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Carolina Watchman, 1837, July-December
TERMS. + % t col oT ee Phe Warctwss inc th Gc ont \ Dollies a boitey ' d ant If t : ‘ | { Ww t t Va. Ne base ti | fou t 1 es ') t : ‘ thay u \ : t co ' Sy l aoe » \ . b> ‘ ; ‘ / spe n re i: C \ Dic cne M / ' Tevaneel mean ed ; { { TE Lat emmy ee Tomar eae , \ "4 1 Vea orsixy month cee . \ OL ace feta!) a ‘houth for each n ; i iviles ros the form ‘ i | a; (ee, : eee —_—_ ~ PH, & TRY » % H8 Ys aya ie ELE tee N B tN per loa l Witt 1 LIT ee} ee Voate ped ‘ Sets 5 Cotton vies mn yd \ Vitve perio fe a 1s tems elon aa ls Cotlai yara, tt mn Do | Shs 4 ONS fonaciy ye foour peal $68 7) Wireat yoo ‘ bed Ue ee bee ei, Cay, yu rth | Peper ty Out = AGL Fy Si PA VouGtnsy sa raree io) ay ral De cs, Bert pie pa ; wt ‘ B iy Ca ae Sie , ; Oo 1 ' ' : eC, ' en > | le? le; he 1 ty WL eee ea ‘ oot Pes i ~ " ZL ehs Vou Der a wot st p ~1 OU w 31 ( i ul \ nie: ‘ yl 1 » cued Wek er St eth SS ta: todo a 30 cts I, Uiiceet Bi e i th ge Ge ah ' ce Resear : : eee! ' Is ren i pu ie i os 5 adh i St et my wt See) ae 1 r eh are V lis te, =f ele toy OM Oe tr «rd fey eit ea Pitas yet hae rd Dalles opie tbe ay ta Nive Tete at iat ote [ho er YD 2 TIN peo eo eS et eeerety ny yoke to 1d ar ie BL eee boa BPP yt ta Ny idee ee Mv evel CMD Game cael ames por 112 me lenelin 1 | <1 sya 1 u Ia peda sl It ) » recor i: eile PSS ee Lge i n Yee Pas Do Apel Gay uu i pot VON SCS ernie 7 ( Ce a On Hope [eran eLprbh ss G04 OD bay +, ribad vu OC sri pruush 1a OO), be ; CoM ‘ Bisse eid (et UPAR N eee (es eS Pe itish OU a 75, Site ord 74 caleleeet 2034 Wheat pr ust 3700.0 Wy abs pee 95. Bceswas 20 Gt) s ame PGOCLAM CHION. by the Guvrrnor of \ arty: : $200 REWARD. JY ewes i has ; on ( y : the verdict of , ' Tete Ney Ios 1S fs WAN Terry ne, ‘eines . ' George Wo ¢ mun, they “Late 4 Pe SSA Glial wt aay veh Oley ide were, : t wd that toe said Geuige WC Ny 4 mone he 1 Nab ja itee ‘ Now CSU Grr inne mets Georie TOUT day be Vet (liar eth rg tit . : viny Miation, oferiing areward afin Wed DS SVR Sets ware ares Ky) a Mal apyys Pad confine bia or the qa: BS ty CuiPot Martin conniy say Ni Wet fey ey FOB a Miccte, om lies ; a 4 r Dey rath lige State, Mans in TMLee Pee et eCAUSHMtmba t Tea een Pia itives CAVE Tretia whan ease Gere ha wt ihe iat Sal FS rth Cor aa fete atthe | ' Ralemh, this 261 VW May, A. li 153% LON ST Ty sa TOPIMERIC Warr p, 22S " ‘, uy ( r Is oat 1 Meee | “bes ftgh this eer stitution, cu \ Tass Vedas Shert a \ 14 ie ewliat (Enea) = 0 dvb, a Vente ean WT ESTA BLISIDLEN £ Or r ’ ° ge THE JOURN AL OPMECE: Y 4 ‘ 4 PORS ALE, ( NIL Mtnet vomit Leste ee Cnr ie Ser IS ve ON la ery Ne tt duties com ' ' rea PU 1oF 6ale tie : vt vst Not Carohoa Journal Of ‘ : ea Fhond in doo, newspa ine p@. Che Tistot suuserihers 1s ele g Try ercot hot mitghtbe great \ ete erie) 1 any per \ Thorn tthe basmess it ta flo any in this State, tat Ips j (hey hnow of no givestinenct money that would yreld him Ole hiarn HYBARD © STRANGE i he 2Uth May 1897 ————————s —_—_—=—=—_— — —— - ©, SATURDA Y, JULY | 1837. only commenced certain tha lore the latter 1 35, when he Wallon, tuanecwer thing to (ie aug PRY5 the vo lon ish the Every hic fy I Pre Pussige 4 nts, but in the ead tae thai ware. ‘ * 43 Ole £rou id however, Upon aii Writer of these didex- hea: deleiee of Gy Bathe ft hought io other aid lots h ting aere "MG omal Curre Hey traced ta, and brave Kentlean a “ on the measure ‘Ty to be aserthed to 4! © Bad of ihe Cou extended her loans n of dollars, between N the country had Just or iLuv fog fram we rb lodd, when “aceasioned hy posttes, aad July pe ferons aad sudsen ATeMaVal ad the Was an afPur ay stole tor the mis IU al Ue Sey te | voeaht menus, »} issues, tempted! ands er UT OD Miata. I ul ding, Overeoankiy It | (rener il Jiek —— iuvulving a sense of s WN his paper of TH Ayril, wees 4 Seiise af banks for the Nieuisel Ss. SS and 1836, lover ‘Yowell the amount of f retgN dinparis and PhO Sueh consent ils lor those t tracing and specul Ml ytedidin Cli jwarifest trem t Tala iChsau’s folly gethack to the thee HI for the putchaee ar whieh with the faci 4 travelMarmayorcimeuntade ond that such an Operation stoned the other banks t about PT Sie al SV ictane, & of remark that the qa deed and thirt cuuld not pogsil'y | nobody cumplaiied of an caccas uf mo ey —— t, whatever cre 8've General Jackson for will never accuse hin of Is he Having thus disposed of the General's fi neocial abortions, And constitutional there I will now show that ‘the Currency, of which he has been in pursuit ree thy. 9 Jaci i ick o ISSO which lantern, a Wall o> “HOU more easy to exteh, dats prototy Wisp, Pes tn the bogs of Ireland a Pisladelphia knows that Stream of water, Winch the flood strom the Dialaw Ty tex the Ereat {7 ude br bay, on its vwards, after fidinw he crevks Corey whi PS OUUS scr: ate] Vides iter fat ihe Vo Nrouth “at the Sy ah ', part ascending USten die tie pele. Wy ot Pautacelphis paced be- tween tue two Fives, 13 approie hed by » and nohody ever A taoh tide in the Cat there Is ES cere. puny? of i #00 two sides one CIV Cr at a low trite mothe a erre as from theewe! known ilvoeates of law ‘Ni Coby which water fads pre fey Hiaise Ch aed to, Cis thatthe by wiht al al PENS it 30Y piven tune ds the et Saye t Would even bo trae othe ihe oF i. sere ty become shallow by de- EO [hire ts SOUS OMIT Coen ta t tor "ys Meh water would Gol as- tS meatatiyaleent ) Tore vet level Correspouding Bh Mae WEP cele hes Delaware would be pre- x ane ‘ppos thal, by the yradual oper OTC GUSCS aieiti cit a the bed should be so Falscd that Hie | where the water used to be twenty fat Jeep : ’ HG Ue thought of the inan who Nould pronose torn store the oid id depth by What ow OCR Wa teckunttisteam Chines Le ceeromr iis Schny lilt, aud SIMS ll oe A) aso yeny hubody eum i CRY thew ater Was nol deep enough \ (he pot poses of Havivahou? ‘here ovo the land who could i "Hat the attempt would be CUM. \ ", for witheuat, if suftien neat Isine, Uses ied i wean be PoSsi~ vs On Vest mete ome (rian (th the 7 ‘he uatival bevel, toy vad ) Powould suucde uy ade tite! Tors UWA tone] or eG ‘Nv ‘ono the eo Ge ole iin, | j Kirow ledge fa { Ouid tit Tee heresy (3 ie ! met 1! ete tea wot } \ 5 ) Uy Tien! 1 ( ibou ' r htaied ' ret MES Awicg at e i ' leer tastead cf d deeochiuia thy | | ‘ | : ' Se eer ayes eee i FELICE AS Enc t a4 tere ob Vbewi toy j TUT TUNES, gtr Cant jens Ciptva@rlation red over ¢ fee of t Vide? leit Lest hal bef TEU Fad ee veuld: trad at, s f ud qth | mab Og fey | . at ee ECCI Ey ny mechan ek (oe ie i} F j Site to receive, ai tie giueral chee aan tas ly Cr Gi Wate ta j I Ut . aT [Op cle ‘ 1, outing tele ‘ cia Cy bit ‘ ‘ cl | al tan aa ax of rat « 1 nyt { ; " tO Countiy wi 14 1 yo toyune Care cay ¢ yee , ‘ it | ttetra tty = “ Ce Fey et © t' e oi . ' il m4 “ ‘ { ' i ' a ) \ { My yee (re faye 4 ‘ ! Wile is ' ' toon cer ticit ; »ottye ei t or Ere rf ' i my { Is belt to th ° ite vl rye tyeasy cr ly ou Te tie distretiatp oe | awOtiiiis ftom ¢ UCT Vm timaseiGrett a ‘ ‘ as ' I me 1 { ne fot) wren VAs \ 1 r pre Setiieety isd ( tert Ti t2 1 silve i [ons owen cn wo ft ) Ee Ct i i t ) hy F ‘ ‘ Lowa one SCM that Tha if i jr te Mae Bini * Sihat a uetieflan the (1 ' n . ‘ Of biohk. wy « Mott ‘ ! Pre than WN td ody Jape \ rh .. H pa Viariy wie he Vv ‘ Utena ek ative { ‘ aie Tei im) t tore i [oper " ey, from a bad pone Uiiieds tpared with » tye tie river (eal; & OD Whaien io Glinthisien pave he deott toa ly yt body at ws 5 Pepa etoueh tor taal Wav gat Tne Deiswe Manger rverthan troy he S yhil, may te wpared ta Pidrope, bl Wit the quantity og Such Pteater than itive bouited Sy Geueral Jaekson is the EeSar rool wdiay an cote hes ty PN ATOT ING Ny they rye tieniieAiisl Oo for tees 4 SO Pups located ca buylasd aad France. Efe ' )INCTOASE haa succeeded tor tha moment in Ineroasing t tha feptt of the water five fert. wh thy my th H Taliotof the curr Poitd Ly hig Cet ge the bed Gl tis rivar Has Geri 4 Sedat Ny Phe levet ofthe my ' i fs placed fitteen featabav \ (hat t the Delaware by GeeUty t ve three feet Pertiaps, below 6 ley rv the loss ot water The | “ hog COUAITY Is naw uaderg FS) w LUE ‘ Walter returning Wits nafajul boy A dit posterity may ! the peu; tailitary skill, they Ses u having been a fi- wilt Wharves and Store best brother Oita ty he General Atlerapl, Mot exalted ang eaduting gid TP who bart play od bie bo Nhe reach of ven OWES tor ag todos, 218 amere tonis fa- | tok Irope, which Me tlte a matter Of ie avail mveeltat i epPperuoity which yoar kind MOVETAten affords ay Corn trom Mexteo in bave UP led the than onecat | bul tine will not Poortuetion of Che hour 14g \ it rt ithe tig, : 2 OY vt Petrus 4 come il Mitel ane il tan Ms which have | Near sath of bin someth Orrived yy » With forty thousand | bw Baca river Nou of the brave comaittled by two or Urea deceased hid jut gi Vtisenpdine COSTER CUE ty et ligs bunt lacer end of LU Calera Ue serpoot, hou N. York, By ere a ittly des out ot dollar to attested ab New eu loot the Uatted sa Chis ts tet prot TO the Generay's ‘humble UCOnsE CUT nEY by che an taGuut oy tine Whole oath whieh wo Shomd never font t faust Peane as at the Peowards ag Cu, SCT lea efi in th ene ee LNUAN POLITICS) ’ lamar, Vice Pre- oto the NO pProvistor SOM MM ice ew iChat leon is Wolo Wastin S lice tonkend ther tet, to some Mexican "1, Consal of tha My Vase funds at "tur dstant when the mixed: n'y by far mote fre + Northern ag ees CodTp ‘ecu pire, apd ‘es Hudtreda of tor ady exploring ihe treaite. ape sad RioBrave, aod ‘re New Orleg i the same object. ‘° port the day b+ fure yettordg ‘ory high salanyes 5nd finally, Up thee OW Wed i Uiers devo HOA SMV eCet Mellen lot bene Hod bella oan the theld a soiened the i woiherr fossa; but, a a tubber, New York S120 varia coe Prolesstons, euote feat, with an a ion UNTesisting te that werkt for cue | 4 ractily OF tibalerdars tdool reuile acd. seambout MAGEE was capsized in th Chio river by # tornado on ‘Tuesday affernoon, @ short distance above Portsmouth, and that were dhowned viz: & Me. Habbard from Obie the «alin boy, Dutch,) and a colored woman There were twenty Passengers om bowid. vad tuo Ipedey you tato bonds, and then his cheing ; but this feollocvs ag 2 man will nor deliberately 'S 4 price (60 Me pay ‘The ‘Tid gene ig low uesece, and jt only te slice to the Memory ot those been sactitived ts his feroct'y ‘To mall ieoret that [ cannot iv py as PAsKing tribute te Virtues he task would be 4 pleas- Pret at now My Yo fo return to he boswm of my MY, froin whew | Have se long Aether with re other cons dera- » UTYe@ ne OR my Journey » pleasure whieh other "OVE Th & aoctal repust BETES SON the mids of “vent acd distress, are willing MMOS OTe ther sy Wpa- teed nd imues | ved country peettalty, MIRABREAU B LAMAR. TEXAS nee Tat Cy, Se ul the Conner & B rqutrer }] New Ones Ass, June 6, 1837, eu i ctroulation ree Hoe ndination af dis ‘Leaxian anny foone tion Ain Be the Possenvers ETO AY Prous Mae "Serea, were (flicery, @ CC thin tha oe Mp oon Puey wry CO ee eg SSARSINA Ole Vea Way ot Inulated vi hOtbeens, 1CooNueient fur a 2 AOU reed en and Oy (acnesal Canina uo, aud uso tags ot J iro MOTTE Omar MeN vn (9) fer the thea ane lavas EN ord a liaeery Wovusse! Garena, ff Wisda Weibel Westwy J > oe CCS Tete tre n! ly es ee Pearly Seen ey Ved + 1 porluniry WV Geeta ff Dovatioe Wiey asic Pyare ' A STU Ea Neat \ ie erec yin even ta Posvbers at 1] ties 4 1 Wed leiy trased, ihe Leen ac eet seat to 1 | ' I. Velen. and ty i ' « eC eet iio t ! VE, ! thede eit TEGO Dt Tey tges ofat they Vy Cheldes, they hay 1 he Fated (01 Cooueral Se SEC Cus Men rere lem Citerian ( WI, OFT ALuy. a PSUR Ge eR iatiit in WW socd toexnet ot them pra- telease trou coy Licuent » Manes ihe up aris a- Peosuaay cared for such sud all lis ciicors. But i howe- toauthornty, that ng mien whatever Was required V3, Whose trave Miva CX Penses (oe Were parthy defrayed by the Pex peeatahaine of the Mexican has been wade ¢,, re prvovers, daly expeced at from Vex, erty pay their | as- Del awn ALUN ON pense of (J, SAW) port; “an Repub! N18 disposal Y, Persist in eallin ethe "Texians Tanately tor (hae Beautiful coun- syn hy tivured by Nature vot Jidian, Muyrish, ccbit it, muad make ent, and enterprid Syanioh’ * k ag ay i tairiegof the Miesbetb ot Wes Tecdnd' thin. oy ‘hich satled tpmN + back, bannd omeOrt ; tothe mexing rv +) land Ber cargo, ft appears “ston Lousé system “hag under: change jn Mexico, Y "Wy thatall the far, ¢ ° been removed, te new ones wores have bear adup wo vossthl contraband t chants at Pampieg ‘the Bustamen te at 80 los Bo ‘'riieular, a8 , ; Weal easy Mississippi 4 Jd . Pays vthe Bi rwh about t ba OO tom vbutlatoa has von termed of linen, coated from the tuetory ot the Puere is nota macuine, which (1 isthe capaect- (he Aloe , usvenosive a *, Ulias Ube Capacity to fred houeg, © ssury to inflate - es pounds of zingp Cis ivsati, June 3. Steam, GU veil {—We euthentic wource that tae f ‘The tornado is re— is being of unus ivy bottom Uupw rn * ” v ew But they were pressed upon and driven. back by From the Notional | invetiog, wad alinough, Pdid got attend it, democratic party throughout the Union, | dignativa is pervading the minds of ie whole oe . ( : “ithe / é inistra- | Jap,rsve thea, as } donow, of its object, when | say, | believe they veither expect or, Cummunity pere, againat the present 9 pve aan Jessie any such thiog.—What, thea, do) tor of tue country ; and | hope it wi grow aich wos very duferoat frou that repre: | ie answer uu more, deeper and strocyer until an insulted and injur gente tia the Post. The Object was wot to they expect and desire! toere ia indeh danse (hotthe paeonvenience provide means for coining at the mint; take 1} causes uf the for hours. ‘I'he origin van only be correctly as— certuined by a judicial inquiry. Is appears chat Engine 20 had returned from the fire, (Mr. Par ker’s barn in Roxbury, ) ¢o their engine- louse ance, about three hours after the cummencewent of the affray, the battle was over, and those who were engaged in the destruction of pruperty | quickly desisted. From the New York Evening Star, ure 19. By the packet ship Independence, Caprain | Nye, we have full files to the 24th uliumo, anda arated. present difficulties in our manetary | piles,§-c. ‘Ihe bells rang for fire and a prodigious sry bar neelly, encour — J F bled. . 2 ‘ : om \ concourse of people had agen » from the toler ‘DT % we , ay U 3, also, is the honor due | branches of Congress. | trast, however, eee iprees anc every kind uf inesile wong throwa | their Bree Be ees Bg disadvan EDITOR'S COkRKESE ONDENC p ae tem. To the » 6180, he present sdininistration . itbi dao | veoing streets and alleys, aaa ‘ SS ADGES LE ITER. oe hen Gret applied the systew of steam ret eda ei avuid the ulfraism of the | from the windows vy the ae Seat lage, ad regardless of life aud — limb, driving ‘New York, June 1g SENA LOS VAuIA . eae The effects on the general de and will be such as to promote the great & | attack Way wise ipa ili — ae gerious | them back, slep by slep, sumetimes retreating The news from Furips tas been the A : = / Express introduces the | navig are. nsi- y. 1 need not | out, The affair began w ‘ ; he Trishimen rallied, or their amrunition | : iby ork EX ve been as se e airy. when the of general controversy ts da rep The New ¥ : prosperity of the nation ba Le Ue core cane een wy best | aspect indeed, as wany were serivusly igjuied, fed, out always regaining their van.) @ y y Bret ‘ euch was , ) z u a . , Jetter with the following comment: bly felt in the one case as in the other, 00d | gay tigi iu the support of — and the excilement increased every moment, A | was nee iia her lavier wareineen (nia fost tte Poe WHE NEVE WHR We diay, , etter ; : at this da recommend an faculties w.il be exerted, , were emmtered, and every thing lage ground, u : ero ceived. Koglaud Seems to have reached ' York Daily Express. he who shou namber uf hoases d the corner ut ' From the New Yor y baodonment of our credit system Respectfully youre within threwa into the streets. ‘Ihe scene was | Broad street, es ; ; treet, near Gibb's | Pulat where We were belore tha New York bak é 2 T — eotire abaodo . ; . . Jetreet. A huuse ta Purchase street, snded specie payiwents, D ‘ oes Tue U. 3. SENS on a l Peiisnca for a sole and exclusive metalic eee N. P. TALLMADGE. one of the greates! paehonhet and the eae | fie where several frishimen had taken reluge, | Eee aes opines Ae i . Pleruing. - letter ae ComAtU Le gd lese visionary than be began to be more general, as it was curren : les were thrown, was at | , ae Y Prodan nut vaimportan | Id be deemed no lese y Se : and whence some missiles : (that the Bank of Enylaad will bec . vos | wou NT» mbes of lives bad been lust vn . H e u MN pelle , nineut place in Owr colug a Penn ‘ yo 17 repurted thata ou ae 1 uws brokea ; but the princi , : dy ae t iaeaten —aati-humbug, who should attempt to substitute ‘a hee peciidruarabe « Experi- bos sides. tacked, and tls winduws “ el eee on ae the | Suspend spret pry iments Ainong all ithe ae ae tu-day. It is anti ; kably steaight- | sylvania waggon for a locommotive or a c | The dreadful catastrophe of the PN | ‘Le Mayor and city officers were present, and | psl work of desiruciiun was { street, and the C88 of discussion in the Euglish press, , in \V anti experimental, and remarka i i if ng! packet, or should endeavor to stem the jiment, w which Provider t Van Buren, thes Ing did ey thing iu their powerto arrest the dog | juuctiua vf tury street with Broad street, taulitode of G inaerciid letters received Whig fi ] if alimadge Oy : [e8- : : 5 y a ' ‘ ae forward for a Van Baron mar i ove be |resistiless current of the Mississippi in a flat |. lo the footeteps” of bis ne ait ieee “leaders, and put af end two the dilticulties, but umediate vic a boys and loafera, who had | CMY from Moghiod, desis oot hinted at lhe s when (he Suaate assembles, will a : her ited Ob use splendid palaces which sor,’ adheres with the must ubefinate ers i i. likey met with poor suocess, aud sume of them | A gaug ot stuu v3 ; i aie ie day of the depurtuce of the ladependens,. . S t The senators from a Shall | is peuduc'ag a great and iunportant change | ‘e bell then) followed the Gremen, al such a dis . on the 24h of May, and between the I8:} Lore eae sae Pacsy | move majestically On its waters ee ear weg } ter where | Were seriously injured. Vhe ee tected from the dangers, and . i en ft / f Misstas:pj1,—the sen- | now ae {public seatimentio slinust every quar \ \ nalledvout. j they gaiyht be protected fri : ‘ hth there bad beea oo arrival from the il We Loutsiana, Walker o t ve, then, Mc President, check this tide o we I m | tolled, and the militia calle . ; , : TATA IG) GmIsGIICh) Ol O:Led lve 1 jeugh to leave ruo d k cull; at the game tine participate in State Liverpool, and conseguir tl I : ' 18, ONS oF pechops both of | we, ’ : thers was Van Burenisin e is : anes were formed ath anru : nee lates a 1 | . quently the | ~ < ators from ern Wraa e ee EnV al prosperity, by the intraductian of new and fur anendineot Ai the Nomth, South, wWest, | r i Saale : the Lancers, a cuupany | the affray atiacked the Tish houses tn the tear of Awerican dates Kugland tom the bo! GILE the senators ol I i. a humbuyger untied schemes ? Shall we not be content , aod ia owfeown State, the revolution is progres- ae ee the Mayut aad a lange | Wie scene uf comual, tearing Ww pieces ae a States were cared out by the prehet niitp N i. count h s} Ng ' . : } : 5 jl q ‘ ; Shir ‘ i ; : ; and Sooth West, the 4 aa nem pees with the necessaries, the comforts. the con (Niiifes=in avute sections more:tapiuly than/ethers, body f citizens thay proceeded duwn State | stroying every thing wantonly and recklessly Aimenica, which lett New Work un the Scone : We enuf nis colleague, the worthy bat he t feat ‘niences, and the luxunes of life, which | uc in all sterdily and firmly, We will not be SE : ee ihaimucte (engit enen They | Phe housis were sackett, their ole ioe Nsw, ed arieed Un the lou, “pie Sane r e , exCce are ip vad BL whe / i y deinolished < Gales: = S > oe Bt b Me are so widely diffused throughout this whole | surprised il many of the late cular led a paral mi very lite djticulty, end ihus at) inte the etreets, and every ting deuinilished as tera saved 3 ays prot ty the suspeisi nuts. at Jeagued in principle and vaiterest er u uutry? Shall we attempt to overthrow, | Cungress stall be found, at the ak of that | Pee dispersed the people, who were etill | speedily as possible. Beds, eae cea eg) On cee a Superi oat towith bin uUeT EO Me. 4 September even, decidedly in the oppy- | een cies . j trunks, apd the contents uf two oor three sta : Py r. uf Palioadge, and wiil act wit Jd destrov a system which has | bedy ia Septem ‘ engaged iu destroying furniture only, us the , , and al @ es from this country Ne elect of i iy U8 Ault brog svbout subvert ant ee) es te We understand that Dr. Muntgouery engag us ea a groceries gear by, Were stiewed about, and a ee we Tec ae en TEN SEED Cl) ee me : ’ the co vaury, produced all thesy blessinge? which has | ie diac ig already changing his tone, de- ‘lrishurea had sume time before ceased esis ranehcuare person seemned engaged iu desteoytug 7 aoe i A et a 0s ile ue nous weusires of vast lnportince 10 : ; ners be door of |” c tance. . ; : atte DD) UN) TRUCOS ES tb) 0 see OY the eon * the Whisrs dre wie iS neon wall roar, brought happiness and Bienty we t elaring pene approved ae eels of [iis said thata large number have been ve- pepe eas Cults age sel | ~ cia Wwerela! lubeligenee published from the Ba A e Se : Hoeut loose from bin ond every man? and that, too, for the purpose ot iy are Es ie eee adage oe: / Hyamilrediouabo Rend ae amelie tearomiciniiicnacca nim terinc te ommC Temcn arom iy gush iow ale New York Papers ut vagy a to the aud tie party wi ey is ae : Cuan lopuing someot the exploded doctrines of cauyily of a uational bank uf sume sort ; and the Ty ee Phis aes Jragzed oul setrounded, cod beaten ui roitul y ee Mut Van B eee , look or ‘ z . as since . : s every [rane a é the Globe elan, ch e ’ winder the political economists of Europe ? Sit, Duetor, we presume, whatever else may be said er Tones Sears, an active mémber of the | with clubs and sticks. ih reevery thing was ‘The news from Europe bas had less ete a eee ee - el ply the) of him, isa pretty close observer of tbe * sigos Olen : - / and Mr. {in the hacdsof the mob ‘Phe omy redeeming Toca rece ‘ t : vert th : Han ex orseven Connecticut by you might as well attempt to apply ’ "The full xtract from a let. departineut, was among the wounded, aud Mr hich Was discernible amoung then, was [le Stock market than was to be Ve Decrantiess ee ee f Our comaon liw of England, which was bora the tines, eee J Jane Shernitf Summer was twice thrown down, aad | spirit which was disce omen and children, (te Coited States Bank sold for 106 Qs Sa a bank tha way, turgivbiog ons if aot two. ar “ae to the waters ler from onr correspondent in Anson, dated Jane AG a their conduct towards the women aod ch dren, urday it brought 107 and 1074 Ginn - Beil or Silas Wiig it, drtits about acconting ; aud vurtured on (he “Uhames, to ; tiy | 3d. may be tglied on not only as representing considera ; ae Noer {Irishmen were arres- | Who were led vut unmolested; ao one offering Nae cualion ea , kochg som e 1 3 } ‘ ’ 5 ' 2 2 3 . . lo eligawsstiicrs: at present, however, belug in this western world, aad i a ine ny | the true state of feeling in that county, but also ; - tar ete ae ny cuiseyel Gs Laval | ihenihaninmorsined| MD Orchace eee the i ' net ; prepari oo ; land seas, comprired with which, the boas- in other parts of North Carolina : eee v foot of Washingtua avenue, was covered with ve city is dull, dull, dull,and sad, sad, sed, herev oto Deiltous Kite, TEA BOBS, ; p ; ee , ain, . ‘ where Bbees ted streams and lakes of Europe dwindle | “Tn tintfation of the bauks of the country, 1 5! ok ; v thing was | feathers, emptied frum the beds, apparently sev- ‘The faces of men, women, and childien are PovciKegrsie, June 6th, 1937. { Wg an! poads beside them. Yes, have suspeuded specie payments, and have ac- Al eae last te a th the | eral inches in depth. A miscellaneous lovking long, and dreary to look upon. Basiness, if ; people Ioto Fits ‘ ° ( 4 a eCliVe of mullua, with | : i y see To the Ciuor of the Argus aeny vay, into Which, 4 the cordingly taken the liarty to send you rag mu. “viet. An effec Z s ule | peraonage, with eebroken wheel bartuw, was en | worse, is no better, and every body seems 1 gti they co Te the cior of the Argus, these vast inlund seas, e'y y s . saucers, Were Ou servicea part of the whule | pe 8 : of the | in spirit at the hard times f d ruished senator of my | ney, wich bh ‘pe will answer, since the miyity : | of the riot. | gaged io trundling brick bats trom one the | ta sp . or‘a N Z I have just seen the comments laugaage of a distingnishe: eee : 1, vl last night, tu prevent any renewal of the riot. gaat ma Hed ; : , ; svar st aa) g ; lute, you might cast the whole laud of experiment bas so signally tailed. Beatou's ° huuses, the chiinney of which ha n palle No intelligence frum the North or Fast. lhe that thi of the New Yerk bveaing Post on the own state, y | Sh yut producing a rip: mint drops are as searce ay ‘hen's teeth’ with From the Boston Advocate. down, to the scene of action, ‘Ihe contest on! PF oadun packet sails to morrow, and rumuy Sus i ti tog etd at Poughkeepsie, in relation the common law, withe He : | manda lus. ‘They have disappeared like the early dew, | 4 ienda the part of the Irishmea soun clogad. Most of | will take out sume thousands pn specie. i the Ker . my . o . . ’ tl ia) be | 2 ~ (De vssre of ginal bills by the banks, and ple. Sur, Tbe lewe | spea Og : u ee : | and we, With the rest of the country, are lefi to | A eee a mee uo foeates ee those who attempted, t) keep up the fight were | fulfilled, Tovy to correct, throagh the columns of the imous seatiment of ny politica | euch | Mura ever the calamity occasioned by one of Se eed oa se ned Lraaeteee seized by the fireme and others, and conveyed FROM EUROPE. nae) Arg. (he errors tuto winch the Post lis this ecnate, when | aay they intead 20 f ee the Most miserable Aumbugs that ever eluded ae ms yet kep me te fipiamr and uml jail. When the Inititary made thetr appear re lag ’ reat hing. Poeheve Pspeak the sentiment of the auy people. A mighty and deep carrent of in-\ aud their environs ina slate ul fallen. [kts icue, Pergned the notice for a tinny | | rency Le given thi led ly shall rive ia the majesty of -their in Kast street, An Irish funeral procession was No ae ue ee iene j letter frum our Liverpwul correspondent, which Party: w J peuple stal s “ . 10 = od. 7s : . ; . a . reveal the taw prohibiting the circulation of wor no less, than every real friend to his | a gay tu * the powers ny ee nu lun | passing, aad suiue cullisiva arose between caus aan uf Hook a Ladder. Company Nu. 2, was wu etic a rade and the eae le candidate moat bills, but to suspend its operation couctry is willing to adopt, Qumely, a pre ger shalt thou * reign in Israel!” jvtthe firemen. A fight ouainetced, 4nd he severely wounded, but is expected to. recuv | ket ool Nave epressed; cotton was suil talucy, gomery, daring toe susvenston of Specie poyments servation, and at the same time, 4 regulation Raleigh Star. /eugiuemen wefe driven into their huuse. a aa ; ; the manuficturing districts were dull, and tie ialavorne weeeus of the earliest advocates fora of the credit system, In all such awasures ; oe enue bell was suey soe Sree ee We heard it mentioned, as a similar instance | Bank of Wiglandlcontinued uldelterie i een tyr ° ee Steg oC the sinall tins, and | belicve of refogn twill go as far as he who goes | Commercial ELmbarrassments.— A sensible aud the a eee yenera fe was ee eated | Of the pognacity of the Irish who were engaged | expediency of granting further relict iv Amen. a a prety ; bg es 1 . Preserve and regulate, but not de | aod well written Address from Gen. Hawiron with jucreasing fury, the rishmen retr in the ruw, that three of them, who had beea | . his & (os ocasire recommended by the Pougl-— farthest. : . eé) of South Carolina tw Mr. Bippie, President ot trom the foot of Summer and Sea streets down cousigned 10 the same cell ua Suuday evening, | C49 houses, thee na © heeusse mecting 13 Che surest meaus of pre- strov, is my Molo. ku ares ‘| . ee Bren Cinedas tine Bunk, on this subject, appears tu B-uad street. Stones, brick bats, and clubs, having nv Yankees to contend with, got tu fight From our Liverpool Correspondent. raat serving that law —- Without tts Suspension basis; tatroduce, ag tic as practical G & yok Cr enn Mercury of the 16th Lust. It were flying in all directivas, the parties ee ing Giving theuisalves if jail, and had to be 8H) } LIVERPOOL, May 14 wards this eunog (he aagpension of xpecie payuiruts, currency, by the prohibition of small nutes, tabes a tmauly and Siatesmanlike view of the acined themselves with sticks fromthe woud- . ‘ a, May 24. ple bewar _ DANGEROUS ILLNESS OF THE KING Pico lolbe fet ty che woole caumeuity forthe want all proper measures to prevent excessive is- | concerns, and sugyests, as a Teiedy, @ compro- ; cub collected, invst of hein, however QPHCD Syste BAD NWS FROM FLORIDA. The King had avery severe attack vf asih- facile | of enstichavnge. will beget a very strony guesof Dink paper, and the unnecessary in { Wise between the puvccales ofa metalic Cn aes 7 ’ HAV ORURMARTRS Tee OIE ___ maon Sunday, which orevented tis usual atten ys fochog in (he pudie und ozs the flaw crease of bank Incorporatious 5 tepeal your | cy and the supporters uf the U. States Bank, to Fobably not more thana hundred pers c vaell, which mary be carcied legisiataurea. and c4ee of a sitpent%ug of it J may Misjudye ta ints matter, but Panewthis to bethe deliber- | be found in the abuse of the systein. and not Fi y ‘ . eet! mito the Wert cesiraining laws, 80 ay bo permit the free | de effected by an acnendinent of the Constitution. ane gl a totel repeal vasteda employment aad investmenatcf foreign part in the affray. Several of the taush were ful | luwed ints thew houses, fiuim’ Which the farni ture was thrown, the beds ripped up, and other damage dune, which unturtunately falls upon the cap- | Huis that the proposed amendinent | shontd grant to Congress the authority to incor: f Lve ; 2 1 v, is to eo = Whatever danger there may be, is | porate a Bank of the United Slates, with such uf opiolon thal, It wasonly yesterday that we congratulated ourselves upon being able to say, from the most respectable authority, under date of Tampa Bay, May 24, thatthe Ludians were rapidly coming | dance at Church. [tis sow reported, all but officially, that he cannot attend in London, this day, to preside at the grand dinner in honor the Princess Victoria. Sir Henry Haltord iss principles U.S. Ban cal machi ' : in, and woufd no doubt all vnigrate iu the course | heen m constant attendance. ‘The report by ing they mear : X j Hettations against the abuse of power as experi- | women. A great number of DESUT Swe (emma) ay ae BCnnier morning's paper is, * His Majesty. is beer? The Ale epinion of winy of (he war nest friends io its existence. Gaurd agaist these abus- | oye May have sussested ; and which vught to | jared, und several serivusly, it nut fatally hurt. Our fear, however, expressed only a few daya The Queen's health is slowly mending, Sie en ofthe orginal passige ob thatacts aad that eg aud correct them when discovered An} prohitt the Government fiom holding more | On the other hand, lrishaea were beaten, who before, ofa different termination of the EXtsting | had it seems, placed herself under some if wes people of | the mode rece umended by the meeting was entre abandonment of the credit system, & | than one eigih of tie stuck, and from aa | pee avy co bere Ea ees = ae Suspense on the subject, we already learn, were opathic quack, who nearly billed her. will cons deemed ¢ @ cs. Wess ty preserve the law, | a returnto a sole aad exclusive motalic cure | Be aie ne ee a es ees Mevoror 2 vee re ae : ue more prophetic than the wishes uf ite respecta - I am sorry to say that things are growing Whether q end to gve tiibethot tats provisions oat reney, if at were practicuble, would produce power : 7 ae u UE CLO cee. Se Te, nue ne ul ie 7‘ nan pe i “| ble officer upon whuse authority our yesterday's | Wirce in Liverpool. The great house of Ris eee ee evolve taueu aul dciraciun: fou Ono uss Bia e prohibited from establishing bu De Called vul, and an eud was put to the un- annunciation was made. kell, Ogden, & Co. svepended specie pryi-nis ren, Levi (he resumption of specte paym a | lua ! A re | Banks Possessing tore than a certain ammuunt of happy scene vefure sunset the firemen general— loforiation has reached the city since Satur. oe Ane tthe North America (whch Reuben M ; banks, Already thoge tueoaye nienecd are j reaity of the Union to the other, Such | capital, tobe fixed by Cunuresa, and promissory | ly vuluatarily retiring. A under of persics | 4, a i eaten eee ee ce W patel ane t ee os eae ea M. fet. and already is the coustey Hooded with ae rons Ought Het, cannot, aust not pre-| yey uta less Genouiiation thaa shall be provi- | were apprehended, A tine was formed uf the ae ‘publixtied yesterday. General Jesup has Baker te eee mn Reranny business a 28 MUch me email Gils Crow the addy ning states i can) ay ; ded by law — ; military to prevent access lo Broad gireet, the writien ty a correspondent here, under date of They area must rexpectable fin, and stellt to whore hol appreciate (hal poley which would rae | Phe dificultics under which the conntry Phe G: neral is of opinion that it would be bet- principal residence vf the Irish, aud uu further | 5.0 tnst. from ‘Tampa Bay, that a large party of inere suspension carties d.ainay into the heaiisd they let the (reds Guretreulation by 4 Souitons curred | uow Iabors, have been made, by visionary | (er lo rechurier the present Bank of the United | disturoance happened. hrecilenindaneiadmenrcrcdlthn camp of the par cy trom abtudt ioe ef yea to the (theorists, to Inpaw public confidence im our yan tu create a new Bank, as in doing % ' imereatists here. States the Commere:ati We understand that the most disgraceful part ointing th : ‘ ty assembly and willing to emigrate, and had Since my last, three other houses have gore. fmm? 3), the Baukins Cepiial will not be increased. —2 the riot yesterday, the sacking of several ty . 3 ta Ms Nee i z ’ I ee edt Owe NN credit wate, aud in intra luce mils stead) 2) 8s Back epiial will ul be Inprengad.c | ofthe re eitalt Ly ere een ae Micanopy aud Jumpo (couinonly call | pyre are Malevmson, Bell & Co. Wacere-filand Clerks, ei ; cree | fleck , Chri But he thinks the Stockholders ought to surren— | ses, breaking windows and furniture, was prinet ed Jumper.) Ault & Co, Phelps, Jumes & Co. Tu U ! We Pl CIeAGE one is ‘ cclusiv Whee Sy. o % 21hy : ae < 7 F Ve s, J8 s 2 i ee a a Ge eirency eye nS | det one halt of ts capital at par value, to be ta | pally done by thuuyhiess bys. “The eny is VheG -aeral says, nothing now remains bat | (0% - sh is i the ne of 340,000 See Buvetoy we hive fe doubt, and ter th My honest couvietions, then and wow, Ue ya ney by the Government and ther subseribers , | justly buuud to make ood this loss tu the mjured ; ae eee He wastabo Dt cena oe EL oe ws have money, fw hose 4 rton as | tbe ch Pby charging them toun-| tat Granel j | Gee 1) Yo Ue win errace Ets was ahust Phe reeultis, that almost every une is pars mt yak - ile oytstone ~le ' sth. . che , - ranche en alia ueseets : E . | ors : , Bifety of whe Fase ma pr aw catty e@ changed by ¢ Pr Mat branches of said Bank should be estavlished families : ; discharging the transports assembled at Pampa | NEM Ce iat pmancrnn (ie esmitrn words, will | tnade by our own bias Phere ae to ay | proper motives, aud Lam yet to learn that in the principal Cities, &e. Whata pity that, at a tine like this, a casual Bay for the emigration of the Seminule Indians. | > Tunid, also ma taco asieiey aa auth izing the democracy ol the state of New York I v bony aboutecrreet anda Pre per understan- ding on tts subjcet, be Proposes that the Prest- deats of the Biiks af Philade Iphia hold a meet iay,and address a Carealarto the Banks of the Street insult should Jead to a general commotion, and cause the whole cily to be put under mar:ial law, as it was tn effect last night, soldiers and horsemen being stationed at all the streets lead - (the various tradinp iowas of Dancashire, v7 Yorkshire. the resultis the samme. SVe_ hare dreadful a counts trom each place, and failurs , ace thine place alrite datly. the suspetst a ob oer pavnents foyy ie | the dine teaer qilony the pou ple to trangact treat Sadie. cau Careers country at tl Clans, and gy Ife had, of course, given up all hope of the Tacs ans keeping their taith. “They have bees pal tering with the Government Tha eutertun ditterent views from these. — At ali pevents, as long as Lam called upon to dis- charge a public duty, in regard to matters in \ 1 banks, abe ayents give lo any 8 Treaty (termed a capitulation) BF ears is ie trared (re bank ot Hngland must abanda : : : ih a , sigh: i ure and un several Commercial Cities of hye United Siates, | ing to Broad street, 1 #t ous beseech our young ‘ : (i | i fee cron P that cannot be had and whicd toes ernet which the great and vital interests of the i Hi ; ‘ Ee 5 cones naa i hie J © | been nuthing but an artifice to vain tioe LM Ca iirerarueit has bean altura tomtie cnerchiais 4 \ vale fee Eon dan a reyuiniag cach of them io appotn: its President as | men tu avoid cherishing any national predindice cruiting their stienuth at the cos: of che Govern ‘Phere is nouse da concealing the fact tat fgg eOUS power ¢ ip any way come ais 1 hot (hiv is (rae tj) country are so deep Involve: will dis Yenut eee venir: Rene : : 4 . : ; i 5 oes a . : Pau ‘ = a ’ , in any way Nis ce | 2 ey be ie acepu y, fu meetin Philitetpnia on the second ao to resort tu law rather than take it into thetr nent; an artifice which We apprehend, has been | ihe Aterican credit is. at tis lowest here. Tosi We have hea } evinced by the fact that evecie is notin on charge that daty conserentious yand fear- | Mon fay in Nieist aeat, tur diye purpose of con- | own hands, even if insulted. They owe this to but two cumpletely successful dnlumeveryecne suede edie: Anreneis d ie . a ; . 4 S ‘i Ww The Vet a¥s les 4 2 West > : culation for small chane ed cuit the ou sh ilessly, without reterence to denunetationy | fering on the aeans ot Teetitving the cutrency, | themselves and to their cvuntry. Let the sen Ne ern cn Ta ee hey Pal eierieenee anger to fib / 2 fe lea Une ) “Nera Bu 4. - . billsfrom-otler States now ton th ce trom such a qaarter. [have been too long | and ot derecauntug on ihe proper ume ol resuin, | sible (nen among our Erish citizens use their in— Since writing the above, the Express Mail ot || hae . the sword int tin diam id its stead. worst dur land tov intimately connected with the det | ULE specie pry ments stinuitaney: fluence to = ; | Meanwhile, the merchants. of Liverpect ad : ily throughout { Londen, the manufacturers of Manciest, ShemMeld, Notungham,Leicester, Se. jos ively decline making consignments wiih svcd a seanty chance uf pay iuneut, fa dotmestic matters, we have had only threa ys ees saa: events micce iny list. Phe election of Broad Keep theit couatrymen from every thing that may tend to irritation. When we do quarrel let us have something worth a brave man cunning the risk of a broken head fur. their cireutation is direct ou ce itou ol 4 E ; inthis stale, wi... Prov sos e bees strictly Observad woul ce jou of Bpogig payments by tue tints L which. ste. now siolated frou necessit, | won Freuts ‘choice. lastevening has bronuht us slips cuntaining the ! fulluowing paragraphs : Cuarveston, (S.€ ) June 16, tmecracy of the state, todoubt that the cor )feetpess of iny arotives wall be daly OU ECAR rrr cener rrt meena ame erated ty them, and af there be a diff Felce= but, as the texecutive, the Legislature and the opinion between-any portion of my fellow | Judiciary of the United St i ates have, by their ewierus and myseify dtruet Pstall be able to | acts, already coucurred tn opinton that Congress Ios the rat tuestablish a National Baul, 11 tle Deposites sirenuously d Such a taceting of the Bankers of the United | | 7 the Uoited States, | very proper Measure 5 | Leeds, | | Sa) : ‘Was insisted Information bas been received by the schooner Motion trom Jacksonville,that the Indians instead | uf having departed for ‘Pampa Bay, have taken THE RIOT .0 BOSTON, | General Jac The following account of the Riot at Boston _Jo them the yistice, whatever they may do ; , ser the public . : he plano torte maker) as M. PR. tq Pp tu the bush, Patriot. vod Cthe | separa. ead lee ie on the Tih tostant appears co have been pre var . Driduewaier, aguinst youne Sheridan who raa the hands of | Pheeditor of the Post 1s PledeCu MCT ome Homi onto mnaci oe 1tite honest and patriotic, | Would appear MMMeCeSmATY LO) postpone the arix ed with deliberation a after full inquiry ‘aud Jacksoxvitre, June 8. | eatee i 1} vi a Pv caee sete - that m tech in tho Senste ol ive Ul t to sialeter and interested inv | wusly desired remedy for re ducing to order the | ; 5 , as : P epsaty itn viss Grant dase years): i aml ‘tt this new é ¥, Spe S i fallict (Mau to gic 20 ed ino | ies ie ee i / 2 consuliaiton : Phe country is nfe with reports respecting | detis havine tiade, the evening befire les ited St bute a Race nntinie | present deranzed curre ucy, for some imontha, for Py ene Gann Vitae : one . 5 2 5 bref (nce establist : f sont ich 1 fa ee | the parpose of taking into eonsideration the ad- Bee Teeter Courier of deg mp the Aciny and tndians. (Phe General tena Haining speech eens eed! | ce ae sina , act, in. wbick Veatured some views In regard to the deposite act, which the) Visability vfamending the Constiiation which The Sunday ttivt — Owing to the numerous; ¥f the:n is taut the Seminoles ere sul tir j Tales, and Sergeant Valfourd (the author of bo Mi ithe existence ; rorrelation te our credit system, ' wos co edit roof the Post 19 pleased to term thesdis- the several Branehes of the Governinent have) aod Confhicting stories which were In circulation | Wat ; ‘et — , j having made an able speech on Priday, in i may Nek award spied iote the whig’ papers with BIGA epee ontion mi ithonviise nearct Which we are | already concluded is sufficient to cinvrace the | om Sunday evening, we fonad it inposstie tol | Lhe belief i rapilly gaining ground that the Ving the extension of copyright (literary) th os “ae 5 ea, cae es = 7 : i ‘ Q Tes - . YK t : : ” &c. Seeing those papers but sel bow enjoying. TL have nothing to add, at | ovjecta in question. sive in yesterdy’s paper a circumstancial account | [ndians will nut remove Mhuata further siiug years afier the author's death. 8 power of a 2 . ' Joe ‘ 4 5) tthe riot aud battle bet ml gic. dom, Limgs not aware how extensively Wo iresent, beyond what is contained in the | Ainongst other remedies, the General recom. | vt the ; perience LLG We are in daily expectation of a change | ministry. Karl Grey and the Duke of Ret mond have been closeted wiih the king. a the former is said to he anxious to resume «fle ‘| as Premier. ‘The Whigs are afraid that t oy Durham whois returning from Russia, wil vice the radical Whig anien, and have a tris mends that the Government shall issue ‘Treasn. sury Notes in payment ta the States, of the In- staltnents of the Surplus Revenue which fall due hetore Specie pry ments can be resumed, redeem- able at certain short periods. Raleigh Register. of one or bot Possible, this | lhis corrupting Nearer you get lensively the st FROM FLORIDA: f Fire Department and sorech to which he bas referred, and which was delivered by me on the final passage of their friends and some of | the Irish population of Broad street and its view ity. We were not Present upon the ground un ulafull hour after the battle had commenced, and found it iinpussihle tu collect from the thou- saod different versions of the origin of the affray, any two which agreed in their essentia! «5 “had been gopied or applauded by them. | 6 ways bookrer, at that time in the reyniat re- “+, Ceapt-of the Evening Post, & bdo not reco: that bil. fam walling to rest the Justifica- lect having seen that speech COMUONIOIONUSH itor my vote on the reasons there ag- columns, ans am not aware that its readers signed. | believe it'to have been one of the have ever been fivored with my vie most wise and patriotic measures which | anon | CORFIRMATION Of 1k BAD NEWS A letter received i WSO by the Express, dated Tam- that subject, to enable them to form an oO } pa Bay, June 5,18 puostished in the a 3 nore lint immed ee eee yartic Baltiinore a . 7 m. Brovsher ediate age: GRE iio biaibostos a parti oe i Monly asso eee on at his own strength against thi ee i 8 al could have been adopted, and which has ae i ae The Aetna ve lope tice tae os ; QO, | 23 htien to some frends here to say ti ily engage in . tnes 1 hearers ' a Irst distuibanee commence etwee eo aaa. Sau Ca Wed aan Why , The Cunserra pinion of the correctness of the amunadver reccived the most decided ap robation of : : : a : : Fwiil soon be in office ugain. The ret : sions of the Post’ Viiose views | believed the people, allugether it ig fe gic er From the Boston Daily 2dvertises of Monday | some members of engine company No. 20 and a a pa i. the 3, Micanepy and Sniper, with | (ve appear equally sure ofa break up in Oa their frie ’ vopgethe ' : 2 P P o < all the Indiens who y are thee Cut pes ar] ” ~ correct at the time, aud I have seen noth- Soe - re oe sont rane Peel Rivt.—We havo to record the occurrence of Pees u A Who were Waiting near; 2) the Inc s 2 Were then enranmped near SCd , “ast street to ing since to change them, but every thing to Pe eS ~ ‘ucnselves, ap Noney-favors, 4 Onecug leseeand whence a. ustens the enginemen was maltreated, and a fight | ‘eutun of emigrating, I > : pelt wouce commenced, the officers of the engine suc. | heir coverts. A dudy of about 200 Mickssukiog | Puts Phitippers uudesty has wrougl : ceeded in eallirg uff the members, and loducing | Same to their aid. aud covered their retreat, | (0 his favor, them to retire ty the house, Before they had | !tis thought by many he reached it, however, they were set upon by | Jumper went reluct Irishmen, several of the members Severely beat- | Wo, Were honest in en, and the company overpowered. An alarm | Main body neve | Ministry. arm a tuneral procession, ' which, from other causes, have been viaited | 96 of the most serious rivta that has been known upon the country. The tine inay tome | 1M our city fora great length of time. ‘There ate when I may feel myself called upon to | contradictory accounts as to the origin of the | raise My voice, onee@ nore, in defence of | d this much abused aud nisreprescnted mea- sure. yt te Ory With the in. th “ Sry oy 7 BN Ge cT ve & fi ti { decatuped and fled ty From Prance, we have little ne 1 confirin them. ave no disguise atout Iny ophnloas on this subject. [am in favor | of a well regulated credit system and op: | posed to the chimerical scheme of an ex- tmetalic currency. The following extract: from the speech which has go un: | ceremoutously recetved the censure of the gslation: wen Miculty, bat we helieve the following state- tuent may be relied on as TECt. About three o'clock yesterday afternoon, after Nolism, we may ‘xploded syst Power of bankii e that Micane; at — —___ .__ , antly and vee ae ae | Sir Rober: Kerr Porter has forwarded ‘0 Mr their professions ier cher Murray in England, from the Caraceas, a5 : i 4 < ° ‘ rhad any intention of removing, | V'@9Uly of the milk of the far-famed Pal io the main cor- clusive I) my course in regard tothe deposite act and of fire was then given, and assistance sent for | 89d that the whole of their solemn PNAaL ements, ee ec bea py cueai “e bn ie Baebes Peta ae, ADIN GS Wn ea ae the carrency bil is obnoxi vas to rebuke, f have | engine cowpany No.20 had returned from Rox. | while the funeral procession formed, and was| Which have si com, letely and eff ctually de | tte: te fermentation in dransilt. sae Politicians, | : : y : » as 1) the consolation to know thet Lam sustained in it} bury, and housed their engine, in East street, a Proceeding onwards, through Broad street | Crived the whole anny and the whole world, OTK of the bottle was withdrawn, | od Che alliance be ay the cpio which |now entertain: OV Cie almost unaninons voice of the fnends of Portiva of them proceeded to the shop of one of | The company of number nine, in proceeding | WS a Stretagem—a faithless, pertidiong scheme , © Mpaned by a loud explosive report, and Loe like tf “Ihe credit sy<tem 13 the distinguishing | (he atiministration in the Senate of the United | their mnemovra for tefreshments. Most of them | in quest of the fire, turned suddenly npon | fo gain time, recruit their Strengihh and means | Caton of carbonic acid gas In consist “that betwee feisture bers despotism and Inberty; ag} Sites, and by an overwhelming CSM YeGtatts had returned to the engine house, when Mr. the procession, near the foot of Summer, for turther bloodshed and murder” | laste, and fl wer, it resemiled thick Sol : ee Natural: The : the effeoring af tree institutions, itis touns leods in the Honse of Representatives, Ieuch | Fay, the shopkemper, fullowing on alone, en- | street, and their hose carriage whirled into the Aslipfrom the office of the Savannah | ~0mewhat balsamic. "Phe partall ae fom the very st. 10 exit, aud ats iefluenee 1s felt, ia prop 4 aC hy be denounee | ate ae itertain | countered at the corner of Kast and Broad strec: midst of it, breaking their ranks, and causing | Georgian of June 15, contains an extract | a i we : already been sutyected Wa eM Yale haman cor Hien eetuas Gans Sen Pe ORG SeUG Onis On (hese mutans squeal Alun per of trishmen, who were waiting to forin considerable confusion. This was, of course,un- | of a letter from Garey’s Ferry, of dat J j ered in it albumen, starch, morphia, ca ee , : tion Co tre Henjoy /Y ANY pecy Hoos, different from those of the small in focily | a foneral proeession. Sone difficulty occurred intentional, Butit was otherwise. re ardedat lg I ‘ y Cale June) con and Festa, Tt was extracted frum the Ue “ent tool, in the By freedoo, To not mean Wires aN oe thea politcal friends, am ata floss to know, !as he was temnpt'ng to pass through them, and | the scattered procession, the ener or whens eee says: ‘Hostilities are about to be ‘of ihe tree in October Jast. Land , UMEstratees!, nota id tooeety, bot taat Cree mew ite great prineiple of the republican party, | he was pushed off the sidewalk. ite Proceeded | immediately armed cnereelees from a woodpile | fecommenced here, | think, from all wecan | London paper _ and control it. dom whict is founded on just ond equilabi@! vateiv, that the imagority shall sovern, t3 to be | to the engine house, and another member return. | in the vicinity, ‘and commenced, with hideous learn. Micanopy and all the Indians have | “> small portion Jaws, where tte nriynts of personal Becurity, (opeeted or preserved We have fallen on evil ed wi hhin, and a fight was comme need in | shouts, an indiseriminaie attack upon the com- left Yampa Bay: SO say private letters from RAIL ROAD IM NCTEDON TE “ill be corroptec of private prope Venndinelivincgitoleratlont nes indeed, if ae denunciations are tv bes whieh the other members were engaged. One panies. Nos. 6 and 14, who arrived in the vi- there. Ger, Jesup las directed Major) ; t C han ave fits cee are guaranticd to every individual . where oe Bi Mat Le ry ae, a fo Z oe ae succeeded in separating them, and cinity of the funeral 1 nmediately after, were at Whiting, at Micanopy. to send word to the We regret to be ¢ impelled to hee burg Kas confer > ia ian ae dai tem a Kuowledge, = ae ithe sain par oy Jad Buppored thatevery tie members were proceeding to the engine. | tacked by other parts ot the procession, at about people tn the Neighborhood to leave th dent on the Richmond and Prederie a rag - Electio Heed Rane dimerence al opiion was nut a dMlerenee of prins ; hous, when a larze body ol Irishmea followed « the same time ies aineniwere beaten down, | lanterns d ae 1eIF Road, which had well nigh proved tata om he side of mor aga tne ¢ Xist Hee oF pubuc acd pnvate mo- cyte—and whist fain very aptto distrast my | them, and the euginemen, finding themselves bruised, and drives tram their engine, and ae Ly EMO Gite] 6k) (KD CEN places ny Persons. On Saturday morning last, % be th : " rality. Diese are the elements and they own Judgment, when Laee the large majority ot peeatly outnambered raised the cry of fire | eral ot them were Reveraly inj ired. ak were A letter had also beenreceived at Charles- | train wag Proceeding to the North, abant A patie string he fogetticr fora the bares of PIDIC Confidence wy politioal frienda eotertaining difforeat views Meanwinie the funeral Procession was firmed | however quickly reint reed, and a genéPal Eh | ton, from Garey’s Feiry ( date pougiven ) | miles from this Nes ison se a en such a bar on whech the credit syrtem testa Ving is) fom my own, on mittera about which we all and had proceeded ag fat as Summer street, commenced, in which the Itishinen werner which states that all the Indiang had left which haa worked loose, became wrapped : Not onl the invention of modern tines, Inthe olg lave an equal nynt to judge, still, | cannot boty when Company No. 9 cate duwn with their en ed, and were driven s'uwly, but gradually, duwn | Tampa Bay. Old Micanopy had sent the wheel of the engine and threw! \! pl ee Governments of Fairope, where libomy neve a peg A ns when f ae then a as mi jist ! oS “ as a fire, A’ seriuns Broad street , | horse borrowed from General Jesup & on track, together with a new car containins please, but whoe Po Teri) O Gite Co ae Eo, vane . - ’ : By St entire ues nity, by tie P 1 He or then 2 place between tha trea par Airush was mada hy the Trish to obtain Peemiboctowedliram Captain . ’ al passengers Che engineer hud an 4 ager successors: ON i fits oe PA STO NGI, rt is hation some of thase ) es, whieh Jastec for SOs Ot ettion rele seeainni at Parchass atreet. and attack the fire ge ken, and several ohithe passengers wer *! a ) i sujecta the late executive differed frumtha Rreat | men being considerably reimtoreead, the Irishmen, inen, by showering down atunea and brickhate BLANK W SS Oly «bruised. ‘The damage done to the ! ‘ Sto that witt hono: Uf ingturiag ead perfecting this 5 Uy of the friends of his administration in ovth retreaied iv Divad stieet, wuu in a short uae an Upyo thew, froin tuie more elevated Biluation, [Sap Greetite Ss | ead car is estimated at about @1,000 “ge, but let t »ViNce Richmond |S wencer NDOENC E wk, June 9 PQ the Hb ioe [ Fegretiy | st owe have ty 6 reached Prodan} LJ COME jf] " Koallih. si press, ., ina Caled 14 this ted at Che pendence, Wag vihe 1§ Nang Mu the Uy ted Dy the lis egy Helier a re het slip Nong the mecony Mine North 4 pecs, NU GL Ste WOTST Duns ible Cl oof a4 ipo ted, of 4 Very DYalvewenn MI ihe Eq Uf lity tot less Meer > beeu anti pa 106 On sa . ulher s: hy Ba, Sad, sai, childien ate USINess, if t EMS Wi vr g Ir Fast. Tye d roror 9u)3 Cie. Ir, June 19, ce, Captain uliimo, anda dent, which movey mar stil falc, ull, and the erale oll the fio Amen. ndert. May 24. HE KING ck of asth- usoal atten ‘d, all but oodon, this In boner wy Haltord ss Port bY ing P18 ever dita ye H nes She re PB LOKS use of Rus le pryments rica (whch voyage business ANY iter be heaitsd no a s I lave gine. W acdirg: Co. tus il 813 pars » ebb. ashire, 30 We har nd failures u8t abandia erchans tact litt ‘re, Tus Americas usulvercy. erpect aid anctiestel, en XO. ps4 Wilh suea nly threa ff Broad I. V. fq pwWhoraa FE, Bur re lust, a ' ut ¢ } ange oY of Ret King, a me iffieg EDITORIAL CONVENTION. Raleigh, Jane 19, 1387. —————= ‘and then lections. Of all the matters that ever political ry. will be an end to freedom of e-} at the Seat of Gby ave come to the Conclusion of Meeting in the City of Ralei humbuggers, Monday ia September next adinioistration: we can see j dally tavive ane eae LES 1 they have done: even if it ny connec mene fenuously insist, that they THOS. T. LEMAY. are not the authors of ths comm CAPE FEAR BANK. We take the following from Statement of the ernment ing a gli, oo the eald first » to whieh they cur. of all their brethrea | ine occurred. What then ¢ lted by the experimenters and 1 WATCHMAN.” Salisbury, July 1, 1837. of the present | very weil what | be as they sost We are authorized to announce JOHN ouon, yet | cannot be denied that they wee un vided for coming evil—they did not k how to Lavigate the good such @ storm, GILES, as a candidate for Clerk of Rowan pto- now “ ship of on = Ist of June Si ey were Upprepareg or it, 7 7 }80d were stranded, and neaily wrecked LES vty Court. . ue authorised to announce HENRY GILES, as a candidate for Clerk of Rowan the official affair of this Bank, on the Superior Court. F THE BANK, . od Proprietors of the Newspapers Pabliabed in North Carolina, having lers undertook to manage that of a CUF~ | the holding of an Editoral Convention in this rency of the country, has ever been Most | Stats, for ihe Parpuse of taking imto considera. difficult of adjustment: Wath the ulmost noe fen atlers, in relati BEE esineee, Wy . ; nay eemed expedient ; a of the Pro wisdom and expe rence, and with the most | prietors having’ suggested’ the onday in perfect devotion to the Public good, fluctu- | September next, ag a convenient Edit- . ey > ations and difliculties have from ime to | OF oF ‘he Papers Phamig’ ™ w% * - “ “ ae ~~, « ders who are net weil acquainted ‘vith all the: byterian Church. We think ha i ‘ ve d Vir — —— ances uf the case | the crisis. Stnet Preabyteriane.w oval, and sed this bod aon tee f #6 Glear that the Editors of the Juuroal of | those who Cannot go with them will form inde- 7 i : : Merce vii the ™Oxuage either of violent | pendent Chorehes. And why should not this the State, bys sory decided vows. partigans, or uf {'" preyudioed epectators.— | be Satisfactory to aff concerned ? Why should thorises the receipt of the Notes ” There is at leas were sentation in every | wen wish to orowd into the Presbyterian Church | Banks in payment of pablie sentér.ce of theit\, torial remarks; and she | who are with them neither in doctrine nor die- | thorises the sus ' Whole piece is evideny intended wo excite the | cipline ? Surely it is better to love one *nother | ments to the Ist, of March public odium tgainst ihe acis of the late Gener- “part than to come together to querrel.”” Stricis the ts, at that pe- al Assombly ;—in favor of whieh acts, the ortho. 10 & speech of the ev. Mr. Plumer, on the riod, to an amount equal to that re; aaate ide ‘ere Pap ae as South: | fluor of the late Genera} esembly, he says :— | the isi instant, with an Sdditioual’ amount ' vor of 4 bly, ¢ ini . z j Nhetr hearty vote. oer nity by tke aon Tac easter equal to the ne | Let it be known the S 0, that there has been no | excommunication of four whole w Capital authorised to be The DiVidenda are also restricted Synuds and one ; bother denominativa wid me,! © 6 per cent. Ull the resumption of Specie Presbyiery, as alledged by the Journal of Com | that af we could succeed in reforming the | Payinent, Ral. Register, are and every he which is there as- Chureh, as we had Commenced, it would be the Serled—such as that thi was done fur alledyed Must in portant Synod-since the Reformation Candidate for C "C9 8m Chg Shep- resy —without trial—aad on the ground of ‘Vhe testimony of the Methodist brethren is well j Mae Esq Ooh ge cree Charlee a lying rumor —ig enurely false. We have read) kouwn to be agrinet the New Schoul. ‘The same | gre, os if N ae Distri - = . attentively all the Proceedings of the late Gen | remark is true uf the Episcopal Church, They | eee in W. Seocrd ae i ue: oreee era) Assembly, a3 reported at length beth in ) bay, and Woly say, that as lung aaiwen are in a Uae to Wis. D Moseley, Esq. (Van Bu- | Old Schoul and New Schou) Pyblications, and ! Chureh, itis thetr duty to be consistent and abide , ren.) 2. can flag searcely any thing in the debates of the rules aud urder of that Charch, of Openly | that body, that will Justity the assertions made | —<—< cave it.” (Mr. Plomer here read, from an Kpis— | tu the sane extract fC FOur apology for the moily appearance of ‘ oe Doce lng a te exceedingly cupal papel, a commendation of the Old Schou! | yyy er to day ws, that in asnce of vari- i ul ee ~ ae | Babecoming Rd wuchristian language sad con aud of tue ae _* Weare willing, sir, tu nos ‘san ase . Eni oe ; IR Wilh the ( : : nen they | De posites in Fureiuy anks 623,850 | y eve. WO Individuals aresin- abide ie decigion lime. cihavelircca iat AW KU | with the very fiat Ulaat: surely then they | i i Foreign Banks $623,450 | duct + the members 4 bide the decia We t ' ng lok, A NEW HUMI§s = ought not louger to be ‘usted: If howey— | Specie 167.345 Bled vu, oy the Editors of the Journal of Com- letters tran New England, Pocourging ie) been Reali g est cn Fesurt to domestic manyfncture, J} many concornoy facts being us : | j pe “ twerce, ay haviug Particularly off aded. The our course in thig Kauees sud twlitg Ue thet it ja) Seo A good many levecumoeectiiec) the crew will insist Upon i, they walletll Notes of other Banks on hand 134,279 fitretis the Rev. R. J Breckinridge of Balti | ue ngit evuree.” Died to the conclusion, that the vext a have (o suffic: we can make Out to bear with Due by Banks in Nurth-Carolina 28.516 Me 5 the dauntless champion of American and | ‘Wheaetecf the leie Goner! Kesewtly, yt 7 | . Van Buren party as a body, will be to con palleace our pact of the hardship, but there Real Estate esas Southero riyhis againel the infamous ‘Thompaun, | misrepresented by the Editors of the Journal aA ARAB Wwannets, & eee a : al usta 49° ; 7 Jnited State r ’ the woturious uboliti Hist, aod slande t - | Commerce, were Sustained (with only two ex 4+ 10 the 63d year y ‘sa Fe eee tae ee ee a : beta t begeud whieh meo hed rather! Debs 1,425,836 rica. Ayninet the wiltul mlluaeecs «tra wean by the votes of all the moiveue dele. her age. ‘I'he Church, of which ce was. bank, 1 some shape or other, or un -, be dead than suffer an further. It would be | | berate (neendiary — Mr. Breckiuridge stoud alone, | gation vn the floor of the Assembly, Aiwong | for many years a devont cotumenissee a . : Ga y ui a ! | some deceptive name: for the purpose « better for the nation that many should die, | DOLLARS 2,364 V6y |! Sevtlang, a8 the advocate of uur domestic. ia there Southern meu. we find the names of Judge community in which wig Peaaeaierane . blic mind for sach 4 thing, | pos, Stilutivus, before & large aysembly strongly pre | Potter and Dr. Graham of our State; Dr Bax- large circle of friends and relatives have Peace pall: find the | pe ee UaVan Buren shall be abso. are Jaltced agatost America. For this nuble defence | terand Mr, Plumer of Virginia, and of Dr. | lost in the death of this excellant Jad one, 2 whet tes Helen 0. ceunaceuse an | lute dictator in the monied concerns of the BIABILITIES, vieeutewutry aud var rights, against the desy | Witherspoon, Dr. Leland, und Dr. Goulding of | who was most highly valued,res or iodieea . eople in favor of the United States Bank, | lion: and many will die before it co ; = en : - latieg doctrine ot the abolitionists, —votes Beate eS a . sie resp oe . SE : £t0 can fapita Stoc $800,000 | thauns, to Mr. Breckinridge, Were passed by | ‘misters uf the Ospel are often told to let 0 . they come out in favor ofa “ U. 3... Bank. ‘happen. lucreased Capital 355.590 | Y#tluus poliiical aud e1yy) seaeciatince in te , polities alune, as a field on whieh it does uot be | Mrs. W. was the widow of John Wad- or ‘a National Bank,’ but we are satished | Nic Gaal sy.go), | Etited States, And everyone whu has read, cume them to enter » abd indeed if they are ao. | dell, Esq. late of Brunswick, N.C. 1d hat this is a mere trick—a gross cheat of PUBLIC TAXES.—We perceive from tha! oes in Circulation 860,221 his debsie with ‘LPhompson, for several succes CUstuined to blunder lo Politics as egregiously as the daughter and only child of Gen. F that eee : . . Je posites 200.143 | sive u 8's tu Dr, Wasdlaw's Church in Glas | the Kditore of the Journal of Coumerce have cis Nash, who fell ai the head of the N oh ‘ Il school. This promise will be | folluwie article, that the Sheriffs Of this Stare | Leon the Kendall school. sp 8 A ! '; Dividends unpaid 2,428 Bow, must say, that Mr. Breckinridge has laid |! thew attemp: te dabble io theological matters | Carolina Brigade, inthe belle cl Gana fulfilled, if these double—dea!ers get Into | @re required to receive the public taxes In such Crelonaie 28.055 | * Meting clus to the Gratitude ot his cuuniry | 04 the present uceasiun, the ae " Cea lf towa, doting the war of ihe Ravalgton, fice, by their advocating a national Trea. | tuoney oaly as the Bauks wil! receive from thein oe a 28, wen, woe witieh canuot be tup ance Va me | tems ding thew Ff the Revolut 0 ’ : . 7 \ ronmt an 4083 OF 423 | Ti ther G tl 7 lect . : : = re = a a sury bank: We have learned that the Se ey et ae ol ech Care po" . : ThlshoWettaraisiy Greet wag Pl a Priy ate Tuition mn Music. reacy Hero of the Hermitage, has himself | lina Bank Notes. This notice emanating as ity DOLLARS » 364.060 | Mer ot Richinond, Va., another distinguistied From the Fayetteville Observer. _ does, from Raleigh, the residence of the public | mae advocate ut Suutt hts, who, by t ly| The Rail Road In calling th ; of the} . . i vt Suathera rights, who, by bis umely The Rail Roa Survey —In ca ing the . given this clue to the drill sergeants re , | crn os naxe : } : | Preasurer,may be considefed as suthentic, though Our Unive ‘t 4 ; I: x aL and birouy remuustrance against any allem pt ou Party: we have little doubt but that the | we could have wished it in an official form. The ur Oniversity —At the late | Mota . { candidate for the Raleigh District, Dr. Mont- Sheriffs will lave 10 bear sume (the explanation that can be wad odium with al] Commencement of the University, the De- u gomery, means to explain away his plecge j Htlention of the public | Statement of the P Neral Assembly and to | he partof Northern men ect of slavery In the Ge R will give Jeasona on the to the subjoined @ for a quarter of 12 weeke, at MM » io lulraduce the eub tesident of the Fayette. | Piano Fort the residence of Mre. Baker. ‘The Quarter to . legislate on the samo saved our Suuther, | ville and Western Rail Road Company, we commence on Monday, Joly 8rd Mer terms ‘ 2 . , > . Sebe . ’ . S e: therefore at gree of A. B. was conferred on the follow UUiyenes (on cee very summary measare, | Cannot help remarking, that we have been eu be $15 per Quarter, or $1 25 per week, fur in favor of a United States Bank, (if elec- would have been simply an act of Jusuce forthe ing young gentlemen, viz: j “hich the Editors of the Journal of Commerce | deeply disappionted in the expectations we | a Suan lee 1, 1887-—4" 50 ¥ : | ite J x ’ : 1e Cl r ss pou ) alisbury, rf 37—4w! ted!, by voting for a monster of this kind. | lreacurer einem ite agent of the State, in his prop-' William W. Avery, Sam'l B. Massey, ui the ele oe nek meu) | aes ee ie ern 2 ee = J uly aoe ; ee i ' : ee ° yy | ty ave udupted against thre Ni ara Sy | fr. thei Ud talkin a > TY - : This accounts too, for the softened tonethat er name, to take this responsibility: —or rather Augustus Benners, Leonard HH Payior, ae Py ae iy ce Vie if Wee On soe ti What were we pro-|PYHE ANNUAL, EXAMINATION O ; | Hace it where it proper belongs, upon the act Pe U1. Busbee, James G W kh. Pee ‘i ow a . ape) ar a estern counties, : x ] Mrs, Hutehison’s Seminary, will commence the administration men are assuming to acer Properly BS, Up emia U1. Busbee, James G, Uc a School party in the Presbyterian mised from these Counties ? Scarcely one ds this hated institution—so let the peo- | of Assembly ter W. Hairston, Pride Jones and George | Cheich bad had the ee ihesemmen ought in every In this part of the State, where our whole ple beware: 5. Holly. South Carulina mons y, and in others eral A sseinbly : Jat the Presoytenan Chareh,in Salisbury, oa the Preponderance in the Gea y, the strong | of them that did not, through its intluen- robab lity ts, that zoth of July, at half past 9 o'clock, A. M. vit Swit Chopchies” woul) hove bern | Halinen, promise to alae! least ahaa The friends of the Pupils, and of the Semi- meio be ca edon lendiancie say dis- | cunency is ee Honorary Degree of A.M. wis MEW excnnitiunieaied by that Party, on the ground and soine uy et) Fy ae = ee ; a ‘nary, are Tespecttully invited ty attend, cas ( Bank, on the | here itis Georgia Qoles, the inconvenience and so conferred on Mesars Henry Wo Mil. of sovery. Our reasons for this Selief are var;. | What havc they subseri red ? ve who e} N Bo Mra Hutehinon, expecting (hy leave of unctly, whether they are for a Ban nt hardship will be Most oppressive, and the dificul ° ue ie : ce boyy. (Muss the ouly one we think necessary ty man. | of that region west of Fayetteville, on Providenca,) to visit her children unmediately principles of the late institution, called the i ty of collecting the public revenue will be very ler, Lemuel B. Powell and Michea “| tot is, that nu uivasure Whatever originated with | the Cape Fear to the Mountains, had sub. | «iter the Exauination clues, will teel obliged to U.S. Bank, or whether It 1s the new politi- oer And ern are We to thank fur all this 2 Holt. And the devsree of JD, Doon thes che New School Perty danng the late Genera! seribed about $60,000, and that the tawn | wach of her patrons as nay not yet have settled ie : on , Bank, whicl | a hor humbugeed and ve ‘v. Basil Mandy, of Ch itlestom 9S Caro. Sealy except endivey memes from men of Salisbury claims the honor of Pullung a- | their bills of Poition, tu do Sv, 48 suun as may be cal machine, called a lreasury Bank, which Answer, Those who have hum ugeed and ee Rev. Basil | ys 4 sud Woluen against slavery > from which it ap bout three-fourths. Fayetteville has sub- | convenient to themselves, they mean pertmented all the good money intu bad. ) lina pears that that party came Plepated tor an unset enced nearly $150,000, und some of ber{ July ist, 1837 —4w50 : } | “ \ : : ov, ’ a : $$. ee A W here is the old and silverthat was to shine fe are imised for UP NEN any ex. on thet polult and on Dv olher, | é : ; : a . a = ; Vhe enquiry 1s then presented to the | e nine usec Ree We are promi a Be [i ox aneh champiins uf Southern righis, ( Wealthiest ciuzens have not yet come for BANK OF CAPE FEAR, : ee bey | 82 brilliantly through the interstices of sttk purs tended aceountof the € vinmencemont Lx as Mr Brecktoridge aug Mr [tierce ol ward, We may say, therefore, that she JUNE, 21 1837 cople of these United States, whether they | tasted ele ye aud Mr, ter, should b j WE, 21st, . peop jes? ft was promised to beso plentiful as to flowy ; By oak . ingtled oup by Northern a én, and tem! has redeemed her pledge, but unfortunate- ; ail { to this new experiment. | z ARETE TRUE TE, je yy Meo Ae atten; pegs : S misapprehension 18 understood to exist ae Wu eeconscny ; ; ' {up stream. Where Is now the deller curreney ¢ ee | Wade lo reader them odious, rs not lo be Wound. r- ly, she is the only community which hay, to the wi ngnees of this Bank to recetve Whether they will give to Martin Van Bu- | All—all gone tu the bottom of the str am for (IRAE IE WIAVICC HH WCE A amen boro ed atin the Peen sve ou Siem: = | We will say no more at EGsents Phere in payment of stock, notes of Banks out of the ren, Levi Woodbury, Amos Kendall, and | ought we know, and the people are without the has been iiele between Lady Clitcrn ard 1 re ese era ur | Is yet time for the People of the West State, the public are informed, that undera rule ; : | = : : . ‘ : Ate Assembly done, to merit all thig oblequy All Reuben M. Whitney, the power of ISSUING | means even of paying (heir taxes, Charlitte idusse, tor p10,000 a side. ‘Phe tar | be 4s much money as they please, & of leuding Believing it to be Interesting to the Pay- | Pefoons, ae qoainted w to receem their charect ' er from the lasting | of the Board of Drectors, of the {2th of May ith tue internal difficulues | last, ‘such ill not in future be ived in : ! Meh wall est upon it if the er- | (ast, “such notes will not in future Tece merits under the care of Cul. Win Ro Jolins Mout the Pr vy tertan Chureh tor a number of | a. s Ke 5 in lant fae " lanl Pee any way.’ I : t ly thi will | ers and Receivers of Public Taxes, toas- y the latter, whois toil sster to Poth jis in une j Yes PMSt, hOUW that these Wero brought abgur | Wit this ¢ pe eels i ian . : | to whom they please : not on ess és : eats a "e vr them to secure to them- JOHN HILL, Cashier, certiin, in the present deranged state of the le of Colonel Wave Hampton ot South Care| un mg ber eolaiged, though vawise, Lberaliiy, | is yet tune for they let these men have the power of ap- Ganee "what will be taken at the Pinthfiye | Se OF tele \iy ise k : E ( pf hb Opoutog wide her dvois to re ive inte her | selves the advantages of great enterprise, July 1. 1887 —1w50, g a seas a i 1‘ uke | Wee ee Hoel Py * e i; ° ae mae: pointing the Directors, Presidents, Cashiers, Treasure. li payment of Public Taxes, we!!! 1 ae oh 2 . a DP a eee aeUiteniberstat mite: ier lwious denowmina | Vy ihout their aid, (not offered in windy EPISOOP A so ree : ree ote ae ac aee NJ theday beturenthe Tegusar ther tig at tia OURAN itithccex seul rohts ves ‘| , i bscriptions,) it and Clerks, in the severa) States cf this have been informed that, as the Py ae ‘ c SI 3 in An ae et ri aed words. but in substantial su scTiptions, ) EPISCO AL }HOO L . . : Ai _ td by law to deposite | Course next tall. pt every teliatvus at Ng ea CML een ye done, FNHE Summer Session of ‘his insutotivn wilh fee ea ue bowen ct Paying who shall Treasurer 1s pe lineeae ul ‘I k nar ee et he Garay ne * For the jaformation of the Public, and commence on Friday, the 28d inst. undex ! > ceive q ; he TP YEN (THE PRESI- ba Sahircoated santa ormed | . ; ; Have wnoney, and who shall peter cee ne 5 — ‘ | APPOINTMEN 13 BY THE PRESI i ne cae aia aoa ; ae the Stockholders of the Favetteville and the care of the Rev. M. A. Curnis, Rector ; the words, will they put the commerce of the of this Site, only a ney; Beau TOE Net eee \ [ ee ee oo soa | Western Rail Road Company, I take this Rev. Dr. Empie having, on acevuut of the im- , F k ! Banks will receive frum him, will be re- | ; ES Se Oya w tite ce ou Sof a mo ‘ | opportunay of stating ; paired state of hie health, resigned his charge. y oar . ‘harue d? Pore | With eve alopted our contessty ‘ sti ’ Tey aie te Be ive oe peel eee ie, |View! ee ee ewiaee aa : G \ a ul aid \ : i ‘dl | The ata meeting of the Board of Direc- By order of the Buard of T'reetece, i s lizans?) Will they | » recollect that, in 1832 i bull scenes ia ; : ; i me EOC OTe iOn i erdeyet axon at al: Mr I clans, aad €rasping par ‘i vi We recollect that, ue ye ’ ; ee tie Of the United Stites to Be Iginin, | COP MPaUi cece Timur ce eit ant UPHUtiortes a Etgireey pena unanimously Resolved, ‘Vhat E. B. FRREWAN, See'y. give io any sett of men, let them cee j troduced in our Peprst tare (atin a vf Henry D Gilpin, to be Soi, Or COLE I avinvt Udine. Py See SGy teria were multh pope survey and examinations of the coun- Raleigh, June 14, 1537 — Sw pure and unexceptionable, such a tremen- Public Treasurer to BC ue Ln nea ae = pet ees WNestern part ot New Work and the Liry should be Urged forward with all pos- | 2-<—--——-— doug power of rewarding faithful adherents? 11 their Suni e ae a fee ibs ! t a Or ae ae ny Lay sthle saved. ‘Phe examinations Save been State of sLort i or’ ' > 5 , + We Sltane Giscotunt.— | i T Pyalad | meet tt etal Cte py hag Work "jirtousty ta | 2 r We have heard a good deal lately of the HH cal ae nl th s : en Ww is ho tu jp Jolin AL. Read, of Plata) nn | ~ ua 1 . af te Pu ve fa ( ne, hy mroute, cuibracing all the section of coun- W ILKES. COC , The bill passed the Senate, as Tos er: 1 Stites tor the Poise | Ut est tittetes 3 othe Pres eC hareh | cavenniie Pear and Yadkin ; : . ; ; a naa : ‘th oa! Attorney of the United Sti or li ’ IF Ganae tip ee icine ed on | Ory between the ape ear anc Superior ( danger to liberty, by giving the purse and ithe Commons. ‘The passage of such Sy eae : - - : es MD cde NI / ay A ie nue iiere tT? vurt of Leaa,, the sword into the same hand : and when bil by the last legisliture, would We tera Distuet of Pennsylvan PE ls ew sreetiog tievay tout out io ihe eee aha Penile elias hiars Orr, ants A . Se i : ; Pies st Leu i MIO Was dinudled ona | ‘ev will be very. i , the Deposites were removed, it was most saved a great deal of inconvenience Sl Ose yeas nil Oeunl Oman sistl ol oe ee ei ee I na i ar Chief Aswan Boa | ~~ o e : ‘renuously denied that such was the case: _ embartssment to the people oe : j the United States for the port of Sia Bias | Picea Pee eT as shall advise of his readiness, the Re- | IT appearing de . 7 i COLIC | ec tiae i Leet Cetin Cyrene! ow . : 4 d ' was insisted then that the Government e. | . Wexico, | Ee ae ; ' ae men port and estimates wall be aE hal I that the Defen bag i | : vers Meee f : : : ’ i : * Directors further agreed, that the bis State: Et je | . a | aie kTONIS LER Ep 2 | | 1G iniientontion Goemlnat at i SU sraniee id Si , Pae Diy this State: : General Jackson, had no more power o- | GEN. UAVILTON’S LETTER Wilitam POG ” . [Cuareies, Bee PAs Sy tansy toriied [On ernie walle. qa necting | made for elacerp ‘ . g Is ' fn ae Crited Tite tie port MoTiterey, BNO GUL [Got satd peat. sheouta te Peohogneed te longer gel . at ao | i hat tt said ‘er the public money than when it was in ; Weavail ourself of the a rridgamen uited St. CT Ora cai, We lenrie Si, kholders in some ventra pomtin that the wai the hends of the United States Bank : but this paper, in the last Ralewh R: vaster | Cultura, Mesto Glove. | ‘respyteitan Cha; ASS w onl iit ie Cement Ten rel (say Stitesville ) and to them Aaa nee i" Soares h 5 : , ; i , ee y ; ; ee cuunty y ‘ikem, -6h.:. a ‘ : oe te a i Mori Dy Nase bg LES UO LAE ee rimmed tren elect a the decision of further acuon b ‘ 2) Sapeee : . 2d Exchequer Bank be egret that we cannot give it entire, not | ee eiesn . | | , : ‘tt this new fangled Excheq we regret tha / 8 SIUUSCUCr tea ML RITA PanUTO MTC e erie Tniten PORE Sti) vues bad dares wuen ay thay wy Aue | te Keaboton gat Ww waren once established, and who will then GUAiVaan tin teere accord with ail the views tikeo en fC uine tansenay i) a oe en nntien [0 wae unaconsitutona CTS ie ri ion nminntte Western part there uo p y S63 : . TP > finan So flon dato our columns, 4 ' d , x 4, dl e — the existence of this fatal DOlONE ABOU ereaidocrrine OF policy, but as the finance Pi uete ital to tte teeta ee eked a ee me ? Wier siot wag Pn tle Sante falling Git below whatthey had fittun, of the wit ak | A ‘ Pees us Hat Me he hd Y 2 ; feo t Pc aay sNU f - a 3 oi B may be a version of this scheme to retain | of the country are the engrossin.s tepie of) 4 { \ hacten | tte a ( ' ie ; ao : 7 yj} the Strongest reasons for belie ving they | and set for hee 7 : . : . ee SOUSSTA Te doetrinig Ihr, ON Te sly UCidia ta the Greene, | . , oo . ! flicers in the hands | the day, every thing from men of exper ee ncn — , Ly . ne : is Gun toathetin any way, Would reach, require an additional tnstal- | Witners, W ‘ ee Tee I ne . . j botl | BS STINE Sa eA | Beane al ae | a" Isoleth | ment from the Subscribers, a notice for the | said court, at ea 2 S Be th sides. pe mie Sandie! aly ciernverey el ‘ } a one or both branches of Congress: It ace ought to be heard on both side nm Chueh. Nor ouelt at to be interred | ie ey ont distury the pastoral te 3 payment of which has been published, and | third monday in - : , , ' Ive | ienaaniese . , . & ; {iro \ NS \ ; : i Possible, this would be worse than Ko THE VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE m the admission of the srtiele trom the | iain ay ¢ meh, Nor to interfere with the waiettiey hape wall che nn me. July 1—6w50 ‘ . luis corrupting power to the Executive: the | H ' ee Neen No Wadtonialat Commie dane Our | tubes ur sections of po ivate Chiistians in their Phe Directors have acted es mes | e- ie oe a ave passed a stay law, BERNA ESET Re aie ; eSPLCTIVE Conuren ytona! hose who have puta hand to thig | ; ore ex: | , tor . ' offs liel Urat those who ha p Nn Nearer you get to the source, the m : ens measure, may be weknow not, but it Pst rar mUlin UE WONN TIF] TL oMent Oxpress any | Mureuver, tne dour tg thrown wide open to Conelnieone deliverate determination Sta ¢ of orth Carolina, j i : ' ! ca ‘ Fi ' FTA ' : , a . | , 7 : lensively the stream is polluted: when the a dovbiful remedy, and argues the tust wrefeh ipuaon on the ments of that unfortunate | Nei loeuier ihe Pee mt rian Church, - they tocarry it on, if possible, avall events, 80 WILKES COUNTY. 2 ' os ' lesan Sere ciires meg tesolution rovides. - , : immediate agents of the People, shall annu ed condition of the country. Pcontroverst: we are not sufici ntiy infor Alessi ‘ ' inhee _ i Mit ie as wish fav as to demonstrate to the people of the | Way Sessions, 1837. : . : | ‘ Viena | este ' s i a Wist § ' : ae 7 ¢ ly engage in combinations and Intrigue to ; Ti Palmolits nuturemto Wave conor any satis- Gimine With us, are herehy directed to apply Cape Fear and the West. and ee ey Colby Alexander, ? Orginal fue haan ft their friends and favorites, perhaps | FLORIDA WAR factory conclusion oa the subject: Batali rads cnn Into the Presoyteries belonging to! of North Carolina, the dua ity, me a Levied upon Lan ; ; 3 ill be see der the proper head. ther this fact ; Pr Coubeion, wiich are iNvst convenient to adsantapes, and the vita Importance of a} Jos. Brown, . wemsely ted, the dispensers of! [t will b seen unde a ao vw c \ Cnselves, appointed, P Recerca expensive Waris sll nef ex |ag we inter from the communication below, [errs ante, (union of the Western portion of Carolina’ T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, Nione y-favors, we may bid adieu to pore ca ! When willitend 2? Gene al Jesop hal / ae ad before suspected, the subs} AS (ote Sid Presvy tery of Philadelphia te in the Seabord. \ that the defendant i this case 18 not an in-— fi II to lofty pat. 74 the S ee eae teil ! 1 by the Geueral Assem- | “! 1 by abl f this State: J) is therefore ordered, ! . * 0 1lo at- . ITenh au cans { the Sieamps, a , , 4Hoa Prespyvery turmed by ne Geue 8S q y le ] one able, tantof this @: Bisation: we may say farewe DARA SealGoedaner arent wasout of ie CUNY stantial vronnd of ditf rence as the question ie ; ae ete Thi ae party then Nota a pea nees a a . ce all ae Rance be made in the Carolina Wateh- } q y i | ; . Y elie a | OLY Vise it, ts . 5 s iat i *xperienced men, tc "olism, we may mourn over tho w reck of sali American Credit.—Vha most hum MUINE of Abolition, the whole South eh yal re | Ue New ssenvole finned hat Presbytery on faithful and exy aa enli eed ang man fur 8x weeks, that the defendant 9 Explo ‘em. Place the immense’ ~ ee isters of the tines, is the fact ' - Sith OMIM iran (nei deaaiekimiwh to aan tara, of Government, the facta necessary to : g tthe next county court, w be held for Wilkes eee ie gee ae eee 6 ! eae eee anes i) fhi by which correct Report. Ifthe state of the country 3 he fi jay after the 4th mon- a t Hit will be eneral opinion prevails in’ Par TROMSULa Hie - ‘ . The | 97.00 principles of elective almuity , by whieh | eo t , : alt cvanty, on the first monday Power of banking where you will, ve ey 4 : PAP Unie dds acre) Asscmilyeh ie Presbyterian Church The ie iene j certain Ministers and Churh- and the condition of our citizens shail day flolyinextland siawei ihe Plaiouf, or the Americans mean to pay o| bt; 20) oo , | Was : ; : Pt to be abused: But ; vitin the bands a waters by a general tusolvency. | quotation from the Journal of Commerce Pea, whose loevtions could not pe cireumseribed by arjee a delay of this work, we shall have Judgment willl be ert red ORs : cf Politicians, and it will be certain to be. ; . oe uremernicecu teresting asa aaster of | auy definite geographical line, but ae ie the pleasing reflection of having discharged r eo Wa MASTIN,c we , es | SRoOp ENG | Fete ‘ rv) ical views harmonized, shouid de AR ; | —6w50% — The alliance between money and politics | CROL See Lenthntniiawellnerey ttorentiticnttora place in our columns, ae aoe yfeny. (Nialwas cuntrary to | ia duty. rib serreing eteter ar _ eee ree lik tween Charch and State is un- Wo stated a few weeks back, that i Le ae Bee ee ee that al In view of the presen: @ that between Church and ' pein aresgoml Gece tram (lat ama ferh fact, it contained matter that ought to b our torm of PONY ee ie one “fares, the leading staples of our State re- 5 CENTS REWARD. ale T up ment td ave gon Pasnns i os G e 1 Prespy consists Uf a e Mur 2 i Natural: The bank will become corr | the t@rmersiwantt lave litile eanen ct complamt: publicly known Y trne,and tf false, ought iat res my eons au Serene chitin Gl aarcalite eine fan circulating ee of UNAWAY from the Subseriber on the 10th ’ : . > | the t Ss VW s : < Pruning Kide , aa a‘ c a 5 - . . fom the very strongest motives that can ac | S then the seasen hag heen very @ood. ‘The to be publicly refuted in the South 1 finding | conten district." ‘Phis Presbytery was evi- the country diseased, the value and the a I of June, an apprer tice boy, by the hon ' nee then the seaa as 5 2 d rte : . a . i > ; Yate human conduct: it must be a subsrr- lanlly ey aa ey An average. bul it, however, complained of as a gross as- dently organizad for the express purpora of: portance of thie road ts daily more an Radem Z% Graday or R Z MY sagone. ae ale SIG ane seo i. ee, , ee ' , the discipline of : rent rertaioly aller his nade de fore ne go : He ands of those who made Pere pene , . 1, Of shielding erroneous men from r more apparent. certainly : b ; Dt tool, in the han 3 ‘ jy the best we have lod for yeara: We had occa persion on two Ministers of the Gospel, of a Cae Now, the saine anthonty, whieh l@eelinetinennsinieate ing on this work are j Is about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high ; s ees t 5 ) 1 ‘ vey rn - she ’ : | ! i ‘ : ; “andcontrolit. The people's agents, anc Sion fast Week to travel from Salisbury me he ‘| high standing, we cannot refuse to publish firmed that Preabriery, had surely power to un. | in the Western portion of North Carolina. | gambler, ayreat man ae erg He ehl fis 0 small portion of the people themselves, | COL te meen erent sately affirm that 2 a @ wiuloation Welecd oniy i dy 11s own work ; especially when it foond rat With the aid offered and pledged in the great mai where heis ate ibe q is j aes , owing vi j ' Bat neither are et . y | to pass for a smart man, rascal, . See ; > bene . . simul with the the folloy ; . 's Work had resulted in avil u Los A ae Pe standing ready | «& pass ; Mill be corropted by the base benefits which, j the whole tiee of natura is smuling rellas’ say furthes that itis from a highly respec- | fone Winisters excommunicated ; en far fro | ( ape Fear. with the State : A Went and always goes well armed with 2 or $ ea this ‘Ostitution, can and will most certainly Promise of abundance, Oats and eorn ag we as f ao ure required, by the very Resolution and anxioua to va hes part, 9 1e andiinelbroastdircunkeen tome. He mul confer. Elections will always then go on| wheat are in a most prosperous condition. To table source Shieh dissolves their bidy, to connect them- | eame ont asthey ought and must do, we muka for the Weatl expect ‘The above rewa - st favorably, §: cotton, For rug Watcumay . reahyteries, within whose geo the side Of money and they that happen to oe, has been planted most favorably, selves to thima Presbyteries, be the string holders of the public purse, though sumewhat put sack, ig stil lively. A wet - , h , : ? Filhvs fetoncisy. THEM : harvest which seems tobe somewhat Proatuned, The late Graeral <Isvembly of the Presby when such a bank shall go into effect, will | take up said apprentice and fete him i me ie ae , j A cast Cine North Carolina T forwarn all person {| Other religions denominations bishly PPprove will you reject this aid Will you } Concord, North d apprentice in any wise what— | ee ee CEST f the courme pursued by the Old Sehin! Preshy aside forever the prospect of securing the. from harboring said apy may bea serious draw yack: he an o a? : . : | ¥ ry Not on > s they | 7 ' md A thallstenGaneraleeacent bly az | ) -femain in office as long a th be | MF Chace to gather ths crp, there will be a Mar. Enitok —In your last paper, Tuna 24¢h,\ teriana,in tna late G please, but whoever they point out wi e | “New York Journal an's A luere Successors: perp d | ereat plenty of wheat. lo atime of d acs TP tint an extract from the shall go on, and no thanks willbe given tothe man that will teal bounds they natarally fall Fellow citizens of W estern Carolina, ‘ t a , tthe lawio full foree aguinst Mighty benehis which wiih certainly flow ever ae l wil p! dvocate, a Bap ist J surnal, publisbed 5 a ° | tbem . ‘ va, {OM the completion of thie nob! oe Wa M HENDERSON, Eng. I he acts of the Jata Greveral | Portland, Maine, we find the full aE ee EWING CNV abreast of : eet ag teow Me oe We have seen it nearly tress and pressure like the Present, itis mo small | ¢ ommerce, i a veian Choren, which is | We pretend not to prophecy, yal we es nee Fayetteville, June 10:h 1837. July 1-3490 ; aor 1 reap Sear. 7 : = me ’ “me to that with the present amount of pa- | relief that ‘plenty of the necessaries ot life should Le So (uy wislead those of yourrea- see eomething of the luiure history uf the Pres- } treo calculated great ‘ “Tage, but let this vast addition be made, prevail, . re -_ ‘an, - ser . Me Toe tor yo D . . ce ~ be 7 pee - eso es? mee A —ponTRy. <a rola Alans THE DEVOTED. {ta beaut. ful tara given by ayreat Iady,who, beity ached where her husband was wheo he lay concealed tor having been deeply concerned in a conspuacy, fesvlately ans ered that she had Ind dea hin. ‘Lois confession caused her to be-car fied before the Governor, Who told her that noth- ug where she had hidden "Aad will tha! bul confession d save hee from the torsure du/’ sad she. ‘Yes,’ fepiled the Goverser, ‘ [will pass my word for safety on that condi two.’ “Then,” replied she, “1 bave uicden | him in my heart.” Stern faces were arowid ter ir ', And eyes of vengeful ire, And teartul were the wards he my Of torture, stake, and fire; Yet calmly io the widst she stood, With eye andimmed and clear, And though ter tip and cheek were white, She breathed no ugh of fear. ‘Where is thy traitor spouse, they eaid; A half formed smile of seorn, That cctled Upon her haughly Nip, Was back fur answer borne “Whore is thy trdttor spouse 2?” agai, Lu tiercer tones they said, art scrnly pointed tu the rack, All rusted o'er with ied! Hor heart and pulse beat firm and (roe = Bat ia acrmson flood, Overy Re allid lip, and ebeek, and brow, d hed up the huraing olovd / Snb spake bat proudly roae ber tones, As shen in ball or bower, The haughtiest chict thatround ber stud, \ Hid meck'y owned her power. | 4 him ! | | and will eveceta work inthe various tranches of > ’ Western ay lect, “Pecan never so fall." He though! as Jit tle of falling in his earlier years. ‘The promise of bis yous was as bright as yours ; and eveo after he began his downward course, he was ae upauspicions as the firinest around him, and would have repellad as indignantly the ad, monition to beware of intemperance, The dan. ger of this vice lies in ite almost impercep!i'le ap proach. Few who fall by it, know of i's access- es. Yooth does not see or suspect drupkenness in the sparkling beverage which quickens ail its Fayetteville ana mA a agination. ‘he lover of social pleasure little dreams that the glass which wuimates conversa: | guns, at such places in sid Counties, aad : tion will ever be drunk dn solitude, and will giok | hia toy low for the intercourse ii which he now | poet, Ap PWetalment of Two Dollars un eac delights. Tntemperancea comes with wovelees shrare’ wall ve reyoued ab the tine of subscribin Sep.and binds ats first cords with a uch toot he Commisslaners are requested tu forward th light lo-be felt ‘ence should be treasdred up by us all, ju fluence the habits and arngemenut of ds {Qe aod social tife io every elass of the communi | —Dr. Channriiys, * NEW IFAsnions. g hould as they progress, to E. L. Winslow, Fayette mee ville : | Dr rae BIVENS VICK, | Robert MeRackan, | ; A. Baker. (NEW HANOVER, Jaines Owen, | Aatoo Lazarus, Alexander Aadergon, James Burney, Joseph Gillespte, Jobo t MeMitlan. Wo Melsay, W., Faison Ollen Mobley. A. Vroy, Josiah Maultsby, Auyustos Sintth. Joho W. Powell, Archibald A.‘E. Smith, Richard C. Bunting. WR. Gales, \\V rte Hay woad, Samuel F. Patterson. N. A. Stedman, Charles J. Williams, Jotn J. Alston, Joho B Kelly, Charles Chaimers, CG W Dowd, Alfred Dockers , eee SAMPSON, e tom: oe DP. Fenilleton, Mes Milliner and Mantua Maker, ronson, NEFORMS the public Shat ahe tas just re ceived the VLIW VORA §& PHILADEL- | im WAKE, dot Cr . CZ c Wiring and Fut i Nee ue EF QsiiFONs FOR 1837, | i | { ‘ CHATHAM, | MOORE, RICHMOND, j ber Sosoess in the most fashionable style, with : pe | alie , c ) Odelly and promptness, | : 1 a es elas, OP Orders from adistance will be strekly | ANSON, A Mvers, ended tejaad aricles ot Dress cardully pack \ Jonun A McRae, ed and seut of] according to direetion, / under the direction uf the following named per such Greg as the said Comuissioners way di Pius truch of gmouieto! expects Finoney as pad, aud the Lists of Subsertpuons, ry , ni a MORE BOOKS © JUST RECEIVED AT THE “NORTH CAROLINA B 4 eSture, WZ The Life im his aor Geo. 'l'ed ‘ Historical Memoits of wy own time. By Wrax an. LAW BOOKS. VANVHE Subscribers re peetfally inform the Jodges, Members of the Bar, and Students of Law, that they tave for vale atthe NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, a a large aod mixed evilection of LAW BOOKS, was Jeffersun, with pare of | consmting of ELEMENTARY snd LEGAL ouce never belur@published. By | yw, | APOTHIECARY STORE. WHEELER & BURWS . ° 29 Have just received a lar b Oae of the firm, H ted hiwselt at PSO Bread Way, D ‘Touroer, having loca | NisulY oil, wa on susceptibilities of joy. Fujs invalid does not &R ATT. ROA D all, Se ee ace, whe ay supply of tresh see it in the cordial, which his physician pre 76 4 : : ° Arnott’s Elements of Physies, 2 vols. bein pintiathe Norther borepean Market | , ; ree scribes, and which gives new tone to his detail YOLICE (8 FEREBY GIVEN, That] A Preatise on dauguage, w the relation which | at as short a nv tice a® possitile NL Ic Lele a) NES . tated organa. Phe man uf thought and geatus N Books of Subseription to the Stoek of the Words bear io dings. By AB Johnses J We tuke the toerty of suegestiu tu our! hh tr ms =] x . detects no palsyiug poison in the dranght, which | Fayettevilie and Western Rail Road Company , Ngee Hien os Bee bitbenes ate joummtances, ond the woud « | PUES, 1Op Kk urni- ' ; ¥ after ri . ‘ Seaiie NS { due dudttton o Vahespeare. LOU v ; i ‘ | \ Wo | 5 % ‘ seeins tu spring of tuspiration to iatellect and tin will beopered in the following Counties Se a ae uls engsof North Can dina cemerally, the propriety ture. | UNE Y Soaps, Pe eopsullte ge Cicie taterests, (thereby sustain wudtalls’ Junius, 2 ve , 6 4 . oa Univers ae ede Fite Book Store with there patronage ) aud ip firtaenry, Oils, Paints lee eels uVersa ISLOFY, - S018, judelow so, We Will be favored wita thelr anders, | vee ) hy Farmera Revister, 35 whieh wtifinect with cur usual prompt atiea yy ceStuiYs, I obae- ) etl Viodd ) Geatlemen visiing the cily, are respectfully Memos of Court of Chases, | vol & : Sieea cae (es ‘ fo, Crears, 2 | a, Amerneana eon i ted WS ves. yvited woeall aud exaimee our sack, whiel VES) Paremuirs of Graumoont, Now Lition : . re . , complees &@ lalve eSeolttieudtl of ever hind de tan i 4 . | Polwical Waitiogs By Llius Paine, : - ats ee ‘ y t NIN OR MEAT OR er Ck } Lardner oo Steam toymes, with plates — I UL i: ayant ¢ ‘ ) sty , 8, Cae anc es : rS ‘ ; Prehkcocon Locomotive Kugines upon Rail Roe} hey Ne | coUnes& v t ve t 8, with plates Jere a ee | NSclechad for Medical Purposes, rawe Ruano na Deane a ; . oe es 1 Oe ae ne eee _ Vtvey fot quite grateful to there trend { | po sland, hy ute, Suatlett & Odi : . . 1} webbie - . Be) ee PALLORANG BUSES ESS Ne BT the very beced ptttonce horn A ie ee wae nae nee ) on Woite.u, did hope, by stuct ay ate | ss hovler a 8 Vrovels, . , , j BALES A Jd. 8, (hor basiaesd, ctud a derenatietua | ee ee I ee ee FORM their friends and bic that | Phittais Droge 1 wi teceive aw like fio) } American Annual Register, d vols. ee ave, = me BUN hbral patiyy. | Stewart's \Work’s, 7 vols tuey bave lately received fiom the Noah Lillis’ Potynecian Researc! +s, OPUE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED | Modetur ‘Traveller. A Popusar Dose Geographical, [Hlascucavees and Popout er a CITY ZT ASHIONS, | Salisbury, June i $937,.—5w4g9. N MORUSINESS has becrnerey Tunes tended, aud the amountot arie ar | | | ae warts CeCe According to which they are ready to make pe ee that Linus: settle It ma a Wayland's Political Reonomy, any garments desired utlow puices. 4 hoy | e eee Djulice lo require we to travel ivehateciniNortht Caroiiaautventiin }have great confidence ay their abibty to) Ore ‘he country fy this purpose. Lt is to | Conustties of Literature, , ‘meahe a good Fit, but should they | hoped, Wherefore, that those who owe ine 4 i sav@ me (rouble and eapense by regit gay j docs through the Post Gili ved thas | 2 vols | Complete setts of the family Library, and ava | Baker's Livy fail. they are willing to take the garment and try Gill they succeed. Cutting will be Withee ate reqnest« d Thieme havin ° | “dellay | ee pees ee works two tedious ty done promptly and in the beat mwode. | oS 6, 1837 eS mention, fur Sale by 6 : | : ¥ : ‘ i - Wo i. vtott : d ully 3} : TURNERS HUGHES He oe Z ae a ee (nas — Raleigh NC. aod carefully despatehed. (ders ib ail) pap Cy partactsiip of Doctors \ | oe : [pte diligently attended to. | Boiehclie, te tis uay a rea a aes > ‘cae / ; ey, uc Srosuived Uy ( tl | Law Books missing from my E. ae roduce of vattous hinds will be cutout parties i Office, received in paymentsor work. [All persons indebted a the firm. ' leet and sertle thee aceour ts, . Saleouiywnlave os gele sa ets) Ist Vol Selwin’s Nist Pius, m2 a | oUn\eOl Phillips oor concn | 2 7 ' 1 ae ‘ sa Will pucse ut (heim lor se tineuts, s svidenen, ‘ ‘ Hn = ett : ‘ hitty on Contracts, N QO 1 I Vio | ou " L : ( Ae ‘ 2 My Maichell, pre Pdiltaank my professional bretlren ts re. | ee, | : It a a a Boarchelte § Movi i OO IEE SO tO Call aad ei Rene TV. persone indet Subceriier g ; uro Che, ot give me woes where icy are to PES UR) Me OGY Soke? tate Mieis aeeuunis, Nea LOCOS Live ale rece! are prey Adve be ede will tae qiatler —_—_— Psat Trois per! ‘Mavi Gletord is placed within | Joseph Mectey, fe fou ELM Tenicsi (omake luc jale sei ement et Ri Ul ttl 4 owt { > Old Leghirmand Straw Bonnets bleach » MON VGOMERY, Dre FJ Cutlar, | ass > O oat ther by er OF tele SS ———— - -— Molasses Asste and eure retrest-— Hien elena wearer ctr meiiartnn | Ditnen \icktuctcer ; DD §. CALDWELL. - 5 { ' z ee ey, cts; Bre ON vemleliusew cre thmnintls hruks : : , i i | A ee es | Aprit § —1f38 WATT persons having Claus against ine will pre iN OF 1 ‘ oe av eee Ce detuaace. Mrs SoH) i ye keen i nstantly oon band ROWAN ie i ne files | z _ a! Ure Sipe for settlowg@nt as bexj ect to leave 1 Cc I. ae x a x Flees Rte vias St tN Ct aaa sta , | . lis partul ide couatiy shortly anuee aes vay in hy We Can putetive (is " mer Te ener ee How ROM Pearson, { STONE CUTTING. bie Pas ele eeu) J : OB'TRAVIS | aes can blister 5 ; tr SOULS Hen (ants tier CURE Zens ee } ‘ : as : F se poeee and the adyesming Coat fue nee t ol re : ' ete \ JOUNV HOLSnot SER, | Nay 27, 18371115. Tat persons tralebted to ily Plate of lita 20.t< 5 € r : ! ED Me hase st Na ra - Alexander Garay, Po wpe ii ee eee ne _ , 7] & 2 ee! er | ) ~ u 1 S Wwalel Ce eee cliente etn jee oe NIVIES tice stat he will execute at his| 7a alts 1g. sere * y ‘ es er sare Tequested to anche - \ a Sh ie ee - , Wg , i eee ‘ ; a VUE LOMO itd ice lav re _ : 7 anh placed t puh rn vee hersell to renewed Cacttions t A Brower. be he Seven wiles South of Salisdury, af! N Q i RC. Hey geet ene ey te chains agate ein B } Wore ho Cilok OD: N Mendenhal! hinds uf Work du lis line of business, tas cor: | payinent, watt tt : Peo 1b a 20) at hoe ta owt brag dw a } : ‘La styles Pema e eh ce . rr ‘ ei a MIVIOe Te eWLLeth etter: od by a gS cal ey beste, ee ee Jesse Lindsay, fecha style aud at as cheap a rate as such work Pre VSubsetiben ewe seu ii ice wean en Portural | Vo grace thy witact heer, Teen Cte, , | Neunenlorenesa vean be done in this. country Phe superior | e pleadin: bar of their ree: very, ' u s : , a ’ . i . EB ‘ ‘ . A ’ 7 hry And tite avd thos rat = ina Cnn RV eee + CABARRUS, Paul Barringer, quainty of his gritstionely recommendstis work | that valuable | JOHN HARDIE, clair, He On ere rere elf ass. VG ATs, C21, Wilham IY Phifer, to Millers. and Gold anuers in parieular, He mY TW May 27, 14371145, 3 . : p, : x ' Fi 5 Leno . promises the ulimosi tictuality in ddline } , Je iD ——_-———_- Shenae iment meee ; Beojamin @, Fray, George Klots, i yin dlloe bis en ON A | 5 Pere : \ ; CUCU Rt I ‘Phone ;Sagements. Ordersdisected tu the Post: Office 7 \ : , Her ey: Mashed pag aad eh ' SEW Nines (your Sew Wale aia Vina | c han j aC Salisbury willbe promptly a He Office inthe "Pown ot Wadesborough, for several years NOTICE. re s mt eat wie See a i a , j a - s HO Rates Raid , Sasisoury , NOV se Wt : | ae A a ae ite on sulely Pug bi ee ee oe te per _ PA ert Le i i . ; a per ena reeery | DAVIDSON, Sen eee i ; en ym ye as anexcellent stand fur the \ atehuuag and atthe Store of Ge We cS Fae i ee eae NiturviDuscnoery |The Wost Elegant Style of TANVVEVG BUSLVESS, | Boseiothe Lown of Salisbury, tors. otf hs te nerds you see eee, air nn 5 to ui ‘ on) aou emon, aod ' WK Hfolt. os } ; : ee ae eccHinear ine \ fogs tothe capital atack cof Fayettevi and 00 na t 16 Ve first must lear away { ee SOR Ss IN ere KLENBURG, Saiiuel MeCoray | N Per, and can be en i Ae : Me sou (Meh Western Rail Road, under the Arte of Asseuy f ee \ : oe Mood blavind worked at tie Dut lon te 125 a: poren oe afown ay applytig tu the eub- | oly of 1833 and 1437 cn AON Frio round bie secret dweiling place, to ust fr twenty years, he hope. he I “ae Caber eitheroy tetior or privately | bel 810 at ; ; al = : ‘ : Wl 4 is i Ze ' oe 4 . > i Piene walls of living haven Pobath not be eon tdered prosuunplucns on eadl LINCOLN ae i G ' or } is ~ rm - a F Ttios Deore: THE COMMISSIONERS. HASSHS, p They quailed beneath bert tty ghace- we himgelf agadee of clita He bas ad pont as a emer clases \ : i eels htt) | ee ed per ib 8 They silent turd aside, i ao the New d . 16 Philadesphia basis | | M i ‘ Burtoa, | OW: a ae ; it ie torof he Greensborongh Beacon will SState of jLorth Eavolina, cts 5 Park p 2 uae . J fous, abd the aogce well be made Upoine hector | cop ree t t } ay Feat Vase the a ove stm times, and forward hi , cia x oes ao 002 S) Bg eer al eal teat Jtyle of fashion, and warranted to fit weal | m a : es J i \ N N % URE OUO ATE SUUseri ser at Wadesborough N.C | WILKES COUNTY. S40 935 25 Her loveliness aud pride, ED Ulaetioaig seren ime aocan ° ; h . al un, e y, AY K LLEI Ry 9 ————————— - _ | John Norris, t Original Attac te Ineriein ‘lis —_—--— ———- — ee at Pena OG oe 1 Jeti oBnitee r vs awed oun let ate) ee VW —<—= = en ee mel Al en Ie (en ety nee | GOLD AND or ne . pe d out SM alloc; 7 THE LATE DUEL ee ce ‘ ee: Vette, pee ae Murchison, es DSILVER WAne, &e. acy SPRING & SUMMER ! Duncan & MeKinzie, Lands HWeson tu p a | eredit to pogetoal deal; AIL] 1 foe thine | ie a | eunsiautly f me ioe ee OU LCn A eee A) en, . Ne rv appearing to the satisfaction of the C mpm faciiced per ; VemNlanialiel ite INSite leer ce ar icritee \ Ga Ai y [eee at UFSale al his shopimSahooury NC. | eee that tt vod: one ‘ i : ; F. . De Venn: iB Quire jowatt fe wow, oe notice SU Vote ar ke Bt RAE ; Beiter: Co [eareen fou MD SireA at the nexi Le alwove ace Stuy | = “ ae) ! i. al Pee ee in (hia case are ha . Vis with painia! teelings iat we announes | Eoin distesee willbe punetudiy ctented t1 | ere ee ne poh Samurl Lemly & Son. a ‘ uy Dory ey eee ieensa moe emCUE ols. Celcy dere dmv the fatal termination fa duct hatween twat Phe pablis are inv ted to et) and examine | ee aunt | SPLEN : 7 { > a + poy * De Witte Pot Sik Wrens in the ¢ p eureitizene My. Willian Vo Gbolsnand My | Pitees fer themselves The std coon el dit | SURRY 1 an - “ ‘ EVDID 1S WOK MIAN FO | e a TELL Wt a a Se bts 1a Allende feudants appeo a . ‘ \ , * h wles : y : A ‘ e oppor , : Ag . Albert Jacksung on monday my gluse. cn rhe er ein smith of Whe Cust Wt ace, tu the Nec a , | JERS LION BE eel Oras, { . , PML mu poe Ae ul Pleas and Quarter Sessu a } ! Arkacsas shore ofthe Mixs i Phe ongrs Narge Book Buildiag. anne eeu) ea ce ! ; ee tobe hele tor the county of Wiikes, at Pik al caase of thie lptientable resy!: was ofa ters SUIT VN Cricye lan lean mannii t I WILKES \\ re \\ | : a oS ve eee pea les ig Cul dg) R Be tee i tg i cigs Reuse Tike ctan gho onthe tr 1 mG Core oe trifling Asiute— teseb (cela i A eee a : ‘ i | , ra uM . i i ya Ure LEVI SEN AZ | = at ew. wy and its Viemity for the liberal vy afierthe 4th mondey .1 llthe tess We Sse. pray gne nd GnWeling to make sarichior sy eon Ps Ashe isan Agent for some of viet | \\ Cj i ae pates Ms Steves, (Mughsh, French, | th. PT Penis heretofore received in tis business, . plead, or Judginent witi te este; 4 pe tinsh oa] he river on mm: mday inert os Polors ot Pialatetph Dad) Sear Sia Mt x ase, ; ae vd Hae Te) eintorins the pubhe that he stillearnes on the | leds cundemned to sais, thon leaf 24 3 ace’ ine as eC ctv le toatl (Ao Vem eatin te Teel | ee F , bala 1 rd and Pitted bub Chaiy | ry \ Test —W : ‘ vr oe ‘ i ee ‘. Sas, an my Wish to hearn ee Mn ores ae | 1 See {ted and bar AN ae “as a ‘he | ILO RING EB CSELVESS | eer a Wa Mani INVe wee Weal 925, eee a enaiig UAL He an 1 ae ih Leet, Cee dd il Phat ee ; _ \ : cae ‘ | a fationS—one of the bastey 1 Matues Codistabute the fasten. | ! : ie als IINITS SEVERAL BRANCHES , -- elie! aheles. pape te or ees De Piioistnette pad gad |! oe fo eee ead a ae ESN mea Pain TO ne State of jhoveh Cavalina nae Were stationed at thirty | : ner vt \ al Dee rest tech a a a Vs ii ee een LATEST FASHIONS FROM “i : avy By the Gr ree Pistel by ligs.s, For Sale or Rene. ie Ws coy vol wh the nd i ee) | P . SHORES COUNTY: $ ; wn. to fire Ay : Ft UO aia tC para Ge ener tion Dt ea i Piel Gases rid (VES (ILC eas Aree miine four ie ee oe - c HPoncood termes, my estah hl Carob ea ‘ ved London, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sexson, 20 ~e aot eshinest alew doors egst o " a PAE 8h is eae Sere eae tee ‘ ef EUAN eis : ye , . ‘ Fatice of Wheh VSatsoury, ow Miata ce ne : Monee the x ile Ae orien : Fe te ; { a e oh HN ne Philadelphia, dine Lev, eur W ee waignd his pistul—and, ea oe - Be Bec nccen || a us ae ua i ieee i Ce ae lle aS tid Siisver rte . ; / 1Gew ; yey ‘fredoh altageously — ak a Vonmmber ot years, and] Hola hd ree tiwonunn Pn es Near aT Cr eee Vian Wises, J Rute e i tomers that their work | 2 Oo! § Agibactin A ae ; ee aati ne dropped rota Me ee Ee est eA te et | St ; Dertehetes seni ety Le, han ve our tat ufally and according to promase va. fooal altachmpa Weaem a Ptwiteh— the vali 2 i ue PE elie De ce dur | ) Dike Tie ReGen east Veal tre peo | Greed tan ’ i SO ane Ate Uivit! ot Wiralevery mechanic cag say: Al Joho Hutchings, Peeieren te aud Uy i Goo, iS _ NS OS Svat 4 i yo Pe Ch HEE NVest ain mre ke | Gate . 1\\ } ' ie feast at te rot whee : : ye p is ie ! \ y lustre ithe Cape B, ee Unt Woarted ce oe. bth $< oe dite rs ‘hough ENS etree Person can tree the rs hie " eu advantages offered a ae A > Me Dhreg ens ‘ e Se \ Lee ee N this case i is ordered by the Court th ee turesiid wine Femained inn... | (ferential avail @enanves A icy oul ot tie ere Irete aes pte ott PS eM eeseriystinii at Donel sity eV ye Cmts oC tt pobhoation be inade in the Carolina Wa Ds siot of vies e % ne pa ee fitted upon ter pie it. f; ery ain do wWhathe can, aod this woh 2 Woekimanihe inaoner and protapily hao, printed at Salisbary, for six weeks out! Werte snted rf TSals ys hening towards | WOMEN TON Byte O Te j , a a 9) {OT SIX Weeks [itll EE 2 eee y : ‘ . ve kN WGN ' + : = tng the Def waar ? st t Vuvtive trot ikeeF three? foor pices wing 0 NR Pwillstilesntinucte entatay ce ea . CIS ST ss ay pene en ee Partie DAVID DE Poon, | CON EVD BUY LAWD. eee id c “uu erie: on Nee tae eon 1s Coumengaee, hie arn placed askin frends and customersas usual, Be USN ern Raul Roel Canmany el teartiely cnn | ‘4 ea Op a . thereof, tu ba he Re oe a eles 9. (a ta vorica Position when he fl! dead in has er Bobrusy 1, 1937 —1f30 ey Le ea sits cae Lela] fered Jor sale a Tract containing 2 Meld at the Court house ia U AU e VY sury on's aPms, without speaking, ta’ aniveo. |) === : ee | oe m 4 Le Wiel done and debts dup, DL. S00 . e ee on the second monday in Septemd bourit to or ue 9 on having passed throush bie heart. | TEMLD ERIVCE, | 00 non | Salisbury, June 25, 1836 uge JO ov more A Cl sr : a Jel are to replevy or plead ae Hee My Proeds t Jecke e i a s : \ FE R A —_-— en oe Uyinent foal y be be aD iii oot Undr es ches pee Ee tu danger, al ie Annual Meeting of the fedel] r Whol s LE, | Rock ingham PWN eV Ciinesinat Titary rey y betwee | tid the tand toa d a es - ty aw ee ee ee edieh nearer sa nity eae eae t ole: . ; VeLNg roe eo) ei nel Si, ile eae eye t oun, SU MU Ave eicint ie fitaliye st lye ‘i oe : : c BEGG Society, with be as Care Sale ee Retail. | i ‘ a ae ( es Statnene tact, ws Af? ents demands eS Coane at rety ntisfied that all had ede He hs ourth etme linc monn Nites y 4 : of Grays er Jwihing' MINER fh Ze i ee ECU Sas iimi ret eee Witness, John Hill, elerk of our said € Un morever he Lege r er. Gav the bth day of Jity a: » Coitment, manufactured and t he. : le ee wed mall itu } ] 3 tl oil evel Shy accor ting ty the rales of : . : hoa members | yy, pee putup by William Nae S i feaedl, a tow | tbodhes, the second inonday ot Jaae, £540. , Or military, ; i d A gentleman present at tur and those frendly to the Objects of the go- | pega ua Ty : ms y tials \ ie an en will JOUN ELLE. « exerts to TV Al arth tine 6 ’ a : ‘ we er) . ‘ one + : f y 0 ' ; s A 7 ; a Pete r ee and ow wad witnessed Clty, are respecttuliy rmvited to attead, | 1006 XO IOTES diien cuperior article, N Ge VW fica ! i a ea Vopr be June 24, 1337— Bwid nice Ady. 31 Detvedterttie ¢ ; 27 ones, remarked that it 6urpasse | fj CAMPBELI Seery i mauptactured and put up by , @ ie » Vhe iH COCCI eaten sy ee : : a“ a Ue, Tegqer IOeCitenr are Bt saeeiiied 1 ‘lin On) oe ganas ‘ te Ne \Watieue ; . ) kr. . were 2 ; EN Cat » a ree eet nae ane ie ay . ue ae ah June 10th, 1837 c a . po New York, who was | ( Frequently called LENOX CASTLE say 20, (987-14 Nee a) tet ! vA kk LEN U p i en hl tie antaronist— beth ae augut by the Patentee | . ne ai } \ } ; ae waveng de lared that they strontd strike, the one {ep [ey EU EO Rock ‘ , | > ) * Ries i ! ‘ ih ihe, the one 1 rte te yar oan : ‘ wehingham Connty,N. ©} Po Ad eer f boo fhe did—_the other widiia one hall of an, et Poke (- Book Host.cg 4 ‘ta ae ee te ba gennine and Ve Immediitely on the Stage line of Mecsrs. ler bee bas in ue I eS Pe lieei ms iv aod ny, ‘Claes ee Moe d I rs, | Ser 6S 1 jos ¢ ner : S eS COME Sibser is ? : Ful iuengy car ees cacy i a sel), shall | Peck, Wellford, & Co stunning from Washing | price : Pee US Lea Ty Ci, Noon , aa LON ast lite fae Eeeer relief to the diseases ¢ numer. | ton ( Ite, to Milledgeville G es B rl Ss. EUS PT ESC ‘we otvan tha martienlace, pat heranen et Book, Wher Ru ky River, Ut below. when properly applied, th een g 74.— The sitnation | — oo ' Merteeihle Weta ta ilore nna TOG Siete es liste a rf VO ACMEO Ua Geeretat ude jliea i “ t & money ene tandsome, healthy and Pleasant. VPhe | i hn i ——— XEUAS PY 2 NV Canara pile rdrisuy, bit tavueset a ti, aaand oe 1 (ee dich wae oe Media ee I t Ve subsert ee pean by Professor Olmsted, and | Dr. mR, a, BOUCCUELI L | Kt ce “A i, living on the Wal i" ur ehes hn atemeants which we found pertad ne er ane Oinae linenumed) anal teen fli eel (eine anita on Me id to be impregnated with Solphor, Carbon. Tati nD ’ sh, he Creek, eitered on my book as rete UF conetatt cur pable S ce 2 dtonev, <€ eee ce 1 : ae : ‘ ae for therenrenct | Hn, and Magnesia. The Properties of these | WW ee y 2 1e the prartive of Medieine, gx | BY CMOW i Vetigivatiixed wilt sine wll hy Htaen, speaks. : A Teyers! cae fi'la ine e yNMNAIty het, Wines Ths Setlist VIN yet ye fir re TAINS Drees! a He fl eee vunds, | * Doe entitle them to rank among the moat’ Pls rn ata ae oe OF Salisbury. aid at Vietuiy | ee nae vod lait, ne brood nor other pa “ WHth eyes sain bo modBurea re taken to prevent the cat Tp Oa ati ' "| oe nc ld i nfluounations, and whar | @xeellent mineral waters of the country. “Phey of the Mz; ee Ae ad CHiN Maret wit | Maths discuveraiic, valued at pode We Me Wore on leavy roe CO eet J CANN 3 "1 S termed Scald bead in chidren, Biles, J Operate asa cathartic and diure re Mansion Hutel BP eppry dae in doe Gane j Yet all po tt ' Ven doubl the expadecey at oy ‘ leet t a t| Corns, aud external ne ; , ies, | and diuretic, alrengther May 2 t : | we, tod proving fas po fj ies @ conte having heen take > ae \ re ' a | : ye Mss geverally {1DB and organising the powers uf digestion DIV OUI o 7 = tat SUSU Cli einem eq aver = —— at \ re ee ee: ve A long listof Certifieates from renin: giving tone. and healthy action to the Stomae), ~ — , he Wee ocd, B EST \ . AN? (cave 9 TH) cen HE ae Who have used the article milltocer, a Bowels, Liver, Kidacya, &e. ‘his aces 7 ‘ ae a Statesville, Iedell Cy. ON. ( ; ae i TAL a ; : uot a Sout re ees at sureess, | excelle errs ; 5 : Is l A 1 ee eet Selva lcle ‘ ue y aie ee ; ‘ . : VW Poaw tor sion, a ae soy uy ne oe | AMI Ar ders) tre Mm our ie a aie a ee Dyspepsia, Detil il : i j \ CVy \- — cos “ } yw Ve fallen Peta po ' ee sree iene customers and frends will meet with the ma ME Ne. Promoting appetite, and fi ; j te : ae a7 mVonea who Wall @i.e gir infottuate protapt atention, le usual me see ae ree system, " AND Pillsboroius fa eho arden. TUE. JON No allen cas aetian| es 7" Rat ' Ania : ' : TURNIP ' Cis confidently beleved that medical ; F Pauli ' : i N trot, < mM one ; ee UNCER Th Grn hen PRVER § HUGHES rene mite ae steal inte} |) OR N MTT at ities eruns Ob f I hee , pe Ba Ca Verne eriting toa Dea ace Ta nO Cain Wien a itlges al Rolei hk, Moy 13. 1937 - Sia if conantied would highly recommend the | 7 Vk EIG HIDES. rua Aevdemy wills : WD Ande cis Reh Pe cee pat ’ a / , | remedial qualities of this ater } m% Sulseribar hac constantly on hand Pl te iroaeyc int me Iwill “ ; : = | The bathing estay'isiine | receiving dat! Be ee OMA oe GTA VG ae i ' ‘ a ee ore 1 7 , ( TERISTEAN PARR | x a4 ’ | good order C dost inenU will be kept in, PORK vp ee iy ) CSN EN Tats the pext se8sion Will been on the Pstct ae (inc loth d , Ee Set ets w | I [ , eee : ELON MEE DLS well fo owing. “Lurion pe Peon ep Ne Wditor m Ay a ue : i . 4 4B, | he Proprietor ts ths Chem een orth the attention of Paunerain 4 , Coed enice Ta ie per SOE ae ae Yole himsels sabe OD) RY eh NS Goa: awe q —— \ THOUSAND Bt SHELLS OF CORN , os to those that java patronized ¢ ma whieh he ofl Stor wile at the] na eniOc enternp = : . ee LOGIN TEE a Nis profess, saute Pe ! |: ( ) wal ’ 2B on the plantation of the late J 1 ap ' | informa Vistters to 4 S Fe ners is any Miata tine © TOWest prices and Bene month and under ater the i ; OU, the heres 4 q ® son, in Davee county eo eee Lea erie Stage, tray MINES. Passhtigers in cen ince aU DNC oncastiin ( iy ac. | Mevcetent ot the session avlishiment of 4 _— —— -—- : \ , : | eee Es that he wy Pe ate ae eES ‘ Board t t w@ie. Ti i a i FIRST ‘IP z NMI O COTO adn a turnist | ard may be procured at moderate p 1e Oftice ! 1 \ Le eee BAROU CHE, with a JOUN FORD en a eae ee : NS duno the Sumer ft AlSoolecatlinnnpone = throughout the villayre «rand Ornamental 4 mdetat hare hee Mere 3 + Aven arte MA THOT Gaepeny ceed . OEM Nealon ian ane ws aye. ee é oe : _ e148 (enths io is ee Xa | ‘ frienda and ac uarntan, Soe he ‘ : i Wty order at the sliuttest tatina a 1, and finish June 10—3w47 MUly large and us ' a | rar = SCL TUE ttentu mer rea eh ica Sar apie — - = a vuiatuented by a , 1 sands | HHIS OFFICE “” rer t Mherr apppeba tin Gtrcieen ee ULE STTAUN Ke er “40 NW desiry ; Ap 29041 | BLANK DUEDS fee | CWRUSUn SUC, Frey, nye JOB PRINTING rie wean FOR SALE AV Vitis GPEICE WRIGIEP Jungel ees ee [ ' * : ' EN IS OF every description neal BLANK WARR Fur S VN a > a . CPDone at this Oflice e/. 4-6 St (13 Office “Cente not in tcleal printe Mt make ot hi © profitable re H vville 20tk ——. RNS a hoe _B ¥ ——— — 2 atk’ _BY UAWILTON € SALINE * JUN EER: URY. Vv... RY @ TERMS. GAROLNY, ROLINA yy A w a Fro VW mthe \ aN. ——— Sar a === cs w - The War PCa Miwa avy hereafter de he ad i 1" rad hat ; v ¢ its per ye ar ‘aliv mal G “zetle ACONS | ; rere: IV VION | NACE | wo Dollars Sh T Oo this table the fi oO a lowing edi torial ee 7 ’ eee — —— ——_— NO. 269 Le idny t Ge! \ t { yy ERS , ts win ely ue one 2 sacl have Uf re eS oo Ie paper t sun oat who will ve : eerie! ; fe ine om i]! tine th : mer 4 Your al r Valet ny In tap Shi “ L eta ; Vcc one o Dot er Vise tine fl Pao mica ‘ea vectra t Yo wil Cros Sty NS Tae ts tall en a Co es pea rele } ICK vec uthe ie ‘ will oe ving od CSS CE : | < ' wt SCLL- t is coeIBG rte vot pay dd : 16 j tase REN "i ‘ al ayy e ‘ ‘VY t § aeny , t ie Poatlars on ae Ure oy yo CS Niece Cally am NCY mark sey y : eur ill , cel ee year at G x teat lie VTE 8 are ¢ NGS vived { be \ : a 5 facut Write wtosee th | © append 5 eee u | Es . ~ y/ ' ty ' ie ( ed: ends and Pern a pone Coenen Lillines : ne eae ct icrer 4 tnth W expedient teat | will da al: a au ; alita mtinue a oe the . Ones iti st mtk Boe ee herew ai ry dante ' ted bitat NEO] and \i Melon we UG Se ST Vet Cig “stim tt Deena bolt ogland b en by the f tet = uh atthe NTS Vai . > 0 prot nal © eos ub Tag as s © for . lo paliia far / ae est 11 : Hit a eu t Me prints] nes Mak SE SA CGT er . USED: PEON Gs taken ti en ay fae ait “Boing tah Picksot : result Sell, , 7 othe ue ealra {id ricer Nee Tay ATE er Aw ie hy 4 4 ) oO Sout out dolla us. @ alte { ws 6 ol . Tal fy tome itv Ut ' att a wee a) 1 oon vill 4 Jack Wena leony trey rsin »BMHce orts”? “4 Ge pat a fern ley ow Wot | OR het Fl as th nesitat son fj ay years oar ore tl Is21 oer ‘ume un. —~ Tus in I j tale | UR RP ws pts dost © put tty rein thea 192{ the wn 2y,) st restore le t ! sel post lil rr oO lias Thies Ral teeta) the (one and - shi wel thon ret el- \ GC re Ave y i ma : thlad]} Iis fies no hota] t J corte id 1822 pueat ag Hoe Nee ‘ erg var Hal : i: Ute at LOT, VEL. IM pies me shal ens He Dwg TS awe a inade nor fe Urreney Cols mts _ Conlon quire tor fa Sta i / : MY U he ~ secud [iS Tere I ahi vibe ais My ohy wa of tl ie Ye mul deo Prereny y lorry wy,” | t be paid oe : Ree mee Uren}; ely Cu \ / Me J toni ten hac pis BO we U Bold, 2 vat prota witty $3 | Most tf d to th = Duet ae , Hwee ( Mae tin iD Mie OES G? 5 * aD send kets, wat etn Git Won ol eX Wi) state wited St eu Umma and trvite gp Weal fe ons of « 1,319 an ACh. lerelore he States ' Wer t dant 4 con 4 ” CLT, Tyan F hi ; r a toot EL ine Tae ide by! , eo om doll v.20 ere , t j curige E cued eat beset Pi an 10K the Ppeal even wa t ut , Sema ”y the oue ws : nce al ID eco; § ai will tou ‘ mls 2 BE Ta whlo trie tuts Pttor und N ty st 2 rou eS c eud as | pos to ol fan t on lt Stiag i LtLan Lobe afte Yas he aden the au of { at or sho } this ad of rad tpor the s an be elf . Th Wu ver line R. nse rear ‘ , CER te peu sa vu v ul I32 role 4g etur Wien deal stil the c iu ve Ve pec tee e 1 are net rte a of AM aMie neo Wd oft Tete 2.1L art is Jedue ible co le ral jee ted Oo Uruvel ud are recel¥ lents will dfor } Bb f mt eud pr ea heen ai Gy icles ort ee COU two un- rele; ittle ireul by | ceived 1 willbe & aw dd ow fat 4, whit ry Cryer pre yada tee tole a yuld swe ree a » lits im use of en ar, wi an It ‘ are ed to st hare ‘ d will a i S Cliat tome t fs ct ) amet we ere Care wl port is heb Ty More » will 18 LU previcus! op th ontinued he xo < ju Howey yp Tees o Sas Ie Op e lave Haden NUEY, ott Wenn ¢ ant fa bo tata than be t wy ron a} 1a : Kae 7 ‘ 7 wee . ac lobes Wor amo five Oo ve Al Vary n, wl deagtl Is robust ! \ € | hoe Cr aval Vue at ‘ | ye One Pecaly eob Velie elt, al om, cts may rattl pee unt em me vertise 21Ven here ord fid uss th ‘nt It HOt u ( \ t doul us an ed: ar ¢ the nerce Wy | the; tale in rONnth ‘ . ‘ ; ; wa di @rs delit ai Ieee 9 | wre rive | ) en t (lie vate of et d qual ex eis | Vie am tay co ig ith . be rede SS) y) a direc yal us Vad lornt le in pike t n tients We S19 > and to Xpor eu tala oun ever ; in : iy eat ythe eth | e op toatl iS eres tte 70 . ‘ es ut | Crs voa wi + th the Cot to] dep tw e whi gany Rea a D eye is k porn fa He ieierat nfl wit { ey oul gq Wiel es e wl soe | posite eh ee it be ch at wi PVs ollay e ir ot ie ian) ia kes Mlotna best 4 of tt Ma vel " Syne Mhon oma ich weg econd tole pecie ordit ew ris eng shiett , hua s hatedye fos , ce te ( , abe a 1 s Is dor ill | no g cle JON Feud qa priviley por unar sIxX mm atte iders f. : ra nthe WMetead omc owt | vor cre (ah tity ag ov ire mus das, 4s wen tt hot vou wed t hel ear NES ay BO Gre. ath fi saths wil! aided t froin g oe) fact ct MIA EY Besa ENS ai wdait OTC stp » Mates Mpa refore ues rammed dur : elas or each Cie cued Oya badis root Chat hey ey ite weit f ‘iatwe fou t Pore a corre twiil the he that e&scir G aw: 1 spe ting th Vos ‘ and sent irl wnee th ths hp aes =I Ko © hae In b : is ee Ea ines ee) pea no ly | a ——— Bali juae : toll lecwae Ray Onsa disy ng ihe ul wi, © ty vel - preg yo Hee nt ueht Cte opera yt ; : ee at Taeevdinct Vis ‘ te se | riage Hosa eee “ae ne “ apn ie Pega that err Tronvit reeeosiile atas has Os aes hte es een ta Philad ee Minn fade — 0% MA Tea vee ty hati : ‘i yey iP oe owh or (0S 31 * be red : cu ae i ees oot j Silve e Mitche b = HA R a EI | Peat ane | cori and Ss SR Se CUA Lae | eae tag n Za ary ates i i ORT Oe ous von, re iter ren ev Na level, ts PIE ey south (rom ver can ia on 8 ld AS M Hiniied trow BP store tf ots? ey how fer dat if trunk iiied Ve Maths : ce tol eee Cold BUS hon tt 8 gr yt SA - mee \ rm SI don tt Sons la hie = of G Y prod Wei oi thee x, wl out et eee : his d up ean t OX e tiitee great e . Be SALISI jfor sal Bee ; the Jate tts df den CO rene reed t iD rod Usto nel uy ih wun (Hin ret edin pen od a sWaXx SBUR | ey Si will | Ost sty! Stead wnecrat gluty at Jack Wether ita, | ducting ohio Was ne are ie fol] nent u seme rough goo ays plep perth Y { peak aoe ee 1 fell es meat see) d 4 the su at Teva} abe on nas Mie ' “ rch Ene at e pe Yin Oe reqne per gal lb : Mis {B eons lown ot Curte tO ore oe tue your all;wh tol» ng tab] Hoe sty owl ints of 1 less roce sted Geant {oa a Lier [oe eee ae ee if ste OP pos eve ' a Vee ect rep, | WH ieee ec 1 vho Hee) ee beak nt. ope hay Seis: aE cls RB oft . retour » Caps on tk edergl train: Z Wrot ah an e to Xpo ’ sug ; adn dele ae Nae. a We pense . eG ey Cis: * Brand | lis si ts l [ise and «@ iG | Vopr see hot inis some ry pe lo 4 gest rthe bene peeuhat hott at og » and ts 3 , Cah Alon t > Cull wey, A itl proce ver the Xe Giiz PATE” he nts | kK S U aly Comal o- all ren last pert Crist hon eCO and S. iy 1 sper basis hope - p | w libe and tl ankst Atte? op (ren) wiled S Wotue . “tuys v be thous a reon ro t sine ve) Titi ox .Wwille mee South el! ai ' ont We pe roy : ter en wad othe c mesa ele le N Stet ' aera in wl wie of nde & Gay: Teen Tee anal fossa come enmba - 1, pre MH C ) ne roy Cran and pl wveour JOU > eitiz {the Da enn Nats Sc | ise , place of d to y ects, apable portant vis enh ler Ww load arrags GM led y Gritty cts ee pledges aren ie Cor Deus CIS Minoo Wiles onal i id \ rust of Engl ihe » oT ote reilee ‘op obtar ith ¢ ed dt ed Met cls EI yf oO hie | Srl atect ~ 4 please Zs hersel ront she mies { sot w; t ass Hct he lees | tis they + align f s 1821,¢ will | rutin ons pon ad ling { On, a iriug th ac ut i strom N tee eas the self to has ort Whew Seite te ipo! / en te ave ust tae | vl speed 12,3 Ie BLE Ine ane’ vant resh stl & tne UUNL8 25) pral pt eal 6 | eS Or rome FOUO? ton Si The B CY Ovts a ount.’ send | pecte y ther en ROU Re Ise, tl iweo sup 16 8 : i Ni Ri. > Tf wed tved. | Jour ie ky mer Cust et Orne toh 7 dit tha 2) and rey that s » there Us te pphe urest ie atsope bust rT eN nae i Son | ALISE d exe J fin pal? OX press fev oY ne to | Mae the eve Vag if Ath: elaine er 1s of _ per! Diode) . > i perl | LLY, ruios \tifluence NMETV UES SSE prise cu tre present ; ( ut was; ry : ares the wNnte, © yin s. good ao M ne foot oa i rot : We coin cae i _ Apri 15. 18 Telarc ed es we Of the : oll whe tthord Cony my eeGrrann beorhess at : dl very good \ lepreciate 2 a peru 7 rson ow ae EXport not to A). cities, to ie cee would 5, it ke fh op lee bee J. Rae allele VO are ree tiny hical ande ZOO r | pe - ( ys ” ‘ ed ook dan . be cis; B el G val pret as r ie tok anxn wings a : ne) view vida spe- rly ls Papec oth reco] to at nove to ts, » Bret 1) ned boy late PP Engl mis tl Sand B Teor ae S pere sof hand 10 awe, r mone ink st al tach ronment fi ther of the fe aes ha ‘ a an e Tutti hl vland? Dies riddle Te panel ee ptint er he re, ait hy relief Vv, st oppa the s more nt f nsely 1 batter 10 ue bet t ulti 5 eee lp » and pecre sl pte y Vent lt OL Glos le adh laws Stop | ges sper mn or rel es and vis; S ) , ea ie : on _ ank of the roul Coe CURIE Vitti oe | relow inves » de awe >! ghe ie cire porta tef, in 5, Var pe aie 2 fh ' in NM . poroE Olmtlie idea d be aie ported ie, is Sty tof struc , Dee pecul cula anee t ,and nv can b! at - ' ! {S _ Sakus Say Unit Is hel sent Hing thee Currys pltob CESS ws tl usu tlonof sl ‘tion ft ar, tha al not al 1 - blister ee ' ! Dy SB ae ¢ ltr vinud | ited St don | Jina come eshte al - Wee ie ore: ters ax deb ies law oF anaitd repeal ' iden. tinal ual >! ; : ee “ , ARE Z | atsfer G javer stiles it, th CX enuat To last Uhre Aport cet Es , The ute sales of rece eser cf a ee Cae m , : a AG ; L Pian KER wit fi ieee ron aud it poled ratupal spe three oe: atlas ait le tadbl reven { the ived ves. | ‘ whe per JUS ae comnts ioe i Hemant aes ial aed tll oo | on E fact) spired ne os wl ut cu. le was Aas oh ol gl bots Was able ve ary e pre ity wand Ins a 124 \ . Heties vot Bove: lipoma Seti ae (ea tel aaa et iy ved S rut So ie te the mo ry iti an eath-t ease st ) ues ) a ar mon 1d 4) Soot jlo pre to son's etl I Lowa eat » wilh ! | uth . S e.ur Xx e@ thy: g fro yes h- blow, tat \ > Yank i) Ie Tener ! lt ' ter od > 00 | Hio tl the [ 8 for er to vel, Sour irat tl thes stity of al le ising tre wade mod ar, wit! . win pe HN 5 aK { tit STlamt on MM ? Hees the ' 4¢ eg tites Choy wow buge Uhirt sum ppg all ¢} alming fro ms of qua tities wy by | fo! Sa \ res] vou i ie Weel compl goons rst a) of th taf vain oot con ri gittop 1eir y the hq tivane ate to 3, wil the Wout Ib an Tee eeu ror | ay, J a) hs, al Plishe Is worl ales sical Is ytrem Sal years dothat lal spre e We jover Vear. ' meer ll not Tee re a Wer vos ; iter dour ; ‘ates on alle d oie "KY » ane tf ro Cont the Woral rts ot | adelpl re, and Se tine . rm the be very Port ts \ ! een ai pened ef, d It Tae egal lice wie] 1s ate tt ent peen chou tan S33 phia Se noo and qf thane here appropri = tural ' Mebay ie role bette ton hike child » he c woul Daas mate et portat Ah Che en iand ardin can b pria. wl per = dae as ‘ > 30) ye don 24 per erin ced in cattine eat hal le tre bh = ie ns a positio ie Uy Han Ge wie e last Mendnet ds are goons €@ no - Na wal ST ea ay , att gyue oa weeh, for portant s oe ao he SUrcitw at a ae Neat a Buvinad irilcaee et we Cia Sspecie ¢ IOWS the ¢ omen ISDE paid for eels fev gites eel) tS : Le] Ee SAS we gu Io gid Te <serl Uns ia e dotee "We Hhod af Ales, a Ve Pre ate dothe ns nes : Osi = >! sree ae \ Ns oy wud OM Ri Its Iv tons yo : Clve ht ae and ace r hue : pubj mu peci ite d ~—— Wea | (ret cd iS Mice. Wt UPA EES lel rents ape uta it qs upon a obe | ash Uiatecnern | CInISeGl d spe town in t a Dreate cere Woon perseveran ie wall ai he paid e, the nubs ea B Cis 4 : yWee aD Se sua es Nel OG : of ee a me of the el aris sn gala DM Cet) aoe [icc aay: a fetus i Diss ic Vato Senate papal TY In speci 4 ov, 1 Petin ag Lote eee Ui Tech oleray fata Tat Cy et HTS Tera Judged b eA iia Stroua voted eae cared Covstint ' “for ny : perity ey Histane vat b folly Devil fre PCIe, ee u Teh tae ve 3. | ad Yared aoeye ‘ t ve roan v tlie tistr + 4 tt Tinks our q “4 Urhess oda cA er oe alriae tstime . mn G nee tin ! Ph baad noe: i ce telte ie far strates stati hoe ches by intl oat wie wad raf a ' De ts: t cS (fies! v 4 ; Cully a fits uae Vay ny ti to Weow 19 VY pus- ' ree ray ret ee icle he Gf! Taps a zhlaa 1) thin. oe ' ee ear i ent , 2 am etree Mas ent ee a ol at Goliar the addy " ' ' ee . nish Ves oF i prove Lay (a fig eel an itnnahthe | Beals . Bal se > Bar i \ : rae! , . by taht ‘lated TEVOUt! = Wye mono f Wal? tl LAr ts) ehiiins Moy vont \ they fins lo eo v5th teyy tle Sat ot . ' oe d W al te West i vol fo 2 aM 2 f te tae , fresh eer ha paste ad Ib ie @ rape ner > Boo : Risa perp Nao G Naren Te cnte lieitetive hq runt Wetien pe hei en { nt etc Witt oe oie rat bad TOON (re te Slee Tiplydecla ve alarin- uf Asseuy 00 00 ve aisae Iba 2 eG eK me Senet Untaet Gre tlre cere ee with a i biouelit © opr otatyl Tray) (ec ve) Sea Lop es Janey Wemory, \ ' ten to Rie ” mation. It fror 5. (ony vtlon bie ste rie eh a my i an) thy ont oe s oinetal rthedla bet all inte Ny too Pisset u pdaws se cleoree hots oe ib ee leer Gerri rone. t . nw Pper | per oo See - ae i Vpn ¢ " bie yee ut Tiwa hich tlie © flr Nets tree mili preciite ape ; it al AY aa bute 1 age isis rf teen ~ 1 o ae to co ‘ Mrant Cor laa SF nae a ae ed Chen " > tnd le he NERS rl 810 Ms per oi] hel sa pa gd 5 el ti Cie te bee een wotisty any Weeeress| ron ee Se aes nites an tt cet auto of dete y laws. or Paper a ie he day the sp kis author - A Al, aes) ‘ if ‘ 7 ay leyents (4 Tete tat \ ian t enn i ere TVG 1 AN) “th by is di koe | Ont) 5 ‘ fo an i relief ae bey ot owith Phe | i © polleys the Pre et : Noe ou fees ’ na t a ' > nel : Ole ti AEEL u ysl ae nal ory and t Vs Pent Voy SNS, Nott} * ‘ ed Sper per 1a yo i rt i ! ; Tae wl Vine iy Wolke eee vou ol ne vere mine it nr ' ‘ will Wy olivia, a per ib S 1 zal a lou + fieeturee r fl ene 2 Le ' Ben hoof th | fish 1] eo ON te A ploce ot te in the f portie st ory Se et Cnl ri SES ey Vest of 4 a, : i eet eat elupl recollect ee ee Ni : 6 : oi iti aS nay " Haile : hie tor Sage Wiel yank S40 te ' ype wol vast at : rk adc aN Goa 1 . i ' iit ene dos N | te iy thy win | ve red “| eos ane moot Peet ei Shy 1 sut ao 0) cooper Tt CUSim iy : mf « ai . ned rea reas poi aecot Vest ss Vt takes vith, | aCe Ut hoa « outt tose ;\ thee ooots and sit reale Oo: b > ioe eat 3 | vit onl uieG Mite) fe Fant eet Kit : ny ila Traine: peete vey en iailes sliver ed Att sac a 3389 vohe oes - ma , 14 fo ‘ tte gosp M u ubt ci ' Wope a , Has cireul aitac Ter lew 93 Shape 95K no 2% ’ ive | Wil ! Bu ust cle TS stand allud He wr te bine 4 tert ula. ne $952) Betas Atee He) eX > re wey en Let eenh; NWthe o bal aH) rita nd Se tle cu aon Prete rie wen on Lee mere Salhi aye oy e ay ri i Toe ee to! ne un : ‘ lees : Hie (reer ie Utsen Conse eee eT Sota) ned by Septeab 0 Cy tenia nna wat the ra vine ee Deane ty dol . al2 listen fer vas bey I a ae cae ee WN in hee hon alia Contin eet cat ine id Ween veUsdd een moh latest Specie ininie a cis; Tet ee TO ye “e “2 SS ‘ > ~GLLI9 . Lee ey rE Ty Cite nly tees Ss CUEAEO EY Ss the pub! 1 Baty Dy Si Pei tne] Fe - j ee | ae will gro ¢ " ahate Vaon { Ta Sate: || ies ne i oe ¢ re eee eee ut hat Tetne cn leat Crane Ue 7 : pt Nery 1: mierls hae fine ” pm fac wpe | pari oe a ‘ ' : ‘ ue 4 tovti LE LPN eaten Ma dacs BTML bonofie ted fr Cioohe Au the No | at vol an pera Wiha elite d per t > ol ; ee aioe! DE wo at ee re St TEEN Ser eS tied bat vel dtawe ents. ti ly tost fi evenis ay ee Oe aU EC Iie per i Wa wall Ey tne is dowall bey Buten's ra dere fo Tt pat | Ny poor Ten ised Mad t At ‘te TrUntlins nwo Ww re shoe cout ele ru out CP acon ad- ed, on P : mie See lio? eer trie Hens ; Teel orn | nen | orev ieee Ch sp. 13 von Cmte meoeyr k prods riy had ene im pul att Worth af Phe lt ’H00 cur. ie ¢ VAGN: YAEL . 3 ae \ a l Taine Carty ve u lyse tial tis ho ‘ Th Poa ne n- irs ols pl wy weed | Tle athon | ably this st hee by e r ir il i tly yee prone ol ws I cel ay om if t {: ave | ay Wout lire wie nth home ratek Sapp RT ee < ! Bess ye that ey out aby ay gue ia {t bank diz 3) OP hour a “nos aN | e rat last poth 16 po roand a pearat 4 pou a Nal ' i : ! si tn boo doh lao Ss fer ty to Toten a w Ba eae prortat hu Sessiot mat wer of C rs ee neds , : ri : wrist oe ut oof one gn i awning t und lee: PT ee rol Ww al vn- : esi Colne, S10 7 ras) : i ' ie \ Ten Stich at iene Coan aan Onion, Terie tune { I | Specie o em kot the U Celi Is ply fore avy ' On gress ork. By Ae admin- . ; alc Flas mo Fa IS bt (A Wan . ; ' . eee a : Cee . io My pre eerie Prats w that the Peale ] nuit from (rien ' neds YL) ond se uri Pen He nin ne actor | { ‘ on i : « } wat Nel : ee) s yy i 7 . , stor y ; BB wc. Monies bod Fh npr to F ee oe \ , \ ca oe Tein alelowe Suerte ae det me Sie He ae A vey 4 i len Ge Seti ne pre: aud by ae nT ae mil us | Payers My min ttyl +4 i i | : t cyt peep ait ae sage ithe B le red) there terry bu othe Hy bed an net of ow i oe 1 oe ty ' , ew { han Us I Jie tuted lei ice ¢ a: wk etlax hte Tpoe tnt gy wen ot the p- pro : ' eet , F 7 t! ty Dey Jhoew vv ll tolat k oft} of anse at (Hie and mote pra $ pe bnst tor | Peds tlie ' ! + —— Is hen ey | rt Eyal hepit onal we iU the eas Hus tl is t nay ‘avi. st a iw 7 ’ i haope r tro ‘6 ’ , ‘ ved ‘ca K fils / bod ehey othe Rae » or it tees vatye be nid ieee Oa dy. = OO N a iby oy [hel eeiee a ~ , i ee ; \ ' or ' ar, Toe Spear cyi Vara ona Vo tmport ‘ Son uited State pecte roa . Will bey applies i les for at trane- is i . th i? ' oe tty er ss a \ tk ate a ae i’ c pral : A 1 Te Ha (ity ee Teac] Mir pot } { ie | en : ih the Mi Baroy Tete ALLO of \ 7 fsa relant d from ki priverples S had, Senate edit’ che lintted a al Sr espe : Me ’ Lt tf ‘| SS Nay. | ' oe { {ints x t tes . LUGO sole Ww ad suce >» Arad th iJ} ’ foo atl 4 ' te ‘ 1isy ‘ 1 . CoE ey yom line dow Ope ee it tees cer the am- » ide Ror ' ) pest rat 1 ie oney iw] Whie pe lw ip- les fit ssor pobl Won sua falar \ t | i ; | Woes rie yi) the vita wh oor idl ulle te det to P Nien 3 ee ml a ad ; ( ; i : ' 1} tobe hog chit hint : mt te roy Was thre ute tthe tart fest may * ad Wi ( ' ' { ott Pel un Hy oor ve \ Porte the ore tt row hen oS ent alia R PROS ' ry tibet y i b ee \ , mf j a } 8 ‘ : mt \ ie ‘ ; te p Orcenred up Leavy be i n place a flix a an ly eT By ref a of een wud tts i rrod ere 7} q 2 yun te . ' a { ; ey, redyedt bh ean th anst MeSutaretr ich ts the Mi ireenton ial atee Munthes iams, Y the Gray ste wer eee 2 to Li " 0 einer ‘ ne ae a ayers ierotntin Tumental TarOmmete nu [appea a ihe ce Rep , thup ? to stand ; rior i 5 r a ~ : tas ‘ ' ae lame Ty. ave . ta 1 arsth Tut al eysian $ roof nr 1! i ' ore i on) Gs Nar erate \ tite 1 wVvon pre por wk | Hess at al roof J the a3) 200 L North - fia . \ { ' a! vat ae tf it Tree Et yeas vented notin | this ve bra Sairing Direc . ra, wile fesy of 1 ' i ; ae ; i le near res of edt: gut tiie eine web M ary 4 clor of f. a } Paaeal ' ' vo Meat “| \ | d pat , i prey the » au ’ y lowe ner toe Mint ast.t c Ww Hye Ite ou) a R edd thin srat | ; eas fa ., ! ; ' t Te Vly ley - tie ane event the © present ; ore | Cries Hee The oe tie may be : indeed epg " tent a ! ! ot Pte ho : nt , \ en [ee fittes a ates tun? “f oy > 10 , melon CaS Su): , ' : i my — | 1 a dl if { Inve en tit Liss only Pl » but Tead ' u aA D ¢ eter i; ! i f 5 ey rhe ly yoot the (yj lib- | Oow vi he \ is ltachmpa (ne vitae. leas 5 rie a en i a \ / ; ete ee an it € sete n ot « by the G Teneo ethix | ple Wh 9107 Urdisted (nines of Vhere a i Ch er V . omunt Nam ut ‘ iat ta et i | cd we ingyy Gini ltry AST! yinent 17,000 the ti of the Si re aatid. Moet » that et Volek (ohemess . vs ( ' te { it Ben Cae ey rthe wey alt SO j and ID tothe » whiet Mine South Nh, Ww AG peti ‘vie the ‘ s Ht fh [ie uals a) } 4 Ces e pos Wingy buch | tho two M ’ woul lathe 2 | ce Hs Go hess i ee oh es ee , ' a i ata es _, fet tle Neneh Itsy rn the y4 micnveti: ef nyia fort iis ere d not giv year ourt th Sr Py ly eee, ee wa hope t Wet ay rr ! te ‘ F \ ' \oen Soin, | One “ithe ere ore yoru | gol ree eee RCULINne ee tae site SN ar Me aan u uy i \ , , Fadi ' Lah | ef alee ee PS © gol CHIT told wine i in Vek gat C in- Wa o, foresaid , Ml edits US eee ul ort sve ; : \ Ae re! ; fi Bros wid i. | Panids $0, whe d bill w ved, | sual nel react New Orle > and harloeee is nvulfe ie Oimit pe tel Tie Su Et ands " . , tee pat col : hin | teeny d y stork ren REE AS AS S thorn ches that DAS Tt ws fort a“ sti a vat ue ual 4 ere een wy a ae ew) ' in im Dtnines ' ' - aor - ; ore -jobbing culattayy 2 neler michtall oun) (aor re quantity he ore | fue Ts | ln witl Veo! Ma 12 it 1 ' é oy ho Thy ‘ ' 1 Your PAt rile py tor ra ans? sauel u be oM of vuliy hat ite Va roth d : vA aes i ; an Nonlin | » boil 1 fy hae allie eat Ss) Wor vor of coined j exXteo 7 ext tel ve | it | ' cs J \ | me | las ii ' cel ve Its, Ian. ala ae hey dj > ia N rou y nid Ge where 1 oe, (sous coud Aad! pal PWats ven af rihe | und lsc wold Wott » leut n da 80 eta ou G., ow, ot JS dee peur re NW ts : t i (ene | Te ay i ' Stilton felines heer : maf revol the etre ahd m and sil ake the or tu rt yor twr Cae suru rere ts = ( iS beovitt Ut aa ioe fu ne (otal | res Is WeLtautis trenmey et tyUd wibelelpl wilver @ res po; : herrod Ww Ve Se prem dg br: ve W feo Wodhid pt stout ‘ tas { t 7) 1 tated repel el iy oft boon plia ta N ving fj li ill- ( Wr} oe erg » the I o Et - Phy ! 1 HD SG , Potons bon Y tie areal stay ' No rom ee ty’ ie ee to tread fe thay . dothat Jury ds \\ ae bed ‘ tery ee Aa ! : : 4 ) ” Peal s ~ Y-trrvy | de MOY, a Coe | der that i Merely sh Carling f Pet send: titot B hy Pp vb hav : Ye 4 tooth ver i . ‘ 1 . fn | Ie ety - ae aa ry al Vo duid c So ie br ai he ‘ Undr Ye elven apprehye Said = eis ‘ t t i t | , | es oi ee fees firas any Theo ow : YUE ON ie rte auch Mi evined Salts: i + rm" , iy oh F inet ' ! be , ; 70 perity ve vl on pecie vi aklionS utioty Willa i. Gollan hiddon. off ‘ 1 proper ay and — ACC of / y,eos ud, basin thot feed : ere, Np Sis y tonetu Wy ane t Dies heoctreulie. | ae rein ess could int@: dely y Ppredend : uoany ps Catertan O Issue iL ilo < i A\ hanes. | ie ie A : Oo] acere Ravn CNT eey Walenccs ; J which er ate erie Ldn eehinen a mr ; oa ard af two ve vin Car { | Oe) ' ' fen 4 Pe udation Vet ted Tetra if of | Dip me tlibe hold ” ‘ea a Morey » the Sha ‘ 1 rons owt LAs ‘ G , | ’ ss! ed aopat ollee thee ‘his that Pe rials . ay any ye ehha aS COUN LNT i : hae particular i oe le the ‘@maenal \ by : : § oN oe ree ‘ “17 Si vs tf Or pee vof ex: ( best ney ecueae a! a en : thor Colby oe Session Leh ’ fa tir ' ; TER poey r. bot pres the Colihe TU wy cost of half three Branol " ii ; Mr rt a Vn New fh Ale as . TEN : _ J an - Fae! eval ee the | Sone a ach ey me UehiGe ROR) CIS iS SS Tvl d Xander : I & 3 Sate oe { Past OPH pi Tie We eons | eotr ee at of, - ied, the x PRieveod tous Tet Jos _ d Oy 37. t ment of G i Tes 104 Miped ou a eae Piratars | * vall the b ead ‘ 2 G aid Pivitay AUC a al i. their r Stown I sipal oN \ frou Gold ar ca ! yon ror, st Pure tates Polrom 4 Which Gre in re ulllon t e i ven u e » be ae : sev TE eachime sand 1 aes reiiles! | C7 we tities toh iv n ett ne atthe © e ie i m vader my | e ap ee § A upon baat nt Votan) © OXported TCR, { ae! (ont ae eect) nes Alicea) WY rai cay those abn ; mse : an h: unede teense eat tome moe! Hate fee i aa | In 1, ay oe peer . asus tes ey which t nay at th u ' r abilant etend saustiet Fear ober, J iat ! en) ( " ' , lt 4 irene tlie toe atin eh ft \ me ¢ ‘ pee tle of th antine ton of | os se) : ' eT { ‘ vitie VM yo > Hee . Wing » and nf luy, AM vot R ii _ thar pabli = Slate tie pie Tecan | 1 memes (nes r Hanes Woost elev ia | Cent iomoore: g upof th hich Ge . mew tas y, ma cathe , ol Ga OEE ; Ip ih os ' cant! : 1” ‘ ‘ ' | fhe ne IPPs, a local ¢ 7 Uy ' ’ " nh be fet tala : POR] i pottiat ‘ , = ve in nd ee eto pH itera Sree cum.: i for six we : aver A emis ath Gold Deel al { | , ar Ror en a Telit Tne ere a ie a WAS fy te gieri planes 7 rn ( ‘ roi J) le ne eks. that ron ¢ reece lie, , : an ‘ erxid| ib % st tro; well tev e* ee Oe ig wil 5 NC Barine, P ee ely county ™ county ee ihe 4 es \\ a Sileer ’ : ‘ a ‘ | UC Hae, AG , Phas 4 an thei - wer he eee anp te | GuUTe ne Des { yo 1 oe AT te fernved atet s = { fi WN ' SG they SoG Hinee : ~ is nee takes {i ieatnnntn Nely ‘4 My celal rewire oe ey “a Pe the 7 fe Hive ae 1 ~ Tele rae 4 Peres < which, b antitek ateed ue " : ; Judy next iday ¢ alt tas ! ! : stor Clits ae x Hull ty P COURT gi Which» SRN | TERUG wat, aod a y after at lor Woke ee weet ; : 1 oh pothe s ( let ii by owes ta 4 the, Gk , ja oe Cisne: COCO Mea are: uge, al | lt be e answer i oe 5 \ 4 ty \ Herre les etn; rem io gen With peaks st 6 plex nathler ot 1, nlered a the Piz tun dis] me Ik ; \ fa \ a Moy mbated re 4 lew eyes sa lort oar 100 oT: te and TAG Cs ey against t larnalt 498 ay? act \ a qerciy t moty +00! a & . £ | ore oT eee ther fi i M to 2 OT ne Ste ' jt t A“ ! verm at ea vee ' Oilea vewhat « Pei wtet rfiorid - MASTIN 1 4 . u Ee in ' aoe «i i t ene ve 7 : j ninent dne ar Of the api ras ar, ving, bh wt ’ jittany N,cwce 60 a lS lc! Uta _ ups ars (eo ieeN ' we dl aill af ¢ mgt “3 speci ie bhur clot ere etna CENT - 164 : j _ eo ay oy | Cage *the author é 2 = loth oe ine a a3 : oo. he a hen Psu . IS HF ’ t , ; RS _ oat y d i a = ( aan . (ey ire ; “J EEC Ulw oth he i uh jos EST ; Slit vel i UNA re) RE | 1829 a5 33.97% fe Comat eee Tet ; nen een ren the, no tie ANY i o sa none a vy ee leas or , ) : i AB 4 \ J 1s gv i i | i ( f ' ta ee - AN ; LIs J i of Jd um tl R 3H) ae) 6207 a ’ i tid ¢ ? ps - M : ey ee NEXA T STM IEE 2 Kaden Za satel Vie Subse 5 | Neen. pe 2 0- Vithis tah ae Noon ‘ psu ane avn ol V! alta, “ae oe +1 rie , 42 : Ceraral 2G ela ea on Alls ‘ vA) pa WN s | iit ’ i Lettie ri \ of : 2 IPF, JO OF NI \ Hoty altar ea eZ ey el 1a mest) Oy bog Loan cn ae anne a \ la a eases y Whirl ( frou ESTE Cee q Wheel; ft J x4 1 he ; LN ti | “+ 21 ty | ’ tLe i re \ 4 ! ca , ‘e re ‘ on | ofa 7 oll i rt le ' 433 110 BG | [Sire 1 Vet Vous ay ite tol owl i ‘ R! A ue Vo etoate ~ Tf 2s J 1 Asie Tea Mo 4 i ' r teat } th Haran ny 4 AT ng ' 0 ! fe ES Is Hssiie 2 ' Pou nil eS pt aa i Son0K i stat Mod In ie (te whe 1 (Wes I R 1 OFFIC : CWI Woureat 4 Eee eer alt deo 3 I weal , su ported, ‘ . via reel fe m cat meer Wot anti neral Cf rhas i en] : ia Tew lye nou ane ' Y ‘ ‘ a 5 ( ci (are , : Terie een ce Ww K A ‘ E eet es a vay ray feo oo.) 7 He 37 ie an I, hehe ii 6 es || ley i D Donal wd res Gesu) 4 ING _ 4 ' stot | as ist SG S77) see 3 ire | he ) : pula wid ! ie dso rasphile 1o* Le ut G tot 4h Vays ee Te vu mid a| ou. 23 ’ ) Sons ul Vota 24a pu Oia t iy. DB tied Frou th a, the Ti Hole {7 ae ae dior 16 inteudial e ite y oe A ' ony boa ae Sl titi ehey: MS AD Tale 1 try re el — _ , vl { ' Weuil , aes ie ta ow Is place Trane cage Ge 1 . “ ' , r tr - y 4 1e ee ' 7 t t : t , : a . oe ne Wis pr ae eae the w ere of eee Var) : \ M ed with 2 Wortseal. | 7 (es TAS aCe ies ! i rit wy Weoue e \ ; Titiy | is hung w Vdfind it ap- ' afess ree Is alo ; \\ : hols ', ie : eeu. : wo fast a were tive of men ca 0 elf ou, the exclusive ly ol the ee of a wn | yvnotou i pistols | eT SVT aioe 2 Conttue ist three y ee Frons of a ai Pent nt TH tp es wld nota Hee Can ut the e pl t ne to the cot _ ( 7 tite t ' Tas i Petrie i i roel . eit | the, “Ph ent of ee ae 2 The car de C upea Me los te “will | Vea RAI pov 4 ree nb sean ce I~ : yj ronocnn vee ! sy tataret ria ney , got erat e Oni ie N ghed off Hes ol ines ee toth ve Ted ! wm NEGO ° nd (2 335 ceca we | lied t ron u orci stn wn roeced ind a tlice arth (a er lor : o { nto’ i , Gait else Mad td 7807 een as tu nan ! yas { Hy 1 | toon mat le : Tha IS w arol sale t rom 1a hott an that Bel sel nlp) 724 ported potted ae 5 hes nc | eu sow tr . H . ib 2 Me ell f tina J] he tear 1 cht owl 4 gd s43 { fu ( bare ‘ | re rh ena a ag ital ty ound mrnal CENT ortny 1 not : bs Sul yee wid ent tSier 7 1a Ae Vp In al QO me A It. me ee or, . a if i Silty , the i * ; ‘ : 1 ' ztventad sand fee the list ne iewen When sd owill | te a ! io Toe Thal Paile ot | Lee I lois why ayent wm otade dg laa ‘ va could go Wis aA vide sd by Ly ots a Pyotr ' Popeorse = l : \ teeta eee \ Fh Se dik pay OL op SW: ae a eee hott ubscribers LO SIAUSS SHEL HAV Nine ved ret a wt Con ang "a ! - - sy ie | Ue ree ECG 5 iit ( ‘ : Woe Whe ay vent for |] Ways J oie Wembark erexer miyhtbe is WN tare ! io far ee Year e Wd Bal Ny — a Mis . oliad Gy Wad ‘ Cote rhe Soueyv mao (ON nis ni arking Gon UP ores | Ti Wa wa ‘i ee rend rete 5 1 Utley Pits vy unde et hot Fes CTy Hin | ver ks " tclical : ieee the ba Gea OY sper nya 1M HEND 1 Bo ty) Vea a [Set i CG a hi with thea ‘ ed be tevideuce I st toa LVN 1 ‘ sine ya wp “ “ce v2 s ae t it : iepe i , Seen . ; . , a do mak printer a lo any iness tt off | Neri EAR STS 1-27 Sinem €207 7 , 2 ist 1s Is3y Pela. lipon tl fore, thiemetne ; tea Olt eae! who | tter tw ey pai er e ieee vrs | . ion hes " ; 2 24 ; i ee Ise te banks | ii lai migraines a 2 yrofit m ow State, t I 2S od in ie a ) ‘ i eal fee Rte yt ed WV thor fl eros We able 0 of e,t 4 bi ! - «> ee ' ov me peenia. oPy ie ‘ as ble ret ney that PaO es a ( [sio Po can isa Ee 1s s but deman PUB Ce ea the U re could i: \N Tenet ; H\ A would tinent | va | 1 ) 5 et ‘ a ; ' / aT Weenie i Upon a nul wall een nited S noth — ible, evil! sAh’ yleld FE ‘ s0 i eee es Iss 1 ; Se th cu 1 ther th ute] Stale Dat ily + te 20 ANT d him ! lits ‘ ia ; ~ is 1s is u, tt Cre vde ae beer A IG< 20th M wes fi IR 4 ‘ iss ye) is ! 4 is ' ho { Recloll rat not tt praved’ » anot! et g Oud ine A 4 elt ‘ ; > i , AS ; (sie le ma ire he “ er ur . May 1837 IRANGE cia De ee lat ee PAvn Je rei E . ae ay se WH bse lainieeone i oe i Cees : evar ha rae a es : in wy tmontl Hiss tte i = Bel wi a ‘ . MF 24s ps ye ~, Wh se De es Ih as cer tl ii ap 4 : a ulyee is kK 2 ' witt rs al a ’ h S17 ' i%—a my 7 t that qt Wen of nhector tain ott ; ean jell Ceclur - at tot , { , : : 5 e Aor! nquire at ! ‘ Vy INS4 4 baa 4 ies a} 6) Cie 4 oe trun, Wit leas Ils devel, m IS2, th Paewv Mopar tin ea I d be» a , . ae i ins, 1c { < he “ en : ’ t 2) GT ru r o9N3) 74) I nena) . f 444 Noy Wntnastr Cuter tl ton ies Cer Geri Tear ernie ‘at he [StOb ETOE Is Veet ru = . 134 bes ion, 4 th the ¢ 37 and | no Of som Dir tchless did on UE ™ 24h ( ¢ Iss ides tis, twill t Onseot of nibh. tie eof ats | miscchy depravity, U i S007 “ sol Na 12 ee the bey ix, tas cf Lt with yt othe : res and we Lonest ged th 'v in 1D re? a lio ecuu Liter out wile e bel fort ey = 00 a tag z 1 eae nen ve 4 ltt ite reve ev my ews = Sra I? mG (Paik) oe oy mreolee NOTE Ua Mia, And Stat r the eit will a Suppor ie - OP ith - , Rian stein eled at inad gine tic ates oth fellow ed torg : } ™ fehl = men He ytoh ac JON oy eer, woes We Sau iby Te : is 7 Fatt Shs a) quarterly er next ie in 1836 olttlvena . 4 a ine 1< ry | yy V7 ' ' MV tliat . the 46, af Gol: een 2 pited Ie! | tt a tibutie day ter the B tiden Rul A ‘ Mw aig! onyre n, se ou eer UA ; 117 2 p . see , lve ~ boi Ue i pene 4, the r ein th eodast te lue, neve }orecoly | 0 ae md su Awalbe esidue ¢ at by t sb fore t er 1O sped said B i7i ¢ ely ths trans! fothe feclishac, nS (evade nest 3ish i 1 yh ler eh Va ace a 0 5 neral J at part red to idl at ft sborot t mins P lo publ Jacksn of Ue the St vis faul vir— ie good {icra wueount 1LCS ts beh » directed + solterud Wich JOB ? nd ltihee le for ( PRIN’ — co ; thie yf Vv 7. Sie trdhneeta every d LNG =e ip i] ( CXCri . ¥ CG} Done : plion at thy neal] AA ! x Obi y ice. Me x = Z UVINI NIONS OF | NS OF M Mn J. (4 — ee bf PB LIC AFFAIRS. Je oe rum the Boston ier have a oti aetd cuacled tye cs A 'Pripure ci Coutinel and Gi ens been lent the very no vice the *fuiGl | sisting! — ve Respect fazelle B mid ietenn | 19 a mockery meet ie drew Tak ‘ Ss - < ( ( ater Turner, Ebe sts. Meno, 0 4 committee th at, fellow c al to bomar f all mugs ¥ lithe k chson yet di and eee ea ree hayer, Sam ne he sufferin cilizens, |i eee plidy | i) read of the M lives to put hi a cy Bield Be, Solow al A. eee gs of uur cu adulge the hope th pice ee , Mons it his f ADA » Fecen woo RK is, are, lik count ne hope ter, : vul ‘ ; MS tly wai! techn N # the ry, al ype it ‘Ss ,ande on vant and atled ood, alure paruxys the ial Sir,’ crush the oa ee ee hin *i re Hon the rene throw off ee ae tere et ecleDe ea interrupted him to] Ww NEV vld trive ane inade ith ar t ruins of seus r effort » counter the ai es NEW YO : gouiude ene e trom th aloo | eee empric e. W sof | se y has chairm Ba nen. 0) RKK,J de fort tluliva, 4 ew t ggravaled ey, and vhavet yi will tried? lan ag: wk aud arent June 2 ol th ng service an 8 vod of emper ed the w , & ted | ot not do— ou gain iui is stvcnne cen aU In Cong ressior irew ax the KR Mumente vt sla " [lear we t Ost sy Uiyre usuel, they | the good t ie they will ¢ measures ' ay CTU sod Prowl United 8 frived yeatwrd . add he ehsiout ol aeons epreseutal WT be te uf the pewtil pee) et puns uf the ie | You have bi rading me ruin two-t! ls a Huston akan adsanee ence Re I. « lates | Ste tel oa a) ddressed ¥ atot thee : ve | nure se ence, an t reach we dy rled n of thirds | Sales aod W ia Ne Lv Meclined a (he The elaimoris Tse ae Addis, vininitleae, Mr. Et Be Eee henuted t that wo . ae ying one alte antes ea ue country. | Kavch were made of Rion, of a ot 3 fs tet ee Ne eee Whol pla oe vty who S aye B : uy the’ Fsuill 6 | rt sr anott , (att on ange B Morr 2 pe ae Nos: are tudet othe ¢ ce! fat Gant : Mr. Ad [Ps ul the pat doctor t olay 1e Mam ter.’ inuing aud (OenUier ae ih as wot per ceat i og ral den ouner ol | ae le ; arronr en vane rent ha . Nantly! iy sce mott t ik 5, Mot , Mere | y pr the ful! A) out wer ys alt Ne | » and sa fi y eatin 3 1, sir,’ 1) eee chew » chant tvatene Blue) eve ne preseutal Tilo alt we tt d he can cn and WI a viol eae ire 212 aio s | pearance elters Wg luwud Bal g ; i noid us ren | ent ri pied the P | Ss od Calne I we of it woul tue ee cin fev tve of the P ve sallsiaes | yust, unde At die vorous ¢ pe rage ie Pres Specie id Ca tung | bad the yuld se wil ae, anil vactiun wh j invunitob r the Afud conse Pe han ee aiioseec Voa —Au intoneComect creat » Americ em tha a ituw y sires Ot of his ¢ ple may d ueb yank e& opera 44 gulferi ‘ ved at dow bled nod verieal aes aicem aie rie ‘Anecd in oe y. ee cor US whieh tt expert toa of riog, ‘ay | + ys tiluls n, sir, tt vou v tai doil vgold V1 labitants siderable et off ap | e6s ute of J a ‘ ; ry deliuerate use of luis upant ona lie iuse wl nel, u guine le the Pe ons will , the othe qu, M Hlarsied Lis a mwlto ct e alari Neat | e658, of cee JomDae : te last § public ryt vce 1a what 10 pal poo tt ollier eople il] meet ler WlO- exieac du: 5S 12 oD lech _feartul of ReRTOnG vag | aud TOE bless cau be MW inuuy ot ees neva | they al uw ita Feuetiuremat | to talk - tt all the ome yaa | » Spanist » premi |t cin val of au wot the dtuighl y.w ff ' » objec tis ces, te | anotine alway pono ailure of tos Is foll wow ey 1 1-2 ade thi | Sruups sloable allack via | @ y py wowu rely than ect of wes inthe | r, pe ys pred sewall of | de be tt y in ants | 4 a Napol 2 du: fi aro acl ,witl ves for vhad | are pulary Peet se n the thore SELENE cov pertia ps edioted 1 teib j dergo tt tus, 3 the e eS salt vous ; five 2a | dered lelwot ae pack yer ul rng aie op Ni oe pena ee - ee eee mine ie an eM | re Wo pare Dy extreme oie Dow $4205 8 tran to huld wenly t uve 5 Ul ed | quene Kieal Ho nua eee . ee ee eS ye they t ople the thea” Wf sition rlures of would 6 £ t Bos eer Sove pie- | diate thea vur pou vat 1,000 6, whos acute in eee tro SO setiis | ee ae os eee lemiselve 5 Tae 8 tha of teaS ther a Amer lun, spec Ritu reluns & | service iselves 1 nders, w : eceent ye char eos, @ © t or app: al oN appr dati 1 Ph , and w veen led ” is will d be re an that Spauist i yeaa ul pecie is agi, 5, | was | ees no oread , Were ure |? Hewes aracter , and p le as your Wage to ys ip this t ot) ut > has ha will ret astra Is stored at the d » Lng preio fer dpa! Ses IrCer | Hppity Reh tt ee ren fia ean ae eu vac welves | your as tui Ww for : ppeved urn to yo epoo tered.’ 7 Or Ft eposites ]ul- lie silvers: and | the Ay dispel aun attack. ‘Y nine ; r tris feel us. I wed Ge will, w Reavn fen acta. P Vhs Ww us their a | d. he M a5 clone limon : pauist eri el ies Welle at I en oe ae ny ie Mle ye Oremet ally ietions Peop! calin d more th right pe we Monster MOU a $917.00 mat sie nt jer, Dewar eee y Geue Phas iM : raiyeud Coen re it Bettie your heart suf is, Whe poe, the and c * an vue 18. Sir,’ be re Vie ey : metT G2 lars, Ble (ha the ul, wl ral Ful ar | Lippe svder ive cae ' tient tr a boca the P Lo teaine ough th sideran ice heret este tL C2tliat , Soverel 32 [-2 Pale 11 flay st Orietel hay Tepaired! en aenii pecatior aTriecr u yolned as a tou nO your Oreo e: vople perince > Ver UW rate retu y- | ener: he ch: =a AUP vos, y 2) Va Deen vostip, wt lation tren! tow reo lit ore ie 1, hie f the ny y © Repte: pes tS lee sand a suff ra ot tt al relief airman, § tilad J, 4 Hots ry tonal , Where t Cast weiher e Avil bad ell at An hited S present ence toute aud he prospe erings ve | MO f to be Pen ontiere: ; delphia yo, 10 » 9t6.7 vy. batter Pro art bron thst es (hie ardly rhe re tio ease me ) eee a ons Bes just UVey 70s ve had there is @ sell Patsy » a t bs wey v Dallas’ popul yeot t reach baty theude of the nC nae eusu aracter ,IS uneut the ice, | ba y now int , diree is no 1 1g at 1 siugda acGng adjusted eueony Hun me cee dao members ¢ saine cs nec Sat 1 excell istics of aerate ack to tl ve Stat t the he Bu blade yy wold itt | with NOCH recMeatiat yis yet d ek ae 18 ce UK TEX! nthe I We ean ay us, Toate ent Cy the n: B feat Pec br: ate bank 2 public mor stow ¢ 2 pre tnd sils » Mout nt troo stuc- | Mu dearly eatack ay ne On seis ens We bad ot istitut nauot ted St auch 1K, 10 : ey ts oures mun ver a> 9 ree Zuu ops bad | ny ane cher chy —a be ' hk Aer, thr Rie lise ne ot a N tun of » ott States, of the ourc “aii plenty ol 4 wear ut, and dl oy ly feeuote feted nd Ol iie ino ae mage wus ot 4 C Nati of the t yabd eB. ; CH ity, at 6 y, vt cslen vuot id ocomy ) eng hau— esa int ti press the gh yuu to ba and of led mal P re Ue 1 they ink ¢ 3 , ald ul " nla Meee et oa gace wh er a - have reir at yous th Ve vlore de rats alsy ited } re rel ; y will Hie U (68 perce ted y sys rie ves pletely def cement ‘1 rears nets meee fr eodeu pproval ein ce my CEN. co. Lt » Uuder op rel. atone Uni- utidence eol per RoC that, pect , 4 puod peer tee cboted here ymetil erate) ve rar lo ilie CUreretaiat on owt nites tin a's wy, Ht yave the Palk Ice gis ped e, howe RIT my. in pected, suppl vase, t Needle 6 Wise nt mie are ive ee oy een aus Ye cS ceunol sa gall exe hot to e Bal- eo ln ag ver, $1 Vic : ( Y ul wprec yy the : e court dillieah wih > Marya Kal ae ae bape ue tee ee aa tant) lane ses | great de I cont Watt | meinod peeve mig y | Next que ther que oo hauly a i duty | ttwot sargead ; bode ee A specie y docks 4 | ved the str, abo erred Uf nutes Thee) gol nadore I): v be he Prestior wacky s40n tar te y have vee Peountey wycauty | Unerret ispended dg paya and send 1 the Pre ul you . lesen Sonera det illas | ek 10 er ie meen gre suet eu ard y So uty | dan Gustiae d alun nents, af n nine sident : mlranais _ Poet met meee tas wees vale ee lee | vers oe: uous he part gertt ives ysl ua » afler galt e thous . ep ch a yusit 1 8 S Owen warde ae he gan clip y. Av fees LE v aud t parts | the van the of farg iversally ils usand dtl Fi b ‘ ESS as thou ero ed de tod vd a vol im () wil kgs oe } . ae y,aod Seat id doll they or ALIN tele: oye tent espatel sun loow abe por t entwil oe ee ll el ed EGS iat greater diffi poe Le check ars of y not en Gy IMORE leased the J CHES ry ler! (ee estal ait Venti ater tar ut and ay gain W It 3 cult set the 5 tu sof the els rrav te, J ; sea, be y daten . Cant pare mcale ale. anus tthe disetias as Was coat | ostraly ith Tust it y aud m mak the b: reir all CNW t \) yerloae 2 | toteey me | S ( Hed are Hin ( ty f aa Maco oe nas gee ear will re and A ake anotl yank the e- Cus veattrocn WS XT <1 eN leat iwlal rir woul Ret cenennt au keate | on Of iy, me a Sees AL) euosist- | you sug ancol h o the store Andre ther a ie let day! atom Hf fehne y thou Sat ou boa phar, al wuld not © iddag, | eohy tn Vh. fav th : 3 c la Yyeasl avem preser ther wo Jue love ay? qua mse y ope Ww sind ¢ Merde 4 rd ert ee w, loaded fier na ‘ fe ee viher p Tensive ali act st vit wil much it Ad- n. acks on : quantity of yester ere e rust Toi Tala ml plete en oh " a hunning ee of the uy lu our e¢ a uwoor tia the Vhe errors ot 4 profit by en eeaace an Iwill] Let them ts on wall ef De howe y of Rye ln lay, besides entered at fy foc ent ran ptred dima ° thot 4 7 Mier es ae ae h his an Rita vling Ute JNLOn OUMUTY tyesol hel err . ett irn the reck- | er, it ihe a Cul ie ae ae va te _" . uv Hele al a Seal Usket y inlere censa ,and ¢ ine tthe ast Ad ors of ul em Ve se mate) 2" will b ee | rely fay ua ad te tl at co Ok ae leg cue soa ae ead! eG [res ue Wao. Ieel rew eg | arkets 0 8 >of tt rele a woop thet Pn uk quip was the td opi coutler uly tore eeess of eat, ib stratie oleae Ute the again,: : s under en by Vese su | rane Lh firu til Detter cre Ww his pe 3 ‘ rn Cte j tora t tthe ,ily virl ar doll ! turn powe nyand ave the yoon upple | ME LEEENG _ lobe yurt ie . siiluents gust righty is, WH Cot ak subs ues ah 6, | ars np ¢ reotecr odvane prope ror plies . CeNTe = sel ny a dvr ila N li , ult reo Tee ectie Seen uitutl Th , of tt yn the the E lice need pert port ‘ per eee em ae and lca - rt te ail ae als ca on ofS oe) cul reir al em te XC yhery ,and w verd tt tothe es Litetl Uae ybooh out spec they iy selt isregarded 1 and w- th Adu tited § State [| ation.’ 1 legal ‘ nm ! yesterd ane ven ms ( ell Ce teen ve pe , sates ea . , that Wlolgtrs State: Sank ‘ al che lo iCneny day tt re from - free } OL: ATA hed i ie ae ; nar without Called tod door your con | at noth stratio es ha tks “| ecks ns of pecie- ran f Tome reats | biepes ) aay fein a He reg dele HED sS » leanne we on wil 5 cr hope now : —\s Or 8 . v 2U | x PON rade He amp OnE aa San { we. fa i ir to cee BU ev tUt tlt have (at never ee than whit ie mack one willie ype, sir? said Voim cir- nee eleven. the advance. Weel cents | ree __ INDENCE is etn Me wero a ven & and by hong * u thts t ble ¢ cale rab are vt fire glo > abl ves ait } re n to ance. B % , : X ie det ye arguine eal OED, charged have Wise thea Was the woth ry, | try rle 4 the ¢ vuin t twel tok OFE : on ms nent plata | oa barely PP Goes rete eee: uses io (aunties ryt o de cha : or d ve ¢ ers are CER the ant 2 ah hr ty ¢ tal — duty, tor ae ais esto my vur the Peup! as ie aah Pete vople ie Stopay u monstrate h irman ‘you & a «learn ae and a halt 4 re now | Neer - ue an Tne ie ud Whoap ca ym eu is vic ston st | pple t Fe eh t co 2 Ww = OW z R OU rer Cebu y MDA. i ate . , and rts an cn aC progress ee e that oe a for any ae a folisel ves ym uLt sean ie Hs ane ards of fifty the coun ea loan of Aine Harrisburg ’ ceil B We have ; Jexe le \w: quence that ee Grille ‘s rt, | he tis tp towa of yoursel ual paves si Meciian r= ee ve: s CAEN | Mmited S » how y mill ature of P 200,000 sburg ‘Tel ay ust ar Pes Sor, ' ay weat astonishe orth t steps b selves iMmease view t HLS’ --—— cy | ast duet 1ons lake Peannsy » auth eora ah | ’ where irrived | Coad Ove the pl red the i at d oriz eens ee es ee i _ y purl iS o the of en by th isylva pu Osed phthar, dit we | rere { \ ouplete plorn uy, cour toa Lac nrccaar ye ap 4 ORY ; ittle y with g Ba i y the B ma of d by tt ions eft uf aon AP | jy “ lowe ee " if a ae pei : . : ve a met uk ter e Bank of 1835°36 ie . ee ve vu Pann: ibe os as Ut an oul ar hh yu ee Eun s Aen a ipatton | Tn [s34. att an on er twenty-m pee curre of ee of four tees the aceil 36 has ra agsin ! us war ha igs ima bad mina! jury i. super! mad le oe evidence | for s value it tte fou Gey dunpie the vafter the and ou! Tae hong.” aN ily ins cant d Sta been ( : aus to t ad con Onda vie 8 a Mos eth atid m all uther tes . : mae’ me ily the cr a. , add staln » the | tes dn “ ep reuring fi verdic ust p at it : behen b rallother Hersey Wie youd y= een moval of M y the ot! I A ) addition reUls the loan » at ar the ° gone ny tr diet pilitu! Tee co eng Teapee to pre oatk galion t sol B al of the onster c ler d >the M al to the of go0 to be | read notte . over id Othe (nt ju! repl vp net: luruut weowithia tt peets thar seulement ow LT e depo t COM WV cose Monster ' the G 2 WeANs 000, TE paid at ady in ci 5 of the 2 . Pveried Enents defend y 4 wheut Ech enbeutt as ant e, reside ashing MORE S pos- ive, tt ns tr, wh er ce Jovern aalreat mivis epee 5 eon) 2d all © int: ae ie mee - thed mysell uy whol nds whiel Hetil Eta Kron & senta d ve rigsl sputed w at did! nable tt orand C dy at tt sum, in | ven tl p fled to the ri ank yo strani » the « With 3 yself vu the e publ nehood y jest . the t » confe del- | this tr ght ou with al dthe. pr lem toe anal C 18 CL om le unw Weng ° Rocaleel ae enn wer ty th eeurie : With doce pla he lite have ol the nited S er wilt | me the P Teens ie KE prusecul cout vmm tumand so hu leldv mare a arctic [3s ono aio ttrd Nn ioabet 5 reg ance ot » preseri! 1 Wirol ie pres State Terenas re Pre pension fi xecu | lun of tt re wit Ission rriedly ve Mie: hones a dé cut ios wing ied Canary ward tu tt it prese eribed ty | role oe sure sou tl | ave th: esider 1 fund Toa ve tw : vuul int trs, wil att! y butt anopy es. ylov, f with id untes CaN iry, wy te pre ats v ountry then le sub- | rab ne ithad gr wd! o Ext interru il fereauc Verreco! y ran, y cee re me, | nega ane Avia yours da ane aes 1 | pervad Te mele yebject ‘grown At sxtensioa C ption the | tt pee Clase collected ,yetnot | eal sang wwuldered toust be you will 2 Cl i the ES rte lation | fiom lemetall adding \ ie lige was lilo s __ : anal le nie , and se te Vics age D ny trod de fines es i } deace be tid respond ot ane the ullow Wie) a Sey » prol to be such! O B : 3 \ ie vene pt inf uccount | aViess epart musket, be!’ 9 never 3 ' v shower stof th hou it repor mg 13 | eral uf ong the gain nto R Ae TiN Mello general left nds t nt ¥ od. S sket ss, vever| ed up e bu OC ene i t ol Sey fe . f the e disc ed by It w sae KR IORE B. next oO eat | uch aime aire Ae ‘ os ae esa ee : HENEl the ¢ ifested u : dele peusSt Z il be oan—t aN Ik Xtmoft oe eel | I amar uh re a sulferie ed ou lth apret Prov tht fale cunler- | fone d ther vation on, ¢ the meen Ton reo Rei hae for € nee ly seve po any prtusi 1 s cou you are = close Ir wist had and ellon. I y the q n. Mr. N ae ls not be g fur ogre i Ae __ ui indue must a erely fr yeni ere \ mnitee nod ieee the sh and ad alre f pOuisaN anne 2. Mel | soon ii e at all roe mits ; re ttrit fron Gz hace) BOA ted t e ha Joabt, ; ldeleg onfere the ead q lished MeL: xed pa Ne SES O: a aulye creat fi lau uke eu! case i, we vitt sthe t » awa \ Jalio rene Irom Yares the ane parag- = tnany me |} surpris ' he y crawl ig. reli was us al putiiely So White etree 1e cit hon rental no owatl e, the pauene affai > presid » have iS aphs ny hi form sing t | Ne ed reine na thi tooo etal oir itizens or te yaty idrew eme nee fs helt dency of no fi , that! ave L et o | hee i nto th y has most es 3 tine turse Ly fear w Ltoop: ns of » be _ Wig mbers ae las gi ty of Uf yg finally less been | lisse 1ear i" rit on er b abe ety nll oo eae a alts tdele- | A! ana soli! weted fi uw abl ie 1st Piya ce ness by led neva Ms brid pays: ene hina Mar 6 sup more y itt toreion Yoourt itata | y, taco bore, W Hee the ¢ _ Ke) uf SOU y and tui 11 ’ te: into he CnetCOn er se Galice eee. mai i loans nh the | wn tat fle os read met with vent cone] . ith t some years advi 10 wt ndiaus app vabits 0 | Nall TOTO ton rs swer fi tt bas tee 4, lo oy oul rhing Mston pense Aue is fa ars . antag 108 is, wl paret Sole ut Crna iy ha iy. nena recent 11d oe ete eae al mike | you, s sys Te Bali mily, ¢ pasi, he geuus! bec , who per it since care spee iNew ¥ 8 oCcagi yy dat , thao wv 18S at lon PRDOW tr, the the fe ert a de Umore , for t » has left ly cor yoditi ‘ i erin Connie, : a fens ar aon : ’ ee edeua CN ae y. and OG ywu the a i Hoss te 3s nune d e, and ie UN ei on fe ps are y of aout yinen otha eda: i s bee f ny Set if Oey : curre le ¢ nae Whoo teat Yesterday’ CHA . aules dente purp ee or) co row are now the vhiter « ts. ‘J boul wreat- he Aad wen wage ee: ee ety” respecttu! reney stress the purest nibute day's ¢ yn of th of the ering pose of ork | SOumene an thi wood co of the tie Comat eee se ee hoa Sin @ ully y of the ie! Daola ot vulya slobe ve | and Ot office ¥ 00 the reside t weed € van wi nu bette uuected late B lapp petsn wa the S ile we tiv Peeernitnt proveh ot Ee y ty ask ie coun. | nots i nd creat var dis » we fi les uu Re of Pre discha won opogra acept ien | (ole. ull on ty tslic py bride u stos Svouto, | ive w ryle up eG fron le of AW atest of srespec ind | ay ail Road C sident of ree of > phical inv s rostil nr ect mers! p Prov ant her Py cu baie mar b lhef, sie! eyo fof desee piroist of ou pect t y ortiw vad Ce Cot tt the | Whie al int vo some rican dine log Provost OS sn thi teri leriy SOE NGT ot wer Inat aca! wore- | U eration ios tt tr Revol diwo | Ware o, we | yin pan re Balt | ch, t orm Mere: ous, btesse, ' and f . She 1 this, ; 1 , al we 5 trols ty . in , howev TO Cite ae oes 4d een al oe wea Dee ua ts thiol cts one ofe nterru ds the offi Cee rstow Olu tio » aud te earn, g y. THe tore | Muc ever n by e of Stu he €C ¢ sid re pe author tale: vine! ees tae Pexest pted ul en offic nating lu wt vary | the may be raat ; will 1 ich in , woul vy the apeljes yvesa Chat denn heer Loh ee cine Bee yt EL ck pe ela tall press ts eS. lab extent | Present expec Vs far arry | | n the sc uld pp a whites, | 7° Neomrancra it nis, tt wns. tt N see lerose! vy anil ee un Badal othe M ie sosndvoun || mundl x eee tent | Weel on cled b meineel) yl] ly ada scale it probably 3, | Reuteh Cees no floc re, ren an with eee Cue idle ee Monst ome mm nt | Wen and natn ling omen L. We fonber erty viene apted to Paco y not bel)” settlers ek nae re ia was no | Y.,aodtuc unpouil ghboratt Yieos, SN me he my D ttod Ils Gar iieeweet: to) Se un jew! e look ginning the el italk of afl tiles intry s Je Teed s, back Dee rene ne eee ene raps ohn wear bet ere si inot N te Seung ale: een the Phis ts | rust as g upon” tus a ot the ose of | cull ie Indians’ | so peculiz jhert among t to the » English 3 "radi prone tr brand Hee nt ines rand Nichol hiss nth e Add isi) SFCSe 34 in» us a ie ets thes we off aus’ tac tare | Geren ler anc colon ish and ating We anat wa rtes PEELE nil a cor » Ol tolas | cunt ystem e third Nintst of vur st ausp soul ali | pouty their s acucs oa jia, E T husb rcesly val Ga@ tese Ive C ufaS fs sti ninaitte vohius motry th has ¢ J dist Siren greai plciuu puop or the ae malarcien: suppl al Rie Seance y and WH nee rays: ie Cceue Se ity Wat sv ee tt oath, {lt Hout ment. ret i Work 3 era it the | ,. unlry aan, IP plies Via | she 1e ece relat » ere si no aswn! ee uwealtt ec is of aults, | vat, with hy} wo Enalish rthe mn: faste . tn the e | vy so al oy ihe + starv wnum 6 was lef centrict G jons. se ae La ) Whe the i BEE ith six jderd “og lishine a ned u te pfu tence of ound ReaiGY, me! KR Aft fl ad Geor y or rustli . OW gy and ou len le whol ould six | fat en, Rk vement a pon thi Loui tint Ae or ow: ote: an re stlir u" porte veut, : | 1€ : e pe ! mee mil o Eeithe a " 0 . ; arion g tut was a Lis I ao a in the au a dole spect veel vost lions fi os Wrong people? ee the | to idolize ee Oot ae : Morris re rnuie uisvidle Cinci ee erin you some 4 vi eae en Soy aerate Her his Iaiented de eo Di stopping . AP ou' ' ucle oI the Bom: An ot 9 pol wha TAG eA ‘ cin i wt. ini tlea tions ‘ ie One t ! E ( : g reasu stofiac Navnual tore lg ep : re th d now their poli TOV OTUE Alex: nati j telate é alt al Sel : andere he talian Go } dui! pypoact a: el : relief! peone | iat Wo la native tl oadd ti professed LG WW Rui and C ' ea dial ve aba twill in polishe r hano: 1 publ unt di ars the ars, our G wing pankru vv, we DR elt pre he se ten otnil }at the st lard 22 tinane ds open | ear ai R Ghar ain alovue | milance give | ieee ed Dr J aa leans ff ee uGaver yowih fi piey F tw J s folly nds y ey ICCess ¢ aod bot chal ing ly tk esorr oad éytu? dian ow veld by e of tist | . and the ulan X eart—th » Sel up ena . ae ee my elu ae eS eet SD WEG weratte tthe a th of litnions | re Chief yto le : rv flvws OMnal y ame si, io | OY uff e king avie e@ gi whic natin e clerk pay3 titi ot boy i. ole sto talk me) ¢ goverr oreat* ex Whato ws “tefl E arnth - thout ¢ who essina | the b of he: r Chabert. gallant 119 Ins. Jin th Wo pape is ot Vv to tt he G : to uotry tent expert Sec Toe! vogine at Maj ne ae nae ate with Ut%® noe Er ean ee ie eut. ¥ Solvent eae t trash e Sip? ve Me roves Ax. | ing , out of . Are u men’ ed | y inp: er ontl ajor MeN 1e beset purpos PEST eee Ty i tiedet Paloma however y king of at eee pias! te tien Wee Vey 8 ister,” inert ng to last Fespeett the P Mt andere ee. Jured la ug FO cNELI ‘G nye ey wal sappare tis: tere edt talta » Soun ¢ che ater at eae ms Tt ey of aid . at wall Ur sten the 0 the eople pe ee dour ately ad, w Ly | WOW yee alhing nt lg rains oO he v nh coul D Cal lange ale if thy sop he thee Teme iratsh lett sect ein ome: ul o | rexpl » bv as % ieeatels ti vc are x to Ande 8 une Ir ver nldune ge it butac Agu esi ple ts 4 I cou waned the w remes nea this | umbig plonn va fal! eee Loa eli iish® vol . ward ver aan y quie ee ' dle ty UDI AR re tesoty he S ntry is Matinee. of free world w sup Vas ae jaar gthe ali, wt catel st a rgou f Siliso no now g bel ietly ob ay the t ' vu var Atinenn yito the > State B y is ins » “the vemet wih pon , wilt | conf id th cou nile this Wins iv. Sally © San ies weal woes lew var ul the u fuus ¢c . | ; iA com eae > Dank nad e cur rok » volu the poste ' onfir e€ me utry b 2 en- Chncens ic Ww . fat: ally / , outed ¢ ‘ear Ut Teak care ( Se aUses r-lley Joet ach o hs | readfu ren- yoke of ularil spectar! Lily \ ved t ounta y betwe ace ve th? are y 5 tle all « re D ast que eae ee sain a P oe nee ula monnpol vibe ican foe | past o his Ins, a een Co- | @ um vut.? : * Noll you go lady om petit ocbor 7 Vite nt ces ) sSialee anes wowatet Peele ; they e hot confi ration Rout polists a: in theans ce st, unab roow fi , as tu ly 1. | them o : ~ Stee ing | Wort yin the ae dhcaas Pioeuliia Bee Lee Vthe yeaa be > required. Cannot giv onfidence wt bert Morris specu] selves on | He reac le tom for one uve bee Ib ut! and bsolutely Ss goin nid lace of ,and has car: ahs hrough ty of | wl? Cine (by lus, Dy easary | u d trom tu dl, Tt give trad e in 1en he ca is way b aturs 2” tuthe | t eached tl ove ex Gano n ect Son » yong t 6 G = ee ae, ; r aw ae ner cig 7 al 1e fal have ade the anne me to ae : rome hoe xcept orth - ee ave ae non —— wile ji - ward ao wh was the in DS ay lbs eis alls of Tee! e fae older this cor iirieet as liad iy a fe on ¢ 3| Patched Xler ne tre ve — vari’ al in »wh ley S. wit Vales ass the (¢ wily tr; by t » (GRP SONY byes no rae the ewd srutel trom ‘EP , Whiel vque peg. hes en the dee De) a 1 Oe Wine yi Dhirc y trgvel- yvirth, \ ates ul y, and ara old W 30 e abl aySs 1€8, (oul 1 Vitis Vo ha tly ren Sb In repeat do was d rilerons iH hon Wade ac on ee str, 1 ne to eee originally eo _ : 2 aie a Will be ie Meee eicn menicnil ince where ee for 37 Gia Hy Musbile been he . ie ote : Palio uve fa win nds tts sul ave |} e hou whet a ate run tite al aid foul : io oe Ss wha : the are see TW now can t Uahee + Not subjec Terra wlish sold Sinan witstime part An ch ,thatat wand i ie Nace land nr wy public eredi m float toaya ranean en, us politien: t. We An m rene Nani me enor ay or eon is have saad da ot | P while credit. ‘T alae eat yd ptod ang t are y ed rvice fi - Vee il ttre bors the n two pected | of e heard ged to re clock wr .. tn the ‘ ~ Eh fom 4 Nea riend of fear I | your Cn ce fro ee ae * sin tl ye Moun to tak re | the ‘ its turn ' a the er © us he 1 te prese iave pale DEN z. ' ra ne nce teas suoves , F Tecei reasury, i eal thie ee Pre your ¢ ut me 2 alw < bug of we Than | sary a ield Sutonr is de. | !! ans w gvested tt ninute: Bhi acon y, intl pablee kouf esider admit yinent aya | spoker uot ihe hierar rae Ae eae . nen Vase ep tare 3 y m le m SURE nist 2a dec honce Sn nee ol yeme rom: el . ere matt the fl th ee as Z as r halter ney ale lave aly 9 ecide cot mo peer | 18 pr uts 3 ‘ akr 13 la pas nner Aner i. iol ; Pi 3 -gagemen poblic Se se i cM H cry, Ae ed 1UNty Trea hs he gre ose at Fl no tt vine : wi ot 5 ght Jer ; ne ae vee | la yeu kes Saal) y, the ei pet wiral cute ; at R § the nec nt of ng t delice lor P = pond ioe cen] 8S s the c a ere tl 1 Boe hs men” | bFess. on of lock, fi cces- | 3 their 0 co teac hal Pa. aes the nati atures dees Siry cha ary tone the Thasnry 4 eronie Ss to fi 1” has | » Ma ft the K, fo ug. | SUM Unt ir ind met yy! alf d tee Jo the Ba nation. sto fi pay riies | you k ira ol oft nny ui ut. a elas astew il jor MeN enone rav ght be rene ay th i a i ant wk of the C had AU ce sone. Fac ve, u by si voice Baby cacary. eee Cee ae McNe evs t iwor- be emb vities : ut the v e the U beer eet Pack pone: Y sayin sf is reas fie happy pecially tt the | ceed EiLI ys now i Mas ai it isible chek. It Unit } ogrant » | sons of kson t sided ig— yong iry ( py aod Hy the L of all tot Pac npr . ain fe ho oank never h ed St granted | | ns of : vas fil’ cot ; wont : treula 6 glor Vo all the nake are O— onthe is ee tote oe P r bee , bees ad bee ates ft ry all p: ity | Nya) Indust Nost bes es) ty tous re: i lez y rout 4 care infor \ SE yocer are ; a coawd uge th n of or 4 sir, t partie Y sette . a A) stry, 1 aunt » proelg esulis | ast : es 0 efal ined vad be ploy: —— ameat! with ed mac! oe rhehkh Sb Cromlron Ane [fey ,the ow wiky 3 et ann s as fa nthe exp! 7 Coit ynent of 1 ies : were ' table epos why 1} ‘Mason aly for enue ealtl yo vthat } as ca e plori . Merc ff —— and bu atan ites th pron Ms Ss ore dq See Oll nop of tt reett at (l4s ital! stob ale propos ; AO ese ce aeinr te = ie x. : e tt subre a vtl pers) nos re dk re Is ' en sex pose n Of aie lie Pee — | surplus hr ce time oe Revi : fleece i et than a better ee subject it pee d Hae » aod nibs nouerce well with the rest ae to eee i Ken lines at partot lis ji val lepeac henever pr : reviously it V r pane ; hewrens be a : Ks - le: . hie ; . ack vou Or pe y it see mv ety e, and ilts ake a mtu ter days Yagetoeat . tere tl —_—— ? a ge of the ats wa > for yone Se sol 5 ie 2 nail ure tng tis the | ma of tl re relee ee ere oe ee _ — F : 8 ap the vera e ta) 1 pul any on ol the andat per pl must 3 ation roan port y. £0 nee ae ss in it) pee, momen plied a inher | tishe yoly ! magia Mviag feat wise, | 5 obti rve + embod physics pposrd noe h bther y ' — : t al debt lows? il ato! ast ed} you. A Ari mrt stat wut. t ye, | Stock aimed ysand ¢ rdyt ; Mans Cee en ae i . a0d_ whe , arcs ld tt il ls An- d the p vant am nits holon » ¢ all nouacars qioe mo ore ‘ wal; _ ES ; eS mw ath the w It was 18 thie dim © yt Mus ta ani su OPliions tine profonne he sagacn oo greatly pre {th Iders, oO the the in 8 eevee guested tha retired udy ai , alis! . Ze A Backi o en. and e revenue ole debt Preetsely you would | Keaton rprised 4] ns au swat is erineeing ¥. the y adore e third M to be held meeting ur— | walady sb his nery t this w to bed Tf a yuan: J ] i" 7 Oa « a no ard UNS (oes ln. M1 pws ne “pans! . pat , Monde el cae of ; 18 ous b as \ Is = 7? uly = _ t . a pool s do Sr aad, pi velus Ha ile sall rowt oe Uae ay at I the | maot Wa lead 3 evy | W y 3 = he GI miner abled oc Dake us, tik I ea its ac lore og tha sua in Oc lat £ thou 5 3 subj: ad act y lthel ea . e ls: slube r thatth pase) ol bya a hy UR y like tl is f (der actual antl Cures ’ ctol Lock v 3 and oot tes youl ¢ are a ° so7 BS I} “y use the Je y gets § trib We pe oly 3 | nding Dlons horny atand ' er nt eae qd, cor to to » the OSL? uthor : le urac ted St was tak e@ of proceed sud ey gels a larg ite to T people v3) Mitte vy te the inoet y the q . Charl ' Hea ferapla ree unl LES as a a ole. ates, en fi the Cas OUunury ge ar 2ond of Jre. | V WOT « nat th Nadior EDIT — exto : Gusti | nly ute ne ae ut ace on - raat *_wE, Con » Cha eae OY re Dy pout ony the ts a cash of Ct 8. 6 ) rol n ( : a Lured gwitl eae cand soune und a rler the B. ysur rene ,eXlor ountar v that al eeot P ey vapel- Yoshi CS ‘ourier Carheesi We res Teli stead int Maton ce VOHY -_ re é fevori gress ed by ank of Tene see ted fr invatl alrea- | Het hace and G Tit! why SURRE iP teu hls culved 1 we but Voye y Court for Cl JOHN yy h oo He and dribbl und und cee tok HUTEEOT SS om the Sica : vinselt eS enorl J ») 1s tt (rt tESPON clinutent PUrpos o reve vf ine 2 W ; erk of K c as ai banks purchase ribbled peed We ys vy. Ph 1¢ labor n this | 1"! 1 tea inenu rine ack ly re tet —__ NDEN gy enery etl EGE a gee ein © are Row clares Sal ; oat i We g place ie f rine | ew) nwhil Wore sont are tg er fr “NCE 4 hab uy. hi 1 exer ‘Is pl Tale erection an sith : », withou eae oD sig) Care alur ¢ par ot ders ere waht he ake om wi E mS Ht n st cul plan GILES iors he tI “beyoud tr am parcel , hers; eam es th: mea ua Seen ae a all 4 re — ; ‘ sem a ee sae ES. aed tn san tiv the con cepuaai eititud ete snt the san gi Oe mat are ; ale ees CHIE © Drrutet utes win as the fol Vor atte ch, with ve retad t ithoun : as aca : anno Mery t fs Ries capitals Joma ut a yoowere Evblevs. and stark sol ee ee he tand : a youneed es vain en lowittch puts cena ae eearacl rely e peeved h very ae ad me Superior © Mitdateror Sra sIENAT the’ effin: % Ss, and = Ww a anne . yb e tol ine 5 06 t lereg ts ti us . : Vea wl er ie oO . ~NR 7 or n Re neof ink mt of th reas 0 dow ould S\ would ers, | low vel has om tun | alte lope be seas vo'clue ren | varia rt. Crk a y t . igform: e Uni rot tt tally (try? ds be; swept tr id to G | hunt nu iette ar publi ' ug ¢ fur occ: 2 our rea relied on rec tk, lit t nthec tion, h of Ro Thane 3s ‘RS to thei ation ited Stat Nerennr Ue a hap; rom t! zou | 0 publi er ot shed, 4 SCuslot waders witt julred Ms vuntry 6 __ wall T; iews Sti yy 5 ! : se Pelee val will lore one own fi y. ft _ lie : wie ee ahaa ; “3 DPyY Ching Ff ef WG & dinne echt Mis uset will be | t great del >, and 18 Ie AU 7 nad y nd dt yout Sir.’ ing f and? hire: vers that CE Clin hae Ane dosh ee AURO: __ ree os se ed yu oe Buk the pe yh the nD Ww N Mio forin as to ¢ Tall aved en th \ORA ver 7 rece. and we Ga ne said th the ¢ While with vatg yomey ith New NTE na | nut marine! ot ea “ Am 24 BORE ca rote Socio Hn ae nee pg ve chs vun- p upon tl rout | etn ite fap respec Ore dnt yt abho but th whe w dress ost r REALIS slately ry of cular ad . You woes t harem pou the keeper y— the ppears et to JEANS : an tring eft e coxe aSTany, sed | m are and SALIS mn y =." oe oy Way ne pase Uo § 1 silve aca ugh |X to be mover s, Jon os nec Blake sommbr svery N ade it be . er « oe eu Lane igs Su at! all oo tetul ana sno di nents i e 12 3 the s nate les of the Mar ga autifi qnte a: Bu : es i Pe CONLY, Hn vas VV AOS ey vias vubt Sin a ven re 6] dand f the 3 ppeare ul P dio ui 3 ppage y.stan het cop! iy pe the y exp } ! ya, | ot ama tha - M wee ight rit ee Sit rat : he an . ‘ le y paid } rets pe- _ Cor , iS Visit | anne at tt exie t orev esta yisin itsel ollet urda : ce in home id at the rui Se a of this uae ak NEW aa iy bh He tere cee 18 re] », the nicks’ ent pproa self s > y nigh the non fammte tem Ration ruin of veut ff the tatere is co v the money | rae “WY ——— Jaquir all » Was} sine] reso uy re Ss act luge © GG hie h ght la merit i the rum ct uniry merche y} Tl ORK qerer multar Mant ar,a >of S ares je cal tga pers or | ead of st. W var eon Ines » the wel e pecu the pay nots vith Vants ; Ye corres POLY : it Iry ope Melon, © and bh Santa Ps0 apt i alteden cow “err Phe | sahie aha sky on i ihe of cha a ae Vi ama such 1 UV interest cand) | sponde ATICS frome perations a vased Is myst yack wind rem, i n and o- | bec s articl ve called ie conat Joss eee Lees oncerns le YW One nteres est—l } Nles as at uf tt S. part redibl 18 aga a sus er elon ulze slo whict slippe cause ‘le an °¢ ed itat tle 'y dail eee ac oy ae and ; ots yank | ne til 1a N eye: On\lexicn: Inst TD pen 0 Vhlate AT ch lite Dery, ever ‘A ! wun ot . uy dongs sut the sigt a half s tl ° H os may lows. jae alty i ase exile ex: gion ¢ erty | ever rayed eran a y or [ATOT . ws ae Aue pee oa P dr well EN Ug vay fia . ri F nal I he pl mote ans th as, | he,tie dres din | ry ine e not re el a Borealis” one en, tt wou ie wealdiy mcd isburg.? aft dri per cent, now | Pame oes ave bee 1 fea ated eee tely vat iii WAS sei shied ee) n suffic se call alis’’ eh of | all classe es ple aUy i ise Vawih Celt ls f Mr. Tallis the rof th gen. | land f ft the puzzled the d ween ease Sraied neant shoot le icientl git s ema | lasses ress w rag » and th Sip? i Bee , to col- | pecie ce rie secre Is Stat orces t > caInpa Rea omiing BCC UT pers arr: aC his io vse eae ; y ac Oemuut tlerd FB the er of the B e are poor and Ve Sinn alt - curre madve 4 tof tt alot ene fa iad t palgn y tat rant! e orde ranged desk Seuilldival of suc -quaintec we ard i : . epl ino ney: ge acd 16 G un eer wa moe fede eriea ved bef Bole aie elite ned Te j i rors uf cople ieee Cele plied re o «| : the slobe' ovo 1 wa aia ove.— dare sand } Bee y Six vu? a iitte auth the oi il ie ve be the | are Soing : any the P n minees e dis , | ject w gv out of tt aitine ang tn: und t Noipackoven hin vcluck, | ear ts tod me sys. en ale iol oo Zane y yan tes lng is: Sta Yow: eine as (¢ reir t g at N ged ; avor Net roks ut yt al ml midat tes ” which errors Aue Wing i uy good s rount ident wont te, tw al of | 2Y | » make ittle Meta uuie fren lan nthe fl Obrete can lari mito ernin i. uy ine oles Meet gale ma ofn Th Pall of the O part y land, ar ac flouill Doras the w lay oor rence host | fear enhoom . e whethe to ea ie they y are ve Pei Allon. 2 LOT ve 1oney : vad | llimad Adu lesa Ne ,and tt -ombined a,a 8 for line ut y watet , whil marst . Ite CLT r reme can now iple tt Vhe , at six” ivy 35 ¥ offe ast (tt doeG MOIstr are Ta w Orlex nereb al nd th th at Cire ving e at Stal. | A rertuin! lero Fi wober 1 recov atun lerps. tere | W SIX - genil red ery saver ation pidly it eans 7 y cus tack t 1e ob 6 famil amy g his leag ppear nly diff ran imi ernie le tide er only ing, ar elves ho hav X perce emar me. or ve,and t nor Ma part y grow Is sup lie off all xy sea -| at Vly ass allatios s rye st one ances iffers m aNd phatic thea eG amg Md fron w (cm tit OG O VG nt 'f Vtrom oN 1, feng, E he Loe Varev and y. Gow pposed. vw e Mex supp! and id ten, t embled Tt Just bey Alini as des uch fro Rinds \ m: rin at in pros reir ow no whict Jerre rtrade hey; Nees om, Diek 0 Foe Miners valor RTO. ill da rican <7} pplies f | yuag » he had tur bre tis, b youd anac, t cribed om those sMr Vv and bros epesi sperity i ener ith 5 all won fed tha y are,» ji now a i ck and | Ss WIth lead One) ent. B enera ain tum age) tab aber AMCs yaa f mundertt aah , ai oke d silty lias dies, pressur pitalists of at are » Sir, me Pre ittle farry r~Mr C Ing acy ut, d y thine ristrat ‘Atte Feat Ye S! betw linet) tl . this | e Ame ould tifles owiet ILOy rust ure | ts of now n| yomer 2two h Wl Can Oo str aad ra » depen x to ion, | er bre ave vhoo ven ielfol verxé) hcunl 3 mie , as heir ei flys ved ou ties dsb s thee pres se ny at al hard e uth bre | uggle : Tane d Bhan satisfi men ahtas Teel mn Nine perenli Ollow as it fate te fiivenal an a) pee Set eG count Perl as all, wo 3 with or, M tn mal agala or whi pen it y our toh Lac ai eae ele then; Ing will be se But; ce ae poe weit bake, pees rowhen t ny lel ! find ot 6 Unnkg mene ene ae jpeba lita Zalast Spa ch kept 4 the s | Le Is solit suple of a lan ; on Sa particul: seco Peel thet, Vin the P Mirae ate Ani bist ths, onster screw en the, tthe Picoctsoe ot sacl the ‘he 10 | ritory intne par wall pt ou same Geeder nee honr ays w - ture ars. T 7 os : un Hs ie Ml i ae ard q Lave ne g the ext p the Osa ish, : 3 io ork.’ ern ay n oO proc he “ aradis prot yi (su Ww fr - on ua » who fi rd nv Money | Fo Ont Inte uibit 2 ton | vet sand b ie we : ne vec ight 1 procecd imme 1 In Pea ae ee ill Al om tl » Did wy LE » Bud vney ¢ y dem For his Buy of the g Lie WS 0M y nc ere fi clock ast ab allied pert ‘ etn, Et Met 2S not 1 things bow tl Hoes i PDS A tee all the msel ve chhart neers ialnae tee roma on out half } ed for h : forpur oe le ae pou the | t! eel ian ever, 4 hard at al iho y for the’ 1 partie 2 MEXICi e I s Life ie Was, « neighbor’ comin af- favor of i ae The un pt, bo Te ow T pe Capa: CD eye millio and W 2 | (his ev aft tna me er, are talla sei x dowe ve Tex S are an ter word N eee ot Sa - yas; an or’e bi g into th of th i ae ae Cal a SOE Deis wal est rentng, if euilg bilo mines at, PE 1, Bust Xlans agreed I Nortt — Dalal unco yous ne stre id th e B: and th trained an W ive R vladel he St ri ; g, if resolvin to be gtos Soler here stame s, alih od. fiseon alr se lees ce cewe we street ha ae ae ae en pla terDant t what, | esoivin heldt seiyall nined Sa ute is vough S Tes Ppovent {Weotly = Scott pher m dep ere sir vo ma cy of be Moe of ¢ lor Wast@ ndrew ‘ ow ANS : & will n the Hie on strung Snot s a Sant: eavim Sinan sen mean gree of struck ei A Niey A eal few wus ae Jack ¥ York my doit > Park shurel nation & part ecure 2 zSirG one ped th id on ligt exand tastro aS re nate 1 reaab TERK YO? ork vour: R . r x char valizi yin In | thing re de bat NECA ered ; 1 tur ght in the ot ider \ he te pecially weal j out, ¢ nfo and B Nels - tichy | Gare nd res ning tf marin lis phe ¢ re ( ou Anas nee aa Nance lard (kali phe undor prota riny anes iy tinve a . and m resaw Serena Po nand Ti cia, of Z Renee a rrcordnt mes mee ae en eel she te Gitotne une cna MeL | he agen \ tS UY et the wt eeu h: Sm Vhio jin th LAcat gthe C propert uavel ebute on 6 de 1H rto4 ie tosh to the g tract of h north d ved sh yh witha —Mabional YwWe oor ists of % yea Sart ed the \ mS Mite tit , has sued ith, on ela: IS city evas. a POnStilY y of th Sur vshipt paired t rene emp due orzo — hon capi bank eonow the P fons Sir, | V rat he do the P eolthet |The lat .are th ,and Go tions 16 elec sere One eae lean aie Pei fl oe es er exis Plal sath Tel lax he Gi resid ster oul noe had t ert! faitt . atleris le pri mez EF 1824 | mene an hi Wey Sc Wer any -ndin ut hale ght, sim ; Pane g Kistins lever Aileredt , ¢ iinet Cte (heir Tee et J been v and C thfal mnt an art Is alx mine ae a Icom Siore. mien D B (ae faa lar : tir at be uh : vy © Po Sutrew a meul! USS a ee! ufort ourier fi nthe Ive aul ret nt men of as, Waresanta ite al de Ji Orme | dtl abc vanced lg le! the and barged ue dre. Vireo tig hy nota y drys eVvers ie Bas unate i rt for ss was V part tr arn n of the now |? 58 of ti Noa etal ingore rate uated rut j d, re mine and nm vty pr Plu teu weeontral Os. wnt ak IStress daat necesstul ston Atl in his | aying s Ice-P ) pub! . 4 tola a lat par Tea ont ser inet speaker will nie hes re i san nalOlain acticayl Pordagtes toatl oa} th ot son on ‘ Nail specal ol he as th ands g,| them resid TiC afla xico ty | aine t ree lhe ! Heri cael abOul Horie aL LN taind aloing flees the b he AY hoe the P rt ations, | Ina inks th spec— | ost sa ent fi irs. H , te eel ind Oren tarly ted carn th cud of? no eer Nichols _ oubls RE g predient UUTT EN Froth ame ited a fal as hist she conl y have that, } projec gacio ut sone ey ake | verter dthe S ownw: dthe tl of the half of Ie as cou Whie pay it for v4 net mou a cor ple, : Yrothe ild not been » howd jectist us of tim vu kn Iwl thy + Spanist ards pre usb north of the | ropto i nt. W cher yinent Tests W Datta the Nye | Lh rewoul hag In ya v eall th e, an ow, | 18 enc awol ‘sh A 2, W ) rillia ) pol ight a rom Menai Vath (ety Pehut hue ia with ey w omise ave a mld by ave mad vis land | nize the G a N tir pub d. probat aaa {uired ren ei Aen View {I nt spe oO a me nivel aNd ie beeuter oo sent ea euld j Mra J great the toll 6 as d | trac ve Gove stional Gon (eens ta ieee at whi: Bea en! Spies ight se ctacle fi n gazing at B | to th vy inad ical a bank er eG ving ic ee and have John S specul owin 8 inuch tions a rnine al Conv Enel: mee ed, 2B at era niberir re Grey. seemed or af gazing at nn ento! eopu deup sy iny rk of af ; ron af s nes now (a tees inith t auion 1 g sche 1! as I t home fe. AY ention he ie rel yaaye ane opr y \lto eo aw, mre y ne ' ’ ' s , < a" . i ' Ni ‘ ; 4 \ ine min ra awatt mente Hoa, tt Teel Inind i renewal the d caine ene sir, TOP eet u bis fr on my me: n add can thin Reet Ginn gn of aoanew fae enter eee ae tense at ay, sbys ete ine of iSeer lab ‘lot th depos them 3 price ott buy u lend B eye,’ ae pr t ition t . tom g but th rj y, sand On ; creda: veou ’ od a ein ¢ alte ; no im such alt wa pe NUrearat wi ling.’ ec} sites = . ri a VET per pmy t tuwn oo snd obable ovhie Y opin naindiont ort dhe, *\ een EK , UW eriaratesay : nuch | cloaen witha T medi a bank peusion « Rin i ns. larter 19 Vir le they people se broihe w0G VW orign thata ich, it ion, sa In dis wom " v1 ‘izat cmate y at ] righ ; mech oi b be in al tnade eemor ld Wise] a rt =one tually price t tupor tPF 1g hat! val col a may ma save ‘I Cres ‘y uut | veth > how cast 25 er int , eant | a pe feate not cle pg re c} and Sa 18 sels y hava ank q ants onista jority y be ex cur Pee it 95d Mell me —e ee ore et we aa) dthe sz | upon | 1 and at ty 8, and + wil] of thievolaet reima E, eee Si was f egre » heaves ment Sat i ae Dig ma Weide ir, hav Dana same | 4 Masel lo sel] ve in » unless Wsull e old 1 tked | anny, , epac Ee tinage 88, W it | Sof prison ies tostitution a a Pros a et ems ua i. whey ave not uy vewered “Ty he | a reantile Tut —_ eal ell him | oe a way m I mistake remain sete | Ty ey Wright the — ceulury of clouds ged and skint ile all arourd "tle of th el cle + Omit h et and me S Ww) cer : hep Taddress, ey 1 of acne it will ple n-com): >i) na wor ie See reac ce ; B ey e tre ; ivineut utted by at ev Abty nd Diree mands.’ line to he stood the p People, | Oileans sed by wae j.—-Tt appe [vera is the aan ree play their we hele Ree ve lecture _Th rising to tk hing fom E ithanare! ‘The e2 ! Ronco rik UG : eat re ste imwae ollee pears te ltt snot tore t pro , ame | Sabva Wigs ao pee eran ron] \ fh a ‘ fr eon tt st of tue fl thre eside city won ilect toot 1e now ry ty pert ‘ th sR g at y mia cay re ta AV a ; al Vr! audy! vara tse t ere. ir call ent , that inmithe orott one Indepe as eine y in el afterr Goce ra a Rtn ight ‘ , Wo an iain ie ent tinatr tng de neaet alls a 2 rans tthe eat t Pars resin : tho pendeuc node gf overt the wo att Joon alee mina Ce eat Ona 2 ' “a ( righ Pieep ren JOS yoe eat = el nd d (alr whol ihe port ine . ice 5 Mr powe end » she eet n3 ny ia w igh . 5 d ur if ‘ Roca cuone ht of Krarpote Snot vot t excl: eme Ge Renee * aun meret ol No + Vies i | Xlear ered on th ther e edifi name! all @ disc ar egrees, 00 | le p aa ele oe a cau a piara | Was but § pene Thy rantul d EES ; engea ca ist exas An trene he Cot e with ifies 11 )E scover Juth ond etre payme sOsluu 1s wegistate in individ Che P , nner ; ut gla om th duty t ak nee 1ere Pe avor whi aman we “ yeemealiray aden hed der ov t re ? the | atx aoe Onn Ve y tw lat) ane » and eG jla of} > hea iy ( eal unbel y ys br y Bae ah ‘ jues "log 1, / Sir, al eople | ic LP | it $12 ai yeur eee va det d,ing Nesta has i ard t (arr 1uful elleve Retire oad clow sie in i ae AU nL talk FOSiae) We Pe) id that P04 nel Cau ached Short, ¢ & here 8 gone rms. ver lecture aman) disec STC ich a streak hotes co! aud’ pe SU We WPA prise will te ot thi Is3 ae all his ene he J » breatt | ples 13 that ure da syste vursa up | casting soon of mdise $ 1 of ET vme eople Andre lcame nt ve emain 1 yam 31) : 5 eue: lownf, thing pleasin her y be m Pp g our grew BR 00t pg non a for the | | have, et the Pe w Jackson, | are Into oft } Since t vepard at th uly fc a lus news ma Hes from i mane | Iban ao ie ol eee yale en similar st eyes furth Be distinct : st an pass trom ; u ut ay 2. tt re! ne > erent olg i y e . | Ww. ur of LOT a Ss (i qe . £ OIL 1e 0 erties of tt Wergone ne Sit ane he i 2 a has not ha , an ond ee of y Plopably be Pexian | from cal Next c the celeb 1s far vole whole ee was a r eastward, anc! Pas) ' hand us PP nner | as or on h ine: ‘et es uaa? ne d nT re une church ¢ Cre sbrate. more elena $ pp is Beep _ 5 a en a font prnyeed a : rn ae he disc Mader alee ane a ad ely on : parer "sur mone ile y and peril) "i Hons of a Ived since as Cee bti an NeW spa per redited, on Ayan come to dif allend he, we mean Madame | with this 1 of cloud it, and soon tis ple, and onster is do Ane a Tse at So 2 Aho sirue, ts of tt case 1 ome ot it discou tometay Woe Tadia ds was fi “th thas aecouat ot nearly wh Us place i my aed rem | ¢ Choice PI iy ay) ene was tion: | s igmed overt Amand tal Dia on ni 3 ot tel nf by —— a | s cl 8 ie , he oa Bsa _ utit is, - my his alee . “Vo. Sun | the pale ar vanged, the a moment the we fal ee of _ : : . ee eee! al tari H e > le , 7 | FROVW 4 _ lie! yal 2 landiaee gentle came eenish sk Rtrankarwen t dane of cor Prom t PE NSIGG) { hee appointed : Was inivy man, kn | stone color skreen assumed out, the m ‘¥ count athe Ni ronse afin . 10 own | and t ssume: 7 en } lies ew Orl ie se alan mr that : J ty jor more d > the raysc 2 reddisi Jitu 'N pow e Schiuut cans P| J trary toa early purpos ene a Istin ; ame 1 to er june: C iene, J oe to all ery vain se to be . round as ctly illust again, pier Boao the y Su rier e, Jive oroand: & rectal) 1 the ata ssume strated : ew ast + Captain D oe iy barat hs frien har he was Morning friend's | we of a bl da dee : the clouls wht a army ot elaville, ar )--'Soy outointe 2 one the ae Con and the ood ted ¢ per hue un al ther An P—our ae , : uve © le 8P on n “ast: ' a ne : behind e come eae ee his the north in anoth first in \ n d Th before first at & Inewd punetnal. | thern | der, th one place Drajpect © pr Usiiere last d apostre rapa ight wer lese penc een Ors thy pert van | you arsed he pid and pl e displa cilings nthe ugh it up e tim lk J playful s yed in tt Te ni IT ase p early of could re uccession ye most BB X dared un y of the riot th . eA : Pree ete stead reir pl itting ee Ub c vy plac ” 6 Vr eyh . white bor e”: all ths tym | "ay retr, mae iZontal gl ae giow contin! gg lartled at ny} It he | oWev er 0) a Actent wut ty much in the saine place. The hight | fictent numbe rotthe party tn fay 5 ! Urof it to bully | yeasures { the rest inton it will wo doubt bene iy OVght surely not to bave been absent w pres ning ee surety De "Qiestion by Mr W 's@ to Me Henshaw; | ft with reat Satistaciion we makethe tollow | ———— ee , 1 Phe along thes a Pe 3 leg Amog Keodal| how, or has he been 1Og extract from the Richinong WW hip tr ap | VUARRIED e elure Oude % . ‘ . rom such @ scene: and it was not: it per- “ o: wut the leavt quarne 1 a : q ed “ since he has been an Executive Officer, a Pears that Rip tas at least une corner of his eye | Lately in F tte Co.'T Mr DDI ‘ § C once ete Wo e shown . ree , y cs nel Jo. yy, trom inding body of clouds q how tite | Member of any , mpsoy forthe purchase a little open. SON KELLY ao BLiz A 7 - a . vaded the ee ee ) almost ey. | 1! latest version of the Te Phe least | at Ean lands ?—If go stale what compa. | RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL ROAD. | °~* : to Mus ELIZA BLACK. ale Hy, iwhichwe have styled a s ‘ | CoMPromising may Prove fata) ww liberty, Sueh "Y, 4nd the extent of his Interest + : , ° roweitul . w ietwot Aickurii eonmece. la fant would never wind ite affa lit! “Ocjcted to b vi 7 The following ‘formation of the Progress of a cai ery second, jn Cistan anni aMairsup until it 4 O by Mr Mano and rejec— | the Raleigh Have : ie . tions, ard seemed to rejoice, as if its Jubi- | should have wound Up the affirs of ihis nation, | bed. "a chiy ions, : \. Neder A a . 2 This isa sketch for one But having aband al lhe batt] ul ieeitai Soe aod Gastun Ruilr | | 50 DOLLARS | vad, 18 from an in Died telligent source, and eulrely to be relied Upon In Hillsborough, on Saturday Morning R E Ww A R D oned the specie humbug it 43 Did the said Amos Kendall make any; “The Raleigh anc Gaston Railroad it oull last after @ Protracted illness which abe bose , a he scenes exhibited, were ag! their last “Xperlinent, and we believe will ve ew | 8 vance to the capnal of such Company? Presecuted with onetgy, fuiwithstauding the | with christian resignation, Mrs MARY | R’x40 AY from the Bubecriber on the night Mette brine ee nee pig | Sayed by the party. Will the People nut take | Aad if so, iy what manner wag the sum , Pressure. Seveaty wiles are now located, whic:.? CAIN, wife of Mr. Will; C M | ese ee CH, ene neerone, vi: a fel. Waviue ul | ied d fantastical #8 the pictures of a procired aad advanced? | Fing3 1 ty within about 15 «niles uf Raleigh a , ; . tam Cain. 'S. ¢1uw named ENOCH, about 50 years of age, aNd bie iia, Bae ; tunes the screen was‘! alarn and drive the Prjecturs at vnce trom | ‘ eee: } va this the locating Coips of Kugineers are -- | cain #00 highly esteemed by all who knew | Well set, about 5 feet 6 uf T inches high, a tittle mites t Kahedescope Some seg (he Mntamons seteme | * Objected to by Mr Mann, and fEJEC- present actively engaged. Sixty inites ot ing | ber, and has left an afflicted basband, a) bow leged, hair bushy, complexion aide light, his reunuiiy, green, then biue, then orange POC ra iersed | ae ee ted tuad are under coutract, and on fifty of them the | Jorge fanily of sinall children, and S dumber! jinteligent, gna ps Ailgiiiae with Pehalp “i with red of various shades; in fact, in a ve- | LET THE PEOPLE INSTRUCT, ‘Question by Mr Wise to Mr Henshaw; | contractors have progressed Tapidly with the! ous ctrele of connexions and frends to dewey i wate doing eo Two girls, i : > uhters the — mM y liste ry few minutes you anght bave marked all We sometine SINCE proposed that the} 4. What advantage Or benefit’ was cone tie ot enya ae dis | mourn 40 irreparable loss. aughters of the above ate al u . ids i 1 \ iaaae é . : Ie te i the colors of the rainbow an thousends of peaple of North Carolina, should hold pre- templated from tne said Atos Kendall Bee yeniber Ou this distance 4 , : a wx Mon of fa, strata curves and involutions: sometimes it liminary mec ings to instruct Mussrs Fraga | Coming 1 tember of saig hea the ey, : — ‘cupy the whole th his miusiet was broader, & seemed to occupy the whole one about 20 years of ; age— the other 19. ‘The elder vamed JINNEY , the under tor | i Orange ety on the 24th altimo, | thick and chunky —the JYvouger MARY ‘spare COuipany? ‘he track hay been chiefly delivered, but qt is - MES ti. STRAY HORN about 19 years | made. Hane left without the Pale provoca- . . ‘ aan — : |) theughe beller notiy |; the ra alt ol age. ; lon, whieh leaves the utterly ata 488 lO Cun = andStrange ou some of the inaiters in which | « Ol jected to by Mr Pierc €; and rejec. | baukment have buen aie a ca Gilee fy Orange co. on Friday Tith ult about ceive their design Bruin the aac of pluu- All equip pe Nosthero half of the sky then Hoan is they seem aiost unfortunately fo misuuder- | ‘ Ae “trowt, except the first tor, niles crossing the o'clock, Mrs. NANCY STAYHORN.. de! taken with them it '8 believed they are assis- ho his ness 4 suld contract to the borders of the stand their constituents: since thenastonger | U'stion by Mr Wise to Mr Henshaw, Roanoke, whieh will be laid at once The wise of Mr. Willian Strayhorn ay se ee tlle Person. ‘The above teward UM Gal the fy US — “mained pret . r J . 8 ‘Did Anos Kendall at @Av (ime, and ifgo, Plt 9 abornents of the Bridge over the Rusa : WHT be paid for the “pprebension uf the above ne- ‘latuts He honizontaledaewn hight: This remarine pre case has occurs > futb bas come Over the when, Ply 1olhe releeanl eo a vhe at Gaston are ready uv receive the super | ar ae = ae RON, atid either delivery e me at my residence Whe and iy ty much unchanged the whole might, only country, and there 8Ppears tobe no Possible | PAO? Andoap oy a : ee etuctures and the ladies ig OuW traming and will DITORIAT, ¢ ONVENTION Wn Sumer dist S$ C.; 9; confinement in an : y . , SO SO. whiat Feasous did be OS> be ut uy & the Bridye Completed by Ch stavas Ralei h, June 12, 1837. Jat, uf this. or my adjoining Stace ou that | get. V composure, dnight we observed that small way to Strid of at unless Vr. Van Baren Sigu thertore : ° I y Sak le > : the A ‘onal wid will be f NP case an | towards inidnig / leek el 8 : Phe vreat Southern aud OXpress Walis tay | Several ot the Proprietors of the Newapapers we ‘ ae tonal tewaid w Given for VADWers 1, horizontal ravs of distant’ bluck clouds shall be pas toel age soine of hig under. |, Objected to by Mr Manon, and rejece 1B en transferred ty this Mule. Avery gu. | published MD North Crrolina, having Proposed CH Mer stugly. Os teiling would shvot into it and remain unchanged stundings of tie yn ople. Hig Great pring | ted, le “or lve uf coaches runs regularly between the holding of an Editorial Convention MW this | pe Te : , 2 me. We almost ¢; le ef action is the wall of the people ‘Qiestion b Mir Wise an Pee iy na fiBh. and thence ate Ue pea ie rOlRun for many minutes ata t yee ey SEO Dem YM Wise to My Heugdaw; Mat, aud wil Vide wer aid constantly noticed Tadiations in the edge of whether they be right or Wrong, aod in fol- ‘O Have tou that ihe up the diwn-lyhtitself, and often quite through lowing devote feply, 4 4 contiaue to run from the end of any formation at petsous Clie Railroad asil may be dly the will of G. eral Jack interested wit! \ Sse see DO of distin ulsh- dant, wiih, : it, but these seemed to be p g WILLIS SPANN, July 8, 1837—6w51 -| E18, 10 relation tu their business ag ———— ot 5 fiuiehed, se that the | may be deemed expedient > and one of the Pro , Boarding School, for I oung Tie Re ndall in the profits of ae i " ey be Carried Uhrough Without delay, ! Dene suggested the first Monday in Ladies. ISU Se Neste tthe e ' ‘ y y > ce son, he departed Notvery far fiom hig rine buying and S thoy public lanes? If se, Stute an . i eG ve , a ae aes ae oan way. the Edit | RS PHILLIPS s School for Young La. y | men 'S stated that the Stockholders in North | ors of he Papers at the Seat of Government dies, will re commence on Monda the UN Ady utied able color: on the layers of black clouds we ciple, for he saw the people ratifying and, ee r by Mr Hens! Carel teeeren iy high spirits with the work, and) have Come to the conclusion of requesting a | 10th July “1837 a2 uf 3 : S \ ; Aoswe y cushaw ee Soe uieiercadnireas } heat their Wstalmenis Meeting tn the City of Raleigh, on (ne sai ff pili wiPgy.— , : conficmiog every thing ¢ ‘neral Jack: ’ | & Ja gn, '@ suid first ye : s ma x. never once observed any radiation, nor was co # ever & Several Jackson did, I hove no walacioaeian of QOY persong iy |H2 1 4s they may be required, having the ful. Munday mn September next, to Which they eur fa this School all that Constitutes a sound Dune ie there any electricity §pparentin them which bowever absurd or wicked, in its teadency, twesied, al thay @ With Mc Kon jy Wel couhdence in the Sucvess ul the scheme, | dally tovite the alendance of all their brethren, eee ee aie eo ene fapneing Bone’ 8, sted, as ) il th | neal ; | . rs he Kaghsh, Latin, Gree aod Freoch langua- she : He has said that his opm > _—_—- JO GALES « SON glen, , ; e ae induced us to beheve that this Phenomenon 1 pin i were known tu the prouts ot buying and se ling puoue IG series Props up one of the bruken | T LORING, | aes, Arithmetic, A'gebre, Geonetry, Natural ieeeasOSI Ul was notso much a northern affuir as Might before hig election: that therefore they were lands.? Pew i THOS J LEMAY. | Philosophy, Bony, Rhevoric, Composition, lo- % be supposed. But be it from what country approved by the people, and with these lights Nor opsenrpp aun) why no? The | BANK OF TH M.TROPOLIS | a —_ te ae peachy Mua pies < ‘ : AY zie : : Sant eCnn ; {Sul mar umay, We would say it were hard tobeat. | he must follow them out; We are greatly comanttee had ther cue, Paey khuew Mr We understand from good authority, that Look at this ! $40,000 7 | establish Shears Sai oe Frakiaouae ma triaeny, The eppateat convergency of the rays Mistaken however, if Me. Van Buren hag ; Henshaw could be trasted loauswer i Mr the Bark of the Metropolis, late the toes —— | themselves, and tae disposition ty believe any ; a . . ih: . . ; , a . . ; . ; . i \ 'as (0 some point far below the Horizon, not become heartily sick or a Position which , Keadail bad withdrawa—sold Onl or diy. bank tu this Cily, has paid the Whole uf | “Vorth Carolina State Ate wn the ward of Sie Ina! TUE Ito to rely ned a vreat- was lo some f :Cueumbered tinge SOME Way oF other : 1 : TRENDY Hopletly on the authority of any one will be Suspetsiou rie differing from all the accounts we Out of subserviency fo one misled man, and lot tts IAB OMENS with th A‘ucrican (1? UWOE br the ‘Treasurer of the United States, | LO I I ER } | checked, and the Maxim inculcated that whate.” s in e : Seng: it ith © Aocrican oe . : ° 5 ae - : : nde is the have seen of the “Burealiy race? - There Out of fear for another bullying one. he hag Land Compiny—or eo be otter great spac. "XPT 4 inere tile, whieh will be ee evened, FOR TE BENEFI¢C OF THE aioe Ler iw aut gained by their uwa Patient thoug be Fle set ‘ l f the , been forced to assume: We aresalisfied that {auc SoUIPanieSmol stem ne ane ofthis Stee days tine. Also whe lis te | BURY ACADEMY eG pe side, wit as no lateral or vibrator Motion of the Be ined peas me Be eke an er digs - : ; uy. The Young Lad; will be idered, Ne Gi uF t ng light: there was no Crossing of with a very small voice from the people on withdrawal, the SOM ee had tatora Won an ee ey ue ne eae ae | Ureated mn Siem as the eed re : . 1 & 4 Q ; : . detiits since Meorus asl: ‘irculat ’ TA . . y, ie ee to . . io fF curves in them: no a the subject of the currency, he would --Uherefore ine Gestion was not chyerted : i‘ ee Sri lier oF en ne ee 18, FOR 1937. | Punetpal ; wud their conduct, conversation, bab- pei HaEe ne ees C ° | change that position and sssuine the only (9 But aerk tie HEXT question —4 ques: EMI" fy one-third of what 4 TT | Tobe arawn at Rockingham, a aciates, mural and tmtellectual sew tce ies, re or rustling as we Perceived, no corona or | i HTN OH CISIY Wes saya: Miture—aierely ago Richmona CoN on | Will be carefully watched vyer, and their vest ee stopping point above: in all which particu- 00€ which can give any credit to his ad- MONTE Tie Gillerenvn ot tye Usb iilres” Weare hanny 6 gist facts so honorable to nti mae pUMerests promoted with the wahetul solicitude rage Ravel P Cae mioistration. Uhere are Other Matters, how- ent tense one ot ihe fiscal agents of th Guverament. Thursday 20th pat a paren Vad the CONsClentiOUs Integrity ofa 20,000 per Jars there is « difference from other phenom. , . . : ° ao ° ie (Christan. The Bible ig made a text book in the Count 4 . [ever on which we could Not expect to find Qoestion by Mr Wise to We Heashiw,; —— July, | 837 School, aud reetations from 1 r d t spat ena which we have seen deseribed | } . “10, Have you any qr formation of per dus Re? Trouble is brewing in Maine, relative to} a3 ieee . reece: SUulred, us guita- 1a, Sel up though throughout there was but | ttle Me Van Buren go yielding, and on which eek e OUR toner: persous ra ! Northwestero Bound ee == | ble eNereisey for the Sabbath, he gallant Althoug 5 : mee therefore, public expression should be ful) Who have be DSO EStE CWT ENTE RG Hlalf, be a cd eVOrt eto vundary tine be | 66 No Lottery, 10 Drawn Ballots. | ‘The "rus for the course are 'wo hundred and ae get change in the main body of white light at t 4 . siuce he tus beeg an Exeentive « theer, in tween the LS as and Great Britain, One: STEVENSON ¥. POINTS Managers (ety tive dollars a year, (including books, SUC ONC aS tlhe horizon nevertheless, there were fre-'! and LAMONT. TX TESTO (lies Breat the protits vt Hayne and se Liiug Puote lands? of the Vaine sheriffs has been arrested and put | , 5 boyable in advance j ' s ay ‘ : vauds te lands ! 