it bastaken up this arg <oeWer us with the cleahess, the esndor, 2nd the good hamor which it gives us pleasure tu say it so much obsérves We hope it will, at the same time,explain some of the difficulties which democrati¢ dialec tics offer ; as, for instance, those presentel by the following sentences in the Paragraph we have cited ; “ Bot what if the Bank in its creation were a ‘ repablican measure ?” Suppose that every re ‘ publican in Congress, twenty or 30 yeara ag: bad voted fur it—what then ? Why, noth ng « but that they did nol understand the su! jee. as ‘ wellas it is understood now. ‘What which was ‘approved io theory expioded in prectice ; anc ‘it ig out the first time that sech ao resalt has ‘eosved both in politics and in mechanics.” The Pennsylvanian avows, then, in effect, that the republicanism of the time of Madison was, as to the Bank, most Federal: for the tes! question: Republicanism. supported * by every Republican in Congress'~-is now, to the vew Republicans, the very arch enormity, the “* un— pardooable sin” of Kederalism What sort of principles, and especially tonstitativna] priaci- ples, are those which are white to-day, black as pitch to-morrow ? =: is pezfeet!y obviong that asio this great question—'* the question,” the Richmcnd Moquirer cries—the Federalieis of 1816 were the true Repnblicans; tor they op pored the cliarter, [1 stands confessed that one gteat Republican measure was highly Fediiga! : why not, then, many others, nay all? fo er go Republican to-day, they may, fikeihe bank, the tariff, distrisuiicn, internal improve ment, the sub-Treasury, the bank;upt act, and many more, become iusmorrow the very essence of Federalism. These, we need scarcely say to the Pennsylvanian, are ihe legitimate, anavoid- able consequences of its acmissions. It says, in 60 many words, that the Republi- canism of twenty or thirty years ago (Mr Mad- ison’s republicanism) knew ithe or nothing a- bout great constitutional qaestions, even one which had been debated and tried from the foan- dation of the Government. Generat Jackson was more competent to seitle them, and able, farther, to decide the question of expediency -eiter, withoot or agains: experience, than the old Repablicans with all its lights We hope now-to learn from oar Demoeratic Doctor precisely when the repabdlicanism of the Bank became (as it now is) abandoned.federalism Did it go to bed one night the former, and wake op the pext morning the lauer? Or did the thing come about by gradual transition, as the worm is transfurmed into a fly? How was it? Was there any middJe passed throogh in going trem one of the other? If s0,-what was the Republican just at that point where he was nei- ther that nor a Beaeralist? ‘Mhe tadpole that was a fish ripens into.a frog; but what wag he in that nick of time when he had legt figuail, but had aot gothislegs? Pray, let us have this nice era of party history and principles fixed ex actly, that the world may know the very minnte of the mighty metamorphosis which evolved Re poblicanism from Federalism and Jacksonian knowledge out of Madison's constitational igno rance, a Tris, the Pennsylvaniaa will alléw oato say, | ‘reply < for im the firtt place, late, | uodesiable fact that the Bank was, in I 16, vo- expedient and entirely constitational mewsure - to 1823 the new or nab pt o anconstitational , while their lesder- oevenheless If,as the. Pennsylvanian pads, experience Measore, then it way ; tor ibe experience'in question if of 1886 and the Bot, farther : the experieie, the resali, could only, at most, decide the queticn of expediency. lesa, indesd, the present paify doctiine be (as. it would seem) that things are jonsiitatignal or not Now, the measure was a¢ adopted io 1216 ; '| without & previeus trial of . F ex-President of Hayti, who 19 said to be on Seater gee eepran tial of twpaty years. Foor his way to France, for the benefit of his publicans of that day that a Jank was an indis~ args “id ibe of heated tal Wehave ¥. d and the latter his opponents. ‘Gidof Justice Gilberi, brought the Watch eo the course of this trial this was safficiently prow ed, although the pretence for the Watch bei present was, the apprehension of an’ int distorbance. ‘This partof the affair is, however a mere family matier, with which we have no- thing todo; but Mike Walsh does not like his being persecuted by those for whom be has lador- ed for gears past, and from whom io return, he bas received nothing bot kicks, with the occa— sional honor of berg invited to meet Mr Van Boren a1 dinner at a friend's table. The last lime this honor was conferred upon bim, was in Washington Palace ; and Mike ‘o this day ié ra- ther ashamed ofthe affair, inasmuctk as his host deems it necessary ‘o apologize for his having io- vitea to his table the leader of the Spartans. — No apology, however, is necessary, when Mike is of sufficient importance to dine at the table of otlemenp at troduced to certain 0 thao this same the Capi = —"Batas we were saying, Mize, now that those with whom be bas heretofore acted, are persecs- ticg him with 4 spirit which is quite noworthy of the age, and particularly disgraceful to men who have received the benefit of bis services— 1s dispnsed cecasionally to raise the curtain and the former being the friends of’ Mr Van Boren, The * Old Hun- | en a ate Kers”* Were charged with having, through the only « lite mye: the ground in citizens dresses and with clubs, to prevent the “ Sabierraneana” voting ; and in the President when in Washington ; and 4 ptac even oor very dignified Mayor . weet say. tated, uoderstand this su tade, to be the vsaguished, else our demoliuon | weré consummated elready! Nota State *] thet bas voted sgéinst the Whigs, thet the |. 1 pont of joy from the eroaking throdis of Locofoco braggarts’ butis it sotvam axiom im their tactics to raise a clamor before coming breast to breast with the foe!.. They koow ‘that. the 8wag- ger of the bully often «disconcerts the movements of his less. boasting adversary. The annonesation of a victory with them almost 4sntamouaj to its being won: their kind of fanferonad if arguments— py dein gee US insist Upoa our friends piecing no reliance upon any thing they They promised to defest us in 1840—indeed, so anaihilate the W higs thai they would never again raise their drooping heads, or again expand their crested bosoms! Let them refer back to the ballot-box and discover from its returos what a righteous ladigostion was rendered against them as a verdict for the falsity of such, promise— ei. Boe Coe Salisbory, Oct, : : Apes more easily agi. | : | of our own party; but} SADDLE mon)" stigation is demsnved to | VESS, (fine and common VB. bject ia its preper atti- Fortunste it is for us, that the shouts of victory sometimes come from those that are beve not rended the air ; | abo | GOLD MINE! peetwent uf the pupil, +, 50 per session; On tbe (: ; 2 erie es 3 Octo’ {4 tstt tan RES Princiy a), hip herotofore CXisting he. me mi hoa been Gissulvey wil be soktted by Wa j P} 2gainst ite fa ER & SHa\y 4, 1848 gy 4; naw. ee * erm or ¥ informs ihe cit; ~ | fn assault and battery on the person of one Mr pity, t is aow eatryiag on the oat Couns ~{ Millard, facts were elicited. It ap- . we peared ihe focos | Lage te bese sort meV ReSs Making held oon - geo elect delegaiea to Son of imps ay ere essaying tomake—{ |. ™ SS; ee, Spposition 101 ine. Old ‘Hunkes ” sed’ Hohmann ame are. the views: taken of | !NoWt OUs BRA » Gine and comp “ 95 and MARTINGALES, Sa cee out of the best of leather R, patting done in the best ib] - eg notice POssibia style, and o ; subsbseriber ho b striet FT bis business, to meri: pared Bite tice patronage, to @ literal share of public } WM J PLUM Salisbury, Oct. 14, 1843 —if11 oe P.S. All orders from a distance tor eny of the fabstge, 1 will expose to public pew te premises, on Monday the 251), day November next, one ondivided half of a TRACT OF LAND, ia the county of Davidson, un the waters of Four Mile. Creek, coniainisog ONE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, known as the DODGE HILL, lying close to or adjoining the celebrated Conrad Hill, The tract is deemed very va'ua- ble, as | iseupposed that the Conrad Gold veins pass into and through it:. Gov. Morehead pur- chased one half of the tract from Col. Dodge, at $2:500, ‘and still owns it. §LF A credit of six months will be given, the purchaser execoting a bond with good and ap- Sorty or fifty times? give the public a peep at the political morality of his old friends Accordingly, we fied in the tri al referred to, the following questions pot to Mr Wood a Loco Fveo brought forward by the ‘Old Hookers ” to convict Wa!sh : Q. Mr Wood, did you never give $190 to have Whig voters beat away from the polls ? A I have given monev for general expenses Q What do you mean by general cXpeases P A. Room hire, bill posting, &c Q. Now, be particular, sir! Have you never given money to inv! viduals for political services who never posted bills or performed any tangible labor fer it ? Yes sir. ‘ M: Broderick was also cross questioned by Mike on this same subject ; and we particalarly commend his reply to Messrs Batler, Edmonds, and his honor the Mayor, who made such a des- perate and onsoaccessfal effort to convict the Whigs of Pipe laying throogh the testimony of one Glentworth. ‘* Mike Walsh to Mr Broderick. bave voe lived ir the Nioth Ward ? A. For over !wenty years Q. Have you known of anv money being paid while io it, for impraper electioneering purposes? A Yes; Ihave known three dollars a day to have been given hy the Vu Buree party wo Bul: How long John B Gerrit, ao Old Honker in a black wig, sworn Walsh. Did’at you know, sir, that there was a conspiracy among the watchmen to drive the (riends of the distriet syetem frum tbe polls ? A. Yes, I heered of sich nspiracy. Q Did you see any of Phe watchmen and lamplighters there—the former without the uai- form ? A. Yes { did. Q. Some of them voted seven or eight times did'nt they ? A Fes, sr. Q Did'nt you see some Old Hunkers vote A. I don't know.” — Subterranean. We think this testimony io a Court of Jostice is well calcatated to give the reader at a distance, some idea of the character of the Party against which the Whigs of this city,have go long eon- tended = [t is a.fasthful picture drawn by them- selves under oath ; and may therefore, be relied on. » ae ~ Great Gun. ~The New York Express says that Messrs L. B. Ward & Co. of that city are hammering oat an immense gon, said te be the largest wrooght iron gun in the world. [1 is foarteen feer long, three feet in diameter at the breech, and weighs thirty thousand pounds, or fifteen tons. . The Expréss adds— bis made for Governatent,:a0d wi}! be placed on board the Princeton steamer, Capt Stockton, now at Philadelphia. This extraordinary gon is hammered.oat with a- hammer weighing fi teen thousand pounds. Ihe prosess of heating New Fork Fashion.—The Aorora says, the new fal} bonnets range from $15 to $30, and head | dresses from $12 t0 $25. Materats for bonnets, light and airy style -of feathers gold and silver Who believed the world would be destroyed last April. They all say that “ they did'nt say so. Asbestos.—This singalar sobstance, which has as yet defied all the efforts of chemista to analyze it, inasmuch as it will neither melt with fire not dissolve in Water,and ie entitely free from dhe peasamry have congregated 19 consider- . doroegh of York. taste oF smell, is found in considerable aboudsnce stomeect.. The reptile was m. 2 torpid atate ; in Pennsylvania, at po great distance from the when the Boa Constricior species® was recently taken | bp the British brig Eliar Steele, on Dead Mars. finished. will @ ball of one third greater Island, at the entrance of the bay of Gaagagn't, 4 weighs, stdeat iene i Pacifie Ocean. He measured $7 fee: in length, and in girth, at the thickest part, Yoor feet toree inches. The body of 2 goat ‘was funnd ip iis derfal silk and satin are now worn, (it being too easly | the farnace, of potting it on the anvil, of tarnipg yet for veive',) trimmed with lace, and @ very | eating aod hammering, are so complele, that it ‘Phe head | j#'moved with s precission and facility traly as- dresses are ornamented with costly tassels of tontehing. ates ange of shis s:ze and lar~ Enormous Sacke.—A tmonstrots serpent, of. of this size get, 2 : rp ola Figen ah sceovat of @ steamboat shaft forged ai this fonodty, and i¢ 19 2 source of satisfaction that we phan Bae stig, resort (o the work - Babe a SNE rae aad dcp ces ge and hammering such.an immense shaft ig won- Tae machinery for placing the gon ‘in ently madé, bar no atiemp}, webe- that the sireng'h and power of shies piece: when th increased distance, than the best east iron guns Wave before given lies, 10 beat Whig voters from the polls ! 4 Spirit-bat one electron within the lest two and prey let us enquire what they have per- formed since ensariog from the people a different expression of regard towards them? ave they improved in their hon- esty ? fave they reformed their integrity ? Have they begun the redemption of their promises? Have they go sltered the com plication of affairs as to reduce them to their priwitive smpliciy ? Have they given the country a good fisea! agent yet, and regulat- ed its exchanges? Let the situation of the nation furnish the enswer, lamentable as is! The Whig party bave been since the death of General Harrison by whith sad event were crushed their eager hopes— merely oa the defensive. They bave look- ed with sickening pity and dire disgust on the puny efforts of the combatants to pave the way smooth egain for Van or some of the ‘litter.? Their position is teken—-jhey know it aod they can and will maintain it. They kaow that the Demoerecy will hang itself if rope is furnished, and the Whigs have been trying to be accommodating. They bave contested with their strength and years, and this was the election for Govern- or ic ‘Tennessee. Witness there the bright ascendancy of their principles. ‘They bed No ordinary object to regard.. They deter- mined nol to lose the gallant Jones by one of the strong friends of their opponents ! Yes—when the conflict of °44 begins, we then will show our brawney orm. The strength of that arm is already known by the Locos. Van Buren with -his frippery and prodery can’t resiat it; neither can Cal- boun, with all his transcendentelism ; nor Jobnson, with all bis precucel amelgemeyon principles ; nor Cass wath hie court polish. A!l will vanish before the ‘Mull Boy of the Stashes* like the misis of the morn before: the sun of day !—We are right. Fate would not decree an edict deciding it otherwise. She knows thet a great confgdaracy would be gloried in Henry Clay’sinaogueration to the Execulive station of the United States. NVotice—Land for Sate. BYE subser TRACT: G@id OUT-HOUSES, fences to good repair; the land issn a high state of cultivation, with amapple and peach orebatd of choice fruit. The. home tract contains 500 ACRES, with several adjoining TRACTS — Also a good GRIST MILL, driven by an over- shot wheel and has $0 feet fall. ‘These-lands , Setife- have thirty never . fai _Springs.. men:s for ps fi hate Fg snd ol 2 section as North Carolina Tor‘. “Also, a°good COTTON and WHEAT MACHINE. Money. young negroes..or good pai » will ve taken in payment. 2 ag 26 Z - . As ase oi... }. ey * a , <a proved sureties: but the title will be withbeld antil payment is made H. W. GUION. Linealnton, Oct 4, 18483—6w11 Trustee. *,"Greensboro Patriot will insert 4 times and ‘| forward paper, A CARD. Att those indebted to the subscriber (either be pute or acconn!) for practice done from Wood Grove, are earnestly requested to setile the same at or before November Court. G B. DOUGLAS. Salisbury, Oct 14, 1843 —tel! BOOT AND SHCE > SHOP. HE Sobseriber takes this method of inform- ing the citizens of Sslisbury and ‘he sur- rounding couatry, that he still carries on the Boot and Shoe-making Business at bis Tan yard on the North-easi square. in the town of Salis- bury, where he is prepared to make Boots and Shoes in a style of workmanship not to be sur- passed by any shop in this place, or even in the State., He assures those who want good found- ations for their understandings, that be can ac- commuodats them with as good an article as they can obtain at any other shop, for durability and for neatness. The subseriber bason hand the following shoes, which he offers lower for cash than thev ean be bought at any other shop, or to puncinal custome: on @ credit on as good lerms as they conld desire, Gentlemen’s fine Boots; Gentlemen's fine Shoes & Puaps; Ladies’ fice Shoes & Pumps ; children’s shoes, together with a large stock ct Negroes* Shoes, which he desires those wishing to purchase w call and examine before supplying themselves elsewhere, as he is confiden: of plea sing them as to quantity, quality, and price. Mr. Jacob Lefler, who has the sole manage- ment of the business, says, that no work shall leave the shop which would not give entire sa\- isfaction to every one, as it shal! ever be bis pride aod boast todo good and neat work, end that. too withdut delay. ; A large supply of good LEATHER constan!- ly on hand for sale. - Greeo hides taken ia exchange for Shoes sod Leather. , _» WCF Orders from 2 distance panctoolly at- t le . — - = MOSES LE. BROWN. September 2,.1845—4m6 . DAVED E. POOL, S CAKES this meihod of Y informing his friencs, and the “pablic, that be is still carrying ov the Waich and Clock making, and Re- pairiog business, at his old stand, near the Coarthouse him will be. warranted uv All work done by : twelve months. He still keeps on hand 2 smz assortment of Jewellery. , Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, Wareh 12, 1842 —S3 -. + MOTICE. PURSUANT. 10 a Decree of the Cogrt of Eqnity for'Réwsw County, ibe Clerk aod aah artton jsce” on Monday ‘of November*pext,2 House and he expects to retara. ib, Ke wi aosent f time * irs Moen > ae ERT ¢ é. ° 5 Ott, 4, 1843 2. curity for the ihe sae wi @ @teatSivth Squafe of the Towa of lib | 8 techies a walter strec}, opposite tv George *s reside relengipg 10. the Heirs at iewee ed A cred't of six tion to Ls om eed. AC 40. it montbe -il be allowed, 20d bond with bd se > BAM L. SILLIMAN, o.m Es ber I ~—4dwil SALISBURY: et ieee SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1948. tepublican Whig Tieket tT ‘For President of the United States: HENRY CLAY. OF KENTUCEY, — == | Popolar elections clear majority of 4000 ?— | aerWentally broken; » pe f the spirit The Whig Banner? Does this net shew on the part of the + | tock firé frome lemp, snd the flames sp oe oe | tives, 9 willinggess°t0 violate the. pr >| with such rapidity, that a the-efforis of the “A sound National Currency, regulated by shich should ever characterize a woe a le crew, eyes 8 fiom the will and authority of the Nation. dn adequate Reveaue with fair protection’ lo American, Industry —just restrainis‘ou the Executive Power. embracing a further restric- tion on the exercise of the Veto * A faithful administratio, of the Public Do- main. with an equitable distribution of the Pro- ceeds of sales amonsz the States + An honest and economical administration of the General Government, leaving Public cers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suffrage ; but with suitable restraints against improper interference in Elections ' * An amendment of the Constitution limiting the incumbent of the Presidential Chair to a single Term ’—(Henwry xray. - SEVENTH OF DECEMEER. Ata meeting of the Whig Comamitice of Notch Carolina, ; Resolved, Th the Whig party, be held so | : on. Thars * day. ih day o mber b8x?, for the por- }of s@leciing a candidate for Governor, and g two Delegates to the Baltimore Con- . -‘¥ention, R HINES, Ch'm'n. J. Harris, Secretary Tt will be seen by the above regolation of the Whig Ceotral Commitiee, that the Seventh of December next, bas been agreed upon as the time for the Whig State Convention to meet in Raleigh, to nominate a suitable person as a Can- didate for Governor. As it is important that ey- ery County should be fully represented in the Convention, we would merely suggest to the Whigs of Rowan the propriety of holding a uwerting on MONDAY of NOVEMBER TART. As the time is not very faroff, we Cavoliua WWateninan. | === = ee pate ‘were adopted tendering io say you, Whigs of of ttended to. What give one day :o the advancement of the te of your Country ? Come one and all—tet us have a full meeting—such a meeting as will as- tonish oar enemies, and cause them to shriok back with terror at the voice of a free and in- dependent People, in sunport of soand Princi- ples. THE WHIG CAUSE Let every patriotic bosom swell with joy. end raise high the antbem of thanks giving, for the glorious regeneration thet is now pervading the land) The bright danner of Hope is gleaming in every quarter, with a pure and holy radiance, whilst the cloud of dismay. with which TREASON was wont to overshadow our legitimate prospects is be ing dispelled, by the light of an onerring re- formation. No longer then, let Freedom’s bantlings, shrivk from the mirky elemenis of pseudo Democracy, but gird on their ar. mor for the re-taking of the citidal! Tothe WHIG PARTY, our coantry looks for do- liverance, end in their hands its exisience would be safe! Raise loud and long, ye volaries of Freedom, our mutual ‘battle ery’ of “Liberty and the Constitutien,”"—rally sround its glorious standard, armed withthe mighty panoply of truth and justice, deter- Mined to stand or fall with ns destiny, and the combined machinations of a combusti- ble partizanship, will be as uppotent for harm a+ the winds that sweep around the bese of Chim Sorazo itself. Then, ‘onware ye brave, who rush to victory, or the grave ” WHIG MEETING IN WaKE COUNTY. We learn from the Raleigh Register of tke 13th, that a meeting uf the Whifs of Wake cougiy was held in Raleigh on the 5th insiant, at which Charles L. Hioton, Esq. presided. — Resoluiions were adopted approbating the call of the Whig Central Committee fora Convention 'o be held ar Raleigh on the 7ih of December nex! Pledging themselves to a firm and hear '¥ sudport ot Henry Clay for the Presideacy,— and recommending their fellow citizen Charles Manly, as a suitable candidate for Governor. The meeting also passed a resolution directing the Chairman to ‘appoint one bundred dele- gates or more” to said Convention. [a looking Over the list, we find many a name of those gal laat spirits who received us with the spirit of a tirgle man, and did the ** noble honors of tho heart” to the thousands who rushed to Raleigh in the glorious campaign of °40. We ourselves Pariicipated in the reception dnd the pageant, — 40d car heart now swells ag will the sound of a Trompet at the reculleri:u of éhe'eeenes and in. Cidents of that day, wiih itg ** bright October sun.” a roa of such names, the dis} fi Stured that this augerical Cader the tant counties display. of Strength from the eoonty of Wake | alone. is rather an intimation of an inereasing | Beal forthe & general cause,’ andan earnest of their hospitable feelings for the particslar occa ‘ion, than a desire to use otsfall foree in Conven toa, for the benefit of tire very excellent ‘gen- Veman recommended to the attention of the Stare 49.4 candidate for Governor, Couatyes near or remote, each in iheir degree of zeal or distanee, Will send more or Tess Delegates to the meeting, and a fai expectation some e tad distribative the sctiog’ of the method of voting will govern body ; and when tle name is fixed opon—and the delegations fal! back into the body of the People, let us all “in that way of thinking,” £0 earnestly and honestly to work "9 Susiain thetnan without any selfish.or ie vidr- Inet at Nustrville og Monday the 2d instant, ol! obtains: that some easy | Secate, and Daniel L. Barringer, formerly of} nek ie, Speaker fig te ti = - r “¥ Fog wv, A charmed Man.—In the great fire of 1895, the sture e-Doheeati; the metal dealer, stoud litical gamblers.” “ Morg trae joy Marcellus, exiled feels, Thao Cesar with a Senate at his heels.” BF We learn from the Asheville Messen- ger, (bat a very large and enthusiastic Conven- Uoa was held in that Town on the Sd inst , com posed of Delegates from each county in that dis valuable private property. a & crew seved hg they bad on- trict, for the purpose of tendering to the Hon, The ship conting ere aml SA M., Heory Clay, an invi:atigl Carolina, on bis conte during the appruachi to the State Resolutions - Viay a public dio- ner at Asheville, and 2 Commitiee of fifty gen- tlemen appointed to make the necessary arrange~ meat, should Mr Clay aécept of the invitation A namerovus meeting of similar character was held at Mo:7anion, at which James Smith, Esq presided. Resolations of noble sentiments were introdaced and ably vindicated by that fearless Whig, Burgess S. Gaither, Exq , extending the civilities of Burke to the great masier spirit of the age. Old Burke, like ber gallant son, Gai- ther, alwa¥s epeake the truth. Would it not be well enough for the Whigs of Rowan at November Court to make some ar- rangements preparatory towards inviting Mr. Clay to visit Salisbury. We merely make the ion ; for we are certain there is nota see the great * would not be pleased to Squally times for Locos |— by the number of counties in which the two parties have gained. since the last election, that the Whigs have gained seven- \y counties and a majority of 3,500, whilst the “all sorls” have incressed 15, with the meagre majority of $94. Alter this, we think, it would be policy in the vanquished Locos, to give up the ghost, acd “ die ‘ike men.”? Georgia TZlections. CALHOUNISM AND LOCOrOCOISM ROUTED !! Returns from 84 counties show a clear major ity of four thousand ove hundred and sixty eight votes for George W Crawford, the Whio Candidate for Goveroor. Nioe counties remain to be heard from, which gave a Locofoco majori ty in 1841, of 955. Crawford’s majority will, in all probability, reach 8500. ‘The majority for the Whig Congressmen will fall very Jittle, if any, short of that for Governor. In the Legise latore in 85 counties, the Whigs have carried 51 Senatars, and with a fair prospect fur one more in Mounigomery county, which is yet tu be heard from, aod will give the Whigs a majority of eleven in the Senate In the Honse of Re- presentatives, our majority is overwhelming. fIRST GUN FROM PENNSYLVANIA By the latest advices, we learn that the “Old Keysione” is wide awake to the great contest of 1844! The Municipal elections of Philadel- Phia, speak volames! The gallant Whi Scorr, is elected over his antagonist by a ma- jority of 2659 votes! The old ** Continental City ” is but again re—echoing the patriot senii- ments, which pervaded the busoms of the great Apostles of Liberty who there formed for us, a Magna Charta! BC In Georgia the Whigs have rooted ihe Locotocos on ali sides. What will the admirers’ of Mr: Calhoun say now. They ascribed their defeat in Tennessee, to Mi. Vao Buren’s un pop- ulatity, and it may now with a good grace be asked by the friends of the “ Little Magician,” what occasioned the overwhelming defeat to the “‘ hydra headed” patty in Georgia. ‘Io whose influence will.the Calhoanites attribete it to ?