HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot Nov-Dec 1901TN PSMA AAI TM NGC APE RR i TO RC VOL. VIil. he Statesv WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXAN ille Mascot. — DER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED oe re RT aniiaans ——— STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1901. ~ NO, 49. ASTHMA CURE FREE! NE LR END Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent vure in All Case. — ee SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL WRITE YOUR NAME AND- ADDRESS PLAINLY. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. C, F. WRLLS, of Villa Ridge, I11., says: “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene receiy- ed in good condition, Icannot tell you how thankful I feel forthe good derived frem it. 1 was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat Gta and Asthma for ten years. I despnired of ever ws : herugented. I saw your adnerti-ement for the er e ee ee e es rs . fy. ire of thisdreadful and tormenting dfsease, Ay sthma, and thought you had overspoken ff > Ives, but resolved to give it a trial, To & ~ ‘ my astonishment. the trial acted like a charm. + : Send mea full size bottle” Lash Rev. Dr Morris Wechsler, ue , fs : Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. ¢- NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. a < ~—, DRS. TAFT BROS,” MEDICINE CO. men: Your Asthmalene isan exceHent Asthma and Hay Fever, and its alleviates alltroubles which com- thma. Its success is astonishing ul. ig it carefully analyzed, we can hmalene contains no opium, mor- ana wonce & . « A frer ha weel Ta tloroform or ether. Weeks, : ¥. Very truly yours, r in each f Rev. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, Poth; me a AVON SPRINGS, N, Y.. February 1, too. ou Fill i . x SROS. BS » > SO. ‘ 5 t festinoninl fron of duty, having tested the wonderful effect r. Prieas tle ’ is been afflicted with spasmodic asthma aos ove 1 as well as many others, I chanced to see 4 used 20 UPON y : rk, Lat once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene iber. Ivery soon noticed a rad improve- 7 ag . : t ared and she is entirely free from all symp- Discovery tT feeds ¥ recor medicine to all who are.afflicted with this Yours respectfully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. D. Feb. 5, tgor. Ihave tried numerous remedie tarted with atrial bottle. I fonud m ever grateful. I havea family ow inthe best of health and am h use of as you see fit. S RAPHAEL, 67 East r2gth St., City. Trial Bottle Sent Absolntely Free on Reeeipt of Postal. <A a: le B Caruina Martle and Gramte Co, Dealers < ef Marble and Granite emetery and Building Purposes. fe 0 3 © - very lowest prices on Monuments, Tab- i all kinds of cemetery work.: me: ec 2 = -- Maceriai and Workmanshiv Guaranteed to be First Ciexs. ir eatalovue and prices. YARDS AT STATESVILLE, SALISBURY AND NORTH WILKESBORO. National Bank Ff &TATESVILLE. N.C. Deposits received subject Lo ,asits. Money loaned on geod : alattention paid to collections on itted at lowest rates. Accounts of Corpor ers and Individuals solicited and received nkine Business. 22 °FR ALtzEsQww WW, Cashier. t Bary . t Wo KEM rect, S ‘atesvilie, N.C. ver Posten Bros ve —_ SS LS. STS RE = er ee os COTA? ‘ nd ——————— LING! n old one but the co which we cis- ce jine of stationery pet in makes one IF WE QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE « : : WILL GET :YOUR WORK B r workm ' to work y bh a bh . y. ete., en- Sus to” rwork ijhan ever. Work or Bnre¢ “end BS your next order, we il a>preciat 5 : : : De THE MASCOT PRINTING Co., C HONE 30. STATESVILLE, N.C } at Things that Don’t Go t» Please it.’ Charlotte News, What is the matter with the Statesville Landmark? It seems to be dissatisfied with the Democracy both in the state and nation. It gives them bothakiek in a recent issue. It is continually growling and showing its teeth and snapping at things that don’t go to please it, Here is the way it growls at the State Democracy: “It seems to be pretty well under- stood that Judge Clark was promised tthe Democratie nomination for Chief Justice by the machine for his val- lant efforts taseeure the impeach. ment of Judges Furches and Doug- las. An attempt is now being made to carry out the contract sandal! other candidates are choked off. Whether or not this effort will meet with success we will know abour a year hence.’’ : It is a bad sign when a man who claims to be a party man begins to try todestroy the confidence of the peoplein his party organization. Whocompose this so-called machine? And who believes that any machine promised Judge Clark any nomina- tion because he favored impeach- ment? Such imputation does ao injustice to Judge Clark and to the Democratic party, and is without foundation in fact. If the Landmark Das a better man than Judge Clark for Chief Justice let it trot bim out, and the people will settle the matter. Itithas not it ought for its own sake to stop befouling its own nest —the Democratic party—and the good name of Judge Clark. Again the Landmark shows its teeth in the following: “Mr. Cleveland says he is going to support the Democratic candidate for Governor of New Jersey, because he (Cleveland) is a Democrat and has always supported that party. This calls for more tal«, as the people are under the impression that G@rever deserted the Demosracy in 1896 and 1$60—Danville Bee. Possible the ex-President didn’t have the oppor- tunity to vote for a Democrat in ‘96 and 1900 ”’ Ob, yes he did. and so did the edi- torofthe Landmark. Both had an opportunity to vote fora Democrat of Democrats, 3 man whose democ- racy was endorsed by 6,000.000 of his fellow countrymen, a man almost unanimously nominated for the of- fice of president by his party on two different occasions. The Landmark seems sour and dyspeptic. .It shows its ill temper. Why should it pour out its wrath on the Democratic party? Does it wisb to see the success or defeat of that party in future campaigns? -_ Ite Demecracy Is Thin. Wiikesboro Chronicle. The Landmark has discovered that somebody has read it out of the Democratic party and itdon’t care. When Linney headed for the radical camp he said the Landmark and Topic bad read him out of the party; aod so said Butler and his crowd. Wo feel sorry for any oae whese De- mocracy is sothin as to permit him being “‘read out of the party.’’ Ours is nade of truer, sterner stuff, and when we get ready to leave the par- t?, we'll do the reading out act our- seives;no oneelsecan dothat for us, The Chroniolesef Jeter. Lenoir Topic. An@ behold it came to pass that’ when the son of Pritchard had finish ed the lamentation with which he had lamented, he wentinto the land of Yancey that he might look on the faces of those whom he had deceived, and obtain ease for his troubled heart. Soin company with Thomas the sonof Roliice and others of the faithful he hied him tothe woods to kill deer. And behold Jeter obtained reliof atd killed a deer, wherefore he re- joiced greatly and thought he was feeding in high rye: But through - ~ ods came tidings of the death 2. 248, surnamed Fuller, and ‘ iked the odor of the pie counter better than the killing of tamedorr and in urgent haste de- aa it Washington thas te loos upan the face af Teddy, the strenuous, once more before he died. And behold James the « n of Moody, .ncd Butler she weszel faced Were ai.5 with him, like wisa Adams. who for many years bad soucns of fice, but fcuad is uot, though his search was with great travail and anguish, But it came zo pass that Roose velt said “nit,” and Jeter departed in <reat beste, for he saw that his end was at band. and he was wroth acd rent bis armor wherewith he had armed himself against the Red Shirts and said Bebold bour of mine end is near for Roosevelt loveth the Commercials mora tran the faith- ful and my burden is more than 1 can bear. The Lillywhite party which I cave created with my own hand has passed into the land of do- dos, honest politicians and cleaaly niggers and theambition of my life has been rudely set aside by the dis- penser of pie and life is become a misery to me, So it came to pass that Jeter died and they buried him exceeding deep and heaped stones upon him lest tbat at any time he might come a- tin to vex the earth with bis polit- al fakes, snd when the people heard there- of they were exceeding glad and or- Gained a feast day which is known as the feast of Jeter’s death unto this day ie What's Your Face Worth? Sometime a fortune, but aever, if you bave 3 sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, mo.h patches and brotcheso1 the skic—all signs of fiver trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give clear skin, ros Raleigh Special to Charlotte News 29th. In opening the colored State .Fair here today, Governor Aycock de- livered a superb address. Referr- ing tothe Booker Washington din- ner incident the Governor said: “It may not be inappropriate to express to you the hope, that recent events occurring in the nation may not unduly excite you, and you will still remember your best friends are’ those who live in your State. What you wish, what you need, more than recognition by the Presi- dent or other people in authority, iis the establishment among yourselves of a society founded upon eulture, in- teltigence, virtue, and no wise de- pendant upor those cof a different race, The law which separates you from the white people in the State, socia!- ly, always has beenand always will be maintained, and it need not con- cern you cor me whether that law is violated elsewhere; it will never bs violated in the Sonth. Its violation would be to your de- struction as well as tothe injury of the whites. No thoughtful conser vative, upright Southerner, has for your race ought but the kindest feelings and we are all willing and anxious to see you grow into the highest citizenship of which you are capable, and willing to give our en- ergies and best thought to aid you in the great work necessary to make you what you are capable of, and to assist you in that elevation of char- acter ard of virtue which tends to the strengthening of the State. But to do this itis absolutely necessary that each race shouid remain distinct and have a society of its own. Inside of your own race you car gtow as large and broad and high as God permits with the aid, the sym- pathy and the encouragement of your white neighbors, If you can equal the white race in achievements, 1n scholarship, in lit- erature, in art, in industry and com- merce you will find no generous minded white men who will stand in your way, but all of them in the South will insist that you shail ac omplish this high end without so cial intermingling and this is wel} for your; itis well for us; it is gnec- essary for the peace of our section; itis essential to the education of your children that there should be nO misunderstanding upon this point. Iam sure you Qagree with me in what I have s2id,andin a spirit of one who is governor of the whole people without regard to race, I bid you God speed in the great work of upbuilding of our State and of tmulti- plying our industries, commerce and education. I find no little encouragement in the friendly co-operation of men and women of your race in the task which we have undertaken today; thst of educating all children, and I pray youin this great work we shallnot beretarded by misunder- standing. October State Crep steport. Raleigh Post, rst. The October cropreport for North Carolina was issued from the sgrt- cultural department last night. A general estimate of the cotton crop this year indicates thatthe yield in this State will be about 351,572 bal es, against a yield of 513,051 bales last year. In speaking of the general condi- tion of the crop Commissioner Pat terson said last night that the crop was evidently not up to the average of the Cape Fear neck ofthe State including Bladen, Columbus, Cum- berland and others, and the best conditions were in a line rather northeast and southwest from Ra!- eigh. including the vast whole north Carolina cotton belt. Phis condi- tion is verified by both the State and United States reports. The report shows the cotton crop poorest in Bladen where it is report- ed as only 37 per cent of an average. And the best report is from Carbar- rus where the report is 98 per cent. In Robeson, one of the very best cotton counties usually, the yield is estimated at 61 per cent The general crop report for the entire State makes the following sbewing for al! crops: Condition of cotton compared with last year, government report, 70: concition of cotron compared with an average. yovernment report. 63; answer, 64; yield of tobacco compar ed with an average. yovernmen: re port; 72; answer, 70; quality of to bacco, answer, 77: condition of corn, government report, 69; answer, 69; eondition-of peanuts, snuswer, 84; condition of sweet potatoes, govern ment report, 84; answer, 84. As an indication of the probable correctness of this report itis well that issued by the United States Agricultural Department for rhe same period, the correspondents who furnished the reports being en- tirely different, but the averages being rcmarkabie similar. For instance, the United States government report gives the aver- age of the cotton crop at 63, against 64by the State; vield of tobacco, 72. against 70 by the State; condition of corn, 60, against 69 by the State, and the condition of sweet potatoes S4, against 84 by the State. ees Judge Walter H. Neal. Wadesboro Courier. A suggestion slipped its way into the Stare press that it was doubtfu} if Judge Walter H. Neal would re- ceive the somination for election in November of judge for this district to succeed himself. Why sucha doubt sbould rise we cannot see.. His acministration of justice throughout the district bas met with universal approval from the mem- bers of the bar and the entire peo- cheeks. rich complexion. Osly 25 centsat W. F. Aali’s drug store. Sweat or fruit acids wisl noe dis-! color yoods dyed with PUTNAM! FADELESS DYES. Sold oy Stim-. son & Anderson. 10c. package. clarity is genera}. ple. His competency and ability canno* be questioned, and bis popu He will receive South was the garden spot of universe. He spoke of the first inquiries of | S° those people being acout the condi-|?* tion of our roads. oc oday in | t the work of macadamizing the Lib {| d* erty street road. This afternoon inj * the presence ofa large crowd, de- |} monstrations of road building made by President Moore and Se retary Richardson of the Natin Association; Mr. 4#.O eTumens road expert; State Geo!) gist, J. A. Holmes and others. gTess stirring and practi ” es were made by Pres Moore and otbers. mes spoke and his address was ma; nificiently illustrated with stercon- ticon views. ; Rutherfordton Special to Raleigh News and Ob- Open the safe in the some time before day this mornin and secured worth of stamps and cash They en tered by breaking two locks on the vack doors. pear There is no clue to the thieves 1 afterncoon Deputy Sheriff Barney Butler was, itis said, through the head by a drunken se- east and south sections of the North|ro, Bud Logan. partoer, another negro named Lo- gan, were abusing had knocked three or when Deputy Butler them but Logan went off and séeur- | jiam ed two pistols, come back and threat- j vil! ened several liyes. seeing the pistols, attempted to take them from the negro, when be open- ty Butler diea } unless the nevroes are removed fron: the jail here Niagara Falls, N. Y., Dispatch, rst. - yesterday made the trip over N ara Falisin a that perilous performance, is in 3 serious condition today from the bruises and cuts she received believed, however. tnat she will re- cover anc carry out ker purpose to EU earn sufficient money to raise a to state thateit is nearly the samefas mortgage ona Texas cattle by exhibiting at museums. Police Dinan today confirmed the story that the woman had made the hazardous trip. Hesaid she had a piilow tied on her head, and it was largely due tothat precaution that she was not killed. Mrs. Taylor said: million dw 'lars. atop. in upon me from every side. Iknew when I reacned the lower river, but I lost tay senses when I went over the brine. been inunched into eternit; pears like a horrible nightmare to me now. that my life has been Darrel struck the rock and each shock I going to fly to pieces ly to the handles and thought oply of preventing my heed from striking the heavy oak tup of the barrel.” terrloly asce. Arnica salve «ili Qpened in the court house this morn resenting this and many other coun ties throughout the State. by County Commissioner a Eaton and W. A. Blair. Tesponse was made Richardson. of the National Good Roads Association. In the absence of Governor Ay~ cock, who will make his address to morrow, Senator Simmons opened the congress with a forma! ‘address waich was strong and sensible Perhaps the most hearty applause he received was when ke declared that the State government of North Carolina ought to quit trying to farm and devote ali the energies and labor of its convicts to the betterment of public roads of the State, this work to be supplemented by the aid of cities, counties, townships, commu- nities and individuals. At the conclusion of Senator Sim mons’ timely address, a temporaiy election of P. H. Hanes, president, and W. 4. Blair, secretary. Postmaster Reynolds followed Senator Simmons and represented Senator Pritchard. who was una voidably detained at Madison court wir, Reynolds made astrong practi cal speech. He endorsed the views expressed by Senator Simmons and especially bis statement that State coavicts should be worked on ihe roads instead of on farms. Captain W. A. Hayes, represent- practical talkon the pereat advan tage to a community of reducing cost of freighting products, and said the reason railroads were making better earnings now than formerly, was because they had donated their earnings for the past five years to lowering grades of their track «0 that the expense of hauling would be less per mile. He said he bad just left Buffalo where his mission |P!2¢e, anda Was to Convince the people of tue tural problem; that with as rich a soilas New York, a cotter climaie | ber motner in her last hours, and ¢ } ) for all crops ard cheaper lands, th a Lae +h toe Good progress was made Av the night's session of the een Prof. I. A’ Hol | | ! —_-—~_—___—_ A NegrTo Shoots an Ofticer.—Posteice | Bend, + Kobbed. ; server, ist. Professional blew pestofiice here; safe~crackers something Toeir tools were found the building this morning. Near the show grounds late this fataliv shot Loan and his white men and four down went to quie Deputy Botier, ed fire with the above results. Both rand sesses promising neyroes ran under fire of a sbower | matter a secret until th: of bullets. They were soon captured, | gay auceusced for the wedding. Mr. uninjurad, and jailed. aid Dapu-\a 2 Mrs ams drove back to ‘bing: is tikel, oo Her Trip Over Niagara. 9 Mrs. Anna Edson Taylor, barrel and survived itis raven <hiefof Speaking of her experienc2 today, “I would notdo it avain for a I was whirled like -d the water seemed to pour It seemed to me I had y- It ap- I wantto offer a prayer saved. The three times was lueld tight- izVed it Job sauldn't Mave Stood It, If he'd hai: © ing piies. The're “3; tut Bucklen’s ire the worst the sapport of Anson county ir pre fereace to any ne eise, very unlikely. tis ei tga : tbe aie vase of pi'es on ear. bh , thousands. unless au | dodily eruptions it’s Ans -n mao eaters the race which is }in the world, Cure guaranteed. Sold by W. wa likeli gt Z, of A Me It bas cured For injuries, pains or ‘the best salve Price 23c. a box. The StateGood Roads Congress | ing, thecourtroom being filled with | y4,. Alfred H. Unc : citizens and visitors, the latter rep. | on - Upchoreb.of Raleigh: The convention was called to order eat nes, Prayer was offered by Bishop Randthaler, and hearty addresses of welcome were delivered by Mayors A Stirring by Secretary organization was perfected by the | ing the Southern Railway, gave a. North that in the South was their | hope for the solution of the agricul | ' yo | Sirs. Gibbs, died. ! | { Bidri ZA i ildrige, vor | t address- | jat the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Patter over $500! so ‘ ! } a ee ! . . 7 | Eicorganizers Net Dotng.a Land Office | Lexington Dispatch terms to that vast army of men who stocd loyal totheir party andaguins! seeed, selushness, oppressiod and combi ious which have grown powerful by virtue of unjust and 'aiscriminating jaws enacted “for their benefit and as their request. en Yesterday mornihg | Stanley. of Durham, was married to | It wasasuddenmehanye of grooms, | because it was onthe program for Mr. William Lewelivu, of Durham, to wad the young lady last night. Mr. Upchurch is the son of Mr. W. W. Upeburch, of this city. and is an operator of the Postal Cable Telegraph Ccmpany here. Some time ago he went to Durham and was employed in the company’s office there. While living there he 12de the acquaintance of Miss Leta Stanley, the pretty ei-hteen year old daughter of Mrs. James B. Stan- ley. They fellin love and this re- sulted in yesterday's marriage here, though Mr. Lewellyn expected it to be in Durham with himself as groom Yesterday morvivg Mr. Upchurch ;secured the marriage license here jand telegraphed for Miss Stanley. | She arrived shortly after eleven | o'clock on a delayed train and the | ceremony took place shortly before jnoon at the home of Mr. Upchurch’s | parents, 804, Oakwood avenue.being | performed by Rev. W. D. Hubbard, ;ofthe Tabernacle Baptist church. | The only member of the groorn’s milvy who knew of the marriage s bis mother, others not the | knowing of it unti! they reached bome for dinner. | Thenews of the marriage soon ‘read and yesterday afternoon Mr. 4 was Visited at the Postal 2 office by many frierds, igratulated him on the happy ‘his love romance. -_—~ Nurse Arrested for Murder, 2, N. H., Dispatch, rst, Jase Toppan, suspected of “ipy murdered Mrs. Mary Gibbs sourxve, fass.,last August, has arrested eed taken to Massa Mrs. Gibbs died uader cious circumstances. Bouane, Mas., Oct. 30—Mrs. ry Gibbs, for whose alleged mur- fiss Jane Teppan is under, ar- } + fnusetts j i | ee Susp) | | ' iM f [rest, was a daughter of Mr. and | Mrs, A ee Davis. of this sister of Mrs. Mary Gordon, of Chicago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis died last July and within he next few weeks Mrs. Gordon. who bad come from Chicago to see Miss Toppan, a professional nurse anda friend of j the Davis family, attended each per- When the fact that the four rsons died within one monthcame ed by the neighbors, par- ¥ offie:al cause of the Was not given out, the matter Gto the attention of the who,-on August the bodies to be xamination. It was traces of poisoning the bodies. Then ! e began. the investi wbich bas iedto the arrest Voppan. who ieft here at the the summer season. iC Maen sectet Marriage in Yadkin. rned this morning that -s Wililams, of this city. Eva Patterson, of Eas? -re united in marriage on Septemover 17th and the kent the 1f @ Secret until on Tuesday oi i kK the wedding was announced to take place. A relative of the bride, who was to wees, woen in Bast Bgod, on Tuesday (to ess the nuptibls) tells the Sen- tinel chat there was yenuinesurprise when Rey. Mr. Borrows, of Boon arose and announced that he married the couple at the home of Sneriff A. P. Woodruff. cf Yadkin county. at Boonville, on September lith. He gave the names of the witnesses to the marriage. ituppears that during Mr. Wil- ilams’ visit to Bast Bend last month. beard Miss Patterson dreve out to Boouville to visit a friend of the !at- iving ihere Mr. Wil- O¢o 99 t9 Yadkic :e cf -eVen mites AnG ges tus beerse. Woon his return to PrP, Wes secureé ny followed, the Viiie, tae groem returned BHusiucss. Phe reorganizers are tot doing a tory business of late Kansas City platform will be Democratic platform until le selected delegates meet in wa yn vention and udopt a piat- form ior the next presidential elec- Those Democrats who refused tc support the ticket in the last election should act ask to dictate tion vi905.7 Found a Diamond and Then Lost It Lexington Dispatch. A youns man from che country a-meli diamoscd ona our Strecis here one day ‘ast week. He Was nOL aware of the value of, the Stone and carelessly placed the bau- bleia one of his pockets. Later when be learned that a Lexington lady bad iost the setting out of a Vaiuabie ring, he thought of the stone he had found and~-felt in his pockets forit, butit was gone. He made 2 diligent search but the jewel couldn't Defuund. It was undoubt- ediv the one lost from the ring re- ferrec to above. Y tT eee Love of Home Evens .Gp. The Commoner. Great Britaic has 214,000 troops engaged in the South African war. The Boers have about 11,000 men under arms. The ratio is 19 to 1, picked up Miss Leta — . ccsomeac = Pers Rela i | “THE LANDMARK NOT PLNASED.” GOOD ADVICE. The Winst RCE LS hkE Ae aren Lee ae ae aa SS ——— ok 5 Good FR - | j a ey es oads’ Conyen | Changed ee at the Last John H. Reagan, of Texas, the Only Good Advice “ * i igh N i eS RMNe | War-Time Cabin . cS Ie de Continually Growling and Governors Aycock’s gpeech to The pansion Special to Raleigh News and Obseryer, | Raleigh News and Observer, zst. i Side Living. et Officerof Either The most miserabie beings in the Showing its Teeth and Snappiag Negroes. | . world are those suffering from Dys- Se and Liver complaint. More Ds y fiv @ When the Confederate States gov- Seopa: ae OD ee a “3 ernment was organized in February, | fh ple hlabiscaher she rcene eae 1861, Jefferson Dayis named as his Dicker ioticcte lesacs Ea ceases ane See Or eT eae gai a eae — ar 5 z i . , ba i COStiverr oer a L. Pope Walkes palpitation of the heart, heartburn, secretary of war; S. R. Mallory, tera gnawing and “burning secretary of the navy; J. H. Reagan, Pain ee eek eee yel- eae a and Seis precataneeces = cena eee enjamin, attorney generul. . cae eee fore the year ended, R. M. T. Hun- er ee aster, CaN, OF, SPIIES, ter had succeeded Toombs _as secre-|)\~", 20 tO Your Cruzyist and yeta Spartanburg Herald. tary of state. and Judah P. BHenja- teed ceri ore for 79 cents, mio had succeeded Walker as secre-| G2 C052 Pr A tary of war. = een s Prize Aimanac —W. F, In 1862 Benjamin became secre- E tary of state, James A. Seddon sec-| Seva; 5 ons ee a eventy-five families lost their ee of war, and Thomas H. Watts | houses and $259,600 worth of proper- scame attorney general, to be suc- ley was destroyed in a Chicapo fire ceeded in 1863 by George Davis. In| one vight last week. The losses 1864 Georze A. Tronholm succeeded | were fairly well covered by insur- VMemminger as secretary of the ance. = *reasury, and in January, 1863, Gen. John C, Breckinridge became secre- tary of war, Seddon resigning be- cause of criticism by the Virginia leyislature. All of these cabinet officers, ex- Saves Two From Death. “Our little daughter had 2 fatal attack of whooping cou; bronchitis,” writes Mrs W. K viland, of Armonk, N. Y.. cept Reagan, are dead. Toombs] when all other remedies failed we died in 1885, Hunter in 1887, Mem-| saved her life with D- Kics’s New minger in 1888,-Breckinridye in 1875. Discovery. Our vieice, who had Of the cabinet officers with Mr consumptioain an zdvanced sta re, Davis fro first to last Mallory |also used this wonderful medicine died in 1873 Ber j.min in Paris in 1884, and Reagan, :he sole survivor of them all, is reported by the daily and today she is perfectiv well,’’ Desperate throat and Jung disc-ses yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery as press tobe. fighting his last fight] to no other medicine on earth. In- against death, at the age of 83. fallible for coughs and colds 50. Benjamin was the only one of the | and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by W. Davis cabinet who declined to ac-|F. Hall. ‘ria! bottles fr ie cept the situation after the war. He went abroad in 1865and lived abroad{ 7'wenty persons in until bis death. Hunter acted with | bread riots at Puru exigo, the Democratic party, and just|last week. Acorn famine has ex- before bis death was appointed to a] isted in that section of Mexico for federal office by President Clevel-|™months as speculators had eornered and. the grain. The starvi ale at- Reagan was the only member of| tacked the warehou were shot the cabinet captured with Mr. Davis|down by the juards. More blood- butsoon after his capture be wrote | Shed is feared. an open letter to the people of Texas advocating laws which should grant xevyroes civil rights and political rights with an educational qualifica- tion. This letter greatly excited the Democrats of Texas, but in 1874 they elected Mr. Reagar tocongress, where he became coaspicuous in in ferstate commerce legislation. In 1877 he tocis his seat in the United Siates Senate, and since that time nas been one of the most pronounced nationalists in the South. All of Mr. Lincoln’s two cabinets are dead, so that Mr. Reagan is the sole survivor ofall the cabinet offi cers of the great war period, Je Seed Eleven Children Die of Lockjaw. St. Louis Dispatch, st. The list of deaths attributed to lockjaw as aresuit of the adminis- ‘ration of diptheria anti-toxin, man ufactured by the city chemist, now aumbers eleven, two more deaths deing reported today. Elevcn other children are reported at the health department as suffering from lock jaw witb slight chances of-recovery. {be cases cf lockjaw in each case is said to be poisoning from the city’s diptheria anti-toxin. The ith department bas now begun the free distribution of tetanus anti toxin for the injection into the blood A Physicten Testifies, “Thave taken Kodol Dyspens Cure and have never used anvt in my life that did me the vnod that did,”’ says Covnty Physician G W. Scroggs, of Hall cou: “Being a physician I hay ed itand found it to g results.”’ Ifthefood y mains undigested in youi it decays there and poiso: system. dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dicests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation. he worst cases quick!» cured. Never fails.—Stimson & Anderson. ia, ‘he You can prevent this by A young negro man named Thoo- dore Booth, on the farm of Hon. George Daughtry, in lkinso county, Ga., attacked Mrs. try Thursday afternoon. He her down but she escaned. |} cries aroused the neighbors and negro was pursued to the swamps. He was caught the same night acd lynched. White Men Turned Yeilow. Great consternation was felt by the friendsof M. A. Hogarty, of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slow- ne if diptheria patients who have been | !y changed color. also his eves, and ianoculated with the infected serum |he suffered terribly His malady and thus exposed to lockjav. was -Yellow Jaundice. He was The health department has an |treated by the best do but nounced that nomore diptheriaanti- | without benefit Then he ad- coxin will be manufactured by the]vised to try Electric Bitters, the city of St Louis. The investigation ordered by the city coroner to deter mine positively the cause of the death of eight children who areal leged to have died of lockjaw follow- ing the administration of thecity’s anti-toxin, is being pushed and it is wonderful Stomach 2nd Liver reme- dy, and he writes: “After takisg two bottles I was wholiy cured.” A trial proves its m&tchiecs r bles. Only 50c. Gall, Druggist. fewdays. Drs. Boloton, Fish and Waldron, three of the most experi enced bacteriologists in St. Louis, are Making tests with the anti-toxin and the serum taken from the spinal -olumns of the dead children. Dr Rabold, city bacteriologist, who madethe anti-toxin complained of, fromserum taken from a horse which developed tetanus on October Ist, and was shot, declares that if the snimal’s system contained tetanus ozccillion August 24th, when the Silas Easters. a negro, with forcing a 15 year old commit acrime, was taken from t) jail at _Hodgenville, Ky.. Thursde night and strung up to the co: house steps. He gotaway but wa shot down and his body bung to th steps. : 3 6. 4 £ ou &' 4 @ The Children’s Friend. You'll havea ceold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Y children will suffer too. For coug last serum was taken from it, it was|croup, bronchitis, grip and other ‘mpossible to detect it by andin |winter complaints Qne Minute spection of the horse. Cough Cure never fails. -Ac? Ss At the Baptist Hosptial an inde. cntecitbe promptly. Jt is very plea pendent investigation hasconvinced | taste and perfectly ha Sse Drs. A. B. Nichols, R. C. Harris George, Winchester, Ky. write.: “Our little girl was attacked with croup Jate one night and =as so noarse she could hardly spec. We gave her a few doses of O e Cough Gure. It relieved ber inimo- diately and she went tosleen When she awoke next morning <)> 322 “9 signs of hoarseness or croup ’— Stimson & Andersoz. A Washington dispatch <: President Roosevelt is hard 0 ple in carriage horses—that he bas tried several without getting suited. T! President is evadently barder to please in horses than in perscous to invite to dinner. — = ind CC. Morris that the presence {tetanus verms in the anti roxio is indisreputable A guinea pig was inoculated with the arti-toxio Wednesday night. developed symp toms of lockjaw Thursday morning and died today. sy A ae etn Shot While Kissing jHis Wife. New York Dispatoh, ist. Jobn Charirand, manager of a skating rink at Hoboken, is dead from the efectsof a pistol wound in Une head, and his wife 1s under arrest vending investigation, Mrs. Charirand’s story is that her hus- oand had been unable to rent apart- ments for their accommodation of late, and for that reason she went to live with her eee = eae D i By . her husband at the rin t vight aid remaibed with him: all tha: OT. Gif nignt Shesays that when she was about to leave the rink this moro- ing, her Busband took out a revolver and offered itto ber. _ Charlrand had arranged, she says, to yo ona hunting trip to Tom's river to be yore ten days and \Nirs. Charirand was to have taken care ot the rick during his avsence. He gav: heeihe revolver, she said, to pro.eci herself during -her stay at therink. Sirs. Charirand savs that she put her arm around her hes band’s neck to kiss him gocd bye. and that the revolver in some way was discharged. The bullet entered Charlrand’s head behind theleft ear, and be expired before be conld be taken toa hospital. rat _._—————— H. C. Cox, city marshal of Pres cott, Ark., was shotand killed Pri day by Charles Levy, colored. Cox eee to arrest the neyro on aj Ss a ee nat a in “1 have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for a great many years, 2nd ai- I_am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head.”’ Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. j ; We mean all that rich, § dark color your hair used j to have. If it’s gray now, # no matter; for Ayer’s Hair wha always re-# stores color to gray hair. % aa it = ae : i w very heavy and g yaad ‘it stops falling of the hair. : except when it comes to fighting— -home. eve = 2 then love of liberty and trivial charge when the negro shot! disa- _ -xpected it will be completed ina ee oe sc e RI } } i } ow A ee l Tinie emt, ae — Ppa ea ee ‘ SLECTIONS. SLATE NEWS. TAYLORS iLLE NEWS. ¥ ae zs ia oe OF | listaf appointments made vy + THE BLES 3 peovex eee Orsi eases Generalty Republi: an, Although Dem- A lot of gamblers were arrested 3! We learn that only Gne free _rera! On for the EEE The Landmark was certatuly oe ocyats Carrica Maryiana and Ken the Weldon fair last week. Geiivery route was deeijed for Alex- , PUBLISHED WE E sorly informed when’ it wrete oO { e nder county, re Idenite @ . poorly informed when =, 22 tacky i Goldsboro Tuesday voted $110, ander coun that via fl aden a fag Pia: : , : tos ivto Miller’s township with J. N.j -m , —atT— Governor Aycock: ‘In bis vestowal Condensed from the Dispatches of Tuesday (00 of improvement bonds. Srarpbell ssscarcier - ; of official recognition be has manag-; night. 1 a CaM cate wear ieee ; : ieee ; FS } 4 ONE DOLLAR A YEA |ed tofind only ‘impeachers’and anti-; Seth Low, Republican and om WE Does = Sey A meeting is bein, conducted at? Give them oil—cod-liver oil. tha ii J a = nea y Coe sa? “Why Ea oe ‘eandidate for mayor of See ae oo man, o arbdboro, dle riday. the Baptist church Ubis week. Pas- It’ rs SS to see the resuit. in ste te w vk evers time H th a Warts. Eprror & Props: tT cee ieee D ea ane one 30: 000 Ine home of Judge W B. Council, tor Gwaltney is being assisted by Set i at tbe + ow store. Why ? i < ; Aver A. D. Watts, E i mark so quick to criticise tue em, S! repard, Demcerat, by ap ae ase 00 | at Boone, was destroyed by fire — Rev BIS) Reames of Seek Give it to the peevish, fret- Simrhy beege it always ) =~ the gradeq see ocratic Governor? Governor Ay-! majorizy. ‘The other nowinees of the } i urday. x a Give Gee ghee nists : 5 fusionists were also elecred. | tev. J. A Weston: avn eae ful child, and he laughs. V ; : . o. Gove Nusb, Repub-| Doc Lefler, of Concord, went home! minister from Biekore, pre Ch: z : and Carr men,sdvorates of impeach aes sea a vor 50-00 bes Rhein it to the pale, anaemic chile over 50.000 | Saturday evening aud found his wife! vbe court bouse bere Tyesduy nigh? : meut and opponents of impeachment, | Pye Levisiature elected bas a sate | Gead ta bed. | R Z Linney, Eq. went toS-ates and his face becomes rosy anc p vi atority in each orauch ~ aap e oy, me ro eS See ae oe ee a coches ee = | Pwo wooden stores in Greensboro Ville Monday nighs and weet from full of health. Take a flat- 1A ee H i? Y OF QU \Liry NN: C2 Nov a 19, 1. Democrats, but he has all tae time) isur ins toe reelec:iva o enato rr were burned Tuesday. There was | there to Ry to appear f. r Dr: sf hild that | * ATTLENESS IN PRICE appointed DEMOCRATS, aut Dem Foraker. | $000 insvrance on the buildiays. | \toure before Judy ze Council yester- chested chil ora cil ! | el - : 7. > 9) { Be The Democrats elected majorities | a : % 5 verats who believe in the party and seek) +, each branch of the Mar yland; Five members of the Harpe faimi- | day. has stopped g sTowing, give him’ mY," E A RR eo to bedld it up and not lo tear it down | Legislature, iasuring the return 6 {ly a Snape oe ee See vr. J. H. Mcore, of Liiedoun, went the oil, and he will grow big | Probably this is his offending in the/ox Senator Arthur P. Gormaa, to} ; September Ist of typaoid lever. to Newton tke first of ihe we k CIsM. a ~ 2 ect Teele 2 4 é Monday’s Charlotte Observer a rd St Senate to succeed; ¢ ; . e e s a| where his suit was heard yesterd< and strong like the rest. For sportsm2n who want th? 935°. lave th. st Et nd ¢ Uaited Stares Si e ‘ Salisbury defeated Tuesday a a 4 f most completeline of Guns an] Yom initi aieeed ye = ac oC ‘> 5 ape ; res of The Landmark. | the x A : : tacked the Democratie State orsani-| 7 eee against Senator | Wellington, Republicae. NoState| proposition to issue $90,000 of im- | before Judge Council. | This is not anew scheme. shown zation, which it calls the “machine, ”] 77°85 © : ; Sp eceumesckcted SS provement bonds by a iurge mujori-| Mr. and Mrs. A.C. McIotosh went» d for years g : : Mever 4 5 Simmons and Governor Aycock are{ Now Jersey went Republican bY | ty. to Newton Tuesday to attend court It has been one ior ¥ re i ‘hats h le Butler’s Caucasian and Winston eee rae Sree ee ge ptt i ang ieee te 5 < oa a; ar | aot original with the Charlotte Oo-/ from 7 000 ro 10.000 majority, elec “Peg Leg” Williams is ayain in| pd visit Mrs. Mclutosh’s parents, Of course you must use the VANS far Ware : “on nN MVE: ny Mr. Bore R:publicen, and charged that tue pa r : ye inoal hy Governor ee : serve 1 be Landmark For ;!o¢ Murpay Gov al eb oiaes at “OES ee Capt. and Mrs eagle. e pre power of the organization will be{Se°T0" = Bt Geet tree d the, Vitginia'elected the Democratic SSN Need rae een ee _. tright oil. Scott’s Emulsion J at the pr enerued. tovelect | Eascke \Craic, of months Butler’s Caucasian and the lticket by more than 23 000 majority Kansas, Tennessee and other States.| The board of county commission- | © us Depot : B oncom 2 U ed States Senator Republican papers of the State bave/ in a jigit, vote, The Leyisiature Mamie Cowles. coloreé, of Charlo: te | ©* did bur little Monday of any: in-| 1S the one. . ; the cottay Bae ri F terest except talkenew court bouse.| «Scott's Emulsion neither Powell on : g veen filled with just suck stull, Pro-!} went overwhelmingly Democratic. | 9. ee : * and to noninate only Simmonsard {0°82 — ; 2 e@ pape pers cae oe ippi sees “Demveratie oft ane Se cen bares anes they are thinking of buiidiog out of : a 11 Bros / afta resse smMocratic papers s 1G | oA LOST P M = ™ ay nis > ys1onD ¢ < - an ’ om qe, 2 cles sor ete im 21¢a meat candidates for judges Sey 2 I f than | Course sre : y © explosion OF 4! red sand or suap stone rock, which, looks nor tastes like oil because | ; thine, oth OS naa a e backed up with mo LEUS UMAR os ; : : : Mie etal ma ec aecl Seas ah + : : ylE DD oS = ae : " S | lowa shows an increased Repubdli- is found aif arcusd town aod waoicn | we are so careful in making it (a fA eee vr and solicitors next year. inat pa- “i eee G eestor z , tries to make it appear that the | “ETS these “two ofa ki ind” Detore | ean majority fer Cummias for Gov- John” Vilkins, a flagman, was}cun be worked as cheap if not cheap 2 er tries mike r 2ar tna = 4 is S 3 = if Aiea oi - pesos 2 os Pp hev attack the State organization | gpyor killed in the railroad yardat Greens- | er than brick ard wii! make a strony pleasant to take. ower of the Democratic organiza-| "~*~ ms er ee ee ; OR Se ee eer eroe ; a ea hiffer ; a pee een ten Chou tn State administration cf the The peer car see both ase er A car fell off a tres bu oe aes ee zee differ Send for free sample. Do you wear Clothing 2 foa whl oe exerte afainst = Ee 7 safexe ajleoi.| branches of the Kentucky Legis:a-} t-e w . aaby e e q is S 1St., N.Y. | | : sarty to which they profess allevi- 4NCC a1 si, i TT & ROWNE, ae Se ees ty e i * rt i Cooper & Lee S. Overman, of Rowan, and R.| ?4Fty fO Whe met © jture, insuring the election ef @| Beary Lee, who was the. substi Register of Deeds Jno. C. Bell is ae soc and $1.00; al If so, it is your attention we want, and it |j- : COCpe* = . . ; ¥ « 2 sv - _ . <3 4) > ~ i ] neans a positive saving of cask to vou. We : i Lazenoy <3 — = = nce mocrat to succeed DeBoe, Repub Piva : ‘ i He ind Mrs, Bell ere| —— B. Glenn, of Forsvth, in their race Democrat to succeed DeBoe, Repu tute of the late Gov Elias Carr in| marred Ae und Mrs, ell @ : Tae me =p Ss a : 4] , for Senator and avainst all candi lican, in the United States Senate line war, is ut death’s door in the} bearding at P. A. Hudson’s, and we sae it rich this season in our purchases. = 4 secured 18 es i Mr. Bryan is out in a-loag} Governor SaaS Republican. 8s | So} diers’Home at Raleigh, understand will go to housekeeping aE ound a manufacturer changing bis business |) < Carsegie ff dates for judges and solicitors next ynerin which | reelecied in*Massacbusetts by about soor in oue of Dr. Little’sdwellings. ind closed out a big lot of stuff for less than qc ip lotte 27 32 oe -ditorial in The Commoner vb} reeiec 3 eee ates ; gi = year who supported Generai Cagr Bee a Sane oe agente ee otf3 ear maj rity. Charlie Bennett, colored. was i ee ee AP wmanufacsurers’ cost. How does a good en rar w y im- iu y The re is ’ Nebraska are nd dead in the woods near Golds pe hooey neve? 7 , 4 : for Sevator-or who opposed the im The returss from Nebra i found dead in the wood ir Golc town, is trading for Mrs. Bogie’s All Woo! Suit for $5.00 ting wi | xegro, Booker Sener : AEC ao : : ? peachment of Judges Furches and|°? ing th the. ne Ero, 5 Bee meager, but the indications are that | boro Sunday morning, He died of dwelling occupied by H J. Giadden, | te you naven't a rerular, henithy movement of the é _ af Washington. The editorial closes!the Reyublieans earried the State! heart disease Saturday vivht while 1 bo : y. you're il or will be. Keep your | . 9 as z Douglas. Senator Simmons is the Gene n 6.660 to 10 000 vambling with ether negroes aid will move bis family: to Lown, jbo. ido Soll Force. 1 dus. Theamootn- | Mpress you? Would be cheap at 37 90. Big et > word: by from 6 oO Ei vambi sLner ne 2S. . ent pl Pr phpo 5 + a et ~ : = ' chairman of the Democratic organi-|'2 these words: oo oe 2 pene lected their si a me and Mr. Giudden will move toone f ¢ rst be reect way of keeping the bowels | ‘ine Oyercoats, Hats, Shirts, &c., at prices be oa an i emoctr ann i he beans elee he , - = ae m 5 * t clear a an isto ke ‘ “4: . ene att oe ele “The adveesey of social equality |,. _ Rep aon fbe Raleigh aldermen have adopt-| Dr Little's d welliogs west of tie Y ow competition. -Come to see us, will save zation m the State. and we know i a : i ticket in Penvsylvania over the fu <a : : : 4 Sloan cmt oa CAND : = iiltend to throw the white and edaa ordinance imposing $10 tine | P-csoyteriaa eva rer. 325 CATHKARTIC you money. The ‘ en men and boys who ogle and annoy ———<—— . ; p ty Fak q Very trulv, ; Tompany that be is neutral in the fivnt for} “| i Z i sion forees of Demecrats olae school sirls on the street and coll ; WAY: , a . scbool girls on the street and college Ca oa) NZVYQ,) Sloan Glothing Co | Saeee o .. ed ing wy ° Ff 3 es a ae ~ re ee er Entered at the Pstcfi'ce at Statecvill: NC | cock has appointed Simmous -men S second class mai! matter. } *Puone No. 35. Statesville UNJUST AND UNFOUNDED CRITIS- a a) r& q and bolt r "* ’ Ee = : : s races Into greater antagonism. .- ublicar Se Severe 30 000 to the Senatership <All three of the isd coptlics rather than to. bring a5 ; = » cers by from 60,000 tc ie TE ; rat than ya 100 majority candidates sugported dim lovally,}+hem tegether, and the wiser mem |" py a. mes and went Republican by | Sounds. Ss : A XG ro be erec :t is net his only or principai] vers of the negro race know this | jy ; a ise : : 7 : as tatesville, N. C. = =~ eee but that is not bis only or principal }bers of the negro Fac oe ~ +a decreased plurality on account of} Robbers broke into the bouse of] To cases uf bubonic plague hive eS Cc i The recent currence at the White is © in d oe recent occurrence 2 t Awe : 2 : the ligh it vote. The Legislature is|one Bower, a mineing engineer. oken out i Liverpoo Several Sone will not make that solution - ce ww at! broken at i pool. Seve covtest. It is because he is cbair- Sar Heipubhe tolconcineeal ees Republican in both} Morganton, and rotbed him of $280) new cases ure also reported from : Ey a he "7 . asle t Loug t.% ' i ¢ “| beonehes in money , Ww ate ar d otrer proper Gi ssuOW . * man of the State committee, whose]; >of addiny to those prob- eee ; eee b esgow, eae came at oe Cee e folly Sine te ea sore cag Bnet enn: ctieut elected members ofa}ty Saturday night. There isnociue| 4 oro was burned at. the stake EAT EM Lx LE CANDY : AQ Ne ee a Se Genesee ce ‘onstiiutional convention and. 2@/to the rebbers. SP ee aoa cee ea at, Palntable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, e ww e nominees and not to nomivate them, | rea me aed more co m plicated race 1 majority of the successful ean in Perry county, Miss, Saturday c caken. or Gripe, 10, 25, and 69 ccnts ~ — _ > > ad : a . ‘ Ca le Vv v mM oe a ~ a ~ 1 ¢ a. -.5° a aanais - = ~ ™ ft s le, ‘and booklet on As for the other members of the | »toblem in the Orient. Mins et arel Recuphicans James S Williams, of China, this} nit for the usua! crime. : aera crag ees As for the other members he sa epublica: Stateiwas crochedite death at. the X COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORK. If you want good service and dry feet, wear our to the co t t toy = and Vm Sryan is all right, >| Viewed from a National stand-|?* = : ee "y orld’s vreatest oi] v he : Democratic State committee and| Wm. J. Br nisali right re| _ Vie wed from | \ <0 Seng |Tailroad yard in Columbia, S.C. ‘4 ve world’s wrectest oil susber a = 3 vOUR BiG gp fF Shoes. Our leaders in men’s Shoes are in solid aoe aa fhe 7 eee sme are|Se inthe White House only white} point the Democrats won two Sena Pea ee ae has been opercd up at Beaums a - heavy sboes the lnoresvel sounty -Om mwALE eS, SOr > = sae a te esday. ras mi I > . - = r ne county commuttce : wl econld bemmuted to eat with torships—in Marylan d and Kentucky Saat ee er are crate T:xas It has a capacity of 200,6 00 = : teace fort 2 . Pe ie wou y ited t Ww = t an: f _ ¢ : supporting one candidate and some} eu woul S —which bad been filled by Repuoli |°° freight car when a shifting en barreis a day. We have a full stocs of tne : is. Hein me aim ie : 2 ‘ the | zine s struck hia. St (rv h Sa ols oft auother. ans " oa ~ The Re publicans hold } A New York boy aged 16 ye2’s Che 1cest Groc eries one- 3r us ers E vierans ; - —— a Ohio Senatorshie the only other 7 -enhs : eet ker 4 2 ~ Warranted . Of the candidates enone some cnet Ree Grined : Tom Oxenham, a white shoemaker | wo was os feet avd 3 incbes wl, The SEICULTER SPARTMENE | Senatorship involved. = : i fe las.a@ : of whom supported Simmons and| AGRICULTURAL | _DEE ARTME € Se of Charlotte, tried to shoot Dr. Me | dicd Tuesday. ne tee ae | eae eon eee cee : : ‘ No. 3, Si Rae ee ees COMMENDED. > oa Manaway in front of a Charlotre Ey ae And 2e% a a = ace In Medium Fine Snoes Wear Resisters avd colore others Carr, s¢ me of whom favored Governor Aycock’s Thaksgiving Pro-| drug store Saturday, but he was @is i: resident Roos: velt has accepted readers of “The Mascor We sell J. B. Lewis’ = court bows Impeachment aud others opposed ity : 2 Sees clamation armed. The trouble arose over 2/| ®! Ipvitation vo Visit the Siac ston uiah: at we want your. trade. : = lith. at3qd Chairman Simmons will not even Cotton Farmers Urged to Hold TOES) nesday Governor Aycock issue | dill which Oxenham owed the doc-)©*PoSitien on February 12¢b. Ve have every ‘facility. for If You Want jose of em a re snior his close per- Cotton Seed for 30 Vents a Bush- a tesa tes Sanyo Presid Pie ae ee doing business. We bave ant. , The Humenie } express an opinien to his close pei x . |the folowing Thanksgiving procia : esident Roosevelt has issued bis Pe Gels eons oc ae A Better Shoe Tr Mr. and sonal and political friends astotheir] Dee eee mation: Miss Bettie Coward. a student at | PF Clam nation designatieg Thursday, money can bu y. We havea For Style and service of Olina toy serene oes ot ee 1 God reigns at all times aud every {the Greensboro State Normal, died | the 25th as Thanksgiving day. number of salesmen who are urday. Tf I want to say a word in regarc where. Heis our comfort in every! Tuesday night of hemorrhavic fever Prof. David A ; ¥ oo aS : ‘ Tere, c ; 4 uescda Mgot ot hem agic i it. Javid Anderson, a_ well ever ready to wait cu you Yr na: Bol t i ay me TH he movement DY rhe As wri icult ur ‘Thour of sorrow and our st revgth In she lived in Greens eouaty and bad known school teather of Fort : Mili. i a a eeacenne J Full line of Ladies’ and Child en’ s Sho 2 =e Pri 1¢es a nee "ther e g IN Scat h ca wocKet 3 i : — 7 =o x a , a ae - 19 VC satis;eculo”™. ence fort “< one againstt toor. ike department awaies the repressior }overy day of weakness. In this year] the disease when she wernt to thej S. C.. drowned himsel! recestly ina s from 25c. to $4. 00. — Democratic party of No a Carolina] of the price of cotton seed. Phe} when the nation was startled by the|college. Her remains were takea to} branch near bis home. His mind Comear a see a never had a chairman who has la-]|cotton farm vrs of the State are} death of its President at the bands} Green county for interment, was affected, will do you cod Come and see us ae ’ ; s Ss em s 6 - mi =e rreatly indebted to these cificers|,f an assassin. He has giver us 3 reason for remaining neutral in the ie ag ne te ~- ee e respective chances, lest thatopinion ae be used 2s an e3 SEs of prefer- PR E T SI us and we a eo See for the interest they have manifest jctreneth to eontinue our formof!| Henry B MWline,a recent employe Dr. Sanclemente. the venerable vednesd > for it, or who cbserves the proprie- din the matter, for they have S8V-]uovernment without friction or dan. |of the Winyah sanitarium, ar Ashe | 5 eat of the repunlic of Colom- ail e ate Vie ties of his position with more jealous | -d the farmers a good deal of mosey | coy and has thereby made it inevm | ville, stole $800 worth ef extract of) bia tas been kidnapyed by toners < of Post on ros women sb are th: “urpifo!} Simm > ifthe farmers thewsel [bent upon us ever to turn towards] tubercle basil from the sanitariuw | »o1i i Jjesders who had already ease cate rote, care than Furnifoid M. Simmons. | ready, aud if : f upon us € vane oe = . -* = ; } ] 2 bi aa Stae| Te had shown the same Int bel ttim in hours of trial aid these who/and skipped to Texas. He has been} stripy ¢@ him of power, ard is being Statesville. N. C., Oct. 24. 1901. ser whose leadersarr ‘ : bts} Pan oie a . “5 * 4] ' ~ 3 uncer whose leadersaip yrice of seed would have been bizh |iurn to Him alwars find ———e arrested at Wichita Fa! that} burried to Hacienda. ‘|Turkeys - Chickens 3 But- Was redeemed from fusion and negro] |. and remained so. Ss eenchce eet pe re. and vroper | State, and 2 requisition ¥ is- : ies ae = j > r and remair lt is needful, a ore, au p a 4 ne Wm. Hele, the regro who fired ter, Eggs. Partridges, i STRIKING rule. The Obdserver in its attack: Th e owners of cotton seed through |+ha: we should seF aside at eee one | sued. Roe — ‘ be into the crowd at the political meet Geese Se a la i it at pe PpOorit ( en him and theorgacization of which | 0ut the State can yet supvar “Sa ¢ |day in the vear in which toexpress} ‘pom Aberrathy’s barn, a few jing at Ferrum. Va.ard killed twe ; mn of the partment , olding iy eratitude to Him for past favors| _- ss : sat i as ‘ ra : he is the bead is but echoing Popu- ion of the depar ment by tude to Him for past favors nailes sourh of Chariotte, was burned | men Ssturday was located in the : cttice of 2b = heir seed, Enough of land owoers |on@ invoke His aid for the future. ae car eee 3 ~ 2 4 allkinds of yood country ; ther ij list and Republican rot, but ther aes affect the price a1 Le : Re eee oa | Sunday. Several bales of cotron pmeunta‘t = afier firing on the ee ee a : ere i ea : ‘an Go this oy atte ct he price. : —Charies Aveoek, Governor were burned as well asa lot of har. | nosce escaped : oda for which we pay Jisbary. that appears to be the Observer's} .very man who holds just try! ( Srai North Carolina.) s), aes t church, «and it is | pec c EGS Ej ? : f b ornetby was at churc! se ieee 3 coast tas. i Feed one half Ut chorefore issut WI i prociama == : : ac \ he bedy of an Ttalian was found 2 An xs = The rew Beauties in fall dress goods cannot be told. <A full assortmert is here. The Landmark ir its issue of Tue:- ae reyro set tire to the barn. ee s he r e s er ating tn eo or a L 2 ee e Carr man of Surry county; Attorney ll e a rave to stock, or use itin place effrinn, setting apart Thursday. No- | trapped np in coffee sacks in a gar Mr. D. C. Rutty, ‘be veter endorses it and lugs Governor Ajy-| K, ep tte orther hali for sale at}] pree all people to meet ir theirja bar keeper, was shot and killed by | tity is unknownand there is no ciue |). frieads. The roll call shows all are present. — into the melee as follows: i‘ Bot on \ : Serer m7 ”~ ra->as much money for ths One |inercies which he has shown us ip | regarded < t There is 1OWwN 2 i : 5 25 ce. as m nerc hich he has sh« s regarded as fat. 1]. There isno known cea ecae thon snd kaliidne Bas aoe AL GI LL, Heavy Pebble Granite Cloth. 38 inch, worth 50¢., at 35c. ; rs ! * tecti and guidance in! said to be uddicted t orphine ~ l > RAIS to the charges in the above. N |. he wi of Sg er cee gton., Ills The ofd man was GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN Fine Broad Cloth, 52 inches wide, for $1.00, worth $1.25. Street Jate - 7 ; his wav and urge their subscribers | vive as God bas prosnered us unto ee ‘ a aN quence unless ke had theappreval o Q sans se Mamie Morehead. eolored, was] ‘eased by the coroner’s jury, which | STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET 36 inch All wool Flannels aud CeShmers for 25c. Set eae elieve, are pretty _ generally at Eerie aecoe in her house in a Charlotte suburb} bomicide ” CORRECTED BY Cheviots, Outings, Flannelets and Calico at low price, Mr. W. BE in the Campaien last year, seems t COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. neivyboorh z ? hat many of our country farmers money. He got mad and left. Soon jailer, took possession of a switch 'VING PRICES—BASIS NO, 1 QUALITY, Children’s Pants and Vests. Ladies’ Vests, Pants and bestowal of official recognition he] ,: : ip the afternoen bt er ts cs P sac » clock ip the ailernoc but today | ihe door she was shot. The police Meai Spolted: sete. per buskel.. . . Mrs. Eli . > (> gre ¢ t ne 7 20 ee - 1. . oo >. Koll Seg a oS : ‘country pawspapers. It will do|'be clouds are ail goue and. we have! have captured Feimster. There is 5 has bven so marked that it could nui : he no du Corn—old—sékbs. per bushel! ea enjoying for sre McLain & Alexander have a beat- |"? news ee N. B. Mills & Company ea More misstatements were hardly | .rmers to protect the price some time. Louis Council Hanged. : Fayetteville Special to.Raleigh News and Ob- | dissalution of partnership. eee Potatoes : teought. o ~ "17 = T ~~. ) ford” had Meee iN ert ants | otatesville. N. C., Nov. dth. Soe 3 oi : : : z : Governor Aycock’s appointments <evereiv lacerated and ove of them Lewis Council, the Cumberland | portant notice. Se trongest line of Work h Rooster: Ss per =. s ; ? 5 2a py . 3 “ od - . cock are: Adjutant General Bever-|-hange the laws but apportion fuods|appoiatmeat. A few months ago|{charch. who after thedeath warrant; See B. B Boyd, at Barium Sprinzs ‘ : Bros. ayer in Granville county, which | fermality of a roll call the Patiersou Steei proyerty wasjS»emply questioning the prisoner; ReatN, B. Mills & Co. dress goods of the Chal Solicitor Lee D. Robinson, the Car: iation of : b-}t ling i in he Aycock and that warrant, that|see R, P. Alli + Ke 2S0D, r > i snera sseinb- | Modeling it and now there standsiajnor Aycock and that warrant, that}see R, P. Allison : repudiation of the General Assemb g vefore they buy. For men, women and children. all solid Hers from Toe _ Sete tain county not so many meils from} Aunt Peggy Troutman bas picked | Lewis. ines and lots of other things. woo eh Solicitor Charles C. Daniels, Gener- rer. President of tae North Caroline] ind that he was followiug the etic 2 U0U. The prisong: regained his feet and ceries and Duy turkeyschickens, ete. green—per bushel at he wa t mog the action et Peaches—pecied, , ins'on la cents. The Auditor’s department|munity. Thisis a now en’erprise|400!her Tope provided for an emer- | = asi Satie E. Turner, vel M. Gattis, of Orange, one of] che “Sup reme court that ailows|e 2s common among the farmers as! The rope which broke was secured Over-Work Weakens Millsaps, o he same quantity of fertihzer vou} yomber she 28th, asa dav of thanks bage barrel in Chicago Tuesday. an salesman, isnow with us cock and his Democraticadministra-|50 cents a bushel, the priceof s ec “espective places of woaship and this clerk. George G tv, who then to the murderer. ; Heavy Hemespuns, 50 and 52 ineh wide, for 60 and 70c : . : The attitude of the State admin : will bris +s } i i fayi es the whole Sas punt will brine |dividvally and asa people avd ask} cause for the erime, but as Gay is} ™ ; ye Wil. Fine Granite Cloth. worth t5c., zoing at G6c. eee ; press » fyoture sarnestly recom mend} habit is nosed he-was crazy when | EUs y r is; and Mav except an eastern man has beer ik : ee a y os Sees Seer be-wBs re when beating his wife wher the son shot Heavy Chevi << Serge. 54 inches, for $1.06 yd. 5 ee vad readers to pursue this Course.}: hose who are needy ticularly | _ Mamie t marie mice ero ace ad readers to pursue this cou hose who are needy, particularly amie 29 inch E:derdown for 25¢ yard. Lwoor thrd nized in apy w ay. The Govern: r ‘ : , pate 3 Saturdav nicht Sawaral now Zs eee : a ; COOPER & GILL peainted with the action of the OU) 4 New Drug Store at Troutmans— | Seturday night.” Several negro mev At Yunia, Ariz., Sunday, Thomas . Ladies’, Men’s “Knit Uncerwear Seaoka le dooce ak ee price of ‘seed, and 1 learn a i Meivin Feimster of stealing ber}and 9 Mexican. ov powered thel anos Gaoa aca boi seed, Vhe first iew flakes of the “beauti | arterwards some one knocked at the ergine, ran it four miles in the] . per ib. ,| Shirts and Drawers, prices right. Cali and See before you buy. I su be perfors ifthis isa fact the balance of the bas managed to find ouly “impeach |‘! SMS 's @ 14 ee aes _—— ee * r s * unbolted, 48 bs ae Yours very truly. be mistaken.” auch good toward supportinga gen | 4 Coutinuation © tthe ideal weather! so doubt of his guilt. mistaken. sa i er for sale. x . , ~— e , Parc: Kennedy he ve ; the ever before crowded in such smal! V erry Respeefil v; barron Renaedy, Who operates the Swee lysis. She ¢ : a _—— oO r : = ~ a ~ : = emoan ne Wok ae ee uust sawed off bis haud by tbeir; county rapist, five times respited py| Read Dr. Moose’s dental notice Ses - ae new staple : = witli te ni Ave s ny t Gerieeal ete alte caicdie ee So ee rounds were dre---d aud he is vow! ji! here today at 10:15 o’clock. Fry & Paifer have a lot of trunks, ner ca 7 Ts be 2 Jarse ] of il. Ss a ful Cc aoe Some of the county officers in’ the being aluoy ressvaadly weil. i Tae prisoser protested bis inno-| Shes ets ru: keys per Ib, are C= a t4 nd i have « last fall. e t arr n ap- pd pepe ree ? : : } ; <foliaence to the lace ane f you w: i is wi 2 aaa : 0 y Se ome of the Warr men ap-| 5. ate are running amuck of the Gen froutman now has a beautilaijaence to tbe last. He was attended} Tf you waat to be warm this win Dace if EOFS Mon ag known as! was read by Sheriff Burns, and after | for your horses for cash or on time, : , M si We have ever had for this fall's trade. “irs. Sig In the ‘auditor's office yesterday purchased oy Young & Kluttz.jprociaimed to the witnesses. ‘I | special. a Z no 2, ye oO , yy SF OG - Dv “ « i managerin Anson county, whicb|iy. 4 register ofdeeds from a cer {its place this pretty building. this man dies innocent, Good by; The Biz Siore sells sewing mach- leather and guaranteed from 50. to $1.50 extra good val) them M ° iue> Ts here wrote the auditor that the}1,0U0 pounds of cotton this season.{ Whenthe trap was sprung the/| ‘The Sherrill White Co., telix some | Apples—dried—quatters, bright | eae > ea: : z Stas tt 5 fancy bright al Care's manager in Wilson cousty;} reduced the pension tax to ten cents | had been good she could bave picked | tw toe floor beneath. Cooper and Gill want tasell. gro-| “ “ ene sia. : Sloop & a Quite aq ; s : brigh: . Railroad Hugh Chatham, a leading}ofthe board. The legislature said} Murdoch, Barkley & Bass are op |Covlly walked upon the trap, and inj Uf You want a watch chain call on! “ s s “ Sides = M.K. STEELE, EUCGFNE Morrisox, De berand J. Pres. Ceneral Carr’s State managers, and} county “commissioners to overrule |te wheat thresher. This mechize| ftom Wave county, where itis said Your Kidneys eee CO oneness Statesville Loan & Trust Compaxy, ‘a Wiastor 'e principal business of late. ~ee the result. ; said a negro living on the farm saw | ry Copies the Observer's editoria! ¢ = Mrs ~ . : me , sc : 1} day copies the Ob er’s editorial, ntend to buy for your vext crop | cjving and prayer, upon which day Saturdav in Wilscu W ade Aycock. | [he head had been cut off. His iden- and will be please to see ail 6)) sst year. If this is done, you will |rhere to thank Ged for the manifold} shot bimseif, but bis injuries are ovt a - f : pe one ; Dan Hogan, a Chicago sporting | —~,, = ee >3OPR cea bas all along given color} oo. io ot done. é e. | for Hi Dan Boyan. Jr.. Tuesday at } » the mater up and present it in] +ha: on this dav aii our yeople shal! > di 1 pen ote ris; and appointedto any place o£ conse ke the = p I 13 On this ¢ our peop he did the shooting. Gay isin jail. Fe ee aceon re een ie 56 inch Repellants. for 50c. yard. bis heme The farmers of Iredell county. 1] the widows and orphans showand probably fatally wounded} returned a verdict: of * justifiable few westera men have been recov Yhefarmersof Iredell county be widows and orphans. ce p 1) all ’ a with ¢ > fine ta } libér:, ; . 7. Groce linc in house and TRS . e Soi ail bis fiae talk about hbér:, oii eempanies ip combining to con Man's Hand Torn and Other News | were in the house and she accused] 4, rt, under sentence for murder, and Children’s Miss Auoi Correspondence of The Mascot. trolled by thiselement, and in his sie age strat Baga ave determined to hoa tre eet: 4 t 1 at 4 : ext es : : fat’ were seen here ye sterday a door and when the woman went te country and escaped. : on = = ioteost you one cent to look. so come and see. ana at Be: fo a sare shou coow It throug our ers” and anti-Carr men Hisattitude} >">’ eee: New Advertisements “new : : Cora town -ral purpose and combination of} ‘Bich we bave Bunter &Co., give you notice of bed See scare aires eer eyesizht emcee We lave noc a bce ob alle of J J. sor pianing macbine for Ur. Ostwalt at oe 2 t space. e have not a hst of all of several of bis fingers server, 3rd. J.H Weston. admr. kas an im- Onious—select, per bushel call fully balf were supporters of County Oficers Cnange Rate Taxation | 4.5. ezughtia ‘he machine. The| the Governor, was hangedinside the| A bunch of keys has been lost. ee ee intendins pointed to office by Governor A}j-]..3) Acsembly. They not oniy|drugstore It is ug todateinevery | by Father Marion, of the Catholic|te™ Ss? what Miils & Allison offer | 3™* = es - and wago ly, S. Royster, General Carr’s man-} 2 the State Treasury without the] she oid shell of a buildir g: man of the county gave Carra large majority;|., A ‘ eoy claim in spite TOV Yor |: 3 s i : ¥>| there were seve 2e t ‘hey at once vegan the work oe re-| hereby proclaim in spite of Gover- For lamps. glasses and tinw rere were several instances of this] ‘hey “ s ~ aware Rye. . 7 It will pay-every farmer in -Iredeil county to see our s)°° appointed ee rs 3 : Treen - county also went against Simmons: Ville, wife . board of county commissioners ha? | Sie is 80 years old and saysif corton | rope oroke. and Council's body feii| secrets in their ad this week “ ic | bright eliced -)~ 2 pie attendeé the pension tax should be twelve} erating a Corn shredder in this com afew minutes was Seana from! R ckert. Bacon ng econ an Si ee of the North Carolina Rai 3 : 5 = = a a : “y a Railroad Sam being unable to fiud any decision of|and is destined in the near fuiure to] £ency A ceeoetters . President. vine % STATESVILLE, N. ¢c. Oct ~ — . ee } } ~h,. we, be ~ . } many S. Ty ca } the Ceneral Assembly, a letrer was} husks the cornand cuts the sbhuck | 0 have beco used ‘ona number of 3t. _™, E = : es oe sii eres idd“essed tothe Register of Deeds |and stalk upinto feed. But whata l similar oceassions s : Saeco ee =item STATESVILLE, N. C. oe that General Carr received consider- SPAREN oes EEA cena [oie SIS amaChace wall; cueammane? Pus bodyiwasibacved! wea Wade Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. a ‘iddling .. . Publication a ee . ith ‘ in ic was Stated that if would] pity, MUCH IE PERRET Foon re eee ee sear Wade, = Colng-...... 3 <>! here ‘gris ably less than one third of the Dem- oe both wise and exvecien: for him ido away Wits itfe old traditional X rth Carclina, Pather -larion cor All the blood in your body pase th ough x =a etd ot eh we ia A et DIRECTORS: M. CAPITAL,: $25,000. oe Fa or one ocratic vote oi the State, it will bej}+o getin line with the General As ron u Shucking and tbe finding of the | Guetta +he funeral. your kidneys on nce every three Sa Market Grim.” Ao eee spams a ones ae the B. nS seen tbat his supporters have receiv | SeMb!y on the pension tax subject | "Te d exr, ee Neb cnemeeee Oy 2 kidneys are your This ee aS e pacts ~ eh ete ait Another couury o 2 esame ir yuan: a, N. Cy, 3 . 6, 19Uk. va ce ccsy it ues RET ES : Cth Lae tood ers. = - ; msiness Receives money on Gepost " Neer ed more than than their share of the Scat : ee ae flicer = thes es iroulmai C,, v. 6, 190k : Wibs nD Von fal : 12 fej hard vy EES « aa 5 —— they fil G SE uate makes collections issues drafts. certificates of deposits. etc. We solicit the S Riiciy i op a alg 7 . mail made a change or the same o worth the card’. tsk Goose of yer waste or! anys wo a perations, firms and individua'=. | We sal be pleased to hear froma those conte: E offices from Governor Aycock. jer reduting a rate fr 19 te 18 nave & troublesome curn corps! a a as : eee Oe ies.in the bloc r a ing changes or opening new accounts All business iatrasted to us will rece romspt ane that ine pa ~ ore : See h der reduting a rate from 19 to 18 Bhat e = Curd OF Chamaertsin’s Stomach and Liver cat ey are ek ce od. oN ful attention with the urmost liberality consistent witérsafe and prudent baz . ere noe be.¢ arge that ouly impeach |eents. bupion: Pirst soak the cormnorban-}Taniers Ther will cleance wae Ty > He cr ene ont & ~ No accounts too sural to receive courteous welcome. Chany, eal ment men have been appointed is ESE eae jon In warm water to soften it, then j vtainach. tone uo vogr liver and nec. wy ai thelr work. eed A < SAVINGS Dz PARTMEN x. ae . 5 : $s av = ipareit Gown as closely as possinie a ; j { : ‘ equally unfounded. Senator Joseph Son's tite. | Core te Gown as Closely “aS. possl0ie: visto: vaur bowele making yon feel Oat f , achesandrheu- Ry | Three per cent allowed on Saving Deposits. compounding quarterly on 20: t Deposits of 25 cents and over may be wade in this department caily duzing bus hours ot Cultura: an = without drawing biood and appir ae ss aos . ee ot A. Brown, of Columbus cou wi ray vis ike anew man Forsale-oy Stim- ‘Sm come from exc | é TRUS Rg = ’ Sus county, woo) H.H, Black, the weli known yil-|Chamberiain’s Pain Balm twice} say, & Andersen. e uric acid in the | , Guardian and Ree! ace it Me are-authorized to act as Trustee, #cz 7 Raleipb, yoted to acquit the judges, was ap- lage blacksmith at Grab: amsville, | daily, rubbing vizerously for five ey : ueto negiecied | : INSURANCE DEPARTMENT—Policies Written in fist class fire insurauce com)" Made shor pointed by Governor Aycock a mem- Suiliuan couaty, N. Y., says: ~Our| minutes at each application. A core| The izrest news from. «tins Stoaa, kidney trousle. mS, School ehii little son, tive years old, bas a! ways! plaster should be wore for a :-w!!the kidaapped An rien missionaey ee quick or unsteady S3 sa at Prof. 8 ? Cais, av ™Maxcs one é ber of the peuitenti > * : = es niteutiary board. Col.! oven subject to croup, and so si to protect it from the shoe jis tbat she is alive and Ali” The} they kad heart trouble, sone fee ics though ay the iatier - H. Williams, of Catawba, who} have the attacks been that we feared! Asa general Hiniment for spraias, |Tansom his not ye ben paid Se atone = ub oe auce the heart fs hap ; the x & Was violently opposed to the im-/ many times that he would die. We. bruises, lameness and rbeumstism,| ~ 4 oo: : poisoned blood Se oe Eearran P Sas : i already pb: : A plot to massacre the Amerie: cins an 4 be peachment,is a director of the North bave had the ductor and used many} Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale garriscn at Moneada. L: a = a it used to be considered tha: only urinary - ; Sloe ictt ij - medicines, but Chamberlain’s Cough | by Stimson & Andsrsan. b i le ee a. uzoa, bas troubles were to be traced t ae, 5 < oy * > Wo Carolina Railroad, and our own Remedy 15 now our sole reliance. It} : been reveated by the wife of one of} burnow m: ons ae ee the kida 8eyS, ‘ . : 2 Ther ant ro r a a eee apnea . . me 722 science res that nea 2. cae rS > — Hi me ; - i eo wat, Hace = : countyman, Dr. J. R. McLelland, | seems to dissolve thé tough mucus; Tbe Buifalo expo-ition Icst 33.000, eS See ce Sone eran tee Ea ‘onal diseases shave their be oe BOF ; a Whit was Jack. Stolen last Christmas and crt 0) Rao who opposed the impeachment, is and oy giving fre quent doses whea; | ooo and was elosed Saturd: ay night. = © — — imp i ted in the ir kis y tree b , Z : < x are en ame aa meee > 4 on 2: al eee = 7. : ; {the croupy symptoms appear we | HlGeroUs Scheie, ne plan was I nal ; : RN re. vse knowing the vaiueofa wei) tra © Miiis ¥ = — eee oo road + | have tound that the een croup “T have used Chamo-riain’s Colic, }t0 five ahouse, close tothe oarracks. aoe t kicneys. © mil ,,/ Qs retara to my office and reevived re vard Whose moi Iostacc:s of opponents of impeack- is cured before it yets settled’ : Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and }#nd vnen the men rusbed out to treordinary effect of Dr. eth by, Wks Of Frank : t wrens poll oof . ment appointed to office by Govern-| There is so danger fo giving this | find it to be a great medicine.” says} ~beot them oR ROOE, thes rea ki ee remedy is Gi , wee a — Ownxhi-> : . ys . ear Seegie on re t és the highest for Fd oi , ~ { VGrniss, rea oe meusipbed Dut ences for it con:ains a0 So a ee = oe Chamber.ain’s Stomacn and Liver| “° fort = ¢ most cis stressing = a rae Trea Guns Roane: mi z { nt oe = ~ re the aboye are sufficient to show thet | 0 ber Sos arog aod may be} peak t "00 hivhly of it “es Tee Tahiats eure biliousness, ~eonstipa a Seo i m ey lata 'e Oupe bom : % - a give t Seas io: as . y 2i geist - <o Se , Qos of “of tow The Laodmark’s charge is adsolute- | * a pes ee oe es a ai 2 y always wins the pood opinien, ae benencte. Tuey are @a-v a aac etree gee Foret i kee é ised, ly ucfounded, as is the charge that ¥ = not orice, of those who use it |22,%28° and pleassat in effect Porjes You may h Sst: 2 4) a) Anderson : y have 2 = , , aes the Marti Rep 24 09 aioe . — 2 = , sate by Stimson & Anderson. es ns Repeatiag Shot Guns, $2 the West has been discriminateu} —-- = {" Ainere cures whieh it effectseren t 2 bott an a arate Ree teat, a ceived anew ist. Aliso acomplete line of shells a : .in the most sev 2ses i ree, also pamphlet tellin youthoer ~ - — ( : against, as any one can find cur for ere cases make it @| gaucate Your Bowols With Gasourets. | out if you have kidney ee piaeeten eae In Se 2 as ‘Tepairs. Cail and fina st my stock. pe Presider od gua ‘ifavorite evervwhere. For sale bd Catturtic, ee Paks Soca re ae Stiricondisacdccson: TI abe! PS Usa nos &:, Bigaatih, Revs Cc re gua i es >} Koes coy bas & thriving business in: this Weer e¢2 is being put ip 3 school building. hoard of cdav, the 16¢h esterday morning in: ee PERSONALS. 3 W.P. Phifer is a: home for days. { from. a visit to Baltimore. a few Mrs. J. Stephany returned Monday vills were paid: NPY COMMISSIONERS. eses isin New York en husi Bills Paid and Other Business Trans- acted, ers met Monday. Allof the mem bers were present. The board of county commission. The following CHAIN GANG. education Hixs Katie Ried Carlton is ex pect- VM ! — |ed bome frem Asheville today. i business trip to South Carolina. ‘es—the first for this jing for Saisbury on a brief visit. | Mrs. inson will bave charge |of her Gaughter, Mrs. E. B. Watts cK Jaying OF ener bas let the contract Gros. for a cottage on avenue, just on this side er’s bome. « Moses, wholesale dealers ive dissolved partnership. ~ will continue the business sent stand. ent Coiner bas bought nowoceupied by J. G. ‘radd street from Stimp- ‘ and will occupy it next Hill is now clerking for Ie hae +} tle bas been with i for sometime. D. C the vacan t lake ills. v » Vera ite doaid ho 2in Chix ae eso yr compete ' ty Beo *h were as fol 9 730 26. tobsc co, dnevy ta ae een = SCY SP > up Dep: =, TOD (avanite mou “atch is ind nor LsSaort while Mr. acd! Ges of Fanner Hill, nirern?t nee oat e& feom a days disorder- sen comimit:-e of district sville 1 nship, white heols ‘| meet at the Saturd November <, p. wm, for the pur- @ teachers. irs. Walter W. Holland, were in town Sat- he first time n town since his many friends were Him aod bis bride. ing society at Bethle- meet the 13th, and de "Resolved. that ive the right to is invited to at- Wiil who has been em- exoress office here, r Salisbury to take :roney clerk ia the hers Express Co. ved his family to > Careivalis on.in Salis- J. F. aod. O. jarkley and J. M. ) Sucdey evening pand. R. R.Cowles assistant r L bri Meet Cow! t y with the t eee one ol lne Mrs. Owin Turner have We: ing on Centre st v te oc upied OY We. D Har . Henkel has moved into bis ne on Davie Avenue which rbhad been occupying for NTDs. whois now op and Amity married will E. Datin, . en roea Kiour of the are to be ts tay. The ceremony MecLell- i milis, eo este a V twev. '¥. oe urch. esGe CO rbeth Adams. of Con c Ww 1iD wids y late it \dams, wh» has been an in valid for : r of years lost her ratiy as 3 result, it is vht. of a slight para- is now totaliy blied. ¢ o} cf the stroke of SIS she Work nae nomiremcect on tice tails Mrs. Laura A. Mcculloch, of Wilkes SF TATALE nix clhateyats oer OsKOmOre new staple. D. F. Jeakius is super |County, were married at the resi- ere @Isoia intendiue the work. The stable wil! |dence of Mr. W. W. Foushee here) ery morniog instead of 1v: a m. hy one. 100 by 79 feet and {last Friday morning. Mr. Linney, did not take place last Sunday but be ye One, LUO by reet : : 2 teas aire a ee ‘ vol have ample room onthe second|Who is now living in Tennessee, | May be Ne ein Sok about he f ‘ Pee teen assed vhrough here Phrrsday morn-| Mle vie of November Is rumore ty for the large stock of buiies | TN is way to Wi is|tha at tbe same time a new passen- and warons carried by Henke!|'ey on bis way to Winston where his} *2a@ at $@.00 p Oe pcre aie » ito be met him. They returned |ger train will be put on between = catesville that evening and ex-[borlotteand Statesville that will . Simons, of Charleston, chair-1), ..4¢ 10 wave been married after | arrive here about 9 p. m. to connect mo 1e board of | manag tie urtival here ue the vestidule| with the west bound vestibule and oi jest bxposition, has} ¢ peta ets leave here after the arrival of the ieston Exposition, fr. ralizuucy, which is due here at Ht ‘ “pp dz loagtist of lady mava |y-v3 » m bul as this train was late} east bound vestibule now. due here Re rom North Caro a, among | cys ce:ewuny was not performed up- | at 10:30a m. This will give a dou- thea Mrs. W. D. Turns ©. of States }uij Eiiday morniay. Pev. J a. ble daily passenger service between Vile, wifeof Lieutens 1 Governor | pre.iey was the officiating minister. | bere and Charlotte. =o Mr eed Mrs. Uinney left oa the woos SGneine Be rigge Q a number of Sta est eo — oo one ea Dried up Lake. pe attended the road ¢ a FAS za aaah Sride’s| Dr. E. A. Hall, of Bethany, has Wins'on last week. Am: ¢ thew joven! aE ee AE, = e 2 Bosco! given THE Mascor samples of some were NL. Mills, B.C. Cariron, Wo [Ott te ee oe enn eee ee. | ats and a mammoth Irish. potatoes ; ri gen } ». Toa cre | » ne SUL: uu ~#e. r 5 es E. Turner, H. C. Cowles, L ©. Wag- | Sire Ee = eae -. ,| {that were grown in the basin of an herand J. S. Patterson. W.. S.[-i& 45 +> % DEOUDCE Ul wsfo. 4u- This lake :, of Sharpesourg, was also iston » tie- guinerous kinspeople and|“* i _ une R. C. Mitchell, who begar :he He ot ea ierander st best | tiver is now dry. This is es pubiication of a Republican » p ' aes follow bim and his oride to| Water of the Laramie river is 7 u lies usfromGraham: i! r be Home in Tennessee. used for irrigation purposes an lr Repunhean bas scid ou ¢ aa _ |thus the lake has dried up. It is on the its Caucasion and its su - Mt. Hermon Lutheran church near | the raache of a former Iredell man, cc st wilt oe Thivd ous by .a2 Bradfora’s, is being painted and Samuel Gillespie. and _produces R paper. Tae ediiur found | .uca improved. abundantly with practically no -paper c2u'd uot saceed> work. Dr. Hall rode into this basin to make the a President Winston, of the Agri Cu 1i:and Mechanical Cotiege at Ral was iu tuwa Monday aud mis hurt taiks to the graded se children aud also te the boys at P Huil’s school. He offered th er schoo! iwo scholarships if the & M. Tbe graded schooi aire . bas one President Win st Mouday. He is a bard ¥o id po man io the State cao - pupils for a school thaa ke Canless. of Asheville. wa Hee Was & Houpe, a sister Oo frank W Hoppe, of Bethany bon +, visited bis ayved uacle last Sa sy, 26d slso went to the old Hou mestead five miles north = oWa where bis mother was aay a. This was his first visit to mabe His urete, Frank W. Houpe, ec. in bis Y¥3rd year, probably e Olds is st man in tbe county, but he acie to 2 miles to visit his Children. walk Henkel’s for Hickory to visit Mts. Martha Butler. ~- E. Charles left yesterday ona “Miss Mary White leaves this morn- ! M. L. Bacringer is the guest ; Fiour Mulls $6 20, four; N. BR. Tun- Miss Maggie Parks left Saturday | J.P. Scroggs $4, conveying pris- _Oner from Taylorsville; J. L. Cowan $13 15. supplies; J. D. Patterson , $2 25, repairs; Sherrill-White Co. $9.60, supplies; McDougald & Heath | Co. 25 cents, supplies; Statesville stall 15 cents. drugs; Pink Craw- ford, W. W. Kerr and J. W. Foote, guards, each $23.25; Henry Houston, $19.74 supplies; Flanigan Harness cook, $12. Mayor | Mr. | next | Miss Gertrude Wood is the guest of Mrs. Chas. Price this week in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Coffey spent Suaday with Mr. Coffey’s relatives in Morganton. Mrs. T.C. Alexander and Miss W illie Click have returned from a Visit to Mooresville. i Larrer and Durand Gibson, of Fancy Hill, left last Friday for the Farm Schooi in Buncombe county. Mrs. J. H. Reid, of Mt. Mourne, returned to her home last Friday, after a brief visit to friends here. Mrs. J. C. Lipe and two children, -f Biltmore, are here on a visit to Mayor Clark, Mrs. Lipe’s brother. sir. Lipe was here from Saturday to | Monday. J. P. Caldwell, Jr., having been released by purchase from the naval | Service as an apprentice of the see- {ond class onthe battleship, Massa- | Chusetts, is at home again. Mrs. RP. Matheson and son, Walier, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Matheson one night last week. They were on their way to Madison, Rockiogham county, to visit relatives. —-+->—___—_ - The Short-Krider Marriage. Mliss Mattie Kriter and Vr. Ea- ward A. Short, a traveling sales- man from Mississippi were married yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. M. 4. Krider on Kelly street by Rev. R. G. Greene. The | wedding was a qtiet one, and was | witnessed only by a few intimate friends. Immediately after the marriage the bridal party drove to the station to leave for Asheville and some points in Tennessee | Miss Krider is deservedly popular | among those who know her and her ' friends unite im wishing her a happy journey through life. Mr. Short is | &@ Stranger to most of our citizens. | Mr. and Mrs. Cauble. Misses Katie Torrence and Hattie Ward, of Salis- _Oury were Lere for the wedding. i ere meee | Lhe City Fathersin Session. Yo New Telephr ne Franchise at Present. | The board of aldermen met in reg- | ular session Tuesday afternoon The | matter of most importance was the ;application of the Bell Telephone {Co for a franchise empowering them ;to put another telephone system \here. Jas. Northey of Charlotte, | represented the Bell people and pre sented their application in a straight forward business like way. The | Statesville Telephone Co. which now has the iracchise and recently pur- ;chased the telephone system here |; were represented by Armfield & |Turner. These gentlemen conterded |*bat in as much as their clients had |just bought the local system and | were already spending a good deal ;of money on it for improvements, \that it was unfairto grant another {company afranchise until they had ; been given anopportunity to show | whether they wouid give satifactory service or not. The Statesville Telephon Co. claim that just as soon as the improvements they now have junder way are completed tiey can jand will give as yood service as the Bell Company. The aldermen post- poned final action for 60 days. The question of taking charge of the chain gang for the winter was referred to the Street committee with power toact A 500 incandes cent light transformer was ordered purchased for the light station. Sev- eral other matters of routine busi- ness wére acted upon. z a eter An Alexander Man and Wilkes Lady Married in Statesville. Mr. Jas. C. Linney, sou of J. W. Linney of Alexander county, and A. Bry auc a cousinof Mrs. W. W. Fouspee, »+ . of whom live here tev. Huw. >, Reaves, pastor of vue livst Baptist church, went to Laylorsvuie this week to assist with w protracted meeting. A steam pipe bursted at the eiec- urre light station wionday eveniug uuu uiter dark and the town was shrouded in darkness for a short time. ibe school committee of discrict No 6, dSiatesville towosbip, will uscet at Warreu’s chapel Sacurday Mucuing ab 9o'clock to employ a teecouer. fue reception, which was to have eeu giveu abl toe Female Coilege lo worruw eveuluy aad to whicu cacds were issued, has Oeen postpouce Ob account of toe Ccoallouauee Of Loe wiceliog-at Une First Presovyterian courcn until friday nignt week. We hope that those of our subscri cers who owe us will remember that ufter next week we will send out dupvs. -Come in and save us this JAIL AND PRISONERS. ton county, $15.90, conveying pris- oner to jail; N. R. Tunstall $11.20, drugs; D. C. Thompson $110.10, boarding prisoners;Q. M. Gaodman $2 30, conveying prisoners; J. M. Deaton $4,90, conveying prisoners. COUNTY HOME AND PAUPER:, Flanigan Sons’ Co. $6 60, supplies; Railroad Flour Mills $5; S. P. Chris- tie $5 25, labor; McDougald & Heath $51.58, supplies; Star Show Case Co $2, pauper coffin; Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles $2 42, supplies for a pauper; Thos. Moore $1, temporary. relief; C. H. Brown $32.28, repairs at. the home; N. R. Tunstall $5 10, drugs. ROADS AND BRIDGES. J. W. White $64.55, building bridge at White’s mill; H. P. Sprin- kle $2, lumber; B. A. Troutman $13 65, lumber; J.C. Roceman $1.88, lumber; J. W. Allison $53.79, build- ing bridge across Norwood’s creek; J. H, Knox $122, building bridge at Holman’s old mill; Bradford & Sons #7.50, lumber; W. F. Watson $2.71, lumber; Evans Hardware Co.. $5.91, hardware for bridge; T. L. Davidson $2.25, lumber. MISCELLANEOUS. C. S. Holland $61.20, interest; Jane Vickery $2 54, error in tax; R. P. Allison $1.35, stationery; Mc- Dougald & Heath 90 cents, supplies for court house; Cooper & Gil! $1, brooms; Mascot Printing Co. $3, blanks; J. W. Nicholson $22.34, flues for heaters; Bill Weatherman $2.25, wood; City of Statesville $18.16, lights; Z. M. Foard $20, salary as janitor; Dr. H. F. Long $20, salary as county physician: Geo. M. Foard, coroner, $7, and J. C. Sullivan, W. C. Mills, J. L Keever, J. T. Mur- doch, W. R. Mills and C.S. Turner, jurors, each $1.50, holding inquest over George Simonton; THe Mascor $8, publishing court calendar; Mc- Koy & Symms $135 for record type- writer for clerk, The following other business was transacted: P. O. Henry was exempted from road service, The valuation of Logan Stimson’s lot was reduced $200, aad that of W.M. Cooper’s new stores from $7.000 to $6,400. township, was appointed on the fi- nance committee in placeof Hon. A. Leazar, resigned. Notice was given of the filing of a road petition for anew public road in Coddle Creek township. Objec- tions to said road will be heard at the December meeting of the board. The Pe»ple’s Mutual Benevolent Asso- ciation. The locai agents for the above as- sociation inthe Iredell and Alexan- der divisions are meeting with good success. Already 500 members have been secured. The member- ship is limited to 1,000. This is a cheap insurance and our people will find it totheir interest to take ad- vantage of it. The local officers are good men and will no doubt manage the affairs of the association well. —_— The Gregory-Long Marriage. Richard K. Gregory and »fiss Eliz- abeth Long were married last even- ing at the residence of the bride’s parents in Rockingham. They are expected to arrive here on this morning train and will go to the home of the groom’s parents. Capt. and Mrs. W. H. H. Gregory. Mrs. Gregory went to Rockingham with her son and was present at the we1- ding. The young groom has many friends here who will give him and his bride a hearty welcome to her new home. _- >. Rumored Change in Shedule. The talked of change in the sched- ule onthe Southern by which the trains from Charlotte and Salisbury extinct lake 1n Wyoming. which was once very deep and re- egived the waters of the Laramie when in Wyoming last year. The walls at one end are still 50 or 60 feet deep. a The Schiller stock of furniture has been sold to R. O. Deitz and others who have organized a joint stock company which will be 1acorporat- ed. They wiiltake charge o° the stock in a few days the name of the company has not yet been decided upon. Mrs. J. C. Gray of Mooresyille, is visiting Mrs. R O Leinster. Wm. Seaver, a machinist who had taken ibe place of strikers in the Southera Railway's sbops at Colum- bia, 8. C.. was killed by strikers Saturday night Archie McCraney and Harry Jones, two strikers, have been arrested charged with the crime and others will be arrested> HORSES FOR, SALE, -want a good Young horse sge those Jam I oiering for sale. For cash or on time wit approved security. B. B. Boyd, trouble and yourselves the annvuy- ance. a i ing Se Barium Springs, N. C., Nov. 7th C. B. Armstrong, sheriff of Gas- E. W. Brawley, of Coddle Creek |* bh | of} L. Hunter & Co., bas IREDELL SUPERIOR COURT The Cases Tried and Otherwise Die- } Posed of. The November term of Iredell Superior Court opened Monday with | Judge Coble presiding and Solicitor | Rush prosecuting for the State. R. A. Stone, Esq , of Concord township is the foreman and Deputy Sheriff J.C. Thompson the officer of the grand jury. Judge Coble delivered the usual charge. Sheriff Wycoff is assisted by Deputies R P. Scroggs, J. W. Ward and J. M. Deaton. The following cases have been tri- ed or otherwise disposed of: : Simpson Weber; called and failed; judgement nisi for amount of bond. Boss Newson and F. H. Conger, forcible tresspass; Newson called and failed, Conger bound to next term, Ed. Murray, assault; plead guilty; six weeks on chain gang. _ Lon Colvert, retailing; guilty; judgment suspended on payment of costs. Robert Miller, assault, carrying concealed weapons and injury to building (3 cases) plead guilty; judgment suspended on payment of costs, . D. O. Cowar, carryicg concealed weapons; plead guilty; judgment suspended on payment of costs. _ Buck Byers, assault; plead guilty: judgment suspended on payment of costs. L. C. Raymer, carrying concealed weapons; plead guilty; judgment su pended on payment of costs. Henry Dixon, larceny; guilty: six months on chain gang. Henry Dixon, carrying Qconcealed weapons; plead guilty; judgment suspended. J.F. Bentley, assault; motion for judgment continued. J. A. Gorham and J. H. Brown, contempt; continued; bond renewed. Tom McCay;assault; removed to Federal court. J, C. Follett, carrying concealed weapons; plead guilty; judgement suspended on payment of costs. M A. Vestal vs. B. M. Vestal; ac- ene Notice: Dentistry. WILL be at Sloan’s Tuesday. Nov. 12 1901 Scotts, Wednesday, i Iredell. Thursday, ” 4, To practice Dentistry. Nov. *th, roor. Wanted _ RK. W. MOOSE; D. D. s, | Y VIRTUE oi a decree of the Superior Cou:t ofTredell county, made in the special pro- eeting entitied John W, McHargue, adminis trater of James W. McHargue, et al.,.vs. C: ©, McHergue et al, the undersigned, as commis- — Saas ae : =e ou THE BIG STO condition. A bargain. Aoply at this office ie RE 13, — 9m ES arson apenas tax one any aarege Steere erate Sale of Land. | “One move and th last big cut in Wh €cic: Sober Blacksmith and Horse Shoer, sioner, will on A an get a good job by addresss. P.O. BOX, 208. Statesville. N.C - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH. 1co1, Sem > Re A and are re and save costs. November 7th, ror, Important Notice. Respectfully, J. H. WESTON, LL PERSONS indebted to the es.ate of Ww. F. Weston, deceased, by note and mortgave are notified that their mortgages are now due quested to make immediate payment Administrator. at 12 0’c.ock,m., expose for saleto the highest bidder forcash, at the court house door in “tatesville. N. ©., about 15 acres off of the north ern part of a certain tract of land hereinafter described and belonging to the estate of James W. McHargue. deceased, said tract of latreéis bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a chestuut stump on the road and runs North 55 degrees Fast 65 poles to a stone at the branch, Fagle’s corner thence down tne branch 53 polesto Bowles’ line: thence North 46 degrees West 90 poles to a stone: thence Iso poles to the beginning, containing 23% acres more or less situatedin Sharpesburg township, Iredell county. Sewing Machines In order to close out this line in the near future I will give you the best, Machines in the world at about the price in carload lots. The celebrated Wheeler & Wilson $55 Machine ouly $25; the $60 Machine $30. and all others in proportion. Come quick the few I have left will not last loag. P D o D a pa n e & [ O e y A bunch of keys. Finder will please Lost return to TLe Mascot office. Grier & Long, Statesville. N.C., Oct 14, 1901. JNO. W. MCHARGUE, A large third shipment this fall of November 7th, 1901. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Commissioner. Mea’s. Women’s and Children’s HEAVY WINTER SHOES facturers’ price. Sherrill-White Company. tion for divorce; divorce yranted. / i Vay ae ee COPY RiginT =p Sherriil-White Co. A Great Shoe Secret is to be posted on theins and outs of all pertaining toa shoe. If you come to our store we will tell you all about them cheerfully and we will fit you with the finest shoe you ever had for the price. Think of neat soft, solid leather dress shoe. same as our com- petitors sel] for $2 00, for $1.50. Bov’s solid leather schoo] shoes worth $2 00 for $1.50 Our country friends must not forget the E!kin Home made Shoes. Why buy three or four airs of shoes for your children every Pp y a year when one pair of the Elkin Home made wil! take them through with dry feet ? Don’t fail to-call for our All Wool Jeans, Elkin Blankets, Carpets. COMPLETE LINE OF DRESS GOODS. Clothing We have a few more heavr Department. Winter Suits and Overcoats we are making achange ir this lire and will close out what we have at manu- Come at once and get a nice suit at half price. Just in, Men’s tap sole, high cut. all leather Alaskas. $1 15, worth $1.50; all others in same proportion. Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Hats, Caps, etc. all of which I am selling at wholesale prices. and will Save You 25 Per Cent. on any of them. If you want the most stylish trimmed Ladies’ Hats you ever wore visit my millinery department. J. M. Wilhelm. In connection with my Book and Novelty stock I carry Lamps, Glass and Thos Crockery of all Kind. Aid can save you money on any of these lines. Also my store is headquarters for Lewis Allen, carrying concealed weapons; plead guilty; judgment suspended on payment of costs. Will Knuox, larceny; guilty; 12 months on chain gang. Noah Bryant and Philip Nichols; assault; Bryant guilty, Nichols not guilty; Bryant 12 months on chain gang. Henry Stevenson, carrying con- cealed weapons; plead guilty; three months on chain gany, John A. Plyler, assault; not guil- Marshall Thomas, carrying con- cealed weapons; guilty; one month on chain gang." Lee Plyler, forcible tresspass; plead guilty; judgment suspended on payment of costs. Sam Baily, Will Poe and Henry WILL TAKE NOTICE that i WAREHOUSE at Statesville. There is TOBACCO -:- PLANTERS am now in charge of the PLANTERS’ an active demand for leaf and it will bring high prices this season—is already selling much higher than for several vears. The Warehouse has Good Accommodations For Man and Beast and I will use every effort to make the leaf sold on my floor bring the highest market price. A. G MATLOCK, Auctioneer. Oct. 22, 1901. H. C. Gaither, Prop. Pianters’ Warehouse. Stevenson, affray; Bailey and Poe guilty. Stevenson not guilty; Bailey and Poe, one month each on chain ang. Will Colvert, carryiag concealed weapons; not guilty. Lindolph Cass and Lee Ball; as- sault; plead guilty; judgment sus- pended on payment of costs. John Beam and J. A. Bass, as- sault; both guilty; Beam 3 months in jail, Bass to pay half costs. Monroe Clark, assault, guilty; judgment suspended. Cary West, disturbing religious worship; guilty; $10 fine and costs. Lon Crawford, assault; $10 fine and costs. ° John Taggart and Tom Gillespie, affray; Gillespie not guilty, Taggart guilty; one month on chain gang. Will Doolie, larceny; guilty; two years on chain gang. The State docket is not yet finish- ed, but Solicitor Rusb went home last night, members of the bar ap- pearing for the Statein ail the re maining cases. The grand jury will be discharged today or tomorrow. — eae ae Reta etnne The Gospel Campaign in Iredell —A Great Ingathering into the Church- es. Rev, M. A. Smith, the pastor of the First Methodist church, asks THE Mascot to announce that the communion will be administered at Trunks. Trunks. The best line of trunks on this market at prices which will astonish you. _-~SHorHts.. We offer at prices in which (considering quality) we have no competition. Nice line of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. always fresh. Come and se# us and be convinced, Fry & Phifer. Nov. 7. 1901. UNDERTAKING. G, A. Critcher and J, C. Steele are associ. together and are prepared to furnish All Grades of Coffins, Caskets and Robes. ated + An experienced man will take charge of body and embalm or prepare it for burial. A new hearse will attend in town or of patronage solicited. country at a reasonable charge. A share G. A.Critcher & Co. tention to my wholesale room. Yours truly, Grain and Fertilizer Dvilis All we ask is for you to call and examine this drill and get prices and terms before buving. The | | This Drill is too well known to need any comment. | “BUCKEYE” is made in both Hoe and Disc. | J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co. a Dealers in General Hardware, Casper 6 i > uy ° fe y Holiday - and - Christmas - Goods, In this line 1 will show the largest and most complete line ever shown in Statesville, and I call the merchants of the country at- R. P. Allison. Book aud Novelty Store. the Methodist church Sunday morn- ing and the doors of the church will be opened at the same time for the reception of newmembers. Fifteen persons united with the First Meth- odist church last Sunday morning. Rev. R. B. Shelton began a fro- taacted meeting at Connelly’s Chap- el, three miles north of town. last Sunday. Services have been- held daily. Rev. M. A. Smith has heen assisting Mr. Shelton in the preach. ing and it is hoped that great good may result from the meeting The meeting at the First Presby~ terian church will close to morrow night. There haye been two servi- ces every day since the beginning of the meeting and Dr. Caldwell has declared the will of God with power and earnestness. Heis a preacher of more than ordinary power and presents the gospel in such away as to appeal to the judgement and heart of his hearers and leavea last- ing impression. Suuday morning service was rendered very impress- ive by the public profession and uniting with the church of 25 per sons, fourteen of whom were boys from the Sunday School. Since that time ten have been re- ceived into the church and there are still many who are deeply interest- The fall communion meeting at Frovt Street Presbyterian church will embrace next Sunday. Prepa tory services will begin to-morrow night at the usual hour and there will also be preacning Saturday morning Rev. R. D. Stimson, of Sope wel! church Meck!enburg coun ty, will assist the pastor, Rev. W. C. Brown. Rev. W. C. Brown has secured the services of Rev. E. E. Gillespie, Synod Evangelist, to conduct a pro- tracied meeting at New Salem church near Stouy Point. The meet ing will begin nexc Yuesday night and there will be two services daily for some time thereafter. Mr. Gil lespie conducted a .meeting at old Concord church a few -months ago and is well known in west Iredell Interesting and fruitful meetings have been held recoatly in Clarks burg chureh in north Iredell. Toey were the outgrowth of the great meeting at Harmony last month. For Sale. ONE WILSON Heater. good as new. Will lat a bargain price. Nov. or *S MCLAIN & ALEXANDER, Dissolution Notice. HE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- : under the firm T tween the undersigned, = ae ved. mutuaiconsen This a th, r9gor. Clothing. on the back. you need in this line. at less than wholesale cost. t. J, L. HUNTER. W. G; MOORE. —_ Spi tango abeoaiaasoet sale Bia ae Sh tim ines’ Kae st ara cn East Broad-Street, (retell and Alezandar Cousties. We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our larye stock of goods. Overcoats. We have a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. est clothing, the kind that luoks weli, wears well and gives. satisfaction Shoddy, rag clothing has n» place in cur stock. save you big money on clothing and overcouis get the lowest prices. See our line, then you: wri! Clothing Hon- We will We buy in large lots and KHOW. 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We have gone to a lot of trouble getting together the best live of Shoes youever saw. Our line of fine Shoes is complete. Elkin Home-made Shoes, common ball Shoes, old men’s Shoes, old ladies’ Shoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Shoes are made to wear and are just as we tell you or your money back. We mean this. Ne have plenty of Our Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and at prices that cannot Dry Goods be downed, See our stock before you buy. and Notions. Our line of dry goods and notions is large and we keep most anything We havea li ne of ladies’ underwezr we are selling Wheat Drills. Just received carload of the best wheat driiis on earth. fore ycu buy a drill. We aiso keeps GUNS, OLIVE Come and see if we-can’t trade. R PLOWS. SADDLES. Musicul Instruments. such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. yet selling the NEW MODEL Sewiag Machine at $13 75 for the 3 drawer, and $15.00 for the 5drawer machine this make in the last few vears and not a complaint. See them «be- HARNESS, We are We have placed more than 300 of Oar prizes ar2 the lowest and we do sell rel: . ie x 0ds at prices that can’t be equales. Respectfully,¢ H. A. YOUNT, INEW SLIRLiNG, N.C. a eo: Sok Ee oe YOUNT & WHITS, . STONY POINT, N, C. a Clover Seed. ;just in. for fall sowing, Highest prices paid for country produce Barron & Grocers, Nicholson, ~ If we behefit the public it means a future for this business. ‘To see is to appreciate.”’ Taking the stock as a whole (if you will excuse the slang) “‘it’s @ peach. Furnishings. We invite you to call early and of- ten and promise a cordial welcome PRO BONO PUBLICA.” We believe our efforts for the fall will surpass your expectations. Special attention is directed to Dress Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Underwear and Gents’ Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. 4 A HOT TIME IF YOU WILL WEAR THESE Underwear for Men, Women: and Children, 10c. up. Beautifu! Line of FURS, $1.00 to $5.00. Baby Cloa's S io great variety, 50c,.and up. Big Lice Gloyes acd Mittens, 10c, to $1.00. oa Fs Statesville, N. Ci Ladies’ and Misses’ Wraps,60c. to $ a Department/Store._ 22 ae Pr et n a , ca i n e Le e n ee ue n a s a e i e t a n D aa n ee em me e ee en m e n e j a | “ ee oe oY EE O C TI SO ee e ee e > a Aare : ) ' he a t , _ a ee ee ee e po Se Anothes British Disaster, J,ondon Dispatch, 2nd. Lord Kitchener has reported the War Office a disaster to £ to British near Bethel, eastern ‘Lr: yaal, ia which two guns were several officers killed or woud | Don’t Want Democratic Recoutnen- | dation Raleigh News and Observer. m ~ EO j = 2 ident | IR _ ri The law requires the Presi a ee county, died Saturday, aged 78 years. } - {name a Democrat to sueceed Judge 'Fuller on the Court of Private Land |Claims. The day after the burial of ana d4 men were killed arc 160/Judge Fuller the place was requested wounded. iby Senator Pritchard for a Republi The following is the text of ‘.ord|}can, Spencer B Adams. The Prési- Kitchener’s dispatch, dated of a severe attack made on the rear guard of Colonel Benson's column when about 20 miles northwest of Ste Zethe!, near Brokeniaagte, during thick mist. Thestrength cf the ene en my is reported to have been 1,00 They rushed two guns with the rear r nu whether guard, butitis uncer they were able to remove them. ‘I fear our casuati es Colonel Benson was wounded, but}: not severely. A relieving column wil! reach him this morning.”’ Later Lord Kitchener telegraphed as follows: “Colonel Barter, who from the constabulary of his woun are the foil« Guinne taios 5 ] W. Lit Lieutenants A. J. Corlett. Died wounds: Capt. Eyre Lioyd. Lord Kitchener then gives the;he;: e vho weretefore the Demccratic Coner sand names of 13 other officers wounded, most of them severe announces that 54 non commissioned officers and men were killed and 160 wounded, acding that four of the latter bave sinee died of their pateh then says: wounds. The di “T assume thatthe euns have recovered and tke enemy has with jrawn, but I have no further de of Col. Benson and the officers and men who fe!l with him. In Bensen the tails. I deeply regret the loss service loses a most vallant and pable officer, who invar column judgment. The fighti with vrea sides. eenemys but I have not re ime operating in the vicinity d-rion. He surprised a Boer laager| be appvinted as the representa October 22, near Trichardiontein, tuf the Demucraticparty. even voine taking 37 prisoners. Three days|to the extent of were heavy. ia Demce: line yester day, reached Genson’s columa eariy this morving (Friday) unopposed. He reports that Colovel Benson died J The other casualties <illed: Colonel E. Major fF. D. Murray, Cap- ndsayandF_T. Tho rold, Lieutenants E. V. I. Brook and R. E. Shepberd and Seccr » been n ved a reliadle | when the law requi estimate. The Boers retired east.’’|}a Democrat! It is cothirg less than Colonel Benson had been for some eto-|dent told Mr. Pritchard that. the ria, November 1: ‘‘Thavejusi heard|law compelle2 him to “appoint a | Democrat. Then Priechard and his = of > srowd determined that they would ra) a2{Senator Simmons or either of the seven Democratie Concressmen from ) 4 of “playing smart polities hed written tothe Pres:deat thatas q heand Pics * t ithe Demoeratic * f)2:the q ra House er: 2 ; would doubtless join ina recommen dation Senator Simmons and mem- bers of the House were ready yester Ga news came bad been ma request, the hasty action was eauiv that the appointment e. do not care to ‘hear from you about the proper mao to appoins to a bo sition that must be filled by a Demo crat. J prefer tolet Ser ara pick ou ou a Democrat t! Senatorand Democratic Representa ne ives from North C: nade the appointment on th hed announee ashivgtes Hereto! he gppointment of a vy State, enough shown Democratic Cx > thera at least a sresumpiion that t mm id be the best . publican aave followed their recommend: the Presi tions. In this instanes st aste to pre 1aMeies + males nb Make with marked success and vent wiving even consideration te ny WwasatverVilasy man they close quarters and was maintained | jeg determination by both! Pritchard. That's leaves the whole g his idea of to: utfered heavily,!marner of selecting 2 Democrat ult to the Dece ta denvice the courte later, according to Lord Kitchener's joy of granting a heariag to them. reporiat the time, afteralong night “That is “Rough “Ri * sure : march, the commandoes under Gro- | enough! - belaar aud Erasmus‘‘heavily attack ed Benson’s guard and flanks N away dri Vnether this was the at resulted sod - Tne action of the President and Mr tack which | Pritchard would pe open to this astrously or whether |eriticism, no matter what Demecra: the Boers who had been repulsed | had boen s ea took advantaye of the mist to renew the attack, ‘s still unexplained | Asheville Lawyers Have # Row in eS Lord Kitebener does not give the Court. day of the Bethel envagement. naan asecennineaamnnneomnnseens Incendiarism in Colum bia— 23 Busi- ness Houses Burned, Columbia. S, C., Dispatch, rst. Twenty-three business houses, |the Adams Company against composing the heart of the town of | Westticld heirs. The Saas Timmonsville, were burned eariy |" Up so it could b> settled on this morning. Where was an explo sion in the store cf, Smith & Dennis : : that aroused the tewn and then the|!2Vo:ved, there js usui flames burst out. A keg of powder 1 te have exploded. There ratus for fighting the ns were compelled to sina lara a Gesiruction of their | {tis dificult to is suppo-« was no fire and Witness tk eC property without being able tolifta ry the flames. One bloc! ok haed tos of ten stores, includine the B Timmonsvi! trict. The less is conservatively placed t hird at $100,000, with less than one insurance. A sensational feati metand a search of their premis revealed boxes of ecods. shoes, e stacked intheir houses and bar These gocds were removed from }:2ugux: their store before the fire. Thojducge ! sheriff has gone after Smith with a Warrant. Both men have borne|kind. aud made some additior wzocd reputations. ~<a ee We NeeG No Such Example. Nocth Carolina Presbyterian. Surely it is time that the North ‘aerrimon saw dir. Sondley reach: were understanding that we have a sem -barLareus_race to deal with. |} ¢, more darba the clo ¢ of the war, the purity of our bi sanctity o: is not the fact thar Washington leges that come from race kinShip. There is no polities in this arricle, but any politician ought to know that this question which we have briefly touched upon is tnfinicely nearer the hearts of the Southern people than the tariff or the money question orimperialism or the Isth tan Canal or any political subject that can be mentioned, a Cold Killed ina Ficht Between Par- ents Butte, Mont., Dispatch, rst, E:hel Plumb, aged two years, is lying dead at the home of her grand- mother. Mrs. H. Parise, of Virginia City, Mont., as the result of a due! fought with revoivers by Mr and Me Pluinb. §She has a bullet woud in the hip, Mrs. Parke was shot through the right shouider and Mr. Piump |B is in jail with a powder-burned face. Plumb and bis wife have not lived happily cogether for a long time and of late Mrs. Plumb has been living at the home of her mother, Mrs. Parke. Last night Mr. Plumb went to the houseand opened fire upon his wife, who obdfained a revolver and began shooting. At the first shot fired by the husband the chiid fell dead with 2 bullet through its head. The women will recover. Reliable and Gentle. “A pill’sa pill,” says the saw: But there are pilis and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thor- ovpsh and pentie.. Mustn’t gripe. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers fil! the bili. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assist ‘the bowels to act. Strengben and invigorate. Smail and easy totake.—Stimson & Ander son, i@, isin the burned dis Ire late this evening when W , of Smith & Dennis. gen Sa ene era’ ‘merchants, was arrested for |#itorneys had cathered inthe office arson. Smith had left the town when {vf Attorsey thei citizens called at his place. Dennis )5v8 Vily, to settie th refuses to taik. Because of the pe _ FOS 4 : culiar manner ip which the fire}@ certain allevation made by Jude Started. suspicion rested on these |James H. 4} ; ous than they were atl auif-de that we have »0G and the another. Congressman “foody ; our homes to protect abd will protect them, please God. and that we do not need any such exam ples of the sort just set us to make our task more difficult, to inflame one race and enrage the other. It an exceptionai negro, but the fact that a white man in exalted position has recognized a negro man as one of his owa kind, with all the privi Asheville Dispatch, srt. ny the well known copper mining peal. At this stage” of legal verested at : of t altilr between the vs,-but -ORCerNAl 1 Statement? the suit in question 1S the lawyers would tagto keep ousof the pa rter ap rentieman who kuows is the sivnai for a mys- jenever a Pe; na the informed one to vo off to @ orether attorney i: pers. It scems howeye bst vb Leat Bry E> r- 5 Z 2 nal 7 ences. Foste . Socdley said ~ ereimon Was not true ;{Judge Merrimon replied that Mr. Soudly spoke falsely, the I” made, it Said im it 3 of the . errimov Called. Air. Sondiey & fier. Mr. Sondiey repli Marks, by way of giving~emphas to the assertion. Mr. Sondley also reached {or the inksiand to give his words 2 more liberal emphasis. but wWieuds grabovedbim. When Judee sey tor tbe inkstand be made at kis an Zen mea tad their hands full p the the taen trom vettiuy at one to kee lu the room, aud, impelled by excite Ment or disgust, or somethi ‘ fOrward and said that be cou'd whip Doth of the men aad for them to yer Outand stopthe row, Judge George Jones ealied thescene a disgracefu! one,anJ, after shoving a hanging lamp welfout of the way, announced that be would assert his authority. and that the fizht had toend and ai once., Even then it was some’ time defore tables. chairs, coats, coilars and bair were placed in their wont- ed positions. i The affair is sue of the princi tonies of conversation among those whokvew somethingof the fects and it has allthe more interest ve cause justat this time the friends of dr. Sondiley ure advccati ination for an associate justice of} the Supreme Court i Sey | ' ’ Besring 'rnait. Raleigh News aud Observer. Yesterday we priated the views of certain sensible & eoiored Men wero declared any social equality They t ike men whe have the true interest of their race at heart. - But the ooker Washingtor Dinner has bad the effect predicted by this paper oc?! puttiag absurd and dangerous ln the head oi many negree ! ¢j i ‘ } | { ' Sia-| ney Miller,the colored chairmau of | Chicago Dispatch, rst. the Republican Executive Commit. | of whica he said: when we get to heaven the black man and the white man will sit down together, avd if the white man is not sutisfied he can leave.” The Rovcseveit Booker Wa } ; all sensible men knew it would bear > 2 eo = Phe cotton oii miiis at Darlington, week. : : = nent educator, of Lenoir, died Fri day, aged 76 years. He was a na- tive of Alamance couaty. in Greensboro charged with incest, having illicit relations with his Vhe daughter has Cou-|¢:reet, the driver guided his team on down Main street and into Bridge Not knowing the town Mon-|}29d the streets, and finding Bridye daughter, fessed. veme the Democrat and not consult surance man of Raleigh, died - day, azed 70 years. He was priyate secretary to Governor Bragg before |e? mana the war. Nortb-Carolina. That is their ides In the meantime Senator Simmons : | Roverts, of Gates county, will be a uld like to be heard and}, district. ytogoto Washington when the After the coerteous | ©! : . - ‘ a i ed. The orivin of the fire is un- alent to the President saying: ‘‘]}Koown. Thorsday and ~would have died but f Iten to the desire of the Democratic = | y 1 vrolina.”’ Andtof Clemmonsville, Forsyth county e@ aay rewhen the law require tive of < ’ o Suca Cases id name, and ¢ to Senator es him to nase! Ghless the Governor interferes. cracy cf North Oo. |Carolinato iook to Senator Pritch Bethel, which is northeast of Stan-|ard to select the Democrat who is to This article is crritten wirhout at lanv reflection upon Mr. Oshorne. Yzirivarkfouteia, but were easily | who has veen alife lone Democrat Several Asheville attorneys have just returned Bryansoa City, where they weut on business pertaining to } } te ie r ceedings, wWoen vreat lpterests are vliy a sharp tQOts euld only be torell half the s:rorv. © OL She heea. ana tort Open his pockets and robbed him of several di The negroes then took alk th ney ip the cash dre that! Chad j ¢ whose sister married Cumberland eounoty, went to ths house of the iatter, accompanied by in | bis brother, where an old family dif ferencé terness that iason fired at his broth ev-la-law with a shot gon, and the other returned the fire with his pis- tol—both without effect. The two Pax x | Wait in rear of the dwelling, diseov- lering w Rae eee entel ta in aero meets onist, and for afew minutes aj] Bis lateer, who was trying to" re < istraia Bim, stesoed outside the door jand tired @secord time, killing Joho PR: olficer at (ae house of 2 neighbor, Binghamton, N. Y., Dispatch, 1st. hat took place near this city is causing a stir The contracting i090 parents. When marvied the gir! wore shert dresses and the boy kai Joseph Balsam, if years o!d, and the bride is Mabel Austin, aged 15, both of Steam Hollovw,thirteen miles from Binghamton. icidedtoelope They wentia search < ;of a clergyman and met with much} s™S 19 | trouble, owing to their youth, until }oze was found who agreed to unite hem onthe statemert of the gir! 2 kept the wedding secret.’ When the !ceremony became known the parents ;2/ of the bride took steps to have the |marriage annuiled on account of il legality because of age. preacher who performed the cere- mouy, and itis said that measures | will be taken to prosecute him. ideas | Wounded the Girl they Were Fighting tee of Amelia county, Virginia, made | pears and hand stocd facia each a speecn on Thursday in the Course} other waiting for the ‘ Fs ‘ fire, Mamie Jenkins, aged 18, \-ushed : “IT thank God that the United ; between them yesterday, as both States now bas fora Presidext aj weapons were manwho recognizes no difference) pyllots entered her cetween a white man and a Ddiach! jel) co the Ground just as she had manu. God made us all equal, and} commanded them to stop Edward Murphy, aged 22, and Al- bert Triplin. aged 21, who are al- jsaid, she mye reeove: 5 : Phe Guties+cuts cecupy adjoioing | 6 ee) cells. Triplio has oven encouraged | S. ©., were burned one night last | py Miss Jenkins, he said, but she’ ‘“eut him out,” in favor of Murphy. ice SLATE NEWS: John L. Sloan, an old and much es- teemed citizen of Mil! Bridge Row-) Capt. E. W. Faucette, a promi- George Broaks, colored, is in jail Pulaski Cowper, a prominent ie- it isanrcuneed that Gen. W. P. vudidate for the Democratic Con- vressional nomination in the First - The depot at Gilesenville, Guil ford county, was burned Thursday htand a quantity of freight buro- Jokn W. Glover, a Salisbury shoe- taaker, swallowed poison by mistake * prompt measures on the part of t iVs s. 9 po Mrs. Flora McKnight, an epileptic feliin the fire Thursday while ip a fit and was bUtned to death. She vas aloneat the time. G C. Telbert, a young boy of Ad- vane, Davie county, wa ’ irain board the train while it was in mo tien and was knocked under tbe wheels. Walter Green, colored, was hilled in the yard of Samuel Wilson, in wtield township, Craaville coun ty, one night last weck. A white nen named Bragg@is suspected of the crime “he Suprene court has dismissed the Lewis Council. the aegro rapist un der death sentence at Payerteville He will now we suppose, be hanged, Tom Davis. aved 18, son of Police man Sidney Davis, of Rocky Mount, met ahorrible death. He dropped a@ wun on the door step and it dis harged the contents into his stem ind be died within an hour Hor. Frank 1. Osborne was sworn - 7 mee ef ~ = ° } z in in Charlotte Friday as the suac- cessor of the late Judge Fuller on he U.S. Court of Private Land Cisimis. The salary is $5,000 and expenses. Duriny the sessions the court Judve Osborne’s offi residence will be at Sauta Fe. New but during thelope recesses : in Charlotte. Tee coroner’s jury at Raleigh decided that Joseph Russell, the young negro burned to death on the midway at the fair grounds, died from heat and suffocation, after having been foully dealt with by persous unknown. Doors of tho booth were found locked from the ouside and he was inside, screaming 1] help. Tee bouse of exJudge J. C. L. rudyer, at Waynesville, was ourned emornmg last week. Nothing wis saved, not even the clothing of he oeeugants, D. A. Baker and fam i \onie Gudger: Ne ture, $2,000 on Mr. Baker oace lived in and Judge Gudver is a ‘irs. J. A. Stikeleather, ’ Charles rob Saturduy night es. ‘The negroes enter- >and without « word the ihe two caught Purefoy aim while the other eut te mer- vas then released and shnegroes made good their eseape. Ve5 iue. rere TS PG'C One Gay last week John Parrish, G. T Eason, of 2 was renewed with such bit- res then retired, bot lay in ea} rich Hason broke away from arvish. He immediately fed, bur rards gave himselfup to an “CAD + ee - Groom i4, Bride 15. Phe marriage of a youthful couple arties are the children of well to erbockers. The bridegroom is The children fell in love and de- t shewas 18, For a\time they Indignation is felt against the —— Over 3 killed by a one'day last week. Be tried to tition to rehear in the case of ixpert Driver Stops a Runaway-Team by Dhtowing the Leader3- Danville, Va., Bee. jiren grev horses. hitched to a heavy Wild West Show wayon, ran away horses started at the municipal threatevingly, but the drivervetain masterly manner. Finding it im possible to turn into Craghead both ronen and unligbted, the driv zed to tbrew the leaders by The whole team of course. piled in a confused heap when the leaders fel! of mind ealled to the bystanders no! t) cut his harness. ITnoafew minox tes he had the team up and rehitech trouble. > 9 << Kdward May Never be Crowned. London Dispatch, 1st, a serious effect on the court dress bave been busily engaged on tho eor ing large staffs in almost comolete idieness. The members of society t } that they will not go to any exorns: tion will really occur. There isa verv clea that the King is threater Bright's disease, or hoth. ng premonition in court circles, es Kine will never live to be whi she would never live to be crowned Modern Surgery Surpassed. of piles I consulted a phssigian w itch Hazel Saive,”’. says G. F Carter, Atlanta, Ga = “I xand was entirely cured De Witt’s Witch Hazel { dide: stabtiy. and I heartily it to all sufferers.’” Surgery is ue necessary to eure pi Witch Hazel Salve will cure -any cuse Cuts, burns. bruises and other wounds are aso Guick!ly « r reHef in > for piles. gi Stimson & Anderson. A team consisting of six large A STR Is Liable on Main street last night. The building and ran down the street at a terrific pace. The wagon rocked ed his seat and handled nis livesin a a scientific manipulation of the reins. The driver with unusual presenc* ed and drove off without any futher The pertinacity with which soeci-- ty discusses the rumors reirardiag the health of King Edward has had makers who expected ere now to ssation robes, etc Ther are keep- have apparently made up their minds until they fee! sure that the corona- ’ defined im- pressicn in the diplomatic corps od with some organic complaint. Some go so faras to say it is cancer. or There is undoubtedly a very a'arm- the however baseless or other- Wise. is having a serious effect on trade. The story in this connection now currect is tuata palmist told Queen Alexandra not long avothat “While suffering froma bad case no advised meto trv a box of DeWitt’- from 232 East Fif¢ procured a 1 Gentiemen: [ve Is aspien- recommend = a. anything I ever tried. by it Beware of counterfeits:— Down—Pe-ru-na is Restore. : — Le # RD Sp e e - —— Hon. Frank Duan, Alderman Twenty-Fourth~District, writes ight Street, New York City: The Peruna Hiedicine Ce., Columbus, 0.: “There is no remedy for 2 broken-down system Bat I know of which wil! so effeciuatly restore frealih as Perun2. «Whenever f am overworked or suffer fron: the consequences of a cold a few doses of Perune builds me up egain more quickly than ! find it especiaily valuable for catarrh, Three bottles cured me three years ago of catarrh of the stomach and i have never had tiie least symptoms of it since.’ ( Very truly, NV, Aiderman 24ti1 Disi., N. Y. City. COURT CALENDAR. November Term, 1901. Hon. Aibert L Cobie, Judge. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, Igor. John W lowe, adm'r , vs J. C. Sullivan. Hart & Lovelace vs Mrs. F.C, Early. 6 Calvin Jurney friend. vs Brown B Cc S J W, Williams vs W. W. Kediman. 10 Thos, V, Houston ys Laura Houston. SATURDAY, NOVENEFR 9g. 1901, 16 B. Sain vs Thos L. Patteraon. 17 Zeletta Dry vs. H. 1. Dry 18 BK. F. Long, adm’r. of BAF. Lx N.C R. R.Co. and State Unive 3 4 20 S. W. Gould & 57 Ada Mayhew vs Walker MONDAY, NOVEMBER It, 23. Isaac Pope ys R. ®, Reid et al, . 190T, y Spann. >, Dav on ys Liq Car Acid Mfg. Cots Statesville Ice und Bottling Co 36 J. W. Brown ve G. W.annd +1, 1, Gibson. go 5 C. Bryan vs Western Union Telegraph Co THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901, 42 Miller, Barron & Co. vs H C Gaither, 43 William GeeenvsJ.l, Shaw and H. &. Shaw his wife. 44 OG, Turbivillevs S W, TurbiVitle et at. 45 Chas. D Mott vs Southern Railway Co 49 Corak. Whitakerand J. E. wWhituker vs M. J, Bass, : 47 Cora kE, Whitakerand J..E, Whitaker vs Hamilton Smith and Mack Kennedy, 43 Mary ©, Ireland vs Wilford ©. Ireland, 49 M.¥. Sims vs Alphonso Sims. 50 W.M. Millevs J. A. Mills, ¥RIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901, nderson and F. O. Elliott. execu. «1 O Niott, vs Dick Woods and A. E. Carson, : $2 York, Wardsworth Co. vs Pen Window Glass Co. 53. J. A_ Mills vs Gillie Mills and W. M. Mills $4 W. P, Morton vs Jane FP. Arthur, 55 J_M. Patterson vs R.A Kamsey. $8 Dr. J. B.S. Holmesvs Geo. W. Clegg, ad- miinistrator ot Einina Gunn, $9 t. E:Anderson, assiguee of Walton & Gage vs M.4. Mott, 60 Lowena Redman vs. Rufus Redman. 61 Harris, Sherrill] & Co, vs H, F. Park =< 62 J. 1. Cowan vs FE. L. Harmon, adiministra- ter of W.S, Ward. 63 W. W. Houpe vs Carter Bros. 64 Mrs. D.C Brawley et al. vs W.A. McLean. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, IgoI, 65 J. M. Patterson vs W. M. Mills and Fee Mills, 7. >, Former vs W, L. Barrett, 67 City Trust, Safe Deposit and Sutety Com- pany vs C. H. Cornelius “I, Kelly vs H, C. Davidson, 2. jo M. AY Vestal vs BM Vestal. 71 G. W. Clegg. adm'r, of B, M, Lathery, vs. Southern Kailway Co. i 72 tie Hart, os < Sonsvs i. O. Williams, administratrix of L, C. Williams and Ww. kK. Myers. 74 Statesville Ice and L 2g Co. ys W, ss Phifer. 75 Geo, W, Dobbits ctal. vs Sarah Dobbins, 70 F. M. Gant and Gilhert Caldwell, Trustees ot Providence Baptist Church, vs F. K. Ostwalt, 77 Neal Burke vs Sonthern Railway Co NON-JURY CASES. r W. na J. M, Sharpe vs W. A. Eliason 2 Johus. Reece & Co, vs Wilhelm & stein § Robt. N, smith ve Southern Railway Co 7 State Ex. Rel, T.N. McLean vs M Al White 9 W. R. Barwell vs j. J. Mott, i 6t. BE, Fry vs JLL. < owan, .. Templeton vs Emily Privitt. 14 M.C, Jolley vs Joe! Jolley Is Geo. h Brown etal, vs f, C. Plott etal, 25 Emily Privitt vs J. C. Templeton and Elizabeth Templeton. St Joel Jolley vs M. BE. Tolley, 39 «B. B. Long, adm'r. of BOF. Long, Jr,. vs N.C. R. RCo 40 W.S. Phirer & Co vs Kdgar Fester, agent Statesville fceand Bottling Co, 78 in the matter of probate or the nuncupa- tive will of S. L.. Sherrill, In the call of the eslenaar ar y case not reach- ed and disposed of on the day appointed will be called the next dayin preference to cases set lorthat day. Witnesses are not required to at- tend uniil the day set for the case iu which they are subpeened. While the armed rivals for her command to Non-jury cases will be heard at any time dur- ing Une term at the convenience of the c- urt, J A. Hartne:s, CLEKGK SUPP 1k COURT discharged. Two shouider. She LO bye Lospie ¥ 2, ibis | Ae fr e e Gr a y Your Tongue its coated, your stomach | bad, your liver is out of | order. Ayer’s Pills will clean | egcd co have loved the woman were your’ tongue, Sa28 oe dys- ithe duclists. Both!oved the girl,) Pepsia, make your liver right. | lfcr. whom they fourht. She was} Esoy¢ FC 7 } ton dinuer is bearing the fruit which | pumoved : a Easy ez take, easy to operate. | 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache oe beard e beautiful brown or rich black? ‘Ther use BUCKIRGHAN’S SVE WSIS .3f $9 CTs. OF CruGusTs, On R. P. MALL & CO., Nasi a. NLM. \ re r ? «c t y by R. T. Campbeil, next «} wo 21 James MM Sha s Southern | way Co 22 C. B, Bumgardner vs Southern Railway Co ¥ fF rf 7 er e SN R s EI aw Yr, Will not tear, -£ on e rp e r r e a ‘w h i < et y or g s a % | i gh ar aa i in e r t i a co n e ck al b a Si k cD cl i n k ni c i csai n d e c c u u n x LE S T E R YE T we a We pc e tried at Newteniast “hursday. evidence of the damaging and prosecution nocn recess ic escape, be bein“ out ucig We into womanhood js a disorders started ‘at that time soos into fatal complications. That trowhles are tillin & patntess and natural menstrual tight, 2 healthy life wiil owe their lives to . There is nothin ‘women freedom from f of ki mien lor every Gusty of life. Miss Della M. Strayer, Tully, Kans 1 have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe- riods for.a Jong time, was nervous, hed no appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact was miserable. 1 have taken four LPO “ae boy is hardly expected to live. idd over those of 1950 TONIC is a medicine that gives tone to some part of the system. There are different kinds of toiies, but the tonic most needed in this country, where catarrh is so prevalent, is @ tonic that operates on the mucons mem- branes. Peruna is a tonic to the mucous mem- branes of the whole body. It gives tone to the capillary cirenlation which con- stitutes these delicate membranes. Percns is a specific in its operation upon the mucous membrane. It is a tonic that strikes at the root of all ca- tarrha! sfections. It gives tone to the minute blood vessels and the terminal nerve fibres. Catarrh cannot exist long where Peruna is used intelligently. Perunz secks ont catarrh in all the hid- den paris of the body. Pauli Landrum writing from Atlanta, Ga., SBYS: “In January iast I began the use of your Peruna and Manalin for what was termed orgenic heart troubie. At that time I could- scarcely walk to my place of business without stopping to rest and on arrival felt completely exhausted. Had severe pains in my heart and general dizziness. After using the first bottle of Peruna I began to improve and today I feel that I ams sound man and I work fourteen hours a day without any bad feeling.”—Paul Landrum. — A. M. ¥xerd, an employee of the C. B. &Q. R. R., West Burlington, Ia., writes: “T had catarrh of the stomach and small intestines for a number of years. I went to a number of doctors and got no relief. Finally one of my doctors sent me to Chicago and I met the same fate. They said they eould do nothing for me, that I had cancer of the stomach and there wasno cure. Ialmost thought the same, for my breath was something awfnl. I could hardly stand it, it was so offensive. I could not eat anything without great misery, and I gradually grew worse. : “Finally I got one of your books, an concluded I wculd try Peruna, andthank God, I found a relief and 2 cure for that dreadful disease. I took five bottles of Peruna and two of Manalin, and I now feel like a new man. There is nothing beiter than Peruna, and I keep a botile in my house all the time.”—A. M. Ikerd. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory resuits from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Yoe Wilkesboro Chronicle says nat Lee Nance’s son, about tes ears old, near Hunting Creek post | tice, Was badly hooked by an ox ‘ast week. When discovered the doy was lifted in the air by the horn which bad penetrated to the hollow The net revenues of the govern for the year just closed vere 337. an increase of $20,444 - i yy ' why WY Ly Se fe \Witead 88 \! Wy dinner time, any \ , timeisa good lime to use vi Wy \ AA A \ Yt \ th Na ! ‘ They rive a light fit tl ( that’s rich and bril- KW? Hane No odor. \\)' Many styles? Sold everywhere, Ay {= ws sd Cordov ; ~2g frye 0 tees ae Cheap Life Insurance! has been organized in mick, division «ap aces Iredell and of the law firm of Gr 7 side J. A ecretary 2. and erand ww vill be written for 1,000 pers ion, J. R MeBrayer will Mec€ormich who join year, and wh member will be asses _ auce of $1,000. The only Bt smieut 1e de to 7 exp iss. This is the cheapest an Mmosi rel ble form of insurance known. For niormation callon the officers of the sion or the agents, ctober 7th, «oor/ Pen ea Fob tad Cf Buying A Watch, or Clock, or Breoch, or Ring, or anything in the Jewelry line be sure to see me before you buy. RAVE A 2IG Sock of honest goods at hon- eSt prices, oottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford’s Black-Draught, when_necded, and to-day 1 am entirely cured. 1 cannot express the thanks | feel for what you have dene cases requiring special direc- tions, address, ¢' Advieors Denartvent, The Chu ‘eine Compasy. Chattano. | by fr o c f Q A {= } td re TOBACCO SPIP and S B Your Lif BAG, Sic 020, Gog Address Chicago or New Toe ae DIVISION of the fPeoples’ Mutual Benefit Association, a life insurance organization, ville by-J. M, asc. Ohio. _”_ For Sale Everywhere, Cures Blood Poison snd Cancer. Eating sores, swellings, failing hair, mucous patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones ane joints, itching skin, boils, pimples, etc,, by tak- ng Botanic Blood Balm (B B.B.) made especi ally to cure malignant blood and skin troubles i. B, B, heals every sore and makes the blood pure and rich. Over 3.000 cures of worst 2nd most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B. Drug- gists, $1. Describe trouble and trial bottle sent free by writing to Blood Balin Co. Atlanta, Ga. vores varansesd it yes cso PILE SUuDpaSiiOTy af Seles ney Bo Tremody to pe. piss Free, Sela f° LANCASTER, PA. . 03 coe, rhe = Sold in Statesville by Stimson> Anderson--Cail for froe sam to. = CHISHESTER'S ENGLISH PERRYROVAL PILLS a xe ki" ent. The ditasion em- AieXander counties’ H. P, < Long. was k of the Tur- ors. h cea in the divi ot $1.000 each in the di- | division il pay a member dics each ed $115to pay the insur- | S:0on each of | the 1.000 members t pay the $1,000 imsurance | sed member and the 15 cents goes ER A anal AEN eee cleanses the bi up the whole system. Makes a Woman Look ceeding entiiled R’ against 3. A, McNeely and oth 2 = Sigued, as comimissioner. will ouiae = nae 7GOD Booke ; AN Be ete cor Super cat Safe. Always reliable. Ladies, ask Drage! CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH in ed ae Geld metallie boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no cther. Refuse dangerous substi- tations aud imitations. Buy of your Drucesst, or send 4e, in stamps for Particulars, Festi- | oninis and * Relief for E.adicn.” in letter, by return Jini . : : ° ailpenecine: 2. 20,0C0 Testimonials. Sold by s CHICHESTER CHEMICAL co. 2100 Madison Square, PHILA., PA, *icntion this paper. WOMAN Y BEAVTY Sparkling Eyes & Bricht Faces RSA RS Ne. em Are the Fruits of Sound Nerves, ‘BINDIPO THE GREAT FRENCH za NERVE‘TONIC and Vitali- zer Cures Nervous Exhaustion, Hysteria, Dizzi- hess, Headache, Backache and Female Weak. ness So Common attending the monthly periods, GIRLS fare Fonttang ie, tying anhood will find ita wonderful reiief and bene- fit. It quiets and Strengthens the nerves, , Clearsthe brain and tones Young and Feel Young. PRICE soc.. 12 Boxes $5. Sent by zmailto any 38. S$ : liam ye, vy. O any address. Sold by W. F. ’ To the Farmers, | GAVE afuli line of the best kinds of wheat, oats and rye for os Come and see me before you uy. Sept. 19th, 1901. 5 J. L, Cowan. Sip ese caage ee nomen ere enema ee eNOS - -.Sale of Property. Y VIRTUE ofa decree ofthe Superior Court of Iredell county, mude in the Se seals - 4. Miller, administrator, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER of, 1901, at 12 0’clock, m., expose to sale to the hi = eonicaee = = court house soon ic, N. O., the i scribed catate eee <., ‘Ollowing descri real One town lot. known as lot No. 7, in block No. to2. adjoining the land of Alfred Turner East and Dan Lipe on the-West. fmwtinn ts Arn field stleet, as mapped outand platted upon the map of the rm : elopeene pene y of The Statesville “‘De- . Fates This roth day of Octo Grier® ion ed ber, ror. Attorneys, _ Commissioner. CANDY CATHARTIC Jobinstoy! Sai'sapariy iny other remedy sheek disappears, enc ibecheeks. Uneg tomach and liter, = ints of men, ome Geld everywhere. Price, MICHIGAN DRUG Co., HINDIE ered Nerves. Rx brings the pivk By mail to any addr- O Will be in Gentlemen, Get the > pt e "3 oO QO ep “N y sO ) by ge d ed [~ 7 Gp Travel by the © assurcd a sa‘. OExpeditious / rm CHARLOTTE, N.C JAPANESE PILE © A New and Co’ of Suppositcrie Boxes of Ointment. Piles of every nature Operation with the k often results in d gusrantee in each Soc. and $1 a box, 6 f OINTHERT CONSTEP ATION Cored Japanese Liver 3 n Statesville by Stimson rs v COTTON PENNYRER GL | Original and ¢ safe. LADIES! a never fail ind never im dress.on receipt of $1.< Co., St. Panl, Minn Digests what you @ preparation con digestants and diges food. Itgivesinsta failstocure. It allow Peni ae § Scan takeit. 0 Comunineoner on OUBSRRS or dyspeptics | cured after everything els° ! Be eeletiog al dees relieving all distress< Dieting unnecessary. Picastot —— TRB at P wre SOs eeREE Sa a ‘Stimson & Anca art battle, trolt, I ee el Discey yy LUWAYO rH il 7 Wh GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY Ee NOVEMBER 14, 1901. The Mascot is very properly urg- Hon. B. F. Long, whose name has An Asheville Girl Shoots Her Betray- » State Gets Phe Money. See ————$ -NO, 50. ae MLSE LR Sea Tee aa a _ en, es 3 a Wilkes for Armfield \Mr. Long for Judge of this District. er JUST See Pees “ie 5 z ae = ——$——_—_— AS H (Vi A C U R c 5 = , Wilkesboro Chronicle, | High Point Ente-prise. : N. ensioners W1'l be Paid as Soon asthe + GENERAL NEWS. pete - . Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Perma Curein All eee Case. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT? OF BOSTAL WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. Te 1 ¥ i It brings instant x worst cases. It cu ed in goo thankful fe was a slave, and Asthma tc 3 beyng cured. I saw you ¢ of thisdresdfiul ant bma, and yourselves, but r iny astonish Send me a fi AVON SPRINGS. N. Y.. F v own skill aswell asmany o . New Yo once it about the first of Nove her Asthma has disappea nm col sistteully recommend the medic Yours respect 0. D. Dr, TAFT BROS. MEDICINE Cc Certener Jwes crt ‘ed with Asthma for <2 years t they have allfailed. lrem cross your ad n I have since ; urch ised your full-size bot = six \cu.- was unableto work I L NOV ss every day. + testimony you can make such use of as you ne address, 33d Riviiztoa street. < Trial Bottle Sent Ab-olutety Free oa Reeeipt of Postal. Do not delay. ‘ a u MEDICINE CO., East 130th St.. N. 4. City ad ft esque Marble and urad Dealers Ml Kind of Marble and Granite For Cemetery and Building Purposes. } ees numents a We are iu a position to quote the very lowest prices 00 Monuments, Tas ‘ets, Headstones, and ali aiads of cemetery work. Material and Workmansh!5 Guaranteed to be First Cie+s. Write for our catalogue and prices. YARDS AT STATESVILLE, SALISBURY AND NORTH WILKESBGRO ae lational Bank CFE ETATESVILLE. N. cS Deposits received i Money }oaned on good Special attention paid to collections on Accounts of Corpor is solicited and received|the Legislature. They have elected The First | Travsactsa Regular Banking Business. check on sight. Interest paia on ume Ce} co.lateral gud personal security. | ci eee al] points, apd credited or remitted at lowest rates. ations, Merchants, anufecturers ere Individua cn the most favorable terms. oh TN SEN OFPFICHRS: cre & COCPE FR, Fresigent, 3.¢, GEO B SBOw &, Cashier. @Sits. Asthmalene. ; . the ; when all else There is nothing like size bottle?’ Rev, Dr Morris Wechster, Rabbi of the Cong. Fnai Israel. New York, Jan. 3, Igor. DRS. LALT BROS.’ MEDICINE CO. ts com- we can 4 e : j . 1: Your Astimatl Y, sthhma and 3 er viates all tro i ts succe = 4 EVER’ sce | me a Z RELIEF. ronderful effect ; rsmiodic asthma | gounty, we take it, will certainly be matene | <Or him. prove- all symp- Mooresville’s New Hotei. “use of duty, having tested the has been afflicted with thers, Ic > 67 East Write at once, addre sing DR. TAFT : Do n e 59 FRICKE COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Bill With simultaneous racket settive st head blocks and cable rope fee¢. the most sensitive feed ever put 0 a Sa mill, also Frick Company’s @NGINES AND BOT F 84, Portable ou wheels © § i VELETX CN RSHeMC SES aot size, ard the great hi. +: Eclipse traction engi: i Cotton Gins at lew prices Statesville, N.C. = 3dver Poston Bros IN . THE art of printing is au old one but the artistic styles 1n which which we dis- play type on the nice jine of stationery which we have receatly pat in makes one think it a late invention : : : WILL GET YOUR WORK & Better worker. vetier material to work with, a better jtne of stationery, eTc., &D- ables us tu do better work thax ever. Work | guaranteed. ~end us your next order, we will appreciate it. : : : : = 5 ——————— IF WE QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE THE MASCOT PRINTING CO., "PHONE 35. hs Z 2 STATESVILLE, N. ing Chas Armfield for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. He is astraight man and doesn’t be- lieve in that “‘bolting’’ idea .that some of his neighbors talk about. Ii all of Wilkes has the same feeling to- wards Mr. Armfield that we have personally, hecan depend on a solid vote up here. Craig’s Most Powerful Aid. Wadesboro Messenger--Intelligencer, Mr. Locke Craiy, of Buncombe, , Must have subsidized the Charlotte | Observer to fight his candidacy for Na Ridge. IU. } the Dmited States Senate. for it is ne receiy- } : ni ted 1 ’ a how|certain that nothing could happen 1\ that would cause genuine Democrats to regard him wlth greater suspi- cion than the support of this paper. Pritehard’s suceessor, Judge Neal Will. Be Yominated Wadesboro Messenger--Intelligencer. ed, next summer, to succeed him elf, «without opposition Anson Mooresville Enterprise. Messrs. Burette W. Brawley and Louis B Rogers have leased the new hore! buiiding and are now en gaged in fitting it up in regulation style for the accommodations of the 1 am | public, traveling men in particular The hotel will be run on wedern style and will be opened for busi ness about the 15th of December. On Christmas nighta banquet will at- tend the formal opening, when the business men will be entertained by the enterprising proprietors The new botel will be known as ‘Tne Commercial Hotel ”’ The Why Of It. Wadesporo Messenger--Intelligencer. The assistant Republican papers ard the corporation organs are try ing to make it appear that the plain. common people of North Carolina are opposed to Judge Walter Clark for Chief Justice, but that what they are pleased to term the Demo cratic machine is preparing to farce his nomination in defiance of them A bige r political lie than this was never i..d “© insinuated. The truth of the uu... is that Judge Clark is preemineutiy the candidate of the common people, for they rec ovnize in him not@nly asincere, but extraordinarily able, champion of the rights, and they will see to it that heis not only vnominated but triumphaxtly elected as well. > Close Voting in Maryland. Baltimore Dispatch, 8th. The supervisors of election at the various Gounties of the State com raenced today at noon the official canvass of the vote cast last -Tues- day, and until it is firished no posi- tive figures can be given as to the complexion of the next Legislature It is probable that the count outside of the city will be completed by to morrow, although ata late hour to night no official reports had been made. It will require twoaaod per- haps three days to coniplere the count in Baltimore city, but enough subject t©]ig known to make it certain, in the absence of the unexpected changes in the unofficial count, that the Dem ocrats will control both branches of one and probably two additional Deieyvates from Baltimore, two from Er WET, Vico Pr-sidem? | Ceci! county, and possibly ove from Caroline, -vhich have heretofore been counted in the Republican col uma. This will giye the Democrats 50 votes in the House, and at least 70 in the Senate, or amajority of 11 Ob j 2¥o2ie ballot. ‘To+returns thus far received show severai unusually closa contests. Lo Caroline, Stevens, Republican, has but one majority over Jerrmon, Democrat. in Carroll, where an evenly divided delegation was cho sen, 22 is the higbest majority for the Republicass. in Cectl the ovals geces-'ui Republican wirs py the rorrow margin of 14 votes, whtle fo Kent the success: i mocratic can Gidate has ou' 5 xs ojority, tae sue ce -s uw Republican out 12, and the two defeated caudida es are tied Ib Somerset the successful Demo erat has but 22 majority. In S:. diary’s 20 votes give the Democrais their lowest Delegate. In Taioox county the only Republican bus a majority of 33, and none of the Dem- ocrats chosen in Baltimore city has to exceed 100 votes to spare. It will thus be seen that the official count may make some radical chaayes in the make up of the lower House, but itis not probable they wiilmaterially affect tbe results Both sides are likely to suffer equally by 1b. ; or will also require the official vote to decide the fate of the State ticket. and the present indications are that neither of the successful candidates will have a najority of over 1.000, the indications pointing to the election of Herio, Democrat, for Comptroller, and Parran, Repub- lican, for clerk of the Court of Ap peals. Strikes a Rich Find. ‘-] was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and ner- vous debility,’’ writes F. J. Green, of Bancaster, N. H. “No remedy helped me until Ibeyan using Elec- tric Bitters, which did me more our:family.”’ If Mr. Craig can manage to have the Qhserver keep up its opposition to him, the chances are that he will be|/andis charying :hat the Democrats|ine fourth and last shot again sene Judge Walter Neal is making ajibe election in 1898. splendid reputation where ever he|can bases are sendin goes Heheld court at Plymouth, ra Washington c:.unty. last week, an? a the bar there under the leadership astonishiag|of Mr. W. D Pruden, one of the ie best known lawyers of eastern Caro- no opium, mor-| Jina, passed resolutions bigbly com- ; plimentory tohim asan aocle and impartial judge. The indicatious now are that Judge Neal will be nomina‘-| body to pay atreution to if. been mentioned in connection with| €¥- Whe is a Son of ex-Judge Merri- the judgeship in the 10th judicia!| mon- district, will not likely have any op- | Ssheville Dispatch, sth. position for the nomination and itis| Great-excitement was created in well that it is so. He is a gentlemans|the central part of the city this exceptionally well fitted for sores |morsing by a shooting affair. Tbe xonsible 2 position and the people} person who did tha shooting was 2 all know it. He served as solicitor | younk girl, Mary Siazle. The victim of his district for several years and| wee Houston Merzimon, assistan! his ability as a lawyer and his up-|easbier of the Blue Ridve National rightness as aman is recognized by | Bank and son of ex Judge James H. the peopie of the district ivrespecs | Merrimon. ive of party. No man in the State| Tke Baily street car had reached ever came out of office spotiessly | the court square at 9 o'clock. In it cleaner than he. Office dues not| were the two persons coneerned. As spoil bim. young Merrimon started from the po a ee 4 Cryisg i‘raud. tSG« effect im the side of the car Ratcigii bcWs an’ Observer When he reached the ground, three Seva'or McComas, the Republican | otker shots were fired. One entered leader in Maryland, is trying to ex- | the lief: arm, splintering it; and the plaia his defeai in the usual manner, | young man partially feil. As be rose, stole the election oy sjiganic frauds sounds like tha peared tn the Rad erpetrating|bim tothe ground. The bullet ev McComa’s whining |tered about the cenrer of the back editorials thatap |aad passed almost through the body val papers after| Tbe iojured young man was carried The Republi-| at once to the Mission Hospital und out broadcast|a number of prominent physicians fraud in the hope cof mak |summoned. He may recover. te sentiment against the} The whole tragedy was enacted in f The pur |afew moments and no one could sis totry to throw a uspicion|reach the girl until she had accom- upon the legality of his election and} piisced her purpose. Chief of Po injure his standing asa Democratic}lice Fullam rushed through the leader, crowd.-and was astonished veyond Bat tbe scheme is to» old for any |expression when the girl,a mere cnild, suid in a clear voice: ‘I sho him. Heruvined me, -and I wacted to ruin him. God told me last nivht Webster's Weekly, to doit.’”’ Even then Chief Fullam When we see the Charlotte Obser | would have turned away, but in her ver aud the rule or-ruin element it | and was a38 calibre blue steel re- represents, bending every energy to| Volver which bore evidence that she defeat some Democrat for the nomi- {spoke the truth. With a steady step nition byassailinghis political integ jand dry eyes she walked to the police rity acdseeking to show that heis |Station with the chief, not once los steries of ing yf ‘ elect ir. Gorman. rc A Mighty Good Sign not ‘oval {e tbe principles|ing ter verve. In fact, the girl ex- and vizition of he party, itis | hited a self-possession that is pas? a mig ood sign tous that hisjall buman understandiog. She will Democracy is of the right stamp |noet be 1d until next month, and in a Kveryoody ought to know what sort | few weeks she will become a mother, of men this slement would nominate | but not once has she shown a trace if they had the power—eorporation | Of nervousness. lawyers, trust apologists, tricksters.| The girl was at osce placed ina Reptblicansia disguise. When they | cell at the police station. and every manifest a willingness to lineup be | thing possible done te make her com hind a good Democrat, itis uet be |fortadle. Apples and o:her eatables cause they want to do kim honor, | bad been taken to her and it is said but nincty nine tines out of a hun |@ number of ladies will fit up the dred they want to use him to punish | Cell in an attractive manner. Sym a faithiul public servant who kas re-| pathy is usually with che girl ia fused to sewrve a hair’s breadth from | Such cases. but in ibis instance the the liae of duty. SyMpathy has been nore pronoun -_o ed, partly because of the tendee ¢ A Horse Learning to Drink Liquor. |of the girl, and partiy because? Greensboro Record, Jopinioo prevails that ske has been People tn Greensboro who know| ery mach wronged by Mervimon. anything about the fire department| ‘he girl lives near the Merrimon kuow Prince, the big gray belonging resigence on French broad avenue, to the Eagle Hose Company. Prince; With ber mother, and~she bas at va eis smart asa briar and jearne apy-|"ieus times been employed to do thing easily \- light work at, Lhe Mer: tmon heme lent careof him, pet and feed him | Pe xiri claims veat “errimon took aud give him apy and everything to advantage of her presence ip tae eat He is large and hefty, so that|40use and enticed her to her rain. along run visdsnim. Ose day an/A™ous those who ested on the vir old horseman told the boys the best 12 Ber cell today was J. G. Merri- way to treat him after a loaw ran | 292. orother of the young man whe was to give him a bigdrink of liquor} “4s 580t. Mr. Merrimon told the —about haifa pint It was tried | rl that he would be glad to be of and while Priace did not relish it ay |Setvice to heriaany way. and would first, it was soon seen that it had q/#!d her in making a bood for her re- good effect on b:m and has been kept SCaSE- Able counsel has deen em- up until now the old fellow looks} Pioyed to defend the girl, cae for itand begs for it after every}, At the hospital the bullets which run toa fire and it has to ba given | Rad entered Mr. Merrimon’s arm tohim. Itis co cheap liquor that 20d back were extracted. The one is used, either, but the very best! Which entered the back was extract rye whiskey. Aftera half pint is) ¢4 from the left breast, it havin vuzzied down he is satisfied aud nev: |lvdged ubder the skin. Late tonight er asks for any more until ae bas|the physicians say tkat Merrimoo beea run tou fire, from which it is| a> an even chance to recover. seen that he is not a oe who, gen: | LATER NEWS cally gh be xetsto [oning Sb] Toe physsians report Houston in town "fire or no fire a -° | Merrimon as resting very well at ’ isle Sasa a the Mission Hospital, and there are No Medal For Roosevelt. = strong hopes of his me Bev ae | The fear is that some particles oi Oe eas | clothing were Carried into the wound The brevetand medal of bonorjand that the lunys are perforated board, of which General McArthur) He has at different times vomited is President, practically has com :bleod and it seems certain that the pleted its work and has adjourned | lungs have been injured to some ex until December Ist. ‘Lhe board has;tenr. Merrimon is said to have toid gone over the papers in all cases in | the physicians just after he was shot volving recommend@ations for bre and when he thought that death vets arising from the war in Cuba, | would be certain, that he guessed Porto Rico, the Philippines and; the girl, Mary Slagle, did righ: in China, including those already sub !shooting him, and that he*did not mitted to the Senate last session. blame ber much His nerve hfs been but subsequently withdrawn. The ;as marked as that of the girl. At recorder of the board new is putting | the suggestion of 2 number of peo these in shape for nomination again! ple the virl was taken to tne home and the list will be read; afewdays of «hief of Police Fuliam. She will after the re opening of Congress ‘soon become a mother. and it was The board has found tha: it is pre eonsidered a vreat pity to leave her vtuded by the conveaingorders fron jn prison, Her mother says she is eensideriog any applications feos. willing to testify that the virl is not medais of boner which have beon ore than 15 years of age. i ' ryon forrgeric cy etic Jay BRAS ae e aes a = pau a “Srint LATER News. eae te ae Re etn When asked for 2 statement re be possivle {2 1h= board to recom ##'ding the condition of Houston mend thea «ard of such a medi! ro “ercim—n to day Dr. EB Glesa President Reoseve!t, forthe Deparn said: “Tshould say thas if there ment acted vdver-o'y in that matter, has been any change at all, itis fur ast year and itis understood that. the better. [ft aofurther complica- the recomierdation will be limired tion, arise his recovery is almost to = brevet. | assured. Mary Slagle, the gir! : who shot Merrimon was today giv en into the custody of the county au ‘thorities and placed in jail. _H-r VThebdoys take ex¢ tae ort eee Wanted To iynch the Negro. New York Dispatch, 8th, car, he sir] fired, but che shov only While shopping in this city today, May Cunningham, a pretty young! girl of Yonkers, was hugged and; kissed by a big negro.on the public; “mother wili be allowed to rem2ia with hera yreater portion of the time. A number of persons wanted the gir! leftin the care of the city. goo’ thaa all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health ‘or years. She much ior aoe ee ee een dior 'This reduces the tariff about 20 per) sessing face.and -nanner. did for female > ; yah oe — od ae RON 'shipperss particularly alovg the line ; went home, remat-<i there a year, for weak, ruo do i ; icine can take its place in: ; : tured and brought. dick. But for other medicine ly reduces the rate-on all products vie ices Geo cookne ae ae Try them. Only 50¢-» ¢+ cotton mills and on lumber, both highway. He was quickly taken in but Mayor Miller, in view of her del- hard by policeman Kirke, who was, icate condition, did not want the attracted tothe spot by the girl's city to have the responsibility. Night screams before last she was taken to the Iv less time than it takes to tell a} home of Chief of Police Fullam, crowd of severa! hundred peunle| rather than tolgave heralone in a were collected and cries of ‘Lynch cell. Yesterday the chief notified the black devil,’ were heard on ev-! the sheriff that he should take her ery side. The policemea made such ia cu * ty. ha* thisthe sheriff de- quick headway, however, that his , clined tado uotil today, when com- man was landed in the station be-| mitment pap-rs were issued. fore the threats were put into exe | cution. ; | overner Aveock last. Thursda He gave his tame as Charles; es Se . y , rdoaed Mark Williams, the young Smith, of Atlanta, Ga , made.no de | Pa Sine 2 a fense of his conduct. and was held eres = eae, Beira ane for a hearing tomorrow oa the! gan eee = EAT nar barge of disorderiy conduct. ; for stealing a or-e@ in Burke county. charge : ; | Williams caile don ihe -G .vernor as One day last week the State Cor- | S000 = pardoned a” expressed his poration Commisston reduc2d the ‘ytatitude, assuring the Governor whole freight tariffon the Seaboard | : és = Air Line. treating it asone system granting the pardon. Williams is sat wiping ou! high rates mbich ‘eGret pardoved_cooigt to, tha prevailed on some parts of it, nota- was much Steal by his prepos- Cc tl , i =f ae s cae bly the Carotina Central railroad Williams once estaped from eh- yenitentiary, cent, and wiil vive great relief to. i of the Carolina Central It special- _ |Satisfaction guaranteed by W* “F-" cr these more than 20 per cont. <jyenee would bave expi : se ay ee ‘ “ye ris ae pees aati Pe , 5 . that the latter woul never regret| supporting his mother, was recap- Raleigh News and Observer oth. 4 ° The pensior ‘arrants will not be iS expected. Dixon expected and t rrants to the t of December Lacy says the vare not suffi payment at this r “Pnt to permit of time. The warrarts = wad are DO have been printed e office of the Stare y will be fled out at on as the Treasury re- Peoups os cass they will be forward ed to the deserving old veterans: =Pre pensious this year willamount $6000 This is the largest sum Kivea by the State to pension Por several years past’ the amount of the State pensions has heen s i like $110,000. The vas provided for by ure, the rate of the ozing increased from ‘> > Vey *n tO twe:ve cents, liter thie nw _ Negroia Her Rooin. Raleigh News and Observer oth. What may bave been an attempt at a most dastardly crime took place ast nicht. finding of a negro in rouny jady. who, ‘op her room at an , her sudden ap i the scoundrel t50k place at the kel, who resides sear Gar- 3© residence ofl Mr. i L Lumsden. Mrs. Stuntkelisa iowand there resides with her three childrea Ose of these, street her daughters Miss as twenty years of ay in her rcem and we evening 2dout$ As she entered the rcom % negro man, who, as she eamed, made a-break for the open :dow. out of which be leaped and ran olf in the darlness. Au alarm was c viven and every elfor to diseover the whereabouts of the intruder, but it was impcssible to. locate kim. The open window through which he es vaped is supposed to have been the place threugb which be entered the room It was 2a bold act wnich ths mitted in enteriny a kh as iy in the wightas he did, and itis possibile that he may _ atrempt the same work at other hémes. It will be well to keep x sharp lookout for the rogue. ero se ee eee Movamping Radical Slanders- Raleigh Newsand Observer. airiotte Ooserver and its “Me T *theStatesville Landmark with the handial of papers that are the echoes of these anti-Democratic ‘ing whenever they wh having discovered’ that Governor Ayecek and his adminis ion and Seassor Simmons have ly constructed a‘*machine”’ to sail Democratic nominations. :sounce that Judge Clark is “for Chief Justice and Hon. Locke Craiy for Senator, and the Landmark adds: “No man except an eastern -man has been appointed to any place of zonsequence unless he had the ap [tbe Simmons machine—and ious few siero men have deen recognized ii any way. The Gov- ernor with allhis fine talk about liberty in rhe campaign last year, seems io be adsolutely domifated and controlled by this element, and in his bestowal of official recognition be has manaved to find only “im peachers’’ and anti-Carr men. His aititude has been so marked that it could not be mistaken.”’ There is not an ordinarly well-in formed man who does not know that there isnot a word or syilable of truth in the Landmark's outrageous slander of the Governor. ~The Stat esville Mascot takes up the appoint meuts made by the Governor and soows by bDaMing tiem that many of them were among the invst earn papers, sneez . 5oua,. provat truth is thas the Governor nas never reroguized the existence of factious tu Loe party, dub bas named the mea ne -housht best fitten re sardless of their attitude on im peachment or position iu the seoa toriai primary. The Mascot speaks the simple truth when it adds: “Phese chirges against Senator simmons aud Governor Aycock are nol original with the Caariot:e Oo rer aod The arnimark. For moaths Busler’s Caucasian and:tbe Bepubtican papers of the State have been filled wih just such stuff Professediy Democratic pap facius than were these “two of a kind’’ before they attack the State organization and State administra tica of the party to which they pro fess allegiance.” ‘This sudden onslaught on ‘the macbine’’ is not accidental » Tower morrow we will show its inspiration and the reasons for its. vivient at- tacks at this time. If any set of mea holding posi- tions of honor, given them vy their party, should seekto distaste the nominations, this paper would ex- pose and denounce such a misuse of the powers conierred. Party organi zation is created to elect the persoas named by the voters of the pariy Whenever it is used in the inrerest of one Democrat ayainst another it is becoming 2 Ganger to party integ- rity and deserves rebuke and repu~ Giation. Modern Surgery Surpassed. ‘While suffering froma. bad case of piles I consvelted a physician who advised meto try a box of DeWitt’, Witch Hazel Salve,’’ says G. F. ‘Carter. Atlanta, Ga “I procured a boxand was entirely cured. De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is asplen- did cure for piles, giving relief in- stanily, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers.” Surgery is un- necessary to cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will cnre any case» Cuts. burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cure est supporters of Ges. Carr for Sen ator and ihat others were sirongly Oppesei io Impzachment. Theft ers should be backed up with more * _ The Republiesns carried Nebraska last week by about 11,000 majority. Wm D. Grant, Atlanta’s richest man, died last Thursda years. ar ways Beedass The Standard Oil Company has declared $48 dividends thus fax this year. Li Hung Chang. the eminent Chi- nese statesman, died in Pekin last Thursday morning. = France kas seized the Turkish customs at Mitylene. Turkey of- fered no resistance. There was-a $50 000 fire at Rich- land. Ga., last Thursday. Most of the business houses were burned. P. J. McGuire, general secretary and treasurer of the Brotherbood of Carpenters. is short over $10,000 in his accounts. : M rs’ Wm. S. Cowies, sister of President Roosevelt. lost 2 diamond brooch worth $5 000 during a recent ‘rip to New England. 5 Burglars blew open the bank vault at Black Roek, Ark.. Thurs. day nivht, and escaped with movey and valnables aggregating $12,000. Chari-ts D. Thompson. supreme finance k--ser of the Knights of Maceabess of Poet Buron, Mich., is short $57,090 in his accounts. He kas confessed. H. Bard Cassel, Republican, has peen elected to Congress from the Tenth Pennsyivania district to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Marriott Brosius, also Re- publican. | Lieutenant Robert T. Crawford, of the First Infantry, a sergeent und five men, while attempting to cross the Balsan river, in Samar,, Phillippines, were drowned last Thugsday, Mrs. E. N. Atwood, daughter ofa Confederate Congressman. killed herself ac Pike’s Peak, Ga., last Thursday. The cause is unknown. daughters. Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, now a convict in the U.S. military prison at Leavenworth, Kan., is to havea ve hearing of his case ia a civil tri- ousal He stole over $1,000,000 of vovernment funds. The Schiey court of inquiry trans- ferred its effects to uptown quarters, where the consultation will be held. Argument was concluded last week. submit Hs report. The postoffieec at Princeton, W. Va., was robbed one nightlast week of $500 in money and stamps. Some toois were taken from a blacksmith shop and Lewis McNutt, an employe of the shop, has been arrested. Three of the Federal convicts who escaped from the prison at Leaven-— worth, Kan.,- were killed. one wounded and five captured unhurt Friday, - Taree more were captured at Topeka, leaving only 15 still at large. The Federal prisoners at Leaven- worth, Kan., mutinied iast Thurs day. The guards were overpowered, their arms taken and thirty desper- ate men made their escape. Three of the guards were shot, one fatally. Aconvict was killed and several wounded. One bandit was killed andanother injured while trying to hold up and rob a gambling house, at Naco, Ariz,last Thursday night. Ellis, the proprietor of the house, shot and killed the leader when the others tied, but not before one of them was wounded. , - One day last week, near Bates cury, S. C., C. W. Sollee, a white farmer, shot and mortally wounded E. L. Asbill, a young lawyer and a member of the South Carolina Leg- islature. Asbill was appearing for a negro client whom Sollee was prosecuting. The Lyceum Theatre, in Atlanta, twas burned one day last week. A performance was being given ewhen the the fire broke out, but the audi- ence was dismissed in time to pre- vent a panic Two firemen were injured. The loss is $75,000, with $45,000 insurance. A balinon escaped from San Fran- cisco. Cal., Saturdav. carrying nine persons with it It was finally landed 50 miles away. with the worst, seared Int of nassengers of anv trip on record The versons were in the hasket when tho balloon broke away and the passengers were involun- tary ones. -Two female nurses atthe insane asylum at Dunning. Ill. have been arrested charged with causing the death of two female patients by withholding food from them. These two particular patients were espec- ialiy obnoxious to the nurses and the nurses hoped to weaken them so that they would besent to the hospital. At Farram, Va. durinza politi- cal meeting Saturday anegro nam ed William Hale took exception to ‘some remarks of a white nan. went buckshot, returned to the place of meeting and tired both barrels into theerowd. A white man was killed and a negro mortatly wounded. Two other white men were seriously and probably fatallv hurt. The negro will be lynched if caught. Frederick Bankert, a half-witted German, entered the homeof Wm. Green, through a second story win dow by means of a rope ladder and shot both Green and his wife. killing them both. He then shot and killed himself. Bankert was released from prison in June, where he bad served five years for attempting to kill Mrs. Green, then Miss Harrison, with whom he was ia Jove, but who rejected his attentions. a She was 2 widow and leaves three. It is not known when the court will, home. got his shotgun loaded with |- Saturday at Amsterdam. N. Y., The most miserable beings in the world are those’suffering from Dys- pepsia and Liver complaint. More than seventy five per cent of the * people in the United States ara af- flicted with these two diseases and their effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costivemess, palpitation of the Keart, heart oura, waterbrash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yel- low skin, coated tonyue and disa- greeable taste in the mouth, coming up Of food after eating, !ow spirits, ete. Go to your dr J yete boitie of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses wili relieve you. Try it Get Green’s Prize Almanac.—W. F. Hall . The Chronicle says that Wash Dockery was accidentally killed near Harley post office, Wilkes County, one night last week while “possum hunting. The boys cu: down a tree and it fell on Dockery. He was about 16 years old. A Physician Testifies, “T bave taken Kodal Dvspensi: Cure and have never used anyti: in my life that did me the i did,”’ says County Phys Geo. W. Scroggs, of Hall county, Ga. “Being a physician I have prescrib- ed itand found it to give the best results.”’ Ifthefood vou eat re- mains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system. Youcan prevent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation. The worst cases quickiy cured. Never fails —Stimson & Anderson. A 13 year old girl named O.xes and 23 16 year-old bey named Brad- shaw, of Raleigh «loped io Durham last Thursday and were married. _ The girl’s father threatens tosue the Register of Deeds for issuing the li- cense. The Children’s Friend. You'll havea eold this winter. Maybe you. have one now. Your children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints Ore Minute Cough Cure never fails. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmiess. ©. B. George, Winchester, Ky., «rites: “Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speax. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. 1t relieved her imme- diately and she wert tosleep Woen _ she awoke next morniig sbe had no sig: % of. hoarseness ur “eroup.?7— Stimson & Anderson. : A little daugbter of J E Vanhoy, an employe of the Wiscasset Mills, at Albemarle, was swinging in a swing made of cotton rope- last Thursdxy when by some meaus she fellfrom the swing, the cope tigat- ening around her neck, chokiag her to death. Noone was with her at the time and she was not missed until sundown, when she was found déad. i _ Reliable and Gentle. “A pill’sa pill,’ says the saw: But there are pilis and pills You want a pill which is certain, tbor- ough and gentie. Musin’t gripe. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers fill :he bill. Purely vegetabie. Do not force but assist the bowels to act. Strenghen and invigorate Smail- and easy totake.—Stimson & Ander son. The U. S Circuit Courtcf Appeals has affirmed a decision of the Fed- eral Court, which orders the sale of about 150,000 acres of land in Dare county. This is practically the en- tire county, except the town of Manteo. The land is heavily timber- ed and is valuable. Job Sculdn’t Have Stood It. If he’d had itching piies. The’re terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve will cure the worst caseof piles on earth. It bas cured thousands. For injuries, paius or bodily eruptionsit’s the best salve in the world, Price 25¢. a box. Cure guaranteed. Soidby W.F. Hail. The Laura Knitting Mill, of Shel- by was burned one night last week. Loss $10,000; insurance 36500. It was a new plant and was filed out with the newest mactinery. I: was owned by C. M. Lattimore aad Or- lando Elam. Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body some- times needs a powerful, dra 2, pur- gative pill! has been exp'od-d; for Dr. King’s New Life Pilis, which . are perfectly harmless, gentiy stim- ulate liver and bowels to expel poi- sonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure cons:ipation ard sick headache. Osly 25c. at~.W. FP. Hall’s drug store. Louis Moore, 2 we!l knowa man- about-town of Charlotte, isis jail charged with bigamy. a hardly breathe. I then trices Ave Cherry Pectoral, and it gave mc im- mediate relief.”” W. C. Layton, Sidell, Ti. _ How wiil your ccugh be tonight? Worse, prob- ably. For it’s first 2 cold, then a cough, then bron- chitis or pneumonia, aed at last- consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this. downward teadency by taking Ayer’s Cherry Pec- toral. aS a Ree acs a a iN fi eS nae OM m7 am ‘ TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. Beors GENERAL NEWS. SLATH NEWS. o hi =a = Z eae SEE MASCC” rhe United Seater opponents fer Sern OE E RI E Senate, a 3, Glenn, of Forsyth, says: “there WEEKLY a : 1? - . tr a ig co ttorney General Gilmer is quite: ©. E. Sapp.collector of int ae sacle a ot i coe sper : fever in Raeigh. reveoue of Rentacky ute L TevVenue storekeep ed io resign on account of vivlatic: § of the civii service laws Le 7 vaste has been fore > : Dns ae with malaria aie = pane sick H. W. Houston, Union county s “wealthiest man, died LuesGay, aged ns St vears. y personalities, oiiter teel- between PUBLISBED be u< ft: : r, . or Wat ft fare No use to hunt tigers with bird-shot. It doesn’t hurt the tiger any and it’s awfully risky for you. has sod] Consumption is a tiger by **! among diseases. It is stealthy we be but once started it rapidly ats up the flesh and destroys he life. No use to go hunting with ordinary food and med- That’s only bird-shot. still advances. Good heavy of Statesvit,|-harges of Scott’s Emulsion iil s the advance. The t and uspileasininess tiese gentlemen-and 1 ys ‘if, i. the proper spirit, aud from » hat eee we know of Hons. LeeS Overs D ine Uuiversity, died a! ind sLocke Craig, tuey will condu t beir campaigns on the same hivh ;Suiurday to a eT i works system, a Sulit Against Fhe state of North Sor ao jhave laced. and Ob! as PP y ve tad OP | ties $22,000 f | Filipinos were killed. : i; Payne & Decker Bros. wood-j eins captured the position of A 4 motion was made today in the | worklug taciory, at Marion, W&S Pilipinos. } T } t: as | a + <n t ' FOR SENATOR-LEE S. OVERMAN, | -upreme Court of the Us d States | Surnea siunday vight. if OF ROWAN ry Wheeler H Peckbum, Exq., of ; ne New-York bar, for leave to file Serator Pritchard’s termin th Se Pee org ae hee af = A vill of complaint on the part of the United States Senate will expit§ | yare of South Dakota looking to the March 4th, 1903, and the Legislature | aie of the Nori Carolina rook the motion under ONE DOLLAR A YEA i | E-q, was at| Statesville Moaday might and Laes- | Ex-Senator Gorinan «ill have no day morning. opposition for the Democratic er cis nomination for Sesatorin Mo ry£ jland, and will be eleeted ector of Customs Dillon, at El her water Pace, Texas, bas bees removed frome EK M. Stevenson, E=q & cffe ov President Roosevelt for vt-' the dwelling occupied olutions of the ety ervice jaws. Nelsou to Jno, Moore. of » Philippines Sxt 2 oe nD will move bee > American marines and 26 an orn The Ameri- H. J. Giaddena the! the W EH. E.liozt depot Cal his home this week or foot. L K. Overcash, i was bere Tuesday. is sure te werk every tas at the new store. Why? Simieis peeouse it aiwvass Goes the work of two Harris, registrar of Chapel Mili MD D S he (A r 6 6B Hoe : me i Will J. Siean came upfrom States- ville Saturday and returned Mondsy aftverugor, — Ley she & Warts. Epiror & Propaieto: luesday. = GIES nee TS a ——_— Bivb Poiat voted $50,000 of bonds | : sy NWO | vane. cum plece Entered at the Pstefl ce at Statecvill. NC second class mail matter. | = *PyONE No. 35. Statesville. N.Cc., Nov. 14, 1901 Covington & Cu,, of Rockiugbam, | Asses $18,0UU; iteout | QUSNIILTY OF QUALITY . ) {LENEss IN PRICE ARE HUNTING For sportsmen who want ti: tyes’. We have che most completeline of Guas2ad Ammanitico ever shown. rday t© : ee moved from air. Wilsep } pr. C.J. Fi surgeon, ae quarters, jocate. G. A- Crit store room Fé & Moses and vashin gten Special to Kaleigh News : moved Monday to server. r2th, coilage neat the a G. W. Flowers is cor fiieg to with i Alabama Mouday ratified the tew , Rosert Capps, @ Mecklenburg! gonstitution by a majority ranging Gounty farmer, was fatally jared) trom 25 000 to 35 000 The sew con- 1b a cotton gin pacurday. | stitation disfranchi-es the ignorant ' 245 } Sac His dusts away z mA gee ae railroad Seuator Pritchard says ee StOy to be elected next vear will elect hi- successor. Thata Democrat will be oressman Pearson will svon get ad} ~ pmo portant loreisu uppointment. he court .dvizement. This suit is breught { ex Con- | negroes—searly all of them \ { 7 tton, two prominent farmers of Jas Ichn Goolsby and Charles Fuller- ‘closed Tuesday nighs. The mectiog atthe Baptist church Mrs Reay-s, Sn } . #hivd isease feels that. Evans Hardware “ompant furniture, pic ader that prevision of the United states Constitutien which permis ne state to sue ano’ her. If the State of South Dakota win- ~suit. cne North Carclinw Railroad Bucti This is “lt cording % th sjarpin sday = i é iy 7 : wserks Ube be i qj [ ct ‘ mcr. iY i EB ai iS Mr. Jas A- I Ae pes B. L. Deiisge = A\4 . * NS and wili move Delinger have Nicbevison s- Harriscen gave two per Gay. dhe crx was & BCCG « Gict was fave Rev. J- Buncombe | per county. Ga., killed each other in SC anecaias d siiod {2 pissol.duel Puesday ino a2 quarrel | ere wud K lied | 2 = ‘ Some ne. > 3 J 9 pang returned Vonc Saturday oe a@ piece © aoa, Sroe’s Emulsion makes the to resist. It Green epples, lumber and tasbaryx 1 ~ Pons 7 et ao r] os | Prof Richard Smith, of Columbia | are peing shipped in quantiuie. from |. octhes iens the lung: Policeman Pace, 6f Salisbury, | Uaiversity, New York, felafrom a) yere—four ¢ jay aad six|45d sys! ; the strength until a ed ifourr tory window of hisresi bre Pole elie ee een . : tied of beacd disease while walting { four h Story % indo x ol his re Ramace Tuesday besides jocal shipments oars itself out nd Uarver shop to be shaved Satur | Tuesday might and was killed The wears 1fS¢ . Lh & Da 2h | S Bs “ 3 ifall is believed to have been acciden A ee eB Oat . Cpe Catawba county sweet pola: | o cron is tine and 1t- will bring to} At Elizabethton. Tenn . Tuesday, ; between $90,000 aad ; Frank Kidwell, aged 23) sber and e 2 killed his sweethenr?, Ada Thomp Jno.G logram bas ; fee ey fson, nged 16 and committed Lensir su ree ibe turee year oid sou of T. J. coe The father of the girl re-| weeks before bird hunting lolar, of Newberan, wes drowned fured to allow Kidwell! to visit her oct Ei 2 filth drowning | ; x iucsday, TS the fitth drowEtny | og che refused to marry him. Both there siuce June. eames up Saturdays vV afternoon, ili Cate, of Fairview, Ounty, acefeutally 2Qub vis sister, Mrs. Laogtord, foregone ce mnclusMi elected is a and already three able and Democrats—Hons. Lee S. Over worth .t . : riybt. Robert B 10, of meom bh 3 : ‘ Nea a ae ee of the preceeds over enough ts ihe Democrat lS Be ; 0 a orn vei of howan; . : ; xa vill be sold at- publte car Vlou syih, and Locke Craig, ef the ficld fer As Senator Simmen lisease Send for free sample. _ - * & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St. N. We oe "soc and $1.co, wil druggists. ere tne mortgyece : | ’ are in j applies paid to the | sf the westert mt R.eA Wilson, from vear town, wb: will soon move here, went to Hicke- ry Tuesday to visit bis sous s pominasation Do yeu wear Clothing ? li so, it is your attention we want, and it seas 2 positive saving of.casb to you. We | ‘ruck it rich this season in our purchases, “ound a manufacturer changing bis busivers od closed out a big let of stuff for Jess than nanufacsurers’ cost. How does a geod owe i2st ¢> All Wool Suit for $5.00 mpress you? Would be cheap at $7 50. Big ly Te a ne Oyercoata, Bats, Shirts, &c.. at prices be ihe ae 1w competition. Come ic sce us, will save ate Reforme ou money. Tne >uprem Very truly, new triai io Sioa i Re from Rando! Sloan Gtothing Co, Ys, from Rando Statesville, N. C. = == will, whicd Court, Mr. and 31 a is an eas'ern man, ocly a westei — allroae, secured OY @ SecoOUd th Democrat will be con In conversations many Ircde!] Democrats id for that able man, clev- sidered. = aweou the States stocs North Carolina Ratlvoad, ~eutbera 1 99 year lease se% 5 wito a2 we find riers 370,000, Tt +t : Prauwa’, ‘e returned for a ier yins. eerie gre : J. SOR diiog, a m-mber of th Fror.da fo: shot and killes his brother in daw, G EL Barley. : pro miner? Yweaithy man, on train 7'ue- near Greenville, Fis The e2rus¢ tragedy is ur kno then dt lature almost sol er gentleman and sturdy Democr=:, Chas P. Matheson was at Lenoii ast week Mins Mathe ick closed ay Tec ae eee ecco eon Miss Ex her A Boliek closed b Sees iat primary school here iast Priday auc 1 ithe government prisen at Leaven Peer ilnn plo Wardin. Gastoi xr . . “aay : 2s} a ‘ . , suay = ‘ rGin asst Wimingten Saturday. © Wes) worth Kan. captured the choriff of county. wh oe ay an Vg "OW t *“* > { ° 2NUNT YY. Wwnere «<* ye ut - iprured, Jealousy wis the cause. i Shawnee county and oneof hig den |); took their arms and Hie school this winter. their APE Saturday, the engineer of the “A tape worm cighteen feet long at fer ihev ot the Legistature { North validate ae Henry Myers. colored, shot and vopon which this suitis new : Ne se Se : crobanly tatatly wounded bis wie , . . a hiod this su) Hon. Lee S. Ove: man, of cur neteh- ioe While each o1 esslan ~ a ; apn ifamilies are prominent. 2 bor county Rowan. Carolina to ' re the the cther ca:didates bas warm ad onds frierds in th: { — + < - ou mirers and staunch ones ' i a county. itis felt bv most 2 nen : : { t ss ry Horrible Crime in Madison County. ] i! ufiesS ; emocrats tne Mir. Uveriman, 0° : s ton vear old negro #irl bamed, utiles Surcay, Demo “_ | Mars? Special to Raleigh News and Onserver . ten year o]d negro ! Nee ,u we i en imisuceeedrda mm ma /Satardayv nieht three of the convicts held up a mannear Man ihatran four- ;teen atlarge and they are a desper regson of his-bdein Eth! Pope shot and kilied her oxeape ) : A nels yor auc dave to! Ra eish b C judicial di jeil ber arged with the & er OF thadiun wheo it was disch poth Vongre oO iS “ aree int a att t i i : owing ber bead off tricts, hi THE Puesday. robhed 2 hero ave still least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This Iam sure has caused my bad health for the past three yeurs. Iam still talking rots, the only cathartic worthy of was killed, the tiremen feat! acd abrakeman series vi Mine ‘Phe Case Is anen Iron MASCOT fhe Poison B fi t Pie switeb enyine Ere = io | : . a - : : ate lot. : vidle. Sutth ts about years .=he ci yoiving 10 acres of | Ing | . i es claims during the campaign whic - and is budly baudit nai DY Hts ei a New York; Pavt notice by xeusible people.” i Si RIKING 1a@lus At g I weand ts badly Daua's : : New re avi Gzo. W. BOWLEs, Baird, Miss. is now opening, county Vndieate for $8 000, be ip every Ww i Bee hai untertupate eirl, tinoa Flem neg w We be hi to }erimenal record iy sui for S: Army. left. Atlanta t ui _ ae ales j valifi for Yhursday faust ine neal oF bas pe ae aon hea Isa 2. a urd » Pay 5 A Village Slack-mith Saved His Li'tie LZ es CANDY ye SBN Pe RUNS Tt a t ‘| y pe Ree pla: Of POE oC = eo bern (Soldiers statioced there ofore Son's Life. SS SB CATHARTIC < f ee ee iA i Sriek: ; ompany. ef Wies on a ~) : BAe ae ee the i. BR. Bleck, the well ii 1g <7 E and that b xia ek Take 4 Mery tren SOs zh’s house among a il < xa to the reinla-< arodha Ohem V¢ : and S+ SO pare yaney Ty x2 OO acksmith at rit Vilic, ro.) - a JE - a} ne ee plo Ins wer | cal Company, the feruhzer trust le he eee eile bed ¢ Nie S25 Oe > , DFO @ ; < : food stains” F . 4 sa ‘ b C -5 eae i ee : Tue Alamance vrand jury bas re-; Pensacola o: aways ‘t Ree On lurs< int } , ‘ th ; big = £as tOUGT aAVOUL «6 quaris Br @ Di Senator of ..ucm the entire t iOvs.e air and reached {Sui liweso ruBiVv. ‘ Lrnalrs sat : D f The new Beauties iv fall dress goods cannot Pn ae : i vaat the inmates ot the coun: isatche! JT A Alexander, a nevro] veen subject to Group. and suo vat b ~ eine x z a turkey- it One a ee SR nc ect erent tee peters See aa ; ; Soe Te ceca ione be told. A full assortmect is here. core Will ye homeare ina had moral condition. jin the governmenr service at Atian- lacks geen Cant 4 See ee .. wili get y hor | = ! ‘ EH s = valise to] many times Tha: be The roll call shows all are present. A = ee erties Dest iget ithe depo: gave bad tae ducioe H, avv Homespuns, 50 and 52 icch wide, for 60 and 702 5 worth 2 dollar govvier. - ted with the theft medici hamberla: x . Mar pine | = 3 Coes any where. bi ; ota Meee os 50 Nrs. Mar Ra-j ct et cieeiaieine ucavy Pebvle Granite Cloth. 38 inch. werth 50c., at soc. Wm. W. vu She was plavir re Fruits of sfcLaurinism seems Fire Granite Cloth, werth fae , going at 66Fc. a at the home ‘ ; Columbia State, and by viv: Fine Broad Cloth, 52 inches wide, for $1.00, worth $1.25. muies north ya CEURS oP Heavy Cheviot Serge, 54 inches, for 31.00 yd. nesday alick have found tha dreaded croup _ : 56 inch Repellants, for 30c. yard Brov. 7 S ee S 56 i S. 2 : es ; ; Se ee yets settled | shcjcest Groceries. 36 inch All wool Flannels and Cashmers for 25c. Houua. E Phere is uo danger ia giving this 29 inch E:derdown for 23c. yard. Ou. A. Se ee eed An Cheviots, Outings, Flannelets and Calico at low price, o her injurious drug and may db r Ladi Men’ . viven as coufideatly to a babe as adies’, Men's Ladies. Men's Knit Uncerwear. un adult. Bor sule by Stimson & \nderson. e : iy) rarer . — hildren’s Pants and Vests. Ladies’ Vests, Pants and Skirts hirts and Drawers, prices right. Call and see before you buy. ot Cost you one Cent to look. so come and see. uoty, id have takeo ft the winlee. Sieveuson = would De Cvt work. The Iredeil these To save them-elves, , Dus deen sold toa the ly the siiver was inthe /ticcle son. five Veaurs « some . et £ © abDoove Lhe bweuce. xf the hill the —a worthy successes ae r head ana of the lamented Vance. Si wearieg apparel The bedy oithe unfortunate been discovered who carried Stevens -ould cr o n ~ we In his young manbood Mr. Over Gov as bot yel eroors Vanceand and wes Ose the North C: , but 3$ was Pleasant. ie. Potent. Taste Good. Bo Good. Never Sicken. Weaken. or Gripe. We. 25¢, De. «. CURE CORSTIPATION. Sterliag Remedy Compary, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 313 Phe judge has ordered an investiga man was private secretary to has bx ted charg and u;: Jarvis of tt shurg s lies Sos , ee Peet - of A white girl named Pool, irelinan | UeleLae 7 HO-TO-BAG ps CURE reve Bate Wea hare vo nave ia - . , —I> > <o — president of was killed at West me i sa c k F - na s e na ea e ihe me trequent a YiIDViIns . waitssoive ts allewed ty teve of ihe crini SMitG asset pe nc oe ifora < = Railroad for a oe 5 . ; a ner sgun Woen member of five Legislatures, in vith heria nae Sai ; \ upy 5 appear a fallstock of the ' While ceeasion offers let % 2 ' t | shave a . revonue officer, who | laugh! WG Freier, OFC _ the Dilisboro | Statement issued by Collector Koes- lanation and justification f Georze Wash bis first discharged. of which he was a leader ard in ty is e has most im-|Cearges the ‘ Le seal * Nise: sUrse, 1¢ a premineot man of toast commen tus Price at TV. A crime of this sort is exceed in September, 1899, was tried in the ter im ex ingly unusual in at Ashbevitlelast week ; 0! bis ape of Levislatures bas had more influence | possibly bas never cecurred belure jington M ay. black, as Search for the bedy of tae untor! Roa ofl Canbeciaud SS = eTeene or unate virl still continues and ths ES ereetage! ieee ance vice itisunitkeiy that the Case ¢ . [good people of Spring Creek are ve |Covaty, was run over DY © te ,.. | voke hilarity from these who have hand- ry much wrough up over the crime st ihe Fayetteville fair Sarurcay ; been expecting t the results of ry a id rendered unconscious fora time, ' Mclaurisism « Je better than , OULLO ev lation jmus1 the Speaker, that he During the whu wad vx Ditwi ive leu medical trea Priday improve i by pressed the State 7 decades just past no member vf our : let ous 3 agers of say to the “The Mascot” that we want your trade. We have every facility for Going business We have the best goods that money can buy. We have a number of salesisen who are ever ready to wait on you to voursatisfaction. ~ Se see us and we N. B. Millis & Company. will do you good Wanted: Purkeys, Chickens, But- er, Eges, Partridges, Geese this county a deral Court nd acquitted 7 i - a c or used it more for the good of tb State than th Distinguished and is favorite son of old SCollector Koester, of Souta © 2a, bas appvinted ex Couygressma Geo W Murray, a negro. as Geputs collector for the eastern pari of tix Sate ato salary of $1,500, Mrs. Eiiea Gay irom ib West Exaavd Benr the xt Mr Pew Wis Vacalea by 4 Fou'S Pawan Rowan. — some in person, friendly: and mag- Ciel ae SS betic in manner, with resourceful ind and character as pure and irre areacha- ble as a@ geod weman’s, a Democrat in whom there is no guile, Lee Overman deserves to be Senator, and his friends believe he will be. —_— eo OO j but recovered. tits opti an able ana yut recovere fits moti | w life and ves und met : mak T. S. Cheek. of Alamance county, /ery bedy else the Yours very truly, ‘this wife and two children lastjssem very, very funny. : and eloped with his wife’s| Here among tbe fi ‘st fruits of the McCulloch, to parts|new tree of white Republicanisin— : lor Commercial Democracy. if you {will pave it so—is one of the ns oin Mr, sherril! and Miss Elliott Get Mir vied. Raleigh News and Observer, 12th Hs “T have used Chamverlain’s Colic holera and Diagrhoea Remedy anc findit to be a great medicine,”’ sas S Phipps. of Poteau, Ark. °1 political red we of oloody flux. [ canoe “regulon | soeak co highly of it Phis rem holders! | dy always wins the good opinion faces that are |i/ vot prise, of those who use i! the minister pro Editor Joon ©. Tipton, of the Lin-| “orn by certain white men hereto Phe quick cures which it effects eve Courtis for the purpose of forcing nounced them—Miss Pearl Elson eoiuton Journal and H. 5. Robinson, | fore Dy moacrats, but iLlings to rept oe ae incon Se mapa eo = . oo } a ane ee and ir. C. starvin Sherrili—hus »merebant cf Lincolnton, became cvive anew lyhbt oa balions!) favorite every" here. or sale D: this State to seli the North Caronna | pond and wife. -neavedinan altercation last Thurs |cies..to be “libera!”” and “progress | >t!mson & Anderson Railroad te pay off the bonds of the! yijss Exiiot, it will be recalled was |4iy. and Tipton shot at Robinson, |ive,”’ in consideration of oftice—im Western North Carolina Railroad. |! eoutat Peace tutitute. Mr. © G ugine their ch: countenare The State cf South Dakota is being O. Sher Washi & % WU. ~ister, Alma unknown. “Miss Mei beep in Dad f ivil 2ue>uay WINTER TIME IS HEE Lazenby DB securea au Chzuriotte in horary bur lowest bicad the rew Len cbhureh, eo Mrs. Janu y ’ Miss Peari Hiliowt is new Sirs. C M. Sheriil. The romance of the frustrated el Phe romance o: tue [rustrateu elop ; : 8 WN ee c ment attempted in Raley on Octo A student of Trit Wy Sera a f per 27 bas had the tials of tke wed | Durbkam, bas amid case of vartoloiG. | Carolina. a vers ck in Ail precuurions bave been takea,| paryress. cre ef the mesi - ae : .| ding : Set ct =f The suit Drought by the State ci the veils did not but twe | and bo Tear of sb spread of tne dis- fot office seekers and «fice South Dakota avainst the State of} hearts ave Is entertaloec. | Conceive were Inade bappy at Salisbury North Carolina in the U. S. Supreme j last might wheo black est of negro politic South | & a Sells. ‘ ring, the long and you will be looking for the necessary things to keep vourself warm and comfortable. We have them Fresh line of poli AnG all kinds of good country produce which we pay byvbest cash prices Newel! C Rathbun, who was su; kosed to have been Gead rn a Jette: scuville, Ind . hotel. Jast Thursday I failen fee wees a Sepwe oc orge Mary Dicvie, ihe Asheville Zits, | an Murray Qeepy black. ' tale ; } } | sasQier ol takes Tir used by the bond holders, as as the | tu { |M. Sherrill, son of Mr. M | e Livrariaa, is } a } but missed him, | } 1 sbo shot young Merrimen, ber se ae : Nee the Bank of H cxor,. Ou United States constitution does not} Wall Saar edwe ali air week! Vici Shor permit a State te be sued except by | rili secured a bere 1iCeDse fur bis Cetover : ducer, bas beea taken from the jail o the residence of ihe chief of police. she wil Decome a Meither, soon as they read thar G t i high seat in the Koester svysugowue Lif they go in pow as deputy collee liorsihey will have to serve with th jpecutar representative of that black was arrested ia Lovisville. Tuesday \evording to Rathoun the corps iich was shivped to Little Rec: oer ourial was the woody of W. L Te Mr. D ©. Rufty, the veter- an salesman, is now with us and will be piease to see all Ladies’ - Dress - Goods. A beautiful wool Flannel, yard wide, for 25¢ ; 40 inch al! wool for nelywoorhy pecied here Deizer | ae from Dalton ! a aa : INarilave to Miss Eiliort, d-clarioy 50c ; 54 inch very heavy for 75e Big stock of iadies’, men’s avd children’s Underwear price from 23¢ for a heavy Cotton Flanuaet to $1.00 Wright’s Health Underwear. COOPER & GILL, 34.600 insuvance on bis fife, but thu 7 he ie ae ‘killed the a zs b GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. Elkin Flannels, Jeans and Blankets. died in the Jeffersonville betel, > S es : a}} ed in the Jeffersonville bot We are agents for this line and caa save you money on it. 2 on us for bargains. Our Millinery Department Mrs. Katy Gill Coffey is another State. These bonds, whose his friends, her se eluhteea years old. : : payment are now sou,zht to be forc- | Ber ty be elzhtees years ola. aie - Wi che! Bociciat j Gut the Vigllavce OL rresiacn rere issu the Legislatur : Le ec, were } : €a Oy the ; “Ss Stature: Dinwiddie, of Peace, and Mrs. E of 1868. professedly to aid the ‘itott, Whom her dougzhter was tern North Carona Railroad. but! ing et the Yoroorovusa were stolen and squandered by the |I#¥ the Pair, irustraica the pians ol . [the covers. Miss rot thieves who then charee: | Of soe ee : aes Sas ; ane : : fmontbs of being the ueCessary elo North Carolina. The State has long teen years, and Sy ee and *| persuaded to furezgo matrimony for H 1 x fraudulent bonds tis not thought | ha: day. 4G : : ey a b x se Tvis peace | Nie E iot left for Hickory. as| ves te bave been hanged ai Winton, ot eas na tae Ses = Mrs. Biiiot | lexory, as . eat tea 3 that the suit will be serious, but the l@id Mr. Sherrill, while Miss Eluott | Hertford county, Mouday for mur te ~ of 2 I: ~ tay Rerren-er et iechotered eats rapa 7 x # mic 7 «2 that >}. oulcome of w!awsuitis always ua i went back to Peace Ivstitute, it ve fuer ii Is claimed that wew evi | the marringe | deucein Vaughan s favor bas been Giscovered, Chere is bo Change ie Merrimva’s Eyke The police say Rathbun bz confessed to desertion from tb Unived States army and 10 havin: ormed a plan to fraudulently collec Republicanisms they protested against. ae been visitin L. Linyie. Jno. Waik lirium trem nouuced ana in the jai: si effects of iv ing Ubis wed County s ex The Sout round trip count of the Western N next week f ou saie Nov turn until J Statesvil tailor. J. Ge paition. A little daughter of Dr. Taylor, of the Morganton State Huspival, Was oadiy burved Tuesday. In putting out tue fice the motber of the iitile lacked six }oort bad her bands badiy burned. Phe iitiue girl will recover. Gov tnor Beckham t> Governor Dur- bin visit Wes- House vur- = : . : 5 Frankfort, Ky,, Dispatch, rth. LBickham tonight sd ep Naan age i es Eater ernie col CRORE NO CORB OS TIO On To remove a troublesome corn © diana. a letter replying to the criti : : 2 punion: First soak the corn or bun cism by that execucive of the courts ton in warm water to soften it. the: and « fBcials of Kentuc ky in his re Soicc it a »ywnas closely He possibl CRresshante cent Jettter refusing to honor the noun deakcaeeeioodincd appl COOPER?& GILL requisit'ou for Taylor and Fiolev.|cpamberlata’s Pain Balm twice : ranted for alleged complicity in the] 7. arate a 3 .— ane COMMENTS OF THE WEEX. assassination of Governor Goebel. daily, rubbing ines, for fv: | atiproduce im good demand. gee : : minutes at each application. A cor: BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. He severely arraigns Governor Dur |, ster should be wore for a feu | cabbage. per bo. bin,for his refusal. charging that in|" ~~ : + - “0S | Extra flour—sack Gone so he violate I ake th e: ffi jays, to protect it from the shoe | Family * sack. te ort the, Cancion of an | Oo a meneral liniment: for) sprain~ © support the Consiitution of the! o-uises, lameness aod rheumatism | “ United Siu'es,and that be became Boa Governor bad Ny ; STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET Governor Ayc ck bas respited F Audrew Vavugbsn ior 30 days ayo repudiated these sit is complete and prices are the lowest. in charge of this department. Yours for Bargains, Poston Bros. Centre St., Statesville. N. C- a Certain, and it is well for the people jay ander stecd that ofthe State that the Democratic | was postponed till text summ r bu party is again in charge of her aff , Bvt sy it proved airs, for n0 Democratic Legislature | ¥°S*©'3y D. will ever appropriate a dollar of the syd E SALESMEN : Larry C Lawrence. Jas. R. Hill. bd 2 jd boy who claim President Kiigo, of irinity + olf tuok In a lob of the people of Wiimington. Receouly be A fifteen year < X 5 ed ww be 2 son of Meal- -bolted—44 Ibs. per bushel... . unbolted, 48 Ibs ** a s new . For sal. Corn—oid—s6ibs. per bushel... . Hiliott, the came. It is that President Diusiddie bed 2 v's father, Pp 1H Pain Balm is unequaled. people's money to pay these bonds. The Supreme Court of the United States will doubtless dismiss the case. In the meantime Governor Aycock will fight it with all the power of the State and every patri- otic citizen will hold up his hands. te Recently President Roosevelt. at the instauce of Senator McLaurin, appointed a ‘“‘commercial’’ named Koester collector of Internal revenue for the district of South Carolina. Last week Collector Koester ap pointed as bis first deputy, with jur isdiction over the entire eastern part of the State, the notorious negro, G, W. Murray, a coal-black ex Con- gressman and the most offensive ne gro inthe entire State. When Mc Laurin was securing his ‘mess of pottage”’ in the way of Federal o/- fices for his sell-out of the Demoera- cy of his State, it was heralded far and wide that only white men would be given cffice in that State, but the very first appointment made by the “commercial”’ collector of internal revenue isa notorious negro to an important position—a position in which the negro deputy will come into close contact with white peo- pie. The moral of.all this to South- ern white men is: Stick to the Democratic party and have nothing to do with *‘commercials”’ and other ; Written tin if was best that tit ‘should come and valk with Jiiss Pear hover the waiter. Yr. Etitott came, talk2d with bis dauyoter, hed her to take digner with him at the Yarborvuyhn aud yesterday afternoon left for salis bury with her. Two rumors were in Circulation sbout the departure. Ove that Mr. E.:tutt bad tlitty said lbere should oe no Merriave Lill next summer; second, ihat the mar- Tiage Couid ‘uke piace in Salisbury last night on the way home. Giuvassed bhat ci y for a paper, curectipy $150 trum. each subscri Der, bub nu papers Dave Cume to them yet. Frank Ellis, colored. was injured ina saw mul at Bear Pop iar, Rowan county, fLuesday, He vol loonear the saw aud the right side of bis face was Cut open. Tne pain Gaus: d bim to fail lorward on thesuw aud a Dand was cut off anda gesh made in bis body. He will proowodly die. l. W. Laughter, a revenue store- keeper ana yvauyer, of Henderson county, was cupviered in the Peder al Court at Asheville Of permiiting the removal oi liquor from the Cis iern room of adistiiery. He is io jail availing sentence. He is a prominent Republican and a big cfiort is being made to get the judge to let bim off. i NE eee Later News From ‘The Maryland Elec- tion. . Baltimore Dispatch, 8k. Almost complete judicial returns show that Joshua W. Hering, Demo eratic State Controller, hasbeen re elected by a plurality of 458 votes over Herman S Platt, Repunbiican, has been elected clerk of the Ceurt of Appeals by a plurality of 1,258 over J. Frank Turner, the Demo cratic incumbent. Tn the counties Mtr. Turner had a plerality of 2 508) but was defeated in the city. The Hei: 20 } Sayra)) recy ty al Se ees the | them baving wn ear cut off. They . “| were Carried to a boarding bouseand In a negro house of ili fame in , Greensboro Saturday night two ne yroes and two white men got intoa row. Oueof the negroes was shot in the breast and arm. Both of the white weno were badly cut, one of badiy }. “a party afier the fact to the most Infemeous crime iv the bistory of this State, the ed biocded and dastard ly mourder of an eminent aud dis tinguished citizen of Kentucky.” ine Keatucky executive aiso charges that Governor, Durbin’s ae- tron jp retusin,, was the result of a voiitical bargain made “before his election tocfic: und characterizes bis charges nvainsi the courts and officials of Kentucky as slanderous una inexcusabie m'srenresentations. He takes ihe stand that a Gover- norcfa Stete has pro discretionary powers, but only mibis'eriai power, in the koncring of a fevally drawn requisition from another Srate, and this is taken as icdicarion that steps wiilshortiy be taken in the courts to compe! Durbin by manda- meus io hevor the requisitions. If sucb proccedivys sbuiv be instituted they will be in the courts of Iadiana aud taken op appea! to the Supreme Court. <r e Mills & Ailtsoe cizim io be lead ers and not folluwers. See vbeir ad. Sicoo & Muller seil Cresett’s shoes for coumtort, styi@uud wear. Peston Bros. sey winter is com- House, by @ majority of fourin place| ioc. not been able to leave tbeir of Stevens, Republican who was re- ee ah ported yesterdzy to have been elec Cotaaeemna: a ted by a majirity of ove This, Hon. Geo Rountree, of Wilmiog- however, is counterbalanced in Ken |ton, referee in the suit of the widow county by the election to the House of ihe late Chiet Justice Fareloth, of Kendall. Republican. by a major-|}to recover from the estaie $18 000! ity of 31 over Johnson, D-mvcrais aod interest forabuut 20 years on} heretofore reported elected by a ma | Same. took final depositions in the jority of five. The cfficial count: caseat Goldsovoro, says the Argus. ' tug and they can fit you cutfer it. Barron & Nicholscn *:eil of the weriis of Pratts food, A. L. Watts, clerk cf alexander Superior ccurt gives a notice to non residents. Then your liver isn’t acting in the counties gives the Democrats} Fhe above amount was maiden moa- 48 member~in the House, and Re- ey of vrs. Faircloia, which her lare well. You suffer from bilious- dy Stimson & Anderson. RF. Brooks, a farmer of Boiiva: county, Miss.. Saturday shot anc killed Jack Moore, a nezro, who hac seen convicied of killing Brooks son and given a three-year peniten tary sentence. The shvoting oc correu on the train while the priso- uer was being taken to the Share farm. Crazed over the supposed perfidy ofher lover, Miss Helen Hutton, of Decatur. Ala., shot kilied ~ her- self Suturday She was 79 bavi deeb Inarried the Sunday ociore, Sut ber iover Gd tet appear. and Coumber.ain’s Stomaen and Liyer Redlets cure biliousness, conustipa tiogund headache. hey are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sal2 by Stiuwson & Auderson. North Carolina In tne Alexander County.f Superior Court. M. G- smith, administratrix of } Rebecca Snrith, deceased, AGAINST I. N. Smith, Gaston “mith. Dor- + cas Mcintosh, ©. P. McIntosh. { hva Lackey, JA Lackey, KE. P. Smith and M. E, smith, j The defendants, LN. smith, Gaston Smith Dorcas Mclutosi. G. P, Mcintosh and E, BP Smith, wil! take notice that an action entitled asabove has been Commenced in tn- Superior court for fiuai scitlement of the estate of Kebec- ca >mith. deceas.d, and the defendants will further lake notice that they are Tequired to ap. pear at ine office of the clerk of the Superior courte: alexander covnty, N.C. on saturday, the 21~. tay of December. 1991, and auswe: or Gesu. «the complaint in said action or the Plainii:ts will apply for the retief dem sndea in said ¢ mplaint ~L Wares, Thi. .ov. 6th, rg0r Clerk superior Court. NOTICE, ~aie Of Prope: iy. RAY Vint Bota lecree ofthe opsrior Court A new Yats—32 lbs, wife cn? lla Péas—clay. ... 2.2 22s cee = snied i oe Potatoes—Irisk. 2... 2.2.2... ee Sweets ee Onions—select, per bushel . Lard—N.C Tallow ..... Beeswax. ~~. Hens—per b Roosters per Hb... .. Lk. chicken—Spring—small—per b “ w large os furkeys—per PB... 2... Ducks an ojo gai No rw hem weanes peach. oo) ine seese Butter—Choi F a we oe sl ~ se eee rey Honey—st rained, per Bb. “ comb, per Ib . OVC i eaieiiot nee Feathers—new ..... Hides—dry, per Bb... . ee green ** Weool—washed elie s—dried—quarters, bright “bright sliced. 2... fancy bright sliced. . extra iu “ “ green—per bushel . 2 Peaches—peeled, bright. . i od fancy. . extra. . Racon—Hog round, per b. . “ % 7% ee » Shoulders . mite STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, X. ¢. Nov 14 490I1,9 a, m. strict Good Middling. 2... 00. ood “Middling . Middling 2. Cinges ay Stains Wanted good sober Blacksmith and Horse Sh. Can get a good job by addresss. ae P.O. ROX, 298, Statesville. N.C, BR I A BR D na r nu a8 , 7 28 p. wf ars EY M. K. FN IN, K. STEELE, EUGFNE MORRISON, Sec. & Tre President. Vice Pres. Statesville Loan & Trust Company, STATESVILLE, N. C. CAPITAL, $25,000. . a OIRECTORS; M. K. Steele, Eugene Morrison. Dr. W J Hill. J H. Wycoff,C. M. Steele, *- Alspaugh, E. Clark, A. B. Saunders, D. M. Ausley. This Company transacts a general banking besiness. Reccives money on deposit ~heck. makes collections issues drafts. certificates of deposits, etc. We solicit the | ‘orporations, firms and individuate. We shal! be pleased to hear from those contem)! ng changes. or opening new accounts. All business intrusted to us will receive prompt ul attention with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and prudent baking. No accounts too small to receive courteous welcome. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Three per cent. allowed on Saving Deposits. compounding quarterly on amount~of * *eposits of 25 cents and over may be wade in this department daily during bu> E TRUST DEPARTMENT— juardian and Receiver. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT—Policies written in first class fire insurance companies LOST DOG His name was Jack. Stolen last Christmas and can t get pack. White setter, medium sixe, black spot on back and o%e left eve. Those knowing the value of a wel] trained dog return to my office and received reward. Great Guns. Are the Martins Repeating Shot Guns, $24 00. ceived anew lot. Also a complete line of she! repairs. Call and examine my stock. W. H. COFFEY. =< € are authorized to act as Trustee, Acn: —— Just re 1s aod gon uet. 24, 1901, has op2aed Harrison's in charge Fannie O-% will work i Superini Mascor to mitteemen that the co all schools far the re Opened sho} ¥O.W New Hope ton and Grove; J Harpe, of dy, of Dav of Barring appointed in the inte Cards b marriage qd Gastonia, of Newber in Newbe was forme Bros., of s business, many of o Deputy brought ¢ day. The istrate V: dachurch Walter Pz Sam Mayt Saot in th ave bon G court, of Iredeut counin, made in she special ceeding cintiled & as Maller! adininistra: aa against J. A. McNeciy and others, the under. signed, ascommissioner, will on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, t901, at 12 o'clock, m., exposetosale to th i pe ee os ; = the court bonser oe atesville. N. c., the tollowing described estate, to-wit: . a One town lot, known as lot No.7. in block N oz adjoining the land of Alfred eee on so , Kastend Dan Lipe on the West, fronting ou Armfic.d stleet. as mapped out and platted upon TOBACCO the map 0} th- property of ~ 7 , velopment iconmpee Ce eitateseitel De- Important Notice. LU PERSONS indebtedtothe esate of W. F. Weston. deceased, by note and mortgage are notified that their mortgages are now due and ure reqnested to make immediate payment} ~ and save costs, Respectfully, J. H. WESTON, Administrator. allies of the Republican party. SEs a We notice the Wimington Dis patch suggests George Rountree, E-q., of Wilmington, for associate justice of the Supreme Court. We Go not know that the suggestion is authorized, cr that Mr. Rountree wiil be a candidate, but the Sta'e has no abler lawyer, mace penot ele he iL be two Repre tern Nort in Salisbu under the ling Mi 0°2. rep vilie Fi dent. and Secretary ness, constipation. Ayer’s Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. ana25Sciets. Want your mowhache or beard a beautiful brown or rich binck? Then use BUCKINGHAR?S DYE higiars ) SO CTS. OF DrurceTs. oF RP. Malt & Co). NABHLA, NH. pudlicans 29 This would enanl husdand was given charge of, and the Democrats to organize the nouse for which sbe ciaimsnhe did not make evenif the official count in Balri- sufficient returns in bis will, h-nce more city should show tbat the Re she dissented from the wiil aad is nobtieans had elected asolid delega :suing the estate for her original tion of 18 members, wh chisimprobd ; mousey an? interest. a- ahve. able. {ne todications are that; : three Democrats bave been elected When you fect :aat lie is bardly . delegates from Emer Cit eee peor _tbe eardie take a Se of and SMOKE All Grades of atthe. rate at Swhich the official Chamberlain’> svomich “an iver Y nn = athe count is eee oe “probaly, Paniets. . They, will cleanse vour : Tus toth day of Uctober, 190. oot Meaways Coffins, Caskets and Robes. Meeting VS at least before a stomach, tine"up ‘your liver aod reg- 7 : — a <n sa saoes ena _. ) Commissioner HO.- r . : i charge of body and embalm or prepare it for bare On Decer UNDERTAKING. November 7th, rgor. a and ee ie : Lic aera elk dic men § “Ma: oe ttend in town or country at a reasonable charge. 4 a exchancve : ed iF il / aie Jods. rn kets. D. M. Aust EY em plating mak- n't get back. ak and over trained dog ie LUCA. — ae ‘< worth 7 25 here today. Cotton © : cs B Webb, of Statesville, | heen appointed a railway mai) nas Pa clerk. _ ~ ; <mith, of Eagle Mills town 7. 2 position in Cooper & ill’ oecery 2rore. “hissy ad Hatcher, grard Jecturer o! = nic order. is here tustruet ve the Statesville lode, we ? > F. Wilson avd family hav from burbpers6burg to town . Wilson is @ goed citizen, Fleming, the veterinary pr. C.J head oeaG who made this his - ors, bas gone to Durham to yee . lovate G A. Critcher has rented the tore reow recvotly used by Meyei &} ses upd will putin a stock ol turpiture, picture frames, erc. wis is “lndian Summer.”’ ac ieee the weather-wise. St % sday which was Tuesda: esi cs tue Ceyioning of Indian sum ihe vir. Jas A. Booth has rented th: p. L. Deiinger house on Ev'ly =1 and Wilt move int 3. CF ane ; i Delinger have iscVed tOn GF. VW. ce. Nicuvison Ss. Harrison feos minstrel show gave two pel c: Larces bere jester wav. ibe er wa ib tte aiternoon eccd Cte aLathe yeruerai Vver- «b:e to theshow. Wis a Gict Was lave: is visiting Mes. “as here Several days this week, ty, came do [Ves. hor aeme noon, for Wilmington on Kui or business. . for vit Viiss Martin, of White. Vary Davids »n; Vey vv. Lee K Lazenby, of Marion. W. J. Sloan spent Sunday x vith home tlolks in Taylorsville Mrs Ee: Dealof Alexrader coun. vo Monday to visit rela- ie Ward re? in Salisbury “Miss Hatt urned to ber Sunday after J. L Gwaltney, Esq., of Taylors- ville, was here this week on legal, business. Capt. P. C. Carlton left yesterday Mrs T. D. Rufty left yesterday her home ia Bot S aSant Visit Springs after a here. Miss Minnie Robb, of Concord township, wentto Salisbury Tues- day to visit friends. CERES oo) SEG es Mr. A. D. Parks left fuesday for > si 4 . J. Mecklenburye county OG DUS MESS. | Bou an chtoE rs. Parks acco:cpauted him V ct : A se al meet fi) ite ob Bae fiev. and Mr t ) Stimpsca tue abududar Dies ut Seas C } = : | ; s } jakdsor r c , t ate Reformed Presbyterian Synod | te4sOn, & “s t byte a lnume in Meckleabury Slouday i fue >upreme Court bas granted u s ; oe su t mo Ila N m irr ral rate yr a 1eSe | t in the Worth wiil case air. N. ry. buustall returned 2ues | 2 t As le , > Inv from 2 brief visit to bis dauvbt-! Randoiph.. B. F. Lung, Esq , | 4% trom a Oriel Dow 50 SIS Ca 1g : re. Mrs. Clement Dowd, in Charlotte. vas ope of Ube artorneys for tbe | &h: MES. Clement Dowd, iu Unarlotte. | Ww hica Wee im the Superior Mrs. Leuis Clarke and son | C who have been i tlania for some | and Mrs. (oF dLEVE af weeks areexpecied home tals Week. | 2 : i : Ce t roa uu cCOoneve Lot as retura Virlles wudgg lor Airs. | Steveused > CUUVCuicuTc?e bv UL ’ sunVenlient to ber scrovul | Tne Iredeil Blues will have a tar | iut | | 1 i ! { | 1 ! pracliGe Saturday aiteruboou ey ibe one Mekluy the dest | Reotee feta Bly LL > the next} De: Sop db lurbey Gul Lol a Diz gY rs. Mary Stevenson and dir. Wim. Ww Umibibvs Were ,tWmarricd at »home of lhe Oride abvoullwu mies Dorth of Sturesyiuie last Wed nesuay afternuun by Key. W. . Bb: Hou. A. Leazar, of Mooresville, Whe iad “ni Lae Biltinyoty dus Dilu. ive Leu Gays OF Mvre Under dical treatment weul Ouine bust | Friday alleruvon. He was muco] ppsey " idy Hisstiay here. | irs. iiea bazen vy moved AJon- | dé rom toe Anecersto DuUuse OO | \ Lavenue lu ber pew bome| giaucd schecol Bear tl vuln; Mr Peus Wii Mauve lalo the Eeuse Vaculed by Sits. Lazenby at cuce, MeFEiwee, who has tor wiss Mamie beeb lh Dad Healto sume Lite, elt 2ucsaGay tor Baitimure, wiaere she Wili yu latua Guspitar lor tical Meot Her oruother, sir. ws Wee | Eiwee west with ber as far as Salis: | buay. Lazenby Bros., of this piace, have secured auolker big CuLracl Coarictte in addition to the Carnegie if} horacy buuding. bey were ibe lowest Didders tur ipe erecliva Ot! } a 1 ups | the new Lenth Srreetv Presvycerlan | burch, Mrs. Jane Lingie, of ihyativa Dei: noorhued, Rowan couniy, luer pecied here tuday Lo Visit “4 Setzer. wars. Lingle 1s op from Dalton, Ga., where been Visiting ber son, Kev. her Way she Das} Waiter | L. Lingte. Jno. Walker, whose attack of de lirium tremeus some Werks dg Wa policed ana why Buc Oeeu Cv! iD Ube Jali since shen, died [rum vbe effects of long years of liquut (rina i “ i » the | MF ing lbis week aud was buried ab tbe] Cuunty’s expease. The Southern Railway will seil| round trip tickets to Gastoulaol ac- count of the annual Western North Carolina Vouterence next week for $5 +o on saie November 18 21 good tor re turn until November 3Uch. meelluy of tie Lickets Wii oe | | } | | | | ! i Statesville sow bas a merchant] tailor. J. E. Wilson, of High Point, has opzavd a shop in a room over} Harrison’sstore. A. J. Wilson is in charge tor the present. Faunie Osvorne, late of Hight Poinc | will work in tbe establishment. ' | i ! Superintendent Butler wishes THE >chool com the count Mascot to remind tke mitteemen throughat that the county be? d Ga> orcer ii th Loves all schools to open t's far the reports from those a" | cpened show a good atte: Ce, M O. Williams and BR ft.. Reid, of New Hope township; J. B Temple- ton and Lee Mitchell, of Union Grove: J V. Baggarly and L F Harpe, of Eagle stills; 4 L; Kenne dy. of Daviéson. and G. R of Barringer. have all recently 9een appointed storekeepers and gousvers | the internal revenue servic | Miller, ir issued for the L Craig, Cards bave been marriage of Mr. Thomas Gastonia, and Miss Jennie xf Newhern, which will be solemized in Newberr on the 26th. Mr. Craig was formerly a partner of Henkel Bros., of Statesville, in the livery business, and is favorably known to many of our people. Deputy Sheriff J. M. Deat brought three ne ‘roves to jail yester day. They were committed by Mag- istrate Voils for an affray at Bethes dachurch. There were four of them Walter Paterson, Jno., Clarence and Sam Meybew Walter Patterson got Watson, 1 snot in the rucu-, Sam a hew gave bond for his appearance 2! Court, Representatives of fifteen Wes tern North Carolina flour mills met in Salisbury Saturday and organized under the name of the North Care lina Millers’ Asscciation, R. E None. representative of the States ville Flour Mills, was elected pres: dent, and J. F Gaither, of Salisbary secretary and treasorer The iviti ‘ation fee was fixed at $1. T7'he next meeting will be held in Greensboro on December ]lth, whea insurance exchange rates, brokerage, freigh!s, iiss vy Vickery, who had bee ni n Yancey ¢ r d to bev Suaje im Bet! y tow S> weed Mrs. W B.Blyt o he home ta funtersv Sbe |had been visiting for some weeks. to P: ace sume ber stud’es, which w rupted by illuess. bristol, Leno.. v iting Mr s brotuer roe. Watt | Mrs. H P.eHelper, of Davidson; -as called here this week by the and death of her little TekKnNeS {SICKNESS 'oranddaughbter, Saturday the same day to spend Sunday here. aAtice | brief visit ’ mill business. Gay. Mrs. Dingler Dead. Miss }: ' Oa Cotton Mill Hill. reunion on the 29h of aud should make their arrangements ro atiend ments have not yet been made, } re th: ~UPre (Oa! a \Y. P. Roberts and T. F. rernoon from ; made arranygeaments to open aturnl ‘ure store about Decemoer Ist schiller is store. Giat tee Se fora charter under the corperate name of the Sratesviile House nishing Company turniture at Sodilier’s former stand! mprovements adultera:ion and weigbts will be considered. eaves retu “ned last _ where he forss ila > iy] meeting id Mrs! W. RR: Maxweil abd ittle _ who have been visiting Mrs. J. msey bave returned to their sme in Alabama. ' 1 mnday ee rc inter- R Instirate, Wilson, of 1" Wo Mr. and Mrs : : 1 ‘ arrived say. Zuth Hail. Gertrude Wood from Salisbury and Mr C. Wood came up from D rvidson : ratuorned Miss returned Tomlinson, of g relatives omlimson is visit in Mr. T 1 one of the Departments at a Mr. Edyga d last ursday [ror afier a He has recen’, ill the hospi ahsence rered from a d came direct from P B Kev returned from a Cha te Saturday Randolph French who is now learning the cotton joined Mrs. Key in rlette and came home for one f° t0 rlot Gastonia, he di >_> ters M. P Dingler died at her last Sunday in southwest .eville of econsump'ion at the £% ard was buried Tuesday yn in Oakwood cemetery mnducted Ding has and . funeral services were c Rag. M A Smith. Mr: = ’ and survives ber o h woo st yathy of those nis wife, in bis berea\e ment. ee | L. Feimster, of Concord township, jaye of 40 years. ‘result of blood poisoning in her s of Hon-! 5 | Axo she stuck a splinter in her hand | Which finally resulte¢ in blood poi- | Sonuing for which she was bcrouvht :aod twe children survive her. sated i Neillhed been Asterp In Jesus. Ruth Marie, the little ten months ‘' daughter of Mr and Mrs. WwW. PB. Ha'l, vas taken to the Saviour’s bos- om Tuesday morning and a small mound in Oak woud cemetery marks the resting place of her tiny b dy. Ruth was a lovely baby and her stort life was long enoughto meke Neport of Grin "y¥—Lasss Dried ant Ocherwise Disposed of The gran ¢ ness, Made it r shed its busi Weird met iday and was c«iscr ihe foliowing -is } the rep - | ° Foyer ® ; *Pae grand jurv respectfully re- her the ido] of her fond mother and port tothe hocorable court that we! father. She was only ill about hearts are burdened they know their baby dren to come unto me ” — es Deathor Mrs A. eimster. Mrs. Carrie Feimster, wife of A died bere Monday afternoon at the Her death was the band and arm. Some two weeks to Statesville for treatment. Mrs. i'eimster was the daughter of A. J. | Rominger and was a woman of sweet : : Christian character. Her busband ‘ | The funeral services were conducted by / Rev. RB Sbeitonand the remains iuterred at Connelly’s Chapel Tues- {day afterncon. Mr. and atrs), W.¥ moevs andl, : , Sooner Pres Bo Oe oi bave uened | ee ees mares? Cora a ue tee lek | Caere was a marriage at Billings |ly Hospital last Thursday afternoon Miss Non: ‘y, ol Moores-!nt 5 o’elock. Thecontracting par- ville, Was the Yuest of Misscs Julia! ties were Mrs. Alice M. Neilland Mr. and Elia Webb this week ; Edw. P Holder. of Amity. Rev. C. see Tone enoir, stop- | @- Richards performed the cere ped off here last week for scay ae | mony, which _wds witnessed by 2 Ree ear iceen Remeeed ‘ ,fow lotimate friends of ihe bride and groom and by hospita! force. The reception hall where the ceremouy took place had been tastefully dee or- with chrysanthemums. rs in the hospital for :several weeks for treatment and the jtearriace which teok place last ; 'harsday would bave come off soon- er but for her illness Both the bride and groom have the best wish- |€s of their friends, . Mr Bristol Breaks His Leg. L. B Bristol had the misfortune t> break his right leg Tuesdav after nevon while out hunting He and W. H. Coffey were taking a day's hunt on the farm of A D estier near town. About the mid Gle of the afternoon they wished to eross Buck creek. Mr. Bristol jump- ed over and in doing so broke both bones of his right lee between the knee ard an&le. Mr, Coffey at once sent little Richard Kestler, who was with them, fora buggy, and as soon as this Gould be precured they carried wr. Bristol to irs. E, E. Parker's where Drs. Long aud Camptel!, who had been summoned, set the broken limb. Later Mr. Bristol was brougkhtin kome and while he has suffered acutely, it ig thought be is getting along as well as gould be expected, — > Phe Dulir—Moiruow Marriaze— tu Open Air Ceremony Mr. Wm. E. Dulin, of Sta’ esville, and Miss Annie S. Morrow were married Suaday afternoon at the residence? of the bride’s father, Mr. G. M. Morrow near Amity by GRev. W. R, McLelland. The marrage had be nnounced to take place at Bethesda ci: but Mr Dulio apa Miss Morrow u to let their friends who (gathered at Bethesda wait in vain, whilethey married at bome, But here an unexpected dif- ticuity arose. Mr. Morrow’s resid ence isin Rowan couuty buta per- tion of his front yard isin Ivedeil. The license was issued for Iredell so the marriage was performed in the yard inthe presence of a few friends Mr. and Mrs. Dulin will make their home here and for the present are stopping with the bride’s brother, Mr. J. A. Morrow. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dulin are pop- ular among tbeir acquaintances and fur Mascor is glad to welcome them to Statesville, See ; 2 To Be Married Next Wednesday Mr. R Bruce Leinster, of States ville, who is the supervisor of & force of convicts building a railroad ~ ded a? Roektish, Cumberland county, and Mizs Mamie Johnson, of Cum perland county, will be married at the home of the bride next Wednes day the ZOth.e Immediatly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Leinster will leave for this city, arriving here on Tnursday, and will spenda few days with Mr. and Mrs B O. Leiaster, the parents of the groom to ge. The expectant groom is one of the best fellows in the world. For sev eral years he has filled a responsible position in the State prison and he has performed his duties in sucha w.,usto win the confidence and es! vp of his superior otlicers. He is very popular bere at his old home. While we do not know his chosen bride, we hear that she is of one of the best families in Cumberland county and a young woman of every silence. A warm welcome to siatesville wil be extended to them next week. _——— Cbe Methodist Miauisters. Time of Changing Next Sunday is the last one for ton mill which been closed ) Mhe @ v ty days or moreinesd) «that | thy 4 install new ry | xpeeis te start up in aday or two nves havegbeen made in old mil! and the new mil! will be ina short time -eotton mill school has an en- iment of 8d. It is being raught nis session by Mrs A. V. Bennett aud Miss Nina Smith The Confederate Reunion. O d veterans should remember the this » month arrauge- ibis of prominent und. Among R! Cox, Foon, Dr. ress'man While all the ta number : be on «hi vited are Geos > will Pr. Babnosen and ex-Con; ybinney who were bigi pri- vatésin the war. Full particulars vill be Given in our next issue 2 > Li: Schiller Goes to Asheviile The New Furniture Company, L Schiller returned Tuesday af Asheville where be Mr abustler and will give \sbeville an up-todate furuiture R- QO. Deiiz and those ted with him in the purehase of gsso applies jiler stock here have Fur They are selling the Methodist ministers of States- | vilie and Ivedell county before the Gastonia Couference. After con irerenee they do aot know where ir lots may fall. Of those in Siatesville Rev. M. A, Smith of the Sirst ssethodist cburch bas been, here four years and so can not be re- turned as he has reached the time mit. Rev. S. P. Douglas has serv- ed West End church for two years. 2evy. R B. Shelton has just complet- ed his tirst year as pastor of States- ville circuit. Rev. J. J. Heavener, of Troutman circuit, has only been with his present charge one year, while Revs. W. F. Elliott, of Tur nersburg circuit and P. S. Terrell, of the Iredeil circuit, have each been ou their circuit two years, Rev. W. P. McGhee has been in Mooresville only one year. All the ministers in Iredell, ic will been seen, except Mr. S.nith, hive not served the time al lowed by the Methedist polity and may therefore be returned. Phe presiding elder from this district, Rev. J. E Thompson, has only beeo on this district for two years. All she Methodist preachers to Iredell county will leave for Gastonia tne first of next week. Jas. F. Anderson and F. K. Ost- wait, of Ostwalt, are also delegates to Conference. The Telephone Exchange moved their central office last night from their old quarters ia the Anderser ouilding io the room over S. Ww Stimson’s. The new office is con- venieaotly arranged and a vast im provement or the o'd one. bz mgde on the and it will pay you iv watch for | system are not Completed yet, but ®aeir ad. nex week, oe ‘are under way. i { } good.shape as could be e the prisoners well cared for. advise the erection of a ladies in or near the (or so-called mittee and white ma colored male Qne white fema'e and two females and on We ¢ sulfici€at to keep fortable. 2od to be teated Praint as to Lreaime: court; courtinued VWicDowel!. of prosecutor transacted on Bart & Thomas Houston vs Laura Houston, Cora &. er et, al., C B. Bu: caer ern Railwa aod Saturda ued by Conse! plain for divorce; div Clegy, ada judgment for plainti ness appoints cute deed; Nichelson aad R. represented plainti } well the purchased a tic ) sued for $1 LDUU, for dame machine: & Nich ) L. C. Caldwe!l d el closed |e The meetin; and was pt All the FOR @- have passed on all bills that came! bout a week, ard while her parents | befor us or to our knowledge. = sorrow, jexamined the county offices to a girl has gone | best ofcur ability and find that they to Him who saith; ‘Suffer little chil-‘are kept in We} the order. £50e We also} ‘Visited body avd find} ‘seven priso @ ose insaue per-; ;Son. We find the jail kepr in asj xpected and |} We} closet for | eourt building, visited the county home unty home) by a com find there 29 inmates—2 14 white females, 5 and 8 enlored females. | colored 2 blind, two white females , tored femaie are insane | j there **We hav aiso Gnd the cabins Noi » 3S com are t the is Many of the infirm and pot &tm waiton rhem Ives. We coud ithe whole ar ra ‘mMé@ut for eare of ths paupers asit is now, zed do recom- | mend the sale at the present loca- |} tien ani ofa i site ! asuitadle build sre for the iamates all unde one roof, and prov de the same witi siteg ace. > “We also find co: Jury.’ bursday cases have “es Tomlin, oulin. assault; > BOL pros, i Charics Mezdows, not guilty Se ee sae am, Conviciea of assault, John B sente ehanged from icprisoa ment to al of $5 and costs Hardy {rey an tl Poe, affray; Arey cuilty, Poe a 7, Jud mMeutsuspended on payt Lofeosts Gibsou Pails, house breaking; guil- ty; 12m i) chain gang. rhe ease avatest_R A. Rams y for GubleMpt was cont rad he vave bond ith J = as surety for bis appearance at the n be court ¥ guily; + yauod Ed M ora. ier «to Opay two} 1d Rimsey cae tard rt, > t; seatesce changed from lmprisonmeatto pay- ment of the cos? Wild Jobo Vansoy; larceny; piead guil- | ty; feur mo 5 dain van. fom Heuston, permittiag a 7d woman to remit a bis premises; | Notion (OG rant; al- lowed; State appealed to Supreme Court. ’ , Hoving Crop; G Y ju iv tead fat t nisi for amount of ov ¢ P.B was the | | corsumed | Nichotson ! & } tbe flobbs was atepant ol and there 2re. or will be, The foluwiae oS V vs i. C. Wi Love J. W tedman; Barly, ide B. F. Long, admr., ve N. C. Rail road, Isaac Pope vs R R Reid et yh SG Brea Ls ‘ejeyraph Co: i Whitaker vs J E Whi-ak W. M. Mills vs J. A. Mills, irner vs Southern Rail S. W. Gould & Bros. vs South ti Gases On Peiday calendar are coatia Vays yetiG a Colin saey vs Brown LBro., p,aintiil ta 3a Di nsuit W W Houp vs Carter bros tit take Ada Vchard A ; ate H uct icommissioner to exe ntilf to pay costs Wood va. Southern Raii- James 3 way; verdict and judement for plain- tuff for $10. In vbis ease Long and B. McLaughlin fand .0 Cald t. The plaintiff etat Lexington for defer Eimwood. Thecnight train is pot scheduled to stop at Eimwood and the conductor refused to stop for Wood He was-car to States- vill ta of miles, and wal vack home night. 4 James M Sharpe vs. Sout! Railway; now ontrial. This caseis esfor failure to deliver >for plaintitf’s mill. Loaz resent plaintiff and fondant. pier 2h Te OF interest to Chureb Goers and Oth- crs. r : ‘ ra. 1 The meeting at Counelly’s chap- The iS assisted by id R. G. Gree e continued fur a week ictive of much good. The meeting at the Ficst Presby b pastor, Rev. R. B. St » 7a \ A Revs. M.A terianchurch ciosed Friday night and Dr. Caldwell left for bis home 1n Wioston Saturday morsing. Dur ing the mecting there were forty two conversion-,forty one of these joined the Firs: Presvyterian churen and cue the Fir-t Methodist. Dr. Caid well greatly endeared himseif to the copgregution while here and the re- vivai which biessed bis work wes one of the deepest er seen in this town, Rev. RB. D. Stimson preached at Front Street Presoyterian church Saturday and Sunday, There >was one addition to this church. Rev. E. E. Giliespie passed through bere I'vesday on his way to New Salem Church, near Stony Point woere he beyan a meeting Tuesday nizhr that wili continue ail this week. Mr. Gillespie is preech- ing twice daily. A bunch of keys. Finder will please Lost return to Tie Mascot office. November 7ih, got. L. + . ws For Sale, NE WILSON Heater, good as new. sellac a bargaia price. Heart Nov. 7, 1901 MCCLAIN & ALEXANDE?’, —A good sec nd-nand CALS eS. Will fe m You Wa Fat Cows:and Lets of Milk, Slick, high spirited horses that can stand work. pin good kealth and lay THE BiG One move and th€ last bigeut in (Wheeler & sewing Machines Ta order to close out this line in t near future I will give you the best Machines in the world at about the orice in carload lots. The celebrated n $55 Machine only achine $30. and all Come quick ot last loag. Chickens that will kee lots of eggs. Feed Pratt’s Food. We keep it in stock from 75e. bags to 10c. cartons. Barron & Nicholson Meood Street. _ Wheeler & Wilso: $25; the $60 M:z others in proportion. the few I have left will n A large third shipment this fsll of Mea’s, Women’s and Children’s HEAVY WINTER SHOES Just in, Men’s tap sole, high cut. all leather Alaskas, $1 15, worth $1.50; all others in same proportion. Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Hats, ete.. ali of which I wholesaleeprices, Save You 25 Per Cent. on any of them. Statesville, N. C FOR COMFORT. WALKING, STANDING. SITTING. ‘te Man. do you want easy, comfortable, perfec: Our Crossett’s Box Calf and Vie No other shoe fit lik: am _ selling at Gwting Shoes ? Kid Shoes are our leaders. Crossett’s—made on the new Foot Form last, a- near the shape of the human foot as can be made No corns, no bunions, when you wear this mak: We want every man in Statesville anc surrounding country to get acquainted with thi- We have ease and comfort ir Come in and we will tell you more about the exceilence of these splendié shoe: for men's wear. Price of the CROSSETT SHOE, $2 50 to $4 00 Sloop & Miller, cee Cee ; The Shoe Men. N. B —Remember thar shoes poveht of us will be = - shined free. Ifyou want the most stylish trimmed Ladies’ Hats you ever wore visit my millinery department. J. M. Wilhelm. pardeular shoe. store for you In connection with my Book and Novelty stcck I carry Lamps, Glass and Tinware, Crockery of all Kind. And can save you money ney On any of these lines. Also my store is headquarters for Holiday - and - Christmas - Goods, In this line 1 will show th shown in Statesville, tention to my wholesale room. ee Sherrill-White Co. A Great Shoe Secret is to be posted on the ins and outs of 2il pertaining to a shoe. to our siore we will tell you all about them cheerfully and we will fit you with the finest shoe you ever had for Think of near soft, solid leather dress shee, same as our com- petitors sell for $2.00, for $1.50 Bovy’s sod teatber school shoes worth $2 00 Our country frieads must vot forget the Eikin Home made Why buy three or four pairs of shoes for your children every year when one pair of the Elkin Home-made wil! take them through with dry feet ? Don’t fail to call for aur All Wool Jeans, Elkin Blankets, Carpets. COMPLETE LINE OF DRESS GOODs. Clothing Department. _We have a few more beavr Winter Suits and Overcoats we are making achange in this line and will close out what we have at manu- Come at once and get a nice suit at half price. Sherrill-White Company. TOBACCO -:- PLANTERS WILL TAKE NO WAREHOUSE a e largest and most complete line ever and I call the merchants of the co Yours truly, R. P. Allison. Book and Novelty Store. ’ 4 i 3 2 ‘ i 1 If you come facturers’ pri EK that i am now in charge of the PLANTERS’ There is an active demand for leaf aad it will bring high prices this season—is already selling much The Warehouse has Good Accommodations For Man and Beast and I will use every effort,to make the leaf sold on my floor bring H. C. Gaither, Prop. Planters’ Warehouse. Grain and’ Fertilizer Drills higher than for sev This Drill is too well known to need any comment. All we ask is for you to call and examine this drill and get prices and terms before buving. tke bighest market price. “BUCKEYE” is made in both Hoe and Disc. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co. Dealers in General Hardvare. PRO BONO PUBLIC,’ If we benefit the public it means a future for this business. Trunks. The best line of trunks on this market at prices which will astonish you. -,~,5» Bors. - at prices in which (considering quality) we have no competition. Nice line of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. always fresh. Come and sec us and be convinced, Fry & Phifer. Trunks. We believe our efforts for the fall will surpass your expectations. “To see is to appreciate.” Taking the stock as a whole (if you will excuse the slang) ‘‘it’s Special attention is directed to Dress Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Underwear and Gents’ Noy. 7, 1901. Furnishings. redell and Aleander Cowaties. We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. Overcoats. We bave a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. est clothing, the kind that looks well, wears swell and gives satisfaction shoddy, rag clothing has no place in our stock. We will save you Dig money on clothing and overcoats. See our line, then you will know. We invite you to call early and of- ten and promise a cordial welcome Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. jo ma c e y Ciothing. Clothing on the back. We buy in large lots and wet the lowest prices. 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We have gone to a lot of trouble getting together the best line of Shoes Our line of fine Shoes is complete. Rikian Home-made Shoes, common ball Sboes, ola men’s Shoes, old ladies’ >aoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Shoes are made to wear and are just as. we tell-you or your money back. Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and_.at jprices that cannot See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. Our line of dry goods and notions is large and we keep most anything We havea line of ladies’ underwear we are selling you ever saw. We have plenty of We mean this. et a a ae you need in this line. at less than wholesale cost. Wheat Drills.- Just reveived carload of the best wheat drills on earth. GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDLES. HARNESS, Musicul Instruments, such as Autoharps, Baojos and Guitars. yet selling tus NEW MOOEL Sewing Machine at $13 75 for the 3 drawer, and $15 00 fur ihe 5drawer machine. i Lhe last few years and not a complaint. Come and see if we can’t trade. sell reliable gocds at prices that can’t be equaled. H. A. YOUN Naw STIRLING N — Leaders and Not F ‘ If you SAVE MONEY you will have to ces our Big. Line Overcoats, $2.50 to $7.50. Ladies’ Hats in great variety, 25c. and up. Jackets and Cloaks for Ladies ‘and Children, 50c. and up. Beautiful Line Baby Caps, 25c. to $1.00. Special Bargain in Blankets, 50c. to $3.50, azyaces’ RICH and POOR. ~ Se ed i e aa ie See them ‘be- fore you buy a dril! We also keeps We have placed more than 300 of Our prices are the lowest and we do Respectfully,? YOUNT ee a he ee t ee e > er e se Pd = | ce a awe TE CONGRESSIONAL OUTLOOK Not Much Legislation Will be At tempted. Washington Correspondence New York Jor: of Commerce : There probabiy never was a ti: the history of the Republican | <«ty when, possessing an easy rity in both houses of Congress :: / the control Of the executive b: ch of the government, there was so ener al disposition to believe that :H@in terestsof the party could best be served by dcing not Lhat is emphatically the conv tion of the party leadersin the Senate, ane the men who bave most influence 1p House are confidently reckoned on tosecond policy ofinaction. Bercath the confident expressions in regard totbe unbrokeu unity of the “ty from members of visiting the White upeasy feeling oreed parity = ae 1D Ue that have fafen Congress lately House, there} ab that subjects likely to discord are becoming prominent in public discussion. Among these it may be as we }} te recovnize the fact that the currence: unpieasanotls figure. Seo far the programm? ivy Gave find support ia bis own party. Tbe “blood stained greenback’? bas not Jost its power as 2 figure of Republican rhereric. + 2! disposition t itely making law of the toe conver and there i assume the gold stanéard laud, and providing fer tionality of all formsof our currency, of .the part: possi in a genet tmat, in. de the the representatives have dove as much as can be expected of then.. They have nm intention of giving to the other ae the ine opportunity of taunting party with subservience to the bank- ing interests, and no argument touching the essential unsounduess of any system of government paper money will weizh against the fact that there is no general or impere tive public demand for relieving the function of a bank o Treasury of the fu: Congress has always iagged reform ¢ require « issue. be hind the vuard to the the currency, and it will good deal more than the appro r1 0 a bankers’ the port ofa few chambers of comt toecnvince Congress that there is aay present necessity for moving tk the direction indicated by the Secre tary of Treasury. ft The demand for the removal cf existing obstacies te the mentof our foreign trade creates: situation that is not quite so simp: Left to themselves, the majorit the Republicans in both ho would point to the party platiorm as being 3 sufficient guide and ai fina! ruleoa tbis question. That is te sav, reciprocity means the opening of our market on favorable for what we do not eonvebtion or Nerve the develop f Ge use> term: ourselves pro duce. in return for free foreign mar kets—this and nothing more. Tha’ for all practical purpose such a for mulaisabsolutely meaningless would not greatly matter were there no? Gminous signs that it does not and cannot satisfy certain imperrant ip terests which have heretofore beer counted on the side of protection and whose support the party canuot afford to alienate. These interest have not shown their hand as yet ir a wsy to make much impression or the older and wiser heads that wil shape the policy of the next Con gress. A good deal will Gepend or the strength which may be develop ed by the National Reciprocity Con vention a fortnight hence, and on the vigor and resolution shown by tha body in opening an aggressive cam paign in faver of the reciprocity treaties or of seme correspondiny amendment of the tarilf faws. Some thinga!lso wilidepend on the response which ‘this campaign evokes fron the Middie “est and on the temper in which the representatives of the « r € nt r bl : ] which are be states, : : ‘ the rea! ) 2C2 mey address themseitves the work of the session. So far there 1s noevidence of more than quaiifi-d adhesion to the policy 6 aeciprocity finding favor even in the Middle West. 7be Freach trea: is warmly supported there, but th: terms offered to Argentina, thoug! they involve on 2 20 percent. reduc tion in certain kiuds of wool, are altogether too liberal to suit Ohio or tofind any united approval amony the people of the neighboring States. The coseclusioa is thus irrisisti ble that the Argentine treaty is as good as dead, there being no indu euce likely to be exerted ia its faver half as powerful as the National As sociation of Wool Growers, who prudently dread the insertion of thi thin edgeof abolition of the wooi duties. Butif this treaty must be given up, it is difficult to see how any of the others can be saved. Th imperfect foresight of the father finds ccustantly recurriag evidence in the growing mpossibility of get ting anv form of commercial treaty ratified by the Senate. In-the case ot the vroup of treaties new pead ing, the failure of one is almost in evitably conditioned on the failure of another. That is to say, the op ponents of the Argentine treaty may find it necessary to secure the sup- port of the opponents of the French treaty by combining for the defeat of beth, and neither may be quite insersible to the claims of the Cali fornia Senators who oppose the con- eesstons madein the West Indian treaties in the matter of citrus fruits. Alog rolling combination of this kied need not be very strong to make the negotiation of any com- mercial treaty impossible, ard to piace the country in the dauyerous, if not humiliating, position ot being compelled to stand heiplessiy by whiie other nations make bargains with eash otherto the prejudice of itstrade. Outside of the Depart ment of stare the fact does not ap- pear to be clearly apprehended tha the commercial treaties between the chief na ioas of coctinental Europ - are on the point of expiring, ana that next vear there will be a gener al readjusiment of these on a Dasis whieh, wherher more or less liberal thao the present one, must direcily affect our Opportunities for enlarg ing tee markets for the surplus products of our industry. The re taliatory mood, which is quite as dominant among the nations of Eu Yope in regard to ourselves, must Soften down. were if only because aone of them can afford ta invite a @eneral cond:tivn of commercia: warfare. As no sugh oostacies can ‘be interposed there to the conclusion | of a commercial treaty as operates | here, it would seemto ve a Gictate: ol ordinary prudence to provide in advance agains being left at a dis- advantage in the competition for: European markets. Otherwise, as our own treaties expire. we may find that io wasting time over their re- newal we have also given some of -lcuriny the kind our rivals an advantage which it will take years to overcome. These considerations are not alto- geather overlooked by the men fo will direct legislation in the next Congress, and some of them at least are locking around for a way out femme for the Republican party 0| less than for the country. Among): these there has been a good deal discussion over the adoption of a maximum and minimum scale tariff duties. have been the alternative favored by the Late President McKialey, was thoroughly aware of the appar ently insuperable difficulties in way of gettirg the commercial treat- | ies through the Senate. It is pr posed te make the existiag dui che maximum standard, and 10 con siructon the basis of these a liding jerstood that not a few of ‘ng duties on manufactured -d abnormaliy highto at uch amaryvin for making a h otber commercia tio »indtguatlio@ has deca ; atthe unwillingness of oeneficiarites of the duties to: the concessions now required of t Of course the differeace between maximum 2nd tbe minimum scale nivnt vary all the way from5to 59 | percent in proportion to the pre | sumed ability of the product affect | d@ to meet foreiga competition in he home markets, The fi che minimam scale would be opiy to such nations as mude similai concessions to the Unsited Staves. | put by intrusting this discretion vt the President toe delay and tainty incidental to the ne of reciprecity treaties ex the | oot Vie } the benefit o uncer Ty he scheme is its oDVions Cr : yotbiey in ib cale neryous appre pablican Gers in re to reop ening the question of iff discuss ion. §=Bub, as between the hopeless- j ness cf overcoming tke opposition ofa resolute senatorial minority to} the ratification of the commercial treat vided, 7 a ipere ws} ak ~} to allay the the Re rens s already neo growing emphasis the ¢ a from cert manufacturing inter ests for action calcul a to! prevent the contraction of port trade, sciwme actica cy OC: may be found this is the only direction in there seems to be any prospec: of se Some of action whica situation requires. a Reldsvtlie A Mysterious Case in Reidsville Dispatch, 8th. weeks & Ws tive of Koanuke Freneh acd Miss Charlottes ville eity and revis Hotel. Iti: oeen an aahappy mar performed herve, the peariat of {He same Gay eC} uniteé in matrimony, aod that these people were here to find out scme- hing of the event. They remained in Reidsville several days, and what occured during :hose days is uot Known Whispered rumors were A few r hy Q ? were o the effect that there was some hing mysterious consectea with be presence of one of the women Miss | Davis bevan to show ng of intease excitement She eveloped. ab extreme aversion to ir. French, who claimed ber as bis elce -=he j avowed that sbe hated tim anddid not want to aim. She said would commit suicide befare she would go «ith aida Mrench appeared she tiew at bim wildly, and fought him vith her hunds. At the same time iO Wit mV vel ‘ soe Whenever Mr sowever, she showed the utmost -ontiden¢g: ta the detec'ive These reutiemen, of course, did what tuey uid to pacify_*be hysterical wo man fhe vaviegs of the girl cre ried cousiderabie excitement. The paréy left for Norfoik <tiss Davis calling {he detec ive to her sideand having that ventleman conduct her toaseat. A voung physician was ia Ube party aud acccmpanied them ma ibetrip Lhe whoie affair is one long procession of mysteries TS The She wf a Kidaapper Atlanta Journal, 4th, Attor ey General Terrell was not at his office teday tu greet the many callers who have been there every day sinee the present session of the Levislature began. He has been called to Murphy, N, ©., with the solicitor of the northeastern circuit, to defend Sheriff Lovingood and Deputy Fintey, who are charged vith kidnaguing This case ts one of the most unigue in the history of the Srate aod is said to invelve a very important question. Some time ago sw man charged with a crime in Faunia County escaped the vigilance of the officers and was located in Murphy, N.€ Since he was badiy wanted Sheriff Loyingood thought the best way to yet him would be to go after aim. With Deputy Finley the sheriff went to Murphy. He found bisman tnd withou! requisition papers, it is said, be took charyze of his prisoner aod started for Georgia The pris oner objected and asked fer legal authority why he sould be taken pack to Georgia Sheriff Lovingood did wot produce the authority asked for. but took the prisoner home with him. Governor Aycock, of North Caro tina, whea notified of the incident began an investigation He crrried , ¢ On 3} correspondence, some which was acrid Governor Cin- dier was unadlie. however, to mk» any suggestions regarding the mat rer, and the charye ayvaicst Sheriff Lovingood instituted. Tbe Georgia State authorities will vigo rously fight the ease The. outcome villi be watched with interest ae Judge O borne's Politics. Writineof Me Oshocne, the new judge, the Charlotte News says “Mr. Osborne bas been conspicu ously loval to his party Not only is this true. but it is_a further fact that in addition to his support of the Democratic nominee in ‘he pres idential elections of 1896 and 1900, he was one of the aed ablest advocates of the frae eninge afsiliver. “Wr Osborne’s record yas a demoeratis without a flaw, xnod we have no doubt whatever that it will remain so.”’ ; was strongest It Girdies the Giobe. The fame of Bucklen’s Arnica; Siive. as the best in the wor'd, ex: | ‘tends round the earth. 1t’s the one’ perfeet healer of cuts, corns, burns, | bruises, sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, felons, aches. pains and all skin eruptions. Only infallid'e pile cure, | 25c. a box at W. F.sHall,s. S Xgertsy ses. tt ote ‘ne :bac: - pe . lio yen eb Jerusalem pispatch, Sth, of cinity for several This is understeod to: the outbrez the antici: who! were suddenly r- |overpowerad by the contending par Iondon Dispatch, 8th | Press that enough i Panlk ‘which was largely given i‘ ithe pres? Peg judy carey ithe yoeiation | 2 4 O00'; 6 = A Fight at the Holy Sepulchre. The church of the Holy Sepulchre, , surmounting Ckrist’s tomb, was the scene of asanguinary affray Monday last between Franciscansand Greeks during which there were a number of what may provean awkward di-/ of casualties on beth sides. ied The dispute arose on the qvestio® Aoors put down. The first or bot tom floor is made of white tile brick | placed over arches, but presenting a smooth and even surface floor is the second, raised from three 1s to which community had the right of ro sweep the church. Troops had been posted in the vie | days previous to} order to prevent but they and , in ited collision, out-numbered ties. a The Jackson Trial Resumed. \ | . bearing of thechargesagainst ore and Laura Jackson (Anne } -eale of duties proportioned ss _the 5 ey etia Diss De Bar) was resumed | amount Cf protecting with waHice “iat the Maryledone police court -to- SRS Sete — heres ldsv before 2 crowded court room. | Sa oats He © The clerk of the informed a} ae Fvis eee: es y sie representative Assoeiated ' . nave ; k WwILBeSses lieu suinmoned to keep the case; leoine for weeks. There were no} vomen in the audieace today. Laura | } ger continued her testimony, | a reiteration of| oa ! that previously given. The most} dramatic incident today was whenj Laura Jackson bevan her customary | 1dvering cross examination of the itpess, who turned and pointing her finger at the female prisener, vehemently denounced the woman 'as tbe author of kerruin. In spite of the incident whereupon ) appiatss clear tbe court. he occurrence seemed to shake er subsequent conduct oO ier marked by the ability which she nas heretofore displayed. ce oe \‘Pen Lives Lostin a Barning Fheatre. Ivanhoe, Mich,, Dispatch, Sth, : lives were Jost and four build- destroyed by a fre whieh start n the Kiondike Theatre, at Hur ley. Wis., today. Thedeadare: C W Cleveland, A P. Clifford, Leelaire. Georve Benert, H. D. Em ery, Timothy Ryan, F. L. Gay. St. Louis; Thos. Ozaune, Harry Ray- mond, Clara Bonaoe. Seriously in j i: Jennie Beader. Annie Seort, Russeliand Billy MeLaugh- in. “fhe Kiondike was a vaudeville theatre and allof the dead aud io- jured wsevecoanected with the atreas performers. Most of them tived at Hurley, and Lhomas Le ner of the proprie or of the thea The fire started on the stageandin a few miauies nriire structure was @ Mass of The third story was used a- nz ‘Quarters and the rapid id of the fire cutoit the escape of the occupants Tbe thea're puilding was entirely Consumed aud the flames spread te adjoining struc tures. The Ivonwood fice depart ment was calied te the assistance of the Hurley firemea and only by ike hardest work was the town saved from being wiped out. The charred remains of six of the vietims have been recovered and search is being made for the others. The Kloadike Theatre barged once oefore, ia dune, 1887, wheu eievea women fost their iiyes. es follow. Leelaire, Kion 36 000;Curnin’s saicon, emvan & McPaoerson : >000: DP. eNeti,- of _ 81.000; Coustantine & Per nio. 31 000. Nr Phos the was was 2 broi walve tre. sa hoiod: SS Li's Death Caused Krom Anger. Pekin Dispatch, Sch. A violent dispute with M. Pau Lessar, Bus-iaa minister to China, rthe Manchurian treat y,appears bo bave been tee immediate cause of tne death of Lb} Hany Chang. oe diplomatic events preceding lravic Gimax ave enadled Japan to frusirate the Qesizgs 0! Russia. aA forinight ago tbe Japan ese levatioa secureda reliable out— tine of the termsof the treaty, ana thereupon deminded that the Chi- nese plesiputentiaries officialiy lay eiore them tue text, basing tht- demand upon the allegation that Japanese interests were involved in any chauge of thestatus of Manchu- ats k ria. The Chinese plenipotentiaries evfused io comply with tee demand Paereupon the Japanese goveroment from Tokio communicated with the Southern viceroys aad induced them io use their influence with the Em- press Dowayeragatnst the treaty le the meantime the Empress Dow- averinstracted Li Huny “hang to nmudicate the treaty, afver cer- tain moditigations, to the ministers of the powers. and if they did avi yoject, to sia ta+ same. Li buny Ubang visited Uf Les-ar and explained te hum ths instrucsion Tne Russieu wiuister strongly ob- jected to reveaitug the text of the treaty to the ministersof the other powers and a stormBy iterview 2a- sued Li Gusg Chany went home ina violent passion aad had a bem- »rehage, which the di csors attribute te the over exertion of a weakened system, While these taings were happening in Pekin, the. Southern vice roys Sen to the Hapress Dow- rer a memorial ayainst the treaty She thea counterms:ded the order t : Osig a. —— ee Compete Victory for «rance Paris Dispatch, Sth. Weance has scored a Cconplete tri- ampbin the Turkish dispute. Tae Moreien Oifice this morning receiv- ed adviees announcing that the Sai tan has y the entire d- mandsformulated by the Prench gov- ernment and only the question of form regarding the execution of the epvayments to seitled This may be done within the next 24 hours ur, ib is expected gt the latrestin two orthree days. Phen Admirz! Nard will.reiinquish hts cecup- ion of the island of Mirylene. Phe Temos pein's a dispiten fro Cocstantineple daed todas. which says thatthe Sulan in acceptin the French d-mands. ficstly, author- izes the working of «h- French sehools hitherto seemadiv. he reeornize., the ex'stence of the reds hospitabie tnstittions ai eriv founded. and aceords them en tens immunity and exemption tatn taxes, aud th ++. - the recoostractiog of and hospitad!> institute : atthe timer. f Amenrian i rvubles, of which a deta led list is attucaed to the French note. Twetik Pasba the Yarkisn For- eign Minister bos ana sunced that the reeognition of tae Cheidesn patri- arch, deredn td -4 hy Frees nas heen already accorded. ieiqend te be ot oe ie yD Ger uthorizes Eaucate Yonr Bowols With Cascarects. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Wo, Me. If C.0.0, fails drugziss retard mousy. othr ® td <y ner mrto ns | Washington Dispatch, Sth. December—that Representatives—it wiil fied many changes in the hall of the House singe last session. cosstructed of hard wood. Upon this the desks ave placed in tiers, ‘eack tier about a foot izween the two floors is room to have ialiy voilec s 'gountry Cons ituents who have jus | Gim from view, tflows through like a cyet 1} my. the ease: Changes in the House.” When Congress reassembles in is, the House of The entire oid oor has been taken up and two Over tiais fect to ten feetabove the first, and higher than the one in front. The whole is pro perly ventilated from underneata. Exhaust pipes placed in the galler- ies carry out the impure air Be tke bottom floor, built as noted, oF white tile Dries, swept Washed daily, so that vbe air does bt tu penetrate into the i through dust and filth + and VhS tt above, natar t i ah On either, ead of the ball is a tra: dcor ledding to the white brick tile floor below. Itis these trap doors that have caused move suyyvestious thao even the perfected sanitary piumbicg arrangemepts. Hor in stance, wkena particularly tiresom. speaksr fas the floor. he can be handily dropped through ihe trap docr, or wben a member has dee: “doing” the town with some of hi- “dropped in’ on tim and appee upon the fluor cf the House “e dt too fuli’’ for ui:evrance, he, too, cau be put out of sight througa the me dium of the convesieat trap dvor The cpace between the tloors wil serve a Gounie purpose—it will bidk and asthefresh ai ne, sovet him up as ra,id! goid storage. Fortusately, during the past few Conyresses there bs been few memoers of the Hou-e or Senate uitber who would pave Deen su jected to such treatment, even if to handy as the: sr of fact, Con ya more sv CODVeRIE Res were are pow, AS a inati gress is yeariy. orc sip1u ver body. 43 n years 8go 1b Wa nul Ubusuds LO see vers dra-k at one tu is the exception tu see drunk or wbo shows evideacs of ex cessive drinkiay. Lathe Senate te day there is not one member wh. ever appears under the influence o Wao kt Cue drink. tis well remembered here when @ Mijuster nutor frow Virgi t ity taken from tae tioor, and a Repubiica: Senator from 3 expired at 12 w., March +, persiste: in addressing the President, aft: bbe pew Senate sworn i thai he had to oe hustled off to tt cloak ruoms forcibly, to preven: : painful scece va the A Dern otratic Senator trum Delaware wa piten picked up in vhe vulters by tu was s floor, police twenty years ayo, Wwhue emocratic member from Viryinik porice statici slept as oiten ta the as in his room in the hu Times, however, are changed, ar improved, and in private, officia and political life, here there is les drunkenness today than ever before snown. This has been 3rough 1Q0ut laa yvreat meesure by th improved morai tone of the countrs at large, and aiso by the fierce com petiliodin the race wisiness, In politics and in life, it Dazzles te World. No dincovery ia wedicine bh. De. ’ IM? tL,IASUINY- meot ' King’s New Discovery f tion, Li's seve Ou hopeless victims of cousumption, paeumonia, Demorrhaye, pleurisy ied bronchitis, thousands of whom thas restored to perfect health Bor coughs, colds, asthma, croup, jay fever, noarseuess and whooping couyb-it is the quickest, sures! cure ‘othe world. liissoid by Ww. F, tlall, who guareatees satisfaction or refund money. Larye bo:tles 50¢, aud $1 00. Trial bocties free, Tbe tobacco stemmery at La Grange was burned one day last oY rtests Bave been of tobacco. The ioss is $10,000. and is partially covered by insurance. Arthur Parks, 2 flagman, for Otiver & Co, the railroad -contract- ors, was killed by a train near Mor yan'on one day last week. He fell wleep at his post and was run over »y airain. He was about 18 vears Wd and a Burke county bos The Eminent Kidney - The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work in His Laboratory. There is 2 disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apopiexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidneytrouble is allowed to ad- vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and wasie away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis- covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A-sample bottle sent free il, also a book telling about Swamp- nad its wonderful cures. Address ner & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. Pes-i2 Snine-, on S-vear--d white gtvi, was burned t. death in nw Ral- ees Her uwrnebone Cay last werk. dh=§ Giaghi fromthe fire plas, Dizzy ? Then your liver isn’t acting weil. You suffer from bilious- hess, constipation. Ayer’s Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. ana25cziste. Want your ee beard a beautiful week, toyetber with 100,000 pounds ECOVERY. standing. We have callers every Hittle while to inquire as to what Peruna has done for us. Isay: ‘Look at us. That is proof enough.” : «J send you a picture of my residence. Thelped build a house in Iowa City on @ the first of last June, and worked eighty- two days, only losing one-quarter of @ day during the whole ‘time. How is that for an old man77/ years old? Icame home in September and have built another house out in the country this fall and am well and hearty to-day. Suffering. e EVANSVILLE, WIS.—A cured of catarrh of twenty-five a there has been a great demand cases have been cured. Jt is in this manner that state it makes cures. catarrh where other failed. This ought to make any popular. writes the following ietter: Dear Doctor write to certify what Peruna h forme. Iread of Peruna in the of what it would do for catar sent for a bottle. tle of Peruna that ever caime to WILLARD, KY.—The news curative powers of Peruna. 1! mable lady had been en inval ery. She writes: “It is mercies of God and your medici have been 2 constant bowel and stomach trouble twenty-five years, and could n relief until I began the use of Pe think: it is a God-s humanity.”-—Mrs. i to poor s Charlott+ aprvice, has receiv fou week. Tb pecames o71e bors. of the ra on muissiou mien, ‘. , and speculators. sold so cheaply. valuc, double com oughiy cleaned closely woven, cowny finish. Then is lightly stemped } exci vard.” The first w f, ing washes it out. ter docen’taell it we will mi the milks in Stty-yard é sore, Cartixge paid, A Liledoun buttou bug tree. Write S for OCs MOOKE COTTON ans, Trzlorsvitic, N.C. —= as solid gold chains, fully as serviceable and A Venerabie Wisconsin Lady Re= stored to Health by Peruna After Twenty-five Years’ [Special news from Evansville, Wis.j standing was the occasion of Peruna be- ine introduced to the inhabitants of Evansville, Wis. From that time to this runa in this vicinity and hundreds of sprends from town to town and from to state. No sort of advertising could have given Peruna the reputation it has. The seeret of its success is that It eures old cases of remedies Mr. C. RB. Harden, of Evansville, Wis, flartman—“I wish to This was the first bot- Startling Statements from recovery of Mrs. Elizabeth Prater is a very siriking instance of the wonderful caterrh of the stomach and bowels fcr through ain permitted to write you this letter. I suifere for ahout uiieri Elizabeth Prater. y Joukins, editor of the SE e ~~ o nds ois & ‘ - F 7 JOULT MUSLIN is made E thurs the cotton ~ a i : 2 pia: nd seiis Gurect to the retail ; hiodied enly threetimes. tapes the profits of jobbers Thatis why it can be It has double wearing es bettcrand caches whiter than y other goods made. pure cotion, thor- earded, hard twisted, calen- dered to a soft, smooth, Watch Chains § Every bit as handsome woman years’ “T hope to live twenty years yet, and if Peruna helps me in the future as it has in the past, I don’t know why I ean’t. The druggists say Peruna is one of the best selling medicines they have in stock.”—C. R. HARDEN. Peruna can be relied upon to cure slight colds and coughs and other ca- tarrhal ailments with a promptness that is unequaled by any other remedy. Ifa cold has settled in any portion of the body and produced catarrh, it is gen- erally thought by people that they must suffer on year after year without any hope of cure. This is not true, however, Peruna cures such cases. Thousands of testimonials that can meyer be used attest this fact. Any one wishing free literature op this subject should address Dr. Hartm:: Columbus, Ohio. for Pe-| druggists now keep it. 2 “jt cured my wife of c2tarrh with which she fad been troubied for more tien twenty-five years, and I had been trcubled wita it for fifteen years. We ere now beth all right. “My youngest son had la grippe four years ago, and as he had supposed had got well, or so far recovered that he went to work. He took a reizpse and the pneumonia setin. He had hemorrhages, and though we tried everything we could think of it was tono purpose until we gave him Peruna. The hemorrhages stopped, and he soon got up and is well and hard at work. We think there is nothing like Peruna.” In a recent letter Mr. Harden writes: “We keep Peruna always in the house, as it cured us both of catarrh of long Kentucky, Hlincis and New Hampshire of Othe: Remarkable Recoveries. ELGIN, ILL.—In 2 very recent com- munication from this place cozses the news that Mr. Arthur Ernest Kidd, a well-known architect of that city, has made complete recovery from catarrh of the head from which he had suffered for Peruna have remedy as done p2pers, rh, and A Evans- MANCHESTER, N. H.—Accordin™ ' late advices, Miss Blanche L. Run«:. has made 2 complete recovery from tarrh of the head which had caus chronie running from the ears. own statement of the case is 2s of the iis esti- id from twenty years. No wonder her many | nearly aquarter of a century. He writes | lows: ss friends are enthusiastic over her recov-| the following from 18 Hamilton ave.: “JT have suffered for several }«-: with eatarrh of the head. It fir reached my ear, and caused a ru: ear. Having read of Dr. Hartm::i remedies I immediately wrote, and : advised me. To-day I am in bett: health than I have been for some tim I will gladly recommend Peruna fo: catarrhal diseases.”—Miss Blanche lL. Rundlett. a the eg “TI am 42 years of age, and have had 1@ Una ms eatarrh of the head for over half of my life. “JT read of Peruna, and finally decided r find |to try it two months ago. I have now run. I seven botiles, and weigh Iv2 ing | pounds. Never felt happier or merrier. | Feel tip top.2—A. EB. Ki ae z “y from ltaken tis reported tha: the President piomised to erpcist Ex Con- Richmord Pearson, of ] hes te 5 ra Se n s AP E f es = = 0 Je i= } 6S a wf S = = o oe r : din a ereisa 7 StesesviBe NC es For Saie Everywitre. ltimore ans 5 aes ae - You can make your har- fess sora Set =e Cures Bicod§Poison end Cancer. and as touch as wire b: ati S, ing: ret) i kes eA by Se sores, ee failing hair, mucous nese:O iis i-vouvcen patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones and lengthen its jife—makeit joints, itching skin, boils, pimples, etc., by tak- ljast twicd es long as it ordinarily would.” EUREKA is most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B. gists, $r. Sa eacee nz Botanic Blood Balm (B B.B.) made especi- ally to cure malignant blood and skin troubles, B. B, B, heals every sore and makes the blood pure and rich. Over 3,600 cures of worst and Drug- Describe trouble and trial bottle sent free by writing to Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ga. Every bottle you tg Sarsaparills oe = pectin and every bottle ones Sealy quart. Itmkes better y) > Md blood. For thirty Sears tee ee remedy has been creatine |e taining good he2ltn, St may Johnsion’s Sarsaparilla builds up the 8yst nerves, and strengthen more promptly and cf sny other remedy known 1 sheek disappears, enersy ta anguor, and the rich color ¢ thecheeks. Uscqualled for stomach and liver, and for plaints of men, Women and chi} Goldeverywhere. Pricey $1.00 per fall g MICHIGAN DRUG CO., - ating 4 i Easily, Quickiyilerd Panny i 7 . DR. IFAXN (HINDIFC P23 j Tonic and Vitalizer ts +« itl ‘tee to cure Nerveus Del ing Memory, Fits. Dizzin: Drains on the Pervcus sy Habits or Exccesixe Use « iquoss. or “Living the 1; wards cff Insenity, Cc clears the Ficed and P tered Iverves, Restores brings the pirk glow to ; you young and strorg agni: By mail to ary ecdress Fer sale ty V Dr. P. F. LAUGENOR Dentist. STATESVILLE, N. ¢ Will bein his beginning with first month. Cail on bi in the way of deptisirs find it to your interes? 10 do so Work done in best tnanner, Pri law Only the hes? ia? rseg — Gentiemen, Get the New, Novel Discovey Pigeon” “Cures Gonorrhaa and Gie action is magical. Wrevents = plete. To becarried in vest } ventative. Sent by mail in pla paid, on receipt of price. S100 $2.50. The Rust Medicine Co. st For sale by Southern Railw ay THF...... STANDARD RAILWAY OF The SOUTH The Direct Line te 2)! Point: Texas, Cetifornia FE ocrida. Cuba and Porto EKico Srrictly First-Class Equip- ment on all Through and Local Trains; Pu!lm Palace Sleeping Cars or Night Trains; Fast and s Schedules. ang at n makes 2 poor looking har- hess like new. Made of pure. heavy bodied oil, ¢s- / pecially prepared to with- } Stand the weether. / Sold everywhere in cans—all sizes, 4 cure guaranteed if you use ES 22. Suppesitorg| D. Matt. mpson, Graded Schools, Statesville, N. ore “T Sam they do all you claim for them.” Dr. S, M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., writes: “They give universal sazis- faction.” Dr, H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: e T equal yours.’ by Dreggist®. ganrin RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. Cheap Life Insurance! | 3 DIVISION of the - Peoples’ “Mutual Benefit Association, a life insurance organization, erson--Cail for free sam,le- a4 “In @ practice of 23 years, J have found no remedy to ” Pace, 50 Cents, Sampies Free. Zola 2 Sold Aloe in Statesville by Stimson & Travel by the Southern and assured a safe, Comfe GExpeditious Jousney. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FO TIME TA RATES AND GENERAL INFORMATION. OR ADDRESS B. L. Vernon, F. R, Darty, T. P. A., C.P &T.A, CHARLOTTE, N.C. - ASHEVILLE, 5G No trouble to answer ou has been organized in Statesville by J. M, me- Cormick, division agent. The Givision em- braces Iredell and Alexander counties: H. P. Grier, of the law firm of Grier & Long. was elected president; J. A. Hartness, clerk of the court, Secretary and Treasurer, and W. W. Tur- ner, register of deets, one of the directors. There will be from onesto three directors in each township in the countiesembraced in the divi- sion, Insura.ce to theamount of $:.coo each will be written for 1,000 persons‘only in the di- vision. J. K MeBrayer will assist the division re age Mr. McCormick, in writing the insurance pie ene +l persous who join the organization will pa , cor? S{ per year. 2nd when a member dies eac member will be assessed $1 1gto pay the insur- ance oi $1,000 The assessineutis $1on seach of the t.ceo members to pay the St.coo iusurance CHICHESTER’S ENGLISA PENNYROY fort. ‘<Ly and ame Safe. Always reliable. Ladi ask Drugeist in Bed BS ui “8 5 $3 for on fer Uie deceased member andthe 15 cent~ goes CHICRESTER'S ENGLIS and rash- $8 to pay expenses, This is ahe cheapesc oe aoke metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. ts ee ‘liable form of susuratce known. For terol ee Re jangeroun substt. = orthe information calionthe officers of the or send 4e, i; Buy of your Druggist, & division or the agents, aaa . in stamps for culars, Testi- » October 7th, rgor. hy eae Ladies.” in letter, te ail Droggists. je ‘ ‘estimonials. Sold by o CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. i 2100 Madison Square, PA. i Mention this paper. ' AL PILLS S, H. Hardwick, GPA, WASHINGTON. DC — —= JAPANES PILE CURE A New and Complete Treat: of Suppositories, Capsules of © Boxes of Ointment. A never- Piles of every nature and degre operation with the knife. whi often results in death, umneces*: dure this terrible disease? We pac guarantee in each $1 Box, No Cu Soc. and $1 a box, 6 for$s5. Sent by Ples free, OINTMENT 25e. and a0. ~" writtes . No Pay. guail, Sam _WOWANLY BRAUTY Are the Fruits of Sound Nerves." HINDIPO ness, Headache, Backache and fit. It quiets Ace you nervous? Young and @eei Young. Are you completely exhausted? Do you cee month? _ you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you = ills w’ Wine of Cardui cures. Do you pace ee what ect health would I you? ex taking W; Cardui, thousaads like you oc — ized it, Nervous strain, loss of sleep, cold or indigestion starts menstrual disorders thot are not Noticeable at first, but dey by day steadily into troubl-some complications. Wine of Cardsi, used just before the men- steu2l period, will keep the female ystem in perfect condition, This medicine is taken quietly at home There is cothing like it to help women enjoy good health. It costs only $3 to test this remedy, which is exdozsed by 1,000,009 cured women. _ Mrs. Lena E Fricbu.g, East St. Louis ‘i, says: “I am physically s new woman, by reason of my use of Wine of Cardui-and Theeford’s Bis- Draught.” ee requiring special Girgctions, aa- 38, ‘He sywytoms. “The Ladies’ Advin ry Department.” jhe Chat ouge Medi- cloe Co., Chatianoog:. Tete on Hall, Jr. a HAVE a full buy. Sépt. 19tb, 1901. J.-L, Cowan. Sale of Land. of Iredell county, made in the special McHargueet al., the un Stoner, wil] on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2TH. 1901, at 12 o’c ock, m., expose for s3icto bidder forcash, at the court ens ern part of a certain tract of land iV. McHargue, deceased, said bounded as follows. to-wit: and runs North 55 lesto Bowles’ down the branch h 46 53 “po! thence Nort brown or rich black ? en use nite hiskers N.H. | BUGKINGHAN'S BYE W 59 crs. of Drusters. OF R.P. Hart & Co. township. Iredell county. Statesville, N. C., Oct. 14, Grier & Long, JNO, Attorneys for Plaintiff. r901, . MCHARGUE, ‘Hssolution Natice, PARTNERSHIP heretofore existiz = ee under ae offi iink : nier a. has bh ig- m “ ‘d by mutual consent. rae is Sere iene: eee This Nov. 7th, 1991. J... HUNTER. ae BSB Bont ts : W. C, MOORE: Barium Springs,-N.C_, Nov 7th wi ~ HORSFS FOR SALE rey e Sparkling Eyes & Brizht Faces ae THE GREAT FRENCH “ NERVE TONI® and Vitali- zer Cures Nervous Exhaustion, Hysteria, Dizzi- r ~ emale Weak- ness So Common attending the monthly periods, GI B LS caaey through the trying 1\> change from Girlhood t6 Wom- ankood will find = wonderful relief and bene- and strengthens th Tves, cleauses the blood, clears ra brain ti as up the whole system. Makes a Woman Look 1 PRICE 5oc.. ’ Ge imson & $5. Sent by mailto any address. Sola ‘by wir nderson ne ee I line of the best kinds of wheat, oatsand rye for seed. Come aud see me before you Y¥ VIRTUEOi a decree of the Superior Court ceeding entitled John W, McH: inte: trator of lames W, McHargue, cake oe commis. highest > door 2 . Statesville. N. C., about 15 acres off of the north Digests what you eat. described and belonging to the estate of meee tract of land is Beginning at a chestnut stump on the road Fast i stone at the branch, Eagles oS ieee West les = est 90 toast 2 thence 150 poles to the ood’ containing 38% acres more‘or Jess. situated in Sharpesburg Commissioner. LE Sgt wants coed Young horse see those I am CONSTIPATTON Cured, Piles prevented. Japanese Liver Pellets, the great Liver ® Stoma h Regulator and Blcod I'v mild and pleasantto take: es; for children’s use. 50 dosed 25 ce For sale by “. F small ty adapted Bw oul ae ee PS i aia ~ : aoe A , Ippr, Erenck j : aid i Fematie Pitts. A safe, certain relief for 5 < eee to : ure} Speedy! Satisfaction Guarantee 3 Or mon Refa nded. Sent prepaid for $1.00 xX. Willsend them on trial,t0 be paid for when relieved. Samples Fret UNITED MEDICAL CO., Box 74, Lancaster. ra. e a = Lee Sa Erne An COTTON ROOT” PENNYROVAL PELL Original and genuine, always * safe. LADIES! always ask for 1: ton Rootand Pennyroyal Fe never fail and never injure. Mai dress on receipt of $1.00 by The Kust - Co., St. Paul, Minn. for sale by W. F ## DE RU Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ins all of the This preparation contains a is of tants and digests all food, Itgivesinstant reliefand ne failstocure. It allows you 10 a ive the food you want. ‘The most sens! stomachs can takeit. By itsus¢ thousands of <iyspeptics ae It cured after everything else failed: prevents formation of gason te ig. ach, relieving all distressaftere™ aye Dieting unnecessary. Pleaseatt it can’t Mput do you oud ee a ‘Stimson’é& Andersc pr. TAFT BROS. Meprc Gentlemen; of your Asthmatene, fo for the past ee me 7 sign upon your Sty 2 commenced tal After using one J teelthat Ica: distressing disease, My wit ment toms. pr, TAFT Bros MeEpi¢ Cert aenmes 4 put they Fave a7! faile relief at once “ of four children, and fo doing busines>¢very 4 Home address MEDICINE © Cargling We are in a posit Material an Statesville, N. ab t e e n a n e n e n n e a n ee Ly Yj Yj: Gi, Trial Bott All Kind Write for our YARDS AT STA The Transacts 2 Reg check on sight. collateral and pe all points, and cr ations, on the most favor gre. 4. ce FRI With simultane head blocks and most sensitive fed mil], also Frick Portable cp wh a... ss 2 - . r Size, and the g lipse tirsctid Gott cr Gins at { writ iv Ihave § Tess, 5 Do not dela For C jets, M ercha EN AND B( The Statesv voL. Vill. WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT-OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED STATESVILLE, N. C.,. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901. ——— Se eteenceeeeaeeeene reer we : — : AST uy Vi A C U R F F R a EI , The Reasons for the Present Attacks Pritchard and Republicanism. Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in Ali Case. . SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. -— SS There is not@ivg like Asthmalene. a x gz Pr ED It brings instant relief, even in the} fenS s worst cases. It cures when all else | . ' fails. The Rev. C. F WELLS. of Villa Ridge. I1,, | savs: “Yonr trial bottle of Asthmatene receiy- | ed in good condition, Icannot tell vou how } thankfulI feel for the good derived from it 1} was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat | and Asthma for ten years. beng erred. cure of thisdreadful and tormenting disease, hima. and thought yeu had overspoken Yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial, To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. send mea full size bottle.” 5 Rev. Dr Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Rnai Israel. NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. DRS. TAFT BROS * MEDICINE 0. ir Asthmalene is an excellent and tay Fever, and its viates alltronbles which com- Its success is astonishing e with Asth and wonderful. After having Se f -iiksS ully analyzed we can m < mi “3 io z a state that Asth € contains no opm, mor- ———-- go phine, chloroform or ether. RELIEF. Very truly vot . Rev. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, AVON SPRINGS. N. Y.. February 1, 1¢o0. cE CO. s testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect reof Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma own skill as well as many others, Icha i . Lat once obtained a bottle of +s I very soc 3 Land she is entirely medirineto all who are st ol Nov a has disap recommend ihe all symp- with this Yours respectfully. oO. D. PHELPS, M.D. i Discovery f : ylk i ve CRB - & aa Feb. 5, 19cT. « save tried numerous remedie d with atrial bottle. I fonud -r grateful IT have a family e best of health and am 67 East t2gth st., City. Trial Bottle Sent Ab-olutely Free on Reeeipt of Postal. ttdelav. Write at once, addre sang DR. TAFT BROS. “INE CO., East 130th St... N 4. Gitv - atvlina Marble ant Granite O., Point Dealers \} hind of Marble and Granite For Cemetery and Building Purposes. be n d s ) N X ~ ~ \ sosition to quote the verv lowest prices on Monuments, Tab- sets, Headstones, and all kiads of cemetery work. Material and Workmansbiv Guaranteed to be — First Cls~s. Seat ae Write for our catalogue and prices. mao.ce acd mei YARDS AT STATESVIL'E, SALISBURY AND ICETE WITTESECEC The First National Bank CF €TATES¥ILLE. N.C. Deposits received subject to : ye rt oan Trarscets 2 Regular Banking Business. 4 -P.A. oe — eee id on time depesits. Money loaned on good Dc nd personal security. Special attention paid to collections or and pe :§ Le Accounts of Corpor sts. and credited or remitted at lowest r Bs ae V erckarts. apufacturers ané Individuals solicited and received cathe most favorable terms. i - OFFrICHRS: JE & COCKER, President JG, Irvsy, Vice Fresidem’ GEO. ®#. BROW RX. Cashier. COMPANY'S FRICE COM S ; Eclipse Portable Ci-cular Saw Mill Wits <imultaneous racket setting = d ade. by tead blocks and cable repe feed. the Live ni Most sensitive feed ever put Of a saw Soe mi). alse Frick Cempapy’s Pa ENGINES F wt ce ANDBOILFRS, —— Por tai &€ cb wheels «* 5 c+ Bi =f : eRe HEB =a % a the great bi. « fe sie! “Ciltre trseticn epgit:- i 5 Get: co Gins at low prices =e W.EB Lures. Gver Poston Bros ING! pecs PRINT BE art of printing is an old one but the artistic styles 10 which which we dis- play type on the nice live of stationery which we have recentiy put in makes ore think it a Jate invention me “E QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE WILL GET YOUR WORK : : = : : Better workmen. better mat€rial to work with, a better lice of stationery. etc., en- ables us to do better work than ever. Work guaranteed. “end us your next order, we will appreciate it. : : : : : SCOT PRINTING CO., j to meet its open enemies .and wina I despaired of ever | I saw your adnerti ement for the | -, cal affiliations, who is tthe State, RECENT POLITICAL HISTORY. on the Democratic State Organiza. | tion and State Administration by | Protesseadly Democratic Newspa- pers. ° Raleigh News and Observer. The Democratic party in North Carolina bas never found it diftieult victory over then, It has no fear} of men who fight under the black flag of Republicanism, or of men who openly join hands with them! whether they call themselves “Lib- | erals,’’ ‘‘Populists”’ or ‘Commercial Democrats ”’ three ciasses proclaim themselves “straight Democrats”’ on the stump cr in the press, while secretly ccon- triving with the enemy to compass the defeat of the Democratic party that they are dangerous or effective in their opposition to the parry. There have always been men in the Democratic party in the South who have not been in entire sympathy with it on the tariff, finance or some other question, but they have been loyal in submitting their individual Opinien to “the arbitrament of the national ~convention,’’ and have therefore been reyarded as true Democrats entitled to every canfi- dence of the party. There were those who in 1892 or in 1896 whodid not vote the national Democratic ticket, but who now returned in good faith of the Democratic party, who worked earnestly to redeem the State in 1898 or 1900. They are en titled to every confidence of the par- ty. There is no man in North Caro- lina, no matter what his past politi- loyal to the party today who is not welecmed by all true Democrats. Thereisasmall class of former Democrats in North Carolina, led by 2 handful of former political manip ulators who, having forfeited the confidence of Democrats, have been earnestly at work for months to pave the way for going into the Re publican party as soon as they could carry enough men with them to make the jump “‘respectable.”’ The day after the constitutional amend ment was adopted this class of po litical tricksters, prating of liberty, began systematically an attempt to organize an element in the Demo- cratic party that bad been dissaris fied with some plankin the Demo erati¢c platforms intoa bard of as sistant Repuolicans. Their pra gramme was to create a strong sentiment in favor ofeverything for which McKirley stood and for which Roosevelt stands, and .to oppose every measure which is Democraric. Chis element controlled three morn- ing dailies—the Asheville Gazette. the dirty sheet that soid its editorial columos as it would sell shiovtes; the Char. *:e Ovuserver, the owner of which holg- $2,600 job under YUcKinley; an@iue siorning Post, owned and controlled by a Southeru Railway politics] boss who distri outes Federal patronage, Al! these three papers, eachin its own way. have been Working like mivers ana -appers to destroy faith in the Dem ocratie party. The Gazette came xut in the open, after leading all it could deceive by pretending to be Democratic, and has endorsed every thing the Republicans have done from giying one thousand ne ,roes »Gices in North Caroliznato Roose velt’s practice of social equality in ‘he White House. The Cherlotte Ooserver (its chief owner and boss vets $3 600 a vear from the nationa! administration for doing nothing) has sought to vet the manufacturers and prosperous Dusiness men to be- lieve that the Democratic pariy would destroy their Dusiness, and stariiny out as a traducer of the uational Democracy and it has come to be a traducer also of the State Democracy. The Morning Post. a slow coachon a railroad side track, bas sought to convince ali corpora tion men that the State and nation at Democratic party was in the hands of a set of dishonest agitators and anarchists. All three conspired togetber to damn the Legislature ia the eyes of ali tax payers by misrep resentations of the character of tax laws p-ssed by the Leyisizture. The day after the constitutional amexvdinent was ratified these tkree papers, cided by Blauche, Tray aud Sweetheart, set upa mighty barking upon the arrival of what they called a new day ia North Carolina. They} not only expressed rejoicing that the time had come when a mia might vote as he pleased. but ther j this element of Reprbircans, mas querading as Democrats. hus day after day, herea little and there z little sought to build up a large class af voters who would be ready wher they gave the word to go over Open ly into the Repubilean party. These agitators. who were preaching Re publicanism, had no idea of going lntu tne Repubhean party usless they could carry with them enough former Demoerats to make the Re- publican party stand a good charec> of securing vietory. All their efforts nave been directed toward getting : large crowd of voters reconciled to oe known as Republicans, aud they toped to carry the Srate for McKin- tey in November, 1900. And so, from tbedsy the amendment wes ratified at the polls, they denounced 4s “'ayvitators’ and ~‘demayogues ali who intimated that tbe negro nad wot been fully eliminated, aud they raged at ‘be aou'b whenev r azewspaper declared that, while che amendment after it went iato e? feet would eliminate a large number »f negroes, it would not be wise for white voters in the South to divide They became almost wild at thesug vestion thatthe time never wouid come when, in one form or another, the negro question would not have to oe reconed with in politics. They were more than beside themselves wben reminded that if the Republi cans cbtaited powerthey would do}- everything in their power to secure a repeal of the amendment and re store the ballot toevery tlegro tins They thought the seed they had planted had SS and thar Itis only when thes: |" Lublicans tomak4 the same ripe last ronsh Tne Louisburg ‘*Buiwess Men’s Republi- can Leayue,’’ the first af afeeries to be organized by the MeLaurinites of North Carolina, was to be the oc@p sion for the demonstration thatwould precede the organization of the forces hostile to Democracy in North Caro lina just as MeLaurin had organized them in South Carolina A League had been organized at Henderson and the plan was for Senator Priteh ard to be invited by various s9 called Business Mer’ sLeagues’’ alf over the State. The history of the Louisburg meeting is known of all men On the nivht before Senator Pritebard spokein Louisburg he held a confer ence in Raleign with the boss of the Morning Post. Asa result after he hed made his speech to the usual Tuesday of court crowd at Louis- burg, the Post didits part inthe conspiracy to make it a mighty rev olution to Republicanism in Frank lin county. It aot only printed the syeech in fulland gave a glowing interview from Pritchard that would bave made the reader think that there were so Democrats .left in Franklin county, the truthful ac sent Dy its ow unt of the correspondert be the Louisbure meet lators, who expe r, Ube manip cted it ta be the be President on top of the tiaseo. invited Becker 7. Washing ton to dine withhim at the White House, the whole weil devised pian Louisburg Si campaign the Mclaurinites had on for months feli ad those so ealled been working with a dull thud Democrats w! ready to bel ad oeeo Pp OrTrgaaize & “rest ble Republican party in North Carolina’”’ saw the ted slip out from under They had nothing upon d “The best fa mice and men Gang eft : When they these stunni di>ciples pull themseives tovether where they were ‘* “hey real ized shat Repa was so edious in Norta atil they called themselves they would have no standing and so the word went from the \icLaurin head’ quarters to ail the out papers and the railroad organs to make a concerted. and Vicious attack upon tbe Democratic Sate edministra tien, the Demoeratic oryvansization aod every Demucrat th real Democracy. The) this f Republicans by organizi couraging “Republican Business Men’s Leagues” and in Ways, ve wil! doal!l we canto help them by abusing the Democratic } aod m: charve recovered from » the McLaurio arolina bevan to to see shion: ~ 1the@ with erry the wil! serttha and by th are Getermiued ki! all who do not bow down to e vse of m ad them. We t falsely declare at the men from the West are discriminated agaiost and tha ty i li coy of nigger counties our columns fuil, dav after abuses of the : the people tot pese tO Over! Gi charge, Byth ceed, we witl Re Democratic party i; and carry seifsh ends, our own r2 Meeting and the vented our Relping the R-nantican party throuyh its organization.” " And with one accord, tt il organ, the Fed gan, tre rev Caucasian dE ay ne rpston Republi the Headers: 2 ibble echoes ot <a + sell ou bapers j the bent every euciz: tO make the vot | bay al days of fe ers thinis that it -as tneic duty tojr ant and walieious advocate principles upheld oy «he the Republicau parts Sep ov step “s and the like so sudden, asd * McLaurine pipers so simu:taseously as to make it clear thar it came as the resuit of 2 O1cert Of action not inspired oy the cedtra! maripulator of Rovose- veltism and Pritchardism in Nortt Carolina The tors, calling themse!ves D-mocrats ho are loudest in decuneiation of “the ma- chine” bave always been Kaowa in their counties a5 rinysters and they are mid now only Decause the pso- ple rose up in their wrath and ‘bust- ed’ theic little machines Tae peo- ple may be trusted to put an end to rings and machiues wher the jeaders of the party use the parry oryaniza tion to eontrol’ nominatioas Ba- in aii che slanderous statements that Gov- @roor Aycocs makes aopoiorments oniy from oas elemeatof the party. or that Senator Simmons, as State Ohairman, is using his position to further the amvitions of any candi- date for judge or Senator. The “hue snd ery” raised to enable the rule-or ruin manipulators to dictate railroad tools and wishy washy” Democrats as nominees, and for no other purpose. If the manipulators fail to dictate nominations, they hope to create enough division in the par is tfenough Demverats* to hetp rhe Repudiicans, and ~particulariy to iend 3 helpiny hand to Senator Pris- ebard. There is nodoubdt that the con- dictated. The peovie understand their game, and cow that is exyos- ed will see that theydo not domin- STATESVILLE, N. C. | they bad succeeded - in. converting wt * oe Re- “até the Democratic tonvention. to cCpen the campaign for, but it suppressed meeting c@guse thatrepors was favorable to the Democratic party and in airec: eontiict with the statement in the interview printed with Senator Pritchard When al! the facts came out about ginning of a exedus from the Democra ty, could not escupe the conclusion that it was barren of the results they had pre dicted. They saw the ‘hand writ ing’’ on the wall and read their doom in the ‘Mense, Mene. Teke! Upbarsin”” that was seen by the whole State. And then, when the j ae | i ' |the North Carolina Railroad Com ’ there is no shadow of foindation for! ty to enable them to ovit and carry: spirators have been moved as above SENATOR SIMMONS ON SOUrH DAKOTA SUIT. He Thinks That State is Not the Real Party in laterest, and That it Al- lows Use of Its Name to Give Court Jurisdiction. Raleigh Post, 15th. There has been much discussion and much speculation as tothe real status and the ultimate outcome of the suit recently brought by the State of South Dakora against the State of North Carolina to enforce the payment of certain bonds issued ny this State in aid of the Western North Carolina Railroad, and which the State, 1879, rop~diated. Senator Simmons was asked yes terday for his views with reference to this suit. He said he had not had time to makea thorough investiga tion of the matter, but that it seem ed to him that tne proceeding was an unusualone, aad was evidently 4n attempt cn the part of the hold- ers of these bonds to evade the pro- visions ef the Constitution with refaronce to suits by individuals again-t2 Stete The bill in the South Diikota su t, he said, seems to have been frauied after the billia the case of +ixsouri vs. I[lhnois, decid- ed by the Supreme Court of the United Siaces in January of tae pres ent year. That case, however, is uot an authority in this case, ex cept in so fav as it affirms the juris diction of the Supreme Court oyer controversies between two States. Cre Dakota case is more like the case of New Hampshire vs. Louisi ina, reported inthe 108U. S. R= gorts. In the latter case, the Cgurt iooked behind the bill or complaint und, finding tkat. the complainioy State was nut the real party inin terest, but was prosecuting the ac tion in the interest of certain of its citizens who were creditors of the state of Loeuisiana—dismissed the oili for want of jurisdiction. F In the case Dbruvght by South Da kota agaiast this State, it is appar eotthat South Dakota is not the real party ie interest, and that it is simply allowing the use of its name vo give the Court jurisdiction. Itis trueg, the dil! filed denies this, but, ‘sinthe case of New Hampshire against Louisiana, the Court will ivok behind the bill aud enquire in co the truth of this matter as one es- #en‘ial to its Jurisdiction. He said it seemed to him that up onthe face of the ill two facts were diselosed, which show. or at least strongly tend. to show, that the pretence On the part of South Dakota of absolute ownership of these bonds is uctrue. In the first place, the bill aileges that these vonds were given to the State of South Dakota by one Shaffer, and that in bis donation he requests tho State to give to the University of South Dakota the benetit of what ever might be realized from the ponds by suitor compromise Waen south Dakota accepted this donation with this request. it accepted tbe bonds with the implied agreement to hold the recovery for the beneti: ofits University.- The University is, thereiore. the beneficialowaer of the bonds, aud the action is brougat oy the State to recover them for its venefit. Althouga the Uaiversity may be supported by the State, yet it is presumed it is a corporation; a distinct entry, with entity, with the riznt to sue and bold property in its own name, and, therefore, South Dakotacan pO more maintain this action as its agent or trustee than it could maintain a State as the ayzent or trusteeof a private indi vidual. ZItisclear, if this could be dose, thatthe provision of Coasti tution prohibiting a citizen from ulby a state could be easily evaded this constitutional immusity | made of no effort. In the second place, Mr. Simmons said, the relief asked in the South Dakota case shows that the object of suit is not sé mucad to recover the ten bonds alleged to have been giv eu to the State of South Dakota for the benefit ofits University as it is tu collect the bogds still beld by Shatfer, the-donee, for the com piaia- ing State is not content to have these ten bonds paid, or to have the one buadred shares of North Caro lina Railroad stock, mortgaged to pay them, condemued, bur it asks thar enouga of the State stock ic | and 2ny be impounded and soid to pay the outstanding bonds issued ia ;2ig o1 the Westerp North Carolina Railroad, ail, or practically ail, of whichit is said Shaffer now owzs Toe suit ssems to have been brouyh: ‘for Seaffer’s beneffc d through i: he seeks to get a decFee that wiil ci rect the paymect of ail the bonds be stili holds, as well as those he hes given to the Uuaiversity of South |Dakova. Thusit will be seen that thouysh Shatfer or the other bond holders (if be does not hold thew all) are not Made varties to the suit ; A judgment in their behaif is asked 2 both fixing their d2mand and enforc- ing their alleged lien. i Se ees | Tne Charlotte Observer's Ravings | Wadesboro Messenger Intelligencer. i ‘Lhe Charlotte Ovserver says it sees a little edterie of politicians | undertaking to dominate this State. control appointments and dictate nominations. We should like to see this charge disproved.—Greeasboro Telegram The Messenger-Intelligencer would respectfully suggest to the Telegram that it would oe more to the point to ask the Odserver to proveits charge itis an easy matter for malicious and mischievous papers and persons to Vent their spleen against the Democracy by littie flings of this sort. but we submit that there is nothing to disprove until their charges are mad2 more deGnite. It isa gloomy nigaot in the Oodserver ‘print shop when its editoris so in- _capacitated that he cannot manufac , ture some sortofa slur ayaiust the D2mocraric oarty; but we must con -fess” ise that& good Democrat. such as Editor Haywood is, should Gigaify his ravings by asking that | they be disproved PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are easier to use and color more ; Eas pees and add faster colors than any otherdye Sold by Stim- the: The State Offi-es tc be Filled and Some of The Candidates for Them. Raleigh News and Observer, 1sth, _ Though the next general election is one year distant the contest for nominations has begun in earnest, aod ts receiving muzh attention ‘srom the State peess. Of course interest will center in the election of asuccessor to Senator J C. Pritchard. whose term of office expires Varch 4th, 1903, but just aow there is more discussion of the three Supreme Court Judgeships, which must be filled. _A gentieman here from Elizabeth City yesterday stated that Gen. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, would be a candidate for the United States Senatorship. He announced that he had received the information from a reliable source. There will be other candidates and among those who will make the race for the Sen- atorship are Hons. Lee S. Overman, of Ro-van Locke Craig, of Buncombe, and R. B. Glenn, of Forsyth. Others spoken of in connection with the Senatorship are Mr. C. B. Wat son, of Forsyth, and Judge W. A. Hoke, of Lincoln. The Senatorial campaign is a long way off and there may be many changes in the situa- lion between now and the time the vore is cast for Pritchard’s successor It is not generally known who will be voted for at the genera! election next year, and alist of the offices to be filled by the people will be of interest just now. They are as follows: Chiet Justice of the Supreme Court, to succeed Judge D. M. Furches, for a term of eight years Associate Justiceof the Supreme Court to succeed Judge Walter Clark, for a term of eight years. Associate Justice of the Supreme Courtto succeed Judge Chas. A. Cvok for 2 term of eignt years. Member of the Corporation Com- mission to succeed Dr. D. H. Abvott for a term of six years. Successors to the Superior Court Judges for terms of eight years are to be voted for also. Those whose terms expire are: Second district, Judge F. D. Win- stoa. Fourth district, Judge E. W. Tim- deriake. Sixth district, Judge W. S. O’B. Robinson. Eizhth district, Judge W.H Neal. Tenth district, Judge A. L. Coble. Eleventh district, Judge H. R.J Starbuck. . Tairteenth district, Judge W. B. Council, Fourteenth district, Judge M. H. Justice. Fif:eenth district, Judge Frederick Moore Sixteenta district, Iudge George A. Jones. The Solicitors in all sixteen of the districts will be voted for at the coming election. There are two of the Supreme Court Justices, whose terms do not expire until 1905. Theseare Judges W J. Montgomery and R. M. Doug- lass. Of the sifteen Superior Court Judges, six are nof disturbed at this viection, Theverms often expire. The four newly created Judgeships are to be filled by election before the people. There are a number of candidates to fill che three Supreme Court va- caacies Judge Clark will be a-ean didate for Chief Justice. He has the field to himself. It was stated yesterday that Col. H. C. Jones would be a candidate for Chief Jus- tic2, but that gentleman, who was in the city yesterday, failed to con- firm the report. Col. Jonesand Mr, Piatt D Walker, of Charlotte, are both urged by their friends for va- cancies on the Supreme ‘ ourt bench, out itis said that they will not let their interests conflict. Among the other candidates for the Supreme Court Judgeshivs are Messrs. Chas. . Armfieid, Chas. A. Moore, J. A. Locxaart, and F. D. Sondley in the west, aod ex Juige H. G. Connor, Judge Ges. H, Brown, and ex-Judge f N. Giil in the east. 7'ne election will de Held next No- vemoer, the Legislature having chacged the time for State elections from August to November The Democratic State Executive |Comm't'ee will choose the place for boldiay the coavention, and Greens- boro is maxiog a strong bid for it. se oan The Supreme Court Nomiaations. | Fayetteville Observer. q We presume Judge Clarks nonina- tion for the Chief Jystic2ship will be by acclamation, as it should be Toere is far less certainty about \the other two justiceships. In the East ex Judge Connor and Judge Brown share the favors of press and people. In the West, Charles H Armfield, of Statesville, a son of the late Judge Armfield, appears to be receiving stronger support than others so far. What Will Those Who Endorse 1t Say? Raleigh News and Observer. Toose religious and missionary societies, which have been passirg resolutions approving the course of President Roosevelt in inviting Booker Washington to dine at the White House, will regret toread the following from thé pen of Mr. Wal- ter Wellman, the Washiagton cor- respondent of the Chicago Record-% Herald: ‘* After all the discussion and flood of opinions concerning the question of social equality,started by a recent ioc’dent, 1t is semi officially an- nouceed that no more negroes will be invited to dine as the White House.’’ : The Rough Rider rode up the hill of Social Equality.and will now ride down again. The _ conservative, thoughtful people of tke country will be giad to know that the Presi- deat has decided to retreat. But what will the Christian Mis- sionary Suciety and other organiza- tions that rejoiced so much at the) “brave and courageous and Chris- tian action’’ of the President do now thiok that he has beat a retreat? Will they denounce his action as cowardly,or will they withdraw their votes of Sppcreae The Maine man, THE NEXT ELECLION. SrATE NEWS. Emily Long, colored, died in Ra- leigh Friday at the age, it is said, of 106 years. _Bears are very plentiful near Lin- ville. Six have been killed near the falls this season. Dr. J. M. Spainhour, a prominent physician and citizen, of Lenoir, died last Thursday. It is said that General Julian S. Carr, of Duwham, willbe acandidate for Senator next year. There is a fresh outbreak of small- oa among the negroes of Charlotte ere are four cases there. A little child of a. T. Bruton, of Concord. was scalded to death Thurs- day by overturning a vessel of hot water. John Felmet, an aged ex-Confed- erate soldier, was run over and kill- ed by a train at Leton, Buncombe county, Thursday. Charles Tate,a North Carolina negro. was shot and killed at Hun- ter’s Run, Pa., last Thursday night while trying to break into a house. Henry B. Adams, Esq., of Monroe will be a candidate for the Democrat- ic aomivation ‘or judge in the eighth ee against Judge Waiter H. eal, The Newton Enterprise says that Arch Bivies a Mormon convert, has donated a sight about two mules from Newton and work will soon be gin ona Mormon church. Mary Slagle, who shot young Merrimonat Asheville week before last, has been released ona bond of $300. Merrimon is improving and it is thought he will get well. It is given cut that ex-Governor aod ex Senator Thomas J. Jarvis, of Pitt, willbe a candidate for the Democratic Congressional nomina- tion in the First district next year. The Lexington Dispatch has put in a new cylinder press to be run with a gasoline engine and having a capacity of 2.000 papers an hour, Editor Varner will soon enlarge his paper to an 8 page paper. Wm. Gibbs, a prominent Burke coucty farmer, died at Bridgewater Thursday. His death resuited from au accident. While makiag a wood en maul he received a severe blow in his abdomen which caused nis death in a few days. S.L. Laughter, the Henderson county storekeeper and gauger and prominent Republican politician. who was convicted in Asheville of allowing liquor tobe removed from @ government warehouse, has been sentenced to jail for six months and is now serving his sentence in Hen- dersonville jail. R. A. Hester, a white farmer, of Wake county, -vas shot in the fore- head and seriously injured Thursday night at his home by Tom Hinton, colored, who thought Hester was a negro he wanted to kill. Hester was walking from his cotton gin to his home when shot. Hinton is in jai!. Hester may recover, : The Newton Enterprise learns that it is pretty generally conceded that Frank A. Linney, Esq., of Boone,a son of Ex-Congressman Linovey, of Taylorsville, will defeat Solicitor Moses N. Harshaw, of Le- noir; for the Republican nomination for solicitor of the 13th district next year. The distriot is Republican. Suits Them Exactly. Apex News. The Winston Repudlican and Asheville Gazette, both Republican papers, anounce that they will stand by Teddy, social equality or hot. Of course they will. Who ever heard of North Carolina Radicals getting sitk over social equality, when they have been wallowing with negroes for thirty six years. Oo McLaurin Swallows Nigger and All Charlotte News. Col. Leroy Springs was in Char- lotte this morning and in a brief in- terview with a News reporter, he stated that it looked as if Senator McLaurio had gone over body and soul, to the Republican party. The appointment of the negro Murray as %deputy collector under Koester, confirms this belief. e BSarglary In Davidson TcwnShip. Mooresv le Enterprise. On last Thursday night a burglar, or burg!ars visited the home of Mr. J. B. Atwell,a few miles west of town, and entered the rooms of Messrs Deck and Ben Atwell and robbed them of $25 each, which’ was contained in purses stored in their pants pockets. The total amount of cash taken was about $50. Mr. Ben Atwell was awakened by a noise. but thought his slumbers were disturbed by a cat and paid no fur- ther attention to the intruders. ao More Like Him Wanted. Kisston Free Press. Judge Winston is conducting court here not only with ability and im- partiality, but industriously. He shirks no responsibility or hard work, Withso many cases to be disposed of, the cdunty is iodeed fertunate in haviag Judge Winston to hold thisterm. He says he will be here until Saturday nfght of next week if necessary to clear up the dockets, If we bad more like Judge Winston on the Superior court bench there would be less delayin the application of the iaw. A Pnhysictan Testifies, '“T have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never anything in my life that did me the good that did,’’ says Covoty Physician Geo. W. Scroggs, of Hall county, Ga. “Being a physician I have prescrib- ed itand found it to give the best results.’’ Ifthefood you eat re- mains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system. Youcan prevent this by ee means’ starvation. yspepsia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from - recon = who wi that “God Alm hates a quitter” wijl now mae p velt’s . : Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dys- pepsia and Liver complaint. More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are af- flicted with these two diseases and their effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache. habitual costivemess, palpitation of the heart. heartbura, waterbrasb, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yel- low skin, coated tongue and disxa- greeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, !ow syirits, etc. Go to your druggist and geia bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses wili relieve you. Try it. Get Green’s Prize Almanac. —W. F. Hall. ~ At Rural Retreat, Va, Fridav, Mrs. Louise Huddie, an aged and respectable widow, was killed by her son in law, Henry Rutclife,who threatened to-kill his wife and chiid aiso, but they ran away. Rartclie isin jail. The dead woman. who was quite wealthy. bad willed her property to Ratclifl."< wite Night Wes Her Borrer. “I would cough nearly a!i night long,”’ writes Mrs. Chas. Appleva: % of Alexandria, Ind , and could hara- ly get any sleep I had consumo- tioa so bad that if I waiked a block I coughed frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $100 bottles of Dr Kiax’s New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds.” It’s avsolute- ly guaranteed to cure Couzhs Cvids, Grippe. Bronchitis and a!) Throat and Lung troubles Price 502 and $1.00. Trial botties free at W. P. Hall’s drug store. President Roosevelt has appointed Henry Caly MeDowell, of Big Stone Gap, Va.. judge of the U.S. Coart of the Western district of Virgini, Judge McDowell isa great vrand- son of Henry Clay anda promineut Republican lawyer. The Children’s Friend. You'll havea eold this winter. Maybe you have one now Your children will suffer too. For couch croup, bronchitis, grip and othe winter complaints One Minu Cough Cure never Ac promptly. Jt is very plea=ant to the taste and perfectly harmless. C. i. George, Winchester, Ky., writes: ‘Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speax. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her immne- diately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup.’’— Stimson & Anderson. “a o n - fails. The Northern Securities Company to control railroad combinarions, was organized under the laws of New Jersey last week with acapital stock of $400,000.000. J. P Morgan engineered the dea!. Tie incorpor:- tion fee was $800.000 and Morgax pald this to the State of New Jer sey. Modern Surgery Surpassed. “‘While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of D2Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve,’’ says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. “‘I procured a boxand was entirely cured. De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Sz2ive is asplen- did cure for piles, giving relief in- stantly, and I eae recommend it to all sufferers.””’ Sirgery ‘s un- necessary to cure piles. D2Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve will cure aay case. Cuts, burns, bruises and ail other wounds aresalso qu ckly cured by it. Beware of counterfeits:— Stimson & Anderson. Harry E. Coroe:t, paying teller cf @ savings bank at William-ouryg, N. Y , who died on the 22d, was 360,- 000 short in his accounts with tne bank. The shortage was discovered after his death. A Fireman's Close sali. “T stuck tomy engine, although every jointached and every nerve was racked with paio,’’ writes C.W. Bellamy,a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa, **I was weak and pale, without any appetite and ail rundown. AsI was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elec: ric Bitters and, after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life.’” Weak. sick- ly, run down people always yaia new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them Satisfactioa guaranteed by W. F. Hail- Price 50 cents. In a fireina coal mize at Poca- hontas, Va., Thursday, five perso:s were burned to death. Many more were rescued after being more or less burned. Working 24 riours a Dey. There’s no rest for those t:reless little workers— Dr. King’s New Life Piils. Millions are always busy, curing torpid liver. jaundice, viliousness, fever and ayue.- They bauish sick headache,drive out maia- ria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 23c. at W. F. Hall’s. Your Hair} “Two years 2g0 my h-ir was falling out badly. I purchased a 5 bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and soon my hair s:epped coming out.” + Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, ll. g Perhaps your. mother 3 had thin hair, but that is ; no reason why you must 4 go through life with half- ; starved hair. If you-want ; long, thick hair, feed it with- Ayers Hair Vigor, ; and make it rich, dark, : a p i a Ot 4 a | - | FF ee oa { ae a | a & @ wy | a i * - : a ca aan wg ee Bi. ; Vie Zs . ee ; 4 i a ‘ a e oa a cz a } se A ea cf a H . e ' a ; o 3 Bien” d ' or St e ee ea e Se a a em . . ae ~- te, we we, > ~~ —~— — ae en as a Smee ng Pa ang : a eaters 3 peerleromeentties (ie ag as eS pear mien gS aimniee enter arscnanmme eyes Og: eo- erat : . We Pa ae army ; — a e e -~ ’ ad y . : m eanias ’ Beast sere P STINE en nae : mane paneer on : jane . pone TAYLORSVILLE NEWS: << Saeets TEE MASCOT ey Ris: wil nave no vppyositios for This is|Tue Holton Block Burne Tuesday) . oo. PUBLISHED WEEKLY —AT— ONE DOLLAR A YEA’ -_—_—_— A D Watts. Epitor & Pror :2Tow —— Dn ety 2 Pate fee at Statesvill NC Ppierec * gecond class mai! matter. J *PHoNE No. 35. C., Nov. 21, 1901 Statesville, N. FORK JUDGE —-BENJ AMIN F. LONG, OF IREDELL Iredell county will present th- name of Benjamin FPF. Long to th Democratic convention of the Tevtt ‘odicial district for the pominaticr for judge. After serving the dis trict as solicitor for eight years with eminent adility, Mr. Long We- nominated for judge in 189+ went down in the |: udslide whick bu! struck the Democratic party in that year of disaster. His friends now thir k that it would be the gracefu and appropriate ibing for Democrats of the district to nominate him agrair by acclamation, and it now appear that this will be done. p Mr. Long stands at the head «1 the bar ci this district and is the equai of any lawyer in the State He has always been simply a jawyer having held only judicial offices. Fs more thana score of years he ba: had one of the largest practices it the State. Toa prefound knowledye of the law anda great intellect hi edds a tireless erergy ant § an appli cation which never rests. He is to- day oae of the-best equipped lawyer: for the bench in all Nurth Carolina Bevjamin F Long has all bis lif kept the full faith of the Demoerati: party. He has given much of bi time and talent for its success Democrats of the Tenth judicial dis- trict, jet’s right the wrong of 1894 aod mvke Ben. Levg judge. aa oes A correspondent writing to Tues day’s Lavdmark trem among other silly statements, make: the charge that Governor Ayeccek recently saw Hon. Lee. S. Overman. of Salisbury and tried to dissuade him from runving for Senator nex’ year, promising that if he (Over man) would withdraw from the rac for Seva'or apd support Craig h (Governor Ayeock) would give hig the support of the State administra tion and the State “machine” for a revominaiivn next year. as itshould be. It has always been a custom of the Democratic party to g -e public officer- ao endorsement f rasecond term when they have) g.tois moroing for nearly four performed their duties satisfac’or | pours vatly during their first terms sol icitor Rush has madea good officer and bis endorsen-ent should be unan inmeus ane heer y. Raleigh, ———— name — We understand that Solicitor Wil We Cail acteutium ww ene summary | | *@ o° next May and not lose his right to vote. —> > oe Can V-te. Democratic S ate © bairman Sim ayos prepared and gave out to the »spers Sunday the foliowing suw nary of the poli tax provisions of ne new election law: Uuder the pre vision of section 13, ‘papter 89 acts of 1901, carrying abl @ req urement of the ¢oostitu ional am~-ud cent, po ons will be all owed to Vote in the next State elec ton uulsss be pays bis poll tax bow sue by the tirsr ofoext May. And also provides that before the per on shal! be allowed to vote be shail xbibdit to the registrar his poll tax eceipt signed by the sheriff or tax sctlector, and unless this receipt wears date before the first day of rext May, be will not be allowed to vote. But. in lieu of such poll tax receipt, the registrar and judges of jection are permitted to allow one vho has paid his tax within the time ioove required, to vote upon taking tad subscribing an oath to thatef eet. Aud aoy person, woo having yaid Ris tax within the time, above pecified aod having lost his.tax re seipt, shall, upon making attidavit yf ~uch loss, be eutithkd to a dupti BIG FIRE IN CH ARLOTIPE ren | { Morning Charlotte News, 19th. One of the must des’ ruciive fires chat bas ever visited Charlotte, rag At about 1:300 cl ck a livht was seen by some Ose pass!DE ale ¥ East fra estreet. At Orst potbicg unusual was surmised, butinao Im credivle short woiie. the small light ee ea yrew to be a large blaze and it was vealed Oo ibe rear pos bien of Ozies f i:poll tax provisions of tbe}oy Bees, s:ore to toe Holtua -ction law prepared by .Democra’- viock. Lhe party who discovered it ran i State Chairman F M. Simmons Bee cogsorane bene Omicen wich -we priot in another columo | ick was seated drinking a cup of Every white man should pay hbis}eotiee. Mr. Black had just started p il tax for 1901 before the firs: day |b ome and stopped by the restaurant tor alittle jucch ; ple he went to the square and turo rdin the alarm. The firemen more ~uickly on the scene and in a few cli Taxes Must be Paid Before You ae es — ae aaron As svon as possl- tb burning buiidiogs The Hames ic the Oxzlesby s’ore tn saving that. As must af the con: reuts were of tbe iuflammmaoe kind iL burned’ furiously and in @ few niguics the fire was ali over the io terior of the store room, ‘the store edj ining the Oylesby tore cccupied oy Mr. H G Link next caught and as the heat We, so iotense aud there was no open space to fivh’ from the rear, this soon fell a victim to the flames While tbe firemen were directing their etlorts to save tbe Link store, the flames spread to the East and ip a few minutes the store rooms ©¢cu pied R A. Fields &Co., andB K Bryan & Co, caught. Then it was that the entire block, from College street to the railroad, seemed doom e@. While water was being poucted on and everything was being done to stay the progress of the flames. the Main pump at the pumping sta clon bruke avd the flow of water ceased. To those whe bad wateh: G the tire, this iacideot tended to ia crease the fear that the ‘fire couid exte thereof from the sheriff or tax | net be stopped uotilit burned its eollector The law also provides that if a sberilf or tax coliector will niving @ false date, shall be ecullty of a misdemeanor. Of course the act provides tbat persous who baye become of “age since the first day of last June, or on the first day of last June, sball tw pay poll tax. There ts also a like lieved from the payment of poll tax py the county comumisstouers On ac count of poverty or infirmity. The section also requires tbe tax _leolleetor, be: ween tbe first and tenth day of vay, 1902, to certify under oath a trae asd correct list of ali versons who have paid poll tax for the nomination for G vernurio 1904} ine} previous year, on or orfore and that Mr. Overman spurded tor offer. In a ‘phone message fron Mr. Overman be tells us that there ss pot ope word<«f trathin the re port. The correspondent ais makes other charges and insinua tions against Governor which docd less nave as little foun dation. This correspondent is doubt less a Republican ora Republican npathz-r. North Carolina nev syt er seqse of the proprieties of his grea kickers. = a The Washingtoa Post savs:‘‘There| vote. Either of these gentiemes, are many indications at the White} who are largely iaterested io the development of the cotton milling | joins. When this circumstance occurred, the fireman as well as those presebt. realized that the life of the fire was sbort and that the yravest danger Aouse thaggthe influence of Booker tlindustry of the South, wou'd make an ideal Congressman and receive the sapport of that element in the T. Washington with the Presiden is quite potential. Hvis known to have made some recommendation i Aysuck had a Governor with a higher be first day o:1 May. to the clerk of the Supericr court, avd make bim guilty of misdemeanor for failing to comply with this provision. ae EE ee , Is ly Official . | Raleigh News and Observer anbouncemen! inthis week's issue. -|Caroliaa in 1896 bas som? inside information, but it t Here is the item: this Conuresstonal district will nom regarding appvintwents which the! Democratic party in tbis district President vecepted. and now be is! whch is opposed to the machine and credited with securing from promi nent negroes in the South letters of advice to the president. -|the political vagaries it advocates.’ ~ —- 2 Governor Aycock Selec’s Attorneys “It is neticeable that whenever 4! pateign News and Observer, 20th. visitor calls at the White House with : ecard of introduction from Mr. Washington, he has no trouble in se- curing a speedy interview with the President. The cclored people are ; delivhted with this condition of aff- airs aud believe that it meavs much ed by Secuth Dakota. fer the deveicping and standing of! their rece.”’ jerncr to defend the State are: Ex Judge James E. Shepherd, of Washington is the same negro’ p. cioh | Reieigh. who dined with the President re-| centiy at the latter's invitation. Ac- ville ending to the Post he has more in-! tiuence with Roosevelt than any oth | er Southero Republican, ———— It is very prebubie that Hon. Cy rus B. Warson, of Forsyth; Judge : yin the preparation Gf the State’s Wiliam A, Heke, of Lncoln, and/Gefense. As yet there bas geen General Julian S. Carr, of Durham, wiil also be candidates for the Unit- ed States Senate. Mr. Watson i Genéral Carr has many devoted Hon. George Rountree, of Wil / ington. They are three of the State’s ab ! Jest and foremost lawyers aud the ‘Governor hes made no mistake in “this selection [bey will ar once Be hittie investigation of the. law reja tive to the suit. friends who will give him loyal sup-|ing tbe State to make avswer port, but be lives too far east. Wes- A wellknown lawyer said yester tern Democrats will demand the day shat this case was withour pre Seratorship and their Fastero,breth ren will yladly covcede* it to them |eail vur ten of these original A Senatorial race between Overman Glenn. Craig, Watson, Hoke and|*he Supreme Court, All such cases Carr will ve lively. Let Democrat see to it that it’s a friendly race and | A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little that a Demccratic Legislature is el- e ected, sotbat the Senatership will fall to one of these or some other Democrat. . oe The Unired States Supreme Ccurt _has granted leave to the State of South Dakota to,file its bill in tbe suit against the State of North C er- Olina, to recover on bonds of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company. So that the suit is- now op ura the State wil! have to meet it. re Recentiy there bas -been much taik oi Col. H C. Jones of Char. Jotte, rupning for the Dem cratic nominatico ior chief Justce..but he says be wil! not be ¢ candidate... ‘The opposition to J.d.e Clark finds i bacuie fed w eb Whiley to Tua a gainst him. He will be nominateo easily pO matter who ruos @geinsi hiu, for the plain. Democrats of the are for ose iv legal circies. He did vot re a have related to voundarie-. on’s Lite, H. B, Blacke the well known yid exemption in favor of persous re j Tne Liveoia Jourua!, edited by It may be that he wiil be well to wait antil the gentle 1. tice, caught aud bis, too, office than Charlies B. Aveock. He 2 meke their own an-| quickis is two well grounced in the affections of the Democrats of North Carolina to be hurt by the baseless charges and insinuations of Republicans and ‘-We bave it from the best source that the anti machine Democrats of | spread of the Hames. -| Phe flim s to the east of the Link joate @itber Dr Jno. H. McAden, or|/store completely destroyed tbe] ,acrick, ut HHaud, Orange country store rooms occupied ty R A. Fieids| was buracd Basdas Lowetber ae for . ongress and that either of them! & Co, and b K Bryan & Co, and |teeg. 100 varrels ot coro, tive head would receive the solid Republican | tbe sbree story wali of the Bryan} o; hortccmnd other property ae sore room fell, crushing in the roof yi of the Howeil building that ad ir D A Tompkins, of Chartotte. Governor Aycock yesterday se- lected couns¢l to appear with At- torney General Giimer before tbe United States Supremecourt in be- balf of the State in the suib institut- The lawyers retained by the Gov- Hon Jas. H. Merrimon, of Ashe- The case will be returnable for ’ S; hearing ona c. rtain date before the one-of the Stare’s first citizens and; Supreme Cvurt. The a Democrat of the right stamp. Judge Hoke is also a very able man. step must be the service of papers on the Governor, notifying bim of #5 WUU distributed among the foil- the suit. Then sufficient time mus: be wiven for the counsel represeut-| >t Paul. 31.000, aud North Carolina cedevt and would be a remarkable} Store reow, carried $1.000 in the 3 cases in whe States are involved before |aged by fatitny walls iage biacksmith at Grahamsvitle, | perty of the Hoiton estate, It was Suiliuau couuty. N. Y., says: Little son, tive years oid, bus always been subject to croup, and so vad| fora number of years. Several ad bave the attacks beeu tbat we feared many ‘tmes that he would die. Our We jimib our, As quickly as possible Mr Camp fully tails to give wb TaX receipt tO} yell, supermmtendeot of the warer iny person paying his poli tax, or} | jot several minutes Wailer Was agulb juvallavle, | By this time the entire Holton ee : | puriding tha: covered neariy half who «ere fifty years of age or over | cr che square. on whicb it was locat- led, was simply. wrapped in flames pot be required to produce poil lax | Phe sparks were flyingin every di- receipt, 0-cause bot required by la’ | pee: jon and the scebe was one that hywitl not be forgottea soun. Crowds bad ga‘ hered from all sec beyond tue Guutrol of the tiremeo consumed, ‘The Was over blazing furnace hopeful was under be. PIRM LCSSES $1 000 in the Lyon of Bigiand. $2500; North British, $2 060 lowing Companies: Home $1 000. Mr. George Howell, ~who owned the building adjvining the Bryan Hartford Whilethe butid:ng was not burned, it was considerably dam B K Bryao &Co . carried about $2,000 insurance. which was placed wito Ar, C. C. Adam's Company. THE BUILDING. Tne burned building wastbe pro- buve bad the ductor and used many | vuilding was as first constructed. medicmes, but ¢ hamberiain’s Cough Remedy 1s now our sole reliauce. 7 ~cems 10 disselve the touch mucus and by viving frequent doses whea|$l,500; Virginia ‘he croupy symptoms appear we|North American, $1,000 ana _ the | corner; thence with the old deed south ¢ de- Anderson. ‘is Cured before it yets settled ” Cnere is no danger ion giving this remedy for it cop ains ao opium or orher ixjurious drug and may be have found that the dreaded croup| Virginia Fire and Marice, $2 000, will ve vreatiy enlarged. 1 31,500; .usurauce $ov0. Samuei Hil, a oative of Raudvipi county, why vow liyes in Miptieap. lis, Minn., Das given $3uU to Guiliola Luiiege, ueat Raielgo. Hisdeath was accel dental. had yained such headway that it] seemed useless to direct ouch effort who was burned ten days ago, died tuesday from her injuries. Jobs W Graham,of Hulsboro, ana Miss ~ourtnay Chestnay, of Macon, works aod his assistants, connected | the stand pipe aud after the “elapse ticas of tbe city and Bast Trade street, almost to the square Was one moving mass of humanly Fears aus to tbe outcume © of the confiay ra- tion were freely expressed aad it was thought tbat the fire had gotten With renewed efforts the firemen eoulinued at their posts, bravely taking advantaye of every Opper ; tunity and doing all that was iajiandS Ferguson, of Hay wood, are their power to stay tbe Hames This | ail candidates for judge of the 51x splendid work couuoued for nearly | teeuth district, to whied Governor en hour when ove ot tke middie Ayeuck appuiated Juuge Jones. watis fellin, giving -encourage mot to the fire fighters and to vdose] ang wile, colored, of Wake cuuury, whose worst fears were ~ uppermost _|Jobn C. Tipton, bas ap interesting | Shortiy afters ards the walls oe the | tne house while they went to work, nu x different sides began to crumbie aud aod tbe house caught fice and whe Mr. Tipton edited the orgab of the {totter and one by one they tell intO| cniidren were ourned -o dea:b Paimer and Buckner parry in North|the ourniog Center, Along witb tbe Leak store, the corner office o¢ ‘ cupied by J A Sioan, as a cottov Aebeyanand Maiettof Parouro, woe was | vere sentece-d tu the peniteutiary outside|two years fur alieged fraud. ibe waii crumbied and fel, thereby de | Greasiug the danger of a further Puy nearly everyuudy ta Edgecombe By this time the flow of [ue of une I Ube party Was acciden- water was youd and every nozzle was pounng a swift stream into ‘he Gradually, but surely, the bright hzht grew lower, |}gidate fur Uuited States Senator Ube flames were less augry aod the/Gen. Juilian >. Carr, of Durbam, re entire condition looked exc-edingly | jused tu ve quoted. Lt is understood From this on tbe danyer. iba, bes cuusidermng the matter grew less and by 4;30 o’cinck the fire} apa itis very prubabie Ubat be wiil control Lhe crowd] cuter the race. breathed a sivh of relief and many re-urned to their -homes thaukful that the destruction to property | caudidate tor ve election as Sulicitor was not what they feared it wouid}ot une Sixteensh district, He will Mr. H. G, Liok carried $7 500 Jn ~urauce distributed among the fel lowing companies: Commercial Ua ion, $1 500- Five Association, $1 000°} tuu, was asked Saturday it ber would Piedmont $1000; Teuronta, $1 0005) ces candidate toc U. S Sevater Mraders, $1 VO; >t. Paul, $1,000 avd | tte said: “1 think it a little too early M. Oglesby & Bro., carcied $7000] wil say Ubat at the proper time 1 insurance in the folloming compan-| may eutertbe race if find there is ies: American (reinsured in Hart ford) $2 500; Manchester of Eawlaud J H. Sloan was insured for $,700 first. leva} |in the Sun of New York. i egal R H. Field & Co., carried about aigot. He was vuly siightly wound raders, $2.000; jau. The charge agaiust Dim Is as- ourit io 1871 by Messrs. Graham and } .,y-virruEota power of sale containedin a Williams wno did a large business ditions were made to the building. | provutedand recorded in the office of the Kexis- at ditfereat times but the main | the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the There was $8,500-insurarce on the It| vuidiny divided among the follow- ing-companies: Western Assurance. jing in Iredell county, shiloh township to-wit: State. $2,000; “trs. De Jobasen, of Leuisvilie owng men, Ga. has recentiy viven $2,000 to Erskine College, Due West, S C., ro, he_used .1n~ educating indigeat } }Stimeon te Artereon. q nip see 5 I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, | tnvnce with the creek Kast 53 pules 10a voruer Cholera and Diarrhoea P~medy ard 2 Spe na ge's corner} > ‘ Ee A ence North 27 dezrees East 14 polesto a post. find it to be a yreat Meaicine, Sa\8} Gax, Freeze’s.corner; tnence south 66 degrees Fi * 3 - 7 < : eke pity See or as re £.S Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. ‘It — peo W. kreeze’s corner; thence | : Z ie timso: = x ps orth g degrees est 122 polestoa small tt y a cured me of oloedy flux. T canocot| ook; thea.e West 4 polestoa smail black bak; | speak 100 bigbly cf it This rem.- | thence North 9 degrees West to the beginning, | -Ledy always wine the goed opiniar -Jifnet prise, of those who use it The quick cures which it effectseven | janaconveyed by reter Freeze to EL, Fre-ze, ip the most severe cases make: it a] 23ra of February, 187% see Mook 9, page 674 of SLATE NEWS. Snow fell in Mitchell cuunty fast @ tke Southern’s shops at ~pencer A crazy negro named Frank Jone: was lvunu Gead Luesday in & dilcu Bad Fos er, colored, the condem ued muiderer, who receoliy esCspea jrom Braukiu county jail, bas vee recaplred. . Five — prisouers escaped frou Fraukiin County jail av Loutsture Saiurday aight’ ne of vein wase Cupdemucd wurderer Logan Juves, colored, a well Known apd weil liked servant at the Yor vorough Hotel, Raleigo, died Sui- day, aged 83 years. The Globe Manufacturing com pany, ot Suffolx, Va., will locate to Washington, Beautort county The concern employs 200 hunas. 1 The jittle daugbter «f Dr. Taylor, of the Morgauton State Hospital. Ga., were married Tuesday. A five year old son of J. Thomas son, of Raieigh, was drowned in the puol of the Raleigh fi -ur mill Sus day. His body was floating whet found. Governor Aycock has pardoned J @. revshaw, tbe teckienburg farm er, who was serving a SIX months verm in jail for killing a negro was ermelon thiet. Waler E Moore, of Jackson; 5 Gaiber:, (f Rutherford, and J. M Campbeil, of Buncombe, are avowed eiudidates for the Democrane con vressivnal nomination in the Teuth district. D J Alexson was jailed a: Laur iuburg Saturday on the charge of erimivally assau'ting Rachael Lock iar. @ ld year-old Uroatan girl Phe evidence is said tv ve stroug ayatnst him Fhe store of W. J Parker & Co., near the state Hospital, ab dorgau ton, was burned Tuesday. It ts thought the store was first robbed and thenset on fire. Luss $2 500; \usurabe: $1,500. Judge Geo. A. Jones, of Macon; J H Ditiard, of Cherokee, and Ger- Tuesday afternoon Mack Blalock lett Lheir bree coiidren locked 10 Governor Aycock has pardosed petition fur the pardon was signea couuty Che baro of a farmer named Kul- ing aloss of $2,000 with uv tusur- auce. ~ Jusepb Broughton, @ well-known farmer ut Wake Cuuoly, Was pruvda- viy fatally shot Luesdsy while buut- iby with sume Raleigh triesds. Lhe taliy fired and Bruoughtod was shor lu toe oudy. When asked if he would be a caa- J. W. Fergug nu, of Hay wood, is a be Opposed tor the Demveratic nom ination by J. Frank Ray, of Maevn; ben. Posey of Cherokee, and T. D. Brysva. of Swalo. Hon. Cyrus B Watson, of Wins to Make aD annouucemMent, Dut L avy roum lef, x Bud Ox«en: a disorderly negro, of Lexivgtuu, was snot by, the sheriti woite eae arrest Saturday eG abd Is yelog aluny art right in sauit upon w Deyro girl. M J. Evans acd family left Hen- dersouvitie Tuesday for Canada. In chavying Carsat Biltmore tbeir 12 yeat-old son got lost aud the train ieft without bim. capt. Perry, the Conductor on lhe east bound passen ver trap, telegraphed Superioten dent Loyall, of hg Asheville divi- siun, of the Suuthern, to care for ihe doy over aolgnt and let bim start jor Washington the next day. Mortgage Saie of Land. mortgege executed by KK. 1. Freeze and Susan Freeze, his wie, to C. 5. Holland which mortgage was executed on the 6th of April 1900, terot Deeds of Iredell connty bovk 18, page 18, highest bidaer.tor cash at the court house door in otatesviile, Iredell county on SaTURDAY, DECEMBER 21ST, 1901, ut 12 o'clock M . the following tract of land. ly Biginning at a biack oak, Wood’s corner. thence West 103 polestoa postoak, Koseman’'s xrees East 1 6 polesto a white oak near the ercek, Kusemau’s corner; thence East 2) poles to a biack oak, thence south 6 degrees es’ poles tothe cieck (corner on bank of creck}; ———— R, A, Wilseo-and family ha e moved to town. occupying Me. Lelia Bogle’s dwelling. < . Cherry and J: : B .uzweil and Col. G. W. Fiowers let A uativDal 040k bas been ores = Tursday afternoon for Gastonia t.- z dat Marlon with’ $29.00 capital aluuk. “tisville, yuDlic scaool in sear ex-sheriff J, W. Watts’. Mrs. P. L. sveck, wife of Depo Avent Steck, visited at Chari: ne past week where she attend. - Miss Glover wai dr. Cann at the home of the bride sepfather, Poticeman C. L, To he marriage of seriences of Che pames of tee iut learned. a cend the Methodist ¢ »aference. : . county tax aver~ tbe residence of T J. Moffitt, «f eee PRCA oataet Ob eas AsueOUru, Was LUTE nuULday Luus> chidlior pension tht kor tmolae rack to Alexander caunty for the LWo stores at Mariup were prokew | t-voitems more than our State tax. intu Lucsday oul, oul Woe rovers vuly Bul & sina@li aiuvuul ul CuLauge- Dr and Mrs R Z Linwey, of Co'- Caldwetl c-uaty, can: town last Saturday to visit relatives. Miss Laura S!san went out to Li’ ie Ri®er towuship Vouday te assi Nu E White. Esq, to teach th the new academ The Register of Deeds and Ci be superior cour have both r Alexander © oun epsiouers aud the Cheeks or was receiv: d absent th oedie of bext moath to pay Rett The number passed bythe S a: Three lirs class. one sec nd clas-, feur tbird class, thirty ‘bree so:diers fourth Ciass aud Sixt ue Widows. Revs. J. H Pressly andR C. D vidson installed Rev. W. Y. Gov: vastorof the A R. Presbyteri.« ciuren here Tuesday night. Mr Davidson preached the sermon anu | is thoaght it was the : : Rev J. A. Pressly deliv Paul Cameron Graham, 2 son 0!) ured the charge to the congregatio: sud told of the many trials and ex the ministers abou ‘heir duty tu the congregation au he duty of the churches to the piss tor. License was is-ued bere Monda “or three couples of Wiikes counts sed Miss Ive Kun,. of this eouncs cere married at ibe cvori house Tidvali, wod cone of th was for the mar Yebber, of rede! ‘aunty, ard Miss Maude, dauyht Comraiss onvr Win © Gwalpevs townsnip other couple was Ove coupie, J peopl you. E There is nostrain. is all natural and easy- + aes Evans Hardware Company just take the medicine and that’s all there is to it. The next thing you know ter—you eat better eee ace SAOEIG. Clothing. you feel bet Letit Alone:| tt’s Emulsion is not a ae for fat folks. Je have never tried giving it ya real fat person. Scott’s Emul- flesh. Fat] , gu antity OF QUALITY A LIT TLENESS IN-PRICE WE ARE HUWNTINg ‘ood medicine are, You see a quiet worker. A fast iesin % day nigh* “ear Yours, ta, vy * charge of dynam ie p ¢ track The train was rauantug a the rite of 45 miles an hour. but al ion builds new } eople don’t want it. Strong e don’t need it. But if you are thin Scott's Emulsion is the medicine for It doesn’t tire you out. Send for free sample. ; » BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pea SCOTT & BOM Dd $1,005 all druggists. yey to kat aced under ih: We don't The work rl Se, N. ¥y. YOUR DOLLAR If so, it is your atten’ion we want. ard it i eans a positive saving of cask to you We ruck it. rich this season in our purchases, ‘ound a mavufacturer changing bis bu-ipess ud closed out a big lot of stuff for less thar sanufaccurers’ cost. How does a good is sure ta work every tim> at the new store. Why ? “umes neramse (Gb teva > does th- vork of two. For spertsmen who want the best. Weboiv-> mu-t complete line of Guas aud Ammunit:. shorn. ee me wee 4 | ex e s Se Do you wear Clothing ? the passengers escaped injury.~31 work of trait -obber-. mpress vou? ne Oyercoats, ‘w competiticn. All Wool Suit for $5.00 Would be cheap at $7 50 Big Hats, Shirts. &c.. at prices be Come to see us, will save When you feel tnat life is bara: candi« take a dose « thamberlnain’~ Stemech and Live wit} cleagse vou stomach, tenes up vour liver and reg uiate your bowels makipy you fee ‘ke a BEwW Man con & Andarson. For sale by Stim The brigands who hold Miss Stone he American Missionary, have re luced the ranson demanded for he release ty $75 000. which they wid nave to still further reduce hey get any money. pefor “ham verlain's L433, tO wrotect n¢ mayor who alsifving bis accounts to mount of $50 000. Snow feli in “oluubia,. S.C.,Tues digestion. remove a troubleseme corn « First. soak the corn or but in warm water to soften it, the are it dewa as closely as possib sithout drawing blood asd app! Pain Balm twic jsily, rubbing vigerously for tis ninutes at each application. A cor faster should be wore for a fe: in from the shee \- 2 general liniment for sprain yruises, lameness and rheumatiso Paty Balm is unequaled. For sa Stimson & Anderson Chamber.ain’s Stomacn and Live Mablets cure biliousness, coustip: :0p and headache. » take and pleasanor in effect. ale by Stimson & Anderson. fhe treasurer of Buffalo, vay Deen suspended from cfiice ov charges him wit! Liver Pills That’s what you need; some- thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. They are ea- F. N Y th 25. All druggists. sowels every day, you're wels open, and be well. Fore Come anyaic of pill poison, is dani est, casiest, most perfect way 0! clear and clean 13 to take CANDY CATHARTIC or rT Beatth. Address And fet us er, Eggs, his friends. ou money. BEST FOR TH . BOWELS . ar, heal mo’ {f you haven't a rerular, Healeny i be. Keep, your c,in the shapoof vio- ae EAT °EM LIKE CANDY Do Good, Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Ni 4 Weaken, 3 . 10, 25, and 60 cents | ,. at : ee a Never Sieg eee tree saree, ‘and booklet on line. We areseliing the handsomest and most stvlish Jack=t in Si! atesvillg Close fitting. 27 inches long, in Black, Castor and Dark Oxford 25 00 $7 00 and $10 00. We havea lin of Saort Jackets, in Bi Oxford and Brown, from $1 60 up to $10 00 Taste Good, CHICAGO or SEW YORE. 000 GLEAN REMEDY COMPANY, KEEP YOUR BL We have a full stock of the Ch jzest Groceries. say 10 the readers of *‘The Mascot’ that we want We have every facility for doing business the best goods goods that money can buy. number of salesmen who are ever ready to wait on you to your satisfaction. your trade. Comeand see us and we will do you good Wanted: Turkeys, Chickens, But- Partridges, Geese And all kinds of goed country prodnes for which we pay bighest cash prices Mr. D.C Rufty, the veter an salesman, iS now with us and will be please to see all COOPER & GILT, GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. ent of the Verv truly. Sioan Glothing Co. Statesville, N. C gcrous. The smooth- f keeping the bowels We have We have a Op uing of Winter Season. H®* Southern Ratlway, which operates its own lines over the entire Sonth eet forms | peer eeneeseenenE the important link in the great highwas of trav- el bet ween the North and south, Florida. Cuba Mexic>, the Pacific Coast and Central A:nerica. ‘ices for the winter of 1901 and 1092 the most = be-p service ever offered. ' regu ..rselvice will be augmented by the suuth- Fire, Life, Accident or Health See Brown & Guy, INSURA'SCE HEADQUARTSR. Offiee: Socond Floor Ran Buliding. = ———— a manic Pullman in, which will be operat tween New Y. and Sr. *ugustine. Florida, oe Cabbagesper Do 1% Want your moustache or beard a beautiful Extra flour—sack.. .........-- $2.05 brown or rich iivck 2 Then use Pamityi) acs. oo. |. eter 2.00 5 for the Meal- -boited—44Ibs. per bushel... . 80 BUCKINGHAM’S DYE Whiskers { |‘ unboteaq sms 2s. 8 89 Crs. OF DruccieTs, OF RP. Hatt & 6O., NASHUA, WLM. Corn—old—sobbs. eobeanee 2° A bunch of keys Finder will pl Oa meee eee: 5 return to The Mascot office, please | ats—32hbs, . : 45 November 7th, 1901. L. Peas—<c ee sect e eee 60 ae oe ; 5S Potatoes—Irish. . 2.2... é For Sale mo ements: 28 NE WILSON Heater. good -y, | Onions—select, per bushe! 50 sell at a bargain price. good as new. Will! Lard—N.C. : 1% MCLAIN & ALEXANDER, aatiowse 7 s Hens—per 6 ~ Roosters per 5-5 23 Chicken—Spring—small—per Bb... 7 If y ou Need eee See 5 fe , 5 oe 2 Ducks > olsen ay mule 4 yuinas each... air... STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED BY COOPER!& GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. All produce in good demand. BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. Geesel- hse neh eens yellow. . Honey—strained, per Oo Sos ca ; comb, peri. . Eggs—hen......-.-+ ---Insurance--- wheat ere 2222 -: - eee 70 Soe eee jo Feathers—new ....... oattiet et 3s Hides—dry, peri eso ro n** . 8 -.28 123 THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving turkey dinner you will always rejoice that We are selling them cheaper than ever %+fore aud show ng the handsomest line in Statesville. See us before you buv. or Table Linen. SALE Uy; If you want anew Jacket or Dress for Thanksgiving ¢ me and see oy for 3H ck, Dark Beautiful line of Capes from $1 00 up. all suitable to wear to Thanis: viving services. See us for Thanksgiving Shces, Underwear, Gloves, Hose ani Umbrellas. If you will buy one of our beautifu! Linen Table Cloths for yoq uu came tog We have a great many things on the Bargain Counter among othey aen’s white dress shirts. Yours very truly, N. B. Mills & Company. WINTER TIME [5 Han and you will be looking for the necessary things to keep vourself warm and comfortable. We have them Fresh line of Ladies’ - Dress = Good A beautiful yool Flannel. yard wide, for 25¢ ; 40 inch al) wool for 50c ; S54inch very heavy for 75¢ Big stock of iadies’. men’s and children’s Underwear price from 23c for a heavy Cotton Fiansel’ to $100 Wrigbt’s Health Underwear. Elkin Flannels, Jeans and Blankets We are agents for this line and can save you moaey on it. Call on us for bargains. Our Millinery Department is complete and prices are the towest. Mrs. Katy Gill Coffey is in charge of this department. Yours for Bargains, 10 | check. makes collections issues drafts, certificates of deposi Ve solici ; , leposits. ete We solicit 3° | corporations, firms and indivi 1 Ss 15] ing changes or openi a individuals. —— it be pleased to hear from those con y ‘ new ac ful attention. with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and prudent basking 10 | Three per cent. allowed on Savin; Deposits of 25 cents and over maabe wade in this department daily during b *ALESMEN : Larry C Lawrence. Poston ; Bros. Jas. R. Hill. Centre St., Statesville. ¥.¢ pene a a Statesville Loan & Trust Company; SrarTEsvitxe, N. C. CAPITAL, $25,000. Se This Company transacts a general banking bsiness Receives money on det « intrusted to us will receive prOF No accounts too small to receive courteous welcome. SAVINGS De PARTMENT. Deposits. compounding quarterly on emevnt «ct TRUST DEPARTMENT—We are authorized to act as Trustee,” 4¢250) Guardian and Receiver. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT—Policies written in first class fire insuraice compamies ts, and OF Tourist S “ fancy bright sliced. . ¢ = —_S wae 4 green—per bushel. . . . . . Peaches—peeled, bright. 2... 2. a = famcy....... 6 = exten 7 ene eee ee = ai 5 Sides ae : » Shoulders 22222 II iI: 10 STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, x Cc. Nov . 1901, @, m. Strict Good Middling.......... 7-35 its spienlid | 00g Middli 3 Sgr Middtngs ic pee nee 3.38 Cinges. 2... es 5.00 SUMING eos : 6.90 Market firm. Homes in Lands.” : a ae a of an attractive honklet A = -t issn v the Passenger De the» nthean Railway. . ips the~ uth A copy may be tw cet stampto S. H, Hardwick, «. Wasnirgion, 2 C. : cacepling thereirom asmallicts Id tc Lee Mc- 9 | Leliandand to k. Mack Bramley andthe’ school Gistricts, the amount rerfashing and conveyed 1u this mortgage being i60 acres, and being the register’s ox ce of Iredell county, facorite everywhere. “For vale by f° Sth sey sn, ae anes ee Winter Exeursi-n Kates. FRECTIVE Oc'uber is, f of. excursion rat are placed on sale by the -onthern Railway toall paces “eee See the South and Ask anvagest of souch for full information. : eat Important Notic+, | = a oweus for goods ertilizers must come and settle, All of notegkeve. dies November tft. We need the Soe monev atid meson to collect it. Sf-we can. “The applies to all who owe us with no exceptions We want tobuv cros<ties on .jhe_ Tavlorsvilje os Respect felly, Sammer u riiaent of Itis beautifully ilus- and fully describes the winter res rts-of secured by ending. provisions and Wanted < good sober Blacksmith and Horse Can get a good job by addresss. =e P O: BOX. 298, Statesville. N.C. F Weston, d ’ Novemer 7th, 1g0t. Important Notice. Att PERSONS indebtedto the es.ate of W. eces) are notified that their mo: j-H. WES oe ary Sane ‘TOBACCO N*T His name was Jack Stolen last Christmas and ca” White setter, medium sixe. black spor on b: left eve. Those knowing the value of a well (4 return to my office and received reward. Great Guns. Are thé Martins Repeating Shot Guns, $24 9. ceived anew lot. Also a complete liae of =° ‘repairs. Call and examine my stock. W. H. COFFEY. vet. 24, 1901. sed, by note and mortgage seg 3 UNDERTAKING. rante ¥!| o fins, Caskets and Robes. eo Mpa eee oo ee G. A Criteher and J, C. Stee’ associated ~~ Sogethessantians prepared a to furnish ma All Grades of az t for purial of body and embalm of prenare it "1, share ns bie charg® ~ iG. ACritcher & f- “et patronage sulicited, > aa : pos Cotio: C. B.- Je Kelly streg Tra: dstr4 viss Fa charge of Janu es SP Supe’ In) moved fro of town td The lad cave one q ments at day evenil Jno W family ba are cccupy near N Miss oq friends iu Miss Julia Davidson Jim Sez to the chai "Squire J_ beating hi hand Cc #B. Le au eight rq Merrison op west F Connelly Ss Mr E Cd Betblehbem will close with a biz body is 1D There 3 Mozart Sy an; rtist. hyely cor the New Mr. and of Shiloh’ zens have make thei er, Mrs. & Don’? fo Mezar Sy Gay even} posed of b you li mis Rev. Ed preach ne ovieck 34 church us! so incleme ting there The big at the Blu¢ by Henry 3 Dick Grey but when t Gregory Marriag ed during 4 Fear ‘ Walte © Lee Coar- ard Litta IB uw man fer th graph Co bought tb ducted by three miles J. A. Mo ville. H. Kelly stred Jennings Lencir. 3} most of th Mr. and repistered Baughtcn pew t13in lotte whick and wiil m The Sou tion met Capt E 3 W. A. Tb were presé ville’s gro The Ca Companrv trac: fora Alfred J« will cost 3 avd 4 inch granite. One day of Olin to The stock flew off an forehead. did not kn Was very s Statesvil A. M. will morrow ev Secretarv and Jno expected the membé The E First Ve a ‘*Myste tomorrow o'clock solving lie is cord and enjoy Rev R ead. Mon cepted a church of that “ir. G ~man with arrive her begin bis Mr Jos tie Bost. a this tewns terday m the recide Rev. W I gratulates their bap W.J Ss S:atecviil have joie a Pying Mr. over Brad Stimcon a building, years or m@ Next Th day. The as usual. closed the churc taken up the State cheer will ority of a Dec'd-< the Taiir< bew train lotte road every mo Charlo: 2 from Chai “2. Mm. in < bound = fr tim ps for’ you u came to av. Rmooy othe joas. 7 “kK anu trained dog FEET LL ae LPS eg ee LOCA, rior is Worth 7.35 bere today. H. Jennings bas moved from , street toa new house on south x Tra iss Fannie Whitley who te parish school at St i Sa'urday here. | street. intendent J. A Butler bas om his former home north to the Hartness place. = peel adies guild of Trinity church ne of ther pleasant entertain at Mrs Emma Mott's Tues- vening. \W. Marshall has moved his J They \in.t a bouse on Sharpest., buck to Statesville X P. Watts.’ Turner is Edna Jalia Webb will go sou to Morrow fer a few days Se'zer, colored, was sentenced chain gang last Thursday by J W White for 30 davs for e¢ his wife. J:m isan old road tt. Lester has the contesact for ent room dwelling for DA. x The bouse will be bniit west Front street nex* to JE, iV 5. EOShv- \ ehem eh sh S udiv of scnusie @lass ot Shi ob towash.p, this week ‘ug to which every- biu s? s invil ur members of the ut Sympathy club. each one is gn artist he soloi-t is ‘ly cem imented ov papers like New Yor& Heraid There are i A sOpDrTandg and Mrs Heury MeLain, two shileh’s aged und respected citi- ~ have moved to town, They will e their home with their daught- er, Mrs. E. E. Alexander. Mont forget be coacert by the Simphe os Club next Tues- evening. Phas company is com- tof bigb clas+ performers ard uareabsen’. l miss a tea Ff ks tev. Ed: S Reaves expects to preach next Sunday afternoen: at 3 ) k at South River Baotist ehoreh unless the weather should be <o inclement as to preveat his get- ting there. The big turkey wa~ wor Saturday he Blues’ target » hooting marct i Billie Leinster and Dick Gregory tied for the secend t when they shot off thetie Mr eyory won, Henry Sills Marriage licenses have be@n issu lduring the past week for Robert 4a Zola Cadeline Combs *anklin Gabriel and Anaie ard Jos Mott Hoover tau Camelia Bost. {- Westen. who kas beena line Western Union Tele Co fer several years. ha- eht tbe mereantile business cop ted wy the late W F Weston ee miles north of tewn. r the A. Monday has moved to States H. pas repted the house o1 Keliv street lately oceupied by Mr. Jennings They have been living in Lencir. Mr. Munday ison the roac most of the time lecturiog. Ville Mr. sed Mrs. T. F. Haughton ar reoistered at Hotel Iredell. Mr Hevehten is totake charge of th new train betweer bere avd Cbar lotte which is te be put on next week and will make this beadquarters. The Southern Furniture Associa tion met in Charlotte vesterday Capt E M. Purdy. G. E. French W. A. Thomas and W. T. Kincaid were present representing States ville’s growing furniture busiaess Tie Carolira Marble and Granite Companv have recently closed a con tract fora monument to the late Alfred Johnston, of Salisburv. that will cost $1000 It will be 21 foe and 4+ inches bigh and of dark Barre granite. One dav recently Rufus Steverson of Olin township. fired bis gun off The steek bur-t and the barre! flew «ff and struck Steyenson in the forehead. erding the breech pin hue did not kneck Stevenson down Hi was very slightly burt. Statesville eovreil of the Jr . O. U A.M. will here an ovster stew to morrow evening in theirhall. State Secretary S F Vance. of Winston, and Jno M, Julian of Salishurv. are expected to be present and addres-~ the members of the order. The Envworth League of the First Vethodiss ehurch will give a ‘Mystery Party’? at the armorv tomorrow evening from 8 to 11 o'clock There will be lots of fun in solving the “mvstery’’ and the pub lic is cordially invited to come out and enjoy itself. Rev RH Gilhert of Mount Gil ead. Montgomery conntv. has ac cepted a call ta the Second Rantist church of Statesville. [tf is hoped that Vr. Gilhert. who is a vouny man with a wife and one child. wil! arrive herein the near future and begin bis labors. Mr Jos. Mi. Hoover and Miss Let- tie Bost. daughterofJ W Bost, of this township. were married ves- terdav morning at 10-30 o’eclock at the residence of Jas. O Overeacsh bv Rev. W L. Darr THE VMascorcen gratulates these voung people on their bappy marriage. W. J Stimson and C. B. Jennings Sratesville’s two photegranhers, have joined forces ard are now ocen- pving Mr. Jennings’ old quarters over Brady's printing office. Mr. Stimson moved from the Anderson building, where he h-d been for ten years or more, last Thursday. Next Thurdav will be Thankgiving day. The dav will be ohserved here as tsual. Most of the stores will he closed There will he services in the churches and collections will he taken up for the -orphanages over the State. Good dinners and good cheer wil! be found in the vast maj ority of our homes. : Decided changes will take place in the raiiread schedules Sunday. A new train will be put on the Chor lotte rcad to- leave here a: 10:32 every morning and arrive here from Charlotte at 915. The other train from Charlotte will arrive abour 9 a. m. in stead of 10:30 and th: west bound from Salispuee abort the sam» time Exact fizures are ds Obtsinabdle yets BEMASCCT is in Visiting ~in Davidson this week and down to Hae PERSONALS. . Mr. J. L. Brown. of Marion in town yesterday. : x week from a business trip S oath, B. F. Long. Esq , went Salisbury yesterday on lJeya! business. ee is the yuestof Mrs. A. L. Co- e. Mrs. RW. Orr. rerurned froma visit to Mrs. Jno. H. Reid near Mt Mourne. : Winston, are the guests of Virs. E C. Allison. Mr, W E. Andersor came down yesterday from Sparkling Catawba Springs on business. _ Mrs. W. D. Turner went to Lex Ing’On last week to visit her moth- er, Mrs. Julia MeCalt: Mrs. Jno, O. Houston, of Rowan, has been the guest of her roother, Mre M.C Neely, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Joo. 4. Gray snd lit- tie son of Washington, are expected bere today to yisit his pirents. Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace have returned froma visit to Mrs, Wal- face's relatives in Rochesior, N.Y. Miss Mattie Martin, who bad peen attending the coli ce ; e returned to her home in Yadkin couniy last | week. e Mrs. J. W oC. Long went to Ca- tawba yesterday to spesd a day with relatives. She will return this ev- - olny. Mrs Mary Pavne ane Miss Saliie Brent returned to Greensboro Mop- day. They had been visiting Mr. Chas H Armfield. Me. Lawrance Ervin. of Coneord tovnship hus returned from school at \ hira Grove and will teach school at Clio this winter. Miss Susie Perkins, of near Mar- vanton. spent Tuesday with Mrs. D, M. Curches, leavin. vester ay for Charlette Commercia! College. Miss Laura Seroges, who has been at home since she finished her course +t the will return there this week to accept a position as stenographer. G E. Woodward went to Salisbury ve terday to atrend a meeting of the executive committee of South Yadkin Baptist Association of whieb he is secretary and treasurer. Mr.R. D. Work of Philadelphia, who ba- been here for some weeks will leave for his home to morrow, Vrs, F. L. Lithian of Hadden field, N J.andchildren will return with bim: Miss “aggie Burke has been here on a visit to her brother, H. Burke, Exq.. for severai days. Miss Burke vas for several years ore of the most popular teachers at ihe female College. > —-— Killed His Wife Accidentally. Last Saturday N. L. Rebixson, vho lives near Terrell. Catawba sourtv, wecidentaliv killed his wife Jr. Robinson got his gun toshoot a vird, which his little son had pointed ‘ut to him After he went into the vard to killit ne decided to come x3ck in the house and shoot from -he windoy. As he was coming in the door the bammer of his gun struck the door and was discharged ‘he entire lead of shot struck Mr. 2ohinson’s wife, who was sitting by he tire, in the right side and killed ner almost instantly. Mrs. Rooio -on was about 54 years old. Several :imost prostrated by the deplorable iccident, survive her. Robbery Near Mooresville. Tuesday Pat Reid, an old colored man, who lives on J. B. Atweill’s vlace-five miles from Mooresville, sold some cotton in Mooresville and received $20 as his share of the pro eeeds. The money was paid to him on the cotton platform by Mr. At- well and Patand his son, who was with him started home. At this juncture a strange ueyro who was standing by asked them to let him side with them. They consented About two miles from Mooresville vbile passing through a piece of xoodland the negro drew a, pistol oo Pat Reid and his boy ard told them to band over their money. ‘Lhey did so and the colored geutleman vot out and lefrthem. They report ed the occurrence and Deputy Sher ff Deaton and a posse started to the scene of the robbery. They zot some pioodhounds belonging toa Mr. Ga nriel and thev struck a trail whica they lost on J. H. Reid’s farm which ‘be negro had evidently crossed The robber is a heavy set black ne- vro and a stranger in Mooresville. —-_>_-_—_ 4 Picasant Evening At The College. The reception given last Friday evening by the facult and pupils of the Cullege to their friends was @ deligbtful affair. An attractive pro yramof music and recitations was rendered. This was the fir-: ‘ime an opportuoity bad been piven to hear Miss McCarthy sing or Miss Revers recite and both were very much enjoved. The young ladies of the college proved themselves de livhtful hostesses and were charm ing secialiy “After the mus: a )9 gram and an hour or more of pleasant intercourse, the guest were served light refreshments. President Scott expec’s to allow the young ladies to receive their friends at stated intervals and it is sure the guests of the first recep tion will look forward with pleasure to the next evening at the cvilege. New Advertisements N. B Mills & Co, are advertising a thanksviviny sale Mills & Allison have bargains in dress yoods and other stuff. Call on Brown & Guy for iusur- ance of all kinds, Bradford & {Sons have an tant notice. C. S Holland «ffers a tract ofland for sale. Statesville Flour Mills want to buy wheat. impor- — A Sm: ll Five ac Capt. « arl-on’s - Mr. Leon Ciarke came in sei Mrs. Frank A. Clenard, of Hick- THE HARVEST OF DEATH, —_— sch a was Record of Those « ho Hi’s= Passed Away During the Past Week The funeral services wera conducted Monday by Revs. C.M. Richards and W R McLelland and the re at Shiloh church, the family bury- ing ground. The deceased was the son of the late Jacob Bostian. His mother Mrs. L. C. Allen and child, of fhe tenon be was, quite young and his father married avain, but both father and step morber had preced ed him to the grave. One sister Miss Lillie Bostian and two half. brothers, Jas. and Jacob Bostian are living at the old home and one half- sister, Viss Olive Bostian is now in the College here. Louis E. Bostian graduated at Davidson College in 1892 and haviuy decided to devote hinself to the work of the ministry he tirst enter ed McCormick Seminary, of Chicag) I's. While here his health failed and he had ta stop for avear. He then went to Union Theolovzical Sem inarvof Virvinia. He was after wards 'igan-sed to preach bv Coneo-d Presbytery. A portion of his min- isterial life was spentin the moun tains of thix State and for some months he was a supply for Dr Ramble of Salisbury. His Jjast charge was in and around <linton. S.C. Last fall heeame home mueh oroken 1n bealva and in the spring he resiyn2d his pastorate, Since then he has been waiting patiently for the end. The deceased was a man of singu iarly pure character; earnest, sincere and consecrated his greatest trial was his inability to do more work for his Master. He possessed a strongand vigorous intellect, but was modest and unassu‘ing even to a fault. Those who knew him best, valued him most. His trials are now over and he is at rest forever more in the city whose builder and maker is God. Miss Emma Miulier, died at the home of her brother, Henry W. Mil- lerjon Academy biil last Thursday at the age of 72 after a week’s illness with pneumonia. Three brothersand three sisters survive her. The brothers are H W. Miller, Statesville and L W and J D Miller, China Grove. The sis- ters Mrs. M A. Watkins and Mrs. C. A Lyon, of China Grove and Mrs Sue Beaver, of this county The remains of the deceased were taken to China Grove last Friday for interment Mrs. Sallie Adams, wife of J.S Adams, Esq., died at the hore of her husband in Asheville Saturday night about 12 o clock of typhoid fever. Mrs Adams was<a sisrer of Mrs. S. A Lowrance, of Mooresville aad was well known there. Some years ago Mr. Adams lived here and there are many here who remember Mrs. Adams with sincere affection. She was a woman of lovable charac ter. Herhusband anda number of children survive her, Mary Stewart, wife, of EF. Stewart of Shiloh township, died at ber home last Thursday morning [The deceased was the daughter of Mr. anc Rufus Pope, of Shiloh and less thau i+.'se months ago had married Mr. Stewart, who is left to mourn the untimely death of of his young wife—sbe was not yet 21 years old. Several brothers and sisters also survive ber. The funer- al services were conducted last Sat the grave yard at New Bethany. Fridav morving about10 o’clock Thowas S, Shelton died at thefhome of his son-in-law, K. UL. Miller, in Statesville of consumption, For several months he had been growing feebler and about two weeks before his death he came to Statesville from his home in Fallstown township. Tie deceased was born in Lincoln county 67years ago. Hehas livedyears in this county and was an upright christian man, whose influence and example had always been on the side ot the rigbt. His remains were taken to Rocky Mount church in Davidson township and buried there Saturday. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. J. Heavener. Six children two sons and six daughters survive the deceased. They are J. G. Shel ton, of Statesville; Garland shelton, of Troutman; Mesdames J. H. Trout man, of Troutman, K. L. Miller, of Statesville; C. E. Hobbs, of David- sop township, and Misses Lottie, Mary and Lillian Shelton, of Falls- town. pian ene A Nat ve of Iredell Dies in Klorida. S. Tnomas MeVorkle died at his home at DeLeon Spring;,Fla.,on the 6:h, aged 53 years. He was born and raised in Iredell county and was 2 son of the late Samuel McCorkle. He leaves a wife and six children. Two brothers—B F. McCorkle, of DeLand, Fla, and Wm. Mc orkle, of Rowan county—and one sister, Mrs. D. M. Honeycutt, of Elmwood, also survive. The deceased . wus much esteemed .by all who knew him and his many friends and rela tivesin Iredell aregrieved to hear of > sveath of Columbus Stroud in Hickory ‘Mr. BH Columbus Stroud, who moved fromhereto Hickory abou! two years ayo, died at his home there Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock of consumption, aged 30 years He leayes a widow, who is a daughter of the iate Milas Mayes, of Cham bersburg townshiv. The deceased wasa son of Mr. Pinkney Stroad, of Turnersburg township He was a voung mao who had the confidence and respect of all who knew bim, Tne widow, accompanied by her brother. Mr. H. A. T. Mayes, and Mr. Walker Stroud, both of Hick ory, drought the remains here Tues- day, and they were taken out to the home of the father of the deceased that afternoon. The intermeat was at Society church, Turnersoury township, yesterday at 10 a’clock. There is much sympathy for the be- reaved.youny widow and other rela- tives. a Capt. P C. Carlton had 1 narrow escape trom fie Sunday m rotog. A chicken coo» caught fire trom 4 box of ashes that had beea p’aced in it and was bu-ned down. The coop bad atio roof on it, but still the fire caught the roof of a brick kitchen which was near it; but f rtunately a colored man passing on 'he street saw the fireand gavealarm tn time 10 prevent serion~ loss. Toe fire oc- curred about 2.30 o'clock Sunday mornings > | & Memorial Window. . The ladies ofthe First Presbyte- rian church, who Este been ae fuods to purchase a memoria meena to Pete Dr. Wood. placed the order this week for the window with the Empire Glass Company, of Atlanta, Ga, The window will bea very handsome one and will fill the | space taken up at present by the three small windows to tae rear of the pulpit. It will be some weeks ‘ Defore ft baa be put fo Rev Louis E. Bostian died at bis |Home near town Sunday afternoon of corsumption at the age of 33.) mains laid to rest in the graveyard | as lovable as her face is fair. kins and Miss Bride Jenkins, of this his death. : ‘Shag End” of Court. busines has been-transacted in Ire dell Superior + ourt: M. P sims vs A G. Sims; for di vorce; divorce granted. _ State vs. Lafayette Hobbs; remov )1ny crop; guilty; judgment suspeod ied oa payment of eosts Sei, fa | and capias heretofore ordered strick en cut. G. W. Clegg, administrator of L. R. Harmon, vs, J B. sprinkle and wife; judzment for plaintiff for $66 14; <ale of land ordered Enity Privett-vs.J.A. Templeton, exexutoe of J C, Templetoa; sale of land confirmed. Rovdert Smith vs. Southern Rail way Company, plaintiff dead; action abated. In the case of J. M. Sharpe vs. Southern Railway Company, which Was Oa trial last week when we went. to press, the jury returned a verdict Thursday night viving the plaintif $450 damages. The railroad com panv 1ppealed to.the Supreme Court. In this case the plaintitl! sued for $500. triday the court took ap the ease of DE. Breming vs th» Souther: PReivay bong & Niehoison ap meaaved for the plagoriff and L C Cauldwell and G FP. Bason for the defendant company The plaintitt was hurt while in the employment of the defendaot and he sued for $1,999 99 damages At six o’clock Saturday afternoon, by agreement of counsel. the court took a recess uni! Monday morning and argn- meat was heard Monday, the ca» being yivea to the jury at dark After deliberating all night the ju- ry returned a verdic’ Tuesday mor- miny for plaintiff for $1.600. ‘Tre railroad company appealed to tbe Supreme Court Rowan court was to haye com meneced Monday. but it waited until Tuesday when Judge Coble went down and opened it. ae Seema The Monument to Dr Wood t» be Placed Near the Church He Serv- ed So Long. Another anda final change ~ bas been made in the plans for the mon ument to the late Dr. Wood. It had oeen intended toerect the monument over bis vrave in Oak wood cemetery. But to do this ne‘essitated removiag the mynoument already on the p!o to Mrs Wood;and to prevent this and. ia ditferesce to the wishes of some of those most directly interest- ed, it bas been decided to erect the monuMeat on the grounds. of the First Presbyterian church. The Monument will stand on the plot next tu the Cowies lot on the south east side of the yard. On the easi front of the monument will be the following inscription facing the street: Erected tothe Memory of Rey. W A Woep, D.D., by a people who cherish as a precious legacy the memory of his saintly life. 1832—1861—1900 “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright.” Ona the west side will be the foll« w- lov, Student, scholar. theologian, a faithful shepherd a convincing preacher, a man of rare personal grac-s His beautiful life remains a besediction to those who knew him, and “his greatness stands confessed in a people’s tears.”’ On the north side will be: For 30 yearsthe beloved pastor of this church. Oa the south side this inscription appears. “Via crucis, via lucis. For the righteous light is sown.” This monumentis a tribute from -hildren and her husdand. who was urday and the body laid to rest in| the friends of the late William A Wood, irrespective of denominatiou The monument is being placed in position this week and waen finished will present a hacdsome appearance ou the beatiful green lawn. It will be alittle over 18 feet high and is of dark Barre granite. — Marriage of Miss Ann‘e Clark and Mr. Walter Gabciel Mr. Walter F. Gabriel, of Terrell. Catawba county, and Miss Annie Clark, dauyhter of Mr. A. P. Clark. of Fallstown township. are to be married this afternoon at 3:30 0’clock at the home of the bride’s father by Rev. W. R McLelland, There wili} be no bridesmaids. The ushers wiil be Messrs Jack Dayvault, of Con- eord; D. L Raymer, of Rock Cut; P. D. Clark. of Statesville, and Rome Clark, a brother of the bride Quite a number of relatives acd friends will also Be present. After the marriage the bride and groom will drive to Statesville in time for the east bound train, on which they will leave for Raleigh where they will spend a few days. Mr. Gaoriel is one of Catawba’s most popular young men and is said by those who know him to be wor thy .of kis charming sride-to-be. Miss Clark is one of the fairest and most popular young ladies of south- west lredell, Winsome and attrac- tive in manner. she has a character THE Mascor begs to ex*end its very best wishes to these young people who are so soon to be bound one to the other. Mr. H.R. Cowles and Miss Eloise Neely and Mr. aad Mrs. D. F. Jen- place, will atrend the wedding. a The Lewis-Hudson Marriage. ' Mr. Edward C. Lewis, of Concord township, and Miss Margaret B Hudson, of Mooresville, were mar vied yesterday morning at 9 o’clock at the residence: of the bride’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Joshua Hudson, of Mooresville. The marriage, which was witnessed only by the closest friends and relatives, was perform- ed by Rev. J. M. Wharey, D.D Im- mediately after the ceremomy Mr. aod Mrs Lewis took the morning train and passed through here for the bome of Mr. Lewis’ father and mother; Mr and Mrs. A. F. Lewis, of Concord township. Mr. Lewis and his bride are most excelient young people, both being deservedly popular in their neigh borhoods, and THE Mascot hopes they may realize their brightest dreams in their new life together, ——— “Mr RB. L. Leinster left, Monday for Cumberiand county to be pres ent at the marriage of his brother, Mr. R. B. Leioster, and Miss Mamie Johnston which took place yvyester- day. ‘ir.and Mrs.R B_ Leinster are expected to arrive here this morning to spend some days with Mr. Leinster's pareats, Mr. and Mrs, R. O. Leioster Wheat Wanted. | WE want all the wheat forsale in this section of the State. Will give 85c for all prime milling wheat. Siece us Pee ling - jSTATHSVILLE FLOTR “dy, stecgel CHS i Since 1:st Thursday the following | you ever saw. Etkin Home-made Shoes, common ball Stoves, ol€ men’s Shoegy old ladies’ Shoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Shoes are made to wear and are.just as we tell you or your money back. you nerd in this line. at less than wholesale cost. H. A. YOUNT, Tf You Want Tat Cams and Lots of dik, Slick, high spirited horses that can stand work. Chickens that will keep in good Lealth and lay lots of eggs. We keep it in stock from 75c. bags to 10c. cartons. Barron & Nicholson Est Broad Street, Grocers, FOR COMFORT. FOR WALKING. FOR STANDING. FOR SITTING. M r. Man. do vou want easy, comfortable, perfect titting Shoes? Our Crossett’s Box Calf and Vie’ Kid Shoes are our leaders. No other shoe fit lik« Crossett s—made on the new*Foot. Form last, as near the shape of the human foot as can be made. No corns, no bunions, when you wear this make of shoes. We want every man in Statesville and surrounding couvtry to get acquainted with this par:icular shoe. We have ease and comfort in store for-you. Come in and we will tell you more about the excellence of these splendi¢ shoe- for men’s wear. Statesville, N.C Price «f the CROSSEPL SHOR, $2.50 to $4.00 a. Sloop & Miller, The Shoe Men. N. B—Remember that shoes bought of us will be Sherrill-White Co, A Great Shoe Secret is to be pested on theins and outs of all pertaining toa shoe. If you come to our store we will tell you all about them cheerfully and we will fit you with the finest shoe you ever kad for the price. Think of neat soft. solid leather dress shee, same as our com- | petitors sell for $2.00 for $1.50 Bov’s GPP corr itr hy solid feather schoo] shoes worth $2 00 Qar country frieads must not forget the Ekin Home made Shoes Why bday three or four pairs of shoes for your children every year when one pair of the Elkin Home made will take them through with dry feet ? Don’t fail to call for our All Wool Jeans, Elkin: Biankets,.Carpets. COMPLETE LINE.OF DRESS GOODS. > Clothing Department We have a few more beavr Winter Suits and Overcoats we are making achange ir this line and will close out what we bave at manu- facturers’ price. Come at once and get a nice suit at half price. ‘Sherrill-White Company. for S150 Feed Pratt’s Food. Oue mone and th3 last bigcut in § it; Sewing Machines ‘n order to close out this line in the ‘ear future I will give you the best Jachines in the world at about the ‘rice in carload lors. The celebrated Vhee'er & Wilson $535 Machine only ‘25; the 360 Machine $30. and ail ‘thers in proportion. Come quick he few I have left will not last loag. 4 large third shipment this f2ll of Mea’s, Women’s and Children’s HEAVY WINTER SHOES ‘ust 1n, Men's tap sole, high eut all vather Alaskas. $1 15, worth®*$1 50; Lothers in same proportion. Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes. Ready made Clothing, Hats. Caps. te. all of which Tam selling at vholesa'e prices. and wii! Save You 25 Per Cent. on any of them. o> =e 2 a Pol iF Tt FQ > Cib ii < Deo (fyou want the most stylish trimmed Ladies’ Hats ou ever wore visit my millinery department J. M. Wilhelm. In connection with my Book and Novelty stock x Lamps, Glass and T Crockery of all Kind. A:d car -ave you money on any of ubese lines. store is headquarters for Holiday - and - Christmas - Gocds, In this line 1 will show the iargest and most complete line eve: c shown in Statesville, and I call the merchants of the country a’- tention to toy wholesale room. = Yours truly, : R. P. Allison. Book aud Novelty Stere. Also my i355 Trunks. The best line of trunks on this market at prices which will sstonish you. We offer Ss 2 @& BS at prices in which (considering quality) we have 59 competition. Nice line of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. always fresh. Come and see us and be convinced, Fry & Phifer. Trunks. Nov. 7, 1901. Iredell and Alexander Gouzties. We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. Clothing. Overcoats. . Clothing Hon- We have a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. est clothing, the kind that luoks weil, wears well and gives satisfaction on the back. save you big money on clothing and overcoats. yet the Ilcwest prices. Shoddy, rag clothing has no place in our stock. We will We buy in large lots and See our line, then you will know. 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We have gone to a dpt of trouble getting together the best line of Shoes Our lise of fine Shoes is complete. We have plenty of Our We mean this. : Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and at iprices that cannot be downed. See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. Our line of dry goods and notions is large and we keep most anything We have a line of lad es’ underwear we are selling Wheat Drills. Just received carload of the best wheat rilis on earth. Seesthem -be- HARNESS, We are fore you buy a drill. _ We atso keeps GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDLES. Musical Instruments, such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. yet seliing the NEW MODEL Sewing Machine at $13 75 for the 3 drawer, and $15 0U for the 5 drawer machine. 2 this make in the last few vears and not a complaint. We have placed more than 300 of Come and see if we can’t trade. Our prizes are the lowest and we do sell reliable goods at prices that can’t be equaled. . Respectfully, YOUNT & WHITE, NEW STIRLING, N.C. STONY POINT, N. C- Special Lot PERJALES, worth 10c. to go at The. . ci Get one of 1h -s2 fine White Shirrs, worth $1 00 and $1.59, only 50c. _ sig lot China, Crockesy, Limys and Glassware. 7 Grain and Fertilizer Drilis _ e This Drill is too well known to need any comment. All we ask is for you to call and examine this drill and get prices and terms before buving. The “BUCKEYE” is made in both Hoe and Disc. J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co. Dealers in General Hardware. PRO BONO PUBLIC” If we benefit the public it means a future for this business. We believe our efforts for the fall will surpass your expectations. “To see is to appreciate.” Takivg the stock as a whole (if you will excuse the slany) *‘it’s @ peach. Special attention is directed to Dress Gonds, Millinery. Shoes, Ladies’ and ‘Misses’ Coats, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Uaderwear and Gents’ Furnishings. We invite you to call early and of- ten and promise a cordial-welcome Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. TOBACCO -:- PLANTERS WILL TAKE NOTICE that i am now in charge of the PLanrers’ WAREHOUSE at Statesville. There is an active demand for teaf aad it will bring high prices this season—is already selling much higher.than for several vears. The Warehouse has . Good Accommodations - For Man and Beast. and I will vse every effort to make the leaf sold on my floor brirg the highest market price. H.C. Gaither, A. G. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. Prop. Pianters’ Warehouse. Oct. 22, 1901. BARGAINS _ IN DRESS GOODS In Greet Variety, from 10c. to $1.50 yd. Hundreds and Hunireds of Pairs of SHOES. prices 152. + Special Bargain in Hose, 5, 8, 10 2, 15 and 23-~p:ir- Come and see the line. +* 7 Oe ye THE BIG STORE ~ Department Store = and see our Statesville, 1 for $3 30, Dark are tack, to Thanks. came to ug re and show Vv. moovy other wool for en's and Flannel © ‘t get dacs k and ove traine , THE MASCCT LOCA, Cotto: is Worth 7.35 bere today. C H. Jennings bas moved from y street toa new house ov south street. Ix Tra ¢ iiss Fannie Whitley who is in oe of be parish school at St. ~speut Sarurday here. vintendent J. A Butler has from his former home north vn to the Hartness place. iadies guild of Trinity church eof ther pleasant entertain tsat Mrs Emma Mott's Tues- evening. W. Marshall has moved his back. to Statesville They upyint a bouse on Sharpest., XN P. Watts.’ Edna Turner is visiting d-in Davidson this week and .. Julia Webb will go down to son to morrew fer a few days Serzer, colored, was sentenced -chain gang last Thursday by re J W > White for 30 davs for « his wife. J:m isan old road ti. Lester has the conteaect for ent room dwelling for DA. rp sen The bouse will be bniit west Front street next to JL. elly¥ s. E O S* vv s:nusic class ut blehem chy oh Shi ob towash.p, this which Qi, raw ef ‘tw to Week every- * nse 1a bigs Is Invit There are fur members of the ut Sympathy club. each one is artist. he soloi-t is Sly com iment: @ nv papers like New Yor& tLeratd an sODrTang and Mrs Heury McLain, two sbilch’s aged ved respected citi- nos bave moved to towr, They will <e their home with their daught- er. Mrs. E. E. Alexander. Don't ferget he coacert by the Symphoous Club next Tues- vevening. fbhis company is com- ed of bivb clas-+ performers ard ll miss a’ rea’ 1 teu areabsen?’. Rev. Ed S Reaves expects to preach next Sunday afternoon: at 3 4 Seuth River Baptist rch unless the weather should be <) inclement as to preveat his get- ting there. oO ck at The big turkey wa~ wor Saturday the Blues’ target -hooting marct by Henry Sills. Billie Leinster and Dick Gregory tied for the second t when they shot off thetie Mr revory won. Marriage licenses have be6n issu edduring the past week for Robert FE ad Zola Cadeline Combs Walte franklin Gabriel and Anaie sre: ard Jos Mott Hooves ard Li tta Camelia Bost. who has heen a line VF Western Union Tele ph Co fer several vears. ba- bought tbe mereantile business con Jucted by the late WF Weston tree miles north of tewn. H- Weston. fur the A. Monday has maved to States ville. Heo bas rented the house o1 Keliv street lately oceupied by Mr. = Thev brave been livingin Mr. Munday ison the reac the time lecturing. Jenning Leneir most of Mr. ard Mrs. T. F. Haughton ar registered at Hotel Iredell. Mr Hevehtenis totake charge of th new train between here avd Char lotte wbich is te be put on next week and wiil make this beadquarters. The Southern Furniture Associa tion met in Chartotte vesterday Capt E M. Purdy. G. E. Freneh W. A. Thomas and W, T. Kincaid were present representing States ville’s growing furniture busiuess The Carolira Marble and Granite Companv have recently closed a gon tract fora monument to the late Alfred Jc bnsten, of Salisburv. that will cost $1 060 It will be 21 fee and + inches bigh and of dark Barre granite. One dav reeentlv Rufus Steverson of Olin township. fired bis gun off The steek bur-t and the barre! flee «ff and struck Steyenson in the forehead.berding the breech pin bus did not kneck Stevenson down Hi was very slightly hurt. Statesville eovreil of the Jr. O. U A.M. will here an ovster stew to morrow evening in theirhall. State Secretary S F Vanee, of Winston, and Jno M, Julian of Salishurv. are expected to be present and addres- the members of the order. The Epworth League of the First Methodists ehureh will give a ““Mysterv Party’’ at the armorv tomorrow evening from 8 to 11 o'clock There will be lots of fun in solving the “mvstery’’ and the pub lic is cordially invited to come out and enjoy itself. Rev RH Gilbert. of Mount Gil ead. Montgomery conntv. has ae cepted a call ta the Second Rantict church of Statesville. [t is hoped that Vr. Gilbert. who is a voung man with a wife and one child. wilt arriveherein the near future and begin his labors. Mr Jos. Mi. Hoover ard Miss Let- tie Bost. daughterof J W Bost, of this township. were married ves- terdav morning at 10-30 o’elack at the residence of Jas. O Overeach by Rev. W L. Darr THE Vascor cen gratulates these young people on their happy marriage. W_J Stimson and C. H. Jennings Sratesville’s two photegranhers, have joined forces ard are now ocen- pving Mr. Jennings’ old quarters over Brady's printing office. Mr. Stimson moved from the Anderson building, where he h-d heen for ten years or more, last Thursday. Next Thurdav will be Thankyiving day. The dav will be ohsérved here as usual. Most of the stores will he closed There will he serviees in the churches and colleet*ons will be taken up for the -orphanages over the State. Gand dinners and good cheer will be found in the vast maj ority of our homes, as Decided changes will take place in the raiiroead schedules Sunday. A new train wi!l be puten the Chor lotte rcad to’ ljeave here ar 10:32 every moroing and arrive here from Charlotte at 9.15. The other train from Charlotte will arrive abour 9 a. m. in stead of 10:30 and th: west saw the fireand gavealarm in time space taken up at present by bound fram Salispuev abort the sam time Exact figures are d+ Obtsinadle yes PERSONALS. _ Mr. Ju L. Brown, of Marion, in town yesterdav. ; week from a business ‘trip Soath. B. F. Long. Esq , went Salisbury yesterday on Jeyal business. Mrs. Frank A. Clenard, of Hick- ory is the yuestof Mrs. A. L. Co- e. Mrs. R. W. Orr. returned froma visit to Mrs. Jno. H. Reid near Mt Mourne. j Mrs. L. C. Allen and child, of Winston, are the guests of Virs. E C. Allison. Mr, W E. Andersor came down yesterday from Sparkling Catawba Springs on business. _ Mrs. W. D. Turner went to Lex ing’On last week to visit her moth- er, Mrs. Julia McCall: Mrs. Jno, O. Houston, of Rowan, has been the guest of her mother, Mre M.C Neely, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. 4. Gray nd lit- tie son of Washington, are expected bere today to yisit his pirents. Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace have retaroed froma visit to Mrs. Wal- laces relatives in Rochestor, N.Y. Miss Mattie Martin, whe had peen attending the coli ce, to her bome in Yadkin last reLurned county | veek. e Mrs. J. W C. Loney went to Ca- tawba yesterday to spesd a dav with relatives. She will return this ev. - olog. Mrs Mary Pavne and Miss Saliie Brent returned to Greensboro Mon- day. They had been visitiny Mr. Chas H Armfield. Me. Lawrance Ervin. of Conecrd township has returned from school at hira Grove and will teach school at Clio this winter. Miss Susie Perkins, of near Mar- yanton, spent Tuesday with Mrs. D. M. Curches, leavin vesterday for Charlotte Commercia! College. Miss Laura Seroges, who has been at home since she finished her course it the will return there this week to accept a position as stenographer. G E. Woodward went to Salisbury ve terday to attend a meeting of the executive committee of South Yadkin Baptist Association of whieb he is secretary and treasurer. Mr.R. D. Work of Philadelphia, who ba- been here for some weeks will leave for his home to morrow, Mrs, F. L. Lithian of Haddenfield, N J.andchildren will return with bim: Miss *“taggie Burke has been bere on a visit to her brother, H. Burke, Exq.. for several days. Miss Burke was for several years ore of the most popular teachers at the female College. —_- = Killed His Wife Accidentally. Last Saturday N. L. Rebisson, vho lives near Terrell. Catawba s»suratyv, vecidantaliv killed bis wife Ur. Robinson got his gun toshoot a vird, which his little son had pointed ‘ut to bim After he went into the vard to killit ne decided to come wick in the house and shoot from ‘he windov. As he was coming in ‘be door the bammer of his gun struck the door and was discharged “he entire lead of shot struck Mr. Rohinsen’s wife, who was sitting by he tire, in the right side and killed ner almost instantly. Mrs. Rooin -on was about 54 years old. Several :lmost prostrated by the deplorable .ccident, survive her. Robbery Near Mooresville. Tue:day Pat Reid, an oid colored man, who lives on J. B. Atwell’s vlaee-five miles from Mooresvilie, sold some cotton in Mooresville and received $20 as his share of the pro eeeds. The money was paid to him on the cotton platform by Mr. At- well and Pat and his son, who was with bim started bome. At this juncture a strange neyro who was standing by asked them to let him cide with them. They consented About two miles from Mooresville vbile passing through a piece of xoodland the negro drewa pistol oa Pat Reid and his boy ard told them to band over their money. ‘Lhey did so and the colored geutleman vot out and leftthem. They report ed the occurrence and Deputy Sher iff Deaton and a posse started to the scene of the robbery. They yzot some pioodhounds belonging toa Mr. Ga nriel and thev struzk a trail which they lost on J. H. Reid's farm which ‘be negro had evidently crossed [he robber is a heavy set black ne- vro and a stranger in Mooresville. SS 4 Picasant Evening At The Coliege. The reception given jast Friday evening by the facult} and pupils of the Cullege to their friends was a deligbtful affair. An attractive pro yvram of music and recitations was rendered. This was the fir-' ‘ime an opportuoity bad been piven to hear Miss McCarthy singe cr Miss Revers reciteand both were very much enjoved. The young ladies of the college proved themselves de lightful hostesses and were charm ing secialiy “After the musa j."0 gram and an hour or more of pleasant intercourse, the guest were served light refreshments. President Scott expec’s to allow the young ladies to receive their friends at stated intervals and it is <vre the guests of the first recep tion will look forward with pleasure to the next evening at the coilege. New Advertisements N. B Mills & Co, are advertising a thanksviving sale Mills & Allison have bargains in dress goods and other stuff. Call on Brown & Guy for iusur- ance of all kinds, Beadford & {Sons have an impor- tant notice. C.S Holland «ffers a tract ofland for sale. Statesville Flour Mills want to buy wheat. A Sm: ll Five ac Capt. « arl-on’s - Capt. P C. Carlton had 1 narrow escape trom fie Sunday m roing. A chicken coo» caught firs trom & box of ashes that bad beea p'aced in st aod was bu-ned down. The coop bad atio roof on it, but stili the fire caught the roof of a brick kitchen which was near it; but {f rtunately a colored man passing on the street 10 prevent serion-~ loss. Toe fire oc- curred about 3.30 o'clock Sunday morninys was Record of Those «ho 1; Passe Mr. Leon Ciarke came in last THE HARVEST oF DEATH, —_ Away During the Past Week Rev Louis E. Bostian died at bas “Shag End” of Court. dell Superior * ourt: M. P sims vs A G. Sims; for di | home near town Sunday afternoon | Verce; divorce granted. The funeral services were conducted at Shiloh cnurch, the family bury- ing ground. The deceased was the son of the late Jacob Bostian. His mother died when he was quite young and his father married avain, but “both father and step motber had preced ed him to the grave. One sister, Miss Lillie Bostian and two half. brothers, Jas. and Jacob Bostian are living at the old home and one half- Sister, Viss Olive Bostian is now in the College here. Louis E. Bostian graduated at Davidson College in 1892 and haviuy decided to devote hinself to the work of the ministry he tirst enter ed McCormick Seminary, of Chica) Ilis. While here his health failed and he had ta stop for ayear. He then went te Union The slovieal Sem inarvof Virvinia. He was after wards tigansed to preach bv Copeord Presbytery. A portion of his min- isterial life was spentin the moun tains of this State aod for some months he was a supply for Dr Rumpole of Salisbury. His ast charge was io and around Clinton. S.C. Last fall heeame home mueh oroken 1n health and in the spriny he resiyn2d his pastorate, Since then he has been waiting patiently for the end. The deceased was a man of singu iarly pure character; earnest, sincere and consecrated his greatest trial was his inability to do more work for his Master. He possessed a strong and vigorous intellect, but was modest and unassuing even to a fault. Those who knew him best, valued him most. His trials are now over and he is at rest forever more in the city whose builder and maker is God. Miss Emma Miller, died at the home of her brother, Henry W. Mil- ler,on Academy biii last Thursday at the age of 72 after a week’s illness with pneumonia. Three brothersand three sisters survive her. The brothers are H W. Miller, Statesville and L W and J D Miller, Ghina Grove. The sis- ters Mrs. M A. Watkins-and Mrs. C. A Lynn, of China Grove and Mrs Sue Beaver, of this county The remains of the deceased were taken to China Grove last Friday for interment Mrs. Sallie Adams, wife of J.S Adams, Esq., died at the horne of her husband in Asheville Saturday night about 12 o'clock of typhoid fever. Mrs Adams was3a sisrerof Mrs. S. A Lowrance, cf Mooresville aad was well known there. Some years ago Mr. Adams lived here and there are many here who remember Mrs. Adams with sincere affection. She was a woman of lovable crarac ter. Her husband anda number of children survive ber, Mary Stewart, wife, of E F. Stewart of Shiloh township, died at her home last Thursday morning [he dec:ased was tbe daughter of Mr. anc sirs Rufus Pope, of Shiloh and less thau i+:.'se months ago had married Mr. Stewart, whois left to mourn the untimely death of of bis young wife—sbe was not yet 21 years old. Several brothers and sisters also survive her. The funer- al services were conducted last Sat the grave yard at New Bethany. | Fridav morning about10 o’clock Thomas S, Shelton died at theghome of his son-in-law, K. UL. Miller, in Statesville of consumption, For several months he had been growing feebler and about two weeks before his death he came to Statesville from his home in Fallstown township. The deceased was born in Lincoln county 67years ago. Hehas livedyears in this county and was an upright christian man, whose influence and example had always been on the side ot the right. His remains were taken to Rocky Mount church in Davidson townsbip and buried there Saturday. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. J. Heavener. Six children two sons and six daughters survive the deceased. They are J. G. Shel ton, of Statesville; Garland shelton, of Troutman; Mesdames J. H. Trout man, of Troutman, K. L. Miller, of Statesville; C. E. Hobbs, of David- sop township, and Misses Lottie, Mary and Lillian Shelton, of Falls- town. A Nar ve of Iredell Dies in Florida. S. Tnomas McVorkle died at his home at DeLeon Springs,Fla.,on the 6th, aged 53 years. He was boro and raised in Iredell county and was a son of the late Samuel McCorkle. He leaves a wife and six children. Two brothers—B F. McCorkle, of DeLand, Fla, aod Wm. Met orkle, of Ruwan county—and one sister, Mrs. D. M. Honeycutt, of Elmwood, also survive. The deceased . ws much esteemed .by all who knew him and his many friends and reia tivesino Iredell aregrieved to hear of his death. See veath of Columbus Stroud in Hickory ‘Mr. B Columbus Stroud, who moved fromhereto Hickory abou! two years ayo, died at his home there Monday afternoon at 5 o clock of consumption, aged 30 years He leayes a widow, who is a daughter of the iate Milas Mayes, of Cham bersburg townsbiv. The deceared wasason of Mr. Pinkney Stroad, of Turnersburg township He was a voung man who had the confidence and respect of all who knew bim, Tne widow, accompanied by her brother. Mr. H. A. T. Mayes, and Mr. Walker Stroud. both of Hick ory, orought the remains here Tues- day, and they were taken out to the home of the father of the deceased that afternoon. The intermeat was at Society church, Turnersourg township, yesterday at 10 o'clock. There is much sympathy for the be- reaved.young widow and other rela- tives. ——eSE_—— A Memorial Window. : The ladies ofthe First Presbyte- tian church, who have been ee up funds to purchase a3 memoria andlote to the late Dr. Wood. placed the order this week for the window with the Empire Glass Company, of Atlanta, Ga, The window will bea very handsome one and will fill abe e three small windows to tae rear of the pulpit. Ic will be some weeks ‘Pefore ft baa be put fo |of corsumption at the age of 33.) Monday by Revs. C.M. Richards ed 0a payment of costs and W R McLelland and the re- | and capias heretofore ordered strick mains laid to rest in the graveyard | €0 out. _ State vs. Lafayette Hobbs; remov )iny crop; guilty; jadgment suspend Sci. fa ! .G. W. Clegg, administrator of L. R. Harmon, vs, J B. sprinkle and wife; judzment | $66 14; sale of land ordered Enity Privett vs.J.A. Templeton, exexutoe of J C. Templeton; sale of land confirmed. ; Robert Smith vs. Southern Rail way Company, plaintiff dead; action abated. In the case of J. M. Sharpe vs. Southern Railway Company, which Was Oo trial last week when we went to press, the jury returned a verdict Thursday night giving the plaintid $450 damages. The rai!road com pany ippealed tothe Supreme Court. In this case the plaintiff sued for $500. treiday the court took 1p the ease of D. E. Bieming vs th» Souther: t Rail Lony & Nicholson ap weaved for the plagoriff and L € Cualdweliand G PF. Basco for the defendant company The plaintiff was hurt while in the employment of the defenda.t and he sued for $1,999 99 damages At six o'clock Saturday afternoon, by agreement of counsel. the court took a recess unil Monday morniog and argnu- meat was heard Monday, the ca» being wivea to the jury at dark After deliberating all night the ju- ry returned a verdie: Tuesday moer- miny for plaintiff for $1.600. Tre railroad company appealed to tbe Supreme Court Rowan court was to haye com meneced Monday. but it waited until Tuesday when Judge Coble went down and opened it. >_> — The Monument to Dr Wood t» be Placed Near the Church He Serve ed So Long. Way Another anda fisal change ~ bas been made in the plans for the mon ument to the late Dr. Wood. It had been intended toerect the monument over his vravein Oak wood cemetery. But to do this ne*essitated removiag the monument already on the p'n to Mrs Wood;and to prevent this and.ia ditferesce to the wishes of some of those mst direct!y interest- ed, it bas been decided to erect the Monument on the grounds. of the First Presoyterian church. The Monument will stand on the plot next tu the Cowies lot on the south east side of the yard, Un the easi front of the monument will be the following inscription faciog the street: Erected tothe Memory of Rev. W A Weep, BD. D., by a people whocherish as a precious legacy the memory of his saintly life. 2832—1861—1900 “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright.” Oa the west side will be the folk io, Student, scholar. theologian, a faithful shepherd a convincing preacher, a man of rare personal grac~s His beautiful life remains a betediction to those who knew him, and “his greatness stands contessed in a people's tears.”’ Ono the north side will be: For 30 years the beloved pastor of this church. Oa the south side this iuscription appears. “Via crucis, via lucis. For the righteous light is sown.” This monumentis a tribute from -hildren and ber husband. who was urday and the body laid to rest in|the friends of the late William A Wood, irrespective of denominatiou The monument is being placed in position this week and wren finished will present a hacdsome appearance ou the beatiful green lawn. It will be a little over 18 feet high and is of dark Barre granite. Se Marriage of Miss Ann‘e Clark and Mr. Walter Gabriel Mr. Walter F. Gabriel, of Terrell. Catawba county. and Miss Annie Clark, daughter of Mr. A. P. Clark, of Fallstown township. are to be married this afternoon at 3:30 0’clock at the home of the bride’s father by Rev. W. R McLelland, There wili| be no bridesmaids. The ushers wiil be Messrs Jack Dayvault, of Con- eord; D. L Raymer, of Rock Cut; P. D. Clark, of Statesville, and Rome Clark, a brother of the bride Quite a number of relatives ard friends will also Be present. After the marriage the bride and groom will drive to Statesvillein time for the east bound train, on which they will leave for Raleigh where they will spend a few days. Mr. Gaoriel is one of Catawba’s most popular young men and is said by those who know him to be wor thy of kis charming jride-to-be. Miss Clark is one of the fairest and most popular young ladies of south- west lredell, Winsome and attrac- tive in manner. she has a character as lovable as her face is fair. Tur MASCOT begs to ex*end its very best wishes to these young people who are so soon to. be bound one to the other. ir. H. R. Cowles and Miss Eloise Neely and Mr. aod Mrs. D. F. Jen- kins and Miss Bride Jenkins, of this piace, will atrend the.wedding. _—_—/S The Lewis-Hudson Marriage. ' Mr. Edward C. Lewis, of Concord township, and Miss Margaret B Hudson, of Mooresville, were mar ried yesterday morning at 9 o’clock at the residenc: of the bride’s ‘par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Joshua Hudson, of Mooresville. The marriage, which was witnessed ouly by the closest friends and relatives, was perform- ed by Rev. J. M. Wharey, D.D Im- mediately after the ceremomy Mr. aod Mrs Lewis took the morning train and passed through here for the home of Mr. Lewis’ father and mother; Mr and Mrs. A. F. Lewis, of Concord township. Mr. Lewis and his bride are most excelient young people, both being deservedly popular in their neigh borhoods, and THE Mascot hopes they may realize their brightest dreams in their new life together, —_—_—_——_—— “Mr R. L. Leinster left, Monday for Cumberland county to be pres ent at the marriage of his brother, Mr. &. B. Leicster, and Miss Mamie Johnston which took place yester- day. ‘ir.and Mrs. R B_ Leinster are expected to arrive here this morning to spend some days with Mr. Leinster's parects, Mr. and Mrs, R. O. Leiaster Wheat Wanted. i WE want all the wheat forsale in this section : of the State. Will give Ssc for all prime See us illing wheat. fore selling Ci ce EE EE, ‘ Since 1-st Thursday the following me a business has been-transactedin Ire @_ for plaintiff for * Tf You Want Slick, high spirited horses that can stand work. Chickens that will keep in good kealth and lay lots of eggs. : Feed Pratt’s Food. We keep it in stock from 75c. bags to 10c. cartons. Barron & Nicholson Est Broad Street, Grocers, FOR COMFORT. FOR WALKING. FOR STANDING. FOR SITTING. Mr. Man. do vou want easy, comfortable, perfect litting Shoes? Our Crossett’s Box Calf and Vie Kid Shoes are our leaders. No other shoe fit like Crossett’s—made on the new*Foot. Form last, as near the shape of the human foot as cau be made. No corns, no bunions, when you wear this make of shoes. We want every man in Statesville and surrounding country to get acquainted with this parricular shoe. We have ease and comfort in store for: you. Come in and we. will tel] you more about the excellence of these splendid shoe for men’s wear. Scatesville, N. C Price «f the CROSSEFL SHOR, $2.50 to $4.00 Sloop & Miller, The Shoe Men. N. B —Remember that shoes bought of us will be Sherrill-White Co. A Great Shoe Secret is to be pested on the ins and outs of all per‘ainingtoashoe. If you come to our store we will tell you all about them cheerfully and we will fit you with the finest shoe you ever kad for the price. Think of neat soft. solid leather dress shee, same as our com- | = petitors sell for $2.00 for $1.50 Bov’s c & <oiid leather school shoes worth $2 00 Our country frieads must not forget the E‘kin Home made Why bay three or four pairs of shoes for your children every year when one pair of the Elkin Home made will take them through with dry feet 2? Don’t fail to call for our All Wool Jeans, Elkin: Biankets,.Carpets. COMPLETE LINE.OF DRESS GOODS. : Clothing Department. We have a few more beavr Winter Suits and Overcoats we are making achange ir this line and will close out what we bave at manu- facturers’ price. Come at once and get a nice suit at half price. Sherrill-White Company. Trunks. Trunks. The best line of trunks on this market at prices x which will astonish you. We offer _. Ss 2 oO eS. at prices in which (considering quality) we have no competition. Nice tive of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. always fresh. Come and see us and be convinced. Fry & Phifer. for S150 a Shoes Nov. 7, 1901. Iredell and Alexander Cousties. We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. Clothing. Overcoats. . Clothing Hon- We have a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. est clothing, the kind that luoks well, wears well and gives satisfaction on the back. Shoddy, rag clothing has no place in our stock. We will save you biz money on clothing and overcoats. We buy in large lots and vet the Icwest prices. See our line, then you will know. 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We have gone to agpt of trouble getting together the best line of Shoes youever saw. Our lioe of fiae Shoes is complete. We have plenty of Etkin Home-made Shoes, common ball Shoes, old men’s Skoeg old ladies’ Shoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Our Shoes are made to wear and are.just as we teil you or your money back. We mean this. : Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and at ?prices that cannot be downed. See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. Our line of dry goods and votions is large and we keep most anything you need in this line. We have a line of lad es’ underwear we are selling at less than wholesale cost. Wheat Drills. Just received carload of the best wheat drilis on earth. Seesthem :be- fore you buy a drill. 3 We atso keeps GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDLES. HARNESS, Musical Instruments, such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. We are yet selting the NEW MODEL Sewing Machine at $13 75 for the 3 drawer, and $15 00 for the 5 drawer machine. We have placed more than 300 of this make in the last few vears and not a complaint. : Come and see if we can’t trade. Our prizes are the lowest and we do sell reliable goods at prices that can’t be equaled. . Respectfully, YOUNT & WHITE, STONY POINT, N, C- H. A. YOUNT, NEW STIRLING, N.C. Specia! Lot PERJALES, worth 10c. to go at The. . Get one of th s2 fine White Shirrs, worth $1 00 and $1.59,.only 50c. Oue more aad th$ last big cat in Sewing Machines ‘a order to close out this line in the ‘ear future I will give you the best “Machines in the world at about the ‘rice in carload lors. The celebrated Vhee'er & Wilson $55 Machine ouly ‘25; the $60 Machine $30. and ail ‘thers in proportion. Come quick he few I have left will not last loag. 4 large third shipment this f2ll of Mea’s, Women’s and Children’s HEAVY WINTER SHOES ‘ust in, Men’s tap sole, high eut all ~ather Alaskas, $1 15, worth®$l1 50; others in same proportion. Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes. Ready made Clothing, Hats. Caps. ‘te. all of which Tam. selling at vholesa'e prices. and wii! Save You 25 Per Cent. oo any of them. \fyou want the most stylish trimmed Ladies’ Hats ou ever wore visit my millinery department J. M. Wilhelm. In convection with my Book and Novelty stock I carry Lamps, Glass and J Crockery of all Kind. A:d car -ave you money on any of tbese lines. store is headquarters for Holiday - and - Christmas - Gocds, In this line 1 will show the largest and most complete lire eve: shown in Statesville, and I call the merchants of the country a'- tention to toy wholesale room. = Yours truly, : R. P. Allison. Book and Novelty Stere. Also my Ca F SE T A LA om di SE R R E AR S Wa LS ER EY Grain and Fertilizer Drilis _— e This Drill is too well known to need any comment. All we ask is for you to call and examine this drill and get prices and terms before buving. The “BUCKEYE” is made in both Hoe and Disc. J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co. Dealers in General Hardware. PRO BONO PUBLIC.” If we benefit the publicit means a future for this business. We believe our efforts for the fall will surpass your expectations. “To see is to appreciate.”’ Taking the stock as a whole (if you will excuse the slany) “‘it’s @ peach. Special attention is directed to Dress Gonds, Millinery. Shoes, Ladies’ and ‘Misses’ Coats, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Uaderwear and Gents’ Furnishings. We invite you to call early and of- ten and promise a cordial-welcome Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. , yBig lot China, Crockeny, Limys and Glassware. TOBACCO -- PLANTERS WILL TAKE NOTICE that i am aoow in charge of the PLANrers’ WAREHOUSE at Statesville. There is an active demand for teaf and it will bring high prices this season—is already selling much higher.than for several vears. The Warehouse has Good Accommodations . For Man and Beast. and I will use every effoct to make the leaf sold on my floor brirg the highest market price. H. C. Gaither, A. G. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. Prop. Pianters’ Warehouse. Oct. 22, 1901. IN DRESS GOODS In Greet Variety, from 10c. to $1.50 ya. dreds and Hun ireds of Pairs of SHOES. prices 15e. | Ee Bargain in Hose, 5, 8, 10, 4g. 15 and 23-—piir. Come and see the line. e | Store EAT SINGER'S | GREAT ROW ESCAPE. iz ee ee FRIES WINS. BLOODY KENTUCKY POINT. ley after volley at them killing or) JEF 5 woun@ing all in sight. ke a. Treparncil-Watsen Fead in Who General Darne!l disclaimed re- A Rether Tame Fight Between Jef- cea x R t San Francisco re z x ys ve Been ynsib ' ode up at fries ond Ruhbline wore than forty Men Have Boca sponsibility for this andr Friday Nignt. 9 Misleading Srop Estimates. Raleigh News and Observer. Big bear cotton houses in New York and elsewhere are estimatiny, North Carolina’s cotton crop of tois fiercely and when the gong sounded | Ruhlin was assisted to his corner. It looked then asif the fight was practi- cally ended. Rublin yave every ap- pearance of ging distressed. He Killed. the close to ‘seold’’ his boys, but, aa hi ign Ms : eer eae ; = 9] sre ve situations the Sheriff was forced to take cognt- | san Francisco, Cal., Dispatch, 15th. said something Le Billy Madden-and vear from 575 000 to 600.600 oales ; Oithe macy strange situat!ns 7 On oad cece iva the} ( then “Denver”? Ec Martin walked|and with such estimates as these = ee Failed—Peruna 23 that have been preducéd by the 2an ‘ of it = = ste as pend Before an assemblage oa eae tthe centre of the ring and hailed|they make the total crop in th- His Voice Was About Lost—Physi by the ua i tists uf the Missis ivi trial was well under way, and M0*" | noo pie at the Mechanics avillud, | poe, > . en Bid eae ‘ seer “ye x aS ength. . rt, i ba = ESE, ce Globe -m- of the evidence was in, when in the | which bas been the scene of many’ ac ae me ere = neighborhood of eiveven militon Dat Last Resort Brought Back Health and Str ' river, says toe - : Martin and the fight was oyer. > es. Thereisnot a well informed a ve Every bottle you take of 3 micd « of tne afternoon the Darnell), <truvgles in the past, James obaston’ bitter struggl 0 p Sars2parilla means better OSton's ocra’t, none is stranger borer 2 so 3 * ——a> ae man—cotton growe arto mer ‘ble in its ° . ag thet in| army, numbering: then some 30 arm “es of Los Anveles, Cal, met | A Notable Case of Purging the CHurch -otton grower, C! a 2 b terrible in its results as thet °io J. Jeffries, of Los Ang ’ re chant, or anvbody elxe—who believ and every bottle contains aon quart. Itmakes better » creat ed men, filed into the court and cov Gy. Rublin, the Akron giaat, to-| 3 1003—px blood. For thirty years thie en ; } it *ey ' * . tha N. eee oer S : ered judge, jury and spectators wit by bight and fought for the . title Jef- | Rev. P. R, Lawin Lumberton Robesonian. es that "h» North Caroliaa crop will “Madrid Bead,’ where the “ni f Island stream, turning north from Is = * : . : exceed 400 000 bales large ma st No. 10. sweeps across the line from shotuuns and rifles. ‘fries has held siace bis memorable: phe third Sunday ia October was] ;) i . nae Pee ara; remedy has been creating ang jority of them believe that the crop taining good health, Come along, pap: we've hear imattle with Fitzsimmons. Esrly in! jp emorable day in one church in rounds enongh of this.”’ said Dick Daruell, | the afternoon a long live of anxious | the State. Its pastor read from the will be nearer 350 000 bales whica is about the estimate made by tae Tennessee into Kentucky, into the Missouri shore, and then, Johnston’s Sarsaparilla sweeping southward, cuts the line jand the old man marched out and j1oen assembled in front of the pavil- | pulpit the names of seventy of his] Aero te ay a again ‘o Tennessee. Thus iit cuts ‘was taken home Tne judge 29¢\io, and heid a wearied vigil ina members who bad been shut our. - It Jommission* of Agricuiture tw = orice ; isc eS z weeks azo. It can be readily seen from the | prosecuting attorney escaped in th? | Gnivziing rain uorit nightfall, vheo | t44¢ severe! moaths to investigate melee that. followed, secured a skitf | WAS off asection of Kentucky | the sale of gallery seats ' Ser anes ee th te OG rest of the State and even from the that if these bear statisticians are a open. | saa eta sees : : d \the several cases. The task was all wide of the mark in other States 2 ; : j loags. and, |é rode 40 miles up stream aad did | wover in the bis y of San Frangis- | ; : i couuty to which it beloags, and, and roc Sy i tere ; | Never in the history of san rrancis- in alia great one. The work was 2 aE Nee ee eas builds up the syst x wrapping around ii a coil of its owr not return to that vicinityfor a lous |.) has there been such a crush ofl ane justiy neon ie Ma ees are in Nor me a ae 12y are eee, ee the : 22 eal : $ « = . = i i Ee ne \ Va C = © Pai “ estimat or a tote roy from one 2S the mug wild waters, holds it aloof from law time. bumanity ata pugulistic event. The} ny. if not most of the parties, were|>... = nyt = ota czOp ch . more promptly and effec: Soe and order, from right and justice, TT kaon : pares : great pravilion began to Hill atsua-| unwilling tocomplain at the tiad ee ae so third oe : suas sny other remedy known. Tho pallor of the - : rt é rave. . snot . S ces . PaliV IS, ¢ 5 < t 1eVet 7 1 S and «lings to it as the last resort in a down with the enthusiastic crowds!ings Some were, upon Careful in ee a 7 Sea Pe tne ' ee wheek disappears, enersy takes the place of ; eleven anda haif million sales th anguor, and the rich color of Leal:h fons to Paris Dispaich 15th. yathered to witress the contest) guiry, found to be in the church Phousands, poured iato the gallery) without a change of heart and their when the doors were opened aud) y mus were transferred to the un- wh ch may thrive toe outlawry and crime which half aceotury ago were rampant along the whole river. thecheeks. Unequatlled for all disorders of +5 7S.Of the stomach and liver, and for 211 c plaints of men, women and childrez. crop will be nearer niae-to sine and a half miilion bales. A newspaper here reportsa re- markable sory from Pauillatc, Mme There is probably no other place} R bin, a passenger on the steamer |long before the first preliminary W23 / pogvenerated roll: Some were sus |,; The trath of tae om utter is tas in America today in the heart of a| Ga Plata, from Senegal, was landed |cailed the upper portion of the pa | ,onded definitely and some indefi- {°° Governmaat’s report. on Ovr» Goldeverywhere. Price, $1.00 per fall quart boite, cultiva'ed country where human !ife|at that port suffering from wha! | vilion was black with spectators. /jiiely, The offences were non ber Sed_-and their sebsequerr Week MICHIGAN DRUG CO., = Detroit, nich, is held so cheap as inthis little re-|wassupposed to have been vellow| People coming from all points be: | ahurch voing, profanity and various iy bureau eee are adoub th Sie eee gion ‘hat ties opposite New Madrid, | fever, She was placed in the Lazar-|tween Vancouver and Mexico, andj orhers.” This is a notable case of the moss reliad'e information oa th Mo., and pays its taxes at Hickman, |retto where her coudiiion became|emoracing well known State offici-| ,qministration of discipiine and Ce cropthat has yet Oen pud === Fulton county, Ky. worse and finally the doctors certi-|als, members of the judiciary a0d{¢purch purging. It is an example lished, Taese reports would ind of This is Kentucky Point, the home fied she was dead and ske vas bur prominent men. took possession of it would Selah for every church in cs a crop of from 9 730 QO to 10, BOLT a of the Darnel! Watson feud,in whica|jed One of the nurses, however | the bizh priced seats early. 4t 8:19) the State to follow There are téo een more than forty men are said to|doubted that the woman was dead, | o'clock a stir at the east end of the SE aN Se ee eee See sickly apd Pamererily Des have deen killed. Four miles wide|and communuicated with Mme. Rob | pavilion indicated that one of the) tans in the pane pie aR one oir Charg eneoote ° - ashy, Quickly eh PMEEELLY Tesuec SENGERBUND: PRESIDENT SCHW £BISCHE CE BY PERUNA. M ENTIRE LOSS OF Vi principals had arrived and was pro- ceeding to his dressing room The word was sucn passed that Rublin had reached tbe scene of the combat in’s father who caused the body of his daughter to be exhumed. when it was found that the supposed dead woman had given birth toa child of the yreat reasons for the wide spread coldness and lack of growth that good meu lament everywhere Une of the reasons so many men of and about seven miles long, it is set- tled as fhickl,; as any farming region in eas'ern Kentucky, produces enor mous crops of cotton, which employ PROF. FRITZ VOLLMER, } OF CHICAGO, ILLS., SAVED FRO Wilkesboro Chronicle. The Charlotte Observer's and [a Landmark’s charges agaiust the or ganized Democracy of the State anc 7 DR. JEAN OPERR HINDIPC Gig irate Tonic and Vitaiizer is sold with —- tee to cure Nervorvs Delality. 1 , @ |-ng Memory, Fits. Dizzircss, by Drains on the Desvous Sysicn Habits or Excessive Use cif “4 An Opera Singer’s Experience. ¥ 2s s ‘ “ed: ickers. and is alwaysa in Mt j 2 sy li avker’s Six Mi House : ; 3 : sae ees sy PEOPLE can tolerate slight : oF j bundreds of nanan id = ee while in Othe coffin. i = BULOp ¥ | irom Biavker s Six Mile House aod | the world are in thecaurch is found, also ayainst Governor Aycock ar ANY PEOPLE an toi at this is| Miss Jennie Hawley, contralto | Piquors,or “Living the Ice scene oiactivity. Yetit bas veither|showed that Mme Robin did nor jan uproar ensued. Rahlin weotdt-| perhaps, in the rush. of protracted | ju: revamps of Builer,s and” Prica-| | catarrhal affections. © : sincer of great popularity in comic | words off Incanity. Cons: miticn : i; court nor constable, jail oor jailer, | have yellow fever and that she bad | rectly to bis dressing room, accom-| noerings and general! lack of Bible ard EES a = ona eee not tre of the pa Te os ° os is one of the many professional Se esi Paige hi and acknowledges bo law that does | died from suffecation after she was | panied by Billy Madden, Denver Ed) ctugy that has abounded throughout | 6) m nereis ‘i an tal. The fag: | inser His voice must meer = ers who use Peruna. She writes: brings the pink glcw to pa'e checks not accord with its own notions of| poured. Herfather suedthe prefect] martin, Charlie Goff avd Young | the eountry ak eee ne SS" | angs perfect, digestion undisturbed. | 5in& <GTon, D.C you voung ard strerg again sc< ih Many hs have elapsed aaa ; eis ny z ; the countr) that Ayéock’s appointments ar ularity of Peruna among Riaes HovsE, WASHINGTON, VD. ©. By mail to #7 y address jusuice. Many months have elapsed and health cffizers, and theeourt to |Gibbs, who later appeared in bis eo ve at {ence the popularity o s Z x luable to FerspletvW KE: i since a sheriff visited this regi sya ancs d: Ss p j s call! composed of men ofall shades 01 =o fessional men and women| “I regard Peruna as inva nd ail 3x a since a sheriff visited this region | day for 200,000 francs damages corner when the fight was called. roosevelt Has Gay Livery : ss ; he leading professiona. : d all sons f and many years since he took a ' ROOSEVE x y *) personal belief on personal mairer { the country singers and actresses, and all per ——_ —— = ie prisoner out from it to stand trial at A Gun to Shovt 21 Miles THE BIG FIGHTERS TAKE THEIR PLACES. | y acnington pispatch, 15¢h. —part for Simmons for Senator ad] “pyit, Vollmer, President Schwze-| who use their voices in entertuintit 5 -|Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR é tol Mules. At 928 Jeffries syed toner : : BF pan pee ee nie ope ; aes . ; Y ii 0. . - the Hickman court bouse. Yet a Me ENCE SED eacetclgicth _At 9.28 Jeffries —_ Se Bees Few, itany, of the many handsome | part for Gen «arr. some favor se isoher Seengerbund, Chicago, in a re- public. I bare poms ——— week seldom goes by that some man rov, N, Y. Dispatcly rsth. shading his eves. Afien im came equipages in this city support a tin | to Impeachment aud son 2) waged ent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co., cold or cough. ennie Haw! aE. : Dentist, +8) is not killed by a fellow somewhere As soon aS a DEW trunnion _ hook his trainer, Bully Pee = eee ey jooking pair on the box than the knocks the Charves +f these paper nae Ex-Congressman C. Pelham, of Ban- ae ' on the point. With the Mississippi | ¢a2 be received from the Bethiehem | an, Bob moe a ac 7 EOwaeS new coachman ani footman of the|i#to smi bereens. And stili cus «I was greatly troubled for Cs a SS erin STATESVILLE, N. C i. on every side but one and Missouri} Steel Comoany work will be resum |Jack Jeffries, Harry Corbett, *0@| White House, who appeared today | Dersis! In apiut tae Caucaiaa ant | ol. with throat trouble which My sisteran“aw bas id 8 Will be ip bis offce iwc i across it, and with Tennessee on the |ed at the United States arsenal in |referee, then stepped into the ring. | for the firs: time in the livery andj Uasios Repapiican is attacking ti | ¥ = es from catarrh of the throat for a consider aE He BD DIS LICE AKO weeks, it fourth side, the wurderer is certain Watervliet on the new 16 inch gun, At 9:30. Gus Roblin entered the tall ba g with eockades selected by-{orgalinzed Democracy. No» one ox the doctors defined as catarrh,|. pie time. She has been using Peruna | beginning with first Mer Cay in each 4 “y ' . a s A . “ eee SEE caer . ee ro Pa Zs 4 ote : : i i ; im - anythi ‘ of easy escape before a sberiff 30 which is to_b» made for Port Ham | ring, followed by his seconds. They] +15 Presidentand wtrs Rovsevelt. ; pects different trem h R-pushes | but could only give me temporary for about one week, and 55 span month = is a ae anything sign 8p ‘ lintoa, in New York harbor. tossed for corcers and Rudlin wen,t pre President’s earriages and|Ovserver, Out we io expect bet | relief. improved. I believe it is an excellent | in the way of Gentistry You wil] mie as find it to your interest io do so Work dore in best manner. Prices low Only the best meierial vsed miles away could be notified and i? come to the scene. The Stateline rens a short dis remedy for catarrh.”—C. Pelham. Not only is Peruna of untold value in cases of laryngitis, but 2 bottle of Pera- taking the southwest corner. The ex: reme heat from the powerful light over the ring madeitseif felt from «My voice was badly affected other driving traps ‘are beginning} te! of the Landasmark, and I was afraid I would lose it Lo arrive ui + ay fe : > erin | —— ore Lo arrive and this atternoon ty | This gun will be the largest ever made in the world. it is to be 2 snorriy | A Worthy Cau-e, tance south of Hickman, but from the capital down scream to Kentucky Point, tn Madrid Bend, is more thai breech loader and the breech wiil be so constructed thar a child can open and ftireit Thegun wiil shoot 21 miles. but in order to do so the shot the very begipning, but was pct as intense as that which hampered the Sharkey Jeffries fight. 7wo minutes after 4 o'clock one of the the outfit drew upin front of tbe White House to take some members of the bousehold foracrive. — , finest = We all love to honor nim who wa the firs: wreat advoeate of the or entirely. I read of some of the wonderful things your Peruna would do aad thought it advisable na rightly used in the family during the winter months is of value untold. Peru- na cures colds, cures coughs, cures la Gentlemen, Get the New, Nove! Discovery phan cause in North Carolina an : fp ORE who, for so man: war ihe streets Of his heart and jifein its tehaif W 25 miles, Overland there is no di rect passage. for the intercepting revion of Missouri lies along the Buiyou St. John and James’ bayou grippe, cures all diseases due to catarrhal congestions of the mucous membranes. Address’ The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, O., for a copy of Dr. Hart- after tone men entered the ring they were aanound by Bill Jordon, who presented the referee Harry Corbett, Deafening cheers greeted the big to try some myself. «J am pleased to state that in a very short time I was cured.’’=== will reach an altitude as yvreat as that of Pike’sePeak, which is 14,000 feet After the hook has been placed ia The vehicle was one of the most elaborate seen on Washington for years, & Home acct Pigeon Wilk § : many Years 804) aarnot betier perpetnate his nam ee Inds which are iMpassible swamps, anc cCnsisted of a two seated open liyht | = : oe Prone ‘ ; ; ee ERAT SUA ane ; : “has = : SOUlthan by ch rishi:g that caus? for = ; which have thems.lves veen the|'t the yuo is to have asother Jacket Beers SOU an zeae ace when | qriving wagon painteda dark blue! which h-livei. The See. ee FRITZ VOLLMER. man’s latest book on,catarrh. . Cures Goncrrhara and Gleet ins: are ~< * i ey ’ + Ye ¢ rin: > “ 2 7 rt Mi : ° } : . 4:4" “Hauantes : +i is vents str om- ot ? home ot terrivie lawle-sness. By |sbruak on It. Military mea in EG Pe pete CCC NGU ae eee toland upbelstered in light yellow! ne state bave incressed iy numbe Siccaroecerica in vest porket = Triai ih land through Tennessee is almost as world over are much interested in |exaniine the gloves, groans and bisses | joa: ber | ee ao oes at e eer eres ss Deis Ince paaiteniplernliped=acei pe ; Se are . sfass ee ain ae eS = mt i i ; =, af - ; wi ) the > “Wo Vears anc 3 Me aaae x ete 1 ; 2 ice. § = t& t : impas-abie, for i+ is cut by Reetford | (he mechanism of this gun. as i wil. | tilled the vats Soe seeee The tody of the wavon waccflight’ one is rrvinw to receive inure chil he Federal grand jury at Jack- | aiexender County. § Superior Gourt. See ee piaaaacco. pipet tere oe ap lake and the surrounding swamps| 2 2" inaovation for coast detense |in a flaring red sweater and che v18| yellow ba-ket werx wih &@ fain’! dren than in the preceding vear Car on, Wiss.. has indicteda largenum | yy G-smith, sdministratriZof } For sale by W. F. Hall. Tr. Bo not 3 and vayous. Ouly the water roure ee ving tn Violent impatience sat de |irripe of red) ‘Lhe monegram “T.! Ze mn eae er of cotton seed oil men for viclat- | Rebecca Smith, deceased, | = MEDIC! } ee a Za ep = rely in hiseorner, while Ruhlia} po 5 Sie ‘we better show our gratitude t ling the Federal anti trust laws AGAINST ci 4; theretore remains for the sheriff or Two Strange Murders. murs : : . : a D Sa R.”’ was on the pannels: and twoig..4 for His many merces to u 1 edera! < v aws. I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith.Dor-} NOTICE. Se oem : other Kentucky offivers who would | Eyansv ile, Ind., Dispatch, 15th talked earnestly wi enver Bali ponyy prown berses with silver, .; Ss eng ane aT : = cas McIntosh, O. P. McIntosh. j e ~ ea eee ie ates Doge aed 5 Jartin. On behaif of Pom Sharkey, |, oe aioe: Re ee te ithaa by 2 live ral dona tan ig ns st CANDY CATHARTIC Fva Lackey. J, A. Tackey. E, P -. g cKina i nt, a ! 0 barvess ere hitched loi ps tiberal oncs, on Tiarksyivin Smith and M. E, Smith. ¥ z Alletforts of the entire police and Be wae ew ela ob Et eins cores Aer BR Tim MeGath chaliesged the wione: The defendants, I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith, to travel on this he must either us: detective fore Patna avai iandla eV ithe veacle Da. ? or : , LOCLIVE Ce OF pois © Ee tect were @ Tiiem - 7 - anf : a skitf or wait fora steamer, which | “> % arene alge Ae ee pOk tonight s Contest Din men broke! Pwo young colored men were on, —————__—_________ Doe ee a ceo a ‘ out e } nr Pata cs wcoaldin Comin: clue tu the muré ever or murderers Of | a+ the order of the referee. Time |the fron: iS tk SS eer Says He Wes Fortursa mith, will take notice that an action * : 2» i Ding hefroenr seat, In tue andsomest oC. asabove has been commenced in the Superior court for final settlement of the estate of Rebec ca Smith. deceased, and the defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap- pear at the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Alexander covnty, N.C. on Ssaturday. the 21st day of December. 1901, and answe* or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiffs will apply for the relief demandea in said complaint A.1. WATTS, This Nov. 6th, 1901. Clerk Superior Court. two women. wrose dead vudies were found iying in ditches by the road. side in opposite directions from this city yesterday, have proved unavaili- ing. Several suspects are ucder surveillance, but developments in the murders have not been sufficient was called at 9:37. ae THE FIGHT BY ROUNDS. Roand 1 —Ruhlin ieads for head and leads lightly with left. They clinch. Both men are cautious Jef fries’ left goes around Ruhlin’s head. but does no damage. Jetfries tapped ‘ yed by @ay president since the davsot Pres deut Aribur. They wore jong dark biue coats itp doubvie rows of bras~ buttons and on their tall bars were cockades of black burrs witha rosette ef red, white blue siik,. President Ropsevel: displ “DT suffered such pain from voros | eould bard!ly wails,” writes H. Ros iusva, Hiilsbory, “lits.. -*but Back len’s Arnica Saive compiciely cura them.” ACis like mayic un spralu: bruir@s, Cuts, sores, seaulds, burns, i ; vvils, ulcers. Perfect heater of skin: first diseases aud Cure “Why, I hayen’t been dowa ther in mouu-.bs,”’ said Sbenff Stuovle- field recentiy. “There is never any trouple down there now. This idea that there is a killing there ors kuife scrape every few daysis nod sense, Ifthere was I would have : cats to warrant the police in making a beea notified tre p nakiog ar Railway ANNOUNCES THE ~ OPENING OF THE WINTER TOURIST SEASON Genuine stamped C.C. C. Never sold in bulk, Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good.” Toto - a | Lh Mada As . = French Fj 4 Female 0 Pills. is the sles ee ee . te 2 ss ! rests. While it is evident that voth | Gus lightly on the head with left.Jei piles. wuarau w ?, + fo < . we eS . . re » 7] ; "ec setiOt , 27 ; = < ae : a Down on the Point information victims were killed about the same| ‘ries uppereu: Rublinto jaw with Pir sident within the recollection of teed by W. F. tall, 25c. », certain relief for Suppressed FOR SALE ees = : > PLACING waseasily had that three mea hac hour Tuesday Nitin walks still be teft. Jeffries landed left on oody.