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Tobacco Journal, 1886
tithesPoe efisin a ee ec t s ee ee Bt Se a n ee oe 04:ym Ina aiie PHat% y 25. tin ®, weeOn?ehPhe| SE R N . We e Pe e sad hel saith Sih‘isha iHae $3 are se e s aeOERy Sees sap Tetay a = sa r e 8 3 Re ee e ks , weesag Pi pe s Pa r e n t Ar h is e eS at h e se iSNthas;Nicene inierrsts os Te tnat th ce4 “ef May. “e « - atte #4 Pe:f “BY PROF.RAGLAND.‘ “ing madein May,and thi Jan: ‘ota boy or girl,who sdrops:i“plant a point.~‘Esch planter takes -hiving monuments thatattch ahs ¥ “2 done. hand:plant’””facilitates ‘the “Try it-and you will be ‘convinced.th 3 :pag shovel—a furrow ou:Se ib sf . 13ged5 —_——— s :.%<,—eamate fs —Plonkang, Tesaan “uy,batsapy time fee “thehs ‘Planting is often most e fectually done when the ‘hillsare be >moist withthe.winter’s ‘saps.ie og gery few ot‘lie:eee will fail to Observe to draw the plants:one one from the bed,and handle ‘9-38 sculpture: ‘not:to-bruise them.::Itis a.waste ‘of(} “Ame and planta to set out very‘small am -plants,but.wait until they:are-of 3 ~proper «ize—the largest leaves:about. _rwoand’s“half to three inches wide. ‘Pata basket.of plants in the:Hands! on each hill,“dropping in’oné ortw, .rows,according to age or expertness -.The men tollow:with each a planting “peg made of hard wood,Bix: ‘long,one and a quarter inch 2.=ameter at large end,and tapering to“Sand |Jy plant”to start with (unless the drop.| per has Jearned-to*drop two.plants on the first.hill ,)and pushing Hentite peg some’:two inches.ibto ~~the:hil,withdraws:the peg,3 the:plant,and by a dextrons:.ment uf the peg and.the;knuckles.af h “the.left:hand,closes:the dirt.5 but’compactly:around the root -then picks up the plant onthe k che mores aoyeatss and bs:th ieth-excellent Sapoenbun — ty ate Beyeron ae kinil-to 4 tsof 2s Boe worth wvtobe ees |the plant in his fist ‘Yo insert’a the holein the next hilt.3 thus There is att in planting:properly ee «work.But»by entér minute details?say some.‘Thi may start sight,shun the er _jaexperience,:pretpracts:Cee: “the best,methods,‘as demonstrated by successfulpractice.eo a If the soilis dry when the hi I ~made,then it will require.a “season for planting.-The ‘best come” showers..Itis not well to:pls:St “after a soaking rain,Dut wait unt the land settles.If the plat good,seasons favorable,and:tl ing well done,‘ver y few wi |transplanted:before tie 10thof Ju After that time all is eae«| After chugsover,it will be. _essazy to replant from time to:time} “as seasons occur,embracing.every.| :>@pportanity to,‘fill up:the missing : bills.:.If cut:‘worms dre trouulesome chuntfor.and and‘alestroy eve! ge faringpossible ;for it is useless -put e@ plantin a Hill where one “these pests has—taken up ae and ane it to live aud 0%. Eos a Cu ltt nating. tej13 important to commence.ie eli | vation soon after planting,to.loosen}fo the soil andstart the plants growing.| -Just at this point many planters.fail to do their duty,which no subsequent.; ‘work can atone for.*Early,=rapid|, and thorough cultivatierris ne¢asary to produce first-class tobacco.”hie. Jparation has been thorough.thrice _ploughing,followed each time: band hee,will suffice for the crop. ror the frst.splodghing,noimple- —ment is better than the wing coulter,|; the,next best the cultivator.The |; second ploughing may be.effectually t: done With thé turning plough 'a cul- tivator;if-grasey,use t e first.The ee ploughing ‘is ‘most"effect done with:three furrows witht ¥S Wise:they”ofte well as thos then:splitting:the middle.with th third and last farrow. Never “scrape down”tobacco:w, the hoe without putting back on the|.. hill‘or bed as‘uch dirt as ‘is scraped| down.©This will prevent baking,and’ __gave manyplants should a4 dry ®spell sealiow:the hand-hoe working: _:Any process-which stirs tbe ‘effectually and often,andkeeps the: ts free from gtass and’‘weeds;; will constitute good cultivation,°no |. <<matter how or with what implement ‘Old land will.require :~paorte -.work.in-cultivation than‘new,“and _dark grades more than bright,Stiort singletrees should be used ‘after:the|+ “pans‘are ‘half grown,to p ing and —the leaves, wTheer yctlos des should beclear-" a eesudd weeds oa she:first é “Ger W bile yetpeers tie beet a fe: gcc Arare nee= eee +;2 i ‘Y aoa Casnanom apere.‘Thee bt hs ge See Be quick te are thr felkiw sian:is okie See A 54;z ace ea i bet reek the ee te :bec:OE afters’ee gars pa c i ght.Vssoi Gah a eeEin SCES oya Fare TX!THESam ¥- far +}5Ss *Siete een pik:ibe:re 4s ‘;Re Ot ber a lemiae in ; >Se A ¥fart:tak ee.StL eM:pekne bi etretcyFe bye ie ee stat Kast bringe.}Tak S to 4c hi ahi tt Gxt ut:Riz ci the:Sis rreue-;fami ie:Bond.GeO:f ‘eg.ae anes oa wyoF Said Fe et)f Meru ad Spears Ornsmade”‘ania By RE Ae eee $i RBS LENS mig feat hh:“eat odes thege:ip “Seniar =Fon.wh Cie Ee OLY ‘Boxevsr «Se,soruve te degcas Swe Bs)Be as tare 5 souge _.ug ie or acs s phecs.att Bs 3 i acerit ie tth Tivede=<,t €:ao Tee aad :6 dere. aos ioe;“ot eerieie ;e $f ie :ee *¥ cea 8 Se dreisiandd ot F ee tis i:;per we oe PTT d ABET ek liad paw a ORS O80 Sees aE”eae?ee 4 a bre:rh fis-t riety.hs F. Wage is Sertabiats ts.th G2 hich, Se asthe ae it aly?ret Wewath her,aeisd ne this fact,Demin teed 16iethie stra: aad «dream:Tikeim er sions thats rowded bs he *Biie:peekty, x “bees COR Bets Bir taSatoh ny nef ork iat pate toe T sappose i cines tha ve been abo ae SOehick whens thi:wad feded.squiet -roiuesreeBYcpuray.Hee of waracn and,the Misws ney Gh the Sak:Joming©ra “ronced ae fri:anx sleep,=F crept ae 5 ee ypeai door and s$an;in what Be omis Slecpy cyes &‘prilfiin:|uo SR ight,the wadierly figures:/of}amy ‘father: PS ts ir:swords and heats lard’: ing?This te beaa jo fal “ocestevreturn,I sprang with’eSiadnypeanthestaftiedgroup.AVIth og hasty kiss wiv father put me:from:chim:i2Sendtivehildtobel,Jacnie:theretsSamachtabedone”?This’wasyerela8“Things send aliVrongtame.But tie: “orien 228s promt athe bere,and:Tas "mother |ne swoll,i most unW line ae £ tearful victim \Dtrle petting from her, es “helped miealors.on nd redis¢ed me to’Thy . mie ar Saee ‘ness and beiy sleep Was tapos! :oe MGs wrens ¢that!he Would teas -door or enaf lab:26 dost e teft m os perp ein ‘the ad TELE | ees oe rove.ahotiss oe the tedring of4 2 a _-per<Then.ther anloe Ked th= ean:loekesl:tain’?thren words of1 ing would “come te me.W hat.cwercar—rWt :ee eertrareWisMahstaway?‘And I waderedoff,hive pusv thiinking what would? “Bedetf manimy didnt:dres us ‘iar thepmnerniag.Wiial Ave stay in b sllPrather-theisst ‘that would be “San. There yrre ni us my little Cousin: ;and od.pe rhaps.pea;woutd es necteer:im thie pace i re eed Reeves:m tick ewe:oth:TS aay only.Sarde thet ape? as eattie Le Shee e I woke,withRtswasMery)stance niahtabeAtiw>Rue sterc,ter overmc,Were th ve two,so; ‘tuck other that,they:scarcseemyexes:were:open 2S theyHeeshenPw Ses :-aliw:as Ske:vour di acede eet the Giese ~that is:heft that nist ON G4bread1macheSooner.hack than +©think:caelhelp wiayo!from the ther‘side.am 3 matter? eae sho hugir teearlesiy._Spairiag.y aps Lv mh,=SWBy,Jeanie:nicthisisnt’a -batte:they ‘are“over,Bee:eS added.b thither!ad rely03 Tees?he:went:%Son -burricdly:.°“ile ahtheotherseeroesgohe “youNowlitiarKiswthechitd“Why,Slie’sawake!Kiss-father,sudlie:take c:Nee 5>=moth:r “and the.others:and,"=most:satisfactory»hese het.