— Surely not ta Mr, Van Buren’s, for all the Loco- foco papers, we believe, with botfew exceplious, if any, came’ out ia favor, of “ Cataline”’ and Free Trade> fot te ‘BCH The Siac heard oothing def hb instant, had espects the elec~ ‘ f yland. We re- spectfully suggest to Stmasier General, whether it would:not. be advisible to appoint a special express for the Editore benefit. 1 seems to us unfaie that afl the other papers should be in the receiptof, such glorious intelligence, and the Editor of the Standard kept in uiter ignorance. What say you, Mr. Wickliffe ? Legislstere of thie State Terngssec.—The the members being present with one exception: Josiah M. Anderson was.chosen Speaker of the alone in the midst-of the. ruin, and almost ua- barmed. No body could tell the reason why it Brooklyo stood 10 2 similar manner, whilé fifteen Western No. when the magazine exphiced. The Governor | wag not destroyed: Un Friday bis faciry. in | eq to to Gibrelier on the. : f xy . Se : / : $ 5 ~~ ‘ Be on ey Ss a _S Capt. Newton was the last :0 leave the Ghip. Mr. Cushing saved his pspers, but lost mach, | of Gibralter, the British officers, and citizens, rendered every aid in their power, at and efter the fire They provided a passage for Mr. Cashing 19 a British steamer. Capi. Newton had chartered « ship to bring his crew home. ‘The Missouri: cost about $500,000. €# The Richmond Star says a most a- mvsing fignt took place on Monday moro- ing on Main street, between a live Coon anda Dog. The ‘ old Coon” give hisea- aiae enemy a glorious floging- We con. sider thie ominous, especially as ihe fight took plece immedistely opposite the office of the Riebmond Enquirer. ~—Ae 2e POSTSCRIPT. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION! Th + sews from the Elections which took place Siate on the 10th inst., are of tbe most The Whigs have elected 6 or (wo more 10 certain, an members of Congress. Ti ig will bave the Legislature by a small ma jorveyy Well done, say we, for the Keystone Siate He: advancewent in the support of sound principles, is but an earneai of whai she will doin 1844 — W big gain io the popular vote tn 21 counties 14,822! ° WNew Jersey.—Bat few retoras have been re- 25ib, to take-in coal, | ‘< ul Marklaud, deo'd appearing to the sali of . I that the Fietekdione. Henry Pasay, tad ing and wife Nuney, potifyiag” the Jetendants, to be avd ap-, pear before Sessions, yot Davie, at the Court House in Muckseille, on the 4th mon day io Novewber next, then aad there: io shew canse, why the said plaintiffs shall not have Ex ecutive against the lands desceaded to ‘how as the Heire a: Law of Nathaniel Markland, dec'd., for the amount of their r tive debts and cosis. Wiinese, Juba Clement, Clerk of oar said Court at Office \he 4ib- Wionday in Aogusi, 1848. and in the 68th year of our Independence. JOHN CLEMENT. Cik. October 21, 1843 — Printers fee $9 TO MILL OWNERS AND MILLERS. A bbe undersigned respecifally announces to all who are inierested in the manufacture of Flour, thei he bas put inoperation ia his new FL OURING WiLL “LS, at Movant Airy,. Sarry County @North Carolina, a superior SMUT MACHINE, of his own in- vention, which from the principle upon which it acts, surpasses any tbing of ihe kind heretofore offered wo the Public. Wheat whieh is tho oogh ly impregnated with smut and other filth; togeih er with garlic, is at once rendered pure and clean; out of which the bes: Flour cao-be made. Their cheapoess, durability and great economy in power, must aod will render thema valuable ac ea eae to those interested in making good flour. The endersigned will in a short time be prepared \o furnish machines at any notice ; and will war tbetr operation to surpass any thing of ttre sed. The subscriber takes great he public a few of the ’ f the supe pleasure If pre many testimonials in orityof hia MACHINE = Any quired ia relation to the above will receive pro s'teation, if addressed to the subseriber at Mount Airy, Surry couniy, North Carolina ceived So far as they go, luok rather squall, forthe Whigs, owing toa Want of harmony to their ranks, Ohio.—Very few returns received, but the: are cheering enough. Harper, Whig, is elecic:: tu Congress in thé 14th district by 1100 major - ‘y Florence and Jobnson, Whigs, in the 9:1, and 13ih. Florence beats Medill, the late mem ber, and Johnson beats Barker —buih W big gain-. The ear pierceing fife. and soul stirring drum. We have several “on dita” of news tor to day paper, which are deferred, not fur want of roon: but it is * Parade day,”—some cali it the “ B. Muster.” ‘I'be sound of music is ringiog in uv eas !—~-the instruinentg used are the same 4- thuse of last year, the bass and ketile drum, «+ “sound of which is enough to sirike with tian - ity the heart of 2 woman, or fire the bosom ol 4 coward.” ‘O,a@ sogering we must go !’ A ALTAR OF HYMEN *eaeee 66 Those whom love cements in holy-faith ** And equal transport, free as Nature live. exeeeee co Whatis the world to them, ‘I's pomp, its pleasure and its nonsense all, * Who tn each other clasp whatever fair ** High fancy torms.and tavish hearts can wish MARRIED, In this Connty on the 12th inst., by the Rev. ‘James D. Hall, Mr. John C Gillespie, 1o Mies Jane S. Graham, daughter of John S. Graham. Eeq. State of Morth Earolina, DAVIE COUNTY. In Equity, Fall Term 1343. James Kiayon, vs. B. Bailey aod ‘Thomas Bro:k. Is this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart that Thos. W. Brock, one of the Defendants, is not -ao ipbabiisut of this Sime: tt 1s therefore Ordered, that publication be made for three weeks in the Caroline Watchman, for the said defendant to be, and appear, at ihe nex: Ferm of this Court, to be held tor the coumy ot Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, & the 4th monday afier the 4it monday in February next, and plead, answer, or demur to complain— anis Bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and the cause set for hearing ex parte, as to bim Witness, 1.. Bingham, Clerk ard Master of said Court, at. »the 4th monday after the 4th monday in August, AD. 1843, and inthe 6Sihsyear ef Americao Independence. “aL. BINGHAM, c. u. b. $w12— Printers feb $5 ’ . - bd Aw indebted to the subscriber (+ith- er by Note or account) are earnestly re quested to seitle the same st or befure ihe 1a: day of Jengary next. -All thuse failing to do 60 may expect to setile with aa TEES ” : ‘ ie 4 Jase SOWAN. ~—— - OBS Oe. oS 7 a. aa wc OST, on of sbout the 1% Town of of ton, or oo the wain wad A. ot, for “seven cents, dated April 9h. 1842. The public are uested not to trade for said hole as 1 intend} paid.tomay Bae bot a Ltskes less power todo the work. ing fromy tbat place io Salisbury, a Note.on{ sed prepared to accommodaie the tastes me nty-9 ts and foer }Feshiunable at all times. JACOB W. BROWER. ovat Airy, Sept. 20, 1848—3a9 Randolph Co., N. C., Sept. 16, 1843. Phis ie to certify thai | have examined J. W. Biower's Smut and Garlic Machine for cleaning ‘heal, and can say with confidence, that fur er fection io cleaning Wheat of dirt, cheat and ulber imparities, il ia the besi caleulaiad to do it feeivally with lees loss uf grain than ang thing | the kind that has ever come under my obsPr- vation, JOHN WALKER, Millwright. Patrick C H Va., Sept. 10, 1843. { have seen one of J. W. Brower's machines fr cleaning Wheat in operation, and ean with co fidence say ihatd believe it far superior to ‘ee machine | have ever geen used for that por- mee, and would recummend its use to the mill~ rg Cummudily, SAM’L. WALKER, Milwright. Mount Airy Wills, Sept. 16, 1843. This is tocertify thai} have been fur the last Li welyea mon:hs attending to the Mouoi Ary Mills, where one of J. WW. Brower’s smut and oe: machines bas been ia operation daily ; and perfection in cleanine Wheat of all kinds of dirt and impurities, tt bas far exceeded my mos! saguine expectations | would not have be- lieved that such a change could have been pro duced ‘nthe colour of fluur; 1 enables me toget more flogy from ‘he same wheai,and ihe evlou: far more sure = [a shovi, ihe aivantages are so gies that no money would induce me to dispense Wilh i's uperation: it takes but litile power to propel it, and perieciiy durable. | would, ihere~ fore with confidence recommend it to the milling community. S. SPILMAN, Mount Airy. Sept 16; 1843. The Smot and Garlic Mechine sp ken of br Mr Samuel Spilman, | have examined apari and im operation ia J. W. Brower's mill, and can spesk of iis great valoe with entire confidence. ! consider it decidedly ihe best mathine for clean lig. wheat from emat aod other impurities than has.ever yet come under my observatiun | have examrued all the machines that Was been put to work in the State, to wit,—Mr Childers, of Bal timore, Mr Barret’s, of New Yurk, and My Mure’s of N. Carolina. of which | woald great- ly prefer JI _W. Browet’s machine; it 1s more simple, and cleans wheat faster and better and They can be bodt for $50 less than any of the above named machines SUBTITLE ALREAD Millwrizht. NEW FASHIONS FOR THE . Spring and Summer of 1843. THOMAS DICKSON ESPECTFULLY ioforms bis friends and publie; ihat he still carries onthe TAILORING BUSINESS all itg various branches, \wo-doors above J. & W. Marphy’s siore, where he is ready io exe- cute all orders of hig ecastomers in a style and Manner not surpassed by any in this part of the inst.; in the} cooniry. ‘He is also in the regolar receipt of ihe MEW-YORK FASHIONS, of the April 15, 184318 + «t COUNTY COURT WRITS tbat it shall-not.be O° gawtack, « jer | other afl oY sae 2 a eHEN GR SE. | Printed on first rate papes and for sale at mr ‘me SAT Rabe prontties oe bvilding? o ic al Satisbery, Oct. 21, vem ° this Office. * _ te i Te ee TY x se ime oo re 4 oe ce a aie _— are 4) EF : = ae Bree PR ee Martha, Thomas wark- | ei ae: . Alpacha lusires, > Striped, walered and } Victoria do i " Maslio de lanesaud bombazine Ss, Chasans for ladies dresses, (oew article) Sitks, (new style) various qualities, Cotton bagging; bale rope aad twine, Cheese, tea and los r Browa sugar and Coffee, Powder. Shot aod lead, WatBare anv Cutlery, Sole Leather, Hemlock and Oak, upper do, Sheet sies! for Cotton ~Gin Saws, MEDICLAES and PAINTS, HATS AND BONNETS, Boots and ! Quick- Silver, Together with a general siock of al’ other kindsof GOODS These goods will be sold low, very low, (and ag cheap as they can be boaght ia thie market) for cash, or in exchange for country Produce. Salisbury, Oot. 7, 1848—1150 N. B For the accommodation of customers, | bave @ convenient lot and viables, 1a the tear. of my Store. M. B. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS FOR "43 & °4A4, Al the old Tailoring Eestablishment ! HORACE H. BEARD LONDON. PARIS §& PHILADEL- PH14 FASHIONS, for the Spring and Sumnrer of 1843 ! which far sarpasses aay thing of the kind here- tufore poblished He still carries on the We ty king of garments, not to be surpassed by any ‘he southern country. Punctuality, deapateh and faiihtul work as has been, always shall be his aim aod object. ‘Thankfal for past encour- agement, be hopas to merit its continuance. P S. Reference he deems unneceseary, a8 bis experience and work for the last thirteen years will show. HORACE H. BEARD Oct. 21, 1848—1f38 Ladies’ Fashions FOR THE Spring and Summer of ’ @ VAE Sobseriberinforms the public, that she has jusi received through the Northern Citiesihe latesiand most approved London & Parisian Fashions, And is prepared to execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner. Work seni from a distance shal! be carefully pet up and forwarded, S. D. PENDLETON. SC Mrs P has on hand a handsome assort- mornt of Bonnets, (newest siyle) Caps and Turbans, for sale, *.* Mrs. S. P. is also prepared to execute Crimping and Flating.on ;easonable terms. Salisbury, May 27, 1843, FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS for IPAS JS NEW Tailoring Lstablishment ! ALSOBROOK & MILLER, TAILORS, (Late of the City of Raleigh.) E have locaied ourselves in the Town of Salisvury, (permanently ,) and-intend ear rying oo ver BUSINESS in a syle out to be surpassed in this State or outof it. Oar Esiab lishment is in the room on the corner of the Mansion Hotel, formerly oecupied as the Pusi- Office | We have employed the best of Northern Workmen. No expense or paias will ve spared to render this a Fashionable Establishixent! ia all respects. Gentlemen, therefore, may rely on having ibeir cloihes made up in the mos: fashionable and durable manner. We bave been engaged regularly in eotiing for the last’ five years, and part of the time. in some of the most celebrated establishments ia the Southern coun— try We shall not hesiiaie to guarantee every thing to fit we cot acd make LONDON, PARIS, AND NEW-YORK FASHIONS, received moothy In conclusion, sbould we be encouraged, no one need send away to procure good elothing. A. P._ ALSOBROOK. : H. . be Reference.— Thos. M. Oliver, oh, N.C. Saksbory, Moy 20, 1843— 1926 * AS jost received of Mr. F. Manan, the} | Samoel Craige 0 t e t ea r s ¥. A te 4 ; } 3 ; rs a * * f ’ ag > P es , ; r PD LB j by 7 FF ae ; : 2 ‘ S. r J 3 ; ‘ be a t th , * ~ 'F % or ips ; et > “ Z i « ” " 7% z 4 me » f * - re ; s; . 3 ee ‘e i we ig h t Se 8 52 5 8 s i) —_ J Si s e r e $06 blankeis 248 deo cotton $47. woolen shawls ~ 69 ps Gannels 48 do bed ticks 516 cotten and worsied tippets 21 do Kentocky janes, Together with a general stock of ‘all’ kinds of GOODS. These goods have all beer. booght for CASH, and they will be suld for CASH as low, if oot lower than they can be bough: at any olher house in this place. Please call aod judge for your- selves. J & W. MURPHY. Salisbury, Oct, 7, 18498—~—1f40 IST OF ._ LETTERS remaining io ibe Post Office at Salisbury, N. Carolina, Sep- tember 30, 1843. Mrs E D Austin Mrs C Andrews Mre Jane Brown Leonard S Krider Leonard: Kluits Wil'iam Lane Rev Robt P Bibb 2 [John Lockaby, Exq San! R Browning 2 [mre Naney Lyerly James L Brown Samuel. Lino A Bencini 2 {Andrew J Linster Mrs Margaret Brown |Richard Locke William C Love mrs Lovisa C muss John moss Giles W monroe mrs Mm G mcKenazte George mcUonoaughey Juho sonros miss N E messamore miss KE meCulloh George Mm marr Robert J morrison Edward Nounally Danie! D Orrell Phillip Owens Catharine Parker Brown & Cha nbers Exeneezer Moore Radford Bailey John Bolt Benj Beaver Jilson Bailey Isaac Cowan Sophia Hilderbreat Thomas Contad Cannon Cannady Miss Ang Clemmons ' e Craige mise S Champlain Miss Mary Davis Heory Frick mrs Neney Parsons John Freeman Dr Albert Powe Miss Zilpha Graham |William Rotter a Joho Gorrell 2-imre Susan Rutter mrs Elizabeth Glean |{isem Rainey Dr P Henderson Asa Ribelin Mrs martha A Howard 'Jacob Seizer mrs mary Hornbarrier [Jacob Stoner maria Hentes James D Smith mis Cath, Hornbarrier |David Trexle: Willem Halee James Taylor mrs Rebecca Huison Barzillae Worth Henry w Jobnson ‘Andrew Young John Jordan Adaline Thomagon Jesse James Robert » Uizman B. JULIAN, P. M. Salisbury. Oc!.7, 1843—$w10 LATE tArrevals. Medicines, Painis, Oils, b hig bplig rite Varnishes, Dye-Siuffs, Patent Medicines, Hops, Choice WINES, atid SPIRITS for medical purposes. ladiane, Hovck’s aod Swaim’s Panacea, Snoffs, Fine chewing and smoking ‘Tobacco. Spanish Cigars, Spices, Perfumes, Brushes, Candles. Fancy and common Soap, Glass Ware, Peters’ Pills, In sirumenis, Maiches, Peper and many other ar- ticles, just received and for sale at prices to suit the times, by Cc. B. WHEELER. Salisbury $42 Important to the #fllicted ! eo the many and exiraordinary cures I have performed, when the skill and hopes of all others bad failed, aud at the gnggestions of friends that | should make public that all man- ver of disease incident to the Homafi Family, is ecniemplated with a-speedy and a soond cure :— sach as Consumption, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia, Cancers, Rieomativm, Asthma, Fe- ver of every deseription immediztely arresiea.— Dysentary, Hemorrage. whether of tne Luogs. Stomach ot Bowels, a specific for diseases of Chridren, soch ss Cholera fofantum, Dysentary, &e Those dispused to make a trial of my prac tice and medicine, will apply to me, oseopying the first House gcjoining the jaif lot. - JH. WAYNESBURG: Salisbury. Aug. 26 , 1842— 1y5 Br. Lin's Galbanum Machine Spread Strengthening Plasters ! *PYHISE Piasters, greatly improved, and ba ving the preference of all others, are warm ly recommended bs all doctors as invaluable for invalids having paine- in ibe. Breasi, Back’ or side, Weakness and Lameness are relieved at once by their ase and the partis restored io strength and a oaiural warmth and health Any person wearing one of these Plasiers, will be as- tonished and delighted atthe Comfort it affords. Those threatened with Luag Complaints should never trost themselves a day withgat wearing a Plaster. [t removes the irritation of incipient Consumption from the Lungs to the surface of the body, and draws off the internal affection — So-io Liver Complaints, and Coughs, acd colde. Children with Whooping Gough shouid alwaye havé one, to prevent the —— setiling on the luogs. < Theirexcellence will be understood by all on triai. $cc For sale by C B Wheeler, Salisbury ; Speagebore’, J & R Sloan; Hilis- eartt; point Ny ie Hy a boro’, by Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1843 —1+S2 a dh + ne a -_ “Of aeeording to other seconn's five, brothers of oa ine misssere of a torins. a6 reported: pily confirmed. apera sermer, ‘This “interestieg jalierly beso pe d and ine and othet miss tained the religion-of » Bible in of pority, —_ ‘aurroended “by rihes. [t seemis tbat the hostility. mies was exciied towards them oy ov~ labors of the rival Chrisiian. migsion The following statement is from a0 Ej aa : oR ‘< Massacres of the Nestorian Christians, —~ The expedition of the Pasha of Mose! against the Mountain. Nemtoriats bas been attended with the most deplorable success, and ihat soccess sus tained, ae was io be expecied, from the co-ope— ration of his savage aozilisries, the Kurds, with every sort of atrocity, The houses of the wreiched inhabitants were fired, and ihey them selves hanted down like wild veasis and exter- minated. Neither Sex nor age met with favor or mercy ; th@mother, orothers, and sisters of the Patriarch were the objects of pecaliar bar- hartty —ihe former having been literally sawed in two, and the faiter most shockingly mang'ed and muiilaied. ‘The Patriarch himself socceed- ed in effeciiog his escape, and has iakeo refoge in the huvse of the British consular agent at Mosul. ‘T'e pamper of viciims who have’ per- ished im ibis massaeree is noi yer keown The p-pufation of the of the meouiains amounted to 190,000. Pheir 4a:e has been troly lameniable and extsaordivary Surrounded by Mussolman hordes pens ap forages in iheir nairve fastness~ es, the very exisvence of ihese children of ihe primitive chureh had remained almost @ secee: to. ibe rest of Catisiendom. Uappy tor ihem, in- deed, bad it coniinoed so..for iheir obscurity seems to have been their best pro:ection. No suoner hav their coontry been explored oy mis— si oaries, and the interest of learned and scien— \tfic men been awakened with respeci to them, than this terriofe vistiation befell them ; and the public is called opon io sympathize with them in their destruction beture perhaps, it had become generally aware of theirexisience. Letters from Mosul throw moch of the odiom of tints sad af- fair upan ihe Korepeans. ft was the imprudent zeal of rival missionaries that first excited ihe Jestous apprehensions uf the Pasha of Mosol, anv caused him tu * fet slip ihe dogs of war” on ihe unfurtunaie Nestorians. [tis affirmed, even, thal sume of these genilemen, with a view of prejudicing his mind against the American raissiovaries, suggesied ‘o him thai ihey were aszisving the monniaineers to raise fortis, where— by they would be herea‘ier ensbled io set ihe Soltan’. authoriiy at defiance: Toese reporis were allogeiber unfuandes 5 their conseqaences, towever, have neen dreadinl ; sach, indeed, as could never nave been contemplated oy ihe in- ventors of them. wh» have, neveriheless, orenghi an awfal responsioiliiy upon themselves.” A Constantinople correspondent of the London Morning Chronicle, onder Jate of Angnst 17 Siates the particulars more at large, as follows: * You have neen informed of the combination hetween ithe Pasha of Mosal and: several power- fo! Kuratsh ehets for ibe exiermination of ike Nesiorian Christians, or Chaldeans Letiers received ibe vay vefore vesierday contain a de- plorable account of ine resulis of the attacks of the antied troops They had peneiraied into tire centre of the Pigaree uisirie:, sorni the villages and charches, desiroved the crora, and put ihe iohabiiaais of both sexes to ihe sword = ‘Whree, the Patriarch have been slain. his mother was colin nalf, and his sisier horribly matilaied — The Patriarch nimsetf bao fl-d io Mosal, aad takea refage tn the British vice coaselate. Thus a sect whieh had preserved its independence doting ceniuries, anu had resisied the perseca - ‘ing sword vf Islam when wielded by the mosi pawertal and mosi inivlerant- of the Jollowers of Vobammed —which, in its simplicity and isola- Vion, bad mainiaiced the doctrines and forms of a primivive church for above fonrieen ceniaries, ard whici bad escaped the corruption of reli- gion, of morals, and of character so conspievous i li other Christian geets.of ihe East—has now, in ihe weakness of Mohaumedanism and in the atreegth of Enropean Christianity, deen deliver ed ove: to desirnetian. * Although ibe Torkish authorities merit the Strenges! cuademnation for ihe part they have taken in this massacre, yet there are others con cerned who are alinasi equally responsible for ihe resnlia, Phe tistory of «he fall of she Nestori ans is anew example of he conseqnences of a sygiem pursued by foreigners in the Bas) which we cannot contemplate wiihout the utmost in- dignation. All ihose who have been ihe direct ot indirect insitumenis of their desiruciion, al- thongh ihey may not nave anticipated ‘a resolt of so serious 2 nature iw their inirigues, and al- thoagh they may now shelier themselves onder the cloak of religion, have been goilis of a grea: crime 2gatast humanity, ** ta their mountain fagiensses the Nestorians had retained their independence for cenairies, — The first wesiern iraveller who sacceeded in penetrating into them was Dr. Grant, an Ame- rican missionary. Fis vdjeci in vistting them was the esrablishmeni of schools and other Means of ifistraciton. No soonerhad Dr Grant Mei wei some sne@ess tn ihe mountains ihan tne Romaeo Cahole migsionaries at Mosol, supparied by French poistieal agenis, endeavor- ed locoonieraci ii “Phe Englst High Chareb was alse jratous of American encroachments in the mids: of a seer still venerating Episcopacy , and ao additional firebrand was throwé jaio the country fai aviome inthe person of the Rev. Mr. Badger. Doring last wiater the three par ties—ihe American, the Posegite, and ihe Ro- mn Catholic—have waged an open warfare a- Tongst themselves. ‘I'he Americans, who had been first’in the field, oniy acted on ihe defen- sive ; tbe influence they had already aequired among the Nestorians enabled them, withoat mech difficulty, to retain their position. The ob- ject of the iwo remaining parties was io ejeci the Amerizans, and to esiablish their own infle ence. They did not act io concert, for their motaal enmity eqvatled their hostility to the Americans. No means were lef entried ioef- fect their object. A report began to prevail that fhe Americans were assisting the Nestorians to build forts in their moontains ‘The ignorant of the serrending countty and their Governor, ihe Pasha of Mosul, readily velieved the assertion ; his suspimens were excited ; from voth parties : he received avensations against their respeciive acdvoraaties lending to inerease bis alarm. Mr. Bilger pointed oat the danger of Roman Caih uberm aod Brepeh influepce in ihe moontaids - | the Prenep, imwetorn, the danger of Eegtish wG ence. A leagib the combmnaiion we have deserihen was formed, and those alone whe were innoeent bave fallen viettms tw ihe inyigues of uf men whe ataooneed themselves ia | m 35. the wimisters of Christ and ihe teachers of ei- viilmeton Strict jastice® compels us to state ihe: ihe Amerie¢ans are tn this instance Without bliwe ‘Phey esiablished themseives Gist in ae distinciion whatever, ahove quoted, are the following : £1,000; Prince Alvurt, £500; «he Qoeen Dow ager, £500; ihe Dake of Norihomberland, £1, 000 ; the Duke of Povtland, £1,000; Sir Ro- beri Pee'. £1,000; the Archbiehop of Canier- barv. £500; the Arehbishup of York, £500; attention to the fact of the Locofoees in iba: city appartenances in holy borror of Toronto in Canada isa defaulier to ihe a- mount of $52,000. trasied to him for the benefi: of the University. The Collector at Hamilton is algo a defaniter to the amount of £10,000 ; ihe Collector at Brock - ville also (0 a considerable amount. says the Philadelphia Independent.on whet sive i hd Med to Persia Bran, s safe j : buve-described the Boston Daily Adveriiser says: © We infer that the Nesiorians of the plain, including those gmong whom a:@ ibe principal walled our missionaries, and partica- larlg those ander the charge,of Mr. Perking and bis immediate agsociaies, ther with the res- denefol ihe Bishop Mar Yohannoo, who bas been lately received wiih so moch interest ip this country, have esca this destructive visi- considered in danger : > ae bh anal + dese | cee 19 got through | business ) strong pointe of her lew case. Striving into the house, aod draw- ‘iogoor paper “Tekiog the censos, ma’am!” gaoth wet ee * Ah ! well ! pes? bless your soul honey, takes seat. Now do! “Are pou the gea- tation. ‘The Nesiorians of the Mountains are | less civilized, less peacetai in iheir habits, and have derived less umprovement frow iasiroc tions of the Amésean missionaries than those’! of the plain Yet among them Doctor Greot, and two or three viher of the missionaties of ibe Amerioan Boards, were resident, aod were pro- dacing a osefa! influence.” * It may be of interest to our readers to learn that Mr Perkins and his wife, eho, afier a res idence of seven or eight pears among the Nes- torians ag missionaries, faiely made 2 visit io this count;y, accompanied by Mar Yubaoosn, 2 native bishop, and who lefi bere in March last on their retoro, arrived at ibeir former residence Oroomiah, in Jone last, in good tealth.” Education in England.