3 has | a ie eee J onet sur quent cessations in the radiations above and Qestion of the public linds. ‘Lhis Subject 4, 80, Stale what i jul by the Briush authorities, to, enctuaching | SCHEME a 0 me eee ad mame eee who wo ' ata ve ral 5 BIAS awe has been taken Up to North Carolina and (OBUECTED To uy Mr Parks and 4. jPE= on their alledoed te Nory, tt is nesily tune | ‘ . ter etter an Englisch @ eereee a Aber be, at Vhe through it: Sometimes these pauses were for ’ ; J yi Vtherr eed territory : y | 40 Prizes of 1,000 is 4 Ono | rs Without edther Musie or Drawing, @ nome ar several iminutes together, and the first recur. | discussed fully before the people, there can ted MAT tals questivn was settled. Uf tie pee 410 Prizes of ‘400 is 16,000 | Will be triued, fur when the teens will be cared if 8 ’ }be no doubt as to their wishes, and Mr. | aes . sy had been with Me XICO, Spain, or auy other | 40 Prices ci an 8.000 | ty dollars » session, Payable in advance. ule gape g rence of these rays after each was far EOL Van Buren ought to hear from them direct. | General Sa Ryou’s See crete have Hbecile Pewer whom Geo. Jackson could have | 56 Prizes afi 100 - 4 60 | agape ae eee by the Pr , ' bout half after 19 ‘AY . Wicoliniis Peery fle ; on Sen | ; Z 96 pal and charged at the usue store prices, brilliant than before. A en e - ly. By the way, they might embrace the ¢ nD 4 few columns ot General Jick~ ited milo Measures, the buunduty line would 56 Prizes of 50 is 2800] As it 18 desirable that the classes should ® cs o'clock, after a Suspension of abuut 15 Pevceson of giving our Senators. further hint | 30s defence as he calls it against: Judye have deen ron long airy, 56 Przes of 30 ig 1 G80 | mence their studies simultaneoualy, it ie r inute a a wost beautiful phasis of a . j White’s attack on fy, » There isnothing ww - = 56 Prizes of 20 20 | ted of those who intend Palronising ihe J mi are WOE - d ek ever | On that and several other subjects, 7] here | )¥ hite’s attack o i). a ea a ie a 5 [ioe vexiin government has appiunted 9 a Prizes of to = patra tion to make auch arrangements i will tes ‘ ue eremenene it ccna |ean be no Possible objection ty the peo. | It a Doe Mer at all as ea a - Geo. JOP uderson, late of Lincolnton NC " Peaup Ir Ae of 5 77,000 Hua lolcet There ie cull rom for the re went half degree for about one eighth of the together, not only in Noyth | 10's Paper squabbles, wight not have expec: . ; ae : lun of a few more boarders, Pg visible horizon, there Was an enormous | P&% Coming together, y inert Ane | endictiveness—a MM >ter plenipotentiary to the Court of Great | —__ mon | a Pupil arcive after the commencem| a o é swhe : led to fnd—verulence—y ndic 183 — : : “0 al | i hid hel h t canons ee eae een: _ rel ec | pe Britian. He was expected to sail frou New Or 18040 Prizes amounting to $175.160 the session, befure ithas half expired, she wit tel cam et With its head hid be Ow the tree tops, The present state of public affairs seems | tull ce of self-cowmp acency, and an over leaig abvut the 201h Juny. Whole Tickets 85 charged tor the whole lime, otherwise fur adfly j>' Cs tnd its bushy tail flaring high up into the Seems imperionsly to demand some such a | flow of wrath against Jobu Bell and Henry — | Halves $250. ce dnens and extent of the above Rea i re , . nb . on , . Pes Bireln? s , i Ve Boundners " <2 heavens. We looked no more. courses avd we believe that if the presses in| 4 Wise. ‘The Paper with all its spiey, B'S) Rhode Ieland —-'Tho \y Ines 7 a Stare 4 re aes fl 25. the determination on the Part of the Pp “ ane our State favorable to the Project, were to | nevertheless a dull one, aud the worst pun- have brought forward Joseph -,, Pilling ast and Vu be had in the Brcatest variety of OU ent shall be thoroughly taught, the healt =a Backing out— Treasury Bank, &. ' lishment we can vote our opponents isa sty-| Rode C: Hinton sasoumidates tirtiteenn yt Con- | bera, either by the package or single Tick- ness of the situation, and the facility of a N | t | j Saye os Ce eo i heel d he fi Ig | ore Phe late Meinbere, Diiee J Pearen | et, of nication between Chapel Hill and the v a 1 . We mh . > ANUS | Uress i : ‘ , oe . ar 5 AN. TheG ae as Is ee oo all hand., might be called forth from the People We! dy of its Contents. So little do the rene Pan Se lunastuated by th W HEELER S BURNS. parts of the State, -- 35 AS The uracle of the part fer having advocated : : re care Biloe twe fi Jes Oa? , yey ‘ Fes d on m ae i ae : . r have received communications (rom various | of Judge care for its Sees wenide | Vanttes. Sede for the hundre (2 Vre an exclusive Matalic cur { “the yy hia) a resp tbility published in some of the journals tMost de- | “ eucy, has ai length backed vat froin it, aud nov ) Sources Gf the ve PF Mee ae . e JOHN eclares that it only 3 | ! s MY Wishes the small change uf} of Rowan approving our views on this sut he country ty . | — . “eS , yas any more bypret and uy f veted to bis interest, Uf there was any | be turnished in Specie, He has | the effrontery bou, to | | | | | | July 8, 1837, Salisbury NEC: are advantages whic, Cia Ee: ‘th ¢ public will duly appre JAMES PHILLIP _. ' - _ Prof Math & Nat. Phil, BOP Gen WW Wiat Henry Harrison has been 2 ry an an Chapel Ifill, July 3, 1837 ~5w51 eae t TT oeleniiitn o delive : PIMs Oration | Eg us not to letthe Proposal drop, No | tuterest in it that may be found ina mer 1 led to de e fi ae j my ration in N O I ICk . r | o | an), . SP wiie J ie acto Nath, on the ourth ot Ju y Say, that such have ever | hope remanes for cur country but an yp | rhantman’s log or the discourstegs of tor i, = LENRT Blea the views ut Seuators Benton, Kives aud | PEAL To THE PECPLE against their rulers, My Beetham, we too would Blea nee, Amos Kendall has wrtten a reply, ex- LL. persone indebted 16 Aniés ‘W, n Ts ae [ee ; | but we ae sure no reader of the Watch | the season of Marbliga, are requ fowail allmadge : ‘The last named gentleman howe. | Elections are too much matters of Inference | bu , ; | purgatory and UT Pa mLOnt Mattar of make payimentto R. V. Michaax, as c Me has lately tld us that he Uadetstood this ; and too easily evaded to answer fur the er). | man would thank us, so we deelie ee Wickliffe, of Kentnc ky. We have not | authorised tu receive the same. A eg Datier quite differently: he thought that cer I eis A plain direct talk from the people | bik. | eon i . AMOS WEAVE Qo mad attempt of theurists ty furce a metalic | 5! S subjects addressed to their re nets } | -_— | a new as oat a nrany Fh ° July 8, 1837—6w51 ! 1e, ye 3 - . . . rupee i é ‘ | AP sblie (hs ey are having —___ oe oe a Pe rrency on the country had well nih pruiney Upon J Salisbury Om sibus —The heat during t gp mii are Sukie f Taner! ‘hrm the public ye UE . : es = Zz womens . ' presentatives would be understood and o- | F Po BLL The Provincial Pay} ae wh beat budtin Baltimore at a MEN draughtot wa ale Sat a n sky 01 fhe couatry, = Beuton also, 10 a late comimauica BP | wee k has been quite intense, often ag bigb | c eet eee HOE ihe ee te an, Express purpose af plyune bein ine Foal at Salish ry, Nort 5 I Wada Con SG) e Eo Pe ren 5 , jitat the MMPS? % some of tis constituenta, seems tu consid- | beyed. _ las 9v degrees (Far.) and the Weather quite tovnosiht the rapedeney of authungine dye, Canuden ait ( - naa ie Clee ae ue epee etaen i : fi 4 . pin |: ps , EEE ! & OS piember LAS confidently ue Ss — exa Michael..At orealis’ - matter differently, for he thereia euesl ip Most righteous Judses.= Phe follows 8 favorable for harvesting. Corn BO a LUCE Ee een nen PPre payments by the Bank of Lew he atin Ey OARS teat Nae V\ ae B—AnnE Brunson, Geurge a4 Monay system ard denounces paper money . a! oy I tere Wy stvesul he iiver Merehants and Boll, Daniet R Biles, Richasde t we : acte he proceedinus Of the to : reat SoC lihat Pros ince. PTT atany Saye o es ullin, Danie jlee, ry } a i Hihere fuy reader uf the Globe, su forgeitul as | Is extracted a th ‘i , é a jst at rapidity, Flour sells he reat $6- Con a ( _ Volers Yaa tla tp ger 6 Geter, wii Fi lotheye | el Binghem, Nicholas R Bridgée.z Ce . . y) Se H Sstane OL: Sha y d { ' { > thet wads an noe aCe wf ‘ ve Bot ty remeber the Sherrod Williams letter and cominittee, raise *, a ; Sta a b jat 7o cents, Cotton at aboot Alttle done.) The New Sane Expres enitentr frenghts { a ure , es t ig i ; ‘ ae L Bre les Bg ee the _ ; ee > ses « le oie . : a Mrongh (SERENE A) Un (fen Be : +A Nioder Bro whethe ‘emphatic manner in which that Piper ey Wise to inquire into the abus . ea | The town is qnite health «andthe county | tay, never been so low in ths ee fo twbatever, will any addition ne . pone Nea Retin, i n vant Hind, Mr Van Buren that he I8 Ils authur, as if! partments at Washington, and which the | : ; . A large stip was taken es ie leliterige, norany exer eer ee F ) around searce} less 20. Quip town girls | they are at present. A large f ' wlehitnre ne Wade for beh eryre, Dor any C—Chirles Cw N, Margaret, An m those Would pin tim up tothe fatth therein expres. | friends of the late President in ( ongress ate e i y twith d ie ae up a few days since to take a load of CLOW. | tenses, ct EXPrse Wanting ty ensure regularity and lee Jobu Callow 9; James C. a merical > But ihe thing is explainable without dif. | feased 10 be ao willing to mect, (but | COX oeautiful, notwithstan Ng the pressure LONG im iielittreenoneee| aud fifty dole |, UST ee ma cin ett: ue new Chorner, Thomag Orired, JS Chiples ie } SSE § ’ 2 hein : 0 Se eHerES nis tg "3 : . bully. The Independence of Mr. Tall nadge | Proftess ne /(e0 their ribs !): they however take a good lars. Most of the foreign vessels are Beng etuner Condea? wh CCS teclaat ana | Cown, Samuel Caldwell, John Cauble, Jas be seen ; yew York | took care not to meet ) This committee it i* / ‘ : em ou has put the navigation of the Waterce hy WC lanhe n me § rallied for him a strong party in New Yor ibe remenbered contained a majority | deal of exercise as weil on horse back as away in ballast. Seat teyond adaubt Both boars will bee able | re Drory,, George C sh Won ne (AE Yr of the Bank credit ey et te a | 0 Con- | on foot: Poncy riding, and dancing pee A that Win B Donaldson, of , (2 #eecmmodate Peete etuatirvatly,, belong ‘seph T Dickson, James Denubue «callie vali half af- id that ny man uf iunportance except Caruber | of the most UNScrupulous partizans in Fie Pie Glove doves that m a i. HN eter Wd op, wit the ladies and gentlemens? | BS ‘ihvinas | fostaies avid We 7 : > yore ' i ade ie 1 ) , Z a b > street Alexander Ving & the Loco Foco's are fur | gress, and tuis will account for the outra- quite the tage dating the soltice, Our wham tenths wie cel Se tr - a Cabs disttet and separate F—Adila H Fox, michae, wr, Thomas Re k with : ue 5 M fives it ia be. | peous character of some of us decisions. | beaux (foreign and do nestic) are sprightly | Pines. has ccs Oe We “ | RENJ GASS, ter, David S Fraley, § Freezer or sano i ; ir Sa 7 f 3 » 3 5 s , 3 \ + , i oshingtoa a ah | a . i: ae A . ee one fameag, ‘ eee , looking chaps buat they dont seem to get) indian DD ee , , i ign Pub agen. | Avent NewS B Company Russell, Win. Falk. a a ey atmos: "ed, has alsy given vutice that he will not What must a caudid mind Infer, when it stg sh a hyd Ptulad to hear me I oe probably nos ero SAO, | Jily s 153751 G—Peter Gaert® Sally Ann Gute, Eliza. oe ? | - head: at least one would conclude so vholdiog tis office undera prigeipa | : Saen = . Rory de Jiscov- teh any further with the Bentonians ; other erceives such barefacec attempt to stave| @ ° Wer. Gaz | beth Ghee ham B Ind } ; ' , ee . , ; 4 : , " te Uspeth, . x simi as yy the same effect bave been given by | i fair inquiry and suppress the truth, from the barreness of hymenial inte ligence. _ ( ‘ ft LIST OL HETIVTERS tl 2 re eee ine Ace es Z dues: ker, Nicholas and others; su to prevent aj a . to Mr Forsyth Traveling through here is rather et alow Ucn cry cee Louts ( Missour ) E.MAINING in the Post Office at Concord, Jeg ner, Catharine Smoot, Leroy Hee ca i is d,i Question by Mr Wise to Mr oe ; has be scarcer or | “aN Says I North Carolina, July tsi, 137 LW illam Hicks James Roberson; SS Hudson evil ‘Se rupture, the humbug 18 to be disowned, in t directly or in- | bb. Since money bas become scar Re puditean cay | North Cy . a , an ob N ’ a Ds 1 - 6. Have you, Or not been 7 . + , ' ‘A sentionan from the Southern part. of the A--Rebecea Allison 1, Revd Benjarva Ar Dicey Harris or item ube n. Newberry: oY [ Wo rele d join in ex orge South Carol the state A rentiema P : ight ol “S that Benton will relax an J directly interested or concerned in the pur- | rather worse in South es Sy 4 forthe fact. that last week in| 1, Dr AF Alexander 1 | | F Hall 2, Richard Harris, Daniel Hor a's 4 1 ‘ ' oucte o Sette 145 3 it, oxy . + pre j zing ot oNig away, while the o eaton mu Pe chase of and in speculating in, the reserva. | as either become much more healthy, or In ilersnn Co. the wife a respectable CUZ ele Bar te Bagby, Boy 1, Brigadier Genera j Juio Huse, Susan Hart, ' “ y o Polied with a ‘Preasur Bank. Now, if iton-! Creal her Indians, since |. ; a ( reatly in yuri IPO yearsuf age, presented her husband 1 wade I . nin |, Ya lsaae Jurden, WV lam Julian, Rey m, tes, 1h0 h y ; | tons of the Creek or ot , jither Own sprinas impr oved grea y Herself 0 years of age, pe V Uith Bry , econ Chamberlain | « Weineens . - . 1 Meant to issue treasury notes fur the dis | you have been in the office of Secretary of final virtors. Mt Rencher has no Oppos- i with twin cl Wdron.—Vhe husband eS mre area 1, He IeCoaeigain K_ ices Kanteen Richard Kerr * zs on Mnen's of the revcnur, the People whu get State? his Congressional District nor Hast 80 years of age fe dotis, Clarke 1, Mose L—Mathew Bo Locks James x Litten, * bt | , : this Co s 5 ’ \ tanner, 1M: Locke, : en. Witte > ap will be as bad of . , Ona G . - a , 5 t, i fa fh Files ane ra | « Te ere rake Pay lisfied(tiat the ‘ Objected to by Mr Mann, and ec yeems likely to have. Our Female Sel vol | ANcestry oF Gey. JacKSON —The Be!- FB Blizabeth aw 1, Gabriel Gavlor 1, | ene ae eee j aroul P ever Oy will never o satisfie : \ . 1 7 ' Ww A, 201 ( Sally Gi i ga ard, Ro 4 ha Mrs KF), - d, Jockets are! 4,< reland) } aern Whig, April 20th ‘ ally one heon 1: ite : ws arell ‘tice holder shall provide a good curren. | te (Question by Mr Wise to Malloniiee k flountehing. Our Coort J ockets J ee Trelani , Norte Ret) ’ claw Ct ice ao * here a! H au i "m ae Esta rene de on ‘ . nl “The payment of therrowna salaries, and the | oF 6 Ream oh rane knowledge, or nal Our jail ag empty, and so 1s om | ee eMimwet horn in America, we rannort He Da 1. Willian, © fisted dane : en ee Pe pngie Dariel whee, af ont BP nder of the Emu yatavest nie cca from i inform ion el from them, { pocket. Thus our readers havea sketch a forget tat i descentig immediately Trish. | rt t, mes mw Howell 5, Andrew Hun | Joseph H Mount, ae Ne} Cc B: : ‘ : a ’ ; oe \ - LCR oy . rel Nicbets 2, Arthur Ne son, clou 3H "tes of non Specie paying binks that whether any officers or agents of the Trea- whats going on here and hereabouts, | Many of his relauons are to be found a- pyout |, flober Kirkpatrick | Andrew Kye: Ne ve Nicbe' oa i ; “NOt pass from one State iw another Tf, on sury Department, or of any other Executive \ _--——— I mong the independent farmers of the coun- K —Dr lew Kartuher, ae ao Paris) David Parks, marge; 2 “other hand, it be meant that this new Disnenment since the 4th of Mareh, 1829, VIRGINIA, ty Down, His father and mother, who a Peete Lee 1, Jonah Lovet, Wit | a a. ~ ol 'SUTY monster is to lend out money to the have been interested or concerned in_pur- THe Virginia Legislature adjourned on the tesided only a few miles from where we Te an Linton, | Be Lev Roars, Reddick * Bennett, WW OM Ble, and thas take the whole money pawer chasing or speentating in the public lands? | thd 24th alt They passed a bill for the | write, carried out with ne m to ens ~JFoseph aeKinley, Revd JS ueKutchen, PC ashe ee es Sawyers, Georgi hi i ; , nie : form- , i | y cd ks > sume, than their in egri- | fn oyller, S—Pete, | ’ oe y tis the hands of the Government, the OSU meray state ail that you know or are in : ie of the Banks; but « till to allow those | little else, we presum i} 1 erpese ces ae F Nicholson, Henry Nash, Smith, Alone >pepgee: Samuel Smith, tan © >: Ovet TRU source of corruption that ever w Ree AD ed une o the otheers or agents themselve Sy j a | ty and the Spirit of honest enterprise. A N-W Sree ee Schrock, Allen peok er, = the fBhed |, li be th sult. Give | ye t i‘ , f purchases and speculations afore- | inditutions to issue noteg wonder DP, Was / Po James aia Jota an Rigel i Hen Trotier. Adam Toor « i Van . (ry will be e re a x $ to the ses - * ve » - > 7 aMsour, 1 | . ony t the m ae . : I wer in, said ' lot in the House, 64 to 41. | The hest Recipe for “* The cs i ee kK ge rs, John { alviy Boss, | Torrball Joba Phomason, pas "ig ner, ’ FO in , we q | . ’ M . ini vee oe littun to eee cena aoe i cined, | ¢ Oh; dto by Mr Hanuegan and rejec- . 1 ¢, | A cheerful Spirit makes labour light ois wae Joe Robinson, Jota Rodgers hiyg Messrs (,, geO' n Welehiouctaries Wille Lay dish d ar tet Patronage now exercia r| ‘yected to by | | C7 Samoel I. Southard, Fsq formerly Se sieep sweet, and all around happy. e the F Robert & Hogunen, William Bb gAne, mrs - wi ders, A ate Weaver, George | Writer a new army of faithful dependents will be ted. jcretary of the Naty, and now a distinguished better than being onty ach WA al Mary W Ross. FH Rodgers, R fi eee : : . , , + jcret i ; ctor aes a r ! } lovds een "P— our liberties are gone and our coun Question by Mr Wise to Mr Towns; Whig Senator in Congress trom New Jersey, best cure for the times. that Ss i ty S—Davia Storke 2. Jon ae si"? SAMUE" REEVES. 2 : be Od he Proposition is so alarming, that | ‘3 Do you know, or have you been in- | has been elected President of the Morrie Canal rowel any thing@of—aind hea | | A Stobel, Richard Sherrill, Dypa " By HENHE SMITH 1 P ; Jace M gee lrs) though they be as daring and in- formed by him, whether the Hon. Johi For- Land Banking Company,in New York, rece Ly knowing chap ever yew ay | ome aT 10089 of Femalg Academy J ly 8, 1437951 y e . ~ " a ne. rive —Ir . af "Un there 'ssuroptions as ever men were, | syth, Secretary of State, 1s now, or has seen, vacated by the resignation of Louis Melonies| oy yerv, cheened Wo Sruroa Winec ugh ~~ BLANK DPayv wie 13 CP Not dared to come out openly with their personally interested ji purchasing ols ae Esq who has ac rpted the Presidency of the! A judge. suspected ut re lead yhaitty, Y¥—Kovert S Vong @ BLA @a. Oe “They have Proposed it inguch a way that) ulating in the PSO EICE NS ex ear Baluimore and Ooi Road Company. Mr South-| hig clerk fora dirty face. ' fi ee nay retract and diaown at tno Mf the people | other Indians? d | bg : ‘ d toby Mr Mann and “€jcc— uw startled at ing enormity : should they Objecte y ’ 0 1t however 0 int , | ard’s tettrement tor the Senate will bea public Tshould there luss GLOWGE KLISTS, P.M. niy 8, 1837 —3951 ; t mv hands my lord, said the c}.rk, but m: clean are appear asuf. ted * - “Year, é FOR SiLE atv 1s OFFICE POLTK”Y. SUMTER HOLS MOLD ll, the worlds pect chances ” ‘ Ve sD Alas cd, 1 abe Tapyey thier ful glater and wei je una, rife Wilh theta te far cohen iouset ; \ inal sv su ! siheto py \ IS anethe ' W ‘ with { ( yard ert , mete) | 1 ste ow Ptr uethe y ‘ iJ 4 \ 1 { \ | C)iives 11 y fey ‘ ' het Beetle vt = a Ny v ' ! int Ww (r i i ‘ ‘ ' Reale Wiis pans eee aw ee eee ees an eenees oo pEONT CIE) STH Ney AGN LT | Selena ve Bagtish Witor tate ! Pow few months wheat “w Cla succession Of calets aa vi Aye IS Ashetbsiedge th, et nesions tor Vetuees aid Veer O Fd ousad puvaent ¢ Cis Ball oureat ont tai | Let aes er CUS tae ices \ a Inerit Towns bt ' it Cie esas yee ce iets io ' 6 t Poet tne bere pou Ge pubalion tothe i t ry oud ‘ tb [es rik 4 ho Nl eval ~ Warted ett ain ' Jans Lieey eyes tHe Cant ( S ra al TOU Sd edi, a a | ait a Wit i 41a ( H Co Portatve tite at VerCet tether Biiperv oot tints \ AUIS SO eta tate n \ "1 mel pater dite | (eee ctrieacey Rope. GOVeTHOP, bit deta, Dit cranes, and advove tea tin te You say you nev wered crowus of bre Cte ty frowns worth Of ibagia, sabdi?——’ vid fories 0 yon tke luave tied heugli SIXpense woh of CW Diws Sin Came rie by a to pg chsse: uf eR UUs ex, te born es med thy ‘ian to wane & Jenve it to-morrow, so muchas a Witlroud Guo elie ‘end.alic “ivocate a paid,” the Englishy | at donevor saw the ycliow re © Laseals oc foce® bd sdvorate at lengtlyehowever, sccce NW fe ean Prieging Nis wnery client to les Ar tooms Wats gement, Whe tives qoebinato Coart.t Prt F¢ 4h tre sdf { WISE Wass eit etits | PT SAN erietitinee mee tii FS VOUT mA SECT meret ete vhee Deans erst PN Ne mee Verr linen sa bare eg. COVPC OCC te mT Obs irae ayia taeT ere mere siniiecd wert yn thy alae UIVGNG (rtd tian tenn] y ' Nate \ it cael 9g rey ! Che Ma woo , fj > mooonrdeg r ‘ine es i) ~~ :: \ I ‘ a ! hy fy “tiheh yy a) 1 . bayol i 1 wv), W " f ; ‘wl Lier ate Can ry nt Ee U th my vars ’ { | 1 yee ver, Le Sy ‘ ! y ' io wo ‘ ‘ : uM * dag! ’ 0: ; . 1 - j L e: ee ire Me. * . * t «then Unt 5 po8.e gated to pay the money, of , Viosage of : “ Keeps [is Eten Ry a a Fiicglis6 port ¢ I ? + vee hh vam amd were anette pany, wy Guts Geeta) (iia mit ! Ain StU rey VN of tin ‘ 1 CONN SO ected Xo Wiis wa atvois for dite fT Neneh ay int i>t Dhie malaria te vor ty Teel ——— a =) ss AT OKS | APOILICARY | , _ rn %. : os BOO! ~] | he yY k ee “ . vuot fayelleredte and Western ITOR™ BOOI KS Fe i. Cen yams met ea \iatr We . . . . , fh ae ty) fespectta a ‘i \; ible wie” Ob wane yi d JENT ht rt AD j | Miideers of the Bar. aca Stud a r a first dnehess ot Viarlbor . | Om fit C1 Onin sl fala tthe y have fog sale at che & [' > A Le f Cerhitia over the | t t - | 5 ' rye saa en ay RONG BOOK NEO) eo tid st \ ven Y) i Lhe ie oy bOI TE CC THEO T, ae finerits for Poa had the ved retton ot LAW BO _ J complishes vest in Lee a) [irenlercma lin ar is ct(tersonemwin ar PIA MEN EVRY and PEGA WHERLER & 1 ine = | fl \ u Galey ' os | j t never be tore p ' >\ \ ; ey ied Vals Sul By ‘ian I en ee | eee tart Have just received oti _ Poser: bowuea th ob beter teen ae uy LU USA AU ey ADV OURAN Vico Psat a ey rity of tresh Piruisell, or eves uum bao my owe! He carne A D. nl Pea © carey Hise won oaks Be ty | on: ALL RO Vertis Hementet Prgsins 2 . bor 4 EDICINES hae Sa ee net a ’ (Pe Gis bs \ eae ul : at ee a \ : Vi PIS ayia 7 ag . \\ or VE vi Leen shop fannie \ ed teavin, wih all def eae > | att lee RB > eee: \ . La en Perel tee er Vara . let ee ane ame et . fee | _ les er ee (Comat) Soaps. We: ca | was Ube aes ans AT of 2 bon es rere iiese| id x ‘ tee : ted, oP was netin . uk ie ; \\ | : S fa ery Cals. Varin. i‘ UY iy “ in r 4 ! ‘ I | WW ‘ ‘ ee 7 ta pres ) ii arn ( : R Ly SS ite MG ce ote ‘ rire Pwo BD . : ’ 1 = | ! be tliis gy ' 1 1) U ‘ i a \ ( tet ! Ce ae ( oe : hy i ! eon. vk Gar vol , 7 ! ( : I a 1 ‘ ' vl Wi lor en ie, ! galat eh adr ! y > ' ( Noel i . a ; NN a ! } WA, ‘ | t 1 — - i 7 , \ (Pine \ eS a) Co Oo = . ' ue ~ fas ¢ 1 . ; ae Moy! a aie mW - itt Co tre Ae ie * : tae ; , Bh NSWICRK, (el aan el LP i" ! ' fe ie iD toad Me rn ' x ; ti ‘i rota Trinny 1 Rover Meltach : | | ae i a Soe hy : ' , | 1 Ff t are ' , i AD ; ~ NY a: NS yey Sarasa Owen, } ' ' wee Cd 1 Se ras ak i> . 3 at Wine 4 “ Sih eee Ht ; ; BWR REN S 1 ee PAN ie wea : ' ia Aboxauder Niderson, Ss 1 t asad, s% A cea thd. % < 1 ‘ Pes Vg TE Up Se , ‘ tars uri ! tthe Reneien, G ! ) Ire Tohvinte of Cire Sih samuel tao BEADIEN, eee : : je at a PUM fete dene ais site hat : : “ ( ne : Joveph Gitlespie, aa ay Vera vet, means S —- eed dene Nott : / aa Johu | Mo Milian Sen Var eeian eae ie eels nee iy melt Noel sarah o 7 | ves dutta t varht, ; . 1 . Et : oO} , 4 . fea ten Sao aUNG WoMehay, Pyne Rese cs. relt TALES ANNs RCN tet) a , Abd tae é it y ’ WW kaisun ‘I lira Ni ee re Le ert) Weil iN Ss i i \ sarnet, ploeed ca the tocus ! i . ; "a “1 Gee Tyres 38 : en Aa am “pep ; are olan Feld EN ey Cooeapliet, tf it putes CITY SPAN ae hw SW, j tenet, ahd the ccuntet ag Ae wee Tyee yeeull ort, ‘ \ ' im iu ' are pore . eT ak jul othe space (IE WHEL, wale . i ee 5 eat pe Acecrdiag to which (hey wre rerey tom bh ' PSO MEA UT Wien meye tit 1 eae 7 fe yutred Fit. Coitiypented a ix ° Me a a , pany garments desired atiow price ins OPT MDE TOE RCs Cher Went ie aleve Space as vil Mes eek: eal scl have great coofidence i them alate, 4 as Ya al aca ! with the \ titind at ial ROBES boty W Powell, Poses Noh Carr tC uve tbat, : ia : h Tei Te tCcoMmarh ri enema) nets vith thre ‘ yy [ee Arcbinaid ALP Susie Cece eet ltrs wieihe a food Fil, but SECRECY eer lei eae ne ee eT pa ' \ Kicburd © Buutine Baher davy foil they are wong to take the garment rihe Post ¢ ih . ‘ \ i : ; } : : Mth . haat i iS IEG ae Wor Wo Gan Cotnplete set Te etarniye Levit rey eae) vd try tid they succeed. Cuttit uo owill be r Hl ¢ lela. f \ Teil vane Hine nent et Jigs vanl: Hety of tits ney ho Sf dene promptly aud an tie SI threate i de th, ORY PICre ur enn Chimenny aren sort Soouel f mucus fenton, tars Mu | ; : Wik trom cistance tathtiit 4 \ ed, oe Boe Be Vee ae and corefully despeteaed Or cis yn al . eee Chatles J. Wiatliatns, R Nee : } Nant Pparinerstip of Doctors o ; co ple perg a el veer o ; _boses dilvently attended to, auchelies3 this Way dhssrerd by cee. hy 3 \ \ a my Nn re iacien ; Pe eecUon Comat mv anionsmiitncsiwn | ebCmennt fT y ‘ (arenes, \ ; ; ne, VEE 1 bab ix v. Law fooks hSSiNES lro% my ne duce . ( eutot parte 5 : c te ; ; C titres “C hichaie ae Pe Chr ih payment for work. ; AT prcsuns indelited fonthe Gin Tere ) 1 \ i tho (Sos ; Ae ™~ Mnty, BV Live oe wll CM it seni Miele acennits ‘Those has J aay Rs TUPI SH, : val Dd iN: i Vil Sel Sa talkies US WC Waee tit tlietn tus setileune nia a 0 Waiter eh irene i \ bein t ( O ; ae Ey AL ps Ls tndetied te Dr Mitnhell, ra hee Va { ike (Rieerial “ ‘ ; ‘ | t ‘ ! Vic ous to the Cepar verhtpyot Beoachel gS sa fot \ LS, Voss | a c re Coren DCG, ‘ aC a { : ae eieres aes . cee 4 tl os indebted to the Sohseriber ar ee a J ti HT aatue cluse their acc ee 1, ; i ' tele et eS Plo Mahe vdiicdiate setileme at et He uu Wes a ae VEN GCG hai hele Nr tee toes Cninlinre { [Veet een 1] ta ‘ ear ; . , LU ieieeeelole ater: tite \ s . 5 . ‘ E latir a i oy NX QO’ i HIC i. MH feos LE ccCnttelueys az oo UPN AES Fis we Jones CUP AR t ge ey mrow an: ga MES Pe Otiy str ls | te ee lee ee ae Uh ar JACOB TRAVIS WW eerie il es at x . ‘ - cc , persets todebted tu the Estate ¢ \\ ‘ SOa Ser bE NWO: abs M. ha , ! aie baa ae ( i , ; meee ‘ i \ een be _ _ _ i EV SM ed aren re quested to tiie i i ‘ tea pusdiread | sa ! , ts , \ v | lieu He VON Mt AV Clans tia ' tLe istvinny A AO 4 §4 i Vuh eee ote requested oy teint ane I : 2 \ ! i | . | ' y . ' ' or peey ient, Wath Ube crane [tieernine cecleliyee] a a, (0 Phe Subseriber will sel) fe plead in bar ot iheu i ? Vovall that ane JOHN Ho PAR DIR, ; : Sen a! Sor Pet | it , | Tr | \ " i yer f A ra) : - : ‘ ed the Pons : aly tre} NOTICE. pas <b ob i x : ee ‘ a ise 184 ; an Yaar i Nas nk . , Sth Gi Ree Cary 4 heuer BOOKS are now Cpe atthe Ov} fan 1, I i‘ ! Suits See eS te Pineed Hos ene, vit td tit) Witelinan aud atthe Sire (eee \\ 09 rn 1 ‘ : . Te ee ib tahe 1 GUESS Ot) Dans oon i . . . Pe BUSEVE he Tete te el ea aiy fron \ ! \ Mae Moot Pleoransy Sue COL re sscoeeneel GA ee at ee bri sta 4 j ‘ \ j a | Wee Mo Us ee Ly Wea Kail Riad tuder the Net fA M \ \ f . | S A ' ue ee Aes te The suit vly ol 1955 aud 1957 ' ' 4 ' } { rly DET y | rn Pa ey i hen t ' iS ee eeiet et eee PUK COMMISSION As : Peel \ “ ee cee i ay ! Qo eS A Het ' ; OS | | an + . . Ae ae eS teste | | al bon Ge rh Beaeon wit) SSGte OF Porth Cavelinys, HH : \ Tesla . : Wet 5 ' x ey re ve NSHP Same (i eNe te Ve ae 1 i ee mai erase Pe , a ae atNe | . Din, Sitios. QP Orseal A VG ery < (ra fig 4 ‘aa - Vo fo vied | f | \ r ® ko = may Cc ude ye pr , TS 414 : it : Gui : SPErIENG & Su Paar NN aii J (res | \ t Ade ; er : ; 1 | 1 ‘ Ii pearince to the sare Terirccrts tl 7 pe | on Se PA SHEO Pe A a, - ! ' Loe . . i vi ‘ s C4] im TEOrCe t Barco 4 1 i ! told i i \ ania fen 1 . - ( i \ aes i ‘ 1 oy aye =) / \\ . it ee \ ' iH f ’ py yy ” iL ae. De fer ney PEN eS Be NTS soot Se ' : Ne (mee i ae OL : eS a . aie i! aS sy pois ' . a 7 < | Ws ti Ith Lis . en a ee a : Wee ! Tigny een acne? el Qo | 2 " eg ‘ , i i | : | \ t AnOOe Which te woud | Cees Voand its t Taek i y ) oe ee): , Phe aatnessy at SULA IES. “4 \ PCa tT | ' . | tev ge a ' 6 owe Utne satin fi) ( | bs ere | ee ‘ i _ 4 ° ie . ; oc . { eo a i Woe ver Waa ii a (Maotisn, Pees th Ht forins thee poli that de I Sree i eee yet te "y ti fu ese Ce : ne Ne eet iste ey ; fo vee . ae ee te Cd aus Ve Gar bys 4 wanes, PAILORING We xg gens le Mee eed Wiky 4 yee vutidivcd | rl Verein ‘ a rare ‘ . a | ey oo Guards, PoP SSE PAVE GAN CIT 3 N Gey 1) . , 1 4 (oe nny ae PSN Net it | a tae OF Plarth Cavalin (| re 4 cen 14 fia ' \ a eect ee TNS le eee ; upee al vend ered ela a eerqant Ss ' “ Pete aye oeeUitsRarrecc rir nee i ‘ INTE OE OTP) genet ey Wie Habe een | Othe, ap Oe * Paris and Lonitoy : sere tiedation ab ory Wert val Vou tyes LEONA on Teter ( ( a BV alent pointed Pencil ©, peut o — Mere ee WOW Peeters tye palatine ab esate eycand ta | Neh Carohaes ! Deeacs, Pin Na Vo aii he ae! des | ae) A eae fais, bs tanne W4. tt th seven thondred at ine i i Men) AYO PS xaetavellas, quad) stead) Ghnapes &. ail ‘ ‘ i; [este aus teem eT Ite POS eV (Tity met Senet lar ki Ae Fine Poeheét and Dirk INI an cit mene) i ! yD Uta / 7 ler leg (ie Peete sat etc Vea ety ‘ hs) Pred Vrouw Koives, lee ; ) ee ton , Witenes eerlatn | Pocket Pistuls and Dirks, PCA St : ' ‘ \ : A! 5 _ - __. - Dive tine 4 eee Preast Bittons anc Acie al Boxes, feu E ' van ase coe = 1 ANGE { i f vel mid Steel Wateh Chis aia Kegs XS i , \ ' ear foreua ale DNs ' ‘ i 11 F ( ce \ Sa. CFV a. tae. Wows, \ erty ene es roel el lie Sill erento every dec Hption of work 3 | <A ame Be atjacmtn Fr. Pratey, ve eon A ae to, aod this work ; @ Worhiaulike mannerand promptly 7 . : . Peg . | | ' ” nd upp i Ae tin Sea Yh oan 1 m “ORL AWIN DAVID L. Pot “ ia ee mi i i ial | Pasa ho PRES, | Sco Glau Ons Milas on) evelayae Oy eee — eee TS \ , / i i : Koad Company tor articles MORE enti ie On cue erinen : 4 , ci tae eM i ' ueey , i‘ | Men ton work dene sada ite dy Dele Md | i iat ‘ ic : : me i | Sal Tey ay et = et ’ Tessa ‘ ' } : \ Vee at \ ht fey fi ve FOR SAL, | tere ee 3 ee . Gchinghcum n : i Fry Wholesale or Mate, y TOS TO Ae, \\ rae 1 i ed) OU SC (Cheer seen Zs MING. AL Deuce ete ; — riers (nee Pe ded thy oe we ; itt ni ( a Mutetard aid pat up oy Walt fa di oe : cE OES HAM tla & G An i hi “a pz eaten Ge i Ihe 2] nse; WW a Ae ' ' ts, yt ces J x yn 5 ate ' / : ms a) — prince UN at 1 , ' a0 hs nen ele b 3 Bea! Ex! q | Jun cr t 1 = ; i a | i t { 1 ) OnE vod ' . Vi teenie 2 | yf . Pe eae aan ‘ PsP°Poe rine May, Hee yy ; at NN ere NN ee Pres Mes rallat LLNON CASTLE | F°Poeket-Book Lost. c “ “ny a @ ea $ (NE Tian: Tati carry oN ( > \ Je hes k ee enoer loston Sunday fas: } +4 a POPHER ¢ { ; ' Sartre celia antebcererr ey \ ny ee Coie robin | j a low | ote ent Me Whete dear becky Rs (GY ae, : 1 how See I \\ { \V an 1 8 ou the i Satie pi Hicme leit THe Vien \ ™“. ’ ' 1 ( ' I . : : t ele Cs will a chisp — it Tae : a { \ >! ; ' , tie a i | < ' il Cons] i ‘ Ver t 1 Marsares , \ ! a > POOM Utrera te tate Aatir ede than face ie j i 1 i | Sar Tie ADo. se. ? Desert | a Co vappl t t iN \ vat Ae Qs Onnists in ar i ‘ a bs ole Aen Lh (aealina tine ¥, Cheraw and ls Sle, ith 1 a : < ' } t Uy ' hs Ty MW 1 : . A See Meetia Baris Whe meney wis he l Ou leavy \ ( | ’ Dt) ‘ pl Mi ! is Vth en nt Vielaity aries SU Gi stant teti a) Vo r iy > ! | ! Oid WW >) ie 4 : oe ut aie TOES OnE Stew yee east eT toMy irc Tet Tiny = ae Au, KK Oe earitians \ 1y [ ‘ EAU TSENG ema ()eMmrrined tails ‘ ' ns : \ aia ! | 6 a ied eis | ' eiiia | I Sie 1 Ue eae Pee st\ Tal Were given ty I tN ‘ ton oat ‘ Wy c { Wo ai 1), tagton Corn tl u | Carol a ' tf oentt a , a s : | k 1 ’ ri ‘ bad OPE ase ta sts "ry ( ' ve Y ‘or ihe Fs he aw da Ss answie | PER A VY ciry oe! tana ee TE ye: ! yo Wuist ty ' < a | ! 0) —~ SVG UCC VMN ean a | wie fe ie | ' ls ! \ | ae ' ND oe fn : KO; j ine ' ; boon Sale oor R tit ae rt E ah “alisoary opt) ett - Cais . , l fiche . ’ Peru IGN HIDES. Ta , Qs. sai vin “4 ai ee ee I Fond} CHRISTIAN EMER FS a t hi ! 1 ' 7 / iy Wy ‘NY iy a Ory. thy Uti Peiiineeta 2) Feet I ar | 1 x ; ) iA SO) A Hd TUNES yo) | | Tus !oneinber of ae ~ > ‘ her ' ' The - , a ' , : tru est alan a Wg Dit vin pf bae Pe pen ; y iy ries “ BINA Or COP an Vadis) 5, a : : TNs ye : ; Hew ; . fs eo Tne, ara 2 a eat \ ne HONE, 1st. leat. ! ratte tita| nan y NCVER s th an Sears 2 i {> nn Py the ton ins cul ( LE een ty ma noney out ot fray > \ y | 4 SUEY COCs toi Til Bavk wented y ; { Vf) | ‘i “ ian Fea mt aS ; bi fy 1 pan WO eevee rt f Bal (le isn ) iba ‘ + ae NTA NIeS \, . S \ Surry ; Fates (hey viti Te tidortieet that CUT ant : : ry tt (i a4 SS NN othe Boar at ve ors, ol the 12 \ | practi, ne th ee a BL nN ' ; Pa 1 Js 4 , he ; Bun aes . \ Iasi, PUES Tio leita nent | ud mak,,, 1 AN DEEDS | tance yy ‘ yowy Ure HraG. 44 rola EDS | - VOUN FV OWitegy | i, ANAK SUR hee NAS spn t Las ‘ > ‘ . Ey 4 . ¥ kon sale Te Ome. ; na ee Fayeueville 20th ™. “Sm acy or , ‘ , » ~ - -4 v ae “a ¥, ae ome r} ; Ms | : ve . > ge | ESAS ES eae : gtk ey 4 FR 9° a ae yer i. ‘ . u¥ i ep ai Fl ; Fo <i ml eri ie a Sr 5 aes. we Aa ' r: eee i ‘- Reta SS 2d il lal Pei ce ft amma ae 4 . i eli lated ube Se ———_—__——= 7 Cc se BY UUM TON 6. JON: TERMS, ie THe Watcuman SATURDAY. JULY 12. ee s : ee Ds The Woren DON ERC tem had tWo Dottirs { ‘ fi 4 — OMPosure : : Cashes t Vee Veur ATA Metin , | : TCS, tatigueg , ira A ( ae ip 80d eter y, hel ae pe, teen Of Witkestanyy Rett Mat nay die died qe ttiNns were Ba | : ¥ Ptvtmalvas I ny 1 F vt Ma ' teat i Pat the Court House is V4 Wk Ee Ta Latter, Clednttrer they returned ee heen received, with tl : _ — ; ‘ soul et Reoray ‘ e Werte ier hes ' CTULNINE Pry, : the¢ ; , . 18 exce ; ee —= ae sic itl tes Geert A rer ha Yen NV, i duwtage chit nee ee Lae communty rom that exped Cilvior W Ashington of te Xception at Specie payme = 6 1s ! leer \ von nts MOREE CCUM rs (OTe MM livia « With capital {wo small bank Mts, therersn > —— Oj ‘ sal Cd rere yy Dr oY my OWilltam but « OURNE ny sel fair tae can. i PAS einitedrat meas tt : % depreciation for, bh O guaranty agniost | aa ., contin me . ites , elie Hen ont ut, sate than ar tie dollars an 900 mo NOweve . == : : , ear 88S Bou. | nag, - Pe Cal eoine 4 ; How. | which, at seen 000) thous one set of | eT prudent ane Cnn money under tione ; i ' \ On om ( . Oe ALS COU a eters vets ty ou Vv the Covernme Ppesed, are upheld eo: Se tUKSEmnayeba ie omeriine eXisting laws, so | : = cones ude , \ Cero tay salt ni are uted NET Hits f ee e who would Pawan merlvell Ment, and ouae one Wotervet the ef out »Mhev cannot a 93 DOL pay spenie i ; § OUg ag ' ae a , P My, Color ly : CU SS Fy ' 5 BI Were wy! SS OMNETR Ot | SOUT eX Dan ie@a ‘tor her ? [iy ' Decl SS Gonvie a a »Ouad lay CAND SI exire ng to st he . ders less PANsion mader ®*N5Wer is pls Notes ? clara ty { td ty pea Whit : OLS Streit tlawe * ‘dan : Prudent aud e, e } Plaine < are s ! Were. a - ! the of ine Ann i YY FUG on the ved onion = AY SMart; to this i Tora low selves stints ! Cautious than ee PP VEN to the (ane: nough. Leta pledge ‘ rt Plage rey Stn eesti thie ; eon the ote eside cane : S disaster, : ss depre , meat : overome ‘ ih ; an ve, oy MTSU TH hiatal) on : Wes aL hand’ wat . ober, and fra i ee be toa deeply deplored, dep Whieh sued by the eine prectated currency is tO all fut eilromvey PU patronage ag ' \ ie Hew dS accom at) eM LEG Ae eT Us ite a GO. the ery SN eR his ‘ SCV Sty es y N ' ; ' : 7 Aue \ | - i" VaLeorreaen Dal PCorinita yon af ee ¥ beconns known that fet has er Cepreciation ! Satvolved in the great SSCA IER ie ‘ OF the reve nie, and Lal a] tn ‘ nowy : ead HT SUE « 2, v Soe ole : Spe , Gute Ver lant nee - tt Declaration : ; ‘ Mes and b . fea! thei nef renih “ol Way one o j EVV da the the art te fatter, diloss me j than ninet ' vee Poyments in lex 2 : Cees Jatt a aa liniy f ne tors in 4 JY Pe sutter, r : N: Mie deposite t Ler should t So ndeed ara yey ! F . t i ¢ } Nii ree \ ; a face nee COSEOUOTEn IS Were 4 i, | stilar manner as CSO Watches of Pped paya Jinks at eventually ay We SSpe tod of thy yi ledye aeeanid | Ponte fad of such . ¥ : Lut ‘ Peay. Wino yy | ‘ Sthicitgt pi aed ite t Gq TET VI Steen WOolvent we ’ 2 sting ‘ ‘ , ti : ees . ie SWhich, were tie arg OH the best at patric oy rt OCCT Ver tec teeta DECOR ai tive these 4 cS ome yt Hii ee rope up te i‘ Y Negotiate iloun up festts hey c HOES UN Sate ive ' PENN ie tL, CC atin ert ‘ es INKnown to the Wiel rat Tot ST Nsere ued byl ul selliivg Sy }f 1, mMons of dollars: cI ce : ie oA NMithell | Her ¢ Whe tad our ‘ se Ji oat \V OE AO tos. i : UE Ot Tonys ey ! r " st ite JORy TD ENS blood soe the Breet Venere : EUS tient fate OAaet iret ! e EST re thy A fe volutiuwary rn ef ae rat of the blesinas ¢ i vey Woy pe i I rh tademmnity in u ity. f MNES OF plice were so fine ‘ SL SRI ©. panyabl; only in her Ue ard lheral , SEN a ' ' atl ds { | a nS \ Lv He Sle: ‘ BETO ia et Ooeor Syn ees Ow) yomet te ay (en tn COS ey emer Pennie ya ery ive 1 S Gaitusigunear . ' couand udivida: | tgasale COISW Cnt omtoaniye erie UTC USC Trae) — | leeshe woul. ane et noles orin ove oa Nor Ane ms ay LET err ty ts Winder Gf the (: eee Se Ste) mea nee IBC eye ty tery 10 pede ydiye A ce raise her hotey Rk , EVE qi Nay SET er hd M Went was af i Nee Noam ch View : PABST TNT Lge) acy ba ph MCU Writs 8 See hae y dunt : Coats per pearedor the ti ! ~ iL ita | ! Pa UM (aot fh er is a ie : wh poe omait: he fae cf ttl, Wy wl tae er. able atin eirly Se Varian it t DEO er tethies ane | yang their a. iu SSE TCT ULE CCE a aaa eet 1 WNP ie 4, fio Can \ DES Sete ~ 4 “ re refined AVS en ie ts At y © tine 5 : CEI NET tee eee, fe a ' i? eilert URAC Eyl yay Haid dys ete . Ct HUY The deme anes ‘ oS Pay erent Mere wot ONFesae sere a \ ie gat ye fill her eof. PESOS ‘ © Fivttueg 3) ‘ desir i ! sett fe Keitel wil CST Wenig { , ‘ Le v@uperves Niady Te Nec rite a ve Lae rine ; / Pore they) a 7 yed Bien Gy Gre Merrit Tert ee ee SUCRE nner ames Peireitat, ena ' . nok, and revenne migbe Ue) O88 Daa UOT Ny a VT atite ae | | oT UX cutive jeu We tty ted Clete but bay! ‘ SOMO rtionthy mtntiy Dee iat eane it | Made ins ee ats dishursement La eat wiTy et| d arid Prien dy destiny OUT) UR Holes Hot red | HPSoF tabiiary 4 md tour a PE NOEs ot TI phe Advertise nears willbe continued antl ord PEUTIC On Sat ' ' 5 pss Li eda | fi ee oe: our Lie; sal OE Ty, in xp? ‘1 uy Srey any G me bank, whilst are res Ve (a - le Cae Sstteh aaty i yoo aati Rov rae UE PP berg : . : Cle, \ re BOVE NY ; ‘ , eTCTET ne] a) hem, Where uo direction PY, and pantie Hare trenal Cron etiettice oo ola Himewnans eae ae hi Arete enon tinea! fone oN ea iGn ae Thai “hatot the bark ie Hent untied to \ are previously waven Re Ccceny rdshirp ' Whoet | trie, PORT ST Nei ew MSASt Trinsaction . ELEY UCT comin iy ie aa perne © Weuld forny a rally; \ F Adve OW Tod ion: Mat six fi, HUNG ath op uleee ST torbewren td ; A few how can tinea | Public sy curity: and |! OF publye ayy, on | a rallyin i CPs ety syd a ' possible. as sm en) H HaiiCae STG Ds HOE wohy A era ' a es : ian = Bea wre Veron six months 4! STU H atts ty cnc OR ee; OC toe er Mone Phe titth iam i YAU OT OC ee titre perlavs uked for iq Lirse cities tnd sound Portion of 1) forthe honegt | / t MEP et i iean iti react estar y ASLO eat nye ti PUM of ye td trea] el SOP pose wast erie : ANC Et the Prencl : | Many of thea | IB OUl eet nee the banks, whic With the privide we ot cd woe i baer Micre fh andy yy Hout guy top : WoWas paid on p ho themselves are kK directors Noel the other 'ch a aralte . tant the forme vey : COICO tia | eee Ihe Was less tf, ' POU Por rea Cis a , MIs. fo the Wanker ree 4pplicants (Orton WEASH Tempe SIG Va Vit, t ‘i { er, weber with tb fille ee fant ANGUS ter W ' NO Goverment | Muodations, of | teased acel | ; , oreak them dow 1e “ O (nh, > mre ly ifent ee Cot A aay t ; entoe ’ lave ¢ nt ; ‘ Wola dase J Hoa of, : whey or J | (iiiny | Mhydia Reb. ¢ , Customer WS stuuu teeredit Hsing frome a cons Ch Peet ery] fen MOTTE ey a i i Ue Scene uit it ; PCHeM ton (he 3S ladebted : evteoineony Tt Siypecnte : 1 VARKER Ws bully 4 i" ee ieee PE nen to al ia ef eS Cas oe oe as eGt ati pay tains BeTeT Anise, w tosa tbility to! the Cried Sie | peel the Bank of ES - ae le SOUR USERY TGs vicar, | id : HY anty street . Eats Son 7 . dt pends ‘ oO : ss COCHISE .. ay a nat ne fhe Cnr eee LOTUS Aas eerie | tone a {> UpOUu au aupy State of aM. tse, tiny thre present ss . w PeVery pathic aggiay ‘ fer voi ; Nie PONT ya ' \ toh low in RMenlation of | Mes, it wou) a a MAES Bila y Cee iy | DTT Tne ey 1; j my howl ty _ fins 7 TOV CTU CTU SOnt at me of bean to Tavern FARE a new ae Hol be possible tg e ee : : Y United ately, ‘ on we Caachi Could taye : : : NO Gnady i “te : : al of equ 2 Beosway em ant elie i, CSC est Silene Ore [ci dares ctr) yt te p , fon eta Muni ay, ‘ Paiste ty ser. sd ' vitual, or body of ay ~H'@ Of the iter Pa il wMountin any lett & ple per gat 4 , randy, Ay, ' t HAUL 4 ‘our LN id ! (PISS: SOD ty elie d ‘ “UManity as cata NI, k . Pie ye aay SS - Petit Se etree ! wean beth, vy ie, ites Venta mone cor Se centr i SCG ero imma tege eel ‘ Swe all hivow at tO Cf thirty tive ri 1 why a By cou SEMIS N SA ttetia y POU Stitiais of eee | : en ' as Cy there ; SPC OOO tone] eect ae ; Tous could heer Hl ! Se > Ua at ye aif ‘ Vath. thie no Hrsg ane MES Te Na ; "Mo Wemay al SIG was crea. Wises Card er ! : L nab its ' IEE Ut ite Ss ’ a ; PVE US Fic ' ! CO tind yt HIS 1, i Imply thy ' lee lee? : ( OE ee Crete ; PEE SULTS Uinta yep letiat | ‘ , ‘ ae bre. fora ; PSCC ait asin Wanrntec I u SSCA COI mci: Wa a Bet ras HWNount of ty | i Mere wag eat 4 Ut ' ee! tal ' ; : wa 1 : 7 PUMICE Sth ¢; ' Ob thay el ! unde id bes Il, sl 7 , LENT St a eN ry ae isc lanes oo is ; s : { t ef the clan UCU Tourer | Ty ba thik that vO Hhiay rT Stes Meory _ ete eee ae diet eat} PRerhere ; OY public app “Ss toa “A UU . A . POE ORNS Hy yy crn — Lu Daaetemrn ee hort Pateeien, ; Vor ied ty tee, wcll ne 5 (iSEP log ar Gi way 7A od OR iw knee. PS et Acne ine \ OV Tt monte t Vy itu Le ea wor ren Paves Gert ve) s Unecess ary (atenrtier F a . 12 ore ; DDE istig Slt 1 : ¥ - u i ' Tero ’ ‘neh, TC Tea Coat ttrat Met ; (Ons loss 4] sti riberg pe ed, Fats pr inastiet ot ( a hive tas Chew ide ee ' \ PO se ad ay phy F OeaOrm terran PROMS al | \ TCA cal ( TM yp : \ lie i lets F bios aN ! wit | fer lots Meine aN [riper tne ct bea ; | ri COMCGutary, dt fyi \ Ohi ees: , Vass ee | 1 AT AE WSCC Ghy elie 4 } POH es Sec aean tig] DSTI cee ee . Me specie , , oe . .y i ‘ ' 1 teosurp . TeECUD tre in’ ys ee 2 Tn eke Faccounts Milas: oo \ o wer fl ‘ SD a ae . ‘ ’ tris 5y ays CTS Cio rien Aver “ODP rs to be 400ibe ee aE vais funded Ses ie hr oy I j ee win ee & \ i Nv othet = ead ry Cone ear ted debt of ah, l Cis eet pie , : i ‘ Jeter Che ey a { ene i t Tt 6 \ ' PE EOC ine eg Tiguan + CeO SS Peltier Relat : (y, nor Indeed ne ' « te » jor 12 = otal wil 1 zi Is TeN eee we Chlevag . 4 i i; © anv Oller . a . Cl uit ¢ rel ; - Ue serail screen Pieeut aay i mk ly , | | ; EN [camden Smee Ue COMMAMIItY ) aT Which: vary fine anti LOT Sue ot Fe , a ‘ {ha : . ees (ueTee f P ‘ Ht AEv LEC dis 0 Vcr mee tee Cae Pee ) oT } a Del Be COC te aril ing fy vt ; WH ce eC ates |: \ LOS Onam tie tae the | pe MUN Sri ecy erat ' Oa i‘ feaer ( . ae) oh Spe Olseroat . : iw i oF sty wn i "yp tle at spay ; | Pe Tee | ou . : a lirestae) AUIS Ca tea pro- : ue a “Tal Te ee 4 ment ee OT Whtehy at iy, Focountry SUE a Hostitatn 3 Ved , ‘ r yous . ty Fl ! 5 tty) aby Ullon as is ¢ 1? : : _ no IVAN bef ih ' iaie ; a o SOT anne Uabrier tan / 5 lulyedan, eannol bal \ ee Cnc e i ‘led “ Vt ‘ | : ae m t ts , . Sai sips ° CO erty ‘ (cre : j 1 $ oper ' eve oy Wa Miter secs tect TT : Vans ie ' : ley tat, : i is lave | SC Ue Sa Ving ONTO eee ' Po TO OMe ir for ron : ee i ; am Saul) Gis an SOC astm eee eee Xx Gs connit Canton ( j i? \ REY ory ny ee Shit t thee e ayy eet PHOsOn Of cy : , y +n) Nek \ Yresehed Ui er : 5 ' ’ ope y 4 Tonite \ ; . | Woe ft ir deal \ SNC j ‘ i thie Yo troy a | 1 \ ; | Hea i Irhetye : Beds ' Wis louis, is ' Walol bar . Ve YUP oe : ties | =<} ' Sesetu and teary ‘ } fi q UENO Wr ' PECTS thie ae Ha yh Gt PUT LOnt ot Which was ie | co ee pre a itiaet mare ‘ tee. habe (mary fe x | STV COLT iia) sulhy SS SOTU Mat alii sad ‘ Teer | Government Was al ae } at I Bite Mee UtaTanS eee : : We taee F : "Oe oder 4 Mahe cay ef] 48 about ty e = b i ap ] ‘ tof ye ay ° eoalimoy > Feet For two Ob a dingy We amputatro PTE LO place the t : : ; . ; 4 ¥ verre ; _ ! , ! ! Hay rit ; "Would ox ‘ re eeuit Binks o ta | S| \V uae en ar i \/ a een ae Gy o 8 Vt), i Crier) Pe \ , \ Claes nine ; TCTs Ht othe su reeOn nd Montiatran Neat Ane. a BAL ey ul | NY SS Usa) ' mon iy ie ' ee PeCe by Nis etre SL at iat ee LUST was Claes ha tay anne 2 , SOL nen ul COTE Seley u i at ey eri Canes, to wtoy UCU TT Chie: iA emer 7 x : fix a . i STARR, eon luc vena Nod, , eo A Te retort Orn Y Palatina ty, measthe (J Purpose ol te. eae rede ; Dates ee ‘ Cie ee ! Biel, Viale ip oar a AS Te cle a ; I VMirhet p eee ; J fore aa \ Cid in} Pe ieannn ; Ue eto er, fort yee Tm el ain i j im Lee C iit Certamty that he | 1 public Eevenne TI MES NISOTEESE CN) (hy ae | ee i : i an as i > . UOT tie |p den] , a aoa C reves cata ration ' OD MOMS MES TIE Colbie would tion \ ; SACO eit ete per ea rr » | ate ‘ a oh ‘ Pee Bushs, per ; Nes Batt te i a ; ' ES ON he da anotner cf To cou off the lan’ |p TT tiie Secretary an Ss ia > 5 tr : frre et ( Wey py i ' I Atte) . i ed Neer a ie Nace hie } Pfeasny ary oft a : Met eee \ Ces a lee en oe ee a on, MEDS HOG ay Sth ey (rose Wie ta) y Phis is nurs ang Lae ¥ had issued a etre oe 1e ly I: a " pee \ Bs Shite ey Pela ‘ a Mtot all the oe DUTT a strict] CLOTS OVN ti eap or: vt the cate : W 0 ‘ WD (pete GS Sa ae be VENTA Ho yy ' : a! Sanofi — aS Teall Scere { oy te ster ( ' pbs and that the p st ia ' \ | Mitts] Ulnar | ! : ost. ) mper mushel 2 [to \ ae i iu kh Peoite «(4 ) Patiees oie at le positive delu= | eneral had issuedon frou | ’ I ! ’ssind : for f : wis done 4 ter | MY UO eerste t een the same evi 2 Ne OS ay, ae f . as ’ \ ame ee arc SN ui COU Amcor Tri : , erat - EB Tis LTTE ere Ue ’ bel st) ads o4-, : PCat eg a 4 Sule Tintaad | Use ol s,, : Reon (ey ' ane they win reece | STON rome a aeeTy: mM pavinent of : fC Nothing \ . 1 4 ‘ ' iy y ‘wt Layee Wl) oaffieer duties 4 a ) | ah . wa HE ! , 1 rlinate | Contus sos hear : ¢. ge Hasuratiee ' CESS TSE se bid ee! the } gold and silver or a N Restiges but a) *4 \ / ‘ ‘ (rey \ . Gants uy i ha ‘ » CoM , PUD) iT els ' , OF the notes of , Serge rey ' , arr ‘ ‘ Mma ooll « 5 ey Mm ; OnE | ht specie. . t ese fey 4 , ' i, ‘i i es ene 1 (ean : a AUT CX petises AUC Cte [RR on toon) AA inn cere tly a] ing OATS cnn ‘ie Pecte-p oy Nhs (ete u TNE ra weg (aed : j ie 1 Mtportation, and. ; p | OG Tages VIO WS af the lerdal NUCH Interest : von ean) , en . ae ow lh Corsten, fy an hi en . ADA. aeeording ta ai COAT yy ae eC NS a Nayar chy ca) ae oe wese rely wyptpo ft : tn : a Dee PEED Td Tho daxey ph ue ' Pesttee and equity, tlie TE rae ys POS Semi year Settee ys ‘ i el . ' mye : nM LT eT ' ; : {heat Maye ‘ "1 Wing Gu : te a rie y ' Taree sat | felt] 1 ' 4 oy pe en ’ TCV Were Cary - i Vine aot fem ae i a Cthpent Move to tie ; ; ’ . (Oeie ih 5 1 ' is r yi Moby yy ifoibone t fl 1 | pe Watery (iter By Gree eet ty} Thre “ 1 ; ‘ we fee warty x aT HM Waestie ad OF Whe Tne ta . 7 Eee WES meat nt eeffeet at the , mln dg | { a ee Hud great o | US Wel ' TOU Hae to tri ce CST e vee een Measure, tf ie ED Selena ' , ! ? Te Tatra gery peel ' arin a NS SEC Aerie Br SRST can Cost s EON CCT HN ry , t H ‘ I 1 | ' bora } i Stder ; | DE ALE eis iin 0S omental a ob speen | y Vesa pot 1 Feliu : ETS al Ab oi ‘ : os cS vale Valea ee : ! PAC ay ‘ | { ce ie | aes { Fi Ae fi Ustad el I eS eia fia ! a) Weved, would ES este Van hf fa 9 ETE Sines) Unt : bene ) N a ' fits Me ei VIET wit < , BUA Ee , : Mallets $ ' i) p ee : Word, (oe, ie Daan eh aac ees ee ae rr Pon ee eon TRH van, Lean oF Wot We Vins peys i i ‘ tS 4) Ui Usui] ae Tare ty De un SEL ee ty LT ; fe t \\i fae level i ; I" t ete TT) eg wel Vga el CL SLE metiey 7 APy Ue Less id OH pst oy F Ce Stet ite ees i 5 tise i ' Viteregs thay ‘ Cie ein { ‘ Telia non ht } ‘ Wray ’ : oo! iis d ! TIE TE ue envy UES Ter peieetiese ses ml Nt ta oy 5 ' ‘ my in \ is " ‘ rey fein ee Ce nr | Oe araninny ae pe rece i 7 ‘ “ ° ’ ' ' ay veut fe Tha ‘ ' HU een | t O prehoe td L ar ; oh ’ | Fate sustuine fay ate del 286 Suspessiun ot ins, a) 1" ; ° fotos ee na A ‘ erat vine ‘ btie |] ; ' a | | { ' PE atd ' ETH} ool ~ i Sees i are ; Foes ' . ' ; t d e . TONG £ brent. iy Leary een oe, SEOUL Pe Vu Hi aig , i : aN Lave {un i pot | ; ’ | ‘ te “ah \ ( tper eis nt a ' ; ‘ } fon ba j us Ha) hoon | POW Nr nl aa By se : a i I Tit aap } : ! i 2 u cee ' Si ! ; ‘ eee tee Anne) Cn ty. : Uno eee , ha i ee - ' \ i ve ' ai, , \ ° . : ta | ‘hen . eer a. Eten ae ne Nut ae ! yw 19) Fa s : oy ‘ ; oy (ee epay clint : rl COTM ite yt q ; : selcte Depron) ea) ; i fellows IE OSS. 1s t ‘ ial \ Hetty af \ ' | Es La SC inl | Wd bea? (on een : : i s Ca Wy i fol eC 1p) Ae oer yAL . ee ete ds re ' - | , f Pc a > AM , ot iSO | re \ | ' Zs a ee oe 2 Toi oy | Dati karen | Sweeny \ , aan 1) | eta} j , ‘ fal ella, ba ( i i: ‘ \] anf ' : 1 thd ' a \ ‘ u : hobk-tot] ee eats i ol ‘ ee: a) , oe a? 54758 ’ : Ly iste Tey A TELE ‘ es wept f e ! i va diy teal way | Due to te ~ BOHOL ee o aim, 7 hoe curt Fl ‘ ee Sir tiles Not i , r a.a 4G a‘? Bary. wor re eine a ir \ vp flaten sand 5 7 Y isle . : ir ; Cie ‘ 7 Serer it tye yo Tenens ‘ Hs : Wtrvest | ' i Weutrs elt ' Toe ee i Lo oe ee ay et 1 : hi ~ i, th | finite i x c VRC: eee , ! ' CC oA . ' ee i ; : ' Trl ee eee ( a | Mted Sone | aia . ‘ MEL SG f Ng al eee ly t poles itm) on =? 2,°60,4 LE ‘ Lia yutry ee ! | y lis gt ' ! f ig \ oe 2 ; | , : | : : | | | ial 1 sah ‘ Baie ' ‘ le atied t ‘ PoP owl aby ame | (erg tT [ot i! ! ce 739,202 on wy HEME oth > e TO Th a a ee eth oily, a ae ‘ t \ a in ! ee ae P Ww t Fs a ‘ x / ‘ ay ; Se tive Ans ies Fy fein . , _. een Hi ed : pe Nate eel Pub 25) 1,687 196 hoy i" lee re) i \ } ss ran ee see ee oe tee Cay t LN nin ee iain | “ 1 | eo i te eae ee OT ; , mE conn y wad ‘ ' 1.4 Y ry ee yeti i 4 Ne a 7 5 F th each I Kay fon i " oe Siren y : £02,022 Ve 1 ‘ 1 ‘ 4 ; ; i | CSO . 5 * bee | au fan in Mt ah Bt ar ee big I yte Ln4 oe Mate Wrens y : Hrd 1 He i in ‘ \ ra : “aN A * ; , , ri 1 i t t i : yy Talis) » i f IG Teas i ; ( y id i ' cd Sh 05 . \\ ow us \ ¢ \ _ \ ' ( \ ! : | ne , . i | : ; YT Sue } i ‘ \ ‘ ) ' oe ‘ as in the thao Po ' ee Po ag 04 , : , Menge Nay tg tari ae ; ne woep a en ' t | R ! zs eT y or a , : ms ow ie ail ; ‘ ta nl) Did. : . | ‘ ' ‘ : : ' ' \ ‘ th p \ | ' ' ( tls ayy o 1 f ! ; > bye hi : heat ' a j ; \ / LST ar 1 Ia . ' @ banks i Meidte dd voly = : ‘ : ‘ ' t ’ ! PN ' ' tea ee | 1 ‘ : resides Bill anne ) ues : eae : , : ae : au i a : : de} Vendy ty } - if a \ at ( ‘ t ' > ' c \ 74 . is cf 5 i im te ) ‘ it : > V1 \ - 1 Iq Weyer f : ‘ ein y , oo (Deas ena 1 roe =; | ‘ i ‘ | Car N ute ae : y Potten Vay ; tC ’ is : \ , Mary ih oe ; “i IS} avat u Deg 1 Meet \ t 14 ! 5 j aT) ‘ d : TONE td = th u hoes ' SSS ere Ny ) \ ( ‘ ' j } nal i se I ) ip i ‘ ' ie. ' ! , 1 ry ' \ { Gi i tony a MG ! i ; we i tsi G er we ( Ss Wty eS (en a F ior ne ; ; ; Morand | Cetera : ia ra 4 i ft , po | ' \ ) . 1a he Se Nee tell | “ | (ole er Wad ' : ' ‘ at | t ; coy tila Vet N ete | oe) Wiese Ueto ar cays { jae ‘ Vie \ : sata Tete) Peers td a 0) Muay, A$) 1s; TG he p i 4“ . Ue 4 PONTE’ Pavan Pe tal ee oe. Spe te: : Fe ae 14 : \ Lt P . ; Tne ra ane ny 4 ; | lea Cr UTD A MTs) STN ‘ ; ec lavonae ee aan tel SS ana 22 5 t { htop ie t Jf o r Monee x ny | a » ' CAST a ‘ . Se tet , font 7" -¢ aed bi ve OC Tine 72), mes A as ui ; ee bain UNE ee ey Jats, at a OG ee / Cee tet ne food ‘ nee me ea eS elias oe 5 1 \ Me diay, J aN 0 0 Aa ino, ae her er Sex ' MEGUIN VE TE Ny ue cc tem eo Fh cen —_ : | Smee I Norn ! hove \ iy i | N . ‘ TE eal , : [een ! \ \ ' Way Up Ves ss ce if Gir eornd [aed | ( 4 S TA ie peri hots i de] < fl ts on, i Ne 4 Fn ee ; ; i tt ie (Ae aoe. ey eet hon, re wuts re of has lags TRS rill saper UST Gh ees ee) yea ‘ . : UO TCISD Se lied ! Lene au ven Reinet MN dese J < NCH) ie atin tp = Le 1 ; een CU Seah evanrater| USGL Vey ' 1 Lente rs y t - 1 . heat ' F Rie ee ; tis ¢ Sass, . ' Pa h ie ein | ! el ee eT elds eee vese rie APE He Witt ti, : Leese rye ‘ mest NILE ey “ \\ Wire | BN WOT ie at Cnt Be 1D ne?! art fou wall lie 1 ( r \ t i merece rar i ; 1 (ne rey, Mueerny et hoe ou VIG. I ; by SOE or uded on tyne lave in- ~ ey ‘ { | Fi \ , ’ ~ he) e¢ y he einen G 4 : ie HH Ole aia ne r ae he ‘ OMT eh, Date hit bave tus tay eae 7 acrilivas ; he iv CGT Ot charter y ard ice rees up- r I fre ' , i e ne { H ‘ (ht four veg t \ on > . . .: SOG rey As} , to oborrowar, , ‘ HCllity I \ | ; Cures VEC cre . relurne i Ah! TT tha Nd i 1 ta ae ‘ ! : eee i ee deg t Serra reecraay 'rtertatned (nn Other Vesti gi ted 4. : e i plate 4 i \ 1 atari, he spirit of / PSF “ ‘ oak g ’ CW olin " (Crate re t i Gen oo te ob - u Wt ' ee | BOO GT Matewere in) an the power af : SOC ap ae Ban ’ : ! : \ wd ; , : att Sani CU Dy ; k ‘ "y - ‘ : tr diate . Oo the Tigy: Boren es Pa ; ee) irons eu Oe trier new 4 ae tbe brovgtit te bear ys. Ui aGige las ta, “ . : , y : : Wh ee 1 | x é Ve OO te ERAS wi ¢ Eres ( (ore a / fas teeny Ate I thee y or by FA IESONSCCE Stara ease m eyee 16: I SCG Cran cely ae Which, ¢ ecu ' t ‘ ard ( s! or Se F » A rn ; 2 ' = { a to PU Ste pe — , re Weun ey CEC ame uh , ee Uite ehotin yivatia Peat , . SOSA iene inn) Were jn. rere xX i, [- ! ieee ' . ‘ Ih ofrest Uae or I ey elmer ie Ee eee tity arias te fame G4 woe = ) 7 fru we Tein ¢ Vraini r ears { ; ' ( on Ae i Olen prc r (COA yee af jae ! m by oat Only Pel " ew I teMis MLN ' F dls ‘ 1 Gs Y Peter thode ! me 1 ce ! hi ) ae 1 at Prot tnt ' = OUST ‘ ' ween on eq Tals ra Wee eae NOt yee \ ' ! rout Poy ey { ! UY tit i OES SE OS tet Te oted vet!) ’ ie ; ess upen . TS My Mo Tas as, pp ; COSC eet rts Moon 1 : : | : rau . hee ' ’ : (ae ia, ' hand, 4 fos st ames | F MESSE ' j ’ " ihoote u : (tian atver ‘ft { J iinet ies 7 x . me eee it Pin a : con : but the \ (irra ble tye XI ' ' \ ,f' et ss Lae ‘ EAA ret] cree mt : our t V bod to tay al ot | ‘ oD eS ent ht Key ( ' : Cero. , a oe me Ninth t apy 4 ; b i cary t ' TTI STAT . : ‘ On ] 1 ay) I i Hl proved te t | Ju . ler as well] owe cl. tt | al inter ve ub WaMental ¢ Tint ee 1 t iid cuennin any 6@. | . dy Vleet te 1 tes ny t t 100 ¢ ype | Per all \ tsi ' iy I ! ete Colreneng P . : Wetted YS doubt watinages ' ‘ freacary you ’ , totus ' ! | ' to vane ' ' ' { ; Sti it rl MES Ons sf The t MeEion I by USEING Ce maya f ron B} : ‘ os \evay ud ' ay ‘Honably Ctibarky Jroa Ay DD i i en int od ( { fe \ NTS iat ia HOE th fey 7 Dane i ioeire : Cen et \! i vas { mt is ave wl 1 hi! 1 S8ense Y Pract, Wethot ti Myint <a ti low roe ne a fi Dubbs ot N ) . . ra i 1 hent wy 4 e i j ; T prin; Ws rhe a i f Cee l ‘ ct eo ? OUT tal they know ton ESL r ie ene “toy ' it “ Wt amet ea meee Te « I ’ + Nae 4 d vents 1 Hate . 4 wore “Ot lis iy ep tl MO) SSeSU Tema CMe eMC gs - on ti 1 D 1 ; " ick Wt mel <a ' © of aroy fe profitat!, iM Wald _ wv Ue “ ’ ‘ Hoey 6 a t Me Se ee |. = ” I lt Me yor tia Wao COASTER SME UL Gem y trape neat t dnd by t wot os 4 A j ! fal e bai | Prt 1 a wt Urry sy ’a ‘hat. Fr IVE ; : t { dep \ LUM ¢ he ee i ie i i k . Ot Hew ; eee aye; SN dy a the fuer , ! d ' ‘ ej] Yetteville 204 NTE X Ss] RANGE \ Caticriecr ce Saat aCe YC me tanita | a ry Use in thee. cul May LS S7, a4 ty WT a OE IE te tan TAN leat 12th y ‘ et \] c nA hoy ies os , ‘ ab hele Were Ll lew rem ee : Pe GSES cation jacey 2 Ole tots st ev must vul 3 . ji a nor , fo, 6 syn ; al t Terr, ‘ — ‘ do. 5 22!t0 28 ets } 1, e trod be Abhbaees yea === | Cruelty-to Anmals Societs of Londen, have, in consequence of the death of Mrs Smith, from the bite of adog driven t medoess from being harnessed ine heavy | loaded cart, petitioned parliament against this uofeeling practice. Honer ro a Cuemist.— The statue of Dr. Datton the chemist, for the town of Manchester hie native place. has just been completed by Sir Fraacis Chantrey. Here is the royal sculptor of kings devoting his ments 1a chizel to the homage decreed by eulight- house bouds wust remain unpatd. _ |ened ettizens to a man still living in the But suppose the duties should be all paid in| humble walks of science, and who in his coin, and the public disbursements be all paid in | noiseless career, and without parade or luke manner, through the agency of the two | pomp or power to bolster Winturuheabect banks jo question, how could thas operation ef font the cue reey vesued by the uther banks of | of real service to humanity by bis valued They will thea be sp-cie-pay!ug banks, fur the sule reason Chat there are no demands against them, except on fff part of the Government, which, by the suppusitivn, postpones Its claims. Farther public deposites of guld and silver might thea be made» with them by the Government, spudject to thé orders of the Secretary Io favor ol the public Beditors, and the Goveroment might have the salisfaction of seeing @ portion of the duges falling due paid into those banks. I say » ta portion uf the duties,’ for the siuple reasvn, that, until a general resumption of specie pay- rt kes place, a large amoaat of custuin— the city of New Vork, or of other cities ? Not | discoveries. in the slightest degree. “The tater cuuld never Mr. Combe, the phrenologist, has been be under the coutrol of bauks who could vol | lecturing at Manchester. ‘The proceeds or jane oighe were given to his ingenius model- | ler, Mc. Bally. ‘Ty pograrHy.— The most thundering ad- come into possession of their notes in the urain ary course of trade. And if they themselves, the specie paying banks, were lo venture ty Is soe notes, they would come back upon then the next hour tor payment in specie to be wold in the market, just as surely ax they were Issued Juis utterly tupessible tor banks of two or three millions uf dollars captial to exercise an influence over the money concerns of a whole community, [t would be even difficult for a bank with a large capital to effect @ restoration ut specie paymeuts, hollow, is io the Derbyshire Chronicle, at Chestérfield. It is a sketch or map in black of the Miland Rafl Road, three inches wide. and extending the whole length of the pa- | per, about 2h leet —the black ground labell- and, perhaps, it would not be saying loo touch led over with aumerous names aod |ines to to aasert that av dunk could accom plsth tt, voles white, [es a troarer’ tor an advertisement its standing was soch, from the extent of 18) something like some of our flaming play | means, and its power ty be useful, us eoturely to | billa. cominand the confidence of the banks and the the Pubbe ‘The writer well recollects that the Jate Bank of the United States, although char- tered early in P7160, was not able to go toto ope Induced to Music —Signor Jacobowitch difficult flute, | Imitation ! perfectly iaitates with bis voice instruments of music, violoncello, &e Four persons at Liverpool have recently been convicted of unanslaughter on the per- Both parties were in eration until the local banks were Tesuine specie payinenia oa the 2istot Februa ty, 1d17. it be tue desire of che Governueut to see a general resampuion of spe. cie pry aenis, let it apply its power ta the only mode cn whet Wea be elficweat, A resort to the measures referred ty would locate themselves pear the vavk, to gall specie to those who weal ' t ted ae Dati in, and ty bay of (hove who came out Boyers New being ex Moiled at Parts. and setlerns would thas pay forthe supportot a | Mr N.P. Willis’s lively sketches from | Ces eal a an ery et ee asbington city, are republished at Paris. wie, abd toe Paste would gua uo mote, as regards the tmelioratioa of the curreney, than tt the public revenue were made recervabie and Vo tneretoce, sons of their wives. each case suls. The chan of the immortal Moliere is Vhe lity Miss Crawford has bequeathed | LAV0 to various religious associalions. ya! tl, » rn ‘ ; s : . ptyadle ta trou, or leather, oe Ee x i. Ex paordicary Dhenimniton 2 On then tndeed trom che eurreney Delny Deliered, Me . ae San, meas anvil fiz pm us forever an incon 28th Apt a dill 100) feet high at) Koesiia | 10 Prussia, on the Baltic sea, sink sud ten— van pepeal, iat i | ly into the earth, leaving an abyss 20U feet vertibde paper system ; tur t Holling valthe power ol the Goveruinent, ex evcived tn the wode sugges ed, can afford the wide. prompt and secure method which the ae | The Duke of Marlborough bas presented \ of the case deinands, One month's delay ina ow : place the imiscbiet beyond relief, as must be ev | the people of Woodstock with the largest | ident to those who have seea the rapid and ex. | .Muy-pole ever seen, to be used for their) tensive rise of stucks which has takeo place bunuoal Whitsintide festivities since the Suspensiun af specie payments The Dutchess Of Northumberland Is In offering these remarks tor the consideration |. ; of the Government, the writer haw ahstaroed aint a splendid fete to her pupil the Prucess clOrla. from all politcal acrimony He has even goue beyvnd the example of the Globe, for that paper King Leopold was to honor the birth- | of the 3th inst whilst it sinothly said, ‘we eer CcesnVACloria by a visit tu Teena hope this is a sufject on whiet partisan feeluw d y will be permitted to subside, and tat inea ot | SOO character, of whalever, political predilection, will unite in the effort to restore tha mereiotile faith, vank responsibility, probity and punctual | Wet toon whieh tt existed the late vtsasters, and whieh ts alike essential to the prosperiy aad honorable standing of Amie id can merehanis, avd A veae io moneyed tostita lions, tvvk oceastun iv give a bard side blow ot The opps toa press, whieh was ina very bad | In inueh worse | Poth, which to] Some of the fashionable aoblesse at Lon- don have queer Cockerell | and her sister, Mrs. Rush out for-exanpie, and Missy Camac, and Sir Charlies Rush-} out Cockerell, Baronet, Mrs Otway, Cave, ac. The Duke of Nemours, after the uar- riuge of his brother, is togo to Mecklenburg to congratulate the Grand Duke. Also, to Russia. to tell the Eayperor of it; ana Gen | Gourgaud. once aid to Napoleon at St Hel- | ena, is gong to escort, on the present occa- sion, tins scion of the Orleans dynasty. names—Lady The Gone be Fore taste fora preacher of formearance taste Was ils viluperation of the hot oulp, ta the estimation of Gome, forterted ali His clatins to sineertly, bul, to the optoten of oth ers, proved its uller Tnewpacity to perforin the fineiton ot an officrat orgaa in tunes whieh call for x mutual cessation of hostlites, BEFORE CONCLUDING ‘THESE OB- FRVATIONS, Pak WRIPER PHINKS DWE PO Uilit BANK OF THE UNI TEDSTACES TO SAY. FHA AT NO TME PRESIDENT Sericenog DIREC IOIEOR ViAgais: _ ite Beauments the anthorof Marie. or “SPITUTION SEEN. BEFORE THELK Slavery in’ the nited Mates, has lately “PUBLICATION, 2NY OF THE ARTIC. | paced a daughter of Latayette, ; WHICH HAVE APPEARED UN- Ripe ehernes ro ER MISSIGNATURE, OR BEES COS. | payinnd, were brinmop cones ee SULPED OR ADVISED WITH IN KE laa PTE 8 ouinee a: penune. LATION TO ANY OF THEW; AND THAT CONSEQUENTLY THE WHOLE MERID OR DEMERIL WHICH BE- LONGS TO THEM, WHATEVER THAI MAY BE, iS DUE TO THE WRITER WHO, EN IEMEPA TION OF ONE WILOM IT IS NEEDLESS TO NAME. GLOVE ASSUMES ALL THE RESPONSIBIL- The young Prince of Beluium, son of Leopold is baptized Lonis Phifppe. Vandeuhoff 1s very anxious to come to America Plundertng of wrecks is now made pun- ishable in Bagland with transportation. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN EN- GLAND. We have expressed our belief that the day was vot far distant, when the humanity Te ; snd good sense of mankind, would brag May 17, 1837. AN EXAMINER. about the abolishment of hanging 1 favour =—o 2) 0f mprusonment for life. We are gratified to see that the Britis dlouse of Commons was recently engaged upon the several bills introduced by Lord Joba Russel, to dimin- ish the number of crimes pumshable with death. Mr Ewart moved to abolish that punishment for crimes except murder. The | motion was seconded by Mr Hume, and supported by Me Buxton, Dr Bowring, Me O'Connell and others, and opposed by Lord John Russel, and the attorney ane solicitor general. Lord John Russell stated the ob- ject of the government to be, to limit the punishment of death to offences against per- son and life. His bill proposed to repeal the punishment of death 18 21 out of 37 offences to which it is applied by the exist- ing code. He looked forward to the possi - bility of abolishing it altogether, but thought, best to proceed gradually. Alt. Ewarts ee was lost by’a bare Majority, the vote : eee See ‘eg tor the motion 72, agaist 173. ‘The are Bae Sia) House then went into a Meecen ie on th ALLIGENCE. bill, as brought te ward by Lord John Rus- Aliso fete Nice sell, and the pream\io was agieed to, 102 ‘to 40. The bill was to ve taken up again by the next week. Though this 1s not far enoug. for our views of this important measure, s\\| tg a fu curable omen, It 1s not to be exected (atthe whole eivlized world wall Chuige their views at once upon capital puoishiney FROM EUROPE. ONF DAY LATER FROM ENGLAND. The Ship Victoria, Chandler, which sail ed froto Liverpool 25th, bringsa London pa- per to the 24th. | Don Carlos, though he retreated in the Jate affair, 1s said to bave an army of 66.00), These troops have now evacuated thirds of the territory which they have oc- cupied over two years, and retired to the Navarre mountdins, where they coanot sub sist. Magdwed@atewt> May 13th, represent the city : e new k place at Barcelona, baad 9 two- Insurrection - | istry resigned on \he Meecen had sent for \ Mame abinet. eta cannot, for some n House, as the | wrder since they | oc RS ton of the; esmall px iss Copely, davity, adhurgt, were raterred on Mo, vetlisement we ever saw—beating us all | that the house Oup Bess —Queen Elizabeth danced in 8 masque at Black{riets in her 65th year. The staid virgin had just quarrelled with Essex. Among the fair debutantes on Wednes- day might at Almacks, we noticed a beaut- ful Irish girl. Miss E d, who recalled to the memory of some veteran critiques of fashion ‘the days of the Gunnings’ aod other beauties of the Emerald Isle who so long sbed a lustre over the brilliant Court circles of their day. Marriage in High Life-—The mariage of the Hou. Miss Macdonald, sister of Lord Macdonald, to Mr Smyth, son of Lady E- lizabeth Smyth, and nephew of the Duke of Grafton, took place oa Thursday, at St. George’s Hanover square. Approaching Marriages in High Life —Vhe preliminanes of the marriage of La- dy Fanny Cavendish with Mr Howard, eld- est son of the Lady of the Hon, Colonel | Cavendish, by her first tnarniage are arrang- ‘ed —A marriage is on the tapis between Miss Fakenham. eldest daughter of the Hon. Gen Pakenham, anv Sir Edmund S$ Hayes, Bart, M. P. for the county of Don- egal-—The Lady 1s the niece of the Duke of Wellington aad Earl of Roden, cousin to the Siarquess of Douro, Earl of Long- | ford, and Viscount Joycelin, and is related to several of the most distinguished families to dreland. BEER IN OLD TIMES. ln the reign of Queen Mary, 1553, a bar- rel of beer, with the cask, cost only six— pence, and four large loaves of bread sold for a penoy. The horse Moonraker cleared 26 feet at St Albans, in jumping the last fence in a race he won there a few Gays ago. about one allen dance Goop Sense — There were hundred aud Bfly cniaisters io jatthe Angual Couterence beld in Nantuck- et last weck. They resolvec not to meddle with the Abolition question. We wish oth- ers bad more of the commodity called good sense, Our Execorinc Expepi tion tothe South Seas is yet at Norlolk ‘here appea con- siderable dilliculty between the officers, as to the seaworthiness of one of those vessels: but itis to be hoped harmony will not only be restored, but prevail during this voyage, which itis hoped may prove one of impor- tant discovery. Mt stated in a Paris paper of Rothchild proposes ex- tending the circle of its commercial reia- tions beyond the Atlantic. A brench of | this house is about to be estadl ye. at N. York, to which cffeet M Bew..oate bas lately left Frauktort Jorthat city via London and Panis. f We observe mo the Ben Sherrud.— The captain of this unfortunate steamboat has The Victims of /published a card—defying all charges of racing, drinking, etc.—conclading it thus: ‘| myself clung to the hope of getting the boat to shore, and saving all, until at was too-late to save my own family, and thereby lost my father and my two children, and got my wife out, burnt so badly that she wag not expected to live. IT was burnt wyself slightly, onechild gotburned to death and in my wite?s urns when | yot hold of ber, and the other drowned? *Rilin’ ona Rail’—An abolitionist lec- turer, oamed Blanchard, abo had veep holding forth at Chambersburs, Pa recent- ly lett that place under a large escort of cit- Zens, ‘settin’? on acral? The people of that village must be hard ‘uns, thus to rail tue abolitionists —-<-00% GREAT POLITICAL MOVEMENTS There never was a period in the history of this country when the political sivas Were inore | Maportant than they are now, Parties are all | up, and a remodelling of things is taken place in all divections. “Vhe suspension ot specie payments has at last made the men of the Adininistration party think, & thinking was nev er so necessary to wortal (nap as to them. ‘The Radical party is increasing wiih prodigious pacp, & with an totellect like thatof a Webster, Clay, or Calhoun to marshal it oa, would in four years storm the very bulwarks of the Constitution and carry all before it, but without great men as it Is, and with somany small great men, it is pow erleas, and will be powerless except in resolves, —for already do we see the iwost marked sivns that the New York Albany Regency, who ne enthroned in Washington now as well asin New York, are cutting loose from the faith they have been upholding, and the principles they have been preaching for years. : breaking | At this moment letters are flying from Van Buren men to Van Buren men on all sides, and | eriinination and re-criminatton are with then the order of the day, Phe unity of the Van Boren party is now rent into air, for on one side are the Benton Radicals, who prate of a inerallie currency (see the Young Men's Daniseratic Committee of New York), and on the other the great State Bank party of New York,— with all the speciHators, hangers on, and abyunete ot the Regency in their train, who now, forsooth, are bevioning to learn that their pockets are worth quite as much as their “principles? VY. F Express. Atlempt to frighten a man into payment — An alttemmpt of this kind was wade Yesterday, in —bnt it is to be expected that they will ui matre. alterwards removed to Paris. The funeral, Shough private, was atlended by the carriages ol Princess Lieven, Lord Canterbury, Count Cawpnzano, Snanish ambassador &e. If Moss Copley’s yrand- father had stuck to earel at Boston, we should never have heard of such umwkish pomp : Sir Edmund S. Hayes, Bart Mentver of Parliament for Donegal, ts to be warned (6 ~ Miss Pakeshomn, eldest Gaughter of Ger, Sir Edmond BP kenbam, avd mece of the, Duke of Welungton Vateretiaral aoe —— SIARNESSING Qoes—The vee’ dogs, cats, birds, ee sudject aright, will pray for the hasten 8! that auspicious day.— Sat. Con, s foe LOUIS PHILIPPE. The Fant acts of | hive much ete | Ile had gone a\, out guards, ming\, ple, and every wh a clamations,. ased the king’s popularity g freely among the peo «es 9 rig elemency appear to uitas in former years, with- “te greeted with hearty regular hospital for Wall street. by a wr. 1) +4 painter who re mately do so—and those who understand sides in the upper part of the city, and who has ireome tine owed a debt by wr DD 1k -the pro Alter sending sundry times for his money Whooat being paid, the paloler celerinined to try the oald not frighten his debtor out of the debt 5 ag having provided himself with a horse whipan apistol, which he putin hits Pocket, he yesterday varched down \WWali street and er ie r ed the broke, office and cold tim thar. tnlessy he patd the oie gustanter. a severe flaze!| -| wasintended i. hin Phe es tle time, but ie patuter Nank ; and,.tn ora? to show Alon retnged hyn ini “ he 1 alyont (nat Barnest, he raised tig whip, and w 'ng it on Whe broker's back. AL the inscant how ever, the @istul fell out of the painter 4 * a lay a r Droker aghed for a | £ | the b erg Seeing it, miunod diel py con. ’ ceived the lea thai le was notenly to be flog ged but stot else, for aot oe his debi, and im mediately rushed outol liso ce, and ran Ap.fast ag his leyse ould carry him to the police office, where he begyed for prowectun against this new mode of enturcing payiment, particularly tn eucl bad times. ‘The painter was ace ordiugly a res- ted, aud held tubal. ; Jour. of Commerce. New Yoru.—The Now York F Tuesday, seys, in relatiun to money a “The Banks are again greatly in want of what they call good paper One Bank which rece mt ly had over three hundred and fifly thuusand dollars offered every discount day, bas now about an average of sixty th suyand dollars, out balt the amount of the ability the Biuk bad to loao The Bank must continue to want good *paper xpress of taite more and more ther 19 or out of the ely. a A very large amount of specie went to Tendon yesterday. Spegie is arriving hece from all sec tions uf our country, and 13 leaving priocipally fur Europe and Canads.’ One of the new Pet Banks —‘Phe Louisville Journal states, that ‘J M. Skelluo, an assistant Postmaster at Huntsville, has stolen all the mooey of the office and absconded.’ Vhe unly difference between this new Pet and the old Pets, says the Cincinnati Gizetie, is that Skelton rues off with th® funds, and the Pets hold on to them—leavihg the Goverument equally minus in both cases. | The Vickburg (Miss) Sentinel of the 6th instant says: U.S. Bank ot Pennsylvania notes now command a premiuin of forty five per cent. in this city. ‘They are sill five per cent. bet ter than silver.’ F.ven Maine bank notes would command @ premium on the Misstesippi, and Portland ¢ Me.) notes dv command a premium in Georgia. Fhe brokers of New York and | Philadelphia, could not do a better business than that of sending astern large bank notes South and West by the Express Mail, for the purpose of selling theuy there tur the purpose of , foipitlance, ' At the late special election held in the third Congressional Distriet of Penosylyania, the ac tual majority of CHartrs Navior (the Whig candida’e over CHARLES J. ENGeRsol.L was 231 | voles, the first reports, giving a large majority turning out to have beea io sume paruiculars in- correct ‘The result of this election is justly acanse of exultation amougst the advocates for the supre macy of the laws. Apart from his polities, Mr. Ingersoll vonld have been an acquisition to Congress, on account of his abilities, tis spright ly tewper, and his ready wit. But he has within afew years, unhappily tullen off fron his old wholesome Madisonian polttics open that ion grel system, the worst of all possible compounds, agrarian and jacobinic for the body ot the Peo- ple, and monarchical for the public function aries, whieh sprung up and throve to maturity tn the sunshine of General Jackson's po) ity. Mr Togersoll had sinked himselfapon tt issee of Mr. Datlas’s dwtrine, and bis own correlative expos'tioas, both beture and since the meeting of the Peansylvama Convention, of whieh he is a member. He left the Convention, and . person- ally canvassed the district fur a nuruber of dvys before the election. Flis industry and perse- veranée enabled bimto dy much But the People had seen, beneath the folds of 119 garments, the cluven foot of the party which Mr. Ingersoll rep- resenis, ofu neither hig abilities nor his wit could save hin. . The! sson which has thus heen tanght to Disorganiz rs, who seek to rule or ruin ander specious pretences of Reform, is scarcely less Important tuan ‘hat which was read to the same class by the Peo) > of Maryland, under some hWhal similar cr: pstances al their Iast election, Such revulty s.e dioral (rinayphs,in which every Indiv’ ‘nal who coptributed ta them may well feel prous iB nghtto clon a share Nutiowal Intellicencer. Norroik, June 30. The Hon Joel RR. Poinsert, Seeretary of War, aad lady, Commodores Chauncey, Morr-s, and Wadsworth, Navy Commissioners, Com dore Patterson, Charles W. Goldsborough, See telary of Navy Coumisstoners, Samuel Hom- phreys, Chief Naval Constructor, and Captians Leodrum and Washington, United States Ar my, were ainone the passengers in the steam— boat Coluinbia, Capran Mitehell, from Wash tagton, arcived ye. cerday morning, The coip- Misstuners are on their annual visit to We Navy Yard. “They, tavether with Commodore “Var nington and Patterson, wil make a sive + op the vessels of the 2aploring aa ‘ ‘ Mat Int The Pensacola Gazette of June 24th states that the General Urreathe Mexican bry of war, has been set at liberty, and has proceeced on her return tothe navy of her country She de clined hoisting her colors until she should be able tu Cutauunicate with her Government Mobile Examiner. Puitaperessza, Joly 1 No goods selling oo credit, et 4 , re over Vyveads a soothing pea podle® revenue, s Ibo mind, which is the nearest sppyuyrmMation to perfectbwatiiude which we has Fr gXpert duced ’! \ : a. N : Punishipeut for Swearing. — ‘ ool avaster, asa punishiment ty one of bis pupils See ptwfare language, ordered him to take @ ir ut longs, and watch ut a hole in the hearth ll he caught a mouse. Obedient to the command, the hoy took the lungs, and demurely watteo fur the | expected Visiter. Direcily aller, he saw a mouse pseping vut of the bole, to observe iH dan gar was near. Caytiously placing a leg of the tungs on each side uf the bole, he grasped the mouse, and piuinphaatly exclaimed ‘by ——I've yot bol, National Annuity to Mr OT Connell. —Suo day, the 23th of may, was fixed on iu lreland sonuity oom O'Conuelle By the groenml re portgt the last collection, it appears that the to tal ammouat received tor IMSS, according tu the published account, was 20, ESOL Las. 6d collection of the 29th ult. is ty consitite the OF Counell fund tur Ute years I8sb and 1537. VO OV Ayrjpress heen expected from the apy teation of its bewly discovered motive power vid do expertinents Which bave appeared so promts- mg of praetical atility, and so rermathable i of Salem. Ife tas several ude ls, Qlostrauing a variety of inoveinents by changing the poles of a voltaic magnet ; but the rulary invlign Is: the soarce of the power uf bis working model. By a very recent discovery, he has been able to pro- cure a speed of six thousy drevolutious @ min- ule, being len times greater than that attained atany furmerexpertinents, As may readily be imagined, a bar, or wheul, with such a rate of motion as this, iust be nearly invisible ; 10 preg senis nothfpg but the appearance of a dim blaze We have not anfficiens shill in dynamics, to be aothorized to atiach moch coufidernce to our own hinpressiuns. Whoever may be the first to succeed in applying this unexpensive power to great and practical purposes, will take his stand in the estimation of men, oy the side ut Arkwright, Brindley aad Fulton. We hope tt tay be the lot of our tusneman 5 and while we woulé aot be tov confident inelamming for him the cadit of important ryulis, we cannot but beliere that he bay inad+ a yreatiavention Salem ( Vass ) Guzelte THE U.S. MEDITERRANEAN SQUAD- Onis The Frigate Constitutiun, & Ssooner Sharh, sailed from Port Mabon on the Jd oot April, 1837, for the coas! of Franee, there tu take on board Gov. Cass ead tauily, preparacury toa visit to the coast fSyria and Egypt. “Phe of- ficers and crews obbo'l vessels were well, Mr. Everett, Chaplaiact the Constitution, Gied at Mahoo on the Hh of April The Frigate United States Capt. Wilkiason, arrived al ees the 2dof May from sia- hun, aud satlea for Gobrattar on the 9th. ‘bhe U S.wasatanchorin the bay of Gibraltar on the evening of the Lothof may. Olticers and crew all well and te fine spirits. On thé 2151 of February last, the French vessels of war, De mMen-yerte and Lb. Indisane Were vdliges tu auchor at the inouth of Port Ma- bon Har, in a tremendous biuw— he first patwed in pdipotcrtiical berth ; she wade a sig eee and Capt, Wishinsow, with his usual enefgy, Humediately put yout ‘all boats,’ sent the Weessury anchors and cables saved the first named vessel, aud relieved the Ladin ene. | The cendact of Capt. Wilkinson and bis offi cets aid ten was warunly apoiauded by the Freugh officers, and residents of Mahon i Vato Int LAPEST FROM FLORIDA. ’ | Sr. Avoustine, June 22 bu Indtan .Lfairs.—We have but Int le to ecptunicale la ieiation ty our fudian affairs this week, Nothing has been heard frou Gen. Jes up fe veveral cays. Fort Mellon tus been abandoned on account of ivhealthiness of the post. Col. Harney, B commanded there, bas arrived here with commaad of about 400 dragoons, who are sPioned at Fort marion, Coa-coochy (Puilip’s | ) was at Fort Mellon when Col. Harney Wi, Wg) abour 20 Indians. ‘They expressed * Oy -Cfic iutentions it the whites did net Blest ,a0d promised not to burn the Fort wey ey UW ssed a desire ty visit Col, Harney in &. Augustine. ‘ Later — Report of the Murder of Micano yr More Indian Depredations.—Since the VO Was in type, an express has arrived minging information from the interior of consid rabie Mupurtance A letter from Fort King ates that information had reached that post hat the Semiaicles, after Odtalning possession of We learn that Com Charles Stewart hag been apptont+d to the coum ad of the Nave Yard a this city, in the place of © ummodore James Bar ron, Who has peed relieved at tis own request aud that he will assume the duties of his con mand this day. 1 curious if not alarn ng fact.—The mills Mr. Clark, on the can» eneduet, Northampt Massachusetts, are gre ug with wheat, re and corm on haud, none of whieh is the prodge of New England , the corn is southern and pa jother grain trom Danraie And other Euro places! Webelleve New Eaghiud at lesai not some other States, must new give up ie Neaof being a yrain country. Such an oer- rence as the ibove in the United States, them Mense territory of which has, with a few ming exeeptions,the tnost fertile sonlin the worldfall, we hope, never fofithe boner of car prodtive Industry, be heard of atleast ter a hundred ears to Come, or notunul ater all the pr vr are filled up with an over crowded popo!e tion . NY. fn. eee Life in New Orleais — The editor the New Orleans Heiad says: “Phe theatres are closed —it 1s too rot to hunt—too tedious to fish—ind most fis are almost too indoleat to read The only amuse- mentin which owe citzens ean aow tMilge is ride vutin the dustin tie evening, Ofvalk i (he streets an. tohele the cool air afterark In (hes: times ofduliness.the man who Wod invent any pleasantinesns of van shing enneshould be | ” looked upon as 4 pubic verese or, Ware too tnodest to rain any such honor for frrel veg — but we wr barely sarcest a dive rsioivhich we have feud Vers in stesting, aud wih our lea ders arett Werty TY Con their ofthooks.” Tt] fe aciar Teeth ater tea, seat urself Upon the pa Poy orin the porch. and p hg up the jee ve Vout lett arin, let tte inv@gitoes liu hy Urs 0 Wy jas 4S they hive ened thear niivAerthe chem on the back tothe nohe the relief, han aa hich fullows Qhef pain, and begraufication of that ‘autripte of the % ; officers of ihe army here ba true, that he was deposed sowe ffand Sam Joncs elected in doubtless be the object of Sanv Jone hin to save trouble. served the saiue fate for his be very healthy. were but seven me last advices, ta, on the St. John’s river, Gen . esup is expect. ed here in a few days, ard will lish his hlead-quarters here. siand that they will be ordered to Mican Fort King. ° maizeaae which will be shortly, when they will be dis charged been anxious to be discharged since February last. None have been dis: unteered, excent the sick who Mobile Point. ed to take post at Picolata dav in the steamboat Camden Micanopy,tiad murdered him and cut him to Pieces, Ieis supposed that the cause for this act was hie triendfy disposition towards the whites, his continued aversion to the war, and forthe sinultanevns collection of the national | The Electro Mayon: lism, —S opeodous resnlts have we hyve heard of | themselves, as those made by Dr. C. @ Pace, proceeded as far as Hewlett miles south uf'us, and returning cuit to the we + about 50 tiles. discovered of uny fudians. Three negroes belonving to Z Kingsley, arrived at Piculata yesterday trom Drayton Mill, boy . inaking ok No Signs wer a ; and near Lake George, who report that iy i suw [Indian fires all around them, aad that ne left from tear of capture. ftis feared that ae 6 remainder, 17 in number, have been Caplared b the Tndians, as they have not been since lee fot Mr Kingsley re-established his plantatiyy sovu after the capitulation of the Lodians m Charleston Courier, June 49, 840,000 || Look at this ! Vorth Carolina State PO\rnN R Y LO'UPTERY, | FOR THE BENEFIC OF THE salsa BURY ACADEWY. CLASS NOPISVEOR 1837, Tobedrawnat Rockingham | Kichmonad Co... Coon’ Thursday, 2Oth July, 1837 | 66 No. Lottery, 10 Drawn Ballo STEVENSON 5 POINTS, Manag, | SCHEME. 40 Prizes of 1,000 13s) 40,090 40 Prizes of 400 is 16.000 40 Prizes of 200 18 $009 56 Prizes of 190 is 560g 56 Prizes of 50 is 2 R00 | 56 Przes of 30 18 1.50 | O68 Prizes of 20 18 1,120 | 2298 Prizes of 10° is 22,969 | 154100 Prizes of 5 18 77,000 18440 Prizes amounting to $175,160 Whole Tickets 3 Halves $250. Quarters Gl 25, To be had in the greatest variety of num. bers, either by the package or single Tick- ct, of | WHEELER & BURNS. Salisbury N.C. July 8, 1837. a -Vorth Carolina State LOTTER LOTTERY, | For the benefit of the Salisb urv Academy, Classs No. 14 for 1837. To be Drawn at Bethania, Stokes Co. C,.V. on Thurs- day, 1Oth of Augryst, 1837. 74 Number Lottery, 14 drawn ballots SCHEME. 1 Prize of $10,000. 1 Prize of 3,000 1 Prize of $2,000. 6 Prizes g1.u0 A Cerificate for a package of 25 Whole Tickets will cost $50, Halves $25. Qra. 12 30 To ba had in the greatest variety of numbers, el- ther vy the Packaye or Single Ticket, of WHEELER § BURNS, Salisbury, N.C. N' 5 CE\ITS REWARD. Es WAY from the Subscriber un the 104 ot Jone. an apprentice boy, by the name ‘ Kade Z Graday or Ro Z. Wiogons. He will curtatnly alter bw name betore ne goes far: fle is about o feet 5 of 6 inches high ; a celetrated gambler, agreat min ina grog shop, aud 4 great man where he isnot known. He willie tu pass for a smart man, as he is a great rascal, and always goes well armed with 2 or 3 pistols und one breast dirk uoknomn tome. He wil make for the West Lexpeet. The above reward and no thanks willbe given to the iman that will take up said apprentice and fetch him to me ii Concord, North Carolina. L forwaro all persons from harboring said apprentice in any ®ine whale ever, as f will put the lawin full force against them. Wa. M. HENDERSON, Ese: July 1—3w50 “LIST OF LETPERS Remanng i the Post Office at Salisbury, Norih Caiv htoa, July Ist, 1837. A—R HI Alexander, michael Anderson B—Ann FE Brunson, George Bean, margar Bullion, Daniel R Biles, Richard Barns, Lemt e] Bingham, Nicholas R Bridges, moses Bas L.A Bringles, Jobn Blackwelder, Woallam Br ans, Alexander "own, Thomas W 8uain, W liam © Brandy Nicholas Barringer C—Charles \ cherell, margaret Ann Cuth- erell, John Calluway 2, James Cook, Daniel Chorner, Thomas Conrad, J S Chipley, Issac Cown, Samuel Caldwell, John Cauble, Jawes his good faith in attempting to fulfil the late Meaty. “Whis act isa decided evidence of their continued hostity, and that they willnot now go off until they are entireiv suddued, their pride and arrogance humbled. ~ nw Tt isnot precisely krown how thie information was received at Furt King ; it isdoubted by the > but it th nevro tale line since, his stead, it would sto get rid of O'Mathla was ( harley friendly feeling to- wards us, The garrison at Fort King are represented to Out of ax companies, there Non the sick report at the The truops at health. Indian fires have heen seen opposite to Picola- Micanopy are also in good Probably estab- A portion of the Creek regiment are to be sta- tloned at Picolata for the present. We under- The remainder will be stationed at or near Tampa Bay, uowil the term of service expires ‘They are tired of the war, and have ‘harged since they vol have been sent to Pwo companies of Dragoons have been order- They will sail toe On ‘Puesday last, Capt. Drane's company of mounted artillery went outon @ BcoULINg eXxybedi Non in the Neighborhood of this city They W Clark D—Sterman Drury, George C Daniel, Jo- seph T. Dickson, James Donohoe f)—Silss or Thomas Karnhart, David Eagle F—Adila H Fox, michael File, ‘Phomas Fus- ter, David S Fraley, Squire Freezer or Mas™ Russell, Wm. Folk, G—Peter Gardiner, Sally Ann Guire, El23- beth Gheen H—William B Hudspeth, James Hick Jesse Haden, Alexander Hulen 2, William 33: Hamner, Catharine Smoot, Leroy Hightove® William Hicks, James Roberson; S S Hudson Dicey Harris or William P Dobson, Newbery F Hall 2, Richard Harris, Daniel Hornbarge' Jobo Huse, Susan Hart, : J—Isaac Jurden, William Julian, Revd Wm S Johnson 3, K—Isaac Kesler. Richard Kerr, I,—Matthew B Locke, James mM Dit Sampson Lanier, Henry Lutwiek, Darel 1 pard, Robert E Love 2, mrs Elizabeth Leppe'’ Henry Long, Daniel Lezor, M—Neile meNab, Daniel Nathan Morgan, Joseph mingus, Daniel ™ Joseph H srount, Henry moose, N—Abe! Nichols 2, Arthur ine Neely, t P—Spruse m Parks, David Parks, Marge! mcPerson, iI R—Levi Roads, Reddick & Bennett, Wills han K Roffin 3, James Reed, . S—Peter Smith, Joseph Sawyers, ol Smith, Alonzo Sprague, Samuel Smith, AnD Schrock, Allen Stoker, T—Heory Trotter, Adam Troutman, © Tornbull 2, John Thomason, Isaac Ig George O ‘Varrh, | Le W—James EK Welch 2, Charles Wille, 1 cy Aon Winders, Amos Weaver, George lis. migsenhammer iller, Nelsv0, Catha- James mfr SAMUEL REEVES, P ¥ By HENRY SMITH, D. PP: ’ a GIL cour / W GIL Supe Tl forwa stupe with | ‘a men didate ex Pr Bank: worsh part o| throug fullowi of al should to the . trol of people,’ in Kent ted by t bas con Bank. issippt, f favor of explaine chine. so is the Enquirer feast pro mad do quicted | rage at t talic chas —the dc periment to be trie can becor We have that chara Majesty, | aited Stat | liant addit “Fiseal Ex and head ¢ iers, Telles bataries be the reproac habits by fo our governt lishment, w posing that dig for Jon: ‘change, the what kind o such an in he great pu that 18 to ful currency ? e@\mind of birable a go’ holiticians en 0 distribute. Writes and | bo be put to | cors migh br a loan w. be faithful ar tte our mo ©) will the ku of a law Del Of our dent gentl putation of kling fello If th lise yrbiters Me last, why hey? St about scr Buch ? wer would Its blance of | the men in pov mdy, without @ distributed S—supple cr Ieey Would do P¥at would the MmMey is thus P brawling blo ill they be lik. actually? y do not? omes of the rse there ca gs must bri comes on: Med to the s: send fi fs Me-for sale n ences c les are at Ld . , ’ he ., - sed . ” i my oa ee , , — a 0 what is to be done? Can our good ' chasen champi fthe- yy J flan ndedwake sic take ers rs ; oe “ —— : i tat 18 9, g pion of the- party, by @ most | mente, The Declaration of Indepand be road { flames of his eanitc) ing y ey, Fon InT e io k ity a i fiends io Cougress uot help their frends ? | decisive Majoriiy—a ae? altogether toy the * Oid County uf Meokledby * oow | bn jusball star clos ot we ‘on ios 7 S an, Fit Bigs wer, or willthey not {they donot, we Unusual in thatdistrict, ‘The sign is a glo- | the counties .f Cabaria and Mecklenburg) sulted freemen. Aap! gerscense, vj k ¢* Afb for glory. ‘an will go over tot ide and put j rlous one indeed, and we teceive it as the | tea read by Lr. Charles J. Fou, Scourcpanied | By John B Moss— S097 der ley, Kar ewe ne pul in 6 given of general Victory to the good cause. Q yen rane recat wudrews ” Mr. Nathan | *y tou 1 yy Ww party. Brented, stop laws | The Government, it is said, made use of | ~’ Hut thy P are passed, a fy anda further indul- a ey battks k cloed which | lt wae Rrigia to ve fe ; is now hangi ver the A peuple, ! ti y A hen —_ the Awerican Declaration, | lately evel e dee xeugita| 4 rity be | Oruee Whee P el | all its influence ‘9 control the election, oD et, Baa PPmptiete ' 1 that ‘he Morrwon, Juin By Wowie Ro Harris—Hon. Henry A Wise; | Mayhew or Sons, Win MeJimse und torwarded per Vhe flow tug are some of the Pol eco operation ts Genes the present unhall wed | “Fiseal Ex perimenter General.” His cabinet | ghout the Prosperity be! and with which oft the remarks — at speedily dispersed bf-the {i htoings of a Cal i } »» | ter whieb, D. M. Barrin oo the "Osun Gt 9 Hl ngs of a “| conducted. The feetivities of ther Bence is extended, the debtor and his secu- | 4nd must feel deeply mortified at this @Vvi-T the day, made an eloquent ee addres ree Ne pa ahenaare oa Clap Let him | “!osed by @ successful and beau aplared by niles die. their executors plead no assets, | dence of cetrniig independence, exhibited ‘0 @ large 1nd very attentive sodieace. Ofthe be as patrpiie on the subject of. abolition, ae he | on of a Baligon in the evening. nee bean tnd the money is lost Will the notes of /°7 the part of the honest, but hitherto Mis- | Meriieof this address, we will not now speak, | has been true to the Coustitution, end he will plantation = » "guided people of this District. as the Committee of Arra ate be | prove himself j 7 wWHeREA my. | 29 Institution thus managed her likely | ; abl . i Pee nimee p,, Bond as be is Great. The Thorougn rea Horse. nw S—S—— = A Bed or rather likely A Salute of 100 Guns was fired at Bal- Sh mre 8 omy for pablication,* pe-} By DR Purviaoce—Female Education— +" as une 29, W A'l CH MAN. to be thus managed, remain long at par? “more, in honor of the Victory. and dang niche meek en = , pe may Ne ph — ement from the cit. 4 — a ~— certainly not: the essential requisite— pu g— | ; alee ness00 ae) pene vith Caro jaa which it eo justly de- | ee eee ena . : 8 .. 'o uur fellow citizens. serves, . . ‘ P JU! Salisbury, July 15, 1837, ) LIC CONFIDENCE will be wanting. Then | fe Montgomerys Monster, with 100 Tha audience were then dinniseed wits nna By C Phifer—Our nating soil— Our home— ye : , . Coe this scheme will assuredly not furnish a | ‘on capital, and 25 Whelps, is ex- er, and retarned in the f i "| no where do we find "genial el Gop ; ! cr , ee | : jer, ‘ oreguing order of pro Sad &@ more genial elimate—no OLPHIN E IPs a We are authorized to wnnounce JOHN sound currency. ‘The experiment will plained, as we anticipated, in a Previous | cession to the Town. ce Vittdous people—no where fairer ILL stand ie eat oo res ; , rr Oo'clat or lovelier = Sl , & | 9 GILES, as a candidate for Clerk of Rowan fail in a broken bank, and depreciated ‘notes, | Number of this Paper, to be a Treasury . = : eae a ge aun ce om Old Ri foreven may we oever forsake ber. ick Salisbury and Mocksville. He is Det on- * os . : ’ : 7 0 0 a0 elegant dinner, furnish rE. ane a horse of th bevt i BALIse county Court. But alas for the effect such an experiment | Bank. But twas not till he way punch | F. Lilly, t© which the Revolutivnary’ Soldiers f By k F Lilly—The - ppainld of Gen. Ta. ne by Rolipes rat ore tie Uy i ence ; We are authorised to announce HENRY Wt have upon the morals of the people: A éd in the belly by the Register & Recor. | were invited —Alter the eluth was removed, the ieavnedlienee i Hemlton fought tur hus proved himself tu be degidedly the best foal 7 GILES, as acandidate for Clerk of Rowan | party urged an by such sordid detestable | 1er and patted on the back by the Standard, es ae er eee By Ww L. Melee Pon. Wille Palen Somtscnded 1n epee, Part of the ae ae ; ws i : | by ceived with great applause—and ny ct : ep Wier: : ~ | t ic with ' ‘ h Superior Court. | vet all powerful Motives, is resisted by an- that he cane oat with this explanation. It | 1 ‘The Binnie of the ij eco fa fa ne re tite Soath—the bold and fear. dase Sie bees aa * coef - 2 sham, ee is said that b ly afraie ar: j a Th . ose defender of the peuple’s rphis ; may his . vo aa cae Other, acutuated by scorn contempt and a '¢ 18 terribly afraic of his own or iable te Py rants only, They have made j pay HH. 6ANDERs,,. * On TREASURY BANK ae P dumb devil and tremble rr he thatNew World Whalshe is they will make | UPleht and tnanly course ia the Denate of the June 15 1837—1f59 RS, . wy ‘ s sense of injury. What is to Brow out of ! , rember whenever ue the ‘Old World? what she ought to be United pee give bic that cota ye whitch cP Ke i i i q The Party in various places are thrusting sucn a strife. We would far iiheraee cay a ns tin the face. 4 hundred mil- | 2 The Meiners uf George Washiogton— eee culeently entitled—the yratitude uf tus he Pl will be at Salisbury “ues - ied ‘ scert: how this | "ons Bank in the hands of the / 1 ‘We leave hin alu his glory. is Ce i ea J i s forward their feelers, to ascertain he é Present povernmem dissolved in peace, and | Oh dreadiu 8 ol the government Wee . ailenee re mts glory,” (drank staud By George WC raven—Vha Orator of the Te * > i lute stupendous scheme of corruption will take @ new one established, than to await the de- : 3 The Memory of Lafayettu—'The history of reat bat heretuture deserved our bratitude emperance Notice. . ae W ; . . _—-—___ . ; wi fur his’ services in ublie lite. ‘Pu da » he has : : eo Lanap ery with the public. Thus Mr te ohne 2 velopement of su®h an experiment, Peath of Wr, Macon ae - eee ale Comerie dune new honot tw ean iva Sista, by ee oan Terapernoce Sooi at Sa £ - ’ and @ can- : : . | eS Staners of the Declaration o ndepen f g 4 an Meeting in the =| , pare ae ee ae ose of the | Butts Suggested by seme that a bank Died on 29h ult. at his Seat, in Warren dence —With a Patriotiam, kindled by the fires eee - malelete icone [east Taneerd: os Tuesday 27h day of Jal i 3 “ didate for re-election underthe nos ‘without the power of discounting would County, I NAT IE : | of freedom, a wisdom which fo sophiatty ould | Bie ae oe a Ce ees pagite citsens of the Combty , a60 ree Hully ‘a ex President Jackson, advocates a Treasury beuait ‘ ys thon. ATHANIEL MACON, _ Seduce, and a firmness which no power could ee ae a eo on r celebration of a day that requested to attend. The Secretaries uf the ve ote aot k: James K Polk, another subservient [¢ be lable tosuch abuses: Hit beweant in the 83d year of his age He had for humble, they proclaiied the only ‘divine right | any hs Shi eae , N a aCc uty societies are i seen oforigd. 2 <= 16.000 Bank: Jam ri He vationethe eee by this, a bank without the power of dis- many years tuken an active partin the af. of EP en op tarth, the right of the people | tei ein and heire endeavor nghale! ite aay An ROCUIAL@ Glatement of their p gumbo. 3,000 worshipper of the Hermit, fion eee ae amin the AE ty govern themselves, b DATS: JAS. E. MORRISON, Seo’ oe > 600 part of Tennessee, throws out cautiously eee ener y ecdation paper, or fairs of the nation. From the year 1791 to 9 The Patriots of the Revolutionary Army— Bol tinal ee ee eet oaly Lb--R wie * *- . , : pe : . ae : 3 , , ; Tae < oy through his organ at Columbia, ‘Ten. the L!l3 of ie eee looses all the chara 1515, he ‘wasa member of the House of ea “ie toe Gn eee ae ye MM Orr—Clay and polkuen: As Runaway Apprentice 6 , leristics of a bar : . . : ‘ : a 3 , : Ae 7s oy following Delphic but significant language, nies a ' and becomes a incre Representatives in Congress, and twice a their departed compatriots in aria, may the ti pric Reyuuteata clam en ae an A N apprentice by the name of JAC RSON oz 22.60 “if a national Bank be indispensable, 4 "thing: at will do nothing for the people, it spexker of that body to wit, 1301 and in| ARs which ue al Hd be joyaus, Se CET ia oar preseiit calamity, they are the stars that i sired y can, fein ine on 6th of Jung % ot : ‘ may enable the recio®uts of sublic mon 5 i : . | Brievous, may they declare that their Struggles I gov ton ust. Wi‘hout any cause except hig own miscon- 77,000 should be a national bank in fac t, belonging v t I e money, 1505. Ile was likewise @ Semitor in Con- were notin vain, and shat their latest pusterity a Fae ee CO Mesviant TN duct. I caution all paler fice harboring of — eople and uncer the con. !© get their pay 1 good money: nay it may gress from this State, from 1815 to 828. | will honor their memury by preserving the bless- | (7 Maer McGinnis o pontenburg—The employing said apprenti - —s to the American peo; coal i i 6 1823, ee ys OY f e Gold and Silver Humbugs - May the pressure ) e i. f eo ice under penalty of hav. 175,160 or ; make them 10 of 15 per centon their salar- | He was also the Preside at of t ( ane | MPRS OF Liberty, ; ; en ' ‘ 'ng the law enfurced, ’ trol of the men dir eclly responsible to the unin abe . ie at ¢ he on 0 '§ The Constuution of the United States |“ us ee ee Epa errors ELUAH BRUNT, _ people,” viz: the Politicians. A Mr Phelps, 1s, but the Great body of the People are no, tion in 1835 for amending the State Con- | We wil} have no perversion of its meaning un- Coie ne 7 Ue a Mie ae - Davie county July 15, 1837 —1959 . 230. in Kentucky « candidate regularly nomina- better off than at present. Sucha plan will ) Stitution. Mr Macon Wasa firm adherent. det false pretences. When plainly interpreted it Pe Ba w eros ia ivan ee he ah “A INT of aa See 1 25. | . : to the Jefe hool Police : 13 @ mvaument of human wisdom, may the Cw. : : ; : 1 ice a. ee ere remniving it the Post Olina ted by the party, to succeed Col. Johnson, do nothing for the Currency, it wall give no to the Jefferson schoo of Polines,but lapsed sir who dare destivy it, ineerrie eosenir ed: All we ask of him is, never (0 be a candid- Office at Statesville on the Ist day of Ja : , . ; . , : = sea y , ‘ MERBEL i 841n, aod give place uselul bet- : : . ‘lef to the pressure of the ume Inch | lato Van Burenism, in his latter days. te Brut : ool e Bive place tu more useful aud Jy, 1387, : By Pick= bas come out explicitly with the Treasury re I 2 8, which, rutus . ean : : ‘ Bank. ‘The party yreat and small in Miss. we regard as the great evil (o be met by | “88 @ man of more solidity, than brihaney, : : ~ acs ae el Government, By David Long Palsied be the arn —more os Allison, DN Alexanter, David Al> a 13 . 1 : Y ; j aud remarkable most f prac jane the rights of the States—! BA Cone UC aa FT ear iaee ec . ¢ issippl, from head to Fuote, lave declared in \ Congress, purpose . le wa a r i a i oe De Honal extension of the furmner, sacrifice the lat- \ cry, that would pencro ay tat | B B—Belt & Wright 2, J p Belt 2, Juhn Mc- N.C ee . : pose. 8 arded by all parties ag | ter, “ - | Bride, Miss Nane Bo G ; avor of a National Bank, which will be | Te ania , . . a un in the © [, ‘ ” Pc My ney Boman, George er,Mu 4 aes no doubt into : Treasury Ma— THE WW EBSTER NOMINATION p Pure 1 purpose, and of omc highly ose f ‘ Pe ee ue eta lne toss | bin euiean SLi he mn Bchcasos necount of me nae ne Bell, George Benec® s @ | ; } Mas enough put one seyond all patience wo | pect, d. In his private telations he was ir. | Of the ove ule grave uf the other, . | By George WS ours, Exq.—The Amended | to Se Chawbere, “Pheu Al Cum pbell “4 te chine. The Globe is throwing out hiots; ee he EIAs (ee: Beaver cll cued I as ir 9 The Governor of North Carolina— We have | Continue P Nunn Cau "hm settled | Brn Conard, Win Chenaut, Joupu Cok, og _ '" Y 3 : oy ‘untidene ‘ ‘ i : Jargon, BF ‘ludtelte ‘ so is the Albany Argus, while the Richmond | lo agitate the qvestion of the next Presideney at | : See eae eee his. Windia nie oe ! ee ae diffsrences—may ale ence) Dene npr Wa L David 7 : i yay ee saree : : rr spree I. 9 Enquirer, which used to be aff cted by the | this early pettod, (34 ye ts ndvance:) Buta | SALISBURY OMNIBUS. | honor and interests of our State. Ue sence Ww Gaston: | 8": , ve * dey, feast proximation toa National Bank, ae a | buve Nl, fora small fraction of the party without We ltcliunnen ott <hr last, we spoke of a I i he Judiciary of North a Were North Carolina's Klealest sun—may his splea- eae Forsyth, ’ : mad dog is by the approach of water, 1s | couso!tation OF Concert wh Ue Testlg nomitoate | fashion, Prevalent With the Ladies, of. Pony-tid- H taton; sae othe Tbe | a Nore eel ote Cay inake hun the Gene nicree nee a fein °F . ‘andidateany arn e eleney ACSC Te ee s a .. ’ $ ‘ y ; tre } ‘ “9, See : , ’ . < , nta, quicted down to a very temperate degree of | a candidate and urge ut ” tensions at this time, Ing > Since then, the fushion has suinew batt nese ot any people, is the truit of ihe ee wy i en ee ae serena Edward Gauoung, Jotun Grant, Eh Glandown, - Fre rage ot the unholy proposition. The me | 8 Worse than fully. ‘The South ong, by all) changed and rail nding with the Ge ntlemen bas | Hl The Universtty of North Carolina—'The | © will live and die free » tha the sword which James bP Gudbey, Miss Sarah Graham, J WwW lic chose in given up, denied —denounced | M¢2"s,l4 be consulted be fore Agominationismade: | taken tts place. —Ty ONO = (Ova Tap Monday | pride of vor State, “Wai the talents, learning Ties eh drawn in delence uf our country, shall Gabriel, t, talic & there are cardinal doctrines pertaining to the night a bustle in the gtivet attracted aur pitied and industry of her facully, our sons need not Wiever be relurned ty ig scabbard tll it eats H- Joho Hovey, Messrs Hall & Foster, —the dogs are called off, und a new ex | Southern States that never cau te sacrificed or! nboat 10 ‘eluck, and ! tht Taree pag Tough and useful education | cured the Viciyry Muse Magaret S Hogguis, Woodsen Howard, 4 So ne ‘ abe sae tt oO clock, anc ON SOE firth too see what | rein miiio s a pe . : g ts periment of the most fearful character about loomed ce which all other eon iderations | was the anatior, aye et S : a Pie: i aes “a ny fi tities of | By JBY mug —May the time never come a ee ae apa Hair, Adam Hofmay, } - ‘ Hh Eat Ct i so ‘ 4 ur, ¥ , Cle ound HER t Ch ths ana Meck enourg, oted when our t hall be i 4 or d h 3 = ‘ elaod, ° to be tried: that 1s, whether our governinent | willhave te Vield, and which will be held to] on a rail Wiihoat sad yy). Wirlingale, leisure ly thers pre Hated Therr Independence: may they Penni na vey vieae iene “Theme J—Win Joyner, Constant Johnston, % nl can become a Banker on its own bottom 7) jai. fenactonsly than will the present: unton.— , Pirading down NGS ine anymnied a Due j a es m defence of their pruccmples. | such will be struck from) the trolly of philan- het Nathaniel Leaster, Lawing & J Moo- . 0 : 5 ; a | stion of SI, , othe taken ¢ i dy guard, whe EULGHEC A Gam Teme yreee ae pt, Ue pe LG CX, ' thropy, and ec Jn the p f tyre : ; 100 We have no doubt but that it can assuine me eae f se a i " nike mre ot | a \ “ Wie wine! © Ra | Pheir over pawering presence makes us feel, eee Ware Dies & Ueomn. M—Jobn Moshat, ME Mathews Jr. Levi- Whole that character The great representative of | eve selectiin it al candidate fur Sa HEOf eon i eeeraly, ne a , | Ft ould not be idolatry ww kneel? Jischson and Van Buren—Suck tw the party, | 2" Moore, George Morgan, Mra Mary Murrieun, 12 40 Majesty, the august President of these U-| fire. and itat be a fact, that the Whigs at the} [seems that US ti outit wa ren Peserty aud love are the voly earthly altars | nyNC or wrong ! Andrew Morrison, George M i ’ a North obstinately and perseverinaly efuse to up ata place Where hits inaritave yyy Ww \ al which we Worship.— {40 cheers,] a ; hers, @i- | he bril- Jy Pers ‘Veringly y 2 I MTA as Vay aS no ited States, may take to his title th F i, ‘ | . On pace us in seenrity in thig Vital point, all hope | likely to be Slgnalty hos. J } 7 | liant addition of «Banker in Chief? and | | NS, y. - Volunteer! a tearlese Chapin ol Laverty aud Whig princi b—El Potts, Janes Patterson, R-J t express 4 part of the Way fume We Cdtasay | Eas which were thea called for and preseu- | ples —urry he continue to Prove btimeelf true in S Thomas Suni hosts Redman, Sheriff a dus ing ® firy Ea i Ses < , Stmonton, Sher i; dynasty, who are © all things to all even’ will } out tor the wame of rid a he nad just us soon | ted See ae a “ ue ee Mghts— ihe tighe tw of tredell, Mis Mary K Sinith Win Simonton = . ; havestipate the a dUse Of those in OW er . . at — and head men may become Direcion, Cash- | prevail inde Antic ly, and we liad beiter tuhe quiet | walked, By Gen PB Tonger— President of the day — Ky David Storke— The Py Address of Smith s Boyd, Shinn & Davie, Joseph Shion, UD. iers, Tellers, Runners &c > & the lo’ of dig- | (netsures tor Dreahiog off from su lnipracticatle (cree Wo aldenn: & state of sus peise been | Ur te net aul deluded people uf the eAmericun Andiew Jackson —4 budget of vanity & spleen! Elijah Stove, Hon RM Saunders, Alvin Sum—- . ~ | é ' MY tblir, tay the wr teoand wood Ruler of ahe Nate Fe T ters, ) Whur | and so disastrous a Contexton. Ef tuere ever beller 2? ee ; y a 2 },, By Phomay C Cu ke—The Hers of the Tv — FP ‘ he 101 aataries become money-changets /How f: _ . | ; ; | Cinverse, sind them a safe ant spordy deliver | qa, I ton—Ct ; t t for fr Joho Thompson, Elijah Tucker, name ' the reproaches & ridicule of our aqnisitorial | Mass aot Ww hichitere ier perfect onanim- N.B. On the next might the hitle bays at tom the effets of the lar and. present | evolu We eee : ae turnout fu ae V— Mathew Vandiver s | : , : ae a 2 : 2 eG Le Bae) ds Senn! dom. herr splend: eds are reyistered in ' y P Te = "he habits by foreiguere wil acquire purgency.by Wy in the Suuth, it is the n solve tu vote form ihis place Mmproved upon the above tisloon, by | Wanbwsgiow and eNpunging administrations, History as hae lo posterity : ‘ mas Wondsides, Joho W aughy : 6. eae . runt ic ere DSA OR Sin eecdawi imam ner renten iH the parading @ man of straw through the town Op) By Win HE Archibald, tot Hien Masiipares Hy (Caren Tne Constiatnetane Y¥—Withaw G Younger. . ai a mr government's becomir a . Northera Whigs expect atall to prevail, they uu a rat wo the saine tuug, = Ville! Gosling vlad | The tufant Republic of Tea as, may she estab | United States. dle who has Violated this sa THOS. M. YOUNG, P.M. ere lishment, we need nut stop to enqgure Sup- Must shape their course Wilt a View ty this as ieee Plaine been gut up it thas Cention bind her ie eon ete ee shed, an cred een, has toflicted an Injury ree Bo rdina School fay Young een F . , not be consid@ed infra : aunt rr : | Ope UDNneS ane mam Ox , | Show ty the wark . i M40 she will oot supuit to No latent can 'epalr—nor should Splendan, ~ SS z a is posing that it could ifr an established porn ANS a ie Pe Upot Sulgmen’s axe Hele PHestly or politcal ‘Pyrante, services avert trom tum the tufamy he so ZZ " : : ee ; dig for Jonathan to meet Jew Rolhchild on Se | therod, Se.” Any one who Will voto Chureh By Worl? Phiter, 2d View Presifont— The | aeserves i eae ae a 2 Wl ‘ Or act = Pen re . a : 3. Tae oe ‘change the question then to be adswered 18, ( ONGRESSION ATL PE TIONS, J 4nd observe how Mawr burously the beads of eer | Presulent of the 1 vitled States —— ( treated and Sent by a Lady North (Garolinneet , . eae ‘ ‘ ny al, —t! ! ; , ae ; ; Hae learn, RSlonanles OCCT MerTt PEMenC Iota politi’ A existence by the Nero of : . rat will What kind of a Bank would it be? W ould Phe people of the Wake district it seems | ol oe : shu ee PEN suasinyy me) Cee : 8 aid ite "C she speedily awake from her long ap ! , ‘ will achuowledaire ¢ ne nee a r ay ‘ ut coton, Kend; " 4 ee a such an institution be likely ho answer | are determined to run Way, A. Graham, in| WUE achnowlerge an a oy erm Nappy aod prosperous People teach | and move forward with 0) ae ie great purpose for which it ig proposed? opposition to Dr Montgomers Against | Tier Wy tiie | ues | bul freemen, | Un preced él dilot bones, that we are hot slaves, and eherpy, Inthe promotion of eve hing yreat, noble and glorious, N & One - | ber in Salisbury.— ‘Phe Hou. John Branch with | Vey won , He Is "| hat is to furmish the country wth a sound | the North, on account of an HOISTS his tant y, passed throagh this twa on i turrency ? A doubt can scardely exist in | ed in the leg, and will probabl | day last, on hig Way trom EF lorid ¥ not return | Za Bsa. 4 to his seat in By GottM Bartin the English, Latin, Greek and Mrench ‘angua- : 1 : 3 wer The nert Congress, | By AJ York—Reuben M Whitney :/| Bess Arithineuic A ebra, Geometry, Natural : H : } ieetanrae tl the couplition of the Country —usy ihe | Woy the “stieurs’ ae tute cut the “thread?” Philosophy, Botany, betoric, Composition, Ia- . ae : ‘ : Ae ene een , Sproated be wacrifieed ty the as, ae i : ; : tellectual Philosophy Musie and Drawjng. e\mind of any one, but that if it were de- | before the ele Hon: but he is so transeen-| Vur Lown as sti] healthy —it is thought thas ar os tne, a ane a 7 ee Of tbat man's ile: may tame brand with liewlinne eee ain of the tethers to = : . er : : ry all; c " Pop remenntesl tt ee . ’ ei lta aig : 8 SHUT a Sp eee e Moe call. : ito) : ae Birable a government bank in the hands of denuly superior to Dr. Montyomery* in al | Col. 1D) h Long's maint i & ie tne have diay lated Nationa! Baukoas the only remedy wareh | terl . x i er (© the tan who © cab establish in the pupils a hatut of. thinkiMy tu¢ Gure holiticians micht be used as ag instrument | the requisites for a levislator, that he, one ben the Dy sente ty tu the North Pole, and that Nn experiente has furnished for the evils wide? eee . Sh ‘is Soa ED aael yes, and Ure die position lp bel reye any ; 5 fi ronld suppose, could eut off fis) bad leg, | arrived thers on the night of the aurora “ Beatus | which we labour \ Jhits—Gen bdware B Duc ley; {hing on the word of the tastructor, of lo rély 4 b distribute the surplus reverie ee | ee eer , he district t slectionecr Wile [de CAUSaS CoptosceEre rerigy fe ye Cal NW ink teas The currency of the) The patron of Literual Wprovement: may | Mnpheily on the autho hty of fny one will be ¢ : writes and partizans. ‘The question then | and send itinto the district to ele: ; Phe Notional tattelligeacer has Teached uy) Mes—Vhe fruit ol the Heieory ‘Pree - OHO 1 One (He ass ssinpereresestipil establishing Rail | checked, and the Maxie tculcated that whate. ate © ditcounting Di- | while he remaimed behind to cure up the S fo ihe ellinsss thee etre, nnd (steatiess (ne ally (be ple | Reads and Canals, as te was in Tus elec. | SPC 18 not pained by their Bwa patient Choaghe int lo be put to the board of ditcoun ing bul onee the past week » and then ai came from | : c yy iF . : 's gained tu no purp Lem P AW Goo alc would, however, | t Bey Svan SS Anis The Oratory of the diy on in IN36. ea : purpose, ite cors might be, not whether the apphieant| stump, — f B [the Suatty, Col ising p= Fie Ploiisp uf distinesic ; The Yoong Ladies will be considered, and Br 2 bea fitter competitor for such an adversa- \ : . . : ; ‘| By Wan S Marris— Lewis Williams : treated in all vespects, ag the d hi fat o br a | olvent and punctual, but is | be | Ube tullowing dialipup between iwo sable { and ther videuce: of veworun to the mstitutions | : ee . peeta, aughiers of the @ loan was s P g eg Jus | 1 t f » . 5 . : > he | ry “ is uf his country, mdicated in thus Oration to day, jo "SUN distypguished for the beauty ul con-| § rincipal ; and their conduct, conversation, hab- he faithful and trve to our party © or if he 5 . . Raleigh Register ara ee zends, Which was OVettieard the other evening CONN tient eee Presaie of that enviable om | sistency of Mis character ag a Statesman, 118, associates, moral aod intellectual natures 9 “ & s a « . t 304 sah } : ah Z : 2 cor tte our money will be likely to become Fue last Raleigh on Caine deserves a piace in the Ouinibus inenee which coim:nanding talents, and hgaly Fand no less remarkable for his exalted | will be carefully watched aver, and thelP best Daniel ©) will the bope of indulgence, or the | ColsJulin L. Henderson of Granyi ey Al trite truth, Wy Cummend it tothe eonsidera lu principles tnast ever ensure » Worth and virtue as a citizen. May North | interests promoted with the wakefol enticitude , Issac Ww) ne bop / g u f candidate for that district, Hon ot the Abolition Sucteties at the North, By David Storke, of Miss ssippi—Tie money | Carolina, in counuogoover her Jewels, be - a een Ne conscientious integrity of » yaate hu of a law suit bring him to the confes- j hat Gen. Patterson has Peter —Whai yuo don do wididat dare money eee eA ised Slaten Twin g Ne ableton ointto many such sons, bristian, he Bible 18 made a text book in the f faith? Is hea manly inde- It is not true that Gen ° YH ccaaniltl the better—take physie-—and here PM Bay ies Lady—Marun Van Buren «| S°hoot, and recitations tp ™ It required, us suita- 1, Jo- tal of our farth: the | been brought out against Mr. Williams. | dat old Misses sive you tudder day, cured to death by Di Jackson. I - 'y : 4A Ane aut Nee E ne hle exercises for the Sabbath . dent gentleman, who would scorn c sited by tt Van Buren party Tom—\\ hy T lay tis ontin candy and beer Dy Deod Baxeebne Convention at Chap |! rem his administration w@ é Jave much to The terms fo the course wo handred and Ragle pulation of pecuniary bias, or a mean| He was BO) alles * re , : Deter ce Ns by ‘Tom how yuu afford w buy sich | jotte of °73 and the Congress of "76—'The for [fear and litle to hope. Should 1 Got! twenty five dollars a year, (locluding bovks 3 Fus- kling fellow that would sell his soul for | to become their Cevee ae eb wed ino ole Bacs durin the pressure, . mer corapared tothe fatter, ts like the morning | Prove more salutary in its effects than that) payable in advance. Hae , favors fi him to be too sound in principle as well as T, Why Urge sou Peter cant a gem | 4 that marks the course of the risine con, of his predecessor, + let his days be few, Tu meet whe wishes and wants o ney? If the first, he gets no favors from ; hraiohiveerna: prorat om —Whiy Ss you Peter, vt a gem By Gen War Allen—Col Thomas #H Benton | and another take his office. may preter an English education fe E})22- tise vibiters of the Money destinies: if | Understanding, & . | (aN “dulge in de nie nucs what has Pee 35a Baty leet nee rena Ploiector ut the fame of DVS RMeii ere (Cm Sonate of the] ‘re without either Music or Dra last hy let bim have it and it matters | the least entertainment. We lave the ter bouud to him fur the necessaries of lite? Gen Jachsons'whoe, with Goitic hand, has uN United States : Once as much the pride | will i fortned, for whom the te n Jick ae, St, why le At ’ . ouraging accouuts from theStokes, lated the fair records of tie country, which he | rey [thevAineri: ople, as the e _| 'Y dollare a sessiun, pryable n Jas. Mt about scrutinizing his pecurtiearaver | non lc ee t | } Even . ar had ‘sworn to keep ’—Bhet fim remeinber that | 7 eS ie in a I prea ic Soy | necessary books will be tu : Ld gre strigss. uve ; : 0 depict I p aelly ' , : ‘ads . : oie eee Boh? Teas folly to ask whether such a} Halifax and Edgecombe distrig Celebration of the 4th of July, at Concord the lawa of Heaven cannot be expunged, and | 0! ‘he crowned heads o urope ; prostra pal and charged dathe y ‘ y le a listrict, we have hopes ‘ . es ; : : ee ted by the bands of a deluded oid man, As it 1s desira @@ ha udeom Dow Id be th sed if it had the} in the Newbern dis , Cabarrus County, WV. Carolina. that the eighth Commandment thou shalt not . : yberry peer wow Sees St 1, a Whig, will succeed ‘ sieal,"1s written on a table of stone May it again assume and retain inviolate, | mence their studies gin Soar blance of law to rustin it: the truth is,} that Mr. Sheppard, a g. The Anniversary of American Independence 4 ' A (hee sages of the | that power, omginally intended by the fra- Watenner those who intea . : en against so strong and estimable a man elebrated at this place un the 4th Instant y ee ie en e , ‘ “on to make such arr; . the men in power bave Sone the thing al- | even ag price ° was celebra at I; "] Amenean Revolution —~We honor sheir inemory, | ners of the constitution, j \ T p Wa ; Orie ' they | 28 Mr. Moseley. with great spirit and aan 2 ve ee we cherish their fame as a tich legacy, may we By Col Means—The Readers of the a Bee sre a acy, Ww 1 v i— id ’ ANCONTS “HIZeNS and stra nvers from ea , r ee r uno LW ore boa rdergs ‘ neu : bl pose u The Whig cause, throughout the State | « vi ee ean in "Town, — At | 3tlve tu emurate their virtues, aud sasitate their day : May this day, to them, be the com- ‘Ifa aan ee atier ¢ @ dis the public mone amon | Joruing cx : , 7: ’ . ee : at fr : re Istributed ; Pe ’ y g is evidently on the advance : but we need- | If o'clock, the procession was turmed Wh oie Se NU Crrenee nn nr er ye mencement of a lung career of usefulness | yy, session, befure it hag uve oe “* | Jo : raven— Judy aston — m x : 1 ‘supple cringing pa ES GHOg pets i | advance, we are undoubtedly in a! gtreetin the fulluwing order ; , : ; wn Oat uber di ieee and honor. . charged fur the wh ope ‘ ould do this thing inthe grern tise, Se ’ i 1 t and | Cler iy, ca nitro LS Sean true lian nd | By Win M Henderson Esq—May the half, : Bre se StS) med rey. ation o 9, and the true , : pvtat would they not do in the dry?” The Ce ee tien hall Orator of the day. fe Perea uselulr ce Is Wentified with gur | UME s00n Come when the political fox ap . d . ‘ . > §Ih¢ 3 . Tine S§ i Oe Gone hus likely to getinto the hands | abr teenda will daly “come ont, a Readers of the Ainerican and the MeckJenburg State, bis faine co-extensive with our country the Bank eryig blood hound wil aes Pe eo ee s: | S*ry theday with ease : let us follow up Declarations of Independence By Wm Barringer—The Currency and ton | fly to the back wouds for refug i brawling blustering needy electioneerers: ihe bigs givan in Philadelphia, an account President & Vice Presidents of the day. dition of our country —Overtiading’ 1s the cloak | By RC Irwin— David Mu Mh they be likely to pay their instalments | Ohwtivcliwe andor von the Raleigh Reg- Commitiee of Arrangements, _ Which is thrown around the follies and vices of *' poor Yorick :’? Ma I ett Betually? wit) they be urged rigidly if 2 Skyy Committee of Toasts. “tinkering administration = Who caused it ce independeny . 1g : sy ister: Rev. lullonary Soldiers Would you acquit the incendiary because the of this greate Vil- Dee By no means, What then The first blow.—) special Election was Ladies. fire has ruined you > Or excuse the eet. Go-ahead, _ pues of Ae Pofits of the Bank ? Of] held in the third Couress; nal District of | Strangers. of the Doctor because his PED AS S619 6d | By De vel¢ ye ess ‘ Citizens. generally 9 | 6 Murse there can be tate of é ioe ' mea ndiuates v | ¢ you _. on v face tauae Penuay ee Ts aie mer Te Arles The procession was marched by the Marshall} Sent by a Lady—The sicrod ce | of aivil eral y ; varles J : . ee an vas ee ea See he ee at as an Bu- and deputy Marshall of the day tn this order— ! ang religious liberty way t ey neve sUOVEr- | ergy, Ont one BYU bee Ca LNerea Benton vreceded oy ( the fl f our Union to ted by despotic power Tag ae ih " teh d see nen ° renie, the latter aid ided W Die Mt HER ene ee (re creat By Dr k P Hare >—"Syrenlation and Ower. mn y ot * a one ( v, * ‘ ; ° 'g m vee tothe same hands : Suits and judg Naylor prevailed by 233) Majority his mies ofthe day were opened frum the stand eading’—Ta gow the delusive wig oe tr deen! fi fas. and Ca. 888 And advenise- the first election since the workitgs of Which tad been beautitully decorated by the la imenters. But whilst a ire siuging ae th aos, Mepie. for a- ' g ' an ris have . _ {impressive prayer by the ruins ot the counyy, as Nero fiddled amid t yr fy'g for ssle of property, and all the fait rivent aikecna an Boren Experimerts die) in a solemo aod imy p ‘ re- | Rev'd Augus nsen, which was distinguish ———— ences of improvident borrewing — become fully known, and it has cus I g M. d defe: f{ Mr. Ingersdl, the ed tw the ter ; y 'o death. sulted in the defeat of Mr. g re ry Urities are about to be presse : ¥ ety and patriotism of iis 960 “We wall poolish it next week. Ep ] Ly ae . eile a eo; ‘ : ‘ Ang Ns aR _— = vy. 4 é ie \\ 1: \ = 4 Wien dy htt t Ve bbta | Nie ST 1 N bee * A > Wi A | wes HED} \\ Lis (HOSTED Ses tad tae wo We Was iy ion: AL Uaale | Wit ny i Nicholas Wt t 4, ni Us Sioa } hr mr my ee! e Tear \Vi 5 oS t dda AGI o r Paaw tan, tt ; _ He said as hie wte ~dts, é _ * My?atys nr th As Up [lake ee © Spores) .L ace sc t Sir fu will 2 Sei Give Jed (hy I No eedhu n nm POETRY RMMCULOUS! HOLAS Sol KERR, tS, Lire hin ridteuius i \ v ‘ 1 t Mise Is HERESY SNubsen ote a thre No fe 7% Books ] tevalle and W the to voter Mou Popened ta low toig Sive GIVEN, kh | RAIL ROAD. fayetteville aud Western Phat} consiandy forsale at bis ol tie ) on man ( Read Company Counties d | The .Wost Elegant Style J Gol at Dvsetbel luo the next dour wuove the ROE et street, al of Samuel Lemly SPLENDID I SMENHOANS ABUL AS In tis dine of bustuess, am ho Whiel t W enudinerate the ft Patent Lever Wing ee Wootcdtes Mnuglish, Am ne fs WELLERY ND SILVER WARE, &€, &¢, on hand and will keep shopin Solisoury N ¢ sture of PLS OW PALEY 10 te Pie ta s. ; i Swiss, and Duteh,) Gold and Plated Poo Chats, Gold and Plated Watch Goards, Gold and Plated Watch Keys, Gold and Viated SV ste Seals, God | Breast pins, aud I Vayhion,) Siert Ware; iver poigted Pencil Cases, and Leads, Silver Specticles, and steel fraine Fise Pocket and Dirk Whoives, aud > Bran Koives, Porhet Pistols and Dirl Breast Buttons and Must Boxes, folic Sel Wate T hans aod Keys Ie willexeeute every description at worl rworkianlihe manner aud promptly DAN DSO Ge BP Old Gold and Silver takewin exet nt forartiel purchased at his shop, ands i pay Haent tor done and d@hiis due. LOE ete SIS IU Y sel imeaeimis me Ct lO) Rochiveghkam MINE: AL ' SPiel) NGS! TATLORING BUSINESS, State cf Porth Cavolina, | have great coufidence in their ability to mahe a g00d 46, vot should thes faa they are willing to take the gars and try tul they suceged Cuting ow be done promptly and in the best: ! Work an cases diligently received 1p pavteent for tk Salisbury (0 A 1 tt! Ail pers ine \ | t ( \ Lee NCE A rave i I iN \ VNB LOAVES Vue TS el N QO i ic The Subsertber wit! sell NFORM their frien thes have lately received from the North {THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED CITY According to which they any garments desired atiow prices p Lf wail an A JIAWME 8, dy and the public tha FASHIONS, are ready {oO m They hy ONC CHCGd CHUCTS Gin stunce factit td from a ¢ carefully despatcl gL baerche S. Produce ot y VV lis bli NOWECEH, that valuable TANYARD ue the ’ bes st past int posses Tle Gin sately 4 toon ds atexeet ent atid tor the TaVVEVG BOUSLVESS. Perins will otntued tt tothe pureh ted cum be how oy mp lyin, LO ths ul yer either by letter, privately, HE {yl SS) et lel [Sty ot dt) bjt cul edt DOS Col SIL IE Pie Mertorot the Greenstoronat Be wi re re Nee Dp ie a iret aN fl fas CHIGV a STS ULGICS ett tern areal oh eae D tive tiaiely on tte S oot Mr So to Nutise rat Woitdester boy. « MeN WNC tire nN eee! “ : Cet Nt ‘ Goa j Mihis AT? ww 2 2 | SPRING & SUMMER t Cer J a ‘ , Povo PASHTONS aor \ U1 | eles of Cla se s yo el nt uh wtf _ ‘ hie Coun sy Lies P ) . ti ay ae t ts : fn Shay HR ly : tals Thre (7s { | mls . i Re : ‘ Dhnes!t( Is Vieltity tam t \ eh | ) ! > ! hia ve i \ ye ! Phe inte ris the Mie strat te stathe rest thee the direction of the tullowing udined per | tsueh places thsatd Counties, aud at} Witmes as the sand Comumissionens iity A Antostalment of Jwo Dollars on each » ewill be required at the time od subseroiny | NiWIsstoves ate requested tg forward ihe | wy patd, and the Eotsts of Sutsediprn | ry yu yt 1. Wairslow, Pas \ | GEUNSWICK, or fF tn, | ooert Wear han | | NV iaher NN ON V ‘oot es Owen, \ W Lazaro, | Abo vander Vederson, | | OE AMENON Pues Hae y, Vasc yt Gables pre, | Joon Pb MeSithan | Sits Ne vicKhay, { Wo Batson i Olten Muley (OT BNI Ss A Vrey, Josiate Vaal by, | Anieostus Sith | LROUGLSON, Vee Arehioald AL with K a (le 1 NV EN Is NV aa | Net li \, | = el koa s | aN Non NONE cd | ( J ON\N aims, Sonn J Visteon MOOT J ERG: Chia ¢ re CN ele EE oS) Need tive Wie bleh el ui NEN oe NEY rer fe Veta cen MECC) NE Veet vue | dC Ph ‘ iv el \Wattrds RoW AN, (ree eee | HW Kk | i ! AN nth { AN yi \ ore \ j tH Vi Crete | ‘, \ ' ) ane a, I Hy . rt io \ Etat | V\ Vo ik 4 ' I , \ ~ Ss i }! 1) | \\ | i ‘ [eee | \ eer ile HLS, I) tk ' Neeley, , MET he ST TNS UVTI irene st (ste | ta ty ny Wott oD Nos tate ae hoe a | | Vou dP oredin | | TEN TENG | Pst KANT, Boiegt © Prnesen, Tova fers | ; Tou C sity. | a J fo Cow N Tel eee ' ont Park | NMC eee NIT ae an \, Vas Bou | Wot | ST Ole ee | Sot ite | } t ti ‘ - Der ‘ te | Ube I | v ’ , MERCUILIN GE F. es ee) §EE OE UPON OOH LP. [Apts on ate, i ata Lappe OWES Poe lie, I ANI) lel Maw bovis wiissiug trora aay Oeice, PSV lk ere er ee lee t or C titty on ¢ PW etc Vir tal brethren ¢ they 1 (ten T At oe S\N ETE E tetany roid Ce Ne ele \ eee STCNW.S CUTTING, PON MOL Gis Ob Gina Hime .; eV icen See “ rt Wolly Vin hin Vine af se, ti Cee aes elie dda etre aie later ses li atin tee fore ate thas ¢ Ty qu voat wort ste \ proepe toe Matter \ Gaald ' 5 ‘ \ 1 Oy a . oe ' N\ . eo . ‘ es Ie _ t & ( oc n- uw LAV BOO $08 PREV TING ot Tory descriplion wieadl PDoue tl this Ollice a. / al) TMI LORD, VG Fe aeyvens See Val Nets LCS NUEN Cd Tt eV NG [ey Mes AS) AW THES oT Leck Pe ee ser tee Puyi ves arid Loans won = Vit Veh ie ad ut ee id Thy 7 oo <a A J eh VEP BEM ALY ED. Gee / ' es foe heat sud OT ent 4} we hia ( ’ ! : um \ ur. d iti dre 1 ha i ; \ my Toyet . yp Deuse tio 4 ‘ it {OTN Sa LG iy Valsts: Vy i \ ' else th atat ' ‘ ouohit alt ‘ I ~ ~ Bee ef EG Cheb AEG A i rae \ ' s t : gyre wa TZ aw. Y Se ORE. Se eit: i Olver = Ne cal NTO eo | Se atte Heyes ‘Way BLA W Ix BOL eet 1 DEEDS Piiisp | IU ~— :e 8 WW THEINIES) (COUN TION bole, Norns, oo rchinen vs € Levied Petr }) & Mi Kine, tn > el the sat on ud ut sion this ex ' s | ther ' ‘ ( Woatei : d ( | Q . \ t ( \\ ' ; : \ \ | | t | | Voie Nav [grey Se CI See Nad Al eiehe } t ie SURO etiet tee ates wT loa ( = \ t y \| Sool) nl elcome WSttt | ; ‘ Cae 1 ‘ hoot Bonners, ¢ Ips, New erect, \ { ein Get Mes. Po. retorns her thanks to the eitizs . lg u ' rr of tas place and the adjomune County | ue EH u 5 ¢ the liberal « heouravement ste |, OS te t t I | t { ~{ I d pled yes 3 the rself te i ‘ ted, i he 1 teva an, € J ty e pen CCUIEN TEN is lo A pease them, I 1 _ \y | I! ‘ four ny PSs aoe 3), Shy 1 fh in Viet! heey : . fat 3s : : - q* ' IOUS Whee ce | Ptivate Puition in Maisie. Pee ee ree ; —— Receerr take ee ater)? cycle a Pees on, | Dia mM Ba The Q ant wy Iie Great \ t Poevcatnn ‘ if . Meat eis LT otters uy i ¢ Nectar poipene Ln Dae CQuarter S125 per Weok, t¢ t d, the thet Who uWwe it e ae eo thie t ta ok y | WW z \ , : I ssi ' tes throuot Post Gan ! \ ul * t . 4) VSN f clay ian one a - UM TN A Sh 9 IPSs Or Tay a - 2 eae tether I4 4 tl ie If \ im Ce a <a ‘i . eee ee) LE poase 14% i) ne t rib. ¢ fs ine lial ‘ ! , his ee oe iets ie ae on NUS CR ion ape © tole niet Ronee i ftog Nei ict F <a : " fe P i | a (ny eaf - ‘ Crt . ber fc ) | t The ae i Spat , Sicanee 1 vy 1 i Ot Ube (ey ' z “ ‘ s uy Ses el a } \ ebied [res i tt ee) ad ( t ees ' foot Tels So. tm so0n as iiey be \ | i eee conven lett Ueno ice a tt ' vies Teco ! Isa ' fe ie 4 ax : < : — 2 PIS SCOPAL SCHCOL, aeVis NE Soitien svmcrete at ais RB" HINGS eine a eet ye fo, Cointe nee Pao ¥ . b\\ { ar aNer One Gr \V (UCR Nven View AEC t Reel, : Kiowa fowo ots voter stosertp Liev Dr Piavprr bay iy s 1 al me Pt Aare aie guna) USM SIetlORSCot Tens (cay) ie f \\V Ie 1 (Myce retiee \tmeat | Vessels by order of the 1s | yout , (au rs eee i \ LTE CONNSS tN ates Nah hd 1 , “GNP B te gay Stair ea Ne GN bay A @ ot ~ vir ( fet Pico Hy ; & e& ef (55 ; RAMOS on Simpy Fees les aps Nene at : J he oe gt : fh Co 5 ove * ’ mit \ ' : fa P | ' ' rT ! 1 he Pen ‘ ‘ 7 in, 4 (ee ; ' \ at rat f rine \, $ t a ie . ’ ' et \ d hit, eo t ~ah |. s8y t \ a \ e X ; , er in t wey on ‘ \\ , ae val 15 hoe haw aa ane > . . litter hiv wi ' a CNS we s % . t \ Ovals Cou any | j 1 Peel . G j Dp : \ Ey A eae | . Pe pte PEE ETS EV yy NENTS Cs ‘ ! ' : ce J | Uc hen, widenhour Rass : J. Messrs ib hoatie, apre Revd p | sy iss EOC NOVICE, AEUTTS, P AVION VW FAVER? LANKA SI BPGENAS Ebr ( this Once, sali ome Jain 7 DPD). Pf, nhl . . as Milliner and Mantua Ne: }* SUN ert Peal let . / | efi at a), oh ye Rb POR 61.57, Vibes puotie sle |, t r WN VORRK sy fee oan Hl Mae } teeosent otfacesrdits Yat Peeohyor Ol iter and Straw Bon ay eer REW Alte | NONE ttt of the Psoh at ry uW named ENO sf tit igh ce enn ” lproprinry pat IS slow an deiner se v gi ( Gne mut. fA 4 Cf the abes A o. he other TS ‘The elder naned HNN AV. 49 thie aod chunky vocy j Mead Die vy felt wathe con or oy assy » te ashy, « ave ty hew are r acd : J the ayy el ad md etther ce . inter ad WELLES SPANNGg FOR SAT, hi TTT eG Note OM Ch eG ts! A |. ie ; 1 {ts tweet \ " fence Him i ‘i a i n ti l Se b eS Pe ee ee ea ~ ee a 7 ~ td re. c: 4 | ore : es Soe eee E Cee 3 3 : % ’ « : 1 7 ete ®. e ae ee r ‘* x 9 Bee y < ‘ ee Ng Oe * . oa wk See ‘Ae ee os Ke fi i < we £ = ss ¥ é oes ee : eae a oe a ~ 4 ; Me Ne x sett : om i 5 sen cata i é Z - . i ee aa sy . x e ke . % z son oe 3 me £4 es . ‘ . ae 4 hoy mae eee 5 ‘ . * = + . = = s : ¥ e es ' Yee ae 7 : : i as ‘ + “5 s 4 + > ¢ pets: ee : % 7 Pas os SR ae a as . * : SEP ES Ae s BA * v $ ‘ sae PP aaa a H ‘ . °K ee : > ‘ nee * a. rete bree eLeIBe ‘ “ r « 2 x 4 i z i 4 ae * at % & = z + — © ¥ . . ; - . 3 6 : ‘ ‘ s t at e « er we 4 Pe i we a 0 oe Oe ne s e ae me , ‘ TT esa ah A a EE dh kt ha p s ri c a a ee SE RA AALAALLSLAL OO SE AE EDS OH ARSE SAAS eT ae ee pees roe : ae a ARR ER: EE NRREE YF AE Re i ee epee ay —~ 9» MAN2L 27. Fe * 1837 — FILMED FROM ORIGINALS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY JUNE 10 JULY 15 FROM THE DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY JANUARY 7, 21 JULY 8 FEBRUARY 4, 11, 18 AUGUST 5, 26 MARCH 11, 18 SEFTEMBER 2, 16 APRIL 1, 15 OCTORER 7. 14, 28 MAY €, 27 NOVEMBER 4, 11 JUNE 3, IT, 24 DECEMBER 2 Ss: : ents per year. See i s- oa hook i price Core payee eee ees een ae peter tae cine Hse nba | to as Brenden and Dr Thom Bon : Gen. S. F Patteram, Colonel: Oo ad | chelle.Secreta ’ to pay in vance the sum of aa er ret” Anderson Mitchell was requested to read the; may hgzeafter be had ius }* On motion of lars the same terms shall continue, they will be gharged as other subscri- Lo as = : . oa parce thr f tt stig te. Fees ‘ subscription freeeived fur less than ; pendence, wil be didoaatinued pat at the op- of the EdifOf, anjess ali arrearges are paid f. Michell, appropri é a ny . gornth ae several patriotic sentiments were of | tered by the company, among which, were the ' following : | { ‘ "By Col. A. Mithell—The Presitent of the | Ww ne @ reading of the Reclaration of tade- | ta ‘after the @5 otning trom tion, F was coditiily, ta? the list jere'f thovpht myself more safdiiia: TN unt of campy t Orne p : Sears public read, to see. with other nights kbared up mys fy; end ley with my_gun ofme and my wife Om the @ Declaration of Independence, which, after, some | Mapons at hand, with a dete nn the Fs poet, and Wie exertions o thousands of € best of patrigas wha were slain, and thousands ot ethers who had our blood spilt in the contast, &e , you are now enjoying’ the blessings*eof this gloriows Guvernment : But ty-agaiiiat Du RS, COprectatre ow nt ane can! . pag” thaw 900.000. | rows. une set Mf hanks Ghiy bepthe, caniot * 1s ho sage ‘wiv pheld ae ef : of ex pinbion, wade ry Qge°er two others, prudent dT cauttous than the o The less d sued by the former er a ated ‘afrency ts- ‘ olved to the greats | tation of thelatter, antes. indeed, ' of being f account taad 4 ron for a few | selves 2 ~ discs, which Wide d, the faer has caer as the svat be : ers ‘ 5 ng ‘ . yr cbiyt a each nad ter-that. Orthe 13th ‘OF: "e the Fiépe tidemnity 10 this city, for whose FO have only $2 of cash inability to G1 of sol and rndividosl use gold was im Jorted | Megcte In their vaults, so that they anight be | ‘by @tdeRof the Government, but at the ex-| ablé at an eirly day to res Semoney i ~ 8 a : é red, mt thing bilts «ahh ont? Dente comPict their sewers ae 2 = <r . or. “s :~ oe ; : Indl the i lawarne Tohe as Pet pay Bpeeie for hee: aha 2 «he The s piain eneu ugh. { . he give, the G yeterees: cane precier to all f fers -olleeti of e@ fevenne, she ean resn ve oe P'ymieais in teas thn rinety dav U an the faite woe a vtedee she ogald instintly negociate sean in Europe far ten ani! Wen dollars; & by owl, nile tiga, ly in hep neles or in to Specie ¥ imihishing heii” mountyand at the same tn ag , fers with eoin. 17 aut ireenai: _coutrary to the®eaation given by uur beloved t : ctey@low pro! 964 7, “heat pc hnsh. $1 12: from wagons per bri g7 3 O00, from stores per All letters to-the E.ditor must be post | day. A Rovolutionary Patriot and sound States- aid : ») ‘werwise they witl certainly ort be at- | man. ended to. “a Terss or Anvertisina—Sizty two AB Cents per square for the first insertion, and 314 Cents versyguree tor egch tuserlion aflerwards— Noagiver se nent will be inserted for less than one DoLuar. Advertisenenta will he continued until orders arereccived to stop them, where no directions | exeves in wy mind emotions of gratitude inex are previvuslv siven. i pressible, ax it appears to me indicative, of your be naentaby (he year orsix months will (appropatten, of iy forwer services, in the nu n eat. Dollar per month for each squa e | After this sentiment was offered, Gen Lenoir ruse and addressed the meeting to the following effect : ee Fettos Citizens—Your polite and friendly j attention towne, in ty advanced state of super- | anonation, exttbils such a display of philanthro- quarter. nsing from a conscientiousness of having faith- fully disearged every duty incumbeat on me under every puplic appointment T ever filled, to MARKETS. ~— oe ae the best of my limited abilities, affords me the ~! ’ SALISBURY, ; greatest pleasure bea enjoy,in this transitory Beeswax perio. loa licts.; Brandy, Ap- | lite ot probation. Lbelieve To have filled more ple per gail. 49 a 90 cis, ‘otton per th (it) publie stations than acy other man this State ; Seedy 3 cis, Cotton bagging per yd. 16 (25) | and wary person has ever said that T was dn. 2ts., Culfer vor iv. Wa 18 cis Castings per | 2 aces > OQotton yurn, bee Ree BR pom wh one Sa 2 00 FH, Prauers plrtin 55| came w my Khowledge S@e'F ce: Lakinz into view the fesitval Seoasidn of this convention, if may be expeeted that sume per- hs n Would address this tumerous aud ence, en ine subject of Governmental affuers, and - hope Some veotleman present silldet son inore adequacw will audertake it, Pteel will ing to Inake. some observations, io those young iuen and others, who have never (urned their at- teason to that all important suojee. 53 bat in do- yng thatin the most coucise manner, | should yeary the patieuce ofiny welkinformed triends rho have already seen and heard so mach on al tuple. The inbanitants of the thirteen British Colo ‘iies tn North Avuerica, were living happy and Well contented vuder tie Government of King & 1 25;t3ate pr busine! 50 cts; Corn oF bush 355 ets; Tron per tb 6 a cts, Lead yer ib Sa lots 5 Molasses per gal. 75 e's 5 Natls per id 94 1 ets; Beet per ib0 a 0 os, Bacos per lb 128 cts, Butter per tb i249 +5 tard per tb 15 ets; Salt per busiel gf 25 bos; Steel, Amer can blister, per 1b. 10 eis, Mogl b do per Ib | 20 «ta; Cast do per in 25 a 30 cis, Suga per th 124 a 15 els 4 Ru iu (Jameica) per ga $2 ; Yankee do $15. Wool (clern) per Ib cts; Tallow per 1b 10 124 ets; 'Pow-linen pr y 16 a 20cts, Wine (Teoeriffe) per gal. $1 5 Portugal do. gl 50 a $1 7 ces 3 Claret do per gal. gl 3 al 75 cts, Vialaza, (Sweet, per gai.gl 3 Whiskey per yal 45 a 50 ets. CHERAW. Beet in market per lb § a S cts, Bacon per a It cts; Hams do. @0 UC ets 5 Beeswax | Creasey lb 20 a 22 cts; Bagging per yard Ia 25) that tae Asnerteans w mid ata period not tar dis ; Balerope periba 12 14 cis 5 Cofee pr. 124 a 16 caeolss per 100 lbs go 8 OU: 00; Corn per bushel 1 1124 avis, Flour neers ig see of tbe country, ad@ the rapid in uf a Monarchy at the distance af 3900 alles; ind lo preveut whieh, the sar Koog deter atned to reduce us to a more servile and br! 310 a 13 ; From per 100 tbs 35 64 a 0; | Stale of depencence on hin, contrary 10 the sa- Molasses, per gal 45 95 a cis; Nails cut assort- | cred Compacts entered Into, as well as his Coro ed perlb 3 12 ad cis, Wrooghtao na ios ga fDaAstrated aud peraunee Ge, BAU eR PB fase cts; Pork per th 4° 79 8. srances and petitions were coswered by Fleets . rio. 0 121-Bewets; Salt prep ere ; a saad: Salt par busine ST& gt elas ster | A: | aud Arinies sent te requow es 7 a atalt_ad cet bamind 4 Bietee pr lb 10 16 is; Tallow par tb 10, vilty, whieh placed us ina state of consterna- eal: i; Tea Imperial per in'ga 95a 1 374 cts | tion, apd Jetl ao alteruative but to submit lo ty- 24 cts; ’ = . : ; shildrers ‘ in ¢ t Jo. prio lad 25er8 5 Tobaces mana. | "4 and eve our children, or engage in a eae Je 40 ae 7 war, 48th that powerful and most warlike ation actured per Ini ae FAYETTEVILLE. | py.and particular friendship towards me, that | heen uaeGAke (Gen Rae | ierous public stations I have filled ; which to. wit eprivileve of «hanging the 0 3 \ gether with the consolation of wy own mind, a— taithful, or negligent, in the disgharge we oe Jon dice opagrcal ; i : E Mtg tt pehandtinaedyb:, Fes» bri ' “pe pL: Ne 3 George, ihe Puird, ane were well satisfied and | desirous to remain tis tanbful subjects, ent the | + popalaton ghereoi,raised a yj alousy, | tant, prefera Domestic Government in preference | subordinate | : bat it no per i bition of une wan, he well kaowlag, thathe pad { by legitimate authority 5 aud that the power giv Pen to said Seeretary, iv aie) } ' \ | | | | { | | | | Stops, la the recess of Congress, as i. tia sof palate of Conusternation, that it Wasuineron, “Fo ra ost the effects of party soirit,’ (whic bane of Republi canism, and has general troyed Free G.v- ernments) there is now asirong party formed under E.x-cative patronage, whitch threatens | the destruction uf this invatuable Government. Mény years ago a statement was puolished (the | truth ul which f have never heard contradicted ) | that six Presidents, in forty years, dismissed | 74 inen from office, J suppose without any tor- | mal trial,and no doubt fur good cause, which was less than two fur each year; and thai Pre- sident Jackson, in one and a h If years, disanis- sed 1470 men from office, and it is said without any coroplaint of malpractice. lack uf capacity, or neglect of duty+-can it be supposed tliat Gen. Jacksoa’s accession to the Presidency, caused | sneb a general pollusion in the huma ce, as’ toimake it bis duty, to dismissin 18 anoutis 1470 ollicers, whose characiers were before an bieuwshed 5 or is nut evident thal his ubject was, | tu fill those offiv®8 with his partial friends, | would be ready tasuppurt hira ip any usutpation | ae eee ae x Secretary ol ihe Treasury. was pret man to swerve from his duty, by doiog ar lawful acts injurious so the Government repugnant to his eb'igatiuns, io yratify the une | aud a@ihh- nu right to remove the deposites already made d where Dejosties hereafter to pé@made sould ve placed, was vever ! lulended’ ts be exercised, vuly on special ocea War, of by ocher ineuns, the Siiely and conve gieoce of Loe Gaverame dt migat require J. 5 and offierous appolnled, and th. laken fu. a place of sateiy, Where tl Was ad vane og he pub ie revenue ain yraced In Pet Banks, perhaps 35 pe pple’ imuney In HULNDeF, where the ioney is dot ate, aud @ly ad anciio be Lie ditetest of ime steckholders of said Ba: ks DY Whlea ineans ihe wsurpation party, has unis | Lioosond: of trends, as every tua who tore: ' a ab suid Banks, ts berm floved by Lian ay sara i at, ite Use of Satimmey. a a ine whote ¢ motry ot COMMISION die disifess e& Weare iufurdied hy the | Ne Wwopape ts tres evs cy se Cito, and in sued a Van Buren, “ole jhe will Mad great o dHouby in restocing barony | { ‘ { 1 5 ol on earth, tor which we wore eetitcly anprepared; | /-_ und When ; pus SSlon of the pubiie purse, or | i | DE CORO) fy jow, We pul tegs oof sbaeksos. | and UAGY te, Lor uu. oul toe Upned Swe od Jivksvs, coostiiaite.aily Tag th cominaad 6 te, by usurpation took | himself ihe principal attributes of despots i, ate Nis Combined partly Were reacy fo protect tom «pense of the setilement. 1 | apts dgtated, each would have been ful- i therefore, the said Seereiary was disuptssed tron MoMA ier once | offs and one tore i Chiat Pear arravited & | : ' | imants, were refusec pay-| Meats, their Hotes would cireulate no better | fposite bank char ith the than those of theother lait, « ag bad four “their own. in any) dollars of habiiity to one dollar in specie, | notes not redtemable on de; Universal proucence and caution are there— | tore necessary lor the public security; and | ‘how can that be looked for i cities, , | where perhaps many of the bank directors | themselves are applicaats for increased ac- ! commodations, of have cugspmers indebted ‘to them for merchandise, whose ability to: pay them depends upon an augmentation of bank loans? = [ mean to impeach the mo- tives of no individual, or body of men, 1. Bpeak of bumanit¥ as we all know it to ve, and as all experience teaches we may always: ‘expect to find it. {tis natural for ene who 3. 1N Want Of money to think that 1m 4 short time be will be able to repay at; teat it ts j Motto be wondered at that appeals to bank i ; directors lor ther aid should be successtul, enth of March, when . fi at Pans was Known especially wien tuere appears to be some- thing so voble generous 10 doing what witha ‘Treasury draft for the Neekin. . At ik Spetsod yan ‘a@mailed ‘relievisig the it ae ae ty by ah ; % community ) It is- Fra Saco ore Ow (nreatens We two per cent. above happiness and prosperity of our country, Paty aBd these drafts being payable at sight. aud which, af long indulged in, cannot fail and odoubted security, would have | to plung. us deeper than ever tuto wretch— readily pid in the market at 14 per cent | edness Reheving the community vy an high") Not only, therefore, sould the €xpansion of tis dpyregale amouui of bauk elatean have made a profit on their drafts | loans, is vrecisely the same sort of relief of 3k. pi cent, but they would now have | ae aman, suff cng under the amputation’ been MW ypossession of their funds for two; of alu, wouid experience if the Sturgeon Mo th, inbracing a period when some of , should be induced, by his entreaties. to stop ther pr haps had to pay 2 to 3 per cent. a) baif way 10 the Operston and tas up th money Now, what was woond, uoder toe certainly (hat be weoe he coBge pursnce ? General Jackson,be— | afterwards be obliveu iocut off the lon lore Hewent out of office orde aes i entire i another place. ‘Vaiss ran ang’ myn i) lo be mmperted wp goli be Is he | ungrate fu! abalogy, bot itis a stri-uy- tive did. fo obiy without the consent of all the} Oue, wud dy call weit os positive: deiu- AHlsy ent in spit. of the remonstrances , SiOB Re of them It was done astensibly | Among tue directors and officers of the er peocht, and they were accordingly | banks in Puitaceiphia tere is eer an iy a with the freight, imsurance, com. { large pordon who eniertain views of the HS, ani Olber Expenses attencant up- | subjrel in accordance wii) these, and the cn the. uipoertation, and, aceording to ail) writer A:cows tat seine of the lawsot justice aod equity, they were enti- |} airesay preeved inemseives t dMo receive their mone: at the mint io | : : prope de or a@& legyt BUS CRW Cappeivurderd ooo .---- ment by the | thing but ba mand, P" In referencf to this Jast transaction.a few words seems} to be called for by the occa- sion.« The fith instalment «f the French indemnity ws paid in Paris,to the Banker of the Ameran Government eatly in Feb- tuary last, anfuatiag to upwards of & mil= lion of doiljes. [ts amount was specific and wafknewn to the Government, so.that no difffeulty could have existe#in ascer- talningythe precise sum to rhea ’ was entitled. Had, therefore the clatia n Porsu hich justice and a cours true ragard for the iftterests of the clarm« vishe db nithe actual ¥y 01 Washbu t bunks have te in ei | deavoriig 10 bUbg about au early resump. | velit to the country at large, the barks of- tte would also coine into the weasure. MDu- ring the Suspension of specie payments, from Augnst 1814, to Februaiy 1817, a low erspefie. A-non-comphance wath this re- uciess all snihin is ao F , fitter, there ega ve go coubtthat the sutferers have rjest Ghia apon the Government for the due they have sustamed by its Hele! (quer, witch including 10 per cent, the | period of about two years and a halt, each lath coc® between gold and paper on the | city and town had its iocal currency —each depreciated in a rao proportioned to the | sme specie pay- Phen be coneerer | the United States. because, | State of affairs, it | faise a new capital of equal amount in any The ae might and it isburs@men made ins e or notes of the banigwhilst the power of the Government ugned 2 that of the bank, woukd. forin a point for publicygpinion and forthe he and sound portiewof the banks, which would compel the others to come into the measure, or break them down in ciddpedit. In this suggestion I specify the Bank of in the present would not be passible to State of the Union. ‘he reason why a bank of thirty five millions could be crea- ted in 1816 was simply that there was then a large amount of funded debt of the United States incorporated in the capital, rendering it necessary for the subscribers to raise less than five millions in specie before the bank weat into operation. There isat this day no funded debt of the-Unr- ied States, nor indeed any other stork of whieh any bank could. avail itself. fa cre dit sufficiently umvereal to render it a pro- per basis for such an institution as is called for hy the present crista, Yesterday, aller writing the foregoing remarks, arumor reached this cuy from New Yo k, the Purpeart of which Was, that the General Goverment wes abou to make an effort to place the Backs ot A vee rien ane MauSattan ina Capacity to resvime specie pavinenis. for the purpose t ré- adeotng them as ihe toners iedtiot 4 ; cCoasitares™ of the Punks revenur ies muita Geet Mires verdes ron wed the fet thot the Seeretary of sve l Cantey Nab seed a erreqtop, ty tie le try oem oS dtiatrthe Po st teostee Gener! bad issued one on th same Vay te tee Postar isrersedag eee ive on chang ope vinent of duti@ er postages but gels Pasibeerior the of@e ef soe i-p ye yg banks, ex Ved much interes 2 3 | the PUuthe tg rVots or the alert ta aseert ‘in, should toe rumor prove to e ifue what woul! be the effect of the nes-ure. tiie Copciuston to whieh te wrier ef gs erie cle has arrived as. that anv sueh Calas ‘soning which has brought uim te Giat¢ other tives aad States [clusion : The capital of the Bank of America is $3.000,000. and that of the Manhattan Bank $2,000,000. On the Ist of Novem- ber last the liabilities of the two were as follows : ¥ Bacor, prib10 11 a S06; Coffee pr lb 12 a 134 Flaxseed pr bh 3) 005 Vie Corn pr oush 1 15 af 29; drow prib a4 Jasses pr gal 33.40 + 00; . t 6; pr bush 39a F5; Sitgur or lo 7} ath, jeaf 2a 3; Wheat prossh sv 00, 0 pr gal. 30 93, Kegswax 20) « no Wis Mo Nails cut 7s a 8 ;Salt Tobaces pointy andy, peach 75 a 80. Do. Appla, 60a 70, ae eae Corton pr Ib 6a Bris Flour bb). $64 a 49 000; Feathers prety 40 4 i clothing. ship of war, money or credit: abroad, | / mach aivided between Wirz aad ‘Pory, name | _ ish Ketssaries ; belig in a very dispersed situatwan, aud only | By eStats ey a x Ant latiy eXponging a pariof the Jourwals of Cun numoonog witha fourth or filth part of cur ade | ee bolt i . | osS ———— St ly i an iy i versacies > We were destitute ot “Very uwantien \ Biles aS e wy E wd pally, and the : ae 1 of war, having no suitable arias, aumenition, | Pavaiics, tis Governiinent ds tte jeopardy pots - jideeS on Avolitiou may be seen in he Caolire Watennau of bgt Aprit.| : alienc: 2 a7 tei f bers Were exeumpred from miltiary duty, on eon If your patiese: ts uot too much exhausted, | Prcieniiogs prine:ples and oumerous tribes of Tn- wish lo Cali Your attention tu a iew more +b dtans against us, instiguied and asststed by Brit | seevations— Be assured, that ceither the coss, ains tts assist See uur the vatue of this Govercinent, an ue cites | would | lated 5 and tf euy geeat change cehes place, 4 ust be Worse sob appears to be to vanges Io that situation, we uave Sudbuitted ty British oppression during our | fives, could we have kaon, or believed, thas, | tue cesigiae Gay, the loss on the exchange. egal thterest trom March to Way. and) the expenses ft report, cannot be estimated al iess than 16 per cent. Having thus tir coufined bis remarks to the csuses which bave brought the country dato | is present custracted condition, and tosame , Pot the immediate effects thence resalting the vote pew proposrs to effer for the coosid- ; | Bank of America. Manhattan, extent of ris bank issues, varying from 5 to | ew PROCLAM S PON. By the Governor of Norh Carolina $200 REF FD. tUSREAS it has been aite Kn wn to me oy the verdtet af an Enquest held hy the Conover, that A G Keys. of the eouny, of Martin. was recently murdered tn sald county, apd that George W Cobarn, (of the county ang State afuresaid) stands charged with the can misstun ot the said felony ; and whereas it 18 inal oppression would cease with our lives 5 but ‘ond. a belief, thar che act of the tather, would our voluntary svbinisston would topaty the mght of resistance it te rising generadea, we there \ fore (by greaj eXeruions through the medium ot Unitteen Provinces ) came to ao uaderstandicg with esch other, and rose with one accord, like a band of bruthers, with procure Freedom to posterity or dte Mm the at- “ 5 aféd in the confi ct by our Omnipotent and®just Creator; which hupes were verified, and we Were brought thicough triumphantly, and the a- @ fugitive (roin jnstice. — Now, therefore, to the end that the said George W. Coburn may be apprehend and brought to trial, Fhave thought: proper to issue this my Proclamation, offering a reward of two hundred dullais, to anv person or persuns .ho will appreheng and confine bm in’ the jail. or deliver him tthe ShentPot Martin county ; and I do morever hereby require all officers, whether civil or toiliiary, within this State, to use their best exertions tu ippreh-od, or cause to be ap prehended, the said fugitive tngrieen tree, sovereign and tindepeodent States 5 and as such entered iato Articles of Confedera tion, under which we hved happy and prosper- ous many years ; but ov finding those Articles were insufficient io coerce the several States in- ‘vy ode enee and ty secure our peace and happi ness, We establisued a more energetic Govern- ineotof the Latod Stuos 3 and vnderssid Gpy- emi at, we, tor 40. years, have enjoyed anpar- alleled happiness and prosperty—we now have a fanésome Navy wei! fixed and other provi- sions fur sbip build: ~iave a considerable standing armiy-—veeu al grea! diplomatic expen ses,(which has procured tous the friendship of all olher cations,)—have greatly extended our G. W Coburn is about 30 years of age. aboot ‘efitonal ano Eee hee) oreat 5 feet 9 inches bigh. thick set. of an aibletie and ; ¢*Prbres avout Indian Warfare— ereeted a ci! masecular constitution, ccnsfile xi et fiorid, | worthy of the great name it bears—made uther j } Given under my hard as Governor, and the Great Seal of North Carli. na, atthe Ciyof Raleigh, this 26th May, A. D 1837 EDWARD B. DUDLEY *' CuristopHer C Bartre, P. Sect'y XD § span. § DDN full face, speaks short and quick ) spoken | &feat tauprov inents— paid eff the great debtast to, with eyes somewhat dow neast, His believed the Revolution and laté®Wart- made preat im he wore on leaving,a blue cloth coat with vel | provement in wwanulacturing, and patd off al) the vet collar oe | Govedmenta expenses, und now have such a : redundancy —— vury, thal it requires the great ESTABLISHWE Ni est sagacily to appropriate it in safety 5. and all K a a ; zen by “Psxa:ton. Or “4 | fo econstitvuuag said Government much care THE JOURNAVOFFICE | was taken to have ts principal powers well bal | lanced, ts prevent any one branch thereof king ad vamtage of another, or usurping puwer not del In ayreat degree, be binding on the sou, and that | aswbclacion papers being clrcalided Mirough the | a full determination to p v convinced that our cause of tempts. Betny fally convince IF ca 4 foresaid Boitish t clohies, were constituted into | this has been done without oppressing any citi- fing divided or Changed to un Artstocracy, whit if ittak worse than a Despousin, 4s Wl Weetls te e eoster 1O UWbathe alt One Otaster tie pony, plendor, loxury ane dissipation thag sot lotsa cy. Hie j alsu easter tn pice Dep COW SE NEeCessaly Vis | Gove roient Belongs to the peuple, noe et - Dy Heres ary cnonurel or privelecged taat uf aud Il theretore requires ithe greaiest degree of vignence and circutmspec- iow at future elections, as the only means of pre- | COmolGaliOh OF tien 4 erauet of the Governmeat. the banks, and ihe Publics the views which appear to dint | but there was no remedy for the disease :o grow out of the actual posture of affairs, < . ment. ‘Twenty four State Legislatures could not be brought to unite in any one - system of reform. ‘Phe banks found itbor lieir interest Vo heep us the amount of their doaps, and we should probably have ‘continued as Great Britain once cid for rad He styiiest what he cous ers to he the | lo thes: snvvestions, he ean- ity ol each ror Expect tomeet anh the concurrence of if! hids fellow-citizens. He koows that there are tretis which so powerfully conflict with patty preyadice, corporate influence, pserving it tuvioiate, Of tate the merits of can didaies are not taken inte View ; but voters are sores TY PM ysatity ro cthcir Meus und hen pow individual interest, (without paying due re- , gard tu the true interest of the Nation aud rising | geseralion) which has already raised a party by which the permanency ofvur civil tastituuons are endangered 5 and to jimpede their progress | and put them down at the ejections, requires the greatest exertions of every man that bus the least spark of patriousm or goed will towards this our Glorious and inestimabie Government. On motion, Resolved, That the proceedings 6f this meeuuny ve published, and that the Secre- | tary ovtain from the President a copy of his address, and be published with the pro- ceedings. On motion the meeting adjourned. W I LBA M LENOLX, Presidefit. Tuos. S. BovcHELLe, Sccrecary. KEMEDY —No. I. THE From the National Gavei/te. May 17. | Atthbe time of penning the etticle heag- (edi be Prospect betore us! wbich appear 'ed on the 1O0ih of May. the piesent: writer nation. Inteuded to withdraw from the field for a: pertou, until # new state of things should | alise, abd turnish fresb themes tor exami- | which wight interest the Public. ' 'tWenly-sIxX years, Withoul a Specie circula- and private iBterests, that few imdiveduals nol | can Lear fo bear them promuliged; and that been yion, jad it he Who proelaiass thes canndtex pect to e-; Bank o the ec vited a . ri Ts { Hie | J cape censure-from one quarter or another. POWER NOW Ot oH a Cee es | A regard forgpersonal ease might, therefore, | GUVERN nS toe rs = abies dictate silence, but there are claims up— (AN SAVE Ls, ANDAT in kui | iE on those who have it in their pewer to con- VU POSt OF AN ee We tribute towards thecommon stock of knowl- it ER Yo AG PE PRESENT AP- ERS BVA) Ee Every body knows thattiere exists with javery large portion of the peopie of the / South. as weil as others, cunstitutuonal ob- ‘jeclions agaist a national bank. edge, leowever trivial the extent may he. + whied cannot be overlooked, and the writer: therefore feels himself called upoo to lend bis%eeble aid to an important cause, even atthe hazard of rebuke. A general suspension of specie payments by the banks, 'f long continued, canvot fe | 10 leaa to results even more disastrous than thesegwhich have beéh witnessed for the last two months; and unless public opinion can at once be leu 1p a proper direction, all | the anguish and distress which so many | entertain thousands have lately experienced will be! aud who visited again upon a fresh set of victims, | sign une. ‘Ine idea, therefore, of charter- thereby rendenny of no effect the sacrifices: ing such a bank, within four vears peed that bave thus far been made. ‘The facility: scarcely be entertained How, then. at of borrowing money never fulsto engender, may be asked, can the power ot the Fed- tbe spirit of speculation; and whetber this | eral Government be brougtt to bear upon “spit be displayed by embarking in vew , the currency 2? L answer, through the a- “engage ents, or by. relaxing Corts to es- | gency of the Penusylvama Bavk of tne U- capé {fdm existing embarrassments, the is— naged States, which being already in oper- sue way be e@@iilly fatal. Whilst banks are sudject to the obligation of paying their notes i coin on demand, their power to _and wii provably continue so te de for yearsto come. lvis perhaps sufficientiy stroug to prevent the passage of a Bank charter without the concurrence of the the same constitutional scruples, therefure cau not be expected to by which immediate action can be effected If that imsutntion was to be adopted as the for chartering the | That ine | liuence siways tas uxisted in Congress, actusl President, who 1s understond to! ation, presents the oniy practicavle made , 25 percent, with otcasional fluctuations | Cireulation, $572,252 $566,147 in each. Nota particle of COIN Was aby | Due to the Pina: wire to be seen,and the sinall notes, which | Serer of the U 11 were issued by banks, Corporations.aud 10- — nited States, 2,318,125 2,360,4 dividuals, all over the U. States, for sums | Due to public of- , 232.202 us low us the sixteenth partof adoilir at) ficers. 32 094 232, ‘just become so disgusting to the Public Due to other de- ae GRT.196 as to render the evil almost imsupportable. poanrs L1dt.251 i Balanees due to But in the power of the General Governe other re hee(tee ee Other liabilities. -_— &5.961 596 Totals, $9,895, 1R0 | These two amounts together give ate ag- grecate of trabilities amounting to $15,- 5356 776 : To mect these liabilities, these banks had the fullowing besides their loans and discounts and bills ex: change. resources, of Bank of Acnerica. Ma sliattasr. Stocks, 15.000 Other mveslats, 5,161,816 614 it) | Balances due from ‘banks. 49% 299 ieee Notes of ather | vanksoohand. 717,709 FeO tela | Specie on hand. 1.495 549 BYU. aay ——__—__—_- - _ - | “Potals, - $7.8B4524 = BZ 19 BAS | | These two sums together ee) | 10.378.208 duliar~ icaving an excs- flee l abilities, to the extent of 5.178.568 iol- lars. ; But it will be perceived! that I have im- ieluded in this estimate Od resources up- wards of five millions of dollars retur... | as “other investments,” the character «1 i which does nestapyear on the face of ihe joffieral docum@tt from which « has been | copied and which, most probably. were m- | vestments not more avaffable for (he fmme- diate paymeut of cash demanas | than joans land discounts. Tias true thet, since tHe Let of Nowember last, the coudition 4f tne banks in question may have matectally ehanyed, but enough, | think, may be tn- . FORSALE. He fores.w. indecd, a suspension of specie payments vy the banks as more itkely to happen before taan atter the first’ ct July, egaied thereto: Buc that trai in haman nature, which operates more or less upon all mén, to i lew is\qecessasily restricted, and, under ordinary circumstances, that obligation 1s sufficient te protect the Put lic against a re- fo rred to induce 5 to betieve that the Gov. ernmentcarnot uphold those banks but by a stipulation not to vraw upon them for the sole deposiiwry of the public revenue, tt would be the tuterest of all the State G ov- erpments to allow ber to esiablish branches | 7 2 WING tw the intended removal of one of | = dy ga the wish of the other to de- ole hime exclusively to the daties o! ' is proffestOn, te-undersigned offer for sale the establishment of the North Carvlina Journal Of fice. ‘The Office is well toand in Juo, newspa- per and ornamental ty pe, the list of subscribers is tolerably large,and they doubt not wight be great. | 1¥ augmented by a little exertion. ‘To any per- | ot the Revolution: Bat tu enable you to term a 800 desirous of embarking in ‘he business i et slight cunjecture. | will in a few words g.ve you inducements oot interior to any in tbis State, bat | a sketoh uf sume of uur sufferings. “* In General to a pr | prmuer they kaow of = erere Rotherford’s expedition against the Cherokee he could inake of bis money that would yield him | ladians (between the Declaration of Indepes- wii, * the happtera man’s situation is, the mure reckless and aspirtug he will be,” and | call your atieoiion to the Revolutionary mojtv * United we siaod, Divided we fall ” ft would be impossible for me to dipict by His wry or Tradition plainly tw your understanding the true situation of the people here in the tue “but be certainly bad 00 idea of ats being so | Dear al band as it proved lo be. As a proph- et, theretore, he made a narrow escape, for | (Jo tess tuan two bours after the first copies of the paperiu winch it appeared bad beea struck off, uews reached Piiiadelpbia of ihe inteatiou of the banks of New York to suspend, which baviug been accomplished on tual very Gay, the measure was loilowed “by those of Punaveipnia cn the 11th, and those of Baltimore and Kustun on the within their lamits. Bus even sapposing this not to take place with ali, the rejusal /of those who might be so blind to their | 4Exchange on Paris, as qugted in the own interest would b« productive of uo tn- New York Prices Current, Ss ‘as fol- conveuience to the Government or to tts _ lows. j creations: The disbursements to be made March 15, 1887.5 20 10525 in those States could all be efferted by 'duncaut currepty. The moment. how-ver, itbe removed, by a general suspension of ‘amount of ihe public depgsites, which, if ' adonted, would be of a ver® gq sestionable nature, oh as regards legality and a sense of equal justice. Bu: |-t 1t be admitted far the sake of arga- ment that ‘nis expedient is resorted to 5 that the Secretary of the Ureasury shali dep ene the c: llected at the ecoSiom—b vase 18 these | | a more profitable ret Fayatiev ills 20%b May 1837. aYean'T & STRANGE. dence and the {or jon of our State Constita oy o tion,) with 2 or SCMiliben, he was Without a tent, 12th. ‘The sume revit bas taken place and there were but few real blankets in camp; '2 every quarter from 7 oe, which intelligence ys 25, dv 5.15 to517 | ‘Treasury draf's on the bank at Poiladel-, spect : ta rk wy wot “April 1, do, 510 w5 ia | phia, ecb inevery part of the Union, pete Rese ee See prereget aie wot prepared A 15, do. 5.15 to 5.173 could be readily converted into Curreat mo- pis 'heir mutes and deposstes. Let 1! be a May 3, do. 515 to 5.173 ney at par or ata premum But how can | ,, aduntted that, with tine ae nea mg » #-. 40, do 5.223t0 525 ithe Goverimet employ tne Bank of the U- said banks are enab'ed to pay oll & The par of Exchange is about 5.324. ‘ nited States as a depository of the public gagementsso as to leave co clasms unsatistied: © wv — pa s a ai t ee oo. P as — sa —-— Fey nae na a “Lowy wii then be spedie— pa, Bulg reaaon that th are —- = ‘a tion of f a gh tated: mente tikee-place, a i hense buudge, mus: remaia pr paid Bat supe the dutieg should b& paid i cdingan! thepablig disbursements be all paid ta | liga mannet, thecgeh- ency ol ie ‘two banks jn tion, tow is operation ef fact the ey tesyedt by the wther banks of the city of New Vork, or of other @ities 2? Nut in the élightest degtge, ‘Fe latter evuid never wider the Contrgh of | come iate of theie notug = a he pai ven wa ra ake, the nda our f the mariah, just otter! top le for banks of agro or three Ahods @#edullata expital tu exer-isean influence aney coneeras of a wile community. 3 v even di tor a baak wiih a large cxpetal to eiT-ct a res pecie payments, | and, perhaps, it wonld agt? ying tou much | ty assert that av dank @@i@ld @écoin yishit, unless | its staaggag was sich, frum theextent of its, neaus bd ils power to be useful, aa entirely bo command the emfdence of the banks and the the Puboe. The writer well recullecta that the | late Bank of the United States, although char- tered early tn b226, was not ably to go into op- | ‘eration uicil the local hanka were tndoced. Lo | reaum specie payments on the 21st of Pebraa- | ry, LOT. Ef thereforp, it be the destre of the Goveranent tu sera general resamption of spe- ci2 prymenta, let it apply its power tu the only | mie in which ti ca be efficient. A resort to the meaanres referradto would focate thamseives | near the bank, to sell apecie to those who weat | jn, and to buy of those who came out B 1y ers | and sallera would thas pay fur the gapp Ft of a | claws uf lealera who cana very well be dispensed | with, aod the Pudlic would gate uo inote, a9 | regards shy meatioration Of the currercy, than it) the pablie revenue were made reeetvabia and payaote in teen, or leather, obo) wigs. So far | indead fron the enrreacy being bettered, the | measure ooull fiz upm us forever an tricorn.’ vertile paper system ; fur Lagan repeat, tal | Auiniog vai the power of the Governiment, 6X | ervised in the muds suzgesied, can afford the | prumpt aad secure method which the urgeucy | of the esa) demsodsa, One month's delay uay ! place the mischief beyoud relief, a8 Mus! be ev ident to thygs who bave sea tie rapid and ex: tewsive rie? of stocks which haa taken plaice since the suapension of specie payments Jo offering these remarks fur tho consideration of tee Guvernment, the wiiter has aostained | from all political seriinony. beyond she example of the Globe, fur that paper of the $3cbh laet. whelst it emothly said. Sve id in the ‘adin. aie! ves Bithre tv ta- would ovine back “upup, ibew { \ \ 1 { | i hape this ia a subject Ome hieh partisan feeling ' will be permittedto ype, and Abat ded ot | character, of whasev@r, political predilection. will unite in the effurt to restore (he mercautile fiith, bank respursidiliby, proaly and paneiuall ty, tthe Conaiion mM wiieb I eXisted belore tbe Jate disasters, snd which 1a alike ease nitiabego the pemperity and Aunorable standing of Anett can inerehan's, ad Awere.a moneyed inagita tions,” luok ve aston to give a hard side blow at 3 - al reas, Whiel wasin yg very bad the oppositog py deer STTTE TUTTO all its ec) aig to Bpee rye bul, in the apietun of oth ers, proved itautter Invapacity to pertorin the funcuen of an. official orean’ i times which eali for a mutual cesaatonoat haetifittes, BEFORE CONCLUDING ‘THESE QB- SERVATIONS, Peak WRITER LHI IP DUE TO THE BANK OF THt UNI- TEDSTATES TO SAY, THAT AT NO TERME HAS THE PRESIDENT OR ANY OKBFICER OR DIRECTOR OF THAT I\— STUPUTION SEEN, BEFORE ‘'FHEIER PUSGIC NITION AVY OF Tic ARF - LES WHICH HAVE APPEARED UNE Dekh MIS SIGN AVEPURE,OR BEEN CONS SULVED O28 ADVISED WILPH IN RE LATIN TO ANY Of THEM: AND Wal sie CONSE QUIEN PCY Vili WHOLE MERE OR Dich Rib Wiilcl]) BE- a: NOS [TO TIE UM, WHATEVER PHATE PVYS St ISO Ee hOm RHIAN (tl bb Re WHOM Mae ee : + . ayment in specie ty be wold in o:": ax they were tesued ade ! {Is has even gone ! el, Po : Aniga!ls Societs oat Lopdon, le sie OES day. driven 6 a eas varied t= > See 8 to pa 8 OC : ened citizene te%@ men? thé humblecwalks of stience, his noiselesS career, @ without paraé® ‘or powp or power to him up, has been of real service to humanity by his valued 9 banks why cuuld 101 Phe oe er ‘TyroaRaPay.—The most thundering ad vettisement we ever saw——beating us all’ ollow, 1s in thé Derbyshire Chronicle, et Chesterfield, It 19 a sketcher map in blag of the Milagid Ril Road, three inches wide, and extending the whole length of the pa- per, about 24 feet—the black ground labell- ed over withggumerous names and tines in white, Isa ‘roarer? for an advertisement —something like some of our flaming play billa. Iinitation <—Signor Jacobowitch I perfectly imitates with bis voice difficult instruments of music, violoncello, flute, &e. 2 Four persons at Liverpo@l have recently been convicted of mans!avghter on the per- sons of their wives. Both parties were in each case sots. am The chair of the immortal Moliere ts now being exhibited at Paris. Mr. N. P. Willis’s lively “Sketches from ashington city, are republighed at Paris. The late Miss Crawford has bequeathed £100 10 varus FelmMods assocranuns.———~ Ez:raordinary Phenomenon.—On the 28th April. a hill 100 feet high at Koestin in Prussia, on the Baltic sea, sank sudden- ly into the earth, leaving an abyss 200 feet wide. The Duke of Marlborough has presented the people of Woodstock with the largest Muy-pole ever Seen, to be used for their anuual Whitsuntide festivities. he Dutchess of Northumberland is to give a splendid fete to her pupil the Princess Victoria. | King Leopold was to honor the birth- ‘day of Princess Victoria by a visit to Lon- W don. Some of the fashionable aoblesse at Lon- don bave queer names—Lady Cockerell and her atster. Mrs. Rush-out for-example, and Miss Camac, and Sir Charles Rusb= ont Cookerell, Baronet, Mrs Otway, Cave, &e. " ‘The Duke of Nemours, after the mar- riage of his brather. Gourgaud. once aid to Napoleon at St Hel- ena, Is going to escort, on the present occa- sion, this scion of the Orleans dynasty. The young Prince of Belginm, son of Leopold is baptized Louts Philippe. Vandeoh. is very anxious to come to America, Mr. Beaument, the author of Marie, or Slavery in the United States, bus Jately inatried a daughter of Lafayette. Ripe cherries from the hot honses in England, were bringing a guinea a pound. Plondering of wrecks 1s now tnade puh- ishably in Eagland with transportation, } | CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IJ EN- GLAND. We have expressed our belief that the VHD IND VMITATION OF ONE TP is SEEOLICSS TO NAVE, ILONE SUSISHILU POS) BULIL FUSED IRI STOO SS SUAPLS | Ti y. May 17, 1857. we ee ew AN EXAMINED —— Se Ne Oh rE | FROM EUROPE. ONE DAY LATER FROW ENGLAND. | The Ship Vietoria, Chindler, whieh sail ed from Liverpool 25th, brings a Londoa pa- | per to the 21th, ‘Don Carlos, though he retreated in the tate affair, is said to hive an army of 38.000. These troops have now evacuated two- thirds of the territagy which they have oc- enupied over two years, and retired to the Navarre mountains, where they connot sub est, “Madrid dates to Alay 13th, represent the city as quiet. Some new insurrection= | ary demonstrations took place at Barcelona, | tue P5th. The Portaguese ministry resigned on the Lith ef Mav. The Queen had sent fur Oliveira to form a new cabinet. [From the New York Evening Star.) PAINFUL INTELLIGENCE. The Dutetess of St. Al _ late Miss Mellen, of phe theatre, canBon for some time, give a bali in Stratton House, as the roams have rot-becipat in ordersince they -wore dismantled on the oaceasion of the Duke's sick nes# with the etaali pox. The remains of Miss Copely, dxnghter of Lord Lyadburst, were interred on Mont matre. to be afterwards removed to Parts. ‘The funeral, though private, was attended | hy the cerriuges of Princess Lieven, Lord | Canterbury, C «Campuzano, Spanish arnbassador, &«. ~ $F Mise Copley’s grand. fither bad stuck fo his easel at Bostoa, we shquid aever have heard of such w¢Wkish pomp. Sie Edmund S. Hayes. Bart Member of Parhament for Donegal. 18 to be marned to ieee Pakenham, eldust canghter of Gen. Sir Pamund Pakenham, and niece cf the Dake of Welliagton. | | { | | t jof impnsonment for hfe. j to see that the Briusa House of Commoas ‘ish the number of c ; death. | ponishment for crimes except murder. rgeneral, day was not far . when the humanity and good sense OF mankind, would bring abont the abolishment of hanging in fevonr We are gratified was recently epgaged upon the severat bills introduced by Lord Jyhn Rassel, to dimin- Mes punishable with Mr Ewart m.-ved to abolish that The motion was seconded by Me Home, a supported by Mr Buxton, Dr Bowring, Mr Q*ConnelPand others, and opposed by Lord Joho Russel, and the attorney and solicitor Lord John Russell stated the ob ject of the governinent to be, to limit the punishment of death to offences against per- son and life, Wis bill proposed to repeal the punishment of death in 21 out of 37 offences to which itis applied by the extst- ing code. He looked forward to the possi- bility of abolishing it altogether, but thought, it best to proceed gradually. Mr. Ewart?s notion was lost by a bare majority, the vote being for the motion 72, against it 73. ‘The House then went into acommittee on the bill, as brought forward by Lord Jolin Ras- sell, and the preambie was agreed to, 102 to 40- The bill was to be taken up again by the next week. Though this 1s not far enough for our views of this important measure, still itis.a favourable omen. ~ fr is not to be ex pected thatthe whole civilized world will change their views at once upon capital punishment —but it 1s to be expected that they will ul- timstely do so—and those who understand this subject aright, will pray for the hasten- hay of tiat auspicious day.— Sat. Cou. LOUIS PHILIPPE. The recent acts of elemency appear to hive much increased the king’s popularity: fle had gone aboutas in former years, with- out guards, mingling freely among the peo- ple, and every where greeted with hearty acclamations. fiaRwisunoDoom—The Prevention-of- e There is at Paris a regular hospital for dogs, cats, birds, &c. Moriog f a w i 7 4 asperse Ae ane Sen | | Marriage in High of the Hoa. Miss2 oe oreh of the dy Faliny Cavendish ‘with Mr eat son of the Lady of the Hon, Cavendish, by ber first marrage area ed.—A marriage is on the @pis- between Miss P am. eldest ‘datghter of the Hon. akenhem,éhd Sr Edmand §8. Hayes, : », for the cgrnty of Don- egal:—The Ladg.is the mece@of the Duke of Wellington and Earl.of fHoden; cousin to the Marquess of Douro, Marl of Long- ford, and Viscount Joycelin, gnd is related to several of the most distingushed familics in Ireland. ” \ oe * s } \ BEER IN OLD TIMES, | - Inthe reign of Queen Mary, \554 a bar- rel of beef, with the cask, cost only six— vegepran four large loaves of bre for"®pengy. e = “The horse Moonraker cleared 26 ‘St. Albans, in jumping the last rage he wop.there a few Caympeo. ‘Goon Sense. Phere were gabdgt ‘une | hundred aud y munsters Up allem ear al the Onsereree wera in. Nas et last week. They resolved not to tm with the Abolition question. We wis ers had more of the commodity called sense. - dap Our Ex prorinc ExPepiTion to thegouth Seas 1s yet at Norfolk. ‘There appear siderable difficulty between the off to the seaworthiness of one of those v@ssels: be restored, but prevail during this vdyage, which 1t1s hoped may prove one of | tant discovery. We a, jtestated in a Paris that the house of Rothchild | proposeg, tending the circle of its commercial tions beyond the Atlantic. A brane this house 1s about to be established: a York, to which effect M. Belmonte lately left Frankfort for that city vig Lo and Paris. - = ead The Victims of the Ben Sherrod. —The racing, drinking, ete. —concluding it thus: ‘L myself clung to the hope of getting the boat to shore, and saving all, aul it. was too late to sive mv owa family, and thereby lost my father and my two ghildren. and got my wife out, barnt so badly. that she wag not expected to live. [ was bunt myself slightly; one child got burned to death and in my wife?s arms whea [got hold of her, and the other drowned? Relin’? on a PMail’— Aw abolitionist lec- turer, tamed Blanchard, who had been holding forth at Chambersburg, Pa. reeent- Jy Jeft that plice under a Jarge escort ¢f cit- zens, ‘settin? on arail? The people of that village must be hard uns, thus to rail the abolitionists. — Os: GREAT POLITICAL MOV@MENTS. There never was a perio! in the history of this country when the political signs Were more important than they are cow. Parties are all breakisg up, anda re-modelling of ae sitn of taken place in all ditegtions. ‘The suspef: specie pay mente fpre ut trot emete tire tre het ere Administration party think, &ihimiing was nev- er so necessary to mortal man agto them. ‘The Radical party is increasing with praifigivus pace, & with an intellect like that of a Webster, Clay,” or Calhoun to marshal it on, would in four years- storm the very balwarks uf the Constitution and earry all before it, but without great men as it is, and with so many small great men, it is pow- erless, and will be powerless except in resolves, —fur already do we see the most marked sigas that the New York Albany Regency, who @¥e enthroned in Washington now as wellasin New York, are cutting loose from the faith they Lave been upholding, and the principles they have been preaching fur years. At this moment letter are flying from Waa Buren mea tu Van Buren men on all sides, aod crimination and re crimination are with thein the order of the day, ‘The unity of the Van Buren party is now rent into air, for on one side are the Hecics Radicals, who prate of a metaHic currency (see the Young Men's Democratic Committee of New York), and on the other the great Stale Bank party of New York,— with all the speculators, hangers on, and abjanets of the Regency in their train, who gow, forgooth, are beginning to learn that their pockets are worth quite as much gs their Series ples: ' ~- WN. E. Expres. Attempt to frighten er ear, —_ An attempt of this kind was made yesterfay, in Wall street. by a ur. D——,a painter Who re- sides in the upper part of the city, and who has fur some time owed a debt by ar. D——the bro- ker. After sending sundry times for his money, withont being paid, the painter determined to try ifbe could not frighten his debtor aat of the debt ; and having provided himself with a horse- whip aad a pistol, which he put in his pocket, he yesterday marched duwn Wall street and enter. ed the vier ice, ad told him that, unless he paid tWe'debt instanter, a severe flageltation was intended fur him. ‘Phe bruker asked fur a little tine, but the painter refused hit point blank ; and, in order to show that he w io earnest, he raised his whip, and was abod¢‘lay- ing it onthe broker's back, At the instant. how- r plonel: |" e Journal ‘etutes, that “J. M. Skelton; agpassistant money of the office + Cindiaateprwver-Q | pocterrendfdcarasenying all charges of | s pony... ae Ta punt of specie went to London 9 jiegtriving here fiom alhee ‘is depting prinei yee a ~~ One. of the. newe Pet Bihks.—TheLouisville Postmaster at Huntsville, has:stolen all the abdsco — a ' een this new Pet and the old Pets, eaysgaim Cincinnati Gizette, is that Skelton runs off With the funds, and the Pets hold on tq@them—leaving the Government equally minus in bath cases. * The Viekborg (Miss.) Sentinel of the 6th instant says > U. S. Bank of Pennsylvania no now eeffimand a premium of forty-five per cent. in this city. They are still five per ceat. bet- ter than silver.’ Even Maine bank notes would cuimand a premitm vn the Mississippi, and Portland (Me.) notes do command a premium in Georgia. ‘he brokers of New York and Philadelphia, could not do @ better business than that of sending Eastern “Farge bank notes South West by the Express Mail, for the purpose @ selling them there fur the purpose of Temittatce, the late special election tie} d in the third ressional District of Pennsylvania, thé ac- oti (aal majority of Guarixs Na¥bor (the .Whig wannn—s-4 ~ + ptinn Soertoporis, giving a large majority turning out to have been in some particulars in- correct. The result of this election is justly a cause of exultation amongst the advocates for the supre- macy of the laws. Apart from his politics, Mr. Ingersoll ‘vould have been an acquisition to Congress, on account@@f,his abilities, his sprizht- ly temper, and his ready-wit, Batwe has within afew years, unhappily fallen off from fis old wholesome Madisonian politics upon that mog- grel systern, the worst ofall possible compounds, agrarian and jacobinic fur the body of the Peo- ple, and monarchical for the public funetion. aries, which sprung up and throve to maturity in the sunshine of General Jackson’s popularity. 4 Mr. [Ingersoll had stzked himself apon the issue *VofMr. Dallas’s doctrine, and his own correlative e@kpos'tions, both betore and since she meeting of #he Pennsylvania Convention, of which he is a member. He Jeft the Convention, and persan- ally canvassed the district for a number of days before the election. His industry and perse- verance enabled himtodo much. But the People had-seen, beneath the folds of 11s garments, the cloven foot of the party which Mr. Ingersoll rep- resents, and neither his abilities nor his wit could save him. ‘The Tessaa, -whiebsrencid rite OF ruin under specious pretences of Reform, is searcely less rurporlany Crateetnat which was read to the same elass by the People of Maryland, under some what situilar circumstances,at their Jast elect Such results are moral triumphs, in which every individual who contributed tu them may well fee! proud of his rightto claim a share. National Intelligencer. NorFouk, Jone 39, The Hon Joel R. Poinsett, Seeretary of oWar, aad lady, Commadazes Chaunecy, Morris, and Wadsworth, Navy Commisstoners, Couino- dore Patterson, Charles W. Goldsboraugh, See retary of Navy Cominissioners, Samoel Ham- hreys, Chief Naval Consiructot, and Captians Wendin and Washington, United States Ar ny, were among the pissenvers in the steam— boat Columbia, Captian Moitchell, from Wash ington, arrived yesterday mourning. “Phe com- missioners are ou their annual visitto the Navy Yard. ‘They, together wito Commodores War ringion and Patterson, will make a survey on the vessels ofthe exploring expedition Nat. Int. The Pensacola Gazette of June 24th states that the General Urrea,the Mexican brig of war, hes been set at hberty, and has proceeded on her retaro tothe wavy ofber country. She de- Se oe tee able to communicate with ber Government. Mobile Examiner. PritaDeLpnuia, Joly f We learn that Com. Charles Stewart has been appiunted to the command of the Navy Yard at this city, in the place of Commodore Jaines Bar ron, who has been relieved at his own request, and that he will assume the duties of his com mand this day. A curibus if not alarming fuct.—The mills of Mr. Clark, on the canal aqueduct, Northampton, Massachusetis, are groaning with wheat, rye, and corn on hand, none of which isthe produce of New England ; the corn is southern, and the other arato trom Dantzig and other European places f" We believe New Exglagd at least, if not sottie other States, must a up the ideaof being a grain country. Such an oecur- fence asthe above in the United States, the im- mense territory of which has, with a few trifling exceptions,the mest fertile sui} in the wor'd, will, we hope, never for the honor of opr productive industry, be heard of, at least for a hundred years to come, or not until after all the prairies are filled up with an over-crowded pupolation. x» ; , MM. ¥. Sur” _ Life in New Orleans.—The editor of the New Orleans Herald says: “The theatres are closed—it is too hot to hunt—too tedious to fish—and most of us are almost too indulent to read. The only emuse- ment in which our citizens can now indulge ts, ride out in the dust inthe evening, or walk in the streets and inhale the coul air after dark. In these times of dullness,tte man who would invent any pleasant means of banishing ennut should be looked upon asa public benefacior. Weare too modest to claim aoy sach honor for ourselves— but we will barely suggest a diversion which we have found very interesting, and which our tea- ders are at liberty to :ry ‘on their own houks.’ It is,1o take a ehatr after tea, erat yourself pon the paleony or in the porch, and rolling wp the sleeve of vout left ara, fet tbe musquiloes light upon it, and, just as they have fastened their bills. strike bem on tbe back with the sight hand: the relief, which follows the pain, and ever, the pistul fell out of the painter's poeket, and the bruker, vn seeing it, immedia éoa- + that the gratification of tat ‘attribute of the tx = - | day, the 28th of may, was fiked on .in lrelas > 1 te ‘on eo e Wnamty to Air. O Connell.—Sue the> simaltaneons collec of the natragal 5 : mount. ere yy ty ahe abi hed account, Was 20, 1892 15s. Gd. The culleetiun of the 28ih uit. is tx,constitnte the O’- Connell fund for the years 1836 e 1837. N. Express. “Exectro Magnetism. —Siupardans reealts have heen expected from the app 'caiion of this newly discovered motive power; 20d we have heard of ho experiments which have appeared so promis- ‘tng of practical ty, and so remarkable in themeelves, as these made by Dr. C. G, Pace, of Salem. Le has several models, illustrating a variety of movements by changing the poles of a voltaic magnet ; but the rulary mutiun is the source of the power of his working model. By a Very recent discovery, he has been able to pro- cure a speed of siz thousand revoluuons,a min- ute, being ten times greater than that attained at any former experiments. As mey readily be imagined, a bar, or wheel, with such a rate of motion as this, must be nearly invisible ; it preg senis nothing but the appearance of a dim blaze. We have not sofficient skill in dynamics, to de authorizad to attach much confidence to “our owo‘iinpressions. Whoever may be the first to sugeeed in applying this unexpensive power to gre and practical purposes, will take his the est¥ffiatinn of men, by the side of =e. may beste fot would not be too confident in claiming for him the credit of inyportant results, we cannot but believe that le has made a great invention. Salem ( Wass.) Gazelie. RON. The Frigate Constitution, & Sehooner Shark, sailed from Port Mahon on the 23d of April, 1837, for the coast of France, there to take on board Gov. Cass and family, preparatory to @ visit to the coast of Syria aud Egypt. ‘The of- ficers and crews of butt vessels were well. Mr. Everett, Chaplain of the Cunstituuion, died at Mahon on the 11th of April. The Frigate United States Capt. Wilkinson, arrived at Malfpa.on the 2d uf May Ma- hon, and sailed fur Gibraltar on the 9M, ‘The U.S. was atanchor in the bay of Gibraltar on the evening of the 15th of may. Officers and crew ail well and in fine spirits. On the 2ist of February Jast, the French vessels of war, De mencgerie and 1 Indieane were obliged tu auchor at the incuth ol Port Ma- ton Harbor, in a tremendous blow—the first Hatieresee ed Cape nVi kinson, with his usual energy, lumuiedialely put out ‘all boats,’ seor the necessary anchors and cables saved the first baiwed vessel, aud relieved the L'kudi- eune. The conduct of Capt. Wilkinsce and hig offi cers aud med was warmly apyisuded by the Freoch officers, and. residénts of mahon. : e Nat. Tat. LATEST FROM FLORIDA. Sr. Avcustine, June 22 Our Iudian Affairs,—\We have but litle to communicate in reiation to our dudiaa affairs this week. Noihing bas veen heard frun Gen. Jeger: up for several days. Fort Melloa has been abandoned on account of thewohealthiness of the post. Col. Harney, who commanded there, has arrived here with his command of about 4060 draguons, who are siationed at Fort Marion, Coa-couchy (Philip's si) was at Fort Mellon when Col. tlarney left, with about 20 Indians. ‘They expressed ihe most pacific intentions if the whites did mot molest them, and prowised hot to.burn the Fort: They expressed a desire to visit Cul. Harney in St. Augustine. Later Report of the Murder of Micano- " erable uuporiance. A letter frow Fort King states that iefurmation had reached that post that the Seminoles, after obigining possession of Micanopy,had murdered bith and cut him to pieces. dt issupposed that the cause for th*s act was his friendfy dieposition towards” the | whites, his continued aversion to the war, and his guud faith in attempting to fulfil the late treaty. ‘his aet isa decided evidence of their continued bustility, aad that they will nut now go vf until they are entireiy suddued, their prive aud@errozance humbled. was received at Furt King ; it is duubted pv the officers of the army here: butitthe negro tale be true, that he was deposed sume time einer, and Sam Jones elected in his stead, it would doubiless be the ubject of Sam Jones to get cid of him to save trouble. ~ Charley O Maibla was served the same fate for his friendly feeling to- wards us, ‘Be garrison at Fort King are represented to be very healthy, Oust offf'x companics, there were but seven menon the sick report at the last advices. & ‘The troops at Micanopy are n good health. Indian fires have been seen opposite to Picola- ta, on the St. Johg’s river. Gen Jesup is expect- ed here in a few days, acd will prubably estab- lish hig head-quarters here. A portion of the Creek regimentare to beeta- tioned at Picvlata fur the present. We ander- stand thal they will be ordered tu Micanopy aoc Fort King. The remainder will be statiuned at or near Tampa Bay, until the term of service expires, which will be shortly, when they will be dis charged. ‘They are ured of the war, aa@ bave been anxioes to be discharged since February last. Nupe have been discharged since they vol- - also i = | | wasman ; and while Re * THE U.S. MEDITERRANEAN SQUAD-| py—-4lore Indian LVepredations.—dince_ “the Lh itordtkd Pro fA -doen4 | It is not precisely known how this information | ter. David S Fro'ey, Squire Preezeror Maseia cg ee ee SS nena ‘Look at ‘this ! geo" North Carolina erar, FoR THE a i ae = Ad = CLASS ie “ fePor 1687. To be draion at Roe ne m, Richmona,Co. ". C.0m ~~ Thursdav, ZOth + July, I 68'No. Lottery, 10 Drawa Ballots.: | STEVENSON § POINTS, Managers tee » } ——— SCHEME. 40 Prizes of 1,060 3 40 Prizes of 400 40 Prizes of 200 56 Prizes of 100 56 Prizes of 50 56 Pnzes of SO 56 Prizes of 20 2296 Prizes of 10 15400 Prizes of 5 18@40 Prizes amounting to Whole Tickets Halv is 40,000 is is is is 1s 1s is is | | ' 22,960 77,000 $175,160 $5 185: To be hed io the greatest variety of num- bers, either by the package or single Tick- et, of WHEELER & BURNS. Salisbury N. C. | July 8, 1887. os i North Carolina State LOTTERY, or the benefit of the Salisbury Acadeiny, Classs No. 14 for 18$7. To be Drawn at Bethania, Stokes Co. C, .W. on Thurs- day, 1Q0th of dugust, 1887. 74 Number Lottery, 14 drewn ballots. SCHEME. 1 Prize of $10,000. 1 Prize of 3,000 1 Prize of $2,000. 6 Prizes $1,000 A Certificate for a package of 25 Whole | Tickets will cost $50, Halves §25, Qis. 12 Sv. nA fanaa y OF DUMDVDE TS, ei- her by the Pathage or Sing shah I eres es WHEELER § BURNS, Salisbory, N. C. 5 CENTS REWARD. Ro from the Subscriber on the 10:h of Jun€@}an apprentice boy, by the name ot Radem Z..Gratay ot R. Z. Wiggons. He w1/! certainly alter his name before ne goes far: He is about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high ; a celebrated gambler; agreat man ina grog shop, and a great inan where heisnotknown. He will uv to pass fur a Smart man, as he is @ great rascal, and always goes well armed @th@ ur 3 pistols aod one breast dirk unknown tome. He wt! make fur ihe West I expect>®*P¥e above reward and pc thanks willbe given4@aghe man that « take up said apprentice and fefth Bim tome in Concord, North Carolina. | forwam al] pers from harboring said soprentice in any Wire whee ever, as 1 wil! put the law in (uli force them. r aga, Wau. M. HENDERSON, Fe. July 1—$w50 bich Om Witenes Rea the Post Office at Salisbury, Norsh Caco Kana, July let, 1857. 2 —R H Alexender, michael Anderson $—Anno F Branson, Geerge Bean, t WYIMT, avec ire iGOWes, ‘ (1, & Bangles, Jehn Black welder, Wil | afis, Alexander Brown, Thomas W Gets | ham C Branden, Nichelas Barreger | = C—Charles Cutherell. maraaret Ann Cuth jerell, John Calloway 2, James Cook, Daned | Chorrier, Phouwas Conrad, J oS) Gpip'ey. ears | Cown, Samuel Caldwell, Juin Cauvie, James {W Clark | J)—Sherman Drory, George C Danicl, Jo- , ph DP. Dickson, Janes PD) nohve K—Solis or Themas Fenreharnt, David E-g F—Adila TI] bcx, asievcei Pale, Vhon ' ‘e | os Weg iirsse.,) Slit [e | G—Peter Gardiner, Say Aon Guire, El zs- | beah Gheen | H—Wiliam B {- ny Hudspeth, James Elickes, | Jesse Haden, Alexander Ifolen 2, Willem Jas, fJamuer, Catharine Smoot, Lercey PH] chiower, | Wiitiem Hicks, James Roberson, SS Hudson, | Dicey Har W @hiam P Dotson, Newberry i KF Hall 2, im (larris, Danel Hortdzrger, Juha Huse, Stean Hart, J—Isase Jurden, William Julien, Revd Wm S Jobns oO 3; : K—lIsaac Kesler. Rich»rd Kerr, L—matthew Be Lecke, James m Listen, Sampson Lanier, Henry Leiwick, Daniel Lep- pard, Robert B Love @ysers kisaebeth Leppeso, Heory Long, Del fazer, M—Neile SO Nab, Daniel sissenbammer Nathan morgan, Josep mirgus, Daniel miller, Joseph Hl aount, Henry mevse, N—Abdel Nichu'y 2, Aituur Nelsco, Catha- sine Neely, P_Sprese mu Parks, David Parke, seliipaes uc Person, _. “ae — R—Levi Reacs, Reddick & Bennett, “Wile liam K Raffin $, James Reed, S—Peter Smith, Jiserh Sawyers, George Smith, Alonzo Sprague, Samuel Smith, Ano Cc Schroek. Allen Stuker, unteered, except the sich whu bave teen sent to Mobile Point. ‘J}'wo companies of Dragoons have been order= | ed to take post at Piculata ‘Tbey wuil sail to-) dav in the steamtoat Camden. | On ‘Tuesday last, a eS: company of wounted artillery went out ecuuting expedi tion in the Neighburhuod of this city. They ley Anh Wiaders, T—Henry Trotter, Adem Troutman, James Torabul) 2, Joba ‘Tbuxascn, Issac Tignor, George O TVarrh, 2 Ven demes EF) Welch 2, Charlee Wille, Lo- Auws Wesver, George W itie rr SAMUEL REEVES, P. ¥. Bv HENKY SMITH, D. P dn. lw. i » county Court. they do a 1? «.’ Satis 1837. ury, July 15, ee ES a = We are authorized to Eanoqice JOHN GILES, asa candidate for Clerk of Rowan 4 “We are suthorised to announce HENRY pdiate for Clerk of Rowan ee TREASURY BANK, r - =. % , wil they wot do it. If they Bact, we and the money is lost. Will the ngtes of an institution.thus managed or rather likely to be thus ,maneged, remain foag at par? certainly not: the essential isite—PUB— LIC CONFIDENCE will be wanting. Thea this scheme will assuredly not furnish a ‘sound currency. ‘Che. experiment will | fail ip a broken bank, and depreciated notes. Bat slag for thewfiec sich an 1 i will have opop the ‘morale’of Tha ot A i party urged on by such sordid detestable other, acutuated by scorn, contempt and a serse of injury. The Party in various places are thrusting ; suena strife. We would far rather see our & forward their feelers, to sscert ago thrs 1 will take | with the public. Thus Mr. Cave Johnson, a member of the late Congress, ond a can- stupendous scheme of corrupt didate for re-election underthe nose of the cx: President Jackson, advocates a Treasury Bank: James K Polk, another subservient worshipper of the Hermit, Yiom the same part of Tennessee, throws out cautiously through his organ at Columbia, Ten. the following Delphic but significant languages ‘of a national Bank be indispensable, 1t should be a national bank in fact, belongitig to the Anerican people and uncer th€con- trol of the men directly responsible to the people”? viz: the Politicians. A Mr. Phelps, in Kentucky a candidate regularly nomina- ted by the party, to succeed Col. Johagen, has come out explicitly with the Treasury Bank. ‘The party great and small in Miss- issippi, from bead to Foote, lave declared in favor of a National Bank, which will be explained no doubt into a ‘Treasury Ma- chine. ‘The Globe is throwing out -hints; so is the Albahy Argus; while the Richmond | Enquirer, which used to be affected by the least proximation toa National Bank, as a mad dog is by the approach of water, 13 quicted down to a very temperate degree of rage at the unholy proposition. The me- talic chase is given up, denied —denounced —the dogs are called off, anda new ex- periment of the most fearful character about to be tried: that is, whether our government can become a Banker on its own bottom ? We have no doubt but that it can assume that character. The great representative of Majesty, the august Presidemt of theeo 1 nitad Cruse, way wake torhis title the bril- | liant addition of *' Banker in Chief, and “Fiscal Experimenter General.” Eis cabinet | and head men may become Directors, Cash- iers, Tellers, Runners &>, & the lot of dig- nataries become money-changers. How far the reproaches & ridicule of our aquisitorial habits by foreiguerg will acquire pungency,by our government's becoming a trading estab- lishment,we need not stop to enquire, Sup- posing that it could not be considered infra dig for Jonathan to meet Jew Rothchild on change, the qnestion then to be answered Js, what kind of a Bank would it be? Would such on institution be likely to answer the great purpose for which it is proposed? thatas to furnish the conmntry with a sound A doubt can scarcely exist in the mind of any one, but that if it were de- sirable a goverament bank in the hands of curcency ? politicians might be used as an instrument | to distribute the surplus revenue among fa- vores and pargeihr cP heeuntititg Dit rectors might be, nof whether the applicant for a loan was solvent and punctual, but is he faithful ang truc to our party ? or if he gets our money will be likely to become so? will the hope of indulgence, or the fear of a law smit bring him to the confes— eronal of cur faith? Is hea manly inde- pendent gentleman, who would scorn the pputatica of pecuniary bias, or a mean trucking fellow that would sell his soul for If the first, he gets no favors from 5 NOY? BoOaCyI > &- preses.t government dissolved in peace, and a new one estabf@hed, than to await the de- velopement of such an experiment. a. to be done? Can our good spot help.their friends? Will govover to the other side and put in. a new party. So relief is granted, stop laws ere passed, a further and a: “indul- |: gence is extended; | 6 debt is secu- rities die. their executors p assets, yet all powerful motives, is resisted by an- What is lo grow ont of Teg s onde unusual in watettioks ) 1 deeply "at this 4 dence of returning ipdepeadence, exhibs ef o% the part of the honest, bat hitherto: mu guided people of this District. . A Salute of 100 fone. ae fired at timore, in honor of thes ed in the belly by th@-Register § ~ Recpr-! der, ahd-patted on the back by the Standard,’ that he came-ont with this explanation. ht is satdsthat he is terribly afraic of bis own dumb devil, and tremblee whenever hie has to look itgijhe face. A hundred mil- lions Bank in fie hands of the government! Oh dreasful ! Death of Mr, Wacon. without the power of discounting would not be liable tosuch abuses: | teristics of a bank, and becomes a mere ‘nothing: it will do nothicg for the people, it / may enable the recipients of public money, ‘to get their pay in good money: nay it may ' make them 10 or 15 per cent on théir salar- ies, but the great body of the.pegiie are no better off than atepresent. Sucha plan will | LeEse : _to the Jefferson school of Poliies,but lapse i _ j relief to the pressure of the times, which into Van Burenism, in his latter days. Ee do nothing for the currency, it will give no we regard asthe great evil to be met by | Congress. THE WEBSTER NOMINATION, It #8 enough ty pat one beyond all patiente to | witness the fully of the Whig arty in beginning to agitate the quesion of the next Presidency at this early period, (34 years in advance:) Buta bove ali, fura small fraction of the party without | a candidate and urge his pretensions at this time, is worse than folly. “Phe South ovght, by all thé@re are cardinal Ahe question of Slavery must be taken cxre— of In the selection uf a candidate for that iioh fice. and ifat he a fad ties sb seete IN, rth obstinately yn persevertualy refuse te place us in secartty tm this vital point, all hope the pres@nt uqhallowede ‘Callibtags to all men? wilt ot of Co operation ts gue: cynasly who are Spre vail inde finitely, and we had better take qutct measures tor breahkiow olf trom so itoractien: le eS ' | ied 3) disastrous a eonnexton. Pf there ever the Seuth, tis the resolve to vote fornia iy in man who is tryed with abelitven gi: seat the Norther Whiss expect at ail to prevad, they Mast shape their course Wilh a view to this as aa established point CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS. The people of the Wake district it seens are determined to ron Wi, A. Graham, in Op positron to Dr. Montgomery, He is at the North, on account of an injury receiv- Ved in the leg, and will probably not return before the election : but he ts so transcer - dently superior to Dr. Montgomery* in ah the requisites for a legislator, Ujat he, one would suppose, could cut off lis bad lég, . HF ihe A wooden leg would, however, Lmoarsl S4-amten Gl tetal compere ee oe while he remained behThd to care stump, | be a fister competitor fur such an adversa- ry. _ Pne last Raleigh Register announces Col. John L, Henderson of Granville, a candidate for that district. It is not true that Gen. Patterson has been brought out against Mr. Williams. Ife was solicited by the Van Buren party to become their canditate, but we know him to be too sound in principle as well as tiese ntbiters of the money destinies: if the last. why let bin have it, and it matters not about scrutinizing “his securities Over Itis folly to esk whether ffich a would te thus used if it had the nat: the truth is, nuch ? power semblance of law to sus! the men in power have deve the thing al- ready, without law or its pretext :—they had distributed the public money among ji is—supple cringtig palavering pets. If thep would do this Wing rughe green tree, What would they not do in the dry?” The money ta thus hikely to getisto the hands of brawling blustering necdy electioneerers: will they be likely to pa, their instalments punctualty? ‘wifl they be urged rigidly if y DO means, What then becomes of the profits of the Bank ? Of course there can be none’ Such a state of | things must bring ona crisis. A pressure | that comes on: the*money cannot always be laure : judg- | renite, the latter a decided Whig. Mr. | preceded oy music and the flag of our Union wo! ted by lie power. a:ned tothe same hauds : suits and judg Naylor prevailed by 231 roy Trig | ‘he grote, near the Church, when ihe cereimo- By D P-Uarci:s—‘Specalation and Over. mvats and fi fas. and ca. sas and adve se- | ta ihe Geslelecuan since tiene cskinne ofl ofthe day were opened frown the staud tradiag’—Js gow the dejusive song uf the exper inents for sale of property, and all the fatal, & (which had been beautifully decorated by the Ja-! imeoterg. “Bat whilst they are singing over the -4bs quences of :dprovident borrowing: — undefstanding, to have given the proposal the least entertainment. We have the most encouraging accawuts from theStokes, Halifax and Edgecombe districts. Even “County, Hon. NATHANHBL MACON, If it be meant by this, a bank without the power of dis: | many years tuken an active partin the af- | ‘counting eithcr accommodation paper, oF’ ¢,145 of the nation. From the year 1791 tof! 5 ‘ihe Patriots of the bills of exchange, it looses all the charac-) jgy5. | But it is suggested by some thata bank. \ | Representatives in COngress, and twice a ‘speaker of that body to ot 1801 and in 1805. Ile was likewise a Senator in’ Con- | gress from this State, from 1815 to 1828 | He was also the President of the“®onven- ‘tion in 1885 for amending the State Con i consu.tation or concert with the rest to nomivate | fashion, prevalent with the Ladies, of Puny-rid- (Ings since then, the fashion has somewhat , changed and rail-riding with the Gentlemen ha means,tu beconsulled before nomination is made: | dectrines pertatsing to the | Southern States that never cau be saerifiecd or } about 10 v’cluck, and on going forth to see wha comprutised, to Which all other consid: rations | was the mater, we saw a fellow i dy guard, who marched tw Was a poingin which there ts ayperfect unaatie | \ dat old Misses give you tudder day. nie vacs durioa the pressure, man ‘dulge iggde nie nacs what has gut a. was ter buusd to him four the necessaries of Life? Celebration of the 4th of July, at Concord, Died on 29th ult. at his seat, in Warren in the 83d year of his age. He had for | he wasa member of the House of ; stitution. Mr. Macon wag.a firm ad was a man of more solidity, than briliancy, and remarkable most for his tenacity of purpose. He wag regardad by all parties as pure in purpose, and of course highly res- fected. ‘In his private relations he was ir- reproachable. SALISBURY OMNIBUS. Ridin on a@ Rail.