~mother away.Some hu:ricd movemants.|the clinking of ‘swords quickly buckled.on,some sobs from aut,=the‘ti¢or:~elosed behind’them.—*ve They came back present!WO.as ae earew rNSistérs,lettingso other sce me°.es)the«misery and terror’ee TASC)abs ton:_quered bythe daylight.tolled up some lace,eonee Soefortiier:grandeur,‘sewing it carefullyin their’.clothing.1.ah my mother take“tworarepiccesofsiix.r A!ider than‘our coun=::.\..tek and wrapping themitasup.pthetirelesschimner:-_«in dumb/amazement.my.sens-s ‘kag ae-Inand halfappreciating what would have_Deen Greek to me the day lefore.©|-.The.next.morning the first though:thateame tome was of relief that Maminy“Was there,.and as I sat up and tubbedmy {eyes,I said:°Mammy,I thonghe you'd”=4+gone;para said 'so.oe :-“He'ain't never said no <mess,”she flatly.Contradicge_Bame erHesben Miss Anni os-“dout me,det.aloze you cu!laa”~: “But;Matimy;——"ee :ete Pea ae So ea ‘6:op grand frerure:a“You sit outin dis bed and mm |dignified eS Ht.prot ection *~stockings on.“Esa‘Suppose,the wily cid vf he frightened childrenhiding_dame went 00,SS 7 ae Paind ch and:%:“™minent,“vou ‘don’<All de adders jti2oto ‘as’istIdidnotspring‘cheerful 5 he“the distasteful.scrubbing |ay air oe icurling’Witn which Mammy:regu ae ah oy larly |ae 7°afflictedus:She=ATeatme a.Second.Boe et pair of stockings as eeePOSSsalesgestgarter. ”she added.‘Yer"So smart,Jou,Dleeged to’86 i :te tg He ila eectieamd Sab GD~neeATALK wit A TATTOOER Oa Asds to.Femi ine Reanty—Pee tase Scheme rat ts “€e peat fourcetary.Leger, fart Of Se uth etpeet 4 4 ‘kgree |Sot white,22 Me bich:: ote ated ins iy ge anced letteme,theewetie™:=Ta aaheoe Vee aca ith Beedia Fake Sutras he ¥“eather baique a “same colre’an:thie Sea =:Aeam te the aa?rah ; :a8eheapes reveipeve } th-3 Kaen heb ieee Les me See?bee owe fatamed \ +Seeey 2. et ainaees4pte Oe bent oe eG peng»: +be Bf e asSoy Ese retAt bore 2 r t3wtiesaefio!aaa ims Thee>Geen:*xJ foi ¢es «he Tt i:beraue Ni ,| erst |=k::$5 pipe f Sa oe im ml Ss ni Sago atisrty-Uire:©A eg ay ;":.a 0 .if :Ev:fe a MRE :RS s ‘i ste :Nee Ns ‘We pad tans as —Efe,dad big S pe i :sicts rane oe ates ee :Se Veecnanttan thee Ge fy Peace eg oA 5 iM aa ;;es ‘HN mek:Cie 3 Ik Ita saeBEhuve!fallowect eeralaet pt«cK ApsieNrar ere rae er aterte om LOE g :ees ache a Venetia seid Sine Se TAN nae WER SPS SAERNAL GTS ag:a teversinfés:Ls fave ‘pewle:th aero I Hels rk,aad Ss me SoButy sirter like.¢Lave <Ne Sect tes fas}as ht wa raed Tt: ni:al %04ask a ae ot Tieed, the oldest :igh seit entealle’’Biss ips Cae Of ties eee yank Pipa OMe vey his Inte.47 et pee Se :EO AS ance Lt ie UR Ley UTS oe i tee :ie :Ewas with th.i ACyarastaph:ina newsparerg Tent pe miMy@aruines:Et ee cusany i das.%ine i .Ce eae I cise!tien of +back ale Tethe age oea Bees peas Nietoneda:Masonic ;Parade uCae mi Sascme. o&Masnrceanh: oti NR CHK.anid hate“gROn ti 2M +precessa ; prot sett hereaS:Tk the ‘Be WETS.oe<BIRCe.”;Aftithaxesandiethattattoeiny Senter:bales.din :te shows;That isiritx0:¢ty customers”paras7 TesAREATOALENCEOCISOF4ekatiiMedraineaemete.wamen,eit ‘ang melee :;.03nig fram .atl one ete men sendfir nie t>fix up+ ‘Ter.whe ¥as W re ched eeng ae Eact Tndes.washed aASHOTE ON &desolatcambiarthetropics,¢aprured:by a isa pai,ant Zoo ‘Know the i Messtwas Kidbay-pé A ve See ;te brerough tthcir chiid rento:me Seen eet -cence ‘acts See Rene 6 ex ee,Gok::wining :ote ged EN N sae :fy sty .;568sentimsHt:yAAter:Genes GeantS“aeatth aay ve hix.oe soldiers :Soa tl utter:reqiited iu a co appropriate rato Staigantupon ‘them ee.that -they>mizht carry it wround.withthemforlife.”-Mothers,fathers,sister:and brothers bare:the ‘names of loved55Onespricked:‘on their —bodie Girls:_.+have their Sweethearts’name :printed‘on °:their arms—and then ther:e nerit-clows the “palatw<itefliced!-Fortunately.T have arecdipt®Ss ea fae“which will take.the India ink on ote Geeta een NCAR RE NC atte eotttse |do lgtsof work forsailors:-Fou know all about that.1 prat,ak Seof.designs on them,and on everyipar>theirbedies.’A ‘sailor would,not be:sailor unless héwastatt oe._“I preSame{I have taitooed more.than°F 060:womie Tes“There Are PS Tadies*in®the Un“Grace:Philadeliphit:Ida Dine-@naticandLittleMomis:“The tem:arees Nora:Hitd “brand.Mary BauAdaWoodruif,ail of ee»result ot my Work:UXi+Show bmsisiess,“some Withiciretises“+With side:shoaes.?It cast ab 09:to matattqo:acl one of th cm east th ¥make |isifromEStoFoo,per 5 +6 et gw $;; gpped |Syo Ookir bnbaa is merely titscake,it Wesxine’Lor oe“particulswiv blondes, P Baye markid “on '}dthefuty ssilps. ofrathor ei‘Eheieteet was ‘thsS3weceOf:bins court.)sPe:tae very often sore light*-cheekswith the recink,;4,Wearer’s.face:s healthy rosy aopeiaie.ST heve non in hiad-the great sehen ys ite“of my life.”And the Pri “pai ;British.detachinentst0agood-lodkine.though “1 ther:i“youngman.who had te-tener to'the conversation.He asked theamantoexpose:the upper part oF Bi>body.The effectwas thar cf &mas:of-blue and red ‘branded in:the“)Searcely a speck,of the original:colo;a _visible,‘so clesely were ‘the:figures:ph‘to each:other one nigh t almostsay; oF tt e qe _— “Deductinis made in Tayo:Ht ~— ‘Store Co nmn a ot ~~ --goingon.This would:astonish a ae e sya 5 of them in ‘cotton and.tobdcco.They |. be plenty of pine,oak,er aud o + {®reserveforcetouse as they can,af Pep there can be no thunder and--.«*ming without tain.When thunde bout;"twelve niles,while lightning-isoften’ é guare.‘for,“the:‘foxt eeoreach sulmeqnent os .*.then en lines or ese cor i sa )Sq tere seeeee!4 ee Mim > bed ce 4 wo‘Obe Scqua'¢Oy 0 = Two Suares.mie 7 Oe i <1 oeiePT:Gp BQuane so 12 00 20§ UeHalfColoma...i 20 0)BE One Column,-a e oo ster ot |pet “piles gies pumbe thejmanuscript,. aa bid!Tami c eee acringing ‘stantial papas and.att action ain additional Railroads in the:near fu the thrite!bf the place is’‘aseazed,.Wh there i18,no large*amount of.oe aust ee there:{preswealthiin-the.community,’ "generalsoli tity.ofsound healthy:eredita e Tm: among her.dtizens that isfound:a a tv"where else in the State.-During é Riisces an —of 73.2and the —_‘of ae disastrous.“There are Do",fai ure business heres7 4 The outside putiic iene ittleide of. the amount of|Dusiness aoie t re: “peiat.asa,market.;! .while cautious are:not wantin he enterprise and.Spirit,and.the ret ‘Weare not one sin with 1more Bi and Raise tec:of fa efmoney,employedin.whatiis:t thar a can be caneaie th éyearround.WwWhen-one thing .38 _ -other.point in it.The Sates Pndellcouniyare.as:ood “as any.~being ahead:of them,except IthoseofCatawba:county,ip intproyment.of |land cultivation of:grain’the use:of farming implements.ClgIredellfarmershoweverareFapily}reaching the attainments of;the ‘-biatsin improved ‘machitery and |a3cultivationofwheat,and:are’fara ie make their own‘meat and grain,most’all theproducts of the:farm that they}consunie,keeping tobacco and cétton ‘securing the other.if they “Slick--this,‘they ‘will continue -to.“Prosper._Strangers visiting our place -‘remark}“upon the superior appearance.over oth€r points of the wagons and.teams -of]:thefarmers.and ——=a seen: *‘The siaians is -good.Weare.just}_Sway from the malaria of the low la"and from therigors of the.mountains By assOurforesisare:fine and:we.have he valuable.timber.Bis --Visitors.to the;‘Monuuhae cankatl“larya whileiin &@ more eniloca of the -Metgononocisrs:have.found t tp u _is heard beneath a clearsky,”€‘ports mast eithe?come from distant:anCloudsorbetereaultofsomeoth_€F cause-than a di ‘ity.Harvest or.heat:lightni_produced by adistant:storm.”