—‘The corresponcent of the Joarnal of Commerce wriies that a geod | move is cow making to advance ihe cevge of ed | acation, and to emancipate ihe lower cleeses from the mental slavery @bich 1s now ihe distin- | guishing charaeierstic. Fhe scheme recently | } brought forward by ibe -Government in ihe | House of Commone had for iis main object the makiag education compulsory upon all parenis, and giving ‘he @whule supreme direction of ibai education to the bishops and clergy of ihe Pro- testant Chorch Estavlishment ‘The spirit for agarandizing ibe Church, and secoring io i: a@ monopoly io the proposed syste. calling forth the violent and powerful oppustiion of every re ligions sect and denomination, bas finally com- pelled the Minisiry to withdiaw ibe meaguie As soon as the defeat became known “ ibe Nationa! Society for the education of ibe poor on ihe prin ciples uf ihe Egiavlished Charch” colle-ied all their energies, and with ihe Archoishops, the Queen, atv ihe Queen Dowager ai ibew head, proceeded to lay a plan before the public for car rying ont So much of ihe intended Cabinet ni!) as coald be +ffected without resori to eet of Par liament The appeal hag proved io be mosi src erssful, for ihe suvseriptions already amount io nearly seveniy thousand pounds, and every @eek as donalioos come in from ihe econontry ibe som tleman thet Mr. Ven Boren bss sent to take down the sensis ? } wonder! well. good Lord look down how was Mr. Van Buren end family when you seed bm 2?” We explained that we hed never seen the President ; didn * kno@ hie from a side of sole losther ,”” end we had bee: | written to, to-(ake the cenevs, — ‘Well, now. thar agin! Love your soul! Well 1 "spose Mr. Van Boren writ soo 2 letter, did be ? No ? Well, Leuppose, sme of his officers done it—bl ss my soa! ?— Well. God be praised, there's mighty title here to take down—times. herd, God’s will be done; bat looks like people cen’; git their jost rights in this covatry ; sed the lew isell for the rich and none for the poor, praise the Lord.— Did you ever hear B in’ you ag fast ae Ekin, “worse, Weal to work on “toibers; and Bryant {thai’s "d shoo} the Pesiersome creeturs—and so one’ t ar- and ‘Bes ant, ang ‘own come @hat on airth, | me down do yoo reck- on, when By ee ” 7 oo.sich thing! the ow! 2) was my old house-cet come @ inmblin? doen, spitiin,’ sputierin’, and seraichin’. end farr a flyin’ every time she ju@p’d like you'd » busted » feather bod open! Bryant he said the way be come to shont the cet insteed of the owl, be seed something white ——” “For heaven’s sake Mrs. Stokes, give me tel: of that case my boys bs¢ got agin old Simpson ? Looks like, they never will git to the eend on 1; glory to Hie name !— The children @ull suffer; Ym might!y a-| feard . Lord give us grace. Did you ev- | er see Judge B————? Yes? Well, the Lord preserve os! Did vou ever hear him say what he was ag@ine to do in the boy’s case, agin Simpeon! Not Good Lord! Well, ‘squire witl vou ax bim next lime you see bim’ and grite me word ; end tell him what Is:y 3 Pm ootting beat a poor widow, aod my bors has got no tar. ain,end old Sumpson isk ’em in. They ooght to beve had s good atertell on "em, but God bless gou, that old man hae used em up ‘tell they aint able io buea crefur to ploogh @ith, Iss mighty herd «ae, end the @1!] oughin’t never tobeen broke bat Here we interposed end told tha.“ éy that our time was preorrre™ that we wished to take ee" He number of her will be consideraoly zugmented. The Buiter aod Fureign School Society are on she gut Oive, and are making preparations *¢ 6X'6od she pian of thal most admaracfe Mn@iiation, whoge obdjeci is to give edecation to all classes without ang Among the snhscribers io ihe oenevolen! scheme The Qoeen, the Bishup ot tLoadon, £500; the Ear! of Har- rowby, £500; the Dean and Chapter of Dur ham, £300; ihe Duke of Boccleveh, £500; Lord Francis Egerton, £500; the Hon. Sidnev Herber, £500; Mr Ave! Smiib, M. P, £500; Mr Holford, £500, &c. The Illinois Loan.—The New York Conver States ihat the I}iaois Commissioners who went to Earope to procere 2 orn for the purpose of com- pletiag their canal have sncceed@! in obiaining, conditionally, aboot half » milliun of dollars io— wards the amount they need. Marshal Bertrand reached Nashville on Fri- day week, and, after spending 2 few bonre ai the City Hovel, where he was @aiied upon by 2 large number of citizens, proceeded io ihe Her- mitage to visit Gen. Jackson Fe was experied tu leave on the following day for Loaisvi'ie, Ken A correspondent of ihe Baltimore Pairioi calls irying to excite the old Jackson firm by fesioon- ing all their rostroms with hickory vooghs and leaves, and erecting hickory poles at all their podlic meetings. ‘This mommeiy, connecied with the invocation of Jackson's name to aid their cause, is practiaed witi) pecoliar grace oy ibe party which holds “ log cabins * aod their A Defaulting Bishop.—A corresponden: of ‘he Rochester Democrat states that the Bishop ‘The money baa been en- WHO OP PCSES ‘THE TARIFF? Ia the Tariff controversy in this country, does the British Government, British nobility, and Brish manufgeiares range themselves ? Why, truly, on ihe side with oor Locofocos. f.ike them, they are in favor of destroying our Manofaciares—tike them, they are disposed to iransfer all oar worksliops and our mechani¢s to England to build op aristacrsey, nubility and monopoly ; and io erush jhe rising greatness of this republic! Kivery @urd atiered by oar Lo- cofocos in favor of desi rovine oor manafactores, and building ap the menofaciures of England on their roms, is merely an echo of ihe arguments of the British aristneraey, the British manufactor ers, and ihe Brine Government, on the same subject.— Saunton Spectator. The Health of New Orleans.—The Republican of the 18:') uhimo says that the yellow fever in New Grieans has clearly | aesumed the form of sn epidemic, end is of | @ much more malignant type than at” any time during the early part of the season. These changes for the worse ate stinbuted formule 2d the produce raised: by her last rerr,and he off. Afier a good des! of trouble we got through with the descriptions of the members of her family and the ** Staitstical table’ as ihe article ”’ “How meny yarde of estton cloth did you weeve in 1840 ma’am ?” “Well noe! The Lard hava meres !— Less seo! You Know Sally Higgins that used to five down in Smith antitement 2? - @eor gal. she couldn't help it. I dere say. — Well, Saily she come io stay ‘long wime when the old man drave her sway. and } did tink she'd help meapower. Well ar- ter she'd bin here awhile. her baby pit took mck and old Miss Sinnger nndenuk 10 help it—she’s a peweiful good hand, old Miss Stringer, on roots and sich like! Well, the Lord took down from above 7?— She made a sort of tev, as I was a-sasiap. and she gin it to Sulle’s babe. tt g”! @uss—the poor creetur—and she gin it lea, and gin .t tea, and lo-ked like, the more she gin it tea, the more _—” ‘My deer madam, fb amin a horry— please tell me how many yards of ention cloth you wove in 1840! I want toget through with von and go on 1 “Well! well! the Lord-a-merry ! a a thought you'd a mesn smapmsh ! 1, at I was sayin’. Sali’s child, hit kept gitten, wires, and old Mies Stringer, she kept a| piven’ it the vearb tea tell at last the ehiid mt jooked like hit would die any how. And ’bout the time the chi'd was a! its wost. old Skyes be come along aud be said if we'd git some mght-shed beries end stew em with ® intitle cream and some liog’s lard—now old Dadde skies is a mighty fine old man and he gin the beys s heap of | mighty good counse! abont that case—hoys says he, Vil tell you wha: you do; you go » “In God’s name, old lady.” seid we. “tell aboot gour cloib, and let the sick child aaa *Miss Stringer, Daddy Skyes, the boys, and the law-suit go to tae Devil, Pm in a horry I” ‘Grecious bless your dear soul! dont git aggrewated, | wis jist tellin? you how it come I didn’t weave no cloth last eeay 7” ‘Ob well, you didn’t weave any cloth last veat. Guod! we’il go on to the next article.” . ie ‘Yes! you see the child hit begun to swellend torn galler, and hit kept e wil fin? 1s eyes and a moanin’, and | know- ec , ‘Never mind aboot. the ehild—just tel! me the valee of the poultry yoo raised fast year.” “Oh, woll-~yes—the chickens-yoo mean! Why, she‘Lord love vour poor soul, I reck- 00 You never in your born days seen a poor ceetur have the lock thay Tdidesand looks Iike we never shall bave good nck again; for ever since old Simpson tak that case Op to the Ohancery Coon——) _, the value of your poultry or say you will not! Do one thing or the other.” ‘Oh well, dear love your beert, | reckon 1 had last year nigh about the seme es | got this.” ‘Then tell me how meny dollars’ worth you have now, end the ihing’s seitied.” ‘Pil let you see for yourself,’ said the widow Stokes, and taking an esr of corn ont of a crack between the togs of the cab- in, and shelling off @ handfull, she com menced scattering the grain. all the e@hiie | screaming, or rather schreeching chick— chick —enick —ehick—chick-ee—chick ee —chick-ee—ee ? ——Here they came, roosters _»#2 vowing, hens end puilets and Weg futeriog eeckting, Bes Lr \eblee; alighting on over oa --e Ad @omen’s head and shoulders, tering egeinst her sides, pecking at her hands. and creating a din and confo- sion altogether indescribable. ‘The ald lady seemed delighted, thas to exbibit her feathered ‘stock,’ and would occamonally exciasm=—a nice passel, aint they—e nice passel! Sut she never would say what ihey were Worth ; no persaasion could bring her to the point ;-and our papers at Washington contain no estimste of the value of widow Stokes’ poultry, thouvb es she satd herself she had ‘a mighty nice passel.” Col. Johnson and Mr Webster are in Wash- ingion City. The former 19 about co visit the Northern and Eastern States. A correspondeni of the Richmond Euqutrer says ** Cul. Jobnson will give the Demvucracy ‘ trouble.” — 4&RRIVALS And departures of the MAILS, at and from Salisbury. NORTHERN, arrives Sunday s, Tuesday's and Fiways,ai 6 A. M Thorsdag’s, and Suiusday’s, at 7 a. m. SOU THERN arrives every Monday, Vhurs day and Saiorday ai 6 2 m_ Leaves every Sunday, Toesday and Friday, ai 7 8 m, WESTERN arrives every Mon:ay, Thurs- day.and Saiurday ai Gam Leaves every Sun- day ‘loesday and @siday ai 7 a m@. MORGANTON arrives eve:y Monday and Toorsday at 10 p m. Leaves every Sunday and Wednesday, at 7 a in. CHER AW arrives every Tuesday, ‘Mhurs- day and Saiorvay 21 5 pm. Leaves every fonday, Wedvesday and Friday ai 9@ @ HUNTSVILLE; (horse mail) arrives every F iday 17 po. Leaves every Saiarday at 6 am. FAYETTEVILLE, (horse mail) errives ev- ety Weunesdas ang SainrdayatS5 pm. Leaves every Munday and Thursday ei 6 a m. COTLON GINS. PVA Sobseriber wishes io inform the citizene ot Rowan. Davie, Davidson and the adjoi- ing Coaoties, thai he has the Cotton Gin Mano- faciory earied on in the. Town of Wadesboi’, Aoson Cooniy, Nosh Carolina. in a sivle noi sorpassed by any other #stablishment in the Uniied Sieies. Consinting of the fullowing arti- lees to Wit :— Steel Saws, Stcel plated Fen- ders, Gins, d&c., &c. Alljbe above: Frons careful'y manufactored by myself, except the Ging which ate put ap by old experieseed Gin Wrights of South Caroling Gins of 40 s2ee will pick from 3 16 4000 poonds 9 @ayowith a Team of iwo Horses with ease Corton “picked by those Gins leaves the sisple mach better and will command a bdetiet price in Market b¢ fac thane 1s of the Cooniry _ _ JOHN D. SMITH. Wadesboro’, Ansop Counly. aaa ‘Never min: the case; let’s hear aboat | . : the chickens..if yon-ptease,” ‘God bless yon, honey, the ow}s destroy ed in tnd aboot the best belf of wha: tau rarse. Every blessed mght the Lord seni, they'd come end set mb to the extraordinary heat of the weathet. house, and hoo-hoo-boo, snd . healer, I remembers f hed opto the night shed ssive to “aint ga! with Well, wwe hwhat wae the sate cP what yoo die rete? é a ‘ J. & A . | ‘ 5 ATTOREET ABD COUNSELLOR JT Law. Leaves Munuay's, | _ ne Sage thet ee ighiy, Jove your dear) © | } | dergur, else jadgmeni final will be taken against at thp . Physician an veraiwe Surgeon, — Respecifally offers his wrofessiona ofession 1 services to the effic' ed poblic. JD ESIDES she ordinary Sorgics) Operssions | ED for Coiaraei—Prersginm —Eplarged. Son— sis and Pattaie—Havse lip—Sirietare—sione— Polypus. ‘Tomours, Utcers, Diseases of she Bones, Deformiies, Ampuiations of all Kinds, &e. &e. Dr. M. performs with -entire.sueress Several new operations, hich to his knowledge. has not been done by any Surgeon except bia- self, in the part of he State, viz:— such as 1 for Sirabismes or Crossed , or Ctypfoot, : Varos or Dr. Mz is prevared ta give oral insirociion io several privaie sindents, Wilkesboro’. N. O., Jug. 19. 1848 —3m4 State of Porth Carolina. Rowan County Court, August Sessiuns, ~* 1843, Emanuel Shober, Assee, Job Giles & Geo, vs. Vogler summon- Maria L. Barns, alias \ia-2 ed as Gainishees. tia L, Coffee. é F appearing 10 ihe satisfaction of the Conrt, ‘vat the delgudanl is not an inhabitant of ib Site; oo moiion, ordered by thew€ pubvieation be made inthe l appear ai the for six @ @ and Qoarter Sessions, iv for the Courts of Rowan, at the Cvori House io Salisbury, on the first monday in No- vember next, then and jihereto plead. answer or ihe Gernishees, io satisfy the plaintiffs demand and cost. Witness, John Giles, Clesk of oor said Court at office, the Isi monday jo angns!, 1843. JOBN GILES, Clk. Aog 19:h 1843, -—6w5—Priniers fee $5,50. height? anws x? & DOMESTICS. THE SALISEORY AMANUFACTUR- ING COMPANY AVE sill turer reduced ihe PRICES of ‘hey MANOFACTURES, fa conse- quevce of she continued dense sion o! bueiness (ntovghoui ihe couairy = ‘Vhey are manofactor- ing Cotton Yarns, Nos. assort. 4.4 S) Hirting, tug do. /-@ do. Phe Pablic are assured tha thers goods are of ihe besi quahig, and ean be purchased oo terms 2s fa vorpule, as ihey can be Procured at anv other csiablisiument, J, RHODES BROWNE, Jgent. Salishure, Mav 20, 1848—i/43 hae. ica ae FS’ tne. hea y PRIGES CURRENT AT Sauispory, Oetube: 21 Cents. Cenis. Bacon, 5a5i| Cotton Yarn. | 75 Brandy: ap. 35 3401 Molasses, 35a 40 peach, 40 a 45 | Nails, 6 Butter, 10 2 123 | Oats, 15 a 20 Beeswax, 20.222, Pork, $3 Cotton, cleen 54.6] Sugar, br. $a 10 Coffee, 8a ll loaf, 15a 18 Corn, 35 40 | Salt. sack. 275 $3 Feathers. 185 20] Tallow + 6 Flour. $44.25 ‘Tobacco, 8a 20 Flaxseed, 50a 55 | Tow-Linen: i2a 16 Tron. per lb. 3a4] Wheat, bush 75 Linseed Qil, pr. = ; Whiskey. 25 a 30 Gal 90 GL Woolefttean) 25 P eer Sek Ee SS She ot, = * FaverrevitLe Oct ,11 trandy, naga. fe Jy, Ansle sy 2 6 con, ee *~8atd wax, wae 34 ruffee,: - 5 ats PCotian, 5098 60 ‘ Qiton. beg ng : : $28 Oty. a 45850 | | fea Soe a Candlesy FF. 13014] y2rn OF Flaxseed” © 80.2.90° “cope; 8210 Wheat new 75280 Fiore Feathers’. “20a 25 20x25 | Whiskey 28 2 80 Iron, = 44 a5 | Wools 124 0 151 Curraw Oct 2, 1843. —« eet 445 an cabassor 628 Stee) Ader. 10.2 00 English 4 4 ap * pore a summer and |}; wel com- ~ | plaints, they, Mev ibeir wondesfy) Fistela — Piles —He: nia—A nuerism —Cancer— YF Hlet js at 4a} Sel sek 2iab 3 FOne Dollar. LE Pth tes BLESS. tong -beed kouwn and OF eStraerdinary ang sn aeittiit . disiressing Complaint yi! ith thie com wil a rs Vezetable Pills 2 remedy i in vod immed aie in ‘ ; ’ bead. coming.<®, wil! core jt jp one half ‘ : Pe Bers to , and-ate far Superior to any + comple nis. bing in tver Complaint. t ei been cured 2 soffered dreadful complaint for years eeidct wee Habitual Costivencss. they are deciged] sdperior to.an¥ Vegeisble Pill eve, breve ht “td fore 1be public 5 and one 25 cent b pee, ibe lish their -sorpti VIEWER. 2nd place thon be- youd thereach Of doabito ihe esiims:ion ries ery individual, : They are invatoable in neon. and keno chondriacaL af eciiuns, toss of spnetite, pele Mm; i, ich femates alone are subject they na tbe 4 ‘ np x fi f Action, and conve ie BHor of they. aitinty from the firstadose.™ “argh ‘ tone of any Baas. and We ferble. the in ‘ Meiegzie.are si engiteneds ope ration, berause they clear ibes . homors, quiet nervous irritability, a0@ jowatig= bly predace sound healit = Upwards of three hundred and seventy thon - sand boxesof these inestimable Pitls have been sold -within the jast twelve months jin three States alone, god “more ihan ihjeeitimes the same quantity in other Sizies. As 40 anii-biliovs medicioe, no family should be withoot them A Single trial of them ig more satisfactory than @ibousand certificates, Therefore tet the iwo following in favo, of (beir voparalleted effiesey suffice Haywood co., Ten., Dee. 10, 1842. De. Spencer, : Sir.—Your agent lef | ; sux of wid RECT i your Vegetable Prt er used. have given been entire gaiis‘aciion = Myse'f ‘soa veighbbors have used them in oar ‘amilies in Sick Headache and Bowel Complaini with ne- ver failing soccess A'luw me io particolarize somewhat—one of my neghbors, Wr Jobo Rhodes, was takeo sick wiih fever aboot ihe first.of last Sommer He ca! led vis pirysicien, aod in following nis mieseripiions was partially restored to health, bot in ibe course of a few days was taken down again, and bis case was so bad that his ph¥sician expressed sirong fesrs as to his ultimate recovery. In ibis condition, he bought and used a box of Di Brago’s Pills without the sliobiest benefit Some one who hed-used your Pills, strongly reecommenved ibem to him: aceordinaly be purchased a box, and his declaration was—* that they did him more good than all ihe mediene he vse! vurng his sickne-s—in fac:, ‘trey cured him” He has ever since enjoved the mosi pe ‘ec! bealih Avoiher ease: Mr. Daniel Robecison, suffering with Chills and Fever, was ‘estored 10 perieci bealth by the ase of voor Pills Scill another 5 my fa- ther-in-taw, Francis Mo Wood, was danger ously sick with fever, accompanied wit detiri- um, and oni faint hopes were enleriained for his recovery. We made iria! of your Pills. and be very soon began 'o improve, ard in a short time from the firs! use of your medicine. he wos re= stored togood healib Hesaes tier were ihe means of saving ts file C. R. JOHNSON. From G.*A. Hoddleston, Esq , 2 very respecta- dle Merchant, of Wilson eo., ‘Ven. Huddleston, Cross- Roads, Wilsou co., Tenn, January 14, 1843. W2S apnointed an Pil's last This is io certify, ihoi I Agent for Dr Spencer's Veoe ahle 4 April, since which time t bave sold anoui seven- iv boxes, and they have o'ven beitler saiisfaciion and are bked mech beiler ibun ane other P Uist have ever solu ; ihe best ev dence in ihe favor ig, that ikose whr once meke 2 trial -of ihese Pills, are not witling io be wiihoul them, aod call again and again fo more, and always pre- fer them to any viber JT have osed ihe Pills in my own family wiib entire suecess — in Custive ness Sirk Headache, eo0 Bowel Complaiot, h e best medicine | 2m arqnainied with. snes 0.49 G A HUDDLESTON. For sale ai Salisbury by C. B. Woeeler. Lineclnion. Joto Hoke. Greenville, D © Rane. Sparteobo-g Foloe: & Jodd. Reiherfordion, D MeEntive. Chartoi'e, B Oais. Aod may be fuand in most of the towns and villages in the Uniied Siaies. Sepiembe: 16, 1843—1¥8 DR. HULLS VEGETABLE FEVER §ND AGUE ANDANTI FEVER PILLS A certain and effeciual Core ior Agoe env Fa- ver; alse used suecessfolly io ihe treat ment of Bilioos Fever, Nausea, Gen- erat Devitiiv, and Nervous Weakness The niosi failetieg recommendations of ibis Vedicine ha Ben receives from many eminent Physicians apd ol ers who have uses it. And iis presemédihai no medicine has ever ben used whose action has bren more veneficial, pleasant end jnvigoraling, calles focrb fom efflicied sufferere such jans of hearifell gtatitode anc thank{n/nes sons tvhing | @ Pills, soon find :hemsefy ‘ seo - Ciill Dio- bent Fever gone!! Stomach and head ‘ree and healibful !!! Siengih and appetite io creasing and improving, and 2!! nervous week- ness fied. When taken according \o ete aecompen them. they never fart tv cv Nhe, Chil and Fever the rel day. and cever n the stomach or pperaie opon ‘he oovels. jeff setion Wpen ibe whole system is 50 g r are imvarisbly sorprised stbeir tapid and complete resior- planet asd solely Vegetable ; iti tion of pA ingredien's E2ch box eontfing 20 doses of Piils— Price, * Agents—C.B Wheeler, Salisbers ; Lineolo - top, Jovo Hoke; Greenstitte, DO Bab: 5 spare iaoborg, Folger & Joc 5, Ratherierdioo, D Mes Eatires Chath B Oris. > Sept 16, 1840— 178 OR a DF to . places; and on‘ children it pid Soe ae ad ALL VERMIN tliat frfest the heads stiles : 2 by iit at once.— chased’ that - ished Pablic House, (know “Slaoghter's ee Been ihe bad bd . i ~ VelicedeaeBrsitt avo : ag, W) eee ere — spacious, and kounti 3 . ies Alba: Do Wa * ind provender, of alf : ; : ‘Rooms. ind Nicetive Ostlers: | COUNTY Jedges himself ve po ex Retep ixd Bore to’ As Pit fees ’ } be wanting to g OLD ms, ~ PE ORE ishope of = Ey | -Laday and Sat aly pane bee 8 q tis! othe " 1 ho ® 4 vor’ oe ee = aes 1 ee + come on, if you use the only true Hays’ mnie, fom “ es mhy fa Pamphlets, ay 904 Mop Bsaliy: Megraives, f Ga eee: isin bc heay 7 j “paccai pags r= wri and ak oe wet “Comatoch Go. wat ie FS.L. COWAN, Reviews and | owspa ad io plain apd el~ Fy iefe ‘ Srean bon og ‘Friday 7 pe ery mal es at 6 2 Ses eqns colfars ‘and Silk dress Be 9 infornie theerti-} a y - |) —_____ — Oidere fir Bovis or Rakks to-biod lett av the No 50 9) (han ie ‘ile - vyene of Salil ing coun- * PAYETTEVILLE, (horse mail) arrives ¢ gr It ects fike = charni. Dev it WATCH Warman Ofiee, Satisbory, witt ‘be proggpnty | , i he is not i 0 n the [ery Wednesday and Saturday a1 5 p ——-— 4 attended to. | > } aod Syooteny ‘ i ial : * ¢ Making every Monday ‘and Thorsday at 6 ‘=. wiateitibiaba ec east hoot Seamer ad , hb bas ert Onrato, pies ae I are oors’ Srsciric ; . ~~ ‘ bs ‘ ce yee be Meher 4 % Do SY eee WoRMS! “WoRmst! : _~ Oihtment. - so aha orang S KPNIL WORTH ib i m4 hi oa gee sepee me Band tondy: made) © Neartling Facts. Foundered ores entirely curedpy Roof | a8. ; re and HAR- Dalley Magical Pain Bx- a . Ty cco age tain’ eck fend alg, Ni , NESS. (fant fase cm a rfondreil of children ang ¥daltS ate loot year- ly with worms, when somé other oanse bas been The sinoedi ‘ REPAIRING Goo id Mekal OF TO}, ; os IARTINGALES, petcr. 2 invented for all eons ty PFE Sabseribeyrespec wth y Vlei 4 Me 7 B ‘ane New Yiork, and ere no® <4 Seat: con decieane Gad Wiguk cosine } facy il of the bes of leather Re- pay Mascived up ati dost ey Tore. iad a Friends and the’ n ' 10 glontheeld The Bogr is ». very eyes Sole and Upper leather, (very” ceehp) Window | ae oR Sep a wom der’ exial _| 949 opened a abupin Le “ip rtot anieasl. weep,.1F ek aad exeefleat ie) ee gine; Potty, Nails, White lés@ No. t,2and |” 4 ns etl stuis ites to later'tr wilt peas in. @ taqm:dirertle ¢ ace om 3-19 fide, witty 8 Mtr of muro, (warranted godd,)"Castor Oil) Salts, Qui-.taie kécinued’ } hopes. by cases, sad to relate, a & ding, in the bonse of. Dix mer'y | pigs, ‘ehiew, far beady an orm, Can Lider be| ning, snd Rowan'e Tonie mixt Ciel, aed , a srit a liberal share of public cold, or some other aifi Tl cmnedt Des I, Shaver and jog sheipw J. & W surpasied. Those whe thay «isha foller de-| pow wie mee By 8 = 6S WM. J PLUMMER i thousands. It will awe out all pain in’ ten minutes, / Murphy. ; seription of these fine avinjals, are ‘ mia os Caen x tess - plete pe oem p ’ . 5 oe 3 tons ne wre or and no failure, bedan che (GN corp al Wee PB had ms Be a =! He 4 Dg paren Aany igen ra yn esate and Caat Sigel, a lacge} 0 mates tor any of the ina day, by = nat Hse ag Saks) varieties coremon in coustil Andel soch 29 bebased of Mr Altdn, froin ‘s Sow lesenaned by “Fras cae oy re aia Wikwisekedre. ae iow ihe ie: LIN’s. SPC AD. PLASTERS. making Spoons, &e., i fring, Sire btm trol "ang ee pd will be ah, wbeleeite und retail, a1 t I : iT are, 2 bt = te) —_ ~.K Deter and mtore nice and viseful article never was He begs to-xssare jhe pa neta “a yan ee $ ace Bi a 9 "| for not snade..” Alb ghould weer them regularly. — attention to business, and aaaaw) : sculpt ad "Pork ine, Spite sip — aiefe tee: ‘how: - [LES TEMPERANCE BITTERS: vithe him to patronage mt ' hice. His stock of Berk wae penta a be KING & =. em the principle of eubstitating the tonic in place-of } it it. * Pty af Mac. N. Bpinent ew York. a : Satiabery, April *, . —ty89 p loser ear os eh enamaaaag te A J » fenrpassed by try in’ th sige ales af drurikards : { ax wisbing 10 improve their Sti digs, Pe: 3 , eS : tienen : ~ now 9 better oppditunny of doing’ su, thang has ‘Rev. Dr. Bartholometr ver been offesed tthe Potoma Haire for any of he slip pre : rNK sxeecronier $12 SYRUP. ally rervarne bis iF An agreeable. Cordialy ive Remer'y pe 20d: ioforms his m4 Neat Moekgville. Dayle cs. San ha, Hoareepens, Colds, Pain in the cae TW a | ge Stl , ie rn! -_. * Ct nei atthe sree To ble, hte esters sg aS . ae ys § posite-the W steht ting Offlee, where he watar ' "OR. ePOHMS HEADACHE REMEDY wood a sd baie dy PirLoK sgalibarnor Liy ns | DR. L. RIBVIAN, © (Sire; «tf yy ” > m1 J sick -headache, either from the ae ne ee genes en ie of cos cold. starch 7 Apher wt HI. revarned to Sali aan Stivad boeett ot bilious. Hundreds of familids are! : ee repared to — ‘ . ;: z phen =u) the chen ) in the side end Dreas ? 4 ae 4 ontil veeat fie mad Nenves using it.with great joy. B forage fac: a att pes thao ever thex} sy dF Blbod, “Conplainte, Brogehii- ee \iée of his eet pe A : mas re mi pre Oera. 188 ional ave been add atl piee end MET io" 304 Langs ® de, & removed to Vir. Cowgo's brick bul rye : ‘ 4.°*G Patriot 4 IDR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR OF MEALTH, ‘NB. all ber and Covatry Pro Pinch are eeouregutianrm uel aiffering, nd av | 19g, 2d door. tiepe a duce taken in 4 es oben : . ar , 80 often Hentinate in Consumption- 18.431 “for the certain prevention of & iol ; = ROE r hia wedy ss highly and j m 9 dértnyeish P - A te re ea Be April 29, 1848- aides Es . th is purely Yegelavle, mild aad gentle in its | State of z: ate Fy tk ’ ‘epts, npon the spsiem, and can be jak vt = | bn IMB: eae $3 mug anon dabbe "a Fafa ve ay roe x2 “LL thase ind shane’ C Re ntity af freshid Jeanche had ay. ve amen Viven i's ariaisei prope: ort of Pleas oat @uarier Sebsisne,— Aogy~ he oute or Seg R as ‘ . j Al the Kile of the 3 Mis Hieain dec ee, and me dren tn exited: 2) © Davi + lage. « od Grote, ate, 6 : <a se , it wares § y the 100 bushsla end wht, nis, 50 w 0 itty éhwoat hope ohn avis ‘ok | Rhein Lei }- same : ‘ ba t bushels 18 ; 5 to 40 buah vastacki m con pirsctite-tvoih them preetic $4: iM : igins L 4 “ar PE PAE in proportion. ES " Ped 10.9 pellinive and @ remedyi and wyh tb ni 4 die 4% on probed re t) Salisbasy, at Wh me} 5 ee me cere Shr persons wishing tie i WOR 8 7 oR eden , it bas met wipers Cad. eel f ne at Jalen” Matin, —s Bi WILLIAMS bis sid: Es . ab: rai t ae b= Dhes = coke rani of le > ft is ordered oe Sin rt ; ae 0 ge ein Tice "Vereifege wns a? t ¢ Roek ford, mitt county; Ro Ve 7” Olas) DuTL.. oF Coort that polieatt Be mac we Care-% ai : : large ‘worms were dislodg . Ry. 2, rare earl 7% yen ame Beet ea ee i | Neeliies igi . , ane s38 weed by. . i Delerdent to te, and sppear at the nea ; take had re 1% ER =| o WILL ni ° eal ine Balsam of Liverwort, made, at $75..B - | vsiiry Coobty Codrr, (> be held in the ert, if consnmplite ceses, cannut far! go Gwe vf Reel ford. on fhe Bid Monday in No raids de 75 Se not color the ee Oldrid ge's Bolin of Co pritlie Hair } deep and tbritting interes! th omg brut he we 6 said Boot and § ing E MELA, coMsTocks cum ROM Cotnerock: do Gaiaaliepbitiee qualt= | We hate so tang balfe felt ihren: ber ——. meebo fran sddrup nes «5 on (he Noriilmmat eqaare, in thé town of Salis- Meroilis'at civediok; bab dintandt leat ‘RAOT. is no other prepara ties are as follows a hak infants, keep-j1nm) incetsble, that iv eHBeult’ 't8 om ‘on, condemned 10 satisfaction of pliant bory, ww [prepared to make Boots and | ly of: children some weeks, without being abdleto tion of Sarsaparilla that exceed ot equal this ing the bead free from.sa Rain sf. a Inz- j senses when we see persnne, evidently ce 4 Shoesin a ne anship notte be sar- | testore bu: ane ont of the seven to health He If you br® sur to, get ComBroce’s, you will fin on (growth of tie jes. sftor chilt- ———, Vereie fect 4 ; ‘Ness, Fre _ Aronstrong. Clerk’. of ovr ponsed by ani inihie place, ‘or even in sve | had the liberality to send for Vere superior to ail others. Tt does not require puffing i . tetarng the sit ora! sitength said Cont a OBier, ihe 2nd Mondsy in Av- Sinte He whe want.good found- | pifoge, aad cored the fest with it io less than a 7 oper a. firmness, rer the, falling oot of Some ations for. their % nd tat he ware Week. aba. ESS ine hair.