—{n our last, we spoke of a a adhd plained, as number of this paperg.ao be a Trea sons... Bank. But it was not till *he was che baw] by Mz, &. ating reglar so ceived with great apy € { many cheers. 1 ‘Tho Principles of the day we Celebrate,— Formidable tz Tyrantsunly, They have made thesNeaw World’ what she is; they will make the*Old World’ what shaought to 2 lpe Memory of ‘Wel te- @ Washingtoa— ve him alonete his g ory,’ (drunk stand- in silence.) - — e Memury of*Lafayette—The +s a history of Liberty. the Declaration of [ndepen- 4 Ibe signers : dence With a Marivtiom, kindled by the fires of freetum, a wisdom which no° sophistry could seduce, and a fisinness which no power could humbl¢, they proclaimed the only ‘divine right’ of gowroinenton earth, the right of the people lo gcvern themselves. e yolutionary Arthy— Bout alittle remnant survives of that illustrious and: “Fhese too must soon seek-4agther climes, poeir departed eumpatriots in arms; thay the ti- iage hich bear them, be joyous, and not rleveus, may they declare that their struggles Jefe notin vaia, and that their latest posterity Ishonur their memory, by presorning ihe bless- ites ofgdiberty. * (6 "Phe Constitetion of the United States— We wilt have-no perversion ofits meaning un- er false.pre noe, Wee plainly interpreted it a movawenl an wisdom, may the Ce. r who dare destroy it, meet the dagger of a rutus, 7 The Powers of the General Government, ied the rights of the States—May no unconstitu- nel extensivn of the furmer, sacrifice the lat- 8 Public Spirit,and Public Liberty—The loss the one is the grave of the other, ” 9 ‘Vhe Governor of North Carolina— We have ery confidgnce in his virtue and ability, may Ife acts of his adininistration reduund-to the w@nor and interests of our State. 10 The Jugiciary of North Carolina— Purity iad taleuts, @re her ornaments: a faithful admin- taken ifs place. —To explain : Ou last. Monday nighta bustle io the street attracted our votied, | Tnoun ede will have to yield, and whieh willbe held te joa rail without saddie or Martingale, Jeisurely! more tenaciously than wili the present unon.— | parading duwn the street accompanied by a bu-'| the tune of ** Ruc- coon on the rail,’ §&e. Be we Oo hasw case suas Ceca eee ee = ‘ ' SI wu Vets toed up at a place where his wiarriage vow was sot} likely tobe signally honored, and furwardéd per express a part of the way bome. We dare sav but fur the namne of riding, he had just as seu walked. Quere—Would aot a state of sus-peuse been better 2? N.b. this place lunproved upon the above fausiiou, vy paradiug @ man of straw ihroush the town ap ou a Tail to Oa the nextnight the title boys ut ine same lune.—An uid fashioned old Held schuol has been got up in this town stace var last, We hope upon Solumen’s maxi spore the rad, &e.” and observe how burbarously the isis Any one who will vo to & hureh of cer- tala of our fashionables have been niaoipabelad, will achnowle/ge ap aching necessity fora Bar ber la Saltsbury.—Vhe Hon. Jolin Bianeh with his famicy, passed Uirgagzh this town on Lites day lust, on his way from Piomda to iis seat jis Halifax Uur Lowa is still bealthy—-it is thought tha Col, Dick Long's unt sling and ice have driv. en the Dysentery to the Norh Pole, and thacit arrived lieve on the ngiit af the aurora * Beatue eile ~~ tus C2 ISee = ir TU’ dhe N Gonai Initelligeneer bas reached us4 bul once the past week 3 and then dicame frou the South, Phe tullowing dialogue between iwo sable | : Gents, which was overtioard the viber evesinp |‘ in cur streets, deserves a Place tu the OQunnivus : foriisdrudh. We cunmendit tothe eonsidera Uion of the Abolition Sucieties at the North. Peter —NV hat you dun do wid dat dare mood Tom—Why LT iay bin outin candy and beer. “Peter —Why ‘Vom how yuu afford io buy wich | i Tom—Why bress you Peter, can’t agen —_—_—_——— —— in the Newbern district, we have hopes that Mr, Sheppardy™a Whig, will suececd even against so strong and estimable a man as Mr. Moseley. — The Whig cause, throughout the State isevidently on the advance : but we need- ed no advance, we are un@oubtediv in a Majority in each of these districts, and if our friends will only come out, we shall carry the day with ease; let us fullow up the blow given in Philadelphia, an account of which we subjoin from the Raleigh Reg- ister : The first blow.—A special Election was held inthe third Congressional Distriet of Penusvivahia, Jast week, the candle ses being Mr. C. J. Ingersoll and Mr. tles Naylor—the former, a Bentonian Van Bu- the sackson-Van Buren Experiments Mave was celebrated at ibis place on the 4th Instani, with great spirit and enthusiaam. conevurse of citizens and stranzers from the ad- aod deputy Marshallof the day in this urder— dies) in a solemn and impressive prayer by the Cabarrus County, sv. Carolina. The Anniversary of American Independence A very large eo" rnes were assembled i ‘Pown.—At need o'clock, the procession was furmed in the | ©2*! soa streatiu the fulluwing order : By ohn A Craven— Judge Gaston —The . : : brigltegt crnament of oar Bench—the lecder of Clergy. bee our Cogvention of 1835, and the true friend of Orator of whe be the peopte. Elis usefulmess is ideotified with our Readers of the American and the Mecklenbarg State, fie {ame co-extensive with our country. Declarations of Independence. President & Vice Presidenis of the day. Committee of Arrangements, Committee of ‘Toasts. Revulutionary Soldiers. Ladies. Strangers. Citizens generally. The procession wag marched by he Marshal! w ta ‘urities are about cashe pressed to death. become fully known, and it has thus re- sulted in the defeat of Mr. Ingersoll, the - Rev'd Aagastos Juhinson, which was distinguish - ed fur the fervent piety aay patriotism of ue sen- Inence which commsanding talents, and Juyal L eurcd lo dedh by Di Jackson. he laws of Heaven cannot be expunged, and that the eiy!th Gommandment * thoa shalt Amesican Revolutiun—We henor their memoryg we clesish sheir fame as a rich strizeae emulate their virtues, and imitate their By Wg. Bar:inger—'The Currency and con dition of suntry —*Overtrading’ is the cloak tinkering Wdministraticn, Would yo acquit the incendiary because the Jire as rained you ?. Or excuse the ignvrance of the Duetor because his poison has desirvyed you? stration, so essential to the liberty and haopi- tess of any people, is the frat of che labors. WT Vhe U.oversity -of North Carolina—'The pide of our State, With the taleyts, learning and Industry of her faculty, var sons need not 'goabroad for a thorugh and useful education. IR ‘Phe 26:h May 1775, and the Counties of Cabarrrs and Viecklensara: Unatted when our faiheys procluimed thetr tudependence: may they aiwhys ve united in defence of their principles. L¥ Tie Fan eX: “Pier avet- powering presence makes us feel, Woerdy and deve are thé only @artuly altars at witch we wurship.—[9 cheers,j The following ate sume of the Volunteer Toasts which were then called for and presen- 1M ge - 3\ Goo P Barn ger— President af the day— he nest and deluded people of the vImeric in fjpucdec, ney the gress and goo! Rater of the Uive.se, send them a safe aud spredy deliver vite trom the effeets of the late and present etubucging nad expunging administrations, by Wiiwi Archibald, fst Vice President— Tee tifant Republic of Tegus, may she estab- 1$) tes iree cin without furPher Qiood shed, and f s to ihe world, that she will nut submit to phesty of political “Dyrants, By Win BF Phiter, 25) Viee Presideut-- The esrdent of the United States—Created and mouhidate political existence by the Nero of VB erica, succoured by Benton, Kendall & Co. Vly woosee happy and prosperous People teach Ae ai the Uallol boxes, that we are not slaves, ouUplreeren, y Col O M Barducer— The next Congress, wip dhe condition of the Country —ury the ced to Che spirit oat patri- vee “pplot party be sacs i pein a Caion of all toesishlish a weil rege a®d Nattonal Bank las the only reuiedy which ePperience bas furtished {i QP es is unde ieh we MBO. zi ae By Col Win C Means— "The currency of t times—-Vhe fruit of the Hickory Tree—Nut iv: ene boders, and Leaves fur the Pecple, By Wai 8 Harris- The Ovator of the day Col Barringer,—The promise of distinction, and the evidenee uf devotion to the iestitusions if bis country, indféated in his Oration to day, of that enviable em ‘onsiitute the pest presage principles uiast ever ensure. y Davide Stucke, of Mississippi—The mo cm of the United Siates—d was well— nid be telter—iahe physie—and here Tam’ Oy Dr CJ Fox—Tie Convention at Char-.J otie of °75 ind the Congress of °76—'The for- neycoopared tothe fatter is hke the morning that mas the course of the rising sun. By Gen a Allen-- Col Thomas H Benton ‘Phe selfeinsbitnted protector of the famine of en Jack-or, who, with Guihie hand, has muti- ted the fairrecords of his-ecountry, which he ad ‘sworn te keap.,—Let him remember that } Duk veal,” is writ'en cn a teble of stone. o VBy AH NMoss—The patnots and sages of the} cy, may we rown arvund the fullies and vices ofa it ? bich ts Who caused Sent by a Lady—Thessered rights of civil s liberty—may they never be subver- 108 04 the eounuy, as Nesu fiddled amid cae * We ‘pill pablish it next week —[Ep } history of Pthropy, and eugraved on the pages of tyraony. realy Carolina wh ‘Sipe serves, By C Phifér_Oct native soil— Our home— a where do we find a more genial climate—no vitta —no where fairer ; we : coseing Fall season ; {ou WSisier.: eee Hever forsake her: Ae ry oud Mockerille. Le f-pet * YH, iy. rmemory of Gen. J.0- |; nay wee fayette We and Harittton ctor). e by Beli "hi meelf w be 4 getier ever inthis part of the . Hein Mended ta-the fe with the atmust cunfi- dence. See Bille tur ggrtber partientars. HA: SANDERS. liberty and home ; Lafeyette for libert By W L MecRee—Hon. Willie P. Man- gum : The lice of the South—the buld and fear: less Sotecnet of the people's rights ; my his upright and manly coarse in the Senate of the United States, give him that reward tu which | shee TB I he is so eminently entitl the gratitude of his | BCP Echipee will be at Salisbury en 20:h of counirvmen, , - | this month. H: 8. By George W Craven—The Orator of the 7. ‘Bi ptrance Notice. cay—Hle has heretofure deserved var gratitude fur his Services in public life. ‘lo day, he has dune new hunai to himselfand his country, by IMpressmg on our Mindas the principles which guide a free people 5.aad which should always be made known on & celebrativa of a day that gave birth ioa nation’s freedom. By AJ Shankle—The Patriots of "76. May their sons and heirs endeavor rightly to “pple ciate that freedom for which they spent their best bluod and treasure. By Dr. M M Or:—Clay and Calhoun: As they have always proved’ themselves true and pstriotic Republicans in every crisis and trial, so 10 our present calamity, they are the stars that i will guide asin safety. | foe Without any cause except bis own miscon- : Ree " Th, | 92et. LT caution all persy Gul eased pee Fina npn ambane— Viel saxpluyingiantdl oppeentice cater renter eae ’ uge : May the pressure jing aig | lo penalty of Lav- of the times convifice them of their errors. Se eS cerns: By James S White—Our Repiesentative ia | Joie eet BRUNT. Congress, H.W, Conner—A ‘I'ree without | uly 15, 18371159 fruit, But where little is given, little is requir- | ed: All we ask of him is, never iv be a candid- | will huld us semi-ann bling in the | ‘Town of Concord, oo Tuesday 271: day of July? All the citizens of the ecoonty sre respecitelly requested toatiend. ‘The Secseiaties of the va- rious auxiliary societies are cequesied ie forward an accurate statement of their present nambers. July 15—2w52 Runaway Apprentice, PA cates by the name of JALA&SON i ESST, runaway frow me on 6th of Jane Davie county, List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Statesville ua the Ist day ot Ja- ate again, and give place te inore useful and bet- ily, 1837. ler men. | By David Long~ Palsied be the arm—more | ptites Allison, DN Alexander, David Al- palsied the tongue of any man in this land of lib : erly, that would proscribe any from a participa- | B abel a right 2, J P Belt 2, Jobo Me- ithe an aon nant Ba Nee Karey Bein, Gna IST s | ’ ell, re 2 “By Gadrge WWI Greae , Esq.—The Amended Me Chambere, "Theo MCaumpbetl, Conetitution of North Carulina: (i bas setJed | Re m Chenault, Juba Cook, our sectional differences—may it make us more D R arson, Felix Clodfelter, happy and prosperous. 4 — Kev James Dicksun, Gea Wm L David- _ By Lewis B Kriminger—Hon. Wm. Gaston; | Or H North Carvlina’s greatest sun—may his splen- | G_ Seta Forsyth, did abilities and pure patriotism make him the Gio ee & ie i ; , Ju ian ; ner Erendent othe Gaited States. : | eawerd Gaunung Sohn Grant oa Ce sf Joward—Let us swear 108 Temes P Gudbe Mi : er am uun, we will live and die free : that the sword which | Gabriel J+ Miss Sarah Graham, dW has been drawn in defence uf our country, shall | 3 h ante be returned to ils scabbard till it has se Milner oe ag & Fuster, cured the victory, Bea uggins, son Howard, By J B Young—May the time never come as nee Hull, Jobo Hair, Adam Hofman, When any shall be fuund opposed to the celebra J_ Wa 5 Ireland, tion of the birth-day of our liberty. ‘fhe names —Win Joyner, Constant Johnston, of such will be struck from the rolls of philan- ate! Leaster, S Lawing & J Moe- Green 2, Juhn B By Joho M Warmouth— Liberty & LJuiog, J night or wroug { iff Edwin R Harsris—Hon. Henry A Wise; a fearless champion of Liberty and Whig prinei- Mayhew or Sons, WiiMcJimsey. P—Eli Potts, James Patterson, dest i rca, op roy bone siaet gS ii diy “th eountry 4 he E Cabarrus County’ Tevaperance Societ JA8. E. MORRISON, Sce'ry. de atte eae: Gearge M Muorrwon, Jona ples—inay he continue to prove bimeelf true in sustaining one of the first rights—the right to investigate the abuse uf those in power. By David Storke—TVhe farewell Address of Andrew Jackson —A oudget of vaniiy & spleen! R—Joseph R Rudy, Hosea Redman, S—Thomas Smith, Theo Simonton, Sheriff of Iredell, Mrs Mary K Sinith, Wm. Simuntun Smith & Boyd, Shinn & Davie, Juseph Sbion, Elijah Stove, Hon R M Saunders, Alvin Suin- day : Muay this dayyto them, be the com- | meuceiwent of a lung career of usefulness | and honor. lime scon come when the political fox and | the Bank crying blood hound will! have to) the determiratin on the part of the fly to the backwoods for refuge. poor Yurick : ihe independent, honest and valiant deeds | public will @¢ly apprecia'e. of this great champion of the West, and ‘* Go-ahead.” eral bust, E F Lilly : The spiri: and en- ergy, which have characterized his ap | rangemenis connected with our mect, and the sumptaous fare provided foil our accommodauon, entitle him to our | thacks & Sighest commendation. pracuce: The metalic agaiust paper cur-’ @ mers, ‘T—Jobn Thompson, Elijah Tucker, V— Mathew Vandiver, W—Silas Woodsides, John Waugh, Y¥—William G Younger. 2 THOS. M. YOUNG, P. M. Boarding School for Young Ladies. RS. PHTLLIPS'S School for Young I.a- dies, will re-commence on Mondsy, ihe she speedily awake from her jong apathy,| }0th July, 1857. aud move forward with unprecedented In this School all that constitutes ® sound zeal aud energy, in the promotion of every | practical education will be tanght, embrecing thing great, noble and glorious. the Buglish, Latin, Greek and French langua- By A y Vor ben Whitney | Bess a te A'gebre, Geometry, Natural May the **shears’’ of fate cut the “thread”? | ; aeecL UN OBE Rhee sc, Composition, In- is . | telleciual Philssoptty, Music and Drawing: vf that man’s lite: may fame brand with) 4) wii be the constant gin of ihe teaghers ‘0 everiasting disgrace, the man who * cab-) establish in the pupils a heb of thinking for oagens from his country, ‘hemseites, and the disposition to believe any z yw Eikinis—Gen Edward B Dudley : | thing on the word of the insirdctor, of to rely The patron of Iiterpal improvement: may | implictily oa the authority of any one wil be he be as succecefatl in establishing Rat | checks d,and the tha xt inculcated that whate- Roads end Canals, as he waa in his elec. | "CC'S Met guned hy their own * putient thought’ tion iu 1826. . een . ae : By Wm S Harris—Lewis Williams : fe koung Ladies will be considered, and ‘reated in all respecis, as the daughters of the Justly distinguished for the beauuful con- Principa! ; and their conduct, conversation, b2b- sistency of his character as a Statesman. | its, assuctates, moral and intellectas! natures By Thomas C Cooke—The Heroes of the Revolution —Champions in the lurnout for free- dum. ‘Uheir splend:d deeds are registered in Llistory as guides to posterity. By R C Carson—TVhe Constitation of the United States. He who has viclated this s8a- cred instrament, has inflicted an injury which ny ialept ean tepair—nor should splendour of services avert fruin Lim the infamy le so justly deserves. Sentby a Lady—North Carolina : May | wand nu less remarkable for his exalted; wi!l be carefully weiched over, and their best interests promoted With the wakeful solicitude of a pareui snd the conscieniious integrity of a able to point to many guch eone Christiane. The Bibje is made a text-book jo the t ’ a ; : ‘ School, and itat fr 2 Sent by a Ladv—Martin Van Buren ‘ a pee en ee fhe Ritch fom iied, a4 aut From lits administration we have much to} ‘The terms for the course are two headred and lear and litle to hope. Should it vot! twenty-five dollars a prove more salutary in its effects than that; payable in advance. of his predecessor, “let bis days be few,; loumeet the wishes and wants of these who nd another take his office.” | may prefer an Kimglish education for their deogh- By Wm F Phifer—he Senate of the! ters without either Music or Drawing, s class United States : Once as much the pride & | ates arce, cee tLe tere itl be ough | ty dollare 2 session, payable in advance. e glory of the American people, as the eM¥y | qecessary bouke will be lurnished by the Prisei- vf the zrowned lieads of Europe ; prostra- | pal and charged at the usva! store prices. ted by the hands of a deluded old man, As it is desirable that the classes should com- may it again assume and retain inviolate, } mence their siedies simoleneously, it is that power, originally intended by the fra-, ‘ed of those who intend patroo sing the Jestita- were OL Die eOGnaulion: { “lon to make such arrangements es will eeeuse By Col Means——Fhe Readers of the | ‘# iret. There ie exif! roum for the recep= liun of a few more busrders. Ifa pupil arcive after the commencemess of | the session, befure it bas half expired, she will be charged fur the whole time, othegwise for enly By Win M Henderson Esq—May the half. ‘Lhe soun'rcses 294 extent of the above course, wrth and viriue as aciuzen. May North | arolitiay In counting over her jewels, be yeas, (iocluding bouks,} j that it aball be inoroug hhy laughs, the heabeii- 2 Re ee . | ness of the situation, and the fati of comms- n— David Ceackett : “Alag J nicatidyagtween Chugel Hild end the-tedibes May we long remember | rieg@hthe State, are advantages ehich’ the By RCI JAMES PHIL) Prof. Math. & Na Chapel fill, July 5, 1837~Sw5t . JOB PRINTING Of every description (Done at this Office ~ BLANK SUBPQNAS For sale at this Office. By Dr M M Orr—Onr worthy and lib- | lertain- | By Wa Barringer—Professions and} a Or, FICKLESMISS NICHOLAS. A NEW GOMIC SONG. SUNG BY. M&,,SRELEY, AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN, Music at John F. Nuans, 70 S. Third St. I. - Of a bootifu) girl [ was onee very fond, But ber mind with her features did not eorres- pond, a o Yet uh how sincerely I Jov’d the young spinster, Until hes behaviceur quite set me against her, li was one Cheistinas tat | shall never furget, At a pleasant caid party, the first time we met ,; And sesmiten was | with the chatms of Miss Nich’las ; Tuat every one said [played wery rid‘eatous ( SPOKEN )—Unew anon rifcul never sags, at such Pa Compt at soch ti as the sald Commissioners may di- reet, nstalinent ‘of Dollare va each Share will be required at 1 wif subscribing | the © issioners are requested to forward the | inuney a8 paid, and the: fuiots of Subscriptions, they progress, 10 EB. L. Winslow, Fayette- ville. BRUNSWICK, Dr. F. J. Hill, NEW ITANOVER. James Owen, WN a3. of Subscription to the Ss Fayetteville and Wester Bail will be opened 19 the following . Counties and uader the direcijon of ee following 2 rOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVER twwck of the Ragd Gompany per overt MecKackan, “A. Baker. Aaron Lazarus, Alexander Anderson, G THE Subserive SPLENDID §S3SOAR FASHIONABLE 48 emits < are. , among vbivh entiamérate the followingviz: © Patent Lever Warculily Swi y and* . . > sou w * Goldie: Plated Chains, Gold and Plated Watch Guards, Gojd and Plated Watch Keys, b ty Bg! above x old and Plated Watch Seals, (latest fashion,) » Leads, Silver Spectacles, and’steel frames it vie { | Silver Ware; @r- pointed Pencil C glasses | soe £ has op hand and: will, i That] consiaatly forsale at his shop is Seliedo on main street,at the next de of Samuel Lemly & Syms, org Gold Ear-bobs, Breast pins, and Finge¢-rings, i : iN a and ce seceived in pevment for work, P ca " a oe y are ready to mike RES to Which ee Bi } SF wi Illy executed, Orders ww ali} “Mo eg! ly GItmNWed to. various kiods will be 3. Produce Of * Sahsbasy. May 27, 1837145 > | | ther by cash or note. sent the same for settlement, as | expect to leave this part of tbe country sbortly NOTICE e@ Sl : LL persons indebted to the Subseriber are requested lo make immediate settlement _ i- Albpersuns having claimé agpinst me will pre | ( JACOB TRAVIS. May 27. 1937 —1f45. t Jin the Pour of ) past in tis po mend it a~ anexeellent Shar co tor the er, and _ Member either vy letterver priyateiy, Ss aw such a mice cigature, and what enban BLADEN, James Burney, ine oat: ts Dirk “Koives, anf Silver the er of,ber charins, she had such a Joseph Gillespte, ruit Koives, cee ee bit of a liep myself, but her s | Joho d McMillan, ° Boer ee ae an ae : itselt's F was 80. confused that {| SAMPSON, —-W. AigKay, jreast Batons and Masical Boxes, wy ne ect nae e815 W, Faison Gilt and Stee) Watch Chains and Keys. played the knave af clubs, i: stead of the ace of Olien Mobley. He will execute every description of work in hearts and when they-asked me if | knew what COLUMBUS, A. Troy, a workmanlike manner and promptly J played. | anawered ‘Miss Nicholas,’ » Josiah Maultsby, DAVID L. POOL. "Which certainly made ine lurk wery ridiculous. Augastus Smith. ce Old Gold and Silver takes in exchange 4 iH ° ROBESON, Juin W. Powell, for articles purchase@at his shop, and tn Pay) . . Archibald A. ‘I. Smith, ment for wogk done and debts dae. D.L I escorted her home, and made use of the time, Richard © Banting. Salishur ae 25,186 1149 To tell her she'd caught me with Coopid’s bird) WAKE, W R. Gales,- - _ ~ ye lime 5 W. H. Haywood, Rockinghath ’ i amuel F. Patterson. And asked if she'd gu the next night tothe play? See She had no objection, 60 didn’t eay nay ? , CHATHAM. oe J. Williams, MINEER AL 3: i When I went she had made op a party next eve, Joho J “Alston. %, 4 Or three friends to go with ns, and woule you MOORE, John B Kelly ; SPRINGS ! 7 bel ve, Charles Chalmers, : _ me: I'd co uy for her three friends, as well as Mies RICHMOND eibeeee (Frequently called LENOX ef Ri LE (" | EEE er , Walter F Leak, PTUATED io Rockingham County. N.C. fi RB Which was wery expensive, and wory ridicu- C ‘Thomas. nomediately on the Stage line of Messis. ic : love ANSON, A Myers, Peck eee : one fT Washing . : y idi ! ial- John A McRae, ton City, to Milledgeville Ga.— The situatic n te : (seokex )—Uncommon ridiculous! especial Joseph SyaeE Sone Laniataeia nesUniy aan) pineal lan [ae ous Macias sana nema ce MONTGOMERY, Dr. F J Uutlar, water was analysed by Professor Olmsted, and hadn't brought money enough to pay for so ma- |” » Duncan McRue, sen’, found to be impregnated with Sulpbur, Carbon, ny. su 1 was obliged to leave my wateh with W Barris. Iron. and) Magnesta The properties of these a—ii.m—money lender, which certainty thnade}) ROWAN, Hamilton C Jones, Springs entitle them to rank among the mest ruridic Hon. R Mi Pearson, excellent mineral walters of the coumtry. “They tiie Toko arey Vcr alcln: Wiiiian Champers. operate ag a cathartic’and diuretic, sireogthen- ut RANDOLPH, Alexancer Gray, Ing and organising the powers uf digestion :— As she vas rather cross,the next day what did I Jesse Henshaw, giving tone, and healthy action to the Stomach, Bot | asked her permission the license tu buy , A Brower. sels: Eve able Se Phis ne : tI e i SULLFORD N Mendenhall excellem in Liveér affections, Dyspepsia, Debi ewnicn Vg Seeman a end nen suidiat et , Joa Liadeay, ity, Kraptions &e. ‘promoting appetite, and in thempol: Jotn sjorehead, vigerating the whole syst m. Wi htt she would meet me in time for the CABARRVS, Paul Barer, I is confidently believed, thai nied cal intel church ; William F Phifer, gence, If consulted would bahly reeommend the ; ie d ited George Kluus., remedial qualities of this water eee eee ane [REDELL, ‘Thomas A Allison, ‘Vhe bathing establishment will be kepf in three ho ITS, eG F Davidson, good order. Vill at lass [went in, where [ Jearnt, On ye Feajas iver ‘The Proprietor is thanktul, and under obliga f powers t 4 DAVIDSON, Sdmuri Hargrave, tions to those that have patronized him: kde |) With iny license some other had married Miss Heury Dusenverry, intorms Vistters to the Springs, Passengers 1. W R Holt. the Stage, travellers, &e. that he wall furnis) _— Dicpulas. =e at eee Ssanel MeCumh. goed scene nenes ative ttogtprertott to bis a ae iS . Audrew Grier. frends and acquaiu:ances heretofgre, and hopes (Spokes ) Uncommon ridiculons! for she | i INCOLN, David Reinhardt, sull further to werit their apppobation. must hive kKoowvn It wasn’t we, and if she did Alired M Burton, JOHN J. WRIGHT. / was not only thouthtless, but wery ridiculous. M Hoke. Q07__7y - Vv —_— RUTHERFORD, Kumund Bryan, ea [ flv to her home neariy ready to die. Sake Me Keune Law Books missing from my Where she when she saw me, pretended tocry: | ASHE, Roderick sturchison, Office, Said sped been to the church, where here mind Jotn Hardin, Ist Vol Selwia’s Nisi Prius, dii misgive her, a JM Nye. Ist Vol Phillipson Evidence, As I wasn’t there. that T wished tu deceive her. DEE Sey rae teg ile Chitty on Contracts. So she warned the wan core w vive her away, ee Fe e if Twill thank my professional brethren tose : a . ames © Smtth. turn thea, or give ye notice where they are te [saw fin, the chap Vd paid for at the play ; SURRY, Jesiah Cowles, te lowes ; ble said as his wite was ny looger Miss Niche mi ae Boyden, D F CALDWELL. los, . ; aches, April 8 —1f38 My stopping there seemed to him wery ridico- WILKES, \V liam PW augh, a of . Vhomas J Boncielle, STON? CUTT as olvus- W C Emmet. cca i ING.) (Spoken) — Uncommon with a sigh, and jost as I gut ontside the doors, they set up such a horse laugh at me, and eve since that | velwked wery ridicu lous. { From the New York Mirror. } THE (tloek PAINTERS. Nature in spurtive invod, tney say, Produced a painiing —fwas a chiid, Tencer and far as opening day— “Phe ariust viewed her work and smiled. Time an old paincet, saw the piece— "Twas pretiy, but it wanted tone ; ‘DH take the picture, if you please, And add some touches of my own.’ Some rioglets roond the face he threw, Gave animation to the eyes, Put in some teeih of pearly hue—- “The work improves,’ the painter cries. Hoe dabbled at the piece again, Deepe:'d the iinis and gave at strength, Mark d lines of iassitu@e and pain, Aod added sumething to the leogtn. Old Death approach’d and shouk his head— “E's lawury, and it wants repose; Tuo vrighi—knock oat those lights,’ he said aia( instantly the eye lids close Thesis grew faint, the ferm sppear'd to y Waste Tn prostrate attitade—the piece was set— **Tis mine,” he cried—‘exactly to my taste,’ Aad placed iin bis own dark cabinet, 2 Match for500 Bales of Cotton.—A match has y, evachaded duriog the recent Clib mee re Wsckaba ry mias., bot -e Col Bingamaa, tier the and Col. Claiborne, of the _ & face, New toile heats, at Natchez, va the 1588, ve Hundred Bales of ring Hundred:fortent ! t of ch Col. Oommen Claibors R af Craaspert, dase dy Hazall's Muses ’ . ese ridiculons! he said tote, Sir you cant think how etupid you luok, [ thought sv wo, so [marched out of the house Col. Ay Biagewan'ach-m Aagora. hy imp Le vitton eat Pany Pua by (Picola five » by Archy » Six Reageasep .and Kentucky are to try the ‘hingeewer in, it seems, Angora having been . ‘Boat, and Bodeipts in tho feat named r ’ STOKES, MR Moore, C H Matthews, Peter Critz. I) is confidently believed, that the gentlemen named will take a oe interest in this work, which, by its completion will unlock the riches of the West, and regenerate a large section of North Carolina. By at once securing the subscription of the the State, the construction of the Road to the Yadkin and the two branches will be rendered certain, * The time for action has arrived; will the peo- ple of the West and the Cape Fear forego the advantages offered tO their acceptance ? J et every every man do what hecan, and this work will go on. E. L. WINSLOW, Presipenrt, Fayetteville and Western Rail Road Company. Febrnary 11. 1837—1f30 MEKCHANT TAILOR, Benjamin*F, Fraley, S now receiving from New York and Phila- phia,a general assortment ot cloths and trim- mings for Spring and Summer: embpacing every article nsvally kept by Vierehant ‘Tailors: these goods have been selected by him in person, and cheap and guod Having worked atihe Tai- loring business for tweuty years, he hopes he sbakknot be considered presumptuous in eall- ing himself a judge of cloths. He has also just received the New York and PhiladeJphia Fash ions, and the above will be made op tn a superior style of fashion, and warranted tu fil well. He will also keepon hand a general assort- af@niof REAVY MADE CLOTHING, all of which willbe sold vety aw for cash or on a credit to punctual desfers.~ All kinds of cutting wijl be doae on short noice. Orders or work trom a distance will be punctually attended to ‘The public age inv ted to call and examine prices fur themselves He still continues at his turmer stand, sonth of the Court House, in the large Briek Building. Salisvury,N. C. May 15, = P. S. As he iaan Agent for sothe of the most fashionable Tailore of Philadelphia and New York, he would:be happy to instract any who Way wish toearn the art of cuttiag. garments He stso continues to dist ribate the Basha a Letters for Fashions must'be post paid «ROR SALE, THOUSAND BUSHELS OF CORN, on the plantation of the jate Joseph Pear- sen, in Davie county. ea G SOMV BMOLSHOESL n be done in this country Hisbory IVES notice that he will exvcute at quarry sever miles South ot Salisoury fal! Kinds of Work in bis line of business, in as tor recta style and at as cheap a rate assuch \ The sup@icr quailty of us gritstrongly recommercshis to Millers and Gold miners in particular. promises the ost pun-tuality in iting his ements. Heese tu theRict OQ foe promptly attefided to. # salisbury, Nov. 28—19tf > in H ean be confidently recommended to the public as it T JOHN FOA t. April 8—1f38 RD) Agen * For Sale or R: nt. WILL rent or sell on good terms. my*stab lishtnent a few doors east salisbury, on Main street. together or separately. ouse befure [ will require it. the Courthonse ‘Tt has been ocen pied asa ‘Tavern for a number of years. anc ight be made one of the best stands for busi in Town. I Will sell the House and Furnj Avy industri ntive person can make the money put of t JOUN JONES. J. Js *N.B_ I will stillcontinue tu entertain my old friends and customers as @sual. Judges LAW BOOKS. HE Subscribers respecifelly inform th embers of the Bar. i Sradenta of Law, that they have for cale at 'te NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE, e and mixed cuilection of LAW KOOKS patrona G Address) «@ TURNER & HUG June 7; 1837 — = Of every description GaDone at this Uflice.<£) iil 4 a 6a «il JOB PRINTING: .,.” conBisting of ELEMENTARY anc LEGAL Works. SOne of the .: H. D. Tarner, baviny loca tec hunself a! uy will be a5te to pr an aoks, Ww 2 NW asaWew York, ve be in print fa the Northern or Butopean at as short a notice a8 possible. , We take the liberty of soggesting friends and acquaiptances§ and the guug; zens of North Carolina generally, the p ot consulting their interests, (thereby the Book Store with their i duing 80, we will be favored with t which qill meet with our usual pro uon, & entlemen visiting the city, are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock, which | comprises™ large assortmen taof every kind de- scription. * Raleigh, NES. a — ly # | nserl the anove SPRIPG & §T AMER RR ‘specially tenders bis thanks to the citizen He informs the public that he still carries on the TAILOR AYG RIE TIES AND band that Isuol whet cres to another 5 52 or mere th another all near NO 1 ECE. The Subseriber will hat valuable TAAYARD sell “ades®rough, forsevera) years sion, tle can sately reeom- a wat ‘eo T&IVVEINVG BF Ushi ess, | Perms will be accomimeanting to she purchas- be Kuown by applying to the sub- | ‘THOS. SS LITOLE. Deco 3 1836—1120 "The Mounorot the Gree nsbaroneb Beaeon will | Six enue ferwaro his ae. wat tothe Subse: oer ai Wacesb muck N.C, VG e Se i. FASiLOAS. . ose a - Horace M0, Peart, of Salisbury and its vicinity for the ibera upp rt hehas heretofore received in his busti ess FER RL are NUPSSEViLKAL BRANCHES AND VA. | AGCORDING ‘TO ‘THE: LATEST FASHIONS FLOM Paris and London, Via New York an! Philadelphia. He assures tis) customers tha: their work Si aees cee: nay: At ac : Pry neeehanic cau @281 Lis Nut : “ Salisbury, May 20, laoi-- 44 COME ANF? BUY £..9.% D. Offered for sale nee containing 800 or more Acres, With improvements re: ifenor ca cny between the Yadkin and Cataaba rm one trace, 115 A gether; and two small facts to Trede lla tew tniles above Statesville. Undoubted tutes will be wnpace by the preper per ors Ay yy seer v0 A.W. Brandon or to the srisenber ter toring, &e. JOHN SCOTT may 20, 1837—1tf44 PLS. All kinds af property else, thatth sub- serber has ip possession, can be bought at a low | price. ees Dr. Ro MW. BCU & FEES W il continve the PigGiice of AV fie in the Town of Sabsthury, sid its ie. &e. t RG LLY His rooms are at the end « fite North Fast wing , ot the Mansion Flotel. _ Mey 20th, 1887 —1144 | | APOTHEC Au Y La Le S: ORE. ‘s3 GB WHEELER & RERNS, Have just received a large pply of tresh MEDICINES, Instruments. Shop furat- ture. Fancy Soaps. Per- July Is , 1837° A—Kecs oa Atisen 1, Revd Benjamin Area ipl eee pemle Bf + guy, Eng 1, Brigadier General { thik b : } Ce © orzine 1, Rebecca Chamberlain 1, J. & che 1, moses Corl 1, Colonel 95th hee ( 1 ‘ Dye-s tufts. ‘t obac- co, Cigars. &e. ; - Sect aie cee @inesK Spirits, selected for ..edicul Purposes. They t- quit: grate taloa them trends a : the public tor the very, libers! pa'ronage hereto fore given them, and bopr. by striet attentionmto a determination to sell no tive alike libra) patron their pusiness, snurisus Drug Doe age. Salsbury ere 17, 1837 —5~49 NOUICE. LL perse cs tudeboee te the Estate of Hen- ty Swink Dee d.. are requesied to make paymea! to Mie, aru these taviig claims against said estate, @e JOR’ H. HAKDIE, dm'r. May 27, 1837—1!149. BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE ‘AT THIS OF EICE JG §& WA Lash, man, printed at Salisbury, & ing the Defencantto be and appear before the Jastices of our thereof, to be held at the Court house in Ger mantun, on the second monday in September next, then and there to replevy or plead to issue, | or judgmint final will be entered against him, and the laad levied on, cuudemned tv satisfy the plaintiffs demands. at office, the second monday of June. 1837. j become sagreat that lias. settle | the greategf injustice to require we te tievel ell | over ine ey for tip porpese. bt is to te! hoped, Uerefore, that thuse: who're mew save tne trouble and expense by remniting wy | dues through the Pust: Office, und that wishoot, delay seutof parties. - | J. renuah Howie 1, William S Harris 1, James + by eut Ne 5 : . i fumery, Oils, Paiiits, jkeod, Charles Karrikez, ; ‘ | 1,.—Cuipepper Lee f® Jonah Love 1, Wil | AN ASSOKI MEAT OF CHOICE | | S*COUNTY.. =” ,Oniginal At: * Lened oo the taisitheride'of ‘the Court | ‘Ups case are. ivhabuasio is therefore ondered, ‘that v = sands condemned ia satisfy plamuifs debts. Tei—Wae MASTIN,cwee —6w49— € Nori. Carolina, STOKES COUNTY. ~ Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, June Term, 1837. 5 : -. N this case if is ordered by the Court that publication be made in Carolins Watch SIX Weeks notify- Oriyinal attachment vs. Q Leview on Land. John Hatehings. said Court, st the next term Witness, John Hill, clerk of our said Court JOHN HILL. c c.c. June 24, 1837—6w49 —price Adv. 3 Y BUSINESS tas become co meet ex teuded, and the amountet arearages bas will be} H. C. JONES. M:i\ 6. 1837. ; WB Co par.nerst ip cf Doetora Mitehen & Bouctelie, ts this Gay dissuived by con He All persons is to the firm, «re requested tocall aod settle Meir accounts. Those pseu: claims will present them tor serileu ens All persons indebted ty Dr Michell, previe, ous te the Copartneseb p ot Bouchels § Mueh- ell, are requested to eal! and elese their accuunts, | Mas Q0:h, PXS7—.f42 5 = WOTICH. | OOKS are vow open atthe Office of Watchman sed atthe Store of Geo. Brown, to the Town of Salisbury, for subserip- | Western Rail Road under the Acts of Assem- oly of 1833 and 1837 THE COMMISSIONERS. NOTICE. oe 4 f ee new Steamboat Company beg leave to boat builtin Ba Invre at a light drapght of wa in September [tis confidently believed shat teree atbany stage of the river others from the upperceontry, will find it to their Intrrest to have their goods and produce sent | intouwh this channel, as the freights will be rea sonsble,—in no case whatever, will any addition- al charge be made for lighterage, nur any exer ors or eXpense wanting to ensure regularity and despatch. She wil! ply with the the new steaper ©: mden,’ whose success this last sea fsou has, ut the navigation of the Wateree by | sec beyond avonbt Both buats wall be ale | tu #eeego date passereers comfortaply berry | neady fitted op wih the ladies and gentlemeow | Cadths distiucl and sepurace BENJ GASS, ¢ Avent NewS B Company. Iniy 8, 1837 —-Yinal Wags wes Ra . ae Post Office at Concore. NOG Gu Gane tl } {.-zaneth Finney |, (;—S.°, Goodman.(W) 1, Gabriel Gay lor 1, Ge soe VY Green 1, George mM Gibson 1; Hi--David C Housten 1, Reve A Hamby 1. licccl:y 2, James m Howell 5, Andrew Hun “1. ~Dr Robert Kirkpatrick 1, Andrew Karri- liam Laweer, Aon Littleton, M—Joseph McKinley, Revd J S ucKuichen, William miller, N—William F Nicholsof, Henry Nash, P—James Pharr, John Petry, R—Harriet L Remsour, Philip Ridenhapr. mrs margeret R Rodgers, John Calvin Ross, Revd Juhn Robinson, John Rodgers Faq, messrs Rober: & Huguinen, William B Roane, urs mary W Ross. E dh Rodgers, . S—David Stoke. Joho Stallions, Revd P A Stobel, Richard Sherrill, Deoois Sizer,Joha S | Small T—Trustees of Female Academy, W—Simeon Winecoff, Y—Robert S Yoong 2, GEORGE KLU*TS, P. M. July 8, 1837 —3451 NOTICE. L » persone indebted +) Amos Weaver for A season of Marviiea, are requested to requested io present them for | make payment to R V. Michaux, as be alone is | payment, within the (ue preseribed by Law or authorised to receive the same. | this notice will be pi-aci bar of therr recovery. AMOS WEAVER. July 8, 1887—6w51 ca a tt} @ *,* Old & ed, cutan SaLISBURY, APRIL 15, 1837 Privete Tuition in Music. 7 Tie trends af the ners, ave nspecfally invited to attend NB. Mrs Huvehisog, expeciing (py leave of Proswteneer )tawsit her ebtldren tamediately after th. Examination cl mes, wift teed obliged to sach of Ler patrons a8 May uot ye) have setiled thetr bills of “Toition, tu du sy, as eocb as muy be convenient to themselves. 1837—4w50 Jntv dst, BPISCOP the re@id, nee af Virs commence on Moncay, Joly Srd will be $15 per Qvarter. or pl 25 per week, Sux shorter penud Sahi-bary Julv 1, Mrs. SD. Pend YORK § Pa ave great confidence im their ability to| va, oon Clee of Pleas sna’ tear “ g6 y but should they | to be heli for the county ol oe at the. Milliner and Mafitc al. they are wil mgéto take ‘the garment | Court he Bein Wilkesburough, on the Ist mon- NFORMS the} hd.try ull they suceged. Cutting will be} day afierthe 4th monday of July next, and “ceived the NEW . in the best mode. plead, or Judgmehi wil be entered and the PH1A Spring and Sum — and will execute # ork i her business,in the most faslt fidelity and promptuess. ae BCP Orders from a distance . will be etrickly attended to,and articles of Dress car sfally paek- ed and sent off according to direction. roand Straw Bonnets bleach. mmed in the latest style. Mrs.8. D P. will keep constantly on band for sale. a stock of Bonvets, Caps, &e. Ke. Mis. P. returns her thanks to the citizeng of this place and the adjoining Counties for the liberal encouragement Bhe bas received, apd pledges herself to renewed exertions to please them. os 'SS BAKER will gtse lessons on the Prans Fore for a quarter ct 12) weeks, at Baker ‘Phe Quarter to 1837— 4¥ 50 Pe A.NUAL FXAMINATION OF Mew Hoehisen'’s Seninary, wile mmenee at the Presoyientan Cloret,in Salisbury, on the ait of July at nal past Do'chek. AM. Popils a:a of the Semi- AL £CHCOL. PRNHE Sommer Sesston of thre fasertarcou will commence on Friday. the 230 inst. onder .) the care of the Rev M. A. Co aris. Rect 5 the Rev. Dr Empire having. on aceyugt the im- tons iv the cayiftal etock of Fayetteville and paired state of his health, resigned hts charge. t By order of the Board of ‘Trustees, E. B. FREF.. AN, See'y. Raleigh, June 14, 1837 —$w50 7 . hiranches s. e, wiih Hier terme ———_ John Orr; T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coore, that the Defendant is not an inhapitapt of tufum the public that they are having a this Stare: It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watehman, ter, for the express purpose of plying betwixt that the said defendant, John Orr, appearat the Camden and Charleston, and to be here early next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the Court house, Bhe willbe able with ease w navigate the Wa-, Wilkesboreugh. on the seventh monday after Merchants and | the ¢hiitd monday in Augast next, then and where to plead. answer or demartothe atid Pe- tition, or the same will.be 1 hen pro confesse, and srt for hearing exparte. county lt of Wilkes. State of PortaCarelina, cS aha »ApP Term, -tre0rz wt Fis Superior Court of Mrs Vary Ofp, Petition fur Divoree. al Witness, William \S July 1--6w50* ~ *LANK SUBPCENAS For sale at this Office. « ‘They é Peden, Clerk of the said cvert, at office, the 7th monday after the third monday in Februaty “A D. 1837 W.W PEDEN,c se Colby Alexander, ANAWAY fr of the 18th inst . three negroes, ©'Z: *# low named ENOCH, aout 50 yeare of ge, well set, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches b gh, & sie bow leged, hair bushy. complexion & little intelligent, and answers gq propriety, but ie slow in dog 80 daughters of the abuve—on@ abvet age— the other 18 thick sod cho, made. tion, which leaves me uller'y at ceive their design t State of Porth Carolina, WILKES COUNTY May Sessions, 1837. )1_ieal Atrachment vs Lievied upun Land Jos. Brown, a 4 Fae eieente.-te cn telestion ofthe Comet, habst@int of thin S ate : d that pableation be made inthe Car lina Watch- wan for six weeks. that at the next county ccurt, to be helé tor Witkes ‘county, on the first mooday afer the 4b won- day of July Nex', and abawes the Judoment will be entered against bim = , Tesi— Wan —6 w50* — 50 DOLLARS ay EWARD. om the subscriber on the night The elder named JINNEY the younger MARY. spare ithout the slightest prot car From the quantity of pluu- der taken with them it is believed they 3/¢ Gaeta, ted by some white person. will be paid for the apprehensicn @ groes, and etther delivery ® in Somes dit. 8 C., oc Jail, of this. or any adjoining 6 them A propurtional reward will be either singly. July 8, 1837—6w51 FOR SA. ST RATE BAROUCHE, with a ~ fine set of harness, credit vt six of ives ee THIS Of ice, April 29—+ a. [tis therefore cefencart appear MASTIN,cw co nestionsg & ith great The abuve seward WLLLIS SPANN, - dered, Piaioufl, of ee So ener iN tel- light, Two girls, 20 years of a loss to cun- E, | aS BY-HA — a hace ILTON C. JONES. a ae , Mies B. Abvrmah 6 : ‘les B. Abernathy. 44 PROSPHQTUS FOR | M2 emmy 5 David Storkes ; CHROLENA WATCHMAN, DM. Basie EDITED & JUBLISHED GUILFORD. Dr. J. A. aes a EES ; : ASHE FIAMI J x q'. JONES. Col, A, Michel, Tisctject in to dstyct and te please. He} - ; : ee end diligeace set him- Whitfield Kerr. ees this work. and haflatters himeelf that the . DAVIDSON. ost interests of Litefture, Science, Politics, Jobn P. Mabr;, 4 - antiure and Conamece may be promoted by Reasonable commission will bo allowed on }lwhers, Goolre ralland refinement it shalt moncy collected. IH. C. JONES. be ies amnimtion to uphol} and against the ene- Salisbury July 28, 2882. rresot those. whether den or hidden, he will 7? 7 ung. the ut ate Jothe Plated: art resivt the tide oft (i: "he Etter deems thiexcise cf the power af saving Entamel fnproements by the general qovereinent.ca the highet degree inexpedient: r “es that the distr.bation of large sums of Congress and thePresident, will pro- Pw y roy 4 ‘ated detrine of Nullifiea- ae ee ray,hat in all its phases ns, it i& contiary t our Most settled -ana as suea wil, be eombat- TERYUS. Ali ieters tocie Elarter muzt be Post pard, or a Inn CeSA1} i my a 4 | worl bergacagead, tor. only ne a : oa os ‘ Poivil pr lity wy the Watchman. Cities (ARR tak ERTS WOK ac CSHESOP UES IN Fe ‘ pthe ry \ ever SUD T \, YN Ves » eee Whee ty eas S CTU ww Oe! ! ~~ . a&® Ota ‘ t a ee oe esti ce rates a. terwarus. ties weit aot be attended to. A : r ) vetof his stength. Criticism, wit. ay ‘hosp otherpuagenis thet give zest wa reopnets hewill cndeavar to afford _ Belbving in the patriotism co ropsof the President, and aware ae pe doceryed bhame en but hinder the proper mei Lot Gaveraivent. ty will feel it his duty to ‘ocuy®hich bas been so freely peated forth aya.nst the dministration, and vin- ‘ceste Wild enerzy its jBiiable measures, lie free however ty gstam the continuamee coo Unit d Sietes Bank with such checks and a fiewtiona as etperiene may have shown to alou~ cs, cistrust an¢disaflection, and will weaken our wnin—to.say nething of the mor tendency of suclveg.slaton. rar{t whieh bas for lis Giget, the fusteriup uf cre eee isofone section dour country at the eect ihe ee! aergics of this paper TiIE LONG AGONY IS OVER!!! Gen. Jackson has put his veto on the bank Bill! ! We regret this exceedingly—twe had hoped thet the President's cunstituticnal scruples would give way in acase, where there was such an array of authority against him. But he has Seen proper to adhere tohis former opinions on this subject, and we have every reason to believe Gen. Jackson knew fall well, that he had no- thing to gain by pursuing this couse. He Pennsylvania and some other States: On the vther hand, he would have acquired strength by approving the measure—Who can say that he has not acted with firmness and consistency ? We hope that he is not to be sacrificed, beeause he has thus held on the principles, which he long since avowed. However, we may deplore the fate of the United States Bank Bill—we for one, Will hold up for te General. There are higher sad mightier considerations that influence us in this determination. Mr. Clay has shown such a co d, heartless disregard to the rights ond interests cf the South, atid sucha reekices indif. j averse to hin Tue President on the cther Wateuman, fs published land, has manitested such a zcal and devotion to tivce Lielars por ver, in advanee | the cause of Peace and union that ifthe name of Couns more than ; samstant from Salury, aad in Cavs where the account is .Wepne year stan- » taken fiacrs thaa one er done at 16 usual rates, r bul itaecawguntil aireara- as ra J ainheathe Fiditer clescs. eepers pay ng the whe sum in ad- Shue ave the PE adch aan atSZ,50 fer one ws vanced rezalariy, Wi he cuntinu- fe .a .- 7 wiressing the E.ditore the business ees Gress hun agiditer of the Cured pe bite? man—Ulbose thatwrite on other : pe tat Hace Jones. oa. All tae subscript ons taen before the Cr oreisesie tf tis Papert wibe remem noe due cou the publicatiotof the first i | would work but little injury. The most valuable | end ofthe U. S. Bank we think tu be the whole- eels W CiEN St Ee eet CCOY WT Vai tact prot Whe I tobe riaed to eat] i lato atye seecued unreasonable.— Now jyywey- Pes pee ren Ws Wie at 1 Yersvint ane fo Cotuy best forvou in this selee, Siiela cod start. Fata diintine Press ; Ves a must keepit gong. 3: eee een lnrentess thi. : (Judge Donnell presiding) a man by the name of Sparks, was indicted for stealing money and ‘| convicted. Tt appeared in evidence that he had stulen two cent Bills, one of N. Carollna, the other Georgia money ; and that being pretty closely pressed by the by-sianders, he stepped one side and swallowed them—that they 4e- mained on his stomach for several hours, when he voinited them up the N.C. Bill in a state 4 Comparative wholeness, the Georgia Bill near- y eaten up with the gastric juices. The North {arolina Bill was issued only in violation of the . Sat : . tn; c and our member in Cun ieee uf the United Ctetes—but the Milla nhe aden men, “ Why” another,’ in pretended undertone,b Cor. 1st. Itis easier to stomach a Yivlation of | nevertheless. to be heard by Mr. Philips. United States Constitution, than a violation must be a pretty considerable man,” « Rate ents of it” says the other, “ I see the oe ness in his tight oye:” « Jer. 2d. No wonder both came back. These ere a pleased Mr. Philips: H THES NEW TARIFF. of Rhetoric. “e havo not yet been aie to make a minute laughed long and loud at them h :rison betweon this act of Cengress and the | hearers uf 13:28 ; but we are satisfied that altho’ and were not af all s of which spoke cf his person ; his gait ; is great alleviation to the Cucatry, and ap walling) hi wit a larly tothe South. The bat proof of its | of his coat. \a bored by voaat least until youk SE Cr Cen \attent ss haere Gentlemen will oblige me \) 2 \ ela Ta. ( tint, whare Mace oy then Woulu ve as valid as if made 4 ETI, BAe S (n l ro fr o n om | some controul it exercises over the operations of | the State Bank, we cannot suppose that in the -sinall interiin between the expiration of the Char- TCHMAN., = one ee a TV aturday, July 241832, TO MY SUPSCRIBERS is tobe heped thagon wil, | people; the very likelihood of a Presidents sc- j ceeding Gen. Jackson, of different sentiments j from him o1 this subject, will keep these minor | Banks within proper bounds. * Such is the over. | Whelining majority of the American peopie in but | favor of the United State Bank, 90 obviously | is it necessary, and 30 clearly is it authorised by | the eonstitution that they (the subordinate Banks) will assuredely conduct themsclyes with a view | to this very probable contingency. To vs in know | Ngth Carolina if we can have new Banks on mv list, and am aw that established on prudent end sound principles, this Syet ry ene ory ucan pay me themed | interval, will be an advantage as it will Irave Ve oe lage inconvened —j surplus capital afloat to be vested in our State | Institution. We think the. next Legislature will surely make some provision fur the withdrav- alof sv much banking capital as has and will (Shortly disappear. should it do so we need crve tne a favorible siart. Phe ig | not féar any bad consequence trom the Veto. Monev is the thilto | and money idhe | Just as necegy | fiat the terms propuq in my i. te ammount subsetd was re pakl bet re t hecan the publicati¢ of my ts propossl Txpected Wee: before this tip ; prunstcly beeasole to get uny way t rant a or quest which wou have pdisageefadle ty rayselfand tw mart you | Tate; ms wehesev in making this e TL. hope vou willdoso. iy ont-lay teres, m se. gas heen very considerable amthe | en’ expences ctmy office are also crea If the WvTcHMAN In the gc FOR SURRY COUNTY. raneas KR. Amistrong pt. Jobn Wricht, LC. BL Wreht, eter Glen aion SiOkRiS COL Johan BF. Poindexicr, | fsaae Gribsen, Pa . WILKES COUNTY. Coi. Sami. F, Patterson, Messrs. Finley & Beachell, BURKE COUNTY. Rebert Pearson, Fisq. Suiney S. Erwin, John P, Hardin, Fisq. ROCKINGHAM R hert Galloway ,jt. fisq A. M. Seales, Psy. Juseph P. Caldve ld. ~ LINCOLN Cyc, Henaeri, t A. MM, Burton, Esu. MECKLENBURG. Pr, J.D. Boyd, ¥. L. Staith, Esq me ference to the safety of the Union, that we arc Iris political errors were Legiun, wo could nct desert him for Mr, Clay. There is another consideration of no small mo- nent in fortify ing us in this purpuse,. and that is, that the next term of office being the second, will de ore of comparative tranquility—there will no lunger be a motive for the opposition to mangle ond tear the feelings of the President, and throw useless difficuities in tha path of the Govern- ment—so that the Admigistration will be ena- bled calmly to apply its energies for the crisis which the Jack Cad+s of the country are cn- deavoring to produce. We believe that a storm of some sort is coming, & that no man thwarted as Gen. Jackson has been during the sreseat clectioncering term esuld mect it with suecess. Any sort of a President during the second term, we verily believe, could do more reat good fort xe Natiun, than the wisest and most virtuous man that ever existed could do in the first term. The present chartcr of the United States has several years to run and it may.be that Gen. Jacksen may alter his opinion as Mr. Madison did on the same subject, and as other Presidents have done on other subjects. But should he not. the s.nall interval that would happen during which we should be deprived of this institution ter and the next Presidential term, the local bank can Tun riot so farastodo much injury to the po =k cheap tare. UNCURRENT NOTES. the patronage of the ‘The Catawba Sprin monton, a gentleman, expense, to please his happy and contented. ORIGINAL ANECDOTE. etort Courtcous—Not long since, as a con- dthe Piazza of a break- ge line, they were thus fellow, who seemed to ting hard all night with the At the last Superior Court of Surry County, eorgia Bill was also in violation of an act of e N.C. Legislature. ot all we wanted, nur all we had a night Ultra Tariffites and the Nuilifiers. ad aable: when they}. g the country upside down.—Bui }20H Ps against organised Government, Jhotter in their feelings and | more extragzant in their demands—uontij they turn up theifnoses at the very things that they: And many of them like’ the spoilt child § the Alchemist, swear that uniess we give up ery thing and more, thay will up- set the cup-@y and make a crash! Quem ad finem (Catilla) effrenata jactabit audacia.* (Ep. C. War. idea of urn at first wen@pr. will your re “THE TARIFF. will be gratified to learn that the ich originated in the House of s, has become a law. The Se- nate receded fhm the objecti-nable amendments introduced byjhat body, in confurmit: of the Committee ence appointesby both houses. The vote was pon the twenty controverted the discassion arose, and | eat majorities. rom the House is much agricuitural inter- , than it was with the amend- ‘Mr. McLane’s Bill was Tariff Bilt, ¥ Representati recommendat n taken, seriati o that he has acted fram the mast exaltedxgndtives. | pointe, out of Puig they were givp up by better for the 4uth, and the ests of the W. ménts of the $ better than eitér. We shall gi upon this suhjeq.—t[ Globe. We, TALITY. Most heartill'do we fecilitate our readers that p the Duties on Imports. “has fi- Houses, in a form differing ve- } it first passed the This measure alone ress from the reproach of much is emphatically, whatever may ose who have opposed it, a Bill Look at the vote in the Se nate on ‘hursd¥ night on the question of inde- | finite postponempt. ‘Those who voted against be it observed, w knew that he'ran the imminent tisk cf loveine in detall the final proceedings the bill to red nally passed bo ry little from tt in House of Reprdenta: will redeem C wasted time. be said of it by of Compromise! the postponemer, the rejection of te bill Greajand meritorious, have been the co one part of thee ere against s and the vote stood as ‘and patriotic, ions to alleged suffering in ntry, by their brethren in y thir extent be properly appre- ciated !—[JWat. If. CATAWBA SPRINGS. With muen satgfaction, we make the follow- ing extract fromthe Carolina Journal. heartily juin in thq commendation bestowed on Simouton’s Establgh ment by the Editor and his correspondent. We have long thought that this watering place degrvcd more than ordinary pat- ronage. ‘Ihe iningai qualitics of the waters, gon by the best scientine jude- untry, and are undoubiedly ny of the chronic diseases e other hand, we have ne- ver heard of any acgdent occurring by the mis- application of tl:e water, happen at other Spgs. situatiun to tha fia lage of Lincolnton Gold Mines, rende Success attend youMr, Simo have been passed 1 es in the Southern very excellent in adoption of this alternative may expose me else- ot tne South ;—~on a thing which often The proximity of this rishing manufactur d to the North i nally attractive. [Ep. C. War. n sp2aks hand- blishment at Ca- | Wwe understadd | wr cerrespondent is a very competent judge, and we are informed upon other very respeetable autlprity, thot in all the essen- tials of good livlng, Hnd treatment ness, no more eligibld position ean te found in West Carolia, than Catawba Springs. [Ed. Journed. | The following Cynmnicati somely of Mr. Simopron’s csta tawba Springs, and jo more sc for the position, that, tre is atide in the afia:rs znd cheap- | of inen, which taken at the flood leads on to fur Mr. Editor :—Alli we imagine, who are able sefk a hicher, if not a heal- The North, this sum- mer, dues not affor) much attraction. The Cholera is there, and gris disoase will not only de- ter our citizens trom gping thither, but will in- duce many ot.theirs t¢ seek a more southern home during the warm reason. However much we may reotet the cause of this, yet we think it will be fortunate for us in its Hitherto, indted, those of cur good citi- zens, who have spent their sumrere at the wa- tering places have never becn satisfiod they resided at Cotstkill, or visite This is surprising. Fer among hills and mountains we mig h Which we may desire--pr. delighttul clime. To en to travel, will soon thier region than our of his own fortune, the author of his own greatness or insignificance, happiness or misery. ‘True it is, that casuuities, neithcr to be ferescen nor pre- that success, undeserved, and perhaps uneought thesc, however, are but occasional deviations froma the ordinary course of nature, ace.rding t which man 'senergies, wisely or foolishly dircewd, and diligently or carelessly exerted, are made to determine his character and condition in society. ‘The stuutest ship that was cver manned with pru- dent heads, brave hearts, and strong liands, has fLundered in a humean«, while the feeble bark that ‘owns no inastery in fluating,” is sometimes safely _wafted into port; yet, whu can deny that crdmarily the fate os the voyage must deperid. on the shui, care and courage with which it ig €on- ducted. Saratoga — our own native + find every thing i@ air, g00d water,and a Jey the-e,Carolinians need uvt travel beyond the boundaries of their own perhaps, to mention par- ot furncar, however, re- To those of us tate, this place is pleasant re- every inducement—pure accommodations, ch not least, y Tecominend it ty | siates. We ought not, licular places. We fering to the Catawba Who live in this section of the S ateldedly tha iost convenient and It offers, too air, good water,and e exccllent servants, and last, n good or ill in the fate uf every individua , has been We would warml ‘ wound ty follow almest neecssarily frum the habite furmcd, the propensities chenshed vr restrained, and the rules of conduct adopted at a very early period of hfe. Weagiisht»perhaps, be tempted tu regr~é that such important and eften awful conse- quences should fuliew on the duings of ar age, when the unworn senses are alive to every lin- pression, and the keen appetite gready fur every enjoyment ; when the lnagination is wild, tue judgement feeble, and “heedless rambling unpulse’ has scarcely Jearned to think. Yet such is the constitution cf nature, and such con- Scquently the appuintment cf , Him whuse ways tre always wise, benevolent and just, and whuse will it Were not more inadnese te resist, than it is impiety to questiun, Louk through the world, & the |cast observant cannot fail discover talents abused, opportunities squzndered, & men ruined, because of early fuily, misbehaviouror thought- lessness ; and let those who have passed thru’ life’s ordeal with safety and honor, look back on their trials, and they will acknowledge how gs are owned by Mr. Si- Who spares no pains nor guests, and make them pany of gentlemen entcre fast house, on Norfolk sta saluted by a fragmctical have been wres jolly name’s Joe Philips ; here : I’m very well Gaskins, the great ] I live two miles back ‘rom acquainted with Mr. Billy yer—and Galbe Hurard, gress from these parts, at your service, gentle- says one of the passengers, would jest stop it, I did’nt mind takin a I to him,-Mr, Simonds ! that. c. MIR. GASTON S ADD 1832. pic Societies : on ancther. Comperiled then to chouse between an entire disappsint:nent of your hopes, and the of full preparation, I have resolved to execute the undertaking impertectly, rather than forego it al- together. ‘lo whatever petty mortificationg the where, from you ny young friends, | aru sure of a fercraile recention, You wil} ses an expres- ston of thescnse which T entertain of the honor conferred on me, by your choice, in, my readiness to graufy your wishes, and in my sul:citude to cheer youon in the nubiv career upon wihch you havo cntcred. "The tew homely traths which I Wish to unpress upon ycurininds, will not indeed come inended from my tongue, but 1 do not despair ihat, presented 1a their naked plainess, but urged with the earnestness and sincerity of tr.endship, they inayawimtheir way to your generous and af- fectionate appa wit. The authori Shakespeare is often invoked tune.” Without venturing ty deny -aliogether the fitness of this metaphor, and fully aduutt ng it to have snough of truth to render it apprupliate to the occasion for which it was used, and the character to whom the great poet assigned it, I told, that, generally, every man is the architect ventented, inay defcat schernes which have been wisety concerted and vigurously prosecuted 3 andi fur, may sumetimes befal the weak and slothful. Much too, Very much, cither fr permanent much they owe to very early impressions, and | to habits contracted alincst without a sense of | their use ora foresight of their conseqoence.s evidently ; He therefire who aspires to excellence. cannot fiourish ‘or so | too soon propose to humself the objects which he should strive to obtain, nox fix his aim to early, or tou steadily, on the end to which his efforts ‘ps, , Should be directed. The shortness cf life, large fragments of which are necesserily uc- hey | cupied by animal wanis, or wasted in friviluus ad a/ cares and amusements, leave, at best, but an in- perlative cut | considerable portion tu be devoted to intellectual Ss; 29 is “ like swee- | cultivation and exertion. ‘To waste this portion | all the rules of QuinctiJlian, Rollin or Blair, will would be criminal improvidence, and it is uf ture highest moment to learn betimes how it may be must beneficially applied. marks of great- smart man” says a third. ccmpliments, e paraded a He made divers efforts of wit, and imself. His seemed much to admire Mr. Phil paring of their praises, reached his ears, t (which w ; and the su Mr, P. swallowed th , that it was violently oppascd by the | tened liyour.” He loomed, he Swaggered, he | ing about wit, | entlemen how [ cut ! ake is allowed to be | a WGneinies of the Southern country (if not | bowed humeclf in eestacies. tht enemies of the whole country,) we “says he,” let me tell you Jake Simonds ‘tother day: tolerable een himself, and he and I was alwa md Black George.) The canduct of the! a bully ragg:n one anothe:, amd sometimes Jak ee 4 and ‘there, there was one Aad twenty. Lawyers em- ed'to defend me, and it. was all abuut Joe tp and the shaat,and the shoat and Joe Philips: And I began to think they never would be done with it. There they had it fer a whole day—Joe- Philips and the shoat, and the shoat and Joe Philips— began to wish I never had seen the darned thing: At last, got ao. tired of the confounded fuss, I told the court. if the sibel 1 dressing. You see‘ wanted to ent the Law- yers—-Ha! ha! ha! So they took me out and tied me to a persimmon tree, and gave me thirty nine Jashes ; but by Gracious 1 was not guilty of the shoat.. And as I was going heme, wha should I meet but Jake Simonds, and he had jest come out of the Penitentiary—he had, been put in for stealing of a sheep : Good morning, says he to me, Mr. Philips! good morning, says **T understand” says he, Mr. Philips, that you have been shaking down Persimzons lately ; Well, by gracious says I, suppose I did, there was ne’er asheep fell ataong *om.—You see it'takes me to do the thing; ha! ha! ha! Jake always let me alone arter Delivered betisre the Pilanthrupic and Dialec- tic Societies at Chapel-Hill, onshe 20th of June, Gentlemen of the Dialectic and Philan thr o- When I Jock around on this extraordinary con- course of visitors; I cannot but feel that expecta- tion has been too highly excited, aud cannot but anticipate and recret the disappointment which it must necc-sarily meet with. Aware of the val- ue which is here set upon the ceremony of the annual address ; knowing that the friends of the University throughout the State, regard it as calculated not only to excite a spirit of emulation among the Students, but to attract the public at- tention to the Institution itself; and warialy at- tached to thai noble canse, for the advancement of which, these edifices have becn erected and your associations formed, [ f-lt myself bound to aecept of the invitation, in obedience to whiclh ap- pear before yu, Could [indeed have foreseen the Wausual enygageinents, which acd -atothe ordinary vecupriions cf a bisy life, have left me no leisure to prepare any thing worthy ofthe gencral ex- peetation, I should have deemed inyself at liberty to decline the call. But the discovery was not made until afvermy word was pledged, and 1t was too late tohupe that the duty could be devolved presefiting myself to you withvut the advantages make his own. A few moments of this concen- difficult, or fora consid@fable length of time, ‘that this power over the mind may be acquired. yet regard it as too favourable to that indolence of dispositicn which is always ready to imagine suc- cess in life as depending un sue fortunate tide. I for short, afterwards, as the ability is increased, for longer periods, and success will ultimately fsllow.—The habit of fixed attention will thus be created, aud it ia one of the peculiarities of all active habits, that in proportion to the difficul- ty with which they were produced, is their in- :t net unfrequently happens, that the advan‘a- ses with which the individual commenced his career, who was naturally alert and devoted in iis attention to every subject as it was success- ‘vely presented to his notice, have not enabled him to contend successfully with him, who by hard effurts hes chained down his wanderi thoughts and disscipated faculties-to the habit of aitention. ot regular academical education, is this exclugtve and concentrated directiun of the mental powcrs ty their appropriate objects. In the years em- ployed principally in the study of the learned languages, the neccasity of finding out the mcan- ing of cach word, or the dependance of some of them upon others in certain gramatical relations, wcesscrly sharpens and fixes the attention. After this preparatory discipline of the intellect, the Student is intruduced to the study of mathe- matical seience, where proposition leads on to proposition in regular order, and his attention is necessarily enchained to each truth, as it follows with logical certainty, from trtuhs previously de- monstrated. He is then initiated into the mys terious laws of Nataral Philosophy, as they have beeh discovered, and illustrated, by a course of rigorous induction, and is ultimately familiarized with the yet nobler and more sublime investiga- tions of moral science, the refinements of taste, the beauties of eloquence, and the charms of hea- venly poesy. And this admirsble training is f conducted remote frum the bustle end cares of the world, in the very hush of the ee and beyond the reach of beguiling and distracting pleasures. Here surely, then the understanding is disciplined, its discrimination rendered more acute, its general health and vigour confirmed, while a facility is created for direc its powers to the various manly and trying services, which may await in life's busy ee ated frequently is the question YY que - ieee ay all this devoted attention to the dead a guages, tu mathematical theorems, philosophica experiments, een disquisitions and criti- cal subtleties? In Greek cr Latin, and at the furum, or in the Legislative hall, we shall not be called upon to demmunstrate the prgpositions of Euclid, er ex- — the phenomena of hydrostatics and optics. in that great practieal echool the world, than by puring over the theories of metaphysicians ; fd never make q powerful reasoner cr an eloquent oratur. Why, then, shall we consume our nights and days in the acquisition of that The end which an ingenuous youth naturally | is to be of no practidal utility hereafter, | proposes to himself is a faithful and hongrably which brings with it no immediate advan discharge of the duties ef Iife. His chiects are exerpt the gratification of pride, a s sy Yo enn ; and Religion comes in aid of nature an: : to teach hint that talents are bat lent to be‘ im- proved, and that an account must be one day amply rewarded or Sev one . How ots it not to be eae t .sloth should enervate, dissipation corrupt, of vice brutalize, this child of hope and promige? You, who have him in charge, watch over Kith with never Slee- ping vigjilence and affectionate solicitude! _ Give him a happy start, sustain him when di to flag, reanimafe him ‘when discouraged, check kindly his meats soothe ees fuel- ings, guide him wi our counsels, save him from thg {ves by Kish e is wzy-laid and Macte nova virtute puer, sic itur ad astra. Most faithfully, no doubs,, are these duties performed by the able and exeellent men who are here charged with the office of instruction. Little can be done in aid of their efforts, but to exhort and entreat all placed under their care to attend to their admonitions, treasure up their counsels, and obey their injunctions. Yet there aresome errors which were preyal*nt when | was a boy, which I have reason to believe etill prevail in public schools, and which may perhaps be better handled by an old fricnd then an ac- knowledged instructor—and to these, “therefore, I would for a few morents request the favorable attention of the younger px -tion of my hearers. Vigorous, diligent, and perseveri ication is essential to the attainment of . e in every pursuitofman. It is undoubtedly a mis- take to su » that there isno original inequaiity in the Ten lites of differen individuals Probably, there is as great disparity in their in- tellectual,=s in their physical conformation. But however false this cutravagant theory may be, there is an another error far more common, and, particularly, far more mischievous—the errurs of exaggerating the difference between the origi energies of intellect, and uf attributing to a splen- did and resistless genius thase victories, which are not to be achieved but by well directecd and continued industry. It is in the infancy cf life, that the inequabties of criginal talents are must striking, and it is not strange that vanity on the one hand, and indulent sdmiration on the other, should lyperbolically extol these obvious advan- tages. In what this ity consists, it may not be easy to state” with precision. But frem an observation of many years I venture to suggest, that that the chief natural superiority manifested by these favored few over their com- petitors in the intellectual conflict, is to be found in the facility with which their attentiun is di- rected and confined toits propor subjects. That youth may be regarded aa fortunate indeed, who in early life can restrain his wandering thoughts and tie down his mind at will, to the cuntemplativn of whatever he wishes to comprehead@-aad. to trated application, is worth days and weeks of a vague, interrupted, scattered attention. The first resemblca the well khowi manceuvre in Stratezy, so simple in its conception and yet 80 astunishing in its results, by whieh alk the arms of a military force are made to bear upon a gi- ven point atthe same moment. Every thing here tells, because there is no power wasted, and none ratsapplied. Now let noone despair, be- cause he finds this effurt to confine his attention unpracticable. Nothing is more certain, than Let the attempt be repeated again and again—first veteracy. when once thoroughly furmed. Thus Among the best reeults wich attend a ecurse ‘the world, no cne talks € motives of human action are better lear: ed € a . Cn n Follow vanit assuciations, ind) ebauchery, but too'bf- troy the generous youth, who » Tech in acadenicaladis- fur fame, patient “of Ia- Y purpose and “noblest inatability of alle sya ae Instability earth ’ of al] human ere at have fallen from their hizh was folly-n them thns to h also, that it sometimes pens, that those who h ee low pursuits and vu ence, intemperance, and ten debase and des entered Into life’s ca bour, of ‘nant Mourn over xament the the frail character Weep for those who- » thoush very rare! ave been idle durin »have by extraordinar rly neglect, and’ in the Who started in the plions—they furnish check preeumptiva and encourage reformation. But irtuous lite asualiy precedes a ka rely it will be found, that within the ground work of erward gequired in the strife distinctions re not or y of the fidelity wit which performed, but the bect pre- xcellence on a more cleva- fn defiance, of pleasure, and se- tions, retrieved t!1 end outstripped others ese are the cxce cause to humble arrora banish despair, 80 suraly asa v py death, so su College precincts is laid that pr-eminencd af. of men, and that Coil Jod testimon duties have been and pledges of e extensive field of action. therefore, of all the lures ductive suggestions of sloth, if industry be the habit of your lives. this habit here, and cherish and preserve it er, earnestly you are thus exhorted rotten, that diligonce quality, and derives its to which it is ditatted, by which it is im i good cause only that is commen ‘a- rst great maxim of huian condv «t, t isall-important to impress cn tse ngs of young men, and recommeid tty adoption, is, aboy circumstances, and under every reserve a cican heart and an honest y, firm, determined integrit qaality, which of all others, rai highest dignity of his natu orn and bless the sphere in Without is, neither learning, neither the gifte of G xl, exertions, can avail aught ment of the great objects Integrity is the crowning vi the pervading principle which is control, end vivif; di et i,.aot be fv itself is but a subordinate hief value from the end si Pnee in “dh that which 1 understandi to their hea eall things, in all Tgeucy, to Taises man to re, and fits hin to ad- which he is 2,poin for the aceonipiish. a cuman ex:c'eneo, riue—inteonty is ulate, guide ily, every impulse, desire and ae is sometimes spoken of asa vulgar thaps that honesty, which barely traging the pusitive rulcs ordained Protection of jmroperty. aid pays ite debts and virtue ; and pe refrains from yu which ordinarily engageinents, however usefu! a quality, is not to be numbered 2 est efforts of human virtue. which, however tempting however secure -againet de nor resentment, profit or pleasure strict rule of ri moral nature. blest work of God.” what an erect and in endowment commo perfurims its and commendsble wag the hgh- But that wicpnty the opportuniry., oF tection, no seilishness no lust of power, plare, favor » can cause to swerve fru i's ht, is the perfection cf inan’s n this sense, the poet was nght, need “ an honest imaa It is almost inconceivable depencent spirit this hive micates te the maan,and wat a moral intrepidity and vivifying energy it i:a- parts to his character. There is a fauuly alii- anee between all the virtues and perfeet int is always fo!lowed , by a train of guod)y qualities,. frankness, benev. : , humanity, patriotism, Prouptness to act, and patience wendure. Ip moments of public need, these indicate the man tty of universal confidence. on such a basis, and built up of such matendie, faine is - enduring Wasuinoron, cf the man “ inflexiblete: obstinately just.” a umeuts, intended toga are daily Tou derig Such is the proud inscrig vast deserts mie way-farers hrow tooearly cherish In the very dawij sented for its temptations every d2y oécur, where advan solicits & n the discharge of the owe to your companions, 26 ney viation from the whieh you are to escape from s labor convenience or contribpéon, or eny one de. prived of the full mez rightfully clain. Culp and frankness of whatever is singtencesof purpose , and hold in contempt : Papaity ne shades shzll eorrse of tusy infirmity of der form by which inex facility of dispositisin, can be way laid. Yong .nan’s fate then is the cricis of the to take his stand, tosieze nis ed HIf he canthon defy 4a ssarements, + gebeuality and ambition, the laugh. offeole, the arte of parasites, and the jo [ ty; (lien indeed, may he‘hope, © ~ jour Mee " ; “In sight of mortal and imax we “Ag ina boundless theatre tage _ “And yan sone “And through the tossing tide of chance & pau: ~ ae his codree unfaultering.” ende who are standing at the threshold, and waiting with cager impatience the gimal for entrance upon life, must not think I mean toalnrm you with idle fears, “7 ; t. The warn you of the appreaching ° : faNieny close ft fre he rushes ae age calmly surveys eel rationsdtcly res and deter- Appr Of your peril, and armed for Penter on ydUr course withe resélved not for the issue. (To be eoneluded “ danger, mines it. he eneum { Carls, a A SCENEIN THE SENATE. The close of the debate in the Senate upon the Veto mesxare was of an extraordinary char- acter, Mr. Benton baving concluded a h full of bitterness against the Bank (which we shall ish when we come to it,) in the course ef which heindciged in sathe iNnsiogs calculatod to wound the Gennes of Mr. Cray, and the question alwut to be taken, the following scene | occurred, a8 desctibed by 3 reporter, who vouches for th accuracy of the report. - Mr. Cray rose to say a fow words in regard to the personal allusions made to himself by the Senator from Missouri, He woutd previously remark, however, that the fact was now lished by the Senator, that the famous tariff " sect ol the Secretary of the ‘Freasury, which ad absorbed so much legislative deliberation during the present session of Congress, origins: ted from @ resolution in the hand-writing of that functionary, presented to and adopted by the House of Revresentatives. That fact was un- impaired by any circumstances which may have led to the drafting of the resolution, and proves beyond a doubt that the duty of prepairing the acheme, if not voliutarily sought, was by no means reluctantly aasumed by the Sccreta- "The Senator from Missouri had adverted to the fact of crowded gallarics, If, impelled by curiosity, the galleries arc eceasionally filled when it is understuod that certain Senators are to speak—I belicye no member is more sensible alive than the honorable gentleman ; that, when sour others rise, the galleries are as effectually empticd, The ureniter nevertheless cught net ‘obe dissatisfied with his audience to day; for amend them is a * lady of distinguished literary cuuinence. 1 Mr. Cray procecded to observe, that he had beer accused by the Senator frou: Missouri of a want of courtesy 2° | Gecorum to the President of tr. United States in the curnments he had deemed ithis duty to make npon the message: ying the Executive velo on the Bank bill. How, he would aak, tad he subjected hinwelfto this aecuaati-n 2? A bill to ro-charter the Bunk had passed the Senate, with the con- ourrence of his (Mir. CLav’s) vete as one of the majority. ‘The President disapproved it, and tn an elaborate paper states his chjection at length, Now, what was the inost respectful course in relation to this meesaye 2 Sheuld we, said he, examine, disevsa, and decide upon its merits, or proceed to the seconsideraiion of the bill in total slew@2 Mr. Cray world take leave to ap- weal from the Senator to the Senate, and inquire if he had not maniicsted towards the President nnd his mesgece all the respect which the cora- sien seemed ty demand, and with that high res- wosibility uncer which every member cf the Senate was beund to act. ; In by-gone times, it was well known to the puvlic ‘that he (Mr. Clay) bad hadpaime rough passages with the Presidents but atich teelings were altogether incompatible” with the propor diseharge of official duties, snd he was entircly uncoscious of their operation on his mind while in the fulfilment of his public obligations, Tho Senator from Missouri hed ascribed to him (Ms. Clay) a peculiar motive dor his remarks on the consequences that would ensue in the WV eatern section of the cuuntry trom the discon- tinuanee of the Bank cf the United States. | But had not the President in his Message as- ! signeda distinguished place for his opinions of | the pernicious effect of the Bank in the West ? Had he not emphatically called the attention of the Scnate to the prejudicial cperations of the in- stitution upon the preperty of the W The meiner from Missvuri would ccrtaialy be among a) e last to challenge the motives cf ie President in iis behalf, and~wheretore should he atirbute to others 22 improper nctive. Mr. President, continued Mr. C., Peannet al- low the inember from Missouri to tnpart to me | lessons in etiquette ami courtesy, or to instrnet | me how te bear nyself towards an + xelted pee | sunnge. IT can aubmit to no iustructions from | euch asource, Ecannot, at this late period of) my Lf, accompany the member froma Missuur, | with bis Indian blanket, to Boone's Lick, to be | fouvctrinated in the rules cf politeness. Je“( OUI pais est 2 | j ' Mere- over, 1] could ccnsenttoqlecome his pupil, [| should be ata luas tu know to which of his an- tagonist opinions, at diflerent pords entertain- hy wun ofthe Chief Magistrate, 1 ought strict- [ never was engaged in 2 pers | ‘ ' . \ Cit oF | !, to contorm. al brawl with the President. [never issuee 2 | bulletin of any such brawl, f never complained | faa unwartantable assault madepy the Presi- | dunt oa a hrotheref mine, and of his beating him | ater ho was prostrate, and apparcntly lifetces. "hhe member from) Missourt: must be aware ct the transaction to which | allude ; it would be cuperfluous in me to indicate it mere specifically. Neither am Ia prophet, to predict events that would fellow the elevation of Gen. Jackson to thy Presidency—predictions ascribed by the lew spe per press to the hon, Senator trom Missou- Th. f° Mr.C. clesed his remarks by clecrving that he did-not intend to occupy the Senate by any. ~! ice of the observations cf the Scnatcr | Psi as Low 2 asorerer, c'scharced all obli- ptm: @eF vould hete accord to =o . Ie 4 x >>. Bek Pf ? ‘said that ry =. ees aa we ha) TdF, ; ¥ a : Sia wi rim, but] Hope wale feet. When that = 2 coutest was oN months after, Wee me smee that r¢ amity ; three a = OG etre had a contest, is true ; bat > jon of adjourned veracity, sr, the pubtic mind. ‘Were that the yong gufph, that seperates jj would not be wider and deep- would divide us, sir, As is the famous 1 ‘fmou: rd, sir, placed to my sv- cont, wherein “itis forth, that members of Congress, in g ecrtain € weuld have te le- gistate armed, six, it is but, fow days sinee, thata St. Leuis paper contained ~card trum Col, Lawless ix: refutation of the chats reepecting me, sir, a8 the author of abe predicth,, eine to. In thateard. sis, Col. Lawless cenanded of ary one within the Ssate whe had hearty | utterit, to come forward aad meke the alle. gation—but no one, 6i7, had Come yorwerd mor can «2 t career of jnstic 7% a Ge ae nee val 2 Beof sense, | BOts the ajrocious calemny, and such; sir, I will pro- posts; has sx regards 2 reaponsible author inthe in dows ho has,now, sir, given to the oonate, W nounce it. , Mr.Clay, in reply, observed, that as to the question wf adjourned veracity,” when the Pres- ident lent his name to the charge to which hesup- posed the member toallude,he, (Mr. C.) prompt- ly and unquivocalty denied the charge, and demanded the roor, The witness was accor- dingly produced, and Mr. Clay. was content to abide the judgment of the present generatici and of p@terity, as to the testimony he- rendered on that occasion; and he pronounced the. charge, by whomeoever made— master or man—utterly destitute of truth. The witness has recently departed for St. Petersburg as minister extraordi- nary of the United States. (Mr. Bexror, after a soomentary conference with a Senator near him, exclaimed from his seat—The fisheries” “the fisheries!”) In-re- lation tothe prophecy in the public press, said Mr. C.the member from Missouri refers to Cul. Lawless’ denial, and says no man ing, issouri had-eome forward to sibetantiate it. r. Cray pausing and scrutinizing the member from Mis- gouri, demanded of the Senatcr to throw his eyes onhim (Mr.C.) Can he, said Mr, C.—dare he look in my face, and assert that he never em- ployed language, in regard to the President, similar ty that imputed tohim? (Mr. Benton, after a considerable pause, directing his finger towards Mr. C. indicating that he chserved Fim, gaid “he could,” “he could.”] Mr. Clay reprat- ed, can the Senator look me in’ tbe tace, and say he did not make use of such language out of the state of Missouri? }(Mr.. Benton reiterated his answer as above.) Mr. C. again asked, CAN THE MAN PRESUME TO LOOK ME IN THE Facr AND DENY IT? [Mr. B. Repeated his last reply.) Mr. Clay resumed his sect, and Mr. Beaton again rose, and said, he had already pronounesd it an atrocious calumny—he had pointed out the author in te Senate—he would pin it to his slecve—it would stick, stick, aye, stick, sir and there he wished it to remain. Mr, Ccay rose from his chair, and with an emphatic action of his hand, said he reiterated the charge of calumny to the Senatur from Mis- sour. . . Tue Cuam (M->. Tazewe rr) observed, the debate could not longer be suffered—The Sen- ator from Kentucky must take his seat! - Mr, Crav—I desire to explain, Sir! The Cuair.—No further explanation will be heard trom the Senator from Kentucky. Mr. Cray.—lI tell the President I must be heard ; and I deinand to know the point of order ? The Cuain.—The gentleman was out cf or- der in using the Janguage he did to the Senator irom Missouri. Mr. Cuay.—Then I will make another point of order. Was not the language of the Senator trom Missouri out of order? THe Cuarrn—tThe pfesent incumbent wes not in the chair when the dctate arose. Mr. Porn- DEXTER had temporarily cecupied the Chair.) Mr. PoinnexTER rose to explain— Mr. Benton rose (Mr. P. on his feet) and aaid, an apelogy is due fren me to the Senate— I was out of order, Sti! Mr. Cray also said (Mr. P. still in the eye of the Chair) I will take the same opportunity to apologize tu the Senate. as far as relates to them —to the Senator from Missouri I have no apology to make. Mr. Poixpexren here explained—and, after Tepeated cries of “question,” ‘question,’ it was decided against the bank—22 ayes, 19 nocs—(not two thirds.) “SEAT OF WAR. Joxr 27.—Anexpress reached town to day from Kellogg’s Grove, bringing infurmation of a battle having been fought with the Indians in that neighborhood, on Monday morning, by a part of the Company of Spies, under the ecmmand of Maj. Dement. ‘lhe Particulars of which we subjoin. : On Sunday evening Maj. JD. arrived at Kel- lop’s Grove, and receiving tnfcrmation early the following morning thet traecs of Indians were plainly discernable in that immediate neighbor- hood, ealled tor 20 of 30 volunteers to accompa- ny him to reconnoitre the neighberiiood. dn a short time they came upon the enemy, whs<« foree wes too formidable to be resisted by se sinall a number: .and being too far advaneed tu make geod his retreat, lost some cf his party be- tore the arrival of the remainder of his company —after which a considerable’.skirmish ensued: but owing to the refractory and unmanageable temper cf the horses, occasioned by the clash of arms and the Indian yell, it was found imprac- ticable to form a line—yet, under all these disad- vantages, a number of Incians were killed: the exactnumber cannot be asccrtained, as they were seen to carry several of their dead trom the field during the engorgement. Maj, D. lest five men and about 20 horses, killed. in the battle. There were nine Indians tuund on the field. ) dhame 28—No news to day. June 29.—ore Indian niurders. About noon a; exuress arrived -from the Cincinaway Mound, ancovacing the attack on three men who were at work jaa corn field about 10 milcs from this town, am! teat two of them had fallen. Maj. Stephenson who had just’ returned to Galena from an excursion in the country, with a few mounted men, immediawly pet about 30 in readiness to march in purstat ofthe Indians. With a forced march, his detachment soon arti- ved at the scene cf death, where were suund_ the bodies of two men, James Boxley ana Jahn Thompson, most shockingly mangled. "Ike heart of Thompson was taken out,ond Loth were scalped! A few men were left to bury the dead, while :he main body ofthe company went in pursuit of the. ‘adians. hey tracked them to the resi- dence of Mr. Gorden, on the bank of the Miss‘s- sippi, an! {und that U:ey had just stolen a ca- nee, and crosced “ver. . There appeared pot to be the signs of more than five Indians, thug: it is to be presumed that there was a lange body on the other side. Having no means of crossin,7. the company‘ re- turned to Galena on the flowing day. This wasa very unexpected attack, and from a quarteras liti: looked f.r. It appears now that attacks are made all round this town, and snorders cominitted nearly in sight of our stock- Sune 30.— All the inhabitants north cf rs, and on the Mississippi, this side cf Cassvine, ave come in today, and intend to remain unti: tho war is ended. It is now thought to be very unsafe to go one mie from this place without 6 furmidable guard. A gentleman who has jest arrived. states that he left an army of two brigades un the waters of | the Indians encampments, with a view .of a gen-, Strode; under Samentind of Maj. § 4oin the main army, which is now i era] extermination. July $,—Half the horsemen left under com- mand of Capt. Craig, fcr reconnoitering expedi- tions, have been ordered to rage and. scour the country from Rice’ farm, on the mouth of Smaii Pox creek, to Bowels’ furnace, and thence ta Galena—and the other half to march to the mouth of the Cincinaway, thefice fanging be- ween it and. the Menominee, eastwardly, to Vinegar Hill, and thence to Galena —Galenian. Extract of # letter an Brigadier General Head Quart gixbuy of the Fronti 3 of th 9 ‘vonticr. Camp below e Creek June 29. - “Heretofure [have not had the means of venting the enemy from committing acts of fee: tiliy in the district of country between Rock ri- ver and Galena. The force nowin the field under my cominand, and the operations now being carried into effect, will, I hope, put an end to the war, ang restore tranquility to the eountry.” From the Courier §& Enquirer. Wasniveroy, July 2, 1832. Gentlemen :—Some crroncous opinions have gone abroad in relation to Mfr. Adams and his course upon the Tariff question, which, justice to that distinguisned individual, réquires should be corre-ted, -fallude to the various amendments wo'ch he offered increasing the duties preseribed by his own bill. That he did endeavor to ameud many of the provisicas ef tWévbill reported by himself, is true, and a few words touching the proceedings in committe will explain the cause of hisdoing so. ‘That committee was decided in sentiment as to thecourse tobe pursuéd, and after debating the question fur foursnonths, and it becoining evident that they could bot agree, Mr. Adams, having in view the necessity ofa ecmpromise for the pres: rvation pf the union, pro- pored the mitroduction of the bli wich he repor- ted, with the understanding ihat wicn brought up for diserission he shod propese tie adoption of his amendments, wiicii ashe stated ia the hunse he considered vilat to its sucesss. tohim mere than to any cther person, is the country indebted for the adoption cf the bill now before the Senate. His whole course during the present session hasbeca creditable to himseifgid iv the distinguished situations which he has filled in the government, and he has done much io odd t» his future fine. During the entre session he has neverbecn ausenta moment fromthe house ‘orevenseen in the lobby when the house was in acssion, and the cxample which he hes sct of else attention to business at his adva.ced age. has not been without its influcuee upon tie house, Mr. McDurrie. you will Have i ctieed, made aspecch against the fiual passag~ ofthe bill. It was an able effort ; but on this qosi:on he is not himsclf. He has imbibed erroneo + impressions and adupted talse theores, Which even bis pow- erful mind cannot escape fro.a, aad iio is liicrady wild in his notion ofthe effess oft. iar$. On ail other matters, however, Ke is a ent in intel- lect, and deservedly ranks amoag tue very first men inthe country. ‘ihe only redecming quali- ty in his false notionsot (he tanff,is the honesty of histelief in their infhilibikty and the perse- verance and ability wih which he defends them. . va From the New York Mer. dr-—Frtra. Sunday, ."n}y 15, half past 1. LATE AND IMPORTANT FROM Ev- ROPF, Passare of the Brtish Reform BUl-—2t- tempt at Revolution ix France—S'aris placed under Martial Law 3y the arrival of the packet ship Fran-oix Ist, Capt.n Pell; froma Havfe, whence sin sailed on the 16th June, the Editors ot the Mercantile Advertiser have received the:r regular files of French papers to the 9th idem inclusive. ‘The most important news, is the passige of the Refrom Bill. On the 4th June, the order of the day the third reading of the bill being moved, some de- bate arose, when the question “’That the Bill be now read a third timey? was put from the Woolsack. ‘The Lord Chancclor declared that he thoughtthe contents hed it, but a Lord, believed to be the Earl of Rod- on, stuting that the non-contents had, -it-; strangers were ordered te withdraw. Al- though, says the Report,thcre could be no rational doubt as to the result of the decis- ion, yet considerable agitation prevailed a- mong the excluded strangers until they were informed that the members (no proxies, we as follows :— Contents 106 Non-contents 92 « Majority 84 As-@oon as the decisic: was communica- ted to the people assembled in the Palace Yard, they rent the air with shouts, which were distinctly heard in the llouse. In our re-admission, says‘the Reporter, we found the Lord' Chancellor proposing sev- cral amendments to the Puabl, which, after brief conversation were adopted. ‘fhe understood, having becn presented) were | frst breaking out wes at the im al of Gon. Lamarque on * te) ig J es Sple: aid é ; R »} giions were max go. BC neral. The procession # a Oe eae throngh several Streets, exrived opposite the Pont d’Austerhtz, wheres: with black, and decorated wif dumerous flags, had been prepared to ochre the - bo-, dy, while the speeches on the qrasion werc e:ivered. Here an immensefrowd-swere assembled, which jntertupted tpart ofthe ceremonies. Gen. Lafayette qdressed the people, and implored thent nogo sully. the solemnity of the day by ary ap of iscord or illegality. ‘The rest is toldfin Galligna- ni of the 6th June. ” France seems to be in a very Qnuluary con- | dition, the Chouans and Carlists fe at work to effect acounter Revolution. Ow the 15th of June, an insurrection broke out, @ which many hundred persons lost their lives {he first brea- king out of the affair was at the Lamarque, who died of Cholera. ous strects out of carts, wayons, pied by the surgents with much ny acts of violenco were comrtted, but the guards at length succeeded in quiling the dis- turbance. Some cf the NationaJGuard showed symptoms of disafiection when @lered to fire on the disorganizcrs. Ifthey shoyl desert Lonis an army from the Sea board togChichago, and | all apparently without an raoncerted plan. | It in said ra the Carlista are teing on those | dreadful occurrenc 3; but whejer it would be | in their own favour or for the: Hemucrata that a | revoluttun would cperate see ite doubtful — The last accounts arc, that_Pas was tranquil, | but under military lawss The Jing threw him- ! scif upon the guards and citizeb and was favor- | ably received. We much fea howevcr, that | the elements of disastrous civilwar ere at work | in that country. And ere longfve shall nut be surprised to hear of Guillotinesproacriptions, let- ters du cachet, and allthe tefille concomitants of the days of Robespeire. The excellent La Fayette gade vigorous ef- Torts to stay the tide of lawéss rage. There *-e various aocounts concermpg the capture of the Dutchess de Berti, tho mfherof the Bour- bon chap who claimathe Kinglom o& France by virtue of his blood and the appintmegt of Hea- ven. The most satisfactory ¢rsion of the story is, that the lady taken on bdrd the Carlo Al- berto was not the Dutchess, b¢ one of her atten- dats, who happeacd much al Grace, and whom she hadfi sotidite her in sounding tho fedings of the French Nation. Shewanted to sec it would have been. We have made thiapbbreviation of the French news, because we feded that the detailed accounts from which we denve it, might prove irksome to the must of our relders ;—The fullow- ig items are, however, a lithe more interesting. [Ep. UC. Wat] The Quotidiennc, the BAcison, the Mode, and the Jfoniteus Typogragiique, or Printers’ ourns!. were seized cn tne fth instant at the Post Oitiee, and the respeetive Printing Offices. Orders were issued on tie 7th of Juni, for the arres! of M. M. Labuissire, Cabet and Gar- ner —Pares. The duke of Fitz-James was arrested at his fiouse on the morning of the 7th ult. | eunbled to’strte positively that the marrige of the Princess Louisa,the Kaing’s clacst daughter with King Leopold, was finally concluded upon at the mecting between the two Sovercigns at Compeigne, and we pelieve it certain that of ceremony will take place at Compeignd in the course o! July.” i The Paris papers of/the Sth announce that young Napoleon bid suficred a relapse and a passenger by the flip Marcus arrived this morning from Rotterdam, reports that on express arrived 3t Frankfort while he was there announcing his death, aad a new revolutionary movemert in Poland. Paris, June ‘8.—Ycstércay morning a num- ber of barricades still remained up in the ue St. Dennis, St. Martins, and St. Antoine. The Prefect of Police in concert with Marshal Lobau and M. Colonel Feisthamel received or- ccrs to batter duwa these barricades with artille- ry. Notwithstanding the vigor of this measure, ali sides, retired through the neighboring streets to the avenucs of the Hotel de Ville. Many persons were introduced by force into the adja- cont liuses, from whence they attacked the troups—firing continued several hours ; finally the insureenta were dislodged. Several persons are arrested, amongst whom are twelve of the | rupils of the Pelyteenic School D'Altort.— These arrests wero made amid universal eric3_ of * Vive Je Ru’ question * That this bill do pass.’ was slight amendments have been made in the ill cs jt came from the Commons ; to that [louse it was immediately returned’; the la- test London dxtes, in our Paris journals, left the amendizents under debate—tlicre wag not the least doubt of their passing that night,or the next. Our report says the Royal assent would be given, by the King in person, on the 7th June ; another, that it would be delayed till the Scotch and Irish Bills were passed—* whigh it is expected will be in about three weeks.” The Globe recommends that town and country meet- national Jubilee, and names Whit 'Tucsday, as a fitting day We rejoice t has sav ills that no one could think did not. send their proxies. the Apple mver, on the night of the 2th. One is to report to General ge, who will imunc- diatcly take command of them. Gen Atkinson, we learn, liza commenced bis ec of march with about 1300 mounted mer, ard There :snothing else -Tngland, by this arrival. | FRANCE. An attempt at revolution has been Paris, which has been quelled. i = then put and agreed to. It scems that soine | ings should be convened to arrange for a hat this bill has -pessed, it | siuddering. ‘The opposition peers with-_ drew from the House of Lords while # was under discussion, end on the third 1¢ading of interest from made | ry character, eunsidering the great ace Ww "Lhis day tranquility is entirely restcred, work- rmien are engaged in repairing the pavements ana ropevies the barneades. Business 1s re- ‘gumed thrmehuutthe city. The city presents a ' cauisfrctory appearance. , PRUSSIA. BERLIN, May 22.— The Leipsie fair is the frst that has takcn place for these 25 years: above 28. 000 buyers and sellers were entered in the list of strangers. The Prussia manuiacturers sold guods to the amount of 6, 000, 000. 16th inst, it is stated, that at the request of several treaty with the United States cf Mexico aé as Vigurous as they were tune is very lurve, being, it issaid upwards of 30 OOS]. per anium, the will, we believe, be inherited by Mdfle. the dayghter of the Duchess de Dio. This Live gift is a great faverite with the Prinee, and pro- mises to become a very fine woman. Prince ‘Val- leyrand is exccedingly ho lent. table, and alluwsthis and character. gence. In most embassies the gecreturies are the duging his lite-time. The Journal des Debits says—* We are | new barricades were rai in the Rue St. Mar- tinthis moraing. ‘The ffsurgents, harassed on | alone | HAMBURG .— From Hamburgh, of the date of manufacturers of tle Exzgeberge and Upper Lusatia’ the Saxon Government opcued negotia- tions thrangh Mr. Culquhoun, Consul general at London, & with M. Gorustiza,{)icxican Minister in that city, forthe conclusion of a Commercial ry ag ap njuy is" nental faculti forty yearsago. He j it, eficctive aa if Siokeat ofits "Vie for- he rs was not upon him. greater part of which he The bulk of his’ fortuxe ine, in this coumiry. rte.keeps 33 exccl- vous ¢fall Frenchmen distinguished by His suite eer ; numerous, end He has several secretaries, ¥ tave been selce ted from dificrent tureav¥~ in which they had made themselves remarkabie by theirzeal & dili- mtellect proteres of the Cuurt and Ministry, & are chosen without regard to talent; bet Talteyrand would not accept ench persons, afd his embassy is, therefure, from himself downwards. the most éf- fective in this country. -A report hag prevailed lately in tne fashionable circles, that Prince T'sl- leyrand was about to publish his members. This report is uiferly without foundation. His Execi- leacy, indeed, has prepared his memoirs for pub- lication atter death, bet he has not the remytest itea of allowing any part of thou to be published —— From the American Tw Revister. THE RACE HORSE REGION_IN AME- RICA. Mr. Fditor :-—The writer of that arttcle D. (vol. 8, p. $43,) assumes the: fact that Halifix, Brunswick, &c. embracing a small district in Virginia and Carolina, has _pro- duced more first rate racers than all the un- ion beside ; and that Sumner, Davidson, &c. ‘Tenn. upon the same parallel of lati- tude, have produced more than all the rst of the Western country. We are inclined to the opinion, that the fact assumed is real though we dissent from the position that the Jamcs River and Northern border of Virginia, has prody@éd four times as many high breds. Very little attention was paid in the fortunate region, to the laudable practice of keeping records, and ‘preserving regular pedigrees. The horses, however, were all, or far greater part, bicoded, during the twenty-five or thirty years, when the writer of this article lived there. In all that period he knew of but two attempts to introduce the - heavy draught horse, and they totally failed ; and only two attemp:s to introduce the Naragansct pacer ; their support was limited to a few elderly gentle- men, who wanted an easy goer. The bloods were equal to the agricultural purpo- ses of the country, and if you chanced to see a road wagon and heavy tcam, it came from Orange, or above. Even im Orange, the writer saw a team of Sally Fryars, eith r pair of whom would have graced a phexton, or probably made quick’ work on a quarter path. The wealthy bred from the popular high priced horses ; the poorer citizens bred from their descendants, andsometimes a poor man, who had the scctional feeling strongly, would * go” the high price. D. asks “ Is it climate, latitade, soil, or the particular crosses, that may have prevailed in that country, which has produced the result 2? The climate and soil gencrally are favorable. Greenville & Northampton are probably too flat, and in som> parts rather insilubrious ; and as efiects are produced by adequate causes, we arc induced to as- ctibe the superiority mainly to blood and rossing. Old Jelly Roger, old Ch.) Janus, old Fearnought, old Traveller, and Othello, were the five best horses of the early im- portations. ‘I'he racing region had the ser- vices largely of the three first. Partner, the best son of Traveller, and Mark Anthony, his best grandson, were there—Mark An- thony was «also grandson of Othello, and Hayne’s Herod, another grandson was thre —Klimnap was there a short tim:—Centi- nel one of the Davids were. there, | ic the best sons of Feaziought; Celer the Janus, were there—Grey Diomed and Bel- bine these bloeds upon old Mary Gray better? of Americaa? the need to import from England ? 3¢ to be the repdez- | ce’! if you please. | It is believed h rto any thing, all dptances ; and or in convenient distange—W ildarr und Eclipse, best, and Twig, one of the Lest sons of lair, the best sons of MedIcy, werc tigge, or in reach ; and Citizen was there. Com- and other imported mares and their de- scendants, and add old Diomed, or old Sir Archy, andwhere would you look for Not surely in any other region Were these bloods crossed and indubitably certified, where would be To A- sia or Africa we might send, if we had as- erated - Desh pringing out hi commu ; atjons 0 your MW . be seen, ¥ not fell _ the eye the undersigned, fccassion of the Turf,?-sonpti : often in the: daeWiable corner for correc. ions. - : : a T: 1ese remarks [re all applicab extent, to.the Ragmg Rope some first district, and Fought alone Macon best bloods. ey =broucht along ans) hare cherished thsame belicf, call it ee cre, thee Bynum’s It is believed that a down by exces. running, was Cqnal and John, now Mongiex Tomson ss about her equalay ¢ heats of three and four miles. We say poghing of Champion op Polly Powel, as it}s hinted they will proi.;. bly grace the Cenp-a? course next fall. the Rirkendoll fil was equal to filly or Hantor’s Sing. Haney’s Maria, ‘ugil wor sive and conti Ourrunping ov¢ the Nashville cou up to three ree smile Igats, will average wd. best. “In future, ur mile heats will |, Cy sayed. ou have no apprehensions as the length of t® course. Ht isover ines. sure, and shall some futur occasion have the regular prtificate.. PAN TON. * Janus, on common stock of the country, it is saig produced some good rrp, ners, whick shew the common stock were not “ cold bloodd.”? —— The town of Clumbus. Georgia, appers to be rapidly increasingn commercial importance an} prosperity’. efroerchants are beginning tg a port directly fronfthe Havana, and many yrca are now cmploy@ in bringing merchandise f+ 1, - the Northwrn cites to the mouth of the Ae - 1. chicula ; to be prwérded «up the river aie Chaitahochie toColumbos. Another steam bat is now buildingpt Pittsburgh by a company 7 Columbusto pif t es> rivers. A few years cine, - ’ it is beliewed this place derived its supply of fmor chandise, Augusta and Sayazah, by a ft and eXpen§y¥e transportations over land. . By the fle treaty with the Creeks, a rextye one mile spare, situated opposite to Coluribys and buund@ by the western bank of thenver. ws granted toPenjamin Marshall, an helf bread. It is consider§ very valuable, and haa ion recently purchased br twenty-five thousand clan. jt possesses fie advantage for the purpese, an | 'tis the mtentiq of the proprieturs to fund a town : rivalship ofCulumbus ; and itia said als» to a sess great Militics fur milling and manufsecturing purp ses. : After thd recently cor shall begin calcola mug will probah they have Y pameise tracts of land in this vicin'ts Pinto puasession of the United Stato, be subdued and cultivated, Ap; ala- rise into importance. & fortunes there be made by land speculations, as vin Mobile —Moltle Reyister. A singu the upper which but Instance of u:pravity occurred iv t of the city a short tine, since, "a fortunate detection might have resulted t lly. A girl, residing in the fem:ly of a respogble mechanic, on some alight case of disagrepent left the house. Previous to her going shofd made some threats which induced a careful faminatiun, that finally led to the do tection uffquantity of arsexic sprinkled over the meat in f cellar, from which the fanly were Ww take their daily supply. ‘Tie po. son of weh there was a larve portion, hes been by a respectable pliysician and pre senie. A wretch who could be capa cuplating so desperate a omvengze, tor cied wrung, sliould be made to fei the full pupinont which the Jaw can inflict, and we arefrpraed that she should uve been pre der the sinvular ttle of Iran Veje>r- fe tn Russia,” which we apprenend, will pfe no inconsiderable addition to the |v ra ture offe day. It is a national wor':, trans trom Y Russian, abounding with curious + of the piers and custons of that scout variite > pesplgind intermingled with much ruman® . 7 lustrpn of their habits aad dispositions. Ts authop said to be a Pale, by the nane uf Bru in, wa furmany years past has been a polit al writeg Russia. ‘The novel consists princip.* of th¢istury of the strange alventures of bon Vejefren, whoin the course of his Ife exyr rs encifimost as many vicissitudes as Don Q-%- otte {Gil Blas, which are worked up int seo: of alphing, interest. "Mhe book is hishly vars 4 {s jut a} e siaiaracter. —_— sivpneresse of the net revenue from Frau, )7'3- tiopn the Baltimore and Qhio Rail Rau). cour u@p be es great this inonth, asim any pry omf the present year-—of which the stitenent fope last week, which we insert tecey. 2 fying cvidence. The tray eHing in part.cis lgar excecis in‘number any former state. yg apwards of 40 per day—and we are iif Ws Barb. ces, With or without preparation.* Stud Harry Hunter, their celerity was aston ishing, The “ universal tool’? speed, therefore at the foundation of the Roano | race horse. Contcinporaneously with Hu ‘ter and Bynum, flourished Austin Curtia, inan of color indeed, but one of judgmey skill and couiteous uianners. fle kne how to“gct the length into them,”or/ bring out their game. Under his auspi the fame of Collector grew, and the pd ers of Snap Dregon were developed. Wilkes in succession, displayed the ¢ gies of Surprise, Wonder, Potomac, Subsequently, Colonel Johnson, who been aptly called the Napolcon of the Ff, exican Congress in year, ‘ch suspected FRINCE TALLEYRAND. The habits of Tallcyrand are of ep ext It is added that a treaty concluded on the 4th the whole British Empire \from ; October last year was approvd by the twocham- | 4M of, without | bers of the February this thing on which he bestows attentiows and the ratification isthe way tobe cx-: had choice of the anged here. The treaty is concluded for 12 years. | Great alarm prevailed at Copenhagen of the chal- . erg, and all the ports of Frarice had been declared reordina- : : hich he the continent. This belief prese The has reached. He takes but one meal daily, which purity of the blood, eren in cases \ and who, by the by, is no slouch at fy Virginia and Carolingr- , es, either Gn purchase, or at his opti¢te Another cause has produced its sh§ of the result. a settled and gencral belicfpng the inhabitants of the enumcrated cli . s ny | that their horses were superior to on the b the surance of the real horse of the desert or | mountain, a Durley Arabian, or Godolphin | Jnt of Rocks is not incleded.” Other causes operated. The Janus horse bred in and in, or crossed on any of the o- thers, had heels and were run short distan- When prepared with the skill of Col. Bynum, orpith a army of 3500 men, was within three 1: qhat the travelling between Brederic aud t.? | ; MEXICO. \/{Capt. Dudicy, of the sehr. Wetree, whieh 2 rod here last evening frumr Vera Cruz, wii: e left un the 11th inst. informs us that it w. rrently reported there, that Genera) Sants Au. pues of Jalapa; that the ministerial forces [ied Ween reduced by desertion to about &0@ men, anc rere divided into two divisions ; one under Gn alderov, Was encamped in Jalapa, and the «* was ov the Nationa! Bride, between Saita 4 10-'S forces and Vera Cruz. It was suppused thats. ta Ana would first take Jalapa, in which cose the other divisiun would be entirely in !se poe eT ov. O. Courter. On the 3d and 4th instant, serac exp 1 ments were made with a locomotive CDyits on New Castle and Frenchtown railwcss the results of which proved higitty saisi*:- tory tothe gentlemen who were presente | The engine used was the “Deliv ies built by Stephenson, with Brood’s p teat boiler. The following is an extract of the report given by John Randal, jr. Esq. the chief engineer. “Although every part of our road 19 10 good repair, yet to ensure safety the € barkuients were crosed . with acduced velo § city. shutting off the steam a short distance before we arrived at cach of them, notw! standing which we averaged for the whole 7 * > 7 SG . ; “4 ‘ rm _—— Pe bk nk . Ra l l i s , ae 7 ing pd valuable for its correct delineaticas of Rus tie ee timore Gazette observes —“The ; rye "e.* a ae 3 distance in going to Frenchsown a speed © Ee 3 Sc: th: : iS ae % *) ~ ve ee we a v e s vV e e N l U c S l U r 9) NE [oO turning to New Castle (twenty miles of the distance being performed after dark) we averaged upwards of ten mifes per hour the shortest period of time within which we pass from one mile post to another, was fieo minutes (or at the rate of thirty. milcs eer nour; )this was performed between the seventh and eitghth mile from New Cas- tle, where the road is straight and level. & part of this road wasrun over with a_ve- jocity of forty miles per hour, and fromm the small portion of steam used to obtain the velocity, | have no doubt thot the whole distance of sixty miles and a half from _ et out twenty miles per hour, and when re-! “pte the evening of the 7th June. New Castle to Frenchtown, can be passed over with this engine and tender, in the | short spice of tventy minutes, orat the ex-_ traordinary rate gf of fifty miles per hour: a speed for surpassing. and perhaps trebling the velocity which for time to come will be |. | agrca'ic to the passengers crossing this epinsula.”? “The fucl employed in making these ex- periments was pin? wood.” From Niles Weenly Reg BALTIORE & OHIO RAIL-ROAD. | Miny passengers and Jorge qrantit cs of gods. daily pesso: U »yattroad, suventy wniles to or trot: Baconore orth pant of Rocks: on the Potomac ' ~- at which Jeera new village is be2ng built, > ery rap’ mje. snow made in 17 continous hours, leaving aiyphe thax tovicw the point of Rocks, and the | heautitul seonery adjacent. [t is altogether, one of the most acrocalle exeurstons that can be found jn oureouatry, auc on many accounts highly inter- | escnr. The hich Roos Lats 02) prove ofgreat ul Tity to travellers. | Peal ¢ thorn to travel from Harpers Ferry | t. Bats nore in twelve hour, in a most agreeable | Vii Wo (8, {Gz pint { The Sevut.ra and Schenectady Railecad was | to bee cea fo sgenerst travel on Thurdzy, and Ue Tet Sati avy to tie Springs and baci. arl of Belincre, late Governor of Jamai- latthe quarantine Ground on | We understand The Bb [I ea Ee v2 CML saben Like the Sparrowhawk. rx ‘ ’ tho. tas the intention of this Nobisuan to poet trat he imtertor of this state tu Nia- | 2, ne thence .o Montreal and Quetee, but | ms seston has been frustrated by the rptdemic. Die ae, Wh 3 thereture taken paonkage for hinm- Beli. cudy aad sue in the packet ship Puila- dolehie,f r Londen, hence on the loth. Park Beboore and hia lady with a number oi: f..od3 visiter the Finchange vesterday. His | appearanee was so plaia, and unpretending that ho was not noticed from the crowds of stranvers wi. detly visit the building —This distinguish- Cl stranger sppcears without any baige, dreased in plain white pantaloons, blue cuat and white | Mr. Barbour dves as is said of him, maintain the hat: rather amall in stature; about Afty years cf; doctrine of reserved rights to the extent of Nul- ase, and has sll the atr and manner ofan ac- @ .nolished gentleman. Te National Gazetté says, “It is stated that Ir. Liv: sston will succred Mr. Rives at Pa- pand Mr. Forsyth Mr, Livingston in the 'eutinent of Siate; also, that General Hayne Stovemor of South Carolina, and Mr. 4 Xt nt Of ae (= successor inthe Senate of the UU.) © -e. ‘These arrangements “are deemed pro- | ioe urtrorn Doctor —The Moristown Pal- | saoress, that 'ne singuiar being who has Bod toe ria for ehetera at Montreal, as it is t au) © Porc seco Ss, 18 frum the cuun- t : Jersey. and pursued the stu- vers since, Inj Morristown, | ee _ «editor, “the becentric ‘ap- T : ‘ar oddities of the Canadian Doaght wer nouch be recognised to. If so, ine rh parentage aad connexione, ceoneey Levine in this country.’ tees De By Sees Bay n uta 1 tual we allude soine | | , Po ee to the Clergy, concerning Whee | Wee ia vent oftheir stations at thia unent we | s rod hear so niany Teporis, we take octasive | 1 ie. as the resuitefsome inquiry’? that with | thr oor foar exe ogmas. all redion at their! yoos, and, God wilinsr. mean to du so, wv. PU ADELPHIA, JULY 18. WM.MPELVAINE. Esq. Cashier or the Teor d Stites Bank tendered his resignation to the Hoard of Diarecturs yesterday-— Enquirer, | : | }. dmericcn. { | | “The d——d Venkees.” —We find the tullow Inzarticle in the Montreal Gazette of July 10: “We meononed tately that the Iadiesin NEW | HAVIEN, Conneetieut, oa recetving intelligence | et te destitats state of the emigiants on the | fronticcs had determined to prepare a quantity of | ev thing ty rea ve thar wante:and we have now the nlovmure of statins that three large boxes* erteang b25Oarticls ofapparel, were received In town yesterday we have been favored — with pres of the correspndence, accumpanyiny — this et cudtd token of the Industy and sonerusity of Lies of New Hever - New Haver, Cona. Str: The tadies cf New Haven ksve sent,’ through Mr. Pesers, of New York, three boxes | Wianebago tribe ? Verily, civilizaticn must be . - : \e . I CYelthing, containing 1250 garments fur the | at a low eobin the fur away West. We were sick and distressed einipvants in Canada. The oniy directions they wish to give respect- ing them, are, that they shall be distributed to thestek and destitute, in such a manner 2s to alord iminediate ichef to as many individuals as possible, in the present distressing crisis. HiarnieT B. Skinner. Sceretary of Ladies’ Commiitee.” Nat. Int. Pankee+ Enterprise rers::s Cholera—Nothing | can seare the tin padiers of Connecticut, provided there isa prospect of gain. Soon after the Cho- lera inade its appearance in Nloutreal, one of their pediers Was tound trahiny into the city, witha fresh cargo of camphor aud cageput oil. He sold the cainphor in sinall parcelsand made 9300 by the speculation, oi! remained on his hand. . An- other ingenious fellow was laden with acarzo of ashionsble white paper hats. He heard of Cho- lora being in Canada—he scratched his head— I guess,” said he,“ there is no market here for hats, sohere goes another spec.” He dis- mounted, put his hats ina mortar, ground them down, made then into very pretty pills—labelied them ** Cholera piils"—eold them rapidly, made money, and what is more—made many cures. A destructive fire occourred lately in Manches- cister, June 30. le ~The entire journey" out and home,” 140) — -- "wall consider of the disadvantages We ‘ - . aoe 7 adh rt Crarlestown, (Va.) Free Press of | cessariy labor under. | s : i oer a. a = 1 int, 6a. s—* The line of boats, advertised | net yet commenced, our cxtracts are necess: rily topl, between -Tarper’s Ferry and the Point of | made from scanty maftr sis; and we fearare but - ‘Pies howe onr thanks and hearty good | the pressure of other business, Woe hope this arraageent inay te the | promise something better afew weeks henee.— SOATEST caily 1a] from Baltimore to this | We must apologise also, for the delay of cum- | | -articles to this place on last Tuesday weok. | Gaston, and the eluse, forcible, and fair arguincnt | isent miunber, will mitigate the double portion of | Cholera, which we have been compelled to in- | flict | Readers, a3 the efforts of mesterly understand- Finzs. And we consider ourself fortunate in be- tum out to be so, there isa wide Atlantic Deen | limself before a wNull.ficr or one that was a rally- | individual must likely to know to wit, Gen. he | Very good fur a man of his age. ie toushas the butcutofa rough barked Hickery | Perteetfaxe-helve-wood (as they say in Kentucky) | > ter Va.and thirty buildings destroyed. ithe erudite Editor to the Cossacks—to the dar- — a ‘FOREIGN YEWS. Arrivals at New-Yerk, bring Liverpool papers Sea On the Gthof June, Lord John Russell appear- ed at the bar of the House of Lords, and announ- eed that the Commons had concurred in all the |~ amendments of the Lords to the Reform Bill. On ths 7th,the Royal assent was given to the biH ky commission. It is thus thedaw of the Rehn. Not satisfied with the passage of the bill, many of the papers are now trying io pro- duce excitement because the King did not give his assen+ to the bill in person. TITE CHOLERA. Latest from New York, July 17—1 P. M. Report for the last twenty-fuur honve. New cases, 145. Deaths, 60 wouks ve A'PORMWAN,. Salisbury ........8aturday, July 28 1832, z We donot know how this, our first Editorial effurt may be hailed by our patrons ; but whother well or ill received, we hope they must ne- Our exelianzes having thin potations. Oar Editorial matter has Leen concocted in the bustle of preparation and under we think, we can mencing our paper beyond the tune sugrested. Our Establishment was purehased about tite first | of April, and fur the want of a passage to Wil- |. ud a few triends of the improve- | mington from Baltimore, our Agent had to send més were to make an expeiment mde from lit Philadelphia—it remained there for sonie weeks; and after the utinost dilig@W@e and ur- geney on vur part, we were only able to gct the We hope that the spleadid Address cf Mr. ef Lecivs, both of whieh, are found in the pre- We commend them to cur | on cour Patrons. ing able to lead off with such interesting matter, . The Vice Presidency. On this point we wish to take tine. befure we commit ourself. We want to learn whether lification. Likewise we wish to know if the question of his election is to be mixed up with | that offensive Heteroduxy. We believe that ef- furts are making to rally the few scattering Nul- lifiers in N. C. on his election. “If this should of difference betweenus. We would take Mr Van Buren, or John Sergeant nay John Holines ing point for that party. We do not believe this question is ofmuch magnitude any way. Asto the probability of there being. a vacancy in the Presidential office during the nextterm, we believe that notion tube got up fur effect. We speak from observation and enguirics made of the Jackson himself when we say that his health is He_ looks as We hape and believe the old chief will last long- er than some peuple would wish. INDIAN WAR, Gen. Hf. Dedgeat the head of 29 .mounted men,attacked Wo Indians in a swamp, and killed and scalped thein all in one or two min- utes. ‘This vevolting fact is stated by the Adju- tant without conentary or any seeming consecions ness of the disgrace it entails on the Perpetra- tors. Ancther horrible affair. A party under Capt. J. WW. Stephenson, consisting cf some 120 cr 15 men attacked a few skulking Indians, end hulled five or six of them with a loss of tures white men. They fought with bayonet and duioher kniie, and the dead Indians (as seems to be the fashion with these heroes cf the border) were scalped and Ieft on the battle ground. "The first of these transactions is announced iy the Gelenian in beaming characters asa glorious victory ! And the other, is termed another dy battle ! !—Afid the prowling Indians sneak- ing along upon their eneiaics, are compared by bl oo- ing impetuous cavalry of the Russitn Army — Quere. If the learned Editor belong not to the surprised the othet day, at perceiving that Gen. Seott in one of his gcneral orders, furbids the ar- my uuder him to engage in the practice of scalp- ing. We now understand the meaning of it. American soldiers, suns of Freedom, scalp the butchered Indians!!! Git acay white men, I burn you wid a ehienk ! APPROPRIACKON=. ‘The amount of appropriations tor internal im- provements’ inade during the lately expired ses- sion of Congress cunsiderably exceeds a million of dollars, and ainung the rest are the fullowing i- tems. For improvteg the Inlct at Ocracuck N. C. $22,600. For improving the Cape Fear Ri ver $29,00. We have brietily suggested in our Prospectus the reasons why we are opposed to the exercise of this power of making Internal Improvements. But as the system is adopted, North Carvlina has to pry her full portiun of the Revenue, we are glad tu see that unobtrusivn as as she bas always bcen, now and then she can getta slicc of the good things which Congress scatters with no niggardly hand: In this ra-n of purriage, dan’t let us kee pour platter inverted, Cn the 2d ult. a dinner was givea 2®Spring Grove, Laurens District, anda number of per- sons. invited a them, was, Mr, Calhoun, ‘who wrote the following letter in. reply to the invitation from the Committes of invitations: . Washington . May the 14th, 1832. Gentlemen—t have received your ‘note of the Sth inst. inviting me to join you and others of my fellow-citizens of the Free Trade-par- ty who ses to dine to gether on. the 2d of Juuy, at Spring Grove. I regret that it is not in my power to accept your kind invitation, 2g my public duties wi!l rar detain me here till after that period. Jad it been in my power, I assure you that it would have afforded me much pera to join you in the celebration of a cause 1 hold so dear. I do most sincerely believe thatthe causa of Carolina is the cause of the Constitution cf Li- berty andthe Union. My opinion has not been hastily formed. It is the result of much reflec- tion and long observation; and I am_ prepared to test its sincerity by sharing the fateofthe State te what it may. Gur government is clearly tending towards consclidation; and and on ¢ 2solidation, corup- tion, oppression, and finally monarchy, must closely press Thereis but one remedy, but I trust it is all sufficient to avert such calamities —the reserven rights of the States ("They are the only solid foundation of American liberty. On this rock our fathers placed it, and there let us be prepared to maintein it, With gréat respect. Ke. JOHN C. CALHOUN..- ; To a Griffic et at., Comunittee of Invitation. Abeville Whig, ; What a bare-faced Politician is Mr. Calhoun! He complain of ccnsotidation! He complain of enacroaciments or State rights!) No man in this country has dune more to establish the system of futeraal Improvement, Protecting Tariff and the Bank, than the Hon. Viee Prestdont—These things are beyond dispute —they have bean pro- ven on him—and yet he says, car Govcvament for pursuing these very measures is lcading to wards consolidation—corruption —Monarchy — | He must think we arc mad to swallow all this. While on this su'ject we will state that we heard a Gentleman of great distlnction, a Mem- ber cf the Congress of 1816, remark that he had hesrd no argumegt advanced in favor of Protection since that time, that was nct forcibly and eloquenty urged by Mr. Calhoun in that de- pate on the Tariff. This was not said in a corner; othersas well as ourself, heard the ro marks. Mr. Conner of cur State, Col. Drayton, Gen, Hayne, Mr. Barnwell and Mr. Felder, of South Carolina, Judge Clayton and Mr. Lamar of Georgia, and Messrs. White and Waggaman_ of Louisiana, passed through this place on their home from Congress, during the current The Viec-Fresident passed the week ° « s Tole. wee 32 wWaty week. ve Wo tender out acknow'edgements to the Hon. Mfr. Rencher, for the ‘Treaty with tho sublime Porte and the Pension Act, which he transinit- ted to U3. Mr. Grontand, a Sweedish professor of Musié.+ nas been in this Town fur several weeks” ‘past, und has treated us to some oxquisite touches on the Violin. Tiecannot maxe the trees bend down as did old Orplhens—nor make the Del- phins come up froin the dep to listen as Arion is said to have done. DLathe ¢an tickie our cars aseflectually asany one. We recommend him to gentlemen and ladies cf taste. & no others. Lt would be a Waste of pearls te bestuw his music on them that “ delight net in the consord ‘a ey of sweet scunds. We arc authorized to say. that the excellemt Hotel, heretofore kept by Mr. Ezra Allemeng. 18, continued under the management of suitable per- sons, and every exertion will be made to deserve the pationage of the community. LABOR SAVING MACHINE. We have scena machine for washing clothes &e, that we think merits the attonticn of every man who has regard for his fomale domestics. [: is constructed ofa tight hollow Cylinder, which turns on an axis, with a crank.—The articles are soaped-and put into the vcapel and by turning it rouns for five ey six minutes they are clensed nearly as well as tiey can be inone water, they are then carried through another water in the same way and unless they are extremely foul, they beeome clean; the washing ean be performed ina very f woo ites. Large pieces ant sma: washel eqrally well with-. vut the least danger of tearing cr rubbing them out,and the quantify was d ina few minutes is realy surprisns.— We have been authorized by the Patent: es. ea Toi son & Co. of Surry to have one construéie., whieh we twill have done as soonas we get through the press of preparation in cur offiec, ond the goud peopic ofthis community ean then see forthe uselves: unless we are more deceived than wo ever were by appearances, this is a most cxeellent maciine, — no take in about :t. Itis called the Patent Re- volving Washet.—Messrs. ITuzhes, Dubson and Co, have purcuased the patent right for most of the Western Counties of N. C. Tho. Armstrong Jr. owns that of Stokes, where we understand it has proved eminently satisfactory. mie CANDIDATES. FOR ROWAN. SALISLURY— R. H Alexander, Esq. Burton Craige, Esq. Senate— Abel Cowan (no opposition.) Commons— Genl.T. G. Polk, . } Richnwad M. Pearson, Esq. ueorce Miller, (of the Forks.) FOR SHERIFF. Fielding Slater, George Fraley, John A. Meroney. MONTGCMERY. James Lilley, Reuben Kendail. Commons— Col. Hardy Morgan, Pleasant Mask Fr. Locke. Littleton Harriss. FOR SHERIFF. John Allen. (no opposition.) FOR STOKES. Senate——Nathl. Boyden, Esq. Senatc— i dict 5 the cone neecgsarily includes the other, and , Elam Hovken. : SHERIFF. . ‘Salathicl Stone, Alex’Moody. « FOR SURRY COUNTY. Senaté— Wm-P. Dobson, (no opposition.) - Commons—Den}. W. Courts, Thos. Jef. Word, |. Wiiliam Deg]ass, Col. Juhn Zachiary. SHERIFF. Thomas B. Wricht, ‘2. Mordeeai Fleming. ‘ IREDELL COUNTY. Senate— Co!.T. M Allison, Jos. Bozic. Commons—G, F. Davidson F.sq. J. Albert King Esq. S. Loudernilk, - Knox, Eaq. . SHERIFF. H. Caldwell (no opposition.) CABARRUS. Senate— ° George Klutts Esq. general welfure, and secure the blessings of libcr- ty eo —— i < Po ondain nnd i this : wy — i ted States of Ampries.”.. In thiy modest mannertss it adopted by the. peuple in their re, and denoubcing etter wane agen and denoun . st the per- sons of men. ey iofurm vs of the abjeets which they hadin view ;—The. first. inorder, being, to furm a more perfect union—more perfect than what? the answer is than the Gain, then existing under the ald artieles of. confederation. This perfection was suizht for, not by amending tlie league thea existing, but by. a change “in the structure of the uai-a froma fora merely fe- deral to one partly uational”-—“ from a povera- ment fedcrs] to a government natignal.” These facts have become matters of history, as the printed journal uf the convention, which forined the cynatitution, and the secret debates of that august body as takerf from the notea of Judge Yetes will abundéatly show. AceuJins- ly, We :ind that at an garly period of athe ses siun of the convention. they adopted by a lurve ma- jority tho fulluwing resolation. - “ Resulyid, that 1a nationz; government oaght to I~ eschtished. consisting of'a supreme judicial, lesislative and A. Housion, Esq. Commons—i). M. Barringer. Wm. McLean, | John Russell, SHERIFF. Wn, Archibald, Col. Barnthart. ——-it For tir Warcnay. Mr. Editor :-—Among the political questions Which agitate the public mind, none are of higher | muo:neut, than those connected with the. doctrine of Nullification. ‘They are of » kind which p‘erea Lo the very fuundaticn of our Gavernment, concer the most essential rights of the citizens, and afcct in. a pre-eminent degree our political liberties, They claim and will excreise the most 2uxions and dehiberate attention, the closest in- vestigation of the statesman and the patriot. It 1S Hnportant that pablie attention be awakened fo these thines, because of the uncessing at- w2np's now being made to gain Proselytes to a political ‘clusion. _ Phe principles assumed by the politiciens cf tnis class, are belicved to be tie fulluwing : “ That the constitution cf the United States is a coinpact entered into by sove, cign and indepen- dent States” “ that in such com pace .3 {here be- Ing no Superior, each party has an equat right to Judge fur itself as well of infraction as of the mode and ineasureof redress.” That the SUV- | eretenty ofthe States exists in their respective | Leyislatures, and that eomsoquentty the latter have, and possess the aforesaid right ef jadging of infractions and of the made and ineasure uf re- dress.” Showld these doctrines be correct, the | following are sue of the consequences, which | may flow from the: that the Legislature of cach State has the right to sit in judgement upon the lawe enucic | ly the General Government ; and if it deen:s thom to be infractions ef the cen- Stitution to anual gnd avoid them ; furthermcre, should those Jaws be in their opinies: palpable vio- lations of the constitution. possessing the right to judge cf the mode and messure of redress ; they may in their ciserction disaelve the Gener- al Government and seperate thease! ves from the uninof the Stots, Consegnenecs, so appalling to all suber mindod men are apt to startle their credulity. To such T wonld say. CXalNMe these things, and “ judge ye” ifthey be not as stutal—Let no man cavil and say, that the rgntof juicing docs not imply the rpht to carry the judgement furimed into ef 69 it le understuud Ly those who advocate the doctrine. By this theory our boasted Unien js rendered “aimere ropeofeand.’ ‘Che Legislature of the smallest State influenced, it may be, by some un- principled demagorsue can destroy in one short session of Asscinbiy the fairest fabric of civil liberty ever devised and change and new model the Government of his State. But let us losk a little more deeply into those doctrines. A compact, 6 which means the thing a lrague between sovereign and independent States may be either what is called Federative, or may be national. Between these, there Is a wide and most important difference. And when itis contended that the constitutien of the Uni- ted States isa compart between sovereign and indepencent States—and that cach State, Le- cause their is ao Severicr has a night to judge of iifractions and of the mode & micasnre of redress, the argument. as I shall presently show, i8 fuunced npop the assumption that our constitution 18 mercly federal and not nstions]. 2s those terms are contradistinguished. trom each other. What then are the distinguishing chareeteris iesafthese two compacts or leagues 2? | answer, . that the first isintended to operate upon States or Government in their collective creorporate cay 1- cities. The second, igintended to affeet the individuals personally. The fiyet directs its man- cates and apples its sanction to distinct and se- perate commun'ties. The seeond, exacta -obe aience to its Jaws, and inflicts <3 panaities from ind upon the persons of men. ‘The first expects a comphanes with is commancs froma bedy poli- tie, where the wills ef many are tobe consulted, or Where one jo intendod ta represcet many; the second enforces obedience by mesRe:-of judi- c‘ary tribunals, or an immediate applicat. cof its nuaishment to intividuals. Asau ef % #7 of a Kedesal compact, may be mentioned “the “formtr seven united provinces cf the Netherlande—the Getmanie c+ federation—that. cf Switzerland and the old confederation of the, thirteen United States of America. Flach of these is confessed ly Vederative. But, 23 instancesof national league may be adduced the union hetween: England ond Sealand, which took place more.*Saf wcentury a- go,and the ugion betweea “Kagrindsand Irclana which was AToeud alout the begining of the present. ‘The redical effect in) tha erti- cles of consederation a3 a Government of the the country, was that they were Federal in their character that the Congress held under them were compelled to direct their laws or mandates to the several Stats, and it depended on ther Legislaturs, whether they were complied with-or not; they had not the power of enforcing obedi- dience by an immediate and direct application tu individusls. .<To remedy this defect in the plan of the Govorament, the old confedera- tion was entirely destroyed, the present con- stitation arose from the rains. A total change was effected in its very structure, instead of re- warding the States as distinct communities, if ad- dressed itself at once to the peuple—instead cf being furmved by the Legislatures of the States, it owed it3 origin to the pxsple in convention. It contains within itself full power to execute oll the purposes for which it was intended, nut by the aidof the Siates as such, but by its own tn- imnais, and by officers of itsown appomtment. All the pewers delegated in the constitution and the modcs by which they are directed to be car- ricd intoeffect, shov-s that it is essentially if iY en mafioua]. Whoever will take the pains to this instrument, will be struck with the nationality of its features. The preamble is most rematkable; “‘ We the people of the United States, inorder to form a more perfect vnicn, < establish § jestico, insure domestic tranquility, Gapj. 'T Myore Eagq. Commous—Jon. F. Poindexter, Col. Zigiar. \ provide for thcemmeten cefenee, promote the: executive.” The above resolve constituted une of the basis apen which was formed tu. present constitution. When speaking of it in conven- tion, that venerable pairiot and sage, Jainva Madison, expressed his pinion in suvstance as fullows: * Phagby it (the resulve) we, the con- vention, have agreed to havea national govern- ment to the exclusica of a federal guyeria.nent— and such was the opinion of that budy—see ge- creBdebates : As if to leave to wo doubt upon this subject sfteran interval of thirty-five years, and when too, a productiunof his, is sometimes quoted in support of the doctrine that] am now cuumbatting, we fiad hii in his late letter, to Speaker Stevenson, discuasing the meaning of th« terms, cainmon defende ant general welfare” as they are contained in the constitution and ex- plaining how the objects were intended to be ¢¢. fected by new modelling the Gevernment from the old articles of confedtration w its present form—he says that they (the ohjects in view) Were to be accomplished by a change ‘in the seructure of the Union, from a form merely fed- eral, toone parity national.” 'Fhat is, national a8 far as ils power extends as I understand him. It is likewise matter of histury,t's:t) the present constitutiyn was wurinly cppused by that ext ordinary man Luther Martin, in his address ty ee woos of Maryland, after his return rom Convention upon the unds ameng - ers that it was naciotal al enaeariine ‘to ci federa! principal. Indeed, it is believed ta be an incontroveriavle fact, that it was universally cunceced by triends und enemies at the time of its aduption, that the principle merely federal was drupped by the new government, and that of nationality tu the extent of its powers was substi- tuted in itsstead. © Ifirom all these things, it appears that our union, or #s the great charter cf uur Liberiics is ape called by way of disparazement— © £he compact” is not merely federal, but that it tg national ty the extent ofits powers, wherem consists ine rijrht of a part of the nation, profess- ing Allegiance ty the Goverament, to become the arviter upon the Laws cnacted by the constituted authorities thereof; ani when it deeins them un- constitutional to annul and uverthrow thein,—nay, furthermore, not only thelaws, but to nulliwy the constitut!,-. drum whichtae laws hav eminated. If the numbers composing a Siate Legislature can do this. [see 1» goud reasun why the. people ofa County canact.do the sume thing. If our Union isnational, the cne as well ag the other owe toit the same Allegiance. And it is no more alysurd in puiutof principle,{Ur the Cuunty of Rowan to cadcavour teannul th. laws aad the constitution, than for our General Absembl y twdo it. They might render themerlyes ridiculous from their weainens, but the principle. would be the same. Indecd,a Government av constituted would contain within itself. praicipleseat war ‘with its very nature ; teading directly and inev- itably to its dissclution. { Aware of this dilemma, the politicians of this schoul would subvert our unicn by construction. By their interpretation, it is # mere, confederacy amount, Sovereign and mdependent States in their pélitic capacities—which error, 1 have at- teinpted to expose. But supe for the sake of argument, that our constitution is a compact betwcen'@overeign aad indepencent stztces and that in cases of such kind, there being no superior, each ssvercign has a right to judirc for itself, relative ty infractions of the leagne and of the mode and measure of ro- dress. Does it tollow that the power under this ptupositicn has devolved upon the Legislatures of the respective Stas? Inorder tw maintain the affirmative, it must be shown that the Le- gisiatuio of the States are einbraced in the minoy proposition. Are they the sovreigns that have forined the compact? Most undoubtedly they were not, in their ce rjuiate capaciy they lad no Voice init, [twas purely andessentiaily the ct of the people by thoir represeniatives in Con- ention. “Lhe fallacy of the argument consisis in devolving upon .:e Legislature al] the rights of the peupic. All statesmen in the country ; concede that there are fany rights appertainies to the people as distinct communitics, which do nut develye upon their Legislatures. The fturmer are the suvieicns, the latter thus deputies, The tur:aor are the masters, the latter are the servants. ‘The people in their sovercign majesty ‘have seen fit to ordain and establish the promo- tor uf thcir own Ra@ppiness and that of their pos- t@rity, a governmegif contained inp two written Chariare, the one egfled the Constitution of the United States of America, the uther knuwn as the Constitution pf the State. To carry on this vove mment-they appuint at s!ort intervals two different sctg.of agents, of whom they exact lie cath of allegi ‘focach scparate «Consti- tution. Now theafgument that 1 am combat- ting js, that (ie one set of th +> agents, viz. thie memb 33 met in the State Lecislutures, passeas the right’te nuliy not only thc laws passed iy the other set of agents. viz, tuc Reprosontatives Conoress assembled, but likewise the Coust:tu- tien itself under which they couvene. It sure- ly is moet manifest, that in this way is Clalued fur tie respective State Legislature anght tu chan re the Guvernment under which we live. Is nt the ecnstiution of the Union es much a, part ofthe Government of North Carvlina as is chat of the State? And if you annul either, is it not a change of Gevernment effected? It 13 tuo plain ty adinit of cisputation. ‘The right clauned fur t.e State Legislature, is an open, downr.ght, ; alpable usurputiun—power never deligatud— the case of the servant assuming the authority vithe master. Sach are the conseyucrees that may flow from the doctrine of Nullifcation, from considering our Uuion esa compact between sove.vign Siates, and that in suci cases their beins uv superior, edch suvreign Las a right tu judy: of intrections of it,and of the mele and measure of redress, and that the State Leqisia- turs constituta in fact thuse suvereign States pussessing these transendant powers. I trust that the guod sen3e of my countrymen wijl per- ceive that thuse principles are fals- and danger- ous, that they are the speculations of he: ted pol- iticiaut and that they are founded morly upoa the “baseless fabrick ef a visicn. of Ss THE “PRIS ? : . and consent cf the Senats. iw Vin, late Secrotary of the }o711; : = “1 3 gation ’ See Leadun, & de Charge @ Groxce W. Camrseny, cf Tennessee EO Cams » tobe inte Gare eS ban n the Un ted Joan K. Kase, of lvanix,same. Tugman H. Winwiass, cf Missiasippi. same Joun E. Frosr.of the Distriet of Columbia, Scrat FY of tte Buard. , OuUN Ww . ‘ ee HEELER, of Nerth. Carolina, Wins McRer, of s'oner on the part of the oes Mexican States. ROBERT Lcve, cf North Carolina, Sar Samper 0. Bivanp.of Ohio, Cletk.. JORDON Fores, to be Surveyor and Ingpec- tor poo phen for the port ie Yeoromio, in the State of Virginia, viee J: 5.7. ty de een fia, Vice Joho S. T'apsco't, de- Jounx W. Lancpor, Bited States Mexico. Davin G. Buxrrr, of New Jers to be Con- sul of the United States at Galvnnee ce Mehn. k REDERIBE List, of Pennsylvania, to be Con- sul wt the United States for the Duehy of Baden Ronerr Ruepycegr,of Munich, ia Bavaria w be Consul of the United States-at that place. Pownatan Excts, to be Judge ofthe U nited States, for the Disorict of } isstasippi, ‘Vice }o- ter Randol jes Lewis F. n, cf Missouri, and Witerxs Uppyxe, of Rhode Island, to be Cominiss‘on- ersunder the act providing for the final acjust- ment cf private land claims in the State of Niis- SOUrt. Hoprruuy Torer, of the United Status Ports Rico. APP OINTMENT S BY Se Ss Ty >, = > Mississippi, Commie- Unived States and the tobe Consul of the Uni- at Laguira, Isle del Carmen, in of Virginia, to be Consu] at Ponee, in the !slard of VIEW of the UARKETS, SALISBURY. out on advisemeiit with every Merchaug ™m town.) to be weekly corrected. Baeswax pr. lb 16¢ a 1S, Brandy, eu 35 a 41); do Peach, 1 prelb 7 a 83 Cotton bagging pryd. 179 2398 Coffee pr lb 16a 18%; Castires pr li 42s a 4 4-5; Cotton yarns, from No.6 tw N One} $74 a 1 50; pr. from No.9tu No 14 $1 5028175; Feathers prib25 a 305 Plaur (.Made Appk pr pr. gal. (none: (tion at INgrOS po 3¢ a 3545, Wheat pr bush 624 a 7. 3 ye pr bush 59; Oats prbusn 20 a 22: (im pr bush 364 a 43 :—H.des—Grbn prio da 1:4; dry pr lb 10a 124 . Iron prh$ 4-5 a 34: Dead pr ib9 atl ;—Teather, sual, 274; shirtiny pr Ib 28, uppor pr side S12 rae) Nee pr gal 46 a 578; Nais-r lbO a 10—Ppoyici nc - Becf pr Ib 24 a 3; Bacin prib 8 a ld: Butter pr lb 10; Hogs-lard s a i603) Perk (none) s Salt prbush $1 124 a 1 256 (Stool, Aineciowus blister pr lb 103 Ensziish do pry 20; Cast pr Ih 27% a 333: Sucar prib Rta iM 4-5: 2 ary, Jaiuaica pr val p25 yankee do ght Wood, el an wlb % a 30; Tallow pr lbs « tus ‘Pobaoeo prly 8 a 503 Vow-linen pr yd 16 a 29 Wines—Teneriffe, pr gal 92 a 2 50; Mace: ; (none) , Port pr gal s1 50 a 1753 Claic: or aS Ie Sieael io Malaya, rweet, ($15 Wins key Q74 a 3), FAVETTEVILEE. Racon pry) 3a 84; Coun prib si a Coffe: pr lb 132 a 15 5 Flous prbol $4 a 475; Flax-seed pr bush 60; Fentiers pr tb 30a 33; Corn pr bush 60 a 624 5 Iron pribt#ag, Me lasses pr gal 30 a 32; Nail» cut Tia 8; Salt r bush 65 a 70; Sngor prib 74 a 94s To baceo feat 223, Wheat pr bush 75, Whissey jr gel. 28a 33. — — HARRIED. In this county on ‘Thursday last, by Acar Sturéwalt sy. Samuel Kiak Keimeriy bev v0 Miss Elizabeth Lahouer.-—al) for + sroonr OBITUARY. DIED on Tharsday 26ih Liston Uus Towa Mr. Fara Alemong of the Maasion fs tole aie abont 36.—Hle had enjoyed au unui, = out good health far many years. but on io ay irut last, wad attacked with dsillieas bev. s. acer va- ted with syintomns of the Searl 2 Mever,iua 1: been prevailing with such Wiclenee aracas ina ehildren cf this pluce, ang on Ti arscay abut 4 u'eclock P.M. Iie died; ‘ir. A'lononz. wa:s suber indusirious active Man of oesin os, excellent Landlord. He has lefta nist aise Wife afar from her friends and relavvas, with two sinall children to depiore his death. e DIED at his residence ia Quecu Squire Place, Westminister, on the oth, Jeremy Bent- ham, aged 85.—Tandun Ties. on the 17th inst. Ma. Wassrncray Rieas,agod 36 years. He has lefta cine as. late wite, anda uumoucr of relatves and ine als tubemvara the:r irreparable |... $ ‘ = FLAMILTON © JOIWES. W ii.L continue for the present to praci‘cc Law in the Counties of Rowan and Susy, in both the county & Superior Courts. fle wiil visit the next Superior Courts cf Stci.es sna i videon inorder ty settle nis businere in thes) oor His Office is under the office of the Cir i Watchman a few dours below the Mansion $. t+] in the {Louse Jately occupied by Sata). dunes (os. as a ‘l'avera. The Cape-Fearand Yadkin RAIL ROAD. OOKS of Subserijcion for Stock ia thiaenm- paaysyare now cpened in the Town of S-'- isbury, at che Hetel of Win. H. Slaughter, and atthe Mansiun Hote}, ard wilh remam eper un- til the 2%th day of August next. ‘The gubscz'- and 3 LIPMe. HJAVE constantly on-hand at my Limeaiin I in Stokes County fresh-stome-dime both slack- ed and unsiacke| which I sell at 25 cemts per Bushell far Slacked, and 50 fur unslaeked—and when the quantity ofone hundred bushels is tak- en at once and paid fur, the price will be eame rat lessened. _ : JAMES NARTIN Sent. July the Wth, 1832. or BVERY DISC RIPTION, NEATLY EXECU1LED aT THIS LUCIU6. OFFICE bers are pleasod ts learn frm a re éora men i- cation te them from the Comm: at Wil, <4 mincton, that ¢£CD,060 ef, be mikrogn the "Town of Viliimingson aid SPayet a , ete mo ir ll Rain: that the route-ob@ GAGES ASR, WUE 9s be survayed by vt ieee Saag » a x eee SiN, Je. he a ‘4 are. - a) ‘LP. 7 i 7 3 OHAME ? + 3 a elbue eageei MAP iliac eapeeialty, . 7 2 and told us that Mr. Clay was ‘and that we must notinske any n had hurra- his piece and Clay, end stan THE MUSE, an; pallenticenie som tots perecae eee ae “fal li riquese ‘The eubseriptions and donations in mo- him, and that we would’nt lowing beautiful lines are from the pen ? : : to ; we would’ of nL S. Sigourney, of Hartfogi. ‘Con a ney, chthing: . nee een ecto bo give nobody no candy that would’nt support him 3 . of distinguished litcrary taste and acquire- oil while on 2 visitto Arlington House. Mrs. _Sigonrney first learned that to a woman was the Father of hia country mainly indebted for that efucation tnd discipline in his youth, which led bim on to the glories of his after life. Proud - ber sex, she made a journey to Frederic’ a sought for, and with difficuliy found the neglec od grave of the Matron, and compused the follow- , to the memory of the— = rt formes or Wasginctox ’ Mother of him whose godlike fame, The good through the world revered, Al! why withoct a stone or name Thus sleep’st thou unregarded here. i vasile branches o’er thee wave ae eae decks the chosen dell: fe thy hallowed grave * “A eee eas sigh should swell. Rome witht burst of filial pride The mother of her Grachii view d: An why should we restrain the tide Of reverential gratitage. — She to sublime Volumni™ paid Her tribute of enraptured tears, When the dread chief that voice obey’d Which sternly curbed his infant years. ‘Thou in the days of Sparta’s might Hadst high on her illustrious roll Been rank’d amid those matrons bright Who nobly nursed the great of soul. For disciptin’d in wisdom’s school The totty pnp'l own’d thy sway: Aud well might he be skilled t» rule So earty nurtured to obey. Wo enervating arts refined ‘Ty slamber luil'd hia heaven bom might; No weak indulgence wrap’d thy mind To cloud a Hero's path of light. Say when upon thy shielding breast The Saviour of bis country hung, W hen his soft lips to thine were press’d } Woolag the acconts of thy tongue ; Or when his infant hands were taught By thee in simple prayer to rise, Say were thy own devotions fraught With heighten’d incense for the skies? Woll may that realin confiding rest Heres and migthy Chiefs to see, Wich finds its infant offrprings blest With monitors and guides like thee. Sone future age than our,s more just With his shall bu Id thy honor’d name, And nse exulting o’er thy dust The monument of deatless fame, Shall thither bid young mothers wend Tu dloss thy spirit 18 they rove, Anu learn whue on thy tomb they bend For aeaven to train ths babes they love. - P.PITAPH EXTRA. The fillowing distich is said to show dimly @. a grave stene of zreat Bntiquity in a church yird, not maay miles from here. It is a singu- jac mixture of the JIudierous and the pathetic. [. was cumpcsed and engraved (readily enough, uo duubt,) by an honest Dutchman, who had lost ty childran by the Ague and Fever, and bu- fied se.n both in the same grave. tJere Hes two papes, as tead as nits, (">t mate um tead mit te ake and fits,® ‘io, was too coot to live mjt me, y< “um home to liye mit the. Grarotne: » and Perer. ae * De Fro the New York Albion. UE ROM PARIS. eacts ApatL 17, 1302 ‘a house of feas- WAak Parns—trom oe era’), cgpaged into a buuse cf ‘mour- roy faanke heaven! however, the intensity eso is dumiashine dely, and the num- viv sisy abating. Mor twodays, the t i /ue ofthe deatas has not beep publish- » ae .Moatteur accounts for trom the dif- Jetiiog une exact returna, the time of ; 2vocr mon boing entirely engrossed by their t > patiants ,&c. "The same offietad jour- ne wtoai, hitherto, the dcaths have consid- crceedod the returns published; and to vidid, but not consoling avowal, is added Te cetat tha excesses comnitied by the lower ¢' ss sta drakin . 2d fod; many of whom, at firs, had reoourse te the minors price to keep ‘Topinds wp, and are now crowding the caba- to celebrate rhe decadence of the cholera. A> slariuing ov did is in curcalation, that the ru- M. joss dead bodies are very slightly covered with eer cantly afew ineaes; however, there is no Co otbat ih.s pressing danger, if the report is edt 13) clk th Tels true, wil. ets/was'y be remedied, now that the Gover ent Kacws of it. T will net attempt to Prost t yt witn tne present Panorama ef Panis; where dedi and desolation, scrrow and awful gispe isc, clund each p=ssing paintully anxious tacucy:. At the 2vy roach of evening, the strects become des cind ana sileut; the eEpectacles and once gay rev.comsare sadly fallen off} and the F apparently paving good city;” I hardly need repeat, that British benevolence is evidently con- jcuoUs. PWhen the King was first informed of M. Per- riers complaint, he covered his ‘face with hoth hands, exclaimed, in a sort of agony, “Good God! this is filling up the measure of exi- ties.” The femily, I am happy to ay re- main in excelent health; but the Cham: ber has terminated the session hy a sort of French leave; the maj-rity having hastily withdrawn to their country-seats and iy chinks th to eacape ve cholera, awthey sapien ink, though, by the by, the eholera has longer-leagued boota than they. Death hasmade some lmvoc with the mem'e*rs of both the Chambers, but chie‘ly with the Deputies. But enough of the cholera mor- bus; though, I can assure you, no ; ked of, I should have observed, the King has de- cided not to quit Paris, for hi iously intended sojourn at Neuilly, until the thalady is “gone out from among us.” An affair ~f honer is spoken of, the result of which has turned out mgst advantageous “tur poor humanity. A young Elegant, with more money } than wit, indulged in that newly imported ac- complishment, quizzing, rather ton frecty on Fri- day morning last wh:ie breakfasting, a lafour- chette, at a celebrated Cafe on the Boulevard des. Italiens. The subject of his patrician pastime was an elderly gentleman, whose patience being exhausted, expostulated with the I - er, who, at onct, offered the “ action of a gentleman.” Arrivéd on the , the Ele- ant exhibited his courage b ily humming a fushi air. His elderly adversary hin- ted at cacanauett explanations, which the Elegant Tejected with due disdain. At this most critical | moment, the Elderly exclaimed; “Regariez,’* and shot dead a bird flying *y. “There, Sir,” nid he, “there’s a specimen of my skill, so take our choice—stand my fire, or subscribe a cool Hanilied Louis to the hospital. The affrighved Dandy subscribed to the stern conditions. The “Conquer of Algiers,” Marshal de Bour- mont, has been deprived of his baton, for refusing especially chez thehigher classes; and above a. the beau-sexe - Paganini has volunteered a concert ‘at the Ope ra, fur the bencfit of the hospitals and the indi- nt. . The Conservateirs de Musique was, maigre le cholera, crowded on Sunday last. M. Fetis gave anentirely new invented species of enter- tainment to the musical world—Un Concert His- torique '” Each part of the concert was preceded by a historico-musical speech from the lips of ihe inventor of his original, Intellectual, harmonical pastime; and t» judge from the applanses of the amateurs and connoisseurs present, M. Fetis has full reason to be satisfied with his ecup d'essai. I have seen a literary gentleman, just arrived trom Naples, by whom [ was happy to hear that Sir Walter Scott’s heaith is much improved, and that he-has even already conceived a new ro- mat the subject is, or rather is to be, the an cient nights of Malta. Apropos, that excellent and elegant work, Eugene Aram, is translating into French, German and Italian; it is universa! ly admired, FROM THE NEW-YORK STANDARD. ‘The following production of one of Mr. Cia y's infant schc)lars fell into my hands a few days since been dropped, but whether designedly ogimot I am unable tofeay. At any Tate, it was under circumstances that led me to very easy. ate I found uncle John here; ‘amfhe told mo I must behave like a little man, k ny face clean, and eat with a knife and fork, med of meifI did’nt act like.a Congressman’s nephew. there were such suspect that the doating mother conhived at its loss, to the end that it might come to the world somehow orother. By dint of some occasicnal inquiries, it seems that the little fellow wrote to hts mama while at Washington, but not under- sianding any thing about / Tails or Postoffice he broughtitthome with hin. itis much soiled and worn, with an occasional <drop of molasses on it, and was to be sent by the first opportunity.” The little fellow has got home and is doing well, and struts most ferri- bly. My Dear Ma, I arrived here v few days ago—let me see, it j was last Saturday—almost tired to death— the stage drivers drove 20 fast that although there were 6 of us onone seat, we were jolted about most terribly. I threatened to tell’ Ps on one them when I got home, but he never paid any attention to me, tit 1 told hin I wa8 a Delegate | tothe Washington Convention to nominete Mr. Clay, and then he took me in his lap, and I rode e should be asha- So down we paradedito: Gadbys where sights other’ little boys, all know what todo—and f long—bat next Pmorning the boys oe to see Washington and wn we dot there, and found out that Wagehirgton was dead and hiseon would’nt let us go into his house. Some of thebo:s said that they saw some fellows sn pose it was : else is tal- Pea and shaball the Clay men they come across—and what is worse than all the rest, they turn them all out of office too! dp it “The terrible reign”—as they did in France when Gulliver was thero—this is certainly true for Duff Green said so. . You will perceive ; 4 a to they aaagibe very honest people, for oug err ne too; bat, nevertheless, it is true, that we never had the honor of hearing of them before. ~, appears that the tice, during the twenty-four hours ending at neon, forty-four-cases of malignant cholera morbus, “and Iwas so homesick tother night tha¢, T did not ied almost, all night told eee agoing to havea ridein the steam boat, ,soaftera while caking about with guns. (I sup- some of Jackson’s cannibals.) However we went away across the meadows where we found that Washington was dead shore enosgh—and buried in a cave—but we were so Said ofthem Jackson men with guns, that we soon put back as fast as we could, I evant to tell you Ma what terrible times the le have here —The Jaskson men do nothing and peu *"e call My paper is alinos! £:)1 now. and I must stop writing. Oh how tickled [ am to think I shall ve home ayain ina few rere Tam so tired of making presidents, L shot, that I had rather “keep house” with sister Katy at home, than ta be here. so fraid that [ shall get our most dutiful and loving son, HENRY CLAY CALHOUN W“BSTER. [From the Camden Journal.) Some queer fellow in Philadelphia, inquires of Mr. Cuanvxer, of the Gazette, the meaning of dry wine. Wine being liquid, it strikes the in- quiring gentleman as a little out of order to call it dry. The Editor’s answer is very satisfacto- ry. 4Je says dry wine, means wine imported in einpty bottles, ; Mr; Adams presented a memorial from Hume Bell, (It aught to be Hum Bug,) setting forth that he has discovered an antidcte for the Cho- lera, and offering tu dispose of the samme for the bencfit of the public for 100,000 &c. (Hum Bug.) to take the oath of allegience to Louis Philip; his - son has published See in the Paris Journals, CHOLERA IN Tene in which he piously proves, or endeavors to prove, Tuesday, July 10—P M. | that General de Bourmont did not betray Napole- Nee . Desthe. on just betore the battle of Waterloo. oHotall number ef pew coe The Neapulitean ainb@ador’ Prince - Castal- n private H. 44 ae cicala, expired yesterday; his complaint was the | 3° " P Deaths 6 cholera in the most intense degree. I must en In Hospitals 38 13 make one very fimportant observation, Be i spi a. ) a 45 which I have from the very first authority, it is ellvue, (alins 4 _ _ that “fegr” is too often the father of this malad Total. 120 44 Ninian Epwarps is publicly ‘annoumced as a eandidate to represent the first District of the State of Ilinois in the next Congress. One of the largest Fires that ever took place in Boston occurred in that city on Saturday night last; Several houses were burnt or greaily inju- red, amongst which the prineipal was the War- den Hotel. - ° THE CHOLERA. . . Report of the New York Board of Health for the 24 hours ending at 1 o’clockh on Wednesday the 1] ith. HOSPITALS. -Remaining. New. Dead. Cured. Rem’ing. Park, 20 10 10 3 17 Greeawich, 6 8 1 1 12 Crosby st. 6 4 1 1 8 Rivington 0 9.°8 0 6 Total 32 SI 15 5B Bellevue, 87 63 25 18 102 " 119 84 40 18 145 Add cases at large, 45 = 10 Grand Total, 129 750 - The special Medical Council report that the number of cases of actually Malignant Cholera is considerably diminished, aad that they have not during the last twenty-four hours, found asingle case smong persons of regular and prudent halats. They say that cases of common cholera are fre- quent. These declarations of the Council are fully supported by the number of convalescent eascs which appear in the Report to-day —J. Com. Let any one, having an acquaintance with the | names of the more prominent and generally es- City of Washington, May, 1832. | tecmed meiabers of the medical fgculty in this ity, look over the list of cases reported’ to and by the Board of Health, and he will be surprised to find how very few of the physicians there na- med he has ever cven heard of before. The alle- ged visitation of the rhave brought an en new fry of Doctors into existence, as a shower of summer rain brings out siatic Cholera seems to new. race of frogs and toads. We do not wish spealt diarenpectfulty of any ofthese physicians; ht we By yoctendey 9 report of the Board of Heatth it had occurred in private prac- gcinc of lonuyradle ciarint-wheels no longer] cameto attend the Conv e whistling, | six deaths.. The first thiug that strikes the disturos t) > instil! caonowny of the night. “By and some crying—anu é ing hoops—and mind on P's he ment is, that the’ @is- | 8 vsv cogulsiuon, we are now saved the distresa. | some were Teciting -their Spepghes——and it was | ease cannot be very “tnalignant” -witich yieids so ing sighs af the.eroWdea caits of deatha, and the | all habbub and noise till Gadsby’s waiter ‘wid | sthall a poftion of fatal - One naturally wext vev.o 7s cead bodies waiting, on their too ,thickly- ter.cnied beers an every street, the return of these mur ful mines; .es morts are carried off at =. Wicr'cht. 21 bazureric of the cholera is P g@fust areecotitabie:.it broxe out in ene of the Page ing, edd hyquarters of Pagis, Gros Cal- e % thé surcets df and the houses eam pa Hy clean tamdrality in that ar- Tu 236ment has heer 3 have 1 erished in ogey amr the active hom C2. a.perenre 2 qi an Oe ed him 1D \ honeetf oF refusing’ fo, ", dros cS at the 4 MIA VAI i te'ly pruae paves. ga the “Bostroyer,” ip - Waolec Toe MAE tv HS ZiNlata FOES SA . e 2 ? 5.'h 18 tow proved, be- + ' oe Che iera momuus 18 RBOt Ccon- eywhere the Enz! . ~ iyts wadlesale scene of eufler 3 s » thing I have seen and heard, but [ mean o write , this sheet of fe Rue de In| chuck full but I will tell you about it. mise, notwithstan- {after dark for fear Jackson or some of his canni- ipro-eminent medi- | bais would cat me up that I went to bed. as seon peelebrated Baron | a3 it was candlelight. The nett morning I filled self with the | my pockets full of sugar t, and im | Uncle John to go tothe Convention. When we poison the six: | got there (we did'nt goby Jackson’s > house) cra j ecmmand of Lomaparte. | some of the videst boys had got all thi ‘| -avq@andeipated a more f2.fand then said they must have «all thedoors shut, . because they wanted to fix for the examinatiun. | ‘oraiy suniess, and al- {| So when the doors wasehut, and ali the men gone j i » .oourg St. Denis and} ont, the oldest boy a6 been as singularly | I told them I could epeek. cismicre. The first eXpect one ef my age, tospeak ish } stage,” he said that would do—there was some : the tovthat had got speeches by heart, | ses which are * w%Lecn treated with | more boys So after a while we adjoumed till next dey?’ I tell you tney was all as ‘whist as In would take nx... great while to tell you every paper that uncle John give me 1 tell you what it is. I wasso fraid to go ont _and started with ki fixed, After we had met and adjourned them it they did’nt be still he'd send. for that | looks to sce on what authority these cases are set ugly old General Jackson and he would eat them all up like the two bears did the wicked children in the Biblo. mice after that. down as malignant or Asiatic Cholera; and when he finds in the whole of names scageely any phy- sicians whom he has ever heard of befure, be may very justifiably entertain some doubts of the ace1- racy of the report. If we have really malignant epidemic Cholera among us to the all it is very strange that it shouldte almost wholly confined to the care of those medical gentlemen of whom nobody ever heard till now. edged exten, We find by the reports that the cases are sprinkled pretty eqiilly over the whole area of the city; and it is marvellous that none of these instances of in the range of . whose very names, ‘published in connecticg with wdic cholera come with- tice of those physicians single case, would go far.to convince incredu- ty itself. We do not deny—we donet doubt—that ecme nstances of cholera, more malignant than’ usual, ,came round tosee if any of : have occured in this city, but when we have -towdd Ly the lowest | us had speeches—when they come round tome | forty-four cases in twenty-four hours, and only “You will scarce ' six deaths, we must take leave to onestion the in ptllicen the | acepracy of the report—we must believe i! cho. is made up, in part at least, not cholera, or only ordinary - cho- together under me of the Asiatic scourge. Last |. and every summer hete- .. Tegpective officers, city, it is considgted. what a numberof dis- name of Chélera. éases are made to bear the . WN. ¥. E. Post. THIS BANGS OUR CHOLERA!! Frazers . “The great Plague in the Fourteenth Centu- ry,” is of a different character, ite details are of the most horrifymg description. Its ravages were not confi to any single nation or? Conti- nent, but from the chroniclé thus taid before us, appears to have spread its influence over the whole world. Afterhaving ravaged the Conti- nent of Furope and Asia, it first made its appear- ance in England in the beginning of August 1348 It broke out on the coasts of Devon, Doct, and Somersetshire; but soon spread over the whole island. The following isthe deseription given by a writer of that period of the state of Eugland whilst the castilaaste was raging: Weare told the influence of this disease was 80 contagious, that it not only infected by a touch or breathing, but transfused its malign verygeams oflight, and darted deeth from the eyes; and the very seats and garments of such proved fatal. Wherefore parents foresook their children, and wives their husbands, nor would | physicians here make. their visits, forneither were they able to do good to others, and they were almost certain thereby to destroy themselves. Even the priests also, for ‘he same horrid consid- eration, forbore either to administer the Sacra- ments, or absolve ‘the dying penitent. But nei- ther priésts nor physicians, nor any other who sought thus to escape, did find their caution of any advantage; for death not only raged without doors as well as in chambers, but as if it took in- dignaiion that any mortal should think to fly from it, these kind of people died both more dily and prcportionably in.greater numbers. Then was theretdeath without sorrow, affinity with- out friendship, wilful penance and dearth with- out scarcity, and flying without refuge or succ- our. For many fled from place to place because of the pestilence, some into déserts and pleccs not inhabited, neither in hope nor despair. But quick-sighted destruction found them out, and nimble footed misery was ever readyto attend them. Others, having hired boate or other ves- reis, into which they laid up provisions, thought, or at least hoped,so toelude the power of the infection : but thedestroying angel, like that in the Revelations, had one foot upon the waters as well as on the land ; for, alas! the very air they breathed being tainted,they drewin death to- gether with lice itselt.” INDIAN REMEDY FOR CHOLERA. The Bengal Hurkaru of the iOth of Novem- ber, gives the following recipe fur Asiatie Chole- Ta: NasseERABAD, Oct. 29--The Cholera has been prevalent at Ajiaecr for some weeks past, and of 223 persons affected, 174 took the medi- cine ; and of thls number, 165 recovered ;—62 whodid not take the medicine died, besides 6 Who did, making a total of 68 deatho. The mix- ture is as follows : 8 ounces Sal Ammonia [Nousadui] 8 do tinslacked Lime, 1 quart boiliag water, . 'The tworfisst articles to be finely powdered and put into a large bottle, (to allow of efferyesence, and the wate: added as hot ag.ean be given wlth safety to the bottle. The mixture to be frequent- ly shaken, and in the course of three days;* or sooner, it will be fit for use, The liquid to be decanted irom the scdiment,and well secured fiom external air. Manner of using it.—Three drams weight (or me? .¢) diluted with three times the quantity of wi 18 a dose for a grown up pereon ; a few dr ps of cssence of peppermint'make it more pal- itable. When the first dose is ojected, a second has stopped the disease. To allay the thirst which succeeds on the stoppage of the vomiting, water in which mint has been steeped is the inost effectual and pleasant.—To children of 4 and 5 years of age, one half to twodrams, with nine of water, The civil. assistant-surgeon Mootly, at Aj- meer, deserves, we believe, the whole credit of the above discovery. WARIN THE EAST Extract from the reports made by S. Shubrick, commanding the expedition against the Malay Pirates, to Comodore, Downes, commanding the Potomac Frigate lying in (Bantam Bay) Straits of sunda, March the 11th 1832, after the attack upon Quallah Battou. After stating the order observed in landing u tho Beach about 11-2 miles tothe north of the town, and arrangeing their several divisions under their respective officers, he goes on tho to detail that—‘as soon as day dawned, we proceeded a- lgug the beach toward the town, undiscovered by the enemy, until within a short distance cf the northermost Fort, when I immediately dispatched Lent. Hoff and his division to surround it, and in the event of the en@ay’s firing upon him, to take itb, storm. As soon ashe appreached the gate way, he was fired upon—atter a close action, ime American flag was hoisted, the enemy carry- ing off their wounded, aud leaving behind their dead, twelve in number, and their women. Licit. Hoffman had to surmount difficulties in the capture of this fort. He tore ap the palisades which sur- rounded it, and forced a bridge over the jungle, upoa which he entered and drove the enemy from their almost impregnable position ; during the whcle of which time an incessant firing was Kept up upon him. After leaving Lieut; H. I proceeded with the remaining divistons, and at the northren end of the town Lieuts. Pinkham and Edson with their respective divisions, filed offto the left to the attack of the two forts assigned in the rear of the town. With the 3d division under Lieut. Inger- soll, and the six pounder under Sailing Master strongest furt, situated at the southem end of the town. At the dis of fity yards from the fort I directed the six r to be loaded with round and frape shot, and discha which threw with which Sailing Master Totten worked the six pounder did great execution. Lieut. Inger- soll at this time rushed on to the attack; at this Lieutent Pinkham, with the Ist division rejoyied me, Sailing Master Barry, the guide, from material alterations in and about the fort Raving been unable to point out the fort assigned to Leut. Pinkham: the pioneers with their crows and axes having furced the gate, portionr of the let and 3d divigions under the diréctions ef their i i , into the area and took possession with little resistance—few Malays appearing—two of which were shot dead upon gate, which communicated with a narrow pas- sage leading to the strong ,hold of, the pirates; which was e strong “— elevated, , ‘ty into the | Totten, I posted on toattack the principal and [ them into confusion. The coolness and precision [ i me Teed) « tne 7 o =. eee effeet, and tho their firing even during the © magazitied which took place tenaciously did they hold nearly three hours; it was owing however to the detached warfare, kept upon us from ¢fheir hou sea and jungles where it was slmost oe sible to get at them. ‘The cannonbelong- ing to the several forts, were spiked and thrown over the parapets. A number . of mas- kets and blunderbusses were also taken and de- stroyed. One seaman and one marine were kill- ed ; two marines wounded, one mortally ; nine seamen: and ordinary seamen wounded, three of them severely, the first slightly. You cannot ‘of eourse, be unacquainted with the Malay character. Murder and piracy still distinguish them, aud nothing but the severest chastisement can stop them from a constant dep- redatiun ev defencclees mérchantman that cone itkin Theis grasp. They are gen- erally independent tribeey acknowledging no head but these fajahs, who from mctives of in- terest and gain keep numbers in port themin their wanton conduct. The Quallah Buttooras are particularly bad, and the Melays along thecoasts dcem it a re- proach if you tell them they were born there. Gambling to excess is carried on among the lat- ter, as I assure you that Ihave been informed by 2 Soo Soo priest, who of course must have some compunctioug feelings —Wat Gaz. _ The largest diamond in the World was found in the river, Frio, The history of its discovery 18 romantic. ‘Three Braziliane, Antonio do Sousa, Jose Felix Gomes, and Th. de Sousa, were sen- tenced for some supposed misdémeanour to per- petua] banishment in the wildest part of the inte- rior. Their sentence was a cruel one, but the region of their exile was the richest in the world. Every river rolled over a bed of gold, every val- ley contained unexhaustable mines of diamonds. A suspicion of this kind enabled these unfortu- nate men to support the horrors of their fate— they were constantly sustained by the golden -hope of discovering sume sich mine’ that would produce a reve of their hard sehtence. _ Thus they wandered about néarly-six yeas in quest of mines, and furtune. was at last propitious to them. $ An extessive drought had laid dry the river Abaite, and here, while working for gold they diseovered a diamond of earie an ounce in weight. Overwhelmed with joy at thig providen- tial discovery, they resolved to proceed at all hazzards to Villa River, and trust to the mercy of the crown. ‘Ine governor, on beholding the magnitude and lustre of the gem could scarcely eat the evidence of his senses. He immedj- ately appointed a commission of the officers of the diamond district to report on its nature, and on their pronouncing it areal diamond, it was immedistely despatched to Lisbon, It is needless to add that the sentence of the three condemnadocs was immediately reversed. This celebrated diamond has been egtimated by Rome de L’Isle at the enormous sum of £306, 000,000 sterling! It is uncut, but the late hing of Portugal, who had a passion for precious stones, had a bole bored through: it, in order to wear it suspended round his neck on gala days. No sovreign peasessed so fine a collection of diamends at this ee ge ae Mag. : Mr. Var Baren very sensibly, and in good taste declined receiving the gorgeous public attentions with which it was designed to mark his return this Country. The fullowing in his letter: Staten Island, July, 5, 1832- Dear Sir I have been informed that arrange- ments have been made to honor my return with more than ordinary ceremonies and requested to remain at Staten island sufficiently loag to «na- ble my fellow citizens to carry their kiad inten- tions into effcct. Duly sensible as I am of the hanor which my political and persona] friends propose to cor.-er up- on me, I have nevertheless, felt it to be lay duty toincur the responsibility of digappointing their wishes upon this occasion. ¥ Having understood that serious alarm is excited in New York hy a malignant disease , I have greatly preferred landing quietly in the city, and meeting my friends as t have formerly done, to being received in a public manner ; particular! when from the @ sieng entertained, all festivity must be discordant with the’r feelings. Have the goodness to present my beat Teapects to the Committee, and accept for yourself the as- egard. surance of my sincere r Your obd’t serv’t, M. VAN BUREN. The worthy Matrons cf New York, it seems, were latley in great alarm, lest tke World should come to an end before Strawberry time. Their op prehensions are calmed by thie time as tw the trawberries ; bat as the Comet is only continued over, as the lawyers say, till October, many fine ppias, plums, and pears, are still in danger. — he old planet seems to be pretty nearly jant- locked by the wicked arts of the Astronomers ; but if she can but weather the point nuw ahead, and get o out vf her present “tight place,” who snows but she ive » bat she may live as long as the youngest of us : Cmmquam Sibi tribuito Trans. give the devil his etka C: Wat From the Nat. Jour. _ We had yesterday an opportunity of.-see- ing one of the neatest things in the way of } | lera, and that diarrheas, dysenteries, the spot. A charge was then made at the inner | Presents that we ever met with. It was a for three or convulsions, are all huddied four days, and some of the boys had spoke their ccmmon nz pieces. Uacle John and some more men came sammer at this time, walking stick, of arbor vite, cut from a tree | growing at the tomb of Cicero, transmitted & a gift to Mr. C1ay, from on officer of the’ Ou their position, | « pp pay, and sup-, F i t H that it wasnot until Lieut. Hoff, with a portiéa: be - of the second division, and Lieu:, Edson, with Raapin tre the marines came up after letving detachments ; "Me Shas in'the forts against which~ they had been sent) * emasng by eae formed b Fat they and the f:.t, aes . eeping up a brisk, .! they abandon it. oe ane nn : Saal bees leet he Mie Stats of Lon. rt & ad m kept {- a . up oe Lieut. Terrett, and a -deta@imeént te L = #, month. We have nes left in e fort in'the rear.of thé town, | ! : ‘New Orleans district, by which means another wap’ -acciden iy diate. in which Ddwaitt BD. White, the present ex- vered; which being made. krivwn ‘to poe cellent R Ive, was re-elected with- manding officer, as eoon as tonvesient | Out oppesition.. He is the first Representa ture it cca eaecee short a eee est 2 < nwe ’ on: ra “ : the pirates flying to the jungle! In the affair two | '#¥6 had.to.annoance to our reiders. cr erimarines were, shot.dows, one killed and}: on. gets sells ia fur a plonstnt, whe the other still lingeri mortally wounded. wad bev: ms aaly for the One of the rial Rajahs (Poona M | ivan Goeeie but fur the: fae y concerned in the capture and masacre of the whip ‘ eer a Pandfall of hope ie tre Friendships crew, was killed in the fort) first at-| cnarta of water ft au hour-taka half’ pert sf tacked, and hee ee i fatym —— s found | taker's-yeast, a melesecs, ud.five table onging er, was the cine chest. _ ; Q fen _ ‘The reduction - of the town and fort took up Fr in tha heb eter ee agg hot the ’ &e, and then add 5 anda half of water— for a. ity, cata fn propen. race in the evening, it will be ready for bottling in the morning. [t should not be gorkeiftes tight, for feat of bursting the bottles. . It is teported of the celebrated Lord Chesterfield that he administered the fol- lowrng properrebuke to 2 Coci:ney whom he observed.to be vety prmiscuous in his remarks concerning persons who were stringers to him. This gentleman of the ton, trigged off in hie best’@nd with a sim- pering air of exquisite dandyism at a large assemi ly; stepped upto his lordship and twirling his watch-key between his midcle finger and his thamb asked him what d—d ugly fat b—h that was Ane there near the end of the sopha? “That ismy sister,” replied Lord C. with that readiness of tact for which he was so remarkable the abashed inter:ogat r faultered out I—I—I dont mean that fine looking woman that your lordship hes your eye on, its the one next to her. “Thats my wife sir,” replicd the nobleman. , Ineedote —It is well known that the blacking ofa eel<brated Englishman firm is warrant d Lot to suil the finest linen. A chapirom the country the other day procured a bottle of Day and Mar- tin’: best, at one of the storos in this town, and af. ter embelishing bis Sugdy-qo-to- caf skins with a portion of ite contents, placed the re- mainder in his trank.. On his way home the cork by sume meaner other detached itse'f from the bottle, and as liquid blacking, like water. (as had been demonstrated by theory and practice.) seeks its level, a “copious emission” ensued cve- ita fellew e. A few days afterwards he en- tered the store whence he obtained the biacking, With a countenance partaking more of mizer than of sorrow. “See nent exciaimed he, a ye’re impositions have brought cn me— 8 my spandy new. enit splattered all over with the stuff, and my trowsers and shirt teto: tally spoilt—did’nt it say it would’nt stile the fi, nest Jincu #" “Why, yes,” said the storekeejr1 hesitatingly, “but you must acknowledge, my friend, tuat it cannot be considercd as including your wardrobe, the linen of it being by no means the finesi—. 3. B. Gazctte. 4 proper spirit —“ Sir,” said one of two an- tagunists with great dignity to the other, dung a dispute which had not been eonfincd to words, ** you have called me a scoundrel and a liar, you have spitin my ‘face, you have struck me iwice, I hope you wi}! not carry this any farther; for if you do, you will rouse the sleeping licn in my breast, and I cannot tell what may be tho conse qquenec—Literary Gozette. A Scotch blacksmith being asked the meaning of metaphysics, explained it as follows: “When the party wh» listens din- na ken what the speaks who speaks means. and when the party why speaks ‘diana ken what ho means himjelf—that is metaphy- sies.” ee Exprpitious TRaveciinc.—Tiec fol- lowing necessary notice is fixed up ata coach office in Paris : “Passengers are de- sired, if they git down, not to walk. faster than the coach:’’ Mr. Get'atin's Land—It if statek that Mr. Gallatin has sold his lands and }ome plantation in Pennsylvania, ;called New Geneva, to a com- pany of French emigrants, eopsisting of alwut twenty families, whose object. is totulsivate the grape. Indian War. —lIt is stated in the VVeatern papers, says the Buffalo Patriot, that the Indian war is over—WV. Y. Adv. .- Population of Buffalo—By a census just t2- ken in the city of Buffaloit appears, that tho inhabitants amount to 10,1J9. In 1830 the whole town contained only 8,698. —Jb. @en. Scott passed through Buffalo week fore last on his way to the west ; and on the Srd abou; 700 U. 8. troops sailed in steamboatr bound Bishop Exovanp (the Catholic Bishop of Charleston) sailed from that city for Liver peol, on the 10th instant. How to get rid df a Collector—A wo- wan in Westminster’being at a loss what excuse to make, to ‘about the 20th applica- tion for rates by one of the collectors of the Chelsea Water Works, at length informed him that her poor husband had recently died of the cholera, and that she had also been seized with that dreadfub disorder ; but, (added sbe,) if you’ll walk in, Pili see if | cam make up the money.* The col- lector, however, was almost petrified with terror, and shutting up his book instantly, bolted out of the house much - fester than he emterod—| London paper. ~— Cathel 3 ~ teriean bTste7 prib YO 16 cis; Tall TERM Cee and Fifty Centsper year. «24 Four new ~subscribers who ~ the paper for one year at Two Dos- s the same terms shall cont ir who do not pay during ged three Dollats in alt ¢c p will be receis “year ess than i } ie op- arrearges are paid Waeetetters to the Editor mnst be post paid ; otherwise they will certainly act be at- "Teaus op Avvertisina—Sisty two & a half Cents per square for the first insertion, and 314 Cents per squire for each insertion aflerwards No advertisement will be than one Docear. Advertisements willbe continued until orders arereccived to stop them, where no directions are previously given. Adveitise nents by the year or six months will be made ata Dollar per month for each square with the privilege of changing the form every quarter. MARKETS. SALISBURY, Beeswax perlb. 18a 20 cts.; Brandy, Ap- ple per gal. 45 a 50 cis; Cotton per ib. (in secd) 3 cis; Culton bagging per yd. 20 25 cls.; Culfee perib. 16 a 18 cts; Castings per lo. 4 a Sets; Cotton yaro, from No. 6 to No 11, $1 75 a 2. AOets; Feathers per lb; 35 ets; Mla pr bl a6 00; Wheat pr bash. $1 00 1 25;Gats pr bushel 30 cis; Corn pr bush 65 ets, Iron per lb. 6 a cts3 Lead per lb 8a 10cts 5 Molasses per gal. 624 cts ; Nails per Ib 9 a 10 cis; Beef per Ib 0 a O cls 3 Bacon per Ib 128 cts, Butter per lb 124 cis; | els; Salt per bushel $125 1 50 cts; Steel, Ameri can blister, per lo. 10 cis 3 Koel too. per do 20 cts; Cast du. per Ib 25 a 50 cis 3 Sugar per Iho 124 a Lo etsy Ronn oS cinuica) per gals 2 5 Yankee do. $153 Wau (elein) per ib 30 Warcwiaan may hereafter be had for x ee se the whole sum at ene paymeng, fae Geiiieh and as long as the same class shell | « ) int ’, CQRtiAew thes to pay in advance the sam a a Not trouble itself about a restoration rh oll 1 , ing they will be charged 2s other eubseri- } pecie payments, but should confine its inserted for lesS. beard per Jb 13) nase ee ee + 9 Ne See oe F f ¥ ; a iv tonal:@azette, June 17. Sas it may appear, there are Mf the Adminstration party, who “that the Generel Government operations to the simple object of collect. ing its revenue and paying its debts ia coin, leaving each State to manage its own affairs 8 itg own way* Had this poley been pen ia the year 1834, at would have hed something ‘o justify it,but at this period its advoracy comes with bad grace from that whose party leaders have brought the coun- try into its present condition. But let us examine the proposition a little, and see to whatit will lead, There are now eight. hundred and twen- ty-three banks and btanches in the United States, holding charters under twenty-five States, (wo Territories, and one District, making twenty-eight independent sources. According as each of these banks 16 con. ducted with more ox less prudence, the ex- tent of the depreciation of its notes will be less or more extensive, and it is now} quite possible that there may he several ; hondred local currencies differing from each other, and all of them differing from the: metallic standard. [tis true that in cities and large towns arrangements can be made amongst the banks of the same place to, check the issuer of each other by volunta- | ry engagements to pay in crest for daily balances, and to limitthe amount which any | one may owe to anotuer under the penalty | of handing over to the creditor party the | choice of its bills recervable;t but com)i- nations of this sort f-taeen all the hanks of one State, or Lotween those of different States, are net to be looked froand we may therefore take at for granted, until a! general restoration of specie payments isef- | fected, the eureeney of no two pliers wall | he precisels the samme for any of time together. win length Pharvit should te so, the nature of thones, and methine ean pre- | vent ttl uidessthetu enty cisht Govei iments which hive created the banks should all a= { gree to enforce a restienption, Such oa} [ course, with the recent examples before us. | cts; ‘Tajlow per lb. 19 124° -;’Rou-limen pr yd 16 a 2Ncts, Wine (Pene ilies per val. gl 50 | Portugal do. $1 50 a sl Foes 5 Claret do | per gal. $1 3 a 1 75 ‘Tuiasa, (Sweet) per gai. gl 5 Whiskey CHERAW., 49 4 90 cts. tier { i Seefin market pu »1 Sets; Bicoa per 10 a Lt ets; Maus Go. 80 be ots 5 Beeswax | per lb 20 a 22 ts; Bisons ter yard 13a 25 cts 5 Bale rope perio t §2 0 La cis 5 Cotlee pr Ib 123 a MG ets;Cu on per Teo lis 35 8 Oe 00 00; Uorn per busiest bo 124 a eis 3) Fleur from wal os per til 37 8 OW), teow stores per brl. $10 a t3 sfron ner WOO los $5 64 a 0; Molasses, per gal 49 935 a eta; Nails cut assort- ed perib3 12 ad eis; \Wrooght do. per lb. 20 cis; Pork per lo 983 93; Rice per 100 Ibs $4 ad 005 Surar perio. 10 121-2 acts; Salt pr Sct hea Oe eC Sete aw y + ) ~ per Ib 10 a 124 cis, Vea buaperial per lb $125 a 1874 cts; flyson Jo. pr ib gla tl 25 cts 5 Tebaceu manu- factured perioi0 a 15 cts. FAYETTEVILLE Briniy, peach 73 280. Do. Apple, 60a 70 Bacon prib 10 LL a 000; Cotton pr Ib 6 a B rts Coilee pr lo 12? @ (34 5 Flour bb). $64.4 94 laxseed pr bh $008 000; Heathers pr lb 40 4 Corn pr oush 1 15 at 25; fron prib 54 a 6; Mo- lasses pr gal 35 40 3 00; Nails cut 74 a 8 ;Salt pr bush 50a 75; Sugar pr lb 7% all 5 ‘Tobacco; leaf 2a 3 , Wheat pr bush gt 30; 0 Whiskey pr gal. 5053, Beeswax 20 a 00 LAW NOTICE. ee MARTIN and R. H. ALEXAN- DER, (jate of North Carolina) Attorneys at Law, Mobile Alabama, attend all the Conris hulden in the city of Mobile, the Supreme Court at Tuscaloosa, and the Circuit Court of the U- nited States in the city of New Orleans. July 29th, 1837—6w2 DR, J. B. YOUNG, DENTIST; FeroRse the public that he will be at Ash ville, in about two weeks from this time, and at the Warm Springs, Bumcumbe Couuty, shortly thereafter. July 29, 1887—Sw2 of the States of New York ond Conneetieu! i sanctioning by law the socpension of all , ~ ‘ j their banks, the former even au! hosing | ! . ; them to anument their loans, and of the State of Mississippi grantiag two new chiar ters for Fanks with large eapitals. rs net to be expected Indeed. wheawe look at the enormous amount of debts existiug al this time throughontthe Union. which it is. fer the taterest of so many people, and amonyst them no small number of legislators, to postpone, any thing like a concert of action amongst the State Governments is not like ly to bapa at an arrle ey pmped all « pie tions built upon such an event wiil —prove to be utterly futile. A depreciated specie currency, therefore, is just as certuin to be fastened on the country, should the Govern- ment remain quiescent on the occasion, as that at exists, and it as for that reason that | have thought it worth while to offer these remarks in addition to those which have been alreedy advanced. ‘The currency of a conntry 1s, for the time being, the standard measure of tue pri- ces of commodities and property somewhat in the same manner that a yardstick is the standard measure of cloth. So long, there- fore as the currency is coin, or paper cx- changeable on demand for coin, so long is the standard invested with a degree of fix- edness; but the moment that the converti- bility of paper into specie is gone, that mo- mentis the fixedness of the standard gone also, Ju such event itresembles a yardstick that can be made to shrink at ihe pleasure of the patron who is measuring with it The project’ of receiving and paying the public revenue in specie, while the States and the people collect and pay their debts in paper, 1s precisely the same if the Government were touse a true standard yardstick atthe custom-house to measure cloth with, and the States and the peopie were to use others of as many different lengths as the fancy of the makers of vard- ay Y BUSINESS has become so much ex- tended, and the amount of arrearages has sticks might suggest. In such a case, it 1s very manifestly to be seen what classes of become so great that I mus: seféle. It will be} persons would be most injured, namely, the the greatest injustice to require me to travel ull | ignorant and illiterate, who, not being as over the country for this purpose. It isto be/ able to judge as their intelligent neighbors hoped, therefore, that \huse who owe ine will save me trouble and expense by remliting «ny dues through the Post Office, and that without delay. H. C. JONES. may 6, 1837. Editorial Convention, —— THE time of holding the proposed Editorial Convention in this City, has oeen changed from the Ist Monday in September, to Wednesday the first day of November next. g to previous indispensable engagements. cao spring from-eech a meeting ement.of it, it is hoped, wil ofecsadh whom it concerhe, THOMAS RING, T.J. LEMAY, >. JOS. GALES & SON. oo sah et ‘those Thisalteration hae been made because of in the inability of sev- eral of our brethern to attend in September, ow- No ofthe State be represen- ; Ageneral alicadance of the precise difference between the true and the false measure, would be cheated & imposed upon every time they bought or sold That the officers of Government,and the thousands of persons who live upon fixed salaries in its employ, should all be in favor of being paid in epecie is natural enough. They would like to have their cloth mea. sured by the metallic yardstick, and they *A communication in the Globe of the 15th anstant signed ‘FrankJin’ takes this ground. The writer says, in reference to || ‘the amonant of payments annually made by the people of the United States, 1a their private transactions with each other, it isa matter which the Goverament of the Un- ton have no possible concern. Its pow- ers are strictly confined by the Constitu- meet N.C. ee The Distinguished Horse, UWHARIE. ILL be exhibited at Statesville, on Mon- day and Tuesday of Augost Court next, being Bist and 29nd days of that month. WM. R. HOLT. tion within certain prescribed limits. In what mode the people of the several States may Ghoose todeal with each other—wheth- er thromgh the medium of ‘old wigs,” or any other Gurrency, is a concern appertain- ing to themselves, and the States to which they belong. » suspension of s a restoration. taken by Congress atthe énsuing session / to it. (with Gppostiia Tron all those who hoff isno small party in Congress, as well as i Flouses, | President, whose honor and integrity are SO Jbank, to bis btterte Sherrod Williams. that itis altogether rnpossrhle that he ean sign probably would not care if the officers of t This arra ent, it is said, was adop- ted in Philadelphia immediately after the ot yments, and, if uni- versally adopted, wonld: tend greatly towards sured by yardsticks only two feet long. with such professions of devoticn to the if rests of ‘the democracy of numbers,” ha is it possible that Congress can justify i in measuring its own cloth with a metablit yardstick, and leaving the people to magi sure theirs with yardsticks made of gum-#4 lagtic 2? Theides is inadmissible, and, note withstanding that a powerfal influence qa be brought to bear updmits deliberation by those who flatter themselves ¢ will beat theie.. fi - wou country ‘tas a right ‘to expect that F of that body 1 September next will be ixs- mediately directed to the great object of restoring specie payments. The writer has carefully watched the or- gan of the Administration at Washington, tosee what new plan for the relief of fhe country waslikely to be proposed. Sine#t projeet of receiving and paying the p 5 revenues in gold and silver, examined ‘tn | f my last, and which appears to be abgndon- ed as a measure adapted to restore specie payments, nothing has yet been officially thrown out. The signs of the times, how- ever, In numerous other quartets, gufficient- ly indicate the gradual concensration of public opinion in favor of a great bank as the only remedy for the existing evil; and it cannot be doubted that a natronal instito- non is now a favorite megsure with a large party who oppused the rechartering of the late Bank of the United States, Consider- ing it as certain that one of the first steps will be to discuss the merits of such a plan, { will venture a few observations jn relation The charter of a national bank will ned such a bank to be wneonstitutional, whieh from those who may hold it to be inexpe- dient, Should at pass by a majority of both it will meet with the veto of the irrevocably committed against such a a charter, 1 law i or conuive at its hecoming a vy retaining the bill ten days in his pos- Ses ee hi thee: se of a vetogitas hardly possi- bie thot taothirds of both Ulooses can be Tcond to pass the bili. untess 1ndeed General Jickson should approve of at, which case it would most certalily become a law. For the sake of argament, however, Twill suppose that a chorter fora national bank s'outd he gianted, with a capital of firty nuliiens of collars. ‘Phis capital fo will the part of sone of all of the States, or by Individuals, or partly of one aad partly of the other to tie adouut of forty millions of dollars, ane the balance of specie. | create the caprt hon thes way, for the pur pose of obviating the common Objection that a capital of Afiv millions. or even ot balf the amount, could not be obtained from individuals. erther ja this country ori Bus rope which appears to be the general opin- ion of intelhaentmen — fa the case of both the former notional banks, at wag found oe cessary to make four-fifths of theecapital te consist of public stocks, and as thege are now existing no such stocks issued by’ the Federal Government, those of the States would have tobe substituted, or Conyress would be obliged to heeeme the chief pro- prietor of the bank, by creating a stock fer the coastitutionality, of a Government bank; or the expediency of creating a politteah cause [ want to come to the main point-at! once. Twill suppose such a bank, or one’ formed in any other manner —such, for in- stance, as the bank projected last year in New York. upon the security of real estate —to be organized, ind teady to transact business In nine montis from September next, allowing thesame time that was found necsssary by the last bank of the United. States before it could commence operations. It may be estrblished in Philadelphia’ or New York, or Washington city, and mpy: have at its head and inits direction men of the best financial skill. What coul 1 tdo towards compelling the eight hundred and: twenty-three State banks to resume spécie payments? Not one single thing; and this I will undertake to prove. It has never beer pretended that the Fed- eral Governmerit has any control over the currency of the country than what is con-. and whatit may fairly exercisernthe receipt & disbursement ofitsrevenue. It cannot pro- hibit the States from incorporating banks;nor tent of their issues. Its power therefore, it would have. afew ours the notes would be returned to suopese fo be i de ap of Government the aational bank for payment in coin. stocks, subsernhed oon the prart of the Uni- mbs° gine thing would happen with all the 14 csr tte 35, der 6-t Orinte: Sine KS, Sis stare wa “Mnuer Pos tsatted uy) ule B tak wot al] iis the purpose. ] will not stop to, exammey ra e machine of immense pecuniary power, ben ferred upon it by the power ‘tocoin money.’}! can it impose any restrictions upon the’ex-: 7, © od g any noise -abont it, tg that: their operations,as ity, werqiauch more than « drop in the Sil, then, national . bank possesses: no camel. the State banks to resume p poy Sethah don cniection and | S eicndol the’ o imetipe. fet eWhat.otih pu revenne, let us te R Ane epthat amount within the last x power it could PF 3 ee os cs 2 ‘ AThe national bank woald,there- fore, have We becoms gcreditor of the State hanks, bel@ as could cderce them. -Tins it could crt iplish in four modes, first, by® sellig, note reve ing ite.p pF ipl, by” collecting the. pabliat ich notes; thirdly, by receiv- | Ba Gepysite State bank ‘notes; and, ourtity, bylenading its specie or stock tc individual iprrowers, and receiving from them in payprent the nates of State.uhanks. If wonld 6¢a sotry sort of trade fof a na- tional bank/io carry on, to become possess— ed of depr@tateé notes for the sake of do- ing what nplividaals would reluctantly do— that is, sv@therbanks. It might even be a very uoprofitable game; for, in order to make the r@sumption, general, it woald have to get hold of the notes of all the hanks or at rep anajority of them, which would be a faZydous ag well as expensive opera- tion! J teke it for granted that no such fol- ly eduld be attempted, and therefore dismiss this view of the subject. Batitis certain tha if the bank was re- solved (earry on the business of bankings iseount notes Let ee : ? aS rscut nts. Dobbs 0. offer a note for ten thousand dollars, and other people offer notes, amounting in the whole to a mil- ion of dollars, which amount 18 entered to erstanding that as the loan was in hag money itis to be repaid inj hard majfey. So far so good. Dobbs & Co, figea custom house bond to pay for @pe9¥busand dollars, and for that sum} they giv@phe bank which is the depesito- rv of thiy iblic money,a cheek. One thou- sant thcffeave as a balance in the bank dvd the Bher eight thousand they draw ont inthe notes of the bank for the pur- ase of aying Other debts Bat in pay, | debts, they would take care not do payfn those identical Notes, masmuch as they would be worth in the market the pricepf specie, being redeemable on de- wang inecosin, Dobos & Co, would, therefore. sell them for current notes, with which they would pay their debts, and in specie Capital would be drawn oat. Its notes would ant cireulate as money fur the very reasog thet they would be more valu- able than the currency whieh creditors would be contentty take, and for the very sane reason thatthe notes of the Bank of tne Metropolis weresall returned to that Bink when she gave ont, on the 12th of Moy. that she would not suspend specie payments ay the Banks of the Northern ci- ies had done. ‘The giinple fact that there is Hol now a specie-paying Bank in the country that has Retes to anv considerable amount memreulation, is conclusive proof of what Lassert. [tis true that Dobbs & Ov. avd the other borrowers, at the end of sixty days, ifthey could not get their notes renewed, would have to pay back in coin, the sums they borrowed, which they would fepurehase from the brokers ; but the bank Would have to lend it again to somebody lag who would go through the saine pro- Méen, Ae effect of which would be to keep WP a circulation of specie between the : yaitk and the brokers but nowhere else. But it is clear that no bauk could be con- “dieied with profit that should confine its Joans to the amount of its specie capital, and that the bapk in question, by the loan of its:first ten millions, could acquire no Hpowerto coercé other banks to resume ‘specie payments. Its whole power would tbe limited to the borrowers of that sum, and could be exerted no further than to draw if the sum it had !oaned out; and it ‘might even be questionable -whether in times like these, loans could be made with anch certain knowledge ofthe solvency of borrowers as would ensure to the bank the anctual repayment of the ten millions. Nor would the matter be mended by any anbsequent loans. In order to augment ite budness the bank would be obliged to convertsis funded debt in specie. New 1oah8 Gadiscoust would be folluwed by a hew drain of the specie, and after convert- irg the half or the whole of its capital into discobsted not¢s and bills, it would not be able to keep a single note out 1n circulation .with:the-exteption of the few which the Government might need. to make payment we © is a limited power; and:ifa national bank were to be created, and wereto be made th depository of the public money, all shat could do inthe execution of that duty we be precisely what the custom-houses -and receipts and payments in specie, by that process, to the extent. of thirty millions of dollars per annum, would have no more.