-der seldom;“accompanies heat"Ring,the sound’Teaching on} <> Ti Te Pr eh Ye ae - . -Umerto ;Skis State ‘te ok om aia we. |Aen o “grmeral ¢ whew my “S.cpege,tueprage “lass aes .ee * *whe yey“ Re ee ie 2.2 i yet Mt *Capek Rous . umole ail “yees *Bex 4 i we -aD”Telaety &» shah wf y=pe Ita a yet «Beet on whe ot< we here “(tte es wa}Bhvxx: Fux % atehlort Onegec ‘Cape ft The etert =Wem ‘act year CG olat »Om cae ~ Farce 3 ee wirie des eeur ane 22 Vag ia.one thitt be ing fermales.x a ;%wit She :>ee mei See ers THREE tis were tam . bi Freaeesry Deparicu tat _SHR “3 a :if ‘Lee a An rity %”outs ihe N Sper Tae ee)“te al itbicanl sweat he aetenk:cb tse te i Dishes ak pre aries beat we ke avy tok j*mat (ey he onW Hes ‘of Darbar aNa 2 is .Sx persis:‘isi Hoxton:Highlan S epeenthy:poisoned by ¢ating mon:ph x woth eitrick acidsenstead:of:fess: ‘<a done mhiite the crop is.ful ‘ofsa zi ‘Wetare:it has attained fitnF rose oe HE influx ore ville has set it aly.The|pri wk:Houses.are ee UL,sonic ing SEYFKAL fret piv <ansurinée t Seed.corn is soakedini copperas water hef (planting,piere wo beane vee} eomnn.. Too.long putts on ie auday road: hurt the wind of a hore.When the ::sin tobreathe-peasitstime wy g 3 =“blaw.:ie eee sn Y =e ‘ <THE tine for hoiding the.next N‘e ferenee.@f ‘the M.ze Cheech:“has ~Phanged byBBichop”‘Gramberry:> teth to Dee.Ist. county;Farm work:has been alti ed forfive weeks.a teetaPoga "opal church and.preached a*good:Sernign forenoon.and night,last.Sabbath,‘and the, “mec Eawiealideviees;aber apasteSoins : of barly meal,ilk =e —is shot down: =foprodoce ploupness -eresr‘ 4 ‘harlesJanes,95 years of.ee the residence Of his ‘daughter,f a “York »avenue,.on ‘Tadsday.Me ~whth 10 years ofage,met:Gen.Washi pn et his father Shouse. be four tobacco:Paes hiaices tivo banks ;aieM-sashand blind haa ane bag ~* ais desire to grow tobaceo,as wellas F =CTOps,for improved cultivation,ahd.to Callas goud and.useful family ;Jours whieh will prove’of great value toeitoiPecuniarily.= Ir is stated By some of:thy ‘State “thattheconstant pipe-smoking and th =Ofcigarettes iisbeginning tochave a‘deadly- effect on.several boys and gentlemen ‘in |_this State.|We hear of threeorfour friend: whoare suserinewith §: pohbe:;:cancers are foci”They:are:goingny!Hon:Ben ee and Gen.Grant wen a eee ‘of 380 of the.598 “Jost on.the Drees which mate orl ~ered. “Wire a‘wheat crop cestitnatea:a600,000 bushels against 357,080,000 -Dusbels lew Sousiryiwas,better.«mpied * id and th..kly settled nationsof Benge ;Bet accomling to forestry.eeewachfemotthefactIn: y aintaen’the ‘high"andonepel preva:tas reiipa:as in the Sere aidmistti ©lagenit it a told the Caieage 3at rua =nathat the excomas sityoreae 2 amiste ‘ficted-at:iOnes ;tw the Ind:ai Fe eriters: jez:Keme 3 isihis h:sith “knew 6fnmn pretrhvitis “Mont‘ariax wins an we -geaeuani Rt ie ‘trashes. iy ‘The exer ons<4 fe the eats Me oye hae!+b thom patek a3 are,Valuable. Soyerati a of eros falileshy ten will eae 4 inees:100 four Jeathers.mt.d dow:FS ‘or oaomsee: mildeaa Tigany eraces Giek fester “¢Jfor beds’and iheter,oe lows.oe pressntrections ofF theihitdje 1ak: ow board of.police,the patrotmen,ef Ue Msantinn le have to speak atleastens. he five-principal JanguageSof their:€ bracts aia Apestase: Bath Chi cairo and Milwaukee >ailing the ‘Geeadence of the a that has:mide them great: more:“hotable.th:wheat than:in’‘o!:“Sereals.-although tHereceipts of cora havealsogreatydeclined._Bothe es are a courseof-a Fear.Sanoune ta.hePent.of the Pe val ue:eof whea “BleratOrereceipts.h =bys brother,Mi tiked tho:hiseuit ‘rates are:Gteane eeSen of the'citys“Forcins hippients;byway of.competing-Poutes,_Another:reason for:ee deere “mich,grain’S china;as in.fériner years,_Sertainly-not much is.ship om:“.Westto the East.asstock igin FisfastSosinw‘hich corn.tS |rans: Se“For:scene purposes -pine:shavingeArenowTerzetyused,theresPesth,ja Hungary,an extensive factors“¥devoted eXclusiveleto the prodisctjonoo.Beach:shavings,and these;Dy,the'si3“>Machinert,ard reduced t3 such a“.#8of fineness:that:the.“product.sembics toe “with upholstering se §Tegardsclasticity,softness,an anil{earsfor.bedding shes:are Tecothmended “wodd being -‘an’effectual‘prevent:_fermin;,the.Rtality of the material»this line,especially£hospital aad ‘bamck—ses,Lavine:‘Deen s is5ested =been ‘used |gs.stuffiin itd‘emis ave or aeFears,the:shavines “Ganverenovatedby:being exposedteatof=san OF a heightenpa teinper sai Se er fon o help | of the is.fect, ut, LW ot him Wee <sep-. mall gek at—ecbe fre.- ah tes =shof Osa the ér had. Pee Awaet<|:lof:ta EPreq °> sith: prairie +3"ra verely el es it afters party t Thea aaa Mg -olume abeut ied to ft is at wsbend co:16 ea which. I<.was ‘then 5.02 ae was >—“*sented ~ A ign et Nee tely? Ss,hte ast 3et ome t¢ sham na se ert ha |Seee 4 ‘that is fini ah “tle hes Sher ae y— a and. rc ~~ oft.the~ ‘pre-Fa ips tan: +Cony of iife Lomesis of th:N wehac he Tey ange) awe him,> sul is <uras sing thirtees elias2iinar: N obs tiret A.ant ‘skoal- he coat help ‘the av,yes:bck coat puzzled st fx oynd .spoléon trica toKhegra's heir coat if.you Nnow yor this.2:by Na~in this -we do Po}Ness i wiaehe FG ~ wets.uy 5"; ;SO ere wean raw is gr teast been US,ot SeneSS rafaster sot)6.1:FE iia:atat aleMey sl a cise by the “brosk &peraitiee fs antncthice Eira estes tothe. Tete hore:It was i ae he go «ateFeBe.Verrries,ang eee bt ‘have.her dria ts:Pebeieit:“Gne-morning this:pts ‘of € itesat the touth ef the cate.is Irok: Pack af virds dpprezy ies :; nev pare ides and.he:tad an arrow v which a . Shy Some Be “ert inthe srstrength of theig:RenLn,tabla Felons thee nid harsh > ore therm.:tes Sie Sa tea ‘Phe ty. L prophet segs1 “rounal:an Ea intel “pT Mek ion:2 'thutte:In=wring cone tothe? neMave OF ins:lipo anid “one raver bringsthas- é aie at Snorker mt eer nn ay ard,oth:re Rew -ots ratik tite prepietis ve Sines =Tt The ae es “The be kif beth Sane f Ke sudedt fixe eS ‘for twels mon "hs epdee eiapbos Rethei f.onl Wie cote &ab).OS pleseaeObadiah.ur i ae the farce.0;thas “the:tres t Wp aknosto:gaat pr peer:ret es “a hole ste“Py ls poumevapt trent:vi Ley : ae ott Gin Se Cae teRLLET)Testhartheeawor! S aeht +tii:Tis eee Lhat the eees Reet esea “al Tie AGIOS’bry ht be SOASdGagest:bens CObT wesb 1we oul ba’ nt ae strugo!ty ‘i,Bi fesh fo arin therrgornk a dud br dadFi a tgpeoTkie:thee::oe Sinks Se ve Bis!Ves for wy “ A ERS At wntil 3 tetasiocr.ot. PARKSseve seit, hich:L Sying ot a </(pauseat theip of ae.yes“On-the ‘ban Sereaniene i y-take the:necessities out.oReesWhoisthat-man toiling in Colo :gisnd factory,ing outche roll =in in the.ae Bae ep thread te, or -ee Sree ie * ; eR SS ie j we t ep ow s ~ e o i ae e t g i a c e s 4 vi we e peer aie aa Sn om7aaweniciy : 2ight.—e fact- “there has-been >fatal cases ‘of. the Tent twenty yeare. -Baraly any increase in ol ofeuch cases among Homen.°Th ee ‘The ‘best system:cn @€farm¢ _— s rs“quick,active man,who'ig carefal y i ‘supply it with food better than:tlh ied burried excitement of the AS than women.