—3d. For, recivertog rd fe Cops Scott, of by. ye) ReK.cARMS PRONG! Cre > | Commedase therm ARES good, 20. Fi ae Nomerons cases of other compleinis were sup: ny ne poh re meg ‘Ervzne Sept Tu l848._ on 0— Printers tee $8 40 oan ob\aid at apy MMB Shop, for durability and | posed 1».0niaty abd the pervone treated for fe CELESTIAL BALM infin , growth ~atane. : * Baihg y ‘pr : ¢ fa Voor tof wesipess. © ai | &e., bet Gnally & triad of akscager on te. ot tion to the lates! pe Paniiption: {é foliibér of 7 Fhe sabseriber ‘hand’ the foMowing | eted the ttne cause of the sickness, by OF CHINA... positive up for the piles, apd ‘n se the bead from dand- [if sere: diveden, yuo Hering” wroety | ry, Ti: ) shoes.:athrich ‘be: fot ‘citth than ther aati bien i i. . r Serer sack, seach poontensnenaie external ailings—all int Te pee een - ; imparts, bealih aa inact atthe. Lig serps aap) A Bie ee ioe ere ose ean be at any. ¢ the persons. surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in + io and. the. hair ond raiai gpatier ane . Law, .Fall Tess 3. bought 40 ponctnal large-and small, and # swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, ‘ehang 7" oF wiles @ gray —6ib A with § ‘ applied on g-fiannel will relieve and eure at.onee. ‘fcause ar! beautifally when i. F wounds or rapidly cured by it . a it 5 7m ee ee ' P@hould ever bé wade witbort ji. Br rmcin’s i ie whorhate by any nieans: ¢on— ae Vs Hinothe head, are immedistely and } bottle, ‘so . oi -sieetaahinmatd its ose... Is is intallie | cover@dy ast 7 time. by tontinved oveiof py st oll = ‘or cute @ Ht “incipient ‘to “% , oh about Srareny-- pc aera hal ae to.aliendiomy. 9 ne ; than on the heék of m gis ude tt Mi UGHS g ( 20) ee hvered with a thie scarf. | Tangs. T do earnestly rece iy “delightful rensedy “Heme Th ee ene dele Of Aagast leet, (Signed, Bre 1 t coun Se A Cue es Balen of Coleuitiay from Cont | Kliarberh ge ebraary we ers ) ad afishert tan f7 st if eC ews iwowod| Liver wid : vi : ; neg 8 » fully rex thy Yoh chee pn ig aoe dma peak Avgast, 1843. gee baked wind, : ' h ap} ; ‘g , . Be ine a yarta™, eo meee soe S89 see ve hep ty ave t 4, 37: ef - = Rept 23. 19849409 15 wScortr .p. pin Twas able ie ait aa he asa cate ei > pcos: thé ted last Ye $y the Locna,. ‘te - dominated ; . SRY party, ; “rhe ae ” oe “eee ug ~~ 3 Sadeatin tee oh om boa ‘mabe t a é ‘ ey er Bahcopety re = : He eos pe ics ‘géners] remarks hive sat bi the peruse! of @ speech Ming Fe Birbeerie 19. Mecklenbarg, N.C. fentiemza who whe x the Whig State df North Carolina in ve Se- wate of the U.S. From the little we haye a heard of Mr.“fTaywood, we were. jineliged to Y shivk fawarable of Him as a gentleman, thongh not a8 a politidisn, But this speech digsipates ev- ery thiog like reepect; and forfeits for fim what ever pretensions he may have had for candor and verdciag, anidss he can take shelter onder the plea of “the 2rossest ignorance. A viler com~ poond of slang, of disimgenauusness; of affected fhirness’and” studied scppression of truth and ® suggession of falsehood; aod of unmanly and an- generous imputafiens epon an adversary, we bave oever seep. “Fo say that. it is unworthy of a member of The most. august assembly in the world, wouldeeto use terms not‘at a ited to convey an idea of ifs charagier... It. more Titty described... bf the prodgotion of 2 political ccharlaten, inie whose slemennel the. elemects if Knavery, malignity and. folly were equally blended, that the most delicate chemical sppa- yates could with difficulty determine «hich pre- while all the world -could see that each was in excess, The Honorable gentleman, che embryo Sena- or, sets put by eharging the Whigs with the responsibility. for the condnet of pabhe effaira -since the-expulsion of Van Buren, and impating to them. a long catalogue of sins. of omission and éommissior — for the least of which they deserve damnation. ‘This -charge of- responsiviliry has often been niade before by ‘grog she), Dema- gegaes, and party‘haeks—an¢ as.oftea refated. But we have nevet heard it- advaneediby: any high minded and: noble spisited member of the Democratic party. [isa charge framiwehich a man of truth and cao would shrink, becanse of its fatsity—and whi@B a fofty, aiagnanimous natare, would aot touch—for knowing that what ever semblance of trath ‘there oe ja it, ~ Sprang not fram crima, dor. trdm. 6 ata Set to lake.8% * department .ot the Gus coisfortane ani no he foreseert and % z subjecting (hem -in the jus he she just, the hberal and _ censanm@ “The. Execotive branch of » Government then fell into: the hands of ope, proved falseta honor,to gratitade ‘and: puties sre conyers. and; wheat just! “ay ineurrivg™ Bat we confess thete wae a wenting i}; and whate ej ae not profiling by that possibility,we admit, spon the whigs,— That. A the extent " ending—no mate.’ They did pat fore- might befell ons very4 yb shedeath of Gen. Harrison, and the resur- ihe uf Benedict Arnold, Bat ding thas the Whigs-ste jostly re= sponsible forthe entire administration of affairs. for the lsat. three years, a8 the less gererons of their opponenta contend, how dares any, member of the Lecafocn party atraign any. ober party fur malfeasance in office? Did they not'have charge of the Goveroment for twelve yesra, and were ever the affairs of eng Government so ateichedly managed a6 by them? Did they gut destroy the prosperity of the people, and bankropt the Treasury ? Did they oot cae *gorroption tn pervade every branch of the pi d service ? And were evér 80 many people un- e—so many hesrte made to bleed over blight *e4 hopes, and roined fortanes? ‘The mischief «they have dune to.individoals may pass away with the geoeration that ‘sustained it; bot the. rong done to-vor institutions, and to public sarais will gorvive fur = the seems of Beery votacy of liberty virtue, © a Whigs were, in-trath, the. reroute Napili “held to be, woold i # edbject ‘of : ar? ne ai it eal ive oa qu “The Van Boren ami @ exceeding 36 miltiveg: or leave the f ed, They. conyse of ps ; the enormons" debts 4 x plragel thieves who Mr Heywood, io i Whigs of passing « Houses of Fort Bill walignat Van Bar an inveterate offige= dotween Brown a crite, so a3 10 rise ap remark bes Gh the Dem: nessee ate. thé think it bighlg4 lose none of i cal illast ratios of. Nbr. Ep tor eleet from th Carelina. © bok tof cack, Ds ti which impeneif sanentnatel Ri by Government, ~ling fact thet tains which arake sy. The} y Liect. Premoat, | > This aiso, is a mistortave to which all petract of bis report § 1 Missourieo, an extract bro knowledge ¥ ly to find the.p! tween iwo low hill fifty or sixty feec™ feet above. . From retorn, [ “should the Avenue at for me io od DOs: pass... From, praca ome : aaa ng F,| by toilsome | * 0 | self on the waters vollifying it before the mur ‘This, in intent and subatat ciates, false -Burevery ? that; and therefore it wun tion of ink and paper to expas The rest of the production the apecimens we have given faand | regarded 98 the openiag ot augore but litale of honorable ts s Mr. Haywood does not disch tial preferences. He was. last Winter, in ‘steht sensions between Judge Saur Brown—who were the Fant ts no doubt bat that: trous reign ; and whea y ly concealed his o a of « About six miles § t.us tothe suai hesn go ‘graddel. =n mh possessed. | i v4 i made. this country ns b we were pieut 109 ed the ote gale mind at this time, ands which we surmounted tf Pass to the sscent of 4 Wast bir 7e compete Government woproteat- manly and patriotic ‘to raise money f@ pay PP opow them by the eded them. «= place,’ sctosse the D : ion Law and thea was cistribuiedo— is tke it® asso- politics knows ain consuwp ie, le . a pie ihe unhappy dis s and Bedford Aiives of rival wold, There tia bitter and “tr ‘we ‘believe, tate disas- k occotred 5 very judicious Ada ihe aL ~<a both. into a proverb; that brit Carolina and ‘T'en- of thetr race.— We ihai-the remark will aptness im the practi- ive fromthe ‘condaci ad, the Lace Poso Sena: AWhig State of North id with soil, on ores 8 @nd‘root and Bexploranons, direct elicited the gratify a pers@hthe Mono- he transit perfectly ee- ‘been conducted by Army) and an sb- p in the St. Lou- the followinffis ovr epeampment Wecent hed h@ intimate ef them from the spot of the i ed ta be aboot one h P the impre eqve ‘lyon our pe elevation isiely at the Dapitol i!! from — Te w difficult breadth of . this pani) where it p of the Wind River heast is overs ' ken. a1 thé distance teria ie’ ¢o@taOAly ‘ound fe ee priidine and so any ues brm- | Pocif- | mense services ha throaghou! the | ject ef regolations of a Pe bn woold have been glad among Aheir own ou man whiee public esti scieg, whose position ng Anly as a Se one 1a the. very, eo0a,2rk of Seo Lim to sary 9 such, geesalis, ed stand result: - Hows how idle Rerun tha aliempt, and bow. ti hes il recoiled pow his entagonist. > W bere.» ® ate arp all the» the right Ot iostraction 2° Veal work doth wase?. See a States with SW hig majority o Simes, end.see WT Goignit in: Senate. does not represent tbe majori!y + All the reasoning thst showe thal, aqpeany A Vogal terms of @ United Sisies Senator aspohe daa to sit the bucpor of ephemera! ans joritien, is ag, good thie year, aeit was inst. If it wae she voice of the Ceopia then, ft 1s now. Af beep: peal to the People was again! tos. then, it is against Mr. Colqaitt now, « quitt aod Mr Blagk were very active, —— ‘wid, in getting op these inairo ainst Me Be rien ; will they now sip “We ailllice, thet rave with se h zeal and ferger: to the lips of amother? Aye cwill they do a? Mr Colquitt is o to the Land Distribution, ainat a Ba t Henry Clay, ogsbet p> thing, pete oy Legistatoré_wilf not instruct bit out Such a : ute inewpable of | They were when Alfred Cuthbert nt V8 Senator, end they have too moch ab (GF the Constitation to do it now. over 4 was'a polhical megsore saiihoreraty| pablie ze in rsa ay * thé p e Berrien?” lew os oF et = te we will not a ont Senatorcon t} 3 ‘rion. If_any in thet State has reason <aitejotem over the Rice, ye" has. [fhe had not resisted thege encrogsehmens digiiad resigned, Lis party acueld o him for it. But onr. prediction t td not allow the Republic io receive rimert at his hstds, tee proved correct, and soy man might envy him the satisfactinn he wool enjoy ta again taking his seatin the United S Senate. har DEMOCRACY. The followin tagraph from the Hart-, ford Times, t ding Loeofoco Gonnectient, neeés st no vety ure comptrison of M Iboun with Aaron: Borr, who, in like Van Boren ts not anhkely ; the seme spirit thet led.them to prefer Aston BoretaeMr,. sod that hse prompted them on sions to take wp as 60 alternative “aby persoa then the ksown choice of, the I ocretic party, still ‘sciustes them. n isnp, the Times hite! nts Own friends very hard; for Me. Mapa hs dif tet -Anether sil mn a5 oP sate side, cenpas w is ‘oo p a ho 5 tins ds to ret ing of Re ary lus in Ohio, it Km ep “Onur-ret from thie State epeh tei tyy ‘bit we fear they a ‘pot 4 Gat nce ie sei josh alo have more i tbere ere ory An ‘ober Malaprop calle “odorous We do sot compreh Jess how the great Jy, tend erohey cae iy all of whose pri: pore and wee sions ebout Benks? “Of epurse, ~\ it cat only have been on Nga {they were to be ; pes! instens, de ed open those j Whig Mecbanics whe were’ employed in the: the United §.' iv in.gn sierming’ pi. ing American work notity in his State,-will he nat rasiga ? bt envre from their manufacture, ..obut swer co!! He will not resigng and shen o feeling 20 ondeserved seflection upon ther 4 should not ‘ihe ‘home (sbour, MUTUAL* ae a OF TH t off ner, 30 the election) | of 1800, had nerly broken doqe Mr. Jel- ferson : ‘ aT 4 Ake. ot Lit 3 an mon in prefetence to Jefforson, De Witt Clinton to Mrs ‘Medivon,, rh As to preferring Mr. Climon to Mc, Msd- in approved 1} Convention @& ‘| nominate for impede navich, tam pro ydrawo Fe [0 the canses : ‘A = ee t Ports- “the distaoce ac agen oe a e t og classes while | am teed a Ga 3 ee tasers Sy Bat. how does, ‘the follewiog potice ithmore papers: » 8 74 o'clock. jt vcen their viajes in re vo the dismissal, by John Tyler,rof ‘the public service atthe ci'yaf Washington, because #y-deredto exercise the right of Freemen en ¥. dast, iwathe ‘ehy of Bahimote,® (heir of 5 pre gs by voting ‘heir sentiments. ReVerdy Johnson, Esq., will address the meet- he bas 00 farther o8@ for it, 16 good envegh i fiead over to pa) to see what explanation it will giveor. thie sudden ghift of s 6 - Raw rw rece, and why. it iesha the laboring man bas beeo ponished by President. Ty'ez, in ‘be.mostao- | feeling manner, for exe ing tbe dearest sod istered of all hie rights.—Vorfolk Herald. Carpets for the lwo Houses ae oe oe a ye od- = on ei ind ay Jn 7 a tat D FOR a th et 5 CARPETS THE TWO. ROUSES OF CONGRESS: ibus, not only depriv- €, the profits, which copstity, ssyiog, by that there’ were not genius ‘enough among _codbtrymen, nae io the fabrication aoch erticles, to. ¢, them sufficiently good for A esentatives to tread neeiae’, Canes of aaa tas the circu of he he, ss s politician, cngogphy, Ss gat: Sat utation for polities! bogesty, whiéb,. ral gonsdience, is te sanstive propertiqg of burnt brandy; reeur to urto'te- mind-ell frieade to te egoment of the ect mutt ‘be eonsid- ) of the postrlity of the bh 08 bis Accidericy | is aconsid- eretion which, foid ‘ eonnnse one whieh they ing, from the Pn ante § by fhe bt to bold the wettn 3A eternal: ‘bate > 67 ¥pon,. < iin So far os Somme: 7, || ered ss an 6vi . locofoco party, 10 hes sold hivbeelt + Hiach Capiaio’s 6 rig hts } * We ean Tonk into the’ next WadieoniangS'**? 4 (which an ex-Casiom House officer who oe q the, mn. North Gerolins sre mm tees of Mere This is. about. th ness, if ge is 00 done, by ae ete Shige will the ay be, there arg who. will not be 4 any rete donot lel Let us be ever on Most ective er ue, if possible, ¥ immeasurable ¢ ce of being aD form & po £. is one of ever pt hae, i J ne for tbat Sour Pinas d- united, 8 range whuld om be ‘80 walt the groanggthet whatis @ @ she soffered in 1 F Van Boreo’s teil. PGisgrareful acts he was d [ to, even by the Richmond its reign bas been, in dis- ish cast. upon Virginis’s bonor «The year 1844 will witness PConeom mairon ; but in | the ae re Richmond Whig. phi ys? Pi 7 ¢ be of the C wpa ‘delegation. from this Bigic (Mr, ores thie New se tag re ? ply no teeenepeahey ett striking nent penton ings , inconveni¢ae whieh Ene, hrowing a boon ‘tima Gover .. on, toloin @ to ve laws of tbe tend f = Rubject-of Whig me Oy pe ' noble theme Mr. Miller hes ate will co it jastice, if | “latipes to this marke ing French, Italian; Ao Se i uence goopsr ~*~ aoa hie wiewest hee most Hegheabls oules eo ort SILK GOODS. x CHANGEABLE: HOLD. DE Scie, eilks, Vigared and striped Po de Sio do Satie and embreidered striped 2 do. Blue black, striped and fig’d Po de Sio.. do Blick and blue black, (watered) . de do filain ‘and figured do Duubte acd single mattione lotestring do Super white figured sitk, (very rch) Silk and silk 30d wool surges Alpacca justres, silk and woul wirp pet colors and striped Tustres ghish and French bik «atin vestio fies acti¥e. as “in the field | - We! a t ahead of us ert; forwe have a ia. contend with. — Ler} © *the Siste from the 840, ty of msnagers, {6 It the people to wipe corab apd spittalfield handkerchiefs ched ifnen’ Ca Sow ery te cep eects art tynecs pr rowk ard buciucs sitkenle Biack-and blue btk Saaiete sort acne lg LO Fee Qur has (wo (i tion of being bout eng th In the in sometimes a'f too much ing prine:ples.”- * The Richmo arqaired pow vie, ticle from the. Nos 1c peper, whieb:t } Congress mast 4 must répeal! ihe § ef a tetis ct r bul wo heve aire: | have pesasitead: moreithat Congr pretiy “certain t pat Thep'Ought to atio reduce the slate take farmal p Des: ty ro the Dg a _AMUSING. of ithe Richmond Ecqvites miost deservedly) the reputa: . a fot as any man alive: fe Northern: allies *— “Cin: | Rich china striped chasans > Black aad white crspe-and crape lisse Cassimere de escosse, (nee article) Rich, striped and plain moogelaine de lanes Black and colored. silk gloves, Giliet aod rubber mittis= wots : Pinko and tabbed dil bid patel bens eid Fenizee sewing silk, twist,-silk binding & cord ‘confide.a litle } CLOFHS; CASSIMERES: & VESTINGS. : Papp exper aa cigs ae Eoglioh and Ae 4A. Mg roe of ena Rogtinh end A- _Merican castvimer ably circumspect a- sent of tailore trimmings Targe and fine : - 1 Bina eecpcanatand ging mening oa Aire sea ct Bw isle ces + | E4gin wai insertiags, plaig and fancy , A large and ha e meer af Freeh and American pricts: . is | Red, wliite and gteen flannels, very cheap 1 Bed aed ‘negro blankeis * ~ | Caledonia and: Rocha shawls, (new article) | Striped lama-and Srocke shawls f ) Heck 98 plored mooselia: de lane end att p-racing, and lot-, Se jeac n ~} Rallinst) Kentue os oe RES: olambia:s but we! Setecens eave were ifs” the -kror, and . bi a - bot i.” i ~ type-settar’ p*set up the’ w aff ng4 The Engiirer mast, > sa Ti & OAPS. oZAn legboro and sik bonnes $5 ney ee rice fur hats Ad en ol caps r be ks f-the Clay Clubs, Which the Whigs sre forming in Virginie, The editor inyeighs | ig esto .de- aoe alease ¢ ih collected saped wh oo gern es 2 gon, ; p inf woman Seinen ; baie Eg Hc ON "Gy Wie HOUSE. | Ena > with far beads er have been in-}° on Wwe Probabilty ce dential election. to.the } fives. it will” be re-} 600 pair riegro wkoez, good and cheap ered’ 40 pair women’s sewed and pegizee do °°200°d6 °° “do low price slippe ., 200. do. Robinson's slipheas sad calf hd 12 dz fining and Binding skins . 20 doz tanned sheep skins for paddle 125.lbs white and green shoe thread 6000 163 good sole leather, apper & harness do . $28 pe.gnpay & daades bagging. wide & very heavy 147: coilé he a, kati wet 400 Ibs Vi pea C : = Rio, Cuba and St, Tiling Coffeé 1008 16s, Wolsey aod Woolsey best loaf sugar 5O kegs rifle and unene powder ) ibe best indigo 4 athe £aih. ultimo; comes . out **flat—footed”” a+ =e “ee atenmant rf = ye orai 1 Lisp BU, UR¥y TURDAYSNQ: Yc NQVEMBER ge Aga: — nee, mo SPP “Republican: Ww hig ‘Ticket For Presidentof the an States, i itt LAY: « 4 sound National Currency. resrilat aeons Jeniseasecmndioomanei ei Ww m of the} 9 pTeih te. OEM gs 2 abe We hige canvassed by the Lagneleta therfollowieg result a evel Pr Hon. Jobo te se o Penie oe Ches will aad authority of tigation. . ” j woe ebeh me An adequate Reve A fair protection “ar ‘ prec tN ove to American Tudustry restr aintg: ‘ [D COON” si nling Executive Power ny ae a fe . mec 5 . tion on the exercise nf the Veto . P rial, of Ort. $0 “he two house « A faithful administration of the Public Dow THE RESL v LEGISUAT rRE end chose Mr WM att ‘ main, with an equitable dMtri bution’ on Pro- sa he tocke 131, Kellogg ! ibs ceeds of sales among the Slatéee® i ** An honest angeconomical wilmi General G ment, learine n perfect freedem of thought and of the sf of suffrage ; but with suitable rie gain a the incumbent of the” single Term.’ seme Cran ——— SHVENTH OF ——— Ata meeting of the Whig Central Céinitee of Norch Carolina, on “the 3d October, 1818, Resolved, That a Convention of she. Whig be held in the City of Raleigh, on, Thars- party, h . f December next. for she. par day, 10.110 oer 8 idate for Governor, and of selecting a cand for choosing two Delegates to the Baltimore, Con: ntion. "i - Hareis, Secrelary- ail] be seen by the Whig Central Committee, that the Seventh of December oext, has been agreed upon as the time for the Whig State Canvention to meet in Raleigh, to nominate @ suitable person ag 2 Can- didate for Governor. As it is important that ev- ery Coanty shoold he fally represented in the Convention, we would merely soggest to ms Whigs of Remae the propriety of:holdin meeting on ONDAF..of NOVEMB oe the jimete_not -rery-fos uff; +e Soot forthwith attended to.. What say you, Whigs of ald Rowan ? Will you not give-one day to the advancement of the interests of your Conntry ? Come. one aod all—tet as have a fall meeting —sach a meeting as will as- tonish our. enemies, and .cause.them ‘to shrink back with terror at, the voice of a free and ja- dependent gies: — # sonedi ‘Prinsi- ples. obese tel cas: Lined tad the hem oc ry 86. He ta their What he says are, Deme- to-day, they. sill all oppor, have denoanced them as “Fed ities chaps to talof’“ man —— je Risser: Jeffersonian” of gainst Mr. Vae Boren, and presents a nomber of very cogent reasons why be should not be nominaied by thé ~~ Demucraey 2s theit.este didate for President. Tk pots ae in mind of old times to see the way the editor talks: Hear him: “ The strongest objection we entertain to ran ning Mr. Van Baren, in 1841, (not exceptiog his ‘availability, in ovr _opinion) is the bearing it woold have npon the sabject of negroslavety and the movements of the abolitionists.” He also says,. Mr. Van Boren’s *‘ opinions.on the sobject of abdlition-are, to say the Jenst, equivocal.” ,This is somewhat in the style the editor talked in 18$6, when he was editing the ‘© Western Carolinian "—then a Whig paper. We have always considered Mr. Van Buren an abolitionist af heart, and so, we dovdt not, has the editor of the Jeffersooian; bot in 1940 this editor supported Mr. Van Burep, and en— deavored to create the belief that-Gen. Harrison was the abolitionist, and his‘ opponent was a “Northern man with Soathern principles”— We wonder if hie face dog’t hurt him! { is really amusing to notice how, the a ' * \ between “the rival factions - r They sagin to “ abuse each other like piekpsek™ ets." The Calhounites elaim that their man is the most available, and point to. Mr. Van Bo- ft en's overwhelming defeat.in 1840, as a0 evi- Jence of his uapopalarity with dhe People. The Van Burenites equally stentses ta orging his claims, and ridfealing those to Mr. Caltioan. They are evidently afioiy! yf his. propeoail y for. larning summersets. AVe dup team &: shrew how moch they qraree! 5 # for, er when ‘Toace fall ont, honest ten eet san P pip care Ww A ID. ont ite. “f i = beat eitheryor Be BCP Most rear ren | the high handed snd revolmionery conduct of the lust Séosié of Tennestte, fw preventing tre election of Senatnts to Congress from tbat wobie State. Fhe Whigs bad 2 majarity of two Whig maja on A. HINES, Ch'm'a,. | thiee «Independent Ee , Congress — The Whigs! sted 9 mem | ity tnd Weppiness & ) they se” above fresolation ofthe bere and pei so Xe we hadatene K thesh Eriet re ie ae on the recent glorichs Victory that city, in the election of their Ma ye: | whose henner ss their pride to baitle for | sha “ The Loco Fotos foaght snd ee fee with |} their country.snd ie tnasrtationsee— Balk y Biv poate to me exece- ee tea 5 RB 6 habe ct ‘brad a desperation worthy of a better. B re- ig. 4 pon BE Dav ion ad hale Hamp : " podation Fag mph SP _, 66_kege. powder ris ue ue ye ate ye sorted to meags which no 7. ave 8 conve pd viables, jn the rear « Whe etna Oe OR ee prove, jad in friend of. she. purty: OFAQ Fen Buren and Clay'— We are strech,’ } rope aoe my Store. vet : a Te td M. Bo: 148 kegs white leat is 6a Bo franchise hesitate in taodwms. Bov-nnely Rrepeblicen, Tt one tb vey of Beccliher pex!, thst 1 ali trast PALL 91 boxes glase tocks over al) 20, ~~ poay With certainty that the ajority of twy on joi ve eng rat COON Mh r | agar FE We vaderstand th h teach A. new of-heviog [tie ¢ see : Lae we se by our opponents, with. u "Pe bim skinned_on,tbe pe of, she,.ambics. [Xt ath puns °| pated victory whieh they did. nob, has been subseqnentl oe a bigh | ~ Wangs, Locos. lwo. | ed Whig of the foo iR red : | ACT of id ine Se end pm Cl he aTth yeerofhisege. |, bis + owtie redelt eoitoty, oa: the @0ch ery tect : ts 4 apd Bo 2. wite ob Mr Aatee wa aga es nk. mh abe DP enon pee’ Gq” gg © | for bin by those anto.whose shands it wes wp < his wisfortaoe to fall. He; yet-ador | , SR tle ree fe the fod of of tha, Wenig. party look | i oe es . ee wet wet ' Fetock of all ‘onlier The lowing isa part. of the STOCK: ing ty, { ; : : coi : ss va the party firinciples, "es: they can be 44 a ene fs bigs: of ;plebdie n-origen ef the greet atptes wan. under BCH The Baltimore Patriot ing /andone—they ranstcked every ner of the city —they Brboght near —they crowded the ¢ | ' —they faaight-—rieg bathed — Uh oe 4 8 = ne- 10 do PB ies a end teas. “Tebidg. im the enirse of the distinguished eit- be, Laid jazens before the. pablic: Veo Boren scé- tikeh aot avias ie FA -¥ jeg. | COOHOG Gon. Jackson in a splendid career Ses ot Bere, Hi oa Bg aad daring tbe whole convess Utensits, two Road Wagons and ; r 43 Eat nothing beerd but: ys anne his Corn, Wheat, te Ha and F.- ver the a in Flanders swore —t eol-'|' tyere Sam. Nhe Hovsedeld® tolace Wenaieamas (he drab candi | By barr fo ore fot Teche i Gon.se Gor | eco Stille vod Feat, eae & quant chin rut maar, | “At the old: Tatlord , aaa py ey ew. borplly opal | hist 4q date, moantec on 1 white et ey, and various preg wheo aad } HO CE the city, looking ghee teree. nl bee meade “eradi: RA rd wa apes , eee F, F00W AS jast received 6 rorious att¥, encon; oe, Swi4 : fusiee. i. LONDON. PAR: PHIA FAS IONS, for be Jos SA any 2 perpel | a 00) which far. surpasses any thin text that veld 4 iofore published. He still ¢ hey RAL LAND, oo which the esid the slight | @extes « agape whom love comet in holy fasth | Poulin: seo any neat, Thos. Allison's Tans |“ Tailori » draggedto | & xvid qd! irdneport, free as Natore live. ah mal hie. Coe of “Horses, Carile, | ia all vs branches, at hie ol oi che | etenene © YW het 19 He World 10 them; Hogs yal & Ooo ak 4. “Ter pony, tre pinacore AGA. ott, : : ’ race eat * Who ia each other olaapathatever fair “* High fancy forma, and lavish hearts can wish . YY: Se 4 mae) 6 “F. COWAN, Bite 8 the Al flew cotta ior tegmemial . eae ie MARSIED. Nova, 184S—4014 : chara raing me pa a ‘broagh: te fn Lexington-on the: 24th o't..chp the Rev “ “git boot 14 'yeats of the etty in aera ‘i pward to werd | Jewe Reokio, Min. Mamilion A. Hargrave, ot y. & will be far. sal at the Court | exper waht Zita hs on : ha words, | that place, to Miss Elise B. Overman. ) Saliebery yon Toesds y ut November | will show. P rejected, fa Fig de thin lacey on Sandey évening The 24:h but in oihers we know jor tonths credit will be given. «Bond |* Oot: 21, Uaears-en i Pr Amany of the panpers , - | ott by Alerrederctiongy Eq Mr: AP. 40 | and secority reqnit : Wy -voresi—and whevher NAF REED more | drook, lateral Raleigh: sw Mien. MalinddOraige | Ott, BOF ea caee ee ® “FALL: AND: AR! rain- | FASO TAS We peg ae e i ing but it is exsy 14 wh . , Tc werold resert-to sbie-orpoaeats tiki DiZD Btate ga orp a pod tl aia , y tate to adopt whatever eled might st te fin thie pet} on onda night, Der ete 30th. a vantage to them, and it is (herefote'tt the thirty-mx her age, sod af Ci ) Quarter ftaguest ited that these men vored ih more wnt Rho ‘Witiess, ' Mire. cise we a - f Pleas’ Sessions one, and in this way the poll ew a he Dacre, Beq., one’ daagh- “fond in Gibson vs, bee ve Panlina hundred votev.”