¢f, ing to the annual sum of five thousand mf lions of dollars, than ree in brickbats. Receipts -wi yments 10 © year to the amount of thi illions of dol- lars, sound t> ears uaaceustomed to large sumsas of enormous magnitude, and yet there could be named 1x commercial hous- : Pe ee < fg mrs veh the Aedrest spot where their land offices could do without a bank. Ja} “peo Feoutl be deman Remedy No. IV, it was clearly shown that. fect in restoring specie payments in. thé. mor ney transactions of the community, emount+ and payments spoints.at which there was no branch pk, anid even these would not stay out a enue than a:sufficient time -to es redemp- ded. Fwo values cannot circu- oe ate of the some. time, se; and to attem empt it rac » (Bot there*is 2 most important subject wbich presents itself at this stage of the Misgument. The loans of this new bank, + woul: be most:probably in addition to ai! the éxisting bank loans, and,in such event, deduld. affos j facilities for new speculatioas which wouid not fail to} and to post- t. * : have & most pemicious effect, of resuming, end wou expaod them, as they done in some of our cities sinee the 1 of ‘lay, as is evinced from the dimipish rate of interest and the augmented prite of end, a repetition of -have so recently overwhelmed as. "frat pu — ’ shou @ oF socks for, State. bawk } naj; be grad powers to coerce the State Banks to resume Pepecie the modus ‘operandi pointed out, From what refléction the writet ins devoted to the subject, .he is not able to see how tlie country can be relieved by aty new bank: Even if the expedjent were resorted to of applying the whole capital of such a one as he has supposed, in loans to the different banks, which would be equal to about ten per cént.on the total amount of their loans, it could extingdish but fifty millions of pa- pes credits existing in the form of netes in circulation and. deposites. curtailment of bank loans throughout the United States to such an extent would go to plave all the banks in a situation to re- sume'specie payments, may be easily con- jectured, when it is known that the aggre- gale amountof loans bevond the amount, of capitals, on the 1st of J nuary, 1836, as | cretacy ofthe Treasury’s \ ‘repurt of the h of January tast. was | $205,630,788. anty could there be thatany stipulation for resumption would be generally complied with, or that the loan would be properly secured ? . appears by the old bank, having the State banks and the Public already in his debt to the extent of shitty-three miltions of dollars.* having the expenence-of twenty years to guide it, possessing a dumestic credit. which com- mands for its notes at this moment in the Southwestern country.a premium of from three to.ten_per,cent,and a fereign credit e- qual to:any lean. that might*be reasonably required, could hy the @o-operation of the General Government, ahd the powerful in- fluence of the. stockholders, “which could be exerted in favor-of a sound curtency, accomplish the” desired result. ° It Jis for that reason that io hig first essay entiiled Remedy - No, 18h Pencsytvania Bankoof the the-onlycinsttirinene vitieh ed with effect. “That the Ei ernment aad the Glabe arg too deeply com- " eapable in all probability ave unquestionably tae SB Tol in ae = A the disasiera which Positions can be controverted, I to see it-done. a new nal baok.can be set in motion with *. ~ payments, 1 woullfbe pleased to-cee How a general And, besides. what guar- ‘The writer does, however, see, how an pointed ont the Pol thadnited States as ahi it be employ- ectitive: Gov- * mitted against ‘* Biddle’s Bank,” to listen io. this suggestion, he is well aware ; bat hetter.things are to be hoped: from Con- gress, which will hardly risk the danger of a permanent ** constitutional currency” of rags, wnen one of redeemable paper and zoin can be secured by a little sacrifice of party pride. AN EXAMINER. June 17, 1837. *\ writer in the Globe of the $d of June under the signature of * An Observer,” asseits that the amount of the loans and discounts of the Pennsylvania Bank of the United States, on the Ist of May last, was $63,552 952. From the National Intelligencer. EDITORS’ CORRESPONDENCE. — New Yecere, Jury 22. Stocks have not varied. The rates of exchange ou Europe are about the same. Specie is not in sogreat a demand as it was. Many strangers begin to come into the city, tu make their purchase for the autumn. ‘Tbe Globe is turping, and twisting, and is now, | see, coming out against the metal- lic humbng, and 18 for ‘banks,’ ‘bank dem— ocrats,’ ‘bank barons. and ‘baok robbers.’ This is the Globe language, not mine. ‘'ammany is heard. 1! toid you but the oth- er day that Tammany never speaks in vain. The ‘rag barons’ of ‘l'ammany ere, after all, the monarchs of the United States. Vir- ginia, the mother of empires, might have spoken for months; Pennsylvania, the key- stone State, fur years, and have spoken in vain, butto Mr. Van Buren, ea hint from the bricks and mortar of, Tammany 1s sig- nificant. Whena few men in Wall street, potent in Tammany are earnest, and when they speak 19 Tammany, Jupiter ommipo~ tent was not more powerful when he shook his ambrostallocks.” New York humbugs, bat never permite herself to be humbugged. Massachusetts never humbugs, or is hum- bugged. Virginia never humbugs, but is h ed. Pennsylvania humbuge, and 18 ged. These are characieristics of . ag ‘States, which Mr. Van Buren well caderstands. I never knew, 10 the history of all poli- jes, more important movements than bave as going on in the State of New York for three weeks past. They affect the des- 4 tiny of this whole country for years. Ev- man should watch the details with the keenest eye. Thank God! ( and J write it with the devotion of my whole sou!,) ‘\he architects of rua’ no longer reign. Satan and his idols are tumbled down. A'uew race, new men, new times, are to sprig up. ‘Fhe Goths may prepare to quit the Capital. The Capitoline Hill is to be trodden by otb- ppéne still further the gever -Of specie payments; *. resumption State banks, ex men; and the way of the -eriminals is downward over the Tarpceisa sock. was not near so great as was anticipated, The. Journat ees Debats, and the Leadon - Sr ne Editors have be pee ta a- now something of our i- tics, and mach of our eee correctly, and. infer that the American mer- cheats will pay their debts now that they can. The London Times, the London Globe, and the Macclesfield Coarier, and other journals, think that our merchants intend 2 follow the advice of the Wash- ington Globe, and a hi funeiowary in Washington, to ponte 40 Ros, - and are, therefore in a rage! Anon they ‘will learn better. American merchants ace not swindlers nor robbers, evea though the Government organ advises them to be, and will pay their debts and are psying them daily, even though it takes all the propery they have in the world : and snon all the European journalists will learn the differ- ence between the advice of corrupt politi- cians, and the practice of honest merz- chants. The political news from Exrape is un- tmporteot, eXce pt thet on the [ih ule. the King of England was dangerously il of the same disease of which George the Fourth died. The fetes at Versailles and in Paris in honor of the late marriage have been exceedingly brilliant. France seems to be about quieting its war in Africa by a treaty. The House of Welles & Co. of Paris, well known to all our merchants, and to all American traders has not faileé. The Bank of France carries it safely through the storm. Welles ie a Bostonian, and gives brilliant soirees and grand dinners, famous even in Paris. The Whigs of Mr. Jarvis's distric (Maine,) the easternmost-end of the east- ernmost State, have carried the district by a coup de main. The Whig member elect is JosgepH C. Noyes, and by 500 majority exhibiting # gain, eince the late trial in this district, of 1,300 votes acd over? This means something ; but that Tammany thander we sent on the other day, | see, 18 much more terrific in Washington. . Mr. Webster is’ at Utica on his way howheWard.- In Western New York he was received with the most enthusi- astic demonstrations of public approbs- tion. , ‘Notwithstanding the shock in London of American credit, “ the Monster’s’’ bonde sold, 13th June, at 034 10 944. When the cotton operations in New Orleans are known in London, they will stand better than ever. The stock of the bank 18 to- day in this city 15% per cent. above par. Don’t this break your heart Mr. Globe ? The Globe’s endorsement of the Tall- madge letter has dashed all the bigh hopes of the Tammany Loco-Focos here, avd hereabou'. ‘To-day they are ‘jumping Jim Crow,” and they will ‘* turn about,” and “wheel about,” ull the Globe tells them what to be about. Quarter to 4 o’clock—The St. James, the London packet ship of the 20th is te/6- graphed below, and we have been expcct- ing the files of papers by her for some time. She will] give us incre commercial news of importance, and the state of the Lealth of the King. P. S—Tue Kine or Enorann miep ON THE 20th, This is therumort by the news-boat men, in all probability correct. I have not time to read the papers and get this Jetter mailed in season. QUERIES —The following queries are addressed by the Alexandria Gazette to the Washington Globe. ‘They are, we suspect, muehb easier asked than answered. Has the idea of establishing ‘a new or gan’ at the seat of government, the Madi- gonian been abandoned? Has the introduction cf Mr. Sandford of New York into the Globe establishment been made to obviate the necessity of that or a similar publication? Have not the views of the Globe withio the last two or three weeks, op sowe Bub- jects, been modified? Is it expected that the new assistant editor of the Giobe will counteract the natural proclivity of that pa- per to Loco Focoism ? Was it known at Washington, thet Mr. Rives. Mr. Tallinadge, end others, were be- coming very restive at the course of the. government paper, aad was it not found ex- pedient to bint this to its conductors? If the Globe relepses into the arms of the Albany Regency Bank party, @ill not ite. fotere course give great offence to ther frends of Mr. Benton and Mr. Kendall? If it attempts to steer a middie course & lease the Bank party and the no-Baok par- a will it mot realizetbe fate of the man between two stouls! We should be giad to see these questions answered witb truth end sincerity. oF . . a. 2 eet, aes a ree — ee 2S ¥ & on _ Z ~ she sigued the deed in sflence; and giving it | ed the party that th From the Richmond Whig. Asone of tha. : . friend of Capeaig Breat, to o! her husband, with » smile she bade bim in, | Ber drese!) Oh} BACKING AND LYING. the republic, ‘tie dutate direchen « oe we m Seis eaeeet he on 5 SERS Rect ef Sabet nes, te oben, wp fate ul fea a ee icpacy very thought of By) | 6The Ghie of Thureday night repeats the mighty ompire GF un 2 va acem s, inde Reece i and Nrene- qpen satiety of the, higher clase was st Bland- | vado lost it !—and from that hoar, his young and phe irely mee : antes falseloud, which bad the genius come | in part, with yous and tp, ‘fethther we have | man—-his ae excl ae an Serd's Command—bat ite. gaiform dull polish ; ive | beauteoue wife spurned him, as if a serpent, t WHvle party had i aie tee and the effrontery to | cause to co wate. our political friends, | excellent! wee as ae Deion : bg -opme.? quomniglars and shallow aftifice of | from her heart. Nor would she hear of reconci- ny} the cars ha promalgate. t cays; ; end our country, that, ) the important ques- y : .. Met an i reace,” from repetition, were be- { liation, although she bore a boy to mourn his sad | twas nearly dark ‘* ‘The chimerical echeme of an exclusive me | tion of its further wes of peal F oy @. altogether trite and saneying. All was | estrangement, The father, self-blighted and | hurrying to their hd bs pi Sallic currency has never been entertained by the | tslents will be united aa te am 79 1 rom the New Fork Express. . dm fact, too charming to pleass—and he wished | prematarely old with disappointment, died ob- | ——no Montague or ROUN ce nl friends of the past or the present sdministration, | sontimetits respoaded to j coagemal) THE NEW F.XPERIMENT—THE See something more stinalsting | eum, tanghé ang fostered Sy his | lieve the distress of a VINER beautiful to | Not bee there been the slightest attempt to inter- | F115 Onc ist Geass TREASURY BANK Where the swesie and the sopre are tuingled | mother, bécame 2 gallant but with a taste/),.— upon. Bot womenik ' -. 1 fere with the credit system. Thesentinent of cilizens, 10 atd and Preservation of ‘a Mr. Van Buren after d iti : 4 Natgre weare | for prodigalit ;—and thus, aw a. apo, | Mr. Tallmadge on this point receives the appro- | Well regulated credit system.’ a er drifting abou} for a With s tolder-hand, sad Dame $ Prodigality beyond ne; thou art a host for all emeée es! =) long while past, has let us know th the adress of “ oumfori” and of '-sensibility !’ | having fallen on despertfe courses, too svon he oe on h 4 on | val of his political brethern. A currency ex- Accept the assurances of ope high menside | the Globe. and hi Ow throesh : . f ae sant Muntrzno; | Of the sweet girls marches Zorward | With | closively metallic has never been ruposed, nor consi : obe, and his other feelers, what he He w indeed, for what he was not very | found a dangerons friend in the Coun >| th i f Laf e ihe Ree : A P por’ eration and respect— fa lie ik at likely to tohieve ;—for the bd isterous valgarity | and now they say, that the young Cornaldi heads | the gallantry o ayevle Wi battle. 1 advueated either by President Jackson, Mr. Van | 4 t row, and that is,—there is no of * low-life’ is as irksome a9 the insipid frivolt- | ® band of brigands who infest the other side of | sing her weapon, which We big ati Burea, Mr. Benton, or any other friend of the JUDAH HA MMOND, doubt of it, a Treasury Bank. & writer ty of * fashion,’ and at last, refusing either—be | the Appeoniaes. she gave a mortal blow tthe viper,’ administration high in aothority,or in the confi- GARRITY GILBERT, in the last Glabe. even gives us the- pro- chose something worse ! and went into a gam- brought it to the ground. Phe blow was |.4¢2¢e of the demucracy.” HENRY WYCKOFF, gramme of this Bank. The Cusg@m- ing house! The sme!) of oilthe flare of | From the N.Y. Spirit of the ‘Times, of July 15. given with great Cexteri@f§ard attendéd| !f this be toe, then have the people of thie C .C. JACOBUS, House is to have vaults like the Banks ! la the rattle of dice, with vollies of excla- Phosphorus has won the Derry —There! the| with the most brilliant stkgess. — Hawigg | C282'ry been more completely humbugged, than EDWARD SANDForRD The Government is to do only a gold and ; mmatlocs, while the clink of coin, told him from reader is put oa! of pain at once. The cracks placed her foot upon the. ym one evel supposed. MM QUACKEN Boss, silver business! The collectors, _- tit grein ou thong Boggs amd | Bo an fasten! Talo in| what was her stonishmeal da || But may be oth the ede ever en BENJAMIN BIRDAC, |g tho ae bebe ood ® mete bebble of confusiun ; but a second glence chaste ls Sait ra « Pram filly wore ihe lees peat more ti 2 Cord ! A cord ace ot EI eee Poughkeepsie, July 15, 1837. s oe be Senln, ; ‘Showed &-method in the maducss of the-howr— | Oaks on the subsequent day. By the arriva! of | Y€# Teaver, a cord | A Gia; or hopes eae to deny at this day, that the ever | Uni NI Sutee gw: r As ja all such places, ste company were of two} ing packet ship Oxford, which sailed from Li- {| TOP> which belonged to thebottom part ty rofimeed Pein h a : pd ea Povcuxeersig. July 15.1337 nited States B to 1 t classes, the experienced, and the reverse. The verpoul on the 3d of June, we have received a | her dress, had got loose, ent was dangling fel dearest ar ce a pec a i] 6 a | " currency” of the State Bank mite stead ! * novice,’ eager, passiva oie, and rash—the ‘ vet- | 5.) report of the Epsom Meeting, of 18$7.— | through her clothes and qeaes~ it £ave | Democratic Journals mera cee i ee te , weatlemen— Experiment Nor2 was the removal of the eran,’ self.eubdved, keen, and decisive. To) Brom our special foreign correspondent, we | all the symptoms of a sng y and no won- day, and most hoisterously eae Ite. ee i ] have the honorto acknow]. Gepusites, ‘to better’ the exchanges of Blandford, who beheld the scene pe the | have received a letter of onusval interest, giv-| der they were frightened.) © j Col. Benton, did not contemplate the eauate ‘edge the receipt of your letter, accompanied | the country. Experiment No. 3, was the seat of novelty, and who iad little prejudice, and | ing us not only many particulars of the races, New wader. went of a metallic currency, what did it mean? | by a communication from a numerous and! Specie Circular, to make * the yellow Do excitement in thy matter, the frankness of the but of the annual sale of His Majesty’s Stad.— year pap What nat . ee | ‘tab ‘oh of hove Fee ¢ 1) the Miestesin®. intercourse was s0metbing new and armusing.— | Nine of these yearlings, bred at Hampton Court, - is —* | on i pon ne aah fe oa injentee | fespectable portion of the Republicans of vo) Pp (') the 188188ippi,— to The party was obseured by the presence of ma- | were gitd to Amiericans, of which five go South DEATH OF THE KING ‘ONFIR MED. ap. mae nee ank rags will be abolish | the city of New York, in relation to the ‘* Peep out anes interstices of the oy, who would not have been deemed acmissi- | Carolina alone—and three of them, if not five, Office of the Jaurnal of Lommerce a a ; nae did it mean by such language } sentiments contained in my letter of the. long silken purses,” and ‘* to eet the threes ble eleewhere—and yet 0 absulute was the ‘free! 1, Ooi Wade Hampton of Colombia. New Yoax, Monday, PM. S cae vHowing, uttered atout sixty daye! gi of June to the editor of the Argus. | Branch Mints at work,’’ so as * to abolish masonary of play,’—that @ bet was on all sides ; , R a idouineh have | Bank rags before the firet nine month and efficiest intruductiva, while the payment of{ * THE RACE.—A little after two o'clock LATER FROM EUROPE. “The difference between silver and gold, THE aadeicreonainienioe ihe firme and fae ‘the scaaniaeen of the Author of face a ‘ dabt of honor’ seemed the cumpact of an eter. | the horses were saddled, and by a quarter hefure | DRATH OF THE KING OF ENGLAND, | TRUE Jackson Money, and bank money, 18 nuw | wavering supporters of the democratic par- | 'T to Sherrod Williams !° Experiment pal frieadship. The little conversation that| three were at the post. It wae now that the P . — well understood by the People. The value of ; : s ' : was ‘ing ulaily candid and direct—so that | utility of the flag system became apparent—only | By the packet ship St: James,-Capt. Sebor, tha (ocepces a Hesenti ae the prudence or | *¥ ‘Nimes of its several-trials; and the true | No. 4, is the new Treasury Bank. which it seemed, that when the supremacy of the purse | !wo fase starts occarred, and in these the horses ea vate eat es ete Pein. the 20th | honesty of individuals, because it contains with- | 89d undaunted advocates of its principles ea aus wibe called “the divorce- was duly maintained, thatthe tongue might! did not run twenty yards before they were war 8 ue a Se © nk ud is dead. | jn jugelf all the value it professes to represent. | Whenever and wherever assailed, | assure | Ment of Bank and State.’ bave unbridled license ; and that the honesty of | ned by the appearance of the flag. At the third Mo ae Gh Niele of e tee ‘9 the | Bat bank money has no intrinsic value. At the you I receive with no ordinary emotion this) Genius of Humbug! is your throne of @ man’s words were a fair excuse fur the profli- | signal they made sail, Nurgrove and Dardanelles His af : vty a qd a : ; | best, it is but the promise of a corporation, or of | demonstration of their conGdence. empire alone in this our country 1 Have grcy of his conduct. Many were evidently no, being the only horses that lost the start, For ae eres about eae minutes | an individual, which may or may nothe fulfill- , | the gods assigned you these UnitedjStates as more thao gamblers by pretence ; idlers, to | the first 100 yards it would be absurd to say | Past three o'clock this morning. The Archbish-| eq” fis value oftea evaporates while itis in the In the conscientious discharge of my pub- | the land to be experimented upon with ail ; er : of Canterbury was present as were 2lsu gever- hed i whom the busile of the scene was an excitement; | Which made play, the jocks having enough todo | °P 7 Se re e pocket of its owner,” &c. &c. r¢ duties, | have mo higher reward than the thervaparies andincase ’ and why longed away an hour, rather to avoid 10 select positions best adapted to their orders, . er dnaede af ae lee Erni gopesie What did Humbug Benton mean by the | ®PProbation of my republican fellow citi-' i, sate cite to oe ae . o. v expease than to incur it. Asis often the case | 9nd to avoid collision with others. This done, | 7 2uter Ine decease, the Archbishop of Canter- 8 y | Zens; and to no portion of them do | feel: 4p ¢ : See vn the continent, there were ladies present and ; Pocket Hercules went away with the lead sta | bury left Windsor Castle for town. following if bis last published letter? | meretane Could ly epesiet cima ven oncaeid unaugh oe nations are cajoled with mon- admitting the commun place objections to the | rattling pace, followed by Caravain, Phospho— LiverPook, Saturday, Jane 17. *.Ve owe a debt of gratitude to General ithe city of New York. ‘Ihe letter, in| archs, nobles, standing armies, eonseri p- babit—wiuieh, by the by, are all sufficiently true | rus, Wisdom, Benedict, Mahometan, Rut-trap,| Gorton 3 our cotton market hae heen very | J1ckson for practically teaching the country | which they have been pleased toextend this | Hen eaE RA mIgreee and aes eee | States are cajoled ten thou- and eqaally dull; yet tt 1aust ve confessed, that | and Mickle Mell. the others lying in a crowd at , : 3 t i so : : a > steady today and in som instances. higher the great lesson THAT WE CAN DOINFIN- | tcken of their approbation. was reluctantly | gand times more, and at more expense, ly the maathag blush on glowing cheeks, and the| theirheels. In going up the bill, the severity : been cheadiaeimantl oe lightaing fugh of radiant eyes, have * stil their | of the pace told effectually @ith the awkward Erion ere: whieh iti eee naa Senne PAPER MONEY drawn from me in defence of SEinon® experiments npon the currency as fatal « \- influence—so that hearts are soinetimes ag rea- sqnad, fur even thus early we cuuld observe that 5 § [ a which I sincerely entertained in cominon ; et ‘ : dily won and lost aa the glittering dross before | Norgrove, Critic, Sir Frederick, and the Spavi- soe oe EAC eeeraEN eee ome If these sentiments do not contemplate | with the great body of the Republican par- ae chee a a Ee aea 7 them. There stands a young nuble, pale and | na colt, were not on good terms with their riders. aaa “eT the destruction of the Bauks, and the intro- ty; and which J had on all proper occasions, Van Buren, and ar ihe oe ape: . pensive —no feature rvused, ov, nota mascle , | On clearing the hill, Caravan took up the run- LATE FROM TEXAS, duction of an ‘exclusive metalliccurrency,’ unreservedly expressed, and wiich | doubt. d ths eee eo except, that ever and anun, there rises on the lip | ing, and at the same time accelerated the pace, — words have ceased to bear their known a a | not are the opinions of at least nine tenths | ee a eee an aristocratic curve of slight disdain ;—and | making the tailing more rapid end decisive.— Pana Nem Orieaienn er of July 19 Ale ae a ' ae s Peel | General Jackson In his Message in 189 that, the sleepy fall of the eyelids implies ab- ! Phosphorus followed him round the corner, lying ¥ mean P ip y 13. accepted signification. eextracts above, | oO @ people of the State Bee Rey. pra posed this ereature of a Treasury Ba IX siraction from the present. Athis side, witha, Up with whom were Rat-trap, Hybiscus, Dar-| We learn from an individual who b, me pas. | 40 net refer tothe abuses of the system, | therefore. that this expression has been but the thunderdolt Report of the eloquent smile of gay audacity, as if only conscious of hia ; danelles, Mango, Wisdom, Benedict, and Ma- | senger in the Schooner Texas, from Wasco, ar- | but.to the system itself—' Bank rags will made by so respectable a portion of the | Mc Duffle, struck it dead atthe tine. It own ‘importance,’ and equally secure from | humetan. By the time they reached the road, | rived yesterday at Balize, that on thq7th inst., | be abolished,’ and ‘wecan do infinitely | democratic party in the city of New York, | staggered and erie on chance Cakes or dane Wendi a young bri- | Phosphorus was at Caravan’s head, and a few) a boat from the brig Belvidera, of Ne York, in | better without paper money Banks rn On account of its tendency to check the he blow ‘ ale is es ricless | gand from the mountains, A fellow who would | strides fusther on a slight lead, and so trifling } attempting to land, was swamped apfifive per-/ with them!’ These were the doctrines of | cutrent of political error and popular delu-! Bank and Siete will tt E, aaa repeat you a verse from Ariosto as he cuts a | however, that except by those opposite them, tt | Sons drowned, viz: Mra. Ward and thild, Mrs. F f b sion, which if suffered ill ever- a era throat, and count his rosory with an unwashed | Wa8 not easy to distinguish which was in front. | Browley and child, and Mr. Lewis Cittis, all of ae eo a a ee weeesees Ere One ee ae If : vol eae a enna Banker, and THE MILLions of the ‘Prissy. haod! Freein stiitade, end -muscular as a | At this point the favorite wae in trouble, and the Onondaga county, New York. ‘The mpmaining presto! change? (toborrowa military phrase a y mere re country and the party in| ry as his Bank. ‘Tabk of divorcenier: «1 young antelope ; and with a picturesque costume | other horse in company compounding at the same persons in the Boat, supposed to amount to five | from our warlike neighbour, and the whole | undistinguished ruin. Bank and Siate, the Government gras + of the richest velvet, strang with gold doubloons, | time, Phosphorus and Caravan were left to fight | ur six, were saved, office gentry turo about and swear they nev- In the present embarrassed and distressed | all the gold and silver, and the peoples»: in fiea of buttoas—he might pass as a symbol of | it out by themselves. They now ran nearly a- Captain Thompson; of the Mexican Naw, er had any idea of putting down the Banks. | state of the commuoity, | regret that I can- | off with the paper ofthe State Banks ¢ his country’s spuriaus lawless energy —even as | breast, qnite away from the ruck, Phosphorus | with the other persons who had escaped at the | Banks cannot be dispensed with, (says the | not render such service as an ardent desire | vou that Cwvorcement of Bank ni XS. that pale scion of her nobleness might show her | with his head in front, but the other looking so| same time, had arrived at Velasco previous to Globe,) except at the sacrifice of all jus-| for ita relief would prompt me to do. I | which makes every Collector of tit S blighted pride. [tis as if the thistle choaked | well, that the most intense anxiety pervaded all | the sailing of the T. tice?” Sc | ; Banks. Call cou | (ct : ; Li - Gaderer) Minist - ’ : ; can only promise my best exertions. Ifthe | Banks. Call you that divercemen: of the rose, in some neglected garden, where the} ranks. In fact, it wasa match, and a _beauti So ee cece the) wc arolailittlorcurrousttelknoa@im atria: é f the S dU ly | Bank and S hi Fick ames ot theliect might shame the culture ; ful one, be! ween two first rate horses, Phuspho- Court of Si. James, arrived by the steamer Or- h 4 enna Gisnelh emocracy oO t e tate an non are only ank and State, which makes cvecy § and so with Italy ; what was, and should be, | rvs never getting the better of his opponent till | leans from Galveston, It was stated that Gen- | VOr this new creed, which the Globe has,on | true to their principles, as established by the | lector of the Customs, and every Po siiee- the flower and glury-of her sucial order, are, io | he got within a couple of strides of the chair, | eral Houston had _Proceeded to Nacogdoches to | t8 Own authority, palmed off on the De- | fathers of the party, I trust the time is not | ter, holding his office atthe Cll 022s wai the hot-bed ofa slavieh luxury, grown cry and| wheo, bya gallant effort, he obtained a decisive | meet the Indians in friendly treaty. mocracy, will receive from those of the ! far distant. when acting upon these princi-| of his master, a sub-banker. aid to: ie sapless—while weeds and funguses, from their | advantage, and wonby half. a length, after as [Nothing is said of the disbandment or disse? | leaders. who are committed in black and | is Sal ples, returning prosperity will crown the ef- | hireling of one greathead. Ave wi» very rankness, fluurigh |—gruw rampant on the | finely eontested race as we have seen since Cad- | lution of the Texian army, repurted by way of nite. What ill Benton say and do? forts of those who are now endeavoring to | Sworn Power grasps the Pursh bewee foatesi eee of decay. ene x ee wae “en ie aamee ee: eae won Ohiv.] @e What, Mr. Caius Cassius Cambreleng | store public confidence, to correct abuses | and THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF | oa. at diamund erves the bandit dallies, is | ¢ us : oe cer ee ely ie What, Mr. Senator Niles and others of the | where they exist and torc-establish ourcred- | my. Navy, and Militia, acts as the id: growa a puzzle —shall he throw it aga stake up- | inch of ground trom the road to the chair, and SUAS SIN ES AN 2) true Bentonian stamp of less notoriety ? it system on a surer and firmer basis. the Great Bank oF THE Tresstia oo the buard, and staud his change for that guld | was thea won with great difficulty. At least en heap—that, did he once pussess it, migtt { five or six lengths behind this well matched Interesting and authentic fron Florida — Gentlemen, for this expression of kind-| this is 4 new divorcement of [2 x give him the possession tuo uf her he loves, in| pair, came a ruck of five or six horses, in the ee soon See e tt aeons ar CORRESPON DENCE. ness on the part of those you represent, and | Siate. ace and honor. Or, shall be place the glit-| van uf which were Mshometan, Hybiscas, and | ¥ed here yesterday from Black Creek. Tot! N. P. Tallmad for the mannerin which it has been coin- Monstrous as this scheme is, a: | j : pe , , g Dardanelles.” We regret to learn trom a eorrespundent, who | £0 the Hon. N. P. Tallmadge, : bh hould Ole is ectine (0) (Mpoeiuer Dicaaiyatid leave ib (ete se: ‘ is weil informed, that thera is no reliance tu be Senator of the United States: | URicated, I beg you to accept the assur- | abhorrent as it should be to all our not. is cure, the pledge of hat extatic hope that never! The namber of the « Spirit’ from which the a- | placed pon the Indians; that they heve no in- ance of the high respect and esteem, with | of civil liberty, the signs of umes wis may be granted. With faltering voice aud barn- bove isout, abounds in matters of interest to! tention ofemigrating. {It is believed that the Sir—A portion of your democratic fellow | which | have the honor to be, | us in believing, that it is dear to the 3 ing blush, the fond, enamored girl, has counsel: | ihe Sportsman. Micasukeys, ‘l'allahassees, ‘T'ali:pees and Indian | eitizens residing in the city of New York, ij of “the party,’ and will be urged by «ve: y ted he set Nenuire rz The raping jens negrues, must be exterminated before the Semi-| have long viewed with feeling of deep in Your obedient servant, Brae camer mentee foreib enn AS isletel=aeea lls ucwiseres acaia: ba FRIGHTFUL SCENE IN PARIS. nules proper can be removed. ‘I'he pacific dis~| terest the great calamities which have be- N. P. TALLMADGE. ite with the office holders, because i it been tuld! and love anu fortune, both are Igat. Some 300,000 spectators were assembled oasis aes Digs ere as fallen our common country, and siete To Judah Hammond, Edward Sanéford | cou i cena Into successful a Pale and motivoless, the fair uné: stands {rrego- in the Champ de Mars, to witness the mil- perfect preparation wien they every where ob- which have been making, by urging the a- Gerrit Gilbert, M. M Quackenboss,Henry | it woul S2aBic them lo perpetuate their oe her large a aa ni auger ras fening itary spectacle, got up in honor the mar- | serve, nut only to repel their attacks, if made, eee i aap ay nn en Wycoff, Benj. Birdsall, and C. C. Jaco- Pe i would effectwally subvert the wi eager glances sruin elr long tring asn- : ; : . and the overthrow Of all exis ing Institutions, : erbhes of the coun ry. fine Jrast expe- eson his face, as they would ascinate to love | Tiage of the Duke of Orleans. Champ de; but tu chastise them should they manifest a hoe bus, Esqs ; iti he genera] evils and distress riments of the party have been substiiuies ; Mars ie a vast enclosure surrounded by aj tile disposition. a 10 pegravate the g i aauae coueeatt a - ardent re ditch, the entrance to which is ie Gen. Jesup, it is thought, will forbid all tra-|.arising from the broken and deranged state! Nycuoras Bippie.—In Sieg cana dee oven Ouse Osten tlle ae iZite 0 Be end een 0 : é ding with the Indians under any circumstanepa| of the currency and credit system. count of the celebration which took place | Of the public money from the custody of er too, if yet in any sense te gu remain, has felt| through large iron gateways. The centre i : ae sae . Bea ee ok ennitional surrender take The torrent of events had rolled on with | at the opening of the Baltimore and Phila-| {'€ !@W, and the employment of 81 State to his neart’s cure the base tragsfurming influ-| is a low open plain, rising from which the ns . ace, and their arms are delivered up, aot a gi : . Banks under the trol of the Exec , ence of the cast. His band is vn the dagger ’ S| ee : aes 2 Se m rce, a tances of | adelphia Railroad, the Delaware Journal , 2°" Pe ets ane ee 88*T | ground has a geadual and gentle slope, un gle ration will, probably, be farnished, or +} such overwhelming force, and instances of p ’ were resorted to only after the public voice beneath his vest, and a fierce doubt shoots! >) - e ; . Tae: sre te oa, pe j i i in, fol- ks of this di ished individu- nee til it attains the Jevel of the surrounding trading allowed. ‘Their Chiefs, it is said. suffering, agony and irtetiievable ruin, fol-| thus speaks of this distinguished individu _ ie through his mind, rf that keev blade shall seal streets. The open space is without trees | no influence except for the purpose of mischief, ' lowed upon each other in such rapid. suc- | al: was Joud and explicit against the Exche- the fair dissembler his in death—or, apurning : Ge ous = é : : quer Bank recommended by Gen. Jackson her ir proud indifference, he yet will win again | the slope and Sexson a asses by REACT said, the extreme. of) Say cession, that Senin Cae iF ‘In reply to a toast complimentary to the! in his message of 1829. ‘rhe scheme fas the means to wou a bride ‘more true,’it nos | very fine ones. On this slope and eleva- Gen. Jesup, we icarnigmthe only Officer’ | peared to be paralized by the magnitude of | institution over which he presides, the Bank | never been abandoned to the presept day. more lovely. ; tion and among the trees, were callecied : f “eng the destroction. After the consternation —the Monster, as some call it—the faithful | Every movement of the leaders has indvea. Darkly delicate, and with that inmate majes- 300,000 persons, while the troops maneu- Seer eae nen see : of this violent shock had subsided, and the regulator of the currency, and only remedy | ted aerator ey concensainlin ine ty of men, gest roe Gh clierestere when com- veréd below, and went through » sham] j,i, said, objected tua pacific course, and ia fol- | #ttention of those having any permanent for its present diseases, as we deem it—Mr.| hands of the Executive the use and cone eos we e ee v re St ‘tight. During this, some of the rockets lowing the course he has adopted siace the 4 | iM{erest in the preservation of liberty anc Bippig addressd the company in an admir- | trol of the money of the nation. eager ca little distance aie (nse and other fire works, taking a wrong di- of February last, has only yielded to the opin- property, was directed to the means of re- | apie speech. in which avoiding any partisan But we are not to suppose that “ the vanced in years, and in every sense, the test aort | fection, wounded some of’ the epectators, | ions of 99-100ths of the army. storing the drooping trade, suspended en—| iouic, he explained the salutary influence) party” will openly avow their real design , , and in one part of the field two men fell} Our Correspondent remarks :— terprize and industry, and prostrate confi- | ih), mnstitution bas exercised upon the gen- | —that will be kept as far from the pubite of person that might have been expected in such : ae [3 pe g pe He has been the most untiring General jn dence of the nation. Your letter to the/ 6:3) interests of the country, and particular- | eye ag possible. ‘The new project, as were a place. Grave even to severity, and absorbed from a tree and RS killed on the spot. It rhe felduand a leh beat od t3 with the chances of the game, as if her life de—| was not, howéver, till the breaking up of pee eee palllbegae i ss pies thet} editor of the Albany Argus was published, Jy ypoa its internal improvements. Le is | ii ti,e pillevas Hill ‘bel decker eG fa ihe pended or its issue! she remained motionless as | the spectacle, about 104 o’clock, that the Relisito Gonclisved romuilaecnaaed! : bearing date the 6th June last. Its @P- | unquestionably an extraordinary man—this | most pleasing and Conmatine wien whieh Geen aoa eae cele: main catastrophe ensued. The crowd,| cannot believe. ° “Tale pearance awakened feelings of joy and Ricacui Bippte. With an intellect ae Re can Newoe. Patriotic we specific a yet incomplete, was is be the | 20xi0us to disperse, rushed to the. gates. _* General J. possesses much valuable informa- gratification, ‘The principles there so bold-| which takes within its grasp the mightiest | and disinterested professions will be made fimit Of the irkpocha sacrifice oF fesling ander At first the exit was easy and regular, but | tion of the country, its resources, and that of the} ly proclaimed, and their importance as avow- | a, well as the minutest subjects, he seems | in abundance—an earnest desire to pro- priety that she endured ; {or it was evident that | 8000 as the mass from behind pressed im- | Seminoles. ane ee Pepa any other} ed by one holding so distinguished and fa- | gited to adorn any station a statesman or fi-| mote the welfare of the © dear people,” she considered buth invaded by her present situ- patiently om thejam) became) terrific-—a- arial in opinion wh éar Coranag, |zoravle a station for giving effect to opin- | nancier might aspire to. The events of the | and to sever the corrupting connexion, . larm seized upoit the crowd——men, women € colacide in opinion with our Correspon- ions, were hailed as the first dawn of light) jast eight years have placed him in positions | whieh has lexiatedi balween ine) Govern= ation. : * Did you ever see the Lady Cornaldi here be- | 294 children uttering frightful cries, were sare tis ai dt dun terie hee heat io the darkness of the approaciing future. | which have called forth a display of charac- | ment and the Banks, will be avowed, end i It was not surprising, then, that those | ter and qualities on his part that have given | echoed and re-echoed by all the subordi- fore ?? ‘The inquiry was made by an old game- | trampled under foot~and for more than a sure, a war of extermination, and 2s, from alt ster, ofa companion who was standing near | quarter of an hour, especially at the gate we can learn, Gen. J.is of the same opinionshe | Who appeared to exult in the general mis— | him the repucation, both in this country & | nates of the office corps. Blandford at one of the windows, and smo ing a/| of the Military School, this horrible scene is a fit General to push them to extremities, > | fortunes; and instead of sympathising with in Europe, of the most eminent financier of We would admonish the people to be- segar. ‘ Never bu: once, and that was many,| was continued, and the cruwd got out only |’ Another Gereral aight adopta courseof vot-| guiferings unparalleled in the recent expe- the age, and have proved, too, so versatile | ware of those deceptive prolessions—they ears ago, and oa the very aight that exiled by passing over the bodies of the dead and | ciliation, which would only retard the ‘boar of ‘rience of mankind, grew more presuming | ,y his genius, that he was equally fitted as | are intended to enable thoee who make aac mean fied himoelt[disioherted ADEE ieee creer’ ‘tbe H and treasare: | and arrogant as the public spirit appeared | » Palinurus to guide the vessel of State in| them to gain more power. The peupie anda beggar, on the threshold of his home!— | / Wenty-four persons, 12 men and 12) We Tete belieye ioe the Hovorable Secre to be broken and subdued, should regard | the stormiest times, to have gained an exal-| have already been gulled by the party now yes, without a duca: to buy his supper, he turn. | Women, were killed on the spot, two wo- | mempiates y change. Gat aid ~-°t with ao evil eye the publication of your | teg fame in the Senate or the forum, or to| in power, and they cannot compatibly with ed in here to try his chance with the blind god- | men carried to their homes expired almost Anew Minister from Merico.—A Jsie letter, and visit a portion of the feelings of | have adorned the literature of his country | their own safety give any further coa fi- dess—cast his diamond hilted sword upon the ta- | immediately, and there were more than ¥ Phila %. #d intment upon yourself. and age with the choicest garlands of gen- | dence to ther measuses. Whetever the ble, and dared ua, as we slood arvuod,to stake! one hundred and fifty wounded ! of whom sles acces Don Pease are es ‘Having brought forward in your letter! jus and intellect. A great secret of Mr., knaves in high places propose, should be a third a Met against his single change. He | 49 very seriously. Itis feared that in ad- Martinez has been appoitited by ig { wee views which appeared to be embraced | Bippre’s power, we conceive, is his perfect | rigidly scanned, and cautiously guarded a- aoe a ‘etn aaa a guid he had | dition to this lisy, others at the lower end Mexican Government Minister Plenipotellt, 98 these subjects by a large portion of your imperrurbability; his features have cither | gainsi.—Rich. Whig. Bee ee ay Se Mtoe cine of the enclosure and in passing out at the tiury tothe United States (He was yea republican ty peers paretl has been | been well schooled, or Nature has given | eaicesees ic. : ipita- “oo ' j received the signatures ae Mi aly losers was her late husband, the Signor Cornal- pace oe may. me er preciptt@- | merly Consul at New Orleans.) | * See ta n of peo erends, him eplentire control oie them Epoee. ie Ht will be gratifying at lesis ta lve eater oo di, then newly marred. Flushed with the — into the seine, as t ere ha been many . National Int igencer: @ great portio y po stamped upon every linement—-calm a Gen ch oat taiderioth leaia thal wee aie cnasied ide of the blood and yuath, he chafed upon bis | inquiries for persons who-were neither a- ; ~, 1, to whom the same hes been presented, and | symmer’s morn,’ no thought or feeling, no , , s *h ' from variuus sources of information, to slate thas » and still staked on in desperation, antil mong the wounded nor the dead. gans onus : ~whica we have been delegited on their be- | excitement, is permitted to ruffic the placid | O! eet ad Helictcandriats (i Moairavo in honor would have shaken him off ; __— | a aeee out ea daar le half the present to you. exterior of that face, or sign of what js Cen aaa eV a favorable im pres- and haif'in jost, pretended that the title deed of A SNAKE. Mr. ‘Tatumapoe for his recent letter, t We-have now the happiness to deliver | passing within. Thus, and by the Invarias | gion on the minds and feelirgs of tbe peuple gome estate he offered was incomplete. unless . Pane : pl 1. ] f his temper, he baffles erever he gues. We do not beweve that he it. O i fi i ty of lad fore they got the key-note from the Gog${ tlie same in performance of that charge. ble cheerfulness of his per, wh gues. hie ladg signed it. On the moment, Comnaldi =) dere evenings since: parly, 01 acles da if Permit us to add, that weregard the cred- | his opponents, and sustains end comforts! extended his visit to Sumpter; ané although ~ ment a billet by his page to claim her instant pre— rning from the lake without the socie-| ernment paper. Thus, for instan ! ’ ; . resented by & talent high @ence; Bani selaen of love, & haste Sitter eis een, were suddenly surprised by | Alton (Lilinos) Spectator says tliat pqj it system as the great instrument which has | his friends. His trials in the bitter and mae) pee ea Van ne men, ee 3 with Jooks and dress disordered. a young bloom- | the sereams of one of the party, who was | has deserted the party with which he ha¢| developed our vast resources, extended our ligoant contest which has been waged e—; cunfidently believed, that Mr. Oliver wi se- ing bride, fresh from her bed she came. ‘The a few yards behind her companions. The | heretofore acted, and goes in for all tug, commerce, improved our territory, advanc— | geinst bim and the interests be represents, - iy. jatge majority of her votes. Devetope- shock fell oa her sudden ag the ‘siroc’ on the oung lady who had screamed became Wiig movements, in relation to the cur;}ed cur civilization and refinement, and | have been almost as manifold as those that) | cots in other paris of tbe Siate, give the pru- aa at Fier wierhTe cua ate and ore restless, and the others] rency, small notes, &c, Jt is time such raised this youthful nation to a proud aad | tested the patience of good old ae and be inise alike w ie ore of tt cceeicels out hevand’s fly, than from anger for the is were anxious in their inquiries as 2 the} men should be eee ie ar <3 . ee with the ancient kingdoms aa ae oe eases tel we ely its one aie woe Tne eens ae @_ppleadid wealth sv madly squandered, cause of her pain. Atlength sheinform . Natienal igencer, _ of the world. ; - joys. edag@d seceived as his pay, sine dred dollagé over the amount really due him, by downright cheating and mission of just such an act as has sent poor and humble rascal to the and yel 2 sets himself up as the exclusive and most devoted friend of the deur people ! a world of villainy and hypocrisy we live in! would be well to circulate this item of intelli gvoce relating to him, that the e fi sing that Mr. Bentoo’s demand was a ad Gt c fis bers ot the cabinet, and other officers, in wh ASpointmM-nuts it was thought, Jaickson’s reform comineneed, the ty mains in session a few days, and then adjauria sina die. “ga G ame Tig pee Moles (Oval Mossi may’ have from the Conneaut io) ; P he escaped the recollection of some of our readers. As t Benton 1s now one of the heirs presump- tive w the Democratic Republican throne, it is proper that every man who may chance hereaf- ser to be fuled over by him, should be acquaiat- ed with ail the achievements that bave contrib- uted to form the reputation which he now en- We therefore call attention to the feat of myetification, by which he conjured doudle the amvont of mileage to which he was entitled into his et. Rascality.— At the second session of the1 8th . Beniet Barton and Thomas Hart were the Senatu. in Congress from the tate of Missouri, both residing in the city of St is, and of course both entitled te equal a mounts from the Treasury for mileage and atten- danee, At the end of the session Beaton claim- $3,802 40 1,683 20 ved mors thah Barton, $1,619 20 ton fut this excess of sixteen hun- * Naw’ swindling —by the cum- many a State's prison ; What ** As Benton is dteting for the Presidency, it the people may oe vuoled to see how wall qualified he is, morally, vr the high office he aspires to fill.” ‘The sytement above is inaccurate in supp. for pay and —~ y om him, and Wileox's Gilles armed with a double (one of the barre!s rifled,) and three his belé,~ He halted dour, and fevelled his gua. ton could fire, returned to the door and flashed. Johnston both barreis without effect. backshut over Joh nston’s sing t wounded on both hands, Hete the affair terminated. head, one of them Dis friends to see that berrel gun, pistols in about fifty yarde from W.’s W. withdrew be-1 and seizing a musket, Wilcox then seized a double-barre} gon, and Johnston a musket, and both again fired. Wilcox sent twenty-three hrough his hat, and Wilcox was slightly his thigh and leg. I de- BLOW OFF THE DOGS! The following extracts make it quite } ee * there thirty min- | 1 mocratie Repobiican resks, Mr. Tallmadge; F300 - M. Dorvrery.” | and as he says mins: rewem OF THE pemoe* oe Mr. Wilcox degline “being = party to any | Racy of New York, are: it against the bard} -° -_ prepared fe ae ? ees him to be money system, and in favor of the banking of | Mt - 88 attack. Accordi » about ao : , i i ce after this, Johaeionp ed towards | “edit system. Where the Globe isin this ré- York,) has not yet had time to peak out: - fired Ene enough has not yet elapsed for him to take cry upon the new track, (strongly whi and:some are taking the back track. Mr. . WATCHMAN. runs from one trail to another, and barks first Hendance. Tt was formileage only » and was rawn-under these circumstances : At the close ‘Salisbury, August 5, 1837. whirling rach Presidential term, the new President avenes a supplementary session of the Senate, | r the purpose of fumivationg to it the mein before General | <8 Concurrence «i at body necessary. The Senate usually ie Benton saw fit to Suppose, Cit | inthe few hours which intervened between the! ep Ue deastonror the Seale. ano the . omuencement of the Short exira ses- stun, |} id (Sy the and os the Wishing en of orth. is, pe rh tps) retarned to Missouri, and agai is sieps ty Washington, ii obe- | rene eeoll of the new Presidect For, Ms ui sary journey he cnarged mitre beth | Atha There sai plus mnMount Stated im the | BOUT Po ataph, which was pald to hiin, with. | Oul qoe tit, vy the clerk of the Senate. The woe Sltemoai wg true—the writer of these lines exawntued the coatingent accoant of the Senate in 1827—saw th Ba published to an admiring nation this provt uf the loy constructive journey”? has often been alluded @ two eniries tu Messrs rton and Benton there, and, he believes, first His enlous Senator's constructive powers. We are authorized to announce Dr. James F. Martin, asa Candidate for a seat in the | Pfouse of Commons, for Rowan County, in place of Juhu Cieinent, resigned, We are requested to announce the fvl- owing candidates in Cabarrus, Co, Por Clerk of the Superior Court: Robert Kirkpatric, Dr. A. J. Shankle, Thos. S. Henderson, For County Court Clerk : Kiah P. Harris. SUPERIOR COURTS. The Judges have made the following ar- rangement, tur riding the Circuits this Kall :— We are authorized to announce JOHN | | GILES, as a candidate for Clerk of Rowan | ose | county Court. We are authorised to announce HENRY r; | GILES, as a candidate fur Clerk of Rowan | : Superior Court. = * 'G Since, but the fame of the teat having soimne- what fallen tnto the oblivion of forgetfulness, it is Jue to Mr. Benton’s Prominent posture befure ite Democratic Republican party of ihe cunatry, Viatit should be revived. Petersburg Intelligencer. > ee From the Lincoln Transcript. GEN. JACKSON ws. JUDGE WHITE. The long talked of Circular of Gen. Jackson azainst the Honorable ,Hugh L. White, has ‘nade It3 appearance, and as was predicted, just in (ime to have an effect upon the August Elec- tions. Butit has been promptly responded to voy Judge White, and the elabarate arguments and erroneous statements of the ex President are laid bare, aad their nakedness exposed. Many reminisnences of the early part of his Adminis- tration, which cannot be very pleasant to him, are brought befure his eye. He also proves, we think, to the satisfaction of every candid seeker Edenton Cirenit lacking 3 months. 26th June, 1830, be had therefure, reigned revolutionary war. He is said to have been after truth, that the present incumbent of the Presidential chair was selected by Gen. Jackson Judge Pearson, Newbern ee “Dick, Raleigh se “« Nash, Wilmington ** “Bailey, Hillsborvagh “ “« Sannders, Salisbury =“ «Toomer, Mountain “ “Settle. DEATY OF THE KING OF ENGLAND. His Majesty, Wintiam IV. died at his pal- ace at Windsor on 20th of June last, aged 72 He ascended the throne on years lacking 6 days. He had been bred a sailur, and many persons in this country remember him as a midshipman in the British Navy daring our clever man in social life, temarkable for his be- nignity and frankness, and was more similar to his father George III, than to his late brother : ee my honor thet Mr. Johnston will as his successor, previous to the breaking up of his first Cabinet, in 1831. ‘The expressiuas which Judge White attributed to the ex. President conceraing Mr. Huntsman, which Gen. Jackson says in his Circular was made in Jonesburuugh, and which he takes so much pains to get certificates to prove that White was in Jonesborough, and made his Speech accusing him of using the expressions,he proves by Mr. Huntsman himself, was made some time after, not at Jonesburough, but at Knoxville. For the satisfaction of those who might nut otherwise believe it, we insert Mr. Huntsman’s letter below. Judge White's views are so clear on the sub- ject of what has produced the present distresses vf the country, what caused the issuing of the Treasury Circular, and what are now the prob- able intentions of the party in power, and the Probable effect tbat it will have upon the coun- try, that we shall give that part of his Circular ja our oext paper, Jaskson, July 1st, 1837. Dear Sir: Upon reading Gen. Jackson’s review of your testimony, I discover tiiat it seems tu be considered a matter of importance in regard to the place where you made the speech, in which You alluded to the statement of O’Brien. I had not your speech before me at Washington City, when I addressed Gen. Jackson upon that sub- ject, consequently I had to depend upon recel- lection only as to the place. Since [ came home ] have had reference to yvar Speech, and find it was delivered at Knoxville instead of Jonesboro’, as! had first supposed when my letter to the Genera] was written. This may seve to correct \he mistake made by me in that particular. With much respect, Yours, A HUNTSMAN. Hon. Hu. L. White. eee A MISSISsIbFi AFFAIR. From the Louisville Journal. _ Affair at Rodney.—By a Jeiter from Miesis- toe We haxe an account of a rencontre ‘vbich place in Redney; on the $7 th ult. between Messrs. Thomas J Johnston.and GH, Wilcoz, both formerly of this city. In consequence of Certain publications made by these genuemen a- Bengt each other. Julnsun challenged Wilcox. e latter declining to accept the challenge, obnston informed his fiiends at Rodney, that ® Would be there at the term of the Court then Dot distant, when he would make an attack up- enhim. He repaired thither on the 26th, and Of the next morning the following communica- lion was read aloud in the presence of Wilcox 0d 2 large erowd : “ Ropser, Jong 27, 1837: “ Mr. Sohnsten informs Mr. Wilcox that, at oF about 4 o’elock of this day, he will be on the iis Oppesite the Presbyterian Church of lown, weiti a ting Mr. Wilcox to Meet bin there. = ne draw the Jary.and set the Lawyers to talking, and then go out-to play. One essential differ- ence between them 3s, however, that if she does not like her men she can draw others: Whata fair chance she stands to be a spoiled child. A Queen baby in the hands of her mama, at the head of 200 millions of People, and they too, boasting of superior intelligence ! What a sa- tire on governments! Well. if we do sumetimes get fooleand magicians for our Presidents, we George 1V. He was in several sea fight ly under Lord Keith, Lord: Hood. & Lord Nel had no children by his wife, but several by Mrs fur 20 years. In 1818, he married age—tbus by the British constitution she is en. titied to ascend the throne. She was the daugh. ter of Kdward, Duke of Kent, who died in ber early infancy. ‘he young Queen sent in an ad- dress to the House of Lords, (now sitting) ex. pressing her deep distress at the loss of her uncle, and signifying that his, ( the Whig) policy, would coniinue to govern her. She says, huw- ever, that by law, a new Parliament will have to be assembled in a short time, and therefure proposes that litile more shall be dune by the pre sent body than the crisis requires. {1 is thought that the Conservative party will gain strength by this demise. The accession of Queen Victoria to the throne is the first instance of a woman's reigning since the death of Queen Anne, and we believe she 1s the youngest person that ever ruled in that kingdom. It seems to us,on this side of the At lantic, not a jittle farcical to think of a girl of eighteen asthe head of a system eminently com- plicated and philosophic, and which very few of their best intellects, even after a life-time of de- Votion to that study, are able entirely to compre- hend : It is amusing to think that the mind which has dweltas yet on little, except ribbands, laces, silks and jewelry, willbe called on to ad- judge on a point of constitutional Jaw between Brougham & Lyndhurst, or Melbourne & Peel, The truth is, her agency is but little more than] nominal, and isso with any, and every weak monarch on the British throne. Miss Victoria will perform about the same part io the grand Drawa of British Politics, that the little boy does in State Trials of a capital nature: she will under Admiral Rodney. He served successive- son, and passed through all the degrees of Rank uptothat of Lord Admiral of the Fleet. He Jordan, an actress, with whoin he had a luison the Queen Adelaide of Meinengen. ‘The mother of Queeo Avexanprina Victorta, was sister to the present King of Belgium, Leopold, formerly prince of Saxe Cubourg, su that ber Queenship is German throughout ; she was bora 24th of May, 1319, she isa little upwards of 18 years of his tai’; some think he has ron mad and bith s-cure he is, that the game willbe caught him, but open he will not, let the smell be j Such a dog oughtto be given away, if noth “There ts a diversity of opinion among Republicans.—Globe. So it would seem from the following pa Regency. The organ of the Democracy in Connectic nent, which all the faithful are expecied praise : “A document has been persons calling themselves the Albany Repub can Committee. It has tuund great favor wi the Whigs; and well it may, furit embrac their doctrines. gus that the gentlemen denuunced as | at Albany, had nu also understand that they disapprove of i Great pains has of that address have camp, thal democracy ‘They are any thing but detnocrats, as gvon fuvk tu to Senator letter, or Dan’! Webster's racy as to that address. Culated to du mischief ai We woul 7 tu entgrtain such sentiments, should obtain th ‘situatiun of eveo a ‘Vuown Cuimittee. a gan, thus frankly confesses that its New Yur York brethern have turned a sumnmetset: “J all its positions, except one, that if it were to b taken as the democratic Standard, we cuuld seu nu possible use of a quarrel between the t ties, When buib think alike. The Albany ad ‘| address of the New York monopulists who nom inated Mr. Webster. If asa democrat, we be lieved in the Aloany address, we could hot ex commotion by the division of parties whuse lea ding men think precisely alike.” olutions, was adupted: Jence and prusperity, is by a destruction of the whole banking system—they being at the bottom of allevils,by assisting the speculators,and then dividing the spoils between them.” The Democrats of the 11th Ward of the city of New York, adupted the fullow ing: ‘* That they (the banks,) are dangerous to the snteresis of the great body uf the people, either as one greal institution, or as a number of small ones, indepeodentof each other, fur we have the instance befure us, that they have combined and do now set all law and the righis of the people at defiance. “Resolved, That we seein the letter of our U. States Senator, Mr. ‘Yallmadge, the rising of the old Leaven; his sophistry cannot blind the | his aim is Bank, Bank, | Demucracy is uo long: | ' Argus eyes of the peuple, Bank, and the aim of the er Bank and State." We clip the following from the New York American—They have hot work; “In the Eighth Ward, too C. C. Jacobus be-+ ing in the Chair, and E. G. Stacey, Secretary, of a meeting of the Democratic Republican Ward Committee, this scene oecusred as related iw the Pust. ; : —— ‘Resolved, That this committee has with astonisiment and regret, part of certain members, and professing mem- ' bers, of the democratic party, to substitute their ewo views for those of the party at large. Tallmadge was uncalled for by any publics exi- gency, a violation of the known uses of the dem- ocralic party, and a surreptitious attempt to cast censure on Silas Wright, Jr. his colleagué in| the Senate, a man whose private and political character is too exalted to need endorsement, or fear reprehension. “A motion was made and d.: that the resolation be signed by the chairman aed Secre- tary and published. Whereupon, the chairman immediately lett the chair, and réfased to pat the question—the Secretary, Mr. Stacey, also rose, and tendered his sesignation as a member that there is a wide and anhealable split ie met oa cast of parts, is not yet ascertained, es the uewly i acquired Editor Mr, Sandford, (sent from News“? are symptoms of a radical change of opinion i geen ar this journal, Where the Richmond Enquirer’ a a will be found, is uncertsiu: He has lately been |= waited upon by adelegation from the Regency, jg said to be the keeper of his conscience, but tim a tence, and cut the summersett. fa the-esea } time, as @ill be seen below, the pack 19 in coe sion. Some are sti}l opening on the old trai 290 exclusive metallic currency. Some are rallying around the Albany whippers- in and beginning ‘o Hill, the candidate in the Stokes Gistrigt, is oawling away atthe dead Snake—a roasing ft | §*° against the British, Bank, and in favor of ‘the gold and silver currency. Heseems determuin- ed not to be blowed off even by the frainers. Dr. Montgomery, another of their candidates, one tree, and then at another, snapping and round at certain ugly appendages which some troublesome weights have affixed to | self. Mr. Conner a third dog in the chase is sfill- hunting: he wags his tail very significantly it is true, and lies by when he comes to a buther, so so strong and scarcely deigns to strike a trot; better,can be doge with him. But to the extracts, graphs responsive to the ukase of the Albany the Hartford ‘Times, thus denounces the ducu- put forth by certain We are glad ww see by the Ar- he regency —the persons filling the must important siauons haud in getting it up, and we beea taken, that New York: demucrats are turning Whigs, aud the auchurs gol su tar int the whig will know them no more, ‘Tallmadge’s speeches fur deawe- Such papers are eal-4 such a Uwe as, this, and it is tu be regretted.that nen su Corrupt, as The Boston Advucate, the Massachusetts or- ‘Phat is 90 entirely and exclusively whig .ia- ‘VO par- dress, with one not very important exception, conforms in every principle and measure tu the cuse it lo our conscience lu keep the country in. In addition to these outgivings and misgiv- ings from the Press, we find in the latie New] 3 York papers, that the Democracy in that Siate are speaking out in buld terms against the new professions of the party, Ata meeting held at Utica, the following, among other kindred tes- * Resolved, That the only way to correet the |- evils, and apply the remedy, and resture confi- 7 rt Dnable amusement amongst certain of an attempton thet > “That the letter to the Hon, Nathaniel P.|' and not evn into“ “Branch of a ‘aad a es lection at Hilti a4 ) | of thie citizens District) jee — ‘Dantet : Not bed. when we temeraber that | “ee. 8 5a : of Ash at > oY * oo : r pel on the 27h Instant, at Cranberry masts. his appoiotaiont.was the result of « party“eruc-| _ THE CROPS AND WEATHER. Rte Ot Party. diatinetion, Gea. Samuel | tation: Party had 2 bad sidtiech that ics, act fident farmers do sot rembabet “ever 's , Pattie Wilkes, was oominated as a Se ee ae ge oe eect —the plonane 2? Promising ws ut pre suitable pe to represent the thirteenth dis- Military Election.—Brig. General Jos- cae en and Warm weatber Staten vO: the enseing Congrees of the U.| enh wy. Winstot, of Stokes, has'been elec- | pring mee pede eaceucen) mye Resolutiong wete adopted asserting the inten- ted Major General of the Militia for. the ee we Rpperre range - ac {the : ing to support Gen. Patiergoo, Division ‘which he resides, vice General fered Glave petri facGr a 1 (8 : to serve if elected) and fe- il dri : ’ “y commending to the citizens of the district 10 do acon (te — ec cea gut teeta tet lew & , . The Craven District.—The Newbern | ©&2' evcugh, they can do without Movey. P} ; ' ' Danville Reporter - ce Truly youn aeer ore wey Spectator says—‘No mistake—Waeyne and : sponsibl na oe good even ff he has consented torun against t ‘er | wishes ofhie warmest friends. believe however, and we are fortified in this pinion by otatements in ink” therefore, ing the ra- one of their own tackies instead of mounting ut, wise well sisposed tuwards his baekers ? to = ¢ OMNIBUS. li- th from the hot blasts that come over eg parched eafh. Ata little distance from us i al t. healthfulaess. d e | ever dreamed of. Foreach examination he charg k thathe drivesa profitable busines” We do no pretend to say, that there is nothing in Phrenol e € | subject to form an opinion one way or the other can better be determined by his conduct and con on latt-Monday night is an arrant humbug. bands LY g-of:60 many sensible men, we are ap szagly and pretty, will take a second the Attention then, the whole !— Married Look the-threatened tyranny jn the face, and if they do advance upon you, _Squeege their little soul Cages out of them. , Shopting-matches tor mutton are getting to be our citizens, If hsrd dullars were put up for tar- gets, ‘wekpow a chap or two that could hold a steady sight on them. | Sonié-wags have proposed that the spruce old Beao, Van Buren, should try his magical powers of negotiation in patching up a treaty of alliance ‘with the Belle Queen of England. Perhaps it was wilh eome such smegking potion that he talked ¢-Iaagely aboot the “Kinderhook family,” PONE the nobility of England. -We dare Kine Marry, would grace the pre- sence chamberof Quem Vicry quite as hand- somely @ethe-German, jdsportations, on which the Rayal family af sad have generally de- Sy for a matrimonial-splices, 11 would be no “ss puch topis taste aa the splendor | 5 large bf twoor three hundsed, as was <he Ham} Roop, sagd-if he woold take Dick anticipated! This is cheerng. If the ‘ches is cables with him, we, for one,| Whigs in the other counties composing the Banta } #( the riddanpa, District, fave exerted themselves, (as no “WS pleed » statement in the last Carolinian doubt they have, judging by the vie- af the quiy advent ofthe long promised Branch | tory has crowned their labors. — al. pe-Pear Bank‘to this place, we know pat authority the statement is made,|. but wex@rt say it will come in the course of| time, fae : 80d operatives have all assembled aru; With the exception of the Assayer.— The ealasiie are all going on but no mint drops going OGt:°"As the niines have nearly blown out, enough gold can be borrowed by the Govaykment to make 2 show with, it is thought Wat this Institation will be converted We recejved the foregoing (signed with a _re- ( ) too late to publish it last wectk, aod new itis so neat the election that it will reach the district ia time todo General P. little This we do net the Raleigh papers of a k by authority. We that the Cranberry boys will have to.lock elsewhere fur opposition to the able and faithful tepresentative of that district. If they are su keen fur a race, why don’t they start whig that it in no order for running, and in no © rain—corn burning up and our d. ‘The weather extremely warm t oe direction it has been more seasona- ble, and the Crops are prime. We have our ad- vaniage hpwevei, in an uncommon degree of Phrenology, Humbuggery, &¢.—A Yankee hy Ube name of Alcott, who hasbeen a Preacher, alter studying Phrenology fur three weeks as he himself declared ia a public talk, has betaken himeedt to the money making trade of putting vain people in a good humor with themselves by |- DEaks'no their seul] bores, and by attributing to theta powers and qualities which no one else es one dollar, and as vanity and credulity are} the weaknesses of poor human naturé at which his arts are levelled, it may be well believed ogy; We have not sufficiently attended to the And ag we think a man’s character and abilities versation, we have no notion of bestowing even the negessary three weeks to the stady. But.we -4 do say that Dr. Alcutt isa humbug. Auy one capable of uttering inthe furm of a lecture so muchslang fustian and absurdity ashe did here By ‘the English onstitution whoever marries poy is this isa good deal the fate of hus. bout the sanction of such high authori- tethe hvisting of one clever girl over q that the whole feinale race—young met, Bachelors and Beaus! Hold up your heads, ing, the greatest energy being manifested in very de righ aloe er on the line of the Roed. The Bridge at Gaston. which will be a most noble stracture, is rapidly progressing The stone Piers and sbut- meats are finished, end the greater part of the wood work done. Thete are five Piers, 160 feet apart, making tbe whole length of Jones, Carteret and Craven will not be he o-: WEST POINT GRADUATES. From the following list it will be seen t themselves, first named in his class of 46. a have acquitted themselves at this national stitute, and not less with the manner thus early given to their country, of a use life : FIRST CLass, Henry W. Benham, Conn, Jobo W. Gonnisan, N.H. Edwin W. Morgan, Pa. John Bratt, N. Y. Biaxton Brayy, N.C, a n Jobaston, we are ‘informed, and from a source on which we fully rely, will give SHEPARD, (Whig,) handsome majorities. hind, Greene will be equally divided, and Lenoir will give Mosecxy a small majority.” out of the 20 young men who have distinguished 3 are from North-Carolina, and one, We have been struck for several years past with theereditable mannerin which the sons of North Carolina which, they are following up the earnest, In Iredell county, on the llth alt. by the Rev. A. J. , venworth, Mr. ANN C. BYERS, of Iredell county. Also, on the same day, in’ Ligeain coup. ty, by the Rev. Seba Williemeon. Mr }an ORR, Merchant of Charlotte, to Miss MA- RY A. daughter of John D. Graham, Eeq. of Lincoln county. lo Wilkes county. on the Yadkin, Mr. ELK AN AH SHUFORD, of Linceln coun. ty. to Miss Emily, daughter of Col. Martin of Wilkes. In Mobile, Ala. on the 94th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Ives, JOSEPH SEAWELL, Esq. Attorney at Law, to Miss ELIZAC. CAMP. BELL, eldest depghter of Bagh Campbe}), Esq. all formerly of Fayettevilie. Died On Sunday morning, the-8d ingtent, of Pulmonary Comeumption. MIRA A. DAY- EN PORT, eldest daughter of Col. William Davenport, of Wilkes county, N.C. be- bat in- in fu! en ce . “Hf amiability of disposition, blanduess of Wilen cance: manners and sincerity in expressiods of AH. Dearborn, N.Y. friendahip, constitute a cleim to affectionate James H. Trapier 8.C. regard and remembrance, then will the Joha T, Metcalf, Miss. young lady whase untimely decease this no- '* MtRD -eL ase. lice 1s intended to record long be remem- Isaac J. Stevens, Mass. bered-by the numerous cirele of-lriends 204 J. Biddle, ——~, , tances, who sincerely deplore ber pee erred sn - loss, Her immediate relations however, eremy ©. Gilmer, N.C. may-in truth spply-to themselves the conso- -{. Henry W. Hateck, -—, lation, that their loss ws her unspeakable - . FOURTH cLass. gain.— Regist er. Ieee are In Surry Co. WILLIAM C. MARTIN, B. P. Tilden, Jr Mass. t Wao. H. Chorechill, —_-: - | Stewart Van Vliet N. Y. ceive that 7 cadets passed the academic yea wilhouta single mark of demerit ; less thau ten. °s Appointments Bishop Ives 6th, at Imaanuel Church Warrenton. Thursday, August 10th, St. Church, Williamsborough. . Church, Oxford. Monday, Aug. 14th, Banks's Chapel Granville: ‘ » Wednesday, August 16th, Salem Chapel Orange. Chapel, Orange. boro’, Sunday, August 27th, St Bartholomew's Church, Pittsboro’. Sunday, September $, Christ Church, Rowan. Sunday, September 10, St. Luke’s Church, Salisbury. Sunday, Sept. 17th, Calvary Church, Wadesboro’ Anson. Thence to the Westero Missionary Sta— tions as time nay permit. The Tarborough District—We have heard from Edgecombe, the strongest Van Buren hold, in this District, and the major- ity of the Administratiog candidate, is not ter. Raleigh and Gaston Ro# Road.—T his work, we understand, is rapidly progress- ent of it. About 1200 labor- The first class, just gradugted, consisted of 50; .| the seoond class numbers 46; the third 99 ; and the fourth 76. By the conduct rull we per- and 8 With Saturday and Sunday, August 5th and John’s Sunday, August 13th, St. Stephen’s Thursday. August: 17th, St. Mary's Saturday and Sunday, August 19th and 20th, St. Matthew's Church, Hills- = ST ee e Esq. after a long and painful attack of White- swelling. The Salisbury Female _ - SEMINARY, ILL be re on the first Tuesday in Octeber, when Mrs. Hutchison pledges herself to promote by every means in her power, {the moral, intellectoal and personal improve- ment of all the pupils committed to her ¢ arge. It affords her pleasure in being able to infurm her friends and the public in general, that sev- eral respectable families are willing to receive her pupile as boarders, under whose care she ia persuaded they wil) receive the kindest atien- tion : and that Col. Lemly, (in whose family she expects, by leave of providence, to spend tie ensuing academical year,) will be prepared to sccommodate in a very comfortable manner, all those pupils whose parents and guardians may wish to place them upder ber iumediate super- 9] Vision. Aogust 5, 1887 —4w3. A CARD. Mrs. Hutchison being compelled to leave town Without having had ap opportunity to take per- sonal Jeave of many of ler friends, begs leave respecifally to offer to them and te the citizens of Salisbory generally, ber grateful acknow]- edgements for their kindness to her : to her as- sistant teachers and to the young ladies under her care. August 5, 1887.—11. COMMISSION BUSINESS. HE Subscriber continues the Receiving and T' Forwarding Business in Georgetown, S. Carolioa. I s E. WATERMAN, Georgetown, Aog. 15837—8w*3 REFERENCES. Sprague, Robinson &,Co., New York. Lewis & Robertson, Charleston, S. C, wes Wright, Cheraw, S. C. . B. Williams. Charlotte, N. C. Joha Murpby, Salisbury, N. C. Religious Notice. A meeting will be held on 22nd Sep- ‘ember Geez, at Svath River Church about 4 miles north oi Krides’s Store, and two miles from Reac d up the river. : ae ae ee ; ANDERSON. WM. Aocgust 5, 58S7. BS The Methodist Camp- Meeting wil] commence at Soow Creek, Iredel! Gouaty, 10 miles North of Statesville on the Sth September J. W. LEWIS. Jaly 29tb, 1887 @at Mr, Wilcox until be arrives at a dis should put up with it after this. We are. cer- tain to get growa men for our ralers ai leas. of the committee, an} unmediately left the room Wish the buake, papers, &c. belonging to the Bank to issue Feacy. protested 8 for the better car- Woodbary's Treseury | the Bridge, with the Abutments, more than 4d dk 1000 feet. * JOB PRINTING Of every descriplion neatly Raleigh Register. CPDone at this Office...) TAILORING § PROCLAMATION. a RILES & By the Governor. of Nosth Carolina. mVS pant Greer of Met Core atone. / they have lately reg Ln Tr THE LATEST aN Wi Ae * ‘to which the " Ha =. aks si : el ‘ Te ’ mid : y> - — e is . . ’ ition will be ae deainéd 2c See WY. Coburn, oo vee - fhe Bagist. L any garments desiréd st 1@mmmee ; mo ty and AG PP Ha - the Eng! : uy stan rr with the com- 7S. b ~ A 3 and whereas it is Pendleton, Piiiccoph gery, 3 Et SP DD oe ae RAT RO. ~* THE ‘Sabectiber hss-op hand ae will keep | meake @ good Rt; . volt that constasily for sale at hie shop io Salisbury N. ©.’ fail. they are willing 20° i +2 fogivive-{rom justice. : OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That | on mein stredtyat, the oext door above the store land try tilh-the y succeed, ss - Now, therefore, to the end that the said aan NEW YORK Spe : Books of Sabscription to the Stock of the | of Samuel Lemly & Son pg Wili<be | it re- | Fayetteville and Western Rai! Roed Company J os done promptly “and. in: -best;" 3 ide. | George W. Coburn may be apprehend and | PATA ULADEL- will be opened in the following Counties and SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF | Work frome sama thee, ed ] brought to trial, { have thought ion to iseve - 3 * : under the direction of the following named per- FASHIONABLE ARTICLES, end carefully despatched.” Ord rap my Proclamation, offering a reward af two S ae ah yi LS sitly = = authority of sayiione sone, st such places in said Counties, and at | in his line of business, among which he would | ©#ses diligently attended toe @ - - ry will ted dolla, to any person or persons who y/ LINER Nan ix aot ined en ncclonigaats each times 20 the said Commissioners may di- | enuamierate the following vis P.S, Produce of” vatiou apprehend and confine him in the jail, or ; Gilded © vc puree ee rect. An instalment of Two Dollars on each} Parent-Lever Warcues, (English, Prock | receised ia Rjueai ioc walt SP herve bim to the Sheriff of Martin county ; and FASHIONS Share will be required at the time of subscribing | — ‘Swies, and-Datch,) ce Salisbury, May 27, 1837= E Au a ainda eee FOR — the agaenryys pr eee ¥ forward.the} Gold and Plated Fob Chains, . y, May 27, 38 34 eee civil = gilitary, within thie State, to use their 1837, Princi: money as paid, and the Lists . Gold-and Plated’ Watch Guard -, a = , tons to apprehend, or cause to be 8 i ; val as they progress, to E. L. Winslow, Fey Gold and Plated Watch Keys, 76 NO, LOTBBRY: -< | Mebertes. the said fogitive. * | her Susineys:in the meer feshioccticn ie ene | wit ville. Gold and Plated Watch Seale,” 14 DRAW: ' sowene. Given under my hard as Governor fidelity and promptness. , interests ror , BRUNSWICK, Dr. F. vee eee Breast. pins, and Finger-rings, ee sins § Sgat. § and the Great Seal of North Caroli- gcc Orders from adistance will be strick] re Leable i la. “s Ty Robert McRackaa, ( avh 00) ££ 5 Wort ‘th Ca : ; mmr’ na, at the City of Raleigh, this 26th | attended to,and articles of Dress car:fully pa 2 Seen: Jue Bible isc A. Baker. Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, aid ey r@ May, A. D.18 ¥ pack- | School, and recitations f : - , a! sa y, A. D. 1837, ed and sent off according to direction. one tram ip as NEW HANOVER. James Owen, Leads, L i } EDWARD B. DUDL ble exercises for the Sabbath , Aaron Lazarus, Silver Spectacles, and steel frames & glasees ‘3 ae e ° . *,* Old Leghorn and Straw Bonnets bleach-| ‘Tie terms fur the course are two hendred Alexander Anderson, Fine Pocket aod Dirk Koives, and Silver FOR TRE r 2 ee ee C. Battie, P. Sect’y ed, cut and trimmed in the latest style. twenty-five dollars a year (lucledin and BLADEN, James Burney, Prait Knives, . ft BURY: AC f. W. Coburn is about $0 years of age, about Mrs,S.D P. will keep constantly on band payable in advance. , 8 books, Jonoph Giloapie, Pocket Pistols aud Dirks, ; bo Aly 5 feet : inches high, thick eet. of an athletic and | for sale, a stock of Bonnets, Caps, &c. &c. Lo ineet the wishes and wants of those whe o [. McMillaa. ast Battons an usica xes . magcular constitution, complexion rath i may prefer an English ed i ; SAMPSON, W. MoKay, Gilt and Stee! Watch Chains and Keys. , CLASS NO. 15, full ace, speaks short and a wien vee ae Ee a ; a thanks to the citizens ‘ters without either Music or eee __W. Faison He will execute every description of workin| To be drawn at to, with eyes somewhat downcast. Il is believed | poyrcct era e-adjoining Counties for | will be torimed, for whom the terms will be ei rhe Ollen Mobley. a workmanlike manner and promptly : : he were on leaving, a blue cloth cuat with vel- the hberal encouragement she has received, | ty dullars a session, payable in advance ee COLUMBUS, A. Troy, DAVID’ L. POOL Carolina, on vet cdlar. tf47_ | 20d pledges herself to renewed exertions to | \'cessury books will Le furnished by the Pace ae eye SF Old Gold and Silver taken ia exchange L@th of August . please them. pal and charged st the usval store prices, ugastus Smith. for articles purchased at his shop, and in pey- : a? The Thorough Bred Morse | Sarissury, Apri 15, 1837. As it is desirable that the classes should com- ROBESON, a Fn ment for work doneand debts due. D.L > 1 S37. ela seu Siudies simultaneously, it ie reques- . . ‘ . ° . ° jek ae ry¥r ¢e . 2 ed of the ho = F . Sic tdincenn Salisbary, June 25, 1986 1149 ——— | Private Tuition in Music. | con w hogs “eho intend patron sing ibe Jostita- WAKE, WR. Gales, R STEVENSON § POINTS, Managers this object, There is i cn mi secure W.H. Haywood, ockinghans ; TAL t NV ISS BAKER will give lessons on the | en efa few more boarders, or ine rece p- Samuel F. Patterson. ‘ ; . 66 CAPITAL PRIZE GODOLPHIN ECLIP Piano Forte for a quarter of 12 weeks, at Ifa pupil arrive after the commenceme MINHRAL — ' SE; : | ment of CHATHAM, NA. Stedman, 10 000 DOLLA: Ss ILL @ th ; the residence of Mrs. Baker. ‘Ihe Quarter to the session, befure ithas half expired, she will be Charice J. Williams, = ' a 9! BD R ‘ WwW sL stane the ensuing Fall season, at] commence on Monday, Joly Srd. Her terns | CDaged for the whcle ume otherwise f ] John J. Alstos. SPRIN y reas ee seer and Mocksville. He is not on- | will be $15 per Quarter, or $1 25 per week, fur | Nall. , or only MOORE, Ona ee Gs e SCHEME. hag uy leeligee oer naively Suter * gots ie 1, 188 tl os soundness and extent of the above course arles almers, 1 Prize yak : i ‘ oa alisdury, July I, 1887—4~450 ve relerminatton on the part of th pes Be C W Dowd. ( Frequently called LENOX CASTLE.) 1 Pri 2 3,000 has proved himself tu be decidedly the best fual that it stall be iariagy, ugho terete N \fred Dock nize oO 2000 gelterever inthis part ofthe country. He is Vorth Ca : ness uf th 7 pial oN ealthi RICHMOND, ed pore eee in Rochingbam County, N. C. 6 Pnzes of 1€90 commended to the public with the utmost cunfi- or Set Cr ee UEC wicatibn eine iel ae ae of comme- C Thomas immediately on the Stage line of Messrs. 10 Prizes of -- — er dence. See Bills tor further particulars LO'TTERY maria dials) iste ‘spe resace the various ANSON A Myers, Peek, Wellford, & Co., running from Washing- 15 Prizes of 200 7 HH. SANDERS. . puolic will duly a eaitel anlages Which the ’ John’ A BicRee. a i a ies ete Ga—The situation fe 80 Prizes of 100 July in 1887 —1f52 For the benefit of the Salisbury Acadeiny, JAMES PHILLIPS ; pine, hea and pleasant. Th ‘ li i i - : : m- MONTGOMERY, oauanEnee mae was analysed by Buca Ola a Also many other Prizes of $80, $70, $60, nee pse will be at Salisbury area of To b Pa S SEE EMTS ; Chapel Hill, ue a ae e et Phil. Duncan McRae, sen’, Dee eneeeenme Sulphor, Ca &e. &e. &c. o be OU at Bethania, A Lisl OF LETTERS Remaining 7 ROWAN Ps eae Fern Saridestomiliseechitis ak Ret » nes’ | 18040 Prizes amounting to | $195,860 State of Porth Carolina,| Stokes Co. C..N. on Thurs- ZA tie Post Office a Salisbary, North Caro- ones, . . ; { ’ 7 ' la, : ae , Hoo, RM Pearaun, ceee eelnesal ie piesz of the country. They | Whole Tickets \g4 a Aiea COUNTY. day, 10th of August, et Ce | Williaa Chambers. — pe a cat mia and diuretic, Strengthen - Halves #2 00 oho Norris, Original Attachment 1837. anaes precece michael Anderson RANDOLPH, Alexander Gray, g nd organising the powers of digestion oes Quarters . e vs _ Levied on Def'ts. 14 oh Ty iM unson, Geurge Bean, margaret Jesse Henshaw ae and peaby action to the Stomach, A 6 1.00. Duncan & McKinzie, Lands 4 Number Lottery, 14 drawn ballots. ee anel K Biles, Richerd Barns, Lemu- ’ we iver idneys, &c. This water is: certificate for. a . . e! Bingham, Nicholss R Bridges, m Bas quiuronD, 8 eon, _| tase to Lior aBooleses Byappa Bab |The wil con $54 tor Havas, fe se hans ocendone wee te habeas] Page SORE PA eee ae Jesse Lindsay, ity, Ernptions &c. promoting appetite, and in- | Quarters do. 18 10; 7 ?} of another State: [t is therefure ordered, that 1 Prize of $10,000, 1 Prize of 3,000 ere a a hemas W Sain, Wil- John Morehead, vigurating the whole system. oe To be had i : | publication be made fur six weeks in the Caroli- 1 Prize of $2,000. 6 Prizes $1,600 pee sets Barringer CABARRUS, Paut Berriager, It is een helieved, that medieal intelli- here Bene penton eaten variety of num-|na Watchman, that the defendants appear at A Certificate for a package of 25 Whole a Re eee eee Ann Cuth- William F Phifer, Sea Sanna eree recommend the oF y the package or single Tick- vur next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, cee will cost $50. Halves $25. Qis. 12 50 Chutes Thea “ Y nee ae oe ' ie G e Kiatte. ras : his water, — ~ . y tu be held fur the conaty of Wilkes, at the o be had in the greatest variety of numbers, ei- | Cow ‘ ee eet tes hea IREDELL, Thorees A Altisoo, god orden establishyent will be kept in WHEELER & BURNS. Court-house in Wilkesboruugh, on the Ist mon- ther by the Package or Single ‘Ticket, of ete el . Be erie! Caldwell, Juin Cauble, Jewes G F Davidson, , : ; : : Salisbury N.C, | d#y afierthe dih monday uf July next, and WHEELER §& BURN D—Sherms 6 ni Rutue Revd. eee eee oblige . July 29, 1887. y plead, or yidimest will be entered and the Salisbnry, N.C. § BURNS, he ea etee Daniel, Jo DAVIDSON Samuel Hargrave, informs Vi : m: Me sands condemned to satisfy plaintiff's debts. Pe Silas or This Farin David F 2 i oy , can 4 CEUs) OP Ut 8s Ka al v Facle Henry Dusenberry, the fie istters to the Springs, Passengers in YO ’ Tet—Wa. MASTIN,c wee | & F—Adila H Fox, michael Fi) 1 er jo. i c ’ lae Ie, \ s Fus- W R Holt. ceed eneeuas eons seat ee ll au N ‘I ICE. ——Ow4d tate of Porth Carolina, ter, David S Fraley, Squire Fie Zet Gf Sieeui MecxLensura, Samoel McComb, fiattere hisneolf he hawiainen Snes He Iefepersonalindenioa ional Gite ieee : WILKES COUNTY. Russell, Win. Folk, Aadtes- diet. ~ ee ene, af ne s heretot bre, and bopes - eee to make immediate setilement ei- State of prorth Carolina, May Sessions, ] 837. ene BI EZ CEES) LINCOLN, David Reinhardt, still farther to RGAE fr ener ne ; STOKES COUNTY. Colby eexendel, ee Attachment H—William B Hudspeth, James Hickes AK : ; ° Y? 8 ate ageinst to aia e- e 8 vied vn Le A y } ‘ 9 ' 7 M Hoke. anne ~ Jane 17, 1887 —7w48 ™ cai whe same for eisement I gered leave} Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jos. Brown, ee PNAS Hosoi ce See ae RUTHERFORD, Edmund Bryan, A a uotry shortly. June Term, 1837 T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, | William Hicks, Jaines Roberson, S$ ‘Had , : : ee ’ = JACOB TRAVIS. 9 e th t } def; . a , ok Sep : , : " : pucv — a Sree LAW BOOKS. May 97, 18871145. JG §& WA Lash, 7 RC” this case is not an ine Die y oe or W m P Dobson, aa ASHE Rud k Mi hison E. Subscribers respectfully “safo h “3 Original attachment eeurcdC aa ib Tt is therefore drdered, \ H 2, Richard (arris, Daniel Horubarger, enck Mure Inform the as . Levied L at publication be made in the Carolia Watch- | Joba House, Susan Hart, , Jolin Hardia, ‘ of i ondges, Members of the Bar, and Students SPRING -& SUMMER John Hatchings. Brad ee anitor eix weeks, that the defendant see J—Isaac Jurdea, William Julian, Revd Wan J M Nye. w, that they have for sale at the FE; ON LE this case it isordered by the Court that at-the next county court, tu be held for Wilkes | S Jolinson 3, BURKE, Robert C Pearson, NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, AS LIONS. publication be made in the Carolina Watch county, on the first monday afier the 4th mon K—Isaac Kesler. Richard Kerr, Isaac ‘T Avery, a large and mixed collection of LAW BOOKS vat : man, printed at Salisbury, fur six weeks notify day of July next, and answer the Plaiatiff, or} 1-— Matthew Bo Locke, James mM Liven, Janes C Smtth, consisting of ELEMENTARY a d LEG L ocean ing the Defendant to be and appear befure the Judginent will be entered against him Sampson Lanier, Henry Lutwu 1 k, Dat To p- SURRY, Jusiah Cowles, Works, ° a: HK, IE A Justices of our said Court, at the next term Tesi—Wa. MASTIN,c we pard, Robert E Love 2, mrs Elizabeth Lepperd, Nathaniel Boyden, One of the itm, H. D. Turner, having } Or ACE ° Heard, thereof, to be held at the Court house in Ger —6w50*— Henry Long, Daniel Lear, RH Parkes. ted himself at 180 Broad Wa Ne “York pa ae ~~ | manton, on the second inonday in September JM—Neile MeNab, Daniel missenhammer WILKES, William P Waugh, sill belabte ltolpreearlst Bk ew te we ees tenders his thanks to the citizen | next, then and there tureplevy or plead to issue, 50 Nathan morgan, Joseph mingus, Daniel miller, ‘Tine efouciclies paidtarintiniic Nonher, peer which may of Salisbury and its vicinity for thé libera{ or judgment final will be entered against him, BOCLLARS Joseph Haoont, Henry Moose, W C Emmett. St abahicrt @nalice as ‘ole uropean. Market support hehas heretofore received in his business and the land levied on, cundemned ww satisfy the - N—. Abel Nichols 2, Arthur Nelson, Catha- STOKES, M R Moore, Waiske the liberty of a, . He informs the public that he still carries on the | plaintiffs demands. sine Neely, 7 H pe eeass (idods aad scansisances: Neiiyndary ory TAILORING BUSIVESS aWVitness, John Hilteclerkeatiour aart © ourl . Woo. m Parks, David Parks, ssargett eler ritz. + . 6 = = ato , thé d , : McD erson, ; Iv is confidently believed, that the gentlemen Br eenalikg aan ere tes cae Pee IN ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND VA- is — eee aed E R—Levi Reacs, Reddick & Bennett, Wil- named will take a deep interest in this work, | the Book Store with thei » (thereby sustaining | RIETIES AND ACCORDING TO THE Jone 24, 1837—6w49 : 414, C-C- oP Oh liam K Raffin $, James Reed, which, by its completion wil) unlock the riches | doing so, we will be ff eee patronage,) and in LATEST FASHIONS FROM. . , —6w49—price Adv, $3 R E Ww S—Perer Smith, Joseph Sawyers, George of the West, and regenerate a large section o ee igs with {heir orders, ° ge =X A R D Sinth, Alongs Sprague, Samuel Sauth, Anu © , ec ge on of | which will meet with P é e : North Carolina. e et with oar usual prompt atten- aris and London, WOTICE , Schrock, Allen Stoker, By at once securing the subscription of the °C :] ae : Vi ‘Dh: . ANAWAY from the subscriber on the night | ‘P—TUleury ‘Trotter, Adam Troutman, James Mai Gulelihe coastruction ofthe Roadtonhe ee Aenean the city, are nee pec aly ta New York and Philadelphia. © ‘ Ore ate pow open atthe Office of the ; of a ERGC TL three negroes, viz: 2 tele | Pur)boil 2, John “Thomason, Isaac ‘Tiyoor, Saeed ie d examine our stock, which BP SS atchman and atthe Store of Geo. W- | loW fame ut JU, about 50 years of age, | George O ‘Varrh, . berate neue use ener rau fe rendre’ Sairuee 7 see anaes SOLE) Telsric hs SUL peanEe HITE Tal RUG ihe work | Brown, in the ‘own of Salisbury, for subscrip well ae ape ou ccieren dtu dee taper agile een £ Welch 2, Charles Wille, La- oe . _< puon,~ adrese, nee t Fomiise | tions tothe capital etock of Fayetievill d | bow leged, hair bushy, complexion a litile light, | cy Auu Winders, Amos W ,G Wile Ure ee ORR oa ae Sree en mene TURNER & HUGHES, ~~} 8nd that is oot what every mechanic At} Weatern Rail ond, under the Acis of Assein | !otelligent, and answers questions with grest[ lm enn ple of the West and the Cape Fear forego the Raleigh, N. C east itis not what they do . bly of 1833 sad 1837 prupriety, bot is sluwin duing eo T SAMUEL RVEVES. PW ay pe ed ea pra batueetn Geanhib See ea se Salisbury, May 20, 18871144 _ THE COMMISSIONERS jeuahicthioh tite abive-zone auCuESN yeas, i By HENRY SMITH. D P.M. e e can, ao or : = Mal ». age— the other 18. ‘The elder named JINNEY ae will go on. LIST of letter ining i COME AND BUY | LLU ela | spare | f {roxthe : L ick and chonky—the younger MAKY, spare tate o ort arolina E. L. WINSLOW, Presient, By eon Te mine be phos BUY i AVD NOTICE made. ‘They leit without the slightest sae rea UE ae , e : : Office at Statesville on the 1st day of Ju- me : Fa ae ae Vee Road Company. | jy 1937, y Offered for sale afract containing Hots ree Paces me uttery ata luss to con-| gy nerior Court of Law, April Term, 1837. A~A Allison, D N Alexander, David Al- 800 x ceive et esign. From the cans of plun- ‘ MERCHANT TAILOR, | pre » or more Acres, der taken with them it is believed they are sseis- | Mra. Mary hp fate : : ie - . ; : ted by some white person, ‘The above reward Me ee Benjamin F, Fraley. ae MEIN Ren Bea Genco Bogen Mee MA. " See eyinies hee b oo will be paid for the apprehension of the above ne Jolin Orr; ivi ila- ’ , er, Mo- i “7 : ; T safari S now receiving from New Kork and Fim {set Boyd, Thos M Bell, George Berieoy | ee in another 5 62 or more in another, all nea tn Sumer dit 8 Coos emfmencvt in any | Katine Dslendeat oot an, iabsoiant of Ee far Gurl as : : C—Joseph Chambere, Theo M Campbell, | together; and two emalliracts in Iredell, a few Jail, of er yincsnninerats: hal oe Agee (C| ati mings for Spring and Summer: embracing every . t on. : Oe ail, of this, or any adjoining state su that | get} this State: It is ordered that publication be article usually kept by Merchant Tailors: these DA ect Joho Cvok, respiring poeertiy Undoubted titles will TEETER GRRE beg, lore Ol them A proportional reward will be giveo Stor made fur six weeks in the Carclina Watchman oe r arson, Felix elter, ade by the proper persons... Apply soon to ale duals af ola GS ays | ; ; goods have been selected by him in person, and De hes yee i . ¢ | : either singly. that the said defendant, John Orr, appear at the ; — es Di .| A: W. Brandon or to ¢ . boat*built in Baltimore at a light draught of wa- , : : oan be canton reconieess to the pee aca ckson, Gen Wm L David Bs. SCOTT. ter, for the express purpose of plying betwixt) 4.1, 8 1987—6w51 WILLIS SPANN, | next Superior Conrt of Law, tobe held for the ‘ eap aoe g 2 faving worke he ri a F—Henderson Forsyth, usy 20, 1887—tf44 a4, Camden and Charleston, and to be here early vy 3, —6w county of Wilkes, a the Soa haces ye ae oie aoe y years, he hopes L G—Messrs J B & Co. Green 92. John B Sn eee io September. It is confidently believed that Wilkesboroagh, on the seventh monday afer chal not bw considered. poramptaous im call-| Groen, Yoh Guadann, ov Hletry Goonea | oe nl inde bogey een, tha he ab | she willbe abl with ease w navigate he Wat OUR SATB, [ice ietieeerertmore the ws Po Soe al he N. ay Kat d Philad tohis Tech, Edward Gaunung, Joho Grant, . Eli Glandown, meets ee oe paren: oR ve me: = rom) cores 8) ay stage tayine (yar Micrclianis cod ? iivaser tease & lie Ge ie Gales recett 4 oS here ‘ill an d Vade/pnia ash | James P Godbey, Mies Sarah Graham, J Wn: 7 | gSSae<" J. S. | others from the upper country, will fiod it to their FIRST RATE BAROUCHE, with a| tition, or the same will be taken pro confeseo, stele = . eS ana be made up in a superior Gabriel; ° r Prrricp Ar. eo interest to have their goods and produce seut fine set of harness, ona credit of six or | 2° Set for Eure ap 4 Clerk of th atyle of fashion, an warranted to fit weil. —John J b wae e through this channel, as the freights will be rea- | twelve months.— Enquire at Witness, William eden, Cle the H Hooey, Messrs Hall & F Qo g q He will alsokeepon hand a general agsort- Tobe ees ome BS ‘ sonable,—in no case whatever, will any addition- THIS OFFICE said court, at office, ihe 71h monday after the : : J * | third monday in February, A D, 1837 A : Mies Magaret S Hu Woodsen H Fy Aly haked: iollohe? ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, all of eee eeins, sen Howard, W ANTED 600 for | al charge be made-for light | April 99—tf11 which will be sold very low for cash or on a sears pougene Hair, Adam Hofman, which the hig’ edt matket price will be aiitkce expanse wanting ease aceelariy aie a July 1—6w50* W.-W PEDEN, < s¢ credit to punctual dealers. Al! kinds of cutting ; iven ; or the same number of bales will be ta- | ges i i za TAN will be done un short notice. Orders om, work Pa a oyaee, Constant Johnston, en un freight by our Pole Bost “Henrietta, epee oT with ee es a EST ABLISHMEN'T from a distance will be punctually attended tv bie athanie! Leaster, S Lawirg & J Mon-| which will leave here abggt the as “August. | son has put the navigation of the Wateree by OF The public are invited to call and examine} wy’ yong Muskat, M E Ma _ Apply to - aed -] steam beyond a doubt. Both boats will be abled yi ces for themselves. He still continues at his} 1 yoo, G ’ athews Jr. Levi- J. MAL 129 accommudate passengérs comfortably, being THE JOURNAL OFFICE : ‘ ¥ Sey of the Court House, ia the Auda Metrics cee st ed ee Cheraw, July 10th, 1887,-- B El gestly fitted op, with the ladies and gentlemess’ second Session of this Institetion, em 4 tisbury, N.C. May 18, 1837 —t4s Mayhow or Sons, Wan Melimeey, | | MESO," WOME SMES | cabins distinct and separate. FOR SALE. Re cameo ais Emily AL P.S. As be isan Agent fur some of the moat P—Eli Pots, James Petterson, 4 or 6 Cotton’ Gins, Ir bwe. of) Ave aa GASS, . den, will commence on Monday, the 17th, Jas, % fashionable. 'Tailots of Philadelphia sad New| R—Joseph R Rody, Hosea Redman, ——_| Morrison's mancfacture. Fear ply 10] July 8, 1987 Seek aman NY UNG to hel lntend ed eijmoe et Alene on 18) aah arene eckcatare oe) eee , York, he would be ha to instruct any who S—Thomas Smith, Theo. Simonton, Sheriff | War. S. Macay, Satis ; fy ae uly 8, 1837—2m51 the Editors ana the wish of the other to de-| Reading, Writing and ‘Arithmetic §5 per ses. , PPy 0 ae y of [redell, Mra Mary K Smi oe y> Ealisbary, ae vote himeelf more exclusively 10 th@daties of € ay wish to leara the art of catting garments. | Ci, & Boye, Suic, mith, Wm. -Simontoa © Swi ie Se SR MBC. sa eroteasiiai tive. ander ng oliek x enle the Geography, English Gramma ¢ Hie tlso continues to distribute the Fashions. — Rlijah Stone eet aaa — ee rnmen NOTICE. RENE IGKIRERT LANE Revie Csi Saanal OF Combes ay a a $8 do do. §C> Letters for Fashions must be post paid | era, - . » Alvin Sam— ' Stray Mare FECCEI DP. - LL persone indebted 10 Amos Weaver for fice. The Office is weil foupd in Jub, newspa- oot May EN He eater des Runaway Ippr entice, ae eee Blijab Tucker, 7 John Clarke sélte bekore dea ok Bee - A the season of Marbliev, are requested to ee Sonor, 2 pe ae tenner ms Astronomy Botany, Logie, Rhet- ° N apprentice by the name of JACKSON — Mathew Vandiver, ; ee Te ad-| make payment to R. V. Michavx, as be alone is olerably large,and they dogbt not might be great- oric, Geometry and Algebra: $10 do de KEN I’ from me en. 6th of J W—Silas Woodsides, Jobn Wangh _ | judged to be aboot 18 years. of age. ' ner pay ; 2 ly augmented by a little exertion. To any per- ' : : last. without : yaranle abort hie owe ei Y—William G Younger hae of said etray;is hereby notified to come ward, buthorised. Je cece te et oe son desirous of embarking in the besiness it offers Needle Work and Paioting extra charges. dowt.r Ledhilen all rire oon Rarboriipler THOS. M ] prove his property, pay the-cherges aod ssceive is AMQS WEAVER. | inducements not inferior to any in this State, bat} The soperior qualifications of Miss Alden, as tice aod alty of b, . M. YOUNG, P. M. er, or she will be be disposed of asthe BW di- | July 8, 1687—6w51 to a practical printer they know of no investment | #0 lostroctress, combined with the healibinese employing said appreotice acoder penalty of hav BLANK: SUBPt tects. so EO ee —— z he could make of his money that would yield him | of Mocksville, strongly recommends this insti- an: " BLIUAH BRUNT : CENAS J. M. MILSTER, Ranke or JOB Dee a a more profitable seturn. tation to the ue eee Guardians 537-4052 : Oo. Cabarrus:Caunty. ever sc? ton done -H¥BART & STRANGE. | who have daughtere or werds 10 educate. . Davie county, Juty 15, 1837—4w52 For sale at this Office. Concord, Jaly 1Sth.—Sw1°. , Kd THIs OFFICE. Fayetteville 20th May 1837. Mocksvilie, July 6, 1837.—Swl. we + | Ps 3 a e a es = es . a ? , . pe ee aes eal pe, yesh 5 er tetera aed : Low “TERMS. oumbiicnmndanesmaeit se ad _ ‘C.IONES: = Our readers > : ss BY, a ® os fa = {Phe stow aan onay uereaticr oe had iony!Pformation-w . = two Date \h Fifty Cents per-year. Heit from diferent am mere oo A Class-of gos Renew subsefiseis who will | diversity of opinion mo: g: phe suppor oP po Py in advane Whole sum ‘at one payment, | of the ~“Admimstravion, as to thi =~ ghall have thajpas wwe year at Iwo Dor - ; s¢ e7 MARS cach, and 38 g45 the same eluss “shal: that iz inue thas fopay in cedtghees the Sum Of | Ph ght Dollars fhe same terms Syall Bonfinue, | k therwise they will be charged eater sibse n- | a wih > by: J. 3 cae se 2 4 oe Dt the United States w/l de | datioa to ado them by legs si _ maty Me Glo mg the organ of) ‘te more extend sotions “with deir fa. constituted subordinate offices of exgbange. | fiscal agents of the Govern to.) the adm ion} rs iDtimations of the | Se ftiaens aves will anewer ? © Iv isan -aniin- Nopaper will be discontinued bntat the op : 4%, this scheme many intelligent and saga— | not believe that the late Presi fent« eve it present sch z Osliouly afer the pres, | 7 e ene? fGen iment to see it de. ‘ . fl f& pata { wie es 7 ‘ - yp. tien of the Editor, uniess ail arrearges are paid clous men,belonging to the Van Byren par. | to.teke their agency merely temporary suse | Sute pommenced, Way not have exericd a led os palace ce cae wn “?. | t 1) 'Y: but who rount the interest theig of eoan- | til be’ was Prepared to..ptg ¥ ie iT 4 Com: | very deleteri Seer ore. Upon-the ecre‘lit : opinien thar an Seaman ati atities ee, 4 Fm All letters to the age eae | try for something independently of party. | of the scheme ascribed 10 him y the Glabe. dy nf the banks, and: aided. in producing the | of the Federal Gueernment mene core ee esata Ete ye ced wal wortalely nt - | are decidesily opposed. To shew to-oar | My confidence wa the eandor and Aeokaete ie | Nery result whieh has taken Place. Ido) will greatly increase the bond ef union, ind T vp Advertisina—Sizty two & a half readers the grounds taken by these last, we | of General. Jackson forbids me. to believe |p ystem | bot-mean to imitate that such was the de- her the aru of the Feder! Goversment. eae omnis for the first insertion, and 314 | copy fiom the Richmond Enquirer the sub- { that he did fot mean what ‘t# expressed in- o oLiery:« orgn. oe = | nace terol in. ga ve mand for ¢ Ceals per square for euch insertion afterwards | joined essay, which, with a master’s hand, ; these sentiments, 1 canna believe that-he 4 sUrrres-}( ¢ Aon sene:ne itself there are many ob- | When this sabeme osegnen sce — No advertisement will be inserted for less! presents in irresistable array the objections l intended to bring to bis aid the exertions. of } Low TweNty ae oes > oie arta Tenet = fle Uy long than one Dout.aa. to this supplement to the urhappy ‘experi- | the State banks, by byposritically . he ang: Id and silver |. athe et that banking is so ait State banks shell have been deprecieted ae a Advertisenegts willbe continued until orders) meu? projected by the yery same persons! out to them tbe idea that they,were: ta” ie: e the prraci- | oot Laws our-system, that i! will be dif, great degree ander its wall arereccived to tap them, where no directions | (Messrs ‘Kendall & Co.) under the test permanently employed asthe fiscal ficult to get are previously given. Administration, Witboot pretending to! of the G be connotseurs in style, we ron Inte hoz- | signed. 0 ard of mmetike in ascribing this article to | the pen of Mr. Senator Rives, of Virginia. | Nut Int | { ——s From the Richmond Enquirer.—[Com- municution } The Washington Glove of the 21st inst. vid of it fur many years. will be difficult to farmonize {! twenty-six State Governments form:-the banking system an objectionable features, troy it entirely. prevail in any y man ean doubt, | manne, terse a | ivy. penned this para- | of vence,as will mevirg- he demand for » national Suong as-to be Irresisiiple, and 1g aciew, to uur doasied liberties ! overninemt, whea in truth be nly to use them until ha had & ’ ly secured the destractton of the Ba the United States. and thea ture the and ioflueace of his name and ada lion.to their destruction. “His big} , fer forbids the idea; and’ cana not, belteve it. ‘Phe Globe has ‘bended hun If what, iu the pr —ft bly be the case, then ¢ '€ action of ; bank will be so 80 a8 to re-| pss adeu, a lor d get rid of its aved nut here remark that Tainan oncom Much more to deg. | sl’ s evemy to a national bank in any form or If. the ' shape, 48 IN violation of the Constitution, and m ee Dy UNG system 18 10 conflict with (hose great prineiptes of demociacy orm paper wiil constitute a which lie at the foandaiion of oer Instiivtions. f the circulation of the conn- | Ihave inerely sketched my I cannot therefore, perceive the pro- gilded scheme, Advertise nents by the year or six months wil] be made ata Dullar per month for each squa e with the orivilege of changing the form every quarter. SS— ts and. mechanies of the | itaininent of such a result W the history of our cour- veit' upd with delight “Of its eberty and inde- MARK ETS. $e SALISBURY, Obfectens to thig L wil! hereafier ; arora’ € te AlirQe ape press employment of | abi | Md ie Federal Government ean maceeaee ve re on . ; dition of things, I regard the % manent depositories | hes & different mediam for its transactions fects cies aR - een Sie Beec wax perlb. Ipa 20 ets. ; Brandy, Ap- in an article headed ‘DiviDE AND ConQueER, scheme of confining the inves s sg shat | “ | } from 4hat of the great body of the Peuple. trot 5! Teforinativa, but [I go for re FURM, Ple per gal. 45 a 50) cts; Cotton per Ib. (in attempts to enforre the necessity of so ceg- verament to pold aud silver.cemill mae CO Ppoght | The transactions of the eo ee ema dae seed) 3 cts > Cottor bagging per yd. 20 25 ulating the colection of the public revenue | I - foe 8 he ae Atl their. con- : ’ afte ove ’ . ota.; Coffee PeLip/15 2 13 etas Castin, Sper | . ane phi CU Cled. 4 be result: se . » Saige EY Py yes ae =) eat Fe People. being so nS. : A bs antis 5 8 ft) Y= Pe oe oe . en cy Oba ban kin 0 “s ‘ - HH, (3 a 2700 cis; Featnt per iby 2 pore aa ae oy ae ee { WR Pets; Flour prbl yb O00; ‘Vihear pronsh. §i 0, ree@ive in its Payment g hn and’ Sule Toft comme ' TrAnge ae ni [ron ge eda aco ee otsh 63 ets, | Fy. We eopies at large, wit decided appr | Peueea currency. “hat such watt Tron per lb.6 a dias bead per Ib Sa bOcts 5, babon. the amendment offered by Mr. Gor- Molasses per gal. B24 cts; Nails per in 9 a G a RO re ey ache orth ote a ‘ed ad vocal: fora ee $d ~*~ el Ras rye a i e Of§- rae thee a “@tirely for extended [see no way to effeet upon the prineiple that; '!!'§ but by @ gradual exclusion of smail os " $ = . i 3 eS Be ea Se / > a or > or ae yao ass ee . rmMech y Bere ing ave ‘oh cml ex CA nge e nt ouglt not to act ‘ . cs 2 ey he could bh fe Fedelal ToVernment | cmmercial operations 3 (CG | Jack him by | tte State Governments, representing the | Fe cenne aes aot ae ee ae »s ‘ne mt ute : % : specte a Same FoutuiA 0 » - 5, don toa bill pending before the House of fest trom ihe expreased object Ee bie by aoe e UO GE cnlerests of the People, will late togeiher. ‘lie ae barish the Ae . : i Ja O cts; Bacon per is 124 po : ; te : : é ei om fnag ' “ jtusutate or continue an unsound or. unsafe | oe ni bet Io f ‘e 7 C - ae | ne Representatives, for the regutation of De sury Circular itself. ‘Toat order e cts, utler pe AEE) Lendl “ pabhe deposites in the State banks. reqotr— Clg, Sali per bsnl gh 2a 1 505 133Steci, Ameri | ‘ Hence, to i . Cee oe cirevlation, the demand for specie to receipts fo | lands, aad simply professes the desig | CHECKING NOT DESTROYING bank 1a venue lo onents) i suppressing excessive speculation. Ef It has beea said that the | oy cap the design attributed by the Glc times are strangely out of joint; aad it may | 4, General Jackson be true, when there ia ' Introduce a more extended metalthe system of banking. Its effurts should be to the exclusion uf small notes by jaw aid the States in perfecting a sound eircu- , IS Indispensably necessary. | am willing to go lation, with the belief that the States de- | on nlumately, but gradually, to fitty ur one haa- r serve it, vecessary aud expe- | dred dollar aotes, if found 1 fedly advucate that policy ! 10 tine fael & ta nee . ing the payment of all public dues in gold 20 cis; Cast dy per to ete SStuger and silver, and confiding the keeping and per tb. 124 a 1¥ets; Rom (JSa.oaiew) per aad, wisbursing of the public re $2 5 Yankee doj$l ; Wool (clezn) per ib 30) of the Treasury. cis; Tallow per le 1) 124 cts;’Tow-linen pr yd 16 a 20 cts; Whine (Teneriffe) per gal. sl 50 Treasury, in his can blister, per | or 8. 1835, says : es pleasure in stating ley Continues to be col-. Mi under the preseni sys- 3 2 Such a system would be hostile to the S120". Indeed, I deeis Portugal do. 1/50 a §1 7 Claret do per gal. $1 3 a ff 75 cts; Malaga, (sweet) - per ga:.$l; Whiskey per val. 45 50 cts JHERAW. (Ore & ; be sait that Opinions in relation to pabtic pmeasnres ace stiangely wncertain and un- isteady = By a reentrence to tue eolumns | of tie Globe at will be found that when | [this propusition vos su! ated to the House potning but the ex pression of the most entire F confidence inthe capacity & soundness of thé State banks, and a recommendation of theér employment, in all the public papers emana<d 8, with great ease and feames, and with greater in weF former period. The every quarter of the-eoun- furnishing a sound currency State Institutions. — This scheme if adopt | NE Wiliiaiake avles ed, will be founded upon the idea that the | State banks are unsound and incapable of | what they profess to be ~ Promises to pay specie, and that on demand. [ am willing to restrict their cirenlation, that there will be no danger of their immediate con vert ibil- —a belief that) ity into Specie, if drsired, and secnre the coun- will discredit their paper and cripple their | try against the distressing effe cts of their ex- Peneeded for disbursement, efforts to furnish a sound currency. It will | cessive expansions and contractions, Let it be \ ling from bim, from the tme of the remove" Been aflected with more PTOMP-| reducé their circulation to -, narrow | fe@embered that we are to act, laving Sanks al- Beet in marketiper |b 4a 6 ets.; Bacoa per of Representadives by Mr Gordoa, it was al ef the public ce osites from the Bank ak five been made entirely free dfta: . | ready, and not as we would if the asuion eens | 00 00 as: Bee | lently assailed by raat and P P > Bate 1 me J limits as to render moperative any plan whether we world bave th : 10 a 125 cts; ams du. 00 00 ets ; eeswaX | most violently assailec ry tact Journals of the United States to his retirement from ; D the T sury whitch they ae adopt ary anit | , 6 e them. © are com- per lb 20 a 22 eth, Bagging per yard 18a 25) ameng all the members of the House friend- fix: . wo es late President L eee ee : | pelled to act upon the state of things as they ex- cis; Bile rope par iba 12 14 cis 5 Coffe Gri ane Administration, it abtained the | ett’ hese. views of the late President hostility and alienation towards the Feder-| ist, not as we would have them. The times do- ’ ~. ‘ . rtree da s on, 7 : rt ac * . ; : : Vb 124 4 16 cts;Caitun per 100 Ibs $7 43 O02. | i a Cae er If the real opinions of General Jackson ¥ Poucurred ; & for these and matiy | 4) Government on the part of the States, | mand the forbearance of all, an. ——- . C OO vets, Blea) Vere vt bat a single one —Col. Beale, arc to ve ascertained by bjs own expres. ¥ of fis constitutional opinions, f sus- Sh 3 — = . 00; Corn per ae aol ee Virgiuia The provosition of Me. Gordun | sions md TP know of 4 See ieee re ‘ ; : le;! The London Sores prec aceem is agons per t 7S OUD. Tra stores per 2! SIONS, ¢ e : aes aeee ‘ tne aI! eonle; | ; ST ‘S ha | lbs 33 G4: (i, “us tatended to defeat a bill framed and ce- ; a Em roe beatae Aly sted, to adopt. ews to some Ss. | Btnment are principaliy among the peo; ; following witty bat good-tempered ee br. 910 4 124 sIrda per LOO lbs 35 64 a Ge ea mf expected it to atte . oy fthe States , i nes Ms ierermecsens IST Measive to Congrese, earnesily calling Up- cy to the country, bo \ nen teh Se iQ wdfirecly op character This | aq the sound loecab aaa ate hiect, [{ the minuteness with which the continental ri te 1 Pet Th Wilts 3 MeSS ov 7 if . " m . ‘eh o P coe! “ “hie 3 3 ‘ } t ri j ( this object. { 3¢ Wo} rf a Sagar pee >. 101212 a eis5 Sal OF! on Congress to regulate, by law, the tépos be done by Mit soles ‘wrepfuced to-do, undit my ctakae| wulbe amply enfivient vy Ad. subd silver | press tecorded the sayings, es oes: FOU 5 Sagar pe . wv S74 $1 ctsisieel A mot the sibltc mones4 e ; ioe, por by ides ‘shalt Be inced that: shes : pots Gf have: W687 ; 4 ; < Stave: dec. Mc. of the Princes§ of Mech- sack 93.3 22, 54/1 _ ake = “Pethw not ib ae = hd tan of theGrone 1 ctanged and Pips “sou ntty Of “ar-excltisive tte : Geoeral Jackson are etroneous, which is for the patricians, and leaving paper for the lenbuty, who has just heen married t the as i bins ’ ‘ = | ’ : : = : ‘ . Ra Ae : : } : 5’ 5 ~ > . *mericaa ae pr eine ih 25a 1374 ets; A . perelevectidecicnls repudiated by | culation. All he sought, orexpecteG te very far fred being the case at this time plebeians. It as an odious: ne eldest son of the King of Franee : Meee eiegt { 25 cls ; ‘Lubaccu md 6 U- eat and rejected by the vote of nearly fect was to Wivite the co-operation — al ‘I cannst pereeive in the foregoing quota- whieh an intelligent neople will never os “The French eoeeants of the progress gceured per In10 a fo ets : ay friend of the Administration 10 Cons] Srare Governments with that of ua of ee tions a'single expression, indicating on the Jerate. If no eurrency but specie is su i" lof the Princess Helena are of a peculiarly FAYE. PP EVILLE if ss. is taken into great favor, and earnest- | Government, in the iuportaut wot 5 in part of General Jackson, the propriety of} cently sound for the ea none interesting character, Ste is no longer an ‘ ae ceourmentied to the support of the re- caret a sound currency to ey demanding gold and silver exclusively for other 1s Seeoy so iil be wnsaft Exp ordinary being : on the moment after the Brandy, peacts Zio a 80. ee a 34 48 publican party as highly expedient and prop- | sacha reform in their banking ins ‘ ° the public dues, or of separating the Gov- 3. The public money wi apes Oe Peactine ry caiennteciedanombecenie ‘ di Bacon prib tt 124 & 00; Cotten or 6 ; aah! ° would redace the bunk and enlarge the na [fernmentefrom all connexions with the | rience tas ree ae " ware eater nthe banks | vinity. We have a full, true, and particu- : } s . ’ bd). s a . Elke > thy ; ees ee = aelhe < ‘ NUBIAS 2 S: 3 uu a re x . Coffee prio t2 a F3k; _ oa ee ij. ey opos- | tale cirealation to an extent which woulr agaleiah stitutions ofthe country. The | teacher, eu a [Lo . (Heretiecda: varade of all her sayings and coings . bhelOQa 3 eathersprl: 35404 | The Globe says that this scheme proy en Jearnency, and banking ins} ae than in the bands of individuals, and th lar f hy ~~ Oh Pee - 100 wt) 005 tron prib 34 4 6; Mo-! hey which ‘President Jackson was | seem to the country oe foe sequen. |i pare exactly the Teen +, {ao atgament to prove it. Let the Government | from the hour she left her obscurity, . epi 135 40 3 00; Nailscut 74 a 8 Salt ed ne Pee tee force asa constitutional protect tt agaist the en la 4 . . Obe seems to thisk. mdeed it books be examined, and I venture the assertion | taking leave of her unclethe Duke of Saxe eee Rent 1 Sustir a Ib 74 ald 5 Tobacco; . so Solutions . Ay t the Wale revenue of | ces of improper and excessive eM ne pris, that Mc. G.’s amenc- that it will be found that, iu proportion to the a- | Weimar. we are told that ‘the pete pr Poe 2S Wheat pr bush syit it (aye Whiskey priaciple, VIZ: ba . t{ from custoas | stons ind contraetions, with which it a tag ted ** from a wish to TRY mount of money received, a eT | an aflecting scene.’ Tie Grand Duke twice -- , = i. r . ’ Give: Ped : We . : eK care . an io ' ; _ | & . : ae 6.165, Beeswax 20 a 00 the United States ¢ . s.ohall be pated ia Iheen ofhetéd ‘Tnas he rs cled to 8 rs? L do not know how | yous are toartald to that of banks Pee j embraced his neice, seying, * Adieu, my ee a a onda, and other sours Ss ‘ Shes > ty this | uy the gradual exclasien ot the circulation | inec the design of the | these I reasury agents keep the as their af heloved niece.’ All present were ip tears. a LAW VOTICL. eurrent coin of the United Sta General | of swali sotes-—bat fest | mistake him, le “against the amendment. | ceive 2? Will they keep at ee i individuals ? | How very sublime and touching is such a ache proposed the policy wineh Gene -: we ; fices, or will they deposile tt with in a ne 1 But the French Gavernment IN 2. Hh ALEXAN- ces Eines } Huuaately 10 «feet, PE} bia speak for himself. be correct. but 1 am The nsk is vreat io either way. ‘Phey cannot} proceeding ! But the Freneh AMES MAR PIN. a i; 4) Waneone aT Jackson Sahin ' Cee whvaitishe fal | fa hes aessage of December, 1834 $0 she opinion that many de posite itn banks for that would be ia violattun had recourse to the telegraph to ee 7 > é {* i V4 yes me 5 2 : : ee - 5 f 7 . - 2 = . | ‘ "Ci . oes é . an all the Courts oe ice gee his messives? and | says: “Phe progress of our gald coin use of its uller imprac- ofthe scheme Binks are not to he touched cate every thing that occurrec during the Eevee jeu ye ' he Supreme Court et to recomend it a an sity 14 Con: | : lituble to tue officers of the Gover tose who voted fur it, What will the eallector at New York do with juarney. As many of our readers may holden da the city of Méobile, the Suprer J » his friends, having the majority ra Ce ee ; 3 = Aq) GG ‘ho he receives annually ? J _¢ legraphic commu. UT alowsa, aud the Cireait Court of the U why 7 ve * | oie neely-¢s of the ep lead promises ina short period to ome geatiemen, whoa, the eee 1 oe Faeyr it 2 mot have noticed ve ee } ; fat a uscalousa, a q ss J not avail themscive C ale aan | ip s ee , bleto a Where will he find a piace of 5 say . take this opportunity ; . _ N Orleans. gress, di Ne Ne powith as: : a portat ledly favorable to rer - ae r ieauions, we mitad Siaceah ey So portunity so fairly offered by Mr. Gor ion’s | age county we ne : ' 1 do not donbt that! flow will he secure it against thieves sna . _ - Pinmilempnere generally known. Jaly Boi Leet Ol re ———— plopesiion to aceypt it? | am well s:tistied | rency, wioek will Any ae a a cheme they he- | bers ? tluow s'rong the eon to emp a u ‘ 7 eines ad a half-quarter past -~ a _ . a . stakes, imp aseribiag | romerce to travellers o e s scheme, v in ‘| speculation 2 Testly, to my mid, * boaree minutes ; ISINESS has become so much ex atthe -Glebe? as mistuken tn asectbiag | convenien j st | hitmeelf in spe Cae Te The Princess 18 just sitting Y BUSINESS } as has that the as. | tinok eral a. . . show surest and most | meet tausiole in theory, the wnost dif | ie oteiock — The Prine J : arayes Nas : ee: ICKSON, as, torak, enueral paper currency : : x riitas, alluongh piausio : s : , tended, and the a Se a? oy he this design to G ee , = t te Generals | ae be incapable of furniship sing their destre: | ficult scheme in practice whic b it has fallen to i down to tea ; she has ordered a round a : isi se 3 rn the Generai s | 7 me a uht se | . ee ee une ne to travel all will be fully monifest trou | astitations have already shown tl logis belief that i PMG Ue ae ] the purse to the, ‘east and a rasher of bacun. Her appetite etree eee i >X pressions. joca : ; se ; ac- iy renders PURSE ane ans : : ; seen country ce eee Not a wil an ies paper read by Genera! Jackson to competent to purchase and una eae “ Globe” Kee oie ‘Treasury agents will bold | 18 Ape po Her Royal highness we gore 3 : e-] 5; : he convenience 6 pn Oo re Bele sre Executive | ** Seven o’c asa Es hoped, therefore, that Chose w : ; 5 September, 1353, after re-]iie exchange for the e ee ~ onl oe aces at Las discreuun of the Fr ; j mouth with ypense by remitting wy fig cabinetin Sep doubt mtd be loth to believe, | ticic plac Baie at this moment wiping her Bp ease mre tioatie soe aes iWwhout. 5: fithy United Stotes | st reasonable rates; and not . a ; Jat temptativas to abuse would the unco is ’ ‘hief, having : Iffice, and that withon viewing the course © . : cod. all thet f ty rejected a sound, | Wuat tempt caidieat ioran ambric pocket handkerchief, daés through the Post € x Ee S pty of removing ned that, ina short period. allt BH party re) sd session uf su much money hold o ac 7 bas H. C. JONES. Bank, and urging the propriety =e verne ’ 50 . rpose of | led possession 4 ; d power? I laded a very hearty meal. She delay. ank, oS ea : n its y in bank accommodat Sfor the mere pur; (ious aspirant for unlimited po * | conchadec : : ; =a zy 6, 1837. —_— : the deposite of the pal eee 1D . d ecchangre wit be supplied as pr ip the State Banks. It can- ee no accrual of tke present rere | sneezed twice, and so has the cat which aa ‘ ! d the expediency o re . oret 5 Psai he Globe. the sys- pea he tendency and dangers of this | nes her ape . ‘ap 9p; tion vaults, an og ti. ae »y have heretofore ew atid by the ode, f butls k of the te accompat ; . Editorial Conven oy the State banks, he says’ “The eee ont ~ oly ol a Unied States. Hf the dl, Mr Biddle’s boast scheme, which I suppose is joreenes to sae | ** Eight o’clock. —The hrsese _ wan ae op ’ Ircumstance *) by the Bank o : Abs ed Ks x. i : ooo a hl am uonw - avin THE time .of holding she proposed Eee De inane be had in a States shall be roduced gradually pe eeents wit’ Senko: ace ie feat “any Executive. ‘Ibe | seated at the Heh Coe? Her Royal a5 oo ; ss . n changed TOW ford as strong a guat: 2 : d ohibi ; desixo the State NHS; ) place to ; al all | opular air o im e Convention in this City, has vee ; ‘ fi of the public | pefopm their banking systems, and pr ke , sHOy fthe “ purse and the sword ’ are | pop q ck aariily ry to Wednesday» aman affairs tor the safety oe tin “at ‘ has the system | powers of the “ p free gov- | Highness is laughing most heartily the Ist Muoday in Septernbder, : : oot sys- of all small notes we shall in “ay, ed. “How has y ies formidable enemies to liberty and free gov- | Fig : is now ; . t. Thisalteration d the practicability of anew s the issue of all stp d time to | times formidable «* Nine o’clock.—The Princess is Se ee eae ei) tucdeen i = irough ve a currency as sound.aad a8 |) efor it has not had tim a | in . : Roval has been made because of in the inability . tem of collection and disbursement throug few years ha aa as any other ottant remoddling recom- | °™ ll enlarge the patronage of the Feder- | gaping and preparing for bed ; her Roy eva DOR e peel oe banks.’ little liable to fluctuations, y ae ere le| 9! d her determination eral of vor bretbera to at b gagements. No the agency of the State ban “ i try’ ‘by Gen. Jackson. The reforms al Government.—If there be 2 siogle agents di | Highness bas expressed h ing pies que edlepe eal ene oh eeting, | i | message to Congressin De- | commercial country sigh he-Sog¢ested could not be suddenly in our actoivable -ystem of Government which! say her prayers. ee Cee re oer ar ane bE apieeens ee ae re than a year afterwards In his message of December, 1835, ho | wh a the work of time, 19 | ends more than atiother to destroy and overturn “Ten o’clock.— The Princess is Hi ; ~ aaa ; ber, 1834-—mo ; i 4 dero | jn feed 5 it is th : z State Governmenis, er unless the whole Press of the ; cew Cc ess 13 - Pb t desideratum in tmodero | jg 2, of digatty aod value of oar Sta i | and is gently snoring fit, itis hoped, will ; s: ‘The attention of Coogr says: “Ihe grea S of st be. the co operation the digatty : G ment, 1 1s; profound sleep, » ted, and the postponement of It, »| —he says: h cK upon the pow. | which there mu . . yroduce a consolidated Government, kably placid, and there = . oO ral atteodance | h re ulation of the times 18 an EFFICIENT CHE p . : L } mres The re and lu pr . alatin features are remarks y P , . have the effect of securing vene earnestly invited to the reg ; i ‘xcessive issue.| twenty-six State Legista : nsive, accumulated, and accuin g | hat she is dreaming i cone Hs. : anks, by law. banks, preventing that excess! eens 5 = » S'n.es had a | the exie ’ at fits o | nnot be a doubt but tha ? oar er cr ecw Ste \LORING, eee ee aaa ‘Ilappily of Oper a hence eerie fluctuations 10 | form ro going aaa id thestporatad his | patronage of a — se eeaetns the | of his Royal Highness the Duke of Or- , a eee: ‘ . - ted his views. a =a vershadowing influe - . r.J. LEWAY, In the same ¢ he agency dard of value which render uncer- | dop : ~~ es tullons. : the: shade; and mowa joo : . . Qo llustrated that ine g the standar t " 3 inte theif banking institu Site jastituiions into e e; | leans. JOS. GALES & SON. paeeee oy a to the ds of labor? In the same | suggestions inte the of i work sed which must io the end en | . 7 titution is not Decessary tain the tewar : Jackson himself spoke of it asa scheme is* propo regress : ex, July 29. Raleigh, N.C. | Of such an an > ment. The ; e, speaking of the remedy he says: | Gen. : ee {being suddenly ac- its patronage, and accelerate the prog Talus asses, ee ee ee . i } operatious of the Govern , MESS3 g M = -of. tara aR L& 4 © ob evtg large : pa 5 1 flicers and new salaries | f. t nd melauchuly accarrense +. aeti ; forse, _, fisca nate to the bas been’seen that. without the agency iT a j had tes- | of consolidation. New offic | A most fatala Ate The Distinguishcd i 7 State banks are found fully acequa ‘It bas revenue a ished: As ap exporense se din many instances anin | Shell Point on Seturday Jat ; re-| of eat moneyed monopoly, the venue , compyst he cedented reval- | will be necessary, a0 Al | place ats 00 pngpe ques- . f all services which were oO a gf re. : ‘the*present.anpre { hog of the present officers. tch a dispute aruse a; performance o ited States, llected, and conveniently a >} sed, uerptesens.e eo rring | créase-in the salaries P 1 Gov. | Shooting match, o, finally, to the F ; | oe the Bank of the Unite can be co ee eee fe commerce, we bad the concurring y are the expenditures of the Federal Gov) i oe ied two bluws, and, finally, quired of t heap- a of public ex- | sion, y. y eu aret ore - | ready are ex - but a | tion, wh d ai hi were | e cheap- | | to all the purposes eB i and & travagant ; ols, dirks, &c. lo the fight | ly, and with the sam y applied | tne ; y of the late Presi his. Se vérgrown and ex | ase of pistols, di | quite as promptly, ; ; 1 i ; ascertained that, in—| testimeny ; oe, ‘admnira- | eroment overg if effected, will | aod two. A Macon, “how te ed themselves, | ture. It is algo a 5 — which, if ¢ , oded severely : > (Mess Rey ete ieee hile the! pea in: atily made to promote | resary (that the system ‘suteseded onntry | scheme is now prepress We shoald seek ra | ae Gliese have since died. The particulass. WH A a Ge Land discharged all the duties, while ‘ stead of being necessarily sta the oF rato!al @ connir y. still farther enlarge them. 4: for we are far| Mr. * snarned. 7 : 4 Bank wf the United States was still power- | the evileof ‘aa unchecked paper ee 2 cae or did exthe sabres her to curtail # - en of economy | We have not ned ibited at Stetesville, on Mon- , nemy: and : t of the revenue can i Sé nage , ed from’ cin tram 8 rae | ; can ion fo a and Turaday of Abgust Coun Berta fu lsemca eel . Breaihciber will | Susilvary to the reform which the Legisla~ | pape Det distenst pre | weich should be obeerved in the expenditares “| Qpicin or ‘Dun.’—The to ie eich : ays of tat month. itis not possible toc : ; ave alread sa the a: alee a ey eat. _. pun for a debt, is “<n being ist and 220d dayso , find greater difficulties inthei operation’ | tyres of several of the States bh * z ate - suspension sully. charge, and expense of trans the name of a famous sher.ff’s WM. RHOLT. . ist.? din regard to the suppression. e sysiow shall be adopted, it from : 11, named Josephs July 29, 1937—4w2 { when that enemy shall cease to exist. he an 1 as has ocly 16 boas ‘pra {this sy te Gaaeoas se keliounini ieee its — eae ie Congress in De-' smal! bills; and whic give asaduiy ow — hie This man wes so very : 1 In bis annual messige to gr ’ b ulations on the part of So Sa ae en a in specie. ‘The difficalty’ fyp. 1s ne selesed tO cember, 1835, with th a practices! return Te iam ; : of ing specte ' that use ditor; Why don’t ot ess, to secure pr ee 7 ‘ead of transport cre . NO ° experience before him, he says: ‘By the ried ane : FOR THE S&CURITY | 1 Negsive empire to the other, ST _ pey a debt, to say oo hy don’t yoa yy pe ; T REQUIRED of a ~ fi io to say why LL persone indedted 10 Amos Weaver for | of the State banks, @ihich ao not derive eee THE CoNSTITU TION: a ous Gad imposing. character, and will ks, , you DUN bim!” that ts to say vs i e requested to : ment, OF THE CURRENCY To | as hy rou these risks, : im. oF k ‘ba seer Vv Mick ai as ie alone is their charters from the nee . eh AL MEDIUM. Severed fromthe Govern nei ; lap apron geerae Why which will avoid sead Dua to h : ’ } + ae Suibried to receive me se ae ned autihes ee ar the United as political engines, ana not susces _, when & system can adupied ascertained that the moneys tendon’ ‘dad Solel AN WEAVER. ieciall d disbursed with- of dangerous ex States can be cellected an July 8, 1837 —6w5l Ve ‘ als ; , wer From the National Intelligeacer. " QSHORRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT. We do not remember a more distressing acci- deai oa that of which the subjuived ie ao ac- count. We have known mauy in which there was a gréater luss of life, but surely sone which appealed more stroagly te the sympathies, or was calculated tu make a deeper ida pregsioa up- the senses. " Corremendance of the Baltimore Patriot. StesmBoat Conuusus. Aug 12, 1837. Tre most sertuus accident that has miei in . fitgiota since my s-collection, happeo open ingiidrad te aud Roavoke Raiiruad wine & a hel! antes froin Suffik, yesterday, berween 9 aud 10 velvek. A conpany cunsisting of about and Ruanoke Rail-road, va "Friday a a heavy rain, by a car and engioe 1 his budy. “Fhat we eo - ex Culpepper, who had charge of the.e any and ail charge of blame.uf a Tigen management vn hie part whetseenh, ae SHOCKING gcorbenr.. ~ Puicspecess, Acoust if. e sty io b that, e We regret deeply iv learn to , gupen, fruin ihe counties of | My Dallas, the mother of the Hu eons 2 ee Oy wt tae . ee hein | Sla@ancously Ried OY omer f-esseearrys inatani, win théTeew of visitng Port 4 lipgbe , which, ao they sveRe Nortel, Fortress wana 8 ‘ed us are thes®: Mrs Dath returo- Mext day. Outhetr recura? agi the tibe and ing, after oignttall, io a carriage from the coun- aod place abuve muntioned. they met a dueunias tive aud train of durden ears, aud, horrible to re- late, the two fun aga.os! one avuther, woile go lng at the tace of LO of 12 inites an hour A messenger was set to Sulfoik for some physictao in the place to cone val momediuely, ao) fusing accidevialy on ina town, repaired to ihe place of aceide ¢, with the bope of vety When in pissiig through Brawn street, the bur- ses attached to the vettele touk fright, and ran- away Tne breaking of some of the harness Drought a piece of wood connecied with it in cuatact with the heels of the horses, and increas ed their progress to the topmust speed. At this | Juuctore, (he tinorvas driver sprang from bis able lo render seine ussisiance lo the wounded, weal, leaving the horses to their own guidance Poe inst neart-rendiag scone presenied tt. 31,4 direction, ‘Phe furious animals swepi along Beli tuat Lever wit ssed 5 every spot on poth ihe street, oul, on cuintug either in contact with Rides of ine road whica offered the least prot-e sums obstacle, or turning a coraer, the carriage ton tran the sun, was covered with the dead, was partly upset, and one of the affiighted 10- diya sedi dondeds)) Ehres young ladies sit Fie lashed heedlong upun the pavement. irs, ting lovether on the frontseat of the second CT; Ca:uptell was the lady theawn out, and wo are were kiiled, nrither living longer than fifteen gratified to hear that she was saved, as by - Minules 5 aboiher lady, aa tnianl, and a negro tniracle, alihough it pains ue to add that she Ziel Were su much iujured that they died before 3 vclock, aud ten or filteen ladies aud genile men besides, sustained ipjory of one kind or an- orher, very likely to prove fatal to fuar or five of theming the coufusion atiending an aceident Where $0 Ihatiy Were presen’,the inatgled corpses Jaid vat on tne sida of tae rosd, the scans ot the wounded, an the weeping and wath of rela tion, presented a spectacle which defies descrip | Liod. Beery posstule allention «as paid to the sulferers by the physicians and huspitable eiue | zeus of Suffolk, bul the situation where it hap- greatly feared, way not servive. Mra. Dallas | remained tn the carriaze, if weinistake not antl | the horses were arresied in their Aight Being taken into abouse,shs was searcely anle tu speik, and merely complained of the oppression of her dtess, whieh prevented her from breato Ing freely. A gioan or two ensued, and tie ta mented lady Lad coased to live. There was no external tajury apooa her peison,eXeepl an in considerable vruise apo her arin 3 aud itis be ‘heved sue died vtapoplexy, or this | ¢ pulnfal occurrence, as the matter will probably | ree undergo @ thorough juvestigation before a cuurt | uf justice, | ANEYE WITNESS, | FURTHER PARTICULARS. CLEAR Sprixe, Mp., Aug 8. When the lvcomotive of the passenger ears A dreadful catastrophe happensd last had reached the curve, and while the whole | night at Millstone Point, between this place trata Was onthe embankment, (whieh at that | aud Hancock place ts al a greater elevation than ai any other! Qi of the Reliance line of stages from va the whole line, being 35 teet high.) the lum F . = , = za | Frederick to the West, pass der train suddeuly appeared in sight, sweeping | k to the Wes » passed through here he d resaliing from ex- | curredey, and recupa peeved, aod the «x swonive Meal ui the da le rae : an | ‘ ANB Fe NAAR AIIL IID FS = the discovery of so aleraat arte rieh it : shall not attempt to assign any cau®® f thorough post mortem exaaiuation, TERRIBLE STAGE ACCIDENT, _ ——. | iry, accoinpaated by Mrs Alexander Campbell, i W&3 sevelely brutsed and wounded, and, it ts | 2 ae uM * . ? 1’ ‘a ite : les “ Z a he PM. | wikingMarge pr Why g out mil- Bawa ohal he Vine. lions of eciged upon the people pops wr of the for r im . es ; —selling elt speci@ra atge premiums, & £. Presideut of the United S:ates } SUY'™am™p their own r at. distomnts of Policy, and“adupt seme measure of from 25 to 50 P ae oo T cent and forward vuld respectfully stugeat; wheslter 11 to be indulged in thege spe rons. for more cuavenient for the Presidect years tolco before they res specie ent mins hl neag'the Hermitage | psy meats pt ined athoious a abi [Private aS auiffurized the Baok #tan- » . +, J ip bis nafidyiie iway look out HERMITAGE, July 28. 1837. Upuddbiing, sone handsome | My Dear Sirf hare just received the Globe » during the coming elections (ous ISia aud au pleased to ciscuver from it MM be 2 substgy te for tbe Unued Sta aud ae papers, tuat the democracy are uniting Bet. What Kind of 2 subsuiute can Spon 2 plan of & prating the Government from this adwiserr : iy | CP Peratioos of ail Kinds, toculleet 1h venue ation, pledyé@ as it | , anes: : eisf the | t, ae | keep aud disburse 1, by their own ay This : ‘B aay ? ajune can secure safety to our revenue, and eon 7 tol over issues uf paper by thegiale banks. The ss patel eae revenue, reduced to the real oe of the Gov- ee : wy payadle in gold and siiver cola, >(no Hreneet , ee ee: o Nathiis li Ao be disbursed by the Govespnent m re ONVNGETSWOOT LO" US ClUiang (2 at. see. aoe | Be ren t, will gi et aly Hopuaee by fee Ceatlemes who have no doubt as to the | &° Ste Wil Give os 80 undp¥iaung mee oe ae Mae er a . ies power of Congress over. the subject—should aci Rate prevent ae Denke regan . “a binnd ates 4-ith great deliberation and caution. ‘Th . © prosperity io all branches of business ; nasty. ‘Vhey had got the General 5 . |] shoutd “remeraber that the cit:zens “of ; een | Whilst the banks and the ec ummercial commu: hard money-and no eredit—hanus off avd matey t dis of United 8 ; g nity will be lett to manage their exchar ts y dhe charaed th ca Section of the United States—and | confess thar" s ges. own—and hec arged apon the peper currency ( isin amongst that number—feel creat eee and all matters between ti tth, dn ther way, | and credit system of the country. 283 he didupen tional difficulties on thi hiect N = hope and trust that the whole deur: ricy of the the Indians at the Horse shue, sod he has. lef} | sy pees 2 cee Whole Union will uniie in avopung ibese meas. ures, and the democracy of nuubers will never jbave auother euntest with ihe aristocracy of the few and their paper credit eysiem, upon which they at preseut rely to rule the country { bope no Treasury note will be issued, ‘The ‘Treasury dratis upon actual de posites are const. them io pretty tugh the same maygied and = \ be Ral oc eeeees omens Eee prostrate conditions And although a bemporary Congress will continue in Seeston (aes ‘Septem come Gu es ae now og" has ber until July, at its next meeting, during which al leave Gol. Bahiun * sulitary and @ leaeg nat bedy. as well as the State Eee ee ne aid humbug P Upon tares, can defintely act apon the Subject, by an pends Mr. Vag Boren's tse. ae Xpress and indisputable grant of power.— Now by Gen. Jackstn's name, he canittil isthe time to put finally to rest a question which From the igi Arine Lites, ie ie “|-tras, and otherwise will, continue to agitate the will be a subsittute for the United: Svantry. | with Gen Jaekson’s sanction, § | beeume of Coi Benton? bet ceive himselfas so Ssuppuse Ue gie iearshed over hun; they § sée hin thrown overbuard, wil | feney about nis uack, where | ibe rag miouey ouce was foal ihe Colonel exhibited ‘hig for expuoging, as well a. heu nubey, trom this early jg a jive hun his quietos, ftp Gen, Jiekson to withe i ‘tepudiate hs crode@ or ' ade- i ‘Treasury notes, wh'ch are suoject tu depriae- From the Baltimore Chronicle ernment cannot avuid it) = Difftrent must it be oe . | 'o the Treasury drafis, drawn upon actual depo- MORE OF THE NEW EXPERIMENT. | 3 | Sites, and from the conduct of the banks and the > The Globe received yesterday, devotes twy ™erchanis, they deserve nu favours from the Mumns to the currency, and introdaces no less g_ Government, which they have attempted tu mBunage than ihe “ Old Hero” himself, as the @sgrace, and tu destroy its credit, buth at Matur of the New Experiment. The watch | home and abroad. It is the great working class rd 48 given:—Down with the Banks!’ and it ‘hat deserves protection from the frauds uf banks efurth be the war cry uf the Destruc- We koow that in this warfare against stitutions of the country thev will meet uous oppusition froin many of those ptufure acted with the party. ‘The auch men will be-di ) From an article sigued +A Plain Democrat, tn the Kichmond Enquirer. ‘But, Mr Keditur, we knew the banks cannot _be put down for seme thirty vears, withont a civ. egurded— il revolution and it Lardly can be eXpected that Pdobn Baile ' Clated currency forthe People, or rather an ap- idly and with the fearlessness of free preciated currency for officers and creditors of est from them the puwer they now hold Goverag::nt and drive from office the ex. aud Mr. Gouge’s scheme work togeiber. and promoters of this Jackubinical spirit. | appreciated cursency of me worsidays Vhere has, and v vail, a great error as ft ot Andrew Jacksoa once declare that ‘ne, any act of bis life that 4 ore malignant ws policy. | have been Was encouraged by the leaders of that ding one cent tu sis value, Tbe arbitrary will declaration. = Itis a key to a a er-of anarchy, than is allempted tu be eacited | of Government woulu alone create this addition- owes his saccess in life to die 2 lhe Treasury medinm, of the French revolation | would be raised in valuc by the trammels thrown Shrewder and mure sagaciugs fil ele 7 ‘ ; Y down the curve! Pue enyineer of the Passen ee datk last eves, ba Us way to Cuw-~ ger train promptiy stopped the locomotive 5 but | berland. About 10 o’clock the ill-fated he of the luinoer tran was ether enadle (uwing | Coach reached a sinall spur of the moun- | | tO Lis being on a deseert) tu stop his, or did not ain, ruoning to the Potomac, and between See the dangerin Wine, for his eagine drove fu- pales OF gaminsl the passenger Ura, lorem (| Point, where the driver mistaking the track beck apo the first car, woich was driven a- | % : it being very aack night) rein gainst the second, the seeund agalnst the third, | ve 7 a ° | f ij ) ed his borses 69 = a4 ° and thetwo lai®or were crashed to preees in | SC ECR STO RG precipice, where, | jt this place and Hantock, termed Millstone | P dreadtull concussion. “Phe greathavoc, bowev |W the twinkliig of an eye, coach—horses er, Was in the second car, tie fitst bavieg lifted | —driver—and passengers, were precipitated Irom the rads aad: propelled over i, raking it as No were, ture and atl, anc erosning to death or bornoly manotng the passeavers who remained ji the coach was dashed to pieces, and tot! Wei must leave tio the mn two of the bourses killed—hterally Sumash— é ot the reader to depict the periyieg bercers uf thei awieal weoment, and of the scene wtrch en d A respectable” sd and rational momenis upwards of 35 teet on to a bed of rock ve- | a!¥@ bun credit tur the tact and va He bas ever possessed. He bas put been more be adie meni Dale my these last leiters frum the Hermitage fs fictitions value 5 and in a tree Governsent | aa : - t cuvuld not be considered as having any asidia The Merchants are denounced in ungisguised tt could farina haan iene de f , ie : stla . ‘ e Tests y e CVE terms, and the depusite banks marked out as es- ial uljecta uf h ‘ho officers . could be wade ™ predominate over those of the pecial vijects of hate. be officers vt these io- many. The price which the orbursot Gov- sututions are Charged with a conspiracy “to de- a ee . jp | Cr Minent, would be compelled tu pay foo Vr asury grade, embarrass, and ruin, it they could, thei 3 AS ; : o mediuw,would be charged like ihe duties or other owe country?” What say you to this, you Van 2 52 . debts upon the people with whous ihe debtors of Boren Presidents and officers of Pet Banks? | & ; ; . 9 uf Government deal. Dtus the tee ple of the L Are yon guilty of the charge? Will you allow ~ Inited Staes,afierbe og taxed several miliens ot and old and—as we would fain hope for theof- 2 : | doilars to durld, perbaps as taaiy sol (reanuries fice he once held,—an insane man w make these ; . of as ne lave fois aud arseugis, auc loclieer and charges against you, without, fur sake of voor | silves and yourchildren, meeting them on tire . . i be -aXed auain ia the purchase of poeds to ep threshold and repelling a caluainy worthy only | cessor. If a man was w be wo secured by a favur, or taken bys failed to securchim = Lf allt fly intoa rage at the discovery ereus design —deavunce hiorin | ‘And where his frown of tatr Hope withering fled, and Merc welj.” = fell, ‘are- He would. thus excite other men to duty which they wuuld be astonished in th Tre world will $ at calm arcely gacity: which : i > Wo willl sce pay duites Ge. After arcavirg ai thes pont, st fe-wathadle ur buldness thaa tur Cauliun, He | D&splerte: eC - would barery requce the shetpuess ofa Goupe, has ever pussessed, in ap eminent vegrte, the The reading of these letters from Gon. Jack | thre A ee or the amiition ft a Be apite pdaced an eek: Ne ae 4 Tre herr production and Car oR : = netere thon ein piall sued! Many who were young and active leaped of Crarkge, of Louis a TS : gue wing had given Way in gieal duabder,: a hae sige Blew int eras tea ntgle ciliies ui ou a re pagtet r By a ue i from the ear & roled down Mera vinkinent at ne | a negro child, was crushed to death. And all the effuls of bts. inos: imereptd ultie a Mr Wac Biren: aad efeaus prieuilla sage oe ue as a ae eat ae ue higard ot ite orleab A genidemean Who Was / a man was au dreadfully mangled that hfe is turn thein tutu fine, proved vaavailing, a} whieh he will ace. ‘Phe tis was uel cheroa on ae venue "Vreass: sone ‘ ee Casually seated vex! to a young lad. in the se- ! Ne kering Site lips vnly, His)tace was isenetal dackeuni came hinmasel!, rayiig lie we | witnoui m Gaia The icetion Geil ihe Staics.| p ’ Sury aedsain, shout road Car, saw the comlog deatti, and warned bis | , j beated to a mummy. The other passengers Iellow passengers of it-—he erould do ne morn — then sprang down the endookinent, As seuu as | and the driver wofully bruised, but IS SUp— Ne ads upon tus forte docked up 3 tt was al: | posed they are out of danger. ‘They were wwer, and she Woe sal Beside tim withio the pus- seven in number. sing women day. tirngied Corpse upon Seal witich be tad let! Five intanies tirore would bave Need to have orouhi toe locmber train to the Suf Tolk turn unt ys tad tie passsue cars, therefure, tire | “") To cannot gather that ang blame was. at- amply suf | tached tothe driver Itas said he was per- fectly sober, but heand bis horses were new have been detitned ouly that urted Space, botbing would have happened Nava single iminute, | eiiber later ur earlier, would doguilesy have | prevetiied either train to bave cleared the curve, so that each could vave deen apprized in tine ot the others approach, ftis worthy of remark, too, that af no Other pormt on the road could sucn ai acudent have vceurred, unless, teaeed tarongh the loteativa of degleet of one of the en- fue @rs Those killed Were Miss Eiizabeth MeClenny, daugutpe of Jona, MeClenvy, of Nan-emond, Miss vargaret Rooerts, daugater ot Divia Ro- berfs,ot sie of Wogtit, and Miss Jemina K'y, daughterof Vrs. wartha Ely, of the sae coun- ty, Wau herself was dreadrally burt, Acuong those who were dangerously woanded Ware Mrs. Bly, Wiley sVaciins, his vite, antart evtld, and matd sereant, Woo Dargotry. Miss Marc.na aud Misa Bigs ilowand. virs Mberedist very dark. Six lives have been thrown away in this | 4 vicinity within two weeks, to wit: beaten to death, amaa murdered, a man! ! thrown from his borse and these three deaths, Cxraker’s dangiter was along. She has her | & and the man ts not yet dead, but senseless, and cole in the extremities. [lis name has not transpired. a Nat Intelligencer. Meteoric Showers —On Wednesday evening | ¢ odserved, says the New York Mercantile Adver | 0 veean, - ‘Phe affrighted militiamen cuaaged sia s vt the trees Delind Which they were hiding, ex pusing their backs to the bullets pusition, gu. . +} the way,’ to this road, and the night was foggy and | te Way, a v 5 ney Col. Biisott ot ‘Teanessee,he exeiained, ‘George cal you charge? A man | lias ever been tho Case, that while he according to circumsianvees, he woulda er meno take the plunge. e vecupies a pusitiva upoa paper, whidl P S. 2o0°clock. Mail at the door.—Mrs | bie him to accuminodate hiinself te shoulder disiocated, poor unfortunate girl! | "#4 Mace his celebrated speech on tua, Gen. Jackeun eulogised nessee, all of whom are remark liuh and tunidity, to espouse d@ ficatoin ; but when it came touod iast, from halt past 9 Po Vo untl 2 A. M., wef the must of Col Benion, have tie DPreasury of Ced States core butone, where memoers of OUSTess were ly De | verted intos back of Bepustte og Th we Chosen, Were over, or Would be held on the very ‘dy be a bark of day on Which these letiers were issued by tie | Uhre vel ulr a Cucttetiot 5 ard whether f the euewy, ai } ib Woudd Fequrre an vet of | epecress leenobie the | as less lu be leared ian the veveral ina bage Globe. | bre asury SUD Tbasttles to loag oui arate ys 0G | tle ordered the first olficer be tet tw charge u- They conld have, therefore no effect on steh | do the bankiew busines: of egeth Svate, eea | ver tue creck and drive the Liad:ans from thet electinus, acd yetit the elections T+sult favora bly to the Van Buren party, will be held to be conclusive tu favor of those very measures ‘The letters are introduced tvo in connection with Judge Whiie’s couse on the Presidential ques- tion, by wey of showing that the people onder stood Mr. Van Buren to na their advocate when a candidate fr the office he holds, and the very words of the leiterindicatee that he bas pow ta- ken strony giaound in their favor. “lam proud | tu ser,” says voe of the letiers, “the firm and no- ble siand taken by the Executive Government ON this occasion? —. The time has tndeed arrived when it be- mes neceseary for the peo,le to take pnd on these questions, and in the lan- w of the New York ‘Times, ‘to ol gan- ‘the great conservative basis, between Hism on the one hand and monarchy on uf the Loitec States, Wovla «a. Petid Cpoo ite fact Whether in thal day there wou enxict one! Spark of Gemecracy, or whe her tiie least ves- tige of State nghtis woula have survived the ce | Vasiating aud of Federal usurpason. Con. | vert the postmasters intu bonk messer gers, and the business of the nation wight be dove like that of asingle city! *T conjure the democracy of Virvinia to re | tnore vigilant than ever; to watch over the rights of the States and the panciples of our Govern Ment with the wus! anxous solienuge. Let pot the scheme of Mr. Gouge vetray us,’ &e. He declared that bis sven Would not is because you will not show them said the General, and lurping to ‘ht | | ‘Tae answer was & Jewp tuto N16 water, Wii every wan ai his backs: And i v the bring iimscit, trum whence he Soil with tavank, Wheo Mir. Hayne of: From the Richmond Whig. PLAIINUM—AS A COIN. To the Congress of th United States : s to indute Grundy, Polk and try, to increase ihe amount uf tmetailic inoney, as weil as for convenience in eflecting exchanges, | as tur the purpose of securing the community a | gainst those evils resulting trom the banking sys- | tem, arising ip a great Jegree trom the vreal dis- themselves left w untenance. In like G ke maa of a letter from Genera! Jack- t his party in the Senate Editor of the Globe dated tional,and do not partake of paper credis as | tion by the merchants and banks, and shavers. and brokers ; acd will be, if issued, and the gov. | . femme uate-whh | Mr. Geage isthe man for that. ke him ope. foeiika ny ve big party of the coun | On his own plain, ond we are to ea depre- - or Bting the Dypsirdtives at ounce. ov if he canout make eam q the United States, as lonp as the Stare banks | feeling against particular round the payinent of pubitc dues’ without ad- | | guard them porperuatly al orede expe n-e, Wauid | 1S ert J $ j ’ . : ; . fable ine mmearchants iobuy ‘Preasn; Mealuit, to | uf the tnfuriate sans culutte of the days of Ho.- | " ‘ meny acre a Poenee@ and creact, there would in i pemence, PUWEVET, den Onsttele aby onc ; PEI-UEUTEY (ober feature The desire is uuiversal throughout yur coun- | for the United Stat s Watkins, Miss McUlenny, the younger, Virs Siory, Mr Reese Phelps. Mr James MM. Hol- land ‘The accident occurred within one bundred yirds of tue residence of Mer Richard Goodwin, where the dead and wounded were carried, From this kied and buspitabe family, as well as frown tne fadtes of Suffurk, the untortuvate sufferers received every atleation that could be vestowed., ANOTHER FATAL ACCIDENT. When the directors and physicians left the engine, tt returned tv Suffulk for wood and wa ter, propelling before it the cvach in which they had come up. ‘Phe night was dark, aud a heavy rain falling, 8» that no look out could be ke ptun the road. When within one hundred yards of (he watering place, the coach and engine p:ssed over Mr. James Woodward and Kiehard Quiver, two etigens of the neighborhood, who were walking on the track, aud su angled .bem that the furmer dred im:nediately, and the latter is so badly injured that he cannut possibly recover. This acctdeut vas wholly oaaviodable 5 the en- gioeer could nul see, through the darkness, (hav tng & large passenger coach beture him) ibat the atfurtunate meno were in bis way; and they, by the saine cause, together with the patiering ofa heavy shower of rain lalling at the tme, | ehare to uegotiate a more favyrable footing tor were reodeted unconscious «f the appruach uf the trafo, antil they were struck down ‘Lhe day's disasters are siuled as follows: 4 killed, 13 severely wounded, 25 or 30 sliy hi- ly. dre inquest was held on the three deceased young ladies, and avother on Mr. Woodward, Whose verdiet are subjuined. VERDICTS OF THE INQUESTS. *We, the jury, are of opimon that the deceas- ed came to their death on the P & RRR ovear Good win's landing, in the county of Nausemoud, bet ween the hoars of 9 and 10 u'cloeck A Mon Friday the (ith of August, 1337, by the violent | ledged to be not only a wan of fine talents, but , baccu planter: himself, his appuintment has met with general approbation, and onr owo State be- ing Geeply interested in this ubject of his mis- concussion of the lamber train cumming in cuniact | with the regular train, which cuncussisa was accasiyned by the wilful mismanagement and | ot which, as well as its vast Importance, has at- tracted the special nouce of Cungress, and the | dustry, bave made him intimately acquaiuted tiser ot Aug. 11, a brill:ant display of shooting stars, al nos! equalling, in nunber, the famous shower of November 11th, 1833, ‘They appear ed mostly to emanate trom one fountain, in direc- tun froin Noor N.by KE. Many exhibited long brilliant trains, which eontinued luminous sever. alseconds. At intervals, the heavens were en- lightened by heat lightning. ‘The evening was beautiful, and the stars shone resplendent the early part of the evening ; and aboat 11 o'clock, a few dark clouds arose, through which the fie- ry trains of meteors were occasionally noticed, with as much distinctness as ihe trains of ruckets Viewed al three or four miles distance, We can scarcely believe that an illumination so general as thts, can have escaped the vigi lance of © the wise menof the Fast,” and we shall in a day or two look fur some Interesting narrative of the subline phenumenon from thence. BALTIMORE, August 9. The Hon. Virgil Maxey, recently appointed Minister to Belgium, arrived in town a few dave since, and lett this ciiy on Monday erorning for New York, whence he will sail for Europe wichout delay, . This yeurdeman, it is said, has it) in snecial the LPobacco Prade af this country, the low state President. Mr. Maxey 1s universally acknow. eminently a practical man of great business tact His long residence at Washington, and the fathtal discharge ofan important office, render- ed sv mainly by his admirable discipline and in- wilh the resources of the country. Being a to suo, We Seem to be more specially called on to ileman per oder, he has @ mMauner which has led the betgam tneii. Whi many others, to. ade ociriues of a gold carrency, & 4 selves ayainst a Bank, as being 4 Stituuonal and inexpedient as th United States, and to declare fork the true democratic currency, “hig be sure, the Geueral’s views tou in c when it was Important :v break dawa ot ‘lennessee, bui that humbug hag: way, and he now begins to reter to hi Saye fur his views in relation to a ba much quesiion if his non-cummittal se not inure deeply committed on that subye heis. If the General should beesme-&b man, which I have av doubi he will du, will become of craisP? What will they go with their conscien Ces, and cunst/tutional scruples? | Suppose, how- ever, that they are sworn tu support the Counsti- tutiun as he understands it. “I'he party’ being aunt, it tollows that the General’s is the only Cunscieuce which belunge to it, and they have used and abused that, uoiil it has become as tough aad hard asa negro's heel, who can run dowo a flint hill without raising a stouebruise. 1 predict that the pasty will declare fu a Bank in bis name, aod with his approbation. ‘There was a rumor in Nashville When ( left that city a few weeks agu, Coming from a that yvur hard money-Benion demo- tce which seemed w be authentic, that he was al- reads a bank :nan. Andrew Jackson the bank man, will startle many a guod fellow wha be longs to the ‘democratecy,’ (as one of them de clared the other day, out the test of genuineness is, their willingness tu take the Coustiiay 2s he understands it. ae A circumstance which would plausibility to this rumor, is that of the government, the Vice ij United States, paid a visit‘to that time, and appeared to feef! vernment resting heavily oa claring that something ought* Wish him prosperous gales and complete success 10 his negotiation.—ptmericgn, posted off to the Hermitage; when by une night, retuped to the cites y upon its own capital, and the banks to ac- bas been commited by the deposite banks proportion between the specie and bank noles | current amongst us. A smaijl traciiun seem dis | posed lo dispeuse with the baoking system allo gether, but the great mejority Tegatding such a Tevenve in nothing but gold and silver | in€asufe 4S an eulupean scheine thal cautul be §, and the circulation of ovrcoin thro’ | 'e2lzed, are in favor ut continuing the banking blic disbursements will regulate the prrency forcver hereafter—keep the Goy- ernment free trom a!! embarrassment.whilst ‘it leaves the commercial community to trade HERMITAGE. July 9, 1837. is the time to separate the Govern- Systein, but orgunized upun a greater specie | basis than heretofore the amount of the mazallic honey may be ma | port ofall: fur itis apparent tha: panks cannot | ¢ jcommodate it with such exchange and cred- | be dispensed with, unless a sufficient quantity Iolerest of the Counuy, eieln to be sesteincd ) Ds the People and their Ruy resentativee If then, any mude can be devised, Whereby | the country would soscare terally increased, it will sureiy envist the sup. | t < ai “Be oe * Teminabl: ; poesesees considerable elas... 8 suscEpiible ui a very bigh patish.” Nera eX purure tu the Weather even beier thay mia or gold, and indeca lls vnalirabiiny 8 pw i passed by eny subsiance whatever —} . ic equivalent number 95, (cold beieg aG impessidility of succe Satu peculiariy reccommend culiar ProperUes give it an iniunsic vai, Tes its Use ID ihe aris, sothat its salue is aud lndependeni of ANY act theorizing its use tor coinage nleruediate be ween geld andsilver, ,, Whe buul ube thira as valusdle ag Boldand fie, astocch suas silver, fi woek tea y Sullable material fer cuins of the d fler ,, é ° nations, from one tou five dullars yard yr, to have been designed by nature exon, . fill op this hiaius and supply thisarki, yg deficien reurreney. Wi wii). tnttebly all the condition bei gy, ‘ . hiiteal as essential to fiia y,, ‘ iy ‘That 1 ts well calculaied ty BU ne porposes of acvin,ts alsu ibe opiei. the ablest Chemisis of Euro e Dr. Stillman says ‘it woule be ex. Mr. Paths says ‘it would be very ble tor ihe i fabrication of cous and metals, Specially se Hut apyured by acids: and woud acy Must delicale impressions that awe ¢, lg bly tupart” “Ihe Russtans have Biieady ay | themselves uf this metal fur cumae vir, IStpe ce | es; § tis fair tu presume that (hey pres | either of the other precious Meiais |; Wie, ; are Converiing piatioum into Mey ibe (Wen lof St. Peter & Si. Paul are Glled will ' Silver bullion ‘The Och section of the Is: ay: Cle cf Federai Constiiution may pose Dy Le ¢ argument sgatust the use of this meg! 1Vhat sec. tprobibits the States inm | i MY thing bul gold ang silver a tence; t Ment of debis. ‘ht is evident, boweve, (his clause was adopted so retererce PreCious metals, thea in use, & wih to, & nu duvot in entire wourence uf ih, Pier. | Of auy olber metal equally orb ues Bape despecis for cuin. Butit is oot Prepesec BAtd (his clause ot the Const: ucion jy the, , Guciion of platinum intu our MOB ary gyi, | Art. Isi, sec 8,p5, prevides thai ( WIE eee a have power to coin money and repulet ue thereof, ane ct foreign coins.’ So ipa, hee is nol the seine jimitativon Open the power ot ; Congress a upun the S:ate GOR ww, a regatd lv making money coined «ty ;,. legal tender in payment of detis ci, the Geteral Guvernment — Pertect treen y left tu that wouy tu coin any meal tay , (he essentiais ctf Money, 160 he qi g der. Ayan. Congress bas power rey | value ot tosenen coins) Planum js 1a foreign coin, and in course of 1 doubt find 1s way abongst us (6 tke | tay ot, ready seen some of it, snd & mr sre beau I never beheld.) and itis the GVy ob Cog bes j to regulate im value.” Aud suey ny. ) Wise, When ibis evident that Vuetal culale 4s eon amongst us, tu coin it curs thereby regulatiog tls denomioacon a: IIs promis to curselves, as wall ss , taig a | bhew arlicce of Commerce (jlaiinun ¢ Ou t a lly CMe irs d it ter coosge. fo Wil er. ft Gover a thi: In tts Value atlas , CECE Te ihe @ uf & Mm of ard Attenics tHent here ' SUlish] it sy phst. ns e 1G &Le { Ct ee yy ce, CaN Ite Telerer¢, €4 Cosi e ' Clhe v u lay See hoy s ea! race oy ; \ (if. StOltia CUTE TVES GEStead Of )lelcing albiuc ters \W ine LOeb see of an. Ist, ‘prota io ite Ss ea aking eny thir p bur gile spe ain wiGer? have the gs] elites: efleci of PleULum asacon, wi Ly uct oi € OnCTess Ut Et Jedmeh’ Cf sil dues ta the 2? No cne Whe cers ce ! deomentaite SO of S64 Hhlons ot aly puti bY cul aU miliens yearly te - ° | tro; qa ai Mea tee PON be, Oe Vari? | ; Cele ds a 1 » Gover ines Mut Merchants, the JI Criveg ty (ULE Tate : z Q, rst cocasion lo change the ¢layseot te (oo 6 (hon abuve referred to. She tid suse en ay Ceres Shy, Wt mght peauily be dung oo the tee Mal psigument, wil ul wou therein, ‘Ptese generchs are submit'eg@ ther fir wor a hun dae hope, thal the wisdoia of ¢ Chesca, oppey Meeif to the considerten of ines our melaihe Cicilaling nec ft u., eid tha Wheradats tay resull it SUCH tie asnres place the property aod business of cur + N VO a More solid secure at¢ periiiathe mrs that tt bas been their good feriore ber per) y. A! B. SAG ON THE “ UNTRIED EXPEDIEN Whoat did Mr. Senater WA RIGHT SN , State banks, om ihe s0ib at Jstuary, im ‘Jhe Senator from Masgachusetin has —It you will not recharter phe car Gores: new bank, what wy! you de? tie (Mr would answer as an Indivicual, expressing own sentiments, that te wonid « Pperi th: 14 ECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ot tie Goversmen’ 4 al] she lawtel means ae hes power, an the lem pl cow tohirg to subs¢.tute the State backs Ht od thes JEL i Jectly and completely competent to the object, 11d he Was wholly uimored ty te alarms at had been sounded ws vo thurcy Micewrsty “nie dangers that were tu be appr henoes trom 6 He held that the steps already taken lo effect the object In ¢'ey were al! warranied by the Constitution and bars cf the iw d It was his Neri cpitier Objet erie SPO p= ie ad been taken would recoung ire chanpe honor and test ' In conelus on, Mr Wy phioteervec: ‘He woold merely progenrce bis eponic 3 ite Executive arr he Governnentin ite Kaxpecnent new nak 2 rsubstilote the State rps. t stor the be . ' Fite United & ates Vie ten themes Sci confidence wt the frdi and o ip cele success (fT it as best suits their own interests— both be- | of specie be subsiituted bot for CuInsuinpitve | erprrime:t | enmunee um wt ing money-making concerns, cevoid of pa- circulation ad nee fege ies S53 og . | \ j ne ee WG to : y i 0 : an | \otl king alone to their own inter-|'S equally Clear. that the s:ccie basis of the Tr Wren: spoke of ste > ee wee triotism, looking alo banking system cannot be strc ened without! Kxecuiws Boporertin lead Dhree 4 ests, regards loss of other. It has been and diminishing Tene: Pe uaniney eiphsve 24 7 See hay est die oa | ever will bea curse to the Government to How then can the ginount of ceeinhwe met ty Of pr Vhewy - Acar Witmer, Barnes, ¢ have _— entanglement or 1nterest with eith- | Increased ? By the iiroducaon of platinuen on- | Clay. tee ch onic ago Pi scess f an . - er, oc more thea a general superintending | iu the currency fied 300 wouned ap li was y Mi \\ c care of all But the commercial con. mu- As this precious inetal rs ves little know n, his assecinies—js Thus chronicles by eiue rity hitherto has been fostered by the Gov- | except to en MiStS and atew classes ait Zens, | ae as hes o) | ew wes . f the labor of 4 short history of Ms Giscovery auc such ct ats bder tnis lew, (the ces ; erament, to the great so yury © Chemical and physical habiiudes es reia'e tu tty | prow son inearperatad in Uy ail be eX - ‘the country. until the mercantile aristocra- Use a8 a Cont. MAY Tol be IOproper. Platina.us | posite binks geen pied ther tuph onst cy, combines with the banks, have eee j 1t was called previous tothe late oreforteaiion in | Govertined tana paels ef tree con a . ed the right to control ard manage the Go- | cheinica! nomenclature, 16 a diminuuve ut plata | ceived sone te ty an tio aif tw parece ee ” | vernment. astheis particular interest requires, | (silver) aud was so named from Ils resembianee | and ver so ee F J " ' regardless of the rights of the gieat democ- jtostiver. di was ea to the notice ul ee ud ys i a ¢ a . ue ‘ f Dey ageless agree eared Ean ttre ae ear Rd rR pa tet tobe, en Or ad ae ee | Banh ho ascertained the Px inience of sucha) Government any thie bul ear cir wedi i be. hewers of wood and drawers | , metalin 1735. Butthe honor of its Oi~cuve.y ! ~ if repeat, that | am proud to see the firm more generally awarded to Mr /and noble stand taken by the Executive Go- verninent en this occasion. “The people are. not pudlished woul 1749-30 ft is towrd in with it, and will support it triumphaatly. | Swuth America, in St Domingo, in Spain, S ‘The history of the world never has re- throughout the Uratian Mountains in Sioerta, | tt corded such base treachery and ,»erfidity as Wood, assay | at lucalities. Piatinum is the heaviest body known | ¢1 —its density being abut 2b, while gold is 19. | and silveronly WO. When pureit is so soft as gx ty be tnpresstcle with the finger nail, but a small in portion of alley renders it sufficiently tard tor the purpose of coin. [ts coluar is a heautitul ow silvery white. [tts very muileable, ductile aod agatnst the Goveroment.and purely with the zew of gratifying Biddle and the Barings, ac by the suspension of specie psy ments, degrade, embarrass, and ruin. if they could, Se @wo country, for the selfish views of able bank noles—itne~r tes witch the itor the millions inirieed io ther and wlher parts of Russia, and in various other! fora mere trust impored trom abrosdin gold ang stive nr. 4 payment. because ihe holder ct aw ; Jeera «ff the wve mentioned profibiis ihe cMicers vf master of Jamaica, hevgt bes observations were) Government from eniger receiving or pay og: safe hee ping ae ad ull further the dranghts of their Preasor : ve United States, drawn upon aceposite bern fui d. hel ngs g t¢ ndivt - zens, Which fund was oy the Gevernine “”4 een Ad and silver place din tha! Vins lotes , er g. hare been dishomred and riturnes tris (he drany! ould not receive thearrode mable buds off) bank in any satis/ucten. at:C [;,, . - . 2 2 473 ' we * I ‘ulations oftlaw and contract | * at ICse LIN On aw and contr ; ' : . e 4 opeiig st nel teiver erates fraet ‘hy the oe ST goenter hé was no where te| The Pittsburg : eo - | Z . : 2 m Ex diary conveeation of Congress, that measures = oun 7 Some say be is goae to Jalapa, | selves to be cheated 1 P nay be adopted tu relieve the ‘Treasury from the ° Vie ~ €ra Cruz. a a speculating gentlemas enuarrassiments resting upon it from the provia ictorta and Bravo, its said, have also | who lately artived in4 tT the devosite law and the failure of the,, turaed Santa Anna men. flour. He sold off bis be ts to comply with their obligations.” . ——.- a b Such is the resnl a Fe superfine, but it wag Nar is Ue pie ut its Kexperiment, of | From thé London United Service Journal. | barre] of 4, to be ry8_ a whos enlre and complete success” Mr. oy = : \\ right erile mained no doubt Such healheea Portsmouth, June 20, 1837.—On the een roe and. other the faith uf the institutions whose ‘security and 12th of the mont the Amegican frigate In- ces of that sort, tod ¢ fetw? Z . ' . & “= ae ty’ Mr Worigha eudursed with soch uolimit- dependence arrived. with Mr. Dauuas, = - 8 ‘ oe Phe overthrow | Suite and fainily, destined for St. Peters- = = ae Hay . was ced Ohure etsasirous than was burgh, as Ambsssador from the United : be ae - ae ee worst ne Soe ue he States to the Court of Russia Og work. 1815 Creek war = se : ce : £ fan was predicte by those |} : . . ' . Ie > . 12 . ° x enieeereimiet Rei ae Miss ot” Bepe: ng through Spithead towards Cd es, she 16001 Majority over Gen. A, td | Senate of the oe Ww ‘lhame wag ie ian ae a rience in preference tu Ecperiment cede royal salute of twenty-one gins, . - There Femains po doub; ‘ mstrong ig‘ he was Chairman oie For seve +5) : i : Le : v 2! Wear And now Mr. Wrightadaits that the scheme butthe Port Admiral, not imagining she ae * bie 1 ele ibis body, and Ole of iis Miliiacy Coma ine a has exploded; but eoines before the People with hadyan Ambassador on board, returned but pe laa He wualicces Slive an: . tino, . the eaten wl yet untried expedients | "ineteen. ‘This omission was afterwards KENTUCKy pele os 1526 he Bent asm the & end . ae ue pete aud restore their |€Xplained, and on the following Wed- 1. vo, was Scans *ntral America — Be- ecurrer . r - - n ares a aes doe . os - = " : ) “ ‘ sidvewidess Brady a a a tullow sue | nesday (two days after the arrival of . ma ee ite of rother, and to ag ary Shoned Fy haa fon pe 1 of ¢ S ae Setitly | ! f Ponte : < 5 ¥ $ ; as a 2 fror j ‘ sh ‘ Cee ean Nestiaece - nied 7, pubint the frigate.) the two extra guns were fired. Og »Ned guardian to his iofent children 5. Jas. Harlan . J nea fe ; n,* fomget the duties of a crizen f) : of wich evil counsellors?) Will thes ha annie W hether Commodore Nicholls wasted or | ™ : — ee | tolthe off eof ci sem 6. John Caltioon jek eine leony given to advance wha. . they have,’ or again ‘fly to other. that they Ae not for them cannot exactly be known, but | VW A TC HM A N iv _ - awyer, and told him he 7. Beni Hardin. 7 n te hoon, | volved the interest and welfare 7 potof P) For our ewa part, we are opposed to | the instant the Britania fired them, the an. a jaar to“insult” bim and was able to Pay) g Wao J Grae: ; Upe, Warmly and zealously be contrios ma : nn 2 oo a = Sg a —— = . . -u : s \ any more E.xperimenis. ‘Pine People are not in | Chor of the Independence was iripped, her | Bali | for it. After some explanation he proceeded,! 9 John Whi ae Aoi oor ere an cond Improvement. 1. a condition to endure them. It is nutrioht that | Main and mizen staysails and flying jib! salisbur ’ August 26, 1837. “My Brother ded detested and left two! 10 Chilt ‘AIL eee sities | ane Re rabalnt pe they should acquiesce any longer 4 i? _— Ve ‘ ’ wo - Unilton an, ichard Hawes, | au foe ompany, and his | : a 'Ser im the pre-; were hoisted, ond she run vu fon Stokes |) eee eee } 5 4 2 { ° . , | . y. 8 IG scriptions of quacks and charlatans. The i ine oe ine: 1, : P | THE nei as little infidels, I want to knownif Iecan be 1!. Richard French, K A. Menetee greal enterprize will be sensibly experie. mand a Remedy —nut an E:xpedient ‘y de-| ; - Spread, and is there at present. HERMITAGE LETTERS, appointed their etecutioner.” 12. John Chambers, Jahn. Chamber, | While briefly review Ing in a noti|ee | : _~ _ . The Independence is an eight " oe Fr. ea : eee tt ic i : - : ie gun ship! a ae = . Sas € public incidents in the i: : ss Boston Atlas. | eu down, and is most sewertal both in ns eae snr _ sce from | ¢ Where is the Ekanch of the Cape Fear | 13. R. AM. Johnson, W. W. Southgate. | ciuizen, itis a yiatefr} rate : a ae _ From the Louisville J l mament aud numerical crew. She has levers to Mr. Blair, published iat Bank. that was telbe here in time to help | pannel Bo wrong; both candidates ttves In private fe Col Willians. . € Journua BEE? : : C 4 . q C4 Serene) ; ' 2 . < ad : ; ma ne | ‘Tire affairs of this nation are nev | Sixty 32-pounder guns on her main and | PtPer ts ceterimined not to retire if ; the people of the Western counties in pay: | ay tiea: ; | Geechee ceerievus—a cheerful, intellige | Senainceuepee The, er again to; upper decks, and a crew of 610 men, ineju- | SCurity, although he has gone out @ Ing taxes? Weh ‘ Wate cain, Three. k Companion. In the domestic rer ee he government has ding a Comimodo d Li ; : | . ng 8S e have heard nothing from tt | Ind, affeetionaie and beloved. A wind nuw cast the banks trum its back, § it will Move | 5 1 re and ten reutenants 3; He has been flattered and wheedle fitely, and tax- 7 : . Tt 1 ' rally Vigorous and enlarged, he ha Aself competent to take their pla dd | but the men are light, and not half of them | ! j i] “aaa Pay iee 1s DESI y rer INDIANA. j liberal views Beene ana calties | w ) Ce aud dispense | | ioe : {| fate Gependents, until he really Se : 5 : 2 An eNpended with inform: . ith their services such as would berated A. BS y Bs SEQUEL 1 Ratliff B N : | ealculat : . | . Our er tliaehnisianec ae . : oon, Not heard from. lated, at onre, to: durn and give spirit a that his financial abilitw ez : et Rive spin { Pu Democrat. | Vice. Her tonndage 1s about 2200 3 she is heer: al abuts cannon SeEUE JEAN, 2 John W. Davis, John Ewing, : life to the etrese ., Mich he meved F Alt ° | ‘The Government has cast the bauks from ‘about 186 feet long, and 52 feet broad, and | °°O WIE) In Managing the affairs 4 ; Sains -—Y ne | 3 John Carr. Graham. home ore differed trem bite ie peiciesd oie Its back and will take their place! And su, “raws nearly 23 feet water. The officers tor. Wiihont ceremony he ig bi: RE -—You tink you. 4 Amos Lane, Geo H Dunn, ee ea and t flexible connie rney au wes wy) ’ WW , : . 5 ‘ , id ' . f : er . : . ch vide Tre stan = : =. ere, (oe foe Will get upon its / are young men, and look like. sailors. iat from the Hermitage, dire part to have every body stuck up in 5 Jona. Mcl arty, Jas. Rairden, his Views wil be Peein Re ee sh ! Pade ne uy : os ain i y . , to ae 7 : il tes pe | EAlGH Wha ae ea c bn Joubt remeaiber the | They have been on shore repeatedly, and ‘to Frank Blair of the Kitche tboos— Dare you have the geatle- 6. Win Herrod, Win Herrod, acmira ton rs ‘ + Wi ‘ vr a CeLe ihe ens : : ' . 2 ; ‘ | lirce sth Sanna horseba i when the )every respect and atieution paid to them, tenedo nein eh de Ladee, and de law suit and) @ Edw Hannecan. Avert S Whice. Sbortly previous tu hisdeath. Col Wai rf : 1e ies ae ( , « 2 . ”) { } ; } , his toot io the stirrup— Brad a ee oa, and they have been most civil and courte- , es Z seolt, and even von dam Runaway | Wuic GAIN. Four. See the Pater je sineit «8 health— vigor ’ are Goons to mount, ts hivh Lime ior ine ee fone eo ile en eae of ladies and - over the a It 's thes pass for Injin Chief ut t 4 _- ' Na nue AT Pats oy "Havely jus, by dowo, tor Pil be hanged if ~ gentlemen that have visited the shi »% As Skin brougitinto the p ” - J ‘ P PY reeds ty deeply teit—to bis the tiy at is yas 8 lide duuble with. ear ma I : 1€ ow saire [tell you how dey ALABAMA. Irate. Vat the uteimnry ofa tt 4 od, )the Ainbassador and some of his family the tj ane 7 Piben € = ; eee eee ? ae | have gone to London for a few days a on ae : a io Paris, when he put vun , ce ee : Hard from oe oe ede ee Le ee . The E. _ re “ys ened, bat the naps ~. Jushua Lo Mertin,g Not veaed {tr p eettTs Utibe Ue dates sie aed mma Gee ne to rae Squadson.—\We are happy | el be a week or ten days belore she quits ne pl ‘ erro de Omroiboem De | 3. Boab Lauter N _ ' nee @ticchhewiens of a emizen ie A wares a orale 4 eran a Q eae that the board ap- | Me anchorage. j UES ows 1 scott iy Be co upto de Ominiboos. 4 Dion a ier ne ae | NS ee incision eh 4 ae — pr . " mneee Se EXANIne and report upon the state uf | lery ofa dressed-u ! a 5 en ENS te solten the ariet at es the Squadron have come toa favorable eonelu | 6 aN . eee wee he emake bim de bow, and he Dd Francis S. Lyon, Franeis S. Lyon y, . a eras # tien’ > S10 eles Pormimunce pres er ars MAY YOU Dik AMONG YOUR KIN- une crezed exception ) our : eo us aivia’y 6) Us brother nest hend. aud _ _t . boserves 2 We learn by a DRED” S io ’ take the libertee to ride von No Loss or GAIN 50 fur uted see Sun etter fou as 'inertigs Tuatsae aval he nd eee a ; (on reuring from this exalt Re canGminheon ven eres | 3 Ny hk He ive Fiend BpPprri tater to Survey tire ships destined tor es . at sensiive milod has never cherjs aed the ; ee . . ae : ; \ Ze _ ; bea Pei 108 ef the itin te , oe) . A . Cd < | : ’ + am | ’ , Tr PINS ONO, aes reportel lin erara Y fe ellogs eXpressed tu thts seutinnent ! } ned : Venere ua questi , g: dat | eber see—now Salre, | OU1 RAGE , ann men ¢ viv > eZ ‘ ae > > dip < ” } ae “Out o : < inl I! : - . 7) fA i. na j 7 the trivate, twy Darpies, a siore ae me die athoue,’ is the wish of all 1 7 Ge administration, at, | tink it very “rascaille,”? and | “ We are informed that a party of Wiis, arse Sui abl Shomer —the para ies ; Pe tolhoalese. leaits, tie lan@uave of every ionvue, Wander- | upon as decven a ¥ ¢ ‘ eta bich to two ory rs. ine Pie ie - : “ i Me Over tire desert ol life ee and afflicted aaae proper for : g Ominiboos man open his mouth, a Sunday eng last hung Mr. Mcit- me Balistied with at iS TO por iit jn ly en aaa we Dever loose sight Othome Our tr ey cess eu ne Jackson fehome take his pistol and he shoot gomery. the Democratic Ri publican Can. | vehty, ee ea yee rat het . “5 i oo) A ns didate elect from this D 1 <-p “ : yal reand weil lead all hts snflussee to a ae pul ee ye the atlractive teepere Te eney or PROD TELA ons “yg a, so saire oS better mind. You Chapel Hill C oe eet _ ney “ Ss 4 it 4 Y AS D eXpediae the uninesaied: partie of ie Sqaad- | WHaeuce of our birthplace is felt. ‘Thmooeh examples of Washineto uP iP = ODMREMANY WS Unnecessa~ | . “ plein | I | n or Jeffe dis de land of lib —d ru.” all ite vicissitudes of yur teinporal career oe , + td rson Ee is age ian oO ibertee e land of rv. ”? rie Mien Fn eee [: st, a @or = ther be ‘ “ secureeiry gets his o imbs : a ar «cys : ° i yen at, f- — hs eens ip the Bunlight of - prosperity or Her ‘ er iH 13 pices be pan Repooblicans: vell | tink very pretty We are authorised to contradict the above, re tore wel a i ZO tae bie has but New Orleans, Due 2 en a g bela 1 the pressure of poverty, lume srinitage before be again vaults in ot id, where the town constab let de hog, | which we copy from the last Standarc; the “U"'?"- SE eel i places abadt hie \ - r ebitas tts Sttpretne sWay over our affections —— Joly ral tou ame : — .: fe : ; : 2 side ana. &iouiders AuV one deliver said Ve learn from a Beauicmin who came Death may invade its Edenlike bowers, misfor- |’ ms nent and lays about | ta and de dog, and de sheep, and de cow jis Editor of which has been Misixiorined Ihe Horse stall receive a reward of tive dollars Ae inthe Elarriet, that Major Lynch, tune may pay tts uatrieadly visits, but sill uur’ lusily. How is he mounted and who dogg | alk about as big as te please, an let de Waa an ee Ch ee Eo ROSES: oO eXas, has been shot in a duel Lis ae cling to it as the ivy to the dead oak. She encounter in the fizitt? His steed (ri- | ditor jis say what he please about any bo- ene GL S w roeeeree ang oe On; August 26, 1357, - antagouist fas been arrested, and w 1 home appear more interestigo : ~ * a Sunday as state nd inthe next plice, } ————- —_____ a eee ; ; do will be Pi 1 interesting at une time | sayy fepeaiis 1) ia ihiat hh. ve | : ne po f | ~ tried for manslaughter The law against than anvther, itis when we are over-taken by | ; enealis 1) ia that bald gailoway jade} ¢y in de Ominiboos. You call Jackson ; nO party of Whigs were concerned ; 1 bav- | COTTON GINS ducilingan (cig 18 ver aeycre aad or SlcKuess among strangers, We have peen at.) Wich has been gail ined to death by the, von great man, but whatis he in compare | ing beea cone and witnessed only by one : ° “~* TT eee ne ai © tached v¥ disease in) uuknown lands: a; ‘e | ss i Ste : : 5 eae. ~ catch ue s but the spiders wil preak ture? have auncrehcae the manne wth ue a Missouri Su Nor, and the Loco Bocdsy will ve grand Monarque Henri. and ey eee ae i of h ee et a ee Ae, ae : ; ‘ HUESS, 10aSI | gs eee nT . ; : i : 5 : Sora. or ' : » i“ Due first duel fought afterthe Pissaze uess that arise in the busom of hin who had to S Heevaetalie Hunters aid his enemies leetel gpecl og Cee ies mearrainisuia cel peri: rel ae FA ae SS GRE oe nee tee eS Olitivenlaty ne ees ene en. i on was relate e person alone pri- | anv xe jating tarts i laW Was between Generals Jobnston 9 suller away froin hue. blow powerfully, then, | are his late pets tiie deposite Banks. Of. dent Van Buren, what is he to compare wid to it Ww il y A Ed ; | oy oc, 2 CEL. rs “I and Huston, aN! oo notice Wiulever was), bas absence lanuhe ys Lhe vader cat NLP G ats Se cin ee cs an 0 ie le am ee e ea on the For HL, the ae = aati LHARGHAVE, . | hearuest good will aud stomach. And who are his assoviates in the eotuybat T 1? No: The move decent & ratioual of these have taken of it a ( ‘of a sisiers love. And when the fever raged Vew-Orleans dug. 4. | higher, and when the grave seemed opcning ty On Wednesday nisht two large fires oc- €Monice Us, how have gur spits sunk with esday J : . hk us at e SU Mi Sir: ali : curred; one of which commenced in the ‘ th ae Fe " HIN ee De ec : vd aha Ullrelated stranuvers, Wuous fay OUT bed new unhiaished buildings situated tn fet ome J 3 : upon its fast pillow! lippa-street, near the cornerof Canal street, Dodie atnaue | blow Garcediieti state and owned by J Minturn, Esq. three Of tender feeling of the sou}! What are all our which were entirely destroyed. — [nsured. Joutueytogs, what are all our wauderisys, if we C Tie-en-- eleut frie,, not all of them atleast. | become ashamed of the humbugs, and that they are ot frow thea : itas the Bentons, the Whit ! close. our belly among our pneys, the Kendalls, the Bliurs, the Mings Should duty, bustuess or fate keep vs from thet) 7 ' ; 2 “ r the Job Hushetls and Fanny Wree ‘ soctely of oar relatives, through lite, we will uot! Hiusaeiis aad Puany Wrghts tha ) cure 5; but when dissolution Appruacier, let us be the Hero dats am with: and wien delt to hin } ~& al toile, ‘ Hhave already shown ta bat trictuds! The other originated in the saw mill of Messrs. Frey, Schiimaut & Co., situated in the city of Lafayette, aud communicated to asinilar building contigtous, Gelougioy to Messrs. James Walsh & Co., both of which were entirely consumed The fires are said tu have been the work of incendiaries. Let one last breath be urawn tu place Where our young hearts beat with expecta: let our dast lavk be upon Chose ) conolegances We first saw; let uur pigridace eod where it commenced. selfit was but neiural that he should ge RY rytov ost 1 } , . liens 5 tree UL ye sa hi CU ay As to the seatenents of this letter§ i (8e est Hos ied desuagavue org , ! ’ The property of Messrs. Frey & Scheidt | __ u Was Insured for 915.000, which we regret ! pee line to hear was not the case withthat of Messrs. | JFrom the Columbia Telescope. } Places ced thear ia course iess ¢ | Aeowee Susan —The surjeet ot this notice is | lowest prejudices of the vulgar, thej Walsh & Co. la temale slave, the property of Mr Jolin Crate,s comlen | ep R(T ’ > ae residing Seuwee river i Tehens District, . , a SPECIE.—The Sirah Ann. at New Or- |! , ng eee a ona i " : oe 0 } ture are appeued to. "Phe ** mai 1. : saw whil: a Vis! ihai Dis a leans trom Tampico, brought 349,000 hard) “28 ee an vied fcoin Fe y Tries She is escende WL yh dollits to vartous houses in that city. a es > . yng. Mean patents, and aotil she was Sues of Cottoa at New Ofsleans, 2545 years uf age there was nothing 1 distin balk her from that race 3 about Chal | The Bunks ai Spot was discovered on the ot her aeek, | ehants are ta idiously ef a which bus since spread aia! extended over al : | the back partot the head, (caomeiag Ch? cuine of : as e , fthe hairin its course toa Woolly s,) a City Bank.—Voe pitiful buamhug of pays gound the ueck, over the breast and shoutders 1 IZ Specie torone say was resorted to bY | whe midule of the arms, over the whole body aud Unis osutution on Tuesday ft vegan only ) down io the middle of the thighs. “Vhis process Miele passions of puor bedi blosded App nambers? are hissed on against ’ abou s vi | oe “uuu oe | tocrals, tsa 1 as if it were a crime fa whit | D@ above want. sal 7 a Sf cents. lhue oa oar k Bulletin. — iat rn natcrab ene tnres of the Vew- Orleans, dug 5 e ay niderres as there dearest friend Ali this, be it remember Phone that is himself wealthy at L2welock, and euded with the closing tas been going on for about four years, (tor she | the successor of Washingtoa. - ef us Bink a 9 o'clock [ Bee. 1s now about eleven years old.) and | understand - ° ie . : ' trom Mr. Craig that it has progressed = more ra as Ih is with iatense re Seu we announce jigiy within the last year than at any former OMNIGUS. the ceati yesterday of Mr Pierre Lafaye,a | period On the neck, breast’ and shoulders, the Ever since the 6th day of thet respectoble merchant of this city He was! change is perfect and presents a solt, delicate, tukers suddenly ill, and diedin a few hours | transparent and healthy appearance, —unlike . (Courier, | the ordinary lbino, her eyes lovk natural and / her vision is good. ‘The circumstance is not common, and on that we have had fiue scasons,which ba ~ a edto bring oultthalaie coro very much 4 — tun too, seems to be flourishing, but am Tis Whis ‘oforasuspension of the | : ne : “ se ee ee i cyl fy , account I have thought It worth preserving, It ly frost would make short work J C iia ion and laws.— Grand Gulf . | may be useful to the physiologist, and if you | Flour is worth $6, Oats 25 cents, tercwer concur with me, Mr, kditor, give it a place in 65 cents, and the best mutton in the wor andl ’ DEE bD. J. = I ‘Wego for the ‘suspension’ of Kendall, | your paper. e Bair, ond Whitney No doubt you con- sider (hens tthe constitution and laws ’ [ Prentice at 50 cents for a hind quarter, Bacon is. plenty at 10 cents, and law dog cheap in: places. The County Court is in session, which inakes a considerable hindrance in the lucu- Thesnmmary and capital punishments of the Kaffirs are merciful, that ts,tney take the calprit aside and destroy him with clubs, or thrust him through with an assegal. Bat their torturing with black ants, and above all, with hot stones applied to the body, ts dreadtul. Suwe time ago, IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. The New Orleans’Bee has been favored a nen eee wil ‘there crawled to the mission station of the | brations of the Watchman: who can write by arespectbdie house of that cry, wi Chontie, a Fioga herdsman, whose legs fio | Omnibus when the sentorian voice of Bul the following extract of a letter, received | the ancle upwatds were perfectly roasted, and per Surah Ann, dated the skin and flesh of the sole detached from the wot, and flapping against wt. He died of lock Jiw tu a tew days, in the greatest agony 5 and General Bastamente his demanded a loan why Was this dreadful puaishment inflicted !— from the Clergy of bve millrens of dollars) Because, in driving a cow toto a Kraal be had which it would yppear bas given little satis- | thrown a stick at her , it had glanced off the faction to the latter, and tuey found it ad- | bora, a strack the soo ofa Katlir counsellor on visable to enter again into negotiations with the leg! Aud this is the fine pastoral race, Santa Anna. The government, aware of this, ordered Santa Auna to appear before a court martial to ajswer to the charges a- eainst bin on account of his late Texas campagn—Santa Anna replied to the call in thy tolliowing lacomle Manner: / ‘No puedo no deboy, no quiero’—-(T can- Lot Pshould oot, and & wall net ) I -onsequence of which a strong detach- Wilson, with bis O Yes,O Yes, O Yes, ‘louder than the loud ocean,” 13 roariag in} in your ¢ars at intervals of every fifteem\ minutes. Who isthe gentleman sportsman, that went hunting not a month ago, and got “so Tamrice, 22d July. | E : | who iu tic sarly DAR eens one Ue Geet rit | powder under the supposition that he was | Africa, have pretended were tar more “ sinned; enjoying the contents of his liquor flask? | against (ban stnaing.” The gentleman is known to us, but we | of the interior counties of this State a man; his name on himself. It is too good a joi land wife, who have eighteen children liv- for bim to keep, even though it be on batt | ing, all of them married, and having among self. So our readers may expect to if of cavalry was Gespatcbed for Mango: them eighty-two children,so that the united vo. with orders (o take the Lero,and | household ts one huudred and and tweaty. { visoner tothe capital. On Truly this is a goodly train, A valuable Couple.—T here residesin one ; Must throw the responsibility of div ms Je ) iG him. GREEN Corn SupreRS.—W wain a i j get her natural ress. Den dere is dat dam ey : 3 Y I F whow travellers have held op tur our admiration! | anco happy’’ as to take a drink of gun-{ a a . - - - - \ muton is too mach sheep to be good muton. | Look at dis dam townrwhy you koow pu | him in de Ominibus? you gol de fleay and | ae fly, and de bug in de market-huose, and you hab de cow wid de bell on in the street State of North Carosina, ROWAN COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Samuel Reeves koii a cow, employed an Irishman to hold her. ‘The butcher was cross eyed, and when looking at the cow, appeared to look at the Iristiman. Fat, fear ing that he should get the knock down in- | goin ting. ting, ting all de night, and you ; stead of the Cow, saia in much haste® ‘Arrah, | hab de cat goin yaw, yaw, aw, aw, and de | #on, do you stuke where yoo look?—To | Wonk eAcay ta eeranch nese a neh or ciiene b. sure | do— where do you think Pd strike? | ‘Thin bowld the cow yerself. tll T get ot and you bab de gon and de pistol goin bang the way ieee J get out of so dere is no such ting as Miss Nongtong | | | NS, Margaret Butner Gare Willlain S Butner. . ilinhoe. oe Ul appearicg to the savisfaction of ite ( that Willian S. Butoer is an tnhabditant ot ther State: Ordered that publication pe inthe Carolina Watchinan four six. eek said Batner to come in and ple ; mur st next Court, or Jude | will be eniered agalst hun. JOHN GILES, Clery Angosi 26—6u6 State of Porth Coretin Co BERG ES COGN ye Tu Equity | eee ee « Ovituarn. [| Comnmecated } Mrs. LETIVIA P. CARTER, the wife of, A G. CARI ten bes , de parted this [te on ‘Voesday, the 16:h tnsiant, at ** Phe Oaks. in | the vicinity of Meehsviile Davie county, aged , 31 years. Murs. Carter ad, auswer ment pro co oogly indecent hos vat your own oog Reever ride about, and cal) him von race p den dere is one sight of oogly women Ws town, what make you put dn de pretty Now diz letter efse [ cus { “ od leave de oogly one out. Degust Term, 1837 O8 ms putin : Georgy Klutis & dolar Fur. )' fias lett ¢ affect shan B consarne of de Ovmmibous, ‘ft an sffeetionate tusba id, Ven sipolt ctoidten, a fend mother, ang airy vs _ PIERE DE NONGIONG jfelallous and tiends ty lament her deaths she George D Duff Sally Duh! Petiuon : gee ped well tes ce dn society, & wooly sustam 17! 7 Ne ete Porteman, done weal CONGRESS lrease lb tis me reritions of hfe, as awite FP owieoie, Mary Aen Pogte. | cs a : . i ten Coronhter—a neichh ¢ Wei fi BEG Focleimau, ts | Met. — The vore in tics Pimetis yy ciate, bespiuoie, and gious 5 Tt Pogteman J Billiains 9545, Pauerson Guo 5} Was Vener aha yoloved tie miver of socee EV sepeanice tothe sanetseton of the ( e wsso. ‘ Rlitan’ the pos-esee a peeahar aud that Gaer.ge 1) Pat arg ~,; Yy bis wile, J F —— us Cherrtueness: and dl of cucd tee Weteher Pootetars | fi clanan, Slave Ne BSSEE ELECTIGNS, ee ET Featman. and feral b. eh (Woisdis sueseeded by feaae 7! vee “ ” anna ee oe Bae Oa SS tie : ES . 2 7 WED er ene tire tfuSteme dt lu lush With Chel URES) ts cl thls Sate [ireertrenies Te ‘ d yan) in the Sullivan oi tne: y ujand Hie ces obucters, hy na rt. at patdeatton be mace tor ery Me the strongest Van Buren eisiret in Mis. Caner v forsame Vears sa exempta weehs ty the Carus Watchin pos 4 Bip addition to which Col, Metielling TW mes bet ot the Metheust Apise pal Coo Sab story, fer tee anced defenaants ta he _ considerable fame in the Cherokee War 'S ee io mean she Vag td a ters to sr Ve oe ae. earn this Coun tate hei ee itt fo devel the fuvenuess of Christian prety :-— rsaid coun’ vy, a the Conrl nouse in Cot rd Emmer, thuogh there was no fighting bandia her life aud im ber deatn, ube ved ae eure Sed ae age Fehrosss wi ae : e° : Julciive, ** Joe! your bob S72 S8inwe velore inet, bere lo plead tu. atisweror de qur Ta San Gal, Beil (Whig) is re elected without Oppo- , that others seeing yeor good Woks, way glorify of it Will ne taken pro con esc as to them, and Mem, inthe Nashville district. Iu Davidson) Sour father which isin heaven” a Jecret Made aceercie py ) ty, (General Jacksun’s residence,) Cannon's Mocksville, duzust 15, 1857. . WW iiness, Win Bar inger, ¢ lerk and Mastor for Governor was 1590, Armstrung’s 1295, | DIED—Atat his late residence near Knox 1" ert ig Cea a | ‘ : st, 13837 Le 62 | ville,on the morning of “Khursday last, Cul. 8” 15.30, ¢nd in the 62 ' dence uf Armerica JOHN WILLIAMS. \W. BARRINGER Col. Williams was born on the 29th January, ; Soteenareere *f | 1778,1n the county of Surry, Norit Carolina, | _ _ ‘of a Whig tamily, distinguished during the ; Revolution for its warm and devoted adherence ; to the American cause. Having emigrated tu | Tennessee in 1803, he engaged in the practice ' of law—mariied, and settled near Kouxviile, | | year al ihe Me epen- ithe Whig ticket for the Legislature succeed- Poy like majorities. In the ‘Hermitage’ pre- net, the vote stood, Cannon 104, Armstrong 17! ould that General Jasxson's influence ‘were greater abruad, than it is af home, where he is bown ! e COMSE: Aogust 26 — Temperance Yeeting. (BNVHERE wil be a ‘Tem perauce Veeting at the House of He: ty ‘Vrexler, (eu! ax miles east of Siltebury jou ihe Ist Satorday of In the Knoxville district, Joseph Williams ‘hig) succeeds Luke Lea of the same puli- | and for many y-ars uninterrupiedly aod success- pemember | Phe tress uf hee 8, by a majority of 1668 over Anderson | fully pursued his profession. War berg deciar ee ee ae be c 70. ed against Gsreat Britain in 1812, he left bis pri- vate pursuits to mingle in fan.) If the Rutherford district, Mr. Maury (‘Vhig) August 26. the sceves of the es camp. In the latter part. cae ( cotwn carn of te ee by = large penile ere! Mr. Crock: faadi : ea es on the Svouthero truntier were HAVE a gel ear pes i co aeil p(¥Yan) -, | the disturbanves © ed home, and was first rate quality, «nied ; . it Yoong Crockett, (Whig) son of David, 's Sette OO ec eat _ the 39th regi at reduced prices, un acredit of se eeyceie) - aredtin the Madison district to sacceed Adam | appointed ee States lofantry Having fe jnterest added, to purchasers ¥ he y pete ment of United font eik hundred MeN, pe guod. tgsman, a fence man. sai — ‘lie Peyton’s district, William Ca | akin) nie beaten Gen. Trousdale (Van) large majority. ®ve Johnson (Van) has been succeed Ge Cheatham (Whig). : - Siandifer (Whig) is re-elected in the Me ot dict i im. : NC ’ 7\IPH REYS. dap eee 10 New Orleans. Al, HENRY HU ‘1P e was orde | | 7—2w95 this time, owing to (he difficalties SS ee Greensborough, Avgont 8. 1837—26 a ’ the Cree : ; son and some of his trovps 19 = Poet appeared likely he would be compelled | . ee t warto a scc- : esi to withdraw withudgl renee he et ee Merce eiecnas : i o ave cessfu) termination. lie va ber, 1513, Gen Jackson eee miles North of Statesvi ee eee se plember. . Pers sais ao W ilinaoe a letier, informing a of Sep 5. W. LEWIS. pre satinrand requesting him to ae hem | ath bis regiment. ‘Though his regimeo | ce, he proper auth srity oo other sere eats at tine Creek Nation could oaly be | lized by an order from Gen. eee a nea wing ibe Suuthern Army, Colone ist €emp- a Creek, fiea-ll the 8th ae sr The .Wethod Joly 29th, 1837 ee BLANK SUBPCEN AS For sale at this Okice. 'B Carter (Whig) is re-elected ia n district. . Se Evan) re-elected without oppost ee districts not fally beard from. ——ooooeoeeee es ee = —— Tr —— j . From the Savannah Georgian. 1 WOULD BE GAY. 1 would be gay—let others weeps— I would be gay forever 5 1 would my bounding hearts liself in sorrow, never. hould steep Like to the wild one of the wood, I'd sip sweet honey tike the bee, From every lively flower ; My nightly resting place should 5e, Within some fragrant bower. My bed should be of violets sweet, My pillow, fairest roses ; . A stream most murmur near my feet, W hese moon-fight sult reposes, Tworla the morning lark awake, fron ony slunber , And rouse ne Phen On! t Ilarth’s beauties without number. view epon the lake, Jie sommer drake in plumage gay, HH late pear hit switptning 5 EN house oroht sun’s early ray, L, vet feathers gleaimiog. ‘Phe deer steals down with lightest tread ‘Torok the ervstal waters 5 Beteld cpr his Jotiy head, A W al uf spripg’s fair duughters. Ile hears ner vet the savage pack, VN hilt S He ES se ehiog, And switt ~ flying on fis track, With toauy crunson reeklug. Ah! now it comes,—he hears the cry ; Hhis heed’s erect and airy 5 Hrere—there—beyond, he casts his eye,— He's vautsh’d like a fairy ! ‘Then—list whet music !—hark those ho Vheir varied cycrus breathing 3 On earth there are but few such sounds, So deeply, wildly thrifiutg, Licht echo ton—thit mimie voiea, ‘Phrough wood, oer lake comes stealing And makes the roek, the rib regatee, -— boee stirs the sout with te elo. Who would nor then, and there be aay, Wopist others a pein sadness ? Brom joys lke tuese to flee away, +3. Yr anata | | serse i what they considered epirit. noes and poorned® ved associating with bia on re eee 2 & of military pride was deep! ‘as an act w they forthwith to Aim 428° 4 of equality. and re officer | have sete aitied to claim the character of am o Cov-{ a : and a gentleman, and in effect sen ‘ther for this pd Stal entry. They exeo threatened, se it | guardi a act itself, as one grossly eo ' bring nm to 3 Ree other alledged miseonde 1 foand his situa- “easil Court Martial. He at lengt determin | Voters, Ny m, on 0% ksome and mortifying, that he his com-- ticians, who oy opee Price IS edt ade the army, ao throw Op yolation- Is, and throug a r the gu ». ed to i gisgust. ‘Thos enced ee Daniel | coua'ty: ‘This mass, ion more and more su i eeeieices anc the military Saray corrupt ; re, 18 9 ated 28. political are 1 ale : 1 ° ; ni _ as . be i. Shays,as ao officer of the Amer —_———— ets institutions and liberties er the direction 75 14 DE FOR THE BEN A] the dik | STEVEVSON CaPirai. PRIZE _ Also many other Prizes of 80, { 10.000 NO. LOTT BURY CLASS NO. 17 FOR 1837 Tobe draien «at Wadesboro? Carvlii ~ ties whe ander the gnise fie BRY> Add to these the fana - 1 of liber ty, are. ¢ ra reChs * Ae —— 3 © BALLOTS. | ,¢ religion and it. the same. ion in all Sates will at awe " re os educating the:TISiDG SF seat alas a witkee | ee iat iS eee et ounce (usvieleaias it requires no argument toshew that oniess the’ 2 slaveholding interest of the South shall anite fi vile. EFI¢ OF THE SALIS@ | 4 coininon resistance, the sun of their prosperity, ACADEMY. i as ‘vell as their political influence, has set fur- | ever. The necessity of an efficient and indepen- dent press, as the organ of that jnterest, is felt by all who will give a moment’y consideration to ‘the subject. We would ask fhe intelligent rea- der what would be the consequence of a discon— | \inuanee of this paper ? ould it not secure tne political ascendancy of fhe Administration in the Southern and Southwestern States ? Woald | ¥ hot that section feel that they are compelled to jg Choose between the present incumbent and a catix didate less acceptable to them on the e:ave qu tion 2 Wut not the discontinuance of this per give new life and energy to abolition, WAR Is now euibodied for the purpose of controll tue Presidential election 2 And will oagg consequence be that when abolition shabby | BRUNSWICK, a, on Teur: day of Sepismober, 1837. 5: POINTS, Managers, | BLADEN, DULLARS. lelizeme: s008 j been thus embodied and sastained, - 1 Prize of 2000 | gaia in strength, ané multiply its 6 Prizes of 1000 j anti thd South shall have nothing left ; 10 Prizes of 400 {der ? 10 Prizes of 200 | Nothing bat a sense of the danger) 30 Prozvs of 100 , bas induced ihe undersigned to makes Ke 18040 Prizes ac Whole Pickets Tickets wiicost $5240; Halves uo. 26 20, t ives Quarters A certificate for Quarters do. 13) I | “Po be bad ia the greatest variety of nnm- bers, either by the package or single ‘Tick- et, of unds | | \ WTIEELER & BURNS. 2G. August 183 ae EVP OS ii L1.t, be sold ‘Town of Salisoury | this month all my | hee 1 Joston From } ') Advertiser and Patri ul. ANEC DOLE OF DANIEL SHAYS. | Mr Eis Versalion wiih an elie —Heavingy Jately learned trot dy gentleman au orlyinal Cot anecdote of Daniel Shays, with whteh my ta Permiad seemed tatatarty and per onally ac Jed, Pb have thenaht it worth preserving: ; tie nore Sy, asi inay perhaps serve in seme Poisdie to aecoun’ for ats subseq ite nt career, us a promoterol disafeetton, and a deader of rooel Li perhaps mot note quently happens, saat! aman Who has disgraced tomself by his own iniseconduel, ated ieenusre | the displeasure aud oatemotof ht. assuctates, wll attempt to a- venue binself and sovthe his own gorification acd sounded pride by NECOUIIIIE a ofa Gesuawosue, aod seck by Inflieiiog tnise on aectely, to oblain a tuitseravle salistacsde Inisanthrope ¢ mm» hie iodor ihe Supposed Wrougs Which me tnagives soctely e for bien yas cher AN) of the Was he COuULmeneeinen! lution Daniel Suavs Beroeafi td, bavi tle a tarm \t the Juextagton, which soe xiensively agiiiated aad pervades restding at L commie the enthiu-tasie aod palriotte a country extended io this: peaceful intertor t and 1 Shwith meatef tre young men ermbe Amenean teve South heen employed there two or years asa hired man, poobably to Work on Cement of hostilities at rdor, i the own, died | themselves eto a melitary company, and offered Several PORES of Land adjoining the Town, the numbe known on the day of Sule,in a guod state | cullivajion,. ‘The [House is targe, and conveniently planned nearly oes, and tas THERE ARE VEPACHED GOO) OU 420U OTRON COSTER EES aceupilad WELL OF WATER. ‘Ne tc the highest bidder at tay House in the wr PRoOpHanTy. S825 DWitrran fives be hasimade He can inake th@ S70, 60 lor He ts under the painful o@ &e. &e Douneing ty bis sudscribers and - (ue paper caust be suspendede dt = > - : ae nounting to $195,860 ot prying subscribers be 1n@ a &4 | cuuragved to bope that this apy G2 00 cinade ia vaio— that the South pes | the press to fall. This hope is 8 $p | Ov. merous leUers, extracts frum two lakes the linerty to submit as emt inost speedy and efficient mode of a¢ lle End ; Av aditor writes tufus from Liberty,M as fuilows. a package of 25 Whuele OF Speaking of this paper he’ ‘it ought and must be sustained. tts DUTY of every Southern man tu patronit I} will be youd to you fur at least twenty gat Salisvory NC. | bers. I have lately established « State Rigt ; | paper here — Pai barely justified in publishi cat. Yours will take subscribers from my ov yetl will urge every friend I have in this com—y munity to subseribe for it. LE will introduce res= viutious in the State Rights assuciation in the cuunty, requiring every member to subscribe for» your paper and pay in advauce. Let other as- suciations folluw the example, and your paper will be sustained and truth again have its way.’ Another letier, dated 17th, July at Columbus, Mississippi, says— ‘I have been requested by a number of gentle men at Coluwbus toioform your that they a anxious to become subscribers bo vou 2. nor boas Tequesied tu suggest to yuu the propriety of es fd psaide areney Tw ths piace = = { believe that a oumber of subseribers might be procured, nut anly here bat ihroughuut Mississip ARRUS, PA IREDELL, m4 i iZs. at PUBLIC AUCTION, \ DAVIDSON, . on Thursday the 31st of | MECKLENBURG, ee ‘oi, if ageneies were established in all our princi ASHE, PEF | al owas,’ a > CORN ; ‘Phese extracts are made to indicate the most eee qi Q qu Gs Eq ° | efieient means of immediate action, and to Justi- BURKE, i ify uur belief that the people of the South would and the appurtenances where Pio perue this paper to stak for want of petron | gop py oe \ : a lave did they know the exigency in which it ie gU RY, how live, embracing half a | placed. . ; ‘Phe undersigaed therefore call apon the}: z square, | S:ate Rurhts press to publish this adress He | WILKES, boneokes these who believe that this press should ge Y — ALso— ; Fae sustained tause thet influence in) obtainia, ‘saying Subseribers 3 andin all cases where thi ubserivers shall appoint a suttadie person to san avent, fis acts, as such, will be consids ald Sach agents are requested to remit: carrent bank bills, where a better medium: ¢@ not be had. One word to those patrons. s ; satronage has brought us to the necessit | o+aon your duty—had yon paid the ie lo ns, we should have been spare ¢ mortification ot making this appe nt hope that these, at least, wilh riof which wil! be inate | vill take ist, and na. tetull, fistshed { | a 8278. and imshy | ALSO The .thost Llegan instalment ERY, RU LTANKPrORD, HEREBY GIVEN, That obs of Sabscfiptiva to the S ok of the teville and Western Rail Road Company | be opened in the following Cvunties and | of the following, named per Saf snch places in said Counties, and at) said of.” wo Doliers un each time of subscribing Commissioners may di- Gdlumissioners ara Yéquested to forward the waeyas paid, and the Lists of Subseripiions, as they progress, to KE. L. Winslow, Fayette- | Dr. F. J. Hill, Robert McRackar, A. Baker. i; NEW HANOVER. James Owen, Aaron Lazarus, Alexander Anderson, James Burney, Joseph Gillespie, Jubn | McMillan. W. McKay, W, Faison Ollen Mobley. A ‘Troy, Josiah Mault-by, Auszusius Sinith Joho Wo Powell, Archibald A.'P Siith, Richarg © Bunting. W R Gales, W.H. Havwood, Samuel F. Patterson. N. A. Siedman, Charles J. Williams, John J Alston, John B Kelly, haries Cha'mers, BW Dowd. ad Dockery, eF Leak, PA) p Jou 4 aleRae, Joseph Medley, Dr. F J Jutiar, Dunean McRae, sen’, W Harrts. Hamilton C Jones, Hon. R Mo Pearson, Wiliam Chamiers. Alexander Gray, Jesse Henshaw, A Brower N Mendeohall, Jesse Lindsay, Jolin Morehead, Paul Parriuger, William F Phifer, George Kiults. Thomas A Allison, G kK Davidson, Rofas Rete Samer: Hargrave, Heury Dasenberry, W ott Eholt. Saninel MieCumb, Jobe Irvin, Aud Carer i Aut Kamund Bryan, Joh. G Bynum, Joho Me lutire. Roderick ‘turchison, John dPardin, J M Nye. Robert C Pearson, Jsauc ‘PT Avery, Jaimes C Smtth,. Josiah Cowles, Nathaniel Boyden, RL Porkes Willian P \Waueh, Thowas J Boucnelle, WC Buimete Nl R Vioore, C LE Mauhews, Pe ber Crnz i@monfidently believed. shat the gentlemen - a deep interest in this work, bits completion wii) unlock the meles regenerate a large section of securing the subscription of the Coustruction of the Read tu the two branenes will be rendered ir gees ee: ti tar ce | P what lecaa, ard this work WM. ANDERSON. | »make a good fit, bat should they | } ZAILORING BUSENESS., THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED t }IN IPSSEVERAL BRANCHES AND VA- | a dsecditeiseg | varreliet? = e ~ DUFF, Baction has arrived; will Che pee Yaltimore, 34 August, 1837-9 ’ ad the Cape FPesr forego the | a oy > — ee n { laldarge aud mixee cmleetion of LAW BCLS. { Consisting of ELEMENTARY aed LibGal ©! ter plece une the ” 4 The Salisbury Female SEMINARY: JILL he re opened on the first Tnesday in October, when Mre bivichtsen plecges herpower, BILES & J. INGE, NFORM their friends and the public that thev have lately received from the North \ | herself to promote by every means 19 the moral, intellectual and pe rsotal lp prove- CITy FASHIONS, ! nent of al] the pepis committed tober charge. < bast 17 able to inform According to which they are ready to make |_|! affords her pleasure in betng able te . > 1 owe garmen s..desired ow p a: | her friends and the puultc in gereral, ibat sev Tices . : hag i re i at mes. ney eral respect: ble fsintties ate w iing to receive have great couhidence in their abiluy to) ) pupils as boarders, oneer wlase care tein persuaded they will receive the hindest atten- tion: and that Col Lemly. (19 whose fomily she expecis, bY Jeave of provide bee, tes; nd the ensuing academical vear,) will be prepared to secuinmodate ia very comfortadle miacper, afl ihvse pupils whose parents and guatdans may wish to place them uoder ber hiwedisle super- vision. August 5, 1837.