-“These ure at a world mesth “4 a ‘way,and harvesting:of the crop in SgCoie uae -facrease is.almost.entire! wenbetween:the ages of tw ‘god forty-five..."the. is the ‘statement ‘of.an eminentphy: ‘sician,Dr.Quain,who ‘gives re res.of which it is founded.” 1 lies.of course,to Engiand,ie “there seemeno reason ‘to'doubt that ‘qt would be equally:true of Anierice.: )Diseases ofthe brain.“have Speen ont of due propo Leand: the same cause is sugg "f eflections—"“the t ment There are unly two causes:of met tal excitement which affect menpolitics: _money-making.Both ee necessary pursuits.The ¢vi + whe Pay a ‘the excess;:10 “hasteto be hb,and in the:wish “crowd the pane of.centuries + ag lifetime.The emotions which z _ern-the lives of sromen spring mai “from the domestic affections and fr religion ant these,it peerDs,|do ot wear the heart and brain so ternbt as those excitemients to w | “are ex So he =One’lesson which |may.be’ “from the facts is,that women shoul ‘be cautious how they.expose them] selves to.these fierce exe tements,| -gre too wuch for.the atrotgerse -endgre with impunity.©A batter! gon still,a lesson_of moderation --peatraint,might ‘be addressed to:t Nowe but satenney sex.= s is ane “ot temperané “movements..W bat benevolent:‘a! energetic:man will commence:4 crusade against that ee Rs 'the pursuit,of ‘riches which so of€n: *guins the health and happiness|off : §pfataated victims?.Any one ‘who: antl undertake |‘such an “agitaty -and carry it on cere:: “The Best 8 Syatem.a that:‘by.which we can raise the best)pl -erops,and after taking off one,leave |. -the eoil more fertile than before.Tu: -order to do this,good commonse “will leadtothe wise.sdoption of some} means for theaccomplishment 0 thet end to be attained,is desirable,-Few “are farming in this way,but mar ‘should do so..The-best system com: oS sound judgement in:- ©ing for special:“CTOps,,.ascertainin which are’the ‘moet.profitable,: things considered.The.manuring -plowing and cultivation at the right) “time,and in the’most econom) “the speediest:and best manner,,As }4 “gtule,we are apt to waste mygh E when harvesting than we-shduld. ".gaveall the grain,justly .exrhs adi ~entitled to higher wages than:one} _who i is not.»Carless indifferent het *isnot cheap at-any price.Good hel; ig eoclosely allied to a good system that wher the:cone,can.be >‘obtained, the other isright sure to follow.:i question of securing a more resit Claas of farm labcrersis cone of that should be discussed ‘a ‘grangeandclubs.The causes.which Have | led to the presentcondition:of.things,it isnot our province to.discuss. How the late money panic will aff et |esa ot ihe dispessition of.the laboring ctomeekaaliyeliioodinthe.largeandgive”:ie-countrythe go-by —_to be oo W. >$s ani = ihe ‘Striped Bug.” Bed.gatdner knows”“thal tlhestripedbugisamostdestrutiveit}sect among,cucumber,aad other:vines,at times damaging:the:crop“seriously.Many remedies have been_suggested,some of ‘lem,no:doubt,Jarge-goodin their way,but troublesome:|we~Now,we have tried-for.‘sev 4 years another,which has proved:w th ‘S80: us %complete success..I 3_giming to drive away the:in:soot,ashes etc.,:we pet’it,©rathi ‘|»-young melon ‘and:cucumber ;lan josePeressowsroundeach hill,i tthe tit >and coming up abouttie same tin"the tops supply.pasture or the-bug,0-which it much preferstothe:vine_,--Lettuce will-also answer,butradish :>Gs ratherliked-best.-‘Whileoar vines“ate untouched:by makingthis litde alieialoes for it,the youngradishes‘ope are completely perforated.‘this “fail,which is.seldom’the case,_and has never been with.ua,spriakl“7 fhe vines maceation rote aaa aan os No‘other insect but: Seharcligen etand this.’Whereathispreparationisnot.attainable,weak solation ofeee disinfectant ;“a Bis tS *COM et MEET SX ber the Truth of nigtor PS :hk ermine iy sone.<3 ;ae eras Se)ulyoris:pyre :cégaek:wsfore“ah 4 re +2 Be ca Ssasics eeotis mart Ti ee buySeayee een 7 Nd .nee Veer br €On:boei.eee Kiel :tute Feige ees!iy ulioned tog et Se imu Sie as:th: ot ae toe pe thie the:wed Sa ees shes biskerxdenay fe at BR ERICL 1 tise aed “should,us ck 3 »*aes:Oe Vie pik iar Tar OF AN EE pains Sea Eatees i eteypst You aa. phe Se neOSSeetwhile1 ie oe qe fyb ta ain Sex best hae aetleiw 4 Sgag ae fe aad tee wh oie oe boele oot :4ipr=Ives 2a 68ttPe ane Re amd he ‘epoxy id fern the ore R ONE he voceupied, chil:should Weve *<=Beane.yf a {De the hy ts a, Set UNe to:sapied{ Bet ene dt esses,pe ; some.S28 She "is S BOY :Narsl Carclipa aus “fi nee sia 2 ite);wohticrs:this es i es ee Re BeOS:Hiist Oty aE ee has eeshare Bar:st howe ofSorte <towstaf ibe.sakes -‘a Cernte ar my AVES MO Bi eae!Coniéderacys.>A meusory of the:galient,manly, oHy ‘bearing “gf.éihe br fey on f te :By) spiritsanid?wesbae alee cs wrt ‘ascrile yo Hite it “upon -the,“psia iplix )~altar:Was:@t ey his hoble fitk rout tic:dravleof Nor th << ome Atory,and.fi Aoble.sons :.Ess shed?int creel:Sa;Wot ‘ot Brae teh gets<ana te.oe es be:AL proypiose3now ta “revi iety et oe 32 ease’some portions:af the®dttres ry J.Wi Perry2:deli€¢ered®‘at.“Spx eet op eae on:the’aduli day ‘of Ma: we re -published in “the Landmark- ‘;20th of the-sanre’month,”Speak ge eee =the excriict of?life by the conte: Ac iy,BE to North ‘Ciclnans he eee “WW here so.many of Our ‘Vest.me ee S -—Yaid dows-their ;lives,fur the ( ker they loved.”eee NS 2 Se What cequses-is a is ett.ae Pe ae as “Eaappere he 2means:ine Ae Ree -aey.The |Cotteder.Cy Wl 8 ts mere ideal,Lexcept?So far ys ce es eeu principles,which . to éntorce:shroud: guffation.A873 fete id “th ;at was incapable of being loved. a okt Saratearsitanast a for slic se ntim ~s whenever:it Spiald stir is ee eee oa Was wificicut®canse for such wii eo digas the gight to icarsy,slarer ay athe territ Gties :¢oe that sliver am “So.ne as eee y <)3°the States was concerned,at.was nila ze ‘considered -am dSsue—as“it.iwas *eardedas a State institution ;prote 4were:oa by tbe constitution of “he:United;ings3 Sp .-States,and the laws of Cong Ss.| :Had this not been.so,it may wel beth ee a ee eee doubted|whether’it was A CauseBeatteaesinaalargemajorityot: ei 2;ae ~Carolina!oo e.oeale pect Ege holders.: *secession,*ot.cao esaSurwestSinddetested:this 43)tein,and thasé engaged in it sui>=tiga,Not ose in.a hundred’who.ce Se lieved that'sepéssion could:beef oS edwithout-war.-Noe “one:wee- _-“Gred:who'was not ‘opposed’td:¥pee =‘until war was"Jun tem—andlththey :may:he an ‘all:gatot kin band <garticd’by a ahbalierotraht the:i :cios“opecator:Atiat pictores “are:! ae sBteacriok ——-*aad See .Belgiuni.[Gerzsans.3 gpd Portogal.Shs Gork Salle ode _extentof England,Seotiand tot Bei gic y ae is the obttin:it Mase =then Holland nd it~ eee -large “=Helgiin The rice:Sc a ae tobarco +plantations ou! Sea.ie cattinntol that’one tare Pk sk :Dalrymple,with a field of wt a te e :Sa ing %hundred rquare;mu! Bee AGRE much gin,with 4QF a ser’ ries Cees 5,000.peasaat proprietor 4a Fran sana Ii with denp-pais thar owe “<=!thatabrother editot:Mr § pe ee ee fase,of the Botte (Moptaia,aii.y hes ci ies refuses$0 be shot brid por anders a eighbor ag os Ge ciariet “citizen |of the Auaconda,*Mr- cogdect she its r he d.foun "to et tie ise in:hag jee“iesaged torre -M ae“zSay ite guintionVesard ay ‘anal ti:Mr.Stal,“was raniiee :,forth the side wi abk inte: ht NS EEE“Sigis:nf tasSe 7 ee oS eat:©dre ab:the:resn It of shee| tas een tad ve aiternu;n’s i ==3 Se eran Bis a os en ay x She partsttfat t hat he |mack.