* te leone Wall of Anson. VWarklandy William J Markland; aeatthew werk Mra. Davis possessed in Sonal draree p1aOs marton morklaod, jet ba athe — ‘ the ornament of a a mrek a The New Vork Conrier avd Exnqaivet . The janto of *Abotftionists wha 1" ar 3 ss bey] crue i , , an a it ‘ u a pa us : ; ‘3 4 themselvés the “ Liberty Porty,” samidg acd retiriog in ‘er avers, her worth hers : ; -., | ptetes Hed TBO et could be appreciated only by these most intimate gut See, Tt Oar’, Careos we fake ; ee ublication be made for off Fnsenil Efall on. apeeenseeh Pai vaere Pat phic s 4 ated ip perpen, Bg om Gite +) {a8 Watchman, printed at a meeting in that hsliowed edifice, foritliagper- “a ty ase ber yrara and surroanded be pose of making speeches in favor nf di ing } all that can render the feanly Pr et en and visorgenizing the’ Whig party in dimmmedes | deeriig, she wae called, in ib epectee of et ee feodan nC and apper ‘aa | tobe bel 4 ihe! as so bene vors to tid the country of the tn ‘mis- foe's to part w th. an ‘ i nd deve rt er seit the rale with which it has been. curs last |e ope’ talanee eo. fifteen gears. ~ Birney, the candida pre | Bat dear dia | ed fr sem cious party for the Presidency, Bsent and maine made a characteristic ee he had See siciicintos . ; got throngh, very lent ite for Ben- on age ar ber 1 hg eppear"! jamin P: Hallett, th that worthy wag.pres@n responding to the, eal B dent of the mee agegue ; het if x3 of that naipeotbediedered thetyrendered it |! wi Bi a: nl her so. speak ;-and fre} staf the sptesi+ | onent coqversation wish het dnad- He the call by { vieab!e ; bet from ite commences ent she appre— os = "d ‘igen “honsé ne agg whieh peated bad’ Gr: indifferent, V+} he ight whieh ‘An Quarter a epeeeh ‘from Hatter: secede be onty Ya 6 scp WoiHld be ‘Prefern- | ing seat, it’ pleamed: her” He >on the 4thewpon:’ Oy Ee ery: of that pieimplitle vive Her dnoh vt ta ee ae ink, these’ bes ameszed those whe ‘mentor wl ag we x than pat Wing ray ca a ind. calf that the “Tt ing fon. Monom we stanton ae 319 ‘golieit sa ' rp Si Washington as ei « 2 be the Moat rious charseier f aa monumental edifice f ding any other in the wrt * 7 ‘Groioth of Michigan. Press states that Mienigan, fort tinda.of ton years, bas ince a higher rate than any other Si and that she has even outst tate of increase, at the same of threé of Sint Ballot bet the Locofiens bad » wafirtey of one:{8- tte Senate, and kept off the efettion by rr tr ovéet thé otber, Mbase, for ite pdirpose of bolting the e keetivir ;.conseqtem - fp, re Svate- wae without ter constifotivhat re’ ifthe Nationat Legislatare, By. rh ta rie Agus, what 2 theirgrowth. ‘From 1820 to 18% increase of the popolaliy o Mion per cent. ; the next highest during jst sey which 9 db ie | Met dant 9 a popalarion of 28,01 ties tow The rani dine okaies. like ‘the dying: ; 3 psoas hues. | nf aes on 2 , fal eines o Gods te impress of his bandy | is yes Pes E 3 aiagf bis going fatihdo not | ‘I'wisted fool, S. of appreciating | Dr. Manin pleasures from Courties, where. nc Meo Cages entrasied ba RN if was, who will taceive ita Vad cathy os of special thavks : Dr. M. teepared f °* Teo thousand tbousand precioas ifis, several private ar ents: daily thanks easploy . Wilktsboro', N. €., Nor te tte least's cheerful wetted Bear, To taste these gifis With joy.” Put c “pourniog,” sald @F ws + Rerkapecoma who see the gorgeous loveliness nc ad oe oe Fete Spay eee macht mer es oe ‘of the disease in the eyo wen exe yee” | of the forest, may not experience the emotfns : ith a ' 2 ae : ‘ Walk sofily mid the mas are ee @ hackster or pessent, 19 which lat | contiqual applicetion to making WOOTMIRE: | ty which we allode.” The bésuties of nature, nivwe fore the public Where thy companions oo ie; oe y she often obtsined information She states that she hed. wee a6 Tor"ning {8° Pepttlat and 40 common here, tay fai} to awa AS ei Bw” . | lish theirsurprisin, A eeties, ple ender re The Violet, Inke.a loving: bebe, theta bly importeat end adventsgeous | remain without pores ed Ken that apirit of enjoyment, aod. impart tbat —_ : . ‘ite rece of doubt in the estimation of ev- Wheo the vera! sans wee uew, = sbi & b tracps. » ft: phe | days and aight = See ering a hk age :. THE SALISBURY ye Tac aeenetae Ts ae day on |e id th ar avlicas Meaegtescbeesem +;001| mmeve ie . ‘tbe i BS to rest 60.8. ated ” Ags oe St connphalaty’ : | i sein, Leni snk tf aE eee > as bro ‘ 9 were to t ° Std : ee ae : d Bellet, bér bosdand, then °¢ep- | eo that os litle tiger ceipenn ) eta nat ie hy aacqeurential dear Serine es ! is tapemmaanes The trioy and ‘prond Anemone ;— od Bt de, enthusjsatically be~| spect io their eoodmption.’ ope gone, | Jatest moments were made ‘the “a ae | sone of ony 4 ; r petll so Wer| Fle etates ther Be bas Glten seea cates of bedetif i Ialine ' Bet ‘nervows and | ditesceeie practttaghaccrt 7% smpe : oD the scene of glough- | tote! blindvess from the seme tavse. “jo by the ratlog | wot Bo ai ng . Obs. aésort. wos etd kardoee pring a. “ ia ber thoegbt, and the i es = : le, re sod ed | Dal le, of the the Moorfeléa @pihsl- it, consequent power te humors, quiet nervous. Writability, ey To guard isseister pale ron } — . airy apie, sumiler evidened: «04, Acotiug more and more the boes of tbat Heaven “ os -bly-pivduce savnd-health: a ati “* Phe ripened Rose—where are they now > ' conducted | mic Hospitsl, gives sum! , avy. Upwards of threchundred apd: Bot from the rifled bower to Dublin, where st a9 obliged to woder- | in one ipatance succeeded ton iote whose light obs was gliding. To thick of Bey y dedi sheds Fbantherchte Pile hee ty thew aie There came 2 voice="* Take heed to note go asecond « fm above the Kace the menitiens of eech an. ove, or if she alicred EF ar | : ret me... sold within the jast tivelve months ip Thine own receding hoor; After -pees: og. a this country, Yay ae word, to thick the monitions such ; ene, and more’ And let the strange and silver bair, Ahee sen oe nHably pos oleh at of - States alone, “than three ba ‘That over thy temple-strays, ate returned iato & 00 the desth of scene, aod the outwstd visible sigus will associ- 3 4 do. ee: sate quantity in other States. ' ate ia‘ - Asan: anti-hitions médicine, « isane cen Be 20-2 monitor to tell Losis XVIII, fatoret b certificates pe. tote mind with delightfok emelions, nod be without them A single trial of them js” Tek facial ee seye” from the Freneh © Doble, sod} ree of naiare will be one of love Shoald| : } > Pabl are assured that more satisfactory than a head certifirates. —= . Rebemedde it ae “a there yet be prowocstion needed. take with- you [Ml 00C ip ard of best quality, and can be} Therefore let the.two following ie favor : “ot A FRENCH AMAZON. ebsence, it was conclé ; a co g- | the following lives," written by Clack B os ey sara sethey can be abeir anpdfalleled ¢ efGeacy. suffice a + >| them—tearn like bim to make October.‘'the |” ge. - | RHODES BROY » Agent. Heysrond co... Ten; Wee: 10, 184 2a h @ of 1806, on a fine ea-| killed at Waterloo. d | tog se caleuteted to enites the fom of eye-|' 2 $ ae | F Ba ac talon ra review ing | (he neme of thie wom sc aight to at least tbirty of these month of the heart.” Poor Clatk wensawayin} y, May 20, 1843-148 Da: S SPENCER. z s re ¢ : ~ Sir,—Yoor agent toft. with: me's order of the Legtow jo to the conclusion of fits, ans eg the greensese of bis foliage, before the évil daye| ~ ule Bitte’ quar nis_scoee oceans ee ite learels of | tained 1m the list ata at} this report and the accompanying ©7000 | came, fore oven fame'bad watered, in wbedren| aN SW FASHIONS tee cone ws cn ready passed ihe fronts o! several ewes ee af. (4 rs. London ere as tall of ‘ive gush, while it wen’ young and sweet ie ire whose dongers and fetigues in tbe fielc ie eat did condition : “~ as - budding. _ battle be bad go ofien witnessed and shered, Sten ote anal of nelle Be agate rt ol anata iheche bedewed with tears for his death. when he ernved at the 6th Husgers, 80 re- one me : ‘ ee met ey i woteee (binned bis mackable for its eplendid.appesrance, His) ved ‘od of ‘Govevoon oe Bo nen life, full wo perso Chis foliage, of varied ite boo, His leaves were eagle eye soon perceiving « volonteer who) 1». aouigiy pever, in justice, be} in its esi : thered ike those 6f the Jone rose, and Nike wns catscohng out of bis ranks, he im@medi-} a oe rded , and in 1 it | them, they are. redolent of lesting eweets. ately exelniged, | Fase win Bos cat'sss sense ibs |i conned wo et ome com, ma tigtecny. |e Smmented bin wong sith the lotlinen of Su aed 4a EC tay me on i er weein expectation af) aad to those who ere devoted to tere, vod the ong, Tike paiore, willepdere. lis ‘Golgesl, , satiety all the dewende she! of Inbour,—Bog many thougeo¢ pf tar} inepiretton *eora. We loved bim living, that ¢ regiment ghieh T frequently. quote ee | nig Gert sore og wnt tn cos begin Bowen esd grils -eed gickly | end 'be best claims for ibet affection are resew-| W. Marphy’ re'beis'rendy toex i and used a model, sach s meat of discipline 19 Per | a ryicgs amend ber to ihe order of| hogs, pass. eway soncally ix the sngle ety joo peroeal of bis verse, Ep passed.away like st orders astomiers in oe | eh mitted in wy presence? 7 the soldier be _ , . ae bestowing on ber of Londeoo 2 livieg in estan “OF the 1wmorta! leaves of ‘sping, but hie own early ; taal — y io this part of the: had used soar Et Litt ene _ Pa Mp aavent fet cane Sete mere he per f © wouuded quarter-moster, | eess, banger end want, ond * sget-| death geve 2 new freshnem to the inncmortaliry j country. be'rer rlareeeeipt of ‘the fy abate one Soe ceaktuts eevtieve permit a rd ot wine of « Ospten fy tu the grove oe thew deliserar BRicf bierere: — re . gthe asics 0 of the! good than all the weit he osed uUTiny fis K hed paleok ‘for my volanteer ; you a ng sentimest, which she of- | fate, the bare coniempietion of which me- OCTOBER. a att ' | sickne-~s—in faci, trey cured him ™ me hence would not refase me if yoo would interro-} py Sher end trigls, will anni | keth the beers sick.— Boxton ; 5: ect reste eee oe the mest pertect benlch abommer te-bam * io nae >. ’ ‘ ' HW te view, ate Pe weil? snd the Exapereny be it Ong a ae : THE DOOM OF THE CON NED. Solema, yet beattifel it Of thie extractdimary and BY WILLIS GAELORD CLARE. me > Se ee ; gees Danie}. .Robertson , < “3 ny hills. id Fever, was restore let bim approseb.” une te Sammae We teke froaf the Knickerbocker Meath ay Diet Fleer tee ee eal gee Wine eral Pode F The hnagar ceme'forward at » gallop, an ae om gos yetenron te tober the foliewing wouralatl picture if id sada agape, ah , e 2 ck with fever, ae the following dialogue ensued : onlfe. hh wfrom the Exitor’s P The semmer's melaacholy ber. ‘ Your ? *My Emperor, my neme oo. : most delighifal porto & the Mgene: The morning of thyiwindst bear, + is Duconde | saborde, pee the regiment coll fia afal vt 84 Peart apy. eo “STF the eshegpy young men who : An the red eanest digs afar, soapuas la Poef ue od bY woehde, thie.se Bro- poy Me prvaieg yok: Taplet crime per tones ween wer. b her,;. respect _sbould ¥ S eal 7 entered snto thém, me jowing the re- Py . before yividing to nape . o = _cagpan ream oad es 2 volunteer, not Wishibg to]. Y 2 crete Soe'desert- on the State Priva #t Sing Sing, es we did Thee golema saree fey ey veers reng . a pee fied health, Any rm ai er Le: Mie eas me — the other day, surely be neal reba ad shrank My Sonal tepals) to Wjcice— wn. s ‘ cattle a it affords. - worthy of tbat honor, ‘How leng heve ~~ beck from (th te e hia : oe we" you Been aMached to the regiment ? + Eyght CONDITION GREE LONDON SIL. wencten, maae Sart estate! Sawer ear- When earth wv ral wa oP beac 9 wien meg 19, TW DI Ng tthemselves 2 day without wearing 8 years. hat bas indbeed you to join the Roe row their cells y how ceasioss therr tot ; Oh, visions bright—oh, blemsed : E Ea zemayes the istiiation of incipient This i is to portly, dens. 1 pooh _appsinted én service?» Love of my couniy, and of my} Much as we have’ : a negstion of comfort thew whole con- La epee gie nschated now ? ion from the Lung® to the surface of | Agent for Dr. Spencer'a Vagersbte haa hosband, from whom | was desirous never | misery and iti ‘ t tt gost F as te cere es the S asereat afk April, since which timed have sc . feohe separated. * W nett you a women r ss in eat wek .. _ it was . owe nthe A dey, 4 7 boing fevered brow i . f ainis, t and Go oghs, an. ty buxek,° ‘aad ‘Wey: fave given’ better catisihution in’ the De | a0 rest for the ; a eu At, Ba Chegk o should sien ae are liked much. better then eny other’ Prite I i ge sen pagent eae oth peninse por pon the following plied ther never ye hh. ‘Vests enbin WEipne , to preveot the. cough settling on the | have ever sold 5 the best evidence in their favor Wiat 1 che name of yout hosbend ?”| evidence, recently ehaptted in Parlement. walls.. Stealthy glences from belf reised one ggaia > oa Pace Fors — ag by Si Las Se a. ance hag hei gt of the Penn! Broa 'ehat cousey to you | From ibe “opotamimappeniees “ti | een snalocouniananers slusped wi soak ‘i tna Se | ag sn et my au ln come: » 6 ‘ Angauleme.’ ‘ Your ege. «4 Thir- cbildrens’ emple , nies’ pre- . +d @ith Che . artt; Lexington, JP. Mabry . fer them 10 any vther.. J have pe the : ty-ibree years.’ ‘Have you any children?” | sented to Parlhame commend © ee. lo ner nh pope Abe | Rafer i> =- ~— march 4, 184$—1589 my own family with entire so -~ in Costive- ~ ‘ Yee, sire, one son. ‘How is heemploy- ; en Vastori _appeere, thet FoNest niger prt py) heir eweepi ae ama a fiées, Sick Hendéche, and et Dealt : ed? + Asa trumpeter to the 1th dra- pet. $9,000 mill! ' | works fe and bowan destiny : | CURRENT eps tbe eo Te goons.’ * Very’ well; do you onderstend | mskers ta ndom ‘They . .. 4 bee aoe ate sine a. her ig: the evolations “of the regiment! * Yes, | buswess Geum * ing" eo Phd oad SR or a cae. - For sale’at Salisbury by ©. B. Wheeler. site, and the sword exerciee.” to 16, end @ ‘season, i. ©. o| ogee theie cells with) gw, | Bacon, pttonl Fenn iee ‘Jem very snzious to witness (bis, said | from vo ; Brandy; ap- uéses, 36.240 ao mein D. og the Emperor, who hstened to Bretom Dov. | ory, tt all 4 sot etn VR chi j ‘ be ; e Bs ie Weert Mekotire.. ble with imereased interest, * Colonel, let} principal | ‘ lack | i ae ‘ y a e oAR bite 8 Charlov'e, BO ae 2 troop ed vanee, atid 168 this brave. Breton teen h . ' | ever's rita SS ae green re bee, they Tp 208 Se ere en ee pee jom tbe reek ete: Fee : ote ‘thay pected forth fra 1m, ; glen 5 | +" 5. eee Villages io ‘ne United States. ” Tba Colons! directed the movements, | very cer ‘Ny of | inudigons -herness” they poured forth fram) SN “gee est ® phe 218 «Repeater 16: 1848138 which were executed by | ‘Brewoo Doable, 4 1 me simost | mork: thys stesmed the Yolee, p like those tr . bree 7 35-40 el | — with so moch ardor and‘precision, that the} Peoficiently ventillsted. Tbe bu}. S reqemes 7 an ee See ee j ae — Fey 20 ek, hy DR. HULL'S Pgh was delighted: rites a £5 ahs ‘ r dade’. Wom co ot aoa! ; ee reget as § een oe j Se 5 | FET ABLI . FEVER. AND AGUE ~ man ov pi ae nih the - . trem they 20 | ; . * pees me 3 [Toe win Biter recommendaticns of ibre epee ns egg ome OCTOBER 28, 1843 THROUGH DECEMBER 23, 1843 MISSING ee ee a ad The “ W arouse "om i he yr i dollars ine aibvane?, ary oy eke cents at the.gaiof. the. year.’ fi ‘a cunseripi tone etl bs SeeUES shan yae yeaty™ dlegs paid, fstaty nonet ; No papet dis¢untinetd. er vee ne Kiser} enti all astenfages # TERMS OR ROERT one One dollar per squate jar ‘he Aras iin wenty ve cenia (or-each coatipainges, Ss Court notices will bachageg eri hao the above rates. A deduction of $33 per ceat zg se Who advertise by the apes al) advertisements we}: hg anid and charged for octet diem ed fora certain pimber'uf pc Leirers addsessed~ 4 oe eome posh pes so e2sorée eect _ —— — o-= ARRIVALS’. — f>. af Benner iy 8, Ce. d departures of the MALL S; wat anit cortinn tots sd vanes cred Srom Satiebury, LE SY “| Scodag a i 30. NORTHERN, asrives Sonday's,: Evel $ and Fridays,at 6 A, M.° Leavey Malay" 8, Thorsday’s, and Saturday’ 8, O32 °e: ees SOUTHERN atrives every Moadéay, T horse)" jay aod Saturday at 6 a m-. Kegayes eves Sunday, Toesday and Friday, at vied a th. WESTERN actives every Mogday, Thura- a and Saturday a[ Glam leaves exety Sen- y Tuesday and Friday av 7am: MORGANT ON arrivés every Monday” pnd}! Thursday at JO. p m. Leaves every Sooday and Wednesday, af 7 am. _ CHERAW crnves Siey Tu * Theis day and Satardty 7 ee Yes avery Monday, Weduesday ‘Fides tt HUNTSVILLE, a (ite onpsliotieer very Beet? al7 po. Léaves every. Satardiy ar @ * PAYET TEVILLE, (horse ‘mat}) arrives eve. ery Wednesday and Sainidsy at Spm. Leaves every Monday and Thursday at 6 a m. Tc the Business ‘Public i BOOKS !-BOOKS ! ! OR sale at this OF FICK. cheap fur casb,a splendid sapply of Blank Dey Booka, Ledg- ers, with the alphabet to each, of al} sizes, and bouod in plain and elegant style. Also—Mem orandum, Writing and Cyphering Books, ofthe best paper. Sep.2, 1843—116 J. 8. Johnston, LOR AT LAW. fem , Hava A poae oer + + : Saddle wh apea wate Making : | Fre will keep constautly. on, hand teady) made} ~— “The sabsbseriber ‘hopes by: strict attertion 16 74 Pees WE ae ~ el pe = gt . 4s . Sec, en iat, 188 éxetelios 6 ition a “% IF bie Fee aan mips 16th. “Te 1 Bone ata opils charged nia. cedaetion | 10 cBteof fi October ieneer ae : sAbpina MARAInes| + a & | Bastia f Fa rps Sabcerjber respectfully informe, the citi, yaens of Salisbary and the sur*onding coun: ‘Uy, stiat-he is new ‘catrying of ihe 4 ‘iN-ALL its VARIOUS S BRANCHES. SADDLES, (fine and common). HAR- NESS», (fine-and. common) -BRIDLES and MARTINGALE S, tManvfactdred pei ~of the best af leather’ Rew pairing done in the best possibls style, sod onthe shartest notice -hig"*basiness to merit. a. liver! share “af publie patfonage. . WM J PEUMMER. Salisoury, . Oct. 14, 1843-111 Salsibury, Jan. 7,1848—"1 a a = DAVID L. Pool, PRXAKES this method of mfocming bis. friends, and the. pablic, that he is still carryingen the Watch > and Clock making, and Re- a pairing busiaess,at- his old stand, near the Courthouse All work dane by him will be warranted for twelve months. He still keeps on hand a sma assortment of Jewellery. Oid Gold and Silver taken in exchange for Jewellery or work done. Salisbury, March 12, 1842.—1f38 —— ee WORMS! WORMS?! Star tling Facts. rundreds of children and adults are lost year. iy with worms, whon come other caugg lias DEEN supposed to be ihe true une. It is admitted by all doctors that scarce 2 man, woman or child exisis but what are sooner or later troubled with worms, and io bundreds of cases, sad to relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of the haman family—while ip truth they die of Worms! and these could have been eradicated inaday,by the ase of » bottle of Kolmstock's Vermifuge, at the cost of a quarter of a dutiar! How sickening the thought that these thiags should be—and who can ever forgive themselves for not trying this WWerm Eaterminator, when they know that even if tbe case was not wotms, this remedy could dot by any possibility do burt: —but always good a8 a its urgative—let the dis- ease be what jt may. How important then to use it, and who will.dare 1ake the responsibilty todo without it 2 a brate, ask themselves this question in ‘roth and : soderness. Mr JC Ringold had a chitd very sick. for neat two weeks, and-attended: bya physician, Without relief, when Kolmstock’s Vermifuge was given, and next day morethan forty Worms were passed, when the child recovered rapidly. A child of a widow woman, livitg near the Manhattan Water Works, had-dwindled far a} month, till near a skefoten, With< great dryness’ ofthe mouth, and itching of the nose. . A ha-. mane lady, who called to provide for ihe familys sent immediately for’ Kulmstock’s Vermifoze, + Which brought away- great quantities of warms for two oF three days, and the child grew better atonce, and regained its fall strength in less than a month. Let every parent that is not ; State, “POS. Afi orders {rot a distance for ény of the entioned articles promptly*aitended to, - Solace aetee été hi pooy ‘ s Petieetoesd aber t Phaitedlag a Sttear fen Wit be 40 oll! Svigi rel ireek Mead ‘his tate Office in 4 fo-orders, he bas five vod six gatton kegs, (well 4g S 4A, Ht the eld Tailcing, Reaiabtistuncal ! HORA CR A HM. BEARD Hs jnst received of Mr. F° Manan, the LONDON. PARIS & PHILADEL. PHIA FASHIONS, for the Hall and Winter of AB & tag! { which far sarpasses any thing of the kind bere— tofore published. He still carries un the Tattloring Bttsiuess in all its branches, at -his-old.stand, where he is | ever ready to. meet and secommodate his old and cew customers with fashronable eutting aud ma- king of garments, not to be surpassed by any ip the “southern. codnir Punetoslity, despaich and faithful work as has been, always shell be bis aim and object. "Mhankful for past encour- agement, he hppes: to merit its continuance. P.S. Reference he deems onnecesgars, as Wis experience and work for the last (birteea years will show. HIORACE H-BEARD. Oct. 21, 1848—((38 BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. HE Sabscriber takes this method of inform- ing the vitizens of Salisbury and the sw. toundiag coudtry, that he still carmes on the Boot. and Sise-making Bosiness at bis Tan-yard on the North-east square, in the town of Salis- bury, where he -is prepared to make Bovis and Shoes.in.a style of workmacship out to be sur passed by soy ebep io this place; or even in the Je assures (hose who wani good found- alions for their understandings, that he eanac coromodaie.tiem withas geod: 30 article as they can obtain at any .other shup, for durability and fer neain ‘The subscriber las an hand the folowing shoes, which be offers lower fur cash thay thev cao be bought at.any other shup. or to puncinal } customers ona credit on ag goud terms as they ! could desire, . Geotleoien’s. fine Begts; Gentlemen's fine Several children tn a highly respeetable fam- | Shoes: & Pugpss Ladies" fine Shoes & amps ; ° > Ny in Broadway had worms toa frigh#ful extent,’ and were all cured rapidiy with this Vermifuge, | In some of the besi families io the neighbor- hood of St. John’s Park, it has been exiensively | used, from the ciremmstance of having eradicas | t childzeo’s shoes, together-with a large stutk of} , + Negfoes’ Shoes, which he desires thuse wishing | 40 purchase tovall and examitte-befare sepplying t inemselves elsewhere, as.he is confident of plea ted a Torge qbeantity of worms, after sll Co Eee fetes wh quality. and:price. remedies had failed, which was very exlengi ve- ly known in that part of the city. A family in New Jersey sav several children Sy the use of it, One,a girl of eight years wy ‘ge, had become exceedingly “emaciated before the Vermifuge Was civen. ey ‘he vext doy three "ge worms were disladged, and se left off the Veinifoge, when she became again Worse, and fF ad resort to the Vermifare rhrat finally beoaght Fr dway an incrediale quaniiiy of Wouns, aed the} Ctte was co mpletg, aad she gzined ber sbeslit ranid?y. ; A Phssician of standing, hdd ored a tatsi Y of children Somfeweeks, without being ale te, 7estora ba: one oatcof the eevetr to health: si e _ He} Jac fb Who bas:the tule manage- { ment of ae 88, bays, that ronwork shall leave the would fot gixe entire si1< isfaction. Ae one, a8 ft “shall” ever: be - bis } pride aad boast to do good. gad neat wD ty ash | Segar and Coffee, Candies, Copperas, Madder = eee Aenbit o the farge cdgners neé le 6d. W Mer sg eras ‘OF fiquse; =p sree Bs ” Saliebary, Bb May é, (aS afar {7 Subseriber, direet trom, Nerlulk, bas es tablished himself in Raleigh, in order to erty ‘Oi he Oyster ffadeé mora offeciaally, thre Or aii ion cand Hh ngestisg. do: abe satigfsc Hoo of he Coun-that (be Defendant ia-not. Lan inhabjtags she coanity: West'of thie, antite central part yf North Carolina; ~ His auangeaents ate va ej fected, thatby the atrivat af (be Mail Trainobe teceivea fresh opeued .Oystersevety day from Narfulk, wih! th ei wilenadle, fim to fdFaish. the’ abose : greal,. loxury, . futher up and throagh “Hire cuphify, than has-everbeen atiem pied hith- ér'o., “Fhe subscriber professing, through years of experience, tu kaow some tbitie about Ogsiers, hédped which can be cartied if Stages or othe conveyances, as may be most convenient.” W esi of Sahebury, and farther up that country, it is diffieul! tovend fresh Oysters. He bas Oysters putupin gation canisters, im the same wanner gs Oysters are prepated in such establishments 23 Relec:ories—ibey are. perfeet}y gued for 12 or 15 dages when taken out of she canisier, théy can be warmrd ove: ,aad such ingredients added as Butter, &¢, ,es.1n ihe general mode uf cooking fresti Oysters For mutdahchnVenieave, fami- lies may by clabbing together, receive sutiable shes, Without receiving an excess of the ar— ring’ phvecessary epense—half less) can be boxed up ‘The Sabscriber pledges bi div idest. business nnremitting aifentiun, and a urd eee satisfactivo in his power, * , “JOHN WILSON Raleigh, Novy. 7, 1843.—2mn 16 and safely sent ts NEW OF CONFECTIONARIES} AND GROCERIES! ee SUPPLY F. citizens of S: isbury aod the surroundiog } couniry, that he has recetved a new and splen did supply of Confectionaries and Gruceries, cun Sistiog of all kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS Of tbe very hes! quality, such as Moedeira, Port § Teneriffe, Champaigne, Muscat, Claret, and Malaga, Wines, Freoch Brandy, Holland Gin, f Porter, Ale and New Ark Cider, and Coftdials. } Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Oranzes, Oysters, Indizv, and various other articles too Jedious | they can be bough! at any other Establienme:! in Salishury. F. R,ROUECHE match 4d, 1843 —15$2 Rev. Dr. Hartholomes’s PINK EXPECTORANT S¥FRI: An agreeable Cordial, apd effective Remery Breast, Jofluenza. Hard Breathing ved diffiealt E:xxpectoration. §r For sale at the Watckmao Officée,.and bv C_B Wheeler, Salisbary. march 4, 1843 — 1532 One cent Rewara? R* AWAY {rom the snbseriber on the 10th it November, a bowod-appremiice, named Wiashingion Jfaden, about 18 uf bd years of oge All persuos sre warned against harboring orem: ploying Said apprenuce, under the pemuly-of the law -D, F. A1ADEN,, / Sabehney, Dec 2 Swi3 eg a ee FALL AND, WINi ER FASHIONS for . IE 4S es fe. is NEW Paitoving - ‘Ket ablisliment w gt . 