|the White House attaches who bes, aioe ; = SpeetenanacietecssoeGrars ead eo eee ene Cee J ner a ee susie PsGe! wht, if is stil 2 tT. WES che oa ‘ “ ay S a 7 a aie aes a > ! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed g& 2 —ON S 5 . taken the trouble to notify thesberifi| 5 ood the women were slain by the|butm'ssedfor bead — Rubitn couo nad s coachman and footman’ la aculiisionat Wellington, Va or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for 5 oe T eee “ a ae ae e Re A ae ‘ = . . - Seite = Eee aaa or in oT nse Ts nS 00 pe: yill se : 21 tris as 1G cia Considered) that the three | sme fiend. The body of Mrs Geor- | tered with left, Jeffries swung ayzain | 0d" pred with cockades on their Friday, a coucuctor ond a orakemat pepeicitoreieen poirot maniacs p ieee rete 2 2 = mencance eter with. ) ..}gia Bailey was found pear. the city | Dut missed. Gus ploeked tef! jab for bats. tleretofore Lieurenant Gee wee Kiied. 3 UfiITED MEDICAL CO., Dox 74, Lancasren, Pa. & Eating sores, swellings, falling hair, mucous 4 7 “They ain’t really been what y'all] ea oe rie ~.|face. Jeffries rushed but Ruhlin [eta! Neisoo A Miles bas seen the ene STP ER ee a patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones and eee Rillin? mare yeside a public hivhbway. There | face. eiffries rushed but hunbiin E E F : f a a as esse * e S Wea * Se = 2; ee » satd a resident were finger marks on the throar. | came in to a cinch. single bigh official of the yvovero-| 2MIBRBaisceeeossesse Soldin Statesville byStimson & | 3°nts. itching skin, boils, pimples. etc.. Paes ea of the Point. They was a feller Phe neck was broken. The supposi -FFRIES ACCUSED OF FIGHTING FOUL Mont whose coacnman and footman . q “2 °nl arAssop sug, Anderson. ea Exon eee = cad killed up toward Bessie sat'dy nigh? sion =e ae nel = => rs = = : mi d JEFFRIES ACCUSE : " Thave been decorated with cockades x STFIK NOLLOD GBucexr aaa, _| ally to cure malignant blood and skin troubles z © f Z ee ¢ s that tne woman Was chove ‘ . a me 4sonbes Uo 99a Ay NOU No i Bb. B. B, heals every sore and kes the blood MINEN that they come nivh no ing th : ad 2—R: as ) 2+ S Ty G ine z0 D paIC : a Seige: 10 ALL PROMINENT ; eye e nigh otifying the to death by some one in a bugyy Roua R eS a he oked Sic Geer re | ® PFT Vv ‘osour a0 spans gy Jo ¥1106 | price at 25¢ pure and rich. Over 3.000 cures of worst and]|* Materia sheriff about. Felier vot off th: andi thomichanishe kontiber ncok around neck with left. He accused A famine is threatened in Zapata} 4 me lt GaVIAIES ‘Tp Ut one eos 21 most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B. Drug- —POINTS IN THE— BS a vs NT = Sane ale £ 2n she fet 5e re = : a - x en ee ot i e “3 Woy YW pus LA Oa 31 deay yor i Ve = = ease) boat f’om Cairo. Nobody never dic a ge aes eee eA Jeffries of foul fighting The Akron |cunty, Texas, an i relief wail bet al ecsooa ~ Seen ae os tf: | 'O gists, $1. Describe trouble and trial bottle sent know whohe was. He got toyambd of the Hody Rcinembeen ora man then shotin his right and found |fienished bv the State authorities 3 “SAN NOGA TI 26) Jey ep anor A is > ? free by writing to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. ogg a yi . ; oi : } . sy) . Susy ot y Au 2 Y}O« : “ se lin’ with a Bessie feller an’ -quarrel |... distance and throwe icto a J+ffries’ ribs following up with anio H S305 so; polepusie> put paaarsg rey South, Southwest, West In- a ed with himan’ the Bessie feller{5.., 4 mile oiftside the city effectual left swing for the head 2 4M9A05 S[ASOJD “pars! Ast Pavt{ Spopare “> MARK reece | iCS Mexico and Cc liforni Write for Paice far eal cil Cua neneee es itch. Armile outside the city, but Jeffries waxed .ageressive. | Rublin ¥Y pur pormoepo <tqnos09yI *u9i.OS TB 4 aiiornia. ee nS er tnoug in aa opposite direction, the body effries waxed aggressive. hunt 2 spay} sooaad Uasyy ao uo} UTjsnit wr Acore guaranteed if youuse = to letit drop for the stranger cer | ,¢ \tisc Lena Renuer ae liscovered planted rightard left tothe face. f SUaxTs a Auryovoyq suory osnyo eee Sal i = i puor's Suppository tainly didsay the first word. Soe noice aneone nee ae _{then rushed, landing on the body Se ae ete ee ae 2 7 j Opn Thompeon, Supt. ee YARES A eerTy >was anot fi. 1; e searcuers. er tar 5 5 CCP. Rea ote revi. ; ee a tes Sure ee ile “3 Grated Schools, Statesvitle, N. C., writes: * “ an rz ee sae snot eas mone tinver marks, showing the manner ibe aoe aioe le 3 ee was } neisnhhi : ae nn RS qm 300, calm tor them.” "De. 5. M. Devore, i St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, ‘ ° c es 2 inter tuhi n effr : SE verran in roe - 5 j on’t jes counterer ublin fou ries . Taction Se Cee Jacksonullle. Tamba, Port Tam- of death simiiar to tbat of Mrs Bailey. John Kifer, who was seen For Sale Everywh: re, co a $633 yom {bare fous no remedy to Bl MARTIN NUDY, LANCASTER, PA. pa, Brunswick. Thomasville, Charleston. Aiken, Av- gusta, Pineburst. Asheville. Atlanta. New Orleans, Memphis and head audin a short exchanye neither had the advantave The men foeugn: at closer ranwe. Gus again landing on Jeffries’ face and stopped the latter's attempt toretaliate with a strony rivht. Rehblin feinted with right and shot straight left to Jeffres nose but the blow was partialls piocved, The men were wrestiing when the round elo-ed This “as decidedly Rubiia’s rund. GUS CONSTANTLY COMPLAINING eallthat a killin’. He got shot up a week ago Saturday in a littie as : vita Miss Renner, was: rt scrap at Sloayh Landin’, but he did i o> } See OO n't did none till Wednesday, so 1|RPOYS? coon dunno as you’é call it killin’.”’ Bee ee a BSS ie pe Raceber taquicy added to/this tise ders to two othersin this city dur- the murder of a negro by a white poiey che — ae Sane ae on misaitelabons iheiitiadl (Gcea sagen other stranve incideut of the case. dent. Itis hard to get Kentucky eae ee LI Pointers to go into ane‘ent history SM Strance Cesc of Abduction butall admitted that there had bee, | Columbia, s. C., Dispatch. 15th. two lyochines during the year—one é dainty, no light so S, charming as the e%\ mellow glow that Th Transacts4 check on si collatera! « all points. aticys, J on the mos NeOaa Ey: comes from “spood om? Yous Py oF Ne ‘pivA AISA CORDOVA Bm ¢ pedunns Apyty si 7 ae at} Iso Yse OF SON} Ler Cheap Life Insurance DIVISION ofthe Peoples’ Mutual Benefit Assgciation, a life insurance organization, Anderson--Caill for free sam ie. has been o: ganized in Statesville by J. M, atc- ormick, division agent. The division em- CHICHESTER’S ENGLISR braces Iredell and Alexander counties’ H. P. , Grier, of the law firm of Grier & Long, was elected president; J. A. Hartness, clerk of- the | ; eal I Sold in Statesville by Stimson & +: UL SoOnvUIzL sosuvyo Aj ws ‘usaoa AIDS00] pur ile s See ‘ x c ; UMN i SuiAvey “ursnu Prepared in many color tints m0 tf plo 50 Jno Ss8zpIonui pi v to harmonize with ‘sur- ’ Serres entrant Dondingaaite Mancina 5 VUIQ. “Youejs SY} souseran 3y “MOT UE} THE LAND OF THE ‘kY ASTI court, Secretary and Treasurer, and W. W. Tur- ner, register of decds, one of the directors. There will be from one to th’ ee directors in each township in the countiesembraced in the divi- sion, Insura..ce to theamount of $1.000 each ~ PERFECT DINING AND SLEEPING A stranve story of abduction was CAR SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS. foom, drawing room, and Co amnoddore Foote spent a lonz cimpaign getting s es stiroush Bayon dv. Joho and the ee:sa0or nz avegro for robbing 2 peddler, andj made ku } 7 a as 5 3 rev, 2 known hereto diy wiga Mrs. ee reek en or eon ees A bed roo i. hai 3 = : - the other one for no cause anyone | wweNeill Wilson of ade oe PB vund 3.— Che me neame vpstrong | 2 everywhere’ Sonn f i 19N}Oq TEI Yoor VISAW NGOG pai eo 1,000 persons only’ in the di- Ry . é ae could remember. RE <0 eCity, !a.d Rubiin shot in right and left, | Hae IRC> STANDARD Bi 2-2 soxeur yseurssg O77, Spence Sicicn oe ee eds she 8 hes When the civil war came the Con - arpies aie Cork heen San but was stopped by Jetfeies’ elbow. | ii ee. ULI OSIOA ILI FCO] All persous who join the Sagansesion latipes oo SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS a aes ee Sea PEE ONS, | WOO: DS ren stolen! jeifries pursued Gus and swuny oe { »_ Azeurpio somwu Fy [SCPE Year. and when a menzber dies exct ~ . ederate army seized New Madrid|trom t ni ars : pce a eee i eter ae o~ : ‘ | | member will be assessed $1 1510 pay che imear, r . mace oa: nomeenine years azo A maa! .j, Rites eters 4 SsIy oT aUCe of S)ood The moves neo Pay the insur. | Safe. Always reliable. Ladies, ask # and Island No. aed fortified them. {named Miller was boarding with} “Up Cott naes fon ee So : a ad AT doce eo a euccanate ase Seon Geachiit | CMICHESTER'S ENGLISIE in ed. and VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. z > ‘ais 10 referee. Gus feinted and (REITs St forehe anne nbers lo pay ihe Sivoo insurance | Gold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. : S33 | for the deceased member aud the 15 cevis goes | Takenoother. Refused Dati- * Ask any ticket agent for full . jangerous su tutions and imitations. Buy of your Druggist, or send 4c, in stamps for Particulars, Testi- mon finis and Relief for Ladies,” in ictter, »>y returm Mail. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by to pay expenses, This is most reNabletorin of iusurs forther informztioz call oa the Ajvision or the agents, ©¢ Ciicapest and ce kulowL. For onicers of the ae Om re rol Mrs. Wilson. He was egcentric aud caine back with an effectual short wrote a book, * Twenty Years 4iarm punch J.tfeies easily had the Tramp: or a irip Tarcuge Hell. He | sdvanta:re wlin Guscoasteu'ly com information, or address R.L.VERNON, C.W. WESTBURY : Wy be an Ideal Senator. 5 se e 2 We i s » : isturg Times : > woods te cut them off. Atthe close | dis ° lei : : Louis surg Times ’ 0 a > 4ieta isappeared, taking the child with] piainj ay ea a are pret October 7th, 1901. all Drugzists. Traveling Pass. Agent. Dis. Pass. Agent, ie ae of the war, when peace cameto the|him. A few monthbe later the little | > ?'™# *he men closed in several) Tbe 2ppointment of Mr. Osborne w . CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. Charlotte, N.C. Richmond, Va ne ee. Be rest of the country, feud dame ro | viri was found and taken home, not}tic. Hubia Gsounz low aad Jct jax Judge takes out of the Seaator al at it teens SE ree S ee 7 3 Kentucky Point. General Darnell fanee atterwards she was avaio Beale rics apparencty inoking for a Sane rice one of the Democratic aspirants cation this paper. , H. Hardwick, head blew! i, Be settiedon the Tennessce side of the | oy a young man named Henderson = — an pauch. Jeffries}and we see it stated that our friecd ~ General Passenger Agent. Mest sens ‘ i ; + : . e "eat adi ¢ 2 " cheatin inna cd ' - m mm > ot : ++ line on the west of the point,and}and not untiitoday hadthe mother|. ac, about the ring uatil the|/Hoa L +. Overman will be the larg- ] J. M.CULP, Ww: a, TURK, mitt, alse ’ ate Rovert L. Watson—‘‘Old Bob'’| een her child. Henderson evident spectarors hissed bm The round jest gainer by it, This is very plezs- Traffic Magager Asst. Pass. Traific Manager. > site Watson—o -h . Se ree Deena eos SOE ended with neither marin distress, |ing news to :be editor of the Times Washington, D,C B ds a atson—on the Kentucky side |ly represented Milier, for the larter gece: re IC CANOr OF the times ee ee TT tk! a — ‘ bs Families of Lanes and Donaldsons|now living at Lake Cuy® a few | Dat with Rublin the more worried of }@8 he believes Mr. Overman | will Sparkling Eyey & Brigh Fac a oh i4 . settied alony the east side. A feud] months neo seat the girl here under the two. make anideat senator It will se P S BY ris t Faces JAPANESE Portabi £3 Ba which originated in a quarrel be |the name of Mary Young. He said| RUMIN WHALED LEFT AND RIGHT. renemnbered that he was one of the , em : tween women soon set the Darnell | the child was : se eee . mats noininees of the Demovratie eaueus Are the Fruits of Sound Nerves. ’ Rey e aac e child was an orphananda care] Round 4 —Aiter short excnanye] jn 1805 and a: d ree ived. alo : GIN THE GREAT FRENCH Size, urd a . Se Sa ors Lane poole on bis hands and as her grandfa'her|at ciose range, Ruhiin landed on] A, See t e ae d. ae with = DIPO NERVE TONI® and Vitali- Ecliy £¢ eae ons and war broke out. General] came fr hisiSee M arniacdreawc 2 > Bates n PV Blase the vote of every ver Cures Nervous Exhaustion, Hysteria, Dizzi- ; aati eakeoclerenschem Nera Canes ca ne f om this S ate, Miller confided face. He was forced vack and Je? | pamocrat in th eee aaa ess, Headache, Backache and Female’ Weak- Gottcr ¢ i . as a Usi : = aptatn Laue} her to Usurline Convent here. Shejries smiled as Rublin aysic pursued fusion pis fete ut the aess So Common attending the monthly periods. ee peice Baio en but North and Jisa bright attractive girl and was/him Jeffries landed left, biacken este ee x wine = :6 Of course SIBRLS See oe trying A New and Complete Treatment, - t = 1 = ay = ors ye oma the arming J taken iato the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Jing Gus lefteye. Rubtio lacked ag : Ch eOmen eel comet inhood wiil find it a wonderful relief and bene- roc on Cintment and tf i 2 Seprchens ing of rival forces. Io KE G Sandifer Sh» knew there was |svressiveoess and retreat d as Jetfr eset pene ens the nerves, | Piiex of every nature Raters tees S-atesvill ao Fi auchore tencicacky had ane ‘0 to 80} some mystery lo her iite and a= otlesswany left and rigat aud missed BO YOU GET UP 1p the whole system, Makes a Took operation with the knife, which is p: ma ; i ees arms and keeping within | 4s she nad yotten away from ye ritvus led for the face and Jetfeies ae “s ey PRICE soc... 12 Boxes eet ae se? We pack a writtes a: | all,and for a long time neither] y-van to a SMe ot oa cooinhg ; ; rd : ¥ 7 *5. Sent by mailto any address. Sold by W. F. tantee i h ames ié ; bs = we Make IbVestivations mi pres<eG him acrass the we, ny 7 tlall, Jr. gua ec inecach $1 Box, No Cu ay. see ventured away from: kome without} matrers eee toin a : tter ‘ = — ee waiked Ce nae ee IE BACK ? ee exhausted? : Senn 6for$5. Sent by mail. Sam- > neg t - et Oy! peLter G ne ena: ‘ Waike sac ss the ~ SOE . — ie 5 he his torce.- Votier’s, which ba felion in aoe Boney ere = : uals eee f: ee a Do FORCE EEN Te PNY ae nao ; ~ x 4, 3 Meetings were frequent and al-|hanas. Sa c ead ats ae hey cee agaia and le enc fierce . fi | Sidney Trouble MakeS You Miserable. ae See ‘ To th EF ; co J LNTMENT 25e. and re. ; - = > - ahets Soe e-file name { The i is JAW hitas i effee- oe ee . SONS! . 38 gs rane ce eagaificsll Gtraniadcaioamed ack ae Eh dei so 4 }Oa Dis jaw {bia shot out instee these questio to any o! e armers IPATION Cured, Piles prevented, by 2 pint : parties in South Plorida and atier}tual lefts. Jefferies waded in, wha!- who reads the news Wi ns, you have ills w’ ~ ? Japanese Liver Pellets, the great Liver 42 bushes, resorred to every kind of} czeks of correspondence bas found |ing Rubiio left and rive Gus wane, | Papers is su Hos hel wc pea ine of rdui cures. Do you GAVE afuli hi mitd a eons Blood Parihes oat treachery and villiany to obtain its| her motner ter ee is oe ms "He erie i 6 ae ieee health would kind ts hi ere. ae et ee a et ey ceilaeisicli cid tad decor icenelnceate Ce : flown and took the-count. e came — = made by to you ter taki Wine inds of wheat, catsand rye for ne Se ee a _ ed* when the last Lave and the last Paes peas none oe ee ons pee = teed i” oe SEE : Beets CON ae eacnee eee an Dovaldson were dead. and when #oter s betug lu convent In Se: i saved him aublin was plainly ized it. Nervous strain, loss of ies Duy. SESS id: r ae > cold or indivcesiion ig starts Sept. 19th, 1901. J. L, Cowan. ma, Ala, out had beard of her indi.) the greatest disiress when tae round rectly a number of times. Once her:closed [nis round was much in elder daughter went to Canada on a J-tiries’ favor.d fruitless errand ia auswverto a letter RUHLIN GIVES UP THE. FIGHT wo years ago the mother received a! ees et photograph of her child, but the|, )@’U7d > —Rubiia wore a distross- when he came up postmark gave no clue. She Le disorders that are not noticeable at Gevera! Darnell and all but one of first, but day by day stead dy gow ine his sons were killed. This last son, Dick Darnell, was shot tais year, =. and with nyundies his side of the ae Darneli Waison clan. Of the Wa:- : sons, ‘‘Oid Bob”’ is dead and none ot into troubi_some complicati of Cardui, used just necietse men- system in perfect condition, This medicine is taken Quieily at home r years of Sientilic research by r. Kilmer, the emi- Y and blad- Sale of Land. Y VIRTUEoi a decree of the Superio: of Iredell county, made in the ee ' — . = a ‘ his sous lives on the point bat}; ‘ Pieiicies: wentlin sith amerrawwhr a5 : ie i at} here for Fiorida and t Fad ote) Cot tO) ete a StrShe Or am d is ee rae cr : ceeding entitled John W, McHargu ini ure ~~ pancreas sa who has tried to! the relatives So ae #, but was blocked. JelFets curing P ate ae — t Bee ilps Tames W. cHargue, eta, ‘vs. G:C, eep ou: of the feud and who is to- e : ¥ . }landed light book to jaw aad shows ue So - costs McHargueet al., the undersigned, as commis-| - . 3 to-/ lost child. The reunio | Sen oer J u =o 5 : only SI to test this remed: hich sioner, will : 7 > day iis ooly survivor. He goes {and little one was atfectiug va Mee ileft to viosand the neck with righ oh is the werst } i RICKERT eadosed by 1,000,000 cored rons =e © MONDAY, NOVEMBER ste, 1902 Digests what you eat. ss heavily armed to-day wad is prepar-| Wilson’s ur: oo) 2’ A vouey followed tnis in woh the ee ~ : ‘Ars, at 12 0’c ock, m., expose for s31 he hi This preparation contains all of the i Vilson’s yrandfatber, McNeill, went in : Root is nce re Lena T. Frizbu.s, East St. Loui t .™., Expo: stleto the highest c dc of - ing to move to Texas, where he may | fr Ch : > *<"* |caampion forced Gus with lefts to] ommended forever Sent cetieee non Jeweler says: eae ouls, bidder forcash, at the court house door in | digestanis and digests all kinds 0 “os Ridsibannielerodoudrelscacsoelen om Charleston to Florida during eee Rubin acatek aka ; nmended for eve: g butif you havekid- tT thee am physically a new Statesville. N. “., about 15 acres off of the north | food. Itgivesinstant reliefand never : 2y es of the : tae fe » Ruhitn ducked and retreat | ney, liver or bladder troub‘e it will be found : oman, by reason of my use of Wine of ern part of a certain tract of land hereinafter . ils tocure. It allows you to eat all es the Indian war ¢ avi . | : so war and baving captured jed steadily Jeffries followed uy the jadvantage and bored in, tonchiag described and belonging to the estate of Jam: W. McHargue, deceased, said tract of toad is bounded as follows, to-wit: Cardui and Thedferd’s Bla- Draught.” In cases requiring rect Pecial dress, giving sriptoms."The Ladien naan, : ae Warring factions. “ 4 It was in this feud thatthe Dare the food you want. ‘The most sensitive just the remedy younced. Ithas been tested stomachs can takeit. By itsuse many inso many ways, in hospital work, in crivat a leading Indian chief, was made a = / captain in the United States a : : ; tic help] a East aed neil-Watson faction ambushed t e ArMY- | Rubitn beoearis the chin and forciag Prastice, among the heiplecs too poor to pur- clue Cor. Chattasoogs “resntSPOous Medi Fans Novthss deuce kaw 65 poles, to's eared after oreseamee ace sailed. Tt : Lanes at Slough Landing oae diy} | Reliable and Gentle Ruhlin 10 drop, after which Gu~| Sh relief and hes proved so successful in eine Co.. Chattanoogs. Tenn Stone at the beauche Ragle's corer thence cured after everything else failed. It down the branch $3 polesto Bowles’ every case that a special arrangement has een rnade by which all readers of this paper who have not alrcady tried it, my have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if youhave kidney or bladder trouble, Whea writing mention reading this generous offer in, thispaneF and line; Prevents formation o on the stom: j urence Nor sidegrecs Nem copolestoastane: ach, relieving all distressafter eati08 | 34 acres more or less, situatedin Sharpesburg Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant totake. township, Iredell county. kK can’t help i but do you good | Statesville. N. C., Oct. 14, 190r. i | you | neonate E.O. DaWrrr&Co., Chicas i | | : es : went to the floor aod at the count of ‘A pill’s a pill,” says the 84W:/five staggered to his feet, ceased But there are pills and pilis. You| fighting aud Jetfries went in for a want a pill which is certain, thor-|knock-out. Runiin was utterly daz ough and gentle. Mustn’t gripe.}ed aud made wild swings white DeWitt’s Little Early Risers fill the | Jeffries threw him against the ropes. bill. Purely vegetavie. Do not] In the last minute of the round, Ruh- aod killed many of them. A stean- er going down stream touched at the Darnell landing and a gang of armed men boarded it and hid among the cotton baies Oaptain Line and some of his boys were on «the land- DR oF COTTON ROOTax» “PENNVROVAL PILLS’ | p= Grier & Long, JNO. W. ee ee- Dissolution Notice. Attorneys for Plaintiff. ing on their side ready to put Sey tS HORSES FOR. SAI T - fre.ght avoard the boa@as it came force but assist the bowels to act.|Jinattempted to stopateft lead for| S™4_your address to Original and i % ‘ 5 Ss & A de so’ 4 a ns ape a a! = c me = genuine, always retiabl d 5 7 : in. They were advancing toward | Seeegbea, and invigorate. Smali|vhebead and:he wasforeed back and| Do /Gieh= GE, cafe Hus Ditay Seaya for br. suas, Got-| THE FARTCERSIIP heretoore existing te- | 7 sos want a good Young horse wethar Tm | — aso. &, ANGEISOP_ Pup x ins 2 or = on Root an oval Female Pills. ndersigned, — 2 —_= ————— : the plank when the ambushed See ot ke.—Stimson & Ander ee oe never fail ind never injure. Mailed to an of J L Hunte-® Co. has-been ‘this day ane 1 oe eee = : : of $t.to, by The Rust - M: = dale by WF Mall, Jr ee a ape son. : ss vilries was going at him very bt Paul, Minw. y 5 men struck squarely in the pit of the stom- lar ofif rodd Without gwarning oud fred vol. se regular ae enn EE OS TERIA IRE ONT ered eee = wo YARDS AT STATES\ oP 00 7 oe oO CGCEEE & BB S a Om a anced to see sthmalene mprove- all symp- ed with this 5, T90l. remedie . LIfonud ea family aith and am HAEL, r29th St., City. otile Sent Ab-eluiely Free cu Reeeipt ef Postal. v DR. TAFT BROS.’ ty mnce, addre sin ON. ky. © > and Granite Co, Dealers OAL L ce Purposes. eas very foxest prices on Monuments, Tab- ciads of cemetery work. rkmansbiy Guaranteed to be First Cless. oe LISBURY AND NCRTH WILKESBCRO National Bank TESVILLE. N.C. Susiness. Deposits received subject to time Gepesits. Money loaned on good Special attention paid to collections on ited at loteest rates. Accounts of Corpor rs ard Individuals solicited and received LCERS: $G, Ir VEN, Vice Presiden’ SRHaees W¥, Cashier. FRICE COMPANY'S [ET ee Ve B LUefssci. Over Poston Bros PRIN‘#I E art of print artistic styles Se: id one but the which we @is- - of stationery mobes one aS An Interesting Question. Raleigh News and Observer. We publish elsewhere in today’s paper & communication from Col JC L. Harris that raises an interesting question. He makes the point that inasmuch as the new constitutional amendment does not go into effect until July, 1902, no voter can be de prived of his vote because he did not pay his poil tax by May of that year —two months before the amendment goes intoeffect. If the point Mr. Harris raises turns out to be well taken it will have no effect on the amendment except to postpone the operation of the poll tax feature un- till 1904 eng ee High Pri.es Foe Lropacco. Richmond Times. * Tobacco Las gone higher than a kite,’’ said a prominent tobacco man this morning, and higher prices are looked for from day to-day. Even the sweepings of the warehouses. that sole for 75 cents’a hundred re cently, are bringing as much as five doilars pow. : Every grade of tobaceo has risen within -te last ten days. some of it aS much as u i | ir anda halfahun dred, and a weii krown manufac turer said this morning that he had oever known prices as high as at present. Some ingline to the belief that the market will shortly be yiutted in consequence of the present situation. while athers think tbe markets will ail be cleared by Christ mas, A The Much Marrfed Pitt County Wom- an Dead. Greenville Reflector. Mrs. Addig Dupree, wife of Mr. f. M. Dupree, of Farmville,dropped dead Monday. Her only sister, Mrs. Sue Albritton, came to Green- ville, leaving her in apparently as yood health as usual. but soon after reaching here receive@ a telephone messaye that Mrg Dupree was dead. * Deceased was twice married to the husband whom she leaves, the last marriage taking place in August soon after she got a second divorce trom her second husband named Visconti. She leaves one son by ber first marriage with Mr. Dupree aod two daughters with her mar riage by Mr. Visconti. The son be longs to the U.S. Navy aud is now in the Philippines, ee Race Riot in Muere County. Manly, Moore county, Dispatch, 22nd. Sunday evening a row occurred in or near Utley’s store at Manly. The contending parties were Jim Davis, coturcd, and a white man named Ca:ceron Tbe colored man was soon ksecked into insensibility. this aroused the sympathy and tightivg spirit of his colored friend, McNair, who was likewise subdued and limped away from thecoufusivn, leaving biood in his tracks By this time uli “stanly was kastenisy to the Oattle ground. Colored men and women, au@ white peop e of ali sizes and ages came tozeiber; rocks were nurled oy po 4 sexe>;ciuo0s and ra- zors were used with violence;pistols were discharyed aud the trouble resulted in @ mob and race war. Whev the smoke cleared away and the missiles had spent their force the “darks”’ retreated while the whites took care of the wounded. The next day Jim Davis was heard to say that there was 50 white wom- tn in Manly good enough for bis wife ty associate with. The white citi- zens became indignant and yester- day morniog called a meeting, where- up nit was unanimously voted to sive Jim Davis 10 minytes to leave own and never come baek, and if be disobeyed, he must take the cvznse quences. Davis obeyed without iking any questions, and has not yveR seen since _ ing theeagle when Joe Belger. a neighbor, shot the bird, which meas ured seven feet from tip to tip of wings. > Just Escaped Marrying tue Brides- maid Baltimore Dispatch, 22nd Only the selfassertion af Miss Marv Bowers, the bride elect. saved William Michaels from marrying the bridesmaid atthe Canton Con yregational church last night Through a misunderstanding of marriage conventionalities Williaro Michaels escorted the bridesmaid up to the altar, and his best man mare ed up with the bride. The party assumed wrong posi- tions. the bridesmaid getting be- tween the brite and groom, and when Rev. Thomas Beadenkotf began the ceremony. he, of course,address ed tbe bridesmaid instead of the bride. The bridesmaid was so per plexed that she aliowed the groom | to take her hand. Rant The tride astonished the clergy man by stopping the ceremony. She quiekliv changed positions with her oridesmaid, took the hand of the dasbful groom. and the mixed up ceremony was happily concluded. a Soutberners sobbed in New York. New York Dispatch, 22nd. Contidence men have secured $1.360 from W. S Hunter, of Gosh en, Va.. and Frank M. Bell. of Gainsville, Ga. Frank Paluer was taken irto custody on a charge of being one of the operators. The victims had just returned from Ecuador, where they had been work- ing on the construction of a new reilroad. Hunter had $170 and Rel} possess@d $1,190. Tiey were ac costed by a large. well dressed man near City Hall Park, who said he was a clothiag mavufacturer and he induced them to yo to a room on East Seventeenth street, where they were joined by two inore inen, one of whom was gotten up to resemble a@ Western rancher. He produced cards and proposed a game. The Southerners were loth to bet, but were induced to show their money, which they laid upon the table. The stockman, it is alleged, grabbed and passed the money over to anotier, who quickly disappeared,” while Palmer aud the other feilow held the two victims. Palmer and the otfer man then started to make their es- cape, fut Hunter grabbed Palmer and held him gntil Bell ran to the street aod found an officer, who made the arrest. eee Governor Aycock's Denial of can Charges. s Raleigh News and Observer, 22nd. The Statesvillee Landmark con- tained a tetterin the issue received here yesterday from some Republi- | can, who sougbt to put Governor; Aycock ia a false light. The com | muuication was signed’Jim Dandy.”’ | On > of the puerile chargesvagainsi the Governor was that he had prom ised to Mr. RB 2B, Peebles the nomi nation for Corporation Commission: ! er ifbe would withdraw as a candi | Republi- dare for the judgeship against Judge | Francis D. Winston. The alleya | tion was made tbat Capt. Peebles! spurned the proposal. This Republican correspondent} charges that Governor Aycock is‘for | Hon. Locke Creig for United States | Senator and that he kas promised! the nomination tor Governor to Hon. | Lee S. Overman to get him out of | Mr. Craig’s way in the Senatorial. contest. Ufcourse no Democrat believes acy such rat. Tse Goveraor was! seep yesterday and shown the artivie veferred to in the Statesville paper. He said. i **There is not a word of truth in} the statement so far as it relates to! me aod the man who wrote it knows | it. Both Mr. Overman and Capt. | Peebles will deny the charges. I) bave not communicated with them | either directly or indirectly about! such subject. I rever heard of: by the name of C. E. Coon, who wanted in Tennessee on the charge of embezzling and in the telegram Causing the arrest officers asked that VY. R. Coan, alias C. E Coon, be arrested and held. V. R Coon was bere to bid an tho new sewer system ard he was arrested. Inan swer to ali telegrams the authorities in Tennessee said the man wanted was the one under arrest and he was held. In an iuterview with Mr. Coon he said he was going -o his mother at St. Louis first aad then he would ask the courts to redress his wrong as much as possible, meaning that suit would be brought against those who caused his arrest and detention. There are several wealthy merchants back of the prosecution, but a yrave error was made in the instructions to arrest, there being no question but that V. R. Ccon was hete. yet he Was not the ujan wanted. Some big dan:age suits will likely fottow. is eee ete rage iam Desecration of A Grave in 2 County. Greensboro Dispatch, 22nd. A strange story comes rrom Re- hobeth church. six miles south of town. Forsome time it kas been reported that the grave of Sonly Ryan. tne wife murderer, who was buried just outside the gravevard at Rehobeth, had been desecrated. To satisfy themselves. rejatives of the dead criminal made an investi- vation afew days ago..when the rumor was confirmed. It was found that the grave had been cpened. the Guilford coffin lid smashed and the head of the dead man beat into a jelly, With this exception, his body was in a re markable state of preservation. The discovery has caused a good deal of talk in the community, where it is felt that a certain amount of respect is due the dead, even in the case ofa feloa Ryan was hanyed here ia Dece:n- ber, 1897, for one of the foulest mur ders ever committed in North Caro- lina. After an absence from home ofa year or two, during which time he was wanted by theoffcers. ke re turned suddeuly gue afternoon and. segreting bimseif near the house. waited for the appearance of his wife. when he shot ber. The wom- an died almostivostanily. After an exciting chase in which the officers were assisted by hun@rcds of citizens Ryan was captured - —=- 2 +=] Arrested for,Poisoning Her Daughter New York Dispatch, 22nd. The police of Hovoken, N. J., are jovestigating today the mystery of the death of five-year old Emiline Dale, who died yesterday of strych- nive poisanicng in Hoboken. The child was the daugater of Harvey S. Dale, manager of a life insurance ageucy in Chicago Mrs. Dale ar rived at Busch’s Hotel Saturday night. According to statements ' made by her side, she had not been feeling well and had been taking strycanine tablets: Monday night, | She said, she left the tavlets on a dressing table, and while she was asieep, her child arose and ate three of them, thinking they were candy. ‘“‘Her cries awoke me,” continued Mrs Dale, “and I summoned Dr. Kuali¢h.” Dr. Kudlich, who saw the child before and after death, said: “I was summoned to attend th® chiid at midaigbt and remained with her twa hours wheu she bad completely : yecavered and was frolickingaround theraom. At3o'clock I was told over the telephone that the child | was dead and I ayain went to the hotel. Mrs. Dale told me that hortly after I had left tne child’s hands and feet began to get cold and death svon followed.’ County Physician Couverse, who was called in ta view the body, de- cligeé ..3ras° a burial permit and the child's body was held at the ho tel, pen tiag the result of the police t veared last night. The police and Citizens are searching for her. The river was thoroughly dragged, but no clue as to her whereabouts has been found. A young man who has been paving attention to the missing virl was the last person seen in her presence He was arrested upon suspisioa and given a preliminary deartoy, resulting in taking his own recognizance to appear before the mayor Chief of Police? Dawson telegraphed to Suffolk, Va., for bloodhounds. LATER NEWS, If the authenticity of bloodhound evidence may be relied upon, 17- year old Nellie Cropsey. who disap- peared mys‘eriously from ‘her home in Elizabeth City at 43 “o'clock on the night of Novémber, 20th, either suicided from a pieror was taken from there faa river craft by un- known persons. That isthe opinion of Hurricane Brarche, a noted bloodhourd detec- tive, who arrived on the scene this evening and began work ou the trail with the wicodbound, ‘Tiger.’ Kellie was last seen on her own porch with James Wilcox, her lover, who, according to an Elizabeth City dispateh tonight, left her erying Wiicox was arrested but released on his own recognizance. Fifteen hundred people met Branch. The bloodhound, having vottor scent from the missing girl’s shoes and stockings, took the trail along the river, thence through a turatp patch to the wharf, and then to apier, where the trail was lost. The suicide theory is awakened by the resultiess river dragging for the body. Tke loodhourd search is to be continued later tonight. The ab- sent young woman. was well-liked, was adaughrer of W. H. Cropsey. Elizabeth City folks are much vrought up over the mystery. Well-Known Men Lost ina Mine, Bluefield, W. Va , Dispatch, 23rd. Atll o'clock this morning Super- intendent Waiter O'Malley, of the DRocabontas Colliers Company.along with State Mine Inspector W Priest, A.S. Wurst, chief coal it: spector for the Castner Curran & Bullitt Company. of Bhiiadelphia, Robt. St. Clais, chief coal inspector; Morris St, Clair and William Ol ham, sub-coal inspectors; Frazier Bell, mining engineer, and? Joseph Cardwell, Manager of the Shamokin Coal ana Coke Conpaay, of Maybu- ry, W. Va, composing a party of eigh', entered the West Mive of the Southwest Virginia Improvement Company's coileries tor.the purpose of examinisy the true situation in regarg ts the recent explosion and fire i the Bany sline and upto this hour(mideight) have not been heard from. It was supposed that the Baby Mine proper had been cut off from the West Mine for the purpose of Operating the West Mine, the large fan in the West Minehad been start ed at an early hour and at ten o'clock today it was thought that all vas originating irow fire in the Baby Mine ha@ been’ forced from the main portion and it was considered safe toenter. At6p.m.,a party con- sisting of experienced miners, led by Assistant Superintendest King, entered the mine to reseue the lost party of cight, but at 6:45 they re- turned, baving encountered such quantities of black damp as to make it impossidle toenter any distance into tee mine. Superinteudent Kinsy was completely overcome by gas en countered and is now ina critical condition. Consultation is being held in the company’s office at Poca- hontas of the different mining ex- perts from Flattoo. tield, these ex perts having rusbed to Pocahontas by special train late this afternoon. all efforts are being made to rescue the marty, but no hopes are enter- tained that any of them will be re- covered alive. The secretary and treasurer ot the Southwes: Virginia Wilkes ‘and says he will stay there. A two-year-old child of ‘Babe’’ Hutchens, of Cross Roads Church, Yadkin county, was burned to death Saturday. Its clothing caught while its mother was out of the house. Ben Edmonson, of Morganton, ac cidentally shot-himself in the wrist week before last and died last week oflockjaw, resulting from the wound. He was a young lad of much promise. = Wm. F. Vogler, a merchant of East Bend, Yadkin county, was found dead in the xoad four miles south of Mt. Airy Thursday night. He was on his way home from Mt. Airy. Hewas a prominent man. John Miller, the Asheville negro wéo killed his mistress in August, has been found guilty in Buncombe Superior Court of murder in the first degree. Miller killed the woman with an axe, and afterwards cut the body to pieces and packed the pieces in her trunk, which he locked. He will be sentenced to be hanged soon. Wm. Wagner, a well-to-do farmer of Hanes, Davidson county, lost his barn, 8 head of cattle, 3 horses, 150 bushels of grain, alot of feed and other property by fire one night last wees. The origin of the fire is usknown. The barn was located some distance from the house an@ Wagner and his family knew noth- ing of the fire until the next morn- ing. Col. John L. Morehead, of Char- iotte dropped: dead while talking with proprietor Eccles inthe Buford Hotel on Wednesday night of last week, Death was due to heart dis- ease. He was ason ofthe late Gov ernor Morehead and was about 67 years old, A widow andtwo chil- dren survive. Col. Morehead was probably the wealthiest man in Charlotte. A Novel Fraud Scheme. New York Evening Post, 22nd. His pockets full of newspaper clippings in which missing persons were advertised for, a man named Thomas Clarke was brought before Commissioner Shields today and sent to Ludlow street jail in default of $2 500 bail, on the charge of try- ing to defraud by impersonating missing persons through the mail. ‘Lheodore W. Swift, in charge of the postoffice inspectors department in this city, received a letter recent- ly from Mrs. A. V. Broderick,of No. 56 Fifth avenue, Chicago, calling his attention to Clarke’s scheme. Mrs. Broderick has a sailor son in the Philippines. She has not heard from him for four months and be came anxious about him. At that time she was living in Hartford. Conn. She published a short notice in one of the morning papers, ask- ing for information about him, and after she bad moved to Chicago re- ceived a letter from this city, dated at No 325 West street and written in a very illiterate style, saying that her son wasin New York with a brokenarm and wovld welcome a remittauce of $50 in order to come home. - Meanwhile Mrs. Broderick had heard from the authorities at Wash- ington thather son was well and stili in the Philippines. She wrote to Postmaster Van Cott, and the letter was tarnéd over to Inspector Swift, whodetailed Inspector Jacobs an the case. A decoy letter with a special deiivery stamp was prepared and Jacobs went to the West street place, a fiquor saloon, where the letter carrier was due. This at tempt failed, ‘‘Broderick’’ haying gone out, A notice was then sent notifying him that a registered let ter was awaiting bim at the genera! postoffic:. OnSaturday evening a man adout 40 years old appeared in response to the notice and was giv en the letter. As soon as he had signed the receipt he was placed (November 18 the ca; : =p rr # / o i? ~ f . ; J oF ; ce / f gos " a Pay ms (4k iff f* Gi i 3 ~ [ee FR fA SOV AA a. " ; Se i — (Lisi f if ff Parra : er apr eee Sais “ ‘ F ie : Se WwW Nr z - —$—___— ei WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED - a = ~ r ——— s 7 ae » VOL. i“ STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1901. ee ai] i Ut L = Linas = = a Se . a EE a -_ ee ——— en ees a —————— — —— in. a —* x é © Ne] Novel Plan to Keep Warm While Thought He We Was 2 Revenue Off- Jumped Into a Furnace, Died of Fricht ms Sai nena A aieaten | aerator iy “ a ea 2 s Plowing cer Pittsburg, Pa., Dispatch, 22nd : : ee ae eae Good Advice s F i poset . a . ittsburg, Pa., Dispatch, 22nd, Fayetteville Observer 21st. _—- Th A zi sa : 8 8 ; n News North Wilkesboro Hustler. A few moments after midnight an E € most.miserable 1 in the ' m : i 5 ind: 5 1. The Summit hos £45. ae | A gentleman tells us that be was! One night last week, Mr. C. E. unkoown man threw himself head- ee a yee COT eacteca ee mooe ane Mhose suffering from Dys- malene Brin R Tustant Relj f d P a7 :out ia the country the other day and Partier, _who travels for Vaugb. long into one of the furnaces at SaEecaa oe aymoun?, $15,000. z- S oe and Liver c More mawene DYi gS instant neiler and Permanent \Sawafarmer plowing. He had a| Hemphill & Co, had quite a thrill |Schoenberger’s mills. Fourteenth aac . h yesterday. | aG- : pian seventy five of the Cure in Alj Cece. tire at the end of each row. and q|ing adventure in Ashe county. It land Etna streets. Almost his en mo SORA There is great destitution among oe in the United re af- se Sena se SPE j tin bucket cn each plow handie,|*¢ems taat some parties thought] tire %:¢y was roasted beyond iden Sore ay san 'D. Ma, by ber phy-|the farmers of Central North Caro- ee with these te and ba Sees a ataam in aisha | When be cume to the end ofa row| that be was a revenue officer. They !tifica':~. his left foot being the Pr a o n “ i sate __ | lina on account of the shor crop of Sarees such “Ss Sonr Siomach, BSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL | where the fire was he would fill the | “@ylaid bim and when he approach Jonly part wot disfigured, A few ae Smee aoe ss mE Wil- | cotton, is <a — here mess, EMERG gis cares Anan comm sicre | buekets full of coals from the fire |ed their hiding place they sprabg | momec'~ before midnight the man ach cobs ae me arrested charged) 4 farmer named Yokeley, who| x a ation of the h urn, Sees ee jand the heat from this would keep |¥t in the road and accosted bim. | was ser ty enter the mill yards and id rae then petns of certain na Winston, was buroed tol mine cere ee eR en me {bis hands warm while he plowed. He told them that they were mistak | stand atthe foot of the hoisting |Tes'ents of Haymount, tried and death o1 SRS : pains at the < 1, yel- p ‘ : . bound over to court, % a ; ath one day last week while burn low sh as ; 4 = There is nothing like Asthmalene. | —- + enin the man, but argued in vain. He| cage, which carries ore and other | °° art, wucinda, his jing r re a a i { ~ z wife wass d ~ 5 usd, vreeabl act ¢ . it brings instant relief, even in the| Cameto Life After the Faneral. received a severe blow on the head | eupjiios fur the furnace. The mo 2 ened 28a witness. Sei ee ot ene me ittegs ; - : but was so frightened in| Thursday up of food af a { worst cases. It cures when all else | Decatur, ala. Dispatch, 22nd, and was nearly knocked out of the! ment icai a warning was sounded was so irigitened she became ill ursday a negro named Alexan- | UP Of food after ea irits, 5 fails. James W O ,. |Ouggy. Finally they realized their(fu: he czye tc ascend with its loag|2"4 Was unable to attend the magis-|der shot and killed another negro} °te. Go to your ret a j > WELLS, of Villa Ridge. m.,| Smith sectenk oe oe black- | nistake and were profuse in their/three w. in saw the suicide jump trate s court. She told Dr. McRae | camed Williams near Salisbury. | 0ttle of oes ‘nts. t : ae fA ee ried alive to pa egies oe oo apolovies. Mr. Parlier says he on the pa for:a aad stand within a that if she had to attend asa wit Alexander is In jail. eee ee é ae me it. i cd trom it 1 | Services the ares a Brera tnad= it interesting for them while |few feet of tiem. He was pulled coo alee Vest, ae EUee: Ed. B. Barbee, the noted cotton Galt roe rate Ales oW. B. , ’ sk é reel Aone : it would cki r s ay s 2 ail. the racket lasted, Out about three 1 y - ner, esterday she f R y; the yrave, w es zi : : vt three minutes later, every s man o aleigh, says the North| : au hen the body was seer} (Mr. Parlier married a daughter | part of his tod resembling a piece | 725 19 ber usual good health, per- Carolina cotton er a a arles F ia ee to move. The casket was hurried]. : ar eee ped ce forming her duties as nurseat D SO notamount| Dr. Charles FP. ‘ i has back tothe home of Wynulwheral be of Dr. J.J) Mott, cf Statesvilie—} of hal’ cooked meat, Lills’s other 3 ae << ee r. |to more than 300,000 bales. ° heen awarded ; 109 Neo nt resolved touive ita tra, To| revived and is now under treatment. | 2A8COT) ik aoe eet as eee basis oe peared with a se a cccince Ee Ex State Senator W. C. Fields, of | YoTK for the pro) ance 2 bali Satara i iers ’ el : * —= a 1 Nefore. zg = se = nf x = o ? : NF a0, ; . 7 3 Astor ment. the trial acted like a charm Wyon had been pronounced dead by Eagle Triesto Carry Offa Child. in Delore. an it Is pro able he tendance as a witness at court — alleghany, will be a candidate for and care of Mrs, fda ‘ler, 3 Lime a full size bottle. physicians.and he 1 wilt towerg be identified. The], “" ; z ? : : who has been for a : wa Hea f ee | Ke = Separendy Susquehanna, Pa., Dispatch, 22nd. neds was removed to the; "Ss band’s case coming up that after- ia Democratic nomination for pone eee 5 z 7 Cea © per- % 5 ad for two nights an . Sone - zt Ea ~ ae netic . : _j} judge j , istri : in Dr ) d’s % > z ° : z = ony As Herman Swisher, aged 10, was|moryye. “he man was about 35 Recor cn she Seer epee Sanitarium and wh. oa Rev. Dr Merris Wechsler, No More Populists. playiog with his sisters, near Sher [sears : -y- medium height, sandy esa: vee Seeeat a a Her| E. B. Jones, Esq, of Winston, | wifeof Herry 3! } : Rta CBr en a eae Raleigh News and Observer, man, an e2gle pounced upon them, ju: u-tocn- and apparently an Amer- ree a a aoe ae ave formerly of Taylorsville, will bealionare who pec- Tod geeere cnet ; . {throwing the girls tothe grouad.jic.u {4 «re black laced shoes et io: and when ne was set free and | candidate for the Democratic nomi- Kennan of Wilini.- = DRS. TAFT BROS eae ae The Sey from Washington 1S) [he bird fastened his claws in one of oo went home his wife was already dy | nation for judge in the Eleventh dis-|securing adiyore» iy j 'e ee ee ee ent that Senator Dubois and Heltfield,|the arms and face of the younger | Wrong Min_arrested—Will Sue tor | 19 trict.Q wife. — Leeann ; 1: Nour ssthmate ii senor of Idaho, have stated that they will girl and attempted to carry her off t‘alse Arrest. When told by the deputy that she Qeee Reco aci bic Meats atieviates alltroubles which com- herea ter call themselves Democrats, |” Herman ran into the house, got a| Durham Dispatch, aznd, Ais canes AS she took sud Roe oes ieee s a oe The Children’s F : i sthma. Its success is astonishing | 4j p, Dubois was elected asa Silver carving knife and returning slashed i i" con the! young) mas, wit: enly ill aud had to be carried home. eee o d, soury Fri You'li havea coid : eee analyzed we can] Repudlican and Mr, Heltfield as a at the eayle’s legs, nearly severing|bas been under Breen one amd therefore did not appear at aay, ene with a knife. The Maybe vou have on. saeees -ins no oprum, mot- TG ie : en ee 4S Of | bas beet 4 s 0 rouble urose over a Ci : Saree eee no oplum, mo Populist. Phere is not nowa Pop- oneofttem It released the giri|last Friday night,an advices from court. en era cigarette. The children wil] sufe~ urhs, ei Neeptenigecers pees ave Senate. Senator Teller} and attacked the boy, badly lacerat-| Morristown, Tenn. charging him] | : ; eee croup, bronchitis. © AS Fe a eae sete sy ; me Democrats acd Sena-|ing him and tearing his clothing | with embegziing’ $800, was reicased| Git! Dlsappearsin Elizabeth City. The North Wilkesboro Hustler|¥ivter complain: ) inute Avow Sprincs. N. ¥.. February 3, 100: os She Ber Sai have Sa nearly off. The screams of the chil | tonight after the arrival of Officer | tizabeth City, Dispaten, 22nd. says that J. R. Bullis, a Wilkes man, |Couzh Cure Acts : ed to the Republican party. ere- | dren attracted the mother who grab |J. 8. MeNeal, from Tennessee, It Miss NelheC a was robbed of $93 in Davenport, | Promptly. fi: : o the ronderint effect | after the contest will be between | ved a hatchet and was bravely fAvht seems that Mr. Coon has a brother| We Hf Grouege hie ne ot Towa, receatly. He has returned to j taste and ; Pe pasmodic asthmé | the two old parties. 5 << Sane Sas other! W. H Cropsey. mysteriously disan- pi y- ~ a 2 : “Ure George, Winch o ’ ess “Our little gir! croup late one ni ; hoarse she could hey! We wave her a few doses of O Cough Cure. It reli diately and she w to : she awoke next morvine sho bed a signs of hoarseness 9; ‘oup.’” Stimson & Anderss The trial! of Czo Zz 20 State of New. York si Te: 3-0 sum $300 was paid to : who defended him 2 specialists who exa Modern Surgery “While sutfering from of piles I consulted 2 physica: advised me zo try a pox De Witt’s Witch Hazel Selve,”’ ‘ F Carter, Atianta,Ga "I pre boxand was entirely Witt’s Witch Haze! did cure for piles, Stantly, and I heart it to all sufferers.’ Sur necessary to cure Witch Hazel Saive il case. Cuts. burns. brs. other wounds are als by it. Beware of co: Stimson & Anderson q Phone Company Discaras N Albemarle, Stanly County, Disp The unlucky number 15 rocsiy- ed a knock out vlow in our so % majority of people are more or las superstitious about this num. an way and the followiny, fact will help them «: >: When the telepbon= <\ m ut in here some four or live mosth this number wasyiven ‘02m tile firm. They bad the ‘p! moved but shortly afters: the members died after a v illness. The rema the firm is just no a long attack of came near proving 13 was then given to 2 res’ turn. A month after war the children of the hou-: and another one has :'~ illbut bas about recover’, family have since moved oni of house and number i3 doe p- pear in the directory card o! ine tel- ephone company. Ee Juggied With the Prisoi.c; Asheville pispatch 22nd. In the case of John Mi gro tried for murder Court here, the brought ip a verd first degree To to light that the jury. aft rnd iny 18 hours, six for muri " 22 first, and sixin the s+ 2, juggled with the man s|if2 oy Grow- iog lots to determine the dev of guilt. Two pieces Ww put in the hat, oue marke: and the other ‘“‘second.”” Gegree was drawn willbe set aisde. Mille edly guilty. _ ED <a> a Tragedy of the Sea Mobile, Ala., Dispatch, 23rd The British bark Barnam WW: from Rio Janeiro, in charszs 3° Poe, arrived to-day and re ‘’s Life. e OL DANer Ti, rapdint 2N0@ Veraice 7” r . ' ’ me t O Morris killed the vessel ste The body was buried a! captain kept his cabi > and down. When mr Sand Island light was six! vember 22, he gave ihe course, picked up the s«: ed overboard and was d*: a ee Cougiis Fa ey *<My wife hadadeen-sc for three years. !- i bottles of Ayer’s C Hs jf aa d ? ek So Pe ee od ee oe investigation and the arrival of the i = : = as de bv Inspect Jacobs large size, and it cured hor com- % S = en 2 os ! eae mprovement company. t>. S. Thorne | under arrest Vv uspector acoDs. ? e Barocas | Capt. Peeoles having ap oe to fatner from Chicago. é of P Phil Saceareae a direetiy in| At first he maintained that his name pletely.”? oa - eatery “4 $3 Sosa f with Eorcka Hare bea member of the ee =e ® Miss Howe, of | narceicfail movemertsatahe mines. | was Broderick, but finally confessed J..H. Burge, Macon, Col. 4 oa Ren ea a Res Oe © ommission ew York er father was a phy pe ee = wr ie : ; d admitted th hi e was x j ‘of see , a . Bay sists the damp, See : 4 PY jibe ive that originally started in | and admit that his cam ‘ i 3 ES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE = keepetheleath A Physician Testifies, Sician who left an estate from which the Baby Mine last Thursday morn-| Thomas Clarke. He admitted writ- Probably you know of @ Xe Ss crsot > = eeneers - E ° : . at Vi sp : ee eer abie, Stitches ~Thave taken Kodol Dyspepsia aes SDS Reconeca can issome Of ling and which was supposed tn have | ing the letter, but said that another Sa age : + YOU! WORK ad break. = . ' $200 th Strs. Da! - : < 1 ; roi h medi mes thet I : oe ‘ “e No rough eur: Cure and have never used anything | °=)7 3 M08 ee Bas 80") been under control is now burning! man got bim to it. coug: ee 7 i Sie ae ORCS 4 face to chafe in my life that did me the good that | °S'ed tought on acaseg2 of mur-/fyriously. All members of the lost, ieve little couchs ‘4 = = —— : a ee andcet. The § ee i, ‘der. Edward Waites. said to be a 3 . ; { Finace ‘ 4 aVS ty G arty are prominent in the coai ; : eG harncss not did,’’ says Covaty Physician Geo. friend of <irs. Dal etic eee ahig! a OLY, D \ ? i a coughs, except deca oncsé 3 % Ha iaes = W. Serowys, of Hall county Ga.i into. e ee ee SS ao takcu | fields and theexcitrment now pre | ptr fre ig. Poe 3 = 0} 2 lik “ mame . ‘hy “ps t ais m - i c- a, ae es i rm BN ge ee iter tonterial to work ; oe “Beisg a physician I have preserip- oerdos Gee ut “oot under the valliog at Pocahontas is ee am AG The medicine that BIS 4 oo fo stationery. ete. en- i ed itand foued it to give the best: Be. business haviog heen practically | ; wre been curing the worst Ci esuste do better work than ever. Work use of Eureka, resuits’ If :befood you eat re | Sera ET suspended. All members of the} A Harness Oi, O74 mains undigested in your stomach! Joseph Nad'ns. ayonag boy, of it decays these and poisons the) Winston, shot:n- ten year old son system. You can prevent this by ofJames Johason 5 ‘Yednesday of dieting but that means starvation. | last week, joflic:ing: p:ioful but not K-dol Dyspepsia “ure degests what Serious injuries The Nading boy : : deep coughs for sixty ae V years is Ayers Cherry guaranterd, ser: party are married. Vas your best order. we will appreciate it. 5 ; : : EE A > ak 5 me ? The widow of the late Major Gen-! eral Whiting,C S. A.. was found, :Gead in her bed at Wilmington last! TE R K sf | > eS 5 = = - : a — ‘you eat. You need suffer from! was shootieg at Johnson’s hog and | Thursday morning. She was about. Three sizes: Me, enough £0 an ordinary THE MASCOT PRINTING CO., Dee dyspepsia gor starvation. when the latter's son requested -him 63 years old. Her husband eit ea mest economia F ; Pasa ee STARCHES ee ; Tbe Worst cases quickly cured..tostop, tb’ boy turned and shot j mortally wounded in the i eae meas eee ce tae, 5 Be s a ~ Never faily—Stimson & Anderson, him Fort Fisher, ame 7 ————$———S - > =e ier al - . _ a 5‘ = 0 He ve os . =. a i = ee _s Ee ty wi si aa APNE te a as eS ae . . i ae eae SE RD ce mend eee ce Spite Seiad mses oe = a w ’ - . le saoe he po ne agin me -- ee etree ee PUBLISHED WEEKLY ONE DOLLAR A YEA A. D. Warts. Epitor & Prope: 70k Enterce st the Psteffce at Statesvillb NC second class mai! matter. ] ’PyHoneE No. 35. N. G.. (Nev. 28. 1901 Statesville Toe Colomoran insurgeots holt possession of Colon. The gover: ment forces sent their gunboat General Pinzon, there and announc ed that the town would be bombarc- United Staes ordered until du ed, but the geverp ment interfered tha and no bombardment time bad been given nos combatant to leave The Colombian yovern ment heeded the demun@ of our gov- ve had ernment and their gunboat has sai! edaway. The fact that the gunboa’ has bdrawn from the cityis ac cepted as an indication that the pr posed bombardment has been aba: It is now thought the ernment forces will attack the cit: the land side. The Unite: States gunboat, Machias, is in Cole: harber and will protect America: interests. doned x vor from —_- oe «oe Roosevelt Fhanks Negroes for Their Indorsement of the Booker Wash iegton Dinner, New York Dispatch, 26th. Members of the John A. Andree Post. Grand Army of the Republic. which is composed of negro veter- ans, recently wro’e a letterto Presi dent Roosevelt as follows: “Your act in entertainiag at your private table recently Mr Booker T Washington, a just honored repre, sentative of our race, thus jignorin: race prejudices, puodlicly and official- lv, reaffirming the equal rights o! American citizenship and emphasiz ing the prine:ple of brotherhood. nas touched the hearts of rhe veter aus forming this John A. Andres Post, No 234. department of Ne» York, Grand Army of the Republic. and we desire to say to you, in the mute words of pen and ink; thet your flattering recognition will but serve as a greater impetus to exer tion todo whatis right, to Yfabor with earnestness, to win on the mer- its: 77 in reply the following letter has een received from George B. Cor- telyou, secretary to the President “The President is in receipt o! your letter of recent date, with in closure, and requests me to than! you, and through vou the member of your organization, for the kindi: qessage sent bim, which he sincere }y appreciates.’ John McHargue Dead,} Jobp McHargue, father of A. C M cHargue, of Statesville, dieq a his heme in Olin township Monda: at the age of 73. Death resulte from beart disease with which he bad suffered for some time. Th: funeral services were condueted a: Damascus church o'cleck by the Rey. Mr. Gwaltney aud tbe remains interred in Damas ‘us eraveyard. ‘The deceased leaves a wife anc seven children—six sons and on daughter. The children are: A. C cH srgue, of this place; Lafayette Oliv; L. C. and C. L. of Texas, and Mrs. A E. Mayberry wis: also lives in Texas —_——__+9e——_____ The Monument Unvetied Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock the inonument to Rev. W. A. Wood, D , was unveiled with fitting cere A voodiy number of peopl gathered on the church lawn at thai time. Dr. M R Adams _ presided over the meeting and introduced as the irst speoker Mr. RB. Me Laughlin. brief but happy address, the monu ment was unveiled by little Mis: Neomi Fithianand Master Leonard White, grandchildren of Dr. Wood The rext speaker was Rev. J. H. Pressly. Mr. Pressly’s remarks were also brief put in perfect taste and eminently true. The ceremon ies were then closed by a praye1 from Rev. C. M. Richards. A picture of the monument and o! the crowd was taken by the photo s#raphers, Stimpson & Jennings. C—O A Lieutenant's Bravery in the Philip- : pines. Manila Dispatch. 26th. Second Lieutenant Louis J, Van Schaick, of the Fourth infantry. while scouting with afew mer o! that regiment, met 150 insurgents. whobad atracked and sacked the hamlet of Slaraca, near Cavite Up «p seeing the Fillipinos Van Scha ick ordered his men to charge them The command was obeyed and Van Schaick, being mounted, reach- ed the insurgents 60 yards in ad- vance of his men. Hekilled three of them with his revolver An _ insur- geut fired tis rifle point blank at Van Schaick at four paces, but miss- ed. Lieutenant Van Schaick was then knocked from bis horse. He jomped to bis feetaod engayeld ina 1and-to hand conflict with the en- emy, using the butt of h's reyolver. He sustained two severe wounds, one of which nearly severed his wrist. Atthis point the lieuten- ant’s men arrived, rescued him and pat the insurgents to flight. Van Schaick isin the military hospital in Manila and is doing weil He has already been recommended for a medal of bonor for bravery in a@ previous engagement. Gertra! Hughes, commander of the department of the Viscayas, re ports that negotiations are about completed furthe surrecder of the insurgen: leader, Samson. on Boho! island. This surrender will doubt less end the revoit against the Am erican American authorities in Bo- bol, as Samson is acknowledged to be the best insurgent leader there, tee monokes New Advertisements The Statesville House Furnishing Co are new advertisers in our col- u:nus this week. mills & Aliison’s ad tells of some of their many bargains, | The Queen. Quality shoe wins gold. Medais. Ramsey Tomlin & Bow-es Seli to-m. J. E. Thacpe commissiou®s, ad |1 Vertis~s the resale of some iaud- P.K. Little adi joistrator adver- Tuesday at lz vornelius and Henry McHargue, o! : MeHargue, After Mr. McLauyhlic’s and luog’ troubdies. 61.00. ~Tri vertioes inud for sale in Zayloteyilin ' Hall's Tn coe freeat W. FF, SHE METHODIST CONFERES CE, ! ‘the Appointments of Interest to Ire- Geil and Alexander People. | The Western Norrb Carolina Con- | in Session at Gastonia, adjourned | ST Monday night, It will meet in| Monroe next year Rev. H M | lair was ejected editor of the Chri&- | ian Advocate. | Rev, James Wilison,of Sratesville, | vas relieved from the supernumer iry list and assigned to a circuit. Presiding E'der J. E Thompson f the Statesville district, ansoune -d 465 additions to the church dur- ny the year, one new cburch and 5 »arsonages in progress of erection, +nd increased collections. R-v. W. F. Elliott passed an approv- d examination and was advanced »theciass of the second year. Rov. J. A. J. Parrington’s exami- ation was approved and he was ad sanced to the class of the third year Conference sent a check for $100 » the widow of the late Rev. R S- Vebb. Rev W. L. tained an elder, ‘yiplett was put on nerary list. Rev. T. C. Jordan, a nat eli man, was received from Virepnia Conferercs. Revs J. A J. Farrineton andJ. J Javener were received tnto full con ection in the Conference. The following are the appoint nents for Statesville district: Presiding Elder—J. E. Thompson. statesville, First Church—H. K. Bover., West Exnd—J. M Downum. statesville Cirenit—R. B Shelton. viexander Cireuit—J. W. Bowman. stony Point Cireuit—R. T. N. Ste- phenson. Jatawba Circuit—R. S. Howie, Newton Circuit—T. J Rovers. laiden Circuit—W. Ss. Cherry. iredeil Circuit—P L Terrell. Jickory Station—T. A Boone. taldweil Circuit—G. W Ivey. zranite Falls Station—G. W. Calla- han Lenoir Station—N. R. Richardson. weno Circuit—J. L. Stover. Jooresville Station-—Parker Holmes and L. H. Tripiett, supernu- merary. WPooresville Circuit—J M. Price. ‘rountman Cireuit—J J. Havener. it. Zion Station—C. M. Campbell. President of Davenport Female Co! lege—R C Craven The following other appointments ire of local interest. "J.C Rowe, presiding elder Char- tte district. . J R. Serogys, presiding elder Nicholson was or and Rev. L: H. the superru- Tre the ive zreensboro district. W W. Bays, presiding elder Sa! inbury district, D. Atkins, presiding elder Win- ston district. Weaverville Statioc—A. W. Plyler Whittier circuit--J. A. J. Far “ington Sryson City and Bushoell—W, FP. Eiiiott. e An@re ws cireuvit--T. C. Jordan. Derita—W. L Nicholson. Lilesvillie—S. S. Gusque Monroe station— W ol. Bagby. Centerary church, Greensvoro— wl. A. Smith. Ware's Chipei—s. P. Douglass. Headmaster Trivity High Schoo: A. Crater Morganton station —R D.Sherrill, Morganton creat -—J W Jones Henrietta and Caroleeu—H. HH. Jordan. Mooreshorc—James Willson. Kast Sulisbury—R. G. Barrett. Norweod station—J. O shelley. A:bemarle statiou—G T, Rowe. Gold. Hitl-—J. S Neilson. Shelby statioun—Q. Fo Sherrill. Paim Tree and Lawndale station —R. ri. Bovle. Lisevlu erceuit—J. FP. England Mocksville station —W.L. Sherri |] Rev. J. f. Bugweli was received from tbe North Carolina Confereuce 1nd was referred to the committee fut superannuaied relation. —A Me:ho@ist Preachers Ip Nexi Year. Iredell for Tue list of conference appoint- Meats for this section is given in au- viher column, It wiil be noticed that there are there are several changes in ITredelicounty. Toe fur uersburg circuit ls Cousclidaged with iredeit circuit and Rev. P. Ter- rell putin charge. Pisgab cbhurco is taken from tne [redelt circuit and putin ihe stony Pointeircuit, while Liverty chured is taken fromStony Point Circuit aud added to the Alex- ander circuit. The Metboaist churches in States- ville will bave new pastors. Rev. id K. Bover who comes to the First church has been io charge of Centevary church in Greensbrrv the ‘past year. Heis a married man in the prime of life who first studied law. He is suid to be a strong preacher and a man of »attractive persupality. Rev. J. “t. Dowsum who comes to West End is weil KLOWU tosome peuple here. At Oue time he wasstatioued at Catuwbu. His wife, who was a Miss K moor ough, of Davie, 1s aueice of Mrs. M. C Cvone’s cf this piace. Kev. R. B Sheiton returns to Statesville cir cuitand Rev. J. E. Yhompson, the eflicient presiding elder of this dis trict also returns. Rev M.A. Smith goes to Greensboro,taking \ir. Boy- ers’s place at Centenary. Mr. Snith bas been in Statesville tor four years. He is an earnest. thouyniful preach er and he and his wife, who is a help meet indeed, leave msaoy warm frieuds bere, who rejoice. that their lines have failen in pleasant places for the coming year. Rev. S P. Dougias who has ogen at West Eed gves to Ware's chapel Reidsviite. “ Rev. Jas. Wilson has re entered the active work of the ministry and has been assigned to Movresboro eir- cuitin Cleveland and Rutherford counties _ Rev. Parker Holmes, who comes to Mooresville station frém Brevard Street church, Chariotte is said to be @ pieasaut and effective speaker and a active worker, Ihe new preachers who cometo Sta tesvile wii! be given a cordial recep- tion oy their church people and also the citizens of the community as by whoie “Tot Veuses Night Alarm. “One night my brother's baby was taken with croup,’’ writes Mfrs, J.C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky.. --it seemed it would stranyle before we could get adector, so we gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery, which geve quick relief and permanently cured it. Wealways keep it io the croup aud whooping cough. 1 SrATH News has | A $125 000 buggy compapy been organized at High Point. There are four cases of murder in Court. Attorney General Gilmer, who has t®pboid fever in Raleigh, is steadily improving. an Fred Watt. colored, dropped dead ina Charlotte saloon Monday. He smoked cigarettes. The Tiniversity of Virginia defear- ed our University in a football game at Norfotk Saturday. Mrs R Robertson and daugbter of Robertson. wife of (apt. T. the late Col Wm Johnston,of Charlotte, died Monday N J. Crowder. a Wake county farmer, attempted to commit sui- cide Tuesday by cutting bis throat. He will probably recover, Oleda Weeks, a negro girl of Char lotge. committed suicide Monaay by taking laudanun. No cause is KROOWND. Robert Smith a painter, who was painting the Kenilworth Inn, at Asheville, fell 90 feer Saturday and sustained injuries from which he died that afternoon. A saw burst at Livingston Col leve, the negroschool at Salisbury, and injured two young negro stu- dents who were operating it. One of the negroes lost his arm. Lena Turner, of Lenoir county committed suictde Saturday ~ by drinking caroolic acid Sne was about 35 years oldand of a respect- able family. No cause is known. Charles J. Hannon, a Charlotte harness maker, committed suicide Monday afternoon by shooting bim self through the head with a-revol ver. Too much liquor.” He leaves a wife and three small children. Senator Sewell of New Jersey has oeen very ill at Ashevilie, but is siightly improved. Governor Voor- hees and State Senator Stokes, of New Jersey visited him last weck. Two negroes Were shot and slight ly wounded in a general row at a negro frolic in Charlotte Munday wight. The police captured only che wounded Cuous, Who accuse eacd olber Deputy Sheriff Frauk Blackley, of Geanyille county, wa convicted in (xford Saturday of negligently allowing Thomas Rogers. an alleged capist lu escape, and was fined $0 0 aud the costs, He appealed The Gattis- Kilgo case is being tried at Oxivord this week. The pilaintitl gou judgmeut for $20,000 damayes at a former trial but tbe Supreme Court ordered auvew trial Judge Shaw fined Rovert Day, a promiuent cuizen of Uxivrd goU for cublempt of court Saturday. It sveuus that Day bad courtin che utel toe uight§ before Ed Freeman, of Mayodan,- Rock ina CounLy. Was billed vy a lralu uear Greensboro Wheo the eoylue struck nim. Will Gheen and James Earnhardt eolb white, were tried in Rowau Duperior Court this week for ®iiiug of Lee Aiilier, ieuce. Hinton Kuicd -Joho plead gullly KKowau Superior court Luesdwy ana Milier, also cviored, peullenllary. A sevro entered the home of Mrs Jaue biow, in Clear Creek township, Mecklenburg County, Saturday nigh aud choked tbe oid tady severely. tlis Gbjeci Was rubbery, but he se cured unly afew Cents. Lbhereis ue clue. 5 George Johnston, a young white warried muo of Charivtte, attempt «d suicide by taking morphine Tues day, but by prompt work on tbe doctor's part his lite was saved, Nu cause for the suicide is known. No trace of Nellie Cropsey, the pretty 17 year-old Enzabeth City girl, who disappeared nearly a weeb avo bas been found It is aow thought she was murdered and het vody anchored in Pasquovank river. Wili McLaurin, the negro student of Livingston college, Salisbury, who was map,led in a saw Monday, died that night. He lived in Souto Carolina. The other student was not badly burt. A. E. Stephens, a well known far mer, of Hopewell, Meck:euburg cohaty, Was shot sunday by Wil Howard, colored, and itis thought the wound wii result fatally. A row was golog onion acabin nea Stephens’ house and Stephens went there to stop it, when the neyru sbotbim. The negro escaped. Jobn Whitesides, white,.of Provi dence, wecklenbury county, discov ered a negro in Caldwell’s store dSionday evening, while Caldwell was absupper, attempting to rob tke cash drawer, The negro shoi Whitesides fn the stomach, making only a slight wound. The negro es caped. Cyrus Dixon shot and killed Goda- frey Webber, of Jones county, Thurs day night. Webber was returning to his home when he was shot. He staggered into his gate and fell. Tat motive for the killing was an inti- macv which existed be-ween Dixon and Webber’s wife, Dixon isa son of the Rev. Joseph Dixon and has been placed in jail. During a revenue raid in Stokes county Tuesday Revenue Offi -er- Joseph Petree and James Preddy were fired upon from Ambush by moonskines., Petree was shot in the hipand Preddyin the leg.. Neither is seriously hurt. Th@ officers re- turned the fire but they were unabie to locate their assailants. Four stills were destroyed. On account of the jury having east lots as to whether the verdict in the case against John Miller, col- ored, should be murder in the first or second degree, the judge set the verdict aside Saturday at Asheville, |. and the prisoner was allowed to pleac guilty to murder in the second degree. thereupon he was sentenced to the penitentiary for 30 years, the full penalty of the law. ° She Didn't Weare Mask, Buther beauty was completely house to proteet our children from , hidden by sores, blotches and pim- It cur- | ples till she used Buckien’s ed me of a chronic orvacaial trouble | Salve. Then they vanished as wiil ha: no ovber remedy would relieve. ’’| all eruptions, fever sores, boils, ul- ufalliole tor coughs, colds, throat cers, carbuncies and felons from its 60 cents and use Infallirle for cuts, corns, burns, scalds and piles. Yo. at W. By Hall's, Arnica Cure guaranteed, erilicised tbe Daturday. He Was sillluy vu the eud ofa crusstic Lie culored, aud -Cqullted on the ground of seit de- Alexander, colored, whu :O Mupslaughter m Was senleuced to 15 mouths in tue TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. | : W.C Feimster, E-q , of Newton, was here iast week. Tbe telegraph iine from Statesville ‘erence of the ME. Church, South, |the present term of Rowan Superior | to this place has veen rebuilt. Miss Nellie MeIntosh left Jast Saturday for Troutmans, where she goes to teach W B Matheson visited his secu and farm near Mooresville last week returning Saturday. Some nerthern sportmen are here stoppiog with E M. Stevenson ana Jno G ftpgram. W. P. Ingram, of the lamber company. is offon a trip to States ville. Mooresville and Davidson this week, The railroad schedule has beer chanyed to arrive here between 11 and 12 o'clock and leaves at 5 p- wm. just a quarter of an hour- earlier. W. A. Fineannon, of Bristol, Tenn. came here last week to visit hi: mother and brother near town, and see his old friends of former times. W. P. logram & Co. shipped acai of lumber to Francis, Indian Terri tory, this week for Jno. C. Barnes, who goes there from here. Lawyers R Z Linney, J. H. Burke and A C McIntosh together with Dr J. H Moore, of Liledoun, aud Chas. P, Matheson, of thi- place, are at Lenoir court this week. F. G. Davidson, one of the guards atthe State prison, Raleigh, came here last week on a visit. His son lives with bis grandmother, Mrs. Lumsden, near town. Biacksmith Sherrill moved from the dwelling near Coi Flowers store to Dr. Little’s dwelling, occu- pied by Joo. Ingram W. T. Nel so. will move to the house vacated oy Mr. Sherrill. Col G. W. Flowers returned from the Viethodist conference at Gasto- nia Tuesday. Rev. W. S. Cherry oes from here tv Maiden, Catawba couaty, and Rev J > W. Bowman who was'assigned here last year. comes bere. The sidetrack from the bark shed east of the depot is being extended this week aloo the bark stored on R. F. Cobb's tot. &, Schell, of the Burke Janning Co., of Morganton. is here baving the work of gradiug and placing the ties done. Jno. C Barnes who was until a few weeks ago ove of our merchasts run his stock down 2nd boxed up the remainder last week left Tuesday with bis family and another family, Frank Lowe, from Wilkes county for Frandis, Indian Territory, t make his home. rh GENERAL NEWSs. Four persons were burned to death and two seriously injured ir Pittsburg, Pa., by a fire which started from kerosene being used to stuart the fire in the stove. Three negro children, who wer ‘ocked in the house, were burned t death in Darlington county. SC. “uerdav;andon the same day it Newberr, county, the same State two negro children Were burned t death in the same way. The Democrats wil! have 17 Sena- Senators and 51 Representatives ana he Republicans 9 Senators and 44 Representatives io the Marylana Levislature. Hering, Democrat tor comptroller, was elected by 121 vilurality and Parran, Republican, tor Supreme Court clerk, by 1,389. Renet Wilkins, a well-to do farm mer of Hackuey, Ohio, got drunk on oard @ der Sunday. and sunday night he ran bis wife and child away from nome following them to the home ot his wife’s father and shooting at bem as they ran. He then shot and mortally wounded bis father in law, shot his mother in-law’s otf and was finaily young brother in law. Judge M. A. Rogers, the Supreme court of Colorado, committed suicide in Denver Satur day. He lay down on the ground with a stick of dyoamite under bim and lighting a cigar fired the fuse trom it and caitmly smoked until the shock of the explosion ended his life. The act was c mmitted among some villows near Bear river, just inside the town limits. No cause is snown tor his takiny his life. A Deep Myst-ry. Tt. is a mystery why women endure backache, headache, nervousness. sleeplessness, melancholy, fainting ind dizzy spells when thousands have oroved that Electric Bi'ters wil! quiekly cure such troubles. ‘I suf- fered for years with kidney trouble.” writes Mrs, Phebe Cherley. of Pe erson, Ia, ‘tand a lame back pained me so J could not dress myself, bur R'ec-rie Bitters wholiy cured me, und, and although 73 vears old, J iewam able to do all my _ house- vork ”’ It overcomes constipation. iriaproves appetire, gives perfect health. Only 50c. at W. F. Hall's drug store, A bill containing amendments to ‘he Georgia constitution bas been introduced in the Legislature. Among its provisions are: That a Court of Appeals be established; that all pensions oe put upon an in- digent basis. That there shall be a change of venue in all criminal cases where there is danger of lynching; hat the term of Governor shall be chanyved from two to four vears and ‘hat he be ineligible for four years after the expiration of his term; that the entire educational fund of the State shall be divided between the negroes and whites for educa tioaal purposes in the exact propor tion to the amount of taxes paid by each. Old Sololer’s Experience, M. M. austin, a civil war veveran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: ‘‘My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctoris treatment, but was whollv cured by Dr. Kiog’s New Life Pills, which worked wonders for ber bealtb.”” They always do Try them. Only 25c. at W. F. Hal’s drug store. Sick Headache ? Food doesn’t. digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills; they cure dys- pepsia, biliousness. 2Sc. All druggists. Want your mousta: Desautiful } brown a neh Diack? a . BUCKINGH ose killed by bis formerly of CH A Kick a dog and he bites you. He bites you and you kick him The more you kick the more he bites and the more he bites the more you kick. Each makes the other worse. _A thin body makes thin blood. Thin blood makes a Each makes the 4 hin body. ther worse. If there is going » be a change the help must sme from outside. Scott’s Emulsion is the right ip. It breaks up such a sbination. First it sets the sncch right. Then it en- ie; the blood. That chens the body and it . to grow new flesh. : « Sane o \ ‘rorg body makes rich :ilrich blood makes a Each makes the This is the way nuts the thin a i - VOW lt Cal . ne by itself. Nonecd Mortgage Sale of Land VY VIRTU® of tthe powers contained in a mortgage deed executed by Lerov Lowrance and wif. toQ. L, Little and duly -zi tered in the register of deeds’ office of rcounty the unders'giaed ada str ead QO. L ittle, deceased. willsellto the highest bidder for cash at pub Ic auction at the court house door in Taylorsville, Alexander county, N, ©.on MONDAY, JANUAKY 6TH, tgo02 at 12 o'clock, in , an undivided one-half i in the following d sbribed land ville township Alexander county. a as follows: Beginning on a per . Burke's corner, and rns South 9 oles to ar old field pine; thence South 25 degrees Fast it poles toa stake and stone, thence South 76 de grees Fast 36 polesto a stake in Deal's line thence North 20 degrees Fast So poles to a stone on the west side of the m lin; thence Last 87 poles .oOa stake in Mar W's line; thence a> Marshall's line North 34 poles to a stake in Rector's line; thence as Kec or’s line West 10 poles toa stake, his corner; the North tot poles to a stone, Rector s corner: thence polesto a maple near A, P. Jolly’s spr: thence North 25 p toa stake; € soa S3 degrees West 55 poles to a pine nee sont so degrees Weht 35 polesto a stake inthe road thenoe South 7/3 degree- East 14 poles to a stak« in the toad: then ¢ South 43 poles tothe brancl at the ford: thence with the old road crossing ‘he branch and with E Burke's Inet» the be- ginning, containing 166 acres, more or less Being a one-half interest in allthe land bougl: by R. P. Matheson from H.C. T 4.. Geo. F and F. J. ¢ oone, as willappear by reference to deeds madeto RP. Matheson “by them and trom bim to said }owrance and wite. This November 26:h, ioo1, > K. LITTLE, Administrator of Q L Little, morteagee Re-saic of Land. Y VIRTCE ofa decree of the Superior court of Iredell county, made in the special pro ceeding entitled 4 W ‘harpe and wife, Salii« harpe, and others agairst A C, Barnard. the undersigned as comuussioner of said court will ou mon, E Nest o SATU* DAY. DE EMBER 28TH, toor, re-sell for cash at publicauction to the highes* bidder on the premises at the late residence « Miunie Harnard, deceased. in Eagle Mills township, in Iredell cgunty, av.luable tract o land belonging to th® estate of said Miunie Barnard, adjoining Cc CC: Tharpe and cther- containing 24acres more or less. said jand will be sold fr partition among the heirs-at-law of Minnie Barna:d. deceased. The sale will open atthe advance bid of . urtis Cox for the sum of one hundred and seventy-nine and thirty hundredth dollars, ($179.30). This November 28, igor. J. B Connelly, J. E. THARPE, Attorney Commissioner. wen nn + Senn - ee ee eee =n ceeenee ony For Sale {NE WILSON Heater. good as new. Will sellat a bargain price. : MCLAIN & ALEXANDER, If You Neea Fire, Life, Accident or Health ---Insurance--- See Brown & Guy, I. SRANCE TEADQTARTE? Offiee: Socond Floor Rank Buliding. Nov. 7, 1901. D N’T TOBACCO'sPrt ¢ ) and SMOKE Your Lifeaway? You can be cured of any form of tob: si we —_ se Se maseneties full of vigor akin oT Ow that makes weak men sees Mo eee ten pounds in ten days. Over 5@ re cured. Alldrugeists. Cure guarantecd.” Book ict and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. “437 usin CASE medicine we week iny Wi c Pleasant, Palatable. Poten Good, Never Sicken. We: ooo Sterling Remedy Comptuy, “A buneh of keys SRT LOST ;. nto The Mas Mm Igor November 7 Importent owe Importact Netice iothe esate of W. oS £ Weston. deceased, by note and morigage ate nctified that their snortgages are now due LL PERSONS indebted 9¢ yourc é in in ber head almost yocommend Cascarets. + STEDEFORD, cnosit Co., Pittsburg, Ps. CANDY CATHARTIC acer! setile, AT Sa the and are requested to rake immedi t. Taste Good. Do ken, or Gripe, 10¢, 25¢, 0c. BSTIPATION. .-- ‘CBicuge, Montreal, New York. 317 NO-TO-BAG Si een ntaee ae Finder will please cot office I os Voties, ods, provisions and All of our isi We ueed the if we can. “he no exceptions Vavilorsvilie etfally, ONS. ow Tirlis ome ~iatnacemnnseinieaiaes - ee i ~ is sure to work every time at the new store. Why ? Simp!v because it always Goes the work of two A QUANTITY OF QUALITY : A LITTLENESS IN PRICE : WE ARSE HU w For sportsmen who want the best. +V, most completeline of Guns asd Amms, shown. ' é fC LL bbaln Onaine, 8 2 i ~ Do you wear Clothing ? Ge: ate payment and save costs Resp ully, H WESTON, Noveniber 7th, 1g0r. Administrator. of the State milling wheat STATESVILLE Noy, 21-1¢or And. let us sa readers of that we want y doing business. money can buy. number of salesm q - ever reaagy to wa (omen will do you er Eggs, produce, for ighest cash prices isa, rn salesman, isn 1d will be please Das nutty. iis friends. y to ‘The Wheat Wanted. E want all the wheat for sale in this section Will give Ssc for all prime see us b fore selling. FLOUR MILTS, Statesville, N.C. We have a full stock of the Ch: jcest Greceries. the Mascot,’ ovr trade. We bave every facility for We _ have the best goods goods that We have a en who are it on you to your satisfaction, vd see us and we good Wanted: Turkeys, Chickens, But- ‘ Partridges, Geese And ali kinds of good country which we pay the veter- ow with us >to see all SOOPER & GI, " GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN If so, it is your attention we want, and i? \ # means a positive saving of cask to you. We j, ~~ . = struck it rich this season iu our purchases. | Found a manufacturer changing his business | and closed out a big lot of stuff for less than mavufacsurers’ cost. How does a good All Wool Suit for $5.00 cm \\lik impress you? Would be cheap at $750 Big ! © ‘ine Oyercoats, Hats, Shirts, &c., at prices be | ‘ow competition. Come to see us, will save you money. Very truly, Sloan Glothing Co. Statesville, N. C. THANKSGIVING -- HOF. HAASE Ui! = If you want a new Jacket or Dress for Thanksgiviny « o> 2nial line. We are selling the handsomest and most sivlish Jack: in Stang Close fitting, 27 inches long, in Black, Castor and Dark Oxiord for $9.00 37.00 and $1000. We have a lin~ of Short Jackets. in Box: Oxford and Brown, from $1 60 up to $10 00. Beautiful line of Capes from $1 00 up, all suitable i9 wear tt giving services. See us for Thanksgiving Shces, Underwear, Gloves, Hose Umbrellas. if you will buy one of our beautiful Linen Table Cloths i Thanksgivieg turkey dinner you will always rejoice tho: for Table Linen. We are selling them cheaper iban ever | : and ing the handsomest line in Statesville. See us before \ We have a great many things cn the Bargain Cownier amougq men’s white dress shirts. Yours very truly, N. B. Mills & Compam COOPER ?& STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED BY GILL COMMPNTS OF THE WEEK, All produce in good demand, BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. Good Viddling. . . Middling . . 3 Tinzes. ... Steins.) 2. o- gees thw eet Sy a Sb k np Matesvilet me Furniture for each, vue Furnish bas purcka-id the Schiller-Lubin stock of aod is selling the same at COST gl New furniture of the Latest ani Best Patterns c is being received daily direct from the faci oe ~ ries. Come and see us befure you buy, WINTER TIME 1S EER ("-. and you will be looking for the necessary ‘hinvs to keep vourself warmand comfortable. We have Cabbage, per Ibo see ee Bec (ia {> them. Fresh line of Family ** REC ee 2. . "= Meal- “bolted—as abe. per bushel. So aa 8 3 * unbolted, 45 hs ** pe So ee -|\Ladies’ - Dress - Goo Corn—oic per bushel. .... 7S new oS 45 : = = A beautiful wool Flannel, yard wide, for 25¢ ; 40 inch al! wool Potatocs—Irish - : 60 50c ; 54inch very heavy for 73¢ Big stock of jadies’. meu’s Sweet. 22]! eo aan : TF : = Onions sclactiper bushel © ne sR chi dren sU oderwear price from 25¢ for a heavy Cotton Flansé Pete ee oe it to $1.00 Wright’s Health Underwear. Hens—perios os eS 6 ; ; Roosters per a es se SS cee 2 G Se Elkin Flannels, Jeans and Blank i rge ne ne Purteys—per Benen ao mm wn 7 We are agents for this line and can save you money on it. (i Benes each . By = Z es * 2 S a & 5 i “A on us for bargains. pecsere ie i ee 301 C) Mi ; Butter—Choice yellow. ....... serie pene? 722.322 |Our Millinery Department ee a bec : - i : oe sper ------- se 2 ees prices are the towest. Mrs. Katy Gil! Coffer! we, Baines 22 Se ane a charge of this department, ein eee ee 5 70 5 Rye ie hie ee > i Feathers—new .. .. . etic teu $s Soe ares Hades—dry perma a 10 oe EOC ee a ed 7] SALESMEN : z P. t B "0 Wool—washed . 2... ea eae cf Ea OSs on Apples—dried—quaiters. bright © | | *3| Larry C. Latrence. Y s. i Tight sli eee i = ille. N cs * ae, bright sliced. | “3 Jas. R. Hill. Centre St., Statesville. ™ See = = -+ 4 green—per bushel... .. , Peaches~peeled. Saight “i 7 s fancy 2222 é| MLK. Sreece, EUGPNE MoRRIsox, ee enor round, perb. ||. . : = St : : ui Sea i re Me iititiiiiiii: | Statesville Loan & Trust Compal 9 OmMideTS Sc tt tt we 1° - S 7. TATESVILLE, N. C. SS a L, $25 STATESVILLE, N. ¢. Nov 1901, a, m | DIRECTORS; .M eo oO OO- 1, Steele Strict Good Middling. . . . * Depa ee users Morrison. Dr. W J Hill, J H.Wycoil, CM. steels Alspaugh, E. Clark, A. B. Saunders, D. M. Ausley. This Company transacts a general bahki: besin i a t wesiness Receives money 07 a makes collections. issues drafts, certificates of deposits, etc. We <0! » pions firms and individuale. We shall be pleased to hear from those fenoes waa he or opening new accounts. All business intrusted to us will rece: ~ ntion. with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and prudent ba:k 72 0 accounts too small to receive courteous welcome. - E77" E: SAVINGS De PARTMENT. peek. Per cent allowed on Saving Deposits. compounding quarterly on emcent-<! ie on = eae a —— ey be wade in this aepexaroeey Sones dur ing buss Goarententarenn —We are authorized to act as Trustee, Aqui” a Tr. INSURANCE DEPART MST —Policies written in first class fire insurance com] LOST DOG "+ wet B ve His name was Jack. Stolen last Christmas and ca" White setter, medium sixe, black spo: on back and left eve. Those knowing the value of a we.. trained return to my office and received reward Great Guns. ' Are the Martins Repeating Shot Guns. $2! (1) 7° ceived anew lot.. Also a complete line of =ie-> 2° repairs. Call and examine my stock. _ W. H. COF:EY. vet. 24, 1901, e UNDERTAKING. GA. Criteber ind 3,6, Seto amet All Grades of Dare BG offins, Caskets and Robes. £8 ef NS ‘ «for burish of body and embaim or prepare t fos arate comtry at = reasonable chareS An experienced man will take hearse ta Yown Of emcnange eae @, A.Critcher & a Henke! stock « sales bus:q w.5 ator he: agent at William line for ‘hi Salisbury 555-3 Braw | ‘ barber -a4 Thank- ed schor morrow today. Grana spent two Masonic Henriett2. Miss Mi ed schon! eveniny with ber } The cen ville is iq Every »ac applican Za vilite Tues for the co built ip so Gee Ho Newton H township Novembey D. M ihe cottag Center > been livin The O14 at their « eveniny. not a mer this time. Oa acc last Satur hem chur< until sat is cordial] The chi 2 nae Tr} First Pre day eveni con ducte Mes-:rs Nicho!+co1 to argue Moore v- county ve Misse« » Carthy of yesteraay sperd ov frieu<-~ Qa CFT to tow: one Frent =" in W. Mr the We DCve i= wit! Woes Lerg bouse Jt wa-@¢ Court we the Gort contem (pt Tuesday. decided Mr. ard cord towg months fever as mains wW eburch 3% ‘Lne Ir battle thi the Athie cordially lection w of the co L. C Snow Hi pear for acase b eree. Th beard ves Dr J W. W. Ti Chap. T with thei Monbo ! the firs: been 1: Miss burg cou ionary 4 years m4 Mission terian c the chur Moore the iadid E. M. Yadkin d the fune ler who q He Was q Mt. Airs from the the whe He was The x low rate position and cont The rate tickets g ten dav ets, sold $5.75. trip. Rev. § terian m sudden! Was Con Some 4 Martin Femaie in-law a a@ brotb of Davi The says: was viv Staley Stealin who li nette over to The cas term of Inte dresses ment g Friday Julian, of A were te ed to m ant one who NLT THE MA LOCA: | | a | | | Cotton is worth 7 25 bere tcday e Rev. J. ©. Boyd, of Shilok. is gui Henkel Bros. are fe company ‘s business. ing joint | t } | OCK to oper W.&H Pace, who we r here for some time i gentat Barver’s junction William Rousseau is at work ne for the Bell Telephone ¢ Salisbury to Mocksville. 2 oe Bryant has Brawley & Saunders interest barber shop in Hotel Iredeil. OD a} | 0. from | | | | bought | 1D the Thanksgiving holidays at th ed school will embrace today a: morrow. The college will « today. e Oo | | | | erad ve | Grand Lecturer, Hatcher. who spent two weeks instruct Ye Masonie lodge here left Su: Henrietta. of the er ed school went to ganton evening to spend Thankse with her home folks iQ las St VY Biv 7he demand for houses in ville is in excess of the : Eve ry vacant bouse has a2 numb ' applicants for rent : Z, Ee Brox vilte Tuesday for the cottave built ip south sures States Supy | | | | | Vi U2e Holm: Newton Ho tek, OF fur township died ar West L November 8 at ta D. M. H>-ward Lhabs the cottage recently Center street. Mr been living three miles ¢ The Odd Feilows will at their lodge evening, December, : nota member 4 this time. Oa account »f last Saturday the - hem church near until saturd is cordially (avited spre »} rere Of 40 rocm Oo The churches ot a “Temperance’’ First Presby teria day evening t conducted the meeri Messrs. B. F. Lon: Nicholson went to to argue 2 motion Moore vs. Meore county before Judge Ce: from HC] Misses Jeanette and Grace Carthy of the college facul:: yesterday merning for Asbevil! sperd Thanksgivin with frieuads at the Battery Park, © € eree, of Olin. h: to togn Ee and} oce of Dr. Whit: Frent street fT in W. R Stroupe'st Mr. Hez Suili the We ster meve | eu witt I a at v Ce wes here house. It was expected thar Court would render the the Gorham, Brown contempt cises from this courtyo Tuesday. but the cases are still u) decided. r ‘ RP > ile the aut Will Ser ost tli Mr. and Mrs cord township. months old daughter fever last Friday ni mains were inter church Saturday. ‘Lne Iredell Blues will have a battle thisevening at 3 o'clo the Athletic Park. cordially invited to attend lection will be taken. for the of the company. L.C Caldwell Snow Hill. Greere unty, to pear for Russell and Nicholson i a case before ex-Senator Ja eree. Thecase was to heard vesterday. Dr J M. Turner, of W. W. Turner, Chap. Turner. of Coo! with their brother Sar Pa Monbo Jast Monday night This the first time the four brothers had been together in 15 The left c Se eat of this years. Miss Lizzie Moore. burg county. who has been ionary to Japan for years met with the Mission society of the | terian church in the lect: the chureh Tuesday afternoon } Moore made an interesting talk the ladies. E. M. Vogler went Yadkin county'last Friday the funeral of his father W ler who died suddenly th 4 He was driving bis Mt. Airy arditis from the wagon and the wheel and dragge: He was about 60 sears Git. The Southern R ril way low rate to Charleston [or position which opens Decemt and continues uatil May The rates are as follows: tickets good until June 3 190. ten day tickets, $3.95; five ets, soldon Tuesdays and Thuc-d $5.75. All tickets are ior the: trip. Rev. S. Tavlor Martin, a terian minister, of Dahi:n suddenly at Rocktish, V was conducting a meeting last week Some twenty five years ayo Martin was in charge of Statesviile Female coliege He wasa b ovber in-law of J. BH. Aul of this place and a brotber of the late W. J. Martin, of Davidson. The North Wilkesboro says: ‘‘Cephus Barnette, o! : was giveo 2 hearing before sq_ Staley Tuesday on the charye of stealing $71 from Henry Dodson, | whelives on the Bruasbies Bar nette was found guilty and bound | over to court in the sum of $200 The case will be beard at January term of court. © Interesting and instruc’ive ad dresses were made at the entertat: ment given by the Junior Order I+ Friday evening by Wessrs. Joo. Julian, of Salisoury and J. W. Jones of Asbevilie. The refreshments were tempting aud everything unit- ed to make the evenisg a very pleas- antone. Mr. Vance, of Winston, print was expected could not be nt, Sscor. |WaS in is ~ re | Carlton on the board of directors i W fexander | Webber, rie ve 7 ekee hhomeof the bride last Wednesday |as our friends get ,beir paper twelve lthe Mozart Spmphony club was by ! far the best of the season. {the four performers PERSONALS SONALS COUNTY CANDLOATES. Rev. Ro G. Poet Dp barrett, of town yest re: 2 &sberday. at . Poy Lelia Wood vard went YH wl 4g n “hy } Caariotte to spend Ph 1nks giving ur SUG Sy i Salt-bury, | “Phe Boys’ Already Shaking iiands and Feeling the Public Pulse. to Already a number of Democra:s | 4ve in the field for the county nom- |'Mations next year, others are con- | Sidering becoming candidates and stili others are being. discussed by their friends. The convention wiil probably be held in July or August, as the election will not come off un. til November, tie Legislature hav- /Ing abolished the August election. Yor the Senaie, Capt. P. C. Carl- ton and ex-Senator R. B. McLaugh- lin, both of Statesville, are candi- dates, and Prof. E. S. Millsaps, of Sharpesburg, has been mentioned for the office. The last Legislature made Iredell county a Senatorial district, the 30th., with one Sena- tor, and Iredell Democrats have the satisfaction of knowing that other counties will not: elect Republican Senators for them in the future. Dr. S. W. Stevenson, of Moores- Ab Miss “. Hawn. of Hieke ry, spent ert r. W. E. Siean, day bere with M . Jno. T. Raymer left yesterday on @ Dusiness trip to Yorkville, S le, S. _ : lie Feard, of Cleveland, yesterday to visit iiss Mon relatives in returned VISLE Gay : to lrom Meck'e ibure. Niiss Mary of of her fd vor 1 Howard” Rankin, Is the Zuest Mo War, 4a. Watts Mooresvilie, auot, Mrs. E L. Poston and son and ton returned last t to Charlotte. 4 Ea irs. Week Mamie Lazenby has ret urped where she hada census office, 20m Waskire osition in the loh, the present members. will be cardidates for renomination for the House They will have served onolyone term, and it bas been a ta Marie Gregory returned \ moruing fr Cleveland om 4 ‘for a few minutes and Mrs | 4 Barn Burned Down. The barnof Mr. Eugene Morri son’s lot on Davie Avenue was burn ed Tuesday morning about 11:30 oeloek 22 lOsS amounts to about $100 on the barn and the contents. | The barn was asmallone but new. Mr. Morrison's two little boys, aged about four and five years, were the | innocent causes of the fire. Insome | Way thev had obtained some matches ,and while playing in the barn set it | on fire. The reel teams responded | Promptly to the alarm, but the barn filled as it jwas with bay. burned down before laey could wet there. j; There was no insurance on the prop- erty. DPhe Mystery Party a Success, The mystery party at the armory last Friday night was weil attended and much enjoyed. WVbe proceeds amounted to about $26. During the entertainment asma!l lamp ‘which was Sitting on a chair on the land- ingatthe top of the stairs was ville, and Mr. A. D, Watts, of Shey npocked over and the oil caught : fire. This created some commotion Co W.. the other on the down Opeas Boshamer weutl Stairway tha out yvhere she siting friends. uaa Deen Vi time-honored custom of Iredell} Democrats to vive their public ser- Yants an indorsement when dave done their duty during their | first terms. Itis not supposed that | these representatives will have op | position for their indorsement. | Superior Court Clerk James A Hartness isalso serving his first | term. and be will doubtless receive an unanimous indorsemant. as he | has made a good officer and given | } M JS Cot VE MouGaay from ‘S$ dto Cay moved months they | er Coucord vO. 4 fer Came in essinl trio in Key ¥ uroi- suc. The ! children of now with Bead xeneral satisfactiou. It is understood that Sheritf Wy | coff will not bea candidate for re-| nomination. For sheriff, Deputy | Sheriff John W. Clark, of Fallstown, | and former Deputy Sheriffs W. A. | Summers, of Sharpesburg, and M.W. White, Mooresville,of are candidates. We have also heard ex-Postmaster Clarence W. Boshamer, of States ville. and Deputy Sheriff James M Deaton, of Mooresville, suggested for sheriff. Register of Deeds Williams W. Turner is a candidate for renvmina- tion. Ex Clerk of the Inferior Court M. Carter Williams, of Statesville township, and Mr. Notley D. Tomlin of Olin, are also candidates for reg ister of Deeds. H. C. Summers. Esq , of Shiloh, who had strong sup- port for the office in former conven tions, and R. J. Bryant, Esq, of Sharpesburg, are also frequentiy menticnedin connection with this office. Treasurer Haynes, it is under stood, will not ask fora renomination Milton A. Feimster of Concord, a member of the school board; Coroner George M. Foard, of Statesvil'e, and Deputy Sheriff W. Columbus Woot en, of Bethany, are candidates for treasurer. Dr. F. Bell Gaither, of Turnersburg; Thomas J. Hunter. K-q , of Concord; Milan L. Lentz, of Statesville township; and Wesley Privett, of Bethany, are frequently meationed dy their friends tor this office. For county commissioners we hear the members of the present board, Baxter A. Holmes, Esg., of Eagle Mills, and J. W. Hager, Esq., of Sharpesburg, mentioned. The last Legislature increased the number of commissioners from three to five Chere will doubtless beseveral more gentle ren voted for for this office. Corcu.cr F ard is a candidate for treasurer. have heard of no candidate for coroner, but one or more will appear in due time. tis the understanding tkat Sur veyor Somers wlll accept a renomi- nation. We have heard of no oppo- oent to him. It is very probable that there will be other candidates for some of the offices than the ones named in this article. Of course whomever the Democrats nominate will be elected by a large majority. Wehad nearly 500 majority in 1900, and hundreds of negroes voted against us then who will not be at the polls next vear. Ture Mascor will not adyocate any man for the nomination for a coun- ty office, but will give to ail candi- dates and their friends as much space as can be spared from the news in which io set forth their claims. May the contests be waged as become Democrats and may the best men wia. ——__.@ The Changes in Schedules. Earlier Press Hours in This Office. The new shedules went into effect Ob the Southern Railway last Sun day. There isa material change in alithe morning «trains. Ny. 11 the train trom Salisoury for Asheville arrives here at 9:10 a. m. now. No, 16 from Charlotte arrives at 9.a m. and leaves for Taylorsville at 10:30 w.im No. 24, the new traio from Cuar.otte arrives here 9:15 p. m. tiakiag Close connection with No. 39, west bound vestibule for Ashe- vule, which arrives at 9.18 p. m. The new train for Charlotte, No 23, ieaves here every morning at 10:32 afcer the arrival of the east bound vestibule. There is no change in the huur of the departure of the alt- erncoon trains for Charlotte and DSatisoury, The freight train or the Charlotte road wiil not carry pas sengers now. ihis new schedule in a yood one tor the pudlic; dubibts coasy on the vews paper folks. Heretofore fue MAscorT went to press at 9 o’coek Loursday morniog, bul now il wll have to go bo press at 7 or 7:30 ov clock 10 Make the mails. This wil preveat Ube bandlicg of any news Lhursday morning, unless it is the livest sort of stuff, Our friends and advertisers will place take note oi this fact and give us news items and advertisements as early in the week as possible, andalways by Wednes- day noon if practicable. Of. course we will be giad to have short news items later than that, but the sooner the better. At present the new train for Charlotte will carry no mail and THE Mascot will be com © Linney, Esq, of Vashti, Al-!pelled to make up pouches for each county, aud Mr. M. L,|0f the offices along tbe line. This of Snow Creek. Sharpes le ntails extra work in the ~office, but burg township were married at the | we do not mind the trouble so long vnesville, Gay after Mesdames D. Stocker, of Jermyn, Pa., { been to Charlotte to see his ittle girl through ere eu route te Le: londay. ar the ein Cleve la Her ompanied is v \ Taylors severa! ¢ Graud Leetures Hat returned to his home fe £020 Lone tersoa, ol tVve next to Visit spent last W. Taylor Huntersville to where she will Jordie Gilbert 2re with Mrs of Charlotte, Mrs. M. R. WhG Was formerly with Morrison cker and little daus week. nere. will go == Yeu : arene ae - Inve SisSiIppl 10 a iew days. Scuiller left vesterday for » where be will open 2 furni December Ist. Mr. ith him. left the went ne- lived township, t f consump d about 33 year The i asat Hoity Springs church leceased leaves a e Sev brothers and sisters bave the same a. He a quiet. io had the respect of + in which he iived. ‘d, who s n- wif years e sea Reanion Tomorrow. The Wearers of the Gray to Meet Here. ‘ans reunion ned several tomorrow exercises will be beldin heuse at 11 o'clock in the rt r,At this time addresses will » made by a number of prominent Ire} them, Ex Con Linney and Rev. lickory and Col. H. , of Charlotte: r the speaking dinner will be to the ald soldiers in the the brick ‘nter street. com posed “ R. Oo Lein will have ind it is 24 are ople ig warehouse Tonfederate vete menti here , he ; is been ces place mong Z tor ot estoad, OF in R ladies, refreshmenois a!l provisions th 3whtin or furnished b *sentto the ra 1 thar a tba it is fthe weatber propitious that many of the keroes ue will he “ vererads are fro ..u. rav. ‘ mn hiv® answ3eod the vil and it eminently } they should meet togeth ell over again to each other, stories of the Gays that will nev dim in their memories. ay He re oor is Ow pth Reaves has re president of the lyceum in Statesville VPLS C2riton has place. Prof. D. succeeds Capt Pev. Edward S as Thompson Fatt Miss Maude Linney, daughter of /hours earlier by means of it. : Captain Tom Rowland will pull The concert Tuesday evening by the bell cord on the new train to |Charlotte and his friends here are Each of! iad to see him moving up higher. an artist. | Miss Marie Srori is one of the finest | ‘The ancien Eineceineartince: riolinists ever heard here, as. weil : he ae Sora soloist of eke Erasmus Watt Bowles, of States one Tae solo by Mr. Stoelzer on’ Ville, and Miss Annie ee the Vicla D’amour was considered aga ae RA EO y many the gem of the evening. ,Sharpes ) hip, ™ a nee Percuction will be Dr. | tied at Mountain eo cho a Pa rkburst, of New York. iday by Rev. C. M. oe: ; ‘ : Tae a number of friends and relatives Neroes lynched a negro who had witnessed the marriage.. THE Mas- murdered a 14 year old negroover a dor offers its .congratulovidus to morning. is a street just below ‘ir. Cooper's office. She fourd this door locked and ia kuocking on the ylass to attrac: some one's attention, she ‘roke th. glass and cut her wris: badly. Thanksgiving Day, Services in the Churvhes This ts Thanksgiving day. The pestoilic2, banks and stores are ili losed and many men yo ure ty the fields hunting birds ad anythiog else they ¢an shoot at. Services wilt be held in the differ ent churches in town at 11 o'cloel: 2s follows: First Baptist church Collection for Taomasvilie Orphaa- ave. I irst Methodistchurech. Co’ lection for Oxford Orphan Asy- lum. Virst Presby:erian church Collection for Barium Orpbans Home. Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. Collection for Hickory Grove Grphanave. Trinity Church, Collection for Thompson Orphanage. Services will be held by Congrega- tion Emanuel at 10:30 Every one who can should make it @ point to b2 present atone of the chuches ; \1 should give freely te the c¢ the fatherless as it is presented There is great work being done by the orphan asy- remember OL tue ad b a use a shou val manner, lums and they ed in a lib = -_ The Editor to go to Washington—The Paper Arrangements A. D. Watts. editor of this paper, will leave tomorrow night for Wasa ington City, where he will remain during the session of Congress as private secretary to Senator Sim- mons. Mr, Watts will be here fora week or ten days Curing the days, andit is expected that the end in May or June, return to Statesville take charge of the paper fatis willbe the Washing ton cor ident of the Raleigh News 2nd Obsery and probabiv other Srate and he wil! write a weekly lettees and editorial Matter for paper. We expect tomake Tue Mascer better than ever be re Jee ut editor have charge WV ASCOT in th holi session w when he la ys r papers, tois lo will Tir wosence gf the editor, aud L. C. Lewis will have charge of its business. We hope that al! our friends who have given us their pat- ronaye in the will coutinue their favors, and that those of them who owe for the paper or for adver- tising will settle with Mr Lewis, as the paper needs the money. 1s been the summer, of s, who b lari x he news past x -~ ~ Death of Rev. R,S Webb. Rev. R S. Webb, pastor in charge of the Greensboro circuit died at the circuit parsonage near Greens- Doro last Wedvesday nivht at the age of 68. Mr. Webdb was for four years pastor of the Statesville cir- cuit and was held in high esteem here both as a.man and usa minister, Straightforward and unasuming he was @ faith‘ul pastor and an instrue- tive preacher. He removed from here about four vears ago. He was a native of Orange County, a grad uate of the University of North Carolina aod a man of force of char acter. His remains were taken to the family burying vround hear Oaks, Chatham County and interred there. Hiswife and six children—four sons and two daughters survive him, One of his sons, Prof. A Shipp Webb, married a dauyvhter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stimson, of this place. The School Libraries—Cant. Burweli’s Work Well Done The books for the rural libraries are vearly allin and Capt. J. B. Burwell, who hascharge of the se lection and arrangement of *the ]i- oraries, has about completed kis work, There will be from 90 to 100 volumes in each library. The selec- tions made by Capt.. Burwell are pronounced by competent critics to be unusually wise ones The books eover all kinds of literature; history, biography, fiction, travel, poetry, infact all kinds of tastes and all uges can find something to enter tain and ins'ruct in these volumes The best authors of England and America are represented and thera are ne trashy, sensational books on the lists. Each book will be pum bvered and the iavel of the schoo: district to which it belongs plac da init Itis understood that $30 we- available for each library and the school board has appointed the fol towing managers for the sebools: District No 2,Chambersburg, D. L. Webb; district No. 2, Statesville, J. ; district No 3,Conecord, A. st No. 4, Bethany, district No. 3, Millsaps; dis Vickery; Sharpesburg, E. S. Mi trict No. 6, Sharpesburg, R. B. Dobson. Taese managers will be responsible for the books turaed over to them * The six schools will be grouped into three pairs for liorary purposes; so that after six months, as provid ed for by the law, any of the schoo!s can excoange the books in its libra ry for thosein the one with which itis paired. An entirely different assortment of books will be given to each mcmber ofa pair. They are paired as follows—the schools being designated by the names of the mar- avers:—E.S. Millsaps and R. B. Dooson: D. L. Weodb and J. W. Vickery; A.C. Sharpe and J. C., Lentz. Tux Mascot hopes that much im- provement will result from the in- auguration of these libraries and. is only sorry there are not many more than six inthe county. Each one should be a promoter of culture and trithiny deot at ae near thesé young people: shreveport, Lia, Saturday night. refinement snd an aid tv guod citi< 1 i | | Slick, high s Chickens th lots of eggs. Feed Pratt’s Food. We keep it in stock from Tac. bags to 10c. cartons. Barron & Nicholson East Broad Street, Scatesville, N. C pirited horses that can stand work. at will keepin good health and lay Grocers, FOR COMFORT. FOR WALKING. FOR STANDING. . FOR SITTING. M wr. Man, do you want easy, comfortable, perfect fitting Shoes? Our Crossett’s Box Calf and Vici Kid Shoes are our leaders. No oiber shoe fit like FES : Crossett’s—made on the new Foot Form last, as c= ae near tbe shape of the human foot as.can be made. es el No coris, no bunions, when you wear this make i a 3 of shoes. Surrounding country to get acquainted with this particular shoe. We have ease and comfort in store for you. Come in and we will tell you more about the excellence of these splendié shoes for men’s wear Price of the CROSSE?PT SHOE, $2.50 to $4.00 Sloop & Miller, : The Shoe Men. N. B.—Remember that shoes bought of us will be shined free. Sherrill-White Co. Se Se sles A Great Shoe Secret is to be posted on the ins and outs of aii pertaining toa shoe. If you come to our store we will tell you all about them cheerfully and we will fit you ith tke finest shoe you ever had for price. Think of neat soft, solid leather dress shoe. same as our com- = peritors sell for $2.00, for $1.50. Boy’s Oe solid leatber school shces worth $2 00 Var country frieugs must uot forget the Elkin Home made ‘Why buy three or four pairs of shoes for your children every fome made will take them through for $1 5v s Shoes. year when one pair of the Eikin with dry feet ? Dou't fail to call for our All Wool Jeans, Elkin-Blankets, Carpets. COMPLETE LINE OF DRESS GOODS. Clothing Department. We have a few more heavr Winter Suits and Overcoats we are making achange ir this line and will close out what we have at manu- facturers’ price. Come at ouce and get a nice suit at half price. herrill-White Company. We want every man in Statesville and’ Trunks. Trunks. The best line of trunks on this market at prices which will astonish you. We offer __sSsBzo ns. at prices in which (considering quality) we have ne competition. Nice line of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. always fresh. Come and see us and be convinced, Fry & Phifer. Nov. 7, 1901. Iredell and Alezander Couaties We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods.. ; Clothing. Overcoats. Clothing We have a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. Hon- est clothing, the kind that looks well, wears well and gives satisfaction on the back. Shoddy, rag.clothing has no place in our stock. We will save you big money on clothing and overcoats. We buy in large lots and get the lewest prices. See our line, then you wiil know. 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We have gone to a lot of trouble getting together the best line of Shoes youever saw. Our line of fine Shoes is complete. We have plenty of Elkin Home-made Shoes, common bali Shoes, ola men’s Skoes, old ladies’ Shoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Our Shoes are made to wear and are just as, we tell you or your money back. We meaa this. Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and at prices that cannot be downed. See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. Our line of dry goods and notions is large and we keep most anything you need in this line. We have a line of lad es’ underwear we are selling at less than wholesale cost. Wheat Drills. Just received carload of the best wheat drills on earth. See them -be- fore you buy a dril!. We also keeps GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDLES. HARNESS, Musicul Instruments, such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. We are yet selling the NEW MODEL Sewing Machine at $13 73 for the 3 drawer, and $15.00 for the 5drawer machine. We have placed more than 300 of this make in the last few vears and not a complaint. Come and see if we can’t trade. Our prizes are the lowest and we do sell reliable goods at prices that can’t be equaled. Respectfully, - YOUNT & WHITE, STONY POINT, N.C. H. A. YOUNT, NE‘yY STIRLING, N. C. TOBACCO -:- PLANTERS WILL TAKE NOTICE that I am oow in charge of: tae PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE at Statesville. There is an active demand for leaf and it will briny high prices this season—is already selling much higher than for several vears. Tine Warehouse has Good Accommodations For Man and Beast. and I will use every effort to make the leaf sold on my floor bring the highest market price. H. C. Gaither, ~ zensbip. A. 6. MATHOOK, Auctioneer. Prop. Pianters’ Warehouse, 22, 1901. One more and th$ last big cut in Sewing Machines In order to close out this line in the near future I will give you the best Machines in the world at about the price 1n carload lots The celebrated Wheeler & Wilson 355 Machine only $25; the 369 Machine $30. and ail others in proportion. Come quick the few I have left will not last loag. A large third shipment this fall of Mea’s, Women’s and Children’s HEAVY WINTER SHOES Just 10, Men’s tap sole, high cut. al] leather Alaskas. $1 15, worth $1.50; all others in same proportion. Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Ready arade Clothing, H etc. all of which I am wholesale prices. and will Save You 25 Per Cent. on any of them. ats, Caps, selling at If you want the most stylish trimmed Ladies’ Hats you ever wore visit my millinery department. J. M. Wilhelm. In connection with my Book and Novelty stock } Lamps, Glass and | Crockery of all Kind. And can save you money on any of these lincs. Store is headquarters for Holiday - and - Christmas - Ta this line 1 will show the largest and most 5 shown in Statesville, and I call the merchants of +): tention to my wholesale room. Yours truly, R. P.. Alli Book a ry * 7, » o 3 vont Grain and Fertilizer po a t e (n e e d a . al i a a ea at al l a a Ll This Drill is too well known to need any comm.‘ All we ask is for you to call and examine this de’ and get prices and terms before buviny. 2 “BUCKEYE” is made in both Hoe and Disc. ea d , J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co Dealers in General Ha: a eT mE GULLY MEDAL ATU! = # on ay The millions of women who wear Queen Quality S are an Army of Witnesses to their wonderful fi: ti These Shoes have- received the greatest volume of pair stowed upon an article of footwear, and were awarded the < Buffalo. “They Fit Where Others Fail.”’ Ramsey, Tomlin & B Ow ieee VU Wiss, We are Knocking at Your D or —— Witha Lot of Bargains This Ladies’ Jackets, all colors, $2,50 to $7.59, Misses’ Reefers, all colors, 91.00 10 $3:00.. Cloth and Plush Can, 60c, te 66.50. Underwear for men, women and children, 12jo. to 1.0, Gloves and Mittens, in great variety, @1%:. to $1.00. Handkerchiefs, in great variety, 2} to 50c, ' Special Bargains in Milline-y. Mills & Allison, Department Stor ~~ Ee G-neral Pino and 12 Ohr Ke Colon, Columbia, Dispatch, 22nd. at:ack on pight. prepared and there was taoce. ¢ - = of the cuartel and in certal’ + reets for «n-bourand a half, | gained possession ofall the public offices and the town of Colon. refec eel were killed and about 30 were wourded. On pews that General arriving at the outskirts of Coion ere a | LIBERALS GAPTURE COTTON. | —_—— iW jan eted {ae and 30 Wounded. Liberals mede an unexpr’'' © Colon at 8 o’clock ‘s! The government Wes not littl resis after some fighting ;.. front The to the L:bverals | PY The | 30 t, Guardia, is a prisoner. Over ee receipt of the Alban, the mili ier of the isthmus, had where the government usually main- | % tained a small guard, the Liberals left the train and ip the initial skir-)™ misb. which began soon afterward Patino was killed The command of the Liberals then devolved on Colonel Frederico Bar rera and they continued their march op Colon, arriving there a ‘few min- w utes after the train. thus surprising the whole town. The government troops at Colon were outoumbered |“ by the Liberals h “Fighting immediately began at the cuartel (barracks), which was|° soon taken. There Seaor Jaen, 2 judge of the Criminal Court, was killed, and Senor Muskus, the dis trict representative of the Depart ment.of the Interior, was mortally wounded. Fighting subsequently | occurred at the town hall, which wae | 2 also taken by the Liverals. Among the prisoners Capt ured by the Liber als there were the prefect, Guardia. | > andthe commandante of police, Se nor Paredes, the mayor, managed to reach the gan boat General Pia zon, which sailed last night for a|' destination unknown, probably Car- }* tayena. The whole affair wes over in jess than three hours. Communication with Panama was restored today. This revealed tha no fighting bad occurred there; that everything was quiet, and that thr city was still in the hands of th government. This issue now de pends on the result of the fighting | ' which is doubtless now oceurriag a’ | Greek continued today thousand persons assembled arounc Chorrera, news of which is anxiously awaited here. Tbe Libderals are bus) | ' raising reenforcements loeally. They are reported to have several men at @ifferent railroad stations between here and Panama. The United States gun-boat Ma cbias landed 2 detachment of ma- ripes here this morning. They are sow guarding and other property of the road. A? a conference between Commande: McCrea, of the Wachias; United States Consul Malmors, Cotonel Sha }j. ler, superintendent of the Panams Railroad, and Colonel Barrera, the commander of the Liberals, the lat ter was informed why the marine- had been landed from the Machias. Parrera promised *o guard the cit» with bis troops. Trains will be crossiog the isthmus as usual tomor row. There has been 10 ob struction of free transit so far. The news of the capture of Colon. which reach Panama when commu nication with that city was Testeres this morning. was a yreat surpris: re the inhabitants of that ciry. ——en Killed Them tn Bed, oxford, Miss., Dispatch, 22nd. A posse of citizens from this place brought George Jackson to Oxford late this evening and placed bior ir the county jail. Heis tbe brother of Bill Jacksor, whois also in jai for being accessory to the killing of the two Montgomerys. George Jackson, itis said, was with Mathi- until this morning. Mathis is stil at iarge, but bloodhounds are on his track and a posse of 25 men, armec with Winchester rifles, are pursuing him. He is thought to bein Yoea nabottom. The negro Orlando Las ter, placed under arrest Sunday, has confessed before the coruner’s jury the details of the horrible crime. The negro states that Mathis in- duced the officers to spend the nigh at his house and sbot them after they had gone to bed, the negro holding the lamp The negro pro cured the gun for Mathis from Ma‘ Ovens, Mathis’ father-in law. The latter loaded the gun with buckshot before sending it to Marhis. Mrs Mathis has confessed to being in the house wheo her busband did the killing She left for her father’s sooa afterwards and Mathis robbed the bodies -of watches, money and pistols, pulled them on the floor. »laced a straw mattress over them and setiton fire. Mrs. Mathis anc the nevro both admit tha’ Bill Jack son, who left vefore the shooting oc cared, tried to prevail on Mathis n ttocommit thecrimme. A guard vas placed around the county jai: last night as there were threats of iynching the prisoners charged with being accessories to the crime’ LATER NEWS Will Mathis, who is charged with the murder o£ two deputy marshals, Montgomery vy name, walked into the little town of Dallas, 12 miles south of here, and surrendered to a justice of the peace and two citi- zens. Mathis had been closely pur- sued by alarye posse with blocd- hounds and realiziug that his cap ture was certain, the fugitive volun tarily gave himself up and asked for protection. He was turned over to the posse and started for Oxford,out it is understood at a late hour to night that he will not be brouzht to this city until tomorrow, the officers fearing mood violence. When the news of the surrender reached Ox for the streets were filled with peo- ple and intense excitement existed for a long time. Bonfires were buiit and many threats of summary vengeance against the alleged mur- derer were heard on all sides Ad dresses were made by the loval offi- cers and cool] headed business men and at ll o'clock tonight the excite- meut has subsided and it is believed that the threatened lynching has beea averred. Zhe local officers announce that they will protect the prisoner at all hazards. Reliable and Gentile. “A pill’sa pill,” says the saw: But there are pilis and pills. You want a pill whichis certain, thor- ongh and gentle. Mustn’t gripe. De Witt’s Little Barly Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetaoie. Do not force but assist the bowels to act. Strenghen and invigorate. _Smail and easy to take.—Stimson & Ander. Washington Post. i Oar esteemed contemporary, The Post to join us in a rabbit hunt op Thanksyviving number of weapons and dogs will be} -4 and found Mrs nleeding from a woundin ber haod and Mrs Arthur Higyins near by, pistol in were badly scared, out refused to|p say anything about second pistol lay on rocious attacks of this was not opesed to us sooner weeks ayo the editor I was, comparatively speaking, free | y nor be proper 70 di euss in public a} ye bat we are hourly ex pectation of a summonas—never mind upon a wing ef sincere good fellow ship to The Wilsor News pattie. —the pic’ure of the great event. We s’ern marksmed, crouch rabbit with his dreadful fangs che contracting circle, god the quar rv. fierce determined, and at bay The guardian certaminis thrills us as we mark the desperate. And ali our soul goes ont to the me- 2 aon morial banquet later on—' he ‘pos hoecakes, and the brimming bowls of evra juice. opportunity and courage from the mountain still, and we xo with you to beard the rabbit in Athens Dispatch, 22nd. Olympus and took part in a demor stration orgauized by the students. ing on the Holy Synod to communi cate anv person who translated the Gospels into Greek as now spoken the railroad statior | asd co operated with the trcops in Sends His Regrets. ! Women Fight a Duel. | Ithica N. Y., Dispatch, 2and, CG. News, extends to us ilson, N gratefully ipvitation which we knowledge: meee, --We bereby extend an invitation the editor of The Washington of Day. A sufficient by from the fe ovided to protect us 1 bloodthirsty im&l ”” [is a matter of profound regret at this very attractive prospect Three of The Post bich now roars about us It would | if atter so august. Enough to Say] sr: from where Meanwhile we send our sympathy and await | p} . . e, ith palpitation the result of tbe It is all elear enough to us} w nn see* the joyous procession of unters, the primeval forest, the and the faithful ounds. We figure to ourselves the bloody on laught and hear the dying groans od imprecations * of the stricken ‘ um stuffed with yams, thesteaminy | If we mistake not, : he frost has by this time touched he alluring persimmon and so added o tke Lucullan orgie. Another time, gpod v friend. good his den. — <> “a Fatal Riot in Greece, Phe protest against the proposa! o transiate the Gospels in modern Twenty he rains of the Temple of Jupiter A resolution was passed call Eight hundred marines were landed vatrolling theiocality. Several col ‘isious occurred aud oceasional shots were fired. During the encounters between -he military and the demonstrators. seven persons were killed 30 were severely and many otbers were slightly wounded. Several shots vere fired at M. Theotokis. the 3reek Premier, but without effect Great excitement ptevails to sight. Strong military detachment: yuard the palace and the residence ff the Premier. Everywhere anxi sus group~ are discussity the situ tion Heartrending scenes o¢ urred when the budies of the deac core handed over to their relatives it is ramored that. armed men hav’ wrived at the Uuiversity, but tir puilding is still guarded by the stu dea:s, whoare adopting the military discipline There were no further disturb inees during the evening, but it is “eared that there will bea renewa’ ff disorders tomorrow. Among hose slightly injured are the pre fect of police of Athens, and the pre feet of Attica. —— <p Robbers Makea Rich Haul is The sahara Desert New York Sun, : A party of Tuaregs, the famous ropbers of the Sahara desert, cap tured one of the largest trading car avans that eyer fell intotheir bands the caravan consisted of a large number of camels and their drivers. transporting 1 500 packages of ivors ystrich feathers and hides from the Seotral Sudan across the desert to Tripoli. The value of this merchan dise was about $300,000. The cara- van had scarcely emerged fron. the Sudan into the desert when the wel’ armed Tuaregs. their faces vell@1 as usualand tbeir excellent fire arms in-the best condition, swooped down uvou them. @esistance proved to oe useless and the valuable freight just starting for the Mediterranean was diverted to the strongholds of rhe Tuareg robvers in theinner part of the desert. The French bave astation at Zio der, a li:tle south of the territory v' Damerghou, where the robbery oc curred A-ssooo as the unwelcom news was taken to Zinder by fugi rives wuo bad escaped from. the il fated caravan, 200 men mounted op the swiftest camels were sent our 16 pursuit of the robbers There seems however. to be 2 (slim chance that with so small a force they can inflict severe punishment upon the formid able bands of :he Sahara The inhabitants cf Damerghou where the robbery cecurred, are ne- groes avd Haussas; their country is 3 regivo of transition between «he Sabaraand the sudan. lao the south the vegeta ion is rich andthe tamar ind and other large trees are found while the north is a waste of s3od. Toe cacavan had just crossed into rhis sand waste when it fe‘la prey t» the Tuareges —————— Queen Draga and King Alexander, of servia, quarreled and the King slapped the Q ieen’s face. The lar- rer thereupen drank poison, but her life was saved by phvsicians. A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little Son's Life. H. H, Black, the well known yil- lave biacksmith at Grabamsville, Sailiuan ecouaty. N. Y.. says: “Our tittle son. five vears old, bas always peen subject to croup, aad so bad have the attacks been that we feared many times that he would die. We bave had the doctor and used many medicines, but ( hamberlain’s Cough Remedy 1s now oursole reliasce. It seems to dissolve the tough mucu- and by giving frequent doses wheo the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled ”’ There is no danger in giving this remedy for it con:ains n0 opium or other injurious drug aud may be given as Goufideatly to a babe as to A quarrel growing out of jealousy is lie explanation offered of a Shuvt- ing affray between t sing township This is the belief of the neighbors ; who, early this mornin y < . . oz Mrs. Arthur Higgins 1s 25 years | uU first to arrive on the scene. thetwo women glaring at each other | and both panting Only one weap i oe bad been discharved. The consta- husbands. Nashville, Tenn., News. ‘or humor, but there have been seme very good stories told at his expense. A North Carolinian pissing through -be city theother day, after express ing surprise that there was not a movument in this city in memory of rhe great commoner, said: pears. high esteem—even more so after he <aved the life of the most prominent ind excellent citizens once at the cisk of his own. vas eventually the death ousiness for the presidency. oeople resolved to honor his father vited to be at the unveiling of the statue he said: ed by the war eaught the word “breeches,’ and knowing what Andrew's trade had oeen, whispered to a friend; to start up the tailorin’ business the best known farmers of Lau (a Sunday morning. the sound of a pistol shot, hurried } a loaely spot on t Charles De Reamer hand. The women the affair. A/i: the sand near : py appointwent. Twenty minu- u s later the shot was heard and Con anle Van Auken was one of the He found e took bo'h women bome to their Mrs De Reamer’s hand as dressed bv Dr Fish of Ludlow. A Story et Andrew John2on. Andrew Johnson was oot noted “Not long ago | heard an anecdore hout Johnson that may not Ye cur ent here, “His father, you remember, was be town constable of Raleigh for Though poor, he was held in Indeed, the rescue cause of his When Andrew quit the tailor’s our ry erecting a memorial. “After the war Andrew was in He came, and in his speech ‘[ have come back to my come, notoniy tobe at this cere nony, but to heal the breeches caus “Anold lady who was present - “La. the dear man’s comin’ back vith us again!” ee Tillman om the Negro. Lecture at La Crosse, Wis. The negro has in his heart a secret longing, but nearly hopeless desire, that some day may see the wnalgamation of the two races hat is just what we people down Sonth ure fighting against. A You have, perhaps. heard it said hat education willsolve the negro sroblem. It will not as long as here are so many dissolute aad corbless negroes in the South Elucate the negro and you leave in um the thought and belief that h» isa little better than the ordinary negro, and be does not want ta labor spy more You dont find educated aegroes workioy in the fields. Then ae gets the idea of race equality with he white man. What do I think of President Roosevelt inviting Booker T Wasb ‘agton to dine with nim? Just this: L can see no fair reasoo for it. I: was not Geraanded on anv hand. He owered himself in the minds of the Southern people by doing it. Per naps President Roosevelt saw some hing in the nature of the spectacu ‘tar inhbis act Perhaps he thought daring aad original. Personally L believe that if President Roosevel: could undo his act he would do so. ee A Change of Groems. server. 2and. Having changed her mind sudden y on this her weddiagz eve. pretty Wiss Liliie Cowand. who was a bel! ‘ao Windsor, N. C, today forsook ‘he bmdezroom-to be and became the wife of Lloyd Mitchell. of Ahos kie, N C, the son of Dr. J. B Jitchell. wo towns are greatly stirred and averyoody wants toksow the reas an announcing the marriage of Miss Sowandto J. Lb Bazemore tomoc row afternoon Bsaz-more lives is Windsor and he had loved Mis» C wand for quitea while. I: ‘bought to be acase of mutual af fection. Bazemore, in anticipation of bis nuptials «omorro%, had mad: extensive preparations piacoed out a fatere of wedded hay viaess he bid made event that will sever coms, but in stead of whigh came word of his Hanes desertinn and marriaze apether. Miss Cowand vas knowo ns tad Jowand aupt lals says Miss nave wired for him and Train.. wifeat 8:30 o'clock this morninz All three of the persons are wel knowa and popular intheir respec tive communities. : be left on the firs: Releigh News and Observer. ed, even in be wives of two case when there is no possibility © ied. ‘ought to do all in their power t: g attracted | teach respect for law, even und-t f the yreatest provecation and offver> he Cavuga Lake | of the law ougbt to make it easy 1%. secure respec’ for law by fearless ° and hosestly administering it Ever standing |nol pros entered that improper! iets loose an offender, every juc: tice from .the it more difficult ro ouild up a stron: and efficient sentiment ‘hat will no have a salutary ed-ct.” ceedings of the criminal cases dis posed of last week at our Superi) eourt, pros bad been entered in ayaiast Charles ‘hereby ‘hangs a tale’ which should | 1% nea warning against lynching, w¢ shows how narrowly an innocent man escaped being lvnched. last summer the Record publisbea that a waiter at ir. Vernon Spring> felonicusiy entered the room ofa suffolk, Va. Special to Raleigh News and Ob- Now social circtesin the : e . Cards have been out some time Was Havin ready for the +o | sizes. You may havea co oe friendly to Mitchell, but the oresence of any dearer jrelatign Was] thousands of testimonial letters received not suspected: He was one of the guests to the Bazemo: = A telegram from Ahoskie to night owand is supposed 10 Mitchell of ber feeling They were made man and Ee A Warning to Lynehers. Lynch law is always to be deplor the most aggravate: i. oubt of the guilt of the party lwnch The leaders of public opinio: acked with men under improper’ fluences, every misearriaye of ju~ lowest court to tb ighest. every pardon not base yon the most clear case of necessit® heir own hands, but they do make oierate Ixneblng The Chatham Record gives a warn og ayainst’ lynching that ought t We quote: published pro ‘In the Record’s that a be the Cast Ang it was men‘ioned _erosey. “Our readers willeremember that Hotel, named Charles Meroney, had been brought here to jail for having young lady at the hotel There was | plague at + ie Town, South Afres, osturally great excitement at theland there kave pees 350 deaths oO hotel and in the neighborhood, and | far if the man had been caughtat the} 5 Gg Gonzales, editor of The Cee time itis probable be would have}. 7 ia (3 €) State, and Miss Lucie peen lynched. He escaped pursuit. ¢ pron, state librarian of South fi nut nex: day sent word to Mr J A. was brought here to jail. He stated when first seen by Mr vlota. containi value cold, but is certainly bousand dollars. Buried Treasu-e Found. ‘ecautur Dispatch, 23rd. A unique find - Nurtsville. Limestone cAI Ee — is repor.ed fr county, B. Nealson, a well kaowa C yrt tary commanc : ery such an overture “ : vas : the started to attack the Liberals = ae of a few dinner|.,iq and pretty. She lives with her|every act of public officials that de mip res been used as ree Chocrera, near Race see invitations from cabinet officers. | nusband near Ludlowville statior on nies or delays justics—ail thes") oy cles for family treasures. Se =~ detached 160 men under Genere . foreign abassadors, Senators, and] pe Lehigh Valley Railroad “Mr. j things whenever are wherever teey Ske eines boxes were dug up, ¢on { tino to attack Coloe. a jourping willionaires, there “3S/and Mrs “De Reamer jive in South | exist, make it difficult to inculeat | i oige dozens of silver S90 ts, embarked on board a train aaa really “nothing on hand tolQansing Mr De Reamer ofte apd enforce that perf-et respect Tor rere cakes Ss eee from Panama to Colon yestercSy | interfere with & ‘big game bunt io visited at the Higgins home. law that ought to exist in the mind iF silver plate of antique patern. Ove evening at Las Cascade station. pre-| orth carolina. Unfortunately| Yesterday moroing Mrs. De |of all people. They do not excus 4 poop box contain daimost a@oen viously ee = sclee=ar ec Os that condition kas been swept away | Reamer drove to the Higgins place lynch lay, thew do not give warran’ or oe RR china service «f munication across the isthmus D nv the storm of social solicitation | .od the two women went away as for any men to take the law tot cai Re oe ap en peauptl xee yuier Dox was a small ully wrapped iv many folds of moliy | ne Zo in gold. of the GENSRAU xnws. R:chard Cro reader of Tammans Hall. In a storm in Eayland and Ireiandg at week one sOst. Mrs. Armstrengand her daughter. of Gaye, yhizzard last Thursday. The majority tution in Alabama is 26 879. vo into effect in a few days There are S00 Kan. Carvlina, were married last Foust. the proprietor of the hotel. ae that he would surrender if he (Mr. ay no 2 Foust) would protect him from be Seven persons were killed last ing lynched. Mr. Foust promised | Thursday ina cnijision betwesn t*o this and the negro surrendered and | passenger trains at Francom'a3, Nriz.. and seventeen more were Foust 1Bat | jured. Sianter of that county, who voucbes we the story. hile huating, a farm tenan’ of Mr N-alson’s discovered four graves IP . region Known as “the [ue graves gave evidence of hav wen made many years rough stone slabs, Mos~-C wwered a wea ber worn, -bore no I {nquiry for miles around io knowledge of the graves, net -o from the oldest inhabitant, + 1» early 90 years o!d, and it was aeci: dtoopen them out instead of Oneday last week: ayo. Ti seri ptio Aevelop: This was don human skeletons i graves were only a tin box Cares the | find caunot be} worth several entire —_—— ey will remain tbe lives were pundred , pevisbed in a prairie pur climate is tween the heat or . rigors of the Arctic. The system becomes relaxed by the effects of the heat, and th snap Of winter sows the thousands of cases 0 - which in a large per cent. Gi cases will end rasally- pum int rin natertmn cisterns acai Inclement Weather Brings and Catarrh. Snover, of from House Coughs, Colds that it alternates be | the tropics and the \as follows and speedy remedy and annoying cougit e first cold seed of f chrenic catarth Tllinois G. A. R., gratitude for placing women a medicine W Ubelaker Uses Pe- President Wa. U ; rusa @S & Safeguard Against | Inclement Weather. ae consti- for the new Jt will cases of buboic Taurs iu- ne did not know the room "as OC cupied vya lady that thought it was occupted by a son of | condition Ar. Foust (who bad occupied it} — the night befure) and be had gon*\° there to remove a bathing tub which | he had n-glected to: remote during | the day Oa investigation bis state- ment was confirmed, and Mr Foust! not only protected him (as be bad! premised) from being lynched, but | suszested to the soiicitor to reiease i him Too much credit cannot be! viveo Mr Foust for his manly aad | just condact in this unfortunate oc { currence. To remove a troublesome corn or | punion: First soak the corn or bun: } ion in warw water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply | Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice} daily, rubbing vigorously for five | minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be wore for a few) days, to vrotect it from the shoe. | Asa general linimeet for sprains. | oruises, lameness and rheumatism, | ! } Pain Balm is unequaled. Por sale i & Ar a In afire in the Smuggler union mine. at Telluride. Colo., last Thurs: | day. almost 100 miners lost their fives Cramber ain’s Stomaen and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, constipa tion and headache. They are easy to take aud pleasant in effect. For cale by Stimson & Anderson. Robbers entered the bank at Tiop, Teun. Frigay night and stole $1 200 in money and other vaiuanles, Women as Well as Men . Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon, the mind, dis- courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor =} . \ . os 00K aight. bu’ Fe ‘R SALE wee in A bargain ’ e- - boots mse it je bard ~ worsen, SOM Lusk. = - = > mo . wa ples -—~ esa 2 yar® but a ‘ ? x25 os “ . fos ; 2.7 ; core 64 f- a : + fe v. * . bag ta sec »nd-hand first-class Aoply at this office ove. otton. Every and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid- or diseased. __ Kidney trouble has become ‘so prevaient ; that it isnot uncommon for a child to be born => afflicted with weak kid- neys. Ifthe child urin- ore ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, itis yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the irst ster should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to 4 iseased condition of the kicneys and bladder and not to a habit as most peopic suppose. Women as well as men are made mis- j kidn yy and bladder trouble, reed the same great remedy. he mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is scon realized. It is sold hy druggists, in fifty- ee cent and one dollarg Ti sails sample bottle by mail free. also pamphiet tell- ing all about it, = Home of Swasrp-Reet. including many of the from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. fi || Genuine stamped C.C. C. Never sold in buk. Beware of the dealer who tries te scll “something just as ¢ood.” *“‘T have used Chamberiain’s Colic EB S Phipps. of Poteau, Ark. cured me of vloody fiux. speak 100 highly of it” if not prise, favorite every «here. Stimson & Anderson Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine,” savs B “Tt I cannot This rem- edy always wins the good opinion, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effectseven in the most severe cases make it a For sale by .| Mortgage Sate of Lana. Y VIRTUE of a power of sale containedin o — mortgage executed by F. L. Freeze and susan Freeze, his wi’e. to C. 5. Holland, whic? mortgage was executed on the 6th of April 190 probated and recorded in the office of the Regi» terof Deeds of Iredell county, book 18, page 18 the undersigned will sell at public outery to tr highest bidder for cash at the court house dox in statesviile, Irede!l county on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21ST, 1901. at 120’clock M., the following tract of land. 1; ing in Iredell county, shiloh township to-wi Biginning at a black oak, Wood’s corne thence West 103 poles to-a postoak, Rosemia:: corner; thence with the.old deed south 4 d Fone Port Worih Brewery. at Aus tin. Texas, pleaded guilty Friday to tne charge of violating the anti-7rust lawand was fined $5,500. The other aceused breweries will do the same, gtees East 1 6polesto a white oak near t! - | creek, Roseman’s corner: thence East 2) potest a black oak, thence South 6 degrees es" & poles tothe creck (corner on bank of creck) thence with the creek East 53 poies to a corne on the bawk of tee creek. W. Freeze's corne thence North 27 deg'@ s East 14 polesto a pos’ oak, Freeze’s.corner; thence South 60 degree worth the candie take a dose o Tanlets. stomach, tone up your liver and reg ulate your bowels making you fee When you feel that life is hardiv Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver They will cleanse vour fast 28 polesto W. Freeze's corner; thenc North 9 degiees * est 122 polestoa smalil p: oak; theace West 4 polestoa smail black ah: f | thence North 9 degrees West to the beginnio; excepting therefrom asmall lots Id te Lee M. Lelland and to E. Mack Brawley andthe schoc districts, the amount remaining and conyeve a this mortgage being iGo acres, and being th > | land con’ neys are-out of order ~ — View Ledge of Foresters, writes from 3397 North Clark St., Chicago, following letter: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, @.: have been exposed to wet or inclement weather, my chest syould hurt me and I would have serious indigestion, would be laid up for a day or two, caus- to try Peruna, as it had helped him, and [ found that a bottle cured me. or three doses, and I find it keeps me in fine health. one’s confidence.—W M. UBELAKER. sense .) provide weather. If you have the slightest cold, ae aough, sneezing, or 2ny other m thet you are “un Wm. Ubeiaker, President of the Lake TIL, the Gentlemen—For years past when I and I ng inconvenience and pain. One of my lodge friends advised me If I feel badly now I at once take two : | { t { ; i i ! ‘ Peruna is worthy of every It is only just ordinary good, common egainst inclement helped and eured by E. Walker. dication | der the weather,” a few | Columbus, O Joses of Peruna will put you right. sere killed at Wuvhe’s Siding, near Birmingham, Ala., Friday, and eleven people were injured ip a coljision near Mo- hile, Alta.. on the same dav. trainmen > Tour =e == | metal box! HORSFS FOR SALF, Ee want a good Young horse see those I am f Offering for ale. For cash or on time with druggists, 106. Address The Peruna G. aCe Inclement weather begins ar ee recive te ee shea eae jof Representatives, Washington, <<] have found Peruna a very efficient for a persistent resulting from catarrhal trouble.’’«-tlorace G. Snover. Mrs. Lavina E. Walker, who holds the highest state office of the Ladies of the yhich is Department | ~ Chaplain, writes the following letter: WESTERN SPRINGS, Inn. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.2 Gentlemen:—“You have my sincere before suffering hich has prpven such a blessing as Peruna has. “J have used it myself when worn out, and found most gratifying results, and a rumber of the women of our Order suffering with weakness pe- culiar to women, have been wonderfully Peruna.”—Lavins Medicine Co., of ., for a free copy of Dr. Hartman’s latest pook on catarrh. “C” With a Tail. The “C” with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic Look for it on the light blue enameled Each tablet stamped C.C.C. Never $eld in bulk. Al D. Cy much en Smee approved securily. North Caroline B. B. Bord, Alexander Count Rarium Springs, N.C. Nov th ean = AGAINST Aancn French y % adam reese Dean's : = Pills. 5 . A safe, certain relief for Suppressed { Menstruation. Nev known toifat. Safe? “Jsure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed & 4 or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for § $1.00 per box. Willsend them on trial, to g@- be paid for when relieved. Sampies Free. § UsiTeo MEDICAL CO., Box 74, LaNcCAGTER, Pa. Fva Lackey. J, A Tack smith and M. E, Smith Dorcas McIntosh. ©. smith. will take notice asabove has been comr ca Smith. deceased, TE, FE . Soldin Statesville by Stimson Anderson: plaintiffs will apply fo said complaint 25¢ This Nov. 6th, 190t pure and rich. Over3 For Sale Everywik re, most obstinate cases by tak gists, $1. Describe trouble and trial bottle sep free by writing to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. Resi In the .§ Superior Court. — M. G- Smith. administratrix of } Rebecca Smith, deceased, I. N. Smith, Gaston S:mith. Dor- cas McIntosh, O. P. McIntosh, | ey. KE. P| The defendants, I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith P, Mcrntosh and F, } that an action entitle: menced in the Superic court for final settlement of the estate of Rebec and the defendants wii further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the clerk of the Superic’ court of Alexander covnty. the 21st day of December. 1901. demur to the complaint in r thi Cures Blood Polson =nd Cancer. Eating sores, swellings. falling hair, mucou patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones an joints, itching skin, boils. pimples. etc,, by tak ng Botanic Biood Baim (B B.B.) made espec’ ally to cure malignant blood and skin trouble~ B. B B, heals every soreand makes the bloo: ooo cures of worst an< ing B. B. B. Drug wie. and answe C said action or thy e relief demanded i A.L WATTS, Clerk Superior Court. + NOTICE. on “Saturday —— Cheap Life Insurance A DIVISION of the Peoples’ Mutual Benefit : Cormick, aivision agent. The division em- braces Iredelland Alexander counties’ H. P. |} Grier, of the law firm of Grier & Long. was | ~4 equal eiected president; J. A. Hartness, clerk of-tbe | Sig Dy Drassiste- court, Secretary and Treasurer, and W.W Tur- ~ F ner, register of deeds, one of the directors. 5 There will be from one to thee directors iu cach township in the countiesembraced in the divi- sion, lustra.ceto theamount of $1.coo cach has been oi ganized in Statesville by J M, mc- | 2 they do all you claim fo qa Dr. Acs: quoy R= PILE = aie en D. Matt. Thompson, Sw: Association, a life Insurance organizauon, : Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: “i can = Dz. S. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., writes: “ Ther give universal satiz- “In a practice of 23 years, yours.” 50 r them.” H.D. McGin, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: TI bave found no remedy to Cexrs, Samples. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. Sold in Statesville by Stimson Anderson--Cail for tree sam ~ Free. Settee will be written for 1,000 persons Only in the ci- vision, J. K Meisrayer will assist the division | Watch Chains} Every kit as handsome as solid gold @ great deal cheaper. DR 2x Original and cafe i.‘ DIES! tress on receipt SoS: So, 'S Op: ning ste 1 Ss ‘ai * Visicr se Southean & ated and fully ]{ ard of February, 1873 see hook 6, page 674 « son. 2n adult For sale by Stimson & like a new man. gon & Anderson. For sale by Stimy deeds, register’ omce of Iredell county. This Nov. 20th, 1901. atmSet$ & Tufser, GS. HULLAN awe cece” weyed by Peter Freezeto BR. L. Freeze | for fon ton Pectand Penuyroyal Female Pilis never (ntl and never injure. *Mailedt) a -v ac Panl. Minn fersale by W. 1c Set A copy may wo cent stamp to S$. H,. Hardwick, G. P. Washington, D C. “ Winter Excarsivn Rates. ~-FFECTIVE October 15, Toot, excursion rat are placed on sale by the ~outherp Railway southwest Ask any ageot of Suuthern Mallway an t taformutin. mee COTTON ROG axe PASMRQVAL PEED genuine, always rei le and always ask for Dr, | u-t’s Cot- They of $1 00 by The Rust 3 1 ef Winter Tentint Season. HF Southern Rariway, whic opers‘es its own livres over the «utire Svuth and forms heim: -rtant link in the great highw t~ of trav- Lberwe en the North and South, Fiori +. fexic >, the Pacific Coast and Central A" vces for the winter of 1901 anc ra deo service ever offered. gy service will be augmented br *t rr valm Limited. a ma uba, [tx nificert vhich will be operated betwee" © < York nd St. 4nyustine. Florida. Homes in unmmer oe Lauds.” THE above is the title of an attractive booklet juet issued *w the Passenger Department of ailway. Itis beautifully illus descrides we winter resorts of secured by sending ugeut, Mr. McCormick, in writing the insurance. Alt persous who juin ineorganization will pay St per year. aud when a meurber dies each member will be assessed $1 150 pay the imsur- auce Of $1.000. The assersmentlip ston seach of the £.000 members to pay the $i,coo imsurauce for the deceased member and the 15 cents goes | to pay ¢eXpenses, This is the Cheapest “and most reliable form of uisurance known, For forther informauon calion the ofheers of the division or the agents, 1 October 7th, :got. { | Safe. fe. Always reliable. Ladies, ask Druggist CHICHESTEER'S ENGLISH in Red or send 4c. in stam: monialis and * all Druggists. CHICHESTER’S ENGLISA PENNYROVAL PILLS | Gold metallic boxes, sealed -with | Take no other. Kefuse dangerous tutionsand imitations. Buy of your Drugsist, for Particulars. fef for Ladies,” in letter, Mail. 20,000 Testimonials. Sold by CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 2100 Madison Square, i S: Menilon¢his paper. PHILA., Pa. for ; and blue ribbon. aubatic Testi- WOMANLY BEAUTY Sparkling Eyes & Bright Faces WINE OF CARD has brougk* permanent rolief - jion suffering women who ee eee: R way to preinature graves. Mrs: Mitchell wes fast declining in health, when Wine mq of Cardui performed a “wonderful cure” H inhercase. She srilered with the ago- Bi nics of falling of the womb, leucorrhec 4 cxd profus* menstruation. The weekly i y sppesrance ofthe mensesfortwo months fm sapped her vitality untilshe was phys- & ical wreck. He: norvots system. gave ig way. ae came tho trial of Wine of g Curdui ana the crra. Mrs. Mitchell’s : ete to commend Wine of ores ee women in words of HINDIPO fit. It quiets and up the whole system. Hall, Jr. HAVE a full I eq is within the reach ofall. Women who #* ] try it are relieved. Ask your druggist & for a $i bottle of Wineof Cardui merit not take a substitute if tendered you. 3irs. Wiilie Mitchell. Sorth G: ct = wice Of Gatdel #24 Thedtonte black: Praveht b-~e performed a miraculous cure ‘a my case, I had been a creat eufferer P& with falling of the womb and lencorrha@a snd my menses came every week for two buy. Young and Feel Young. PRiC $5. Sent by mailto any address. Are the Fruits of Sound Nerves; THE GREAT FRENCH NERVE TONI® and Vitali zer Cures Nervous Fxhaustion, Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Headache, Backache and Female Weak ness so common attending the monthly periods GI RLS passing through 4D change trom Girlhood to Wom- anhood will ind ita wonderful relief and bene- stfengtheus the nerves. cleanses the blood, clears the brain and toner Makes a Woman Look E Soc.. To the Farmers, i line of the bes: kinds of wheat, oatsand rye for seed. Come and see me before you Sept. 19ti, 1901. J. L, Cowan. the trying 12 Boxer Soid by W. F. a4 months 2°d were very painful. pm bind indue- 1 me to try Wine Stier a a a a now the leucor- rheen isa . eee Se and { am restored t, Jn cases reqniri Cire ‘ions, address, ry symtoms. “The Ladies’ e ‘sets Department." Tho ase T Chatenooga Medicine Co. omen Tenn. : ug special oA sioner, will on W. McHargte. Dissolution Notice TPHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existi a e : ng * T tween the undersigned, under the firm a of} L Hunter Co. tas: been this day dis- solved by mutnalconsent. ~ : This xbv. 7th, 190%. down tne branch 53 Sees | Sees Sale of Land. Y VIRTUE0i a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county, made in the special ceeding entitled Jobn W, McHargue, adminis trator of !ames W. McHargue, et al, cs. C: © McHareue et al., the undersigned, as commis: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH, 1901, at 12 0'c.ock, m., expose for sleto th ghest bidcer forcash, at the court pouse! oor in Seaterrah a cotinintratoF ined. uercinattes ain tract 0: nd hereinafter described and belonging to — <A * said tract of bounded as follows, to-wit: ae nning ata chestnut steinp on and runs North s5 degrees Fast stone at the branch, ager corner t thence North 46cegrees West a anor stone: . ? oo poles toa . thence 1g0 polesto the begianing, . 38% acres more or situmtedin® sharpest township, Iredell county. Me, N.C, Oct po 14, TO- the road 65 poles to a hence line; MICHIGAN DRUG CO., - _. erro Ie shee) HINDIFO $35.53 ronic and Vins Wd wh v ee to cure het x . Drains on the? Habits or Fa«ccss 75 Liquors. cr ‘Sinise the Y fwores cf Insenity. Cores 2 3 ents the Ficce arc Fess °s vou vourg 236 siictF by the Quart, Evory bottle you take of Johnston, Sarsaparilla means be sane and every bottle cont quart. Itmakes bette blood. For thirty years remedy bas been creating taining good healtr. ~ Johnsieon’s Sarsaparilla builds up the system, nerves, snd strengt! more promptly and « ny other remedy known. The palo theek disappears, enersy takes anguor, and the rich color of health { fhe checks. Unequalied for 21] disor stomach and liver, and for all weal plaints of men, women and childr Boldeverywhere. Price, $1.00 per fall quart bottle, Detroit, Thich, fig Memory. Fits. Dizzii<:: Pemevs Syster Dee «d 4«} Gn ered Nerves, Restcres the fr sings the pink glew te pale veoccrers By mail toss J<reslelvy VW FF ee = Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR Dentist, STATESVILLE. Nh. © SS a= Will be in his office two wecks, egipning with first Morcésy ip each north. Call ov bim for anything » the way of dentistry y will ipa it to your interest to Work done in best manner. Prices aw. Oniv the. hect mater 1 Gentiemen, Get the New, Neve} Discovery Pigeon ilk Cures Gonorrhea and Gleet i iction is magical Prevents: slete To becarried in vest ventative. Sent by mailin p vaid, ou receipt of price. F100 $2.50. The Rust Medicine Co. For sale by W. ee — — —— ———— ——————— The Southern Railway ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE WINTER TOURIST “EASON AND THE PLACING °_--ON SALE OF Excursion Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT —POINTS IN THE— South, Southwest, West In ties Mexico and California. INGLUDING st. Augustine, Palm Beach. Miami, Jacksonuille, Tamba, Port Taw- pa. Brunswick, Thomasville, Charleston. Aiken, Au- gusta, Pineburst. Asheville. Atianta New Orleans. Mempbis and THE LAND OF THE Ri PERFECT DINING AND SLEEPING CAR SERVICE ON ALL TRAIN>- SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Ask any ticket apent fer fou. information, or address R. L.VERNON, c.W. WESTBURY Traveling Pass. Agent. Dis. Pass. agent Charlotte, N.C. Ri S, H. Hardwick, General Passenger Age>t J. M. CULP, w A. TURK, Traffic Magager | Asst. Pass. Trafic Man Washington, D.C ™ es JAPANESE PILE GUR A New and Complete Treat of Suppositories, Capsules of « Boxes of Ointment. A never Piles of every nature and degree ration with the knife, w! *s often results in death, uunecess dure this terrible disease?, We pack * guarantee ineach $1 Box, No Cure. * soc. and $1 a box, 6 fors$s, Semi by ples frec, . SATraN OINTMENT 25c. and CONSTIPATION Cured, Piles prevet’e* 2F Japanese Liver Peliets, the 2 Lit stoma h Regulator and Bleod I mild and pleasantto take; esc for children’s use. 50 dosed 25 ce? sae For sale by *. F. Hall, J odol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests a!] kinds e food. Itgivesinstaut reliefand nevs failstocure. It allows you to eat = the food youwant. The most sensit stomachs can take it. By it<use many thousands of <dyspeptics D?°°.°° 7; cure@after everything else f2) ied. prevenis formation of gason the pod ach, relieving all distressafteT eati - Dieting unnevessary. Pleasant tote it can’t help but do you good FRET tonk Gonsinnin wee C0. cee. son & Ande !£CP-_ d, Va ager. aul Mao! ter vAim s {iteelthat listressing Gisca DR. TAFT BROS Casi asic rehef at once It for of 3 doing business vq Home adcre Trial £ Do rot MEDIC}? Material Wr.te for « YARGS AT TH Mrs. Xi. Incip: Aid | | © Dr. S. B. Fil Pear D terest you has efiecte FOU! HERSE CRkeY WoOaS thahks to to take P the there is m0 ~ “Jwor See if the e keep you to come.””: P. Ss, See mie Wa.” G20 tones the it . ™ Scles stually than liot of the me place of Ith flows to wee ks, Gay ip each r anything You wil] P ado “co r. Prices used e!} Discovery E NTER A SON ackets NT West In- alifornia. ach, Miami, Port Tam- nasville, Au- rst. ta, S. + TE SRY <= EEPING TRAINS. T READS ILWAY, fer foll avess WESTBURY Bs. Pass. Agent, Bchmoznd, Va ick, TURK, fic Managet- E URE nrevented, by at Liver am small. Du eat. s all of the bil kinds of éfand a to ea pst sensitive its use many have 5 2 failed. It on the stom after eating enn totake. es WE GUAR v ANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CI RCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISH SRED > STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DFCEMBER 5, 1901. = ee NO, 2. Astbmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Curein Al} (ese. o /NT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY, Taere is nothing like Asthimalepe It brings instant relief, ev i worst cases. It cures when al} fails. The Rev. C, F WELLS. Savs: “Your trial bottle of Asthn ed in good condition, t thankful I feel for the good d was a slave, chained with pr and Asthma for ten ye: beng evred. IF saw your: eure of thisdreadful and Asthma. and thought y y onrselves, but resolved to it a my astonishment, the trial acted hike ; send me a fil size hotite."’ Rev. Dr. Morris Veehsier, TT Ot me Rabbi of the Cong. Rnai Isr is New York, Jan. 3. ror. PRS. TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE: -O. remedy for Asthma and Hay Fe com position alleviates all trouble: Its success hs cine with Asthma — 4 and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed Som state that Asthmalene contains no : phine, chloroform or ether. : Very truly vours, REV. DR. MORRIS WRCHSLER, AVON SPRINGS. N. Y.. February 1, igor timonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wond eof Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spa exhausted : own skill as well as many others. Ic nm i3oth street, New York, Lat once obtained a bottle he first of November. Ivery soon noti ima has disappeared and she is entire recominend the medicineto all who ar Yours respectfully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. D Os MEDIcIne Cc Feb. 5. 1 v treri ed with Asthwa for z2years Inave tried numer giled Itanecross your advertisement and started with a rt ive since purchased your full-size bottle, and am _ever grateful d for six year~was unableto work. I am now inthe best of | timony you can make such use of as vou see fit S KAI 67 East 1x ery day. This ess, 33d Rivington street. tes on Reeeipt of Posial. Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free addre sing DR. TAFT BROS.” ag t delav. DICINE Write at once, O., East 130th St.. N. x. City 1 Marble and Grant Deslers FO A L S ex a =, cind of Marble and Grawe il -A4 For Cemetery and Building Purposes. | Ne | | ‘ | e Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent A OD its | Ward of a right An lredel! Man Dies in sone@is from Proutmans Deferred from last week. Correspondence of THz Mascor, _ Mr. Robers Hartline, who iormeriy a Citizen of Iredell resider bome at Witt, Lil, last Some two weeks ago while out hunt- ing with a party of friends air. tlurtiine accidentally received ase vere guushbot wound in the effects of this wound. Deceased was asonot cur esteemed citizen, David Hartiiue, and wasa straivbt- forward, industricus young mas. He leaves a wife and several small calidren A party of vivis leave here next | “fonday fora visit to Texas, They wil doubriess be away six months. Misses Vance and Bertie Clark go | lO Davidson today to ssend Thanks feiviny with frieads. | Miss Lottie Shelton has returned | from a visit to relatives in States | Stile. ‘| Capt Patterson sold one ef his big old Toanksyivirg gobblers today | fe says be got 14 cents per” pound Well mayde hedid but that’s up smart for turkey with the breath in it. EVBRGKEEN. frou'man’s, Nov. 27. 19U1. awd ge Officcholders Must Resign from Com- mittees. Raleigh News and Observer. Tie Attorney General of the Unit ed States, Mr P. U. Knox, hurleda Sombin tke camp of the Federal cfiicehoiders and revenne doodles yesterday. tn an official, communiecatieon ad dressed to officeholders bere Mr. , Inox called their attention ‘o tke iact that Government officials are prohibited from service on political comumitteesand that the spirit of civil service laws renders it tighty undesirable for Federal officeboiders anG employes to takean active part in the direction of political machin ery, The order means tbat Republican officehoiders and revenue doodies must come down off the State Ke ' publican committee. The Attorney 1éceral’s lettercreated a stiranonyg here yesterday * With > were instruc f ihe department postea t those ously in the o ftices of wiro re@eiVed them. Distrie | Altorney ' munication from the At | eral early in the day, and be lozt :0 time in nailing itat the most cos | spieucus place in his olfice “Resigeation or scalps I fay ol aA hi pernard recetvea fits Cm o torney Gen ultimatum thatthe Hon. J C. Lovan Garris directed ut the members of | tb Republican State committee | who bold Federal offic some four | weeks ¢ aan interview ia the News aru U . Republicans laud at Loge and | not a resignation cam? forth. After ~ “Tr, 3, 20> position to quote the very lowest prices on Monumet ; As r ? e + * le ts, Headstones, and all kinds of cemetery work. Material and Workmansb:9 Guaranteed io be First Clex«s, Wr te for our catalegue avd pri-cs. r YARDS AT STATESVIL'E, SALISBURY AND NORTH WI! KESBORO. the arrival of the Atrorney Gener- als iastruction Rad%&al efficeholdess conferring and it is said that -eral of them now have their res z written, addressed and stamped. If thereis any laughing woing on today among Republicans it will be confined to the legal shop of the Hon. J. C. L. Harris. nthe era Charlotte is to have a2 new opera house to cost over $30,000. izHations THIRTEEN DOCTORS FAILE®. Mrs. M. A. Close, of Nebraska, Was Cured of Incipient Consumption After All Medical Aid Had Failed--Read Her Letter. © | | | { = } | MRS. M. A. CLOSE. . ' a Vw { : Kearney, Neb., July 5, £909. Dr. S. B. Fi Columbus, Ohio: SS Dear pa desire to express to you my sincere thanks = eee | terest you have shown in my case, and for the timely aid and acvice wi = has effected 2 cure of as bad a case of consumption as could be well imagines | “Peruena and Manalin- have doze what thirteen of the | best physicians In the country have failed todo. For more, than three years I doctored fer consumption, and spent | thirteen weeks in a Pulmonary Sanitarium at Slilwaukee, came West where I was pedfast for many weeks, and ike, live. more than 4 «She cannot possisly thanks to Peruna, I fooled them all. Inana to take Peruna the hemorrhages stopped. the improvement became more marked, and now there is not the slightest trace of my old corpiaiut. “I would have written you a long = ae et ee See if the efiect was lasting; aad in conclusion Iwo > aie keep you ae us thet eta go on with your work of mercy for miany years 10 come, ’’=a- M. A. CLOSE. P, eee going to visit friends in Wiscoasin who never expected = See me alive 2gzin, « please forward mail to me at 579 Pasitic sizest, Appis.02, Wis, mantic Ac Ge ae l can trathtully say that purposoly waited t9 chisl tube has had catarrh of the head for a year or more finds the disease gradually pro-_ ; sressing downward. In some cases te | | progress is rapid, and in other cases it is | | slow; but sooner or later if catarrh is {sumption have é physicians which my husb2ud called gave no Lope but $3id, | ~reat many cases AN OLD COLD is Caiarrh, and Catarrh Leads to Consumption. The tendency of catarrh of the head downward through the bron- sto the lungs. Any one who to pas: lowed to run, it will go to the lungs 2nd set up the disease known ss cen- yption. Ttis doubtful if consumption is ever caused by anything except ca- tarrh. The catarrh usually begins as a cold in the head or throat, and is neglected until it 2 chronic; then it begins to > the victim that he has catarrh. pam Unl. sheisvery foolish indeed he will not rest easy until the catarrh is entirely eared. Thousands pay no attention to it until it is too late. Mrs. J. Priest, Lee, Mich., writes:—“I | think there is no medicine on earth that execlis Peruna. My husband won’t take any other. We have tested it and it worked 2 great change in my son’s health last spring when we thought ho was going into consumption. We gave him only one bottle and he was all right. T tell everybody about how much goed it has done us. “My husband says he 'ean’t do without it. As for myself it -od@ me seven years ago from going tind. Icould not sce to read one word six weeks. I thought I should surely cht. I commenced taking Pe- 1 by the time I had taken ono sid sce to read es well 2s ever. 3. Priest. Use as Much cs Needed. If Peruna is used a cold never be- comes chronic, and hence catgrrh is pre- vented. But after ++ atarrh has be- + ° some thoroughly 3 stablished Peru- + na will cure it, } but it will take > much longer.) Even in cases¢ syhere caterrh has ¢ attacked the: lungs and the, o5 symptoms of con- ¢/7A77 22 0 Pe e r eo o o e > — eh ee - w e shown them-+ Miss Corinne Gil- + Wis.; but finding myself growing worse, 852 last resort, Ie 5. the Poru- ¢ more, 1% Vance St» } A¢+ Memphis, Tenn.,« e uses Poruna for? { colds and caterrh. 4 na will cure. few days’ But! of genuine con- i incredibly short time afier I Logan sumption heve eet been cured with Peruna after the patient + first, bed} I began to mend slowly zt first, Sed been given up to die, sain the case of Mrs. Close. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Peruna, God bless you 2ud | —":.. 3+ once to Dr. Hartman, giving 2 aL {full statement of your case and he wi ho pleased to give you his valucble ed- j vice gratis. ~ Address Dr. Hartman, President of Hlinois—Per- re WAS rn Ss it: aod 8)... q of this place, died at his} Saturday. | | e thigh | which necessitated amputation of; the leg and his death was due to the! FC .ef- News and Observer. . Perrin nator Simmons his as secretarv to ; be aprointed s iSimmons and Nir Busbee’s ;tice claim ul! his time. tion of Mr. Wattsis of Mr. Wat eh Pas: sa mem In speaking ment the Ralei Mr. Walts was a House from [rede]! last legis!ature Securing his services. quarters of <4. Simmons invtcs will beat oa Washington Dispatch, Among Spcaker Hende barn An afternoon 1at “Mr. would sury some of wood’s co Pie eee r - him in At £ surt wears evening’s in the lo Raleigh hotel. -Itis a attracts m some beari : } Ow roy vand attire. fair to become famous the reputation attained b is. of Washington, in the the fifty-fifth congress, w in the mo I immaculate fi A Marriage Near Yown Forward to Christi Correspondence of THE Masopr. londay at Duck Creek se Mr. Lawrence Howard the Wax i na) rae) « for Hoove townshiv and Miss Lettie Statesvi ee of vnship drov Jin (OF HOw h a few Darr p ile t Wife, > home of whificient di a ev drove t6 th rea supper vok of th etc, fes. Hoover pared for the occasion, Mr. Hoover a: ple, be in the ritée hy» G2, brivates in their ‘The Union Sunday schoc Creek School house 1s ¢ for a Chris: mas tree. was appointed last week avo to take subscrip some $8,00-0r -$10,00 hav been suoscribed. After oo 'o be opened again in Apri A, Wan her br ther Stutesvilie yesterday. ; oy ner x anole to bk out. .Ivy G blast week to Aiexancercounty Scceess to THE Mascor . Isr mManv reacers Duck Creek, Nov. 25, 1901 —_—— — Charges Made Agaiust D1 torney Holton, Washington Dispatch, 28th. Charges affecting the and official characterof 4. ton, United States district forthe Western District Caroiina, were today refer presidert by W. B. Evlis, York city. Mr. Ellis was ‘a resident of Winston, N. manufacture <i Several years Winston to was engaged in the tubacco ix that city. ago ke removed from New York ard is new there cn alaree scale in turise cigars. He alsotpe trade peper. The the purpose of intluencivg to reappeint Mr Halto States district attcrney. ht bas been understced ie bas been assumed Ae woul himself. situation. Roitun’s officrsi character vet leaked out. They re ever, itis said, to Certair tions between Mr. Bolton Ettis. at the time Mr, El resident of Winston and Eilis alleges are of sucha sso unit Mr. Bo.ten to respousibdie pesiiien States Gisiric? attorney. bas no volitieal er front with the charges. = negro tramp were killed. Mitchel, * During i De Wits with wonderful results, fectiy cured the market.” sores burns. The Hartman Sonitarium, Columbus, * 5; .. Stimson & Anderson. DP Busbee has take effect first of December, Mr. A editor of th utesville Mascot, will cretary to willgo to Washington 2 most jrent one. us be is splendidly ed for the duties of the office. county in and is @ most worthy the Ri:ys House, Mr. Blackburn's Geclf Suit, ers today was Congressman Black paper has not vet reecover- uy Ply ad ene Mr. Blackburu ed from the suprise of his stifvents could they cream uch attention by his hand as dressed man in the House, rivalliny } rain visited us last ton pieking is about finished. Mr. Toomas Kerr began school fast Statesvilis years, vr. of -Barringer’s They then Alter all had enjoy- -yocd Cakes lis Oride are mos? fe together. A committee Suaday a Christmas the school will close for the winter, ecolf has grippe. Mrs L. C Hoover was cailed to the bedside of Layfayett Kimbali at Mrs. P. Raymer. who bas been confined to room with rbeunatism, is again charges preferred are made by Mr. ‘Lhe charges made by Ellis may puta sew pbase on the The exact nature of the charges other than they effect Mr. of ween Mon oon ee === ween eee wenn nn eneecen= Of Benefit to Ail. Fulford. e nlongilicess I was troubled | Speak Kindly of Mr. Watts’ Appoint- res law prac The selee excel qualifi ts appoint VS ber of the successor to Mr. Busbee. Senator] ,.*>- aa Simmons is to be congratulated in limited. sudered in searcely less de The in Wash wo rTSi ejection lack D . : * : Blackburo at 4:20, [he two trains meet a: WS DaCK | Vo: ceording to sched ev seeluis. tu: X 4 adorders to wait for Which belN, 45 va. The blame is bav of the He Be bids the hest y Mr. Lew House i: ho dressed ishion . Looking nas he ro] house degan at sna ana ‘otton mill ice wa- las? first wher ike Bost, of » tothe re ercash of relatives rogeunced the brid. noer Was o home of Was Serv-? hat pre th being ‘ir nelyn- 33 31 eY t dreams ybat Duck reparing tinas and e already 1. Mr. W M. ay moved and its Kip. strict At- integrity E: Hol attorney of North red to the of New formerly Cc, . } ang tendered ination on the D. Watts Senator the head- says AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE. Over 100 People Killed and Scores Ine jured in a Rai!road Wreck Detroit Mich., Dispatch.27 < From 100 to 150 persons were kill ed or injured to night in the mos? disastrions railroad wreck in the history of ‘ichigan railroads. Two heavily } ? passenger trains on the Wah Railroad collided head 90 at fuli-~p «d one mile east af Seneca, thes co d_ station wes’ o Adrain. “he west bound train ot two ears with immigrarts i five other coaches, was smashed “irre d with the result of awful sof ‘ite and fearful injuries to a writy of,its passengers. The the Continenta! ' 33 oacned bound train, gree. The trick in Ser re21 the vicinity of the vithdrad sod dying . vsieians from Detroit hav: the »cene, katthe point -vhere the collision occurred was s'raight, and vw first the officials could not under stand ha» the accident could havi hapa ed N>» 13 which ordinerl: Detroit at 2:30 + vo hours late, leaving 1S hye lec¢ge Chiowek therefor engineer don the conductor o2 + Thetrain No 4 was it 6:43 a PAIN weenie bat 2 ‘ ars ta NAit disabeved proba t hat to ’ ory of cor hea tne Viaxce eee: ces ver dd, as ibe train ' ' aiy wet instan' mm 5 at mid » th the country for : rhted up by the rs Th t flames lick of farmers | feoan Adr} 'roM AGTlad 2 In some inst Mangiea revon nedies which ‘ WF © pull from heimmigr ourned that th roly never No. 13 > cars C scene Toe dead 1, to ne carried in train, er. 30 miles on Wwrecainy ordered f ,eAY pre? 2 LV Breri t oie tn: the heavy vestibuled of No. tiay bet we it and the t mivrant cars so that but would be rez Ito tne j When the sp i traia bear wounded reachec red were saris Gravs avd other 4 pitals until they private residecces neighbor in the dia service mnsiollity forthe accident is iad now on the crewof No. 4 I: train the Hoocag were piac 7} rhe resp is said that this mecting west regular were to have wet ut Seneca, but No. dren by and struck the west bound train At this ho to imperfect facilities f news, it does not seem |! yibat a complete list of the dead and injured. or any of the details of the wreck, will be at hand before to morrow morning. It is estimated that upwards of 500}i persons were on the two trains. It is thought that all the immi- West i Italians going grants were from New York. arunk stock of $30,000. veit, of Denver. in KR si herjucted lover to keep ber from imarcylog his rival. from Blount county, Tennessee, to connect with ike Murphy oranch-of defeated the University of North Carolinain a fovtbail game in Char- Company at Asheville corporatea. N13. Lubin. Ss. Witkowsky, L. Schilier and J. W. Ramsey. brate its 100th aniversary in 1902, passed its |A meeting was heldlast week at the Academy totake steps to make the The trains | celebration ait one. Seventh Judicia! distriet died of ery- sipelas at Fayetreville last Thursday His remains were taken to Eliza- ceth for interment. mer oof cousts has bouywht a beuse and jot oo Jars: 1- been 2 Occone: chee Farm this year, will re map will tell you that ke, too. Seneca. If I made an error | not alone to blame. The three members of the crew have understood as I did. they would have corrected me.”’ eam ee Sa Judge Clark’s Good Work, or eise Justice Clark, says tae ‘on Messenger, has ‘‘performed al- nost a miracle of labor fer the State in his completing the editing an vublishing of some five or six of the oonderous volumes of the ‘Colonial Records,’ and having obtained and published the ‘History cf the North Carolina regiments, battalions and artillery companies in the war.’ re quiring him to write some 5,000 let- ‘ers, andall the labor vast as it is. ‘ncluding proof reading of the five ‘yoluan., withont pay cf any kind unless it be the thanks and gyrati tude of the men and women who love North Carotina and are proud of its ~plend@ soldiery—its slandered and neyleeted herves.”’ erate STATE NEWS Elisha Holiaud, of Wayne county, iiedlast week. He was over 100 h Point Buggy Company bas been incorporated with a capital %t $125 G09. Tbe A and fated the Davidsen in ihanksgivis foot! team de- Raleivh cn “w uay. A fire in Salem in W. D. Hudson’s store last Friday caused 2 loss cf 32 00 | Losurance S600, Mrs. Elizabeth Gaither, who for- lived in Davie County, died ut :uge of 80 in Newtou lase week. F. M. Straughan for over thirty ‘fs Jauitor OF the Siate Cupitol ed in Raleigh Weasesday of last : aunual exhibic of the North Caroitna Pouitry Association will de held in High Point on January 1417. A fire iu Aibemarie last Wedres- night destroyed the Masonic ouridiug Causing a loss of more than 315,000 7 “ay Forsyth county bas offered to sell s court Winston io ibe United States $150,000 for a postofiice. yt house at for 4 in Raleigh iast Phursday night by George Freeman, colored, in a 2h row, oO ¢ t agen ralture Bue- with 3% capital tery at High Terry vicGoven, champion featb- wright, was knocked out in the sec- mad round last week by “Youny Cor- A negro girl was shot and kilkd beson county last Friday by A railroad will be built next year of the Southern at Bashneli. Clemson College of Seuth Carolina otte Thanksgiviog day by a score ot 22 to 10. a Furniture has been in- The inucorporators are he Lubin Schilier Salem Female Academy will cele- Cc. M. McLean, solicitor of the Joo. W. Moore,a prosperous far Hopewell, Mecklenburg i» and will wove there 5 ayiorss \vernethe, who bas Col. J_ 5S) Garris Sol Ru A. Meaver of Phe conguctor engineer of No 4 were pot kil id they give the followiag naiater dis enraged manufac iblishes | now | Ellis for | him not | on United} bere that | r. Bolten wes entirely acceptable | to Senator Pritebard and that he) , bas ulready formerly recommended i Mir Hotton for reappointment, = there have been up to tois time no avowed candidates against i d succeed ; | Mr. | AS! him it bave Bot; fer, how- 1 transac: and Mr lis was 3 which Mr. character hold the Unied It is on this ground that Mr. Bilis, who now property ests in North Carolina, comes to the} 3. @ inter Ia afreigat sreck near Georgiana, | Ala., Tuesday, the fireman anda} -_—— Mad.: «ih bed sores, was advised to try, ment wa. « Witch Hazel Sa!ve azd so | Strong tute I was per- It is the best sa!ve on | that we recotves e 3 Sure cure for piie~.ioniy say tharif wodid get such Beware of @ouater forder 1 m'-read aod ‘misunderstood -— | SEUECS, ist tSand Creek. | | vateh of the wreek: : he iided with train q int wea Wednesday ni rain No. twhi No. 13. at Se: enusipg th said today at Mout pelicr were to pass No. 13 at} Seneca. \ reac bh his ox ertyine rex<SS and 101 esvine 623 Afier reesiving those orders Lrememberaskingthe agent at | ! } | | train. {chair car, fixing up a , passenger’s : I saw the st: é ticket when I rtjon lighis | felr the aico \ vale aopited. EIfelt no alarm, SUpposiag tre engineer was jurdert? soc the number gf 13's en-|} i i yee? had cleared | {tiie "i Supposed Fad Cieares i Just tier the Deen 3 ‘into tick icord :« cakemanh wro had came hurrytoy and “putied the oheut car | "What isit Toney?” Lealled. “We're going through Sereea,’ he wered and in an instant later the Crank Cama — eee : This deuvs our Superintendent | Buro’s statement ‘nat Eagineer !Stronyv. of No. 4, einer misunder- ! stood or forgot his erders and ran throuvh Seneca where he-was to} i pass 13 | When Condee'or Martin’s state-, venvared _ th. engineer said: “Tbave rot Gonied at any time 22 an order; 1; an. _it, and that I should have been set turn to his old home, Open View Farm, in Gaston, next year. a Cenductor G I Martin of Wabashiers part of Stokes s i Officers Petree loss of about eivhiy lives | shiners. hat the orders given bim | bip and Preddy in the lev. which Tjnegroentered the house of Mrs, 1 {Jane Fisw. of Mecklenburg county, 609, wiliicbject ’ + o cured 33 cents. years oid aod bas good property. : s wid “8” | mond county, was accidentally shot st Montociter whether thenew sid-|). 44-42-vear oid brother last Sat- jing at | i went out to see how he was SAnoeatl sien dis Sintely 102° : jof Seneca flish by, aud imatediately 'bov raised his gua to shoot, bur the | {weapon went off be‘ore be was ready ; rq f ; : ate ‘and the entire | riner ye for the ease switeh, tn} a ~ - { Vids Goye f tae Cass Wilco, in struck the girlin the body. rarng'ng | o | tation, “but.” he writes, 10 Engineer, = recent raid in the rortn- county Revenue and Preddy were ired upon from ambush by moon- Petree was hit in the right Dur ing An enkrown man thought to bea k and attacked her. Ets as robbery, but he only se- Mrs. Flow is 72! iss Effie Harrington, oi Rich- right by .the conductor. Mv firc- un- derstood thet we were to incet both trains at Sand Creek instead of at was other must aera e Wiiming- ~ Catt eaten, "1 by | defea:ed vhe bill to disfraachise the, I he coon eee are lurday. The boy was hunting rab- i negroes. was toward the rear of the |y:+5 around the house and his sister sesame = Ne THE SOUPH D)«KOTA SUIT Judge Avery Trrows Light on the Bond Issue News and Observer. The articie by Judge Avery in Sun- dzy morning’s paper, giving a his- tory of the bonds upon which South Dakota is the decoy duck that is bringing the suit. throws more light upon the issuing of the vonds and the compromise in 1879 than any thing that has appeared, in additio, to giving 2 history of the bonds Jud -e Avery vives on insight into the causes that actuated the legisla ture of IS79 in agreeing to redeem tne bonds only at twenty-five cents inthe doar. Upen that matter be Says: _ “Phe bonds issued in 1867 to aid in the construction of the Western North Carolina Railroad were deliv- :ered tothe presideat of the com pany, upon the certificate that amounts above. fifty thousand ic stock had been subserited by solvent individuals, and upon his bid oa be- aeit o: the company of the face value to be paid to the State in certificates fstuck. This was an evasion of Sectiou 37 of the charter, whiei re- quired the State Treasurer +o ad Veitise for seuled proposals for each both af is sold, znd to accep: the highest offer, being not less than par, ube similar previsi in the char ‘er oft colina Raiiroad Company h:4 previously been con- strued and «© ed the same way Tae bon:'s w iad oy the presi dent in 1867. as Tree fect the facts, at probaoly thirty cents on the dol lar. Many of the estimates on the coustruction done by the A irs work of Subscribers ior the one third pay ment of the stock in the capacity of contraciors, wereso large that that two thirds of the estimate covered the cost of grading and cross ties The resvlt was, tnat ia many in stances the money realized from the sale of the State bonds built sections of the road, yielded a money profit ‘oa Contractor, who subscribed to the Capital stock, and in addition, fave him stock, the face value of vhich was one third of the estimated cost of the erading Nominally a subseriber for only ‘wo thirds of the stock, the State the heayv often pad out of donds sold ata proceeds of Giscount for the stock of the individual subserib eras weil as for its own shares. ibs act of 1879 was passed the stcck of tue company was not worth three dollars oa the hundred when seid privately and nothing ic the stccx markets. The bonds is sued in 1867 and upon some of which south Dasota brings suit were se cured by astatutory lien upon the stock of the State in the Western North Caroijina Railroad Company, as well as by a Statutory second lien od au eGuivaient amount of the out @ scar. there’s no salve on earth negroes also robbed him. groes are caught, there will be a 4 —o A Good Thing. German Syrup isthe special pre- scription of Dr. 4 Boschee, a cele- brated German physician, and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly curés coughs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest na- ture, removiny, us it does, the eanse of the affection and leaving the parts inastrongand healthy coddition. Tt : ‘tis bot aa experimentai medicine, - Ziv~ ing satisfaction in every case, which ts rapidly increasing sale every ars, out bas stood the test of vear } season, coufirms. Twojnillion bot- sseld annually. B 2's Ger- man Syrup was introduced ia the United States in 1868, and is now sold iu every town and vil civilized world. Three doses relieve any ordinary esugb. Price 7 cer's Get Green’s Prize Alma- fac. W.. Hall. One little animal scarcely t-velve taches long caused the entire water supply of the city of Winchester, Va., to be drawn off and for several hours there threated a water famine 'o about 6,000 customers, ber one day last wesk. The water became di: ereeable in odorand unfit for use. It was learned thata p t. Sad fou Its Way into the resery jr &0 overflow pipe. Heaith and Beanty. A poor complexion is usua'ly the result of atorpid liver or irregniar action of ihe bowels. Unless na- ture’s refuse is carried off it will surely cazuseimpure blood Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow- Phis is pature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels fai! ed to remove. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are wor!d famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the jiver asd promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause gripiny, craps or distress. Safe Stimson & Anderson. pilis.— _ There has been a,big stormon the New York and Jersey coasts. Much property bas been destroyed and five web were drowned at Long Branch nd crossties. | N. J., Doni Let Them Suffer. Often children a are tortured with itching and burniay eczema and oth- er skin diseases but Bucklen’s Arni- ca Salve heals the raw sores, expeis inflammation, leaves the skin with- Clean, fragrant, cheap, as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents at W. F. Hall’s. Edward Rochells, a2 prominent planter of Red River county, Ark., was killed by negroes fuesday. The if the ne- lynching. State’s steck in the North Carolina Railroad Company (See Charter, Chapter 228, sec 38, Laws of 1854. 0»). Bui ia 1879 tbe stoek in the latter Company was not worth more than thirty cents on the dollar. while that in the tormer commanded ooly the nominal price already men- tioneG. The State was . justified inorauiy in Cffericgin bonds, as it did. more than it reczived in stock than (in 1879) worthless. My rec oliection is, that the Swazey suit, in which the holder of the construction bonds for the payment of which the stock of the State in the North Car- olina Railroad was pledged, had se- questered the dividends,on the State siock,and was seeking to subject the stock itself was still pending. The litigatton was compromised af- terwards. The stock of the State is now pledged for the payment of the new construction dDonds, but a suf- ficient sinkirg fund is being set aside to pay these bonds at maturity. in question doubtless bought them for ess than twenty-fivecents on the doliar. Ofthe seventeen hundred thousand issued ail but thirty thoa- sand have been surrendered for aew bonds at the rate of twenty five cents:on the dollar of the face value of their old bonds.”’ ~ —_—-—> —-_——_ Almost Drowned in The Yadkin. Albemarle Dispatch 29th. Messrs. James ard Wilbur Neal and Lee Fesperman had a thrilling experience yesterday morning that they wiil not soon forget, while crossing the Yadkin river in a boat jost below thefalls ten miles from here the boat stracka rock in mid- An Evengeltlist’s Story. “I suffered for years with a bron- chial or lung troubleand tried vari- ous remedies but did not obtain per- taanent using One writes Rev. Jas. list of Belie River, Lil. hesitation in recommending it sufferers from maladies of this kind Cae Minute Cough Cure affords im- mediate relief for coughs, colds and ailkinds of throat and lung trou- bies. Absolutely safe. take, never fails and is really a fa- vorite with the children. it.—Stimson & Anderson. relief until I commenced Minute Cough Cure,”’ Kirkman, evange “I have 10. to all For croup it is unequalled. Very pleasant to They like Alexander Anderson, joe well- known lawyer, of Washiwyton, D. <., committed suicide by drowning himself in the Potomac river Sundzy , Thousands SentInto Exile. Every year 2 large number of poor “The present holders of the bonds | Sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to costly and not aiways sure. be an exile when Discovery cure you at home. infallible medicine for coughs, eclds, and all throatand lung diseases on earth. Astounding cures result from per- sistent use. W. F. Hail’s. $1.00. Every botrie guaranteed. But tbis is Don’t Dr. King’s New for Consumption will It’s the most another Ciimate. The first dose brings relief. ‘irial bottles free at Price 50 cents and A white woman was killed at Sa- lem, S. C., Tuesday night, after her house had almost been torn io pieces. Three white men have been arrested. stream and.was upset, throwing all three men out into the river. Fes perman isan expert swimmer and managed to pull both the other men on a rock. where they were rescued. James Neai could not swim and ashore and the meu suffered considerable from exposure. One of the party’s Food Changed to Poison Putrefying foodin the intestines produces effects like those of arsenic, out Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisonS from clogged bowels, \ gently, easily but surely, curing sank twice* before he was puiled|constipation. biliousness, sick heac- The weather was bitin cold | ache, fevers, al! vowel troubles. liver, kidney. and Only 2 cents at W. F- Haill’s. clothing was frozen stiff-on him The elder Neal was uneonscious for two hours after being rescued and is to-day in a precarious condition. —_— -— Toe mine officers were found dead in the burning mine at Pocahontas, W. Va. Sucday. An unknown negro was lynched in tis said thut the Colombian reb, 1 } The Georgia Legislature has again F. E. Keilback, 2 prominent citi- getlisg him the} ; Just as She got near + load of No. 7 shot | rom the mith down. she was t3k- | facrio » paysiciass piry. Ss. of her body.! son. 10. per package. “t seriously ; ‘"gnam and 5 shat op: ento Rock ther. oiek 2 is paiofaty, out He Kept Fiis Leg. > vyoiv= vests ago 5 oA Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched bis ley witha rusty wire Ixfl:mma- tion and blood poisoning set ia. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged ampe one bottle of Fiec:ric Bitters and 13 boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and weil as ver.’’ For eruptions, ecz:ma, tet- ter, salt rheum, sores aod al! bicod @isordars Electric Bitters has no rivalon earth. Try them W F Hall will guarantee satisfac‘ion or refuud money. QOviy 50 ceote. “I used | zen ©f Savannah, Ga.. committei suicide by jumping overboard whie en route from ‘Savannah to New York. PUTN 4M FADELESS DYES are ht, washing and rab- oy Stimson & Ander | Fred Krist. who murd+reda wom : - jan, was elec: re cuted at Auburn. N.- Y., last week. : 4 ' i Releif in 241048 Hours. For Sale by W.F. Hall. . Anderson county, els have b-en completely defeated | night. S.C, Saturday He murdered a white wo- man. “One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but w:thout re- § lief. We then tried Ayer’s Cherry § Pectoral and three and one-half § bottles cured her.”?— Emma Jane § " Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly cures manycases j § whooping -cough, j winter coughs, night a Se Sl e is at Pe om De ee Ce e nn ee e ee en ee n na e ) ee e oe ak ee aa a be aa cna TE —————— I 4BE MASCOT | nye PUBLISHED WEEXLY —AatT— ONE DOLLAR A YEA A. D. Watts. Eprrok & Prop: ivTOoK i emer o Entereé at the Pstofice at State-vill NC second class mail matter. } ’Puone No. 35. aa ——<—<—<—<———————s ———— Opening Editorial Correspondence of Tae M gress are always impressive. ‘uission to the vailleries is always by ed wito Ermom WASHINGTON. of Congress—The Bonine | Triai—North Caroline Delegation —Blackburn and his Glories—Oth- er Matters. £cor. Wasbiogton. D. C.. Dee. 3rd , 1901. The scenes at the opening of Con- Ad- -ar@an@ tbe entire ouilding is pack people. Monday saw tbe unl ‘throng io the big bufding op je bil and the memoers and epators were besely d for tickets Watauga Hull Burned flames Do Eomcae pamage to the A. ang M Col- . lege News and Observer, 1st, Aten thovsand dollar econflagra tiop visited the A and M. College ‘ast night. : The Watauga building. in which was Jocated the dining hall acc kitehen aod dormitory room for fift. students caught afire al llp m ave was entirely destroyed The fifty students who were asleep in the building, were aroused, 2m‘ ebile every one escaped safely the. lost nearly evervthing they had. ihese fiftv students will be com re ivad of green appies every. day thes =venta few days here last wee! visiting relatives. viisou, daugh’er of Jefferson D. TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. — The Standard O:} Ompany ship. da car toad of 60 darre!s of ker ene oil here the first of the week. E. L Childersis shipping a cx geek. Mrs. E. A. Cooper, of Hickor» A L Beck and Miss Minnie D- vdsoa, were married bere Sunda, py Thos. A. Hudson, E-q. Mrs. L. ©. Stevenson, of Irede) HOME AND oats”? Whatadifference be- tween the grain-fed and the | grass-fed horse! CHILD Does your horse “feel his The first phys ui i ‘asient, 0st per t Siar and cican 13 to take is dangerous, ny ci way of keeping CANDY. CATHARTIC aaa What do you think of such useftl a ¢d hanc-cme articles as these ? strong and full of ginger, the second flabby, weak and tired out before he begins. The died te returns to their bomes 1s no accommaudation fer the 5, 1901 caine up iast week on a visit to re atives here and near town, returi ing Tuesday and taking ber mothe NN be galeries The floral Gecora Lele os cause there ie ee sos of the desks a the Senators them. They began to leave on Seu nes a9 agnifice would net be . = STAND BY THE S~HOOLS. vere magnificent ? inorning trains. C.. Lee Siaiesvitie Carving Sets, Pockets Knives. EAT °EM LIKE CAN G casant, Palatsble, Potent. Taste S Never sicken, Weaken, or on ear The free schoois thr uzbort the county are now in session and the reports so far seem to indicate at increased attendance. This isas it should be. The schools should en roll all the pupils in their respective districts, who have not finished the course of study taught in the free schools, Itis to be suppose that onlyearnest, faithful and com petent teachers have been em ploy lf this is so, then it behooves th teachers, the school committeemes acd the goed citizens of every com- munity to try te get every child % s:hool. Make the public sentimen in favor of education so strong, the those parents who have been keep ine their children at home will b forced co send them to scbool. Butthe duty of the ixtelligen patrons of the schools does not enc with the simple enroliment of th pupils. They should encourage th: teacher—teach the children to re- spect him and his authority. Let them understand that they are ex- pected to obey the rules he may ley down and that an appeal to them is, except in useless. Nothing hampers ateacker so muck and renders his work so vain as the interference of parents with the proper control of the sckool. Ther for years anc there is noneinow for any child’s no learning to read and write in thi- couaty except the wilful neglect o the parents to make their childrer go to school. The schools are oper. Let the children go. Stand by the teacher. Respect him and his work and the children will do so too. Le’ every citizen, of Lredell, unite in at earnest effort to hasten the day when there will not bea whit person in the county who can not, a! least read and write. roe The goveromeat crop report is- su-4@ Tuesday estimated the cotto erup at 9,674.000 bales aud on th strength of this cotton jumped u: S2abaleino a few minuces. Thi: almost 8 cent evtton, We do not pose as experts 9u imate of ashort crop Was «x pecieu aud we dv extreme cases, has been no excuse meaut cotrou this esl nob see WHY cOtbo: Sa-uid aot still yo bizter, ee epee center Whe Fifty-Seventh Congress—The Re- publicans Control by Govd Major 1ucs in Both Houses. Wastington Dispatch, 2nd. Wica tue veyinmiog of the Fifty- seventh onyres= at neon today thr national legislative body enteret upon an era of action which promis es to be one of yreat importance t+ the country. Otber Congresses 0 recent years bave passed upon ques tions of warand strife. This oa wilideal with issdes, the fruits 0 war, 00 less important and invois ing the every Gay marerial interest ot the cit:zeus of the United State and the weifare of other people whose destinies war has placed i their hands. lt isin parta new Congress. guvaiv preportion of fresh bioou was Infused mto it the recent elections. Representatives Coming direct irom the peopte wii be pres ent io voice the Wishes of their con stituents. At the same time there remain in both Senate and House practically the same number of olc leaders, Men oO: wide ex: erience it tegisiation, of thorough familiarity with the needs of the cvuatry anc the policies of the dominart party. lt would seem to be a commingling of conservatism and enterprise. _ the House hay a membership of 357, of whom 197 are Republicans. 15i cre Democrats aud 9 are fusion ists, silverites or_Populists. With this division the Republicans wouid buve a clear mujority over all ol 37 ia case the Pupulists voted with the Democrats on party questions _ the senate has ST memovers, there being at present three vacancies. ine Repubdueans witli kave a majori ty in the Senate varying from 2) tc 24, according to the way certain former Populists and fusionists vote and taking into coasideration the possibility of at least one Democrat yoling with the administration on national politics Yne pew members of the House nuwber 92, of whom 50 are Republi caus, 33 are Demccrats and 4 are fusionists, but who will prooably vore with the Democrats. Thus. not only is there a preponderance 1n bumodcrs of oid members of the House in the present body, but it happens that most of the infiventia) aud exXperieiC:d men ip DOTA parties Were re elected. ee Died frying to save Mer Child Beaufort Dispatch. 2nd. Att eGur Isiand, 40 miles east of Beautort, Saturday night, James Daniels, Who Was sleeping up stairs, Was wroused ody stifling iumes of smoke. He rusbea . duwo stairs, rouset bis wife. carrying ber and Oe CbuG trom Lae vuriiDy GWeliing. He relurbed jor aootber chid, and dis Wile, realizing that tbere were two children stil @ the A by surprised if the flowers found on their desk~ by Senarors that morning nuiti milliovaire erous office holders-be bas in the city cost $10 QUO, and probably wore She de-ks of the two Sonth Dakota Senator Clark, tb: from Montana. vere dreams of beauty The roses nd other flowers were of the costhi st varieties. There’s & suspicion 4 my micd that these and other jvators bought their own flowers, epator Pritchard's desk was liber icy decorated. suppese, by *he num sepators at d of rom the counties ‘“‘beyant tbe Our Senator Simmons’ j-sk was undecorated, as became he representative of the plaic » moerats of North Carolina. rdive The college will be seriously inter fered with, but the work of the im ~ itution will yo on The buildine caxercered in 1894 at a cost of $9,000 and was insured for $6 G00 Pne loss of property OY S’ udents aud furni-hings beloovioyg to the college vas fulty $1,000 if nob twice tha: amount, Bo b President Winsteo and Vr N.S Primrose, a memoer of tb Board of Prustees. announecd ths morping that the bul ding would ob» epullt at once. Speaking ofthe effect of the fire n ibe college President GT Wie ron said to & representative cf the News and Opserver: O: course. the opening day is mort a cresting in the House than in the -pate, for the Senate is always or anized apda new orgasizatioa of nae House is had every two years. iouday Speaker Henderson anc ‘her nominees of the Republican aueus were elected The Demv rats voted for Hon. Jas. D Rich rdson, of Tennessee, for Speaker ie will be the - Democratic leader ‘uring this Congress, as he was in ne last The House members drew heir seats Monday afternoon. ll uur North Caroiina Democrats fared ei) except Messrs. Bellamy and Thomas. Messrs. Blackburn and ioody got good sears on tbe Re ublican side. In. company with Hon. Claude itehin I attended the trial of Mrs gonine Monday morning. We got eats in the bar and within ten fee’ fihe prisoner. She oretty little blonde woman of be xeen 30 and 35 years, apparently. Ve heard the firsr witness infence. Sbe will doubtless be ac quitted. fhe H:norable E Spencer Black tude member from North Caro ‘na, and tn feet from f the sweilest of Wasulngtons swell co: fixias?’ comeio tor much ad miration from passers—O¥. Mr mong the Repuoditcaos He sradadlyv the f che House ue bandsomest in Conogress ergtors are still young men evgation they have sent since Line Gaeta yin 20 ve Allo tt aolity aud ali thei vitbout affix or suttix protbers und Mr Pou are especially iroag youvg men. rio of brighter or epreseatatives here. “a> are lawyers ol are straicvat They story of the immediate veil with his colleagues. worthy successor shigh the Demecrats of the new suramer, ~ save to Congress Tuesday. yours. Closer attention than usual vas paid to its reading in both sennte aod House. rative presentation of Republican southern question. Probdaoiy ‘lambasting’? Teddy has yn pecoun! of eating druner witha evro bas made hima littie “shy” of these questions. asual gush of Republican messages yoout “Sourbera lynchioys’’ and Spicuous LY Its absence, a 1t bas been more than eight years sinee the writer saw Washipyton and in that time many obeautitul ouiidieys fave been put up. The new libraay building is probably the most beautiful ouiiding in the world Phe Willard Hotel is one of band- some-t buiidmys of 1's kind in the country. One Senatoris paying $16 a doy fcr bisroom « here and boarding elsewhere. | This is bis regular rate for the Session. Tpis meruingone of the Senare doorkeepers accosted me as “Sena- tor Simmons. Iam stillsafe as 1] have not tuld the Semater about it yet. A. D Warts VN ee ae High Point is to bave a soap factory to be operated vy Davis Brus. - E E Raper, Esq.. of Lexington. is said to be a candidate for judge in this district to succeed Judge a. L Coble. A barn belonging to Thomas Hoover. of Steeie Creek. Mecklen burg county, was burned last Satur- dav. Several horses and cows per- ished in the flames. Governor Avenck has pardoned horse stealing in Surry county. He eseaped a nymber of .ears agn from an honest life since then in Wilkes eounty. et Rev Tt J: *tis was given a ver- die: of $15 000 against Dr Kilgo and Mr. Duke in bis damage suit at Oxford last week. The defendants house, in ber freazy resbed back |appealed. Thisis the second time into Ube Durning house and when {this ease has been tried The first | neigbvors arrived on the scene they|time Vr Gattis was given $20 00 fuuad Mrs: Danieis aud oue child burned to a Crisp, anotber child ex pected to die and Mr. Daniels 1ojur- have used Chamberlain’s Amorg the tens of thousands who Cough - ed, and bis mental condition such| Remedy for colds and la gripne dur- that ii is impossivle to vet the par-]|i9Z the past few years, to our knowl- uculars from bim. Ci the fire is unkuown. =— one of the His condition is} 426, not a single case bas resulted | Cousidered very serious. The causa] to ppermonia. Thos. Whitfield & ‘0.. 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, most prominent retail If you would bave an appetite jike| druggists in that citv. in speaking &@ Dear anda relish for your meais |< ff this, says: ‘We recommend take Chamberlain's Stomach and} Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la Liver Zabiets, They correc: dis- the jiver and bowels. rrippe in many cases, as it not only crders of the stomach and regulate | gives prompt and comp'ete recovery Price, 25) pu: also counteracts any tendency of G-ots. Samoplesiree at Stimson &|ia yriope to result in pneumonia.” Acterson’s druy store, For sale by Stimson & Aaderson, is rather a for the aro. of the “State of Wilkes, is the the entire Union. 8He sto; 8 at th» Raleigh, one votel, and bis bandsome face, figure Sackburn will take a good stand is hands: mest member ebe North Carolina delegation is Tae com— aratively aud we have avery young {ouse delegation—our Own member, de. Kiatiz, being theoidest wan ib Inwy j-dgment the BPemocrat- f ho State have the adiest ali-rounG Democrats The Ki coin No State hus a cleaner young will vase rauen of our North Carolina future, Our men.ber, Mr Kiuttz, is beyin- og bis second term, and be stands He isa of Robbins and \rmfield and Henderson, and he ce- serves the woapimoeus renomina: ion Hevht district will give bim next DB roacidant R cav ] - =e 7 President Roosevelt sent bis mes— lts ‘eadicg consumed more than two It was a conser— golicles without sensational features. A sivaificant omissivu was all refer— nee to the negro suffrage or the the received Anyway, tne * Scuthern election frauds” was cun- Mases “. Cass convicted in 1883 of | the penitentiary and has heen living! - Cf course the college will be se viously inconvenienced, aS prac vally the entire student body board od ip the building that was burned; Arrangements will be made in the eity for boarding students. The fifty young men who had quarters ia the burned building will have '0 re urn bome. We have no place for them, the other buildings belnz crowded to their utmest Itis a se vere loss, especially to those stu dents who lost everything m But for the herioric and vailant work of the s:udents the main build ‘og and the Hospital ouilding woulc have both g ve up ip smoke. It was only by the most skilied and coura geous efforts of the college boys tha the Hospital building was saved Che wind was blowing from the di- rection of the burning structure to that building and the tongued Hames almost lapped the intervening space. The fire was discovered by Frank Bailey the fireman and night watca man. about Li o'clock. The blaze was on the floor of the kitchen when the discovery Was mude and according to Bailey it was a faicly good sized diaze From all markable rapidity. Mr. Baiiey’s thoughts were fiest of the slumber iny students inside the college and be proceeded to arou-e them. was assisted by Cadet Weeks, woo was early on the scene Fhe stu dents were gobttep up iu quick tie, put the flames were devoursug the puiid:py at a rapid rate aud oglore thes hed hardly beyua the work ol saving toelr effeets they were fore ed te retreat. The flames shot up wards from the kitchen, which was only one story ia height and advane- ed to the second story of the troat part of the obullding, woere ti sicepipy quarter of the studects were « Gated Mheuiara was sent to Raleigh b aud urgent re qucsts Wee be fire department to Te The book and iadder truce svog ut pnoeoe made for spond and tbe hose Wagons Were the scene, The college is mile from the city limits course the fire departwent hittle a-sistance. fo tne students the greatest praise is due for their fearless and indefati vable efforts to save the ouridings Shey had to be restrained from en tering tae Ournin > building to save property, when it locked as though root would fall ino. Ove op tae Hospital building a httie band braved the Hames and with one strenm of water, which they playeo oy the structure to Keep it Wel, uo doubredly saved it from destruction They subjected themselves torscorch ins heat 2nd protected their persons with wet blankets. Mr. W.S Primrose thought orig inally that the ourtding cost $7 Oy9 out after refreshing his memory be was certain that it cost $9,000 Presi dent Winston thinks the loss will be nearer $12000 than $10,000 The insurance is 36.000 —" eo PeaceBetween the ColombianFa tions Colon Dispatch, tst, The terms of surrender ageed up pon at yesterday's conference heid on board the United States gun boa! Marie‘ta and at whick the command ing officers of the Marietta, of the British cruiser Tribune and a Frenct erviser Suchet; Lieutenant Com mander MeCres. of the Machias: Captain Berry. ofthe Lowa; Gene~ als Alban and Jeifries, representing the governmeut of Colombia. and Senor de La Rosam, who represent ed the Liberal party. were present, are briefiv as follows: Senor De Larosa argree to surren Jj der the Lib ral soldiers now at Color with their arms to Gaptain Perry at neon today; Captain Perry in his turn agreed to hand over these men and these menand their arms later in the dav to Generai Albon, who in his turn guarantees life and liberty to all menrecently in arms agains? the GConservitive government of Colombia The surrender of arms was to be bona fide in every respect At half past 11 o’clock this morn ing alarge number of marines and blue jackets from the Iowa, the Ma- rietta and the “tachias landed at Colonand pr ceeded to the burracks. Here the arms belonging to the Lib eral soldiers were taken over bv the Amer cansin the preserce of Cap ltain Perry the commanders of the warships above mentioned, the American. British and. French cov- isulsat Calon anda large concourse of propie, Who sympathized with the L berals in their surrender Later in th day. General Alban, baccompanied by officials oF the Con servalive government of Colombia arrived bere from Panama aud Se- | bor de La Rosa. representing Ger {eral Domingo Diaz, whose secretary he is. sprrendered himself and Lib ‘eral troops to the Conservative gen- ‘eral in the presence of Captain Pe- ry and the nava! aed consular off- cers above mentioned. t | T e Best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Cham>erlain’s Pain Balm and bound ‘to the affectod parts is superior to aoy plaster. Wheo troubled with lame back vr pains in the side or chest, give ita trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it af- fords. Pain Balm also cures rheu- matism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Stimson.& Ander- BoBe and oi was o! the descriptions it began uear the range in the kitchen and spread with rey He half a with her to spend the winter. R Z Linney, Esq., was at State- ville at the soldiers reunion last Br - day and among other matter in h address spoke 0 cne of Alexander soldiers being at the county bow aod orovgbta gift from some 0° suldier :o ths unfortunate one. The board of county commissic rs met Monday and transacted '' ysual routine Dusiness, Some pa’ ies were allowed to return poll ta wod one or two released. The dear <li meet again oo the 16h to set witb tbe sheriff and treasurer. Rev. Prof. J. A. White, of Ta iorsville Collegiate Lastitute, wa va ted to Winston Salem by telegram announcing the death of bis sister near there He will alsoattend th: Baptist State convention and vis?’ nis old home while there. W. A. Srevenson and Gero. S. Watts went to Statesville Monda: evening Mr. Stevenson has seve od bis connection with Lester I gram in the livery business and r yort bas it that he may take part i: , new drug company that is abou nuving out the Taylorsville Dru- o, and also that be may take a: ‘ther partner before the holida: are over. or Union Meeting of, Atcexandyer Sapus As-ociation The Alexander Association wi! hold anunion meeting at Macedoat enurch+ n December 27 29 The fo! towing program has veen sent THI ascor for publication. Ovenine sermon bv Rev. G J Gumgarner, Friday 27 at 1la.m The following topics witl be dis cussed 1 Our dutv to the poor—J. P vaitney and J M Shaver. 2 Harmonize Gat. 6 1 with 2 These 3 6—L P. Gwaltney and O A Keller. 3 Association Missions—L G walrrey and J. A. White. 4. Harmonze Rom. 725 with I- Tae. 3 9—J. A White and D W P oo} G P Toon 10 11—J L. Davisand W J 8B mzarner. \ fail attendanee of all the mi rreand messengers is desirable D. W Poot L P GWaLTNEY > Com O.A KELLER How to Cure C oup R Grey. wbo lives sear Am 1 Do ciess coun’ y, N We ‘ hamoeriain’s Couga Rem dy ie best medicine I bave ever usec i: asa fine children’s remedy f> ‘roup and sever tails.to cure Vien given as svon as the child b comes hoarse. or even after tb ecoupy cough has developed, it wii srevent the attack. This should b yerve in.miedand a buttle of tb ‘ough Remedy kept at band read or instaut use aS Svon as thes ymptoms apvear. For sale 0 3 im-sou & Anderson. Mr Sas\- James Wilcox, was arraigoe: Cuesday on the che rge of abducune iy Netie Cropsy on Nuvemover 20. He was heid for the yraud jury ut jer a bond or SLOVWW. Lbere is toteu ee felling agaiust bim end itis De- eved be knows more of Ube Missiu; ziri than be will tell. No ciue ba- yet been found of Miss Cropsey No one can reasonably hope tov ZOuU Dea@ilD unless Dis buWels move vuce each day. Waoen tbls is no. attended co. disorders of the stomacu atise, Oliigusuess, beadaCcac, dyspep sia aud piles soon totiow. If you wist tuavuld these ailments Becp youc bowels reguiar vy lakia;, Juamovriain s atumach aud Live: tablets Wheo fequired bey are ov easy bo Lake duu Ind aud peuli in effect. Fur saie bY Stimisvn & Audersun. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use BUCKINGHAM’S DYE {hiskers 50 CTS. oF DauaaisTs, ORR. P. Matt & LO-- Nasnua, NH. Feed Your Go Ir wifl prove the best in- vestment you can make Just receiyed a car load Cotton -:- Seed -:- Hulls 100 Bags Cotton Seed Meal and wiil bave in on to mor- row a car Cotton Seed Mixed Feed in 100 Ibs. bags. This is bulls and meal mixed in the proper proportions and is a most excellent feed. We also have Wheat Bran and Ship Stuff. If your cows will not eat thes feeds then you aeed to buy a package of our Light- ning Cattie Powders, Wil- bur’s Seed Meal or Sheri- dan’s Condition Powders. These will bring the appe- tite and put all your stock in proper condition. COOPER & GILL: feeding makes the difference. One is rosy, bright-eyed, ful. of life and laughter, another i pale, weak and dull. Thetfeec ing again is responsible. feeding. oats”. Scott's Emulsion adc just the right richness to thei diet. Itis like grain to the horse. appetite and strong digestion. than food. medicine. It .rouses up dull children, puts new flesh on thin ones and red blood into pale ones. It makes children grow. steai--boted-<aMs per Pushel:- «+ Scott’s Emulsion makes ordi- | ee ville township Alexander county. 5 Harmonize Heb. 13 2 witn 2 thence North L Children are not alike either. Sickly children need speci They don't “feelthe: The child gets new Scott’s [Emulsion is more It is a strong nary food do its duty. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every, bottle, Send fcr free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, H yoo Pearl St. New York. soc and $1. all druggists. Sale of Land. 8Y VIRTUS of the powers contained in a <7 mortgage mndwif toQ. L. f | | | Tallow | { \Guinas each 1 + ' @eed executed by Lerov Lowrance | Little and duly registered in, | he register of deeds’ office of Alexander county. | ye nadersig te tk ia) sistrator of wail Oo & ittle, decea~ed. willsell to the highest bidder “ap cash nt pub Ie auction at the court house | loor in Taylorsville, Alexander county XN, MONDAY JANUARY 6T 4, 1902 vw r2o0’clock mm. an undivided one-ralf interest . the following d sbribed land in Tavlers- and bounded Beginning on a persimmon. EK. warke'’s corner. and rns south 9 poles to an Nd field pine; thence South 2° degrees Fast 18 voles tou Stake and stone, thence South 76 de- vrees Kast 36 polesto a stake in Deal's line; 20 degrees Fast So poles to a stone in the west sige of the mounts thence Fast - poles 10 a stake in Marshall A farsnall’s line North 34 poles to a stake in sector's line: thence as Rec line West to yo} stoa stake, his corner, theuce North 104 oles to A Stone, Kector s corner; thence West 07 olesto a mople near A. P Jouw's sprigs rence North 25 poles ton stake: thence South a degrees West -5 po'es to a pire: thence sonth »degrees Weht 35 pole<to a St»ke inthe road; nenoce South 744 degrees East 14 poles to a stake nthe road; then ¢ Seuth 43 pres te the branch + the ford thence with the old road crossing <¢ branch and with E Burke’s line t> the be rivning . comt+ ining 166 acres, more oF Tess cing a one half interest in a@ the jand bought » RP. Matheson fiom H.C.T A. Geo, F nd ¥. J. @oone, as will appear by reference to evdsmadeto k P, Ma heson by them and rom him to said 'owrance and wife. rhis November 26h, 1901, y K LITTLE, Administrator of Q L, Little. mortgagee on is follows: ors Christmas Is Coming Look in my window and you il be sure-of it Come in and examine mv stock and get your holiday pres- ens before the rush Quality ard price of every article is right. Rickert, The Jew eler. j \ | | \ \ ¢ box. Write for free feat KEEP YOUN BLOOB th. Addres 3 RUNG RUMEDT COMPANY, CHICAGO or SEW YORS. GLEAN Impoitext Notice, provisions and All of ou: who owetts for goods. hast come and setile. votes were due >¢ vesmber 1st. We uee @ the money and mean to collect It if we can. 7 he ipplies to al] whoowe vs with | Ho exceptions cres-ties on phe Tavicrsvilie Kespectfelly, BRALTOREK ONS. pew ~tirlin, 33. fertilizers Le wast to buy na “estern roads This Sov 21st 140s White's Sewing Machines. Cole’s Air Tight Heaters. - to sell gocds. Evans Hardware Company Riek’s Steves ard Ovr prices #re tude Come it and sce us. 7 te erin 3 Wheet Wan ed. WE wantall the whest forsale in this section of the State. Will give Use ter all prime milling wheat. ce ts b fore selling z STATES. iLLE FLOUR MILLS, Nov, 21-1601 Statesvilie, NC. STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARXE™ e CORRECTFP BY COOP&Ri& GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. All produce in good demand. BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY, Cabbage, per B. .« Extra flour—sack . . vamily “sack unbolted, 48 bs ** 5 ie “new Corn—old new...- Qats—32Ihs. eo a Peas—ciay.. 2+ ++2e re mixed Potatoes—Irish oe Sweet Qnions—select, per bushe cy On s RN S ? s1 y ne Ra d Beeswax Hens—per tb Roosters per hb... --- Chicken—Spring—small— “ “ large ‘ Turkeys—per B....-- Ducks es nn an Sa s h Geese... 22 eee eee ° Butter—Choice yellow a Fair eo Honey—strained, per B. . - “ Feathers—new . . Hides—dry, per Bb. “ green Wool—washed ... Soe Apples—dried—quarters, bright. . . “ “bright sliced fanev bright sliced. . “ “ extra“ eae green—per bushel. - Peackes—pecled, peignt “ “ “ pce es a . extra ground, per. .... ™m ae Sides — Shoulders ... 14 ie 1oO STaTESVILLE COTTON MARKET STATESVILLE, N c. Dee. 5. 2902, “trict Good Middling tood Middling Middling Tames ol Stains. as iin Market firm Re-Sale of Land. RY VIRTUE of a decree of the Snperior court of Iredell county, made i: the special pro- ceeding entitied \ W | harpe and wife, Sallie Charpe, and others agairst A ©. Rarnard undersigned as commissioser of said court will on a. © SATU’ DAY. DE EMBER 28TH. roor. re cell for cash at publicauction to the highest Miunie Parnard. deceased township, in Imdelt counte av. lvable tract of la d belongingSto the estate of said Miunie Barvard, adjoini-g C C- Tharpe and others. containing 24acres more or less. Said land will be sold for partition among the heirs-at-law .f Minnie Barnard deceased. The sale will open atthe advance bid of | urtis Cox for the sum of one hundred and seventy-nine and thirty hyndcedth dollars ($179.30). This November 28. 1901 = J B Connelly, J. E THARPE, Attorney Comunissioner. If You Need Fire, Life, Accident or Health ---Insurance--- 5S Brown & Guy, INSURANCE HEADQTARTER Offiee: Socond Floor Rank Buliding . TOBACCO -:- PLANTERS WILL TAKE NOTICE that I am now in charge of the PLANTRRS’ WAREHOUSE at Statesville. There is an active demand for ieaf and it will bring high prices this season—is already selling much bigber than for severa! vears. The Warehouse has Good Accommodations For Rian and Beast and I will use every effo-t to make the leaf sold on my floor bring the highest marker price. A.G MATLOSE., Auctioneer. or, 22 1901 If You “ant a — Tat Coms and Lets of S H.C. Gaither, Prop. Planters’ Warehouse. As, Slick. high’spirited horses that can stand work. Chickens that will keepin gocd kealth and lay lots of eggs. Feed Pratts Food. We keep it in stock from T5e. bags to 10%. cartons. Barron 2 Nicholson Broad Srrees. . Grocers, Statesville. N. C Ville House urnishing Co hss purcha--d the Schiller-Lubin stock of Furniture and is selling the same at COST for cash New Furniture of the Latest ani Best Patterns is being received daily direct from the facto- ries. Come and see us before you buy. Statesville House Furnishing Coa,; B O. DEITS, Meuoger. the bidder on the premises at the late residence of ju Fagle Mills impress you?” line Oyercoats. low competition. |you money. | hy f ny. Do you wear Clothing ? If so, it is your attention we want, and i neans a positive saving ¢ struck it rich this season In our purchases, Found a marvufacturer changing bis business and closed out a big lot of stuff for less than manufac:urers’ cost. All Wool Suit for $5.00 Would be cheap at $7 50 Big Hats. Shirts. &c., at®prices be Verv truly, Sloan Glothing Co. Statesville, N. C. x Clothing. of cash to you. We How does 2 good &_ = Come to see us, will sav A Warm Reception warm footwear. will give us a call. Our Arctics, Storm Alaska or made from Jersey cloth and fleeced lined. Thereis great comfort in t aud for this season of the year you will need som af the kind at least two thirds of the time. providing yourself with prices will not prevent your buying. We will prove this assertion if you Awsgits any lady or gentleman who will place their feet in a pair of Storm Gaiters, ing Head off the next cold by good warm and serviceable overshoes Our Remember our stock of RUBBER BOOTS ard SHOES is the most complete in town. Sloop & Miller, The Shoe Men. M. K. STEELE, President. Guardian and Receiver. uct. 24, 1901, Tom Pe POSTON BROS. ou have beard so much talk about, in additicn we have the Kangaroo Shoes—soft and easy to wear and as solid as can be made. Elkin Jeans and Blankets, Larry C. Lawrenee: a LADIES COATS and NECK PTR We have just rece’ved a pretty line of Ladies’ Three Quarter Lenz ih, Curved back Coats in the newest shade of Tan These Garments*Fit Beautifully And Correct in Every Respect. We also offer in connection: with the above a pretty line of Ladies’ medium price Neck Furs. in black and dark »rown. make a nice Christmas present. Any of these would Call and see the new things we are offering. Yours very truly, ® N. B. Mills & Company. P. S.—10 lbs Good Seed Tick Coffee for $1 00. Ev@ENE MORRISON, D. M. ATSLEY Vice Pres. Sec. & Treas. Statesville Loan & Trust Company, STATESVILLE, N. C. CAPITAL, $25,000. DIRECTORS; M. K. Steele, Eugene Morrison. Dr. W J Hill. J Alspaugh, E. Clark, A. B. Saunders, D. M. Ausley. This Company transacts a general bankin check. makes collections. issues drafts, certi H..Wycoff,c. M. Steele, T. L besiness Receives money on deposit bject to cates of Geposits, etc. We solicit the ts of corporations, firms and individuals. We shall be pleased to hear from those contemp! ing changes or opening new accounts ful attention. with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and prudent baaking. No accounts too small to receive courteous welcome. SAVINGS Dr PARTMENT. Three per cent alluwed on Saving Deposits. compounding quarter! Deposits of 25 cents and over ma TRUST DEPAaRTMENT— All business intrusted to us will receive prompt U r ‘ on amount«cf ¢ be wade in this department daily dur ing business how: ‘e are authorized to act as Trustee, ACmipistzstor. INSURANCF DEPARTMENT—Policies written in first class fire insurance compani LOST DOG His name was Jack. Stolen last Christmas and can’t get pack. White setter, medium sixe. black spot on back and over left eve. Those knowing the value ofa well trained dog, return to my office.and received reward. Great Guns. Are the Martins Repeating Shot Guns, $24 00 ceived a new lot. repairs. Call and examioe my stock. Just re- Also a complete line of shells avd gua W. H. COFFEY. ee Low Prices ena Good Values We are offering now our sec»nd lot of those water proof SHOES Woman 5 Caps and Hats for the holiday trade. Bring us your peas and wool. corn and wheat “i which we will pay you the nichest, =a market prices. Verv truly,; _» Poston Bros. = Ceurre-Bo; BvucervAss § . 6:9 The Foreigb Missi i -esbyterian 4 =, W. R. M of copsumpliv 2 be = day There will Berbichem schov pow ns2tP, ae a The puvile 1s CUFON tend. Worth Martin, prougnt vo jaii las non Grove 1 charged with lard preaking- The sates at the bere Jast me Spirits, = cigars, > Potai ofive low=- > Sic “V5 ry, 315 34 J. Wilson. » shop bere Som here from High P. wil! move bis fam sovn as he Can get Leaf tobace? is prices this fail tba There 1s a good 4 and the Statesvil ing the very top The cottage wi building vear UD church is pearing will be occupied sister, Mrs. Eato' »g “corr Fouress ie + W Hliams & ©. lied, B vi sriepce WILD re Billie M officiate at of dee afternoon. Tbe were John Fran O.a May Gates. ster rez The toliowing Tuesday mghi 9 next 1erm: S P Tunstall, sen Herry, junior treasurer; C J- J. C. Cloer, ¥ ville township. a: the jast of tb been living in D previous to las turned to Ire near Ennis thi Invitations @ themarriage 4 jauyhter of M Arey, of Cham and Mr. Ed. Le event will tale the bride on D The Baptist in session at Rev. and Mrs Miss Cora Bro Tuesday and Turner and W day. Theresa gates from tne How about Winter with i ing weather W most of our failed to bring us have some baxter. Wed green or dry. Tuesday ev to J. B Park er Hill and jumped on Stevenson, near the sto got away buy and killed. thought the Two soming Two plea for early dat these will ta! December 1: the music a On Thurs¢ Harrison, 0 lecture on To this an 2 willbe cha to the colle son who fill Davidson is plished E South and t been highly delivered. Home Frog James | the Tredell the burnin the A and seeons fir Clinard, of lek of Ne fire Jiw When he eompanic uniform bicycle on out carr also carri lick was not wait er pitche the wind three bo turn afte iest last chanical say Jim” very lit Fred tawba S ny ae h d a d s \> a. \ \ SS N S ) \ in this ethir g yd by Our if you en. i saz MASCOT {Can eorth 7 70 bere today. veht eks until Christmas. ows had an ‘‘oyster lodge Monday night. and J. E. Tharpe are tt cottages on south - saat ) Monday night will ro wheat, ALY. which is is, of Concord towaship :o move to Arkaasas » year. & “ons shipped a car machinery last Sat- isuieburg, Ala. -seauisin RP. Alli- vptil after Cbristioas. work this week. thern is selling a seven pticket to Charleston tu five Gay ticket as stat wwe. the cigar manufactur ved from the Bank buiid- mminthe Mott buildiag & Phifer’s store. reigh Mission society of the '-osbyterian church will meet ~ W. R. McLelland temer- rovoen at 3 30 o vivck. W. Deuylus, for many wister of d+-ds for Yadkin lied in Yuoukinyille satur- jsuinplion al toe age of 52 {bew public debate at schovi house, Shiloh next Wedsesday natyht. cin eordiaily invited to at- Martin, Colored, to jali lasw Sacurday Grove towusQlp. with larceay aud Was from He is house- ues at the internal revenue ‘relast mouth were as foi- Spirits, £39,100 27; vovaeco, 7-36: cigars, 331 40; ducumenta 3+ Potal S40 997 62. Wilson. who opened a tailor ere Sums weeks az’, bas Come ‘om High Pant to live asd sve bis family here just as as be can vet a house. ‘ ftobaceo is bringing higher + this fail thao il Oas for years. ‘tsa good de nand forall grades : rhe Statesville buyers are giv- che very top of the market. cottage which A. Turser is iy uear the Second Baptist is nearing completios. It - occupied by Mr. Turner's Mrs. Eaton, of River Hui). crrison bas gone to ~.i23 s work for Templeton. ~& wo. Mr. Morrison is a naving had $ or 9 years - with rolier mils in States . Billie Mills was called up ut marriage ino the office Sa urday m. The contracting parties John Franklia Cox and Miss . Gates. of Rowan county. tate ab a ot deeds llowiog officers were elected lay might oy the Masousfor toe erm: S. L Park , master;W nstall, senior warden; K. W junior warden; J. H. Wycoff, -or: C J. Jones, secretary. ° J. C. Cloer, who lives in States- - 1ownsbip, will go back to Tex be iast of this mouth, He had ep living in Texas for eight years previous to last spring whea he re “sedto Iredell. He will locate near Eunis this time Invitations bave been issued arriage of Miss Lola yter of Mr. and Mrs. vy. of Chambersburg to Arey, BE £ township, and Mr. Ed. Long, of Eimwood. The event will take place at the home of - bride os December 17th, The Baptist State Convention is in session at Winston this week Rey. and Mrs Edw.S. Reaves and Miss Cora Brown left for Winston Tuesday and W. G Lewis, J.C. Turner and W. A Thomas Wednes- There are several other dele- tes from the country. How about that load of wood. Winter witb its bed roads and freez- ing weather will seoa be here ard =t of our wood subscribers have failed to bring in their wood. Let us have some wood—the sooner the baxter. Wecan use oak or pine— green or dry. Just bring it along. 2is> cay fa Tuesday evening astray dog came tod. B Parks & Co.’s store at Riv er Hill and after acting strangely jimped on another dog. Evbert Stevenson, who was on his horse near the store, shotat the dog. It wot away but was finally overtaken and killed. Someof those present thought the dog was mad. -—— Twe soming Events at the Cclilege. Two pleasant events are booked for early dates at the College. Une of these will take place on Friday night, December 13 and will be a recital by the music and elocution pupils On Taursday Dee., 19 Dr. ba Harrison. of Davidsou will deliver a lacture on Hamler ia the cnilege ball To this an admission fee of 25cen's bbe charged—the proceeds to be to the college library. Dr. Harri son who Gills the chair of Eaglish ar Davidson is one of the mogy accom plished English scbelars in the South and this lecture on Hamlet has been highly spoken of, whenever. Qelivered. —_——__.———_- Home From the A, and M, Jame the Tredell county ne burning of = Watauga the A and M. Jim roomed on -ond floor Ramsey isthe enlv one o bevs affected b 1 \ | } that it was less ing friends in statesviile t} reel. o | | { day from a week’s visi’ to C BRHSONALS. : aN ALS VHE REUNION LASF ERIDAY. Mrs. R. F. Burton. of % here Saturday shoppin Mrs. W.R Strouperetur ‘ Brief Speeches by Ex-Congressma Linney and Dr. Weston. - List Friday was a cold day out a goodly vumber of Confederate vet- erans—ebsut 100—vathered here for reunicn. Some familiar faces Miss Emma Elliott has & Mr. Morr’s Caldwell, of Davidson. ‘ent showed the effects ing years. | Atl o'clock the public exercises {in ‘he court house were commenced with a prayer by Rev. J. H. Pressly. ‘Capt, P. ©. Carizon then iatroduced :Hon. R Z Linney, of Taylorsville, , who spoke in his characteristically happy manner forashort time. In j the course of his remarks he men {tioned the fact that Alexander coun- iy had furnished 600 soldiers for the | Confederate service; of these less of the pass- day. Mr. Frank L. Robbins, of bury, spent Saturday and here. B F. Long, Randolph week. Mr. C S. Tomlin is north week for bis firm, Ramsey, & Bowles. Mr. P. C. Gray spent severa! days | with his parents near last week. Satis Sunday Esq-, is court at attear at 2ttendiog Ashboro this this Poemlin homes. Of those who survived not one has ever been charged with a fe- . ; lony and only one has ever been tak Mr and Mrs RB B. Leiaster left}en care of by thecounty. While the Sunday morning for their vew bome} record of the veterans is so good, at Rockfish. — the enor of their fallen com- ees ; trswmad tee | Pades is equa ly so, as. only one of A los Renin Wie ee "them has ever applied forthe double Care ~ eee ance given to widows by the |State. At the close of Mr. Linrey’s | remarks Rev. J. A. Weston, D. D, 1c | | Mooresville | Mr. Eugene Grohe, of Was who was raised here, has town this week, »f Hickory—“ajor Weston of the . S A.—was introduced aud made jw telling talk, replete with informa Sack | tioa of tuterest to the old soldiers ; jand tbeir younger friends as well. | His defence of the North Carolina Ox-|troops at Gettysburg, where the has been thg guest, Miss Mary | gallant brigades of Lane and Scales furser this week. | stood their ground for some after Gon end Mice WE, Niche! | Pickett’s men had withdrawn, was Derita, spent several days wi atives here last week. _ Miss Gertrude Wood leit yester day fer Asheville to visit er, Jas. H. Wood. Miss Bertha May far Hicks, af Areal a jstrongly and aptly put. vee") Dr Weston’s — talk ended the (speech making, Niss Virginia Dare Pone { : Fancy Hill, went to Durha | week to study music. Misses Julia Webb aad Edna Tur ner returned vesterday from a of iast Capt. T. M. C. Davidson formed the veterans in [ne ey marched by twos «tothe farm- »warehouse where dinner was visit | waiting for them. é ‘ : to Daxidson aad Moorescil | The business session took place in f }the court house. Plans were set ov } Mrs. J H. Wood,. of Asheville. | foot fora big reunion next summer came down last week and spon! -}apd a subseription of $25 was made eral days here with reiatives itoward the monument to the Coa- Mrs. H N. Johnston and Yrs | federate dead. B. Houston. of Mooresville, Phe last thing on the program bere this week visiting relatives. ee the ‘aking of the picture of the old soldiers #rouped in front of the then and Misses Mary H. Rankin and Daisy | court house. bel Pharr. of Mooresville, were in ) , 100 , THE Mascor has a list of those in Statesville last Friday shopping. this wroup which only the lack of space prevents our publishing this Mr. W. A. Kerr, «who now lives week, pear Salisbury was in town Monday. Mr. Kerr formerly lived near Trout- man. — oo Methodist Ministers on the Move— Otmer Church News. Rev. M. A. Smith closed his four years work here last Suuday morn- ing at whieh time he preached his farewell sermon in the First Metho distchurch, He and his family left yesterday evening for Greensboro where be will begin bis work with eutenary church. He hepes ¢o e | ould a new church and a parsonage in his new charge. Rev. H. K. Boyer, the vew pastor of the First Mecbodist church was Miss Laura Avery, of Moryantop came down last week to see her sis- ter, Mrs. P. B. Chambers, wh quite ill. Mr. avd Mrs. Frank B 3 eameupfrom Concord las! w spend a fewdays with Wrs. McK ne’s relatives at Turnesburg. Miss Mamie Robbins.of New York, stopped bere Monday a‘tern mn on ner way to New York from 5 vland » Was weve missed and some of those pres- | lthan half jived to return to their} (house, $1.95; J. A. HE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. . Bitls Ordered Paid and Other Mat- ters Attended to. The count, eommissioners met io their regular session Monday aod! . Tuesdav and :rausacted the follow |. ing business for the gounty: Jeii—D. C Thompson, bearding , ‘prisoners. $7170; J ™. Deaton! ‘conveying prisoners, $7; N. R Tua-| l stall, drugs,.$4 20. Country home and | ipaupers, S. B Christy, Jabor, $4;, Agaes Casky, temporarv relief, $1; | | Poston Bros. supplies. $8 42 WeDou- vaid & Heath supppies $30 13; Kerr & Karcher, livery, 25 50; N. R. Puan- stall, drugs, $338; Sallie Ledwell, {temporary relsef $3 and $4, per quar jter, J. L. Wagner, agt.; Stokes | Ward, temporary relief, $9; Star better than - The United States Gov- ernment Report shows Roya Baking Powder to . be stronger, purer and any other. ‘Show Case Co.. caffin. $2; B. E. Weisner, coffin. $27D-itz & Trout- }man, smithing. $1 20; Ed. McCorkle, colored. was ordered received at county home when delivered; D. C. Thompson, burrying Jno Walker, colored, $4 2Zoads and bridges.—J. C. Rose- man, laumber $1; J. By- Angle, mater; ial and work $82; N. T. Summers, labor and lumber, $4; W. E. Morris- on, materialand labor, $10; Rose- man & Nash, lumber, $110; L. C. Wagner & Co, lumber, $2 50; W. H. Adderhoidt, lumber, $1.36, Miscelaneous—R B. Jally; inter- est, (court house fund) $61 80; J, H. Wveoff, summoning jurors, etc., $3390; R BP. Allison, stationery, $4.60;J U. Lamprecht, labor at court house. 50 cents; J L. Cowan, livery, $3.50; ascot Printing Co, supplies, $6 75; W. F. Hall, sundries 20 cents: W W. Turner, clerking for board, $52 80 cents; RO Deitz; repairs at court house, 50 cents; Walker Evans and Cogswell, books, $926 Z M Board, janitor, $20: city of Siatesville. light, $1899; HF. Lony, trip te Mooresville $10; Me Dougald & Heath, oil for court Brady, blanks, 37,10; H. F Long, salary, $20; T, M c. Davidson, milage ete, $11.20; M. K. Steele, milage, $1320; J. A. Black, milage, ete., $l6—ali for quarter ending Dec 2 1901, Armfisid & Turner, attornevs, 3100 for vear ending Dec. 1. 191. Retail licenserwas issued to D. J. Williams. A public roadin Coddle Creek townsbip from the Sumrow place to Mooresville was ordered op- ened. A petition was presented for a public road from near where the Lewis ferry road -crosses Buffalo Shoals creek through the lands of Mrs Sallie Stewart, H. LS. Lollar and others to Lo ar’s Ferry. Mrs. Mary Davis was givep a re- bate of $850 on account of the de- struction of her mill. D. W. Harm- on was transferred from Sharpes- burg t> New Hove township In the matter of the improvemeat of the county bome, afrer giving the matter careful consideration the Sunday afrersoon Prank K-odall, of Shelby, was shot and killed in- stantly by the dischirge of an ‘*un- loaded’’ pi-toi which be and his friend, Tee Pope were handling. Both young men were expioyed in the telephon: office. Archie Conley was guilty of mur- der inthe first degree at Salisbury court last Saturday for kuling Gus Davis. Jiucksre Coble sentenced him | to hang au Vebruary 20. Conley’s counsel in appeal, Both par- ties are Gor ; J. F. Sbannon shot Beverly Huen colored, three times in Charlotte Thursday are linemen of the} Bell Telephone Co. and Huen attack- | eG Shannon with’ his metal spurs. Itisthourht Huen will die. T> 14} 0th is all to wi pe ae 31 2) Paz Shoes. year whe with dry feet ? Don’t fai} to call for our All Woo ma ¢ onchange ict this line and wi facturers’ ‘A Great Shee Secret them cheerfully and we will fit you the price. leatber dress shee. same as solid ‘eather schcel shees worth $2 60 -saatry frevS must uot forget the Eikin Home made Why bay taree or four pairs of shoes for your chiléren every - one pair of the Eikin Home made will take them through COMPLETE LINE OF DRESS GOODS. Clothing Department. fay more heavy Winter Suits and Overcoats we are Come at once and get a nice suit at half price. Sherrill-White Company. An Erizabeth City dispatch of the Ist states thatthe excitement there is unabated over the disappearacce of Nellie Cropsey. Nothing has been heard of her. The Pasquotank river has been dra,zged several times The feeling against young Wilcox, ‘'whosaw her’last is intense. The rewards for her recovery and coa viction of those implicated amount to $900 Jno. Justice, aged 72, died atthe Soldiers’ Home in Raleigh Motday Company C., Forty Seventh Regi- ment. Burglars broke into the store of N B Ervin at Pineville last Friday night, but were frightened away bes / fore they secured any booty. herrill-White Co. to be pested on the ins and outs of pertaining toa shoe If you come our store we will tell you all about th the finest shoe you ever kad for Think of reat soft, solid Gcur com- itors sel] for $2.00. fer $1.50 Bov's 1 Jeans, Elkin Blankets, Carpets. il close out what we have atmapnu- One more and tk$ last big cut in Sewing Machines In order to close out this line in the near future I will give you the best Machines in the world at about the price in carload lors. The celebrated Wheeler & Wilson $55 Macbine only 325; the 360 Machine $30. and all others in proportion. Come quick the few I have left will not last loag. A large third shipment this fsll of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s HEAVY WINTER SHOES Just in, Men’s tap sole, high cut. all leather Alaskas. $1 15, worth $1.50; atl others in same proportion. Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes. Ready made Clothing, Hats, Caps, ; ete. all of which I am selling at see ne wholesale prices. and will fatary Motes Save You 25 Per Cent. : RP. on any of them. . 28 : During the war he was a member of : aa If you want the most stylish trimmed Ladies’ Hats you ever wore visit my millinery department. J. M. Wilhelm. In connection with my Book and Novelty stock I carry Lames, Glass and Tinware. q ually, E Crockery of all Kind. And can save you money on any of these lines. store is headquarters for Holiday - and - Christmas - Goods, In this line A will show the largest and most compiete line ever shown in Statesville, and I call the merchants of the country at- tention to my wholesale room. Yours truly, R. P. Allison. Book and Novelty Store. Also my commissioners Gecided to leave the whole matter to Capt. T. M. C. Dav expected last evening. His wife Mrs P S ‘lorrence and dauzhter, | d three cbi.dreu will come with | Miss Katie Torrence, sprar :. wre His pices daeeneer mae re: | Thursdav bere. They went eg | weatn to Greeusboro at the Greens- here to Mooresville where they are | 90F° Begale Collexe. : Rev. Jno. A. Scott preached for Rev. ©. M. Richards last Sunday} now living. Rev. R. D Sherrill, who morning, while Mr. Richards preach- edfor Rev. W. R. McLelland located at Morganton pex' ae was here last week on a Visi! Bethany. Mr. Richards filled his mother who lives near town. own puipit at the First Presoyteri Sherrill was at Marion jast an church Sunday evening During Mr and Mrs. J H. MeLe!! ihe past thirteen months 102 mem Newton, who came down Th: bers bay >eea added to this caurca. wiving day and spent several days Rev. 5 PD ws left jas: Sat with Rev.and Mrs W. R McLel- urday for Reidsviiic and Rev. J. M. ‘and, have returned to their homes. Seok ae the new pastor for West Hod Methodist churca, is expected Mr. A. H. Matheson and here today. er. Miss Lula Matheson, ot Rev. Edw. S. Reaves left Tuesday ville arrived bere Saturday for Winston to attend the Baptist a few days with Mr. and Sirs State Convention. Mrs. Reaves Matheson. Mr. Matheson accoumpauied him. From Wiaston te Taylorsville Monday avd they will go to Fiorence. S. C., to Lula will return this week. attend the South Carolina State ers convention. They will be absent RECO CO oo ere rece oe two spaces ee ma re no ae -. «.+{| vices at the Baptist church Sunday, Oe acne Sn vir. Reaves eeceals had a cail passed away when Mortimore Watts ce Seren ad Seis Carolina Murdock died at his bome near Out oe Das aes an e to accept yet. et Sera ot ae aeeeeea Rocky Springs last Thursday at S "| py anksgiving Day Generally o'clock. He had passed £0Ut ed. Business Susp-nds SOR Se DNS eee es a Thanksgiving was generally ob- death 86 years, 10 im oa 2 served fast Taursday. Almost all days old. Until12 months ago be|/.” papufacturing aud business was a hale and bearty old main Dut}. .es were closed and every body eons eater ne aa Look a holiday. Most of the men the grip from which he nes es and boys went huuting. Those who recwered. A month belvre Dis | Jove in town were not on the streets death ke began to fail rapidiy and) jy vices at all the churches were continued to sink until theend crme. | i srrended. These services — SS oa Seas y ae “" | were as follows: Trinipy charch dF Iredell. “now Alexander, “cou Sbannonhouse. Collec: After@ards he moved to Sharpe's township where be was 2 suecessful farmer. He was married three times; the first two wives were Lackeys and cousins, bis third wife, who was Mrs. Mary Taompsou still living. Ove son by fis She is the guest of Mrs B F Lorg anks lnught- Paylors- t »sperd Car} Observ- nis county. at Charlotte. First Presbyterian by Rev. C. M. Richards. Collection, $31.80 for Bariums Ovbans’ Home. Fi'ss Methodist by Rev. J. E i Thompson. Collection, $15 for Ox- ford Orphan Asylum. idiy at3 vit » och, died a : : st ees ovis a | Sspeciate Reform Presbyterian during the war. Three sons by bis | DY_"2Y J. H. Pressly. Cotlection, second wife survive They are g, | 824,62 for Hickory Grove Orphan- K. “Jurdoch. of Statesville, and T. ar sos reoea naNe a— S F. and W. M. Murdoch, of Alexan- irst Baptist Oy tev. . 5. Zhe aoe : Reaves, Couilection for Thomasville “aS : ; Orphanage $25 5 Hopes: hon jee en ° essere helpful to: ,Baobl, J. Korn also conducted ser- ve hel pfu oe cS his community. He was a simple, | yices at Temple Emanuel. : earnest Ch istian ide the feos Society, of the Sec- oe ene. fold Salem Presb erayian }ond Baptist church also raised $8,70 hea = efficient famertia i. OE the Thomasvilie Orpbanage. Sapna : a cceuicsninere conduct | fae poor of the city were remem- tek Rock “Se rings ES Satur- | ered by their more fortunate neigh- Aas onic by Re ate ES lyors and the spirit of good will was Goerry aod J. T. Bagwell and tne: abroad daring the day- oody jaid to vest in the pro d} there. Where Your Friends Have Moved. Rev. A.J. Johnson Dead. ; Rev. J.Johnson, presiding elder of ‘sie Northern Methodist church, Hall at ly have moved from Mr. A A the of the build ng witb Ed. card. of Hickory and Frank War- ck of Newton The nivht of the Cre Jim was awakened ov the smoke “When he waked he roused his com c ompanioos while throwing on his form suit. He then threw his evele out of the window and ran it carrying bis trunk. Clinard iso carried bis trunk out, out War- lick was so frightened that he not wait for his trunk Jim, howev er pitched bis friend’s ; the window and so saved it. three boys came home but turn after Christmas did trunk out of These will re- Their heav- {Gied atuis home at Buck Shoals, ‘the Alison house on Center street, ; Yadkin county, Tuesday of pneumo my Oe = ater stree's| nia, The deceased was about 50 ine mF i His. OIL ? . S : next toCapt. P. C. Caritou >. 2 years old and was one of the most Mr. J. G. Powell has moved into idson and those whom he may as sociate wira him. ee Jno. W Gray t> Retire Iredell. Traunks. The best lise of trunks ¢ which will sstonish you. from Hotel Jno. W. Gray, who for years has been the popular proprietor of Hotel Iredell, will retire from the hote! business the first of next January. He will go to Wasbingron in Janua ry to jook after a claim against the voverument. After staying a while in Washington Mr. Gray. and Mrs Gray, who wi!l accompany him, will visit the Charleston Exposition and also their Gaughter in Atlanta be- fore returning to Statesville. Mr. Gray's claim against the gov erpment amounts to about $175 000 2nd arises from the burning of Lau rei Falls cotton factory aad a large amount of cotton, as well as other at prices in no competition. Trunks. xn this market at prices We offer SHoHS.- which (considering quality) we have of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. always fresh. Come and see us and be convinced, Fry & Phifer. property belosying to wir. Gray, by the Federal soldiers when they pass- ed through Eagle Mills township, where the factory was located, in 1863. Mr. Geay’s friends hope he may press his claim to a successful issue, and FE a. tc} wt 21 > 2 ten ié Trade With the Home Merchauats. Ve wish to call the attention Thetime for Christmas shopping is almost here and it will pay our readers to look over the advertise- ments inevery issue of this paper and give these merchants your trade. Every week finds cut of town shoppers hereand there is no necessity for any one to order from other places. A few years ayo hundreds of dollars went out of Ltown annually for merchandise, but we think thisis all changed to a great. extent at least. Patronize the home merchants, they have the goods and if taey haven't what you want they will zet it. Every doliar spent here helps the town. ———————— Clothing. nd that leoks well Shoddy, est clothing, t on the back. save you vet the Icwest prices We have gone toa fut of trouble ryouever saw Elkin H Sboes and, in fact, anything in Sho Shoes are made to wear and are just We mean this. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats be downed, New Advertisements. Mills & Allison tell how money can besavedin their grocery de partment. Ladies’ coats and neck season and N. B. Mills & them. Evans Hardware Co. holiday hints. Sloop & Miller have arctic, storm rubbers and gaiters. Cooper & Gill want to sell you feed stuils. r If you want a handsome Christ- mas present, call on Rickert, the Jeweler. Peston Bros. offer water proof shoes, blankets, ete , at low prices. A pocket book bas been lost. ae Mrs Washam’'s Death. Personals From Mooresville. from our regular Correspondent. James and Win-iow Jamison, who have been out west, are visitirg their brother Wili Jamison, of Prus- pect- ; Miss Blanche McNeely is teaching tbe public school at Shepperd's. furs are in Co. have give some Our dine of dey goods and notions you necd in this line. We have a line at less than wholesale cost. W heat fore you buy 2 drill. We also-keeps GUNS, OLIVER Musical Instruménts, such as Autoh yet selling the NEW MODEL Sewing and $15 00-for the 5 drawer machine this make in the Jast few Come and see if we can’t trade. sell reliabie goods at pricks that can t H. Av YOUNT, NEW STIRLING, N. C. ' - Se na nahacen pe Comes = = eens widely, known and influential mem- zhe bo st aoe Sok ase bers of his denomivation in this sec- j occupied = Ee MIOVEG | son. He leaves a wife and several iatoriv from te a eae children. His oldest daughter, Miss anicnas oe ecupied sais Daisy Jobason, passed through bere Heath ie WD a Monday oa ber way to her father’s bedside from Atbens, Tenn., where she had pepe at school. Phe d-ceased was a brother in-law of Mes. Emma Aloea, of statesyiile, sndd. T. Paarpe. of Harmony. His wife and eniidren have the sympathy of their many friceds in their sad Daigle remain ga, ROCTOR VE MIC IG Toe remains were h Se See: - aes buried at Sv. Paul's cemetery in er ho wsville ints netagte tit Seen Mrs. Morrison’s-bouse and expects | Yadkin with Masonic benors yes to take boarders. Mrs. Morrison} {C17 will occupy part of the bourse, rs fami- —ol- vert’s dwelling on Race sereet to Mr ‘Heath's piace op Davie 4Aveuue Mr. L A-h bas moved : ut oO H2US. Morrisoo’s Mouse and 8s ana with Adams cab rl i fen Mrs. Ash are boardisy J B Giover until Dr. move into his new house Mrs. dwelling. Mr. Vietor Templeton wili move into “irs ee aa . Wilson, who recentiy moveu | oe bane nas retura-| met Monday and ee ed to his old bome. | matters of routiue | usiness. = of Yadkin jafso elected RB. McLaughlin, Fsq Board of Kducation, | ‘&. B McLaughlin, Esq,, Attorney For Tae county board of education some They Miss Annie Reid Walker is teach rag clothing has no place in our stock. big money on clothiag and overcoats See our line, then you will know. Caps. evant Gowtles. of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. Overcoats. lendid line of dothing for men, boys and children. 3 Clothing Hon- _ wears well and gives satisfaction We will We buy in large lots and 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. getting together the best line of Shees Oar line of tiae Shoes is complete. ~ye-made >hoes, common dali Shoes, old men’s Shoes, old ladies We have plenty of es you need at bottom prices. Our as we tell you or your money back. Hats. and caps and at prices that cannot See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. is large and we keep most anything of lad es’ underwear we are selling Drills. arps, Banjos and Guitars. Weare Machine at $13 75 for the 3-drawer, . We have placed more than 300 of years and not a complaint. Our prices are the lowest and we do be equaled. Respectfully, YOUNT & WHITE, STONY POINT, N.C This Drill is too well known to need any comment. ‘All we ask is for you to call and examine this drill and get prices and terms before buying. The “BUCKEYE” is made in both Hoe and Disc. J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co.:. Dealers in General Hardware. GOLOMEDAL ATBUFFALU The millions of women who wear Queen Quality Shoes are an Army of Witnesses to their wonderful fitting quality. These Shoes have received the greatest volume of patronage ever be- stowed upon an article of footwear, and were awarded the Gold Medal at Buffalo. “They Fit Where Others Fail.” Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. Just received carload of the best wheat drilis on earth. See them be- UN DERTAKING. PLOWS. SADDLES. HARNESS, | G, A. Critcher and J, C. Steele are associated together and are prepared to furnish All Grades of 9 ffi1s, Caskets and Robes. An experienced man will takeicharge of body and embalm or prepare it for burial. A new hearse will attend in town or country at a reasonable A share } | | of patronage solicited. G. A.Critcher &Co. ing tbe pudlic school at Pine Valiey near >caley. Miss Minrie Templeton and Whit- ly Connolly, its. Ida Edmiston acd Mrs. A. i. Waiker spest thanks yiviog day with Misses May j t ac Annle Wa lace Mrs. Mary A. Washam, ef Mt Yourue, died las Taursday evening fue tuaerai Was at Centre church ou Friday at 2 p. m, coodavied oy Rev. Dr. Pharr, ner pastor. Mrs. Washam was in herS2 year and was much esteemed fur her kinduess und piety. Rev. W. P. McGhee, wko has been pastor of the Methodist church here for two years, and family left yes terday for Belwood, Cleveland coun- iy, bis new field of labor for next year. Rev. Parker Holmes, the new pas- tor of the Methodist church here, Cottolene Sugar Coffee Tea Flour Meat Grits Oatmeal MO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS KEPT IN IT. — Cheese Crackers Sardines IN Ey In our Grocery Department. PRICES CORRECT. Flavoring Extracts - COME AND SEE Toilet Soaps > Wasbing Powders 3 Lauadry Soaps J Bluing : Canned Goods" Tobacco Snoff *Vinegar ~ Pickles Mrs. Emma Albea, and many county, has recently moved other lines 4 Come and see - Potted Ham Chipped Beef Syrups Macaroni ; se Candies . s Baking Powders. Pepper Spice Nutmeg Ginger Rice Salt Bacon iest Inst was on their books and me-| chanical instruments. Strange to - ee - cay J.m’s wheel was damaged but Statesville. Sheis livingin ® cot very little. tage on Front street. Fred Anderson, of Sparkiing Ca- | tawba Springs, a's? came home. He roomed in an aijoining dormjtory but his pgoks and clothes were dam- aged By water: and family will arrive today, and wilkgiven a substantial welcome. Mooresville Dec. 4. 1901. tojattorrey for the board. Saturday the board williaspect one or two ; new school houses that are about ae Gome snd se ready for their acceptance. a Superintendent Butler asks = LOSS sesnodist curch, aad Barron, < i ises! as 3 Nicho 2 : s opened with appropriate exercises | Mascot to ask any school that a ge tes 2) oe 4 ; 2 "eg zs | ugnday. Se of New! not employed a teacher yee td com- | och DOOM rere to mr Mills & Allison, | Depaz tment Store = ee yet wig please ceters te tao Oy gel address: criufdave itt him st aa z —_———— The Charleston Exposition was! na ade vite eee OO anne meen te ena eR Pree Bicwn from Church Tower. Utica, N. Y., Dispatch. 29th, a tree which for over cighteen years bas thrived on the top of north tower of the church of the Re- conciliation was blown down » terday afternoon. The tree, we s% was velieved to be of mountain «.., a variety rarely seen in thisloc.: /. had been the subject of occs ‘onal illustrated magazine, articl: and to visitors Uticans have tole with pride the origin of the littie shrub. Tt had beer. one oi ihe curiosities of the city. The church is built of stone and is the only Universalist -hurch in the city. Its pastoris the Rev. J. D Corby, About fifteen years ago a shrub was noticed growing from between the many crevices on the top of the tower. In summer it was covered with foliage, and when the little tree matured, red berries fol lowed the unfolding of the leaves The rains kepr the accumulation mois'ed and the tree prospered until it reecbed a height of ahout five feet, The tower was covered with the tree’s branches. The roots ex ierded through the crevices until the church elders feared tbat it would disturb the masonry and force the stones out of position. Some wanted :he tree removed, but the church members had become attach ed to the odd sight and ail attempts to remove it were overruled. Two years ago the water beyan to lirtl o leak ouvzh the tower and to stones we covered with tin. | was then tbat the iree beyan to Ge cline, Tbhedirtin the cracks did not furvish the tree with nourish ment because the tin roof prevenied the rain frem reaching the roosts The tree declined and fast summer it had scarcely any foliage. During the storm vesterday the ‘ree was uprooted, the tin roof tocn aways and the tree toppled over iato Sen eca street, 60 feet It is gen eraliy believed that some bira drop ped ibe mountain ash berry while o1 The passing of the tres wil! be noted i _— -——> <P Bright Piespects for the Appalachian Park News and Observer. below. ime tower, » church records The news from Washington is very ebecuraginug to the establish n Park ard North Caro Cas wPress wil! ment of the ii be joined by mi the: ort anag, yea : Mr. Wilson, S retary of Aviculture, is one of the tenthusiastic advocates of tit park and says the pian will certainly be adopted if tre Seuthern Congres mos sional Gelezation press the matter actively. In his report to Congress, Mr. Savs: “The revion ¢ taining the pro- posed Appalachian Forest reserve djn ceor mn owit! Srates geolovical sur of 9 600 000 seres was he land Ghaissified and a Gv was made of ‘he for Phe vesuit of this examina lbe embodied in a report with a suitability of this : for the purpose of « Nationa! reserve. the Gost of such a ve to the Gaverument, and the hich would result from its i conservative man: men. The creation of the prope serve is, in my judyment:, urgent. tain a vreatly im pply of timber, an@ to pro- vidé a natioual recreation greund wbich, with the single exception «f he Adirondacks will be readilv ac evssible toa greater number of peo fe thon avy otber forest region the United States. I believe thar These GConsideraiens render the pur chase by the Federal Government of << proposed reserve in the South- Appalachians desirable in every Way. a tved su <a — Miss Stone Reported Killed. Washington Dispatch, 28th. cretary Hay reezived adispatch fr in Constantinople repeating 3s enor that has reacned there that M.-- Elien Stone, the Ameriear mi-sionary who bas been heid cap tiv: pv the Bulvarian brivands for several mouths, cud her companion in captivity, Mone. Tsiika, are dead, i@ report. huwever, lacks con firteation and is not credited by . r Speveer Eldv, the American charge at Constautiple, or Mr Dek won, the consul veneral there. ‘he reported deataof Mme. Tsilka ani that of Miss Sione from grief. ine story came from Salonica R varding ‘ime. Tsilka the report is vovarded here as possibly a reit ration of a story which has beer sral times. Tre latest ‘counts from Miss Stone kave rep- reseated her to be in @ood health. Te Wht Songress Musc Tackle. Charloite New . > v seated sever ay wn, the well- eorresp ndeat faust grapple aty with stproeit Mian Cana the xales<an dOoune- ; ournesx FOVOSIROG LO #OFO- sent, the ola with Eo; building of w hips lakes; ihe proposed the Danish West Iadies: f toe Chinese exclusion act; d Pacific cadle; the scope . , of the noree doc Vhtte they are d gsothe Am- erican people will watch the grap- p.lng wita loterest. _——[—_> A SoTry Lot. Raleigh News and Observer. One by one the roses fall. Odum. the Populist Senator, who achieved notoriety in 4897. has been arrested on the charge of defrauding the eov- erament. The gang of so-called Poonlist levislators who sold out in 1897 have nearly all landed in a Fea- eral offic>, and most of them have shown themselves to be either dis honest or incompetent. It was the sorriest lot of cattle everseen in any political ranch: Saved His Life. “T wish tosay that I feel I owe mv life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.’ +s H.C. Chrestenscn, of Hay. field, Ming. -‘For:hree years I was trounled with dyspepsia so that 1 could acld nothisg on my stomach. Maay times i would be unable to re- tain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Dottors said { could nut live. I read one of your advertisements oo Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its ase. I bevan to im- prove from the first bottle. Now | am cured and recommend it to al!.’’ Digests your food. Cures all stom- ach troubies.— Stimson & Anderson, wri disposed to dothe decent thing is wold apelogize for sheet over the. nom de plume Jim tre Democratic party who tries to injure it bystabbingitinthe back and the editor ougbt to apologize for giying currency to nis false Louisville Preasurer Kills Himself. Short on His Accounts Louisville, Ky., Dispatch, 28th, A great sensation was created late this afrernoon when the last edition -. of one evening paper appeared with |astory in substance, that account- ants were at work ont the retiring city treasurer, Stuart R. Young. and that it was reported that discrepancies bad been found friends of Mr. Young began to look for him, not believing tbe reports. Shortly after 6 p.m. Mr. Young the Louisville Hotel, on Main street, where he lived with hisbride of a few months Two newsboys, who koew Ur Young ran up and said: “Mr Young, don’t you want a paper? Its got your picture in it.”” Jne wlance at the double column headlines told Mr. Yoyng why the paner bad priated a double column picture cf him. ihe hotel he walked down Sixth street towards the river, the news peys following him on the other side ‘fthestreet Just after passing Neisen streer Young teurved off be tweerf some box cars. ‘The boys feared to follow him any further and returning to tbe Louis ville Hotel described Mr. Young's tetions to “Kid’’ Jehnson. a hack ian whose garriage stand isin front ofthe hotel, Johnson was acquaint- ed with Young and going in the ai erion given by the newsbovs final ty fouad Mr. Young | ward in th? cinders under bim Seeing a bullet hole be hind Mr. Youog’s mght ear, Jebn con turned the body over. Then he -aw a pistolin Mr. Young’s band Life was extinet. The bedy was re moved toan undertaking establish ment under orders of the coroner for un ir quest. vir. Young was 35 vears old and meofthe most prominent men in Louisville A later dispatch pleces treasurer Young’s s ortave a! $23 G00. which ving face down he est lo peo! rooms. His ' nhis wav to Louis vi mired to muke sood telescram teili of (this didi nc to prevent tt shoriave tu Treasurer Yo reac him on , rash ach. -2sed was a son 0: Col. Bennet BH, Young, of Louis eee, Pwille | —_ Ybhe Rush for Pensions. Constitution expersivencrss of modern wart find itin the report of the Secretary of Interior. which sets forte thx y announce ment that nea: cent of ail 2h enlisted» in the Spanish } American war have. on one ground apon the tne} her, filed ab ted States . f +} Tj sions from the Un " Phere is no prece-dent for this extra rv condition of things in our ational exvericuce, Bieven past vears afrer the close ef the war be ween the states onty 6 per cent of the men who feuent in tne union id fiied applications, as cer‘ainiy much haz the sixties, when iva ‘ Americzas, than Lbere was three years ago, wher \mericins were pitted wgainst Spaniards. Dudoubredly this mid rush after pemsteps is Gue to the failure of the Vern Mot in past year's to proper- yserulivize fraudulent applications Out of the fear tbat some worthy olo Veteran migbt fail to get the proteciion of which be stocd in need there GCaa be be doubtof the fact toat thousands of pensions have been geanted to wortkiess individua'ts who have resort to fraudulent the benetits of metieds of secur the >Vstem. Sceme time avo the statement was mede apon vood authority that corn varatively few of the applicants for pensions as tbe resuitof ihe Span ish-American war bad come from the sourb, and we hope this statemen: vill hold wood for all time fo come > <a His Beliefin Wie neratt Leads co the Gallows. Paris, Texas Disnatch, 29th. 6) Hetema, a full bl od . Was convicted of murder today in the federal court The ver- dict carries the death penalty. Hotema lived near Grant. Ind. T He was eduerted at Roanoke. Va. and was an ijuflential citizen. He held a number of offices, was a Pres- byterian minister and was looked Boon asa lender hoeta He behteved. however. in witeh er.ft Pbree years ago, numbers of his peoole died ‘rom meningitis A Witch doctor said they h been be witehed and that the witches must be kilied. Armed with wmchesters Hotem: and two young Choctaws 2 J two weagt fourth an t : vomen wad iMaoy vee woman was Killed tha baby in her. arms. 7 ney at MHted to ver. Others Horena was 2 quitt dG in one eas Tamist esuited ja another, Several physiciags testified that hk vas insane Hotema reeeived th verdict stoie:lly, remarking, as he was led to j “ft can say, ‘Goat's will be Gone ——a> 6 re The South Dakota Case Raleigh News and Observer. There can oe little doubt that the United States Supreme Court will dismiss the South Dakota ease as ao attempied fraud on the jurisdiction Bar if it dees not, this much is etear: bat the judyment cau only affect toe few bounds held by that Strata Th+ court can give no judgment whatever avainst this State in favor of the o-her holders of the bonds, for by virtue of the Eleventh A- mendment the court has no power to render a judgement againsta stare in favor of any one except aaother State Jfitis attempted to make the other holders of bonds parties, ain acreditors bill, that would at nee cust the jurisdiction, if it ex- sted befora ~ a 2 ee The Deceat Phiozg to Do. News and Observer. If the Statesville Landmark wat ! prioting the alxe and scurrilous attack upon Democratic leaders printed in the Dandy. The writer is anenemy of words, was seen at the ladies’ entrance of ; Instead of eetering | his rigbt arm} if we nesd any additional light } ications for Modern Proverbs. Postal Revenues Inereased by Rural Smart Set. Free Delivery. ~ mar . : Ir is easy for the light hexded tc | Washington Dispatch, 27th. 2 Ss rae z be light hearted. A self sustaining service, brought NiO ment is jusé what 3. 1. re He who confesses that be lies. lies he who denies that he lies, lies twice | Weadmirethe man who will listec he books of|to reason because he gives u>2 ! chance to 1a/k. | Most of us know only ore map | whom we regard as absolutely fair in hi : le orn an rent: in his accounts. Immediately she acd unbiased, and modesty preveo ‘us from naming bim. | Leta man imag bis own way and a womancao d ‘anything with bim; let a woman 5i ' ? ; Suspect she is having her own wa da man cando nothing with he: What a pity that most of our mos lbrilliant and origiaal ideas did ne | present themselves to us first. Most men would find ita Giffiex matter rotell all they know; ne i that they know much; but the diffi ‘culty would arise in trvnig to wit inew what thev do know from whe ithey imagine they know | JTfamanis .alwavs as oldas fb: ‘feels, many men pass fret yeuth 1old aye in a single night—from the ‘evening before to the morning after Ftp A Sensation in Laurens, at | Columbia, S. C , Dispatch, 29th. | There was a ful! fleged sensatiot vood standing ia the community lhad Jest night. in the absence of the | | lewegtlemen De | ; the resic youug lady in her chamber : CC firearms than clething. room He thought they were got tea up as negroes. Themen separ Ss. Sullivan, a friend vive no explanation nor would he velge the same of his companion carried The coud dman vw: i, The @itizens ot! xe ted aver toe attempted’ crime. en Sav They Heve Been Married. Twin ity Sentinel. A white wemin ramed Mary Ar a hearing before Capt. Rebinsor this morming on the chascge of tiv gether as m: and wife. To ule of ADO boeds e wre ermomitted to jail to. next term of the Supe | | | \ | 1 | curt. | The woman talks intel i | ' | ently and and does not deuy living with ube! e} « oOo . at taey were rent (Story, Soverumen: e they sarried in Char ae alee nie en eon Junt 22 Tre woma Sef biece eeu earos vere Ne enema sein w= papers SsOoOwWing Lada sae sas rosce vit ¢ se =p eve ' ey - . a 2 tral a purse. Wel Says wit f wie} : - . : oe we St lived with a preminent family is ‘ |Chester S C.thatArchie was em- numer sho ~ now ove pt 3 ; nue ene fhm ee bow ve PY tployed by thesame man. as butler; Ine lb applications or penslous z : biog tn appiicatio Peete. whey became infatuated and decided | t married pel. Arehie, who is a brigh? eld. has been working at oak & JeCrary’s i ery Stable for tive weeks old. — Po OO Phe Pardoning Power, Raleigh News and Observer. jeult duty sief Exee- When the late Z-vulon &. Vance was ‘in bis first yene as Governor there was much toy power js the most d i that devolves upon the «| utive of the State. erttietsm of his fuli use of the par Goning power. There has been the <amecriticism of Governor Ayeoek, Woenever hiscrticism is direeted paurticsiar cuse, it is proper aud competeot. for the Governor ugh: to be criticised when a man is vardoned when tt is aot clear that tt ereise of executive Roanoke Chowan 1S hb NECessary cemeney. The tout have been made says: AscGock on account of the frequent aot the parcganing pewer, but those whi critre se bim on that ae ise Where he pardoned some oie wo ought not to have been pardon artily approve of Gover nov Avcoek’s acts of merey along this tine. li appears te us that he vives every ap ration for pardon Best serious consideration, asd zo him.”’ i te Times is correct in saving that the Gevernor “gives to eyery LDplicacion for pardon most serious ™ fle vives it also ConsCientions Gonsideralticn thoveh A oO sideration, e are inelined to believe that. dike Vance, be ipelines tothe use ef the vardon mer power to [reels Bow ‘yer, we are frack to sav thas we a es CORUM’ Sees row more th ' : by ret ned Thousands Have Kidney Troubie and Don’t Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a °F ,, Sediment or sct- JES Es re tling indicates an SN ] BAND unhealthy condi- \ tea PF, Vf tion of the kid- Vi VA SEe: Y neys: if it stains Rea | your linen it is }} evidence of kid- bape. |} ? = shyt \/ f Ri ney trouble: too ee fe “\ frequent desire to \e ” iy ase it Dain i 2 7 j pass it or pain in ~ a SR Oe ENED the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- der are out of order. ies What to Do. fnere is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swarmp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver. bladder and every > of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scaldin ing it, or bad effects foli wine or beer, and overcomes = of being compelie during the day, and to get u j during the night. The mildand the extra- ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won- Gerful cures of the most distressing cases. if you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful dscovery inn and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & rome ot Swamp-Root. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mea- tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Eiow Are Your Kitscys ¢ e + t Subetetome Gere ae he is having in the town of Lauress this morniny when it became known that two young white men, one at Ieast of f the famiiv, entered epee of the mest prominen: citizen of the place and attacked a The screams of the girl brought itizens to the streets with more Clarence E Babb, a neighbor. saw a man leap from the window of the young lady's ated He continued after one and finally brogght him down. He was rrfied to find that it was Heurv ~ullivan would Laurens are chie, alias Mary Suber, anda neera man numed Will Avebie, were given two years fhey had been hiv- | ) Depot street in Wieston since toured appvears to be ahour 22 some lime > Woman Ciadims to hat ome Lodian b'ood tn her viens md appears to be about 3d vears id Phey have a little babe just Phe wise exerciee of the pardon- Vimes, referring to the eriticisms “Me see thereis a Gtsposition in} cme quarters te criticise Governor | ‘count have failed to point out aav! aut of nis has caused us to distrust} shout by the vearly increase of the ostal révenues resulting from gen- | -ral extensio.a of rural free delivery is the conclusion reached by Fist As- | -tanr Postmaster General Wm. M. ! Tohnson in his annual report. Of the gross postal revenue re-! eeipts of the United States for the: past fiscal year $74,295,394 came from 866 delivery cities. Zhe re naining 3.600 presidential posteffi vos yielded $16 063 252, while tbe 72,479 fourth ciass postoffices pro- duced $18 913 519 As rural free delivery reaches out into the country, giving equal facii- ‘jes without regard to locality, Mr, Johnson says it increases revenues at arate equal to that maintainedin the freedelivery cities, whera during the past five vears it has averaged “ight percent. Atithe end of the present fiscal vear 8 600 rural routes will be in snecessful eperation. 6 060 neing effected by December 2. The latter figure represents just fifts ner cent of the applications for such cervice filed since its inauguration fiveyears ago. The intlexible policy is announced of avoiding hereafter maintenance of unnecessary postof- fices and superflous star routes con- temporazveously with rural free de- ivery routes, On Julv 1, last, ibe force of 4301 rural carriers was ser- ving 2,840 644 people at a fraction Over 75 cents per capita, and on December 2. next, +4000,000 of the rvral pepulation will be erjoving free delivery. Every establi-shinent ofa route. the report savs, is follow ed promptly by a steady increase in the volume of mail both delivered and collected. ee Ex-Presiden: Cievelaud bas been sick but is improving. David Nation has been granted a G:voree from his wife, Carrie Nation, the joint smasher preserves and pickles, spread a thin coating o PURE REFINED PARAFFINE Will keep them absolutely moisture and acid proof. Pure Retined Parafiine is also useful in a dozen other ways about the bouse. Full directions in each package. Sold everywhere, Pwenty six mer were kilcd o 24 injured by the explosion of a beri. er in Detroit Wedue-day of das week, sate = fe z ji Ss = se a ee * thy Mothers § Few mothers are healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of pregnaucy, the sheck of childbirth, f eiand the care of young children, are F LH cevere trisis on any woman. But with 2 5 Wine of Cerdui within her grasp, every & ry womap in the land—can 2 yw pay the “ebt of personzl health she & A owes her foved oncs. Do you want 5 robust health with ali its privileces and » {} plessures? Wine of Caréui will give it © to you. ; at s pa ee TA I TV P G RE N Ee strengthens the female organs and invig- orates weakened functions. For every & Bi female ili or weakness it is the best E medicine made. Ask your druggist for = $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, and take-no substitute under any circumstances. Mrs. Edwin Crass, Gormer, Michs “When I commenced using Wine of Cardui I was hardly able to walk across the house. Two weeks after! walked half « mile end picked strewberrics. When my other child ws born I suffered with labor pains 24 hours, and had to raise hin on a Eo'tle because I had no milk Aer using the Wine during pregnancy this time, gave birth last month toa baby giri, and ft was in labor only two hours, with but lid: patp. and I have plenty of niilk. For this grcat improve- PR U E T T OL S CI S EE 1 Mt h s EA B A AE R BM . OA M MS SA A RA Oe Ee ment in my health I thunk God and Wine of Cardux." B For advice in cases requiring epecial directions, Bf cdiress, giving syoxptous. “The Ladies’ /\dvisory ee “The SS & tanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooz2, Tenn. h New York hae a toss of $500,000 fire fast Thursday night Rock Aili. S. &., bad an «id time inder wvullirg Thankeviving das er the amuvement af itcvopre wen penis : = Hi O ad “d FFE fionesty 2 cd e In makine ae | fe weuse the west nr | f§ and old-time Li i | - ES E PI A A N T M Et Io no t e ed e TS E ee d eh o 4S Ma US ? asu't LILEDOt tottemin Wii an n e = Bebo 0% 208 you will bo estouished tosse how It gives immediate relicf. 2 > 1 24 ane meee . 7 me 1 bi a ‘linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bin loosely upon the wound. You can have no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until you have tried it. } © tee ge tet_ and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY Co., Chicago or New York, 437 Genuine stamped C.C C. Never sold in bulk. | ; Beware of the dealer who tries to sell -olved by imutualcon-ent CURE < e S Us this way: You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder, cic., Cr you. can scald yourseif with Steam or iiot Waiter, but there is only ene proper way to cure a burn or scald and that is by using Mexican Mustang Liniment. Get a piece of soft old or any A FOWL TIP If you have a bird afflicted_with Ro * other poultry disease uso Mexican Mustang Liniment. It is called a sTaNnDAkD remedy by poultry breeders. AE IRRE TE OM se TE Sin EERE A a ES LPO re Fe Nee eee “” With a Tail. Denver last TiHurs- 4 metal box! Your Lifeaway? You can be cured of any form of tobacco using | 4 1D SA + GA xood sec easily, be made weil, strong, magnetic, fullot | ™ ty was wos i new life and vigor by taking HO-TO-BAC, | condition that makes weak men strong, Many gain ten pounds in ten cays. Over 500,900 Dusgcy i A bargain Cure guaranteed. Book- * ayy A Finder will please K ot office } cr Sent. 19th. 1901 Droggists. tween tl ndersigned, : f} L Hunter & Co., kas 5.5. WONT been Phis Noy. pth, 1e07 “something just as good.” W CL] MGORE | wo 2 bo w pe r e n n e The “C” with a tail”is the trade. ee _... !mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. ° ; ig 1 d > Look for it on the light eS 1€ enamele Sho) per box, “Will send them on trial, to fl Each tablet stamped E paid for when relieved. Sanyples Free. f UNIT Never sold in bulk. Ali WN TOBACCOSPH® C.C.C. and SMOKE druggists, roc. Avpty at this office To the Farmers,. ee | HAVE «ful! line of the ; of wheat, catsace rye fo d Come nnd see me before yo! bes J.L, Cowan Dissolution Notice. F HUE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exiaing be- he firm nan day dis CHISHESTER’S ENGLI Take no other. Refuse menials and “Belief for Lad 1 Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 2100 Madison Square, Ricntion this paper. PENNYROYAL PILLS . .. Always reliable. Ladies, ask Druggist for SSNCHESTER'S ENGLISH in Red und Gold metallic boxes, a with blue eS amzerous if. tutionsand imitations, Buy of your Druccist, ; in s 3 for Particulars. Testi- or send Ze, in stamps en.” in letter, by return Mail. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by PHILA, Pa ! is always cause { bad blood. Removes | cause! Improve your blood. How? By tak. § ing the blood purife, 4° that has stood the teg for thirty years WOMATLY BRAT) | TF BLEED Spariliag Eyes & Bright Faces ea ee a! ne Fruits of Sound Nerves.) x Bac P < $424 a s- cha: up the THE GREAT FRENCH Hl DIPO wERCE TONIC and Vitali austion, Hysteria. Dizzi ache aud Female Weak attending the monthly periods. Tz sss passing threugh the trving iS ige from Girlhood to Wom anho < «i! find ita wonderful relief and bene- fit quiets and strengthens the nerves clean-«s ihe blood, clears the brain and tone> yle system. Makes a Woman Look 2} Young. PRICK soc.. 12 Boxe~ Johnsiais i ey %. An ® imperfect skin sp DG hi d 4a AD D A OE AE N , at e . tSarsapari QUART BOTTLE. It has thousands o¢ happy friends. Gua Bottles sei] Se where at $:. “THE MICHIGAN DRUG Company » > Detroit, Mich : a nnn nnnnennnnnn, Livercttes for i. ils, The Famous Littic Liver Pits, breces Ircdelland Alexanger countics’ H ‘ivision or the agents. October 7th, 1gor. ‘ ~ oe SR ee See Im ot re French - 5 ifieiam ‘Femate Mean -47 Pills. eI fe ! Menstruation. Never known to fall. Safe! Jor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ED MEDICAL CO., Box 74, LANCASTER, Pa. Anderson. és. ret 19 mailto any address. Sold by W. F a : * ; Vi G é j ; Cheap Life Insurance U DIVISION of the Peoples’ Mutual Benefit Association, a life insurance organization, has been organized in Statesville by JM. mc- nick hivision agent. The-diviston em- e a ~ ; ome ene Cormick, re aa HINDIPC PR phar Grier, of the Jaw firm of Grier & Long war], : j elecies president; J. A Hertness, clerk of the court, Secretary and Treasurer, and WoW Tur- ner, register of deeds, ove of the directors. There will be from one toth ee directorsin cach township in the counties embraced in the divi sion, Insura. ce to the amount ot $1coo each will be written: for 1,000 persons only in the di vision. J. K McBrayer will assist the division agent, Mr. McCormick, in writing the cea Se All persous wha juin the organization will pay] 0 B. ny ee st a year. aad when a member dies cach you voung end strorg member will be assessed $1 15t0 pay the tnsur- auce o7 $1.000 The assessmeut isSton sach of the 1.000 members to pay the $1,000 insurance for the deceased member and a 15 cents a elt to pay expenses. This is the Cheapest and] ~ PN 734 most reliable 1orm of insurance known. For} LAP. P. F. LAU GEN: UR forther information callon the officers of the A safe, certain relief for Suppressed Be sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed g Sold in Statesvillezby Stimson & Tonic and Viislize: tee to cure Pesscus Detality ng Memory, Fits. Dizziness. |. Drains on the hervors system ¢; Habits or Excessive Us: Liquors. or “Tixing the Pc wards off Insanity, Consvs: clears the Bicod and P ) tered Nerves, Festores the fre brings the pink glow to y s'c¢«! A By mail to any adcress For salety Wool Dehtist, STATESVILLE. N. C Wil] bein his office two weeks beginning with first Monday j mnonth Cal! on bim fer in the way of dentistry find it te your interest to do so Work Gene isi best manner. Prices low. Oniv sho Fact ma-crial neal | Geatiemen, Get the New, Novel Discovery For Sale Everywai re, Me : > Every bit as handsome as solid gold chains, fully as serviceable and 2 great deal cheaber. RICKERT, ¢ Jeweler “ ve r t e Tivisactsa Reguisr Check on sight Coilateral and persona! security. cints, and credited cr remitted at lowest rates. Merchorts. cri freturers are individpals sclicited and received ne ost favorable : = rirst National Cr EFA TESKILEE. N.C Banking Business. G Money Interest pois cu time depesits. + vePritr> Oe sete GEO. BH 2 “OW NA, Cashier. nleeks and «uble rept fos Ro 87 at EY} GIA BS ‘ent £3 ead truer ; tOW PIicen FRICK COMPANY'S Eslipse Furta sos recket tins € OVeT put qa saotany’ «7 §$ os ak ebeiie. Pigeon iilK INJECTION "Cures Gonorrhaza and Gleet in: action is magical Prevents st plete To becarried in vest po ventative. Sent by mail ir plaiz paid, on receipt of pite. £100 pe $2.50. The Rust Meaicine Co. st. ! For sale by W. F. Hall, Southern Railw ay ANNOUNCES THE 5 OPENING OF THE WINTER TOURIST ~EASON : AND THE PLACING Excursion Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT —POINTS IN TUE— South, Southwest, West In- ies Mexico and (Califyrnia. INGLUDING St. Augustine, Palm Bea Jacksonulile. Tam Port pa, Brunswick. Thomasville, Charleston. Aiken. Au gusta, Pineburst. North Carolina r In the M. G’ Smith, administratrix of } Deposits received subject tc | Rebecca Smith, deceased, lcaned on good Special atrention paid to collections on |cas McIntosh, O. P. McIntosh. Accourts of Corpor ‘ AGAINST I_N. Smith, Gaston Smith Dor-} NOTICE. | | ¥va Lackey. J, A Lackey, E. P. Smith and M. E, Smith. J said complaint c A.T, WATTS, This Nov. 6th, 1901 Clerk Superior Court. Alexander County.) Superior Geurt. The defendants, I. N. Smith, Gaston, Smith, Dorcas McIntosh. O. P, Merntosh and E, P smith. will take noticethat an action entitled = — peer eee in = oe re : ml cm a c a cotrt for final settlement of the eftate of Rebec A @€@E65 & 9 Flee ent. 23 CG. Erte. Vice Fr-sidem* ca Smith, deceas-d, and the defendants will further taie notice that they are required to ap- pear atthe office of the clerk of the Superior court of Alexander covnty, N.C. on Saturday. the 2ist day of December. 1901. and answe: or demur tothe complaint in said action or the plaintiffs will apply for the retief demnglea in Cures Blood Poison and Cancer. most obstinate cz free by writing to Blood Baim Co, Atlanta. Ga. ~ y Sy wee gcearantecd if yor use ta oe UWS Sy ith dane R ; SUBRES 5 Soe LS aa ae v led Schools, Statesvitte, N.C. writes tie aey do all you claim t o 7 Raven Rock, W. Va., writes Cy rive faction.” Dr. I. D. MoGill, Clarksburg Ale practice of 23 years, I have found ro 3 equal yours.” Paicz, 60 <j by iste. Se) Se ne me nemenrs ne ne PRINTING! oe THE MASCOT P RINTING Co., iy a ‘tag is an old one fart ihe britetie - nh when shiek ke dis e Y pe t Mce HNe Of siutisnery " atiy pat in makes one P tigi tee atior : : : : i" WE QUOTE PRICiiS AND SHOW SAMPLES WE WILL G::T YOUR WORK : : : oe ‘htm. better material to werk ‘ tor tine of Stationery. ete . en- Sete eet teettep work thin ever, Work ', end us your ext order, we apureciate li. : : i c - x « . . . . - STATESVILLE. N. C. —————— - the Sonthean Railway. Itis bea: trated aud fally describecthe winter resorts of the South A copy may be secu atwo cent stamp to S. i. eo ee Washington, D.C. Sold in Statesville by Stimson & Anderson--Cail for free sam le- Eating sores, swellings, failing hair, mucous patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones and joints, itching skin, boils, pimples, etc,. by tak- nv Botanic Blood Balm (B B.B.) made especi- ally to cure malignant blood and skin troubles B. BB. heals every soreand makes the blood pure and rich, Over 3.000 cures of worst and es by taking B. B. B Drug- vists, $1. Describe trouble and trial bottle sent PEXMYROVAL PILLS Original and genuine, always reliable and {safe LADIES! alwaysask for Dr, ‘ust's Cot- ‘ton Rootand Pennyroyal Female Pills, They j never fail und never injure. Mailedto any ad | dress on receipt of $1.00 by The Rust Medicine j Co, St Paul, Minn. for sale by W. F- Hail, Jr | | 28 COTTCN ROOTas» | | Opening of Winter * Tourist Season. Ts" Southern Rarlway, which operates its own lises over the entire South and forms the Important link in the great highwav of trav- el between the North and South, Florida, Cuba Mexico, the Pacific Coast and Central America. annovnces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 the most sube~p service ever offered. Its splendid regu ar service will be augmented bv the South- ern Palin Limited a magnificent Puliman train, which will be operated between New York aud St. Augustine. Florida. “Winter Homes in Summer Laads,” HE ahove is the title of an attractive 1 T just issued 4¢ the Passenger Deperiment ot utifully illus Hardwick, G. P. A,, Winter Excursion Rates. }# FFECTIVE October 15, toot. excursion rates are placed on sale by the “outhern Railwa to all principal winter re: ofthe South Southwest, “Ark anyuyunt of @outiera Ralbway Oey neuer Asheville. Atlanta. New Orleans Memphis.and THE LAND OF THE ‘Ki PERFECT DINING AND SLEEPING CAR SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS. . SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWATL. Ask any ticket agent for fu! information, or address R.L.VERNON, C. Ww. WESTBURY Traveling Pass Agent, Dis Pas Charlotte, N. Cc. R S, H. Hardwick, General Passenger Agent J.™ CULP, WA. TURK Traffic Magager Asst. Pass. Traffic M Washington, D,C ae —— JAPANESE PILE CURE A Newand Complete Trea of Suppositories, Capsules of Oi Bexes of Ointment. A never Piles of every nature and d. operation with the knife, wi often results in death, unnec dure this terrible disease? We ; guarantee ineach $1 Box, No C: 50c. and $1 a box, 6 for $5. Sent by ple@ree, ; xe . OINTMENT 25e. and CONSTIP ATTN Cured, Piles prevented Japanese Liver Pellets, the zreat Stoma h Regulator and Blood P mild and pleasantto take: especi tor children’s use. 50 dosed 25 cents For sale by @. F. Hall Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of = @igestanis and digests a!l kinds o food. Itgivesinstant relicfand neve’ failstocure. It allows you to eat 2 the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can takeit. By itsuse may thousands of dyspeptics bove bet cured after everything else failed. prevents formation of gason the ston ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant tot Se yon gral Prepared only by F.C. DeWitt Co. GDho €1. bowtie co , Chicazo Contains 2% times the H- Sti dersore timson & Jee EG@ucate Your Bowols With Cxscaron one dist ressing disease, of four cfiildren, am doing business every Caraliz YARQS AT $ Hon. John T. Si Field & Co.’s whic writes the follow Peruna Medici. Gentlemen- tle in my kidn ney remedies I of my foremen Peruna2 in 2 sift <it was inde the day, and bottles of Pe. three months s Mr. Jacob F ner avenre, Brod “Jam cow 2 seventy-five yea wonderful remei Fleig. Catarrhal infian lining of the “Bricht’s discase or chronic. The symptoms of suc. serious nature of AST Dr. TaAFr Bros Me Gentiene f your Ast! the past 12 y Your sign upon your My wife commenced ment After using d toms J feelthat I Dr, TAFT Bros MY Cazrtenaes but they have a!) fa Teliefatonce I hav ome adcress, Trial Be Do not de MEDICINE All Kin For We areina peg } = Ma: erial Write for oug =z. os The > wa Mark ti “ ec: Kk for it on th E GUARANTER TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNT IES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED STATESVILLE, N. C.,, THURSDAY, DF CEMBER 12, 1901. ‘come Same, ee § : vin enists The corener’s jury found thai the “Metts alleges, on the authority of a! vest ve the restriction of suffrage ‘stingvished Virginian, that Gen’ !in Louisiana Several other Repab eral Pickett, then en the field, did/licaas are meving la the same mat- : ually lead bis division in thelter. ye : ’ \oFth Carolina's tecorg in th Civil IN CONGRESS 1HE NORTH CAROLINA BAPTISTS — Holton Eady wo Metehchasc |) ot — 4 z - AND C0. S » War. | , —s Zes, SLATE NEWs. aoe a RAS on : | Washington Dispatch %tn, ~ &. as 4 i B WAREHOUSE BG Se oe What!Is Seing Done In-Washington, eee i ie oA fe : - - rer “hear : a ™ - } ~ + ee a . wit 2 - TT Jord made by North Caro foe report ofthe I-thmian canal Branches of Their Work. | Dumber of friends called to. see She los **o Rave teu free delivery | seription of Dr A Boschee, a cele- ° : v Leo - . r - " *. - sek ’ aoe ‘ : | make inquiry as to the nature the | Blind Tom will vive & concert in | 2¢knowledged tobe one of the most L : : 1 : : sin : 3 Z | ev. Livinest S ao | quiry as to the nature of the | give concert in| * 1 State in the Southern be $189 3864 062 It is thought it ean Rev. Livingston Johnson. m1 oe ; fe lersey. North Carolinians be completed in six vearsand would 2° 8ecretas : partment by W. B EBliis. Mr. Hol_! ; it quickly cures coughs, colds and ‘ } } ; 7 ¢ =A 99 ..- ; . a tn: Sor ing os TES ay | -* ~ - adits. Yr mol! J w lodve of Elle . sm |. f 4 . r G COMPAN Jiss'¥ proud of the courage and be 183 rmileslone Senator Morgan i? Nor ea, left yesterday ton was intormed by the \ new lodge of Elks was organiz, | all lung troubles of the severest na- r } hy iy, 5 tt ee ' Bapti > Gaus Qn - . x } neral that the charges which ha ve | : : ne _ pepe te ie were eeeiten ptist ’ Convention. Mr. | : sce ave | i z ree . “es cas, ite. who wore the gray. Thev aidin i struction. LJobnson cimka “or oN nase | been published had been filled. Hoj_| The State chartered the Lumoer-| 2?! the affection and leaving the parts » . s : . ~ ra es nob sound lik & bad “eror a “ : , bi 1th “ten the brunt of battle was borne tr ‘ Bus tn the Senate to — aera ces" ith it : a he ° | charge. 'o which starement the At_| 7% It is not aa experimentai medicine, £ } yp . } ar 16-¢ eS Wit no eeboes Pra 5 el eee ae r men from the Tari r ee eee torney Genera neeeaes : eet ¢ ! of seven cent corton or barren corn | y General replied that if it for Overman for Senator to succeed | ing satisfaction in every case, which , } A L = Ser 2 yr Pp ‘itech ure wien é = %e “i a ow, In the past few years an) tee Appomchian park bill. A- flood Sa . St Ke iMatter due notice would be given oe tor Pritchard. jits rapidly Increasing sale every } 3 * r x 2 > “yy e aon } O2 a nan be > a “2 ( n. oeen made in North Caro-/of bills of misor importance have ee ~ £ Ost Man oelore fi ‘ ; A 2 oe Seachorssn ae 7 ei : tles sold a ally. Boschee’s “Ger- j Dad uit ps ee ee -,. | bers have been provided with copies | 'B8e Seas! hotel at W rightsville | “4¢S soid annually. »schee’s er: stosecure fer the ¢ onfederate On Thursday Senator McComas of | bad ee See Oe Sm oe the charges against Mr. Holton | before next season. man Syrtp was introduced ig the the bloodiest ment in favor of Congress egacting oe ‘ ea oat era pages, and a close regard is given | _Lineoin count’ his settled its {sold In every town and village in the } es : ' it sar Starite ¢ Nr 3 i ! = vs oo) = le Z. Stata tayve im )]1 —+} = “- se Warentitles them. Injlaws to punish anarchists with Beet eee cat wat . | State taxes for 1901 one first coun- vi i. inarecent issue of Phe:death. Seaator Hoar followed ‘ad. ;Gete"Mingtion to raise this year | misunderstanding between the dis_| i the State to settle. ;;Cl€ve any ordinary cough. Price ; THe »1t 1] ’ f 4}} 7 at ‘2 Cenis. ret Gr Yo e . = ie Sarat [$6 500 more than was raised for a |‘"ietattorncy and Mr. Ellis, author | _ Capt, Bill Day, of Halifax, is in on ee See een's “Prize Alma - “etts asscris that North arolias, . Dect lsimilar purnose last year. Ther ali |0! the charges, and this misunder-| favor of Pritechard’s return to the |“ dea teceiooeee meeps Were Conspicuous for their| ongressinon Blackourn has been o eae WOR Oee pee A ‘ ) | : z but sare rm. meeilgs he mission | 5°! atternay’s fees. is explained in Avout 23). 008 S mie isastrous collision o Se ‘tts Vir- nitt ‘0 prepare suitable! © ag ae . cotlteate | full’ The title of ‘the Bacmnene = Avout $50,000 bas been taised in | on ous collision on the Waba-h Ses : ; 7 my aie finned ae 7 is » Se segs - pie tts , B20. Ui r at >» rapid {}@poestaz. Itis on a speciai cover | Metavudis: Orphanage at Raleigh. which nearly 100 people were killed peewee im ns cies page, ond in the following words: et wee ains T2 an ie : Strides z ' wd not be dane ; 5 - etween trains I3 and 4, was caused ; 2 resolu | 1 "| President of the Unit Statewen Gacsiine Wane WothodistiGon lene ' , s a re ‘ : : ne ie ger . he rainy] President of the nited States, in | Carclize astern) Methodist Con-| p ailroad Company 2 Se RE ained heavy losses Captai calling fora committee to in-}#0d ee tne SORRY : : Company and the trainmen lerans th 2e sur ovey | CCurts of justice in North Carolina, $26.00 which js about; 224 in protest of the appointment Last Year One of Progress in All| District Atrorney Holton and of Rowan i German Syrup is the Special pre- , wad ft ee d f Me mS Ina ps 10 the civil war was not commis favors the Nicaraguan Raleigh Post, sth. | Atrorney Genera! this morning to ; | brated German physician, and is v ire 0 a arr of Kidneys re surpassed by that of the soldiers of rote and o "Im wes the total cost to : any ork ‘ : leh: : ee et “*harlotte : mot | ‘Ortunate disceveries jn icine. : g 2tV Secreta: {the Baptist church jeb arges recently filed in that Da iriotte on the 15th. n medicine : : : Che : t Onn fox. Winst | Attorney ied stances. ao ee : : 1 ance of the men from their of Alatama has intr. duced a bill to , 2fterno: iO end the 1 Ge 4 | od at Kinston last week. | ture, removing, as it does, the cause ver Pitts, Claim toatin not a few iaostances! Senate and others have in- : | ton stated be was ready to meet any |*00 Corton Mills Co. for 375,000. aa strong and healthy coddition. | ¢ cord Tribune hascome out | out bas stood the test of years, giv- Rory was awarded! Senator Pri:chard hes intro ed | -: ae SAA el gla sla , glory AS awarded dh ntroduced fields, or - pEse oho crop. Mr | became necessary to investigate the | SD I : 1 oe ee iS year just elosing{, Some of the North Carolina mem—| _ A $10 000 addition wil] ba built to |S€&Son confirms. Two million bot- Vind’cate the truth af kistory | been introduced im both houses. free mane year just closing | pee ey ; ments ¢y the Baptists in their] : ‘ . tte the credit to: Haryland made an extended argu poe Eo is Vere are six or eight typewritren | a United States 191868, and is now se a ivilized world Sea {to detail. There was a persoral| “iwiized world. Three doses will WY : 1 ofits $25 000 for te missions s-hich js 1 Messenyrer Capt. Jar 5 ‘ue the banisament of anar- | 3? 000 for state missions, which is ae : 7 Smee ; fexpressea : » 10 CO fopuneg | Standing, which principszily concerns | Senate wher his term expires, j YY ib the de: perate charge at! aon ted fron: North Carolina oa | ; sgt ali gigas aaa Sh C With | resciutions in reference to the Jate!‘ re the pass gwo years for the new | Railroad near Seueca, Mich., in SRN Seales’ brigades of rth Carojina-| Regre tlive vy, of Mass. [5% L ms Desnacetelie eens S40) “Dnecmext: sestiackse ees : Py . ” : Se tae . : Phe atic: made, howeyer,! sP*ctfully submitted to the ne bext session of the North by the negligence of the Watesh qeofr . rs "yn 97 + > “2 2POn (ia iif he i Ay ° . + iseasane or roneral shortage in | defense ef the purity of the Federal] | ference will be heid in Wiimingtoo. of train No. 4. Fo AY 3p ! iF oem ne | ine 140 per es ere wer last year jo A. E Holton, district attorney. A.J. Britt, keeper ofthe Roveson . Health end Geanty a couty Chain yaay was kilihd by the A Sonia ens Se : accidental discaarge of his zua last Poor complexion is usually the | : ; op SR Ot been confined | Luecsarze that aas occasion the | mac... result of atorpid liver or irree la ; ;Mreat Getiysoury charge, General | The Senate committee on foreign alesse as Se marseos et at ee aS [most congern is that paragraph in re Soom ioe nase a Alec e€ two weeks, 4 eS . | Pectizrew was at the head of his | relations re reptored the new Raa s Seo ere cee Se a | which itis stated that there in col The receip ; u the toaage tax | ture’s refuse is carried off it will londay in cack € ; REO ;m<ea and was severely vounded, | Ha 7-Paur te treaty favorably foe cgeod orth S es : St vege |lusion vetween the district attorney} cn fertiliz amGunt t 8,000 | or:rely cause impure blood. Pimples fer anything Z = RN i“ Dile hardly a member of his staff /and it is hoped to secure irs ratifica- |.) Sue & ee ae 000 andJ. EE. Alexander. S:ron x | this year—an increase of 23 percent! boils and other eruptions follow - vy. You wil] 7 ; =i (es : g YN { ¢ acatped ey Captain eae, [tton bef Cr Ses ee soa a aes: pee nt ae pressions, such as ‘dove tails briefs’’ | over last. This is nature’s method of throwing tt rs ¢! \ We jocnts figures which show tnat Pick-! the ist} 1 Ganal Sill will be push-! = 2 ms g {26d “travesty of justice.” are use “i t isons whicl ail. a a Hy j BA fetes ieee = killed enna } | In addition te the above 329.000 |2>¢ ravesty of i stice, are used Fannie King, colored. was senten-| 0!l the poisons which the bowels fail 42s been raised duriny the voar for|i2 this connection, and charges | 35: aig ast week to 20 years |@d to remove. aWitt’s ttl Te Bane 0. teats in| Get. Se BY Ha godt Y"E el fn Darhom aes wank To 20 yeara| et, {0 femove,” DoWiers "Dil focthea cs eo ee Alexander. doing business in Wias eran ae “lremedying this condition. They ern pari of tho + “the education-|* act as judge and the jury for the} ee i po doa Stimulate the liver and promote al eommitiee also raised 3 consider Sovernment, as well as tbe persons] C T. Woolen, of Winston, has | roguiar and healthy action of the fk d o a able sum bur the tzures are not yet | accused by the government, and ar been appointed registrar of thel!bowels but never cause griping, titty fourth North Carolina regi- A Virginia Tragedy fal Bane ey ee Meee ranyve the verdict and relative paners University to succeed E. L. Harris, cramps or distress. Safe piils.— Gentlemene==««L ast summer I caught a cold which Seemed to sete | nent, displaved marked gallantry in | Richmond. Va., Dispatch, 6th. | schools ar eee rae mutualiy, before the case goes to the | deceased. . Stimson & Anderson. = Remaennis ee 3109 000. “This jery, in such away asto make the Ls : - it full ent of ths Jefan- 1; d6eS not is ie bi nOBeY spent in f . xtent of the defen ae 7 : ~y = less th: ‘ fany other division | n making up the House ec it- aterial need HON. JOHN T. SHEAHAN, OF CHICAGO. ess than that of a ty o-her division : 2 up Ub House commit - —- . > epesged aud only 369 more thapltees } epublicar membership ——<————_ Hon. John T. She 42an, who has been for seventee 4 rs i } ' n years manager of Mi aut Of Petticress brick u-; Will be Increased and the Democratic | gy a ge gy nig eM a we x - tren : “ator retiigrew’s brigade. Lieu + be Increased and the Democratic | ‘evel Discovery Field & Co.’s wholesale warehouse, and is corporal 2d Regiment Infantry, I. N. Gy | enane Colonel Gordon, an English j decreased by one dant Co a, ar wlizn | de 2d b: . 1 { ome writes the folowing letter from 3753 Indiana avenue, Flat Six, Chicago, ill.: ficer who held acommission in the epee fl | K Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. n ’he west- tlein my Kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple of Icid= | 2! fight. te was padly wounded A specia from Fredericksburg ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me ev: He ONE eon oa ee Ss proin Says that a terrible saya oul Ere _ > emt ; wetis states that wher the YIMisn-}acted ian West resana county last | of my foremen told me of the great help he had received in using ched the brigade Huspitai! nicht. ne man was killed ane two | = met in the annual convedtion of the Peruna in a4 similar case, and I at once procured some. ral Seales asked bim what helothers Seriously, if net fatally. | PI reatest work and the most | mantic [Wooing ‘of an American |! rsday, American Federation of Labor ia “ie was indeed 2 blessing to me, as lam on my feet a large pnrt of | | ebt of the fighting. Gordeu! wounded. The dead manis William os ee ao ioe oe x e EI0SU Girl. The State penitentiary cotton | Pittsburg last Thursday. President ; : 7 en Marked improvementis inthe schyo! = : monte ive 1G : ide the day, and trouble such as I had affected me Seriously, bet four | romp ly replied: ~The charge at}. Tavior. Jr.. and the wounded are | =e a i: : se ra iit ree Ol aetanmsiceensetrnteion erop this year will amount to over Samuel Gompers presided. pe - Pout 4 ¢ oulaklava was a d—ad humbug—a d/J..Q Stiffand W tiie Heflin, i = ‘ : 900 bales. The cotton is being held bottles of Peruna cured me entirely and ! would not be without it for | 73 av : ~d humbug, sir.” Itis plain from} From iufor Diti three months salary.”’=--JOHN T. SHEAHAN. “oumbus, sir. itis plain from} From iufort N Awoman by the name of Bess Se - Smith stabbed another; Hattie repairing and building churches Biceps owen pcan ‘aunsuckle,in a fightin Asheville Two bundred and eighty five men representing 1.500.000 working men pastors’ salaries or incid ntats. = -.?: State we years: the enti The sultan of Sulg i the sighing Thousangs Sent into Exite. ov now at hand it, > = a > years pti fuesuitan oiSulu is the sighing Ind ODb!ly for better prices. i an ; ; : . } ’ . . ce 3} ay nool in ‘W2ln In an internationa sourtshi Sve , a i: 2 numbe or : . ee articles which have appeared in lappears that @avlor being informed Berean . iis 5 a Carat in 3%, z : ae The *. C. Lyon, of Elizabethton. Blade 2 eee oa ee Mr. Jacob Fleig writes from 44 Sum-| suspected, but the chronic variety ma peemirnce TR Canora: Cars xR sad cance offered by | section, the one a tars Hill, in {tbat is refre: UnLky romantic. The; <<. C. Lyon. oi za mon, aden sufferers whose 1uness are sore and = eae : ee ; pine: oe fH ancred STus : : “Madison xis ie property | object of his devotion is Miss Marie leauniy 3 WRASSE icit a : se Sa ner arene, Brooklyn, N. Y.: come Om so gradually and insidiously ress Ubat tbe Canfederate veterans ' Herbert Marks to bis cousin. Miss; 8@lson ¢ } wita FO VEPLY 4) ct of his devotion 1S M iss Marie county aas been appointed solicitor racked with coughs are urged to x0 tee aie ~ : e : vO Worth ahr ie °c) Sweet, daughter of tha le t ant of th: th distriet tos ceed C M i; S 1am ©ow & new man at the age of | that its presence is not Suspected until | ¢ tne Tar Heel State do not intend | Rose Taylor, endeavored to have the | ‘7O0t2 ane Ww thee honey eter, of “tke lieutenant | of the Tth < Siena "Ut jto another climate. But this is Seventy-five years, taanks to your after it has fastened itself thorouchly ve deprived of tke laurels to es amicably settled. Failing to | @eat vi puplis rv they bave|colonel who was military governor | HeLean, deceased, : costly ard not always sure. Don’t ondert o . : ue a ae . So ea etre ne dnc s = ten of the. : arena > archipelago for teen vanre 3 i : pe stp ti pene remedy Peruna.’’«==Jacob upon its victim. vbich they believe themselves en-ldo co he in company with Sriff, | te! of ul , S t property fof = Sulu ow eee oe vears liza Steamship Company << anexilewhen Dr King’s New iz. = Recieve = Sie eT ieee valued at ! S20 000 and an enro!l jand the sultan lost his heart to aj, Seg Nr : Jiscovery for ecnsumption will ¢ re Scene - irst symp- | liled A State which eave to the ; eV. Thompson and a mia ; i ee : has been ci ved in New Jersey to} Vis y -GRSUMj penne Catarshal ingammation of the mucous| At the appearance of the first symp taAesa Rasen eee a magi arks | Ment of 7 600 pupils tis Humor, | vievure the girl sent her father dur Br ee youat home. It’s the most infalii- iy ff the kidneys, also callea|tom Peruna should be taken. ‘This ~obederecy, according to the ree-|¥ Dour visited the Marks Ye Johr : — se is ing his term of -attica run a line of s +s : Saas alae Sp eae a remedy strikes at t the very m@s, mere seldiers in proportion to] hays: ) arriving? there they eee a tect ase elt gee ae : ton to New ble medicine for coughs, CGIGs, una s disease,” may be either scute y Strikes at once at the vers ’ peiibynae Saori : bass ; ~> ni Bcreasea when the public seho Yhe San Francisco Examiner all throat and juce diseases art} 3 - a ation than any other State is » house barricaded and when al roat and jue diseases on ear TE shronic. The acute form produces of the disease, . Population loun any other State j Or trricad ana we < 7 5 Se LiGed i Managing tbat it shail) the, to Opea a door Marks WINTER symptoms of such prominence that the|. A book on eatarrh sent free }: : Hed to demunging ibat it - ea a doo oie ‘Nothing would do but he The North Carolina Conference is The first dose brings relief, 4s t é “= : € The repo f ¢ missioaaries in| must have the picture. and, perhaps | holding its annual session at Fay- tounding cures result from persis t : : ma E reeeive due eredi . achieve- an} Mn he ting from 2 12) 7 é 2 agries in }m - g As as I Sis 30 serious nature of the disease is at once | Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0. eived tedit ior the achieve- |: : Mow ihe Sith AS VW — close. “RVs: : 1 : d vases the state Heids fs Johnson de joecause royalty—Jeven in Sulu— is erteville this week. Bishop R. K. tent use. Trial bottles free at W. ments of its gallant sons. window. y Was shot through |‘! Se oe arith : she Fo mata 4 tiles SEE 5 clares, ai pveny graiilving. |not to be denied, and perhaps also | Hargrove is presiding. F Hall’s- Price 50¢ and $1.00, News and Observe conference; his character was pass- a . = SoU eta rhelhoact. @iea instantly. Stiff Tees ad eoeacencnaaase aalcomeen E & é Sere pas . : , ee ere are ab one hundred x reve! ternational complica- FE am ne , : 2e “6 & . Ee «wo New GSuildings Wor the A. M, Col-| was shot thr zbthe neck and Hef | LBere : rie eae cae epee ee oes Z When the name of Rev. T. J. Gat very bortle guaranteed. MING * cy aoe) eis ogee ach) «= Marks: snrren-|S'a@ries tn the state aad they report {tions. Colonel Sweet vielded to him tis was ealled ot the Fayetteville = Sean Es, ee Ei # ee Da ee arg reer Ai] the | 910 baptism 12.200 eony be photogaaph. The-suitan studied | ‘15 F8S ©24 ANE : Queen Wilbelmina’s husband, - S ‘ eat 2a : O the autacrities. All : F to attat eo} Pbey raised on + heir fietds the good lit with Increasing enthusiasm. He |< 7'°' a a ieee Prince Henry has beyved his Queen ft; ; A it : d toe ubrortaunate afair are caret Sr ea ‘ Peeris otter a livcly discussion. sad inlsoahint ots rovern— y ‘ue Board of Agiicuiture yester ; ily ly sus ©£ 329709 it witl be seen! wanted to know the color of her eyes , | Padon and also tbat of the yvovern icket thmale Bri Tust t Reli f d Permene-+ das decided to erect two new build | Pi Sminent socially i Marke’ to tani 07, Unis That cin cate mission work {aod hair, everything thata fond| The seceondannual reunion of the jiment and been forgiven by the AMarene Tings HS ant eel and erm ‘ us at the A. and M Coliexe, one a eo es 7 See iS a part estm t at it | father could tell adoting admirer. |57th Norri Carolina Regiment of} young Queen of Holland. aS a Ta TR SS ee ae v iim. He is from New|‘S *! ae eT S meee : . ; a ratnimaldiocciank i 6 Cure in A li (s re. dormitory and the other for dining Ceres eeibene ocane ) from 2 ndpoi : “Would she come to the Sulu Ts- | Confederat: os ee = ae in Saaeeenee ee snd assembly ball purposes = alee Sect Maxey} eeuey Nga rex oy is put |lands? Would Colonel Sweet «<e Salisbury on Friday December 13. . “A Joan of $20,000" was authorized |#'r,_be'nw exonorated by the eor- [aud Con ) 00 Feces ee ewcene Case ll eee of State] D. S. Mitehel!, Fulford, .Ma.: Rear a CH oe ee POS A joan of $2 Was authorized |". materia wn [tR @ad $29 020 receir. for ner?’’ Colonel Sweet tempy t is said that Secretary of State Ss. Chi, » dG: Se SC Re eRe SS CN EERIE On EOCENE for this purpose Sr ert Series tees x cade es pane es “fs will stand in thejed by explaining that the journey aa2 pe wiSen ex Coreen “During along illressI was troubled s ed whe acon eee Bere “ ; t me y‘sushinygton. Oo en whe i meg STE ne x x . - Wey Das tenc a S os at x - = i WRITE YOUR NAME A>D ADDRESS PLAINIY, Ahe Watauga Hall ouilding, the ; ea ana ay : as th have in the past, vas long. that the ATOPICS” ALE ROU! Deacon the appointment as consul] With pee rene advised pees aus of which still stand, is to be! * i rastig 2 . ee declared Mr Johnson. “for mic ions | particularly attractive to the pret to Genoa. Italy, and that mr. Pear- DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve and so West In- eae ae enti gie : eouilt. It will be tiree stories in}, ‘eter dis: eee ‘star eee and educ from ‘our doors tej ry girls, and that Americana cirls do Wea cantsae with wonderful results. I was per- lif, nig, es Taare is nothiog like | oe wiz and is to be used entirely for | °C SAVS Gein a -. <5 Se the ends at tig sud for edura-; very much as they please in their feetly cured It is the best saive on . : EAS ri ; ins ief, @ the erie 5 =n reacning the nospital - : ; c a 7 ny ~ * % : > © : ei allior Eas ; Tf brings Sai reer, ev a tormitory purposes. Is will ac eee ed tion from the p : usthrough {own sweet way. The sultan was tre State Board of Agriculture|the market.’ Sure cure for piles, nes worst cases. It cures w a ; : - fails. son will accept. nodate twice as many students ¥ om Can't Head Spencer Blackburn | the Christian @olles farre is | not easily discouraged. He got bis] has appropriated $1,000 to the North sores, burns. Beware of counter- as did the old buidiug. The new | leigh Post perfect unity in th pominaiion |mammez—by threats or commands | Carolina State er ee feits.—Stimson & Anderson. . . : . Ka HN Post, , . . = s = ae z= coat ai - g . : The Rev. C, F WELLES of Vil’ e om rulidiug Is to be two stories jin : - , Nota discordant nove i beard, but jor beseechings. itis not for us to toassist it in organizing in ali the : ach, Miami, says: “Your trial bottle of & RCeIN bere ee a 5 ; We knew we would hear of as well |‘ autem i mage ; z Shs gee aie : Se A estate ha oe Tom Bampton, colored, was Port Pant CMe ecimal poodConaiiGdahice an, Fe eigot with a basement for the Seat : from the iains to the sea they | know how -to send her hatas a» pres | counties of the State. tm ble BO : { : ; see - hanged at Lake City, Fla., last Fri- = mo ankful I fe a der: from it 1 ‘chen. The first fiver is 1 ave mee . : are united, heart to heart and handfent to + fascinating > Qo = seer =e . . bmascille. a thankiut I feel for the goo om it suchen. Phe first floor is to have 12 Washington Times of Wednes |2te t , heart to} and handfent to the fascinating America M. W. Cranford & Sons, who | day for a double murder, committed was a slave. chained with 7 3 Noioy room accommedatiors for DUD . 5 : ltl in hand. workin harmo air] : . ay n. Au- ; and Asthma for ten years. Id: neste | Toaster pepe att om ancient coenie e day gives us this interesting infor- Sth ipa Te ateie ae Spies lea oR Ng cascode oi moved from Davidson to Charlotte nine yearsago. He confessed before mS beng Gured. I saw your adnerti emieni for the und the second floor is to be used as 2 & the cause It somehow percolated into his in- a ; S i rst. Anat cure of thisdreadful and=tormenti.a BU Bowecyeeeact ier bly hall. It wij | ation: ate ner con-ciousnes that American |#00ut two years ago, will return to|/he was hung to having killed five nta, CSV TE Asthma and thought yeu hel ove sen | & Coaper and assembly hall. oe “The successor to the most pic Re : eee eects oka a ~ Davidson next year and resume their | men. f OS: : yourselves but resolved to give it a trial To} juve a seatlog Capacity ample for} ~ ue member of the House in| Crossed the Ocean Boxed Upin the] gitls need more persuacings—such ereantile business there Sy ‘i YW Senaaaaiemaes abontion a ; the needs of the college. raat Eaae . eee Z Lin Holdof asteamer. very pretty girls asthe one of the|™mercantil oe : Saved His Life. , Se e size Z = ne las sneress, = 3 old as arrer. 7 7 5 = = r 'S Sage ae i ihe commissioner of agriculture : “ ee Reo Seams Spencer | xew York Di : photograph aud he tried the charm] The management of the peniten- “I wish tosay that I feel I owe : ey, Ss " ese! aii ‘ 2 rk Dispa 2nd. . eal = ° a = - = and Messrs. Allen and Daugbtridge Ber sd bo was assistant Unik creed ofalllands, the charm of jewels |tiary will iacrease the number of my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.”” ~ f ea Sack ourn 30 Was ass rf = oy Mncrehinr: aie . pes ee ete i ce ins OL We = > : 2. = z HE ‘RY : ot Rev. Dr Morris Weel: were appointed a committee to eon RaeStare eisteaeel oan ieee 2en a longshorem ‘ drop From the royal collection he select conyicts at work on the Ohio River writes H.C. Chrestenscn, of Hay- ; 2 x " [tract lor and superintend the eree ieekoaley = eee administration, | 2°? '®to the ho! To Whore Aer 2 {ed twoof the finest vearls, rare, |and harleston railroad in Mitchell. field, Minn ‘*For three years I was Rabbi of the Cong. fnai Israel} tion of the new puiidings. The com cS Pie oa ae see mee : He latia, _of the Hamburg American beautiful, perfect, so heavy that they county to 400 early next year. troubled with dyspepsia so that I SLEEPING sii NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. mittee is directed to arrange with 5S coy ore reaetaeee ae aa pate. just arrivedat the Hoboken drop like little bulle:s into your Waiter Glenn acarpenter, fell 30} could hold nothing on my stomach, 5 noel Pie CINE 4 . = st ‘ Veil prove i ~i> See artied t; E ae ie ; i oy € : rpente i C : , TRAINS. DES nae EROS) MEDICINE) O- contractors for the employment of ee ey ee te eee oe ot meek Hand, hard and of a luster like the feet from a scaffold in Charlotte | Many times I would be unable to re- medy for Asthma and Hay Fever, ant Gt. | tudents at the college who may so well to the front. It is believed | Vie call for eee ne ae moonlight = the water. With ee Wetnesta tonnes week. His head|taina morsel of food. Finally I was / p edy for Asthma an ay er, : Bra) ae ah Dractionp? es _ BS eo mbna ies moans. Summoning assis anee he >» sent a2 tt written in the pruyee 13 a $1 i 7? READS Wy commen alieviates all trouble: -om- | de=tre, tO Work, when practicable. thar the speaker will appoint him made a search and found a man tv. he Sout ees aes : E oe Jq |Strack a rock crushin + his skull and | confined tomy bed. Doctors said I cine with Asthma. Its success is as ing |) =6The resolution providing for the on the Judiciary aod Elections Com | 2 nme salt, ecko poet ly- | quaint Sanskirt character—the o causing his death in a few hours. could not live. I read one of your ILWAY. ‘ ; Senne cent carefully analyzed we can} WOrk, which was introduced by %ir eee ae a Naas oe 5 acro-s some salt sacks. The man est of Arvan languages—oh pareh | ~~ ae a advertisements on Kodol Dyspeps'a é ft. avi 2 analyzed a : e t “ - } To mt nenital ee ttt71 = ‘4 _ — * ; 3] + - . : " + pe Pea nacoeee cere contains no opmum, mot- | Graham directs thar the Gaines < S Scr e cc epee to night isata hospital with littie ment. The royal seal of one signi Henry W. Miiler, private secreta Cureand thought it fit my case and for foll : phine, chloroform or Se asus borrow not exceeding $20,000, which ee - = attractive’ all | chance of recovery, ficiance was ina lower corner. I' {ry of Col. A. B Andrews, bas been commenced its use. I began to im- RELIEF. REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, with the insurance Money received Bere ae xe Baoan Investigation shows that the] was carefully rolled around a Jittle appointed by the President of the prove from the first bottle. Now I n ‘he burned buildings, (about $6, | three of those thiags “A _| Stranger bad been boxed up in Ger-| stick with ivory tips—the strangest }Southern Railway first assistant to and ditto all.” ESTBURY JON SPRINGS. N, ¥.. February 1, ro: Ea Die ae 7g {SOme time—but when he lifts that meny ins packing case marked -J : = cliccerio an: he First Vice President, Col. A. B. |2™ Cured and recommend i = hs Pass. Agent, BN Sa eae : U0). suall be used, or so mucb as is voice and two hands of his to high oe na pa anos Case markea i letter an A merican giviever got. toe First Vice es: ? a Digests your food. Cures all stom- 2 vr. TAFT Bi : SEC ' to carry cut above di Sie leens tert ietagneg a . : a in the case was qa s The sen ‘ he ha as ¢ : cont ichmond, Va aE? BOs. MEDICINE Recast neiecn from a sense of duty. having tested the words Hect Pacouss ory, LO carry Gut the above di- beaven ina frenzied account of the i _ in the case w aS zi sma i he sencing of the nat was 3 pro Andrews. : aeh troubles.— Stimson & Anderson, . — ene enccaanees Soe sthma. My wife has been afilicted with spa«: ma! recLions. This money so borrowed} "7S" tS s rg ms bottle which had contained Whiskey [ posal . f marriaye and the fair recip = } gg, of Charlotte has ick f tiene, forthe cure of Asthma. My rear ORO coil ; € y ir mer bo} who refused to ga way my = . pr. J. W. Stagg, o ario Se = — rei gaint 2 years | Having exhausted my own sil! eecicucotestucclaboaianl ne }>halibe for the A. and M. Colege | Grummer bo5 ee ur Mountain {224 also some crumbs of bread. A /ient of that neivloouy in headgear | 9.ca0q tn undertake the work of| Griffin Mayo and Frank Strong, ent. Yor 1pon your windows on r30th street. New York. f at on y soon noticed a radic:! i eas »returned fr app ro-} 2ack and sit down, our eNO eceiot Paper was found marked !has packed it away asa CULIO!! She fimeenosesss ( ieth | Sixteen year old boys are under ar- My need taking it about the first of November Ivery soon n homen rp-| ud shall be retuened from app ru Orator surpases even an army with| © “x 29 np Dake = sage : raising $300,000 for the twentiet en 3 5 ee = ising one bottle her Asthma has — red oe ene Were : aie this | prlations to said Coilege. : es o ‘ Ea OCR John Bi Ck, io€ vooOx was mark senta aipiomatic messaye, spoken century educational fund from the] Test ian Clevelany G. The have con- alfic Manager. 1th: sister met medicine SRT EN a an ; Z nthe es a S. We are gi: ; erman + Secs ee f e . " pate a ffic Ma ithat Ican consistently recommend the earaiea ecesaine —— : : : ae we ne x sk ra is still ed in Ge rman, “This side _ UP with binto a phonograph, to the sultan and Presbyterians of North Carolina. | fessed to the robbery and murder of oD. PHELPS, M.D Alleged ee Sey) mse, fom bine thous oe i. tockings |°3e:.’ There were no air holes in | will nave the pearls setina ring or He will begin January Ist Emile Goodman, a tailor. Against the moral, “attractive. ’ 1 go stockings the case and the hate . +} = 7 : er - eas Send the batch to. the holdlor a pin as asouvenirof Sulu, but . Bs : Feb. 5, gat. New York, Dispatch. and bird’s egg colores Soe: had not been opened from the time she will not go to the archipelago as| At the joint dehate between the Food Changed to Poison. TAPT BROs MEDICINE Cc : mae zs: : : ‘ Spencer is simply orgeous—a ate ae RE Cavener: Jwes iver) ed with Asthma for z2years Thave tried numerous iemecic A special to the Press from Wash | >Pence bly gorg the Patatia hdress ing disease, — left port until today. @ sultana. studerts of Wake Forest and Trinity Putrefying food in the intestines ce. Thave since purchowe our fulbiz~ bottle, andam cecr grateful, Thave a omily [ington says: Rear Admiral Schley | home. Zones. The man was well dressed evident- oo at Raieizh lyst Friday night. Bese produces effects like wee ipl i tai ica eae pe beter ar ee of heals avd am) ha. peen found at fault on five counts McLaurin Not to be in Democratic} !¥ 2 German bout 20 years-old He] Sensational Story of an Scandal. Forest won. _The See or dis-| but Dr. King Ss Bere i ae s expe i sincswevery day. This (esuiieay you cen make seh use eee by the court cf inquiry, This comes Caucus. had jess than a dollar in German | gicterdam Dispatch. cussion was “Compulsory e Wake the polsons from ¢ eee oweis, Home address, 33d Rivingiow strect 67 East 12gth - ity. | froma person who 1s ina position Washington Dispatch, 6th, money in his p oekets. Up to the Sensational stories of aroyalsean |id North Carolina, i and ake vently, easily but sure Js hee nt, consisting ae a ce he to learn the opinion of the admirals] is said Senator John L. Me presea: the consignee or-consignor | 42) ore again current. Forest nad the affirmative. er alee ee c <a omene ten sa INR ou Reeeint of Pssi2! on the different specifications. Laurin has been read out of the | bas not been discovered. See eee aeons intimate} Governor Aycock, “Bother ay- = 23 nae - Only 3. saa ae Pit makes a0 Trial Bottle Sent Ab-elutely Free on CCEIPt OL FO8):. It is understood, however, that | Democratic party. Action dispos oa early today an Americano Ex court scource thatit is not improb-/ cock” as he was called, so fired the WF Hall's ny a Seneca the court finds against Schley: ing of the Sou'h Carolina Senator | Press wagon called fora box mark- able taat Queen Wilbelmina will ap | Baptist convention at Winston last | W- F- . ek a written Vrite at once, addre sing DR. TAFT BROS.’ First, for the delay ofthe flying | will be taken, it is further asserted, |Cdd as this one was, and itis be ply for 2 divorce on the grounds of} Prigpy by a speech on education | ~ Two young women were bursed 10 Ne Seco = cruelty and improper behavior onjthar the debt of $43 000 on the Bap | doath in a fire near New Orleans ° = } hs hat thic eire: ttre, No Pay. Do not detav. squadron off Cienfuegos, when the Democratic caucus meet, | 'icved that that through this circum- the part of the Prince Consort. tist Female University wads wiped Friday. Pag maetteay Same MEDICINE CO., East 130th St.. NY City Sake Second for*misrepresentation of! next week. ‘The decision was reach ee more may S ay reasons sturning to Key|ed today by the Democratic sena |@¢ Of the strange affair.” It is be- Public sentiment is intesely with by the subd criptions that poured 4 20e : the reasons for re ed today by ; atic sena [oo ‘ Pi ites chee ublic sentiment is sely out by the sub criptions 4: , errmediibn West to coal. tors, each one agreeing to it without | lieved the man was in the hold at the Queen . Last night a biograph | in on the c)aciusion of nis speech. Miss Jane Toppan, of Lowell, 1 Le é ¢ 0 at_Liver and | 5” Third, tor disobedience of orders} exceprion The matter has been |le#t fifteen days picture of Wilhelminia which was = Mass., a trained nurse, is on trial ifier. Small. i m : ; oe = . pitas Z t od 2 man were arrest- = Bally. adapted aed 1a ar I ant rau! Y in making the retrograde move-j|ralked of ever since the leading —— displayed at the Carre theatre was| .4 Woman and for the murder of three of her pa: 0 & Jad Aca e : di ilsor Ww. the suspi- |;; = ts. ment. members began to arrive at Wash Sad Accident in Gastonia, tumultuously cheered. while one of |&4 i2 wi ee Neltie tients by poison. ent Fourth, for failure to destroy thejiggton. Bac: incoming member | Gastonia Dispatch, stn, the Prince Consort was loudly hiss-|C!02 that eee ae +e sey. ey were afterwards | jaam=ez=gemeeseeresemroees Colon. : was sounded aud the opinion was} My. J. Ea. Curry, while out bunt-| ed. : Crerey soe Saosin Dezl . Fifth, for conduct unbecoming an uranimous that Mr. McLaurin was ing, was accidentally shot with his| It is now asserted that the Prince : ’ : mee . Coug € grant de = officer and gestleman in the Sehley-jno loager a Democrat Senator | own gun, s00ut 5 o'clock this after | was adverse to the marr ge from the ths Peak A oe Hodgson controversey. It isimposs | Tillman is emphatic in-his denunecia noon and died at 7:05 o'clock this | first. but that the Kuiser insisted on Serteason were wasted ip Georgia 8 ; ‘ ible to confirm this report of the} tiog of his@olleague and is thorough evening, He was a well-known | it: in-view of the increasing German Eee 4 Ong ; Press statement in regard to the[}y in aecord with MeLaurin’s expul | drugyist and 1 prominent Citizen of jinfluence in Holland This is said |!er Borsestealing. ee If} (} dl e d i} A : tinding of the Schley court sion from the party. Otber senators| Gastonia. Ho icaves a wife and one|to explain the unhappy appearance The Georgia Legislature bas ap “<I had a most ceeeee cough Ri en were equally as fastramental as he | child. of the Prince at the wedding which yropriated $509,000 to build 2 Union| @ £07 ™2ny ee Cae = ae : eee eee oe isin bringing about the decesion| Mr. Gurcy aad Mr. George Jen-| was then generally remarked. Depot in Atianta ‘ tien ted Ayers Ch ry Pectoral, | For Cemetery and Bui ding Purpos*s: Little Rock, Ark, Dispatch. 6 now reported. kins wem bunting about two miles| Dowager Queen Emu: as heart- Ses b , ms baceo district of | a and was quickly cured.” “ | Bud. Wilson, the convict who ‘iled oon from iow, _Wbhen in jumping a broken over the outeom » -fthe mar A = = = 2 ac ee R. N. Mann, Fall Tenn. | : a i R. H Naylor,2 guard cfthe Yell eS oe rv. Curry’s = was dis- mate and sient ns ee Pere Soe Se Mills, ’ ; ui all irinds of cemetery werk. i bapanretgre ec ast Deeember ashington Dispatch, 6th, ehaurged, ihe entire loud in one jecta reconciliation. © original |$ 4). > 3 : and never Jets, Headstones, and al! sind ene tecayoiccce: = ie vile.| The new Hay Pauncefote treaty | barrei en cringihe left ley betweeu | cause of tbe royal estrangement, wag | the leaf plaot of Haghes & Co., were| & Sixty years of cures to eat : * "3 ant 3 4 be! Twenty minu-es after the trap was regarding the isthmian canal wasithe kuée ans the thigh and, com | the Prince’s dédts which the Queen Janong the viants destroyed, and such testimony as the sensitive Ma! ceria] and Workmansbin Guarantees oo | sprung the body was lowered into a| sent ro the Senate today and was| pletely severing the larze ar ery ot refused to pay. whea she found they <p : 5 above have taught us what First Cls “KS icoffin. Before the lid was placed | referred for consideration to. the ~he leg. Mr. vculius was some had veen contracted in an ‘“improp gon Eee ‘A er C ral | 5 ‘upon the coffin the body oezan mov-|Gommittee on Foreign relations | distance awey at the time, and as|er manner. on 5 at yer’s herry Recto W jing about Wilson Rogie oe The terms of the see bane been Se = ee por reer oS aes Son twill do. - vite for our eatalo; nd prices. is whole frame shivered, He! heretofore m:de public It a rogates ed tc > nearest telephone an . : : iy = CSAP ae TE eee ee from the coffio by the} the old Ciayton-Bulwer treaty, gives}summoned physicieng Dr. Sloan], ones oe ee . eee? ; Weknow it’s the g x Bn , Pp FESRARG deputies and carried up the s'eus to the Urited States the right to abso-} resvonded. bat Mr Garry was dying | behing Ree een sts a as E est remedy ever YA @ % ISB RY AND NORTH Wi ALU Ee a et fine ee Ba DL aai | when be resehod h A short'ti er skio diseases but Bucklen’s Arni 5 19 AT STATESVIL'E SAL — the scaffo d for the purpose of hang- lutely owa and coatrot any Cane a. © Shore time Sa ve heals the raw sores, expels made. you will S2y er ar pot ees ae ct) ing him again ‘that it may construct, to unite the] afterward ~~ R-iand Wilson ar- fr =e — Vee eens wach: Si : e is cog 29 quae * 3 TOBACCO SPR When the platform was reached Atiaatic and Pacifi¢ oceans, leaves | rived, ber oon “£ Could be done, sth amma NS " frie = oer nes VLE BE : 5 SO, too, after you try it. ; C” With a Tail. DO ACT oes Eos he bodysbecume rigid, remained so tothe Uuited Srates the task of/and © r. Corry Gied shortly after chausenekehecen core oor. NS 5 Ther e's cureineverydrop. ; fe “C” with a tail is the trade se eabuncctaain or a momentand they became limy guaranieeiug its neutrality witaoar | ward eee : : = 5 - Bios. - : BER. eRe F me of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Sos = esmade welt one, Bia vie. fuilgt Wilson was exumined carefully by reference 3 ior her ations, aod per | UBETNad RERE fe peas Try. ic cae ee Onty 25 Ri s ee Sp owinay O0k for ito ight blue enameled | new Ife and vigor strong. Many gaia he p ysictans. who taally pronoun. mits the Uuited States toforvify the} PEs: — > sat W. - Metal bex! a tablet stamped | fos* makes .we a days. Over 560,900 d bt 2 dead baving Ocen caused by canal if it dees sucna course nec- sx onctnahinae Soak bean pe matew Are Your idneynz S C.C. Never sokd ia bulk. AN cured.” All aru ‘i ThRigM@ »trangulstion ol See 2, at 10s. per Se conan ce pure eat. ee all of the Weare i; a position to quote the very lovest prices on Monus kinds 0 Nab The New Canat Freaty. ee Cae a i t 4 oe ge Tee - : a Fy a at + es; rr : % + 3 F e Bi me; a + ’ Fu be aS ¥ i es a? “GR an ce i rt f , 2 y" + Se Me hs ei Br ; ; > if oi € i a ny : 2 ae : f a dl - . Pat ay ee) cot ey] back) \ eq i. ee * cz wp ie s se ee ¢ . kueucsto taur Lowcis With Cascarets. Candy —-- . ——e nee Tm Wn mm = THE MASCO% TRLISHET WEBIERKY ONE DOLLAR A YEA — A. D. Warts. Epitos & Pro>.:isTox ¥atered at the Pstoffice at Statesvill: NC second class mai! matter. J *DPHove No 35 Dec 12, 1901. Statesville, N. C., FROM WASHINGTON EIGH. AND RAL The McLaurin-Til'man Incident iu the Senate—Releigh News. Editorial Correspondence of THE MA«<cor. Raleigh. N eC Dec 10. 1901 I witness: d the WeLaurin-Tilimar Jones episode in the Unired States Senate Monday. It was dramatic andro some extent sensational. It had heen published in the papers that Senator McLaurin. of South Carolina. would not be allowed :o participate in the Democratic Sena torial caucus and that the Demo- cratiz caucus would not provide committee assignments for him. Monday the South Carolina Senator arose to aquestion of personal priv- ilege. He quoted the newspapers and detailed alleged conversations he had had with Senator Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of the Demo- cratic caucus and also of the Demo cratic National committee He went into the history of of the re cent politics in his State and was very eulogistie of recent Republican administrations. He tried to justi fv his control of the Federal patron age in his State and claimed that he was a Democrat. He was severe io his attacks upon the present leaders and policies of the Democrats. sing ling out Senator Jones, of Arkansas, and his own colleayue, Senator Tillman, for his bitterest denuncia tion. McLaurin made quitea speech speaking with emotion and feeling When McLaurin concluded Sena- tor Jone arose and flatly contradict ed the South Carolina renegade’s statements offact. MeLaurio said he accepted the disclaimer of the Senator from Arkansas. ‘I am meking no disclaimer but I am econ tradicting you,’’ replied the Demy eratic National chairman. Senator Tillman then secured the floor and gave a history of receat events in Palmetto politics, going into details in regard to the resig nations of the two Senators last =ummer. Senator Tillman saidthat he was sorry that ‘ne Governor re fused to accept his and alcLaurin’s resigoatioas. as he (Tillman) was unxious for the people of his State ta decide between MecLrurin and bimself—that if McLaurin represen ted the will of the people of South © wolina be (Tillman) did net. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, said the Governor of Svuth Carolina had no right to refuse to aecept the resigrations. and that. in his; hon, pel of the Seuth Curo a Senarors had any rivht to seuts Upon the Senate f] Or. ¥ eL gure hop-d the commitive on ves and eleetieons would in- vestigate the matter ‘“‘Why trou ble tee committee? resiernatiou here and aow and [ wiil wrire out mine andsend them up to! that man,’ said blunt Ben Tiliman. | ident ard f-ckinginto the eves of his colleague. Ai! cyes were tutned to McLaurin. Jt was felt that he would accept Tillman’s challenge. but he sat n.ute with awlook of chaage in his face tha’ was patbeticinits helplessness Tbe silence was oppressive for a tex Moments asthe Americana - Senare waited for the renegade from Soutk Carclina to make good his ooastings but it was plain to be seen thar Till man’s Challenve could not smoke him out. Finally, Senator Lodge. of Massachusetts, arose and said: “While these resignations are pre paring, ] move that the Senate go intO executive session,’’ and the first exciting incidentof the Fifty- Seventh Congress passed into his- tory. lt was plain to be seen that Till m2 Meant every word he said and tha: he was anxious to resign with bis colleague and go to the people of bis State. McLaurin will never resign, Heis to all inteats and pur poses a Republican and he shvuid resize. Heshould no longer mis- roreceene the people he has_ betray ed. Sclicitor Marsbali L Mott, of W:i\kesvoro,has been in Washingtor al week, and Mr. Roy L Leinster uve us a pleasant surprise Satur dav. Hereturned home Tuesday. It is understood that District At torney Holton will be reappointed de-pite the charges of Mr. Ellis. It is also understood that Attorney General told the district attorney tpatif he was reappointed the law partnership existing between him widJ. E Alexander, of Winston, must be dissolved, or Mr: Alexander tiust Cease to appear for defendants indicted in the Federa! Courts. This is really the most sericus of Eilis’ charges and tbere has been some gvoutds for it in the conduct of the Federal Courts of the Western Dis- trict of North Carolina. Monday night | left Washington for Raleigh, where 1 am serving on the committee of the Legislature ex. amining the accounts of the Statecf ficers: AH members of the comm:t- tee—Senators Wedd, of Cleveland, and Smith, of Johnston, and Repre sentatives Stubbs. of Martin; Watt- of Iredell, and Martin of Wilkes, are here. The examination will occupy abouta week. Everything is found to be in ship shape so far Attorney Genera! G:imerand Sup erintendeet of Public [nstructi o Toon are seriously ill, and their friends are uneasy about them = A! torney Gereral Gilmer is slighti: better tonight. He recently uffer ed arelapse. All North Carolinian- hope these splesdid officers will be Spared to the State. ES The Charlotte News says: ‘Phila- delphia is wrestlipg with the educa tional question and tinds it neces Sary to incwase its truant cfficers to enforce its compulsory school law.” Certainly. Did you ever kuow a law to be enforced that was not backed up by a practically unani Toous public sentiment. And yi: Some Gt our pood friends talk of i Cumpuisory schcol law for -Nortt Carciina. How many cfficers + cu‘ it take toeuferceit in North Care pointipg to the Vice Pre Write out your) i Marriage in Sharpesburg- Saan all in Session. oo in | orrespondence of THs Ma-c T. c. L Millsaps who hives on che J. 4, Brown piace was kicked in the ace las: week by bis mare. <A lit- ie boy hadted the mare to water .ad she got loose and reo pack to the table where Mr. ilisaps wes eeding. He was sitting in Lhe sta- ue dvor Shucking corn, and as she assed b.m ke sterted to ralsé up heushe kicked bim. His nose aua os were vadly bruised aud cut. >> Compveil came ane dressed ibe cupds aud sewed up bis pose, aud eis vow yvelting aluoy as weil as a school up in the edge of Alexauuer tut he had to suspend it. S.C Johnson is subbing for him this veek We had a surprise wedding last saturday evening. The lady was liss Aynes A. Brown, a daughter { the late Elam Brown, and veutle van was ex-Register of Deeds, Van “’. Teague, of Alexander couoty. ‘yr Teaygueis a prominent Cilizep of ur neivbbor county. The Marriage vas solemnized at 6 o’cloek the writ r officiating, after which an elegant upper was served to the invited svests and immediare relatives of he family. Sunday morning the yeidat party left for the groom’s rome at Bently, Alexander county. Toe bride is a highly esteemek ladv, and while her mavy friends are sor ey that she.has ieft our communi ity, yet we all congratulate oer on her choice of so excellent a man for her companion in life, and wish for them both all yhe happiness sod pleasure this life affords. fhe schools of our township are all in session There has been some trouble in securing teachers, Dut al! ‘he schools are now supplied and are to session. The attendance is good aad the people generally show in terest ia them . The new books are oeluyg used insome schools 1n part, and my own school at Rockv Branch is using thenew books exclusively. We are very much pleased with hem especially with the grammar. The class is mak‘ng five progress and like it well. The manager of the Rocky Branch library has received the books, and now has them shelved ready for the patrons. It is hoped all the patrons will take interest in them Iisa splendid opportunity we have for improving ourseives. The slection is svell suited to the purpose for which it is intended. E S. MILLsaps Clio, N. C., Dee 9. -_——> Pe = | Phirty-five Negroes in Danger of Mob Violen e. Montgomery, Ala, Dispatch, 6th. | Sheritf Bradshaw, of Covington ‘coun:y, this afternoon wired Gover jnor Jeiks that he had positive infor [mation chat amob from Opp would lattack the jatla: Acdulasia t- night |for the purpose of iyaching the 35 i negroes impilcated in the Silliag ot }the town marshal aod a werchant at | Opp, Wedue-day, | Tie soeritf asked that soldiers be Isent to Audulasia witbout deiay jImmedia eiv upon receipt of tbis the Goverocr ordered the miliary Gompasy atl Greenvilie te ta Andulasia ead road company fora sprciml Captain Gamole, of toe Greenville company veplied it 20 minutes that his company woud teave for Andalusia at 5 o'clock ibis af ernoon. The Governor sent troops tonight to aid sheriff Bradshaw io pro ec: ling the negro woters 1 jali bere ana the town is nOw under martial law sherffis fearing an attack at anv moment py a mob from Opp anc is prepared to protect bis prisouer Tere rag, Drocesd OY brats arradnved wi ob ibe 20 a? all hozzards “ ‘ores wegroes, names unkrowr rere Gaugnt and ktiled ov a 9osse vo! eizens pear Oup wéay for allegeG canpl@ ty in the rict and the whole country isin a:Ms agains: the oe xroes, Up :oa late hour tonight the mob hus not made an appearance. The troops are on guard ind the know! edye of this fact may prevent au at tack, News has just been received here that yesterday morning a negro commitred suicide near Opp. He Was being pursued by a posse with Diood houuds and seeing escape im possiole the black man shot bimseil (a no In C ngr.ss, Saturday the President signed the yilitoadmit free of duty al! articies ‘atended for the Charleston Exposi ion ‘This was the tirst bili signed oy President Roosevelt Senator Pritchard introduced Senator Simmons to the Presiden Saturday, The tariff iegislation, made neces sary by the Supreme Court’s recent decision on the Philippine question. shkely to produce a long and bit er fight in Congress. President Roosevelt has pominat ed Richm rd Pearson, con ul to Genoa, iealy,” Mr. Pearson bas deen confirmed and will accepc.. _In the Senate Monday Senator Yepew latroduced a jsint resolution ‘oO appropriate $75 600 tothe aid of he Charleston Exposition. ~- Senator Hoar has introduced” « Silt giving the Federal courts juris distioa in Cases of lynebing and 1ud Makioy participation ina tynch- ‘6g puntsbabie by death. - Senator Frye has introduced a new ship subsidy bill. . st — The Negr» Deverter Killed. Manila Dispatch, 8th. Native scouts from Bengabon. vrovince of Nueva Ee:ja. have killed be American negro, Vavid Fagan, +deserter from the 7Z'wenty fuurtb (cuiored) Infantry, who tor more ban lwo yeers bas been leading “ulplaos against tbe American ‘ruops. The Dalive scouts decapita- -diuelr prisoner. l'ne mans bead, GWever, Was reCoguized as that of cugau. ibey aiso secured bis C m uisslon ip the lnsurgentarmy. Fa yan hadon one of fis fingers the aass ring of Lieu:enant Frederick W. Alstae ter, of the euyinerrs, vbho was Captured by Filipious, sup- posedly under the commaua of Fa .an himself, Oc ober 28, 1900. — << ____ Rev. J. W.. Bradford, of , Biook- side, Ala., a Metbudist miaister, was sttted at bis door by R. D. Cotman, bo bad ‘been expelled from tue Gureo iast Surday aiternvon’ idoeKnoxvilie Sentinel of the 6th ays: The market was crowded wiih Seurth Carviina appie wagons. The -Verage price of the apples Is $1 per ‘usbei. by the wagon ivad: Harry Pumb, a popular young “ui:man conductor fell beneath the rain in Chariotte Saturday and his Jina. a | seit leg was crushed off ha'f way be- vween the knee aad the ankle. - | Pillman and McLaurin Make Things = : Puescey | tobes new dweiling pear *¥. b, oa | «acter I was induced to try CASCA- | . : - . - ‘ could be expreted. He was teaching PMcLaurin arose to « que =o la gtippe to result in pneumonia.” Por. i & Anderson: Lively in Washington ashi nu Dispatch, gth. Sornescaate chamb-r was the oe of a bigbly dramatic episode today, when senator Tilman, of Soute | .arelina, challenged bis colleague, Senator McLaurin +0 resipn with him ou the spot, in order, to ase Dis ; own language, that they might 2S avie “to wash tnelr dirty ituen at: home’? Mr. McLaurin aid pot take | up the gauge. Phe exciting Crash) vetween the WO Sea! Lo RoC the direct sequel of the Ver) banter; G-atroverss which a bee them in South Carolina ee | sonal privilege ‘oday aud proceeded to explaics what he ebarged ee conspiracy to discredit bim in - Gwn State foracts and views whic did pot meet the approval of certain | Democratic leaders. He declared that he was being humitiated, and, | according to punlic prints, Was to: be excluded from the Dem«crauc because be hud acted upon 2 way which | Caucus, — it ‘ertalo PpudNlic Isses Ih : Re oanderea was for the best ei cerests of the gountry aod he peo | pie of bis State. He announced hmseti @ Dhever ia th: old Democ racy and after denouncing the new Democratic leaders who, he said had brevgbt destruction uvon the party, declared that he esuld not be driven irom his old allegiance into a party with which he did not care ‘o affill ate. Mr. MeLaurin’s statements drew the fire of Senator Jones, chairman of the Democratic national committee, who denied that he had any “ulterior motives’? in aot in viting Mr. McLaurin the enter the caucus From Mr. Tillman it brought f-urth a review of the whole contro versy, in the course of which Mr Hoar took occasion to express the »pinion thar it was doubtful whether porh the South Carolina seats were notin reality vacant Hecontended that when the resignations were of fered last spring to the Goyeroor, thev could vot thereafter be with drawn and that-thev became immedi ately operative. He cited a prece dest and suggested that the com mittee on privileges and elections should lock into the matter. ————ent> ee A Deed of Horror. Anderson, S. C., Dispatch 8th. Late yesterday afternoon Oliver Green, a pegro. about 20 years old, committed a criminal as-ault upoo Viiss Rebcecea Aon Kelly, a maiden ‘ady apou 5d years old; who lived ulone in a house two miles above Beltoninthis county. Tne negro accomplished his purpose. The la- dy’s face and shoulder were horribly prutsed and a piece of flesh was a! most severed from her arm by the vezro’s teeth. Deputy Sberiff Dil ‘ingham was potified by ‘phene of he crime about two heurs atrer its occurrence and went at opce to the scene with his blood nound. The dog struck a trail at ‘ne bouse aod foilowed i: direetly te + begre cabin zboub two miles dts aut. Five npeyroes were arrested acudearried before Stiss Keliv, who promptly ident:tied Greeu as her ax valiant A large crowd bad collec: t ar@ they were determined t een tbe negro, Oui the officer sue led an eludivy them and »reugnt iis prisoner here torough th. @eun rv ard landed tim iv jsilanour day ipht toils meroing. Phere is no auticipatico pow of an attempt te .ke the prisoner from the jail pw ii Ube crowd bad votten boid of th: there would un anotber ivpch ‘ny IM TOs Goants The negro bas siked but uttle but has practicalis dmitted bis guilt, Muss Kelly. tbe oetim, is said to bein 4a Very ser: us Goudition. - Lust scring her home was broker >atnivht and an unsuccessful at Srapt at assault vw aS made, DSibce hen she has spent the ot bts wiba eighbor, stayiay at ber own bome niy in daytime. It is thought tha! ne pegro now in jiil is guilty of hit crime also 1 ae ryro jast nigno icubted!, bave been —anee 9° Gps De - A Bad Wreck 1n Georgia, Macon Ga,, Dispatch The Central of Georgia passenger rain from Savannah, after crossing he river entering Macon at abou: 4-/elneck this morning with about 100 passengers, jumped a switch on t bigh embankment The engine wed tender parted from the train \n appalling wreck ensued. The ‘agvave and express cars were herown over into a culvert ard surned. The second—c'ass coach 2as threwn upon its side and burn d: The first ciass passenger -eracb ‘}Loverthe embankment. The At inta sieeper. fided with passenger saught fireand was destroved Two ~leepers were saved. Tbe members f Walter Main’s circus were thoard = Theon!v person killed was Julia Boynton; colored, of Columbus. iva. ae Pe Oe Definite Known of Nellie Cropsey Yet Elizabeth City, N, C., Dispatch, 9th. Nothing A member of the committee of five whieh bas charge ofthe .search for Ne.i Cropsey, whose mysterious a's :ypeurance has credited a sensation throughout the State. said to-night fat he expected important develop- ments within 48 hours, adding that he believed the geri had been kid napped and that they would succeed tn finding ber A ma-s meeting was held to night ut which over 1000 pveople were present, Chairman H. T. Green le f, £ he sp-cial vigilance commit- ee of five, aude a speech, saying ‘hey believed that after chasing shadows and rainbows they at last nad brought to light a tangible clue ¢vbich they were as-ured if fol ‘owed up would clear up the mys- tery. Taev could go no further #1? hout more funds, however, as the previous -ubdseriptions had been ex- hausted. Tne meeting resuited in about $300 being raised. During its vrogress a remark, ‘‘Let’s make the one who knows all about this af- fair disclose it,’? evoked itoud ap- olause, the audiénce understancing that young Wilcox, who was the last person seen with Miss Cronsey, was referred to.- Amorg the tens of housands who have used Chamberlain's Cough: Remedy fer colds and la grippe dur ing the past few years, to our knowl- edge, not a singie cuse bas resulted | in preumonia. Thos. Whitfieid & vo., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, ote of the mes: promivent retail druggists 1p tbat city, in speaking of ibis, suys: “We recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ta ztippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also Cuucteractis auy tendency of TAYLORSVILLE NiUWS. Rev “.Y Love moved Matbesoa's. Deputy Collectur J M. Davis. cf} Statesville, was here Munday after- | noon, Dr W. J. Hilland William Wal- lace, of Statesvilie, were here iust Friday afternoon Hali Watts, sonof Thos. Watts, left Mouday for Warren:on, N. C., where he goesto take a place in a) chair aod turpiture factory. Register of Deeds Joo. C. Bell bevan housekeepiog this week in a dwelling of Capt. A. A Hill recent- ly vacated by Jno. C. Barnes. Cc. B Webb, of Statesville. was here Monday and Tuesday of this week in the interest of bts marble business and looking after his Tay lorsville properry. Sseriff J C. Gorman carried vouny Juaius Brewn, son of Jacov Brown, of Littie River town-<hip, to the Siate Hospital at Murgauton Tuesday. Ex Re,ister of Deeds V. W. Teayue, of Witteuburg township. weut to Iredell couaty Jast Sater day and retu sed home Sunday with a@ new wife, uaving married a Miss Brown, of Clio ® Wm. M. Smith, of Washirgton, D.C, who holds a place in the cen sus office, came here Monday t« spend nis annual vacation with hi- brother, sister and friends near town. Charles E Flowers, of St Louis Mo., arrived hero Tuesday to spend his boliday vacation. Mr. Flowers travels fora large St. Louis skoe factory in the Pacific States and Territories. Thomas Little. Esq .of Polvearp. seven miles south ef town, died Monday morving aged 61 year-. “Me Little was oneof Alesander county: Dest Citizens and leaves a wife. thre. dauvhters and one son. besides 2 large family connection to mourr his Geath. The burial was at Friendsbip Lutheran church Mov day afternoon ee oe Judge Dunn. of Chiesgo, has dis- charged Lawrence and Canfield. ed: tors of the American, who were ser tenced fo 30 and 40 days in jailre spectively for contempt of cours, be cause of an article pubdlishedi a th American. No one can reasonably hope fos yvood health unless bis bowe!s once each day When this is no: attended to. disordersof the stomact! arise, hiliousness. headache, dyspen sia and piles soon foliow. If ver wish to avoid these ailments kee; vour bowels regular. by takin: Shamberlain’s stomach and Lives “ben required They ar yeasy totake aud mild and vents ‘ne ffeer Forsale by Stimson & Anderson. Was ‘ Tablets Andrew Carnegie has c ffered the U octed States $10 000 000 to found : 'urniversity ra Wasbing’on tha? b gradu: be open only for post Students Constipation Does your head ache P Pai back of your cyes? Da taste in your on et your liver! Ayc. = 2s ar liver pills. They .. pation, head=<: 25c. igs { eommmnouatadl Gr i henet nl brown or rich bia $ BUCKINGHAN'S Li2 <0... SO cre. OF DeucaisTs, ORR. P. ware 4 © Pu e s fl . ra ] 1 ty River Farm for Sale. 175 acres good land in ‘ atawha county New eight-room house good ocutbuild ings.. Accsssible to schoolsand churches Ad dress W.SHFERILL. Dec. 12, rsor. Shesrill’s Ford N C. WANTED. T¥NANT for a two horse crop. Good land and stock furnish-d. Land is five miles from Statesville in Shiloh township. Call on or address E F WATTs, Dec 12, 1901. Statesville, N C. BR. W. H.W REP LGLD, ® Charlotte, N. C., wlli be in Statesville, at Hotel Iredell, on Friday. Wecember 2oth for one day only. His practice is limited to the EY. Eat, NOSE and FHROAT. Christmas and New Year Excut- Sion Via the Southern Railway \ occount of the Christmas and New Year Holidays the Southern Railway has arrang- ed tosell round trip tickets upon a basis of one and one-third first class Itmited fares to ali points South of the Ohio and Petomacand East ot the Mississippi rivers; tickets to be placed on sale December 23rd, 24th and 25th and again on December 30th. 31st and January Ist, with final return limit January 3rd, 1902. Tickets for students of schools and colleges can be purchas- ed on December 16th to 22nd, inctusive limited to January Sih. 1902 upon certificate !rom Prin- cipal, President or person in charge of the school For turther information please call on any agent of the Sonthera Railway >r write, a R_ L, VERNON, 1, P A. Chatlotte, N, C. J M.CULP. T.M,, Washington, D. C. W,A, TURK, A. ¥ TM. ,, ” S H. HARD AICK,G. PLA, ., > Feed Your Cows Ir will prove the best in- vestment you can make Just-receiyed a car load Cotton -:- Seed -:- Hulls 100 Bags Cotton Seed Meal and will have in on to mor- row a car Cotton Seed Mixed Feed io 100 }bs. bays = This is hulls aud meal mixed in the proper proportions and is a. most excellent feed. We also have Wheat Bran and Ship : Stuff If your cows will not eat tbese feeds then you ceed to buy a packave of our Light- ning Cattle Powders, Wil- bur’s Seed Meal or Sheri- dan’s Condition Powders. These will bring the appe- ~ “tite. and put all your stock in proper condition. COOPER & GIL1} He bites you and youkick him The more you kick the more, lhe bites and the more he bites. the more makes the other worse. blood. Thin blood makes a thin body. Each makes the other worse. to be a change the help must UNDERTAKING. ‘Coffins, Caskets aud Robes. Stomach ETS, I will never be without them in the house. = liver was ina very bad shape. and my ae ached and I had stomach trouble. Now. since ascarets. I fer u mae with beneticial results for sour a Jos. KREULING, 1321 Congress St. 8t. Louts, Mo. Kick adog and he bites you. CANDY CATHARTIC you kick. . Each, TRADE MARK REGISTERED : sane =r ers easant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do @nck? Never Sicken. Weaken. or Gripe. 10c. 25c. We. «. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Compagy, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 318 NO-TO-BAG 22535 2URESULS Uae Important Notic-. provisions and All of our A thin body makes thin If there 1s going YL who oweus for goods fertilizers must come ans settle, netes were due 9 ovember 1-1, meney and mean to collect it if we can. 7 he applies to all whouwe us with no exceptions Ve want to buy crossties cu the Taylorsvtile and VY estern 1cads Respectfrliy, This "OV 2Ist Ico: BRADVFORR ON hew ‘ome from outside. Scctt’s Emulsion is the right lp. It breaks up such a Wen ec. Wheat a . ~ . natien. First it sets the el One. My wife has atso used - | We veed the | 1 BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. mally a strip of land six miles wide a : at. i hen if Che "7 Yi wantall the wheat fo: ee 2s section t iy re Yo oof the Stat Will give Sse for al] prime tk bee biood. A nat milling mybeat. sce us peo selling. os } oe STATES iLLE FLOUR MILL s. 3 < Deedee bedy ana ie] Noy, 21-1cor Statesville, N C. = OND a pe ate ae CH = = ——— L felt en Se ws flesh. STATESVILLE PRCOUCE MARKET © ot body makes rich Lecdalch bleod makes a Serene ec en tae COOPER?T& GILL wpgiocy. Each makes the | = oe aie dlniie \ COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. cr biter, This isthe way | an produce in good demand. What do you think of such useful and hanéso.... ~ * articles as these ? i Carving Sets, Pockets Knives. Gy), White’s Sewing Machines. Brek’s Stoves ang Cole’s Air Tight Heaters, Our prices sre mac. to sell goods. Come in and se us. Evans Hardware Company Clothing, » Clothing. “== - Do you wear Clothing ? If so, it is your attention we want. and i: means a positive saving of cask to you. We struck it rich this’ season in our purchases Found a manufacturer changing his business and closed out a big lot of stuff for less than manufacsurers’ cost. How does a good All Wool Suit for $5.00 , : % =~ . stt’s Emulsion puts the thin cabbage, per Bo see ee 1% | impress you? Would be cheap at $750 Big : - - — ae tee eee 3s line Oyercoats. Hats. Shirts. &., at prices be y on its feet. Now it can Meat hottedaaiin. per bushel oe Se | low competition. Come to see us, will save : < dee oe < ct along by itself. Noneed| ~ fee... 2: i 30) ON eee = aS | Corn—old—s6lbs. per buskel. . . . . 75 a erv Ttruiv, 4 t — vin hes WOW ee io we ee ol ww ee 75 gx, |of medicine. ee eee eee 2| Sloan Glothing Co. : * CAS—CIAV. wee eee eee eee s 7 This picture represents mixed 207! bie ee 6 Statesville, N. C. the Trade Mark of Scott’s eee ease ttt ee eee ra Emulsion and is on the Onions—select, per bushel. 2111! 75 =< wrapper of every bottle. ,Lard—N.C.. 2 2 ee eee ee ee ee 10 ° Spe sallow Son Oe 3|A Warm Reception Send for free sample- | Hens—per >. Ran te ern is - | Roosters per B..........--.- 2 S Ee Chicken Spring —smail—per fb he 6 Awaits any lady or gentleman who will place MB) 409 Pearl St. New York. pukevs—per Bo ee, te : their feet iv 2 pair of : Ducks aoe ee 4 soc. and $1. all druggists. SuinRS seaChic 2) ne eh eee 10 Our Arctics S G ° a GEESE. ee ee oe 3° MUL t Mm t T e B-st Plaster. Eien ee bee 128s Storm Alaska or or alters, A piece of flannel dampened with | Honey—strained, per B...... . 8 - . semi x P. aes Patent andibGoue tan ee ee ee .. | made from Jersey cloth and fleeced lined. Thereis great comfort in thjs 'o the affectod parts is superior toj_“ guineas lS lll” S| warm footwear, and for this season of the vear you will need something SEAoc heal) Goeblied) mitisin ate = a ee 201 of the kind at Jeast two thirds of the time. Head off the next cold by Sear oir annias ann Sie! eaSe org Ree ee— ews eee jo| providing yourself with gocd warm and serviceable overshoes Oy -hest. give ita trial and yeu are eS e RS Scie Ste re Lieee will not prevent your buying. We will prove this assertion if yo ertain to be more than pleased nae rmi a aes aed 2s will give us a call, pic < : 4 $ 7 2 as whim ith the prompt relief which it af j7* “bright sliced, . : Remember our stock of RUBBER BOOTS ds, Pain Balm also cures hea - = ret slice os . ard SHOES is the most complete in town. iatism «One application gives re « green—per bushel. . 7 e : ee eae eh en aT .p. Peaches—peeled, bright. |! . S SS SC ee ee ee Sloop & Miller, The Shoe Men ae Sa en | Bacon—Ho, d, cs “ Niciragua has signed a treaty i Ham... cee oo 4 easing to the United States perpes-| a eine ee za long the proposed route of the Nie veers of the steffach and reeula's STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET } racuan SnAar. = eee . erin STATESVILLE, N c. Dec. 12, 1901, a m a a ae “trict Good Middling 7.8 If vcu would have an appetite like Roane ee - 785 . bear anda relish for your meals } Middling. . J. . whe es est 7.75 take Chamberlain's Stomach and | Tinges-.... 755 Z s ieee 650 Liser Tablets. Thev cerreet dis Market firm LADIES’ COATS and NECK FUR We have just received a pretty line of Ladies’ liver and bowels. Price. 25 R--Sal- of Land. 4 pad een SATU DAY DE EMBER 28TH. roor. ince 1875, mployedia the ban Minnie Marnard. deceased in Bourke Cochran addressed a mass meeting of Boer sympathizer: chiesgo last Saturday $55 600 vas raised to aid the Boers big containing 24.acres more or less. Said of Minnie Bargard How to Cure C:oup. Mr R Grey. who lives near Ame ia, Decaess@-unty. NY. says: “hambderiain’s Cough Rem dy is thirty hundredth doliars ($179.30). This November 28 1901 J.B Connelly, 1 J. E THARPE, Attorney Commissioner. -ants. Samples free at Stimsen & Voderson’s druy store RY VIRTUE ofa decree of the Superior conrt babi capitis oi - ~? of Irede'l county, made iv: the special pro- Hod Fiishean. easdier of a pa oo "ing soem ‘“ W oherpeand wife, Sallie Re yin oe . re @ fs larpe, and orhersagaiwst A “, Rarnard the ' mak to L s A ngole s@ Cal undersigaed as commissioner of said court will wSabsconded with S100 000 Bicinh on re-sell for cash at publicauction to the highest bidder on the premises at the late residence of _ May Fagle” Mills township. in Iredell county av. luable tract of land belonging to the estate of said Miunie Rarnard, adjoini-g C C- Tharpe and cthers, ) d x land will be sold f r partition among the heirs-at-law t deceased ‘Dhe sale will open atthe advance bid of —urtic Cox for the sum cf one hendred and seventy-nine and Three Quarter Length, Curved back Coats in the newest shade of Tan. These Garments Fit Beautiful) v And Correct in Every Respect. We also cffer in ¢ nnection with the above a pretty line of Ladies’ medium price Neck Furs. in black and dark orown. Any of these would make a nice Christmas present. Call and see the new things we are offering. Yours very truly, he best medicine [have ever used tr isa five children’s remedy for ‘roup and never fails to eure.” If You Need Vhen given as soon as the child be come hoars. £ ay. after > mes hoarse oar even after the Fire, Life, reupy cough ba- developed. it wil! Accident i orevent the attack. This should be or Health yorne tm mind and a hortle of the Jough Remedy kept at hand ready oYrigustant use as soon as these symptoms apvear. For sale by Simson & Anderson. See Brown Mortgage Sale of L:nd. & Guy, V VIRTUSof the powers contained in a | INSURAYCE YP EADQUARTER mortgage deed executed by Lerov Lowr#nce | and wif to Q. L. Little and duly registered in, | the register of deeds’ office of Alexander county, | the anders gxeladmiastrator of said QO Lf, | oi ‘ ittle, deceased, willsell to the highest Indder | ri1st for cash at pub Ic auction at the court house | docr in Taylorsville, Alexander county, N. on | MONDAY, JANUARY 61144, 1902 | atizo0'cl« Kk. m,an undivided one-half iuterest | = in the foi vving d sbribed land in Taylors- | S omin villetown \ip Jexander county. an} bounded | . * a as follow. Beginning on a persimmon, E. | Offiee: Socond Floor Fank Buliding. Burke's corner, and rens South g poics to an old fi: 'd pine; thence South 25 degrees Fast 18 | poles 'oa stake and stone, thence South: 76 de- | gree~ *ast 36 polesto a stake in Deal's ‘iue; | thener North 20 degrees Fast So polesto a stone on the west side of the mountain; thence Fast 87 voles .9 4 stake in Marshall's line; thence as Marshal.’- iine North 34 poles to a stake in ¥ Rector’s “ive; thence as Rec’or’s line West 10 poles toa sake, his corner; theuce North 106 poles to a stone. Rector s corner; thence West 97 polesto = imaple near A. P. Jolly’s sprirg; thence S«rth 25 poles toa stake; thence South 84 deeree~ ‘Vest 48 poles to a pine: thence Sonth 60degree~ Weht 35 polesto a stake inthe road: thenor south 74 degree« East 14 poles to a stake jn the rad; then e€ South 43 peles tothe branch at the ford: thence with the old road crossing the branch and with E Burke's linet» the be- ginning contsining 166 acres, more cr less. Being 4+ ne-half interest in all the land bought by K P Matheson from H.C.T 4... Geo, F and F.! — cone, as willappear by reference to deeds ma tete kK P. Matheson by them and from him to said * owrance and wiie. This November 26th, oor, 2 K. LITTLE, Administrator of Q L Little. mortgagee. Look in my 2 he cure of tt eps before the ru-h article is rieht Rickert, The Jeweler. SISPSOSCPOSFOOCSGOSOO®D 65000000900006000600000000 t Rew kers, all styles and prices, Sco ee Come it: and look at these goods. Statesville House Furnishing Co. R © DREITZ. Manager #296 00620000090059 2609909000000 0000000000000000000 G, A. Critcher and J, C. Steele are associated together and are prepared to All Grades of An experienced man will take charge of body and embalm or prepare it for burial. A new hearse will attend in town or country at a reasonable charge. A share _@. A.Critcher &Co. at ---Insurancée--- window and t. Come n and examine my stock and get sour holiday pres- Qaality ard price of every SPECIAL HOLIDAY VALUE W: ST ERODES. eee in. tis UNL VOM kl Nena ego one 3 9 00 to $21 50 SiG >.vards sasha) acl Aggy Saga a My Ro eT a let - 1450t0 4800 Lads" and Coamtination Desk~.. 0. 900 to 1450 MODAL E TOT ee ers rete hy at urge oe oe = 4350 to 25 60 Lounses -........2.....4-- See eee eee - 400to 15 00 OUCH ESE ee ae eee eee eee eee 825 to 1750 Poplist sa Se WN aN Pea Neda 8 00 to” 10 00 Oaks Salts, jus teaniving ol i ee as ee ON ae 1250 to 835.00 | SALESMEN : Larry C. Lawrence, Se N. B. Mills & Company. P. S.—10 lbs Good Seed Tick Coffee for $1 00. M. K. STEELE, EUGFNE Morrison, D. M. AUSLEY . President. Vice Pres. Sec. & Treas. Statesville Loan & Trust Company, STATESVILLE, N. C. CAPITAL, $25,000. DIRECTORS; M. K. Steele, Eugene Morrison. Dr. W J Hil M. Steele, U. L Alspaugh, E. Clark, A. B. Saunders, D. x eee ee This Company transacts a general banking besiness Receives money on deposit check, makes col lections. issues drafts, certificates of deposits, etc. We solicit ee a s corporations, firms and individuats. We shall be pleased to hear from those contemplating mak ing changes or opening new accounts All business intrusted to us will receive prompt and cat ful attention. with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and prudent bazking. No accounts too small to receive courteous welcome. SAVINGS Dz PARTMENT. Three percent allowed on Sacing Deposits. compounding quarterly on amount<of {> and ove? oes of 25 cents and over may be wade in this department daily during business hours Se ¢ are authorized to act as Trustee, Acministzstor. Faecut iver. ; INSURANCF DEPARTMENT—Policies written in first class fire insurance companies LOST DOG 2 His name was Jack. Stolen last Christmas and can’t get back. White setter, medium sixe, black Spot on back and over left eve. Those knowing the value of a well trained dog return to my office and received reward. Great Guns. Are the Martins Repeating Shot Guns, $24 00. Just re ceived anew lot. Also a complete line of shells and £22 repairs. Call and examine my stock. W.H. COFFEY. —— uct. 24, 1901, POSTON BROS. Low Prices - sna Good Values We are offering now our second lot of those water proof You have heard so much talk about, i th Woman's t, in additicn we have the W° Kangaroo Shoes—soft and easy to wear.and as solid as can be made- Elkin Jeans and Blankets, - Caps and Hats for the holiday trade. Bring us your heat for - whi : : peas and wool. corn ard * | which we will pay you the nighese marker ee Pe : Verv truly, eed ‘Centre-dt.; Statesville; “Sry ¢ kn x Cottoa is Mrs. P. been ill for very siowl y J.B Wee appointed Railway at Drumwrigh Congresst ed vills in claims of tw W. Gray au J. o. Wil edone of tb Davie avenu J. L. Shepb The first ¢ here Wedne It snowed ré4 but melted 2 Federal ¢ Charlotte Cowles, cler depury, Dr. attendance. Geo. S. P Iredeil, is ex days to cios¢ for next yea of applican W. A Vic agent of the Ronda acd week. He bad boro for som R. E. Noog left yesterda tend the lina Muiers Mr. Nooe is The.Alpha this aftercv Fan Alien G French eveo consigerallo By-ways.”’ Siaresvilld dispatch a for Charlot Chariotte Rowiland’s 10:32 a. m. Mrs. M. : living bere qj to move t« with ber da rence. She week. Mis main bere. Henry Ro ter bada sj Monday. wh getting cut required to appearance Both are co The /: College are morrow Cy night, 19h, son, will lec Hamiet. Ty in micd by Superinier Mascot to sd ol texchers 9 17 ard 18 county wh: are urged t stand tbeir Biorda x1 Steele. of Cl had the thug bis right ha caid Furnit morning. « got his hand left for bis Capt. E. finished his q Heand his f 2 week ort the princip: exchanve. w from Marioy They wiil o¢ Purdy is no An effort $100 to aid been a great rheumarism Ark., and tz nnomber hav others who can hand thi at Mills & A Tne Supren ed tbe Supe the Rock vx haa decided for tne new preme cou Wili be open petitioaers county com Some bne Mrs. M. E. ing in Sh Digbt and s from her. house abou Saw some o not then &n and so did There is no Two little fully at the the store w when one o together s Claus will s ing to be ag Wonder if ““as good 2 weeks. The follo been receiv Marion Log presence ai daughter. Wilham ternoon, nineteen House chu At home J, N.C. Mr of The Dem The Koig the foll .w night for 1902: Chan Campbell: teele; p at arms, Work, Tha records an Master of uard, N. Gouger; mw VSton, Statesvi um, have Cers: Re Reat, R Ton ee r, J. U. place ters, at comfort in this 1 need something the next cold by oversboes Our NS assertion if you Ss D shoe Men. A FUR adies’ in thy mpany. D. M. AUSLEY Sec. & Treas. pDmpany, Z,C. M. Steele, U. L e yon deposit subject to solicit the accounts of contemplating mak- ceive prompt and care- aaking. fe bnountsef $5 and over business hours. strator, Executor nce companies d can’t get back. mn cack and over well trained dog 2400. Just re- shells and gun FEY. proof the Woman's bh be made. nkets, and wheat for Os. edvilie, Ne C. tolay. ieee is worth © Sz} i z - on Coitoris vorth T 87 hara .| business trip south. PB. Ckambers, who has: Mr D E Turuer, of Mooresville fer some weeks improves; Was in town Sunday. ; ywiy. | very E Waugh has recently bee ted agent of the Southern | vy at Plott’s in place of F.G. rmwright. Congressman Kluttz has introdue- > 165 Cobgress to pay the war! os of two of our townsmen, Jno. W. Gray and Jno. &, Foard. i. Wilson, the tailor, has rent- ) of the Billingsly houses on Davie avenue—the one occupied by L. Shepherd last summer. Phe first snow of the season fell » Wednesday night of last week. uowed rapidly for several hours; but melted almost as-fast as it fell. Federal court is in session at! EEC: Cowles, Clerk ofthe court, and his pury, Dr. J. F. Caciton, are in Charlotte tbis week Col. attendance Geo. S. Powell, Iredeil, is expected here y> to close &@ lease for uext year. pp-icants, W. H VicEiwee has aventof the Soutaera ta rnd touk coarge toe hotel been boro tor some tltue. Nooe and Robt. A. Willer yesterday for Greensboro to at- the meeting of the North Caro Wiuers’ Assosiation, Nooe iS president ke ih Serprised Their l'riends by a Quiet the Alpha Book Ciub will meet Miss Nan Gouger, who has been in Martiage tus aitercova at £0 Civek with Miss | one of the hespitais in Washington The friends of Miss Willie B jley Fan Allen Copeland. It will be alasa trained nurse,came in yesterday daughter of Mrs esed B 1 ene Pecnce evening aad the book under to visit her mother. Me Wm Albert Jackson — SH tegen : > ** fin * i : a = ; B ears will be “Aiong French W. G. Lewis, Exq, left Tuesday} prised last week when they learned Siavesville postotlice has orders to Gispatcda pouch, G-ntiaining mail for Charlotte and pvints south Chariotte every day ca Captain Rowland’s train leaving here at ]u:32 a. m. Mrs. M. A Krider, who has been living here tor some years, ex pects to move to Mooresville and live with ber daughter, Mrs. P. S. Ter reace. Sbe will probaviy leave nexr wees. Miss Carrie Krider will re- Dlaln oere. Henry Roberts and Jim Winches ter hada slight misunderstanding M ,, which resulted in Jim's get cut intheback. Henry was req d togive a330 bond for his appearance at court, which hedid. Both are esiored, rhe t.. .ds and patrons of the College ere invited to the recital to morrow evening. Next Thursday night, 19.4, De. Harrison, of David soo, wiillecturear the college on H This date should be kept ud by our people btriet in 2 Superintendent Butler asks Tue Masco to say that an examination of iecchers will be beld on January lard 18 Ailtbeteechers in the counts whe have net ocen exeminea are urged to come out then and stand their examisations. Blorda Steele. son of Thos. B. Steele. of Chambersburg township, had the thumso audindex finger of bis riyht hand badly cut at the Kin- caid Furniture factory Mouday morning. He came up town and gol bis hand dressed after which he ¢ leit for bis home in the country. Capit. E. M. Purdy has abour finished bis dwelling oa Eim street. fTHEMASCOT - +BOCAL owner of Hotel in a few Tiere are a number made Ratiway at there last ie baw bees tu North Wilkes- of which of PEKSONALS. Mrs. W. A Suit LEC Alexander. Mr H Clarke left Suaday } Mr. C.V. Henkel went to o | On business this week. Mr. W. J. Clitford, of L Gastoni came in Monday for a few days, pee Misses Lelia Corpeniny and | Thornton spevt Greensboro Mr. W. H. Chirles is in frem | | *) | Lill Company. é Miss Mae Murphy, of More Spent vesterday here with 3: Oates Caldwell. for Columbia. S. C. on business Lenz, of WVooresville, were in tow ou business Tuesday. {spent Monday night here brother, N P. Watt. J F Gamble returned this we from a visit to his old home in southern part of the eouniy. iss Mary Oates Caldwell, ¢ Charlotte. mother, Mrs. Amanda Caldwell. ith hi South Carolina on business Satur day, ls expected home this week. home in Yadkin county from Indi aba, for Louisburg, Frank!in eounry fessional business. her mother, Mrs. N. B. who has been unwell, Mr L A Bristol, of -\Morganton, Was In town the firstof the werl see his son, LB. Bristol. w slowly recovering from his broken leg. Messrs. C. E. Stevenson, S. L Colvert, T E. Witherspoon and Jim Turner, of Salisbury, spent last Sunday here with their old friends and home folks. Mrs. A. W Parks retus el to her Tunstall. bome in Troutman Mond.y after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs A.D Parks. Mr. A. W. Parks was in town also Sunday. Miss Bess Wharey, of Mooresville passed through here vesterday on her way home from Selma, she attended the marriage of her friend Miss Eudora Vick to Rev Alexander Martin. : Virs. Ellen Morrison and Mrs J «here D Stoeker and little dauvhter Jef: yesterday for Okalona, Miss They will return about the last cf this month and then Mrs. Stocker will go on to her home in Jermyn, Pa. eet New Advertisements. The Statesville House Furnishing Co. print some attractive fivures this week, The Bg Store can interest youi sewing machines. books and sorts of Holiday goods. For stoves, guos and goods see J P Flanigan Sons Co. ~ Sherrill White o offer wood bar sporting IS visiting itr Lenoir Steela’s last Suaday ir anton did not see the train backing on him ‘SS Mary | This is a dangerous crossing, being j be ; Henry was Mr. Flake F. Steele left yesterday | Injured some time ago. Mr. Jno N. Watt,ot Stony Point. di is. visiting ber grand Mr. J.W Copeland, who went to Miss Lelia Myers passed through | 2o™mein their far northwestern home. bere yesterday on the way te her 4 > aac will be absent several days on pro- Mrs. Clement Dowd, of Charlotte, came up Tuesday on a brief visit to K To » is Heand his family expect to move in gaics in substantial egoods, such as aweek ortwo. J. W. Kirby, one of | shoes. pants ete. Star Show Gase Company Spreading |Me Bar: Out. he Star Show Co., who have bui "p 2 good tr fiad that th on South across the railroad from J. ¢ ming year. a —— ee ak | Mr. Murdoch Has a Close Call, the railroad track at the Street crossing, : west of the depot | Monday a train struck his wagon 2 business trip tor the Tredell Tovaceo tering up the hind wheels and |throwing Mr. Murdoch out. He ; Was fortunately not injured. He | the one where Geo. H. for j ae J. C. Steele & Sone oe co Wed4ing in Wyo- ming. Messrs c and WwW cf ele = Messrs Robt. Knox and w. M.| Invitations have been received Hall which is to occur in .| Wyoming. this evening at 8 o'clock. 'Mr Wall is a son of Dr E A. Gall, , Of Bethany township, and has many k Miss Gill spie is a ‘| daughter of the late Joseph Gillespie c friends here. jand was raised in Statesville and | lived here until about jago. She isa bright, winsome lit tle woman who makes a friend of all ' Hail may find the happiness awd peace ofa typical North Carolina They willbe at home at Lookout, Wyo., after December 20th. —_——. ‘hat they had been married nesday evening at 7 o'clock. ao Wed- Rev . M. Richards performed the cere- mony at the manse where the young couple had gone with Mr. J. Ed, Deitzand Miss Mary White. For some time the marriage had been ex- pected and yet when it didoceur it was @ surprise. The bride is one of the orightest and fairest of Statesville’s many pretty girls and had made many iriends among those whoknew her best. The groom is an employee of the Kineaid Furniture factory. He came here from Mt. Airy and is highly esteemed by those who know ulm. Tne Mascor’s best wishes are most heartily tendered to these young peopte as they begin life’s work together. an An Early Morning Marriage Yester- Gay. Yesterday morning at 9:30 o’cloek Miss Marrha McNeely, daughter of Mr and Mrs. S. C. MeNeely and Mr. J. Preston Patterson, of Ashe ville were married at the home of the bride’s parents on west Front street by Rev C M. Richards. The wedding wasavery quiet one, andso sue ade fur their show cases pa'tment, fi ey will need more room. they are preparing to build a two- / Story fratge building, 40 by 60 feet, Mulberry street, just Steele's foundry. They hope to get in their new plant early in the com- “ieeting ni here to the marriage of Miss Belle | Harris Gillespie and Mr. Alvin Flake Laramie, three vears | *ho come in contact with her. Tue|Near the Johnathan Davis’ place; Mascot hopes that Mr and M rs | thence along the Wilkesboro road to Inspecting The Propose Rural Free Delivery Routes, t | Wm. A. Par it} arrived here Monday t | ipsp: ct the proposed rural free de jlivery routes trom this point, Tues returning that evening. Staresville and runs by western railroad to the J.C. Pivier place; thence by lotre road near Freeland’s crossing four miles south of town. will be about 27 milesin length and willserve between 100 and 125 fami- lies. A.L Barringer, of this town- ship, has been appointed carrier on this route on Congressman Klutts recommendation, Today Mr. Barr will go out on the sc ealled Clio route leading north from Statesville into Sharpesburg township. This route wili go out the Wilkesboro road. past the Bradley place; thence along the Chipley ford road to Chas. Privett’s where it takes a country road leading by H. Hartness Striking the Wilkesboro road near Armfield postoftice; thence to Bry- antsville. From Bryantsville the route will goby King’s mill and Clio church coming back to States- ville on the Cove Gap road until it intersects with the Wilkesboro road Statesyille. The total distance traveled will be about 30 miles, W. M. Nicholson, of Statesville has been offered the appointment of carrier on this route by Senator Pritehard but has not decided whether he will accept yet or not. Senator Pritchard and Congressman Klattz have agreed to divide the ap pointments between their -parties Mr. Barr will decide on the exact route in each case, and if his recom merdation is favorable these two rontes wili be opened next January. luxe Mascor is only sorry that there are not more than two of these routes. There are other sections that need them equa!ly as much. We congratulate the people along the two to be opened upoa the prospect of having their mail delivered to them dainty, Mr. Barr will go from here to Catawba county. A Rowan Man Fleeced to the Amount of $50 by Chav Brincefie!d L. M. Fink, of Rowan county, last Saturday swore out & warrant for Chas, Brincefield, of the vicinity of Etmwoed, for frauduleatly obtain ing money from him last Thursday. Me. Pink bouvbr a Champion binder from Glover & King aud yvave_ hi- note in part payment. The First Nationa! Bank heid this note and “iv. Fink came up here with $50 to pay on this note as he alleges. He stepped into the bank to make the payment. but tindisg tne eashier busy caime out. Near the bank he met Brincetie!ld, whom be knew very well in the conversation that follow ed told bim that he was waiting ro pay some money ona note in the bank, Brincetield offered to attend to the Matter, saying that he fre cessfully had the secret of its coming neen kept that very few people ex pected it + ali. Only the immediate relatives and. Intimate friends rere present. MeNeely isa deservedly popular young lady and t frieuds regret to see } . ger viven ber life into the keeping of as |‘ verthy young man as Mr. Patter Tre groom isa son of Mr. J S Patterson. of this place, but for sOn. road service with headquarters at Asheville. her leave | teceipt from Statesville, but rejoice thar she has | ™ouey. that be went into the bank only to iearn that Brincetield had made no some years he has been in the rail-| Payment at all. ‘business’ friend, but found that be . of the Pestoffice de dav he “wert to Newton for the dav, Yesterday | he went out over the proposed route | southeast of town. This ruute leaves | White's mill to Barkley’s crossing on the thence down the il Salisbury road to Chapel Hill church; ‘e' As Scott Murdoch was crossing | thence down Georgia road by G. R. Wilis near Shady Grove church on old Stopbel po-tofiice to the Char- The route our strictiv have the E:kin Home a ta o mmm ~ 15 Minutes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di- rected. A pure, true leavener. THE BIG STORE t ' r 4g < ~ u RET & Wilson Sewing Machine. - Holilay (rood I can interest you both in goods AES and. prices BOOKS: A new line ~ Set % of late copyrighted books at less : . than Ralf former pricas. “Alcott’s.” *“Evans’,”’ “Evans’,”’ **Elsies’ ’ and ; E P. Roe’s Works, Toy and Picture “si Books Books for everybody. Cham- ber’s Encyclopedia 15 vol. only $6 23. large line of black books at facto- ry prices. A large line of Toys and Fauey Goods. Raleigh is ’ After due cons to accept a judve pines. Governor Nowh Ca ton Expos April 3. A baby day that has er living The of the family livi- ty. ai Wart Si: clai 60 years o'd on the mornir v in Cha: slightly do Gid’ not bear the Spencer B. Adams has decided - rreat SPaArs NEWS. Gen. Toon who has pneumonia in Gritiealiy ill. Wayne Hardware been chartered witha Capital of $3 ship in the Phi fia day at the Charles- ‘tion from January 20 to was born in Durham Sun- great grandmoth are five generations urday. ¢ in Derbam coun vas killed ov an engine Tuesdav | vas ‘th street crossing $9.2) Nalivay lip- | State Auditor Dixon Says that the pension warrants wil! be mailed De cember15. Jas T. Ross, of Charlotte, a we Company has | known traveling man, died in Char- .- lotte Saturday. P | ' 3d. Mrs Frauk Torner, aged 50, com ; acid at her home near Kinston Sat | iliness. Chas Summers, colored, was kill ". a white man about jed at the Charlotte oil mills Monday The stick with which he belt ‘rom 2 wheel caught iv the spokes afternoon. attempting to throw a Sinclair was ]and streck himin the breast, break fitis supposed he [ine his breast bone and Causing op rroachiuy train |ternal injuries. : The Baptist State Convention |last. the $27.50 only $14, and the $35 ideration ex Judge | which met last week in Winston ; ‘not, will meet next year in Murham. Governor Aycock has accepted | service in the suit of Souv*h Dakota Aycock has changed against the State of North Carolina The summons is returnable March mitted suicide by taking carbolic The suicide was caused by If you want the best Sewing Ma- Chine in the world buy my Wheeler & Wilson ~ 1/855 Machine Only $25 Or if something cheaper see my West Lake or Keusinger 5-drawer. drop head. This special lot while they at $17 Will be glad to compare above Machines and prices with any house in the United States. Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Millinery, Will positively save you money if -| you will look at my line. : J. M. Wilhelm. We still ha this weels first cost. Don’t forget We mention Th IG quently bad business with the bank. Fink wave him the money and Brincetield stepped into the bank. on a@iew minures he returned and banded Fink what purported to be a the cashier for the Brincefield at once walked Miand left Fink with his receips. which gvas So unsatisfactory to bim Fink then set out to look for his = Stra, 3S Se no com Sherrill -White Company. Kor the next Thirty Days we will’make a@ Special drive on Carpets, Rugs, Lenoliums, Just received a complete line of new styles in MATTING ¢ a nice line of men’s Pants, worth at $250. Don't fail to see our C] = Elkin Blankets, Pant Goods, Trunks and Valises at prices that will interest all. we are headquarters on all kind of SHOES. 2 Walk Over leather sehool me gx Trunks. The best line of trunks on this market at prices which will astonish you. af prices ia which (considering quality) we have petition. and old reliable Douglass for men. shoes ade Shoes in all styles. Respectially, Sherrill-White Co Buv Farmers should remember we Trunks. We offer 24 SS 2 $4.25 which we are selling othing—all in this line at Phe bridalcowple left yesterday | 524 left for Salisbury. That even- morning on the east bound vestibule |ing’s train took Fink to Salisbury the principal owners of the telephone exchange, will move his family here from varion the first of the year. They willoceupy the house Capt. Purdy is now in op Mulberry street. An effort is being made to raise $100 to aid W. F. Munday, who has been a great sufferer for years from rheumatism. te go to Hot Springs, Ark., andtake the baths Quite a nunmver have already sudscrioed any Others who may wish to contribute can hand the money to T. M. Mills at Mills & Allison. Tue Suprenecourt last week revers- ed the Superior courts decision in the Rock Cut road case. Tae jury haa decided against the petitioners for tue new road, but under the Su preme court’s decision .the road Wi be opened as @raved «for by the petitioners fgnd as direc.et by the county com n ssioaers Some tue broke intothe house of Mrs. M. E. Bost, a widow lady liv- ing in Shiloh township, Sundav nigbt and stole between $15 and $20 from ber. Aman who passed the house about 9 o’elcck Sunday vight Saw some one ip the house, but did not then know Mrs Bost was away and so did not suspect anything There is no clue to the burgiar. Two little girls were gazing wist- fully at the Cbristmas toys is one of the store windows a few days ay rt when one of then clapping her hand. tozether said: ‘Oh, goodie! Sania Claus will soon be here andI’m_ go- ins to be as good as gold till then.” Wonder if lots of littl folks wont be “us good as gold’’ for the next two Weeks. The following wedding card Has n received by THE Mascot: Mrs. ion Long Winston requests your sence at the marriage of her ughtcr, Annie Turline, to Mr Wiliam E Holbrook. Thursday af- terncon, December 17. 2 o'clock, nineteen hundred and one, Red House church, Caldwell county,N C. At home January 1, 1902, Hickory. N.C. Mr. Holbrook is local editor 0! The Democrat of Hickory. The Knights of Pythias élected the foll .w ng-officers last Thursday Dignt for the term beginning Jan. 1, 1402: Chancellor commander, R A Canpbell; viee ehancelior, A. O. Steele; prelate, S. B Miller; master atarm-, VW. A. Turner; master of Work, Thos. 5. Lazenby, keeper of records and seals. ‘Soi. L Clarke; Master of finance, H. Scott; ioner kuard. N. Ash; outer guard, RO. user; master of exchequer, R. L. oStuon, bee Mi pre Qu Statesville Council, Royal arecan- um, bave elected the following offi- Cers: Regeot, A J. Evans, vice re-} Keut. R L Poston; orator. Z-0 V. ong; secretary, J. A Brady; treas- urer, J. U. Lamprecht; collector, J. Boyd; chaplain, Rev J Wilson; Eulde, T E. Fry; warden, J. A. Har ; 2: sentry, J L. Kurfees; trustees; JG. Golvert, J. H. Hoffmann and ' 9 Axley; representative to grand Cousel, JG Colvert} alternate; Sig Christmas isalmost here and R P Allison has a nice assortment of presen's. Don't forget to look at Mills and Allison’s specia! bargains. J. W Sherrill has a farm for sale A tenantis wanted for atwo borse crop. Dr WH. Wakefield will be here on Dee 20 Tne Southern Railway otfers holi day rates. C. T. Elam of River Hill, is paint ing and otherwise improving his dwelling. Invitations have been here to the marriage of ‘ir D EE, Turner and Miss Minnie Lee \ic- Neely, both of Mooresville, on next Tuesday evening at 6.30 o'clock. Mr Turner isa son of Reister of Deeds, W. W Turner and bis bride to-be is a daughter of Mr. and C.K McNeely of Mooresville. Tn the Methodist church at esvils: at 6:15 p.m. on Dee 25 Prof E, ?. Reekxett,of Mooresville,and Miss Mem eStarrette, daughter of Mr aud Mrs F.S. Srarrette, ofthe same plac, will be married. Prof R ick ette has charge of the Mooresville Institute. The Heptasophs at their meeting Tuesday night elected the foilowing officers; Atfehon, W. E. Turner, provost. W A Overcash: secretary. R UL Sloan; prelare, Jas. Wiilson; inspector, J D Patterson; warden, J. UW. Morrison; trustees, WA Over cash, A M. Witherspoonas: v, Morrison. The following licenses have been issued this week: Melvin Loyd Var tic and Mertie Gregory; ‘ barles Augustus Lippard and Maggie Jo se: : Edw. Cicero Walton and Anna Bei Lucas. Two ofthese were mar ried in the register of deeds office: Chas. Lippard and Miss Mayyzie Jo sey by ‘Squire Billie Mills aod Edw C. Walton and Miss Anna Be!! Lucas by “Squire P, C. Carlton. Both of these marriages occurred vesterday One of the ’squires got a 25 cent fee: received Sirs. toor The Methodist Protestant church are planning to build a $50 080 col lege in North Carolina. The town making the largest contribution will get the school. R A Helms. of Crouse, Lincola county. was burned to death Sun day. He was at his bome 32lone drunk at the time. His charred body was found in the yard where it is thought be ran after catching afire. The State Superintendent of Pun- lic Instruction has eompleted bis tabulation of figures show nyéhe re ceipts for the public schools during the year. The figures areas follows: From poll tax. $347 404; general property tax, $521 658; special iccal tax property, $15,544, and on polls, $444. fines. e ¢> $23,411; Iquor fi- censes. $79 279; from the State di gies ‘$101 401; ES soustes, $40, - ailace, for Washington City on the bridal | Where be found Brinecetield at his trip. Death of Mr. J. J. Long. Mr. J. J. Long died suddenly at his home ian Elmwood last Wednes- Gay evening at 8 o'clock. The de- ceased was about 70 years old and had been a sufferer for many years from a biadder trouble; but for some mouths he had been in better health so the last attack came as a shock to his family, Mr. Long was a native of Orange county, but moved to Iredell many years azo. For years he had been merchandising at E!mwood — the firm at the time of his death, J. J Long & Son. He was a careful but energetic - business man, a kind hearted, Christian citizen and an elder of the Presbyterian cburch He was postmaster at ”* Elmwood In his community and wherever kaown he was highly esteemed His -of+ and eight children.six sons and >a) daughters, survive him The sons are G. W.. J. C. and chas D Long, of Chicago: J. W Long. of St. Louis; L. F Long, of Newvon and £.L Long, of Elmwood; the daughters are Mrs. J. A. Early and Miss Fannie Long, of Elmwood. The funeral services were conduct- ed at his home Friday by the Rev. J. E. Summers ard the remains brought to Statesville and interred in Oakwood cemetery. Among the Churches. Rev. H. K. Boyer, who was ‘varmmly welcomed on his arriva] bere fast week, preached two strong sermocs Suoday morning avd even ing to large audiences Hiscongre gation is very much pleased with him, He and his family are at home now inthe pursonage of the First Methodist church. West Kud Methodist church peo ple speak most kindly of Rev. J. M Downum, who began his labors with them last Sunday. Mrs Dow num has not come yet and Mr. Dow- num will not be here Sunday. Sun bay evening Rev R. B. Shelton will preach for him at the usual hour. Rev. C. M. Richards announced ‘ast Sunday that the regular quar- terly communion would be held on the last Sunday ef this month. The Young Girls society “for church work of the First Presbyte rian church will meet at the manse Saturday afternoon at 3 o clock. Rev. H. Gilbe-t, the new pas tor of the Second Baptist church, arrived rzther uuexpectedly slast Saturday nigkt. He filled his pulpit most acceptably Sunday morning and evening He and his wife have been stopping with George E Woodward but they will move this week into Mrs. M. A: Turner's dwelling—a part of which Mr. Gi vert has rented—on Academy hill. Rev. W. L, Darr preached for Rev. J H Pressly Sunday evening. Mr. Pressly who bad been assisting Dr CbhMmers in a eee in Charlotte turned home Monday. : soRer Jao. A. Scott preached ‘a: Third Cre-k and Cieveland Suoday sister’s. After some persuasion he wert tothe depot and got on the train with Fink, as if coming to Staresville to fixup tke matter, but when the train was well on its way to Statesville, Fink found that the bird had flown. He came on to Sratesville alone and Saturday swore out a warrant, but by this time Brincefield kad left Salisbury. ‘When last heard from he was thought to be in Charlotte But wherever heis he has not paid his friend’s note in the bank or re turned his money. eta Killed by His Brother-in-Law. Marion Dispatch, oth. James McCielan shot and killed Toiervan Pitman, on Beaver Creek, Mitcheil county, N.C. The parties were brethers in law, married sis ters. Pitman and wife went over to McClelan’s house, the iatter had some tobacco hanging on the porch ro dry. Pitman’s wife said, “Jim, can Tbave some tobacco? He plied, **Yes, help yourself to all you want.”’ Pftman remarked, “By G——you are D——liberal with it.”’ Other similar epithets were used. Then Pitman made at McClelan with opeu koife, when the latter stepped inside the door, took down a small shot gun and fred on Pitman. strik ing him in and around the heart with several small shot, from which he died instantly. McClelan sur- rendered immediately to theofficers. re- Jealousy is supposed to be the irouble. . > —— J Selling Cherry Trees by the Thousand Observer, 9th. . “The Amos Owens Cherry Tree people are still doing a big business, trey sbipped over 100,000 cherry trees last month,’’ said sol. Gallert, E-q , of Rutherfordroo, last night. O11 the Ist of December they had 3 000 agents, and they naturally ex pect thateacbd ayent will bring in four new agents, which meaps tha’ there will be 42 000 agents by Janu ary Ist. Toeach of these agents 60 trees, at $12 wili be shipped, ora total of 720,000 trees will be sent out. The total of 15,000 agents wil! be increased to 60,0U0. which means that 3,600,000 cherry trees will ve shipped shortly after January. Soon the 60.000 ageuts will- be increased to 240000, and therefore nearly 15,000 000 cherry trees will te re quired for the March shipment the cherry trees come from Cherry Mountain. Will they grow else where? Oh, yes, if they are placed in a soil and atmosphere identically the sameas that on Cherry Moun- tain.’’ J.@ Hood,a wealthy and well known business man of Charlotte attempted to commit suicide by cut ting his throat with a razor Sup- day moroing. In straggling with him, his brouber. P,’ B. Hood- was badly cut. Mr.-Hood had been sutf- ef og with insomnia and had also jost a large amount of money recent- } total; $2;101; for Rev. Rc >. Arrowood: © Nice line of GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. aiways fresh. Come and see us and be convinced. Fry & Phifer. 3 Nov. 7, 1991. [retell and Alexander Cou. ties. We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. Clothing | Clothing. Overcoats. We bave a splendid line of Clothing for m 2n, boys and children. Hon- est clothing, the kind that luoks well, wears well and gives satisfaction on the back. shoddy, rag clothing bas no place in our stoék. We will save you bi money on clothing and overcoats. We buy in large lots and get the lewest prices. See our line, then you will know. : 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We have cone to a lot of trouble getting tovether the best line of Shoes vouever saw Our line of fine Shoes is complete We have plenty of Kikio Home-made Shoes. common ball Shoes, o!@ men’s Shoes, old ladies’ >hoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Our Shoes are made to wear and are just as we tell you or your money back. We mean this. Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps be downed, See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. Our line of dry goods and notions is large and we keep most anything you need in this iine. We havea line of lad es’ underwear we are selling at less than wholesale cost. Wheat Drills. Just received carload of the best wheat drills on earth. See them «be- fore you buy a drill. We als» keeps GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDUES. HARNESS, Musical Tastruments. such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. We are vet selling the NEV MODEL Sewing Machine at $13 75 for the 3-drawer, vad $15 00 for the 5drawer machine. We have placed mere than 300 o: this make in the last few vears and not a complaint. Come and see if we can’t trade Our prizes are the lowest and we dc sell reliable goods at prices that can’t be equaled. : Respectfully, GH. A. YOUNT, YOUNT & WHITE, NEW STIRLING, N. C. STONY POINT, N.C DON?T WATT Christmas Is Almost Here and at prices that cannot | See our line of Seasonable Goods 10 my store: Albums, Dressing Cases, Traveling Case+ Manicure Sets, Brush and Comb Sets, Doll: and Doll Carriages, Toys of every descriptios. Large line cf Musicai Insteuments : Guitérs, Banjos, “andolins and Violins at We have stoves of all kinds, and lots of them. We carry the largest and most complete line of E Cooking and Heating Stoves in Statesville. y We cater to the stove trade and are always ready to satisfy every want in this line. Our prices are low, and our goods guaranteed to give satisfaction. TNS and SPORTING G00 We have 2 full stock of Guns and Sporting goods of allkinds We invite your inspection and will be ziad to show goods and quote prices Ji Flanigan’s Sons Co. Dealers in General Hardware. BUAL AT BUFFALO The millions of women who wear Queen Quality Shoes are an Army of Witnesses to their wonderful fitting quality. These Shoes have received the greatest volume of patronage ever be- ee upon an article of footwear, and were awarded the Gold Medal at uffalo. “They Fit Where Others Fail.” ' Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. If You Want... Pet Com and Lots of Milk Slick, high spirited horses that can stand work. Chickens that will keep in good kealth and lay lots_of eggs. Feed Pratt’s Food. We keep it ifstock from 75c. bags to 10c. cartons. Barron & Nicholson. East Broad Street. Statesville, N. C} Grocers, » Special Bargains Jackets, $3 50 to $7 50. Capes, 60c. to $7 Corsets. 25¢. to $1. Shoes, 75c. to $3. Towels, 5 to 25c. “Ribbon, 2 to 50c. Baby Caps. 25c. to $1. Hose, 5 to 2c. Socks, 5 to 25c. Shirts, 25c. to$1. _ Suspenders, 10 to 50c. Collars, 10c. ~ Underwear, 15c. +o $1 Biankets, 50c. to $3 50. Fiannels, 6 to 35c. Lamps, 15c. to $5._ Hats. 25c. to $2. Ete., Ete. Mills & Allison, | - Department Store STATESVILLE, : : =: : Gloves. 25e. to $1. Men’s Suits, $2 50 up. Pants, Tdc. to $3 50. ~ Boys’ Suits,#1 to $3 50, Knee Pants. 25 to Tdc. Caps. 15 to 50c. Ladies’ Hats.25c ,$7 50 Overgaiters, 18 to Tac! Handkerchiefs. 2to25c. GaiterElastic.5and10c. Combs, 5 to 25e. Knives and forks, 44c. 10 $125. | : Pocket Knives, 2 to50- N. C. 1¥g It is hoped that he will recove _: RB. P, Allison. Js ba t e s as ha c e s 4h 2 sa b b a t h xa ag a t e en t Ue Re i n ha c e s Ba y ae ee eR Pt an tb e : —= — WINTER TOURIST SEASON. The Southern Raiiway’s Impro a Service for It. si Never in ta oi-tory of the S have such vreat attractions ar’ P proved train service been offer: passenger traffic as are nos pre sented by the Southern’ Rails -¥ fo esent season ee time eard in effect Novem™ 24 1901 piac-d in operation out: Washington in conjunction with th Southern Railway 'wo new througt trains, which are in addition to th: very excellent complement of pay senger train service previousls af forded by the Scuthern Raiuwa System from Washington to 2! points South. The present arranges ment being briefly as follows: Train No. 37, Washington a Southwestern Vestinuled Limited leaves Wa-hipgton daily. at 10 40 P. M., carrying through Pullmac Sleeping Cars to New! leans, Vem phis, Tean., Macon, Ga., and Nasb ville, Tenn., and elegant Ciub Cars between Washington and Atlante Dining Cars serve all meals en route. Effective with December 2, thi: trainwili a!so handie a thrush sleep ing car from which will leave Wast ing each “Monday, Wednesday ane effective with November 30, Pul! man Compartm: nt Cars also beband led from New York and Wasbingtor to New Orteans, leaving Washiug tou paturdays, Tuesdays ard Phurs days Train No 33, ‘The United Siate: Fast Mai.’’ leaves Washington. daily, at 11 15a. m. carrying throug sleeping car avd couches to New Ovieans. Dining Car oa this trair serves mea's en route, Vrain No. 33, “Phe New York anc Florida Express.”’ jeaves Washing ton, daily, a 9 5d p. . with throu sleeping cars to Tampa, Fin, a Auvusta,Ga., and threugbh couct Wasbingtoa to Jackson fective December 1, a ihrough sivep inv car to Charesten. S © 5 itmer ef fective with January 1, 1902 this train will Garry a sleeping car cnc each week between New York. Washington and Thomasville. Din ing cars serve meats enroute. Traia No 29, the Wapsnhiz;: Renmond and Fiocide Limited is a train inaugurated on November 24 and is Cperaied vie Richmond, Va over the Wasbing onScutkern Rai: way and R.& & Pk R, and leave: Washingion, Gaily, at 10.51 a.m, earryiny through sleeping car to Jacksonville, Pia ,and first class d: coach betweensame points. Dining ear serves meals ep route. Train No. 39, the “New York and Atianta Express.”’ leaves Washing ton, daily at 9 50 p. m., and is also a new through teain 10 the South, car cying through Puliman Sleeping Cars to New Orleans, siemphbis and Atianta, and throvgh coaches to Memphis and Atlanta. Diaing car serving meals en route. Effective with January 15, 1902 unoiber througe train to Florida wilt be placed in service, known as tne “Scu:hero’s Paim Limited,’ vbich will leave Washiagton, daily, except Sunday, at aproxima ely 6 30 pm. Thistrain 1s operated selid trom New Yorkto St. Augustine, with throuvh Pullman Drawing room Sleeping cars, Pul!man com par:meat cars, Library, Ooserva tioa and, Dining cars. This train wiil be one of the haudsomest trfios ia Che worid, and is operated by the Southern Railway each winter for the accommodation of Florida traf fhe is will be observed from the above oz. for the accommodation of in creased travel the Southern Raii way will, in addition to their regular through service, inaugurate three trains to the South. fne Sleeping cars, Observation cars, Dining cars, Coaches and io fc! walt of the equipment in service on }cese through iraios are unexce!! ed for comfort and convenience, and passengers Using any of these trains are assured of every !uxury thal ean = be desired De de ee «ree Trade with the Phsirppiaes. New York World. Sy a voreof fiveto four, the sam < Sepreme Court yester as at the Philypine [ys + of the Uurted Srates ¢ } E » ii ex gre ee ving fromthose is!s thi sun YY. in the absence of ition bY Congress, as in the "orto Wiean act: the opinion, written by Justice Fuller, holds toaat ov virtu of ‘treaty with Spain cediny isiands to the U was ratified by th Senare. and oy be appropriation of $20 000 VOU oy ess in accordance therewith, OY ‘he Paiiippines “‘came under tae nplete and absolute sovereicn ity and dominion of the United States.” Referring to the resolution of the Senae, adopred after the ratitica tion of the treaty, declarinz that :s 1h intended to perinanently annex aid islands as an inteyvra!l part o tae territory of the Unired States, "1° the bief Justice said that this res olution connot be considered super iorto the treaty itself If it bad been adopted in the Senate by a 7wo thirds vote instead of a bare majority. and had been agreed to by the House and signed by the Presi- dent, as was not the case, the ques- tion would be d:fferent. . As a mere declararion of the Se:ate’s intention the resolution ‘did not have the ef fect of c nstruing the treaty ’’ The effect of this decision must be meas ured by the action, if any, thar Congress shail take under it. The Competing imporiations from the Philippines are not yt of sufficient value to make the question of duties an important one. But if the islands are as ricb in tke posibiliries of pro- ducrion and commerce as_ the advo- cates of their retention say they are. “free trade’? with them may yet add to the embarrassments of own- an unruly “yellow elephant’’ on the ovher side of the globe. ome An Evangelist’s Story. “‘T suffered for years with a bron- chisl or lung treubleand tried vari- 023 remedies but did not obtain per- manent relief until I commenced using One “inure Cough Cure,” writes Rev. Jas. Kirkman, évanye list of Belie River, Ii] “I have ue hesitation in recommending it. to ail sufferers from maladies of this kicd.’’ One Minute Cough Cure affords im mediate relief for coughs, colds and ali kinds of throat and lung trou bles For croup it is unegaaiiec. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant ¢ take, never fails and is really a’ fx vi rite with the children. They like “it Stimson & Acderson. i: for Porto Ricas cases ias! the } 1, fea States, whiend; is notinteaded to incorporar> fe jahabitants of said islands into « bizenship of the United States, no- THE WORLD'S THIRST FOR ALCO- HOL. Amount Consumed by Different Coun- ters, Chicage Record-Herald. The increase in the consumption of spirits in Germany, to which ref rence has been made in The Record Herald's dispatches, has been pro vressive through many years. Ip 1881 the consumption per head was 1.33 gallons; in 1885. 158; in 1&95 1.99. < oncurrently with this there bas been an increase in theconsump tien of beer also. The oumber of rallons per head, which w2s 198 in 1885, had risen to23 6in 1895 Ger nanv is not. however, a great wine triaking country, and with the in creased consumption of beer and pigits there has been a failing off on the consumption of wine. For the following countries the otal amount of liquor drank each Lear is estimated in millions of gal ons thus: Wine, Beer, Spirits United Kingdom..15 1 16% 39 PANCO econ 2 GOD 196 Zl Fer Mans De 6O ad, 220 99 Russia eee SED 90 125 RiStrianc esse OO 376 97 United States . 20 S70 73 Heeauced to au Gong, The @onsumotion f those same eountries is: Utsited Ki yao 73 (inillions of gailons): Meares, 143; Germany 111; tustria 78; United states, 78. France lewds yy wietue of herimmense consump- on of wine. and she leads also it head. a hee n jerwise disar s tat derahiv. ' $ = f? head f p r- Bra 280: Belyvi- mo, 3 LO; z-riand 2 69; Oe) snd n ate, Wry: 4 Tie: ¢ RIL c eh es i ? peut he ' +r RNS ‘ 4 * ‘ 9 Deer far thy 188d und 1895 a cursiderabie on pergapira tx noted for ench < e aie POU ETN Named, Censumption of oiland aud the Scandinavia. y tnervased else es. bul Line ar enerea-e ts the total @on sumolionw of wine, although sever. coustries did not keep up rbetr race Poe greates: of beer driakins ceuntries is Be'tvinm, where ibe consurpption tn 1895) was 422 vai joas ber head. Grout Bertran comes sevoud with 29.6 guliens, aud G many third, with 235. Evidensl. peer has not been bavi~hed from he fa berland yet, in spite of tbe d-mard for spirits, cut if it must pay S714 000 QU0 every vear for in toxicating tiguors beer is a decided iy safer ievestment than spirits —$—$<$—<—— Solomon's Rule ahe Wise One Newsand Observer. One of the easiest things in the vorld for a teacher to dois to. sus pend a scholar or expel him. It gets vid of adul! or a mischievouss:udent and gives the teacher an easier time. Che temptation to suspend er expe!. instead of managing end controlling is so yreat that in somecities public school teachers have been severel, eriticiged for resorting to ir All the peopie are taxed for the supnori o! sechovis and the advantagesoughr to be open to all, excerpt of course ‘ae few incorryibles. The need- in the secbeol rcom is the teacher wh: has the tatent to coutrol misecbiev teusor bad beys aswell as to in struct and draw outthe best stu dents. Jt takes executive eapacity elias learning to be a pone teacher. Tn a day when there is a tendene, to Geparti from the old fashioned methocs of Solomon andthe good nedacogues of yore. the words o Vr FP. L Soldan. the superinter dent of the public schoois of St as Ww Lewes are ro fresning He sav ie . “Preak ounist 3> Should neve ‘he slowed iat hovis. A gansd Lod-f whic ned ~uch as od itatned iote s our fa: } i D- thing when severe ponistmen tis n-eded Westiil use it in the Sr Bovis sehonis T velieve in suasini ltoe cCertata.extent, but there ar ftimes ; thst Theo the is thao toe tonvue | miiskon cf pupils from puntic sehonois fer ar Cause iv a thiage | heartity Gisapprove A chaoyve of ys rule e@ mht } herler It is ed ’ yNeEe put iv. ed of the sehoo! ‘ iu Qave eo rivht to shirk $ pumice.’ Ler us he More suc wise tals ¢ 4 ’ ral i Ban the Preacher Gui of the Pulpit. Action, 1, Dispatch, 6th, She Congregation of the Washing ton Street Mehodist Episcopal chureh de came excited on Sunday evening when Joseph ard A!fred Be muth, twoyoung men, 'breatened the pastor and compelied him to jump from a window for his life. Ph: star, the J D Borah. ba- resigned declaring he will os back to cunen. Thi. where he knows be G vein satery Poe Bo muth orothers declare tha! Dr. Borah injvredthem in-ome way and they sought revenge. Each armed with a revoiver anda knife strode into the church and satdown. They talked out loud and were order- ed from the building. ihey»efu-ed to go and insiead whipped ovt their weapons and startedfrom the pul pit, Women fainred and men cried, Stop thm’ and seme did tre to Stop thea but were brushed aside When within twenty feet of Dr Borah the pastor seized bis baby in his arms 2nd leaped out ofa window Finaily the men were disar aed and arrested. “I would never have leaped from the window if I bada’t oeen in im ‘Minent danger of losing mv life,” said Dr. Borah. ‘I have resigned. Ican't live wheremy life is being aimed at ”’ Ve A ‘boarding house woeeu ied hy Mother and Daughter Burned. Pittsburg Dispatch, 6th, Two persons were burned to deat! and seven injured ina fire at Ca negie, Pa. thismornipg The dei« are Mrs. Sarah Klee and ber nine year old daughter Seven member nf the Klee family were injurec The Klee residence is a two stor- fram: house on Broadway., th vround front being devored to yeocery store kept by Klee and t! rest. of the house being cccupied | the family. The fire was 7iseover:d abou 4:4! o’clock this mo ni vw, b. the grocer: clerk, Merris Fizis He immedtat iv gave the alarm but tbe fl:m -pread so rapid!y¥ that the oceupar the upper story were shut «i from the stairway. and Kiee aed h wite realized that there was but « fav tosave the ebildren and th: was totbrow them from the w dow, a distance of about 20 fe One by one the chtidren we prought to the front window, an: dropped to the grourd*by the fath Ali of them- were more or less set vasly injured, but all escaped dear feom the flames. exe-pt Mary, 6B ‘he tyme Garry, the babv. ew: ched, not oniv was ‘he fath xheusted wtih his exertions a: betepribl @onditiens under wh - worked, bur the flames were f: skiog hiseffortsimpeossibie. Wit . ‘awes able to get at Harry, i vastound chat the fire had atread eeached bam and hishfinds were bi: - read and bur: Yo was saarch: m ‘he out pbuiiding jus ‘ pdt is thouwhr that he ‘ sbirits Geercased some in Russia, ! r i , i ) hho u a ‘ 4 4 1 f i U ¢ hoe t fei s di for tre ) 2 tatoing tf, -be hac | t t aria : i : 5 Lee e yourgest and m: ees child. sbe was wakiny a1 ttosave the fife of tary and i s vave no her own life Chicago Record Herald. s‘ated aversion to water would -+z coald be more symbolical < - <a fhree Men Hold Op a Town Alliance, O., Pispatch, rst. Poo the @ase at both beer and : : Y Mnree de-perudec. vave a disp The ofa Conse mp ign per Neac he ee i - : i ett - ? Wryé Wir= at . nere acid in¢reascd, and ‘bere was at the same when ivey entered (wo houses. and Neve the] ate. held up sewers: peVrsobs a the street und tinalls leogte & horse and bugyy arith ehich bey mads thet e.@ ive i hom: vi Vers Ww roare ‘eters was the tirst entered, where - he and her son Cart were ran wed of their j-veiry waned 320 While one af the three suarded the Peeters’ ham@ two oth- «sy. eniered tbe h meof ex Sesator Silas J Williams. next door. but got rothiog. Thev next tried to ente» a saloon. but were met at the door, by Lawrence Cavanaryh, who th roneh covered Dy revolvers, shout- | ed for belp Six vouny mea who ron to Cavavauyh's assistance, were covered oy the revolvers of the hiyh- wavrnen 3nd made to give up whet ' ' | | jomped into a carriage stolen from a tivery staple and got away. Ths police iminediately started in pur- suit, but bave found no trace of the: up to night. Fogzh Price of Food Supplies. New York Dispatch, 4. Dan’s index number, to be issued December T will sav: “If a man purehased bis sagpltes for one year on Deeem>sr l-t they would have eos S101.37. while the same quantic ties af the same artic'es would have averegaicd orly $7245 on Jury 1, 1SYT the lewest pont on record, aad $121 75 on Jaousry 1. 1860 these price records are comptied b moltipiving the quotations of all the necessaries of life ov the per eapits cousemopiioa. Prices are now es! the hignest point in many vears and infact sucpsss all records sine+ tre present improved methods of taou aetare and dissripution have ; nd aysticultoral oper “tT Dezuron the pre - } a . 2 1BODOIT Savings — + et A Sensationtin Ral agn Federt sourt Col. Old’s Raleigh Correspondence 6th, YL sensation is Mtoe tor Court J fhim. Aa Corn ji stud -nts nm [tha a,N Y ,we- burued iast week Twenty stude--t narrowly escaped death Hoe Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn. scratched his leg witka rusty wire. Inflamma tion and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Shen the beat doctors urged ampu tation, “but,’’? he writes, ‘‘] used xae bottle of El-ctric Bitters and 1} boxes of Buckien’s Arnica Salve sid my leg was sound and: well as ver" Poreruptions, ecz=ma, tet br. salt rheum. sore- 2nd all btood nsorders Eicenrie Bitters has nv: tvetonearth. Try. them. W. F Hall will zuaraatee satisfaction 3. cefuad money; Oaly # wonty ith z COmMMisstener é had given pim tbat acy We-Judye Wiliam G: Li-oo ix bavi % sete ax; i Spruill Sos rr TEL thy the uaatber beture Jade Puene'!, who, he knows. willdo ex- set Justices tic saves Judge Purnell spoke of this matter the other day Savioy polities had ny intiuesce in the cvurt and that if be could get any evidence of such a plan or, scheme or act, persons inierested would certainly wo to jatl for coen- ‘em pt. ae re The West Porat fa crball ream cd: feated oe Navy teovs urday bi score sf dl106 President Ruos: velt. witnessed the yame ; Teo ferry boats.catlided off San Francisco Saturday vight. Twesty persons were drowned. ; Over-Work Weakens~ Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the bleod in your body passes through your kidneys once evory three minutes. The kidnéys are your , blood purifiers, they fil- ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they aresick or out ; of order, they fail to-do their work. : Pains, achesandrheu- matism come from ex- cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. i Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady ; heart beats, and makes 6ne fecl as though | they had heart trouble. because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, ki¢ney- : poisoned blood through veins and arteries. } It used to be considered that only urinary } roubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin- ning in kidney trcuble. - If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy @ wonéerful cures of the most distressing cases nd is sold on its meriis cent and one-coilar siz- ee es. You may have 2 free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder. trouble. soon realized. It stands the highest for tis by all druggists in fifty- sample bottle by mail — of Swamp-Root. ‘in Ballston. N. Y-, has been arre edon the charge of making we, with 3100 000 of the bank's fuods. killed near ‘lusealcosa, Ala. wh! valuables they possessed The irio; resistin committing a murder that | detoped he was nor guilty ct a Whiskey from Watermetons. The old toper who bas 2 Cé«} ardly think of setting up a whiske ilin a water melon parch. Noett- ater vapidity to the mind of th evular boezer than a car load «! ‘pe melons justio from the sunn elds of Georyia. And yet there are charm ul whoo ~heyond number wrapped up 3 Green vistas of melon field: -cience lexks upon them as myriads nivbnalls awaiting the touch 1 distiller’s wand, At Balitm: ompany bas been incorpora ed f manufacture of whiskey fror se watermetons. In the summ = -¢ whiskey will be made from the awe of the melon, while inthe wi rit will be made from the me!o eds No many persons this w! coaat for the veracieus melou at site of thetypical southeracr. \s a matter of fact, there is notb .z difficult about the extracticn o: c-hol from watermelons. Any ‘moerable or fruit that contain. arch and saccharine matter ma made to yield uleobol in varyin: yeantities, Theinfusion of rhe me: ts fi-st made to undergo ferme: rou, by which thesaecharine ms aud indirectiy tbe starch are uverted into aieshol. This pre aohis thep submitted todtstillaiios is @asy to see that the tiest dist: on would vield lighs wine, whic eryedistiliation. weuld predar vicoholig liquid si:nilar to what c.ied whi-key. i nivAty as 21} hye and that if will take a wh si of weloas >. produ You can make your har- 4 ness as soft as a glove ta} ond 2s touch as wire by yi} using EUREKA Hare t} ness Oil. You can A lengthen its life—makeit 4 last twice as long as 1$ Aq ordinarily would, | EUREKA Harness Qi! makes 2 poor leoking har- ness like new. Made of pure, heavy bodied oil, es- pecially prepared to with- Stand the weather. Sold everywhere in cans—all sizes, Made by STANDARD GH €¢. Chas. E Pitcham teller of a 924 Ben Koox was shet and instanr!s yan arrest on the charve oi - a BR Pgh rR Oe . SAE Ne eae ee Gree ee ae 5 ES - Za > EAT S z re Youug Women _. The entry into womanhood is a critical time for a girl, Little men- strual disorders stasted at that time soon grow isto “xtai complications. That temale trovhies are filling graveyards oroves this, Wine of Catdui estab- fishes a pa*~ess and natural menstrual ‘low. en once this important func- tion is star.-4 right, a healthy life will Seis hare Many women, youn ind old, o-ve their fives to Wise a Cardi. There is nothing like it to give women freedom from pain aad to it young v- men for every duty of life. $3.00 bottles at druggists. Miss Della M. Strayer, Tully, Kans °1 have suffered untold pain at menstrusl pe- riods for a long time, was nervous, had no appctite, and lost interest in everything, in fact was miserable. 1 have taken four ootties of Wine of Cardui, with Theeford’s Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day 1 am entirely cured. 1 cannot express the thanks | feel for what you have done for me.” for advice in cases requiring special direc tions. address, giving symproms, the Ladies Advisery Department, The Chattanvoga Med- icing Compauy, Chattanooga, Tenn. The Methodist of oath Carolina veseribed S64. 000 to thetr teenty- heentury fund at their conference: | mbiala-t week “STIL NULLOD TU0OW “3uo 10 OWIA “Ooly SRq cong uysny cnopayry WV “predezd oSvyiro ‘ouour av syog DAs OF UY SITT oY) omy a puss son Ff 4t 903 2,GoM puv 4f 9,uStq Jarep an0cd = $3 “NQOGHIIT Sujacq uo asysuyz g asity Aumop Ry *‘quo0ours *4jos TO} palopusTeo pus ussom fig Sjoso7 *poysy.s2 pauq ‘papsvo pus poawayo et Siq#noic gq}. ‘uoyi0d ound VY .“NQOd B “TIT. 428mrepss3 aq) GIA Pedmrs sy & ~~ qnonESTERS ENGL PENNYROYAL PILLS and Saddle Sores Iiexican Diusi:: ou need, Ittuhe quickly it heals sores. FOR HARNESS meat is just what y' et 0:22, and you will be astcnished to It’s this way: You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself ot Water, but there is only one proper way to cure a burn or scald and that is by using Mexican Mustang Liniment. Get a piece of soft old liniment and bind e no adequate with Steam or It gives immediate relicf. G jlinen cloth, saturate it with this loosely upon the idea what an excell you have tried it. A FOWL TIP. Idniment. It is called a STANDARD TI wound. You can hav ‘ ent remedy this is for a burn until If you have a bird afflicted other poultry disease uso Mexican y by poultry b: OR LT TS oT aa Britivh shir Neisn King O’Neets Dead : ates a ) Sav inn th Dispatch. O go. Wednesday night of last Gor entire crew of 18 has heen 2dwised in Newport Ky., “Wednes- 1 ’ ‘ eatiyves th: tre ty? Owelre people were inja DurhamA!a : The Lenoir Citv Natioual bank, « efhin which p: The Lenoir City Na é d nis citv a check for ating Hong Kove bis vessel cisan- wared aad is <~upLosed To pave been Capital stock was & Two negroes and iso white was 56 years old and 2 native of this] aly. Wednesdey of last werk } | Bank dE UE N A T : Nationa ETF TEEVILEE. BR. Deposits received subject Money loaned on gooc Special attention paid to collections oc: Accounts of Corpor 2s aie Individuals solicited and receivec OPES CECE RB, Freeccent § ©. rt &R. Vice Fr:sidem’* EO. H EBON, Cashier, 2esects a Regular cheek on sight band perserg) and credited Gr ict Interest pric on time depesits. C 2t lowest rates., FRICE COMPANYS -oular Saw Mill Eclipse Pc: ‘able - eks and cable repr sitive feed ever pul or , Si > ENGIN ES ND ROM ER W.E Lurucl. ver Poston Bros Lp NITSOKM NQOAATIT Jo prvs Az940q “980 04? PUB U][snu meu og z, ‘gpstr spoos Jomo Ane nem} OPA TSBIJq pus to93u0] Ivs3Ai ‘ToIsta “TSE Jey ‘O27 ‘ssuray ‘sasto aojyid ‘sjooys “asoaropon Pa y : “}E IO} spooS 4 yojiod not 4:3 03 Gave 34, “soeq Spoos O14} Ju om “A471 a s e 4 -jénb Surresmsosoaurveddesz: A | sedan 329 NITSNIK NAOd & a -ATTurpeppepugucdy, = & 5 “posjuciend st # pret Ataag -Aqenb sy yo pnoid” fey SIV ONY “LTT OT Soave yr Goya 2 pee FOjIOd St NITSOIW NOOGA TIT 3 i NG! as PRINTI -1 between the North and South, Flerida. Cuba tyngris an old one but the chich which we dis of stationery in makes one ‘nnovnces for the wintersof 1901 and 1902 the regu'ar service will be zugmented by the South :rn_ Palm Limited. a magnificent Pullmat ind St. Augustine. Fiorida. thiuk it a tate ?: Winter Homes in Summer Lands.” Dyspepsia Cure {F WE QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE WILL GET YOUR WORK atwo cent stamp to $. H, Hardwi Vashington, D.C Beales tice ie os Better workmen. Better material to work with, a better line of Stationery, ete . en- abies us tu do better work 1 send us your next order, we ° guaranteed. tor full will appreciate it. ——— THE MASCOT: P TING CO., | | Safe. Always reliable. Ladfes, ask Drugsist for Ci ‘HESTER’S ENGLISH in Bed anc eeaieenitio boxes, sealed. with blue ribben fake no other. Ecfuse d2ngerous substi- tutionsand imitations. Buy of your Drogmst, or send 4e. in stamps for ®. lars. Testi- monials and “Relief for Ladies,” in letter, hy return Mail. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by all Drugeists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 2100 Madison Square, PHILA., PL Mention this poper. MART V DEALTY y! EAL EAT STD AD EE Spr: tHng Eyes & Bright Faces ma AEST RE ee STS OTS O, 1s» the Fruits of Sound Nerves.$ a*° 77, THE GREAT FRENCH BIN DIPO Meee toxrs and Vitali zer Crores Nervous Fxhaustion, Hysteria Dizzs pess, escache Backacke and Female Weak ness +o common atiending the monthly period~. CATT. 7 2 passing through the trving Gisi> change from Girlhood to Wom- anhood will Gnd ita wonderful relief and bene- fit. i: quiets and strengthens the nerves cleat-es the blood, clears the bratn and tones up the whole system Makes a Woman Look Young and Feel Young. PRICK Soc... 12 Boxes $5. Sent by mailto any address, Sold by W. F Yall, Jr. Sk Ae EL RINE PCE ITI Ee Cheep Life Insurance DIVISION of the Pcopies’ Mutual Benefit A Association, a life insurance organization, has been organized in Statesville by J M. Mc- Cormick, division agent. The division ¢m- braces Iredell and_Alexander counties’ H. P. Grier, of the law firm of Grier & Long was electe? president; J. A, Mertness, clerk of the court, Secretar: and Treasurer. and W. W Tur- ner, register of deets, one of the directors. Phere will be from one to th’ce directorsin each township in the countiesembraced in the divi sion, Insuia..ceto theamount of $1000 each will be written for 1,000 persons only in the di vision. J K Mefrayer will assist the division agent, Mr McCormick, in writtug th¢ imsurance ous who join the organization will pas ar, end when a member dies each N be assessed $1 15to pay the tnsur- suce of $1000 )=60 The assessmeutis $1 on each of the 1.oco members to pay the $i.cco insurance for the deceased member and the 15 cents gov- - ses. This is the che: st end mo-teliabletorm of imsuramce Known For orther information caldon the officers of the ‘ivision or the agents. October 7th, #goi. aie Sie he So 1Tie-- _ Erench | liaianh ‘sates 3 ~4 ’ 5 i ea Pills. iS} *, certain relief for Suppressed g ee Fesmaic ee rnation. Never known to fail. Safe! Be sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or monéy Refunded. Sent prepaid for & 21.00 per box. Willsend them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. § 4 UNITED MEDICAL CC., Box 74, LANCASTER, Pa. 8 oe as” Ca Coldin Statesville byStimson & Anderson. & CURES ! LA GRIPPE»” GOLDS o F.SOLI, Statesvite. N.C “Neapet rere For Saie Everywa re. To the Farmers, GAVE afull line of the tes: kinds of wheat, oatsand rye fi eed. Come and see me befere so xuy. Sept. 19:b, 1901 J.L, Cowan —_—— Dissolution Notice. OHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- tween the undersigned, under the firm name fj L Hunter & Co.. has been this dsy dis olved by mutual consent This nov. 7th, 1901. J.L. HUNTER. W Cl MOORE S5e. See. Druggists. Genuine stamped C.C. C. Never sold in bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as goo” North Cerolina In tar Alexander County.s Superior Gour'. M. G- Smith, administratrix of } > . *ebecca Smith. deceased, AGAINST | | I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith Dor-} NOTICE. cas McIntosh, O. P. McIntosh. “wa Lackey. J, A lackey, E, P. smith and M. E, Smith. The defendants, I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith Dorcas McIntosh. 0. P, Mcintosh and E, P smith. will take notice that an action entitle: asabove has been commenced in the Superio: court for final settlement of the estate of Rebec ca Smith. deceasrd, and the defendants wil turther tak notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the clerk of the Superior: court of Alexander covnty, N.C. on Saturday the 21st day of December. 1901. and answe 0: lemur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiffs will apply for the retief dem«ndea ir said complaint A.Ul WATTs, This Nov. 6th, r9o0r. Clerk Superior Court. Cures Blood Poison snd Cancer Eating sores, swellings, failing hair, mucous patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones anc joints, itching skin, boils, pimples. etc.. by tak ag Botanic Blood Balm (B B. B.) made especi ally to cure malignant blood and skin troubles B. B. B, heals every sore and makes the bloo- pure and rich. Over 3,000 cures of worst an most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B_ Drug- ists, $t. Describe trouble and trial bottle sen free by writing to Blood Balm Co. Atlanta Ga BILES nts. Sunpositery D, Matt. ‘Thom; Gradea Schools, Statesville, N.C. writes: eTeas oy, 4 trey Go all you claim for them,” Se Raven Rock. W.Va. writes: They gin Ane ‘sction.”* . H. D. McGill, Clarksd : i a Practice of 3 years, T hare! ent pee ee + equal yours.” Price, 50 Contre, Sacopics Free, 1a : by Druggiz: i tS tA wcasten, pa. | SES a Ss Panne oe ~ Sold in Statesville py ee Anderson--Cail for thet canneae a se COTTGN ROOTas» PENNYROVAL PILLS Original and genuine, always reli safe. LADIES! always ask for Dr. ee cor ton Root and Pennyroyal Female Pills, The: 1ever fail ind never injure. Mailedto any ad tress on receipt of $1.00 by The .Rust Medicine -o., St. Paul. Minn for sale by W. F- Hall. js Opening of Winter Touris: Season. pHs Southern Rarlway, which operates its own lines over the «ntire Suuth and forms he important link in the great highwav of trav- Mexico, the Pacific Ccast and Central: America, nost sube~p service ever offered. its splendid rain, which will be operated between New York ee paces of the ae TLV a; ‘Sout! Ra’ gent ern way steeper raemnnarnapiitagmasmateapendicomrs Chronic Constipation Cured. “TATESVILLE N ©. —_— —___ e imperfect skin is always caused bad blood. Rann cause! Improve your ® blood. How? By tat. ing the blood purif- that has stood the test for thirty years woh nsions < AS R AT R AE D AE D s DA B DD AI D A EE a AL E a QUART BOTTLE. It has thousands of happy friends. Quart Botties sell every- ® where at $x. “THE MICHIGAN BRUG COMPANY,” , Detroit, Mich. a Liverettes for Liver tits, The Famous Littic Liver Pitts, ~~ ' D@ i c a Cl a s Aa d i BD V VIGO ee => Fasily,< Quickly: HINDIPO 2 Tovic and Vitalizer is s« tee to cure Nervous Del) ing Memory. Fits Dizziress. Drains on the T«rvcus Ssicn Babitsor Frccs-iwe Tse « Liquors. cr “Livi the i wards off In senity : clears the Ficoe are Jasin. F tered Nerves. Kestcres the brings the pirk gicw to p24, vou voung rd strot ge apni: By mail to ars aceress i Forsaleby Wo FL Gall jr, - MA E , < Dr. P. FP. LAUGENOSOUR Dentist. STATESVILLE. N.C Will be in bis office t~6 wecks, beginning with first Monday ir cach month Call cn him fer anything in the way of dentistry You vi]! find it te your interest to do so Work done in best manner. Pri low Onle the hest matrert Sa Gentiemen, Ger the New, “evel Diecovery c = 23 iui K INJECTION Cures Gonerrhaza and Gleet in :togdays Its faction is magical "revents stricture r plete To becarried in vest porket ventative) Sent by mailin plain packs; paid. on receiptof price. Stoo per box $2.50 The Rust Medicine Co, St. Paul, Mir . For sale bv W. F. Hail. Jr. The Southern Railway ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE WINTER TOURIST SEASOY AND THE PLACING —ON SALE OF— Excursion Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT —POINTS IN THE— South, Southwest, West In- dies Mexico and California. INGLUDING t. Augustine, Palm Beach. Miami, Jacksonullle, Tamba, Port Tam- | pa, Brunswick. Thomasville, Charleston. Aiken. Av- gusta, Pineburst. Asheville. Atianta. New Orleans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE ‘KY PERFECT DINING AND SLEEPING LCAR SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS. SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any ticket agent for full information, or address R.L VERNON, Cc. Ww. WESTBURY Traveling Pass. Agent, Dis Pass. Agent, Charlotte, N. Cc. Richmond, Va s, H. Hardwick, General Passenger Agent. J.M CULP, W: A, TURK, Traffic Magager Asst. Pass. Traffic Manager. Washington, D, C. JAPANESE PILE CURE =_- ee =A Newand Complete Treatment, consisting “4 Suppositories, Capsules of Ointment and two 3oxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It makes 20 »peration with the knife, which is painful, and »tten results in death, unnecessary. Why ¢”- dure this terrible disease? We pack a wr mga = Rox, No Cure, No Ps 50c, a > , il, San- Sles free x, 6for$s. Sent by mail OINTMENT 25c. and 20c. “ONSPEP ATION Cured, Piles prevented, by Japanese Liver Pellets, the Fate Liver and stoma h Regulator and Blood Purifier. Small, ae and pleasantto take; especially adapted ‘or m’suse. So dosed 25 cents. For sale by W. F. Hall, jr- Kodol Digests what you eat. HE above is the ti i ‘Thi i aoe eee =e preparation contains all of the he Sonthean Railway. Itis beautiful pated and fully describesthe ans Fee toa food. Itgivesinstant relicfand never ¢Sourh A copy may be secured by sending | fails tocure. It allows you ‘to cat all » | the food you want. ‘The most sensitive — stomachs can takeit. By itsuse many Winter Excursion Rates. | thousands of ayspeptics have beet cured after everything else failed. It FFRCTIVE October 15, root, excursion -rate- | Prevents formation of gason the stom sat ae = placed on sale by the <outhern Railway } ach, relieving all distressafter eating. tants and digests all kinds of Dg unnecessary. Pleasant totake. eee: do you good The most important discovery of only by E.0. DeWirré Co., Chicase : ee Rony by BOD 2% times the ste. Sie recent years is the positive remed for constipation. Stimeon & Anad-iscn. Sec E4acate Yonr Bowels With Cascarcss scBOY Cathartic, cure constipation cree ines ‘Sta tesville Tasco a WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER et AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VOL. IX. STATESVILLE, N: C., THURSDAY, DFCEMBER 19, 1901. _ - z 4 E ee ae a Boe a. Pee eI ee NO, 4, — rrr ~~ =e ea ——— eats — eee : “ — a Ss a 2 EDITORIAL NOTES. Amos Owen Cherry Tree Company a u.; i Lo LL, ranean j } ro R one Fraud.) | BOHton tobe ee-A.ppointed om. Certain | SfATE NEWS Se oe /% Ba cee =i] “Onditions. : A Good Thing. : j £7=8N. 4 =i] When will negro loving northern- | Reigh News and Observer 13th, | Raleigh Post re : = Games eee : c ers of the Crampacker—Moody type The Amos Owen Cherry Tree | W. W. Rollins has been reap- n Syrup isthe special pre- AE CATARBHAL IN NATURE. Catarrhal Diseases are Most Prevalent in- Wintr. is THERE NO WAY OF ESCAPE FROM THEM? Pe-ru-na Never Fails to Cure Catarrh Wherever Located. —_ There are some (4im53 which are xs snroe 28 fate, and can be relfeq on to occar to at least ene-hal? of the hnmar family nnicss means are taken to prevent. First, the elimate of wintor is sure to bring colds. Second, colds not premptly cured are sure to cause caterrh. Third, eatarrh impreperly treated is sure to make life short and miserable. Ceterrh spares no organ or function of the bedy. I* is capable of destreying sight, taste, 3meH, hearing, digestion, seerotion, assimilation and exeretion. It pervades every pert of the human bedy, heat, throat, “stomach, bowels, bronehiad tubes, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder and other pelvic organa. That Peruma cures catarrh wherever focated is atteste by the following tes- fimonisis sent entirely unsoligited te Dr. Hartman by grateful men and wo- men who have been cured by Peruna: Caterrh of The Head. Mr. D. B. Ramsay writes in a recefit letter from Pine Bluff, Ark., the fol- Jowing: “My son, Leon Ramsey, four years ef nage, sutfered with catarrh of the head for eighteen or twenty months.. He took one bettle ef your Peruna and could hear as good as ever.”—D. R. RAMSEY. Catarrh of Tho Nose. Mr. Herman Ehlke, 952 Orchard street, Milwauk-o, Wis., writes: “TY am entirely cured of’ my catarrh of the nose by your Peruna. My case was 2 severe one.”—Horman Zhike. Catervh of Fhe Threat. B. KH. Runyan, Salesville, O., writes: “J suffered with catarrh of the throat for fire years. I was indaced to try Peruna. Ihave used five bottles and am perfectly well.”—B. H. Runysn. Catarrh of The Ear. Mr. Archie Godin, 188 Beech street, Fitchburg, Mass., writes: “Peruna has cured me of catarrh o the middle ear. I tes] betier than I have for several years.”—Archie Godin, A TEN S7 Catarrh of The Lunzs. writes: affected my lungs. I took Port: then I have fer Emilie Eirckhoff. Mr. John Smith, 311 8. Thi Atchison, Kan., writes: care of my heme dector, andi for four months. of that treuble.—’ John Smith. Catarrh of Tho Bowc!s. writes: the time. Entzion. - ASTHMA CURE FR- Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Perm>ic Cure in Ali (ese. - SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE CN RECEIPT OF PO*? 31 WRITE YOUR NAME A>D ADDRESS PLAINIY. There is nothing like As It brings instant relief. « worst cases. It cures wi: fails. The Rev. C, F. WFLLS. of Vill: ed in good condition, thankful I fee! for the good deriv: was a slave, chainéd with putrid and Asthma for ten years. I despa! being cvred. cure of thisdreadful and tormen Asthma, and thought you | yonrselves. but resolved to give my astonishment, the trial act-d Send me a full size bottle.”’ DRS. TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE © remedy for Asthma and Hay Fev composition alleviates alltroubles 5 cine with Asthma. and wonderful. thine, chloroform or ether. a REY. DR: Mogeis 4 AVON SvRineGs. N. Y.. Febrvary | Dr. T $s. MEDICINE CO, i - ae ‘ Gomtinaiene I write this a ee sense er SEAS tested the w of your Asthmalene, forthe cure of Asthma. My wie has beer Aes for the ase I2zyears Having exhausted ay Roe fas cles Oe cc} 4 your sign upon your windows o2 roth siteet. New 3 oe = roe aie cecal M tec need taking it about the first of November. Ty s orice : ment) aitenusing one bottle her Asthina ha- disappeared and she is entirely free toms. I feelthat I can consistently = : i i i ours respectfully, See 0. D. PHELPS, M, D ‘ > tel) IR, Tart BRos. MEDICINE CO” oS Gentlemen: Iwas trctl led with Asthma for 22 years teal 7 Ecce purchased your full-size bottle, and a grates = ae ‘ of four cfiildren, and for six years was unable to work. I am now ac eee a doing business every a This testimony you can make such use you s Home address, 33d Rivington street. Ihave tried numer: _ Trial Bottle Sent Absoluteiy Free on Reeeipt of Pos « Do not delay. Write at once, addre sing DR. TAFT BRY MEDICINE CO., East 130th St... N. 4. City Carclina Marble and Granit: Dealers All Kind of Marble and Gra: For Cemetery and Buiiding Purpos*s. i iti 7 est price: Monuments, ia! We are in a pesition to quote the very lowest prices on Jets, Headstones, and all kinds of cemetery work Material and Workman##1> Gyaranteed to be _ First Claxs = Write for our catalogue and prices. oni Moho “ YARGS AT STATEGVILLE SAUIODURY ‘AND NORTH WILKeSBORG E FOR PERUNA. Mrs. Smitico Kixrekhoff, Adz, Minn., “Threugh a violent cold contract last winter, I became afflicted vit! terrh of the nose, which ia 2 sh: cured me fherenghly. I mow feel be ferty yesrs.” Catarrh of Bhe Bladder. “TI was troubled with catarzh of urethra and bladder for two years tho time I wrote to youlI was unc “TI foliowea your directions tb: months, and can say Peruna cured Mr. Henry Bntzion, South Ber! “The doetor said I had catarzh of bowels and I teok his medicine, with no reHef. I was getting worse “Before I had taken 2 half botile of | Poruns I felt like a new man.”-—Henry says: ‘Your trial bottie of Asthmecre i Icannot tell 1 I saw your adnerti on tire Krocks Ail Forms of Catarrh. Fro Te tye 5 = Catarrh of The Eidneys. Poier J. Ungor, Hawley, Pa., writes: “JT think thet I am perfectly cured of estarrh of the kidneys by Peruna, as £ here no trouble of any kind.”—Peter >| J. Unger. @Gaterrh ef The Stomach. A. W. Graves, of Hammond, Ind, writing to Dr. Hartman, says: “Tam well of catarrh of the stomach e two years. i have taken bot 3 of Peruna end onc of Manalin and I fe ke anew man now.”—A. W. Graves. Pelvic Caterrh. Miss Katie Lochman, Lafayette, Ind., | Writes > “T had pelvie catarrh, pain in the x c¢, had stomach trouble sel by catarrh. I fol- ons; tock Peruna 2nd and 18¢ I am relieved of such 2 distressing ailment.”—-Miss Katie Loehman. ; A book «1 the euré of la grippe and rrh in all sti »1 phases sent free to directions, | to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. 'Y inthe Cottoa sills ews and Observer, ‘s co evid that ras emploved in the : yton mil} Yor 2», Reeord- nce Ft suid toa reporter News here bh several cases fore me recently, which have de oped the fset that children usder velve years of age are working in The mill men en ome of the mils. linto an agr the Legislature accepted faith, and if thegmill men tered into this avreement are nob livingeeptoitl intend to find out We want no labor troubles in yg } ‘ne soutn. mM the azreement is being kept by mostoi the mills. The State Labor ommissioner ought to make an in- vestization whetheranv of r + \ to see Rev. Dr. Morris Weeks! Rabbi of the Cong. Rnai Isracl. NEw YORK. Jat. 3. 190%. Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is 2n ¢ Its success i5 <* After having it carefully analyzed i state that Asthmalene contains no opium, mot- Very trulysours afflicted with spuateii' + ie? afflic ae} recommend the medicineto all who areafiliciec + I ranacross your advertisement and started with a trial beitie. S. RAPHA?. 67 East r20ttr st ra e -ville county. It is the mills are evading it, and if sa |tbe public ought tu-know the facts jand ‘be neme of the mill thatis go jing back upon a voluntary agree ;ment., Child laboria cotton mills | would have been prohibited oy law | but for ‘he aereement made. It 1s to the inrerest of the mills who are liv .2 sp tothe agreemen:, as well os ae State, which must protect youos ebiidren, to see that there is no Vinolatien of the public pledge not to employ childeen under twelve years of age. -- cod The Reporter and the Dry Farmer Charlotte News. districts \ farmer from the raral Was taken into the care and keeping of the police lest mignt. He had talen on too much dram and was wiliog to pillow his head on any- thingy. Therefore, he raised yo ser | jos objections to an iron cot m the ce) i this morniog. after he awoke ‘the realization of where he had t. he became awfully rry for his actionsand, in the due corres of time, a genuine thirst over homed him. A News reporter ent then rassed slong by thecell the farmer eceapied and he was haled. “Say, mister,” said the farmer ‘‘xon t you please give meadram?”’ “You do not need any wiskey.”” The farmes turned his face square to the front and said: “The h—l I don’t. Can’t you see tam suffer ing?” ee ~ A B@rasoner Kile His Wife and Sister * ~~ in-Law | Coluinbia Dispatch, 13th. This afternoon at 6 o’clock, at Lima, S © , Edward Hollis, a young hatdrummer, shot and killed” his wife and sister in He tired at his mother in 'aw and at his sonand eused the fastbullet on himself He During bis trips x the roxd his wifeand child have heen living with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Poole Hollis wasat home for the hotidays. He and his wife bad quarreied. He walked into the room where the family was assembled axvdcommitted the terrible deed‘ Mr. Poole.was out bunting at the Lime. Lima i€ near Piedmont, tn Green reported here bat the Poole family came from Lincain coumy NC. ; " Baucate Your Mowels With Cuscareta, iQ. s expected to die Sa FUSE aR ae | | { 4 j Were drumming for Republican law- | 'yers in the- Raleigh | has fre quenty been i bork Democrats and Republicans lear’ that their efforts to strike the South react unfavorably on the ne- grees? The South can manage atfulys withcut the help of and what is 1age them ia spite as. these, > SHe@ Wil Mar tof their howls * * % Phe charees published in last - . { weeks papers that Teveoue officers | Pest Comiai~ Federal court raade ip this Bat with this differ- said the court at States- is run jn the interest of cortgin . . - ers to the exclusion Dfall others Tre charges bave an unsavory odor acd should be investigated. Judge Garnel! at Raleigh was justly indig- paut when informed of the practices in youus thers and itis morg then likely the ‘@oodlers”' will be more cavtious hereafter, ; % * or * 8 ~ The Amos Owen Cherry Tree Com- pany. which bas beey “fourishiog like a green bay tree recently is nearing the end of its rew, Last week Franklin Sherman, Jr., ento mologist of State Agricultural De partment, made a reporton the coa cern that laid bare’ its fraudulent character. This was followed by an » by the grand jury of the t har- indict Federa 2 sSCssion in as a fraud 5v aspecial agent of State Crop Pest Commission, to make concern The specin! Sherman. Jr. eutomologist of Departinent of Agric made 2 report vest¢ vestigation in Commissioner L. S | | the Amos O von Patters ion. 7 = his report Mr Shermau Says: “Ii meke noap pany asa and those wh knowlng Their methad of inception. has | ful in the ex crime as b: on the people, handled it, as elpators thercin. business from the : false and deeeit- ind to make ‘the as possible, they have derived ‘he greater part of the revenues from their trade, from the women and ing stirls, mainiy. ¢f eee) v Sap r Thise S attracted State wide a! its “endless Chain seers Thos} requently denounced, 13. Frank Heniiet: ~ the ori Mr. Sho? rht, of ine employes « vive information their staicments fa:se Mr Sherman ssid furtt ‘ "Atta c\isy there vere to be sec SO BS grades trom mediz Many were ¢ ry small. t lotte. Theendds iu sight. Mavy wemen have been victiais schemes, haying ! | paid $12 in the hopes of earnivg $20 | | | franduleni a moth by writing at home. Some have been paid their $20 a month but of the Park meut. He was also o committee on election of id vt. Vice Presideut and Representatives: Small was ap pointed on tbe merchant marine and fisheries; W. W. Kitchin on naval affairs; Bellauty on education, irri ovidianeés and maunfactur 4 census and manufac Lures; ¢ Witchia on claims aod expendituresin the State Depart ment; Pow on reform in the civil! service. Mr. Pouis very well pleas ed with his assigements. He was toid by “older members that for a new member behad been right for tunate sir Thomas was satisfied with bis iot. He was agsin placed on his old committee, -pubie build ings aad grounds. Thomas jwill now renew bis efforts to get a public duilding at Goldsboro, and aiso hopes to be of service in this respect to the veople of Durham. The Democratic leaders of the Senate have notified the Republicans that the minority does not feel called upon to provide committee places for either Senators McLaurin or Wellington. Itis understaod that the Republican committee on com mittees wiil assign these Senators to commitice places. Congressman Payne has prepared a bili to apply the Diugley tarid to the Poilipuines It will have the unanimous support of the Repub litars se mav the Pre rm at es; Kiutr rable ——— , You are Right. Raleigh Post, Hore is another yowl from Maine The Portland Press, (uanecessary 10 ade it is Repubiican), says: “Phe North will not for ever tac itiv Consent that the white men of the South shall have twice the politi ea! power and iafluence of the white mena at the North. Wher the matter comes up sectional feeling is inevi- table. It is only a question whether it Shall be stirred up now or at some other time.”’ And the South will not tacitly or otherwise conseat to be ruled by ne groes st the South or earper bagers from Matne again, and this may as well be understood also ~ Southern Republicans Oppose Crum peckers Bil! Washington Dispatch rr, Repudlican Senators and Repre sentatives from Southern — States oeid a conference at the Capitol to night to consider the subject of lex islation to reduce the. South’s rep resenfatioa in Congress. misshapen that they would vo: Raye heen used tor ship- ment by aay b t rs Thebands {a charve are without | aursery exprrience or knowledyein these matters Tke reas were) carelessiv trimmed. ond many were] élasved ia Uke operat! Lodeed, it! seemed that tho at odj+si ia phe tiimmiag was to ¢ the panties reduced ip =iz2 as mu possibia, sO @S to avoid express zes,"” Mr. Sherman savs trees are} gathered from all the sur~ as leader at pian to be the men to accept f Oue party candidate fi President in 1905 Senator RBatiey. of “Zexas; finority ieader Richardson, - of Tennes-ee. and Reprcsentative Bank | head. of Alabama, are 1 charge of| this Gormmen boom > ~~ A Wenoderfvl Cavein Colorado Denver, Colo., Dispatch, A special to the News from Batte saysan aod wonderful cave. be- thelargest known lieved to be one of has just been disenvovedati, the canon of the Jemerson, on the jine of the Nongiher Pacific railwavfabout iffty miles eas: of Butte. An expioration party from WGutte spent several days in the cave, going over an area of ten miies to a depth of nearly one thousand feet. A jarge river with cataraci of about 100 feet was ex plored for a distanee of several miles withou: diseoverio a Source or out let. Atew articies of sione and copper vw en-its and same boves, be- lieved to be human bones, were also found in one of the larveapart meats of the cave. There were other evi dences tht at some tims in a pre bistoric period the cave was inhab ited. Itis believed tout an earth- quake closed the entrance to the cave and kiliedirs inbavitants. De Tee Small Skicmishes ta the Pailippines Manila Dispatch, 13th. Thousaids of perple are leaviag Batangas province for piaces of safe ty. rm Genera! James M BelfP reports an engayemen! between a force of in suryents at Labo, province of Cam arines, aud a detachment of the Twentieth infantry. Three Ameri- cans were killed. The loss of the euemy is believed ‘to have been heavy. General Beil anticipates a speddy extermination of irreconcilables A large foree of insurgents recaat- ly attacked the town of Lipa, prov ince of batanyas. killing one sc!dier and several Americanistas. Trvop FB ofpoe first cavalry, killed ten of them before the insurgents’? force escaped. he natives are stirred up by th clos) sof the ports and bit terly obisci to reconcentration, A Friyving force of 200 riflenen aad 409 boiomen receatly attacked Nagpart:as.;rovince of north-Iiceos. Company N, Enghth isfantry, drove olf the enemy, killiny eleyen of them. A Raging, Roaring Fload The meeting was called by Senatcr J.C. RBritchard, of North Carolina, who desires Soutbern’ Republioans to unite againss the bill to cut Southers represestation which has deen offeredin the House by Repre sectative E D. Crumpacker, of In aQraria, ~ The conference was informal and resulted ox!y ia an interchange, of views. It is probable that a further lineeting willbe held, at which, from iadiaations. aad agreement will be reached to fight the _rumpacker bill of any similar measare. Washed down a telegraph, line which Chas. C. E:tis, of Lisbon, Ia . had to repair. “‘Sraading “waist deep in icy -vater,"’ be writes,-“‘gave mea terribie cold a0d eough. It grew worse daiiy. Finally the best coctors in) Oakiand, Neb, Sioux City and Omaha said I had consump- tion and couid aot live. Phen I be- gaausiay Drv King’s New Discov- ery and was wboliy cured by six bottles.’ Positiveiy. guaranteed for coughs, colds and al! throat and pag troubles by W. F. Hall. Price cents. ae 5 . * Company, of Henrietta, is denounced b eotis Mr. Franklin the salrure, and be ay of his in- tirman of the Crop oay for denouncing Cherry Tree Com- at some ot tyeone of couspiracy. !cou!d nox be brushed away or whist- i!e@ down the |General Knox | force of this charge and Gid not hesi lters The firm's action i j { \ ' { } ; } ; | t 1 Attorney Mr. Holton will be retamed. 2. The iaw firm of Holton Alexander wii! be dissolved. 3 Mr. Alexander witl | practice on the criminal side of fed North Carolina | |ney General Knox told Mr. Hoiton aS a condition precedent to Mr, Hol | ton’s renomination for vhe office. I¢ is assumed here that Mr. Holton will as was indicted inthe Feder | a4 Court at Charlotte last week. )The! charge 1s fraud and improper us ‘either induce his partner to refrain | from appeariog for the defense | where Holton appear for the -vovern | Ment or failing to do:so, Holton wil! | withdraw from the firm. He must ‘do one or the other or else he will ju. tavain be apvointed distriet at- {torney, and those who are convers— ‘ant with the sttuation say that as ; Helton again vants the place, one or other of the things will be done. in respect to Mr. Ellis charge that Mr. Holton charged excessive fees, iit is pointed out that that is a sub- | ject for civil action rather than for i charges. jin the courts. refused te} | The charye thar had weight whs That charge | Mr. Eliishas his redress winds. Attorney immediately saw the tate to toll Mr. Holton that he con- | sidered bis firra’s action asim prover. There v as no evidence,of collusion lto defeat justice, to defraud the wov- jerament or defendants, or of con- iSpiracy, but there was upon its face, | Mpropriety stamped in big red let Mr. appearing for the government Hol % > ' , ; aed his partner representing defen- i Gants, gave just sround of i gy com |plaint, of criticism, if not oF suspic- ion, and that ieiaticuship must cease. Sit will bs as noted. Un liess Mr Ellis can adduee ung vestion- wmajority of them are out $12.) round: 5 re Iabeled ied proof to sustain his charge of : af ) } ry trees 7°} ara . git cherry es that were used;3 ee : y ap CouSpiracy, With the partnership > : ; \fter stor with Dp oF is ca ol eee 37. nate = m is a bait, have been feuad by | de ze aes inced (on eaves Or practice discontinued in Se = ; ine ea vers criminal cases on the Western cir- Mr. Sherman to de practicaliy val-irhe: the. ara vers desireu Geer fon tiake fe oon Vestern cir i : ' i i curr, wit. Holton will again de ap- Ugiess But juis is ouly one ot many | tbe fra: Gre Grivend 2wWay | nointed distrie: -ctorner fake concerns operating In this state | tem ta : ey OREO . : lthia mrev - aod it is pz slo that others will rene ee Washington Has Another Hotel Sen- } ‘ soplecateh at |.” : : Cree Ore ee ru? y one as CODE CALC aU i Ay, r > : he 5 REO : ;quae : el Lam Washington Dispatch, 1-t! v yo so calrec an to make moe yy rev ) is ier a é 5 Pers . ‘ a duvstery that promises 10 rival 2asiiv a u Let them alljences sos wart 5 KX 5 nace, GE ct " thie j OveG says hej o> Sein es Oo) aast lous y ta.wicehioth at ae 22 — vas rl lie oO tr Ss Aa. tay m lor waichn ida Bo capiemee: (nine is now on al for her life ta Congress. seine tin oe ° E on te : 5 developed this morning when the oy? 1 >, ehe tror Me © = a ' ° a ly te a renin eee ake Bo Sor Gormzn in 1904 | unconscions form of Ada Gil Wea oi last week appro SmaeiRN ort DE tacia archer l bert Denuis. a widow of 45 years rriaticg: SLOU0 000 to buy and remod Washington 1 teh, 6:h, 2of the moss prominent af Wash wt bhoijea for ¢ , a “wot el W ns Court bouse sora gov | Pron aaa bork lington’s fashionable modistes, was nie : ‘ } Houses of Uo ss oa that Seba | discovered at.11i7 K, s:reet with { fisnate sore! f Texa , \ i fra a we a alspatch — Sy8t) tor J Xu, Wes) her -Kull fravcured, jaw broken, and “Pht ‘th State. delesetion | not egtkis: u ormaking &! her body badly bruised 1 Very. i ta tl * itve ‘ +3 Vy rc r - 3 a eta 5 fared very ta the Commitrvee ap | cyerve said in New); The eutire detective foree of the pointments made this afternoon As 2 Iss + chat Arthar P. Gor | District was turned loose on the case predicted in S cOcrespondeace, | man would bo ‘rext Demoerati¢} as soon as it was reported to head- Siuckbura Was assivaed to the elec |eandidaie foc By : | Quarters, but no clue to the perpe tee. He wasalso made} Gorman is expec! ed ‘clura +0] trators has been found. the committee of the}+he Se areh & 3904. and be! “ars Denais is unconscious and it cumbia. Moody's a6 -bwill at: recogniged as minor-lis impossible to Jearn from her d. He got on the 28 Jity leader in the country, anything that would throw any committee, where be There is. movement ijight upon the assault. That rob hopes to do effective work in ovbalf| here amone Senat Ongress | pery was not the motive, is avident from the fact that tke “vietim’s pocketbcok, containing a - large amount of money, was found lying ;onastand. The woman was vrob | abiy attacked while asleep. - tne weapon used was undoubtediy the top of 4 piano stool which was found ister on the floor, near the front window, through. which the assailant evidently both entered and escaped. There wasan overturned flower pot on the b&icony just out- side the wingow, Avout 5 o'clock this morning Mrs. Mary Doyle, who cecupied a room over that of Mrs. Dennis, was awak- ened ny groans. She hurried below and found Mrs. Dennis in the con dition described. During the early morniog the latter partially recov- ered conscicusness, but was unable to answer any qwestions bearing upon the assault. (Sne revived later but eould give no ¢ us to Rey would-be murderer.) _—_— ——7eo or Prospecting for Oil Near Asheville. Asheville Dispatch oth. A number of northern capitalists are bere prospecting for oiland have obtained ‘‘oil leases’? on’ a Jarge tract of couniry almost adjoining ‘he northern boundaries of the city What veasons these prospectors have for believing that this is oil producing territory are not divulged by them, but thev nave convinced u number of the leading residents here of the sincerety of their intentions have the*capital and experience necessary todo so. The company desires to secure the agreements em bodied in their leases with the own- ers of 3,000 or 5,000 acres of land in the locality seieeied by them. Of this they have already secured leases or options on a considerable amount. W.T Eidell one of the prospectors, says that heand his as sociates are well endygh satisfied with the oil prospects here to nake the venture of testing the territory The evst of the first well wou!d he Mbout $20,000. They estimated that it, would be necessary to go down 3, 500 to 3 800 feet. fiiguring from the depth of the oil and gas bearing sands in Tennessee. — inn ae The President Talks Fair to the Tar Heels. Washington Dispatch. zath. Serator Simmons. this afternoon introduced Congressmaa Pou tothe President. They had an extended ‘|}and most satisfacsory conversation, unlike the corference which the Senator had lastSaturday, when the interview was cut short by the rush of callers. The Chief Executive made a statement to the Oid North State Senator and Congressinan which will be read with great inter est. He gave the visitors the em- pbatie assurance that he wuld not only be glad to discuss with them general mattersin which their State’ and the South are interested,\ but would be glad to give them a hear- ing atany time in opposition 10 should Prin cam appointments, when occasions the result of the charges preferred pointed , .a0 + re h y W. B. Ellis of New York, azainst | ie ,U.S Dietries Seale who ithe We was sent tc Rutherfordton county lina 20 investigation of the | 1 Holton of}, <5 : stern district of North Caro | 044@ another cotton mili at Graham, ‘may be summed up as follows:| J. M. Millikan has been reappointed | 1t quickly cures coughs; colds 4nd j The total streneth | guard is now 2,082, jeral court in the Western district of 107 over last year. cease to This in substance is what Attor-| th |ry showsa popuiation of | gain of avout 1,200 in one year. | 1 | plicit statement ! riday denying all | knowledge of ; whereabouts, or of how she had! disappeared, | The Cropsey family think that $31,000 insurance away, because Of the crowded condi- his feed and farming machinery by an incendiary fire last night, aver, in Wilson, left there day of last week. He was $40,000 ; Short in bis accounts, and said be! i been arrested, } ' j overt urbed near Wrighisville, man- ;aved to catch ed out to Were rescued. They were almost frozen when saved. Iu the trial ofa case before the ; secorder in Charlotte, it was devel- |oped thai ike Victor cotion mil was ; Hi ployiug a en-year-old boy contra- ivy tothe agreement made by the jmili men jast winter. Nell Cropsey, the missing girl, ths jth and that Wilcox, who was last jast November in Wilson was taken day for safe to test the country and that thev niles Sis postinaster at Asheville, Po >a o ; tomeroy Bros. are preparing to | Marshall for western North Caroli- and j.Qw district. an increase of A recent census in High Point for © purpose of getting out a directo- The Amos Owen Cherry Trea- | : : e of the mails. James Wilcox made a full and ex- Nellie Crogsey’s | Nelly Cropsey is dead: aud hope to recover her body ina few days. The mystery surrounding the case hasn’t yet been Iifte Riverview Knitting Mills were completely destroyed by fire Thurs- day Moraing. The orizin of the! fire is unkoown. Loss $35,000 with | Seventy one applications for ad- aission to the Central Hospital, for lasane in Raleigh have been turned tion of the institution: Levi Shepherd, a prosperous far- mer near Burlington, lost two! baras, several head of steck, and ail Thursday EK. i, Powell, a bucket shop man- Wednes- was going to kill’ himself, He has} FE saat ifs o35 seers ah , | our fishermen, whose boat was the boat. sea a wile ‘Lhey drift- before they Justice W. P. Cropsey, father of has veda signed statement saying athe thinks his daughter dead with death, Sco. Gay 2 young white man, who killed bis cx ploye, W. HAH. Aycock, ber, is responsible for her to the Siate penitentiary last Thurs- keeping. Aycock’s friends were threatening to lynch him. Lawrence Hazelton, a clerk ia the postoffice at Hugo, near Kinston, shota negro who bad insulted him and was advancing onbim im the store wiere the postoffice was last Wednesday. The negro died ina sbort time. The first and second volumes of the North Carolina Revimental His- tory are ready for delivery. The price is $1 per volume with 30 cents postage for the first and 34 cents on the second -volume. Ali orders should be sent. to M. O. -Sherrill, State Librarian, Raleigh. Cant. R. B. Gienn and Virgi} Moir, 2 member of the firm of J. J. Norman & Co., of Winston, had a personal encounter Thursday. The fight was caused by Glernn’s remarks about Moir’s firm while he was ar- guivy a case against them in court. No damage was done. Samuel Tucker, a young farmer of Forsyth county, has skipped with his sixteen year old sister-in law, Miss Birdie Yates. The father of the girl, E. C. Yates, who is an ex- cellent citizen, reported the matter to officers in Winston Wednesday. Tucker left a wifeand child at the home of his father-in-law, When last heard from they were in Yad- kin county. The Staniy Enterprise of 12th says: We have received through a private source the official record of a fast run made by train No, 39, on the Southern Railway between Sal isvury and Charlotte’ last Friday morning.~ The distance of 42 miles to Chariot:e was covered in 39 min uics, which was at the rate of -64.61 From Salisbury to) Harrisbary, 302 miles, in 25 min- utes, or 72 48 miles an hour. From China Greve to Charlotte, 32.7 miles, in 26 minutes, or 75.45 miles an hour. And from China Grove to Barrisburg, 20.8 miles, in 12 min- utes, or 104 miles an hour. Seven Years in Bec. ““Will wonders ever cease?’’ in- quire the friends of Mrs, L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kau. Taey-kaew she had bee» unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prestra- tion and general debility; but. “Three votties of, Electric Bitters eoadied meto walk,’’ she writes, “and ip three months 1 felt like af new persen.”” Women suffering from headache, bachache, nervous ness, ‘sleeplessness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells will find it @ priceless blessing. isjaction is guaranteed, by W. F. Hall: Only50cents. -. QA hae | | | } | i 5,4635—a, j Seription of Dr. 4 Boschee, a cele- | brated German physician, and is | acknowledged a caged to be one of the mes fortunate discoveries in medicine. ail lung troubles of the severest na- | ture, removing, as it,does, the cause | Of the affection- and leaving the parts of the State jin a strong and healthy coddition. ‘1S not aa experimentai medicine, ut has Stood the test of years, giv- 3g Satisfaction in every case, which S rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Twomillion bct- tles sold annually. Boschea’s Ger- man Syrup was introduced ia the United States in 1868, and is now I b i i t + t | Sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses. will relieve any ordinary coush. Price 73 cents. Get Green’s Prize Alma- bac. W.F. Hall. . Of 21.329.819 males of voting age in the United States 2.326 295 are luiterate. In other words, one vossible voter out of nine is unable to read or write, or to write if able to rezd. Nearly one half of all the illiterates in the country are negroes aud about 45 percent of all negroes Of voting age are illiterate. Health and Beanty. A poor complexion is usually the result ofatorpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. ture’s refuse is carried off it will surely Cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow: This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels fail- ed to remove, Early Risers-are world famous for remedying stimulate tae regularand healthy action of the bowels but craps Stimson & Anderson. Usless na- DeWitt’s Little this condition. liver and They promote bever cause griping, or distress. Safe pills.— fectly cured the market.” sores, United States Senator 7. CS. Blackburn, of Kentucky, and Mrs. Mary E. Blackburn were married at St. Pauls church Washington, by Rey. Father Mackin. relatives were present, whose first husband was Judge Black burn, a distant relative of the Sen- ator. Oniy a few The bride, of Benefit to All, D. S. Mitchel!,. Fulford, May: N. = “During along illressI was troubled YP witb bed sores, was advised to try DeWitt’s Witch Hzzei Saive and so with wonderful results. I was per- It is the best salve «n Sure cure for piles, burns. Beware of counter- feits.—Stimson & Anderson. ; A negro sehool teacher in Pari§ Tenn. killed his wife and then set fire to bis house. fired upon the Sheriff who attem pt- ed to arrest, and was killed by the sheriff, 7 Afterwards he Saved His Life. “IT wish to say thatI feel I owe my life to Kedol Dyspepsia Cure.” writes H. C. Chrestenscn, of Bay- field, Minu. ‘*For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach,, hlany times I vould be unable to re- taina morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one of your advertisements on Koedol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its use. prove frem the first bottte. am cur Digests your food. Cures all stem- ash troubles.— Stimson & Anderson, I bevan to im- t Now I and recommend it to all.’’ A block of seventeen houses” in the business section of Sweetwater Tenn was destroyed by fire Wed- nesday. 000. Thé loss amonnts to $50,- | list of Belle River, IIL hesitation in recommending it to a sufferers from maladies of this kind.”’ Ose Minute Cough Cure affords im- ties of any cor or munici ty. Try it. Sat-/ For Sule by W.F, 24 to 48 Hours, | An Evangelist’s Story. “TI suffered for vcars with a bron- chial or lung troubleand tried vari- ous-remedies but did not obtain per- manent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure,” writes Rev. Jas. Kirkman, evanye- “T have 10% - mediate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung trou- bles. Forzroup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to take. never fails and is really a fa- _ vorite with the children. They like it.—Stimson & Anderson. Articles of incorporation for the Southern Securities Company, with a capital of $100,000, were filed in Trenton, N. J. last week. The pur- pose is to deal in stocks and secur- ation, government PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands orspot the ket- tle (except green and purple) Sold by Stimson & Anderson, 10c. per. package. — A messenger of(a Mobile bank who was given a package containing $6,000 to take to the express office pocketed the money and left. H air Long 3 There’s another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for i SEE MASCOT|” Jrsy sy} WEEIB? ,t— ONE DOLLAR A YEA’ $$ io A. D. Watts. Eprtor & Propr:- TOK) save been watching the drift things: Entered at the P=tefhce at Statecvili: NC secondclass mai! matter.] 7>yzonke No. 35. C., Lec. 19. 3961. SOLICITOR W ILEY RUSH THE Mascot shares in the feelings are so universally {eit 1 bata of regret + ve over the death of Solicitor ~ : : ; here Over <u ; vartner ol District Atioraey Aiton. , i : : : C a t Trree yesrs > yan - ee eo > rs ¥ ey ue : aie ley-Rush.. Three yesrs agore beg: Sut why has not sumeb idy brought t vb € lees Se fous wilcen inue bis trip to Che ) d la ri e : 2 Shee : his duties as soliciter ef this judici: } ‘ our 2 tention the fac. thab sen Goversor Ayeock See en es 2 { loite and \ heriesion. 5. C. > pro uce Pp + art Seas - . tcy :2 : fn Ds ony en aie igs ST. |fuceessor. Sofar as koowp bere 3 ~ ; ° ° district a stranger to our peop'e, but ee Pritchard Ss Soe aa tue caedidates wit, Oe “Ww CC. Bam Re J. W. Bowman, -pastor: « neumonia or a seri- 3 Ti 26x78 -xacd lord 30 a Suis they soon jearned to kbuow him at @Q} or tore Bis ap potutee, Mouitous ae a oe es Smith of j*8 scireuit, areived last week anc : : = $OU New che htre cm ve i cat buile r , Before the Senatcr was elected to rth Se Sarin : Recap nace care ioprecehed in the Wethedis chur ys AccHSSItTe to scheor It che ee A es Be inane beiare the Sebalvl ae : HA Maire . of Satis Ppeewehed 10 eae Wetheaist Caur Se a _- 88% RIL. to trusthia. He was nota sawyer) | Used States Senate be bud no Te a t. <a La a . eal ‘here Sunday. > OuS roa a ec ion. : ec 2, Or, theri Va Pave NLC. of prefound Jearning, dat he was &@ a ree ire Fedecai Courts ot redelt witi Bave i i j = Y d thi g en = 7 aes ; I tant ieee Soot rn OSes wher of the v2 tlemen tam } Jug mn Que wel = Mord ‘Anrate Your Towels With Cascarets- prosecuting officer of more than av-| he districlexvept wi Asheville, BUG)” et se Bic er. Mr. {f is : - ao oy as > ou nee some in = dy Cathaitir, care constipation fosever. j taiii i witl make @ Capilat z en ae eran Fr fee i 3 “ary ae : ° a Phe YOO fall. Aragy ists refed erdéve ability Clear in his argue] bucse were jtiie rebanin3s cases. |" * with iw whe Nan = ssh - : = = as Sie Sipe Le ¥ oy . ill ve ou RPI mee oan : Liat ee erage e0ur) ache me aes a Now, for afl these years, whtie be Je. Britton. of Asbbore, was}|oiber beusrbol¢ goods West. © a Wi : Wh: RES a HERES, COUCHES ALE DOMICN SNES. nas been Senator uncer a R: pub here vesterday in the rInterest of inteads moving West soon. 7 th and build : es De ae en a seh ¢ -eowleacve 5 anf: Ay 1 one ng 7 i . { — ~ Sas ts a es ment, witha keowledge of bumaet 4) wgiuistrativa, he bus appeet oe Haoner. eens coer iN oe Tne Taylorsviile Drug Store Cc. Ss reng HW r. oe ali the os for sa } « releyer: » yes “Ws sig : s + the state vail giv i pature that was unusual be was a] oy in peariy every cuce of any un : on gram = os eo a bas Changed bands. Dr C. J. Us Fu the body =} Giting wheat. Nec usb tore selling. : . SOT Pitie, [au ervet gives tbe b0 ; . - ; , * SfAThS? U.LE LOUK MILI S, match ior *he vest minds at the bar | ~ queace th Greensoure, Asteviiie, [ol Se hi vif a t 'seu aod Dentist E W. Moose bay: p "i | Ne = onan ae , ' ’ s hrewurs as to s e, 2 me 7, 21-2 Slatemsle, . : H ver prosecuted frivolous cases barigtle wud Stat: sviile. de is Com wy BES Rush. E-q , solicitor of the | Dought theipterestof Dr. TB. oi P 5 = e Never PrOsccunc eee ans ok tiey Rush. , solicit : ; “fia = ouly: understovd aud beLeved Ubur : venson and brothers aad will co TODUCZ MARKEE: the sake of the fee i : = sizes = ial trict. dle of con- : TATESVILLE PRODUCT MARK for the sake of the fees, but be did] 1. giiiector and United Sates mar |" ata judicial dts aie ce ; CoP" t tinue the business. i 1 his duty as he saw 1t, at all times | Jozi make appolutmerts at the in- } Heston 2 “Ss BN opts a ee aie eee : 7 1 “ORRECTED BY } = = ae oe fo. As ait itehar ? . Ashboro! bis meorn'oy at é:20, after = < CORRECTED ably, faithfully and without the feer stance of wr. Pritchard. Paese wp eos of Uluess. He nad pot} Among the tens of ‘housands wi ¢ Speers of man. Whitdemanding that the | vylatees are the witbesses Ib toe poetics eansearns bealta for several jhave used Chamberiain’s Cous b] = =o aurt Cases, Mr. Pritchard having |" 1 Vii Ss ne | Remedy for colds aud la grippe du: ee oes n majesty of the law be upheld. he was a tender hearted aud just man whi would always listen to the plea for mercy that was grounded on justice and right. He wasa ciean man, 4 men who believed in the elevation of his race moraily and whose pri- vate life tallied with his public ex- pressions. Bat he has answered the summons to appear at the bar of the Great Judge, thereto be judged for the deeds of this lifeand we trust that his case was in the hands of the great Advocate. whose voice is al powerful io thar court of last resert, Humanty speaking, the snmmon: that took this upright, honorabl servant of his fellow men home it the prime of his young manhood }: inexplicable but we know that it i: best and we trust that the God o mercy willshelter the widow anc jittie ones, who mourn for him wh« is gene, under the shadow cf Hi wing. EO The verdict of the Schley court o inquiry isin. Unfortunately it i -ob a ubabimous verdict, es will db. seen by the summary given else where. The admirals unite in ac . quitting Sckleyv cf cowarcice. a well. The majority cf the ceurt i z2imst bim on eleven cenuts and i live of these Dewey joins, while in flve others he files 2 minority repor in faver ef Sebiey. Schley’s friend are talking es if Dewey altogether, but such It. is to be hoped ‘ba aliowed to res exaneretetc therr be the case. tter will be where itis. Further agitation o tue matter will do more kerm thar zocd. Schley stands acquitted o tr karwe of cowardice, and, inci dentally, it has been estadlishe bo! Sampson Jenounced as faise and refused to bave anytbir further todo with <icLay’s bistor: after coming across this accusation Potb men have suffered at the bands Of their friends. Borh deserve praise Neither is perfect But it is enar acteristie of hero worship to make: demi gcd of one mortal while it car see votbing ¢:mmendable in ancthe: equally as brave and deserving. $e In another column of this pape wiil be found a letter written by Mr. J. E Colvert, of thiscounty,to tk Atiorney General of Mr. Colvert is telling tales out ef school, Heis aleading Re publican and has been for som years secretary of the county execu tive committee, Being prominen in his party’s councils he ought know what he is taiking about ant bis charges cannot be laughed ou ©: court as ‘Democratic lies.’’ ¢o not doubt tbat he can get all the Staies affidavits he warts to back up hi: And Mr. Colvert is no’ assertions. the only one who thinks it is bigt time a change was made in some oO the practices pow in force in tbi: court if half the rumors are true. | a eeteaeneiell Beinn ce The James— Howard Case, B. F. Long, Exq , and Col. H C Cowles were in Greensboro yester vay. Judge Boyd was to hand dow: his opirion in the injuncticn pro ceedings in the celebrated James— He ward case-argued beiore him dur ing the iast termof Federal court The isjucction was to prevent th sale of the Western North Carolin: Raiiroad to secure damages Mr Leng wasone of the attorneys fo: the plaintiffs Mrs. James and Mrs Howard. —_—eE es A terrible accident occurred a Aberdeen Saturday morning whet J. A. Randall spot and killed bir wife thinking beP2 burgiar. Book’s miill’vear Goidssoro, faias. Bocker Norwood. white. was kili- ed by 4 mau named Freeman in Rai elgh Saturday night. The News and Observer's tobacco issue last Suodey specia tobaces crup is-2d per cent, short Pp p Lieutenant Bradiey J. Wooten, dicd in a ho=pitai in Havana Sunday as the result of ao operation for appendicitis performed about theee The deceased was about His father, Rev. Eaw. trisea fine chtidrea’s of the Epi-co;ai chu:reh in Statesville. If yuu would have an appetite like a bear soda relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Poey correct dis- orders of the stomach acd regulate weeks ayo. 23 years oid Wocten, was at one time recor Liver Tabiers. Mr. J. E.{Coivern, a acepublicar, To the Attorney General of the uf ey fer the western dis: rict of Norib Uarolina, by Mr. Elis, a 3 deat of the State, aud now of bar and those having vusine:s in the Wi wCULres, andercurrent remarks duriug and af the Unitea We Was washed eway by Saturday night's presesis an array o! dgures to shew that the ——— Re ’ | gqlici or Rush Dead. His Death a ‘ surprise to His Friends. There was much curprise express- Con.!et here Sunday when it became the /k.own tbat Solicitor Wiley Rosb pad died that moruing. It was not even generally koowG that his health was impaired; but 1t seems that bis physicabcondition had been vers grave for some time. Dr. H Long, of this place, who had veeu consulted frequently by Mr Rusk received & telegram Sat urday calling him to Ashboro, but as there was 00 teain to Ashdoero on Sunday “he tele- grapsed for information as to what be should do A second telegram come using bimte come to Higk Point aud dvive through to Ashb ro 3B aPlER SENATOR PRILCE- aR” emer tributes Some Bacts abut senator. The following letter makes mighty ‘eresting reading to those Le 0 C., Dec. 9, 1901 Ont, N. OL United Stuies, Washington, D. C: : DEAR SIR: ibe Caarges made ryinse Mr. Holton, district attor former resl- New York city, are corronvrated by com . Nea se aaa aaa ae through us the districr, | Bue alitbe east boUnG traios soe is diy among ibe members of the | passee and be couid not go ogee se iba aay NS Z inorning he received a telegram reli | So 7 . . ve a t ing tim of Solicitor Rush s death : vir Alexander, the law : ce ; He fad been a sufferer from liver to weeks. Mr Rush was born in Ashboro + 1863, oeinpg the son of Z. fF Rush, iusg.. WhO Was once sheriff of the! couuty. He was educated at erford and 7rinity Collezes earty manhood he taught school i After reading law in the} ne pull with them. You can imagine the scandalous : ereaci term of cour 3 Itistruly a invst Coutemptidle und dirty Oust ess, abd is Golpy the goverpmeut wud the Republican party a deal of adit. When any of the cases are disposed fip tbe courts Mr. Pritcbard’s law partner and son-in law, Mr. Rollins, follows them before the depar: ments Uuderlieg officers, depury collec orsdeputy wzarsbals, storekeepers wid yauyers, drumming for business or Me. Pritchard snd. mr. Hotton’s yartner, Me. Aiexauder, absolutely i -ausipg tbe { » sHeve that iv {oreo oe Be eee ra From 1894 to 1896 be was secre: | f these altorneysto defecd theac |T@rY of the state Democratic execu | cu-ed against the prosecution of the | (1Ve © mittee. He was chairman soverpment. This has donethe Re {Of the county bourd of education | . wben tbe board was abolished by | few vears othe of Hon. M.S Robbins he ap | per, 1890 He hada gosd busivess | from-the beginping ard enjoyed of citizens In 1893 be was mar-! ried to Miss Jean Wade, of Troy) who survives with three lovely a a briiliaat canvass, bul was f In 1898 he majority ooking for fees; and in the public nied Mr Pri:ebard ard M*. Alexan ter are tbe only hope for the defend .notgin every case. Affidavits car x2 bad to pile as high as Ararat to che truth of these remarks. I did aot suppose it was my pro vince to wrire such high cfficiais as curself about such tuiogs until Mt. Siits was beard from. Like mysel! e isa Republicanasd an ordinary 4iaen eta vewhocring coun y. | cupw bom and he is well known in Be isa good cit:zs uful man, as everybody more so. ed by a small majority. was Glected soliciter bY a of 260 votes and bad served tbree years of histerm, H+ was loyal to his friends and bis future was full of promise He was a lawyer of mark ed abihty; a promincat layman in he Methedist Episcopal Church and vas a good and true man. It is a ie sbock to bis friecds and un versal serrow is macifested and ex pressed at his untimely deavh. See yetatied Votre of Sch cy Court. im us of rive Counts his CO Unen- + —noenue Your otlice and the government at! wasbiugton vispatch, 15th, wa Fry Us nce aboull Puuawiog is a Sy nopsis of the a The ecrats of | Court vbliquicy aba ¢ ; gs it is not is sy uuder ie Varivus their party if 3S: rut, here are them. whe! |. Schley s veeeral conduct—Por, . 4 elburt byitfor they sty so. Tae) Deweyz a ra4ius:, Benasm aud Rai sovertiment is c smoch gs any ' : ody ’s and ibis feeliny of iuterestinf 2 goverewmeat Is gettiog @ stronyir wid amerngthe Demecerais even tila tners & Vovements of tre flyinu squad off Vewey; rarnst, Benham and Ramsay. quadron fro as Cienfueges——tur ne Sourb, The Repubticans repat 3 Voyvavyeot tne oohing abdeut sdisersting Gusl- lie blucvos te Santaze—Por, Dew ss, Decnwee they do gat vant ‘y, against. Benham ang iha:osey. beir awn nests.” Bat 4 Phe retrograde wuvemcut from i ted 1b and | ré 5 Lyvo e-tward—for, bune; rad Loa. t sre is vaies:, Dewey Besheam aud Raiw- Lut »rou i ipyou Want evic se and 3 enley 6 cepor that it Was 1m s ver it, bowilt aia you ihyoulous-voie fur bim to rem >anu iwein of { SU. Yours respeenfulty, LiavO as aii pUDe as atust 7 "wp." i , 3. BE, COLVERT D Benbem and thamsay. vey x ae 6 VUvaditioug vt the sq sadron's la COngress What is Going on lit ot Santiayv and the anllayuo a e eval supy Vashingion. Congressman Kivtiz secured an mportant concession from the su perintendent of rural free delivery ‘nutes iast week, in gainiag biscon- sent ro the appoiatment of carriers accuracy of Schley > reports op thal -Wojeci—Por, dune; ayalus:, Dewey, Bevuem and Ramsay. 7 Bomoarament of the Colun— For, none; against, Dewey, Beubam and Ramsay. Dewey, Benunaim aoa Ramsay. ~ 9 jhe Brovkiyn’s loop during the pattie of Sautiage—Por, Dewey, agalust, Benoam aod Ramsey- iW. fhe schiey Hodysen contro- versy—For, none; against, Dewey, Bennam aud Rumsay. Admirals Beubam avd Ramsay tind wyalust Schley on vine Counts; ior fim oun oue count. Admirai Dewey nodS ayalust him on five Counts; tor bin on five. ’ GENBRAL NEWS. “Songress will upite in a-king Con sress to mare a liberal apprepria -| ion for the celebration next summer it Roanoke Islandis commempv~ation f cbe landing of the Sir Valter Ra egh eclony. A vill bas been drawn asking Jongress to appropriate $50 000 to he celebration, andit wili be intro suced in the Senate next Tuesday yy Senator Simmons. The Hay Pauncefote treaty passed he Senate by the vote of 72 to 6 Monday. Both the North Carolina senators vo:ed for it. This clears he way for the canal oul! Seneter Simmons fared well in the ‘ammitiee assignments. A Wash pyton dispatch gives the following list: First, Relations with Cuba,second. Postoffices and Post Roads; third. Poress Reservations; fourth, Public Buildines and Grousds; fifth. Agri cuiture; sixth, Coast Detences; ‘sev s~nth, ‘ito Examine the Several - Brancbes of the Civil Service Tbe senior class at Harvard has The first five are important com-!chuseu R. U. bruce, cuivred, as Class mittees. The Committee on Rela |aay vratur. Brucelsa son of Ube ions with Cuba will have tado with | jate Senavor Bruce, of Mississltppl. -be Cuban tariff and all matters) tfecting irs control, while the Post fice and Post Roads Committee ovks into postal affairsell over the vountry and bas the great postofiice . | appropriation bil before it. Sena: or, orig chat souday. Simmons’ presence on the Foresi; Seuator Hanna and Foraker are Reservation Committee: will make eugsyed in a better Contest lor toe nim a potent factorin the Appalach coutroi of tae tepuvlicau party 10 ‘an Park project, and his vote on ihe Oliv Leygis:aiure,g the eoramittee on Public Buildings snd Grourds will give Bim much ia ducpec inframieg the public build- ng bills in whieh Durbam, Goids yore ucG@. Wisston satem = are : ie Sees a ne pice oea COMTI oe ee ee ee wittees 100 are good ones. especially’ Geserai Borba, the Boer com- uhe Agricultural Committee. |‘ Wiecuer-lb COicl, 1s saiG tu Dave bech Germany. hes only a two months supply Ol Coulon. (he tloods in Pennsyivania rea- dered 40,000 workmen 1die. Seth Low bas been Sworn in as mayor ol New York. Waithour and McHachean won the siX day OiCyGie race that closed iu ‘New York oacurday ulyht making Z,990 mlies. der tne oew electrecuiion ftaw of slassacuusels. die died lo Lhe e.cc- less Ucivprapby, Gas succeeded 1a weurtug siguais itud@ Bis stated ib bugsaud -v Oue on toe Coast uf New ° so a $i $e en ——— ‘pQub LbruugO tue lelt leg OCi0W toc } ra he coal shortage ib the Koexville succin a@ iveent eigexeuicus With listrict is so yreat that he rail- tus britiod Geueia: Buide Gas re- “oadsare confscationy coal for their ywn vse in places. pocica io Keuyer, tab ue silli Das Zt YUU MeL uLuer arm, Lae quid was Very severe in ail the ‘pores Wesel si aics wheie lic Ledi- perature raugeu iru 44 uciuw Zoro i COtaky bu 20 bu tue Li Wy wiiuuesu:d. Lead 1iVeo were: vst Wyvikeg @aG mauy caitie [fusen tu Great. LO Guid Wave chienuucd as ial suuinas daa Anhivoly, Lexa ana Pivrida. Io ahead end collision sear Per- cy, Hii., Suoday eight people were Killed and many injured. ne wreck eaught fire and burved for two jours_before relief c:me. The thre- mometer registered 20 degrees be- How to Cure Croup. Vir R Grey. who lives near Ame- via. Ducaess ccunty, N Y., says: “Chamoderiain’s Cough Remedy is he best m-Gicine I bave ever used. remedy for ‘roun and pever fails to cure.” When given as soon as the child be- comes boarse. ot even after the croupy cough bas developed. it will. prevent the attack. This should be oorne in mind and a bottle of the Sough Remedy kep: at band ready ‘or instant use 8s 6°00 as these symptoms apvear. For sale by ud 0G iu the liver ac@ dowels. Price. 25 cents) Samples free at Stimson & Anderson’s drug store. Stimson & Anderson. _ The Conover mui! failed to make the trip for high water Tuesday, Sheriff Herman is making his t: x rounds this week. W J. Allen was at High Poi: t the first of the week. B. G. Link, of Charlotte, spent a day or two here the past week, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cobb, of M:- ravien Fa‘ls, were over on a short visit the first of the week. Chas P. Matheson was at Leno}: last week havingsome store roouw- finished and rented. trip to Watauga county to look 3 ing the past few years, te our know! tno pueumodia. Ruth-| Co-> 240 Wabash avenue, Chicag In bis? O8t uf the most q | druzgists in that city, in speakin.| \of 'Coemocriain s plied to the Supreme court and ob-|*! tyined license to practice in Septem ) ives the | ja Yrippe to resulb . 3 {For sate Oy Sirmson & confidence and respect of ail classes | ool ies Snes « with 160 cars were burved Sat uray) bigat, ance each day. attended to. disorders of tbhestomact arise, niliousness. beadache. dyspeb puvlicaa party re damage tk: . SR ; See eiees There eee rbe fusion Legislature of 1895 In Sa ana piles socn Lon Tf ste iL these subordinates making busi 1896 he was a candidate for the wish ti avoid cee ailments ae iess for the Court. and attorneys House of Kepresen-atives and made your bowels: regular py takin defea:. | Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver = 7 FF o Trig ve ealfs O FO, Ss v 2! oO . ey + « = =p * 5 : ae pee wili le 8. Witudrawal of Glockade squad- ree oniederate Ssoiaters ‘ Y : ae _ 2 Sete. . frou at oyht ot dautiagzu—tur, | Tae North Ceroliva deiegation ip = me a 2 Luigi Stori, ao lialian murderer ‘was (he Hrst ly be put io Geath uao- “warconl, bhe wizzard of the wire | TAYLORS\ ILLE wEWS. He m m e 40 ce e m e e (H t oo m tt to m e 49 ee MeD. Little is away on «| | Dr. H. m- farms. = Chas. E Flowers and mother «ert| ; Staresville Mouday. Mr. Flov-] 7 Gve, pot @ singie case bas result Thos. Whitfiela ¢ prominent rete “Wei reeommen Cough Rew dy fort ibis, says: rippe la Many Ceres, us it bot e prompt and complete recovery, unterac:s any tendency + por amen Ande teu: 2lsO¢ JR Phe strreteiar Garas tt (“wig No one can reasovably hope fe I dies but it does not = will do this when everything 7 You have used all sorts of cough reme- EE O co m e 44 4 co m m e 9 cr e m e 41 4 co m e s 09 co m m e HH me m 00 ) yield; it is too deep it is more liable to good health unless bis bowels wos When this is ne Tablets when required They ars to easv to take and mild and zents iu effeet Forsale by Stimsvr 6 Avderson. Severe earthquake shucks Wer felt in Vanila Sundav. T eB st Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened wit! Chamberlain + Pain Balm ard boun: to the affected parts is superior * anv plaster. When trounied 1 the wi a= side lsme- buck or pains in ee wise ita trial and yeu 2- certain to be more than pleas+ he prompt reef which it ato Psin Balm also cures rhe: Ore anplication gives re Meson ‘ Far sate by Si & Ande: son oe 5 peed ,ongue iE coated, your stomach is your liver is out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys- pepsia, make your liver right. Le, Casy to Operate. c. Ail cruggists. ct o hy ee $2 pr oO au “Want vour moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich bineck 2? Then use $ i Iny REO NYE for the { sap Shi O Gis whisker Serva. or Prvawers or RP Mee & Co a NM, LT Saie of Land in Bethany Town- ship. | (PHE undersigned. Commissioner by virtue o! * a judgment ofthe superior Court of Irede?! ecpnty tna special procee ding therein pending whrrein Rebecca J Bennett and oihers are prontiffs, and Mary Filen Kilpatrick end others are defendants, will sell at the court house door in Statesville, N_C., on SATURDAY, JANUARY IS7H, roa, (a certain tract of land in Bethany towrship: Beginning at an ashon the benk of the rive and on the side of the public road. runnigg with saidroad oth 46 dewrees ‘est 12 poles to a , cherry tree; thence S nth 46 degrees Eust re | potes toa stake, Austin’s cornar; thence wit! his ime North 34 degrees East 44 poles to a black eak hiscorner; thence North 64 degrees East with his line 43 poles to a hickory: thence | South 73 degrees East 20 peies to a white oak Gibson's corner; thence with his line North 35 degress East 23 poles to a stake; thence North 21 degrees East with Gibson's line 56 poles to the bank of he river; thence up the same to the be- ginnin®, containing “4 acres, more or less. _ Also auother piece or carcel of land adjoin- ing the above -de-cribed land, conveved by Thos J, -ustinand wife; and D. J. Munday. trustee of Jesse Austin. to Aliza Kilpatrick: Be- ginning at a rock, Austin’s corner thence Nerth 34 decrees Fast 44 polesto a black oak; shence North 64 degreesard with his line 43 poles to a hickory; thence North 3 East 7 poles to : white cak; thence North 15 degrees East § | Re es re sk. Rowlin’s corner: thence East °3 i ne aS S cuth + poles toa rock onthe bank of the branch. thence with the branch S914 poles to — near the spring; thence West 23 poies Scameseemens containing 8 acres, more or eben Sasso from Joanna Ki'patrick and ethene Neck: Patrick to A. B. Kilpatrick and of Iredell 8, page 334 in the public registry redelicounty, Terms of -ale; CASH, W.D. TUYNER, Comnnissioner. Feed Your Cows Tt will prove the best in- vestment you can make December 12th, tor Just receiyed a car load Cotton -:- Seed -:- Hulls 100 Bags Cotton Seed Meal acd wiilhave in on to mor- row acar Cotten Seed Mixed Feed in 100 ibs. bags This is hulis and meal mixed in tbe proper proportions and is a Most excellent feed. We also have Wheat Bran and Ship Stuff. If vour cows will not eat these feeds then you uced to buy 2 package of our Lighi- ning Cattle Powders, “1l- bur’s Seed Meal or Sheri- dan’s Condition Powders. These will vring the appe tite and put all your scocs in proper condition. seated. It may weal | | nes: Zor free sample, itself out in time, but 7 | 2c: KEEP dowels dpcx be sent physic » est, casicst, 20s clear and clean EAT yerular, healthy . you're fi} t perfoet iz to take CATHARTIC EM L ¥ COMPANY, ‘YOUR BLOOD CLEAN FOR THE WELS Aaa = me revi be. Kee; well. Torce. {n the shape of” vio- 3 dangerous, ¢ smooth- ay of keeping ibe bowels CANDY OF: IKE CANDY ble, Potent. Taste Good, Good, izen, or Gripe, 29,24 and i een Cnrcaco or NEY YORE. All produce i BUYING PRICES—BA n good den: a - Oo. 1 QUALITY. - nanufaccurers’ Cost. All Woo! Suit for $5.00 impress you? ine Oyereoats, Hats, Shirts. ow competition. vou money. Sioan Glothing Co. What do you think of such useful a: hardsomne articles as these ? Carving Sets, Pockets Knives. Gup, White's Sewing Machines. Brek’s Stoves 5 ¢ Cole’s Air-Tigbt Beaters. Ovr-prices ero n to sell ycods. Come in and see us. \Evans Hardware Company thing. Clothing. If so, it is your attention we want, and i neans a positive saving of cask to you -truck it, rich this season in our purchases Sound a manufacturer changing bis busines: nd closed out a big lot of stuff for less thar We How does a good ‘Would be cheap at $750 = Big &c., at prices be will save Come to see us, Very truiv, Statesville, N.C. . * ? ebbuerge, per Ih. 2. . 6 eee ve is else fails.. There is no doubt} gg Po Nal iil iiiis: sit > _ ; . Namily “sack... 2. se 2G + ~ 2.0 about it. It nourishes, eae “bolted—4a4 lbs. per bushel... - & + v nb lt a, A Ss a oe o@. 0 Ss strengthens, builds up and a : , nO. 1— S » fos makes the body strong and J roars vers tee 7: eee yang eae ri BM anee eaten eae 50 healthy, not only to throw ze, Weaehe et se ; ° PEIN oe wie mg 0s off this hard cough, but to] .)....2°%5. ss 1 | : Ee Sweet... 3s fortify the system against »pions—seiect, per bushel . . 5 7 | further attacks. If you arek ash Ss fcr rrriiiis! x 3 ~ flows. +. ie as ee a run down or emaciated you. coVg 05112202 i iit: = 1 i < zoosters per Ib. 2. ee ee ees 2h should : certainly take this = -hicken—Spring—small—per bh. . . t nourishing food medicine. oe 5 eae oe : . soc. and $1.00, all druggists. = rucks| S eee Sloe 4 . OTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ..4 TRS CRC ore te) aw iw el me oe a sc ’ E +. SOESE we ee te x ne , . Butter—Choice yellow. . tl tai tas yy > Ql oict Fair. : 1234 tnd rain wrought havee in Peansyl- poner Mean racer 5 ‘nia. and New York State. lo jeges—hen-.------ fia 15 > snosyivania faue lives were lost, Oe oe Soa Cain ae cee 12 renty eight coalmiaes flooded and |Rye.. 2+ ..----- +--+ --> 75 atire towos submerged. The dam | Sscee aoe Sig ae cont ae eee a ve amounts to milli The great sees green we ee ee ee % -t damage in New was in the | \oticetadried—guarters, bright | 1 | * ortbern s+ ¢ jon, athe melting i * bright sliced... . . r news added to the flood of waters, < eee sliced . . ty ne Geath irred_ i Atlanta = green-—per bushel... .. 7 O: = Geath, <cconred 18 — “ peaches—peeled, bright. ...... y rom the extreme cord Si - - ancy... ee s -———--- ~- ——_——— - extre oS - ae A Bacon—Hog round, perB...... 10 ey i = PART eps vw oe tro vet jie pm 4 : Sides Es eit lee el aerosol te re P TONANT f. Good land Shoulders a : Se 20 4 and stock f i five miles = rom Statesville in shiloh Cali on 1 address oe practice is limited ¢ nd THROAT or one day only YR E.R. NOSE: enth fareiina fater-t te and west india Expo iti-n, thartesson, S #.. #63 4.--June Ists 1982, unt of the 2>ove occasion the Southern sell ronnd trip tick ts to Charles d return at ereativ reduced rates vi 0 ipal points are vy low rates mallother stallions: season tkt > days Limited to 10day sold Tnes. June 3 tgo2 ticket & Thfrs. urlingten E S $ “} tall " ar’ 7.35 3 ce 5.20 30 sis 50 °.co o «af 5 oo 6.25 FOS 7.00 75 oury 5.75 sville 3-75 esboro 13.55 -_— Vinston Satem 12.45 ats 85 fe 5 please cail on an For further informatic ge tof the Southe iway or write. W a TURK. a P ashington, N.C MM. SE BARD WICK, G. 2. A. J.-M. CULE TM " ? R L. VERNON! T_P. A.. Charlotte. N.C.. t cer bee. Est vharp under-igied « on STATESVILLE COTTON MARKE? ee. 12, 1901. N. STATESVILLE, XS - G.,-s«Dec. 19, 190%, AD : “trict Good Middling...o.. ase 7.00 Sn ty i * i} Soa Mcehng ee ee ee een! 735 aie ‘ Bs 13 = sie, - be. isha M3 ee owe : mh gt TS inves 7-75 ~\v Charietie N C.willibe in s 31 2 Sls gotta et ar a aoe my 650 tellrecell_ on Friday ‘ecemt rket firm R -Sal- of Lend. ZV VIRTUE ofa deerce ofthe Superior court sling entitt SATU re-sell for cash at 5 bode on wv p, in ong aining 23 of Minnic B open atthe a <um of one attorney if You Need ---Insurance--- ~ Morteuge Sale of Land. powers containe! in a ted bv Leroy howrtnce Ldniy registered in, he register of deeds’ office of Alexancver county. he anders gaedad miaistrator of sail Q u ittle, deceased. wiilsellto the highest Indder ' the court h door in Tey torsviile, Alexander county. \, + MONDAY, JANUAKY 6Tis, 1902 at 12 o'clock, m ,an undiviced one-half interest m the folowing d sbribed land in Vavlors- ville towy-bip #lexander county. and bounded ws follows: Beginning on a persimmon, E.. % ‘ner and rens South g poles to an : thence South 2: degrees Fast 15 polestoa at <c and stone. thence > wth 96 de- - poles to a stake in Deal's live; / VY VIRTU * of the mortgage deed ex and wit, to Q. L. Litt on n 20 degrees Fast So poles to a stone be west side of the mountain; thence Fast - 3 .oa stake in Marshall's line; thence as y-hali’s line North 3g poles to a stake in Rector’s tine: thence as Rec or’s line West 10 | polestoa stake, his corner; thence North 108 poles toa stone Rector s corner; |hence West 97 polesto 2 meple near A. BP. Joliy’s spring; j thence “orth 25 poies toa stake; thence South | $4 deeres- Vest 38 poles to a pine: thence Sonth ' 6o degrers Weht 35 polesto a stake inthe road; thence South 744 dex ces Fast 14-poles to a stake in the read: then ¢ South 43 poles te ihe branch he ford: thence with the old road crossing anch and with FE Burke's line ty the De- rg. conteining 166 acres, more or less, ga one-half interest in allthe land bought P Matheson from H.C, T A Geo. F J. Coone, as willappear by reference to adete RP. Matheson by them and frow to said tT owrance and wife. This November 26:h, i001, P K. LITTLE, Administrator of Q L Little. morteagce. Brown & Guy, INSURA*CE ¢ ffee: Socor and others agaivst AC. ng to the estate cl rd, sdjoini-g C C hirty hundredth dollars ($179.30). ‘his November 25 Igot 8B Connelly, -in the special pro and wife, saliic Rarnard the is Commissioner of said court will rpe DAY. DE EMBER 28TH. root. biicauction to the highest nines atthe late residence of Geceased. iu Eagle Milis redell county. av.iuable tract of said ~“Miunie Yharpe and others. dicres more or less. said land nong the heirs-at-law arnard dece The sale will dvance bid of — urtis Cox for the hendred and seventy-nine and r partition cas J. E. THARPE, Commissioner. Fire, Life, Accident or Health See » FADQUARTER ud Floor Fank Buliding —— Christmas Is Coming Rick Tne Jeweler. Look in my window and you'll be sure of it. Come in and examine my stock and get conch Jiday pres: s before the rash Quality and price of every article is right om ert, SES SFGFPPCPSGOCSOVOSP Q es rm a re n t e r Ward Robesiy..0-..-. os. Rockers, aif styles and urices R O DET Z, o ARAL HOLIDAY VALUES Sij--ISeOS. 5... Sine ete ee 1450 to 48 00 Laeies’ and Courni: ae lene eee me 900 to 1450 SAE ET lee ee eo tc pert SA ea ie 45010 25 00 LOO Ss oe oe ee ae Sacetensee RR Meme 400to 15 00 Oe OOS oe ea rd Cae ep eel al et eet 82510 17 50 Popisr Suits... .5...5..6 se aha ath Sr ek noi 800to 1000 Oak Suits, Jus: arriving ..........- ae 1250 to 835 00 Come in and lock at these gocds. Statesv:lle House Furnishing Manager. G25 4490049005999 0096900000099 060905 900000900 00000000 $ 9 00 to $21 50 UNDERTAKING. i Fa ew —— : together and are prepared to furnish All Grades of A new hearse will attend in of patronage solicited... __ SOOPER & GILt, G.A. Critcher and J, C. Steele are associated Coffins, Caskets and Robes. An experienced man will take chorge of body and embaim or prepare it for buriat. town or country at a reasonable charge. A share Ge ‘ACritcher &Co. 1 Jas > ALESMEN : Larry C T.awrence. . R. Hill. 1901 POSTON BROS. Special Christmas Offerings. ..... Things Nice and Useful for Presents Big assortment of ladies’ and gents’ silk and linen bandker- chiefs. silk moffiers, kid gloves, nice up to Gate line of new ties Towels, table napkins and linens. shirts, bars, caps, collars. ladies’ purses and band bags and many otber things that will interest you whea you are looking for a present. Dress Goods, Millinery, Shoes. We are selling our dress goods at cut prices. Bargains in millinery. .To reduce our stock of shoes will sell you the best shoe for the money you ever saw. Come and let us convince you of the bargains we are making Verv truly, Poston Bros. Centre St., Statesville. N. 190 CHRISTMAS ]} From now until D-cember 31 we will goods at holiday prices fer cash. Great values ail over our house. : See us fer good, serviceable Christmas - Presents. Handkerchiefs, Ties. Gicves. Furs, Mittens, Hose, Towels, Table Linens. Curtains. Sbades. Counterpins, Blankets. Com- forts. Hats. Dress Patterns. Corsets. Umbrellas. Trunks, Pocket Books, Combs and Brushes, Toilet Soap, Etc. Call and see us for Christmas Goods. Yours very truly, N. B. Mills & Company. Slippers for Christmas AA AA A A A A A A A D A D A A A A A A A A DA A tm Sloop & Miller, Great No other store in Statesville pays quite as much at- tention to this branch of the business as we do, aud our BOLIDAY STOCK isa really remarkable col- lection of Slipper elegance and quality. We have Christmes Presents Suitable for Every Member of the Family Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Slippers, Satin or Felt, in the different colors—red, brown, green and black, at %5e to $150 Men’s Slippers, black or tan kid. at $1.00 to $1.50 Biack velvet (embroidered), at 15¢ Everv man enjoys the comfort there is in a slipper, and if you are thinking ofa Christmas gift, make your father, brother or someone else’s brother glad by giving him a pair of slippers. OS S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S O C S H S O S S O S The Shoe Met Now for the Holidays. We have been preparing for the Holiday a for weeks Our store is full of useful pres Ca reremnewnernrenrnnn™ i Men, Women and Children. j tempt 90 scles at prices that wil Useful articles at price away, Don’t throw your Christmas money presents that wiil be appreciated. Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. =.{LOST DOG “ His name was Jack. Stolen last Christmas and ne a oF ” White setter, medium sixe. black spo °° ©) rained 04 left eve. Those knowing the value of 2 we return to my office and received reward. Guns. : 9400, Jot! Are the Martins Repeating Shot Guns. $74 Ni 30d F =e ~ oeived anew lot. Also a complete lice of § repairs. Call and examine my stock. — _-w. H. COFFEY: Cotton 7 Don’t f: the coliey Miss Ma Rickert d Deputy ¢ ed his fami Siatesviile There w hem scho | sbip Satur The gr: weeks ho opening /o Front Schoo! wil] next week, ing. The recs Baptist ci name to tne church. Stanley C ger, is iil - . home of bi Stroupe. + Pet Jao. WV. XN open 2 gyre Charles bud the bote! « ff Mr and \ turned Tues trip to Wasi on to Ashev Christma now ara getting thei play of seas more attra “tT Aslich 27 the vestibu! west bou earlier or % five Minutes Rev. and who have { South Caro! tomorrow. his pulpit in Sunday. Jas H.W White. of We home in Va4 November Jk decvas-d aac Since Is54 Tuesday Joyner was 1 the halter br hiw just bel« face ane givi Christmas R M.Lewi township, aq Alexander night for they wii] mm: Mascor wi~h¢ their i The tadics Gist church v “Vance scbot cherch on } Zib—ior the parsot re begii cordialiv invi eo : die < The colle xe Stitious of iy Cital jast F AI3in, there w programrmnd part in the 4@ thing wen: a the embiem ov Tine sunday Presuy terian caourco next 3 @ Ubrisimas Instead of themselves. * be-ent to ba Chrisimas (og little ten-mo lah, who was Weeks ag». Gig the home o! a towaship conducted oy the remains church Satur Mrs. ar a iQ) Union Gro have largely of wheat sow P. Sharpe. of for himse {f 2 while one of Gampbell, pu - These are onl in tbe townsh There was relatives and Gibson at township on 11th, toceled Mr. Gibson is for his yreat, enjoyable oue wres being F that was spre Rev. Rosy: have three q charge. One er township, one at Trinity Christmas nig Meckienburg December, 28 services at T at 11 o'clock. The officers or for the op Wallace, dict Vice dictator, dictator; P C Scort, finaner mar, treasure J. D. Cox, se chaplain; J U Nicholson and tees. E The Mt Air any item of id people: ~Re lug us from the following last nigbt (De Storm, but wd into a elegany bright surro warm hearted had prepared 00d things friendship.’ ’’ The boys and Christmas: many of the away at schoo will return ta week are: Mis land from Con Katie Lee Mill Coneland from ta Wilison fro _ College; Fran Simon from Bagene Culd roer: Clark MASCOT = Baad See Jail by 2/gne moNeely-@urner Marriage in’ & Little Boy Badly Burned: ° f cme dee : es ATTE TIO fom dite. > ; | Wiss Mary O Caldwell petuor Deputy Sheri h BEooresville- Asheville Gazette, ‘be AS Spina thoor Pe Sa A EN BA N = LOCKE to Charlotte yesterday. a buty Sherif J. M. Deaton, of Mr. D. E. Turner and Miss Minnie! Loyal. the tive year old son of ; i 5 : bs Mooresville, brought Jailer Thomp- Son a boarder Monday in the person of Jim Summers, a bad “nigger’’ from south Iredell, who ‘was com McNeely. both of Mooresville, were Georze Chambers, who lives in Lei- married at the home of the bride’s cester township, was seriously if not father, Mr. C. K. McNeely, Tuesday fatally burned Wednesdsy. The Mr.J 4. McElwee is at d \Y home from a business trip South Cotton is worth 7 92 here today. Don’t fail to hear Dr. Harrison at (CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Miss Mary Weleker. of Knoxville mitted to jail ; = | evening at 6:30 o’clock. The cere-|child had taken matches f i apo : . : a : to jail i “t $2: nae = eC ; ; oes from his 7 c eh ta . : the college tonight. Tenn., is the guest 6f Mrs, O. L|bond = oe Ween Eee aoe tony, which was witne-sed by a/father’s pocket and was playing in a EEE BOSE SND NOV are See is full of Holiday Presents for Miss Mary White is clerking for Turner. Saulting Mr. Abe Turner with 2 number of invited friends, was per. | broom sage field which was about tial list of li =< Seo © othn aaeiity 2nd peice. Below’ is s ae Rickert during the Christmas rush.| Miss Minnie Huffma: deadly weapon, formed by Rev. J. M. Wharey, D. D;|two hundred yards from the house. hes Sana ; . ¢ The trial was held in Mooresville Suaoday afternoon, and the facts developed are as fol- lows: = will ‘ spend s SMeanas Lhe maid of honor was Miss Lucy ':00 With ner 7 Sherrill, of Mt. Ulla, Rowan county and Mr. Geo. B. Nicholson, of Statesville, was the best man. The The sage was dry and the child ig- nited a match and in a few moments was enveloped in flames: He began screaming and rar tow the holidays in Morgz: Deputy Collector J M. Davis mov Bonciear ed his famijy from Olin township to S.atesville last Thursday. Fine Presentation Books, | PLotograph Albums, Children’s Toy Books, BISCUIT W. P. Carlton is expected ho Mr. Cathey lives a ae Autograph Albums, There will be adebate at Bethle | from New York to ‘spend the oe from Nocrsodlies Sas ee bridal couple jeft on the evening|ards the house. The father was Photograph Frames, ‘| Pictures, 10 to $5.” hem school house, in Shiloh town | Gays Sunday. : % | Jia Summers a was tanked 5 aes Charleston, where they will eae tobacco ae he heard the Celluloid Novelties | Photograph Baskets ” ee I apa a sorte? spend some days. Oy S screams and saw him coming. ———— a%t ? — Xi ‘ ee Mr. H. ©. Cowles, Jr. is expected | 2% COPS Juice, and another negro got PThe groom ig the son of W. W | Mr. Chambers caught his little aoe ecasuOne, | Fine Box Paper, ‘ato @ row in acabin on Mr. Cathey’s farm. Hearing the rucus Mr Cathey went down to quiet matters. when Summers turned on him with a sticx; bv. Mr. Cathey knocked home from New York :: the holidays : Mrs. C. C: McAlister iS lo town visiting her f a c ' bed st. VAadt. The graced school will give two weeks holiday, closing tomorrow and opening for work on Juan’y 6 1902, , ~ - . Front Street Presbyterian Sunday Collar and Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Card Receivers, Dressing Cases, norrow for ‘Tie Boxes, | Pin Trays, | Jewelry Cases, tore off the burning clothes and took him into the house. An exam Ination showed that the child’s body was burned from chest to head, both Turner, of this place and until a few years ago lived here. Heis a young man Of fine business and personal traits who has succeeded well in his of Ashboro. ’ * Royal =e c - : : : = 2 ' Manicure Set Schoo! will have a Christmas tree]/J. B Burwell ni . new home, The bride is an attrac |ears being burned intoacris Th te ie : ‘ =e . r y tim dow; an > bbe ae — . c < eB =~ sp. e =a ao ~ { ss next week, probably Tuesday even Mr. A. J . for = Bee ee eee tive young lady who is exceedlingly | little sufferer was wrapped up ip eee y aie Individual Brush and Comb, ing. ses * piss roms d family, | would be quiet’ Mr eae popularin Mooresville where she ee of oil, soda and molasses. Desk Fixtures, | Combination Game Board, ie : at. Airy, are the gue Of (“Rew f 4 eee Z was raised. e was quite che Is arri S } ri The recently, organized -Secona| J. R. Fhoercun g pack into bis house. Bat the brute = raised us : se e ch erful and sang Do Is and Carriages. | Archarena-Crom-Crokinole, Baptist church has changed its Was uppermost in Summers. and Bese plied eet ee a‘ ee Checkers, Ete ea on Sat savin ae Mrs W : , oe Ss = wishes to this y x col applied. There is s : au ; Seen Eat name to the Western Avenue Baptist Mrs W. O. Beaton returced Mon- srabdbiong a shot gun he proceeded to ae Ss young couple PP c= comer Bopercts Mechanical Toys, | Magic Lanterns, Mr. Marvin Turner, a brother of the groom, and Miss Lizzie Witber- dav from a visit to relativ recovery. town township. caurch. sin Falis-} Mr. Cathey’s house daring him to China and Vases. | Illustrated Booklets. : come out, walkine : ; SS PATS P Stauley Conger, son of T. J. Con the aes Pe oe spooa, of thisplace and Mr ‘1. E. a Trinits College dismissed its stu Perfect, Delicious, ger, is ill with pneumonia at the Mrs. Jos. Terry and ii:tlo child are} hic of pcre ; wo BeeMIDS | Whitherspoon, of Salisbury attended dents Monday for the hojidays on A tizin Bm Sree 5 - home of his sister, Mrs W. R |expected Saturday from WW eee % Me me os =a brandishing he aan oan 7 |account of the breaking down ot the pet s- Large stock of M usical Instruments, such as Violins, Guitars, Auto- Soe . Misti co cote R Mr. Cathey was unarmed and did not heating apparatus. : sarps, Banjos, Mandelins, Ete. Call and see many lines not mentioned a } z Sake to ruu the risk of attacking @|samand Bud Moore Arrested. Mrs Dillie Br d Receivers have been appointed for | above. , Respectfully, Jao. W. Marshallis preparing to} Miss Susie Perkins, of the vicin-|@runken brute. Finally the aegro Restorer: Mascc in “irs Dilie Bynum who died last] the Worth cotton milis. The receiv open a grocery store in the St jity of Morganton, spent Sunday | ent to the barn, took out Mr. ea ae ot HE MASCOT will re-| week in Durban couaty was said to|ers are Dr. J. H. McAden, of Char R P Allison ae Charles buiidingin the room next to} “ith Mrs D. M. Fereic: “ |Cathey’s horse and rode off to sev meemeren E A. Weit - nr serious | have been born February 141793. If | lotteand W. H. Ragan, of High 5 . . : = a = = 2 2 ~¢ nts 2 : = ry - ae the botel office BR Bone mk, hs Peete erai negro cabias, whose inmates he | CUtting o A. Weiborne, foreman | she had lived until next February | Point. This property is now in liti : ed - Long, Exq., 1 cd from | terrorized in vreat styl Tiri f of the Statesville furniture factory, !she would have been 109 years old i 4 Sa a Mr and Mrs. J. P Pattorson re | Ashboro Saturda, H ad been} this b C eae i hod bo Ee 2 last August by a negro, Sam Moore > y a we Se eon Se uly ee ta ae seine : J- eae ee ‘41s ne Came back, hitched the horse] ‘™ Poe tree he z ? : ine oint instance of tt irs a turned Tuesdav from heir pridai| +ttending Randoiph cou: Bnel eerieN anton once eae whose brother Bud Moore was also Misses Kafie and Maggie Cham re acer een eet 7 E yunks f 4 ‘runks 3 ~) y. a YE Later hey wit ie d x ¥ Sls eee a c 4 praia I ear 5 i ow < a ? v trip to Wasbin. on rev wiil Mrs. J. L. Turner, of © ooleemea, | tureats against any one who bother-|im@p-icated. Both negroes got away | bers, of Asheville, were badly burn- contesting his wi!l and who allege e © on to Ashevill today and had succeeded in eluding arrest uotil last Saturday, when Sam Moore was arrested in Salisbury for ed in saving their little sister, Grace, from burning. Grace's dress caught while standing in front of with }ed him. spent several days this ek . At this stage of the vame a rew that the mills are being Mr.and Mrs. W. W. ‘fa loss. run at a Christmas stopping isin full blast Phe best line of trunks on this market at prices now ard state-ville merchants are ¢ mais Hi, : -~ wy} and came into play in the person : : 5 ill astonish y getting their iuii share The dis eee oe tt marignobes ne of that plucky officer Devacmisnes stealinga parse from W. P. Wood |the fire Mouday and but for the Notice to Creditors pie Ne eee ee : ve 5 : a . S- e ~ rices a I chure gee a ’ : wo e we = } = t merery 10 ce s - e play of seasoravle goods was never | Sunday, returned home | re itt J. Mf. Deaton, of Mooresville, who|0f this county. The Salisbury of-| prompt action of her sisters would more attractive than this year. nday. had been +sent for. Summers saw ficers remembering that he was | have been burned to death. AVING qualified as administrator of the es- 9 at OS _ x Beles : = ; . i i j tate of Jotn McHargue, deceased, 2n- LicHebickh coe mig ie , Mr. W. M. Fitzgibpon a Ves today Ur. Deaton come up and ran wanted here wired Chief of Police The P.ésident bas d ided dersigned oes notifier all ——— enti é sign t cns x in ene sc re GU e "| for his home in Saranne ieb tofout the beck door with his Karcher, who went to Salisbury aaiiihs ns S decided not to claims against the said estate to present the the vestibule took place Sunday. The spend Christmas wita b ni “= gun ready for him. Instead of Sunday After arriving there a|Te@pi' sentham, the North eee him for payment within twelve months west bou rain arrives 13 minutes eee a 5 : - “l search was made for Bud Moore and | Carelics oro , as recorder of deeds | Tom date. of this notice or it wil! be plead in at prices in which (considering quality) we have ~ porta ies frishtening the officer > epee < - bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to ae earlier or 9 v.m;ite east cound Mr. J. K. Hall of the Uuiversity|— ig the officer Mr. Deaton he was found also and arrested. of the Dis:rict of Columbia. He | saidestate are requested to make prompt pay- ne competition. : ; e ? e ? e e & ® ° 2 ° @ e ° ? e ° e jive minutes earlier or 10:25; : medical school, is at bis bome in ce straight for him. When vh ¢ : was found io bave been guilty of | Mert: ; a =a Aes = : : vie, & Reaves | CEMARY tOWNSHIp for she noudays.| SOM" steps from him, Sammers| yee their cerm on the rosds the| some techaical violation of the law | FEE FL MECUE,| Nice linof GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, always fresh. sores anes = ae Se a Dr: J. M. Turner; of Wilkesbor¢ sassed Ee oe ae ae better. during his present term in office. Cees Come and see us and be convi ce), who have beer visiting friends in ees Site eon eo ieee ee es a =———_ : South Caroirma, ere ex pected home spenot Wedaesday night ol ast week Mr. Deaton then brought his pistol Iwo Rural Delivery Routes Recom-! pe EF Phif tomorrow. Mr Reaves will ceeupy | 2Fe with bis brother, WV. WW. Purner. a play, Beneniye oe Four mendod ry & irer. his pulpit in the First Baptist church Messrs. W. P, Phifer and T. J, |'3°5¢ missed acd the fifth onestruck nae , a Nov 7. 1901: Sunday. Rowlaad, two of Sta:esviile’s ae the fleeing coon in the back of the a oe oe Jas H. White. an usele of M. Ww ]t9g mea, spent last Sunday at home. ns making however little or no outlined last week Ay Barring ———— White. of Mies ak Say ee ros ee ~ s tmpression After a chase of three er Was appointed carrier of rout No White. of Moocssvilte died at his Major W. M. Robbias nome |fourtas of a mile Mr. Deaton caught Sram nO a < 2 7 home in Var nite onty, Texas, on | from Gettysburg, Pa, / win |Sunmers and now the bad “nigger” |} and_miss_ Alda Nicholson November lv at thease of 90. The|cer. Mrs. Roboios recurned with| «bo took bis Christmas ahead of daughter of W. M. Nicholsoo deceas-d had been living in Texas|hbim. time, is looking through the bars of of No.2 There is some dissatisfac- | f . since 1354 Wien iy eee ry:;, | Lredell’s jail. 7m tion with route No. 2 because the I m oir a - Miss M. M. Mize, of River Hill, mee inspector made it skorter than the is : 2 uesday afternoon while R B |daugaier of Jos. W. Mize, will eo tu a cn : people of Sharpesburg had hoped and if you want Holiday Goods I havea nice line and variety to Joyner was trying to hold bis cow. | wocksville to attend school after | Pee Recital at the College. Christmas for, thus leaving off some 15 or 20 select from, A large line of Pictures in Colored Photos. Pasteis. the halter broke and ene horn s: ruck | Christmas. Holldays Begin Tommorrow. families. Pearls and Medations, alinew and desirable subjects. Also a full him just below the eye. bruising bis Mr and@ Mrs. Peauk B sa The recital at the college last Fri-| A petition is being circulated for line Photograph Frames, Easels, Mirrors, Fancy China, Vases. face and giving him a biack eye fo: Hickory, spent Suoday here witn|%4¥ evening by tbe pupils of Miss|a route in the Bethany neighbor: Bisque Figures, Dolls, Wagons, Velocipedes, Toys, &e. _ Christmas. Mite Sirs ER EP Cec ucon. sir, | UeCarthy and Miss Rogers wasa{bood. Mr..Barr will return here R M. Lewis ard ‘amily,of Concord township, and Lum Paterson, of} yoo. Hie Th eee ge tations by Misses Cora Harbin Nelle|that may be petitioned for. fi Alexander county, left Saturday ee Sa Se eae? Armfield and Marie Long were all ee : The best line of Oxford and Family Bibles and Testaments ever 2 night for Belleviile, Ark., where pa ee EE nos Sgn sood, especially the “Story of Pat- | Dr. Harrison on Hamlet this Evening. shown at the price Alsoa line of standard works and fiction, late ta as eae = .| Greensboro, wi ler sister, Miss|sy’’ as given by Miss Marie Lone * ate wr opyrighted ks, als ine ’s Evans’ sie” 1 thev will make their home Tue]. ao " ‘yas civen OY Wiss Marie ng. Itis hoped thata good audiénce copyrighted books, also a line of Alcott’s, Evans’, Elsie’s, El- . , s f Mascor wishes them good luck in weoretaude Thomas iss Nelle Armfeld’s encore, **Bil-| will hear Prof. Harrison, of David liott’s, Roe’s, &e. a hve ae is kam, a wie S ae 7 br oi i - ys . yoy at ( 2) Wane ne ze . . . =] yi - e - tbeic vow bome Mrs. L C. Allen and little child le POEs Seon down the Dee. son, lecture this eyeningin the col : . Coe Soe ha Bang <e Sa Statesville 3 . : CA reno (ne tw Focal nt ars 5 sses * c ¥ 32 10 . 7% 5 /OOK YX ar 2 , . Phe ladies of the Salem Metho | ‘etxned to their home ia astor ees wos " aumbers by ieee lege hal! on Hamlet. This is ove of Musical Instruments. We cater to the stove trade and are always 2 oa ‘ Ylouday. They bad been \ isiting Phiferand Steele and Miss Isabel Shakespeare's masterpieces and its a < dist church will givea box supperat Vance scboo! house near Sai aoe 7m o7 < ‘ . are pay musical instruments. Guitars, ices 2 w g uaranteed to Neoce € moe hou oe os ee SVG rn ceived. “ae piano numbers were | pe both interesting and entertaining. Violins. Banjos, Mandolins. Autoharps, Accordions, &e pees ae 2 , and our goods guarantee nurch on Kriday nivot, Vecem Der aes ringer araeU unususlly well rendered, and while The proceeds of the evening are for Blank books, time books and statio z ; Hive SAUSIACtLOB. 2sih—tor the benefit of the circuit| Zharlotte Monday after spending fit is hardly safe t. Single oat any! the college library and the admis- cone oi eae parsonage The evening’s fun wili | some weeks here with ber das zhter, | one for special mention, none of them ee i = , e begin at @¢ oveicck. The public is cordialiv invited to attend. Nix: Sol Simon came home Satul rv Misses May Morrison, Mary scholar and attractive speaker. It The college folks are pet super |day from abusiness trip 1 1) diana | 260tt, and Mary K. 5 Miller. Miss] is so seldom Statesville has a chance aa stitious of tbe number 13° The re-|forJ Wann & vo. Mr Simon wii] torrison ee and/+o hearan intellectual treat of this if Y ou Want cital jast Friday eveoioy was on the | travel Indiana regular af January |? Ss vhile Miss Mary E Miller S|character that every oae who can; _ wis LE RIT ee e ne = } 13:h, there were 13 numbers on the | iss, WOVE 2ives t of the true musie | should be present. Doors will open) Sram ‘ programme and 13 performers took Miss. Bess Rankin will Pca souland wo... y of no mean or-| az 7,30,lecture will begin at 8 o’clock. mw ; de ee incites he Miss Bess R Es over | Jor. : part in the exercises. And ever} |neretomorrowon her way to ‘het peers : } rs id thing went as smoothly asif 13 wa: ee a Moscone fre Rar aa a The patrons of the seo have Hollis Bought His Pisto] Here. ; Sze We have a full stock of Guns and Sportiog ie 1d luck Sean aia ae nei svery reason to conyratulate them ~ y Y B | cae eas 5 moe i the embiem of good luck. ville, where she is teachi: m- the} <aives on the weaeneee of Miss hie In another column will be found , : goods of all kinds we invite mee inspection | . 2 . ’ e 1 - . 2 ives yu ails = . _ ire . = m : < x og s Tne Sunday school cf the Firs: |James Sorunt Institute. Carthy’s rare ability as a musical }#% account of the kiliing of his wife _— and will be glad to show goods and quote prices Presbyteriac church wiil meet it the courch next Monday or Tuesday fer a@ Ubristmas viving entertainment Instead of a Christmas tree for themseives, they will bring gifts te besent to Barium to make a merry Christmas for the orphans there. Mrs. and Virs. H.-A. Morrison's little ten-months old daughter, Beu lah, who was severely ourned a few weeks ayo. died Friday moraine at the home of her- parents ia Shiloh towashtp The funeral servie>s were conducted by Rev. W. L. Dicr and the remains buried at Mt. Hermon church Saturday. Gwin’s parents. drs. E. C. Allison. . Mrs. E. Bo Watts. Mr>Dorman Thompson, assistant instructor in biol ube University this year and ; wember of the law class, came home Saturday to spend the holidays. nel erate fhe Long--Arey Marriage sir, E. J. Lone and Miss Arey, daughter of Mr and Mr. EE. Arey, of E mwood, were mirricd at he residence of the bride's fathe Cuesday evening at Go'clock sy Rev J. E.Summers. The marraiste was @ quietone, owing to the recent deatb of the groom’s fatl : he .ate most enjoyable one. The three reci Scott were nicely sung and well re were more highly enjoyed than those ‘astructor. Sheis a true musician and the course of study the young ‘adies are taking under her guidance vill develop in them a love for music ani ability to express the thoughts ani feelings of the great composers; an{ vot make them mere mechanical yayers Tne department of muic at ‘his excellent institution is in gocd hands, The Christmas holidays at the colleze will begin tomorrow and will last two weeks The bcarders wiil ali go home for the holidays. Of the faculty, Miss Hudson leaves tomorrow for Maysville, Ky , her next year to suryey any other routes treatment by Dr. Harrison is said te 25 cents. Prof. finished English sion fee is oaly Harrison is a It will pay you to see my line of Bibles and Standard Books. J. M. Wilhelm. and sister-in-law by a drummer named Hollis. Hollis is well known bere 2nd when in town about three weeks ago he bought a second, hand- ed pistol from W. R Meroney. He was drinking at thetime so freely that R E. Armfiield took his pistol awav from him when he came into tbe hotel, where he made threats of killing himself. What a pity he didn’t kill himself instead of two innocent women? Death of Mrs. Sicel ff in Indiana—Ke mains Interred in Iredell. Correspondénce of THe Mascor. East Broad Street. } * lots of eggs. Grocers, . Slick, high spirited horses that can stand work. Chickens that will keep in good health and lay Feed Pratt's Food. Ve Keep it in stock from 75c. bags to 10c. cartons. Barron & Nicholson Statesville, N. C ready to_satisfy every want in this line, Our J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co. Dealers in General Hardware. Sherrill -White Company. For the next Thirty Days we will make J J. Long, and the serious illness of and Miss N Our people in north Iredell have = a special drive on Tnion Grove township is said to| the bride's father. Only the closest | poe 2nd Miss Newman for Char |had their sympathies stirred deelyin : GS ’ 1 Union Grove township is said to = : a ae is lottesville, Va. Miss McCarthy wii! several instances recenti Tt < ets UW. S eno 1uMmSsS have largeiy increased the acreage|‘riends and near relatives wet ' spend Christmas with friends in| 9.4 2 “C. Siceled 3 fa j arp De ? 7 of wheat sown this fail overlast. W.| presect to witness the plizhting of | \tlanta, Ga. Miss Rogers and death of Mrs. A. ©. Siceloff oe El : 4 | = ; P. Sharpe, of that township drilled | ‘ae troth of these popular BE | Wiss Grace McCarthy will be aeahe wood, Indiana and the bringing of & 4é 8 Just received a complete line of new styles forhimsef and others 148 acres. while one of his neighbors, Wm Campbell, put in about 100 acres. These are only two of the many drills in the township. people, who are so well suit worthy of each other. {i intended taking a brida! t Charleston, but this. was postponed on accountof Mr. Arey’s iil the college during Christmas. The session willopen after the holidays oa January 6. eee ae Jno. W. Lett Crushed to Death Under her remains back to North Garolina, and the interment of the same at Mr. Vernon church near here on the 12:hinst.. drew together a large circle of relatives and mourning friends. The funeral exercises were Clothing. We wish to call the attention of the people of Iredell and Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. _ Overcoats. Clothing this week first cost. in MATTING. We still have a nice line of men’s Pants, worth $4.25 which we are sellirg at $2.50. Don’t fail to see our Clothing—all in this line at Misses Julia, Ella and May bd, of Biki kets, Pant Goods, Trunks and Tkere was & pleasant gathering of See ae mttondedl the! Bae Phe Car Wheels. conducted oy Revs. G. W. Weather- f ee 3 * a eatenen that will interest all. relatives and friends of Mr. F. A.| Both the brideand groom are de On Friday, the 13th, Jao. W. Lett | ™2” and R.L Terreil. All the who We have a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. Hon Gibson at his home in Concord servedly popular in their community abrakeman on the shifting train Rev. G. W. Weatherman are aware |est clothing, the kind that looks well, wears wel! and gives satisfaction Don’t forget we are headquarters on all kind of township on Wednesday, December }. ae Scoperatulatelc 2 tara - | Of his peculiar fitness for an occas-{00 the back. Shoddy, rag clothing has no place in our stock. We will lth. oO oeebatse his S6th birthday soganet ea ears oO Bt = ae pani ie ee ee SonSeeS. sine as kind. Brother ‘errall save you big money on clothing and overcoats We buy in large lots and S i OES Mr. Gibson 1s a bale and hearty man | p43 ypiness opening before thom. rs sa ' hic vee Ceatn under tle) also displayed tact in the part he|get the lowest prices. See our line, then you wil! know. < ° - for his great age. The day was an eA URE Fee 5 ao caaeSh zee accent took on this sad occassion. A. C. ° enjoyable oue, ene of the best feat-| 4 pear Negro Killed on the Maiiroad | of noon anasaeilinere bee ee Siceloff, son of J. C. Siceloff. of Olin 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. We mention The Walk Over and old reliable Douglass for men. Bu tres being the sumptuous diarer Track. exactly howlivioceacred The tee township, left this county abouta] .- , our strictly solid leather school shoes. Farmers should remember w that was spread, The second death on the railroad] pad been sbifting Harolorisomeboucse ago for Indiana. He had mar- We have gone to a lot of trouble getting together the best line of Shoes | nave the Eikin Home made Shoes in ail styles. Rev. Royal Shannonhouse will| tracks near the depot occurred Sat-|and was going east on the side track | "ie4 ae mole apa daugh-|youever saw. Our line of fine Shoes is complete" We have plenty of Respectfally, S Ni have three Christmas trees in bis} urdiy moroing about 10:3) o'clock,| with several cars One of these was a of J. J. Robertson, of Olin spel Eikin Home-made Shoes, common ball Shoes, old men’s Shoes, old ladies ill-White C charge. One at St. James. Barring-| when Will Sprouse. Coto, was|loaded,with logs which iskept on by St ada Te since. pe Shoes and, in fact, anything in Shoes you need at bottom prices. Our Sherril - 1te Oo. er township, on next Monday night;/s:ruck by an engine adour ae hal | wooden standards. Lett was on the [cco ad been ea ‘The d roe, {Shoes are made to wear and are just as we tell you or your money back. one at Trinity church, Statesville on|mile below the station. sprcu-2,}ear in front of this one when lost f ee 5 died ane! Gn ed i SSESe Ho ESE e : Christmas night,one at St. Mark’s, | who was about 20 years old, +as|seen alive. It is thought by some Cee canes a Pe Hats Meckienburg county, Saturday night December, 28. There will als» be services at Trinity on Christmas day at 11 o’ciock. The officers of the Knights of Hon- or for the next term are: Isaac Wallace, dictaror; G E French. retneniog from a oegro’s house souLh of town and was walking 2iony the track Hewas deaf and dunb and this caused his death, as he could not hear the approaching eagine Enyineer J. C. Bolick, who~ was driviug the engine on i: sat his that he simply madea misstep and fell between the cars; by others that the striking of one of the standards of the log car against the iron steps leading up +o the signal box by the siue of the deport startled him and caused him to fall. Still another the precious hymn, “It is better farther on,’’ and requested that hymn to be sung at her funeral by Brother Weatherman. As the preacner complied with that request there were very few dry eyes in that large congregation. Mr. Siceloff and wife were good citizens and hop- be downed, Hats. Caps. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and at jprices that cannot See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. : : : a pound local freight, had taken tseory is that his head hit the pro- sige enalonder coods : ‘ Se ea ; i sistant igi - inec y goods and notions is large and we keep most anything Ice CRO engine t9 the tank for water. Com Jecting roof of the depot and that he SOLON Eee te COMCRUONIO IIE ence = e yth dictator; P C. Carlton, reporter; H Scott, finaneral reporter; J Hoff mac, treasurer; W. R Sloan, guide; ing back the engine struck the nevro Kiliing; him instantly, it Is supposed His neck svas broken, the skull frac was knocked off. However tha: may be, his body from chest to hip was mashed into.a jelly and cther corded above. One little boy, their ing West, but sickness found its way | you need in this line. into their home with the result re-|at less than wholesale cost. We have a line of lad es’ underwear we are selling i . Turne = ) Sy ates ih ad eth : i shild, liv 9 W h : D j oe eee A eh aoe T tured and his left leg crushed below |terrible injuries inflicted which ee en Sasa somion Ss eat rills. eS amprecot, \“. lrbe kaee. Itis supposed the eogi-|caused his death in afew muoutes 2 Sa ei Nicholson and M. W. Meyers, trus- tees. The Mt Airy News has the follow ing item of interest to Statesville people: ‘Rev H K. Boyer, in weit neer thought he would step off the track in time to be ik sufety. He did not know Sprouse Was cieaf and his engine was moviog Slow!y at the time Thebody was taken charge atter his mangled body was discov- ered. : The body was taken to his home in Asheville that night and ouried there Saturday. sympathy goes to the relatives from the people of this community. Mrs. Mary Jurney, of Union Grove township, died a few days since and was buried-at Union Grove church, Just received carload of the best w fore you buy a drill. heat drilis on earth. See them «be- We also keeps GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDLES. HARNESS, Musical Instruments, such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. yet selting the NEW MODEL Sewing Machine at $13 75 for the 3-drawer, We are : : * : = ‘ , = Sh was the widow of the $15 Parig = achi ac han: ing us from Statesville closes with] of Sarurday afternoon by the voy’s} Phedeceased was a young man See Nathaniel Joruey. Her =o = see Naess Snes sears, we aoe sere more than 300 of the following: ‘We reached here}kin and ovuried. aoout 21 years old’) He was unmar this make in the last few vears and not a complaint. last night (Dee 4°b) amidst a suow- ried and lived with bis mother in Her maiden name She. was a good wo- was about 7d was’ Morris. Come and see if we can’t trade. Our prizes are the lowest and we do . ° Ve = + ”, = “ o 2 storm, but were ushered in from it | New Advertisements. Asheville. Several orothers and| "o> sell reliable zoods at prices eee t ee ne into a elegant parsonage, warm and Christmas presents can be had at|sisters survive him and tothe moth Stvere willie ai inristranciircaies espectiully, bright surrounded by a number of warm hearted Chrsitian friends, who had prepared to feed us on other good things as well as love and friendship.’ ”’ ee The boys and Girls Coming Home. Christmastide always brings home many of the girls and Doys who are away at school. Amosny those who will return this week and early next week are: Misses V. and Cate Cope land from Converse; Lois Long and Katie Lee Milis from Peace: Effie Coneland from the Norma! and Lau ra Wilison from Greensboro Female College;.Frank Caldwelland Ernest Simon from Horner; Jamie Rose. Eugene Culbreth, Wallace Hoffman. Herbert Clarke and Baxter Coch rane from the A. & M.; Allen Mills N. B. mills & Co. : Poston Bros. are gnakiog some special holiday offerings Ramsey, sfomlin & B» presents suitable for every For men’s overcoats and jackets see mills & Allison Sloop & milier have a nobby line of siippers. Call on them. Read R. P. Aliison’s attractive iist of seasonable offerings. The Big Store is ready for the Christmas trade. See what they of- fer. J B. SLippard offers a house and lot and a farm for sale. C. L. mecHargue, admr., gives notice to creditors. . : The Southern Railway gives rates to Charleston. : W. D. Turner, commissioner, ad- nave Wed ore? laaies v from Oak Ridge‘and A. G. Paifer/vertises valuble land in Bethany ; ee ee, Mars call on or write . B-LIPPARD. ESTE OEE He gael SESE ESE ES atone hea from Trinity. township for sale: ce a-bard-blow.--—_ -- as Dee apy eis -— n’s, N. C. — er and other dear ones his home com- log must have been shocking and in- expressibly sad zen ne Electric Light Plant burned. Aswe goto press this morning the electric lizht station is burning. Tae fire is under control but the house andcontents are practically ruined ualess the boilers can be sav- ed. The fire was discovered about 7:30 o'clock and was soon beyand con- trol. No water could be gotten for some time for thecold. The loss to the town will amount toabout $3,000 or $4,000 and thetowo will bein darkness for sometime. The loss is Olin Christmas eve. Everybody is invited tocome. The occassion wil doubtless be an enjoyable one. The Cherry-tree-bubble has bursted at last, and doubtless many innocent victims in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, haye grievances against the many of said corcern that will never be redressed. Very truly yours, J. A. STIKELBATHER, Olin, N. C., Dee 14, 191. House and Lots and Cood Farm For Sale, HAVE a farm for sale in Fallstown township. zmiles from Troutman’:, containing 66% acres of good land, two-thirds timbered land, balance in good state of cultivatiou with about 7 acresof good bottom on Norwocd creek. Also 2 good four-room house and two lots in Troutman’s. Will sell for cash or part on H. A. YOUNT, NEW STIRLING, N. C. YOUNT & WHITE, i STONY POINT, N, C: M. K. STEELE, President. DIRECTORs; check, makes collections. issues drafts, certi: Deposits, com Three per cent. alluwed on Savin wade in this its of z5 cents and over may time with good security. For further Particu- EUG*NE MORRISON, Vice Pres. D. M, AUSLEY Sec. & Treas, Statesville Loan & Trust Company, STATESVILLE, N. C. CAPITAL , $25,000. M. K. Steele, Eugene Morrison. Dr. W A aes H. Wycoff, C. M. Steels, U. 1 Alspangh, 5. Clark, A. B. Saunders, D. _— This Company transacts a general a Receives meney on di tes of deposits, etc. corporations, firms and individual<. Weshall be pleased to hear from those contemplating mak- ing changes or opening new accounts, Al! business intrusted to us will receive p ompt and care- ful attention. with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and prudent bankirg. No accornts too small to receive courteous welcome. SAVINGS DtrPARTMENT, Ausity. eposit s«ubjeet to We solicit the -accounts of pounding quarterly on amountsof $5 and over department daily during business hours Ae Only a few | i MEN'S OVERCOATS LEFT at €2.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $7.80. Get oue before they are all gone Some special good valuesin Ladies’ Jackets and Capes from 21.00 to $7.59. Baby Cloaks, 50c. to $1.50. Very stylish Houds for the little folks, 26c. and ap. , Shirt Waiets. 10c. Big line Petticoats: all colors, 50c. up. terns. Baby Caps and tiful Flancetetts for Men’s Heavy Underwear, Tic. per suit: ‘ 2 = ae ae g a St e e t ar s sce 5 a i “l e ep e e Oo Ne i e d e n t i e s ¥ ap ea r s pe a k om e , na e “ Dem>cracy’s Future as Seen by Jose- phus Danieis. News and Observer, roth The outlook for Democartic e1€ cess in 1904 is ten fold more br at today than it was in 1892. The pat ty isin better shwpe than At as after the defeat in 1888. Th © is every reason why Democrats nould be hopeful and cheerful, ear:. -st to fight for Democratic principi.s abe vigilant to prevent any undemocrat in influence controlling the party. In Col. F. A. Oid’s Sunday (letter in the Charlotte Observer is the fol lowing: | over correspondent. having thus completed the interview with all the ex S:ate chairwen of the Democratic party, asked Mr. Jose phus Daniels, as the member of th national committee for North Caro lina to give bis views. His reply is pretty spicy, as will be seen. He sald: “The Democratic party must beé party of principles and vot an or ganization of cpp:rtuuists A patty that is willing to adopt a policy of ‘anything to win,’ regardless of measures of right and weong does not deserve to live. The Kansas city piatform was right 10 its Ge stion of principles. Imperalisin Cia is ue; Monopolies are dangerous protective taviff to ail forms are op pressive, the demands of the money power are tyranpica! aud unjust. We must ficht these. “Phe condi lous of 1896 demanded the silver issue. Itis pGtan Issue today because the conditions do, not dewand it “The Democratic party must fight the entrenched hosts in the cation who are enjoyi special priviles wherever foued Lf the Demvcrai ic party should fail te do this, ‘help aad deliverance will come from an other quarter,’ out the great Demo cratic party wouid fail of the miss ion which brought it into beiny. “Democracy asks the question: “Ts it right?’ end lives tcrever, strong and useful in defert as well as in victory. The Repuodlican party asks-onoly ‘will i: pay?’ acc like a score of other m aoovs >it looses ‘ae I{ the Demoe:: all wrong on the money quesiroa, tmperalism. pre tective tariffand wrong ie its pledg to make eternal war on trusts. ane mocopoties and subsidiesand ever other species of special privile.e@ vn til they are destroyed—if che Demo cratic party nas odten these things then there is uo need & the Democratic party. It ought to disband and join the Republicas party at once avd stop ail the polit: cal fuss. ‘fhe Democratic party will de serve to win by being true to it: ime honored principles, applviny rere to the living qu mnsihat are o besetii d. Avi: ory on by a ‘ i G =texnce, secur e! by pledges of prot nto trust d other outlaws commerce would be a thousaud simes worse for Jeercinn 2 Hh, GiVision a t party than defeats The party h,+ been strong and bonest in de fe It would be despicable and ©) henest in a victory won by sacri feng its principles. itis three years before it will be n-cossary to elect the delegates wou wil write the Democratic platform £1904 Themen vwho wil! write th. platform will be mea who will aie by it a. men wav will neu: ne the candidates will be men wi upport them wheat nominated, Toe doors of the party are always Goen—they swisg backward ; fore ard—and men may go our and come inas they choose But when they decide tocome back, they wil! find the party. of Jefferson doing hin PSS ¢t : “Equal righ . s to nd specia vileye to pane, ane -itlbe weleomed back heme ot - 7 ye le. 1 en *n . i CGeV are Now askKea tO Cai t the first dance, they rie = A that those who serve the foarty rill be called to the ieader shin Forget g those things that é d.” the tim hand fod a m ho cail themselves Democrat: toc-me together and fizht to re stor iethe republic the old-time mim Virtues et economy a0 } egucty whick prevailed until the “Repo Ohean party used the taxing pov. «for private enriehment and for "he pavment of campaign debis Meu who agree that hostility to spe eial privilege isthe sbibdodoleth for "ia: aad vietory, will not have any : trouble about writing a platform in 1984. Men who wish the Democrat- 1c party to advecate ship subsidies “ol cetion, reciprocity as the hand ! of protection’ aad the breaking down of racial barriers will not and ougut not tobe bheardin eceuncils Where Democratit piatforms are mace or where Demuvcratie candi dates are_nominated.”’ —> <> -e f:ilman’s Voice is for Party Unity. Washington Post. Toe Democratic Senators yesterday i Loeir first caucus cf tae present s@--iou. Tits purpose was to cousider crnd@itvee @ssignments, out the eCsrlOO Was More thas ord -iifcant because of the geo w endance upon the Caucus idtters eleeted as Democrats, wi :exception of Senatur MeLauri« South Carolina, were present, as were all the Senators who were eecled as Silver Republicans or- Popvilists. All the independenrs, except Teller, of Colorado, oad en- tered the Democratic caucus held jast vefore adjoursment last March, but Senator ‘eller tnen remained uway. He was paesent. however, at yesterday’s conterence and par- ticipated in the proceedings The caucus was calied at the in staace of Senator Jones,of Arkansas, who stated that he’thought it pos sible thar the new Senators might want to make some change in the officers of the caucus. There was, however, a general expression of Satisfaction with the present officials and Senator Jones was re elected unacimously chairman of the caucus The oid committee oa order of bus— iness also was reappointed, and the one vacaucy on that commirtee was filed by the selection of Senator Dubois, of Idaho, who was the choice of all the Western members of the crucus. Daring the preesedings Senator Tillman sugyvested that there should be frequent cozferencestand a con tinued effort to agree upon the main features of ali political controversies. There wasa quite general response to ihis suggestion, and the opinioa Was fairiy uUnancigiows tha: the party | sacuid present a united froat, per inisting 0G More stravyling than Was absolutely uecessary. i «Ee Sree - - Vireo £ n = > , a f } Mrs. Bosiae was acquitted of the cnarve of the murder of Jas. Avres Friday in Wasdiagton. wrong on} [Court Finds Against Sebley—Dewey Signe Dissents on Some Counts, Washington Dispatch, 14th. The report of the Schley Court of Inquiry was promulgated by Secre- tary Long tonight. There are twore ports, Ad’Is Benham aodRamseycon- cur inthe first which is signed by Ad miral Dewey also as a matter of form. Admiral D--ey makes a separate report. The majority opin ion finds in brief that Admiral Schley should have proceeded with the ut most dispatch to Cienfuegos anc maintained a close blockade; that he shonid have endeavored to have ob tained information of the Spanish squadron there; that ke should have yeogoededto Santiagowith dispateh: that he should not have made the re reoyrade movement: that he shouid lave Obeved the department's ord rs: that be should have endeavored to have captured tho Spanish vessels antinee did nat do his utmost to roy the Ccinn; that he caused ne squadron to lose Gistance 1a tine op of the Grooklya; that he there hy caused the Texas to back; that he did tnjustice to Hodgson; that his ensuduetin the campaivn was charac terized by vasitlatin: ess and lack oi enternrise; thar his Mficial reports an the e@oal suppiv inaccurat?; at bis conduc: duricg the attic if x ssased and he encouray tes cere misleading and "as Seit Rios of BEC CIT nC , standard ousess. 2d ab the end o ne year DZ 562 927 standard ocne ' { hy 2520 bs Deeg notes issucd at thesame tir: on its purcho-e and piy the pressiay; demand whieh be smal) densomir required tu retail trade vinal degosits of vold at 11590.) an 9 489 was in foreiy sid stand, fighting | ts | ;CBicne & y faad or syive? > jnudustriat Cousumption of tte ry 1900 $79,171,000, and ing . fact that » “orld in production 2 865 O10. ‘he henmes toa the 1 500 Vseotnage of a ear 1900 wa~ $354 936 497 3117,611.9602 ty us rold ig t& U ted States Gury the tar year 1900 is estima 1 (316,607 5u9. und of the worid, ap Sista » BTS UG OOD i Pobscuo and Raieigt Post. ; 1 ‘aw d ; tTo ss ew da: page 'OVLCCoONISt : +¢ st & cempara } fivures whieh ere Bray quotes governmebt statistics, r tae whole Osited Stares te-timate we have seer LVETAYE Bs a COTLGN producing State. From the statistics aud the most re liable information we are able to get arotima { W414 pousds oer acre, which at 7} cepts. the priee paid forthe cottos ju question, though the price in hartntre was oniv T 319 cents on har dav rhs ahove average of 143 pounds ar Tcents woald sicld! rai he esorpous sum at 310 ‘Pe au > GE. tard y Des Cre js 929 peuods for e Strate of North Carciines in the veer 191. rhe Worst tobacco year we have had singe 1889 = =The average priee paid on ths market for the month of No Vomorr nas dees $8.88 per huadrtd pounds. and we are getting the poorest tonpaceo. as the farmers do neteare to bandle their good tosae- co this Grv weather At this aver- we. an acre of tobacen will briny the per cent betier than @otton, Oo Czolgosz Cheered in Chicago. Chicago Dispatch. President MeKialey’s assassin wees A chailenge from tbe plat form, during a dedate on “Socialism vss Anarchy,’ that anarchists dared liar.”’ Abraham Isaak; the leader act He -said that as companied by a scene of intense ex tuan 1 000 sersons bad been previ ciations, and now became wiid, anove upp al parts of the bouse, rose to its feet; aud a riot was avert coairmaa. s Secretary Gage re commends the pO bt roversy, and Manrin P refusa and dilateri | sb:-titioa of special war texes ig or [1° 0) drawn into g second “resigns der:oget rid of the surplus, buta h ? due is given 3 fre] imuch shorter method of accomp!ish pre ion frony the pews oF Tt hin would neato pass a few of the ‘ ‘ wantic schemes which are being ae: uryed vpou she io and fonse successs be fiscai year wa~ 83 258 054 The auestion raised toe Tre asur: | i @Xis ed throuvheout the year for} | | ' Users peNes Be8e eee | Mec June t. Stunford bf so SO Ot PEwer ty SPeUG EBS Money | ssn 400 G0 crorib ef pronerts of tne peouls ia making fruitful the| teland Stanford Uatworsi y Siutes leaving the farmers of oth rh oeaiiens "oO irrigate and ferti:ze| 1Olr ds at 1 7"n expense | 3 Poe iertgeyton tight bound io 6 \ i tions of money istunborn and persistent one. but i jibe Senate leaders have. their wav | fi ix vast scheme Of governmental | A MS nertore will not be rut intoon | 4 an? assay offices ameunt} Increase f this | corded its exports by |! production of ; th Ameriea, rac iva!ly all of | Usited States, j cold in the fanc Cotton Crops Compar-d. viven bere! tan worth Corse deripneg. Mr. j aS recently issued, which show the vield of eottoa per} ten vears lis 200 for the vear 1901 15 190 pounds per e. This State is far below the the averave yield af eatton in North rthe vear 1901 ‘will be firmer £46 62, which i-g346 62 or 340 was cheered publicly in Uhicago last not.condone the crime at Butfalo vas met with a vigorous ‘You're a of tne “Reds” in this city. and edi- tor of Free Society, declared that he could not eoademoa the assassin’s persona! merit be tuok a second place itv Csnigosz, This statement was ac- eitement the audience of more ously aroused by oratorica! denun- “Hurrah for Czolgosz!’ shouted a | f@49 in the gallery, swinging his hat ad. His:es, jeers, veils suse, 200 cat calls came from Phe crowd ed only by the prompt action of the ington Columbia, S.C., Dispatch, r1th. : From an authorative source comes the information that Senator Mc Laurin has formed alaw partnership | riih Messrs Frank L JG. Welles | are Showing Up. Washington Dispatch, 13. No attempt has been made oy the Republican senators as yet to map out a programme of legislation for the present session, but as soon as , GC. the erent committees is }#rd Ciaude Bennett, of Washington, completed and the list adopted by the] D OC. itis said a Se Senate a steering committee will ve have been ee or the firm in| appointed and a line of action agreed | the Adatas bui aie ue npon The preliminary work may| “bis news is looked on here as : g ‘day | con i re evicusly circu . shed during the holiday |¢ firming rumors previcus!; pesccopEsS . , inied tocally and in Washington to One point, however, bas already | be effect that Senator McLaurin been derermined by 3p informal un | vouldtakeupbispermanentresidence Pe eer ee ee as ted that his derstanding amony the leading men hat City. 2b is expects Se a snl thon camianices This is tbat mily vill shortly move to the czp on cde MmMiltees. = tase . iS a : . ee . ati Speeker Fiendersous appeal for fo at. ait oer ZO no Aires THe Conomy js to be taken seriousty and this «ffect bas been received here presisteat » urged upos the major t “ore — a “ ; in both houses.~ The deluse ¢ Eicon ad i nequainted vi xitls asking for appropria:tons of het it clans In means ‘he practical ¢ Cin Vee gt ov bim of bis pe 3 CH vrenter this ¥ than ever GSA TO TOS. — SAE. F ae ate : ae ifone tenih of ‘hem shoud pes dramatic scenes of the last 1 WoO Cays je treasury which be . Czused the goverument some aueasi fore iicance. Interest ; hess at times, would be wiped out in Stat > bad been excited Dy . wokling of eneeyve. 'develoment tn che sonatorin o e mMooev out of th: Fe ras ray the news his un wad Surplus. , threvyvkou! this 3. FOR HARNES at oxce, and you will be veo ea ree a Me REE mI GI 5 aE a | = = re — <a ~ — - oe = * ? =| Schemes for Spending the Surplus McLauria to Practice’ Law in Wash- to see how quickly it heais sores. It’s this way: You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Water, but thereis only ene proper way to cure a burn or scald and thai is by using PENNYROYAL PILLS - -_ and Saddle fores Mexienn Austen Lini- mort is just what you noed. 32 i....ssiiect : for Safe. Always reliable. Lnat aoe oe ESTER'S_ENGLISM in Geld momilic = sealed with blue ribbon. Vako me ether. dangerous snbsti- tuttons and igsitatéens. Buy ef yeur Drucrist, or send 4e. = for Partlealars, Testi- oniais “ for Ladies,” in later, 4 return Mail. 16000 Testimonials. Sold by sts. 2200 Madison Square, PHILA., PA. Ness, ~ e ness < common attending the monthly periods, Givi anhocd will find ita wonderful relief and bene- és e a . Te | Where Our Presitents are Baried Nansas City Star Nat & singte Prasic or Ura OS Lae es 5 at * ‘ hipeten : BS Bog oshm aS Ss ay 4) e ee fe i, ip Guestons Soaks Eber he &Y for Women \) aod Winsor ly two ceme ies tn the U tutes contain Are you nervoce? . Are you conipictely exhareted? Do you sutter ‘every month? E you answer pe bodies of more than one Presi Camtses both lie in the x — Pircr Congrevetians wass .and “4 e | Winchester, at | | | ' i | | i i i ¥ f i il cold or indigestion stare menetr wa t u e Keep Your Bowels Streng. Constipation or diarrhcea when your bowels are out of order. Cas- Zsiy“te made well, strong. man carets Candy Cathartic will make new life and vigor by teking : that makes week men strong. - Many Genuine tablets tex pounds: in ten days. Over 580, ao ot J i cured. Alldrugzists. Cure guarant stamped C. C. C. Never sold ia See ata bulk. All druggists, roc. ‘ REMEDY CO.. Chicago or New York them act naturally. + person bis subordinate tt is probable that kied of a sand meu r racd bard ili become 5 |“ . @ ra! Dewey in bis report says this sessi is tikely that | ae Me Can , hat ¢ passa: to Cienfuegos was la SOip subsiayv Dees ino some xl an hb all dispateb; that in view | -hape and that work ov os 3 Le raters Ashe eae radied OS : , ° e nt f his coz sups i¥ tra i ckhade of! nu i) Nx CRUE ome Szepped Into Live Coals. LiS RY Tninke oe Ne, ores pr j ‘ 1 tbere w . fry ~ Ahenachita } bursed mx t . * * ; nfue- tie bardiy eo uck m vo uy Winona BS eat ae It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old SS ty ne Vege te ce eS et Arie ee cat enna jlinen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bin aS fe cn ae = eae ee ts loosely upon the wound. You can have no adequate : ae r sores fer 30 sears. bm . ’ arer i Ei Pssdiy Doo doficevey instead of gn cee San a bless idea what an excellent remedy this is fora burn until the] .urgius i bh a8 ' L - : : Se aneitn ? it. ee arent ee (mee cae ee far evervih you have tried it. . fryy Jie * he was the SEND | : the western sengtor ana r@pr : me” ot = It b: bird tea with or any igen in absolute corn atives @whe nave eomboitned tor abd 4 you bave a bird affii ies OE Bee , vp 25 A FOWL TIP. other poultry disease uso Mexican Mustang See Te ey = - Eéniment. It is called a stasDaRD remedy by poultry breeders. 5 Victory WHics resul & Ses ' > he first sop edin the tutal destruction of tt on for en eiadorate schem Sougish fleets jon oF is of the ' “ ae ; n AR De Oe IRE IN EON OMe et wise cd by theexper's Me Ad: } ", 35 » fashiaroble Teo polleemen were - | Gold and Silver in che Uniced states. OULD wn oO OASDISET, EN RISC +i Stata te, issued ham ther were attem ating *+« prey} Fy : ; pucton Fexas Iact Washington Dispatch. : _ v er y £5) = nu » Hons eae : Pa ee nt bee ; ra , A fe ay no tT the Je repor ui we George BR i i os i sie Sh male , eter Itlimen falt he choi 20d baited tne =, Diseethor ot ube ‘tet upoa bo tre trea be iinng i. ; - a ‘ ro TALIOUS > miu a du Da PR 5 St Don't tle the top ef your rt oka es ‘ . athe tiscali year enged Jur 30 : age a ag eel a neer jolly and preserve jars in K is hhreatened with a The @itarafa Now York news Re . * na ares y obs RETR ; eld fashioned way. Seal wees EMiednesd as. 1901, bas deca Completed. The oh he goclessly. endorsed ube! them by the new, quiek, a f.n ay. PADCT WAS Slt eGnesaay winage of Dae mMlots durius toe fins stad ee et Seo ae ann : eek hy an allesed anarchist ; ae Ang o> eS : alee 7 a@ thin oor Millionaire, eal Year atountied to 176 909 132 feouviee ng bmthst in Ris mm |} cat, Refined Paramine. Mas : = : : oretaey of State Inn Har pieCes, Ui Th Vuire Orc $156 S40 731. ne -p- ke on i ’ Le ederet Site A mo taste (er edor. Is Lat: 'y Star Gin Landon because . + nae ie ee: ae Relate ; le =p -Keon Lijec : ws air tight amd acid id ; ca Res re TAT IY TPMT DIS Ot this $99 060 710 was in vo a tn due @ nsiderstion proof. Lasily applied. moa pe ah my oe >to be he'd some $24 29S S5Sv was in silver doiiars,j , ; gills cack are By Unsefalin adoxeom ether a: Khas > 7 Life Pilis it $24 295 85 Was in siiVer dotlars, rorhe iA of the rieratyey alan i { We? Le ( eg Irrsaht ' Ls ways abeut the heues. ta Rave eae aa s00n. SLU 960 O45 - 4s 10 fractional Stive: Question is now « herrd from, ! PY Full directions with wa ave states seal a : nee r +a SZ VUY S68 was in cotonor evin. Tk BOX inet senator froa «| = Sanidever hore. Madeby renethen the See os cKinlev's condi ion is ue Pas coiceve of silver dotlers de : - ete ee = eee ym prom Ssimilation. imprive Stowe ber friesd. sericus alarr Laie Goi ve ol silve io > Gur j north: ' Bate Se Cay ta STANDARD Gli Ce. e ty ORY copes AS yrcay ge = of her crief toe Fao year frova fbis cons itucnt had brousts | FOREN IEE . rere iy ee tl ties cea Re eae sioc7 of Sullioa ; ated und “Fup point .fenj-etion 3 he had = an if BOF aatisied Salt oy % t. tr be bordering on a mental an tne act of Juty 14.1890 Yhe amon: Ineves taopyht hefirre shiet 74 Grugets niwiGal Ccol:apse of (Mis Oulion of band at the begs: csused him to «tay think eee let and advice F Saleby F. Fall. 3 TOBACCO SPI® and SMOKE Your Lifeawayi You can be cured of any form of tobacco using dmerders tect are cot coticcetle at bee first, but dry by day steaddy PUSS fOUr tato traniet some complications. ree ir of Cardui, ceed ist befers the men- ta N a Hamp airs ae uek Pesnsvivanta. to ‘ t Eihiz : Of the five Pre Moa Tiere is notatag like it to help Pree an women enjay weod baat. k comm | ae : e ooly 3% to test {ts romedy, witch ts pee Wy to | I endomed by 5,053,000 cweed weewe. = Ds een tee oom Ato Ar Mrs, Lena T. Frisburg, Bart St. Lesis, an House. The eider Harrison we i, says: “do am Piysicel} y a now first puried in the esapital put bi woman, by ressen of my «a of Wine of 3 Cardui and Thedfard’s body was removed tater to North Beck Brasght- Bend Ohio. In cases Nag Sporty! directions, ac- Whashi ‘ eRawes drome. gtring symtptays “The Ladies’ Advie Yoastineron eg g his otd = ” Ths Chatiepeea Medi- Siistns Goo Ser ae : » cine Co., Cixattanosce, Temn homas Jeffers ‘0 Was ouUried at his bese e-tate, Mionticeiio. Va A Cer eon or, Va. coy <ai0s ane i ison The . . . ® Geath of Andre Jackson teok riser Semen i a) tae Hermitage, bis home in Ten 1© Democrats elected the mayor nessee. When he was dying those] cr sbout the bed began to weep Rais firy ing bimtelf ke excinimeé: “What in ibe matter with my dearchildren? Oa, do not ery. Be good chitdren re d 3-stop Tuesday by 20,600 major On ‘be verce of a war. 1 7 ; } tseneval Puaston ix coming & ome feom the Phitinnines. The Eminent Kidney ta o sn e s -suetsa Regular Bankisg Busine neck oo sight ‘i and persenal security. Merchants, apulaciu:. 1 st favernhls terms fore rirst ch STATESVILLE. B.C interest peid on time Gepesits. ane credited or ser itted at lowest rates. OFFIC 2° A CGH BR, Presivent 3G, irti2, Vice Prosiden® Gib, BB. S=52OW BS, Cashier, National Ban Deposits received subject « Morey loaned on geo: Special attention paid to eclectiens o: Accounts of Curpo unc Individuals solicited and received simultanecus racket s: ¢ ta eae aera raaA : Coile and Argentire Rey ublic are] “ea ‘orks ami cable rope f c itive teed ever put or wow © Friek Comrone’s S314 ND POT ERS aod wewiil all mevt in heaven Senatar Sewell ef New Jereey, is th were br words. He was i npravine sirece he jefr Ashe ille ute ear 3 7 ee Qo ee ¥ aad set f Hears . cL skcelk “oe Ss : hi a sbet ‘ eta eck 284% a it i n Oo s ~ize, aethe wreat hi « f A i c traetion Gert: Gire ot ew prices FRICKE COMPANYS Eclipse Portable © ENGINES erein oular Saw Brin W.E iurucr. cuts into ao piece. it is hard twisted, closely woven, soft finish. Underwear mede of LILEDCUN Musiin lasts longer, will not tenr, Fy gives more warmth. Soft fnish & mekes it always comfortalvle. F E Wears longer, weasbes cosier, mi bleaches whiter than eny — The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work in His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. lf kidney trouble is allowed to ad- vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's goods made. va l °F 3 Ge & oe AB V ST DE ae , Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. tr Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the new dis- Bs x covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder |. anc urinary troubles. It has cured thousands | ps 3 at 2 of apparentiy hopeless cases, after all other | S$! efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and Coilar sizes. A sampie bottle sent fres by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- Root and its wonderful cures. Address So s ta g e COTTOD PERLLS, "> yivrsvilie, 5. c. _ a, Ce s i r s y Dr. Kiimer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and / mrentien this paper. S'ate-viile, N . ver Poston Bros— aia ieneasiassnisiia! nissiniaiusssasinnsssssanssunnsnmnsansionns lansina a _ oo ——___—___ G @ SS enn Saar aioe acaveasecansenaseeseesen ‘ ete Kar: of wis sn old one } > LILEDOUN Musiia as soon as she & teens Put the vie ta whet «bieh we dis fe - et i tty. lee o sf 3 tiesert SSHCO we BANS ocean ie ot in gnakes one think it @ tate invention : - * us *P AONE 30. me deaths, BRI SLIM Vee NEN sical {fF WE QUOTE PRICi#S AND SHOW SAMPLES WE as (Wiel GET YOGR WORK. -.- =. Ce? Pany 9. op - < . th hwoskmen, better msterial te work mn wile. Qo better nerTy. Cle. en- wives Us to do better work thin ever Work guaranteed. end us your next order. we Wii appreciate it. : oi > : : : Hine of st ~ ~~ I Bn lary ie) eke saya tm Renin ic nel SN AN nS N Line be Mab, eh \ —- ce e Janua: ucents of schoois and coll can has- ed on Decenther 16th to contain a to January 8th, 1902, upon certificate from Prin. _cipal. President or person in charge of ‘the school. For further information Please call on any agent of the Southera Railway or write, THE MASCOT PRINTING Co STATESVILLE. N.C ™~, OIE me CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH é — cee EF Me cer* = . CHICHBBTER CHEMIOAL CO. Mention this peper. _VOTIARLY BEAUTY —_ Spe: fing Eyes & Bright Faces «+ ‘he Frniis of Sound Nerves.J -.@ache, Backache and Female Weak YT <= passin through the trying L ** change om Girlhood to Wom- fit. {i quiets and strengthens the nerves, cleprses the blood, clearsthe brain and tones up the whole system. Makes a Woman Look Young and Feel Young. PRICE soc.. 12 Boxes ¢s. sent by mailtoanyaddress. Sold by W. F. Hiall, Jr. Cireap Life Insurance will be written for 1,000 persons oniy in the di McCornrick, in writing lhe insnrance ,il persous who join the organization to pay expenses ivision or the egents, October 7th, 1903. Siren nan FE ke Fen fi be ntal ey mes L ail * ial Fens Uedll j A safe, certain relief for Suppressed Menstruation. Never known to fail. Safe! s Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed Jor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for =4 $1.00 per box. Will send thém on trial, to § be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. G UNITED MEDICAL CO., Gor 74, Lanoasten, Pa. F aus 7a ee Soldin Statesville. by Sti Anderson... uc. Lo ioe ae wD - . A=taiesy ~ ° ASme o> . For Sale kverywh: re. ~2IT}T THE GREAT FRENCH | Bis} )EPO NERVE TONIC and Vitali- ger Cures Mervous Fxhaustion, Hysteria, Dizzi- A DIVISION efthe Peoples’ ‘Mutual Benefit &%& association, a life insurance organization, has been organized in Statesville by J. M. mc- Cormick, division agent, The division em- »races Iredell and Alexander counties: H. P. er, of the law frm of Grier & Long, was lecte’ president; J. A. Hertness, clerk of the urt, Secretary and Treasurer, and W. W. Tur- ver, register of deeds, one of the directors. there will be from one to three directors in each ownship in the countiesembraced in the Givi- ion, Inmsura ceto theamount of $1.000 each SD oly Ns Leiter d a Fesily,« Quickly end HINDIPC Phy Tonic and Vitalizer is + tee to cure Pervous Del ng Memory. Fits. Diz Drains cn the } ervers, Habits or Exces Liguors.or “Living the © 1) Kills” wards off Insanity, Corsrmy cr ; th : F caste clears the Blood and Fre: ; eames J. & MeRrayer will assiet the division clears the Bk aos Op Theis i : will pay pd ms ¢t per year. and when'a wember dies each member will be assessed $1 15to0 pay the insur- ance of $1,000. The assessmeutis $1 ou each of the 1.000 members to pay the $1,coo insurance fer the deceased memmper and the 15 cents gors his is the cheapest and most teliable jorm of insurance known. Vor forther information callon the officers of the low Only the hect -v msen Pigeon To the Farmers, kinds of wheat, oatsand rye seed Come aud see me before J. iL, Cowen. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good.” North Cerolina t In the M. G- Smith, administratrix of } Rebecca Sinith. deceased, AGAINST I, N. Smith, Gaston Smith Dor- cas McIntosh, G. P. McIntosh. Eva Lackey. J, A. Lackey. E. P. | Smith and. M. E, Smith. J NOTICE. ee Dorcas McIntosh.O. P, Mecrntosh and E, said complaint This Nov. 6th, rg0r L WATTS. Clerk Superior Court. r HAVE afuli line of the ‘est > Genuine stamped C.C, C, Never sold in bulk, Excursion Ticket Alexander County. } Superior G. urt. South, Southwest, West la dies M The defendants, I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith Smith. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court for final settlement of the estate of Kebec- ca Smith. deceased, and the defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap- pear atthe office of the clerk cf the Superior court of Alexander covnty, N.C. cn Saturday, the 21st day of December, 1901. and answer or demur tothe complaint in said action or the plaintiffs will apply for the relief demandea in Cures Blood Poison «nd Cancer. Eating sores, swellings, falling hair, mucous patches, ulcers, scrofula, aching bones and joints, itching skiz:, boils, pimples, etc,, by tak- nz Botanic Blood Balm (B B.B.) made @speci- ally to cure malignant blood and skin troubles, B. B. B, heals every sore and makes the blood pure and mich. Gver 3.000 cures of worst and most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B. Drug- wists, $1. Describe trouble and trial bottle sent free by writing to Blood Balm Co, Atlanta. Ga. SS ~ 3 Graded Bebosts, Statesvitie, N.C., wri they do all yea elaim for then.” D>. 8.M. o & Raren Rock. W. Va., writee factien.” Dr. M.D. MeGill Anderson--Cail for free sam Je. Se i eee oa ey Ree ran * PILES wes Sopositen D, Mat. Thempson, Supt. tes: *E, ‘38. R. L. VERNON, Traveling Pass. Agent, Tn =Sold in Statesville by Stimson & ‘Crafic Magager 3 COTTON ROOTax» PEXAVRGVEL PRLLS Opening of Winter Season. train. which will be operated between New York and St. sugustine. Florida. Original and genuine, always reliable ard safe L* DIES! always ask for Dr, Pust's Cot- ton Kostand Pennyroval Femele Pills, They never fail and neverinjure. Mailedto anv ad dress on receipt of $1.00 by The Rust Medicine Co., St. Paul. Minn for Sale by W. F- Hall, jr : = = Tourist aiscapgoaitoeion Capsules of « Boxes of-Ointment. A never Piles of ev operation with the knife. v often results in death, unne dure this terrible disease? W+ guarantee ineach $1 Box, Soe and $1 a box, 6 for $s. ples free, Vi cad OINTMENT 25c.and 20¢ CONSTIPATION Cured, Piles Japanese Liver Pellets, the grea Stoma.h Regulator and Blood Pariier. mild and pleasantto take; especia!!3 forchildren's use. 50 dosed 25 ce TER Southern Rarlway, which Operates its “ own lines over the entire South and forms the important link in the great highwav of trav- el between the North and South, Florida. Cuba. Mexico, the Pacific Coast and Central America. aunownces for the winter of toor and 1902 the most subero service ever offered. Its splendid reguiar service will be augmented bv the South- ern Palm Limited. a magnificent Pullman Homes in Summer Lands.” HE above is the title of an attractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department ot “Winter the Southean Railway, Itis beautifully ill trated and fully describes the winter ‘resorts of theSowh A copy may be secured by sending atwo cent stamp to S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A Washington, D.C. acai a / Winter Excarsion Rates. - FFECTIVE October 1s, ror. excursion rates are placed on sale by the Southern Railway = all principal winter resorts of the South and for fet Christmas and New Year Exeur- Sion Via «he Soutsera Railway Ask anv agent of Southern Railway N occount of the Christmas and New! Year Holidays the Seuthern Railway has arrang:- ed tosell round trip tickers n ma basis of one and one-third first class lemmited fares to all points South of the Chioaud Petomacand Kast | Of the Mississippi rivers: tickets to be placed on i sale December 23rd, 24th and 2sth and again on ber 30th. 31st and January zst, with final 3rd, 1902. Tickets for clusive. limited R..L, VERNON, T, P. A. Chatlotte N © J. M. CULP. T. M,.’ Washington 4 D ca W,A. TURK. a. P TM. : S. VHARDWICK,O. Pia,", > Kod Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains a (1 digestants: and digests all —_ : food. Itgivesinstant reliefane i failstocure. It allows you 00 the food you want. Themost stomachs can takeit. DY") peel thousands of dayspeptics bs oe cured after everything else ke prevents formation of £4507 (og ach, relieving all distress2 ae < Dieting unnecessary. Pieass2 Expparet only by F<, DEST Soron a Stimson & ances’ Z aes Rai ee . An imperfect skin is always ¢ bad blood. Remove” cause! Improve you; bleod. How? By tak. tag the blood pus that has stood they or thirty for years Johnstans rsapariila It has thousands of happy friends. Quart ; Botties selj every- { where at $1. “SEE pUCEneAR DRUG COMPANY,” ocean eects, Famous Lis Live: Pills a Relei F sive Use tered Nerves. Kestores the brings the pink glow to pa: you voung and strong egsin By mail to ary address For sale by © Transacts 3 Rep Dr. P. F. LAUGENDUA check on sight | collateral a? ¢ per= al] points. and cre atiops, Jeerctint ep the most favora Dentist, STATESVILLE N C Will bein bis office two weeks heginning with first Mordevine@ll GREG A Cee month n the way of dentistry ind it to your interest to do so Be et * Call an him for aryth You wi Work done in best manvper. Price == eg Asthmale INJECTION Cures Gonorrhaa and Gleet i: action is magical. Trevents stri piete Tobecarriedin vest ; ventative. Sent by mail in plain paid, on receipt of price. $1 00 ; $2.50. The Rust Medici a The Southern Fox saie by Railway ANNOUNCES TUE OPENING OF THE WINT pe Ms\TI Dra FI A TOURIST >Bz AND THE PLA —ON SALE TO ALL PROMINENT —POINTS IN THE— t Tart Rros. M entlemen; Asthmaten “ exico and (Califorvis Co t t re ns INGLUDING St. Angustine, Palm Beach. Miam Jacksonullle. Tamba. Port Tan- pa, Brunswick. Thomasville. Charleston. Aiken Au usta, Pinehurst. Asheville. At'anta, 0 New Orleans 1 busines Memphis an . Home addres-~. 35 THE LAND OF THE Ski Trial Bet:l Do not dea MEDICINE Cq Carolin PERFECT DINING AND SLEEPING (CAR SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS. SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any ticket agent for full information, or address Cc. W. WESTBUR Charlotte, N.C. Ric S, BH. Hardwick, General Passenger Agen J.M CULP, w- A. TURK, ~~ veet All Kind Washington, D.C. es For C We are in a positi JAPANESE PILE CUhy Ma‘erial an aaa New and Complete Treat nature and des Write for our ca ted, 3 For sale by ¥. F. Bail, js all of #2 By itsuse bat do you s “Mow Are Your B27" 449 States ~ Vi ille Mascot. WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARG 3$E A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OT STATESVILLE, N. C., THU eee eee — ? = . ™ = Ey tee eae te 2 RSDAY, DE SZ2= MBER 26 1901 Re Se ? e Tr an a = Z — € Amo’s Jwea Casecy tree Con B eee — = — SS a eee — : pany 1- Burned by Molten Metal. An Aufal! — —— An investigation of th fer: Death Fur Nrae Men INTONGRESS. eneretae — NO, 5. me Suere s : . | Pittsburg, P: ae ° : Se ae = — - ven Cherry Tree Com Sees eee ees Some Wasisi | Newo x Miserly Woman Dies ™ aes een na tr oo <= N Tans been ook, = r By an explosion of gas in aa Soho ashington Happenings. 1 — rleans Dispatch, 20th, SEATKL NEWS Te Anta oo ed bv the Commi eins ¢ ct urnace of J Th x | iss © a = ' _—————emetnmeree eis mis . ; ones & e House pass eRe At 6 A orneti ae } A Crop Posts: ee a | Brady stree. mere EG near | tariff vill Ww a sneer the Phil: ppine | lis dead at oe Sea aged 104, Troe : eas eee Thing. ' SY ” 1 | ewloes 72 fr 2% : ~ the annual inspection ee wi-b/ this morning, nine men were oes a party vore ou last: wee by | iSetbels mead aniaenl eS Miss ed ap in Hi re factories start! eet ee is the: special pre- => - — ‘ies of the State. all nurser-|ed to death, three injured so ae Seek oe Saeasaaia smoerats at | great want and seas Bar liviuyin ee y last week. proved Gs vr A Boschee, & ee Our iuvestigation proves t that they are not expected to ats to no ava asure ViZOrOusly but est clothes. Her oak the ragwed- nance Point is arranging for a fu ee ee oe ae te a 4 satisfaction the 7S o our land swo others -d ive Seaton Sie j full of deed kK Was found ure ex position next =~ | f a 9 be one of the -m : zi | f : ; cencern to b> a angerously burt ALON SiBOUs has int $ to property in N spring ortunate discoveri ost fraud, and the findi The damage tothe p! abil : : sb ntiroduced | Orleans, Sh in New The Charl 22 ltt eries ju medic: es ; ; : : : ines are herewi 2 | . e plant will amount 4 apprepriating 5 00 . Shreveport, Minde arlotte Poultr ae | quickly cures oe. = ¥ wuolisbhed for th = ewith | to $20 U0. Th monument yeni $25 000 fora | Jackson, McC Gen. La., be held Janui vy show will/alll eonghs, colds and : , . e information a © explosion occurred aeub Us Virginia D McComb City. Brook ? - snuary Tth—10 7 ung treub) an a the puble: nation of/in one of the i firse whi: : ginia Dare, the aod ad . Brookhaven Oth 1902 ss of the sev =k oe \ 1° big blast furna rst white cniid . sg ozen other pli £ D | ture, r = erest ua- \ : \ ces. The . doorn in Americ tv places yn Ree rL Ww emoving . *. We fin ’ men w nieve 7 ee : é mca i pi : re YISSISS- ie ett Colem : if tee, as it ana 2 7s been Se i the company has mea oS ae the topof the om Wasn Bs ou dispateh of the Bl ae aS ars ago Miss Seibels physician, of Rico a nd peo of the affection and lea ee ee 3 hb unde 1e wavavement of ae é er 3 feet fr Save: Kepresentativ , y mndon to els Sed x 1e rida in a strong i. ; Ss zane pase “ follow ~ nt of the! gr } oat t Z om thel of Vary presentative Pear fort : Jaim a larg Dioniant 2 and . heaith > z pluto aes vee Agate ee oe which had accumalat- ee Maryl ind teday intreduced a ais i‘ ae there and was arr-steda = ed y er Bros . of Norwand-acsion tas Bae ao reel ie — an. ; r Frank Bright, A ae # furnace, exploded and reviyiny the wrade of vi ws vafranton account of | 5 fast week. Asses $2 -assiga-) but bas stood icine, 2 Nee Bootae p enrietta.jof molten 2d and tons | of the : xf vice admiral} | and forl« of her rarw@ tes 33 90 Asses $2,000; liabili- the test-of vears, : ; : : Seas peter metal ao le oO epaVvy Es sieketaare . orn Gond.-tiar x cae 0. ? i- | ing satis ars, “ive . ag, ERR lPravk Bright), C.D ight (farher of Mee eincoractioient d slag were} puintmen: authorizing the ap leased when $15 > 1. but was re-) Tj} tits : isfaction i in every gase, which Fitte a a: EF erfordton, Cha: Ww Wilkie, Ruth | the top of nfortunate men oo | Wind. = Wm. 7 Sampson, | found c se 0 in cash was pa; here are 316 gewspar es rapidly increasing sale Nakty. 54 r Sa ] S by WW F H ta (?) d Ses Watkins. Henriet | m ae ie the structure. All the Clark v> rid Seat Sehiey and Chas E concealed-on her person @8 ed in North Careiina papers’publish-| aan confimms. Twon Mi asd teria : sa \ ta(?). and Geo. W. Rolli See | MEO AACE rush for the e 3 ark to the ora oe tec —— Here 60 ic th Careiina, a gain of tles sold ition.» bot- < S : ; vt s a : e eleva'or crade of vice ad : — : ic three vears of over , sf annus! iy rs > macaw i : all , gone follins. Forest! out it had v : ry neice oP admiral They Mas: L: j e vears. Boschee’s G _ “ . ; . and €. M. or (M. C)P: : DB vone down and the ce s 3 Peace repr on : 4 c ara 6 Spill Z ‘man Syrup w ; e's Ger- ee riet WD m Paget, of | no e Eee sere Was : > represea's the dis | Raleigh Po ae est: Paul: . Tni Pees intraduesd i KT A ietta. or Forest Cit mos Scars The ju z z trict fro 9 ; e Ss eigh Post. ' Paui’s Episeonu United Stz zr ia the _ Kills <; ie : est City mp mean certai mw which Admiral S cs cl 2piscoval church, three ed States in 1868 : . ad Death - are prineiy ere dea band to 5D} comes and 2 ral Schlev The Avri s mies nor . arate , thre?) sold tn ev 8. and-is low 2 Se ee 5 2 t pal facts fe pall remain on Sand ws bee < ene s > Avriculture co x rh -of ineoi NG in every vn: +9 pee? > ae gt 3 at i oe 3 oa = ce a the company cipond damagy | was just us cert ain ote ae — | herent of the nt one oe ad ollege is voing a a Mech an) cal bu roed jast ee eee was | civilized ee village in the 3 ned St J ig a s Des! ¢ : = molteo metal as Ol; f) ts u cry eae 2 prop dsi- of th U = = oow tbe lead BO insurar dare nere was li + three doses zi : Tz ster of the ti OL and slay fell ; Son To UbIrS imorals S: t © niversity r Oh: uraDnTe. s relieve any ordi ses will * 5m G ig g er of the certificate | men ar ll upon the} Se: .dm-rals Samoson and | oth ; y of Chieago and oe y ordinary cough. F . i {men and duraed n iSenley and (nota . son and | other great tastitati . Zo ace Po BG bea cent ough. FPce 7 Ha iS ee eg witheut /aeath. The a See of them tO} Orey. e ; ptain Clark. of he q1ts gr aed lastitations in requiring EE. Query. of Newel’s soon x Ges Green’s Prize Ali : € é Fn wir enaee Their bolie re acduate : & bur: s, Meckl pac: W. = a 7 h 4 E - eonsent of the C ea Yo lies fell to the roof | BYU, cCanc-ement ‘ = es to know x ury Gounty - CRKIev- ee Tat g ¥ th LE ps i c Dorey cee ae SS Com jof tbe mote G5 feet ee ee oc | of-vies as : e » to ee rap | Pesbaps the ; eee to spell. the ou: = i vs last bis house and all | ~s Rewular : ee se upon stock not | brosea and vies .every bone! , nv. de - tegarde ae tast has 0 ee the outbuildings by fire : rie aaa ly Regular Baokir be Business. D > 7 d to be Covered by it Tt See a and an ubrecognizable ms CODCITALGEY OLED SE Se ee lucation is poor svelli sf Ee, eeOr of fa t e ee isi See Knoxvilie policemea were ed <eOye Tnreres se eposits re} L-2 De non: p: “ of buman ties! Sake gpa Rie Sconce anal Wall aes a fue Sree oe bot Friday night c : ‘ = =? p id on time eae os receives Np tn hon pay ment ofagents who Or 2 flesn, Lhe Senate ind H yuse of R spre oS z ee f his yo you bon - ' bs 7° iws 2 eee ee oy 4 despterado personal securit - : sits. Money les: wpparentiy fuitill : Ieuinariy only sentalives poth adj 2-pre- | women when they I i 2,eey Wire bo escaped bet was : reba curity. Special attention Se lor ; up : = y fuitilied their part Reo e oe a y a three men work] q yoth adjurned last Thurs {so po Poe nthey enter coilegeis t ire, an aged and ‘Bay anil a teas arrested Sun- ! é ~ and cre Gitee on vemiltcd a0) attention paid to ¢ i ntrae on top of the furnace. but this av Sacer g 0 or in spelling th gHeE seis | nian? 3berenad See iles from Knoxvei!! ni * 7 ALS ba r t g a - i < a » ‘ es a Ce Serret re s moro Quy? sGaY, vahary 6 t ~*— vv that their « flames whict t ty “tn rhe! Donererrm pail ras NOX Vie. The. .~ 3 A Merchorts. arulsct lowest rates, Acc : 3. The ioferior quali ing at about 6:1 Jock 1902 J a, | pasition for their wt ee pes woieh burned vohivemnn. splinre : : aie : turers are Indi : co he loferior quality and grad. |t : 5:15 o'clock, one of the or their whole lives is di ne burned her hou = er cae a invered their dill_es “3 a iS -orable ter : rdividus =alicit Or of the tr grad-| heavy iron w : : Bufor crac lives is dis- Vuroam county li ouse ja | OVer bis be ‘ Oly 2S i ee avorable oS ividuals solicited at ee ear PRaree ib hence aaa ee vayons use@ in taking up ae wes ng a special order d mgr misspelled words The iid County last week. [penea ke besaae he rot away.t 222 a: | > , VeCK Re Se i eh etotoe top of th f a Vas Tiwi the @ousid eee "i A. & Mi. llege de x} nie a A _— a to oe arry t nep: oe = IQY ix matt - : Preq: ; rot e turaace The : susideration of | 3 Se ge deals with practic- : fire j | Mevtz Longoangh, ae “ ar ot] JXG A COE pee ee oa Spee eee with which the ana Saas oo top of the structure = ‘ = .n Vaual oil on Pies aa. : ae and it purposes oes Store ot ae eae ao sili’s | sen sation vee robber, who made a " anytbin . ? G. Irt en. Vi Jowvergbip of the coac \ Sole the three menj sent f ay, January ib mae its poor spellers i ee an cointon Thursday would nal escape from tw ae ; Soule: GEO. 8 B&R ; . Vice 2 ted ban c cern has chany | tance s iy SE or. assis- j iin. nee Mek pellers to organize ave caus:d seric d: ville police wo Nashe ~ ! OWA E€ - oS EB Gs. y |tance. A few men wentup b A bill bas deena intra : hemselves into spelling e! penn sus loss but f policemen recenr } r ; e utthev{s 2en jutroduced . spelling class » prom pt or S4{ cen iy. About co so . Cashier, Phe direct f could sot move th P VY} Senate py» > in tha_| either lear - a sses. and ‘ wk in putting it 00 of ther bos t randulen uedeali es the wayon and te by senator Aavoa uri 2 arn to speil correctl Sn it out. | insigned Viontana ban! ~ Pri “ | f comp: ie LC dealings | went up more] Vrs wn suoa vyranting | to get rreetly or fail A dwelling j | not es were f. 12 bank. anyin Daaiieres Dp, wat! 1 the nu Mrs. MCKiniey & v ‘ vliacer their di plom: S is nein Mores: . e found in f es ~ 3 en ss en ee aoe trees | 14 moer reached}, vear - peasiva of 39,000 i eS ‘ing to R A G oe belong- | on the desperado. Keoxville and | Hae 3 che ne s ~ S asses lo : oe 4 er, © ¢ \ hu ome Pea d havings : cous Eye witnesses say that i — The Bisck Bea ~ are burned Wednese , a Rowan | ; 3 come @ Se ae ag wsuch trees sbipoed | most horrib! ay at it was the| North Caroli . es n Club. freaks am ‘ lay night of las | Health and Beant ag sooeecasc ; der the jabel, “Amos Owen Cher- | nes a Pee sigat they ever wit aroma Oey Ae Pad son FE Pee Geir aes k. Loss $2,009, with $1,300 in | 4 poor com ne 7 eno cs i jr¥ trees 5 essed. 1ey say that wh Exposition. oriy youn: uae surance. = y ! -Omp lexion is usually tt ¥ : ies Pe ‘ eines at en the ex | News ¢ 3 ~ ”- oy unmarrie | result Uaity coe : Sau Se ||; SW De lieve N plosion took aS : @ ex | News and Observer, soth Geneva. N- Y zarried mea of of a torpid or or irre i 3 4 Asthmalens B . ate a gee company tobe an| great a e place there was one; Noarit v th es N : Y., have organized a + here are tUbisosane 5 jaction of ae Se ro irrega ar 3 AASt } 7 | mu re ‘ ¢ , = 2 ¢ : Nerth Ca m4 ac ean . at Z, the thr 1USaBe~ 1 5 aiene brings In a 1 iud, and warnali persons | were illumi Spore and the heavens ti. et0) pa week at the Peep anCluo.. It meets oncea the three State hospital ersans in | i furets refuse Unless pa- ‘ : let an Perm in | ere illuminated with a sheet of leston Exposition bas fi 2 year, and at tbat tim aCe >| WHOM at 2 hospitals, 869 of | } use is carric -d off it ill » 1 ! ti { 3 « 1 ars sheet 7 aa DhL1ON Las é _ ete ie . < eo - ea rbBoem are women a epee Ti sure . 5 w Lume 1D A y EL ot pep earcos flames showing the men on — of ayreed upon enka. aly been | taining forty beans OX CNL anplic z * omen and 775 men. 238 | bp r, cause impure blood. Pim oe ‘ a = ce, ere - - -RSON, Sag one mee Oo aiog April 7b 1902 he Week bein | vlack, is pa a a = one of which is a ee nots were refused admissio . i Thi s and other eruptions folic aa ’ ir es =< 5 is > mogth aus asse areue % st year a SS10b | erent, oe ee tow CENT AES pra | FRANKLIN SHERMAN vouuission | fating wildly. The fl ea Goverave Ayevek . who Graws t areucd. The man pierre eee method of throw) = SENT AFSCIUTEL Y FEEE CN RECEIPT MAN JR, SE eae e-flames and hot] geived Ayevuek yesterday re | married eee SOA IE RAT a 0 = Loire poIonSaisen ~ of throwing es 'T OF-FO Entomologi Do es ikea voleanic in ae edaieiter trom Col Hem ed before the p Stigety. fe Sos Omen Caer jed isons which the dowels fail- WRITE VET : MOrOes tien Five i ae jirfor de {-mphiil | Pree next meeting. Save seut out ree Co. to eee DeWitr’s ae ~ x RNSsME AS ae ——— ee ive of the men ormMiny Dim vat the e 2e expenses of es at out cTreul aWitr’s Lit A*D ADDRESS PLAINIY. mas off tke top of the f were blown | directors aad s: sb the exposition [trom the tre: bis wedding is paid @zents inform ars totbeir 3.560 | Early Risers are eS ae = le - Fat Jobs tin Manila, as it May a nes and stranve | tion of rs oad sancioned tae selee |ciud he treasury of the club. in ,C?™van a uz them that the! “°° edying this i en ee Washineton Corre: es ' o yseem tnese men <¢ 20 Of LOIS Weeds hens uaoe a weddiny ?t Seti eal cheat v was defunet and h: : stir ae condition. The gtor rrespondeuce P hilad : ones the . n are the + x. : x : 1 tour and the fur ly Sea tand bad bard. />'" viet the ic 2 There is oe or iladelpnia Rec-| 2&5 that are still livi ™ Norta Caroli: vif . nishing of a hou T™ be tur ouyh money j Lae ive “rand romet ‘ nothing like ie ear > i Jiving. The oth Carvlina will make a bi = a house The mem: ft . + y to buy aS > » oy promete i Pe shes % g =~}: on , ers ht : bene ~play @ ig |do uot know who d members “'aMps. ¥ postage rang b seri It brings instant relief. ev cise ee A Repuodlican member of C een the railiog, some on the display ai Cbariestous during Uv : ) not Know wD» Graws the bear <a LD p pI 2 wis but 2crion of the ee ee tet. ev abe ol cei bys SS of Congress | ?UtSIe. others on the insi @ dates agrerd upon and ; w vbel] til heis ready : 1e bean ub- Phe to; : S but nev patos i fail cases. It cures wh oY cise (PI rus just returned from th Pn e inside, unti-|} tion. wort upon and a representa | vagement. ady to announce bis ens = two-year oid son of Kirt lerauips or. distre oe zm piog, | sLiS ee sé | Pd tipprses bas b ~ the | their crothing was bu d on, Worthy of tue Stat en verveinen Six months 1 ss Smi:* of Vay ney mY i Sti : : ress. Safe pills.— ‘ i © 2 rouvht back al} ‘her ; rned off. They | prese : v State, Will be | oimt months is allowed Of “ayne County, wa ¥\ Stimson & Anderso : copy Gt the civilian a ac au nen fell to the roof of th : = t seot. , oO Deeome envaved x ed to death last ’ as burn |— n. ; ! The Rey. C. F WELLS. of : civilian pay roll : ne oof of the mill, deady 3 ey yeriod he waved If ai that’ child's dre: st week. The li : } ; eavs: “Your trial bottle eau ia . fp the. He insists that its ll a: Ma [Seven of the victims w f s Nov ou! wili Govornor Ayeocl om iod he is unengeged the ee ie chia -dress ¢ The 5 little Sch ey ‘s friends in Vo { << iy Reese comer Wenn -|extravavance ep b it shows grea dead on the platform of ok ound | aud the various State offi Ayeoock |look ap @ ygiri wbo will | me mbers moth: i while its|decided not to ask C. Onyrress have | anktul I feel for the pe mal . ti ow a v Val 2Q the part of b * ue oO 1e cup yla Lue S By ‘ jerals att od] marry - s Yli bave nim for a ua 5 yf the ~ : . ‘ to as aAngress t - ae ‘ regia tice Maat z aeriwed sail eta Seee ee coment ans this | these were Con ny red e eX pusillon Norit Saari arry he mast Th . 74 fow = f the rcom for a/| vestigate . ., aly ieee Oo 12a- i 1 TRY ana e. chained with putri : ' nt, aod that upietelvy deoud Worn -arolind Wwe De 5 32 «Dachel ¢ its. gate the Santiag . ; j eas Ste cena ae pared oslecer E> hat Congress | clothes by th ded of }out an eo ire r na Week, | 'ots Ciby etl Oe They wil P zo campaiza ; Vv & es nyears I wedi oflece aid pruae li is = by the flames : . eb ire regiment 12 y migh: follow suit and They will ask Secretary gs ' ~ cave! this dreadful and ade <fheehe | | oe.cival pelanarneite } were burned ae aod their b dies | Guard wil accuurp a a “f. Stite |vanizea bean c¢ - sat Gak : me on Yerritt. fora long time | Ses ag ata Soar Rong for = u a the VILE sa >, = y aoe daimost toac : > sb abeuiipal Is apile = < ug er ot. ae dl eA ai wie aK J ae 1 2nG Bee len onl ny’ accel eae ae ter = Be ao Nee lary rollsat Manila Taio ais oS a crisp cy) Pbis bas Deca y Sacelien | the bachelors s: re. Whatdo Sditprie ied lorie g time! wil) appeal t bis is 2 granted iene zht y , ate DUG name t distres : : Jeera deh ge rs say. I. of tt New apneal to the > . ynr-elves br ke: : ames of Americ essing feature { gd : ehuat vely - - ‘ , } Ie sNews | » the Presider ¥ cor rscives but revolved Ss it T awe mh olecaw Americans aud | the disaster was the — ° re of }cided, thouch as yet Agia oh) de - ey ‘ -erver will take charge f dent. : Send © trial acted-lih pacers : Soa aw an aygrevat 2 zeta ning of afer P, Ne meen aul Gen Ppaiach 3 the A-heviile Citiz re “iter NTE cud mea full size bottle.” re nu | stipead from the eee man oamed Frankowitz He w Fo Koyslter Gas nol made pu lic eet Fevoredby The He « mints Sir zonon J anuary Ist ‘ eee ASON ¢ $3: 686 989 Or hese: 2 sonra ~een by tne thousands of people ae Se esi sweats fur the movement Washington Sea el jes i Seer pee it one of the best dail- “T wish tosey that I feel I _ AS Linericans, wl olen are | veve O5 their way . z e}foftbe miujie. — oa ~ Cees tes in Lae State. my life - ari Dy: “ek sai é : ans, Whose yearly e r way to wore. to 7 . Presi ny life te Kodoi Dys iz : > ‘ . ad : . a te > 3 .to Tru are } 5 esident R ie eae in : ys pepsi a, ce i Rev Dr Merris Weck ler, aeons foots ao $2 280 044 y Pee a the platform railing and ieap a A oe revimeot that is to accom Ree ai Roosevelt today sent to: ee rol aerers writesH C. eae tg = < = i i 2563 61 S . ; ere are > air. Fiore = . ” ny the Governor of Om yvress< eiter strong! : cncnected of b: a: 4 a , was Geld, Mi x : ScD, 97 lay- Resa cece iconey ened incael = es = ail witaafew excep |shed and Zie lte the stock yard |cers isto ve a p za rad S ate offi |!ug the plan for a ? ae y conn mmend b nt ; . a of haviey set fire to the] tro eons ~ For three \ earsT y was i 1 ais Oce vier minor F ' “ u > t o aie artic or r use Of& a CeCQOVI “ v —_ ; ve a ee meee eee tt es ininor places, which | .efore the eve a y burned to deatb posed ot . ional vae, cum |“eserve in the Southere oa f rest 4 as oceapying one night | could beld ith dyspepsia so that I ; ate RS. TAFT BROS * MEDICINE 0 cum! cae alotSSv6 945 to the in | feet oeluw we the erowd lift, | regimen Settee et men cra a oge rexion The peas ae therepy endangering the | Many a sotbing on my stomec a os U e| r - ee Your *sthmater me a t : him Se ete way to reach} Wel De Con aca ae e Guard. Iu] report of the 5 a uate of hod a \ few days afterwards aioe oes ; Tos eee re : emedy for Asthma and Hay Fes i nivWiug is &lstof some of t minapded Gy the Sedivr | rure ete eee Agrics o town put : orsel of food. Finally I composition aleviates all tronble~ aoe sa et yi Pa 2 of the ali Hl ~vlovel of toe Yvuard S si oa this su j +ci L th smn him on | confine t 7 * i auy Iwas ‘ cins with a ete Say a whi ee ae ty civilian officers:| Fet!S00 Feet —— =e z cite onsice as ame a . he AGju Coe pe oe ghee ate ers never to Come j couid se ee = Doctors said L | iv erfu : iG aft, president of cox i re ‘k , slusc Gis stat ae <<, (Ff aete ant os ee : thet o-=, : hive. 2 a ge i : After having it carefully analyzed s Shou, 820 OUU; Rg a of Commis | Salisbury Dispatch, 2otht ucket. Govterum aS = a : i te Cts acGertained set forte an econ e RG ake lek oo one of your i that Asthmatene eect can SON: J vur comnui- o . . Ath will betas part — penera, | ‘'C need of prime importa 2909 er. of Rutherford Gara = i A ios ol Dyspep: 2 { z Be ve. chloroform or ether. not vers $15 WUU; seeretary to the 2 ass Russell a vounge whi Re AiG » ay peSeoch aoa portance to vs ago | foraton, ; hought it fit my case a:d ! . Very truly vours com Diss 01. 37 OUU; Caier ji the |p ved at the Uni So eS efisicl represcutation of ul eee Oa aod bence te ibe uation vs ago beuzht the Am commenced its use I vevar See i Rev DRM RRIS Wc 2 Ene 1 2 Justice Sf ESTA cnet nion C spper Mine State w be uscaGhi as malas ui : 2 Whole, aad they polat to ae cry, Tre 9e Co's busines prove from the first t tt aes oe r - : ea~ur ge j a $ a Eines? © “ : itrac! | Aeces 7" : « > j of oe I ReSS “ ~ re) , Trew W st I tie ricer Tp cox SPEINGS N.S). Febreas ~x justices, two ot ee ee 000; | pis afterns oo cea = a USL pees eet eee = - =~ Gf protecting threuzh f business. A kas lost ae cured and Sea = ; nee I e : Ss > briary : <7 : ; 2 r plnos na anw Russell had |"! wa ver erred “use a m ' ae is bargain ar ; "1 Dig seh ommend it to aii - t il : <7 Yul: Auditor, Sb f s ; ers ssel! had Lev pur ; yuotain reei wain aud has digests ye f . H . - ¢ AS Conta ens ordntc es a aa SO OUU, collector oO een working at the ov ; = ' a : purpostiy Celayes piluesce flow gin whose hig Sabi yourfood. Cures ail stom- aliforn trthe pas My w oes ake ea ng tested the wond fect pbs fb OWE nead of De we Secs foot shaft, with fiv nok n of a 300 PERP 2 Visits bo ite exp Silo = a Somer ss ce tiows far be =e od its ithe t ae ra ce a IBe Company in 12 +h troubles.— Stimso y Jnd we a t 3 D f i D Paes aes sien ae afflicted With Ss acn a 1 . 6 YUU : ‘ epartiment> f —— ? ih five otuer emploves bil TBE Seieciiv xi i ean uuu »-rders witb the wuters otat ; ' baaks Dbelunvliog to the as ar .ncerson, 3 ny sk «well as men st i ost, 50 - chief of ae e mine, sen : 4 BIOVES | sy mig flue date i een. ne waters of the riv—) Cwucr- 5 So ar ona nae Ran ea } taking it about the first ewe York. Taton Se eaeen 2 iD ic SO UU: ci ee . } education | exer a = dios Np suCcsessiVe varullua Weed i rs Ki Geen ' rs to which it gives rise. Afle { ai; Chas Emory Smt SS ce : ‘ a vottie er Astuma ha- eae Sh soon noticed a rac? ee | 0) :cOte: Of Aeaita Bu tk SC vo. The S agrecd up ereiog to the marv Pak sare ine Ptaeas |General, bas tend b. | Postmas ! * vata n conmsiste re nds = ¢ re } zt ue 4 - fe AT oe t» So ever ai ~ 2g «6©marvelous Verici + will be i Cutie t ay . : si eg eee in jsteutly recommend the “ eet aera ee oe et an ’ ); Attorney Generai.} ih AG or clock Saeed iiede Rdimines . 1 eVery Wey an ind richoess of plaat scowst Vorit : < oe made in the case! tion to take eff 5 — red his resig “ z afficied with Ubi » DIY. e jas: shit of . " fae ex positi . aioe ‘gaat growth in t vs. i : ts f 2 effect early ms Ss respectfully. bas ious : se fas brit bh ings for the dav ve 10 its rp Spysitien wWiti evion. the Pr eadeat a . a = it a rior af nd Western | | ‘he pian ‘ = 1 next mon: b. > +t ste Fy co pe ny ‘ + thet « - 2 at UC eer sa - ‘ : > < test t ; seal Gea 4 i t if q OD PHELPS. M.D a See llast Governor] | 1a the t etand yave the usual edvancioy ae 13) Lie audth-|-Urpassed for purpus aye st the constitauonsl ©. Payne bi il appeiat Harry ESS Dr. 7 Sy : : is receiving 312 000 ar wr psgaat to tbe hoister m: van) he ur ee tuy weather will make | V0" reserv ag ses uf a bard yz act, which forvids th i Se Au betes, Shey SN 131d ar di . anuually | She b ees = aa at the to elfipa he wore avreval . serve and be esrue-tl ane ve i si Is < 9 : a Sid ver diem. After that dat bueket in this shaft is a 1 p re ayreeavle, aeuds the project rue-tly com j, a cases from the State to } ‘ : v: ) =. f é 3 ial zs Seine = a5 Le es shaft Is a larze . DFOJLCL to t or ithe Federal : > i : a cavtaalead se ns pacer ree paceman) Rumee | sedis i was fixed at $d 000 a vear ne, and isdrawn up by a ae The Pulineca M — jee oa »to Cosyre-s. ; thi 3 Geras courts. A motion to An Evangelist’s Story i ta, 5 Dec ace enhances UT Advertisemed.t and stay the meres ie} is Commissioner and $19.0 : oyine, to whict =< e 7am ee mrss i cal S = ieee & was F: * “T sufi ; =! ss . ee ort tacam eal futl-~iz- petaeginie ates Se aie sioner and S10 UU0 addr ae ao to whch the wire is attachoa | lei” Pest anaes Aduilral Sampson Critically Ii this casdat WE mide last week is “I sutiered for years witt . pants eet dad Che 7 was unablete work. I am oeeineke = rr t ty ' re rs toe bead of tne burea unnioys over a gallows like s = : ; Pres! ee Washington Dispatch 17 aE ie : use at Wins 00. chial or lung troubi . E 2 bron- 3 * 33d. Rivin zee ey So ike uch use hac, ee 3 — or Golleawues On the c : Ul oy at the top, crtle ; scatfoid Ce f the A ana se The three v } jous re a és ss and tried vari- gion street. ou see fit ¥ s ) the commis a p. Ciled the “popper M “Coilege-inf ora t { and Admural S: : as ne three ye old son of Mrs | emedies but did notobtai : = it APHAEL ! sO ur 2 paid $5.U00 a year as 192d The envine has a capacit She Spe Se rms P5sc that land or “ , . ain pson is eritieally ill | David Jamison of Wi Mrs !manent relief until I +Otain per- . enkyY Sa cee eh Ss tabers of the ae ’ Z 4 > isting 10 tens ofore u eer ies “d aaa 131 OU Bas Deen surseriv PEOOS ON eet en leave bin found lying face rai ston, was u-ing One Mi = a a commenced > HE Ski Trial Betsle § - $10:000 core each ash AY aod) seitharcate of 1.00 ip the shaft |°d to*ard (he erection ay ome again. Every pleasant { Pues a downard in the fire} writes R é nuve Cough Cure.” etile Sent Sb- olui e! Fy: sts aa: eads of bu 0 feet 2 minute posed ba on f tbe pro-j avon, si i ‘ sant after | c oy bis mother. wi s Rev Jas. Kirkman a ‘ j ree on Re ' aus. Pneir ce a ~ When tur 3 nute bard-.oa: Pulse uce bis retu er > : ier, when shej}) ‘ . an. evangre- eeeipt ef Pos al. : oa WMp@Bsatiog there suman fife is the freieht in| S63F the ¢ z Puen mem or ja | Deen adie t ate ro ob he bas|Tetucaed irom the well with ee of Belle River, [il **I awe, i . A Pp eis S15 VOU annua mi he ducket ta = Sa eee luis hoped able to rake a wal eket ol w an : ha | hesitation i : ave Le : <LEEPING : 3 - = iy. Ser erate of progress u wifl be a topped there fied by Mr & ace» mypaa jou eketorl water. The littl : esitatlion in recommending i : a * > not de av. Ta nt > = to Sie wards is slove gress up- ) ving in interest } = : ia Sampson. & grr ai ets The little fellowjsu is BED ing it toall PRAIJNS. MEDICIN a W ite at once, a Get DRA RE BRO eee <— ato siower. movement un aor as terest in this | Yeuteur aa sins a Suoday be} elt a few momeats after being Herers from maladies of this kind.” IINE CO. East 130 : 2 = . TAFT BROS ena Sommers bi - ifortunatel ; on this - i the necessar ae fast time out jinfted out o! fi zing | One Minute C y cme J). ys 30h St. N Y Gar \ ; te : ae Ss Nus appointed ene ee an this eeeasion the aM ount $10 BOO require sary | Gimself so weak that hb sacs os: i 2 of tne ire. ane x u e ough Cure affords im- * ae - i = Re deville, ee =. eS e is talking to some one vuiding yu red for tbe] to returo to the bous ne v =e obliged | William Marsh, who w i Sake relief for coughs, colds and 4 READS r Be ny t +e pucker c " ee : e bouse W t fin | een eee as siet- | att Kinds < > ; = se core will go to] s9d carele i came up the shafr. Much cd: es card aly isbiug his waik itbout tin }ed at the last aerate convict ble 5 o = of throat and iung anges . s e the * rl i all vous? + The success . i ( , ; = 2 . = : c RAILWAY. ary, he pe er the holidays. ood contro} ¥ magi it to get be the enter upon the a ee ne It was learned today that S iG ‘eensdoro, of ee ns aon eters eee rr Is uneguailed. oan 2 ———— — — trol. t eonsequen:iy G ty ur action of tbhe}<oao bas soe Samp- Pwants t : 32 spirits Absolutely sae a 4 ‘ —— he “popper rae tly bit y 10 1G atter of a sultabie | ao bas not Seen Coyniz ge en ee immers S sii ake iS cee ery pleasant ' 4 t for fell 4 , g ral TyVAl = lit : sco : head” with great force tion for tee bu 3 y Le SUITAIIC 10Ca 1VATlOUS features ee the; Baptist chur “ z 5 ed and jc the eee fails and is really a a 7 idress : WO STAI lE SENATORS d he men betng more or less bruis-{oired ont s ig. A site isd | schiey controvs s of «he Sampson jorder th ‘ sail oc ane Boyd--will vorite with the children ‘They li = 3 : os Bee z co 2 23 ir os 4 a ers ¢ Sie Pate an: . Oe raiie , . i oe = ‘4 z ; ENDORSE PEP 13 a scapes Russell being knocked of the ¢. cK Ame oF rE rty, eas’ | He pas di- played eee a year,7 where he oe 5 ‘ a Sorry county, it.—Stimson & AnGerson y like : tO -{ h ul sent down wart 50) : - bain Oniidl ny. which a S ae 30 interest what i z ee ea, 10 take bim se 3 U- NA nis de 1300 feet to] Was donated iol Sapna Oar chjever in Ube find : t-jsecureiy paudcuife > . . = s death His body ma the city ‘be aa ett e ndiogs. Samps: gee audeuffed to Fi z = ‘aS Dezlers an hori = es ae was orought S‘aphoye Putten as 9 aah = the late | family aod friends have eens S| the immersion - sh river fur pe Ee bas appointed J. C % ~ a ya terwards & were en the grouud a v i s wiviog | paintully aw 2 ade! ma . Vs “Hore now lle oy nf > of j-liv Piss acon cosine mass =. 1d Go Giichwibe collccenn ily aware of the bitterness of | The ane - port of batons eollector of the | ; rT? See naga ofthis compand? see c se ee ees ilege is | tae Controversy by the rec ness Off ot the Frea y rains recently | deeds fo Wilmington, recorder of | eoasidered nothing less th Phe idea ; almost every oes! he recelot OV; p gs French Broad out of si eeds for the District of ° f A ¢ ¥ rs rais orPr-c ~~ o” . - - ; < ( 3 .: es ' > = : oe Co 7 ™ voTne Na i int ( | arbie di (| von ae The dee se a0) dicing bail on? <P oct a’ building for | from Schley’ mailof abusive jetters | D2" S> flooding the Ashevile c on to succeed H P. Cheatham = ic Manag y T3227) e deceased w z sing hail on the first floer ;: : chiey = partiz ins’ y vari miil and A “ J nt ha . Che , colored 2 e ; 3 ¢ ased was a native arve aud o st ocr and % : - : s’ in various | 2'" Ane e teneme whose term ier oe ( i} | gt iigi Loincu vine = a native of this} l@txe aud) Ovium on the secon a| pacts of the Uried States hat ekhe ements houses nearjs) of office is to expire 4 i Aisa wy 7 ing near Gold Bul for use-as a chi 3 econd floor, oe e livht and power plants SCOrs 4 ‘ tapes Me < ; a > Ne : i _ I F ' — <> -—— - acd auditor: Tv were also submerged “i § Ww ae oo great ocrasions 2 tom he Bovuk , R z se ars merged and J J os Cemetery and Bui dis ig P poses. oer ‘ Sasa t» Run the State as we'l a- Cae the college, | Raleigh News ares pitas was in darkness Lhe os soy oO Seyes Two From Death. 4 i ul leig /espondence Asheville Citi ve as S { that would b News aud Observer. oYsix fee: de i we Ss ave ‘Our little daugh ; tTe in a position to gu Tbe legis: . wn availabie for s} e Tre L =] 7 ies cep in some of the hous-|s2 f aughter bad an al- j jvote the verv loves? pric : ‘egisialive com: . Speasings or other p e Leyisiative Examini es. s-| cost faral attack of : a ; ‘ es on Monurr it ~ Y nittee made|li¢ gatae ai - 2u0 7. samining Com- | s ack of whoop: ; BO che jets, Headstones, aud all kinds of cemete um i report on the State Treasury = & Qeriags in whien ees mittee have com pieted the a om { fe : “ and broncaitis,’’ Ser ping couga a < etery work. follows: Balance in easoty. (as ee It would b LY | rien of the account ab a ioe A subma-ine lightning apparat Haviland. of Ar writes Mrs. W. K. 4 Maia le ; No eene oper general fund |OfOeMent to tha! She ene ae ab sate as ounts and books ia the besiosiced asics ‘ing apparatus |) .of Armonk, N. Y., ““ a = Ma‘ erial ; a mber 30:b, 1900 $101.143; ee ee of tbe park office of State Treasurer Lacy aed New is ae Ezaneth City from when all other remedies —fai »_ out, e ‘ an y orkm2n:=hi9 S : . ss ceipts ae ee . 3 1e- property, acd as ibis ina f > state Auditur Dix wacy and; - ew York to be used in searchi saved her lif : cies failed, we * t._comsiet * a ‘ suaranteeca % oe 3'th, 191 od 602 666 “Eeooodt of the cir tine, wou! ; : ew sleps |igw ixon as directed oy | ‘vr the body of Netlte Crop ees Di ae oe Dr King’s New me ent ti , 3 JIL, D> 2 Synge aT e “@ a place ol ride ‘ a . - eas opse w = ory. ur peice ot ae E irst Cia “ ures ar xpendi utilisy for J z 4 piace ot Tin & mystericus!y j vu = J! neice who hi a x s are as follows: D - pudlie gatherngs Phe committee put a . 5 > C isappeared Nov. cousumpLior : . a at : eee s: Se ae 3. ttee putdownin writi ber 207! we Sovem- tion ian an advanced sti . aeanessn 446- : anverous| President Winst re their: ie gta i ritirg 20th. Andrew G alsa anced stage pai Nirite f, Cee Dé 0; hospital, at = : : gston savs_ there is approv alofthe 2ceo : ante ail rev Crovsev. of iso used this wo Ze. te for our eatalozue and prices. ~ See ALEC@iFecencporo Seis coe ‘on tbe college stag records 10 bota offices eae and es Y ik uncle of the ane aud today she is more y weil.” Recline organton $112 633; ava ou e for the erecti Casion to ce TL Ook OC stay tees The electric liek ar Des; ly wei Cure, 5 = $112 633:Deaf and D d = ction of this b o compliment i : ctric ligh es perate threat eee : ; : ing, and hi : of this bull | wor ’ the marner in j Paretus be ¢ ae at and lun ise y mail YARIS Sehool at VMervan: ae umd) 2, iopes tke park wbich doth offices in jf? be employ : yrela te D ge iseases tk : s 2 a eed #48 TiS; St wil ae GC pars property th offices have be : tov ihe ; eGin explor ia to Dr. King’s AT STA 2 SViL E $-L ISBERY AND NORTH Wi KESEE Fe seen S1U7 S08: pecicticcrar De eae PETTY | ducted, Is was a deserved ee sae cai me sinomon I. to co other ee wine — RK eek: oartment $67 54S a geet tion uf t hee : > n Se otalli if 6O eartiz. 334: Sol is McLaurin : : competent and ani —— allible for coughs :z ¥ “ $14,818; Scnoi i ; Soldiers’ Home cLaurin Lands ia the R-pnb! ces in both Be ei ot and anle for |Judge Boyd Co and 21 Ut r coughs aad Colds 50c _ HON. J. H. SAUER. ee Ghee Oi abr Mute and tarty. pablican | oi nce f. offices, nor even the sem-} tonin The J ntinues The Injunc-| p H: \ ) Dottles zusracteed by W. [Se calely =6. Z = . 2 se ot an 4 as = . ames-H al ‘Lriz pe . ——_————__— Hon. J. H. Sauer, State Senator 3113.291: Rctesier ed cre pensions Washington Dispatch, Toe in arias: See letected. | Greensboro Dispatch, z9tt ees Lrial botties free. « from | .. 7 O* alan Se oie t ono Dre: Oo Dzspatcn. z5ts- . Dougias Cc., to the Nebres e@:] Colteve. oh SF i M-chaai It is a fact. not generally : er’s office w — the Trea-ur Inthe Ucite eee ame ss Theodore and Laur ee ka Le aleigh $ nerall a } ie J 1 ieture!lawrites! from Sent gis fo cceoe Noreh Cae $54 645; Uaiver- ed, that Senato ae rally publish-} and thew s compieted isst week. | rhbis af? J sted States Circuit Court | 's Keown in tht ure Jackson, who r 5 3 2 : eis snator My — ~ : ‘ 5000 Ji . : : : Omzhe, Neb., as follows: eae Sea Con $31 OUD; col | Carolina, artend + ae Be ore en eee approval and com forder ‘ - von Judge Bovd issu-d an |O Deita Diss de ate a : Ss: = Y t « ' ; . v 14°70 e * C 3 < ~ 4 er @oerinu! a eis , “Having tried P nore, 40.000 al Colleve.at Geons- | C#acus Tuesday 1¢ Republican | , Was plac ed on record | strai nuing the i+ janction re euilty.jo ond ar, were found ee Se ————— mend it t6 cl! _ eruna I cen com. on $6 6 = ), Oxford Orpban Asv reward a aay moruiiyg apd was yetraey, The committee conrrat Fone the sheriff of Rywan cour-]™ ral p a op of fraud and im— . —- — mors fas @ great tonic an WO;sundry ex rasan ded oy being place 4S }ulated Chief Ci ce a ee jog th z ractices aud s 5 “ oo eS : sie ; = < six e , iny tae : xf sent ~ ticeler! nga onde ieee Bulsoce Deceniber eS SS Sane asaR ee east eS ES = Be nay = hoinecina Ranleo = abe ern North | acd 7 years of penal servic = i - > uble sehan! 26: 2 meeting Senat? ; tov | yf tk = a0 ec ludsoo ¢Judge A C seein: ; execution. | tively last EF % ols HE arr of eo-J. H. SAUER. Ee. chool fund bal y Senatbe Mc Laur 3 ne Auditor's offi: ive A C Avery. cf 3 riday.~ printing is ap old ope He ner 30 1 alaoce Nov a brief sta be urto m +de 3 = office, upon the . of Morganton nore aT = r 30) 190) 229 eno ief statement ic . = splend zon ; : 2 theland B EF Bene, ea len ace which but the 2 rable Patrick Kennedy, Member| be ve: 0 $23 216;reeeipts during | Claiming vos of bis position plendid ¢ dition of tae books in jar Loog. E q . of Statesviile : p: jay type b we dis’ of the Massachusetts Legisl S ear euded Nowe 30 wtbat be Gyu a not © = ovoth the offic:s Toey « 4} argu d for the dissul = pe on the nice fine of stati the foll islature, writes | 317 620. di er 30th. 1901, en ly act wih t OaSI<v | and c : ev are popular} jus ution of the in ohieh werha di ionery ollowing letter fr . 20. dispursements 3 p A & toe; Democrat : Competent young men Sree junction, while Cap: oN have reeentls put in m: ike Ropres om the House of yesr So 304 ; = Guring the Was vlVeo eu piace : ats. H- safe to sav tt a ¥ men, and it i-j} of Salish: ~ p} barles Price think italateinvention : es one aa ee: Boston. sr 30.304, valance $35 524 cones. oe fullowiog | g- O say boat the books of the iw aa R. vary. appeared for the South P eres ° : : m sector S. B. Hartman: = ws gOS. atm peace = tes were rer j 2 iforn Rulway ab : . - on ou eat- - = ans Cotton seed PF : :Ri ver, fndear ns - Mississipp: vw : never in better hands }ivj > : 2ud praved that the 7 all of = Dear Sir:—“I have no hesitation in| Sew Ories GuctiBcuten dn Mites. ers) SEK an Aff: rs, Masufsctar essrs Lacy and Dxoa are to t ju:cion b= eoatinued Judy : Ys _ 4 New Orle: oor le cveutive es : ij : % 1 Boyd cont ie oe ve ail kinds — saying that after having tri-d dozens| Th Es Pcs osreann Devartmeuts aad ae ented upva having suck ex aoe rs the injanction or zo : ish — : ; > : s tation. i Semical foress : e grou i : ; “ “fata nev IF WE i of other remedies without relief, I e fight between the Mississippi Tr zi : = =. : st the. execution of Ihave kept Ayer’ = ee owe 5 ississi re mask i- oi at las meee idement could aie - yer’s Cherry Pec- to eat QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW a my pee eineatiierdicioarcicolch Se = ‘owers and the cotton ene Laurio fas t ee last and Ve Fete : iS ore ee oe ee be enforce: toral in ee ; os pet itae ssh - ~ Perung. 2 . st ove Ke ee is -plae2 i syvray ouad. velust toe Souter i! - ars . vst a mat : : : : WILL GET YOUR WORK crete ak ti I know it to beasure | -eed: has were pace. oe eaa Soe Pane ree be =: ee Carroliton, Ga., Dispatch, 20th suit to whicd that aoe ae the Se ee aaa epee nen hee tae igestion and its victory for) Qoxed Pre s= te : ~ ‘ ee Ce endl ¢ world f have D Seba me a afilicti 5 attendani| he growe or several year: r To 2a} 10t aparty. Th ‘or coughs and —_ re iction, nervous debili : rs. The mills fi Cir>dl : 3 ne South e beadles=s body of : e case pow goest co . fated. —____— ae reat ebility. For the six | Pric fs s fixed the rina D-m wr sts ; dvoia man sup-| bet icuic Co xing J.C. Williams 5 oe Seals anion oks that I six e of seed at $12 bi wili not allo” | 2S -d to oe that: £ Prof. . vis Courtof Appeals : . Attica, N. ¥ on the stoz = ———e — a “ wes on the : 4a top and ayrere im to o-vored for a i z rof, «hand! perobani Ss, anc eaaromes uiter eat through the r aS ere Se any more, for which a fne action of ‘for in their primaricn as a teach-r wh» lived in Path the C a aes Sere Court « = ; * x . a - s “>t 7 a = ; - 2 es, EB - ae workmen, better material to k eee and although I spoke | the eet en sued ia; b-re as very siga'ficast pce ce Remten os oe ae today. be All serious lung wit a Detter hh weer : roe times each a i and indicted a ee iss of ruck, at Ow T : ne of stationery ay my voice | United St by the lepure : $c: deve } troubles b : ered ationeryv. ete. en- never failed me. Ik = ates graad jury {| Ground ~. purae coustv. Al s egin with i vo de better work Than ev F . I know that Peruna is } ‘otlis jury, aad the) ‘s booken Frid ast O y. Ala it was is AO ith a anever Work ‘ft «= @ reliabl seou found St. Lo a Friday for the | #3" Ovrober tbat . 5 t f guarant or c cure for bropcbial it 19 . Louis Ex so0~ tbar Pr andi- ic wilia ae ~end us your next order. we 4} PB. J. Kennedy troubles.”— | Ma:n'ain the rate ee xe Eee eappeaced. He a ene _B CK ling. in the throat. ppreciate it. : : os ; oe . ~- quence of the ‘nv oa in con | of Genehi Branch, Poik ed in Lm z AG You can stop thi Soo you do not derive prompt and satis- pi territo asion of Mississip-) D S ; t to Alt. sore } county, Ga. ana IFIT stop tas at first factory results from the use of P Ty Dy the milis in Te Micheli, Puiford schoo! just over the Alah in a single nich ; = aS crune,|¢od other Siates, with th Xa8 “During a Nivsage oie ord, Md: {teeta Cleourne county. & es AILS t with THE Sua ee raenctivc artman, giving # ; queuce that -b~ Spree @ conse with ned -ore =. ess 1 was trougted | ~°0 with sone money io | e was ” Ayer’s Cherry. Pectoral. MASCOT PRIN be pleased to your case and he wil} from 814 w ld to secd.is now P-Wirr's Wr oh q advised to try | sad the oext dav di vanes ee ; Use A. Puowe 35 NTING CO Se aie give you his valuable ad | US Ward. 2 aud tending with wond-rfui r: z+} Salve god so|-otire community appeared. Th it al::o for bronchitis, 5 es arfui resulig— I w = ; : ea as arous: Overt . SEALE Ph i Address Dr. Hartman, President of . Foy, of Wi aoe curred It fs the best saive os sSbiaton terrae aes he bac consumption, hard colds, ‘Tle Lauran monitor, Ouran = , of Winston, nas ,,, the market.” Su t salve oo | wen fouliy dealt with. Th es = Shelo ’ bought : re cure for be ae a. 2 conntrs = allki y Aurora aod will move sores horns. Beware of 5 nes eens but ne clue was found | s sofailkinds. Ritew—S ; A 4s “tt * Z Siice-p & Andcreos, SO eee cif in on to 48 Hours, vel wad tine aaaaye uf vee puyer. ras been arrested on suspici oniminaed ‘ wapicion auc| Bor Bale by W.-H. Hall. Se i t e oh ts 4 { . t ee ee e e e pe t e : Ae ha e 7 - eee THE MASCOT tees seme zee wanes a i }UsysitE 1 WEEL? > Ao INE DOLLAR A YEA! |* ——— | A. D. Warts. Eprron & Pror.1eTok entered at the Pstefticeat State- vill: NC eecondclass mai) matter. ] agents of the Southern were presen’ working on thecase with defendant’: atrorneys- th d-fendant put one lark © ox, who resides in Randal pt on the stand. ‘ion he admitted that he had been The best Federal office’ given to examining and ecete a the ss a vi ina i -archip | nesses of the plaintiff at the insvanc North Carolina is the recordersbip ny Ps ices oa ae ron: that ke had seen one witness 0! aod President Roosevelt and Sena- the plaintiff Linthicum, and had told heard the noise slipped out of bed [x *PgonE No. 35. Statesville, N. C., Dee. 26. 190], of deeds of the District of Columbia, tor Pritchard have given it to a ne- gro vpamed Dancy, of Wilmington. Dancy succeeds the negro ex-‘’on- gressman, Cheatham. And still there are people who say the necro is out of polities ———— The pews from Kaleb is thet Gesera!l Thomas F. Tooa, State Su- perintendent of: Public Instruction, who has been very ill, has had a re- lapse, and it is feared he will die. Since his election General Toun has grown upon the State and his death would be a serious loss to our educa- tioaal interests - ——— ap 0 <> 9 Judge Alien on = Senatorial Sitaa- ion, A Washington correspondent of one of the State papers secured the following interview with Judge W. R, Allen: Judvé W. R. Alien, of Geldsbore. bas been in the city durivg th greater part of the week, on lega’ business connected with the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue. Judge allen, who left for his home vescerday afternoon, stayed at the Riegs House, where it was conve” ient to talk over political affairs, avd the general state of the Union. with Senator Simmons. Judge A! len said that there was still no prob ability that the central State con mittee would meet any time soon. perhaps not for several months, a> it was considered entirely too early to begin active campaign work The individual senatorial candidates could of course get in as many licks as they might wish, but for the present there would be no concerted action. Foragreat while the im pression has prevailed that the res ular Demoeratic organization wou!d help Mr. Craig,tacitly if not openly Judge Allen, whc 1s certainly in po sition te speak with authority, 1n- sists that this is not a fact. On being told that it was the under standing that he was a Craig man. Judge Alleo replied: ‘‘No, this is not so. All the candidates are good mean, andI would not like to be placed in the position of having te decide between them. Perhaps Mr Glenn is a little better known in the east than either Mr. Craig or Mr Overman, but it is by no means a foregone conclusion who will bav the support of that section. Therr is room for missionary work for ai! the canidates, and in my opinion, much depends upon the part the candidates take in the next election. aud on the impression they make or the people. Ido not for a momen’ believe that Senator Simmons wi!! express a preference in the contest. as he is on most friendly terms wit! all the candidates. ”’ Eee Oe The Old Time Christmas Atlanta Constitution, Tnechiidren of larger growth wh recalilibe Christmas times of thir years aga, lel us say, Observe wii! revret the growing disbelief in Sa; ta Claus. Whence comes this skeo ticism? Is it the price we must pay for cur boasted advancement, our myriad of electrical inventions, ou Wireless telegraphy and our cha’: with Mars? Isn't this two much a: age of doubt? A few decades ago the 10 year ole boy possessed ao unshaken faith 1» the patron saint of the little folk The stories of the house to bous: ride behind reindeer, the scsambii down the chimneys, the inspection of the little faces to see if they wer ali oright and clean, the stutlicg vf stockings with good things, were realities that no boy ever ventured to question. True, some of the more thoughtful woul 1 calculate the size of the chimuey flue, estimate tbe girt ef the old manand figure cn the size of his pack, as well as wos der how he avoided the soot and fire but these problems never sowed an: seed of doubt and distsust. What he could not explain he cheerful.y gave us as things beyond his menta capacity. It did not occur to him te to loose faith in chiidhood’s deare-: friend, who, coming in the aigh:. went away leaving so much happis- ness for the dawn of Christmzs morning. is Those were real Christmas time~-, There was a outty flavor in the hovse between daylight and break fost that seems to be missing now, and the odor of the burnt powder ip the little firecrackers was differen Have we outyrown Christmas? In this day of billion-dollar trusts and big cannon crackers the small boy listens to the story of Santa Claus with a skeptical smile Even the 3 year-old does not seem to be im pressed. He witl listen respectfully and look up the chimney and writ- notes, but there is somethiug in his eye that gives himaway. Can it de that somebody has told him? As for the older boy, he disposes of the stocking outfitin a jiffy, aad strikes.a bee linefor the store tha’ sells crackers big enough to blow up acorner building. He isn’t satisfiec with Santa Claus asy more. He kogws where he can buy fire crack- ers that will make thé old man’s “hissers’’ look, like the proverbial 30 cents. Itissad to admit it, bu these youngsters are crowding us They know too much, or rather they know more than we did at the same age—and saddest of all, it is their loss! V——_—_—_——)P oe Secretary Gage to Resign. ‘Washington Dispatch, 20th. Tt is Secretary Gage’s intention to relinquish the Treasury portfolio as soon as President Roosevelt can find a suitabie successor and he has so informed the President. Mr Gaye would like to be relieved be fore spricg. The President has dane ali he could to dissuade Secre tary Gage from retiring and wii) probably continue to use his efforts in that direction. Secretary Gage’s determination to retire was made known tothe President some Hittie timeago, just how long iy not known. in the trial of tae Case of the Ashe boro W.od’and [ron Works vs. the |Com pany, defended by the S utherr Ruiveava tornets, there were vers ————— —— shboro Dispatch, 2rst. There was 1 S-nsation bere Priday Tigh Poirt & Randieman Builroad nteresting developmearts. The casi wg were being examined. Three laa Upon cross ex2mina nim (Linthicum) if he woule we to see the agents of the deferd ant a! their hotel. the Centra‘, and would teil something favorabl- othe rauroad, that the ratiroat gents at seid botel would pav hip Sinchieum) $0. Leuthicum wee on ibe stacd ad said tn sabstarc the aime thirg but said he did no yo to see the d-fesdant’s agen:s.aoe dia rot accept the money. rut +hd he considered Cox’s offer. wh claimed to represent defendant. 3 av offer to bribe him as a witness. : The jury had been put under th: charge of an offiver by the coart.and tf Cox, a witness for -the defendan , ‘sx to be believed, there we~ an ai terpt to bribe a witness It failed She plaintiff won a verdict for 312 O00. : ee Inbuman Methods of Warin Samar Victoria, B. C:, Dispatch, 2and Tne Manila Times referring to the viae of campaign in Samar, Says: “The Cavite marines to the num- ber of 330 are stationed at Balanvini These marines, in conjunction with the soldiers of the Eleverith Infantry villoperate from the south scour- ing and burning the country north ward until they meet and join bands with the Twelfth. the Seventh and the Ninth regiments. This is the frst part in the plan of campaige When the southern part of the island is thoroughly cleaned up, operations will then begin from Luzon down to -he northern tine of troops, then vounding up Lukoan’s army for 6- nal extermination Samar Island witl be made a desert where birds eannotlive. Lukoan’s friends bave become so terrified that they have neseeched Generai Hughes to post- vone his measures of retaliation un til the rebel chief can be advised o° che situation and be given @ chance ro present himself to the America® orces. These supplicants have re eeived but slignt encouragement from Gen. Hughes, but they will be allowed to communicate with Luk pan. Hemay possibly receive the treatment accorded to prisoners of war, and the present measures of retaliation be thus avoided.” MS Endl ee His Hope Wil: Not Save Him. News and Observer. i The Washington Star makes this remarkable statement: “The President is going to help Senator Pritchard to build up a stronger Republican party in North Jarohoa and itis stated that Dan- ey’s election will coatribute to this nd.’’ This is about as funny as the fac ‘hat Roosevelt invited Bovke: Washington to dine withhim su #- ,o discuss how tu act and not irri- ste the South. The Star savs again, ‘The Presi dentmay appoint a “Democrat of ne advane d+, pe’ to succeed Dar cv." By ‘advanced type’ b- wubtless megus aman who wtilse for an > ffice. EL Be Browne! Urder the Ice rit ~ pt Winston-Salem Dispatch, 21, Watier Holder, saved 19 year- proke through the ice and wa rewued in Beiols pond jast aigh “he body wes recov red two heu: rer the aceidest. Young Holder <ith two or three fmends, went ov othe pond. and to show his partner: that the ice "as + Poog evough * 30.d them up. de rau out on tier et, when, with a crash tne ic oreke aud he went through. He made desperate efforrs to pu nimself out, but the ice kept break ng. Then be cried for help and : rope was thrown to bim. but he wa: unable to get hold of it. Tne young man’s sweetheart, upo: hearing of bis death today, made ai unsuccessful attempt to commit su: eide. ———— oo Piesident Ro sevelt Floors an Inaso lent Stranger. Washington Dispatch. atst, I; is reported that Presider” Roosevelt whije out for a walk Thurs dap was accosted bv an insolen stranger whom he promptly knocked down The story is generally cred ited by those in close relation to the President. Lord Pauncefote is saic to have been a witness tothe Occur rence, The tirst news of the assault came in a personal note written by 4 gentleman toa friend just befor: ‘he former toox« a train for Nev York Jast night. Every effort to obtain the detail- of the incident was made at the White House this mornirg The President himself was seen, but cu’ short his interview before the latter even had time to complete his ques tion The President and his brother-in iaw. Commander Cowles of the navy. hed been out walking with Sevator aod Mrs. Ledge when tke incident oceurred. The little party paused a mumeot at the steps of Seaator Lodge’s residence preparatory to the President aad Commande: Cowles saying good nigkt to th: Senator and Mrs. Lodge, when tw: men, one of them apparently the worse for liquor, approached, and one either jostled the President with his shoulder or aimed a blow with his fist at the President. In the semi darkness it was impossible t« tell exactly what didsccur. Atan: rate the man fell to the sidewaik. Three secret service men leaped for ward just at the moment the mat. reached the President and catching hiw by the arm. threw bim aside. Nc attempt was madetuv detain the stranger. luis said that before the par!s @0st sight of bim ‘he uskpowp ma twice feli to the pavement, sod -ae) tiMe Was assisted tO r82 Ov bis more sober compacion. At the Briti-! embasy nothing could ve - btai eda covtirmation of the story. aud Love Pauocefote would not admit thar he knew any of the details of the aileg od eucounter. or the plaintiff had been conciuded | firper, of Atlanta, is the conrrac!)t $ ,od the Sou: bern Rail vay’s witness aad wandered awac from home some I. Shuford’s store at Hickory Sun van and the Shuford boys after SPATE NEWS. Noe'Ss-Ga. th dest India que in the Seas 1 he Wineadayo Indian camo Be -le a's Jaland. Wis , aged 128. Picdmont Reatiy tos, rte. wit nue ab pera house barlotte ta cost aden $100,000 uw @ by sme hunt rs ris home in Guilford county. He] > lavs hefore and bad frozen Be} vas of unsound imind, An attempt was made to rob E jay nigbt by two wed. an and Conie. Wade and shuford, whe sleep in the store Belton ind into the store. The ro rb: YS hem. catehing them Dasher Morris a milter in Stanly aunty «as kitted Friday in a sip mula a The water wheel wa? yg sand he was trvieg to clear av the i«e Suddente the latter AVe WAV and the wheel whirled, ea ching Morris and crushing him Ho Joaves a wife and nine chijdren the oldest only 16 A dispatch from Goldsboro of the 234 cays; Miss Cropsey is reported “sidentitied at Rocky Mount and raken to Elizabeth City bv a com mittee of two this morning Tele graphic advices are that “Miss Cror sey was undoubtedly ‘there, but though: to have given the committee Dr. Alphonso Smith. who has held she chair of Bogtish in the Univers! ry of Louisiana for several vears. will take charge of the English de vartment in the University ef Nortb Carolina at the heginning of the next annual session. Dr Hume wil! be made professor ot Emeritus Dr Smith is a graduate of Davidson Col- lege. _—ai> 0p <a Gets His Millions on His 21st Birth- day New York Mispatch. Revinaid ‘tilaypole Vanderbilt. fourth aud voungest son of the lat Coroelius Vanderbilt. attained bis Majority today. and under the pro- visions of his father’s will. came in to absolute possession of a sum ap proximating $7 500,000. This leg acy was independent ofa trust fucd ot $20.000 000. in which the youby map bas a quarter interest for life. To celebrate his majority, Mr Vandervilt, who is a senior at Yate University, gave a dinner in this city to several friends. Among bi- guests were Samuel H. Sloane, v! syracuse, and Paysen McLean Mer rill, of New York, members, with young Mr. Vanderbilt. of Wolf’: Head, a Yale senior society. Leaving the university Wednesday Mr. Vanderbilt came to New York as the guest of his mother, with whem he will spend the holidays His twenty first biethday was oot made the oceasion of a yveneral fara ily celebration, but ailof bis rela tives sent congratulations to the youog man, and many of them pre sented costly gifts From ehiidhood Reginald Ciaypole Vandervilt has been devoted to ath jeties. Almostto him alone is dur the credit for founding the Yart Fencing Club In polo. “ir. Van derbilt has won reputation. He de tizhts in driving. ne Crazy Man Burns His House Winston-Salem Dispatch. 22. Mr J G .Neai, of Meadows, SX vKES CeoUly, reCeully UcCatiic vViolenliy insane =A lew Mays as~ ‘ ba terrime siviil OL Wid ait BU, Ue DurDed blz GUUst abu wis bi: p >0ua! edeets Fusicuitg bliiewl ouside Loe Duiidity vil ao RUU tb lis Duuds, be wound possivly Have pet sued io the Hames vul lor lae aitiv slof Mr. George Neai aud overs, «no burst opeu the Quer aud rescucu im =o SeVeral Limes alierwatus Ue »-.ped Dack int0 Lhe During Uvloe, each imme the neighbors Orlupeus im our with force. The Kebvorece ays Neal was brought to Dauoury od placed ip Loe curridor of the Jui rsuie keeping’. uniti arrubyecwieuss Cab De Muede lor Cuaveying bid bo ue State Hospital, Mr Neai Bao seen lo bud beaicn for some ‘ithe nich nas deranged his mind. fie is Uotnarried and bad Lived aivue. nl General Miles Reprimanded. Washington Dispatch 21. A determination on the part of the admivistration to absolutely ter- minate further discussion of the sampson Schley controversy took shape inthe pubiication today of -<ome remarkable correspondence that has passed between Secretary Reot and Lieutenant General Miles, relative to the latter’s interview, published in a Cincinnati paper, commenting upon the Schley case. When the interview appeared it at- ‘racted considerable attention offi- ‘ally, but after the lapse of two days without any size of official ac: ion, the impression became geueral hat the interyiew would beigonored. Therefore,the publication this after- noon of the full correspondence on his subject says created a Sensation in army and navy circles. Itis sel dom that so severe a reprimand is iiministered toan officer of biyzh eank in either service. What the result may be cannot be foretold, al- though itis assumed that General Miles will submit without further -omment A Good Th ng German Sve ug tetne peetal me <ersorion Of Dr AES cxee = wyated ¢ wie Oe Clay, 2nd 45 weKNOW eu cee LEO Ne Oe of rhe om: fortuna'e G'scove: & nom Gt oe, Tt. quickly cures cr o's, coo nd sll lung trevoies of tne se. at i "ure, removing, asi dor-. 7° € ‘f the affection avd leew netre va nastrong and beachy L is rot an expet wents! med cipe cut bas stood tne tes} oO Vveare. viv ny satisfaction in evers ease, wh ch ts rapidly increasing sale evers eason copfi:m~. Two millien boc ‘es sold annuatiy. Boscnee’s Ger an Svrvp was introd:e d ca the cea say Wa in every rw eer N age °D he zd warle Pore Gove. & ave ant Gye Goweg P . TD cents Ger G een’s Prev Simi- Cc. WF Aa Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhea when your bowels are out of order. Cas- carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets Efow Are Your Kidneys? \ aS Se a ior Oe - Newbern Special to Raleigh post.§ : v Asitoyular ard unfortunate ace~- Barnum Ss -d surd»y | deotes revorted from TrentonJon $s : near that places, weat to the wel ee oy, _| war the bouse to draw a bucket of ne iy | Waeer. N olace@ around it, and while eng?” ¢ Fell into a Well. T junty. Mrs. Ed. Stallings, living The well had not had a curt Monkeys jar © taking them. m: “All well—all happy—lots | fixe aPinsdparied sed my content ney nme ~~ BAD LOOD “CASCA. aed for, ray eaicine pleasant to take and at ae Fender EALLAE 1. SELLAMS. Lattrell. Te! aN claimed for thom ee medicine. ‘1 have often 7 le in lifting the heavy bucket. Mrs of fun”. That is the regular The bedy of James Lambert was-) v-l'. ctonday netr| render assistance and when tre Pittebarg'’s Puiu may ost Moros ramed Tip: | Pitsburg. Dispatch, 23rd. .| Pittspurg steel workers have ber nace, of Jones & Lauyhiins. © er- slightly burned, the slip last night. ae Oaited States 10 1868 acd is now [424 Malis-a Lollar. allirws shipped and fell irto wu. Shere was no one at band \ xdy of the young woman was tak fram the water it was withous fe she wasonly about nineteen esrs of age and teqves a husbaue ———_l> eee For the third time within 72 hour i:led or maimed dy terr fic exvl: ions. Following on the heels of tt he awful disaster at the Soho fur- hursday, and atthe Black Diamon see! Works, vesterday,the city w bocked his morning, by the repor: another explosion at the Sing+ Sauniexs west.end plant of the Cr ote Steel Company of America. 3 shich seven men were scalded, on: vadiv cut and twenty or thirty o: A 6:55 o Guoeck two of a battery - ive Doliers used to operate the she» aii exploded with terriffie fore scaiding water played havod amep he workmea who had just start: +for be dav. while pieces of ti: yoifers crea ed destruction to ¢! oi!! property Of the seven me -calded, two, it is said cannot recov ‘he cause of the explosion w frozen pipes which supplied th: wo boilers of the tive with water Nne freeze came some time ea’ his morpinyg or Kaled Hi. Meorter im a prea Cleveland Dispatch 21st. As the result ofa dream “rs Ma tiida Keause; seed 69 is dead om re home, 50 Rowers -treet, sud ine! SoD Geoury, saved 29 is raving in + cell at aut cenrral pull: station. K vaur-e and his mothes occupied the same ned room and on Fridsv nig: Krause dreamed thata wild be:- with distended jaws attacked him After a terribie struggle he war ible to seize the ¢nimal’s jaws anc wrench them apart. When tix voung man awoke this morniog h iooked over to his mother’s bed ar « ~aw her lying there dead and mult) ated. Then he realized he bad ki: -d his mother in his dream. Young Kraus went to the home ‘be Rev. J. F. Webel, 24 Cablestree: ind told nim of the affair. Phe mi ister took him to the Sixth precine’ police station, where he repeat ¢ the story, He was locked up arn soon was raving mad. Krause dic not drink and was fond of his morta er. 5 How to Cure C:oup. Mr R Grey, who lives near Am sia, Duchess county, N Y., says ‘Chamberlain’s Cough Remoady i ne best medicine I huve ever used li isa fine children’s remedy fe croup and never fails to cure.’ When given as’svon as the child be comes hoarse. or even after th. croupy cougi bas developed. it wi! prevent the attack. This should » Sornbe In mindand a bottle of th vough Remedy kept at hand read ior tnstaut use aS $90n as thes -ymptoms apvear. For sale b So iM-or « Andersou. li i» said chat Guvernur Uraue, + aSsucCQusells, will be appolated t -ucCeed Gaye as Secretary of th. .feasury. Governor UCraue bas de Ctued tbe appointment. iby ide bets of Quusuuds wu ave usu CRamucriaiD > Uuuy. KRouwiedy lor Cuids aud ia yrippe Gut tny Lae past iew years, tOour KuUwL Unc, UUL ad siDgle Case Uus resulind su pueumouls Lnus. Wuiilieia & wi, 240 Wduasd aveule, Cblicage, vuevl We Muse prullinent” rebai Uvussisis iu LOH Cily, 1D Speakloy 2 ibis, Says: “We revotnmeuu Ubelbveriain 3 Coup Remedy for ie stippe iu Wauy Cases, ad ll uUb Vily &Ved prompt 4nu Cudipivre YecuVery, Our icy Couuicratls auy LeLUCHey vi a Pipe bo Vesuil ID pleudiouta bor sale by Stimson @ Anderson Atiorney Geoerai Gimer aid General .06n, State duperinlenden. Oi Public Lusi:ruction, who bave both veer serivusly lil, are recover tug. ~ No one Gan reasonably hope for xood health unless bis bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of tbe stomach arise, Diliousuess, headache, dyspep sia and piles soon foltow. If you wish toavoid these ailments keep your bowels reguiar oy taking Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets when required They are to easy to take and mild and yentie in effect. Forsale by Stimson & Anderson. Secretary Long has uisposed of the Schley case by approving the findings ot the majority of the court of inquiry. He says the question as to who was in supreme command at Santiago was oot befcre the court. The resignation of MacLay, whose history caused the court, has been called for. T’ e Best Plaster. A picce of flannel dainpened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affectod parts is superior to any plaster. When troubied with lame pack or pains in tbe side or chest, give ita trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it af- tords. Pain Balm also cures rheu- matism. One application pives re lief. For sale by Stimson & Ander- son. North Cerolina, Superior Court, iredell County, B: fer-the Clerk, Ww. B. Gant, as Administrator of Maxwell Moore, deceased, AGAINST | Dolphus Moore.Caroline Moore, | Jacob foore, John Moore. Mal'ssa | Moore, H=nry Moore, Gamewell Moore Mary Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Hattie Moore Josephine Moore, Rutus Moore, Lajayette | Moore. Dolphus Allen, Lawson Al. [ leo, Robert Allen, Maxwell allen, | 1 J NOTICE. Agnes Deal and husband, John Deal, McKay McKay, The deiendants, Dolphus, Caroline. Jacob, john. Malissa. rienry, Gamewell, Mary. Eliza- beth Hattie. Josephine, Lafayerte apd Rufus Moore, above named wili take uftice phat an ac- tion entitled as above has been cominenced in the superior court of Iredetlcounty tor the par- pose ot securing a sale o the teal esiate of Max- w li Moore, d: ceased to make asscts to pay off the indebted:.ess against said estate; and said defendants witl further take notice that they andeach of them are requiredto appear nefore the clerk of the superior «ourt of Iredell couutt on February Is’, 1.02, am answer or de-/ mur to the complaint of the plaintiffin said ac- jon, Which complaint wil! be filed in said office report from the monkey cage of Barnum’s Circus ever since the keepers began dosing the monkeys with Scott's Emul- sion. Consumption was carry- ing off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. Se TTS 5 One day a keeper accident-| <a « Gf Fand in Betheny Towt ally broke a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion near the monkey cage and the,monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it | ; might do them good. Since ‘hen the monkeys have received -egular doses and the keepers heaper to buy Scott’s Emul- sion than new monkeys—and -hat suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. ‘f you have it or are threaten- Qce=— |ed with it can you SD) take the hint? This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott’s — 409 Pearl St. New York. lems 5c and $1. all druggists. narof their recovery. 411 persons indebted to said estate are requested tu make prompt pay- ment This Dec 18. tgot. sc. L. McH\RGUE, } B Connelly, Administrator. Attorney Feed Your Cows I! witl prove the best in- vestment you ca” make Just received a car load Cotton -- Seed -:- Hulls 140 Gags Cotton Secd Meal avd wiil baye in on to-mer- row acar Cotton Seed Mixed jleasant. ches. Never Sicken. W' Cc Bterling Remedy Company. Chieage, an Sold and guaranteed by all NO-TO-BAG fis:s 10 CURE Tovacco Hab! Tt Hi undersignes, (ommis-ioner. by virtue county in a spe. 1 wherein Kebeora J ! plaintiffs, and Marv Elles Kilpatrick «nd other CANDY CATHARTIC. |. Potent. Taste Good. Do Fata eaken. or Gripe. 10c. 25c, 500- Ne a URE CONSTIPATION eos drag- it. ship. What do you think of such useful and handsome articles as these ? Yarving Sets, Pockets Knives. Gung White's Sewing Machines. Brek’> Stove~ and Cole’s Air Tight Heaters. .Ovr prices are made to seli goods. Come in and see us. ( ) ‘vans Hardware Company a judgment orthe sepertor Court ot ler Lpreceeding therein pen) Menror and oihers a* defendants ‘will sell atin conrt honse doo in Statesville, N.C., on SATURDAY JANUARY 187 ff, 1002, certain tract of lsvd iv Bethany townshit teoinving atan #-honthe bank «f the rive snc on che side of the public road runnigg wil’ Seid road -outh 76 Cegrees Vest 12 poles to = etry tree; thence s rth 46 degrecs East | « wle (Oastake, Austin’s cuUrnaa; Uhence ¥ tis o:-¢ North 34 degrces Kast 44 poles to a bir ak. hiscorner: thece North 64 degrees E: ithhis line 43 poles to a_ hickory: then sou'h 73 cd grees East 20 neles to a white oa' port very few deaths from | ips corner:thence with his line North 2 3125 poles to a stake; thence North . _ *49 dexress ‘ ; legrees East with Gibeon’s line 56 poles to U) Case aCe Of cae it S Ganiiot the river; thence up the’same to the be 1b, COMLaIDIDE ¢ acres, nure OF 1€ss. | anether piece or (arcel of Jand acy ~ the above decribed land, conveved < J. wtinand wife; and D. J, Mune e¢ of Jesse Austin. to Aliza Kilpatrick ning at a reck. Austin’s corner the: rth 34devrees Fast 44 polesto a black ©: vee Nerth 64 Gegreesand with his line < 10a hickory: thence North “3 Fast 7_* white cak; thence “orth 15 degrees Eas . au reck, Bowlin’s corner; thence Fast scuth 7 poles to a rech on the bak branch, thence with te brancht 8932 pe «vehk near the spring: thence West 23 po he beginning. containing 8 acres, more (see deed trom Joanna Ki'patrict 4°) Lecea Kilpatrick to A. B, Kilpatrick a « uers. book 8, page 334 in the pyblic regis lredellcounty. Terms of -ale; CASH. W.D. TUY NER, Commissioner Yecember 12th, toot. ON STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKE? —i— en . i, - {CORRECTED BY 2] COOPERI& GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. All produce in good demand. wt BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. aaatarsiahnat abbage, per. --- +--+ + ac 1% The North Carolina State ae TSee Spee cpa mane ie $ros mers’ Association will meetin Hills- | vamily “ sack... --.----- 2.0¢ es pe a — ie $e. Ss boro cn January 14th. Meaitotetanerersmel “| Things Nice and Useful for Presents reside has just ait ey oe CW a or me : “ ai : [ay ee oer anitation ora Ode Se Peter -S 7 Big assortment of ladies’ and gents’ silk and linen handker ne Schl tt Jats—32Ds. OE ie so chiefs, silk mufflers, kid gloves, nice up to date line of new ce pee ee en oe ee é ties. Towels, table napkins and linens, sairts, hats, caps, STi 5 . ne ented So oe we ow lee = = 5 = s If yuu would have an appetite like | potatoes—Irish. . .------+-+-- 75 collars. ladies’ purses and band bags and many other things " i pend ; = ill i st y: h looking for a present . bear anda relish for your os Onions—select, per bushel... -- 7* that will interest you whea you are 1ooK1ng P . ake Chamberlain's Stomach and rard-n.C...--.---------- Io ee fiver Tablets. They correct dis: Bettas: 20 llil. +--+: :: 3l Dress Goods, Millinery, Shoes. ders of the stomach and regulate Hens—per ho. ss. - Sea s i ¢ i 25 | Roosters per b. . - sas ‘ : f ! eta me liver) jaud | bowels eae x Chicken Spring—small—per B oa c We are selling, our dress goods at cut prices. Bargains in ents Samples free at Stimsoa eat pe eect iS in 7 millinery. To reduce our stock of shoes will sell you the best Aceon emer: oes me eee ae 4 shoe for the money you ever saw. Come and let us convince io Juinas each....-.- A 1c Ou of the bargains we are making i Co Geese... 22-2220 22s iy 30 y ‘ flcuse aud Ee a od Farm Butter—Choice yellow. 2... - =e = Verv truly, = Fair ne ew le ew we oe 2 or S2ie, Honey—strained, per hb... -.-- 8] =ALESMEN: Poston Bros T HAVE a farm for sale in Fallstown township. rr comb, per... ..---- “=. La C. Lawrence e 2milee from Troutman’: containing 6646 Eggs—hen me a a ns ae a aS rry U. Lu . s ile. XC acres of good lan4, two-thirds timbered land, is guinea. ...-+--+-+- -- a2 Jas. R. Hill. €entre St., Statesville. N.C. alance in good state of cultivation with about7 | Wheat ....--++-++e0% mS scresof good bottom on Norword creek. i VO A ike in aoe elim ieie 7s Also @ good four-room house aud two lots im Feathers—new .....-- . 40 froutman’s Will sell for cash or part on Hides—dry, per Le - xc 1901 190 ‘ime with good secnrity. For further particu- cS green=* 8) oe wo = = = 7 : ‘ars call on or write J _B. LIPPA ae E RE A A 3 : ‘s, S.C. es—dri ‘ a 2 : Se 1901. Troutman’s. PP “ bright, sliced +53 4 sea - y z : “ = ancy bright sliced. . 7% Notceto Creditors. | tee “| CHRISTMAS FUAVING qualified as administrator of the es- veaches—peeled, a = tte: 3 tate of Jokn McHargue, deceased, the un- “ “ are ee % = tersigned hereby notifies all persons holding Racon—Hog round, per : : 5 : ne “4 a : claims against the said esate to present ne igen ue ane - 4 From now uniii December 31 we will goods at zame to him for payment within twelve month Sides is D d from date of this untice or it wil! be plead, in Shoulders.) Sea eee 10 holiday prices fer cash. Great values all over STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET STATESVILLE, N c. Dec. 19 1901, &. m. Market firm, If You Need Fire, Life, Accident or Health See Brown & Guy, INSURA*CE “EADQUARTER ffiec; Socond Floor Rank Buliding. Feed in 100 Ibs. bays. This is nulls and meal mixed in th» oreper proportions and is 2 Most excellent feed. | -bave Wheat Bran 2nd Ship Stoff. if your cows will not eat ubese feeds then you seed to { bee a package of our Ligbt- | ni:g Cattie Powders, Wil- hur’s Seed Meal or Sheri- exe's Condition Powders. These will bring the appe- vite and put all your stock in proper condition. SO SPER & GILT, Christmas Is Coming Look in my window and you'll be sure of it. Come i'n and examine my stock and get your holiday pres- euts before the rush. Quality ard price of every article is right. Rickert, The Jeweler. Wari Robes.... Come in 2nd look <tatesville House Roc cers, ali styles and prives. SSESSSOSSSSSSSSSSS FEPSSVCPPPOSOGOSOCOSHOOOOD SPECTAL HOLIDAY VALUES $ 9 00 to $21 50 RSet tA N eee les lite oie eet «- 1450to 48 00 Leé os’ and Cenibination De. ks................. a 900to 1450 Pb ste oters ese hee es se oie ee ei eile 450 to 25 00 OO ese i eee on ty a Se Nae RIES eee eee 400 to 1500 OC a ee at Neate ats eae i Re caer 825to 1750 Powist Suits. so... oS ee. fae 800to 1000 Oat ounces: just AMIINANSs Seo oie ie : 1250 to 85 00 at these goods. Furnishing Co. R. O. DEITZ, Manager. $OGGODGOS 90099096965 99000090009000000000000000000000 UNDERTAKING. = G. A. Critcher and J, C. Steele are associated together and are prepared to furnish All Grades of within ten days from the date hereof, or the Court will grant the relief demanded by plain~ stamped C. C. C. Neves ve 2S tii in said complaints ; J. A. HARTNESS; | i Thi Det. 23, 1001 \- An experienced man will take charge of of patronage solicited. Coffins, Caskets and Robes. y and embalm or prepare it for burial, A share A new hearse will attend in town or country at a reasonable charge. @. A.Critcher &Go, | va, 90 Sal a ite eta i eet a aca Strict Good Middling.........- 7.co moos Middling = 2oGi- ie < -1- = = = > 7 8« e : Pp Middling . ee UE TY mace 780 —_ ents nee ee eae Christmas Fres stains ea erst a ection 5c ---Insurance--- lothing. Clothing |<“ = If so, it is your attention we want, and aps @ positive saving of cast to you W ruck it rich this season in cur purchase und a manvfacturer changing bis busin: ad closed out a big lot of stuff for less th: nufacsurers’ cost. How does a good All Wool Suit for $5.00 press you? Would be cheap at $750 Bi oe Overcoats. Hats, Shirts, &¢., at prices br w competition. Come to see us, will sav uu money. Very truly. Sloan Glothing Co. Statesville, N. C. POSTON BROS. - Special Christmas Offerings. ..... our house. See us for good, serviceable Handkerchiefs, Ties, Gloves. Furs, Mittens, Hose, Towels, Table Livevs. Curtains. Shades. Counterpins, Blankets. Com- forts. Hats. Dress Patterns. Corsets, Umbrellas. Trunks, Pocket Books, Combs and Brushes, Toilet Soap, Etc. Call and see us for Christmas Goods. Yours very truly, N. B. Mills & Company. Slippers for Christmas 3 No otber store in Statesville pays quite as much at- tention to this branch of the business as we do, and e ee e our HOLIDAY STOCK isa really remarkable col- lection of Slipper elegance and quality. We have Christmes Presents Suitable for Every Member of the Family. Ladies’ Fur Trimmed Slippers, Satin or Felt, in the different colors—red, brown, green and black, at Ze to #150 Men’s Slippers, black or tan kid, at $1 00 to $1.50. Black velvet (embroidered), at «9c. Every man enjoys the comfort there is in a slipper, and if you are thinking of a Christmas gift, make your father, brother or someone else’s brother glad by giving bim a pair of slippers. OO O O OS S S O S S S S S S S O S S S O Sloop & Miller, The Shoe Met Now for the Holidays. We have been preparing for the Holiday taf for weeks. Our store is full of useful Pp Men, Women and Children. 5 you Useful articles at prices that will se A Don’t throw your Christmas money 4°" presents that wiil be appreciated: Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. LOST DOG ~ His name was Jack Stolen last Christmas and ay and over White setter. medium sixe. black spo! oD a rained d08 left eve. Those knowing the value of a wel return to my office and received reward. Great Guns. Are the Martins Repeating Shor Guns ceived anew lot... Also a complete liae 0 repsirs. Call and examine my stock. ~ W. H. COFFEY a at Te 0. Jt $28 pells gud 9 Cor Me Mr un wel The day fa Elsi bas mq L. Sh stree The sickne severad phoid Jro towns Texa future The Thurs Mrs Shake Mrs Spring hou-re purch A e sued ¢ Berti Jurne Wai restau bound for ref Tra extre Gdays4 “aay ule tig w. stable Braw under Braw Ze have style Work and p Mis Newt Rev. broth last ¥ She ty, \« jail hg ed in mort Ail have two v plove home The harvég cold 3 out sq burs Tha gentl game nigh apped Rev Table ter st tile b last v R. ton-X Thi passe for pq A. his b; Some suppl barn. The teria gathd churd the o be se Ww. prac thro from lives. his 0 M cally here hera Mrs. Cha et been Re the The amou brigh wido Th was crow Dr. § Dr. ful ti enjoy B have bui! é W. B tes Youn from busin M Fort orad fiur dav day and slick uns oe 99 0 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE MASCOT LOCS., | a few days. Cottoa is worth 7 92 rere today. Merry Christmas to one and all Mrs. M © Bell who has been quite unwell is better. The cotton mill closed down Tues” day for three days. Eliis Robbins. of Granite Hiil, bas moved his family into one of J. L. Sherrill’s new houses on Tradd street. There isa great deal of serious sickness in Union Grove township— several cases of pneumonia and ty- ph vid fever. Jro Harris and family, of Shiloh township, left last week for ¢ isco, Texas, where they wiil make their future home. The Alpha Book Club will . meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs A.J: Eavans. It will, be a Shakespear evening. Mrs Thes N_ Holland, of Cool Springs. has moved inte the Clark house on Davie Avenue, which she purchased last fall. A marriage license has been is sued to Walter B Guy and \Niss Bertie Jurney, daughter of C D Jurnev, of New Hope township Walter Jenes, colored whe runs a restaurant on Meetire street wus bound over tocurt by the mayor for retailing liquer Jast Thursday. Travel onthe ~ailroads has been extremely hesty for the past ten days and the tra'ss arrive here at “anv old time’ :mstead of on sched ule time. W. W. Miller bas sold his livery stableto W R Milis srd J. J. Brawlev, who are new running it under the firm name of Mills & Brawley. -Z. L. Brown and Eugene Parker have formed a partnership under tbe stvie of the Statesville Vinegar Works They will make vinegar and phosphates, Miss Florence Hartline ard Mr. Newron A. E'dson were married by Rev. R B_ Shelton bride's brother in lav’ ‘9 Shileh township. last Wednesd<y, Sheriff J L. Sheek, of Davie coun ty. lodged David Hunt, coiored, in jail here Tuesday. David was want edintbis county for disposing of mortgaged property. All three of thefurni ure factorie- have closed down for ten days or two weeks Numbers of the em ploves bave gone to their former homes for Christmas. the The plumbers have been reaping a harvest since the begining ofthe cold srep last week, and the town is outsev: ral thousand dollars from burstit » water pipes. The police ran in eight colored geatlemen who were having a quiet game in Wallacetown Saturday night. Tney all gave bond for their appearance at court. Rev. J. N. Somers has moved from Table Rock to Old Fort to geta bet ter stand for his increasing mercan- tile business. Mr. Somers wes here last week buying goods. R. L. Leinster went on the Wins- ton-Mooresville postal car last week This was his first ruo since he passed the civil service examination for postal clerk successfully. A. H. Setzer, of Falistown. lost his barn by fire Saturday night Some farming utensils anda gocd Gastonia for a few days ‘umbia, S. C. PERSONALS. Mr. A W. Clifford isin town for Mr. R. C Crute caine i» from Kir- ston for the holidays Mrs. G.M Finger, of Charlotte, 1s visiting her parents. Mr. J. R. French iS at home from A. A. Covingten is Christmas in Rockingham. Mrs W B Blythe and little son) are guest of R. L. Sloan. spending Mr H.B. Carriganeame in from Charlotte yesterday forthe bojidays. Prof. A. T. Allen left Saturday for York Institute to spend his vacation. Mr. Wm Ledbetter and wife, of Alabama, are here visiting relatives. | Joo: M Watts. of Fancy Hill, is! at home from Davidson for the hboli- days. Mrs W. W Walton and daughter} are spending the holidays i: Gotds-! boro. Mr and Mrs Geo R 4) were here this week visiting reja tives. aerson Miss Lizzie McCall. of Lexington, is visiting her sister, Mr ei Turner. Mr J. L. Turner. of © eamee came up last night to specda fey davs here | Mr. Smith Williams, of Yadkin | county. is visiting Capt. W. H H | Gregory’s, Mrs. Fftie Purneil, of Sichmend is the guestof Misses Rov May Cooper. Mr Frank L. Sharpe is from-the medical departtis University. Miss Maggie Turner is from the College for Wom | | ena and | { | | at home it of the Miss Florence Whiting, of Raleigh came in Friday night to visit Mrs A. L. Coble. Misses Mabel and Julia Posto came home from Dae Wes' to spend the holidays. Miss. Myrtle Gregory. o! Greens- ooro, is the guest of her uunt, Mrs. J M. Barkley. Mr. Robert Miller is at bome from Erskine College, Due West, 5S C., ior the holidays. Mr. Taylor Harris, of Ltaska, Texas, is here on avisit 10 ter, Mrs. Z. M. Foard. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Jackson are visiting friends and relatives in Winston and Mt. dirs. Miss Bessie Love, of Sel: arrived Monday. She is the ¢ of Mrs. C. W. Boshamer. Mr. W.E. Phifer is at home from Union Theological Seminary, Rich mond, Va., for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thompson, of Greensboro, will be at Prof. D. Matt. Thompson's this week. Mrs J. C. Irvin, Miss Jessie Fow ler and J. C. Fowler left fuesday to -penda few days at South Riyer. bis sis Miss Blanche Fousbee wi!) spend the holidays with ber frieid, Miss Juanita Cathey, in Davidso town ship. Dre J. W. Faucette and Mirs Mariah Price, of Ashev are spending the holidays with relatives here, Mr. Peter Force, of Selma. Ala. who is at the University, ol Va... is supply of roughness burned with the barp. There was ro idsurance. The children of the First Presby- terian church Sunday scheol will gather in tbe lecture room of the cburch tonight with their gifts for the orpbans at Barium. These will be sent down tomorrow. W. M. Smith. E-q., who formerly practiced law in Taylorsville passed through bere Saturday on his way from Washington where he new lives, tospend his vacatiom amonyg his old friends in Alexander. Mrs. P. B. Chambers is still criti- eally ill. Dr. Joves of Charlotte was here to consult with Dr. Hill about her case Saturday Ber daughter; Mrs. R. A. Evans and son W. E. Chambers. of Charlotte have both been with her this week. Register of Deeds Turner received, the pension warrants this week. There are 146 of them and the total! amount is $3362. Tbe amounts, while not large will make Christmas brighter for the old soldiers and widows who receive them. The weather !ast Thursday evening was cold aud disagreeable, buta crowd gathered at the college to hear Dr. Harr‘son’s lecture on Hamlet. Dr. Harrison is a Strong and thought ful talker aud his address was much enjoyed by those present. B P. Young and W.R Stroupe have formed a partnership and will build a large biacksmith shop on W. R. Stroupe’s present/stand. M. C. Stroupe bas bought P. B. Young’sshop and will return here from Charlotte anddo.a blacksmi:b business, Mr. J. C. Rimmer and Viss Emma Fortner were married Monday af- ternoon at the residence of Mr.. J. W. Rimmer, father of the groom. J. A. Ingram, Esq, performed the ceremony. After the marriage @ bountiful supper was served to the bridal party- Mr. David O. Cowan and Miss Opal Bailey, daughter of W M Bailey, were married Wednesday 0 spending this Christmas vacation here. Mr. O. F. Crowson and [a vy, 0 Burlington, are spendis ' : bere with Mr.and Mrs. H. fi. Crow son. Miss Ada Boyer, daughter of I H. K. Boyer, came in fro re boro Female College to holidays. Miss Ailee Nicholson, who Guiiford Coliege, is spendiog the Sbristmas bere with her uocle J. W. Nicholson. ~ uv Miss Dessie Turner stopp d he Sunday on ber way tober os Cooi Springs from the Chariv male College. Mr. Harvey Gibson, son of W. 5 Gibson, of Fancy Hill, is at home from a dental college in) Lattimore for Christmas. Misses Della Edmonson, ganton,and Mattie Leak of Kerners ville, are the guests of Misses Julia aod Eila Webb. Prof. A. Shipp Webb, and wife of Mt. Tirzar, Person county, came in last Saturday night to spend a few days with relatives here Mr. W.L. W. Ellis, of 4: passed through here Saturcay nis way to hisold home in Alexen der county to spend the holidays. Messrs. Chas. E. Stevenson, Salisbury, aud W. M. Anderson, Charlotte, were here Sundiy. Stevenson remained severa! day Miss Maud Stimpson, of Turners- burg, came home from Greensboro Female Coilege last week, accom- of t paried by her friend, Miss Bess Transav. Mr-Louis E. Anderson s>: St. urday ead Sunday here with ais mother, Mrs. T. C. Anderson. re- turning to Birmingham, Ala, Sun- day eveving. Miss Mionie Morrison passed through Saturday on her way to ber bome in Concord township to spend Christmas. She has been teaching near Davidson. last week at the home of the bride’-| Bev. and Urs G. W Ivey. of Le- father by Rev C.M. Richards. Orly | oir, are expected to spend some afew friends were present. THE|days bere this week with ‘heir Mascot tenders its best wishes to|daughters, Mrs, J. H. Wiite and the young bride and groom. Geo. S. Powell, of Asheville, who spent severa' days here last week looking into the owns Hotel Iredell, the feasibility of adding to and oth erwise improving the hotel prover y R. S. Smith! an architect, was with Mr. Powell returned to Ashe- him. ville Saturday. He hasn’t leased th« botel yet for next yesr and hasn’t decided on what improvements to make. The past ten days have beer mem- orable froma weather standpoint. Last week was cold and clear with a flurry cf snow Wednesday. Satur day morning the thermometer drop- ped to six degrees above zero. Mon day of this week it rained, sleeted Mrs, G. M. Foard. Misses Maud Burke and Fannie Nicbolson are at home from the Baptist Female College in Raleigh and the Greensboro Norma! respec- tively for the holidays. Mr. W. L. Allsion, of Phila: and Miss L zzie Allison, of Randolph the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Allison. iby Rev. J. M. -Wharey, im-rried life. | ville for some weeks. The Tharpe—Tharpe Marriage je LP | 1. 29 CICCHK, w |Z, R. Tharpe. lpopular in their community and i wishing them aright merry Christ | A Rear End Collision, lel phia Macon College, Va., are spending Deatu of Mr. Wm R. Campbell, Mr Wiiliam R Campbell died at the home of his mother, Mrs Minda Campbell,in Union Grove township, S:turday night at8 o'clock of ty- phoid fever, aged about 21 years The interment was at Grassy Knob church Movdayv. The deceased was a public school teacher and a young n.an of excellent characrer. who had the esteem of the community in ' which he lived A Statesville Lady Married in Moores- ville. Miss Myrtle Harbin, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. WL. Harbin, of this place, was married last evening to Mr. Henderson Steele. of Raleigh. in Mooresville at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. H. N Johnston, DD. The marriage was a surprise to Miss Harbin’s friends here. but they all unite in wishing her the joys of this Christmas season all through her Her brother, J. F. Harbin attended the wedding Miss Harbir had been in Moores- : —— Mr J. E. Tharpe left Tuesday morning for the Harmony neizhbor- heod to be present at the marriage of his brother, A. W. Tharpe to Miss Carrie Tharp Tuesday afternooa at 2 The marriage took place at the residence of the brides father Apnumber of friends and relatives of the contracting par ties were present when Rev. E. N. Gxyn. the officiating minister pro noanced them man and wife. Both the bride and groom are Yue MAscor unites with others io mas, -_ The east bound passenger train, No 12. which his due to arrive here at 6:41 Friday evening did not reach bere until 4:30 o’clock Saturday morning. The train was running about four hours late and stopped at Ploit’sfor water. Just as it was pulling out from the tank, through freight. No. 62, which did not stop at Plott’s ran into the car attached to the rear of the train, smashing up the smoking end. but hurting no one. The passengers inthe forward cars were sharply jolted up but 20 one was hurt. The engineer and tireman on No. 62 were both slizhtly hurt, Toe pullman that was run into was the private car of Governor Crane of Massachusetts. The engineer of the freight slowed down when he saw the passenger but could not stop in time to avoid the collision Senate eae To Our Friends. This week we are issuing the pa per on Wednesday; so as to give our faithful printers a much needed rest. For 52 weeks they have worked steadily and well and a half a week’s holiday is their just reward. Next week we willissue a half sheet on Thursday; after that the paper will come out regularly every Thursday During this week and atall times some one wil! be in the office ready to receipt for any accounts Many of our patrons have paid up. others still owe us. We will be glad to see any che in our office at any time eitheron business or ior aso cial chat. The p. ser goes out today ladén with Christm: -reetings. May every bome into wnich it comes to- day bejoy crowned and may eyery one vealtze tbe fullness of the hap piness that mark the happiest day of ail the year. Nea aero es ‘Aunt Pegay” Walker Dies at the Age of O94, Miss Margaret Walker died at the home of her nephew, M. E. Ramsey Saturday night and was buried Sun dav afternoon at Oakwood cemetery Rev. J H. Pressly conducted the funeral exercises. Aunt ‘Peggy’ Walker. as she was familiarly called would have wen 94 years old next March and death resulted from the venerai breaking down of her physical pow ers She was a sister of William Walk er, who in bis 834 year, 1s the last survivor of a large family. Aunt : was Taised about three ; south of Statesville. She was armember of the Associate Reform: «| Presbyterian church and througieut the many years of her life she bad worshipped her Saviorin the old wavs. She has a number of of neph ews and nieces living in Statesville jansine rs ‘Lhe Fire Last Thursday Morning The fire last Thursday morning. which was burniug the electric li :ht station proved to be less serious thin was anticipated. The extreme cold delayed the firemen in their efforts to :et water, but when the streams wers thrown on the house the fire was soon put out. The engine and boilers are notdamaged. Thedyna mos, which are new, ure badly dam- aged, so much so that new ones ha @ been ordered by the board of aleer men, but Superintendent Cochrane succeeded in getting the incandes- cent lights on again Sunday evening andit is thought the dynamo will answer until the new one can be in- stalled and probably much longer. No effort has been made as yet to turn on the are lights.) There was no insurance on the plant ard the ioss willamount to $2,000 or be- tween $1,560 and $2,000. The origin of the tire is a mystery, and is a se- rious one to the townin many ways’ In the Churches. The regular quarterly communion will be held at the First Prespyteri an church Sunday. Preparatory services will be held Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The music at the First Presovterian church Sunday was unusually fice. The choir sang at the morning service the beautiful Christmas cantata, ‘Song of the Nativity.’ by Angelo M. Read. At the evening service, Mrs. J F. Carl- ton sang the vocal solo, ““Oh Babe Divine.’” Mrs Carlton is always heard with pleasure. At both ser- added much tothe beauty and vol- ume of the music. The sermon at the First Presby- terian church Sunday morning was a timely and forceful discussion of the duty and privileges of practical Mr. W. F. Setzer, who has been year arrived here Friday night. before returning to Nebraska. in Woodville, Neb. for the last four} 2 He will spend a month or two here 4 “Mrs ‘Alic=“S ‘ with his mother, :Mrs. Alice Setzer ate to the Christmas season on ‘The {Group that Gathered Around the Mr. Geo. W. Dobbins, wife and Tomb of Christ.” and snowed. The streets were so slick horses cou'd hardly get along Monday eveniug and Tuesday morn ing and many of taem fell on the str ts time and agsid. a ~ M vaday night. T ey are the guests of Cav: G..citon; an uncle of Mr. Dobbias. eb id, of Searcy, Ark , arrived here: fir.t visit tohis old hom? in 29 years. | {the year. | At the First Baptist church last IIR Saag AEA | State for his wife. vices Dr. Chas. Turner’s ciarionet | religion, especially at this season of Sap TAN TE ape Na = +r 4 ‘Came From California for Hie Bride ! { Mr. J. M. Fry, a native Shiloh boy, who has been living at Los Angtl-, “2! , for some years arrived | here ja-t Saturday on a happy mis | sion. Sunday accompanied by! Messrs. S. G. Fry and F: B. Phifer, of this place he drove the residence of Mr A. Addetholdt, of Catawba county, where be and Miss Flora | Adderholdt were made man aid iwife by Rev. Mr. Bridges. A sum* {tuous dinner was served at the | bride’s bome just after the wedding. | This week Mr. and Mrs. Fry will istart west tc their new home in |Caiifornia. Mr Fry has many rela- ‘tives in this county and Catawba | who congratulate him on his good \sense in coming back to the old There are other lands as fair as North Carolina but her women are unapproachable. The Christmas Rush and Bustle. During the past week ir spite of the extreme cold and the-rain and snow astrojl through the streets would convince anyone that Christ mas wascowing, Tbe holiday feel ing-was in the air. It could be seen and felt in the bustle and s-ir on the streets, in the stores and in the homes. Expectation of the joyous day made every one happy The rich and the poor—the old and the young—especially the childrep— were full of eagerness and hope. In the stores, before the shop windows wherever Santa Claus bad swung his sigo bright face men and women and wmrrry children jostled each other ip their mad scramble to se- cure some token for loved ones. The merchants have had a good trade and they smile complacently— discovered by oneof the hands about 4 o'clock that morning and had evi- dently been burning for some time then. The entire plant including 386° or 31.600 worth of tanbark was consumed; as the fire had yained such headway in the large fram buil- ding at the tannery as to make its eentrol ar impossibility. The firm bad adout $1 000 worth of leather is the building and in the vats at the time. also a good stock of hides This is all lost unless some of the hides in the vats can be saved. The engine and boiler were only slightly damaged. They estimate their loss at between $3.000 and $4,000 and they did not have a dollar’s worth of insurance. The lossisa heavy one also in that it throws out of employ- ment eight or ten men at the tan- nery. Tneonnection witb their tanning business Bradford & Sons had built up a big business <p the manufacture of harness and col- lars which will cease unless they re- build their tannery. The Messrs. Bradford are known all over the western «section of the county as progressive enterprising men and their friends hope they will soon be at work again. The loss is akeavy one: but Bradford & Sons willcome again. Their friends in town were very sorry to hear of their loss. Lanndry at Barium burned—Children Lose heir Clothes. The Orphan’s Home at Barium suffered a serious loss by fire Mon day night in the burning of the jaundry building wrth all of the clothes of the children in this week’s wash and a vreater portion of those that had been in last week’s wash— the weather last week haying been so cold as to retard work in the Jaun- dry. The fire was discovered after 11 o'clock and it is thought to have cauvhtfrom a defective chimney. Tbe fire bad been carefully banked Monday atrernoon ard at 10 30 that evening there was no evidence of anv fire in the building, which was a small] frame house, standing well pack of Rumple Hall—the large cen tral building at the home. When the fire was discovered it was be- yond control. Supereiutendent Boyd was not able yesterday to give an accurate estimate of the loss, but it will amount to $500 or $600, The most serious feature is the ourning of the children’s clothes. din maty cases two suits were ost. Even ifthe material were on hands” would take much time to replace ile loss to these devendent little one- This loss. coming as it does in the dawning of the Christmas season should open the hearts of every friend of this noble institution, aad the customary gifts to the Home should be largely increased. The friends of the Home will rejoice to know that the main buildings were not damaged and they will see te it that the children are not long with- out their full supply of winter clothes. oe [he Supreme Court Affirms Judge Brown's Judgments in the Cor- tempt Cases. Monday the Supreme court ren- dered its decision in the contempt cases against J, A. Gorman, late law agent of the of the Southern Rail way; J. Haynes Brown, of Barrire ger township, ajuror at May term of Iredeil Superior court, and R. A Ramsey of Davidson township, affir ming the judgments of Judge Brown. The judgments are: Gorham to pav a tine of $50 and twenty days in jai}, Ramsey $50 tine and twenty days in jail, Brown $50 fine. The defend ants gave bond in’ the sum of $200 for their apeearance at the Novem ver term and the bonds were renew- ed at chat term for their appearauce at the January term, whea-they wiil appear, pay the fines and begin to serve their terms in jail, or forfeit their bonds by non appearance. J W. Copeland and J. K. Morrison are their sureties. It will be recalled that in the trial of the Long case against the railroad atthe Mav term ofcourt, it was proved io Judge Brownothat Brovn nad spenta night io the room of Law Agent Gorhamin Hotel Iredell aod that Ramsey had talked abour making movey in the case witb B. C. Deaton. another juror. Judye Brown withdrew a juror acd a mis- trial was had in the case, and a rule for contempt was served upon Gor- ham, Brown and Ramsey. They ap peated from Judg@Brown’s judg preached a strony sermon appropri ' Sunday night Rev. Edw. S. Reaves Trinity Sucday Schoo! will have This is Wr Dobbins their Christmas tree Thursday night. Tne young foiksin Front Street PC. Pre-byterian church aiso have a Chr.stmas tree on foot for tonights. just rendered its opinion. who is pow living in Asheville, stat ed that he would certainly appear The othertwodefendants are wel ment and the Supreme court has While here at the November term Gorham When u powder it is omy to buy Royal makes the finest, most wholesome and de- licious food. sing baking always. econ- the Royal. i | i i — Rev. R B Shelton. pastor of the Statesville circuit, asks THE MascorT to say that the good people of Trin- ity and Providence churches on his circuit gave their pastor a “hrist mas pounding on Monday. filling his givers may be abundantly blessed in his own home. The store of H. V. Furches, five miles east of town, was broken into Wednesdey night of last week and two guns stolen. One of these was a Remir ston rifle. the other a shot gun. Ives and Jobnston make. A glass was taken out of one of the windows by the robbers to enable them to getin. There is no clew to the robbers. larder with good things for Christ DY I A. Hartuess, clerk of the mas. Mr helton appreciates their COUrt. kindness very highly and hopes = ait that every oad of the generous Be eet ona New Advertisements. Mills & Allison give Christmas greetings to their friends and haye lots of bargains left. A notice to noo residents is given peals has decided against Wilkes and Stanly counties in their bond cases and these counties will.have to pay their railroad bonds. a _ Dizzy? Then your liver isn’t acting well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayer’s Pills act directly on the liver. the buyers have forgotten self inj. W.E Avderson, of Sparkling Ca- For 60 years they have been their thoughts of others and their | tawba Syrings, returned home Moa- the Standard Family Pill jhearts are joy filled. -There is no day. He bud been here for two Small d mesa season like unto Christmas tide. meee Gittins up the cee Mali GOSses CUT. anaraggists. er arlton & lips’ stere. Cae = ae - ~ = Bradford and Sons Lose Heavily By|Kirky bis rented the part, four ae eee Fire. S rooms, formerly used by the photo- BUCKINGHAM’S DYE fe; the i The steam tannery, Of Bradford & grapber, W, J. Stimson, and will Solcrs!on Dausiern oxine Rees 1 Sons, of~Shiloh township, seven| live in them. miles from Statesville, was burned Saturday morning. The fire was THE BIG STORE eS | ATTE NTION CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ~ (PRE BOOK AND NOVELTY STORE js full of Holiday Presents for young and old. desirable both i tial ‘ist Ot tines carried : = o“ Fine Presenfation Books, Children’s Toy Books, Photograph Frames, Celluloid Novelties, Medalions, Collar and Culf Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Card Receivers, Dressing Cases, Military Brushes, Desk Fixtures, Dolls and Carriages, Air Rifles, Mechanical Toys, China and Vases. 0 quality and price. Below is par- Peek Albums, Autograph Albums, | Pictures, 10 to $5. | Photograph Baskets, ~ | Fine Box Paper, | Rie Boxes, _ Pin Trays, | Jewelry Cases, | Manicure Sets, | Individual Brush and Comb, ‘Combination Game Board, ; Archarena-Crom-Crokinoie, | Checkers, Ete., Magic Lanterns. | Iiustrated Bookiets. barps, Banjos, Mandolins, Ete. cal above, Respectfully, Large stock of Musical Instruments, such as, Violins, Guitars, Auto- { and see many lines not mentioned R. P. Allison. Trunks. The best line of trunks which will astonish you no competition. Come and see us Trunxs., on this market at prices : . We offer i .., Soe S-__ at prices in which (considering quality) we have Nice line of GROCERIES*AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, always fresh. and be convinced, Fry & Phifer. Nov. 7, 1901. ~ and if you want Holiday Goods select from. A large line of Pic line Photograph Frames. Easel Bisgue Figures, Dolls, Wagons, shown at the price copyrighted books, also a line liott’s, Roe’s, &e. Violi XMAS 1S ABOUT HERE Pearls and Yedalions, all new and desirable subjects Bibles and Standard Books. The best line of Oxford and Family Bibles and Testaments ever Also a line of standard works and fiction, late Musical Instruments. It will pay vou to see my line of musical instruments. Guitars, us. Banjos, Mardolins, Autoharps, Accordions, &c. Blank books, time books and stationery. I bave a nice line and variety to tures in Colored Pootos. Pastels, Aliso a full s, Mirrors, Fancy China, Vases, Velocipedes, Toys, &e. of Alcott’s, Evans’, Elsie’s, El- J. M. Wilhelm. ef You Want... lots of eggs. We keep it in stock from Barron & East Broad Street. Fat Cows and Lots of Mil, a Slick. high spirited horses that can stand work. Chickens that will keep in good kealth and lay Feed Pratt’s Food. Grocers. 7de. bags to 10c. cartons. Nicholson Statesville, N. C We wish to call the attentio Clothing. Over est clothing, the kind that luoks we get the Iewest prices. See our line, We have gone to a lot of trouble youever saw Shoes and, in fact, anything in Sh We mean this. you need in this line. at less than wholesale cost. fore you buy a drill. this make in the last few vez Come and see if we can’t trade. H. A. YOUNT, NEW STIRLING, N.C. Iredell and Alexander Couttes. Alexander counties to our large stock of goods. We have a splendid line of clothing for men, boys and children. Hon- on the back. Shoddy, rag clothing has no place in our stock. save you big money on clothing and overcoats. We buy in large lots and 5,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots. Our line of fine Shoes is complete y of Elkin Home-made Shoes, common ball Shoes, old men’s Shoes, old ladies Shoes are made to wear and are just as we tell you or your money back. Hats. Caps. Hats. We have the latest styles in hats and caps and at {prices that cannot be downed. See our stock before you buy. Dry Goods and Notions. Our line of dry goods and notions is large and we keep most anything We have a line of lad es’ underwear we are selling Wheat Drills. Just received carload of the best wheat drilis on earth. See them ‘be- We also keeps GUNS, OLIVER PLOWS. SADDLES. HARNESS, Musical Instruments, such as Autoharps, Banjos and Guitars. yet selling the NEW MODEL Sewing Machine at $13 75 for the 3-drawer, and $15 00 for the 5 drawer machine. years and uot a complaint. sell reliabie zoods at prices that can’t be eq ualed. Respectfully, n of the people of Iredell and coats. Clothing. ll, wears well and gives satisfaction We will then you will know. getting together the best line of Shoes We have plenty of oes you need at bottom prices. Our We are We have placed more than 300 o? Our prizes are the lowest.and we do YOUNT & WHIT#, STONY POINT, N.C: Statesville Loan This Com pany transacts a general bakin check, makes collections feses draft.. certi corporations. Arms and individua's. . M. ACSLEY M. K. STEELE, EvGPNE MORRISON, D. a President. - Vice Pres. Sec. & Treas. SraTEsvILie, N. C. CAPITAL, $25,000. DIRECTORS: M. K Steele, Eugene Morrison. Dr. W J Hitll. J H. Wycof, C. M. Steele, U. L Alspangh, E. Clark, A. B. Saunders, D. M. Ausley. a Receives money on deposit subject tc cates of deposits We shal! be pleased to hear from those contemplating mak ing anges. or openiug uew accounts Af! bu-'nes< {ntrusted to us will receive promept ful attention with the utmost liberality consistent with safe and & Trust Company, We have stoves of all We carry the largest and most complete line of Cooking and Heating Stoves in Statesville. We cater to the stove trade and are always ao INS and §P gooads of all kinds EE R IE OR R LS E E IE EM C AT E Ta e as Li s e OR Nc CC A , Ee ready to satisfy every want «n this line, prices ere low, and our goods guaranteed to kinds, and lots of them. Our ORTING 6000 We have a fuil stock of Guns and Sporticg 0 “We invite your inspection ana will be glad to show goods and quote prices Ld ‘ J.P. Flanigan’s Sons Co. — Dealers in General Hardware. a special drive on this week at $250. Don’t fail t first cost. nave the Eikin Home made Shoes in For the next Thirt Sherrill -White Company. y Days we will make Carpets, Rugs, Lenoliums, Just received a complete line of new styles in MATTING. a We stil] have a nice line of men’s Pants, worth $4.25 which we are selling o see our Clothing—all in this line at Elkin Blankets, Pant Goods, Trunks and Valises at prices that will interest all. Don’t forget we are headquarters on all kind of SHOES. We mention The Walk Over and old reliabie Douglass for men. Bu our strictly solid leather school shoes. Farmers should remember w all styles. Respectfally, Sherrill-White Co. ete Weeolicit the accounts o' care Dauk:ing. . we Jeavy Fl-eead Union Suits for Boy nessevere ter’s Heavy Biue Fiannel Suits, worth $12 50....-.---- --------- Zaryvain lot Ladies’ Capes and Jackets..-.-»--v--v-e-v--r-wee--oreenr= Syeveeve-severneeeversewonennenenenanel “ Ri r i ” re g e t : 5 ee i yd@lot vien’s Pacts, No accounts 109 small to receive courteous and serve bis termif the Supreme} Court’s decision was against him. | Three per cent TRUST DEPARTMENT—We are auth | koown citizens of this county: og a Spi - nel a ‘come. - SAVINGS Di PARTMENT, allowed 08 Saving Deposits, compounding quarterly on amount<ot £5 and over of a5 cents and over may Deauade in this department daily during business hours \ orized to att as Trustee, Quardian and Kecciver anc aon ee Administrator, Executo’ Shoes for all kinds of feet...... 2ubver Boots and Shoes....... [Mills & Allison, - Department - 0250 af ea e AN er e e is : a so d ip s ay e : a “ The Tariff aud Trasts. Sate Centinel ; Io Peeve devt Roosevelt’s mess ege oceurs the statemen’ that “the ©: e- at o of those great. corporate of tu ¢s has not been due to the + riff no* to aoy other yoverpmenti:t ac- tio, oat to eatural causes 1 the bus iess world. operating 1D other cou cies as well as ia OWD. Pbis siri sg ort of ‘trenchant apd] vig oroz~ Epgiish” is indo: sed ov the Jounal. [t does 09! snecify whe her “en oorate forta es? are develop Men ~sithe «tt malic Vewetanle, 9 minecal king: m out IW MuintaDs Lhat they are wovlly “patural! : The chief reason yiveo for its faith is thatseme trusts exist in otber countries. IL: quietly as-ume- tha there craid ar ifieral abouth tres's in Englanc, o° Ger-, wony.or otoer Eurcprar countries. ! Th sis th- greater evieence OF lis) loyalty to Pres'dent Roosevelt, be- | c:use only a few days ayo It told its | readers whet a tremendous combi | pation the “German sugar trust | was, and how it was enabled to rein | the rest of the world by the Germ :n suga”™ DOUnEV. We have never beard of any one! who asserted tbat ait duets ciehe tanh of Americzo trusts , the tariff. acd wost ef tbe cemad er are producis of governmental fa yor «f seme ki: d Furthermere, no trus’ could exist if our feceral and | state goverame: ts dnered Oo the | tratitivaal poicy of the common Jaw that Com saa tons restrictive of trade r@ tepetilion were irjurieu and unlawful Pais is the vital pont cf ‘be «hol maoer. Le us ~uyyore thal Dusi pess combina ion In this Ccuprtry } necessary to meet Oustne S com nelion D foreien countries Meet i where? In tee remarks of the word of cour-e ‘That is woat we are 0 ing ater now, OD republicy theory. Betif by combinaton cur ca tairs«f indusrry can meet for eigp eomptition iu foreigzo counrries, why isapy tariff! uerdea to enab'e them to mee: that competition a hone? Obviously there can be ot such need. The event is that most of our trusts are orsar zd to xvoid domes le competition, acd -+cure the aavap taves of tbetarfl bv increasing th: prices of their products to Americas e-nsumrs That is where the our den of tar ff raxatvon lies, and not ip the duties actually paid cn imporied goods. And thatis the trust ev! tha: calls joudest for remeval there is any benefit in busiuess cow bination it is as easy to obdrain i Without the evil resulting from tbe tariff attachment. de nothing usta sre pio are pieeUuc - 56 the — ee Beiti-fy ( euesty in S uth Africa. News and Observer. ihe Ni ws cou es frow South Afr c hat che Boer chid en in Un “ .neen'ration camps” redyipy a the rat- of 576 te Juve 1124 in July. 1 545in August, and 1 9u+4 in September. A special from London gives late par icuiars Lt says: , “The delay in the publication ¢ the October and November returns from tne Crrventraliod Ciumy whien were issued today, was at pareutiy due to the Goveriam desire to acco pany Tie auieu C ment of the high death rate wi: official explacations Paes bla bovk issued today -hows3 1564 4) of whottes ia October, of Wood fur OSH sere Chiaren, and 2807 deaths of «hites in November, of woeita 2271 were eniidren. Toi m.ik stue tocal numoer «of death for tae iast six moutaos 13 941. or death rate avpreximating 293 per year per thousand. Amony the co ored p-rsous there were ] 358 death in two inonths. The blue donk eo tains the Geverament:’s pians fo breaki Ty uy tne Camus, as reeratl outiined by War Secretary Broder Ick ”’ Ween Weyler thus murderca ih innoceats in Cuba, we hai no sor Cao) oui eXpressing our detesta tion and ve called it “‘Weylerism.’ Is it anv better now that Evvian: practices it oathe Boers. But w: dare not conden it because, on a smailer scale, we are p*ucticiog it la the co om rr A N@ tome fd se Pat Is Washington Dispatch, 1 ta. aUerus co parallel of a whole people bus practically turu inv war Lrattors, and in tue gepbius of n0 other p-opie was ever touna such masieriul powers of secrecy anc GIs imuiiativs, Out ibis seedless ¢ Say ‘' nO Dowerful state Was ever erected or ever can be erected up such ioanorai aod useoliyhteneco founda wns.” This stat meut is made by Gener. al Chate, military vovernor of thé Poilip.i e+. in areview of one of o numd::.f cour: martial cases in the islan@s, ‘he records of which bave been received at the War Depart ment Tae case which brouyhi forint is comment from Genera Ciatte wasose wherzin seveo na tives “ere tried jointly on 2 char: of mu-cer. Six of she seven natives were sen- tentenced to be hung but Genera Chatf-e commuted the serte:c-t the causes -f three of them to impris- onment at Hard tador fer tite. —— a oo & Boy Who van Sev Uncer the Ground Auwtin, Tex., Dispatch, to New York, Times. Henry Seivoe. of the UOvade Oj Compavy, received a ‘telegram at Beauwont announcing that the weil which it was drijfing adour one miie from the proved oil field is douoly tmportant, as it not oaly shows av iuerease Jo the proved oil territory out subtantiares the povers of Guy Geuley, “the boy with X ray eyes,” to pevetrate toe grouud at yvreat d.p 4 and tell what hes venestao. foe Fenley boy resides at Uvalde. Tex Heis said to have phenomena: skill inl ocanoay streams and reser voies of water far under ground for s ockmen of west Texas Severa: weeks a,.0 he was taken to Beaumont to try bis pewers Ie locating citi the sane mann: He essericd that , be ceuld -e ne i scream ata depib ofasru 1200 est usder the spar where the well was afterwarddrilled Successfully. The comyany is co nposed of Uval- de men who bave co fidenee in she pos atkable powers of the * Xray vw” ? Tita +t Wwe we PUM ree we Lig So aertimnes a fortune, out uever. if you bare a@ sallow eompiexion, a jeardend isos, mora paiches aud dD e418 30 the skip,— sii sivas of liver trouvsie Burt Ue. Kiog's Now Life Pais give eclar skin, rose Ca-eks, rien compli xm Osiy 25 eepts at Wo Hail s drag bere Kuaucate Your isoweis Wich Cascuceis. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. DC. fal druuainwe rotund money om But the m-j rity I yrs) Oxf: rd Orphan avylum aud the 6vl- *iers Home. News and )b<erver. CG B Venson secretary of the State Board of Charities, gives the ; i ‘ i ; i ; } = 1x : S Ss <=? acs following interestiog facts in refer- ' xhose position gives his ~ta‘eme ence to these noble charities in his the Oxford Orpkan 221 pupils. en iverease ot last year The la-vest bumber ever euretied Iny ihe yeur nd tld moss nos average wus 223 cur present. How el ~ duioy its werk $y -howt tie provision fur ferty ome durcag | the year ly a: proved hemes, a: a) five others with employment on sai— ary, aud one was received in the Normal ood [ dustrial College. At to daie ot the repor , for the year endieg Novemrer 30 Wh, and tetra! receiots xere $26 947 40 including 87 500 rom th- > ate Nhe net cos! Of muntenares aud education was $16 UI421 0 Phe per capita co-t of waibiepanee alone was $586 Por Maintenar@- ard education the Gost per capita was $63 18. Spectal to ~ ruetion ia handicratts, ete. ws ov ooys ard fir: } bbe peVeEnRTy. ADs he re have Qeen important 19 » ick put for indus ana the €imen?, coorpe siev a ny seating: @omjlesiet: Pfiar persons. ad sity, bi re duction a DEW walter suppl oy well, 256 feet in depth. Th superniesdent needs more land, mu Ns veru'es! vant isa ho sf sLbu i fing Ties Gd wih modern Gans eoees for iefirmar, ose htlacoting coldier's Hm = and "s% 1 Da tive ihe in fl mares re : G ‘ sumper teested ta the b twe aod at ther rooms twenty two Ot tese four een died. or sabeu ZU wer Cont Tris shows the average nfe of the vereraos of the Aom-. as mniv five years. The number ev- rolled bas been Imited by the re neal o! the oid doimiteries abeu ro be occupied, Dut not yet ip use, “he chapters ot the Daughters «© he Confideracy gave generous] sndlimeratty tn thee quipm- no of «hb sew buliding The mecrefary ad vocates the appropriation of $25 000 supualty for the er Con of -u unotegs aed the maintena: ee al the td soldiers of the Shae, te —— Another Woemea rays oar Moot tee Atlanta Constituticn. A westio, Krovklvn spinster has married en ex convict to keen be wn ndeksiicing © Moss Sarak R tonwet weSai oftlanthrogist ac pedgoous werker fhe mes Was be Hlavck-he ot a3 peur hu ' W bf und had served wo sente @syo e@ of hem i Sus 9! rele “VTi oO Brsle mits ed ta ger Syro: Ut vE PPisen wud u he Gooversten uncer her teschinus Hie Pas Beyer & ps Misti where be did = me tipht wok. and few days av’ iSs Yaovem a-t:: shea ber friesds DY the statem-o that it ®as the wil of God tnai m rv ber TOS ave pers i ton at the ~he acd { bom te C acnual report. i Asyluro has! stx over | wf i Gere 106 ore vitis yee & General Outbreak Beanred—Rehal [ lion Reviving in Maniia. : Pekin Dispatch 16th. A private jeter recived here from av American -general at Manna. the highest authority, says these epet. service repor's from all the provinces of the island of Luz show a remarkahie and widesprest eevival of the spirit of rebe lit e. Thistle ter says the \mer aymy eXpcrs a yeneral ou Le theeuch ut the istand of Ta king tivocous Measures i di-Goutest. General bedee ha- fie qu ot par ides of the garrison through the ary ’s streets to display thea Amer strenyvth fearing an attemp! 4 »yveneral massacre of American Ar aayvements have been perfects + te @ore-otrste Amer can womens d WD de nin the vanne dulidiags + nor. CO GC : Generat Bell has notified the na- tives in Batangas that on the 28 4 DLesmber he purposes to cGouten teote tnem in the nmeghborhood 5 wolhmove their iis: ete . ta wrtain the tim ano ea! Won After thet di: theory outside these bmits wi enti @uied. Tne veads feamn Ba ceegosard Laguna previnees at ered with w @ nt™uous stream o aetive women, mee and chidren ui t crrey als and mousted «1 eki gw satery fromthe h na eee be oe Demrosed ob Dede ern eee py hte Bugs. Mi idleton, Ohio, Di patch. he F1LOO OH) “an church - epi Ema Ute in ; hand-omes! ste f the eountr Tain and Pour rade iastehthy oy th. eso red bv the inseei and sp cialiv around the Fouar't streetentrance, where thesan shin: tl day, thereare ms ried- of ho! enouvh The stor readily oa vy oof which are large n=r a lead 2Doutthe holes erumoles sto and the work of destruetic: seen-almot comilete. The tore bave neenu first attacked by thas suffered th met. Viewed fe om Varo street be >. Fourth with a pair of oper: ss Ses 1 is seen to be literally mass of holes. he Cuys tnat are pencil ip. seers T he inseets. as doing the Mires eo f are a sort of neetle that isem - Monin the sandstone revion, but Sas necer been Troublesome in thes before They are black up e@ lor, about an ioch sod a half lony. nd have powerful mandinies with hoy east!y cut their way ince bee caste e Eee. They are. very heir s 2°. Their manei hout ons qrirter ofao inch long andarenas hard as ivory. The horal: is ote si~ yvoors old, ef On hich trovy for Hies 4re: en e aan Rateigh News and Observer, ‘he ne@sro has soffered bv m vetoas advice 1863 than could ce ~-ommeed upyin a cook, The lare-t roan te give oischevous advien sg Hoolesty aad ada aavier, {che pemoostrance toe ih & a ny tour Wey te vet a bus Qat wil commend i v cvev-e 19 the country. As for “iss, xyroa, she may Atsene thet mistake luteroo Syron is dese-1p d by tho-e who hive Know: vio af! pis hte as a. fellow wo od vratner s cal than vork e tom-py Can dardiy hanreve the ne eeof uha men. tre Broxvktye Suasier mas have been jo a tister ne attituce ike thectad matdin the storys. who. voios into tie woods ¢t vray for @husnend, beard the “waoo who fan onl and fully respeeded; “Any one, goo Lora. wiitd ss? A mistake equ Es 'Haje O- erate Crate as vor Virus May fe Ve Deeu Oe Beook yu sptneteras te one 2:9 OF be esse ¢ mmarding n be eX wove sod = her she dad not let bin dou to p rdjio another Fearful Bxplosioa Hung ta Pitts. Pittsburg Dispatch, 20th, By a boiler explosion ia the B ack Diamond Seerl works early thi worniny five Mon are Kno en feo have oeen Killed. two -are missing ana weive are badly i jured Fire, crused pv the explosion spread to the VeN-il) Borler Works vhich were de-troved Notastraigh: ptee» of jron or seetisieftin the mul whe is a molete wreck Boers were blow: r¥ery direction One wea aeouzsb Park Brothers mill inte cNeik’s Boiter works almost de peli-bonog the vdilant, and anotiver weot through :he mi!i roof, crossing Pbirtieth street tbreugh the froo: vall ofa yrivare residences, wreeking ‘hatalso. It ix not vet kaown how many are dead The debisi< being earched for bodtes,~ rr ee VOand ina Mau’s teeace oc wed Up. St. Louis Dispatch. EB: Daniels, 25 \ ears old, a patient at toe City Hospiial since Ovrooor WW -ufferiiy from a knife weuod on he hear sis e@onvate-cent and will ne di-char ged a-cured. Dr. Nreteré, who opera ed upon the patient. savs in the while range of medical his- orv but twenty cases are recorded to which the victim has recovered from a stab wound!n the heart. He says of the operation: ~We made an incision at the up- yer part of the fourth rid. From that point weeut downwardandout 2 snd one half inehes from the sternum three inches inward and then bck to the sternum 4t its junetioa wiih the sixth rib. exposed we took several stitches in the wound, which wos in the pos- terion portion of the beart. The mst had a visoreu. eonstizutian, whoeh en trioured nateriay to his recov- ph When the beart was Votes V hevery ae! y vou olfer your ifs upoantne altace Oar gountey th would be ane mat er af L80 000 tives were Bic FON te the ‘ ero ef She all nea of mor Weber rho Mew wy . Of vat. estaosh POs ve th» lac, jnvade veurh tow SOUP H.wnes, Tf armed snas, die defend Y sur de wh aot DE usciess; be with rouse a spirit vrathin the whote @run’sy cha; and ilt t ' Zhowome to vour preerue acenge your crongs ” H- is evedontiv da geod af a4 soum “ng trenclo, —_— H chet Over Kure ye 2r0e5 Iedow f the ser- -sion d+ junareo Vietes ra Sa ere Welch, W.Va, Dispitch, 2oth. e sr-ol } OC. Wives jlemosja 13 bh T Tirwes Mie te tT fata " aloo vt va of Davy his Gount¢. tps Mien we Pi¥ Gava ry Dave soiyes and th vegpooes bed hevun holilay Coepration, Deuckenness was 2 IDs an every Hind ont when atou sdozen of the omy olacks enters Museo i son, On the jeadiav sireel, Pevoivers in mand, and de nanded that atl tne whites within eetire, the troanle negan. The oar ‘ender stepped into an adj ining room for his pistal, and al:> ochear wehtes Made 4 run to vet away xe+ot Dean. Demon, althouws being almost (Otal stranger io the rown, was yervy and refused to ohev the eon ‘nand tod part [o-terd he pulled MS revolver andina twinkting he Nad shot hree of the neyroes to tes’h and the otnees vere falling ‘wor thems ives ro vet avay Prose are Gen Boonon, “Be ex Watts and Harry Goodall residents of «he eoat tields, D-mon, #90-- home isin Oartios bury, Kyv., tefs the saloon by a recor door and up toa late hour tonight nad not been ecaprured. [4 fact, ut very livtle »ffort is beinz made » avprehead him, ~_——_>e > a No Us in @ucenee ayitacva, Louisville Courier-Journal. thee ss u! foi Whether or not those immeadiate- ly interested ia the Schley case pro- pose to carry it any. farther, and _sherever they mav propose to carry an-aure equal v ef Poik's writings to be Pablish-d. Chicago Drepa‘ch 18th fhe Gace, «ters and mins seriptse! Jowes K Pk com privins all bis Known writings, have bee: purchased bv the Chicayo Arstorica Society The price paid Mrs J #. F:li. of Nashvilie, Tern ,adaughte: of President Peik. is $5 000. Whe: ort dete Dook form. as soon wall fe, he mare @ript wul fill 26 'arye vl bes “ne Gary covers the portod of hs mde ev. as dees muco of tbe miy ecus mote. wh e‘he ‘eters eeatee tons ofa tife time ar re po oued ov ibe taineus wen he peried Ail ofthe great siares pea of tha time aod many of th Presidents contrisvuted tr hs collee ion which aloue will &! nie vo:umes. ariier Job Couldn't Have Stooge It. ‘fhe @ aad otebrng piles. They’r: -eipiy apnuying; bus Backlen’> yrai¢a salve will Cure-tie wors' ‘sof piles on earth It has cured scusands. For injuries, pains o: Gily eruptions it’s pest - salve i: 1 world, Prices 23 cea's a box avy vuaranteed Suld oy W. F° adel — «weet Hour Of Peayee’” Cut Out. ixchange. tne aiethodist Aymnual Revision mmittee which isin session it ‘ucinnatt) for +he purpose of revi~ sth bveon book. has decided tf nicate that old favorite, “Swe reef Prayer 7? objection to th ins ofihe hymo baving bee fou .d. "4 Leadeth Me, Ob, Blessee cuunt,’’ Is another favorite take! ‘sarles Weslev isa prime favo: ied ontviwo oftes hyms will hb nitted Tre old stand by- dosus Lover of Wy Soul "’ aad oth- ~simiar wil pe retained. In takes a two thircts vote of th ne members of the commission t jcc a hyma and put in a nex one. iJ there are some warm discu--- We promise that siouid uu: PIT sNAMFADELESS DYES ant yo dissatisfied from any cause wha'- ver, to refund 10¢ for every yack ze. Monroe Dray Ca., Unionville, A>. Sold py Stimson & Acderson. In aheed-on @ilisien berween Two iwsenver traias at Uviands, Cal. ‘o tives were lost and many tnjuc- The ears curaed after the col- ron. Rain and sweat a have nocifect oa H harness trcated a with Eureka Hare ness Oil. It re- sists the damp, keeps theleath- er soft and pli- abie. Stitches do not break. No rough sure face to chafe andcut. The § harncss not onlykeeps ¢ Tookin shke © new, “but wears twice as longby the use of Eureka Harness Oi, 67 ee La e ae , in Amer Formerly ‘ ean, nev ac i%Z n of France to have invested ai spectograp? wh @o esables users of the telepho to see each other, iS 62} vare hy Peid email! houses ~ ot ’ ~ DO YOUGETUP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You lace Miserable. Almost everybody who reads th papers is sure to know of th cures Kilmer’: i the great t and blac isthe great med: ie : ey troupie. . Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not ree- ommendedfor everything but if you havekid- ney, liver or bladder troubie it will be found just the remecy you need. Ithas been tested inso many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the heloless too poor to pur- chase relief and has proved so successfu! ir, every case that a specia! arrangement has been made by which ail readers of this paper who have not already tried ft, may Have a samplebottie sent free by mail, aiso a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or biaddertroubie. When writing meation reading this generous offer in this paner and send your address to @@faee Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- Beitec hamton, N.Y. = = reguiar fifty cent and Homeof Swamp-Root dollar sizes ere sold hv all zac druggisis: = ihe Mo-tz223 Sai of Land. Y VIRTU ofthe powers containet in a mortgage deed executed by Leroe Lowr ner andwif toQ. 1. Littleand duly registered in the register of deeds’ office of Alexander county the viders gretelaiesre oe of aeet 2D L Tittle, deceaved, willsellto the highest bidde for cash at pub Ic auction at the court house door im’ Tavlorsviile, Vlexander cottaty, N, son MONDAY. JANUA&Y 64, 1902. at tz0’clock man undivided one-half interest in the folowing d-soribet land in faylors villetownship lexandercounty ani bounded jas follows: Beginning on a persimmon. E . ; Burse’s corner, anirens South yg poles to av old ficld pine; theace Sonth 25 degrees Fast 18 it, itis to 08 hoped thar Congress v1li not takeit up No pracrieal z>:d could come of “ucd a proc-ediog. Congress cou'd io nothing more than psrade the videoce ant reach 90405 aoreed rusons; and heives knows th.t Bt Oeadone An exhiustva in qury bas been mato; months have Deen speontin bearing the evidences: it has be-n duly weiched, and two Veriteis Rave Deen rel ouraed, EBver.b dy in the G-uotre Nas vaid any at-ention to the Gase sh. White Men Turned Yellow. Gr atecn-ternatinn was felt by th fmendssf Mo A Sogartv, of Lexington K»y.. when they saw he fwas turning velow. Aisskin giow. Jy enenged Govier, atsoais eves, and he -uifiecd terrinty. Hes malady was veitow jrundic-. He was trea:- ed by the bast dactors but without venefit. Toen he was advised totry BE:ore Brrers, rhe word-rful s'on-ch and liver *emedy. and he wrioe=: "After taka two notties T was whottv cuced '" A trial praves “Piss ms chless ro-rir for ail os -mseh, liver-and kidary. troubles. ~ ¢ cents Sold by W.F. Haligir ‘ accepts O0- or the other of thease verdicts Conzress might devote: a0 enlire Sssiog to investiatiog | be matter and the resul) gould not ~ mor conclu-ive thin th fladiggs f the Gouct of Lagrir fhe pabiie nas Matie up its mind 25.08 the ease, sad itts weary of tae whole pus. [t :5 most unfortunat= that tiece Was ever any azicaion of the qu -i9a0 Certetely no good ean wo from furthe- agitation, and so se as Congress ix concerned, it ou d-be allowed tx den, eee Que a BR A Sross:ca cof ws . Lonis, as O20 Sepoleted om-nist-r to P"*D3e jLuderia, “Ho ls 4 ov:ored mam. yoies toa stake and stone, thence South 76 de- grees “ast 35 polesto a stak= in Deal's liue: | thence North 20 degrees “ast So poles to a stone }on the west side of the mountain: thence East 87 poles .o a stake in Marshall's liae; thence as j Marshall Ss line Vorth 34 poles to a stake in | Rector's line; thence as Rec or's liae West 10 } poles toa siake, his corner; therce North ro poles toa Stowe Recior $s corner; hence Vest 97 ‘polesto a meple near AL P. Joliv’s spring. thence Nors4 25 poles toa siak-; thence Soath 84 devree- Vest 38 po'es to 4 pine: the 1ce South ) Sodegrees Wehr 35 polesto a stake antne road; | tnemve South 754 degrees East 14 poles to a stake in the road: then ¢ South 43 p oles tothe branch atihe ford thence with the old road crossing the braach and with E Barke’s linet» the b-- g_iening, Contsining 165 acres, more or less. “Being 1 one half iaverestin all the land bought by RP. Ma'neson from’. C. TT A., Geo. F and %. J. “oone, as will appear by reference to de-ds mad-=to@ Matheson bv them and from hin /o sail Cowreuce aad wile. Ta 8 November 25:h, roor. 3 Ge P. K LITLE, > Ad ainistratorofQ © Little moctzause Keep Your Bowels Strong, | Constipation or diarrhea wher your bowels are out of order. Case: carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tableta. stamped. C. C. C. Never seld ia: All druggista, 1c. TAN). — A USNANT foratws Roree crop. Goodlaat | aad style ftraign foe Siete 2.6229 "13. five. mite. wae Lewille ia Said Tayashir, Salt oa “a BE \Zares, Cavervi ba Den ta 57K mong 5 fiaddle Sores ee Siustan.? Lint = oF HARNESS ae is just ae need, 201... 36uets Bs - ¢2, gad you will he astonished to see how quickly i+ heals sores It#s this way: You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder, ctc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Ilot Water, but there is only one proper way to cure a burn or scald and that is by using — 6 Mexican | i ee Mustang Liniment. It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old ‘Tinen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind loosely upon the wound. You can have no adequate jdea what an excellent remedy this is fora burn until you have tried it. f i ith Roup or any FOWL TI P. If you havea pat afflicted, at Siceene Se ee monials and “Relief for ereaaina Mail. 16,000 ‘Testimouials. Sold by fe. Always reliable. Ladics, ask FICHEST ERS ENGLISH in | aan ‘ofa metallic bexes, sealed with blue ribbor ake ne other... Refuse dance substs- a imitasionr., Buy et a Dee aaieenee = r send 4c. in stamps for neta all Drugcists. 2100 Madcinon Square, President Roosevelt bas writt ni riong letter warmly endcrsing t: Appalachian Park. [Mis B jett Murphy. 3 prori- gent Pa IAT. ORS nurdered at her home one aightivst week by a bury!ar. WiNE CF CARDUI in her case, tiie cotton : > picn cond seils curect to the retail led only three times. the profits = & 1 wreck. He: nervous erster men, jobbers nurning elocnence. Tu.tis why it can be td so chcaply. lias iq within the reach of all. trv it are relieved.“ Ask your dru for afl bottle of Wine of Cardui, an whiter than 2 « sie comfort. es better and ; in my esse = menth pant The name } evfoct bea.th ies iy conrinwient aces ee SS ae In cases requiring spectal se first wash- din ‘ona, address, grviny eyinetomea, “The Ladies Ad- vis vy Depar rm.” The Chatanouga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. os or e , vy ar n t oe RR SE M A N A ? Ki e t a Sd Ys Fe d ) oe OL ST E Vv has bronghs permanent relief toa mil- & tion suffering women ¥ ho were on their way to preaature graves, Mrs, Mitchel! was fast declining io beaith, when Wine of Cardui performed a “wonderfx! cure” Shoe anflered with the ago- nies of fal'ing of the womb, lencorrha: -nd proturs meagetruation. The weekly .ppearance of the menses fortwo months sapved her vitality unt‘l she was 9 phys- way. Then came the trial of Wine of Caidui ana the crre. > Mra. Mitchell’s experience ought to commend Wine of Cardui to <uffering women in words of VINE*CARDUL| Women who not take a substitute if tendered you. Mrs, Willie M'chelt. Sonth Gasto™, N.C.: “Wine of C raat end Thecford’s Black- ° Dranght b--e perfo ned a miracniors cure bad been a rrent enfferer vith falling of the womb and lencorrhors, 2 nd me menses cane every week for two : ths d were very peinfol. Mv hus * 4 uand tndne t me to try Wine of Cardul und TH ck- tsught. and pow the lercor been hes «eppearcd, and lam restored t ve at do AE N south Carojra interstate weet Indien sore, emer ey Jou bag tree. Write 4, i TON HILLS, _—<— Ving N. Ce Ue 1961.--june Ist, ers erst | 3 TOBACCO SPI? and SMOKE Your Lifeawayi You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking ~FO-BAD, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten nds in ten days. Orer 500,000 cured. Alldruggists. Cure guaranteed. Book- let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO.. Chicago or New York. a ton s, from all s'a*ions. from allother stations: Season tkt. > Burlington Cnapel Hili Cuertite Concord Davidson Durham Gestoma Greensboro Hickory Hich Point Lexington Medison Mocksville Morganton re $13.50 $9.90 13.50 9.c0 10 95 7235 IT 05 8.10 11.10 SIs 13 50 8,40 10.40 7.60 23°tS 065 13 00 9-50 1315 965 13.00 9.50 14.65 40.75 12.90 3.45 14.10 10 35 1350 ooc 1435 10 05 12.20 8.95 12.20 8.905 18.45 13.55 12.45 a15 Re-Sale of Lend. 2 Y VIRTUE ofa decree of the Superior court of Iredell eonnty made inn the special pro ceeding entitled 4 W “hee pe avd wife, Sallie fharpe, aud others agaimst A C. Barnard the undersigned as comm/ssioner of saidcourt will on SATU?DAY, DE EMBER 28TH, :oo1, re-cell for cash at publicauciion to the highest bieder on the premises at the late residence of “ant. rarnard deceased in Fagle Milts agent of the Southern Railwav or write. : », in Iredeli county. av luable tract of land. onging tothe estate of sal Miunie Barnard, adjoining C C: Tharpe ant cthers, containmeg 24acres more or less. Said is Rs: will he sold { r partition among the heir 4 Wilkesboro Winston-S:lom bs, H. HAR“ ICK, G. P. A. 7-30 COLE T INS x Expoxiti :n, Chartesten, 8, €., Bee. Ist. 1902. : Ox acccust of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell roune trip tick. ts to Charles- . avd return at greatly reduced rates Fares from prin-ipal points as shown below, and comparatively low rates Limited to roday sold Tnes yune 3. 1902. ticket & Thurs, For furt»erinformation please call on any W. A. TURK, A. PLT. M,, Washington, N.C. ” ” VERNON T. PLA, Charlotte. N. aud days ”“ “a co 20 4 © FI O N M O S 6 S O 5 ou MA K GH a Po $ > Sy Si n tk ws ” ics of Minnie Barnard, decease? ‘fhe sx! open atthe advance bid of — urtis Cox : sum of one hendred and seventy-nine and thirty hundredth dollars ($179.30). This November 28, 1g0te =): 8B. Connelly, J. E. THARPE, Attorney. Commissioner, 175 acres good land in E New ere ht-room house ings. dress Dec, 12, roos. 1 TS ONES Fd Ve ? XA : RE you interested ix your fellowes? Are you concern. 4 > ve ns, ”, sf 3 y - i, agcirs of life? Do you care anything about the great mer who ; i NA ye aes pecs * : = th have brought aiout the conditions in which you live, end those Se were og Dy youn = , obo are tn power to-day? Do you enjoy cobolesome, animated stories that wwe true to life? D2 yo care for beauty in any form? Then there is 20 escape for you s you risstjoin the army who read McClure’s recularty. A FEW FEATURES. FCR 1902 Tage Pam {7 oT. ¢ ow fantic Leve Stery by BOOTH TARKINGTON. “thor of «Tbe Gentheme: from Indiana”? and ** Monsicur Beaxtaire,?’ . fF - + r be + eg tale of 1)-2 thwarted 4 = triumphant, of galiant men and beutiful women =}: deais with isc in Indiana at the time of the Mexican W Pers v7 af fi ot : TES Story of fhe standard Oil, 5b, . ) erm ae ar. ¢ : a _ By IDA M. TAR- on Of <« Life of Napolron,” << Life of Lincoln,’ ete. Sc, aman story of the first and still the greatest af all orusts— so an cconomic treatise, but an exciting history. ; Greatest of the Old Masters.| Clara Morris’s Stare Pc By JOHN LAFARGE. isterest-|fiens, Stores of Lehiri,, ing and helpful papers on 1+ elan-| Ladi, Mrs. Sid ons-a gelo, Raphael, Rem rand: ~- , their finest pictures reproduced + (ats. Sir. Doolcy on His Tro ’2is, wes. 999 the tvatcsi P LB A oP TA Y O R E R E I RY 9) 2! D-0¢ °c 7. Battle of 2 the cre C«) ‘ fac 2rtoor of <<ts 2i] Serco His} The Forest Reiser, oy ¥ Grker, {OF Us fy schiony Alice mw tle~ 9°, Eoisuar, and in-|josestine Dele Peto Vow thheee mew eee cae + ba ‘ eee “Vashingtoa. We: liv Ati: Sb i*e on Tilmaa, : it others, = a ene ee yg ONT op CUE Lee Sisries by GECRGE aA TS PRAY MAIN MARTIN, River ‘arm tor sale. atrwba county good cutbuild Acesssible to school!sand churches Ad W.SHFRRILL. Sheirill’s Ford N 21 S T OI 8 PO N T O Se en * mm son, ra . Ce SLIT “pr Kifeg tye & Bicht Feros STER CHEMICAL CO. CHICHE: rH PA Mention this papor BPA LY BakTy 2 ee \re the Fruits of Sound Nerves.2 nT 2 GRFAT FREN' TIN DIPO tikes tonte ans Vite! or Cues Nervous Pxhaustion, Hysteria. D7z oes. Headache Backache and Female Weat vee co common attending the monthly period JS .~ Go passing | through the trvir 5 4 change from Girthord to Wor shood will find it a wonderful relief and bens t I quiets and — strengthens the nerve eanses the blood, clears the brain and tone p the whole system fakes a Woman Loo} oung and Feel Young PRICE soc. 1? Boxe : -Sent by mailto any address. Sold by W. F all, Jr. Cheap Life Insurance DIVISION of the Peoples’ Mutual Benefit » ass.cistion, a life insurance organizavon. < heen organized in Statesville by JM. Me mick, division agent. The division em ce~ ine dellavd Alexanéer counties’ H+ er, of the law firm of Grier & Leng ws cte pres dent; J. A Hertness. clerk of th int, Secretar and Treaswrer and WOW Tw fevixter of dees one of the director re will be [rem one toth ee directors in cast nship mm the counties embraced in the aw Ipsura ceto *heamourt of $160 aa! lL be writen for f,000 persons only in the 9: so" J & Mebhrayer wil a six: the divisio ent Mr MeCorunck in writing the insurance persous who j in (he organization will pa ter yesr and when a menrber dies eac! mb<cr wil! be assessed $:.15t0 pay the ‘nsur ~ O $1000.) The assessment is $F on each « es oeo members to pay. the $1 woo in-uraner the devcased member andthe «5 cents ge ey expenses This is the Cheapest: ap: -t elinble orm of insarance known — Fer ther information call oa the officers of the vision or the agents. ‘ctober 7th, go:. so er a E Ss Catia Rs Tae i + French an’ | adam Female bean $ : Ss — Pilis.* y { A safe, certain relief tor Suppressed 3 } yenstruation. Never known to fail, Safe! Fe ] Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed § jor money Refunded. Sent prepaid for i $1.00 per box. Willsend themon trial, to & be paid for when relieved. Sampl¢s Free. 3S UNITED MEDICAL CO., Box 74, LANCASTER, PA. =r OST ET Can en ton “Sidin Statesville byStimson & anderson. q 3 RACE 22 6OLDS - Statesvite, N.C ee imperfect skin is al caused b bad Blood. Remove thy 4 Improve your ‘ blood. How?_ By tak- a ing the blocd purifier ¢ that has stood the test ‘ for thirty years 4 TONS ; ooo QUART BOTTLE. It has thousands of happy friends. Quart Bottles sell every- where at $1. ; “THE GAN BRUG COMPANY,” ¢ sooty Mich. a ectsas tor Liver Sas, ace eous Litto Liver Pills, VIGOR= a 18 - . r i. cies, Easily, Quickly “ad Fomaatly fes'cr HINDIP Oe cHEAT FLED = rovic and Vilaliver is scld With written gricon ee te cnre Nervous Tete! Jert Votehiy best ng Memory. Fits. Jrivzirest. Fyrtema. step: sil Drainson the Pervevs Systen Cersec tr Toa Nabitsor Excessive Use af Fe becec na + aiqnors.cr ‘Living the Tsce thet Kis cards cf Insanity, Consumption and Lath ears the blood and Brain. + ui'ds ty the > ered Nerves, Restores the fire of youth rings the pink glow to pale cheeks. and ms}: ou vourg and stro: g @gRIN — SOC., 12 Boxes is sy mail to ary address For sale bv WF. Hall jr. 7-P F.LAUGENDUR Dentist, STaTEsvVILLE N.C Will be in his office two weeks, ginning with first Monday in each yonth Call on bim for anything n the wav of dentistry You will ind it to your interest 10 do so Work done in best manner. Prices a Aniy the hect material used Gentlemen. Get the New, Novel Discovery Pigeon fil INJECTION Cures Gonorrhaza and Gleet in 1 to 4 days action is magica! ‘revents strictere Als plete To becarriedin vest po ket Sure ventative Sent by mailin plain package, 1°" paid onreceiptof price $1.00 per box: 5 $2.50 The Rust Medicine Co.. st. Paul Min For Sale Eve rywa re. io the Farmers, of the be- f BAVE a ful! tine “ kinds«f abeut, catsand rye 7 Come and see me before v« 19 b. 1901 J L,Ccwan 100% ‘BE ee PUM 2o) cee ae koe Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good.” North Cerolina In th- Atexander County t Suprrior Grur*. M. G- smith, administratrix of } ebecca Smith deceased, GAINST i IN Smith, Gaston Ssnith Dor- } cas McIntosh. O P. McIntosh | “wa Lackev. J. A "ackey. K.P | =mith and M E, Smith. J The defendants, I. N. Smith, Gaston Smith Dorcas Melntesh. 9), P. Meintosh and E, F ~mith wil! take noticethat an action entitle: asubove has been Commenced in the Superi-« court for fival settlement of the estate of Reber ca smith deceas d. avd the defendants wi} turther tak~ notice that thew are required to at NOTICE. court of Alexander covmty. N.C on saturday Waimills wilMpply for the relief dem ndea ir said complaint AL WaTTs, ihis Nov 6th, 1o01 Clerk superior Court iene: a Cures Btood Poison nd Cencer Fating sores swellings. failing™hair, mucov vatches. ulcers, scrofula. aching bones an “ints. itching skin, boils, pimples. etc,, by tal 1” Rotanic Blood Balm (B B.B.) made espec lly to onre malignant bleod and skin troubie- &. B B. healscevery sore and makes the bloc: pure and rich Over 3.000 ‘cures of worst tr most obstinate cases by taking RB. B. B. Drug ists. $1. Describe trouble and trial hottle ser “ree by writing to Blood Balm Co. Atlanta Ga : x os i G . BI uOYs Scarentecd if you use E “ BR sit : Terk Pps SUppOS oye a D. Matt. Thompson, : } “Graded Schools, Statesville, N.C., writes: “I ee > ; iney Go ett you claim for them." Dr. 8, M, Devore, § 4 ven Rock, W. Ya, writes: “ They give universal satie- 3 on.” Dr... licGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: 2 practice of 23 years, I have found no remedy to = — Paice, 50 Cuxura. Samples Free. 2 BY DRSces- eeanTiN MUO, LANCASTER, PA. AG nctea eS Anderson--Cail for frce sam _te ft CCITT. N RoOTas» PEAMRGVAL PILLS Original and genuine, always reliabl ne sate. L,*DiES! alvays ask for Dr, vust's: Cot ton Kootand Pennyroyal Female Pills, The: never fail ind never injure. Mailedio any ad dress on receipt of $1.00 by The kust Medicine Co, St. Paul. Minn tor sale by W. F: Hall, J: Opexing of Winter Teurix Season. : H® Southern Railway, which o: tes it- own lives over the -utire South oa form> the mportant link in the g:eat Inghwav of trav €1 between the North and South, Florida (uba Mexico, the Pacific Coast and Central Americ» annovneces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 the most sube-p service ever offered _ its_splendi¢ Tegu #rservice will be augmented bv the South ern Palm Limirec a magnificent }ullma: train. which will be operated between New Yo:} and St. «ugustine. Florida. “Winter Hemes in fumme: <—_ Pands.” j: rw : WHE above is the title of an att-activ. T just issued by the Passenger ee the Sonthean Railway. Itis beautifully illus tratcd ard fully describes the winter resorts ot ae a copy = be secured by sendin; stamp to S. H. i Mashington, D.C ee s i Vinter i xcersi n Rates FFFCTIVE Oc‘ober 15, Icor, = F are placed on sale by Se to all principal winter resorts of Sout Sourtwestr Ask anv agent an Rates Tratien, - tor tw) jefe (hri-tm+s and New Year Exeur- shen Via the | Scuthern Railway CG pace of the ae and New Yea: an Droggists, Genuine stamped C.C C. Never sold in buik. pear atthe office of the clerk of the Superior: he 2tst day of December 190 and answe ©” femur tothe com: laint in said action or th+ Sold in Statesville by Stimson & For sale by W. F. Hall. ir. Southern Railway ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE WINTER TOUR ST -EASON AND THE PL4CING i —(N SALE CF— Excursion Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT — POINTS IN THE— South, Southwest, West [n- dies Mexico and California. INGLUDING st Augustine, Pala: Beach, M Jacksenulile. Tama. Port Ta pa. Brunswick, Thomas! | i barieston Aiken Au susta, Pinehurst Asheville Al ana. New Orleans. Memphis and r THE LAND OF THE Kft PERFECT DINING AND SLEBIING . CAR SERVICE ON ALL 1RA/\S —— SEE THAT YOUR TICKET 2EA)S VIA SOUTHERN RAILY iY. Ask any ticket agent fer | information, or add: es~ R.L VERNON, C.W. weESsTSURY fraveling ‘ass agent, Dis . Charlotte, N.C. Ri nd, 1 S, BH. Herdwick Genera! Passenger Agent J.M CULP, Ww A, TURK, Craffic Magager Asst. Pass. Traffic Mau: Washington, D, C JAPANESE PILE CURE A Newand Complete Treatment. consisting of Suppositories, Capsules of « jutment and two t-xes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles of every nature and degree. It make= vperation with the knife. which js painful, and often results in death, unnecessary Why ¢2 dure uhis terrible disease? We pack a writter gusrantee ineach $1 Pox. No Cure. No ; soc. and $ta box, 6for$s Sentby mail. Sai ples tree, rs = > I NTMENT 25 and 20c DONSTEP ATION Cured, Piles prevented, by Japanese Liver PeNets, the sts Liver and “toma h Regulator and Bieod Purifier ~mall. mild and pleasantto take; e+peci«lly acapred , “suse. 50 dosed 25 cents For sale by » . F. Hall, Jr. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. is preparation contains all of the digestanis and d all kinds cf food. Itgivesinstant reliefand seve" failstocure. It allows you to eat the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can takeit. By its use many thousands of jes have beet cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of guson the stom ach, relieving all distressafter cat {D8 Pleasant to take. do you good : by E.0. De Wrrré Co., chicas FEIDGE tonel contalantig ames ee stimeon & AneiscD Egos —