¢Over aeOWE notam os ah ae-corts iy.proiest againstsph -Dsl:ab.—$_———— 9 for.are 8 SBN: ,tonia warat‘a,wewhe hs+i:es5s rAN sary:acL the lk taTawjuke Wgvma bh te ECG teers,we the tre atnieeBt of St ee RR Oa Basray ikBaF Vex:aniler B os =Eee Osreid.tetowith:Mav:nenthale kn’ ;_prope Ties of this valuable 3 ; ~being the.‘authority for 4Sh 3 Su oe tl.Soathera fa sia. ;Sa eS “mouly.Tee oxnize and 4 :“otefor rab-es.Al.that oo Som Saal“to do,eahter ha vand spots,ugion it}‘ind it.ist eee common.ahaa the A5wers. ee gk‘Southern -“Russia,bbe 708 neat] sities.Enroj The feats.of:eres ae otebeereers“gays” :formance like thisa eferkon ‘is Tull’of bounding.ateeds Miders,leaning “aver*their’“sho et “Tyingat full laine pon,,their ‘some facing:the’rear,but guiding -+with’spurand rein;some jumping-o1 =and off,like’circysriders:while t ae malis:‘going 8at the top of ‘his spee ;aa heel Peaticce at - mm e ee ing upthe pace.- |60!ele,whichaburst at ee aand thenca mee ae = }:ae ‘opinion:wE never,aySotpomiee?2 oe ets md “incapacity in tenes doaFeeVEOne.of the.lgtest:is “A.P.Sm-<)Smerly of §who says that-<walked¢over “the whole:course “completed i upon.‘the eastern ideaeiselevenmilesinextent'through aae==eountry maialyof clay formation;-|)...3 48 a-specimen of the wotk dene,it=.|Smits.words:2=One:of the : et =ie aesbecame too great-for the weak barrier to.withstand,,and.ode >down came.‘fence,mud and all into:the }eS =e canalagain,to be Giice more’ dredgethoutSke“at:‘an ‘enormous expense.x et:more‘eurious state‘of:‘things exists at places.:"farther in aoewhere other cuts.have: tors.‘There share bet Tio oan_),“im these:contracts:as to’what shall’be”af ie ke ome with p earch:after it’has’been-emeavated::tis the’pesult .of ‘thisousomission?The contractors:‘simply.A maeecd Aton boeken and|TUM it;-back a Sees oar Sage:it there.The’‘consequenceBex“that all this “earth,:all”these-stagzpsPasstonesshallhave:©to be.ckcivated ifeeee3“over:again,tothe ix“4eg eet é seat ee Pareur— Sas nod ae TA Sane eae aT Afier-Treatment. 2mit ak:etl i¢ eB het greateat aie’BcPttra caeoscopie ‘about: ‘iartoe athBs.: ee Eewei tix we pee # axn fitees OX.Lp ae ae : went ae pe ee Preen slr hee .4Gya i spmietic ne SRC bit rs Soe ata lintels teks Belsite.:;‘:¢tes ete ay “gh ; Pee vive,thion ieme d 1 mtate at: eae se ae ee aK ile 2 TE thy wee re a :=5 —“Tate ie “th PTE y ep thie rs ay=;SeasSe atte oe “pyr ins fete9ith ‘tye tevtha FOF .;ht Bee Aone a the pat jer?ton th ie ee eae =a.Laces dtnodh cto Cite rtiod €Sh ee ae ben Ss beneath Ne a Y ;:i pegs bi mee Se eeosRie bone ws i as tow.fre! Sey wi ate: OR es Par emia ES SA inte 2. the THN ;Seduce isoee Fite the thro’at,‘ihe!COT <a Bros bane rehies WY,ipyped 6€losehe arqind =oar ao for MEE 5 “tswry the panenat,pn:ehee ie ee “the “pal:Oh 5 i :ath it!a 5;Tul-eSethe sigat Hie rt “ea oe Ae ae re rr the oei“of any other part-o SSS ss s aecae the : a8 et os ane he Beat fhe ee akake month,tiefallWack Me the Winiu, ee ee:m3 2 griisp she thy ty ya.ana ke:p hy ae eesee re abhy.Siete ed hac Se aed the: :Rete nesthe:promine nce of a ES eg :“abs wie te a ees it Pls ae a grasp of.tlie’“Wwal*os Now. St ep a knees as a’“yiyat.throw alj SOU ae ite S poe ferward-ow Fe,Tr hands,and:at.t |Fe OC tiie squc ere the wwaist-between:them;.5 Af you.oy shed:S40 force exer . rie =thing vin ‘the:‘chest:“upward:‘out.-6f:; ae eke Se she:month:eee_Teepen’‘thes eee anaes eee :3 while yorca we.unt slowly G. aa :Ss er eee :three:Jee a,eu Meily ee“20 with 3a fig eee rst acai x shee ee es a “your kne:2 <:*eS :phesatet thre e they ; ae ise befor ©set arsate Ptalina!Wineraeda non eS s fout wr;five =teen -Te3 in 2 mie oar,oberen oe he iin?=able in the ria’cat inptiods at ‘Deeat Mh ~which:you:eetgSIf nat a -treathingbi nog gredt atter a =of ules ab oe Sea tie aisa Seeea time on;the ‘sonics |S aoe:OR ee eee orected in Ruie 33roline:‘the bod¥in the =iS foe opposite,direction from ‘that in:which3Wassetirned,for the purpose of fre Se ie Ve ees Hing:the gir pashacases froni.anyremaining as ‘te :Se €anithe Ue the.artificial “respira- =ee *tion.from-on?tto four hours,or-“until the-5 ee eS a<SS pstiend Exeathes.3according to ‘Rule 3,2 ae oe “5 es “and:for awhile!alter the app‘eatance ofMe"3 returnin life\earefully.aid tie first shortPass:~gaspsiuntil deejie:xed ‘into full breaths.” Me ee Continue the drying an:d rubbing.which. a She valid |‘have be en unceasinaly _practiced “from tthe -be ouminig.by the’“assistants,AR;>takiing cate.nut’‘to’interfere:with the |"°F/1 *izmedns empty cd to.prod:ie Deeathing xt oe ‘Thus the liens of the=p:tient "si?yuld be~tuhbed always:in av upward.ae 1s aethe body,with.‘arn es *piace the.ae nies the wlan:3 2 ~"7 kets or over.the dry:clothing..._The+.Warmth of the ‘body caz.‘also be pro:moted by the;-appile:itionof:‘hot’flannetothe’‘stomach ane arm:a-pits,bottles ° Boo “2,ges ‘to ie limbs’and solesof the feet.-oe <esa Ee =Rule.4:After-treatment.“As “soon:as)ieeecenaes=:eeshiogs is established,Tet’the ;patient:f-aS Mak abe steeappe lof:call wet clothing:wrappe+.its 3 Ja dlankets only,‘put to bed-comfortablySaatctseam,but With a free ‘cinculation.ofSpaentaeair,and left to perfect.rest.‘Givees‘stimulantsiin doses of a teaspoonful:to:tabizsptonful,according to the weight ofthepatient,every tenor fifteen.mi.for the first hour and’.s often:thereaMeae=may seem’‘expedient.After”reactionSEoekelly:established.there is great danger:a ea Oe Congestion:of ‘he.lungs,and:if.per:|S _fect rest is not:maintained ,for at “least,‘soe ~~forty-eight ”‘Rours,,it sometimes occurs.CesRonisthatthepatient;.is seized .with ‘great |pik Sie ‘=Ee _difficulty of:breathigs,arddeath is:lia-,ble to followunless immediate.telicf is*afforded.ia such’cases,Apply a: v MS ip o sv a r ‘j ai ae d Eas ©=Er) Be bias <3 :ae,Ye pee me hy ie Wierosaditrhat.the DP,oye‘Alfsaccr-aureis With dem inthe“Sehisineni<,Hi “ties the oa tegwar Deméers ticSoa.W er bat Bs Cow Edie are‘Se?). ae. ee ;Bi pte RS Se LS,Stee Conyen tions:meni ‘has Gelecaice, Wieo,Mr.Laney: i ELEN me z‘ We SprabMen tena Faw, tev DL 1.PAY:shuvr fast *ottab ts ted Rai:wath a isthe:shea apact wre Tea:nee ee fp hisaspat baie‘Ry “years ee ye cee de * ead ot THe parcel! =ee ws (i :“will leetent bie fie bil ¥‘raucin.o8. x S ate Use waakteg Sond seat <ta’ £33 fees it the ;©hat WOU *‘syintiae eeea!Tepotlice as “yen canary wh Ss ih eye,mratiyil,Nya SES wed prepare"eh to fit:telaLAs:Werk uh <besienrgaits eerste along th at tees ogg mite Re r bax en DFE “geansam:eee ADSL for.sug:ir of smilie July”Othe ‘The. mototter iisdead._three ehitdzcn “are;not { rel au b whieh heERESeems|‘tol be consiseta dhe:vom:|, -plaint among the"farmers iSOK iheeasterh .Alamance and the adjoininig parts of ‘Chat.cH “ham.and Orange’on aceoant of a “Snail jsteGeotedkGe ae Mr:zt:Blacks bug shat i is”oink mill damage 10]LaGrange,ig: -:nd ae ‘RutatLian@aecity,:‘areat Browiimg | —for the reniatnder of,theseas. 3 ML.OvERCAaE &Son,murinfacturers |: of doors,sash,blin«ds,and:‘all’-otlier kinds |): |of-carpenter’sS work,and.dealersin shingle ei ~<Jaths,&e.keep a fullsttock inthe above.line -and-make to order at shert mene ee and well Enews!inthe busuiess. “Os day last avee Jonata i.Reddand ;Ww:ft.Titerick,farmrmeérs living near "Ca “bridge,-Guerhsey county,Ohio,qaarrele _over.a dollar...”Titerick.strack’Redd éyerj 'thehead with@shetgun,crushing his skuii. -Beda cannot recon et;and 45AeTICKsis in iva Ri ee r - .Let the beople inderstand that:now is the opportunity to reduce ‘taxation;«and: “obtainbetter laws,by*Seve competent’“men to’servein Jegislative halls,and do “mot forget-at:“Every.