4 i Sie 1 O¥STERS: Deca | State of Metth exotica. - FRESH. OYSTERS! !" | { pore Kenitworth, or Berkshise, oF j wishing to impruve. their stack of Hogs, Ro ROUECHE, respeeSally informe the J i CONSUMPTION AND LIVER. mention, which [ will self as cheep for east “4 f itis pately vegetable, m f Host delicate cases, wilh sufety ag wel} ag uiili- for Coughs, Hyareégess, Colds, Pam. im ibs} ve t s ~ + wg “ “ Se oe Ts Dr. ane yer FABLE.NLY ERS 4d PILLS L for syle at this Office, «, Salisbary N.C. Qet, eats ie ~ : Rawgo Gebaty Coan —Noreinvér Sessions 1843 ‘Thoaias ee - Hi AeDént. ©» $28 Acres of Land. of this State: Ocdesed. Lhat, pap- lication. be snide Sor six weeks 4a the Cerolina | Werpbaraa, pumied i in Salisbary, for ‘the Defend- anto appear at oar next’ Court of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions. to. be theld for the ‘coan:y of Koswtan, af ihe Guust.House io Szlisbazy, on the Ist monday ‘in Bebrosig next, oad, plead, otherwise the land levied en, will-be ordered to be sald, 1u.sati ial de. plaoiffs. dois and cvet.— Witness, Jonn Hes, clerk of var-said court at office, the 29:h-day uf Nuvember, 1843, Ow l8 JOHN GLE Es, chk. KENILWORTH HOGS: a Subscriber hae jost added to his szock of Berkshire sa pair of Kenilworth Hogs oporied trom Hegland jnihe fall uf 1841, by Mr A B. Atlen, of New Yurk, and ate-now 2~ bout 19 monihsuld. ‘Lhe Boar, is@ Very supe- rior anima), deep, thiek aad-excejlent -in all his points: the Sow very fine, with a Interef eigbt Pigs, which, for beadty acd furm, can hardly be surpassed. “These who may -wish a tutler de- | scription. of these “fine animats, ate teferted. to Mr. Allen’s better published inthe Cultivator. iber has also,a Yorkshire Sow.par:- ‘from a Sow iavported -by hin trom Knol aod these wishing lu pure enifworib and Yorkshire, Thin-riad and Berk- shire. Hus stock of Berkshires Was porchased if Ms. C. N. Bement, of New York, and is not surpassed hy anyin the United States. Those have now a better opportunity of deing sv, then has ever been offered Seuth ot the Ruigmac. Orders for any of the above will be prompily tees to. WM. F. KELLY. §< Near Mucksvitle, Dayie co. 2 jos Jaovuery 14, 1948. | ated . Complaint, a} TAYLOR'S BALSAM OF LIVER WORT,—twm 375 Buwery, New York — for the cure of coughs, -eglds, eatagrhs, Asthma, | soreness of the chest, pain ia the side and breast, x inising ot Bloud, Liver Gomplaints, Broachitis, thieh aré a suasce of @> mach suffering, and-on errestéd, so olten terminate in Consuniption — ia remedy ts Wighly and justly distinguished ild aud gentle in its ef- ‘ects upon the system, aad ‘can be takee ip the ai } y. Physicians, aware of its medicinal proper- “8, and witnessing its effects evenin extreme, 4 ‘O10 some IDStanees, apparently almost hope- leas eases, often prescribe it” in their practice, both 22 8 palliative and a remedy, and with th, Medica! Facolty general)y, it-has mei with great approbation. * rinflky” id'aot RW ONabanE : Secio $ It is \heref> 3 , be made ifthe - expt “Aid ‘pheatd expartte Jasiires’ pectin titcth Tewied on}. J ngton, JP 'Mabry 5 Rateigh,x SDrith. ‘ building, i ip jhe house. of od all those affections of Throat aod Lungs,— + posite the Watchman Printing Office; where h weeke, ihat be a taress at the: next Court a aie ae bold {urs afler the tth arch - neg? Rad plead, ans wer ox demu ie anid end a's mens Pro ronlessu: wil be Saheprand - u iy ned Wiinese, Wifham M. Poet, Clerk aod. Mistes monday in October, 1843.- 2, WLM. PUETT, OM &. Bat 18, 1843—twi6 > UBILES t PILEs 3 BaAYs’ ms faa | gens PILES. The price of: this celebrate: Linimenot is refunded-io any” perscn who will tise a bolile of Hays’ Liniment Poe the Piles | and refurn thie etmpty doitte without belie cured Phe above have beeh the terms on whith this [ Lipiment hasbeen epid fqr-aearly ten-years and not one bati!e oul of ope. hbuodted has kh. been returned. Si-- For sale su.ithe Watebwa Office; and by CB Wheeler, Salisbory ed &R Sloan Greeasdoru’,; Hiflsboro’, D Heartt 5“ Lex march 4; 1845— 1y92" cLOCk AND. WATCH “4 ‘ REPAIRING. r HF, Subscriber respectfally informs his old: Friends and ihé Public gepetalfy that he has opened a shbp io Salisbury ip the above basi- ness,in a rovin directly repeal West's brick | r. Barns’ formerly owned by Jnu. |. Shaver and just below J. & W Murphy. jiibn to the above, thie subscriber will er Sinith Business in all the ki S a try (ows: suchas Making poons, &We., a “wepaivip Sifve: Ware. ‘ a. He begs to assore the pablie that if penetua attention io vusiness,and skillfal work will ea— litle him to patronage aod support, be willmef- cit. ; AARON WOOLWORTH. Nov. 18—1{16 carry 0 vaweties cohimo - CABIN ET MAKING : P AVUK Subscriber respectfully” rétarte fh thanks for past favors, and infurths fis of. { friends and the public that be still continues +: garry on the above business io ‘all itp -vation~ branebes, and at the old stand ‘oo main stree: iwo doors belaw J, & W: Murphy’s store and op 4 may always be fovod: He keeps constantly u: hand a variefy of.-well finishad:werk, and at pri} erg to soul the.ttines, Also. a sapply of teads | made Coffins constanily kept on band Ww snji acy have been suld for. N. B. All kinds of Lumber acd Contry Pry Angi 29, 1845— 1340 EIME! LIMEE! ~ taF CONSUMPTION --The followin, remarks were taken frum the last number uf the Medical Magazine : "The surprising effect produned by the genn— | ine Balsam of Liverwott, madé at 3735 Baw. ery, ia consamptive cates, cannuifarl excitiag a deep aad thrilliog interes: thruey hoot the werd. » We haveso ‘ong believed ihie disease (consainp. seatps hen we gee persong, evidently consamp’ | tive, reslured ty heaith, Yet itis a fact of daily F oceurrence,’? The following «as siven os & shurtiime since, } of Copt Scott, of Ki. zaberh Ciry, N.C. b ¢ Certificates. Avmption; (a neuaber of my family having died F of this disease,;) and hasing suffered. severely «fret icritativn of the Lungs, accompanied with eegh dnd raising matter and luod,, tugetber with severe painin my side ond breast, till } was supposed to be “beyond recovery, 1° was induced “aLSOpROOR & MITERR, er hy advice of Dr Perkins, a9 a test -reshrt to Iry }- los’s Balée cn «if Liverwort.-| -bavetaken five uy too spe der arp r mas eae orate in exchar 4 os ii iesgee sat congjanr- | ts had the liberality 10 send. for Kalgstock's Yer- eee sand cored the rest with it io less. shag, a : Nomerous cases of Pesed to exist, and the &e., bat Rnally a trial ered (he trae cate of 2w2y almost an 7 lige and emalt, Fock Peat Gexpateh. © . aise of cited to 90 ian il for 95 came elbotee any ishment the 12ip effec ever bay? ot coisa wef persons Treatey for fi of this Vere ihe - Cattion— Ie bed Sr Kolmstoeh’s Veto ha faved on the outside Comstack & Ca. Trels—C B Wh Ste 21, Greeasborat- eeler,.S ar: Te Silisborps FS label, andthe ae / goa oo da ae oe . “ eer ~ dey bY, al | Sle er 8 Sn Berty, ema oy geeoxen pga ae pam aco — Sep ee ae cotner of the } hotles inst. 4 began to improve. with theefiret ‘ponte, and while tabing thethied, woe.s0far re- ag to be able-to get abodt: Sigesrehich titpe, by conlinced vsé of jtyhadh,qaite cosiored ie to speed tomy osua ess, To pet- frum coughs nt I do earnestly PTS Ps <9 ons Signed} 2. 73AS-O ROOTT, Filigabeth. Cry .N.C., Dee 16, $642. he J tipn) iacarable, that it is ¢ificul: 40 credit wou 4 | Oldridge’s: Balm of Columbia Jor the Hab * Beiag constituioustly predisposed: to ‘Con- ions of: pioad 7 3 Wheeler, Sati AN quantity of fresh Lime can be had » the Kiln of the late Joseph. Witliems dec tBy the 100 duststs and: over FG cents.; 50 1 | 100 bushels 185°5 to 49 boshels 20 . unslacked im propartion, \ = Atl persotis. wishing limé either at the kila or. ‘heir residente, wil] apply either to J. ot K, b* Kvekford, Sarry connty, N C ateh 16, $843 34 WHO WILL GO BALTB! RDM Comstick "& Co —Its pusi tive qnat- i ee areas fullows : 1st, For iuifante, keeps ing the head free from seorf, and ceosiny @ lux- ariant growth of taip:-—2d For fadies aft sr obi {4 L birth, epstoring the skin to ifs hatarsh strength) god firniness, and preventing the fallftig od the*hsir.—Sd_For any person secuverigg Hives any debitity the same effec! is predeced. Jib If _ased fa iefagey sill @ good growth ipsigrica it may be preserved by aitention 10 the latest pe” riod of Jife.bih Ht frees the head frogs dand-. tuff, strengthene the réd1s, impart hed eno! vigut ta the cifgal. tion, and. prevents: thé” parr. fro ebangiog eulor ar -geiting gray —Gih Hee capses- thé fisir to corl Seno itelty a ‘done. AS igdbeves aight Hilediewiotlet drovld ewar be witte eat in. 7th. Childien Who-tinte by ay meat¢ con— traéted gerinin inthe coat ‘are imme diase ae persectly ebied of cada by ite eg Mis% wt fd ised bald boat heb Sad motBhsbed ‘bai the top of my bead an np back’ oft ban} ie’ fount os 4 ato restored, ip the :deacaaieepae: ben MAR ey ae Bases 45D Bows Laxtn err and every thiig’ relieved hy penigikd. and ‘at lower prices thin ever they t dues (akeu ip exchange fur wark? 4 grt K. ELLIOTT. i. WILLIAMS, 4 fubY s, af sard county, at Office is “Levuir, ho Sarin’ £. a ——- watd application. It, act like a charm. . Ded it. | eat HORSES. that uve Ring-Bone, Spavin, Witid-Galls,"See., are oured by Roors' Srectrxc ; and Fou shores entinély.cured by Rovis Founder Ointment Rasen all horsemen. « Daliey’s Wagical. Pain. a tractor. ‘Salv6.—The most extracrdinar i) remedy ever invented fot ell new or old | W hee 4 s+ thouSands. It will take out allipain ig te. nae. arid no failure. It wil cure the Babs arid. sores, and. sore LIN’S SPREAD PLASTER: , } A befter end more nice affd useful article reve made, All should wear.them regular'y _LIN’S TRMPERANCE BITE 25: on the principle 6f substituting the tomic ip pire the stimulant principle, which has reformed so » druakards. To be used with LIN’S PILLS, superior to & others for cleansing-the system and the humors ati-~: mg the bloody end for all irregularities of te-bowe!: th Fhealth. “(Sea br. Lin's oe. egtor-O OSis ZEA DACHE DR. SPOH ADACHE-REMED \ will effectually cnre~ sick headache; either. irom Ze es ~] or bilious. Hundreds of tamities iv © using it with great joy: "eae DR. SPOHN’S ELIXIR.OF HEALT ° for the certain prevention of aay Ors general sickness ; keeping thé stomach in wot 1° Sect order, the Dowels regular, and 4 determi atic’ ‘he vote, QRS EEX pains in the bones, hoarseness, and are quickly cured by it: Kaow this “Ls eying ee CORNS.—The French Plaster, ge sure cure S o Nhaor nai plone GOub TOK c. POUND EXTRACT, .There iano other prep. tion of Sarsaparilia that cam exeeed of equal | If you are sure to get Comsrock’s, you wifey stiperiot to alt dthers,« NM does not require “puffing WD HEe ; os ee = CELESTIAL- BALM OF CHINA: A potitive cdre for. the piles, ‘3%. exteriial nilings—all i@ternal irritationa brow, tit to-+Lc surface by friction: with this Balas ;—s0 -in-$0tieus. swelled or sore throatifightuess of the-ehost, this Bir. ‘applied on.aflannel will relieve andbeute et onc - t Foulemcunfncs-cld-ateras Spi sips eis « a - = , be ori ALS “— 8S NS im - a +haod, addy head wih s ger Hin dla eiant ina’ Shade The 6s oF A { begin osing ibe Balm vf Cot -eteek-& Ca, Sidce wirith; Thavee Fh half bottles of che Balm, wbict b et 2 5 a EY <SCOFIF ate ne ease at we a este. in eh “ak Shale lpiortvie ports. . Te = og Wek ty "# a © pelle with # rapidity si ot incredis by Cina OE Ke Forn 5 100TH DROP. KEES KERIB curt eficnsy i . etre: ae (Cee Pe Taatetea tea ee 7 Dine Beents fw erchtown +. PB : wan begs the fi. j are a~ AVE THESE OR WN PsHowe |.- } Your WMOLGmand teése never ca be true ang geri: without ode-names to then” tobe a # a eo ws tt, Hiltsbur’ ; PERSIA Lexington ‘ga 5a BONDS a t sale at this peer ns bd repnifconly BF as. - 5 “Wholesale Drago, tM Mise Yorks. andof sas agexts. gc Tue alice "Re eee tay unt Bet as. he WicicbwcinOttice, dv day the.“ Deig Grow tf C. BW Beeler, Fa 25, 1848—1931 A ~~ - _ q _ , , , ‘ . . ‘ * * “yy ¢ * 7 ‘ f “ . "\ Sa . : ~ ”" — s* z . -< iin a ‘ at ee ba ie , os. s oes oe ot cael ~ : « . v 7 =a : 7 . bc at 7 : a J . ~ * > ’ = . « 3 xs z .. * pn » . : . . a. . a * - ‘ . . *, ~~ « oe . ~ * . . - 5 ‘ e oo. . ‘ . ’ « * a a Te 2 ; Fh of eg: ware- : : ; Ce? e.. : btm mo Si nets eee H eee) Po Bee t c the aT a Pes 2 . 7 \ + : ; : 19¢ : 4 ae - wm ate, ‘ a a ; = ” Ee» . 7 of @ fof 4 ‘ ieee _ [dourdesrging our language. - J aah fopath wwiaga otis (ee 4 ‘tebestd a G0. Vera: ete gy he thos thar op th pate Sat badly ee. , a ee Y . en ce: | Se Romageasous a5 posgibte; 400 iG @ | sbat-seittqall sith bale ig Kea *bm 4 Sibkin Gots : | eat bk ci eats ee AL 10g aaitins Sod te oy toe |opsiboneme mma," (Gotueatsatrecpahet tte 2 vant tied Gp te maleate as Re temnn crass | p ordasnce bi rebate , Barnard. bar Mc Wise a} a wea-byy tee EGE ne” rating thin talcan ge aact ee fenen OF they tate Wark whilst Bin eiey , ha thera ta Wl Celie Bedeol eee ; SA Ee Feet os es AF ' : j ! ” eee 3 $, fr dec oO A ga hee rea Sep od Saree east 4b <abk aSeceRh. Uikbcaiares| hea, sey ; ee EG adh : 2 coh ocdly hese 3 thay Ble. Se . r > . . 7 —. ‘..* a . | — 4 | ee eee oti and thingie Ronveee ent ee : ‘ ee et we ui dows some: Cletgy ai a a. o> fe M Conreotinn wrath 11 ye ft =! . em Gadigun” a RS bat top P muiedandd Bagot, es. BITE oe ae 3 ot - me 2 : = aA Mm HA ! oe ere. a ere gry PE OPI, ORR RO eee + . ; ‘2 eeSeste whoin +6. ? 5: : pa, . j ®, i wheo lr i. ~~ ; - oc! ¢ ‘7 re’ Naibhi Se + 2 LES Ae . ‘ he had xi] th ‘ ft : pave | rae ppt y Be Mae WF ke ? a8 t. chat ; OTe: : be pa 8 of the Genera! Gor. ; : th Pfoct: Ae Sap pad 95 erat 2 ; defeat Spite of iv al): : 8 ; eae thigcauniry ar@ tired some place peaping® renews! of -sbeir Hotong: +f state 47-2 Se Bipadie:, el ae ' per: o¢ valo me Cay. ; 10018 préweinied the’ pelution of Je, | CH@rastions’ aly; forthe purpose of-re—| Mr Choate a s ie “| welt A. A ae a +O} Objedtions were made 10 Ibe teceplion of | 46 6 2ecom pi yi ay conncesed" With-bim Te : spoliations prio ; Ly ew ; a the resolution: =? Ee = <.¢ _ ; Democrats 2 ; oretically.. “Tree P by-¢ yescorntion , uf=1ne° a puliey 2 tn re Mes ahee-ciecicd tae Bun, Je couid Mr Foster poties of a bilt for esta - : , a 5 a aaatete aca : ie cae SOE forthe popularity uf lishing » -aazal depot a: Mcmptim, Tenn Mr Rhett moveH's suspension .of sho | lur-the tC) qual” 4 but precticalty, they did-{or the jf Mr. Ven Boren, “te, whe taptoyes'| Bebarst Tek sin. aie, vu ‘aies Acar,” Haniuton, 4 000d The vece.aviiuess were deoianded, wad |e! = ing thei poltn, BA: Bide slerediceoreapie. eho ton ubered, that 54 dnamibes of whe cy eet 8 om 7 : , ies ( a i * ~ ; e a =. = rf oie Cngir. yee car : ao nee Ree gery Siw * gtr agvieg me tas posed ty* . and other-sénsiore asked end lad leave to d» the vote was 66 iMportent one-it excited } “"' Siapesn gk strong: uf gence HEU APPIO-) Gaile Imi ibe “sh “difference” ac} ties Ape ¥*4 of fom bis union Uf the Catioan era withdrew fromthe files private peers. pridie maoner “Mr: Palaier (we tbiok,)) om na safes alwayeto be A t, Ind May ‘net advert to 1) A 16 power, und have aniformby susiaidedia facta ebove sisted. Got own impressicy ; ‘ose noe ihe action of she people's Represedta- tir “wil) huve- no eflect open the acne! a A = : yee J, “7 t is ex ca PGE ot ‘ ne te ‘3 ile, Ba taust U6. eery much what 1 Was in 1B40. ich 3 Democratic conjum-| Be it remembered; thas the slime pity; pto- foe Rica (Fa) iFhi sorry that bouetgatsco- | fssirg to vencratethe imemoricn ands ceises ul | me AS pr A Be nto) Sof iaterest. ‘Those who. voted ¥ ahs be Aah Me MeDuffie of $ © gave nouce of bis | * Ste?! dea ie vouar ad, basa ant that joasmaeh as the blessing* waa delayed til! Bic ate wedi « bill for revising the io the affimhtive, it ig supposed, were 10 fo- | io-dsz, it shul!-haves reifispective’ action, and |: compromise act of 1898, snd modifying the | O° Of ‘he proposition, but several of these | be eoterel on the micares, rane pro ‘tine; now }' ty Ome presegi tariff. | ° eee tre known-to be against it o bas wh eget A Ghomey ihe | ngs vf) gle is pes B “nt , f ; The vote wes as follows: , | yestetday wou selective We may have | blement? Me Bree: eotled ap abil io imprars Fot @ suépedsion of the rules, 97 «| @isiakea Mr. Palmet's remarks.here jikewise, " gribataritg “and. eppropriauing’ 81,000,000 | . Adtinet she motion, 107 . | coarbere Ht te sercrs hvtos senda ent © highly. Golebed cloake| FF dccabmisnices” s Bok of eet | eT Oa for tbs Purpose. . a -_ ‘Two thirds would have been necessary committee of 18 souls ndt be rea tovreport un hed the Froot. We have no doubt they ¢or- Siates;- 1 hil, &c., ahbougir Vhese- very. es ee ; a meats =, © Mr Weodbury offered 0 resolition esll- |" s#spend the roles. “Th vore decides | (7 evenfay. Whiefeepus, Ges. “beeieissen! ered 34 bapest beayts’. We are dure ‘they Measures wete pgesed by large @ejoritiesteRe- js “SALISBU Ry. ing pon the Secreiery of the Treasury to the euceéssfol. continuation of the, present | asked leave on behalf of Mr; Sidney Sovith, shar enveloped Democratic pridciples mote sin- | pablican O upon the. reeemmeudaiipn “SATURDAY. ‘DECEM farnieh some information relstive to exporis | ti bevond the seach of eny party and the} be be permined now rv'aiake's speteb, if wobody | Cétely cbefmhed. | This tetk ebovt equshty, | of Repabjicsa Prosidegmy tS wie fae SEV EMBER. 80. 1843. aod imports vote m favor of 1) is deemed overwhelming: | had any objection, Sileuce gure congent, and j-hy the party leaders my ‘all io my pye.—}\ Be it remembered, ; that bight ‘Tarjfiswhien “Benublicn. Was ae . fecal iealetrond hick tiad- been-pre- ly torge. ; -tMr pans thinly eter preg ane or | They ‘practice pierious lille of it, even ia blips aye 2 Commas va tari oe epublican Whig . Ticket ! viously submited were teken up end re- MEMBERS (DLEGALLY RETURNED. OF sed eta ttued cota ih PAM, aad are boca te ‘But the Laity st a 18, Thom es Lf. Benton, Rickard M- Johnsoo, |: ie aa 7 7 ferred. . . The resolanén of Me Davis cf Ky ta re-| he-had beéd teliesrsing ever since, whenever he py ‘agate <a Rohe oo aetee Ee and-other distingvistied inet of ths Jackson and Graces coe: Pada et < Tha senate went ioto executive session. [fer to the commiitee on Eleetione for inves-|.<oold. cisin leave. Gevara) ‘uther gentiémen the tank end file ow soll coro, end the.renk iy Nerpon 4) tt % iad the: Tariff: bitlpom WILLTAM A. G RAHAM, ie F . Aaeten ' : were callad op, buideclined. ‘Fhe calf fot Mr. ' n n 7 the art Or House or Representatives tigewon fhe cleftas of members Ksving vests McRae, however, could got be rested.—Thig | 20d Ge that the hesders. think endayb of | monty koowh 29 ihe “Billof Abominations? was |. iat re bat ie pen cmbisic ar eas teal Georgia, Mises; pp geottemzo inede d speech, whith threw the Con. | them to tickle them: with sugared: phrases. | ane) in £823 by the ee of wee Van a pa oa 2; ra = — opene 6 touse this morbing w : Featian into bysterics of applause, dnd really bad | Long |.ve-Demoera l~ Whig Clarion, . |} te” James Beebanao, ‘Thomes H. Bento, RK. } * Presiden United States, prayer. - >} Mfr Jenson of Mo, bad maved an a-| some ssilijeer puanegens Pa ator soch @ ee =” pe : ste SihNgsiony “nye ‘=| Me. J basen: eed me PP gies t f “lainey The Journgt. having been read, Mr Ashe | Beadment to refer the proposition to the as might beve beep expected..from the Federal |. Qo We wete surprised to learh that the s* Be it remembered; that she Bank-vill of 1846} - off Tean. gave notice that se ehould being] committee of (he whole house. District Aiorney, though ‘he gored oas party, | Siste of Edgecomb ess not ‘represented iw. Z no in a bill to establreh-a naval depot at Mem- Mc Trbbats moved that the resolution | var friends end ourself so pnmercifally under the | ihe late Demoersise Convention.” Wé were ‘Cathous was chizirman, apd “passed. by -the- eid is,- ‘ ; from the member from Kentucky, end-} Ths, that weshall say as little ia iis favor as pow- Daa AY Paoed frée, *2 of the vute of Henry. St. George ‘Tucker,.and} - es a gave notice that be should | @d #0 39 to declare tbat the menshere (rom wee avanines adjourned to meet dyaio this ar ihe Oauvewtiog thee “thee” Oude ar fa ener pera meebery she eeltiers Sas wid 1 Oueprency, regulated Ly bring in 3 bill to abolish the franking priv- Georgis, Mississippi,’ Missour: and New } °°CD'3- te patty 5 tJadge P. (whom tin he will and 3 of the Nation. Halt past 'S.-Convention mat. Mr. Palmer | ‘tee stfsws ebout the ‘nomination, ‘bot }-read gut of the Cherch,) (o.1h lege of members god senators, and to fix Hampsbire bad es good 8 right to their s@418} jgtroduced Resolutions, expressive of regret for when any voting was (o be doné they ‘Were | the eonstituti agit . ‘\Aa-aitequate Revenue, with fair protection ~ * the rates of postege on Jetters. oa the members fiom any other sistes. the death-of Dr, Monigumery—passed anani | thar. Edgecomb will begin to-vote-on the Ace. that the Tariff of-199%, 3 Se usices dndustry jst restraints on (/e Mr: Hunt gave notice thet he should pro-}| This proposition was declared to be out mousiy He-afterwards made a few remaiks, | 4th of July, end. continue, voting fur Me pattich led to mullificativa 1a. South Carding, was Hatake A of he PP ; Bo betel pestatce pose an amendment to the constitution, so | Of order. Proposing, as well ¢¢ we coald understand, some} Hoke tniil he is elected. Seer 7" "© | passed by 2 Jackson Congress,.and was about to i 9) ae ee ieee , that no person having been elected Pres.{ Mr Elmerof N J (cbsirman of the com- | large improvements ia the Dan. Commities of | gill be gt ahthtidston. _ CHEENOD, +56 enforced by himwith the bayonet. /And that | ° "7° PLAN Siem nidtretios of the Public Do- dent of ihe Untied States should be eligible | Mttee cn elections) moved (hat the resolu- peas tog a series Resclutions, pomentlog we feat = 22 2c alll ~. pipe erties ae oi ere Sve enty seaalee lt prep wel mee pea dee " ne 8 . . - Floke—reqateing binrte canvass the Siate—{ a inletposition of Mr. Clay.- is e 7 ; a Se Sar, os vot 5 neuen term. — statis to the commives on elec apporsung Lous D. Hears aod Charles ee ~~BFGlorioes old Mecklenberg had no " Be it vememberéd hes the ‘Tariff of 1842,| <> 4a honestiind economical administration » se motions were entered upon the ions wi ing tuetionge to report as to the E S D 2 ° 1o ek fi ‘her ia th C vent e a » * y A - \g ”. the General Governmént leavi: P bk O j i. | right of alf-th b sqrs. S ate Delegates 10 (ho Rae B one {o speek for | © Vanventroe.< | which Mr. Van Boren’s friends-in the Nosh ot © ; bernmbnt, leaving Public Off- jovenal, end on effort was made to submit { Mght of sil the members to thei seats, | vention—agaivet a U, 'a\e Banks, | she remembers the 20th of May 1775, and | sapparted and which that Gentleman nowde- | Cr perfect freedom Of thought and of the right mspy others, Mr Davis of Ky eccepted. the ‘mod fica- | vader certaip porreetTE vragaiaat a Proveative | Urd nol ghéuke i> aes s voiogsn b Convet-| oles sa tetide ty ale Gan karada-leatss of suffrage ; but with suitable restraints against 3 abs biux’e unseaee. tion, sed the subject was disposed of for ta-| | acity=tor Sgtinst direct taxatico~anathemal : al 26 cad tnlerferente in Elections. ; Ad 2 4 +4 % 4 , - 1 5. : t b : Bj atng Tariff of 1842, in principle and detaile— ; "OW attempting to overthrow the great prin- | claims and denounces,’ was voted'fur by James amendment of the Constitution limiting A debate arose this morning upon a-ma- Fnj J agdrost Distiribution—against assnmption—for | ciples for the «maintenance of which se | Baohanan, “the frst chorce” ot oer Auti Tanfh) 55 incumbent of the President? tion to print five thousand eopies of ‘the a as nila Wh rg A of | Veto—ia favor of reimbuisieg Bea Sestsen, an, thus pledged her fortunes and her sacred sg ee mre tongesbe? And by ‘single Terme ee ential Chair to a mesesge of the president in German, severat idetinive dosmitedis in taletion-to conuattonells Pi mS te od These hd honor. Jcis right that Locoféeoism should |S "SM. Mac Van Duten’s teutevant, = ~ The house suspended the rules : re ; the principal sotjecte uf the Resolutions Mr. | not wear the Cockade of the Stale mm be . —. : h uspe rules to enter-| ihe Cherokee fadisns, and the funded ond Avery of Burke, made a preity quod speech seon | giou shed hat.aIb t OY ER, CALHOUN—COMING DOWN, | ~The Terfl question bas again been in- tain the qotion. and the rescfution being unfunded debt. ‘This Isst snhject gave rise sidering the cause, and givethe Congention as- day by a motion to adjourn, but. pathos before the house, Mr Shidell moved thet '¥0 | to'debate between Messrs Wise, Jobason, | sorance that Mt Hoke wonld sccept, and canvass NATIONAL EXPENDIFURES, aid follnwing extant of 2 Jotier appears in | trodu ceqptifo Congress—in the Senate by thousand be printed in French.. Mr.Holmes ‘apd others, which is going on ss | close. } the State. Somebody family e360" oame of By ihe showing of the Whigs themselves, the Kogquir er uf yesterday : Mr. MeDa fie, who has made a proposition of SC moved that a certain sumber also be “Wheeler”—wheresa, our States Tressorer} they bave in two years increased the public | Extract of a Letter from {0 repeal the preeent tariff, and renew the printed mm Duteh. From the Whig Clarion. arose and declared ‘pom -bonor, be had mot expect | debt uver NINETEER MILLIONS of dollars, aad Washingtan City, Dec. 9th | |\Compromise Act of 1832—limiting all du- Mr Wise opposed the motion. The En-. Votan . _ ed to say a word, and drew oul of ffis hat a lung | jnereagsed the public expenditoie, daring ihe . 4 pe : glizh was the legol and vefbadular looguage DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION —Dec.14 | writteo speech, from whieb, ever acd 2n00,-28 | sane petiod, to tho eoormous sum of FIF'TY- edhe nin ts dee Ceip in sho docket ties lo.the arbitrary dictum of twenty per or abe counii: sh there wS¥ an ABOY8: | an poste WW. lace eee | ROD haben ed pane oO ede ane eae ee MIE LIONS of dulars; borg an J0-laaion afte Howse of Delegeen cf on got old 2M oF les, €0 as to deprive the revenue ‘ . . WW. Holden, Secresary, do. ’ ~ | crease. over the expenditor ; j ( @ had | ry 3 to ti ere mare Ponid Seno oud Counties called — Delegates frem 28--the rest tlemen vf the Convention hang their heads for | of TWELVE. MILLION Nine HUN: ea net ig ag ine ae iiumahe law of opecol its original set them velurtle 0 Vis Woponations. -, in the dark. Abont 100 Delegaies present— | shame. One remarked, that the silliaess of that | DRED AND SIXTY THREE THOUSAND} | iy ef Pteh: ‘ nis to introduce it - | ‘nerdeots, namely, protection of domesiic Mr C J ingerso!! said the Germans of | Committee of ning appointed ta recommend offi. speech was only equalied by the sillinessof his: five hundred and sixteen dullare. ‘his 9 Ked- bal ths Jka to Mr. "Palialerto f "hie: : tev | ind . R h i bes state would compare fevorably with the | cers ithe Gonvention—Gen. MeCiannshan pro {face aod the softnesa of his head. He forgot | eral Whig economy—this ig the patiy which ie - tof bastth ne ges a9 Wend ra indastry. Mr. Roett has attempted to io- populanon.of epy stale, and it was the evs | posed a commitiee fo invite. some clergyman to} where be was, we presume, when he recapitela promised to carry on the govetnment with thir- fecshone a etherende a thé priveiptes and troduce a like proposiiion iato the [louse of tom in bis state to print documents in both | ask a blessing un the Convention ; objected ft, | ted, before a Convention of sensible men, the | teen millions per'aonem.