—403. “NEW FASHIONS. fail. they are willing to take the garment | and try ull they succeed. Catting be’ done “promptly and in the best) mode. Work from a Cistance faithfully executed, | and carefully despatched. Orders in all cases diligently attended to. P. 8. Produce of various kinds will be received in payment for work. Salisbury. May 27, 1837—1f45 will { } | SPRING & SUi- MER FASHIONS. | YD KRorace bo. Py ard, {/ GD F le Reevecituly tenders his thanks te the eiizen |! a 7 | Maker of Salisbury and its vicony for he livera” \iilliner and Mantua Maker, support hehis heretofore received in tis business He informs the public that be still carries oa the | PRILORANG BUSEVESS NFORMS che poolte, thas she hes just Te- ceived the NEI FORA & PHILADEL- ate RIETIES AND ACCORDING TO THE LATEST FASHIONS FROM HY! ring an ad i memMev FASETIONS POR 1837, Paris and London, Via New York an’ Philadelphia. | | He assures his customers tht their work ‘and will execeote work cathe vertous oranches shall be duu faithfully ane acenrding C0 promise oe wuginesscte the most fashionable style, With and that isnot whatevery MePChaule CaW suse Al: fidelity and premptness. Bees st we eae | Seg Onde ss thom adistance will he strichly Salisbury, Vay 20, 1s37-—ift4 fatiended te.at Carieless! Dress carctoily pach: bed and sentooff according to direction, LAY BOCIS. > Old Leghern and Straw Bonosets bleach- VANE Suoserior rs ore speed Niyooonform the ed, cut and trimmed in the dates style. Judas, Meaunbers of the Bar. ana Students | . , —— -_ of Laws teat they tiave for sal at che fo Mrs SDP will hep consiantly on band . . . fone net choot bait s, ( Aps, ACL AC NORTH CURCLING BOON STOLE, | Mis. Po retores ber thanks to the ciiizens cyaiming Counties for j Las received, scthent ste and , ledges herself to renewed exertions to please thea. | Works. the liberal encour. | One of thefirm. H. DD ‘Turner, having boca ted himself ar P80 Broad Wav. New York. will be ate io prceure AY Books, whi are bein print inthe Nortvers of European Market at as short anelice as posse (7 oo , ee . 2 We take the fae of snegesting to our | Private Tuition in Music. friends and acquaintances,gnd the pocd cith | zeus of North Carolina Cenerally, the propriety 7 of consulting their interests, (ihereby sustaning | NM the Book Store with their patronage,) and in doing so, we Will be favored with their orders, which will eet with our usual preinpt i will by gld per Quarter, ors] 25 per week, for lien la shorter period Genilemen visiting the city, are respectfully | Salisbury, July 1, 1837—4¥ 50 invited to call and examine our steek, which ! . comprises a large assortment of every kind de- \ scription, Address TURNER § HUGHES, Raleigh, NC. | June 7; 1837 — | we dN , | Sarispury. APRIL 15. 1537 a = oa ISS BAKER wv iJ on the Pisno Forte for a quarterot 12) weeks, et the residence of Mrs. Baker "Phe Quarter to commence on Monday, July 3rd Her terms cite lessons allen COMMISSION BUSINESS, PRNELTE Subseriber co toges the Rece 5 1g and Forwarding Bustuess in Geeigetown, 3. OT ert yok Sate’a Pracf tomtamng 860 or more Acres, Ce ey reer. rmyr—— ow -y REFERENCES. vebinsonu & Co... New York. Nobertson. € harleste noo © a ag . Sprague, Ta wis With tayprocetients cot inferior ta any between the Vadhin and Cetawba in 115 A on e one MWuaet, | { ! - . ar Jones Wroetht, Chetaw. S | crest another 3 o2 cer more tn another all aweor I} BOW C “ aes jloarether ) und ta »Sinall tracis da dred ll, a few ee Na Join Mees, mties above Statestiiie. Undoulted witless will Solis uty, N.C Dednace by the proper persers Apply soot A.W) Brandon or tu the subsentber tort rus, oe | ) ~ WEN YE &e. JOHN SCULI faerie | | May 20. 1837—1f44 é5i° POS. All kindsof property esecitstibesns TER JOUR CE OFFICE | seriber has In pussession, can be boug nt a! price. Low = PROCLAMATION. POR SALE. Ores rr 4 Neen Ly the Governor of North Carolina CR t rsane the 1 dee J. « \ ! ftamsedf mere exeli wei ‘dy os cs of $200 REWARD. be pr 8s Othe Uncerserea «ier far <ate the eres ol ~! iment toe North Cartas Joumal OF- Wy hie thas been mace known to me foe. The Othee os well J 1+ wspa- by the veraret of ay Puqnes! bel by vn fail Grid... lal '\ pe. she <r USC rDERS Is turocer, that A.G Keys, of the county. ef eo: evry Wight be great. \tartin, was rece hilly murdete doin said COUNTY 8 piuthiendeud OY u LCoRCEN Ena ‘T. aUY per- and that Georve W Coburn. (ef the county and r Hs oletuatking te the business « offere Stuie uforesaid: stands charged with the eom weemne tits Del terion tooacy th this State, bul mission of the said) felony: and whereas itor. toa practes\ pooter they hoow of no tovestinent | represenved tha’ the said George W. Coburn ts A fugii:ve trom justice, he could make Of bis mm ney that woule yveid Lim a more profiadle reiurn HYBAn TI & STRANGE. that the said . ~ Fayetteville 20th May Dso7. apprehend and the end may be Now, therefore, to W. Ceburn George i 3 Tl X EIT IN PETS ; WIN Meron E hrobuht to trial Pbavethenebt proper to issue amine _— Ue SCA en nnunvnnro veer calre EX ORY > A. WINSLOW, Presipent au gut proj | wo . ' a t ] Wh i L RNI I U RE F . ot) De, this my. Proclamation. cere a reward of (wo bine be erce of the country Of yhes @ Weslern Kail Road ( ompary sy z ' . MLV Tae iv te < , ro ) ' io + - a > dll ee eee . “{S ' ATO . co, any mene P So nuinerous, bow. | Belonutng my He aay aa ee d Po nya Bil. 1837 — 1:30 ee vol . : oo ie " hee i a OOKS are now open ai the Office of the ey ~ Hers of service, at thar $8 dhostly ASHTON ABLE aod ELEGAN I F oi << on Sa OCs co = ue { Watchman and atthe Store of Geo. W: u todhad i iy ’ ; 4 a deliver him ty the Sier-tihot Martin county 5 ane Bi i Wo ’ : ihe . cupany ne iceline aii ey Cn. a eee fe, { Lda norevel hereby toute all officers vpether Brown, io ihe Pown of Salissury. for subsenp- the "re COUP held tnemsetves t . : : ° = + cee cake a thee eat ' | ieee reer iit ’ , 4 any ; e ' ‘ at ? My tuterest tn the House now occupied by HL ¢ . i ypcanaaiee Qf. Fvaicy. | civttor military, within this State, to ase ther Hons to the ¢apital etoch if Fevetteville and fee merethoata deomeots Wwarntog, whe NaS tare ec GED ohio: hian a | a : : ae Nester Ratt Road uucertie Acts of Assein- hever ) eervirie snauld pe feanied Tes . u p e sume, subjeci , ~ _ 2 cyt | best exeriions lo appre nd, or cause tu be ap ; , ; _ ns | i. NUL "Ss ty the Dower of Mrs. ¥ arbroagh, 4 feceiving fron New Yoko and eho prevsended, the said fugitive bly of 19353 and 153% I! 2 fete ed, WAS 1 Ne Summer of a ee cuien ee nortan ' , , 3 oe . ; / . ; ae tler (oe ore cS me be ALSO ; 7 ‘ me PRs Tad . piven under my band as Governor. THE COMMISSIONERS. Li Atter (ne organization of the forees an r GOLD AND SILVER WA RE, &l. or Spring Sn oe eC ev eT Fe VEED G: 5 ie p ; . . < ga Ate es . Ea 2 SPU 3 1 E ve . : . _ 8 _ WW: fo ,atd atler (heevacuatton of Bostoa Pwill sell at my plaatation, four miles west ut THE Suoseriber has op band and will Keg # usvally kept by Sberen et ene ee ere a Y ‘N by > oish troops whieh oroured in Marek, Salisbary on tie next day tu viz: on Friday Ist constantly forsale at his shopin Salisoury N. A Mave been selected by nor an persed, and | Merwe Na, at ve ee Raleih, this 26th | \N O'l] C I 177b tue principal seatof war was transferred | day of Septenber, on main street,at the next duor above the StOQ@ BGs eunfidently ce umen ed to be petite as | May, a oh Deol e to tne oniyhoorhoud of N. York, a large number r A eg 7 of Samuel Lemly & Son, a Lz — ee ia rk ai te Var | LDV AR . sted. or Slaccaincluecescinveandiherchorutiite Tia. Lan GE C RR OP, SPL E SOIT ASSORTME vr OF Ve pan a - prs ' | Cc CB ec. P. Sect’ j ) ps at ssary, an ' . Fin siness for tere oe ears, he topes be) CHrisTopHeER CU. BDaTTLe, F&F. « y | VeeeerncinTs errs field was ae- | growing on sid pkintatiun Tt will be sold 7 os o : ang wus . ; all | eee en eel netic atten loteur parcels twsuit purchasers, | | FASHIONABLE ARTICLES Hot ne cancides presu gins a eal |G. W Cehorm is abvut 30. years of age, aboot eae ee ae : ‘ ! g himself a jude: : pn e adie JUS Ta 9 inches bigh, thick set. of an athleue and s toes ao , ’ rat : : . , j . A =); * 4 : Nee = . . = - ) . ; . ., aD eel Yincnes vgn. i¢ = 5 dan alh i j bier y t the t ae serge F a veo | SO) in hts line oon an ong which he would Reived the Ne > we Philadedptua Fash- aeruiar coneibulin, complexion Piteenod: Je AGT Set. 8 pS UY 10) a aa are . enuumerate the tullowing viz: fthe above clot ot Up io a superior ° ' coll ; . ne °O ‘ we . ae & ~ . 8, and tre a : full face, speaks short and quick when spoken Ws scrvice WO the vietnity of New York Lar Sc quanti Ics of Ifay . Oats. Patent Lever WATCHES, (English, French. | eof fashton, ani wot at dee is fit weil. reed ee S cotels hat RaW leas: Li is believed HE new Steamboat Con pany beg leave to | t rt saltt ‘ < xi * f . rises } . 5 Y ' ) 1 4 ‘ $6 a Ws au i i ’ 1 } . feat } " 4 > ' De ee aoe In the mean time, me Ry e, Wheat, and old Corn. , Swiss, and Dutch,) Sas He will slsoikerp en Vota general asserts | re on leaving, a blue cloth cuat with vel- Interim the public that they are bavog a of the caaiisstoned officers having beea promo- ‘f Gold and Plated Fob Chains Pay MAD.. * LOTHING, all of ) 7 boat boultin Baltimore at adight craeght of wa- r = ae eae Se z ; an? pent of REA vet e jlar. dd & ted acd trau-terred, Shays oolained a Cumiuis- Al LARG E S7 OC K OL CA TTLE & Gold and Flated Watch Guards Oran ty sid Very lov for eash or ob a | ter. for the express purpose of ly og betwixt | tri | Gold and Plated Wateh Keys, — a Ate e Weare rr Sign basign of The Company. | on ae sold an ate ate eys, ' ot deaiels cinds cf culting | ° Camden acd Charleston, and to he here earny on . : . > 5 ° ° ‘ edit to puetra arte te. 2 | 1 r, 7 oh Bred At orse amden . y fn 1777 een, Latavete aritved from France, | fos ae SICE EGS breed. Gold and Plated Watch Seals, il} be done of short nouce, Ordeis or work The Bho cusl in Sepremmber Jt is confidently belreved that and aooogether supphes Oranzbt out oy tte, | —AILSO— Gold Kar-bobs, Breast pins, and Finger-rints ; p will inctually atlended to she w ahle with ease lo nat ute ike Wa- ® Si ’ g » fom a distance will ve punc y at she wil ; i apd “ eatculated to dasere bis weleoune tn the WAGONS & PLANTATION TOOLS OF (latest fasbion,) | The public are inv ted to call and examine lene atary stage of the river Merchants and Ameri aroy, Wasa box of swords. Vhese | EVERY KIN : Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases,a riges fer themselves He still continues at his others from the uppercenotry, 4 il! find st te their . Soe, sects Ge Swe “THA Ok oe ae a i <* 5 > i . { have fiwn! oduce cere “iy ‘ v a Saftern a+ he Str re cer Tire” simeé nee and pla i } Fi » and Stee] frames & | ‘Wmer stand, south of the Cuart Hoose, in the erest to have thetp iets pe ‘ sent ‘ AOU Te SUTIN Hstltatio : | eestaieat virs Lc ot ce the Ine P. k ; s gia B kB tldi ‘ : 7 SE; throngh (his chatine!, as ite tretutts wall te fea- ie : i > 4OWTie, . . oeKet a . be e Dric anding 4 —s ‘ u aah toded ww VStribare them i i tao the LPL NSS TEA VION ee Mrs Todd,) Frait Koivan’ Dirk Dives, and Silv. Salisbury, N £ May 13 1837—t43 GODOLPHIN ECLIPS cE; sit biee ih hueaer whale ver. wil aus addition: ser as {1 rac “ r ae 5 ° . : *. . a on He Cauinisstoned officers uf co ‘ | ED BY THE LATE roy ERLY OWN. Pocket Pistols and Dirk P S. Az he isan Agent fur some of the most ILL stand the «nsuing Fall season ata) uy cere oe male fer lalieriwe. fer oO exer Ca , pees aeeorlingly given to ite tis in oood r “AS TODD. Breast Butions and Mu ie { bionable Tailurs of Philadelphia and New Salisbury and Mock-ville. Fle is net UP ors ep ena Wanting lo ensure fee any and / : woos e s on 1; ae 2 1 { . rs AT enicanbe cee , Pp mts and Knsigns of ear: ' Ppair, §& under good fences . Gilt an 08 usical Boxes, ge - he would be happy to instruct any who| ly a horse of ihe very dest blood in America, pe eich She will ply with Ue the new comp a g f certain | Zoed Barn and outhouses. becided . Hasa ; teel Watch Chains and K ; prk, Piya y : be Ecli nt ofa mareby sur Archie, but _ Met ve ua oteh Shays Was allached } Ses, ~iesa comfortabje He will execute ever d . . eys. ; y wish te lears the art of culling garmen:s. ing oF Lciipse oul of 2 sat 5 é ; a steamers’ ( mGen, Whese stecess . ael & @- “i ey erived @ sword, as one Neel : | DWELLIN a workmanlike man y escription of work | Be also continues te distribute the Fashions. i has proved timse!f ty ve decidedly the best fal ci pas utithe navigation of te Warteree by Set T. Shays having aly - ee I fi ' G HOUSE Seda Ccinsly Letters for Fastiois ust be post paid gellerever in this part of the country He ts eatin tev ng aceubl | Boch bos will be able Sond sve he thowrht would Aueercas way ay fora sinall tainily. here 18 belo: 7; DAVID L POOL Re — | commended 1 the pupuce with the almost conf iy gees naiaie passervers comtertaniy, being po ey , Pree, SWer lis por | place, a tare ; s voying to this! 52S” Old Gold and Sj me 5 a = further partientars ; : , _¢ : f SeEA eat Ser To titge and exce‘leat meadov, ‘Ther, | fol atticl and Silver jaken in exchan er Noti dence, See Bills tor furiher p vil powith the lodies ond genilemeus ree rds Airoutien a , ; : . : A ' ' , y 3 | rea great demand, and u a Le ew places in the Neighborhood, wh gare | ment fo “9 purchased at his shop, and i¢% Religious Notice. ; HH. SANDERS ich afid separate borter tor qs peubably _ | vat} WUE Tura out more advantegeously. ere labor | Salish, work done and debits dae J t __ July 15, 1537—1t!52 PENS GASS, al i . . ‘ nobhard i . = sry. S$ i = + . : . , . ; . . x, ; / : tet sesell tis French sword, and | § Vorms will be made kavwn on th ary, June 25, 1826 1f49 apmeeting will be held on 22d Sep gr F Kelipse will be at Salisbury on 20h of _ Agent New S B Company. edsin his pocket. ‘Phe facts ae e days of pext,ai Seuth River Church abowt 4 nis south. Hos Jely Ss. US37—2u 51 ‘tou anung bis brother uftic oe JOR ° & uo} Krider's Store, and two miles from ogee ee Se = aoe CeIs, Whuse higt ; JAMES J PRIN Ta. er —“wmreNnNEe ec IPMCKN : aa 1 Salis6 MES HUI a ° 7 CENAS ‘soury, August 12, 1837—3w4 & or enn descriptié Ford up the river. BLANK St BPC: : | ELANK DEEDS For sale at this Office. FORK SALE AT THIS OFFICF jeer mato di Dollers | in aE C2 periptiéa SFecsived epwill be disc casa b a ies sth Jil pine Buiior, p vl letters ‘o Pr ga itor of Wise they will cert Ro: y dhs a yolf aid 3th" aah itjenrnint Sia! o sre for the ferst iiser ge, we for “each ji yn ent ge ve. ‘Hfigerted for le of Lan. es ees A sicitee galt orders is stop thant,” where bo directions sly given! . kip nents by Hons oxue friirt Sata Dollar secon each squa e,| wiriier of changing the form every drag * oat: ———— ~. Mi AER EDS x. , SALISBURY,’ x perf 18a 20 cts; ; Braid a 49 a 90 cts5 Cottofi™ per cis; Cotton bagging“ "per “yd: 20 25 FEoffee perio. 16 a 18 “ets ; Castings per ects ; Cotton yarn, from No. 6 to No > OO ats; Peathers per lb; 43 15 a ° 98 oo, heat pr bush. 61 00 | M4 fs pr bushel! 30 cis; Corn pr bash 65 tis; Oa cis; Lead per lb 8a 10 cts ; re per ral O24 CLS 5 Nails per 9 a AC Beef per lo 0a VO etsy Bacon per th 12 utter per | 128 yi per bushel yl 25 1 oOts 5 Steel, Ameris et, per lo. 10 cts ; Eneli h «do. per Ib Cast do. per lb 23 a 30 cts; Sucar 5 a lovis; Rom (Jamafea) per g ral; nkee do $l 5 "W M (clean) per lb 30 | iow per Ib 19 b24 cts; ‘low-linen pr yd. } Papcis, Wine ( Teneriffe) per oal. gl 50 s] dv. $1 50 a $1.7 cts 5 Claret do ji 3a 1 75 e185 Malaga, (sweet) | e.g; Whisks v per gal. 45 a 50 cts. CHERAW. % 613.5 40 90 ets 3 Beeswax | (9a 00's; Barring per yard Ia 2d, Bale rope p 12 14 ets ; Catfee pr. Ba lb cis,t per JAD lbs $7 93 OBe | » Gorn per 1 000 aeis; FE lcur | Magons per + 000, fruin stores per | Wiha 124 [+ ver OO Ibs $5 63 ‘ 0; sper 7 J tas Nails ent assort- Bros i2a0e.;, Wrought deo. perth 20 | “Park par do ost oy Rice pear Oo lus SA j WO, sneer p OU 124-2 a gts; Salt prj 43525, ve! 374 gl ets;Steel A- pean vlisver | 10 1bets; F allow per Ib 10} nels, Per dra ces i 0 ju la l fed politi a 15 cts. FAYETTEVILLE eo Do. Apples 60a 7 mrioll 124 GS Cotton pr lb 6 Sau rib i2 a 393°; Flour bb). O36 a 7 edpr bh $1) 008™ ppsathers pr | lv 35 404 rousb 1 00 ad 005 “Fror. prib 52 a6; Mo- ral 35 40 2 00; Nails cut 74 a 8 ;Salt b2 75; Sugar pr lb 7 all ; ‘Tobacco; | £3, Waeat pr bush $10 15; Whiskey ! ars, BSE ix 20 a 00 = a aR 1i0° VO TICE. lies MARTIN and R. Ho ALEXAN- RB. (iiteot North Carolina) Aftorueys at , Mupile Alabama, attend all the Conrts the city of Mobile, the Supreme Court lesa, and the Cireuit Courtof the U Bea's nthe city of New. Orleaps. BEM iS37T—bw2 bes Ps J . ” a y pl oO} Hin marset per fd 4 13 IU 5 Havas +f beet Ss 25 ects 3; ‘Pubaccou Inanu- Ta aS we A BUSINESS has become so. mugh ex= buended, and the amountof arrearages has Mew greatihat L mos: settle It wilkebe Palestinjustier to require 1.e to travel ull eiuntryfur this porpose.. It ig to be therefore. ahat those: who owe ‘me will rouble and» expense. by~ remitting ny pe? ‘be Post Office, andethage, without H. C. SONES. r6, STi ~N OTICE.. Persovs indeoied ic Amie SVeaver for ason of Mart lieu, are requested to Pentto } Vo ‘tiehaux, as he aloneJs Bree oO receive the same. 3 : AMOS AVEAVER. s, 1837~ 6451 COT my ON ub Be eibers hav. ind several first F Cotton Gras, whien ibey will dispése of B accom my? vine lerms SAMUEL HARGRAVE H R DUSENBURY. mn} Aucus: ne oy 37-16 * Orrow YARN. GINS. * s ea mlily, which Bam. wi Hing: <= (Or sel - Mawereditof six ee oe ey purchasers who Se te 5 My HENRY usu Roogh, August's, 13722 4 75% acres Ee gh cg; bard per ib ie Bacon per ! lto submit to any specics of Oppression, Pro- | wer byt 5a l aye etsy! peg ea laree assorthent: of, curton - t asertiot “afferwatis {* ; Sa rahe f “ eer. was oneof those + DLequakers : ucated in the. hon~ hot William. enn, and refused chook ; ghiaty 2 and how before-the min vof gespotism. , In. consequence of ich-he shared the contempt of the Gov- or; but thefrowns of power could never ve,him from. the faithfuj performance of ‘his, Buty té-tus constituents. For when the subject of taxation, wasintroduced he arose promptly, and with repeated arguments and speeches, resisted.the oppression. But bow- ‘evere persuasive bis. appeals. Echo alone heard to | yrespond, ag the impressive tones of his elo- quence’reverberated from the silent | Reason and justice were voted down, and . atbee}e stare and etc ‘Gow tent bis arguments, and however | walls. ; vided with gmail arms. ‘ itt. _ : yen Sebaup. a. ,~court ler own and proceeded to, the, inial.. ~of causes as" they’ Giought ot upon.the pute. prin- ciples of équity an jusuge.©. This.mob & summary mannég_of. aig Was >ron-" demned by alFthe more intelligent among the Regulators thémgelves. hEdiPRegh - I ieclcrneyenat / tad PM onegeae bprinvipal’eaptain & are ail Siar thei -fire ftom the ‘cannon. “They alls and left the field execpt Ndiies Pogh*from Ojange county, and three other mensw liad taken a stand near the cannon..=Th were defended by a large tree and «a. ledge of rocks. Although half.cof the .canna The Regulators broke up the court 1 ee directed against them they could not Uillsborough ia Dee, 1770, and on the 1s: day of May, 1771 Governor ‘Tryon appear- ed in the neighborhood where they lived with an army of two thousand six hundred men. A part of these troops were from England, but the greater part were enlisted for the expedition. He had twelve brass cannons, six of which were nine poanders. , wod six of six pounders, aud were well pro- | Also a company of Col. Edmuad Fanning se- | 100 tight horse. ra tax of one shilling and cight pence was cond ia command. D| lard upon every white poll in the State. When the sheriff. Hogan, and his deputy Lunn,came to Guilford county they ted to collect’ a tax of two cine and | enght pence on cach white poll, urging that ‘it was right because it was the Governor's | pleasure thutitshould be done. Assembly ‘This speech together with the stern de- | termination of some of the duced 4 great disturbance in the country. I | Was agreed at length to be left toa law ye lin Hillsborough, “Orange county, by the name of Fd: nund Fanning. This lawyer | pronounced the tax list to be just, but was > unable to produce the act of Assembly to jjusufy it. The peo ple were much dissatis- fed eth this me nerdy impressed with the belief that Edmund Fy fe | ning and the sheriff bad form: d a consptra- cy against the rights and b:berties Gf the Aad whensthe sheriff atte inpted.to colct this tax by selling the property of the people, they oath: red round ia and bis deputy, trea them up and gave them | thirty nine lashes tronpakcent The Sheriff aud bis do puty stressed | dec won ane! we GG \ | | cite.the sympathies, but gene gave eat their story but some iowyers ti oxgoete | of fees, and a few Eurcpaans ist j in the country. whick | judice which prevails against lov 3 day in the upper counties of Nota Caroli Ina, b WKS 1. eX OD Cine trou tly os: ttied to the pre- Wave Fis The Governor was apprised of these re | bellious proceedin» 2s in Guiford i iit bad policy to raise an army to ea cite jthem He thought it probable that the ex- ae feelings of (be people would soon say side, and they would fail «siccp to their ' best mterests Zut little did be dream thes these were men thet never slept while thre plroan of despouem was preying and fatten ing upon thetr liberties. meet at Newbern; Uerman tlusbands made his appearance agin as the faithfnl undaun- ted. representative of Guilford county. Be- fore he started however to Newbern he col- lected himself, one shilling and eight pence | apiece from all his constituents) He then repaired to the seat of Government, and when the House met—the Governor presi ding as Bupreme officer. above the speaker, demanded of Husbaadsin astern and angry tone to explain the conduct of the King’ s subjects in Guilford, in refusing to pay t taxegiew hereupon. Husbands arose and ag- dressed the Governor in the following fan- guage —“Wiliam Tryon; Governor of N Carolina, each one of my constituents con- siders that he owes your excellency one pound of butter, and paying .it-to the. sher- iff and other officers concerned: ag beats to prevent this unnec paid it who eee ia te ee yous pr atlernp= , appear at his standard of Loyalty on the | iall but twelve of the Husbands} , opposed this with all bis power and told | Ven that the Governor had no lawful pow- | ler to alter the enactments of the General | finy to his jnot know what to ae they kev they people Neer not fight the Governor without cagnau with any expectation of success.and they resols-" ‘lows th: at kept to! [Rey Dowd C l to ers to tis | vit thot { Se well Peo home, adetieg, his gons are . : Veoent oui two of lus oflicers witha wiiite (ls In September 1770, woen the Governor | , talled another session of the Assen:bly to) iwonld ‘ory for his refasiag te treat woh them that i they took tnese i thir Ty. waste; freely and sent it ‘Seibert « come 5 ! | The Governor issued his proclamation & | seat tin every direction for thirty or forty | miles, commanding al! those Regulators to | sixteenth oo of May. and be would pateon: principal rinwleaders, | on their giving up there gans and tuking au | oath to be true and Loyal subjects to Kiag | the Third, and obey bis Laws, to be | a fiiend to the Kigg’s friends and an cne- enemies. ‘Phe Regulators could | George did edto get asmai of their frrenes to accor | lpgav tiem on Uh.t day as possible in order | Lefert a comprodise, Ranners were sent in every direction: even nto Somh © and Virginia. ernor was much surprised to ser men at a distance and no one come up to his stardard, were fifteen thousand men present in of the Regulaters, but very few bad any ons with thea, for report had gone oui: that “f you appear with a gua the Gowern- or will nottreat with you? So the dost of | ibe gons were hid ia hollow treesor tit be. | bind, vet there were some stout ie arted fel- | toc ae | if reli a's | Wren the day coms the Gove | } SOQ Mattyv | withing to Report said ther tyke ther gons wiih ‘then life and sara meantime the Re cane ws bad sent ue : atdwell into the Governov’s order to eff cl a compromise the Lves of the twelve priacip?! | should go loge Wher Vine If} SAve lies eon G andl Robt Mateer | weraors dines on the same | Swell was acduintted te] to tnforar then > by way ofeom would do nats ~ {+ | Ir. C | | ! (VOtOrs he deus yy OLOMH SC. PLETE yah hoy. (rot \ PHS ‘ort af fyyo nilvired REL liaboee eoncer ee Comm. 7 en Phe | ped ve in prete line of battle order against vou 7’ other two comnitss! feta Jtrst at Govern Loa pe ame the LVGEY prisaners Nis to read his preelawation anew sand irre the people in to oath, or hee tire his cannon amena them and The Regniators were so au take the else “ill them all. tweoflicers and gave thei | ty nine lashes apiece on their naked! backs, and sent word back by them to thé governor to fireaway. This wasbad con- | duct in the Re gulators ; ; it disgusted many | | of their friends who immediately left them “* Now,’’ said Joshua ‘Teague, ane of their | captains, ** we must fight, and as all, my company have left their guns, we wiil ‘take. trees near those that have gans,and as soon as any of them may fall we will rush up | and possess the guns of the slain ” Cap Montgomery replied * that advice . “pas me*well'far I have one hundred men ‘that ha¥e°gof'vuns-and have promised not to Pron, ‘andit ike4o* have my friends near | had, you would, Pine inthis case.”’ White t dis conversation was going onal c . Governor returned | nal’ , acerated. Ilis rage | aes be eseribec: Robert Thomp-_ fold. him as’he came in peacibly he | dp torelurn and started to leave. 2a, bs rds were spokeo the Governors! dierts 4 jag insjantly. abeved. ibosteommenced the. battle es ta h lasted upwardso a c 1 oer ie mus OF co ly an NG Bee ° eu. dared to fight against the King. ithe limb | pardon, ‘The Governor asked bim if he was not sor. | replied, [| : The Governorasked him whe he | hinina by enforcing a sol / stead of the Hern this country and a beter wil be ape / pointed in your room. ; icre ; day justead 6 driven from their 7 yn, until they had killed fifteen. i inanaged the cannon. * ‘fired every gun and the other three men loaded for him ; at length they were surrounded, Pugh was taken prisoner the other three made their escape. When he was brought to the Governor his undaunted courage and heroic fortitude exctted all that were pres- ‘The Governor asked Pugh why. he He re-. plied © I dont fight against the King buta set of dishonest officers under the appolnt- ment of the King.” —The Governor called him a rebel, and ordered a rope around his neck, and said, * you shall be bung this hour.’ Ue was ordered to stand upon an empty barrel, and the rope was secured to ofa tree. At tins time a cali came over his mind, and the Governor ex peeted he would turn penitent and sue for Bat iu this he was mistaken ry for w hat he had done, Puvh oi ret. iid not come ap to his standard and claim ie benefit of fis Prochinmation hisamen aleng with hin, for he stjoal he was one of their captatas. Pugh repued, your Proclamation was too severe; iit first took aw iy our guns which were our t mv property, it planted 4 dagger in the It also shewed willing to take who werey honest wmliy of no erime worthy of death. reuark of P ugh seemed to surprise the SViCT ry twelve men, Ciovernor who asked him if he had no fear | iof death, as this was the last) hour of fis | life. Paogh said | tiave long since beéa prepared to meet iy God in another world | rand tl L want at this time is to let these seople Know the cause for which they have aurdered their countrymen. Tf you will give me balfan hour, T wall tell them and you the right cause. This was agreed to, and Paogh began. friemis, and hear what J have to say, aud) you that consider me your enemy will | hive to find out that f was your friend. My blood will be like g: hod seed sowed | in good ground, it will proauce a thousand | aN to rise up against these dishonest ofhi- rs. You first novice tats Governor 3 he | oumitted to prison our commoner, Her- | ‘now ELusbands for doing a good | deed, ie Pearryiag the puotic fixes to, ie treasury eheuff. These ittenmpted to release Sia, they have shed and for that attempt you have brougit an army here aud uurdered _us. mw blood, What will your King say to you when he vas heard of this slaughter you have maie withont eause on his ipnocent subjects. (lis couneil will d-clare you unfit to gov- set or army sides in faver of the people againsi a dishovest officers. you bronght tieir and niurdered us. Does this ‘his people. You should take part in their, ‘favor, now my 4gends, go apd unite. your- i -clf, to these Regulators yet in your.sight.¢ if you do-not tuhk* With ine on this sub- | ject, Iteis- because you ave not received | the proper information. ©‘ Heré*the* @av- grnor interrupted: Him and..saitt® he* ar his insults 20 Jopgers¥ou"ar, a e, n and I want you to. bezmy- Soldter.. 40}. help to subdue heeseae y—Pugh. ireplied ‘¢they will -mnin ea yorsner this. fdvised the GM rivo , he might influence “thie | He Was again.ollere join the stat asked x bed ne ' td 4 F tgand, 1. Ro! ey pa hap ‘dead.— re iit + Phe Oe veraar ' Jed to the"menia "he had agreed-lor’ ; “fled thistittle | boy "ste p ‘him, to fans engi ger .t for “making “You"bang my fathe ‘then the childregx was nade ins 5 toused tlie be told the boy7*. *Col’Fanning was'3 acgua ser, he was considered un the neighburtiond itv us sate anning, » we will ga ‘What wi we gato by the a t ‘heis Tea w to do any sie Said Fanning let us (prs pee. "to pe Le Y for us im, to pring Hermon Husbands a “prisoner tp hig’ room | aod then his life shall be spared. ‘This offer ser gladly accepted, but * if. we letwhim go “sal ‘Tryon who Hag:he to stapd a8-h +10 this room provid evér returns, “ wife and.son, n n instfimente of Ww soltus then drawn up by Lawyer. niting <3 Fanning, thataf ser should fail to retarn after fivex days, then his — ve released, and bying |? (He BUNE | ported that he bad -seea ‘Husbands bat’ wag pot | under: | - Yet if you’ will give me 30,| Own paper at dis¢ouats of froin 25 to 50 per pn oath that none | no! were | his | * Stand near my | te ‘gulators ‘aud Rober Frefds | DWoog tha Reaali we rue Were | gen. irterand faishlub subjects of ‘Kip | third,-to beza-friendato the Rig asth 02 ; ianet to.ihe King’s. en Tustead of takiag! i hills ofthe: r ifahey- F jhe Aad s ated 1 viriy. (66 Fanning! uefa aroma, mere. rstro @eatpurt "hee Sb ‘his writing was signéd ‘by! Messer.” The ! rest ul the prisoners were alPpat.in chains*atd a | | guard sot over them, the woman among. the rest. ‘Phe boy waited on th@Governor with-all-atiea lion as # fool page. Messer set off the same duy ahd overtook Hasbands: and pis familyio ive apper part of Virginia with bis wife and children on. their way t the back part of Penn sylvanias Messer returned théfifth day, and ré: able to take him. mounted men, I can take him in two days “* « Chis could not be receeded to. “Messer wae | then putin chains ‘with, other prisoners, his wife sent home, the ‘boy detained as a,foob page Yo watt ag the Governor; and © 1 thinks says the narrator, ‘he was “she stiartest arid the mvs veratifal boy T ever saw if my life 2am ‘Pryon finding na evemy to fight against lrmarched tis armysto Salisbars, in Rowan, coun- ty, then to Salein in Stokes county, drawing his prisuners ia froat chaineds tugethersto, shaw. his power aud to strike the Revulaiors with _fear— | or every persou of note tat ame, in "his way he would exbibit his prisoners, saying” here is. a, part of those Regulators who atlempted to! ‘fight ine in Guilford, and sepingdeto Bee proud *ofabis victory. fe returned tofGuilford-county and o¢- cupied bis old epcampment,,aud 4 endeavured to Soe four or ihe oath. enforce his first’ Proclamation. five hundred men tame Anseod too the proibise of gelting thém in “thrée® "days, yes they never goU “them again» eWihile hé'occupied | his old camp, he resulvadrto”}ive upon his ene- neigh- | micsieeHis soldiers: were: plandcyingst drove | borhood of cattle and horges, whieh the | off in abandance and were. given as i boanty to hig ple Reel witht theiraruns: ae bs une ‘property was: hare ‘wae one f | a: iw hero’ | und pardontd Sm hung: wera? Tape Gi Jotin Merrell’ James Ham i wiil now give Nougat qero i ae atntaneers that A Uetu sad were ty Woof Poaih: End tH n : Sree They “eate in, King when, gequices? men am “trany, vihers, Ac ries oleiiig When the war brok ‘ook \ set like what a Governor should do that loves Rye to hee ish é ae : these ae ee pets vice mens. 3 | induce : i Sf uotil ae hundred o 3, | skulk abontin. nd Gar eep ‘Yiver, in an : situations fur upwards of tw0 y eats eg were: W atched by the whit Wee 18 cone home. , Every week ould h some bejfig shot like [ndianszy Brothers spayed a thst brother, gherghdgt y basil eels % » Si ted him: ese: wife and son should byih be bung,/aodsit,be did 4: return aad bring. Husbands 4 prisoner, “all should test di | his sycophant-and toade - spiscribe. prescribed by Tryon to give ap. their gins ander Sn Sfurth her | ; gi ae POD Ok ep shat, Tare Te C itli6ns of 4 eS Sple—Beel lig . na buvi nts of from shite pia io a ations for y ‘ Sore e€ we” ae er y teolime Specie é ’sok BE To 0 napeRwipor? 2 Is oe rane Drv Jackson will Socngidith ition by assgiting aire oc him @8 the indre) aa, America’—while Dr Rit cbie will reso bis ‘conjuring gourd,’ again puton, the ma tle.gf the pfophet and indulgegn vatrey Mhigse aboo rse tothe city Jo construe the theinown notions, of honor an propriety. attention more pasticularly to the char, preferred by» Dr: Jackson, and to which “The Deposite B charged with ‘treachery and pérfidy’—aith a to rue in the ‘Government: ta.tgralify Biddle’ oad the - Barings;’ with ‘selling*theur specie_at large premiums’ ard “ boyiiz op Their cent, *” These are the ct preferred by a man, who has held the first office in the gift” of his eountry. Where. are his proofs? ~ Ad- mit that the Pet Bafks have been gurltyofr__ treachery ‘atid’ perfidy to gratify Biddle and the Barifigs, hat one.of themehas Bold ats 6Wn_ paper at-a” dis These charges we have’ never elif hace een “tive faguities, of the > Kytchén- wereaunequal to the conception of such dinbo dalse- haors—ithwas left for Andrew “Jackeon the” ‘greateealym aiator ¢ of the “age, “to ebnkeive them and give tiem; Bit whete are bis: s foram hcbarges? . or if*ngh} fs, what, are Ahe exgcummstgnces which.warrant the SUSPICION, +(losay aothing of.the direct accasations i;) that the Pet. Banks bave.been guilty of*such conduct ? "Are they to be found Yn the’ "Preasury "D, ment? @1f so, what has*Levi » Woo | been doing, that he hos not apprised | country of theme But ifthe Her did: ve hig pformation Tro the. ‘Great qe e_presame, he did pat she eke Jats Hav, is (hat +ae'b Tee! unale than allthe otheg the UnstrdeStates so" fin, ot iveabeen ‘gelirt jee at rae . Wig,’ ‘pvids bn Lp Weir: pee fe Pin ing : ng 0 their ep ealuon uch. has been, | ents OF OF will the. theify. 4 ss t. We, wish merely to call public. * e * ~ ip dpe ce a rece | : DOGD ury’s sent. roe 3 a tisfactorys._ = wonder luh >: « — “eS ¥ cate ' . “ at holders, are to i. ewtiole Uniwe™are cai) 2. i S ae er Guniesi with the an te -< od oe ; . sa onal icing ib Pa 3 Ai hestruMns poliic Dn Deni. SS, tr § a a gi a a ing ext pi a ah » 3 J pUSe is ‘ no discht wie wholepey ih Fac °° protesis Hemuses the ful guage In denouncigg ilies. ‘The history of thaw such BASE PRE DY as“has- hem ® Banks : ¥T WAND THE BARING Sy vy "tHe stun Specie Pay nentejedegrade;* Shibarfasg! <a -»BUIN, IR THEY COULD THEIR’ OWN®-COUN & ‘Abe selfish views ul makipg large protiie2by wi Ions of depreciated po per upon: JLENG THEIR Sv ECS a) se MIUMS, and@BU YING 3 “P\BER AT DisUQUNIS £0 50 pr cent saad now Uoks ing turyardiwbe.iuduiged iy these speculations ft for Yep! ody come, oelysréMheyesesume spevic pay - a a , “Dr. ah ; who, _notWiths carriage oP his: susirumer ie 4 for thr re the p- opto | i* » Gk his system, and nad’ take had heard«ftura hia call ty and self conedit, the-predumingnt ingredients | pyely imposters says he »’ against, Lhe i panacea, and vuwsi, in the coin poattiva ‘caMgnot subscribe lu these Chatg, suvereign atrthe the flay. : We wil) see a taig fignt—There mast be no’ aa a} a ee Ss Ona . a ; he. — ote ; —_§ | gomrag x tye ise DP: migiet he his pule,” seh” isp CateK jowing “betd and “@tivrg etic? Ind? ‘Se Fe steeorded |” Th e ort eveduragem D Fepctil th os. - ke -. anding ib . ; (ion iS Ba by "is vanis ew ll never foul plsy no bagking”dnd™filing and secret throsis, Dr. Dr. Jat hson ei’ é=no blusier and bravado, From the New Vork Galicia Advertiser. HOW SPANDS THEPPA RI? We turk she fiberty of asking the ‘limes yes- terday for “its opiniid iduetf * General Jackson, 1g the lettefs dt lls sometime great Apoilu; and of the figanc.al project therein “advorated with Tne ‘Times such oitier and desuciuus unctivn. ) has jo! aus. verePdirecily, ia the specific furta of rephy foour re HERTS by signuin. ‘Among the nume-ous evidences pinien as eXpressed “Y throughout the Union or the danser Must ever assall our tree tast: ulit has lish 5 first.by au eoworia! parayr BY THE EDITORS, given us Eng- aph, aud again inserting tie rétuarke of a correspondent, Without a wusd of uisseut or censure. .~ Ecce ¥ of public Q: demvcratic journals tut which lons, when she Bee 2 bod ter. bias eae ae ~~ % | fo acl e ' Jae - rp ai aa ef peal Toone tepledix ool Jands. incehase {icin aie i aiiriie: 20 dew h eosshey Tadewelleei vedsh¢ ’ ding. to us ars.ariven,and: rst oP a elettug setnrad he.smashed thetw i Ih Lat por ; * " I siGs0 ay orn hy a.) j ea ey | sired. tc. iienian Deion Ps ve : hovk.or by cf@uk,Jopay: What elee but specie id be had ?) What if it oats o Europe, it'is like wate apecking its { levél, and if oar credit be gnod, inl son come ain! > Bot, As 1 said once befure, tha; ‘is oil windstyhat blows fe one any guod?— is hard times with°Uncle Sam, brother b fares.better.. “The Government has to is to, pay ifs. officers, but the Indians 3) carts will Hot receive them as current ouey> But vie State credit is good, and they cap huw carry on their improvements; and a " é‘ ocle Sam ili tir no partof the public ae Peupie of the woods, think it nu more than right, as thoge important matters are discarded by the Government, that the States shoulédu the work, those burdens, as they will receive all the bene fi; though we had all the hardships in settling 'armach probability uf receivir fits from them, ‘So thinks well 18 the maf who ig . THe Man in tue Woops. Avgusr 4, 1837. AN IMPORTANT MANIFESTO. ~The New York Times of Friday has a | leading srlicle. entitled *Our City and State ? Lt iintendedat a forntal denunciation of the PGlobe and all other presses that have fol- | lowed the cue of that Journal inh: ierly denouncing the merchants and ax community generally. We give the arttede entire, Inasmuch. as. we look upon it aa one ; Of the most unportant political artreles thet bas appeared. tn the press for this oy inv a ve Vite Eel, atrocious. and calculated to excite the soir- ft of indignation in every patriotic min:, Myneyed inteses's of the counuy are placed di)! rewaus tv beseen whether or not it will teetly ander ihe control ofthe pfficers uf General Government, the following N'C@tion receguy pub a@ coins Mod \gutrer, deser froth Ne tGrcibte ty and again sendwy i turin ibrough all ive chan oselilin i d coves tbe my Power (Vecoiie their Myc gels of Dagtiness, proven e people Wa v¥ pare and. high ited tineetter ving ty “ex preeseu Unis.system will not ve der of ip. dadbygcruus tenucicy , lieved.’ om %, wet s ‘This p Zeltc rs platoty and cv Koy begs dE ve-at tHe gold: badkE.and the com the ox did but se é incu “‘Kueo Equal ‘ andipatiers between iver i: Jan utedeeu ab T cur pot inner quteltipn br the * “Po saswr fhe Vine OFn r, oy G. * Measures, thatthey ty andet!e a Silver eu ray sual acy, re hs mercial comin utityy Wich fh stuge Of this pian repddiicaus hav their “approbation ute, Hed % but that awit continue their appieval when BY THE. COKRESPOS DENT, au Teka with deSpytinua, We veludesie verpbody | Richis paity, otfied vrade lh, Crary viveic the Sei ract trum yo tn the Rien. , WES 4 CONSpicuons siation, | Pine Mons vf the effe would: flyW tem Bhe adépuun of" transtupilihe Préasury Departaéns into a wigh- cls that teime le the. ¢alae_ of ' auits: of the isters, That 6 they comvineed Ig confi'eaily Uisbe $e d: - ¥ ithen own MAY», aba. Piboctacy +8 ed UBER Tey wyipever havea Sleetavy® olcthe dew Paw reBhEU IL, oy mua adie ? feuey., lie guid. be Veiitneat ey rth WOR bere ¥ n'y the - oudh! Wh Ping ; ivy. | Wi men, an ope the busiw PSs M = ti 6 ~ i ; i gy ! = ines WUrdoy af" n owerttie Gaba :f Ms 4 whicti all Weh dre ished tuin. «6 The Su rise hat d SOU roy Araw Mie ie Cope < oitiaritaré teh i. ihe Bete pany utes Rigas >» The limes’ degery Ty early ahi oiipne = = ee | Fines uf ee fats iichas pursued ia this ft i? CU ichig: i} IEF age and id all to J fu: mihi levelled in or p UTE Y ered 4 commer Hag of em LySrt iE a ME pw OLE eee ak Pe 5 Bi + nen ts ed taut skeiaot suzecd, Sus wule be € ay Themean ~ “simply Wiss Fhe Lon,! at party, 6 Pachazesy Zens: \igent tati 0ALOD wastheer Ni ae oe persist In its course of maduess and vitu- ‘peraiion Phil Ing, From the N.Y. Tumes | OUR CH'Y AND STATE. “There appears to bea settled determina- a deugine, Wielding at cextain perigds ton in certain quarters, from whence better » the femelsllig. citcuiacion of the countt ys: things might have been expected. to. throw discredit onsthe- character -of the enizens |-afid institutions’ of this City and State. \-And even "who profess'a z-alous attaéhment to Presi— | dent Vat“Burco, are foufid in the ranks of those whose constant. volleys of vitupera tion ary directed. against New York ner- chants, New. Zork politicians, and institu- tons clalyeimthe confidence of the President, we know that+these*assantts are made with- | out fh S approbation, foF his attachment to tie Permanen@iiterests of his hative State i bas. ever, cen..prominently exhibited; nor eisheview with auy say nthe efforts en yopre erie: J up the. citi- “or téammercial “ets of political de— om“ tideéd, it would be absurd tore ribiite® either the origin or H these assaults to ‘the favor- WK otk whose political ele- esult of--the deep-1ooted.at- eat of her citizens, through a: long career, aud whise fame ‘is -identi- | , and pub- zee “empire Stat Pempotia mas jistly“obj role ‘popul alion Cah. ye attribute. these bakO.prove-that..our, mer- its nes heeped. ip, .d itp, that-our ec ap State .acescopductedstiyysin- } bY <diahtinesty Chotis;“Whdse “thd poor, by he Hourag thé. Union;aad S OM inun eho maicghedviolently peepee. ae te i ee thata mighty commer- THStON Has sw "Carey ele eS 7 el nh. from their neigh- so” ae OGH wen gathered thrd ‘and Jndustry? Ig at at Weare Campe t. occasioned wh; Taany, “whose. h ro d tthe, Uiion? pe q ae S P ie osm Re et Rey fdwrigees sd xn Ptidekint + TGR SP lie Semtaib AST te. a ec eae oe 3 iy ee oe » Salasn Cle H a * par Arts cong res burdeng{the'nattgnalidebt) on posterity, we, the | the country, and of duing the work, without any | igany great bene. | uld mano as | he ,igetander, with ao evident ! ) day. -The course of the Globe is indeed conductors of the public press, Although not professing to be espe- ty are leagued }. aba the nationgyand-live,on: Spt over the land,pros: : il shroade 4 Hegde. ®, sustain: ay tons, «Is« eheriama en . A PGA land eds Mr el ‘. re i Se eee 2 Se are ee ae ee Pt ee sil sense Fe atan ile il nl ofliaalh ee as i = gal ‘ UP WOSTERS tata ~ cil en a a Pos iy A te Oe pe 9.8 fricax : eretufore” ocurred, from | le practi¢e,n*: Steapzbuat; Ra. ”-Seemsiuy Wholly. ineffectnal 1e-cheek- _Waroing example, the repetition of such is 18 80 graphically described, and so pro- perlyZenounced, in the followicg afticle from the New York Evening Star ot tne 7th inst. S* Steamboat Encounter.—On Saturday after- boon a lew winules belure five, the Highlanaer ‘steamboat for Ne. burgh, seeing the Nortn A- meica swiltly pissing vy tur Alvauy, at the dis tance of a few hundred yards, quickly lousengd her invorings: iu an insiant, like an aniuw fiym tp, with the intention of contending the two crack dvats On” the river Is entitled to the masiery fr speed” ‘Nhe day was beautiful, each boat had at least frou 200 to 250 passengers — ‘The North America, which at leaving was a- buul iwo of her lengths ahead, was suum overta— | head and head at the distauce of only about 50 | Yards apart, the fireanen of each like iwo Vol— | | €ans, busily teeding theirrespective furnaces ag | kly cousuiming cords of pine | “TDhe buats went at this | rapidly as the quic wood cuuld be sup; olied, ume at the rate vf abuut 18 milesan hour, jand suck wasthe excitement with which all were animated by the interesting scene, that they seemed to forget entirely the lupropriety and danger, with the exceptiun of a few elderly ladies ou board, whocuuld nox exacily cumpre | head the necessity of such ao extubition. Just | Opposite Buil’s ferry, ora inile ur two below the | Bloomingdale Asylum, the Highlander being the left, and buta very short buats lengths on distance (say two ») trou what are called, we delieve, the Harlaem Flats, tu the west of herwthe Nora | | Amurica approactied, stiaek ub: upon tbe lieution, as we | believed, tu drive her vu the Blais, and ecuia } eros ter bows, whieh, unfurtunately, owlng tu , fhe greater speed of the Wighiander, tho’ loaded Gown with frewh of carrhiges, cotton bags, ete , Co2'i got be cunvenentiy accomplished. Phe ,Sarlocrd ouw of the Highlander thus fell lato tae det wheel hous» of the N. America, wieb it Stove in, leaving ihe rotary Machinery naked, aod tn the same crash the Highliader smashed in alsv, the buat of the North America on that sige, Phere was some sesation in the conure vated inasses thus bruvuht into teartul contact, but such was the intense absorytiuc of tae scene, that the very affrighted country women, return ing with their empty butter Airkins, forgot to screech or tall in hysteneks, while some of the Male sex on puard tne Highlander, inure tic tock oc aston during the eullision tu pays iat North Awnerica, Nota word or shout or : ace was heard nora frown seen from either «i the belligerents. Both were soon separated, and went sullenly ana proudly on their respec tive cuurses—the Highiander a short distance a head, say 50 yards ; and stopprag at Caldwell's 4 mioute or two, the North Amerea, it nuw be ing night, stot ahead, andthe race was aban doned. These spectacles may be and are very inter- esting to behold, but we must in candor de Nuunce them as eminently dangerous, and use- leasly jeopardizing the lives of innocent persons, who have placéd themselves under ite protee- tion of those that thus wantunly violate the confi- dence repused in ibein. {ly tps , ANOTHER, STEAMBOAT DISASTER, Mopire, August 16, STEAMBOAT EXPLOSOIN, ~The Sitamer Caroline, Captain Griffin, on her way from New Orleans to thts city, burst her boiler, near the Dog river bar. yesterday eve. ning. Captain Griffin despatched a messenger over land for assisfiinee, from whom we learned that the boilers tad buth bursted,and the chim. neys thrown down. ‘The steersinan was terri- bly scalded, and not expected to survive. ‘Phe cook had not been found ‘The steamboat Fox, Captain Gayle, went down about ex v’clock to the agsistance of the sufferers. P.S Since the above was written, the Car- oline has reached the city, in tow of the Fox, whose enterprising managers deserve great cred ittor. their primptness*on*this vecasion. We learn the following pewiculars ; ’ » “Phe Caroline blew_op.ai J o'clock P. M.— ly.one boiles burst. Mr-Levi, the engineer, pbadly scalded, batis expected to recover. John Sinith, the steerstan, died while com- i ).. “EWo" negroes, deck passengers, “drowned®’ “There were’ five cabin passe fone of whom ‘sereivad any injury. Five fire- P men, J aFty Hare; tawley, Corn, McClin. tivk, badly» seaided.. -*~., . ar Le a * # ® at ap Oe m W REC OURVEEN LIVES, fis w i mm. Pat ing ' ith the follow- [R, is in this s the ac- ; ry eiticos cee, mdi ohn whit aha of 20k, . ory Mie ae oe oe : i, eee boly.dis ae 2c) ; ry eg Lie"E Se tee ~~ bis at ti , cS 3 pina ate he 3 e se a 4 ss ee eee ee ee a ee ‘ eps mils 4 cence eth, L-iefand about Mee epar, ‘The last Pecks it Was bougm up, and ee * * 4 « ite 5 ni Adie aft ee ec ee =thy dread ful-casyal. g A question which of these | Ken by tbe Highlander, and the voais couiinued that our children should. at least bear a part ot | neh BN. August 1. . | < & beithetncidlh df-do-ca dit rs ieeqas “ald =e Beh Mei TG > Copia Fe ee eae came ashore nak ed, 12 vilig 4 off whilst*afloat; that the str; | havé“ad'nich hold oF him, an “is what’ savedhim?“T. Baki q. . _ his overseer, Mr. Rediing, clothed hint treated him with great kindness: ~~ We learn. that on€ of “the passengers was a Clergy man, from Charleston. . Telegraph. Sener sp coenag se MAJOR DOWNING, TO HIS FELLOW CITIZENS. vF Tr 1X ed* Pit by Were some and: a ; Atténtion all creation'—eyes right!—face | front!—Msj Downing just returned from foreign parts, addresses you on “great and weighty matters..— The ‘big guns’ of Biddle, Hamilton, Adams, and Tallmadge, | and others, having been discharged, it 13 now of high importance to know what the ilustrious Major has to say. The Major promises in his next to take up the subject of the currency, and to goto work in earnest, todo his best toward putting things in order again. In one of his conversations the other day. 11 is re- ported that he said there was but one honest political party in this or any oth- er couttry, and that he would in good lime demonstrate this. { Nous verrons; The Major now can parleyvous French we dere say, having returned from fis travels in joreign parts. —.V. York Ex- press. Manne Pavitrton, Rockaway. L I August 15, 1837. in sight of the Wreck of the two Pollies. To the People of the United States of North America in general, and to the Great Democratic Faauly in particular. FerLtow Citizens:—Y ou have all by this time heard tel! of my retorn to my. na- this grass, and how nigh Leane resting my bones aloag with the ‘Two Pollies’ on this i bene} Toanainty owtn toa notton that ao Jninper tock tint he was) more ;kBOWwIN than other folks about his latitude and longitude and suncines, and to wind up all, was willing, rioht or wrong, ‘to take the responsthility > Well. the long aod short of the matter is, the “T'wo Pullics’ went a shore, and there lies now, ngbt off and on the house | am now in, and as }.am in pret tv good keeping here, { mean to stick by & wait forthe high tides of September next, and see if there is anv hopes of getting this vessel off. Tdon’t mean to quit so long astwo sticks of timber of this vessel hang: togeth er I know she is worth savin, and if we can’tsave all. we can save part, jest enuff to presarve the model, for there ain’t sich an- other craft afloat or on shore in all this cre- ated airth. Peet ‘ eee nse) ry aiak that seeirg itis now more than two years ; since T wrote my last letter from France to | my old frend Mr Dwight, that [ ovght to tell where | have been, and what Ihave been , about, but this would be a long storv—toa | long to be good for nothing, and [ have no | time now to finish it if | once begun ut—DI! | leave that ull Eyet thr ugh more important ; matters. | did uot intend writing any thing: ull the “E'wo Polhes’ was off and safe afloat again; but seeing that all the GREAT FuLKs are at work writing private letters for publi- cation, | thought it was high time to begin. and in domg 80, as the Globe says of my old friend the Generals letter, ‘dash it off inthe broad told hand of the venerable. ating or correcting, &c.’ When I left home the lest time, on my wapto France, (0 -aid_in keeping things right there,| sat dawn at the stop .of the Two Pollies, and. kept my. eve on: my native tills til tfie-top.of the bi 1e1 one wae Jost’ in’ a fog-cloud. that “hung: over it. 1 then began to feel ‘considerable / wambiecrop’d, and os Bt ‘help thinkin | of the time’when F a bay,” aad’ wheté « ee st ee 2 oe ee Pea: tee - — . . eta a Sade s yy Re nos ee ee es “don’t know any thing about the trade. | tive land, afleran absence cf overtwo years {Man to his trade 5 there isa trade and cal | hecause they say so i In the natral course of things, | suppose ‘O14 Hotbes teat; and that is the reason, . the great flatter of lagin “dumphins* stoo | Smoking on the tablé, and the feaily sak Dy i chaire all around , and jes whe old mother calling out, ‘You Jonny, them pleggyrcaltle are inthe torn-fie D, . My boy/aud turn ’em odt,? aa AID ,— oe away “fd scud, end wh run ic Guid» keep ® thinking of a Bt hat nS, | pe might take place “amos ea Sor eeie, ae 0 fect: Whe neg oe et ee : . oe" eee i * gr. Poth dui likes -_ OT! ~ et on es : a ‘ et a I dons adey lived one sigh tal ae re be oe a ~ # : ed a? . oo “te Ss at ee ake ae tal oe ies ee mate, —— *» ~~ a oe - | i <€. xt ee ee Be a . = oe oer eee . a vores hte 8 at a. am * prrit wge 7 Oks OE od Cn ae . a Pog es Me ee Oe Rete. nestitniecanets seeder : and. }-@} | tsand-althat iste an r to ae stor who” has got: thenale Bree: shackle’ himsell-rom:aijrniity pate dices—and look ’td the gobdtef “tis as he would to hrs-own got family and childten: oe rs - In some countries where? have -beeh the will or wish of one*man is th6 pla we df- the land—when he whistleshe sayé, let-n® dg bark. Is it to be so wittirug? independent and free people, and yet ro-tig whistled into the traces add -fanviee: man or set of men? | for*one see any min or set of*men,*6r'iny man ‘nN Kamscatka firsts “Well, owiiat | is the puzzle now before us? We “areal » at odds andeuds. Partry—that selfishde- ceitful monster, has becn at work, and twis- ted us into a snarl, and it is-our business 10 uotwist it—wind off the best part for our own use, and throw thg test to the devibit where it came from —aloagtath those who | wickeily strive to draw livegg@between the | people, and set one class up agia anather, — Jest lo serve their own pyty purposes, It would be # useless task for me to at temp t+ goin to al! the causes,why & where- fore, to show how we got into the scrape we are now in—ait is enuff to know we are ina scrape. and IT don’t know-a_ shorter way to explain it than to say, that if a far- er wants to see his firm well ulled he won't take a watchmaker to till ii—ifa hatmaker, or a shoemaker, or a nailm aker, or a carpenter, or a mason, or any gkiud of manufacturer, wants good workmen to as- Sist him, he won’t employ persoys who A stipebuilder wou’t employ a hatter or a mason to aid him in buildiag a ship. and Wisy-wersa, Some folks can hill Ingins and some can manage finances—ever ‘| € bit cut re'ter than a tailor, it would™ tot be Strange if some of us tied atin ketle ued to the tails ofour court flaps—and so it is My matters of more importance—but what grits agin the grain with me, is to see sone folks woo have been pat into high o flices by us tue people’? —and paid by us out of cur earuiugs tweaty five thousand dol- lure 4 year—or about seventy dollars a day sites house rent and other eliypings— turn round and tell ws—their masters— what they want done, and what'we must do PO aa € —_ * a > Ve | be | ‘ting for everv manu—butif in the ease o party management a linker says he AcOEt Has it come to this then, ind of laws, made by the people for their own good, that any man in office, and well paid by us fur his eervices, shall dare to dictate to us our duty, whea tis duty is simply to follow the laws we chuse to make through Our representatives for Ais and our gui- dance? Shail it be also that any man whi has been in office and well. paid for his services, dare to presume upon his former popularity to dictate to us, by his opinioas & notions what we should co, when it can be seen without spectacles he has madea gross mistake, and, like the. fox that ‘Just his tail inthe trap, now wants al! of ds to cut off our tails so as wo cover his mistake. If such things are to be; and we are slaves to fall into these notions, then I for one say, I'll scrape off the nails of the « ‘Two Pollies of Downingeville,” & paint of herd starn ** ‘The Nigger of Araby,’’—and} any man who wears acollar may command her. : ea ee _ i= chief, without the slightest care of punctu-| 2 Fellow-citizens—I aint in the. humor} st now to tell you the fatal error you aré laboring wider. beaten down,shipwreckedfand humbugged —almost ashamed to say how it has come about as it has —beeause in telling you the story, 1 tell it toll ‘creation, and that is Twon’ttike. I would rather keep OUR family quarrels ‘Within the walls of the |. among foreignersy outand . teading a: Was abro ad’ ar r 4 < r -ifficial. pap ab tot™ ; Are we “ana, & ; or “he 5 his country at Washing Lam one of yourselves, fo Blackwood, expendieres OS \ age} Bay, ni ‘ “ Bendis stewpleae le yhoas eer doy rh rge gs Wak J and clea SMOSH Robes ween Mr, Viny mere partiaanew ho baye risee y with him, @ is, pet &@ Violent soppacia is the originatoref the ‘un lveral fem, which is now ¢o efficacivys 1. yolahewuminantpary. a Mi. Gqwmeniof bea aud indiscrigig the shule secret, when he asowed hed his frenas preached what they pants that to the Vielors belonged the Vanquished. Phe eXisting Prgiiad United States is not the first age bie wo arelevateds tation by unw ' d the subject of histambition when 4 Dap unworthy the struggle it has cust big sume with confidence, that there 'tas tmure.unhappy man in the United the 5th of Merch fast, than Martin Vag —excepling always those why by the pangs of" bodily disease, @ tnder the’ financial blunders ¥ the ment” 1 In taking up.a volame.of Byron, ae the other day, we unexpectediy upened sage which we thiuksstrikingty a Mr. Van Buren’s past policy and tion. "The verge was written sume years sgo, aad now look almost py Guute the passage. |i applies wo well as physical slavery. As weil-ted very Which ties a man’s togm, which manaclee fis wrists, As well @ dago. which forbids a man te vole fur prefers,and in tatters of Demeertie think aud act for himself, as to that which popatrains a buwan being to besy bear—al the uncontrolled will and master. We commend to ee lor of a paper published ia New fal “The Plain-deales,’ a paper. which, ve Strained to say under the preieace ing,’ publishes’a great many plait | But the extract. » *Nu lady e’er is ogled by a lover, Horse by a black leg. breillictert } Fee by a counsel, falin“by apie, & Ais a slave by hié intended bdd@e "INE pleasant purchasing out febo®e And all are tu be sold, yuu Cousdit’ Phetrepassions, and deztrous; tures “. “Ate brouzhi pp; others by a «aril Some’ by a place, as tend their tures; *@ ‘The must by ready cash—bot allt From crowns:to Kicks, accotil vices,’ at ie + Don Juan, Canto¥ $1 What a’ troé@ picture in brif cde cally ‘ndutimistration, 11 was hypoet the Start re jn ils prgre false, b Fealorcinocs, nga} Pntoaid Guded in downnght imporénc And huw res | t fr Van’ Boten | were From crowns to kicks acct wg ees.” ae ~~ Wry be has had his rew graceful tp resisted —onre A ‘The Fallgwer ia tie sapterepe o be ersllg.Son og oS. ' sted hetma n, of uncompromising Bank.’ ¥ * ve kick#,f These three consecofi Jao, but at the Jiving Jackass, Mee baled Witt tnfaifing accuracy mm tre frtes nu scullid et esvand Mr. Van Bt ) pén “bismeath and (|| these sem their business and leave him 0-60 mind, as he can suiuinon vader ht B ing-diffic ultied. , have act given him the dyspepe. © heehad velierfall b«che upon t white-musturd seed It 1s to be bopees oa Expenses of ARoyglty —Tee ¥ Sit of a2 + "Phere se ‘Soil hd it erica, a d'a' Ad Cie was oubl ad 6 |, eyngz Pre ne a 1 7C 7 rs “sail 4 Fig ee Twi balites™-is- we VEN, * dla Pn h F bae ‘ eT. ra OPS age Fh wart. eae met + a vs “ a ee ee oe Ret al Se 2 - = '@ J + 7 —— «be ‘AMericans +. wiedou, mede- bPricx Erseh q.-"E “be something § ther at piord in ary ngiture of = wis o baa ad Eee 2 iS wf ay. aside wea rope. PP travels for She ful ME bon Spare bet Dar old friend Jorry was get long ago~ jour: wr “ 1 iain”, Saas Ret ig? ‘meee : : We sincetaly. segret (its..0¢easiun ght ie Oeying from Mocksville td Ashe Conny, : when | the loes to our.ec: Raticase. ae at pee this ioe © | public spitited eitiaatie-ihy S, fis ie Ut, Staeds near the a 'Ver,in the aoant | emeta? eh a 9 aio Wilkes,a oor ald North State, ee i aoe most amiable anid Id be put on the top of the hill instead ‘of be- At a Mibtery Ball iven® w the South side of it, Would be thesmost | 8190 in the interior ifully Sliuated uf any ' in the State, Heré| tlemen—all officers ‘of ok uy lodginga for the nigat, Well, like sich a-one, and go forty Bi travellors ang i citizens, at the i marvellousty Polite. Por Re Ped. How long Gen. B.—Ah, my dea Berose, it boots not to aa: ; PYOe do? (shaking his ha tit the git ast er. tg FE wee hes, a ae lets on all four of theinkanenfaee hy {t was iocked or livety,) ‘Come,’ (stepping UP to'a table) Huq VVEC afe lowing also. ee wail chser nave * : pti, jo 8 ee ; + OU houne about it, fe och a way that | Us wine, ° : bal d , stiffness rave them in the buuduir as unne- { that. no Hedber our uf the Prectocis d ; 206 accessible to all, Sic |i ,@lanners bespeak she d be no Classifica: ior: gecial distinctions 2 BW aduve buard, al! should eat an we, al rioy places in Europe, secity we are compelled myid laws of suiguell[y, wrihoa Friles with us tn the fnopy, on the Paucing she f, and have free Scope fur feefi Bip, GAresirained Conrlesies Pin the pr cwusdess, kindness, uudes{ € ‘ fom V wih ber tu race up and dow: amiakin mieduced tu her,’ pibere sould be fysbivnable Walering oe, Btwsnall have aij tu rt St Ex wecket's graphic dese; j par Bimewhat 4, 8: the treaties held for the purchase Pads, th ME faces, til would not cheat dren pmeat tis, mie the king’s ehil W Cheat 43 T ead We themse] Ves, and 8 or th Were large, und y bY become & -great ly a place left ty & ted soon their graves will We their once th is their forests laid low, and their -borj. “piurned by the sr tlog mR ing s ea red ‘ Yea oY DANY year, aineg. 4Z€, and to the Probability thas ty > MY vak sin “ Stilloreg ofvttig SPanyvslekives ogy. Aes ifferent classes, ateot, adjust their ty are all made hap mb 3 person would be W such places.’ ; €eace. © He lived to pe 886 UFation in $M an Widters have w a@ tence, | gratied it myself;il took gam very pais..tu get the right kind; { sent clean up to lock “Roxbury, and away down to Squaw Neck wiih useless) Creek. They are beautiful, but so etarnal sont human “soul can eat*them. Well, ink the whole Minisier’s yraftia has about ay well as that 1 They snicker at my grafliny and | my sleeve, | Suess, al their penetration. The Clockmaker, ——___ Sess trom They shodold and etiquette, of ihe city. |the boys « be lively, cheerful, ga¥, social, | succeeded Slrangersto | farther vuse; a ated in ‘the same t, laagh ih respectatile ; » bo clique, nu —— "should be free LATEST FROM TEXAS. it, drink, | The New Orleans slips of the 16th inst, J be happy alike, as 3; 8, to onr r (Texas) ; COntain information from Velasco Sab. Baghtaa, and fbn under date of the Sth of August. The on- to observe | ly information of much inierest is that of t carrying | the death of Dr Lynch, oo a duel with elds,under! Lieut, W Radfield. The following ts an Wave, in the! extract from aletter of the Bulletin’s cor- Nature must at times respondept of the above date - an * The Brutus and Invincible have not y, and con- been heard of the Secretary of the Nav g lady. | 13 in ove of them, ke © have | over sailing order. t the piazza, * Deal Smith bas left for the West, palit woot do E have not 80€s tnto-the Mexiean domain ere he vk oe pease? ac }furns. bthink, ia the absence of some a kind of Beaa Noch ae : : Places, a woud na | definite trom Mexico, the next ‘nidule aged gen- | Will order a call for the yon furlough, @ privilege of un-| and Avade Mexico Ten thousand « men ‘veach other, who sh ater j-can bé raised*fur the Purpgse in tlhikty days, dispuiés, and bere ia,J exas, and, | S"ppose,, half that aad conforta-4 ‘Rumberan the States. The hostile lodians tavaluable ae- have retreated before our men, who are Prosecuting the war with vigor into their re- Motest villages, where to give in or fight. green fi pay fou, Whois that charmio mgs.’ 4 should fy and re sensible, oulite. es i NV. PV. Even. Star. —_— OQUENCE.— € © 4% » Turn Ptton. of: heetiaud rlorg, @ shaine with our pity + on ve ie -——_. From the Charleston Courier. LATEST FRO FLORIDA, . Major Chitds, of the Us. Army, bearer of eSpatehes from Gen. Jesup to the Setretary of ‘fy arrived at this port on Saturday, ia the Steamer John W Lean, tfeom Blonds, Major Childs inturms us that as the WLean w as yet. Nog vader way, in Astley river, Capt Willa S. Maitland of the 37a Res ULS, Artillery, ina temmpurary fit of derangement, threw honself from the stera of the boat and Was drowned Pues stern boat Was instantly lowered, bur in Vatu, the Wind, which was blowing very fresh and a Strong lide, had carried the unforn Maitland beyond the reach of snecor, Cantgin Maitland was highly esteemed OY his cumpai - 1003 In arms, as 4 Zentleman aad a gallant othiee; —had served with reputation from the eon). mencement of Indian hostilities, aud fir his gaj Jantry in action during the Jayt Summer, roreiyed the brevet rank of Captain. Capt. Maitlane was severely wounded at the battle of Wahoo Swamp in Noveinber last, fiom whieh Wound hé bad not entirely recovered, when the unto tunate event above recorded tuuk place, iS budy was recovered yesterday Morning vii Ashley River; back of the Race Cy interred in the afternoon in the [{ gtovnd at Fort Johnson. ..We learn also from Major Childs, that about 30 Seminoles were encamped ata short distance from Fort King—that the post was healiby, and all was quiet. > Major Childs infor Aivud ta hig leaving’ an. officer of the if there w ulged their tey — @ white men,. with SWeet ! us th Vuices ey lovgd us; and us—bot that the on the other side of the Jake Wheu we §e vf the other side dren teil. ug your peo These things puzale oor that the Indians tuys; Mot trust either ig e king’s children, Brothers, ours very small. You people, and Swe | Spread our btan | believe Maie all they iag grounds less war ample tu Wasked,. ther Plougtesharé: def, eontaia the truest touches a great age; Council, he opened with We and beantifal Sentence : aged hemlock, The’ winds } histled through my Tah dead at the tgp Every Seen 4 tall hemlock, With ac hop Sarmouating its dark ‘i orce of the smile, ‘l am all the yj- MeMory, and youth, shad departed for- . Je Sus, that a few daygpre. srarey’s Ferrythe wrote to army at S:, Augustine, to know ™m, but the steamer AD Lean offering bias a direet conveyance. he paid nu further allention to the Matter, and threw the letter aside. The Medium, Magee, sailed hence for St. inst. and up to the oth inst, reat anxiety hag. crew. : ~ ch of a ld, we believe, in In alluding to he journey back to his | Idren-witi waik throug b Spirit with whisperin, ‘coerable chie covneil he ae he is* daads- GaPhe’ BSG \ their ears, a5 the. soundof f * > i fe tl : i Peet a a er diaalittannmeier ae Pie . _ 8 BS oe ~ st J SNE GPa | iar (Cok > = gHann. 3g a .* Ti “hi ore “ Sr Week: yr wee Y io rae « hid | tae x pes ae ; ON we a a} a 3 a ie eo ee ed awe. Wie lyre ow, and sarch no | ¥ | tion appears to have bee They are thirty days | t they wiil either have | The majority é member elect from the Ecce ‘ver his V. B_ opponent, 1g 405 votesee ; Political gain of 642 since the late Presider | The majority of Dr. |B) over his Whig district, is 19 j that District, lection | IN MISSISIPpy. ' The official { (€wo thousand ; bal Election. 2 votes, being a Whig »Of 498 votes. return Vales Majority for ihe Boren wewbers of Congress, Dpertiany held | Seems to be apprevended | Wholly :Hegaljon the 8vO | On this’ point we cannot, } IN INDIAN 4, The names of tine elect, ** alj staunch | Chroniv|. Members of Coz W tigs a Pete as follows: James Kawden, George: Hf. Don, William Herod, Albert 3, White. IN ALABAMA, The Mobile M-reanule | tra, of the 1th iust., Whig gun the election for Goye | far as heard from 3 and lature, in twenty-thre there had ba-n chose Administration men, The off Ebi Mobile Distnier, py tween Mr Lyoy Mr. Barton, (both W. ‘3s, ) s) give Voles tor tie former.and 3.604 for Y 47 votes. — William Grahain, Joon Ewing, Jobn Pitcher. { €& cuunties Mr. Lyou’s maori Partirs “tp Island and Michigan, uc returns have be in Congress stand as follows: Whies, Mine, Sew Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermoat, Codmecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylyania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Nors arolina, South Cagplias, eorgia, votes sn that District a Mosteumery (y,| can do that, for | Opponent, in the Raleigh gain In Stuee the laty Presidentias E~ of votes gives over 4 y that insteed of rege Pans but the elee- » indeed, tiaat at qs re of iiformality, however, form any before ns the State aud iode of elec. gress says the Wayne | Advertiser, Ex states a considerable rnor 4g for the State Legis. heara fron a 42 WV daisy and 14 returas of the election IN the and 3.65] the later; Congress. —The eleetions a Ue. bave takeu pl. re In al states oy ee ‘ ave takeu place in all the States but nn Chewen boys abont here give’ the frsteevi- So far asthe anthen- on €n received, the parties , 2 the 1 of ? dark: so after OR adtih hig pa- » wobnd "tp; * al- “oes ta the win- bis durance in "6" says he to reach the win- ' Twantto get back ? fF wisi _ rT: but yes, { remember the fir3 1 floor of Van. uuy’s house is near the gtuund : buii these devil. ish dogs, | am afraid to risk it :” be there he salina tue Window, pondering and soliloquizing until he could stand it no longer, 80 the lays hold tt the window sill with one hand ud. lowing his persun vo its ful} length,he unmvog, fastening and puts off. But how dr fully was ue Shocked to find, hing the his feet, he kept did not hohe on terra firma,as he halt through the Lords nore shocked when he did tereb it.for he was takep up fess and must sad'y bruised. Was the second t vrouud Mamediately beneath descending and It i ~4Ys, before be had ol Prayer—but he was Seuseless §& speech - The truta is, it Which he tok bis Hight: but Jonty had forgot. We are happy tv add that our adveniarer js alinost recovered, and is resulved never lo lake a leap in the dark agai, + Al Presentment.—W e her NeXt Grand Jury of RB, hweeo ths town and El eby present to the wan, all the Road _be- ‘Ps Mail, {vy the bottom about Second tuad Creek, 'S Worse than ever We saw it at vi the year. We thig vie will do well to gyt Mull and Mocksville. After we ousht not to bablamed if we present the Grand Juries, should they fai > atleast, we can ‘he Omnibus. Ds. Alcott, the P sived ont that the The whole this season K Ue Grand Jury of Da- ice the road between the this fair Warning, lL to discharge their give them a hoist in irenolugist, we learn, has profane swearey altnust inva, Hobly has the bumps that Indicdte vanity, econ- ic teduess and im pudence,* strongly developed without thage tat extitbit the hizhe hiuteliect, If the Doctor wil| thus turn his mat uipodations to the aid of virtue and-good auras ; we will pardon his hambuggery in uther respecis. | By the Way, there are sume uf the most bald and UnMeauing swearears in this town that we ever We have Seen drank- ice Was more plausi- fell in with any where. en ladians in Whom this y dences of Coming vut of the efial! by swearing and carrying Weapons, and drinking. win tes Mee qt the ‘Pavern Bars. One of these in “ae | boring Village stabbed another latly with dick * | 00 Suine frivolous quarrel, Huw ‘Weshould Juke eee Lin = S 4 to lick the WMilicked cubs ! 1° alee: ke “ raat NoaWought wot tha. * Mepit be ‘te en SoH - sual Swatap in, his antithésiseof, gH and Southern seenety ¥ tt is pe Dr y a ‘The tall. cypresses an tper cf 1¢ Yan bine and yellow “Jessa od Pwil «the es > 2 Counterpart Of poet it so. Major NY, wee 06 pake his fun at uur-N orth, he let his wit descegd, 57 8% poor Black muya it »| oaly offetive that ibg mows va Se ae ee ~ 7 oh x a we ® EDM L- od ae Ne Whigs anh - rte atid especial. | In thi Pat ran Wedoéedg £ et Mrs ‘ee FAUST 9g F otders of | She w ealOr io & ve tf “Deathy a Col. Z.——_' Thank yo eral; I have just wouna A | fired A ida” Common, 6a | instant, in honor | sby the Wutes TENNEssEE, and late E’ections. ogg N a fF ———aeneee Salisbury Bonk— Weare grat at) / fe gratified iy being able to announeethat the ew which bas for some titie | Cape FearBank; been expected at this place, ; Opened immediately.” | Exq., the Cashier, ;to a limited exte for the Satisfaction of6ur readers we | the following form used In this bank. $ Story aud not the Sirst fro | promise to pay pe tor value received : the Salisbury brench of Fear, ay between tha h 10 and 1 o’ewock Discounts will Wednesday, of each week. The be open for business every week da | Chirstmas and the 4th of July. “NB. A constant gy Cheeks wil! be kept at ee this office. Pr Sina yous Get: : d Salute'of sone higdgee ing "was Piahsaridmph. schieved f is about (0. be Devpemin,, Davis, has arrived, and discounts nt will shortly be made g) of the “note that wall be # r oder —_ dollars N@gutiabledand Payable at the bayk-of Cape “i. ours 4 - pais. on | Jane (1! Y except Pa € > . * ies for’. ve ae dress Fv * . Oditu DIED 18th oft, James C inunthe; ATY. In Rowan County »JOHN HOWARD; Infant - & Caroline MeConnaugtey, 82 1-2 pectable Persons, hie counly‘aad vieinity. Yeats a faitpial membe and died in the faith of Jesas Ste had been U birst, Tu this neigt i TAMAY ESL, re volutions In this Townson Briday the 25 te RE CA, infant child of ai “"y AU Mocksville, ott Sitrday 6th bh A. MERONEY, £8.) aif active and ¢ mg citizen, ad 6G atti’ 36 ‘year ee (AC Ly Gritge pany SR Sat the 1Qiy ub, S IE y aged abuut 35, Ys ville Count Ath Years had resided vl cate 2 . gE 3% oe Ad LE ddenty atk ea it pi fh "sad ftess ‘ane tiourhing ~deceasiig< What eer os OF 461 “On whe 19 ult Of Wsq. 8 graduate df M aad, of: 4 pioia a the Law ae Wal ; 5 dul ge Be ee Slee a Az ae eee | asiteatatans ct renee cee | iley havea. | eel ipo Friday ‘the 3 child off aged 13 ‘Merning fast, years ff & lineage of re in reside in thig for many rot ne yi ‘Copal Chasen, | ; at ? * *» Aa « %& ad 1boragad on. Meaday Jagt; WIEL, ry. sulvies, aged'82. 4 BEC.4 1p § - i a Ieabel H os aeauancyrieee nD Vodene hs we . “yed2e P b186%P 5626- Prizes: of # FM Aan Orders ( cashsor Prige {p; Statewdionéries, wil toy. and en.aceon 6d" ininediate) tlie platen will wurk @ * {in North Ga Pply of Blank Notes and of DP chesp. : Apply py Dan ville. iges iges rizeg of of 3 of * of: 10 5 Oy Pte 6: "b8-had wi We greatest Paririy Tees ‘OLS $2 19299 : $5 =“ s - gt 25a of nua MP thorpackaye Or single Ticiget sign @ tae ¥ + ‘ $ 2 & from nt * ‘efor a 4% oh ee y eal +. or ag é above a © @ distance enclosing cket# in an y efter WHE & BURNS, &Selisbury, 3 lage of 25 . 4 i 65 50 . ‘Half a $65 %% Quarter ™ 16 374 the y ofthe N. C. Ibe Promptly attended of the drawing forwr- it eee Fare. Ad- EGER .s¢ BURNS, Le" first. we. Va me > An — in Gee Pm Fora oh SRY toe endricks leuler. , “THOMAS 4 TEpRY. @. 24; 1897 ey-7 , e 22 fam form the sj rolina nit ra ienge oa short ' , ts€n.-£e- Mer sitn- e oria me ws tiaves | - a. = $2 50 N.C Pagid Lollery can be h pn sat ap a Ps. <q a y . ie & =~ eRe peace a is PB sof our pilgrim sires,” *~ | nthe’ ut big-logs on t opigo Be —~ Sone of our Si a ee oak was. ign are g ; et Aboked Yo, whom theiropic« und: the pen, to gseesht waa en Of? Or the-cold sree wr tikes varirint ely bP laried Via" . mg ae Nea re... “Re | Arter’ ‘break fash) lander, Fortleberry abteny: eg . : oe . _ Meet het® as brothers OTT, il PO self, sipited_hune, aus we did’ntget far~ before, 15 Prizes of. on hee 200° Bi Rogad’a loved hearth, sioné : gy. ~ Prews eer Lahde’ my gun,-and fits +430 ‘Prizes of . 100 § , Méetiip commnion sweet, ME Ped at ara and Philander arter nang? oth a P 0° 6a ’ _ MAére af’ your fatber’ a feet— : Jpg hier: eThe bear plunged Off a bluff, and Philan<} 7") Day Olner Faz 3 of Bo, $7 ‘ 1a Wasuinoron T, %; der 'closeiacy bis: tail, Seem, ae, ad ce. &e. ae ee J 3 e ‘ usa pagtofl.a, athe zise 0 e€ 8040 Pri £ 4 - ’ is naprt PW ec lect the, .beafjs..and ..wene eM Prien aMounung to $195,86¢ aL se age ghs hom, “I did not feel very well wheo I | “Whole Tickets ; $4 * ; Tai ietine. <The:old lady axed. me ‘what wade ' ' Halves $2 00. sida “| me stay.su long.5,80°-1 told ac Well, sper Quarters .. $1 00a » tx ~*~ ~~ \'day T.went over to Philander Fortleberry’s eg i 0! Sere i rode | ap tathe house, and there I saw little Jim certificate for a package of 25 W s ther at hér knog (| Fortleberry, and faxed~ if tis daddy was at j-Pickets will cost $9240; Halves do, eachetheher cradig® son * home, and he said haga as. Sul jit offand went Quarters do. 13 10; * ee i x 4, Jin ang-found Philander. and Mrs. Fortleverry,; — J'y be had jin the preaies 2 and al the little Fortleberry’ s. ‘Haw do yun) bers, either by the.p; a Shall not i of t ‘ 7“ fe _ Bajeoont do? says MisiieFortleberry. ‘Right well& ai oF? lis ‘ =e eal how do, you du ?’ Savs 1. ‘ I am pretty << ! ‘ gays she, ‘ except the rumaty aches.’ RE HAS NO “WARE: ye - } Well, Philander pulled ‘out a bottle of the,over- He has no wife—he's quite aloe, <. joyful, Bere = owig— Thep are August 26, 1g d own fs commencedtalking about Pet nuary > Ht ee ught, ee “ ci vente bhe, sapheking “A am guing to be in the bowels NE or a , red era pee oy ae) en & aa -of 2 Janvary.be(ore-eix months. And now boys, - Walter F Leaks, . | oye He breathes, methink bu L geese ss there 7 Js’ ‘the word, with the hair on it’ he CT Homes. Te T-ncethan teri ei ta ve tor “a se : ‘Here closed‘ Hombuckle’s testimony, He was P nut some | ANSON, A Myers, ok : ree =~ _ Ae h io wife does not know = > | cross pened mach to. the amusemepf of the ; son eee NORTH CAROLINA Bog i ife that : “J crowd: After he had been ordered iustand a- acts froin two of which he | , wepa moaeye og a large and mixed collection of His wit fon So ; me: 22% 2 | side, he pat. out to a grocery’; in a Yew minutes Periy tu submil as embodying the | | MONT GOMERY, ee . © | coasistipg of EL “MEN T ARY@ Is absruce [bere is none ty MONrN, ig £°4 4 heard him snortunge!Says he, “Boys, what speedy anu efficient uude of accumplisting ! Dunean McRae, sen 3 Woks, W Harris. Ae. > Ove of the Gime... No rye lupks bright at ay * “Tee” | de you think of that d——dfuol Judge? Well he end z pat WE {Oey g “ROWAN, Hamiion C Jon@gye" te jimself at 180 Broad and Fcan tell you “what' sort of a fellow he is. § y On -| Au editor writes tous from Linerty, Mississippi, | knowd wh e kepta little grocery. and warnt Abrs a . — . cnlbeton, as tujluws, Speaking of this paper he says — Hon. R M Pea SOB , will bes able to procure aay Bid Ele hes n0 wife—hs joys 370 few, ‘worth the*powder. 1h Id Kull him. Bat | id — : lire tara t | William Chatabera bé i he-N : , gh h and health » Wor e er.that- wou ul bim, ut he euae tought aud must be sustained tis the’ . . J in print if the. Northern or Eggs a Thou ost = wh nit ie h ye erat jsuted for Van Buren, and that - made his for- Milliner and Mantua Maker, : DUTY of every Suuthers man to pairunise it, RANDOLPH, Alexander Gray, 4 at as short’a notice 6 pussible. : ana selfish he who wilh fot share . “spp oee: tune? MP Will be good ts you fur at least twenty snbscri. Jessep Henshaw, Wie tuke the. liberty tu we NEORARS the public. that she hes just re- ( he:s. { have lately estabsished a Siate Rights A Brower. ea and gintances, 8d dhe se RELIGION. cei ved the NEW VORK § PHILADEL- | paper ere ta uarely justified 10 publishing GUILFORD, N Mendenhall, - zeps of North Capolinz y€nerell ju Y urs wth ike subscribers from my own, Jesse Lindsay, of consulting their interests, (1 7 19 Sustained by nu BY ARCHBISHOP FENELON. PHI. cae jo th wili urge very friend LE bave in this com— Jolin Morehead, the Book Stare with’ theirpit “ft is easy 'o deceive ourselves and others on Mista y tesuisciue fer PE willantraduce res , CABARRUS, Paul Barringer, doing so, we willbe favored wisi Or li-ping ton U be nile e+ a gti ¢ [the, momentous subject of religion. We may A , : *@ = His hean nv ietu! “3 greng and ip ILCs }olutions in wth Ssate R ghts assucialion in the flatter ourselves that it is confined to this or that County requiiny + a ory tember 0 subscribe for ¥ 2 Regardless ‘both of frieuds aud fogs ae favour; to this or that « ; pition; to this or that de- : . \ oe ; : . Nomination, that it is a particular feelinz—a MASIEEONS ae paper sod pay in advaace. Letother as- TREDELL, ous Sa ene Gen: lemen visiting the cily, 2 ations loiliw the exaiuple, aud yuur paper | G ue invited to cajl and examine ov sa He hfo"fo wifeLand ig itchest: ap as ms eestacy—or an indiser‘bashle rap FOR j Sag 27 | Su “ : ‘ H ; Rofus Reid ae : . or that it consist t ty o wi e@ suslai a trul ia Tht mao shouldlive to drink-and eat P an S eusl a leinfity baat a waa Ga . 9 baeny? oe ero ec eee aerate site | DAVIDSON, Samuel Hargrave, ssision : ey ee of evel % ) , il va = . : | ay, < + dr ; he f will execate work inthe various branches p | i For this, did the Almighty hand nagpral gravity of deportment, and still we may fo a ek 2 ae: ee A. other letter, dated 17th, July at Colambus, | oll URIS saberry, . es ¥ TURNER § BUG : Fher husiness,in the most fashionabdlestyle, with | .,. WR Holt. Form man the ruler of the Jaud ? be mistaken as-to its true nature and operation Alality aad wadintnees Vii. Reps Su ys — S; a Bales It is thought by some to be susmething outward, | JOY € Hee i n ‘Posave Deen reqnested by a number of gentle , MECKLENBURG, Noha I McComb, June 7;:1837— : : fureton from themselves, some mm: meal dreain, $F Orders from adistance will be stric lily Inet abt Columbus torntorm your that the are | ono Frwin, , a e has no wife—well be it so,— , : y | Cn ; , te ee ber’d | mn ! Which is to change them into bey dhappy beings, titended to,and articles of Dress ear: fully pur i ‘uus Ty fewome subscrbers tu you piper, but: : r Seek COME VD BI ¥ iS Pys are nomber'd here below ; without their owacosoperation or wisves. Phat od and sent off according to direction. are wind tu procure ioney that will answer | LINCOLN, ie anions . __ He soun INusl guy whapee nune aula Is an trreristible opuilse, toreing them along the ee Old Lechorn and Straw Bonnets bleach year purpose. Under the circumstances | am | ae ke urtup, Offered for. sale a Tract co ‘ 7° And then his dugand:« gat will mgpro. ces | path of holiness (oeverlasunBlife With these fed. rut and trimmed in the latest style. requested tu suggest ly you the propriety uf eS , * “ ’ : F ames ¥ views they resSatistied with themselves, while I ae : ‘ablishing an agency in this pace * * | RU PHERFORD, ee wy amet fs : -800. or. more Acg they are sensible of a°want of conforniity to the Mrs, 5S DP will keep constantly on band || berieve that a oumbef ot subscribers rer be | | Ys Boms » ee ae rovements vot inferior tefl v New Pork. Spirit, of th Wines, wulof Gon. ‘They feel nv sense of guilt in not for si ile, a stock of Bonneis, Caps, &c. &e procured, not only here but throughout M: RSissip- | /ASHE. ~ a bar ae hike Vadkin and Catawba sn une tf ; ad ( 1¢ Cc a . eyNE FROM ANKANSAS. , Beer a they av ose a ae “ist Mis. P. returns her thanks to the citizens ie , sions were established in @ll our priuct- : John Hardia: ae «bE anvih@® 52 or more in ar azeeviie tt Ark.) J a 4 eyend (heir ability to do wey are ey pt N togethers and two smal! tracis in et wing ready to'teply to the admonitions of those whe at. Bu i em cia) Olina Counties tor cri ca axiracts are mater indicate the most | ee aria abdve Siatesvitle. Unduu Inemiperaneouraucmiitshe has teceived, | em cien: means of immediate ae! iva, and to justi-; BURKE, Robert C Pearson, sem aya gripes peor are anxious fur their welfare, thabk it they ‘car se f dot hin, they have nothing todo, and hence and pledges herself to renewed exertions to ty our belief that the people of the South would Isaac pean A.W. Brandon or to the su! 4 not permit this paper to sink for want of priren- James C Smtth, &e, JO _{| please therm lif. - Inthe midst of all var grief aid ‘distress, thé¥ continge in a course of stupidity and irre- | P , i SURRY Josiah Cowles ge it” arly itty beea *hopiug against. hope,” eee ieige te sane, See Sauispury, ApRin 15, 1837. pla ge ney sally ube exigency ea , Nathaniel Boyden, yo 1837 —1f44 ty hope*my:triend=Kyher was alive; we } , De . arlc gy the pleasingeingy high’ i arrival ie Nes ble subject; sume andefinable good, which dhly a The undersigngd. “therefore call upon the ee eae {Lebigds of property el, Osléeaus,> havings wited Od tag. fifteen am les | a few can “obtain, —a prize so high that only a ES I A BLIS a MENT _ ‘LT Stare Rights press’ to poblish this address. He WILKES, W liam Wangh, ster hag in possessivn, cao bed tee invokes those who belteve that this press should Thomas J Boachelle, price. afier the ‘bucuis ub: 4 Wertdd .” ewW can reach il, it is not so strange that the a e ~ Ate | majority are content to live without it. ‘Pre Or be sustained tose their influence in obtaining | —,, ye ee n STOKES, M R Movre, PROCLAMA Whateay” oa “rn senda eoiiting. ie he. constitution of our natare impels us to arqui KIT JOURN aL OFFICE paying subseribers 5 and in all cases where the . , Al C H Matthews, wl By the Governor of North eay ot a tread toc ‘slanders, whichehappened:nat | esce in the wagtof that, which wehave no abil- - . Subscribers shall appoint a suitable person to act yO o ge ~ avd,in a certain. party of the. Ruck: LAty to obtain * man feels condemned for not FO ko SA LE asan agent, his arts, es such will be considered Ba rs pe ’ Hare Goes, & Son 8% Mig + | performing imp ssibilities, or for not possessing ° valid Such agents are requested to remit in} [tis confidently believed, that the gentlemen $290 REWE Slaider. —P xTER January, plainutt;s Ses | qualities goatzainable, It is evident, therefore, WIN current dauk bills, where a better medium car | yamed will take a deep interest in this work, abi VING tgthe intended removal of one Of laut be had. One word to those patrons whose | which, by its completion wil) unluck the riches y HEREAS iv has boon model _ Puitax R FoaTLepeRiy, defendant, eters [that no great isservice ean | one to ee uion ie h 1 Judge pogiheitsinad’ she coal for tri- | than by Surroondi ing it with ob mys- vue fh a sare et ue ut ue one het patronage has broue hi us to the necessity ; Had of the West, and regenerate a large section of by the werdicl of an Tnqoest i a is disively to € duatles © you done your doty —hi iJ you paid the one half; North Carolina. Coroner, that A.G Krys,’ of d al? ‘we [ticism., Letit Understoud , prac: | , 4 d. off us provession, the undeisigued. offer fur sale ste (doe ty us. we should have been spared the pain By at once securing the subscription of the | Yartin, was recently murdered ip Plaintiff's AtSiling We ae ready, aod a- | tical thiag—an attainable, goo pide ery ip- fist he N wait the defendants plea? dividnal bas the méans Bes possessing it. "That establishment of the North Carolina Journal Ot and marification of waking this appeal. May | the State, the construction of the Road to the} and that George W. Coburn, (of weg “Defeadany s Atlurney— Wilt you take a plea ; half the exeftions and pains, which are Lequisite fice, i he a well ne in Job, newspa we not hope thas these, al least, will contribute} Yadkin and the two brevehes will be zendered | Step uforecaid, otands charged of ‘nam nitty’ ia short on the reaurd.?” ~ ti ‘obtain tia peri ishable’ Prssegsionsy: of Earth— per ah ornamental type, the list of subseribers is ty our relief ? certain, mission gf, ihe said. feluny ; and a tulerably large,and they doubt not might be oreat DUFF GREEN. The time for action has arrived; will the peo- represenued- that the said George , Plaintiff's Attorney—* Yes Mr-Clerk, enter a aealihe eddeatia pleasure or. fame, would se- nt plea-ut ‘not guilty,“ anid fesue joined,’ Bile to périshah henctives® ot religion, and ly augmented by a little exertion “Ts avy per Belmore, Sd) Ausust. We37 265 ple of the West and the Cape Feag, forego the| a {Ugis i tgefrom justice. me Ne call up thesjury. and swy r [We think that the"Wimber fits votaries “would | 82° desirous ofembarking in the business 11 ofi-rs advantages offered to their acceptance ? Let]. Now,. therefore, to the end them ® be greatlysin@reased fiat it be understood: that inducements not interior to any in this State, but Ehe eféust Llegant ge yle of every every man do what he can, and this work ‘Gant W. Coburn may be * t0’a practical printer they know of co investment > will go on. prose eds irsal, | have thought , ‘Phe jury, ten’ i. laintiff's: it fi fe Shy Peited. aby. all; but equally vat- k a “fF ombuck oe ae taihedib salls hat. ihe @ans of its acquisition 1e could make ot his money that would yieid him ; 2 FEF. L. WINSLOW, Presipent, this my. Proctamation, offering. 3 sworn, @ clerk Gower the oath «+ eh of & more profitable retoro. «ae, i aF **~Plajatil eA Yorney +S \r.. Hombuckle, please dean of Ads in, “and itis Hermtaole te i * HYBART & STRANGE . BN M ooraaty tl. ‘ (anes Head Company: alge vefive bil Dr etate roth jury. wh ab yOu. ‘know about this’ mat- tigv mote ¥ arate May 1837. : deliver fn to the Sheriff of Mapting® } ive tat many en d.be engaged t fo 3 @ ler? : * , : ; PINISELVe — ; = : f ’ ar, : AN an bes deal ye. ULRCHANT TIMUILOR Id heseby. reqaire 3 +. elf toake. bore, im £3 .* ee oa Y 1 He ‘afee tf - of ‘NOTICE. Nh . ae ae oF , Benjamin gr. Fraley, é ° : civil a eit, within this nes William F Phifer, pet George Klutts, is will meet with vor Usa of Dear P= I am all Nei and ‘spiriis hig morning : the lus las beeh Sod srs Toad teslored (0 aa ee ip 2 pot itye¥ un’ al] know: eae Sper t Ri ur_it. Peas ertions to apprebend, or-¢ yom 1 <- see Wellsyou ua feTstay ei ent: Hits art itis Jove | Beaks hes aati Sine Peek Jk W iE 1 LERY., LE now receiving from New York and Phila+ Lprehpeded. the seaguixe F ime when» the. ‘balls a AN A AtOGSRe LOD 5 11 t Be-youl; 1Ui8 elevation, | Bax: ale + of Sulisbur Sefor eaheeri A 4nd phia,a general assurtment of cloths and tim=} Given under my har . penlabement, prodaced by the ac- |4- aer ae eA ve Eeecueyille sal GOLD AVD SILVER WARE, &(. na mings for Spring and Summer: embracing every, eres and the Great Seal: = PHE Suvserber has on hand and will keep article usually kept by Merchant. Tailors: Ahese: ee 2 ha, at the Citys oe hey.was imuchwof'S «|. beer disclosun and Laprgioee FTAs oF, fc ; | ‘| em eon Toler 5 i the | ts..of Assem #. SC ean! ; se ae apeenly forsale at his shopin Salisoury N.C. aoe | have been selected by him in person, apd a eMay, A. D-1887. “+. ane <2 eet 4 i cy pu asd phony, : 837 ne est | e my ane Lpba rity |=» ba engin gireetyat‘ the uext door above the. store be corffidently reconimended to the piblic.a EDWARD BL p ° vs Teen A f Tf 2a Limly & Son, a . cheap and gud Having worked f ne Tai-y C a oS p.& . loring hasiness for twenty years, he hopes he| CunisropHer ' EN BLD ASSORTMENT OF flieet be considered presumptuous in call- } _ W.. Cobarn is abvow30 year 1ONABLE ARTICLES, ing himself a judge of cluth®& He has also jost eet 9 inches high, thick set, of & oe Vin higdiae wt business, amopg which he would |,feceived the New York and Philadephia Fash. oe constiiation, complexe = | enuutyerate the following».viz: — <. ions, and the above will be made ap in a superior | ¢y1) face, speaks short and quick i bao t Lever. Wartc rs, (English, French. aye of fashion, and warranted to fij weil. to, with eyes somewhat dus neat : Swiss, and Détch,) e'will also keep on. hand a general assort-| he wore’ on leaving, a blue cloth by and Plated’ Fub Chain, what of READY MADE CLOTHING, all of | vet collar, de ated Wa fe h will be “agid very low for cash or on a} — 2 Gong ‘Keya i : credit to ory dealers. at kinds of cutting} _ Editorial Con pub} pio tha they: are kenrg a\ > ; chs ae pRB tine 2a Oot of pe ; opel pre, ata A sea of rea oy is reast: pins, and Kngersingy vas (Aron x di De See ates ee afta Ale atti a ; hi wee “and ite béte” ear! pies, Teli ne lpi ; Eshiems wei contin his}, ly in Septembep ,@ néte y Sige mesies UVer-pointed Pepeil Spee e y xt ig Mtonfidently* beliéved haga met 9 : a =| she sfirst se ai ‘ if elie ais use ( tonavigatethe Wa-#. ene © Ly 2 aH y Saree + thewmyer.. Meroh; ier Ping, Bo sad x "abd Silve i Salupry, NAO not piesa has. od er oat ee mutta to a:teod iB The t® 9 a - { 7 ae he irks > . f . : + p “ nits thes bar vale give. hit «adie a ttl et Reb. oe Lig a ” er ACNE Oe eee) te Ws Ine se he as Os He net “ 3 J 1 eo , * ee atid: Terme Tf bath . z ae ae wee * nh ge Se SHH 4 a , eee : ; roy »SOnTPIERE nus o Bat # rn 4 distresa, tn be S s weghave wit! an Ne "iten : \inckeiverth,. pabhic | '1836ehemp the riod: to ~.. nessed. she same tedund sy,of -pape ees Lith . To 311 slergin qucdcrtied « Pretpepeettiand sic} CrsiecRCeOnns hare’ gen recdived, oh sig,» es diggedit eg re te : bY Pts : ‘NeypeneratPand al- a _ Ne Eig 5 ee ie a i A paierefor. : stion Aflericutds|* Soe tee Ue .| bank ingseapitah was incteased to mre than 8p ' : Sere Sion “of Specie Le cnaet Pen ae ‘ s paren vat Wit be "Hisert d tur leso" ie 6F the AY I al iwo hundred and-filty-oae millions;cour paz fitesses; prisemmedt With." l 9 ebay fast, render— | pereirculation to: more: than one chundred “and, at length? y the; Overyhelm-" the Gov woaen’ 98 inged until orders |-e0 the H.b'S duty. imperative, | ECC te ee Meas Oe ee ee Som anc forty millions. and the ‘loans and™-dis- | ing catastrophe. 9 Jf he: m st" aterial differ. private citizen,” jop them) where no directions, ; rnd -eneb had ee | counts to more than fous hundred and Bifty- ence between theresulis “in the. two coun i" oa inawalt ine act; and ees eee {seven millfons ‘To this “vast increase are tries has only been, that with us there hag aby che year or six one ‘enfare” IMC, impracticable togmploy thesrequisite to be added the many millions of credit,ac- | also occafred An.extensivegerangement. ‘in ited ly Dail ae per month for edc a . aymber of others, ‘uponthe presci thei} condi- quiraby m- ans of foreign loans, contrac—_ the fiscal affay 3 of the Federal andState Go-staie sid ais st akch; He + of changing ie Sori ° ! ons. The specific regulations _establish— | ted by the States and State intitutions. and : vernments“oegasioned by the sdspedsic# of ‘Gi real’ tra . cliong “Of . ———— o by Congress for the deposit and safe above all, by the lavish accommodations exeggiccie payments by the banks anes “which this may be done, ‘af -——— rE’ ir eas. arp : fee Hae i tended hy foreryn deajers-to our merchants ae setae of a ee aa effects, | hence re ee mo Sis pectédly hecome ative, ‘ f in Great Britain and the Uoune States, is pt es 2 SALISBURY,” : = ~ OF oy a to afford is an early opgiortani- | a eee eee “substantially the history of the revulsidfin - ae one x waxper lb. 18 220 clsd; Brandy, Ap- }ty for the Reser: curel BIST) aw: lation engendered : y it. were a foreign debt | all other commereial countries. it was Mei Wal..45 a 50 cts ; Cotton Ib. (in | ers over the subject | fe g y : g z. oe _,| -he present and ‘visible effects of these s ca; Cotton ba 20 25 I was also led to apprehend thatthesns. OMlracted by our citizens, estimated in, «At . P| : 5 an i _clicumstances on the operations of the Go. | Ment of ¢ ge per ib. 16° 4 EB cts, Castings per pension of specie payments, incre sing the | Mareh last at more than thirty millions of peranien nee (ie industry of the peo- | deed ‘i ' ets ; Cotton Yio from No-6 0 erabarracsmeata elas existing in the pe- dollars, ihe extension to traders in the inte- ble, point out the whiedis which call for | metce belWeeh the States! a fapeine ny Fav. ‘ a a 15 a .2 oe peathes po © cuntary affuirs of the country, would go far | Or ef our country of eae aie mane nmediate si®ntien ' eral standard of valine, pr dot e 1 His’ svetem "Drak be He ly Ge 701 bt $6 OU, Wheat pr dishs, 91 ae: -| greatly beyond the wants of the people:the . aT ieee # pr bash 30 cist ot bash 65.6 | diminish the public revenue, that the acern- | 8 J DEY pees oe, : , hinvestinent? of thirty-nine anda half mil-} They are—to regulate by law the safe | 1! eediciiecle ate fer ta pe oa cits eae es Ga 10€ts'; | Ing receipts into the Treasury, would not! | aid individuals in the ¢ eee 1 at, Aa ie see al 18 pe wi an hons of doil In unprodnetive public | keeping, transfer, and disbursement. of thé’ alg in ine ie 1 bs | PE HE of, rgal. 624 cts ;,Nails per lb 9 a 10| with the reserved five mi'lions,be sufficientto | Hons oO silars produc p ie , A 2 2 AG Viet therwise that ~ 4 rough a publie ai 3 ¥ ie — a -, | Public moneys; to designate the funds to be! the Poe OReMbre OR ge te Beef perio 0 a 0 cts 5 Bacon per |b 124 defray the expenses of the Government, unt! | '@4ds. 10 the vear 1835 and 1836, whilst in ieeceriedaay aeee by ie Government ; to! it be called oat : ee OUE ThA BUGiHON Litite ean ae lb 124 ‘ets; Lard per Ibu5 | h | d for the Ca the preceding year the sales amounted to a ’ Sage ie ae BiG of tratie .") peater per 1b 123 qs; tard per |b) | the usua ppctlod ier tbe smecvog ot Con: fe fen dahaif millions: the creation ‘Mable the Treasury to meet promptly every | of their Mmeérchaii "ET hese dire nS, Offe ane ed p3Mt per bushel 9! 25 1 50 rts, Steel, Antert- |. press. "whilst the authority to call upon the | OMly feor and a haif’ milhtons; the crea dave . 9 Ks a ; demand upon it; to prescribe the terms af| ttade.~ They*oug "Ue CO! led Sf Be An Se ; a eae Ue Se piister,per 1d. 10 cts 3, Reggtish oe a Iby States, for a portion of the sums deposited | Of debts. to in al-nost countless anon or on indulgance, and the mode of settlement to'| Who are interested if fit in the same Manners Ply. mul the vem ands: res sere . ; Cast do. per lb 25 a 30 cis; Sugar st : A real estate in existing or anticipated cities & | ; that the incidental-difficalties of *uthet pursuits” id" p e . ; : R taaisavoer oats witb them, was too restrictee tu enable the g be adopted, as well in collecting from indi- 2 Meulties of” bther ‘par Wa hell ee 5 we ; Wool (lead) ot Ib 30 | Department to realize a sufficient amount | Villages, equally unproduetive, and at prices viduals the revenue that has accrued, ag in| 2@.emcvuntered by “other. class of citizens —| matetfor indulpen tha ine o5 o. $15.4 cle T ca beni bree ee “| : rate, A a " Pe ter lb 10 124 cts; ‘Tow-linen pay | from that source. ‘These apprehensions | 20W seco to baye beon greatly dispropor eg ‘withdrawing at fi f deposit Such aid has not-béen deemed | essary in othen t@ialinent@ under the U: site law: fT eee aa i} b stifled | osequeat result tlonate to there real value; the expenditure | e reds comets ecriee: die “pavaole,iherr | s 4 cts; Wine ( Peneriffe) per gal.$ls ave been justified by suosequeat results, of iminense sums in improvements which. | and to devise and adopt such further mea- | well as she fureign exchanges aré Caty sg ae - ig: G : , etek 2n-e sums fements w! : arae ee Pel digal do. $1 0 a $1 7 ctd; Claret’ do which render it certain that this deficiency ! eae ieraes “ve hee, (aneaealne man , Sures, within the constitutional competency | private houses, often; if out generally, Without % pg. gl 32175 cis, vaelaeae Cencel) will occur, if additional means be not plo- | iy a a oar ‘ont , ther Of Congress. as wil! be best calculated to the assistance ot banks, Yet they “extend |) . : Thiske x i . Yon US 1 ywroviden 1é@ Giversion to other : | wae 9s : ong ‘ee r. $15 Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 cts vided by Congress SUS aprexident, . revive the enterprise and to promote the | '!roughout‘distinet sovereignties, a — CHERAW. The difficulties experienced by the mer- | Pursmitsof much of the labor that should "prosperity of the country in amvant the real exchanges of Beatin market per lb 4a 6 cts; Bacon pet ;cantile interest, in meeting their engage. | have been apphed to agneulture, thereby | ‘There is no feason why our’ yn is Pedaé cts; Hains.des.00 00 cts ; Bocswax | ments, induced them to apply to me, nre= | cootributing to the expenditure of large For the deposite, transfer, and cisburse- | conducted in the same ay WH al cheap : edtairion Wi pebis-a 20 cts; Bagging per yard 18a 25 | viously to the actual suspension of specie S8UMs In the ‘mportation of grain from) Eu- , ment, of the revenue, Nitional and’ State | ness and safety. . Certainly cl might bé’ac- involved ppBalorope periba 12 14 08 5 Cuffee pr. avyments, for indulgence upon their bonds | fOPe—an expenditine whieh, amounting to bauks bave always, with temporary and lim- | tomplished, 4f it were favored by these : Ya 16 cts;Cotton per.¢100 Ibe $7 94 O0e ie Ante and all ie oe, uathorized by | 1834 to about two buadred and fifty thoa— ited exceptions, been heretofore employed ; | deeply es a ae ean doabt dni ia me eat SO tae er law w a promptly and cheerfully stated! ; Sand dollats, was. in the first two quarters but, although advocates of each system are | eee ca cemciee te enetal 102 L245 [ron at 100 Ibs $9 64 a 03) ‘The cependence of the Treasury upon thea- of tie ut : ee aie 0 ee ou 8, per zal 40 50 a’ cts; Nuils cut assort-| yailg of these ben S,toenable it to make | WO millions of doilirs; and, finally, without vents of the list few mouths have greatly 7 (| “ae » . 1 : s results a- |: p Sire i yerlb 812 a9cta, Wrought do. per Ih. 20) ithe deposites with the States required by | CAUmeritiog other injurious results, the ra augmented the desire, long existing among »Pork por kre 96 95; Rice per 100 Ibs $4 : ofly F - | ' : ae ar law, led me in the outset to limit this in- ete growth among all classes, and especial- | the people of the United States, to separate 50; See err a oe ce Me doigence tthe first of September, out it has | (Y (0 Our great commercial towns, of luxu- | a fiscal Operations of the Government MSS). 5 t é 8;Stleel ; | : “ he > > {y | ee oct 10 16 cts: ‘Pallow ner Ib 16) S!nce been extended tothe first of Octo- | OUS batts, founded too often ou merely from eis; ‘Tea linperial-per lb $125a1374 cts; | ber, that the matter might be subinitted | f4ocied wealth. and detrimental alike tothe | Asain to create a national bank, as a fis. do. pr |b $1 5 ; ‘Tobacco m: to your further directi industry, the resources, aud ihe wurals of | eal agent, would be to disregard the popn- -prlbgt al 23.cts 5 ‘Tobacco manu- | to your further direction. -" eal agent, sreg: pop rlvJ0 a 1 cts. : vestions were also expected to arise in | Ur people ‘tar will. twice soleunnly and unequivocall pe , P : Jy 4 y “FAYETTEVILLE _ the recess in respect to the October instal- It was so impossible that such astate of | expressed. Oa no question of domestic Bilt Ria Gath: Riese Wn .| See \ = s aady, peach 75.0 80, Do. Apple, 60a 70; ment of those deposites, requiring the in things could long continue, that the pros- | policy 13 there stronger evidence that the madi teeaene jeaialatioge te ‘hig me aay at oe . ode: iaeee | bes prJd it 124% 3 OOS Coston pr tb 6 a.84 rts] terposition of Congress. | pect of revulsion was present tothe mod of seatunents of a large majority are deliber- orhon Witedisiphed™ by the “Cofteito\oda le the.pew2\G over agg. 6 ‘pr lb 12.8 “}3} “ay Flour bb). 0$6 a 7 A provision of another act, passed abont , ronstderaté meo before it actually came ately fixed; and | cannot concur with those have iu the ead provéd “injurious, ap "h M agsuebe pihedarve huthonotsthioFoad of. o " S x S . = : + F<» a a J Ors) a L - + Reed pr bh $1. 003 ;Meatherspr tb 35 402 \ the same time, and intended to secure a} None, however, bad correctly anticipated | who think they see, inrecent events, a proof | ed only to convince the great body. ¢ th i prous | 1 00 aQ_00; Le ny! 2 a = a { taithfal compliance with the obligation of | ats severity. A concurrence of cireum-| that these sentimeats are, ora teason that | more and more, of thecertain. dangers ‘ ehesilatéd'ad” we ig i LAE ok e 1% aS ae _ i ° Tobsecu: the United States, to satisfy all demands up- | stances Inadequate of themselves to pro- / they should be changed. lng private interests with thdy OnS.4 Sindusity™ ofr theveouutr ey een ae fei hk oe. 3; Whiskey | 08 them in specie or its equivalent, protib: | duee such wite-spread aad calamitous em lic business ; and there is Wo rem £3; Wheat prbush $11 15; Whiske f q p Amege ape 2 a7 Key o ff ae ee Events, similar in their origin and char- that'a repetition of hem now Wu , 5065, Beeswax 20 a 00 ted the offer of any bank note, not con-| barrassments, tended Sogteatly to agura-|_ have t f f smtlyecorarscde esc ecm woe F * vertible on the spot ito gold or silver at | vate them, that they cannot be over. | ter, have Eeretofore frequently oc ae ch cee ail ae mi’ th I. a: _without producing any such change; and It cannot be concealed that th ipts,"|* LAW WOTICE. the will of the holder; and the abiliy of looked in considering 28B1r history. A-noug | he | f expe e mast he forgotten. | in our comminily, of opn tous. anddeelings ¥ : . a } a 2 2 ay 2 a ‘e . Ss 2 . R ‘ + ! 4 { s he the Government, with millions on deposite, these may be mentioned, agymost prominent, aa essis © cl a \ i t werditow of | ov this subject at dincecem positions > ¢ ne ’ < > se z 24Sé ( 2a b ah. +40 ic: ES MARTIN abd R. ELALEXAN. ; (Oo Meet is engagements in the manner thus, the great loss of capital sustained by our j'! Ve Suppose that the presen JRE itech: Oppas Rapes cr, er Carolina) Attorneys at | required by law, was rendered very doubt- ; Mohle > Alabama, attend - all thé’ Conrts countries. ‘Throaghout* Europe, the du estic aaa 4 be’ the country, would be proaiy = by ‘le: 3 subject in the hands of those to-who; “spro- | 4 perly belongs. A system founded on ptivale in} nd ) great magnitude, inbeteut ink ierest, enterprise and competition, . withvat the teh ahaa eh sates still to be found, it is apparent that the e- aid of legislative grants’ur’ regulations by Jaw, lv we oy | would rapidly prosper ; it would be freerfrom the effectual y Bue me - those of individual or corporations. 1: fluence of political agitation, ' and ~ extend the U nforeseen inthe. organizationgn | | | Saue exemption to trade itself; aud Yt would | Goyer ment, .anufoge Onethbe.- patan end to those complaints of. neglect par- i rach eas 0 es 8s iad colar: jeby; rv neces , uiality, injustice, and uppression,” “which @fe the ‘ ' ‘Ky S. pT ict i=l | | oPPres ~ (ploying banka wisyin tenth Gone ie ' unavoidable resulls of imerterence by the’ Govt! pita 6. eats ie ; irae eS ae et ernment, In the proper eoncerne of a ig. ie mi . ae tie Eee a commercial emporium in the Gre of Decem. | Credit, would hive been prevented by the | other. csA large. portion. of: theaiygne: i rs “ B 3 ge | mercer a { a e 2¢ce = ere i é r : : . ee os F | " e) % eee 4 | > pen : existence of a on.tional bank Proneness bing great.intelligence,» actiwhy; wider, Fveping “ - : n ful by the eventto which | have referred, | ber, 1835 —a Joss. the effects of whieh were. = i - Dini B fay PONNE COTE yy: 100 " in he city of Mabile, theSupreme Court sone ee : A : toa i iy excessive issnes has ever been the. vice | fluence, are goub SINCETe. 1 Pei eines, Sts See ate SES 4 4 . . ; Sensible that ade quate provisions for unde rrated at the trans » DeEcCaNse postponed | : er 5 : 1 ca ves Ol CONVeniehee: DOL inese co fyecadosa, and the Giregit Court of the U : : : z of the banking system _ a vice as prominent beliefthatsbe peratia Ss 2 atin ae & : : oe ““ these unexpected exigencies could only be fora scasor by the great fietlities of credit: S ae . shea Sitve : tec ee” " F nassed ee RNR kins ieee Sites in the city of New Orléans. : ae 5 sn National as ip State institutiogs. This be assisted Wesurh = : ge KS ee ip ' oe ee iy 29:h.1837—6w2 > © made by € ongress; convinced that some of | then existing; the disturbing «tfe-ets, in our | y ard’a tti Trail: ; Ben gee a ea be ; make-bahkeentocnen " a z ‘ ‘ : fat d propensity is a8 subservient to the advanées gard a Dationd SN Gcessary oe Rage eee nS | them would be Indispeasably necessary 10 ' cummercial cities, of the transfers of thet | | Qarces pibmaer: Gah ! the public service, before the regular period , pubhie of your meeting; and desirous also to. ena- | of | ble you to exercise, at the earliest moment. Ral as : Ff t ose | ee SE er apm, ote Sh ‘ment of private interests in the one as tne Purpose, and hey wai incliiedjwevere pip BUY 41 See SD ressusy ae es Moneys required by the deposite law , : foe ie Tie Se S20 ot any geen a Peers ‘ edebs tot tein RA gp. ne woe ithe other; and those who direct them , both, meas iret p ] baler, | 08 OC e ib 0 te ; Junie, 1836.4and the mcasures adopted a: tice. Siaceaiaul: a a wha ‘ by the forergn creditors of our merchants to} eiag Hea aie ed by ot ee cn aye Ge SLAY i ee re . »same motive your full constitutional powers for the relief reduce their debts, and to withdraw from, ile lolldenced by the same anc oI Tepes 7 J 4 * os ed ahaa ms 5 5 ded Les? : ae ale ie Get the rene war Of © CONNECIION «tb = ih ae vi wae. of the country, 1 sould not with propriety, the United States a large portion of osrspe- | BLY ronay ie saeidene tere imedtipeeerater uae E hy -wtances have uisi 13) 17 Btn oie hie. 5, uate =? ates avoidigubjecting you to the inconvenience | cie. OI eee ae oa heel it? fi aati aed ‘Thott eeel/izalon ole o PGdvern webbed a oe aa ws wy oe SF of assembling at as earlier day asthe state suikingly be this cone (shots aos funn Pe oy ie erues’s and nate none spl Udnce Ol cOUr kes Od tcosemilie gener glee 3 ee Steamhoat Company beg leave ta! oF the popular representation would permit. | However unwilling any of our cit:zens ee Nhe Bank oe State, SAY oh vnage , “he ee or i eet leks Rilgrbelween alte.<!i fi. cca > pe@ihe public that they areshayi lam sure that | have done but justice to ay heretofore have been to assiga to these i vast powers conterred: off it by Congress, Gis Clog JABS PUB 112.0) ES 700) BS: 5 ee ae cigOP await 1 360% ¢ 0 Baltimore at a hag drauzh often our feelings, in believing that a ve aon. Causes the chief Instramentauty ia prodn- | not or could not prevent former and. sunglar} Jo obopinio Se ci art ee a Oi ee elie bg an i mee tress purpose..of plying. betwixt | 2 OUF Tee will Be heerf i he a ae cing the present state of things, the devel _emharrassments; nor has. Ahe oul Breater sol eA VATEASS AN Sip OrCOee ta Pe UOMO RINE Hee ae a Sake ateston, and. to be herengarly | venience will be cheerfully encoun ee) Opements subsequently made, and the actu | strength it hasbeen saiilto possessyunderats lal: transi iS es yO ABV OY AOE Spe Migs ae a : It is confidently. belieng th the hope of rendering your meeting con. d baie : al 7 8 Bi sane a extstingte ata Sosed 2Raa! he «Fea +O Se DUDIC Weitare. -. Show iC wy oe mw able“with ease to.navigate iHe® Wa- | ducive to the good of the country. eee of other commercial coyntrics, | present charter, Pee aT AUR DE Asiiiiere: te ar aa i {otie. Treasnty. Ape. ato, fk Ystage of the river. Meréhante ae -. | | Must, as it seems to me, dispel all remain- | mergency, to chéck otlier ust) Lidge, be ai oka, an leee a the upper cogoiry, will find it'totheir | Duting the earlier stages ef the revul- , ing doubts upon the subject. It bas ieee to save itself, loGréat Batariew Ce ae On viet ama A badd Laitineas aekoas 4 F me have their ‘goods and produce sent | Sion through which we have Just.~passed, appeared that evils, similar to those sulféré}*hay been seen,” thésame'ca ve { , eS Perey’ te on AID ANIN, aoe "Feit! VS ere 4 eeongey ’ this channel, as the freights will be-reas uch, acrimonious discussion arose, and ed by ourselves, have. been. experienced in | attended “with the'sdme fects, ation: de rr is.ecarcelyg o-be-e xp sey ~e ee ma i anaes : éI0 ho case whatever, will any addition; great diversity of opinion existed,«.as to its Great Britain, on the éontinent, and,indeed, | bank, pigs ss10g pou 18 far | lanage | leit c. | BE SOCN A Ot ARAPe ene inacen- fe. ee Rs a * ty re may lighterage, ae ae? ones. real.causes. This Was not surprising. The throughout the commercial world; and that askea, at y Y: A ieee eid. tes ee MELSON, S00 body ; = bey al She wilt wy chm, Therese operations of crediteare so diversified, ahd ja other countries, ae well as in our. Ownspan. instiluhonshere lso.<provedeanat Dap) aoe eee os aa 2 a aes MD Sg AREAD EOMOOL 1g BAC ” 'Etaden’ whee, succedy thin leat et the 1ufluences whieb affect them so humer—| they have been uniformly precedéd-by _an‘igto: pee nban Saris x pandipirgoteored pidge bens tee Porlibe. OF; OUr. come EMRE Species teenshon yer yre vest by: z rit the navigatiotf” of dhe Wateree by | 0X8, ane often, so subtle, that even impartial | undue enlargements.of the boutidarics¢of> and the-evils that Soper amit va sae ane 8 Oe ae Se On eS » ite Bethea a md adoubdt. Byih beats will de table | 20d well-informed persons are seldom found trade, prompted, as-wit bss eby ciden-; dsonytenab baground foPitiexerestan! } I Bea pean AO ABN ANS PCED RS BE we ah . ee ae Rant'e passengers comfurtably, being to agree in respect to thems.«-To inherent | ted expaneions.of tlie Spf cri nt ‘of a.nationel PRED k jime We iderkige Phlag: at emer nag det DEY mene phe Pe) Sepia ence a. UP+ With the ladies and gentlemeps’ difficulties-were also added other tendencies, referenée toithe ame cing’ cap ny alle Uged st oresenn 1p etis a hens | A 2! OB AD, 0G Oa De iene on : add sepgrate. : which were. by no means favorable to the andthe issies. of paper cre” cc exchahges oC Mes hOFIO) TE BiG gen c " rae Phat AS rea: pire Oey he Agent New 5h Gosh discovery uf truth:= It “was hardly to be latiog 18 Great 'Britaig nt indin’ CIES lt 0 voc bp. eam die iia pica te ' glia ie hye £97975) J- ex pected;~that those-who disépproved the. er Watauria each thiol ed, vi ; de Us ru NUS, | Pas. | policy of the Government in relatioagdethe: i ripated-whenrherqrer 6: at 9 i ‘ay Tosti " J BLISH MEN ‘tk e| Cuftency, would. 10 athe: excited - eit % 7 A eee eee Do Ee as e and JOURN Ak Be Nici Hate uirencm there, as-much¥.ds C) (e8 -Wapicrdafdd, , gar esse ey Adah <~ & Byes peesinmepred <b b. he og aSIOn 4 £ © € r a Nntsao ‘a re ant oy Pg: 7a Y acid " i = fi ¢ sed M a F p °F af tOatiribute that_pal any nSive > equiths | vethi né oft - = eget t Ee vo r | p , ie 7: ft | ~ . : “ nm oh re Ee & oe = Bs s : oe 84. is b OEE rassment in the’ «mn affairs OFS. ore S’ ardsd ti that eOunS’ .beucd ae ele Nad ede uf i 3 - ‘raha dndt * 4} pethée Sugteor'S ‘1 —< ns oi Pe tet J A as Pephe i f i ; c 4 a 2 3 r gs! gc Fes 16 rt ! L ' B@uits eC ; @ aH : [ge adic ctl rad ‘10.. by.hin Pt pubtettiondys 18 conse | large | * ant : + aise pays abi Pi rg begs en EY si: jeter i hate ati Myepaye a Og CORN fue 70. ifopal duty, I ialet tH Barats re- | Bie Of the at ' ¢ iy.) gt ; nov Ise napey Se rd shot . 1 publ | serve, “ihe ré éctiuns. “The Pe findtebeeie Be “Int tHe “cot lv ar od in theibisedeury gp? | eeomn theta aber} sabjecets of rte aid4ope'un which | ‘would be-abundanely sufficiem year, Ppl eS oul e... The extent ofstbe a peewty be-asvunityd in ‘SBhti- | provitied an ee uee Ser weet amount > of Whe resis ted has already” been sta-_ Leas Woe ingnserest. ltdesebyes a~fulls revengembe y id%he necessary wan: of the’ Go- somes Upp ppligg to. h Fe, to the. aimougt of inoney” and fee d disellgs'o :, & caunot p! ty-be benefitted: pvernment, be-hereafterpreveuted) Af to these’! mi"ions be still kep jig ibe, officersémpluy ed. would be en. | by a dispassionaexcumparisop Ol opinions. Well ; congidegations be added the facilitiesswhich will | ida expediedt, ‘firth Tite, it appears that assum. | asare myself dt the dotyzt reciprycal euncesston | arise from‘ cnabling. the ‘freasury to salisfy.the meet’ “cyatinigencie five gillions tobe at all times | among the cu-urdinate bales of the Govern | public creditors, by.its drafts or nutes received in |faniltions. pt," , “ = [ siglo whole of it leftie she | ine, [can promise a rea me spirit of cy op. payment of the public dues, it may be safely as- | In mak ethe estimate. the revel pis: ape cal itr adie clots zocetvers, ‘the proporperation,- so far ag it can be indalged in withoul sumed that no thotive of convenience to the citi- | latedson the supposttjén ofsome- farther €¥ien- | mea old hot exceed an average of thir- | the surrender offonstitational ebjections, which | zen requires the reception of bank paper.” | Sivnof the indulgence gramtedin the pay.aent of dollars 5 > but that, deducting one | Lvelieve tobe swell touoded. “Amys system that) — 'Tosdy that the refosal of paper money by the | bonds for duties, whiets wil affec: the amourt/pf- 5 gailitn | ut ibeeise ofthe mlot, apd assumine the faluy be adopted sould be suyeéted to the tul- | Government, introdaces au unjust discrimination ‘ revehue for the present year to the extent uf. 1Wups *| tefl fobr millions tobe in the hands of one | lest lezal provision, so as tu leave nutiivg to tie | between the currency received by it, ant -that | and a hali inithons. 5. fac ve oo id prasperity at h e}| Hal POF tn renga ainber of officers —a suppo | MAecative but whatis neccessitry to the dis | used by individuals in-their ordinary affuirs,is,in! eis not provosed to procare the” require a: ott inersh - =, raion off deemed ture likely to eurrespond with the | cuarge of the duties imposed un bim; and what- | my judgment, ty view it in a very erroneous; mount by loans or increased ta%ation ‘The F or Sth sim’ in the bands of each would still | ever plan may be alumately established, my own | light’ “Phe Constitution prohibits the States from | now in the ‘Treasury-nine millions three uny ~ Routt Gt, inust ef the. bonds i shalt ve su discha7ged as to give tu lia fair trial, tmuking any thing bot gold and silver a teader | dred and sixiy seven thousand two hundred and) tfansaeti an 1rod Nee Teceivers of public money | aud the best prospect of success } in the paymentof debis, and thus secures to ev- . -fourte p doflars directed by the actof the 23d° of obfigit Se em e Icere e ppt 0 foo, however, bu the subject., ‘Phe character of the funds tobe received and | ery citizen a right to demand paymentin the les Jone, 1336, tu be deposited with the -Statesain | are gn p . ait etn Ock §KS Se-44 ‘eitherin hE, a “the gatey of the moar y, or I disbuined vi the Hransvetons of the Government, (galcuriency, “Po provide by law thatthe Go Qetober vext, “This sum, ifse depositeds will | ‘fw t das 7 aMord alvi j Tite Syppos 1s the pan foe of these. fis sca. transac- | likewise Ge uainds your must earetul mailer | vertuument will only receive its dues in guld and | be subject, utcer the liw, to be recalled, if need#} ei: sn a0d by uh ri : oe Be erence of uc ppeals to me, de effec tually re | AUN silver, Is not tu coufer on it any peculiar privi- ed, tu defray exisilog appropriations; and as iti ah perchant. to fort F . Don will always ease tL to e008 M3 ree BY ddine to the present means of the | Phere can re no doubt that those who framed , leg-; but merely to place if ou aa equality wills gow evident thatthe whole, of principal part of a pily apply , “Tw hot Spo upeilegg Feasnry gos shoes by Jaw,ata few im aes adopted ine Constitution, having In hnine | the clan, by reserving ty ita rivht seeured to (it, will Ge wanted for thal parpose, It ‘Appears 4 Si = o ing incident t is. to | ie “porns, at 3 fur the depusite and dis-: idiate View the depreciated paper of the Conted | ui by the Constitution, Tris: sancit med by a poape trat the deposits: shoald be wiihbeld, e ag Wit events havg gf sian ey slet ifsement Of § uc h foxton vf the public re venue | f3C) = of which fice hundred collars in’ paper success!ve Jaws. from the time of the fist Cou © | ue the aimeuul can bec lected fromm (ne B40 aSk your eonwiill Y al, it wilh ‘ohe lous safety and cupvenience, | Were, a: lines, oul equal ty ape Gillar in coin | gress under the Consutation down tu tae last. bDaoks, Preasury notes may be t in poretiby Is- ch serjéns topics I eould h ee a p Pongress %. : pus= session ofthe collecting officers | —Iniended tu prevent the recarrence of star lir Such preeeson’s, neverciyected tu and proc\eedivg . stird, la Be gradually redecemcd as at is re- weer ‘Gist eee ee Suogecteus a.ap* | nati P ‘id over by themé@te the public crediturs.— | evils, so tir at least ass 3 vo the trangaetions | froin sven suutees, afford a decisive answerto he ceived Bred représentativ peals male tivevery form ‘es sty us ,§953~ Neith: athe smi unts tefaided | in their hands, ner | oF the new Government. beey give to Con | iaputation of toequality or ipjusiee [am acare that this conrse may be productive | ing ees aps ar beat sai of intengst éap suggest | ce ; $4) “these” deposited’ in The Offices, would, in an ordi- | gfess EX press powers fo cuin woney and toreg- } Bat, in fact, the measure is one oi resireuen, of tocunveatepee ta inuny ot te Siates. Rely4 = rosperity Since it’ is Slee ‘ + gb er such system, ate. “Bt mn nary condition of the revenue, be larger in most ulate the value Ub-reat, aod of Oe ln eolDs they not ot faver “Do forbid the pabae apeut to re e oO pon che acts uf Congerss which held out to nly fee! indte dee the respansibil 1 ~ myhe he Ok their fotunate. | ! cases than (bose often, under the cuntrol of dis- hie to give ti power to establish eoreore tions Peelve in payment any ones tian a Certam fond stew ue sttuny probso.lity, if not the coriainty , Pa regpe tive ti sis th “have bec neti re _the d posiies ar treated as ia pegraing ofc ee uf the “Army and N: avy, and | a re sae thea as toe ca fly employed to of Money, lo aus nan a ara possessed ut " \ ny 3 ae a - ihey oe 10 some at ‘pnd & ressire of di \ficubies, . ‘ va ; Je oA ‘and, ae neo be made entirely safe, by requiring sneh | eee paper ee liey prohibited the | oy every citizen Wf eS be lett to Laney wha) lastances eps: measures WIth which its re- | in hing. ahe™ janee and aid of the § dy b bye? Securities, and exercising such controiling super | States fran nakiog oO but geld and sil, nave manazes rete av Ui tee on ee interfere Phot such a | Roler of nations,€ahd in laboring w wih, sec ang whe the. pu vision, as Congress may by law pre eerinee The | ver a iepal tender in payment of debts; and the) make ther ow ior as; bot oo snot ctiscretion Condtitoy of ihing~ should have egpurred is much lire. returgs 1b, is aiten- Pp rine sipal iheuie whose appulntinenis would be- first Congress direeted, by postu ve law, ita the} snunld be given to hit ato aes merery as an lo he regretled Luis not the beast among ihe | We are environ (REDLS nat provit ded for, cuihe necessary under this plan, taking the larg. | revenue should be received in nuthing but gold | agent of the people, Who ts ts cobeck sbar the uifuriunate tesalts of the disasters of the times 3 Ji is under me hereomssanctl ; ge bers bangs that thought _*snuinber suggested by the See retary of the and silver. | Ia W Tequires, snd to pay lhe APPlopriariotis VU aeef 41 1S (af Wansress to devise a fit remedy, if vation to know; by. leno experience lemse we m<¢ “when the pab- ‘Vrenanry dl | Mot exceed ten; nor the addi Puptic exigency at the outset of the Gaverp- jinsles When bank cotes are redeemed onde ) bere De oe Puen voey beng indispensable faet for gq people to whom the wid é@ foads ‘were. A. find themselves tia expe eS “at the Same esilinates, sixty Cue NULIOLE Ciel TSH authority, led te | imaad, ee ts then not discrimi naton it reaitty, 0) ane waats of the ac vii aw diflb-ult to con unpromising, can always be spoken will oat embArhas: ' hi séuson of pay-|* th sand dollars a year. | (he use of banks as fiscal ads tu the “Prossary | fur the individual who recetves then; may at lis tia What prene pie ob fosi eo. expedien- | for the tral chwhoge patriotiso nu em : - "Phere cah he no duubt of the obligation of | te admitted deviation trom the fiw, at the sane) option, substiue the specie for thetn, de takes eV Us aophieation to that oijeet cau 06 avowed. | is Meseyere, and Wy tool meus eg deuly arrives, tee. Poa! those who are entrusted with the affairs ot Gov 1 period, and under the saine exigency, the Secre ‘them irom convenience or ehoice. When they ¢ ‘Po recail any portions of the sams aiteady de publ le tadchiadecr hoi oe ATOMatcly, too, he edily or ue’ oh | Ptfiment, ‘do conduc, them with as little eust to} lary of the Treasury received their notes in pay- fare not so re. ecined, it will searcely be contended | posited with the S es, would be imure tueen good. tt seems jast re pees Haitedag the banks Paint tle ihn lag * the align ag isteonsistent wilh the public inter- | weut of duties. Loesole ground on which the | that their receipt aod payment, by a puolic of | vewieni and less efficent “Po bdurien tne coun | withoet delay a aid ho ie sh ; a al gecings of ome ae , eek I¥e estage ‘and it is for Congress, as ultimately for the practice, thus commenced, wus then, or has: cer, should be peraitte A. though nune deny that try wiih increased taxatton, When there ts infact | whieh eur lhereiions ee "aff ea : ; mee ust afeommerce andethe CUrreneye “he people, ta decide whether the benefits to be de | Stuce, been justified , isthe certain, Pomediaie }rivht to anin fividuais fit were, the ef-ct would | 4 large su: pins reverue, would be ur js andan {rectly trom ahe-midst of ! La > alt way st kingly exh rahleg during: the.ope- rived from keeping our fiscal concerns apart, | and Conventent exchange of sneh notes tor spe | be must ‘ujariods to the pablie, since their officer | W18e3 9 aise Wioneys by loans ander such cin | the cooree of eveuie ili a vd ar jogs uf he, Tatg Ue posites isgsiein, and espe- | and severing the connection whieh has hitherto | cle. “Phe Government did tudeed recetve the | could uecke nong of those arangemer ts to moet Pcaumnsianecs, and thus te come ce a nev na-; country, from you ay hest oy aa t ari ttty int pn ch! at pab! ne tands, Tre or- existed-between the Government and banks,of | inconvertible nutes of State bauks during the} or gaard azetist the de pre ehition, Wtied anand: | tenal debt, wourd searcely be sanetuned oy they the ey and. natare of im ae which: Uthat ly “divecke d the BS) meat ot fer sufficient advaniayes tu jusufv the nec SSary | ditheulties of war: > and the commmauiiy submit- | vidual is ul fiderly todo, Nor can inconventence ; American people. inedis, at the mosi déstrablecmeasures aff Mow? stlveris snc th Bivenpiowint she wel ie net If the object to be acenmn plished is | tec San uur amurner to the une qi val taxaiion to the community be aileaged as au bjeciton lo ae plan proposed asad be ads quate to all our [am aware, ehow ever, that il 16 oe eoliAorbe erator eras eee - the ee welfare to the | an oe ee of which such a course was such a regulation. ts object and motive ure iheir | ae Ne ee the eet uf the | to detain you, at: meat longer than cystldh Lhaspacl fe | ae ae he myself to b-heve that | i proc ae oo ae ihe war, this tadujcence convenience and welfire, aa : lroald it nee es a the Preasary, aid- depati ded. by the special objects. fo Al bath. bia b ae iat ttron Mie le pudiic expen: ne of com par: i and the carn an oblhred ae thao ta ore | If, ataimnomente«t So aeas § unex per ‘tad | dq a the us resources of the Coun try, will | are @f ny ened. To them, therefore, | i dfetarved rr deapedite, : i eo eee be a BSs will be necessary : , ea thelr a ing gold and silver. ‘Lie Trea | suspension bs the hanks, Tt adds some aaa to the be ab ‘i to discharge, pune a: sily, every peeunta-, tibed my enhtiiniestion ; and, be liewt 1 awe linetiy pitt eet att Mu Be HC re Wl pcb. to by. the people. ee in eneace. with previows practice, con | imany ercberrassine a Sout thal Proceeding, yel | c ‘ So For thie fest ure, all that is need- : not jor wish (go egiend® your ar f i ruiiiitiishld speed G o t = a y the Fe pats of the Poston ae | eS - ‘0 GIs} ae. with Currency Lt nred | these are far OVerostoayeced oF Ps direst tendetey | i Se a ad on aud ps arauce Ep tp pre uo yer them. AYexerve an) the asi: = ne seer peter, | tie ha Hee b ane ae: that the fiseal yy it Le aet A 173: a took she notes of banks to produce a wider elrren ation ot ald as d Siler | ) ia hieh ne Ue of the revenne “Your naval ines “TA AWet a veral in i jf aie aeiso “the , AaAtrs O dal epartine nthave been successtul- in full oe i coe of their being paid IM speae on Lo lacrease the safely Gh bank piper, ta tiprove i qatres, and which the ex Niplete secon plist thestate of 5 Gitoa wh ch ie C 0 ly condo: “fed since. Vay. last npon the principle | demand 5 aud Congress, to guurd agsinss the | the general currency, and thusto prevent uti beut or great forwardness 9 thay Exped | requires me (are \; VAN BUR esd aryaeinot Ast DP dealiay only ht dy the legal currency of tne Unie | sbytitest violation of this prine' ple, have deslar- gether sach oeeurrene s. und ine other ana fir | sive gational undertakicgs renders equally {u- es ul, erga u pre. Tied Bi gles, id that iLueeis no, legislation to ed by bow, thatif notes ale pans in the triusae | greater evis that acead (hem, [sistent wiih pradence and psirtotte liberajity 1u,sub LE for. it ied A. mMaiAata i sey and facilitate the manave- |} tens of the Goverument, it uies! be under sact | ei may, tadeedabe questioned, whether it is ‘The preceding sa rgestions and re ceom ie ‘das = wins ne ages a | yimeny RSs concerns 5 lhe eXisitng laws being, cireueastasees as to enable the totder ta convert | Got for the titerest ofsthe banks thetnselves that | tins are sabuatited, 'D the hebief that their dod: “Frosh Lynehburg Virginia : oT inka mereuty hy! Figalbe vbiaion of that uilicer, ample for those uob- them into specle witheay de Ce ation or cel. | : che Governian ut shomld- nut receive their papers j tun by Congress will enable the Executive De® DEYOCRATS. eCtIe Se Otiny owa duties onder the exising I wa,) Puey would be condueted with uncre eantion jind partinent tu conduct our fiscal concerns with sue cess, So far as theirtmanagement has been com an the exiBtiig sta siafe of “| mitted ia it, Whilst the objecis and the meang | pany)! isgi pomfant ee ascend | _ Wasurxcron, 4th Se, ember, 7 per - _-— ——- = > 9 Si ei tea _ ‘Pithigulties will “doubtless be eneuuntered for a wien tae banks sasmeaded spree payuie ns, i om suunder princapl: s by using specie only ~ J : Waéasntt ard: inGreased serviees required from the | Gould not doubt, Directions were tainedtaitely | iis cransacitais, tae Government would create a : mi meh elfen peat tagoriinaye 5 stich aré” usually. incident given to prevent the reeeplicn inty the Treasury} demand for ui, wiieb wouldsioa ureatexcent, | proposed 10 attain them are within is constita: Lent species 9 athe tribe—fnt, - ) nence mentof every system, ‘bit will | ofany tinog but gold and silver or its- ae preveat ts exportation, and by Keepy itn err | tutioaal powers and appropri: ste duties, they ings of ‘hard: mpnev’ Democ a pay tespened. ier the progiess ef its opera. | aud every * practicable arrangement was tnade ) colation, Inxinteti a browwer aud safer iosis for will at the same time, it is hoped, oy their nes} Bentonians stv le “themselves, 2 lo preserve the public faith, by siiitar or eqiivas the paper currency, “Puat the banks aontd | Cessary ep ration afford essertarla sin the (rans currency “Democras, which is ju fti } . Pits » pablic ¢ rt en cea lannenensnuit ;acthon of indivt ; s Ale > dit enee.s bppsed to be -eon | leat payments to the public creditors The rev tus o Ln Get re sound, and the comunity clin of individual concerns, and thus ateld re men of. the*Rw@e'men, t the Corres ASL gs dishd7sement of-the | eune frum lands had been for some time suustan-. | more Sate, eotie et adimlet a doubt. let to the people at targe in a form adapted by thes a2 al of the Richmond Enquirer are Hh oo" which the public tially su collected, under the orcer tssued by the Vbeorcuuiny Vieas, I secins to me, do bul ‘| the nulure of oar Govern: ment. ‘LPhose who ' tis CW great propriety, pe-- ‘directions of my predecessr. ‘The effects of that Cairly carry out the provisions of the Fedora to k to action of this Governmeat for specific dividing the F£enugs. SO ee ; aig to the citizen to relieve eaarrassments ari- | dAkewmibe accurately what serial : en said on Them ‘urdet had ‘been so salutary, and its forecastia ve § Cons bucion io relation ty the currency, as far os ol aiizeo thos fn éd se paration: of. the gard tu the increasing insecurity of bank paper, relates to tee puclic revenue. Atthe tune that; 316g from lusses by revulsions if coamerg and | mal ad Democrat really {s. Ove oaxya hesbagking® fstithrionss* and t ‘Nad’beeume so apparent, (hat, even before the ca 0 ite truspent was frouped, there Were bat three on | credit, lose sight of the ends for whic a it is crea ‘for £X mye;tsigns hits, ‘A Plai PIE belo. avy: eppeais%6 = lastrophe, Lhad-resulved not to interfere with Tour ona. onthe tuned States; and bad the ex. | led, and the powers with which itis “@luthed | “era, which would-seem 10 i a2 ‘ ' i 1 ” Sia, 3 " * ‘chouwhich - aan US ‘ope ralion.y Corigress is nu todecide whe | tension utine Guoking system, and ibe evils | ft was established to give security to ws all, there fre some of ADP pvsile Arms ee x be et pes ats Ereeanth a ; bh fi AD ¢ foe oo ther’ the revenue shail continue tu be so cuilect- | rowing out of rt, beem foreseen, they would in our jawtul and honorable Poo suits fWrter the Sid. by the ay J ihere 1s Vereen Ways : en vee) Chistes fred OF NOt. wmere (probeu:y buve been specially guarded against, | the lasting safegaard of republican tastitunons. SRG RES 0 ‘pia K for h hit sal dhe receipts into ihe Treasury, of bank sotes, Phe sane policy whieh led to the prohipition of | Tt was pot intended to copier special tuvurs on of whis. if the opposite t a at ing |! “nol | fedeemed, in specie ou demand, wilh wot, | pills ot credit: by the Siaces. would doubtless, in| individuals, or on any classes ot them; to crea- (Megso ppose “iseoes, that 50 ‘ “prestime, be sanctioned. It would destroy, eae ihaievent, buve ajsuyinierdic'ed their issue as a {ate systems of ayriculinre, manuta¢iuers, or have’ ere pt inte she folde & ‘we * ait iffe* Sxeusour Wat Of public « distress, thate | currency in aby form The Constitution, how- tiade 3 or lo engage im them, ether separately 1of § avefl to serve the Devil 1 in.” + : ht of iports; anhdeidentity of commercial re- ever, cmtaios uv such prohibition and, since the | OF In Counection with individual cilizens or or ithe w he, calling the 4 aliongavhich lie-at the foundatton of our Con- | States have exercised, for nearly halfa century gauized assue'ationse If .ts operaions, were tu be |. alg, are a9 Fay: k aristocrats a8 € ap etar’ ye and would Offer to-each Staresa direet | the power to regalate tha basiness of banking, it} directed for the benefit of any one class, eqai sas - lves upoo ancestral hon MpaluNddincrease-Hs tureigh trade; oy de= | Is notte be expecied that Ht will be abanduocd lent favors must, in ju-tice, be extecded to the seme a P vertheless, praise Brest -theeengreney tecenged for vaties iv its | Zhe whole matter is cow under discussion be | rest; und the attempt to bestow such favors pares W Oy i ' t ay tcipa Yeh 2 fuceed ing would also, in-a great | fore the proper tribunal—the peoplecf the States, | Wi) an equal hand, or even tu select thyae ofigg ypeuple’ when they nee , drostri li¢ys sv highly cherished, | Never b-tore hagthe public mind been su thur— should must deserve-them, would never a 2a patthe polls, 6 cas ‘des end ‘ee : ora @ i“ eenkonaea eulattod a “Jargef propurtion | vaghly awakened toa proper sense of its la por cessful, All com iuuiiies are apt ty [yeti hinsest of the her —- etiflis me taleea potiey the wisdon of | tances never has the suyect, in all its bearings, Goverpinent fur too winch, Even in ourCown Tujon.’ Then we havy 4 Demsch? : uhaewan dood, ties Where unity be differs; been subsnitted to so searching an inquiry. de {COUMty, where its powers an} duties tre Be ‘nest.’ anid ‘BRD vi rat,’ Whit ' : bine Ot u SE : chida hips Peptsopsn Aaeio: tiakiw bich it shuntd, would be distrasting the intelligence and virtue | Strictly litited, wee prene to da so. expecial | imp iy thet some w ho subscribe sora Prt sk at : age oA E Sfesulis have been already’ ton ais, bof the people tu. doubt the speedy and effivient a | ty at periods Of sudde: anterrassments and dis | a iter the Shibboleth of parts .. pavateen Grab ees Seed Then Wer outhe t. tect Par: up abd ut 8 ‘ 3 Anotlosély. iybenwoven ; “gupliesrvt stich measntés Ofereforme-as the public | tress, But iiuse git o toh, The f amers | alt ds li ve We: ie ia an Rees “EP wen idih Poy Suiehemespee, Watt tie 2 souk Tala werd wfathe cl y Maga is ae AliAbatcan nghituily. be done | O! our exc tient Cousivunoo, and the people pretenders and bypocri . . oe ; af ee ies ‘euiinate-adtl Sat ee poe TH, pacte a BoC Derik US! am plat abana |} 3V CFO REDE,” tuxprogute the ~3¢e Who approved If with catu: and sagact us delib | that-there 1s more of trut . De he “\ ailoaae eT eae a TaraeG saan @. Cormy s it + Ph 3 °4 ee i aca apis ent Fe ver ptpebaice will, eralicn uc vt. the Wine on @ s.ur6 PF principle might seem probable at ie te r a aaseieieiad ee ee a ae eG + LiliUnss 7 BMLOGL Upto Se aie et ne Phey Wiseiy jrcged that theless Gu cae are thousands of oftice-seekers 45 , es ee ee ones ? al gob! (ob @ iran i ty, gage lt | ee ae ppv ate 2 te fg Tamer lor jority lovers. who have nn a te wr i i re 2 Ase fc. | tare ne * Roca De SUrren sgn t 2 per 2 t Is Ot lty eglitmate } Z ee re rt¥, , Ceres COULGs a ea iesta ng iinet 5 oy ee Peers ou per oe iti Sine at es ‘ ; ia. naples ae Fd. PabpeGt te socks v3 a es or dh re} Pain, iy cir clyeswith the éom! 6 a ‘gt® Sprertaen Y St anoonse mC (l-t8e Cidpala. Thee ou bickeioni caine elas é sonea he TRE De ¢ er 0c grants: “Of mnoucy ortey isla Uap in taves of partic eeuse Oe Se SEPT Say Tory F TS& BIST I>: sey yrds oagti <e ! errs Fy Vib ng eet Pog ; ~ citi en p . aie iio oe gure 5 me Hy ot “ala Fapeenediar Josses fot inenr~ m the public eats , y Abe ak ech ii te Mec. aed) a Egelas nte-ots daumior ny law: a S getvice: thins wid pws idsiabhaily to use iota et hia [Gs a al ee y _ - DY. 4 ; “Bb: gk : - THE d a eT ee . FaveU or te sae WAY br ke tn tite MOS ILOF te-apanensi 3 EC ayrire ter 2 pbs lis ante other PT asa 2 pile sons Orahebe re fit of eens BO n—Hot. eS Uy ies ‘ , : ¥ , . : 2 A . , a eu 1 be fed BCT SPENT bee foc PROC KY pw eG Tus hD ae rey Such .@ lag A, in’ ri , , “possesston—just asoyn the days Br oe ae me See onGias uae Rots ig 8 0 ae pease Mi Ree a pas-uy xreaTventh SE ee ole : Bier aie ee ee eels teins we hi ia . mein fod inh baie ston a aD fet ee a 4 Pe rst oo eee oe 20: tL he tel & on Ae , = B ee oats ae oe a a” oe ome , ° —s 4 : sad | LM. y ef ee - ~ ae T92 M4 eee a : ae aes tas Conan ee Ps r “age ~~ el ct e a 5 a i ~~ Se ss — sf] = P 2 = = - r & . ey a ' + Pe, fs eR oe a ine? Sicaslll Fh eee ae th we pa Pa Se en fe ee se F ie ghee A he aaa ie SRA cor Une le! ate ee . a a g bas si ty) F Peak Pe eee ios a ee oe tet a ee pai,” 2 peers in xen a ee ok , nek. ee 2 f 2 aa — pe os Pa. . Liebe Ske ee ee ee thats tat 2 ons tri 2 a ell pun a ie Hag. Iy mage - es a6. OF Lenn en B ¥echeme. i vas. mr Pe Spe rare am o a eee oe ee ae oe | Si ele Ee ae it en ‘alg ape onan it, Reha | ? F . " 4 wtiks a Y Ps 3 ‘ “ “s a c > cal gear a + SI p at-fesort 10; ale BO! talion mein | dieiden os +18 jock i alarm vai Cs met ee i oo wwrewee be» ' ea + wae A ‘ ‘ east peated eee ee BP yy ties Benen Ye eee ee ii came Cwpare: ae naan Ce tos ge” i 2. wey OF arn ; Ps we) Onat m - ef a) Wilh sutenissic eect ati : i ic a 5 4 5 hee wh “iathn’ Gske pt " + wee, Fwy ey eee) Slt + 4 * takren toe p Sema er. 2, tii a -thatahapes egliel A neat a ia alll i . , uieetnee te sa. 4 : 2 ad art. ba iimaloa thas tae polenta! |. vl sata leroetepdat ire aS OE TOS le gd bed oS on habs a eee a ‘ 7 nee ee g ‘i ; Fair calle dh ted ashe ; TE, ae oo rs " Fj rs cS * — ay I WT) is €xpecte Ube exces ; Tp Gaal € See: i : rat F “ aa s m ea staring ie a lie: : Mery | p ais. pacely 10° acciontit, out srtienbtbeday | of reer fements" es postponed andere” is ‘is nd “jotefvening js check : when the wffiger. could. draw éhecks and | hh ar reateD. f 7 tells” us. ‘that | hotes on anwund: dented amsunt toar uacontrolla- nat} "rss jn boots. deed noel? ie ee OLE cin aceoglatiee Ww. th hd ili ee i 4 i a004 cha’ At A hhes < aia | ble extent, for the ‘purpose of gaff iu the a the existing m itis mie aS orm FOthelrwil. 'ICis PehomelTs gfe uses. WAS-the extravagant ‘- Of this State, as he: hag.an undoubied right faa signcholy fact,» that such ap inflnéfice> te bank piper: t but “ig docs hol fell pubtie creditors; 10 other words, when you make | fare aie i vbapé’ the legislation coniap bis ‘Moca PS iin a banker without stint to issue Wiecurreicy, ‘to doy aé-cording to the act, of Congress: aa, if. : us t .was..the measure of the late ' thorizine th 2" en va plea wee aa 5 ada hi perch 1a ay ci (pf a neighborhood at least) who can prevent c 1g the ca Shae eee. -@ first i c of takin € public. mo- . ravi Bo we the Ne tia % ic Ing y puviicum ) hin from loaning to hisetriends, from joining in “ We believe the Gan feels ; litde if a-second® seine am d iri: ‘ite Jawful place of deposite and . Specutaiton or Cas an equivalent for priyaleges : sore under the liabilities he has heretofore’ the s0mof "he correspondent of Gi eA ysuding it into the insatiate maws of his granted) from using the p-vole’s money, fo eun- incurred (during last year), ia gots ws pare new'to US, and we kaow 1 rat trol elections, and keep bis co-workers and filme | : avepse Ri if Whig ansters, that made thew*thus prodig ¢ ; attach to thoar— onibe ; pet mn - we caiees a age self in powell Po and Whois tosis when heas to! ae entire failure: of the, ‘Geiigral Gow. ' a doy | jio their.issues. [ledoes not tell the peo- : ernment to provide for the volunteers une | le that tHe avowed meHer oe leat an Stup paying hitiseif tis salary ? B-ks of tssue P Petey ; Without Direeturs, without Cashiers, without ; der the two'ealls from Gen. TAINES, and | Lrescaat het ee “ministration was to flood the country With © Corks or other officers, whete the Caprain of s fom- whieh he has not yet been aciu- | bly. well, bé.séphed ,—wauld Po off. -ctua ite divi- | paper, Issued by these pets on the faith of Hight buat, for instance, is Presideat, Direeior, ally relieved by the Government to the a- | age of. Abe. ost® toleltig Se veal partys had it secp..the light, © these deposites,’and that the Secretary of Cachier aud all, and these seattered all aver the , mount of one cent, the act (Sa Congress to | st | omen eh. begs went dead against Mr. mb Tipe dgé, for “the Treasury actually boasted of the accom- country, Will causiitute a cordua of mercenart 3, the contrary notwithstanding. Under the | you know, the..oldeGrnerabenter- smodations it had eoubled these Banks to’ that would vear down the remasut of public vir- | provision of thatect iis smpossible he mi Stl geal love, ever stuce he yoted for afford the trading publics He alledges the | tue and tadepeadence, and Grusph over the tree- | can ever obtain-fall relief if the are con- ! ae 1am futon br. You ‘nust ua¢gerstand disturbing effect of depositing the surplus deel elections, Wall tbe pathe money be sate | lined to his strictly leoal disbursements: > ume ago a aie . i the Madisoniin has been established ia sich depositorics 2 Will the yeles é dy ; yto pulsdywrt Benton, Swho is an + revenue with the States under theact of last ° ’ ° “Te : : ao “ a Se ne ee | larly call the-att ation Go i Checks he ut par ? it is idle tw believe so: and | — 3 rear? jo the ch te of state, aftersMe Van Congress, but he says nothing of the dis- , a Are . co ee ne ‘ * Hews Oy an | COMMU NICATIONS, | the latter part of, _ theabs Menereetecs feerght years. “The-Missouran there !'turbance produced by wantonly and per-_ aceon - if ae ee { oifered in (=== “soos | derstand he recideg.it akes an instrumest,of Ge Os Jackson versely hauling specie over the country —ta- | Nin siciy - ejrisos laters = See ightened age toa free peaple by its Cluet | For tHe WatcuMay. no doubt takesmp fal | «che Gehich “he e Fellow citizens, it is the propesi don | Ur, Exlitor :—The jast nutnhe i section of the®lawe es re i omer ait h Btn Bates ki ng it from places wees commerce reqiir- | of : conspirator against your liberties, aud if ear Per Conlatos the cupy of a oe ae Le 11th. Yeu: will ob | Beqoral’ 3 last lettér, denouncing } ed it, mw other places where it was not wane | ficd es ileal Witst me ihe Mu | pees by a Committee appulnted by 4 gener- ling this in your-p Biécfad the 76Q.army in New York: ted, @N@ this too, against the will of the} We predict that this propusition is fated to! Y eel Bavk Directors in the city of New | u eon tas! aes of the bdeb Ry 18 | overwhelm its author and all wi i ork 5 Which ecntained the following paragraph: men, But the letter.has not seen | States that were to receive it) He speaks Who Sipurl i ae é Bk gs ae mr : ; iwi : re nsullodecun eric uUsPpension Specie payments w: ] 4 of . with the odium of an insulted comaivaity. S vi sy pay as asleep bud. wm, The recoptfan of the last two! of the system “which can tna time of pro- ) ) fureed upon the Buchs, immediately by a panre, di. P % Be seuco bectryoasgage tok’. third found peace, when mere 13 a large revenue | The Branch Mints. —QOie of the sour- aan vitor i. ie gl oe WM. Priater—As some ate aor ae ithe great expung 1 was urgent for its laid by, thus suddenly prevent the applica- | ces from which great relief was promised r eMls K tuements, the ulttimate eal pera send stop Rail Road opera tidns Zon, ce. It will probably appear as soon | tiofand the use of the money a the peo- i by the Jate €Xperuventing administration | WENGE ted neither by the Guvernimeut or he crrangeuien\ oft moe frasé fr. Polk gets saugly in lus seat. plein the manner and for the obje cts they | was the brane mints. We live quite near by uNy parlor the coumanity.” Seek ihe pony ye tc Ra ne Glube goes dead for the suecession | Y have’ dirécted, ” as unwise, but he forbears} to pero naiy leeebecn a firs Ctreular bears the name of Albert Gal- the laborers or-thése “whe beer oret Af gon, Mr Van Buren is-in favor of | | . ‘ Wits the gre t Demucraue financier of former County, will subscribe® une. hall F_the u present, because Mr. Benton refus- | ‘ i _ a Ps oikers net yet su conspicucus.— | to be paid tor such labdrérs “in ~ stoe! k 7 tua the next fours years, when soli- SeHenT So oppusile tua Knuwa tacts can | will get the stock cledr. *Befure the Rail Road a4 uf ly be } ups i ay ae ee do, aud because Mr. Benton op- - epite of the warnings of wisdom and expe- | ehiner: ¥Y Was erected and yet we have uct sang Pee ae {rom ma to Raleigh bias oe mepced $75 .¢ “ath Glia toh-panens peeei irades, ial caused | as the highest price paid for the best bands [*~ Aes apers Got P t Q EGatest fall ofrain arin -—_—_——_——_ —_—__ -— to.tell us that his great prototype. Gen. Jack~ | five months since the salaries of its otheers : son, forced that system on the nation, and in | commenced, and sometinve since tenes Y} who hady afte t does. é | bave amounted*to too severe a- condewna- Usrongti tug proorend Cans tour frien 1" | Who had no Yade, aff 5 per months more Meh ais ag said above; has been td - ee ee oe or the T'r gu Cire wlar “i Suly, 1836-2 And (han double. what they “enitld be hired cut al, an Bey ae the Bank¢ment? ‘Of the | jien of the ™ revered cluef” whose mea-| the Charlotte Journal give us some the Government dd not anticipate ihe tes salt | more uUfan doable what They could anake,on “a ; Su SH (inust bave been wiktully bind ur at least exe 4*ta deducting teat ime, fy Pashhy <ait.ib cold eee dada eee uily ur 4 t rm, de T feeding, Ge. 16 bard ae wewely Short sightcd 3 and the Banks might | times may lessen the price wext ear— bu}. whom think. you, for the Presiden: | ae , 7 — | ave Weil foresc on ths ishad they used as | pare the price of laborers on the Mail adyand f fe Mec. Forsyth. Heaspiges to this of- Ig. To pee who have been accustomed to | tes ensaged ie What quantny of gold tisach vi: allance for thetr credit and eatery asthey | where thereis o Rail Raat, aad rae m ihe priner ples; thatievery Secretary | view Mf. Van Buren asexcee tingly unean- | ive Chey to hand for comage ! Vhatdid i: via for profit aud ae ‘cal Tefluence. Bat’ the | ole, Ahethertt ale prosperous or vitled*to thre Wistincti uc as ‘ast per dwi? And wh rit pe ! ae ras "E oo did .and reserved in ‘his political course, 1 COST per Gwi: And wheal will wi th false: Mis paragraph consists in | may sup puse A Ss p been “the usage h@retofore, with: |"sg ration commence? ULowiais tre baking | eid rant exvepuone* “This ace are: not a little SUTprise d at the apparent { re esthe is.committed te carry out,and most! matian an this subject? Where are the | { a | { 1 1 BP Apoy.the public by wie same tacttes rience.2The truth in tuese particulars would | see; eh ie erier E : bor nesra of a stiugl- shiner aus een i‘ hoe poe uae Niloned as We hinpin- diate can ise DP hich he is said to have suggested, officers of that estalishment? Wot are He | asserlyen, in fal (he resull was aot anicipa | same plteet in any otter part'g 3 $a : : We any | Hel the cgmmunity ; whe in| if Ratl Road apelz tions: ABER i rt ze ee ; } , : 2 be es Y aa OP ath lurmished 2 fs there a rocking chatr among | MWe pre “4 choc bY many avraores of Con- | hore.s @6uble, willthe furiier yokes loNar bg fare eer cele @. obstinacy of Mr. Forsyth, in baldness of this paper. Bathe was put ine ; yf ? Qfe-sin a trecharterat Y- States | hiring out his mea and : a i tray pel eer ope S ‘ ' ris durottore ? Tf so, whatdidit eos? Ane aie io ae ceborterot the U- States | hiring out bis mee ol ’ A : ai Bite rf pe ee ene ae “of to Q@ situation that compelled linn to come i : . ae brink 3 a tlh t ot Seereiiry Woodoury's | that’ anouke in-stock , cat ts ett fal aeges Par MEAS Sn arta ee ee the Presi: | out; A schism had arisen. in his ranks and | Whatis is vse in coindge? We should the | specie Creulan da pro Pot thes, we need only | mer shunld sybsesiba ie ie eit Genet ig _ ae ee he mast either take sides with one party or io Know alsa, Wiial the Coebe Cui pale I! te Bibs ny panic Spe es delivered to to€ the road in exéry” anit : : hives ck ie. pee ied i al PA ie = esident Jason iufluence is de- | h his power, is slill | lose both. / Gen, Jackson bis political god- qiles 1on, “he will ex- | father, and the keeper of his conscience, | ken Pt eatty* his® own pecu- { tas lately indicated from the Hermitage | tage the Jot and beiid the Get houses was ta | | ea / upto Sach 1337 5 the | forties, -acdigaagais re Uie ts rth L Hard Bi i ak _ P Pe a : n : | — : BeUL dnd petitions on the same } looses any thingt “has: ouay ™ a at? Does the gontract include a ear. | clsemt to Conoress aud to the Presidént tract ron this ce § “has alwaye aoe ; PN oe wee Was as Cn a Py outta the saine pertod 5 also General Jacksou’s } : ced doublespridg z ne ve = ee letdiea tiene Plake aude ll 3 hius Messages ty Congress, concerning thé edihe price ub grain, PS | Ps ’ ; ae, oe . . house and oa bathing house ? ilar ab he ts couried by which side inthis division he wished Mr. a what are ey dimensions a cost nied Siates Bank , in one “of whielr, he act " y 4 deenf.oont | Se 4 * 4 a ; rat % ely: id Van Buren to take: this suggestion was equal Phese are puote matters, and the public pe dowdedwes such antic ipations, by guaranteeing si] have ly heedion ee ee ll Maced i BY Be 4 his he Hi. eect to a command; forhe knew very well, if inj have aright tobe viformed specifically ou | Capaality off tne State Banks'tofafnish a | wrie this tor. tepennaitey | a eae ieee oi > em ae Be is tp teks 8 will, at “all | ere ece We bave heard some quec, 4 miter chrtency. Ti there had beén-ny such ats fit wouldebe to. Abedr ene SURI or thes “Tale ea Sette bu n Wise" a ra ; e He-couifcil one and J ie fen’ flot’adopted, he would fall under the |. i . Meats aint ted ; us verpation the guaranty was entirely usetesd ahd what ghey opp y fur es Sp dae Pee st ia : RA WARS iy A ; : weight of General Jackson’s de nuneration, ” Stenies about the Way the people s money vrais uitous, for hou one heedé a vécurity het : he ’ “F RE ai A itst mimwuiltoad akg fale iret int ect ind eo sie EQimag reguiar segsioyty. Mr. | which He also. knew would be fatal to hin | 'S made to fly over ep ( ae bury” LL tliat ee ae ts Mag | On ee sartsnence thégolden ‘for "So he-was compelled contrary to; We wantto hive thing autheoriy. Per. ‘" miter aneéal an ackpowlocved ieee . ee erdVakeAaite meee ae sri P ob ae pal hare ’ 1 H e Voere syydel rac” | ave _ rs . ae z ¢i* . : ; Bes send 4 , vay ag -_ ¢ * (a oe y y-the twotvé lesser fis nature to come out bol: tly with this en-| aps the wer itlemen, officers thei ives, af sé < Seon ; eS a ee pret 1 cha * » AY de: 44 : a lary, be vill” put. } | ee have got back {rom the sonnes wil 4 8 19" . a 3 f on “ yey f Z on P| . a i : Fs iin motion, aifd k ‘in ofmous scheme for a aggrandising his cflice, | DUNES, a ne J es ; : sear i 4 gp. it * ‘mo: favur us with the Cesired information ed tharit asa ore te rror tor the "Baake to overl- .) 0, WH W ORG 20s ! ’ ber cla amence. We have not seen the minnie of the pro- | i I e inform: : wh theit means, ood eqnally certain tharit is Wi: ching. yong tw *f eo “ Hicign? ject as drawn up by the Secretary of the | “CONGRESS. {ooh amoral and at egal trand™ apotfthe comme =| Saaeeine an te ‘Dri gt eat = here Pu peli ne i , si : N i u35S. iif ra ag i +, IM fF; “41 av o's Tad { ae Gain " : is i sisal Bera pen Ereasuryj« we must therefore, confine our | an PO neu aul reline eu a Scie gga pape A Ao alien ees Pe Sere 2 ag a Herein ase oo of ith gus This body met on the 4ih instant, being their wrillemr-prontise, en fl eas = as ca WE ee eee Dane Ne € remarks to suth of ots features as may be | OY. nste BET iy a subsequent part of the 8ffrie” circular, it “ise ‘ nnd lovely ane. ie et Pst vt ne er " "i a Peta Cad yet’ and thered: from the Message, and notice some | the day designated Ly the Presidei’s Proc- rr alee ony shall in getieral a ne at thar deneing set re Pee se ms ve die 4 bi i | Jamation. Hon wl a 40aS genera WW; ap Ue ] ee A agnete 15° THe, 2, 4, ag ar sare ter pratt tae. «. Moy erin tortion an pee ieee aoe o) Oied bes nore 1 ; 4 whea they sh#feshme spetié’pa i . The| ae MoheatEtan | atte PB. Bases reg PS mas orca Ae Wishiogion currespondénce. fore advanced. ; In (he Senate, the Vice Presidcnt toak ‘Auda: aK may well answersthat sey wered: gate pia 3 ames wah a es S r os \ 7 4 7 i , eo ,.) , 8 ae Peteury : ie he We.wil not controvert the position that a the chair Upwards of forty menbers per a fone aly t Wer - : 5 ston end or ONS. our SHU AC pOus P ~ * * a A ~ a you 2. [t hea how ates it inthe Treasury is as Strong as a-vaultin {Ing present, Stephen Haight Was _ choses wulisdefanée ; ail ge inky HY Ce ke otce | Tae he é heGricht b oy rie Oe ae tag Sas ving i. butromed.on. his. own individ? PThe' Bok, both, we dare say, would be strong | Surgeat-at-arms, and Edward Wyer lige iprexample aad w e Will follow’ ipeoieen é * #Eaein sistereOf the tar tamed. tour 4 sd rr i) , s a ‘ . 2 q , abil Pine rs of dolla, from bie 3 £ Bec- enough to protect their, contents against thieves keeper. »! GQ Buwinthesabstedet, ie 6 regnest of” Sy] {a- a ne “ feos gs 7 res a a hp a witli ch. five different ti miek >in that might (ry to break throu zhand steal: we ee = tion vathe resp ver ‘dPapecie Scigced ' yous 1 » OIE. . H oa oaeach, and that when Wood- In the Housr or REPRESEN PATIVES, quivatort tugag “iadwwhtiar ¢ Fgh Hes ‘2 "1 B Mrequisition forthe “thoney, Whit: think the greater danger would likely be from J K. Polk of Me ce We aF inet e ae A oie ee. 5° ae we we eof : Bo e E F f U Ty aa = ® Lad no-money—there were the | within. But that Directors, Cashiers: Clerks oc oe eh pobre cap cage a Seeing. cs ad on ae aes} _t eo! ee 3 k bar onl be S ae. ne SRS BRS 6 ei Bis ee o pPearshe used the whole Y eareair notselected by the Guverament nor urider lis Speaker, by a ! majority of J3 vOLOS Oye Mr. bere +astete: f - ae : ape ve ee ee fy ool pee i ie ae ss ale Phill, pace od : ut: ccatrool, will, genezally speaking, : be é. more ret: and.¢ Sonteoper all the pegsont vg bonesrentorig ag Srey ther dishior fr Tes aree heme te ar and, ft ees Me Ss a = . os = zi ror F Hi amMmtini wr: 0 one th “eed a ra 7 is PPL dficulythst the secretdid™ not faitlifal, diligent and hopedta shan e's ufficers.re- te OF dee adter: Ropers Kletky | ndiidna) cece pans Teenage ee ftone. cone , aaa at Led, € ne za PTA inatigngerf the | Committee sponsible to-thé Government,” ver must iain, | ge ing : - roacht. y tome > ubeieniaiveds aael ia my coe ™ “ te . . va ‘ow we see ‘the’ “ necepatte ptain in thewaffirtna tive. Mr -Van Boren; it is |= eae aes F hd odor Ae pedtoll es ities hy fare: yan - . A: 2 - « ‘ | tits ine : A rt hs 3 1 - PR aay 6 3 ~~ Tree ee as befng’ career mi Ee er. Tee cn onli : of bonds :atromd the pan vary p ron * . ae he ; ‘ bas ‘ainetie . +E the ge opl Lhe soentaral Baal B18 |) es aaa a s SSaBe) pecie every ir aay Ui AY, apd all ae cy aide Ufiivengs = , e 7 eet ee “8 : Bs be Pr} id E 2 ta et ML | a VTS aie im ie:dane . ta em on oe ; ~ ahd mm eee Pee We S. e rs 4 " a ee ee dakicines wal eae Eh mie erin * “ WES We are tr Pes Tak obawiar nl? - : aM iia Heth ste De OnT TORS Are arvesy | meet: , , ps ‘ ores bd a ; ] - " A 3 ' ; ‘ ee “gh. at B Prece te — x ail 05 Ps “i . t eee Fy) , a shos bite ceaal “pe tits lar Fl Apintaaraetl ins BENT BM SB ee , od ad a ; ee ee ee ee] 4 Pog er DO eee Ce te rit setae od wa — i eg : : af =" os" ~~ —. _ ft man hAve-tAc ic eu a ai bee eee 7 '} i * —iatarisshih its aiaeaialie atone tiadli ° Vaantelliedinstiieichint: askanal eee - alba wees . , riniia tole eohde mpnam bee tO eal, men. ty Darla Rae oe. | aay i 5 oe beth: ah B m Yogi Ti a e* ria ia l aoe # ne . - ee Od Rese P= Reaad Ne es 4 : Med A _— = z 3 7 , ed Cee aed) nt as ele esha J i aaaieald % rea c 2 77 fet Sim ie i. Pe | a se - e & 4 5 ate. at ee Breauy suger * area ey Si eas tt eer tari oa i re i 2 le 7 a Le a Ow ate” To Curate” eee tee wer — oo = ees es : a ae we ee o>. ee a eee ef -* 4 ” . 7% en a” ot eee arg ¢ at ote anes: Void Wig Sor | 2066s ps ee Phe mierehan *O ag adige, and rice, ey wligandanin = = de: see goa pity. F xicothel ice 1 wagt-n more fats. a »A ae anecdote or pun, « . A sebas-or' riddles ges yon! Bomettong fe form “And sume. of’ work ily-carnal. views, Ww valahaenses ie 6 “> ee BUDS er Sarr ay 3 gh4, Pon Hy . The critic ‘00, ae clas “Bost dip ia ell end ‘And sera Oran the inert} bo 8 Be in.our colleges Ie ‘achtole ; cule. the silliest Da ees 2. - other cries L want ie see,” ig: “ es variety, ie - ariaty in allthiigs— ; A misczllaneous hudge. podg e PE umpysed —f only give thes hint, u« Of multifarious aimali things. s.ga0 der quill, inst tS rn od Gee ig ci ys ae gee" ¥*. Se ps ™~ ~ me ot, I want sume marriage news, says Miss, lic constitutes my highest bliss * * _To hear of weddings aplenty, 3: “Por in t'me of general vain None suffers from the drought, tis plain— = Atdeast not one in tweoty, ehavant. tovhear of-death, says one— ge OF peujte totally dndone, By logses. fire, or fevers ; Another aiswets full as Wise, I'dtather, have che fat ait rise” Of rateoor Tus aud L Weaver + he ; Te, ; ‘ ‘ Some sigaify a seutetss Wish * cee “Fora nw Tad then a Savoy dish Of. pylities ty sttit them, < % But here we rest-at/perfect ease; + 35°" 2 ‘ * . >» + See, be ne ee ice ©. agg: : ~ For shoold they’swear the amon” Was cheese, oo We bever stivuld dis = aL Or, grave or huntebnaeanep or: tania; es iRottgsitaltes i ‘allt + iis , = on haughty Oe eee fe = Wie aessvenrrcatont aang te oe Hattiouyh tt SCA rea on poe hein iy ‘a > Gs z a - = * fers gual bles on Soph . é autea,. BNE ‘OF MS.the we a ahe~ BEETS d See & Taek irioug. b vin 3 a frecuta.axé s,in the | Co a ae ae i a tee igee Sages onary Rews, yet aK | ic. shil ‘shee Rae Bs % 2 ae ‘~ igh ty nes hae ct a i RES PHIBADEL Boa °, i S ae 7 2 a =) = 3 a Le be : OkemAD ~peiteaizp “alg ca sdee gS ae pote ae Ls Oh Be a ae 4 Tiles oe 24 Pnzesiof » ol ame Prizes of. 128, ote 40% xis : 6 -as~128100 ee ET $5 $2 50 Gt 25 (Halves qr aur ~ { Yerierd eG PM ei a ; Tsou sc WHEELER & BURNS, eae Salisbury, N. C ee ~ ah At forms $65 50 te 32 75 “6 te ag we . . Half Quarter Fe to; and aacaccount of the drawing forwar- » | dress 1%, WHEELER &e BURNS. ea Salisbury, Sept 2; 18387. > een 2 Bsr ree 1- 2 by TO.PxINTERS. in’ Nétth Carolina—it has the best ia of thé “Pattentee—it has been in use a shor ‘Ume, and‘is as good as new. Any persen re quiring a Press of this size, cannot be hetter sup plied than by the purchase of this. ‘Phe origin al cost delivered a0 Danville, wae about 9300 : the Danville Qodserver ‘printed, WwW for Cash, or on a short credit. The Type have op ly been in use about two years and one hal work: was purchase. As the Establishment is wholly use- ‘cheap: * “Apply by letter. ~" "THOMAS A TERRY. 2Daaville. Va, , Ang. 24, 1837—Sw7 eee DAVIE’ COUNTY. Court of. Pleas and Quarter: Sessions 2 Term, 1337. . Tsabel” ‘Hendricks 383 agp Lvs © “a Hendricks and L z egothers, s LE-appesting 10 the satis laine Hendricks; ly-his wife, James. ; tr are inhabitants of T rhetefure, sthat. notice be’; eft yatch man for SIX sweek de _ * f Petition for Dower, faction of the Conrt, anovther State : o-theme yyover pasties and and politicians, iff, 7 Dat. on, sale r Foglemaa, Jehit. Rea Estate i Ann Eoaler 4 : EEE fie gic tha satisfaction, of. athe Coat | fr. ada Sa llyeb tb opis John Fo oglemap, ! t olen ares ordere ;made.-for ’ six nan”, linted in 5 said ee is to be ahd ge sisTetin hig’ Court, to be held the i-nouse in Concord, a Bn in Fé ruary oext, then and 1 pléad to, answer or demur to said oil, por. it will taken pro confessu as to them, and pcree fr aceardingly. ress: sacringer, C. ord, the 2d* zoe ee year, be rcs nc k and Master, —s a alge ee % salt int greatest variety of num- 7 wets ckage or single Ticket ‘A certificate for apackage of 25 Whole Aickets tars ithe” above ree can be had 16 373 Orders font a distances enclosing the cashor. Prize‘Tickets in’any- of the N. C. State Loreriesye will be “promptly * attended ded" immediately after it ee place. Ad- Salisbury, N.C. | OR SALE, a first-rate Wastingion Press the platen 22 1 2by $2 1-2 inches, and i" in Work a form the sizeof the largest papers provem-ats A copy of the Danvilie Ooserver printed onthe type, can be seeu by any one desiring to less.to the subscriber, it caa_ pe bought very . Statest Porth Carolina, , Jugus William Reavis, and Beeman and Isabel his Ordered ublished in the Carolina ‘8, that they come in’and ! a or Judgement pro “Jcorrupt one of which the newspaper press is “I mong the best talenis of the country, which has Se onday in nal ts ; dit pare to aie igor rines ofthe Reviews ’ wha ° ‘beso ree ia any - 4 ah pe, Aponsickal Refeospicyve Raysews will.al- so.be embodied in this pact.c of... the ‘plan, with a view of favoring, in a cart H degree, the more curious studies 3 ul to revive the knowledge of important booke, hee in-the cofifusion of modern leatning. Writers will be ed, of regular purpose, "to give their papers, whienever the subject will per- mit, the.furm ofa senies ; in order not only that they may thus uffurd a more c..mplete budy of injorination, but serve also to reprint apart, for popular circulation—a method that will much augment the reputation aod the usefulness of the Review. “A body of MisceLLayirs—some 50 pages— will form the suburdinate and more amusing part of the Journal. Its contents will be some- what various, but will, for the most part, con- sist of short Literary Notices ; 3 Bibliographical articles, acritical list of ew Publications, | foreign and domestic ; and general Literary In- | telligence. In communications, the most compressed mode | of writing willbe every where required. Papers in which the words do bear a just proportion to the | information conveyed, or to the effect intended, | | wil] be either rejected without seruple, or abridg- | ed withwut mercy. Tu warrant this execution. the ugual rate of | compensation to writers will be advanced tu two | dollars per printed page—a price that wall offer | | | fair remuneration to talents and favor, For, ia tis sort of understanding, we know that “ ad- emtis studiorum pramiis, etiam studia peritura.’ | Ot this revival of a Review of the South, the | purpose is. to give once dure to our region—now | eminently needing #—and luterpreter and a De- | tender the cossmor Representative of our Ln- stitutions end of tie mand itself amongst us.— Such, in Git great Congress of opintun, where the tates of civilized gations are now so largely settled, we dy uot possess 5 and we have already cuffered auch for it. tis time to make our- selves understood and respected there. ‘The Journal whict shall do this, mnust combine the general strength of all who, in the Svuth, love ineir country, and are capable of domg it still actual service. [t must then be, not the cham- pion or the prupsgandist of lueal opinions, but the friend of all that pu: caue the puolic g good. In- Want ese Ur eurrapes by the in terest, ‘or over come by the pupular passivn of the hour, it must not fall. From it, the pride of the Nullifier ( ; gain in strength, ane multiply { | ger. must receive no diminution,the fidelity of the Un lo either party 5 wor serve but as a comimon field | where they will only contend which shall most advance the cause of the South. ‘To vindicate, then, our peculiar institutions ; lo repel with arguinent, lest presently we be forced to repel with arins, all external mterfer ence with our domestic condition, avainst the wild rule of mere Chance and Corruption ; tu uphold a republican and federative, as distin guished from a consolidating administration of the National affairs, {rom the disorders of the Central Government—where Retorm is hope- less, and even useless, till you have given yuur- selyes struuger and wiser local systems; to di rect the publie view towards @ home policy of the States, capable, through itself, to conter upon our people thuse blessings « of well ordered Liberty which we expeci in vain from the Federal pow er, trom the-delusions of party politics abread , tu call home the attention of our peuple to thiee arts by which the wise ana brave have of en raised petty Siates into noble and prosperous Commonwealths ; > toattach men, if possible, to ‘their-birth' plaee, and convert them from wander ing and selfish adventurers into citizens, the lovérs of civilization ; to re animate public sptrit ‘anid give it purpuse, as well as energy 3 to hold, the tripunal of a public opinion far different frum that idle and the vaice ; for these purposes, to give diffusion thou he the- fand.to ‘sound and well considered public.ductrines, spreading with them know ledge and taste, their natural allies—soch will -be the constant-effurt of that ltesary league, a- been set on fogt in the pregent bnuertakiog —_ “he foregoing prospectus was prepared befor -| any dé finitive. .altangement had been made con-. Hed wis undersigned * with.the Southern Re- Wiew-as its Editor. Jt is adopted’ tis expresemy,4 it sofia distinctness, the Object, design, = ae ofthe work. tis probable that the first. ‘aumber of the Re ew-will be. issued... -sdme time in the mvnth of Odtiber next. cdf, “however, . the necessary «ar. rangements can. Aa,ram pleted ait will appear at ao G@rlier da : : ‘that t the Soaltiorn Review It is prope: will notbe 2 pab mere experiment upon 3. iri is “lot underta public } patron: niary profit, it due dncury fio tisk of +pe- ace of. .sach: a. work Jonist No re proach. It iust be no vantage ground | dent press, 4s. the all who will give the. subject. We: ‘would ask hen sligcaieba. der what would: be the.c jee of a’ disedn— tiavance of this pace te it’ not secure the political’ ear the Southern arid Southwestern States ? a that section feel that they ate eumpelled to hooee ta ween the-present: Jncumbent and 4 can- aides acceptable to them on the siave ques- tion ? Will not the discontinnance of this pa per give new \ife and energy to abolition, which is now embodied for the purpose of controlling the Presidentiat election 2? And will not the consequence be that when abulition shall have been thus embodied and sustained, it will its demands, cot thd South shall have nothing left to plun- der Nothing but a sense of the danger before us : has induced the undersigned to make the sacri- fices he has made He can make them no _lon- He is under the painful necessity of an- nouncing to his subscribers and to the public that the paper must be suspended unless the number of paying subscribers be increased. He is en- svuraged to hope that this appeal will not he made in vain—that the South will net permit the press tu fall. ‘This hope is sustained by ou inerous letters, extracts from two of which he takes the liberty to submit as embodying the most speedy and efficient taude uf accumplishing the end An editor writes to ug from Liberty,Mississippi, as follows. Speaking of this paper he says.— ‘It ought and must be sustained. It is the DUTY of every Southern mao to patronise it. , TF will be good to yuu fur at least twenty subseri bers. I have lately established a State Rights paper here. [am barely jastified in publishing = - Yours will take subscribers from wy own, yetl will urge every friend I have in this com- munity to subsertbe for it. 1 will introduee res— olutions in the State Rights association in the county, requiring every member to subscribe for your paper and pay in advaace. Let other as sociations folluw the example, and your paper will be sustained and truth again have tts way,’ Auother letter, dated 17th, July at Columbus, Mississippi, says — ‘lL have been requested by a number of gentle men at Columbus toinform your that they are anxtous to become subscrifers to you paper, but are unable «oO procure money that will answer ae purpose. Under the circamstanres | om lequesied tu spezcos cy you the propfiety of es- tablishing an agency in this place * . I believe that a number of subseribers might be » * pi, ifagencies were established in all our princi pal towns.’ efficient means of immediate action, and to justi- fy our belief that the people of the South would not permit this paper to sink for want of patron- age did they know the exigency in which it ie placed. ‘The undersigned: therefore call upon the State Rights press to publish this address. He invokes these who believe that this press should be sustained to use thei: influence in obtaining paying subscribers ; and in all cases where the subseribers shal] appoint a suitable person to act 4s an agent, his acts, as such, will be considered valid. Sneh agents are requested to remit in current bank bills, where a better medium car not be had. One word to those patrons whose patronage has brought us to the necessity : Had you done your duty —had you paid the one half due to us, we should have been spared the pain and mortification of making this appeal, May we net hope that these, at least. will contribute to our eliet 9 DUFF GREEN. » 1S37—2w5 The .Most Elegant Style of Baltinmre, 3d Angust Ji WELLERY, “GOLD AND SILVER WARE, &C. ce THE Sabseriber has on hand and will keep constantly forsale at his shopin Salisbury N. C. ONmainstreet,at the next door aooxe the store of ‘Samuel Lemly & Son, a 8 PLENDID ASSORTMENT OF “FASHI ONABLE' ARTICLES, in his line ‘of bosiness;” among. which he would nuumerate the following owiz: Patent Leve “WATCHES Englix _ Swiss, ani ‘Dateh,) “a. ; Ne hal Gold and Plated ‘Fob Chisins;: Gold aad Plated w sh Goad - Gold. and if eo “Gold and li the Adminisirati vig ie a procured, not only here but throughout Mississip- | These extracts are made to indicate the most | SAMPSONSS oy Wameley BES, 4 o nage ig. Ma = eepitea i poe “A A. ‘Troy. CRE TE spins iced! . Auge mit Jolin owell eS Archibald: AXT Sumi Richard C.. Banting, ; W R.-. Gales, : ws W.H. Haywood” Samuel F-Patterson. N. A. Stedinan, Charles J. Williems, Jotm J. Alstuo. John B Kelly, Charles Chalmers, C W Dowd. Alfred Dockery, Walter F Leak, C ‘Thomas. A Myers, Jotio A McRae, Joseph Medley, Dr. F J Cuotlar, Duncan McRae, sen’, W Harris. Hamilton C Jones, Hon. R M Pearson, Williain: Chambers, Alexander Gray, Jesse Henshaw, A Brower. N Mendeohall, 2° Jesse Lindsay, Jotn dorehead, Pau} Barringer, William F Phifer, George Klutts. Thomas A Allison, G F Davidson, Rufus Reid. Samuel Hargrave, Heory Dosenberry, W R Holt. Samuel McComb, Joho drwin, Andrew Grier. David Reiniardt, Altred M Burton, MM Hoke. E.ainund Bryan, Joho G Bynum, John McKnttre, < Roderick Murchison, John Hardin, JM Nye. Robert C Pearson, ‘Isaae ‘Avery, James C Smtth. Josiah Cowles, Nathaniel Boyden, RH Parkes. William P Wangh, ‘Thomas J Boochelle, W C Emmett. M.R Moore, C H Matthews, Peter.Critz. It is confidently believed, that the gentlemen named will take a deep interest in this ye which, by its completion wil) unlock the riches of the West, and regenerate a large section of North Carolina. By at once securing the subscription of the the State, the construction of the Road to the Yadkin and the two branches will be rendered certain, ae ‘The time for action has arrived; will the peo- ple of the West and the Cape Fear forego’ the advantages offered to their acceptance P “Pet every every man do what hecan, and this work will go on. % COLUMBUS, - eS ROBESON,” th | WAKE, CHATHAM. 3 MOORE, RICHMOND, ANSON, MONTGOMERY. ROWAN, RANDOLPH, GUILFORD, CABARRUS, IREDELL, DAVIDSON, \IECKLENBURG, LINCOLN, RUTHERFORD, ASIIE, BURKE, SURRY, WILKES, STOKES, ~ &.L, WINSTL OW, Presipent, Fayelteville and Western Rail Road CORP aie February 11 1837 —1130 WMEACHANVT VAELOR, Berjamin FF, Fraley, S now receiving from New York and -Phila- phia,a ge ‘aera assortment ot clothe and trim article usually kept by Merchant ‘Tailors; tiese can be confidently recommended to the public a cheap and good Having worked 91 the T's loring business fur twenly years, he hopes he shaij not be considered presumptuous in call- ing-himself a judge of cluths. He has also just received the New York ang Philade!phia Fash- ions, And the above will be made op ia a superior style of fashion, und warranted w fit well. — , He will a)so- keep of chand a -general assort- ‘mentof READY MADE CLOTHING, aii of whieh, will be. pore a Ak yeaeh or on. |. it to punctual dealers, bk feu mene vit’ short notice.” ie , } froma distance. will be punctually atte feel ed eal. saa | mies mings for Spring and Suinmer: embracing evely § ySeir. § and the Great Seal | mum na, at the City of Ra goods have been selected by him in persun, and | nig toi thanks ty ; OdH18 Vicinity fog ANCHES anne ACCORDING 7 ae FASHIONS FR ~Batisand London, * 4 Via: New fee, Philadelpiig ‘He asaiires his . customers tha: shall be done fgithfally and according jp and thatis.ng u every mechanic ca pSast it is not. t they do Splisbury; : ay 20, 18371144 eae LAW BOOES. HE Sabsctibers espectiolly inte Judged Members of the Bar, ang & of Law, that they have for sale at the NORTH CAROLINA BOOK sm a large and mixed collection of LAW consisting: ‘of ELEMENTARY and Works, One of the fim, H. 1) Turner, tar ted hunself at 480 Broad Way, New ty will be eble to procure any Books, why be in prigt-io the Northern or Evtoperny at ag short a notice as possible. We take the liberty cf Suggesting 4 friends and acquaintances, and the goad zens of North Carolina generally, the pp ot consulting their interests, (thereby ses the Book Store with their pt trovage,) doing so, we will be favored with their which qill meet with vor asual prop tion, Gentlemen visiting the city, are respeg invited to Gall and examine oor si. comprises a large assortment of every ki scription. Address TURNER § HUGHES, Raleigh, \ they * __ June 7; 1837— Cc O78 £ AND Buy tad Offered for sate a aaa contauttg 800 or more Acres, With improvements not inferior to acy ine Yadkin and Catawba in une tisct. if Cres in another ; 52 or more in anvile’ a together; and two email tracis tn I tee al miles above Statesville. Undoudied wilt be made.by the proper pereons. Apply A. W. Brandon or to the subscriber fe &e. JOHN $0 may 20, 1837—1f44 PS. All kinds of property else, att scriber has in possession, can be bought shit price. eB ‘PROCLAMATION By the Governor of North ( $2.00! REWAEI HE REAS. it has be been made kav by the verdict of an {nqvesi bel Coroner, that A.G_ Keys, of tbe ¢ Mastin, was recently mardered in and that Gearge W. Coburn, (of the ¢ Statejaforesdid ) stands charged wilt We missionpt the said felony ; end % represented that the said George W. a fogitive. from justice. Now, therefure, to the end that ‘George’ W. Coburn may be appre brovght to trial, I have thooght pope : this t my ~“Pyroejamation, offering 4 #8 hundted Gollafs, to any person oF f will apprehend:and confire him | © deliver*him tothe Sheriff of Martin 9 I do morever hereby require all « civib OF military, within this Sis! 7 bestiexertiens to apprehend, or cout "a prehended, the said fugitive Given under my ae : bf lew, we o 1837. D. May, A. ore EDW<A Craistopugr C. Bartze, P. Seely G: W. Coburn is about 30 years 4 gel 5 feet 9 inches bigh, thick set. of sat scaegglsr constitution, complexi? ms full face, speaks shurt and quick 9°" to, with eyes somewhat vow neas! - he wore on leaving, ® blue cluth © vet collar. pt vi ~Baditorial Convent — T HE }ime of boldiug the porn ) Seite to" eee =H rane ot" anal —s mt ie si : 3 ann er Rig re Sneihiecad res a. acl ss sleigh, } inthis City, bas seer ¢ yin Sepiembder, to sber nex!, re ee eee itiern to attend 10 Sef se pole] Se ofike Siate BS i easement fini ainetinee on Te owas 108% TI. “LEMA 1 1. EA<IOS. GALES en] Di os i Beef in market per lb 4a 6 cts.; Bacon per bove. uver Hess usa carpenter dues : 00 a 124 cts; Hams dv. 00 00 ets ; Beeswax ene wemcmmneenn | CU Fuk cs to git the sq@ perlb 13 a 20 ets; Bayging per yard 18a 25 PROSPECTUS OF THE Raa sharpen avy ux, ang begawd cts ; Bale rope eriba 12 13 cis ; Coffee pr.| Southern Literar of Teds are than a des aes Ib 124 a 16 cts;Cotton per J00 lbs $62 00° nm fer ary .Hessenm- | io t know vai Lean promiseeiel : QO 00; Corn per bushe! 1 O00 acis; Fleur , ger, tee, fo de inore loan bit ihe . from wagons per bri « Url. $10 a 124 ;Iroa per 100 Ibs $5 61 a 0; —-— No advertisement 6 2 NAL OFFICE pes . e mn Ps oS Se . as a7 3 ; sack §3 525; Salt por merican blister pr lb 10 16 cts; Tallow per Ib 10 | j a 12) cis; Tea Imperial per |b $1 25a 1 374 cts; | Hyson Jo. prlbglal 2octs ; ‘Tobacco manu- factured per !n10 a 15 cts. Bacon pribll Coffee pr tb 12 a Flaxseed pr bh 75 $) a Corn pr oush 1 15 al 25; Jasses pr gal 35 40 3 00; Nails cut 74 + bush 33.3 89; Sugar pr lb7 a 11 5 Tobacco, eaf 2.3 3; Wheat pr bush gl 1 15, Whiskey pr gal. 6065, Beeswax 22 a 00 eS Ons tothe intended are received to stop them, where no directions are previously given. be made ata Dollar per imonth for each squace with the privilege of changing the form every quarter. , WED. ents per year. @um at one payment asthe same class shal ee ? ipey in advance the sum of e Same terns shall continue, tbe charged ag vther subsert- pay dusting the year: oF Will be charged three Dollars in all cases. Nd snbscription will be received for less than one year. No piper will be discootinned but at the op- tion of the Editor, unless ill arrearges are paid up. : . ‘TM All letters to the Mditor-mnst be post pail ; » horwise they will certainly net be at- tended to. Teams ov Apvertisinc—Sizty two & a half | Cents per square for the first insertion, and 314 Ceals per square for each insertion aflerwards a will be inserted for less than ows Do.vae. Advertisements willbe continued antil orders Advertisements by the year or six months will ple per gal. 45 a 50 cts; Cotton per tb. (10 seed) 3 cts; Cotton bagging per yd. 20 25 ets.; Cultfee per ib. 16 » 48 cts; Castings per Ib. 45 4 eg; Cotton sar, from No. 6 io No 11, $1 75 a 2 M0 cts; Feathers per lb; 35 cts; F lour pr bl. 96 00; Wheat pr bush. gl 00 1 25;0ats pr bushet 50 cis; Corn pr bush 65 cts; Tron per Ib.6 a cts; Lead per Ib. 8 a 10cts ; Molasses per gal. 624 cts ; Nails per Ib 9 a 10 cts; Beef per lb 0 a 0 cts; Bacon per Ib 124 cts, Butter per 1b 124 cts; bard per Ib 15 cts, Salt per bushel $125 1 50 cis; Steel, Ameri- can blister, per 1b. 10 cts; English do. per Ib 20 cts; Cast do. per Ib 25 a 30 cts; Sugar per Ib. 124 a 15 cts; Ruin (Jamaica) per gals $2 >, Yankee do. $1 ; Wool (clean) per Ib 30 ots; ‘Tallow per Ib. 10 124 ets; Tow-linen pr yd. 16 a 20cts, Wine (‘Teneriffe) per oul. $1 50. Portugal du. $1 50 4 $17 cts; Claret do per gal. $1 3.2 175 cis; Malaga, (sweet) per ga:.§l ; Whiskey per pal. 45 a 50 cts. és per ib P12 a9 ots 5 Wroaght do, per Ib. 2u ea: Ne Subscribers will farnish Beef in Mar- mornings. would do well togive us a call, as we are want- ing to purchare a quanlity, fur which |beral pri- cea vill be given in Cash MARKETS. SALISBURY, Beeswax perly. 18a 20 cts.; Brandy, Ap- hereafter be had jor EBubscrivers who wil! Bene year at ‘I'wo Dor - G ioneasttieetiaditemsds ea ae ——————_—_—__ a POETRY. THE WIDOW AND HER CHILD , BY MRS. ABDY. i night! trod, Of affection to you, and obedience to God ; My answers he seemed quite rejoiced to ubiain, And said, ‘Soun, deaiest buy, I shall meet you a- gato.’ The mother felt faint and despondi Ing at : She Ivoked on the child, ceavai pide brat must part, For the flush on his cheek. and the Ji eve : e light op his Foretold that her sweet one was destined to die ae murmuring thought on ber trial she cast, ut ebe sunk ut her knees—the tewptatiun had Past, ‘ An sot! i d she sotbed forth while elaeping the hand of her son, ‘The will vi uur gracious Creator be done!” Night came —the fair boy was reposing in sleep His mother sat near him to waich aud to See Uhe volume of life her sad vigils beguiled 0 Aud Sep toes ver its pages, und iuuked oa her child. On his red iip'a smile now appeared to arisa, => ‘Oh! ees dear mother, what dreams of de- Have Wlebioned and gladened my élambers to Motboagas the kind father we mourn for ag! ; Had eompesed to our Swelling and'stosd. by” my ‘He gaestioned me moch on the paths { had bes koow the other better, contrite tig! degree to dispel the- Jowell now threaten the, = ae and strech paper aie Ps ‘the Hat No" of tia teraz teted on cf he , in ‘Re8, printed in‘ the very. handen new type, and on paper equals which any other periodteal: country. No subscription will be volume, & aiusi commer The price is $5 per vol. in ail cases at the titge: particulariy ad veited \ Sdue ib a hensivn. or future nigundératacd: t— 4 00 wiil hereailer be attended to uaiess ae ae the prices of subseriptian. U6 postaye on the Mussenyger ig gi the down for e}] distances under 106 aver 100 miles ten esnts All coremuaivationa or letters, relative te Messenger, must be addressed to a THOMAS W. WHER oinen Literary Al essenger Office, Rie d R SSS ee - —_ From the New. York Exprtsec2 1AJOR DOWNING-—ON ‘THRGA SAGE. ; If the Major ealls “this ‘ony & Seg Ge And he suddenly opened his dark radi i jant eyes He stretched forth his arms, as though mite his hume, ° bark off out,’ we don’t know be left uf |the finder by the time And sofily he murmured ‘Dear fatber, I come?’ a Life fled in that moment—all cares were 1 CHERAW. Yet not without hope her afiliction depiure, Por the God who has taken can aluce joo re- And the desolate widow has Who can call her to join her dear lost ones a vain, Friends came at the tidings, a sornowing train ; ° Phey wept for the sweet playful child they had known, But more fur the widuw deserted aud lone. slore,; trust luve, 7 000, froin stores per asses, per gal 40.50 a cts; Nails cut assort- Tuas. W. Waire, Ev:ror anp Proprirtror — Sane ie te eee ae © bushe! 874 @1 ets ;Stee! FAYETTEVILLE Brandy, peach 75 280; Do. Apple, 60a 70) 15 a 00; Cotten pr 1b 8 a 84 ets 134 ; Ficur bb). 036 a ? » Heathers prib 33.4 40 | fron prib 54 a 6, Mo- a 3Salt BEEF! BEEF!! ket,on Tuesday, ‘Thursday and Saturday MOSES L- BROWN, HUGH CULBERHOUSE. N. B. Those having gvod Beeves on hand, B.&C. Salisbury, Sept. 16, 1537—3w9 Washington Press, 22 1-2 by! 32 1-2. TO Pi INTERS. ae SALE, a first-rate Washington Press the platen 22 1 2by 32 1-2 inches, and will work a form the sizeof the largest papers in North Carolina—it has the best improvements ofthe Pattentee—it has been in use a& short, time, and is as good as new. Any persen re- uiring a Press of thrs size, cannot be better sup- plied than by the purchase ofthis. ‘The origin- al cost delivered in Danville, was about $300; Jt wili be sold together with the ‘ype on which the Danvitle Observer was printed, low for Cash, or on ashort credit. ‘The Type have on ty been in ase about two years and one half worn. Acopy of the Daovilie Ooserver printed on the type, can be seen by any one desiring to ase. As the Establishment is wholly use- eas to the subscriber, it can be bought very cheap. Apply by letter. : lid THOMAS A TERRY. Danville, Va, Aug. 24, 1837—Sw7 ESTABLISHMENT oF the Editors ana the wish Bio vote bimself more exclusively to the daf his profession, tolerably lrge,and they doubt not might be great | name c ‘a and ly augmented by a litie exertion. ‘I'o any per- | sign to nogtjsh local prejudices, or lo advocate gon desitoas of embarking in the busiaess it ofers supposed logahp interests. Far from any such inducements not inferior to any in this State, bat- ve ht, = ss ip editor's fervent ' the North a to a practical ' he could make of his money that would yield hi a more profitable return. HYBART & STRANGE. Payetteville 20th Muy 1837. | taslefu i'ny. ‘he public mind js feverish and irritated, still, from recent political strifes: The soft, i allay that fever, and svothe that irritation. Vice the undersigned offer for sale thep establishment of the North Carolina Joarnal OF fice. "The Office is well found in Jub, newspa- perand ornamental type, the list of subscribers is printer they know of no investment efeo: ene matter—but this? ' amity it this” HIS is a Monthly M : creer it CREUCE ING wr ly ty Literature, but occasionally finding | jy ame eeb em mtn Te SUR OF | ine Sher, one ewy wi! % TCT ape per mst STne mber, af uey - ate t will continue to be, in the main original. Party politics and controversal theology, as jar as possitle, are” jealously excluded. Phey | are suinctiines so blended with discussions in on that large ouinber, which pene to be burned. In this age of publicatfofs, that by their variety and multitude distract and over whelm every and undiscriminatifg student, im- partial criticism, govecned by the views just mentioned, is one of the most inestim®ble- and | indispensable of auxiliaricsy to biw who dees wish to discriminate. « Essays and Tales, having in view utility 6r |. ainusement, or both—Historical Sketches—and | Reminiscences of events to minute for history; yet elucidating itaod heightening its interest — may be regarded as forming the staple of the work Andof indigenons poetry, enough is pub lished—sometimes of nv mean strain—to manl- fest and to cultivate the growing povtical tacte and talents of vur country. ; The times appear, for several 1eascns, to de— mand such a work—and not one alone, batina assuasive, influence of literature is néeded, to | and folly are rioting abroad : ! driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridi- cule, into their filting haunts. fgnorance lords it over an immense proportion of our people. Ev- ery spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlightened, and to inerease their number; 80 that the «reat enemy of popular government may no longer brood, like a portentous cloud, o- ver the destinies of our country. And to accom- more powerful agent can be on the plan of the but carried out io They should be plish all these ends, einployed than a poriodical, Messengor ; if that plan be practice. any remagks of vour own, detain o "? ders fro | temper af which is unly equalled | tr & | Nigh the wreck of the Two Pollj To Uncir Sam, the Message over from to top 4c t in His fa UMdGie OF, * playy loug Message, secin {hor Wee tou. froma friend of busin wito had) gore Joshaa Postmaster or Jackson psrty would have ,goue ogi Over do the *Conyallesent Party edn gum 6 - +e wwe. «5 I party; but why im natur didut he Salar! say so--‘gittin better” got the ‘sq iare owW?—but we wilt re - | @ production the pesfeg ue and unalloyed putriotisin. Rockaway, Sept. 11, 183 My Old Friend:—I1 have bee ~_ yy ' : 1d ae bottom w top—and-f *. both ways—and , 4 Ele told adore stay ja Uaele Jgshgia would ahad ak ville calld to a public Beetinan ne Bat as svon asd tell’d Uncle, Joslitdagwbat the rale meanig of the word; was—and that it was ony the Doctor's way of safe he: Gineral ws ‘gitiin bettc c—— Well,’ satetics | Wm glad wWs* no worse—for W's “ao terd }: inatter, Major, to change. the nanev*of ¥; ‘Conwallesen? is jest no word at -all ie, 4 was afiaid,’ says AdutNabby. it was aid-, rafoby.? (Hidra-fiddiestick,’” say oUnele |: dog would jest as soon dare bite® din as to bite the Gineral.” And go we alk concluded the best way was ao” use- plait | language—and it has been a lease = ever siuce. ae a Now as to this message, every body thinks he knots what it means,. att all that part on’t that has any d& the ‘Con- wailescent’ natur about it js so @pyar'd o- ver, pritty much every. body” swallews <i rightdown. But that ain’t way: I know there is always twa sidegtoa pew- ter platter. ‘If I have pee F mean Pad off all the sugar and gildidg,.and: vhat ff gar and gilding wage wees is left on’t; and then if I find : it J peer i= The Seath peculiarly requires such an agent. in all the Union, south of Washington. there are but two literary periodicals! Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty five or thirty! Is this contrast justified by the weulth, the leisure, the native talent, or the ac- pared with those of the ft xs from a deep sense of this local want forever, in the s aod affection.. Fary the North, he has aif t hereafter to draw, @ a iual literary taste of the Syuthern peuple, com- Northern ? Nox for io wealth, talents, and taste, we may justly g| claim at least an equality with var brethren; & a dumestic institation exclusively our own, be- yond al! doubt affords os, if we choose, twice sthe leisure for reading writing, which they en— emord SOUTHERN was engrafted” on- the Gis periodical ; and not with aoy de- wish to see | from the generals consarns of mh pe eee | and as ‘sass for the goose ought be Bady drawn, and he hopes h of his choicest matter grit Dil go #t, and. advise every > Body 40 o &@; but if on the contrary, fis % Ve “ a ee aes miter hi fy sed many folks will say it was a great mis- | bat he wil find @ 6ank or +a natural gn’ as Mr. Wiizht says, ready to take him m: 2° partner agin on any day—especial] he goes on the princ:ples of fee ceenty Fimsell jist when it suits him, without re- 2 rdin his, agreement of cupartnership,’ as f did a spell ago, with the United States J ifat wara’t fur sthe people? of all m a Whivse earnins he lives—he would aii beve 4 Shoe to his footor a shirt to his ewe VO one aitrh is ‘Uncle Sam’ dg en f ee nome ma oa cee. Metact 1s, Uucle Sam 1s hot here to wsk the Gtneral wo make Unie | ue Pmande, with bis woney in this PP iueathe pile it. ap ip gold and s ceilart: . Not he, i“ ‘er wit'ig bim—hé knows hg “dyd?nt make | \ ayvay——-no, ng, he keeps 1) shiek L to them vhat have | trou! industrivus—lie | rious oue chis mgvey that av: ‘ovis teans it ont ‘good-eharacters and are tund panels an Him duing vey thing that will cheek pros =o Sys : Sr perity. if be can help it, 4 is plam Enghighs bar} general prosperity —he wwant-afiire, ene, nor (ile uoilfer. Jin cance is partiv full of the carscs | said th truuoles, | together they had 35 it} anions was no Joshua, ‘1 know’d it warn%e tiatsfoF a4 that bfodghtus into owt present ‘ If it smooth and slick fur pigh upon 20 yearss| wan be done with and is ody truevon that posnt as far as Yee bat it don’t tell the 2) watclt wigaiag’ so——and beginnin jest ar ier Tt Began ta,*eiz,” folks would not know to this day What made it wiz so—bat I be- gin at the beginnin on'ts and tell’ how ZLekel, twitched oul the -kligher, aid iben she old waich that had been.goin as true as the tides for twenty years-—went ‘wiz’ sure enuf, and soon e pmunole water & aip’t sound doéitine, won't go.ié, and no man in all Dowsing: ville will go it; Every bodyesyé< 14m have hearn speak no’t, (and every 86 is ‘nO mistake’ in that message. NO’ think I see a good many mislakes abot The first mistake is, it is too long; as b9U eends, and not short enough in “. o —seein now that the: Globe folks save le the printin ont, GJ you won't see se-i0 >1 a one agin in one spell, so long as the Consayvatives folks keep the printin<« | for the gander,’ Congress began rig tin line and see talkin of nothing else jist. now,) and ther ; oii | part is. of a very jalt-o feanf, if twill ty tos ‘The next mistake 1s, it says a leetle to | Shal ; much about separalin “The Government? thah eny other thing brought the people, , of things, sass bankers. ‘off worst of iumes.may not to try the Experiment,’ first on the pria- , gold an how that will work, and! yon bike holds pow he Go food ws mn a. pverBinem,” c Fight off, as*gouhalt, don't like ‘ 5 his. ft, unless aoe out that We 10 hose theirs, ofall-my leuers gape -and-s¢paratin all con- ; i “ Loe: from them, i act be? OW Gow, who first lence it “the Go- the -Bapke ? Mr. Kindle, ‘wer thing and tell us who ammo iks—come 4 be Sure, have jist so Fa lin ee . ~— — zi Floss. Sf his life by it; hi fe would not kill him, *but a : abad name,’ Bad dog, bad dig,’ p an away went poor Towser, and ‘ got round the corner, the boys all M—with sticks and stones—mad g + and the folks scampered, and the ten slam’d the dvors shut; and it gh upon all over with poor 'Powser ad’nt been for his gittin to the river, pis Soon as he took to the water and fi like a duck, every body stop’d and | 's ‘well that dog haint got the hidrafo- ) And jistso it will be witb our Banks: y will gitafluat to rights, and then 2 et #buse em so. [I dont think if Ua Sam cuts sich shines ag he has of, late, per- gihe greatest mistake ‘Uncle Sam’ ever € is when he talks if separatin himseif any class or portion of the people— classes i ) own hook —unless he means to put - ck d hat lise Bowapart, or some sich sof fot ad.say beis*The Govern Tags on ene Wont a Ce e . ine Ee a Pau’ iy ofire Ses wae west ————— 2 Tency 5 Iden and if. 80 I think the »G taken in cracki P best, and I would eae rent otahin. a0 ‘the and that is, much of Separatin :* j uff E, Phoribus > it did of neaaee ae is, “tke wiliehes cg ‘S properly. : = ot" ¥.3 and no qaiter how mach 2tr— mo let him—foy peeple and i thal ‘Uoele Sse Bore ie tagged ¥esrh® Fiat % ie =. ebis, aod nn un ‘ toe eared Isay, ‘Dnele San, +a bad character, “abou separatin, but “stick “1 he i Plaribas Uaum ; er advice, cit sj ‘ arcane an Sich kind of tulkg about you, as your exe er you left una; these kind they may pot be as ee Cisgard a hk and:paid his this- business at- ; called) thie ene is better (as bad as it is where abroad, home. alj at home, selves —and depend on ile Jace, be it a Louse or ub the skirts of an Vote fur the best lived on the pay « talkin politics and This is sound domt fiad it 1 fact) cee Su in practi From the New York E Nigh the Wreck of the two Pollies. Rocaaway. L L., Sept. 16. 1837 To the Editors of the New York Daily qT got one of your papers in which printed my last letter to “Uncle Sam.” when readin on’t it was fortunate for that you was twenty miles off er did sée sich ‘tarnal work as} Sone parts of my letter to gay about it is Lefs $n p: int, figd raat aX 3X sd-be: nto * i * * 2 eos +3 im 2 ——— . Rivate bankers at home & abs = arhity butedliat is my notion ; overnmeny ig mis- | never was fo endl aod all his old cronies as-buse mong "em, till some folks begua io wish, rrp ar Sizes Uncle Sem was s0 al ; wives enuf ‘for himself and tr mgs went on thus for sbout shen wee Vacle Sew’ (ne most folk B they g:it too m rood to smell and fee, uoubin es a hs k from forc:cn paris and be n, and if it badaot bavien os own blood relstinn and kaowih Mintaae ae a him, in any sh.ipe, wi dog wi ae = = eae I never would bave knowa : al’. ‘Why,’ sags I, ‘Uucle Sain, is t aoe ?? says 1.” “I don't know, Major? par 3 “batwhy do you ask—dun I teak eee as ever? says he. And erie he cei eye his breechesp with both - and his elbows both torn oat gnd ee shirt sleeve a and rs in bis stocki shing al plastered over, ‘Why ean x airth ails you? Come? your hand my old friend, all over together,’ - *F am. sorr jor,? says he, ‘Icant shake bands Sturn air oe are busy,’ says he Wise ; on | Says I, ‘holdin the money aye : Saath round Cape Horn, or any | 7 Oth bands full, ag ssdal a wae ‘wa r the “profit ard Toss’ is all at | ©X#CUy, Major,” says he; drei “th ae : al paid B too : . and wi elk much, tis no matter tis | CUD p close to me, and = €S@ mistakes gaon cure then » ANe whispered in my car, ‘Lamina -b j Feet a bad box? Major ens ee ‘I have got so many wives, | sia" Seg see: BUG Ge, pine ion left lor my gu<pend lea fan We. on'tgive a worse | “Pry a y 6u~peoders —they are all off ? ; resto Riv coasts ize Fie q e' Dow, says |, 1 want to know [!) ana office, or spent his earnins y sus says he, ‘and you May see for ur d driukio whiskey at an election, | 81? and with that I idek'd | ouf, Cocirine, ‘Uncle Sam,’ and if you | there never was a man 1 a ae nc nd n sich @ prck! ce—then I aint your Veil. says J. ‘Uncle San See 4 ” this come eek givin you bad advice —or a : Yy your not takin good advice. You f, a ; ; . vf~ a t, Says 1, one facthmand thet is. that it de lutended that your famtiv matt: 'eshould > regelated on the seme plan of eve cr well regelated fanily—aori that tho? yours Iaith Gen Government family, it * 8 intcaded to be regelated jest on the me plan as the family of the bunblest of r i. a masfers,’—and there, says J, was the ar ver wit of the thing 1 the beginnin?— e 3 , iat Masters ?” says he, spunken up and mn to swell— (but takin care to hold on » bis breeches)—* who are my > Masters?’ ~for 1 never | 88¥8 he—* Your «asters 7 says J—: Wh you made of Lee people’—and law one on em ele However, all Pye | Sa—and if you had *k 6 stuck t- the rule they » If fol«s who read my | Made for the regel ; , aa ths gelatin of Our fauou z : Be lion? ° 5 our ‘preps “eendi- __$ Now pret I= “[ng) —and that » for you to ev *Unele. Sam,’ ind of currestty. say © Unele Sauw— Governinent talk too Wrong when it struck =i mg i ‘real ome other ta: te pe atnp. u WORiNER ’ aint “Unele Sa ; e faci Sam’ and his party, xt advise 2 Y one word to Nol to let the Unum’ : try ta geparate himself, the” Without ibe people, tive ‘pon? SN ded nebo eee 1 uhd twan, and pave no roaiscyo. ae a id Jake his-gquie 3 1bGrefure Geumnts Say. aay thing “tpare old sigo -board. > and if you want any. far- citizen would like to appoi aoe and guardians of your Seater te take good care of your widow,:f a OlkS are safest, tho’ guod politicians ; and don't he may own house lots or new meigt buur too mach for ‘em — says |. ‘give me : and Jet us talk it mag tho’ if A J. DOWNING, Major. Downingviile Mitiuia, 2 Brigade, ur press MAJOR DOWNING, ry oth. Lupress you and ‘ ny —— RS a. a See 0! e t~as to “they . piset it cau ane > mail to 7 TC re — e Sam— : call ali guets = Tere ———119.at qian, soleng as he remembers that uve of the hull people and not of 1s only. and tho’ he may ent a shine ee ay iver tu his | tk Ho hie lias get any moth i > . 3 . ee \ rilds houses, takes, a spare in rail roads ‘Pie hull sjory- radetelidexhat story of balance wheel or went to smash—and. jest so it was in Eng- land—thev twitched out their ‘klicker’ just about .tbebame titre, and ‘wiz’d? away jestas we gid. - patent : Wit-telh more about this herea.ter——an a pancho May and expiain that | inderagother mgstake, anu a pretty im- foo-+and that is about ‘private sing consites’d better than cor- ; itis a long story .to show! ank bills? is a small partof Banking» nese—and Banks could yet git it along eas pauf, If it was ony their own bank bil ‘they had @ pay inepecie—a w.and then see about that banks suspend payimg ® and yel.may be as sound as ever, an Bhali then eee, that if ony one thing about this state it was ‘over aetion’ of private Corporate bank bills, oa yer. q a, Calomel among the went the poor sick folks. Docter’s tault,—for it was all owin to the cecunhy ? ou incle Sam? found, as most folks do, Vihey git gray, take care of bis buttons ed sle and so forth. way d bufiks, and you won't catch (twenty years 8Z0, ‘ ‘smo tb quiet quaker Lady, worth 28 mil- they7il git yor or he prospers by | hons of dollars—é domt very often | ceusiderable liberal t and if he did he cuuld’al buy the frouly stock 7 millions of dollars; in the ‘vale grif,’ howsevcr, Zekel Biglow’s | and every body satd, | there never wasa happier couple. Sam’s wife did all a wife could do, Uncle 8am would once and awhile, swe up and talk big, kept sitchin op split: em, and sew on awiteh’d ’em off. But by and by Sam’ got mixin up wita odd company, and atnong other things, got a kink in bis bead out of man of so :juch importance hado to stick to one wife, but bave es meny as the grcat Mogul. Same ‘I'm a sed mtnd to try it:? aad so ke | On you wiil talk’d to oiber folks the galls got the cle Sam’ got one and gound about, and stand the racket.—and he come back, sad that the 7most -dapgérous , 83y5 he, ‘Uncle Sam, ifferent natur——and that; boot it, naa {ban you can shake @ stick at,’ enough, just nd all this I notion, set to,—they praised ap how it comes and eer bh cie | shocking! there’s og we say; and among other things they, said, that more *Unele Sam’s wife was — be worth as much as look’d silver-—but the hardest currency both een -a-days, is the cur- ‘ as be cut am 2 “oni ang eee. .- (tana Nene “Vit is = s by gives = husbands © hook bis ~~ \" : ‘Calomel in doses. ever, ver . | Uncle Sam shor frard Major Pothecarys—and owh os te LY to git fr at once, | am afraid I shall gut spank’d -s 170 one wife, but to git rid ol 63 pele) lt ‘watn’t the asacherry.’ * Never auod thal.” eacs |, literatare or in moral gcience, o.herwise unchjec | “abayi delav—and thatthe Giner-i was sick tor 4 spell with whathe call’s his party : fitle “e.° ¢ ¢ ance ¢ Le . : - i" ‘ - . : vs : af ae as eee ee koh ae ee —and thadthe doctors. said that ne wey, =the nature of ibe great family af the ee ae "I ate Sane neocher matters owl] git no more thin #ou desarve : ae ne SE eae " ns eee a Snow souwailesenf?—Con what?) asked} aeayle’ is such that as soon as dey feel the ri oN” a ‘ Hana Pe ai loupilive a0) do, fulks that dance must pay (he fi oe e appens, tire a 4 : } ae ; : . ogi - we you th : wre he * Ma- ' a ; onde Naki FY oy conwallesent,’ said; wepis an any of the ogy they witl gram hs : ~,. |says I, ‘ Uncle Sam it Says only: not: primary. ‘They are dross, toleraied AcnteNakby , Gee See Cpt ‘ 7&8 . nae fou may stick a8 man ESI sacane ; : 13) , aie ee it caw well be severed from the Ugsie Joshna, mbbin mse spectacics —~ big. aad espeetally them folks that py eo ea = oon < - you please oa | | jor must ( dirorce them ali * No,” says : en . a * tae = . = = F ay ie . . - ez ¢ ( “ ¢ vs ; cn : > sterling ore wherewith it is incorporated. WRat ign nagur is that complaint vow, {ue las es—lhey dow tsee why they whio are Kat caré whet you wake ont so long as [, ‘there is no divorce in the matier, you : See . es t ‘ > ee cS Y oO d y ; . Reviews and Critical Notices 6eeupy their} ask’d Aunt Napby agins ‘Laon't. kiow ot call’d ou becuse they have earia do prop- an a ' ther wit and bario ae yy | caat do that unless you cen prove erin due space in the work , and Wis the editor's séys Buele Jushud, ‘but. all I hope ~ itleny to -pay she taxes should also He held | folks take the aie Sega eomenel con. ; that’s the Luw,? says J W a I aim that they should have a three fold teudency | ..0%¢ ghe name of a new purty—t iz one upiag enemies of them folks as haint got] !s a stery about ‘Uncle Sam. Ai can? sage he, * 1 can prove that the J ot —1o convéy Ina eundensed form, such valaable Ranier (ou ate ie andi pereis ot re property Hetil ahis isthe doctrine. bis capers ainong the women [olks Ojjice, the Land Office, ne Gh truths of interesting iavidents as are embodied tn De es ar Pe Cl -k ‘Uncle Sam’ know, always was & S0- ) ‘Uacie Ss dont ts = + the works reviewed. to direct the reader's atten- | 14, We must. al- brustr nour apitd turn} chen the pbesteway 1s for.no, man to work, ncle Sam’ you KO "' f y his first * Hush’ says I, Uacie Sam, a ; : == , a . ; S # wf at : pe . es ae Deen 2 y ; i is rs . ‘ : tion to books that deserve to be read—and te ‘Conwallesent as soon sen or J A righ mab now-a-days is talked on by ciable kind a crittur, oH ee well for it 18 an oldetory in all soup iis 4 : i . 4 : : 2 oak ae we? 2. € one a : : ; , 2 rat , - ' . cee es, ware him against wasting time and money ap | shanbgtt my efiice, thavs g& >and | same tajles pretty mus has the Quaker dil | comin, into Me, BEES CON 2 Re | oan who has more than one wiie 3 , jest then Le: i Ad itavas Myellt d of his gtog... Naw, Woaton airtlecan atich | without havin tis dull family about bm, 8° | oer fool than his friends, and bis ucile jestahen Peame imy afd itygywas HHS GLO’ ove" 2 MS : a he er, —but | 7. Ph 63) ‘ Jem givin bim ta boost up the Ger, —bUb | fiends than buttons Now dort #7) aby thing more about it. You have get uu scrape, and the best way is fo git Gul Cn. aud keep things | You'lt find that your young wives will be op ahout iouse—he would git mt | a, glad to git rid of you, as you will ba to Weill, atter (ryi0 V8~ | id of them — But you mus’at talk of pleas seein a good deal of trouble | divorce, of they?ll bring you to the ase another, be took advice 86Me 41g show that you firsicame @ colrtia. and got married to @) aug by the time you prove guile ?on em, | poonthe hip’ and keep you ‘Now look al your court: it aith what i was—lhs @ ‘Uncle Sam, aint it? = afore that unless he took a wife to and as Uncle Sam 88! ice too,” save |; n bis way he put Into | in, aud compare (90U anil change,” 84y8 lk. bat what he how sever,’ says 1, ‘Dy old frend you ba ve en was just as good = tgrity’) and “O° tad « care frolic, and this ts toe eend cet mithons. Well, 39° nd pritty much the eend of all frolics. trifle; and things went OD | __.Now? says | ‘we must ae me oe the old Wile— at home and abroud. | bound,’ says |. "she 1s as sound as ever she Unele | was, afd not the worse for having shelter and tho | 14 her old aative Siate of Pennsylvany Pil go on first.’ says 1, ‘Uncle S:m, and tell ber to git her buttons and sope ready for you.and if [ don’t miss my guess. you willio a few weeks look as cherk agia as & boy; and as she is a good natur’d crittur end likes to gce all happy avout her. she will do all sbe can to provice for the young women you bave beep galavantin with of late. for she ibinks @ou more to blame than they ve. and then,’ sevs, f ‘Uncle Sam, #tieu all gits slick’d up, & fou git ell your buttons scw’d ave a spare band sisays 1 3- dv to welcome a {nead or knock down #0 enemy Al present,” Says 1, ‘Uncle Sram you are shum-bugg'd;"*——4 «th tiiat ( 4 Fes Reeth: tbe Uncle Sam he tw ites cas ar | spuuk’d up together : Wil tell you the balance of this story sa @her time. f Your friend, J. DOWNING, Major Downingrille Muius, 2d Brigade — -°W never knew exactly Ins wife sad nctbin, but his breeches when he’d hutton’s when he ‘Uncle Fauny Wright’s doctrines, tbat @ ; * ought | swow,’ says Uncle about it. andto rights | notion too, and then ‘Un- Amos K:ndle to go round see if the galls would there’s no mistake a- dy, and more —and sure havin got the the galls are all rea then galls all ‘Uncle is good old quaker wile Sante what thege dido’t —_—_—_—_ before the aclu- i: 1! and — __ Soe eae er ne “Well. the | al meaning of that word *Hum-bug’s. "2 now in we next thing we sce of Ustte Sam — Eds. ___ *e as ne as a fiddle—ruffles rou Be just in all thy eeuoa, & if joined with ‘ ds of bis shifty and sich © caPhlt| |e ihe are not, sever change tby mind. — e a ong his sew wires for a spell, i, ‘Uncle Sam, exe _ S so d , . q fa S ——_ eh pcan eae no overttading, Mr. Wasa democrat I i GO 4ssoctitions, Mr K ae ee Se praia in nS ae et COUR Of tip. Ws agen - resvret iat these Fee, USO Pn lye ee pels a haus democ ne te aa ey ar _ i Me | nee be I; Ved ag iatth to the pent ae his lps, but Teranns & | which has the grediest connection wih this ted he ompotauons of specie whieh had ‘ es erm his heart! He woatd ‘borrow no eC RUETY, the « vamercial disaster was the great aeen forerd tate tis cor HUM > and argued oe fivery fram Heaven to serve the devil as Manes ae in the next degree—-he (iat this fer et moss. pustead of gomng into) tne He was a democrat from his youth aud i ie Big ae a is comme xno with 3 -whea be first entered upon pabhe lie he Ss. nd it is nuterions that ibuse whe hag ee ee = of the bill providing for the ¢ tust tion being onthe ame Calhoun, to separate the | the banks. speech and much decision, the various questions invol ject before the gents a brief on te touched on in this ip ia be had felt great embarrassment i SSO Le reeard si now ata less dcp 4 paper | : below : : ppv come Cal- | was acurrency of gold and silver mY Pp per We copy his rene ; dyin favorofeith-' tnatyg. before the suspeasion of specie | TWENTY=FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. IN SENATE, SATURDAY’S PROCEEDANGS, IN | } \ tri inet the Government! t off from being Se Ee sere it | ment of the United States cunsiet f z and the President. But did the getle <7 1 | the Government of the Heretct a A vernment of the White House? Mr % on this topic with point and strong feeling - 9 Mr K. here again referred to the presen dition of the country, and observed that t has put upoo it has driven 1 currency so long as @overuiment, by. FS clusive measures iu reference to 8 ces it up at a premium; tbat ts, out of the general currency 4 commodity kept in brokers’ shops, ready for sale, as any other merchandise. ing the whole of the propositt ns oO houn. Cr State Bank system, and bad disasters which have followed its adoptina. its acting in violation of all He insisted was an entire u system of fraud and deception laced speculations im the e wage daced specula 0 te | 6° otticers of the banks who were expected tO Jug by Mr Beaton a few days ug 1 ( pitate them; the ahiedged faciites of €X- | yt; B, nodded assent, aod said fv ‘ oy ; a r ax rely nomiaal; : chinye wee mere | nro tat ghinees to show that shaving, tO 8) Wave found that this glory had 8 CONTINUATION. THE SUB-TRE ysSURY SYSTEM. The Senate resumed the consideration 0 blie revenue The ques- a ine odment offered by Mr | Government from , 8° ; | Mr KING. of Georgia, rose, and, ina delivered his views of er ved inthe sub— Senate. tline of some of the points Sa resting addtess. He |p, He was not retire He had been alway® opposed to the. p predicted the | that it had not only failed, but’ | xchangea,by the Is and he ad- duced ie vat ext col Woan pre at x on ‘The Sp eoe Circular had \ them, had been carned 1s ide e } ranees of enormous profits divided by the | = i ex. banks im the etty of bre residence - ex : eee . > and ex pressed the belyef that the currency val » ‘2 were ha. as they of course were, W : | yee, | chang y the interposition of the | made still worse b President. | Sir K had been rather inclined to favor the sub-treasury system till the argument © Vr Benton convinced hia of its mex es diency He ridiculed Xr B's precedents, drawn from the Roman empire, trom”: N apo ; Turkey.and chat- leon. from Spainvacd from sae le J their financial measures as tose ¢ Mr Ben-=- the acterize ad plunder, oppression, and blood” Ae ton had entirely tightened MrkK. se ‘ support of lis sub-treasury sysiem, as mHod- thed by Mr Calhoun. Mr K. expressed the hope that he would ; : ie . : we jean were to; . fiud himgelf able to support the present Ads Wore just as Lad asf a physi enaie od ” truth ministration; bat he must spe ak the ‘ : rrone= ‘The messige, he suid, was greavy e — . le ous If various particulars, white h he proceec authentic state! oes Mr King spoke with grea aed ed to show, musty from mane sieearl the date of that bank J ores ta fi fed ments and other documents. eae *) . Vi. Hroved that the paper currency IW BANgtak sad not been expanded, as the meseage al- Tease oO Youeds that there hid been ao oo ' ‘ : Gul wee thatthe valne of the ae Wor Re ee ~ ok x a \: \ Libere tind heen litle oir preerated y Ls i ” sowed sion Ol ee dug wat ti ine cireutatiog of the rouutly, went gato | the banka, and s-rved as ihe bisis of exces. | ud a Baok of the a ope e | tavlishec SE paper testes. The 530,000,000 of | varty established — this lorcign debt, an Viareh last. us stated by the party estabiishe this bank in 1816 ;- messye, be thoug't an error, since more tha Q52000 000 of such debt had been pala since Ghat perpod, Mr Kins then entered into an elaborate and dateresting finanerl invest sallon, to show that the systea adopted an lacted Up- on by the Administestion had been a. vain Wartarc og inst the natural orcer of things in comMmerclal transactions vatinyily forced gold and silver into the eountey from Enuland, and thea endeavor: ed to keepit here, despite of the navral Causes which led it to flow backwards and Torw crus strat, by this violent procedure, the Bank .f Evyland had been obliged. in (S OWN Gefeuce, Cin order to prevent its own vaults being dramed of all their specie) fo put @ stop to Americau credits. and call iy its debts If at bad not done so, it sould have deen loreed to suspend. Now, it the natural laws of trade bad been allow- rd to prevarl—if the merchants of this country could have been allowed to obtain speere lo pay the debt. and could have re- mitted itto England, no embarrassment would have tollowed; but the specie which they required was drained away to the West vy the unnatural and violent process of the specie Circular, in consequence of which a scarcity of specie was created on the At- ianiic bord. The effects of the specie cir- colar, while thus ruimous to the commerce of the East. were not less disastrous to the trade and business of the West. The banks there were drained of speere by its opera- tron, it Was, in fact, the commencement of a general tun npen them, begun by the Go- 2, The adoption of a hard money cur— rency, and the exclusion of a paper curren- icy world -be equal to the confiscation 0 ollection and one tird of the val of the country preciated in value. risen in value, and Ig HOW, a eee above the valne which specie bore belure , of more than three hours tn length the suspension vod current bank. notes. ‘The following pre- | ¢ me could have been purchased before the dt- valuable than now. Therefore, paper reciation than when there | gne ous : depreciated, increased ‘the same cause, namely. it 5 red tue | . asis. the avount of shaving, and be adduced not to rest on a very solic , working class ‘toa By these he: ys Be Kuvlunds that no traitor. They had ua-} property of every 1adivid- | qe 8 The paper currency of the country 1s, t,as It 1s represented by some, now de “On the contrary, 1 has | | mo ‘10 give time fur chase th)! ty, can now be purchased with: 7, Acution for less than the when, by the spension with gold or silver, lat it was less lative excess of the currency, ay mrots | 4 ‘The results of the specie circular, by | the laws of ex- hange. were nost ru:mous. inn Se Missour! faiture from the beginning— | results of: what ie See from ene mt city, Ee ; ) called the glorious—g 3 galle op ie eireutar! to thre language privileged seats oa the fluor were | wards, occupied by those who have ‘The ladies attended in such numbeg, that ro only did they compel the mos! gallad of our 8@ . to vacate their places io the gallery, fy 1 ved several very near one of the door§ driokin like some bank rags, and ftom ' 1 the glowing eloquence of the grat oras that it was found «and more thas once passing ecie circular!’ (referring ‘Aly, glori- ’) We now, however, (said Mr King) We now, be sald, bebuld our Governinent insolvent and disgraced in a time of profound peaces ! onr young and prosperons Hatlon brande as a vation of fraudulent bankrupts and, swiudiers —its inerchants bankrupt; its man- idle Is- ufacturers languishing in idleness and dis-| ; ple ed, two-thirds of the | tress; planters ruined, threatened with actual starvar So much said Ale K. for glory. Mr ! K. thought this teomuch glory to be endure | ed aby longer. Mr K. called upon his political friend: to) ne asthe disungaished characterictio: join his in restoripg the control of ne i= s nances of the country to Cons tes ane ae them from exclusive executive legis- SUL Mr King did not say that there bad lation. existed no disease in the banking Sysco: “but the methods adopted to eure the disease | t cure tura a mao beels upwards 10 order ‘to cure bim of an apoplexy. | dw relation to the Baok of the United tehergy & i four years “has brought more gray 2 ‘ head of this young a : pag to seve grown there ia a quiet and wiy. 4 Nir K continued to debate on these and" ous other kindred topics, and concladed by pressing the hope that ume and ieflection at this ‘nonent, | ten For land, houses, and otb- | postponement of the sabject till the oe a ——- Is Patriot Zives the following report, the ony Correspondence of the Baltimore Pat Such were th@ : t6 quor to-day, spread like wild: fire. thro at i ! te. go ° | Finance, as mere temporary expedients; or,if . hairs @ and vigorous countrys) administration of the Government,ia & d to bring about wiser views and greater: ‘ ny of action on the momentous subject; a this, concloded by movitie December next. . MR. CLAY?’S SPEECH.: i The correspondent of the Baltimom we have seen, of Mr. Clay’s sce “3 * oo W AsHINGTON, Sept. 25, 1837. Ga The suiople aonouncement that Mz. Clay beg and befure half past nine o'clock, fH full to overfluwing : and all @ o afig e ent alleriés were the bouary Mee yond which the most unchivalric ruh of & Senate declares these lovely beings shall \ ~ [ can of course, only tooch tpon a Rw—ey vers few of the topics which Mr. Clay byogipt under view and illustrated in the course\otg a speech of nearly four hours. He regards a he measores that have been prcposed, bul especyyy Sb Vice President. ams 34, and John Jav 9. Wash- » was elvcted President, and Jolin mms Vice President © Second Election, 1792.—No. of Elec- Bb ar e 35. = me eorge Washington received 132 votes, | hn Adams 77, and George Clinton 50. sShington and Adams were buth re-elec- - ehitd Election, 1796.—No. of Elec- 138. mesohn Adams received 71 votes ; Thom- S Jefferson 69; homas Pinckney 59, gud Aaron Burr 30. Adams was elected E psident, and Jefferson Vice President. worth Election, 1800—No of Electors. [ homas Jefferson and Aaron Burr res sived each 73 votes; Jolin Adams 65, &: Charles “C Pinckney 64. As there was bocboice of President in the college of House of Representatives, and after ballot- ting 36 times, Jefferson was elected by a. Majority of one state. Burr was elected | 176. > The present plan voting separately for | President and Vice President was now a: | dopted. | Thomas Jefferson received 162 votes for | President, and Charles C Pinckney 14, | }George Clinton received 162 votes for, "Vice President, and Rufus King 14, Jef-. Yerson ani Clinton were elected. ly those bronght forward by the Committees ot them are intended to be permanent, as GSM pations of the mischievons policy which. brought embarrassinent and rain to our doof He spoke of the universal distress and eq |, se times :—but this very universality of tra e looks apon asa groaad of hope 5 if Jy Graw lessons of experience from | 11 | Of2s Yoo. ae . ; ste reminded bis auditors that five years we had the scat ‘est encrancy in the world of its) aovae + .es had been saddé tr, va by thar despotic act—thet pl omcp sties —the nelZate of the PR ve, by ine Executive.—He spulf : oa: Wiig statcome fo how they had al ‘ros of the Execour establishes institu | tow all | motal of i pLes PrRea-u of the pro peecias oft! lof thal period, s 7 ) ot The ti . a against toe CIVTTEDCY pornteduc Poa leea : | : sa was very extraordinary But nee : | eos nf i.e ocuntty, be [> vad. eee the EOuae could venture to ulter a word tofavor ol tha fall our Gonvies 4 eee »dostitution, Cane for 90 speakiag, for whoever NOW WO" (@) T to defend bimselt as if be were a felon or dice parliact life by the democratic’ party. hat was the remedy then proposed and jfound « ficient; and from the Gime of its es- /tiblisiin atto the period when it was put down, we hada currency better than any Other nition was ever blessed with. Such } 20 Iustitution, in faet, seemed necessary to | (he Government of (ua country. Nocoun- try having a mixed curreney could do with- )Out it Tt was necessary to trust the finan. ices of the country to some agency. ‘The tute of this bank, established by the dem- ocralic party, Mr Ko said, was extraordin- ary and he proceeded to show the injus- tice and inconsistence of the Admuinistra- tron towards it, If Mr Biddle lay’ down, he was useless; if he stood up, he was inapudent; if he sat down he was suspicious If he expanded, he was bribing the coun- (ry, 1f be contracted,-he was ruining the country. Tf be imported specie, he was speculating upon the country; if he expor- ted specie, he was conspiring against the country In short, whether he passed a— bove or below the President, he equally mud- ved the water. Me.K. referred to an at- tack on the bank by Mr Niles, for not ex- porting specie in 1832, and compared that with the late policy of the Administration in regard to the exportation of specie. In truth, Mc K. went onto Say, that institu. tiva had, by shipping five milhons of spe- cle, performed an operation more favorable for this country than ever could be expected from an tustitution which bad been warred : sasons he felt be must give bis Teas wees was onliged | cer afion + United States es— His 1 hen he took RG -| tent Var Bice coe in bts. -seage of the can 1 1 - a | tr. Kigg ot Ga end - wt iiongs. He o-< least) tou de with as, suffered Jeast, the heaviest failores were those of houses connec of our own government with ibe currency. - of its financial policy. They keép the peo: mong all the sufferings, in the- late “crisis, none were so greatas that of the tuers. ‘ — He controverted the assertion of Ma the great surplus s and thus the -egueenvt the embarrassment now oppressing us °— and proved that the surplus wag prodaced by the government policy on the public lands, oe ae He argued that the true cause was, that we have not had fur the last eight years’ the benefit of a free government Instead of ilustratad this argument at length, Mr. ‘Cuay then noticed ; _ detail: the most important weasures recommended by. the Committee of Finance. He -aggailed with immense power the Sub-Treasury scheme; and exposed the..dangers to the liberties and the safety of the country which would result fiom the establishment of such a svstem. 7 againe! as it had been, Mr K referred to all these things to vin- dicate bimself and others who bad always vernmeat itself; a most inpolitic and fatal procedure, "Thugs embatrassments were | created on all sides, by attewpting to force | things to ow unnaturally in channels con- | trary tothe course an-i order of trade. Thus, | AUN against the trade and trading lustite- | ions of Uhe country (and, by cons: quence, against ali the people of the country) was justituted and carried on by the very Gov-| ernment of the country itself, aad against | Ms own country! a suicidal course which | perhaps, bad no paralieiin the history of the | world, * Among other positions, forward the following, by various argumenis, clearness and force: 1. The banks are not broken and insol. | vent merely because they do not pay 8)c- | cies Specie ts merchandis@—it is nolonger an item of cur. segcy. The premium which Government | Mr K. brought! which he maintained aud ilustrated with | made to be en article of because, after the war avainet it, it | ive the bank a triumph ov entertained these opinions of the bank; aod not meaning to indicate any course on his He avowed himself in the most open and decisive manner in favor of a NaTion- AL Bank. His remarks on this subject, when published, will make a powerful im- pression, iy if : part in relation to a bank variant from the Opinions of the mass of his constituents, which, when he last heard from them, were he believed, averse to a national bank. Mr K made also a number of remarks in de- fence of the Bink of the United States against He concluded by declaring .his igsention to support the motion-.af Mr « Krye@ ‘for the postponement of the Billao Deecenber 5) though he should haye preferred: ta;have it- postponed indefinitely, - —-- ox GPF According to the Reporter: for >the’ Si» the charge of having used its influence for po lttccal purposes. ble denied that the Bank had meddled in the polities of the country, and he dured any man to place his finger on a single in- | Stance in whieh the dank had dune so—at leas | beture the ae President had commenced his | war oo the Bank—a war which originated in, the refusal of the bank to make its apeae RON subservient to party purposes. Mr Kyaext referred iy the declaration made by Mr Calhoun on a former diy, that he would not now: take the Bank of the U States as a Bank of publie depusite, even as a State institu- would Mr K.cunfessed himwelt sucked by this dec. | Jaration. A triumph? Mr K. exclaimed Baltimore American, Mr. Clay ‘censid¢ere. ed the Sub-‘Treasury scheme as aiating at the destruction of the Banks, wand the projéct of Mr. Rives as preserving the Banks. ‘Therefore, if ealled on to vote} between the two, although the bull of Mr. Rives was not what he wished, be should prefer that scheme.’ From the Cincinnati Gazette. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. atersoat which Presi an caent and distress, and expo sed ity evreg? us and unvardonable Misconseps tone - He referred ty) soue of the argumenie o and that ted with the American trade. He» said t Bee for Vice President; N. Sauford 30 sid@nt was right in attributing the usehhts in| and Nathaniel Macon 24, Calhouti was Kngland and this country io the sane case : | elected. Vice President. —but, be maintained, that cange was the poliey Eleveuth Election, 1828—No of Elec- on all eubjects connected The course of the Administration with reference to the Compromise Act.(the caw- promise on the ‘Parifl) aided the operation jle in a State of incertitude as to theirsasil’ tentions, and the ranseqnence was that'a- Mahu fac. | President ; Calhoun thatthe tariff was the cause; of the People eoutralling the ive. tes ee eee Beenniee has Te nebo He Breen ougueteoleeion Vice bresidens, 4 didates for Vice President received a ma- J heretofore prevailed, giving to the assembly }@more the appearance of a miscellaneous t qutors shall be abolished from the refecto- “Sixth Election, 1808.—No of Electors “376. ** James Madison received 122 votes for | President, and Charles © Pinckney 47. | George Clinton received 113 votes fur Vice } President, and Rufus King 47. and Clinton were elected. 217. James Madison received 128 votes for President, and De Witt Clinton 89. Eld- ridge Gerry received 131 votes for Vice President, and Jared Ingersoll 86. Madi- on aud Gerry were elected fa; Eighth Election, 1816.—No of Elec- “tors 217. James Monroe received 183 votes for President. and Rufus King 34. Darmiel D Tompkins received 183 for Vice Presi deut, and John E Howard 22. Monroe & ‘Tompkins were elected Ninth Election, 1820 —No of Electors 232. Jawe> Monroe received 332 votes for > jowg 1. mo + + —— foc ic . oa 0g EE I, ane ene f Andrew Jackson received 99 votes for _| President ; John Q Adams 814: Wan. Crawford 41, ane Henry Clay 37. As nei- -| ther candidate had a Majority, the election "; wae carried into the House, where Jolin Q Adams having received the vetes of 13 states out of 23, was elerted President, John C Calhoun received. 182. electoral RO ce in tors 261 . Andrew .Jdacksom received 178 votes fur Presidemt, ar John Q Adams 82, John C Calho@a S124 votes for Vice President, and Riehard Rueh 83. Jackson and Cal- }houn Were electeds a Twelfth Election, 1832.—No of Elec- tors.288, } «Andrew Jackson received 219 votes for Alenry Clay 49; John Floyd LL. and William Wirt 7 Martin Van Bu- ren received 189 votes for Vice President ; John Sargeant 49; William Wilkins 30; /Henry Lee 11, and Amos Eilmaker 7. Jackson and Van Buren were elected. } . Thirteenth Election, 1836.—No of .E- leetors 294 (including those of Michigan. ) Martin Van Buren received 170 vates for President ; William H Harrison qa: Haugh L White 26; Daniel Webster 14, Wiihe P Mangom Fl.—Richare M John- about $1000, was on Thursday : - the Farmers’ Bank in chis place, tur which the lence at Natches as well as Spec‘e was demanded—which, being refused the - draft was protested, and the holder” } Way home with Kendall's hard money draft 10 ‘his pocket, falsehood of Amos’s Official Report, in whieh he pretended that all the debts ot bis Departinent were without difficulty paid ic the ‘cursiitution al curreacy,’ Cashier of the Bank of the Cautted Siac Ss, Was | yesterday appointed Agent of the Back to re. side ta London, and chat Mr. Copperthwait, one of the Assistant Castiers, was clecied his sue cessor. : netely lo the interests of the Baik stselt, butoain | al! bearings upon the bosivess eonneartous of vur whole country with Hurope. We have seco | ‘during the troubles that: American Staples, Aine rica securities, and Americin interesss, gener: | }electors, the election devolved on the | #!ly, were too often sacrificed frou want ot ‘knowledge, and want of confidence a:nung Fu rupeans. than by the presence of au intelligent Ameri can 5 devoted to the care of the eoimmercial aod | financial intereste of the United States Fifth Election, 1804—No of Electors | measure, is we know, cordially approved by the Allot which is done with machinery, ; business men of al] parties who hei! at as an. parently without the aid of any person.— evidence that our fiseal relations with Koyglara , ; gutiauion with the Sce and Fox true of Indians {men of the South. Madison |! | leaving our children helpless and defenceles ; Seventh Election, 1812.—No of Elec- ' 1 tor . ¥ 4 - SS ‘ ae 4 3 @ received by each prinipat cam ‘ exoept t pa ssave of the bil thorizing - i " ou ech: preyit Bate, for President and Vice President, oe of Ween Nee: i, on We is ‘maligaity, and | peach of said elecuons; and as it will | a EM at ge et or a= i- on éxinifonos to have been |UPyntie. lerchant’s duty-bonds. poten 7, on : Bet Cui we feces’ bop: authorit oeieae meet agata ina better Gispositien for basiness sel Sy ee ae eee ® indi. Se he ‘at f I: as - : than they nuw possess! If net, it seems tw us | cae B> Eg ; advise aps be wortiy of a place in your col- they oar hag well stay where they are, and save | instant Jeparta ry OF thi ‘of a. ; = — the double mileage to oar banksapt Treasory. | voiding the inreade gh) ai iy. Por them iret Election, 1788.—No. of Electors Lynchburs Virginian. there ts opeee m t. No a ag e@ut OO. 3 —_—— an hou, should be lost “Every minate of posi ; Geo Washington received 69 votes ; KENDALL'S HARD MONEY. dence aiong us is replete with peril. “The yellow fever is raging“with viet 2: > Se ance x ve | Ingenvity in Miniature.~4qong’ the “articles to be sent for exhibstion at the Fair | of thie Mechanic Association, by an inge- niovs mechanic in Hampshire cowaty, are ly fancy miniature railway and a @iiiatere Steam engine, weighing a lide dver*oue ; Ounce, Which Is putin woven by a spirit lamp. ‘Phe railway is 2) feet in cireum- | ferencesupon which is placed a locom oure, | propelled by springs, and followed by a ‘ beautiful teau:s of cars—the automaton en- gineerof which wiliting the bell at the ; word of command, pull a lever with the We anderstand that a Post Office draft, fur last presented at leans. wended his We mention this fact to show the Ib We understand that Mr. Samuel Jindon, the We deen this measnre very wnyportant, nut V other hand and set the train in mowuen ; he Wil also stop upon the route, the baggage door will open and an auematn Wil! place limseif at the door and take ia i buggsge immediately the bell wiki ring, 7 ,and the train be putin motion® When in Vhese fears cannot be better dispelled | motion if any obstacle is placed upon the trach, (in different places.) the engineer wiil ring the bell and the train will stop. ec. ap- | car he Boston Transcript will be better uuderstuud and oetler appreciate | hereafter. From the New York Commercial ddrertiser. Philadelphia Inquirer. ASiMal SUAGNETIS\I St. Louis. Sept. 15. We have our time and ttmes of Jangh! io at , aolinal meguetism We shad laugh ati ny 2 most noble answer —We leara by agentle | mnure. “Ph ters something awtelly mysteries man just from ihe hadian country, that the ne- | in the prin iple, beyond Lhe powe4r 6 rytith tu ta thom orexplan. Betng i Provideuce oa Sat urday, Sunday, and Monday, the 2ith, 27 th, | and 2th of August, AN GPporth nity was afluided us uf seeking and lawiny part in a series of exe buents with a young otind lady, while usder the wugne je influence, the ussaults ot were nol oalys marvellous in our eyes, bul ayw- lutety astounding. “The extudiiian was not poo. lic, and the parties were all people of the tiet respectability, professional and otherwise, Tuy. ing heard much upon the subject, and disbe! ave ed all, the experiments Were mode before pi. vate circle of ladies and geuilewen, urgent solicitation, We have written a narrative of the circum stances, culpprising sume fifiy or sixty pager af foelscap: and we venture to say, Unst nuihing hitherto poolished upon that subjee'is so wonder - ful by far, as the facts of Which we were Withess, all of Which wesaw,aod partot which we were. We shall poblish our narrative, on tah ug it ty Providence for examination, provided MWe Cal ov tain permission of the parties who have avoided povlications or publie exniuiions Oue surprising lneident We will dention — On Suncay while we were in Prosiuence. a stual] pacoaye Was received from Mr Spies Covil, of Troy, containing, as be wite ty is friend, a note, which be wished \i-s to read while onder the magnetic influence, w ; breaking the seal, if she could. Mir ¢ to go tu Florida bas caurely fated. Our intor- mantstaies thal when the propusiliun was nade, a chiet ruse and replied ; “Tell our Great Father at Washington we are sorry to bear that fe is) warring with the red Tell him we, tuo, are en- gaged in a war of our owa with the Sioux — They are killiag vur warriors aud braves, and Which our hedges are ansafe, and our hunting grounds are filled with cowardly dogs. If our Great Father at Wasiingtoo will seid us ove hundred . of his men. and help us to drive the Sioux from Pour tugiung grouuds, aud to pursue them until ‘they deg for their lives Like women, we will pay our Father for his men ay much as they deserve; and as Svutmas ihe Stuux are conquered, we will foo aud bela ow Rather iu tus war with the red | meo ofthe South Tfeur Father cotnet belp us ) tu do this, we caunot helo tut. @l cur uwn | Fhe officer in charge of this service not having | the anthorty to enter Imig a treaty of offeusive / and defensive, was, frum the terms, compelled to turgu any further negotiation, hriherly { Republican. George Wood, Esq of New York, Samnel I. Hopkins, Exq. of Geneva, and Chancellor er eter SY ork, have each given a written opinion that the zeneras Asseimbiy niys [Prave t i o 7 G 7 S 3 Vern tee Z ious ant the 3d Prespyter¥ of Phitadetohia, are irre ay POP, he doubt §, iar, legal, woll, and void, and 6a ue Get Je p chave, was evidently Compr s dt seve : : ; | i ded bodies are sul componeut parts of the De wollen ee i af aliCe BO al enve iopes. “Phe outer one } pyterian Church. ‘Phese «pintons are pabiished | hich bo paper. On Suncay even g. Vi. b. at length in the N.Y. Observer of Saturday | W's! tnust oe borwe tn mind, when ov. ke. last, ~ | blind, was pollato a inagnetic slomber, and the letler given to her with instructions to She saidshe would take it to ¥d with ler ard read it betore morning. On Mondgay mornin, she gave the reading of it as follows : : ——_———— From the Mobile Chronicle, Sept. 21. The Steamboat Tomehita, Capt. Hutton. ar rived on ‘Tuesday evening from Taupa We fearn that Gen. Jessup arrived there on the [2th tastant, sickness lo a considerable extent existed among the soldiers, arriv te ’ Nee ere - at oe from cn a FOr We madea memorandoin of this rea lng and ae ene: Sent sessip 1 examined ite package coniaiuing, tis thought will commence operations about the ; : . : the sentence. She said, tien, on Monday more Ist October, We onderstand that some two . : : a : ning that thera were one or two wo hundred Indians will guoverin the Voinchita | eee “| No other than the eyeot Ouniputence can read this, in this envelupement —1337.” a8 she suid, fds DelWweeii envelupement,” und ihe dale, to be engace t vi ve | dn owe OPAe d by be G vernment for the wa ; unde rstood her, she could Not make ite Vt v ter campaign. The ‘Towchita landed one tu. | dred and fifty Creek tP Ci i eral exaniined the seal wiih the closest ser co y ths, 4 ass wistian, the ci- The seal of Mr Coeil woe ais a mate has@proved peculiarly fatal to many of this be. turn the letter, or read ie withuut upenlog, liuuian eyes, was impossible. : After onr return to the city, viz > on Wed The delegat; : Fc : ’ y, Vi 1 legation of Fox Iddians now in Wash | nesday last, we addressed a letier ts Ml Cov |, ington, have gi 7 5 7 gton, huve given Mr. Van Buren an apptopri- | ig ascertain whether the read a opie) ate designatna. On vemg preeented to fig, 867 ., jnambulial was carrects) She viilownd 16 their Great Father, they said it was necessary iieirenlve ° he should, in thie capacity, havea suitable title a —and afier examining bis physiognomy cal person wit’, some care, they unanimuusly agreed \hathe must be styled the ‘Little Fox, pro houneing, with their usual emphasis the Tndi morning's wail, and as tu your inquity relative an tern synonimous therewith. [tis needless to} to the package snbmitted tu Miss Bo while uo- remark apon the apinessof this cognumen. Ne | der the maguetic influence, Lheve to say, the ver was Aboriginal sxgacity more sgnally dis-! puckage came to hand yesterday. The sen- played —The by standerg were convuised, end | tence had been written by a friend, and sealud Mr. Van Buren himselt could not resist the im | by bim at my request, and in such a wanner #3 pulse to langh outright. was suppused could not have been read by ay ** Troy, Sept. }, 1237. Dear Sir: Yours of yesterday I received ny this Fraficis Granger 77 ; John Tyler 47, and William Smit 23. As neither of the can- jority’ of the electoral votes, andas Rich- ard M Johnson and Francis Granger recei- ved more votes than any other two, the Se- nate proceedec to elect ofie of those can- didates Vice President. In the Senate Richard M Johnson received 33 votes, and Francis Granger 16. Van Buren and John- son were elected. . Manners and Morals,—The House of Representatives has adopted two rules at ite.present session one affecting the man- iners and the other the morals of the mem- ‘begs, which may have a salutary tendency. ‘The .firat is, that members shall sit with theie ‘hats off.” the contrary rule having mob than a body of grave legislators And “the second is, that the xaleof spiriuous hi- rievin the basement story of the Capitol— wherefore we may reasonably anticipate that theré will be fewer drunken members in their seais than heretofore. i Lynehburg Virginian. R. Whig. haman device, without breaking the seal. We : pen pangaen ne | think the seals have not been broken voi! re- BAD.NEWS FROM NEW ORLEANS! turned “Phe sentence as read by ‘iss Bis From the Bee, Sept. 19. | No other thao the eye of Omnipotence can . ; . (read this, in this envelopemeni—1837.°° And According to the official statement which we | ag wWrillen tu the original. un a card, and anoct- have obtained from Be keeper of the Cemetery jercard placed un the face of the writing, avd of Bayva St. Juhu, it will be perceived that the | enclosed in a thick blue paper envelope, was prevailing epideinic bas by no means diminished 1** Noother than the eye of Oinipotence cai in violence. In the lisi we pavlished on Satar- | pead this sentence, In this envejupe."— Troy, day last, the nowuber uf interments frown tne Stee cy York, August 1837 to the 10th in the evening, amounted to 424, | * Respectluily, vours, &c. and that from ihe Ilih tothe i7ih of Septem “s] EPREN COVILE.: ber, there are nv les~ than 342. Interments nade at the Cemetery at Burov St Jobo from the 11th September, 1537, to the 17th inclusive : BEAU BRUMMELL. Shortly after Beau Bronmell (immortal 24 17 | Don Juan) fell into disyrace with the Prince Regent, and was disunissed trom the society Hos’tal. Var places. Curporation Total. With 15 21 10 na Carlton Hoose, he was riding with anol! ere 12th 10 37 13 79 =| ewan in the Park, when tte Prinee met ites 13th 15 26 9 50 His Royal Highness stopped to &peak to Brus 14th = 5 23 6 A4 Wells Companion —the Beau contiourd tw ve 15th 20 a 9 54 ou—and when the other dandy rejnned hin, 16th 12 13 11 41 @sked tin wiih 4n ait of sovereign indifferenc-, 17th 9 16 8 o7 | ‘Who ts your tat trend 2’ Such at feast was ine eee one __ ___ story that md higtl round of the Newspapers : 0 2 | the ime,and highly tickled Seutt's laucy. Ist to 10 ie a 4 rer | have heard that nobvdy enjoyed sy much as the : —— | Prince of Wales bimselt an earlier specimen of 266 392 108 766 the Beau's assurance. Taking offence al some part of his Royal Higtness'’s coudnet or de- meanoor. ‘Upon my word,’ observed Mr. bum- mel, ‘if this kind of thing goes on, I shall Passengers. Number of passengers asrived o this cliy doring the Iast three days, 469. From the same paper. THE ADJOURNMENT. lt Mr. Epirorn—There have beea, since the | erthe Government, ! Ofganization of our government, Thirteen Presidential 3a 4S a Correct statement of the number of Elections. ‘The following resulution, which is likewise expected to pass: t It will be seen that the Senate has adopted a. severity aluiost onexampled in the bistury of be ubligec tu cut Wales, and bring the uid King The fever, that ali engrossing topie, still con- | intu fashivo’, inves i's frighttut career with a® enmitigated Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. his epidemic. Its virolence even appears to A reason why not '—A minister in Ver read tt, the other House, fixing the 9th day of this! augment; the number of its vietims still increa- month tor (he adjournment of the extra session of , es, and medical men declare that it is less uo- Congrees! ‘Vhis we regard as equivalent toa der the control of remedial agents than at its | declarativn that they iniead to do nothing. If we first appearauce. The eonsiant wfux of siran- mont forbids any one to play on a bass violin in his church, because it reminded him of the lime when Ac used fo dance. T h e e er o s ae" Fi 3 : be a = . “a : 5 4 '- CURIOUS ANECDOTE:-" * the So 1747, a mad was broke alive onthe |) you hé comin that z.: game yor better That's jist what [ want. said Ba aes eam h an pand io three Weeks Jonathan and Pro- sok baviog fonds so bony Bis body when {A MO 0 Wd 0rn and” ny ld momen, the executioner supposed was dead; be | ‘Come friend,’ said a erie. to his debtor, gave bim to @ surgeun, who carried bim to | +1 want that money’ *! havo't got it” ‘Bat - an a:.atomcal fheaire as a subject to lecture The thighs, legs and arms of this ua- happy wretch, had been broken, yet, on the ‘surgeon’s cowing to examine him, he | found him Burviviog, and by proper applica- “non of preper cordials, he was soon brought on to his speech. The surgeon and bis puoils, moved by he was so mangled, that bis iwo thighs and one of hisarms were a:nputated. Notwith ~ he recovered, and iu this sstustion, fhe suigeon, by bis own desire, had bea ecoveyed in cart, filty ve leugues from Or his livelibvod by bepuing wood, and tis depiorrble condition exerted In youth he had served ro the army ane he passed for a soidier who had lossed his hiaos by a cabnon shot. A crover returning from market, where do bad been selling cattle, was sulicited by the robber for charity, ap! being moved by compassion threw bim a plece ot siiver compassion from all wiausa@w bin his ‘Alas! says the robber, ‘I cannot reach it : | see. | bave neither armas nor legs, (for be had concealed his arm which had been pre- served, bebind his back.) +30, for the sake of heaven. put your charitable donation into my pouch, and Lord bless you.’ The drover approached bim, and as he stooped to reach up the money, the sun shining, he saw a shadow on the ground which caused him to look up, when he saw | the arm of the beggar elevated above his | He) head. and grasping a short iron. bar. the sufferings and solicitations of the rob— ber, determined on attenpting tis cure, but Staudiag the Mutilation, auc the loss of | } His situation was o. the road close by a | I must have it.’ just let me kaow, wyi| you ?” —_—_—_ ‘What's in @ Name?’—We find At Nortyvk Va, | Phensietuer, Duteh Consul tu the Ur tu Widuw Mary Siauseinte. A POZER. = : ° The Queen, In an interview with knatcht of i the garter, affer tue | Wear the garier ?? recullecied seeing som-> print of Q vee | which the garter was placed on he } eSiauiisted, es Well it you gt it befure I do, ina New | York paper the fliowing marraige annuanced: Oiler boekenofen feng ca- ited States, the Duke of Nortotk, prepa ritory to the ereating her a Preluntnsa des | were arranged with the Karl Warshal,scr, std | j ~uaple naivete. ‘My Lord Duke, wie Te ath | ‘The duke in reply, satd he | poned, which we meah to publish, fatiteghasbe’ Hom. Jrscz AY Bysvum. in the recent on Anne, in | : c left arc. leans, Where, ashe said, hu itended to Bulb | By reference to various authorities, that facet was London Sunday Times mare ce ee fa a eee ee ee SECRET CGURTSUIP Frvin the French of Beranger. A biine mother sits in a cottaye, beside | love, while, all the time, an amat 5 ory scene Is yolng on between the girl and the very locer whom the old dame dreads. Daughter, while you turn you Listen to the words | say; | Collin has contrived! ti. -teal Your uothinking buart way Of his fawning voice beware, | And T mark your sighs, whene? | Our young neighbors oxime wheel You are all the blind one’s care, th 1s heard. Collin’s heart is false and wining — ee [i Ra 2 P a -~< BR. + ij = ————— ol y a re Ae =< —— WATCHMAN. LESPONDENTS:: | | (al interesting communications have been © gt tn ———_ —_—. Our friend, Vrs Huichison, has arnved | 2 Jouroey of as inany adveniarers as cuuld ha befallen a Heroine we romacee, | the article trum our valued trieud at Salem } | But she With us once more wh few scratches Monday. ) 4008 euCOOr gPemert of the puolic ry few Sct! asamren contivence as this. Mrs ‘herio her absence, j have made application wall ber. ceived, } Ur, Featherstonbuugh, —'Uuis distinguished | Geologist, bas peen oua vist tu. the Cherokee MOUTY, aod speaks lu the very highest terns vot tue Sarole qoarry which he found there. He titans it equal to the finest Partan Marble aod i titwitable Gn extent. If we remember aright | Mr. ts siated tous that he had followed the | formation for seven miles. We are very happy < te oe —_ Salisbury, Oct. 7, 1837. _ TO CORRESPONDENTS” © In consequence of the Editors absence, s®¥er- v@ muns, to instruct: Mr, Maneu is safe: hooly a broken atm andja Her School will commence mext We once more take oceasion to bes Spek tor this Tostiution the - favorable regard}, ber pretty daughter. and cautions her against | There ate «62 |, | Stefiped : Now be it known, that we neve i © r “that we could recommend with | , co Hatebison piguests us tu say tu those who have written to that the several! pupils that We must patiently wait until all g* experiments’ are tried, endure all : @, and when they shall begin to think and it a ed Te nbw batten on that wide-spread ruin. * Yours, sincerely, HENRY A. WISE. Esq., Balt. Md.’ Le To Z. Collins Lee, ‘| @nsul of ibe Uuited Sates for the Port of Bue- pooe Ayres! We presume this is intended as a Ward for his-stgnal exertions, in behalf of the Cungres- We know of no Other claim minal Election. “ek wphieh | Mr. S. could have set up, anless it be, er Vat he voted as a member of the House of Com- M tu viulate the Consty ution — Register. 0 rsjwhow he met with in the Stage a few days ) since, that the Watch iuan was forced upon him agninet his will, and he wished him to have it | his, « paper, and this was a mere gratuitous Jie 1 Of this maguificent office hulder tw ma ke his con- Stquebee seem a greater amung slrungers, Céton Cultivater.—This isa name given to a nt luventioa, which has just been patented at Washington City, and which ts considered ‘by Buutbern gentlemen as a very useful contri- vice fur cultivating and thinning Cotton. Ibis expected to do the work of fifly-men. Its oper- ation eonsists in first removing the earth from tavh side the row of Collon, to prepare it for thinning; then thinning the cutton by means of hues set at recular and equal distances; and last- nothing will save us but a United et vile uatil the Peopte are heartily sick of m fo ives, then, and not till then, can Hbegis to repair our commercial and financial, zal and national roin. Gud grant us ind speedy deliverance from the harptes . Lrrkp M. Suave, of Martin county, in this miste, has been appuiuted by Mr. Van Buren, ue sane Alfred M Slade told a friend of | t . list! the window is unbarred ! arrested the blow in its descent, and seizing | the robher. carried bins to his cartinto which Ab! Lisette, you are not spinning! having thown him, he then drove off to the | iin having been able toprevail un this distinguish | | - ~ }ely, in harrowing u i i Toler leanne cone Hill, and the co y, & Up the yroard after it has been : P¥ess<u over by the Cultiv — | per Mines of Rosweli A, King, hear Jamestown, ce . ae at: _—. nexttown,which was very near, and brought his prisoner before a magistrate. On searching him, a whistle was found in bis pocket, which naturally induced suspi- cion that he had other accomplices in the wood, the magistrate, ther fore, imstantly or- dered a guard to the plice where the robber had been seized, anc they arcived within half an hour after the aurder or the drover had been attempted The guard baving concealed themselves behind different trees, the whistle was blown, the sound of which was remarkably shrill and loud; and another whistle was heard voder ground, three men atthe same dustant risiog over the midst of a bushy clump of brambles and other dwarf shrubs. the To lead the youthful beart to s Jt is a gust of wind, you say, Aud my purr, old growling Tr The room is close and warm, you say, But, my daughter, do not peep Through the .casemet—night and day, Collin there his watch doth keep, Think not mine a grumbling tongue: Ah! here it my breast you hung, J. like you, was fair and young, Anc | know how apt is love taning— Hist! the door—f heard it move! Ab, Lisette, you are net spinning! That bath made the hinges grate; soldiers fired on them, and they tell ‘Phe ay woh 2 were searched; and a deacent dis- Must you break tor that bis pate! cover ina cave. Here were found three] - Ah, my child, put tatth in me, girls aud a boy, The girls, in giving evi- Age prramts me to forsee _ dence, deposed that they bad lived near Coliagoon wilt tatlless be, ae vd ce ee Hid nee te Apna your love to an abyss cap ra? | __ And xs aint eee gaciin lan tngi ies niarcintnpgp em 6 cave, stripped and burned; and that the eld soldier was earned ont every dry day. iud sat by the ruad side for twoor three bonrs Of tnis evidence, the murdering mendi- cant was condemned to soffer a secoud ex- ecution on the wheel. As tut one erm re=— mained, it was to be broken by several strokes. in several places, and a finrshing stroke denied, be lived an torture for near Biess me! sure P beard a kigs! Ab, Lisette, you are not spinning? *Pwas your hitle bird, you say, Gave that tender kiss just now; He will rue it else, | vow. Love, my girl, oft brmngeth pein, Make him cease his trifling, pray, five days When dead, tis body was Shame and sorrow, in his train, burned to ashes, and strewn before the While the false, successful — witds, ENORMOUS BIRD. Mr. Temple, io bis ‘travels in Peru,’ says that he once had an opportunity of shoot- nga condor., It was so satiated with its repast on the carcass of a horse, as to suffer ine to approach within pistol shot before it extended its enormous wings t. take flight, Which wastome the signal to fire; and hav- ing joaded withun ample charge of pellets. my aim proved effectual and fatal. Whata formidable monster did | behold, screaming and flapping ip the last’ convulsive struggle ot life! It may be difficult to believe that the most gigantic animal which inhabits the earth or the ocean can be equalled in size From true virtue’s path so sinu Scorns the heart he hath beguiled ik Hist! } hear you move, my child ! Ah, Lisette, you are not spinning! Bid young Collin go Ins way, Serer i ae ce Show his purpose tu be fur; But ull then, beside my chair You must work, my gul, nor All his vows, so fond and winni You wish to take the air, you say, Thiok you, daughter, | believe you? Or, at once, as bride receive you! Let him go to Church and there heed ng; aan Congress —\Vitl in all probability adjourn on g } y J { | convenience to the Publié. [te will effect; it:is ade: fin Guilford cuarty. | Mportance to the owners as well tu the cause of science 3 tion that he will return to Salisnury, after a few: weeks absence. Heisona visit tua friend i Virginia. : We promised some frien ss to notiee Mr. An: tomo Diavoio and bis fawily when he was in this place, aad but for having seen him again ag Davidson, we should probably hin: hawe furyotten as Gecenl as any thing in the show line we have seen tor While. His funr lide boys, a prodevies of strenyit and aclivicy s j beaten by Diavolo himself. had Antonios acqualitance at divers of the Cuoarts on this Clreult, and a good We have pleasure ot judy ment‘aod propriety, -_—— --__. ! | ex: mouday, withoat doing any thing tor ube suple. “Puey propably have passed suine laws f upply tue offivenolders wits a pester enrrencs but the people tave to endure with patierc., p Is | SLANDER sUIT. The EBditorof this paver any other County, ‘There was six causes aod man Cunstable again.t ao Atofney. tor callin, hard names, aud for saying ugly things agains: him of trial. 3 « THE ARVURY. ~~ We learn frou very goud authority, tliat ther. | has been deposited in this place, with>a Freaci | Geatleman, living near the Couri-house, é un : _ # . e f= a siderable number of U. States AYms.* . —- ; 5. -> Seamer et The .Vew York Hepress thinks that the: ap’ pointinent of United Statey Pink awents to ret i side at London, Liverpoul, and Paris wii he ‘of iaense advantage to the Bank, and of” great | We have no doubi but bis; 4 pe | Viel lu both these places will produce resulis of { i Mr. Wargh, the artist, requests us to mets . | We gow take it upon as to Say, it 13 about —only tu be the ure. disposeu tu think right well ot Dun ta bis private Te] Usabaee. ile eutmialy cundacte te eRhIORInS With Pres | has jast returned -| frum Davidson Superior Court, where he tound | sttth a docket.as never fins been seen in this or ten Lawyers, and one ot those causes was an action of slander, brought by a certain gentle— /scwhern Spectator.—The former Editor of Pats Sterling print, I. G. Moore, Esq. who. for shearly a year, has been disconnected with the es- tablishment, has azain a ssumed the Editorial hair; a cireamstance which we announce Gen Pasteur has, it As true, conducted ihe Spectator with becum- ing spirit, but Mr. Moore is excelled by few Kd- jtors in the country asa paragraphist.. We are ylad lo see that the Spectator is exusidera- bly enlurged, and that it luuprovements.—Ib, with great pleaspre, promises still greater OUR UNIVERSITY, | We are engaged in printing at this Office, a Catalogne of the Students, $e. connected with our University, and we are gtatified tu perceive that the number of Students now enrolled in the Cullegvate listis greater thaa has been belure at aay Une during the Just thirteen yeats 5 and that the numberof Fresiiman and Sophomures, abch ts usually regarded as the best evidence = Pewrertey, #5 greater than hag ever been eerwresme@ tue [Ut r deine af the Logiitpiion Hy dhe way, & ClaTar-te-pecn pon “our Poetry tor the purpose of replyrog to tre sirie vo che general trnigement of the affairs of the 1 Vniverstiy. Ti wiil vive us pleasure to publisn the Communicahon referred lo, Whenever pre sented, though it seems tous thate Whe presem flweisting condition of the University is the best practical conlaentary that could be made on the stri¢iares of GO. dadepe nienily, however,of the oblivation which rests upon us ty publish any Te. ply chatamay be offered to the Essays of C, we tee! gratific ! that the Reg sterhas been selected ao the medium Ubiough wine to present thet lofte publ.e, At the time we puolished ihe ihe weil written papers of C, we pereetven: that aloog with many judicious observations. snieh Could pot bul meet the eosdial approbation ob the enlightened friends of EF. tucativn, he as StcGiated such an amount of etrur, and suo much of uasvund argument, as, iu our vplbiow, render éd svfhe correction nevessary to counteract the inischiefs which they were calculated to pro- ducess We were therefore giad, forthe sake of ecucation and the character of vur Siute, that Whe bane end antidote will ge togeiher, The present pomber of Stucentsta the Uni- versity is one huwtred and forty-two viz: Sen | ¥érs° 49, Juniors 27, Sophonures 39, Freshmen $7. When Governur Swain iovk chrage of the “fustitdiion, abuut 13 Monthy ago, the whole nud. “bet uf, Students was only $100 And even tn Apal {as When the Circniar of the Executive Cow- mike, whieh ele.ted the strictures ot C, wa “published, thuaghi there wera 42 in tie Eresh- ’ tires whieh recenily app ared th toe Recisier, . by a tenant of the air; and those pefsons who have never seena larger bird than our mountain eagle, will probably read with as- tonishment of a species of that same. bird, | in the southern hemisphere, being so large and strong as to seize an ox with its talons, and to lift itinto the air, whence it lets 1 fal: to the ground, in order to kill at and loprey upon the careass. But this aston- ishment must ina great measure, subside, when the dimensions of the bird are taken Into consideration, and which, increc ble as they may appear, | now insert, from a note taken down with my own hand. When the wings are spread, they measure sixteen paces, forty feet, in extent from point to point. ‘The feathers are eight paces, twen- ty feet ioelength, and the quill part. two palms, eight feet in circumnterenve. Jt ts said to have strength enough to carry off a living rhinoceros. YANKEE COURTSHIP. Jonathan Dunbatter saw Pridenee Feastall at Meetiog —Jonattian stdled up to Pradence ar- Tangled 1s love’s webb indeed— Lisette, my daughter, mind your spinning! — THE SALISBURY _ FEMALE SEMINARY \ ILL (by leave of Providence) be re-open- ~¥ ed on tie first Toegday of October. Mrs. Hutchison having visited the Northern Semi- naries with the direct view of adupting whatey- er improvement she might discover to have been made in the business of teaching, flatters herself with the hope of being able to render her school worthy the continued patronage of her friends and the public. She pledges herself | to promote by every proper means the moral, in- tellectual and persoual improvement of her pu- pils, and to treat them on all occasions, with the affectionate kindness due to her own childrea. Vo rencer them ornaments and blessings to their respective fainilies and to society is one of the ioliiest onjects of ber ambition. TERMS OF ADMISSION. First Class per session, $15 50 Second Class per session 10 50 Eatra Branches. ter meeting, and she kind a sidlead off. He went | closer and axed her if she would accept the, crook o’his elbow. She resolved she would, and plumped herarm riyht round his, Junathao | felt alloverishb, and said he liked-the text, ‘ seek and ye shali find,’ wus purty guod readin, ~ Pera- dence hinted, that ‘askand ye stall regeive’ was better. Junathac thought so too, but axing was puzzler. A teller was pt to get into a snarl when he axed, and snarlin warnt no fan— Prudence guessed strawberries and cream was slick. Jouathau thought they warat so slick as Pru’s lips,—‘ Now dun’t,’ said Pru, and she guy Jonathan’s aru an involuntary hug. He was aleetel started, but thought hts farm want ed soue teinale help to lyok arter the house. Pru knew how to make rale good bread. “Now don’V said Jonathan ‘dtl should,’ said Jonathan. ‘ Now dunt,’ said Pru. ‘ May be you would’nt’ aod Janatiian shuck all over, and Prudence ; French Language per session, 10 00 Chinese & Bronze, (six lessons,) 6 00 Was flowers §& Fruits (six lessons.) 6 00 Poonah Painting, (twelve lessuns,) 8 00 Worsted Lampmats & Baskets 5 00 Chenille Work & Embroidery, 5 00 Chenille Flowers §& ‘ape Work, N.B. Arrangements have been made for the comfortable accommodation of all the pupils, who wish te-atiend the schvol, either with the teachers at Col’ Lealy’s, or in other houses uf high respectability in the village, ia allof which they may ex peet.te be treated with the kindness | due to children of the family in which they are lucated, Salisbury, Sept. 30th, 1837—if11 BLANK WARRANTS For Sale at this Office & (ded, a new era in vure xchanges ‘with England. Vader the present systéin, a bill un Atneriea is Fexeved 8! uckngwa in Londua., Waite the rate of exe wan: }. ; Bes with every part of the -eentinent igktiown s! : if bl , - ‘ rong evidence of peareable times.—A cor- and quoted, the great busines: egic , is pe : 4 aa siness of Aumegica dues respuodentut the Carulina Watchman properly notcummand suffi-ieat notice to afford & oquota- reproves the Colune! of the Rowan mitliua for tion of the rate of exchange. When this agency | being ignorant of the number of his regiment, 's established any person in Kugland will.be ena- the latter having ordered the 63d, with which bled to obtain a bill in Londen on America—a | hf bas nv evncern, instead of his own, the 64th, facility which is now gicatly needed. her dvill and review, ff the old Hero bad reign- rd anvther term this kaughaple inisiake would hardly have uccarred.—JVewbera Spectator. map Vass, le whuie vdinber in College did nut Ral. Register. Ra f © A grand Salute of five hundred guns was fired in New York on Friday last; io honor at the Whig Democracy of Numbers, in Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, and North Carolina. #rom the National Intelligencer. EDITORS? CORRESPONDENCE. New York, Sept. 28. Since the recent political convulsions there-taé beén quite a quiet in this city. The Administration men have had their werdieetings, the majority of the wards ‘heartily: approving the Message, and others ‘Plesteting it over. ~ For the purpose of showing the Southern’ and Western. Loco s what they must come to, | will state tsome of these resolutions instruct their legates to vote fur a man who is not in vorof arepeal of the Usury law, the We find in the Baltimore Patriot of Wednes- day evening last a letter from Mr. Wi the g- ble Representative in Congress from “Vinginis to a gentleman of that city, onder the date of. 24th instant, expressing his views of thé present’ state of public affairs. ‘I'he following is the cub- cluding paragraph of the letter, to which we in-" vite the serious attention of our readers: 9 =? ** The irath is, the nation has to gu through | its day of probation, and, I hope, of purgation: fi too I advise the mercantile interest—that much} restraining law; that 1<,the general bankirg abused class called Merchants, who have been | J¢#, and for privale banking, that 1s, every beggared by ‘the Government,’ and then made | fody banking universal shin plaster manu- outcasts, and oatlawed, too, by the President and | ring, &c. Almogi all piecesmaris ac his party—that joterests which is no more de- ie what they call enlarged liberty, frgedom pendent upen the agricultural, manufactoring, = oe wing ; and if A nue Daae and Government interests than they are all de- seieir creed was carried into fe : would not only break up the whole judici- peaseot apes | a ant any pore on | sry system of the Union, but strike a blow gress, of tu polticians, ur President, or to party | st'the peculiar society of the South and —the Whig party is crippled ; but to husband : southwest, which would make every negro their resources, and to wait for the waking Up. im it a voter, a Jaw maker, a fit Jiusbond of the People! 1 \ovk to the People alone. The: for any body’s daughter, &c. ' i T have before calied your aligution to these | pemmicivas priaciples germinatiag iu this hot-bed next two years will decide not only their fate, ; but the fate af our liberty. You kaow that my ‘County Court, to be held at Ruch ford. on the se- of Faropean Ravicaliem, and though I know ve. * % : ~ ry well that Mr. Van Buren dues not approve | NEW ST ORE them all ST es have clea nerty getinto ¢¢ HE Sobecriber " hes 7 3 ve y cheered | , Coma: uced beat. SMG Ree a, 0 er a or ana hndcss NEM TOME oe must in the footsteps. coer being the first Store on entering the me eeu _ The sates of stocks to-da have been north side. As the stand is considered light ; United S y very | as nene of th » by sree, ig ee States Bank atll7 1-2. Trees- ever © best, | nave been indeed te zien! aeerse n gold 5 1-8 pre toenable me Sau ee a ane the Public __ There is no news from the East, or from the | 8! 82h prices as to compensate them for along interior, uf importance. Busioess, jt is said, is walk. - reviving ia Beston. Received early in the sa ia =— STORE, AND 68 Hids § zat, 20 bags . Misses = 5000 tbe New Bueun, 200 ps Hemp $0 Cols Bale Rope, 25 Line? ee F In addition to which — ‘ CHEAP and weil selected Stuck uf Goode ne chased a few days since in New York, coniain- log to part of the lullowing articles. Sweeds and English froa Cuba, Rio, and St, Dumingo Coffee, Bale Rope Loaf and Lump Sugar, Chests and Caddie, Tea Cheese, Spero & Tallow Candles, Bar Susy Liaseed, Sperm, and ‘Train On Mackeral, Saltnon, aad Cod Fish oh sbPer Spice, Ginger, Nutacgs, Cassia aud Havanna Proserved Fruits, | together with the usual | Ty slore. MARRIED In this Town, on Wednesday evening last, bv the Rev'd —___ J; t, Rev'd JAM PERVIS, of Greensborough, N. C., w Mic ELIZA J. W. BAKER of this place. In. Burke County oa Thursday. the 2tst | ult. by the Rev, David D Ferree, Maj | ROBERT McD ‘TATE, to Miss SARAL | E daughter of Col John E. Butier. Also, on ‘Tuesday 26th ult. at Hickory Grove, Burke conoty, by the Rev. D D ane WM Ss SPENCER, Esq. Merchant “J Organton, to Mrs. ELIZA AN TATE. pe ANN Near Jonesville, on Tuesday evening | 28th Sept hy Jamés Callaway E-q., JOHN H HUNT F.q. to Miss MARY JANE eldest daugnter of Aaron Woodruff Esq : Large A<sortbien |, Vartely kept lo a gtuce —ALSO~ British, and Domesiic Dry Goods H ird ware, Cuil+ry, ant Hollow War Ready made Cluitiag. Hats and Caps Shoes, Sadlery aad Leather . Crockery Jugs and Jars Horn, Shell, and fvory Combs Smiths ‘Tools, and M. Cranks Rush, aud Cane Sea: Chair Nor rer eny \\ Oud en Ware Wrong Paper, and Blank Books 9. —— | Wied - In this Town on Monda 2nd inst, of hooping-cough, THOMAS COWAN. infant son of Mr. George W. Brown, amest lovely and loteresting chile , | in the 3d year of his age. y evening the { Also in this Town, and of the same dis- | ease SUSAN, infant daughter of Mr Aaron | Window Glans 8 x 10 and 104 12 Woolworth. aged about 12 | Drugs, Dyes aud Medicines 8 months, | Cotton Yara nv 8 Conliz: In Charlotte on the 24'h ult) FRANCIS A P LACOSTE, IRWIN. eldest son of John hain. Esq. of | 27 —Sw12 | that town, aged 19 years, afler a severe ili- | ness of 24 days, Cheraw, Sear. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING 1 er Pmt Othiee aa Concord, N. Caruli- . ° fnacontn first day of : | At his residence, near Memphis, frat day of O tower, 1987, \ { Tenn, 7 ou the 18th ult. Col. JOSEPH GRAHAM, |} \V thi Andrew. moves Alexander a son of the late Gen. Josep Gesuin Gt eee Busiva, James H Burns, » A Lincoln, North Carolina, aged abuut forty | _C—Ssimuel Cezines, Robert Cochran, W C years. Corum, Jimes m Cooke hing I. - Rev'd John a Evvia F—Noah C Ferguson G—Isauc Galliincre, Henry S Gorman H —Jiseph Howell, Judy Hose OK- Joho Killungh sen, ‘Ltumas Killeog) i Nathau Kenninger © L—George or humas Long M- Elias mivenhame:, Nathan Maryvinen, Jo seph mahaffy, Tobias miter ; O—UCaleb Osburn Q—Jotin w Qery R —Catharine Rice, iss Martha Russ S—To the master of Siokes I. oN So) to the Secretary of Stukes Loige Nogl J S Small, Abram Slouwh, Kev'y Pin es ble : W—Ssmuel Wil: ! GEO. KLUTTS, P 4M. { October 7~—Swig A LIST OF LETTEKS, EMAINING in the Post ‘Office ai > ‘se { bury, N.C. on the Ist of October, 1537. - A—Beojamin Austin xz, B—Samvel C Brown, Isane Barrett, Nicho- las R Bridges, Nicholas Barringer, moses Bass, John Blackwelder, Elizabeth Brandon, Gaecrue Bean, Lemuel Bingham. F Bullard, Ann E Brunsen Daniel Rose Biles C —James: Clute, James Carr or K--* 2, William Y Caonun, Sarah Crump, J: )) Calla. way 2 TD --Filward Davie, Jesse E Dent, C Daniel, Shermmun Drury FE —Johom Ervin F—Secretary Fulton Lodge 2, Master of du., Adila H Fox G—.Gillaspie and Cowan, Jonathan Grout, Revecca Gusxei, Mary Griffin, Peter Gardiner [ts } H—rs Adam Hutchison 6, Jacoh Holshons- NS , erje. Mara Husk, Horace Hences-s 5 Susan Hine Tobucco, ane Piceecareeenivia ailee. Cemenialh Cigars, | John [Hulstouser, ‘Thomas Hickes, Jesse Haceu, Ul of which they will sell | Gishwor ae ends JBM AE WNC They wall sell low for Cathy ory WW tligin Jalan on u short credit to punctual dealers. K— Peter Kesier Salisbury, Oct. 7th, 1837 —4011 : The melancholy and anweleoma intelligence, has just reached this place, ag our ha per was g0- ing’ to preas, that THOMAS 4 TERRY, Editor of the ‘Reporter,’ departed this life on Wedoesday morning last, in the county of Hen- ry, whither he had gone on a Iripo We trust that some friend, who wa acquainted with the virtues and deceased, will prepare-an obituary wotice that will do justice tu bis character and memory, Danville Reporter f business — 8 intimately Inerits of the — WHEELER & BURNS in -1U= Geurge Are now receiving a fresh | supply of Medicines, saints, Oils, Maye Stuffs, W tines, Syirils. Snulf, L— Goodwin Linster, Archibald Dovelao, A i dexand ¢ Lewranee, Henry Leong. Daniel Lep- —— sy, . -. part 2, Avdrew Y Lockridge, Samuel Luebie State of JLovth Cavolina, sac. | . y M--Jitin miller, Joseph Ho mouot, Henry © Surry County. how COURT OF PLYA & QUARTER SES= SIONS, SEPT. TERM, 1837. N—Abel Nichol~ 2 P—fLucy Ro Peoples, John Pitts, Jamime , Pahel. John W Pop 2 FC Pickler Fanny Cilia } R= Re hick ard Bennett vs S—Woilan HS) canter 5, Mathias Swish The Heissof Stephen Chil | ber, Kicy Steel, Al.ozs Spragee, Willam Strick ton, dee’d, to wit? Rolly | land Chilton, Saily Chilton, Ino | y .. V—Willian, Taylor, Spencer Tavlor 2 Jotin Harris & his wite Judith, Petitionftor Dower. HH Trott, Thumas ‘fudd Mephen Chilton, who is | W—John P Wingers, John Wiles Ale xan Adiwar., Richard Chit, | ier (| \G leon) Bcsbeth | Wien: George Jeseph Chilton, & John | Wallis Commins and his wife | | SAMUEL REEVES. P M. Eleanor. J | By SMITH..2 P.M. 'T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, | that Richard Chilton, Joseph Chilton and — John Cummins, are inhabitants of another State Ordered therefure, that notice be pabli-hed in: Ostober 7 —3:012 LAND FOR SALE. the Carvlina Waiehmin, for six weeks, that Y virtue of « Decree of the Court © Fua- they appear at the next County Court, ts be ty, as pe Term, 1837, will to -dd held for Surry County, at the Court-house in) on a credit of nine mouths, a Tract oi ¢ .0d, Rockford, on the second monday in November containing aba! next. to pleag or demar to said Petition ur Judg- | 98 A Cc R ES, ment will be taken pro confesso as to them. lying on Seeond Creek. ta Gieaue biveye ac Test, juining the Lands of -fsaac Cowan, Rbr. V Cowan, and oiters. ‘She sale will take | 1.6 un Saturday, the isiu of Noveapher gext, on the premises, an’ ‘he parchaser be required to give bond wiih gid secu rity for the parchase money tbe day of gale. . “ 7 SAMUEL SILLIMAN, cm. gf. Sept 30th, 1837 —7:11—-y3 NOTICE. OOKS are pow open atthe Office of Watchman aod atthe Store of Gee. | Brown, in the Town af Se fur wale | \jons to the capital eteck of Fave: 3 Q | Western Rail Road. onder the Act~ «' and 1837 a olin THE COMMISSION: ho. JOB PRINTI VG Of every description neaili Ge Done at this Office. «+ F.K. ARMSTRONG, Clk. October 7, 1837 —6wl2—Price Adv $3 State of Porth Carolina, SURRY COUNTY. Court of Pleas § Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1837. Somers & McGee pews Judgment le |, vs : Michael McGoaire. sega) aes T appearing to the satisfaction of the Geart, | Liz the said Michael McGuire, is net an in- habiiant of this State. Orsdered therefore. that piblieation be made in the Carolina Watehmen, for six weeks, that he oe and appear st our nex! cond monday in Noveinber next, to plead or de- mor tosaid suit,or fioal Jodgmeot will be ren- dered, avd tne Lands levied ua will be cundewo- ed to satisiy plunutls debt. ‘fesi, F. K ARMSTRONG, Clk. October 7, 1357 —0w 12—Price Aav. 93 State of North Carolina, Montgomery County, LN EQUITY, FALL TER. 1337. Wa. Harris vs Moses Steed, Jr. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court I that the Defendant, .1uses Steed, Jr. is not an inbabilant of this State, on motion it is order- ed that publication be made forsix weeks succes- sively, an the Carvlina Watchman, a newspaper printed in Salisbury, for the defendant to be and appear at the next Term of the Court of Equi- ty, to be held for the County of Mootgomery, al the Court house in Lawrenceville, on the first monday in March, then and there, to De mur, plead to, or answer the Bill of Com plaint of the said William Harris against the said D-tendant, otherwise the same will be ta ken as pro confesso, and heard exparte, aud decree rendered accordingly. Witness James L Gaines, Clerk and master of our said Court of Equey ior Montgomery County, the first monday io September, A.D. 1337, and of the American Lodependence the 2d year. ; Bill of [pjanction. JAS L GAINES, c. mM. &. 6wl0—Price Adv. 33: State of Prarth Cavroaltaa, Montgomery County, IN EQUITY, FALL TE. 1537. Anne M. ‘Viuratun, ? v3 g Sherman Converse T appearing to the satisfaetion of the Court that Sherwin Converse, the Detendeat in “his case, Is fut ag inhabitant of this State, on (notion 443 ordered, that publication be mace fur gis Werhs suecess:vecy tn the Carolina Watch main, Ade wsotpen prutea In Salisbury, for the Defendant to be and appear atuhe next Perm of the Court of Maqaity tu de held for the Couety of Court house in Lawrence Bill to foreclose a Muor'yage. Ni nO tise TY, ate lic: Ville, on the first mMontlay ot Murch vext, then and thera to Demur, plead to, or answer te elle of Cacopliintot the satd Aaue M. ‘Phornton, a OA te the said Defendant, otherwise the same exparle, will be takea pro confess, and heard aad Judyincnt aud decree rendered according: iv. Witness James LL. Gaines, Clerk and waster in Iq ty, for Monigo very Gouniy, the first monday to Septoimnder, A.D. 1837, and of the Awnecicaa. ldepeadence the 62d yrar. JAS GAINES) co uae. Gwl8—Price Adv. $34 SState of fLovih Cavoltita, IREDELL COUNTY. JFugust Sessions, 1837. } Attachment levied on defendants Laid. Town Lats, one se- J gro boy, and Road pr Wazoo and Geor, 3 bead of horses, some Caith: & Hugs, house | held ard kitcheo tur J titure, Xe, Toapoeartira tothe Cour in thisenuse that the Masters, Trustee, vs Amos Weaver. aL, State of Vorth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Equity, September Teng (37. Peter eee and others Petiti actin Sale George Kesler & others of Land. UL appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Andrew Kesler, one of the defendants mentioned in the petition filed,is not an in habitant of this State. Jtis therefore ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, tur six weeks, requiring said Andrew Kesler to be and appear atthe next ‘Term of this Court, at the Court—house in Salisbury, on the fourth mon day after the third mouday in February next, and plead to Demur or answer said Petition , or Judgement pro confesso, will be entered, and the Petition ticard eaparte as to him, Copy from the minutes, S4.ML SILLIMAN, C..u E Sept 30:h —1837—6w11—Price Adv. $3 State of Morti Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Augus Term, 1837. Isabel Hendricks vs George Hendricks and others. UT appearing to the satistaction of the Coart, that James Hendricks, "William Reavis, aud Polly his wife, James Beeman and Isabel his wife, are inhabitants of another State: Ordered therefore,that notice be published in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, that they come in and lead or demur tuo said suit, or judgement pro cubtesso will be entered as to them. JOHN CLEMENT, c. pv. c 6w7—Price Adv. 93. LOTTERY To be drawn at Vocksville, ' Davie County,on Thursday, the L9th of October. 1837. 73 NUMBERS, 14 DRAWS BALLOTS, IN RACH PACKAGE OF 25 TICKETS. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SALIS= | BURY ACADEMY. CLASS NO 18 FOR 1837. Lilly & Wheeler, Managers. SCHEME. Petition for Dower 1 Prize of 10000 1 Prize of 4010 1 Prize of $000 1 Prize of 2500 1 Prize of 2000 1 Prize of 15°0 3 Prizes of 1000 10 Prizes of 500 10 Prizes of 400 Besides many of 800, 200, 100, 90, 80, 6V. 50, && Ke &e !talr remaneratiun to talents and favor. PROSPECTUS 6 SOUTHERN REYES To be published at WASHING RO CITY, Quarterly, in an 8vo0 No. 275 to 300 pages—Price Five Dollars per annum, payable - ge ° ° a in advance a The place is.chosen not only for its faeilitie; of information, literary and political, but be~ cause it is that at which the Southern State; can be united upon the undertaking with th greatest ease, and with the greatest freedp from State or party jealousies. Fon Ot the matter, three fourths (say 225 pp. shall consist of regular Revizwsa, making nine of 25 pp. each. ‘These, as to literary works at least, shall return, as a general-tule, somewhat towards that older method, now at. most forgotten, and give a regular aBsT@acp of the book reviewed, if itbe of any msnt. fp POLITICS, and Upon OCCASIONAL SUBJECTS, there may be a greater liberty of deviatiag ty mere disquisitin. {n this portion of the Review, theie will be given in each No.a paper historical uf the poli- tics and general evepta of the day, to serve asa Hisrorican Recister. Tis execution . wif] al- ways be committed to the strongest handg only ; and ils purpose to give unity and consistency to the public doctrines of the Review, such ag «an scarcely be so well effected in ary other maa- ner. Occasional Retrospective Reviews will al- iy =~ z { 60 be embodied in this part of the plan, with a view of favoring, in acertain degree, the more curtous studies ut to revive the kaovledge of important books, forguttea iu the confision ‘of modern learning. og _ Writers will be led, of regular purpge, ito! give their papers, whenever the subject wi! per- mit, the fora of a series ; in order no\ valy that they may thng afford a more cumpletebody of intormatiun, but serve also to reprint apart, for popular circulation—a method that will ach auyment the reputation aod the usefulness of the Review, A body of MisceLLanres—some 50 pages— will form the subordinate and more amusing partot the Journal. [ts contents will be sume- what varions, but will, for the most part, con- sist uf short Literary Nolticcs ; Bibliographical articles, a critical ‘list of .Vew “Publications, for ign aud domestic ; aud general Literarg In- | telligence. $n communications, the most compressed mod: of writing willoe everywhere required. Papers ié whieh the words do bear a just proportion tu thd information conveyed, or to the effect intended, wll be either rejcted without seruple, or abridg- ed withuat mercy, ‘To warrant this execution. the usaal rate of compensatiia to writers willbe advanced to two Jaifars per printed page—a price that will offer For, in this sort of understanding, we kuew that * ad- emtis studiorum pramiis, etiam studia peritura.’ Ot this revival of a Review of the South, the purpose 1s. to give Once more to our region —now eminently seeding it—and Interpreter and a De- fender —the commer. Representative of our Io Sututions and of the aund itself amongst us.— Such, in thet great Congress of opinion, where the tates of civilized uaions are now so largely settled, we do uot possess 5 and we have already suffered iuch for it Leis time to make our- selves understood and respected ¢here. ‘Lhe Journal whies shall do this, must combine + Amounting in allto 247290 defendant is oot an tohsotant of this State, ot ced Lash ubligaue be grade tn the c nes Heth BH Soba Pee Sires the de PoGanl pleat aleur cext Court of Pleas and ‘Qu ef Sesstuns, to be beld for the (C BUALY of dregehi atthe Courthouse ta Statesvisle oy the suf nhomgday {; 4 ‘vent ve renee | ! 1 er, ta yas Poa ren'psy or J whee vt gee corres WLLL bet entered x gains! hina, at do tne property Condemued ty satis- f; psatnditls dedt. Witness, J Fo Alexander Clerk, of our said Court at oflice thy dd taonday in Aagust, A. D. 1532 Ap UP, ALLIES SAS DIGI, Ga. Sept. 30tn, 1937--BRiwe Adv st State of gorvth Carolina, IRE DEEL OUNITY: in Equity, ball Gorm, L837, Benjaaita BF. Youse & } Cc. Cc. ee Ciharisiie Suntiets vs Samuel Woods § bis wife Christina, Oliver Waoo's, ! whoinartied Mary young, | Preis who died previous TO The ( See Ceathoot ter Bather, Bea c band gatata Yours, aod lett the BES foliowtng named cintens | viz: Rorn, Willa, Prank- | lin, ‘Vhomas and Jase Woods, uadoors, ber lawtul heirs. J Pappearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Sacmuer Woods, aod his wite Chrstina, | Oliver Woods, aod the lawful bers of his wite | Mary, viz: Rach, Wiliam, Frauktin, "Phomas aud Jane Woods, niinors, reside oat of the lim- its of this State, this ordered by the Court that paplication be made inthe Carclina) Watchman for three tnonths, tor the said delenadants, to be und appear at the next term of this Court, to be held tor this counly, at the Court-house in Statesville on the 34 monday afier the 3d mon- day in Fevtoary next, then and there, plead to, auswer or demur, tu sald Bill, or it will be ta- ken pro eontessv as to thein, and a decree made accordinuly. Witness, Thomas H. MecRorie, Clerk and Master tn Equity at Statesville, the 34 monday after 3d in August, A D. 1837, and 02d year of Americal Independence. Yr. Hh. McRORIE, c. w. £. Sept. 30ih, 1837 —3m11—Price Adv. $8 State of Porth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. COURT OF EQUITY, September Term 1837, Samuel Junes vs Henry Verble, and Su- sanah his wife, and Valentine Sowers. ZN errcaree to the satisfaction of the Geert, . thas the defendant Henry Vervle and wife. Sussagah are not inhabitants of this State. It is therefore ordered that publication be madein the Carulina Watchman for six weeks, requiring said Henry Verbdle and Wife Susanah, to be & appear at the next ‘Ter:a of this Court, at the Court house in Salisbury, on the 4th monday af- ther the third monday in February 1838, and plead answer or demur to complainants Bill, ctherwrise, Jadgment pro confesso will be enter- ed, aod ile cause set fur hearing exparte as tu them. Copy from the minotes, | Original BU in the nature of an Allich- | mei. | Toke es ; ' ‘ hg only PB on | —— 125 | Qayarters | ; | rorcertimcate fora package of 25 Whole | Tickets . 80550 | OC cc ° $275 | “ t 16 37} To be had in the greatest variety, of | numbers either by the package, or single ticket of WUEELER & BURNS, Salisbury, Sept. 30, 1837. NO EICH He Le ae URSUANT to a= decree of the Court of Iegutty, tor Rowan County, the Clerk and Master will sellon the premises on the 17th day of November next, a Tract of Land containing about 182 ACRES, adj iniag the lands of John Young's Heirs, on third Creek, falungtng to Richard Lowry fur lite, and in Reversion to Margaret [ Lowry, on acredit: of 12 months, requiring Bond and good Security tor the purchase money, on the dayof Sale. ‘Title to be made as the Court shall direct. SAME. SILLIMAN, c. wk. Sept 30th, 1837--7U1—$3 LAND TOR SALE: URSUANT toa Decree of the Coart of Eygurty for Rowan County, the Clerk and Master will sell at the Court house in Salisbury, on Tuesday the 21st day of November next, on acredi! of twelve months,one ‘Tract of Land coutaining 150 ACRES, On ‘Thied Creek, adjoining the Lands of Samu- el Wilson and athers, One other tract of 50 ACKES, adjoining thesuther, and James McCracken’s Lands, also, FOUR LOTS, on the great West Square of the Town of Salis- bury, now occupied by Burton Craige, known io the plan of the Town as Nos. 21, 22, 29,.€7 30. This property belongs to the Heirs of A. M. Beard, decd. and as suld for distribution, &e — ‘The porehasers will be required to gtve bonds Auch approved securily forthe purchase money, un the day of sale. : SAML. SILLIMAN, Cc. M.E. Sept 30:4, 18357—7111—g4 374 TIN WARE e YE Cobdscriber has on hand a large as- sorunent of ‘TIN: WARE, wanutactored by a first rate workman and of the best materi- als, which he will sel) low fur cash or on a short credit to responsible dealers, and should the dill be large enough to justify him, he wi!l deliver the Ware without extra charge. All kinds of Job Work and Repatring done with neatness and despatch. A HUNT. Lexington, N. C., Sept. 16 —1f9 SAML. SILLIMAN, c. ». &. opt 80th, 1837 —6wil—s3 P.S. Feathers, Beeswax, ‘Tallow, Old Pew- ‘ter and Old Copper taken in exchange. A. H. general strength uf a!l who, in the Svath, love their coumpy. a oapanie of doing it still a afaariel then be, net the cham pion or the propagandist of looal oprmnions, ti! the triend of all that pursue the public good. In- to the vulgar mnethods of politica, debased by par thsan rancor, ur curropted by the interest, of over- come by the popular passicu of the hour, it must not fall, From it, the pride of the Noall:fier | . . . . . . . y | @ust receive nu dimication,tie fidelity of the Un ionist ao reproach. It must be no vantage ground to either party ; nor serve but as a common field where they will only contend which shall most advance the cause of the South, ‘To vindicate, then, our peculiar institutions ; lu repel with arguinent, Jest presently we be- forced to repel with arins, all external interfer ence with our domestic conditiun, against the wild rule of mere Chance and Corruption 3 10 uphold a republican and federative, ag distin- guished from a consolidating administration of the National affairs, from the disorders of the Central Guvernment—where Reform is hope- less, and even useless, till you have given your- selves stronger and wiser local systems; to di rect the public view towards a. home pokey of the States, capable, through itself, to cunfer upen our peuple those blessings of well ordered Liberty which we expect in vaio from the Federal pew. er, trom the delusions of party politics abread ; to call! home the attention of our people to thige _arts by which the wise and brave. have sfop raised petty States into poble asd prosperyus Commonwealths ; toattach men, if possible, to their birth place, and convert them from waddet- ing and selfish adventurers into citizens, the lovers of civilization ; to re-animate publig spirit and give it purpose, as well as energy ; t hold, ove1 parties and and politicians, the tribgnal of a public opiniva far different from that idle and corrupt one of which the’ newspaper press ‘is the voice ; fur these purposes, to ieee diffusion throagh the fand to suund and wel considered public doctrines, spreading with (hem know | ledge and taste, their natural ‘allies—-such will be the constant effort of that literary league, a- mong the best talents uf the country, which has been set on foot in the present undertaking. The foregoing prospectus was prepared before any definitive arrangement had been made con- neeting the andersigned with the Southern Re- view as its Editor. It 1s adopted as expressing, with cofficient distinctness, the object, desige, and plan ofthe work. [tis probable that the first namber of the Re view will be issued seme time ia the month of Octeber next. If, however, the necessary ar- rangements can be cowpleted, it will appear at an earlier day. It is proper to state that the Southern Review will not be published as a mete experiment open pnhlic patronage. As the work is uot ander ken with any ¢iew to pecuniary profit, it is to the proprietors fhat they incur no risk of cuniary luss. The importance of such a w to the South is generally telt and acknowledg: {ts principal reliance for support is on them, a it‘rests with them tu say whether it shalt ¢ be called into existence or not. The expenst attending the publication of it will be very heavy, requiring at least three thouss subscribers to secure !he proprietors against ous loss. With less thanthat number u& wi) not be commenced. ‘The ondersigned has no other connexion with the work thar as its Editor. All communics- tions designed for him in that character, will be addressed, for the present, to Eastville, Nerth- ampton county, Virginia.— The duty of obtain- ing subscribers, and of maturing all otheg: sf- rangements preparatory tu the pubiication, is ty volved on others. Communications on soch so jects will be made to Wicciaw W. Moors & Co., of Washington City. A. P. UPSHUR, 1 é ING & SUMMER FASHIONS. eee wee ee ove ‘ee Norace 5. | Beard, espectfully tenders his thanks to the citizen of Salisbury and its vicinity for the libera support hehas heretofore received in his business He informs the public that he still carries on the TAILORING BUSLVESS IN ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND VA- RIETIES AND. ACCORDING ‘TO THE LATEST FASHIONS FROM Paris and London, Via New York and Philadelphia. .He assures his customers that their work } and that isnot whatevery mechauiccan say: At east itis not what they do Salisbury, May 20, 1837—«f44 | NEW FASHIONS, Abr. LD. FPinatéon, Milliner and Mantua Maker, Pros the public, that she has just re- ceived the VWEW YORK §& PHILADEL- PHIA Spring and Seam mer FASHIONS FOR 1837, ‘and will execute work inthe varions branches v : her business,in the most fashivuable style, with fidelity and promptness. $C Orders from adistance will de strickly attended to,and articles of ress carzfully pack- ved and sent off according to directiun. *,* Old Leghorn and Straw Bonnets bleach- ed, cut and trimmed in the latest style. Mrs,S.D P. will keep constantly on band for sale, a stock of Bonnets, Caps, &c. &e. Mrs. P. returns her thanks to the citizens of this place and the adjoining Counties for the liberal encouragement she has received, and pledges herself to renewed exertions to please them. SaLisBury, APRIL 15, 1837 The Most Llegant Style of NS SEW ERY, GOLD AND SILVER WARE, &C. &C,. THis Subscriber has on hand and will keep eonstantly forsale at his shopin Salistury N.C. on main Street, at the next dour above the store of Samuel Lemly & Son, a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE ARTICLES, 'v his line of basiness, among which he would Nuumerate the following viz: Patent Lever Wartcues, (English, French Swiss, and Dutch,) Goid and Plated Fub Chains, Gold and Plated Watch Guards, Gold and Plated Watch Keys, Gold and Piated Watch Seals, Gold Ear-bobs, Breast pins, and Finger-rings, (latest-fasbion, ) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases,and Leads, Silver Spectacles, and steel frames & glasses Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives, Poeket Pistols and Dirks, Breast Buttons and Musical Boxes, “Gilt and Stee! Watch Chains and Keys. He wilt execute every description of work in a workmaolike manner and promptly . DAVID L. POOL. BF? Old Gold and Silver takenin exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in pay- ment for work done and debts due. D.L.P Salisbury, June 25, 1886 tf49 LAW BOOKS. HE Subscribers respectfully inform the Judges, Members of the Bar, and Students of Law, that they have for sale at the NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, a large and mixed collection of LAW BOOKS, consisting of ELEMENTARY and LEGAL W orks. ted himself at 180 Broad Way, New York, we will be able to procure any Buoks, which may be in print inthe Northern or European market at as short a notice as possible. We take the liberty of soxgesting to friends and acquaintances, and the good zeus of North Carolina generally, the propriety of consulting their interests, (thereby sustaining the Book Siore with their patronage,) and ip doing so, we will be favored with their orders, which qill meet with our usual prompt atten- tion. Gentlemen visiting the city, are respectfully invited,to cal] and examive our stock, which comprises a large assortment of every kind de- scription. ' Address TURNER & HUGHES, Raleigh, N. C. our June 7; 1837— COME AND BUY LAVD. Offered for sale a Tract containing 800 or more Acres, With improvements not inferior to any between the Yadkin and Catawba in one tract. 115 A cres ip another ; 52 or more in apother, all near together ; and two eimall tracis in Iredell, a few miles abuve Statesville. Undoubted titles will be inade by the proper persons. Apply soon '0 A.W. Brandon ur tu the subseriber for termes, é&c. JOHN SCOTT. may 20, 1837—if44 P.S. All kinds of property else, that the sub- scriber has in passessiva, can be ught at a low Briee J. 8. a. shall be done faithfully and according to promise | One of the fim, H. D. Torner, having loca ! cue , TAILORING BUSE BILES & J.10@ Boke their friends and the publieth t they have lately received from the Nort THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED CITY FASHIONS, According to which they are ready to make any garments desired atiow prices. They have great coufidence in their ability to make «a good fit, but should thes fail, they are willing (to take the games and try till they succeed. Cutting will be done gromptly and in the vest mode. Work from a distance faithfully executed, and carefully despatched. cases diligentiy attended to. Orgers in all , teceived in payment for work, Salisbury. May 27, 1837—1f45 BLUM’S | ALMANAC, | FOR 1832, FOr SAL AT TUE Store cf CRESS & BCGE:'. ALSY A quantity of Wrapen. Paper. Sept. 28, 1887—6w.i0 on D Editorial Couvention, THE time of holdiug the proposed Editorial Convention in this City, has veer cherged trom (the Ist Munday iu Sepreuber, to Wednesday, i tbe firstday ot Novegier next. This alteration hus been made beevuse of iv the inability of sey eral of our brethern tu attend in Sep ember, ow- Ing lo previews lidispensetle ergecementg = Nou valuable resulis can spring from such a neeting, unless the whole Press ci abe State be ited, and the postpore cent of! | have the effect obeecuoig OD part of thuse wher +. eoncecne, THOMAS LORING, T.J. LEMAY, JOS. GALES & SON, ‘ represen looped, wii s Raleigh, N.C. ae ene em ee eee INCREASED ATTRACTIONS!!! THE PLIOLADELPHIA SATURDAY CUUCRIER. Je E vast patroncre which has been awarded, the Courier, ts is best evigence of ils ap— proval, [thas the forgest subscription stin this country. [tis the largest and cheapest faulty Newspaper ever issaed in the U. States, contain- ing articles in Literature, Serence aud the Arts; Internal foprovement, Azgricviture, in short ev ery Variely of tupies usually introduced into a public journal. Giving fall accounts ot sales, markets and nuws of the latest dates, | ' | ! \ Without tatertering with the usual variety, the Cvurier p.esented ten volumes of the ust popular literature of the day within the last year. This feature puts tnio the hands af qe vt {h@ Must catoriuming aud popalary, 8 paid tur subseription—in addition to the im merge quantity uf other matters witeh appear In Hts columns. [n° the coatiouation of this fea ture we shall endeavor to present vew and popo- lar works with such expedition thai the publica— | Hon cannot be anticipated in other eources, In ‘the fuiure numbers we shall draw trom the pews of such writers as D'Tsraeli, Capt. Marrgatt, Miss Landon, Charles Dickins, . Cornelius Webo, Theodvre Hovk, Thomas Canipbell, Mrs. S.C Hall, Haynes Badly, Mrs Gore, Countess of Blessington, The celebrated ‘Buz,’ And, in short, from the whole rance of the cur- rent Jiterature of Europe, wiih which oor ar- rangements will supply us at as early a mo- ment as they can be réceived in ihe coun- try. series we have the pleasore of numbering amorg out contributors many ul the disiing disk ed writers uf our country, from whose pens O RIGINAL TALES, POEMS, SONGS, NAR RATIVES AND SKETCHES, will couunue to add interesig to ils coiumns. Miss Mitford, Tettch Ritchie, J R. Buckstose, Barry Corowall, Dooglas Jerroid, C rotten Croker, Vhe Architectura! beauty of many of the PUBLIC BUILDINGS of this city is prover- vial. Believing it will be acceptable to our Numefous patrons tu be presented with Engraved Illustration. Of thuse eifices, We are enguged in bringin: vat a complete series will ferta a collection that may well be termed [THE LIONS OF PINLADE LL I11.1- Where it is expedient, wa secuinpiny the en cravings with sect descriptions uf s:ze auc facts of Gistury, as way be uf irtcrest, Phe Cvoricr ts puduehed at the low price of iTWO DOLLARS — For ths emall eum sub i seribers get voluable and ertertauing meiter feach wech etevgh to FILE A €OMMON BOOK OF iIWOHUNDRKED AND FIFTY | | PAGES, end equal wo FIF'PY TWO VOI. 'UMES a year. acd which ie estimated lo be {reag weekly by at besst ime tuncred thousend | eouolry fou } | people, scattered in ail parts os 1 ! Maine to Fiorida, and trom tee gia beard tu the lakes This approved FAMILY NEWSPAPAR 'is strictly neutral ip religious and political wral- ters, and the uncompromising opponent uf quack ery of every kind . BC} As a (riffing expreseisn of our regard, we shall priot the whole series of the ENGRAVED ILLUSTRATIONS, at their compietiva, upon l sosoch of our COUNTRY BRETHREN as tisement. Philadelphia. August 5,1 337. ———_——_— AN APPRENTIC2S ETWEEN the ages of 12 and 6, of good character and habits and of awound consti tntion, can get a situation in this Office, if ap | plication is made during the week of our next Saperior Court or shurtly (ereafter. A ycoth ‘from the country would be preferred. He will be i received as a metubder of she Editor's family and i hindly treated. September 9, 1837, BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE P. S. Produce of various kinds will be | a ventral atleudance | ' ID ~ lure, amounting each year to sx lines the price fine white paper, its aniformatyle—forming a> beavitful collectiongof Views, and pe seat thea | may oblige us by an insertion of the abuve udver- | c RAIL ROAM YOTICKE 1§ HEREBY GIVE AN Books vt S@begription ie the = Fayetteville and Western Rait Hosd ‘il beopeoed in the following: © under the d:rection of he ' i 4 | Sous, si such places ingaid> Oe ‘ ; Sach nes ” the said Conn er a rect. Antostalmenat of Two * ia fe | “hare will be reqatred at the tite | tie Cowmnnissioners are requested tu furward frsuomy as paid, and the List# of Subscnpieng, g vee Gae ico NSNVIC Ke iS | ton i } a they prugress,tu E. Lo Wiuslow, Fayette= ay Dr. F.J Hill, Revert VicKachaag, A. Baher NEW ITANOVER, James Owen, Aariu Lozaros, Ale xaicer Anderson,- James Hurney, Joseph G:lespte, Jouu b MeMillan, —- — W Nekay, ~ Ww. Fatsun Olien Mobley. A ‘Trey, Josiah Macltsby, Angusius Smith. Jobo W Powell, Arettozee AL Sinith, Richar Uusupg. WR Giies, WH. Huy wood, Samu! Fot’s:terson. Na > bed, Ch: \V itiams, Joln o NIscon., Joho Bb ne'ly. Charles Chalmers, Cc W Dowd, Alfred Duc } ays Walter F Lesk, C ‘Thomas. A Myce 18, Jonn A McRae, J St oh Meaicy, MONTGOMERY, Dr. F J Cutiar, Duncan McRae, sen’, W Harris BLADEN, | | SAMPSON, COLUMBUS, | { ! } Tee | ROBESON, | | ( Wik t CHATHAM, oat { . MOORE, “RICHMOND, ANSON , ' @ 1ROWAN, Hamilton C Jones, Hoa. ROM Pearsco, Wiliau Chaonisere, |! RANDOLPH, Alexander Gray, Jesse Henshaw, A Brower. N Mendenhall, Jesse Liudsay, Jotun Morehead, Paul Barringer, William F Phifer, George Klutts, ‘Thomas A Allison, G F Davidson, Rofus Reid. Samvel Harcrave, Henry Dusenvcisy, “ R Holt, eats | GULLFORD, CABARRUS, (REDELL, DAVIDSON, MECKLENBURG, | irs JOUAD Gs u r) = NCO Aeon bea atm 83:904 Ib AluedM Bored M Hoke. RUTHERFORD, Edmond Bryan, John G Byni at, Jobo McEntire. Roderich Murchison, Joho Hardin, J M Nye. Robert C Pearson, J<aac ‘Lb Avery, James C Sintth. ASHE, RURKE, SURRY, Josiah Cowles, Nathaniel Boy seo, ROH Parkes WILKES, W iliain P Waugh, Vhomas J Boucietle, WC Emmet. STOKES, MR Muare, CH Matthews, Peter Critz. Ivis confidently believed. that the gentlemen named will take a deep interestio this work, which, >y is completion wil) aniock the riches jof the West, and regenerate a large secliou of ,; North Ccrolina By at voce securing the subscription of the j ine State. the coustroction of ihe Road to the Yadhin and the two branches wiil oe rendered [certain Tre tone for action hus arrived; will the peo- ple ot the West and the Cape Fear forego the actvartazes «%red to their acceptance ? Let vvery every man do what hecan, aud this work will ~o on. FE. 1. WINSLOW, Presinert, 1 Fayetterile and (Western Raul Road ( ompany: Febreary 11. 1837—1f30 il A OMANI TAMIL OR, i:nyamin F, Fratey, $$ Fi; ~ now receiving from New York and Phila- L: a peueral assortment of cloths and trim- mings jor Spring and Sommer: embracing every articie usvally kept by Mercoant Tailors: these hands have -cen selected by him in person, aod lean o# eontidently recuinmended to the public as Veheup aud good. Having worked atthe Vai- hing busiuess for twenty years, he hopes he sliast cot te considered presumptoces in call- acun-eif a jodgeof cloths. He has also jast reeriveat the New York ond Philadesphia Fash- Jous, ave the above will be made up iG a seperiur jstyie of fashion, and warranted ty fit weil. ' He wijl also hee poo hand a general assor:- mentot READY MADE CLOTHING, ail ct fwtich will be suld very low fur cash or of @ | credit to punctual dealers. All kinde of cutting will se doae on short notice, Orders or wark l trom a distance willbe punctoally sivended vw. | The public are inviled lo aud examine | prices fur thewselves. He still continues at his ‘toriner stand, south of the Court House, in the ‘Jarge Brek meena Salsbury, N. C. May 13, 1837—u43 PS. As he isan Agent for some of the most fashionable Tailors of Philadelphia and New York, he would be happy to instract any who may wish to leara the art of calling garmen:s. He also coatinoes ty distribate tbe Fashicns. — BCP Letters for Fashions mast be post paid Hiorses, &c. To hire by the hour or Jay. Apply to the Bar Keeper of the Mansion H Sept. 23, 1837—tf10 BLANK WARRANTS For Sale at this Office | | mmc ’ f f 4 otel. 4 the -stm ‘of Aetms. stall contiaue, wee will be ebarged ag qgther subserl- rs whe Saeme sao & why de Se sparse: ihree gascripuioa wil Du! fats in alt eases. \ naseceived for less than ; : the op- yee r vill de liseootinned but at aie : parzes afé yf the dior, muless ill arrearg the Kditor must be post ers to . Atl lett ; will certainly act be at- a ise the ; orhor # ' qisina— Sizty two & a halt yp AvvEs t . ae for the first insertion, aud 31 { he per square for advertisement oNE Dorrak. Ligertise nents willoe ¢ Saafived to st0p them, vicusly given. ‘ a aetaees by the year or six months meu ata Dollar per month for each square the privilege of changing the form every will be inserted for less ontinued until orders where av directions ae SALISBURY, wax perib. 13a 20 cts. ; Brandy, “Ap- al. 49 2 90 cls, Cotton per ib, {io Seis; Cotton bagging per yd. 20.25 Coffee per id. 16 a 18 cls; Castings per Cotton yarn, from*No. 6 to No 2 00 cts; Feathers per lb; 35 | $6 00, Wheat pr er at 00 - ete pr bushel! 30 ets; Corn pr bush 65 cts; eS a cta; Lead per lb. 8 a 10 cts ; poses per ga! 624 cts; Nails per Ib9 a 10 » Beef por io a 9 cts; Bacon per |b 124 ” Batter per lo 124 cts; Lard per lb 15 Salt per us ef $1 25 1 a0 cts; Steel, Ainert- phister, per lo. Igeeis ; Kaglish ao. per Ib as: Cast do pet Ib 25 a 30 cts , Sugar 123 velo Row (Jainaica) per gal; » Yankee do sty Wool (clean) per lb 80 ‘Tallow per ib. 19 124 ets;'Tuw-linen pr yd. fg ets, Wine (Peueriffe) per gal. $1 50. meal dv. pl OU a sl 7 cis; Claret do gigi 3a! 75 cis; Malaga, (sweet) gi.gl; Whiskey per sal 45 a 50 cts. CHERAW. Beefin market per lo 41 8 cts; Bacon per 3 12¢-cis,; Hans do. v0 00 cts 5 Beeswax ip isa 20 cts; Bagging per yard 18 a 25 s Bay ope periba 32 13 cts 3 Coffee pr. Pialdcts;Cultun per 100 lbs 969 O02 @; Corn per bushel! 1 O00 acts; Floor wagons per br] $6 7 O00, from stores per 02124: fron per WO lbs $5 64 a 0; s, per gal 40 50 a cts; Nails cat assort- priosi2aYcts,; Wroaght do. per lb. 20 ; Pars per Ib $8.95 Rice per 100 Ibs $4 $600, Saar pert. 10 124-2 acts; Salt pr $9395; Salt per bushe! 574 $1 cts;Steel A- ' tprlb 10 lécts; ‘Tallow per Ib 19 2 fg, Tea Imperial per lb $1 25 a 1974 cis; 4 pribgiat 25cts ; ‘Tobacco manu- tured per lb10 a 15 cts. FAYETTEVILLE wody, peach 75.280. Do. Apple, 69a 70 gow 15 3 00, Cortona pr lb 8 a BS ets pelo 12: a 134 ; Flour bb). 086 a “7 eedprbh75g)oa jheatherspriy 352 40 Bpeoush $15 91 25; bros. prid 54 a 6; Mo ga) 85 40 2 00; Nailscut 74 a ;Salt #55 a 85; Sugar pr Jb 7 a 11 ; Tobacco; Ba S, Wheat pr bash g1 1 15; Whiskey #60 65, Beeswax 22 a 00 Pi waa ccs; H, $1 79 7 5 Rica pr [Si — fwhington Press, 22 1-2 by 32, 1-2. TO PRINTERS. OR SALE, a first-rate Wast.ingion Press | We-plaien 22 1 2by $2 1-2 inches, and | ® form the sizeot the largest papers | Catolina—it has the best improvemrats ,Patientee—it haa been ta tee a short Was good as new. cS me ah dy the purchase of ihis. The origin- ea welivened 0 Danville, wos about $300: Hoe sold together with the T'ype on which Peanvilte Observer was printed, low for 6 ashurtcredit. The Type have on Wn use about two years and one half mt. A oupy of the Daavilie Ooserver printed se 'YPe, can be seen by any one desiring to , a = the Establishment is wholly use- SOIC ar, a4 ca Rest; ica n be bought very 'HOMAS A TERRY, ng. 24. 1887—Sw7 “3 NOTICE. cha are due open atthe Office of the } atehman asd atthe Store of Geo. W , one Town of Saliabury, for subscrip- , Beet! stock of Fayetteville and il} Road ander the Aets of Assem- P1833 and 1837 | THE COMMISSIONERS. ) ESTABLISHMENT OK az =~ JOURNAL OFFICE rOR SALE. Ee ee the intended removal of one of lWraand ihe wish of the other to de- Mure exclusively to the duties of a, the andersigned offer fur sale the Y Oa the North Carolina Journal OF. r ce 18 wel} fuund ia Jud, newspa- Feet lal ty pe, the list of sebseribers is meee Ted they doubt not might be great: ai eae? OM inferior to any in this State, but al pa they Know of no investinént ‘ of meter ae him eo HYBART & STRANGE. enn IB PRIN 6] ot pay during the year each insertion afterwards | Any persen re- | 9 Ff tess of this size, cannot be better 8up- pat cana unto Tanna per} best, £ have | chase a VERY LA GES /KOF _tloenable me te sell to my friends and the at. seach walk, * os ‘ Received early in the sommer, and aow in 68 th de Seg 8 Culles, 10 Hid ‘ids Ae ays Cufles, 10 s - Molagees ~~ ¥ iar ¥ a hi ~ O. os, SO Baek Sait. 0 lbs New Bass 200 pe Hemp Bigziog B0-Cuils Bale Rupe; 25 Cea ne il Im addition to whg-p 1 shall shortly receive, a | CUEAP and well selected Stock of Gouds par chased 2 few dayesince in Ne« York, contain ‘ing in part of the foliawing artieles. Sweeds and English [ron | Cuba. Rio, and St. Domicgo Coffee, ale Rope Loaf and Lu p Sugar, Chests ani’ Caddies ‘Tea Cheese, Sperm, § Vallow Candles, Bar Suap Linseed, Sperm, and Vrain Oi! Mackeral. Salmon, and {od Bish Pepper, Spice, Givter Nuins gs, Cassia and Cloves Havanna Proserved Froits,Large assortment, together with the usaal variety kept in a groce ry store. +ALSO— British, and Domestic Dry Goods Hardware, Cutlery, and Hollow Ware Ready made clothing, Hats aod Caps Shves, Sadlery and Leather Crockery Jugs and Jars Thorn, Shell, and fvory Combs Smiths ‘Pools, and Mill Cranks Rush, and Cane Seat Chairs Northern Wooden Ware Writing Paper, and Blank Books Window Glass 8 x 10 41.46 10x 12 Drags, Dyes and Mesticines Cotton Yarn nu 8 to 12. AyLOLACOS EE: | Cheraw, Sept. 27.—3w12 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in she Post Otfice at Goneord, N. Caruli- fa, vn the first day of October, 1387. A—William Andrew, mo-es Alaxsnder B—Jacob Bustun, James 11 Burns, wm A Browder C—Sarnuel Cezines, Rovert.Cochran, WC Corum, James mw Cock: E q E—Rev'd Joho Mm Ervin F—Noah C Feruison G—Isaac Gallimore, Herry S Gorman H —Joseph ffowell. Judy Horus K- John Killough gen, Thomas Killough, Nathan Kriuiager ° L—George or Thomas Lone M— Elias w'seohame:, Nathan maryman, Jo seph Mahaffy, Pubias miller O--Caleb Osburn Q—John w Qery R—Catharine Rice, sriss sarths Rass S—To the master uf Stokes Loo ‘ye, Nu. 32, to the Secretary of Stokes Lodge, No: @ Se ble W—Ssmuel Wilham GEO, KLUTTS, PM. October 7—3w12 ‘A LIST OF LETTERS. EMAINING in the Post Offices at Sai s— bury, N.C. on the Ist of Octuber, 1537. A—Berjamin Austin 2, B—Saninel C Brown, fsane Barrett, Nicho las R Bridges, Nicholas Barringer, moses 20s John Blackwelder, Elizabeth Brandon, Gere | Bean, Lemuel Bingham, F Bollard, Asa # | Brunson Daniel Ross Biles C—Jamesi Clarts, James Carr or Kerr 2 Wilham ¥ Cannen, Sarah Crump, Joho Calla way 2 D~- Edward Davis, Jesse E Dent, George /C Daniel, Sherman Drury prices as Ww compensate them for along ; Tis said that ‘hfe ts postey!” . The venom’d toad and serpent oft Infest its garden bowers, ‘ And ‘worms will sometities wind themselves Into its sweetest fuwers ’ Speaking of serv’ ots, brings to mand A talo [ fain would tell, Of two young persona who desiga’d Iu «stern wilds to dwell. The people of the Evst you know, By fickle fortune pre ss’d, Find wt expedient oft, to go And ‘settie in tue West ? The couple that | speak of now, Bless’ a their mutuad love, | Thea quite forgot tu reckon bow Their fortuces to i.npiove! | ‘hough peor, they did not seem to know | Starvation might take place, Tillis. the door the meagre foe | Had stared them ia the face, | Then taking up their al/ of goods— ; Their all was very spare— | r Vhey journey’d far into the woods And built a cabin there. Against a frowning rock "twas rear’d Withia a sheltered dell; And near at hand a fountain clear | In playful glitterance fell. (a7? : 1 yy} eo rst overspend the forest-king LIs leafy arrays ext ded, Act fou the Sun and driving rain Vhe tavord spot def uted. Arcaund, a naive garden smiled. Vi tich wature § se! rt dresai lf h | Note’cn the saveg. of the and e Jeni } )S Small, Abram Slough, Rev'd Philip N Stevo | Its soil had ever press’ Figr’s gry pympls forages thera In solitude had tlooavd: Till now unbreateed by wen, the air Them vaimly breath perfumed. It were a spot mivbt fires please ‘To hold their reveis in, Had faines ever cross’d tiie seas Like man new worlds to win! Within the eot by nature pliced Appear’d 9 broad bearth stone, Where soon a fire of trash-wood blazed To cress their suppers on. | BK —John mw Ervin | Adila H Fox G—.Gillaspie and Cowan, Jonathan Grout, ebecea Guseel, Mary Griffin, Peter Gardiner H— -Mirs Adam Hutchison 6, Jacob Holshous- ‘ey jr, Maria Husk, Horace Henderson, Susan | Hart, Jobn Huse, Joho Hilick, Henry Gill. | John Holshouser, Thomas Hickes, Jesse Hacen, | Alexander Flaulend 2 J—William Julian K— Peter Kesler L—Gvodwin Linster, Archibald ‘Lovelau, A- lexandér Lawrance, Henry Looz. Daniel Lep- pard 2, Andrew Y Lockridge, Samuel Luckie and Co. M—John miller, Joseph H mount, Henry C Moss 2 N—Abel Nichols 2 P—Lucy R_ Peoples, John Pitts, Jamima Pahel, Jobo W Pope, E C Pickler R—Reddick and Bennett S—William H Slaoghter 5, Mathias Swish- Seley Steel. Aloozo Sprague, William Sinck lan T—William Taylor, S H Trott, ‘Thomas Todd W—John P Winders, John Wiles, Alexan. oer Ee Wilson, Elizabeth Williams, George illis . “SAMUEL REEVES, P M. By A. SMITH, A. P. M. October 7 ~—Sw 12 pencer Taylor 2, John ~ + State of Porth Carolina, SURRY COUNTY Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, August Term, 18872, Somers & McGee —. } x it. ¥s ay OP wegen le- Michael McGuire. ‘Ss BR hand Sc 'T. apnearing tp the satisfaction of the Coart, at the. sard ne ar iré, ig not an_in- “habitant of his Stale. Ordered therefore, :ttiat : ee ay 5 Rs Ye a ot 81%. Weeks; thathe appear at our next Sees aie He . ope F—Secretary Fulton Lodge 2, Master of do. | Rockford, on the se-{ next, to plead or de (aR twill be rens4: . be toadeaite oa = 3 ~ a Perbups they took their tood aloag With wise and prident care; Or. robb’d the wild deer of its young - "Po turnish them with fare. And nex: an bumble coich was spread, Upon the damp, cold ground, Acd on that bard and iowly bed They sunk ia sleep profound. No douht they tasted in their dreams, The *Poetry of Life,’ For future forming many scheines That happy man aad wife. Unless perchance such sleep was theirs As labor often knows, . Oblivion of life’s joys and cares, Its pleasures and its woes. But now a most appalling sound The frighted husband wakes And starting up bis spouse, he found Was stung to death by snakes!* Beneath the stone the reptile foe Lay writhing with the heat, Tull its intolerable glow fad forced them to retreat. And there the coiling demons glide Seen by the flickering light, ~.» Upon the floor on every side; -. A fearful—hideotis‘sight! Jo wild disn ay ' ‘ ; e But aif in vain, the: | "poems eZ “mateblese woes, a * | aaa |: STOUT TS ROM REAG RIPE eee yi | | } j cousciesce for his oWn-neglect of bills that bou izon. and pituregque country ta the: a It was a'6anry evening, he had journied a distance of ' thirty-five miles*suice 5 this “pulses shrobbing ‘under the influence ofa barning sun. At Fairfield tre had ‘been hospitaily entertained by one who Nad recognised the fweleran soldier of the cross. aid who ‘had minixteredite him for.his M # --5s: ke, of the benefits-himself had recess 4 from the: hand wich ‘feedeth the young lions when they lack ; and he had travelied on re- freshed ir spirit. Birt many a weary agile hat he journied over since then, and now as the esdhing shades darkened around, he felt the burden of age ang wil heavy upon him. and he desired the pleasant retreat he had pictared to himself when thaeday’s pil- grimage should be accomplished Iv’ was not long before the old man checked bis tired animal at the door of. the anxiously jooked for haven of rest. A middle aged woman was at hand, to whom he mtldiy applied for accommodations for him and horse ‘I dont know.” said she, eoldly, after scrutinizing for some time the appearance of the traveller, which was not the most promising, ‘that we can take yon in} old man. You seem tired, however, and [’I| sew If the Minister of the circuit who ‘sliereto night, will let you lodge with him.? . f The young cireuit preacher soon made his appearanee, and consequentially swag- gerity up to the old man, examined him for some moments inquisitively + then ask- la few impertineut questions—ard final- be CU share his bed for the night, and turning op- on his heel entered the house. The traveller, aged and weary as he was, dismounted, and led bis famhtu) -ani- malty the stabie. where, with his own hands he rubbed him down, watered him and gave him food. and then- entered the inhospitable mansion where he had expec- Vted so much kinduess A Methodist faini- be trouse, and as the cirenit ty be there that dav, great ~ were made to entertain him, coer of the Methodist young la- iv residedin fee pdies of toe neihhorhood had been invited. \ Sty 1: hai Gatto a party metthe eyes of the ecr as he entered, not one of whom wwe oshgntest notice of him, and he Hy sought a vaeantebairin the corner, out of direct observation, but where he eoald note all that going on, anxious eye showed that he was no care- less observer of what was transpiring a- round titan. The youag Minister plaved bis part with ail the frivolity asd foolisimess of a eity beau, and nathieg like religion eseaped tus lips. > “u ing senseless con pliments with this yvonung Lavy. and now engaged in’ tiffling repar. tee with another, Who was anxious to seem interesting tb ils eyes. 40 refreshments lad been prepared for him, asked to be shown to his room, to whiehe he redred tnnotieed—grieved and shacke& at the eoncuet of the family and the min- iS lg worn bible, ic sealed biwselfiia a chair. and was soon burned ig th wught. holy and elevating, and had food to eat which those jwho passed him by an pity and seorn dreamod not of away, and no one came to i Worn i fuxurious supper which served below. ‘Vawards eteven o'clock the munisier Came op stairs, anc without pause | prayer, hastily threw off bis clothes, aud 8 | which was tobe the resting place of the ; Old man as well as himself. After a while the aged! stranger rose up, and after partial- iv disrobing hinself, knelt down and_ re- mained for many minutes in fervent prayer Inviie the ' t ! arrested the attentton uf the young preach- er, who began to feel some few reproofs of 5 cu- ;ty. The old man now rose from his*knees. aud after slowly uondregsing himself, ~got into bed, or ratherfupongthe edge of the bed, for the young preagher had taken pos session of the centre ahd would “hot, vol- untarily, move*an inch. Ir this ancom- fortabie position the stranger lay for some time, in silence At length the younger of replied in a style aad manner that arrested his’ attention, On this he removed over ‘two and made more room. = ‘How-far have. you eome two-day, old gen- man @ You ‘most be , ‘tired aftet for one of bedy is ly, after adjusting his hair half-a-dozen | —exclimed the now abasned preacher— umes, feeling his stnvothly shavin chip as | Wy . : ofias, cCousented that the stranger should | supper ! I will instantly call ap the family. And his! Now he was chattering and bindye | The stranger, alter an hour, during whieh | Pah: ¢ from his saddiebaes a well | Hour efter hour passed ; oid down traveller, to partake ef the ¢! or | vtato the very middle of a small bed, | "Phe earnest breathing out of his soul soon: the two made a remark to which the elder, the stranger better # Bishop George lefi:s tak ne the s2 ~—we'teft in company.” «= “nideed 2? pany: = -o Here the circuit, preacher. relina: fall half of the bed. re tely + the siranger to occuy ‘How did the Bis ting quite old now and feeble, ig i¢ flo _ ‘He carries his-age tolerchio Se ,-But his labor is a hard one, “be: and he begins to! show signs of failing strength’ = ‘He is expected this way in a week or two. How glad I shall be to shake-haads with the old veteran of the. Cross. But you say you left in v with the good old man—how-far di ‘you come to- gether ?” ‘We travelled alone fo ‘You travelled alone with the Bishop ? ‘Yes ! we have been iotimate for years!” ‘You intimate with Bishop George !’ ‘Yes, why not ?? ‘Bless me! Wty did L not know that ! | Batmay I be so bold as to enquire your naine 2?” - Affera moment's besitation replied— ‘George.’ ‘George! George! Not Bishop Ge orge?? “Phey cali me Bishop George,’ meekly replied the old man. ! *Why—why—bless me! Bishop George” 2 long distance." } » the stranger t 3 spriging from the bed—‘ You have had no | Way did you not tell us who vou were ! ‘Stop—siop—mvy friend,’ said the Bish- up gravely, ‘I want no supper here, and should not eat any if it were got forme. If an old man, toil-worn and weary, fainting with traveling through alt the long sua- mer day, was not considered worthv.of a ineal by this family.who profess. 10 Have set up the altar of God in their hoube; Bis- hoy George surely is not. He isatbestbu aman, and b Py as no claims beyond those “ common humanity.’ — A night of severe mortsfication, the young minister iad never” experiented. The Biskop kindly admonished him, and warned htm of the great necessify there was of his adorning the doctrines of Christ, joy f:llewing him sincerely ad humbly. Genily but earnestly he endeavoréd to wit him back from his wandering heart, and di- rect him to trust more in God and less. in | tis own strength, In the mogping the’Bishop prayed with / him, long and*fervently, before he left the ichamber s and was glad to see his heart melied into contrition. Soon after the Bis- ip descended, and was met by the heads of (the family with 9 thousand sincere apoli- ‘gies. He mildly silenced them, and asked | { | to have his hurse broucht out. ‘Phe horse® was accordingyly soon in readiness, and the Bishop. taking up his saddiebags, was ereparing to depart, ‘But surely, Bishop,’ urged the distres- sed matron, you will not thus Jeave us ? ! Wait afew wminutes—dreakfast is on the table.’ dence. Lust Monday e4 of the | Mi cous boat Tt. Datras to ? ad : es the came ‘taok Palace. On.our landing feym the, boat fouad. the Emperor's carriages, qith..s did horses. waiting for us, withes G one of the Emperor's ards.t0 conduct’. We were téken round the Gardens end then to the Opera, where we saw the’ Bil ttre Eprom nd their “daughterad a= him, went im the es to oae ¢ were more feqale dancers, not inferior ie wy opin ist cnet “TES hes. = gathrough the armory. « ‘Phe Miter ples itdins two hundred thousand stand ab perfect order. besides all the stan- nay takea from the Tucks, | saw sevcra) curtosities of the Empregs’Ca rHaring ; the gig tbat Peter the Great rode in, and bis — truumphal chariot; and all the dresses-#orn by the Emperors and Empresses. from the ume of Carnarine aod Peter the Great, down to the’present day, 1 visited some of ‘he most spleadid churches, perhaps in the’ world. . ,* * ‘Whilst we remained at St Peterstung, one of the Enfperor’s aids accompanied us every'where. & extended to us every civility and attention in his power. It would have taken me several montbs'to have indulged my curiosity. 1 need oot add, that | was ex— ceedingly pleased with my visit, and highly gratified at the attentions paid us Nat. Intelligencer. From the Charleston Mercury LUUISVILCLE, CntcrivivatTra LESTON RAID ROAD. Ata numerous meeting of the Cha:leston » day jas ; for the purpose of appoiping Proxiés Seely ventessts thenfar'the genera: meeting the Stockholders 10 be |.) =: Fiat Roek on the 3d Monday fthe 16" 5 October next, General Hayne, the Pees: Jent of the Company. wis catled® .. - she Chgir,and matea fuli Report of ail sie «: ceedings of the President, Director. Engineers, since the lasi meeting Company. : that as soun as practicadle afur ite aaj 2 ment of that meeting at Kuoxetile in i: vary last, Captain Williams, the Associnie Engineer, and Major McNeill, _ the Chief $ | ‘Na, Sister L «feannot take break | fast vere. You dtd not consider a poor, | toil worn traveller, worthy of a meal and ‘your Uisiop nas nu claim but such as hu- manty tires,’ Aci tius he departed, Icaving,the fami- ly an! ainister ip eontusion and sorrow. Fle did not act thus for re eutment, for Méuch aa emotion did fot raise in his heart, bat he desired to teach thei alesson such as they would not easily forget. Six montis from this ttme the Ohio An- ' nual Conference met at Gineionatt, and the ‘young minister was to present himself for _ordination as a Deacon; and Bishop George was to be the preséding Bishop. On the first day of the assembling of the ' Conterence, var m:inister’s heart sunk within him i as he saw the venerable Bishop take his ‘seat. | Segreat was his grief aod agitation that he was | suun obliged to lenve the room, ‘Mhat evening, ‘as the Bishop was seated alone in his chamber, the Rev. Mr, was anavuunced, and he se- quested to be shown up. ee He grasped the young man by the hand With a cordiality which he did not expect, for he made caretul enquiries, and found that since they, had met before, a great change had been wrought in him. . He was sow as hamble and pious, as be was before self-eufficiect and worldly-minded As.a faiher,w have received a disobedient oat: sepentant @iild, so did this good man receive is efting but contrite brother. 1 wi their tears together, while the. wept as achild, even Upon "Yasom 0 compas bes: and he is now one of 1b i be Engineer, entered vigorously upon the tos lies assigned to them respectively That Brigade of Engineers, composed of scien- tific and expefienced officers, with suitable assistants, had been engaged, and were ac- lively engaged in making the necessary surveys along'the whole linef rom'Columbia, in this Siate to Lexington, in Kentucky, and it appeared from the latest Report thas these duties had been very successfully per- formed, and that there was every reason to believe that all the cecessary information could be obtained and a eatisfactory Report submitted to the meeting to pe field at Flat Rock in October. Letters fedim Ma-. jor McNeill and Captain Williams were - ‘Phe Giést beautiful Opera ouses { ~~) bad evesiséen, where, it Wap Bud,“ there = than three hundred persons on... - tle stage althe same time— forty of them * : Sal Sg é a + Stockholders, held in this City on Satcr- @ From the report it app arc. * read, giving gratifying information tg the Seam meeting as#othe character of the rome, 2a The President concluded by annou his determination to preceed immed nem ~~ to visit the several surveying parties, ae a_view to obtainirg all, the, nee formation on the~sebject of the Road, to advance the workyby*all aleans © in power,and me the *néce: Sbe at the mectNieeg a tebe cision the fateor po * ,t o) fet. spirtaal father. Aj the ministers Gn tle Ohio Conferences. THE INDEPENDENCE IN) THE &: Pas "i e Pare ae wor eagle ‘Athenaum Visiter, Ae J id “ > = oa me ». “3 > a ee _ cating Uke pregent éeasion “of Congress—( when > taken ; eo that, when tha ,miserable patien!| ©, iets repatation. ae iL have swallowed number siz, (that, t,he 7% aS re : - nearly sab. Treasury preparation.) the cute wits oun! Leiters received af St. Louis mention that | they are it plete, He will have nv furtheraged, . the Government sgehie. have in | By thie’ “Pats number one. the reader i a area oi ea enlesagity ak bill to withhold for ffte sn months the 4 paign. ‘ of the last Janaary sar esterday, ander the 36 The Execu- vf the fourth instalment plas, due to the States y Distrivation Act of Juy, 18 Egalite ! . gress th ptbe. 16th of this es to live ander > pater Z i Intelligencer _ verament : perecived io peresiog Wobser on fn: od yo paber on that after a eo tere ad Concer Pls la’ Liberte! —vi ES |<. Costly Wer—Itis stated in Congress that rthe Indian wat _ abeeiy one sccragab fi-88 illions of dol lt proje ty millions ars certainly eee to postpuns the payment of this ‘an ‘oats cei dadefinitely, or, as the case might 3e, Florida . iupevers bat this the sunewhat rebellives House The that the United States uf Representatives could net yo, and would only ape ee ins consent to swallow the nusisuui in - the qualified form degeribed above. To dpeak gravely. however, on 8 subject of ” much gravity, we regard the passage vf this bill as one of the aiost serivus of the many evils wlieb bave flowed in disastrous abundance from t ksonian “Experiment.” Had the exi- ‘ores of the Government demanded this par iiealar measure—and had there been no prefer- able alternative—the inconvenience to the States and the bad faith it virtually invulves might have been excused. ~ Bat a leading ubjection to the measure is, that whoiglt will uperate great inconvenience to the States and the People, it was nut called for by the necessities of the Government. As Mr. Bue- hanan well said in debate, (thuagh he was nut advocating the bill) the 9,000,000 which would be ubsurbed in the payment of shia fourth instal- inent evuld, most beneficially to the pablis inter eat, be supplied by an additivnal issue of 4 rea- sory outes to that amount—thus, at the same time, keeping faith with the States, and eontn- puting to the relief ot the Public by throwing pine millions were of an acceptavle currency in to cireulation. Aftother good effect, whieh wowld have atteaded the full execution of the Distribotiva law, would have been a large re- duction of ine balances now due the Guvernment ov the deposite banks. in a way al once conve nieut ty the stales and easy tu the banks—inas much as thos States at least whose banks are in debt to the Treasury would have been very willing ty receive in payment of their instalment the nuies ot their own institutions owing the valances. ‘Vhese opinions of oars are not new, having heen statéd.befure tbe meeting of Convress, the inomeat “thal the probability uf a deficiency to the revenue hecame apparent. All these considerations, itimay be supposed, and many others not less cogent, must have sug- gested themselves to the Government, (the Ex- | erative, thas ia to say —fur, of lace years, we have fallen into the degrading habit ot calling the Executive the Government ;) but, with a fatal- ity which seems must strangely to dirvet the Executive Councils, this very exceptionable and sucalled €:r measure was placed in the van; properly so, perhaps, «8 every thing seéms de- stined to go wrong end foremom; and turced through, mainly, oy dint of party sygength. ‘Phas, the People pray fur relief, aod they are aaddled with fresh burdens. ‘They ask tur bread, | snd they receive a stana APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESI d t DEAL. By & with the advice § consent of the Senate. Jotin MeKoiuly to b: one of the Assuciate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United Stales. Heory D. Gilpin, to be Solicitor of the ‘Preas- ur : John P Davil, wo be Secretary of the Territo- ry ut Klonida Juin M. Read tobe Attorney fur the Eas tern District of Pennsylvania. Josep Muward, tu be Alturney for the dis- trict of Maine, Pster Salomon, to trict of Georgia Sawuel H. Doval, to be Marshal for the Mid- dle District of Florida. Theodore 8S. Fay, to be Secretary of the Le- sation of the United States at.the Court of His Majesty the Koug of Prussia Be. jainto Rush, to be Secretary of the Lega- tion of the United States near Her Britavic Ma- jesty. be Marshal fur the Dis From the Baazor Whig of Sept 23. MAINE ELECTION! FINAL RESULT —KEN'T FRIUMPHANTLY ELE‘’TED! Kent, (Whig) $4,359 Parks, (Lory.) 33 373 Actual taj. for Kent over Parks, 436 Nett Wing gain trom 1836, 9 663 Allthe respectanle Van Buren papers in Maine | yield the potut that Kent is chosen. ‘Phe Bao gor Republican aduntis it and sv does the Belfast Journal. _ From the Belfast Journal. “We have met tne enemy, and WE ARE THSIRSY horse toot, and dragoons !—used up toe dead certainty “Phe dewoeratio party of Maine are looking up, for the reason that. rhey are rut at ite toot of the ladder, and can | took nowhere eleg It the Whigs du not glorify ug the, sequit of this election, they know not aw to ppree ue wiglogg. They have undoubt— | © +n PEsq° was on P isfiier ot the af of | ORES. . of J. Cow bahia ted Principal. Cashier. uf \ day at fi uad a y.draiis sold in rungs ia dng ri 4 fig or cent pieminal, Spesie at” five.| per cent. Nat. Int. © Latest from Liberia —The sohooner Onen- tal Capiaim Richards Jefi Monrovia on the 16th Jaly, aad Greeavete, further d. wo the cvast, on the 4thof August. Captain B. inturms that . oe was av vews. ‘The culbay evntiuued heal- y _ ac a a, Mr. Wise, in a published letter, speaks of >" *@efection wR Ceriaip quarter.’ ‘Ks allosion of cuaree will be uaderstood. We are both to speak thus of Mr. Oglboan, fir whose commanding saleots.we entectain such a bigh respect. But dreply do we deplore his present suvation 5 ome wirion in gar humble judgement, 1 was en- Airmig-dieecesmry for him ww place himself in “Di all te friends.and admirer in and out of Congress, t arp “but ang or two whe - fellow his lead =e tetruty unficanate in bis posi- tiv. . (lex. tas. hae Got nr Ace —sot for the People, but Surplus Revenue. from the importance of the proceedure. {Vv Y. Jour. Com, Fire at Nalchez.—On the morning of the 18th ult., Naichez was again visited with a desiruc tive fire. ]t commenced in a wood tenement and spreau rapidly to other buildings ; destruying three built of brick, twu sturies high. estimated at the lowest computation, is 60,000 eight or ten thousand. | here. 4 War. [From the Houston Telagraph, August 22. The lavincible it seeins has ‘caught a ‘Tar tar’ in the schuoner which she lately sent in asa prize. “The schooner is the’ Eliza Russell, an enerally credited—it is however uilare. Specie.—The brig Rosalba, Capt. arrived at Philadelphia from Pernambuco, with upwards uf $2,000 Spanish Dollars ed Multum in Parvo.—io the fair there was exihbited a compact Portmantean, Dressing Case,and Desk, only 12 inches by 10, and room enough in the top for a couple of shirts, hankercthiefs and hose ; or if the travel- ler do not lnxuriate in a full change of linen, be may substitute a duzen dickeys. Uprecedented increase of Population.—We spent sane «weeke at the village of Chicago, Alinois, in the spring of 1832. the town cuniained about aduzen miserable log huts, and the rough buildings which composed {t now coutains 4 pupalation of d There are vpwario of {Wo nundred stories ; and two of the largest sized newspeapers are puvlished there At Fort Dearborn. sitanger accusted « negro man in the distance from St. Augastine. that Baton Rouge was ata short dis to Mi Neilson's where the stranger ly arrived. His denuded appearance manly manuers tuwed upon hiin every attention that tion required. certained that be was an officer to Army, Lieutenant C. B. Chalmers, Regiment gustine, Florida. He statea that the lection he has, isof taking a ride was In the habit of doing-every mora neighborhood of St Augustine. rail road,) cannot aceount for his find escaped the tribes of-hustile Indians and sustained the privations of every he must have encountered during his derings untti he reached this place. learned the circumstances, had him ry postole care has beea extended to ed by English vessel froin Liverpool; she on board, but nothirg cuntrabeadd® of capture therefore was contrary’ to Se FROM From the Louisiana Advertiser, iS respected James M. Baaprorp, bet of the Bit; distiagc ished bilities and editorial avril ‘ar been ag sudden as it wag received &@ wavad frum a inflicted ta.an affray,by a enusen of thy name! wutthy Bradford. ; James Fort was purday.ast; by a man by the neme of (heir S-rvdals.—Ii bas bapa se edifyaig thing. and.expired ia a very. short time. Roanoke Advocate General Scott ie now in Washington. claim- ing, a8 we hear the commane ot aee rte in jo reside ia Liverppul, is we nderstand founded Ser. Mr Humphreys is aboot to remove. fothat Gity to establish a house there, bat put eeihe agent of the Bank. report has heen for some days carrent here ontrae. N. E. Boundary.—lt appears that Greely, a citizen of uae ele is now in Fredericktown N. B. jail for the crime of attempting to take the census of Madawaska district, in the disputed territory, was not appointed to that service by the State guvernment but by the County com— missioners of Penobscot, under the law passed last winter for taking the ceneus of the State, with a view toan equitable distribution of the This deducts something A new species of coal is said to nave been dis-overed in Lancester County Pa es the quailty of charcoal in becoming readily ignited, and is at present underguing an analy- sis, frum which valuable results are expec- From the Baton Rouge Gazette. © Strange Circumstance—A few days since a the woods a houl seven inilvs abuve:this tawa, and inquired replied that be kuew no place of that name, but was then asked the distance to the nearest phy— sielan and farm. The negro pointed out the ruad attracted the notice of Mr Netlson, who with kindness aod humanity bes- From tis conversation it was as. Artillery, lately stationed at St. Au- ft is surmised that he was thrown from bis horse, which caus— ed a cuncussiun ia the brain, producing insanity, and that in this sate he crussed the peninsula of Flurida® and wandered thus far. - He states that when be found himself in the woods, and ge: the cegro,it appeared to him that he was waking froma disagreeable dream. He has some taint recollection of being on 4 rail road, (this is supposed tu be the Ponchartrain Iv is really wendertul that he should have gratifying to his friends and relatives to know that the officers at this pust, the muinent they the garrison, where medical attendance and eve TEXAS.—Col. B: E. Bee. hus deen appalute the president of ‘Texas, Secretary of uable cargo of dry goods belaying io Mexicans orders issued. frum the Navy Department. President, after. a careful investigation of the case, has comubanded her immediate release. tHE SOUTH. ‘The St. Francisville Journal came to as last evening shrouded in mourning, for the death of » talented, aud amiadle editor, Esq. .He was the old eal editor and printer in the State, and a mem- for his legal a- . His death has; valooked for; having knifein the abdomen. viile, represented as being respectable. Peace to shot te this .coanty on Sat. * Bank had The and Herald. The loss, Rae, has I) pussess- at Boston that tune The negro He tance, subsequent and gentle his situa— the U.S of the Ist last recol (which he ag.) in the ing himself in Florida, kind which eratic wan- Ih will be temoved tu bina. hasa val- war. This the eXpress The Sept. 20. St. Francis~ Pink Broom, ae ee great demand for it that shia peculiar created ; and. aoy thing which bring all Jaborers, the yonny and feeble as well as the able bodied, into action, ie a great public The price per scre paid fur cutting” the corn in this manner is put, we undersiand, moch less than by. the uid method of reaping. benefit. ks a Nat. Int. that a much ‘sounds ot larceny. boys was cence. wages. with of th eit ujecting woodea prongs placed vow it with pride, xtolen was two huises. ihat place. money, and a hearts and a paper, or twelve ii from the bead piécs ‘The Court refased ¥ The Craft.—The editors of the New Orlran Commerciat Herald compliment the members of the Fypugraphical prufesston in the fullowing handsome style : 4 x PAY THE PRINTER he will take mackerel in payinent. ASCENEIN A COURT. put upon » as the blade of ‘the scythe. ‘jostrament—it 1s astonishing that it should net have been adupted.in al) pagts lier date—the crore 4 thrown literally with their beads ag they g and ate readily collected by women, buys, or ble ma, and bunnd inte sheaves. The vantage looked for by the farmers ée the waste of the stubble whieh is trampled dawn | and lost, and (be preservation of the ssiaw which thas been scarce and dear , but we are consinced reater advantage, ip a season like this, when all grain becomes ripe at once, is the of getting it into stacks. ere is 2 deficrenéy of labor for the sudden sun has - a +e. In the enurse of 4 lecture oa the structure and hie pivtule and gans, mitsbi { functions of human frame, recently vorél bows.and arrows, and like ald “King Priem, io Ped at Bristal Epstivation, by Mr. Estin, shat gon- | con,a with his princely tilled the Cewan; after exhibiting ia 80 eniaal the natural g‘o@id and tended his fi.cks and herds in the is: > age. Ww. ‘fee- a = _ tes to The people of Pattereou, N. J. were consider- ably amused by some late transactions in Court. ‘The grand jory indicted furty persons for sell ing hquors, and presented the the Court ilseff, as a nuisance, fur having liceused as aiany gro- cers as it had done. ceive the commanticatiun from the jury, and dig- charged that body forth with. , to Ta “© We have been journeymen. priaters, we a- It is our glory to be mem- berr of a budy of men who for honesty of feeling, independence of spirit, and intellectual acquire- meats, have no superiors ia suciety. long to an art which has civilized and partuaily |" reformed the world ; aud which will sull work greater and mo:e beneficial changes iu the or ganization of government We be- It is quite pitiable, we declare, in apening of our cuuniry papers tu see the repeated and de- ploring request, to pay the printer, and the earn- est assurance that eggs, candles, puultry and pigs for payment, and | and if wein the sity were uuol ashamed at the inconvenience of looking so puur swe would make a proclamation to the sane effect ; indeed, we shuuld all be thankful to tha delinqueuts at least, it they would commute fur butier and eggs— chickens, corn and vats. day, and ten ur twelve Svuthera Subscribers sent us a little bale of cotton to liquidate arreafs, and if they were all tuciubd in thts manner, we should bein clover as well as colton, Really | and truly it is lamentuble tor an editur ta Yook over his list of delingneut subscribers—it is ‘enough to make the tears come into his eyes al the ingratitude of mankind, to think how daily |. and nightly he is to lavur, to pluck vut bis brains: like bird lime, to scuar the city aud the mad. par {. pers tor news—to keep his scissors and pen.ic.: incessant employment and to shin it in Wall street for the needful pay for printing paper, tusk, Compusitours, rent, carriers, devils, and su forth, and then at the end of six months proba tion to be told, ‘call again to-morrow,’ “ iterum: ad que tlerum,” until the poor printer says * Wil take pork and tuvlasges, apples or cider—eod The amount due the printer from each individeal is frequent- ly so awall, ‘hat he who pays thousands daily deems it of too trifling an import to louse time ‘in paying a $9 note, bat the aguresate of thuse small payments make up the sum total of the printer’s hopes,x—JV. ¥. Star. wood, butter, {t was bul the other From the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. At the present term of the General Sessiun occurred a scene uf nuvurdinary interest. brothers, one apparently twelve, and the ather | tuurteen yeats uf aye, were indicted fur grand ‘The property alleged to have been The elder of the twu thal, and his younger prother was sworn to testify against him. ‘story with all the simplivity of youth and = inov- ‘Two He wld his It appeared from his testimony that, some months since, their fathe:, whu wasin indigent. circumstances, emigrated from Plyuouth Massa: chaseits, to Chicago,but was unable tu take them with him, having previously boand them fora term of years to work in one of the factories io ‘Their waster becoming bankrupt, | absceuded, while they deprived of employment and means of suppurt, were defrauded of their Under these ewcums:ances, without. linost destitute uf cluthing, they turned their backs upun their former home, with the intention of seeking that of their father, other encouragemegt fur the prosecution journey than the courage of their young tained from the frogen. foun- tain of charity, regommanding them to benevo- Jence -.of thuse y should meet on their. ways ; . jue’ prepared for a journey of a thousand miles, théy set out, ignorant of the world, and of the country throogh which théy were to pags, (n this manner they preceeded; begging their fuod, and, sometimes, whea uf more comfurtable quartereseeking 1a baron, rest at night. Pasgiog throagb one of thesout! counties of this Stase, where’: themselves were short of Ww prerpre, habitants, sho provisions, their story, was discredited 5 and erged-by-hanger and wea riness, they took the homes, with tbe intogtiin of retraciog their stepe, till they coold proqure: } forts j that destructive pressure night not digable them TIGHT DRESSING.” os ‘situstiun of the viscera contained -withia the trank, of is an to the ‘aroand ef ee within. if Sede are prevented ftom freely expending du)ing inspira. tion, by any external pressure, shurtaxss of breath on the slightest exertion, and palpitatioa of the heafl, sre the consequences, .Any thing tight below the ribs, on the called. the waist, is ati! more injurious,'as thererme bony protec- tiun exists for the delicate organs. within. A great mistake, he observes, Beeins to exists as to the nateral form of the body at this part, it oe- ing usually snpposed that the disproportion be- tween the circamferance of the waist aud the chest, ie far greater then it really ie. A frightful train of stemach and pulmonary complaints are the effects of the mode of tight dressing ; and though to the customs of society, a degree of deference is due, he was con vinced that good sense enough exists to allow of any who wish it, to pay & sufficient attention todress, without incurring the charge of singu larity of application on the one hand, or injuring health on the other. A little anatomieal figure, he thought, woald be a good appendage to the toilst ; it would teach the votary of the fashion to imagine that the heurt was praying for room to palpitate : the lungs for liberty to perform their important of- 4 fice of purifying the blood ; the stomach would | supplicate for spells to exercise its necessary functions of digestion ; and the thousands of sb- sorbing vessels, at the intestines, would eotreat frum the food, and carrying life, strength, and energy, toevery part of the system. FASHIONS. Sands. New customs. Though they be never so ridiculous— Nay let them be unmaaly—yet are followed. Chamberlain. Death! my lord Their clothes are atter euch a pagan cut too, That sore they have worn out Christendom. Henry VIIl. Act 1. Seene Ll We thought of these lines, as we looked apon anexguisite yesterday ; and as posterity will scarce believe a general assertiun, we place on ‘record a particular description A hat neither ‘white nor black but mouse coloured, a face smoth- ‘ered in hair, whiskers, mustaches and imperial, a shirt of valico, cuilarless, with a monstrous crooch in front; a vest of white with all man— ner of gold chains disporting upon it, acuat small in the eollar and skimped in the waist; panta ‘henne of white, strapped down so tight, that-eve- ry step the wearer touk resembled a horse with the spring helt ; and buvts of white canvass with two inches uf black varnished leather at the tue! white kid gloves and a whale bune switch, and the creature walked! Oh, Christendom ! Com. Herald From Spencer's Travells in Cireassia. Domestic Habits of the Princesses of Cir ‘cassia.—Vhe fullowing morning, uwing tw my character for generosity in presenting the wu neo with presen's, and my protession of Hak kim, the young prince introduced me to bis mo ther and sisters : for these people, as ! before remarked, unlike other Orientals, do not rigidly seclude their women in the harem, prubably they have followed, in this respect, the example of their neighburs, the Tchernemorsky Cossacks; however, from whatever cause it has resulted, I have frequently seen the women at the public assemblies of the men, particularly thuse who were onmarried: Still awarried pan does not appear in public with his wife ; neither does he see lier during the day when it can be avoided. ‘This custom dues nut uriginate in any feeling of disrespect for the fair sex, but in ancient usage and a desire to prolong the reign of love. A si- inilar law was established by Lycurgus, amung the Lacedemonians. _ Bot to return to my visit: having been re. ceived must courteously by the princess and her daughters, | made them, in eompliance with universal custum a few trifling presents, which they acknowledged by giving mean erbroider- ed belt to hold my pistols, and a pair of r-d imo- rycco patern povkets—the work of their own hands) ‘The mother of my young companion, -probably between furty and fifty years of age, was sumptuously attired in a blue silk robe, o pen in front, confined with silver clasps, and a girdle ornament with silver ; her trousers were very beautiful; Turkish muslin, of variegated colurs, and red stippets ; on her head she wore a light shawl, partly arranyed as a turban, and partly falling,in graceful folds, over her neck aod shoulders, completely concealing her hair ; over this was thrown a large, thin muslin veil, that nearly enveloped her figure ; her drees be- iag completed by an abundant display of gold triuklets, evidently extremely ancient, & from the workmanship, [ should think, Venetian. Her person still retains traces of great beauty. The attire of her daughters was even more splendid ; but, in lieu of the tarban, each wore a _*‘ tiara” of red morocco leather, ornamented with a profusion of small Turkish and Persian gold }coins. In other respects their dress was simi- lar, except that the hair of the young dames, in. stead ot fatling on the neck in carfs that of the married women, was arraigned in a thick plait, confined at the end by a silver cord, which de- acended below the waist ; their featares were as .Sheir mother ; yet it mast be confessed that their “oul pressed in: ‘whiell Was, no-deubt, the principal cause of their hia own ea moantaine 5 and net fags sgt show render— | @! his oceepstions in the open ne longer a- greeable, ha made mats of great beauty, which find‘a ready ealein Turkey ant Persie. Nor tifully regular and expressive as those of sallow complexions by 00 means improve their ) They were, however, the tight jeather corset | worn by all Circassiah girls, of whatever age, ee a f 2 or. ‘weaver. 2, ; mwanafaciured his inimit: ry was this the only employment; ie cast bollets, he made gunpowder ; and if these were nyt suf- ficier.t to fill up his. time, he emoked his tehi- bouque, LYNCMBURG RACES. Commenced on Tuesd 19/h of Sep- tember and continued four days. Fiet Day. A Sweepstakes for colts and fillies, 3 years old ; seven entered, six started ; mile heats : P Buford’s bk f by Star, dam Vam- pire, wt 83-bs. Townes & Carter’s be Clarion, by Murat, dam by Pacolet, wi 86 lbs. Merrit Talbot’s b c Emma Star, by Star, dam Hart’s Blue Crane, 83 Ibs Ed Townes’s b c by Hedgeford, dam by Washington, 86 Ibs David McDaniel’s b c by M ‘Ton- son, dam Eaton’s Columbus, 86 lbs Wm McCargo’s b f by Lance, dam ~~ jmp Eagle, 83 Ibs. Time—1! 55; 1 52. Seconp Day. Proprietor’s Purse, $200, entrance $15; 2 mile heats. Wm McCargo’s rf by Murat, dam by imp Knowsley, wt 97 Ibs 4 vears old, Leonard Phelp’s c h Volney,4 years old, by Mon. Tonson, daw Sir Archy, 100 lbs. Townes & Carter’s h h Ned Col- lier, 4 yearsold. by Murat dam Potomac, 100 lbs Wm Harvey's h h Landlord, 4 vears old, by Lance, dam by Madison, 100 Ibs, Time—3 47 : 3 53. Second Race, same day.—Sweepstakes, $200 entrance, for 3 year olds, 4 entries, 3 started ; 2 mile heats : P Boford’s b f by Star, dam by Shakespeare wt 83 Ibs. Wm McCarygo’s sf by Eclipse, dam hy Director, 83 lbs Ch. P Lee’s b ¢ Boltingbrooke, by Eclipse. dam Virginian, 83 lbs 2 Time—3 54, 3 53. Trirp Day, Proprietor’s Purse, $200, entranee $15, 2 mile heats. Leonard Phelp’s gh Livingston,by Medley, dam by Vantrump, 4 eF 4 3 2 dis dist 8dr * 3 dist 1 1 2 vears old, 110 Ibs 1 1 David McDaniel’s g f Ann Eliza, 4 vesrs old by Eclipse, dam Director, 97 lbs 6 4 P Buford’s b ¢, 4 years old, by E- clipse, cam by Sir Archey, 110 lbs. 2 6 John Houseright’s g m 5 years old, by Greybeard, dam by Sir Ar- chy, 107 Ibs. Wm McCargo’s chr by Sir Charles, dam by Virginian, 4 years old, 97 lbs James Williamson’s gc 3 years old by imp Fiyde, dam Director, 86 Ibs Win Harvey’s b h Landlord.4 years olc, by Lance, dam by Madi- son, 100 Ibs 3 Mr. Harvey carried 4 lbs over weight. Time—3 55; 3 51. Fourtu Day. Jockey Club Purse, $400; three mile heats ; $20 entrance. Wm. Harvey's g h Arthur Tay- lor,5 years old, by Levia- than, dam Paecolet, 100 Ibs David McDaniel’s b h Pioneer, 5 years old, by Sir Charles, dam by Sir Altred 100 Ibe Leonard Phelps’s c h Bolus, 4 vears old, by Lance, cam Constitution, 100 Ibs Wm McCargo’s bm Sally Eu- banks. 7 years olc, by Roan- oke, dam Constitution 121 lbs Time 5 53; 551; 557. Second Race, same day—Sweepstakes, for 3 year old colts and fillies, mile heats, $50 entrance. Wm McCargo’sb f by M Tonson, dist 5 dr 3 4 1 2 8 dam Virginian. * 1 Leonard Phelps’s ch c Nick of the Woods, by Eclipse, dam Pu- Jaski, 2 3 Melville ‘I'albot’s ch f Cinderella, by Sir Charles, dam Madisen, 3 Time 1 54; 1 55. * Col. Hargrave’s. priicesses of old, pocasionally emplayed them: | Peeston, Rives, Robbins, Rubing,,, ‘tT vote. ch the questi i a SuUOn Was gee favor of the ar -YEAS.—Messrs. Alien, Buchanan, Cathoun, Clay, Falton. Grundy, Hubbard, bama, Linn, Marris, Nites, ee os wba Ch, Strange ker, » Williams, Wrig) ry eh. Yoh NAYS—Mesers Boyard, Black, of Kv,. Clayton, Criutenden, Ken, . Ne Benton, p, Of Aisha’ King, a , Norvel, of Georgia, Koight, McKe, of Indiava, Southard, Spence, madge, Tipion, Webster W tien The amendment offered by Mr as a substitute for the whole bij: ( izing the receptien of the bills o/ cie-payiag banks not iasuing note die than $20.) was then tried, and lt y ; following* vote : AYEAS—» Meésrs. Bayard, Blarj of Kéntucky, Clayton, Crintende, King, of Georgia, Ko ight, McKen olas, Prenttss, Preston, Rives » Smith, of Indiana, Southard, Spen Talimadge, Tiptor, Websites, Win. NAYS— Messrs. Allen, Benton, Buchanan, Calhoun, Clay of 4, Fulton, Grundy Hubbard, King, d bama, Lina, Lyon, Morris, Niies,\ Pieree, Roane, Robinson, Seve, go of “Connecticut, Strange, Waike, & Williams. Wright, Young—2¢, _ Mr. PRESTON then offered 2 whting for the bill. making it the duy ay, retaty of the Treasury to mate DEPOSITES of the accruing revenue dy United Srates in banks most cor situated, and to make such term " them as in his judgment would bed mote the public interest. This substitute was Wst by the {ola ing vote: _ YEAS—Messrs Bayard, Slack, Cog Kentucky, Clavton,Cri tendendrot by of Georgia, Knight. McKean, Nidg Prentiss, Preston, Rives Robbins, of Indiana, Southard Spence, Swi, madge, Tipton. Webster, White~zz, NAYS—Messrs Allon, Benton, Bro Buchanan, Calhoun, Clay of Alsemal, ton, Grundy, Hubbard. King, of Ah Lion. Lyon, Morris. Niles, Norve!l P Roane, Robinson, Sevier, Sai't. 0 necticat, Strange, Walker, Was, Wi Wright, Young —26 Some amendments were then mi w the tails of the bill, and it was finaly nie engrossed for a third reading by ‘it meme YEAS.—Meners. Allen, Benton, jon be chanan, Calhoan, Clay, of Alabem fag Grandy, Hubbard, King, of Alstum, Lyon, Niles, Norvel}, Pierce Koape, he Sevier, Smith, of Connectiva: Si range, W Wall. Williams, Wright. Yoong—2 NAY S—Messre Bayard, Black, Cu. é Kentucky. Clayton. Crittenden, Dera King, of Geo., Knight, McKean, Netdatee tiss, Preston. Rives, Robbing, Smith. d het South ward, Srence, Swift, Tallmsdge, Tes Webster, White—23. * Absent, Messrs. Cuthbert of Geo, Louisiana, Rugyles of Maine, and Met hio. = It will be observed that the two Viqieat ators in direct opposition to eseh obe. is the Democrat ? WATCHMAS. Salisbury, Oct. 14. ae — —- ———— 5 >. TO CORRESPONDES The great length of the article o 7 : by G. L. Champion, compels & * : The remsinder with the remake 6 Currespondent, shall appea! next ver> STATE OF PARTIE Bat for the accession of MF = the waning furtuaes of Marte Hg , no one now doubts that be #ou'é be Ina minority in Congress as he is with the nation. ‘This aseistanct forded, say bis adherents, from 2} reward from the present admine™ without a deep loathing tbe A which he thus suddenly finds » is rendered, eay they, from pation in pursuance of fixed aod cs clared principles—the pine me with which he has always acted. uves for this co operation we cao Every days experience proves ” there is no matter in which et to be mistuken as when they ° judge the seeret workings of ‘ hearts Mens considerations ved | believe that Mr. Calboun #9" otic in bis course, But tha! be 8 teat in supporting vhs treasury in now denouncing the Lan” ig that he is wrong in yi" ' wt praciples of tbe States 120 © he is'totally in error as 10M © yh and effects of this measure ba a a supply of provisions to coatinue their jourdéy:4 gnhealthy appearsuce. On a signa being made, These wege the circumstances: which pleted |'the young prince,’agreeably to custom, loft the FOR SALE. thear befure the court. There wag'to doubs of | 190ml, When one of his wives entered, a princess oO ae a the taking the horses. i} gg OE the: bei.tribe, o00%0f the handsomes: Y¥ virtue of a Decree of the Coort of Equi- The péidone t's counsel made a ‘solemiii 1 | women. ggerbebeld. “She might be a- oe eet Term,. 1887, will be gold be jury, insisting that the fe-not ta- beet Lo WAR, AE cmos! regular featares of | on a credit of nine months, a Tract of Land, igf-with dishunest intenyons, - db-shagaie G eyes large and dark—com | containing about Keolewnity uf resingerity 5 pubtaine | plexiog. a. clear Spwa, hands 204 foot delicately , * \ feeling were ea ’ ib the honor | small je hole.figu -delicately moulded. 98 A : ‘ruman‘ nature be. it seldy the aud jage{ She waar a similar style to that of the ee a? Oe heard from the sest-of the prisoném, - were an- | elder princess, except tbat it was more testefal, | lying on Seovod Creek, cea. Gilesas Bridge,ad- swered with tears fromthe bat, the bénch, apd | and stadied with no emall degree of coquetry ; joining the Lands of [saze Cowsa, Robert V. ‘jars bux. ‘The boy wae) il, aod a sxolle | het fine static Seer Hung in tresses on ber shoul- { Cowan, and others. The sale will take placeun provequi eotered on vag indictment against his} ders. i" *® * I found the prin- | Ssturday, the 18th of November next, un the brother. ts 2a ‘cess and het tere employed at embruidery.| premises, and tbe put be required ty give A parse was soon made up for there, ei vig This refined ishment dues pot ever, | bund with guod security forthe purchase movey ed in the tinnds of a guitable individual,Sot ucecapy-a large portion of the time uf women | on the day of sale. . perp pf paying their paseage to” Chisagy. | of Caucasus ;-gnd those of my host, like the - SAMUSL SILLIMAN, c. m. &. barefuoted boys left the courthegse. with Sept 30th, 1837 —7111—-53 7B nevertheless certain. He es } : y * pa : t speech 10 behalf of this new fyequnte AibeteRis Ogr eptaten J sand ever has been @ sworn fpemy | miserable eystem : a i gveparranage: sadcyet it eqgnot (ne Maren 2 any aa (x . ; : . lead cause of gut a cthereice than: ME AB® propor’ | ive lung settled that a Nat be ee ‘Ban old greatly strengthen the Executive. je can meet the emerzoney of the tends, sad + Teen system Of Revenne must Freld | 4, a: inst we shalt bs evmpelled to have one. general pears to come at least 30 millions | Bat bed as we thiak of the Peis, we. are aowil. a jlars «<P bis vast eam if we aunder- : jog tv swap them for & monster of such fearful a 5 stem, Is to go intathe hands of ; portent as this:new project. ‘ 9 Custom-honge Officers—of the - : _ dozen |.«d officers and of the CONGSESSION AL. cats of the four miats. This | The bill to postpone the payment of the hat this amount shall after 4th Instalment to the, States has passed-the ceivable in Gold and Sil-! House of Representatives by a majority of ‘Treasury notes which the Execu- two. The vote was nearly a party one so i ve. These bundred treasurers throughout, Mr Sawyer however, who ae eperted to cart specie about , was elected as a Whig, voted with the Van ae to place, over this widely spread ,Bureo party, and Dr. gry net may be wonted ‘They must’ who is an administration man, voted 10 the J, It ts thought that the late elec- na the 8 6 1) 08 ——— ~ a Une yeryaten te prorrase s ' w sears be re efore be furuished with Treasury notes, minority: Montgowery, | grave’s Gilly iy Tonson, from mare by Virgiman, Won « purse at Lynch- burg ie 1 54 & 1 55: beating an Eclipse & a Charles Next week she ran and won gt Deaville: paruculars not known. Dr. Holt | bas a most beautiful Luzborougl filly ftom the same mare 2} years old, which (sf there be any judgment in eyesight.) will be a ter- ror to braggers. ‘While on this aubject, let ue ask the gentlemen whohavebeen gir- ing large prices for blooded cattle, what is the sense or consistency of their giving $500 for a filly and refusing twenty dollars 1 the amount of specie on b ind, to send ! the hard money : je issuing Of lion gave Lim a bad scare. The Sub-Trea- -sury bill has passed the & nate by the small | dstant paris in hea of majorty offtwo Me Calhoun taking the | No one believes | there isa chance for it to pass the other ! the Jaw must antharise U is on them: in either of which cases the measure, e will be stillin the hands of these lead on spec! ! , J here : | ionanies. Wheta temptation 38 hear house Cougress has resulved to adjouro | abuse ve : yd d to these individnals (» ou the 16th instant. ' ‘ 1! Here they have the money ( totally egs to the world ) locked upin their They may not be called on for | MR SECRETARY WOODBURY. ts: ; es We have have been frequently called on: Be eases one ine for a it | to notice the gross blundering and want of ; before an election ‘calls on me fo . oO yey — My rivate fr ond, my 25 ! : ) . t ¥ Cc th safe ke p- v | ’ g since in @ little pote of abaut 1x | 0, perhaps m seciilri y oO e e \ N ( on ‘i this very dormant (und is dreadful. | lines appended to the monthly statement raed tor cnoney, | know he is good, | | get the movey back long before it 1s’ ed, there isn0 keen sighted stockhol-. or director to look over thy shoulder to nine my act, of qnestion the bond I y uke as security’ “30 Lend? But pay ‘pomes, the money 18 not in hand : it is which be was rc quired by law to make, we | called to our assistance a distinguished | member of Congress, aad a gentleman of | consideralle literary acquirements. afier a! a fair ard candid examination, they had | both to coufess, that they did uot koow | » com what the meaning wap. 1 Such calculations witli! no doubt: fre- | aly jead tuthis fatal result “The more sibility ia ramified and divided the eapt is ibe employer to come to logs A friend of outs from the country, re~ markable for his accuracy iu these matters, | exposes the following blunders in Hon. | _ Secretury’s late letter to Cougress. bperence the vest Of gaides proves to us Mr Secretary says it is that bave actually wee the people never lost a cent while T ’ | money wasia the U.S) Bank: all the | that have occurred, have been while | ascertained the States received ” win tbe bunds of the receiving and- $27,068,480 80, And that transfers were porsing officers : and these amounts have If then while in qa) Scesenably issued. but not yet acknowledged for considerable. paent state, the pudlic treasure bas been 1,165.575 18 $28,229.005 98 The amount to he distribu- ted is $37,468,859 97 The 4th Io- stalment ha is xposed to logs, how much more 80, ; 1 If atas doficult to money out of the fingers of these col-| ithe, wben al rest! aor. bow much more difficult will at be get out of their pockets. Tre nore ve reflect on this system, the more gre satisfied (hat tt willopen a duor oot only wereased patronage, but to the mogt siupen- correctly VW satisfted i ri “08 fraods. e are satisfte 100, that it will | states at 9.367.214 98 28,101,644 99 acumey and expensive inachinery, A very } pubewnerin the Charleston Mercury (said | e bei! (heaves) angeris, that the expense | Over paid on the 3 first La- sta! nents $127,360 99 Hoe al least double that estsmated . by the : deat in his Messaye, viz. $120,000 per an- Receipts. . Latit be reme ubered, that all the fiscal | From Customs 7 234.451 Hens of this Goveruinent were nut voly From Land 5.303.731 doe for nathing by lale United States Mineclisuéoue squrcce 512 263 y but that ti paid oesides to the ‘T'reagury, : Mis charter, a tiilion anda half of dollats.— | Add 10 receivers hauds about ee! Phat late Mr Cathoun can reconcile it w) la Collectors 50,000 Hw say, that he has always believed that so is anise mal had nv po ver under the Consti tution $13,700,445 atter » Natiuna! Bank, and yet admit thal All these he says makes aa | bas twiee voted for s rela charter on account Mrapediency is dithcult of comprehension, gee ccuate mie mmucRciny alls Vs DEW Dryect a divorcee of the Gov- year of ESSUSE NTS t from the Banks, and yet he would ty this'saree Guverninent om ace with ERROR pale es Let any one take the trouble of examin ing the first two pages of this letter, and relewmag eines Phe oid one (tbe US B)} the blunders are palpable enough. What a Matleasi kind and beneficent to the people, Secretary! boew vue we fear would prove astep-dame:| . + ‘tery silverand yuld she would Monopoulize 'erowa seperaie use, would be so much "wn ftom irade, and would be that much yond the reach ut the peo ‘ odious featares of the repudiaied phe, with mare prof gzicv of nature, ang wuheat any of OMNIBUS, . Mr. Sparhawk of Peiersburg Intelligen- cer says, the story of out two Moatgomery Dogs, iz 00 bad sianlitude to the case of Martin Van Buren carrying out the mea- evtes of General Jackson Wethink that there will ve found this importint differ- ence, between the cases. Whenever the old Dog from ‘Tennessee gets so far off as not to be able to see bis halting iaitates, he of New York, will put his fourth foot to the ground, and go as he best may. No ove likes to go limping along when nothing is to he gained by it, and Van 1s a cunning Dog. We take.— A certain distinguished Gold miner ‘row Burke, has contrived us word, that his cousin the Mississippi Buck ! whom we had the assurance to putin our Omnibus. has once pistulled aman in the west. If he 1s as barking a dog as his Burke cousin, we shall never bind him over to the peace. Typogrephical error —An Irish lady, we thiuk 1 is oneot Auacreon Moore’s he- ‘ Continued iw abuse it vehemeatly op | Polnes, complaimed that a poem,in which jee ‘hat it was ascertained tha: | She bad tred to be very fine, sweteed of re Was its advewate 2 i luw isittbar: “Newly blown roses? was ptinted newly PESO pon and other leading mea of | blown noses. ple. Mr Cal h , . oud says ‘* nothing can be more del Novhing can require to ®ore delicately handled = Jt vught not te be | ed with cor touched until it beeumes abso Yuecewary.” And yor he ts willtug to join hat has ruined every thing y AN eXpeciment entirely no ea Success as an experimenter ae Arran! tue nation i 8 association? [ 298° Internal I mal Road from B Uf ations: his than the currency Sitha party t ter touched, tu tr Has his own confiding “wk io his tanff s\e- provement system : his uffalo to New Orleans: B-anen Mints, not to speak Nal as b Iitficaiion — what have all there turned ‘We guud ut the Country? Mdence of Wisdom anu si ON devine ty "hier we have Do they give and judgimentin jus thy us in believing ina hitherto distrusted, mere— be is funod ty agree with it ? a a he is carrying out the coc ea tale rigs party. How is it that we Party feund thes uut antl Mr Cal- Mwed i? How is it that every one denounce the Trea ) and sury sysiem in ad towards a club in their neighborhood? When they ‘gust know, that such an institu- tion alone gives blooded stuck its character and value? A most respecta:-le stuke for $ : year olds might he had at Salisbury sext spring. hesides a good purse or two if per- sobs 10 this orighborhood, who own such spirit 4 Lois of gals are being taken to the far west in ships, stéambuats, rail road cars,and ma:! coaches, Pientice says, they are o- gled with a spy glass, and courted witha speaking trumpet, and all things are ar- | ranged for a gatch by the time they arrive, Here and here abouts a poor fellow has to besiege a toy one with whispered compli. | ments, and sigh breathing sentimentalines | for a good six months befure he can get a glance of her eye: with ordinary good lack | ‘ he may get bis ‘no equivocal,’ in another , six mouths, and his ‘no absolute’ in six ' inonths more, Marrying is getting to be quite out of the question. oth — —_—_ COMMUNICATION For THE WatcHMan. Sin :—{ am rejoiced to hear that the eit)- Zeos of Salem ere friendly to Interaal Jun- provement, and fully alive to its great im- potlauce, T flutter any myself, that a feel ing, al One and the same time. beneficial to the commuunty, ane bonourable to the Stte. will also be louud among their aeigabors In some tustances, as vou justly observe, the system may be carried too tary but loak- log, aod looking steadily, to the lessons of experieace as well as attending elosely to the evidence of facts, | tbiok in our davs. the example will be rare. ‘The case of the Ratt Road between the Roanoke and the Cape Fear. and of that between Raleigh & the Roanoke, will vot, | thiak eventaally prove that ether will be injurious of uuprot ttable to the pablic or the proprietors. The Uisposition which bas prompted the citizens of Wilmington to invest their capital, with a view lo a Competition to a Road thit must eventually pass frow Fayettevilleto Waynes: boro, Canuot ve traced to a liberality of feel May OF any great plenitude of patriotissnjand ! much goubt whether for the present, withal there puffs and all tae aid they de- derive from their brother evcluctves of Charleston, the requiea of their scheme Nas not already commenced, ‘Che passave irow Charleston throogh Norfolk to Phiti delplita is recuced to $30, and to Bul tions p23, all the way oy water, ‘The ture from Charleston via Wilmington to Eelifax, N C, is $22, and the deligotfal ride through the tiost satubrions counties of North Car vliba IDtO the bargain, I nave spoken of a road from Fayettevil: to Waynesboro. Itas part of a great Roa potmted out by Col Gong an tis repaid, (Doc 177 Sess. 1835-6 pp. 51,52. Rui Roads, de.) which, for its general informa: wou and useful calculations, L earnestly re- commend lo your attention, eventually that read must be made, ani expericace and | expense of the Express Mail, in addition tu that of the ordinary stage. will point at out, ere long to Congr ss, and the cowmer- cial community with a pencil of tigbt. But, to tnose who thik the system. can ve carried tov far, it wil! be well to observe, thal tis probable they forget not only the iucreasing Character of the US. but of all civilized Europe, a large portion of whose surplus population will have to be accom— moudated tuto these transatlantic regions. However, to recur to any supposed rivalry between the Raleigh and Gastun, and the Wilmington wad Roanoke Read, it will be well to add a eiucere conviction, that tiers: will ve eunploy ment snd profit for both, in- direct if not direct, most probably the lat— ter. But the Raleigh and Giston must be properly sited after ;1 has passed Haywood, where to use the words of Engiueer Gar- nett, ‘the water power is very great.and on— ly little enterprize is required to make it the site of floutisbing manufactures.’ ft Must succeed, and ut is more than probable, the example of Haywood will compel thes cross creeks to believe that a successful Competition with, if aot a decided super: ority over thew, presents.in their present temper No very great diffieinty, ° The tne route for the Metrpolitaa road is; to Ché~ raw from Hay wood ; theece to. AY will p os Micreaee ta dangerus fallacy: | 4 mortal error-— William Gaston of Sa- | y 'be Adwinisirativun, and se- + ae: ted by thei Us perpetuate she |¥annah, a very distinguished merchant, ’ < ’ t . Mm? ww, cgitiel tel eae having lately died-in the city of New York, ' a lvve that any consi. a Se) Y of the uullifiers will go with M,.| OF brethern of “the Press bave unwittingly | rt ~~ ha this new experiineni; we have | published it asthe death of the Hosona-| i sae contradicted that Governor BL® Wittiam Gastron of our Supreme’ We ant vpluion, and he should oot! Court This distinguished gentleman pass ‘2 ppur t ~ : en fhe find the great wajority | ed a day in our village on the Grst of . this Wer, against bi. : week, and we are hajpy to say, that be is, P 00% to be uoderstuud as favoring the "in the enjoyment of fine health and spirits, ' | think proper to assist ii and then along Col. Long’s 1 = jesng Darlington a rvad direct to Chena Ae ‘der be made or a lutle é t arlestoa z , : Dr. Bolts! | ply the. great. qarkets of , aTope Ba- with melons. Wath e rail roud travelled by | sling the Northern cities with and fruit of evely"deseription; and if con- man sense, common liberality, of common good feeling, for these fellow crthiene eould pervade, with, Charleston or Wailnungion, the openity:af roads to - the Stoney. coua~ tries aT porhaps‘eaable them ata cheap rate to make their Ports (Wilmington )am | fully conned ) infinitely deeper than they are, and thus add, greatly -ty (he facshises of their foreign commerce. But, local advan- tage ts.alf they seek, and local advantage they cannot for ages attain. Charleston is ow adding to her wooden wharfa, when the adoption of a praper system would in the end epable her ceed stone Quays, whieb, althoa litle ainss expensive at the | present nomeot, would in the ed prove in- property would evince a little more public | fanely cheaper, and on the score would possess incalculable advaat prodace indescribable benefits. One of ‘the most important points of this discussion is, to ascertaia what Virginia wants, and what she wishes todo If she brings a coad frou the James or Aappomatox, ot perhaps both, to Danville. that town will then Becupy the place, which Miltoa does at present and become the N. E point on the Roanokg of the Perdmont Road ; and, should the feeling coutinue in favor of a junction with the Rafeigh and Gaston Riad, 1 stippose at abuut chalk level, and a de- pendence be placed on that Ruad for a pas- save into Caroliea and Virginia, they wall 10 all pirubabihty, yield to the road at Farm- ville and the James or A.sppomatox ; for this Road wall-identity the imterest of the whole of Virginia, N. & S.C. and Georgia, bordering upon it, as well ag that of every commer¢ial city, io the middie and eastern Stales. Further, | would ask, if it is not still probable a Road will be brought from the valley, in euch a direction, as to pass from the N. Western section of Nortii Cac- olina, to the vieintty of Greensboro, aad health and thence towards Aghborough., Haywood, &«& &c. procegdiog either to Raleigh or Fayette- ville. : J wilkrevert to the subject of laying down a rail toad On a route sv long as is that from Earontow, Ga, (dependent of course, on the pleasure of that State, whicb soon will be able to designate lie proper terminus) to Danville Va. whieb ere long will be povat- ed cut gg. the place of umon wath other roads fuputag daa gorth eastern direction It has a.decided advantage, in having been so loay tablished underthe name of the Prethgont’ Keute, and to tetura to the peri- od, Wheo the events of the: Revolutionary War took place, wo shall fimfitthe Road of both anmes. Itis 1 presume as old a Coroiiat road as 1s iv be found in the upper out of ony of the southern Siates, a fect. perbaps aceoualing for the excellence ot the site, aud the ease with which a Railway may be made over tt, With these observations, | will assume, thatat is to be thade agd endeavor lu ascer tula ItS-cosis. prospects aod results, and alse, that Virgina tas determined to lay down ber Road from the river to Daoviile, "Pa- king the present distunce between Eatonton and Milton, as the means of an estinatewe shall hod Georgia has to make 84—S. Cat- vitna $30, N. Carolina 171 antes, total 895. say JOO suiles, and at RLU,000 per mile, conang 31,000,000, OFthis, b wilt suppose the Guv- ermuect ofthe Gisted Siates, now paying for the Goiveyauce of the mals oa toe Kedera! cad 3300 per wily or ai D per e@pl, an interes: u BO,000, and an iadefutie and lanwense sui for the carrbige ul troops, &e &e., wii conte nate 2-5ths with tbe surveys ur $L.600,000— thos leaving $2,400,000 iv be turuished by the respective States through which the Road is to piss, and the capttalisis in the North, who, with ther? neighbors in tiade, cape derive advantage trom is creation. blow fir the cities in that secliun ean ce bene filed, will be seen by the let- lers fron N. York. seating that ‘next Spring we Ma. tra 4B vetyed lu lnyporluread of starve ” ihe Road would dhectly accominedate above 200,000 People of 40 000 taimihes in the Coun- les neat and trough which it Is to pass—thus cositng-Sa0 to each family for we coastruction, yielding for this trifug invesimeat uf capil from pi tu p10, and this annually tncteasing ip the yaine raiiv, as du the populativun, commerce aod consumption of the U. States. Surely, can need no argument lo prove, that a Road 2) sited aud termivating in tis resalis, ai, perhaps, Linigtt say, S!. John’s, New Bruns wick, but, certataly at Portland or Passama quaddy, must de a profilable cuocero in all tts links, and expecially thuse vo be created ia the Carviinas acd in Georgia. [t would bea cheap barga a 2t $10,000 per usile 5 and still cheaper, if tnese $10,000 proceeded frum an application of the lavur of the country 5 and thus, ihgtead of sending capital abruad, keeping «t at home, But what are to be the receipts of the Ruad from Exftwynton, Georgia, to Dauvilie, Virginia. ‘Tu ascertaio them, I shall look to Gen. Layne’s Orcdtiwn on the ‘suvject af the Rail Ruad w ihe Obitu, ‘dgivered at Ctidtlestun in 1936. It a boudds ‘With figures ofall kinds. 1 shal) pass over his fine its w pp. 11, 12, and p:esume to expresa’my cuaviction, that * Chailesion will not-be- able w eaapply the greater part of Kea- ‘tucky, Bast Teanesame, end the apper part of North Garolina with all the foreign Goods they maprequire” ; bui,as his Arithmetical figares :io faet and contain, something more than: Suaimecyand flowish, I will refer you to the Piedun at road gt Ui stself with tw the general coaveaience. Let me nvt | be charged. with ¢xhibiting a picture too | highly coloared. oO one can think so, if: he takes isto account, the wants of thé low . countries and the means of the élevaied fe- : gions, to which these roads will affurd the power of supply and developement. The transport of Minerals, Liwe,.iron and Mar- “1 the 3 Seon" Amalugy;” mat the travel on the Louisville, &e. on the amount received from on-sad Hawnburg Ruad. “ Reasoning that~ ne aim t of tsavel. on sesaming our Ruad, (the ville, &c.). would be in pro- ora ite nt, the sane ‘* that on the Chariesion Road, weshvald have 177,142 pas sengers, which would prs aut fess than $664,925" lo e shosrtime, he thinks this s mount wight be “ s*. He calculaice fur the freight uf his 620 miles uf Road $1 000,000. Of the myiety of this, which will certainly be receivable-um the 400 miles uf the Predawat toate in Georgia aod the Cazulinas,{ take vo maaner, and make it restrict myself to $700,000——casting eside 1 balanee, the freight and (jen. Havne's idea ott the revenue being * doub!-d* im » short time. (Concluded ta ovr next ) From the Watchman of the South, Extracts fra:n the minutes of the Syarnd of North Carclina—Shito&Ciuteh, Gran- ville County “§ September 20th——23d, 1837. The Cornwittee on the State of the Church recommended the following resolu- tioas, viz: ‘1 Resolved, That, in the opimon of this Synod the ‘plan of anion’ of 1801, wes ua- constitutional at first; and as long es the constitution remains unaltered, ia its fon- damental principles, must cortique to be unconstitutional. 2 Resolved, That we hail its abrogation, with satisfaction, as a signal triumph of principle over that common frailty of our nature, which leads us to desire to increase number, at the expense of truth. $8 Resolved, That the separation of the four Synods from our connexion, was an act. which naturally and properly followed said abrogation; and thal, as they were sep- arated from our congexion, with their or- ganization complete, and minitesrial charac: ter untouched, this Synod cannot but regard said act. as combiping tenderness to chite- tran brethren, with faithfulness tothe truth. 4 Resalved, That this Synod regards the atlempt to give abolition the principal influ- ence in bringing about tbat result.ae making a false issue , and, as ii was not alluded ta in the debate. they believe that it had lite de or no inflience, in bringing about the decision ;. but they, believe, the question was honestly 'debated,and decided on tts own merits, 5 Resolved, That language of reproach and invective which”has been used against the late Assembly, and which charges on the majority and their adherents osidions & seductive stratagemns, false pretences,and the ambitious thirst of power is anchariteble and unwise ; and, untl those charges are proved, we wust regard them, ag aot ~justi- fied by any act of the majority.. 6 Kesolved, “Phat the nght and daty of the church to educate those whu are to aunister in her sanctuary, 18 unquestionable; and we bee liave it to be both unwise and improper wo give np the contro} of this matter tu anuiher dequini- nation, while the church has the ability to do it; and believe it to be unsafe, to intrust the man ageinant of the Msstupery onesatiuns in the church tu neo who have made eUCN sesiotieg, extensively, the engines af party, ‘This synod, therefore approves of the recommendation of the General Assembly, in relation to the ‘ Ameri- -an Hume Misstonary Society,” aodthe “ A- aencan Education Society.” 7 Resolved, Mhat, inasmuch ae the forma tian Of Presbyteries on the pringiple of eleetive affinity is menifegiiy uneoostitulions!, and that as tbany evilshave grown ap trom the forma tion of the third Presbytery of Philadelphis ;— and as any Body is coimpetent lo repeal its own acis, this Synod hereby expreases its cordial ap probation of the disseludion of the ‘Phird Presvy tery of Philadelphia, by the last General As semhly 8 Resolved, Fhat, while the necessity of ceriaip measures which were adopted, is deeply deplored, the Synod regards it ag a solemn duty, 1y sustain io the fullextent of its influence, the whole action of the Assembly, behleving it to be important to the preservation of our ecclesiast- cal order, doctrine, and dise:pline ; and, with tne blessing of Gad. happily caiculaced to arrest exisitng evils 5 and ullitmautely io resture to vur beloved Zion, purity, peace, harmony, aud fra- ternal cor fidence. On the ahove Resulutions, the vote stood thus: ~— Yeas 72—Nays 5—Now riguct.—1” Diced In Salisbury, an Wednesday 11th Jost. Mrs. ESTHER MURR, aged 71 years. Alsv io thie ‘Towa on the 10th instant, ELE- NOK, daughter of Ralph Kesler, aged abvut 11 yeurs. In Davidson Co. N.C., on Friday the 29th ult. Mrs, SALLY RUSH, wife of Janes Rusn of this couny, aged 25 years. Leaving a disconsolate husband. aud one ! child. FIRST RATE. ROWAN LANL HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR gale a first rate Farm on the Yadkio River containing, 60 700 ACRES, Adjuining Col Macnamara, Charles Torrence, and others. ‘There is a fair prupurtion of woud and cleared Laud. ion is i farming condition. The anit acon ee tertiles goed deal of it being as RIVER LoW GROUNDS, Terme will be quite reasonable, and mede to sait the cunventeser of perchesers. JOHN I. SHAVER. Selisbary, Oct. 14th, 1837—1113 BLANK SUBP@NAS > + Bm 4 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE 5, BURY ACADEMY, | Crass No. 19, ror 1837, Te be drawa at YANCEYVILLE, Cag well County, North Carohaa, oa Thursday the 9th of November, 1887, — ~2O0G- -—~ 1 Prize of $10,000 1 Piize of 4,000 1 Prize of 3.000 I Prize of 2,820 'Prze of 4,840 5 Prizes of 1,000 10 Prizes of 400 100 Prizes of 100 56 Prizes of 40 Besides many of $80. $20, $10, &e. = 66 VU.MBER LOTTERY, 10 DRAWN BALLOTS, AMOUNTING IN ALLTO @125,840 A package of 22 Whole Tickets ia thte Lottery will cust And must draw nett —————— Tickets will cost $ ‘ * Ralf ‘ ‘ * Quarter Whole Tickets, Halves, Quarters, A esrtificate for a package of 22 Whole 54 00 27 00 13 50 €# To be had inthe greatest variety of LILLY & WHEELER October 14. 1837 numbers, either by thé package or single Ticket, of | Mio. der the style ot FRESH GOODS, ef Charlesion, South Ca. ‘T. Mendenhall, of Newberry. C. H. Sa, has connected himself in business ~ of Charlestan, an- PORT, TOWNSEND & HENDENRALL, They are now receiving per each artival, a large quantity of FRESH GOODS, und present to their costomers, oearly’an entire ‘new stuck of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Oct. 4th 1837 —138—6 purchased at auction, aud elsewhere, in the City of New York. They are prepared to offer them ata doction frowo the prices uf jast season, or approved credit, Gash For sale at this Office. - PWNHE Rowan Tem Ww er improv been made to herself with ti her school worthy the euntinued pair her friends and the public, Sue lo promote by every proper means the telleetual and personal saprovement of & who wish w at teachers at Col. they aay *s dee to children a Temperance Wotice, rence Suck ty, will meet Leniz, near the Organ Church, on Munday $0th Jnsient. The friends of the cauee ere earnestly req panctoal in their altendaoce—eseveral Addressee willbe given. THE SALISBUKY FEMALE SEMINARY ILL (by teave of Providence) be re-opeg- ed va tie Gret Tuceday of Octuber. Mrs, Hutchison having visiied the Nurthern Seau- naries with the direct view of adopting whatevs might discover te bate - business of wwaching, Matters of being able to tender atthe House of walt she : vested tu be —- vaage vf pledges . all eceasions, the own childrea, to their ~ ia une of tbe thaste at ation TERMS OF ADMISSION. Firet Clase per sessun, 1a Secund Class per evasion 10 & Extra Branches. French session, 00 Chinese & Bronte, (six !*sons,) 00 Wat flowete & Fruits (six lesnvgs,) ped ‘louns hb i .(tweive legeuss,) ec teen & Baskets 00 henilie Work & - Cheeille Flowers & Tape xz, ¢ 0a NB. Arrangements have been |32d0 for the accummedation of ali the the schcol, entber with BLANK WARK. For Sale at this Office the of to be treated with the kinduess of tho family ia which they are oc, Sept 9 1081 + ich they will sell Wmoresae or Reva. eS — enthor at Whulesale or - =»! * ~ Bee i: Equity, tor Mon gomere 2a ~ will be tak 337. et ou IN RQUITY, FALL TERM ioe re Bill of Injupéileae | satiafaction of the Court i b EB the Defoudant. 0888 sonst. Fe “ an inbabitant of this State, aoe scchc * ; de th#t- publication be a ichman, » newepap*r in. the Carlie : gadene to be and Witness James L. Gaines, Clerk and ; Cgary for of oor said Court of Eqavy | Connty, the first mohday 10 September, A ; 1837, and of the American Independence the 62d year. JAS. L. GAINES, c. . E. Y 6wi0—Price Adv $34 State of Qorth Carolina, ~ Montgomery County. “IN EQUITY, FALL 1EkW 1887. Anne M. Thurnton, ‘ vs Sherman Converse. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court Tie Sherman Converse, the Detendent in tis ease, is rot an inhabitant of this State, on motion it ie ordered, that poblication be mace for “ix. werks successively in the Carolina Wateh | man, a newspaper printes in Salisbury, for the Defendant tu be and appear at the next I ertp of the Court ot Equity to de beld for the Courty of Montgomery, at toe Court Bouse in Lawrence. ville, on the “rst aronday of March next, then and thers ts Demar, plead to, or answer the Bill | “of Camplint of the aaid Anne M a huruton, a | siid Defendact, otherwise the same | oro-eontesgo, and heard exparte, and Judament and decree rendered according ! Witness Jarocs L. Gaines, Clerk and toaster | : Cousty, she first MoRday in Septemder, AD 1837, and of the American Itepeudence the 62.) year JAS. L GAINES, c. M.E. 6wl0—Price Adv. $34 State of Porth Cavolina, IREDELL COUN7'Y. August Sessions, 183%. } Attachment levied on defendants Land, } Towo Lots, one xe- J gro buy, and Road) + Wagon and Geer, 3 bead of horses, some Catile & Hoys, house | hold and kitehea fur- J niture, &c. i appearing tothe Court in thiscanse that the defendant is wot an inhabitant of this State. lets ordered chat pubheatian be made in the Carolina Watehinan for six weeks, that the de fendant appear at our next Court of Pleas and Q iarter Sessions, to be beld for the Couaty of {del}, artue Court-house im Statesville oan the ; 3) nwday in November to answer or replevy, or J dg uent pro cuntessa will be entered &a- gayest Leia, and the properiy coudemned to satis- ty plaritefs dont, Wroe s J B. Alexander Clerk, of oar said Conrt at oifice the 3d monday on Angosi, A > 137, Hi AUPRANDER, c t.c.c. Soot, 3010. 1947 -Priep Adv. 94 Bill to furecluse & Mortgage. gajrst thre A.L. Masters, Trustee, Vs Agus Weaver. Statev! orth Cavoaltita, | IREDELL COUNTY. In Fquity, Fail Vern, 1837, Benjouie F. Young & Charlutte Suwmers vs SamgekiWrouds §& his wife Chistitay Oliver Woods, who married Mary Yourg, whe died previous to the death of her Father, Bone jiwin Young, tad Aett the fiMowing named choldren, viz: Rath, William, Frack- , Petition for Sale of c Laud. lin, ‘Phomas and Jaue Woods, wines, ber lawful heirs. Y T appearing to the satisfactiiin of the Court that Sauce} Woods, and his wife Christina, Oiiver Woous, and the lawful bers of bis wife Mary, viz: Ruth, William, Frankie, "Phoma- and Jane Woods, minors. reside out of the lin- ies of this State, it ts ordered by the Court that pablreation be made in the Carolina Watchman tor three mouths, for the said defeadants, to b: and appear at the nex term of this Court, to be held tor this county, at the Court house. iv Statesville on the 3d nunday after the $d mon day in February next, then and there, plead to, anawer or demur, tv said Bill, or it’ will be ta ken pro cunfesso as tu them, anda decree made aceurdingly. — Witness, Thomas H. McRerie, Clerk and » Master in Equity at Statesville, the 34 monday after $d in August, A D. 1837, and 62d-_year of American lade pendence, PH. McRORIE, oc. m. &. Sept. $Oth, 1837 "ice AdwseG. = COURT OF 7 Buptember EQUI? Term 1837. Samuel Jones vs Henry Ve rble, and So- nature ofan Attach-} vith approved security forthe purchase money | Orivinal Bill in the eafiah his wife, c&d “nents Valentine Sowers. PRS es “ELL appearing to the satisliction of The “Coart; BL thas the defendant Heury Verhle and’ wife | Sussanah afe not inhahiiants of this States It is theeefore ordered that. pabdlication be.made in the Carolina Wetehman for six. weeks, eee: said Henry Verbleand Wife Susanah..to,be 4 |! | Peter Keal S¥s , iF George Kesler & oth re). that Addrew Kesier,. on mentioned in the pet trabitant of this State. poblieation tor six weeks requiring and appear at the oext the Court—house in Salisbury, T be ition filed, "not ag in| Ic is. theréfore ordered that tal oe, made in the Carolina Watchman, a said Andrew Kesler to be Term of this Court, &t on the fourth mon- | I | | Isabe] Hend ricks George Hewiricks and others, . IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, that James Hendricks, William Reavis, and Pully his wife, James Beeman and Issbel his wife, are inhaoitants of another State; Ordered therefure,that notice be published in the Carolina Waichman for six weeks, that they come in aud plead or demor to sai cunfessu will be entered as to them. 6w7—Price Adv. $3. CLASS NO 13 FOR 1837. Lily & Wheeler, Manozes. | fo eee Besides many of 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, 60. 50, &e &e &e Amounting ip allto $247290 | Tickets only Halves pros ted ia Golisbory ee Sourt of Exqui- | day after the third ‘munday in February mext i re = ern ee ” ites: al ay plead to Demur or answer said Petitinn , of Wy to br eid ot * Lawrenceville, on the: first | Judgement pro confesso, will.be entered, and fi Cone sone ora then and there, t De | the Petitiou- heard exparte as to him. ; a 1 a answer the Bill of Com Copy from the minates, at Fhe: sad Willig Harris agaioat the SAML SILLIMAN, C. M. E. said Defendant, otherwise 1 se 3 Sept 30th —1837—6w1 1—Price Adv 93 < pra evafesso. av e , i = dncreerenored anal State of Movth Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pieas and Quarter Sessions, Augus LOTTERY Vo be drawn at Mocksville, | Davie County,on Thursday, ‘the 19th of October, 1837. 75 NUMBERS, 14 DRAW Inv BACH PACKAGE oF 25 lhieratnre or to itor ‘FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Satlise B SCHEME, |=: 1 Prize of 10/100 the vurks reviewed —to direct the reader's alten- 1 Prize of 4000 lou tu bwks that deserve to be read—and to 1 Prize of 8000 wera bin agaist wastivy Ume and meney up- 1 Prize of 950) ob thal large outer, which merit only tu be Prise oF 200 warned. fu thts ave cf publications, that by helr variety and unaititode distract and oer : Prize Hs Lor whelu every aad uadiseriminating student, im 3 Prizes of 1v09 partial criticism, -geverned by che views jusi 10 Prizes of 500 meuitoned, ts oug of the most inestimable and 10 Prizes of 400 indispensable of auxiliartes, to liu who dues Q porters A certificate fora package of 25 Whole Tickets of ab - fo be had in the greatest variety, of puaioers either by the package, or single Heket f Salisbury, Sept. 30, 1337 Term, 1837. — a Petition for Dower sult, or judgement pro JOHN CLEMENT, c. p. c BALLO ts, TICKETS. i URY ACADEMY. only 5 tri wish $5 2 50 1 25 work $65 50 oC $2 75 us 16 874 | ny. WHEELER & BURNS, cule, abuut NOVICE. URSUANT to a decree of the Court of gary, tor Rowan County, the Clerk and viasivr will sellon the premises on the 17th day of November oexi,a Tract of Land containing 182 ACRES, adjsining the laads of John Young's theirs, on third Creek, belonging to Riehard Lowry tor life, and in Reversion to Marfaret [ on aeredit. of 12 months, requiring Bond and good Security forthe purchase money, on the day ot Sale. shall direct. Sept 30th, 1837—7ill—g3 vert Lowry, Title to be made as the Court SA MIL. SILLIMAN, C.M.E, P Sept 30th. 1837 —71 11 —94 374 LAND FOR SALE. URSUANT toa Decree of the Court of Equity for Rowan County, the Clerk and “aster will sell at the Court house in Salisbury on Tuesday the 2tst day otf November next, on a credit of twelve months,one ‘Tract of Land containing 150 ACRES, On Third Creek, adjuining the Lands of Samu- el Watson and others, adjoining the other, and James McCracken’s Lands, also, the great West Square of the ‘Town of Salis- me |hury, now vecupied by Burton Craige, knowo in the plan of the Town as Nos. 21, 22, 29, & 30. This property belongs to the Heirs of A.°M. Beard, dee'd? and ts suld for distribution, &e — ‘The purchasers will be required to give bonds on the day of sale. oy. One other tract of UR LOTS, or SAMI, SILLIMAN, c. mw. £. coun a Court House in Seliebury,.on the. 4ih mons ther Abe third moudew in February . 1335 plead answer .or demar to compiai ottieewise, Jadgment pro poner a ed, anid une Cause get fur heating them. : ppearat the next ‘Term-of this Court, at abe - a er od ~” eort Rng TIN WARE. | : Eubseriber has on hand-a-laige as- mentof TIN’ WARE, wanufactured Fst rate workman and-of the best materi- ch he will sell low for'eash or on a short Old sible dealers, avd should the bili » “ju nh hé will deliver ii ie Rete NOG., Sepet6—t89 there, Beeswax, ‘Fallow, Old Pew- Copper taken in exchange. A.H. Va. lial convey Ws truths of interes leg locicents as are embodted tn or thirty ! with the. prieg.of Tiption, . the diate feel giteeces vedas 100 miles — beevine so great that! «: settle. - Albeomamupicat Soathern Li Are now receiving supply of Medicines, Paints, Olls, isye Stuffs, WU ines, Spirits, snuff, Fine fvbacco, and cigars, All of which they will sell low for Cush, or on a short credii to punctual dealers. SalisbBry, Oct. Tih, 1837 —4w12 PROSPECTUS OF THE , Southern Literary Vessen- ger. Tuos. W. Wuire, Epitor anp PRoprigror WIS isa Montity ‘iagazine, devoted chief- ry tu Literature, but oevasieually finding rooia fur articles that fall within the scope of Science ; and oot professing an entire disdain of tasteful selection, though its matter has been, as it will continue to be, tn the wain original. Party poliues and controversal ‘heolugy, as iar as possidle, are jealously excluded. are sometimes so blended with discussious in i scienee, atherwise unubjec- eonddle, ay luveln admittance tor the sake of ; re valiuubl: matter iw which they achere ; ‘yul duenever iit! Mappens, they are tnerdented | not primary. ‘Phey ared ooly Decause cannot well be severed from the clefting ore Wherewily itis Incorporated. eviews and Critical Nutices occupy thelr roe in the work , aud It eondensed form, fo disert:ninvle, Essays and ‘Petes, having in view utility or ammuseguest, o1 bei — Historical Sketches—and Reininisce nces of events to yet elucidating itand hemhtening its interest — way be regarded as formtig the staple of the Aud ot indigenods poctry, et lisned—sometimes of no mean sifain—to mani fest and tacultivate the growing poetical tate and talents of our courtry. ‘The tines appear, for several reasons, to de— mand such a work—and not one alone, but ma ‘The putle mind is feverish and trritated, still, from recent political strifes : ‘The soft, asSaasive, trfluence of literature ts needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad : Jriven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridi- Mint ‘} into their fittioy haunts, it over an immense p. portion of our peuple. Ev ery spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlightened, and to inerease their number; so that the creat enemy of popuiar government inav no longer brood, like a purientous cloud, © he destinies of our cuaniry plish all these ends, more powe:ful agent can be employed than a poriedical, on the plan of the Vessenger 5 if that plan be bat carried out practice. The South-pecaliarly requires snch an agen. In all the Union, south of Washington. there are but two literary periodicals ! that city, there are probably at least teenty five Is this contrast justified by the wealth, the leisure, thenative talent, or the ac tual literary taste cf the Southere people, eom— pared with those of the Northern ? in wealth, talents, and taste, wa mav justly claim at least an equality with vor brethren; & a domestic institution exclosively ovr own, be- yond all doubt affords as, if we choose, twice the leisore for reading writing, which they en— It was from a deep sense of this local want. that the word SOUTHKRN was engrafted on the name of this pernudical ; and not with any de- sign to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate supposed local interests. thought, it is the editor's fervert wish to see the North and South bound endearingly together forever, in the silkin bands of mutoal kindness and affection. the North, he has already crawn, and -he hopes jghereafter to draw, much of his chvicest matter thence ; and happy indeed will he deem him self,shovld his pages, by making each region know the other better, contribute tn any essen tial degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now threaten the peace of both, and brighten and streauthen the sacred ties of fraternal love. The Southern Literary Messenger has reach- the fitth No. of its third volume. How far it has acted vat the idess here attered, it is ict fur the ediior to say. not further short of them than human weak- vess usually makes practice fall sh Far from meditat fle believes ,howe ‘The Messenger is isseed monthly each oum- ber of the work coatains 64 large super royal pa ges, printed in the very ‘-handsomest manner, on new type, »nd on paper equal at least te that on whieh any other periodical is printed ja our try.” No subscription will be receivéd for leas than a | © volume, & mast commence with theeurrent one. |)" bereafter be attended. ig No. be addreased to ‘oey shuud aavea three told teadency Far from any such “THOMAS 'W, WH \erary Messenger Office; aD ee 1a a fresh They ross. tolerated is the editur’s such valuable ite for fistory, enough is pub ‘hey should be lynorance fjords Aud to accom Northward ot No: for ing hostility to ver, that it falls of the- The price is $5 per vulame, which must Be prid | in-all cases at the time of subscribing. This. particularly adverted tonow-teavicd micappre- hensiva, or fotureggisnnderstat d« g —as oo order |, 4 P Sb tha pearl ryieWén oe MLORING BUSLVESS ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND YVA- RIETIES AN ECE npn TO TH LATEST FASHIONS FROM Paris and London, _ Via New York and: Philadelphia. He assures hig! customers thai their work shall be done faithTully and according to promuse and that is not whatevery mecianiccan say: At east itis not what they do. — Salisbory, May 20, 1837—1f44 The Jost Elegant, Style of JEWEL! GOLD AND SILVER WARE, &(. &C. ‘THE Subscriber as on hand and will keep consiantly for sale at his shopio Salisoury N.C. on main street, at the next door above the store of Samuel Lemly & Son, a . SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE ARTICLES, 0 his line of business, ainuag which he would ‘nnomerate the following viz: Patent Lever Warcnes, (English, French. Swiss, and Dutch,) Geld and Plated Fub Chains, Gold and Plated Watch Guards, Gold and P'sted Watch Keys, Gould and Plated Watch Seals, Gold Kar-bobs, Breast pins, and Finger-rings, (latest fashion,) ~ Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases,and Leads, Silver Spectacles, and steel frames & glasses Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Koives, Pocket Pistols and Dirks, Breast Buttonsand Musical Boxes, Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. He will execute every desciiption of work in workmanlike maunerand promptly DAVID L. POOL. 3 Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in pay- ment for werk done and debts due. Deer Salisbury, June 25, 1¥86 1.49 oo LAW EOCKS. PANHE soosenbers respeedtaliy inform the Judges, Members of the Bar. ano Students ot Law, that they have for sale at ihe NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, a large and mixed collection of LAW BOOK™ consisting of MLE MENTARY and LEGAL, Works, Oue of the fim, H. TD) Turner, having loca ev bumselfat 180 Broad Way. New York. we will be able to procure any Books, which may nein printin the Northern or European Market at as short a notice 46 possibile. We take the liberty of snogesting to our friends and acquaintances, and the geod eri- zens of North Carolina generally, the propriety of consulting their interests, (thereby sustaining the Buck Store with their patronage.) and in doing so, we will be favored with their orders, which will uneet with our usual prompt atten- tion, Gen:lemen visiting the city, are respectfully invited to call aud examine our stock, which comprises a large assurtment of every kind de- scription, - Address TURNER & HUGHES, Raleigh, N. C. June 7; 1837— COME AND BUOY £.4.VD. Offered for sale @ Tract containing 800 or more Acres, With improvements cot inferior to any between the Yadkin and Catawba in one tract. 113 A eres in another 3 52 or more inp anuther, all near together; and two small tracts in Iredell, a few miles above Statesville. Undoubted titles will be made by the proper persons. Apply soon to A. W. Brandon or to the subscriber for termes, &e. JOHN SCOTT. may 20, 1837—1f44 PS. All kinds of property else, tlat the sub- scriber has in possessivn, can be bought at a low price. J. 8. State of Porth Carolina, Surry County. COURT OF PLEAS & QUARTER SES= SIONS, SEPT. TERM, 1837. Fanny Chilton | vs The Heissof Stephen Chil | ton, dec’d, to wit: Rolly Chilton, Sally Chiltou, Jno | Harris & his wife Judith, Petition for Dower. Stephen Chilton, who is Admr., Kichard Chita, | Joseph Chilton, & John C appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, Cammins and his wife Eleanor. that Richard Chilton, Joseph Chilton and L Juba € ingyare inhabitants of another State. Ordered therefore, that notice be publi:hed in the Caroling Watchman, for six weeks, tbat Abey appear-at the next: County Court, to be helé for Surry County, ‘at_the Court-house in Rockford, bn. the second menday in November , 10 plead ot demurito said.Peution or Judg- meat will be taken pro confésse as to (hem. : a. ‘Best. os ; Hy * RK. ARMSTRONG, Clk: 6@12=Price Adv.$3 ior letters; relative to the a oo, | ¥ BUSINESS-has become so much ex- ied : § i Vi -tended, and the amount of arrea s ba® 8I%-eents nn It will be the greatest injustice to require me to travel a]! fereysbe couatry for this purpose. It isto be | hoped, therefore, that (hos@jwho owe me will “ fail. they are withtig to fake the garment and try ull-they suceeed. Cutting will be dongs eromptly> and- in the best :sode. werk, from a distance feithfully executed, and carefully despatched. Orders in all casey diligently attended to. P. S. Produce of various kinds will be received in payment for work. Salisbury, May 27, 1837—i45 BLUM’S ALMANAC, FOR 1833, < FOR SALE &T THE Store of CRESS & BOGER. ALsSO A quantity of Wrapping Paper. Sept. 23, 1837—6w10 Editorial Convention, THE time of holding the proposed Editorial Convention in this City, has been changed from the Ist Monday in September, to Wednesday, ibe firstday of November next. Thisalteration has been made because of in the inability of sev eral of our breihern to attend in September, ow- ing to previuus indispensable engageinents. No valnable results can spring from such a meeting, unless the whole Presse uf the State be represen- ted, and the postponement of it, itis hoped, wil have the effect of securing # general attendance vo part of tkuse whom it cencerns. THOMAS LORING, TJ. LEMAY, JOS. GALES & SON, Raleigh, N.C. INCREASED ATTRACTIONS! 2 THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY COURIER. PBNHE vast patronage which has been awarded, the Courter, is the vest evidence of iis ap= pioval, Pitas the largest subseripuon fist in this country. ft ds the iargest and cheapest family Newspaper ever issucd in tie Eo States, coutain- ing arocles in Literature, Sctence and the Ariss Ti ernai Laprovement, Agneuliure, to short ev ery Variety of topdes usually titvoduced ito a pablie jourmal Guvtag fall aeconets of sales, natkeis ae! news of lie Jatest dates, Withent cnterfering with the usual variety, he Couner p esepteg teh velomes of tha must popular literature of the day within the jast pear. Phis feature pis into the hands of ifs patrons fie most cieentanuong 4od popnlarcurreat itera Ore, amounting each year to six Hines the price paid fur subseripiton—in addition to the im- inense quantity of other matters which appear in is columns. fh the continnaticn of this fea ture we shall endeavor to presenti vee and popu lar works with such expedition thai the publica— tloa cannot be anticipated in other sources. In the future numbers we shall draw from the peus of such writers as D:Israeli, Capi. Marryatt, Miss Landon, Charles Dickins, Cornelius Webb, Theodore Hook, Thomas Can.pbell, Mrs S C Hall, Haynes Badly, Nirs Gore, Countess ot Blessington, The celebrated ‘Boz,’ And, in short, from the whole range of the cur- rent literature of Europe, with which our ar- rangements will supply us at as early a mo- ment as they can be received in the cuun- try Besides we have the pleasure of numbering ameng out contribaturs many of the distinguish ed wrners of our country, from whese pens O RIGINAL TALES. POEMS, SONGS, NAR RATIViES AND SKETCHES, will continne ty add interes!s to ils columns. Miss Mitford, Leiteh Ritetue, J R. Bucksto.e, Barry Cornwall, Dooglas Jerroid, Crotton Croker, The Architectura! beauty of many of the PUBLIC BUILDINGS of this city is prover- vial. Beleving it will be sccepiavle to our numerous patrons to be presented with Engraved Iflustration. Of thuse edifices, we are engaged in bringing out a complete series will form a collection that may well be termed THE LIONS OF PHILADELPHIA. Where it is expedient, we acesmpany the eo gravings With such descriptions of size and facts of histury, as may be of interest, The Courier is published at he low price of TWO DOLLARS. Fur this smell sam sat seribers get valuable and ectersasiing tater each week enough to Fil. ds A © OMMON BOOK OF TWOH! NDRED AND EIF EY PAGES, and equal to FIFTY TNO VOL UNMES a year, acd Which ts estate te be tead weekly, by at least tue bended ofcusind Maine to Florida, and (10m the sea buard io the lakes. This spproved FAMILY NEWsSPAPAR is strictly neutral in reliyivus and political mat- ters, and the uncowpromising oppovent of quack. ery of every Kind BCP As airifling expressisn ef car rd {we ILLUS TRA'HIONS., at thetr éampletion, upon fine white paper, its oniform styJe—forming a besuitfa! collectionsol Views, and present then tosuch of oor COUNTRY BRETHREN as may oblige us by an insertion of the above adver tisemenf. Philadelphia, August 5, 1837. AN APPRENTICH ET WEEN the ages of 12 and 16, of gand ebaracter and habjie and of 8 sound gonst! toto, ean get a situation in this Offices if. ap plication is made during thé week of our next Superior Court of shurily theseafier. A-yoath from the country would be preferred. He will be received as a member uf the Editor’s family and kindly treated. | $ave mé@ trouble and NSE. « | dyes throogh the Boat fice. 3 may 6, 1897.” ~ September 9, 1837. AL, but should” they}: oe . - =e POTICE IS"HEREBY Gi. * Books of Sabscription to ihe EN, Fayetteville and Western R.it a will be dpeaed in the follow ing C. under the directien oi the following gons, at such places in said Counties such times as the said Comm rect. Ao instalmeat of Two Share will be required at the liwe of the Commissioners are tequesieg money as paid, sod the Lisis ou \y as they progress, 0 BE. L. Winslog rk ty oe ville. BRUNSWICK, Dr. F.J iy Robert Mek, ‘ A. Baker NEW HANOVER. Jdaines Owen Aaron Lazang Alexancer And - James Burney, ™ : Joseph Gilicp, Joho Nediig W. MeKay, < W,. Faison Ollen Mobley. A ‘Troy, Josigh Maulisty Axgastus Suh Joho Ww % Powell Archibald AT ¢ Riecbar © B. ‘ : Gales, "SH. Hayy Samuel F fae o A. Stedman, harles J. Wy! Jobn J a John B Ke "a Charles (>, Clo ee Altree Docken, Walier F Leak, C ‘Thomas. A Myers, John A MeR, Joseph Macy MONTGOMERY, Dr. FJ Cust, Dancan McKee sg W Harris. Hamilton ( Jone, Hon. Roi Pesragy William Casa Alexarcer Gray, Jesse Hershaw, A Brower. N Mendenhall, Jesse Lindsay, Join MM rehead, Pau! barriger, William F Phifer, George Kluits. Thomas A Sse, G F Daridses, Rufus Reid. Samue! Hernan, Henry Duserberg, W R Helt Samuel McCom, John Irvin, Andrew Lie. David Reinert, Altred M Berta, M Hok: Eomund Bian, Johr G Buiem, Jobo Mckaure. Roderick Merebisd, Jobn Hardia, J M Nye. Robezt € Pears, Isaac ‘I Avery, Janes C Smih. Josiah Cowles, 4 Nathaniel Boyd | R H Parkes 3 William P Weekes Thomas J Beocsell W C Emmett M R Moore, C H Matthews, : : Peter Critz. [tis confidently believed. that the gm named will take a deep interest ws Uh which, by its comple tiun wil) unlock ibe of the West, and regenerate a large se North Carolina. i By at wnce securing the sutscnpine the State, the construction of Ihe Yadkin and the two bsacches will be certain, cll! The time for action has arnted; ©! ple of the West and the Cape Fett , advantages offered to their ea every every man do what he ca = will go on. BLADEN, SAMPSON, COLUMBUS, ROBESON, WAKE, CHATHAM, MOORE, RICHMOND, ANSON, ROWAN, RANDOLPH, GUILFORD, CABARRUS, IREDELL, DAVIDSON, MECKLENBURG, LINCOLN, RUTHERFORD, ASHE, BURKE, SURRY, WILKES, STOKES, i EL. WINSLOW, Passe Fayetteville and Western hail February LI 1837 —1130 ee 0 Mae CH ANI cr Benjamin BF, Fras Tt now receiving from New nes phia, a general assortment ol ch? intngs fur Spring and Surome: ee article usozlly kept by Merenaaol 4 people, scattered in a!) parts of tue country from | T shall print the whole sertes of the ENGRAVED ‘from a distance will be panctos! - emncaem sucds have been selected by 11m ae 'ean be confidently recummende€ 1° | cheap and god Haviog ¥' ther i toring husiness for twenty 5a es | shall not be Sole presume ling himself a judge of cluifs. & | received the Neo York sno Phueets ions, abd the above wiil be style of fashion, and warrante He will also keep on hand 4 s ment of READY MADE CLO which will be sold very low ne ; credit to pupetual dealers. All Kit vill he doae om short notice. \- ty 3! The public are inv ted to eall prices ie themseives He still cot ; ' former stand. seuth of the Court Marge Brick Building. Salisbury, N. C May 15. , P_S. Ashe is an Agent for oot : fashionable Tailore of Philadetpia ag York, he would be happy ty 168 a may wieh (0 learn the art of coll! “ He also continues to distribute the 2 gC Letters fur Fasbivns mos! Cees a ee Horses, &“ To hire by the hour tf, or day. Apply @ ar Keeper of the Mansio? Howe! Sept. 23, 1837—1110 Bp rRintTivé 1937-8 . AE THis OFFICE TERMS. cumay may hereafter be sad Fifty Cents pe gear. rrovrR new subseri ce ine whole sum at gne.paymens, tne paper for one year at Two Dor - and asioagas the same class shal rr jus topay in advance the enm of res the same terms shall continae, , “ will be charged as other sobseri- -;who do not pay dming the year red three Dollars in all cases. -iptioa will oe received for less than | Les but at the op- irrearges are paid sto the Editor must be post --rtalaly net be at- vp ApvertisisG—Sisty tivo & a half tretor the first isertion, and 314 ne park insertion aflerwards inserted for less Peel Ale me . itz willoe eontinued notil orders lta stop them no directions red psli 5 y the gear orsix months will per month for each square rho orivilege of changing the form every WARKETS. — SALISBURY, Beeswax perid. 13a 20 cts. 5 Brandy, Ap- ep ual. 49 a 50 cts ; Cotton per ib: "(in ; 3 cts; Cotton bagging Culler perib. 16 a 18 cts; Castings per ; 's; Cotton yarn, from No.6 to. No 2 0 cts; Feathers per lb; 35 i prbl yo 00, Wheat pr bush. §100 > -t)ats pr pushe! 30 ets; Cora pr bush 65 cts; ee per Ib. 8 a 10 cts; cunt. 624 ets ; Nails per lb 9 a 16 wr io00 a 0 cts; Bacon per In 124 cls tard per Ib 1d Silt per pusnel 51 Pleo) cts; Steel, Amert- " plister, per lo, 10 cts; English do per Ib per tb 25 a 30 cts 5 Sugar is Rum (Jaaaica) per gal; - Yannee dv $1; Wool (clean) per Ib 30 » Tallow per tb. 19 124 cts; ‘Tow-linen pr yd. , Wine (Teneriffe) per gai. $1 50. ets ; Claret do gl. $1 3a 1 75 cts; Malaga, (sweet) gu.gl, Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 cts. CHERAW. Beef in market per lb 4a 6 cts; Bacon per )s 12} cts, Hams do. 00 00 cts 3; Beeswax rlo 18a 20 ets; Bagging per yard 18a 25 ; Bale rope periba 12 i242 16 cts;Cottun per 000; Corn per bushel 1 wagons por brl g6 7 000, from stores per 910 a 124 5 [ron per 100 Ibs ases, per gal 40 30 a cts; Nails cut assort- erios3 12 a9 ets, Wrought do. per lb. 20 Pork per lo $8 93; Rice 300; Susar per Ib. yd. 20 95 1 +, Cast do 13 cts ; Coffee pr. 100 Ibs $6 9 000 a cts ; per 100 lbs $4 10 121-2 acts; Salt pr 933325; Salt per bushel! 874 #1 ets;Steel A- erin ‘Jister pr lb 10 16 ets; “Pallow per tb 10 ltr cis, Tea finpertal per lb $125 a 1374 cts; veo Ju. prlbgl al 23 cts ; Tubucco manu- luted perlol0 a 15 cts. FAYE SVEVILLE Do. Apple, 60a 70 Jo a 00; Cotton pr Ib 8 a 84 ets Flour bb). O56 a kusee! pr bh 75 8) a > Feathers pei) 33a 40 on proush 115 a1 25; tron prib 54 a 6; Mo- ses pr val 35 40 a 00; Nuils eut 73 Mh 99a 85, Sugar pr lb 7 a 11 ; Tobacco; jal?3 3; Wheat prbash st 1 15; gu. 6065, Beeswix 22 a 00 Brniy, peach 75 a 80. alee pr lo 12 a FIRST RATE ROWAN LAND, FOR SALE. 6700 ACRES Macnamara, Charles Torrence, There 13 a fair proportion of wood cleared Land. Tye plantation is in good farming condition. The and is quite fertile, 9 good deal of it | IVER Low GROUNDS, quite reasonable, and made to Nee of purchasers. JOHN L SHAVER. Y. Oct. 14th, 1837113 ‘KS are now open atthe Office of the ttchman and atthe Store of Geo. W Salisbury, for subserip- ck of Fayetteville and | der the Acts of Assem- Terms Will be "ta the Town of 8 tothe Capital sto | Stern Rail Road uu J9 1833 and 1837 _ THE COMMISSIONERS. ESTABLISUMENT OF 4F JOURNAL OFFICE SALE: e intended 1emoval of one of ditors and the wish of the other to de- f more exclusively to. the duties of Minish? (be Ondersigned offer for sale the f the Nufth Carolina Joarnal Of" fice is well found in Jub; ne wspa- RAmental type, the list. of sabscribe se Seated by a lit BY¥ING to th tle exertion. barking in the bi Rents ov lo ferior to any in| teal printer they k; HYBART e 20th May 1987: =~ f << paps: & NUMBER LOTTERY 14 DRAWN BA LLOTS, To be drawn at Pittsboro,’ Chatham County,on Thurs- day, the 16th of -Vovember, 1837. BURY ACADEMY. Pe’ = Pe 2 Sh. 4, ee SCH M ow he 1 Prize of . * #210,000 "1 Prize of \- “$000-" ob Prize of -*-. ~ 2500 °~ ~ bPfize of Fg ** ont 1 Prize of. |, =~ 1500 8 Prizes of we 1000 » »«~. 10 Prizes of 500 Ge AP rizes of 400 Resides ‘thany of 360, 200, 100, 90, 80, 60, 50, &e Ke. Ke Amotnting in allto $247290 Tickets only $5 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25 A certificate fora package of 25 Whole Tickets $65 50 6 “ $2 75 of rT 16 37} To be had in the greatest Varicty, of nuinbers either by the package, or siogle ticket of LILLY & WHEELER, Salisbury, Oct, 28, 1837. State of Porth Carolina, SURRY COUNTY Court of Pleas § Quarter Sessions, ‘lu ust Term, 1837. Somers & McGee k Justices Jndgment le < vied on Laud §-e Michael McGuire. ‘T apneasing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the said Michael McGuire, is not an in habitant of this State. Orderec therefore. that publicativn be made in the Carulina Watchman, for six weeks, that hee and appear at our nex, County Court, . be h dat Rocktord, on the se cond monday in Nevember next, to plead or de mur tosatd sutt,or final Judgment will be ren dered, and the Lands levied on will be condemn ed to satisfy plaintiffs debt. Test, KF. K ARMSTRONG, Clk. October 7, 1837 —b6w12—Prive Auv, 93 Protestant Episcopal Church. SPECIAL Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Churet, in this Diocese, will bs heldin Christ’ Choreh, Raleigh, on Saturday the 25th of November next; at whieh time and Place it is earnestly desired that a full represen tation be present, as the subjec's to be considerce are of the deepest interest to the welfare of the Diocese. By order of the Bishop and Standing Com mittee, EB. LL. WINSLOW, Sec'y of Convention. Fayetteville, Oct. 7, 1837—ul4 AND FOR SALE. Y virtue of a Decree of the Conrt of Equi ty, at September Term, 1837, will be sold on a credit of nine months, a ‘Tract of Land. containing about V. CAROLINA STATE LOTTERY i FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE eaLise EXTRA CLASS D. FOR 1837, ° "4 bad found n ; + 3 : re L. ~ # yt bserving that. fi @esire tose soine effectu.t | Srect.the disorders an | Db tesiore the pogsperty of ~oided--precipitating thémesAt th a sifigte G80k, gige 1o thé banktha’s j ishing ho of the United Siatesi. encourag 1 supp ters of the tates Presidén avout the iacorporanpa offnew. ban at length, despairin of the establish ait of the -U ited States;"an. ‘fi posed to a currency in .be m adjacent Sta (1 Prize of ¢ > *e@?~Sygogo.-*fthe countryx ' f bimseif iat + ‘that he might att medy*that should” be ually weigh “every, cons 18 support. this country, & Bown progress, | ly. exaihine every re-| oposed, and tnpar- | ideration.<arged in No period bad ever existed in| in which the futare was cov- | ered by a darker, denser, or mare None, in whieh the duty Was SO linperative to discard all passion and prejudice, al) party tics. and previous vias, ane look exrlusivel Hicted country. @ * against t ba ites, ~it™ proceeded ‘lo . 6344 in ish oanks of ats own, and sinc the.veto; porated for. that -single Pital to- the amount cof ten ollars— a sum equal to the capi- rst Bank of the crested for the whole Union ! “* ‘That the local bauks, to which the depo sites were transferred from the bank of. the | United States, were urged and stimulated | treely to discount upoa them, we have re- | ‘cord evidence from the Treasury Depart- trable gloom. phavingunerd -confortaity with the ordé “ney, it might Bot | 16.be&en recall and pa h Gvers ls true, ~alagy law, was-6 }stuce 1833, hag imeor i State bank ea opdtion of a ital of the fi y. to Whe good of our af- + one respect— and thought at a fortnnate one—our present dif- ficuities are Wstiaguishable from former do- sand that is Wier universality Lis true.in different degrees, but they reach every section, every State, Overy Intercst, almosi every mao in the Ua Ail feel, see, hear, know tues exist: | ence. As they do not array, like our for | Mer divisions, one portion of the Confeder- acy against another, itis to be bape common sufferings may lead to comaon: sympathies aud common counsels. and tht | we sual, ut no distant day. be able to see a! cleat way of deliverance State of the country were produced by the fault cf the People 5 if it their wasteful extravagance gence ofa reckless spirit of ruinous specu lation 5 If public measures had no agency whatever in bringing it apout, it would ne- veriucless be ihe duty of Government to ex- ert ail its energies and to employ all its le- Bilunate powers to devise an efficacious re- Butitosr preseat deplorable eon digou has sprung trom our ruiers 5 itis to be cearly tracea to (ueie acts) and Opera Pecomes ifivitely moc bligatory , aud Gov ranent would be fish less to the highest Man trusis saul at United States, mestic troubles They are felt, i regard to the.com fies country, migits bhve"aggrayttéd 4h 1 venience. 3 But what ‘dothose "wh object. fy -to the law-thiak- ough tov have bpd ’ with the surpluses: whi tad accila| aged: and were-dailyaugmenting to suctr an 6nor? mous amount in the hands uf .the deposite- banks? Were they to be incorporated with ' their capitals, and remaio thare for the ben- efit of the stockhalderg? “Wau ror pre er and just that they" val d the uses of the People fror thom. the were collected? And Dever. nd. hows: ever taken from the depos) TT t ee ily Ata) would of broversionsbs aamerie not inconvenience necessarily beppeg: ba on Tipesurcp eee Lt sic The message-asserts ene a0) dt Ot ei lehfob:-sho' ‘I'he Mossage, to reconcile us to our mis- furtunes, and to exouerate the measures of our ewn Gov-rament from all blame in pro- | ducing the present state of things, refers to! the coudition of Europe, | Coat of Great Britaja. both Countries we have witnessed the same redundancy of Paper money, and other fa- cilities of credit ; the same spirit of specu- ‘tation; the same partial successes ; the sume ditfienlties and lengto, nearly the sawe overwhel taustrophe.” and especially to I: alleges, that * in proceeded froin | and their indul- | e United States, chartered by ss PeBhsy; ania. has not been able to save itself, Or to¢heck other institaiions, notwifhStan ant The very clear and able argument of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. King) relieves me from the necessity of sayiog much upon this part of the subject It appears that du- ring the period referred to by the Messaye, of 1333 45, there was in fact, no suymen- | tin. OF a very trifling auginentation, of toe Cirealativn of tie country, and that the ‘Tessage has tutally misconceived the actu- al state of (bigs on Great Britain. yostas pasheations to whieh TP have baa | ress. the Boak of England in fact’ dimia- racg HS circulation, comparing the first wtth the list of that mutons sterling, and although the joint. sfock aud private amount of increase was neutralized ty ive amount af dimunition, greater Strength it has beenaaid to possess under ste. present arter, “Phat bank fis now a mere State o ist referred to, more than the'Bank ofgVir— ginia, or any other oes nian IF exalted- statioa~ which .the President ‘t forbids the ‘indulgénce ofthe ‘suppositioy that the allusion has been made to. ened! tne Administration to profit by the prejudices ions, that Cuty Heel-cc to perform ii. Aud is tl net loo tine that the evils Wihhie ae surround us ure to: bave had the cougaet © Lu glancing at the C ) nothing can be forther from ory inten tion than to excite angry Pecdogs or to tina grounus of reproach congenial to my Wishes thal, on this oceq “Or, we should forget all former uutianp GiVISLOUS UNG abithostties to discover bow to Bet out TeTHOVU tO those wis, our public otfanes ? (Cot tatted so than the deposite’ banks, se etted“an It would oe far aor | assert that it has eater strength than the It the state of thiags were really identical , or similar, im toe (vo countries, it would be ‘air to trace it to s.milirity of causes. fu Great Britain a sound Prior to that series of oafortunste med | mnereney Was preserved by a recbarter of the sures which had tor its objoct tne ovathros | Sauk of Eugsaad about the same time that of tue Bank of the Uuiteds Stites, and the: discontinuance of its Government, no People upow eurti ever of Our fh “3 ics. We inust ascertain. if we can, s that the easy ? got into them | Is that the ease ihe te charter. of led Stites was agitated bere, ed States we have not In the Un- preserved a sound I . i ¢ ey, IN CONS: queace of the veto. Lf ; }cojyoyed a better currency, or had exebany ee 4q . * ne ee feoaleted cane Pane of a |G “At Britain were uear the same catastro- + bad nee it wookl renee 1D FR BO. - ‘ = ho ae . Seni ; tice to the aecuimulation of.pabii Our monetary syst-in ap: ph (the suspen=ion of specie payments, ) | Uinta’ ‘a papeys fn viich occarec bere, she nevertheless ES : ~CAPED it; and tints ditference in the con- - 4 ; ; 7 BY : © i Toe combination of United States and fo. j fitted of the two couutries makes all the P dith renee io the world. HQeucy for tire ‘lic dues, * [f*a bank’ the. Vat United States peared to buve attained as great perfectios | as any thing huwan caa possibly reach — af ritains has cal banks presented a Great Britain; has lying on Second Creck, near Gileans Bridge ad | joining the Lands of fsaae Cowan, Robert \ Cowan, and others. Vhe sale will take placeon Saturday, the 18th of November next, on the premises, and the purchaser be required to give bond with good security for the purchase wioney on the day of sale, SAMUEL SILLIMAN, c. m. £. Sept 30th, 1837—7111—-33 TIN WARE. ME Subscriber hason hand a large as- sortmentof TIN WARE, tanufactured | by a first rate workman and of the best materi- als, which: he will sel) low for cash or on a short credit to responsible*dealers, and should the bill be large enough to justify him, he will deliver the Ware without extra charge. All kinds of Job Work and Repairing done with neatness and despatch. A. HUNT. Lexington, N. C., Sept. 16—1f9 PS. Feathers, Beeswax, ‘Talluw, Old Pew- ter and Old Copper taken in exchange. A. H. Temperance. .Votice, 11E Rowan Temperance Society, will meet ae House of Dawalt; Lentz, near the Organ Church, on Monday 30th Instant. The friends of the cause are earnestly requested to be 4} punctoal in their allendaoce=<several Addresses willbe given. ey ae 98 ACE. ES, i system of General aad State Governments, | and worked quite as wet), tp the couutry had wea local and a gener | y perfectiy sound, but in whate-‘ ver quarter of the globe Americin commerce had penetrated. there also did the bills of the Bank of the United States command un- bounded credit and confidence. are in danger of baving fixed upon us, in- definitely as to time, that mediom—an irre— deemable paper currency, which, by the u- niversal consent of the commercial world, is regarded as the worst. verse come upon us ? that itis the result which | have adverted ? ry moment of adopting them, the very..con- sequences which have happened were fore— told as inevitable, 1s it necessary to look elsewhere for their cause ? prediction more distinct] fufilment more literal an Let us suppose that those measu not been adopted ; that the. Bank: nited States had been rechartered. public deposites had rémained andist! bi and that the:. Treasury:order’ had devet sued : is there not ever , recovered from) whatever mercantile ~ dis- | tresses she experienced: we have not ; anid i; when shall we ? Allis bright and cheerful. and encouraging ‘in the prospects which he | vefor ber 5 and the reverse is our upfort ' pate situation. Great-Britain hag an -troth, experienced’ only thosé temporary-em are incident to comimercial conducted upon the scale of: va on which bers are carried. ‘on. — Pregperot and averse times, action.<and reaction, are’ the lot. of all commercial-eou our distresses sink.deeper ich has *cdased® fice of circulation inl! y Politic. «ae jataver of embar ouy experienced*ma explained-bvats ii the United 8 Not ooly with. ‘al currence parrassmeuts which; How has this fe- Can it be doudted those measures t6 When, at the ve- atries.. Bur | “teach the OF of, ohithe’ exis wine rassment Europe. pinay *be: satiefadti Never- was “<i y made ; never was d exact. Caepeat al ering pet }E8G, the. finsl ; at ar - whe ° ne . ’ ee tti i sed theirs bopomiiodalinn sian? orttinoigetthe aes B t * 4 " 4 é ie BaASsuUrt. Ky ae Rr COUN merce Or butiffe done Hore ee 4 . 34 7 hs . ee ae; hi is srie that he -t aks | peal 1 ae sally (© the ae of dilhctenon, fa [the furwrer Jisssntigh om ot. enc 6n- reat .feferred. “By atid ready” “th, ™Sbine sited‘ only djiat it She maptaery et exccuted ina spi(?OR Rodina Sais ity’ similar’ to wate “f fe stilt institution’, Why 8 le" which have been excited against it, | Wasit the duty of that bank, more-than any other Stete bank, to check the local institutfone 2" Was it not even under less obligation to do. fosteted by the General Goverhifient? etel'> But how could the. Message:venturexto’ late Bank of the:United States possessed 2 Wnatever may be the liberaliay of the con- ditions of its.charter, it is ‘Im pogsiblerth at any single Siate could confer apon it:facal- ties to those granted tothe {late Bank. of! the United States—first, in making it she: sole depository of thezevenneso Uni- eV pt leu States; and, secondly, ‘<an-emakid notes receivable-in the "payanent * a} f in thée4ocal banks, and, hy etimely yeas ures of precaution, it could have prevented If thade rd they wou at vingy aod ‘ jt fet ae na ae, the speculative uses 49 which -they -wére applied. Sucheag gingsi veen bound, by its. relation inentyt0- observe tts: at nati¢cjal - ie "anid . Way hold itself always keady, promptly aes tid of Spe 45 ‘he Sen. 3 . sa L ‘Mbean)<at ns fats plog reVeitue tothe te . the SH } i : . i te ‘ Pala R ards ¥t-* SF ig i: « *. aes UC. at of tie SIO a ‘the yea g ‘3 T) tl pa thecsurp monte a 0b ot Hees vol 3 into operatic nae mn tatesithe +0 time. 4 Jp.eib ta tne: they had" tole tial : A‘subotda has BE Hority, 1 ulds < ffairs In edndividual.. SAyerritment, - them.© Lew ifdthaveldrawn together gradn| Gtueal meaests re eeDe, reco ain ually, buty certainly, thea pablidg he € Yet | Bd dhs ; Metie essence did Gt how ever dis pers x , merPROverniient,- a have beeng pregate will of * eLibY-i 0 a i TOC s . a as io e a © Oe ey 44 1B Sthumof the, veto mans muesion 1 ar, re eo a eit ae Data % ‘ ut oy He ei sne prior to = Dat it ie the future, the i ar past » under. nse es Sean o8p 018 9QGg N¥e chp tpvlia of tthe Di are prehag a the pass ae ea eluting. a st: 7 sake he. thi | 1éans h ent pig ne id ae educible 1 “Uh oy pe The aaa ir ei tb re no Bahia! bd in nigira nT hie t ae, Te is sha, og ak deraggesnev nalts, @. Sethe. Fee Sa ness of yo oka aad Soetun 10. be preserves: i) es icone 98 pur osesoFl Fain S eee “GF this debate, tha a ‘convertible | > 204 a*curtency, bat that) to” who he “pees wj,with a “ie at (whe os mid. 2 fFec tay icici er the rem; | tad | . Qh. ; ie8 ¢ ur ol Se expdyation of “n wonle make it it pleat of scareg, | ifaps re , ost a 7 Capos as rh. a ibis Me fet eet pi or vata re ‘Bit froat. the’ 4 is commerce, wpa asters . and, vont a at pie e catfoany w wih tle. surptise, duit dutHnewer for. Mstindat@ tit valhe Wae-to be food ina | ymedrum.’ not can vet tible oul metals? [there be, integardto earrency,, | tb winch the», upited- experience of the 1 ld od established, i had | supposed itty a that pe = whole commuggeia worst 6f all concetv- , 39 ‘Phe ubdjections to it cticable te ascertain, 5 Sk tig issued withuot de wn; and, gecvadly,shat ther is no ade- nune an, #Xigi, agajast excessive issues. YWioney of “Nugth Carslina to which the ucyy, 1616 eh ree rod: according’ to the information ee bap k noes, will a the. sane any “pall il atid Mm them .or con Tad wre eT e ee we pregpus, Situr : Snes, lea hie tor the. redemption of the notes uf the bank, i they began ig dupreciaie sin ortly afierit commen- RE} nt ots t oe struggle & y et@hich the Gey o 2 = oes a page SF te Ne ul co ee ee a a ~~ ae ten ata iyn is the acenin; alish4 mt, ao adi 82 OF pety héther, Con are > cule 8 de w i cepeint the - con Whicls | have revetved, did Be preciate. ealled Proc.; an abbre¥iatiod of the authority un chase.one. im.sprcie. urres roman wealth of Keuytocky. iéd pbuat ‘I Tien tie the abnvet-unafimous approbation of the | vpeyple: bt had ao autherily to issve, and, = Iysues-notes to the. amount of about two ; Holler, These notes, upon their afi obligation of the bank to pay , @emadd, the amount in specie ; Pe that they would oot be) ‘paids -Asa security (their ultiaiate payment, here were, ist, the*hotes of individuals suppus- , weil secured, every nute put oul by the prepresented.by an indivicual nove dis- ve 2g /The fonds of the State in a prior mae bank, améunting tu about halfa million of WHSTe iahda belonging tothe Stare. Ihe annual fevenue of the Siate and pudlicdues, ati of whieh were payable Iu the notes of the Capgimon weal h Bank. viwiihgtagsing this apparently solid prov) . ced operation, aid ia the eousse of a few months ay sdk ws low'as Atty per cent.—two dollars rouse specie daliar’*Lhey continued deprecia them were calitd in andbornt, Fhey then wsesn val ajpand now when there 18 only zene fitey or one bandred thousand - dollars out, they have risen ti aoout par. This is owing to the reufaiomng debtors fo wie-bank, and their receiv- b ability wpay@entof taxes, « ‘The result of the itisgthat,"althangh it “is possible to giain at apdnipara purely. paper medium to wee. ayy rt »rbithe legislarive, authority which IL wilbalauiere e@.ademand for it, it is are to a he Propet tins of sapyty j ang deiiand Bo, al bo keep itzat- par; and that ch Pecniveteg lways Sot tua ee of issue. MP he-teaul (with the conve of Kentucky, has been afyencra) convit uuon-uf the mischiets of al isapesjufan isredeemable-paper median. . a ee deral*-Government to and to antroduce -an ae ta the-4perations ) bear. in mind Spite iy Sinton ee aa wa oF igh aes aie itpid . vf greene sourbangy 2 - And altbough, ors es petra { Vaile. component, parts, € into «the pte i unissions of pure paper | unity, sand, in whe nature of. thingays The , ft was ; der. whien it was pnt forth, ang took one and a | half aad sumetiues two dotiara of proc. to pur! But .1f any. one desire to, rng. per teeth the-vperation of a purely | jet. him sindy.. the history ot i ty or, 16 years ago, with ; “A ity oF itte people of that) he lM de’ Wihiding’ up and “closing “its career,” ars. 3d ‘The proceeds of a large body of | And 4th | ted=fora ie ime, untik@tier lange amuurits of | démandtur them, treated by the wanis of the | callie whicwwehive a Sito hg fauiitiar, js * mej Poco offer eraul justive. Aceaitg cy of the country wo consist of two- | shed perand ofie of specie’;. aud assaming:| also that the motieyufmscounteys whatever.amay Tegpiates all values, and resses: the true amount which the debtor has. ty gu his creditor, the effect of the change tipow that retation;and upon the property of the intry, wonld be thust’ ruinvus. All property would bé redacad in value to one third of its pre- | sent nominal amuant 5 and every debtor would, | in effect, have to pay tice tines as mach as he had eontracted-for. The pressure of var foreign debt would be three tinvs ag great as it ts, whilst the six handred jwiiliuns, which Is abuul |-the eauntry hast ° a vagt an , banks; aaa ti the ptine ington,” Rawety sub- ‘reaSurer will, be. a Secon tk ie Saséptarye is” aathoriged to” draw on the several sub-Fiedsuers'in* payment for all. the disbarsements of Gevernment. No ‘law re: stricts bim as to.the amoont or form of his drafts; or checks. He may throw them into amounts snited to the parpuses of circulation, and. give | them all the appeafance and facilities of bank notes. Of all the branches of this system, that at New York will be the most important, since about one-half of the duties is cullecied there. — Drafison New York are at par, or command a the sum now provadly due tu the banks trom the Feople, would be multiplied into eighteen | hundred millions: this project of aub-TPreasuctes, which Meserve lu ‘he noteed. Tie first is its msecurity ‘Phe sub ‘Treasurer and bis dondsmen cunsitute ihe only guaranty for the ately oof the iuninense ; sums of public money vhich pass through his hands. Is this to be maupared with that whien is possessed through ihe agency of nanks ? Phe collector, Whots to be tie suo Lreasurer, pays the imeney. to the bank, and the nank to the dis bursing officer. Here are three checks ; you propose tu destruy two of them, and that most important ofall, the bank, with ws machinery of president, directors, cas.ver, teiler and clerks, all of whom ars su insoy seatiuels At the ve ry Moment when the Secretary of the Treasury talls us how wet! his soo Preasury systeun works he has commminicated ty Congress a circular, eae by hiinsctf exhibiting Gis distrust imi, for hea directs in that circular shat the paolte ‘inoneys, when they amuunt to 2 large som, sball ibe specially deposited with those very bank~ whieh he would repudiate. In the State 4 Keotucky, (viher genietnea can speak uf thet | respective States) although it has existed bute buat forty-five years, three Treasurers, selected | by the Legislatare for sneir establisied charac- | ters ef honor ard prodity, proved farhless And | the histury of the delinquency of one 13 the his- j tory of all, Tt commenced in human weakness. yleidiag to earnest sulictialions tur teupurary loans, with the moe! positive assurances of a panctual return. [In no insiance was there ort- ginally any intention to detraad the Public We shold not expuse poor weak human nature to such temptations How easy will 1 be, as has been done, to indemnify the snreties out of the public money, and squander the residue ? 2 Phen there is the liability to favoritiseon. To the receipts, a political partisan er trend may dr accunmudated in the payment of duties, in the disbursement, in the purchase of bills, ta drafis upon convenient and tavorable vices, and in + thousand ways. 3 The fearful increase of Executive patror— age. Hnndreds and thousands of new officers are to be created ; fur this bill isa mere com mencement of the system, aud all are tu be plac ed uncer the direct contrul of the Presitent. ‘The Senator from South Carvliaa (vr Cal houn) thinks that the Executive is now weak, and uo danger is tu be apprehendad frum its pat ronage. I wish to God [ could see the subject igthe same light that he does. I wish that | Sould feel free from that alarm at Executive en— croachments by which he and I were suv receut lye animated. Wher and how, let me ask, has power, lately so fearful and formidable, sa.i- déaly become sv weak and harmless 2 Where is that corps of.ons hund’ed thousand office hold- ers aod dependents, whose organized strength, directed _by the will of a single mar, was Iately held dp in sach vivid colors. and powérful lan guage by a report.made by the Senator himself ? i}.W hen wete they disbanded 2 “What has bv- come of proscripiion P Its. victime.may be ex. haosted, he spirit and the power which sa- i t emain unsubdued What of the a “What of the veto? Of tea ofévithbotding bills, conirary to ine tion etil more reprehensible than the abuses: ofthe ato ?.-Of ‘treasury urders, pai alntaided th: defiance and cihteni pt opxponging- power which Kee ep pirced., it at the feet of iO enotitivas powers ‘and pre-, pean © Chief* ela oti disa- But thare are sume inure specific udjectians to | pre:niain from every point of the Union. [tis | the grea: money centre of the country. Issued | in coavement suing, they will circolate throngh- out the whole Union as bank ootes, and as iung as confidence is reposed io them, will be prefer- | red tu the specie which their holders havea right todemand. They will supply a general currency, fill many of the channels of circula- ; tion, be a substitute for notes of the United Siates, and supplant, to a great extent, the use of hank notes ‘The necessities of the People will constrain them to age them. In this way, they will remain a long time in circalation ; and in a few years we shall see an immense portion of the whole specie of the conniry con- centrated in the hands of the branch hank —that is, the sub Treasurer, at New York, and repre sented by an equal amount of Government pa- per dispersed throughout the country. ‘The re sponsibility of the sav- Treasurer will be conse quently greatly increased, and the Government will remain hound to guaranty the redemption of all the drafis, checks, or notes (whatever mav be their denomination) emitted upon the faith of the money io hiscnstody, and, of course, will be subject to the hazard of the loss of the a- mount of specie in the hands of the sub-T'reasu— rer. If, in the commencement of this system, the holders of this Government paper shall be required to present it for payment in coin, with- in a specified time, it will be found inconveni -nt or impracticable to enforce the restriction, and it will be ultimately abanduned, Is the Senate prepared to consent to place not only all the specie that may be colleciea fur the revenue of the coantry, at the will of the Presi dent, or, which is the same thing, in the costo- dy of persons acting in abedience to his will, but 'o pnt ue at the head of the nost powerful. and iwflocatia! s¥stem of Government banks that e- ver existed ? [' is said, in the -Message, that Governinent in not bound tosnpply the eenntry with th: ex changes which are necessary lo the transaction ofits business Bat was that the langaage veld durtng the progress uf the contest wiih the lute Bank of the United States 2? Was not the expectation held out to the people that they would be supplied with a better currency, and with better regappied exchange 2? And did not both the fate Président and the Secretary of the } Preasnry dwell, with particular satisfaction, in several Messages and reports, upon the impruve- ment of the currency, the greater amouat in ex. change, and the redaction of the rates, under the vperation of the State bank system, than exist- ed under the Bank of United Siates? Instead of fulfilliug the promises thin held oot, the Go verninent nuw wraps itself apin its dignity— tells the Peopleihat they expect tou much of it ; that it%s aut its business to furnish exchanges ; § that they unay look to Europe for the manner io which, ihrqugh the agency of private bankers tue cummerce and business of iis countries are supolid with exchange. We are advised to give up uur American mode of transacting hasi- ness, through the instrumentality of banking Curpurations, In which the interests of the rich and the puor are happily blended, and to estab- lish bankers similar to the Hopes, the Barings, the Rothschilus, the Hotinguers, of Europe; hov- ses which require years or ages tu form and to put in successful operation, and whose vast over- grown capitals, possessed by the rich exclusive- ry of the poor, control the destiny of nations aud determine the fate of empires ! Having, I think, Mr. President, shown that the project of the Administration is neither de- Siravle, aos practicable, nor within the constitu tionat power of the General Government, nor jast;" aud that it 1s cuntrary tu the habiis of the People of the Uasited States, and is dangerons tu their liberties, { might here close my remarks ; gat | conceive it1v-de. the duty of a patriotic up- pot to cunfine itself merely to arging ob- aingt Measures to promote, the gener- ;“brought forward by those in power, *. Si and ‘higher doties to perfurm; y. be’circumstances in which the Op- boond forsnally to present'sach - meas. 3.a8, io Hg judgment, are demanded “sy- the geney of the times; but-if-it has-jast-resson eheve that ihey would be uns ble: to Pe 2 Se Pat ppositica will discharge: ito _ by. rng’ ard yebelieves S Quzht 10 be done Yor: that I oo friends rot ee) ects | 2 to me to settlé® shag , it. any.” * guate: | cod avery isever to ulled: fweety- two years | zo Mr. Madieun, whose oppositivn: ‘to the first * of U. S,.is well kaown, ina message to gress said ; aiving the: aestion of the Posstitutional | pf. sh tere to establish an in- | nk, as being precladed, in my judg- . recogaitions, under varied — ‘ Suh the validity of auch an insti” of Jegislative, execative. and ja-: evernment ; accompanied tien ; the ’ pied to 4 , S06 sles the Supreme Coart of the Pieces ty years of sucdessful | ae consequences quent. ‘alowed th : ance of the’ bask. - a cP { have been: gress, on the »chartere of both the took part ia the discussion. knowing the opifions clare wy deliberate cunviettii ther wae there one-third of the memt ther House who entertained the vp! | Congress did nut pussess the constitutional pow- | | er to establish a bank. Butitis contended that however indiopepss- . ble a Bank of the United States may be ia the’ restoration of the prosperity of ihe country, the | President's vpiniuis against it oppuses-ao: insu— perable obsiacle to the ev'antishinent of such an lostitation, dt will indeed be untortonate ifthe | only measure which can bring rfief to fhepPeu- | ple should be. preventec by ihe Magistate, whose | elevated statiun should render tim for the tuust grievances The opinion of, the President which ia relied | opon is that contained tn bys celebrated letter'to | the Hon, S. Wiiliams, and that which is ex pressed in ce Message before as. | mast or afier bfs election to the Chief Magisiracy, has aright to say, in advance, that he would not appreve of a particular bill, if 1 were passed | by Congress. An annonciation of such a pur- pose is premature, and contrary to the spirit Jif | not the express provisions of the Constitution. According io that instrument, the participation right to pass upun a bill—is subsequent, and not previoas to the deliberation of Congress. «The constitational provision is that, when a billehwl have passed buth Huoses, it shall be. presented to the Peresident for his approval or réjection> His right to pass upon it resulis trom . the. pre: sentaton of the bill, and is not acgaired until it. presented. What would be thought of =the jadge who, befure a Cause is broaght before the court, should announce his intention to decide én favor of a named party? Or of the Senate, which shares the appointing power, if Ttehould, befure a nomination of a particular individual is made tor an office, pass a resolution that 4% would not approve the nomination of that indi- vidual ? * itis clear that the President places hig “re- pugnance w a Baok of the United States, maiasj ly upon the grouud that the popular will has beeu twica ‘sulemuy and unequivocally expressed” against it In thisd think the. President is wn.staken. ‘The two yccasiens ta which he is} Andrew Jacksor in 1832, and in bis own elec- tionin 1836. Nuw, as tp the firsi, there was nut, before it took plaee, any onequivucal expres- sivn of the opinion of the late President sgaimst a Nations! Bank. There was, in iact, a con trary expressiun. fo the veto message, Presi dent Jacksun admitted the public convenienee of a bank ; stated that he did not find 1n‘the renew ed charter such a mod fication’ as could. secure his approbation, aod added that, if he bad been applied to, he could have jurnished the mode of a bank that would answer the purposes of such an institutivv. fu supporting. has re-elec- tion, therefure, the People did not intend, by the exercise of their suffrage, to deprive-themsel veg of a’ National Bank. Un tie contrary, it is within ny own knuwledge, that many voted forse him who believed in the orceseinty of a bank quite as well asido. And lam pertectly per-" suaded that thousands and tens of thousands sustainet his re-election uoder the full @xpenta, tion that a Nativaal Bank would be. establi daring his second term. Nor, sir, can f think present Chiet Magisirate vught to be taken- ag evidence that the People are against a -baok. ‘The most that fairly can be asserted is, that -he was elected, the expression of his epinivo in =the letter to Mr. Willtatas notwithstauding. The question of the election of a Chief Magistrate is a complex question, one uf compensation. All his‘opivions, aff waliGications are taker. into eg with those of his titors. noibing mure is decided by he edple thaffthat thé peren elected 1s prefer- : @ currespon- | themsel »¢g, is. hairy agvialpain tay say. with ail proper deference, that noman, prior to | of the President io the legislative powere-hrsy onderstvod to refer, are the election. of General, | theré Spold be i ar ili . 7 ae “apon the rae hy bi: Let thet a oe la en, acd he f ftom them ice = pwnd the tenor of be Phaterer divorces |, dest thar be would be one beiween a and t Stouid this not NOL prove tobe the i | @ majority shold not exist a. ¢ to pass 8 back charter ia au, esa the oltimate remeay wil remain ' pel to change their rulers, fg ‘wall not change ther opinions But. during this Gebste, 1 has tended that the esta:- lishment ‘, Bank of the United States woul, existing distresses; atid that the — | Cemwary tO PULL IMO Opera | be Obtained without ie}idice ig / banks Lbat is the relief for which ibe D anxiously throbbing lube bynkeagun 19 WOLON: tomes 3. vive the droup J p me sg Oty it-equal to hea on Ahe fori debi Would probs het ined pretsiniog. at home Ctl abroad the cquivaleat in specie. Agreat, if not the greatest ex; | thew of confidence, not Govet » but iN distant bebe twee the tenks themscives” Tye ue of conaékion binding thea & and .bey are ofien SHEPICiOns of | To thie want of confidence : to be-agcrbed tthe exc ‘country. Howother wise can anxious man in the nation tovredsess. extigting’ forthe fact that the paper ol tt | | sg ganapt; now be ¢ | gainst the paper of the banks oft ‘ ‘ without a digcount in the former | 15 per cent.; nor that of the b ville, without @ discount of.8 a | cent. agasnst the paper of the vankt | adjorming State of Keoincky? lest shat, whatever may be the } circalation, whet®er it be in per, or convertiLig. paper and sane posing Confideare to exist, Veta changes. ino th cases ov gli jojieg the same, But, 10 times ate bank will allow its funds tascc operations of exchange. at pas herr uge can be made of them. © @, if a Bank ct ihe Coote Sararistabliobed; With 6 proper. 4 it were’ made the sule* Gepresay 4 yblic Moneys, aud its pots soem bie in ali Government dues. 11.0ge mence operations fo'(hwith; «ia mount of specie, perdaps nol Gilt two millions. Tha! suin sound, he draWn trom the communiy. j now bhostiled.and dotmas:, od ken exen from the Jycal ssoks, bemore than’ compenssicd 10 which thes Would enjoy: ye | Of the stock-of at pew a substitute-dor 4 “Sacha new bank, onee com rR would forms avelbyangs poin'; a ort revive, exehanyen’be again business and presperuty of thee ly restured. oe it is by ee pany aciga Linking capital ot ‘i coun Be piubable that fhe aggregate sant bald; Which GF pd Vor resucie 8eee PF writ bo qui a) 10 thas of ibe Bere se desol ution wight tons éimilat to that iéd io S 18AB, uffezing 10 uss niolive lo res! faper bap cis we eed fon v as (heir audiber hap sivce that 7 creased, toanake thé mpptive more’ a Co singht be copfinge to. one ot 1° tate know 0 to be trasiwurtb§.. ‘and a Bank of the Unied 9 ‘and all other ped by the a! i 4g, ihe ef to fullow ae That ibe election ot the ; s1- Cott resting the (wo period peome ad raniages for ihe es0@ ie payments pxisied at the lrmert Which distinguish the preseu' FC derate; At the firs: there weit quer © exisiance ot e@ public debi and 2,80 uf banks. But shen an exbausi Wasted our means. Now «¢ ie greatest. wealth, our resuurces sre™ developed @nd trcreased, 00! PF doubled, our koowledge of ibe belies; 2nd; what'fs of the atwost atéumedy if appl ied now, eo: ? In a inuch saree stage of tbe é ifr sed amongst. the-geveral candidates. aan as a man-takes-his wil-, for better tor wor the guod and bad opinions and You might a6: weit, | . ee a particular pers “wh npeeraate—ys wnesoptaipencone Te bo) ee ee ae: See pore aeare, ~ oe ; . Pa cS aad me 4 eee Ce ie Mig aed ee ee oe sesh They whe]. * re nerabeurrency uf sodnd #4 - me_is vecessary Lv the well-being Cobledersey, bat it indmPe tes. fe hte ‘ a eB | gate-aote Re ae gn ae ree meagersh oot st bg” - ‘ y ir ypreseogat” Te temaré Shek AIMEE EB ers 4 Se pol —_—, Ps > » a Lpi a torn it this Gdeorna Par jae f a ee 1s > ‘a ins doy the hats ne. t But it is not true that ory te : sub-Trearury nd ite PT? ey beourae Soke ee Po iaal got ana | eee vos "Liha Union inself, in fall and. ri aalety, there is the giust ajaee con- Has not Mr. Van Bure | told us that it is no par General Governmé@nie ¢ wr ote President, the remedies whieh baive currency than we 2 : wast arore aacceseiel: aba non wig “Bellsburyg Ost ~~ aries Yemen ae ory, thete is every reason Pe! . e . ald again prove +fcactusss ba rad Sa sDUr Ye = 28, 1837 money? Wt me that they should nut, and thai ame wn- - ————————— were dl ‘a 5 nw eae which eould not then, shyugld Maw & : gress has eost rc = sparert (Heer Operacian, We should havegin any e uudred and 6f serted and repudi 1 the eunsol ition of Knuwing that we had y After : we ned to profil by the lessens of experien Jars, and what nas been done? a rore if bey failed we should stand acqait our instalment of the revenues Saat oe 4 = tthe People hey are i s 5 sae eS oe ache ve ~w naod°- wid @xpert- which,bad been solemnly promised to the ae They wisn togetentof the woods, 10 States. by act of Congress, has been coun- raed t i nected, back lo the | termanded by seutheract sn lose shen ‘ne ‘ e ghch they have Oren © beacen, wide vad, which ‘hey bau before year from the commencement of werd . fix es . apres at Newbern,. =f _ «xtave “never geen the person tha : b weasinot “ten the difficulties of that" abstruse. science. with more ease. ag: ‘obtained ficunse” to |! wred over our asl lerritory, have of ee dulvesth im 4 i tual | pee njedespite of tis. Bust? ea — < feevir bis ba en i“ ine lemditivn of each other Pot: In Va ’ SSL ee poring ice AUhos happened, sand Sftire Gur pen- a0 Haviig vies this to bis @ducativn, | be, ple Have giveump a good currency for such; | next betook _ himnsel to the . ,deyenees of svineats of i be oo rinlically published Lt rg ee dotie re Sere 6 ison call of ‘tle | dt ponte, at fast, aeunly upan the sulvency of the jority the bank; and how, when Aéven“their as we have been drivéff™to by the policy : | ebemistry and mineralogy, and for the pub mes are oot known, can that be asceriain- bes Faye and eighty” “matters that Tiave of this Government, we dO“ protest agsins, Pose of going more thoroughly? into these wat) eT been transaged wa suffering péople by 7 Mishsarce ai thik ume. For its plain effect; studies, he removed to Philadelphia, ‘that cial call of «Congress. Weedy fot all. rwilt-be.to make our rag money more rag—; he Might enjoy the advantage of attending out + with the act to” indulge the merchants, ged and worthless.. Give os bck ou U- the lectures of the celebrated Dr. Haver Wok suppose it was necessary but wemay | jited States: Bank fakes. Resiore the cred- ; ‘lere also, he acquired a- knowledge of the, ask if they were atiy wore entitled w favor cof bern ve #ieoe "h language, which. wag.so perféct, rand “indulgence than the people of the | ehanis ‘that be hus translated much. rs a te ya do .Mobaue «. Wa ‘a GENERAL Sites ?. Lf the question had been, wheth- | changes cauibeapeamunreequal é ; OF. et e TOGETHER Make the, Whole of Voltaires Henriade, (onls a small er tbwere necessary wo make the merchants {State Bank uoies equal w what ne w " FASULOS ABLE READY-MAD “& ASSO /f ; portica of which has beeo t publ $+ debt or to make the States forfeit ‘ne congloned Back. See | Tennant’s Celebrated Stocks, | when the unholy alliance wok pizee, and | M: Croow was also an accomplished Bota (SUITED [TO ALL Sa wOlcaTonor Guawisden thediwarce tabes | vist, znd we learo from the newspapers ‘place. Butinthe mean time vou must not | Wis, al the timeof bis death, engaged in Suspenders, Hoskin Gloves, Saim Bosomee & Linnen Plain and Ruf. object, if we characterize vour doings as | Preparing a work on that subject for publi- fled Shirt Collurs, round end S round top; 3 they deserve. When the acknowledge | cation, ‘le was for a ghort time jo the Le- scope and tendency, of all your preposi- gislatne of this State, but evinced little And. in. fact, every ate called for in our line of bus ni Ce Ms | taste for Poiities—bis ambition was entirely o/d or young. Ou of a literary kind, Mr, C. on aecountof bis health which was never robust. had remove All ot which ~sejt be tnide ed to Florida, but speat much of bis time | Short neticecin the most fashions workmen aré the best. that ean possibly re ‘eda! the North, and ‘we think that, to our ®Wa experiences.will insure.ue ede in his native Stare, to which he was ardent- nrucure of - podlie paifonage. All gpdes sth AC ee | Que gv gifted, so cullivated, will. racet@with prompt queation so pure, will be courned far beyond the do- One wave of the ocean has ranted: to-fit. and Kitt chfora & Gaugolers, butthere are many other rela— thanks for former support, and jttens to whom he was more than dear, and vor to merit its CHFORD'S “3 D & 01 P.S Persons furnishing ‘terials can rely upon hanineg sheer as well madéas apes we articles. ae “ an n How, and when, ton. without such measures as ft ‘Tee millions of Tr are the State banks to resume | 2? {hey never can resume , authorised, which are to. ad euncert. =prngs from enn- ; specie for office- “holders, 3 a“ noni pice fran knowledge. Bar | are exhorted to bey atigne's ight Landsed banks seat | ‘rag money. Atid a law has have suggested , e gper'e payments eur: mr eomecrt fiero 5 ’ ghat knowledge can e ae Serr Vivlet rh B => 200 ise — { Wee «do. 0" Dahji a3" ,. de ‘Tove ede Zeb Plaid ‘da aU poten ny x do Cor Super Piain Sitk ie Cater do Cot and Migared do do Crimped Silk* do Fig'd in pete do Buff Cashmerets, “ta 4-« oe rg de .dy aclcaus © is | oh ae. ESTINGS. A. ” Ampro ibe Wy aves eet WF pronx - “rs. fh es a) stair Chat & Maré? (4 in the ~ “a a + os our nation abroad, havea hitle pesee unul foreign ex- duced @ pause or deubt inany honest sino: but these were not the alternatives presen- } ted, ‘the Treasury, which the Siates were wil!- } { \ ) | There was enough of bank notes in tions 1s to collect and beard up specie fo | ing to take, which the Governmeut couid | ie government oflivers, you ought not to podyect to being told of it in’ the plainest language. When you desert the people agdsulf further attempt to depreciate the ef irate they have, you cannot blame us for saying that you, Py ? : bostead of coming. to thé id-of. | ial exercise of yur in a and approved by pie nce. ¥ La sie vw. You propuse worse ier 1, 6 distrust them even a & pecial d penalties of bankwptiey. 5 How aod when will (hey epecie pay: inforwativo eX=) pa ja/have exertivne been greater than \fho~4 shych the banks have genefally made‘to open their pledged. faith to the smount of this nly shuuld bave been & ~~ tw, bear, witi | conposuie ami FAbig ogtton, the provi, 9 mene. Con- re-wutablished, the f a ationabe uration: creaied, ' Specie... pay- we Some of thea, ary i eambity, aad snarling a pe eee not use: there was the teu miluous of U, riment resuming ' a inuing payment in i hey nia y | Skates Bauk stuck which General Jacksun | jon a while; bul withuut the? co- upetation the States would have taken at ly attached, which «ould have been sould and the mouey par, jtwfions, and ae ee tn. ByPtn ; gbanvon them and cf fo jhe ir $d to Cetvunce against’ thedf, alléthe pained wet ae 3? Never, as far a: weigh err vaulis. De ig? erful that the 40% lastalment, 1 onght not to have pro- | talents whichdigne ged Le xtin. ‘tbem evald qarekly. ca high Sense [py dgadt make the e long ago recommended tu be sald, which WeSiete Banka yenetally, and without re OF jon ol & na! vual banks} is to be appre— oaly median wach ad.that they vill be again aeiged witha , a: pos lim my deliberate. conviction that ‘the same vation of (he existedée of the Stald biinks depands ypun®the institoudn of a na- tis agon rye to them us the tv the wellare of the Btateés-io our po- fein, Without itgie homan-being can pwéaball emerge frum the difficul- arivwh us. Iuhas beeg. my lurtone Be gee. He coud try involved in great we 1 beheld it enoum Eahd. portentous. Lhave presenteu, Bt obve ptupuse raised in ten hours to the amount calleu anesti. bearth for. ‘There was the unexpended balance of millions of money appropria‘ed at tie last session vf Cougress w wiid aud ex- travagant purposes (much of it appropria- ted, it 1a believed, to lesson the surplus and deleat this very distribution act): why not withhold some of this instead of wiwn- holding this promised the A Viak. thot al Siates?) Then there was the expedient ixhmentu! a national ban avéa | whi : 88 eww Rivesied lo the WalesdeteConetiintaa: as which they dad adupt of issuing oles and bys. T kaow: that ot Te cen: getting Governments along in that bungling toleated; and that jt. wou theres} wind disgraceful mode. With all these ai- in effect, are luflicting Ob us the curse ol aesiroved ail bis house, wife, soa 50 2 4110 Yards Cop “740 yasde Tc 250 Lindey rag money. peak. —_ -—____ om MELANCHOLY SGiPWRECK. The Steamboat Home, Captan Waite, her passage from New York to Chirieston, ie ot who sill pour out fl-eds of tears to bis There is many a friend who will mix his sorrow with theirs. 1 olised memory was wreeked on Ovracovke Island, on * Get. 21,18 mght of Monday 9:h instant, aod out of Mr. Shultz. of Hamburg.—This sin- uler gentleman bas su-ceeded in his en- “ieavors to establish a direct trade with | ii: nbarg in Germany, so for as to obtain trom tho Priassian Government,a consul for | his own town. Mr. Delins, is the name of bout 130 persoason board, only 38 escaped There ag of whom about sixty-seven perished. give well us tanse of the lost treasure tu | Raleigh, Oct. 20, Ny Awl NOW EECEIVING: per Biba Bostic AHMenunetia and Coton Plast, my, ENT IRE STOL KK of “New, Seasoriavle Fal nod Winker the boat, We as @ere PASVONVETS ih below the names of those saved, Pe > . There were a- w eae nm. § do Dut desif# tur force ate, or upon the ae PALAINSL 115. | bid, my dpinion, er ‘pincerel y wat ‘ enterlained, I a ninttorad tint trbey hed, its simbility and utilis will depend the geveral evn Vic wR which is fel€ of ins’ oa ~ Aod until such,a convielion is deep eed upon the people, aod clearly :nant- wet hem, it would in my judgment,” -be Het beer to propose a bank. ME the scheme of the Senator from Virginiag} Rives.) | thivk now-ae (HdbRht in 9834, EMD delieve eng peaceable eunnexiun © uf inks cla gpply Lourraucy, be a et) | the pu es, OF ac gm | haa Ginerat > thea.oppured to the State bibs here. F thought that they uuu to form exclusively a the country, although they Pp Eg a gomig! sysiow, onl me the Senatar, considered u rio ty about the 1esumptioo of eh's do Much desired, I think must merece wwutive whieh it hulds” out of the re- Hay jo all Heymente othe Governmeéntof Bpetof such /baaks ae may resume by a giv. - Sih the conditions: proposed. is ht is anoffer to eight. ban- ¢ Yovene, | payment of which, “i ld oot.as the inducement; a- ty of twenty-five millions. “hee the inconsidérable extention ce »Which woald result from the » brew by Goreramens to the paper of all bey are Feqd@ired to submit to a res- notes below ‘five dollars, and aio ve- ¢ period to alt below tweury. The en- of their rirculation, produced. by mia R receivable by Gueernmeiit, would de thao the contraction which would be suppression uf the prohibited notes; raf the quality proposed again to de-at— - mee ihe holes of these focal banks was in— 10 prevent the suspension, hew can’ it “8 eQough ty stimulate a intr Beall ren. ‘Nevertheless, if called apon to-give rea the projeet of the Miaeee meat of the Sensor tro Virgin— the lauer, bec “ause iis harmless, if i Be Reed, and louks to the preservation -of ok&; whilst the other te fraught 8,25 | believe, and tends, if it be 'o the utter destruction of those , Bu, referring tocetthersthe posi— ere the Seimtorfom: Geurgia, ae WstAOE , vorefyur that, eare“he views’ which | State of our pablicaffaits, ex bar 1 cattepe(celve asts inthe hands ol. the | f the ysivall im— whieh. -#. ry adi 4 = om i ane Ps ned, 4 ite terpatives at hand (sume of them at jeast jnet and proper,) there was no nec essity ou! a conflict between the merchanis and the States » the merchants been indulged and the reasonable expectations of the States fulfitled. Bat if been the issue, however hard upon Merchants, 1 anght have been, it wouiu fave been more right that they should be forced than by false assurances made in the might bave haa Lit such solemn form of law tu betray the peapie of the Siates into direct: laxation or expose the State Governments to dishonor. Foi in many of the States it is thus resolved : either that the people must be taxed, or the faith of their Legisiatures picdyed to cor- porations and individvals ou the strength of this money must be furlerted. It was proposed by the Whigs that the States shuuld have the State Bank money, but this was refused by those true anu only friends of the people—-the peculiar democrats. 1t was proposed that the Gov- eroment’s shares of the Unned States Bank stock should be sold: this was refused by these same democrafs. It was proposed to withhold some ol the extravagant appro- priations, (much of which could aot be ex- pended at any rate) this too, was refused, The ten millions is to be issued tn Treasn- ry fiotes;* and ample provisions is thos made for the men in power, yet even the RAG MONEY, which the people were will- ‘ing to receive, is refused them. The worst aristocracy that ever existed in Europe ne- ‘ver assumed an attitude towards its sub- jects more decidecly huguile than are the | positions taken by,.t ident and his party towards the apeople'of these’ States. They say in one measure, that rag money is goud enough for the people, when the re $a tve us the money } you pro- SLSR say thev, “ it does ee with our honor.and dignity to (ea ie wOL OF phe 1E° wi Pe ek ae p> havesheet accu ; Su eoiai e D > eran’ nae) a ae 5 ae ete oe sa 3 1 ’ * ie el “e vase | be “ . Ale wig Bog ey iw. , it, wool ie sa! aes ‘OPE tea s eel mong these thirty or forty la ies, of whoa | escap dad. The Boot erew consis- 40. Several awful pst tie legit omly twe tec of about of whom only eighteen were saved. eauses are assigned One Sta tor this most catastrophe 1s for Sere mi Ai.- other is, thatthe Coptuin wis ia a state of that the boat was ce: heviig oeen beoken ie ter keel. imntoX ication . . List of Passengers saved. Mrs Lacoste, Charlestou, S C. Vitis Sechrocder, ‘ Charles Drayton, Andrew H, Lovegreen C BOB Hussey ‘ Isane S Coben, Columbia, South CC Cady. Montgeiwery, Alabaina, Thomas J Suiuth, New ¥ otk. JD Rolaas, Joha Bishop, J Holines H Vanderzee, H Anderson, Capt Alfred Hill, Portsmouth N. H. Capt Salter, ’ James Johnson, janr Boston, Mass. W S Read, New Haven, Conn. D Clock, Athens, Georgia, Jobn Mather, Conrad Quinn, (boy) cereee City. The following are tbe names of, a few. of those who perished, ail that we have been able to obtain with certainty. Professor Nott aad Lady, Columbia, S ol Mr Anderson, * +e David Toms,, >is ie Mis Levy & two deugbtors,.Charlegrase Mrs Bondo, ; ei Mrs flussey, Carolina, ‘ 6 ‘ ‘ ‘ i sation party belong to Mr Calhoun ? or he rawktard ~it, ree Es Mad Riviere, Mr Chors, PS Cdtien, | Mr Palier, rales pr aah i er ce E ee tie oem Rake = 4 wail : i , Se gens .r a Aco S ? ss es this km@pertant commercial agent, who was received with preat ceremony and pomp. by the authorities of New Hamburg (By the bye, thus ts pronounced zvumbeg, by a worthy French genticman of this town,) and if tt were not that Mr. Shulta-has soc- ceeded in all important things he even un- derteok, we should be aisposed to regard this as something of a burlesque. Mr. Cal- Nollifi- Does Souk Carolina belong to houn 2 Or he toher? Does the iat? Onetwould suppose from the blind devotion with which certain of his folfow- ers take up his opinions on the —sub-Trea- sury system.and the arrogance with which they reproach others for not following bis ansurd lead, that they think he is lord and master in South Caroima, and that it is treason for any one to think or spexk for We dislike. to the party except himself, who see such airs in the small fragment have gone offzwith this distinguished, gen- tleman, and who can neither be cafled*the Whig party or ‘the Nullifeationg They are thus far the CALHOUN PARTY, j. < and constitute a very smal] fraction of eig an Whether they.do pot mean to hes |% ther: come the devoted partizans of the-Adminis- tration in all its “firtner hombugging z and experimenting, we leave to time.to ans ; ‘fae wheeling 6n both sites*has been vor? “4 cwatd \for,, My, Wal. pullchorsg ‘Bleirsnd *Biargy Re eres [28 a WA, BE = ted we jy "his" een ere ut they ee Pe | ee : etches iy Pees Re: wR 2 101 DRY GOODS; G ROU All of which have recentty be York and. Piitladelphia, ) terms. and wall be solu UNS UALL a LOW tor Cash, es on “ume 6 Fumie te Cail a My Q 150 CERLES, oc. 5c. aght in k. consists in part, ofjth in addition to the old Stock :—= Packages PRY GOOD | ie ea gna 25 bhdsr Si Croix’ Porto Rico'Se. tHeSPR:, Cubs Java COF FEB: gr, 109 sides Sole Leather, 2 : 12 tons Swedes 4a 100 kegs Naij@pes 1d Engl Bra 40 task 50 boxes Sx "10 and 10x" 12 Wis s ' dGw-Gtade sr 1000 bs BareTiead, * 1000 a do No. +r White 20: barrels cies, Paints and Dye lows: ‘Vises, a an fr artic SEE TE $- farther "Oi at a Ra SP is fal Qu, Lest 0 ta’ do, fig, Biackemi:ts C4, ORREL ny S nid. © te best pest ammers, together vwith Pek Sry receive Orde PRINT From Editormime Carolina, * « Ne le a, “cers 18, esi e rok — ‘Of, a Bel larg 7 oe: re 2 a anaes i ed ait aa ee 5 ee a “ar Ah * Fp ‘ es eres yet ss eS ae | 83 4 to F909 SH a Mi Hey. and its vicinity for the libera | “CC@Oae 3s tofore received in his business | 99%, BSt Sues oo be that he still catries on the | have great “couidenee In | nex ihe Al) Be BUSLVESS One Oe ngitke Abe, go.ncnt PTICE IS HEREBY giyy, BRANCHES AND VA. ad try il they evdceed, “Ceing Ah bg RNS! Seber AL aon ORAS at THE | done. ly .and iL Be opened in the fol Rail Ring me FRODI from. ad istancege : es | aiagbe the direction of whe feet PBondon, and carefully despatened.. sin all’) soagys fils uw itd Philadelphia. of oe, es insaid € 8 cases diligently DGET fo, . PeS. Produce ot a 2 paw that their work ae a var ay tim ews ° jel times. 29° the said Comets ta, BN y will ' eriitsen = ———— ar ue Soe ; ee received in payment for wof Se Ae eéposai a oe, ee a, shai Tilly. hove besi®eulé belure. el at. a ee ee Cee eee Sabanidiel he At| Salisbury, May 27, 18374 e L. Gan lok ands master f ee ob als or t gear ees en ; . oy: Se igi: Sy Ao instalment of Two weiter Share Will be required at the time ci. ~ as paid, and the Lists ot Sy ake Court of gain for .Mynt ves oe OF d we P re A, «| the : wo ‘Oe 1 ——_—_—— —_ vil Pprogress,toE. L. \ Rete atedicg tan si Medi it alisbury: Maw oO. 188724 ta e's "> vite, be disappdinted id finding bargains. | EP 0 RGR? | Se a BLUMI’S BRUNSWICK, BS. MEOR 1838, Por SALE AT THE ¥ the Commissioners are requested 1, J Ug -_* Vinslow., } De Foy yyy i a MeHtatas NEW HANOVER. JeueeG en Aaron Lizards Alexander ang, James Bi They Joseph Gis ty, #he fitst m ie adi, 20 the ee Inde gceno Z gm O94 year. . e* pe Let we a s é. sas e* b ee o Bw 10—Prige Ade. 654 “Rs less” Py INTY. ese} a Pee : att: coe = ep ii he Bes Rae, at, fo Bp ae ive Sa. * Me - Term.#1837; : SY Cig “aes , & a ote \ S. nae ' Hy bs P a! i aor ot Porth rl NA, Tats BYR ee noe y, “AU of ‘which they wild ‘sett Low for Cash, o7 BoaeP Giles ee Bie ; } C aw. slertand other J Dosikion forthe Sale | 2%. PG RS a ee SAN ono t. MeN ag : iw Sa” on asi credit tovpunctuat dealers. ast SAMPSON, W sckay, rs : h y ti 's < oy eee ot ae s 2 os > tw = =~ = 5 . oi = a a 4 ~ - - id a wn rt: ae 1 EM ans Pine ‘te ase Sy é Salisbury, Oct. 7Us \ Sze Aw 3 ae he BR ie FF aS tee | USO eee a . ' —~ ome € = Olien Mobdle oe : : ~ ies is ie = gE oe ; ; : mIrURG Wrat tsar. COLUMBUS A | y: a TS OF - GOLD AND 8 Ww o &Gary , ae Ser her nat qgucree. "& Se, fen lion@@min. the petition “filed; i8° not ant iggy.” PROSPECTUS OF THE a SR WARE, 40s. % > es? : T appea io the satisfaction of the Coart” . bye? e ‘UR Sibeesi a segls +2 a pe . LS . Josiah Mauls e, bs. quatre ordered halNondhern witesary Hessen" constantly toned Bee nade Cl cat | ied DORE aye ©. — . Augosius so ‘ P ’ t i ade iit the Carolina*Watchman, |< “ger, . oo main slreety@ ber cdecs above Henk Sy Sept. 93, 1897-560 “ why RP ESON, SZ Jobs W. Pow Bee? © Bhat Shera oneness ; ere - on for six weeks, requiring said ane ien Kesler to be |... RS of Samuei Lemly “°& Son, ar <teg —- aes — ——e > pera AT Ee ag y COURS In a. o;. and? wthieonext Wert of this Court, at}: . . >“ Sate Tl Canezene 7 chard C.Beg eo - a -orde a that — c te age for i An ence it Sehsuary tha (Gntmeoo: Hos. WwW. ae AND PRopRIETOR. SPLEN DID: ASSORTMEN PF: OF oe * - tal. eae 4 Bi y at a ; oe ee TOS ote ae eae an Sehebury ~ for the | day afieg werent monday “tr February next YUIS is a Month!y Magazine, devoted chief- FASHION4BLE’ ARTICLES, “| VT iime of holding the propose: Rd: . . ee W-H. Hay wag, ear a as tee a at the next ‘Befpeof | 20d pleat wo Dematior agswer said Petition 5 or* lystu Literature, but occasionally fisuing | 4 his line of b 5 aa F ee Convention in thid City; Bias been peer = © * .Siinuel F. py, roe &, Hetend ——— Judweetch ‘pro cortfesson, will be entered, ands)... jor articles that fall within the scupe of | ; Se ne eee Which he “Would the Ist Monday in September, to Wedn en. Stedman De ahaa Ravi gaeme bel: fur the County of | tte head ok cattaerte “2. SD es ie | Inuumerate the tollowing viz: . Order ot Rinece eee, an ercn: i . ae spent e Chort house in Lawrence. | the Petitios heafd ex parteas to him, Scifice 5 and aot professing an entire disdain! | — parent Lever Warc (Knclish, F the first day of November next, -:Thigalt = arles J. Witj . eee ae tat monday of Match vext, then , Popy from th iites, es oo. 37. | tasteful seléetion, though its matter has bern, as , Swiss, and Dutch)” (English, French. | has been made becuse of int io Jubu J Alsion}-™| i it, plead tu, or answer the Bill ee Ss i LIMAN, C. My LE. it will continue to be, in the main original Gold a Plated Fat’ Chain oral of our brethern to attend tn Seplesite eee Chen a. ve! fi ba : , oe . e & $ oe . 4. 7 ic . EU ; | ar is é ’ . : . ; ; ; i ra Ry r aries pret head Anco Mi. Tougn, ar Sep!SGih 1897 —Op11—Prge Ade, _ FAY mutes nod cotaver ovat 28) Gua and Pted Watch Gost, og eciow inane neNgaaala. NOCH eee Sw ac ;: therwise P = ¥ é ans 27 oe oe ca x ‘ oh ee Tp ee ae ss, ond heat #e ; VORTH ‘ CAROLINA ware scinetimes so blended with discussions tn | Gold and Plated Watch Keys, unless the whole Press of the Su RICHMOND, * Alfred Dockery . : : : f Gold and Plated Watch Seals ne. Btal epres : Walter Fly dered accordin; , , ‘literature or in moral science, otherwise unobjec- St Be enane oo oe . ted, and the postponement vfi eye ; ~ Walter F Leda ee Pe ee, eee . i r ATE LOTTE: RY. "| tionable, as to gain admittance for the sake of Gold Ear-bobs, Breast pins, and Finger-rings : ¥ ‘any ate. Ga lerk and raster FOR THE B ENERIT oF THE SALIS—! the nore valuable matter to which they achere ; bai és rotigcctte ounty, the- first (ialest fash uke) have the effect of securing a general attenddines !o5 << ce s Siiver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases,and | Past of those whonf it concerns. ; : Thee Dia Megottty, BURY ACADEMY. oe wieurver that hee they are terete Leads, P ; , OMe -, tg re tet _— : . ae QT. o only ; wol primary. ey are druss, tolerate : eke ude eS ( “hs . eh ~ me O8e}D Dede -— mog ay an Sépt Be ceneayl pane a Crass:No. 19, For 1837. aig ‘eeaues it et well be severed from the | alles ure Beles and Se frames & glasses JOS. GALES & SON: wd MRARS OMEBX Dr. F J oe) Pea. Se JAS. & GAINES, c..m. E. i sterling ore wherewith it is incorporated. | Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver wy : ae u , os Y ee - 3 ‘To be drawn at YANCEY VILLE, Cas- Reviews and Critical Notices occupy their | Fruit Knives, r : + aga Pe Harris," : oe . _~_ FS well* Gounty, North Carolina, on i Riese ih ROWAN, Halton C Jamal ie Sd ar on oS aim that they should tuvea three-fold tendency | Breast Buttons and Musical Boxes, : =< Thurgday the 9th of November, —to convey ina curdensed form, such valuable | Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. war aig > B* 189%" truths of interes‘ing incicents us are embodied in He will exeoute every description of workin} SATURDAY COURIER. RANDOLPH, , SS cake = ; the works reviewed - to direct the reader's alten- | Workmanlike manner and promptly Aen Ts : 9S Sesse Heo shaayy 66 .V UMB “me LOTTER ¥, HF, vast patrouage which has been awarded, ms A Brower 1 wara him against wasting time and muney up- 5 Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange the Courier, is the best evidence of its ap- GUILFORD, N Moss vial, on that large nuinber, whict, inurit only to be! for articles purchased at his shop, and in pay. | prevail. Tthas the largest subscription fist in this x Jesse Lindsay, *§ nee $i ~SOS- — aoe burned. In this age of publications, that by | ment for work done and debts due. D.L.P.| country, = It ae the largest and cheapest tamily : John More'ead, 4 ‘SCHEME their variety and multitude distract and over-} Salisbury, June 25, 1286 1f49 Newspaper ever issued in the U. States, eoutain- CABARRUS, Paul ber: ger, | >Amos Weayer. agon'and Getr St) wnt 1 Pe of = $10,000 whelm every and updiscHalUa HCE student, im- = we anes mh peal uel aud theArts; |- : . \ i ee er ta : sacet read off horses, some fag Ba. = : | partial criticism, governed by the views just 'O.' r a . aternal Luprovement, Agriculiqre, in short ev: | -. Sseorge Kluane. ; ee ™ A Caule & Hogs hous® — _ 1 Prize of 4,000 Pea ioned. is one er the wus? inestimable and COME LAVD BUY LAND. |. ry variety of topics usually introduced inte a IREDELL, Thotars A Alli : Saige old ard kitchenfagsd ae gg IePrize_ of 3D00 indispensable of auxiliaries, to hii who does publie jomrnal. Giving full accounts of sales, GF Davids, “2 . ee 2 x ye se. aaa -<: 1 hie ef 2,820 wish to discriminate. 300 4 Samah Hl ; a? : oa Hoy : thet -& ~. 1 Prize o 1,840 | € or more Acres Without interfering wiih the usual variet ; ver ATS". a ° i fj Fhe Caarsin hieennse st the A 5 Pyizes of 1,000 Ree eee or be ers Pe ers With improvements not inferior t q ' the Courier presented ten volumes of ths ae ‘ Ue Cae J AE. pubt@Motebe,thada in the b+, 10 ‘Prizes of ® * 490 eminiscences of events to «minute for history, one fH r a a : " inferior to any be me popular literstore of the day within the last year. MecKLENBURG Sanioe! McChat rua VG och « ax. wetke Anat the de-{. 2” 00 Prizés of ~- ~100 yet elucidating it and heightening its interest — ons in and ae awba in one tract. 115 Fhis featare puts ine the hands of its aatbra pS cea ch re the ' ne ae seck ot Reed 3nd a oe eBags ae 3 £0 may be regarded as forming the staple of the | cres to another ; 52 or more in another, al) near | the must enicriainiue aed popular cdrrent titéea * Joho trwige’ ye | BLADEN, 49% a 4 Bee ' ek ‘ Sa in. & ' ? é al ee Raleigh, N. C.- “Sage INCREASED ATTRACTIONS{?!! | THE PHILADELPHIA* Ss. js eae oS Wi tem Alexancer Gry , se a . | on feffaants Land. a A, L. Magiéls, Trustee, Town dots, one ne- rer. « : Donan McRae, dae space in the work , and it 1s the editor’s | Pockot Pistols and Dirks, L = tion tu books that deserve to be read—and to! DAVID L. POOL. - 10 DRAWN, BALLOTS. Ven » | ro “buy. rand Ri ad Lge ea Bag Offered for sale a Tract containing markets and news «ft the latest dates, . sj Rofus Reid. P wage = 4.* » Essays and Tales, having in view utility or DAVIDSON, FF o 2 : work. Andof indigenous poetry, enough is pub together ; and two small tracts in Iredell, a few lure, amounting each ve $a: o ne LN ss = Andrew Grier fe et ; oo’ SOD Fo ef than dan hin Ga Jished—enmetimes of na mean. atrain—to mani | utles above Statesville. Undoubted titles will paid for been pre abet ee t price | LINCOLN,* © “David Reinhadey Satan: wher 0 aflawe Tor replevy? F OQUNTING IN ALLTO #125,810 est and to cultivate the growing pvetical taste | be made by the proper persons Apply soon t P orton tO the > im. +, Altred M Burenps a. ot Sade Bee pro confrsso” W has: €hter ala A package™ of 22 Whole: ‘Tick a f and talents of vur country A. W. Brandan ps - Ae suhecriber fer rms, ee) ae enn eee hich ou re M Hoke OP ee * nr gainst NAW ay Wiperiy Cone ’ * pO 2 ole; Tickets in this} phe : } . , . WF aT Tms,/ in its columns. In the continuati is fea vy aaa ~e 3 Piet veh fei} bagenthed Wests: Touery willl cast Wa S88 Phe times appear, for several reasons, to de—| &c. JOHN SCOTT. a o the continuation of this fea | py THERFORD, Eamand Bive elder the Cvantpoh, Beas: et mand sach a work—and not one alone, bat ma ‘Phe public mind is feverish and irritated, —— — — | suill, from recent politreal strifes: The soft, -., “O54 : ; ths <NI ____ | allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice | PMC: a. «Sept. 3018 3 R Av. A certificate for a package of 22° Whole and folly are rioting abroad: ‘They should be gS eiieketa clic ost “854 og driven by isdignant rebuke, or lashed. by ridi- oye eo — | _ sera cule, i eae le ee C| State of QLorvth Caroli Slate of Porth Carolina, ser gs aate® 27 00 {it over an ammense ponent of eemanee, Wend ee County ee wie URERRLL COUNTY. — |} - F PL 6 6 ‘ i : Quarter 13 50 j ery spring should be setin motion, to: arouse the z - * t Pas * . In Equity, Fait Term A837 ne > enlightened, and to Inerease thetr aumber; so | COURT oF Peas & QUARTER SES= ag Awe - os eek allalves, es that the vreat enemy of popular government SIONS, SEPT. TERM, 1837. ee F. Fouag& 9 > : Gia. ie Ea Qiarters ’ may no longer brood, ke a portenious cloud, ¢ Fanny Chilion 7 C rariuite Summerg So , ped La pee? Te i , : “ee , | ver the destinies of our country. And to aceom : ‘vs ode Ris 0 be bad in the greatest variety of | plish all these ends, more:puwerful ayent can be Sarntipl Woods & hia. wi nom berg, either’ by the package or single remployed than a poriodical, on the plan of the ~Chfistina, Obver Wood “"Bicket, of _% . Messenger ; if that plan be but carried out in what ats ee : who died, pr@tious™to. the { efition far sotth c aw. ture -we shall endeavor to present new and u- 7 may 20, 1837—1f44 iar Works with soch expedition thai the phbliea rh Sa aot , a PS. All kinds of property else, that the sub- ton cannot be anticipated in other sources. “Ih ASHE ap Rod ‘a u a assuasive, influence of literature is needed, to | S¢Tiber has in possession, can be bought at a low | the fuiure nambers we shall draw from thé pens $o> Ae Job Herdilf ; uf such writers as ‘ os. iM Ke ° 1D Israeli, RKE, Robert ( Pearma, Capt. Marryatt, nosy Isazc ‘fT Avery, Miss Landon, Jarors C Sub Charles Dickins, Josiah Cun Cornelius Webb Nainatiel Boyle Theodore Huwk, nr s Y e416 ae RH Parkes.“ Thomas Campbell, Mrs. 8S. C. Hall, -~.« WILKES,” © William P Weegit Haynes Badly, — Mrs Gore, SS is ap Ne. Thomas J Brutal vs Countess of Blessington, The celebrated, ‘Buz,’ | ¥ W C Emnet: | The Heiraf Stephen Chil And, in short, from the whole range of the cur- STOKES, ral M K Moore, ‘ ton, dec'd, to wit: Rolly rent literature of Europe, with which ourar-}|) . °, ~ “CH Matihews, Chilton, Sally Chilton, Jno | rangements will supply us ‘at as early a to- - ‘& —s Peter Crit, s Leis Schiele Jodith, Petition for Dower. a as they can be received: in the coun- * i Soran eet i ! be a stephen Chilton, who is : HF | miah, by ite eaten © 1 geod, | . - : pat ine Onley, south st iAeaur hous there | Admr., Richard Chilton, Besides we have the pleasore of numbering which, by its 0 letion will po'ock.§ ey " Bi am NOTIC a srg pucee a ary peodiested Northward of | Joseph Chilton, & John among out contributors many: of the distingyish- of the West, and ‘regenerale ace t <a } ] om i ys ere sre pro ably at least twenty five | Cammins and’ his wife | ed writers uf our country, from whose pers O North Carolina ae i \ = . oan 3 i _ — or ipty ! 1S this Contrast justified by the \ Eleanor. J RIGINAL TALES, POEMS, SONGS, NAR- . By at once” Becur nz the rare adtJene, te URSUANT® tomk decree of the'Court of wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the ac RATIVES AND SKETCHES, will contiune | the State, the cOnstin-tion of 15 2M er leet ord Equity, for Ror mati, County; the Clerk and taal literary taste of the Southern people, com- | 'T appearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt, { to add interest Les at be ; : > § > : 8 lo its columns. Yadkin aud the two orancirs * re ts Mastbc. wills Ber thy | - pared with thuse of the Northern 2? No: for! that Richard Chilton, Joseph Chilton and . tal ‘Tx ‘- * Liect of J oo the 17th day | § se a Soha C ahah: The Architectura! beauty of many. of. the | oot?! of the Conrt te next, a Tract of Land containing in wealth, talents, and taste, we. may juostiy | Joha Cummins, are inhabitants of another State. y. of. the Mg } : y } os nage? Cm “Th fc tion has arrive; ol Di ‘fis ife “Christina ake ef claim at-least an equality with our brethren; 4° Ordered therefore, that notice be published in Ser CLE ING Saabs cig se prover: 1 Pere aad akeh 8 o&his: wi Pn I8S2 ne A CRI Ss ‘ a domestic institution exclusively our own, be- the Carolina Watchman, for six weeks, that vial. Beheving it will be “acceptable to out . * . Y 4, 2 7 7 an, 2 i * e. ~ # aes * | AT RN Witness, J> FEAT: Clerk, of Ae And must draw nett 34 ny. <i + re; 7 x a yin Angost, A. D.: < Miss Mitford, BU Leitch Ritéhte, Xs J R. Buekstoie, ae Barry Cornwall,«” }SURRY, Douglas Jerroid, .- Crotton Croker, , ~ “4. "LILLY & WHEELER. ~ eee liarly requi h | | ti a Ocioter Thiss7 ; “ . e South pecu lar y requires suc an agent ther,- Ben— ,apdeleft™ a thed Sng 5 William, Frank- | ple Of =o baa and the C2pe Feu Joy 4 ss : y Gif 2CCt : tin, ‘Thora van’ all duubt_affords us, if we choose, twice ey ps at thenext County Court, to be | UZerous patrons to be presented with » <x" or SEER cities ad agi: Fran omas |. : : waa the leisure for reading writing, which th _| held for Surry County, at the Court house i yr jj ; So will go°ob 2 — * and Vane Woda: 8, .teside.oat of theliigisByjaiging the tends gan Heirs, on | oy. 2 : ° hey en Rockfurd, eine second monday in Novannber or Penne Illustration. <2 een, WINSLOW, Pace nica hoe eee te ti. Agonst shat) third £ Be a for} It wasfrom a deep sense of this local want, | "€X!. t plead or demur to said Petition or Judg- | ous vse edifices, we are engaged in ebringing | spr, etterile and Western Roil ie Ca go SAD Oem oh By VN atchman . life ahd in"Re o Margaret ‘I. Lowry, that the word SourHERN was engrafted on the | Ment will be taken pro confesso as tothem. ou @ complete series will form & colléction that fo Pebr 17 1887" 1{30 igs teres "7 eee we. : ies ae eet of Bee requiring “Bond and | agii@of this perivdical ; and not. with any de- Test, mee Wey me etines fat T senate _ 1a . PPS SHE ROR! tordrorthis Court, to be | gi ecurity for the."purchase money, of the a.pourish local prejudices, or to advucat F K ARMSTRONG, Clik. THE LIONS | é ’ ‘ VT TAlle . held fd nee? deel dae? ,0urt-houge in} day of Sale. .Titloto be made as_the Court wea locnl iaibrette® Far from an non Ootoder 7, 1837 —6w12—Price Adv $3 ce PHILADELPHIA. 5 eee Frage iNle"Odr the $4 mandayaferthe $d- mon: | shall direct. ~ R it is theteditar: ae ied ASC Where it i smpany theSn.{..<. Cuan F. ais | ees d= shee, ge Ly : , it is the%editor’s fervert wish to see Ss aaa ere it is expedient, we accumpany the’ 6n-|*_ 2 Seen A ow Yok am athe aee "Ball i $ ay: plead top + MI. SILLEMAN, O.MCE. x orth and South bound endearingly tugether FRESH GOODS gravings with such descriptions of ‘size and facta {4 3 NOW teceiving from New Yo Hof it. “Will be ta- 4 Sept 30th, 2 =7t01 EO forever, in the silkin bands of mutual kindness . : va Dy of history, as may be of interest. © "4 ph fit, @ general assortment of claus pent, nd a Hbcree made F ——_-,_ os and affection.” Far frum'meditating hostility to | * ft Charleston South Ca. The Courier is published at the Icw. price “of | NGS forSpring and ST ant Tal f r the North, he has already crawn, and he hopes T. Mendenhall, of Newberry, C. H. So TWO DOLLARS. For this small “Som sbb- | @ttigle usvally-kept by Berea hereafterto.draw, much of hig.choicest matter | A¥Me Ca. hasconnected himself in business seribers get valuable.and encertaining, matie | Boods gee, slecicd bY “ed of of | thence ; and happy indeed will he deem him-| withwort, Townsend, & Co. of Charleston, yn- a week enough to FILL L COMMO can'be « Reel y- recon mene ed self, should hispages, by'making each region | derthe siyle ot , BOOK OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFE} eheap and good: Baving wot hekknow the other better}. contzibpte in any essen: FORT “TOWNSE PAGES, and eqnai to. FIFTY T’'WO-VOF, | lorie hasiness. for twenty yea, tial degree 10° dispel? they lowering clouds ‘that |"? 4. ND & MENDENHALL.| UMES a sear, ard which is octinated to-pe | Ball potsBeqconsider. 4 promy’ aie thrgatdtia Me dhot Both? and BR Nard -They are now receiving per each arrival, a| read weekly, by at Jeasi two handred thousand’ pometjeuselie fod of clots. is Sgpand sireng theo'theisa ed ues Of fraternal. jtarge quantity. of people, scattered in ai] parts of the eoantry,from| received the New York snc Paul st SEL SePbE Son ihisti bitsy Messenger has teach SEED IN Oe Maine to Florida, and froin the sea bard to: thé |4068, ate the above wil! be mace ep ihe wes me ee ho ‘How far it oka | SH GO ODS, baieas . . 2p.) style of fashiongand ee 5 prey uct pao Wepemitered, it is.) wihe| =” es eo! ee, (7| 29 his approved FAVILY NEWSP He will also keepon hen r ; arr t eat.to their customers, nearly an entire | is strictly neutral ip religioas and ottTBeAl ee ment of READY MADE CLOTBS metaaneigran “whe eee oo" | ters, and the unedimprotitsing opponent of quack. | which will sold. very lo $f = 0. Y eIENV & DOMESTIC ery every hine credit to punctaal dealers. A k il_j>Ae airifling expressisn of uur regan: we wll be dune on short ro'ice. er "Ones RY GOODS, u ti 1 ead else wherepis-the City + 'prepared.sto.offef them at a greet re. ‘the prices uf last season, credit. >.> ¢ " GPO fe shall.print the whole series -t the ENGRAVED ILLUSTRATIONS, ai inen cou pletion, Upon fine white paper, 1:s aniiurm styfe—forming beaurtful collections of View 2, und prevent em as ovum COUNT RY*BR may. oblige ys py an sesestion ‘ofthe tinemedts. MM ta. le a fruin a distance wil] be puorics J : a ~ The*publiotare invited to @ | prices. fur themselves. He stil * fora eae of the Coart*™” large Back Bu iding. - 5 Satishmry, \ © Bly 2 185%- P.S,.As he jsan Agers fo. om EGS TL. 48 FH ' om { “Philadelphia. August 5.1837. . “sl } fashioaable , Taitinset: Philee sal i eee Pre Sie e wo we happy 16 inst” ? he artof oti Avett te. the Fi a Or ing (ust 0° Fs WircuMas may hereaftér be had ‘for The vs and Fifty Cents per year. oun new subscribers who will Bhe whole sum at one payment, pet for one year at Two: - slong as the same class 4 pDullars the spwise shey Wi | be charg Rooadee rrption - eas. wo i No pay : of the Editor, ed three Dollars in all cases. r vill be diseontinned but at the op- unless ill arrearges are paid ! {!l letters to the Editor mast be post 1. y'herwise they will certainly oct be at- aded to. caus or ABVERTISIN rstt als per square for the f peeset til eebeatds sq! or eac pre will be inserted for less we DoLLar. a ieniilesaents willbe continaed until orders received to stop them, where no directions eviously zivea. ives tise.nenta hy the year or six months will gade ata Dollar per month for each square the privilege of changing the form every ter. asertion,and 314 MARKETS. SALISBURY, rib. 18a 20 cts.; Brandy, Ap- pel A a 50 cts; Cotton per th. ae Sets ; Cotton bagging per yd. 20 25 . Coffee per ib. 16 a 18 cis; Castings per 4a 5cts ; Cotton yarn, from No. 6 to No $1.75 a 2 00 cts; Feathers per |b; 35 : Flour pr bl. #6 00, Wheat pr bush . $! 00 B-Uals pr sushe) 30 cis; Corn pr bush 65 cts; yer ID. 6 a cts; Lead per Ib 8a 10cts ; lasses per gal. 624 cts ; Nails per Jb9 a 103 » Beef por Ib0 a 0 cts; Bacon per Ib 123 P Batter per |b 124 cts; Lard per Ib 15 Salt per bushel $125 1 50 cts; Steel, Arveri- pisier,per 1d. 10 cts; Kaglish do per Ib eis; Cast’ do. per Ib 25 8 30 cts ; Sugar jp. 124 a [5 cts, Rum (Jamaica) per gal; » Yankee do. $1; Wool (clean) per Ib 30 ‘Tallow per |b. 10 124 cts; Tow-linen pr yd. to pay in advance the som” of e same terms sball continue, Hl be charged as other subseri- swho du not pay dming the year, ill he received for less, than a—Sizty two & a half VER, MERCHANT TAILORS, 5 deors.sooth of .Wilhams & Sey wogd’s OW OPENS PPEY OF es r Wood ved CLOTHS ~ Woot Dyrp Castmenrs 7 SINGLE & poU- BLE MILLED \ VESTINGS. 3 20ects; Wine (Teneriffe) per ov). $1 50. wal do. $1 50 a $1 7 cts; Claret do gl. $! $2175 cts; Malagu, (sweet) gu.gl ; Whiskey per gal. 45 a 50 cts. CHERAW. ig market per |b 4a G cts, Bacon per #124 cts; Hams do. 00 00 cts ; Beeswax Bi$ a 20cts;, Bagging peryard I8a 25 ; Bale rope periba 32 /13 cts 5 Coffee pr. 24416 cta;Coiton per 7100 Iby $692 O0- 0; Corn per bushel 1 OOO acts; Flour wagons per br] $6 7 O00, from stores per 96 a 124 5 Tron per 100 lbs $5 64 a 0; es, per gal 40 30 a ets; Nails cut asgort- | rib§12a9e13; Wreoeght do. per lb. 20 p Pork per Ib $8 9; Rice per 100 Ibs $4 pO; Sagar per tb. 10 121-2 arets agSelt pr 523, ett per ashe! 374 $I cts;Sreel A- blister pr lb 10 16 cts; Tallow per Ib 10 js, Tea Imperial per Ib $125 a 1374 cts; npr lbglal 25cts ; ‘Tubacee manu- red per lb10 a 15 ets. ; | old or young. CONSISTING OF EVERY EITHER DESIRABLE OR | SHIONABLE : Wee they respectfully request ul L friersla, custosers, and the pubhe general ly to call and examine before purchasing else— where, as they are determined not te be outdune either io selling Gods or making Clothes. Their Gouds consist of the fullowing ariicles: Super Bine and Black do Buttle Greea | do™ Apple Olive do Brown do > do London Brown do Napvieun Vivlei,& do Dahlia J uper Blue & Black (Piaid) ) do Drab, do Greene d> Yove do Zeb-a Plaid do Striped, and do Corded Super Plain Silk Velvet do Cut and Figured do ~do Crimped Silk do Fig'd & Plain Satins do Buff Cashmerets do do Valentia do Mohair J TOGETHER WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE’ READY=MADE CLOTHING, Tennant’s Celebrated Stocks, (SUITED TO ALL NECKS,) Suspenders, Hoskin Gloves, Sutin Bosoms. § Linnen Plain and Ruf. fled: Shirt Collars. round end & round lop; And ia fack, every thing that can be ealled jor in vur line of business, to suit Allo wiieh will be made ap to order, at short notice, in the mos: fashionable style Our woerkioen are the beet that ean possibly be procured at the North, and we thiok that. added 0 our own experience, Will insure us a dap shite of podlic patronage. All orders trour a ites will meet with prompt attention. Clothes war ranted to fit. . Litchford & Oliver ve urn their thanks for former support, and 7/'! enclea- vor ta merit its continuance. Lace ¥ 5, 4 fh Se 9" 4g the THING? |Juo A ed to any shine ofthe {of b, conceived af.5.4 waa.sil.due to the. gréat. finegeial fofthe ex-President;,“The fruit | mighty conception . -hadsstiawev blasted by the stupidity’ 6 Kueh: the i] system, truly, for intateatian of Sthe public finances, that should wither at a hint that we sboulds ‘waat® portion of the -publie treasure in quarterly insisiments ; the first becoming due more /han stx months ahead But (seid Me K_) unfortunately, this bill was passed rather too late to afford even a pre tert to the advorates of the fate President's exp siment. . | state tothe Senste asa fact coming within my own knowledge, that, before the distribution bill was passed or talked of, the president of a Southern insti- tution passed through this city, with a large ameunt of specie io bis posse@fnn, on his way lo New York, thereto purghase Son- Hthera and Southwestern” exchanges. The 7g Was such an operation ever made or dream- ed of Goring the existence of the Baak of changes, this, whieb would Jead mena thou- sang milesfrom home to shave the commer- cial paper of their neighbors ! Here are the evidences of the fulfilment of the promises, that the expenmnent would | give us a betler currency, safer depositories | and a * cheaper s\st¢m-of exchanges. ‘Tbe | local banks. whilst “the depos:tes in their | vaults were large 5 the currency expandiog; and speculation furtishing dedands for mo- ney every where ang credits every where, afforded exchanges tolerably well between the most commercial points ; but the mo. ineut these causes ceased to operate, and the branches of the United States bank were withdrawn, the exchanges fell into the utmost confusion, and every pretension after this that they were furmsting exchan. ges as cheaply * as the United States Bank ever did,’ has Leen mere assumption, and not calculated to deceive any business man mthe community. Sur, (said he,) I have gone to the very counters of these bauks andasked for exchange at the published rates. The answer generally was, that, © of They were drawing,’ they wovid sell at the punished prices, but they rarely tad a- it d.. v4 s les 8 . wiat kind of prog do ou sup- pose could buve 1aduced the, strange opera, ae Now sir, * LITCHFORD & OLIVER. P. S. Persons furnishing their own ma: | | FAYETTEVILLE Y peach 75.280. Do. Apple, 60a 70 prlb 1114 a 00; Cotton pr Ib 8 a 84 ets epee ib 12a 14; Flour bb). 0578 8 dprbb75$1.9 ;Feathersprib 00a 40 proush $15 41 25; Jror prib 54 a 6; Mo- pr gal 35 40.3 00; Nailseut 74 a ;Salt 33.3 85; Sugar pr 1b 7 a 11; Tobacco; $2 3; Wheat pr bush g1 1 153 Whiskey 60 65, Beeswax 22 a 00 : FIRST RATE OW AN LAND, oe SALE. ME SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR mlea first rate Farm on the Yadkin River "700 ACRES, ig Col. Macnamara, Charles Torrence, There is affair proportion f wood Cleared Land. aaa " ° Plantation is in good farming condition. The Lavd is quite fertile, 3 good deal of it WER LOW GROUNDS, ane will be quite reasonable, and made to ike convenience of purchasers. JOHN 1. SHAVER. Babory, Oct 14th, 1837-1113 NOTICE. eS are nuw open atthe Office of the ee 20d atihe Store of Geo. W 8; ia the Town of Salisbury, for subserip- Capital stock of Favetieville and il Read, ander the Acts of Assem- and 1837 THE COMMISSIONERS, ESTABLISHMENT B OF ~ JOURNAL OFFICE FOR SALE. ! si to the Intended iemoval of one Hors aa the wish of the other tu d » ete exclusively to re Undersigned offer fur sale the Te On the North Carolina Joomal Of Mi ona Ce ts well fuand in Jub, newspe- Mental ty pe, the list of sobseribera is ieeand they doubt not inighi be great- eo a little exertion. To apy per- 8 Rot inforkoe - = aprtiy ‘ Neal printer they fa! ae eee ag, his money that Ma retorn, ; YBAW’ ile 20th vay tae BLANK SUBPQENAS ] é the daties of would yield him STRANGE. al feria/s canrely upon having their Clo'hes { as well made as though ie furnished the | articles. | L. & O. Raleixh, Oct,20. 1837— 4w15 a SPEECH OF MR. KING OF GEORGTA, ON THE BILL IMPOSING ADDITION. AL DUTIES, AS DEPOSIT ARIES, IN CERTAIN CASES, ON PUBLIC OFFICERS. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Septembcr 23, 1837 The Senate having under consideration the billamposing additional dutics, as de Positaries, in certain cases, on pablic «offi- cers— Mr KING, of Georgia, said that he had | not intended to address the Senate on the subjectrbefyre it until yesterday evening. He, o8@ great difficulty in making up his} rind between the projects urged hy differ- ent gentlemen, and, as he was not gatished with eitUer of them, he had thought it best to postpone the subject til! the regular ses- sion, and offer some remarks in explanation of his reasons for deing so. Two plans were (he said) urged upon the Senate: one reporied by the Committee on Finance. as proposed tu be amended by the Senator from South Carolina; the other. the State bank system, which had already been tried, and failed. As to the last, various apologies had been mace here and elsewhere, for its falure;and it had been insisted that it had not had a fair trial, and. therefore, could not be said properly, to have failed. The most able and ingenious advocates and apologists of this system that-he had.heard were his friends from Virginia and New York. HK they had not succeeded in convincing the’ Senate that the system should be re-adopted, (with the modifications proposed,) convie— tion might be considered hopeless. He certainty agreed with them, that the system had not had.a fair trial. The pets had cer- tainly had a hard time of it under. their ‘Executive patron; but he had ‘never; had confidence in them from the in truth, the system had never. | for one.mwoment. The history of the world fuenished no instance in which-en admiois- Se) ES ep g 2 sale at this Office. * = Of troia 4 60 6 per ceht. and perbups some- with an accunulation of charges, and per i} er had it to pay, though be bad sufflerce a | heavy loss on the discount een b have descayed 2 DP have been ine lured i frequently amannts to 15 and 17 per cents sometimes less, but always enor- mons. “Phe operatiey, if TP anderstand it, wis this: A bil wis purchased in New York on the dester of the araiwer in the South or Wost, of Southwest, ata discount tenes uiguer, Fi ty bili were paid the pur- Chaser (boing estubiished between the draw- ec and drawee) vazito sold a gill orawn on the fund. and charged a preminm 5 for these great reowsators were ra the babit, of shaving in grery dreciion, They woul buy South. rn funds atoa beswp disconot. and selfa utll on it at aes Meavy premian.— This was the eperauon if the ill were pare, but it the bill were dishouored, as trequ: at- ly happened vefore, and uearly always after the acoptren ‘of the Specie civenlar, the iy! went back upou the New York diawer cent damages for the dishonor. ‘The draw- Phis payment of vill and damages furnished the drawer with a Northern fuad, on whieh be could again diaw a preminm oF 5 pet cent. Thus the Senate will see the evormons profit that wis often made by the discount of a single bill. It was from exchanges, added to the oth- er profits, Mr King said, that accounted for the enormous profits and heavy — divi- dends that had been made by some of the oanks, some of which he mentioned to have been provigivus within fourteen mouths prececing the Lat of March, 1837, Where did these enormous profits come from, and who altiusately patd them ? Why they were shaved from the hard earnings of the industrious classes, being clearly a tax on the cireulation of the products of labor. Mr. King said be would not detain the Senate by going fully into the capabilities- of the State bank system to perform the ses. vices promised by it. He stood upon frm ground on this subject. His friends could not charge him with change. or inconsisten- cy in this matter , and ag was well known, he had generally predicted, step by step, the consequences that would: follow’ from the financial experiments that Ragaficied tte country, beginming-with that valortugate and uunecessary measure, ( “removal ‘of the depesites in 1834 - It ‘would« be seen that he had go strorg predilectiod ‘for ithe. Siate bank deposite. system, thotigh BE ed. aitted *that it eight hive be, “and str] could.Jo, much: better than d 4 -States inj on | same operation had been made vy others. | i the United Stutes before the withdrawal of | its branches ? Abeantiful system of ex- | flowing. Thereupon the Senator producix| ]ted by the Executive since the suspension legen ‘audion, from. Executive manipu—' are entirely erroneous, and the facts he | One who woold not shat his. eyes to facts, bh. ® seues of wiGroat Brin y fone } the’yean : $884; 1885, an Uon of the pa- : wants of trade ania the ate emt dige With this redundancy gi the . Roman hetpiim; Ploady hates, ’ there ardie in thatsumnired thetevies of the quasgtors,. 3H hod-<r ar cul afaon P thegreat ‘plevaure with whic . a berpried. “AG | Roman’ history on these eubjetia, i ery Paha ht -with whic he'conteaplatedehe part (0 foreign stacks inline re Mr K. | Reeds were granied, wit bis great people. Well: Mr K_ ity. to merchants in § jead her bad fead some Roman, history 100, | the means of separa tea j thongh certainly not ag an jhietorian | were pat im active oper: as his friend froma Missouri. But if any | their effeets, to ey i thing in Roman hietory had made,a strong | 20d we | Impression tipon his republican mind, it was | 8 Was‘proportioned in its / viulenee to. thee: ithe heéfiless ernelty, the unfeeling rigor, | "eerdinar charactér of t'y: events whieh: :reee- (and pitilesstyranoy with which’ Seecites dad i gle comooe commecity “@ (reat ' were made upon tbe people by the Roman j ties, andtheir debtors eae Ereriest sdiflicu!. queestors; end unfortunately for the Senator’s onty suddenly deprived o Koman pre ant, when these exactions} pected credits, bat walled apr i had been made by plundering the ‘Rowan | Which, in the actag| posture of ibings here, could _peeple and provinces to support heroism ia | ly be made thry‘ig@h a general pressure, and at | the trada of conquering and plundering the she fort vnoa sacrifices, | rest of maykind, these exactions were depord inte foeretade? WBE facts, it wuld seem sited with bgnkers appointed for | tie co & ‘dod es ae mi The. .wit = ;*largay investaAnis na boa Z “etedite ame a Mrieg 3. guploying tion, gad. eat deparyneat of busi is country were nord f accustomed@and ex- nited States: | h ; Trency, Iso a apitttrf aaven.-4 the range ¥ } for payhjents, | ho"2 That there. h wd os very quatier of the/ globe. . The 5-4 4, + ry. +x @ aa . s er a ges had heen depr rated by | . : 7. rs after ‘rath : the rpose. the convictisr), nen r tu st | pu < vi, he ‘causes of the revulsion . . In both coy"iries have been substantiatlg™he As the Roman precedent was not found | same. T vu nations, the most commercial, * j exactly satisfaetorily to Mr. K. he proceed- | the world; i ed to notice. the system so warmly recom- | g°6e of : and mended a8 ‘the plan of that great democrat bis ich other the clasest ea a and ardent lover of liberty and (ree iosttu— any z Peta prtvogd ish : cae a eae - siér, arres t ee the Eenperor ‘Napoleon. 43 friead Tei, wud-plunged into s state 6f. esti: rom Missoun, had’ stated that when he Em. a@ J distress. «Ja both euuotries we have we peror moupted the thFone. af power, “he | Kes8ed.thegame redupdancy of Wp movey and found the State coffers empty, or nearly 805") other facilities of credit; the same spirit of spec hutia a short-time they were filled to over./| alativn. ; fhe same partial successes ; the difficulties and reverses ; and-at le the same overwhelming ca fast material diffe : ~ two countries has also occurred an extefisive derangement the fiscal. affairs of.tite Federal and State Gov. ernentsgigr occasioned-by the suspension of Specie payments:by the bagke.” . Now, thas over-banking, over-issuing», th, TiSatty ts Phemox @ book. or a document, to prove the junper- reno’ between the result® in -the tant fact. The fact was not doubted; ‘but how were these wonders of finance acrom- plished? Let bis impoverished country. and | the blood and tears of unhappy Germauy answer the question. However, perhaps the financiering of this great ¢-conomist war samme. hy has only beef, that, with-aa, therdhy in * a ¥ f : r & ' and. s ae oxen . < “ apyent % Pe : Deen en national overtradipi are, er credit in exthadgt Tor ty ‘cath | moditic s. fo Se a _ Tina our’e ira her ep tothe manufartornelenl creasddt “Haim 1 Yor, : labor, conmetsniag: oar ur dens tittaer: thetretromesm ae hy,. id tT strongly recommended frou the fact that the largest and most timely accession to bis finances was made by the robbery of a bank; aud that too a bank belonging to one of the freest and most ¢ommercial cities of Evrope.* Mr K. said be s2w nothing in these [m— perial precedents, ancient or modern, very applicatile or very captivating; and as he fawenotling in the happy and prosperous condition of the People of these free and comercial aations, Turkey and Spain. to excite bis envy, bé would rather consider rthis as a new afd untried experiment,. and digest ta litle better before it was adopted Mr K, added, that ‘the system was already in operation, asthe changes propased did not alter éssentially the specie system adap- &c., as mentioned bv the President, have been operating causes, is oaly a common belief. But where did they originate, and who produced. them? ‘That-is the fi question. And here Me K. stated tha the President was mistak€A- in ‘evely fact assumed by hinw to exculpage our own Government from the charge of bette thé original. cause “of the mischief ~ Guher countries haye been saffeting no ‘evils sith: ilac to those suffered by ourselves,’ txgepl those which they Lave suffered bi their con. nezions with a ‘lossesby us And ‘. re- ference to.the amount of banking opttah, and. the issues of paper credits, pul in: cigs? cokation in Great Britian, Se. Ipeagevrh years 1834, 1835, and 18367 wulen’ ‘show an .alyméhtation of the, paper seur* cuney there, as inuch dispenpgriianed to thé real -Wadts “f tradesiseam the “United ‘States.’ Norhas there been im England any general rise of prices; nor do we wittiess “ia both countnes the same redun- of specie payments. ‘Che postponement would give ug a little mor® time to observe the workings of tie svstem, and ascertain the wishes of the People. He waa glad to: ie see the finance’ restored to Congress, heap! daney of paper money, and other faciliues lant! puerdian, on almost any (Orga uff of credit,’ or ‘the same spirit of specula- really they were an such: a@warthless and ten’? ‘These positions of the President | Tayion, Mat it wus difficult to say what dis /suppuses have position had better be made of them. | euce, Mi K suid he doubted whether he onght | to detain the Senate tosay any thing upon ‘he causes of the present distress, whieh had called Congress together Ae this sub- jhad been in favor of his election, and ject had been dwelt npon, however, by ev. did not regret it. He moreover be- try speaker who had preceded him, and | lieved him ta be a man of patriotism and was certainly of great importance to the | integrity. as well as intelligeuce, and-she country, it was perhaps the duty of every | hoped to be able to support “tis Adatinis- inember to give his views upon the subject. | ation, Butif he was (as he was doubt- The sutjest, said he,is too important to be less) a ‘sineere ivqnirer after truth,? he trfled with ft comes to the doors and | would be glad to be correctéd in the views dwellings, and reaches the bread and busi- calculated to deceive the People, and di- ness, of every eitizen, of every conduion ; | vert their minds from the true agency - by and E shall give my views, however unwil-| which they have been overwhelmed. The lingly, unimfuenced by all personal frrend-1 president's ‘difference,’ in fact, ought to ships and party associations. Unless we! have shown him where the fault lay. He ascertain the causes which have so strange- | ciates that one nation has become bank- ly brought the country into its present dis- rupt. ‘Mhe other sustained itself, and is tressed condition. in a time of profound now neatly #écovered. Why this ‘differ- peace, we shall neither know how to apply ence ?” Why, simply because ours ig. the present remedies oor avoid similar evils in distress of the pestor unable to pay the future debt; THxwrs is the distress of the crept: Mr K. then gaid he had not the slightest Tor for want cof money due kim.. The | doubt that our difficulnes were owing en- cre itor of a baukrapt is frequently much, injured for want of his money, but it does not a shadow of exist- Ie said he did not of course, make these , contradictions in an offensive sense, or in away disrespectful to the President. He vagrant rep jer tal we. plain “evide thei ‘thought fe. won inane ip toe a tigfactiog of all isten to fm. me. re 4 ‘thee ‘a refefedra Je. thepsmn ot of papkir put eee Great “Baiian.dating athe eprs 1854, 1835, im 1636: will. show dr qpemartation « paper .cirvtney_ahere as uct dis propiis woted 16 The wanteof trade 4s myhe U, 5. Papas ede. 58 “Mr, K ‘ Bank of Eag. Jontst wk. Private Jan. 4833, 18.318.000 1,315,000 8,836.000 Total 28 469.000 18.377,000 1.258,000 8,783,000 8,231,000 ‘Total 28,568,000 1835, 13,100,000 1,188,000 8.357 ,000 7,258,000 1834, Total 28.519.000 17,427,000 $,095.000 ‘Votal 28.875,000 17,863,800. 3,736,000 Tuta! 28,881,000 The foregoing table is made from the Febroary monthly returns of the Bank of England, and the December to March quarterly returns of the joint-etock and private banks, as being the most ltkely way lo approximate to the aggregate for the month of January The orrginel offi- cial returns. were before him. Mr. King said, and were at the service of any gen- leman ; and thé monthly and trimonthly variation in the entire circulation was so trifling that it was scarcely worth naming. It would be seen, from the above table, that the entire ‘augmentation of paper cur- rency’ in England during the years 1834, 1835. and 1836, the perind mentioned by the President, was only £323,000. oF shout one-third of one per cent: on the curreney, estimating the-whole currency of England at £200.000,000 ; and the entire ‘augmen- tation’ during 1833 ‘to 1836 inclusive, (commencing one year earlier, ) was oaly £412,000,"0; not ‘quite one-half of one per cent of the Wwhole'eurrency, and about one and adialf per cent op the paper circula- , Now ‘let us eee whether thi€ tn- 1836, 1837, tirely to the unfortunate policy and violent measures of the Executive in relation to the | 194 necessarily follaw thatche“ also. fails finances for several years past. hia Ws) And in no case is ‘he .charg “with Ke the only cause, and this was abundantly s0f-4 follies and extravagancies that bronght'.a- ficient. “Mr K. said, he could prove to any ‘bout the. disaster, He nay fiave been, to: d close his understated cals : confiding, but there his, Saal and close his understamdiag against: correct| i ifadicious igaly ‘x04 information on the subject. He -had fs bay a maul apd expressed. hig astonishment wheq™bé ln ai on erjmenté, ata first read the: President's Message, at the} ed-and ankrapt. «, Thé-¢or statements of the President in relation to | wlig-trusted him too far mage these ceases; and be had been cquslly 28-| ihe-want of hisidlebt, be oblige tonished’at he»ring his friends from Con- his expenses, or otherwise noche? Anat dealt Carohoa_adopt: these P, while ; hein statements, & take them as.admitted truths, gost Jikely the tn The,President was entirely misteken ° in’ a Jikely to be ruined: ” [Here. é these statements, and‘ta, allow them to re- gaely Ma leer from 2° ver ain uncorrected <9 sels contigs to oi), staung tie obscate Bid mystify the subject; “Ase __ For thegbeticr enderstanding ofthe sub- dis atthe would read. the. pesgages alluded 10. | 04 * + Te “ & “ i. ” de : eS <ot.y Sort ree Paes £8 4G > stoi on ae _the. pre-| serprises. aoe Sapte 6 . 7 ae ’ : sens, a ? n rraseme a ahs ame 4 Bn ae a Tuite < e vi e es 5 1 rls ay lt: ‘ .* - tor... ¥ sgease is ‘similar to our own,’ during the ‘s me periods.” # ae le a, Mt. Kine then presetited « statement which he beli to | )» accurate as. it POU. ig bya col apd conunc- € anke up 10 Se ' a SZ) « Pomp m Hs z g. . P ard UCTS: icher of. 5, ~ err + ae = at ry ae ind 7 ad eee aca anal Pe fee ae ag ' ahs wale in w lation, derity hb-gampe period neath) SPrperigett.} whilstebe entire currency: of Eostend.hds inctbasedy fbout o ma = ine ie key 2 r-_ circulation, {yo oe mal eat ab aT eta err omg pee prem ag “meré tr 1 tay time. and sumetimés e- | od our credit for-their capital, and, after going ta} “* Ben cont jsfourd, at the end of the debt for a large commorrial nalance, “a a SS gefiod mentored, to have increased only a- * sgill greater amount. and thereby turned. ne = oie - 1P per cent.” Hé had not’given hin- i chanyes against them by borrowing eee settee Tle ev ‘gelf the trouble to be very minute 1A she | money. (Tobe contlasund.) pec Geeoas a _-Ppalnplasions .sbove,, and pad ased roan) : start; odds were against any named nég—. > ¢ numbers ybat no use of aéthentte materias Lady “Cliffden was. the’ favorite against Se could vary thet result: more tinn a mere Fanny: Wyatt, and for'# short time on the eer e) rs . e 4 as ] * “ im | COTES | 4 a oe r Ps , SS * BS Sa eee -# We are giad OKE -ApvocaTE, always alies St igh its notions, and a perticatar sdmicer of: My. |. Cannoun, has not been eecuced ‘thto the support of thé Sub-Treasary -Seheme by. the example of ita great prototype, but op: | poses it with manly firmiess an’ decision. [Bal. Reg. _The President in his Proclamation con- a = vening Congress at the extra session, CO- ae WAVE . . *. s ¥ pied. verbatim et literatim, Mf. Jefferson’s | Cantain Walling, of cheers : Proclamation for the same purpose i | rived yrateriay from Now Yop ™ 1807! we ay To. | he was off he Capes of Delaware oe n afternoon, and tna) he there ce steering ESE. course, bound ee Large to Eerape, the wind then being fren W. He saw mo seh * ing OnEP OF SUS Piejogy vessel on the enast. On Monday be bind a a x Pinas 4 . i 5 : a bewe of the *e © ee Trad rot thew reyes MS Papers, Morenver of ae a yut ul Cajtain M } imate Mitehet! lefr “KS ago, In a small ‘tons borden, try, ind had not been heard of. — Nat [nt ] ‘of his distance, but how far we did not see. He ae — ‘at storting, er rua: whilst “@ JOmp in im,-—the z which was sede seenewbeps shag the hall mite stake on the % roand. c- : ree started forthe second beat. Lady Chi could not be held by her rider, and rao in the Jead for three miles and two thirds, and was then passed by both. Fanny Wyattand Ata- -lanta.—Several severe stoggles were made for the Jead before this, and up tu the moment of any Face than | before, “When the that four horses, would Mforms & Nerf ay bs Sallag ea - . ae > we a From the Ballimore Chronicle. CENTRAL COURSE RACES. . fraction, and stgict Noourapgewoull moet baer Dae - | morning of the race was — y odds” e- ai % “jikely make the comparison m ee ‘Tuesday, October 17. nst Atalanta.— Master Hetty’ was set geosing it seemed doubtfol wheiher it could be .* ghle tothe sfarement of kn a ne Sweepstakes for 3 year olde,91000 entrance, | down as but little worth, ‘and. targe dds dome. On passing Lady CHiffden, Atalanta took he-t wo Countgieg, dur! the een | re-{ $280 forteit, two mile heats, 15 subscribers—3 | were offered, and in some ‘instances taken, the lead and maintained it till she reached the aa ie w “ud 0. oo. . started—I1 forfeiied—1 dead, cr ae that he would be distanced. As the hour judges’ stand, thus winni the heat and parse. Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsy anie.— We . ‘Enstead of equality. then we had, for f Col. W. Wynn's» e Picton, by Luzbo- of ene approached, the. backers of, Atalan- ee tenet H Meee a observe that some of the pafiers m this aa Eat an seem ca eine aah ety gu, + * |e becamermore fe, of thelr fin and 9 ggge nr ele rer: Her ing i he kin Or a cS . tedeurrépcy of the natwn ut one- OQ. P. Hare’s ch ¢ wa i largegums were staked on her agin the* 8 {abi gentleman in the Senate o ‘a ship, which came into the Cy +. third. of a per cent; a La ee h as rar ate te.<ol- , ne She graduaily rose infavor, apd ben} weer wok pbee fe thin cocina ned reant whee tates, in favor of the Sub-'l 0 ee with hint, and whien, it is eee "In'the U. States, asrinereage of about 94 & NY Johusons “8 start@d was backed at 100 to 65 and.\twomichaps which befel Lady Cliffden, the | 09 account of its “Republicanism. De ite Nameiass tbaU Mc Einga ress) rt cent.; Ties) 53s—$m 59s. -- “P99 against the field. 4... .... . honor of winning it woald have cost Atalanta’ #435 the same gentleman who oan declar- | nd coe pecuin s a\ling cantee In England, an increase of os | [he bering: wag very dall to day. Thestyle| ‘The fuur horses came to the poll in thé | greater struggle than that she had to make, if ed doring the last war, that “af he thought Bares ip pg ae F,, WEB he runey of about 14 per cenit. ; lin which Picdhs had won all bis previous races following order: Lady Cliffden, “Master | 8he won it at all. he had one drop of Republican blood in) #\lsrwards came into the Capes yf y z i % wot * ‘vginchanged quantity of : \erhibised'by the tables = faets Tully established. a > De : ; i: i i ds. ‘the United States. an increas® of 2 eageed him iu the favorite at a lorg od iene was it said, had won the sweepstakes | ut 96 per bent. ae, mark (said Mr Kina) for aa equal ; exSansion of theagnrrency in bath coan- | 4 -teies. As to the ‘other credits,’ they were | ttangible, but every inan of any observa- | ae ust know that on this item we should } aes thé’comparision more tha tn the | « oe < . ! other. Cretits were certainly multiplied | “tn some districts, by the increase of the | number of "Joigs-etock banks, by which eoonexions were of checks, drafis, &e. inereased. Bat the. ineggare of joint-stock: banks ( deducting | thé private banks meltednto them) beats this countsy,as wefind@Hiem official state- meuts: ‘Phe consequent incgease of cred: its, though they eaimot be ascertaibed with pretierog i eithereountry, may be com nd has been based on the same national cash capital, us appears by And thatét has | sot been vedundant”is unanswerablepro- | vén®by its having produced no ct speculitive rise of prices. To speak of a redundaney of eurrency or credit, when no speculative rise in commodifies haz ta- ken, place, és* perfect nonsense. Where facta bave béen’ stuted “ad not proved, | Wave {aken fee, and disproved them by Where foes are conjétiureds Frwill Sa WL: uce evi- dence W prove. the qijectures groundless, by proving the absedce of Consequences invariably conneeted with them. ‘The on= ly mapan pich a redundan¢y of currency vor revit depreciatcs fheeign exchange is ‘by "Producing a epeculative rise in prices, and'a’ consequent overtrading. England “* eq@ has-pot overtraded ; on. the cogtraty, she “has exported more thay ghe imported,.afid left” us’ enormonsly..in her debt. But whilst she had’a large balance against us, exchange was against her, amd makings continual draimipon her builion! ‘This financial and eanmertial Jnomaly, * so em- berrassing to the Euglistiy Pwill=hercaftes| * proof |’ explain, afier having completed on the first proposition, He then read the evidence of Wr. Gurney, a man of 8. mach tntellyenee and authority on these subjects as to be called betore the joiat— stock bank committee lately appointed by Par— Haineut, “Vhis witness shows remarkable intel ligenee on the sobject ot finance, bat 1s here strangely einbarrassed for want of facts, of which he seems entirely ignorant. [llera Mr K. read the evidence of Mr Gurney as follows :} _ Evidence of Mr. Gurney be/ore the Committee of Jolut-Stock Banks. Q 2592. Has there been any change of late In tne state of the LLondoa inoney market ? ‘There has been a gradual increase in the val- ve of money Q 2594. ‘Tu whatdo you attribnie that al- fered state of the money market ta. Leadon 2 Oue cause has been the exportation of bullion to fureign countries 5 but Lapprehend the Main CAUSE I8,the cirenlating mediom existing in Ku. tope and the mercantile parts of Aoverica (!) is Not increased th proportion (0 the transactions, and that the game quantity of circulating imedt um, or perhaps, even a reduced quantity, has to perform & much larger amount of Iransactians. Q. 2595. Woold sot the effeet of u, it owing Yo that to-which yuu have alluded, be rather ia dicated io a fall ta the muney prices of cuinme- ditivs ? That is the tendency of it; but there are con- ' flicting causes that have marvelluusly maintain- ed (not increased) the value uf counmodities gea- ~ erally. Mr. Gurney is a bill broker, who procures the diecount of sedisconnt of evuntry bills in the London market He wae therefore, well ac-- Quainied with the facts, “and the’ sgbject on which he speaks, wn far as E.ngland was con- getned ; and be tells us that * the value of mos ney had gradually innreased.” - Aad in‘anoather pe of his evidence he tellgws thm the increabe p about 20 per cent. He. krew this asa. tact, aod in England he wae enabled; in some inea- it. fur he kaew that curren: fj while from the preggt Sa. POurnos on ae of eXchange, ? “i tga cia an SO as er simp wal the jeacy of ‘ “compe percial paris}! oad PCED 5 - we at tiie ae Pe tS 66 of rel - 3 baat ne ‘FT & nere; sed aciivi-. and apparent adiction:: ‘Pirst tie snoney was faleed it England hy, an inca vy qnaatily, was inéinsisiens with the expe ‘ation of gold, ugdass in A rency was contracted, Afed “yet a : 3 sf the currency in Ameriea was cae steabiat with our increased demand for Bagliehtnsmelac | stpres. tlad the witness, however, keowa that, ' formed, and the nuntber | (on.his part to prevent it, ~.- ne rompafisen to the inerease of banks in! p i ithe resiilt? Phe Wigrease of crel- | thet: the currency, as | Chifney, won the sweepstak at New Market ow Tuesday last,in ume so snort that no watch cool) keep pace with him, and, therefore, no one cauld tell how long or Short atime be was at it. The fall sister to Collier was vat of the market —thongh somagnppesed, that as she was entered by Col. JohdSon’s son, and:ruo by Napoleon hiuself there was soine- thing if ber. 4 First Hyar. Chifney, had.the irack, which, however was soun occupied by Picton,.whs mounted the bill ahead. Just before they .enfered on the ron boe,on the first mile Chifocy aud Sobnson’s filly went past Picton witheut, e-eming, effort For a moment his friends looked blank, but as soon as Ve got on the sttetch, he rushed up to thenr and passed the judges stand ahead —In a few seconks he was clear in front, and as he ruse the hil} was a ‘length befure. He kept widening the Q/istance between them, till he turaed for home,. when the boy pulled him up and he galloped to, the stand. 'Time—3m,53e—first mile 2m 1s—secand mile lm 52s, . Ssconp Hear, They got a beautiful start. At.the rise of the toluwed cloeely by Chifney, he ran the first inile whemhe left them, and they were soon tar behind. bt was evident the others coald not make him ran a jump,and on the quarter stretch he palled bach and let the otheredo their dis- lance. “ , Time—3in, 533. ‘The predormance of Picton this day, satisfied all who could tell ‘a thing or two’ that wherev- er he enters he will be more likely to ‘lead than drive.” Col. Wynn pocketted on this occasion $4,750 clear of his own stake. Secorp Day. ‘ . Wednesday, Oct. 18 Craig Plate, value $500—2 mile heats, Re- sult; Col Wynn's bf Tipton, $ years old by Ludborough, dam by Director, Colonel J M Selden’s ch e Red Rat, by Sir Charles, dam by Sir Hal— _ 100 Ibs George D Stockett’s bf Mary Selden, by Sossex, out of the dam Glovena —97 Ibs. » ‘Time Ist heat, 1st mile—1m 53s * sw 24 mile—Im 58s—3m 49s “Qd heat, Ist mile—im 53s “% 2d mile—im 53s—3im 513. This wags a very pretty race. At the signal they all weaLoff well :ogetherfand-on leaving the pickets Red Ra€ passed ahead, which sta tion he maintained till jnst before entering on the run home, when ‘Tipton slipped past him. ‘They made d very pretty run of it dowa the stretch, and at the judges stand Red Rat was ta ‘itst,the mile being ran in Im 50s. The strnggle tuld on the Rat, and on rising the hill ‘Mipton rushed up to him and side and side they made the rnn down the back stretch, It was a beau!i- ful thing, and Mary Selden, at times was rang- ed just ina line with them that Buron Muncha- usen might have sfrung the riders through the nose with his celebrated ramrod. On the tarn Tipton drew out froin them, followed by Red Rat, Mary Selden pulling back. It was now a sure thing for I'ipion, and at a pealing rate she caine howe three lengths ahead—Red Rat next, Mary Selden well up—woch forther than the owner desired. ‘Time of the heat 3m 49s, The shortest time. ever made uver this course bat ve: when Mazeppa run it also in Sm. A498. ‘here wag nothing now buta fall down ora break down that could keep Tipton fromm winning,and when she came to the stand she looked ‘very much like aaace horse,’ as a sharp eyed oue remarked. He again got a very fair start, and again Red Rat touk his place tn front. Ou the top of the hill ‘Tipton and Mary Selden both weot up along side of him, and again Ba- ron Muncheusen with hie ram fod could have bad a “beantiful stot. On the torn ‘Tipton showed her avse in front, and as they swung round the corner tor the run home, Mary Sel- deg was secund, and was polling it duwn very hard. ‘Tipton showed her heels at the rise of the hill and shot ten yards ahead and was fast wi: dehing the distance, when the boy took a strong putl on her. Red Rat now walked up by a few touches of the spur, made a very pretty run,pas- sed Mary Selden, and gy! within two lengths of ‘Tiptony © the boy Jougened his reia,. and 1 bts. $ : ew itiri sap Stitletind’p assed the-judges siand the win-. merifa, also, the cempe f° 3 away sha went. ‘They kept up their pace ull thé fee, when. Tiptun was drawn Mafwbedest.and plate. Red Rat second, Mars Selden well within the distance. ‘Time wa aN S . “3% 2 *- Threp Day. ae a Pe a sour grins, One drawn. Resuli : Bal WARE Johnsun’s ch h Bastion, fonr “spears old, ty’Fimuleon, dam’by FE jur- “ie-f, 1nf Ibs.” x WS “ 1 ‘Jas. B Kendall’s br _m Kamsidel, six ‘genre old, by fodustry, dum by -Sir : al, #1 5.lbs PPE arrnon's Bik b ed ~ 8 ibs. * . “ae : eh one Rat, four years Uhssids, dam bv Sir Hal, _ dr. First heat. 5q5 514*-6u Se. Rat showed such opaent marks of Jame- ae Se Marted. ~ a “~ : if Uses Dar, ? EP Cneee $2000 —four mite heats _ SE. KR. Johnson's b m Atviania, five years ne Todostry, dam by Matter—107 C.Stevens’ def Fanay Wyatt, rT. old, by Se Chane, dam by fai 97 Ibe, ¥ 3 1 os 3 hill Ficton shewed himself clear ahead, and, ; a ‘| have seen (he dest aagsspn, * man and boy for eto 8 Purse $300, <hree mile. heats, _| seemed as if they were bursting to give vent © | 80, aad it seems simust iactedible, tbe time of Henry, Atalanta and Fanny Wyatt.’ “Fhey ‘got off without the tap of the drom and | were brought back. A second start was i made, the drum tapped and three got off, ‘leaving Fanny Wyaitthirty yards behind. | | Master Henry took the track, which was} soon usurped by Lady Cliffdén. She dar. ted with the speed of adeer, and at once | 11 was seen that the saddle had slipped and ; the boy was riding on her withers. It was a fearful sight. Atalanta rushed after her and chased herdown the back stretch, a- round the turn and up bome, as if she would drive the soyl.out her.” The boy on Lady Cliffden, seeing. his danger, grasp- ed the mare tight with his kness, and main- tained, as well as he could, a steady seat. She led again the second rognc, ard as they passed the stand for the third -mile, Atalanta made‘a rush at her-end was-up to ' ' \ her hannehes. ‘fhe run up the hill served to throw her off again, and as they went down the-streteh she made agother attempt to pars but in vain. Lady €liffden main- tained her stride, although ruaning under \euch disadvantage. The press of Atalan- Xa just before they reached the half mile | past was tremendous and the struggle be- | twaen her and Lady C. fora moment seem- ,ed dvubtful, as it was certainly dangerous to the latter’s rider. She could not pass ! The Lady maintained her place. though ' Atalanta sti)l pressed on her. The run down the quarter mile stretch was beanti- ful, and the speed of the horses like the wind. Atalanta finding she could not pase, as'she left the thickets ner rider took a tight pull on her asif \e gave up theheat to La- dy Cliffden. At this minute, mistaking this round for the last, the boy omCliffden pul- led her up,and Atalanta rushed by her Jike lightning! One universal sheut from the. maltitade sent up the cry:*go on’ but it was not heard till Fanny Wyatt, who had been ‘running some fifty yards in the rear, and master Henry, who was atready a long way out of his distance, had passed Lady. | Ciiffden,— Atalanta was now far ahead, and Fanny Wyatt was running up to_her with a view to contest the beat, which it was not her intention, till this moment, even to. run for—She gained on Atalanta, but the gap she had to make up placed her to great disad¥antage. Atalanta was at least a distance and a half ahead of Lady. Ciiffden, before the iatter,started again, and was two distances ahead befure she got fally under way. The contest -between Atalunta and Fanny Wyatt was beautiful, but was wade by the bat: ter with hardly a hope of winoing the heat. ‘To save his disiar.ce was nuw the only object of the rider of Lady Cliffven, and tu do this, under the circunstances seemed beyond the reach of possi- bility. Atalanta and Fanny Wyatt were going at the utinust speed, but sul the Ladv gained on them. When the former entered oun the stretch home, they had all sail out, not an inch was left. ‘ ‘They are coming home,’ saic a wholesouled tuiflie, * they arecoming like a mighty wind, ang yel the litde filly gains on them—she rons swiftas Jightning !’ And soit was— Fanny Wyatt pressed hard on Atalanta, who jumped as if she had her all staked on the issue. ‘The vast multitude gazed on in silence and when Atalarta passed the stand ' ahead of Fanny Wyatt, nota shout was heard, bat all eyes were turned towards Lady Cliffden. ‘Is she distanced ?’ was in the mouth of every one. ‘Thove in the great stand decided she was, with- oat considering their giatiun bat illy qualified them to judge. It was evident that if she had saved her distance, nuthing could have prevent- ed her winning the heat, had not the buy stopp- ed her. ‘The last half a mileshe had_ passed o- ver with incredible swiftness, but it was withvut hope that her friends wished she might have been in. ‘The distance jadges reported that she was in! ‘The fact was astounding so many, but it was nevertheless true. ‘The decision in her favor created astonishment aad of -cuurse .yave | dissatisfaction to thuse whu had bet against. her.. Astonishment it might well create, fur never, we venture to say, Was"Swifter running made than the jast half mile. \When we luok «back. with which she passed ever the half mile te the | distance poll. It Wae-the veresesi run ever seen, fand was so adjadged by many oid racers who) forty years.’ Ag soon ag she was at the poll she was polled ap and walked to,.the.siand ‘I'he waler was running off of ber in a stream on the ground,not a hair oa ber was dry,and ber nostrils to her hard drawn breath. Time of sh@ heat 7m. 50s—The last two-miles according to sume waiches, were run in 3m. 44e!- If.this fact be Fanny Wyatt most have been at least-two 6e- conds shorter, for she was at least that time be- hind Lady Chiffden when she paseed on the se- cond mile, “Taking it all together, it was, by far the hardest heat aver run ever the Central, and theogh woo by-Aisianta her greatest.admir- efe Cantwt claim..more- hovur fur;.her, for that) upon it now, wecan hardly realise the speedy} | and will operate es apies 2nd political missiona-. ries in cian wee of the counuy. Frapk- — ~00e PENNSYLVANIA TOLLS. The following exhibits the amoent of tolls collected in this State, from Ocjguber 3134, 1836, to October 7, 1887; three weeks less than a year. Had it not been for the pressure in the money market, and the general apathy in the dusiness walks, the canal and rail ruad tolls forthe pres- ent year would, it is believed, have exceeded a million of dollars. Whole amount of ,railway tolls Motive power Canal 4 4250,158 185,915 410,487 ——— $846,510 At the Grand Whig Jubilee in New Jersey, the following among other toasts were drank with much eothusiasm : Atnount of eanal and railway tolls New Jersey—Honor arid glory to her name. On her evil the Whigs of the Revolution fought for our liberties, and gained the batiles of free dom; and here, too, the Whigs of this day have achieved another triamph inthe cause of their country. 6 cheers; music, Freedom’s Jubilee. The Government Office Holders —Like the Hessians in 76, they fight fur pay; and, like them, must lay down their arms before the Whigs, the victorious sons of liberty. Samucl L. Southard, the Whig Senator from New Jersey—Nobly has he sustained the strug- le against corruption, amid darkness and gloom. We cheer him now with the assorance that the People are coming to the rescue. 9 cheers. Mu- sic. Our Rulers—They' promised the People gold; } — they have given us rags. ‘They have cheated us once, and we won't trust them again. The Sub Treasury System—A cunning plan to place the Peopie’s inoney in the hands of the affice-holders, and to turn the General Govern- ment itself into an enormous bank. We ab- hor this scheme as the worst enemy of our liber- ties. _ The Difference—Onr last President was call- ed “Ihe Greatest and Best;’ his successor 18 cer tainly ‘The least and worst.’ Experiments—Likethe quack doctor's pills, ‘one’s a duse;’ 80 Mr Van Buren nced not ask os to take another We won't swallow the sub Treasury pill, though he dues tel! us it is cover- -ed allover with gold. Vhe shout of bictory—It wae first sent forth by New Jersey in November Jast; our sister States have returned it, and now again it rings out from our bills and valleys, loud and clear;the delight of freemen, the terror of slaves. Van Buren Equatity—To pay the offiee- holders with GoLD and the People with raqs. The present dtsiress af the country—It was produced, and is perpetuated, by the migmanage- ment of the General Govarament. It can only be removed by their returning to sound and tried principles. The whole atmosphere, ‘from Maiae to Geor— gia,’ (says the Albany Journal,) is vocal with Whig acclamationsuf joy and gratitade Nev- er, since the Invention of free elections, has so mach been’accomplished for the cause of repub- licanism. Seven months have wrought an en- tire revolationin the popular sentiment of the country. The voice of this great people is nuw distinctly expressed and recorded against a cor- rupt aod repudiated Administrativn. A SEVERE REBUKE. In the course of a recent debate in the Uni- ted States Senate, Mr. Grundy of Tennessee, a leading friend of Van Buren, endeavored to re- vive the obsolete terms of Federalist and Demo— crat, instead of assuming the proper terms that mark party divisions Mr Clay replied to Mr. Grandy and said—*‘that of all the politicians in this or any other cvuntry, the Federalist who u- nited with and adhered to the Jackson party were the most detestable. ‘They appeared to have cut themselves louse from every tie, and obligation, and principle, which should bind them to their coantrg and to society.’ We should like to have seen the countenan- ces of Buchanan, Wilkins, Taney, and a host of other old Federalists, who have not only “united and adhered to the Jackson party.’ but who have actually -been appointed to the highest offices onder it, at the time Mr. Clay attered this withering reboke. Eveo the rabicond face of old Grundy himself mast have exhibited traces of shame under the retort.— Balt. Pat. : From the Boston Atlas. ADMINISTRATION COSSACKS. Among other provisions in the Sab Treasury Bill, calculated to promote the cause of despo- tism and corraption, is that for the establishment of a band of examiners, whu ander the direction of the Secretary of the treasury, shall -srour the country like the Cossacks of Russia, onder the pretence of examining tato the accounts of Sub- ‘Treasaty agents. These emissaries are to be a for their'Bervicss at the discretion of the rétary,and to make such charges fer travel- liag expenses ,&ic., as in their wisdom they may vee. fit.- Could any system becontrived more ef- fective im carrying out the designs of the Presi- deut against the liberties of the country ? These migratory agents will be chosen from among the | toust tervile cependents of the administration, t fact, than falle fo-the lot uf -Fasays Wyatt atid Lady Cliffden for the part they tuk iw it. — Faony Wyatt, as was tw. be ex much distressed, and-so wag A . was! ay bet reith | 4 Gr were ia the situstiun of. Clifden the fast . I} jamp appeared to be taken oat of her. « ‘The bet- | ting was allat a stand, fut it.wag ouw clear that | the raee was Atalaoia’s. . ‘The time ailowed be- - bear effectaally those puiaia, ew changs is ane Ailes election time, wonld be found flying sboat in all directions, | subserving the eucrapt purpuses of the adminie- Trattou, veattering the people's money and plas- ting ayatoss the people's liberties. With a Penitentiary, and 1s said tobe a mom des- they | siand, sesiding at Kensington. his veins, he Would apply the lancet & let it out !”? 1b. t I The * eldon Bridge.—We stated a few weeks ago, that the Cars would probably | ron guer this Bridge in the course of afew | nished, we uudcrstand that several Cars ve- | ry heavy loaded, came across it on Satur- | day last; and we may expect iq 4 very | short time,to see the Norfolk Cars running | whereas they now ryo from this ta Wel. don, by horse power Roanoke Advocate. EXPLORING EXPEDITION. | that the experiment which had been in pto- gress there for the last two months, ander | the direction of Professor Johnson, assists ed by Messrs Maery,Emmons and Dall, | purchasec for the Exploring Expedition by Lieut. Wilkes, have.drawn to a close. The articles are packed, and nearly in a! condition to be forwarded to New York, tific corps is constituted of the following gentlemen: T R Peale, Esq. 6f Philadelphia, W R Johnson, Esq. . do C Pickering. M D do J Drayton, Esq. do E fi Darley, Esq do A Grey, M D New York. A Agate, Esq. do J Eights, Esq., Albany, N. Y. J W Randall, Esq., Boston. J P Couthony, Esq. do ] I Dana, Esq., New Haven Conr. © W Rich, Esq, Washington, D C. THE SUSQUEHANNA —The poblic is ship. The following particulars from the Philadelphia papers comprise every thing which sheds the least light on the affair. The letter from Mr. Burton reiterates, but the pilots. From the Philadetphia Papers. Delaware Breakwater, Oct. 23. 1837. Mr. Coffee: Sir: Mr. William Marshall, 10 here yesterday from a erase; he reports, tbat Se spoke the pilot boat Mary Ann, o the Capes; the pilots on board the Mary Ann, Mesers. J. M. West, Thomas Rowland. Saturday afternoon, off the Light Ship, they saw # fore topsail echooner go alongside the ship Susquehanna, end probably board- ed her; shortly efter, the ship ebanged her The last the pilots saw of hes, she was headhag sonth, the schooner clage in compa- ny—then near mght. The pilots were of Opinion that the schooner eas suspicious vessel, she looked like a Baltimore: bailt vessel, The pilot boat was se near as to de able to see their bulls plain. Yours, respectfully, WN B. I did not inquire of Mr Marshall bow they had the wind, but at the time we} had a strong breeze from the northwest. The schooner Excellent, Baker, at this Friday last, at noon, off the Capes of Del- aware, saw a suspicious looking toperil schooner standing to the eastward under a heavy press of canvass; she had a strong the vessel answered the description of the reported pirate. The E. came into the Capes on Saturday, but did not see the ship Susquehanna, ( Philadelphia ) and of Norfolk have had their eyes upon the operations of two des- peradoes who are believed to be the prin- cipal officers of the schooner whieh captut- last; and that their persons and the vessel they are now in are wed known. A mea named Mitchell is the leader; he is six feet two inches high, stoutly made, has lost one has bee a pirate before, but for the last two ¥ previous to March last, he has aninmete in the Penitentuasy in this Gity. . Thé other individua! alladed to is days: Although the ridge is nut quite fi- | into Halifax through the influence of steam, | It is stated in the Paosladelphia Inquirer, | of the navy. upon the various instrumenis where the squadron now lies. The scien- R Coates, M D. do R Hoyle, Esq. do H E Hae, Esq. do yet left sa doubt respecting the fate of this somewhat differently, the first statement of jr. of the Pilot boat T. A. Morgan, came and Edward Mavle, mformed him that on course looking. and migtt probably be #_ piratical JNO BURTON, Jr. post from New Bedford, reports that on breeze at the trme, and had split her furesail; We learn that the collertors of this port ed the Susquehanna, since the 24th June eye, apd-has a large scar on bis throat. He ‘Brenner, who has also been in the perate fellow ; be bas a family, we under- - f.S. Sidce the above was written, a gen- tleman ‘has arrived m our city from Nor- folk, which place he !efi at three o’clock on Fouche a their head, this formidable pulice 2 (ween the heats was used tu the best advantage wig!tt be rendered invaluable aids to an aspiring 2 (Ship Louisiana arrived at Norful, e Se The Gl!ewing statement of a Piratiegl it were at our very door, excites the de. pathy ‘Phe facts are fally subsiantiaig one of the aost daring piratical epte, attempted on ower coast. Among the was May Homphrev, Exq., hie Tike daughters. “Mir.H was Qviog ovr g house at Liverpool in connection wii Biddle ; A Piracy at own Danrt —The Pacis: » Sailed from Philadelphia te [ 100 Friday last, with a cargo, :cluding in Specie, and near sixty cadin and, sengers. A slip from the New Castle Crning day siates that an express had tesheg from Lewes, (near Cape Henlop-s,) ine furmeation that the ship was caplend @ day, Within thirty miloe of he Cin, 4 ware, by @piraties! schooner An ifs the fact was mede by wo pileisat Leg The Sasqnehanna is one ofa line ¢ which betongs, we believe, ion ce mpg zens (quakers,) who entertain reign tans to Deering arms, 2nd consqueaty ships amiry nogrmament. We presum fore, that the Susqaehanne was demi vag means of defence, aad was |indle W tery pry af any armed piearoon he followteg is alist of ber ews e gers : May Sey, lady, two children uf vant. Anp Rawle, Mary R. Rav. Sharp, Heory C. Corbit, Henry Meri, Pleasant, of Philedelpeia; Esther Providence, R. leland ; Mery Aon ag Reilly, of Cincinnati; Wm H Gay, & folk, Virginia ; James Seal, of New ¢ Henry Fox, of Bristol, Englond; Wat Crone, of New Gastle, Delaware; 1¢ the steerage. (Nd y We heve no farther intelligence in the fate of the ship Susgruchanna. We lo see it mentioned in the Phrisdelpha Toesday, that the amount of speriew not exeeed 10,000 dollars, instead of 250) was previonsly stated. The Philadelphia Gazette siaies tha description given, there is Tile ¢ | pirate ie the same that chased (ben of New Orleans, on the 21 instar! o¢ i of Cuba, as reported on Wednesar le M. reported heras having anoot a9 on board. Capt. Smith, of ihe ectoon la ta,at New York, was likawie cha hours on the 7th inst., in lat 26 3), om & by a long black schooner, which ¥™ the same vessel. The revenve entter Gallaiin, wit % was despatched from Newcastle, on | ot persait of che pisate, and Com. Momy the Navy Commrerioners. being 1! ot Yard in Phibsdeiphia when the oe wrote immediately ta Commodore k New York, that the Porprise and June now intimal port, way de sefil vl yas pursait. National aug Among the passengers whose led by the wreck of the steaw packel I Hon. Oliver H. Prince, formerly 2 L + frem Georgta, with his lady and serve had reeentiv passed some ime in ibe! ‘were 6pending ‘he sucmiper a ine - } perintending (he pablicavee # o* ; lawe of Georgia, in Bosuin He sel man highly esteemed for his 14% . ané learging. cate | THE TOMASO. This vegetable is beginning to mab? the world. ‘The Hocking }## September 23, contains a comme ei J x (008 ‘TOMATO—No. }; by Ot net, M D., of Athens covo'y, tory.’ . m We quote the following parse tor Bemnet, to shew our readers ae ing may de exhibited u pd Lie Co “From ab that [ have beee able a ative tothe history of ihe J: hye ful perusal of al! the aul horites tbe following cunchusivn : — , Hat. Theat all ite varieties 2° South Aineriee. . we 2d. That the vera tonilosa eal others are tadigenuus to Asia 38 | America. P $d That the avrea deforma? are natives of Burupe, as we! # tnes. an 4ib That the auvea oe oa aod othere are natives “4 aus 7 sat other divisions uf the earth ae lucepereum cerntriforme, >, oo ably sume other specres. ae wait Ainerica, and even the Lon : Other sectivus of tbe Gi) ude 5 C. G L.H Where spades area joie se Where jails are emp'y, ana whew wicee cherch paths are # worn ; jib ineqa™ Where ductors ! Where age abve . ns ID happy people. and well 60 a 1s BLANK WARKAS” Sanday last, who etates that he heard of the report of tho capture of the Susquehanna Fur Sule al his > Pty Tce Jet ds give them boredie-'| tried on the 4 Ep sending delegaten. to ven, sodé hear | pails, Bane a7 jon is ‘about ti te sande shhh te seth ‘ ale bburhood, p we will'-aay,. | an 5 ileal SE en aed t seocy oond one ¥ perp dieses RG ye fF UO ee e Colte'bl vere! 9h threw offs Convention in April) The cuniemplated seheihe ' tfiese taag. ened. will be“ Ga. the. "| equal tot o 8 = 7 ne | conflicts: with our intoreswproalias to 06.be Sabine next Spring, and if tor and ide ‘olga ong ; bury, Noy. 4, 1837. likely to affect all in a greates ur less degree.— | any assurance of wuccess, “the farther @ S omedmtene, : oe If it were tikely only to sffect a0 injariguely, we | periment will aot be’ doubtial.. Reasoni | was weak . vet Cotton.—We perceive from the ooght t have oer tives there to. ward | a priori, we would say, -thét the | ‘of | ! Emelius and Whalebone offEnglaad, onght | i pbawaiee =- zenie is selling at $1075 per hundred | of the blow. 9. -.*5 : oe eae a . cine atteatiennae : . : ; : 5 pe ee ieee 4 WALCO COI eat oy 7 ight ia Cheraw. The better Currency.—We know ,of a} to mix well with thet:of A‘chy on our side. 4 vidting fellow came igto a store ia this - | ing of the Stockholders of the Charleston | good Van Buren man in another State. tha! ; We will say farthen; df money, paing sid Howo.pet long singe, and” behaving” qivie Acereding to wihahs {Cincinnati Rail Road Co. at Flat Rock: | hes iwo hufidred and fifly thoosand dollars. judgmeut, can tora. the Uslarice of ‘bload: in| radely, wes.crdered 10 leave it: instead’ of "ty hig fowa on Sunday: last, by J b | ony ger arred SS a intelligent Gen our favor, the two Genilémen mentioged | gong so,-be fet of 2 voliy-of fou ss oe y oe babe ui ee We have conversed with an g worth of property, over and above al] bis _ Paes ¥ | On FO! lout. eee | Myers Esq,. Mr. JAMES }. LEE, of Ca.} great a pe, Sho wae precouaL skis Bighiy/ mespoe. debts, with a eredit to 28 unlimited extent, | above, will oe ap we Sener h.- - wat j On the at ‘ : — barrns county, to Mies MAHALA “UUIE, | make.w od h, ba lata | * meeting, and aie very glad to hear that abciebe flees who ganna get money of “We are glad to-parceive that a gentleman, rant oly y ‘fom behind the date of the same county. _ fat. ‘vhey are Le ne ian See eine te the any kind that will enable him to discharge a of aur own aoe well qualified to come ‘te: “counter. and*give the. fellow ° kick whieh c -— ae a tll: ae ygheot degree eae The Butt | few thousand in North Carelina For the | ‘he reseue of American blood and ,eheract seat hith & step: or. {wo forward, towards they. # a mation — tise cam seal ete ds of this eres mise a ams want of a suitable currency, he has been 2" Col. ALLEN Davis. of Hillsborough, door: thw he followed: ap with another, | * YOSE SUFFERING -wat'a ~ cael ty. goted —— nage eal ae The rote will then de- exposed to the severest motification, and | 138 brought in. some good ones, - whjch impelled him a little further in bis | | Morbus, Diarrhea, Summer’ Com- Muiee eee J Giese River into Rutherfurd cour ty and dinteas tot feeling. Nevertheless, hee | THE PIRACY DOUBTED ¢ + onward-coare: he. then made a slight pause ; either continee) dunn) the valley) Broad Van Buren man. We met with a friend the : ° _ | whenrhis copartaet called out ‘once more | jret to Columbia, o¢ wil! leave it and pase by her di h . ; ted ff : , The folluwing is extracted from the Che- | dedi frisad unto the breech,’ whereupon the Exo en genet Cowpen’s ridge a little further Net vs fo ot - ay, . O stir “ wi ra of mo- | raw Gazette of the Ist inst. In additioa intrude was hurried with a (bird applica- al, a8 on al other kinds of k a derelererenie wey(deseraine, Oat an he a oe ‘ ee Ferg a "to this, we learn from a respectable Merchant lion of the kind, face foremost to the street ly a ished rere lo@s composition es ine ae Leia ebt in Nort arolina. @ arrive a or this town, thst when he left Philadelpbia . Pavement. | ae the Remedy, its adwirabi a@aptation*e the : ? : various indigdtiens which cecur ta :the course of ub bis decision, and all the discontents that | BPOxVile. where. be made a deposite of his last week, tbe truth of this allegation had _ Erom the N. ¥. Commercial Advertiser. | those dieeabea of the stomach, liver'sad bowels, isberto prevailed are likely to be entirely heal- | eee ie Bank, in a on begun to be questioned. The veracity of ‘The Richmond;Enquirer should have a| pease Ae tre etl = Mr. Memminger, we learn eee an we nm - are ote ie ie w a | the Pilots was Hol doubted, but thé correct- ' patent for the penning of obituary notices. ex perience, however, sees of mee competent to fying everyone who heard him, that his he arrived here, by w ep eee Beta tis | eee their conclusions. The Jast number says of some deceased ‘ecriminate agcuraiely and to decide justly up- smaonication to Genera! Hayne on .thie eub- | funds exchanged. He tried at the Bank tn this eae ee . d '_| friend that-he possessed ‘the spirit of a true he effects.of a meditine, must be the best ; xbad been misuaderstood. Major McNeil’s 10.0 He tied also at Charlotte, he called A gentleman of this town inform# us! / . and with-epch if its isvor, even (te most fasti- Capt, Williams’ Reports to the meeting | that, on Saturday last he travelled on the | Israelite withoyt gyile, was & member of the. divas in thate'inatte must lay deide these pre- Ds gw oe ai : oe 20 of a8 io the highest degree able and | 4 gentlemen who had doalings in Fennes- Charleston and Hamburg Railroad with a/ Soabaptist charch;’. and, among his many jadices . and the more so, that the difficulties | ee, and after spending several days he pro. ' passenger who, on the paasage from New | other virtues, was ‘opposed to the Bank of Bae eee uelieee Maree the | Ee ee yc ee eer co ceeded wjthout the most distant hope of | Nie s Charleston, had passed the Susque- te United States and the Tarif.” This as- puhisg'und sires : eos — w the test of chain and level: Fight feet tn4 getting funds to suit him. Wo know of | at Serene ale ae “he thin sociation of virtues in such ludicrus propin-, tability of the intessines, giving rige to inereased AR meurfancd ach the ile ving the average descent from Butt | hineeor: bo b old 6 Passengers: As this quity, reminds us of the tonebing elegy-to | peristaltic motion ; to relieve that. rheumatie: et cxptiitinn the mile Deing g ch ; 4 | (bree men in this county, who have s , Was the day after the Susquehanna was said ee ; 8 state of the bowele which ie often the ateendant 4 oe em peniaia to Kooxville (145 miles). In a wor "| land in the Western disirict, who are ‘lying | to be captured by pirates, the story of the 4 tbe memory of John Grimes :—~ ohebpanie * pases panied with | 22 enti prospect of success nuw. seems brighter than cases some sates - \.. Se : ae on oo a : ° . : .,, out of their money, because there is no mo- Caplure must be untrue.”’ : - “He had no malice in his heart, * tuflamation and Uleeratian ; ercome, the superior Rasors . A delegation has uo n authorived by this | aey in Tennessee that will answer their —— No ruffles on his shirt.” spasms ; equalize © the circulation, and 1 Lore, hat ing to wail on the Tennessee Legislature, ae . o rs ; warmth to the surface ; ‘remove ¢onges How many more arein.asimilar| Turner § Huches Almanac for 1838 THE MINT, , aa the internal organs ; and tu reliay. i | We received 4 copy of this publication - he bre eerace ee ta session, fur the purpose of procuring the | Purposes. ; : irritability of the brain and nervous syst u ; ee ) 3 . ‘ ‘lity of the brain and ner Ss page of che act conferring banking privileges , difficulty, we would pot venture to CEOS tte yess gentlemen, and we take occe- Siace our friend of the Charlotte Journal. of which hae been effected by the’ bbe we, ? Ber. ga the corporation: and litte doubt is Suerte bul there is scarce a merchant that can 2° sion to commend it as being qmite full af | is 80 good at answering qoestions, we should nards Remedy for Cholea? conte ter ee ofthis being dune. We see it stated in the | to the North, without paying 3 per cent on the ordinary State Statisties It is well | be glad to be informed categorically, Which have been given a! variogs Umes of the ( : ee : : A aoe —— Mercury, that Gen. Hayne is dele- | his money to get a check, aud bas to trav: | proated, sold at 10 cents. We learn that efficacy in cases widely different in their OFigiD~) of Pri : a's pee Charlgsion Mercury J y fog ’ | How soon we mav expect to see the and progres of each other. of Princeton, NeJ., ne yilegein . wat ‘Phisg | the | hael | , ; a tte the ame nf o taey ele 190 miles out of his way to ee Bremn in ibe ia the store of Michael | ‘yellow boys’ from the Charlotte Mint? BC Luuk to the certificates > they .are ie oou . Wee tas. Commitices were aloo appointed to soli- you that the merchant will lose this 3. per ge. _ How much money did the building and | best evident@that can be given. ea . Legi ‘ ‘io Rich gh peeaniary aid frown the Legislatures of North ? tedly mot. He will ada it) ‘The commendations which several liberal and " Ganlica and the uther States interested, with a | °e2! | eee Afters lung debate, the two Houses of she | 9pparatus cost the Government ? intelligent Physicians have bestowed Opon th ne phige that such sums as may be procured, will | '° the price of bis goods, and the people | Tennessee Legislature agreed, on the 20th’ in. | How long will it take to com the ‘five Remedy, have already been published, and” the fe expended within the State contributing the | will Jose It. We had no such difficulty | Stant, to proceed on, the aext day, to the efec- | thousand? dollars worth of gold in the hands subscriber has now the gratification of ad¥ing the . wae. Oar informant speaks of this body as emi-| while we had United States Bank notes. | tion of a Senator in Congress in place of Mr. {of Merchants, and the like sum in the Bank, POU a prastising phy; i seatly able. We remember the names of the and we shal! never have Jess until that Bank Grundy. : and whether these sums are still in: band, ote eg BERNARD‘ -I' widen! of the Company, Gen. Hayne,Chan | is restored. ee —~ ; _? 4+ _ } Ot have they been otherwise disposed of ? Sicoeriser aay Tas dass : » Gen. Hamilton, Mitchell King, ——— { y r a ix ~ Somerton, May 14,.1837, | : Harper, Gen mon, Michell King en ae ; Mr. Thomas OY IBUS, . |: What is the current expense per month! wens pe a. ; Met suffering vader riepity Memminger, Col. Blandiag, Mr. Elmore of | Love Lost © grandiloqaent Mr. . a. | hei net ree an : spe cs bi de Carotina, Judge Clayton of Georgia, Jucge | Benton, of Misaouri, ina late bungling effort. to The way to win a kiss.—-The tate Jarvy | of this estab lshmeny, incladiag sularies, in- Dear Sir—This is to inform you I have tested direpse, to which ibegboman 4 uth Caroting, Judge Clayton 0 Pons OGRE | recs . oe Bush amused us onee with 9 story told of a bfo~ | terest, wear and tear &e. How many of. | the + fficacy of your Remedy for the Cholera in} ble. - . ae th at searing ate ane |e aaa ean) men eet meid|la any ant sith sa : Th : ici jg | Conch was about starting after breakfast, the. med te fect will the estaolishment probably have | genus reparativn—one eminently servicabte, || verze ofdan.unrigely grate, alie- alhik wd Hardy of North Carolina. One of the res-/ liking, took occasion to felicilate himself, and his P i Cher nds t Breve of Tennessee, Judge Trimble and Mr. compliment Mr. Allen, a Senator from Ohio, Wiektiffe of Kentocky, and Mesars. Roberis | who had just let off a speech to the humbayaer's deine adopted, we learn; is. to buy “ont the native State, (meaning North Carolina ythee est limb uf the law 8pproached she Jandlady, a | towards telieving the pressure of the times, | will say altowed elent*fo cure the djpeas- [tive rosiryms of ad ul , 3 and sock of he Charlestog and Hamburg Rail Road : tation, therefore, in declaring that for the. eat- | Bec d ttre Ment of health, with- “ae : a part of it at least, aa so mcr | man. Now as to Mr. Allen, we have nothing to i giving herakiss ‘Friend,’ said she, ‘thee must What mines are in Operation in the | ment of an etal a I aE Sia S Sn ae sarin i Blessing. So @ Work, 'f ihe same can be had on equitable a jo, SIVIRG Hera kiss = * tee ighborhood of Charlotte », | Pense your Remedy fom ny office, anf. wonld | at, m 68 (heiteffitaty i vary & in- rms. Our memory does nut serve us suffi. | ea sae yee ery eee ee areas) mast not duit.’ ‘Oh, by beavens, | will,” 1e— oe g" a f ariotte, and what 'S | reeommend it tube kept in 4]! families liable *te fall ovedf tier \ bad tppeared ec arcety wy Cargliniao, we take pride in seeing him eleva : : their probable yield? How do the 200d } to these dangeraus attacks. “3. pha lous ww inose whe were Aeat/y to attempt stating the amount of the sal. | ? plied the eager barrister. ‘Well, friend, as thov ; ; oe KS oN, PhandBliece . Hm se wks fired for the President and other ofg. | '°4 to so high a post of honor, as that of a seal hast sworn, thea may do it, but thee must not | Republicans Dr. Fox and Jimmy Hutchi- You may Use this certificate as you will! ! Wub* the ‘beautitol Philceuphicst pe on | ia the United States Senate. Butof Mr. Ben. : ree may , on, withthe rest of the Repulili farmly, | - Yours, Verp-tespectuily, ‘ which they are cumpounded, and on which ‘bey wr dul we learn they are'madetate, yet per- a ve | Make.a practice of 1—Eng. Pa. SOB; ea Bae cena | a e* W.L. PARHAM consequenug act. : uly satisfactory The President, in paricnos| cee te nUl ee Tiss eas We received a | poet ‘contribution |” good old Republican Mecklenburg, hke This certifiente was given to my agent, E. P.| ‘The proprietor rejoices ia the Opporianity sf exbiRlted great disinterestedness, in refus. | deny that he isa native of North Carulina, and eryed a long poetic ¢ this fulfilment of there golden promises ¢ | Nash, of Petersburg and far its importance, read | forded by the universal diffasian rt the caity to tak® by a thousand dullars as much ag | Hold him to strict proof of the assertion. In the) from an abonymous souice at Statesville, S, eee ; a for placing his VEGETABLE P{ia. How do these polities! oracles ex Mr. Nash's remarks; Eh vu offered kim, which was two thousaad legs | next place, he has no right to buast of a State, with a request that we should publish 4 as fs slam beall she thantbarot be eae ne | site tne mai ke be Bato than be had byen receiving as Mayor ef Charles | that’never boasted of him, f.et Virginia or some : lain tbe utility of this establishment to the people 7 Medivine, Eealt the attention of the public to the | Vidual in the'commonity. A’nitke * the hust of : long as we could afford to do so forthe We should be glad to have'this information certificate beluw frum one of the uust respectable pernicous quackeries, which ‘boas! of Vege iable— ™ ° eee ect state take eee gic money sent; but as éhere was none'of dhut Whe think ¢] es pl . wh ey hag | gthtiemen in the states‘ and I particalariy eal] | ‘ngrediente, these Pills ase porely and aclely ve- », We cannot disnixs this subject without be. | Uvily, “we'll none af it.” , y ? ; aiiahie. ee Soe” meney O88 their attention to the one given by a gentleman Selable,and ovoiain sjeither Mereary, Actimu- oming « word on ke sudject of i —-—- if it had not beeg forthe poetic merit of the | gone to build up this expensive estatlish-j in this town —and if it were wrens: I could | 9% Arsenic, bor aggumher miners), in any form ie ee The Southern Literary Messenger.— Pep ee : ent, have a right to it proddve a halt, duzea others: eteredury, | Whatever, Ther are enititely compored of ex- Wi bank. We ware wet in faver of this project me 8 article itself, we shonld have perinitted at} mens,. g it, cha haee nen a ae hie « ; tee ead powicke te Re eiices Wien it way before ake Legistature of North | We have been in the reception of this val- ee 0 ba medicine within two weeba | ‘Tarte — plan Catolina, nor can we yer gat over certain quick- | "able Periodical for several months pasta) 2 Erurarn H Fosver has been elected, | PA" BOW. 2 NASH ties a) ae selpeal shires tings of State priie that come ove, us, when and have forborne to notice it in a suitable The following eecerent uueohe coufessed; ay the Legislature of Tennessee, as u Sen- Mr Exshoard P: Nash, Agent for Géresré’s Cho-" tice chemists ; sre altogether unknown to the m foe | shows atalent fur the descriptive, ator in Congress, for six years from the 4th} tera Medivine. “Sp Bauraet pretenders to tiedical science, and were cai aid nie nee the ian | Manner because we have been #0 much op- “Another sin | ha.’ forgot: * > | March, 1839, in the place of .Fehx Gron- Dear Sir; I (eel ite duty Fowe to the ptopri- prey er: before edministered in go bappily effics- se Sout of our State; bat siace the late pressed with. various official matters, that Bo ‘dy, whose term of service will then cx ire. | etor of the abive-meditine, as wel) ee the} jj Flows a combination. “a - That hog | killed in my back lot, - par lated ou th ‘ie 'uf Gpole.| - Wherever these pills have been once intro fae we were not able to bestow the requisite . = : | Mr. Grandy was not Pula nomiuation far |xenerally, ty infogi you that th . dared into i Pola National Bank, our Views on this sub-|.. j b ib h, Norb Vaimed the brickbat at his head | re-election. Mr. Foster’s only competitor | ‘4 Mixtgt@iphich Pbuught aryour” storea few ni: a Pearce, ae have undergune a change. poe bee eee eek: ae When. ! went up} found at dead F was the late Gov William’ Carrolf Th cveniugedidien, has entirely cod the of ¢ severe Shia ie solic’ ee ae pnd : Berk will amount loa great Southern Substi- we accomplished that as yet: «But we have ’ : the } ‘ © | Diesrheea, "Fhe cure was.effected in taking. edly | is cullicings “prov oftheir geod quai fate ts \Ir. Biddle’s bank is becoming the great réad enough to satisfy ourself of its being . —Fquickly drew his to the gate:' =| votes in the two branches of the Legisla- | wo duses ‘and as I had tried. aieny. other remes : we her ine Be And there a while on him did waits: | 're etoad. ; dies withoat ihe least effect. fam fatty, of ibe} volt ipa ‘rath, tbe: almost evety peroa ei. era sabetitute for a National Bank. We] an able and a judicious work, ‘Some por- . 15 _ For Foster. For Carroll. opinion ihat the medicine here alluded to’ is eve. | 228.9¥ertaed Peters Vegetstle Pills, recom k, as we alwaye did . ae ] tried to get him to stand up, ln the Senate * eo thing thet it ie’ eaid ta be =. 20 <> femend dem to ibeir friends, tae *yedid, that neither will ever! tions are dull, thats true: for the very ine- But found with bim the jie was up: ue ate 18 se, 3 ry ming S Her ACE, Poteseare Ya. teem ae palad States Bank, bata con- qualities of genius show dullness some- | aun eae ‘ eg = ‘in the lower House 7,47 — BO fh. WAS. 5 abrpaehce —— eg a. wentepiled has Soath, bir og lel ae limes. But considering that an Editor on ee ve . "I sees _ ee ae 3 a Will argieet is easata Preeaediae , 1 . 'na, North Carohns, ‘lea. b k dare not disobjige a. mano at he got foundere there oncom |... el "| Bernard's Rea fur: Cholera, whet isso ful. 1c temee and Kentucky, a, eiesieereareee of such a work dare not disoblig: f But now they Keve vt sung sbous 40 Mr. Foster was formerly: Speaker Mrhe. Bhaveh 16 be anc te. io-ll thie digenses fur i she had given birth to su distinguished a states. as f Tnich tt tebe ded. I] feel aa besi- | t honsa b h pretty quakeress, who was seaied behind -the ber, | and restoring specie payments? on Sen ere ended. I feel aa besi— | to See Gre . ey harp. Permanently and said he could not think of geing without 4 to ‘ waste its fragrance on the desert air.” Wie in the two Houses of Congress on the sub- ® idterest a8 this gral work will probabl _ | genius, by refusing evea bis badtnage, it 1s , : , “House of Represeatatives of Tennessee. : Ha’ no. cece Was it. them, cannot fail to reingay lone eel oil singular that this work is 0 well sastsined. = I killed ae De three ae) out. The Nashville Banner: says of him: “4 In| feted to core the most obstinate: attack of scm- Me reeen' disjointed limes: we mean the waot | We think the whole South is interested in| - Now it mast be admitted that .tlong’ and olives be 1s ¢ eee ere Wai, and drag tinted te ee nah ‘mead mediom of . . the N ‘corn’ do aot.ryme ag well 88.‘up’ and ‘up.’} While‘he:will represent, faith ally and im- | stance# permatient vure was: ied Upon a ’ : ne : “oat. aL a the: Cat Macias e of exchange between disiaat keeping itup. It 1s better than the New But what is the podtic Ficenss : pertialls, the whole Stife, no man will-be | child riches place, afer the: summer, 2+ South and West. 1c will be: re- York. Mirror was at the same age, and if what Is the poetic licen eo bet 504 tind more active..in ‘the support of the | 224 PrLit(es though: by the dabten) begood:s that South and North Carolida have taken in bands by the fashionables of the belp out in such matiets? Upon the ‘whole, Pringiples of the Wiig cause,” = =§-_—-§- ss. POWer AE medicipe to relieve: * It.ens.s en Cee the banking privilege, and South, will undoubtedly become an honour | it is an admirable Production, .The idea of |" ~ Oo tet of ards, a a nae ie Perea rence of une more of the States |. antre a cart®load.of | the fellow’s trying to gét “the hi tomand| , ..THE LATE ELECTIONS, + eee: a ita Meresied ’ to the copntry. Stis worth a cart load of Pane.) ., ity wae r 18 Necessary for ihe authority to be oe = eg up.after he had kbocked it speechless’ Sl ae Sw oti aw Pe ns my Eittle fear ve enturtamned as to Ten. Caskets, Lady’s Books. and such bike . oh oe - codes ree eens ak ss > ae fee. She 18 00 patriutie to hang back at|‘Umpery, with which our females are 9.4" eee is trnly_ graphic. Thy tea ) So oe oe ee gras: and should she respond favorably, | Much takea. There are.frequent brushes of {848 Fippenny ! and fake this wenderfal | Huen, | Merained a5 to the establishmen: | Gine gentus—always a share of respectable | P%™ ea Nick Bottom’s for, thy paltera. ti cays 2 deed, thiok it will be a! and teateful writing, Wecommese n with | Then Phobsl’e.car, . #och” #F ' capialists will jump at. - Shall shine from far, F hie ——— | | - q COMMERCIAL CONVENTION, Amporfations of Stock.—We did not no-|:_ ; © have reag i ; ok a WIth rouch inierest the report}. . oF wa ay ulet owe Me Proceedings of this budy, which was hce,as we intended, the arrival in Charles- ar Augusta, Georgia, aud ag we intend wn of some fine bi raed . animals, ordered them in extenso hext week, we forbear | ftom England by ‘those (era than that another Convention is to. Col. Ricuarp Sivaue and. @y of ie Pe same piece on Monday, the Qnd |-HAuPron. They sist of . ns ling Colts, Cows & € dyes,"& e Horses are of the. very choicegs § Or tay nt? AGP! to pat im oar oat. Muat a Meters coe ee te : Fe ; Carat acces ae ‘of.breedi betw e ithe | D nes Gin at fs See itt Pe alae aw 3 sige poe = ; bs) lands 6 fi le reetfoated>. Mice Our W hace ae annlaorar | Senge orecding bet wiesa u ee] neatl which “be f ae ain? edna... Ie ae lene eee born, M Dur W hiskey and Brandy: Our ey wart 4 — : . %y ae gre a , rs ba Py ag bor s appar ; a SM Contin Of oUt Floors Mech of vr treo ee i sanbess” © - es _ ey gee times): votee, £¢ the pol ‘e F f . “ oe ‘most of var saleable horses, moleg of golly of Zborough, « 5 . rated, eee meee +S caja : 2. a pe Stes S a oe ae: SR A” SE IRE EES ode - : ~ Bua! h ods all our beart. b give seas ie "esitstediite' oe te Coart # \Deieedam, xgoses Steed fof this State,on motion piece tien be’ ma of for six Socket artis San # newsps ge iS of Kani | fanvecesvis, on the: fet then and® thew, to De power “the Bill of Com ris against the the ame will be ta heard exparte, aud 9 erat of t ep Def end master Montgomery ember, A. D. American independence the §. L.. CAIMES, C. Mek. 4 . s i have : sate vt Heels vera Farolina, eMonteomery County, . BQUITY. FALL TELM 1837, - ples ot Bill. to fureclose 4 brigage. F | "2 fat Nv aM , Boer anton, 5d appe sing fo he jsfactioa of the Court jeroat Converse, @he “Defeadent in snot aa ighabitaat of this State, on mn. A ordered, thar publication be mace for Pecks successively inthe Carolina Watch- n, a newsnaper-printec in Salisbury, for the nto be aod appear at the next Term of a vurt of Equi ip be beld fur the Courty of sat the Court house in Lawrence firal monday” of March vext, then ead. i, or answer the Bill a fare & Thornton, a- i A, dtherwisesshe sime pro oeiad and heard exparte, wod.desies. fendered aceurding A es, Clerk’ and waaster ese Gonnty, she first he D: ¥837, and of the te, the 62:1: year. ‘ Rak, GARNES, ce R. EB. } “Attachment levied wy. defendants Land. a. L. Masters, Trustee; ogee Lota, one né& ¥s ‘le | buy, and Road Anos Weavell® ian and Geer; 3 heath hosses, some ae ogs ,hhouse Hiuld fs krichen fut- "et niwire,.Se. acing fo the Caurtin ‘thiscanse that the Aint jee avfnhabitant of this State,* ; de. 7! ° > Ba ~ Petey ¢ Crwlins Watch ar feddant appear atou “Quarter Sessivns, ty be held for the County of » kedell, at the-Coart house in Staresv:ile on the’ ‘pS monday in November. to answer, or teplevy, “or Judgiyent pra evnfessy ‘Will be entered-a- painst him, and the praperty conde mued to satis- fv plaintiffs debi. Witoess, J. B Alexander Clerke..of. dur said a £ Py - “ igitigis weeks, that tkesde- « Court at office the 3imondsy yn Angus A. D. | - 1837, JAF. ALEXANDER. c Fic. e, Sent, 0m. 1937--Price Adv. 34° State of Morth Garolina, IREDELL COUNTY. In Equity, Vali Term, 1837, Benjvoi F. Young & Charlotte Summers ~~ vs Samuel Woods & his wife ' Christina, Oliver Wonda,, \ Who iarried Mary’ Yyung. who died previuns to be death of her Father, Beo- jomin Young, and Jet the following oamed children, VIZ; Rib, Wilham, Frank- lin, ‘Thomas and Jane Wonde, minorg, ber lawful heirs. I’ appearing to the seliigotina. of the oo thal, Saxpuel . W pods yisilid a Oliver Wapug, and the | fe@fol heirs of his wife 1, viz: Rul, wie EBrauklin, ‘Thomas and Jaue Woods,;minors, restde.out of the lim- lus vf thia, State, it is orderéd by the Coart that pettiontion be.mede in the Carulina Waichman ur three muntbé. for the saiddefeadanis, to- be-} pepe appear at the, next. term ‘of thig Gourt,,to be eld tip Strat day in ies ae of Joranr. te oe be ta ef pro ron aro then ‘aad leeree made |. weGurdingly. 4 ‘Witness, Thomas HL Master in Equity-at after 3d in Augast, A American lade pendence: _ Petition for > Sale of Laad. Pm t HE: MeRorie, Clerk and Ste He, the 31, monday aor Seed 62d yout ot ae eal... rtieectre ths p Setate ot . 7 '«« "4 166 VUMBER LOTTERY, Pr. iat. publeateh be made if thé}. aéx! Oourt of Pleas and 4 4 "UH E esdersigned wou ae Sioa err =iay ae a3 tine. to receive, a large stock. FAEL 4.VD: WHTER GOODS, . Which they will sell WaonEssLe or Reap, lower than they have been sétd heture. a, ey Persons wishing tebuy eiiher'at Whulesale or | east Retail, would do well-to call, es we.assuse_jbem ill not be disappuinted in findty bargains. — prin w. MUke Hr? Oo tober 14, 1987 3018 State of North. ~_. ROWAN véuNTy Court of Equity, September Peter ied and “a Mesition bot ihe ~—— George Kesler & others Je. = oe asd, 'T appearing to the gatiefection of the Court, 1 that Andrew Kesler, cue of the defengants mentioned in the petition filed, is .gut an in- habitant of this State. Iv is therefore ordered that pobliéation be made in the Cafolina Watchman, for six weeks,fequiring said Andrew Kesler tube | and appear at the next ‘Verm of this Court, at the Cuurt~hoase in Salisbury, on the fourth mon- day @fier the third monday in Febraary next and plead ta Demur ur answer said Petition ; or Judgement pro confesso, will be entered, aad the Petitiun beard eaparteas to him, Copy from the minutes, © SAML SILLIMAN, 62M. ‘EB. Sept 30th —1837—6w Ll —Price Adv $3 VORTAC AROLINA STATE LOTTFRY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF TUE SALIS- BUBY ACADEMY. Crass No. 19, For 1837. *'Té ve drawo'at ¥Y ANCEY VILLE, Cas- well County, North Carolina, on T hursday the Qth of Noveinbver, 1887. wt 47, * 10 DRAWN BALLOTS. —~<~210o-— oe: SCHEME. 1 Prize of $10,000 1 Prize of 4,000 1 Prize of 3,000 1 Prize of 2,820 1 Prize. of 1.840 5 Prizes of 1,000 10 Prizes of 400 100 Prizes of 100 -06 Prizes of 40 Besides many of $30. $20. $10, &e. Presi | Mastet will dull on the probises ‘on the 17th day wife Chriatina,4® at the- Coart-Snase in. = yee tlie 84 won: ary” ad to, T. wien recta Fe com. 8. . . AMOUNTING IN ALLTO 8125,840 | A package of-22 Whole, Tickets in’ this | Lottery will cost mes And ajust draw nett $54 thy « & & : A certificate for a package - ‘of 22 Whole Tickets wilF cost $54 00 . . 27, UO 13 50 $4 if Half’ * Quaatet t ‘ Whole Tickets, LLlalves, $3 Q tarters, $1 GF To be had inthe greatest variety of numbers, ether by -the package or single Ticket, of . WHEELER & BURNS § October 14, 1837 NOTICE. RSUANT to a no of the Court of , for Rowan Cougty, the Clerk and g- fenioremier: next, aT ract ‘of ago containing "482 ACRES, adjoining the léwils’of John Young's Heirs, on third Creek, belonging. to “Richard Lowry for life, and in Reversion to Margaret I. Lowry, Fon aeredit of 12 months, tequiting Buod and good Security for the parchase” money, on the yeh Sale. Tpitle to: be made as : Comt shall ‘direct. ae. : _SAMEZSILLIMAN, c. M. E. ge 0 eb dade cele SAE 2 se {o'@ Decree: of thee Court. of | # Rowan. County, the: eck and i past st ihe Maen anNavent I Via New’ : aa and ‘Pillgdelphia. | their work | fle aseu rs that shall bedees fatally and Try paaies eal omitee | and that ie not what every mechaniecay mye Ai} itis not what they du ; ar a 20, 1937144 + -_—_~— gua kote : Elegant Style or GOLD AND SILVER WARE, &C. co TAE Subseriber bas on haud and will keep constantly fér sale at his shop in Sulisoury N.C. OA main street, at the next door abuve the store of SamueBlemly & Sun, a SPLENDID ASSOR TMENT OF FASHIONABLE ARTICLES, o°his line of business, among which he would inuumerate the following viz: Paieot Lever Warcues, (English, French. Swiss, and Duteh,) era Gold and Plated Fb Chains, Gold and Plated Watch Guards, Gold aud Piated Watch Keys, Gold and Plated Watch Seals, Gould Kar-bobs, Breast pins, and Pinger-rings (latest fashion,) Silver Ware; Kver-pointed Pencil Cases,and Leads, Silver Spectacles, and steel frames & glasses «Fine Pogket and Dirk Kaives, and Silver rait Knives, Pocket Pistcls and Dirks, ~ Breast Buttons and Mnsical Boxes, Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. He will execute every description of work in workwanlike acucr and promptly DAVID L. POOL. nj Silver takenin exchange ‘at his shop, and in pay- i debts due. D.L.?. . 1X86 49 Se FeOld Gold rf) for articles purchases ment ior work done ai Salisecly a: Jone pe COME Ve oD BUY LAVD. Offered for ave. a Tract containing “800 or more Acres, With improvements vot le ferior to any between ihe Yadkin and Co avons ue tact. TSA cres in anuther 3 52 ur more in anether, all near together; and two anal tracts tp Iredell, a few intles above Statesviiie. Uandoubted titles will be made by the proper pervons Apply soon to A. W. Braadon or to the snhbscriber for terms, &e. JOHN SCOTT. May 20, 1837—1f44 P.S. All kinds of property else, that the sub- scriber has in pussessiva, can be*bonght at a low price. J. S. State of fLorvth Carolina, Surry County. COURT OF PLEAS & Qi ARTER SES= SIONS, SEPT. TERM, 1837. "eh. VS en Chil , The Heirsof Steph 1 | ton, dec'd, tu wit: Rolly Chilton, Sally Chiltoa, Jno | Harris & his wife Judith, >Petition for Dower Stephen Chilion, who is Admr., Richard Chilton, | Joseph Chilton, & John Cammins and his wife | Eleanor. Fanoy Chiltoo T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Richard Chilton, Joseph Chilton and Joha Comming, are inhabitants of another State. Ordered therefore, that notice be published in the Carolina Watchman, for six weeks, that they appear at the next Coonty Court, to be held for Surry County, at the Court-louse in Rockford, on the second monday in November next, to plead or derour to said Petition or Judg- meat will be taken pro cuntegno as to them, Test, _ F.K. ARMSTRONG, Clk. " October 7; 1837—6wi2— Price Adv $3 - FRESH GOODS, _ b> all Charleston, South Ca. T. Metidenhall, of ‘Newberry ,.C. H. So. e Ca. bas connected “himself in business h Fort, ‘Towasend, & Co: of Charleston, un- Seabury ot “| FORT; TOWNSEND & MENDENHALL. They are now opr pe. each ertival, a fs tae ct large eee of” - Paper, a a rigioal achat Level on negro Wo- Ifa mapa oat of the Justice of the P thié-Attachment was arned, that Wileew "Worshatnzig not aft in- habitant ‘of this State: } am. therefore ordered, by the said Justice, 10 advertise in the Carolina Watchman, for thirty days that said William Wotshais, be and appear at the Coart Honse ina Salisbury on the $th day of November,.and re- plevy said property, otherwise jadgment by de- foalt will be tendered against him. JOHN H. HARDIE. Sh ff of Rowan Co. Oct. 28th 1837 —4w15 Price $1 25. Mrs. HUTCHISON S CHOOL is now open for the reception of pupils, whose improvement she pledges her- self to promute by every mneans in her power. Many houses of Ligh respectability are nuw open for boarders. Mrs. Mutchison is autborised to state that a number of yonny ladies can be ac cof modated in the same family w: h_ herself, at eight dollars per month. Private leasons in the Ornamental branches will be given to ladies, who may not wish to be- cume regular scholars. Hours of attendance made known at the school room. Salisbury Oct. 21, JUST RECEIVED, wens Sin, 1837—tf14 For sale Wholesale or Retail. 4 Bbls. no 3 Mackerel, 200 Ibs Square Bar Iron, assorted sizes, 6 Pair Kliptic Springs, 6 dv Sulky and Barvuche, axis. 3000 lbs Bar lead, by JI, & W. Murphy. Oct. 21, 1837 —t114 DOMESTIC GOoDs, JUST RECEIVED & FOR SALE WHOLESALE OR RETAIL» 110 Yards Copperas Cloth, 740 varde ‘Tow and Cotton do 290 Linsey Jeans do by J. & W. MURPHY. Oct. 21, 1837—!f14 PRINTING PAPER FOR SALE. ENCOURAGE SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES. BROWN & AIKEN, N Pak Newbern pe and 120 miles L north of Salisbury, N. C. will be glad to receive orders_for PRINTING & OTHER KINDS OF PAP SR, From Fditors in upper part of North and South Carolina, Octuber 18, PROPOSALS BY Turner & Mughes, FOR PUBLISHING A DIGEST OF 18387—4wl4 ,4A4LL THE REPORTED DECISIONS OF THE COURTS IN NORTH CAROLINA, Commencing with the earlicst Reporter and in- cluding the Decisions of the Supreme Court at their June Term, 1837. PREPARED BY JAMES IREDELL TERMS. This Digest will contain about twice as much matter as Hawks’, will be cumprised in one vol- uspe royal octavo, io good type and on govd pa- per. ‘I'he law and Equity Cases will be diges- ted in separate parts. The price tu be one cent per page—not exceeding in the whule seven dol- lars @ copy; printed on good paper and well boond. The work to be sent to ithe Preseas soon as three hundred subscribers are obtained, and to be delivered at the Courthouses uf the cuunties in which the-spbscribere reside, pC Persons halding erie etre eat? : requested to return them to Turner og Raleigh, N. C. by the 30th day of aad next; atidthose who may not see’a em to: 9 +44 at oe 4000 $000 2500 2000 1500 1000 1 Fuse of 1 Puze of 1 Prize of Y Prize of 3. Prizes of 10. Prizes of “400 10 Prizes of 400 Besides many of 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, 60, 50, &e. &e. &e. Amounting in allto $247290 Tickets only 35 Halves 2 50 ters 1 25 A certificate fora package of 25 Whale Tickets $65 50 “ $2 75 “ 16 $37} To be had in the greatest variety, of nuiwbers either by the package, or single ticket of “ 46 WHEELER & BURNS, Salisbury, Oct. 28, 1837. State of Porth Cacolina, SURRY COUNTY. »y Pleas §& Quarter Sexsions, "hs ust Term, 1837. Somers & MeGee , vs Michael McGuire. C appearing to the satisfaction of the Conart, that the said Michael McGuire, is oot an in- habitant of this States Ordered theretore. that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, for six weeks, thathe “e and appear_at our next County Court, . be Lid at Rockford, on the se. cond monday in November next, to plead or dé mor to said suit, or final Judgment will be ren dered, and the Lands levied on will be condemn- ed to satisfy plaintiffs debt. ‘Test, F. K. ARMSTRONG, Clk. October 7, 1837—6w12—Price Aav. $3 Protestant Episcopal Church. SPECIAL Convention of “the Protestant Episcopal Chorch, in this Diocese, will be heldin Christ Church, Raleigh, on Saturday] the 25th. of November next; at which time and place it is earnestly desired that a full represen tation be present, as the suhjec's to be cunsidered are of the deepest interest to the welfare of the Diocese, By order of the Bishop and Standing Com iwiitee, E. L. WINSLOW, Sec’y of Convention. Fayetteville, Oct. 7, 1837—ti14 LAND FOR SALE. Y virtue of a Decree of the Conrt of Fiqni ty, at SeptembersTerm, 1837, will be sold on a credit of nine months, a Tract of Land, contaiaing about 98 ACRES, Court o Justices Judgment le vied on Land §&c joining the Lands of Isaac Cowan, Ri bert Vv Cowan, and Others. The sale will take place on Saturday, the 18th of November’ next, on the premises, and the purchaser be required to give bond with good security fur the purchase tnoney on the day of sale. SAMUEL SILLIMAN, c. m. z. Sept 30th, 1837—7t11—-$3 TUN WARE. YE Sabseriber pie on hand a large as. sortmentof TIN WARE, manulaetyred by a first.rate workman and of the best*materi- als, which he wil! sell luw for cash or o rt credit to responsible dealers, and shuuld ‘the bill be large enough to justify-him, he will deliver the Ware without extra charge. All kinds of Job Work and Repairing done with oeatness and despatch. A HUNT. Lexington, N. C., Sept. 16—1f9 P.S. Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow, Old Pew: ter and Old Copper taken in exchange. A. H. Temperance Wotice, HE Rowan Temperance Society, will meet at the Huuse of Dawalt Leniz, near the Organ Chatch, on Monday 30th Instant. The frienda of the cause are earnestly requested to be punctual in their attendaoce—several Addresses > given. | , DISSOLL TION . RHE Mercantile “Co-partngtahip heretofore existing andet the name Of PEDEN & ss -PKELCY io Wilkesboroagb, North Carolina, 1s =} this day dissolved. by mutual consent, and the f , | bouka, papers, debts, guods and effects of ‘every z ; a ze and ye pndersaee, fe be presented , iat Gye the business of said - 4 desesiption belonging to the said firm, bave been _| senignied ovegao the subscriber as trasice, for the snoed. eae pec enes epee ified _in the deed of assign - Methsha indeSved to the said concern, that payment omst be tTmade to the laine due by the said firm + to him for‘ paymest, he alone CVHELLE, ‘Trostee of & ee 008 Kt, vw, 7 Bia ry tilt they vote ne /aed carefolly despatched. lying on Second Creek, near Gileans Bridge,ad j -) ment i defaalt wi fe PS, ‘ag oe ah Oct. 28th, 1837— 4015 Pree $14 say nee desired waewied ws sered ys owe dape > promptly and si | Work from & Cistanée Hy eg, cones diligent}y attended to, Orden 4 “P.S. Produce of various ki received in pz: ment for work. . Salisbury, May 27, 1837174, Editorial Cos. TeNt toy THE time of holding the Propesed Convention. in thig City, has icc th the 1st Monday in September, 4, the fitst day of PRtasieeh next, TT ' has been made because of in the Toy "Sg eral of ur brethern 10 aitend ia § vious indispensable en ae e resalté ean epring fn ™ unless the whole Prese of the Sig), be ted, and the postponement «fit, ity 5" have the effect of sec ‘uring. a gener un part of those whom it@ence:rg THOMAS tg TJ. LE WAY Rive JOS. GALE Raleigh, N. C > & Sag MERCHANT TAN [I now receiving from New York ay phia,a general essortment of ¢!,.), mings for Spring-and Summer: eo, Dae; article usually kept by Mercian, ro goods have been selected by hin ee can be conOidently recommended 1, 1), cheap and guod Having worked 4:, loring business. for twenty yearn. L M shall not be considered presump, ing himself a judge of cluths. je bas ai received the New York sue Philace nal ions, and the above will be made Op toa style of fashion, and warranted to f: vel He will also keep on hand a piney), ment of READY MADE CLOTHING which will be seld very low for Cab @ eredit to punctaal dealers. A} kinds of will be done on short notice. Orden e ¢ from a distance will be Puncteally arien The public are invited to call end pret prices for themselves = He sii!) cortiaves former stand, south of the Court House a large Brick Building. Salisbury, N. C. May 18. 1837/43 P.S. As he isan Agent for eone of ike fashionable Tailors ef Philadsipbia axe York, he woold be happy to insirvei: 7 may wish to learn the art of cuttine op He also continoes to distribute the Freshen §CF Letters for Fashions most & pat NEW GOOD; AM NOW EECEIVING, per Sian Henrietta and Cotton Plant. amy A STOCK ot New, Seasotanle F DRY GOODS, GROCERLES, &. &c. All of which have recently deer bce York and Philadelphia, on Pes terms, and will be sold UNUSUAL LOK for Cash, or on time ts punelia coomen Call and see. My Stuck consiets ta parl of in addition to the old Stock :— I Packages DRY GOO!'S. 150 bags Riv, Cros, Logun at Java COF ELE Q5 bhds. St Croix & Parw Ries ar, 100 aides Sole Leather, 12 tons Swedes and Eng’ lat 100 kegs Nails and Brads, 40 casks encice & common Wea 50) boxes 8 x 10 anc 102124 dow Gia-s, 1000 lbs Bar Lead, 1400 ibs Boel aud Drop She, 50 kegs Daponi's FEF pusc#, 50 do Ny 1 White Lead, ip 4 20 barrels Pint Ol, 95 do JVinners’ do, 200 patr ‘Trace Chains, Loaf and Lumy Sogar, Teas, Drage a4 ¥ cines, Patnisnnd Dy- Siufis, Blacks lows,Viees, Anvils and Hammers, tog every other article » hich cunsiitules? © COMPLETE ;—it is therefore ne” to enumerate farther. zi ORBELD Yellow Brick Beidan Hay Fayetteville, October 17, 1937 Sal _ Coot 9 nak the ha WOE ‘700 French Burr Mill Stoned For Wheat, and © Stones for Corn AVING been appointed Agent nw of the above Mil Stunes in thie § Messrs. Egenton & Morris, Manots¢’ cs Baktimore, | would here iocorm (bee the same, that they ean be fuinnbe thetr orders to me st this place" the article to be genuine; of is pet, nish a new pair in their siead. nF CJ orREle Prick aeniee ha 9 Fayetteville, Oct 28. 1937-38)? State of Porth ear — ROWAN COUNTY Harrison Prewet Oriel 3B vs. f Levie ree William Worsham man. Ta ring to the satisfac! I of fe Peeor, before whom th was returned, that sVilham Wor- an inhapiiam of this Siaie: 1 am ie dered, by the eaid Jus'ice contd a Caroling Watebman for thirty Oo William ‘Worsham, be and appr?’ - Huuse 10 Salisbury on the ber, jevy eaid proper'y, ne ee JOH a rhe in of oe rs ote hae. NH.HA of hat : Horses, &° pgaft To hire Ri the hoor al! or day. Apply sy lot! Bar Keeper of the Mansio® i WirchMAN M3 hereafier be had for] Fifty Cents per year. ee ey ee whe, aif whole sam at one payment, meee caper for one year at Two Dor- and aslongas the same class shai{ thas topay in advance the sum. of } 1h same terms shall continae, they will be charged as other eubseri- dl * a nat pay during the year Dollars ia al} eases. ve received for less than rider’, © pe charge sabseriptioa Jal it be discontinued bat at the pee Editor, unless al] arreatges are paid etters to the Editor must be post cp alll hey will certainly act be at- to. . half ;—Sizty two §a ere ao for the first insewion, and 314 a acare for each insertion afterwards Cecmant wil] be inserted for less Doivar. ; eee willbe continued until urders ived to stop them, where ao directions previous! y given. sitise 0219 b¥ the year or six months will ata Dollar per month for each square tha privilege of changing the form everv tet. eel WARK ETS. SALISBURY, Be perio. 18a 20 ets.; Brandy, Ap- t gal. 49 a 50 cts 5 Cotton per ib. (in ) Sets, Cotton bagging per yd. 20 25 ; Coffee per ib. 16 a 18 cts, Castings per ‘4a 5cis ; Cotton yarn, from No. 6 to No gi 75 2 2 00 cts; Feathers per lb; 35 glo: prdl. $6 00; Wheat pr bush . $1 00 9s-Oais pr bushel $0 cta; Corn pr bush 65 ets; perid.6 a cts; Fead per lb. 8 a 10cts ; ses per gal. 624 cts ; Nails per Ib 9 a 10 « Beef por tb 0 a O cts; Bacon per |b 124 ter per 1b 124 cts; Lard per Ib 15 7 per bushe! $1 25 1 50cts; Steel, Ameri- Mister, per 10. 10 cta; English do. per Ib ; Cast do. per lb 25 a 30 cts ; Sugar b 1242 15 cts; Rum (Jamaica) per gal; }; Yankee do. $1 ; Wool (clean) per !b 30 Tallow per Ib. 10 124 cts; Tew-linen pr yd. 420cts,; Wine (Teneriffe) per gal. $1 50. mgai do. $f 50 a $1 7 cis; Claret do J. $1 32175 ets; Malaga, (sweet) gu.$l; Whiskey per yal. 43 a 50 cts. CHERAW. fin avrket per lb 42 9 cts; B om per 18 14 cts; Hasse du. 00 OC cis; Beeswax bi8a 20cts; Bagging per yard {8a 25 j Bale rope per}b2 10 00 cis ; Coffee pr. Hh 18 cts;Cotion per 100 lbs g69 O0e 0; Corn per bushel 1 000 a ets; Flour wagons per bri $6 7 000, from stores per f410 2124 ; fron per 100 lbs $5 64 a 0; wes, per ga! 40 50 a cts; Nails cut assort- hor “+ 41,487,198 By tht'above.p it would clearly wealth-and ond now fully established }that the currewey of Englat@ bad nat been equally expanded with our own, but on the contrary there had been actually ‘a gradual tacrease in the value uf money.? Wool dyad CLOTRS. Woot Dvep | Casmmeses | 7Sinete & pov-— BLE MILLED | yond question that so far The seeond proposition (Mr K. said) Hexion with the first. He would put the Matter at rest, however by the production of evience that ought to he satisfagory to fall. This evidence was the perfect agree- ment, on this point, of Mr Horsley Palmer & Mr Knowles in their controversy eoncera- ing tbe action of the joint stock banks and of the bank, and alluding to the causes. &e. Says: ‘It 18 necessary to state these, ag they vance in commerctal prices.” Mr Knowles, however, 1s not satistied with this admission, but, wishing the fact established beyond doubt, he asserts the same thing, and re- fers tothe proofs Mr Knowles after pro- ving that the legitimate demana for currea- cy had been tacreased by the increase of national wealth, says: +4 table of prices, had I time to prepare one. would prove be- from a rise in prices generally in many cuses there has been a full even with decreasing stock ; a fuct quite incompatible with an. over-issue and depreciation of the currency. While, ’golny where i rise in prices has taken ARP Ne 2 LAR CONSISTING OF EVERY THING EITHER DESIRABLE OR Vy fice they respectfully request their friends, customers, and the pablie general- were as they are determined pot to be. outdone | either in selling Goods or making Clothes. Their | Super Blue and Black do Bottle Green | do Brown do do London Brown | do & Dahlia J Super Blue & Black (Plaid) ) do Greene d) Tove do Striped, and do Corded do Cat and Figared do do Crimped Silk do Buff Cashmerett do do Valentia TOGETHER WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, Tennant’s Celebrated Stocks, Suspenders, Hoskin Gloves, Satin Bosoms, § Linnen Plain and Ruf- And in fact, every thing that can be’ called for in our line of business, to suit’ Favarrevicie GOODS, FASHIONABLE : ly to esli aud examine before persbasing else— Goods evnsist of the following articlés: Apple Olive do Napoleon Viulet do do Drab, do Leva Plaid Super Plain Silk Velvet do Fig’d & Plain Satins + VESTINGS. do Mohair J PASHIONABLE READY-MADE (SUITED TO ALL NECKS,) fled Shirt Collars, round end & rouns! tip: old or young. Allof which will he made op to order, at short notice, in the mos! fashionable style. Our workmen are the best that can possibly be procured at the North, and we think that added pribBt2 adore; Wrought do. per lb. 20 B; Pork par th $395 Rice per 100 Ibs 34 3M; Serai perIn 19 121-2 a ete; Salt or BINS; Salt por viene! 74 $1 cta;Steel A | of poblie pa ronage. All orders from a distance rae Awter prtt: te TO Cres Berth w por th 6 { $21 ets, Tea finpertal perth $125 a 1372 ers: ’ yee fe orto gta dl 25 cts ; Tobacco manu- FAYETTEVILLE Inody, peach 85.890. Do. Apple, 80a 00 | arlb10 41 8 09; Cutton pr 1b 8 a 94 ets) Lerials can rely upon having their Clothes 8 as well made as though we furnished the fee pr lb 121-9 a 186 ; Flour bb). 096 a pr bh 75 $) a; Feathers prib 0On 40 Prowsh O70 0175; Fron. prib 54 a 6; Mo- ge! 30 35 3 00; Nailscut 74 9 Salt 55a 90; Sugar pr lb 7 a 11 > Tobacco; 80 3; Wheat pr bush $! 1; Whiskey 6570, Beeswax 29} 00 TAILORLYG, REMOVAL. BILES & JAMES, FORM their friends and the public that they have lately removed their Tailoring ms (0 the house recently orcu- by Thomas Dickson as a Tailor shop. | doors south of Dr. Mitchell’, shop, & | y opposite the Salisbury Hotel. have just receiwed from the North ! LATEST & MOST APPROVED | Vi WYORK VD | DON FASHIONS FOR THE L & WINTER OF 1837.8 ne '© which they are ready to make Prweats desired at low nantes They Peau confidence in their ability to bie, © 590d AL, but shoold they" wre willing to take the t Wil they succeed. Cutting will be Promptly and in the best mode. fom a distance faithfully executed, = "efully despatched. Orders in all thhgentty x §, a! altended to. : vee Of varions kinds will be "© payment for work, y. Nov. 4, 18571116 FIRST RATE ea 4 = : sencnines ‘OF EERS™~ FOR * first rie Farm oa. she: Padkia River B z . vor to merit its continuance, fared per thida 15 cts. | Raleigh, Oct,20, 1887— 4w15 | Delivered in the Senate of the United | Point by introduciog official tables from , Quantities of several principal articles of . OO ACRES, : Macuamara, Charles Torrence, rtere 8 @ fait propurtiva of woud isin g004 farming conditiea. The 'S qaite fertile, a god deal of it GROUNDS, oa a 2 Low “ill be quite ; areas of cee ee JOHN J. SHAVER. | made nat to ourown experience, will insure nus a doe share will met with prompt attention. Clothes war ranted to fit. #42 -hford & Oliper return their thanks for former support and will endea- LITCHFOR)D & OLIVER P. S Persons furnishing ‘reir own ma- articles. L.& O. SPEECH oF ME. KING OF GEORGIA, ON THE BILL IMPOSING ADDITION. AL DUTIES, AS DEPOSIT ARIES, IN CERTAIN CASES, ON PUBLIC OFFICERS. States, September 23, 1837. (Conti Nugp.) Mr K. further sustained his Proposition, and strengthened his evidence upon this England of some of the principal articles of raw produce for English inaoufactures, &c. entered for home consumption, and the official and declared valuation of eXports ; both embracing the period in qrestion, ex- cept the official valuation for 1837, which he had not been able to obtain. The following are the tables produced & read by Mr King: raw produse of manufactures, &c. enter- ed for home consumption in the years ending January 5, respectively; with the absolate-and proportional increase from 1884 to 1837. Articles. | Cotton — Ibs. Silk, raw ¢ throwa * Wool ‘ 1885 $08,602.601 3,838.795 $,346.751 268.367 165 768 $9,153,463 | 41,113,448 Absoluce increase. Cotton los. 72,848.168 Silk, raw + 1,025,747 thrown ‘ 129,166 Wool ‘ 19,621,846 Articles, 1 1836 J 18387 Cotton Ibs. | $33,048,464 | $70,950,569 ‘ 4.151.008 1834 | 296.497 ,167 easleulated at the ” plece it is distinelly referable to causes proxpectivel, affecting to the market as to supply? Sowe Huctuations were doubtless Pxbtiated io the manofacturing districts m particular articles, and especially 1a articles for Auneriean coasumption which, from the Deavy tnereased demand tor them. could Hot be readily supplied by existing estab- dsiuments ‘Ths however. 4 distinctly re- ferradle to Causes affecting the mutket ag to Supply,” and was uo evidence of a redun= dancy of Me cireuleiion. The disaaction might always be setiled hy an ubservation of the f lowing rales: that wheuever there is 8 giest Anetuation aa the vitae of 4 cartieniat erlele or Commorh y.wiilst the value of tie property uf the country generally remuins unafficted, we may taxe at tor graated that toe Hactuation ig owing toa change in the relition between the demand and suppl;, For instance, if there be a short crop ef vorn the supply wall Call short of the de. ‘mand, and the price of cora will rise.whilst vil Olber Commodities May stand fir ‘This rise i8 Occasioned by the chabye in the re- lation between the supply anddemann Bat if we find the price of every commodity raised to an unusual elevation. (a3 lately an the United States,) we May tike it low graue ted thatthe price is Owing to the change in the relation between curr acy snd commod Mies; In other words, that vurlency Of cred. tt. or both, tas been greatly increased ant Cons-quently depreciated, ‘This Partsal gil local Huctuation, then, where Me UXISt- a. la- Mounted to nothing, as tt was trifling and Parlal, aod attributed toa fluctvation be. (ween Supply and demand—a fluctdetion tu be found to some exteut io all countries and at all times. Douii'vas some addition al activity wa- occasioned by our artificial and credit demand tor manufactures, atten- ded also’ with an increase of manofacturing stuck. It was very likely, also, some local Overaction tn the joint-stock banks was oc- casioned by the large profits they derived from the discount of American securities and credits to supply our credit demand for money, for uuder our preposierous system adopted#in 1884, of impotting torrowed money to multiply credits upon, we have been willing to take all their cash ag wel! as all their commodities.and give more than any body else for them, if they would only let us have them on credit. ‘These partial Auc- tuations were uncertain and uni-Dportant, and, so far as they did exist, sf at all, are easily accounted for, and principally, if not entirely, to be attributed to a connexion with us. In ov view of the subject could they be used as evidence of a national re duadency of currency: or credit, o of a na- tional overtrading, neither of which, as we have seen, had taken place. Mr K, said the ‘etter pert of the secoud Proposition, and the whole of the third, svetned to be established: by inference from the positions already established, and the proois already adduced. The only further proof that could be deemed necessary on wae points was to establish the fact thet at very time we were i i of specie uader the cnscurigne of. the @ise policy of the Executive, 80 it. was egil- mo- Gation as debtors, if Oct. 14th, 1837-118 rate of valuation, Rothing. - The Premdeat gives ti T | ways. since. March lagt, scarcely needed proof from its close con- | the conduct of the bank of England. Mr | Palmer, in apologizing for the. contraction | seem, in no degree, to have arisen from overtrading or any undue ‘speculutive ad- noes | stuces aad a la , “aot jwe had patd and Jiquidated in. different less than forty-five, land pecheps Gfiy- smillighs ‘of | yet we find theexchaages beavily against us. ‘He hoped, thea; our banks would ‘not begie | i : to expand, and our | the presumptwa thai tous. ; | Mr K. saad no one could pretend to sc- curacy as to the amount of. foreign debt 10 March Jasy but he thought he could satisfy the Senaté-that if every were taken into account, it was nearer one , hundred and thirty than thirty millions of | dollars, : | Mec K. then proceeded to furnish the Sen. / ate with such evidence as he had to offer on ‘this subject 1p the first place he took the commercial balance atone for the year 1836, 48 repurted»by the Secretary of the ‘T'reasu- ry, at upwards of sixty millions. It seem- | ed, by the report furnished at this session | by the Secretary, that he estimated the com- mercial balance which remained as a for- ; eign debt, at over thirty millions, and per- | baps this statement misled the Pr ident. who took the Secretary’s ¢ id dp ance of one year for the entire balance at the period referred to. He thought, how- ever, that the Secretary was mistaken éren as to this commercial balance for ‘1936. | He seemed to have deducted thirty-millione from the sixty (as Mr K, supposed, ) forour Share of the profits of trade. Me K. tho't not a cent should be deducted. We had it from English accounts, and had too much reason to believe the fact, that the principal articles of American exports declined from 30 to 40 per cent. between July, 1836, and April, 1837 He believed, then, we had | lost on our exports the fall amount of pro- fi, and perhaps more; and that the gross a- mount of balance might safely he estimated es a foreign debt against us for the yeas 1836 alone Mr K. them ptoceeded to show the a- mount of money we hed borrowed in Eu- rope 11 the space of one year ending in the fall of 1836. As Europe owed vs nothing on ap exchange of commodities, of course the amount of specie (beyond that ioclo ; ded. an the statement of imports) whieh we obterned from them, must have bven obtain. ed oo credit, tn some form or other. It was Impossible to get at any thing like correct efficial information on this subject, As there was no duty or probibition either on exports or imports of specie, there was but little attention paid to it at custom houses either 1a Europe or America. Large bank- ers, whose bustuess gives them an interest, as well as knowledge of the loans and spe- cie shipments, were the only clase from which much information conld be evtained. and tiev rurcl, knew of any except large and notorious transactions. A statement nade by Mr Fayott, of Paris, a man of grent research and many opportunities, he believed as much to berelied oa as any oth- er ‘Puig statement was made im the latter (it he mistook not) of 1836, and purported Jo be aa estimate of the specie shipped fiom Eurcpe to Amenca during the year preceding the statement. ‘This statement Mr K. read. as fullows: Statement from Prederiek Fayott’s easay, published in Paris in 1836, of the amount of specie shipped irom Europe to Amer- ica iu One year previous tu the date of the essay. , peapls to overtrade, on { i dollars: and}. the shghiest desthat| Europe was indebted | and species of obligativa | ed Fmuch of this specie went into banks, or England, (rom documentary- evidence, say Holland, two loans, . forming together £2.500 000, one- half ship ed in specie, In France, the indemnity 18- 000 000 fr.-and Hottin- guer loau 14,000,000, to- | gcther £6,041,666 1,250,000 1,388 83 £8 624.999 If the above statement be correct, (and it was certainly more likely to be under than over the true amount.) we had imported near forty millions of doHars io one year, besides the indemnity, which if the laws of trade had ‘geen allowed a free Operation, would have been more profitably drawa fur (han imported Adding the above sym to the commetcial balance ef 60,000,000, snd we had evidence of about £00,000,000, less valy the specie included in imports. fo ad- dition-to this, it was well- known, he said, that we had been issuing credits 6 8 @reat- er or tegs é&tent ever since the ir 6 meat of 1834, and the enure f aight safely be put down at m more tbaa 100,000,000 in March last. Thededt being estadlished, ut fcllows that the state of out foreign exchaages have been false ae baving been effected by the: sg y lake _ have been no’ adic 2m ae ory - > e = cs maodities; - > i . jgold ‘on credit,’ and they took ate P Ca a 7 aie ak gthe cvantry’ inw ite on at the last session ; ai0n. then made had be« cause had operated tu © Mated, so far as they had price of our ex.) ports was not affected by the ‘measure in This effect was dvat,as we could see by an exposition of hie views when the measure was adk ed. He! had no more idea of << bringing specie, he had briaging London vA Medic by the removal of the depoeites, Yet the friencs of the measure immediately boasted of +t, as one.of the happy resuits of that Wise measure, from blessings were to flow in upon the seuatry, Well. sir, the Currency was already full, if not redundant ; and that this specie, thus suddenly forced in Upon as by vivlently striking down the value of home comsump- tion, would displace an equal amount of pa- pet circulating in good credit, was one of those strange experimental notions b which people anacquainied with the sub- ject have been deluded, and our finances ruined. Paper must first be expelled, and then specie wiil fill the vacuum, by a law of currency. Expulsion inust precede,and cannot, under such Circumstances, be ex- pecied to follow, the introduction of spe- cie, which, instead of exp. iling paper, will become the basis of further issues by banks if they be left uncontrolled by any restric- ting or regulating power. Accordingly. was collected together in the formation of new banks, the whole continuing to expand and produce a speculative rise in prices, which, by a reciprocating operation, pro- duced still farther expansions, by a well- known “taw: of finance. Ths, of course, produced speculation at home and neavy Importations from abroad, which at last even extended to the necessaries of life, Our people '.eing intoxicated bv this delusive prosperity, every species uf property was embraced in the wide range of speculation, which speedily reached the pablic lands. Every one seemed to think it much easier to get rich by speculating in land than by cultivating it ; and by large land sales, a id- ed to heavy importatione,soon produced an enormous surplus in the ‘Treasury, which was distributed in a great number of banks. ‘There was a great-anxiety to recommend State deposites to the People and recon- cile them to the loss of the United States Bank, by providing that insuiution to be unnecessary, & accordingly whey were stim- ulated to accommodate the community by| the use of the public funds. In this way’ banks were multiplied. papers issues were muliiphed, specalations were stimalated, and produced that bloated and diseased conditios which began w manifest ivelf in the summer of 1836. It may be mevessary ia this connexion more particularly to notice the meaus by which we were enabled so long tn keep ap peer i —_ Hot anticipated by the Presi- | >; than} 4: which many and countless |; Y | banks.’ rr os xs oe ee ee which was certain coneéived for that ‘have been perwitied w make the best ‘OT ive resvurces, Without wioléace or gur- price. Mr. K. aid. he Was.gnrry to see his friends who had vows against thie Exeou- tive measure th nat, Now coming ward ssoctifying ar: Executive triumph o- ver the legislative authority, by acknowl- edging their error. His worthy friend from Connecticut had said that though he had voted unifarmly againet it, yet that it ‘might have done some good in saving the This confusion of hie friend was perhaps, a -harmless offering to Executive power; butas he did not approve of each gratuitious benevolence at the enst of con- sistency, ina matter of such impertance to the country, he must say to his friend that he entirely disagreed with him, and must call upon him for some of the heneficial effects of this wise and salutary messure. The B8enator himself wold ue in the next breath that the dejosite hanks, and all. oth- er banks are broken, and that the public money, both specie and paper, bave become unavailable ia their valis, ‘Phe patient is dead, and yet the treatment is lauded. If a quack, in defiance of all remonstrances, continues his treatment, and the patient dies, we may conjecture that he would have done no better with a different treatme..i, or without treatment; bat how he could havs done worse, it is somewhat difficult to com ceive. This measure, then, condemned by the Senate, condemned by the a- cemned by the People, after full trial, con- demued by the strong evidences of the mischief it-has produced, ie still persever. ed in by the Executive, lauded for its ‘sale ntary effects,’ and was referred to hy one Senator (looking at Mr. Benton) as ‘the glorious specie pireular.’ (Mr, Bewron. ‘Yes, the ever-glorious specie tircular.”) Mr. K., with great animation Ah, yes, it is all glory and n0 good. Where are the evidences of your glory? Is there any thing glorious in the present unhappy con- dition of the country? Your Government insolvent and disgraced. Onr peopie bran- ded by foreigners as a nation of fraudulent bankrupt and swindlers; vour merchants bankrupt; your manufacturers languishing in idleness and distress; your planters ruined, and two-thirds of the laboring pop- ulation of the United States threatened with actual starvation. These are the ev idences of ‘salutary? effects of the measured we are called on to glorify. Why, sir, the Senator must have legs that glory this forcing process, and prevent an earlier has depreciated inthe market. Like pa- reaction by the operation of our foreign debt This was plain enough, when. the facts were known, thoughs it bad continu- ed long to puzzle the best financiers of Eu- rope. The natural effect of general epec- ulative rise of prices here, from a redun- dancy of our currency and ciedit, was to depreciate our foreign exchanges, and pro- duce a call for the balance of our foreign debt. Yet we prevented this, by sending them bonds, bank shares, State stocks, aud credits of various descriptions, to a great- ; er amount than we owed them. Bv these means we raised our own exchanges and depreciated theirs, which drained them of their bullion, (as before intimated,) by means of the credits they extended to us. These speculations at home had produced ‘almost an uplimited demand for money, and we would take all theie» 2 ‘we. continued mverting the laws of trade, and utterly confounding the bank directors: and-capitalists of Engtand,antil the summer of 1836. We find that the bank directors then ‘made the di that the United. States had been draining ae \ Bteps to pre: vent it, by increasing the rate of interests in June‘to 44, and in Augnatto§ Cent, Let us now retarn to thé” United States. In June, 1836, the rain eacd | the van tha were of. ite » Was so manifedt thai all parties united in the optnios’th steomething m ust be with it. After- futl discession enc per currency, it has been redundant, and is now almost as much below par, as rag mo= ney; very much for the same reseon, too. On examination, we find that neither has had a very solid basis to rest upon. So mach (said Mr. King) for the glory of this order. [ now propose to take 2 more dis- passionate, and better reasoned View of it as a finvoeial measore. Te plain objection to the circular as a finae- cial measore is, that it did violence io all the laws of trde and evmmerce by the forcible taler- Serence of the Government. The easing opere- Ligne of the exchanges, 20 esefel and neorseary ia adjosting oe balances bei ween ee eat sections qeeny were socdenly violently iaterrapted. admonition of a0 vpfavorable balsaee. as indicated by way, whenever and wherever apphed ia» a free ee es ete doef taingn. Tho boston of the as ly deranged aod disorganized violence as is the homes system by en of the beart. : Commerce has its laws. The People stedy them, sod by stady, observation, and 6xperjence, their become mke grast:. ido not know,ia Gann ey ate over estimsted by | dque | the frou I hope ba, buwever afver the most fatal experience to the CUantTy , 7 a. will come tu the conelaaton ray the evils of the sysisn can-only he reached by a legislative au- thonty that can reach the system itielf It is acknowledged we have no pewer over the sys- tem, and yet, by this Executive lashing and fretting, and chastening. and torturing, we keep the cuaatry sod the currency in a perpetual fe ver and @uctuation, giving us all the evils of the , Without its atvantages Sir, you micht as well andertake to make a fall-grown intel toal man, with trowel and mortar, apd regu the the circalation of his blood with a tinker’s tools, 38 to undertake to make a aniform stan - dard of value of a paper or mixed currency, and regulat- i:3 functions, 38 muney. by the continu— al tinkering, and the successiv~ and sudden ap plication of furee by the tron hand of Govern ment. Sir. you cant doit , you have neither the ma‘erialy oor the laws for sach a consamma tion Yoomay do infinite mischiet, but you will n®verdo avy good You may break ap business, and ruin the industrious classes, but you will do no good to any class, except such as know how to profit by confusion, and specalate on the misfortunes of their fellow men. He said that at the very time this strange or- der was issued, exchange was already soffi ciently high against the Southwest and West, to have made the transmission of specie a profit— able cperation, This was seen by the Senate when they with such unanimity refused to take the responsibility of the measare. The effect as fureseen, was first to raise the exchanges, and then break them up. Why. sir, said he, if the whole carrenry of the country had been specie, any measure opposing the force of Government to the Jaws of trade, the practical effect of which should be to reqnire thy sransmission of specie a gainst the rate of exchange, would so far double the exchanges, spon a mathematical priaeiie, by requiring two transits of specie instead of ove. Sutrueis the vperauion of this principle, that ven an arbitrary requisition that the paper money aloneof the Ailantic geaburd should de recei\ <i tor public lands would have produced a heavy. «fet upon the exchsages, deca se in the eXctaiges it avald have added tothe wrong side ut tha account Bui, sir, whea we come to the aetaal opera- ton in question; when we come noi ouly to take money fro a point where it is due, and send it to 4 punt from which it is owing—to take I tron ihe creditor and send it tu the cebtur, out peroru his rough and anti commercial opera- tion by king away the very basis npun witch five six'hs of tae carrency resis, ton produce . effeeta (hat can oever be arithineticaily caleula- ted, and of which no adequate ecouception cau be forined, except by witnessing the ac'ual ef.- fects atimosi ionmetately projuced by ‘he mea | sure 90 the comsuercial seiuurd, aod iwese see. tions apoo which the measure was inten ‘eG to operate. An exact ratty wuald eon ite! the whole cuireacy to the money marke, frotis which the specie is thus drawn, in ‘hs _ would great! } monop- ollars cy ts ne ns, step chdeon taken to des ' tse Ae she géis outside ;/Fouwaderstand = said hé ‘of several himself who collected ‘Ves; but Eibink | HFS gesolyou before. their capital, terned it into specie, aod Went in- | What's your came, if it's a fale etion to the business; who, but for the order, would not | “*Miteliell g.my peme.’ = have thought of it. . Fur these reasous,-an intel- | ‘Did you ever'sailout of Baltim figect gentlecsna from the Wept id: given it to}. ‘Yoo I ‘commended a Colombian ' him ag his opinion that the sales had mach } of Baltimore* ~ wae inereased by the operation of ibe order, and*he} ‘Sof thought. I koow you, Mr ; (Mr K ) believed it. If, then, it were so desir- | you are a pirate. . [ got a balk is teft. able to check the sales of the pabliclands, the object had failed : even the President acknow- ledzes, in the Message, that the effect of the or- det in that particalarbad been overestimated. Bot (nis was oot thé object. of the order The object of the order wag tw prop ups few tottering deposite banks, againet the combined bat salute ry vperation of the distribution law, and a heavy tachange. The Presi-ient, or his advisers, saw that sume of the deposite vanks in the West and Southwest had expanded enormously, and were in a high precarious eonditioa, and @x- ctange already sufficiently high to endanger de— mands on them for specte ; and he feared that, when asked also fur a portion of the public mo- ney, they would explode, and give 8 triumph to his enesyies, by the failure of his favorite expe- riment. He determined to susiaio them at eve ry hazard, and without a sufficieat regard to the Interests cf the People. Did he sacceed object ? Nu. On the contrary, in this Jast grand coup d'etat, or rather, coup durgent, to gustain tis experiinent by succuring a few fol- tering pet banks, he broke the whole ; yes, 5!r, broke the whule; fur although Ido not intend to attsribate tu thie order tcure importance than it deserves in bringing the country into its pre- sent condition, yet i bave not the remotest Con- | ception that we should have had a general sus- pensiun of specie payments, and a national dank ruptey, but fur the avvption of this order. He gaid he believed ne could prove this to the salts— faction of all who would listen to the facts, and upparvally attribuie io human passion ils patur- al agency in stioulating baman action. What then would probably have been the con- dituuun of the country, if this measure had never been adopted ? Ht was, belure the aduption of the order, in a diseased, bloated and feverish condition, entirel; at the mercy of vur foreign creditors [he Bank of Kryiand had already taken steps tu preven! the further extension of our credtis there, ani oy the advance 16 ihe rate uv! interest nacdiy piss our cred drain upon their bulliun, beftUMBor about the ‘ue the order went into uperation This raised the value of money un the seabard, where the European debt vas uwing. Credits to Western aud South wes- tern banks, and individuals, which bad been greatly extended by Northern and Kastern banks, had been checked, and ba.sances were ex- "peeted to aid tn adjusting the foreign debt. ‘This Prepor | debt, every intelligent werchant saw, Must now tion tn which paper is based on specie, thereby | press vpon us to a very considerable extent.— contacting six uilitons tor every ene thus ab [| ‘Pne foicign exchange would have pressed upon stracie!, f ine proportion be five paper dollars based vo gue spew But we all koow tha! such sgeasures iv aul operate la aa exact, but in a loose mito, from the appre‘easiua, the confa ; deod‘urs. : (118 section «ould have gone back to the seabord, / tno seabord y the seabord would have pressed up- on ive ‘¥estern, Svathern and Southwestern Much of the specie of the banks of sion, panic. and alarm which ibey cr oe, a4) frow whten it had been taken, and gone to Eo- (2 commercial resources taey cat off Bivis rupe, frown which it had been first borrowed — mea ar me off, Wa GTET KIEL the resoutcves | We should wave had a great Measure, some ofbe A lande twerehanes 6) the enor 8 4 pankruptcies amoung we-rehants, and many fail Mento aye due Wem trig ine Wese and) ares amony sp-tulaiors 3 many of whew, howe Sun iwes, for itu sn oaly unniturally geet their | yer, never had any thing, and therefore could ms trum vein, but prevented any coming to! juge nothing out their eredit. A great qumber of then. Butdecermning.y have sou fie ds 10 | \npradent and ansuand banks woule visu fave the aeasore, 1 has oecu insisted that altnuugh exploded, as they should have done ; ard the it inay have ruined the Atlantic merchan’s, and dove injury to creditors, yet it wa3 a great.bless lnpurities ut the systeru would tive ron off.-- Many of these banks were mere iauey affain--- ing othe Pe ple of the West. “These peopl, | the mere fuaguses of the ‘Ireasery—built up however, It seeins, are got su easily guiled by | withgut capliai, and managed without prucesce these forceu blessings, fur, afier a full trial of tt, ! Bauks that could not sustain themselves uiucley their seprescutalives, with great ananimity, vo- ted last sessivn tu repeal it. . the legitimate operations of trade and cominc r- The avle speech of ; cial demand, should have teen permitted to stop. one of their represeniasives (Vir. Walker) at the / Phe public good, and even of prudent and solv- last session, explained to ug the nature and op: ration of this olessing, and the Legistatnre of his Sia'e had, vy a resolut tuined bi the Executive, ind wineh nad cuotribated so largely ts oankrapt his hinselt, Vir K.said (10 us a rust would nut like tu be fuelled. eve pay. But what was its “happy effect? a with coum West and Suutnwest, waiist 1 ruiied the gea bord 2 Wa. the depior aided watist be eredit of was uppirssed 2? Notacall, wr Whilst this Specie was on the voyage of sts exile, and alter meretal and plantiog lnlerests were concerned, ib might as weil have oeen buried-in) the middle of the earth, ur carried back to the mines of Mex co Ud it aa ine omerehant in peying his Nortaern and Kasiero deoty ? No 3 it tnmeds Aleiy inCreased tie cosi to him of such pay went, by inereas: ig the rate of exchange, whilst, at | the stue tine,it closed upon him all ‘ne usual : resvurces vf odtarniag movey, “Phis increase in The sac ul eXchange ine rcised the danger of a+ dev the banks Dy woe merchants, Whis ov had also wauswer ine damanys ot bill nui ers, who ign an. ta purenase tbe pudlie iands. Wha. Nortnorn exchauge ney had sovn ex taus-ed in reducing their ¢ ton, «hilst they could nut pradentiy du any business that wonld place their own issues in ths Nduds of the nusiness part of the Community, Agalist the part or the cominuully, doth mer. cha sisand planters, they were sutienly aad efile nally choeed. Phey coals aor pay out pa- Preis lear specie would be deuanded fur, for the veasens o-fure maimed. they could nut pay Our sp cie cr ulscuunt fur mw -tehants, because the yoriteot exchange anu siHee.ty of pro- Curing teal avy price would have sisited it back In iweoty-four huurs to the section tom which Ib had been Gnmaturally exied. Vhey could nut pay oui specie to the planters, for they owed the Merchants, and its destination would have been the same. If then, iney did any business at all, the, gust do it with ihe purchasers of padlic fanus,in which they were secure of a return of the specie depis. tes. Aceortivgly they favored this clase uf customers, in urder to do any busi- ness aall,and the President himself, in his Mevsage, refers to the circular operation by whieb they cuntracted many taiiieing of debi up on a féw iotilwns of specie ; and yet one popu— lai catch to recommend ihia measure has been that it was aimed at land speculaturs ! , Tne meaaure, Mr. K. said, seemed to have been attended with uomitigated mischief. Even the sales of pudlic lauds had most probably been Increased by it, beture the suspension uf specie payiarnis. There was-ao uther way of account- Moy f-' the heavy amvunt of those sales, after the wania for speculations had aizeady begun to de-.ine. Money became dear and dilfieul: to procure, and all the public lands in. market very touch culled & selected ‘Ibe deposite banks in the new Slates had been devoted aluost exclu sively (0 the use of speculators, as before stated and moreuter,& great number were induced ic ga toto the business after the aduption of the or der, who otherwise would net have thought of it. Ours, he said,is an enterprisipg, specula- ' tive Peuple ; and wheneve: Condigoen com- mMiis av erfur, or adopts an unner Measure, they begin tu think whatcan bx mads of it ina Anancial point of view. Avcordiogly, the im- te pon \ § : oo, unaniieusly sus | depusite vanks, (even it this measure had saved He did oot koow now grateful bis) them, which it friend felt foi tnese blessings forced upon him by | migchi« ent banks, required it. What signified a few millions of unavailable funds, ina few inprodent had not,) compared with the and loss resalting trom breaking up the excha :ves, destroying credit eluking up the na- | | cuustiidents ; but for) tnral channela ef commerce, and preventing the ie purase) 028 | resources of the country from flowing to “those ‘points where the demands of commeree required | them? The eondition of the country was known, : down by passion It reached the depostie banks, su tar as the com- ie upo® the | and the necessity of preparing for a heavy re- valsior pegan to be felt. As agnal, however, in the finaucivring of the ex President; what was raised by unsnecessful experiment, must be torn Never, at any period in our history, did wa so muchj need the privilege of making the hest of our resources by a free and uod xcurbed cireulation of our means Because the pa rent was diseased hy experiments, was thig a reason that he could nut be killed by qiackery ? His condition required the greater care, and a freer circulation; but the President’s remedy was like turning the patient heels up- wards to cure him of the apoplexy of the fever. Fifteen millions uf specie—perhaps much less— shippec precisely at the time; froty” the puints and atthe rates which should have sent it to ineet our foreizu creditors tor the present, main- ‘tained the value of our expuris, aod given us time to meet the balances, by economy and anu errcula | cher crop. (To b —— att . . MITCHELL, THE PIR e continued.) ee ——$——— ATE. The Buston Courier of the 27th ult, in publishing the accounts of the late alleged piracy, introduces the following arucle from the United Service Journal, an Eng- lish periodical. It is not impossible, if the story be not altogether fictitious, that the person generally known as Mitchell. the pirate, may be the hero. MITCHELL, THE Pirate. — Well,’ I said, ‘he is certainly a noble-luoking fellow, if that be the famous Mitchell. 1 have read the lives of the Buccaneers, & most of the modern novels, where pirates are commendeu into generous cut throats; bat remember no hero of them all tu compare with the picture of this fine fellow. Bulwer himself cuuld scarcely have imagined a more magaificent villain.’ his was abvut eighteen months since, when I was standing on the wharf, observing the ves- sels that arrived witha fine breeze, and anchor- ed in succession abreast of the city of Charles. ton,in South Carolina. A talland most remark- able person approached the spot where I was standing, and where a single sailor within a few yards was similarly engaged in watching the vessels that ‘moved about the harbur. The stran. ger appeared to be in the prime of life, though Sumewhat weather beaten. and his tall, erect,ard singularly commanding person, with an ingai rag eye, rendered him an object of instant atten- tion. He was in the dress of a sea-faiing per- Son, with @ round jacke:, the betions of which displayed an anchor, and his flowing white trow sers and large Havana hat_induced me to su p- pose that he was-a naval wflicer, He a pproach- ed the sailor, and | overhead the following dia- logue : ‘Do you want a ship, my friend r ‘I doa't know ; where isshe bund 2 ‘Oh, never mind where she is bound. I want in this | arm oat of; sour schooner whea-we you off the James Taylor, Indiaman. Xap 9 on at the moath of the Chesepeak "uleg her, and I was One of thé forty t the owners sent dowa if a pilot boat her out of soundings. Yoo know.’ ‘Oh! [see you areafol?> = ‘Ah! you want six good men, do yw. Clear out, yuu b—— y villain.’ C Thereupon the tall stranger dd? idle off, and disappeared round the bow of a vessel close b I then advanced to the sailorand learned from for years, had carried terror tothe remotest cor- ner of the Galf of Mexico. ‘He is in low wa- ler now,’ said the tar, ‘he has nothing left but ; & fine toggery ; and | expec, he 1s trying to knock up another gang He eame over passen- ger iu that sloop vonder from Nassau, New Pro- vidence, and I’l! bet you my sorl he wants to run {away with her; but [ll gu and give them a i hint? I afterwards ascertained that Mitchell was a native of Belfast, of must respectable parentage; but of the intervening periods of this life, antl his career of piracy commenced, IT could learn | no'hiog. He appears to bave carrie: on his pi-. | ratical uperations upon the Gulf of Mexico, and ' passed through @ variety of strange auven!ures, » through ai! of which he is said to have pre- | Served Wigh noituns of honor. and getitlemauiy manner of commiting the most alrucious rubve- ries He was, indved. the Robin Hood of the | Gult of Aiexicu. Fura long period be was en camped on a rocky post of !and, at the north- ' wesiern extremity of tre island of Gude, eom. mandinga gany of eighieen men,amunysi whom, though assisted only oy asingle leienant of a Character for delenuimation similar to his own,he Is said to have iain sted the ost slavish sub- mission tu his will He usuaiiy sallied out of his rocky hiding pisce iu a sixteen vared boat by weather, he could approach ander the quarter of a vessel wiihuut danger trom a single gun. Up- on one occasion, Mitchel) had received :nforma tion that a vesse] was loading in the harbor of Kingston, in Jamaica, for an English port ; a seatnan who had come over to Cuba, declaring that he had seen the sum of ten thousand dollars in boxes stowed away in the bread-room. Know. ing the time at which the brig would sat! from Kivgston, and, consequently, when she would round the northwestern extremny of Cuba, 2 strict watch was kept for her appearance ; and accordingly, upon a calm eveniog, a “)ittle after sunset, a vessel with her marks was seen glid- ing her course, about five miles from land. ‘The sixteen oared boat was soon cutiing throagb the sea, filled witn twenty well armeu men, anda sinall swive! in the bow. ‘The brig. was rapidly neared, and Mitchell hailed ber as fullows: ‘Ho'loa ! brig ——, ahoy ; how do you do, ato val ne ‘Very weil, sir, Pam obliged ; bat a have not the pleasure of knowing you, thongh you are quite currect in iy aa.ne.’ ‘Lam Mr Miinieli, Lower your buat, Cap- ‘an, and [Hl cowe on buard and take a glass of wine with you’ The boat was accordingly lowered tor the cap- tain of the vessel vow perceived to tall tin with the amor of his viser was the only change of escape from a dand of twenty well-armed pi- rates MIitehel] was aceordingiy coo veyed alone to the briz, ond eGtefed into easy ecouversation With the eaptain, ‘Weil, Captain, whit sortof a passage have youbed fro. Kiazsi.n ?? ‘Oh, 2 tolerabi: passage. How have you been lately Mr. Mitehell ? ‘Very well indeed ; but we are rather snort of inune® now about Cuba.’ ‘Ah! every body is shurt of that; times never were su bad, really ° ‘Well, I must just borrow those ten thousand dollars you have 0a board, Captain.’ ‘Mv dear sir, | have not ten thousand far- things in the whole brig.’ ‘Oh, yes! now you have; they are in five boxes marked J J , stowed away in the bread- room, Bear a band, and tet us beave itnp be cause it is growing dark, and iny men will be up the brig’s side iv look for it, if you don’t gave them the truable.’ Upon this the boxes were speedily produced, and lowered into the boat; Mitchell saying that- he would walk into the cabin, and give the cap— taih a receipt forthe movey which he was sv vp- ry kind as to lend hun. le deelared that he had a very great respec! for the captain, and would be very sorry that any ticunvenience shoald befall him with his owners fur lending the muney toa friend, and, therefore to clear hita from blame, he wrote the fullowing re- ceipt: ‘Of Cuba, ——, 18—. ‘Received of Capt. , the sam of ten thoneand dollars. mark— ed J.J., which { bave not tine to conat, but do not doubt that 1 will prove correct WJ. MITCRELL. tiau, drew oul s parse of one hundred guiness, be sume recompense if he should lose tis berth by this adventure; this the captain raus- ed as a favor to himsetf, but wou'd oe vlau to re- serve the money for bis uwners Mitchell how ever, said he had no respect for owoers, who were always insured above the mark ; ‘bul this watch,’ prodacing a most splendid one, ‘wil! perhaps, suit you better than the money, Cap- tain.” ‘Ihe captain, however, would accept o«:- ther money nor watch, unless to be given ap to bis owners. steppii.g totu the buat with the ten thoasand dol- Waiting at a littie distance; and after a-gentle— manly gratuity to the sailors of tue brig’ who rowed him, the sixteer—oared buat disappeared towards the shure, and the brig proceeded on her way. me Mitchell remained at his encampment upon she Island of Cuba till he had ootained, in ad- ventures simila: to the preceding, money safi— cient to load his sixteen-oared buat to the water's ' edge, and then determined to leave off hie pat- ‘ ratical oareer, and pass into the United Staies; ' he now thought, however, that a buat load of the money, thoogh a guod fortane for himeel{, or even for himself, and his lieutenant, would make 2 smal} figure when divided amongst the entire ' gang of twenty men. The lisutenant was of the | Same opipion, and thought that.on_ a calm. day, | capt Muichell and hinebelt might easily earry the | sixteen-vared buat and boxes of money to the ' Florida shore, without any assistance from the i gang; and. moreover, it would be quite a8 well to car off pursuit, lest these fyllows, when disap- off sod. jhadto ap stickend ran, you, him that this was the renownédd Mitchell who,. the superior management of which, in coin: , of the brig ' lars, was conveyed to bis uwn party, who were ; ! } ‘ ! \ | | | He then, asif realiy concerned for the cap , which be offered tu bia saying that Wo woud | LGR op etbese yah ee ae oe rf ; 17th April, a; ee Ling ot ics Se er al etm 2 ’ Oe a "ae oe ad ? mH s : Pa 4 3 Oto Were IRsig| ' them |. WB qudin gem tothe pulnhis NGOS, 6. pre- figh bbe reed cite pups: | Siaatani adore station. [alto they" exannicy toma sta 5 of the ait ‘ Spon |it froth the Peeificand Sy. stttney = "i pg d Ber , SEAN by 2204 the river 4; falles didoherges the lake inic the Wwostd A reemshe bank and the - yr ander | This is considered decided! thee orida, when s-| whichsAt seas payable, fet it, Salod, | locality fora cana!, which > hee sicspippi , for the pare | was béfore the mo of gpecie. pay- | day. by steam packeis, ieee the eity of New-Qrleane. . hei Pepoots, sad * Bank of the United iates-might | or 40] days’ sailof New You” golden dfeams wereairidenly deshed ta pieces for | if ix clive; have answered the de of the | March 15, in the federal city of C™ the strange marance of a sixteen-oared ‘boat, | Govetament for perfutmanve of this contract in | Colonel Galinyo, above a. of San loaded withboxes,and Bavigated by “nly: two | the same meaner Ae the depusite banks did when | tleman whom many of onrene’’ hands, attracted ‘ vation.from the. banks of | asked;forpaynieut of the public eo, But | in his visitio New Yorkaton we the nver ; aed when Michell andthe lieuten- | did ihe bank act upon this principle? Far from | is toghly intelligent, and ea ~ ant landed for supplies at a village .8 few miles jit. Long pefore this instalmeat became due— | tend, and is a native and distings | below New Orleans, the bost-waasuddenly filled with @ body of pdlice, and. the- worthiers were glad to leave their tii. gotien treasure, and escape tato.the nei ing woods. Mitchell was now again, end lorked for some time in the city of New Orleans; narrowly waiched by the police, for his remarkable person rendered ii diffi- cult to conceal himself; but being secreted by a woman with-whom he was connected, the exer- tions of the police to dissever him were long un- availing. Upon one occasion informativun was received that Mitchell was in the hut of a brown woman in the environs of the city, to which the police forthwith repaired, but not being covetuus of an encounter with a man of bis prowess, they determined upon discharging a volley of musketry into the house. Mitchell received a ball through hie arm from this discharge, but before another volley could be sent in, he ‘sprahg out of the window and escaped into the bush.3, : He next made his appearauce at the town of | Mobile, at which place he supported himself some titpe by working ina sail-loft, a business at wich, though not probably bred to it, he was ssid to be expert,& svun opened as a sailmaker on hisuwn account, marry:ng a young woman with money ; and for two years he carried on a flour- ishtog business in this line at Mobile. After that time, however, it became pretty generally known who the sailmaker was, and the mer— chants at Mobile not knowing how secare their vessels might be against the machinations of such a oan, or what associations might secretly be around him, determined upon withdrawing their support froin him as a sailmaker, and in varions ovher ways to induce him to depart from the place. < id iad a a a Oe he 8 that ig.so say, five months agu—the bank, being Called upon by the Navy Deparunent, tohelp it oot of a dilemma, by an advance of money on ac- coont of this contract, promptly agreed tu do so, and did advance-tie muney, to the amonnt of halt a milion of dollars, and placed it where the Department had vecasion far tt ; asking aod re- ceiving tor this service valy the same interest on the sum advanced as the bank ttsclf{ had agreed to pay upon its contract debt tu the Govern- ment, It has just come to our knowledge thatthe re- main der of the: mount of the first j.stalment due by the bank, has veen paid wiltin the week be- fore Jast,and in a manner sohonurable to the bank that it deserves to be mentioned to 11s credit. The amount paid in acvance, as above, (inela- ding interest, ) for the ase of the Navy Depart- ment, was $510,35390 The amount paid iu State transfer drafis and Treasury warrants, re- ceived ty the bank in the course of its dealings, was $1,145,150 16. ‘The balance of the instal. ment, amonnting to $522,459 71, was paid i specie; making a total amount of :wo million one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and sixty three dullars and seventy seven cents. We confess our gratification at being able to state these facts, so honorable to ao institution against which all the malice of party and all the power of the Government have been direcied for the Jast five years lo the particulars of this transaction we havea noble and eloquent reply to the calumniators of the bank, and “a further cofirmation of the arguments of those who have maintained the right against the wrong io all this controversy. Weszy the right against the wrong, and we say it confidently ; for whatever He was accordingly banished in this manner | doubt may have heretofore existed as to the right lor the wrong side of the questicn of the atility ands, whence he had come over to Charleston in , and the valae of a Bank of the U. Staies, it is the sloop which the sailor had pointed out. | impossidle to resist the evidence of successive What his intentions there were, appeared very | facts,such as those which we havesiated. With trum Mobile, and passed over to the Bahama Is! plainly from his conversation on the wharf 3 but having orcasion to leave Charleston on the fo'- lowing day, I never heard further ot his adven- turers. Expressing afterward much surprise at the public appearance of this well known pi ratical adventarer, | was intormed that the ex- treme difficul(y of procuring satisfactory eviden dences rendered prosecution for piracy almost al ways unavailing, and that the passage of the [sl and uf Cuba into the power of a great maritime nation sthe only effectual method of suppress— ing desperadoes of the Gulf of Mexico. Liar — OS Oem From the National Intelligencer. THE UNITED STATES BANK AND THE GOVERNMENT. There can hardly be any one among our readers wh» is not familiar with the history of the removal ofthe public money from deposite in the Bank of the United States, or of the alleged grounds of the measure which has been productive of consequences so detrimental to the People and to the Government ‘The main allega- tion, We necc’ hardly remind them, was that the public money was not safe in that bank, and that itwould be more safe in banks selected by the Government, by whom. also, the public business would be transacted with even greater facility and convenience than by that institution. Up- on ostensible ground we have seen that the Government has followed out its expe rimeni, unul it has landed us—just where weare The pudlic monev has been soe well taken carve of, that the Government cannot touch a dollar ofa treasury balance of some 15 millions of dollars ; and Con- gress, having been specially called togeth- er for the purpose, at an expense to the People of ‘perhaps half a miliion of dollars, has been obliged to authorize a Loan (by another name) of ten millions of dollars, after dishonoring the Government obliga- lions to the States to the amount of nine millious more ; and has, besides, by law, given indulgence to the delinquent banks which hold the public money. to pay, by distant lastalments, the amount which they owe. The circulating medium, in the mean time, has deteriorated. from being the bee! possible, and of equal value with specie all over the world, until we have a medium which simost no circulation at all, with which. for the most part, you cannot pay a turnpike toll, at tie distance of one gate to another, from the place of its issue. The very mendicant in the street of one town will not aecept as alms the paper issued and circulated as money in the town ad- | joining On this state of things we shall not ex- patote. having no desire here to exaggerate ‘ the evil, or inflame the very natural. dissat- 1 ' ! 1 isfaction of the Public with the authors of it: Whilst, however, the Executive measures have placed the public money in jeopardy, and spread a degraded currency over a half-ruined Mitchell then shook hands with . land, Time, which tells the truth of all human him, wishing the brig a pleasant passage, and | Speculations, has quietly exposed the fallacy of all the grounds, pre:ended or sa upon whieh the late President of the Ueined "Stance, and the Cabal by which he was surroanged, un— dertook to tamper with the carrency, and to use and abuse the public money. The Bank of the United States, after refusing to bend at the foot- stool of power, has not gratified “ the Govern ment’’ by breaking. It bas parsued the even tenor of ‘te way, performed its duties to Govern- ment,aud met its obligativns, wi:h as mech pore as though the Government itself not broken faith with it. __ More recently, it may be recollected, the same inaiitation has been again vindictively assailed by the Government press, upon allegations of its anwillingness to settle, on aquitable terms, with ee forthe amvunt of shareg of its capital » belongifg tv the United States. An agreement: wes fina! which.the:bagk agreec w pay, and the ‘lreasury to receive, in four annual jictalments, one bun dged and fifteen dollars and filty eight cents for every hnadred doilars of the neatly seven mil- ly acivally made, by ~ Hoos of the bank's stock belonging to the Gov- from fifteen to twenty millions of motey in the Treasury, it cannot be denied that the Govero- tent was obliged to invoke the aid of the pro- scribed bank to make a payment of only half a million of dollars Nor can it be denied that, after the Government has by law recognized the inability of the vaunted deposite banks to pay o- ver a single dollar of the public money in any funds which it can use fur its purposes, the Bank of the United States pays in specie at a rate far beyond its par value, for the Government shares of its stock, for which the bank original- ly received from the Governmentonly a five per cent stuck. Comparing and estimating such facts as these, we are enabled at once to estimate at their true value the gross misrepresentalions with which the public ear has been so long abused, and the public opinion so fat misled, in regard to the mer- 118 of that calumniated institution, the Bank of the United Siate. Amos Kendall wrote the famous Addreas pat forth by the Centra} Hickory Club Dr, Mayo places in striking cuntrast the professed princtples of this wily demagogue, and bis official practice. In the Hickory Club Address,he says ‘Offices in our Goveroment are created for the good of the Peopce, & not to provide places fur the persona] favorites of the Chief Magistrate, or any other MAN OR MEN’ Now to passover the fact, of which every man is pertectly aware, that the practice of the Jast and the present Adminisira- tions give the Lie to this profession, it is by this writer shown that Kendall’s own practice has given the lie direct to principles, industriously propagated as Ais, under the mask of a popular aasociation, ‘he more safely gull and insult the people with impunity and without suspicion. Here isthe proof. Since the publication of the address, he has procured for himself and appoin- ted members of his fainity to the following offi- ces and salaries; Amos Kendall, Postmaster General $6000 Hts father-in- law, A Kyle. Sen. $1200 His brother-in-law, A Kyle, Sr. $1200 His nephew. Samuel Kendall, Jr. principal of the ‘Dead Letter Office’ and ‘Pay Agent,’ $1400 Another nephew — Ken- dall, travelling Postmaster in New York, $1000 A brotherof Amos, also io the . ‘Dead Letter Office ’ $1000 Another brother, associated with the former Chief Clerk of the Post Office Department, which office he resigned, to become Agent for the land specula- tions of officers of Govern- ment and others, Here 1s 8 fine specimen of a democratic patriot and his family comfortably pock« ing $12000 per annum ‘for the good of the people?! When this patriot and patent dem- ocrat was made fourth Auditor by the cast- ing vote of the then Vice President, he re- moved three efficient and most respectable Clerks in that office, named Damiel, ‘be- cause they were brothers, and family mo- nopoly was odious in his sight,’ yet this man has now siz of bis own tribe around bim! Dr Johnson said, one day, ‘Patriot— ism is the last refuge of a scoundrel ’>—Had he lived to know some of our patent patri- ots, he would not have used a less energetic expression. I will notice in my next, some other mat- ters disclosedin the Pamphlets of Doctor Mayo. J.M.S. The opening of a communication bet ween the Atlantic and Pacfic Ocean, by means of a ca- nal connecting with the Pacific and the Lake Nicaragua, thence through that lake and the river San Jaan intv the Caribbean or West In- able point at which such a communication could be . The Lake Nicaragua is only sepa ted from the Pacific. by an isth@es 13 miles wide; ahd that difficulty overcome, it is believ- ed there are fe@ others to encounter. Such a connexion would be of the utmost moment to var commerce. Tbe immense saving of time in a voyage to Chins and the East Indies, and the avoidance uf the storms and dangers of pessing Cape Horn, make the echeme must inieresting to the commercial pudlic. dia Sea, bas been long regarded as the most suil- the employ of Central Ameriea, Richmong Lon, _—_ Murder of the Governor a4 all bie officers —and iastallatinn Of the as Governor of the State. ~ The early arrival of th i Traders from Santa fe, aes plete revolntion in that State —w favored oy a gentleman of this formerly concerned in that trade; trom a letter received froin a cor . ing some of the Particolars ae Ai the date of these advices, the 4 Piovidence had not been m there was no security whatever ¢, the Revolationists, it is said, hag po the Americans fur sacrifice. Tae it was observed, would be koown wi was apon a pole! We annex the contents of Ue lee Santa Fg, Agos: 12 is dated. Thursday last the Governoy, Doe f ig and military Chie of the? of New Mexico, ACCOLMpanied ty 4 small party of soldiers a * hey Gy, j » Marched (20 miles from Santa Fe ) ie of tnalcontents had assem . bled, inhabitante from Rio Avia [oe whom were the Indians Ving in bar hood, who are partly civilised any y General Government. = Upon the meeting of the Armies place near St. (defunso, the Gorey ded his suldiers to fire, at whier onde men Went over to the enemy, excey three—of whom one was kilied ov ig 3 or 4 wounded. The Governor immediately fai wid g could follow him to Santa Fe. when te mained ontil night, under favor of Wid started Upon good horses in order lo gay possible from their enemies, who Loee take more adroit measures w IaLercepi 1 as soon as they disappeared from the battle, they despatched the lodiane » their retreatby the Rio Absju, wb spare none of them, whict was |ienlly plished The next day the victors encaapa « Chappelle, which is near the wwe of and there killed the Governor, Raw an celino Abreu. Cililco Alari, a young and many others, whuse names are nol The triomphant army, having declar the der Jose Gunzales, ao inhabitant of Tea, ernor, made their entrance into the town, he assumed office of Governor—sssated # fael Gaisia, who had commanded ibe irom him. All was now tranquil But one thing was wanuag. (0 comple pucpesss The beed 6 Gug: dome J the District—the friend of the strange poor—the taleated and meritorious ole they received :he news that he had beer cred by the Indians of Santo Damitgs From the vest accounts, the bled ae fifteen, among whoin was Miguel dest. or six wounded, among whom ue Prag assino, former Goveruor and & Apuotis, Adjutant of the late decease or, Juse Bustamente and the Sergeam & Sena All seems quiet enoogh u though yesterday the report was the! ie who had returned home the day ae ie trance here, were abvnl tu viel os i & pose of committing further outrages Governor, with geverai ul hers, 1ameces here, and we have sume assurance isa be spared their presence. The cows]! sad and ruinuus condition. ‘The statements of this letter sreé ; a gentleman who has arrived 10 wer Fe It is added the Priesis were 101 ivus te the Revolutionists, 3nd act 6 had suffered personal violence olf tas ous character. oe es ae From the Reformat BLOCKADE UF TEXSS DeraxtMest oF Stitt Octooe’ 5 re Information hes been ee the United States Cunsal at: = ports of Galveston and the Ce been declared blockaded by ‘he the Mexican naval forces in the aa ing is atransiation of the deciin "| lished in the Mercurio de Maua™ Ist, 1837. On hoard the Bre de) jugs 3 ec, Commanding ? I, the uadersign o yoo, 19 the maritime forces of Mex ided with sufficient mesns4% ; ably to the orders of ‘he Se a to that effect ,do hereby declare | r, veston and the Brasus to be ae coaformably with (be principles O national nght towards those oe : the Mexican Republic bas 0° al the basis established by those {6 s* in the other cases; allowing 9%" from this day to all vessels belooh WA States of the north, the Amer the Svuth, aud the oatians We monihs’ warning to thuse 0! a s the British posseasions 19 Nor! : ae the Peninsula of Yacatar, oe they will not be made prizes ° der my command, onless toe) spoken and wared o the ae found sailing towards ales a tioned ports; which warniiy aeana of Baie in the erpsel® ps the officer who speaks het. And in order that mis made known, the Supreme has ordered that it be prir Ve of Matamoras, Tampice, 4" and Liberty. JOSE. DE A p — jes! CP The Rev. Dr. aa is aboot 10 8" wes Watchma® © 6 rece” “ she ted 93 dec'sra? Mex1c2° ted in we of Princeton, N J.. of Letters in the © the new Religious Plan in Richmond, Va, are a Wm.S Plumer.— 2wl6 ies . x DLAsR Wane four SAS re Sale al tas 2 ey alee From the Ralei, EDITORIAL CONVENTION, , subjoin the proveedings of thé one in this FG pandey :2 vd we are firmly poe . a ie productive benefictal or eee { Presses represented : c eee ‘ve had reason to anticipate, ba eters laid before the ‘Convention evi- 1 reed the vera of sever’ pabilil to at jn the State, 10s resented. bstacle ee ion. Their assent in the agree- is entered into can be easily obisined tbe Corresponding Committee, proviced Oe meet the approbat es. —That this will be the cage, we what little @oubt, and that, henceforth, a North-Carolina Press will seieriear is example worthy the initain of the -fra- ¢ nin. oe ao ra the difference which ciated between the members in polities! pevtipenty the greatest harmony piere e jp their deliberauons. May the arrange- binger of d iwto prove the har ioral caters to that course of courtesy a kindness by which the Press shoold gwass be characterized CONVENTION OF EDITORS. ording to previous notice, 8 Conven- see of eener of North Carolina as- yembled at the Court House in the City of Baleigh, on Wedsesday, the first day of November, inst. for the purpose of acop- jing measures for the mutua: benefit of the raiernity e rake Heriatd Presses were represented, vig; the Standard. Star and Register, ot Raleigh; the Recorder, Hillsborough ; the hog ies ; Southern Cilizen. Ash- orvtyh 5 Spectator, Newhern ; Observer, Fayenterille ; Telescope. Greensborough, Free Press, Tarrorongh ; Journal, Char- gue ; and Spectator, Milton. Qn motion of Mr. Lorine. Mr Heart, ofthe Reeorder, was appornted Chariman, and Mr. Garces, of the Register, Secreta- tend. Aftera free interchange of opinion, rela- five ww the appropriate matters for. the con- sideration of the Convention, on motion of | Yr Lemay. a Commitiee, consisting of Messrs. Gates. Lorino and Hampton, were appariited, with Instructions tv. em- body in 4 Preamble and Resolutions, the riews of the Convention, and report the- game to the Convention, to-morrow, On motwn of Mr. Swiam. the Conven- ton abjoured until to-merrow, 10 o'clock. Thursday 10 o'clock. The Convention re-assembled, when Mr. Guts, from Commitee, yesterday ap- ied, made the following KEPorT : Of all the advantages which have resul- eOirom whasare called modern dicoveries, ® DOW DNIVeTSally edursed trates one bas produced so much benefit to society,as the Ant of Printing. his prodigious effect, bot oa'y in our OWN country, but through- di the world, is beyund estunation. Let poiuical theorisis argue ag they may—let ther wite-drawn speculations trace rela- between things remote, and connect them by ¢hains tuo subtie for the eye of common sense—let then account for the diffusive range of popular principtes and thar, necessary concomitants,. popular in- Miwtions—les them impute their stability peenliar furms—we trace these won- trove effects to a single wondrous cause— THE PRESS. This conclusion results from the reflec- fon of a moment. What was the moral fmdition of man, at the epoch of tie dis- covery of the Ari of Printing?) Monkish mperstition hung like an incubus of night tpon him. Kings ruled by direct permis- Son of Heaven. ‘The thunders of the Vat- au spread consternation through entire kugioms. ft was the press that dissolved the spell. ‘This was the great light that upon the world and cispelled its more than midnight darkvess. This it was, that gave Wings to the spirit of Reformatior “* pale of the Church) It unfettered the and left free the human mind. I ed _man from the dusi, and tanght him poe a born the siave of his fel- » 4H 18 stripped tyranny of its and Placed power mrliegen in hap- BY couaterpoise, It disseminated those Malable Principles, which teach us tbat end of all Governments must be ness of man. = Seed was the Press; but the fact is not to Seceaied, that its present condition 1s beneath what it should be, whilst the: * tnd ¢haracter to be acquired by its. be are fer from being commen- ve the benefits it has, and 1s still 6 ¥pOn society at large. instead being the luminary i truthe an tntelli- , it has been unfortunately converted, Many instances, into a vehicle of ri- tnd personal defamation. In the po- Sontest, instead of candid and con- “us.approval or condemnation of mea- has drawn forth from prvate hfe Ctrorg of men, and. exaggerating *d-fold, bas beld them up to the Cotten it and richeule. in bowever, graufied by the reflee- the press of North Carolina 1s as ) th strictures as that of ther State of the Unios.— But we have smonally gone astray; and to elevate » character of the Press, its conductors “refully guard against those de- ws from @ correct which have baca, eadency to impair iis usefaloess. bea, Y cultivating a mutual spirit of ica 4, nd forbearance, and by doing a . to One ' Mies ty iRise it above the “ti i are Gepressed it. 8 ‘consunimatron, 80 devout- Y our Com- } ion of the absent Carolinian 11) Carolina, Watch- | | Pamphlets, sincere regfet entertained by- Edit the Corps, on account of their There are 25 Presses and 13 were represented— of course, twelve establishments This, however, wili offer to the main purposes of and the community, or to mea should endeavor to make thet ress, what it ought to’be, the advocate: of-mhora tional lsberty and social grder—the promo- ter of Arts, Science and [ndustrys—and last, though far from least, the incorrupti- ble champion of qur Constitution and Laws 2 Resolvéd, That itis the ardent desire of the members of this Convention, to ad- vance the interest of all the Editutial fra- ternity throughout the State, and that we pledge ourselves to nse our endeavors lor that object, and to cultivate the good will and kind feelings of our brethren. 3 Resolved. That no statement or com- munication in relation to personal disputes or private controversies shall be admitted into the public Journals of the State, other- wise than- as an Advertisement, and that double the ordinary rates be charged for any such Advertisement. And, further, that in-no mstaace, will we insert an Ad- vertisement of.a husband against his wife. 4 Resolved, That experience has de- monstrated the necessity of having some uniform rules for our government in esti- mating the price of Job Work and Adver- tusements, and for this purpose. that the fol- lowing Table of charges be submitted to! our brethren throughout the State, with a recommendation thatthey unanimously con- form thereto: ADVERTISEMENTS. | The Girst insertion of an Advertisement, not exceeding a square, or 340 ems, One dollar, and 25 Cents. for every continuance —Looger Advertisenents 1a like proportion, | COURT ORDERS AND JUDICIAL AD- VERTISEMENS, To be charged 25 per cent. higher; and a deduction of 33% per cent tobe made from the regular prices to Advertisers by the year. publication elsewhere; and, ig.& word, they | hity, tax} a — Salisbury, Nov. 11, — Our cotempoary acréss the way did us the hon- er last week, to notiee us with more than ordi- aary acrimony in three several articles, hesides once in poiuted innaendo, Tw these, we mean tw reply in a little better temper thao is shown by our assailant. ‘We deprecate a coniest between public ‘and injurious to the business of each; and we call our mutual readers tu witness, that we have acted with becoming forbearance : [i is not Now our parpase to and uncaartevus strain uf invective used against us, bat simply to reply to the charges alledyed against usin the last ** Caruliuian.” The first pungent query pot t usts in the folluwin words ; that the Carviina Watchmar. became the deten- der of the Siate Rights Party and their princi- ples?” Well, we ourself uf a verity would like tu know when 2? We never meant to du eo: and if any ** unsuspecting few” have evei thought so, we take uccasiun, once and ter aii tocurrect that impression. We devy pal smacks of approbation tuwards that pulttical tier esy, Known in former days as the ductrine of Nollification. But as there is no attempt to ap ply that doctrine at this time, and we sinerrels hope never will be again, we look apon Nuilifi- cation asa inere abstraction, which it is by nu PAMPHLETS The printing of Pamphlets to be charged as follows: Eighty cents for composing ev- ery 1000 ems, and a like sum for the priv ing of every Tcken—to which must be ad- ded the price of paper, folding, stitching. covering, cutuing. &c. BOOK WORK. Where the numer of pages exceeds 50. and the number of copirs furnished is more than 1000, to be charged 60 cents only for composition, and the same for Press work, per Token. Role and fi gure work to be charged double price. JOB WORK. Circulars and Addresses to be charged as Handbills. of Foolscap quarto, or other paper of that size, tor 30 cupies $1 50, for 50 copies $2 V0. and 75 cents for every ad- ditional 100 ‘copies Handbitls on Medinm, Royal or Super Roy al quart», for 30 copies $2 50, tor 50 co- pies $3 00, and 84 ON for every additional 100 copies ‘These prices are intended to apply to or- dinary Jobs of the sizes stated. Wheo the matter is printed closely. and embraces a greater number of ems than usual. then the Job to be charged at Painphiet rates, Horse bills—for a light one, 30. copies $3 00 — Lirger ones in proportion, according to the size aod number printed. Small Cards, a single Pack $2, and $1 for every additivnal Pack. Large Cards, a single Pack $$ 00, and $1 25 for every additional Pack. Buanks kept regularly on hand for sale, to be charged 75 cents per quire. Blanks printed to special order, for a single quire $2. for every additional quire under five, $1; exceeding five quires 75 centa per quire. 5 Resolved, That we will not employ any Journeyman Printer, or person pretea- ding to be such, who bas not served a regu lar apprenticeship, or who has failed to coniply with his engagements to his master; or whose habits of honesty are justly iu- peachable, 6 Resolved, That if any Jonrneyman shall leave the employment of any Publisber, 10 debt to his employer and without bis con- seul, Upon advertisement thereof, we will aot employ such Journeyman, uatil be shall be retastated in character by satisfaction to his said employer. 7 Resolved, That the regulations adop- ted by this Convention be in force, from and after the first of January 1838. provi- ded that three-fourths of the Editors of the State shail, by that ume, have signified their assent to the same. . 8 Resolved, That in order to ascertain the sense of those Proprietors of Printing | S¢pport we are always glad and thankful, but Telescope, that there was a very general dissent from hin among the nullifiers in that State.— nore strongly and confidently expreseéd as tw the sane party in Georgia : some few ut the State Right Journals calling a- loud in the name of their party, and demanding of them inno very civil phiase, to yo aver to th ts creed as the very essence of Nullification. We simply asked, under these circumstances, whether the party belonged to Mr. Calhoun or he to 1t >—Whether it was reasonable to expect that the magic of his name was to transfer the whole party en masse to the support of this fa- Vorite measure of Yan “Buren and Bentun? or whether they would be permitted to think and decide for themselves? Nullification? So mach for this count. ista, we need only say, we never supported Mr. Van Buren for President: we ‘reluctantly took him ap for * Vice-President” on the Jacks | ticket. You, sirs, claimed at that Very time to means necessary io be eternally harping at.— Nay, more: we have found many of this party very sound in their other principles; very good Whigs ; very inveterate against the hard mo- ney delusion and the humbugs, and theretore, we haveco-operated with them faithfully aid zealously to bring duwa the present misgovern log Administration, Until within a very short period we have fuund nv one inore eager or Zeal ous in this sa.ue work than tee Carolinian. Bus in this co-operation we have uo more crouched to the nullifiers than they have tuus. Of their what we have received of that has been voluo- tirtly terdered by those who well knew our sen Uments befure hand. We have wever soticited: ech Jess have we ever * crouched” to them ur any others fur supyort, But the sperification w tne charge ‘of becoming defender to tine Scates Right party is peeoliarly antortunate. [tis this “ Phe Editor asks does the Nallifieation party belong.to Mr. Calhoun or he to it?” This ts all that the Carolinian pretends to advance as proof that we had become the defender of thie faith ; and with all deference, we must be per aitted to say, itis not sofficient for that purpose: We thought we had seea a disinclinatiun in the areat body of that party to support Vir. Vao Bu- rews sub-"Preasury—hard money scheme. We found the Richrond Whig: Fhe Raleigh Star: the Roanuke Advocate: the Coluwisa Leie scope: the Augusta Seutinel, and the Savannst Repudlican, (afl uncompromising supporiers Nullification,) in array against this ducirine. We tuund all the delegation in Congiess fren, >. Carolina with two exceptions, voting against Mr. Calhoun. We hai rd motewwer, from the very 6 - aathority, that Gouverneur Hayne, Governor Hamilton, Governor sseDuffie and Ch ascellor Harper, with many viher very dis- Uinguished men of the party i South Carolina «1d Georgia, pointedly disagreed with him i this matter. We had read it in the Columbia We had read in the Augusta Sentinel the fact YeT, we perceived Is this a defense of Aé to the charge of Vaz: Buren: imittee recom. erteon in 1834, to wit, the plap.as how ~ | tion of Gea. Gordon or Mr. Robertson. We ; | thought at the time of its introdaciion, that it | was Village Newspapers as alike disgusting to the! indulge in the indecurovs | g | “We should like au know: when it was | We: have ever said vught or written ongit ina | critoinal, folly and madness. Bat. bere on | bs of this 1s contained ig ad: admission it tuok our gecuser only three weeks todo. 2 might we not be permitted also to cha our opiniva on thie subject ? But the charge is not true. We never did advocate this proposi- | proposed mere to retort upon the Adminis- j srauva with their owa doctrines than with any | Serious wish oF expectation of its being adopted : | 80, We passed it by without a sylable of commen- | tary, We thought our aiemory could not de- | ceive us on this pint, but to be more certain, we | had reterence to our files fur 1834, which per- | fectly bear us out in this assertion, and are at the { service of any one who wishes to be furtber sat | Isfied on this sabject. What excuse or apology will this weiter in the Carolinian give for this piuisstatement of fact P What for the very un )dJustand grossly itlibeval remarks based upon it ? 1 We are aware that the Eaitor of the paper was | absent un the business of makiug rales for the , cui dact of the press of North Carolina, and that. seme one took advantage of bis absence to throw ‘ ina firebeavd oet ween our presses. We there. | fore se mit attribute any blame to him in this | pariiculars but in the name and spirit of those | fles Steen we both publish to-day, we call on i hts te ) Guitiadict this wrong statement, and fi@se care that bees press 96 not again used in such Wanton disregard of social rights and guod pnetsbborboud. ‘ dise oes: charge, and the only other we shall! here notice is thatol foul language: it is con- tained ia the tullowing words : “Vie fied the whole of them from the Na- lunal doeliivencer and Boston Atlas down w the Sabisoury Watchman, denouncing Mr. Cal- hoop and tis Siate Rigits triends in language bevier suited to the inside of a brothel than tw ipe columas of av American né‘vspaper. Bui let them snarl, they ean do no hurt.” We canno! answer fur the Boston Atles, for we have nut the satisfaction of an exchauge with aim: But for the Intelligencer and the Watch- nan We can answer, and we apprehend this lecturer on decency would have to hunt long in either of thuse papers befure he cuuld find the equal of this very extract for profligacy and rudevess Where did ever the Carulinian see iv either paper any bawdy talk or dirty lan. guage applied tu Mr. Calbuon ? We call epua. ine writer to quote. Ifhe has not our files, we will furnish tig: with une fur ihe time since the Message appeared, and we demand of him to show wherein we have so grussly vivlated com— mon propriety 4s is here deliberately charged up onas in ** an American Newspaper” We for- give the littleness uf attempting tv degrade and disparage a neighbor by making out an arbitrary scale of professiunal merit and putting us at the toot of it Htisanold trick * stale as pickled surgeob on a return voyage”: We admit, with peeasure Uthat the National Inteiligencer is, as is be.e conceded, at the head of the American Whig Press, it 1s conducted with great abtlity, Jagaiy, fairness ana propriety. [tis the very layt paper inour knowledge against which we ‘Xpected lo see the charge ot indecency. Where ve may be found in the descending grade it is vuttorus tasty > Norare we willing tor this veebariable gentleman in the Carulintan to° fix we standard of uur worth. La all tisivgs be- seen him aud us, especially in the pots of consistency —truth—decorum and courtesy, we cheerfully submit to the judgment of the evaa- iry. 1 United States Kank, We eall the attention of our readers to ap article fromthe National Intelligencer of $1st ult. on the subject of the United Bank, and tbe Government. It is a full answer to the wholesale abuse lately pour- ed forth against this institution by the offi- cial Journals. It reads volumes for us at lbs crisis, Does any man now candidly think, that we should have been reduced to the miserable shift of putting up the public credit at auctioc, if this Bank had been con- tinued the fiscal egent of the Government ? The Government system of Pet Bauks has fniled so utterly that the Government is more joth to continue it than iis opposers. They*are unwilling to try it a little longer, that the nation may escape from the difficul- tes into which it bas thrown us: More perfect attestation to the fally and weak- ness of a government. could not well be umagined, It 1s the deep’ and __ bitter confession with their own lips to aiost ithe other hend, is the agent which: was first employed, though denounced, repudiated, ‘re . iv ; eg ae Fa a “ “6° | please: ability, consistency, sound ptinciple and digni- the Editorial fraternity, have ingratiated it with all> perties, We congratalate the canse to which it is devoted on this sign prosperity in one of its Jeading Journals, aod we sincerely hope that it may meet-@ith a success commen- surate with its merits. Ry se may-rely oa the Re ge 3 a ‘ a ‘ness of ‘this information, and use it 3 you jority agesiest the the Commercial Convention, which sat near. not quite ae Gnanimovs in the sagie thinking. The Reformer and the have anseered too soon for the Great Wate Panty or Taz Sours. The South- way of b silver currency is 90 tess a ‘Humsua? inthe nursing of Me Celbous, then it was when in charge of its legitimate fetber, Mr. Benton ! We confess no small obligation to Mr. Featherstonhaugh, for the valuable favor of his Geological Report, made to government io 1836. It embraces a reconnoisance of the country from Washington City 10 Co teau de Prairie, in the extreme West, made in 1835; accompanied with two large Maps, ‘and including several beantiful Dia- grams: all. very handsomely executed, To the end of the work. is’ appended a Givs- the same time, at that place, wee neerly if |. ern Wings‘ seem to think:that the gold and | SENATORS INSTRUCTED BY THE ng PEOPLE - = toe Naw dorey, ars 000 ee a = 1.000 “Tennessee, 1, 21,000 The following ‘comprises stock owned by of this county, eth the prices at was sold last week, by his Execu credit of twelve’months. ’ Hugh Leeson sory for the benefit of the uninatiated. We have iveked into the work irregularly, ani | at once discover it to’ possess the charm | the author, we have no question of its’ scientific merit. The mechanical execution of this vol- ume, (plates included) 1s ereditable to the Press of Messrs, Gales and Seaton, by whom it was printed as a Congressional Document, We have also received from Hon. Ros- ERT STRANGE, a copy of his Address be- fure the two Literary Societies, at Chapel Hill, which we mean to republish in our paper, a8 soon as we get through with the promised speeches, on the Sub-Treasury System. It will be found a refreshing treat after the task of reading a lumbering Congressional Debate. The Susquehanna.—Just enough is known of the fate of this vessel, to keep up a painful doubt and anxiety on her ac- count, which msy not be resolved for months to come. Capt. Spinney of the Steam Packet New York, reports that on Sunday Morning at 8 o%clock, he passed the Su:quehanna 30 mies East of Cape Henlopen; That he was near enough to read the nameon her sterp, and saw the passengers promenading the deck, appa- rently ina state of quiet & security. This, it will be remembered was the day after the alleged capture: And the course a proper one for her proposed voyage. But itis asked, if the vessel had met with no interruption, how is it thet she wes not further on her wax with a wind so favora- ble. Again the Peacock which passed the Cape about the time of the reported capture, states circumstances that rather correspond with the. tale of the Pilots, and tend to shake confidence in the conciusion of her safety, We think public opinion is’ ra- ther settling down that the Susquehanna is sefe: bus much painfal apprehension nevertheless existe, Slander refuted —The Newbern Spec- tator contradicts in the most indignant terms the charges of depredationon the the un- fortunate passengers of the Home. He says he conversed with 16 out of the 20 servivors of the wreck, and noone of them spoke of any thing of the kind what was done by the crew of the boat. The Raleigh Register comes to us in an‘im- proved dress. There is no Journal in oar State that has sustained more amply a character for of interest. From the great reputation of | purchased him of that he left bis master, a mouth, Va., near ee wi : Lilack, , Mary Queen of Scots, Mary Purdom, Leviathan Colt, Sally Bei! & Colt, Bess, bey filly, Timoleon, Cholera, Red Pepper, Young Aeriel, NEAT CATTLE. One Cow | Her Calf, (heifer) Cow, Her Calf (bull) English Ball, Spotted Bull, MARRIED Rev. Levi Smith, Diced deceased was one of the mast from the otganization of tbe Siste tor in 1820, and re-elected in 1824, capacity he eerved with d The lest public capacity in w as Senator from. the count revisal session of 1824-5, when he ciently in the vised Statutes. quirements, and why, unaided by fortu fame and affluence. a (Miss. ON THE 8th INST, whe calls himeclf GEORG Colecshia, fo Booth This buy has s scar from a bern op bis left No other distinguishing marks noticed. owner is reqaested to come forward, prove prop- On the contrary, they spoke in high terms | °'Y. Pay charges, and take kim away. of the kindness and hospitality of the peo- ere HAR DIE. Si. ple of Ocracock. Rowen Comty. wes November 11, 1887—tf17 ty. ls aniform-kindoess and courtesy towards James Hendricks & others. = ae to the sstisfection of the Coart, Davie County @ Kilobllle Register. In Cooper county, Missouri, on the September, the Hoo. DAVID BARTON. Phe ® purthioo of the the late Gen J. A. Mabry, which it tors, on & 6.410 oe 1,500 976 702 500 400 402 520 360 305 $100 71 41 95 74 In Davie county. on the 2d lust. by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, Mr. NATHANIME BROUK, to Miss CLARISA SMITH, daughter of the 26th of Satingrwwhe ishe/ law- yers and politicians in the West. His name is conspicuously identified with history of Minsouti Geverament to the present time He presided.over the de- liperations of the Convention that formed our State Gunstituson, was first chosen U. 8. Sena- in which cris beamos ability. ich he served was of St Louis, ow the sided effi- complination of our presert Re- ‘There ended the political life and sevices of David Barton, a man alike distin- guished for his eloquence aad prefuund legal ac- ne ur alli- ance, ruse by dint of an indomitable spirit, and his own eapacious mind from rustic obs-urity to Herald. Committed to the Jatl of ROWAN COUNTY, Ay NEGRO boy about 16 or 17 years old, E, to James Pauteredt, Drery of Norfolk, & > who of Pere Carolina; IN EQUITY, FALL TERM, 1887. a establishments, not represented in this Qun- | be the veal Jackson men, and went for P. P.| and persecuted, discharging its lest obliga- Lot neks ove of the vension, that Messrs. Gales, Loring aad Le-| Barboar, now a Jackson Van Buren Zodge of} tions with the same Gidelty ‘as the “first : EDITORIAL CONVENTION. 0 nd eee re wabioaeg sheds ry may, be appointed a Committee of Corres-| the Supreme Court of the United.Sistes, Bat. treating ite perssent wiilt'femper and| We take the earliest Opportanity of | Carviinoa Watchaan, for a requiring pondence, with isiructions to add 18 8 F8t-1 we each of us “ then and there” eouimitied ‘s cilpenki 4 cls ke ee i foto an ect| poblishing the procesdingn! of Sud highly | the said James Hondnieke t te and appear st ter to each of them, asking’ thelt: essemt | 19, more important error than that of sustain- Of beih.Sesth:08 bile all cakes ae demands | respectable body, snd to-express not’ only | tbe. next erm of this Court, at the eae thereto, whieh assent, if gives, whall: be ‘ast ing at of these candidates: - We Seth went babies ene aren ee eee ar concurrence, but out Warmest appro- oy mondap in Rebtoa ona atcha an or binding as if they were here: repeetted...| ior Astagw Jacusos rox! Paestvawn.ed thet i = FS Government | bation of the sentiibegss ebitdined ia the itd mondey ia Febcuary next, and pi 9 Resolved, That if any Eduor or pub-} is 00° use to be reproaching # upothet for ea r- ito. it, amd paye tts | report and yesdigtions We regret that)... contesso will be rend carga bo ; list@eisbull foofoit Nias ige. after ag | dloste sins, while | great: pars@po forilyy domestic affairs prevented as from -appear- board exper. a 2 him. , ve Saas dopted Oy time CO lerror to atone for. “ee hata lee & FINQBCIAL ‘HERO. | ing jn person. | . in Eqaity bene Sob emmy after ‘rb medal gecnonea | Me mr pata | crafter mint Flt] agen B. Hacizson, who we in| tel tse map elt oho On motto: of" ME Eburwa, -the Report | Ms Gordon's eeme an amended by Mies abe Rock af the’ Waaiala OF tha in | ted forthe thurder of Marcus Hoke, ws: ' LEMUEL BINGHAM, o-. x. was unanimously. adopted, —— ; i ( ‘Rail Road ted lest week et Ritherfordton, before his. Nov. 11, 1897—6w17—Price Adv. $9 Séssions, 18: Attachment levied on defendants Land. Town Lots, one ne- gro boy, and Road Wagon and Geer, 3 head of horses, some Cattle & Hogs, house hold and kitchen tur- niture, &c Seah aring to the Court in this cause that the nae ia not an inhabitant of this State. It ts ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, that the de- fendant appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Iredell, at tne Court-house in Statesville on the $d monday in November to answer or replevy, or Judgment pro conf will be entered a- gainst his, and the property condemned to satis- fy plaintiffs debt. Witness, J. F. Alexander Clerk, of oar said Court at office the 3d monday in August, A. D. 1837. J.F. ALEXANDER, c.1. c.¢. Sept. $0th, 1837-—Price Avv. $4 1 A. L. Masters, Frastee, | vs Amvus Weaver. > Important Information TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea. Summer Com- plaints, Colics, Cramps, and Spasms. J] AY atilitvof R S BERNARD'S Reme- _dy for Cholera has ceased tu be a problem. Experience, the only sure fovadation of Medicin- al, as un all other kinds uf knowledge, has effec- tually eatablished what the judicious com position of the Remedy. its adsnirable adaptation to the various indicatins which oceur in the course of those dicesses of the stomach, liver and bowels, nsoally designated as Cholera complamis, led the Proprietor to anticipate from the first of all experience. however, thatuf men competent tu discriminate accurately and to decide justly ap— on the effects of a medicine, must be the best ; and with such in its favor, even the most fasti- dious in these matters, must lay aside these pre- jodices The indications of care are—to tranquilize the stomach and bowels: to relieve the excessive puking and purging ; to allay the increased irri- tability of the intestines, giving rise to increased peristaltic motion 5 to telieve that theumatic atate of the bowels which is often the altendant | of chronic cases sometimes accompanied with jnflamation and uleeration ; to overcome the spasms ; equalize the circulation, and restore warmth the internalorgans ; apd w relieve the morbid irritability of the brain and nervous system ;—all uf which has been effected by the use of Ber- nards Remedy for Cholera: certificates of which have bees given a: vartous times of the efficacy in cases widely different in their origin and pr aress ot each other. BCP Look to the certificates ; they ara the best evidence that can be given. ‘The commendations which several liberal and , intelligent Physicians have bestowed upun the Remedy, have already been published, and the gubseriber h»s nuw the yratification of adding the following trom a mosi respectable practising phy- siciar of Somerton, Va. R.S. BERNARD Somerton, May 14, 1837. M:.R S Bernard. Dear Sir—‘This is toinform you I have tested the efficacy of your Remedy for the Cholera in several instances that have jately come under my care, and thatits effect evince it to be a ju- dicuus preparation—one eminently servicable, I will say altogether competent to cure the diseas- es tur which it is recommended. | teel no hesi- tation, therefore, in dectwring that for the treat- meotof such disorders, f shall regularly dis- pense your Remedy from my oftiee, and wonld reenininend ti iy be kept in al! fauslies liable to wy these davyervus allacks You may use this certificate as you will!! Yours, very respectully, W L. PARHAM This certificate was giveo to my agent, KB. P. Nash, of Petersburg and for its importaace, read Mr Nash's remarks; “As agent for Bernard’s Cholera and Diarrhe Medictie, [call the attention of the public to the certificate below from one of the uust respectabie _gentlenen in the state ; and J particularly call their attention to the one given by a gentleman in this town —and if it were necessary, | could produce a half dozen others trom Petersburg, who have tried the medicine within two weeks past. EDW. P. NASH Mr. Edward P. Nash, Ageat fur Bernard’s Cho- lera Meoieme Dear Sir: f feel ita duty Lowe to the propri- etor of the above medicine, as well as the public generally, toinform you that the bottle of Chole ra mixture which | bought at your store a few eveningssince, has entirely curea me of a severe Diarriicea. The cure was effected in taking only two doses, and as | had tried many uther reme- dies without the least effect. [am fully of the opinion that the medicine here alluded to is eve ty thing that itis sa‘d to be. JAS 5S. WALLACE, Petersburg, Va. Who wil! neglect to supply themselves with Bernard's Remedy for Cholera, when it is so ful- ly proven to be efficacious in all the diseases for which it is recommended ? In no case has it failed to care the most obstinate attack of sum. mer complaint made upon children. In one in- stance a permanent cure was effected upon a child in this place, after the summer complaint had put it (as thought by the ductors) beyord the power of medicine to relieve. [t was such an aggravated case that the child had in the course of one day and night, sixty-three evacuations from the bowels. Yet one buittle proved a suv. reign. remedy. This valuable Medicine ie for sale in this place by J. & W. Murphy, iv Lexington ty John P. Mabry, in Charlotte by Williams & Boyd. Salisbury Nov. 4th, 1837— 12116 10 DOLLARS REWARD. ANAW AY from the Point Plantation, of Mrs. Catharine Pearson in Davidson coun- ty, North Carolina, on the 251b October, a ne- gto man named of a light black complexion, about five feet four inches in height. ‘The said voy has no partio- ular ous with whieh he can be described exzeept he haga full face, Jar. nostrils, and speaks oe spoken to, te hae large feet, andist lit'le reelfooted. A reward of ‘en Dal tare will be given for the delivery of said boy to me, or fur his apprehension aad cummitial to lu the surface ; remove congestion of ht > * Benjainin F-Yoing& J 4” “ Charloue Semmers . fpdht x. vs Samoel Woods & hie wife | Christina, Oliver Woode, ! who married Mary Young, Petition for who died previous to, the . Sele of | death of her Father, Beo— een jamin Yoong, and left the following oamed children, viz: Roth, Wilham, Frank- lin. ‘Thomas and Jane Woods, winore, ber lawful heirs. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Satnvel Woods, and his wife Chrietina, Oliver Woods, and the ‘awful heirs of bis wife Mary, viz: Ruth, William, Franklin, Thomas and Jane Woods, minors, reside oat of the lim- its of this State, it is ordered by the Coart that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for three months. for the said defendants, to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for this county, at the Court-house 10 Statesville on the $d aonday after the 3d mon day in February next, then and there, plead to, answer or deinur, to said Bill, or it will be ta ken pru confessu as to them, anda decree made acourdingly. Witness, Thomas H. McRorie, Clerk and Master ia Equity at Statesville, the $4 monday after 3d in August, A. D. 1837, and 62d year of Americano Independence. T. H. McRORIE, c. mE. Sept. 30th, 1887—$m11—Price Adv. $8 State of Porth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. COURT OF EQUITY, September ZT erm 1837. Samuel Jones 7 vs | Original Bill in the Henry Verble, and Su- >natare of an Attach- sanah his wife, and | ment. Valentine Sowers. I appearing tothe satisfaction of the Coort, that the defendant Henry Verble and wife Sussanah are not inhabitants of this State. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, requiring | said Heary Verble and Wife Susanah, to be & appear at thenext Term of this Court, at the Court house in Salisbary, on the 4th monday af- ther the third mouday in February 1838, and plead answer ot demur to complainanis Bill, otherwise, Jadgment pro confesso will be enter ied, and the cause set fur hearing exparte as tu them. Copy from the minntes, SAML. SILLIMAN, c. m. £. Sept 30th, 1887 —6w11—$3 NEW FIRM. | HE Subscriber having taken Win. Murphy into Co partnership with him, for the pur- ‘pose of carrying on the Mercantile Business, | wonld gay to his triends and the public, that the business will be carried on from this date, in the name of J. & W. Murpuy. All persone indebted 10 me. are re- quested to cluse their accounts by noterur otherwise to this date. JOHN MURPHY. Salisbury, October 1, 1837. baie undersigned would say to the public, that they are vow receiving, and will cun- tinue to receive, a large stock of FALL AVD WINTER GOODS, which they will sell WHovesace or Reraty, lower than they have been sold before. Persons wishing to buy either at Wholesale or Retail, would do well to call, as we assure them they will not be disappuinted in finding bargains J. & W. MURPHY. October 14, 1837 —3m13 State of Worth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Equity, September Term, 1837. Peter Kesler and et ' | Petition for the Sale ‘ of Land. George Kesler & others Pi erences tothe sausfaction of the Court, that Andrew Kesler, one of the detendants mentioned in the petition filed, is not an in- habitant of this State. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, tur six weeks,requiring said Andrew Kesler to be and appear atthe next ‘lerm of this Court, at the Couri—huuse in Salisbury, on the fourth mon- day after the third monday in February next and plead to Demur or answer said Petition ; or Judgement pro confesso, will be entered, and the Petition heard exparte as to him, Copy from the minutes, SAML. SILLIMAN, C. M. E. Sept 30: —1837—6w11—Price Adv $3 of ‘gy NWR NOTICE. URSUANT to a decree of the Court of Equity, fur Rowan County, the Clerk and Master will sell on the premises on the 171h day of November next,a Tract of Land containing about 182 ACRES, adjoining the lands of John Young’s Heirs, on third Creek, belonging to Richard Lowry for life, and in Reversion to Margaret | Lowry, on acredit of 12 months, reqairing Bond and good Security forthe purchase muney, on the day of Sale. Titleto be made as the Court shall direct. SAML. SILLIMAN, c. ™. kz. Sept 30th, 1837—7111—$§8 State of Porth Carolina, _ ROWAN COUNTY. Harrison Prewet Ortzioal Attachment vs. Levied O- William Worsham. man. EID ‘T’ appearing to the satisfaction of the Justice of the Peace, before whom this attachment was returned, that William Worsham, is not an imbabitant of this Siate: [ am therefore or- ee by the said Jusiice to advertise ia the a ina Watchman fur thirty days, that said . illiam Worsham, be and appear at the Court es ehancienea the S0th day of Novem- ’ y said property, otherwise judg- ment by default will ies ecient JOHN H HARDIE. Sh’ Rowan Co. Oct. 28th, 1887 —4w15 Bre aie “ jal. JOHN FOARD, Ageo November 4, 1837—1f16 . | PReeerceiaiz senders his thank to the citizen AW of Salisbury and its vicinity for the libere support hehas heretofore received in his busi He informs the public that héstill carries on TAILORILVG BUSINESS IN ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND Va- RIETIES AND ACCORDING TO THE LATEST FASHIONS FROM Paris and London, Via New York and Philadelphia. He assures his customers thai their work shall be done faithfuliy and according to promise and that is not what every mechaniccan say: At east it is not what they do Salisbury, May.20, 1887—1f44 The Most Elegant Style of JEWELLERY, GOLD AND SILVER WARE, &C. &C. THE Suoscriber has on hand and will keep constantly forsale at his shupin Salisbury N.C. on ‘nain street,at the next dour above the store of Samuel Lemly & Son, a SPLENDID) ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE ARTICLES, o his line of business, among which he would inuumerate the tullowing viz: Patent Lever Warcues, (English, Freneh. Swiss, and Dutch,) Gold aud Plated Fob Chains, Gold and Plated Watch Guards, Gold and Plated Watch Keys, Gold and Plated Watch Seals, Gold Kar-bobs, Breast pins, and Finger-rings (latest fastion,) Stlver Ware; Ever-puinted Pencil Cases,and Leads, Silver Spectacles, and steel frames & glasses Fine Porhet and Dirk Knives, and Silver Frui: Ke'ves, Pocket -\..- ané Dirks, Breast Git, . - i s:usical Boxes, Giltana sors WWaieh Chams sud Keys. He will ex: cute every descripciow of work io workmanlike maunerand preniptly WAVID LPOOL, BCH Old Gole av t Si:ses taker in exchange for articles purchasec +. fis shop, and in pa ment for work dere and debts uue. DLP. Salisbury, June 25, 126 1149 COME 4.6 p BUY LAND. Offered for .. a Tract containing 800 or more Acres, With improcements not inferior to any between the Yadkin ans! Catawba in one tract. 115 A eras in apother 3 52 or more in another, all near iogether; and two sinafl tracts in Tredell, a fev niles above Statesville. Undoubted utles wil! be made by the pruper per-ons Apply soon 'o A. W. Brandon or to the subscriber for terme, &e. JOHN SCOTT. may 20, 1837—1f44 P.S. Ati kinds of property else, that the sub- seriber has in possession, can be bought at a low price. J. OS, State of JLoven Earolina, Surry County. COURT OF PLEAS & QUARTER SES= SIONS, SEPT. TERM, 1837. Fanny Chilton 7} vs The Heirsof Stephen Chil ton, dec’d, to wits Rolly Chilton, Sally Chiltun, Jno | Harris & his wife Judith, > Petition for Dower Stephen Chilton, who is Admr., Richard Chilton, Joseph Chilton, & Jobn Cammins and his wife | Fleanor. j= [ appearing to the satistaction of the Court, that Richard Chilton, Joseph Chilton and John Cummins, are inhabitants of another State Ordered therefore, that notice be publiched iv the Carolina Watchmin, for six weeks, that they appear at the nex! Coufty Court, to be held for Surry County, at the Court house in Rockford, on the second monday in November next. to plead or demar to said Petition or Judg- ment will be taken pro confesao as to them. Test, F R. ARMSTRONG. Clik. October 7, 1837—tw12—Price Adv $3 FR2aSH GOODS, At Chart:ston South Ca. M ‘T. Mendenhall, of Newberry, CH. So. e Ca. nasconnected timself in buainess wii Fort, Tuwosend, & Cu. of Charleston, on der the style ot FORT, TOWNSEND & MENDENHBHALL. They are now receiving per each ariival, a large quactity of FRESH GOODS, and present to their customers, ocarly an enure new stock of FOREIGY & DOMESTIC DRYZGUVODS, purchased at auction, and elsewhere, in the City of New York. They are prepared to offer them at a great re- duction from the prices uf last season, for cash or approved credit. Oct. 4th 1887—13—6 — Y BUSINESS has become so much ex- t tended,and the amount of arrearages has become so great that {[ mas: settle It will be the greatest injustice to require me to travel sll over the country for this purpose. It is to be save me trouble and expense by remitting ny dues through the Post Office, and that" without delay. H. C. JONES. may 6, 1887. JOB PRINTING Of every description neatly = FOR SALE AT ee GP Done at this Office. 1) hoped, therefore, that those whoowe me will | Carolina ‘Watchman for thirty daye, that, said. William Worebam, be and. sippear at the Court Hoose io Salisbury, on the SOth day of Novetb- Shiff of Rowan Co. Oct. 28ta 1887—4w15 ee gl 25. State of Porth Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Hamilton C. Junes Original Attachment ve. Levied on negro Wo- ve Worsham, man, ~ iTa pearing ce the satisfaction of the Justice of the Peace, before whom this attachment was retarned, that William Worsham, is not an in- habitant of this State: J am therefore ordered, by the said Justice, to advertise in the Carolina Watchman, for thirty days that said William Worsham, be and appear at the Court House in Salisbary on the 30th day of November, and re plevy said property, otherwise jodgment by de- fualt will be rendered agains: him. JOHN H. HARDIE. Sh ff of Rowan Co. Oct. 28th 1887—aw15 Price 9! 25. Mrs. HUTCHISON'S CHOOL is now open for the reception of pupils, whose improvement she pledges her- self to promute by every means in her power. Many houses of Ligh respectability are now open for boarders. Mrs. Mut chisesr is avthorised to state that a number of young ladies can be ac eommodated in the same family with herself, at eight dollars per month. Private lessons in the Ornamental branches will be given to ladies, who may not wish tobe- eome regular scholars. Hours of attendance made known at the school Toom. Salisbury Oct. 21, 1837—«f14 JUST RECEIVED, For sale Wholesale or Retail. 4 Bbls. no 8 Mackerel, 200 Ibs Square Bar Iron, assorted sizes, 6 Pair Eliptic Springs, 6 du Sulky and Barouche, axis. 3000 Ibs Bar lead, by J. & W. Murphy. Oct. 21, 1837 —t114 DOMESTIC GOODS, JUST RECEIVED & FOR SALE WHOLESALE OR RETAIL 110 Yards Copperas Cioth, 740 yarde Tow and Cotton do 250 Linsey Jeans do by J. & W. MURPHY. Oct. 21, 1837—:f14 PRINTING PAPER FOR SALE. ENCOURAGE SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES. BROWN & AIKEN, No Newbern Virginia, and 120 miles AN north of Salisbury, N. C. will be glad to receive orders fur PRINTING & OTHER KINDS OF PAP.R, From Editors in upper part of North and South Carolina, October 18, 1837—4w14 PROPOSALS BY Turner & Hughes FOR PUBLISHING A DIGEST OF ALL THE REPORTED DECISIONS OF THE COURTS IN NORTH CAROLINA, Commencing with the earliest Reporter and in- cluding the Decisions of the Sapreme Coar; at their June Term, 1837. PREPARED BY JAMES IREDELL. TERMS. This Digest will contain about twice as moch matter as Hawks’, will be comprised in one vol- ume royal octavo, in good type and on good pa- per. The law and Equity Cases will be diges. ted in separate parts. ‘I'he price to be one cent per page—not exceeding in the whole seven dol. | lars @ copy; printed on good paper and well bound The work to be sent to the Press as soon as three hundred subscribers are obtained, and to be delivered abthe Cuurbouses uf the cuunties in which the subscribers reside. §CF Persons holding subscription papers are requested to return them to Turner & Hughes, Raleigh, N. C. by the $0th day of November next; and those who may not see a subscription paper, will please furward their nares to T.& A. October, 1837 —tf14 NO MISTAKE. 13,524 Pages of Music, MAY BE HAD AT THE NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, CL AS CHOICE A COLLEC- TION of Airs, Songs, Glees, Rondeaux, Duetts, Walizs, Marches, &e &c., for the Pi- ano Forte, as can be found at any Establisk ment in this country. Alsu, twoor three Volumes se- lected Muste for the Piano, beautifully bound in Red Moaceco; to which the attention of the La- dies of Raleigh is most particolarly invited. €# There, too, can be had in great vari- ety. the most approved Instructors for the Piano, Guitar. Harp, Violin, Clarionett, French Horn &. $c. $F Prompt attention will be paid to all ot ders from their ovuntry friends. by ber, and replevy said propefty, otherwise judg- | meat by default will be rendered against him. .-}- “* JOHN H. HARDIE. ye as hs = “es Hd | a fee oe ; . incisteeaiiaiaice a . 7 - James wen pa eR : eee: E sealers , va . an ees frre H 8 Wan. Worshain — -— - 2 % ‘ fF Ps ae 3 , - oe ® ; , Te ¥ ie Fe < . én ' ‘A € Fs . * es 4 "@; Ey t se f before whom i 7 Att cl » 1 a J C4 ’ . e. ; ¢ Th 8?°S$— an inhabitant.of this state: 1 am Cherefore-or: | ir cage ts ® RY a dered, by the ssid. Justice. t6 advertise’in the} iG M CAROLINA STATE LOTTERY, FOR THE. BENEFIT OF THE SALI8- é ‘4 ACADEMY. EXTRA CLASS D. FOR 1687. Rata ie my breton Hacer SCHEME e 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize of 4000 1 Prize of $000 1 Prize of 2500 1 Prize of 2000 1 Prize of 1500 3 Prizes of 1000 10 Prizes of 500 10 Prizes of 400 Besides many of 300, 200, 100, 90, 80 60, 50, &e. &e. Ke. Amotnting in allto $247290 Tickets only $5 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25 A certificate fora package of 25 Whole Tickets $65 50 “ o $2 75 ¢ e 16 $74 To be had in the greatest variety, of numbers either by the package, or single ticket of WHEELER & BURNS, Salisbury, Oct. 28, 1837. State of Porth Carolina, SURRY COUNTY. Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Au ust Term, 1887. Somers & McGee t vs Michael McGuire. [r appearing to the satisfaction of the Coart, that the said Michael McGuire, is not an in- habitant of this State. Ordered therefore. that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, fur six weeks, thathe ‘e and appear al our nex! County Court, » be k-td at Rockford, on the se- cond monday in November next, to plead or de mor to said suit, or final Judgment will be ren- dered, and the Lands levied on wil! be condemn- ed to satisfy plaintiffs debt. Test, F. K. ARMSTRONG, Clk. October 7, 1837—6w12— Price Aav. $3 Justices Judgment le- vied on Land §e ee eee Protestant Episcopal Church. SPECIAL Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in this Diocese, will be {heldin Christ Church, Raleigh, on Saturday the 25th of November next; at which time and place it is earnestly desired that a full represen tation be present, as the subjects to be considered are of the deepest interest to the welfare of the Diocese. By order of the Bishop and Standing Com mittee, E. L. WINSLOW, Sec’y of Convention. Fayetteville, Oct. 7, 1837—t14 LAND FOR SALE. Y virtue of a Decree of the Court of Eqnt ty, at September Term, 1837, will be suid on a credit of nine months, a Tract of Land, containing about 98 ACRES, lying on Second Creek, near Gileans Bridge,ad- joining the Lands of Isaac Cowan, Robert V. Cowan, and others. The sale will take placeon Saturday, the 18th of November next, on the premises, and the purchaser be required to give bond with good secarity for the purchase money on the day of sale. SAMUEL SILLIMAN, c. um. E. Sept 30th, 1837—7111—-$3 TIN WARE. YE Sobscriber has ou hand a large as. sortmentof TIN WARE, tmanufactared by a first rate workman and of the best materi als, which he will sel) low for cash or on a short credit to responsible dealers, and should the dill be large enough to justify him, he will deliver the Ware withont extra charge. All kinds of Jub Work and Repairing done with neatness ard despatch. A HUNT. Lexington, N. C., Sept. 16—1f9 P.S. Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow, Old Pew. ter aod Old Copper taken in exchange. A.H Temperance Votice, HE Rowan Temperance Society, will meet atthe House of Dawalt Leniz, near the Organ Chaich, on Monday 30ih Instant. The friends of the cause are earnestly requested to be punctual in their-attendaoce—several Addresses will be given. DISSOLI TION. HE Mercantile Co-partnership heretofore existing under the name of PEDEN & KELLY in Wilkesboroug!;, North Carolina, is this day dissolved by mutual cunsent, aod the books, papers, debts, guods ana effects of every description belonging to the said firm, have been assigned over to the subscriber as trasiee, for the uses and purposes specified in the deed of assiga- ment.— All persons indebied to the said concern, are notified that payment must be made to the undersigned, and all claims doe by the said firm most be presented to him for payinent, he alone being authorized to settle the business of said concern. THOS. S. BOUCHELLE, Trostee of PEDEN & KELLY. Oct 15, 1837—3w714 JEWELRY & CUT, 4 JOHN ©. PALMER AS Jost retarned from Phi H very fine assortment of Pha ' uf aa entireiv new fashion —a laroe a, superior Rezors ana K-gag. H.. oe that bis assericr ni i: Superior sce ’ tern part of the Niate y ie te N, B. Watches and Call and see clocks raneai and warran:ed for tue} pire ty Salisbery November 4 1837 1/16 ve touthe LAND FOR sayy URSUANT to 4 Decree . Equity for Rowan County co Master will sell at the Coart- house Cle on ‘Tuesday the 218 day of Nee a credit uf twelve Munths,one T containing rant di 150 ACRE On Third Creek, adjmtaing the el] Wilsun and othere, Ove cer 50 ACRES, adjoining the other, and J Lands, also, ne on the great West Square of th | bury, now occapied by Barton Cnet the plan of the Town as =~ Nos. 21, 22, 29, & y This property belongs to the Hei Beard, dee'd. and is sold for saneaiet ne purchasers will be reqoired to with approveu security for th on the day of sale. zi ee SAML. SILLIMAN Sept 30th, 1837—7111 44 m1 Che MERCHANT Tatlin Benjamin F, Fralg, iB how receiving from New York a phia,a general assortment of Chott Mtogs tor Spring and Summer: emb article usvally kept by Merchant T'aige goods have been selectes by him in pe, ean be confidently recomaer oes tbe cheap and good Having wes > py loring business fur twenty we. bom shall not be considered or. Vays ing himaelf a judge of clo: ie received the New York ar: + ig ions, aud the above will hes - app style of fashion, and warranis« val He will alsokeepon hano- + ey mentof READY MADE C) Jc FING g which will be sold very low tur ate « credit to punctoal dealers. Ali h tna will be dune on short notice. Orden eat from a distance will be punctaslly sueceew The public are inv ted to call a ope prices fer themselves He stil! conunas farmer stand, south of the Cour! How,t large Brick Building. Salisoury, IN. G May is, 1887s PS. As he isan Agent for some of the fashionaole ‘Tailors of Philadelphia sd S York, he would be happy to inetre ay may wish to leara the art of cotting pment He also continues to distribute the Fasmews SCF Letters it SNe must be pod pl NEW GOODS AMI NOW ERC EIVING, pe: Sa0 Henrvetts ang Cotwo Plant, ov ENTE S'TUCK of New, Sessonatle Fel «Wate GROCERIES, &¢.0¢ All of eich have recently deen buoghi 0 SA York aod Philadeiphia, un the OF terms, and will be wily UAUST ALT tor Cash, or on time Ww pictus Cail und see. , My Stock consie's in part of We fo in addition tu the old Stuck i— Packages DRY GOODS, 1 150 Be Rio, Cubs, Lagra 8 Java COFFEE 95 bhde. St Croix § Pore gar. 7 aati 00 sides Sole Leather, a tans Swedes and Bogie 1 100 kegs Nails and Bw, | 40 casks choice & oe |g 50 boxes 8 x 10 and 0 BF dow Glass, 1000 Ibs Bar Lead, 1000 Ibs Bock and reel 50 kegs Dopont’s FF 20 50 do No. 1 White La 20 barrels Paint Ont 25 do Tannere’ 4, 200 pair ‘Trace Chatas, J Loaf and Lump Sugar, leas, Drie as cines, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Bois lows,Viees, Anvils and Hammer. r every other article which c ostrte'e COMPLETE ;—it is theretvre lu enumesate further. C.J opp 59 Yellow Brick Boiidine w 4 : ke ‘ Drrp Favetteviile. October 17, 1 ssi— : ay ngs stone Krench Burr Mill® Kor Wheat, and ¢ 6 ING been appointed Agent 6 the avove Mill Stones 0° | Mesers. Egenton & Morris, : Baltimore, i avuld here inform hee the same, that they can be furnr the article ww be genute ; if ie pa nish anew pair io thet ary opaé Brick Buildivt? Ha Stones for Cor™ HY | ° Nave’ We their ordeig to me ai this place ¢ Fayetteville, Oct 28, 1337-30 AN APPRENTICH ET WEEN the ages of 12 and 16, of good character and habits and of a sound coneti- tution, can get s siteation inthis Office, if ap plication is made during the week of our next Saperior Court or shortly thereafter. A yuth from the edunity woald be preferred: He will be received as a member of the Buitur’s family and Horses, &¢ To hire by the how f or day. Apply © Host Bar Keeper of the Manso? Sept. 23, 1837—f10 BLANK SUBP@.* TURNER & HUGHES. @ewober 21, 1837 —1f14 a kindly treated. Sepember 9, 1837. Offic? For sale at ths A. 7 — —— en ae BY HAMELTC , ss . — TERMS. — | cuman may hereafter be had for a and Filty Cents peryear. ee orioue new sabscribers who will jvance the wholesum at one payment, the paper for one year at Two Dor - aslongas the same class shall aye thus topay ia advance the sam of Hn pollare the same terms shall genase: ther subscri- perise they will be charged ag : ‘. : paeribers who do aot pay dmipg the year Dollars in all cases. »charged taree ahseription will ne received for less than at The Wat ‘0 A Ci aq 108 aij nave gs each, and ‘ Se ill No ear. “ty No paper Wil’ og of the Editor, be diseuntinued bat at the op- uniegs all arrearges are paid to the Editor mast be post Y 3 HP All letter | certainly net be at- id; osharwise they Wl ded to. Trams oF ADVERTISING ale per squure for the first wn: ils per square for each twser Nv advertisement will be inser ban one DoLear. Advertisements willbe c received to stop them, eviously given. M eettise.nents hy the year orsix months will made ata Dollar per month for each square ish the privilege of changing the form everv aiter. __Sizty two & a half st inserlion, and 31% lion aflerwards ted for less ontinued until orders where no directions MARKETS. ~ SALISBURY, Beeswax per!b. 18a 20 cts.; Brandy, Ap- epergal. 49 a 90 cls; Cotton per 1b, (in vd) 3cts, Cotton bagging per yd. 20 25 . Coffee per ib. 15 a 18 cfs; Castings per 42.5ete; Cotion yarn, from No.6 to No 1, 9 15 a 2 00 cts; Feathers per Ib, 35 1, Flot prol §6 00; Wheat pr bush . $l 00 25,Qats pr dushie! 30 cta; Corn pr bush 65 cis; pperib.6 a cts, Lead r lb. 8a 10cts ; dasees per gal. 624 ct8g: Nails per tb 9 a 10 . Beef por |b) a 0 cts; Bacon per tb 128 | Batter pec Ib 124 cts; Lard per |b 15 Salt per bushel $1 25 1 50 cts; Steel, Ameri- pdlister, per 1b. 10 cta; English do. per Ib pets; Cast do. per lb 25 a 30 cts, Sugar yt. 124 a 1d ets; Rum (Jamaica) per gal; , Yankee do $1, Wool (clean) per Ib 30 ; Tallow per io. 19 124 ets; Tow-linen pr yd. 2Wects, Wine (Teneriffe) per gal. $1 50. maga! do. pl 90 a gl 7 eis 5 Cle.ct do gu. $1 3.175 cis; Malag>, (sweet) gu.gl; Whiskey per gal. 43 450 cts. CHERAW. Beefin market per '0 4a 6 cts.; Bacon per 18 14cis, Hams do, 00 00 cts ; Beeswax lb 13 a 20 cts, Bagging peryard 18a 25 ; Bale rupe perlb a 124 13 cts ; Coffee pr. 18a ct3;Culton per 100 lbs $8¢ 21-2 00 e 900; Corn per bushel 75 000 a cts; Flour wagona per br! $6 7 000, froin stores per 1.910 8.124 Tron per 100 lbs $5 64 a 05) asses, per gal 40 50 a cis; Nails cut assort- prio8 29 NOer4; Wrought do. per lh. 20 p, Pork per ib 93.95 Rice per 100 tos $4 3%; Sugarpertio. 10 121-2 a cis; Salt pr ck 43325; Salt per bashe! 874 $1 cis;Steel A- berican olister pr lb 10 16 cts; ‘Tallow per lb 10 121 cls; Tea lhiperial perlb $125 a 1 374 ets; yon do. pr lo gal 25 ects ; Pubacco manu- ted per lol0 a 15 cts. FAYETTEVILLE a 7 at a ee = * se 4 - ? WARD 9 , &C. sortment of articles in his line. CLOCKS & WATCHES twelve qunths for deots due. DAVID L. POUL. Salisbury, Nov 18, 1836 ~tf18 North Carolina, STATE LOTTERY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SALIS- BURY ACADEMY. Crass No. 20, ror 1837. To he drawn at FAYETTEVILLE, December, 1837. 73 NUMBER LOTTERY 14 DRAWN BALLOTS, SCHEME. 1 Piize o 10.000 1 Pnze of 4000 1 Prize of 8000 1 Prize of 2500 1 Prize of 2000 1 Prize of 1500 3 Prizes of 1000 Amotnting in allto $247290 Tickets only $5 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25 A certificate fora package of 25 Whole Tickets $65 50 eS 82 75 r 16 $74 To be had in the greatest variety, of numbers eithe? by the package, or single ticket of bs iT WHEELER & BURNS, Salisbury, Nov 18, 1837. G. JILL be hired at the Court House in Sal HIREIN isbury, on monday the Lstday of January nex’, for twelve months, 18 or 20 negrues be Bnady, peach 85.290. Do. Apple, 80a 00, om prlo1309 4 0, Cotton pr Ib 8 a 94 ets} fee pr Ib 121 2a ise ; Flour bo). $7 a St eed pr bh g) 150 | Foalhersprid 008 45 Nproush 55 8} 0%, Jron prib 5% a 6; Mo- spr ga} 35 40300; Nailscut 7a a ;Salt wsh 1a 000; Sugar pr 1b 7 a 11 3 Tobaceo; i233, Wheat proush gl 1, Whiskey fl. 6065, Beeswax 23 a 00 TAILORING, REMOVAL. BILLS & JAMES, XPORM their friends and the publicthat bev have lately remos their Tailoring | Mdlighment (o the hones rer: atly OcCU- , Qty Thomas Dickson as 4 Patlor shop, | © doors south of Dr. Mice. shop, & J Opposite tue Sabsoniy Gioied They have just received frow the Morth M6 LATEST & MUS! |! “t ED VE W-PVORK .4.5°: INDON Fe223/ | FOR Tip PALL A WIND OF 1837-8 mording to which they are ready to make PR wents desired at low prices, J ty be 6» AY ew & a FS Viey great confidence ND their ability to ley or §00d Al, bt siculu they ty tail they succeed. Cutting will be prom ptly and in tie best TOM & distance faithfully exe all despatched. thgently attended to. : - Produce of varions kinds will be! '0 payment for wark. ¥ Nov. 4, 1837—tfl6 FIRST RATE | NWAN LA FOR SALB. Peeeies mode. cuted, ; Orders in all, ! ND, A eeweee Oeewese we SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR- ft rate Farm oo the Yadkin Rover | "700 ACRES, on Macnamara, Charles Terteuce, ; ee 8 a fair propurtion of woud Bares in good farming condition. The 8 quite fertile, a guud deal of it ~ PLOW GROUNDS, ill be gui " Gulla reasonable, and made to ™*enience of parchasers. _JOHN I. SHAVER. Ov. Lath, 1887—1913 longing tothe Esiate ot John Pool dee’d, DAVID L. POOIW., Ex’r. Nov. 18, 1837 —1)stduJan. "TWENTY-FIFTH ConcREss. FIRST SESSION. —_—__ —_—_--— See Se SPEECH OF MR WERSTER. September 28, ConcLopep. In his first speech to Congress, ia 1789, having just then assumed his new office, General Washington recommended io par. ticular subjects to the consideration of Cou- , gross; but in his speech at the opening of the second session, he suggested the impor: tance of a ua.form curteucy, without ds. tinguishing coinage from paper, and this bo- dv in its answer, assured him that tt was a subject which should receive its attention, Recollect, sir, at that tune, that there were State banks having notes in -circulation, thouyh they were very few. The first bank ot the United States was established at the tbrrd session of the Congress in 1791 The vili for its creation originated in the Senate; the debates in which at that trme wese not wide puolic We have, however, the de- bates in Che House, we have the reports of ibe Secretarics, ond we have the law itself, Lei us eadeavor to learn from these sources, are Willing to take the germent for whai objects this institu’ion was crea- ted. aul whitier a national curreney was one of th. se objects. Certainty. sircit) must be admitted that curreue, was not the only chyeet ie incor- porating the bank of 1791) ‘The Govern— ment was new, its fiscal effiirs were not well arranged, it was great'y in debt, and the political state of things at the time ren- dered it highly probable that sudden occa- sions for making loaus would arise. That / tt might w-sist the operations of the Trea- sury, therefore, and (hat itm ght make those loans to Government, if pressing occasions should arise, were (wo of the purposes had in view is establishing the bank. But it is equally clear that there was a third purpose, and that respected commerce and currency. To furnish a currency for general circula- tion, and to aid erchange. was, demonstra- bli a clear. distinct, an! avowed object, im ihe creaiion of the first bank On the 13th of December, 1790, the Secretary of the Tressery made e report to to the House of Representatives, recommeo- ding a National Bank. Io this report, be set forth the advantages of such sn insutn- tion; one of theag adyantagesy.he says, con- | sists iv increaging the quaatity of the: cir- culating nod quichabte the circu- latiou” And he thea proceeds to observe : —‘This last mayrequire same iflustretion, ' When paymeots'afe to be made between THE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES TO KEEP on hand at hie Shop,third door north of Lemley’s corner, on Main Street, a good as- Repaired in the best manser, and warranted for Old Gold and Silvertaken in eXchange fur articles purchased, or in payment North ‘Carolina, on Thursday the 7th of ae Py 3 oe ee aa mets De be remitted. ‘ Thiw atsgnded with trouble, delay, ex and Hf, on ‘the con- tary, there ace bank potes-current in- both places, the transmueeton of these,-by the post, or veyance, answere the agen, in the alternation of dé quently returned, very’ soos after to. the place whence they were first sent, whence the trans rthe metals asé obviated, and a more con- payment is substituted." Is nat-shis clear proof, that the object 10 establishing the bank, in the opinion of the Secretaty, was the creation of a currency which should have:general credit through- out the country; .apd;. by means of such peditious medium of exchange? Currency, sir, currency and exchange were then, be- yond ail doubt, important objects, in the opinion of the proposer of (he measure, to be accomplished by the institution. ‘The debates which'took place in the House of Representatives confira: the same idea. Mr. Madison, who objected to the bill on con- stitutional grounds, admitted, nevertheless, that one of the advantages of a bank con- sists ‘in facilitating occasional remittances, from different places where notes bappen to circulate,’ and Mr Ames, who was one of the most distinguished freads of the me:- sure, and who represented a commercial district, enlarged on the great benefit of the proposed institution to commerce. He 10- sisted that the intercourse could never be on a good footing. without an institution whose | poper would circulate more extensively than | that of any State bank; and what he saw,io the future,we have seen in the past, &feel in the present. Other gentlemen, also, con- tended that sume such institution was ne- cessary, in order to enable Congreas to reg- ulate the commerce of the country, aud, for that reason, that 1 would be constitutional, as being proper means for a lawful end. When the bill had passed the two Hous- es, the President, a3 we all know, asked the opinion of bis cabinet upon the constitu- tionality. Attorney General were against it; the Seere- lary of the Treasury was in favor of 1t;& a- mong the graunds on which he placed the right of Congress to pass the law, was its adaptation to the exercise of the commer- cial power, conferred by the constitution on Congress. His language 1s: *The institu- tron of a bank has, also, a aatural relation to the regulation of trade between the Siates, in so far as it is conducive to the creation of a convenient medium of exchange be- tween them, and to the keeping upa full circulation, by preventing the frequent dis- placement of the metals is reciprocal remit- tances. Monoy is the very hinge op which commerce turns; and this dors not mean merely gold and silver, many other things have served the purpose, with diffrent de- giees of utility. Paper bas been extensive- ly employed. Jt cannot, therefore, be ad— initted, with the Attorney General, that the regulation of trade between tle States, as it concerns the medium of circulation and exchange, ought to be considered as cun- fined to coin? *And it ts,’ he adds, ‘in cef- : ference to these general relutious of com- | merce, that an establishment which furnish. | eS facilities to circulation, and a conveolent [inediora of exchange and alienstion, is to! be regarded aga regulation ui trade.’ (| Nothing can be plainer, sit, than this | language ; and therefore, HoUINg_ Is were Certain than those who recommended and | Supported the first bank, regarded il as a fit and necessary measure, + order to enable Congress lo exercise its important duty of regulating commerce, anc to fulfil especial- | 'y that port of the duty which enjoined upon cha nge. opinions of individual friends of the mea- sure. Let the ast speak for itself. Let us look into it, and search its reasons on ats face. What are the grounds and objects of the law, as set forth in the law itself? The preamble te:!s us.—It declaies: ‘T bat the establishment of a bank will be very conducive to the successful conduct- ing of the national finances, and will tend to give facility to the obtaining of loans for (be use of Government in sudden emergen- cies, and will be productive of considera- ble advantage to trade, and industry in general,’ Trade and indystry in general, therefore. constituted one distinct and definite object of the incorporation, if the law truly ex- pounds its own purposes. It was not reve- nue alone; it was not the facility of making loans merely; it was not mere utility to Go- veroment; but, in addition to these, it wes } commerce, it was the interest of the people, twas trade & business in general which, among. other considerations,=formed an important part of the objects of the in- corporation; and ind6ed, sir, exents ‘proved ' thet.it ese vastly the most important part of tall. What else “thd the first bank do for the Government or thé” at all to be compared, in the amowat of . fit. to its influegce on the currency and the exchang- es? * : i it egatear ox domppnctration therefore. | that the Government im General “ Waghing- ‘ton’s time, gid feel itself authorised’, | Constitution, ad iw duty; to provide a safe caseucy of general eredit fer cirea- ‘lation ‘and for exchange, “It did provide tation and setrangportatiou of venient and e more expeditious medium.of credit should become-@ convenient and ex- ! The Secretary of State and the! tw the provision of a proper and! suitable cuirency for circulation and ex—! But it is not necessary to rely on these | aos sib nen | Sbject, to The bank, went into operation, and : whole i~ dart period of its exis there was no complain of the state of the currency or the exchanges = And now sit, let me ask what was it that gave this success to thd new tmstituton? ft cepitel wes small, and the Government hed RO. participetion 1a its direction; it wagcom- ae ewe to individual management & coatrol. Its notes, it is true, were made receivable in payment to Guverament: that was one advantage. It had asolid capital, and its paper was atall tunes convertible into gold & silver at the wall and pleasure of the bol- der: that was anothor-and a most important grovod of its prosperity. But sir, there was something more than all this There was soinething that touched men’s sentiments, as wel] astben uoderstandiogs. There was a cause which carried the credit of the new- bern bank, as on tbe wings of the wind, to every quarter and every e@xt¢emnity of the couhtry,— There was a charm, which crea- ted trust, und faith, and reliance, not only in the great marts of commerce, but in ev-, ery corner into which money, in any form, could penetrate. ‘Tbat cause was its nation. ality of character. It had the broad seal of tLe Union to its character, Jt was the in- stitutioa of the nation, established by that new Government which the people already loved; and it was known to be designed to revive and foster commerce which had so long been prostrate and lifeless. Mr. President, let it be borne in mind that J am not now urging the eonstitution— ality, ar present expediency, of a Bank of the Umted States. My sentiments are al- ready known on that subject; and if they were fot, the subject is not now before us. But I have edverted to the history of the frst bank, and examined the grounds on which, and (he purposea for which, it was estubushed. in order to show the fact, that Goveroment from the first, bas ackao@l- edged the important duty aad obligation of provding for currency and exchange, as part of the necessary regulation of com- merce, I do vot mean at present, to say that a bank 1s the only, o1 the indispensable means for which this duty can and must be performed ; altbough | certainly think it tha best. ~ Yet} will not set lunits to the wisdoo) and sagacity of geatlemgn, in the invention and aduptation of means. If they do notlike a bank, let thew try whatever they do like. If they kaoow a better instru- ment or agent, let them use it,—But | maintain that the performance of the duty, by some means, or some instrument, or some agent, ig indispensable ; and that so long as it shall be neglected, so long the commerce and business uf the country must suffer. The tistory of the late Bank of the Uni- ted States manifests, as clearly as that of the first, that the Government, in creating i, was acting avowedly. in execution of its duty, in regard tothe currency. Fiscal aid, except so far as the furnishing of a curren- cy was coucerned, was bhatdly thought of. Its bills were made receivable for sevenue, jsudced, bot thet provision es far as it | Weat,was obviously a provision for currency. /Cuorteocy for the tevenne, however, was not | tie leading object. "Phe leading object | Wes currency for the country. 1 ‘Yue condition of things, at that time ' was very wich fike that which tow exists. | The revenue of the Government was en- ‘Urely agequate to all it3 wants ; but its op erations were all obstructed by the derange- meot of the currency, and the people were as bad off as the Government, ‘or most af them had suspended payments. | ‘Their paper was depreciated in vations de- geecs;, the exchanges were all disordered, | jand the commerce of the country thrown (into confusioa —Government: and» people were all sich; but with all their riches, they had no money. Both might apply to them- selves what Mr Addison, beinga tmuch rea- dier writer than speaker,sard of himself, when he observed, that sithougii he could draw for a thousand pounds, he had not a guine® in his pocket. Mr. Maclison, at that time, was. Presidert of ue United States. He-had been ond of the opposers of the first bank, on ccnstitu- tional grounds, but he had yie!ded his own opinions to the general sentiment of the country, aad to thé consideration thet the power bad beefi established and exercised. He wagnot aman who carried bis respect for himeelf and his own opinions, so far as to overcome his ‘respect for all other men’s judgements. Wise men, sir, are sometimes wise enoagn to suirender their own opin- 1ons, Or at feast to sec that tfiere is’ a time when questions must be considered ag set- tled. Mr Madison was one of these. In bis anoual message an December, 1815, he says + ‘The derangements of the.fiaances, with a view to theiteceipts and expendifures of a permanent peace establishment, will neces- sarily enter into the deliberations of Con- gress during the present session. It is true, that the sp proved condition of the public revenae wil! pot only afford the méaue of rea the fauh of the Government : with its creditora inviolate, abd of prosecu- bbderal cy. Out wall also justify by anim- by. the:Becesstties of the war. it is, bod- ever, @asential to every wodification of the fiaguces, that the beacfits ofs uniform na- I 2 evil ; bet, until { stitate, which shall equally and instantaneous; andi The banks | < # © . +> _ ll a es a ne ee } it ~ R Pie oat ce Testored to the | cee of the precious hee loved, be a temporary cen again be radered the geactal medium of exchenge, it devolves on the wisdom of > prowde a sub- “engage the fidence, and accommodate the wants of the metals will it is. be his resgit, the probable operation of a ‘ne- tional bank will meris consideration; and if either of these expedients be desmed ef. fectual, it may become necessary 10 aacer- tain the terms upon which the notes of the: Goverament (no longer required as an in- strument of credit) shall be issued, upoa mpotives*of general policy, aa acomumon me- | diem of circulation” : ay Here, sir, is (he express recommendation to Congress to provide’s National Curren- ey; @ paper currency, @ aaiform correney, for the uses of the community, as a eubst.- tute for the precious metals, and es e medi- um of exchange. It devolves on C Says Mr. Madison. to provide such 8 i- lute as sha}l engage the confidencd, and ac- coumodate the wants of the citizens through. out the Union, and ifthe State:baoks'can- not produce this result, @ nations! benk will merit consideration. Can language be more explicit? Currency, national eurten- cy, currency for exchange, curreary which shall accommodate all the people, is the great and leading, and | inay add, the sole and single object of the recommenda- tion. Contrast now, sir, this language, and these eentiments, with those of the Mes. sage before us Did Mr. Madison ecnfiue his recommendation to. such measures of relief as might be useful to Government merely? Did he look exclusively. tothe Treasury? Did he conteat himself with | suggesting a proper medium for the receipt of revenue, or @ proper deposite for its safe-keeping ? Farotherwise His view was general, statesmanlike, and fitted to the exigency of the times. The existing evil was one which afflicted the whole country ; and the remedy proposed by him was as it should have been, commensurate with the whole evil. And, sir, what a shock it would have produced at that time. if Mr. Madison, seeing the prostrate state of commerce and business ali around him, had recommended to Gongress to do noth- ing in the world but to take care that the taxes were collected, and those in the employment of the Government well paid, Well, sir, what was done with the mes- sage? Why, sir, the House of Represen- tatives resolved ‘that so much of the Pre- sident’s Message as related to a oniform nations! currency should be referred tos select committee,’ Such a committee was raised, and the honorable member from S Carolina was placed at its head, as he well deserved to be, from nis standing in the flouse, and his well-known opinions on this subject. ‘The honorable member was thus at the head of a committee, appoint- ed, not on the subject of « revenue curren- cy, or acorrency for Government, but a UNIFORM NATIONAL CURRENCY; and, to ef— fect the great object of this appeintment,he brought io a bill for the establishment of a Bank of the U. States. As had been the case formerly, so on this occasion, the Secretary of the Treas- ury made a report on the subject And now hear, sir, what he says of the duty of Congress to provide a national currency, and of the objects which he proposes, by the establishment of a national bank. The constitutional and legal founda- tion of the monetary system of the United States is thus distinetly seen; and the be Sienna > i i - 40.20. * teroaghout ait oad the Op | ti fof the banks, end f FF « . oa ; a | _ - Q. -_ et ee + at thie ti be to Rabsink (a sae’ those institutions eafnot successfully employed form national curreacy. one attempt to oN ‘to give to each bank 9 legitimate shere in the cireulation, is ant. inkely “to receiwethe general: manele al the banks. The truth is, that the charter sesteictions of some of (h tual relation, of thé game Slate, and even of the danke of the different Stages, and the duty whick the difectora of each bank conceive Owe to their immedfate consti poiats of security pr emolyment, interpo an jneuperable obstscle to any. volo arrangement, Bpon nati considerations alone , for the establi of a nationgl nabthigy toaha the agency of the Sti» nks. ”’ _ “The-establishment of 3 nsti bank is regarded as the best, and perbapy the ly adequate, resource to relieve theled ue and the Government from the present em- thorized to lesue notes, barrassmenis. ‘which will be recbived ia all pavmente’ te the United States, the cireolatin: of its 1o— sues will be co-extensive with the Uniop; and there will exist © constant demand, bearing a jost proporation to the annual a- mount of thedities and taxes to be col- lected, independent of the general eiredla- 100 lor commercial and social p&rtposes. A ostional bank will, therefore, poserss he means and the opportunity of enprly- ing a circulating medium of equal use end value in every State, and in every district of every State ‘The power of shy Guvernment to eup— ply and maintain a paper medium of ex-. chang: will vot be quesuoned; but for the introduction of that medimaa, there must be an adequate motive? *Upon the whole,the atate of the nation- al currency, aod other important consid- erations connected with the operations of tae Treasury, render ita duty respectfully to propose— “That a national bank be estabiished.’ This language, it must be aduitied, is explicit enough, both in regard to the pow- er and the duty ; and the whgie report bear very little resemblance, most ger- tainty, to the official paper from the Treasury Department, now before: us. When the bill was calied ap, the honor- able member from §. Carolina explained ita objects in ap able speech. He showed the absolute necessity of a national carren- cy; the power of Cougress over sach currency, whether metalic or paper; aad the propriety and expediency of establish- ing a benk, as the best means of exercisin these powers and fulfilling these duties. i mareed then, and I agree now, to the gen— eral sentiments expressed ip that speech, heartily and entirely, JI would refer to it on this oecasion, both as an able argument and a high authority ; and beg to adopt it, a8 setting forth, in a strong hght. the sen- uments which I am now enueavoring to enforce. (Mr. Catuoun here rose to make an explanation. He said that he never saw the reporter’s notes of his speech ow that occasion, and tierefore, what re did say, may not have been what he would teve said. There were points of omission in that speech whieh eceuped a column and a half of the National Intelligencer. power of the Federai. Government to in- stitute and regulate it, whether the eircu- | ‘lating medium consist of coin or of bills vf credit, must, in its general policy, as | well as in theterms of its investment, be deemed an exelusive power. It is true, that a sygiem depending upon the agency of the precious metals will be affeeted by the various circumstances which diminish their quantity or deteriorate their quality. The coin of a State sometimes vanishes uader the influence of political alarms, sometimes in consequence of the explo-: sion of mercantile speculations, and some- | times by the drain of an unfavorable course of trade. But, whenever the emergency occnrs’that demands a change of system, itseems necessarily to follow that the au- thority which was alone competent to es- tablish the national coin is alone compe- tent to create a national substitute It has happened, however, that the coin of the United States has ceased to be the cirea- lating medium of exchauge, and that no substitute has hitherto been provided by the national authority. During the last year, the principal banks established rooth and west of New. England resolved that they would no longer issue coin in pay-' ment of their notes, or of the — of | their customers fur mo received upon de . In this set'ihe Governaient of the Jipined States ‘had no participetion ; and:yet the immediate efipet of the act was to supersede the only currency of ‘the nation. By this act, no State cao constitutionally, emi¥ bills of ere- dit, corporations erected by the severs! Mr C. said, that he took care, then, “as now, to fortify himseif, and leave a road open to oppose, at any coming ume, a na- tional bank. He then seid that be was op- posed) to a bank, but that he submitted to the necessity of the cause ‘There was then a counexion between the Government and the banks ; end if the Government had a right to regulate the currency, there was no means of doing it but hy a national bank. He had, both then, and since then, contended thet Gevernme:t tad nv right to have any connexion with ary benks In h:s opinion, the United Siates Bank (which he then advocated, and assisted tw estab- lish) was not established aceording w the Constitution. Congress had ag right to ea tablish such e bank: He acted contrary to his own impressions of i Many peo— ple may do things which they do not be- lieve to be lawful, from necessity. He act ed from necessity. | Mr. Wessrer, resuming bis remarks, said, he thougnt the gentleman hed saic, formerly, that in, consequence of the de- cision of the question, he felt thencefor~ ward preludedfrom opposing the banks as being unconstitutional. Mr. Catuoun again explained: He (Mr. C.) thought the connexion betwees Government and banks was now «broken, and that set him as liberty , so that now he could oppose what be had thea, and since, earnestly sdvocated.] It is not my desire, sir, to hold the gen- tlemgn to s report of bis speech, which he may choose, even now to disclaim. i have never heard of his deciaiming it be- fore; and even row sir, I do sot ander States have been enabled to circulate a pa- per mediom, subject to many of the practi-1 cal inconyeniéntae of Ca problbited tals of credit. ” Pr a 3, . + OF the services rendered tothe Gov- ernment by some of the State , ® . s of etand him s9 being desirou is ieee denving any thing contained i cod report of his s respecting the importance of a ani pational curtcuey. That, topic es of bis whole roe wee lope of it was the ex purpose ci sf eauaiuaa bak bok aL do— ring the -war, and af the Vioemplisy by which some of them sre sctuated ia their intercourse with the Treasury, justics quires an explicit acknow a faci, however, ineontestably re- ‘ It ia | proved, that and for the accomplishment of — = whole proceeding wss gone into all curreney, eurrepey, cerreney & whet>- si t Wi c sa t i a t e , olen oe Em m a o ds enplteverted 5 in short, aacsthimenege er the gentleman now thinks the law con- stitutionai or anconstiqutional, hé eannot} deny that his own object, and the object of, Congress, was to furnish a cireujating mne-|' h dium for the country... And here agam, so unimportant, relatively. was whe mere cus- tocy, or deposite of the public moneys tn the bank, that the hill,as originally intro- duced, contained no provisions for that ob- ject. A section was afterwards introdue- edjin Cominivee of the Whole, on my mo- tion providing for the deposite of the pub- lie moneys with the bank, ualess the Sec- retary of the Treasury should at any time, otherwise order and direct, a reservation of power io the Secretary which, as A think, and always have thought, was great- ly abused by the removal of the depusites, in 1833 oo By reference to the debates sir, it will be foun } that otber friends of the measure ful- lowed up the general ideas of the honora- ble gentleman from Sonth Carolina, aad supported the bank, a8 a necessary agent ot instrurgent for establishing, anew, a na- tional currency, fur the uses of commerce | whatit proposes. Congress is called, togal! in sgteat commercis! Grisie.... The whghe, ness ghthie uy. ts nesta es id ‘ main evil uf the times ?. Seeing that that evil is one.affecting the currency, duea the Message, like ‘that of Mr. Madison, in 1815, address itself directly to that point, and recutmmend measuges of adequate relief ? No such thing. -ft~ab- siains from all general relief. It looks on¥ for the interest of the Government, ss a Govern- meoi ; and it louks no farther. Sis, let-me turo ty the Message iiself, to suuw that all ite re- cumiuendatious, and indeed, ali the ubjects in calling Cougress together, are cunfined to the harrow aud -xclusive purpose of reheving the wants of Goverement. and exchange. The operation of the joint resolution of | April, 1816, aided no doubt, in a proper, degree. by the institution of the bank, and | the etirrency which it farnished, accom- plished tue great end of the resumption of specie payments; and for a long period, we had no further trouble with the curren- cy. Aod [now proeeed tosay, sir, that the late President of the United States has acknuwledg- ed this dity, as often, and as fully and clearly “as any of hts predecessors. His various admis. | sions, of recognitions, of this obligativa, are toe reeent and tu fresh in every one’s recollection, to require, or justity, particular citation. Al! the wvtis we nuw feel, indeed, “e have encoun- tered m the search after a belter currency It hag been ia the avowed atleurot to discharge the duty of Government, connacted with the circulation, (hat the late Adiinistration haa led | Os iv where we now are. ‘he very first charge | that the late President ever brought avainst tbe | bank was, thal ithad not mawtained a sound | and uniform currency. ost persuas probably, | will think the charye quite unfuurded , yet this | | ( was the charge [ts der-lictivn uf duty. or its Settlement to be adopted, as well in collecting | 4. want of avility tu perform vhat had been expact- ed froin it —1i8 failure, in sume way, to main— | tain a good currency, was the orgaual professed cause of dissatisfaction And when the bill for | re chartering the bauk was orgatived, it was | nut on tye grovod that Government had authing to du with the na'ional currency, but that a de! ter provision for it might be made, than we had | in the bank. "The daty wags nut to be disclaimed of thrown off, or veglected ; new agents, only, wer to ve evoployed, that it ayght be better per formed The Sate banks would du better thas the na onal oank had done ; the President was | confided’ of this, and therefore he had reyeeted | the national ba: k agan ayent, and atopted the | | ' | State banks = And what ha socvons.antly pro- faised us would nappen, te as regolotely main tained, aflerwarids nid happened, Down tu tis Iyst messag?, down io the last hour of hig ad Minisiration, he insisted upon it that the State banks had fulfilled ail bis expectations, and all theyruwn duties 3 aod oi enibled the Govern- meépt te acenmplish tn the very best manne, the greatand inportant objects of currency and ex change, \We have th~ same head of the ‘rea sury, sir, Who las repested and echoed all these slatenmenis, Whether of prophecy or fulfilment, in successive reports, some of them not less tereely and intelhgibiy written than that now beture us; and we hava heads of other depart- ments, who ocenrred, | proguine, from time to ‘ine, 10 the orizinal statemen's. andin the faith tul eefioes of them, from the Freasury. All these foncuuuares have been laboring with the Uitnost Zeal, ae hey professed, te perforin their coneuiiutivoal obligation of foroishiag the cona- try with @ gaod currency, with a better curren ry, with the best currency 3 and they have drag- ged Congress, dragged the country, aod dragged themselves mntu difficulty, perplexity and dis- tress, in this long and het pursuant. And now, vebuid. they draw up all al once, and declare that the object of all this tuil and Strugyle is one with which they have nothing at all tudo! Bat aa the last message of the late President wat loud and wart iv is praises of the State bets, for the good services which they render ad to eorrency and exchange, su nu donot would (he first wessage Ihe present Preaident Rave, commended, wil equal earnestness, Lue success With which Government bad been kale Dy means of Sate banks, to discharge his Haportaot pari of its duties, if the events at May faat had out left that Buoject no jongera topic of felieriation. By the Suspzosion of spe- wie payments, all was changed. "Phe duty of Government was changed, and the Constition was chaoged also. Government was now to give up, aud aoandun furever, that very thing which had bern the protesged object of tts most assiduous care, and most earnesi pursuit, for erzlat lung 4rguous years | Mr President, when [ heard of the suspen- sion ot the banks, [ was by the side of the Ohio, on a journey, in the course of which F had ocea- stun, frequently, to express my upinton on this bew Slate of things 5 and those who may have heard me, of noticed (ay remarks, will oear wit ness that | constactly expressed the Opioton that auew era hat commenced ; that a que3tiyn of f. verple, anda question of the hivhest impor- Nice had arisen, or would tmmediately arise ; 'ogt hereafier the uispute would not be su much swat Means as euds 5 that ihe extent of the con sntational obligation uf the Govetoinsnat would that the qnesiion, uf Congress ta coocera currency, i : b'y, become the leading tupte Sie ine. ie (thought whenever 1 had the pleasure of sd- dressing my fellow-citizeos, and sv | feel and think now. T said often un these vecasiona, and T Sav now, that itis a question which the pa ple, hy the regular exercise uf ihe elective irancaise, must decide, ‘The subject is one uf ep nach periuanept importance, and public men Nave become so comuuttied, aa the one side ur ‘he other, that the decisinn mus:, as { think be made by the coontry. We see an entirely new state of things. We beliuld new and untried Preneiples et the administration advanced aad adopted. Wiinesa an avewed and build rejuc- ton of the: pohey hitherto always prevatling — ' overament has come, not lv 4 paus: but tosrevulsion. It pvt only Stops, but it -sfaris batk 4 Wabandons the course wich Ut has been paesieg fornear fifty years, aud it Teptuaches teelf with having been aciing,all shat time, be yeod the baits of its eonstitutivnal power, it was try second Propositiun, sir, that t } leesage, the bill, & tne amendment taken tage ther, deny, in substanee, that this Goverc meat hag apy power or daty gdtineeted with the cor reacy, of the exchaagés, beyond the mere regu lation of the culas. And sir, is this not trae? Weare to judge of the Message by what 1: pmita, aa well as by ot he whether it was the duty Jiself wiih the national The Presideal says that the regalations es- lablisued by Cungress for the deposite and*safe- keeping of the public moneys having become in uperative by the suspension uf payment by. the bauks 5 and apprehending that the same cause would su diminish the revenue that the receipis intu the Treasury would nut be sufficient tu de- tray the expenses of Government ; and as ques- tions were also expectud (o arise reapecting the October insialment of the deposite tu the Siates, and duubling whether Government would be a- ble to pay its crediturs in specie, or its equiva- lent, acccording tu Jaw, he felt it to be his duty to ¢a}! Congress epee: These are the rea- sous tor calling Congress. They are all the | reasons 5 and they all have exclusive regard to | the Government itself. In the next place, Jet os see what measores the Message recommends to Congress [n its own language, the objects demanding ite atten tion are— “ To regulate, by law. the safe-k-eping, trans fer, and disbursement of the pubiic moneys 3 to designate the funds to be secvived and paid by ng , : feos i a ae a ewan n.d Giant age ihe wee it th oof wl is generst flief to the qylntry Py sete te, PRE CBee Ge he Not one." Nb, sit, riot on. Tae ke ynisira— | Fis scheme, too Pee el our sagen snd eelf. It proposes a luan, by the means'of Trea- | bults and bars, fr vies of Gétheerion’ to the sury nutes, anths good lan Meteoney io the | tite of giebargemens:” Oar } has been vi h~ revenue; and it ptopuses setae vaulis, & strongyperwiee, & it nds ween a uachd practice. [y 183S, boxes, fur the safe-keeping of the pabiic muneyeg) the Secrezary of the Treasury saturuishadsbe and here its paternal care ends: the Més-{ deposite banks, since they had o¥lamed the cus- sage propese to grapple. in any “way, with the, \ody of the public funds, to ate the *. | public, to joan freely especialy 10 importing | merchants “And now, e eysted is prupused to a8, according Ww which any ase of ihe public fonds, by way of loan or accommodativa to the ; pudlic, is made a criminal offence, and to be prosecuted by jndictment! Admirable, admizable cunsisiepey {| ‘ But the great objection to the measure, ‘that which suv much dimiaisbes the importanee of all other vbjectivns, is 4 abandonmeni of the duty of Guverpioent. “Fhe character of itis“project is severance uf the Guvesomeat from the peo- ple. ‘Ibis, like the mark of Cain, is branded. on its forehead. Government separate itself, not from (he banks merety, but, from tke com- munity. tt withdrawe ite eare, it denies its prolection, it renuunges its owo high duties. I am against the project, therefore, ia prineiple and to detail; 1 am fur no new experiments ; ' bet F am for a sound currency for tbe econotry. And [ wean by this a convertible earrency, 30 far a9 it consists of paper. I differ, altogether, in this respeet frum the gentleman from South Carutina. Mere Government paper, not paya- ble otherwise than by being received for taxes, haé no pretence to be called a currency. After all that can be said about it, such paper is mere- a paper money. ft is uothing but bills of credit® it always tas been,.and always will be, depre- ciated. Sir We want specie, and we want pa- per of uotversal credit, and which is convertible 119 specie at ihe Will of the bolder. That svs tem of currency, the experience of the world, and our own experience, bave both. fully ap- proved { maintain sir, that the People of this coon try are entitled, atthe hand of this government | the Government ; to enable the ‘Treasury to | meet promptly every demand upon it; to pre— : scribe the terms of indulgence, and the mode of trom individuals the tevenue that has accrued, | ag in withdrawing it from former depositories.” ‘These are all objects recommended particu- larly to the care of Congress ; and the enumer- tion of them ts followed by a general suggestion, | that Congress will adopt such furthet measures | a3 way promote the prosperity of the couniry.— | This whole enumeration, tt is obvious, is con— | fined to the wante and convenience of the Gov-, ernment itse'f. And now str, let us see on what grounds it is | that ibe Message refrains from recoinmenuing | iweasures of general relief. “he President says: “Tt was not desiyned by the Constitutioa that the Goverament should assure the man—_| agsement of domestic or foreign exchange. It is | indeed, authirized tof golate, by law the com ! merce DeLWeen ihe Statas, and to provide a gen. | eral siandard of value or meJiuin of exebange in gotd and silver; vUtit is nol ils provinee tu ald Individuals io the transfer of their tauds, other- Wise than through the facilities afforded by the ! Post Uffice Departunent. As justly might it be caled on to provide fur tie transportation of their merchandise ” Aid again ; ‘If therefore, T refrain frou suggesting to Cong ress any specific plan fur regulating (he ex- changes of the country, relieving wereantile em barrassiueuts, or intertering with the ordinary operations of torelga ur domestic commerce, it ts | Irom a conviction that such uveasures are not | within the constitatoual province of the Gener | al Governiesi, ind that their aduption would hot promote (he real and permanent welfare of | thuse they intgnt be designed to aid.” The President, then sir, declines to recom— mend any measure for the reliet of commerce, | for the restoraliua of the currency, or for the | benefit uf exchaages, on the avuwed aroaud, ihat In bis opinion, such measares are nor within the cunstitutional power of Cunaress. Heis dis iinet aud explicit, and su far entiiled to credit. Ie ceutes broadiy and flatly that there is any authority in this Governinent to regulate ihe Currency and the exchanges, beyoad the care of the coin. Che question, then, 1s fairly stated It caonot be misutversiond 3 and we are now to sve tow Congress, aod whai is mach tore im- portant, how the country will settle it. dir, President, if in May last, when specie payenty Were suspended, the .preatdent a one of the panks had called bis conneil of aireeturs logether, tafurmed them that their affairs wore threatened with danger, that they could not eol- lect their devs in specie, aad might not be able lo pay their creditors in Specie, and recommend- ed such micasures az he thought their interest required ; tis policy, in all this, would have been Oo more exclusively confined to the inter. #3 8 of his corporation than the policy of the Message is confined to the interests of this great curporation of Government, Both in practice, therefore, and on principle, ion reality and avow- edly, the Administration abandons the currency to {ts fate It surrenders all eare over it, de— cliaes all concern about it, and denies that it has any duly Gunnected with it. _» Sir, the question then comes to be this: Shall one of the great powers of the Constifation:-a puwet essential tu it, on any just plad or theory of Government, a power which has been exer- cised trum the beganing, a power absolutely necessary and indispensable to the proper tegu- lation of the commeree of the country, be“*now surrendered and abandoned forever?’ To this pulnt we have come sir, after: pursuing the “experiment” of the late Administration for five years. And:from this point, | am persua- ded, the country*will move, and move s'rungly in one direction or another. We shall either go over lo the gentleman fro:n Missouri. and suffer hun to embrace os tn his gold and silver arins, and hag us to his hard weney breast, or we shail relura 4@ the bong tried, well approved, and cun- sutuuional piaciice at the Gyvernament. As to the employment of the State banks, for the purpose of Maintaining the carrency, and carrying on the operati¢ns of exchange, I° cer- tatn'y never had any confidence in that system, aud have none now. -* I think their Tespective spheres of: action sre so liunited, and their currencies eo tocal, that they can never accomplish what is desired in relation to exchanges. Sul, I prefer the employment of State banks to the project befure us; becaase it is lees of a project ; because it is dees dangerous ; and chief- ly, because tt dues not surrender, effectually, and in terms, a great power of the Consiitniion, Ir. every respecr, this ptuject ts objectionable. Ut is but auother ‘experiment ) and those. wha re- com@cod 1& sh jealousty,. were the authers.of the last, and were equally full uf coufideace and as- surance in gard to that. wo. Who invite 02 to try this experiment 2 What Voices do we hear raised in it8 ggeommendation? the tga to a sound, sate and uniturm currency. {f they agree with me, they will themselves say sv. They will say, ‘itis our right, we have enjoy: ed it for turty years, 1. is practicable, it ts ne sary lo vas prosperity, this ihe duty of Guv— j ernmeal tu furnish it; we ought to have it, we can have it, and we will iiave I, ‘The language of the Aduninistration, on the other hand, is.‘Good masters, you are mistaken. Yuu have no such right, You are entitled to ne such thing fromus, ‘Pie Constiusion has been misundersiood. We have suddenly touud out tts troe meaning Anew light has flushed upon as. [tts no business of ours to futatsh 2 national currency, You cau not have it, and you will not get it,’ Mr. President, {€ have thus stated what I think to be the real question new before the country. I trast myself cheerfully, to the re: sult. [am willing to abide the test of time, and the ultimate judy:nent of the people ; for it is a seatiment deeply iniused into me, 1 is a convice tion which pervades every faculty [ dussess, that there can be no settled and permanent prus- perity to the commerce aod business of the coun- try, antil the constitutional dary of Goverameat in regard to the curreucy be bonestly and faith- fully fulfilled. + uw From the New York Daily Express ALL HAIL l=-siiff1E TWO POLLIES I8 AFLOAT. Among the numerous ‘all hails’ of late, and we have bad 4 ‘hai storm, nove gives as more vratification than the juturiuatiun contained i the fullawing Letter from our friend Mayor Downing ‘Twe release of the ‘“I’wo Poullies’ from ber lony perilons posittun, itis in our opinion a mere prelude to the escape of handreds from the mud4 and quicksands in whieh they have been plun- ged,—tne moral is a plaia one —we hupe i wail not be lost We commend the proposition touching rejoic- ing to the Commitiee of 76.) lias welito pear In mind tbat we are callled on, cot to imitate bad examples, but to set good ones. We believe that is the Major’s notion, and the Major is knowing to all ihese matters. , ON BOARD THE WO POLLIKS, Rockaway, L. I. Nov 11 (837- To the Exitors of the New York Daily Ex- press. ~ GentutTMen :—I thank vou for sendin me | tee papers reyolarly—bduil haint had time to write to you now: for sume time, I believe my last letter teli'd you about the condition of Uncle Sag anu his buttuns ; but | am not sariin. I have now the satisfaction to tell you—and you may tellitto all Creation—the THE ‘Two Pollies’ is:afluat, and this 1s aigh upon the way it cume abuut—Some weeks ayo J] gut a letter from Vacle Joshua, tellin me tu keep @ sharp. lock-out on the Udes slong abvat the beginnin of November—that they haa bad a plagy bigh one down there im Maine—anu shortly befure that there was a considerable sise in Rhode [al- and, and it would sartinly be the same all aloug shine—and accordin to bis kulkalation, there would oe a real rouser along by Yurk State sone: where from the first tu the middle of this menth —and that if Lever expected tu git the ‘Two Pollies’ off,this was the me to keep a sharp louk out, for Congress had done nothin iv heip at the last Session, and might not at .he neat. Aud sure enuf,oa the 6'h, jest at sunrise, it began to rise, and every followin tide kept goin a leetle beyond the last one ; and by sundown of the Sth—‘THe cGtorious 8tH NovemBer’—the Two Pollies begun io lift ou: of the sand, and roll—and to rights up she came on an even keel and sworg off to her ankér, which bad been run into deep water. The next mornin the folks begun to gather a- long shore and every Jivin crittur who could git off, all come on buard—and sich a time as we had there for acspell, | kalklate haint been seen fur many 8 day on board a Vegael, sound as ever in ber hull, but wactin spars, sails, and riggin. My old friend Z+kel Bizeluw,was amung the visiters,and nothin would do but he must deliver an address to the fulks—and he is you know, a complete haod at thaf—and a0 ap he goton the windlass, and did pyit jt vot.-there for half an hoor, most awful. €"stood Ike a tea pot, one arava kimbo and tother spoauin— and such a stream! ! there.was no gitting by it. He thanked everybody and everything, that had any band in gittin the Two Pollies Uf. shore— said the same canses would It more folks out of the med than we had any potion vo—for that the ‘fwo Polliea was out the only object that had been run on abpreby the wickedness, and and selfishness of anme fulks, and when he come tospesk of them folks, and tell piel the like. ‘his swill (ob. andi right over ew: “ty 529 o-The Two Pollics, an} said sfore,ias and duty: of the} ted and destroyed, Fin’ hes hall, and all her groped tackle We gt Spliansin relat] G Reboleed, That we poh ged Pee refituin, and 8 yet, 4h \d whereas, ‘the pe~| sures as tutions to the ee her to fos ae ee ns shibkgiet 0 to be Ped condiliag of ont countr¥, ang dangerous to the waite rigged on Fader jan ' — é y Gemanc's an ex 308 | oupirepablican institutions . ) @ new plan, and that a ‘convention of z Pot he OMS; andy. riggers’ isto sheet in New York-on ‘the’ 27th of ee ‘of the Reople Wj oGr solemn conviction tha the this month, to fix.upon a plan fur rigging ves therefore, . dedly disapproved by tie Pe ak feels generally - This daing the case, [ “don't 1 Resdlyed, (Counc) concurring,) That | State, and that our Re presen: Pt ae Eves beet ore abe Two eee gis the # gonal right and duty of | conform their acts and ae ew York, afd let stem all ta at her . provide s and then decide. { re ay, Pa ’ ongrése to provde for the safe keeping j of their constituents bya faitity) mach}. iasomtion of the public: —_ confidevoe in any ‘new rig. exproially if it bee | °"e cupaaion She Py we ee send any thing like- an ‘experiment’ aboot it—all | | °° the, ewbereby ‘e moved fram the custody of those to whom knew aboat itis, the I'wo Poilies was a clip- oe : per in her day, and witb her rig she had, and Congréss buve confided 1, 1s a violation of law and.a dangerous abatse of power, =~ opless [ am sarting that a change will be best, t wont give my consent.—As the Two Pul-- 2 Resolved, That the resolation of the lies was never abandoned te the under writers Senate of the United States of the 28th Mareh, A. D, 1834, which declares ‘that by the ownere, who are all of the ‘dont give | up the . ship’ order—there-wont be any trov- | Hble on tht score—but more of this in-my next. | the President, ia the late Exrentive proeee- | Of the statesman & Patriot. ande What io nater has got into folks? What i sumed authority and power not conferred [want w know !—I have ‘hearn tell of | gation of both.” meets the decided appro- | ‘knocking folks nto the middle of next | bation of thie Legislature ; and we regard week’—but if the news I got is only half the expuaoging of that resolution from the true, you wont4nd some folks for a good ; Jouraals of the Senate as an open antruc. | many weeks tocome—‘ Sich a gitien ‘tion ef ene -of the piaimest provisions of | stares’ —(as they say down in Georgia)—I | the Constitution, and of must dangerous | neyer hearn on afore,—why it seems to ; tendency me, them plagy Whigs have hoed out to- | Well now about the late cleetions. | dings in relation to the pull revenney as— | a to our highest respect snd ¢ iltude. has become of ‘the-party 7? Bo tell, now | by the Constitution and lxws, but in dero- | of their adoption, 10° Resolved, That in un =. = sition to all the foregoing m triotie and eloquent PUP Port of ted recited resolution, «9d his untir, defence of the rights and Inter States and tbe Pegple. the honurg vel L. Soatbard has Urechatyed ' 11 Resolved. That the OP dye Representatives of thie State tg the House of R«presentatives Meiity ceives our deciied ann hearty 4 12 Resolved, That ihe Goverie quested to transmit a copy of these tions to each of out Senators and sentatives in Congress, wit! 118 fh present the same to both Hous, seed will do more good than evil. kalkilation of what it wouid cost to tllumi- the city,—thea [ would, instead of spendin this money in this way, jist lay it by ull the winter comes, and either take it my- self or give it toa ward committee to buy wood or coal tor such families as by mis- fortun are sufferin and desttute—E would make no disunctiun of party, but whererer there were found sufferin woman and chil- lumination in their stoves or fire places ; (hig is the kind of illumination t hope ev- ery good Whig will go for, and take my word for it, it will bring Slessins on the cause and the party. ‘This course will be rank poisin to the leedin dimigogues of the Loco Foco party—they are the chaps that the ignorant but honest poor Whigs are there very worst enemies, and some be- lieve it, when it is well known— and none know it better than these Loco Foco lea- ders, especially the Buftz!o tribe—that it is arank lie. ‘There are no people in the wile world more charitable than the Ame- rican people deny uw? Let any man go abroad—and then come home—and then hear what he says about it. who 1s it gives liberally of the fruits of uis industry,—the man who has somethin, or the wan who has nothin ?—and yet we hear some of these Loco Foco dimigogues, who are too idle to work for an honest hi- vin, talkin round among the ignorant and the wicked, and tellin em to join in the ery of down with the rich, and Irvin, in fact, to make it appear a sin in any man to have more with his industry and vir- tues, than they have with their idleness & w:ckedness. I dont like to trast myself in writin more on this matter, as my dander always begins to lift when I think vi7t. But about this jollification talk’d on, I dont see that better conld be done than the plan T propose,—and I hope something as nigh Jike it as possible will be adopted ;— however, [dunt know but we mus} have something by way of markin this election; and iusteaa of an illumination, let a big gun —‘slam bang’—from the sea shore to the Jakes and back again—and I call on my friend Prentiss of the Louisville Journal away over in old Kentucky, to charter the tig thunder cloud he promised a spell ago, to let off a real rouser, and 1 hope every State will take its own time in jinin in with this vietory, ull it comes round thro’ old Virginny. & let the last roar of the big guns be heard onthe day when Congress gils together, jest to tell the folks there, that the wind has shifted and it is high time to tack ship. And as regards returnin thanke for bles- ‘proclaination’ now, he will see that the Governor must had a notion that in addition to good crops and good health; good sound constitutional principles would be estab- lished—and now if all these aint worth be ing thankful for, then we are ungrateful.— As a day then is appointed by the Govern or, letus all as our good old fathers and grandfathers did before us, go to ehurch and have a good sermon and jine in the sarvices of priase and thanksgivin, and then come home and git the family together,and invite in as many as there is room for and pumpkins in creation I hope they wont be neglected; and I hope no man oft the-rale grit Willon that day Bit to top off a thanks- giving dinner with a genuine pumpkin pic, and do all in his power to see thet fis. po0r- est neighbor has one too. “I somehow feel sure things.go right when pumkin pies are respected ; ovr pious and patriotic fathers patronised thém—and no two things, my mind, seem to hinge together so snug, and have hung together sodung, ag patri- ousin and pumpkins. _ _ - Your friend, and eh’t serv, how and why ail this trouble had heen broyght on theseeontry entirely bv Weir wiekedness;-their ignorance, aad their wiltullness, he just touk ap ® J. DOWNING, Major. oe at who aint got no family, and if there be any | nate the biggest house (if [had one ) in! dren ¢here I would go in and make an il- | I know it,—and who dares ; Well then, if this is so, ! 3 Resolved, That the claim and practice ther party completely, and not left enuf for | of the National Executive, which regard all Executive officers, and especiallv those to I hear tell you are goin to have a jollifi- ; whom the puilic moneys are 1 w sted by cation on this matter on the 22nd inst —I} law, as the mere agents of the President, must git the Two Pollies up to town by ! whom he may on all occasions control and that time if possible, and take a hand in it dismiss et bia pleasure, are sncorfsisteat —but I hope it will be one of thatkind that: with the repablican principtes of our insti- Now Ill tutions, an assumption of regal perogative, te you what notion is abuut it, and what! and tend to the establishment of arbitrary Ifo: one mean to do—I mean to make a. government. 4 Resolved, Thatthe circular letter from the Treasury Department koown as the Specie Ciscular,? and issued by direction :of the Executive, was not justified by lew, ij inexpedient io relation to the currency of the country. unjust in its operation on def: ‘ ferent sections of the Umion, aad in. viole- ition of the constitutional nghts of the Siates ;and the People. ~5 Resolved, That the removal of the , poblic moneys from the deposite in which ‘the law of the land required them tc be kept, and where they were safe and availa- | ble at all times, their deposite tn banks not } selected or aulhonsed by Congress, ar ca- | pable of performing the duties of fseal a— igents of the Government, the encourage- | ment to them by the Administration to en- large their discounts and circulation, and Increase the paper money of the country, countenance piven to’ the creation of an immense amount of new banking capitel by the States, the unnecessary, unwise. and forced tmpeitahion of specie from countries to which our own was indebted, and to /ahich, by the operations of commerce, it muet be restored, and the refusal to receive the ordinary circurating medium for dues to the Government, constitute a succession of acts founded in ignorance ef the condition and interests of the country, whose inevita- hie tendency was to derange the business and exchanges of the diferent portions of the Union, create distrust, emburiass every branch of industry destroy the prosperity of tbe country, end oppress the laboring class- es of the community 5 and thatin the opin- ion of the People of this State, these acts of the Government have destroyed the bus- iness of the Nation, and are the immediate causes of the depreciated siate of our cir- culating medium, and of the universal dis— (ress of the community. 6 Resolved, That therecent act of Con- gress, founded on the recommendation of Siates nine millions of dollars which had been pledged to them. dissppointed the just 10 consequences injurious to the States and the People. 1 Resulred, That the issne of ten mil- lions of Treasury drafts to enable the Gov- ernment to meet the expenses of its admin- istration is evidence of a wanton waste of | the abundant revenues and resources of the | Nation. an unnecessary addition to the pa- per money of the country, and a violation | of the professions and promises which Lave heen made to the Peuple. & Resolved, Thatthie Legislature look wide alarm to the weasuros proposed and urged by the National Exes.) ,and inthe! name, andon the behaifoft.. Pople of this | ; nisl sins received,the Governor has already ap- State, do most earnestly anc co muly protest board in a state of the ‘ino! ag pointed a day fora general thankegiven all against — i vion.— Theodore Hook’ 4 ‘ , . - | ? 3 P oes AS over the State and if any man will read that lst The avoption of what is osually | *Gentleman Jack, er Jack £1? called the sub-Treasury scheme, wherebs all the public treasure will be in the hands of the officers of the Government, to be | kept and disbursed by them, aod will be| unsafe, may be used for party and corrupt | purposes, and will angment ihe Executive | power to a dangerous extent, Imasmuch as the control of the whole treasare of the | Nation will, by the power of appointment | and removal, be 10 the hands of the Pres- deat alone, 2d. The establishment of the principle | and*practice of compelling all duesto the | Government, and ail dedts from the Govern- | ment. to be. paid in specie alone, because it will enable the Government to obtain pos- session of a large proportion of the specie of the country, and thereby control at plea- sure and deetroy the circulating medium created by the States; and it aleo establiah- €s a most odious distinction between the inasmnch as the latter will receive for thei ! | | gold and silver, while the labor of the Peo- People and those who bold public office, salaries, and in payment for their services, ple must be psid for.in less valaable paper, which the conduct of the Government will | ca = | more and more depreciate aud render worth: | Downingville Militia, Qf Brigade. less. 7 the President, which withholds from the | expectation of the States; and was an unjust l crunk. sir?’ replies Wolf, wilh the ; and unnecessary violation of faith, leading toll the story from every bill top, 76 inner | A Pee "Bull Ou. ° b —Oue when his fate Majesty's ship H at the cape a seaman naimec Wa & to Lieutenant Straogewsys fu lee on shore, . ‘No, Wolfe,’ ssid Strangewars i allow you to go on shore. Yi) last time you got leave, JOU cane y ‘drunk; aud such Conduct canno: be tec e ‘I promise you, sir, | won’ fr said Wolfe hy. ‘What do you want to dv asbure” ed Strangewavs *} want to fight.’ ‘To fight? repeated Strangewere 9 ty errand, truly! And with w ben, om you mean to fight? ©With black Samby, the prizsEon, He ca "enged meto match before | the aad has heen taunting since i. *@tating thai fan afradta lo my bayain. Tins ts the “Doren which we were to meet sinand 1 [4 attend, they will call me coward,’ ‘Htis extremely fooliai in ¥- Into such engage Ment, sir,” replied s ways; ‘but what you sav ia tre: if cog not attend, those Cape Town Bu'iag IMpure to cowardice — You promi you won't get drunk?’ ‘I promise, sir.’ ‘Then you may go? Wolf accordingiy went on short, wl ter an absence of sbout an boar ante he returned without having tsste aan | hquor. As soon as he got on deck he to Strangeways and reported himseil, ‘Tam Gomme on board. sii, ser’ Well,’ rephed Strangewars, | 0a you have kept your word. Dio you the matcin? “did, sit.’ ‘Was it a long one? ‘Fifty minntes. sir, by the watch ‘Who conquered?’ ‘| did, sir, ‘Did you punch your opposes sm ie . ‘Why. sir, [beat him, aod tha: ing enongh ? ‘Right! You may reuire, si } hope. sir, you wil! liaveno” to let me go ashore again.’ #0 Va lingering iu the neighborhood ot the tenant. . ‘What! at present?—Yrs st = what do you wanito do ashore Lvs! possible expression of ecunenaity Strangeways burst cot into of IBS fit of laughter — May 1 go, sir: Me Wolf, when he thought the Lit? suffi rent ime to indnige his ae ‘It as contrary to all rule’ a ways searcely able to BU ee ter; ‘put since you have Mn mise so faithfolly. V will perm eg eit j tensace. and in a few mintl tT . i sa! once to go’ Thank you. *! va with the same immovable gra"! ox pulling off in one of the asia ic ded the ship with fruit He P faithfuliy on this as on the tore and towards evening he ¥# © ee — Pee From the Philadel pii3 . @ LOUIS PHILIPPE -" C's through a friend’s poll enrss,*! f » © ing episile from the King of te eonjectuzal & erropesus |! i culating tn this country, "1 ' i. tinguished monarch, a6 2 1"" his occupation whre an esi" o States, abowt forty years sie” at The ensuing fetter, aren Eile rg swer losome enquiries OU pare eee question at rest. ‘ ngf 7 O03 wo Jn short, sa schoul in Jersey orelsewnere voy he woald nai have omitted + Pp . toa letter writicn expressly ®! taining information att As : writer Louts Philippe ey man, appears sufficiently farm eal of the English language. '° Oe ante pundence in accordance with ¢ . a glo American Hie Langa? s spicuous thoaghout, au © oes He appears to be nu stranger eens ot Society of friends.’ and '" his md lerence to this subject, ha- 2° . oe and uffensive term by which It ™ 7 signated. ea iar 1? [tis ecarcely necessary nea ne of France has shown himre ! ea of life, worthy of his exalted! a lel, peamiply written aud es con! 4 the eagutres uf an bumble bin (ne jJuve last, aad I readily. si Ww answer la iny Own , eaquiles- rn Po na , since! delphia, and pa fate C. The pace now. betsme:drendful. It: was ap, Se a. ' ® , ; 2 ees. eo: sae n stb woek préceedin Wee lieve that he ever attempted tu | lear to wwe that the Lady waein band, and Pic |. ee Be & ef. d e, ee forme: butof this 1 ew certain, | ion fully out. He gained on. bér every jump, |.when the or wag at home, and mention pees axstl wed his fame, Duf ever aliewp- and as they- swang round the cofifer for the io pass avsell olf for bias. pelie Ve uve that | never youl father's huuse of ary other. pag , 800u! furty yom ya, that m Bd. pul | revere , inet git a ipriD naar was Redmea, ab fo oune Scetety of Freods ine house of an- os memmver uf lie [beveve Juba Bilton, intruduced by Mr Guester. regse'\, Intor pan } Pe j : alue the taVoura- J must sid, inal P highly Fa tained of me im the United eat [ihe you or having «xpresyed it ‘gander su grauifyiug to any feehiugs. f remain, dear Sir, ¥var sine @ fiend, Signed, LOUIS FHILIPPE NoHN Evans Revman, Msg. Philadelphia, the origi al of the aoere, which was sent us e330 pain, is ip @ fins, fluwiog hand, re rkabie (ree 10 18 compass, and plain wo read e sigoaiure is handsome and bold, with cer- flourishes atthe cloee, which indleate the h aod ‘he Frenchinan. Che seal is gur- ted by (he crown, with the initials, “LP. ne old Mugiish blackletter. om, $c withont Yosing blood. and also to stop Flemorrhage. Sir Jamee Murray bas turned the dry cap- prociple (o & Very Mygenivus account, He ged at liyrfivus CcudlriVvence, something the slipper oath, whieh bad an air pump for stg the ar dpplird tout. Phe patieot was ved io, and it Was then made air light, wg Dib a breathing com punication with the renal aicausphere. ‘I'he air wae then exhaus- hoa the interior, and at.nospheric pressure ~ from the surficeuf the bouy. Abdvata i of ainosphere being exhausted, tuok uff a daimspenc pressure, ‘Phe esmsequence shere ibe budy was befure culd‘aod. éullaps- the vessels were imioediately fitted ap aad ed turgid, while it did got at al interfere th the process of respiration. He exhibited anvtner application uf the same nivance of 3 lung tin tube made air tight, and tha pixce ot ‘vet bladder round one end, eh was open: althe olber end, which was sup, a small exuausting alr-pump was ¢ aqpenity of. inet whick-have Na £7. : e Sh. tap peo BT ON (CoE St Crocs, 26th As re. | have reverved yourRind.sh % your er residence in the Uaited Stateg,-1 om * anf 4 any otber name, than my ows wel ears [have knowa Mr Peter Guer. tater mathe Havanna; rime, 19 1799, | beve never beard [arm toially iguurant of whas may | pever weal tu Haddonfield, bat i ludyed ur bnarded there [1 is gow rs, suce | wasto Phila y creo lec ns are OvCumMAY Con- ] diacd ioere once io Couppe- s.ine sotiely whose name and ty whom I bad Sir, to de unadie to give you mute sn abewer to yuus eNquirior, | nious mole of removing Congestion of third mile was.rua-in 2m. Gout sueteh the at as they pussed jae ike taavmile. Pictha begs to run for the heat, ua im vaio to keep ap with Le they reached on the back sed Atalanta, and was ronding struggle home he was at har saddle shoulders. aud came home with the swiftness uf the wind the showt with inteceat.. Kime, 8 09s. last nile was run fn im 548. Atalanta was dis laneed. Closed uo ber and shut her out. would ave saved her distance. way. Lady Cliffden took thetead at the start for-tbe first beat and main: ained it for wwe mites, com- Ing io the second mile oniy two feet «head. The secund mite ran in im 56x—the firat miie in zm 28. Pretun was making 4 desperate effort and hatd after -Ledg | girth, and telare they reached the ‘pickéis, was upto her He looked just like passing, and his friends sent ap such a shout, it ‘stafted me. froia my propriety.’ ‘The ‘little Maryland poay’ broke from him-at the two mue distance stand, +} The fredde of Lady Clifden now returaed iba The Ste was so fat behind that the crowd But for this she ‘The bets were now 10 ta. Lon Lady Chiffden j and wv iakers. [) was clear auw thai she had the ‘foo! of Pictun and could beat hia in ber own fae” ze, be ae Ble ‘from Me. 6 arte thet the sentiments, reecived the. approba- this anystake, we promptly sent him a aote Lot apology, expluaing tbe-mistake. It oc- curred fram the faet of having written onr 7” : | tetrarks on the week before they were pub-- sees Stee Wo think that.the two counties ought jointly to purchase the Sips . a . io the exeiteineut amung the erowd was immense. | lished, and being in baste to start on a | On the third mile he locked the filly and the shuuis of his admirers weredenfening. He kept two'feet in fruat. IT wassu‘excited’ that [ could rot lovk at my watch, On the turo Lady C. let vutio a runofafew yards was clear of hin The running was now all uver and she came uut ) aboat 15 yards ahead. winuing the teat and purse — Tine 8m 4s Lady Clifden hae now triamphed over all her rivals. She hus only been beaten by Mingy, (Atalanta and Fanny Wyait—these she jas since conquered, and she therefure stands ‘‘a- lone.” Fanny Wyatt was suld yesterday on the p Codrse, by Watsun of Partersalls, for $5,800 — real ssle. Sheisinamatch with Decatur for $20,000—$10,000 a side. Mr. John C Stevens, who was partuwner of ver, being opposed to the maich as it interfered with hia other engage ments, she was sold She goesinto the stable of O. P. Hareof Petersburg, aud was purchased on acoount of two ot three geatienen intererted in the match A patient with a paralytic wrist pat ap we law ibis, the wet vladder wae tigntenéd hig arm at the top to wakes ii the atinuephere was then pusmped vat uf cn: by Ihe patient himmseif or acy other person deerme turgid, "ie circulation was my ibe par’ eifes et was goun Cured. ewes inoiher Bdepiion of the same con- wer iodraw ofthe effect ot coagesiion of mua. There was another application tu s'op whageinan injured tind, liuo. of other malty An exhiustog panp waa fixea to ted fa lauder tne Jiuno put inte she blad- weans of tie punp, Water compressed the ar ciude to tae skin as effin tually to gicp the pores of the skin. “The same contri- ota bladder and exhausting pamp was al pplied forthe cure of vleerated legs, dy ming thy evaporition of the uleers, by ex- Wg (he air,and waking the collapsed blad Mnere iznsly ali ound. [nere wera sav Avr ingevious cooirivagces and applica— Moline saiue invention, the exhibition of aad (he inveator’s happy bumor, elicited ippiauge Avoe ol thanks waa given tu Sir James Mur- hrihe very valoable Instruction which he maveyed.—wWV VY. Stur. HOBOKEN COURSE RACES. eeponoence of the Baltimore Chronicle. EW YORK, Friday, Nov.10,3 P M. pete giving you an account of the races to- PEN me to congratulate you oo the thrice a etry which we have gained in the State—New York 18 redeemed! The star a bigs is in the ascendant, and now mM ineridian splendor! fy Is a glorioas Every ody seems Nappy, the streets are With propla, aud the Yhuuts of the victors aly with sonads of Bladnese. Jr is une Al holiday, and in ounse hence. thousands Ma.ors Were on ite Course ty day who Y might nos have Deen. Phevel were 7 Saany present as a; = the great race be- oa oe and Mure than were oral race last week on Lung Island sa oe beal the finest Geld of hors- ey } a aried al once in this cuuatry,in the | . CMrieg for to da sad Pion. y were Atalanta, Lady HS iu The betting ia the city t Pree against Lady Chifien, 5 w3 ‘bere wt BOvul the same against Ata— 7 iC ae Cuasiderable suins laid vat The ‘ADIN against Picton, (Virginia was that Pictor ‘ake Ribdd lar press) R ike ee heat. ths performance last 2 As ence ne tan the rst heat Gey the @x pressed opioiva uf many Oth “aave won the race, if he had trail- * first heat, made many shy of btm. y Clifftten stood by her un a Wee of Lad hey were satisfied that no borse md ieee have beaiea her in the ‘great ; canoe betiefof her rider that sae rh ave taken the first heat froin * confidence aud assared them of ‘alanta had hee friends, aud always ‘she deserves them. With * d8viia’ ag Chiffden and Picton her eee slim, thoogh it wasa caley Would run each others? | off, same in at the end for ibe wares * wes her hope and reliance, Was deauliful—and the ladies’ stand Y he With them Lady Clifden was favor & te. The tack was heavy. mies, but recently been made Me . A Tight before had made it slight. Mens ne welock the horses came to tom oma had the waek, Clifden next Shaod ou hey gota very fair “go,” Erllop in 2-@ 15a Atalanta ia the ar tight, | { ‘ umepberic pressure dbeiay taken off, the | 1Ocreds- | \ | id te neek (nen ted round toraky ii air. | NUN bad placed many of his adinirers by r The air was then completely exbansted | the suddenness with which he came out for a2 z Nyse x ; a i th ° re a men Be . ° on . a a a WATCHMAN e Dec. 2, 1837. _ Salisbury, oo | We made sume remarks not Jona sinea on the awkward predicament in which Mr. Cal- the sub Treasury scheme. There are many Geaotlemen who say they heard Mr. Calhoun deovunce that scheme as he went un to SVaslt ingtoa City last August, At Charlotte in par- ptscular, the Judge then holaing the Supe- rier Court, with several gentlemen of the Bar, agpanunderof intelligant citiz-ns of Char- lotte, called on Mr. Calhoun, aud they eon vurin saying that he thea disapproved uf the sub- Treasury plan: ‘That he spoke freely aud unreservedly on the subject, and-at constderable length. ‘hese gentlemen bad mentioned Mr. Calhoun’s conversation befure his change of o- pinion Was ever spoken of, and when that was first suggested, sume of his trends denied the fact and adverted to this interview io dis prove what was then regarded as most pitiful stander. But this is not the only sudden turn over of Mr. Calhoun’s. His vote to withhold the 4th instalinent of the Surpius Revenue from the States was more pointedly incunsistent with his resent opinions. On this same trip to Wash- ingiun, in company with several members of the House Representatives, he deprecated the pro posal in the most emphatio terms,and declared that the opposition ought to insist on the execu tion of the depusite law if we had to take the money tn rags. Mr. Thompson of South Carv- lina, and Mr. A. A. Shepperd of uur gn State, heard Aetar make thie declaration frequenily, and if any one doubts it, he cat pot only get the tes timony of these geutlemen, but that of several privaty individaals, who are near at band, but who are averse tu have their names drawn iow a political controversy unless it be necessary.— So that Mr. Calhoun has nut only placed his frieads in an awkward predicament, bet himself in a stil! more awkward one. . Mr. Calhoan has been held up as the model of politicians, and so extravagant is the admir ation uf his friends, that all who qtestion the suvadness of his views are pronounced enemies to the South and no repattieans. Yet, when called on to explain bow a man could be justified in violating the Constitution from notions of ex- pediency, as he says he did ia voting twice dis- lunetly for charteriog a Nationa! Bank, they say guthing. When asked if he was aot once ia fa- vor of a grand systero of Internal Improvements and fortifications: they say we deal ia “‘bitlinge- gate and brothel talk.” But it is useless to press thie Matter of the sub-‘T'reasury on Mr. Calhoun : ‘The démocracy uf wawsbers has pronounced upon tin an @arth- quake voice : Never since the «history of this ae journey, we took bat little peins wit! iJ | clege op ty her ow the tura, and when esming up them. We were absent that week uatil the streicte headed and passed the jodyes’ stand | our paper appeared, so that -we did not read the proof sheet, or bave any Other oppor- “tunity of perceiving the e:or. We should be sorry indeed, if we were capable of 80 small a piece of detraction, as this would “Seem toimply, OUR RAIL ROAD We have been afraid evento ask ques- Se tious Cuncerning the Fayetteville and Western Rail Road, least we should hear that it had been MeNeill, the Engineer. He not ouly gives us the reason uf thasreports nut having been pub calculated te revive confidence in such as have Just it. His THOUSAND DoLLARs in the undertsking, extract froin Fayette, Obs,) is an argument tuat ne que can help uncerstuodiag. Major MeN cosld not amount tu thas suum : to take frum fils purse thausauds more for the pur- pse. No one can duubt Mejor MeNeill’s faith in the projet, po one can doubt his judgm-ot or hin sppwsaouy of knowing. ‘Vnis we bucky one's judgement wile one's money, whieh is i these costeruiunger daysis thought the highest proof of sincerity. It will be perceived ibat Maj. McNeill speaks of the difficulties as by no means 'f-rnidabie v0 any of the four ruvies surveyed, and as being with the maxtoium of vne million, We never bave had the least doubt, but that the work would progress if the report should be tavorable. Nur do we io the leas fear but the Legisiaiare will eaiend the provision of the Scale subscriplica, whea we show ourselves eu- titi-d tu it ‘bya goud subscription trum individuals vi 3 Sths. Every thing as we have befure said depends va ule tepurl of ihe Kugineer, and ull that is made, the soul of this cilerpiise Is dead Office Puyetteville & Western Rail Road ‘ NNuveduber 22, 1337, Yr. Aale: | aoserve i tis week's Carolinj— ana edltunal asking tjoruativg rropreliag the proceediogs of cur Rati Road Cotspany. [take Yirat pleasure ia affording all the ustormation tn Dy power, tn repty thereto, Phe experimental Surveys Dave been completed Buor roues Nave Been Bepataiely and thutoihty sure yet — commectiag the Cape Pear Rover attbis tuwn as sbve the Narrows. dau boppy te ade, tai a route has beau found as iavuravie as our most san gine eXpectations could have desteed No tian: portant dith-ulty preseats Useif toveeo rn eetheral the ruutes. Po heve wihome vow th HACOSSALY data, aod inalerials,with pr fies aud maps of the several routes, with whied Pb snail sus'antly pre ceed ty New York, so that io connection wii G W. Whoistier, Bg My professional coaduter, f inay tortawith tepust-to the Buard of Direc- tors. I shalf complete my report with all expedition, SO a8 ty be prepéred to present it im persun at a Geaeral Meeting of theSteckhulders,whie Lap derstand the Directory eontemptate to conveoe at Lincolnton, at ad early dey: The present Subscription aioounis, [ learn, tu abuut g2235000, —Assemiog une willion as the probable cust of the eatire-Road, ao estimate not far frum ihe true one, We shovid reqitire $375,000 tv complete our \bree—fifths of the Capital Stock, so as tu sccure the State’s subscription. [| have not allowed myself to despair abont the aliimate prosecution of this work, su ‘Mecessary ty the Western part of our State. Under my advice, the Report has been withheld durieg the unexampled distrese which has pervaded all classes the past Sum- Carolina wit} suffer the project to be abandoned, when the subesrip:ion of se small a sum of mo ney would ensure: ite igoruas proseeution and Sea ieee! Daring my late visit to Buncombe and the’ adjaouut Counties, I had ihe re “uf ageet- ing with eome distiaguiched citzens-of that sec-+ tion Stite, deeply -inieretied:in Wie wack, and wes'pleased to gee in them an unabated "4 - t > - 2 a z 4 in _ |p conclusion | may be permitted to add, that AS Deeds only the hearty.and undivided co-opera- tiva of Wilmiagton, Fspotenle st ‘the -Weet,. ty constract this great Work-=the. consequence of whieh must bg so entinggtly, advantageous ta dighativo, There are" fow vpices hers aud | 09 ic 2n1 tara Lady Chidea, who had beea there, that ory an. from the wi jeraes p jis be- | half ; bat the Gs, of the People ‘from Country com d, has a> mensuite of, Gov- | them. . : oo Say WM. GIBBS McNEILL. —— ; a ae The Direeoreiaf the Batt ot Cape ¥ the siarting place, with tie Yodhen assume pains | lost sight of, It is with great pleasure, therefure, that we copy the falluwing publication by Major | lished, but takes a view of the subject, well | wilhogness to venture PWENTY | (see | dressed vill's i of uther current change be hasbcen driven ww Salary in Several years, deducting expenses, &e. | this expedient, | ee bach feiags wil | Judge wou was se pooled towards himin bis lay not only to stake the hurd earnings of 3or | chirse uv the Grane Jury, 4 four years tabor uu ihe event, dur he is williog ; Vace wolieed ihe tact, that itis a public offence {ig twofine fiities fur sale. There is. ny difli jeulty iu pergeiving.tuat they are nage of bigh eat Pm aw - >. ae i spétch, we , }90King anxivucty trom the fence wo the grvead{. Se oie = eames Sherpa of thin ‘speech il jolt them over to our side. Our f Ht dety frivtide, we Taw already dela bis sbhicge over tbe South Yadkin ; Biisige and make it free. it wot bad.—In a Couuty Court last week, Was ted a suit of trespass brought against turee patroilers for whipping a slave wath- “out authority: The plaintiffs counsel in ‘the course of a pretty heavy denunciation | against patrollers, observed that, ‘dressed with a litle buef authority, like an angry ape, they eut such fantastic capers before bigh Heaven, ag made the angels weep’ A waggish Attorney sitting by, whispered to one of his bretbern, +1 think the angels would have Leen more apt to laugh at such a likeness.’ Fish and Flesh —Heary Humphreys, Esq , | the euterprising proprietor of the Greensburough | Cottun Factory was indicted and cunvieted at | the last >apertor Court at Guilford, fur issniug | due bills tor currency. Mr. Humphreys has ap- pealed vuthe Supreme Cuart. He bis also ad avery sensible Card to his fella citi- j BeOS, Slang ati ug other Uiings, that fur want He gives a home thrust at the bul whu never has ty pass bank bills issued in spother State for sums 0.der five duliars, We thiukit is oard sheasure towatds Mr Humphreys in these shin ptasier days, ‘nat ov budy shall be punished bu: North Caruiina have bweu guilty of, As to his inyuey, We bad as leave have it as that of the Suuih Caruitna Baaks |! gC We call the aitentiva of such as'it may coocero to the advertisetpeut in this piper, offer- prosuise. ‘l‘ueir Pedigrees are excellent and can ve weld nulhenticaieds: = ” ; — Lt ggPins that unlike the cities of Greece that claimed the nutiwity vf Homer, a coniest seeais abuu} tu arise wuoig tbe States on their several digflaimers of the hunur of baving been the berth. place of the great Humbugger. We have ieeeived several jeilers un this subdjeet, only the lullowtig two, however, is it uecessaty to pub- lish, P———aCo Va. | \ ) ! ther. | j to oun Academy, where | weat two school { I \ j { { | | } } isfied to let the matter rest where He pul it, fer mer, and I canoot thiuk that Westen Nutih | he carrying 1 on ear have appuigted ius E 4 D. Jotes} te tion at the Bank Con ventico represent thatinati on the 27th dst.’ - Fay. OBeorver. | dling ,“Réticians, while ber able men have becn , ia an nour of delasion, thrust aside. But Vir epite the ne “Ur. Editor :—1 see you are trying to pat the hon af Poem Beatou's oirth place en Vu- gitua. J Uvauk yuu, sn,‘ we'll nowe of-in” nei- ri@ Was burn vear Hillsbdvu?. where his father hwed, He was educated at the Hiilsb- with in UlUd he weut to Chupel Hdl, where be |. Noisted his education with ail cite hoaugg that Mad vcen predicted tor him. Loever heard itve- Vou suzgesicd there tat be was a Virginian Sir, anviner thing Limast remark, and that is, your calling Virginia a loco foco State. We'll Gove of That Geaher. Virginia has 5eeq dimmed adc Obgggred by the Wicks and desigas of. mid gita, ike’ New York, will-come right ageio, aad that right suddenly The elemenis are at work, that will work that result: go mark it,— In the meaa time, spare us the reproaches we} deserve. Above all, do nut puton us those that we du avideserve. Virginia is neither loco foeo| vor she birth place uf the great Hombtiycer. A — Co,N.C. ‘ Mr. Editor:—Sir, F see in one of yoor late papers thal. you expresa a doubt whether Mf. Benton is a native uf<Nurth Carolina. I have been surprised that.some one bas not before dis- pated this fact, which is so oitea made a matter of buast im the Senate of the United Siates, but as othess seemed tu care little abuut it, 1 was gat —<9 ~ I thought it was Very little toahe ‘Wurkd where was bum, unless he was & betiet’ man. | once lived close by T'oin's fasher in this cuanty, ‘Tom was tide a good smart but a mortal’ ugly stupid looking fellow : with more malice and cunning ibaa any one of hie} age lever saw. Ifhe could do-sny thing to hbors _ he would do it. Spch as}. nd-torkies, letting down fences E19 to our district and heme | fed newr his Mill, It is'@ cupital prece of work, and we hope may amply ceward nm for his be taf WERat Cire Poelths of tne “freemen dt of achap aa to size, | 4 * ver we tread,i¢ pow emblake Of victory.—Tiie song of t sands of oer fellow citizens seem to be hike that Which “first Jéd-oly “fotliers to congitest—which ina; of battle, aud which w¢ battlefields to their | safe and happy, and suon, thask ,Heaven ! e@mvompassed. her. Raleigh Register. . From the Fayetteville Observer FAYETTEVILLE @ WESTERN RAIL ROAD. The last Salisbury Carolinian aske for infor- Matton ja relation to the progress of the Survey, and the pruspect of the ultimate saecess of this work, or whether it has been abandoned, We have nut had an Opportwvity of consulting the prope: authoriues since the Carohmuan came to band; butcan siste (hat: the Survey was long since completed, und all the Engmeere dis charged, except two,whu were Neekssary to cum- plete the Esiunates, Maps, & That these genilemen have been assiduvusly engaged in tbat duty until a few days past, when it was finished, to the greut salstaction, as we have féarned, of those who have examined the work. It appears to us that the inquiry as to the prospects of its aitimate aceomplishinent, woald have been better addressed fo the ‘friends of the work in the west,’ than from them to the officers of the Company. It is manifest to alk that there can be nu hope of its success withuut the aid of the West, and it is equally manifest that that aid bas no’ been extended, from any part of the West, with the excepliun Z Salisbary, . That town manifested anoble cesifiation to dv.iledat y, and redeem its promises; and with the edme epir tL in other towns and counties, we should have had no cause to fear for the result. There is yet time left, daring which those interested may stil! avail theiuselves uf the Jiberalitpyof the Legis— lature. "The necessary individual subscriptions inust be wade and one-fourth of the whule umount actually paid, befure the 8d Monday of November next, to entitle the Company to‘the State subseripiion of two fifths. Fayetteville and Salisbury have doue, and stand ready to do, their duty. ‘lhe remainder of the West have not. ‘They have as yet forfeited their pledges. Major MeNeill, the Chief Engineer, arrived here yesierday, and we understand wili not fiet— en tu ihe tdea of abanconiug the work He stands ready tw pledge himself io ite success, bf a subscription op his own accyunt of $24,000. Wil! this fact Give confidence to those who, tt any such there be, dou uf the comolete success of the work, if they will put their shoulders to the wheel 2? If nol, we knuw not what we cao say. We understand that a meeting of the Compa- Pay wiil be calied #! an early day, when a Report and Estiaates will be submilted. P.S:—See Major McNeill’s communication. MAAR RIED At Mocksville. on ‘Phoreday lagt, Mr. T. MELMOTH YOUNG, of Sratesville, to Miss MAKIA MeNBELY, danghter of ‘Thomas McNeely, Esq Qn which occasion the fulluw- ing has been commenicated. Leave, O leave! thy fathers halls, Where you co oft have sweetly sung; Comte gid the hearth and cheerthe walls Of him whol wake thee always yuang. Then time his scythe will hack wards Sling, And fly unheeded o’er your head ; Nu cace-wurn age, vor griefs thai sting Shall it in visiens round iby bed. But forms in robes of dazzling light, _ Withoot a blemjsh or a stain , wre pore and spiritoally dright, ‘Than ever fired a Puets brain, “Shall start from out their fairy bowers And suotbe thee with a mystic lay, Shall strew thy path with beaateuus flowers, Aud crown thee with a wreath of bay. THE ANSWER. T come ! for oft" has hoary age ‘Ture’ back and ponder’d o'er the page Of childhuod’s sunny prys; And off have Pcet’s harps beeo strung To siug the pleasures of the young, , { make thee then my choice !— M, On the 19th uf October, in Iredell county, at the residence of M:. James Muntgomery, by the Rev. Joho W. Lewis, Mr. JAMES HERVY TEMPLETON, w miss ELIZA SANE MONT GUMERY, boilrof this eventy. —haa Mg the stock, Gc. he., and 29 to lying. there Wag'ng end to it. When the Beo- tons first came “bere, the neighbors all got into > With ove another by: bis wards and fufwarde, a this. Was Kept Gp ‘ent: Tom wae food out » after-| wazde however, his word was notiskeo fof any thing, and peace Was restored among us. Tom Fehr range FP lg $1265 “Over the weak oF “4 ceed tn heciar tnd ‘domo Sta crpel_sate.— borg,,ffedell county, Mp HENRY LASENBY, | «9 Mn MARY On the 9th of Nov. at the residence of Mr. Andrew Morriwn. vy thesame, Mr WILLIAM RUFUS FELMSTER, to Mies ELIZA PEN- ELOPE MORQEBON faath of this covaty ts a nanely FERRO! Builious “Wietory. thie | xd chém.in the field: le, an ¢lcomed them when |. seturnin g from their triumphant end jerted : homes and firegiwes. Lous Dea !—Oor cowatry 1s once more will be prosperous enough to ride uver and = Overcome the tempest which so long has | # Positively the last call. * ie - x se hor pata: Co te. a saat (ee as Blend wr a . . ay te . “in fe tone? tegee bs ROBERT - Camergp, aged pace te _ wa pad ln the.place, on Tacsday thé 2) : PEREGRINE ROE TS; Eaq.> ces?ae years, after a slule : lpess Mr. Rbberta hed arrived at - De ' 85, and had alread ned tr eg ; ie ~s ah ’ oh ett was State | » an aire y eer ve re : Mon-Of the writer of Editorials for th: Saree ee ane zoel Mele aber Ey. of a sonnd and euréeessfal Lawyir! tpt mn w Wherous the erficte was contaised «yer s on MHC. aybjeet of the. ae iwerwer over | honest man, Of the mapet rable ima re- RS ; Bae age a ingislarent uf the deposites, We whali give an it. ining dispositi ar i. : in th@” aumbdt precedifg. that, “it which ms pct Fovo) by about 20,000 ina- | Lire disposition, he bad not aie fadulww of -8 7 esc eI al wg | tat whext week. a | jority. Last year, the Whig majority was (Sbrustiag hitheelf before the word: bat still lee, tbe-Editor ae ee ee We have promised our teaders Judge | ouly 5,960! | u} Wharis mest sstunishing, | >Y the public voice, had bepa ‘Often: selec. well knew, and as the ‘public also kacw. Staange's Oration belore the Literary: Sox} 9d dvubtiess withoag ¶tiel; is the re- es eo high aud th stations ; from 2 discussion in our. pyper.of the week “gisties' at thie Uviversiry “We hase nos imathable fact, thar uery Senator elect ipa) 24 by his uoiform if bis short foal, .: diihie, ontrenninlt® cs b AERA op Phe re ee ee pot Whigl! The Hout of Represey tatives,i{ ley had obwwined the eonfidéacs of all : Ju ae pos prema: on anyy : ftgoren that, bot we beg to he allowed $0 Wooyie dimost wpanimons. Tobe route has | Me thpdst of strong ‘party excitement, ‘ai- Juded to We, fact of his. abscnee without | dispusg, Geet of the afairs.of the nation. been oversleming. Well may the muelfi- | ‘hough’ be afWaye jouk a decided étane, 20 tbe Jeast p eof aiming w Aide blow at 4 ng. —~s.02— . ; : great was the integrity maniless in his com Mr Ha .* Ag-eoon as we percerved | South Yadkin’ Bridge.—Mr. Joseph duct, that he wever ivet a personal friend. frum tis fest paper, that we bad committed all of Davie county hus nearly completed: ._ “ Ndhe knew him, bat to lore hitwy | Nove oamed hime but to praise)? Death roald i» oor circle, Sbawé : lected a mote Vetlin metk =~ * Fis a Lincoln Republican. . NOTICE. » LL, persone indebted to me, by notes or ae- Counts, are requesied tanall uns sertt® the e. ‘ RW LONG. Mansion Hutel, Sulistory, Don. 2. 1937 goa — | Lis p-raong indebted ts me, 15. October last, | 4:0 for the last time, 1 Istgay of January ne settle with au offeer.: previons to the are requested anes ‘more Ocal] and serie by the Kt, or they way exrect to WIHLUsA MURP ‘ : Salisbury, Dee. 2, 1832-- $y 20— AY ~ Valuable Blooded ‘stock te KOR SALE. NE sorret Filly. by impo: Horse Taz dburoogh, dam Jaty U'Piihegan, 3 years vid’ next spring. Pi Ywaye One Brown bay Filly, by Imported hatesa Margaox, dam the » t#O years Gd vext Spring. and rien in Citizen blood : her grandam on buth sides being by the imported Citizen. For her pedigree in full,see Lurt Register, Vol. 4, page 546. Phese fillies are of fine size, and good running. form. Sportsmen wonld do well to make an es. say of thesr racing qualities om the taf. They can dé had¥on reasonable tore. Enquite at the Office of the Watchman. December 24, 1887—tf a+ mm FOR SALE. WILIeSELL ON GOOD [BQ WSs that Valuable HOUSE & LOT, In the Town ot Muckeville, which P lately oecas pied, formerly owued by Col William F Kel-- ly This establishment is well suited for the bosi- ‘ness of tavern keeping, having been constracted for that purpose ‘The dweiimg is large and roomy, . With various necessary OUT HOUSES, Afd situated in the business part of the VWif- lage. ‘Where are three LAND. ACRES If Leannot sell, Lo wall reut the estatienment fur Loe next year. JAMES © Mocksville Dec. 2, 1837 —1120 CARD. RYAN. Somer - ern Littrary VWessenger,* } HE startling enet at which ifi® work tae been established, and is sustained, and tbe backwardness uf many subsefhibers in fnifilling thetr pert of var mutual curpact, call 1ispeo— sably for an appeal; motto their Mberality —bot ty their jastice. lt parciual payments are eger necessary,shey are pre-eminently so in the cise of such a poblication,—purely literary —almust wholly origtaal—and destitate cf the vital aid which newspapers derive from advertisements. My ace is at stake. in this enterprien.—{t is a venture, stimulated *jeed by tome bopa of emolumeut; bul tuanded iarpely, ai, apon the well warranted expectation of rzi!ving Nouthérn talents and Suuthern public spit aroend the drooping and well uigh prostrate banver of Suuth- ern Luveratere. Since st has now sequi:rd claims upon Soathero scsTIcE,—can it be, that these are aryed in vain ? Sntscribers ther, who are in srrear—aud Jat them remember, that paymien( 1» due wm aurance will, | trust, without delay, iransmu! be Mndenis they owe.to me, a! Richmond; by mail, st my risk and es! ;—taking preper evidence at. the tact and date of mailing ; and relaiaing & Mesw- te sent. - ot ‘ random of eoch = THOMAS W. WHITE. Richmond. Va., Nov. 4th 1837 —if20 — Notice is hereby given, HAT, at the expirauon of three @oaths On the same d4¥, by the same at Villiame— , ANN HOLLAND, bab of, this coamy , _ f this date, sppi:cauot will be made to sak Cape era rewmeve of & Re- four & ThreeHasdred Dallars, being fer” the ’ “ ‘soe toarth | justalmeois on five Shares of of seid Beok sebseribed by the utsberough, on Tuéeds y. evening See e Oarkeo Seais 2. old Mc Beiion first comé among os o to be Cursing and fen at as North (sabe Chore TUOMAR, Carvliniaus;‘and calliaighimee If'a Vingta- “of Fayetteville, to Miss ROSSA A MILL. ASHE Eq. Mitchell. the original Reeeipt navicg eee L. MITCHELL. Salisbury Nov. 14, 1837.—19—3m— of One, Geek of... The dam Jody O'F laceges is thorough bred, ~ To the Patrons of the <outh- / - ee ] POETRY. We copy the fullowing stanzie fron the Lonis- ville Jucrnai,ia which paper they sppear as origical, over the signature of the Sidney. If we mistake not, they appeared sume two sioce in the Parlour Juarnal, and were written by A.A Locke, Sane Ado. *Tis night !—throughoat the slumbering air A stiliness breathes divine; Or only angels wakeo tbere, And apirits pure as thine, And, while the muvabeams, coldly bright, Sleep vo yuo iower and beer upon their tranga!' light, , ora sak of Heavea aod thee. 4 Moments there age, when every thought, That ¢welle on things below, And life itself, depicture nunght But gloom and varied we; Yot memury, from ber lonely dower, One trembling star can see; > And io that dark, despainng boar, *T is blige, to inuse on thee, Ob tbat the eon! in viewless flight, Coald mount the air a: will, And sail upon the cloods of night, When all tho earth was still ; How oft from worldly buadage riven, From worldly pasaioas free, I'd svar to yooder azure heaven, Aad stseteh my arms to thee; And may aot sarb, in years to rise, W ben all uf earth 2s past, When death bestows what hfe denies, Be miae perhaps at last ; Oh. ’t were enough furever more, T> wean all sin frum me, To ihmk ia Heaven when time is o'er, My soul may welcome thee. Then, till that hour, no wordly throng ‘ Shall tempt my thoughts astry, Qs ture frum the siren song That cheers each lonely day ; The nameless charms, tha! sung can give, Throwgh each reserved decree, Shall tondly smile, sod brightly live, To ‘eli my soy! of thee. As midnight moon por vesper star, Nor flower of modest fame, Bat su:t, though thou art distant far, Shall whisper me thy name; Nor. aught af goodness shal! | trace, Nee sugtit of beauty see, But ta tke dear re-ecnbling grace, Wil still semember thee. SPRING 4 SUMMA FASHIONS. Nvace I. Bea rd, R’ suectiolly tenders kis thanks tothe citizen of Salisbury nd its vicinity for the tbara sapport behas here! ofore received in his business He informs the pnolic thai he still carries on the TMILORING ETSEVESS IN TTS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND YA- RIETIES AND ACCORDING 10 THE os LATEST FASHIONS FROM Paris and London, Pia New York and Philadelphia, He asanres his customers that their work shail be done faithially and according to promise and that isnot whatevery mechaniccan say: At eastitis not what they do Salisbury, May 20, 1887—tf44 ae eet eee + ee State of Porth Caratina, TREDELL COUNTY. Mn Equety, fall Term, 1837, Benjai ou F. Young & Charotte Summers vs Samuel Vids & hie wife Curistina, Oiiver Woods, | wh marijeu slary Yuung, Who diéd previnus tu che ad e n Petition for . > Sale of ee ae ee The Works of Bulwer, fotlow ing remed children, , Pelham, Last days of Pompeii, pee a Fa The Diirmed, msi Wonds, enino:s, ber lawful | P. cueneu, Falkland, . heirs. aut Clifford, Pilgrims of the Rhine, Li appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Saiov.! sVoods, aud bis wife Christina, Otver Wouds, anid the ‘awful heus of his wife Mary, viz: Ruth, William, Frankiin, ‘Thomas aud Jane Woods, «winors, reside ouc of the lim- lus of this State, \: is urdered by the Goart that publication be made in the Carulina Watchman fut inree myaths, fur ihe said defeadanis, to_be 300 appear at the next term of this Court, to be held thie? county, at the Court-house in? Statesville on the 8d nionday. after the 3d mon. daf ia February nexi, then and there, plead to, auswer or dear, t said Bill, or i: will be ta ken pro confesau as w them, anda decree made accordingly. Witaees, Thomas H. McRorie, Clerk and Master ia Equity at Statesville, the i monday after 8d in Auguet, A D. 1837, and 62¢ year of American lodependence. I tt McRORIR, c. uw. E. Sept. 30th, 1837 —So,J1— Price Acs 38 State of North Carolin a, Davie County, LV EQUITY, FALL TERM, 1837. ad i e ai - <i {shall have the gratification readers, in a few months to come, with matter, aschased in the form in which it ‘ap. WOULD ALONE GOST B PWEEN FIFTY and SIXTY DOLLARS. Jacob Faithful, Pirate. £ PLETE, with cllustr Cruikshank. LOCKHARTS L SCOTT, in paris, 48 SCOTT'S NOVELS, FOR’ THIRTY SUBSCRIBERS. Any individual, who will forward ns sixt dollars, shall nnnediately receive the ENTIRE This popular journal edateine ips ariiclee upou'}.she LIT MENTS, NARRA zs. BIOGRAPH FOREIGN and. DOMESTIC LATEST DATES, ‘and fall iac The new featare which we introdfic senting the best bouke of the current’ the Atjaatic. copies of all the exclusively whico, if pears, le, sketches or poems from the pens of L. Hentz. Miss terest to our columns. eee scattered in all lakes, ery of every kind. PREMIUMS. RDAY COURIER. Peter Simple, King’s Own, Newton Foster, Pacha of many Tales, U'hree Catters, Frask Mildmay, Lugene Aram, EMBRACING eales, markets, and money matters gece: of the day, has been emioently successful. . ‘We shall draw from the whole range of the current literature, cur arrangements supplying us the earliest moment they can be received in the country, with all ihe best periodicals of Ku: Tope, the chuicest gems, of which will afwayd* be given tu the readers of the Courier the firet { Mowent they can be disseminated on this side Capt. Marryatt’s Sea Stories. A sea story, by Capt Marryatt,is now in course of publication inthe Couner, in addition lo the great variety of other entertaining matter, Fmbracing a vast and unsarpassed vartety; each week enough to FILL A COMMON BOOK OF T\'VOHUNDRED®& FIFTY PAGES, and equal to FIFVY-I'WO VOLUMES a year ; and which ts estimated to be read, week ly, by atleast three hondred thousand peuple, parts of the country, from Maine to Florida, aad from the 2a board to the _ This approved FAMILY NEWSPAPER is strictly neutral in religions and political mat. ters, and the uncompromising opponent of quack Inducement to Clubbing. iP As an additioua! inducement for the grea: aid We have received in extending the list wab extent already unparaileled—we offer AS A PREMIUM to any person who will send the names of Ten Subscribers, and ‘Twan- ty Dollars in cash, to the publishers of the SAT" THE WORKS OF Capt. MARRYA7T Japhet in search of his father. 18 POPULAR. NOVELS. Or, any person (or gentlemen who may club together) who will send us five subscribers and ten dollars, free uf postage, shal] be entitled eith. er tu gil the abuve works of Capt. .Marryatt, or those‘of Bulwer, or any of the tullowing: — The CHRISTIAN KEEPSAKE, 1838, ediled by Rev. Mr, Clarke The’ TOKEN, for 1535, edited by Mr. Goodrich. ° The LITER.AR VY SOUVENIR, for 1888, edited by Wm. E. Burton, The PICKWICK PAPERS COM. ations by the celebrated IFE OF SIR WALTER > -_——————— . . ENGLISH ANNUAES.. We bave made arrangements to receive early rBoglish Annuals, and shall immedietely spread before our readers ajl the best articles, which are nut dependant opon the | secounpan yi engraving fyrillustration, or of an local Character. In-.this way, we of farnishing our | AMERICAN ANNUALS. We have already giveo several articles from these splendid bovks, and shal] continue to far- nish some of the chuivest gems {som their pa- The correspondents of the Courier embrace macy of the best writera of the country. We have had the pleasure of presenting stories, Miss Sedgwuk, John Neal, Mrs. Si- gourney, Willis ayierd Clarke, Mrs. C. slie. Miss Seymour, Dr. Henry, Professor Ingraham. J Pease, O. W Holmes, Grenville Mellin, : a ‘ nt, E. P. and William E. Borton, and iicnarous vets certificate was given to my agent, E. P others, whose pens will continue to add in- ' — . gar, . ibree yeu! George Hendricks § others, . WORKS . on ; 100 sides Scle Leath aod absat (wenly—(wo or adie of Petitiun for + RKS OF SIR WALPER SCOTT, em Y SESINERS has become so.muchex-| €* The Rowas 7. reasec sides ee th him a be Jenene eadnieke ie othe sale uf aude brecing HIS LIFE, by LOCKHART; or 24 Mi ended, and the amount of arrearages has | Society will meet on Tharedey, the 30th fot, 12 tone Swedes and English iron, Bene or mithes can be foaod. ; we ee of fhe Novels for 15 subscribers, or 12 fur 8 sub- | bepome so great thait mas: seféle. St will be at the New Charch, near Aodiew Holdsousér's 100 kegs Nails and Brads, : negto J took ont of Pittay)vaois Jar? P appearing to the satisiaction of the Court, | setibsre, with the cash in advance. the greatest injustice to require me to travel «Jl | four miles South of Salisbary.” Several Addrég- 40 casks oholee & common Wines, months since. He thea changed M that James Hendricks une ot the detendanis, SCF This gives great inducements: to | over the country for thie purpose. Jt is to, be | ses will be delivered; 41] the friends. of Tem- 50 boxes $ x 10 and 10x 12 Wind- said he beloaged to sume other man, FS Rol au inheoitaat of shis State: fis there- CLUBS, who wish these valuable werks. Re- | hoped, therefore, that those whoowe me will Perance are sespéctfally invited 40 astend~ dow Glass, bably will do the same gsi. if vio? a bi we that publication be made in the | mittances, to embrace fall advantages, should be | S2¥¢ me trouble and ex by remitting ny |. niet silipen 1000 lbs Bar Lead, Drop Shot horse he sede off is of 2 bay colnet ie he pti ecic oie seeks: requiring | Made in $5, $1Qvr larger notes. mF , does through the Post ic Jomo ‘ NOTIOR. yee 1 bore Devas FEF posder in his forehead, near five eee . ‘KS to and , i .C. a J ‘ ’ . ; : isied the NeXt tera of this Coarse, al the Coury bouse Our terms fora year’s subscription, payable in delay. 6 1887. K ; « 4 1% 50 do No. 1 White Lead, ta Oi, 2 higb, his ore ae Cia in Moeks vite, uo the ei hth munday after the advance, are ¢2 zee : Bien aad ec tka ee ee £0 barreis Paint Onl, ithe abuse sem I wil give een ted On bean ee apraary Mex, aud plead to, an- | Three copies, xIso payable in advance, . $5 AN FI re Brown, in the Town ebory, for tahowity. Pn See king up the negro anc aga tego pen'caileais Sill se seen or judgwent; A Clubef 10 willbe farnished with the paper ETWEEN the ages of 42 and 16; of good | tions to the capi cet of Fovetisville and | Loaf and Tome Sei, Teas, Drugs and Medi- | *€#!0—or Gfieeo art ne a)ooe- heard exparte, 4s io him, | © peution be | tor one'year. payable in advance, for $1 BD ‘cheracter and habits :aod of a sound conaii. | Western Rail Road; soder the Acis of* Mabem | cines, Paints and Dye Siaffe, Blac ’ Be}. | dollars for the horse BNER W STE, __ vitueas, Lemuel Brogham, Clerk & Master | _ November 25, 1837gwig. * *.. | todony ean gets ee oe if ap-jolye 1888 eae Pon - lows,Viees, Aovile-eud Hammers, together with Madiena, N. C. Nov. 8 ae my oat ha peepee Sib wmonsay” afier = FOR PRI Z ie : pei cbel w — megs a! PAGICRERS. ore PLE were a STOCK Nov 18, 18%7—Sml8 - za Independence the aad: ee _ oe a 3 L Ge from: the cogairy would ferred. He will be - JOB PRINTLYG f to enumerate further: —« ee - ‘BPuNA® Nor 1 eEMUBEBINGHAM,ou.x. | Of every. description Réatly.. afte. Ht Oa | OF coery aeschighles donc ion Bick Bee re, | BLANK BU gee Sr teatro aar-$8 "A Done at this Office, ge Es wg: ECO Re [HDS OP ROR: Bosete a ee Beslmgss Hay Suess] Foy gale at this aa +> a ; : NE . Sie, ry iFettg BE : -* = warioos. BS Spasme ; equalize the circelation, afd: warmth to the surface ; remove cong | fhe internal orgace ; and to relieve the morbid Irritability of the braip and aervous s—all { of which has been effected by the mee of Ber- nard's which have been given at various times of the efficacy in cases widely different in their’ origin and progrese of each other. BOF Look w ihe certificates ; they are the best evidence that can be given. The commendations which several liberal and intelligent Physicians have bestowed apon the Remed » have already been published, and the sabscriber hesinew the gratification of adding the , following from a mos respectable practising phy- | Siciar of Somerton, Va. %, R.S. BERNARD Somerton, May 14, 1837. Mr.R S Bernard. Dear Sir—'Thie is to inform you I have tested the efficacy of your Remedy for the Cholera in several instancea that have lately eume onder My care, and thattts effect evince it to be a ju- dicous preparation —one eminently gervivable, I will say altogether competent to cure the diseas- es for which 1 Is recuiamended, tation, therefore, in deolaring that for the treat- ment of such disoiders, [ shall regularly dis. pense your Remedy from my office and would reeummend ji 10 be keptin al! familiea liable to to these dangerous attacks, You may use this certificate as you will]! Yours, very respecfally, W L.PARHAM %G eine ash, of Petersburg and for its importance, read Nir. Nush’s remarks; “As agent for Bernard's Cholera and Diarrhe Medivi.te, [call the attention of the public to the certifigaie below from one of the most respectab‘e gentlemen in theetate ; and 1 particularly call their attention to the one given by a gentleman in this town—and if it were decersary, I could produce a half dozen others from Petersburg, who have tried the medicine within two weeks past. EDW. P. NASH Mr. Edward P. Nash, Agent for Bernard's Cho- lera Medicine. Dear Sir : I feel ita daty T owe to the propri- etor of the above medicine, as well as the public generally, to inform you that the bottle of Chole ra mixtare which | bonght at your store a few eveningssince, has entirely cured me of & severe Diarthaa. The cure was effected in taking only two doses, and as [ had tried many other reme- dies without the least effect. [am fully of the opinion that the medicine here alluded to is eve. ry thing that it is said to be. : JAS.5. WALLACE, Petersburg, Va. Who wil! neglect to sapply themselves with Bernard’s Remedy for Cholera, wheo it is vo ful- ly proven to be efficacious in all the diseases fur which it is recommended ? [pn no cigg has it failed to care the most obstinate atisck um- mer complaint made upon children. In one in stance a permanent cure was effected upbn a child in this place, after the summer comp had put it (as thought by the ductors) beyond Phe power of medicine to relieve. [t was such an aggravated case that the child had in the cgurse of one day and night, sixty-three evacuations from the bowels. Yet one butttle proved a gov. ereign remedy. This valuable Medicine is for sale in this place by J.& W. Marphy,in Lexington by John P. Mabry, ia Charlotte by Williams & Boyd. Salisbury Nov. 4th, 1537 —12m16 NEW. FIRM. PTE Subscriber having taken Win. Murphy into Co partnership with him, for the pur- pose of carrying on the Mercantile Business, wonld say tohis friends and the public, that the business will be carried on from this date, in the name of J. & W, Murpuy. All persone indebted to me. are re- BE soestea to close their accounts by note or otherwise to thia date. ‘ JOHN MURPHY. Salisbury, October 1, 1837. 4 Mae undersigned would say to the public, J that they are now receiving, and will con- tinue to receive, a large stuck of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they will sell Wuovesace or Retaix, lower than they have been sould tetore. Persons wishing to boy either at Wholesale or Retail, woald tg well to call, ae assuse them they will ny disappointed in finding bargains. ¥ a J &W, MURPHY, October 14,.1887—3m13 - Sor Cholera: certificates of I tee! no hesi— | by a first rate workman and of the best materi- als, which he wiii sel) low for cash or on @ short credit tu responsible dealers, and should the bill be large enungh to justify him, ‘he will deliver the Ware without extra charge. All kinds of Job Work and Repairing done with neatness and despatch. ter aad Old Copper taken in exchange. A. H. | getable, end cvntain neither. ary, Antimo- Arsenic, nor any other esliverids ae 054 fasta’ ‘eats: | are eel aie ased: of ex- tracte. e and powerfal . the virtues of which, though sa known to seueral. fodian tribes, and recently to eome emitieas pharmacen- tical chemists are altogether anknown to the ignorant pretenders to medical science, and were never before administered in #0 happily effica- cioes a combization, Wherever these pills have been onee intro- duced into a family, they become « standing re- |™medy, and are called for again and again, ; Which is sufficient proof of their good guali- ities. - It is atrath, that almost every person who bas ever used Peters’ Vegetable Pills, recom- mend them to their friends, & itis from this cir— cumstance alone, that they have gained such an unrivalled reputation. When taking according to the directions ae companying them, they are highly beneficial in | the prevention and care of billioes fevers, fever / and ague, dyspepsia, liver complaints, gick head ; ache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy, rheaameism, en- largement of the spleen, piles, cramp and bilious cholic, female obgiructions, heart barn, plesrisy, turred wngue, distention of the stomach & bow- els, incipient diarrhoea, flatulenos, habitual cos- | tivenese, loss of appetite,blotched or sallow com- | plection. and in all cases of torpor of the boeels, when a cathartic or an apetient ig needed. They have the testimony of the whole medieal pro- fessiona in their favor, while not a gingle case of all consequences or inefficiency, can be alleg- ed againet them. Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters. M. D., at his Institatiun, for the care of obstinate diseases, by means uf Vegetable remedies, No. 129, Lib. erty street, New York. Each box contains 40 Pills—price 50 cents. More than two millions of boxes of these cel- ebrated Pills, have been sold in the Uuited States since January 1835. Dr. Peters has received opwards of fifteen hundred certifieates, all given in consequence 9f the good dune by his Medicines. This valuable Medicine is for sale in this place by J. & W. Murphy, in Lexington by Juhn P. Mabry: And can be found in almost every Town & Village in the Southern country. N. B. Merchants can be supplied at New York prices by applying to Williams & Boyd of Charlotte, sole Agents fur 10 or 12 Counties in the Western part of N. Carolina. Salisbury, Nov. 4th, 1897—12m16. COWE AYD BUY LAND | Offered for sale @ Tract contaming 800 or more Acres, With improvements not inferior to any between the Yadkin and Catawba in one tract. 115 A- cres iv another ; 52 or more in another, all near together ; and two small tracts in Iredell, a few miles above Statesville. Undoubted titles will be made by the proper persons. Apply soon to A. W. Brandon or to the snbseriber for terms, &o. JOHN SCOTT. may 20, 1837—1f44 ci P.S. All kinds of property else, that the sub- scriber basin possession, can be boaght at a low price. J. S. Mrs. MUTCUISO.NS CHOUL is now open for the reception of pupils, whose improvement she pledges her- seM to promote by every means in her power. Many bouses of high respectability are nuw open fur buarde-s, Mrs. Mut chison is acthorised to state that a number of young ladies can be ac commodated ia the same family with herself, at eight dollars per month. Private leasons in the Ornamental branches will be given to ladies, who may not wish tobe- come regular scholars. Hours of atiendance made knows at the sehool room. Salisbury Oct. 21, 1887—«f14 TIN WARE. HE Subscriber has on hand a large as- sortmentof TIN WARE, maoafactured r A. HUNT. - Lexington, N. C., Sept. 16—t9 P.S. Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow, Old Pew- sty, the most equesied to retorn them to Turner & insroduced io @ peblic paper; | Gedelly de : pis soree tage | proaeg 61 Tron Sn a eee a eer nn ones a eo. $10,000 Io. Castings ange RICULTURE, INTERNAL_ IMPROVE. djaccieniones angareiely and to decide justly op- fr lens PREPARED ‘BY JAMES IREDELL, | _Stlievory, Nov.25, 1537 ©" "ES, TACES Sxurca- | 00 the effects of 2 medicioe, must be the. best ; than mitneclous ¥ - oR FS " N », POEMS, = SONGS, |-and ‘with such in its tavors moss -fevti- ah a. to those ‘were uni . a TIC y NEWS’ of the | diqus in these matters, must lay aside these pre- | “ith the beagtifal philosophical principles on ‘is ee o a saan tadia = which they are cumpounded, and of. whioll they} This oC about twice as much HE Sobscrite: hava, moerailey = b. “The indications of care are—to tragqniliae the | Obeequently act. master as Ps Will be comprised in ove vol- letters of Administra ee aw {peihiioh aad bowels : to relieve the excessive | | The propricter rejoices in the opportunity at umé rvyal octave, ia od type and vu goed pa- Jemes Carapbell 00 08 the by J. | puking Sed parging ; to allay the increased irri- | forded by the \enigeraal diffusion of the asi per. “The law and Equit will be digas: | 55 fredel! Court 1837 es tt Atpy perietaltic motion ; to relieve that ¢heumatic | Within the yand reach of-every tdi. | per pege—not exceeding in tte whole seven dol- make immediate payment. 4% sista of the bowels which is often che attendant | Videal inthe community. Unlike the host of lars @ copy; printed on good payer and well ing claime against paid Fsug "4 of chronic ‘cases sometimes aco. npacied with | PeTnicons quackeries, which bnast of: vegetable—| bound. cde Within the time Preseribes eh ioflamstion and ulceration ; to overgome.,the | gredients, these Pills are-parely anil sol -| The work to he sent :u ihe Press.as soon as will be plead tn ber of ny tte three hundred subgeribers are obinined, and tobe delivered at the Courthouses uf ibe cuanties in which the subscribers reside. SCF Persons holding subscription papers vg T.& A. October, 1887—«f14 ts are r hes, Raleigh, N. C. by the S0th day of November next; and those who may not see a subscripiiva paper, will please forward their-names to recovery, THE SUBSCRIB ne i the late residence of Jane let { one milé from Staiesy; ile Hr he Ot & credit of wine monihs, un next. 17. LIKE NO MISTARB. 13,424 Pages of Music, MAY BE HAD Af THE NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, OMPRISING a8 CHOICE A COLLEC- ‘TION of Atte, Son», Glees, Rondeecx, Dueste, Walias, Marches, &o. &0., for the Pi- ano Forte, se can be foand at any Ketablist ment in this country. Algo, two or three Volumes se- lected Muete for the Piano, beautifolly bound in Red Mosocco; to which the attention of the La-| dies of Raleigh ie:most particularly invited. vari- | men r approved Instructors for the Baltimore, [ would here inform Piano, Guitar, Harp, Violin, Clurionett, French Horn &c. §c. RLF Prompt atiention will be paid to all or dere from their cuantry friends, by TURNER & HUGHES. €# There, too, can be had in great October 21, 1887—114 NBw WATC 7 JOHN C. PALMER Cal] and ase. Salisbury November 4, 1837—tf16 CHES, JEWELRY & CUTLERY, Hi AS juet retarned from Philadelphia, with e very fine asscriment of the above articles, of an eatirely new fashion—a large assortment of soperior Razers and Knives. He can safely say, that hie assortment ie enperior (o any in the wee- tern part uf the State. N,B. Watches and clocks repaired as usual, and warranted for twelve months. I fashionable Taiflore ot York, he would be happy to instroct any may wish to learn the art of entting garments. He also continues to dist bate the Fashions. 5t—F Letters for Fashions must be post paid NEW GOODs. AM NOW EECEIVING, per Steam Boat Henrietta and Cotton Plant, my ENTIRE STOCK of New, Seasonable Fall and Winter I All of which have recently been York and Philadelphia, terms, and will be sold UNUS for Cash, or on time to Call and see. in. addition to the old Stook :— 100 MERCHANT TAILOR, Benjamin F. Fratey, cheap and good. Having worked at the loring basiness for twenty years, he hopes shal} not be considered presumpiaons in Qli- ing himaelf a judge of cloths. « received the New York and PhiladeSphia Fash ions, and the above will be made a style of fashion, and warranted to fit well. He will also keep on hand a Orders or Salisbury, N. C. May 19, 1887—t!4$ P. 8. As he isan Agent for some of the DRY GOODS GROCERIES, &c. &c. on the best My Stock consists sn part of the Packages pee Cee: 150 ba io, Coba, Laguira fave COFFEE. 25 bhds. St Croix & Porto Rico S tow receiving from New York and Phila- phia,a general assortment of eloths and trim- mings fur Spring aud Sammer: embracing every He has also just P in a superior eneral assort- ment of READY MADE CLO HING,all of which will be sold very low for cash or on a credit to punctaal dealers. will be done un short notice. from a distance will be punctually attended to The public are invited to call and examine prices for themselves. He still continves at his former stand. south of the Coart large Brick Building. All kinds of cuttin work Hyuse, ia the Philadelphia and New bought in New pose UALLY Low, punctual customers. following, article ngvally kept by Merehant Tailors: these gainst them. goods have been selected by him in pereon, and ‘Teste. S. GRAVES, can be confidently recommended to the Public as} Nov. 25th, 1837. 6w19 Printersinf Tai- he most who 9 ible and 8a- Men, Women, Boys ay Also a quantity of other Estate of said deceased?" MILTON Cappy Nov. 25th, 1887 —4w16— French Burr Mill. For Wheat, and cu. Stones for Cory, AVING been anointed of the above Mi Stone _ | Mesers, Egenton & Morris, i the same, that they ean be for miehed their orders to me at ¢his Place. W, the article to be genwine; :{ iti a nish anew pair io their stead C.J. ORpes Fayetteville, Oet. 28, 1837—$q); Horses, de, To hire by the hour } or day. Apply to the ahi Bar Keeper of the Mansion i Sept. 28, 1837—1f10 State of North Caray SURRY COUNTY. In Equity September Tera ii. Ormond Kimbroogh & } George Carver, | oe Original Geo. Kimbrongh Sen. os and Benj. & Recbecca Brock, N this case it appearing to the the Conrt, that Benjamin Brock sodin Rebecca, are ao: inhabitants of tin Sem) ordered by the Court. that poblicaicn weeks be made in the Carolina Wate! they appear at the next ‘Term of ine Eqoity for the County of Sorry, to oil the fifth Monday after the third Me February next, at the Court Roose » tei of Rockford, then and there to aoewe, Dewor to the Complainants Bil! oberwm ment pro confesso, as to them wil be State of Porth Ca SURRY COUNTY. In Equity September Tera |i Patsey Fields by her next friend os. Wn. Davis, Exr. & Jeremy Fields N this case itappearin7 to ‘be the Court thatthe Dzfendant Seren? is not a resident of this State, 1\18 dered, that publication for six weeks Carvlina Watchman, tha‘ be appa’! ; Term of the Conrt of Kquity fo bt of Surry, to be hi'd on the fifib Nua the thizd Monday i February et!.s! ls House in Rockford, then sn¢ wear , plead or Demor to complainanis base jodgement pro confesso, as 1 bia See § GRAVES Nov. 25th. 1887.—6w 19 Prove TWENTY DOLLF REW AD. ANAWAY from the planiater# "i Recriber, near Leaksvilie, 5° North Caroline, his negro mao MOSES, , ‘Taking a horse from said akan at - no doabt has rode off. a eas ! ing five feet, five or six inehes 5 well made, complexioo dark, bat ist face broad and fall, with a a ep ap oe me ne = oan ayaa ape Y « eg nsat Pt