‘party ‘office’sceker._hong beletiak tees andndthe’‘other inan ee Re Se =gee =asain teases pe aly:Ee Aketn 7 aay =mera: =esa ‘The owan:jay,te Gas a ; pte kets a5 I felt:for me.-SoseaeicZefeesThattifemightbe=ioea=S ©ay rae an ad Homerom ‘Biack cloude were drites.And bizte the apgry betisvers,rode.” a ere bee Sep “abe thenitg eee ies ot nie ry hy ey a Thaw wid trateb what ie ct be /pga go bast cadet y Soom acura domed,oe iad a tk 59 asilver foamed,a Once.moore it tell}tBe |caserwest tale.ie oe ee AeA shalt eah 2s 7 ee Se Men life's wands ea 4 # :os os Forbeavers betghs shure dur mous set all. + “teen ne Oba atorBy 2 aie 2 Casas ante —Katharine,Cooper. ——TE BEARPRINCESS. re i a = no THE TRENCH, “Behind:‘the:house,Serbag,fat:area ee =ing Cpa.a-berich over“which the Hilecs” Pee formeda sort of©‘canopy,‘perfumed:with ee -their own fresh odor,ace te.Ee: gS i The house"was.-fine.building,with:'a Be =ace aha Walls,and a roof -of red j- fed Pe lee Te belonged |ta Serban's mothers, :bP as th “theWidow Jiepkawitsch,and.was;si}+8“attd-tp the Galician:quarter of Zukol. as Phe tiot far from tie Custom:“how iyand ¥ery., Re a -pear the woods.ot - Sef aa~° *Rage’fa es Ue mee ee at Dani?Lepkowitech-twas,A powerful reno eSeees“woras,about ~forty years of aze,whom BeeonatNseverybykyboth:respested:and te ares :‘shee wis reapedted bes‘aiiee ever since’,¢Be EX Repth ~>ihe di ath wf:her;ust and,sh:Ladsmin osnetaaged!the property:and its dependence les. ical bethesett,eult;¥ated:her own fields : e and cite:don a little trade “2s:well:ins;:BS >wood Faun “tallow :!“het ‘Eeeat ak eyes osachemade”yepple .afraid,as they heart her oS oe“St 'son to.x hoal at an arly:nee.“Serhan i oo “kept her decounty‘anil read the:papers’topokeahers-for the.‘good Woman,who.could’}eRe net m:‘ke out,ie “single -letter’hersself4-ee +bumned with cliriosity to,know what was.Bee Sts =~go!ing-on att:Paris,at Wiienna and.other._Femcieplaces,ae ~She loved:‘Serban sia notraoces hersga:-onty-child,”but chet ik“Kare,nottale ;ct Jim tee.it:Y Wassit not “vnougit‘to.think }to.a ha Ss lee ~¥oiee harsh 35:the.sound.af:“2 ‘kaife ss)Poe .pasting ore ®grindstone:sae ace es<3 Bt 4 ~Not knowing show to:read or writeByasete-hervelf.--she had:thkena Care®‘to-sendber: Seba “2 Of to.work for his future,fro ioral keraeS,me ‘until evening?SEs ace we tes aete=Serbaa wasedreimer ©Theigniy thing ;oowhichuvehimdelightwashis:¥olin—A ee;his mother hid.Dought ‘bam the-instru-.SsShie naked.2 dim:=mrent aS an “objéctof:‘distraction—for she.line eyes ant he «thought;herxou wasmn:Ajaneholy”ently.be2 yeas eating,of re seas he was:too.fond of sblittdeSaud ten «(PALe =to -much ‘giten to “Tis |own,-sombr OT aeBeeaeGeeSaoeheeaeat's ors Dame Lepkowitsch was‘fat.from sus “road:aud:Serbbeaeriove‘ctine that her:son:needud-2 hand-tO younooalreetbin,and ‘that ‘that hand:Prtist:be”‘a * eee acs thehand.ofa:woman.is ~¥8Mage-)For the time Dbeitig Hismother's.handsassuiticient,but later,on-it Woald have:Ss “to be another's:that.was,certain.|>Like’ae child.he’would have to’be passed from,a one hand toanother,but.the’thing:dia:feBindiRey3“snot seem at alle&ty-to do,for it.did not.a,appear to please:this great’strong ere 4 nAS3eceue.Withhisgirl’s face and blonde curls.’He™"peasant's’thas?ched --r100}inde}ag As2 ~seemed.to-have a horror of-everything”‘—?sky:BS %ed.his thirst athatWoretrailingdresses:and Jong bair<*{1a-)>and the momentthat thefresh:and:beau:¢ tifal face of ayouns.‘girl.appeared.a-Rim,orthata‘Sweet voice spoketo:}oes he made his preparations to flee.©2Slenever frequented the:tavern,ever:“wentto ba’Is:he was never seen at the:-fountain,“nor at the }evening spinning |parties,nor at/any ot tthe favoriteTesorts .»of theother 5young men...‘None of those“amusements attracted him.':Sothat geetawhile,-his mother.became’a\little 3anx~Jous,and Particularly when she saw him! Se Rae__‘Sittiog On the”bench,as he.was,to-day.ab- \os ike gomie prince offairy:tale.Bi I ¢poe =.“byafairs.setae Sfborderinga tream:Sepban’had pacesRao5=.tehad béen sittingthas®ain.a bows himself.meat her,‘under_@tudy forsome time,when “suddenly |a she t ‘i Sue ee strange noise fell1Upon:“his;ears ‘and:dis-|oe4«rt turbedhisresi tions.»A sound at’fonce |& Bee:“Finging ‘and.¥et-mmélancholy:.ed,Isce.through the calm.of the evening:to come|Br eee -from”the.marketplace,and*Sheek ated‘ase echoes-magically’againstthehousesand |cieo"ation the gardens.““There-was,gentle py=may in the noisy’concert:=Racybe 2 aayeeSerbanban:got ‘up,and,with:his.“siolin Ee ateeesakbow:still'inhis hand,he «skwy‘fol-7=‘the‘Hungarian ‘3:ae ge “lowedthe melodious stimmé:~Ss,and‘erase.|He askedBp2ingthe‘“huge gardens,he.reached ‘thé!an téolesperaheraetaeLukestreetwhicleads:“tothemarket.ti:Be ga Pate:ie Pipersa ees EEoe.Be os Phere,‘acoinpact crowd had formed in cae te a-circle—soldiers,servants,‘children'pesgs =“andin the middiestood:&Joung gin of}.igen "Great beauty,»whor Was.Sexes eB .bigSee,;Sean bear dance Mycia strGerofcarpi,ie ian Ste vine iri3RetzOfSA,iA“aad Gery Seng toe twee .eaaeobaron by ;ee Speeai ombp tag:$06 9syed:“a:‘tities;Songsaaartitele{paar¢th ite:rat thaONSueeeamuieyceeEtya&y madden:Sangly.Sli bo Rest Oris Bolt Tetioed,.«iecoREDERB8cpbeehpearsinBlyAeamesxliteweahhie.bagels:had bese ¢ne ark ee*eper than be waeeatitie}:Est etree"Gentes Af hes hy etd tetad Eitan behest oo“eit A Soe tort,Chay on ang msthave:ever:teeterithe,°yeaaatthinkthei297iiSite115tis ert.Ri teinpen,the:dtr.Midlenes tatethe Bibi:ee et with..SC reggrace {risa mentary Hy:which’tie eraetex.<n Gecrgn sack ie Renan fortieth.‘pdthen.caeteed>6 Deena se jis.ohSpeeTer£03;ting’!ay ee they hasPiaeweotwireteateyiktuake>Tie Bigeti’ titek:;ie ever,ye :%“Whepadhy.timt thereiare th ee Tend stpanthecnrimunitythmCoatbsetataagViews.oom,one c jiear DOF ONS: Mey tiude-of Fone. reach Pwoiormagiaot Hh Satiseesaerote”OLE tr tas that! oe pet 2 aioe Disp ae when tb:By:by,Bis f faeteth mnie eas bentyl" ant sth fe's (hae darw tai kd be FC we ere he freveibifed,PRET sa .i frvtat fa PA ME ray Winepa“nah tried ae sphean?ids ate ie ee i-penta.ee er :i repaid van *DOR. st PEE:ie «pa Stays etBay"TE:ine thas.:ink.: nwt rth,the Bouts Steesend nat His Wisi Waytiie rae The wt enn:tie|ipearsHey e me EO ber tte “vintexe)its Meat Fe aan 3 Eris,an aes Sree Bey Ble set dantof.the,tert fe sr hin pias Of ec WS for CMV D>fornisthr“of ami itis “ExPiitpatysa:“ae ee ewegy carryost des 2.thettist “pha hice 2 PRD OF the tev me~ SE HELISE VE,his:freescrane. it,ene chertvtee! u ax 7 iv ;at Ae CE een ee 4 “a canes “ahs aeniets!