— Det Press ; th t -| Representives, but it was refused by a Jarge the langnegee, ‘¥ becaugs it Was yet enle a Convention ia ewbryu, varigus signs by which Heaven had shown ils The ebove article, recenily re-published _ io faecoe and (if teed Re pepo acge rege : iy. S th b Ad tr Mr Hopkins moved the previous question, and any action they might now take in the pre | vengeance forthe election of Gan {farrison, . | suit the Locofveo geme in Michigan, has been | Democratic party. = gi eo | MRYORUY. - some olher Memoer has satro- ‘ : ; i Id be premature nol! acd void ; and 1 .When Gen, Harrison-teft Cineinnati for | ye. b 1) . on re So + ane A duced a proposition, pyrsuant {oe recom- AIr Wise movéd.fe ley the resaletion up- | ™%°% ¥° P ? re-copred by the Demvcratic Argus, We have} Ail this ig ominous surély of th : an prop Pe . os tte «Ble: yeny P Nod necatten ad heme ie Meee what tbonrette tae www spd showa the falsity of this charge, aad it conseqaenily. iemphant: n= Foal of be Dea mendalion of the Secretary of tbo Treasu- ‘ int ; ’ Fo Cvdld not as-yet lu ee oft t A OE Fate ts . Mnes Engersol} valled fot the yees and | receive a blewing Gen Mee aint ary . Wen be arrived ot Washington, there ea voply theoatd’bn Secs iee iat ne eratic ecu ie the gre ated Presideptia! elec ry for increase of revenue, to levy a duty boys, which were ordered, and the motion Pdetermined to have a blessing anyhow, ag sdor | Was hail and snow—and some venerable old man | ose. - We on the present occasion, wril give tbe srvis’hwe ie Spheres pry eek oo on Coffee and Tea, which haviog no odour \e ley upoh the teble was negatived: Ayes as the proper time comes. Adjuurned -10 $3 | ia-the streets, whe polled off his bafta the street, j denialof the Rochester Vieinaaraiic whith ° erring certainty te the candidale of the party ; . ' 53 134 d’clock, PM =64 P NM. met—a C was surprised to find some tia! uad snow oa bis | « 2 ole nag | aod that candidaie will be Mr.'Fan Buren. All| of protection may probably pass igio e law, 53, Boss ; , -@ a Committee p 80) 1} wad snow va Dis; “ Our political opponents are exceedingly indus | secing men of-ever denomination or faction ed . 00 i The previous question was withdrawn bs sta officers. viz: Lovis D. Heary, Keq ,| ‘frosty pow.” i, irioag to. circolaung the, Taleetiood that ihe ap- | mit ig But, wwideds fed halt have ecbn‘eat red The idea.of protection seems lo be partic- Mr Bimsay of Pena moved thet in sddi-. aud AN Vaas Voatuucte — : ert bpibenaeretiend - (etpor. propriations made by a- Whig ‘Cungress, exceed | as ihe candidate of ihe patty for the Presidency, ularly odious to locofoco politicians, who, trom td the message, the reports of the bexds) ang W. Ww. Holden, Secretaries. Mr. Henry halyards of some! Sebcs Is, (ime eile pabebly } ° Aad tier gota Nhe lew pemes sc tne -— of cearly as much importance etil} remains jf they. have eny, principles et all, are so of deperiments be printed in German He} was rondacied othe Chair, and made a peol| ‘Cha Sieamshi» thas bac his Ipangurat Ales | vow stemeais. Taen ier ee. voadicg ae tothe ill den reli nn sy moch tinctured wh toryism es to make / = ? € believed that there’ were ‘three millions Of | short, temperate aitd courteous address, which.| sage on beard, was lost at sea end th : ; : , . ’ ‘ } e le will be- C4 fay us . Pes @ tetmons in the United’ Staies. [pleased ally conn the Whigs. fle wee crosust B Me died in cme lite muntk: ! jeg ae reat ities more willing tv render reeiges peed beng Tien. Upon them aducesies of the interests 7 eg 18 Mr Murphy of NY said 16 messages | !y cvorteoes to his oppnénis, and spube flatiering-, hese are the evidences of the wrath of Hea | fhe total exspendiiare, for ordinary purposes, du rans antlen How-veh jms Si rect wt ba pai we ee ae : is ow Were to be printed in German, be waaim | !¥ of Mr Clay. We gathered, however, thai} ven, poured ont dpon Whiggery, arged-by tbe} ring Van Boren’s 4 years, adi dice become. in neauaiatea CF ingen” country 5-98 in deozing the principle of favor of having them in. Low Dutch also, | '@ 88 opposed to the Whigs in the maia, and} sepient Jove H. Wheeles upoo mén, 1 frighten |. was : $112,443,761. 81) ple. from.the late history of the cpuntiy——and| Protettion mM 8 revenue law, they deny the ard should wove en: emeodment accord- probably should not vote fur Mr. Clay. We] them fronr their propriety. ‘De effurt was Showiog an anneal average - Sy ohh tp tuceittiie’s : area ty—and, Lpeepi tee Si vith . hei ie FORM act te ES did G01 sscertain what were Mr Henry’s own; 'reated as it deserved—and (he only applausé he expenditure of 285112,190 43} di Seat i has - fi E lotper uss re aay in- 4 first prineiples of civitized socicty—that Is, aly. , principles; we think he aeowed none. Indeed. | received wae when he sal dowa.' - | * ie ae Clvidual ID (be) prominent station, lest i/ bene. to protect the weak epainst the force of the * Me Brak os Fa . bhe-ordinery revenues, da- that jthey: would opr g t Brinker of Oho was infovor of | ii conld nut fave be a d fi} Mr. Eilts foltowed b, leandsomely f+ 5; at bey. Womig wacet: @illigzly: tad: heartily ; ; ? en expected ip pn addresy 0 | . s followed in & speech, andsomely ring the four years, a- Jace in the Presidéptial Chair itself: strong-—for alt laws conceining the rights . She Gecarga printing, and thought ‘thy pro |-«le@ moments, merely intehded to put the Coq | spoken, urging the, propriety of siticter oniow acd | — moonted to only 84,505,993 19 ie tr ap indivi ore f Sle ~ wes thep io th - Poption to print so Low Doieb was but | vention in good humor, and to ibank them fer | orgmmzuwe | We left Mr. KE. on the fluor, aod | By regs of ordinary expenditores ites, innate pa Best ts dB om saré | wit! not bo | avid use of property ere for protection in the hurlesguing the original proposition, . the bondr, &c. Svueh addresses shbuld always f Went-went home to supper. a a | over ordinary receipts within j Boies, when tsa, eons we: a te erpoyment of it; All crimine! lows ere in- Mec-Adewms said. the Proposition to print be abort and tothe purpose. Wher Mr. Heory ¢ ichebtae af 28.000.090 Fy ened + die: , tae ga att Eee Féaciiciens, flow aon messege wi oni took hi ty hi ; } Arrer Svpren. a. eS aa ,000,000 007 individual, 1 am -awaré, Sir, tat some ipw “af | (eSded for personal protection. g ese ee aa tt slant oon an, te Conveciiea, Ket toes po tige tebe hy fr Boshee was lambasticg ‘the Whigs like vid ee ehaeietriiion hs 2 na — Peed ysurrene gh art and hasiastio friends: of ly perverted then. must be thet principle sores | PURRCS —in medica ces.” bor! pane i. the doen wceetataxoniaal er o6t" er sanirasticn ot (his | which rejects slladea of protection [rom a ‘ A communication wes | five hnndred, when we entered, for the moraie yaa varl (hat had been submitted the expense | headed 16.the Presndeat, f:om. TF. Loring, Een.,| ties of 4840. What he said, and bom be bed fot ore Ehis will accoont for the toan | re his sve contempt —bmn.,- seamed ical’ Bris etmitteds that sbe tril yeah SPDIBY oy ut '@oastion is di Giralt end eotmplicaied ; and . woul! bo gress, did @ precedent would be| which the President believed was a request = ' ides + hd ap ale el fr as, 4s it not already recatded-in the ‘e Sha eet . 7 estublisbed that would. be prodactive of | Mt L..10 be excused from aiteoding ie Concen | of the Sigeal editorials? Next followed “Mi, ee treated soorye o ieee ex bat 3 . tak proopal that its correct sdsastment depends more japon details then generals ;- bot stil! 11 1s de- greateyil. If we were to print mesesges jn | tion, as Detegate fram Macon. A motion was| Reid, who allowed thal there are some ie, es ' ' meh ary expen- | 1b one. langeege.we mightin-misay.. The pro- | Mrde *that Me, Loriag by aod: i-avasly excused.” | men among the Whigs. We thiek bm . aceteee present administtation—the ap=}: | nied that entimg loose from it the first prir- ciple-af fawathe:priaciple of protection— Cf there dud {ron poseruig. vender it-iess intricate or eas- ier Peis would be like tek- } . 5 le cadk ees “28-2 Venlo adjourned to 74. o'elonk — past} the porhy of piew, .athd j ies + Mey BeardeleyeGE NP said’the propos t}, oelonk pas pority of Lscofeepiew : $ ros) tion by_and hy woeld 4 © a crivat | Pde Preamtent was not certain shat be had read } Mr Baa sig sar errata Nise Ty — the fetter aigh:. it ease dark tre covWd pot | should Sates and barmouites ‘would'be:Weatred of, at least a million of | Sul S82 Semmaniration laid off table, - Reso dvileen~ “i assenesin &Bunaa o Ohvtiva—that two-delegates tom each Congres | ed thar-Dearoorsey# hich hind Hither ‘ 29 ne seme u-was bolween ‘wo and | sional District be. appuinied by the Disttict 1e~| minowy in (he ola North; might yer three fengeed ‘boutand ddNars Tor th eppeseety to report actteo fof ibe Conseptivn.| bead... Hemeidiainad with at ‘ i — ship. and mokin seven. P. Mi Coevention got—comraitize 10 10]||- Whigs wereionly ¢0 so. - fw feet, penditure eb greate : be at com sedi Yi ig os age ea 4 h ind. ~ Coa to Print Meseages » ond docements-io |. Oo" tation what 40 do.appatnied —Mr. Loring’s | tWo days, we have listened i more. an ' * theanis Grol a ea ee pf Bk: Fore mon eonatty, ang } it depen alone op espns © the wine. weee novelty.” Sach a thing-oev- | Bier alled ap, “Tbe buys” pitch at into thelr | peratiow, ad tre widerstand- it, of the Whis fa ‘ tires bit Joba axtebidlinentreret 31 places, es hile aes o.oo ny, Wise, wots srid to fetead slone” io er had. ‘been | before, ani effeer | 24 tartaenior retty coasideubly —bis course very * Uf, than ‘we supposed | grex *3 gS so ee .. “would Raed iy ee nae fake tras, Wey diab: be come himself.ap Yote 2 poe # space. “The di as OGNeR. Pas cemetines to | ee cee mt poi ti Hoare, hes declated ybis Oncompromis the plicsiof autowa- =) 48 fom! pelieve.thac ietier from.Macon a bea nw 4 Gh ietitivg avd ttt of Uhe pi He, Matec - ge gmt akin ae ee ce-stseif D; fomitiigs0 the prigeiples of protection : ae Coneigl | ty U did Hot wenn to hoax the Couten~'} ceding week, 10° thiv” , ws Pemarked. af eiphemen. e oF it th theton taney POltbe “Tarif. -ahd;-e_ we think, very un- ~~ . € debate was continued by ites. Vande ; 2 ne ~ oe aS ro i, : oe ekette: ‘ ¢ ater fs ve ite ites e" ‘oceapy next to the’ Tou! ' members, wden Bess V. Besee of tek We abigeeet Wee els hoc ete ahavt py Reret wet pate eave ethgeey 20,000 — ot tem mi be ladd t tteat ma amnbitioncan axa |-Wthefy-mnstste 4 taf duties shail be eqe:'- moved to:}iy the resohiiion end amendments | 84 mured that ihe Gucsention exe -one-sv~|.k tog. ings 0 be consideratioa of} 3 hee he ace - YROW 68 Table, S. Ss 7 | arom er bteek a ieace—got along. well ecoagtt | dire "Tie Yeas and mye, were agoitscalied and {0-De sore, bul ibe d=! might ba to. pay lo-mur—[i be Mietisato "ag upiba (hn Woe tate & fom cas any ralé, bei er hon a ior 7 vee 84. nave 99, a od } id ‘ wage: meets wer, gree ats } bree oa tt Aatnle. Wan stinGained ead ibv’ poo, | Hessing, avd sini bayeit by w tooné meroee | posittuns Were Modified 80 ag fopriitt three | or be ptt gota tay » shar tbe thousand enpres of the Memsgean-Germen | cauteey They elt Os. ta 55.he, Hat the-gares aad two reds ates *. athora! °F ar af) SV hige. gannat censcentig.’ My Bidthet of Peith “6-teg86d ‘he propo- ly ioeoteaberblessiog ot He ; rot) print Abe SD an, bet regarded -st @ gpeases of tle > tee evil, which st large ;— 4 ait iE ai] moke this a oat ira hike the io from os... u a hie «certain asler aile’y | were Wy DSY cat Accord oy +0 coten nt toe poner tae] Cart belistle 4.) Theiler Seeders [APR INGH of & Hbdl, iv Vite’ trorb wit? they. Neiiralw wee Cee genesttt ids. rete. wheered op ot Kept Tathehd Ot Sci spucbs ne Chen | spcbaa ether Weve tone a por enh A Saige yb pe Maa) hs : : pee: he velion on lawerd: tesching. which assunie nied aii) ot” “Die tap 4 ig. to capeen.thg eters » <7 , “a, “s am the ¢ ba! - s, roe 2s . t 3) on aps of Jnshee ter prige he weiong panbw!y, Keer ante | repented hep , on “reteiv a teeth» Magwage -whed et ; ; , ) “gt 2 Sey Pig aa ‘ ae ee YB r . “ Rie chell naivagape, > meats 2 | ee tar es witioiere: of “God -are | iF miembers »: Weideomy. deeds a eet Actas ally dw AEs” ms eae ea Expenenes os egal? - | Me Bawwerdot N, ¥ opposed tbe. motion, ethan Wilh ear art lotce we to oil eo ’ bar i = ames Ad thie , abet hig! AR - 5 £8 ceo each’ other. The 7 ; me oS 4 ' 2° Ped gat n?, _. : ing : — > AS aN : oS. 4" ‘ fell io Qe) proportions erer' . . ~o » ee, ~~ - - . a, : ¥x the rein ony . . . , > bd . an2*% A “ =i. ier 8 EE E Ps ad « , falls on the sendy “desee('oF ‘on’ - bosom of theocess 18 Of da ‘perechiaaiaGE ine that ope alt taed elie oP snd essential impottance to. ealiny generatly have some shelice to protest , selves from tlie” eheebe of : ; quantity, while hace who. +3 > . whereiseDect is tery dilereus—that which storm of Goverawent > . H ae THE PRORESY, © ae The futowieg 1s te Protests thick sented is the Edie of pi ¥ thulves, by: th Barnard against the adn soe eet Cae gress, sad siveed by ths hig’ vent ‘io ect pecaius rote New” Haripehiig, Mississipptand Alissoari, who. mere dad genera! ticket in wiplation of the 3 Cae names, this bedy is about tu ptececu tu the high duty of eletiing a Speaker—w ‘fill an: dffive which, in potm of dignisp and. political ronse— qneace, Is hardly seound. 1 any ite athe} Constitation, afterth ir Pul tho Uni ted States = Before (asthe ite! anenee tered upoo, the ancersigned, fee Ms ; : soletwma “blgsiag to truth and ok t&Spoasibifity to Gud for what they utter 4nd asserl, are con. siraiaed 10 declare that, 1h thetr ysited and un- doubling conviction aod: judgment, a° deep and giievous wound, perbajig Dever tube fiedled will be ieflieted onthe Ctnaitacion, and on law, or-, der and civil liberty, if the election of #Spéeskér shall be conducied to’. wenner fh.» which we have reason Ww apprehend Wt may be. 4" Several persons fromthe State of New Ha shire, namely, Kdmeod.., borke,” Jun P- tHale,' Moses Norris, jt, andR. Redibg’; seVefal pes sons, also, from the State ef Gebigia, namely, Howell Cobb, Hogh A Haratsor, aad Absalom H. Chappell ; one person from the State “of \ississippr, sathely, Jacoh Tompson ; and sev 7 \ vesggns fromthe >tate of A)issouri. pedtely; G i ames} Hugbes, JohaiJa— | nae | EGTTANe., 2 Fas ¢: a KN vs ely S78, thd tarbnlent y: il cetead: aad tee < ee oe ae.” 5) ae shelter WD or igiaal: db diy? hie iv ves | eG le & wae 72 > ¥ al ; iS - Swe ee = er ” ial Eas io bd : go a © Bm , " aay FI See es © oy, 4 ap AM, ay of pce a a 6s kts Sar ore > ee bs oe > tevsat of the boa stretches forth ius arms. and ‘implores fer help, ‘but ‘the Captain-of the gelleat vessei' ssid, trumpet toogued—-“Go your way, J "kidw yon wai?” What ag, ovfol, ae fending catasiwophe éusued*” A wave, bigh as Abe 3 amailgel the lofty. .CRimborezo comes: sweeping slong—tpe ttle "voat agduitg Ceptaro 1 going do ws- down—down} sod uotbing is seen reaisin- ing of ‘that hitle boat. bur the huge paw of an ofd coon floating’ on the top of tle wave!! hOb ? what a fellas “there, My covatr,iven! | (here the orator elacped big heads wih the ‘pdeepeet euiotivns.) Bar that gallant vessel {¥@ teachiag the shore —ite joyuus crew rais- eda shou! which wakesthe welkio nrg ; 1 ‘heat 1 Ungling now 1 @y- eats ; “and: there steps from amoogs; thea a fait helred.sfair somplected, bayish young feitaw, he.is re torniog theaks to bis companicas for bavidg saved bith trom, a walery grave, and the paw n ealfed by rhe_@ Hall, and have answered ‘to “heir manner to leave no dcubt that their purpose is to vole with the duly elecied Repr sentatives of the people tere present in the elec- tion of Spealer, and to act and~participate fully in the organization oftbe House of Répresenta— e tives, asif they were members théreot. . & -<~.. By the act of Congress of Jane 2@, 1842),"\for the appurtionmest of Represen.aiives smogg ihe severa] States accordiag(o./be sixth, sengie, "it was enacted *ibatin every. case where & Staléis entitled, fo mare than one Ge proseptetite, the number to which esth staté-shia ee der the spporlioamevt Shall be elected by districts composed of contiguous territury, equal io number to the anmber of Revresentativesio which said Slate may be entitled, no ove district eleeting more than oue Represepiaiive.”’ ‘The severs] Siates abeve named have tefased or failed to provide by law fog the eleciiuh by dis ‘rics of Representatives from these, Stgies res- pectively tothe 28:h Congress; each of them being eniitied to more than one. Represagtatire,- aod ihe peuple of those Siateg have fatled, there- fure to elect Representaiives.by districts, as the law of Congress required, a ‘These facts ere notoriuas, indisputable; and undisputed ; they are known tu all; amd admit-- ted by all * Failiog to elect dy distriets, they have failed to efect ai all, fur ali legalband-eonsty tational parposes. ‘They’ conld“not etéet; be- cause there was no districts*in those: Staves from which to elect. Electién-oy. genesal ticket as” co dlection, Ne existing and vatid law, author- ized any sach electiwn te “be held 3 and ne lion therefore, has been held in thoge elece Siates at whiett Represantaiives for the 28th Congress could be ehosen : l. is undersvood, nevertheless, that the persons above aamed propese ‘and isjend to vote if” the election for speaker, op the gtound “that ahey bold revarns, or written eedificates-or conimis- sions, drawn ap in fegelar torn, purporting to be the evidenee of thelr.elegtiods ag Represeata- ives. We hold that any rétuing they can have do not give them ady titie whatever, when they: tre considered mm connexion siiir the-koown law of the land, At the same lime,ty-is-didoubted> ly troa, that by the-Pathiamentary jaw teturns Gr certificates in regular foradby:epihotized fanction- anes, made aceurding 49 law, are inallcases prg ma facie evidende ob lacess bat cUnclusive of a tight to assist in organizing. the tidy ta whietr Persons are thus retarned ;-@ne@ it ts ander colur of this rule of Parliamentary flaw as''we endér- Sand, that the perséng abéve* samied-press mg To call themselves members af thig body-"* ~~ But as no provision has-been made by: lave “for election by districts 1a these Suates, and no such | election in fact held, bow. edald any officer. of fanetionary in these States make a fetutn of-say. ; Such elertion ?. And he these Statesare not ev- ‘burized by law to babd.an election by generdl | licket, as ulierwise than by districts, how cao 20% officer ur funetionary. thereih ee authorized by law to make a-seturo wf any sueh: election ? We are nui Prepated to admis that any persone ftom any of these Siatea can hive in his passés~ Sith afiy legal docome prd¥y proof, of his election a 2 Representative tor the 28h Oanagress.” We 318 well awate, howeref, that an. stedipt, our ’ nave, by motion or resolution, Defore the ofgan— ‘tation of the. House,’ to exaidde ‘Thesd ‘persiiés [¥ f itt “preaséd, the Charge d* bf that same ald.coon !* (Great appiause.) Aod, er, WhO was (lat mon in that httle bhoas?” Why. sir, ut was Wittiam A. Gra- » tal ho 13 thal boyish, that giad- eit my minds’s sae eye? (Here the Oriani and drew together his eyelids, te Wt Wibiee hooking at sowething afur off 10 she distance aud. clappping his hands. tozetver, excia:m. edin on exeteey of joy) Wht, is MT. ACHAEL BO-K-E!!! . (Zremendous ap. Plause, 294 the Oraior, vaable 10 procecd Qn acedunt of the overpowenng character of bis emotions, sank beck toto his chou 1) 4) REMAINS.OF COMMODORE PORTER The following extract of a fetter < from’ an American gentleman in Constantiavple, dated in that city Octwer 17,,1943, gives ao jatetesiiog aecouat of she disinierment uf the remains of Commodore Porter, * On Satorday tast, 14th imstant, we bropgh) upin tbe *Yeace Duwma’ ihe remains of Cow modore Porter to the. cy, and they were taken on byard the United States brig Traxian, Cap- tain Upsher, sent out to trka the body te Ame rica, which vessel is ta sail tosmortruw. After his death, he wag buried at bis residence at Si. Stepbano: tea miles below tha city “We tet the. city about eleven o’cluck-in the morning, with a large and respectable company of invived guests on board the steamer, cunsisting of mom bers of ihe various diplomatic corps, all the Ame ricang- bere, several Eoglish merctiants, with fifty. sailors belonging to thé Trnxionsthe w4- rines and ufficers, excepting the first fieutenant, the officers of the English war sicamar Devas tattua, and of two Ressian steamers. ‘I'he Ame | rican flag vas-hoisied at the wie, the first {ime we bave borgied it sitce we took the T'erkigh. Havioy astived at Si Stepiaro, the company assembled abon:. the grave. ‘The coffic, which was enveloped in a:United Staies flag §:. with Ung har and sword of the late Commidoie pleed+ om the lop, was ‘raised by the sathore of she “Pwoxton, 10d &-peicessiod fotm~d ifthe toftow ing onder >). The warines of the ‘Eruxton, prece ded-vg the aod; Which played the-dead mare, toHowed-by 1wo American missionaries "Then the bier,corried by American sailors, escuried by their-ezcetleacies.ihe Austrian Aiibaseador, ife Ministers of Sardinia and Spain: acdibe Charue aA ffsixes of Swedee, Naples ard Belgiam. whe reattied the ehivdud. The relaueos ifthe oo difes: and Consul of the Uaite States. many members ’of thé diplog asic ‘corps the“Ameriean, English, Russian office: s, . Arrived at tha landing, the proces- Sigh-Went.on beard the steamer, thocolors being fowered: to half mast. “A gustd of hinpor was “stationed orerthe coffin, apd ‘De Steamer a S!, Biepsano... Whee shé*atrived opposite Se. taglio Port thé Trextoa fired # safite: of seven > StPrn Aimer ‘ended with FPS bi tel ves. in: th wiihdeclatigg: ot thee pact ot Character, g all law and ‘hat we! ghal n of. Rance Se sae Td e shall” not. Tait of A , i oy. or << £ ” Men, of North; Coentis ; = 'Pihe Brsrer Sistes atthe’ Yoinet. S84 fram es ne tfth ih sande te "fe —. °@ all participation in thet’ aet, would. beat ba > ' » ree . - oe ‘i ed to's Prod Becta See's Se “svat ay ett 3 ; aa oe tw <ite aes os ~ at fe > Wards. but two, and pearly tied “beit“6ppo- wents im one DF thear {the aucond) which has Jong ‘been does the Ailes remark ina: ths geod old city. ‘maiesiis pobly ber Sep ethong the Whig Giues of the Ua «, = conmespontient uf the Uoved Statew Gazetia says: a sent “1 will probably gratify the Veo Baren | men in your Siste te learn (tom bo bigh & source s¢ Mr Sensto: Atlen, that Obie, sa vis own pecuharty energeue, ‘refiaed end d goifted language, “will give her ote ifs Me. Van Boren agama the world — sgainst Clay of any other d d rascal, aod all d ragcels thotere attempting 16 de. } wey firey,” sod" that -bevs to the amount of j, $100,000-can be had in that State on big] “election Sgyunst ihe fiekt The olher d-—d rasrale allied io ate of course Mr. Cal- tioany Me. Buchsaen,Gov. Gass, Cot. Joba 300, and thew friends ” & The ‘Great Democratic party.”s—F he P-tnfinder, o Ds mocraue Jovtaa)— ro Nuwh York, tasthe tnilowiag, which 1s truth— | pteture of.real waves © One night, huwerer,. # principle, -1¢ as a Solemn doty, they feel. bonnd. we orerebants, and the sailors of tha Trexton! * Pe Se every word of4t;. bui we ere inelined tu Kit migst be uopalstanie to-the “dea- “h somesines HOpPee sa Ir eal par- ties, like indoetduels, expead wa ments io mere prufessions, © They talk” thers preneiples aati those priutiples fi. come a dead leti-r, wh-a ibey ceaae to bive any life in oll thew members.” Now thre is | emphalicaliy the cese with tbe patty. ft has tatkod ontiit 1s not ont tx~j hausted in its breathy but fe. What oe y1- doing to catry out: its principles? War] oevnor mean |” Washington, Dec 14,1813. | Thereare sone stranye diesension: springing | ‘dectdieg who are tu de privates and who ufficers: Each uve thinks himself qualified to command, ahe ibe test ough to ubey incident ‘hat vewarred at ‘une of the large theatres g were bired fur the purp'se of epreseating a siur atsea. Theterge oye werb'paiu vighteow pen. | per nigh', and the small goes a shitiog” 1's storm: w29, tatsed<as-fuliows. I'ae baye w: thrust beneath a large carpei, and ordered w 1 and tumble about ip all dirécuons The desi: [ effect was produced, fur-ai a properdisiance,, | ondulations of the carpet afforded a suletaply g 4 adnsaal comingtion wag ubverted, and ithe was tossed and dashed about ip a mast uomatine ta- ion, “Phe maniget rag to a great fury aint manded whai was the matter. He w.s the shilhiny @2ves was trashing (1. ©) hteen pen: ny ones, ¢ud demandivy .qoal rights. Now it is just goavienh she) Lied waveg that are créating sueb a temnl|t beneath the potiieal carpet. The sting m-n kdow they do as much «work asthe ety btees peony ones 5 and fur shesake of tH Mirash thei elder biethien ito terms,— NV. P- e?merieas : There 1# sume:hing «mewkrsh about the? name of Wings, someting puerile 7") wea Ceogol speak of st wiihguts tein ‘aause- tog glimpse of che toiyimo- seb it musi} have originated —New York Guzetie. * Poor fellow} V the uame of Whig-gii- | you &@ Gust airesdy, we Fuagi wrth, -{ the close of (heeawpaigp-of 744, make 80 sjek at the-momach saat YG will th: up everything dowd t. Your shod ick. Ss Baile Fourviat he al l i al e x ti < -EDFORML FUN. i % od a>. be PHS nee ie Fert ue Tem aM oo yet The G'obe,: some imeegowtated Mat the } PT Wud ais Private Sots thelr stiang bold, Trate | “ _ & Refined Senator — The Washington | ai hand picking wa the ty. : 8 pianoforte, sad work {Tt 1 weld, will ees up. 9,000 Deaiocra'is i real witlity is there in any of ttr meseurtes ? | what grrane WMaahvoc in aay of is prom.- } op to the f.0eu cxinp. Fregrand difficaliy ties in b jo London. A onder of boys, uf Variuus § Zea, | ‘ =r > at sca f ’ 7 a jo ow ort Tyletsgnd net Join, ¥F; * staaing ‘indivedval. The Fe igh a Mad ive been + wader thre: behefjthay ets the Privaie | 84 = hip.” this baw. Rick.’ Whig. “Type Setting. Awoog alt tre inréniions ab tn bt centre, pone buiberto his been founu”to supersede the-use of agers ‘im setting up trpe “TEE oecessity of tead-\ lag the matier, in- 5, aod trod ne ove ough pobjectron.. "A geatlemap of Troy bas, hows; evet, ingented-¢ ¢ 18 posed by -soure, w)!] answer, tor lg Bow, instead of staAdiag at big case, stk at a Machine hike the keys according to-eopy béfore him, ke. & young Jady at her music. Th } hour: = A fast band cea sef up about i000: rat? Sy DIED. . la this Fows, onthe 224 instant, Mr“ War- | yucr Ulark, aged 22 yeare. ’ lo his Coouly, on the. 26th fast. Obadiah 4. Sinith, Esq., aged about 47 yea's. Gov'eased was % bi tiezen, end hase & cirele of relatives and friends” to dagen. Attend to 7 f ue Subscriber requesis g/l those indebted to him (ay bovk aeconnt over 19 i Tae ly respeciable and wuttby stile with an officer. HORACE H. BRARD. Salisbary, Dee $0, 1843. - Q2rf 420 REWARD. | ANAWAY fi a the Sansertber or 27. years old, geflow complected, abou 6 tet 6 or § inches high, ene weighs absat 160 poghds, ell bail: -qvite aetive, He bad on whem he left a Ajn- ‘ov Woolsey ¢osi, plain, somewhal worn, and o ‘ \otable good pajt ot shoes. The above reward WY be givethteany peison who will apprehend «4 boy, aad tonkine himin Concord Jail, so thai ( Jailin North Carolina - ~ * L.. B, KRIMMINGER. ‘December 7. 1943 St DISSOLUTION. * gaC him —or any WARREN GHEEN, FVHE. Sadserinar teapectfully informs his old frieads add customers that he sul! eoptin- testo carry on the . Cabinet Making Busincss at the old stand of Ghean & Fraser, where he will be happy tu receive urdera for furailvre ot all kids. He pletzes bimself-tbat hia work shal! be.exevaied inh best style, WARREN GHEEN. _ Sakisbery, Dec. 30, 7843. Ctr NEGO HIRING. HE widersigaga wit! tire“ont tor-the’ ensis- wg gear, on the. fitsr of Jasoary Mex, at, Le Causielobse in Salisbaty, Rdoat PORT Y VEGROES. onrivag woes. He will atte Sehh SO the-asme me ant place, the retpatoingt effeet# cfothe tale it Macusmats; ceosisting uf-sevetal b Horses, Sheep. §%.—a Carriage, iFagon and’ N-BOYDEN; Ad@;,. 9 > we oe Oe Sinra=- é: ‘Gear. &. $e. r omaliabaty, ‘Der> 60, 1843" So Megrecs 40 Hire: be = > 2 Sb ut Bbag. 5 r3 Ac@? r> or. WRawade various! WiLAbe hired at the Codithiutse-1n Se)’ "i . * 4 5 lita Defrise; —— > Jay Os oad * *< Lmw.- Fs Page be rasan Sr LOVE - . a pa * .. oe pital jon tor Divarce. iz . PE si OE +f quilla Deltisgc So Samay. ee oe gee eee ee eo ‘ ee a & } “, 7" ‘ a . : id ‘ P ae oe x a ~~ 46 tit bis fagte, icy [Baepely ot Some articles, Bed ‘we-not dply hold}: This. aischihe, | show a target quantity thanesbe adv. # wile and family, dad 2: . months) to } feall mmmediatety aed settle by cash of Gate, or e onthe 6th tnstent, kis pogt. | CHARLES. Said boy is abom 26 This discoid smueg ; a4 the * ‘equal rights’ gentlemen reminds me uf an . 7 é g 1K Gupartoarship heretufare existing ve-: tween Gheen & Fraser, expired by limits. | i on the 234 of Noweanber iat sutyoon Mibeday the fret day uf Fancary | + - os 7 ? PO: AUR 7g ne wee ~~ dbs < ak “8 4 | HARDWARE, CUTLERE AES <3 oe CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, . ; \4SLACKSMITHS POOLS, &r, . . - We Biaive atsoon aS ol caret afBAG- T GING dat her quite-$2S pisces: ~ Also a. niall ‘supply of SAL, bat-eot. more thao-447. sacks ,, , Lhe above goods’ were bi. for east, and {A for-cagh only ; bat-pot-with eash shat isdorrow | ed from isdividudls or from: Danke, bat bought; A with Aa cash. Ithas become cusioinry | : wow-8-dys'to'say *bougbi for cash”. go mater | W to whom (he cash beloags. “Lf hae also berome |, customary for. persons_advertismg a sigek of Goods to advetsise abont double tie-Amorint chat they bate: oreanishow. "We have advertised ‘Svlgelyes.ready- and willing to show aud prove Fes ae genilewan. that We have the armiouns ihey We advertisesbut imalaost’every arlitle we will pment calls for, ~-Byt some persons get slong by puffing if..qre caapot show you mote gobde both tity aod emovni, aod ansiol sel}-ibem to you ax Cheep or a ‘litte’ Cheaper (quality iairedy than’ afiy poffer of blower, then-we will never? ask You to ns ee «3 _, =. Respectlally $5" ‘ + Sa AP we MURPAY. N.B Oor Capisal is cot quite $70,000, 3 - L&W. Satisbasy, Deo, 23, 1343. —t#21 - -*. JUPPLY| ip’qaao- j-. “ s B) For. 1sss! A -. - WiCHMIEL BROWN OULD inform bis customers and thé pdb 1 “FY fic, thst He44 naw ‘receiving “trim. Putte % Jetirhiva and New Vork*his Second supply of ‘GOODS FOR 18431! Among which are the following ee Oe Broad cloths-and. easgimetes, _ Sattiners, Kenteegy-and negro jeans, Pilot and beaver cjosbsy - _ Blavkets and Mtonéls, Alpagha lastres, fig'd, striped, watered gad thanzeatie, : Vietaria , * dQ. : Muslin de4anes acd bombezines; Chusans fer'ladies dresses, (new: article) F iow; very lob, and “es? cheap ae" they £40 “be | * booghr inthis marker) for cash, oF if exdhange | * for, eonnity Progece.* > +r ERS TY -Satisborey Oct:.7, 1945-5150... - N, > F yr the aeéominodatinn of castomigte, } bave-# coavenien! 1a) and vables; 19. Jha sexe of J4. | State orm tipear mets “SURRY.COUNTY, Se p. Superigt C@utt of, Law Pall Term, 18: & Ae x , Bich, athped and plain aw Biaek eo€ cyldred silk gloves, large assariment of “Breoch NEW: GO Ds~/3: , 600 pair negro's a pe ee ania anmatedleas i * phair mivacelide de lanes Het 208 reapoe, —* mitts Plain emd-ribbed slik: aud wersied base Fenlase sewing silk, twisi, siik-biid ng & cord. - CLOTHS, OASSIMERES & VRSTING = large astorimen! of Faehouy. Kugiish soo metican cloths. “ +. EK Roghitt aad? & meticdn sagsimees. al! colors we oolens velet, cassimere, §« ausdown and uthe .* * < - mee ; French aod English meroces A larze and fice aseuMmepr of tailo.s Bishop lawn; jécdset s0d swiss musiige Handsome figured UF reveh dimity oollass and bends. A Vatge assortment, wll widths lisle Mees ILM gs siriped, check si¥@ lace do ‘and ‘tands : Edgings and insert inand faye re . end Histone fa ‘ 6 Ss80ri mee at Rtevc: s and blowing, and ¢26 sel) $10, 00" ih Red, white apd-green flannels very. Cheap ‘Pheo thes hate not got $5,090; that cis | Bed-and-fegra blenkets ty . what we canndt.do, a6 we never have. learned + Caledonia and Rorha shawls; (nsw artclr) the art-to eell morethan we hav@ got. 2 Striped daca end sroche shawls. The public are invited 10 call dod séo us, ands Black and colored mocselio de-jang apd plad shawls Sattings, Kentucky jeans and kersess poor ino abd woolen draweia ane shirts wioh-drawgrs 20d shitis, very heavy S& geod ‘Bleached and brown. Shirsings awd shee ring “} Boltiog clothe frnar-No 4 WD wiring Reh ier © A-SMew ; ; cy 35 éogen fine’ ipde Gh ‘ 240 dozed-cloth and bait can 11 do tow prie’d far é2ns- a 8 da fine fur aga Chath du aa. 3 BOOTS AND SHOES zen Mites’ fine BOO? - d do do di SHOE> 600 ch edt and bows d eh. fo BRoes, good ans cucnp 400. pair Women’s sewed Bt yegyed ¢.. 200 dot - do low priv slippers 200 do Robivuson's kid- slippers and calf shues 12 duz fining and binding skins Q0 Aid deiitied sheep skids for waddle pads 125 fos. white and greep eboe threat LTS, BONNETS & CAPs 600P Ibs good sole leather, Gpper & harness do S23 ps gunoy & dundee bogging, wide & ver y heavy : . rope, ( good) 147 rofla Hemp and Joie 400 tbs, Vitoimia twitie Hogsheeds Porte Rico anid *Orleses Sv 4 Bet ER. Oe. eter Gorm | Gilles 10B0 lbs Westey und Ve colsey-bent ton sogar 50: kegs ciftr'and blasring powder >” * 200 ths bet indigo =. . 110 boxes gies § #10 snd4) Bde -, Sills, (oew styte) eatious qualities, A ne prereset qoality , % Cotton bagging, bale rope and-twiae, 2000 pounds of bar lead ° ~ Cheese, tea and loaf-sigar : $b.gmnes tid wise | - Browe eugarcand Coffee, Sees <i : Pe sp 500 botves ‘castor oi} . Powder, Shot and lead, 2 bavele ipsa : WADware any Eutlery,; 2 ph St ys gE Sole Leather, Hemtock end Oak, opperde, Sheet th este iy aoe +4 ee 3. see! far Coudn. Gio Sass, MEDICINES sok me <n ne | and PAINTS, WATS 4ND.BONNEPS, 20D paif triice chains ee ee Boots and MM... Shoes. {° “Yeeeserene es ne . 42. pair iths hellows very elies Gin & » hat SACS LS oF t Carrigge Trimmings, Saddlery,and }- 4 kegs Bake oh a 5° Quick»Silber, 66 9 _ | A Targe assmiment,” of Hardware, Ctorkery, Fogeiher wih a generat stock. of.slf pibe | Seddtorg ‘od Seddipts, Trimmings,“ kinds of GOUDS . "Fhese goods” wilt: be -sotd |. : Carriage Trimmings, ; 2 PA, (every Penetpsy SMITH & SAAT ET 2OOke. 8 large ans. timent of rolled and bar Trop t- tog daer dd Cost Sioa toes The apone Goods were bough: éxetapivert fer pasha Wetton 7 prices, and will he 6 ay -retait at un préce- " puicts, <Odr tyiondaand she public, Goaibe oak blr ea rs negro - mh , wi d ” oe ? 7 ‘ =e vs . bod " Se ad Se ee 9 ’ ‘ - sd - 2 sd a so * —. Se ie en et it ES =? 7 *% : ’ . & 4 - ? ~. . rd - a 7% > ae ] ; * ; Se Pr, a: f on ; _— nla PR 6 ‘ Rs ¢ 2a 16 % 46S By 4 * Lip 18 des yao 75 “ae 17} . 25° 2887 ige ag eG March, =.) ay Pet to ao? al #43) 28 a 28 Qe OBB Fg, 8 SE > “St ac ~ WOO an 49 “v8 14°75 "165 amp, .-..’- neat re a 19 20> 21." 98743. Sef |eaty “Cas aie 91° a 26. a8 29 "30 ry ee “Op 10. ne ie fen , nee 50 260 pril j | ‘2 wi caudate of drei} «D1 See eiara cee aot! So Tastee = 82 ” DB 8 4 5. 6 hen recmips: ea wutitd mae Meteo ye By S08 3 40 | Lohaeco teal fa 28 13. 10 11512 49TF Yat: tell you" nothing pon Yearth. bea Jourph Spal to she ‘ee ! : es 3 hE EE Ie AG AT TR ASA et Zhoestion, as. bey call. iv. | irey2 EY lay it’a-e.yeaslin or-some five | form,ctiny = os $4N gag eres 84 10 21 92 29 B4 25> 26.497) Its a mighty great favor toes of a rite pret- onimal, of Braip-wouldp Wark at it 00.>- | vodrag re 80 = 85} Wisk pd > pele Mey, “G89 SO": ley gate anith to: people a¥"nem ‘aie to it.ir gooa b:, SU, Weny” 10- co .cdlk the-gals, and J.¢ot] Ing paid. = eS es rt i ) Ge seamen TEM el ae oe ey <1 2° 8° 4. eighty bord: dowtnt They say weddera} 0: sbiena. ab over. so Feouldu’s. speek he ‘NO more | pn I pre Be a chee, Bi i EOE DAs Bt ated oe i; 8 5 6° 7 8 9 10. AE idons awed iV'mér’o onthing.” But Pov max} iG led tar but. J Ardy? -eny..nothig.— | tion for our. work, : | chatdchseat aebcugia, Tous reap Sid er ue et ne eS 12 18 14 15 16 17-18}kins \feoegtession 98 the preacher ses. Bimeby they_all come ronAin, oas, of @pporntment by” - oto in io whletedemst tr a «sang 4 et — 73% Rails cutassor 628 ¥ 20. 21 22 23 @4 .251 —Crismns eve T pet on wy new ouit aod) ‘MY Lord, ek! ivitz? sea Mise Marg. | lat ¢ profits 5 ity - #7 vee: mitd. im-sbeir. dptio mand see “aaa -wYopght 16-0 18 June 6 27 26 29 $0 81 shaved my face a9 elick a8 2 amoothin 10h {Oi a5 ulive! dee Mins Bye. ‘I see | ripen picineil tiiosba: Bhat elmogt imam vietiéd, ant +4 Bows Oe ABS bushel 2 30 ’ , 1 }and went over 16 old Misa Sistlionses. «As wemawe! ish the, pampbiet canteining tbe Proceed- beak 2am tne D 75a 80 2 3 & 5&6) 7. Bfesgn-ae i went into "the patlor.what they }- “Cull Cata, and ets bincont the rope," ings-of “Bs @ Safety Committee, pee one of Bt 3 20d she ferble; Wie idfiim,*he |. Ee ese eet lamp $125 9 10 FE 12°13 44 15] weg abt 2 sittin connate Gre; Migs-Cartine |-“£% Mias Carline, aad -let’s see whet.it.cs.| per copy. ~Wedo thie that we mil are Sorayee S0le mee Pe re aby their, ee 44 a pesees 110-81 25 16 17 18) 19-20 81 22 | aud Mies Kesh. borb-lavshed ngbt nat - Cows’ here Cato, aad git thiseag-dowa,” sopre tigs’of the'xjuaabish of copies the pub: po ‘apap ive payslepat bag | ace y 3 k100lbs . 54 a 6 23 24 25 26 27 29 29/ There, there,’ ves. they. “I told. you 40, ‘Don’ hurt it for the world,” ccs Miss] bic will vequice,- Wa shoutd:anppose Now,| vis Rite — a5 vul : 1 T knew it woald be Jogeph.’ Mary. Hanoter and adjacent cougtics,or even the |: ALe™ [af fact 8010 (A) a 2S 4 & . 6]° Whos Tdang Miss Carline 2? says J. Coto wotied, the rope tbat wos rogod the }tomn of Wilmington sloue-would aubscrive, atti ' ; a Sack 2 1a = rd. on) 9 10° 31 12 A383 ““Fou:come-under sisters ebieken vone, |Jice: end let ihe bag'down-easy or the floor, | epongh ‘lo save the printer fom, Toss,-0% ‘i } ttwelv shies oh Shes 21 22 17 8 “19 °20) end Ido believe she knew’ you was comin and ¥ tumbled. out elf ‘coxered ‘with ooro-| louet 10. the publication. nee ‘sian stag than thee tiaies, the f eugt ae Auer: ‘0s 00 23 29 3 25 25 26 27) when she put it over-the doer.’ meal, from head to foot. ; ‘In she Progpeatué-will appoar sdaie shor bereier itoa rane wjaihed 4 hetsta Sta & ry ee ‘ 1 August 23 49 30. a1 ‘No I didtn’t—J “didn’t o soch thing, “Goodbiees graciobs !” ses Miss Mary, ‘it extracts (com the work, that the: commagj=| be eithwet oe med it hy rarioP tied i,t 120 14 ech Bn Gog 1 2 $ | now)” sex Migs Mary ead ber face bloshed it a Mgr the"Majer biaiself ‘ply may judge of iis character. and impor. | more satisliowocy ibaa 44 ousai mies mibesie = AY Tee inpe Bi ¥137 “per : 8 9 LO red’ alt over * = Yes,” ses 1, Sad yon know yon promis~ tance. ‘ Therefore tor-the tio tallome i me = ———— 7 np he ibe a i ary a you neosu*t deny. il,” says Mies Ke- ed to keep oy Crsq@es preseni #8 long as , 8 35 5474 Cael eoperateleye a faa of i 2 94} sisb. -pon Ylong to’ Joseph pow, jer -es.sure | YO, live . nS 3K 6794 > paleo FB 2 September's 46 i 28. 29 80° $1 {as that’s any ebarm in chicken A asad The gels laoghed themselves almost to State of of SLovth Carolina: ‘Da on Tens Dee: £0, Lia are oe 4-8 6 7] Lkaowed that wasa first rete chanceto| {ett 89@ went to-brosbia off (ke meal-as DAVIDSON COUNTY: = Sir;—Yoor-agent lett wih neg: ; SS ae ca? Ae 12. 13 144 sag: somethin, but the deer dutle. cresiné fost as they.cogld, eeyin they was gwioe-to }~ Pail Term, 1843—Jn Equity. _ « $ydar: Vegetable-Pille tase; The” There. ste. warn: a aa ba 19°. 30 © 21./4ooked so gorry ond kepblusbin bo I cowld’ ot hagg that bog op every Crigmas ill they } Mary Kiudley vs. William Hoghes, er. " and olor de hing So: hive givontaen % 5, alt dociots pee Sue 3b “so 26 27 «28 | sey nathing-zvetlyto the pint, sod tuck a | RO busbands too,. Mise Mary—bless het | “* Willidey Heghes, jr. 4 ‘ip-orery vinstence enfite _Balh ‘ jeon}4 ; ving “pains in the Breast, Beck or October, . - 1 eg mk: tated und-resehed op and’ Wuck down: the | "ight eyes, she blushed as beeupful es a N:th/s ease it’appedving to the’ Coprt ‘that } erp se Sesplaiat with: Vetbuoseapd 1 bungie wre relieved at —_— 4°5 bone and put 1 in-my pocket | moraio- glory, and said sted stick to her Jubo Kindley,jr- one of ‘the defendaat’s it | certasl aa ees. -bo- a sculaeine foniee a andthe “patts restored io 19 om | atts 22 ‘What sre yoa gwineto do with that bone word. “She was: right oot’o’ béd, sod frer | 9% 80 inhabitant of ibis State: Jt ie Abergtoge ta >i aoe iam nanrhe health. Any i 14°15 16 17 "18 19} cow Majer * ses Mise Mary. tisit weso’t combed and her hed wasn,t fix: | dered by the court (hat poblieasig orn « ‘She of these Plstiers, will be as- 21 22 28 24 25 gg ‘Pai gwive to keep it ne tong a8 I live,’ | * all, butthe way she look’d pretty was siz Weeks inthe ( ar Bl whe next. t Pasig a! malls 6 Beit -*Rords. Q7 28: 29° $0 3) ser}, asa C ; + | real dat ! said Jone Hf be , = in egy tick (ae Sriplalate shooid WNiwemibos a9 2 Crismos present from the ‘hed: atractin. J do. belieye if l-wes froze of, ph held at the couri~house. in. = fate ves a: ae without weating a o 1 2} somest gal 19 Georgia.” stiff,one look es her -chermin face, ag pe f ington,oa thelst monday aftes thedtf monday , dt temoves the irritation of inti ip t 4.5 6. 7 8 9} When sed that-she blushed:worse ond | 890d tookia down to the B ia March oext, end vhen apd there plead, an-, " Jrom- the Lrings-to ibe’ s fate of 10 11 12 18 14°. 16-16 | worse. | gish eyes, and nd her pigs ers alte rats babel bey ordemur to ‘plaiotsifs vill, “of the sare hie ul Some: ‘the body, and-dea eit she toterea flection — a, » 19 20 91 22 93) > ‘Aint yoo shamed, Majer ?’ ses she.’ her spo Ould fotet’d'metoo. J go Ws him tad be serosa atid set for heactog mio ate peony? cea ®,) So in Liver Cos pak is, and Donan end cele “4 23 26 27° 28° 29 gO} «¢N, , tem fou What, anit was worth hangio in amea! 1d exparie. 1 with Bs dren ith Whospige h aboeld December, 1 2 -3 4° 5 6 7 git seepuir eve a he Le mye thse beg from one Criamus to another to feel 80) Fy. coraber 9, 1343 WOMMACK, c.m.E. Find ent sap Renee a have ond, te prevept'tbe congh settling faite 15 16 WO 11 19-93 14} Carne. © : paper hone ae ween —— <— to-him + eécordingly be purchased 2 box, angst ree Sana orn rob c Whee “4 17 18 19 90 2 ‘Aho td £7148 Stallio h went bome after we had the laogh ont, his declaration was—‘‘that they did” ne ae eco | heeler, £2 29 24 25 26 27 2B F gai ora tae sous, ohge | 89 | sud set by the fire Will 1 bie thewed. fo VALUABLE LAND good thea all. fhe medicine te ones visting 6 ears beer e, Bee angie 29 $0 31 1 -* ab ther!’ s of tem +t the forenoon ali the Stallionses come over sickne-s—ia fact; they cured hit” He fias ever | . eartt, Lexingtoo, J P Babry , y mo ays all of em ‘to sey ore | Sine@enjoyed the. most perfect health»: A Raleigh, Dr Stith. march 4, 1848— 1552 sto¢kins right afore 0+? ry ony bodes, and we bed the oe Ge Corde f AND case: Mr. Danial Ratan, woentinsent Carricr’s Ja Then {felt a hile ‘auaaehe too, Caden | FEF CINHSr INSh Cver Mss. seeg IR ArPOrg a, ! To vay P ares, tliey al! bloshed #s herd as they gonld. and I don’t believe a bappier compaay ever Fort . bike pe Tere, mab etc ml hi capt NEW. FASHION 8 THE »C “ert: Ss ‘Highty-tity !’ secs the old lady—‘abst sot down at the same table. O'd Miss orty-seven NEGROES + ther-ioaw,- Francis M2 Wodd, was ve Fal 3 ‘eg pene AROLINA WATCHMAN. Iognement I'd like to know whet harm | St#ltions and motber eetted the maich and] » FOR SA LE ously sick with fever accom panied with deliti- Spring and Summer of ther rs mm pworkings.” Peopre now-a-days tatked over every thing thet ever happened | — ° um, and pat faint hopes ‘were entertained for his{ . " tQA4! CHRISTMAS, 843. | oe gitfes eo mealy mouthed thet they can’: | '9 (betr femilies, and langhed_at me end Y virtoe of re; { recovery. We made trie? of your Pills; gadhe {> ee 1843. 10g ring a Wh tn soba» ames eae a] Mv andre owt td nen | BBY S'S" Che al acl et eer oe ee 7 3 visited-us.” } 1 re any bette: th eald ti ro wasn’t alive to see their chil eer ie € wis rev} ~ TH " Si. Luke, 1,78. ~ weap wien PwGh Seat the ioe people acral. y child-en ele tal bite: Soweter next, at the] stored to gond healih. He gaye they were” the} x OMAS DICKSON Again the cirenmeolving eatth used to beng vr my stockins @ud git? Nis all, setiled now, ¢ by said a pirye aah much of means of saving his life. ° ESPECTFULLY ieforms his frieeds and . git em , cept we faint sat property a8 wil) satisfy the Trust, viz > The OnR: “JOHN Nr | bh sil} : h Renews (hat glorious Erg’s birth, fall of presents. the weddin-day. 1d like to have if-ell over | {ollowing Tracts of Land alt lying in Davie co P G« $0! ee ee On which the “Star of Bethlehem” shone, The gaté kept Jauphin. . | at once, but’ young gols always hike to bé One tract kaows as the Chaffia il) tract, con Me A Fest pr estar Rag, a-vety respecte TAILORING BUSINESS A token fiom Jeyovan's throne, } ° ‘Nevermind,” ses Miss Mory,*the Moajer’s engeged awhile, you ‘now, so.] spose | fainjag about 1 Hudileston. C eM hy ah Bis nal] i$ various branches; two doors sbowe J. & That, true to bis etefpal ple, °° ‘got to give me a Crisimus gift—wonhi zou} mMoust-wait a month oF so. Mary. (she ssye 700 ACR : UB» pcoeenr ay a £0%5 Tenn, W. Murphy?s store, where he isteady 10 exe- He sent, retsotning grade to man. Majer e T must cs!] her Miss. Mery now) bes been ES, T Gauary 15m 194 poate all orders of his costomers in a siyle and J ~ ‘Oh, ves,’ ses t ‘you koow I promised | * good deal of trouble and botheréshan to | Also—one ‘other “Fraci, Kuowo a9 ‘the Smith | 4 his is to certify,» that wes apnointed 30 manner not éarpadsed by eny-in thiepari of the ost 29 ape Glwhe- around (be Son - * lyon one? ; me, but if you could see her, you woaldo’t place, containing Anite for Dr__ Spgnser'e. Vegetabiag Pilg Jast canals “a le-eloecta.ste seanlet ssceipt of the Performé ke? Course, Z gaily ron . ‘But I didnt meon-that,’ ssys she. think T ought to gradge 6 litle safferin to r 174 cres, react did Gardenia aon eelete: cad'en mmiedio ssomnodziethe Ge of the Around my ewdcontiacied- sphere, oO ‘Pve got one for Fou, what f want you to ; &!! such a sweet hitle wife. Also—one other Tract kaow the Wh and are liked mact better than soy other Piel Pashionsble at.all times. To wish you all “Good Christmas cheer f°. keep-al] your life, but it would take a two You ‘must come to the weddie if yon place; containing abeut n gttn eae have ever-sold ; the best evidepesin pele fatet Dodo 18, 1843 —I¥8_ « And hope you'll theer-sne on myeney’ bushel bag to hold 1,” ses:T. possibly kin. Vil Jet you kcow. No 40 ie, that those who. Ghee’ makes frist of these wey To gratity you day by days ‘Oh. thai’e the kind,’ ses she. more from your friend till deth. leona? 400 ACRES, Est, oe nya wing. fo be Withonrithém,wtd |. ; ‘ ’ -_ ‘ 18 b again an aia i. The Wetelmen, s0,the varie taipten;° ts will you keep it as long as you live? Tike to forgat to tel JOS. JONES. |g, bead of CATTLE. 100 eM ones: ey ‘1, om te wef yiets” ute, evelaete ber : ft) Locofeco wiles defied, — : ‘Certainty T will, Mojer Pore. He gor at to tell you bout cousin | ftusd WAGONS ant GEAR, 1 ox WAGON, | ™Y Swo'fatmly with entiresoropss—in Conive te ea And, plated on Freedom's tofiy sia te . ny ’ jer. | got snap! on-egg=nog when he} anda variety of Farming tools of various de. | Ness, Sick “Headache, “atids Bowe}? Complains, a Ser y stan Now -you hear that,’ Miss Carline,’ ses | beerd-of my begegement, and fis been gs | scriptions. “thev are the best medicine] am eeqnaintéd with. : veys their doings throagh the lands 1; -*etve see she’l! keep it all ber life.’ meller as a boss apple ever sense. The sale wiil pasitively take place and be con- G. A: HUDDLEST ON: ory ) - Vnomaske those aris, with skit! combin’d, ‘Yes [ will,’ says Mary—‘bot what is it? ” ‘lowed from day to day, until the whole or suffi For sale at Sal ? TRS Rensenear seperscron. To chcumvent the Public Mind, i ‘Neve: mind, ses J], *you. hangu)a beg) Small Change. —Any one treveting e- |e fonds raived to satisfy ihe Trost. -Terms a ate R WViseler. 7 Mee. EON! PRICES of be ss eredulous ‘suppoee big enough to hold it and vou'll find out | long the seaboard of North Carolina will — GW. . Greenville, D O Hae. ; Hit 1 ee ee rein, in sgh The sterting Whigs are ‘Freedom's fors! what it is'ip-the mornin.” | notice the i Immense quantity of dried her- Davie count Noe PEARSON, Tretiae, Spartanbarg, & Jodd. qdence-of the ‘cuntinned depression of bastress Miss Carline winked at Mise Kesith, ond | tings used’by the rohabitants, They -sp- 5: AR SABE Walartadior B Nba 5 ee esinyip “They ate manolactur- Hla! who are uinnies—we or they? then whisper’ (to héer—tben itey both | pear 10 constituié the staff of life iD thet ‘GOLD VINE? 4 <-- Charlatie, Br Cam, on Calhown, or Van, or Harry Clay? _~F Invghed and looked at we: as mischievous qa. 4 And may-be fonsd in most of. the toyan-and | No prophet f, ugless P bring, : asihéy could. Prey spected somethin.’ A gentleman en his way to the South, not Trust Sale ! villages. i in.ibe United: States. . 9 ae © Aes, Preset assert. By this time ext year, on the win - SYouil be eure to give it 46 mé now, if I) long sinee, goi out of th September, 16, 1843—158 : Ge hy . a : ’ g + 80) ODI e Btege end entered Rt virtoe of a0 assignment to me, made b - sane bat onr Great Stateaman of the West hang op a beg.>ées Mise Mary. a tsvern for the-pétpose of rofreghiig him- Gol J R Dodgé, f will ex to onbdfi ae mi : Shirt Has been approved ‘‘the greatest — best 2”? . ‘Aad you promise to keep it,’ sez I. self, After taking a glass of top th 00 Monda pees fo geulig axle g. HULDS- | hed ting, ‘hear j. grea best ‘ a ngage of winakey, and €.premises, y the 251b tay of No- he Thea Wiadom shall her sway pegnthe, ‘Well, bwill; cause T kanw you woulda’: resting the driver be threw down’ half a | *e™>er dest, one undivided half of a EGRTABLE FEVER ‘AND 4e0E And Freedom's soil with plenty Hloom, | give me nothing that ween tworthkeepin’ |-dollar.~ The berkeeper Jooked perplexed, Tract of - ‘Land, | <M : Sad sage y a ae hs. ‘the. fat , | «‘Phey all sgréed~ther would heog vp u}énd sud, ‘I have no silver change, sir, bat (i, the county of Davideo : o% ] ail glorious cay! —digtingwistied day? if fot to»put. Miss Mery’s Crismus present plenty of the-common, if you will ke & | wy coer ¢ Pens ¥ pling sor of CF — 4 i “8. a6. heavg, \When Death shall die, Tinie pass away, inyio. the: back poreti;ind-bont nine o'clock | Here he counted out .(hirry-seveb lier- |f ahem ge’ Lean itor B fish D. aN , 7s. The Firmamen: jiself grow dim,, : ttold Zem. efening ¢nd'went-home. — | rings; whieh the travetlor isd W roll op in he ae ‘40 or sdjaiog ae 3 3 ' The Pablie are assured = Soe, Eatth, and Stars, revert io Figs, . “F Set wp ti) “midoight,” sod when, they |e piece) ‘of paper-eod ke “wih bia ‘thrak- » Theettact is deemed, very _ ‘The viel eae ara of the best-qoaing. 4 con be Who's them ints being—and ” ae Gas all gone to bed F wen softy - into ‘the yog ibey might eerve for ‘dinner, The tliat the eagtis 7 cenit: [Paola a ey cath pe “The disembadied soul.shall.stand [back gate, dnd went op to the porch, opd | stage.went lon, and_ at Whe ber stopping We Morehead par}. P recone 11 RHODES BROWNE. Agent. Defureshis Tprove— how empty, then: ther, sure enoff. was agrete big. meal bag | pleee by hailed an oid lady, onde esked ber rey e tract fromm Col Detaws ai }itei - Raliebory diay: 20. 1380) a WwW iN) sence: ihe party strifer eb men? «| Wangin to the jee.” Hewes monstrone to- | if-ehe eouldierll-him ofoaf-of bread.” “She: ees Fat af i ee 7 When inte aiid bias in : bandy to git into it, bat. 1 «+ erkiped offered bites large Joaf of. rye; oad. Iyaty monibs w ‘od given, the. Labi ’ This ait hon ime iit sing NOt tardeek Ourz- S04 sot Sone, chairs. on pierre he coated bér out-six he ae See tp. ee hoootted King. top of » bench ‘sad? got “bold wf the. rape me,” exclaimed stro; ‘where -did-y p get ~ i ae Yet.sitvin “nis phos, “~ >| otid fet myself Sijwit “Vato peal wet ‘much change 2—Oah you nge mes qr L coioton, Gola 1848-5 4). Sieg , a to Most rip tbreugh | aheir deiiced mee; : asf wee gettin i; whe -bag @ agid the jxer??* This Pte Rad yaad hea sit Pattio€ wrt tose: acd pai: _ Thus I, four try : ST eenats dake they woot pe Steffibles herrings reaming to BS ey PeaiAINO vie Gi ek tf Sppsaieet Te nobody. o% @ake.cp.dat|s. . 4 ' Togs eat ier Sn vsher oe A Old Beso Sigtliones grote tig-enr gogy bad Brom: 2 thes Rajeigh Teapadet “ if 4: agi SY becom Hipptn ant tora thetogh WB : As to (be mont authentic bouk t= Wee wrarh; std tovind "end toupa-he | “juponr att boctMENTs. He storos the Lecologp.arre : 5 SS IN een tefte to find . fi a pith peau =< * fest * tbe. "bs doa. dade’ ‘breallia 2 ee ” - And.ftam-the tribe disg nated, thras— - 3. fe tera sa. he ‘quit, ka writing aor Caswe Regt 5) Ene * Se eee Bese 1: se F Ti Pills are parély: and) lg. Vevbichios | bas pot been.dong by sny Surgeon ' Displays the-Baomstot fhejprs = ae fallows : <sEegtlere front Honcock-and.W,| Beirne ers pave Wehaod aa exellent od “be bappy eombinstion of Hho. Jogrediegtell selfsin_the, Wesiene pai of “Be Eile, rm: tn which aff hondet hear one (reel * ita serah, wand sant | aap: ee ati eibineiag!| CHR ne eee ee ae eat Prar Bibs sithin fa, jdves @| mech #9 Ibe anerior rt SSRIS eee B: hold! the opted symbol Sign, Oe eae Uwmade me 99 the mie.” ve oa Pt Eee per : vA af ss * > “ rc ed rie =3 bag SH & hy : Merit! Me flere w re 'e- ¥ B quien oP oot. ares of ‘\Whigh @otion and deceit defles; "=". « Ot: Even and th give fear. the | pers ye without Weave? tilifax,| FOLDING “5 nich Sinn asinlettg OO dated if WiiisaaAbnic>, Care. . wi when. of the adjvinicg Sinikpumvltifying shield wats, tke: roperecettdstieabe'tatt let me fall, < Napanee SeAieay ATTEN a = TR fetes K TABLA $, v1 D~{ One Dublie. &< 8 esas as ‘Cae oo og required. = in iad yar. Ses a ee £.. Py Oe pes to ‘ iat plstanctogneaytooniaioks 4 é ade ‘ae Pol r- ages oy ua >. re: -scemed like-it oS aie fon to ned Ging tpapat. iS foes COrtotey Vite, Syangiéd-Fing thar tours the ary, ste 1844 FILMED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING: FROM THE DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY JANUARY 27 FEBRUARY 10. 17 THE FOLLOWING ISSUES ARE MISSING: JANUARY 6. 13. 20 FEBRUARY 3. 24 MARCH 2, 9, 16. 23. 30 APRIL 6, 13, 20, 27 JANUARY 6, 1844 THROUGH JANUARY 20, 1844 MISSING