¢é sikh arate ey }ae x BS ve SON c ter d :<p:;werd Oe Tae he hess ét th Pe:inne Miah Y Nigra ceri 2 a :Me Bie Qo Noe ¥(:i ;=ey S :4 me.re ecttens J orhe te,te We bake t ~Frias Sie arte >.i .5 :3 x ag é }Ea BE Nr mo *:*e thetenindire:pl int”OU AH.tex a ee ::) reasSector in, a'sa fs ie NODS bn “it soothes hissorrna :And Urixés ee hs Tht name |of):“i Ma ¢of Herbssae seruset Ae Xan ler micans cen:“eesthénes:means ¢]Quen ee2Mierinneans”poctry.the name of Hew .West nieans paaitiies the nave af aS ainee:eaTiS “alpture =tt Of Reeth:Soe WalSusieethe:i ae g tis feae. aslose Mi thesweetesthenstae‘ever,melted,from per?oNeart..As Yo.vopen:an’olb‘chee iarb are oaks #3 facts bine *“hu ithopenwouldfirst.oter toy n-the hame of)JéHavevoupt:scen:Hing?Trroush'thenightof‘Your Sh has He’net oeyourVision?Benlitifar?when Hisaveyour’AC Tittle child ©mater:ng the tine af NM ape:send ni hicSoukbiipenied UE »*so dark at neorthat shaaesSoblimg.and ald rot oH::Calter awhile“the.sung?agajn,ek cee “and she”Capp‘ed Se nds ey d syedx2=eSOh the spe!the:;Les c ;ts bate~heen “tn the?u -‘eclipse aftere>bat after awhi :‘ SPN Hak “Routine 5 Ket ::Lye :r Sone.og }a ae josting,S eee on, S“eried ‘The SY :re 2 pas ees ne)ear a rea e :9 ig:Sand She bone @ wrap tillaieyanege ,tm.the,straw of:Bockickeryoe @aritul siti ne.sa reas “Any Dg::%ce :ul {. 4 tr,Eas meth ry Shawl :veces=z Bs Sutiful wth His fe:</>Besuntuk-with theiesmeHietekPeak:stifulom-Bethany=:Fairer the.;e ’Sprincz-froh:on dnc:iosKes‘SAM:NaF RMEesS,roseutbE2RoeVisalieneetherTow jaees.a0 nt eee Rar ames od:as &Grice itBeShNEadMERISiesomerSeeae“Wanét ti nites Se harcrave ties ésBiSaasSiaeeeprectaysdationOF,HissDRIMe rouse.tahs»rt eas Gs ec RSape ehe uf the:gard=o*and ‘alt the Vers.’“‘Be eS BeneOF the tropics whilethesont.ia ees"iS i ad¥ection,Series.Out Ms belated:iu-fe ncas&luster of cdmmphire “trea thie’eet cs Syants of Eyal.*=see But bow,chat hk.tak of he”aeekenee:of!§Christ’~pardon to thice whobate never:felt:oeoneal;s i 23 vats of the sweetness at His,Qnuidort tethose3thave:;TB hs halve crefesed bis provi Spdsweets”yhanROMESeesescIEEisfacetocheoeBkedaeUpsenthere.tant uron,uk love?"Nort aDOGeyaey“pico tiay think tis is‘mereiy §!:cy ache he eosee <Onsthay,Edwards’‘Was.aiieCoeakettman.He Was tassai tn some Uf his pitmSEeeeSEShewa:ne er alhicted cwhith.aly Sent2ES)SP eCSat artor:ah Vets when:the wame of::Christ was _mMentionsd.it’thrép:hin.int>2)take not the ‘Lords:cx‘Bien a transport.\/Fan +Ja “cool Jogi ian:eran ae,ee nm:Chris:t-With nerves ets ine the o Medi-now.Sit [amon )Si)trianean:shinttre koa.granitic.mature:whata su tr :e 35 :ratle with he whoie.aworld )agains:what here vou.‘slid baceSiemloghisbackfromyourfather's faithkebiria ae * receres siree Of.his indi :‘ton mags“eeQueen ‘Shiver and the=:ouake,¥ethe sat down’as“a littl“the feet ofJesus.|NeiTonron:‘was’.“oday all Belatial splendor—bis ships’:ed out~theefromZion-geber on yorages of ;_bringing’bacok all ‘the wonders of ‘the %BS parks afcat’with:myrrh andgensand:as pecswith,treesSe oe cn ve an:5 ae Sits:€+and hile séated there comes a |where—(iene esis that rimSeresoatseyaé measa clusterof amphi rivilegesasofEngedj.>.°we thes.ke-up now and shriek imOb.rich and.rare,“exquisite ‘and:ect oe untilhe shal]rouse hims rom:thehor-m =poreams?Let ‘it in Sey Péor maa’s©rible somnambulism:on ows:plant it on eve €>-pnt “its:as’eep:within an_Aeaves under every drinz heat Wreathe its:might:cry’.outSe‘Biossoms |for everygarland:>Waveitsbranches.‘come back!a ae “32 every home;‘andwhen.Tema oeFoSESsSeancaBasra‘Ties cold and’s pa eastdee“Sal comeand ps let some:plain’moleUETeReapitescome.an in-my d grasp msoss+Img branchwit s Seewpnnin my oclasters “of:—Serer of Engedi.”.Beek nanny “Years now since.‘T founda.the”$Lord,and’Tmust:in your’Presence tell‘you’Rare ESSe ect Olefe.oso al 7 Biis-sécesida,Bene ene _yoIcEs,(OF GARDESS.aS : +=“oes |*FIE LDS. Text.a My Potecwackis suid »tee’ey me ics‘ter of camplire in tle cisererdssof.Eneeds "Bas :omBong of hlome'a,+::cpa Belton peng thaw’Neat ire dere by:etTaany@¢Dt ogls for sgcop trava aettiscen Mttaliste.writer ty a soiuptaary.ths Hore ofthee bape. ean craved bey @ far maiden:nether.Sit tex OK en ere Ret S69 Se bak Tedewd:;aig SOTagetadesiitthatate,pears!bee Petewesfewhenbh:tenet erabtea ret tereotea.{han be wes estitict MaDe Bie ghee SFSpentehofhrinsandVotmh¢hitme bith ty erica:thee:OL Cb,tat:ee wat Chri thatbateever:heen writtes,Elian that:cL thimk “the AGRE seme 6 £teistern.tines:Upem the foimidesty of.thie Bild~comes with:nee grace:{rian ew centary is which the merit:-A Sesors aot Cor ge seed <mte TQ their forties:oe betaSenandCbritianscanecoateeprayer.fry @tareg’bees tee they have tur:kets helihextneBwToRatwydepravedthatCeeass“The Flack Crooks reepectalethink.ti wever,ga-tarasbcay Mew-“bey ray ;Comm sCagndity.that there are th:ngs turned wats,2 Bpve the cotimunity to-day that Did-tacr ts+de more damazethin the Songof.SelonenHear,pow.one cf bs Strewh amd fair vie sertp tices.of Jonas:If P had.Twenty:to preachy F wer ihr: ie bripgiag tat te ‘hineeWithee teas eee:.wettesoos.OC:(hrint:phat haveax Veto Leen”o pessebien Pdenet tiaw Why the pulps saa“ee OOF om.féwotview of Christ whethereatesorrimsnyeyehdesethatbase we“peter been es vire &¢teprar 2 VY mhisiaed:weveeeealoneCiein6ba.tas zi(og atew Ebvo:CTS iw sa Ss eget garden ile ‘windbein)and wi thylay THIS)rd with,ranthe @n ds:mries SORT Ones for the speAhiehaetiPeresaesSantttheLeeahtiesenim.batt cirri.cant iriat tease fort.tperbted,biel ¢awk)BS wWete Fite Leh Bored.acl Perea 2 ’:(Aa osst tanitene’thee sie seayi bes 3 “ikeaK nageOASeSeesWinkey:witireend LEVON:alacst ‘tbe Wha hes reat Jets and sortieSeifBethayerspapech!De cat 42 Wetta tientqncyCOIiyowhthe,poor tock Lot knows“HR”REAL laa Tees tates,thee fiet urad cheeaieroethe:Bibk Sheth Sof Cdr pets ar ;hairaivere lw bite ioe wisi a éyewhaingthieeternitLW ietsite oft he baiesetnve mere bone ek:Ci they are ewes:stplatsSoPeisteasef.the anioatitaitn,pg AY Langs hijBRS Waters ath dowe ine Eeautiful :Ba DyeteasesVeapitassymeTheLarewettntetaiestietispecsIntewareehTeleOMEasineeaboatacoogwets:Giices bartips ror te 5+tenits ak ofovters.ak are MAC “Wein?maineRitemeTheawWecttonthexe:“Bier éaniphizas 4 plant of the Beit Te Newers ‘are ini HyastizSEMTiNAGETasraetharint,Sy unebeohes aGhdesus,fore tre te Lend {Ss jamthy iisterOFcamphise:Eiisk the Winey art;‘ bE oe onbt etyLewittERENTGeffheaofmytzteek:ines:the frst pine shienee’OU,sthit ‘this camp bare 2!pant ofthe teye anaes aswel OP CMPIST Tie :i :Snell ‘et ‘me okt of his.fraleanices Af had aban p ;et att wt eae Pigg i emule:On ixere:este rb .‘;ie -ae5TRaynait©chet Wet IE FouL eebiibst Lo :Ea tit cow ME ekcow aS hee Ke i -KEES ’:a::s :sts ‘i "i lass teeat Peretetons ATE ths Crh “ett <pealat Naat ‘Fos Se at ;‘ie \}he :ee era Saeed :z ae Shaky Rie °hae oe.8“phire,“tes Wei ee tise?MHESTN Oe.to ay:Hey ents y :Sa ::;i nethecunntige:thine othetext olias:a trae::RUAN Pred porn ter cg 7 TieSinevardy.at’;buacredy bathe ee it thes Sta ass thebbs.the Blossonis ripr inewith eee yeeOftheSwieetnessG8-€christ. Mh cuted ties furmie ‘Of Jesus sounds °‘Ina believe rear!ltis,éthes Lis so rows -heals:his woundsAnddrivesawayhis-fear.0 >~The name «ft Casar means power’:aha:x,the»enieottisrot means ernest}:the name ot”easeAlexandermeADSCoapeststhename6t-De-'tha:-ines theres “means:“eloquence ec the baine of JasMiltonancanspoetry:the name of BeniTARTS oeWesomieinspaintings:the name.ot:Phitias :means sealpture:the na neof Reeth:Wen MANS.J indus’the nameot “Howard ineans “retorm:bet the ume of Christ tieans loves It ixthe®:sWettest-name that e¢er thelted trom por Tespect 74heartsAs’yOu open ian:olde thest.that:has Jesns”Chrifensbeenclosed;the tirst thing that-strikes:<t)you 4s the.perfume of.the|herbs.plare.that were packed:anrid the«thing:so there the dharéhandred~of hearts here which:it opened.and saidavoulhdfirsto-fer ager u e name:uo ape ey :could be: : \Have youn Useen.Him?”Through Cark:tin ;i Hp ::melt :;powertul «te E aigtaoe Your sn has He not flashed uploarn fewer oa Ura Ons ope ried:Appear 16.43 e:5 5 heen cys An Uae $:in thactange ‘4 rvine,tere get ame _Your -vinen?:‘Beéautitur when He:Comes to.si ee)C en boty tl i eerca een an ga a Lcd ‘a ba ’hice gi hela Sieh buen be A ‘ oe Save you A little chrid owas’ervins SON:kr 1 4 Pek :!a)¢?Se ;,iisSmnchduringthetimeoftheeclipse:_se dark at noon that she wasafrant andBente ofsebbubz,ant “copld:hot besilenceI Suntil”:after awhile (the ‘sum ¢ame Out.again,Ta:Spree Newie ;4 ‘one ae. aun ‘she.clapped her bed and.ywid=ard rronge:a F ;cheeses =5 3 cee si :‘5 Hammatian ys OM,the (sun?the “san “Sonie of:eouitortis athe -migbpest ‘anuodyne:Fists Y mode TES,‘:a .‘panhavebeeninthedarwreckOfGar:Sins salvation Ais’the d_eclipse after-elipse has pa-sed over our'so makes:a ran”y“but alter awhile the Sun‘or.Righteouspece treSa 5ure}His beams upon our:heart.‘and weo Art thon nd ;,i arte!eas neti:wi om;'tae. siete Phe sin!the sunt »Beautiful dawn 000 tk ent Mesa CR Ie :Ps Rg %i peeks :Yoeedenme cede pee:©2000 coe,iss elton -e. onthe straw of Becilehen Roan:=Beautitur “Come (wy 21 f ‘and *Comi x k :OST etek!5 KR roasl ::CamHis!moti rs shawl,a fnetive to.Wi Senet co :re she eee og«Teautited wi th His fect in the Galilean sunt!TE_Peautitul with:ths cbiidren:bangine about:His neck!Beactiake hp the:bere «“irele of>“Bethany!:Fairer that thesons of men:davr-Fir-Sprin=trom on high:light’for these who sit’Sane ‘Hes.in.atknes<:rose of Shavon dike sf the:waite Sart IHSaltey:ier Jovels?et ‘He 4 wet2suchatrouble:Soother,essenfies,such a crave breaker,that;the=‘tianzeeofawrestPpror:ittiom-o0 His naire rousesup“Whe mee of:the’zard:‘n.and:all"the per”viene ofthe tropics <while tiesonlain #OSTASY,af Rilection.ores outs:My beloved ware.easa closer of.campbire trout the vine:|Fanivof Eng is 7¢‘Bat kow shail ¥tatk of the:sweetness ofiG.hrist’s pardon to those who haveneveityofthesweetness:pt His eomfort to those*who have retuset bis premises Of the sweet:pak Rese Of His face <0 those:who have Treen}: stother:bate upon:“Xo aecat Leaaypesreaey‘think this is merely sickly.-Sea entalicm:COnatha?Edwards.was"eee mare oPo'Was Fa:$2 Bi Seine ofhis iOns.he was never a thicted:withany sentyeaahator.ant vet.when:the ‘name:of.Christ “was aMention=d.it:“transport.”,Faal-rwath <werves. a oranie Avith eeediSBaniag”;“eRmnentsof carihand the tor}Net the thoag it of:reaHetransport-d h.hin: “his arti gZomg ou!)ion-geber on Yorages of threesimyingbackalltheWondersofthe‘parks deat“with”myrrh:and “friaedTustlewithtrees:areasizalandssetracesoehis:6 dow,andhe ‘riesgoout;loved isunto |Te as'@ cluster of €fards of Engeti camphire frome the wine-: En i]and rare,inzpe fast:exquis ite and everlast-;at ain every poe man’snoplantiton:every <r every dying “ain every ome:and when |I am seicestadeaI.Hes cold ard.StH?and:toe,q °ane,veacaener i Tet —‘plain and:humble”:Come and:put in maeae‘with clasters:*rigsx“the:“Mneyards of :Ss rhivel woth bie any i ah:sine"wee:te ratane haar ait ‘2,it a-aBck-wire be,by ores iy te almont eg ‘ff pesmi that ¥ iy 2 ot+folate,Hayat vve profit.|oe fae Gr “yh mnasess ,5 HS tes aes his Cold W ter Treatme nf ofFevers of tone :writers “¢Al 3mesos |the mortal .isex ni EhRts \ :“vepeaterd.every two.hours, af 2 ‘night. Pte @ “§ pe = :¥ ; 3 Eiz i :i : Re * $‘ys ;=Pec:fe ee »3 og }:As Be et te ¥:°ba +mcae sa he i Reoee BS. }:\Daciieek tet‘8 ;:sigs ae ; 2 ‘'; ~v F- Kam is om .*re £,° >2 saath)ee Ad within A * as remeiiy.ts Simple:"and easly “peal: oa sheu!d be maade andet Beedfal advice.| ‘ener of suet action |Ss)apparent Loft Shot £2,the :ndriale. :)fatal wases”tise _io ae rma ra AD” if Sizat aa old anstmal reel ves-fails Gas Vick»fo tee thie.Vex ‘the “it % peck read “wpths t caneand gener. wi:SOTO.draw one-hat of ‘hee pom bands in be febr all day tee den the spate: tian eqval,mate,‘ahd is wed th ;rk there:Gilk:beat: Feria the riserkt,‘inueman-treat:cr retiele, Lote dist tg ~arte aerer p she “<t4a “kee : -thia pac Inte the . .Hats saysi bee agse hes apes je ap 5 punkvaftet icagning "ard f byte,tines.abr *ctMobb korab”.ce es gto we the Hire.A afoul me be oer:unt,a Ae iat "W re =fie heswasSe:<f J idsiieance,& nie 4 the aeery:iE:Of:tpelt dongey ye aly:ts i phot:cESa a Huatie Tarts its ail BrFHM ily “Uute te;ail ai treataea ofthisifsef AW ea then deavta tawards Slate tor) <niglt of 1 -which sould be &“sulh-2 « ghe ut incentive,:thay:wilitind,a seest ond compensatLion Ln thie.way ig oie Fi5 hee se Sita c v ii ¥y« MS foie als Bas :Sat results at Dy ‘te Sinr prise that:here dealtihiever:“Bouse ihre Deen bivreksist thie:_continued Paths z Tins|reaark applic:>.afy pe’ culiat fogoe:!ker the ase Ofcold<bath-+ i?fered.28 Om whit :veés imes reedutse le isbee >tub yto this’remed¥. “tie enjoinert:ne,OFEO ‘hwo Garrod pes (Liehermeister=snd Hes “Dr..durgenseny Stropel ¥-ony othe cold water taeatebatit can ie ; cas re read Hh the O€tabe: thee|AnivAic an Jiuar nite €21|Nciences!: eene age tind the Te Reg melts Of treating:aiaae ipkcti amtust:ex and k; ng bs Ly:fro e%feet ne ably ver is:Et, wise.5 mee Be facts is.cat’once.|biswett ‘ahoat by:‘the “colt.i 4 “bath,of GS idegtees Ot ‘Fahirenheit; 2Compli- ¢ations lx aifee!ons ‘of the respirato-} FY:ongangare léss:Apt’to:eccar-un-)’- _der:this treatment,whiclt render de-Hj |sas amd ‘coma Of r:are “Oeenrrence: ths freqnently,repeated fave been| :|foand ‘t6 be more eticachIOUS.in,the|: "yeduétiowr of teinpatarethana’‘single | prokonged bath.,Imsome,;eases.‘Ane hatfis shoukd be.continued:“day:and: Douche Jacking.*‘Or Spone-| ng are imperfeet.substitutes forthe} “general,bath.AS.‘revard3”mortlity a “ft was found titgt the deaths io16(0 -Cases treated|with cold water“were Bae BE.percefit.ant:the’‘deaths«iintwere 3M)Cases!prec’wing}y ‘treated.»15-4 pet oe 2 five times’ns «matiy ninate.ffsction.—Petal: se Laps 3 : ;=: we ‘curvespondent -“Ot theaheie:Bene: AMOK ES sammmeutts turpentine2 a enre for lock jaws .Hes sayss et “anyonewho hasan attack of:i ie take a small quantity:of Bape | Ainewarmryit nd pour onthe wound, No wmatter where the wound is,or? _whatnatute it is;andrelief will:fol.| ae in less that -one.minute:-“Noth-| ~mg better ean-be applied.td 3 Severe ©cent.Gr bruisé’than colt:enceit’will|give certain reliefalmost:in- “Stantly!‘Yurpentine |i“ad So.Be SON~ ereign remedyfor croup,‘Satarate A piece.of flannel’onthe throats ani: chest,and ins vecry severe cases tt IDE to five drops‘ona unig:Gfstigar nay:be-taken inwardly:*Every family ~should hate A beotthe en hand.The .Tn all serious-“cases an “Application | ere t -trieh Let Es:Hate Good Men.on 2 “Phe timebas come ia elins wher “reasures’nd“ot mens should he the |~guiding~principle,”By this.we “deBotmeanthe.total wipingng aout of par’ 2 but the “pooling”of tae is-|, under certain ‘conditions and -the selection of.good.and.oak t’aca,to serve us in:office because they ere good:and.capable’men.©The’.po ‘every thinking man.’The’doctrine} of availability—-competency—should be:-a maxim which.every.voter whether be be whiteor Back;‘ought_>tohonorinSelecting men to’Tepre-.-sent us in the“Halls of the Legisla-}_ture and‘in “the various county.-of- fices:The people.cannot afford to:——==aevotes.icescau: