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The Mascot May 1900
TR PO I PES I NE A) AR ONE PRAT Pr ladies who vish x an eva \] OTS aR watt iW SOP Heyy rious j : AG melothe Spare ti ce) to We tena mone ? Make Dle Fou, ney easily, 5, SUty y nd Ie. for clot, Hisuy eee The Statesville Mascot. : Sy cl work, and and fun Set Mloth sep» “Mm went any WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. had best } : Uran¢e o.3 ne Instance va ce ang RY policy yo, “we both living and deat ; we N.O 4 a hb. S iutesviliie, a. . en hundr } aay ~ W-Biche 3.i. — al ® a 3 aie rears out to Cai j a ir n Statesville ..” a Sf bmunity in B 12 months time OF STATESVILLE, N.C. t will take th P and see me | c Trar-acts a Regular Banking Business. Deposits received subject to check on sig EVO ail imform. ; a sy Iptecst aid oa time deposits. Money loaned on good collateral and personal secur ‘attention paid te collections on all points, and credited or remitted at lo west ra Joroorations Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals solicited and tiost favorable terms OFERICIERS: JXO A COOPER, President, J.G, IrVEN, Vice President GEO. H. BROWN, Cashier. ee aS Pee Wrinkled Loveliness. ~-~f Puckered Beauty. Crinkled Prettiness Knotted Elegance. cv ived Gt t tou OICAL : ED. —XAMINATIO, _- Another lot Just in, Ofcourse every lady whose eye catches this heading will know that w’re leading up to Black Blistered Crepons, Could any other Fabrice ever prescribed by fashion be described in the PARD R Pe. CaaAe way? You may not like them at first. Look again, The more ALLWAY OF vou see of them the better you willlike them. They are very odd, 22 SOUTH they are also new. It was that longing for something new which ts in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe k Crepon’s. You will take the prescription, too, before the sea- either a Jarge or small dose—an entire dress, or a skirt to with silk waist? Better take it at once. A nice line to seieet WALTON & GAGE t Line to al} PXAS, Plifornia forida, ada and orto Rico Firsc-Class Eqaip- Witl yo all Through and Points TRICK COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill simultaneous racket setting “ou locks and cable rope feed, the rains; — Pullman sitivefeed ever put ona saw eceping Cars on all also Frick Company's 3 S; Fast and safe ENGINES AND BOILERS, e Southern and vou ax afe, Comfortable ang Ree Wowie Po »on wheels or sills. Sta un t envines and boilers, any T AGENTS FOR TIME tary s and the vreat hill climbing ’ yl p GENERAL INF ORMArioy, Eclipse traction engine. A few : ‘ eA et DRESS Cotton Gins at low prices. Ce caacrrsatat - = “= * *. ead W .H.Turner , €. P&E Te ° o e E &. ASHEVILLE Ne Strtosville N.C. Over Poston Bros p to auswer questions, i. M. Cal, WA Tet Man. Traf.Max. 67 PASHINGTON, pc Need ©, Accident th Fry & Phifer. us sell vou yourShirts, Collars and Ties, for we will Our line of Let save you money. Shoes, Hosiery anc Pants Will be sure. to please. ill sell you 6 cans of 25 cent. Peaches for #1. Leygetts Maracabo Coffee best on earth, 5c. per lb. Fresh Italian Macaroni, 1Zc. Don’t miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes and Groceries. urance n & Guy, ICE HEADQUARTERS, ERY & PHIFER. oor Bank Building Weages Ror a. 4 Not a Medicine, but a Treatment. s On \ p / HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & TONIC PELLETS you do not buy a med- icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- ness, Constipation and Headaches. Itis two distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25¢. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. NS. ne Goods, ultery, hoppers you Sloan Clothing Co., Successors to Sloan & Shelton. The question of dress agitates the mind of every one more or less. How can I be neatly Gressed for the least money. Of course to dress neatly you must have a suit that fits and one that wears. We bought our stock before the advance in woolens for the cash there- fore can save you money. The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. We can give you a man’s suit for $2.00. If you wantasuit, hat, shirt, necktie or anything in gents furnishings you cannot afford to not see us. See our pure Irish Linen collar for 10c. We are anxious for your trade and if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must be as represented .Thanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very traly, Sloan Glothing Co We now have in stock and bought 4 CAR LOADS, 4 3uggies, Paaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- vance in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased our ok early, to sell at old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been selling you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresented u vehicle to make a sale. We want your trade and will use our best efforts to merit it. When you buy a buggy from us and we guarantee it, you know it means our Standing Square behind the guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson thing else pd in the iware If vou are not with our goods kamining them, ht ask ygqu to burs truly. homas & Co. ——— & Surreys- nst received a car , Hacks and Sut- we will sell ver! h or on ane. It will pay yo" h before purchas spectfully, Henkel Bros. Se AMON’S pill Tonic |AUGENOUS EP ntist., wM A T BVILLE, N. C. “: > s office two a < 9 Tastotess and Guarantced to Cure Chills and first monde. tit 4 ; Fever and all aiaria! Troubles. n him for You will 2 Tors Not Coutain Quinine Nor Other Foison. Hentistry. = Does Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. nterest to do $9 . > = .. McLeriy & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonic is the gcd ner. pric i hove ever Ecndled. My son prescribes itin his practice,and says it is b best man used % Chill Tonic which a child can take without injury to the stomach.” best material BROWN ME'G. CO.. Prop’rs, Greeneville, Tenn. ph is bat a step and Lowest Prices convention. It is evident that he up to elect year. The trusts will put mense amounts of money McKinley, and will expect their re- ward in class legislation and vov- ernment contracts after he is elected, if Hanna suececds im buying the election. * * Alabama Democrats join the tri- umphant Bryan column. fverv State which has held its convention has instructed for the Nebraskan. On the other hand every Republican State conyention so far held has elected McKinley delegates. Bryan and McKinley will both be nominat- ed by acclamation by their respec- tive parties, and the battle for su- premacy in November will royal one. The election of 1900 will be no foregone conclusion. * * * The revenue ofticers have been making it hard for our distillers to run, but from now until the election they will probably “let up’ a little, as this has been the Republican cus- tom. Thatparty runs the internal revenue bureau in the interest of the Western whiskey ring until just before an election, when they allow the North Carolina Republican dis- tiller a little latitude in order to get him to continue to vote the Republi- ean ticket. Will it work again this year ? ee Josephus Daniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer. the present member of the National Democratic committee,should be re elected by the State delegation to Kansas City. No Democrat nor wiser politician lives in the State. His paper is the leader in all of the party's fights andis hated by the fusionists as no other paper in the State for the reason that it does more to thwart their schemes. Mr. Daniels stands for ali the Democrats of North Carolina stand for, and his re-election as North Carolina’s representative on Nir. Bryan’s campaign committee should and doubtless will be unanimous. truer * * We understand that the Republi- cans are telling unecucated white men that the Demecrats will dis- franchise them by another amend- ment if the present oneis adopted. These Republicans know that this is not true. It was the Democratic party which first gave uniyersal suffrage to the white men of North Carolina. Ithas always stood for that and it always will. The evreat majority of the unlettered white men of North Carolina are Demo- crats and the party has no more de- voted members. Self interest, as well as its sense cfrizbt and justice, will cause the Demscratic party to always fight any proposition to take the ballot away from those white men whose early poverty and other misfortunes prevented them from securing an education. The Demo- cratic party does propose to dis- franchise as many negroes as _ pos- sible, and this is why the Repubii- can politicians wail and tear their hair. * - * The Republican party has already disfranchised the negroes as far as their conventions are concerned. In the county convention here Satur- day none but white men were dele- gates and no negro was elected to the State or district conventions. It seems that the Republicans have come to the conclusion that the ne- grois not fitto have any part in politics. We are not complaining at this treatment of the negro. for we don’t think he has any business in conventions. We gofurther—we } don't think he has apy business at elections either. Wedon’t want ne- ero officers, nordc we want white officers who are elected by negro votes. The constitutional amend- meat will disfranchise two-thirds or three-fourths of the negroes, and white men zhould see to it that it is adopted. It will be best for the negro to take him out of polities. This can be demonstrated in al- most every neighborhood, where tke most prosperous and best-liked ne- groes never go to the elections. It wil! be best for the white man that only white men rule North Carolina and her every county and town. This is a self-evident proposition; but, if any one doubts it, we, refer him to Wilmington in the year 1898 under n2gro rule and to Wilmington in 1900 under white wan’s rule. The Republicans are right to keep the negroes out of their conventicns andthe white men of North Caroli ppess of the recent Ohio Republican | | will run the McKinley campaign this | im: | be aj Mrs A. M. Lewis went to Lenoir jlast Thursday to spend some time | with relatives. i Mrs. J. W. Marshall and children i have returned home from Alexander feount;, where Mrs. Marshall had | smallpox. { ; Mr. R. P. Thomas, o! Banton | postoffice, was into see us Saturday. | He and his brother are running a | saw mill and have a lor of fine shin- gles for sale. A fifteen-months-oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Halyburton, |of Concord township, died Thursday fand was buried Friday at Amity ‘church. These parents have the sympathy of their neighbors in their sad bereavement. ee Gold Discovered in South Iredell. Mooresville Enterprise, Besides brilliants, amethyst and ruby quartz found on Mr. Vance Brawley’s place afew miles above town, recently small quantities of free gold has been picked up about where the prospectors kave been at work. Mr. Frank Brawley has in his possession a four-grain nugget that was found on the place. Great developments at these mines may follow. ee Mr. Shook Will Not Ran. Mooresville Enterprise, The Enterprise had a very pleas- ant call from Mr. J. M. Shook, of Davidson township, last Saturday. He requests the o!d man to state that he is not a candidate and that he would not run fer otlice under any circumstances, either as a Pop- alist neminee or as an independent. In reply toa question, Mr. Shook stated that if the Populists put out a county ticket, it would be a straight ticket. Heis tot a fusion- ist. eds = Will Sue the relegraph Company. Mooresville Enterprise, On the 12th of this month a tele- gram was received at this place from Hickory, frem a relative, uddressed to Mr. James Meck. It anncunced the death of a relative. The mes- senger boy inade a diligent secrch for Mr. Mock, but failedto find the gentleman. On Friday, the 20th, Mr. Stock called at the telegraph office and asked for tbe message, which was delivered to him. Mr. Mock is an employe of Mr. J. W. Brown and has been living in town since last fall. He notified the agent of the telegraph company that he would brivg suit for damages. It is said that Mr. Mock figured conspicuously in a suit against the Western Union several years ago, and was awarded about #900 dam- ages. ae Sympathy for Hon. W. D, ‘Tarner. Shelby Special 26th, to Raleigh News and Ob- server. News was received here today from Statesville of the death of Mrs. Turner, mother of Hon. W. D. Turner. Immediately after the sad intelligence came. Mr. Turner's colleaguesen the State ticket met and adopted the following resolu- tions: “Whereas it hath pleased cur heavenly Fatherin Hisinfinite mer- cy and wisdom to remove from this earthly fifethe mother of our dis ‘inguished colleseue, Hon. W. 1D. Turner, Demecratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor of North Caro- lina, therefore be it "Resolved, That we tender to Mr. Turner our deepest sympathy and pray that the Diviee Healer may take him and his family into His inner sanctuary for comfort and peace. “C. B. Aycock, J. Bryan Grimes, B. F. Dixon, B. R. Lacey, H. B. Varner, R. D. Gilmer.” Mr. Turner is well known here acd much sympathy is expressed for him in this sad bereavement. einen ee A White Girl Insulted by Negroes in Newton. Newton Enterprise. Newton is now ridof two negro fiends, Henry and Wiley Banks. But it is much to be regretted that they got away »efore the crowd, which got; together Wednesday night, had a chance to give them a severe dressing off with hickory withes and trace chains. These ne- yroes have been working at the ho- tel. Along the street back of the hotel, Miss Lizzie Hudson, daughter of Mr. Lawrence Hudson, passed just before dark every day yoing to her work in Newten Cotton Mills. Vor a week or more. these negroes, one at a time, had been takinyy up a position at thestable, back of the hotel and waiting for her to pass. Each one made insulting proposi- tions to her, and one threatened to vet her if she did not yield. She reported the matter to town marshal Bost, who got outa warrant for them and had them before the mayor Wednesday about noon. They were fined $3.00 each. They found out that it would be unsafe to stay in Newton, andskipped just before night. Thereis a whole volume in this incident right at our door iu favor of settling the negro question this vear. W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis.. says, ‘I consider One Minute Cough It was discovered at daylight yes- terday morning that a very bold and daring robbery had been committed right in the heart of town. The postetiice had been entered during Wednesday night and the safe blown open and robbed of its con- tents. The burglars effected an en- trance tothe building through the vor lesding into the main office, by breaking the lock. That was an casy task. It is presumed that a = inch diamond brace drill was used in boring into the inver parts cf thesafe. A dynamite cap, a fuse and a considerable quantity of nitro ylycerine were used to effect the ex- plosion, The concussion was of sufticient force to bend the locks, loosen the combination and break one hinge from the safe door. From appearances of the wreck on inspec- tion it was clear that the burglars turned the safe over and lifted the door to one side, placing it upon the make-up table; then a small combi- nation chisel and wrench used to prize open the vaults. Postmaster Templeton referred to his records, which show that the safe contained $583.63, in money and stamps. About $285 was in stamps. The stamps left lying upon the safe amounted to $112.78. (These stamps were left presumably for the convenience of the public until another lot could be obtained.) The oflice was ina badly demolish- ed condition Thursday moruing. The furniture was broken aud scat- tered, and a large glass at the boxes to the left of the delivery window was knocked entirely out. The large plate glass in the front window is cracked into twenty pieces and the large glass in the transom was completeiy shattered, The ones who did the work did not do a bad job—it was well and deliberately planned. This is the second safe that has been cracked and robbed at the post- otfice since the incumbency of Mr. R. S. Templeton as postmaster, and is deplorable, The firsc robbery took place on the night of January Sto, 1898, and the system of expto- sion was the same. The robbery occurred after mid- night, between 12 and 1 o'clock. Miss McNeely, who lives in the rear of the postoflice building, heard the explosion, and saw lights and shad- OWs Movin,s about in the postoftice from ber winduw. There were many others who heard the nvise ard felt the shock. After the wreck had been cleared Esquire Voils turned over to Mr. Templeton $24.- 40 that had been picked up from underneath the safe. Mr. Templeton lost $45 in gold of his own money, and Nr. Miller, a gauger at Mr. J. W. Brown's dis- tillery, had placed $50 in the safe on Wednesday eveningand will proba- bly lose it. Tbe authorities at Washington were notified and an inspector ar- rived last night to investigate the matier. Suspicion rests upon xo particu- lar persors, but a great deal has been said aboutsome ‘‘Mormon el- ders’’ who have been lurking about for some time. peeecened University Summer School Cor Teachers. The seventh session will bein June 12th nexi und continue for four weeks. The faculty wil! iu- ciuce more than tweaty eminent in- structors, ‘There will be daily in- struction in the best methods of teaching «ll of the branches tauzht in the leading public and private schools, High Schec!s and Acade- mies in the South. ce its estab- lishmentsix years ago, the Univer- sity Summer School has easily rank- cd with the best Summer Schools of the country. The advantages of this vear will surpass those of for- mer years. This year for the first time in its history, the Uriversity will have a summer term this year, and offer 20 regular University courses. Many a teacher desiring to parsue an ad vacation, many a college student who wishes to carry on his studies during the summer months and thus hasten his graduation, and many men and women who can attend col lege or the University only during June, July and August will learn gladly of this new departure. Members of the Summer School during the four weeks it is in ses- sion, may attend the Summer Term classes free of charge. For circulars giving full informa tion as to tuition, board and courses of study, address President Alder- man, or M.C. S. Noble, Superin- tendent of the University Summer School, Chapel Hill, N. C. ---— > A 14-year-old son of Doras Fry, of Hickory, recently became insane by being frightened, the result of being hazed by some bad boys, and has veen taken to the Hospital at Mor- ganton. The boys will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers, and grandmothers, never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Billiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldombeard of Appendici- tis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Cure a most wonderful medicine, quick and safe.’’ It is the .only | harmless remedy tbat gives iramedi- i ate results. It curescoughs, colds. . croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping | cough, pneumonia and all throat: and lung diseases. Its early use| prevents consumption. Children} always like it and mothers endorse! it: W. F. Hall, Jr. —_——o na are right when they disfranchise them. Bate) akin sag Bia, > dn as Ws Three persons were killed in a’ New York fire one day last week. sil cating ee i ERR at NI ag. eicetCa gS Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undizested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few Goses of Green's | world,’ says W. E. Lake. Happy; good appetite than anyt | August Flower. in liquid form, to|Creek, Va_ y ‘make you satisfied there is nothing! structions of the liver and bowels, erious the matter with you. For ale by W. F. Hall, Jr. to the nutional convention at Sioux | Death was due to apoplexy. |Faiis to vote solidly for Wm. J. | | Bryan for President. convention last week. |adminuistration endorsed. Massachusetts Republicans elect- ed delegates ai large to the national convention last week and endorsed McKinley's administration. Secre- tary of the Navy John D. Long was endorsed for Vice President_ ceopven- nominated Winteld ladiaua Republicans in iion last week ballot. A full Scate ticket was named aid delegates at large to the national convention were elected. Ohio Republicans elected Senator Foraker, Governor Nash avd Cou- gressmen Grosvenor an@ Dick dete- gates at Jarge to the national con- vention und endorsed McKinley's adminisi:aution. Nominations for minor State offices were made. The Spartanburg, S. C., Herald says: ‘ihe Cheraw Chronicle de- sires W. F. Stevenson to run for Governor. The State could certuin- ly yo further and fare worse.”’ dir. Stevenson isan Iredell man and a brother of Dr. S. W. Stevenson, of Mooresviile. General Joseph Wheelerannounces himself « candidate to succeed him selfas Congressman from the Sth Alabama district, He recently re- signed Gr account of legal compli- catious yiowing out of his service in the army. The indications ure that he will have no opposition. Alabaiwa Demecrats in conven- tion last week uominated Win. yg. Samford for Governor on the third ballot ard a full State ticket. ‘Lhe delegate: to the national convention were instructed ‘or Wm. J. Bryan and the re-ailirms‘ion of the Chica- go platfurin The convention also passed a resoluticn recommending a constitutional convention to restrict negro sulirage. Yee Leunsyivavia State conventic. ed the dels rates Repabircan seek instruct- ihe national con- vention tu vute 3 McKinley’s re- nominaticn. Tue convention ae- clared in favor of the election of U S. Senators by the people and pledged “iis hearty and cordial sup- port to Cul. M.S. Quay for re-elec- tion tothe United States Senate.” Congressman Galusha A. Grow and R. H. Foerderer, of Philadelpbia, were nominated for Congressmen ut large, and EK. B. Hardenbergh for Auditor General. The Republican convention of the 9th Congressional district, held in Asheville, last week, elected V. S Lusk, of Buncombe, and Thomas S. Rollins, of Madison, delegates to the nationai convention. They are both McKinley men. The Republicans claim there isa vacancy in the judge ship of the 12th judicial district anc: they nominated John A. Hendrick: to fill the vacancy, which exists mostly in the minds of the Republi cans. <A later convention will nom- inate acaudidate for Congress. a A Giri Hangs Below the Raiis to Es- cape Being Run Down by a Train. Indianapolis Dispatch, 27th. Anna Brown, a fourteen-year-o!d girl, living two miles from Engtish, attended Sunday school at that place yesterday afternoon and start- ed heme ebeut 5 o'clock, taking the railroad tiack as the shorter way. As She stericd acress a trestle that spans arevine about three hucdred feet wide and just reached the cen- ter, a fast freight turned the curve. She saw that it would be impossible ioreach the further side before the train would be upen her and she stepped to ihe edze of the trestle and as the train came up, swung herself down by her bands, holding on to the cross ties. The engiveer saw her and as soon as the train cleared the trestle he vanced course during his summer] jymped from his cab and hastened back toward the girl. She was struggling to raise herself and was almest exbausted when the engineer caught her by the hands and_ pulled her up. The ravine over which sbe was suspesded was 75 feet deep. ese neee Hope for Better Things. Raleigh News and Observer. The platform written by the Pres- ident for the Ohio convention was adopted with but two changes—an4 these are siznificant. The Wash- ington-mac« platform endorsed the Porto Rican poticy. This was cut out. The Washington-made plat- form was silent as to trusts. Tre convention added an _ anti-trust plank. Isthere not much meaning and hope fer better things in such action? Millions Given Away, It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in theland who are not afraid to be generous 1 tke needy aud suffering The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery icr Consumption. Coughs and Colds. pave given away over ten million tria} bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac- tion of knowing it bas absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and ali disesses of the Taroat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Calion W. f°. Hall, Jr., Drugyist, and wet a free trial bottie. Reyular size 50c. and 31. Every bottle guar- anteed, or price refunded. “I think DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills in the They remove ail ob- ‘act quickly and never gripe. W. F. Hall, Jr. The Montgomery faction control]-| day night. ed the Mississippi Republican state | destroyed. Delegates at | ed by F. IT. Mauney. |large were elected and McKinley's | T. Durbiu for Governor on the 7th| Smith Bros.’ store at Gold Hill, Rowan county, was burned Thur: The stock was totally The building was own- Loss 33,000; insurance $2,006, Two negroes, who were working on arailroad in Mitchell county. cot into a dispute last Thursday over frying meat, when one of them threwa rockat the other, hitting bim on the neck and breaking his neck. The slayer escaped. The negroes were from South Carolina. In Raleigh Thursday Mrs Dora Baker was badly wounded by a pis- | tol shot in the throat. Her husband was alone with her when she was wounded and it is not known wheth- er he fired the shot or the woman shot herself. They were in a quar- relatthe time. The husband says she shot herself, while the wife will not talk. It is thought the woman will recover. ei eee Ciondbursts, Pestraction and Death in Waco, Texas. Waco, Texas, Dispatch, 27th. The heaviest rain in 15 years fell in Waco and vicinity this afternoon. Reporss of death and destruction are coming from every direction. Between Sand 10 persons have been drowned within the city limits ef Waco, and searching parties, head- ed by the fire department, sre out lgoking for the drowned. So far, the bodies of two white women, mother aad daughter,and one negro, have been recoyered. They are Mrs. Nancy Caudle, Miss Clara Caudle and Frank Walker. The water is so high that progress is slow in the search for the dead. Boats are being used in the principal strects on the south side to take the people to places of safety. Water stands in the basement of the Provident Bank building,the largest and finest building in the city. The establish- ment of Tom Padgett & Cu., is like- wise flooded. A report from Rock- dale to the Times-Herald states that the mines at that place were tlooded this afternoon by the high water, drowring four men. Such a flood was never before seen here. The rain resembled a succession of cloudbursts. Base- ments were flooded on Franklin and Washington streets and on Austin avenue. Waco creek, on the south side of the city,and Barron's branch on the north side, poured their sur- plus water toward the cevter of the city and formed a sea in the busi- ness district. At present the exact number of persons drowned cannot be ascertained. Mrs. Nancy Gaudle and her daughter, who resided with Mrs. Norton at thecorner of Jack- son and Seventh streets, are among the dead recovered from the tlood. The house was in the Waco creek overflow, and the two ladies,in spite of efforts at rescue, were swept away. Mr. and Mrs. Norton were saved. Their house was destroyed. Wm. Walker, a negro, was drown- ed inthe Barron brancn overflow and his body was recovered. At the corner of North Second and Barron streets, an arched brick bridge, which bad withstood floods for 30 years, gave way, and three negroes disappeared with the bridge. ne bodies have not been recover- ed. The storm commenced at to'clock this afternoon and the water fell in vast sheets, one cloud burst fol- lowing tke other the water courses rising above the divides and uniting into a foaming and rag- ing sea. The peopie in the por- tion of the city sutfering most fied from their houses. The firemenand police and hundreds of citizens rush- ed to the rescue, but the vater was too swift for themand at least six persons lost their lives by drowning in less than five minutes. The main Bosque and its tributa- ries are overflowing a large district and ruining valuable crops. The Brazos river is ten feet above the danger mark andis still rising. The peoperty loss in Waco will be fully $5,000. As the city is divided into sections by the high water all com- munication is cut off between the various divisions, and a complete list of the deadat this hour cannot be given. A TEXAS TOWN TORN BY A TORNADO. Blom, Texas, April 27.—A_ torna- do passed through the eastern part of this place at noon today destroy- ing several residences and a two- story school building. Two people were seriously hurt, and one of them Eunice Hanke, will die. She was caught between two timbers and re- ceived internal injuries. About 15 others were slightly hurt. Robert Mc(Cluakey’s vusiness house and the Baptist church were among the badly wrecked buildings; Leo Rob- ertson’s residence was demolished and Robertson probably fatally in- jared; Mrs. Robertson was hurt about the head. The storm started about three miles south of town and was nearly 200 yards wide. The : grain crop in the path of the storm is badly damaged and fruit trees are | broken and stripped of fruit. Brave Men Fall | Victims to stomach, liver and kid- | ney troubles as well as women, and jall feel the resuits ir loss of appe- | tite, poisons in the blood, backache, jnervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there’s no need to feel tike that. Listen toJ. W. Gardner, Idaville, iInd. He says: *‘Electric Bitters tare just the thing fora man when he is all run-down, and don’t care ‘whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and} hing I could ltake. Ican now eat anything and i have a new lease on life.”” Only 50 ‘cents, at W. F. Hall, Jr.’s, Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. sen after he left here. banks and leading :aen of den, New Mexico. “ Vw Ada - CO. (276 Address ete ---—-—--_——— ae ic eae =a SS Mie. Dept. ton 1 i reve UY T rae - = —— vo, Vil. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1900. Noes me = eis & ms 1% ; 4 | EDITORIAL NOTES. LOCAL. sn2 ena: Caen ne ee STATE NEWS. | “No family can atfferd to be with ta i By a | —_—— ae ! ae eee _— font One. Minute Cough Cure. It eee | earn pal Pin wane deine : " “ ee i ita S ‘ . > - © 1 Z eo Mrs. Frank T-. Page has returned | ; Ww ISCosIn Repusocans last week Peter Whitener, of Catawba coun- | Will stop a cough and ex i iu be & ® Peonsylvania Republicans remain »to Troy | Particulars of the Barglary.—$583.- elected (‘ec es tothe National con- | ty, nad his arm sawed of last week /qvicker than any cther med 2 As Potee a “a . = = . . “ : ant ; . Been eens | : ~ . ae met - ~ true to ex-Senator Quay and he : z | Ss oaeeen ont ee jvention ard endorsed Melioley’s ata saw millie Burke county. writes C. W. Williams, Sterling Run, | wi t Mrs. S. Moses and_ children are) and about $100 of Private administration 5 feos meet cies ener : | Nee eS po aeon cece one | visiting relatives in New York Funds Taken. : i We Avallkams of Chariots. [aly cee ee ee * | ” - jvis o 5 a . | | wen ‘ ° es oat an . Paar Le. | al at « a ce enna oeare () | ‘Senate, despite Jobn Wanamaker : a) enkognemuinne 3sweceone | New Hampshire Republicans committed suicide last Thursday by | : oe Ree eee nee Fy i handle au kinds of Granite and Marble known _0 the trade and /and his kid-gloved, holier-thau thou L. C. Caldwell, Esq , went ees = he canes sah tered Wed ele cied dele Hates at large to the na-|takiny laudanum. He leaves a wife. re . i We a leasant and _ the best quality. nase farm in South Carolina last week. Pe * es 2 1C¢ =o = = See ; Vora, couvention last week and en- | Bad health was the cause. ee *. Hall, Jr. who cox; i ‘ Rev. R. G. Sh: house spent a} 2&SO2Y Bight. ecould not Gnd gorse 3. Niniey’s administration Seale ooo : EKCH plate Best ateria » |_ Rev. R. Gs eho ae Ce a the parties who did it, hence the ; Annie Edwards, a disreputable | North Carolinians Like “Uncle Joe” aW avsi ar P ane re n . . t . es 09 nlowe’ «! =e fo : ~ z ™. Seay re RANC2 mais ras ee in Charlotte anc returned |) >) ticulars gathered from other). Kan-«-, Kentucky and Louisiana | woman of Charlotte, was found dead | Sao oe ee a! nday | Ponulisis ir ~neted their peme tale ete re . baat : — First-Class work Mark Hanna was the suprenic | Monday. sources are about as follows: Populis:: instructed their delegates|in her house Thursday morning, | ¥#*hinston Post. heart has | | Avery warm place in the lof North Carolina Democrats i **Unele Joe’? Cannon. It Coesn't jmatter about his politics, nor whether he is framing appropriation | bills, seated placidly at the head of }a lone mahogany table,nor whether, with collars und cuffs of a striped blue pattern, he is hopping about in the Republican aisle fightine items j thatseem too generous. The North Carolinians remember that he was once a Tar Heel, born down 2! ford. and as a boy, romped over t Tar Heel country. The other day Representative Kluttz, whose home city of Sal ry isa great center for then ture and @istillation of whiskey, had a case of several tles that had grown old ia wood. In distributing these among friends Mr. Kluttz included *!Uacie Joe’ as a man who ought to remem- ber the excellence of the native pro- duct. WOO mVOG some J. I Carson, Prothonotary, Wash- ington, Va., says, “i bave found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in case otf stomach trouble, and have derived great benelit froin its use.’’ It digests what you eat and cannot fail to cure. W. F. Hall, Jr. A Murder in Halifax. News and Weldon Special, Observer. 27th, to Raleigh Mr. Felix Webb was shot and al- most instantly killed by J. W. Mor- ris, his brother in-law, Thursday, near Aurelian Springs. Morris married Webb's sister and my in- formant from that section, says Morris has treated his wife ba and was whipping her yesterday when her brother came up to protest against it. Morris then took down his gun and shot Webb twice, both loads taking effect. Webb lived an hour or so after the shooting. Mor- ris gave himself up and is now in jail. Itis said that he was in the insane asylum at Raleigh for several months some years ago. H. Clark, Chauncey, Ga., says De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured him of piles that had afflicted him for twenty vears. It isalso a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. W. F. Hall, Jr. & Raleigh Man Heirs 2510,009. Raleigh Post 26th. Mr. Dan letter from an Mexico stating that he is 310,000. The money, so Mr. Harris is in- formed, was bequeathed to him ina will by James Hansen, who recently Gied in that State. Hansen, who is remembered here, was a Swede. He was 2 tailor by trade and came here in needy circumstances. Mr. Har- Tarris has received a attorney in New heir to upiil he could get a job. He got work from Duftin, the tailor, made several dollars and left town. Some time afterwards his uncle died in Sweden, leaving him a large for- tune, so the story yoes. He was a consumptive and was in New Mexi- co for bis health when he died. It appears that he remembered Mr. Harris for his lhindaess to him while in this city. Mr. Harris never heard from Han- The attor- ney whois in correspondence with Mir. Harris gives a; ref ce ae sta- Many 2 school- : 8 girl is said to Hada = ~, be lazy and ABA shiftiess NS when she Mi7, doesn’t deserve ay’ the least bit of it. She can’t study, easily falls asleep, is nervous and tired all the time. And what can you ex- pect? Her brain is being fed with impure blood and her whole system is suffering from poisoning. Such girls are wonder- fully helped and greatly changed, by taking ACES sarsararitia Hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls have teken it during the past 50 years. Many of these girls now have homes of their own. They remember what cured them, and now they give the same medi- cinetotheirown children. You can afford to trust a Sarsaparilla that has been testea for haif a century. $1.09 a bottle. All drugzisis. If your bowels are consti- pated take Ayer’s Pilis. You can’t have good heaith unless ou have daily action of the wels. 25 cts.a bor. ee Pills cured my = D. CAEDWILL, ‘Jan.12,189. ss Bath, N. ¥. ris paid his board for a day or two - LTT ALT NR he eee 7 SOF ON ee oo - a - _ “53 ar — = : Ee nm — ne Sapa oo at - —— oe : mi ' Bark Wanted! : LE ar ae Negro fanatic Heid tor Murder in) Thieves Whipped ta beiaware. LATE STATE NEWS 'PAYLORSVILLE NEWS. FROM MOORE [SVILLE faa TEEMASCOT oe ee ! Dispatch ae ae a FE WANT at least 300 cords of Tan Bark warner Wilmington. Dover, Del. Dispatch ret ? z ae f Town Convention—Portotk« e hehe this spring. Weare paying morc eS ' ee } 1} wMiaestdly «emokine a cigarette President McXinley has been in- E. L. Hedrick, Esg., Was at dery, Jotc- ever for bark and we want youto take cate os Wilmington Messenger, goth. { Pt acidly smoking a cigarette, 2 . yi ; 'd not allow the flesh side of bar a “SEKLY tr : ied | Robert Gilgham, cont ed pbieteal ed to Charlotte on May 2Uth.,and | Mooresville last Friday. prom Our Regular Correspondent. venreeneeee 3 PURidSIBED WEERL | -*Perey of Domingo,” the se-cailed | +9 - 4 ~. a. may go there, z aa ee i 4) nina a : BRADFORD & SONS, ie i = Kine of the Creoles, was arraigned ling b! tankets, took his 15 lashes aaa : ar. B. V. Correll was at States-! The Democrats of \iooresvl! le heid April 10th, 1900. New Stirling, N.C. é-' a tyesterday morning before Mayor | unconcern edly as though it were| John Cotton, colored, was killed yille last Friday night. town couvention last rriday PoE SS ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. +e ddel} and held in default of $1,000 |an every-day occurrence. 2S eS ee Tuesday.| Deputy Collector B. F. Tedder, of bight at the Academy,and made the : i ee ; appearance at the June asion was the semi-annual | His head was cut off. Wilkes Roe sas here last Friday foil w nominations for the se i Administrater’s Notice. “e —_—— —— saa ha COs answer and nine prisoners were | = = eee at a cise et ere mayor. C. E. Veils } pe : =ial aes inal Court SS A larye eed was pres-;. 2 L. Vaughan & Co., of Winston, and Saturday. Geter ee ance pe ree oh Loeazar: FIATING a qualified as administrator of the ; A. D. Warts. Eviror & PROPRIETOR. | phe Y of manslaughter. The | i ata was pres hess the Roe 2 3 Esg ; comussto: Neto hn) estate of Lilly W. Rrawley, deceased, all j ¥ Gone ee : -|wemap, Nettie Scott. colored, un ent. many of whom came to sce; May os neir Lobacce business tO] Mr Frank A. Liraey left Monday W. p. Tempteton, 5. Cc Gankie. \ | Gersons having claims ageinst said cstate are ‘ — Weoemab, « . te : x “ aa = a : y <x a c James M. Beraard, the Pbiladel-|the R. J. Reynolds Co. for Raleigh to attend theRepublican 3. A. Frowtman a Srey 2OUbeE Rea sath, toon ad 4 { me vence of Percy's fanatic wales at the Postoffice at Statesville as | der : : se sa 2 i Eee at the Postoffice at otetesy i oe phian who wrote the sheriff that be! The dead body of a white infant State convention. treasurer ons owing said estate are requested to make i | nes. fasted 54 days, died ate : a t second class mail matter. Mriday night and be is held as an} W id sure ly be there to be whip-| was found under a bridge bear Rev. and Mrs W. OR SECs It SSeS ee ante BASCOM WOOTEN, : 'ProxeE No. 35 : y death. The coron-| ped it paytuent ofa bet with Con- Charlotte Monday. Its maternity | Turnersbure. cam Attorneys. Administrator. fe eine oa later in the day toin-| Td Henry. of that city. lis a mystery. 4 Visit 10 relative 5 Messrs Knox and Brown, = Do This April 6th, 1900, zy eset ees et “= Whart wan chide | Sit 10 rel: *S. oo , ng i use of womad s | barton, used a rawhide | \ Lewis 8. Elks. was drowne 75 mt "1 “11 ie jaVe the coutrac for pes f sees were | : fed tuicoronsiys ities | ee ee “= The new roller mill machinery for |, x for tbe new cottun n fac- | }¢ ~ “reek Lo , . : . . > . j | are diferent lash from the in- | ¢ ea creex, Pitt cour uty, Sunday. | Vr. Moore’s mill, at Liledoun cotton placed their \wachinery | sTaTESVILLE COTTON MARKET. ty est nioft torture known as the} ee oes Sheabot- a ee "ee = mill. arrived last week- ‘at d will begin work today. Tue | STATESVILLE, N. C. May 3. 1900, 9 @ m- - ~ : : art a. Sreaaeee /net yet Geen recovere ee = ces canigh ly ae vy ne — ons he [¢at-"o nine! , used in Newcastle Mr. D. Me Matheson and Mrs.Em- | brick will be made on Mr. - J. Y | strict Good Middting eS See 256 ‘ oh COU ; Quil-| The colored Odd Fellows Lodge at |ima Stikeleather and children visited | Templeton’s land just belov 5 y the ONT rashes 9-30 s jeer apn ver i]. . a } r . AMET tit em bt fare mpzer and Har: UU-| Wake Forest was struck vy liebt- at Iredel] Station last Saturday. | M Pherson railt site. and about one \Yinges. 2. ee ee Sele 9-20 4 ‘ere ip ‘ped. ; mn I ~ re ’ ry locat ion. d acee ters ee ee lee raliel eae irar g.10 es niog . ‘ . « ~ ) ve fe | ta eee correla aetiieei % : aa Oe 1g — lay night and burned.| Pr. ©. J. Carsen was elected | 8 fron am es cu ae fee at | Market firm. : i bber Sie 1} i Loss $400 and no insurance. chairman of the Republican county fhe robbery of postofice at} ae robberies, n¢ Te ce } e his 2 On 5 s morn- | i ps er burglary, was viven 24} Samuel Knox, a prominent citi- means committee in place of Mr. | 2°" IEE te ro ; oe was a , . . cae ak me “ ve « oO at > | ae ee {zen of Caldwell stati Mecklen- A. Linney. ing between 12 aud 1 0 clock, | STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET a an hour in the piliory. | me wdweil Station, s.ecKien very bold crime, and also a success-) : ° 7 ; o iw a aie « = = : . ; harton showed little} ¥ county, bassmallpox During none: W. A. Self, of Hickory, : a ies dt at z 2 i inds th Wharton showed httie mi screens teat eae : fulone. T! red about) CORRECTFD KY e ; s : , Se : cal a0 Mer otbese two, as the court] his» ickness all of his neighbors call- | and quite a crowd from Wittenburg $300, of which apout Was HOV | COOPER & GILL i i there was little good in jed tc see him, and fears are now felt] tow uship were here last Wednesday ernment faeds—money and stamps. | ; y tried todisguise them-| that there will be an epidemic of the | attending a magistrate’s court. The post office is in One reom of the | COMMENTS OF THE ACI 3 f ; isgu Seneca ‘ ae } mof t MME THE WEEK. : pulling their hats over ee = eet e eee oe ae Messrs Wra. 2obinett, Henry | Gn OMA 1 drug store building. The All preduce in good demand as a i r, Ath colored ake : — contracted the disease from a} Marsh. s. Steveuson. Fov White, |. ot that pa arl or 5 LUVING PRICES—BASIS NO. 1 Qvatty. g ea ‘ : 30,7 mute, | negro emplore. : Piste 114) land i Norris see ~ Sabbareper ee eo ee Dh Eanes He Perey in prac ee eee ee a oP Saal ee eee sepen. and the peepee ssf | *f Jobbers } doctrine. wer for ¢ Ve PIC y Raleigh News and Observer: Ne- {dei county, were here last Sanday. 5 rated trom tuls Family —— ee et. - eile = ; .@ mds be tixed at 20 eae groes continue to move out of the] Revenue Officers Britt and Brad-| ti. ngand } Es See ae i i s for stealing |State. From ae Castern part of|shaw, of Statesville, were here last] i: “ed by a de MEW + ve 2 es eee SS i oH 7 novy showed that Ret “Chatles Lean the State they are going -further| Friday afternoon and visit ted the} waich the rebbers Te Corn—old— sot. £55 oe rie 3 4 z t ‘ } seaca tor s ss South. Frond "tl iis section they go|distillery of R. PR. Adams,. three ir entrance. They dri Oats—32ibs. marianne ES ean aol # . YP. vy ’ ‘ aie ~ “Y a . - , ; . ? r “¢ e ; WILLIAM! JENNINGS BRYAN ns. and Tobdias Black andi te New Yorkand New Jersey. From | miles east. of town. it “kh hole in the top of thesafe n st petal eel esi ee = v es " WIAM JENNINGS DRA. » - ~ 3 tel z > RAS Nie’ eee: ei lees ere “> Ronson: ten las = each the West they are going 10 West RN ee eer ve binge: than ‘the lock, and tue Potatoes 75} 3 , i in tbe trunk rebber-| Virginia to work in the mines and tec and Mas a ee osion broke one hinge and oth- : 751-3 wa ; s + el ate re em st * oo é DEMGERATIC CONVENTION DATES | | ies from the Delaware Railroad sta-lon the railroads. Several hundred eae ae x ie AL RAVE e loosened the door uf the safe z A y - | ‘ame to her death by} tion. negroes, both menand women, have = . ao es ee eo - oe se oreo that it could be taken otf. The caw 2 | S & ,- find “Now wea ore re: r fxr . oc ureb, ag os ing Hees yee ; et Naseer gre eee | r fasted 54 | sNOW a ar ready for i es M. | leit the State the past winter and = sa 2 ae aa malty rr * >) heavy plate glass in the front OL UDC Tensor fel. so ee ce eS 5% | Ee eis F ; NATIONAL i2EMOCRATI ONVENTION, Pee eee or Berna ‘ Sherif! Whartev, this snoring closing “Sonday night. otice was badiv brekeu So far | Zoosters per GS ee ieee alae 24 > . Bo wea Cire. WE cOrret : Seve eer 1 43, pt : a Sel r Cons saa re sont ¢ ken —Sprin y—smell—per Th... 1s inn KANSAS Ciry, Missouri, | or. il wavishir ug his whip, when the pris- Re Ss a eet Mr, Win. Smith, an aged citizen | 4)... 2re ee aoe fo the guilty parties. pring — = p = is | WEDNESDAY, JULY 49. | | a «ton Messenger report-| Obers bad | been taken to their cells}. Tncy +1e:ms, a wenl-to ; young | of Wittenburg township, and post- * Pocket will take his scheo! | Turkeys—per Be... ee ee ee $s; a Me fer rey Si é : 5 : : Soa . as Aig hel r the tr ial Porey stated that} Si: Bernard was not there. He aaa ae Gain county, died Sat-| master at Wi ‘trenbure postoilice for i bool class 10 ) Bariuin es, Swe eeam cok DEMOCRATIC STATE TIDKET. | + for life between him-|#2¢ written to the sheriff tbat his urday from the effects of laudapum.|many years. died last Saturday] ¢ Ra an ed PR ee es aes 25 Notice to Cre . | Spirit expires i jecnfidence had been betrayed and or hud _pacumonia and had been inj morning. He was a brother of Mr. Sits reester enero : _____ | Butter—Choice yellow... . . , 15 Citar t . oO oe 7 » ¥ © ~ *.% 2 eh ag eI (TE OER TM teed eke Ue Roan nk Spear teat gmt mle se Tear Ml aaa aM UG De ent Wher ea ene gna gs ose erie cl ch Rae cae : [3 he He | that d, with whom he bad the : re habit a ee ae Jere Smith, of this place. . Me . Honey—strained, per Ib... 2... 20 AVING « - ae se Cok seve r “s TIALING g | si ve : the | Waser, had paid it everal doses during the day Mr. R. B Adams who runs a dis- al OO BO las 2 8 ION F: id furtl bat | 2S eee refused to give |: ry Se miles east of town had Se ee ae 6 inecaeoucces 5 t » Said further that = = as hi Lihery miles ¢2 1 TOW ified to present t WY t aii ai an ee ae & lim any more, swe oO 2 zt ; ; = : ; . but his new = A Yerribie Mine Exploson in Utah. | egom and ieicinss oe a a oe oe troubiesom ¢ visitors Monday $3 eerie semetes : y a Ee a atic a e - . cted to mak« ERY I | he West Indies. Salt Lake, Cinh, Dispatch, ist vive him tke Snake SS bottle oe land ae report is that be turned a|. i RU Cre DESY, . 25 } This April sth., = } - PBive ik te 1ahude L ‘ = = ae en | atures of evidence! se : : BO leaner ae shot gun loose on them Cons: a| < Se nea irae 2 LC. Stevens Pec es ; i | <A terrific expt osion occurred to- | 2e es its entire contents with a!) M R 7 CC ee ran rene 7 Adn ENJAMIN RK. EAC of Wak } Te the coroner’s Investi- | 4.7; } ttle water ¢ aes r any | ULE oi Mr. Thomas Barnes § ROOL Rnd ele ee ere 25 R. B. McLaughlin a ae ee ce Deas quarters of the little water and drank it. He cs Bol ellocine couples) ascent, to % apples—-dried—quarters, bright... 3 cess bi iimington abe a lley Coal Mine at Scho-jto sicep and all efforts to arouse} ee ero oa ca wont oie = i eee eee 45—————_ = - : : . ¢ rine otowe : 2 x = 6 ~ Sone Bio Grande Western {him failed. Itis thought his condi-{* parkling Sa So are ¢ "i “< lextza! a ig ; i oh ~ ° sedqey yr o¢ 1c . % “ 5 aly ae poe hear Colton. Utah, by | tion was such that he was not aware e| > Seine CSET | PORTO) RCO i poms ee 65 | Seed Oats and Was For 4 si Cs yund a we to reports, oyer|Of What he was doing | D _E. W. Moose and Miss Delia] © veaches—peeled, pee tte ° o tory n : So pero e « eDorts, rer ali Was Zz. = ogee a eunieat > : = oa BO Sie) ere 6 Sea so? re Mev @ kilted and many in- re |W bite, Mr. Walter A. SS ecetc ae x : i zi ee Z{ Thavea lot of white separate from his : eked that v0 eee LATE GENERAL NEWS jand Miss Espic Matheson, Mr. Geo. | & : Bao aee round, pertb. 2.2... 8 ‘sale for seed, I have mulatto Oy recovere ™he ATE GENERALNEWS Watts and Miss Lucy Math eson, Mr. . ; ‘ : Bene eee ro hay for sate, Seis mic ee re - ses a a | + : Atice EME Posl > * ear eeraiel oe ; Resp th cause of the explosion is attributed | £. Nor and Miss fie Pos S wit ensex the stomach But Shoulders.c SS Ss 3 Feby. 8th., 1900. man Sen ore eae Slee meen = Pe The citiz of Tay Re aee $e Wiss EDSOE Sete St@isicieete one to the Wiss up of & number of ive men were killed in a saw! tne citizens 0! aviorsville are © vou can fake mik er excem ; ee keys cf blasting powder, will explosion at etc. Ga., Mon-/#sked to meet in the court house | © YOU Calh tan’ state SA esa j gee y SS ose Fhe work of rescue is going on|day. The boiler was blown 200: Wriday night te sce what can Se € so you can take a. or. dest of all| (5 pe Se carte 13 , - ; 2 best ¢ Bis nd everythias possible is being dove te build at elephone line from} @ = . LEE 3 - Es ®-s s : Oet ie@ ¢ , ~ ° } " a @ ys ciripe, no a. one to relieve the suliering and as- . Bie : ‘Statesville to this place. The as-| 7 Saas Ste a <23 et " Ort i ne Ferest fires are raging in north- <i [ a apnta |) Seas tne f2feyer ts Babee SE3h55 jai: fetes ° ¢ a the numbercf dead: § Super- aiteh? pete ete 17} jsistance 9 Hiddenite, Sloan s, : testes ¢ E c ete: i testified that}~ i cndent S oa ee : era Michigan and Wisconsin. The Scoti’s and Iredell is asked. See © Geseet sMawas © house oa ere the de-|u. ana f the coal compa-/ -o2un of Ames. Mich., has been wip-| saat cen be done at these points ¢ LOOK OVER THIS fe ; Bes ne = eee rintendent Weiby, of} 4g ae 1D- what can be done at these points. ui wer KS Op oO ' ‘ ~ d out c * 2 tue mpanv ave. « : : \ : < : i. in Ser e, thet. aa sey bare eS ee np iilled by ithe fall: |x Prof. A. F. Sharpe's school at] ¢ s . 3 epee ee a a Spt cial train. oA : = i men were aaace the fall- ' Biddemte “will close next week. The] & 1S © CS es o bat Perey came in a have ulready jing of a crane . Rich besond: Va., exercises commence ednesday | & ~ Bald that thelbord ad six of = ie Saturday, cate eS others were yjght, Sth, and close Thursday night. | ¢ “ + ttn) “ct ; . ~ 7 : ; inded him to make her fast ificd. A | badiy injured. 1th. Rev. W L. Dawson, of | & and when in need of them come ; . ove day for each vear = a < A foundry buildisg eoilapsed at Satesv: will preach the sern.on | © and see us. bi Perey said he had ee e Sey ae Birmingham, <Ala., saturday and 4%! i1 o'clock, a. m., and E. B. Jones.) . : i EEO. vent ker fromm hore Sor a two men were killed and eleven in- E=q, of Winston, will deliver the] € fl 7D. WATTS. a crumb: that she ete) Ree aS a0" | jured, two fatally. address at 2 p.m., May 10ch. & ollars. Collar Pads, OR SUPRIET ne see 2 O mines, Nos. = ' : . a. vs and it was her fi 7 . ° Xx, valiess a ea e SN HL WYCOK: x ea ee oe ce of ‘the winers {In a powder explosion at Lari- Mr. W, Calvin Crouch, who lived ¢ Blind Bridles SHER 01 es is suppor: mer, Pa., last week two men were NO Mies south of town near Mace-} ¢ 3 ; mes noe woman on Ne. 4, and| fatally injured and eight men aad a donia Baptist church, was killed] 7. Halters Check Lines i Seceeracuetnion ction to No. 1. jgirl sericusly injuced. last Thursday by a mule running] ¢. 4 g eo Ee neo oer x away wit h aone hors ma aa Oe : z 3 ie PSE tte sn Domes ae Bae Ly sYyse wagon and] = : : Bae a ae Ba ew ‘ RONDER . that if she believed in eee A builders strike is on in the throwing him against a stump. He Hitching Reins, Back Bands, Hame Strings, | an she would live, and if} Eively Street Buci in Jacksonville.j Northern cities and thousands of fad been to Mr. Julius Warren's FPOARDB, in him. she wovld @ic. | Jacksonville. Flz., Dispatch, rst. ce have quit work. The strikers pear the Catawba river, and the demand ao 38-hour day. mule ran away just beyond tbe Lit- EYOR IRA W, SOMERS. Try *rnat @ ' : ¢ ee a eee Ina sireet duel in front of the ‘rement Duilding at 8:10 o'clock} Chas. Herbert Allen, former As ee ees s. Hert Allen, form s u re eae ae sistant Secretary of the Navy, was Sut - or } } iv} _ : oe C. W Bee h, inaugurated as civil Governor of Sats tansell, | Porto Rico Tuesday with iinpesing the latter wi: ~erCMOoDIeCS ic as Curchlicnuies, Liver Complaint. PE ac h e as e ni g h ti e tive miles south of town. Mri} Va, I] have had the Liv Crouch was over 73 years ofage and | con wasa good, quiet and hard-working | years, and tried medicines of eve ciiizen. description, bur found no relief Seeing your Ramon’s Liv rk Seas *ehroe grea at 3 o'clock this eveu ie my lodd was a Kentuckian by birth Zora Jones Watts. died at the resi-| disease is about cured. I shall ed in South Caroiina for drace of uer fat her, Mr. J. whe Jones. Wars Yé ecoumerd your medici [the young lady ; DUL SHE Was too 5 Cug- first shor | bul had | Be Way from tle river at Alspauyzh’s cotton mill,| C. DB. He ¢nderson, Morris Church, er very badly for three ry at er two ---~- Sak ey ? former pati:fully 1 ee . q cera pt Yu Olacs beyvro 7 - yr. Geo. RB ~ Mog Peed a aarie neal 5 z es ' be municipal cl: se @ vouum white ladvot wis d the liring, |, Ses Geul R. C. Todd, orother-in-/ Mrs. Zora Jones Watts. is advertised, I oe cht a box. : YinD pes ieaaee f Se Williamson, [lav of Abrapam Lincoln and an em- | (2 -cnondence of Tus MAS or usic® these I fc i my com- de tis the tow - eae See are edt . . 5 orrespondence of Tux Mascor. Sib 4 3 om cratic ee ee etfect. Wil-|inent physician, died at his home in 3 ee : etter, and al using WaOse Name is revolver ang} Barnwell, S. C., Saturday. Dr. | The subject of this sketch, Mrs. } osxes I bouwht a third. and now my al- ine. Ve cm pi wooing th cy on ee but the second s chim ig |mauy years. He was a Confederate about three miles northwest of Tay-| Por sale by N. 2. Tunstall or te ney tne nesta by the) tie middie of the back. wound {army surgeon during the war. lorsviile, on the 24th day of April, ite became alarmed at ber eat Six on oe ae eat 1/1960, and was buried on the follow- 5 z “| 3 au by ye, Javizc State yet whether it Sean ee ing day at Three Forks Laptist ial om mot. : = _cburch. The funeral was attended t as .. {Correspondence of Tire Mascor. ‘by a large con; ti 5 Reena Gara re ‘by a large congregation of sympa- Fe e ioe eh toy ee » hs ner 4 Saletan < } ; Tae at hustling .to get th ir thizing and sorowing friends. The ! tton jianted. This services were conducted by the pas ae the Plant Gvstem for layed by the re- ror, Rev. L. Parks Gwaltney, and schecl- ea ~~ : rs : _ ; see ee ales on me 2 influence in the citv count ednesday, April| were very interesting and impres is said oien prominent in S: op feli bere that sive. Mrs. Watts was bornin April, b Said te . v6 t ‘ ye veuye y s } Poy 1] a = the brutelceunty polities, Williamson oes seth fall. )1509,and was therefore 31 years = lazy and bs torai one time represented Citrus coun- bed :old, She joined the Baptist church shifiless : , I y and|ty in the State Legislature. ‘There|-.‘¢ an abuudance of!in 1886 and remained a faithful and when she Bi fe Sele eh considerabie excitement among geo Wi = oe spate =i sonsistent member ofthe same until doesn’t deserve it ts { Neue RHC tHe friend i th eserei : ood ineeed, Vhoatis looking ex-; the t re of ber sath ey i ‘ fricuds ef Goth parties, tu: noth- = .oKingy ex-| the time of ber death. the least bit of i 4 nibs vu li be ned Of line serious is Sie vedia aly wei 1. Nore than usual} in 1892 sbe was happily married ; ee eons 3 | Sy oe ned oN ss ty to Presa 3 ; Pee ymizecs She can’t study, easif i et ore moraing Phis is ee nee nee cee i Was sown ee ito the Jate Dr. Butler Watts of this mn € Can tstucy, easy a i envy cane} f< . i <= = ae . i . antes = ° : Spoon bec tem ipt upen chil idren a { Nine Peopie Killed in Faris Harmony Bigh School will “close | county. who died in 1896 leaving falis asleep, is nervous ye Q | a on : ec ae + £ : Fala aris. iti rly erage Jace Qibs} Ant ; . 3 ; Hey, of Bet three ; white and thre: ith exercises May 30th and 3lst.iher a childless widow. The two end tired all the time ika'n of Bees . He Was tried at a receni » orator bas net yet been decided | bright little children which had And what : dele; crates s to the Na term cf court at Graham i found} ty bridgeton, but au able man will be secured} lessed their union having both died | F ¢ : ‘cP H Sacin go bene : he Na- nant aes te Fi The OF : ny at fin Gue Lime Peer Oa i : ain i i ‘ vention. They are both ear pees ee ee >a ee on my ae eee sur Para ee eae 4 a ri ens bees fot y, of course, be Ine ple-tinson zi oe = 4 Y voiding ao see ge Rob and b Suit me aa ae to make this the banner No eulosy; that the writer couid & Ww ith imp: ure biced ie tin > at aod tor i . ences " fr { i t ere iii as ee eeeee se. pea aaa mmmencement in the history y of the | possibly pronounceon the life and and her whole Systei2 is L prea Idieh . oh OTSCUS WETe Kil Gutelekt fscbool ‘Ss 2 se : t 5 j . } ; a it : e ee is expressed at ee r re killed outeight, jo b whe TPhis session of the school} character of this good woman would, suffcring from poisoning. 1ave ominat- | snieucy, and many of | te ou ( result | fas bees its best both in numbers; perhaps, do justice to her many vir- Such girls a 7 = O. Masten} ent men declare thes and st ‘dof advancement. Weltues, ner would itdo the dead any full e S are woncer- f Jobsuson for petit i yn usking for ii ef the nore on chool may grow and that ' good. Yee itis always weil to re- | Be ead nelped ae i ily burn ee regi a ae for turning this b Was | UONt session will be better still. feaill with loving memory the good changed, by taki Se elegates to the loose onus under the cir- show The sickness In this community | quatitics of the dead and to heid up i Saiona: t : wor re ne Seery 2) be at ‘ 5 ‘ ie convention wor: ; : patrons eens oe avating. Jar. leverv pure and stainless life annie = y ‘ siructed for Sper } nN lady is } ix VG ay ? ro Gi : = ie eee pencer Bieekburp for i = youny lacy is about sixreen Vaeu avenue Hat mooy, Apr il 3 th. | vone, that the! iving may einulate ite eress. {. >and velones to ore ot ue was condemned ee a espera nee !Mrs. Watts was, “jodeed, @ good ‘a rt y wore » eet Tien 3 oO ¢ - wD 1 . ” = = ante ' Host Pes pectable families. ah BO ONE Mas UK it The sennerty-Allison Marriage, “| Woman, au d was loved and respcct- OVE f the sympathy of the whoie eccident hose ia il wh 2ew he rict mez a i Cormmmunity i Jud ee 5 og j +] ee Correspondence of Tus Mascot. jed by ail who kn Si her. She: was of t fcormmunity, and Judze Rei i wirikd i at Pes Dal ete race itil conte i ne a cee e WY, and luce OLSON is ae Hing i th nvenu ‘a sweet and umiable dispos ition and 20Mminati as;s emned. We hope it oes eae eS : to triel he will not Z = v ee Wlth ene tuother in their} ure of attending the marriageot Mr. i cod Christian graces that so much a0 wuld ater | ft > arts en GeyY aanitt « _ P pau mite > ue Wet ee ee ned loose, sia re rehuer swift und venerous ae <i an erly and Miss Eupha/embeilish and beautify the femal+ Hundreds of th r0usands -Yspoon, } aid to the suiferers, . Allison Wednesday evening femmes Sent . = y evening at!ebaracter. or Sci eS Igizls mae taken pain mete oelocis: i Oe 5 en ae : ralf past S o’vlock, at the residence! Although she had lived but a & eee olee, soldiers amd eiti- Your corr respondent had the pleas-} possessed ef ail the many vir : p i 39¢ many virtues Cea iL *, will be en-| n Cluick Venge co ae . -=s | : Sane ‘ ro Cf 37 aed i ~ the 1a’s wip _ 7 Af : bor x 1t eoee os Se es Ne oie id Smothered in a Can of} f Uh ae smc. Mr. J. F. Mills. {short while in this world, still shel 3 ee £ spencer « hyepy oy " eee Ist., to Raleizh N sand iz . > So) a sae “Mon spencer Blackburn will be nomi-! ews and one . SeseneeS of States- ! hud known much sorrow and aifiic 2 any nated for Congress by the Renna! : i, harlotte News, goth, - yerts @ > . : cee tc ce aress bY the nepubli-! moruing at 2:30 o'cloc k ‘ : eee 1 e oa p : athe ceremony in a' tion. Vhile yet in tbe fresh sweet} § cuns of the Sth distric = a] Jobn Gaither, colored, urd fami? y [mie impressive manner. The mar-{ porn} vg of iife, before sadness is “Ay | CLM ye at cope see E Every + Ci ne of our Citizens, nombering live ca Mi . D. PL Hutchison's place, | Tiage “as 2 guiet affair, only a few : St ipposed to come to the human rt, her little children were taken fo sce tbe bride plight her trothiaway from her. Then followed rhe! cured them, and now county to nu ta convent nso far re = AS Instructed tor him, except | t vive the same medi- Saar ty : m D0, visited the jail st . s ~ Sears es jan at Gra-|northwest efthe city. Ye ssterday {imme Bute friends being present}; WiLS pistols In the facet evening ora and bis fami i : : ‘ is fai ne An g Q, 5 eS & {have been done when Judge W. s. Lv. CARDWILL, Bath, X. ie ‘Lhe platform re e-allirms the Chi- He Calczz0 | Robinson turned him loose atthe last a : about x uilon of ¥ , +, ;sehn Keunerly, near Mooresviile. ! Te. ros : piatiorm and denounces trusts and wee { Water in the kit, e loor esville. sent His angels down and took her sad the ~ . E jnad the child falling in head forc.| Tbe day was pleasantly spent byjuyio heaven, Gently and tenderly, si b st e s i s te s ss E Alexander. This includes P ; soit : S Incinc orsytn, *, demanded the kevs of} cjrt3 : were , i ca surey, Ashe: Cleveland | me Keys oflsitting in the house enjo the | “it athe man of her choice At half! death of her husbaad, cutting short totheirown children. turke. Caldwell and other end, | s f oie ct ¢ Oe 7 . eeenlinrs ; Gurke, Caldwell and other counties. } ving the majority of thecrowd ree the Sabbath. Phe two] Past oes e mice toch RSs sera carecr that gave promise of spien-| § sa afford to trust a Michigan Demoerat ; outside f Ccaced GoleeelS ubgest children had gore around wee 7 Bo and yroom were the} did success in : his ebosen profession Sarsepariila that has been pa deicxates 2 the Ss instructed ene Pn = | the E nouse to play. John went tof Picture of Cee: The groom wore! Yet with Christian fortitude nat tested for haifa & century : Be to the National cor so Pen, : “th ) oon ulter them some min afray j re customary black, and the bride‘ m hes E bottle. “is z : t Ss Netro Selle A I inutes after ¥ ? SECS ail these affliction {with a) $09 cists. : Loivoteienna eee nevro Sellars, impr isonet ! Re | i a zi z ; a. thes Ss, and wi a a All dry; oh mination | ..; ted ussaul : oe ee found tbe youngest, Hottie | as beautifully attired in cream} sautif i Ii - Bryan for Presi re ed assault on a young white! ttie a Sinan ‘ yee , beautiful in its sadness. | 4 your bewels ai. - Soaiae! nae See and |; the outskir ts of Bur ope jes ye d 13 mou : heud foremost I: af tetta, trimmed a lace, silk aud the remainder ‘of her neaes = ae ae Bilis. You dent. D ites for | day, and performed a area Sea lard kit in which there was water, | i!vbea, which fit to perfection, i her jast illness, she | & can’t have good health unless aenw J S ck surgical Te vs 7 a A perent: “or pres { = = nes she | = as 2cS' heads the c& ete. K Sen ion on him, which oueht to |; He ran and puiled her out but to his|_ + reception was given Thursday ; 1 perfect patience the long | E@ 708 are caily action of the jegation to Kansans City. 5 ‘ eee feund her dead. There wasj*" Mr. Kennerly’ S father’s, Mr.twearv weeks of suffering u neal God | ig Domes 25 cts.a box. | ; zs fering untre Groc ; 1's Pills cured my v= ae va sdidate for the — & <De e, had a fight I co oe ae now have i nomes Of their own. They remember what c nuperialism, j term of coi it, and which wi yre- | : : jventarepetition of his eee ae most, had sa strangled. The} © = me cae ee on ene dinner | with loving bands. her remains were | Ieyoumaneme ee é Judge W. N. Spence, ofthe Alba-/5*uts. (There was no excitement PO ns ne parents was pathetie. : aes =x ace in s te. he groom Istlaid by the side of ber departed b Epdidcsiro tho best m seal gaviee you ny cirenit, runniog for re-election, /224 universal satisfaction is ex-| Sees : eee man of hich standing andj husband and children, there to rest | raciy.. Tou will receives promne re and J. E. Donaldson, who is also ? | pressed this morning. |_ The wife of Major General James | 34° on a bride of rare accomplish-}in peace till the morn’ng of the res- fs Ded aye = a |i]. Wilson, military governor of the | Meats. The writer bas nothing but | vrrection. oe me | arngeeg Lowell, Mass, Prt Ashburn, Ga., vesday, while en-| he ited Stat : a ein ‘ y ¢ = aile en The United States Supreme Court j ta Clara, Cuba. died in Bas: happy couple. May peace, pros-| Mr. and Sirs. Jones in the loss of} os - 7 ahs. 2 Ss } Rs a ever was made is Dr. /man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil King’s New Life Pilis. Every pijl War. Itcaused horrible Uleers thet Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor. K Cough, An O14 idem, : ‘ es oS — =obale of health, ROS Cauca helped for. 20 years. P., Boonville, Ind., says, “De Witt’s Every asg strengthens the belie? of emi- Notice to Creditors. nanges weakness into Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured Witch Hazel Saive scothes = most ee 5 can buy nent on that impure blood is the J-AVING qualified as adininistrator of : 25c. Bottle of cause of the mdjority of our Ciseaseg, by W. F. Hail, Jr., Druggist. Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist; |W. F. Hail, Jr. : Ben oe Bitsere ta sold Gy all denies Attorney. * inal ' Gi si a WwW. HALLE He : Stl grt ar peel agra atm ae ap atians ceo = Department of Mantanzas and San- the best of wishes tu convey to this Much sympathy is expressed for’ Pree Bone aed Mar v¢h. Vpctlece - = a aa re eth, listlessuess into energy, a Cures Cuts, Bruises. Burns, delicate skin and heals the most Fi en deceased) ymotice Gs thereby T wenty-five years ago this theory was used iwento ali persons holding claims against ths sin-fag into mental power They Boils, Felons, Corus, Skin Erup stu bdorn ulcer with e A Ss, yp stub mce ith certain and | 1m IN % Salaibrsiaitorithe formulatcl s cstate of said deceased to present the som are Ww + 7 } hs ~ o- z - 77 < x rsigne . ‘ "me t : re ecco = ee up = tions a Pile care on earth. = good Ser Gures piles and skin» Hali’s 0 JUZA | Bitters. Them ee the under * ned for paymen swith'n one ers ealth. } 7 : 0 ents a box. ure uaranteed. Ciseases. on't buy an imitati by this famous o}d household remedy are har otiticioreorestwrnigntn be y on. Syrup y vB CONNELLY, his May znd, rooo. ti Boys’ Suits, T3e. to $3.50. Fans, 1 to 0c. Harness of All Kinds : Harness Dressing and Soap. Buggy and Wagon Harness. DON'T; FOG oF ST OUR feriiizer Department. We have the goods, and wake the price. The Flanigan Harness C0. ae ENN | Shoes for Spring and We are offering exceptionally = Good Bargains in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and ask a: tion of our line: Every shoe I offer is of good quality, aut the sacrifice in price. I make, to close out. Tne Ladies Button Boots I offer are attractive and the prices murderouiy lox. prices on Misses and Childrens Oxfords are co-? almost © half, and the Ladies Oxfords, full 4 off. 30c. to 50c, will buy a Child’s Oxford 3 and 46e. to 602, a Ladies ana Misses Oxfords. Se e our Vir dow display and we think you can be intereste Shoes at not the only goods we offer at attractive prices and we # pleased at all times to show what we have, even i! made. Respectfully. J. W. Copeland no sale © The Variety Store Spring Showers of Bargains ... SEE THE VARIETY. SEE THE EMD Calico, 4 to 6c. yard. L 1 tos — see § Pant Goods, » to 60c. yard. Tattblers aud Gi ts, 0a tS. Bive Denim. 7, 10 and 123. yard. Plates and Cups, 3))- 5° Alamance, eon dc. yard. Big lot Tinware. 2 t: 2. Bed Tic king, 5 to 15¢ yard. Knives and Fors, + Lace Curt tains, 90¢. pair up. Toilet and Laundry 5°? Towels, 5 to 25e. Shoe Blacking, i aN ss pos | Faceand Taleum Powders, 5 and 102. |Shoe Dressing, 9. }" he : Parasols andUmbrell 5 2 a2 | ellas.25¢. to #225, | Machine Oil, biz vottie. *” i Ladies: Shirt Waists, 48c. to$1.50. | Trunks and Valises, 2. ma | 1.000 Matches, 5e. Handkerchiefs, 2 1 He ereyer } liscues - ys bs : j . 22 Sept ——S Mee See Se n the Kentucty/urday, from =} ctfects of burrs ac- wera and uabroken happiness be] this their only Jiving child. It is! Retice i9 Creditors, Regen eee ae Straw Hats, >. ee :; red not fist fis echt resul ted and Don- ieee ap ~ oe Monday and | cidentatly eceaved in the morning oo = = they tread the varigated | ad, indeed, that they should be left | PAVING Petipeshamer ie mee Writing Paper: 3 to 0c. auir See ns Seg : 2 was pi ash, when the case er ee Bing ee iving with her daughter. | PLAS 0! UE oan childless and alone in their declin-' ji m. deceased, notice is tierchy | Boys” iXnee Pants. 2e. t e 0 Sean ee sponte fee oe ase will be decided. | While alighting from her carriage,| Granite Hill, April 28th. ing years. May the Lord in Hi : Titec 1s prance Bejts and Belt B Wilat at aE Soe sont “I ‘ Working Night and Day ted Hot From ithe Gun ae ee stepped on a et se shat cere y ee ‘ woodness and mercy pice and ae : ned eaters ee . lesen 25 ork oan 10 to 50c, Doli and Toys. os Poe vi The busiest and mightiest little! Was the ball that hitG. B. Stead anaes aa Don’t fone : R. L. Downs. Tine Stay 2. 1500, *| Fast Black Hose, 5 to 25c. pair. ee oe 3 2 & 3 p.m. Avilla, N. C., April 30th, 1960. G. we ¢ Books and Blank Books, 5c. to $5.00 | New lot Wall Paper: 5 to “ Complete Line of Baseball Goods- Large stock of Musical Instruments, Trimmings and St Many other goods it will pay you to see. rp THE: < eT LA. W. M. Dulin, Esa township, is quite Mrs. Geo. H. bx pneumonia, ts : Mrs. D. C. Thom civg from an atta: Little Wii Sait ix Tine stores DOW © OF in tbe evenings evenings. She jowe at 6 o'clock. Esst End, capizir Sherrill, defe feated \W tained by Captian ¢ af came of basebau ot 4s to 15. Capt. J. James A acebcy for t surance Seciet) ispury and ad yncent Mrs. Keever Gied d Mrs. Sullivan's farz Satords . to Liverty chur ty, for br urial. years o} a. The Ur ins, ™ muc 2 ¢ There i Harimony Saturday Messrs. Armilicia 2 Democratic can t dizcuss the . er is pes of the camp Clerk Hartax Mrs, Eila Surewa on east Grenad str intd ib as soon < madc. fie leavc > of town on 2ccount ¢ Rev. E. P. Bracie ville, Vance cou: Bradley, e=4., sbip, preached al church Sunday 1 ing. Hissermons w joved. ivory one the Dr. Wx i Rees may be paper ofl toe at P Pane a a cs The Wallace Barron & Nic The following ck deli are attending Ut State convention inf Natzzress, L. C. Sie J. B. Angie, J. \ Atweli, W. V. Wil Lon;:, H.C. Cowk others. Mr, Adam Lentz « in Rowan county one aged about 50 years tive of Iredell and ia of Jcha C. Lentz, ib ville township. He and jour Gaui died severai } Thomas Patterso *phoue DOYS, CA pvt in rear of the phe! A great crowd rap LO explosion thinking 1 he mayor fined 30 Sufor violating nance aguinst ! Miss Addie Mchis entertained Loc Wh pieasant tome i ud ‘Lnose prec nit were ion. W. evening jor rayeltcy State cubdidarec Ciiairman Sunn poianicl is for 3i Syab Gruncs, Cd tary of Siate, 10 COULLY On Lue {luis i tbe sZtb and Jitt i loth and berh, a i i ‘ gvene Ww Wyomils Vy bite vow Las three suns and a G nea Lawson was nau guisued kinsman, 11 sup White, of icun burn in lredeii and the “Cato of the dot Mr. Joseph W. ti J, A. Haroin, arrive terday from foa.tin graGuated al Lie iol o: benial Ser: Greensvore > amined .by tu license. He wil: Gy examination, a> ie 4 pod dentist and s Giasses al COCR decided where he wili bardiy stay her n —_— ~ Memorial Day acre Next Thursday. Memoria! bay aud celebrated a> Us aa Fev. J. A. Weston. f ory, will deiiver ibe a bse speaker. Uat ton ba> been upc Tne schools, the ira fire departinent a: ally are €& pe provessiv® to furni> = ‘tne semoria . meeting yesteruss Cha:abers’ bul lhe ft yeu been array people are 2il cordi attend, and country quested Lo priag th ereen wreaths. 2 iilus _ al Delinger—Nicholson Mr. Baxter L. De Any Nicholson, «: anc Mrs. W. M. 3 married yesterd o'ci0ck at the father on Ke Smith cffici : fricnds and relativg tracting parties wey and Mrs. Delinges Statesville. The groom isa ling worth and 1 who wish him every The bride is au 2 2dy who enjoys the who krow her. We join their m wishing for Mr. and long and happy life. 4 9 bh THE? \W. M. Dulin, Esq., of Statesville vuship, is quite ill. rumonia, is improving. iil, is much improved. [ne stores now cose at 7:30 o'clock welry stores close st End, captained i by Captian Claude Evans, in »of baseball Friday by a score ’ .¢ Equitable uce Society for Statasville, Sal- ‘y and adjacent territory. Keever died at her home on llivan’s farm, east of town, The remains were taken irch, Alexander coun- tLe Union meeting at the Baptist h, which closed Sunday even- vas productive of good and was ich enjoyed. The next Davie county, ere should be a large y Saturday nizht weratic candid has purchased Stirewalt’s house Las soon as some je leaves his place outside of 1 r account of maiaria. ie county, ason of J, P. be Presbyterian h Sunday morning a Liis sermons ood monument fund. Con- may be leftat the news- icholson’s store. : following delegates from Ire- convention in Raleigh: L. C. Sides, J. W. Brown, P. D: Lone, H. C. Cowles im Lentz died at his home couuty one day iast week, |county, is visiting her brother, Mr. He was 2 pa-} Jesse L. Sherrill. tLand married 2 Lentz, Esq., He leaves two sons ivhters, his wife having i several vears ago. ve boys, exploded a fire cracker ear of the phone office Monday. oat crowd ran to the scene of the ‘sion thinking ita pistol shot.}ton, Tenn., a Davidson student, nayor fined young Patterson owe + fire work »avaiust bre WOrss. McElwee charmingly t club at ber tained the wh uttiebee Cooper, yes Kliasvoa Ailen Copeland; col. J. FP. ivssrs. J. E. Sloop, J. WwW. Copeland, _ i. U. Sharpeand A. D. Watts. ion. W. D. Turner ning tor Fayetteville, where the Chairman Simmons has ments for Mr. Turner and Mr. ‘yan Urimes, Candiaate for Sec of Siute, to speak - on tue llth, im Granville op th apd lath, in Fersonu ; aud 16th, aud in Caswell on tbe Hugh Lawson White, soa of M. Waite, Esq., of Mooresville, has Vy; bite now ba three sons und a Gaughter, Lewson was named Tur his distin- guisued kinsman, Hon. Hugh Law- sun White, of Zenuessee, born in lredeil and who was called the “‘Cato of the South.” ph W. iHarbin, son of Mr. J. A. Harbin, arrived at bome yes- terday from , geacuated at the Baltimore College Dental Sergery- Greensboro Sunday pight tu be ex- State board for He wil! doubtless pass the He will go to examination, ashe is a ped dentist and Glasses at college. decided where he wili bardiy stay here. stood well in his He bas not fuily will locate, Memorial Day Exercises. yemorial Day and the day will pe celebrated as usuai in Statesville. soy. J. A. Weston, D. D., of Hick. will deliver the agaress. Captain P. C. Carl- ton bas been appointed marsha). redeli Blues artment and citizens gener- are expected to take part in the The band is expected to furnish music. ‘tbe Memoriai Association h meeting yesterday at Mrs. P, bembers’ but the program has not yoo been arranged. people are all cordially invited to attend, and country ladies are re- guested to bring owers or ever- ereen wreaths. Lhe country Delinger—Nicholson. Mr. Baxter L. Delinger and Miss Amy Nicholson, daughter of Mr. ‘Mrs. W. M. Nicholson, yesterday evening at 3) o cock at the residence of the bride’s father on Kelly street, Rev. M. A. Smith cfliciz were} February number of relatives of sting parties were present. will live in The ercom isa young man of ster- ine worth and has many friends ; telephone whe wish him every success in life.,;man of some The bride is an attractive young lady who enjoys the estcem of who know her. \We join their many frien ning for Mr. and jong and happy life. ds in (an : Mrs. Delinger a pardon hi Spencer B. Adams Nominated for Governor,—The Other Nominees. | Phone Specialto Tux Mascor from the Chat- lotte News, met in Raleigh yesterday. Linney would not allow his name to go be- tres. D. C. Thompson is convales- | fore the convention. » from an attack of erysipelas. declined it. The convention nominated the foi lowing ticket: Spencer B. Adams, of Guilford, for Governor; Claude Dockery, of Richmond, Lieutenant Governor; L. L. Jenkins, Treasurer; T. S. Rollins, Auditor; J. F: Par- rott, Secretary of State; Zeb. V. Walser, Attorney General; T. W. Mallory, Commissioner of Labor; C4} A. Reynolds and J. Franks, Corpor- ation Commissioners; A. H. Price, Rowan; and J. R. mcCrary, David- son, electors at large. 33 Prof. J. J. Britt, of mitchell, now a revenue officer here. was nominat- ed for Superintendent of Public In- struction, but declined. The con- vention then endorsed N. C. Eng- lish, the Populist nominee. _ Spencer Adams, the nominee for Governor, was judge of the Sth. « : z af trict fora short time and was the Republican nominee for Congress in the Sth. district in 1893. a PERSONALS. Mrs, D. M. Furches is visiting i Morganton. Mr. A. A. Colvert, of Winston, _ Ree the] spent Monday in town. *s tor Senators, cuss the amendment and the oth-|, wes of the campaiga. W.G. Lewis, Esq.,went to Raleigh Tuesday on legal business. Mrs. K. L. Miller is visiting Miss Cora Kluttz at Troutman’s. Dr. M. R. Adams spent Monday repairs arejand Monday night in Newton. Mrs. N. D. Tomlin, of Olin town- ship, is visiting relatives in town Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harbin visit- ed relatives in Mooresville this week, Mrs. R. E. Armfield has returned} church and a good ;d even-{from a visit to relatives in Char- Lotte. Miss Jenkins. of Staniy county. is visiting Miss Callie Clark at Rock Cut. Dr. L. Harrill went to Rockinge- ham county Sunday on smallpox ousiness. Rev. W.L. Darr atte: i 2 con- ference of his church in Gastonia : ae last Week. Miss Mary Johns, cf Auburn, has returned homeafter # Visit to rela- tives here. yesterday. Miss Ora Sherrill, of Catawba Mrs. A. R. Sherman, of North Wilkesboro, is visiting her mother, | Peath of Mrs, Slaven. Mrs.Caroline Slaven, wife of *Dr.” Mrs. Fannie White, of Charlotte, |R. C. Slaven, died at he is here, having beon cajled here by} Barringer township Saturday the sickness ui her sister. Mrs. Tur-|ipg at 40 ‘cloc Mrs. N. A. Bingham. rentine. Mr. Clarence Bowles, of Coving- pent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams. ur. J. F. Bowles went to Golds-| ville relatives attended the ft boro yesterday evening to join mrs. | services and burial, which was at Bowles, who is visiting her father,}St. Michael’s old Troutman’s, Sunday. rood woman and had { formed her part in life. Maj. H. i. Grant. Mr. Pat Leinster has gone to Norwood, Staniy county, to take charge of the hardware department | garn Burned in Shiloh. of Blaylock’s store. teacbingat Troutman’s, will soon go live in the future. Miss Lillie Nash, who had been bere on 2 Visit to ber cousin, Mrs. wW. R. MeLelland, her bome in Charlotte. Bliss Lee Bingham, who has been visiting in the Wilkesboros, return- ed bome Monday. Her sister, Miss Aunie, who has veen inschool there, returned with her. Nr. and Mrs. J. W. Copeland went to Spartanburg, 5. U., Duaes- day afternoon to ultend a concert ut Converse College, Where their caughters, Misses Cate and Y. Vopeland are ut school, R. H. MeNeill, Esq., the hand- some young Republican lawyer of jelferson, spent Monday might in town. He pad been to the Kepubl- can judicial convention at Hickory, and ieft ‘uesday morning for ha- iviga to attend the Nepuviican Stave convention. oeer- he Closing Exercises at the Graded sSchooi. Rev. m. A. Smith will preach tue closing sermon to the graded school at the Methodist church Sunday ut il o’elock. President Edwin A. Alderman, of che University of North Carolina, will deliver the annual address 12 tbe school auditorium Monday even- ingat $30 o'clock. President Al- derman is one of the State’s ablest men and best speakers, and a crowd ed house will doubtless greet him on his tirst appearance in Statesville. Tuesday at 10 o'clock there will be Yuesday evening at 8:50 o'clock ronage. ee oscar Sams Pardoned, Exchange. jell. good family. i signed the petition -in jail nearly three months. z ASC oT THE REPUBLICAN STATE CON- Fire Losses Adjusted. ies VENTION. pee ee f Mr. J. E. Catlin, an insurance ud juster, settled witu Mr. damave to his butidir cent fire on bre i plhenson hada 3 i > - . . ' . ° . The Republican State convention ‘building and he was pula Sio2 dan- Friday the adjuster se | Messrs. Gaither and Bart ' A great effort pene to their stock and fixteres was made to get Pritchard to accept | paving them $1,930 on i the nomination for Governor but he! Of $1,600 and allowiny them to the stock, much of which, aithouy damaged, can be utilized. Messrs. Gaither & Barkley bave decided on their plans Kitchin to Speak. Mr. Kitchin is a should give him gvood appointment will be Death of Mrs. Williamson. Irs. Jane Willia of her son-in-l Winecofi, in tke interment z he cece ased three children Winecoff adc She was a mem Death of Mrs, ‘ the home of h D. Cochrane, ou north § yesterday morni be conducted ¢ noon at the residence: Pressly and the inter: aut Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Turrentine was the + A,Turrenting and was She moved to$ She leaves one ville in 1867, = be Mr. Lee Mock, of Salisbury, a for-|ter, Mrs. J. D. Cochrane, and provaodiy | mer resident ef Statesvi! A little son and the wife of Dr. W. L. Crump, ¢ isbury, died before the mother. The deceased was a and enjoyed the confi teem of the community. le, was here] her. good woman cs, aged S4 years. Her aged husband survives. was the mother of Mrs. J. K. wrandmother of viessrs. Robert, 4 : The barn of Mr. H. L. Prof. E. D. Baity, who has been} wholivesonthe C , t £0} Shiloh township. to Greenville, Va., where he wiil]tween 8 and9o clock Monday night. Lhe live stock were turved vut. barn contained a | forage and machinery. and rake, a cultivator has returned to|# mower much other farm yarn was a lar; {t was insured im the Furmers the loss of thecontents, tos ivg of the barn. ‘rhe origin oi but the most vauced is that 1 eft there by tramps. lives on the Western Raitlroa tramps frequentiy The fire was plainly seea i Sratesville, a distunce Mr. Lollar is ove of the county’ best citizens and ! thy of his friends in bis misfortune. Dr. Harrill Finds Something Misein Union Smallpox Dut We mentioned ! L. Harrill had ; township to ease of smallpox. Jeti Wallace, who had When Dr Harril!l reach ed the aeighberhood he found tbat Wallace had is children from home, wod tbat all the neighbors were When Dr. Harri Vallace shot at The ductor retired some dis- tunce and Mrs Wailace went to him. went to the house and perst da toallow Dr. tarrill to The doctor found did not have s r fering from heavy bad been vaccinated The patient was afraid to vo exercises by the Sth grade, and cn fslriking a there will be an entertainment giv- | ep by the school ior the benelt of S| ibe school library. Admission 20 | cents. Our people should give tae school entertuinmenta liberal pat- heavily and t« be had smatipo: bis wife andchildren away tablished a narrow escape, as the man was dan- | Aa iheartily encored. ea Governor Russell pardoned Os- Miss Duncan represented W. P. ear Sams Monday. He was liberat- ed Tuesday and immediately went to work for the Statesville Telephone Cooper & Gill have all kinds of field and garden seeds. administrator of James W. and Siartha DBrothertov, gives notice to creditors. Alliscn enumerat quotes prices on 2 large num! articles to be found at his Var Tt will be recalled that Sams was eonvicted for an aggravated assault with 2 deadly weapon, which he committed in Mooresville, at the term of the Superior Court and that he attempted to com- mit suicide by cutting his threat with a pocket knife in the court room when the verdict of gailty was rendered. Judge Yimberlake sentenced him to eight months in N. B. mills & Co. tell you about their cotton goods this week and, quote prices. Sams went to Mooresville from Tennessee to install the Noores ville system. He seems to be a intelligence and of Judge Timberlake, all Solicitor Rush and our court officers for the pardon qd Governor Russell did right to m, as be had already been county, and Mrs. W. A. Lawren2e | and children, of Wilmington, yisiting their mother, . Neely, who coutinues guite ill. . segs : ' Mrs. J. ©. Irvin is visiting ber South River, county. this ! home with her. — oe ——$——————— et repreceuteu by Miss Nola Sherrill. i who was blacked to represent Jim A Novel and Attractive Entertains Winchester, and carried a buge bas THE COSMORAMA. ment at tim Cosege Bviday Night. ket of groceries. a (ASCOT. A pantomime deutist office scene, . C — von at the Col in which Stiss Annie Culbreth pull- Raa cal adi rae gitea suc- ©d 2 large tooth for Miss Nola Sher-j S ae consisted Til by the old process, was great. j : - f tisements of abe barber shop scene in which | se : Sy mais thouses im town. L11ss Josie Cooper was shaved by | : ae ea by some) “28S Nola Sherrill Was oLe of the a maa ; os in some! 2lts of the evening's enterta:nment, | ae Sigua ts Al of the 1g done most skillfully. | Gs ea. oor ebleau, the Three Graces, by | ba Siisses Rowena ana Rtta eoper and | : 2 le Puener, was decidedly pretty. | ea erin There were also a number of cther : tal : ; us, and the evening closed | a = erand march. Miss Jessie | = . Bo ler gracefully presided at the! ih piano and furnisaed deligitful music | ar during the entire performance. The | sa a amounted to about $77. | A eae 41 Nid Society of the Meth- =i ae) ler whose auspices | & See S giver. ‘ about one third of this ras the expenses were| oh: : i Mr. J.. Hen Gerls, of | ' bs », the promoter, got the re-| preset ti rN FC curane me 7 q _- -_—---——_ ve 1 au ny ure Phe Republican County Convention. | Vt Rey ty conven- i al Court room = Chairman noma Sor ei te Convention | = hat the object | vc 3 4A convention was to elect dele- 5 Fo Ge 3 to the State, VLongresstonal @ Senatorial conventions. The ‘rollef precinets was called by Mr. 1 E. Colvert, the secretary of yunty jittee, and all were rnd to be represented except Coddle Creek No. Land Cool Spring A contest was reported from Olin, jbut this was settled among the con- reatizalion Was On inotion of the convention to the State 7A: Lo ISen WW... Nattress, {. Geodman, J. C. gle. §. W. Brown, 1) c mpbell, Sam- : a feat hae ear pu : Ww. M. Ceoper. u i Ju Ave > ong. sas exh ay : : iC. Sewtes and. R. RR. Beic:. Lhe Miss Cura brown, Ww t r aress ic suuty, uuder the Republican plan = ee : *jof organization,vnly has four votes, and Mr. J.S. Leonard opposed elect- ‘ethan four delegates. He he thought Republicans could { who couid tind their way ! d of a Democratic + convention elected R. M. ivers, L. C. Mullice, Will Tem- pleton and R. A. Cooper delevates Saito the Congressior convention, Souk h bas not yet | called. ion : Augle, W. O. Benton, W. -holson and S. A. Hoover were j * . 1 ) », who portrayed Baby's advertised W. convention, which meets at Harmo- ny on the izth. There were only two cr three ne- cro delegates and they were very . It seems that the Repubdli- have decided to get along with- tue negroes this year. abe ant ; : varticed by Miss ‘ ' rhe convention adjourned to meet ly, who represented a in at tbe call of the chairman to made ap ideal oue in her red cap and pate 2 county ticket and elect a new central committee. Col. H. C. Cowles and ex-Denuty Coilector J. C. Sullivan seamed to be the managers of the convention. all “ai pe dressed as i» of watches } > > 2 areund TSO in ae 2 eles ‘ tt Mr. A. H. Dowell, of Union Grove, err & WKarcher’s livery stable} *@5 the only orator. There were Lebd areciuel Lav. oie z ’ ~. - = was represents eorenes Nan |calis for “Squire Dave Rhyne, the CG - who looked quite handsome | OT#tor of Otin township, but he did ght Seer ‘ ee Sat sot respond i eri or bit and derby. not Siete — ua } re store Was ) The “Old Hampton House Burned. represenicd by Miss Jessie Ruity,) The “o!d Hampton bouse’’ on Da- who wore & Costume vi O1ACK, == t vie venue was almost totally de- be Landmark was Weil advertised | stroyed by Gre last Taursday night. te CaiGwels 1¢ tire was discovered about 12 o clock and soon a large crowd of tizeans were on the scene. Two sof water were turned on ing building, and alihough fire had made great headway it sputout. The L was about con- iod and the rest of the nouse de- * practical purposes. The water works system again demon- t i its usefulness. T. J. Allison owns y, and hedid not know ured until after the fire. that Dr. W. J. ill, the ad- ministratoe of the late A. A. Hamp- i insured the building for $700 ‘transierred the policy to Mr. P. A. Poston, who purciased the arty. Mr.Poston revently sold it to Marshal Allison but did not er the policy. It is thought the insurance will net be paid, as Z the policy was not transferred and idl by Rat-} Marshal Allison had no vacancy per- s, with other! mi; He is not expecting the mon- in thesr Dry 2 norec t stroyed ey. The origia of the fire is unknown, wo repre-tas the house had been vacant for sented x. sherri & ©0., -004CG/ sometime. The theoryis that va- suts had deen lodging in the witvhen and the fire started in this ‘ y. Theloss is not more than and large boots, | s3i0 or S400. splendid ia her costume advertisi the different goods this firm carries. With ber was Carlton Andrews with beaver hat tising tne celebrated W. L. bs ee ich this enter- he Sherrcili-Lroutman Siarriage. r ass shoe, W firm i Statesv groom =Factory afternoon we attending the eA Sherrii!, of an : yoga was well represented by Miss Lucy | S46 Se pleas id Miss Lottie ui the residenee of the Rice, who wore a large bet of brooin | Marriage of i straw and carried a mammoth Catuwba counry, ang proon. W. J. Stimson’s Photograph Gai- 2sented by at Longford. This was an excep- tionally pretty marriage and no lery was admirably ret 2 statuary, with Miss Liliian Morri- 3 ring son Standing to the right dressed in { balms bat been spared tomuke it a : ; rbiv enliov: a ne a = costume of white, almost covered] sty Chjos able — eccasion. Tie with photographs grovm Was dressed in the reyulation be he ees ee = ¢ Miss Nell Ar miieid represented biack wod the bride wore a stylish he Statesville Steam Laundry. She Roig -away Quite a nun wore a white suit. and wito hert' invited guests Were pre Vor wo sult, tr 2 I ‘ t : . : ‘ttle boys each dressed | ive tautes past five ~ (jay "he > nl rey e fed shirt, which was 2 — trude eons © dvertisement for this firm. |S“ ucs up the weadiny mare in perfect time to th the bride and groom slowly and grace- y marched in and halted in front eeager crowd. The ceremony then impressibdiy performed by Ca.uhan, after which ; ill received the r friends. a“ mpanied by twelve attend- ants, they left for Troutmans, where they took the train for Charlotte. . L were two i bu Ww ave while musik Phe decided bit of the evening as the portrayal of Stroupe s } x . ‘ +5 Blacksmith shop vy Misses Addie i¢Biwee and Fan Alen Copeland was “essed as blacksmitus, diaster ES Mills’ pony was brought upon Rev. G. W. ms . . iia » aud the shoe fitted by;Mr.a stage se. young es. Phey were erocers, and with her Turber & Co., |} came twit 1 i f trip to yarious places of interest. Nies. —™ . Tass & Ce., Hardware, | ther received many handsome pres- =A c Aes was represented by Miss Julia Tay-|©® lor, who wore @ dress of black upop which elittered numerous articles of hardware, well advertising the woods of this firm. W. E. Turner, Dealer in Machin- ery. was well advertised by Jliss ! Blanche Harbin, who carried a tiny wavon ¢ influential man of his county, ue lehrochine achine i é x Se extend them again our best wishes. | Mrs. J. F. Car!ton handsomely at- EVERGREEN. i tired in a gown of black net, isplay- Troutman’s, May 2nd. ad the handiwork of Miss Mollie ie Hubbard’s sewing parlors. Walton & Gage were represented | under oath, says he suffered frm iby Mi * Wright & Daywault, grocers,were what you eat. W. F.Hali, Jr Only Knows e can not ly and permaneatly. with humiliating physical exami- § The treatment may be § taken at home. There is not con- # tinual expense and trouble. aufferer is cured ; Wine of Carduiis becoming the a for all troubles of § this class. Itcosts but $1 from any an an The Chattanooga Chattazooga, Tenn. ysy knoe ‘ough—the tc y borne, For advice in cases requiring directions, address, the } “Ladies Advisory Department,” § Medicine Co., le, Tenn., ag SHERRILL & CO. Wholesale and Reiail. *, hope and happi- ufiering really is § _McELRERS | 7g Of Capduil Will beuvish it. This medicine § female diseases’ quick- It does away We want toecait sour atleation to the tuct that we have put in a FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF Staple Clothing For Men, boys and Youths. We propose to sell this Clothing at a very smatl margin of profit. It costs us nothing extra to carry clothing Lhe same room the same salesman ele. We are prepared to sare e are prepared lo Save You money in this line, When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. Wehave the goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. Come and be convineed. Truly. F. A. Sherrill & Co. i The § d stays cured. We are pleased to announce the opening of our exceptionally of 1900, The assortment contains in great variety the very latest and most pleasing styles of the season. Such a superb line of new noyelties and standard goods cannot fail to meet your requirements. *u o 0 0 d s AD A [1 S vy ss o u t o i d pu v so u l s Av p - o 7 pu r e i b AY U BO N SU Lo u 4, OA su v n m i y 7 d o pu w ri e is a n s is OM O} Su O O d s JO s T I S WY vom there they will extend their Ws a p l o jo p Ja y sp v e t e The groom 1s a very popular and The brideis the daughter of the late J. S. Troutman, and is a lady of refinement and culture. She is very popular in her set, and her many friends regcet seeing her leave for Catawba, her future home. We ¥ Virtue of a decree of madein the special! proceeding entitled . Clegg, administrator of J. B. Josey and ram A. Freeze against C. C. Whitaker and Sarah Whitaker, and others, ssioner of Iredell Superior Court will at the court house door in Statesville, W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn., ss Eloise Cowles, who jooked| dyspepsia for twenty-five years. very handsome in ber gown of pink, | Doctors and dieting gave but little with spangied net Sr her shoul- relief, Finally he used Ke<ol Dys- ‘ders, and carrying ao arm‘ul of} pepsia cure and now eats what be aces, ribbous, ete., well advertising | jjkes and as much as he wants, and Fowler returned this well known dry goods house. he feels like anew man. It digests or less. G. W. CLEGG, Commissioner, Gaither & Nicholson, STATESVILLE. N.C, ce ce ote Watermelon and Cantaloupe aud. Now is the time to plant. e have a good stock of the Choicest Varieties which we sell by the ounce, this being the cheapest way to buy them. Garden and Cornfield Beans. Sugar Care roi vorn Seed— and this is sou sthing every armer should peqin raisire now as there is a demand foritright here. For any other kindof ssed yeu may eed to Ginish planting your COOPER & GILL. FOR PURE FOOD GO TO loore & McLains Hein’s Pickles Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed. Barrel of Kraut, Mountain Buckwheat Flour. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. We buy feesh butter and eggs. and all kinds of country Sale of Land. Iredell Superior Cour SATURDAY, MAY 26TH, 1900, lic auction tothe highest bidder the valuable tract of land, belonging to the estate of J. B. Josey, Ceceased. bounded as foffows: Beginning ata stake, thence North $514° West 15 poles toa rock, thence South 9 les to a white oak, thence North 3514° West 42 jes to a persimmion, thence North 52 poles to ahickory grnb, thence 7 Jes toa stake on Jacob Parker's line, thence th 18” West Su poles tothe beginning, con- taining 32) acres more North 88449 East 76 Ladies Dress Shoss. It we are particular in any one reyard, it is in the selection ef our ladies tine shoes. We keep modern metropolitan styles, and 1 * , t - that, too, with tbe closest reference to perfection of finish and gracefulness of fit A lady buying a dress shoe offus, may feel agai that she has secured the aca Announcement. line of Footwear for the Spring and Summer as Se SS = Daintiest Footwear Obtainable, And ata price that, considering the sterling value of the article re- presented, is remarkable. We cau aiford to make low prices or these superb goods, for they sell fast. We invite all to come in and inspect our new line of Shoes, SLOOP& MILLER, N. B: Mills & Co.—— Wholesale and Retall General Merchendise, The better judge you are of Dry :-: Goods, The greater will be your appreciation of the goods we offer here. As big values haye never been spread upon counters anywhere. Cottonades For Pants At same low price as they were sold at when cotton sold at ic. per pound. Yard wide Percals at Sic., and 10c., yd. Good Calico at 5c. yd. Beautiful Lawns at 6c., Tic.; 10c.; 12ic. and loc. Bet- ter Grades for 20c., 25¢., 30e., 35c., 40 and 50c. yd. Vest at 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 and 50cts., zoed quality and style. Best line of hose and shoes in town. See our line before you buy. We are Umbrella and Millinery Headquarters. So see us before you buy. Good goods low prices. N.B. Mills & Co. pro-0 Moore & « McLain. ° 22 GOOD - FURNITURE. The best Furniture values are not to be found in the most expensive, nor in the : Cheapest Furniture. The medium grade good furniture at lowest prices is what we are excelling all competition in. Compare our prices. L. SCHILLER, Furniture and Carpets, First, Inspection. Now, Selection. The first arrival of our spring purchases caused so much praise from our friends that our buyers were stimulated to branch out more extensively than ever before. In fact we are showing a much larger line of Novelty, Up-to-date Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes Than was ever shown in this city. Our spring lines are now complete and we are anxious to serve you. Yours truly, Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowles. «N O O a 8 UR A T I S V HL I M NY O , Our parting prices make the items buyabl You wil) always submit to your believing. : judgment, for this is every buyer’s privilege. It is our purpose to stand by our customers, and never allow their c Kindly Allow Us to Assist you the under- Terms of sale The Big Store. In life’s struggles, to save your earnings, we can with your approval. Large lot Wall Paper, 5c. to 25e. per roll. Fancy Figured Muslin Draperies, 124¢. worth, 18¢, yd. Big Lot Ladies and Men’s Fine Shoes, $1.00 to $5.00. Black Mohair or Brillantine Dress Goods, 30c. to T5e. yd. Men’s Dress and Heavy Shirts, 25c. to $1.00 each. Large Lot Pants and Overalls, 50c. to $2.79 pair. Silks in Great Variety 35c. to $1.00 yd. | See Our $1.00 Black. Parasols .They are in demand. Heavy Shirting Sesion Sie and 7ic. yd. for Men and Boys wear. : ses good Laundr ap for 5c. : : ; eee coming a so a the Fhes. Ouradjustable wire window screens at 25c. each, will save you a lot of worry. ; Come and see the other bargains. “Wilhelm & Mills + a elegant ne Ladies Gauze ia e that we mention below. You can always use your onfidence to be imposed upon Ss Re-Sale of Lang = Held a Wildcat While His | VY vIRTUEofa decree o WOULD LIKE TO RUN WITH BRYAN. tes for the emocratic tion tor ¥ ice-President. “! Nomi- Cai in New Yo In the Der k Sua pational con were sixteen ing Paes ince Gied; Joseph ©. | i hdrawn frerm ne erntic » there uding tention oi , * , : bland, Sib- 1 3 YY; »~ Fred Wii ana . 10 have I since be their St ska feated for Governor 0! of Ken-} elected ©) ir Blackburn, former Wit tee VW thwestern a OP ay thirsute remi r Judge Cal 1 Weil » Silver Prohibition ste is John Wal ow TPHll, present Gov arviand. There are and candidates so far as is wiand the general break-down © Demoeratic party in Ohio at last St tion has rem mus consid ate ck eration are Obie from the se of those Den whe looking { } residen fy Pr } Wn coe egon the Luckeve +}ye al is a resident of 1 reve: n, Demvcratic Yr. Morgan. of Alabama Calif Sib 1S65 im ES92 } lowed normipna ’ be should 2 , i for the ow York, the party Aug stus 5 been SG f > be the : fustus— eandidaty Av m, Ga.. now Statac rales USLUS ie t - : os avins Bacon, of Macc 1 nber of the United date n with the second p City ticket, th rtiveiy by his support ur P. Gorman. At pres- fF most poli 3 ALY DOomibAtion ror the vice presidency free-for i rage for an empty politi hen Mr. Sewall, nominated in 1896 ts the first vice late of the a tae: somewh tg ee presidential can- Dem who had uot previously been in Congress. > > - <2 an Brings Home No Glad Pidings to Admiral, “Sashington Special to Baltimore Sun. } ats Meche For the last few days the rumor has been persistently circulated to ihe effect that Admiral Dewey would sue his statement defining his po- ion on political matters the early rt of this week, perhaps Monday or Tuesday. This report seems to mave its foundation in the trip which John R. McLean, Admiral Dewey's brother-i made to New York eek i sir. McLean returned to Washing- ton last night aad went to Admiral lrewey’scountry place this after- neon, where he remained for dinner. te laid before the admiral the vie 2 prominent Democratic politi New York. Mr. McLean yery busy in the metronpotis, those leaders whom he did pot personally he communicated and in one casé Mr. Perry Belmont acted as his emmissary to the save Wolfert’s Roost. It is not imag. ined Mr. MeLean learned much whi'e in New York to encourage the ean- didaey of his brother-in-law. From ai accounts the politicians followed the lead cf Mr. Hill, who said he thought Bryan would be nominated. ‘ ras can be learned he gave Mr. Helmont no encouragement for the Dewey boom, while those politicians whom Mr. McLean saw personally were inclined to be lukewarm. : Mr. Hill believes no man except ryan can command the support of the free silver wing, without which | the party cannot hope to carry the; country. Mr. Hill foresees a possi-| ble victory in the State of New| York and bis own return to power| loader of the Stare Democracy. He isstill as powerful as ever u the State and from Albany to Erie| county his word is obeyed almost as/ that of Croker in New York. It| might even so fall out that once/ incre be could be persuaded to make ! toe race for the governor ship. we ns was and see ’ th at t mu a | | | | 1POw. A Magazine Explodes in Pretoria. aal Rep» blic, Dispatch, 27th, at the the vovern wht The destroy- neig The In VYreteria, Traz 1 explosion oeccurreé rcs, used by as ar ar 1256 0 of the bui were d the structures in the lare amass of flames. women children the adjoining streets added te the obastliness of the scene. Ten work- r illed and 32 were injured, | t Sie w o and ks of > Were ing Herr Grunberg, the man- | The causeof the} The works} mostly | nelud ayer of the explosion is unknown. employed 200 persons, French and Italians. fhe Cross ambt yin help WOrks. B00 of the as ei ly laces, G00 to TO0 rebel 1 with rif men the aur ‘ d quarters 21 the afternoon, nine the town: but the arrival -enforcements. venerally that province. provision wa ‘d after nts were They The eyide Maszanil FOD. shave obtaine nee ides of Lapo, t were holding treacherous ication with the insurgents, soned ther: and burned Lapos » hall ere have been several tigbts in the province, including an » 266 insurgents on Lavoe, minor ofiicers re- the Thirty- entand Third Cavalry idly under very try- There were at Batz were The of T 4 rt th rd Reein en asualties 10. insurgents 76 captured. » TSG } <1 More Fighting in the Philippines. Manila Dis Officers who have arrived here from | | Seuth | ueva Caceras. province of rines, bring details of : 16th, which Sd The American } v it orted S00 natives assembied s from the town and Gen- detachments of sent three Norty-tifth Recimen sims, who nearly surrounded the iilipine: yority of whom werc armed with 6:20 p. caradao tields. f Me ( Filipinos wore hide Pas = aoe Tney were quickly put + t. leaving the fie!d strewn wi unable rivemen were execution. Therefore. Americans ant Wel Twenty-seventh Regi- cornered dU Bolomen in a riv- r,and shot every cone, the tioating a One soldier had head struck olf with a bolo. General Bell's two regiments har the many last are coun small week i worked in clearing They meet with Be ee al is Of botomen, and tan Kieventh per ey Cavalry ts iniia on usport Lennox, The abone board to yey ra re-enforce them. & vengeance vith the Americans, 1y villages, inc} f San s who trade ning mit dat B t oy rt sandino. f he iy unless this c nd and that he v a tae towns which harbor cueriilas. lua fight at Sorgogen, previnee, on April 16, three com i ‘ty-seventh infantry, mmanding, force of insurgents, most- i ua Pthe Fo: ; Volome te , hiilling, 53. ‘ystood that General Cri lili on the Jf - He will i oy is stathand wiil pre Hoag Keng and eit OD eh Boers Escape Atter Intlictis £& Great Damage. London Dispatch, ayth. All the interest in the South Afri- can War is now centered in the run- ning fight in progress between the 1érs retreativg from the south of the Orange Pree State, and General French’s horse- men and the infantry of Gener Pole-Care , t VURET ern portion Chermside and Rundie. But the British hope of conclusive results is slim at present, the Boers escaping unbeaten and having we- complished an immense amount of damage. They clung to their posi- tions as long as it was safe to do se. andithey have now slipped off ts hold the next commanding ridve through a broken country admira- oly suited fora rear guard defence. [ispatches from Aliwal Nerth, un- der date of Wednesday, April 25th, ibe Boers left Wepaser so bur- dly that many of the dead were eft in the trenches unburied. Com- landant Cronjeis reported to have cer killed. According to advices trom Gloemfonutein, the attempt vi oe Goers at Brandfurd to get i: vith the command at Thaba iu Was frustrated by a force dis- patched by General Tucker fres Gien. OX Gispatch from Pretoria reports the arrival there of Lord Rossy as an unwounded prisoner er Head Better Than Heels. Chatham Record, ay Cy 5a) rie lef I { iQ © On last Friday night there was a dedvate at Vanderbilt University 21 Nashville, Tennessee, between two students of that institution and twostudents of the University of North Carolina, and the latter were the victors. Within the past three years there have been fiye debates between the students of our University and of the Universities iv other State, and our ““Tarheei’’ bovs were the vic- torsia four. This should be very gratifying to every North Carolin- ian, as it certainly is so verv cre: itable to our University. We much more elated and gratified 2: these intellectual and literary vic- tories of our boys than at their vie- tories in games of baseball and football. Fxg} ace no lisht | Filipinos out- with two} helmets, ccats and} _ t straight and the Bolemen nev- 4 near enough tothe Americans were wound- ch, with 20cav- bodies his A squadron of insurgents te ina state of terror on hna- luding the s issued 9, proclama- Albay rout- > e e be ac- other TALES BY METHODISTS. Quaint Experiences That Lighten the Proceedings at the Conference, | Washington Dispatch, Methodist preachers and laymen 'who attended the recent Conference in Washington have gone home. put have left behind them stories which will not appear in the regular report of the proceedings. Perhaps noman at the Conference wieldtd more power and at the same time enlivened the proceedings more by his bright sayings than Biskop W. . Chandler. Oneday in advocat- amore liberal loosening of the purse strings he said that several ‘ears avo he sent an article toa pa- er in which be said “we pray too i and work too little.”’ The ‘ompositor got in his fine the article ap- ] t Yo at ri to correct tre a ‘ } hou 1Oud rk too little.” “1 lg the Oshep "1eve + } the pr Wis of the Confer- Bishop Chandler's father, t a minister, converted ver of men in a single was this wav: The ah ae te, num- e th many scovered that whea yen were in the Ids working sreat deal of time in sion. Some were »vLists and some were ¥ lists, become in upholding ive churches thac work One cold day F med ond siearing US related inisters by one at toe Was 5¢ yore ree em le etnoac so ce their r would ¢ entirely spring brush ! a creek when areligic ument arose. Mr. Chandler w tired of such discussions anc ordered the take off their elothes. This they did and be told them that they vet in the cercek and stay there until they ex- a in the Baptist Some of them obeyed unwill- all went into the water vod net one was pormitted that he was { we it uatil he felt a thorough Bapti After this, it . tnesr FLCauL ‘ } must belief DYessca . Dut colored number the ved 2 slaves. “The lot cf some preachers is not an easy one,’ said ihe Rev. J. D. Andrews, of <Aja- joama. “‘They «re thrown about from pillar fo post, going to the barge to which the bishors assign t low some of them manave to live I 20 imavine. Itis said that one poor fcliow who spread the {Gespel op a circuitin the nerthern part of my State received for this r’s work 32.55, two pairs of varn iir of jean trousers and potatoes. and with good old lady who © the request that the be saved she eed her cow.’ s were in full and < nister said: There are this Conference who yout on the track and pick cr eivht times out of These are the good old minis- vhoin their carly days were itinerant preachers. From the very necessities of their ealling they be- ainted with the good and the horse, and a :uracter as toa horse se rood men would prove of great Commercial value to of the race. While the ‘ mignt be ca bis personal appearance ‘ort, be always insisted on i wood borse, Me rdree, one of the earliest and stesteemed amoug his peonie, his will left ample provisions for the Il kee i the animal fived illustrat r- eiful ma: i l Wesley 1@ any obligations ne under to the ind carried him frem piace in his long pilyrin re tai biethodist | . " en es SCCkKS, OG thr 2 pecks of ys ! : ‘ the potatoes t he yy a6 2s ¢ ’ 2 sae 2 from one of th trequenter nays Ow a Bishop ‘ping of his horse | 4 1 a coe ly te horses I piace to ‘ entor- ned the idea that they Lave a hereafter and will live at peace and rest ia their spirit land.” “There’s nothing lk square down to business.” ev. J, M. Terrill. of Virvinia, ‘ lee ws 7 KEOWE fg mir pir ee log the but, cnenitl tustances it ial career where the ¢ hor instance, "ye < Yr Once at mei 2 “Sui: for Wait UuTaei Lite the Fai - a a= Teiigrous Pr etes rr cidid not tet the con: t dry before T impressed h duty of; ribing for er and paying for it ined he exhorter ex lost this very straw arei t t u 1 ‘ ! t ! et ve Hay more r ke heard Rift u ner eS, a ted wus for one of cur 4 yt i ’ —~t er oe - A Hope That May be Reniized. Vhiladeiphia Times, The eyes ci the nation are focused upon New York politics. The ef torts of the Republican leaders to force Goyerncer Roosev into the second place cn the MeNiniey tieket possess far deeper signilcairce than uppears on the surface. Ji: sober truth, they doubt the possibility of re-electing the gallant ccio other words, they believ ger in the nation than in There are many evidences: cate the truth of this bel: nel Roosevelt was not elec overmastering plurality. is name did not set the Emire State aglow with patriotism, as was exrected. iis career, at first satisfactory to the people, was unsatisfactory to the boss of the State. Now the conditions are reversed, with a gen- eral sacrifice of publie enntidence. He bas proved weak where he was assumed to be strongest. Prior to election everybody weuld have sworn that, in the guberna‘oria! chair, Rooseveli would be his own master. His strong perscnality, his record as 2 police commissioner ais untiring energy as Assistant Secretary of the Navy encouraged this bope; but the State boss finally dominated him and destroyed his ia- dependence. The Republican party of New York is not t+ tny means united on Roosevelt. ‘Luere isa very strony anti-Platt sentiment in the party that could be relied upon to support roughly acceptable Deinovratie sandidate, such, for example, as sird S. Coler. This young Comp- trojler has shown the same ability ;nnd courage that Robert E. Patti- mi displayed in Philadeiphia. Many ‘sivas already point to his availa- {bility as a Democratic candidate, ‘and against Governor Rousevelt or auy other Republican bis chances would be promising. to indi- Colo- d by an ¢ '. hi te 2 4 a vse Bocrs Flee From Wepener. tondon Dispatch, 26th. i The War Office has issued the foi- | ‘jowivg from Lord Roberts, dated | Bioemfonteir, April 25, 3:25 p m: The enemy retired from in frout of Wepener last nigbt and this morn- ing fled northeastward along the} Ladvbrand road. Their vumber was between 4,000 and 5,006, It is now apparent that the! chances of Lord Roberts catcbing ; the retreating Boers in a net are very sleoder. The Boers have ev- erywhere retired at ihe first pres- sure of the British advance and the bope that General Rundle wouid be able to induce them to remain at De- wet’s dorp until they had been fore- ed to fisht or to surrender has been disappointing. No attempt was made to pursue the comn.andoes re- | tiring from Wepener. LEverythinz | now depends upon the progress of ieneral French's cavalry brigades, | they areentering avery difficult, liv and practically unknown coun- The cavalry have already hat a long march over heavy and sandy roads, and nothing is known regard- ing the cendition of the horses. Top itisnow a race between 1¢ Federals and the force cf Gener- al French and General Uamilton. The slowness of the recent move- ments of the British infantry and revious experience of the ability of ta move rapidly, with guus and baggage, over their own! country, leadtoa belief that Lord Roberts’ euveloping operations will failand@ will Lave to be repeated further north. At the most he will pethaps capt some oer guns and bayvage hurry the retreat- ing burghers. Considerable results have been at- tained in the relief of Wepener and in the clearing of the southeastern corner of the Pree State of the Boers, but the Boer army, whatever its streveth, has to be deals with. ~~ eo Growing Mustaches Up | | t \ > air eit Dic nae WS Case, ’ { ) a \ | } | | { | 37 ure and 4 ward, New York Sun. One way of wearing a mustache which is a novelty for New York, al thoueh common enough abroad, is now seen frequently here. It is not to be regarded, bowever, as an especially desirable fashion in any way. It was displayed here first by a prominent architect who had just returned from Paris, where he had seen the style for the first time. His friends were not able to say truth- fully that they admired it, nor were they more reconciled to the mode after it had grown more general. The mustache is trained to vrow up instead of down at the ends and the upper lip is shaved at both ends in a way that gives the mastache the appearance cf growing only from the centre of the lip and not at the ends as well. The eiTect is rather Japanese than French, gives the face a sardonic expression and has an appearance of artificiality that vives the style rather the charm of some exotic fashion, like a dwarfed tree or a cedar growing in tke form of some animal, than the more sub stantial beauty supposed to reside in amustache. This method of tri:n- ming amustache has grown popular during the winter, however, and the onty encouraging incident of the vogue is that it requires too much trouble to remain permanently popu- lar. —— ae em Great Fires in Canada. Ottawn Dispatch, 27th. Vive square miles rned over, more than 2,500 dwel- lings, factories, mills, stores and other buildings destroyed. entailing a loss estimated to reach $20,000,000 and between 12,000 and 15,009 men, women and children homeless is a summing up of the havee wrought by the fire whichhas been raging at Huiland Ottawa since 11 o'clock yesterday morning, and has just been vatten er controlat midnicht. Most of the lumbor piles in Ottawa and Huilhave disappeared and are now mere heaps of charred wood and Halfadezen churches and heels.a number mills, the Hull ks, the Hull court house pestotice, the convent, business place and out 1,008 dwellings and shops in } ; royed, Indeed Hull left W pouses. The five originated is quarter cof a mile of territory bi ) roa 1 UNG nchpe shes. “ is from® the ‘eel of Fulland as agalewas vy from the northwest, right rection of the lumber piles on both the Bull and Otta- hores of the Ottawa river sod idiere fill, it was seen thar ‘vas almost © in to be a large Uy 22:50 o'cleek the fre hac eod hold on main street, ane street, dozens o ets, was burne Practice ally there is no bouse feft in the street. About this time the fire made a jump of nearly halfa mileand ignited the Eddys wood yard, near ihe match factory. It was soon in flames and a 50 mile an-hour vale was blowing a high column of flame across Bridge street and set fire to the Eddy Paper Milland the other buildines of the company The fire at this time a'so spread across the Ot- tawa river and caught the shed in the rear of the McKay Milling Co.. on Victoria Island, and in a few minutes the lumber piles on Vic- torta and Chaudiere,oue of the pow- er houses of the Ottawa Electric Company, the Victoria Foundry and half the buildings on the two islands were in flames. It this city it is estimated that beside the mil's, fac- tories, ete , burned, 1,500 residences were destroyed. The total Joss is estinpated at 315,000,000, and the in surauce at $2,500,000, Se ae When Hliteracy is Banished. Cieveland Star, ‘the Democratic party is pledged to maintrin a free schoolin every sue c z Lo } a ¢ i r the vear. This is one of planks in the platform. people have never had such a friend as the Democratic party. Think about the time when iliteraev will be educated out of our grand od State Whatafuture will Joom up deivre ner! She is only aporoach- ing the day-dawn of a glorious his- tory. the best The poor Suffered For Three Years, Mir. G. W. Britnell, Leesdale, Alabama, writes: For the past three years I have been subject to constipation and biliousness, and bave found no permanent relief un- til I tried Ramon’s Liver Pils and Tonic Pellets. I pronounce them the best remedy on earth for the ail- ments for which they are recom- mended. One of our customers used them with very beneficial, ef- fects. and said they were unquestion- ably the bestaremedy known. For sale by N. R. Tunstall. Pelection Gistrict district in the State four months in Mheld and the vetes returned An Act to Amend the Constitution of A Boy North Carolinz. The General Assembly of Nort Caro- lina do enact: Srecnon 1. That article six of the aries - Sra angie covstitution of North Czurolina be and the same is hereby sbrogated,: ‘* and in lien thereof shall be substi- ituted the following article of said | eS constitution. ARTICLE VI. UFRAGE AND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE— QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR, (Section 1) Every maic person porn in the United States and ever male person who has been tura ne . ne ‘ized, twenty one years of age and,Cbe ! i possessing: the qualifications set out | in this articie, shall be entitled to vote at any eiection by the people |in the state exceptas herein other- wise provided. (Sec. 2.) He shall have resided in he state cf North Carolina for two ears. in the county six months and n the precinct, ward or other elec- ton district in which he offers to -ote four months next preceding the lection: 2% that rom one precinct, ward or to another in the came county shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote in the precinct, ward or other eivetion district from which be has removed until four months afler such remeval. No person who hes been convicted or who has cenfessed his guilt in opea court upen indict- ment of any crime, the punishment of which now is or may hereafter be imprisonment in the State Prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to citizenship in the marner prescrib- ed by law. (Sec. 3.) Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voter as herein prescrib- ed and in the manner hereafter pro- vided by law, and the genera! assein bly of North Carolina st t 5 i t x v “ovided, oth 4 ¢ 1 shall enac general registration laws to carry into etfect the provisions of this ar- ticle. (See. 4) Every person presenting himself for registration shal! bie to read and write any section of the constitution in the Enulish lang@uave, and before he shall be entitled to vote he sha!l have paid on or before the first day cf Mareh of the year in which he proposes to vote bis pel! tax as prescribed by law for the previous year. Poil taxes shail bea lien only on assessed property and no process shail issue to enforce the collection of the same except ayainst assessed property. (See. 5.) No male person who w on January one, eighteen hundr and sixty-seven, or at any time pri- or thereto entitled to vote under the la'vs of any state in the United States wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person, shall be denied the right to register and vote at any election in this state by reason of his failure to possess the educational qualification prescribed in section four of this article: *rovrded, be shall have reg- istered in accordance withthe terms of this section prior to December one, nineteen hundred and cight. The general assembly shail provide for 2 permanent record of per- sons who register: under this see- tion on or before November first, nineteen hundred and eight; and all such persons shall be entitled to register and vote in all elections by the people in this state unless @is- qualified under section two of this article: 9 Provided, such persons shall have paid their poll tax as re- quired by iaw. (See. 6) Allelections by the peo- ple shail be by ballot: and all elec- tions by the general assembly shall be viva voce. (sec. 7.) Every voter in North Carclina except as in this artic! disqualified shalt be eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take and = sub- scribe the following oath: ** , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that ] will support and maintain the con- stitution and laws of the United States and constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my eflice at ......80 help me, God.”’ 8.) The fellowine elasses of persons shall be Gisgualitied for office: First, all persons who shall deny the being of Almiebty God. Second, all persons who shall have been convicted or confessed their guilt on indictment pending and whether sestenced or not ander judument suspended of any treason or felony oref any other crime for which the puniskment may be itn- prisonment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States, or of corruption and mal- practice in office, unless such person shall be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed by law. Sec. 2. That all of the provisions of the constitution relating to suf- frage, registration and elections as contained in this act amending the constitution shail go into effee: on the first day of July, nineteen hun- dred and two, if a majority of the qualitied voters of the state so de- clare at the next general election Sec. 3) This amendent shall be submitted at the next general elec- tion to the qualified voters of the state in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as is provided in the law regulating gen eral elections in this state and in force May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and at said election those persons desiring to vote for suchamendment shall cast a writ- ten or printed ballot with the words ‘‘For suffrage amendment” thereoi: and those withz contrary opinion shall cast a written or printed b:!- ot with the words “Against Imendment’” thereon. See +. The said election shall te LC & as 1} (Sec. or nde ine > cOMm- pared. counted and canvassed and the result announced underthe same rules and regulations as are in force for returning, comparing, counting and canvassing the votes for m>m- bers of the general assembly May first, eighteen hundred and ninety nine, and if a majority of the votes cast arein favor of the said amend- ment, it shall be the duty of the vov- ernor of the state to certify said amendment under the seal! of the state to the secretaay of state, who shall enroll the said amendment so eertified ainong the permanent rec- ords of his office. See. 5 This «ct shall be in force from and after its ratifiction. Rat- ifed the 21st day of Pabrvarv, A. D. 1899. Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, invigorate the body by usize De- Witt’s Little Eerly Risers. These famous little pills always act promp- ly. W. F. Hall, Jr. y | vastae dig remova! | Companions Escaped Dauville Register. A letter rece Clifieu F wengderful as y fre rhe most by oo nm ver iD : orge relaics © s 5 an t a ‘ in! ever chronie ed S435 a3 HaAVS O71 The fsets in the caso Che facts int A number of small boys. ranging e from 10 to 14 vears. went ou! lon the suburbs of the town to play 2 il. While engaged th \play a ildecat (catcmount) came cut of the woods near ther, and with ia the cr wd, Most tot | came of ue w ream dashed at i hes cir beei~ 2 boy oaly 10 y¢ smaliest : the crowd, called out to the Sanna at ers to run and be wouid hola tae : ae cat unti! they were They Gbveyed him at their best speed. By this time the animal, with loud crowis, was upon ihe Rh fellow. and when itsprang athim ke gra pled with it, and, catching it by 1 throat, endeavored to choke it Geath. He was not streng enough to accomplish bis purpose but he en- caged the cat’s attention until ihe cther boys were safe when he let go Lis hold and started for the nearest Fortunately the woman of the house heard his cries, and as | 3 2 pot inel + " ft : ord sale. p- house. he ame within reach she grabbed him by the arm and jerked him in and ammed the door in tbe animsl’s ‘The cat immediately ran un- i vrow] the house secured an the yard the vicicus killing it ven der the house, snariing ing. <A man »helve and went int a attacked by ute, but he succeded in without much damage to himself. i } le boy who so heroically of f as sacrifice fer his was seratched and torn from ane into Was nse a Some of both teeth and claws, of ous nature. Those who have seen the dead animal (winch weighed 20 te thut it wasin a> fam- ioa, and that but this fact it would certainly have k the cuts, were of wseri- fou ill- Httle fellow is in the hands of ysicians, and they stata he weil and be all right again, —— oe foe —- Judas Cutdone. Raleigh News and Observer. The Asheville Gazette which re- cently sold itselfto the Republicans, has itself put down in N. W. Ayer’s newspaper aonualas a Democratic paper. Commenting on this fact the Asheville Citizen savs: “It requires more and more varie- vated langvage thanThe Citizen has at its command to discuss this sort { business. When a paper is ezshamed of its politics, ashamed to wear the badge of the party that supports it, ashamed to carry the party name ofits boss, and lives on- by stealing the name ef another party—well, as we said before. it re- quires more and more variegated language than The Citizen has at its command to discuss the matter. “Judas betraved the Master, and vent and hanved himself. Benedict Arnold betrayed his country, and { went Over to the caemy. body. boots, joreeches and name. How cheap fudas and Arnold must feel when they hear that the Gazette, Pritch- ard’s oigan of negro domination, has oetrayed the party it onee repre- sented and is ashamed of the party fo which it hus gone! But as we said betore, it requires a flow and variety of lang e greater than Mhe Citizen has to Giscuss snch a depth of infamy.”’ ne bandit Holds up Train. iv ' t and Robs a Little Rock, Ark., Dispatch, 27th, Pesses are scouring the woods in White county, in search of the loge vandit who redhed the south-bound passenger train the Iron sloun tain Railroad, near Higeinson. As the robber left the train with about 3300 booty he was fired at by seme of the train crew, but made good his escape, Ove passenger of New York was robbed of $215. The bandit com Solletu to go abe: en the passengers. on peiled Conductor of bim and awak- th ssen tte returned all weiry, Keeping only the money handed him by thepassengers. On- iy the St. Louis eper and the Memphis car were robbed, after which the robber pulled the air cord and as the train slowed up he jump- od off the train and disappeared. OO — Husk Robbery in Virginia. 5 vichmond Dispatch, 27th. Yhe Massanutten Bask. Stras- fim Shenandoah county, was oged this morging about 1 o'clock 2° S000 was s ired by the : Sil 2 into “yt ay agd s at i An c uiidiag w ton key. 3 ir Jovers and the sufe wreskea of nitro-elycerine. Tuere were civbt menin the gang, most of whom stood guard in various sec- tions of the town. They fired a sumdber of pistol shots to draw at- ‘ention from the bank. Severa! eitizens who looked out of their windows were ordered to withdraw ou threat of being shot. After the robbery the men co!- iected and took a handear, at the Southern depot, and went to River. ton, where all trace of them was iost. The safe and vaultare perfect. wrecks and it will requive about £560 to replace them, The bank is of the American Bankers’ cnand carried burglar in- ' eto about cover the loss. several suspicious characters were scen inthe neighborhoed of Stras- Dury last night. re 4 Negro’s Bad Threat, Oxford Public Ledger. ent a eC, . “wo jo te me - sical 2Q@ Vlu'5 wa wit means iost. & member oye i SUPE Tate It tae Worst come ta the worst the epespie Of Fishing Creek and 4 ” CONN ymust be ready for Sines one cf the ne : Cr bin ene © 40a They 3 ‘ t shonid Ge made sa ow that Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It-artificially digests the f aids Nature in strengthening ands structing the exhausted digestive or. Gans. It is the latest discovered digest- 2nt and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures 2 ee echeeson Heartburn, , Sour Stomac Nausea, SickHeadac ee acie,Gastralzia,C\ all other resul erie : Con Chica : reper ts of imperfec ye C. Dewitt a _—-—--- idee time saves nine.” ‘ titled A. D. Plyler, Marion A ‘ler and others against { signed as commissioner of <j court house door in Statesville x Ia making L wuse the bes amd old-time ho v7 tu tt ty. Y LILEDOUN Lina wo gin, card, sr and seil ihe inisued t etali mer si e n , te bi e r AN E AL I T A 4 ae has the name on overy yard. ler hasn't LILEDOCUN and ndto the mill, Will send marl prepaid, in 50 yd. bolts or ‘A LILEDGUN button bag free. \Wilte for one, *:9C3T COTTON MILLS, Taylorszilic,N.C. SERS PEE ET EI EAB ATA SE S S Ailen- town, La., was killed by a negro Saturday. White reprimanded the negro, who was hisemploye, and tbe negro sbot him in the back when he turned to walk away. The negro :een kiiled himself. Two other ne- vroes, who knew something of the killing, were taken ont bv a_ posse of ybite men and riddled with bul- lets. Baver Con piaint. C. B. Henderson. Morris Church, Va, says: I have had the Liver complaint very badly for three years, and tried medicizes of every description, but iound no relief at all. Seeing your Ramon’s Liver Pills advertised, I bought a box. After using these I found my com- plaint better, and after using two boxes I bought a third, and now my disease is about cured. [ shail al ways recommend your medicine. For sale by N. B. Tunstall. Mrs. Kuhn, of Richmosd, Va.,was found lying in the yard of her apart- ments in Philadelphia Tuesday morning. She wus clad in a night dress a1.d was bleeding and uncon- scious. The body was badly bruis- edasif she had been kicked and beaten. Her husband was found in nis bedroom with his throat cut froin ear tocar, but not deeply It is thought he wil) recover. Kuhn isan ex-State Senator. The hus- band did the cutting in a fit of jeal- ousy. The Eminent Kidney and Bla ist. The Discoverer of Swaznip-Root His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so cecep- tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apopiexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad- vance the kidney-poisoned bloed will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood—the albumen —lesks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kicney troubie. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the new dis- covery is the true specific for kidney. bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thourands of apparently hopeless cases, after ail other efforts havefaiied. At druggists in iifty-cent and coilar sizes. A sample betile sent free by mail. aiso a book telling about Swamp- Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and Supplies For Sale ON TIME. Ihave Flour, Corn, Meat, ete, for sale on time. See me when you want time on your purchases of supplies. This March Sth., 1900. Respectfully, J.L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison’s, Don’t Cough, When you can buy a 25¢. Bottle of Hall’s Cough oe Syrup. a Ee Administrator's Notice. AVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINIS as ee of the estate of Ann Crawford. deny ereby notify all rsons havi ims ae said estate to al the peeaen as or before April sth., igor Those ind ‘bted the estate are requested to mak saeis re ment, This April 5th, 1900. aon ee H. §L. STEVENson inistrator. RB, .Mcla ughife Attorney. a 5 Re-Sale of Land. Se x or a decree of L ourt invde in the special titled A. D. Plvlez, Marion A PI le D, Plvter, . Plyl against U. 7. Vivier, the endietignien paren MsMoner ol said court, willat the court h ame Gocr in Statesville, N, C., on ae MONDAY, MAY 21ST, 1900, public auction tothe hi i valuable tract of land coatainin coer: e os less. srluatec ja Chambersburg townshi», S Iredell county, N.C, known as the Ameli Nlertract of lend. ‘Terms of salt cash Ti le relaiued till (he purchase money is paid, a = J. B.CONNFLLy, Commissioner. at Work in afte 1 r 2 Iredell Superior Proceeding en- Te-seil at ls April 19th, 1900, titch in o oe Your propereemay bur; ij 0 " 7 Vy nm to-n = snicbt have an accident, or ee ma i¢ to-morrow. So, for the Protection of yourseifand oy i Someta oved ones, let us insure Gaither & N icholson, STATESVILLE, N.C, f Tree Court madein the speci ic 8 MONDAY, MAY o:s7_ re-sell at public auction to the *| that valuable tract of land, ky m township, in Iredell county, ey Plyler land. situated j; 34 acres more or less, 69 : : ; cottage dwelling house on said } sale: One-half cash on day of < six months from day of sale wr proses security with interest itle retained till all the ; i J. B. CON 1900, aid, fi This April 19th, art For The People INSURANC= t all—had best lo x at tract which is but stone between NO insura life. In one instan win, In my po benefit of both liv who tL plate Seven hunde sixty Eigh; paid out to of Statesvi community in than 12 months: If yeu will take time and see me sive you allimf!. tien NO MEDICA REQUIRED. J .F. CARLTON, FIRE, LIFE And ACCINEN INSURANA ce L EXAMINATION ——— ee ee Southern Railw ay THE...... STANDARD RAILWAY OF The SOUTE The Direct Line te xi po; Texas, California Ficrida, Cube and Porto Rico. trictly First-Class Equi. ment or all Throuzh and 2_,-Local Trains; Pullmay 2__ Palace Sleeping Cars on a} Night Trains; Fast ané sate Schedules. Travel by the Southern and vox « : assured a sate, Comfortable an} OExpediticus Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS VOR TIME Tar Blkatrs AND GrNERAL iNvorMaTios, OR ADDRESS &. L. Vernon, ' ena AS CHARLOTTE, N.C. ON¢o troubie to answer questions. Peak S. Geno, JM Cab, wa tan 3é. 7 P.& Gen. Man. raf. Max. 6p WASHINGTCN, Dc tis r . . 5 CP It You Need Fire, Life, Accident OrHesalth |. Insurance Brown & Guy, EINSTURANCE HEALDOUAYTERS Office—Second Hlcor Bank Building Lis VOL, vil. STATE I handle « the best qu: Best Ma :. . The Transacts a Recuiag Interest aicdoiti Special attention pai Accounts foro >> eceived on Most fav JNO A CO Wrinkle Puckere Crinkle Krotted Could any same way: you see of tu taey are also n exi- Jack Crep son is over iy wear with sik w from. *% sin thet e With simu! head blocks 1 most sensitive icq mill, also Fr a Portable on tiorery ¢ size, end Eciipse tractiol Gottou Gins at yeratie ine £ t &T.4, ASTEVILLE, X.C = a Statesville. zy CL & Let us ve save Snoes, We wil Marac: Macare and G Try Us On eet bul Sporting Goods, Table Cultery, Meat Choppers = Zor anything els? you J may need in the Hardware Line. If you are not pleased with our goods after examining them, we don’t ask you to buy, Yours truly, W. A. Thomsx & Co. ~ oe \ aj act Hacks & Surreys. We have just received a cat of Buggies, Hacks and Sur- reys which we will sell ver¥ close for Cash or on. e. Nice Jobs. It will pay you to see them before purchas- ing. Respectfully, Henkel Bros. March 22nd. Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUB, Dentist, Staresvitwe, N. C. Will be in his office two week beginning with first Monday in 7 month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You ** find it to your interest to do s°. , ° $s Work done in best manner. Pri low. Only the best material ust, xen bought fore can The Stock big Redua will sell 's anyinir our pur and ifs Every past fa Buggies, vance in the p stock early. selling you ve a venicle to o and will use q us and weg the puaranieg NOGL I TT SO L A LI T T ~ Pd ITH ul! Poinis Rnd Ico. Benny SS qu tp- Ouch and POR TIME Tari FORMATION, = : £. Darby, Coe aT SHEVILLE, X.¢. Pr questions. DB, OW. AL Tork me MAN. G.P x. Dc ot aCe Guy, TAR TERS reys. ¥ a car Sur- hl very you rchas- bros. OUR, o weeks. >in each anything You will oO se. r. Prices jal used. ——=— © a ASTON I a ar a The St atesville Mascot. Raa: — oe gee en es WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VOL, Vil. STATEVILLE MARBLE WORKS ——-:o: —_—— I handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known .o0 the trade and the best quality. Best Material, STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900. BRANDFORT CAPTURED. LOCAL. A Great British Success.—Boers Loxe The oid cemetery is now cleaned Guns, ‘up ready ior Memorial Day exer- Brandfort Dispatch, 4th. | Clses. bo Vir kW f {now liveon Davie avenue, in Marshall and family The capture of this town was the the ae ably ely result of a remarkably-conceived | py pest hence and well-executed movement. ee ell tat ard ae rt : Se erate Miss Antoinette Burw 5 ace night before the British BCC Tete’ a position as stenographer in 4,000 Boers moved here taking up 4! the office of her brother-in-law, Mr. | AMONG THE POLITICIANS. | STATE NEWS. The Virginia Democratic Connenel A. Savery, of Winston.has bronght tion advises the call for a state con-/|Suit against that town for $10,000 stitutional convention. Itinstructs|damages. He was arrested and im- for Bryan. | prisoned for refusing to be vacci- Mr. Joseph K. Perry, of Sanford, |"4%¢- Moore county, a prominent Repub-| The body of Tobe Sutton, a well lican of his section. is out in an open | Known «:tizen of Duplin county, was letter in favor of the amendment. found re:r Rocky Mount one day @St wee, s | = a Judge Spencer Adams, in a recent |), The man had evidently First-Class work Statesville, N. C. and Lowest Prices Cc. 5B WESE The First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. Transacts a Reguiar Banking Business. Inierest Specialattention paid to collectionson all Aceounts f>rcoorations Merchants, eceived on most favorable terms OFFICERS: JNO A COOPER, President, J.G, IrVIN, Vice Prosidemt GEO. H. BROWN, Cashier. VW vinkled Loveliness. Puckered Beauty. Crinkled Prettiness Knotted Elegance. Could any other Fabric ever prescribed by fashion be described in the You may not like them at first. same Way? you see of them the better you will they are also new. lack Crepon’s, son is over wear with silk waist? trom. aid 92 time deposits. Money loaned on good collateral and personal secur anufacturers and Individuals solicited ard It was that longing for something new which exi-ts in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe You wil! take the prescription, too, before the sea- either a larve or small dose—an entire dress, or a skirt to Better take it at once. Deposits received subject to check on sig wints, and credited or remitted at lo west ra _~ Another lot Y7_ Sustain, Ofcourse every lady whose eye catches this heading will know that w’re leading up to Black Blistered Crepons, Look again. The more like them. They are very odd, A nice line to select WALTON & GAGE mick COMPAN: S Circular Saw Mill Eclipse Portable With simultaneous racket setting head blocks and cable rope feed, the most sensitive feed ever put on a saw mill, also Frick Company's ENGINES 7 AND BOILERS, Portable on wheels or sills. Sta tionery engines and boilers, any s snd the great hill climbing Ec:ipse traction engine. A few Gottou Gins at low prices. Statesville, N.C. Ae Ea haL fs W E.Turner. Over Poston Bros Fry & Phifer. Let us sell you yourShirts, CoHars and Ties, for we will save you money. Our line of Shoes, Hosiery anc Pants Will be sure to please. We will sell you 6 cans of 25 cent. Peaches for $1. Maracabo Colfee best on earth. 15c. per Ib. Macaroni, 12e. Don’t miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes and Groceries. ERY & PHIFER. Se eas Sloan Clothing Co., Successors to Sloan & Shelton. The question of dress agitates the mind of every one more or less. How can I be neatly dressed for the least money. Of curse to dress neatly you must havea suit that fits and one that bought our stock before the advance in woolens for the Cash there- fore can save you money. The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it atand below manufacturers prices. Wecan givc’ you a man’s suit for $2.00. If you anything in gents furnishings vou cannot afford to not see us. our pure Irish Linen collar for and if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to have 14. Every article sold by us must be as represented .Thanking you fur past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very truly, Sloan Glothing Co ne, but “\f HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PiLLS & TONIC PELLETS you do not buy a mec- icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- ness, Constipation and Headaches. _ distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25C.- The Pilis bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. Leggetts Fresh Italian (a CE ee ee a Treatment. It is two wears. We want a suit, hat, shirt, necktie’ cr Sce 10c. We are anxious for your tree strong line of defence with the} avowed object of opposing the Brit- ish tothe bitterend. As a result of the strategy of Lord Roberts, they were forced to retreat hastily. nearly losing a convoy of guns and abandoning the defence. Lord Roberts was present while the operations were in progress cn & kopje north of Karee, in which po- sition he was in heliograph commun- ication with each column. On the right Bruce and Hamilton’s brigade moved eastwardly along the line of a kopje communicating by a road with the railroad. In close touch followed Maxwell’s Brigade, with Wavell’s on the left, all under the command of Lieutenant General Tucker. -General Pole-Carew’s di- vision formed the centre advance, composed of Jones and Stevenson’s Brigades, while Hutton’s mounted infantry, made up mainly of Cana- dians, Australians and New Zea- landers, made a wide detour and ar- rived at the east of the town. The night before the occupation of Brandfort the British seized two kopjes commanding a deep and ugly spruit, which it was shown the Boers daily occupied. General Pole-Carew ordered two battalions of Guards to move silently after nightfall and occupy the kopjes, which was done without opposition. This greatly facilitated the advance, as the Boers relinquished the spruit, allowing the passage of the whole force unopposed. About three hours after the advance commenced heavy artillery firing was heard to the right. Maxwell, finding that the Boers had two guns posted on a good position, engaged them with his artillery at 1,500 yards range. Both sides fired furiously, but the Boers’ guns were soon completely Silenced. The gun fire was heard to the left, where General Hutton had come into touch with the Boers. Owing, however, to the unexpected arrival of the British the Boers left several small kopjes unoccupied, and seizing these, General Hutton open- ed with his batteries, directing Gen- eral Alderson to outflank the Boers on the left. The Boers, unable to withstand the shrapnel, evacuated their kopjes and streamed across the plain to- wards a small kopje immediately above the town. As they retreated the battery placed several shells with great accuracy in their midst, and they immediately retreated from their second position, a move that was perceived by Hutton, who sent a portionof his troops in pursuit. Remington seized the kopje seized by the Boers. Thereupon the Bo- ers retired, leaving thetown at the mercy of the British. In the mean- time General Alderson, trying to outtlank, found the Boers’ position His galloping Maxim received a heavy pompom fire and was obliged to retire. Ontheother side Max- well forced the Boers’ position. north. Several prisoners were taken, including a commandant, who had returnedin order to destroy the telegraph instruments. The townspeople declare that the Irish-American contingent with the Boers behaved riotously when the fighting began and refused to take partinit, only manning a kopje close to town. The military attaches with the Boers watched the fight through glasses from kopjes north of town, following the movements on maps. It appears that while watching the British advance in front they failed to perceive Hutton’s move- ment and his arrival caused them to retreat precipitately. All the British movements were earried out like cloc!:: work. The easualties were very low. Their ad- We now have in stock and bought ) 4 GARLOADS,4 | Buggies, Phaectons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- vance in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased ovr stock early, to sell at old prices or at least yery nearly so. selling you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresented a vehicle to make a sale. We want your trade and will use our best efforts tomeritit. When you buy a buggy from|& us and we guarantee it, you know the guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholso:a We have beer it means our Standing Squar e behind : Eo Aen << ee tes ME I T O R U L T — wip Bo Se a Te JAMON’S Gs ee ah ey ee Chill Trani vance presented a superb spectacle, as the long front pushed slowly for- ward. After the retreat of the Boers the whole mounted infantry was sentin pursuit, and entering the town:at 2 p. m.,close behind the retreating Boers, but the latter were too quick to be overtaken. While General Pole-Carew’s divi- sion was occupying the town, Gen- eral Tucker’s engaged with a force of some 4,000 Boer’s on the British rizbt, southwest of thetown. Dur- ine the artillery duel Wavell’s Bri- «ade came under the fire of the Boer cuns and was forced to retire. The Boers finally retired with two guns disabled, making good their re- treat. The prisoners say there were about 6,000 Boers in the town, in- cluding 1,000 who had beea opposed ; to the British at Thaba N’Chu. The Allied Building Trades Coun- cil, of Philadelphia; Pa., has order- ed out all the men of whatever brotherhood of carpenters. Work- ing Secretary Allen says about six- teen thousand are now out. Senator Aldrich says that Con- E o e 5 Pepsin s z f9 Tastsless and Guaranteed to Cure Shi Jis and E Fevyor and 2ii Malaria! Troubias. " Does Not Coutain Quinine Nor Other Poison. ves Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect. the’. Hearing. = _ W.A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill f x bs we hive ever Eandied. My son prescribes itin his SeieGacaane ee a wm *hounly Chill Tonic which a child can take without injury to the stomacd 1.” Price 50:. BROWN ME"G, CO., Prop'rs, Greeneville, Tenn. , & gress willadjourn not later than “June 12th, possibly earlier. There i will be little legislation outside of i. appropriation bills, and as soon as they ate.disposed of it will adjourn. ~— ee Pm pln el Sa i OI eM aE Gain iat a RNa. ate C. B. Miller, at Goldsboro, and will leave Statesville about the last of this month. Avery large bald eagle was re- cently killed by Sandford Camp- bell, col.,on the plantation of Mr. J. BR. Abernethy, of Cool Spring township. The eagle measured sev- en feet from tips of wings, and his claws were six inches long. Virginia and some other States having passed laws forbidding the use of 2nd class tickets by the rail- roads operating in those States the Southern railroad company has ceas- ed to sell 2nd class tickets to points outside of this State- The 2nd class tickets will continue to be sold to points within this State. The capacity of the electric light plant of this city having been out grown by the city, ourcity fathers have, for some months, been inves- tigating the matter, getting esti- mates of costs, ete., and at their meeting last week took steps look- ing to the enlargement of the plant to meet the increased demands of the city. Mooresville Enterprise: Superin- tendent Patterson of the chain gang was short one man Thursday morn- ing at the roll call. On Wednesday morning Mr. Patterson needed uv- shackled help and picked from the gang one Tom Kuell, making hima atrusty. Tom loving iiberty more than confidence, took advantage of his rank among the criminals, and during the night made good his es- cape. The negro had about three more months to serve. He is well known in this community, being a son of Joe Euel. Up to the time of going to press he had not been cap- tured. — News of South Iredell, Mooresville Enterprise. Mr. T. D. Miller, of Statesville, was here yesterday. Mr. George Wallace, 46 years of age, and for many years a _ resident of south Iredell, died at his home at this place last Saturday morning, of Bright’s disease. Mr. Fred Walters left for Wil- mington Wednesday night, where he has secured a position in the Western Union Televranh office. He resigned his position here. Frank Beatty, a negro employed on the brickyard of Troutman Bros., was bitten by a copperhead snake Wednesday afternoon. His snake- ship seized theinitial tinger on the right hand while the negro was cleaning a heap of brush. The fel- low was badly bitten but suffered little pain. Miss Neilie Rogers, who was teaching at Sugar Creek, Mecklen- burg county, during the past winter, and who has been spending a short vacation at her home at this place, left yesterday morning for Yancey county beyond Asheville, where she will teach during the summer months. William, the 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ritchie. of this place, died at his home on Wednes- day night at 11 o'clock, after a brief illness of typhoid pneumonia. Mr. titchie was in the bloom of man hood, with a most promising future, and his demise is truly sad. The remains were taken to St. Michael’s Lutheran church, near Amity, for interment. The bereaved parents and loved ones have the sympathy of the entire community in this affliction. gees By 20 clock the whole force was Judge Bowman Will not Hold Rowan seen about four miles off, trekking Court. Salisbury Truth-Index, 3rd. Judge Bowman, Senator Pritch- ard’s father-in-law, who was to have presided at the May term of Rowan court, won't be here at the time ex- pected. In fact he won’t be here at all during the May term of court, and on his failure to show up hangs a tale. Judge Timberlake was due to pre- side over the May court but some time since heand Judge Bowman swapped courts. The Iredell and Rowan bars did not relish the swap and told Judge Timberlake so by petition. 2owan court was to have conven- ed here Monday but Judge Timber- lake’s other engagements made it absolutely impossible for him to come here then. So he set about making another arrangement with Judge Bowman. : A letter was received here this morning from Judge Timberlake stating that he had arranged his courts so that he would be able to come here the latter part of next week. He will dispose of the crimi- nal cases on Friday and Saturday of next week and the week following will be given to the civil docket. —_—_—_—sS LeGaulois says that a convention between France and Spain for de- fining their respective spheres cf influence in Norrocco has beer pre- pared and is ready for signatures. The prevailing opinion among Senatorsis that the Nicaragua ca- nal willnotbe acted upon in the Senate at the present session. It is rumored that the President desires that it 7o over. On the hearing for bail in the Goe- bel murder case W. H.-Culton testi- fied that Youtsey told him Goebel was to be shot and hetoid Governor Bradley. Youtsey proposed that it be done from the secretary of state’s office. Ex-Sheritf W. H. Hood, of Ghes- ter county, S. C., while riding his horse from the field to the farm house to get cut of the rain one day last week, was struck by lightning and horse and rider were instantly killed. Hood was found lying beside his dead horse, one foot in the stir- rup and bis face and bead horribly. mangled. and three yonng ladies, factory op- eratives. cause they thougbt all the men and windows. desperation one of them fired a 38- ly no longer say “‘the rail1oad be d——d"’ ard decline to open its offices. for the reception or delivery of freight, transmit or deliver telegrams when offered. calibre pistol ball into the room. all of these negroes were bent upon : z : et death by violence. The back of speech in Chatham, is reported to a “- . = have told his hearers that before his head was crushed and his throat 1868 no man could vote in this State who did not own a certain quantity of land. New Hampshire Demccrats, in State .convention, elected bryan delegates to the National convention and declared for the Chicago plat- form, against trusts, for Boer inde- pendence, and denounced Republi- cau neglect of duty to Porto Rico. The State convention of the Pro- hibition party will convene in Sal- isbury on the 22d of this month. The chairman of the party, Mr. Edwin Shaver, and the secretary, Mr. T. P. Johnson, both live in Sal- isbury. The railroads will give reduced rates. Secretary Hyams, of the Republi- can State committee, says his party will open the campaign at Winston. May 15th, when Pritchard, Spencer B. Adams, Walser aad others will speak. He says that in the next ten days there will be 40 Republican a on the stump in North Car- olina. A correspondent writing from Washington says the success of the Democrats in electing a candidate for mayor of St. Paul, Minn., is re- garded as a warning to the Repub- licans of the danger that lies in the affront given public sentiment by the enactment of the Porto Rican tariff bill. Congressman Linney made a speech to the House committee on the election of President and Vice President and made a speech in fa- vor of Mr. Gibbon’s bill to prevent and punish frauds and irregularities in the election of Represertatives and delegates in Congress. The bill is very drastic and is in effect a sec- ond force bill. There was a big row in the Repub- lean convention of the fourth con- gressional district, which met ino Raleigh last week to elect two dele- gates to the national convention. The negro delegates, about 23 in number, wanted Ed. Johnson, color- ed, chairman of the district commit- tee, elected a delegate. The whites outvoted them and elected Postmas- ter Bailey, of Raleigh, and Marshal Millikan. The negroes all bolted and the whites took charge and re- organized the convention, electing a white man chairman. eeteneranteeens Helpless Women Terrified by Negroes Rockingham Special, 4th, to News and Ob- server, Will Worley, a negro buck, work- ing around the Pee Dee Cotton Mills as teamster, was arrested to- day under a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Beck for assault against her with a deadly weapon. James Dun- lap and Stephen Well, two other negro bucks, were arrested with Worley, as witnesses. Upon a pre- liminary hearing before W. F. Long, Esq., the defendant and witnesses were committed to jail in default of a $500 bond. It is in evidence that these three negroes were prowling around Mrs. Beck’s house near Pee Dee factory for more than an hour while Hon. Claude Kitchin was speaking; that during this time there were but four inmates of the houze, Mrs. Beck The ladies were badly frightened, but did not scream _ be- around were at the speaking. The negroes tried in every way to obtain entrance without bursting in, trying the fastenings of doors Finally in a fit of Then the ladies screamed, and soon two gentlemen ran to their assist- tance. It is the impression of many that the commission of avile crime. Fur- ther developments are expected. Much excitement, principally below the surface, prevails, especially among the factory boys. “After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye,’’ writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N.&. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. W. F. Hall,Jr. The agents of the Powers of Italy has sent a note to the Porte assent- ing to the increase in duties. Suffered For Three Years. Mr. G. W. Britnell, Leesdale, Alabama, writes: For the past three years I have been subject to constipation and biliousness, and bave found no permanent relief un- til I tried Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. I pronounce them the best remedy on earth for theail- ments for which they are recom- mended, One of our customers used them with very beneficial, ef- fects, and said they were unquestion- ably the best remedy known. For sale by N. R. Tunstall. It has been learned that United States Ambassador Choate has ask- ed Lord Salisbury for an explana- tion as to the alleged abuse of inter- national right in the case ofthe Am- ericanship Sea Witch, which, ac- cording to the statement of her commander, Captain Howe, was boarded by the British warship Wasp within the three mile limit of Portuguese territory in East Africa. W.S. Musser, Miilheim, Pa., sav- ed the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying fromcroup. It is the |only harmless remedy that gives im- mediate results. It quickly cares tion 1967 of company is liable to a penalty of $25 a day for every day over five days that it delays in the shipment of any article of freight offered. One well known case is that of Gowan vs. gashed. Majer Woodbury Wheeler, a na- tive of North Carolina, ason of John H. Wheeler, the author of the his- tory of this State, died in Washing- ton, D. C., last Wednesday. Major Wheeler was a lawyer and had made his home in Washington for several years. Col. T. E. Brown, a native of Sal- isbury, who has lived in Asheville for several years past, died in the latter cityon the 3rd. He was a member of the Beown Northup Co., was 79 vears old and leaves a wife and two sons. His remains were buried in Salisbury. Samuel H. Harkins, a prominent young man of Charlotte, committed suicide by shooting himself on the 4th. Mr. Harkins was a native of Georgia The rask act isamystery, as he had noapparent reason for tak- ing his life. He was prosperous in business, popular and cheerful. A large steamship, oelieved to be a foreign tramp steamer, is astore on Diamond Shoals off Cape Hatter- as, N.C. The crews at Creed’s Hill and Hatteras Life Saving Station went with boats to her side. The windislwhtand the sea smooth. The crew will probably be saved. A negro man was found at the A, C. L. railroad yards in Wilmington, one day last week, with a mild case of smallpox. He was promptly sent to a pest house, but that may not prevent thie great number of persons who came in contact with him while walking uround with the disease from taking it. Davie Times, 3rd: The South bound freight train was wrecked just north of Cornatzer at the 20 mile post yesterday. Six coal cars were piled upon each other and smashed to pieces and the track for some distance was tornup. A crew was at work there ail night but were unable to vet the regular passenver train through. The mail and the passengers were trausferred to a train and brought here. When Sheriff Gatiy, of Ansoa county, and the nevro janitor went into the jai! at WuJesboro to feed the prisoners two desperate negroes jumped on the sheriff, and he had a bard fight to save his life, but man- aged to hold his own until help from tre outside came to his assistance. Sheriff Gaddy is an ex-Confederate soldier and proved during the four years war that every inch of him is of good fighting material. At Charlotte one day last week an extra passenger train ran intoa shifting engine and cars at the yard of the Chariotte Oil and Fertilizer Works. Chas. Mickle was caught between the tenderand engine and|fair sunny weather of the last few his leg was severed. Hedied before|days greatly encouraged farmers medical aid cvuld reach him. Syfan, the engineer, had his ankle/sumed with sprained. G. M. Isaacs, the bag-|made rapid growth; forests even in gage master, had his leg injured and|the extreme west are ankle hurt. terrible to hear, but he died very soon. mass of water was thrown thirty | work is approaching completion ex- feet into the air. fireman. vestigate the matter. A. RB. Mickle’s moans were When the engines struck, a Mickle was the The authorities will in- oe More Trouble for the Railroads—|Stands and has been plowed for the Damage Suits. Raleigh News and Observer, 2nd, A decision was handed down by the Supreme Court yesterday that will probably play an important part in the settlement of the strike now on the Southern Railway. Under it the railroad can certain- nor can it decline to To do either of these things will subject the road to a penalty and damages. The decision above referred to is that of State vs. Carter, written by Judge Douglas. In this it is held that under sec- The Code a railread In the Carter decision, thirty head of cattle were offered for shipment and fora delay over five days in shipping thei the plaintiff recovers 3750 for each day—each head of cat- tle being counted as an article. This decision follows a number of precedents heretofore eters Mc- from Golds- In that the Railroad, boro, decided in 1886. sum of $2,875 was collected from the railroad for delay in shipment of a few bags of rice. It is also a fact worthy of note in this connection that the plaintiff in the McGowan case was represent ed by the present Chief Justice, Faircloth. The penalty in these suits goes not necessarily to the owner of the article offered for shipment, but may be recovered by any person who may choose to sue for it. In case of a telegram not prompt- ly sent or delivered, the sender or receiver may sue for damages. It can be readily seen what an im- portant bearing this decision must haye onthe strike which has closed up the ofices of the Southern to such an extent that the office of the cor- poration commission is being flood-- ed with complaints and prayers for relief. —_—_—_—_»——— J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says, ‘‘I cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors call- ed an incurable ulcer onmy jaw.” Cures piles and all skin diseases. ‘coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and all throat ard lung troubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. Lookout for worthless imitations. W. F. Hall,Jr. Summary of Crop Condition. Washington Dispatch, dition issued by the Weather Lu- Teau is as follows: States and the unseasonbly low Southern plateau and Pacific coast regions. <A large part of Texas, in- | of June, July, 1899, has received from | two to more than seven inches of rain, washing out and inundating crops to a great extent over the cen- tral and southern portions of the State. “Eastward of the Mississippi Riv- er corn planting and preparations have progressed rapidly. In Texas and portions of Mississippi, Arkan- sas and Alabama, much replanting will be necessary as a result of over- flows. ‘Further improvement is general- ly reported in the condition of win- ter wheat. Allreports indicate that spring wheat is coming up finely and making excellent growth. “Except where damaged by ex- cessive rains in Texas, the general outlook foroats is excellent. The crop is heading in the Southern States, while some of the early sown has been harvested in Florida. “In the Central and Eastern por- tions of the cotton belt cotton plant- ing has progressed under more fav- orable conditions than in the previ- ous week, and good stands are quite generally reported. Planting is well advanced over the Northern portion of the cotton belt, and the early planted is being cultivated over the Southern portions. Great damaye has been caused by heavy rains in Centraland Southera Texas where much replanting will be nec- essary. In many portions cf Texas the bulk of the crop is yet to be planted, and seed are reported searce. Much replanting also re- mains to be done in Arkansas. ““lransplanting of tobacco is in progress as far north as North Caro- lina. An abundant suppiy of vigor- ous plants is generally reported. Fruit reports continue generally favorable. FOR NORTH CAROLINA. “In the eastern portion of North Carolina the weather during the week ending Monday, April 30, 1900, was undoubtedly the most favorable experienced so far this season. A light rain occurred on Tuesday, fol- lowed by six days of fair weather, during which the ground dryed out nicely and farm work proceeded un- interruptedly. Ina large number of central and western counties, however, rains continued during the 24th, 25th and 26th, which, while not heavy kept the soil from drying until Saturday throwing the farm work further behind than in any ‘other section. A destructive hail storm was reported on the 25th in Cleveland county with considera- ble damage to crops, and fruit; hail also occurred in Henderson, Jack- son, and Rutherford counties. The temperature during the week was a fewdegrees above the normal, but the nights were rather cool. The everywhere and work has been re- vigor. Vegetation becoming green. A great dealof corn was planted this week in the east, where the cept on low lands; in the west plant- ing corn is still greatly be- hind, butit is proceeding on uplands. Corn is generally coming upto good “The most unfavorable features of | : the week ending April 30th were Smallpox existed in the excessive rains in the Southern eee last month. Three was a | temperatures over the Centra! and ported. In ter is this: the simplest, most certain and prac- tically only solution of the difficuity. NO, 23 SMALLPOX IN THE STATE. i i | Has Prevailed in Half the Counties. The weekly summary of crop con- } The April number of The Bulletin, | which is issued by the North Caro- \lina Board of Health, shows that twenty-nine total of 437 cases, with 7 deaths re- Rockingiam alone there were 120 cases. The Bulletin contains an interest- county cluding the region of the vreat flood ing article by Dr. R. BH. Lewis. the secrecary of the State Board of Health, entitled **Polities and Small- pox.’’ The article is reproduced herewith: “The inauguaration of the political campaign brings to our mind the dangers in the matter of smallpox incident thereto, and we feel that a word of warning would not be out of place. Unusual interest in the is- sues involved seems to be felt. and the indications are that the meetings will be very numerous and largely attended and of course by a!l sorts and conditions of men, as they should be in a Democracy. “In the past six months the sinall- pox has prevailed in nearly half the counties of the State. |The month- ly reports for March show 437 cases for the month in twenty-eight coun- ties,and a number of cases in an- other county. Generally thedisease is very mild in character. Not in- frequently it is somild that the pa- tient does not feel sick enough to go to bed, but a little ‘under the weath- er’ with what he cails, with the in- dorsement of some complaisant or ignorant physician, ‘chicken-pox,’ is exactly in the right condition for visiting around among the neigh- bors or loafing at the railway sta- tion, or, above all, attending a gath- ering of any kind—political preferr- ed. In many cases the eruption is- so insignificant as net to attract at tention, but nevertheless it is the genuine article, and capable of caus- ing in the unvaccinated the most virulent and fatal form of the dis- ease. “Again smalipox may be spread by infected clothes. Too often it happens that the disinfection after recovery is not us thorough as it ougbt to be, and the poison has at- tached itself tothe clothing (formites) remains active. It is hardly worth while to say that an unvac- cinated man wedged in behind such a coat and breathing the exhalations from it would catch smallpox al- most to a certainty. “The idea of the possibility ofa deliberateand malicious spreading of the disease by some bitter partisan entered our mind, but was immedi- ately dismissed as asburd. We read, however, in this very morning, pa- per a statement of a case exactly in point, where2 man had had ‘three buggy whips wore out on him, be- cause he refused to be vaccinated, and threatened if possible to catch smallpox and spread it among his political enemies. But be that as it may, there is no question of the danger attached to large gatherings of any kind in communities where smallpox—and especially smallpox of exceptionally mild type, that is too often falsely called chicken-pox is preyalent or has recently prevail- ed. Indeed, there is danger nowin alilarge yatherings inthis section, for smatlpox ‘bobs up serenely’ ina most unexpected manner in all sorts of places. Weare fairly well- supplied with points of infection ourselves, but our sister States con- tinue to reinforce us ina most un- pleasant and undesirable way, and one never knows when he may come in contact with it. ‘The conclusion of the whole mat- Be vaccinated. That is first time ina few southern counties. Planting cotton is nearly ten days later than the average but is now progressing rapidly; early planted cotton has come up nicely, ard chop- ping to stands will begin next week in counties along the southern bor- der. Tobacco plants continue to grow nicely; transplanting has made some progress in eastern counties. Some farmers have finished sowing rice.. Planting peanuts has com- menced. Gardensare doing well; in the west asparagus, lettuce, onions, and radisbes are up. Truck crops are improving, peas are in bioom, Irish potatoes are fine, and sweet potatoes are sprouting. Po- tato bugs kaye appeared. It is feared the pea-louse wiil injure the pea crop. Crop correspondents are al- most unanimous in reporting wheat as unusually fine; only 2 out of 300 reports mention any damage by hes- sian fly. Spring oats, clover, and grass have made good growth. Peach trees are full of fruit, apples and cherries promise well but pears and plums are falling in consequence of injury by blight. Shipments of strawberries are increasing rapidly. _ > The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that De. King’s New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Rem- edy, gives asplendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at W. F. Hall’s drug store. The postoffice at Franklin, forty miles west of Norfolk, Va., was robbed of between $500 and $600 in cash and stamps one day last week. A hole was bored in the top of the safe and a dynamite fuse was insert- ed, a portion of the front of the post- office building being blown out. Three strange men were seen about the postoffice the previous, night. The burglars are believed to be ex- perts. He Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Fistula. he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by W, F. “DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare the finest pills I ever used.”’—D. J. Moore,Millbrook, Alas. They quick- ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. W. ¥. Hall. Jr. If you have it, you know it. You know ll about the and general weakness of the whole body. You can’t have it a week without your blood being impure and your nerves all exhausted. There’s just one remedy for you—— o* arsaParilla There’s nothing new about it. Your grand- parents took it. “Twas an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word “Sarsaparilla” famous over the whole world. There’s no other sarsa- parilla like it. In age and power to cure it’s “ The leader of them all.” $1.00 2 bottle. All druggists. Ayer’s Pills cure constipation. terribly I was “After suffering rn : fellow creatares to try for it has stood the test of time its curative power cannot be ex- Hall, Druggist. <r als eg, Te rd t : ‘4 i ‘ } iy 4 e 5 & 3 f & ” r er g i. rs ti ¥ Ep & i ¢ ee CT aoe 10S RN TO SOA MR SAE ee SCS RIVE pa — rn ea an ee eee a ia Liver Con. plaint. - —_—-—— = SE = eee ATE GENERAL? s. Saami ang a a OE LATE STATE NEWS. TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. LATE - C. B. Henderson, Morris Chureb, | oats ae ; cS {| The Crawford-Pearacn Contest | pee { — —_—- V: ans I have had the Liver} Z EP Se E ¢ ;C pene (ere : pa a, says: : een > BUSINE! tT SERMAS | Washington Post. | eo persons were killed by light-' Hiddenite commencemant today.! Jim Jeffries and James J. Corbett complaint vers badly for ees ALITTLE BUSINE ad Rech ases pie cnet 70 pi e Kined OD} i qa : orrow. me Senses every Lex = Se | The party whips of the oe ‘ning near Newbern Tuesday. | The game of croquet has been re | ee SES ones aatene momorre | years, and tried oe cS swoliet at f whose housework is Many of our sudscri ven {have an interesting contest on bend | pe See et Or ce VE again nigat. escription, but found no Teltes eo) is tie cry of woricn W ag > we need PoBLisway WREKLY pes a 7 ju the case of Represeo-| China Grove is to have a new cot-} vived in the a ee ae The lfaminein India wrows — ne your Ramon’s Liver| saat ee “their piysical spaces a is for the paper _ ee Res Oe Se esate : ae ee ‘rely by rs |i nanyv spend their ore. awtul [: ein is A | one pine ety OX. | =i ow eal’ all wilicai av \tative Crawford aud Mr. Pearson, Of ton mill owned entirely by farmers and many sper worse It is said nearly 100,600,000 pijis advertised, I bought a Dox. | 2 women need to know that y- We hope a z —az— eke’ oe a We eS “On- c : aoa ; | worse, © IS Se 2 Leh e ae wy Stay > @ - r o eay « av ur 8 {North Carolina. wo election Con- | The Democratic State committee} Mr.and Mrs. Frank A. Linney | eople are affected by it Afrer using these I found my Se * made exsy by Sjaz court and pay up “ee ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. ae have been decided this session, | The todas to elect the members of | went to Lenoir Monday to attend peop Ae gens bac ieee tren: and after using t wi ; ~ ; ie at more especially f i ees —-—— and it is conceded by both parties the central committee | Catawelt county Criminal Court. =| W. C. Endicots. Seen a at boxes I bought a third, and art me s re pscribers Who owe $2 ae LA : f the Democrats had been on) “oe <tUlct OS q - ‘in Cleveland's first cabinet, died at | 90° -- ahout cured. L shall al oar suds nee teh —— ane t if the Jemocrats hac ; ; ‘ crait ray WS Pry family re-|)" ce rT \discase is about cured. aa : > t any of 8 4. D. Warts. Epitor & PRroprieror 1 =s they ought to have been, Charlotte had a big cotton ae Ree: W r See Plsconieeae aol his home in Boston Sunday. bas Dee ad your medicine year or more, but any ; Sao : : men would never have been jeariy Tuesday morning. Some 3.-{turned last ect eaten = ! . et yaar WAS ee alg NT Punstall. c + fur less than a year wi 2 would never | = a Seger burned or badly! ‘trs. Cherry's father in Watauga; An Atlanta furniture factory Was) po- ale by N. &. Pursta : ing, for less that - a “, se this ¢ elessness he COU Sates wer ourzed oc 2 | iene - | burned Monday, entailius a loss of Es ! % fence us by paying. a . ; = waine four ini ipeed i uary. Be ee | Sypitbe aes he sc f Se ane aia ; , Re : Se i abs rained four dameged. } $200,000, with half that amount o aon 4 eS : } me s : i Raye Sea _ of gic SE at ZOU UUU, wito ps Nab wat IATIlT aD b e —_— a I - majority. since tne Con) ci muel HE. Hawkins shot bimself! Sheriif Williams last week carried oe si Notice, 2 Washing Powder, is in LOCAL. Pers . =e Representative ramue oe airs eet etd Lara ne ONR I po ee ee a se extra pair 0 r piss peretae REDECSCRIEAELVE? rg yng 2d Satur. | Mrs. Bentiy, of Sugar Loaf tow ied ss execnt ’s cs good as an . — Hing, af Utah, and Representative i» Charlotte Friday ard died Satur: | Mrs. Bent State Hospitalat “or-| Renudtican Governor Tayler, of} (ceased, late 0 ~ IS fousehold, It saves time and worry. ; ‘ah, and Representative, 4) © e is uo known cause for|ship, to the State Hospitalat % Republican Governor 7: eed Pall persons having claim: $& tue houscholc- test economy. * ater. W. A. Thomas i- f Virgini have taken Ms ne tai gs ee | Kentucky, has vees indicird for; i aid deceased to sexnabit > Largest a SS SLANE. COMPANY, VV — De emer sic aes et re Sue? A a Ba Pewee len or before the rot SE N. a tiacea =**> : Che pace } enresen- | - le Tig i ty in the rder of Gover- nedon or = TSE w York. | | a ee : : ae. 7 or prominent a Mr. dames C. Linney, who basjcotplicity iu the murder of i di ere Chicago. St. Loum sladel bine : -ery, litle son of M nance Wiice of 1 hutuwzon a! J. Wa & prominen ze Ve N. C.. and De-| vor Goeoel. indebted to Boston. Phi Pe yt fs Avery, little son ¢ ee open we ry HepGersen | gop, of by: county, was ned) been st Charlotte, N. C., and De | . Nc 3 diate pay- Beit pbePiiDPaaDe : F. A. Sherrill, has been v¢ Pee ONS a | Fe <cerns ‘ : week by @/troit, Michigan, is visiting his par-! Southwest Texas was visited by a 3 LONE ir : een cate b tier : e tov pecs \ : porchused. |ents aud friends in this county. Gestructive cvclove Monday. Creat oe E ior. = aw , Fal gmeairy = is Gotu ae $ ' ee ache y- = aa aes : 7 Seine Jno. L. Gwaltney, Esq, lett Jfon-|damage was done to properiy and eerste anna nnn , moe ae er 7 » 4s se regular Ss} d : nes heen Jao. L. Gwaltney, Esq, | é several persons were injured. OTICE : be INH as 5 2 services will be he 4 s t the Ruleigb | day for Washington, D.C., to attend several persons i N i S BX 5 VA. Nin se ee aa Coes University. to sue-]a meeting of the Funeral Benefit Ex-Conyressinan David B. Culber- TA MEETING of the County Board of een 4 ge Pe sin i it teri’ : = sident Blasingame, resign-| Association of the Jr.O. U. A. M-J| Son. died at his eae in Hees A tious for Ir SS en ctovine ‘ or > PD want Prof. E a T - “a zr ~ ae Sere > serve -1N.C.. on Monday, May 7th, . ac hip’ in Salem r 3 Who Avis 1 . , board of |'Texas, Sunday. e served 12 , ead se | ee tiesh ranieed to Cure teacalne he Alexander county » ae rress for many years and waschair- | eis wee mages that the poiling | fz Tosteless and Gua Chilis ang Loess THR ae ; uty for Rowan | election composed aa J. W, yates, = 7 Rae th ju: jary caramittee sev- ¢ rgie Mills prence be rae 3 Fever and all Melaric! Troubles. E = BOG . ~ > : . > 88 Sooners 27, Try . ariy an voe ViClary © “ = et g place sha a ous- 5 ow . lagainst haview | R. M. Sbarpe and Wm. C. Ker ra Sane aes enna x Reads, in s#id}| "4 tein Qzizine Nor Other Poison. i : Z ‘ etn hee met Monday and organized by jerai lersis. é ft uy. oN ae + Dees Not Cow Does Not Injare the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing, Aisss Laura z SS: oe wrer frog smail- ting J. W. Watts chairman and) 44 puifalo, Texas, Saturday, J. W. = peter ar ete y & Sen, Dinekon ten a ie easels pent i the Kev. Dr. J. C. } ¢ = | po . Sharpe secretary. Miller was ubltac: od by: jour i Lins¢ e the polling an ss pests Seana @ child can take without injury to the sto De 8 lived be re, is « ri = a oF f lox Cald board of county commissioners | brothers. Miller killed W. ‘t. nat See oaernees ee "1 9 price she. BROWN ME'G. CO.. Prop’rs, Greeneville. Tenn. home in Greensvor . : : = of smailpox “at Uaid- car ha trig cman Tae aE im-|sonand J. L. Linson and wounded a the board that Zthe election = summer boox club ; - ae here will ke no com- Bot have much business of i se "i Sa Sian if t by aaisicheOwnesin abe i Tie summer boo: eo re will be an “ethem Monday. They | Edgar Linson. ugene Lipson re 2, of Shiloh <a SIAR urs RE IA Gos aS a ee il | oxercises at the close of | portance before them Monday. =a ee 3 ‘es etre a dll ayes . a, with Mrs. t. B. - mificed te ' res contest to be| Eig! School next !made settlement with Sheriff Wil-|‘reaied. sii ae cy tt Sg ere eg SEAS tecnoon at doclock. Ax. 7"- - $ t hie High S¢ehooi next 7 ’ ras arrested and gave boud in $)00. re bounda do mae pt g 5 7 ession, as the other] ") % liains ou the State tax. Constable | was arrested and 2 the polling place of said} y NE. Se 2 EVE befs are urzee loarte: 3 4 ; ,ecoutest, if it i (eee pO. Des of Sugar Loaf resigned. At Bamberg, S.C., last Sat axdey Sea SC weardinicer che election Me. RB. Garter 5 st t ‘ . “Se P . e Bap- eOteG OS ae tovwenshit ir Sie rege meat Car abiy to the Den BOONE | The town election Munday was 2] Kev. E. Jobason, pastor of the Bap ts Nos, rand 2, of Davidson township, | % : Tsc)) nast George Coa-| sue town election Monday wi ' thurch, shot and killed W. 7. and that said election precinct for f WILLIAM pe ee a + wens struck by fone Only one ticket|tist church, shot an y € territory now LA t vine ra YW ematintn | oe aches ta ~ ie rw! 1 elected unani- | Bellinger, stenographer of the judi- “ : 5 an of ss wid- tild was killed aud nt k Joh: sie Morrison, v i townsbip, will be tried the residence of the bride. ee ’ -, eres 7” nle yan between ship, aud that the pdlling piace o! said p See ase senseless t ay 32 votes. A. ©, |cial dist Eroubic ees = 2 t be | pre t chal <a at the white public sch po} A. Whiten hus DE HOCKATIC Carolina Gistr Wi SENSe.CSS. Pacne. roavor: Capt AL AL the tx » day or ove -s of | house, near the old W. J. Brawley cee being A. A. ti = er, 3 ihave ¢ i wane Ses arye Se rete yy At Hi once Which divided the preinises SOMGHB SS oa oe “YyITTA TABI DG precied mayor Qi it is Ses Ste “iis at Gresps-! Ino. Lb Gwaleney and J. M. Mathe- ec os a d pe ; an eee the board that ail ee ADJUS . ABLE a 4 icket He is 2 law; an In this LOrnir lockoad t Deere Se eines eceupiced oy the we ee ty remain as they are 10 ry -iCnet. =e N ON i rs corn ny 1c¢ - o e son, commissicaers, oe rs pistol oo the athe other polling places remain A querily visits States, Sty mS ot , 10 orcer fo fore u Nee ealtusrer ; Sats si ; bi i i 3 ‘ ’ sete ae ; = ate rec oe % Jebor Mr. A. J. Steel, of Little River preacher. The next day the eae . rd that the aborcior 3 a SA? duced es 2 : Nes Dr we Ge it ae hog ee . 4 = c Te eran ihhiore: Bepnciny Nia Sseete NU eped gd one xe$ Bellin-|o.. ublished in ‘f MascoT 3 1 - hapa we Se ee ort UGUCARS szied at the | township,suld to Col. Fiowers t eres ter, carrying 2 shot fu, = ee a = eee Sabres in said cc L el Cuitiv ation Harnony, cuta put 1 the bark pecied from one large} er and the trouble Se ey gorawenty cays: ree z eV ’ bad sayed through the wi DEMOCRATIC STATE TISKET. | (This case Was eXpected to - 2 {mountain oak which made two good | 5; is not known who Sred ext 3 MARRY Seen Sh li Cultivation urdsy._ It was fresn and ee leaken upin the House yesterc Sy; OWES | ee y-horse loads, 3,765 Bonet: 12 bat when the smoke sleoxee Soe Petar ad nee cto ap 2 eae iy a iGWw ; H A cnieha Bac Mascor VIBnIONG | 1s oh he received 2) LOW AOCS [ie eon cone lying mortally wound- : ° ° Cc. H. Armieiad, t. VEENOR “ASCO. ) wn Whics ue received 34.2). Bellinger was lying iene y ais t G it : ; ie yp + NDS a . ie “> . . Sas = > Syere a . 2S . uM eG CHAI AYCOCK, of Wayne. 7 eR OAS coast, this do for one Alexander oak tree | oq with a pistol showing be bad ures iq ik requen u 1Vation. a Moore os a ; ahood Demands It. aud re thougittobave been | ot the lumber is yet to be sold. four times, while the preacber hac eRe te; Sern ee te loc? hey ft th 2 teumer 125 a Sr Ta oh x @ en = = aleigit News and Observer, ea ee he Soe Sa : Baptist chureh kere held a]sbet one time. : He shou 5 y EX OR SEAT ' ' i vher ia! dat 1 & heavy sea. “ee renin cee eee reese — ° * Bryant. a br ja ¢ f Witt Tie only spot oa the globe where |SMt V0at In & heavy se vational meeting after ser- ee ed Vhen’you can buy 9 A Mr. J. E. oa a = VAN GKI ~ ¥ Spel Sister as ati wi hoe 2s ait en neeninn — ee Esg., of dt eh directly nH r. oral, asc Sunday and accepted the] | ce Semin ere OS BAS | WR ES Zottie of i & 5 Pa yi B J. Bryaat, eae ei BENIAM snscues Oo in | Dr. Les " ation of Pastor White and 2 a We®Manah i ¥ oe uc. T. a M Sa - nati: x . ay Sets ee see ‘ feat reuezade whites, unanimously extended a call to for- vs § Quit siCough ———— Gai'nerat sit ne 3 fF ; ice ucak tee Yimer pastor L. P. See e ‘} } é S ae aes ee e ds moreto day than ever in beige seer } fr a erman whose res-| Vashij. this county, and it is hoped - 2 6 & yi Pp. muccess depen s S y = eset velns Rev. A.S. Caldwell w nhire Nocti oy - ‘ - : 3 > 7 ick to adopt improved methcds. We expect every aM = =e i renvire worth anu ect the loth oflthat he will accept and move here, A 6 | teow oe eee € quick to adop eae ergy ig ae Tos Ne ie J comaunion services at ft : fow neyro : Es : cos Fe = i : a farmer to have 2 ‘‘Weeder”’ added to his line of im- “areb. Cool Spring owl \ The ne- tessrs. Julius Warren and Jaco FB » Notice te CreGitors. : lements within five years. The Keystone adjust- a ee ; from near the Catawba river] , 4 Pe rs P 3 } '¢ > day. ‘*#here will ve servi u roushout the ee 5 able costs but little. and the results of one seacon’s wdav also i it = = ASC Ss = aie apy E =e = - ; rduv also. Seuth 1e vero is present of ssutnof town, hada sera « 3 usage will pay for it many times over. Twelro to urdsuv 3 t ‘ oo te Coe . t ie 2. aa? store “re - See a : a4 . ee - Tange. i q : Davids a iere he is disfranc h J. i Barnes’ = = ae ¥ fifteen acres, can be covered ina day. The “Key- W. M. He ndren, - P oe y law and by mi in i HORNEY Over B&B S2utie a oi : = 2 6 ston”’ requires buteone horse anda boy can bardie it. whe lived bere * vel ‘ ent 1 yaie bodies were | Wy arren sot several Ss aa = ‘ See ke SCOTT’S x gj aidaie for ihe Den ral | of x, Lo is thought sesiu the face. Sir. Goble Pe “ See ey ‘ & all and see them : tion for selicitor of th i i a Saba Geot e track drunk. | mitted before Mayor (pro tem)Capt. ut ot Wweainer, > Court of Fersyth count ; : » shlaat rye : aid five dollars and costs ‘ : - * . t th . ‘ = : a o.une, : — 0 a NN ee dilland Pai uve aOllairs and Costs as e it and di- $ A e Frank Davidson. an f - ns : : " Mm 1 Bas ho 1 Gevernce oussetion farchmond Pear was held inl , S$ \\ known cviored mana : Sustralia, sou eo A ay t et mee je was jd Co Rassia oe Eee z “THE FLANIGAN-#VANS deed Sunday. Hie wa ya ) ar 3 MSS id a syernor 2 was | ¢ § court room Gurl : - ch eS 5 HARDWARE CO es” fio AOE 3 EVI S< wicn earlckK secre- > : the iawyers Olic: 1 > ot . .. wa ~ COUNTY TICKET. — = nee be made to] ¢ it to take at any time. € ; C. H. Armiield, E-.., g Nata aistriclis iit: | oniid a line from Statesville if that ‘ if you are losing flesh, z Bi hons schoul house, Orou tc fOrd Was Glect- boinas ang ints between will as- ep mates = ee 4 Set ae SEX srl Jiace and polnts between will a : z ‘ mal Socio ent al : ; nem pee | ots Bie : '" sau are tosind » sup turday piu i CH I l el ec > Gover: ox SIst. Subseriptions are being takea 9 OU ae os ground and 6 - ————_———_—_-——__-—- - T Gear = t Per rs ‘ t - ti persona dQ anovhe r meeting Wit be held ‘ VOU ReeG > fn Bark ¥ anted! hear Sig ub Gist Hows! th ak Saturday night here. . ae é i ae x = ees t to steal the; _. : , . : 2 «. Milton MeCorkle, LStON D Ba + hurt bis rep- fue Demceeratic county executive | , i sida é i | lived here for a ime sum s ee sia = ive |e e held a meeting Monday, Sabha chz 4 ; Pe eeiees tact at ein ones ne B ah Stuataros if. but ae 7 ~ bes veeu ciecleu tuay J V¥CO + Vention in | torether 2 a number of Demo- op eae 6 pa eet 5h 9 ative LOW! Wi cou ‘ os e eg a ellp ate p Bet uVentic me 1 Foon rare NN ar ogee Poth os ty ig tO KER up = & SGNs, — ee hos native Lowh, y : TO isk rooded Of Bis] |. to smuggle] erats Iroin au parts of the county a t Ae! tirling, N.C. Der scrat and was clocte EW I 4 ' para te «ho hag been invited > eounte 4 é 4 . eee COCs dae ee eae : wad. ; ein Ostet commending | ¥G0 naa ee ae by Seal v If Be [contr ror crcctecece rete ceecennencceceneceeenenne Our line of Wash Fabrics consisting of ee , a iw t if b t 3 oe aes . hurrman 22 er = e= a e. 7 : ie ele 42. te = ie r . aS Nishouss JuiIN A. HAYNES tnt pet Columbia ithe): st, but for the |Chairioan Joo. L. Gwaltney, and or é istrator’s Notice. Dimities, Batiste. Batiste, Lawns, Oc. Be OA a : negro ised absolute fa the eon-| dered the chairman to eal! the ou é Z Ar oe gandy, Madras and Percals. Anne Beli Liler w ss ) Renub uuress. In — it ty convention Monday, June 4th, é izuae Wobeantoe teen a ; day al Lhe resiuenve Ci 4 » P } i in th “ the townshit i ries Satur- ~ ae Soe ae Pacete ata aoe A rier, in Chamibersvur, i tal disvrac d the tow tisnlp primarie: « 5 Pp Having claimts ageinst said estute are t Ss Cartier, 14 at B meaty sri s June 2nd. Candidates and their Pl hk by noiified to present them to the wnder- not er ance Oo ave. Ww. U. Millis, of Statesvi { ssorto Car nee : } @& Joined on cr before April 26th, 1901, ane all meee a Saye ; , : taka tice and be ° 2 1 5 FOR > EU OV et ba 7 North Cerol ids tac<e novuce anc 2 2 Pps one owing said estate are Tequested to make On our line ar Wt ty Goods Persi 1. HOM a Ke ss that the Demo {ready- . & pj memediate payment. hao pee bee a 2 s. i slap us We haw cus id Mas bya Re ee ee ee : bo A CSceeeons, SASCOMMOOTEN, Mull, French Nainisoot. India Linon, Or- Mr. W. M. ian, at OW a av es by force B ia "ae ie Attorneys. Adcninivtrator, ean Pe abot Weoly = #2 :. >: - Hal oi Shion Loy jx rwith Re; eee Candidates in Alexander County. ‘ This April 26th, 1900. gandy. French Wely: *tfercerized E igue, Ms. 34. Hall, vi > - ' St put 7 rsicuna, tTeXas, Gn — *, clitcered by cid Uon- ; moa ner | Corre mdence of Tw Masco aaa Tes sag oe ey x , BY QP oite Bute _ . Ss WCAMeY | Correspondence o Hk Mascor, = we 1 pare seasteesL st r 1 . } Das Well as Yankee venerais. pes - ’ ae or TATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. Always an - . aucement, be was Lie younpe ‘a ore es oe auvbodt suppose tt the Por the Legislature or House of C : Cc I d r STATESVILLE, N. C. May 3. 1900, 9 a.m. W. x. ddeii, vl Suateh to . “ Ce @UNVOUGNV Suppose ike ; AT ABET : S < ves - ote eee - e - S __- ai tivletsh New Obdserver, is ip aa ee Bieta Caroling are Ropreseutaiives the name mostly OUTT aiendaar. Strict Good Middling. 2.2. ...... 9.50 Our line of embic ccries in cdgeings a ine yor seracaennt a a ie } see sac es = : cape BG spoken of is thatof Jno. L. Gwait- Good Midd) 9.49 and insertions srd 3}] overs both = ens ‘ stane, the conditions Ss enough i coWarus encurn to —_ 1 . ; — 9.30 te = _ et D.. Ss. W. Stevessel 1 i ae racine, fit ane S dear actnant Boy. Gsq., Wav is mostiikely to be me 1900 zon Cambric and Naimiscok. We want De. 5. Ww. ee under the hew constitution tscusnd still a LO Heg_gro « a - ; TH yt ata * : ws wili speasz a MEGS ait. AAC c . 4 aN es near ety male the rest. of the “aoe the teader cfour ticket this year. May erm, ° ane you to see them. L. ee : . : pWinstsy cn ¢! reS OCS AS VO ene ee ee en i : tution Some are for our presest embe Petes . see eae core, Dhilsk LoOWieus é = or “overning the negro? . ae * some ate ior our _ rest b memoer, a i Our bargains in Ziegler Bres.’ fine shoes for ladies = 2 ga “poh, =i ae ci t = E. JUDGE gz g : tews Fils letters to his manper sre a r > oo - QO @XLOis .. ©. Meclntosh Esq. bat as our] HON. &. WwW. TIMBERLAKE, ad ; == San eee - ~ < : : Doha, sary 40708, . His letters his paper are y, G demands the adoption of en Ac! ee Oe PRESIDING. STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET and misses. We are going to close this line out Giuzens vi Durie W3li CC = ne a } fs ° Peedbpdics “¢ sty ‘ if beeNS { iva mern- ae 3 = ve — —_ a . pe ieee si eZ ver 4 y esting reading, and we jou: titutionul Amendment See . Ee ee : TURSDAY, May 22ND. 1990. panic regardless of price. Ofcourse the sizes are very Out .a force to hear cur } et of them, or ex-] a rs So t gee is re 7. Edward Wooten vs. M, A. White, et. al. and CORRECTED BY much broken, but if you can be fitted, the prica oe = rarer : for the benefit of! ike Ended, 2 OE CE CK ET ENS _s ac ae T.J.Conger, Raa has COOPERS GILL will surprise you. seuaete i 4 or the ened of i = itatives J. W.° Watts and 9 State Ex. Rel, Hiram Allisong vs. M. A. z Tle Sourbern is bull t readers i: Piatiorm prep: 26° 1Thos F. Murdock have botk been White et, al. nero nari a WALTON & GAG ovex the piatior t : V. Powell, of the ]icaa (Gita a si Obvcicen CBee teaed, so has also Sheriff J. Y.]2:. pocey Key vs. Chas. me ey freiyhi room and tic % Bai ema ate , Televraphers, is- |‘ wMatrc) by a mau who has been! jams. 26. Mary C. Barber s. Ee ee peercaecae This BuerS ; 13 EE at { a@idl a. mf ts SOW aod Was at teat moment mak-! ‘rid we have many names. eae Brie tt 2 i rolecs DAZTEe ID Var t sito [OF & Join’ canvas i nectciceaun ver the sepr yb a sherid and Jailer T J. Port-| 19 Southern Railway Co. vs. J. L. Russell. $1.85 ~ protece UAE es a between the Demecrane and Ren ; Pep ase bise | nies Mere ates eas ie ir, Joseph LE. Tharpe vs, P. B. Kennedy. 3 ; war sccured by ( t emocratic and R I > telegraphers, de . Se oy oad — sti tS | Bau sk Pay be, LI. J. is. WLW, Tharpe vs. J. H, Holcombe. 55 p Choe for Gevernor anc 1900, if the ul Asheville and é 2b Moser, Root L.G wait- 1s. David E. Fleming vs. Southern Railway Co = Cap:. A. W- Biackvud ‘ i temeul President Powel: |i? Sobsress Gy ufsta [yy yt 34 lepes Cownsnip.aad A.W. THURSDAY, MAy 2471. 58 ee re ee i as 7 : es . ac jeu] “s Seer are: rm } ” S = = a= 3 “ sLonuia. .! he decision of the officers Lo | Winite, of Eilendale. Theo many |i. pr. J.M. Cain rs. A, F.B. Gaither, = fr ee Pe rete ees srdiny the t Buh ~ Ww t0 vive up Sheriff Williams, | 20. Kirst N al Bank Statesville vs. R. EL 1.00 — —— with sg ae rages telegrapbers cuy}etl ion Teta gn the nou suil-;. ‘is not a candidate in 9° I ine i . Ba ross meni ie ie eee or ‘ ; a ae 1 tk a2. W. F, Baxter et. al, vs. Thos. Baxter et, al, 75 We are offering exceptionally Laner’s here aud irem 2OUTLErN ior em tne sense that nels seeking the nom- eC anncerr Sreage gin sare 75 e burying vrouns v t . : . 1 rs : 2 M, Patterson vs. R. A. Rz ve. 5 . y ap < vithour being considered : 222 . he does not think it would | e mee er Mrs. E ee Goo Bar Alas im a ae Santis tows ‘ ‘ mar ; ; : : : >: art & Lovelace vs. Mrs. 7 , . 2 > wi lias x zs the Orceras ~‘scabs,’”’ bat ad it 5 ring the other candidates ene 3 —— ae . Ises them nottodoso. Hesavys: |p tithe iy to ask now forarepomina:ion. eee eee : Te 3, : ay s avec . J Vise I . - = State sx Rel J. i. McLean) <3. Ai liens— i : py vie UN S 4 a eines ae { ‘lt ts tote regretted that some[@ > “Cand Ge agit be prevailed upon to again . es et ad ; moose per Ib, Pee 1D Lajies, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and ask an eee B= SS-/6i in eee : rposes for which the strike vouiee, Pavty poli- lake the race if the party thougut} 2. 5. w. Thompson vs. Southern Railway Co, | Chicken Spx is tion of our line: Every shoe I offer is of wood quality, and L. Wetis, Democrats 4Uiderman, Presid- > not entirely : ito that, are they? |i; best, andif would be azreeable] 2s. Chas. O'Donnell vs. Southern Railway Co, 5 the sacrifice in oe J make. to close out. Lt Oe ea is oul re ee a a i : . : L : ere 2, Caritor 2 oe? 220GLIe SChOvi diversity of Novih Caro- the member- we pwith the other candidates. _ 29 nO one eames ee on The I :Adies Button Boots pal, ua ea aa ia va, who has reventty elected -iship ofthe organization and these iu Phe sume mtv be said of Register} 2. State Ex. — es ors Ra eS Mea 25 Lofft i é Th son vwwusiip, Salurce } J ' : - = & f ne - iol ory evans, ct. al. a oy >, : ms 3 ss wor ws 2 ; = ‘ - Tae ost deut of Tulane University. New} Jegrecd to support it ig this |i ‘© : of Deeds V. W. Teague. There are aoe = =e vs. Southern Railway Co, = z oi ae attractive and the prices murderously iow. : = OC ee : » ui : eae mle ruszie remained Joyal to their |j2 ~uli t “7 PGs ID Aino: quile so many names mentioned, | 3": Ree Se carl ee ee aN 10 prices on Misses and Childrens Oxfords are cost almost iv tow skip SBuUlG ps C7Peuwns, i-a., Was finally decided tx Ee tain = contestant b ro . ‘ : =o : 34. J. W. With eaellre eRe ) t i x ; . 2 2 rieaps, La., wus finally decided t seit would have been possible to Contestant b Doulas : Ithouvh we have heard of A. H.{3* J oe ¢ half, and the Ladies Oxfords, full + off, a [wii ucuse. : “pt the Position an@ bas rasiene ' Avs ice of 2 Complete] ie a henub “au this ' wp _ ic E 7 : = ar towpsilual eeeepe tae Position ane bas resiguec you Lpe notice of a complete - sAvel I ‘Qs; Mathesou, J. W. Pharr. A. iC Jones, a saa M. Sharpe vs. W. A 6 Sl Jer former towns! ; y a eae ie = a 2Sou, d. - arr, 2 "y»} 1, W.F.Sharpe& J. M. Sharpe vs. W. A. 6 : 2. Oar forme as Presi tent of our U university, : : t sa a se Dy AC: ae ted Ee, Alexander, County Superin- Eliason, 8s 30c. to 50c, will buy a Child > Oxford ber a Campoeil, eee take eect on Iune 153 Poweil asserts thatjet us of Ce: stard wae stood byleandent of Schools A. F. Sharpe, | 2. johns, Reece & Co. vs. Wilhelm & Stein, ; i a . - gi Goia Hall, ik Seach) vasken Nt June I : strike Controversy is end-|'8¢ purty in tiie days o: its defeat x i there may be others. Any eae Ward vs, Odell M'f'g. Co. s and 400. to 60c, a Ladies and Misses Oxfords. See our Win sree oppusiticn, u xy “ve } WitGe: Oi. = mgs aa ae : eee ‘ 3 ble nas LOers, é _ 3. 3 . x _ . = ect “j - . 2OU : SE eee ene an i cott feature on the South }#id Weakbess wien one of us be- these. we have nodoubt, would makel|4. W. A. Waiker & Anna 8. Walker vs. J. W. ee igs Teneo ue ~ dow display and we think you can be interested. Shoes are erat i aoe id rawiig wi Chepel Hill, but doubtless histern will be continued by the order) ieved that we could tive to see it in We a eineees vet all Aoon satisfied Bowles. + pples—dried—quarters, bright. |! 3 as pe oan we offer at attractive prices and we are ae sr ~ ‘Der. Campve . , eas fm lialisiny aaron 1 wer base mat few wylieie nine Oreo eee Mietow pyc ne PD. Rhyne vs. North Statesville Land Jo. si on) bright Slieedcis i & as ime: ee an i sale 1S €.2CL - r. eel wuacecan anc wili be filled ued sonciudes his statement as fol-| Power have uct forgotten this man’s with Rewster Teagueand know him < nee epee Ss —— a Sears eae bright sliced ae anal at all Rene oe what we have, even if nos ase Democrat ob 4 a! , : ; tlistatner w e Whi DD + oR oha W, Lowe vs. J.C. van, “ “ x<ira sein ay . >) rs = career orth Caurolinian as abie und de-: fils 1abher was ee to he onecof the best officers that has = aA A. Lowrance vs. A. A. & J... Atwell << es ms pectiully ia favur ol vaccibativl rit it year . a ’ = S. A. Lowrance Bw te arta ~i,. Atv : wetec : sae 1 antrepid j.: 6 Psi pice gor years. | Manyg 3. ov anal Roger, 3 } VAT 1 nd sason, a Well-ke ed. wort oped by} tae days sccéssion und war, ; . a one Tad cee ee : — . i aI Prete eter be stopped by ae sone ssioi wad war, »t4s fave cf the opinion that he should 3. SS ee eS ee € A : ope a Tom Mas a Saal ree i ' 2UAtIL sucn timeaus|¢ be pubiican. ‘ ot PECs Ot Pear. Lave another term. graph Co. é abcut town, oe a an€ NB ISt Convention lite tes ibe lings demanded by )5U, veceuse of lus father’s merits. For Treasurer we don’t know |r. Laura Jenkins vs, Western Union Telc- zo WeinesGay night ©; + ‘i wee : 2 , ~ - in elev ptliwae el ee e . - a aba — = 4 ee Dinos a ead : : i > tet yesterday wt Sioux Falls, S. Dp. jit sYapbers, the refusal of which | 0b Otice and re maived a Republi- whether W. S. McLeod wishes an- graph Co. : : a. was found near ee iv is expected that the convention | ied te the tuauguretion of a strike See So eae father Jitved aus other serm or not. We have heard {*. Seer Rel. Geo, Stinson vs, M. A. White, eS A ema aieisra or ae : Ghursday morning Ww ee ; > jon the Scuthern’s lines at 11 a. m., | vttice lasted. ae ollice failed. theline names Geo. W. Sharpe, of SS> z% 7 ; Th V t St round on the back O° f wil nominate Mr. Bryan, Demo-! April 12:b, 1900 lather died, the Republieun porte ee = uss oe 5 ee gz. Calvinic. Jueney by R, T. Campbell nex] EAC Eminent Kidney € arie ¥ ore en ee pa z *3 se ‘ 4 ta , > S a atten ee we Wialtneys ¥v ; . \° > he = . ee « —--- ee war C ae 7 tet :deUt and a siiver Pa! - Pampa Tae Pe ep mle a ee Oak at and Pearso Preach Dory ; reed 2 friend vs Brown Bros. Co. > ~ : : Se 2 = amb ly tk Ciat, debt anda siiver Re ; dc is stated from the strikers’|& at beat and Pearson turned De 2O-Tham.of this township, and some Patras Seg Co. and Bladder Specialist, covered suficientiy tv pabiican, prosably ex-Congressman | headquarcers that many of the te-|Crat. Like other apostates ka tried | guested that inthe event the |" wep. Harwell vs. J. J. Mott 3 ag oe S I i S There was a fair +uwae, of Minnesota, for Vice Presi- | /¢xraphers iormerly empioy ed by eee should re-nominate Sheriff |3" 5. p. wardock & P. A. Barringer os, IR p ing owel'rs } on Messrs. Arimlics ce oe eae ae nen -,.,,_| vie Suutuern are seeking positions sresent. He joined! } 1s azain that one of the can- Melai eens Senatori deat by acclamation Iz the Meah-'.. i owns) eegre gts ion ey at eons . ; 3100 With the saohitic.! >. ah : : . : a reicntaea - en : e Demccratic we “ : , set i ou Western roads and some are ea fit . 5 hie farh POC. didates fur sheriff might be Ziven} 38. O.G. Williams vs, M. H. Shoemaker. O ar al Ss lay night. But tame the bolting, or middle-of-zhe- ; be ilig Other employment, pare Ooo Sas ESEDEL puersuecc | the nomination for treasurer. .Noj39 U. T. Bowden adm’r. Geo. Chase vs, South- z ns ee e ee a preekioes a muck road, Populists are in session at! ‘The daily strike edition of “The eee Stes ie TESS Sees Se 40U5-'nomes have beeo heard spoken of ern es ier rs 8 ent s — sence . : oa 4 tJOMuRAS © Fis hor’’ thr } } +, ae NIE 1S wroave S > t,t ; : . LN, & Geo. Torren “Ss. Noah Y - woe) > Aw Ciocinnati, C Phey will nomi. |#o¥roal of Labor” through the eci-jGe@ iin to his yrave. But he did for surveyor or coroner, but sup-|75- TN. & Geo. Torrence ys, Noal SEE THE VARIETY T E PRIC a s ably discuss , : or : Ne +} itht has been |mot vet Lis expected pay fru: : : go. J. S. Mott, et. ai. . A, White. a iL Inest was ao1y Gis naté an inceperndent ticket Uinus ol Which the fight has been |fvet x o> a PeCheG pave from: the | pose that the present officers may Tn tt li of the Calendar any case not reach ea ee n Was yiven 63 a AD 1HGe percent tickes’, Prveae as ere ay Leen Pre : De erat a Sea cam e de “ athe cali of the Calendar any cas each we as piven U3 i Vigorousiy wazred, : announced its} Heine Saeaae er _ were | strony /ba vivan anotherterm. For county! ooo eee garcia aera a P attcntio - — i discontinuance | ay’s issu ough not to need him : 5 eee a ; : Sen : : : r 3 ih, . wc iy a . | Giscontinuance tu today’s issue. CnG hs bov to neec alm) and Sroud commissioners we would SULZCSt | canted the next dav in preference to cases set Calico, 4 to 6e. yard. Larve line Lamps l4e. to Sh Nr. J. C. Somers ! Glate CSE ae Tr mete NnNouesy not to «: . . ~ Santee ze z =e Z “ . 9 aT. Je “9, Editor H. S. Blair, of the Lenoir. | oe enough not to want him. Then he tha: good names be selected, as we! fortnatday. Witnesses are not required to at- Pant Gouds, 9 to 60c. yard. Tumblers and Goblets, 20 aud copy of “Tbe Manila ; . Ol urn? veo ve ora te, copter F : 2 : . a sieve point gees - - Berd edits . oan Topie, has been neminated for the! AMONG THE POLITICIANS. vegan a pict AZeinse them anu: doem this the most important office | tend until the day set for the case in which they Blue Denim. 4, 10 and 12}. yard. Plates and Cups a0e. newspaper sent him 0 eee oe tas : sot lato Conyzress by running as an: to the taxpayers in the county, and j are subpenaed, Alamance, good, 5c. yard. Ziv lot Ti a 2 tr De. pie Allen. who was forme’ P House by Caldwell county Demo-! . ig 5 independent. After his election tus. se = : = eee cea eee aTeb nen eeiat area acrse ere Se Pg ny siz lot Tinware, 2 ig Allen, ¥ ess , Wa oe >.:,{ senator Pritchard, who was en- |!2Gepe: aia serine pus Section to thas if a uew board is chosen, which Beer Sar, Som i Bed Ticking, 5 to 13¢ yard. Knives and Forts, tse. 82% "4 | keener and gauger at rots ¥°* converatulate ° sinir . > : » denie 5 . PAO te A : 2 : e : nv ce of the : jl : = > _ : s, 5: 5 hres = gratuate Bro. Blair’ aorsed for Vice President by the he denied that ke was a! ix mast likely, that care should be | ig the term at the convenience o SS Lace Curtains, 50¢. pair up Toilet and Laundry Sosy. 2 disullery put who i> g ae Tee hearin . eatin AD : : saving he earria? ho! z ! a 5 oo | = os \e 1 ve : fj OuL e and also the Democrac i Rep Cans of his State, says he is uh, eee Carrio: D1: tgken to select good material. J. A. Hartness sauna ct “ S "« | Towels, 5 to 23e. Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. bo intne Pinlippines. He was a member of the Senate jig | neta candidate for ihe position, = as oe hei Democrat. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, | Tie a Car that the R: ubli- Xe overer of Swamp-Roct at Work in | Face and Talcum Powders, 5 and 10¢e. 2 ___ His Laberatery. ; Parasols andUmbrellas,25¢. to $2.25, Machine Oil, dig bottle, 5°. _. The “strike” f to be in ene = =e ee ree in this | Ladies’ Shirt Waists, 48c. to $4 50. | Trunks and Valises, 20c. oP ‘he “strike”? fever seems to = ie uniry most dangerous because so dece -600 Mate 5 ‘ iefs, : ae I vading the South. In addition to Notice to Creditors, tive. ‘Many sud | 1.000 Matches, Se: Handkerchiefs, 2 to 50c- en deaths are caused by IJ : ‘ = = - : ees z nk and Mucilage, 3c. u s. de. to $1.50. 5 uli the years of defeat without at ake . e . i—Deart disease, pneumoni eart faih oe Pp. Straw Hats, ve. LO 31.90 3% A Soucy — oe ae ae me oe see | the telegraph operators strike on AVING qualified as administrator of James] cr apoplexy are ae eer S ee cee Tablets, 1 to 2dc. Skoes for everybody, 29¢- tort uope of rewird had followed tae ithe Southern, there have recently W. Brotherton, deceased, notice is Hereby | 4: 793 "TE Kidney troukte nt OF Kidney Writirg Paper, 3 to 20 = = Te an See ON {been strikes among the cotton mill | given to all persons holding claims against the Neen ‘1 Kidney trouble is allowed to ad- RB ras Pe ove quire. Summer Underwear. 0. Tareas: ; ; so aL = estate of sai‘ deceased to present jthe same to] vance the sicney-peisoned blood will attack | BOVS’ Knee Pants. 23¢. to 31.60, 200 yd Soft Finisk Spool | Operatives of Barliogton, Greens- | the undersigned for payment within one year] the vital organs, or the kidneys themse! Belts and elt Buckles 19 50e. ke boro, Concord and Randolph coun- om date of this notice orit will be plead in t eee TMSC.ves ea NS) to a0, ? 1559, and is a man of real ability. It! Gaston county Democrats bave | re y t . ‘ 1 will be recalled that he ran Con-}uominated O. F. Mason for the | . Tt ressman Linney off thestump when House. He isa member of the : . ys - , i ent Senate. the Alexander county man first! © Cary - - 4 230. Shoe Dressing, 5, 1} and 2 i Taylorsville, N. C., May 8, 1900. cans were strong enough to win, he} printed in English ad good dez! cf army ne ed March 27th. Tethrow Campbell, ored man living pe church, in Bethavy the misfortune to navy > erid burned last 47 fot out from under his hat and went! pres-!to sneering at the men who through t started toran as an independent: At the Republican, convention of | Hope. ae idate for Congress against Col ithe Fifth Alabama district, held at j party Las: ; iM, | ' L Tallapossa Saturday, Deputy Col-| ‘“fhe truth is he was fairly beat- sn Ne en. His reat como: it A. Cowles. Ero. Biair is an 2 and his brother “2 Dolis and. Toys, 5e. up. ae had about 20 bu yan eg imeamingmasine oe eters Ber ap of theirrecovery. This May 2.1900, | break down and waste away ceil by cell. | Corsets, 25 to $1.00. Carpet and Mattinz, 123¢. so eae e@o.e Speakerand aise a strong wr With J t votes cio v plain: ties . B. CONNELLY. G. W CLEGG, iacn the richness of the blood—she aibu ge ~ ; : oe =) 50), some peas 2anG a iol) i gz , les. J CI, ¢ bloo¢é—the album, Fast Black FH 2: 3 > = : oo Sat h sted anot} moun ve had! Attorney. Administrator. | ——losks ont and the sufferer has Bri hts [ as k ack Hose, 9 to 2dc. pair. Big stock Rugs, 3oc. to a wh m2.v other articies ig t tatS ediltoria:z “ AO ; : ~~ od : =Ign Socks <5 7. 5 - . ae ; hie a ci . They know 1 Tne Pemocrats were generally ; - Disease, the worst form of kidney trove B Seat Blank Books, 5c. to $5.00 | New lot Wall Paper, 9 to all of which were ios t hs 2770 in ngin cemeon with m successfulin the municipal elections | fe le ecaes *'s Swempeitoot the new dig. | UC¥S Suits, T5c. to $3.50. Fans, 1 to 50c. children carried 2 liz ci Cc ed: «Bott ‘ ates 1 sothy with their struzvies, in the State Monday. In Greens- | Notice to Creditors. i r he true speci y, bladder aaa the barn after nigh? : wi ods, Will Newiand, Demo-' the National convention. rs Sr their wants. They: bore, Taylor, the Democratic TOMI: | pravinc qualified as administrator of Mar | °- ary troubles. It has cured thousands erat. anG Spencer Biackbura, Re-} ,Gon'teare to be represest-d by a ne, was opposed by L. M. Scott, tha Brotherton. deceaxed, notice is hereby the tire was the rests on the'r part. Iti: ; tune to this poor m+ less will have the heip of his aeighbors %o make another crop + ‘ly hopeiess cases, after all other Complete Line of Baseball Goods. . iv s holdi ims against *. s Little Early Risersare i man who as they know, wouid not independent Democrat. The dis-, Si¥to.all persons holding claims against th - foris havefailed. At Cruggisis in fifty-con strings wphean. wes the re Selecteer ce! “DeWis ‘ ; A aw le | estate of said deceased to present the some to} end dollar sizes. A sample bottle « a Large stuck of Musical Instru immings and String> a seas wares ‘ me SSeS ee othe finest pills I ever used.”—D.J.!bewilling to sacritice the mint in pensary was the leading. issue, Tay- | a es twill, ‘be plead in by mall, aiso a: book telling cbont Swan, S Many other goods it Ail ae ss ‘ wit eppearipg Ina North Caroling Moore.Millorook, Ala, They quick-| his morniog julip to save them and lor favoring and Scott opposing it. | s E ; oO bat of their recovery. This May 2nd, to00. soot and its wonderful cures... Address ‘|. maper f months. Of co j ; . i theirs? the pangs of the danin- Taylor was elected by a majority of J. B. CONNELLY, G.W. CLEGG, | Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bin on, N. Give us a call Blair will be elected. ene a sme gi ita totalot 36." Aseenty. -MatabeNoe T matie this page NY: At | see baying: W. H. ALLIS ————- — ST EN TT a ‘v ox [Ascot PERSONALS. Crowson—Harbin. | COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ‘ROM MOORESVILLE. Ove Charles F. Neely, chief of tre aa ae OS Ree eee . eee | od ‘finance divisiun of the Post Ofiice — Mr ee LOM ee " Dot -s : ary e Tow Electi —Death tM | Department in Cuba. has been Mr. and Mrs. H. .H. 2 The Bills Paid and Other Business |The Town ction.—Death of Mr. : a - s ona Mr. Will P. Bell has rowson. and ass A LITTLE BUSINESS, | Nore York. aepeceommied: to Miss Blanche Bete eer of Transacted. \ Burkhead —Other News. ;found to bean embezzler of 336,000 .ny of our subscribers owe us} Mr. avd Mrs. W. L. Harbin, were! The board of county commission- | From Our Regular Correspondent. of government furds, and he was Wholesale and Retail. yaper and we ueed the mon- | fr i ac : : ee S i cheste r Y.. Sun- ) Baayen Leng has returned married Tuesday eveniay at $:20 ers met Moody ee Sor = The election yesterday for town aes eae aos ~ We hope all willcall in during Be o'clock at the residence of Mr. M. sessions throuzh Tues ay : Eee was quiet and peaceable—/ his person when arrested. " ‘ e “and pay up. This is Dr. J. S. Brown, of Salisbury, was | C. Delinger, Rev. W. L. Dawson of :members were presem The fol- | there being very little opposition to i We waut to call your attention to the fact that cocnip bed ee Telating the mariage peas mun, oni ls we PR cin Coz Sa Shula anne, Vols | On Compant isa to hare. am co reaat mere especk ‘ . \ eae rns eo ais and! Art Metallic Vo .|and resulted as follows: C. V. Voils, | Oil Company, is said to have an- car subscribers who owe us for Bl ie Roc Bospamensven Sunday | quite a surprise to the friends of the | $1,070 50, vault furn’ture for neW} Esq., mayor; S. C. Ravkin, A. Lea- nig ‘the Danish government enone an or more, but any of those ol : es | Younsy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Crow- | court house; J S_ Patterson, super- | zar, W. D. Templeton, M. W.White, |that 26 United States Senators St 1 Cl hi | ec. gona gence noe ok Mr. Geo. O. Cornelius, of Moores- | 50" ‘eft on the vestibule soon after intendent, $20; W. W. Kerr $21, t. B. A. Troutman and W. C. Patter-} stood ready to vote as the Company ap 6 0 Ins i . the ceremony to visit the grooms J. Murdock $21, Pink Crawford! son, commissioners; Capt. J S. Har-|desired, aud to have offered to lobby relatives in Hickory. $22 50. B. G. Moore $15, guards,and | ris, clerk and treasurer; J. M. Dea | through the purchase of the Danish Enes Houston, cook. $10, all for/ton, constabie. West Indies for ten per cent. of the For Men, Boys avd Youths. services at the chain gang; J. S.| Mr.S F. Burkbead, famihariy|procee3=. This is stated iran off- é Patterson $1.35, conveying priso- | known as Van Burkhead, died yes-|cial report made to the Danish wov- ner; P, R. Houpe $9.32, lumber for) terday of consumption. The deceas-|¢ernment by its special agent in the roads: T. B. Swann $3, rock for road;/ed was about 59 years old. He | matter. 1t costs us nothing extra to carry clothing— a & er eENeee aoe ae two sons and asister,| at the George's Creek mines io the same room the same salesman etc. ; J. C. McNeely | Mrs. Graham, of Rowan county. | yaryia..d Tuesday, about 1,000 mi- $2, conveying prisoner to jail; N F.jTbe funeral will be held today at] och had determined to go te work. were met by a like number oi Owirgs $3, repairing bridge; J. A |the Presbyterian church by Rev. J. gnuion im) anda general fight ensu-| When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. We bave the ville, was here yesterday. = _—_-___—___—_—-|_ Mrs. M. L. MeCorkle, of Newton, LOCAL. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. 2. Simons. The groom is a young man of ster ling worth—an intelligent, indus- a : | trious young mechanic, whose hab- W. A; Thomas is out afteran| Mrs. J. C, Irvinhas returned from |its are good and who has the re- x of grippe. a visit to relatives at South River, | spect andesteem of all who know Rowan county. him well. The bride is an attractive, bright young lady who is highly esteemed We. propose to sell this Clothing at a very small margin of profit. \very, little son of Mr. and Mrs. \. Sherrill, has been very ill but} Dr. J. W. Faucette, of Asheville, , -tter- spent Sunday in town with his}: : Sa at : sy : Las 3 a Mee P Bake : in the community. We joiu theic The regular spring communion Me ete : friends in congratulations and hope copvices will be held at the Presby-| Rev. W. L. Butler, of Shelby-|that the future holds nothing but ae reer =e : oa : : terian church Sunday. ville, Tenn., is visiting his brother, |happiness and prosperity in store Queen City Paper Co. $6.25. dockets;| On last Wednesday night Wil-|> goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. Senator James A, Butler. for them. City of Statesville $8.34, light atj}liam Ritchie died at his father’s An ur ‘s3;0wn negro, who confess- Come aud be convinced. Truly. Prof, E. A. Thomas, who has been jai id $ i ‘ i re Chilis nn legen Geigred es si ot ioe eee ' : en rn jail; J. L. Reid $1. burial of a pau-|home. His death was due to ty- ed that lv had outraged a 12-year- an + a slug in Salem for two years, is| Miss Lillie Mae ; retura- ar: W t 7d cents 2- | pho i 3 vhi i 2 n t} a bles. ~ : i iow his relatives In Turnersburg ed home fr = Zee es: ; County Board of Elections. Re r; W. B. Campbell 49 Sees SoC ONC He wasabout 20 oe pies een fomers A Yi ‘ og his relat i ei a rom olumbus, Miss., = t oe pairiog bridge; Queen City Paper} years old. The interment was made officers at Hartford, Ala., Tuesday . ° e vhere she has been at school. ne county board of elections, | Co. #9 27, dockets; J. A. Hartness | at St. Michael’s church near Amity. and lynched. composed of Niessrs. H. P. Grier, of |32, inquisition of lunacy; Postez Hugh White, son of Mr. M. W. sf fect the Hearine & oe me, # pe : ¢ Pow Ve Mige = x : chilly 5 ; shes Laura Rowe, daughter off Miss Mattie Martin, of Panther} < : Ea sates , =; a 5 . j Onic is the ° pie Statesville; R. E. King, of Sharpes-| Bros, $5.85, supplies for County] White, left for Wyoming last week The city council of Atlanta has : aS , rite, ; ele : Ace. and sayy it j ‘ . *. Rewe. xho formerly |Creek , Yadkin county, is_visitis ° E st YS it is . roJ. U. howe, 9 formerly ek , Yadkin county, 38S VISIUIES | pure and 6 ps ya at oe Sate act : ; Fi 36 i 248s a Tne scibere, is critically ill at her| ler sister, Mrs. Tames S Batler es C.L. Shion, of BESTE Home; Mascot Printing Co. 39, | His sister, Mrs. Kipka, lives there adopies ae eee epee tractl Ve Yi tIng : t+ ip Greensboro. "i : inet in Grier & Long's office Mon-| printing aud blanks; J. W. Ward |and it is probable that be will make Sie an cope mi Sea a ss Mr. WP. Hammond, of Winston, | day, and organized by electing H.|g6.55, conveying prisoner to _jail;|his future home there also *\ sign his office The resolution was i ummer DOOK 7 20 9 esiden S svi rier chairman an > Kin aes pests Sea 2 : zi culmi i sensation: ; inti is 5 oe ee ee bi ill meet ae resident of Statesville a:d|P. Grier chairman and R. KE. King! Andy Raymer $6 50, labor at Coun-| Mr. Robert Cloaninger and bride, the cnisraen : a sensational The Mascot Printing Co, is better, prepared than Suse fase as Arm ae riday af ahilo 1 township, was in town Mon ae aera Home; C. E. Voils $1, lumber for! of Yorkvilie, S. C., arrived here Be sust unday me ~ by Bere L. G. ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- aed eae a: Seg pe tow es eo Bee in Eagle Mills! road; J. K. Morrison & Sons #14 83, | last Friday to visit Mr. Cloaning: sae Take pane? = een ing, and at prices that estonish those who have rs ae Cae Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wise, of] Nrale’s) to. Hous ensied jaro Dea suppbestiou Goce. =i G. M-ler’s fathes, Mr J. H. Cloaninger. A | oar e ee ee city. Tl ae not favored us with orders. - - A ie a “ eI Ang : : , * > , . re a - - ie Tag “ _ ass < 4 ys 2. Carter Jenkins and Miss|Carthage. Mo., are visiting Mr. and], eon fa x as a fcademy, Foard, coroner, $6.50, holding in-} dining was given in their honor, ee some cmeaey it tt eran ie Morrison, both of Shiloh|Mrs. R. H. Rickert. Mrs. Wise is Sioa a Ghesiben bow : . ute st one ecleree ee a = Tom Euell, a negro on the chain- one scauiecd pkereacio™ ip. will be married today st|a sister of Mrs. Rickert. ree : sburg township| Burke, J. W. Nicbolson, C. W-| sang, made his escape last Wednes- aes OS ee - i : ane the bri Oey ee eel irs. Eickert was changed from the former loca-|Stj D.C Th eS, 5 H. F PONS, ee his eseape last Wednes or toresizn. The mayor will” not 100 Cards, 50c. 1000 Circulars 75¢, dence of the bride. Mr. Cross Philips has given up|tion to ‘the white lie school | 3 ge ate a Ree ee Sa day nizht. He had been made 2) .ay what he will do. — ; With a handsome Card Size SxS. Advertise what 5 AGhileneto sce. bas) boom (hiss b> with Mr. B. H. Rickert and | house nex 2 ite public school) Moore, and C. B. Webb, jurors,|trasty. Op to this time he has not} ~ Case with yourmme PNVRBLOPES you have to sell with a cir Se ner, oe aes een | Bis Jo with Mr. R. H. Rickert and) douse near Elmwood. __ |st50 each, holding said inquest; | been captured. +s 5 ; engraved oh the case. V EGIL E S59, cular. Small one casicr eed mayor of Hickory on the accepted a position as traveling} Precincts Nos. land 2 of David-|\y. p, Templeton $2.60, conveying A pleasant dance was given in the en SO Nee a oneatt doy “icket. He is a lawyer and fre- salesman with J. H. Gresham, of|son township were consolidated and] prisoner to jail; N. B. Mills & Co. as armory last night. srily visits Statesville. Mt. Airy, Ga, the polling place fixed at the white | 224.12, supplies for County Home; Aguinaldo Located Again. @eoo aN arene public school house near the W. J./y.w Ni s ope emt +7) | Manila Dispatch, 8th. : : - J-1J. W. Nicholson $50.60, repairing “A stitch i oe eee bom : Memorial Day. Brawley old store, the former vet) jail roof; J. A. Owings $1, repairing; Telegrams received bere today from | 4; = =” Fee ee note a Beet ae Seca ing place of Precinct No, 1 and also) pridve; C. A. Brady $8 90, convey- General Young report that Aguin- ime Saves nine. epee Cy cemole Rp Fale NO ee "eS % sample. - We are prepared to save you C 83, Pin eae money in this line. Brady $5.50, printing; G. M. Foard|M. Whary and the interment made y $l, drayage for new court house; /at Prospect church. : > 23> +s, De. W. G. Nicholson, of weneny, Cut a pumpkin, which she i 4 ayed through the winter, Sat-| To day in Memorial Day. Rev. J.) 5 : : ) doy. It was fresh and all right. | A. Weston, D. D., of Hickory, will es Desidsoniomee ea ~~ = ing J. F. Moore to State Hospital a has rejoined the rebel general, SORRPEODeES ae Bea 5 TE meee e nat, | deliver the address at the Farmers’ | *!!02 was made. recincts Nos. 1| a: Morganton; J. &T. Jennings $3,| Tino, in the north, and that they die tomorrow. So, forthe rotection| of ae ane aoe Ss sper Warehouse at 2 o'clock. After the and 2 of Shiloh township were also} burial of a pauper: J. L. Cowan have reassembled a A OaeeaIe ee joved ones, let us insure een eT vmoree MASCOT PRINTING Co. especnoes) ous ee ae. speaking a procession will be coma oes anes oe ee vies 87.80, corn for County | Home; Dr. | forme in the mountains. General 3 Gaith & Nichol c 2 . See ee an Oecd ed on Centre street and march 10 ald 5 eC Yar eS the | J. V. Willlams $3, medical services Young desires to strike them before ataer N1ICH0iSON, uid be given ag . the old cemetary, where the graves old place. The other precincts and|toa pauper; B. P. Young $1.20, | the rains and asks for re-enforce- STATESVILLE. N.C. The Famous Godman J. eae 2 ee of R. | af the dead soldiers will be decorated Donne places remain as they UoOW|pblacksmith work for eae . The eae of the dispatches t, Esq., of Sharpesburg| with flowers. lt is hoped and ex- Bs : _ : Home: Statesville Milling Co. $24, | in icate that General Young is con- * ? wast succeeds Mr RB A,| pected that a large ee will be|.,2Be board will mect the first) supplies for County Home; Carter | fident that Aguinaldo is with Tino, Watermelon and Ladies eat Me.'T. A. McDougald’s} present from the country and tbat Monday in June to appoint regis-]& Nash $22.86, lumber for jail yard; and it is presumed they are plan- Cantaloupe : the town peopie will all turn out 40 trars and the first Monday in July|Drs. Stevenson & McLelland $3, |ning to resume fighting during the Oxford mn deine store. | ero een a 3 : 5 ns ct every ty. A. S. Caldwell will conduct the exercises. to appoint judges of elections. medics! services at chain gang; G. | rains. Sli: = REP H. Brown $150, part payment for) Company F, of the Forty-seventh @ _— - ee eeeeeeiemnienepeorel > of im- “ma p services at Fifth Creek are zs , Sd aces ae oe oe sae townsiip, Sun-| fhe New Court House. g Riga building cottage at ounty Home; teviment, met and routed a bard of is i : ae mite oe oh Spree ee ° 4T THE GRADED SCHOOL. Dr. E. “A. Hall $2, medical services | the enemy between Legaspi and Ri- Now is the time to plant. a O ~ ~ season’ ty here will be services on Sat- » ae house is : »OF Ts - . = i r, = ‘ason’s will ervices on Sat The new court house is about com- toa pauper; Flavigan-Evans Hard-|ago, provinceof Albay, April 13. We have a goed stock of the to urd ¥ pleted, The contractor has becu| Rev. M. A. Smith's Sermon —Dr. Al-| ware Co. $3.25, supplies for Coun- Two Americans were killed and five : eng. Hendicen, Bee. 8 Brteatian || =aieanesfomthes | fearing fomumione pu denen ole mateese — Crore rem | pty omen y Be ee wounded, including two ofli- Choicest Guaranteed ved kere wben a boy, is acan- | thaa two months. It arrived this hp drugs for jail, chain gang and|cers. The conditions around Le- °. 4 tor the Democratic nomina week and the work is being pushed. Sie ae ‘ ance at County Home;J. L. Cowan $8 30,}gaspi are reported to be continued Varieties Solid tt shout ito we: lto any $2.00 for solicitor of the Criminai| + he county zomimisioners have noti-| _ The closing exercises of the| rents; J. A.Morrison & Sons $17.68, | to be disturbed. ie : = id pes pieces o wear equal to any 3. Ged the furniture men to come here | Statesville graded school began on | supplies for County Home; W. C.| Two rebel attacks on the Ameri- which we sell by the ounce, oe on the market. utot Forsyth county. s aa 2 2 ‘ _ {next week and place the chairs aud Sunday by a sermon to the cut-| Johnston & (0. $17.55, supplies for |can garrisons in the Visayan Islands this being the cheapest way Krank Davidson, aa old well-|.ther furniture. It is expected that | going class by Rev. M. A. Smith at}chaia gane; PF. A. Sherrill & Co. |recently have resulted in the killing to buy them. SLOOPY & MILLER. yon cviored man-about-towd, | ihe May term of theSuperior Court, |the Methodist church. The dis {$1.50 supplies for chain gang; J. G. [of 280 of the enemy and wounding SOALSO ‘sunday. He was janitor of the | which commences Nionduy, the 21st, | course was a strong and practical! Thompson $2. conveying a prisoner two Americans. ~ e cou + room during aes conn apd | will be held in the new buildin;s,|one, inspiring to the class as welllto the os vang; Flanigan-Evans A force of Filipinos, estimated to Garden and ~ tie cawyers offices fer years. which is an honor to the couuty. as to the Jarge and appreciative | Hardware Co. $6.30, supplies for uurmber 100, armed with rifles and = audience that wathered to hear it. |chain gang; Wallace Bros.Co.19.28, | 600 armed with bolos, and operating Cornfield Beans. e s J S 0. : On Monday evening the hali of|supplhes for chain gang; Carter | four muzzie-loading cannon, atiack- Se : ; « pavucday nignt at 8 o'clock.| since the County Board of Eles- ee a school building was] Bros $3.80, lumber for road; Tom- ed Jaro, on Leyte Island. April 19, She we Risers es Wholesale and Retell General Merchendis®, veopie should ail burn out and@|:ions has consolidated the meena Les re ee A, Alderman Sliinson & Turner $32.48, supplies for which place was garrisoned by 25 a tl is on ae ee = an arcie amendment discussed, urecinets in Davidson and Sbilch tt » Proble IS Sete Mie {Some of | chain gang; W. F. Munday $8, _mov-} men of Company B, of the Forty- nee Seat Se aie y The better judge you are of ©. Milton MeCorkle, Esq., who townships, the question has becn eee a ing house at jail; S.A. Sharpe $1.43, third Regiment, Lieutenant Estes ae eas as aa e. here for a Line Suine yeurs Ago, raised as to whicn Democratic pres | we would not have our ane pay ioe mae ie fo eo are ae = a - for it right here Por any Dr °-: Goods bes oecu elected muyor ot Newton, | net committees in,the two townshivs | ¢ anil Scamikeoaizede os « Sons $1,900, supplies; sanigan- protect the town and with the re- Rae A EAS RY 7 @ ? eee eee GL eourse be isa{ace now in office and which chair young men “Yankeeized"’ to as full! Evans Hardware Co. $4.13, supplies | maining men he advanced on the , te eee i iati 5: ALive town, Or CONSE ns a oa om : € a c a an extent as Dr. Alderman seemed for jail; CG. F. Ayers 50 cents, haul |enemy south of town, whence he need to finisi: cnting your The greater wiil be your appreciation of the goods we offer here. » oerat abd was elected as such. |teen are now members of the coua-|to want, yet there was sound sense | {nw ‘a pauper; Monroe Hobbs ¢3.75, | stood off the Filipinos for two hours. garden or cro, As big values have never been spread upon counters anywhere. é i i 5 ey committee. County Chairmea | jz ; ar » tc are : A . " . : 1 Mie. N. A. Holtshouser and Miss ane rctoaL ee - = a Ee ee He is a eae ee pine poles for road; J. K. Morrisoa The two local companies of police} Call on Gy e Beli Eley were martied Sun-| 254 both chairmen in eac “S| graceful speaker, and his perora-| & Sons $8.62, supplies for County sallied forth to help Estes’ Ameri- GC tt a EF Pp t resigenceof Mr WANG a pote chee a comese ?|tion, which was strong and beauti- eecaet 22 Y leans. The latter, vith the police, COOPER & GILL. O ona es or an Ss n Chambersbury township, | 44:1 new tow Peres eet ain :D} ful, shows that his reputation as| ‘fhe following other business was|charged the enemy aod together : : wilis. of Statesville, officiat- a eh LoS COMMRIELCES are}one of North Carolina’s most elo-| transacted: they disperzed the Filipinos and _af- At same low price as they were sold at when cotton sold at 4ic. i ciected at the primaries in 1902, quent sons is deserved. We regret] Dr. Hl. F. Long was reelected ter the fight was over buried 125 of FOR PURE per pound. Yard wide Percals at Sic... and a yd. sot Calico a te . ional cane ; that we can’t print a synopsis of county physician jor the year be-|them. There were no American FOOD GO TO at Se. yd. Beautiful Lawns at 6e., the. ; 10c.: 12}. and loc. _Bet- sis. W. M. dail, a brother of Mr. | In Jail For Rocking the Train. his speech See eee » in} casualties ter Grades for 20c., 25c., 30c., 35c., 40. and 50c. yd. Ladies Gauze ? vinning with the first Monday in] casualties. e AC Ze i. : : 5 = : Vest at 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 and S0cts., vood quality and style. as Hall, ot Pa n Lo oy Saturday afternoon Tom ‘Rickert, — Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock | May. Mera vine ‘ s.9 Best li casas aichoes in town. S line bef coun Cursicena, hoe oe oF the late | colored, rocked two freight traius a MOoraace es the eee James Allison, colored, will be re- Lee ae IW est line of hose and shoes in town. See our line before you buy. e was LEE YOUDSES» : te} ot Rock Cut. He hit the caboose of |C125S tOOk piace: ab were witnessed | ceived at the County Home when Small Defends North Carolina. dedi, uf Suiloh towaship, aad|\ 6 of che trains but did not hit any by a large audience composed of the | delivered there 2 Seastionoaliepetc We are Umbrella and » oun’ mi fubout Jo years. : “ ; >: .| parents and friends. The represen- tow: anni Milliner He u rs e young man of wboUL vo ¥ person. It seems that Rickert Was] foi a of the cl: a RIE sen-| The pauper allowance of Fannie Representative Small addressed eae ; illinery adq; arters. os. We Stevenson and Mr. A.| very drunk and yiolent as he cursed] \7 es ol the Ciass were: a May |Gill was increased from $3 to $5 per] i... House briefl 2: ess Hein’s Pickles : ! es pie ce \o gris will speak at iradiord’s}every one nholuemtinent bin ol oe Esther Eloise Walker, | quarter. the House briefly today upon con- S Mixed So see us before you buy. Good goods low prices. Warts will speas 2 PS eS eas ccm ipone pe FraneBailey, Fancic Nichok- |” amosGresory, with L. ©. Wil- ditions in North Carolina. His weet Mixed, - ole, thiivb LoWbSoIp, Saturday | was arrested vesterday Dy poulc: : ’ = Amos Gregory, with Li. ° orien cea oeatine 7 + ' wy iutbh, at Ssociock. Lhe|inan W.G. Karcher and given a eS ee May acne omen liams as agent, was allowed $3 a er ere he ca se ee Sour Mixed. . B. Millis oO. eMac rey ' eerie Ears — etl Ae | Wallace Hoffman, Ernest Alexan-| quarte ajority in limiting =} DL Suton Will Goubliess turn | searing belore W- C. Mills, Esc. = , Se quarter. Sv eg eye : z Barrel of Kraut. very cee Sep a 2 , 2) der Simons, John Halbert Stimson.|~ Preston York was exempted frona general debate. Mr. Small refer- ut, sae out alorce ty hear our candidaies who senthim to jail in detault of - ier = ue face q Caroli , patce foc tne douse, oond in the sum of $100. Thomas bila ae Boron nee in & Ost] poll tax for the year 1900. et coe Se ees Mountain Buckwheat Flour. ea __,| should be given a good long term pleasing manner a thoughtful paper|~ Lavina Cloer, with J. W. Robb es Sas Pc pana ssed 1n DO Sweet and Irish Potatoes. — 2 Ny & GAGE Yue Southern is Culding a shed |". the chain gang on “A Type of Womanhood as Shown | avert, was allowed $3 a quarter ranches 0 Nes in a Mauner ——— : Seca nee ser wee the . . 2 . . % ens es . oy 7792 ¢ ete > _ over tbe piatior;a between tne in the Life of Frances Willard. The public road near Rock Cut unwarrante and unjust; that the} fe buy fresh butter and eggs. pea eit fs ue li tielemi room and the UCkCl otiice ab] ANCE Eloise Walker’s paper on “The His-| was changed as asked forin a peti- Republican Senator from that] andalikinds of country pro- The best Furniture values are not to be found in 3 te aepot, ibis muprovement ts to aa = aaa tory of the Public Schools is North] tion sivned by numerous citizens of State bad introduced a resolution) quce. the most expensive, nor in the prelece baggage In bad weather and 'Yhe Statesvilte baseball team has| Carolina’ showed much careful re- Shiloh and Fal!stown townships. in the Senate calling attention to S a secured by tke Chamber ol|oeen filled. The members are: search, Herallusion to one of the LL the proposed constitutional amend- Moore & Chea est | 4 ny ment and ashing the Senate to find « ti. Armiield, Esq., will speak a s hens school Louse, O1in town-} The Committees Retained. br ladies . Yi y wad - —_—--— eo ts en will start| Bennett; pitchers, Luther ‘fayler, | the first candidate for that office to > & CG that North Carolina was arrayed i 7 Capt. A. W. biackourn will start | benuell, Sy at : : b Walton & Gage want to show] poaj ae ene in. t fone oustoula slv., on the idvb. | ad. b. Kenna, Bille Malone, Jsonn pia cleciicau OnkgDn oer feature | ty oir goods They will give you aber ibe Hecerat ee Oca McLa n urn Ur e. ( EOI nt en neil aor ia gloria has : aes - - a a | Sa eve n SESS n iin bis sisters Femains. TT Lt poe Se arian eee er aonaaanieet ee fine bargains in Zeigler Bros’ fine) form of Penne In the ae Spa ee esata cd Arth Pp ‘ner:| was a recitation by y annett May shoes for ladies and misses. cacy of this resolution he was zeal- The medium grade good furniture at lowest ors here aud irom there to Lue | - angum; left eid Arthur Turner; Ss on by Jeannette May Sloop & Miller have the famous | ously sustained by his political ally , prices is what we are excelling all competition in. : ’ Cc. “ wees ompare our prices. pieving eroubu pear HGustoun- | ccalre tigid, W. &. Navoress, rigit | Turner, entitled ‘‘fhe Village Tat-| .°) oe umay durying groupu bear Heusty ’ ee : a Godman ladies’ Oxford shoes at]|Senator Butler, and their congenial rp lor final neld, one otf the pitchers. Witme A ote tler.”” Willie Bailey read a paper, $1.2D to $1 50 guaranteed tO wear pair of colleayues in the House, Lin —_ . oS “« 4 Si 25 1 - Nn . Furniture and Carpets. pomerce. UCatchers--C. W. Lambert, J. f.) present candidates for Governor as|New Advertisements tes will be taken LO tte facie 2 s toWisb - ane ee enaete will be the captain and|‘‘Piea for Female Education.” Fan-|* 0 1 any $2 shoe on the mar- a SRS oes Pena uy 1 Sp INS Sa! Soni pie Nicholson’s paper ‘Is 1t Oppor- Ce rent aT ey a Wy Ee. bad played the Bao Sos a tellcandidace ibese are amovug the best players tunity that Makes the Man” showed Kel, act of “me too, wud joined in the I. Werts, Democratic Chbe in. |'2 tae Southaad itis velieyed tbat sae y deserved the first honorof| Tbe Flavigan-Evans Hardware/chorus, of detamenon against the fur “be House, w eet aa Dasid stutesville will haye one of the best the class, which she received. Hal- Co. has the Keystone weeder, It| fair name of the State they so con- pai, aat Doolie shoot ees : a s{reams in the State. ‘he players vert Stimson vave a declamation on | only takes one horse and a boy and|spicuously misrepresented; that ail son wwashlp, a Son wul arrive Lue last of May and tue| "Phe Intluence of Decoration Day.’’|15 acres cau be cultivated in a day. | these libelers of the State could no: © Giwck, Lhe ee epee ‘est ot June when two exhibition| All acquicted themselves well, but} The Mascot Printing Co. will save ]S¥5t28 their contention of law or towusiip saoula give DS eS games will be played. the closing number was especially | you money on ali kinds of printing. fact and perhaps it was due to the < “t use. . , Kaeser 7 I ates 5 > A a iu : ee S A a ee eee popular, being a debate “Is Expan- James W. Long, Execator of L. goon a sec States that they Dxford Oarilomman One une iecced | Griftith-W illis sion to the Best Interest of the|¢, Carrigan, gives notice to credi-|*"yy, Sicha = ber a4. Campbell, has oeen elecred; rim <2 TInited States.’ The affirmative ai Bens - Mr. Small’s speech was consider- our Win- ra-oy of Geid Hill, Rowan county,} Mr. N. H. Griitith, of Charlotre,}side was well argued by Waitlace Rens ea : ed by all to be forcibie for the short Shoes are witout oOpposilich, the opposing }and Miss Vera Wilks, daughter of| Hoffman, while the negative was attention is called to the adver-]time that was allotted him. d we are canudate withdrawing belure the] Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Willis were mar-| equally well sustained by Ernest tisement of the county board cf] Representative Kitchin today, elections concerning changes in|while the sundry civil appropria- election precincts and poliing places. | tion was under discussion, took oc- ig javer of vacuinalion. east Broad street, Rev. E. A. Grif-|class, presenteda picture of Geo.| We print the calevdar of ciyil}casion to explain to the House the Sp pres ith, of Mooresville, officiating. Mr.| P esc cases g roposed amendment in North Car- r nd aeacon, & Well-KDOWD yagran nth, of M Al ficiating. Mr.| Peabody to the school pending at May term of Iredell | proposed amendment North C , < Tom Mason, ul oe Rare aioe and Airs. Griflith left oa the Char- Y. G. Lewis, Esq., ina few well Superior Court. olina. He was interrupted several Roe HONS oes vas ae He jotte traia yesterday evening ior|chosen remarks presented the cer- -— times by Representative Dolliver,of oe me soa i aise oe 3 eapsa conn y, | tificates to the class, The Filipino War. Soa! who ae mae eee was found near Bosti ridge] shere a reception was given in their] Fannie Nicholson won the first ete Pilipi questions, indicating that he was Vbursday morning Pecans ee sonor at the home of the groom’s|bonor, Ella May Morrison second Sos =o re Sanne the champion of the negro, but wound on the back of bis bea. | 6 | father. SE ee EES eae ene ee ee ented was carried to the Jah, 04Gb ed The groom is a popular young|scholarship in the A. & M. College a Sees ea ae Seath and floored the man from Lowa. Mr. covered sufficiently to be removed. | oysiness man of Charlotte. at Raleigh was awarded to Wallace a aes It ae a by about Kitchin explained that the amend- There was a fair crowd out to| The bride recently moyed here} Hoffman, who stood first among the pO Oe ane Sane y ment was “necessary to preserve sere We : Dee Ben ene ene hae ne 5 30 Americans who were driven to! whit — that it wa bec: Messrs Armfield and Reece, | from Mooresville and is much €3-| poys of the class. take refuge on a guiboat. The gun white supremacy and at it was Democratic Senatorial canaidates, teemed by all who know her. We] On Tuesday evening the annual] poat shelled Soe aig aed not unconstitutional. He was [re ca 4 > ant_ | wist them every happiness in life : S A boat shelled and probably Kile) guenuy applauded during tk $ Saturday night. But for the threat-| wish them every happiness in life. | entertainment for the benefit of the| many of the insurgeats while they qu mee ppiat uring tke course g weather a muca larger crowe : aaa a _ {school library was given by pupils| were burning and pillaging the Cie ot his remarks. E PRICES would have aitended. The amend- Rev. J. We tosebro, D. D., kas of the lower graces. It was voted| ManySpanish and Chinese residents, san canvas serene eens inent was ably discussed and close} tendered his resignation of Taivb| by the large audience to be one of} were butchered by the Filipinos. Z : puenee : ee att ntion Was given by the audience. | Street Presbyterian church, Peters-| the best ever given by the school. The War Department at Washing- The South African War- > it Ye 2eC . . n wary 4 . yore Sita - = - as ° Be, to $3 0; : - mers has shown usa Ours» Vea eos at = Stee tae| ‘The May Pole March” by 50|ton received the following cable- Advices from the seat of action Cc. 10 $5 Se. Mr. J. C. Somers bas. s as Presbyterian chureh at Fredericks- | children, with their airy dress and},.-a:n from General McArthur, dat- represent the Boers as gradually Sw a copy of “Tbe Manua aS we yy. | OSEs: His congregation in Peters-| garlands of flowers, presented alcq May Stb: : losing ground while the British are rev spaper sent bim Dy Wren one. | DUrs Bre Ursin him to remain there.|pretty picture. “The Up-to-date} “General Pantaleon Garcia, a pressing on to Pretoria. The Boers Alicn,, Shol was SOLS FT comers (ee cache Sail of the l:te|*chool” was full of laughable situ- | prominent insurgent officer in the have destroyed bridges and railroad Leeper and gauger at Mr. eoldicn Sheritl Rosebro and a brother of|ations and was neartily applauded.| northern provinces, was captured tracks which will give the British “ f disviliery but who 1s a = ce spe Mary Gampvell, of Statesvilie. |The Eight Little Grandmas” in| esterday with some valuabie doc- trouble and greatly hinder their ° Kindl Allow Us to Assist you nine VP SE = eee », | He was Seance ane is wellkno vn | their quaint costumes was a spicy |{;ments by Funston’s troops, I re- forward movement. ° yY printed in English ane tains | to many of our peopie. bit of acting. ward the capture as iraportant.”’ A correspondent writing from eas , : god deal of army news. itis dat It should not be forgotten that The receipts from the entertain- Manila, May 7-—General MacAr- Cape Town says that information Sale of Land : In life eee to See earnings, ed March 27th. eae Kitchin, Esq speaks “at | ment were unsvally large and show|,pur. the new military governor, had been received of a plot to assas- = we can with your approval. hin, . ‘ ene i > 7 o. 3 : : . Tethrow Camptell, a worthy col- ene fond ioht and the interest which the public enter-| received the officers of the Sixth ar- | simate Lord Roberts. Cecil Rhodes | ay virtue of a decree of Iredell Superior Cour Large lot Wall Paper, 5c. to25c. per roll. Be fe ae ted pee Ete Mooresville Monday wish’ tains for the school : 7 ihe aR g|has returned from London and_ is made in the special proceeding entitled er on ies, 123 h, 18c. yd orci man living near Providence | hore Tuesday night at 8 o'ciock. ~ tillery and ‘ne ourteenth an Sei hi = Ki G w Clegg, administrator of J. B. Josey and Fancy Figured Muslin Draperies, 12}c. worth, 16. ya. ‘porch, in Bethavy township, had The speaking here will preb- ee Twentieth infantry at the Annunci- reported to be on his way to him-|yiram a- Freeze against C. c. Whitaker and Big Lot Ladies and Men’s Fine Shoes, $1.00 to $5.00. <he misfortune to have his barn 20d} aoiy be held wife, Sarah Whitaker, and others, the under- Brillantine Dress Goods, 30c. to T5c. yd. is JO A T I S UV YA Ui 0 g , , st e p AL T E SH U T s} s o n 3 3} First, Inspection. Now, Selection. The first arrival of our spring purchases caused so much praise from our friends that our buyers were stimulated to branch out more extensively than ever before. in fact we are showing a much larger line of Novelty, Up-to-date Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes Than was ever showa in this city. Our spring lines are now complete and we are anxious to serve you. joc. The “T v Jo sy d almost in 4 M O O no sale 15 ; eecuion. Dr. Campbeli was elected ried yesterday afternoon ato o’elock | Simons._ ase Democrat on & dry licket and}nt the home of the bride’s father on Annie Colvert, representing the S ‘S u r d e s po s t AA O LL ‘E 2 T o t HO w Ay l u v s ¥ IS P O U A ‘ “M O I PU B A L NO . OD SI AY S 9S [ 9 *U s AU p - 0 } pu ’ 10 q Yours truly, Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowles. The Big Store. Our parting prices make the items buyable that we mention below. You wil) always submit to your believing. You can always use your judgment, for this is every puyer’s privilege. It is our purpose to stand by our customers, and never allow their confidence to be imposed upop. «N O O a S HH A T I S V HL I M NO E , em *u B I D h d C E pu s z1 0 [ e 19 9 4 7 s $ OA L 4 1 Is JO A q I S 14 ua p l o op Ja y sp a s 0} SL O O d : is 2 berley. . 7 oy in the warehouse 5 or amento this afternoon. : igned as commissioner of Iredell Superior Black Mohair or . = vein burned Jast Thursday night.l5.5+ the graded school building. |}. s Baan ee The court-martial for the trial of qeurt will at the court house door in Statesville, Men’s Dress and Heavy Shirts, 25c. to $1.00 each. He had about 30 bushels of corn, ! yy Kitchin is one of the brightest White's eearcemian Siuiion cone Colonel James S. Pettit, of the Thir-| Commissioner Wilson, of the In-|*-¢ one ee Large Lot Pants and Overalls, 50c. to $2.75 pair. some peas and a lot of fodder, and of North Carolina’s bright young) :ownship. It will be supplied daily ty-first volunteer infantry, on the | ternal Revenue Bureay, has decided | ._,, pa Seep a o Silks in Great Variety 35c. to $1.00 yd. s mo vv other articies in the build!ag.) en, and our people should not iail| som Jennings charge of violating the sixty secood | that a retail dealer who mixes whis- | following vaiable tract of land, belonging to See Our $1.00 Black Parasols .They are in demand. wlf of which were lost. Some of his ‘to hear him mete oS aaticle of war, convesed today. |,ey, sugar and water and puts the es ee ae Heavy Shirting Cheviots, 6ic. and 73c. yd. for Men aud Boys wear. meee ‘3 ° 37 : vi ee naar ‘ m attit is a . - : * $3 $ . 3 5 chitdren carried 2} ghted lamp it a a 3. H. Pressly and Elder W Rev. J. H. Pressly will preach at Colonel Pettit is cae of seer same in jugs and bottles, keeping it #512 West 1 pols 10 2 rock, thence “South 9 3 Cakes good ae es Ge adiesinbie eaxeeindon + . “ni anditis tkovght j av. J. H. bress:y au wider Wel Now Stivti Bs ri 5 -l9 > " e Ts el li = nu hhite oak, thence North 384° West 42 “Omi e Fhes. ur a b: te pnd it ho ia =: New Stivling church. Shilob town-|an arrangement with the president |jn stock in that form and selling it Se ee eae oe Summer 1s coming and so are j he nr essness; WW. im , acob Parker's line, thence Come and see the other bargains. - gee oe ye panes y ss ae RP. ship, Sunday. He will solicit sub-|of Zamboanga by which the notori-| yen called for as other liquors in |itickore grub, thence Korth s84° East 7°} screens at 95. each, will save you a lot of worry. ae on tha'r part. Iisa great misfor-|tbe First tres yrery of the AR. PB.) Soriptions for the new A. R. P.Jous outlaw, Juan Ramos, after bis | tock, or who reduces whiskey by poles toa stake on Jacob ratker's tine, theoe ae tune to this poor man and he dosh orc aah cs ue es mm = ehureb here. Rev. R. C. Davidson | capture by the panei = inixing, and restores the color by South iy acres more OF Be reese ° e ° be sympathy and/churc aston county. c i A ver to the president an iti iui is G, W. CLEGG, e the sympathy e : will preach for Mr. Pressly that turned ove Pp the addition of blackberry juice, 18} | cQouneily, Any ‘Comupismorer, less will hav I Ss on heis of his aeighbors in his efforts meeting will beheld at Tirzdh church, | gay, killed. q rectifier. Be april 6th, 1 to make another crop. York county, 5. C. ne ee 3 % — ka ae Y. We r et a op i a t e So x St ae pe l Y co na n g = Sn ee e Se o DR RR A He e il l i n i a e s a i s oo . ; See ee repeats reeset he IE eS ON ee Me Ne te Ree Rey Rt RS Te ee Le TT TTS ee METS, STAR NIT, PN RWG a ——e —————— ! —————————————— » Corstitutien of ——— ree ee Le aera Pose TRE FILIPINOS LATEST SCHEME FROM THE PHILIPPINES An Act to Amen the a = Setar $$$ $ So ne Beats 5 1¢ tbe four years of Re- THE FEL sOS L- us SV ELE SAE. ' — a a eal North Caro}: REPUBLICAN SPATE CC INV EN- ; TION. HM Ticket Nominated—The Mc- AFnli Tick Nore? aC ee Kinicy and ilussehs tration hinaocrs¢ “dl. convention Ce hairman A. | D. A. Longe He recited lhe t leg ths ‘ wW ¢ ne <¢ Was ver ~ Coo btier sa time f the “hot br nomination } ~ Csear ' nomination ig nomination auion,. 3 th ened teen zenry ©. Cowles Gey we ae peacea 19 noraination Thes, ‘i ladison. This ao nation acclamation, the taxing ion out of order, vie and Treasurer ef procead- There this. Lh nt on Was ho re Was nations Music. i showed bad not been ive awava wile huary 2c Adams was He was given eople on the GQ saying: “I ¢on- Walser intro- the next Governor of and Ms CXpressec nis everlasting tiLude nom! the > * , > the ie; “cans for iOu, WHoIck he = «lt vr : sidl Came shim utterly unscught, but that Snot being a did not rt the of rd from in ictions and that he be Gov to Carry > wt ich re- the hight was above the Demoeratic party every pledge it had the pecple. He deel: and work alene would t in this campaign. Treasurer 4H. Lin nomi: was e ? Worn : W. McNeil lation L. L. Jenkins : en shes } + ia1S nomination was made by acclamation. hor Secretary of State, J. ‘ 2 ota E.. Par- vas placed by J. E. Cameron and nominated by acela- “ott, of Lenoir county, 8 nomination 1@, £00, Was nation. For Superintendent of Publie Ip struction, J.J. Britt, of Mitchell, was nominated by acclamation. ior Attorney General, Zebulon V. raiser was placed in nomination by sneer Blackburn, seconded by J. « icCrary and by Harris (colored ( Halifax), artd was also nominated ‘lamation. . Britt declined the nomination for Superintendent of Pablic In- committee | twin | olution endorsing N. C. Er yerintendent, support. ted to know some- and politics. : was the : rote ‘ator in the State. Ihe ory »ypted and Hoiton and declared bim corporation conimissionei for the six-year term, Chas. A. Rey- ids. of Forsyth was nominated by ‘lamation and for the four-year u Joshua Franks. of Swain. For Commissioner of i Thomas W. am, sas nominated by ac- om of Chas. } ST enenDIR TE the suggesil ice-holder, Mus was withdra and for to vote -ehar > ong yiladrew aba ah . . Tine a ved th nomination of Price vid MeCrary be made ars moved that " + 4h unanimous } . wy ny be DY Yad ; Pe reclamation. For Commissioner of Agriculture, sxander, of Tyrrell, dby acclamation. ry ay = vr. aAAOner The convention endorsed by ac clamation the nomination of J. W. > for Superior Court judge th district, and that of J. ricks for in the the na sliean convention, Rev. ominated J. E. Boyd. that Senator Pritch- st man inthe Repub- must Oni- wee to wi + Sat iat in North Caro lie therefore lation. Priteh- first and unan- » and leader of the dele- lected by acclamation as Sen- rd s right bower rth Carolina, nomi- lummer Cheatnam, ington. Cheatham oy his courtesy and or its consideration the conven willing to send but he declined McNamee, a President Me | MeNamee’s Jey, nomi- ua Whidvee said that Cc been dete jlina had d that liad Westeri ¢ voted n and far] Dunean elected. Wound nomin n of Duncan. Bob Hancock wanted es to choose their alternates. Pritchard said this tion } tre must mat- Clark, J. and L. do; that the c& ‘This settled aS AA VE . Meekins them. sted. Phe convention, by acclamation, ted Heltcp chairman, Wash Hyams, secretary, and C. s~wsurer. following we ee eae ’ Long, aver Biackburn, T. S. Rollins. ne platform was adopted and at » m. the convention adjourned, The followiny is the materia! part jot the platform adopted: ‘eulfirin our allegiance to the vi the Republican party tn the national plarforimn condition isiasin ibe administra- Micitiniey. and we jiustruct our delegates to vote for se without j bis re-nomimation. |} Every scund taut greets the ear, jand every sigh: that meets the ey | : is au argument in favor of the ¢ jtinuance of the Republican policies |now in successful and beneficent operation throughout this vroud d. Asif by magic despair has wiven place to joy, distress has been converted into prosperity, and no section has been more signaily ben- efitted than the South, and no part of the South more benefitted than North Carolina. Tne Democrats in our own State are left absolutely without cause cf complaint 2 the National unistration, and have been com- elled to resurrect the ghost of ne gro domination is order to distract public attention, and if possible, prevent our people from eudorsine atthe polls the splendid achieve- L of illiam MeKinley is the execution of Republican poticies at home and abroad. in spite of the official records which show that there has been no negro domination, and no possibili- ty of negro domination in the State ovinany of its counties, during the ‘ter of a century, the Dem. aders have determined te the coming campaign upon ce issue alone, and they go be ‘e the people with aschemeof dis frauchisement which is the most impudent assault upon the Consti tution of the Uuited States, and the most shocking act of party perfidy everattempted by men who recog- nize the obligation of an oath or the sanctity ofa public pledge. * * # nst ide “c o m= We deuounce with indignation and abhorrence, the Democratic proposition that the right to vote should be made dependent upon he- redity and thus build upan aristoc- racy of birth upon the ruins of free government. We denounce the frauds, robberies. Violence and intimidation by means of which the Democratic party car- ried the last election. We point to the exposure of these unlawful nethods in the contest election cases from the Sixthand Ninth Con- yressional districts now pending in! the House of Representatives. and | to set the seal of condemnation upon} these crimes against the ballot box. | which if unpunished at home and|§ unrebuked by Congress must con- | vert popular elections into a mock-| ery and a farce. struction, sa}j ying that he did this for? personal reasons. He offered a res- The administration of the affairs of the State and of the several coun- Bob Z/an- | } = } Labor and} li had near- | by arising vote. Boyd was ay spe-} vear or i ss for second the}those w The latter] tpei aud McNamee were elected by accla- i the would ‘re elected the we confidently appeal to that bedy |s ican ascendancy, has been scru- usly clean, faithful and econom nis period the credit: of shown by the market Is, has and we challenge a comparison of| that of the Democ like period. this record with ‘racy during any | Weare opp |of capital whenever they become de | struetive of the rights of individual \citizens, and should be |of the several States, or by Congress if the resulting evils are beyond the power and jurisdiction of the Repnbdlican party has always ! popular education, that pee Lite din the organte Jaw bi i of the State t ermsangatory require- eGts providing’ oublic-schools for both whites and blacks, but that jperty will ne brand ignorance as jacrimé whose penalty is disfran- cause of iorance is the neglect of the And ve donot velieve tha ith the natural instincts will vote to disfranchise ind degrade them to Y a felon simply because e has failed to educate or because Provi- ted them with physi for which this wicked ‘es vo exemption, We i the ben we } 1 4 } wh vor 12 lenl 50.0Rn2 as th ing Si- indness the f ure * this is es teypiler $017 pus eciany true Sti the of Demoeratic promises in thelight of their per- fermances. They tell us that thev are the devoted friends of eduestion: ttheir candidate for Gevernor sé alcbampion. The im partial hand of history points te heir record from 1870 to 1885, dur- ich period they had uniuter- pted cohtrol of the Legislature, aud during thet quarter of a centu- ry the number of illiterate white voters instead of diminishine actu- ally a by more than twenty thousand, being an average of about dayear. The ures humiber of show the voters in North one ther ewencnaen 33,111 i4,420) 49,570 number who could read, but could not write, was 13,000. if the total number ef white liable to be Gisfranechised is the census of 1890 the — of white voters, voters OL 5TU, How then can we trust these Dem- ocratic leaders to wipe cut illitera- next cight vears. when their first step into throw away $100,000 a f fund heretofore the poll tax With record in the past, how can } } } tne scenool d from dad at par. ’ men have piunved the State tate, avd the plighted ‘eat political party. 068 2 <Oe + PODULISTS WON'T HAVE BRYAN. cor Phinks He Will Not timated Acain. Wharton be fnterest has been approaching National be beld in Ith, owing to the list ition, w ll sinnatti, 2 vr Of ipon W. J. Bryan. 1arion Darker, who has reeoiy Accore no 4 no jonger be a doubt in ny one Who considers i at least 1,560,060 sulist votes east "Oo willtbhis year ast to the Pres- iate of tim and ¢ i ntial candi the People’s marty. That Democratic leaders xuow this fact is made clear by the course of Hill, Pattison. aad their associates. Phe rats will probably give ine Gorman Demo- nomi- uation to some oue else and ihus in- into vite the vold Democrats the fold.’ back Mr. Barker scouted the j strong opposition to Presi. Ainley at the Republican vion. He asserted that tie eonvea Presi- be machin dept’s friends cont: t ery and tbat he will re-nominat- ed. thinks the Vn Poy vel wo . 27. Barker Sa Populists have a tightit chance to win the Presidential feht. With Sicttinley, Bevan aad Ba yas the candidates, he believes the former dus with Bryan aotin the 3 MeKiniev s prospects would be vont? wit ®he Suath African War. At Grandfort on the 3rd the Bris- ish attack was directed bo:h from the e€ust und west, with suca strengih that the Boers were threat- ened with complete enyelooment, After a sharpartislery dues, wt sbort range. the Burghers fell tack vefore tne overwhelming force ef Uritish. The capture of Brandiort “ives the key toone of the main roads teading to the Deakensburs, pusses, which possibly may enable: Ruverts to Go-cperate with Butler. fr provides an advance plies. ” The Boers have evacunt-d position on Thaba N’Chu, trekking sorthward several directions. Some have gone in the direction of Wepener. Onty the Irish-Ameriean : gent fighting with also bass of sup- their contin- the Boers resist- ed the entry of the British into Grandfort, They retired before Nutton’s brigade. The Boers shell- ed Tucker's division considerably, but finally retired all alone the line. Thus the British advance to Preto ria is begun. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers, and grandmothers. never the ht of using anything else for Indizestion or Dilliousness Doetors were scarce, and they seldumybeard of Appendici- tis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, ete. They used August Vlower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of theliver, ulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dul! and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s | August Flower, in liquid ferm, to | make you satisfied there is vething! serious the matter with you. sale by W. -. Hall, Jr. ishest point known in our history, | osed to combinations ; ey even among the whites within the din expect their promises to be into an evil course of which ne man sees or kioews the end. Yhe conse- rest upon the heads of he have tramplel under he ancient kenor of a aroused in the at party turniaog its party turn gilts . | get her breath and the first dose of For grippe, S:naill Bands of Horsemen Organize to Harass the Americans oad Washington May 2 —Recent mail| advices to the War Department from reached the | the Phijippines indicate tbat the latest plan of the insurgents is to organize into mounted bands of 106 jand harass the American forces nerever possible. These bands will be scattered throughout the is- jlands and willbe in daily communi- ; cation with each other as far as pos- |i eee ecient rare such combinations |sible by means of scouts who will|in the Eastern Hemisp here { ee een . : rt- | tropical zone. suppressed by adeguate carry the orders to yovern concert- | troy 2 suppressed bY adeguate | ¢ _ = 5 S oe) al ae t =r: timeis reckoned | statutes enacted by the legislatures |¢d movements aad zil information | of the equatorand timeis 1 Malloy, of | | conceroing retreats, reinforcements, | ete. According to the Liberal, the or- yan of the Filipinos, acomplete plan oi military strategy will be drawn up‘‘as a result of which the Ameri- cans will soon suffer.’’ That paper declared that the pres- ent war, far from being over, is really more vigorous than ever. It is reported that a strong insurgent camp is being organized in the Zam- bales mountains by a prominent general, and that nearly all tbe towns ofthe Provinces, whether oc- cupied by Americans or not, con- tinue to pay taxes for the suste- nance of the Filipivos in arms and the prosecution of the struygle. A BLOODY FIGHT. Manila, May 2.—The American yvarrison at Catubig, Island of Sa- , consisting of thirty men, be- } longing to the Forty-third regiment Twen- killed. has been attacked by rebels. the Americans were Tne remainder were rescued. DETAILS OF THE STRUGGLE. Washington, May 2.—General Otis has so far not reported to the War Department the casualties sus- tained by the American garrison at Catubig. The ofticials believe that the general is holding back the news with the object of supplying with ii the namesof the yictims of the re The less reported in killed is the 10st severe suffered by the Ameri- can forces since the beginning of the insurrec! out even so, the offi- cials at the War Department could not but express theiradmiration for the heroic endurance and courage displayed by the little garrison, The Americans were quartered in the Catubig church, which the ene- my, nambering several bundred men, Surrounded and fiercely attack- ed. The Americans tought for two days and then the rebels managed to 1gnite the roof of thechurch and it burned away and finally fell upon those inside the edifice. The walls remained intact, however, and were usedasa shelter by the beseiged Americans for three days longer, the enemy attacking the building on all sides at once. The Americans continued firing from the windows and doors of the church and did great execution among the Filipinos. It is estimat- ed that over 280 of the latter were ikilled, many dead bodies being re- moved from the scene of the fighting. After five days resistance by the Americans a lieutenant and eight men arrived from Loan and engaged toe beseigers who thereupon retired. The fortunate arrival of these re- inforcements prevented the annihila tion of the American forces en- treached in the church, who had re- beatedly deciined to surrender when ordered to do so by the Filipinos. The ten survivors were without food, had little ammunition and were physically exhausted when re- heved. ANOTHER PARTY SURROUNDED. Manila, Jay 3.—A dispatch re- ceived here from Ioilo reports that committiee-at Li Ni ed the endorsement of some of the Ze Gesperate tight took piace aut Le- er, Carl Dune a Harkins, Ponulist te Conventions for ae in the centre of the ae . Tyre Glona, Frank | President. there will bel Besawees land of Panay, It appears that a dailey: by districts: | gap and 1000 delewates at the Cin reconnoiteripg party of the CR tkey Hare, R. J. Lewis, W. J. |cinnati convention, Mr. Barker |*i8th Infantry was surrounded, and 1, J. M. Millikan, J. A. Nor- said: that four of the Aiericans were killed and 16 others severely wound- ed were left on the field. The re- mainder of the soldiers had a nar- row escape. The dispatch adds that re-en- forcements were sent from Loilo as the affair was re- ceived, whereepon the Filipinos re- treated to their mountain strong- hold, sQon as news of ee Brandoa Gives up Strike. Salisbury Truth-Index 4th. If the information contained in a letter received bere this morning by a Southern Railway official from a striking operator correct, the ‘tkers have lost their fight against ve Southern. The letter referred to was seen by the Trath Index representative and its writer was eve among the first ofthe-Scuthern operators to walk out. The letter says iu part: “I am ad- vised by Jr. Brandon that we lose inthe strike and that I! had best look out for a position.” He concludes-by asking to be tak- en back to work here. The Mr. Brandon referred to has been one of the most active organ- izeis amoby the strikers since it be- it hus been apparent to the pubijic for some time that the strik- ers bave been steadily losing ground as the Southern has been rapidly filling all tbe vacant places until now well nigh all the offices are filled. A bit Mr. \““. A. Hines ot van, Manchester, fa., writing of his almost miracu- lous escape from death says: ‘‘Ex- posure alter measles induced seri- ous lung trouble, which ended in Consumption: I had frequent hem- orages and coughed night and day. Al! my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $3 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and and Lung troubles.’’ Regular size 50¢ and $1. Trial bottles free at W_ lk. Hall’s Drug Store. Telegrams to London papers con- tinue to show the remarkable spread of the bubonic plaguein at least a dozen parts of the world. At Mauri- tius, Bombay, Calcutta, Port Said, Teheran, Manila, Hovg Kong, Mel- bourne, Sydney, Nuume, New Cale- Gonia, Brisbant and Buenos Ayres it is very serious and is spreading at Bombay and Caicutta. There has been fifty-two deaths at Sydney and forty deaths at Buenos Ayres. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following Statement: ‘I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. My wife could not it relieved her, It has also benefited my whole family.”’ lt acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, bronchitis asthina and all throat toubles. W. F. Hall, Jr. els, expels poisons, Sold by W. F. Ball, Druggist: Gaar- anteed. | The Filipinos, Their Mabits 2nd tiode | of Living. Correspondence of Ti1k MASCoT. Selang, March 16th, have been over a good part of the iIsle of Luzon and have seen severa! |tribes ofthe Filipinos, perhans it |would be of some interest to the lreaders of THE Mascor to know | something of them. The Philippines are directly south of the China sea. We are 18° bv Greenwich, so you see we have | Eastern time. | Being in the tropics of course the | people are naturally dark complect- jed. «As our American Indians these | people go in tribes, and have lan- guages of each tribe differing from | the Others, although most of them i speair Spanish, that is those who |live in little towns as most of them 'do. They jive on fish, bananas, co- |counuts, bread fruit and other such | stuff as they can get without work- ling, as they area lazy class of ig- | norant people. That is the common |people. Some of the better class live in great style and set an elegant table, although you must eat with chop sticks or your fingers and that comes awkward to the American i tbe Presidanty of Santa fe som:e of us boys 2 dinne-: i before we left for Selang. He had |six courses, bezinning with soup, which we had to drink from little bowls. a large dish of dried fish in the middle of the table, from which all ate, the Vilipieos with their chop sticks and we with our fingers. It would have been worth seeing me tryiny togeta fish to my mouth with these sticks ard giving it up asa bad job. I don’t know as I would cared but for his two good looking daughters laughing at my awkwardness and getting me some- what embarrassed. The third battalion of the 46th reached Selany February 26th, which is in the prevince of Caveta, on the western part of Luzon, 40 miles southwest of Manila. Everythi: went on lovely until the 13th when we got orders to take three days’ rations and be ready to start on a hike at 10 p.m. Not an officer save Major Brooks snew where we were beund for. As we left in the night we expected to make a night attack on some ladrones that were said to bein the jungle near Laguna de Teal, 15 miles in the interior, We traveled until three a. m., when we struck camp. The rain fell in tor- rents ali the time. We aweke ia the morving Jying in a puddie of water with not adry thread on us, shivering and sleepy we expected the evemy at any time but failed to find them, though we were well paid for our trip. We were on the crest of the Talo- so Mount looking down in the Teal lake with its beautiful isles. ineclud- ing avoicasno which was smoking ali the time. At night we saw the light fromit and thinking it the camp fire of the enemy were much surprised. Then advancing on to the town and finding nothing we re- turned the next night to our bam- boo shacks where we lay Gown and siept the sleep of a weary soldier. I notice in Tue Mascor the mar- riave of several of the prominent young people of Iredell which was asurprise to me. Also the loczl announcements of the Democratic candidates for the county oftices. Out of somany [ hope seme good Democrat will get there. Were it not for Tue Mascor I rould be at a loss for she brinus me ail the home news, aud I am alwavs wiad to come face to face with The Statesville Mascor. Asthisis taking up too much room in your valuabie paper, that is if it escapes the waste basket, I will say adieu. With good wishes to Tor Mascor and its readers, hoping that they will not criticise this too much, as Tam green. (Acunaa.) —$_$_$__. 2 SPEAKING AT FREEMONY, FivejHundred Gather to Hear Tur- nerand Patterson at That Point. Goldsboro Special to News and Observer, Goldsboro, N. C. May 2.—-Wayne's Dermecracy at Fremont and there- abouts, manifested itself last night in the presence of five hundred peo- ple one haif of which were sturdy farmers, the other half were men. women and children of Fremont. with a scattering of Goldsboro peo ple who asssembled at Fremont Academy to hear the speeches of ifon. W. D. Turner. Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Mr. 5. L. Patterson, -caudidate for Commissioner of Agriculture. Mr. Patterson made a2 brief but strong speech. Mr. Turner is an interesting speaker. He vivdily portrayed the condition of the State under Repub- lican rule during the days of recon- struction, and also under fusion rule. Hisargsument for the smendment Was so clear that every one present. whether cultured or igrorant, could readily understand that it was not only Constitutional, but that no white man would be disfrauchised. “The Populist party bave refused to declare their posicion as to the amendment, and whenever any par- ty declines to take a stand on any question you may know they areaft- er pieand not principle. “Gar op- ponents attack our election law but our election law is fairer and just than the fasion law.” At the conclusion of his speech, Col. A. C. Davis presented Mr. Tur- ner with a lovely bouquet, “emblem- atic of the good wiiland love of the ladies of Fremoxt.”’ $$ ee In pursuance of 2 resolution adopt- ed by the Western Book and Paper more Manofacturing Association. al! the leading bock paper mills in the West will be closed for an indefinite peri od. Withina few weeks aij] the Eastern factories may follow their example on account of over-produs tion. Glorous News Comes from Dr. D. B. Carzile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: “Pour bottles of Electric Bitters bas cur- ed Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; bat ter cure is-complete and her health is excellent.” This shows what thousands have proved,—that Klec- tric Bitters is the best blood purifi- er known. It’sthe supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul. cers, boils and running sores: Jt stimulates liver, kidneys, and bow- helps Gigestion, builds up the strength. Only 502. 1900 —As 1, a - , ' a 1 The General ASSO mebly auf Nort Care: | consti } . }cesstl vote f such r ment ed by bly of ticle. th which previ laws « article ae ol O32 Oo hy ofttice: ot wit pared, bers of certifie ords of his office. 2 This act shall be in force trom and after its r ited the 21st D. 1899, Sec. The DeWitt’s Littl famous little pills for liyer and bowels, in this voie at election: from one precinct, : ec district to another in the same couaty shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote in the precinct, ward or other eieution district from which he has removed until ul. No person who has been convicted or who bas confessed bis guiltin open court upon indict- of whic no process shall the collection of against assessed property. (Sec. 5.) No male person who was eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or at any time pri- or thereto entitled to vote under the on January one, person, istered in a this section (See. 8 persons prisonment in since becoming citizens . ed States, or of corruption practice in office, unless such person sali be restored to the rights of citizenship ina manser preseribed by law. See. 2. That allof the provisisns of the constitution relating to suf- frage, registration and elections as contained in this act amending the constitution shail go into effect on the first day of July, nineteen hun- cred and two,if a major cualified lina do cunes: tution of iand the same is hereby eae ahd in lieu thereof sbail st tuted the following article of said tution. be s ARTICLE V1. | {Section 1) Every bern in the United States and every male person who has been ized. twenty one years of age and possessing the qualifications set out i article, shall be entitied to any eiection by the people in the state exceptas herein other- wise provided. SGC (See. 2.) He shall have resided iu state of North Carolina for two in the county six menths aud jn the precinct, ward or cther elec- tien district in which ’ miaie na he . offe ubsti UFRAGE / ND ELIGIBILITY TO OF FICE— North | QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR, orth | person tural- rs to our months next preceding the fon POINO. emMmov ° 7 Provided, that ward or r montas removal other after of any crime, the punishinent law. North shall shall be h now is or may bereafter be imprisonment in the State Prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to iiizenship in the marcner prescrib- (Sec. 3.) Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voter as herein preserid- ed and in the manner hereafter pro- vided by law, and the general] assem \ Carolipa general registration laws to carry into effect the provisions of this ar- enact (Sec. 4) Every person presenting himself for registration shall be abie to read and write any section of the constitution in the English languave, and before he vote he shall have paid on or first day cf March of the year in entitled to before he proposes to vote his poll tax as prescribed by law 5 Poll taxes shali be a lien only on assessed preperty and e issue to enforce the nus year. state sf any e2 Provide d, } cordance samc @ for the xcept in the United four of re States wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such shall be denied the right to ter and vote at anv election in this state by reason of bis failure to possess the educational qualitication prescribed in section this all have reg- ith the terms prior to December nineteen hundred and eic¢ht. nor before yersons shall Prov 1 d, Carolina - 1 voters of t} eruleiections in this state force May first, h the words counted aid the resultannounced ruies and regulations as are for returning, comparing, aud canvassing the votes. for the genera] d among easiest Not net therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office at .......96 help me, God.’’ .) The following classes of shall be disqualified for iirst, all persons who shall Geny the being of Almighty God. Second, all persons who shail have been convicted or confessed guilt on indictment pending and whether sentenced or not or under Jadyment suspended of any treason ev felony orof any other crime for which the punishment may be im- the penitentiary atifiction. Guy of Fobruary, be such pe (See. 6.) All clections by the pie shall be by ba ¢ tions by the general assembly be viva voce. (See. 7.) Every voter in North Carolina except as in disqualified shall be cligible to office, out before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take and sub- seribe the fellewing oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the con- stitution and laws States and constitution and laws of North Se " and @iu this a ef the United inconsi £ the nd 1@ state This amendent shali submitted at the next tion te the quatified voters of severa! state i ihe same manner ar@ under the saine rules and regulations as is sroyw) a in laure De tbe ealic provided iz the law regulatiog meng ’ ther Yr printed “Awainst Imendment”’ thereon. Sec. 4. The said election s beld and the votes ret CanuVassed uncer the s assembly first, eighteen hundred and nin bine, and ifa majority of the votes cast are in favor of the said amc ment, it shall be theduty Of thes ernor of the stateto ¢ ae amendment under state to the secretaa shall enroli the said certify the ‘seal of the y Of state, who 2meredmen the permanent rec- eS ies and most effectiy method of purifying the blood meal invigorating the system is to 4 e Early Risers, Cleansing ny ity of the so de- clare at the next genera! election Sec. 3 aa in eighteen hundred end ninety-nine, and at said election these persons Cesiring to vote suchamendment shail cast a t<n or printed ballot with the words “or sufirave amend and those witha contrary shall cast a written o ’ Writ- Opinion , t ball he 7; . LTued, 2om- in force countiag mem- Rat-+4 A. titled A. D, Ply * | against U. T. Phy passin tea the uudersigned as Com. The general assembly shall provide for a permanent record of all sons who register under this sec- ; November nineteen hundred and eight; and ali entitled t gister and vote in all elections by the people in this state unless Gis- qualified under section two of this article: shall have paid their poll tax as re- cuired by jaw. per- first, rsogas rticle stent their Unit- mal- : ins page UN the Section 1. That artic ie Six of i S North Carolinas be abroyated, | { LILEDOUN MUSLIN is perfect * when it leaves the mill. Weare j prond of sess rads Every yard 4 is guarantced. e if you find a defect in LILE- DOUN MUSLIN that Ree : its appearance or wearing qual- jg sty, ae want the goods back. We want to give you perfect goods for it. “TILEDOUN MUSLIN makes f underwear, shects, pillow cases, linings, &c., that wash easier, wear longer and bleach whiter than any other goods made. The new muslin and the best. “8 Fvery yard of LILEDOUN MUSLIN {2 is stamped with the trademark “LILE- <2; DOUN,” All pure cotton, thoroughly Se elenned and carded, hard twisted, closely woven and calendered 10 a soit, smooth, downy finish. siasier on having LILEDOUN. Ef your deaier hasn’t it and won't get 8 we will send it from the rolls in 50 yd. bolts or moore, Carriage prepaid. A a Liledoun Muslin button bug free, Write § for one. MOORE COTTON MILLES, Taylorsville, N.C. 4 ei t ae fe BP E OA Four men were wounded, one, Dennis Hannifin, probably fatally, ina labor riot in Chicago on an Archer avenue car last week. A dozen shots were tired. Every win- dow was shattered. The passengers fled panic stricken. The fighting was between the coal heavers es- corted by policemen on the car, and the strikers who boarded the same car and started the fight. “After snieriug from severe dys- p°psia over twelve years and using inany remedies without permanent vood finally took Kodel Dyspesia Care. It did me so much good I recommended it to everyone, writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat, W. F. Hail,Jr. Look in Your Eiirro> Do you see sparkling eyes, a healthy, tinted’skin, a sweet expression and a race- fuiform? These attractions are the result of good health. If they are absent, there is nearly always some disorder of the dis- tinctly ieminine organs panne Healthy menstrual organs mean heaith and beauty everywhere. KicELREZES , titled A.D. Plyler, court house door in s- tes; . a, Re-Sale of Lang Y VIRTUE ofa deo y B ome eo tl ist Uy ler and others ag: signed as commission; MONDAY, May re-sell at public anction to th that valuable tract of | ta ney Plyler land. township, in Irede!! . 69% acres more or less cottage dwelling house , sale: One-half cash on six months from day ; roved security w itle retained til! ; id, J ha This April roth, rood. < AMI For The Poy —_—_—. Those who Coutemn) INSURANCE At all—had best Jo; ~ slang ta tract which is 2 ste stone between Ni) insurages life. In one instance ara win, In my po = ea benefit of both but hey You Seven bused: sixty-Kivht paid out to of Statesville community jy than 12 mo If you Will take the time and seo me Lean Zive you 2)! imforms. tion Less time NO MEDICALE REQUIRED. ~~ ~AMINangy JF. CARLTON FIRE, tire And ACCINEN- INSURAN 3¢— * southern Railwa | STANDARD RalLiyayg The SOUTH The Direct Line ty all Peigs Texas, California FI crida, Cuba and Porto Rig trictly First-Cj j _, Ment on all Through os 1 Trains; Py} Palace Sleeping Cars oy i Night Trains: Fast and gt Schedules. r Travel by the Southern nd yoy «assured a safe. Comfortable OC Expeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKE T AGENTS POR TIME % EERATES AND Generar INFORMATIO, OR ADDRESS R. L. Vernon, ' ry eee ae C.Pé CHARLOTTE, N. c. ASHEVIL Wine of Gareisi | i makes women beautiful and heaithy. i It strikes at the root of all their} trouble. There is no menstrual dis-£ : order, ache or pain which it will not cure, It is for the budding girl, the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life. At every trying crisis in a woman’s life it brings health, strength and happiness. It costs $1.00 of medicine ates For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. MRS. ROZENA LEWIS, cf Ccnavil! ‘ Texas, s82ys:—“I_ was troubled at monthly intervals with terrible pains in my head and back, but have been entirely relicved by Wine of Cerdui.” “I had stomach trouble twenty years and vave up hope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- sia Cure. it hasdone meso much good I call it the savior of my life.”’ writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. W. F. Hall,Jr. The Federation of Trades of. At- lanta have passed resolutions asking the merchants to boycctt the South- ern Railroad. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 0 be elec- the oer gen for “90; bal- ihe aud ame May ety end- FOV- said t so ake Supplies For Sale I hereby notify all agaist said estate to present or before Aprti sth., : These indeb the estate are requested to make eam ment. This April Sth, x RB. McLaughlin, Attorney,’ “a™inistrator. door in Statesville, N, re-sell ut public auction to Saitable tract of land containinn CSS, Situated in Ch Iredell county, Ww. ee structing the exhausted Gans. It is the latest discovered digest- Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hiatulence, Sour Stomach Itartificially digests the f, Nature in strengthening ous Soe digestive or- ick Head ON TIME. I bave Flour, Corn, etc., for sale on time. See me when you Want time on your purchases of suppii This March 8th., 1900.) Respectfully, J. L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison’s, : a ke Administrator's N otice. AVING QUALIFIED AS ‘IS’ tor of the estate of Ann Crawford date persons having Claims same to me on Meat, au carly settle. H. 9. Steve NT Re-Sale of Land. Y VIRTUE of a decree Court made in the s; dat ee Superior 8 roceed): = ler, Marion A, Plyler and “others id court, willat t Cc., on MONDay, MAY 21ST, 1900, ighest bidder a Iloacres, more he court house the Plyler tract of land : the retained till the purc Terms of sale cash, Title W. F. Hall, Jr. + known as the Amelia money is W. A. Thoma: & —_—— Hacks & Surrep ——— March 22nd. Dr. P. F. LAUGEN™ eae _his 0! = beginning with first Monday", month. Call on him for F in the way of dentistry: find it to your interest t ONo trouble to answer questig Freak §. Gamnon, J. M, Cal, eh 2 PL & Gen. Man. Traf.. May, WASHINGTON, DC If You Need 2 Fire, Life, Accident or Health Insurane See Brown & Guy INSURANCE MEADOUARTER Office—Secoud Floor Bank Building. Sporting Goods Table Cultery, Meat Choppers ““or anything else you ——3 may need in the Hardware Line. If vou are not pleased with our goods after examining thet. we dont ask you buy. Yours t rauly. Buggies We have just received — of Buggies, Hacks and 54 reys which we wiil sell close for Cash or o2 Time. Nice Jobs. I: will pay to see them before pu ing. Respectfully, Henkel Dentist SraTEsvILLE, NG ; Will be in his office 17°. dos This April spo, BGCONEL, . low. Only the best ma | Ewe Work done in best a 2. CROWSON & SRONCK, PROPER I handie all kinds the best quality. Best Materia} ee Statesville, N.C. w . get F Hs “The Firs Transacts a Regular Banking £ Interest aid 9a time depos Special attention » rid to coiloe Accounts tl roorations eceived on most favors)! JXO A COOPEE. ES Ee. PRICE Eclipse P. With simultaneous ra: head blocks and cable r most sensitive feed ever put « mill, also Frick Company's ENGINES AND BOILER Portable on wheels or sil tionery engines and boule size, and the grest hil Eclipse traction e Gotton Gins at low prices ' nine Statesville, N.C. Fry & Ph Let us sell you y save you money. Shoes, Hosier We will sell vou 6 ¢ Maracabo ¢ Macaroni, l2c. Dor and Groceries Yee be: : oe M2 yk 7, 2 PB JS sa Nee iq Sican Clo? The question of dress How can I be nest); neatly you must bave bought our steck ber fore can save you mol The Stock of Sloan kig Reduction. will sell you ita a man’s suit fer $2.10 anything in gents fur our pure Irish Linen 4 and if squere and hon Every article sold Ly past favors and hopin 3 AUG Buggies, Phactons, Sut vance in the price of mater: Stock early, to sell at old pr Selling you venicies for 6 yed a veuicle to make a sate. We w and will use our best eilort S us ond we guarantee it, v4 the guarantee. Come and si sd r+) Attractive The Mascot Pr ever before to UW ing, and at pr not favored us ¥ 100 Cards, 50c. With a handsome Card Case with your name engrav.d on the case. Any style printed on card. E Letter Heads, 3 Pamjhiets, Cit for prices aud ry it S. is = . ~ = - Ape ti ee Se ER DT REL TY SIME RENNIN a Pm Sa ea : Se ee ne mae MP ee . , J / A F ff 4 “/ Li, 5 ys ¢ ',' 4 / eae ew“ eee meh w f LA WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A Ci ille Masco THURSDAY, MAY 17, :900. e Statesv STATESVILLE, N. C,. NO, 24 e : = —_— mis = \ EDITORIAL NOTES. A Rooster Spurs a Child. STATE NEWS. GENERAL NEWS. The Awful Faminein India. Democratic State Central Committee 2 ” | servant ane G 3 +3 ? = Be : | fee ner rpmse London Dispatch eee 5 i i! _ ie | } > } ; Ix-vV ld ryuehter | we 77) : a a Senutor Wt lor ve : } 21 News and Observer, rth r : i j nad rE POT 3 ‘i 2 SiX-Vex Out 2ug¢ntet ive } > ‘ nde @Paulor Buatler was re-elect a zs ! ! ~ 5 f . igi 2 | The seating of Richmond Pearson | Sse Be a < oe 2 Vive hundred mill men attended doses sea Ne hb re mires The report tnat cholera is The (Demorratic State exeeni i Bi && & &stéded és : r from tne Ninih' fi pert Freeze, of Mt. Uil:, the Cotton Spinners’ convention in|Cbhatrman of the Populist National trenton ae eae TROR ibe WMemocratic State executive ao VFPeSeIM: . Winitt .. - oral =i We a ° s ane eninge its Sav Lond t eee anne i , os . & pa) CORSE a seriously injured on Charlotte last week. executive committee. core se ote Ceaaty, Po ul 1 committee met lastnight atS o'clock district of this State in piace of wm flast week,when a young oe . ; : ‘amine-stricken India. brings the jin the Senate chamber and was in —_—— ‘o-——— T Crawford, who was rightfully | ba rooster flew at her and|/, High Poiat, the leader in manu A cargo ef two hundred thousand |Pitilul condition of that country session till midnight. Seatac Te Teen ; Se ; sega 5S her e. The | '@cturiag furniture of any town in| bushels of corn left New York a, ™ore than ever'to the (public) view. |) “There were present in person < ad I handle all kinds of Granite and Marble ksown .0 the trade and|elected, was an outrage without a stuck aspear Into Aer nose. ‘7 {the State, is now to have a large! few cys ago to feed the starving in About 93,500,000 persons, for this! j ieee nate fro tn Ree hans ait xinags Of: Granit Mardi Ww 1e ade ad | - ; an entered on the lJeft nostril bare, 3 ave a 6 ; «1S ago to feed the starving in; 3¥0 ‘ vow persoas, i or is by proxy twenty-eight out of the anub- | St is the population of the district [ rank f< war coursed downward through the | ee ee | lip. The child has suffered} Mocksville’s new hotel, the Ingle- , and will always wear anjside inn, is now open for business. | The eeck has paid the |Itis said to be up-to-date in fur- ’ with his life. 'nishings and accommodations. ee thirty-six members of the commit- ,aifected, are sweltering their squa- ue Patent ae ee eae The tight between Jim Jeffries, at | lid existences away amid pestilence |and Mr. P. MI Pe sail hess a SS present beavy-weight champion pu-|30d misery that show no signs of tary, ne | wilist of the world, and Jim Corbett, | abating. Hundreds of thousands of! Gommitteeman D incan MecEachen |ex-champion, came off last Friday, | Pounds in good British gold, good] resigned and Editor W. H. Ber: ant Corbett being knocked out on the | German marks and American coin, | of the Wilmineton St ~ ers a ihave been thrown into the country, | to succeed ae er the best quality. shadow of justification. The Repu Pest Material, First-Class work and Lowest Prices , the ‘lican majority of the House by Was | sheer force of numbers, coatrary to ithe law and overturned |the will of the people that | trict, deprived Crawford of t evidence, of a = e t A O A i t y m Phe Stam» Books aFailure, | _ Wilkesboro has again declared for 1 one j him. Sleeping Ca re . ‘ ks safe. Com lnsts} WASHINGTON, 1 Need - Accident SuUPanCEe vn & Guy, hoppers iggies & Surreys. Ist received a s. Hacks and Sut we wiil sell vers sh or on 1 before purchas Henkel Bros. AUGENOUS, SVILLE, N. C. tirst Monday nterest to de best ae terl best ma ; we irst National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N.C. ransacts a Reeular Banking Business. : t J >ocoorations eceived on most favorable terms Crrerr 3%6 A COOPER, 60. UH. RRGWN, Cashier. SRICE COMPANYS se Portabie Circular Saw Mill CHES: ist simu racket setting ! ’ s } . i ks > rope feed, the siti putona saw o Prick Company s ENGINES AND BOILERS, ts or boulers, ae . Z stlis. Sta Ke any @ 3 hiil -limbing ke itl =ClilnoIne WY A few wheels > On neflnes ic Se wis) o See aud EC 3 id the crest engine. 15 at low prices. Sa / Statesville, N. C: Over Poston Bros Re ae ne cee a = % 2° 2 fry & Phifer BYY hiter. © * ya yourShirts, Collars and Ties, for we will Our line of Let us sell 3 save vou mouey. Shoes, Hosiery anc Pants Wiil be sure to please. We will sell vou 6 cans of 25 cent. Peaches for $1. Leggeits M h, l5e. per lb. Fresh Italian wracabeo Cotfee best on ear: - Don't missthe White Front forSeed Potatoes Macaroni, 1: and G roceries. wits & PHITER. Seat ALI SE ES Pe eet i veatment. “ “ I oth ~\) / HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & {¥ TONIC PELLETS you do not buy a med- icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- Constipation and Headaches. _ It is two distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25c. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. - district was Deposits received subject to check on sig id oa Lime deposits. Money toaned on good collateral and persona} secur on prid te collections on ail puints,and credited or remitted at lo west ra Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals solicited and President, 5.6, IrWile, Vice President e ad & LAR iE cE ernment in North Caroli: almost as much from the elected to office by negrocsas from himself in his perso: conduct yery otfensive to whi:e men. lamented Judge Armitield, ve his life time court in which whom we SETS _~— > mer oe nr ew eccae —_ “2 ¢ oon — 3 =a e e oy Cioan Clothine Uo 0oi0an WIE ULL tie. Mot °9 Suecessors to Sloan & Shelto The question of dress agitates the mind of every one more or less. How ean I be neatly dressed for the least money. Of course to dress ve boucht our stock before the advance in woolens for the cash there- neatly you must have a suit that fits and one that wears. fore can save you money. ” Ma ed nN ’ = The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. . will sel! you it at and below mauufacturers prices. We can give you a man’s suit fer $2.00. If you want a suit, hat, shirt, necktie +s furnishipes you cannot afford to not see us. anything in ¢ 2 our pure Irish Linen coller for ie. : and if squere and honest dealing will get it we mean to have -e Every article sold by us must bea past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very truly, Sloan Glothing Co ere V Ve now have in stock and bought CAR LOADS, “ : ec 4thstanding the bi a: Bucgies, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big & »in the price of material, we are cnab stocks early, to sell at old prices or at ieast yery nearly so. selling you vehicles for 6 years and hay a venicle to make a saie. - — 2 We qd We want your trade aud will use our best efforts to merit it. us ond we guarantee it, you know the guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better, prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ing, and ot prices that estonish those who have not favored us with orders. o3> 100 Cards, 50c. andsome Card Advertise what A < is With a hs Size 5x8. . ror am ot “= you have to sell with a cir- - with your name NV S 3 : < oe ton he case. Eh EBLOPE 9 cular. Small one easier Any tyvle printed on AT LOW PRICES. read than a large one. card Beso Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Pamphlets, Circuiars, Etc - at low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCE, PROPR'S. Gp I a NTE PERSE ON’S Chill Toni Pepsin L li OIC 5, Avs is Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chilis end ; ¥ Fever and ai! Melaris! Troubics. Does Not in Quinine Nor Other Poison. See ear Bs ee SA Does Not injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Iiearing. A. Meck & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Czill Tonic is the e coco kandled. M gon prescridss itin his practicc,and says it is hich a child can take without injury to the stomach.” ROWN ME’G. CO., Prop’rs, Greeneville, T MC R . ra e 9. a JE B A E 7 5 we have Judve was standing the county town cne afternoca af- ter the adjournment cf court talk- ing to when one of the the county drove up in his buggy. or See We are anxious for your trade it. s represented .Thanking you ior quor.”’ sheep-killing-dog led by having purchased Gur We have been e never knowingly misrepresented When you buy a buggy from it means our Standing Square behind 1000 Circulars 75s machinery in every precinct in the Pearson's political friencs, this action it not mouths of Republicans unfairness in clections. nation ofthe contest will doubtiess ( 4 e +7 j the aoes He pan tae + to charee in the Ninth There are compensations in poll- tics, and the American quick to resent injustice te any pub- lic mans With vocd will come cf this latest instunce cf Re- publican injustice and blind parti- sunship, for many former Republi- caos inthe mountain counties, re senting the their section by Congress, will vote mentand the Derceratic Mr. Crawford wille again. people are It all, insults bkeaped upon the for ¢ Republican he amend- ticket. me tute hisown * * The Populist party proposes to still allow the negroes to yote, but to submit an amend- ment to the State constitution This would be a nice a and Pepu- tice. ment for the Republican list office-seekers. They would still have 120,000 negro voters to elevi them to office and would uot haye to divide spoils with the neyro politic- ians. ‘This is not an meut of this question, for no race er class who are allowed to vote should be deprived of the right to hoid of- fices, if they can pointed to them. t ae Lonest settle be elected or ap- As 2 setilement of the evils of negre sulfrage it does for youd gov- not ‘‘reach the spot.” sulfers t white meu negro offivers themseives. The whire man clected to office by To illustrate That the great :nan, that he was holdiny one of the neyro counties hart sberin, had a Republican i witl cail Bil! Smith, for forgotten his tru Armfiela said tbe sherit ik in on the sidewa a group cf ventiemen, negro leaders ot YVhe negro stopped his horse and called out to the sheriti: * Bil! Smith, d hn you, come and hold my horse while I goiato Tom Joues’ barroom and get me a drink of li- With a flushes and a the sheriff face look front of wentand stood in the ne- gro’s horse while the negro went into the barreom. The Demecratic party don’t want negro officers and it don’t want white oilicers who owe- theirelection to u I proposes to not only disqualify the egro votes. negroes from holding: office out to prevent them from voting as well. li: wants white olficers elected by white men, and_ good government, law and order in North Carolina demands nothioy !ess. A Thousand Torngucs Could not express the rapture of Aunie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st.. Philadeiphia, Pa., when she iound that Dr. King’s New WDiscov- evry for Consumption had complete- ly cured her hackipg cough tnat tor many years had made life a purden. <All other remedies and doctors could give her uo help, but she says ef tins Royai Cure— -iv soon removed tie pain in my chest and 1 cau now sieep soundiy, some- thing | can scarceiy reanember doing before. L feet ike soundiny its praises throughout the Universe.” or 2 bo will every one who tries Dr. King’s New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price d0cand $1.00. Trial bottles freeat W. F. Hall, Jr.’s, Drug Store; every botile cuaran- teed, The Democratic county conven- tion for Davie county will be held on June 2nd. “DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare the finest pills 1 ever used.”""—D. J. Moore, Milibrook, Ala. They quick- ly cure all liver and bowel vroubles. W. F. Ball. Ir. Mooresville Enterprise: Mr. N. P. Watt and wife, of Watt’s Mill, arrived Saturday night and spent several days with their aunt. Miss Sarah Freeze, who is quite sick. J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says, “I cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve: One | box of it cured whac the doctors cali- led an incurable ulcer onmy jaw. Cures piles and all skin diseases. Lookout for worthless imitations. W.F. Hall,Jr. This termi- | insure the election of | Mr. Crawford to the next Congress. | >°St | remedy it. : ino more books wil! be parafiine leav kind of oil p ' years ago, consumption ‘ ifor the new postage slump bocks only prevents adhesion for a |days, propably a week, and then it jappears to lose its effect entirely, iered that the parrafline paper used i | pages as thovgh no preparation was The employed to prevent adhesion. lrecent spellef warm weather has brought this defect to light, and taken at once t Madden says that issued with nod that a certain aper is to be used in its which, itis thought, will an- requirement. /s are to be Mr. ; ste stead, is wer every etree a ifurnett at Phe Top. I Dunn Denocracic Banner | oe me | Wesee frem the Rateigh papers ! , z . ’ . jthat the chaty the Executive 1 € sittee of Harnett county, bas } rd say ull the expenses ative at the extra ure which meets the first county take this step and ali should fall in line, eht to let even uO counties sit would not be ri of that noble body pay his own expense. The Democrats of Harnett ure always ready to do the square thing by those who are faithful te the cause of good government. No “county in the State has made ad preyvress along the lines nd good gov- 4 ment, than 8 during the past two years. have led in y iustauces i now our coun- lead es to with a big majority in August for the amend- ment aveinst negro office holding and negro suffrage. - —_ — - New Five Doliar Bilis. Washington Dispatch, 11th Assistant Secretary Vanderlip i hisapproval to the new £9 silver certificates, and United States notes, and some of the new bills are expected to make their appearance in a few days. ‘Lhe first will be silver certificates. » sume designs will be used in the it kinds of currency issued. y notes ierel he only change will bein the styl- tag of silver certificates or notes. he new vill ; con- 1! Or an of some distinguished man will be omittted. 1 back front there ity seroll work. The rear ains two figures five center the respect the bill the new aoe sr) and is , and in tke Tn this Llesi Ze letter V. follows the style oO; There is also considerable the center on each side of the V. a oe Jb. Curry, of Sheiby, Suicides. Shelby Special, roth. J. i. Curry, of Shelby, shot him- self this morning with suicidal in- tent. Mr. Curry moved here from Meeklenburg county about two Uis wife died last sum- mer and ke bas been a sufferer with for some time. His beaith has failed steadily since the first of the vear. This morsing he said he wanted to rest and sent all ef his children out of the room ex- “ept one boy of about 10 years of uge. He asked this boy to get his pistol and thes sent him out, He tried to shoct himself through the temple bat the pistol was a self- cocker and pulling the trigger mov- edit so that the ball struck his skull in front of his right ear, rany- ed upward, tearing a path through his skull, pierced the bed post and struck the wall. Whea his children got in the room fhey found him still grasping the pistol and trying vain- ly to fire itagain. Dr. T. E. Me- Brayer was catied in and though the wound Was slight, the loss of blood and the shock together with his weak condition proved fatal and he died in a few hours, She deceased leaves seven or eight chitdren, He was about 60 years of age und could have lived but a snort time longer ashe was in the ¢ last stages ol consumption. ——- Three Street Car Accidents, Ashevilie Dispatch, rth, In the collision of two street cars on the depot division of the Ashe- ville & Biltmore rozd at 3:30 this atternoon, Motorman Hardy West’s leg was broken and the cars slightly iujured. The accident cecurrec at a switch situated ona grade just at the end of adeep cut, which pre- vented the motorman from seeing theother car until 25 feet away. The vestibule of ene car was smasb- ed in and the timber caught West’s leg, breaking it. Beis not thought to be otherwise injured. No one else was hurt, In the,morning a hook and lacder truck, going toa fireat the end of Pattan avenue, collided with the Biltmore car, which came from Bailey street by a sharp turn into Patten avenue. A high building close to the track prevented the mo- torman from seeing the truck until his car wasoa Patton avenue and then he became frigatened and did not reverse. The truck suffered small injury. : Henry Westall, the 14-year-old son of Will Westall, had a narrow escape from being run over by the Asheville Street Railway car on Patton avenue at 5 o'clock. His wheel ran him into the car and he fell beside the track, bis hand just Outside the rail. A bruise was his only injury. : iat fac ieW | land the stamps become glued to the} | Henry C. Brown, clerk to the Cor- /poration Commission. The ditffer- ient principal railway systems are |indicated by colors and are there- | fore traced at a ¢lance. | John Glenn, colored, woo was tri- ed before a magistrate in Winston last Thursday on the charge of steal- ing and bound over to court, was taken from the deputy sheriff by white caps the same night and se- vereiy whipped. The officer was then allowed to convey him to jail. The case of Henry White vs. the Richmend and Danville Railroad Company, which has been on trial iv the Superior court of Buncombe for several days, terminated last Thursday in a verdict for the plain- till, the jury assessing him damages at $1,999. The plaintiff lost his leg while acting as switchman on the road near the Asheville depot. The case will go te the Supreme court. A correspondent writing from Morganten under date of 9th says: A large scourge oi smallpox sweeping the Hunting creek section ofthe southern portion of Burke iS community. Nothing so far has been done to check it. Vaccination has been offered, but the people re- fuse to take it, Persons with the dis- easealive on their bedies and in their clothes go abread and scatter it. The State institutions here are in danger. Thesituation in Burke is similar to that in Rockinghar county, where the disease broke out several months ago. Some of the people arescepticalas to the disease. Several doctors openly declare that there iis no smallpox in the county. It is stated on good author- ity that as many as 400 people have had it in Rockingham and there have been 12 deaths. Many white people have hadit. In Burke no one has died yet. aegis The fourth Annual Convention of The Cotton Spinners. Charlotte Special, tcth, to;Raleigh Post. The fourth annual convention of the Southern Cotton Spinners’ As- sociation was called to order this morning at 10 vu clock by President J. H. MeAden, of Charlotte, Ia an excellent address President McAden congratulated the body on the large attendance and said he hoped to see this association take viygorvus ac- tion on the “open door”’ policy of the government. ‘We should hold the Philippineislands. (Applause ) We should do ail in our power to audard of morals and dig- in cotton mills.”” He said it would be wise for the asso- ciation to take steps toward estab- lishing a magazine. Thee. IF. Search, President of the National Manufacturers’ Associa- tion of Philadelphia, then made an address ¢n foreign markets for American goods, and how to devel- op them. The speaker said that during the year 1839 exports of raw cotton from amounted to$191,167,342, while ex- the United States ports of cotton cloth were only $19,- 968,470. For every dollar’s worth of cotton cloth exported last year ten dollars’ werth of raw cotton was furnished to manufacturers i: Great Britian and Europe. These conditions ought to be reversed. Onaccount vf the peculiar condi- tions under which our mills dispose of their products, through commis- sion merchants, the speaker attrib- uted this state of affairs. For thus the mills do not come in direct touch with buyers, either here or abroad; heuce they know only second hand of conditions. Also the require- ments of foreign markets as to width, color, payments,ete., are im- portant factors in the development of foreign trade. This is expan- sion. here need be no fear that we will have too many cotton mills, but rather.a market too sma!l to re- ceive the output. Arthur HB. Lowe,former presijent of the New Eagland Manufacturers’ Association, then spoke on the pro- duction of fine cotton goods by American manufacturers, coafining his remarks to the discussion of fine finished colored goods. He said that so much of the cost of goods 1s in labor that Americun manufacturers cannot compete with foreign unless there be reasonable tariff to protect them. American designers produce putterns asartisticas any foreign markets. Utlicers of the association were elected this afternoon as follows: President, Dr. J. H. McAden, Char- lotte:; Vice President, J. P. Ver- dery, Augusta, Ga.; Secretary and Treasurer, George B. Hiss, of Char- lotte; Board of Directors, A. P. Rhyne, R. R. Ray, B. E. Willing- ham. «At the night session there was an ilustrated lecture at the Y. M.C.A. Hall. Suffered For Three Years. Mr. G. W. Britnell, Leesdale, Alabama, writes: For the past three years I have been subject to constipation and biliousness, and bave found no permanent relief un- til i tried Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. I pronounce them the best remedy on earth for the ail- ments for which they are recom- mended. One oi our customers used them with very beneficial, ef- fects, and said they were unquestion- ‘sale by N. RB. Tunstall. ably the best remedy known. For county. In a scope of country about eight miles long and three miles wide there have been avout 50 cases. The disease is| oy the white farmers of that 10th put out full tickets, inated Bryan Charles A. Yowne. a Minnesota sil- lagitated. A is rising from the crator earth shocks are violent. and irom points in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North aud South Caro- linaand Florida. They indicate that there will be an increase of 10 year. The T.ondon Daily Express recent- ly published a series of telegrams which illustrate the alarming spread of the bubonie plague, which is ray- aging the shores of the Red Sea and is rapidly increasing at Hong Kong, where there have been 65 cases in twenty days, and is spreading into additional towns in Australia. The report of the Bureau of Sta- tistics cf the U. S. Treasury De- partment shows that in 1898, the latest Gate for which statistics have been co:npiled, the product of reua- ufactured tobacco in the United States amounted to 741,980,576 bounds, a gain of nearly 120,000,000 pounds over the preceding year. en The South. The Sevthern Field. published at Richmend, Va.,in its May number containcd the following paragraphs: Several Central New York Siate families went South over the South- ern Railway on April 12, to settle in the southern tier of counties of Vir- ginia. We are rejoiced to see these energetic and tirifty New Yorkers settle with us. Iiundreds of fami- lies will leave New York and settle on the Southern Railway. A new furniture plant, capital $16,000, is being erected at States- ville, N.C. A business amounting to $100,000 ariuatly is expected. Operations are expccved to begin June l. ‘iis town is situated in the heart of the timver district and has vood shipping facilities. Recently the editor of this maga- zine Wen! through the South with a party of Northern capitalists, and they were so well pleased with the country and openings therein ior the safe investment of capital, that tie members of the party invested in the aggregate approximately $1,000,000 in new enterprises. What better evidence is required that the stability cf the South is appreciated by Northern capitalists. Southera timber lands are in de- mand. We estimete that there are the representatives of at least fifty Northern mill concerns prospecting dailyalong thé Southern Railway for timber land. Recently there has been a movement of pulp mil men looking to the South with the view of establisbing large pulp mllls on the Southern Railway. We haye frequently spoken of the advantages offered in Western North Carolina for sbeep-raisiag. our correspondents who recently purchased 3,000 acres in that section has now placed on the land 300 sheep. He is weil satistied with the condi- tion of his sheep and thinks his prospects for success are excellent. One of The Populist Conventions. - Charlotte News. 30th Populist conventions on the The reg- ular convention at Sioux Falls nom- for President and ver Republ:can, for Vice-President, There was the greatest enthusiasm when Bryan was named by Senator Allen, and seconded by Gen. James b. Weaver, and he was nominated by acclamation. There was quite a wrangie over whether a candidate for Vice-President shou!d be nomi- rated, in the course of which Sena- tor Butler made a speech favoring a nomipnaticu in which he declared. “Wemust not crucify our party under the mistaken idea that this is the best way to elect Bryan.” Tke platform congratulates the country on Lhe extension of Popu- list principics and extends assur- ances of support to its allies in the struggle for financial and economic treedom. Tie tinancial act of March 14, 1900, is Genounced in strong terms; ademand is made for re-op- ening the miuts ofthe United States for the free cuinage of silver at the ratio of 16 te 1; an income tax and a postal savizys bank are demand- ed; trusts are denounced; tariffs on goods controlied by trusts are to be abolished; the administration’s con- duct in chunging the warfrom one oi humanity to one of conquest is denounced; the Porto Rican tariff is a gross wrong:efforts to establish a large standing army meet hearty disapproval; the sympathy of the convention 1s extended to the Boers in South Africa; the importation of contract laborers is denounced. The Middie of-the-Road Populists at Cincinnati (the boiters) nominat- ed Wharton Barker, of Pennsylva- nia, for President, and Ignatius Donnelly, of Minneapolis, for Vice- President. The platform endorses the initiative and referendum, Sut ignores the imperative mandate. A Frighttu! Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Seald, Cut or orvise. Bucklen’s Ar- nica Salye, the best iz the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores. Ulcers,” Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure teed. guaranteed. Tels Deaggist. ge Sigeres' Sita ae thick column of smoke the | of Kedleston, The Savannah Cotton Exchange has received replies to queries with regard to the coming cotton crop ‘ n per cent. in this year’s crop over last |itations. The Viceroy, Lord Curzon, } and the government! }are making ceaseless exertions to! ham: |meet the terrible emergency, but | Cuningham, Cuningham: the stupendous difliculty confront- ing them prevents the present sup- ply of relief to more than 5,000,000, In the meantime the native states are dotted with heaps of dead and dying and the roads are crowded with ghastly bands seeking to es- cape from the stricken territories, but who, for lack of food and water, mostly succumb in the attempt. One of the most hopeless features of the whole affair is contained in the statement of a special corres- pondent at Simla. who writes: *‘Ten limes the total relief could be laid outina single district without ful ly removing its distress. All we can hope for is a succession of good years to put the people on their legs again. An exchange says: ‘War has slainits thousands, but pestilence and famine are slaying their tens of thousands. The British casualties in the present war in South Africa have been, as we remember, not quite 20,000. Hardly a quarter of these, however, have been killed, the greater part being losses from capture and wounds. The number of men killed in battle in the Union armies during the civil war was 67,- 053, the number dying of wounds 43,012, dying of disease 199,720, with deaths from accidents and other causes 40,154. Total deaths in the Union army 349,944. The number of Confederate soldiers who died of wounds or disease was 133,821. These latter are terrible losses aud yet the number of famine-stricken people in India today is 93,500,000, and with the most strenuous effort of the English yvovernment and the charity of the world at large there is hope for relief for only 5,000,000 of the 93,500,000 starving human be- a A gents. tacked General Mojica’s stronghold near Ormue Leyte [sland. had a brass cannon and plenty of zmmunition, but after three hours of fighting the insurgents fled. Their loss isnot known. The Americans lost two killed | statement: and eleven wounded. They destroy- P ed the enemy’s rifles, powder and|is claimed for it. _ ; get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. Colonel Hardin’s expedition differ-|my whole family.” | ently from those of Marinduque, |ately and cures cour hs, colds,croup, where he left a company of the|#rippe, bronchitis isthma and all Twenty-ninth regiment. On ap-|throat toubles. W. f. Hail,Jr. proaching the principal town, Pal- : = ancoc, the insurgent trenches seem- ea to be occupied, and the gunboat Helena bombarded them vigorously, after which three companies were landed and took the trenches with little resistance. killed. surgents towns and the natives appear un- friendly. stores. Federal! Prisoners in North Carolina. aud R. J. Brewster, of the Depart- ment of Justice arrived in Raleigh on the 11th inst., to investigate the manugement are taken separately and secretly examined regarding all charges that have been made. Charges made ip the Herald have been greatly exaggerated and are the ings. This statement is colossally appalling and pathetic. — -- Renewed Insurgent Activity. Manila Dispatch, 11th. A force of 500 insurgents attacked twenty-live scouts of the Forty- eighth regiment near San Jacinto, province of Pangassinan, Monday, but were routed by the sesuts, ten of their number being killed. The Americans lost two killed. On April 26th the rebels burned and sacked the town of Trocia, near Bulean, murdering natives who were friendly to the Americans, 2nd two Spaniards. The Americans killed thirty-seyen of the insur- Oa the sume date Major Audrews, with LWwo Companies of troops, at- Mojicas The islanders of Masbete received One Filipino was Toor three hundred iz- hold the neighboring eee to Special Agents R, V. Landow t and conduct of the federal prisoners in the State peni- tentiary. Officers and men alike outcome of cruel treatment alleged during the administration of Super- intendent Summeril!l toward State prisoners on farms. Special inves- tigationand report to department will be made concerning the killing ot George Horn, Federal prisoner, sy Warden Green, which, the latter claims, was ia seli defence, the pris- oner rushing infuriated upon him. Penitentiary officials attempt to leaye the impression that this is periodical investigation. Also ‘e- garding whipping of ring leaders vf the trouble sometime ago when three to nine lashes were adminis- tered. Federal prisoners, accord- ing to contract,are amenable to this punishment. No new Federal pris- onersare being sent there except irom North Carolina courts. Re- quest has been made for continuance of old contract for new prisoners, put it isintimated that it will not be considered on account of the po- litical muddle in which the State penitentiary is continually getting itself. W.S. Musser, Miilheim, Pa., sav- ed the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure whea she was Gying fromcroup. Itis the only harmless remedy that gives im- serious the matter with you. of Tennessee, sion plank, declar an for Presi nated fora second term and Thomas L. Wilhams, of Knoxville, was nam- ed for railroad commissioner. Crosby, Miss., makes the following Minute Cough Cure will do all that mediate results. It quickly cures) = i ] bn mews : wits . i) . MY 3% loffice to which he had been elect- Se er eee ‘ ismallpox quarantine. This time it | 24th round. eae ; 1 . Cy V\ecerdin o° ashing n - 117% . : ~ mek - ceed {du deins . he |: advice ‘ } : es = see ear es en ae Accor ing to a Was hington spe-|quarautines parts of its own terri-| Thea ee ut. jac sing fr om the latest advices, A central ; chosen, : a2 re peo eas os aon to The New York Vribune dis- | tory as well as Alexander county. |. 77° *CUlYity ol Vesuvius is becom j all this charity is merely a drop in| composed « mbers: Se jmajority of the voters of the dis ointment was expressed in the : a = ing more formidable and the obser-!the ocean. The famine and its at Cyrus B. W : poll ytmeavill y Pee 5 : a ail amen Site \ new railrond ma.) of North Car: | vate: Helals eynounes thot > 3 i; - me cone AMS e- NeaeSOG, Wy ilSe 4 20S. Statesville, N.C Itrict hud voted ayainst. Jhis ts ice of the Third Assistant Post-; |‘ oe Peele ce aeee — vatory oliiciais announce thai vhe | tendant complications appear toex-|J. Jarvis Greenville: Theo. F Da anew * | : . ; mnctaw fcanora chon Gh wae Cisco. }ouuaruas jase been assuec Vv at. |Selsm'c instruments are extremely | ceed in vi ~S 7 Sh tk Posie cates 4 Seen oat nee ° z ee done aia time when the election | master General when it was discov as J u ys 3 ime a extremely | ceed in virulence any previous vis-! vidson, Asheville: Jas. Pou, Raleigh: J. H. Weddington, Charlotte; E. J. Hale. Fayetteville: J. S. Carr, Dur- t. C. Smith, Rsleigh: J. S. ( War- W00d- Claudius E. Foy, Wades- mo, vurton, Rockingham: F. A. ward, Wilson: Newbern; Jas. A. Lockhart, boro; R. L Holt, Burlineton; C. C. Lyon, Elizabethtown: 8. J. Brevard. Charlotte: Fraak S. Spruill, Louis- burg: Chas. VW. Busbee, Raleigh: W. R. Allen. Goldsboro; R. R. Cotton, Falkland; S. S. Holt, Smithfield: W. B. Rodman, Washington: O. H. Guion, Newbern: M. H. Justice, Rutherfordton; If. F. Lamb, Eliza- beth City; S. A. Ashe, Raleleh: H, A. London, Pittsboro: A. W. Hay- wood, Burlington; N. U. Broughton, Raleigh; Dr. l. E. Green, Weldon; Jno, R. Webster, Reidsville: W. M, Webb, Morchead City. It was decided to nominate 2 can- didate for judge in the Twelfth Ju- dicial district, to succeed Norwood. Judge Moore was clected by the Legis!ature to succeed him but some guestion having been raised as to the length of his teria by such clee- tion, it was deemed best to nomi- natea candidate to be regularly voted for at this election. Each county in the Gistrict willat its con vention express its choice and the committee wiil then declare him the nominee of the party. Judge Moore wili probably be the man. Mr. Aycock, the nomince fer Gov- ernor, Was present at the meeting as wasalso M franklin Me- Neil! and Samuel L. Patterson. aSSTS., Question Answered, Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers, and erandmothers, never thought of using anything clse for Indigestion or Billiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they scldombeard of Appendici- tis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, ete. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of urdigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Grecn’s August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing For sale by W. F. Hall, Jr. = The State Democratic convention ot last Friday. A platform containing 2a anti-expan- g against trusts, azo platform, Jennings Bry- Gov- -aflirming the 2 favoring W tS Re . Was acopied, aan ow nomi- rpor Dentoa 3 3. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, “Tecan certify that One My wile could not It bas also benefited It xcts immedi- u know all aboutit. The rush, the worry, the exhaustion. You go about with a great weight resiing upon ou. You can’t throw off this feeling. You are a slave to your work. Sleep fails, and you are on the verge of nervous exhaustion. What is to be done? & Take &. NOLS For fifty years it has been lifting up the dis- couraged, giving rest to the overworked, and bringing refreshing sleep to the depressed. No other Sarsapariila approaches it. In age and in cures, “‘Ayer’s” is “the leader of them ail.” It wes old before other sarsapariilas were born. $1.00 a bottle. All dr=zgists. Ayer’s Pills aid the ac- tion of Ayer’s Sarsapa- rilla. They cure bilious- ness. 25 cts.a box. Sold by W. F. Hail, coughs, thma, colds, as and _al Fi: ir. ne a eae ” ae . 5 ait throat ae ag h SPMD, aera nem if PPEMASCOT te cries! snentaen oe 3 dq 2s — —_——— is Mr. Turner onihe Situation in the TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. i AMONG THE POLITICLANS. Congressman Linney came home! Senate. W.H. Carroll was elected rovad at the Poastoffice at Statesville as | a Seite Wenveuinccs 7 inele | ee al rr Turne -an-} Entered at the Postoffice at Sta |sertion thatthereis not a single|us.”’ said Hon W. D. Turner, can-:, “9%.” = ) Sen é last Friday and left Monday for) chairman of the county committee. so drawn that not a single white] State. Me ACP a eae SE } igh News and Observer, 15th. | Mr. A. C. Pay vas at noir | I a * ‘man in Iredell county now of age, Seen enon or me ae ee Eee at voir Burke Democrats have nominated } PosiasweD WEEKLY lor boy 13 years old and more, will| All the candidates on the Demo-:*se lirst 08 the wee J. F. Spainhourfor the House and Lj Bi di f i hi aoe areas |eratic ticket express gratification at! Jno L Gwaltney, Esq.. went to endorsed Prof. W. E. Aberserby ; | oe Gistrancalsec 2CAiis . j s ine *, l yere, " cs ie s oe ; t —AR— poe cern 7 a = me | the manner in which they aCe re- | Wilkesboro Tuesday. for the Senate. Sheriff McDowell + bility to read and write ne 1ZHO- | oeived on theic itinerary of the State | was renominated. Spainhour was wn T a 1) TEAR, | 7 y { ae eas ae — are oH 7 7 ON nee arto Hated. opalpuou Ss ONE DOLLAR AY el lrant oreigner. or ignorant son of;and satisfaction with the sentiment | Dr. E W. Moose went to David iformerly solicitor. a) wae = | ; “ie ; sonie in re.| Son College Monday eyening. = ‘ — ——__—_——— ———— |. foreiener. will have to be able to|thev fourd among the people in re-; © ~ 5 | ; s = aaNee ae “ . Denise } ras al | > . 7 Als “ y tea hare ry; ag : > Wars. Epiror & PRoprievor. | yond and write before he can regis-|£2T@ to the amendment and the! Deputy U. S. Marshal E. A. Coop- | Alamance Democrats have 1 sence . f rs. ISDITOR & FROPRI * |read an e before he Ca Sate . { 5 nicest Re . : A. D. Wal ere one peeaean ite b _Te#IS" | State ticket. ‘er, of Hickory, was here slonday. nated E. Long for the House and a | iter and vote. We venture the as-)| “The crowds that have greeted | jendorsed Robert W. Seott for tbe ~Liver Complaint. C. B. Henderson, Mortis * burch, Va. says: 1 bave had sae Liver complzint very badly for three, ! years, and tried medicines of every description. but found no relief at all. Seeing your Ramon’s Liver | Pils advertised, I bougat a box. : After using these I found my com- ipiaint better, and after using twO) | boxes { bought a third. and now my | disease is about cured. I sbali al | ways recommend your medicine | For saleby N. #. Tunstall. = ———— J.C. Kennedy, Roancke, Tenn., The Eminent Kidney > savs, “‘l cannot say too muen for and Bladder Specialise ann HeWitt’s Witch Hazel Saive. One sox of it cured whac the doctor~ eall- an od an incurable ulcer onmy jaw. is a Cvres piles and all skin diseases. etiam fC Lookout for werthliess imitations. W.F. Hall,Jr. Am Old Yaceu. : vary ang strengthens the belief of emi- vent physicians that impure blood is the cance of the majority of our Cisease® yi wenty-five years ago this theory was ui ree ics ALITTLE BUsi ubs Many of our su rthe paper and wed . We hope au wig a and pay ora tn av court epnt more espec: » subscribers Wu 9 sar or more, but anv ay second class mail matter.) lone of this class in Iredell county |didate fer Lieutenant Governor, | Vinston << : a, is a basis for the formula of Brees aioe : ean e mean | than one hundred in North ‘“Huve been larver than we expected, | "7 * O°": | Vice Jaeob A. Lone, who resigned | A See oe Ricters™ The many remarkable cures ed Pafor less than 2 year ’ he 35 fan fs le ie are 0 a : ae a i . - + » thy % 4. mS a _ 1.3 Etat aoe on Aaa pei: — a aE Se Ce ; - 1} ree h ne when we consider that the people) Messrs. Taos. A. Hudson and W.| to enter the State campaign for the) Meckienbury couaty Den Sore | as fasoous old hove. theory iscorrect n@ us by paytve - | Carolina. fe voters who become | are very busy planting and gather-!J. Aven went to Statesville Monday | amendment. pr beid Tuesday indicate the | griey Thor’ Ritters is sold by aJi deslere | | ere of age after 1908 will buve te beling their crops. In the Eastern | afternoon. | Goieion peo otrca cic nae nomination of Capt. S. b. Alexan- = ' wbie to read and write. as the : 1¢ State, wehave spoken at} yy. + Sales ee Reais - S dave nomlGa-! der for the Senate, and W. E Ar- The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work : a : Seino " tp eer einione: atasoan | Mr. T. H. Vanderford, of Sal‘sbu-}ted W. B. Gaither, Esq., for the dcev, C. H. Duisand Frank Shan- His Laboratory & ee el} aM oon y eens eS :e, Se _ . is tet eatgndievicpic mie eg ee ro . . * ot a rey, \. da. Mas = oo Dud i “i as | “wrandfatber clause’ expires then Noe a Elizabeth {°° agent for the Catawba River! House. renominated Sheriif Biack- gee for the House. The pres- There is a disease pr : t : } aewoe?ra, abe Zale e ‘er @ , rye . -ald 7 Rp so : a ious sft. ace = : z by limitation. From naw until then |, SL ipiaoaaa Wash.| ’etet power company, was here | welder and Register Dellinger, and ent county cflicers were rencmivat- country most dangerous be s ee { 10K, ymoutn,: u WESO= | Ae: = , ae ee en A ~ aig a" i J : . rade a dd 6% our pudblic school system will tave li spoke at Fremont Tues-| —— noe os H. z Sucrenes bee ed. The county convention meets aah | aaa : es . Hs eit rey een . pasurer, J. F. Herman for survev-| © _ —hea Se, pneumonia, } been so rsuch extended and improv | d: nigbt week. At each of | The census office is busy sending} eae Since a Beer enae Saturday. apoplexy are ofien the :-- . jumper t : : . pe ae oe x lor, Geo. KE. Coulter for coroner, J. or apoplexy are olicn the Q vite 3 number ed tbat there will be no excuse for the apove maces, the number ,OuL books and papers to the enutn-| D. Eliott. D. M Bovd and J. W —_——_—— Se eran els eae ae € | disease. If kidney trouh! rent out to “© ‘ hi a , lof the voting auditors vrang-{erators of the district for theirj|/.°,~. Behe a ce ele eee ‘ Notice " vance the kidney-poi i Ra eae apeatit uny young white man to be unabie ed from four bundred to three thou-! work next montt Gabriel for county commissioners. ~ . the vital organs, or the x nwbu foran OU! We NLS real Se ee =e eee Ve eo = Sierras es \ ae =a The nominee for the House is a rene «6 a : Roca fig ga se to read and write; but, if there still}. d. the larger crow heine at! abe nominee tox ne Ouse 1S 4) -vavINc qualified as exeentor of Lemuel C. break dow rae - TW. Lazenby | sand, the larger crowds being at} : : x * ; i yet is Quan ‘ RF EAE Oe ° | break down anda waste Vy. H. Lazeno) remains any considerable number| Fayertevilie. Wilson and Wilming- Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Stevenson, of | prominent young attorney of New-j + Carrigan, Se ses ERE Digests what you eat. | Then the richness of tlie bl. jpostmaster 2% . s midlet - ‘ a sis ete wee ri Ox ris is to ty al son ass am) , = ' a 4 yes ee gh: Crago ~ ni of young white ni he State}ton. The ladiesattended in large this place, and Mr, and Mrs W. J. | toa. ainst the estate ot said deceased to exhibit! JTrartificially digests the food and aids —l¢aks out and the suffer °, xe] Spring tow 1 young White men In the tate pees . oe Mathes f Liledou rere < 1 tothe undersigved on or before the toth | ay, = * Disease, the worst form of kic ene - 1 : : } numbers the speakings which 1s; “tatheson, o SECO RS aN CUC au " Tipeoini 1 j of May, loot, or this notice will be piead in Nature in strengthening and recon: | =< ame Le St40rm Of kicney + renbV. TeSITH< rable to reackand write, such has - a i = ee tes y in. Statesville Sunday. The \ ao ee SO he ee AI persons indebted to | structing the exhausted digestive or- x. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root : 5 eas Teal LU AR aie G ii gine hee St ee or oar amen oor mee ehh AC ' convention, at Norfolk, re-agdirmed | sid estate will pleas ake immedinte pay- 3+ discov i | covery is the true specific for kid yeputy Coerk io een © jealous vith which the > 7 sa page oe a - =: a con 1 ’ said estate will please make pay s t discovered Gi ry Pp C Deputy , rec the jeal y witl rare" terested in the social question which! W.W. Gryder, Esq. of Sugar|the Chicavo platform of 1896, en-| men. JAMES W. LON gens ae Sarat fosee sera. Stas Emouia, Senet é: Democratic party guarded white] we are trying to settie. ies Louf townsuip, had his barn, + head] gorsed William Jenaings Bryan for Tavis 35 ita Boobs Executor. ey approach: it in efficiency. It in- , of apparenily hopeless c og itis thou 5; 3 tnanbood suffrage in North Carolina,; ““Uur itinerary closed atWashing-i of mules and a considerable lot of|;+enomination for the Presidency: 2 stantly relievesand permanentlycures ¢#fortshavefailed. At »sble for wor! 4 that we believe another arnendment ton. Ps the ee in re ye ning feed ok ued Tuesday mornipy at made the eal] for a constitutional Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Sone t 3 » ran ‘ ome for re 2¥ CQ ° ° aS re | ate a oe ~, e y 7: . eling a o Be JAAN ‘2 extending the provisions of the h dy —- ao ee : a lik perma + o'cloes. conventionaparty affair,and endors- NOTICE Fe ar moet a ane oe an neta aaron -t Mr : uta ‘ aie ORG v : and mysell. e spoke a enaer- cain . +.) : ed the proposition to submit the : = i eadache, Gastraigia, 7 Sand ma sme Tres re 4 i 4 “graudfatber clause’? will be sub-|con and Franklinton last Friday and _ There will be a Special train to areas a Pa Out Ss seonle YY A MENTING of the County Board of Slec- | allotherresults of imperfect digestion. tr. Kilmer & Go,, Bingh » N.Y. ang r C. V. Henke mitted to the people. The Demo-!Saturdav. ‘Se had eo0d crowds at Charlotte next ‘Luesday morning. | *evised consti on to the peot A tions tor Iredell county, held in statesvilie. | Prepored by E C. DeWitt &Co., Chicago. mention this paper. wkel is movin a Beare eras ‘ ee Meee ee oy > Leave here at 5 o'clock : d re-| for ratification or rejection. N.C. on Monday, May 7th, 1900. the following Bern , : + ase : : : : Sa linincests I eave here at 5 o’clock a. m.and re cS. : at crauts of North Carolina do not in-je?ch of the last bamed places. Di ee 7 : orders were mad 4 Tiere are Several ie: WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. 7 : : ., |some sections I fird that there is op- turn that night, fare for the round ———@0o@6—o-e—_—_ It is ordered 1 the polling oe aw oH ae :, let him be: Votre ccs ee es tenet orn ne tp orm cake oto SRSTICDA cad one ti onn eee monde ain maid sr, a white lacy yi : “RATIO. CONVENTION DATES ,/et hits be as uuiettered as he] p,; * : is stilitv ls crow- k < tonville Academy, at Young’s X Reads, in said © . 7 4 DEMOCRATIC CONVENTH Ati at ee Se D ne =: ol a Mr. Jno. G. Barnes, merchant p Bet "EES aea mn ‘ i ore there, has the di tig ee wil, Ou rIgZOL t vOue. CS Che ling jas 5 ey DeEcoOMe thorn i= Sees ie w “ nl ~ s is ordered by the board that the polling ¢) ( Ss i ; - ecroes they are after “There jis another class ef citizens bere. has mov ed some sxoods to All! A rat got into bed with a seven-|yjxcein Ch sburg precinct be changed, Rev. J. H. Pressiy tay Narioxar Dewocreatrie Convention, | 2@2roes they are aiter, ae ; Healing Springs and will place part | yoar-old virl in New York one day | audthat her polling place shall be at Be arn ae a> 9S ¢ ~Cee that hesitate to support the amend-| of pic family th x ye siti 1a Ne rt 3 ia SRDS Eaeariieeoed erth Sunday and + +: KANSAS Crry, MISSOURI, u.$.s WE An eter) f{ ent boenuse thev are enlightened Hl ae 3 nee to setts water. last week and the child was so]itS¥g eee “nations for th a a U. ». Serkator mecca s Cet ceINC ee OME co ca ect a rents omic eal is hee = e will atso spe arto S t1IMe] hadiv friehtened th: " ‘ ir lt is ordered by the board thatthe electior poclies i 7, . he W EPNESDAY, JULY 47H. gti , 7 as te ite effect upon rhe voters. ! thoy 1iso spend part of bs badly irightened that she died ina] lis or Se burch bere. Tl a rhe Montana, who was abeut to bela »amone those who can Acre. few days. a nd that the election precinct’ for ADJUSTABLE ees at the chur i? os ant _ ae Urner | Of (the. Sonata on : ae get - Tike Pel 7. shen hall consist of the terriiory now e + : | z DEMOCRATIC STATE TIDKET burn om Oi tee Tenet oe the read and write, as w ellas those who K M. Stevenson, Esq., of this The Northern Methodist confer- a <a pounaary: Of said Sbioh Boe of Roche es charge tbat be secured bis election not read and write. This class {| place, adelegate from Concord Pres- ence in session at Chicago passed Soe nar abe! poms placc/ ot suid WEEDILR r . factory > Me ae eeibesretaties 7 a a i ; ke . se nes rerr ty the Canars 4 ~ aa IVE 40 SCO 4 zr = net be at brady’s N Roads. ‘i i re u va odas ror GOV? by bribery, resigned Tuesday to the e absolute attention to the dis byvery to = G ner = eens. of resolutions condemning President is ordered by the board that che election " " : - Dad ihe other one mY i . ie Ri : - Bea ae ‘ssions. and are earnestly sekine | this Chure 2 av for Atlan-|.,. ~- = a . . pre.inets Nos, i and 2, of Davids township, oa - 2 Governor of Montana. The Govern-|‘ ra ae Avia a 9 ences = : eae ta a ee a Safes o > = : Mediuley s action in regard to the i “Abolished, ane eaid emioenneans t ae Level Cultivation he machinery Ww ox aun Opponent of Chick is coceue Ee eet ine aay eae a ORR Canteen hip shall Consist of the territory now - 2 June and work Hn Gppouent of Cigre, IS BOSELU cryrement of the proposed amend- this week. = thin the boundary of said David- Shallow Cultivation fper tr the State ann tha to < * . % r an a ov towuship, a he e polling place ct sai eyeaiaer. from the state, and the Lieuterant} ment tI aU hesitate vo longer and The lat {the A.R. P John McMillan, an American, has pre Ee neie ae Eee eben as ? Se ‘ ; : ; . PO ere , e lute sess 2 A. R. Pres- : 3 an - sare ; ean : -- ay pected that % Governor, Clark's henchman, is act-| readily deciare their intention to pean See a ad Rev been sentenced to six years lmpris | ouing Sori we Nate ears F re uent Cultivation er fa eas = eng r alin “ote for ‘ 7 VCTION . e> Vv re ! s Lvev. nated q ae. imply waa oe S& place a EC ic Not. yp fucbiture wi ing ( oc in-his absence. Act-|* “Phe _ oo of others}: ©. Griffith. of Mooresville, N. C., igri = sa Se aera : eee ae SpOa Mee ora 3 ; = oo ae roo t : ina Governor Sus YOCETT , Ere are of others “1, 1 4 . ing a rock whieh accidently struck, | uty they ow pw aAnesly iuyy Governor Sprigyus received the who huve the and purpose to eS ibe chureb here and at Hiddenite. ba did a SES wu Woman whe and the other 1g places remain dove court Ww Hime pal mcs , male cae : : = Me ne mentee, : 2 wi} rene . + eR ha met oe are 2 ire now. ee . tesignation of Senator Clark in the nate ak ver Cent, of negro He ee Dicoe aee ae first = ordered by the board that the above or- xt week. If not Cirerien cveurs: soeiehie eis At a him Ge . ns bor ze ar ue smimans (aay In June at o clock, a m. anc Elmore Senjamin, of hed in Tue Mascer and T..c ~ Wageral covri o = aod appointed bim Senator | voue Ss. but ° ar the amendme nt at Hiddenite at 4:30 Dp a Wis ; ; ot Q ae icilied Mrs i limark, 2 aipexb pnbiehadan said coun- 2 pe Bedera us fuesday night io serve untii}™ Gistranchise the uniettered i ; : anes = ae . aes rescence ru ae eee HARRY P. GRIER . Messrs. A. L. Soux iieaeiidesden ok cha Esc When they see that no] Jno. L. Gwaltney, Esq , chairman |? tiest. 2 6 Ree dance 2 ae fn Buea eerincncnermeyenet iCharnan groney Wil net rene uc uext session ¢ 1G MCRISMUTE. | i isorate white man will be depriv-lof the Democratic county executive | @ah accused Of ailenaciny Als sath mt : i : rene i ; : —— per joon Ulark’s resignation at this partica-led of his vote, and that section 3! committee, requests Oa con aetotes er’s affections from his wife. a — ape more i day than ever in beige e 46 S ae aes lar time | like asmart game o “45 aud guarantees his| who wat Sr eas aes ee quick to adopt improved method arene eee pd Lae Sak : i ve time looks like a smart game on | fi fs and guaranter es W be ‘ os thei names and claims] yy, Willis, colored, bearded 2 Bont Rene ie ae 5 ee es are contemipiatl ‘ ris part to hold the office throueh{§ : io come, hev |submitted tothe township rima- Bee ten af ‘, -. . a entenntik ® Of Im- ae ut Diowing 1 i part to hold the - a through \ * > advocates need Sop any. June 2nd 7m 6 nak street car in Augusta, Ga., Sunda; Couch plements within five years. The Keystone adjust siness 2b 1710Wwm : tie auppoiniment of his friend. the = Eales | Pes waluraay, June —ad, to Me with)» ttorncon, insulted a voungy whire sty nea ea eae Ul se = Cjust- ene 4 s Pp! 1 ricnd, the Fabaceae ationce eres ae con, 1 youn able costs but little. and the results of one peace A customer of ‘ a ‘ siete 4 Mra vil > ee Q Ti : I ad ae my IT) Z ax + ’ eng = a a sca: - . a i actiag Gevernor, and it is Very i rsiken particular pains to zo amonejtbey are Santine so that be can Man, named oe W bitney , ee Whea vou ean -buv usage will pay for it many times over. Twelve to omiin « Rowles ay ph hn ee ee a ree at Shee ene aye eMP des eee iter ao wnen he resentec be insult, shot amt einen roe pce fs ot : "rTAS Cs swered = al ee a provedle the Senate will avain turn] the crowds, before and after speak-{faroish a comnplete lst toeach town-];; RRA rea eee ened 3. a Zoe. Bottle of fifteen acres, can be covered ina day. The ““Key- be “R ; . * i es t = : t him dead. The negro was started = ton ston’ regutres but one borse and : ae a? onlerprising lini A hiin Gown, >that Govern-Jing, and from the conversations | ship : te genie ig cig ates a : i i ‘ se and 32 boy can handie it, par enlerprisite wae ee t lear the nbe a to Atlanta for safe keeping, but 2 Hail’s Cou ch to Siam, Asia. O : se Smith will another urns nh hundreds arn the above Sc . rial aioe 1 +) See een elite ‘ } oSiam, 44512. or Smith wil enc ieee (eee rie . oes F. Stevenson and E. W.j}meb boar led the train at a way sta- ree = all and see the erchants are reacuti f , é st i bod ot i : : ae 34 peer age ¢ m art < > . when he returns tothe State, aud]; moeratic 7 een teat day chanved the plan for|tion, secured the priserer at d hung ma me: fa Gil pracav his appolutee will oe ee telephone pane Troin | 21m. : at the oa a Z z a lbe seated. Clark is a Demcerat and eee Ce OD, the win i} ie bis successer will be 2 Democrat (Se Se a SS SS See Wm Wr ANT “ : ; oS on € ee bi — d emmocrat. enough sul ribed to assure the B53 OO FORESESTA 155 i LANIGAN-EVANS . ts rye We ete en ene ane . . buliding of a double 1@ With 1 ie a e = wo years seule | Pane britionare steadily advancing a . 3 Riper ° KNOT N LLOUS H R ‘ Tend eB pe as oe ee Pesce ees ; eee te nite, ™ vans, Scotts 2 ; : = HA DWARE CoO, wid have expt By Bil : eater te Stix: olamtec 0 “Ghai iy other points teat may want] a -Apreut san S ee ey mis Weris not far otf. ty E 1eet ae she pec i in in with their company Dr S ory: se J roe. is eae 3 Misses ss0renet a ij le ived us with open arms J 2 : pune Ipany. * =, 52 Ie 5 é ; rary Cares Unik 1g miei hus have done all in| J. i Moore, of Liledoun, was _pres- 5 e " <i ad B Appl ei ec et eh Sea ears yn jeut at lust Saturday night’s meeting a Or dic, Gay ae : var jot: Witla NE OU GED eae Fond scanlia Sannin es < L.C. Stevenson, par to represent i teat oa a iy es k patos eel ta and Wotid JOIn Wita tats company = Admr. of Margaret 4 Gibson, a Si sea a iie 2 PUUSVadl mepublic, is seta to be SS am}. orig ed met ace - : 1a TV Ghicdcrate se ; “a North Car. {20d take sume stock if the shares 3 x. 3. McLaugh tiorney. ee crear already tired of the war and saimest ie a oy Car- were made $25. The citizens here & qi 7 J i ; eal wee ~ : y people, and wii tong Ua Scart iy . Pape TIE o AE ee --- ~- (a) . < onth. eady to sue for eace f Course wi 2 a cided that thev sefarre ny UsisNneu Puc $s Se { i8/ Lisis In i iy LO st a r peace. Of course, ©) reeatlections ict = ded — ney preter red to or {ri i Pud S$; 3 5 and Hay Fer Sei | | ma tbe war can have only one terwming anc uniyersal cour- | 77> al and build the line as stated 3 ‘ 9 ; pr. Wiiliaia foeenet tiot E er . teuti ou : ai ie verte hon wbove, hence ihe effort being made 3 aera i a — — : — we eounly, atta = re ae {this week. We hope to see work] & ; Ecce en aa dauguter ct oi i Sater j will speak = ‘ = . 4 is pe : = WOOP » oe sve Our line of Wash Fabrics cor . - tan praake ae | Sritich Enter Rroonstadt and Steyn tt Allensville. Union coun- | C°S!4 i2 @ shorttime on this new] 3a a Duniiken Baise Rice ee sol Dpring lows } “ees ; eat haa aie : " ant orise 2 7, - . mee su Seelomemetnieneae s 7 aWwDs, : tzodayvy al f Anal seaio rue SSE boro on the 16th: Milten, | CUteFPrise- 2 @ J 1. COWAN, wandy, Madras and Perecals 7 AS ee led i London Dispatch, rath. i on the olarh and ee 3 @ enero Seg an en HELIN INNO > 7? — de’s lather. ‘3 re na ee . ene eee wii are venieiss Sa ' hracle my . _ i _ The War Office has received the on the 1Sth. COMMENCEMENT OF TAYLORSVILLE] @ ae eoae 2 hap Bark Wanted! A nother Cha nee to Sa : fuilowing dispatch from Geuera! Ee ep agen COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. 3 oi: PUL Gust) Uy g OY E WANT at ieast soo cords of Tan Bart ve. . Roberts: : H ~ : . a aU oct ert nite pata Be ee 5s this Spring. Weare paying snore then 2 : 4 ‘Kroonstadt: May 12 2p. m [awe SE maundin an Old Vir- fe ne stec we = masons ~ 3 p2 = a fever for bark and we want to take earn On our line of Wl’. Geods. Persian - ix Falis. S ‘ ee aie ge - Tie ON cat sy ginia Mansion. toe ot enceme exercises OC Cis eS = your bark and not aliow the hh side bark Yull. FrenenNaini:: ° ST es 5 spol =o D., dic the ex- T entered Kroonstadt at 1:0 oe Taylorsville Collegiate Institute: S 2am o5 PSsYIBAPS Su; 9 io be rained on, i Merete ee vee ae i eee Linon, Or- whit, way ' hinge when it named William | Without oppesiti day, when tbe patel, 14th : sae ee ‘ a a : c BRS KD & SON indy. rene Ci.:, > vreeriz jet : things when it named William : Enouy opposition today, when tbe . ponuieare WEDNESDAY MAY 25Rp. @ $9 spros pie Dav Dudu; ALour @ 1] Aprit roth, 2900. PRGE Stisting & c Lies reerized Pique. pevpl th for President. The vals Hon Jack was hoisted amidst mes been GSCOV-; Anniversary of the Literary Soci- & Saree eae A l 7 oe he convention was over i, caeers from the few British resi- f See ancient tarts: nee er Bates ieee 5 @ | -------------- : ways an inducement, ‘ peteedg ciate bo i Uh PDE dents colonial mansion whick has been thel «.c3 Pe eh eee : PS one 4 eOmir YT . r ser ’ Mi oe en 3 Ss <i e 2 Sera : se E = re t o 3 7 Pel 9. rt ote > ye ; > ~ : = = - é mination ef a candidare for Vice t Steyn fled last even-| {ome of the Harrisons of Vir Ss iS _ in ha eee so ae 3 x Administrater’s Xetice. es line of embroideries in edgeings , ee \ . i arog oats oe RN re aie 20ers. AL ative—, 7. Beach. : Tees : serti ; =} ae eee : $ President. Many of the leaders r Vainly endeavoring to yomore thar a century, W eC; s.L. Teaeue: N es tic ay ] Wl S & 3 Fi FAAVING gu da 48 administrator of the an inser ‘10nS ard al] overs, both iownslip, ‘ : ; : 5 c mere 6 : ag ture wvesterge. ay Jit. League: Newative—J. I. White, | © : = JS estate of Lilly W. Brawley, deceased, all Cambrie and N ainisook. W. “on Lucarp weighi j Wanted to ieave the nomination ofe the burghers to continue}! ins ytesure Yesrerdi Hiss J. S. Bridves. = pue fesc3so : & | persous haviug claims ageinst ‘said estate a you to see ther z zi < want ee en Org Rr 2. ai : ¥ o i 3 The Transvanlors |tzuhie Harrison unkaewinrly touch a maa - Se eee gy | osteby nocified to present them to the wider ve Then. b seintay in Mi Vice Presidential candidate to 2 ime Us, 2nC aransvaalers me. a THURSDAY MAY 247TH. Ser YA ened opor before Anni othe an Ft , : fe committee which w an 5 ay ; die sald they would no longer fight on|‘ das cret Spring, anda pannel slid 11 o'clock a.m.: Commencement 8 } 723 op EyS 3} persons owing said estate are neque end aa Our bargains in Ziegler Bros.” fine shoes for ladies pe GUY ivsl We. mumitice which weuld endorse the | Grange Pree State soil. and made off | 2¢K. disclosiag a dark passage. | amon eS Eee “pat! 224 24 2 | smediute payment to make and misses. Weare going to close this line out si seen in shallow Candidace nominated at Kansas City | for the Vaal river. Free Staters| >be yeung lady called severa! mem- ae EN rear meee E trees 2 paisa on WOOTEN, regardless cf price. Ofcourse the sizes are very lisely chase belore : . 3 - a es a hee e SOLAS wie } Sawn, sae dit : rte Viele, NU. StOCK c s- + < ot 2 ces See Ganunistrator, . x zs : : on July tth, bur a majority of the | accused the Transvaalers of having | es of the family and an investiga- Se On aS Cloak : = AG $0119} S$}! Jo This April z6th, 1900. ator, much broken, but if you can be fitted, the price The people shovid & convention decided to nominate a | Mee bse of them and then desert poss made ol the gloomy recess Entertainment. snes (eee 5 fod OD ae Senn a will surprise you. to air. C. H. Aru Uti siege ee bse “jing. Many of the FreeStatershave| it extended some distupce dack manana on RES3RPU5 S | STATESVILLE COTTON MARKEY. Se As Ores Sti candidate, aud ex-Concressmain ngs i Sri irig ic esa sremnee PRIDAY, MAY 251r. e Pn Ghas Seg STATESVILLE, N. ¢. May 1- tc WAL ‘TON & GAGE ental Sioore + : C Serpe = ‘| <obe to their homes. The proces-|*74 ous tue massive wall ef the] gry.) ; Meeting of the Board of | # obad ait 2 f Sear oy eeraee ent ete py township, and t turtles / whe « SNe lee . = Y ‘ Da tere . . thee « fi. J t (ne r t ed se ‘ sere = 2 492 2¥ at Pie: Baries a. bOWne, a sliver Repub-| ston entering the town was headed t 2UBS?: Dust lav thick on th walis Bee eel an Bax rN a Bix Beds GC ao oe nme eile see reine 9.50 me jn and Min. AG Ei, i : See Weg au : : sen TOMO OnE ©) Prusiees. Ila. m.: Baccalaureate z soodeMiad in gems irrnus iG! o2 wenSOn AUC 2 Hean of Minnesota, was named. Iu] oy my body guard, all of whom were | tot wlong the stove floor of tie pas-| 4 Gdrecs oy Rev. W m. RK. G waltney 3 : ; ‘ 9.30 reaiord’s store, . ‘ 2 Et } F } r} = s alee - z a } ‘ ‘ : aVe Th. Ty. & « Voi et. ro Fev ‘, 3 = SreuiGrGa > oO ) K is expected that the silver Republi- | © iS, and after my statf and for- joe: No disc rewarded D. D.. Hickory, N ve aa m.:| Mees o23Eseooo@ < 9.20 t Lurasy wight at o-3 a meh) : t : . 2 iffvers, came ti for som > very end pe eg ee Reales Late nate ve 9.50 ane ae i e=ns will cedorse this ticket at their |° of vers, came the Nor th Som- uh is ny e Graduating Exercises. Musie by a = tae : ee ae . — jerset lmperial Yeomanry, followed ‘El A STapie it Lenoir Cornet Band een ce NCU Nea aeSsrs. Wt. * Convention in Kkavusas City en July hy Pale-Carew’'s division: Consens rt] depended arusty ebain a: ao 4 ln 1990. I a = D — A STATESVILLE PRODUC =a DEE . Gilbert bave pi 4] fence STE lta Pa nian tatters ooo eat A genes ‘lass 1900: Literary art u = MAR . Dera ae ae ki. Of course the Deinverats will « Guards and the Eichteenth » Noor beneath lav a hnimeo skull --C "M Seach J I White. Boe Court Calendar. z A Bp. izenry 5 Brecery x : ueminate Mr. Bryaa when their con- ue, navais: the E:ghty-third, tay fragments which |... Department—Z. V “prea s CORRECTED av ms Ol niiiand wie sai cane wibwes } : : i. f-tourth ;: 3 i) PAT is shed when touched.| “<. eae ee 3° S e a COOPE —_———- reoenti stand. Mr. vention meets, bu: it is doubtiul ytourt and Eighty tifth Bat- |‘ po FOUCREN | Marshals—J. Hackett Robinette a : . ines, tin about their nominating Mr. Towne >) LWO Tv¥e-luch guas manned} ™ Oo Have en remuies Of] oniet J. I. Teague, R. A. Jordan — May Term, 1960, We are offering exceptionally On bis enuire UG a an Re neice Artillery Company j? portions of the human frame. [go p ; ’ Peary: eee a COMMENTS OF THE WEEK e ile Brovin Factury er a Ra , : rliliers 31D pan. k S. rides i ’ : HE WEEK, ie c ie Phe party in % has alreads reac aer > present members of the Har-lhouman ¥ ee a eae HON. E. W. TIMBERLAKE, JUDGE | Ant produce in good demand OO ar alns ew Duliding 1 VENA endorsed him and itis probable thar #Xthe foree encamped around | “i202 téimdy bad no idea he: Oreo yp Upapin arts “y wo Deaton l . bie ee __, BUXING PRICES—BASIS XO T QUALITY. een eee ge Se ee . s the town ee ae : lr ~ eXISte COS Mecano ecient s >. Rubinerte, Z. V. Jobuston, C. TUESDAY, MAY 22ND, 1900. Cabbare, per Ibi ri he eae - S : Tanere wiiive! = sto: the delegations frum the ea 'p me eo ee Jeavings Nroon- we . ne my a h > a a ais “TR. Campbell. 7. Edward Wooten vs, M.A, White, et.al. and | 2=U% ae Sees ert 2 2 Laties, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and ask an examina Presvylerian Church, il heiress Tee ’ ; Srauit President sSteynissued < Cen Acruel ancestor who cCheinecd io PN he : . ~ , meatal tantly Sa ee a ior ine- ene * . ~ BID id ited Western S:ates will favor him, but nee oi , D are ta proc » wall some enemy and ae ae levitation committee—Miss Tom T. J. Conger. Mleal- -bolted—qglbs, per bi 3 re of our line: Every shoe I offer is of good cuality. and ip, uext Sunday, » Be ee ee ere te , AieerOU, TMAKID S RECOV UNG Seta pee ete eee cee a0 LEH ‘mM ia nizine eigen : , | 9 State Ex. Rel. Hiram Allison* ws. M. A. zubolted, 28 ths" 55 t sacrifice i j - = aoe lina nar the Southern and Eastern delegates tof eovernment of he ae apse Here to die'of hunger and thirst fo” oe Miss ES Linney, | ? es - = iran ison? vs sane lted, 48 th: = e sacrifice in price. I make. to close out. jmuunlon Uiz: Wil provebly insist on the nomina-}Gcuerais Gotha and Dewes aceon. | Poe Harrisens of Le lon are ie ae cae Lizzie In-],. po. y Key vs. Chas. W. Key. Danes cessor oe The Ladies Button Boots - DP eres at = ~ , oe y ¢ . 7 Erato, 3 S suile J@al. _ eae now, m Swen } soul ‘ tisn vi a straivht Democeat for View | panied the lreasvaulers. see to fuimer P Benja- 5 ‘ ee 2. Mary C. Barber vs, E. W. Barber. Uuts—s2fh = I offer are attractive Bare pri . Ber vices W “ c ZL , f ee - ; —~ ° a mio Harr an 5 , Rea ee a — WEDNESDAY, MAY 23D, Veas—clay " . . ices -murderously low. The My previous. avy. x President as weil as f Dinca A ee Se oe nig hari ,and also te MM; yor : : : : ae t.co prices Micon . 3 sty . . s ae whi ae a c : a wy Z I for President Cotton Mill Operatives Locked Cut n. of Chicago. While ALEXANDER COUNTY DEMOcRATIC CoN |" Southern Railway Co. vs. J. L. Russell, ete Soa Sean nue epee 90 ares ai ee and Childrens Oxfords are cast almost in Fli: wpsist the paold it is said that Mr. Towne will wit} hor Joiing a Union. ma visit toe Virvinia Some rants VENTION. 11. Joseph E. Tharpe vs. P. B, Kennedy. ” Sweeties cea 7s , and the Ladies Oxfords, full + off, animers. Ora annie aa, ao : sreeushore Special 14tt Sletten ee poe efor ern aie ey > : 3. W.W, Tharpe vs. J. H, Holeombe. JInions—sciect, per bushel, . |] | 7 ~ : lraw unless be is nominate ans Gteeushoro Special 14th, to Raleigh News and layer tureis PIAS | ews A . : : A won oie laehbe +5 . a 9. <E nnt OR Pernt Seen oe Seen rer ee a aia. Coa ®! ‘Tbe Democrats of Alexander coun. | 'S: David E. Fleming vs. Sorthern Railway Co. | fallow J D2 oot 7 30c. to 90c, will buy a Child’s Oxford 2 oe es ul “ats Last week the mauavers of the eee es D Paes a ty are called to meet in convention So A A eer = and 46 Lees eoseratcrd Tne o wesc shin ce, ° P = wilh 3 - Saves , e t » Was near this are ‘ a “ ©. Cain vs. > sai = 2 . Ne, Ae ai x *he above is the situation as it} Proximity Marufacturing Company Sea ee ea aes MONDAY, JUNE 41H. 1900 pa ASX Saat hae ae a 33 TEs dis ie tee Ladies and Misses Oxfords. See our Win- aa Beit re 7 a : ; rout Pere em ae EB anet ta Ss Where Ona Se acon ens oe ? 20. First Nationa ank Statesvil eS he aves esa eileen elie’ om 243 y ; op a Se = : . “ie primar eppears tous. We are of the opin- a bat the operatives were or- ating trip during his. occupancy |at the court house i Taylorsvill gand R, E. King mer ao * “ Spnng—small—per th. . 3 h sod ane we think you can be interested. Shoes are en ep ) fenichatar eosin : ganizing aunicn, about { i Deere Sed eg a oe iin ine Ouse in) LaylOrsvile. Ss a eae ages ni aero ete iia ri not the oaly goods we offer at attractiv j j BBher Oo: dvev, bwys ion that 1t would be wisest and best |= “TP Ubicn, aoout four hun-+, 1 presidential chal hor n N. C.,at 1 o'clock for the 22, W. F, Baxter et. al, vs. Thos. Gaxter et. al nrkeys—per Ib... ee leas : . ractive prices and we are vilie. Me 1s r wi - Serr So" ored operatives Lavine joined Nie tulsa yt Sy cial nayiores yah chair, s3oft and | +s. ©.,a! a ae p. m., or e pur: at Ps Saye Paytogit cas Aen ia GR once euagea si 3 pleased at all times to show what we hay. ,, if sale i > eet eee fur the Democratic party to nom-| Gone ordered che millton re aoe ed by mistake a pig and prompt-| pose of nominating a candidate for |?> J. ™ Petterson vs. R. A, Ramsey, Suis seach (eS eae eae 3 made. Respectfull ©, even al no sale Is Bxccer ol Churivite eda ee mee : ONE Oras rea he mitt to closa down | 'y reimbursed the owner N vali] the Levislature and the county offi 24. Mart & Lovelace vs. Mrs. E.C. Early. reese |, 10 pectiu y. J Se ae aol 46 OF NS OWn members }unden the ta.lowlug morning the! f the colonial 3 aor A ms 7 . . a rift recister of deed y FRripay, May 257TH. auilter-—C oe pe SECC Shae ae oat i , s r,of rhe saiomal mansions on the low-] cers, sherill, regis 2eds 24S- : : “ 233 upty Curmuiitice. Ob the LICKEL With Mr. bryan ang operarives louud the Goors Cios »d a me ha = SaaS Seren = . co ie — V aa eS q eos 33. State Ex. Rel. J. T. McLean vs. M. A na e W Co eland mero ree oo ; : : S ciosec ames have seerct passages, }urer. Coroner, surveyor t } eae ~ we faver that policy, although we} *24 2 notice posted thax all opera-! which were used when the fo@iacc tof three comraissioners mene WS m= z “ant. A. W- Biac Wilh cae ae chee . "© ttives may consider themselves dic be ean tae ee ee Oa 27. J. W. Thompson vs, Souther: Railway Co, $|— a ae vay Support whatever our conven-leierced. Ail De ee ee ae i: me dangerous. In ose of them| The chairmen of the various town-| 28. Chas. O'Donnell vs. Southern Railway Co, é| z —— SOK, SUISSOUR: . ip te. . 3 : . nme mo " EAS ere et ti Neth: tol » : mw tle } ° ~<a 4 * . > ne > ve s. "4 1b we To tion la its wisdem Gecides is for the} full asked toe vacate RS e ase at »S See b. S25 while fleeing from ship commitvees of the county wili |. D ¥. Jenkins vs. Dr. J. F. Carlton, Ss The V ariety Store 3 wena mee R s2 ine best interest of the party. If it is! Mr. Cone vives as a reas. See se jie wrath ef Sir William ierkiecy,|Mect st the above time and place |s- SteteEx- Rel, S. 1. Huffman ws. W. 1, a] 7 - aan Shy Sear we ee I Pa Ret 2 WMS SS a5 a aSOR TF ares ; ee er . os oe aaa : : Seg ~ a ~ ene aera a cet ene o> Laie Geciéed to co outsia tie Ben aCuGn an Sea = ie A oF his | veo Hicaen for 2 time. afier the convention for the purpose = ree et. 5 i 7 << naps Will ov ta pita ~ 21Ce the Pemcerat |“ J, LOaet : Led the South; of cleetineg 3a a = Sanna ar, Robt. N. sin "s. Southern Railway Co, 7 ‘ wliie ied Se RS en eae aN at fon account of i labor uni reed SE ae ae = efeleciing a county chairman and | * ee = oes 25 z 4 pee ae © organization for 2 Vice Presiden-| tro Norinl ancina hie PDIORS 18 Changes to ve Made ia the Philip. |!0ur wembers of the central com-|* Sa tie see oar 3 rin OW Y Beenie tia! candidate. which w fe North. anc he doesn’t propose ere Philip- acer NON-JURY,. 4 stonvine, ag ‘idate, which we hope wili|to hire union men. Bhomeambersics lon ceo eae, i 1. W.F. Sharpe & J. M. Sharpe vs. W. A. 4% | a D sious ele mee rot be done, an abler or more ae the nion say they bad bo ide 2 on ; =e aaa cea a 2 aad ace eae emoud Ke oe cacaapetemees ei 63| O Bar aln a er tn “aso ce sas : Y LDOV Us 3 22 t @ “ar Genar x siren - IT suaport ie cai Miglas bs 22 pes IO RO eA ea es led. 43 meee : s ceptable man than Mr. Towne can. | Seen: Botmere Oreanicienents Bo a 41 Gepar twent is pre paring RS t U 1e Democratic ticket In]2. Johns, Reece & Co. vs. Wilhelm & Stein, ¢ besett mei o! S ~ rm There were two fig eee to be ready for any future s only | °o make a change umoug the troops the elections are cordially invited te|3. Ebbert Wardvs. Odell M'i'g. Co. “ 2 acini 6 f Tees ; emed. © reacy Lor any ure emergen-inow ip ti Seema See sah ea Tl el ane 5 3 - en a ees ee Oi soncon ates RIES ee ee a . ay night apuul- = eee ee cy. They declare, however, that|oattations on Philippines. Severai}@ttend and participate in the pri-|4 W. 4. Watker & Anna B. Waiker vs. J. w. | McoP- Mog round, er fh... | | 7 SEE THE VARIETY, SFE T ICES ” loded at the re We often hear Repebtic s many of the hands in th ay Dabtalions ave to be brought back ,™4ries which are hereby called to Bowler. he ee eee ee x0} HE PR De xi saa ten fear Republican oppo- Re ee eee in the mill are!to the United States but there wili|meet at the voting places in each |S 4.P- Rayne vs. North Slatesvitte Land Jo. Sh. s| Pa ; Coone, but the nentsoi the amencment say they ere " ae ad Starvation wages, and! pe no reduction in are militarv ¢, ee towasbipon i y 8 John W, Lowe vs. J. C. Sullivan. — ”' Caheo, 4 to Ge yard ished without Shel genre ; ., - alter Loe store account is paid h: PNG cle Seay vances ee VY toree eee ws owrance vs e me a : con i “ ae Reece ts ae AR ED: Would Support the amendment if it icvenoush SONG paid pace jot theisland asthe troops return- SATURDAY, JUNE 2np, 1900 = = = eas ena Atwell = i Pant Goods, 9 to 60c. yard ane line Lamps. lic. to $8.00. Dy ae = ae a eee aa j ¥ enousn money is left to pay thei: Se aN d See es SEND, : . M.E, Turnervs. M. Boger, 382 Nees At4 ‘D1, SS ee amblers : Sobi 20 and 25e. Bi and sel so istranchised — all begroes, burjrent of their houses, to sav an ba l. bi oon Ry x paiced by others from fat 3o clock, p. m., for the purpose | !® Elizabeth Rouse vs. Western Union Teie- slice to Creditors, i ae Denim, 7, 10 and 12!c. yard Pilates ae eo Ag — but the burh ag as the educated negroes will sti} Ieehesns yO Sey nothing ; this country. Because of the | . a Naa : = ; Alam: 5e : 3, 30c. set. eee as the educated negroes will still be of clothes. Since the closing down! < me a TY eee aol ol _ the ony | of electing a township executive raph Co- WyAtixe qualified as administrat x i SS zood, oc. yard. Big lot Tinw PS, 29 ae see. rown into ihe 56% allowed to vote they oppose it of the mill deputy sheritts have been |; aa . a ones ee It1s con-} committee of five members and del- | *%t4 Jeakins vs. Western Union Tele | +", Brotherton, deceased, notice is Weta Ee tcsing, 9 to 15c yard, Knives and Fo ae Gcadiep pinaze had been dd pe ae 2 iin -lon @uty dav ar = = “ysiderea but just that they shoulc atae 8 ee sf a graph Co. xiven to ail persons holding claims apaineat tip. , 4ace Curtains, 5 3 = ords, #5c. set an ye hay ee ani uese Republicans, whore jusually ie ee to protect! se atlowed ie retura. Te Somme ee ee CIO 18, State Ex. Rel. Geo, Stinson vs, M. A. White, | the undemtened hey eet “the same to | Towels, 5 to See Ee oe Toilet and Laundry Soap, 2e. cake- Both Mr. X. B.? olive holde~s or office-seekers, are! the mill hands, who declared ney | battalion system of alternating parts] xo iGo et.al. | fom date oi this notice orit will be ‘picad hy Face and Talcum Powders, 5 and 10c Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. box. Mf. Patterson ! not honest in this Their , ena aranrS ae ciare they 'of regiments in tropical and hom : ae NO. ta ALTNEY, 32. Calvin C.Jurney by R, T. Campbell next ee CeCConer ss This May 2, r900! Pe dUmb see Cc. Shoe Dressing 5, 10 and 2dc. Suild this year En tees real ob-; were peaceably inclined and had no service is to be followed me; This May 17, 1900. Chairman. friend vs Brown Bros. Co. . J.B. CONNELLY, G. W. CLEGG, |] See ee rellas,25¢. to $2.25. Machine Oil bic bot le. 5 Dea iy ae jection to the amendment is because | W/sh tudamage themill. A number the war department clesely by ———— 36, Geo. S. Daniels vs. Southern Railway Co meee Administrator, | ene Shirt Waists, 48c. to$450. | Trunks and Vai . ane £5.00, Ee eet : : = . fF mill families ms t > Wor department. Gh neeng ek Tae esate SRT, i atches. 3c . ses, 2 Tu.0U. iterson wa pig it will disfranchise such a large per! me ate families have moved away,) fo the query recently cabled ki LATE STATE NEWS. SS eae ee ee Caer ae Se came sa 3 Handkerchiefs 2 to 5 - fee aa, ae mee Se ~~, but after remaining idle for 2 wear Cae ‘Uy recentiv Cadieq Him . . 37- J. P. Murdock & P. A. Barringer ¢s : E ,49K and Mucilage, 3e. : : 2 Cc. esterday to mece . centage of the negro vote upon! the mill started Sara cess , by Secretary toot as to the advisa- is nt eae * ger vs. JR. Notice to Creditors, ‘Tablets. 1 to one 3 up. Straw Hats, 5c. to $1.50. erlotte architect Ne = oe eed ee ieee, : pe: tiv of y a a . Baoet S r ~ yer e aa gre) ae S n =. 24 50. - 2 ™ : which they can count at all elec-/withabout half equipped. Some bility of reducing the force in the} Jacob Bowman,a white cabinet] 3% 0. G. Williams vs. M. H. Shoemaker. | FIRNING qualified as administrator of x4 Writing Paper, 3 to 20¢. quire. ae for everybody, 25e. to #4.50 Hans. Gut Mr. Se tions with absolute contidence, and talk was indulved in Saturday of vi islands General MacArthur cabled | maker of Concord, was killed by the | 3% U- T- Bowden adm’r. Geo. Chase ws. South. Sen erton. deceaxed, notice is hereby Boys’ Knee Pants, 23¢ oes 00 Ses Underwear. 5c. to $1.00. et bere. When t they would oppose the an.endment lence if the mill did not start uo| today advising against it. train near Concord Monday night. cra RaiiwayiCo: | Estate of said deceased tipo th~ Belts and Belt Buckles 10 to or 200 yd Soft Finish Spool Thread, 2¢- ected, they will a i Sears “ today. DP! The plan of the war department He was drunk and asleep on the 25. T.N, & Geo. Torrence ys. Noah Winecoff, _| the undersigned for payment Swithin onciie: t° Corsets, 23 to $1.00 ? avec, Dolls and Toys, 52. up. fax,dsomest in town still more frantically ifit had been | ae ne : _ listo form invalid battalions and (track 40. J. S. Mott, et. al, vs. T. A, White. i from date of thisnolice, or it “will be pleal iy Flas“ Ds ee ee Carpet and Matting. 12ic. ydand uP i 3 RN en ae | tan early bour this morning’ end them homedePhskirescuacees i In the call of the Calendar any case notreach J eee OEY: This May 2nd, to00,, "44° Black Hose, 5 to 25c. pair. Big stock R Be to S25 There were 15 ac Gcunichice atl ae et 10, Us: crowds of mil! hands began to ar- ment has meanea aes a oe Roswell Walser, a young white | and disposed of onthe day appointed will be! Atiorney GW. CLEGG, Books and Blank Books, 5c. to $5.00 Now lot Wall P; ee oll abersbip of tb ranchise al! negroes itis ad ivei c : S received x 2 i _ * 5 > : ie Monsen ea minist re" Criee mE aie f 5 to 20c. rou. 0 ‘anchise al! negroes. Ifit is adopt- rive in front of the mill, bue no at. SORES eae ee paicr man of Davidson county, was drowns | “lied the next day in preference to -ases set. —— Lf istrator, Boys” Suits, T3c. to $3.50. Fans, 1 to 30 aper, 9 to =Uc urch at the coma ed, more than seventy-five per cent, '©™pt Was made to use force. and spiracy aonnene nati ae ae oe: edin the Yadkin river near Age | {ot thatday. Witnessesare not required to at- Notice to Crediters, 2 ieee midav. Twoof tb : = i u ~. Spirac e S Ma-! ~ 2 - i i eae cent = ° of tne regroes in North Caroling a graduatly began to take the'r nija. 8 yes ot Ma-/ vance, Davie county, Saturday. eae set for the casein whichthey s+ avsxc qualified as ree Cc 1 - fi--ate and 11 on will have vted thew last time, and expeetsa batch of ‘new operanone ——— Walser and a man named Tucker | “Sows cscs wil bebeard at any time dure sHpchinstha inet abel Reid at 2 omplete Line of Baseball Goods. peamunion servic ais : yi ew operatives sy : Se were crossing the river in 4 ceniiate ; ; ~ will present t against said estate ps Front Street ca this is what is making the Republi- froma distance in a few days, to _Pvilip OC, Dreiser, a New York! which was capsized. Tucker San Se a arco ar he sameto the undersigned, exec. Large stock of Musical Instrumets, Trimmings and Strings- noon, and Rev. 4 ‘mi uesday by his divorced wife. ed. His body was recovered, CLERK SUPERIOR CouURT.' can politician sorrowful. fill out the required number, , | ; utors, on or before May 137th, 190; Se was shot and killed to theshore, but Walser was drbwn- J.A.0 BSS mediate setlemeat = oeagiy satel: it A. N, REID, This April 7th, 1900, : ' Biechistt of aber hak Deceased REID , Give us a call betore Many other goods it will pay you to see. reached for the pas “ e- minent Kig a ,EPETtLbe BUSINESS, our subscribers owe us ner and we need the mon- pra pre » pope all willeallin during rt and pay up. This is ce especially for those of ripers wno owe us for a more, but any of those =; thana year will not of- saving Paylin S. LOCA. : He} f f r of Swamp-R mii om ~XOOt Aus Laboratory, at Worx fy -Sase m ea ie who has because «, 5 th x several weeks, is not so Dp. C. Thompson, ea number of our young peo t out to Cooper’s- on-the-Ca- . for an outing last night i]. Lazenby bas been appoint- aster at Sigma postofiice, y township, vice S.-O. vy. resigned. , Clerk Boyd, who has had ia, is very much imprcved, thought that he will scon xo Work again, t 1}. Axley has sold his hand- idence on Davie avenue to ©. V. Henkel for $2,450. Mr. is moving in. ve are several new cases of xin Mocksville. Mrs. Gai- . white lady, whe conducts a there, bas the disease. ev. J. H. Pressly will be at Pert sunday and will solicit con s for the new A. RR. P. ae \ here. There will be no ser- the church here Sunday. Qoe of the buildings of the furni- wiory has been completed ther one is under wey. uachinery will be placed early B. Jone and work will begin soon t 2 ter. s expected that the chairs and ture will be placed in the room this week. If this will be held there i~ court t i mext week. If not, it will be held in tie federal court room. Ee: will not renew their license barroom alley f 2 » salvon will be discontinued. " a einpialing Going lito k ess at bike , to r of 3 5 ’ Somers and Wm. sn wf r saiven On Ddelae fur a s t every ne of im- Ijust- » t- ¢ “ i LOCK, a Ramsey, satly purchased riat for three dresses from : ising firm and wiil send j siarm, Asia, Our Statesville ! ants are reaching out. > S€4as0n's + eonvict on 2 WAS Deut dicd at the {2 was serving bis time e expired next January. sentence and Meissen Lorena Lony, Sadie Lewis aid sary Ouics Cuidwell, of States- q vile. have Deen appointed waids of act : tthe North Car- e Veteraus ut the uisViile the latter part * William: Deeker, of Jerusalem, Miss ‘ A. R. Reece, (oul Spring towbpship, will be and Nannie mal the res nce of t ue We extead con- I 3. W. Stevenson and Mr. A. ! Vaits will speak at Clark's > se, Failstown tlownsnip, Sutercay night, May [oth., at 5:50 Oueck. Lhe people should turn ouland Lear the umendment dis- Will Ballard, of Mountain :iownship, Catawba county, Lucarp Weighing ten pounds wie seinmue in Mountain Creek ladies cue day iast week. Yae fish was out lirs: segn in shallow water and vave a) | OUVery a lively chase betore caught. 7 price Loe people shouid not faii to turn cut ¢ C. HH. Armiieid’s appoint- & GAGE ment oere’s school buuse, Beth- aay uship, and to Dr. S. W. anon stevenson and Mr. A. D. Watts’ at | Lreaford’s store, Shifuh township, h 3 Saturauy night ab 5:30 0 ciock. ' a vs. Geo. M. Foard and W. f G j have purchased Mr. RK. t ury’s grocery business ou de- ot nuiand will continue it at tne aamernt ve pie wont stand. Mr. Henry wiil de- \oly bis entire time to the States- 1 ‘ouin Factory, for which a ; vuliding is being erected. ‘Laere will ve no services at Shiloh n examina- Vresoyterian Church, Siiloh towan- vlity, and suiy, next Sunday, but instead the Communion Meeting Wil be heid : Ots se un ive 4th Sunday in slay. vices Will Cominence oa Suwtur low. The way previous. Rev. W. 6. Brown almost in li: wssist the pastor, Rev. J. E. ~SunimMers. xf frank Shannonkouse, Esq., who xtord probadvly hominaled ior the our Win- rlouse by the Meckienours Denne Shoes are ceatie primaries Tuesday, ls a bro- G we are ier or Kev, hoyul whandoUnoUsd, no sale is soVilie. He is abright youny ot Charlotte anu hus been ‘elary Ol the Demecratic qd pinmdittee. n : ‘ » _ ¢ Capt. A. W. GBiackburn, of Hous. Lea «oy ca, Missouri, Will arrive kere this ry With Lhe Females Oi his sis. Lhe re- lgeps Will be baked tv Lie residenee f Sirs. Sallie Lanier Wuere iney Will pead Lae ulgh. mo Bey Wil. be taken “4 -o troustenvilie, Eagle Mills town- », tomerruw for Gua literment, io i B/\ oy Miss Sale biach bur, Ny ve Olt : There were two fire alarms Satur- y Gav might about 9 o Clock, A lamp : PR ICES, ex, ioded at the residence of Mrs. M. Cc Jeoue, bub the tre was exting — .@ without damuge. A bape- a lop in Mr. D. ©. itufty’s store ‘ol, and setsome hats and shirts on but the Gurning articles eee jwn into the street befcre much :. to $8.00, - 20 and 25c. >t 5 ar ; < ute rc. plece. a. nee Gamage had been done. ap, 2c. cake. mene Nas a‘ ‘ Dox Hoth Mr. N. B. Mills and Captain bd 25¢. J. “Ll. Patterson have about decided . DC io Suild this year cn their vacant to$3.00. 1 lots at the “burnt corner.” Captain , Puiterson was up from Troutman’s BO. yesterday to meet Mr. Schwend, the de. to ¥4.50. Charlotte architect,to consuit about : to $1.00 Schwend failed to a » sty A lens, Gut Mr. bi Thread, 2c. vet bere. When the | buildings are erected. they will be among the Zc. yd and up dandsomest in town. $2.50. 4 ‘There were 15 additiezs to the © 20¢e. roll. membership of the Presbyterian church at the communion services Susday. Two of them were on cer- lifi-ate and 11 on examination Co:nmunion services were also held at iront Street church Sunday af- ternoon, and Rev. A. Waiker White preacned for the pastor, Rev. W.C, Brown. Bladder § : ee ee rite wa SCOoT ow- |} PERSONALS. | Mr. B. H. Adams is off on a bus- | | iness trip. | Mrs. G. W. Taylor is Visiting rel- ;atives in Concord. Mr. C. L, Poston has gone South On a business trip. Mr. W. H. Charles is in from a several weeks business trip. Mr. Paschal Boyd, of Mooresville, spent Sunday here with his mother. E. B. Jones, Esq., a prominent flawyer of Winston. was here last week, _Miss Maggie Steele, of Cleveland, visited her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Irvin, this week. : Mr. J. P. Cathey left Tuesday on a business trip for The Flanigan Harness Co. Miss Minnie Gouger, of Charlotie, spent a few days bere with her moth- er this week. if Mr. Dick Harbin wert to Newton suesday to assist the band at Cataw- ba College commencement. Miss Sethelle Boyd has returned home from Chester county, S, C., where she had been teaching. _ Miss Lizzie Gouger, who bas been in a traiaing school for nurses at Washington, is at home on a visit. _Dr. and Mrs. T. F, Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Matheson, of Taylorsville, spent Sunday ia town. Miss Susie Dixon, of Barium, spent Saturday and Sunday in town, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. White. Dr. T. E, Anderson went to Tar- boro Tuesday to attend a meeting of the State Board of Medical Exam- iners, : Mrs. H. L. Lazenby has returned trom a Visit to her sister in Mocks- Spa Mr. Lazenby went over for ier. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Crowson re- turned from Hickory Monday. Shey will soon go to housekeeping on Race street. Mr. Will Carlton leaves tomorrow tor New York, where he kas secur- eda position with the American Tobacco Co. Congressman Linney spent Mon- day bightin town. lie was retura- ing to Washington from his home at faylorsville. Mr. R. V. Tharpe leit yesterday evening for Aucusta, Ga., where he nas secureda posiiion with a whole sale furniture house. Mr. R. J. Harbin, of Marion. vis- ited his father and rcotber, Mr. aad “irs. W. L, Harbin, this week, re- wurning to Maricn Luesday. Mr. lk. A. Gooding and family, of Red Lake Falls, Minn., who have verb here for two or three months, will this weekreturn to Minnesote Mir. C, W. Boshamer left Monday tor Richmoud, Va. He was accoin- panied by Mrs. Boshamer, who will spend atew days in that city with aer sister, Mrs. Murphy. —- ~> Death of Captain Kerr. Capt. John L, Kerr died at the state Hospital at Morganton Friday, ayed about 70 years. The inter- ment was at Amity church, Concord township, Saturday, Rev. J. i. Pressly conducting the funeral scr- vices, The deceased was one of the mest prominent and useful citizens of Concord towuship until afiliction tatdits heavy hand upon him. Some years azo he married a daughter of W. M. Biemiug, £sq.. of Concord township, and a sister of Mr. N. 1. rieming, of Statesville, and she and iour smali children survive. nega eee stophel Postuilice Robbed. While Mrs. P. A. Barringer, the postmistress, and her family were away from home Sunday, Stophei postoffice, five miles southeast of town in Statesville township, was broken into and robbed, The rob- very occurred between 10 o’clock in the forenoon and + o'clock in the af- vernoon, and entrance to the dwell- ing was ellected through a window. The postothce case was locked out was broken open and about £30 worth of stamps and $4.39 in cash taken. A bureau and other articies were ransacked but nothing else is missed. P. A. Barringer, the husband of the postmistress, is serving a term in jail, having been convicted 2 the recent term of Federal Court of selling stamps and reporting them as canceiled. ‘Lhe Postoftice Department has been notified of ine robbery and an investigation vill be made. Postottice robberies in this section are very frequent. nee {epublican Senatorial Covention. The Republican convention of the 27th. Senatorial! district metat Har- mony Saturday. Col. H.C. Cowles, of Lredeli, was elected chairman, and i. WW. Morris, Esq., editor of the Davie Record, secretary. All three counties—Davie, lredel! and Yadiin —were represented. The lrecéeal) delegates were: Col.H. C. Cowles, Dr. S. Angie, and Messrs. W. 9. Beuton, Reece Morrison and W. M. Nicholson. J. C: Pinnix, of Yadkin, was unan- imously nominated as one of ithe eandidates for Senator, and the oth- er place on the ticket left in the nands of acommittee composed of Col. H. ©. Cowles,of Iredeil, Dr. VI, Db. Kimbrough, ot Davie, and C. S. Reavis, of Yadkin. It is understcod that the committee will endorse the candidate nominated by the Pogu- fists, and that there will be complete iocal fusion in tiis county this year. We have heard the names of S. A. Lowrance, of Coddle Creek; T. M. Stikeleather, of urnersburg, J.D. fuiliott, of Shiloh; andJ. W. A. Korr and J. M. Shook, of Davidson, m-n- iioned as probable candidates ‘or the Populist nomination. ———_ Memorial Day. On account of the death of Jucge Cilley Rey. J. A. Weston, D. D, of Hickory, who was to have delivered the Memoria! Day address here last Thursday, was unable to come. In his abseace Messrs. B. F. Long «aad J. B. Armfield and Rev. G. W. Cal- lahan,of Troutman’s,made brief and appropriate remarks. There was a large crowd in the warehouse, many country people being in at- tendance. The band furnished mu- sic. After the exercises at the ware- bouse were concluded the proces- ision, headed by the band and the iTredell Blues, marched to the old cemetery, where the graves of the dead soldiers were covered with flowers, The Cadectships —A Statesville Boy Alternate. Profs. C. L. Coon, 'D. Matt Thompson, of Statesville, and J. D. Lentz, of Concord, con ducted examinations at | Saturday forappointments of Con- gressman Kluttz’s cadetships at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., and the Naval Acade jmy at Annapolis, Md. : The applicants for the West Point cadetship, which becomes vacual June 1, 1901, were: Clyde Steven son, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F Stevenson, of Statesville: John 5S Henderson, Jr, son of ex-Congress man Jobn S. Henderson, of Salis bury; M. L. Misenbeimer, Coacord, and C. E. Philips, Gold Knob. John S. Henderson, Jr., stood first and Clyde Stevenson segond. Hender- son will be appointed cadet by Con- gressman Klnttz and Stevensoa al- tervate. Five applicants contested for the naval cadetship, as follows: V. A. Means. Concord: J. C. Nixon, Lowesville; W. T. D. Busbee, Salis bury; M. W. Arrowood, Albemarle, Ly \ | | and C. Motz, Lincointon. Arro wood won and Means, who stood : : a second, will be- his alternate. The vacaney atthe Naval Academy oc- curs September Ist, 1300 The Statesville friends of Clyde Stevenson are proudcf the record he made in the examination. Young Henderson, his successfui competi- tor, isa member of the Sophomore class at the University, while Ste venson has received all his education in our graded school and at States- ville Male Academy. Should Hen- derson fail in the mental or physi- cal examination at West Point, Stevenson will be appointed in his stead. mi en Anguish Suits Against the Telegraph Company. Sometime in April one Cain Hol- ler died at Claremont, Catawba Mental Salisbury | | MR KITCHIN SPEAKS. —— of Salisbury;! The fiorrows of Negro Rule in the East.—The Amendment Discuss- ed and Explained —One of the Ablest) Speeches Ever Heard Here Mr. Ciaude Kitchin, of Halifax county, made oue of the strongest speeches heard herein thiscampaign in tne armory Tuesday night. A large and enthusiastic crowd filled every seat in the hall. Mr. Kitchin began by saying that when he looked over the audience, be saw scarcely a face that was fa- iniliar, yet every face before him, every vlance of the eye bid him feel at home and speak his mind freely. He came from a section of the State tnat has suffered the evils of negro rule—froma county where there are 4.000 negro voters against 2 600 white voters. The people of the West do not understand and cannot fuily appreciate tke eviis of negro domivation in the East. In his own county the negroes, aided by a few disreputable white allies, had gain- ed complete control afew years ago. Neyroes filled nearly all the ofbces, Against the unanimous protest of the white citizens, the neyro Con- vressman, George H. White, and Pritchard, Linney and Pearson had turued white men out of the post- offices, some of them old Confeder- ate soldiers, and installed negroes in their places. Although the white citizens of Halifax paid $95 of every $100 of public taxes, they had no voice in the assessment of property, the levy of taxes, or the disburse- meut of the public funds. Taxes were increased, and county scrip, witness and juror tickets shrunk in value until they were worth only fifty cents in the dollar six months after they were due. Young white vomen teaching the public schools in the couaty could not draw a cent of their pay until they had got a negro school committeeman to sign their orders. Negroes began to | county. <A telegraph message an- nouncing his death was sent to his brother-in-law. J. W. Mock, and his mother, Mrs. Holler, both of Moores- ville. The message was not deliver- ed for seven days, notwithstanding the addressee, of the telegram Mock, lived in Mooresville and was at the depot every one of the seven days. Mr. Mock and Mrs. Holler have em- | ployed L. C. Caldwell and J. F. Gambie, Esqs., and suits have been! brought to May term of Iredell Su- perior court for $1,900 each, dam- aves for mental anguish. J During April a child of Mrs. Mills died at Davidson. A messaze was! sent to her brother, Alex Jones, at Concord, announcing the death of the | child. This message was never de- livered, aithough a special delivery letter reached him all right. Mrs. Mills now sues the telegraph | company for $1.989, and has! employed Messrs. Caldwell Gamble. ane ee Mr. Anderson to Leave Statesville, Mr. W. E. Anderson, one of Sia- fesville’s oldest and most popular merchants, will clese out bis of groceries, and move to Sparkling ; Catawba Springs abcut the first of | June. He bas formed a partnership | with his father-in-law, Dr. KE. O. Eliiovt, and they will conduct the | springs under the firm name of El | iiott & Anderson. Mr. Anderson’s ! tarily will accompany him. stock They | will remain there for thesummer, at) least, and it may be permanently. | Mr. Anderson has long been iden- tified with the business of States-| ville, andour peopie giye him and) his estimable family up with genu-! ineregret, hoping that they may | again become residents here. j Sines cant The Commencement ai the College. | ne : | The commencement exercises of} Statesville College will begin Sun- day at the Presbyterian church with the baccalaureate sermon to the craduating class by Rev. A.J. Me- Kelway. Tuesday evening the pupils of Misses Duncan and Hathaway will give a musical aud elocution recital. The friends and patrons of tke colleve are invited to these exercises. Wednesday evening from eight to eleven the senior class will give a receptionto their invited friends. The following young ladies compose the graduating class: Misses tvhel Hudson, Mary Knox, Elvy Mcki- wee, Katie J. Knox, Pearl Allison and Emily-Harulton. ee An infant of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dearman, of Harmony, died Tues- day night of last week. The inter- ment was at Mt. Bethel church Thursday, Rev. W. i. Hiliott con ducting the funeral services. These bereaved parents have the sympa- thy of their neighvors, The people of the Cool Spring country have a treat in store for them in the aadress which Josephus Daniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, will deliver at the close of Cool Spring Academy on June Ist. Mr, Daniels is one of the abdlest and most thoughttul speakers iz North Carolina. ti ¢ > 0 6 - A Mule Tries to Commit Suicide. North Wilkesboro Hustler. Last week a young mule belonging to Wesiey Miiam, who lives near Brown's ford onthe river 4 miles above here, tried tocommit suicide by jumping into wv well thirty feet deep, having several feet of water in it, the fixtures of which were not complete thus admitting the mule. Mr. Milam heard the mule braving and on investigating saw his head and ears above the water in the bet- tomof the well. It was an hour be- fore the necessary windlass and neighbors arrived to rescue him. A rope was tied behind the frost leys of the animal with whichihe was drawn out—immediately reaching terra firma he proceeded to than! his rescuers by the nimbie use of his ‘business eud”’ Clyde R. Hoey, editor of the Shel- hy Star, has been re-nominated for the House by the Democrats of Cleveland county. E. Y. Webb was endorsed for the Senate. The expenses of Richmond Pear- son in his recent contest for Con- eress were $20,000, and a bill has been introduced in Congress to pay them. Georgia Democratic primaries held Tuesday insure the re-nomina- of Governor Chandler and the re- election of U.S. Senator Bacon. +ooroen Since our last issue a license has been issued for the marriage of Mr. Syivanus L. Sherrill and Miss Daisy Millis. Miss DeEtte Bonham, of Creston, | His people had borne it all as ;lvterest of thin they were as good as white nen, and on the streets aad high- Ways they became insolent. Chil- dren on the streets were :cuifed and Spit upon, and ladies were jostled and insuited. In many sections white teachers and children were afraid to travel the public roads to jand from school, and many of the schools suspended. The attendance of pupils at white schools fell off 33 per cent., while the negro schools increased 20 per cent. Low dema- /gogues and offlee holders kept the ' blacks ; against the men of their own race. stirred up and intlamed Respectable white men and inno ! ° ,cent women were arrested on false charges by negro constables to be tried before negro magistrates. He | spoke only of the conditions that ex- i isted in his own county. But there were thirty other Eastern counties that sutfered the same evils and could tell a tale equally harrowing. pa- tiently as they could, much more patiently and much longer than the people of the West would have stood it. All sections of the State and all parties, are equally interested in seeing this negro question settled peaceably, lezally, avd tothe best both races. 126,000 white voters are practically disfran- chised, and their baliots nullitied by tbe votes of 120,000 negroes. He had no ill willagainst the negro. If let aloae, he was a peaceable docile citizen. It was only ia palities. when stirred up by bad white men, that his vice and ignorance became 2 menace to the public welfare. He admired a self-made man and he bad only kind feelings for the ne- gro that God made, but he had a contempt for these self-made negroes —white men who were traitors to their own race and lowered them- selves to an equality with the ne- yro. Wr. Kitchin took up the constitu- tional amendment and explained its provisions clearly and forcibly. He showed that every negro must be able to read and write before he can vote. Every white man will vote, whether he can read and write or not, because he was born free. In Louisiana, which has a constitution lixe ours, when the time for regis- tration came, the white people of the State, led by a United States Senator anda Justice of the Su- preme Court, marched to the regis- trar and had their names put on the permanent roll of voters, not on the ground that thev could read and write, but they waived that privi- lege und had their names inscribed on the permanent rol! on the ground that they were white men and their ancestors had been voters. So it wiii be in North Carolina, and no white man ne matter how ignorant or illiterate he may be, who regis- ters before the year 1908, will ever be deprived of his vote. Boys of 13 years and under, who will not reach their majority until after 1908, will have to learn to read and write be- fore tbey can yote. They have eight years in which to meet the simple and easy require- meuts of the constitutional amend- ment. Whatan incentive that will be towards the better education of curchildren and the wiping out of illiteracy. The Democratic party is pledged to give a four months term of schooleach year in eyery white school district in the State. The last Democratic Legislature, under the leadership of an Iredell Democrat, beyzan the good work,and made a proof of our good faith, by uppropriating $100,000 to be distrib- uted among the free schools. Allin all, it was a great speech and fully sustained Mr. Kitchin’s reputation as one of North Caroli- na’s ablest and most eloquent young sons. He left yesterday morning for Davie county, where he has three appointments. ances Captain T. M. C. Davidson re- cently received a letter from his son James, who is in the Philippines with the 46th Infantry. Jim writes that his company recently went on araid, in which they captured 75 ‘niggers,’ 3guns aud apistol. Jim found two of the guns and was com- plimented publicly by his general. James is in his element as a soldier and we venture the assertion that Uncle Sam has no jollier or braver boy in his service. Jim sent his father a box of fine Manila cigars. Which we can testify were all rigbt. —_—_——= 2-2 Hon. Bourke Cochran, of New York scored the most brilliant sue- cess of the race conference at Mont- gomery, Ala.,in the closing oration. He boldly advocated the repeal of the 15th amendment to the Federal constitution. He argued that it was 2 bad limb on the tree; that it bad been nullified by the States; Ashe county, is visiting Mrs. Mat- garet Cowles, 6 RN Ole i ante Rabies a eS tie,” that it had been lynched,so td speak, by the pedple of the South, * .trom it as quickly as possible. In FROM MOORESVILLE. Mr. hitchin's Speech.-Personals and Other News. From Our Regular Correspondent. | Hon. Claude Kitchin, of Halifax | county, spoke in the Academy Hall ‘last night toa large audience. He | portrays the effectsof negro domi- j vation and rule in several Eastern jcountiesina graphic and forcible | manner, and showed how frivolous |} were the objections urged against ithe amendment by the Republican }party. Quitea number of ladies | Were present at the speaking. | Mr. James W. Brawley returned jhome last Saturday from Kansas | City. Mr. Brawley has been gone | from home since last fall. His many | friends were glad to see him return. | Mr. Robert Cloaninger and wife ireturned to their home at York- | ville, S. C., Monday. Mr. Tem Gudger and wife, of Denver, have moved to this place. They occupy the Wilson house on Main street. Wr Gudger has charge of the brick work of the new factocv. Mrs. R. H. Flow, of Davidson. has leased the Cresswell Springs for the season, which will open June Ist. Superintendent Patterson, with the chain gang, is now opening a new street from the new factory in a southeriy direction to the corpo- rate limits of the town. Superintendent Patterson has made much needed improvements on our streets and bridves. Prof. Forest P. Rockett left last Friday morning for his home at Hickory, where he will probably spend his summer vacation. Miss Ela Carpenter, of Stanly Greek, is visitiny her sister, Mrs. Dr. James Young. Mr. W. A. Sossaman spent sever- al days at this place visiting his father-in-law. Mr. T. O’Connell, Mrs. Tom Lazenby, of Statesville, came down last week to visit Mrs. T. B. Smith. ° Mrs. Frank Woodward spent a few days with Mrs. M. A. Fowler last week. Miss Lizzie O’Connell, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Sossaman, at Chatham. Va., for several months, returned home last Wednesday. Rev. Neil Pressly will preach in the A.R. P. church at this place next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Pressly is a missionary work- er in Mexico, andis in on 2 Visit to his friends and old home. _ Mrs. W. A. Summers is visiting ln Lown, Capt. Summers and his working force were here last week and laid the side track from the new switch at the main line to rhe site for the bew cotton factory in the southern part oftown on the A. T. & O. Railroad. DAVIDSON NEWS. Dr. Houston's Little Daughter Burn- ed —Mr. Glasgow Retarns trom Baltizmnore.—Other Items, From Our Regular Correspondent. The people of Davidson were shocked to hear of a sad happening last Thursday afternoon. The little four-year-old girl of Dr. E. Q. Hous ton was standing before the fire- place when her dress caught on fire. Mrs. Houston tried to wrap the child in a blanket but was unable to hold it until she could procure one. She then screamed for help and Mr. W. H. Thompson, one of the college students, heard the call and motion- ed for Dr. Cheatam to follow. By their efferts the child’s life was sav- ed Mr. Cheatam tore the clothes the meantime the mother had the presence of miad to get a bucket of water with which she rendered some service. Fortunately the blaze was at the child’s back instead of its face. Its back was severely burned but not fatally. Mrs. Houston, Dr. Cheatam and Mr. Thompson got their hands burned but not seriously. Mr. Glasgow, who was bitten sometime ago by a mad dog, has returned from Baltimore where he underwent 2 treatment of several weeks’ duration in order to prevent hydrophobia. He says that it was not severe but by no mieans_pleas- ant. Mr. Glasgow hesitated about going for treatment a week or more, as so many people doubted the mad- ness of the dog. : The college Mandolin and Guitar and Glee clubs were highly enter- tained at the home of our honored professor. Dr. H. L. Smith, on the evening of the 11th, and fortunately or unfortunately found one lady to every four boys. Though the la- dies were outnumbered they were not out-talked. After the clubs had given a round with their music the nishing touch was put or by serv- ing refreshments, a feature which the boys always heartily enjoy. Mr, E. L. Wilson, one cf Dayid- son’s enterprising citizens, has re- cently bought a number of nice horses which he will have on hand for patronage at commencement, and expects thento go to Blowing Rock, where he will run the livery stable during the summer. The medical commencement is at hand. An enjoyable reception was given in the medical college Satur- day night, and tonight the yraduat- ing exercises will be conducted in the old college chapel since there is not room in the medical college. Just after the graduating exercis- es the marriage of Dr. Hoyle to Miss Thompson takes place ia the medi- cal college. S. E. S. Davidson, N. C., May 14th, 1900. oe Baxter Shemwell’s Case mised. Asheville Special to Raleigh Post, 1¢th. Hon. Locke Craig returned from Knoxville, Tenn., where he arrang- ed a compromise of suits against his client, Baxter Shemvweil, with the Knoxville bank. Civil suit being settled, no further effort will be made to push criminal action or ar- rest Shemwell under extradition issued by Governor Russell. It is expected that Shemwell will return here at once. The Knoxville bank made a determined fight against the Asheville druggist, and his at- torney bas fought successfully. Detectives and sheriffs from Ten- nessee have been here several times and the last time Shemwell’s resi- dence and several private houses were searched. The officers believe he was here and had a narrow es- cape from capture. Details of the alleged offense have never been di- vulged ty either party and the terms of compromise are not obtain- able. No effort will be made to collect the thousand dollar bond fur- nished by Col. Robert Bingham, for which he was secured by Shemwell, Compro- Postmaster Templeton Arrested and | teleased. From Our Regular Corre-poudent. | Mr. B. FP. Long, of Statesville. | | Spent Tuesday in our town as coun- | jSel for RS. Templeton, postmaster | of this pjace, why was charged with | F. A. SHERRILL & CO., Whoiesale and Retail. neglect of duty ia his oftice. The Warrant was issued by E. T. Good- man, Esq., upon the aflidavit of one C. M. Bower, a man not unknown to the people of Statesville and oth- er parts of Iredell county, whoclaims to be a detective, and a member of some Ohio detective association | Bower cane here Jast Thursda y.and began hi~ investigations inthis mat- ter with the avowed ubject of fore- ing Postisaster Templeton to refund fifty dollxys to.M. D. Willer, wi hich amount of money belonging to Mil- ler was in the safe atthe time of the robbery of the postoffice. Miller had deposited it with Mr. Temple ton the morning before the robbery “pose of having a money order js>a- on the following morp- ing, _ The ca-c was tried before ‘Squires Goodman and Walker, and the in- vestigation showed that Postmaster Templeton had not been guilty of any neglect of duty in his office, and for the : your attention toe the fact thai We wesi te cal! we have put ina FIRST-CLaAss STOCK OF Staple Clohine Fer Men, Boys and Youths. We propose to sell this Clothing at a very simall margin of profit. It costs us nothing extra to carry clothing the same room the same salesman ete. We are prepared to save You money in this line. When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. Webhave the goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. Come and be convinced. Truly. F. A. Sherrill &Co. also that State courts have no juris diction of alleged violations of Unit- ed States postal laws. The action was dismissed for want of evidence tend- ing to show criminal neglect, and for want of jurisdiction; aad Mr. Bower was taxed with the cost of the action. The affair caused quite a sensation 1n our town, and public Opinion fully justifies the action of the courts. SS ge New Advertisements L. Schiller has floor matting and at prices which will seli it. A. N, and J. M. Reid, execut ors of Abel Reid, give notice to er edi- tors. “A stitch in = a 2? = time saves nine. Your property may burn to-night. You might have an accident, or get sick and die to-morrow, So, for the pretection of yourselfand loved ones, let us insure you to-day. STATESVILLE, N.C, Gaither & Nicholson, |, COMFORT Is what you will want more than any thing else when the terrific Heat of Summer Comes. A little preparation now will insure at least a moderate degree of comfort. It is to be had by covering vour floors with some of the new designs of Matting. We are selling a spendid Matting at 25 cents a yard. L. SCHILLER, Furniture, Carpets aad Matting. ew Cooper Block. Watermelon and Cantaloupe SiuleD. Now is the time to piant. We have a good stock of the Choicest Varieties which we sell by the cunce, this being the cheapest way to buy them. ZSOALSO Garden and The Famous Godman Ladies’ Oxford At $1.25 to $1.50. Guaranteed Solid throughout and to wear equal to any $2.00 Shoe on the market. SLOOP & MILLER. Cornfield Beans. Sorghum or Sugar Care Seed, Broom Corn Seed— and this is sou. othing every farmer should begin raising now as therc i~ 3 demand for itright her Hor any other kind of seed you may need to finish pianting your garden or crop. Call on COOPER & GILL. FOR PURE FOOD GO TO Moore & MeLain’s Hein’s Pickles Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed. Barrel of Kraut, Mountain Buckwheat Flour. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. N. B. Mills & Co. ~~ Whoiesaile and Retail General Merchendiss, The better judge you are of Dry :-: Goods, The greater wiil be your appreciation of the goods we offer here. As big values have never been spread upon counters anywhere. Cottonades For Pants At same low price as they were sold at when cotton sold at 4c. per pound. Yard wide Percals at Si¢.. and 10c., yd. Good Calico atdc.yd. Beautiful Lawns at 6c., Tic.: 10c.; 12h¢. and Ide. Bet- ter Grades for 20c:, 25c., 30c¢., 35e., 40 and 50c. yd. Ladies Gauze Vest at 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 and 50cts., goed quality and style. Best line of hose and shoes in town. See our line before you buy. We are Umbrella and Millinery Headquarters. So see us before you buy. Good goods iow prices. N.B. Mills &Co. We buy fresh butter and eggs. and all kinds of country pro- duce. PROGRAMS L, sA u p Yo aa v y sa w s , Printed — a IN THE BEST OF STYLE FP AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. ROWSON & SKRONCK, PROPR'S. <C H O O U S JO A T I S BL 20 6 “1 1 8 Jo sy AB I L 3! W2 S t Mo u Ay u v s y US PI O Sf ] JO UI S H O 91 4 } dO U I s pa t u y AO S SE IO L E L O L L 1 LU S T OI A au 0 Up - o 7 pu v ‘s u i s *U 1 O T Z MB A NO L FE M Jo UU LO R ao u a t o s & B PI I p I S U O S St OY s as j 9 ‘u o I s u j o s d UL SU O O d s a. DA L I S VI I Wt 0 8 ¢ ‘u o o d s 4 o0 n d Q O pu as j o First, Inspection. Now, Selection. The first arrival of our spring purchases caused so much praise from our friends that our buyers were stimulated to branch out more extensively than ever before. In fact we are showing a much larger line of Novelty, Up-to-date Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes Than was ever shown in this city. Our spring lines are now complete and we are anxious to serve you. Yours truly, Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowles. 2a "¢ N O O a S UT A T I S V HI I M NO G , 44 DA B Y ss o m d o i d pu v "u u oU M Ap e au t PA L S IY SN C i s ju Ma p p o Jo py y p o o t ) su a sv Ap a v s vw yo n s' sa y sp u d 0} su o o d s 4 Sale of Land. BY Virtue of a decree of Iredell Superior Cour made in the special proceeding entitled G.W.Clegg, administrator of J. B. Josey and Hiram A. Freeze against C. C’ Whitaker and wife, Sarah Whitaker, and others, the under. signed as commissioner of Iredell Superior Court will at the court house door in Statesville, N.C,,on . SATURDAY, MAY 26TH, 1900, sell at public auction tothe highest bidder the following valuabic tract of land, belonging to the estate of J. B. Josey, deceased. bounded as follows: Beginning ata stake, thence North 8834° West 15 poles toa rock. thence South 9 poles to a white oak, thence North 3834° West 42 which was supposedly forfeited by Shemwell’s leaving court without leave. Defendant’s attorneys have fought collection on tke ground that ; theit Client had complied with bond. | poles to a persimmon, thence North 82 poles to ahickorv grnb, thence North 88%° East 76 poles to a stakeon Jacob Parker's line, thence South 18” West 8 poles tothe beginning. con- taining 32% acresmore or less. Terms of sale ; C. W, CLEGG. a This April Tah 10, : You wil] always submit toyour believing. The Big Store. Our parting prices make the items buyable that we mention below. You can always use your dgment, for this is every buyer’s privilege. It is our purpose to stand by our customers, and aever allow their confidence to be imposed upon. Kindly Allow Us to Assist you In life’s struggles, to save your earnings, we can With your approval. Large lot Wall Paper, 5c. to25c. per roll. Fancy Figured Muslin Draperies, 123¢. worta, 18c. yd. Big Lot Ladies and Men’s Fine Shoes, $1.09 to $5.00. Black Mohair or Brillantine Dress Goods, 20c. to Tac. yd. Men’s Dress and Heavy Shirts, 25c. to $1.00 each. Large Lot Pants and Overalls, 50c. to $2.75 pair. Silks in Great Variety 35c. to $1.00 yd. _ See Our $1.00 Black Parasols .They are in demand. Heavy Shirting oasis ES and Tic. yd. for Men and Boys wear. 3 Cakes good Laundr. ap for 5c. : ae coming ae so os the Flhes. Ouradjustable wire window screens 3t.25c, each, will save you a lot of worry, Come and see the other bargains. eo 2 th e ea e di g s el i t cn a ti i e : oe s 3 al b a +5 bs ai n t ta t i v e Ck ts re da ep i p e t i i h Ya k a d ia b b i g e ed : 6 nh sa n g NS wm l oe Ba 3 ‘1 q j : SR a OT OE IE NIT OU NE REIN ERE TTL AL LN OE RUIN IN OT aT IT a TET Ae PRS * ers Tie up Street C Lines, Se ; 2 ao Re-Sale of Lang, = Qn Act to Amended the Constitution of North Carolina What Russet! Said cf Republicanisza Ranumerators are Negroes. in this State. 3 | BY VIRTUE of a decree of ' Court made inthe speci | titled A. D. Plyler. Marion 4 | ler and others against U. 7, : = ai ee | signed as commissioner of Ss 7 ; =i as | { 3 a me MY 5 | court house door in Statesville: GOS I SOR ee on eo pf ees MONDAY, MAY oy i arnaen eee } at 3 ; re-sell at public auction to the abrogated, that valuable tract of land, know be substi ney Plyler land. situated Sei eee township, in Iredell county, 69% acres moreor less. Th cottage dwelling house on sa nn a as creme me A dispatch from Washingtonsays: rs ome * f wo gry j tf ot, i rth |Census Supervisor Peare?, of Co- | Tie Gene ral Assembly of North Governor Russel has beet a con-/tumbia. S.C... is likely to wet into! — [Gea de enact: sistent, inconsistent, presistent, | considerable trouble over ibe ap-| t times flagrant, frequently a dis- 'pointment of negro enumer2tors, las scandion lot but always a loyal member | ind the chances are that be imay Sed the sume is herevy | lose his position. It trans: | Fonnines St. Levis, Mo., D.spatch, roth. Jenoimgs Luis car many nthe ofthe third. Ic satisfaction and with purpose that f to second the usbry- In accordance with the decisien ; reached by the St. Lovis Trans Company's employes early this | } morning a general strike was Inau- |gurated on the entire system = layvbreak today, save a few on the} . : : Perk lee oe first cense and Deere of a pe }mepced a number of enumcrators . : ear on this division left the sheds at | Y3 Gor ed Holden ae 168. ae |for appointment to Director Mer-| So'clock. The crews were allowed | #0 bas been before him in pointing | piam of the Census Bureau, without torua the cars unmolested until oe the Soe ee of bis party and |stating the color of the applicant. Bryan | 19.45 o'clock when car No. 5 of the | its evil cs Coen Renee. |The director, not knowing the men k Avenue division liy | Wie atthe same time ro one has |were colored, but supposing, of ; was badly _ /wrecked on SPT 12 YS +, Jjres that | = 5 € <hbail ae ne on TES tude i »4y thereof shall en received bis 4W the supervisor at Columbia recom following article of said Y eo most unselfish before ination of William Jenniz as President of _the perro ae a {f] | sale: One-half cash on day of ARTICLE VL C y mers eICE fy UFRAGE £ND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICS—— So Bashi six months from day of sale roved security with interest Kile retained till all the pur aid, J. B. CoN This Arril roth, 1900. Cc re t PE A R S Unitea Simpson, declared resented the struggle for human | p ts G, W. Washourn, of Mas- etts, seconded Bryan as the nation and Cyclone | QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. 1] (Section 1) Evers mate bora in the United States a Webster Avenue be jeiven, aS submissive support. "| course. thein to be white men, ap- person | tween Sixth and Seventh strects by |29 evieexce of bis concempation ct! yvoved the recommendations of Su- lay wale ; stones thrown by 2} the Gezradation, to which his Pa | pervisor Pearce. It was rot ieve | pate verson who has been xas. seconded him as the vd of men and boys. } 3s subyec: d, his interview. publiso- |yaturally, before protests began to weuty one years of age ) “throttle the op suburban line, many of the {ed in 1892, well illustrates. He/ he received from that ruck-ribbed é le.” ves of which had been on 2 j then said: a |Pemocratic center of Colambiz]jn this article. shall “al days, was also tied} hy Just look at that! The act- against the idea of the town having Horning hours. | U2! leader of the (Republican) party | -ecro enumerators. wre run as far east us T! in this State 2 negro Congressman, | Pe people of the city cbjectec Phir i S imost decidedly to having negro essing the qualitications set out 3 be entitled io vote at any eection by the people ie th ate excentas herein other- in the state exceptas herein ot : Licd, close » woven, soft finish. wise provided. . ea : rude of LILEDOUN (Sec. 2.) He shail have resided In} 27 -_ mom, will mot thar, pos SDOUN Musiin as soon as she C Eto x shee. ; rd ie early mo into i piece. It 1s bu but when efforts were OLY qualification for the lead- them down ry ' i ers and sympathizers | iérship is the color of his skin. In istrict in ‘Oo. majority that neyro past years ee ; when the seer was tive} jenumeretors enter their homes up- cp the delicate mission required of enumerator. It is bad the state of North Carolina ‘s, in the county six months and . ? juet, ward cr other elec- for two For The Peopl . 82 2 and in in the pi = all ragered them olf the — “Po rsy 1 thelv crews a cepsus INSURANCE At all—had best look - tract which is but a stone between NO insy life. In oneinstance you Qj win, In my _ policy You vet benefit of both living ang j times whatit is today, white men of i | Character and capacity were elected |) -ivaie circles and ask the delicate vey a tt race ye cri, , you = eatery aa x teste ce that Wil enrametonmime Gere the af- | '? c oner SS OY — = Ree ae questions required by the sovern- | ejection: nominated | : and night attem were | 29 White nen ever think of askingd ment for its information, but the] from one precinct. ae ~ = : ee ". tor the rx Nat) ; ‘ jictrjic : hia . z ‘ nie rere — = R Oneal 2 e ste the cars. but in|? ms eer ne ar a t.lideaof having negro enumerators | stectic., district to rs : “sy t a necro is r ‘ = £613 } eae CONNORLION |. rau. erowds along the) <-> oe 5- COm pecs Sars eyo eo TJeal S community such 85] daprive any person of the right llas. flags and | Ge i s the more certain be isto get | Colur Ti OT -in the precinct, ward or other A a . e eee ne ea arr aoe Ane . area . : . ° . : aie ae. Uf Diaine and Tom Reed | .., tbat Director Merriam | eieerion district from which he has Chauncey ee aa Jude | has taken the subject in hand. asd} removed until four mouths after nee re: ided = i ae has sent for the Supervisor to come | soch rem: No person who}: j of ther “OU rat . : 3 : aA : a; Kebving was sbot by Cond: Bee Oe Sea ee tO Washington and explain watters | poon convicted or who has ¢o . = - Cor wraecs ey Hou: * . . . , - « = . : ‘allan. and 3 orman Ca was for Con { =e unless he ooup at it for to his s action. What excuse | yjs cruilt in oper court upe. dic truck in the fac a . Etev-| # food round price tor cash. the supervisor will have to offer for | yeqt of any crime, tie punishment wnani |, are reported in connec- And again: A his recommending the appointment] of which now is or may hereafter be trike, including Me-!, Look at Mecklenburg county: A] o¢ negro enumerators is cf course | ipa pris ectin the Sta } , . wt ~ = PW veunre ncn t or i < os a ome ttled for the | S ar * und Nicholasti®W Years ago the Opposition to the | not known. shail be permitted to vote vest nomi- Sule tome for | Der atic party in the county ‘d nerson shail be first restores to notorman, r 4 eee oer na = rr eomprised several hundred sturdy white nen, led by such gentlemen poiuce hee sail Was yin the d: . 5 3 sent recndon Ornate ots z Serene as Judge Bynum and Gen. Barring- | Weeden Dispaich, roth, ‘ 3. Every person offer! 7 Fan ge ig Ne le ae jer. and whatis the Republican par-| Although the British expec a ne ee ; The Congressional contest in the tbe anerat 2 : ts ns libeat the time a Ninth aicteict was brouchtto acios Sain - there today but an impotent ne-|cousiderabie oppesition at the ditii- eee ORF Sinta aistiiet was broupbtto a ciose Kk to tne shee ih ta eeam al atetayline - = sult drift of the Zand river, the lat- seen ais in the House last Thursday by un- ro rabble? Look at Wayne county (Cult Crilt of the Zand river, the lat-| > 4 =. the manner hereaiter pro- ; . ce “lig S ‘y [est advices frem Smaildeel, Orange | ° 20¢ 1G tue mabner nerealver pt seating Mr. Crawford. The final and you wili see that any mouthy/est advices frem Smalideel, Orange|™™, “4 by law. and the general assem 207 7 . F<) a Sap ae re | Eree State, indicates that the fede-] Vits4 Oy t¢0", atm ele Seabee soot vote stood 129 for Pearsen and 127 PRament to tbe ErOwn (eon so yee eee ey negro grog-shopskeeper is of more | tree State, indicates tha . North Carolina enact eee ng Goeee . mice. cere Min te ; councils of the] raeis are not yet ready to make a de Sees ist a : mm ee no Crawford. eu > ‘ i x . . of ‘ r at Crear YeELIStrathio aw: iad CAT - a menses Gov. Brog-|termined attempt to stem Lore — een es “aireloth, W. S. O’'B.; Roberis’ 2 The latte & John R. Smith.” front, indeed, is so wide and over ) tion district in which be off vote four montis next prece that ward or another ih rot operate nough to have white men call into Ter: : Those who e , : 7 , ' : Provided, +1 2 Con epping % and shall! 1 : t “ i} Jere 1 ote mS lly stoputog traf aved int Outraves by crowds storming t » frequent. Oonaucto Seven hundr 2 ana Statesville, N.C sixty-Eight do h paid out to Citiz, Transacts a Regular 8 of Statesville ang community in loess Interest aid va tien ; i2lattention paid than 12 months time COTTON MILLS. Ifyou will take the Coorag eceived on most favor nvention Chair witerson | Ggomimalian = oF snore, ea UN Musiin button bag free. Fe 5 Sf presideptial pexton the EE OMe e Tayiorsyile, h. C. time and seé me I can The War in Soath Affien. Se give vou all imforma Lion citizenship in the manner prescrib- law. <* ” . i+ vy, when it NO MEDICA REQUIRED. J .F. CARLTON. FIRE, Lire And ACCINENT| INSURAN ce on EXAMINATION rewisterce e ee ; issachussetts, eratiug thematl ~ * sere bug thema JNO A coor shail into effect the provisions of this ar- ‘After sntferiug from severe dys- licle. i os pepsia over twelve years and using 7 yi a as pictured more accura- | Waelm) nbers that it is di \ ee aas oes ee oe SS on \ cami — y the conditon of the party, its|Ccult tosec how the Boers can i Ee soon SZ00G ubaliy toon Woao: vepesia en) s 5 1 e or}? iss: ie Bei cence a etn 9 agcand write any Care. Itdid ine se much good I southe umiliating domination by vicious | being ecusted out of Virginia Sic- za 4 wae a 2 is : ; Ss tien in the English is ;reccmmended it tc everyone,” Kci eto en oe eria carte arclion see t of Smaildee!. :UL1lON eat ts ;re mend t 2 y I CSS DSI C OO PR COC ad Scion SaaS writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- ¢ thbove. And just what he complains | even if they eleet to give battle. - < rane 28 a a Se eh ee asd oil eae achat re ete hater ae area eee uig | Vette be sh jcorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests of us existine in sections where that The same considerations would | 7" BG Sbalt & 8 Laereieee x Wop Wi 7 5 : CE ees SA 19 firstcay cf Mare iwhat you eat, . i. Hall Jr. element was strong enough to win|probabiy atect the situation at hich he nrgpeses to vote 91) | — a aan aera a : . . : AC erPoomnst. En rae ns 1 saat that jileais JL peinces ei * e ye = pS its voice, and it will be seen it was} Kroonstadt, hence the belie ee eee sseribed by Jaw for the! The Repudlican State convention Pann SSS OEE ACC NC CRRGRIOGS tO) ENG Ce eee Aan ne OC COO oe ecear ie Dowie s toa of Hlizois nominated Richard Yates 2WAY OF . y wae 2»; oe , 46° Lf. pena t eat. . eed = . f ene coast, emphasize the conditions that oc south of tae V aal. The eae en only on assessed preperty ai for Governor after an exciting von- The SOUTH have existed throughout the State aos oYriuges over the W est eee issue to ee test. when the party, dominated by such | apd the Vaal are expected tu retard Sree one - a a The Direct Line to +!i Poin Ritier elements. has controlled. the general march from Sroalidesi im . afte ; ae : ny. ere ir : ai “ourteen Streams for three or nation as essentia! | saken igea hic is the best. w Re ices ub a, OAs oR Sew nee fe aud E vurteen Streams for three aor \ » four days, when General Buller will » be ready. The general idea is that Lord Roberts will direct his right on Uarrismich in order to get in touch herei > then resided d - : ‘> Wherein he then resided, an with tre Natal army coming ae fees ae a rane 7 i through Van Reenen Pass bel eereern o e “8 oe ht partakea of food upon the seventh ligeaenecdes : aes . . > il be denied the A dispatch from Maseru, dated ef nee er COIS ee: : } OL 7 and vote at any electien in otton Gins at low Cuba and dav after he began his ‘‘fast’’ ia the : a county jail, at the end of which time] May 3, says the Boers have desert- Scars ee Porto Rio. he predicted that decors of the prison |cd both Ladyvbrand and Fricksburg see Soccer aot : sein ‘ : 3 . : aj: . ts4° : Sess tue educatior suaiheati ; : ‘ i eae = would voluatarily swing open and/ina panicky condition, owing to ee Sets os Tour OE ahist a\\ trictly Firsc-Ciass Kqu:p. bead his followers go free. A|reports that the british bad occu- Seis iad , Hd or ES ment On all Throuvh and - : : one A 7 F 2 on } a 3 frotidcd, aes 4d DIVS Tec- —— = s tempting chicken broth (for‘'Peace yea Senekal, thus threatening their iis ? : s ~~ ~Loca ae ae Re sn : Ee nye = ered in accordance with the terms = l Trains; Pullman __. Palace Sleeping Cars on all act Aes yet possesses some of the character- | retreat to the Transvaal. tae Sachsen een »cemanags on el-][. 0. : ; , nar o ? . +3 } ol tois sectio prier to ecein ver = istics ofa nevro) offered by Jailer} General making the i stoi : ¢ ins: Fest and <7 i ) A ee : Se 2%, nineteen hundred and eivhbt. ee a Past and safe . ules. > ’ . ~ cussed, but the] y)., 1 . oa ee eon ee j Fectine bus-| / tus yesterday morning “broke the | transport preparations for an ad- foes pio Sate : ects s-], ae > me = 1@YarassembBbiv soaail pre 1 Cen" I fast.’ and the religious fanatic, who! yance. Pee nnn oa T 1 by tl : Nd Craeer WAS CONSIG- | + dueed ene af his fellow permanent record of all tavel by the Southera and you are rae : One i ! ‘ = oo . .. assured a saic, Comfortable and “ Expeditious Journey. , creature -—-——_ — i i os Ss WnO register i APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS ¥OR TIM Tarces 2 utive Board, the mi is con- his strike. s: Gay that ied with the re- joint meeting » Company bas pre risis by its refusal to Vv atauy oe our part toward settling rences between us and the With simultaneous head blocks and cab most sensitive fecd e miil, also Frick Cor ENGI AND BO ; Portable on whee Texas ionery oa ad z ize, anc ie ere: Californie. lipse traction 4 Florida, fae STANDARD RAIN} nominee. tan- mera ior a not crucify : , itary maze We are re : earnestly no process shali tpe collection of the sar avainst ussessed property No male person who was onJanuary one, eighteen hundred ud sixty-seven, or albany time pri- eto entitled to vete under they e in the United| . 4 SY aris The Wis- “under if the com- Percy Has Abandoned the Faith. The union tabour 3,400 menare out at they represent 90 per cent. NV s € tnploves. the executive Men's sjoard of Directors Exchanyve was i bers of 2c eain Yl both ons us seen as the ! ue COUBLLY =m : 5 ity of the str situation wus Vilmingion Star. *“Peacd.”’ or Perey of Dominica, a= be calls himself, bas at last vield- ed io the desires of the tlesh and has d rN Statesville, N.C. -lness Let us sell Save vou ti ‘Shoes, Ha civles, a upport . for financial ‘ economic f “Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune and Harsh.’’} Shaxespeare’s description fits thou- sands of women, They are cross, des- poncent, sickly, nervous—a_ burden tof themselves and thelr families. Their sweet dispositions are gone, and they, like t the bells, seem sadly out of tuze. But there isaremedy. They can use por- sec- Race Discrimination. "Tats GO Lot rela We will se! Maracabo Q Macaroni, and Grocer wae i wine matters| +0 St#rve herself to death, broke ny ee es RISER wee tee > wining | HOw and ate freely, excusing his Aedes rs “weakness” by the statement that peut ¥ the moon istoo large just at this! Itis an ill wind thatsuits nobody. stage of the came to carry on a suc-{ The deaial of the right of Por cessful “fast.” cans, Hawaiians and Fili Tooner and Shiver, his two fol-|¢overn themselyes—much lowers in jail who are held for com- ‘oting to govern us—neces: ty in the murder of the woman/silences those Northerters es who starved herself to death, yet| would have tie Africans govern the{Guired by waw. cling to the faith and refuse to eat.|South. The principle of d (See. 6.) All elections by i Prazier, the fourth negro of | crimination is at lenvth established, {i oy S ery : 2.0 trouble to answer questions. 71 ’ ’ } 4 fs > shail be by ballot aS fauna, J. M, od, |W. AL Tak ns : Wace 47 eran an a “ + "s band, relinquished the fal jand an American ci may now oy the general shal! It brings health to the woman ] 5 be Zl and yet be thought } organi: and health < v7 & Gen. Man. Traf. Mas. C.P a0. . : ° . 1 ae Seon : ~ taking part by voting in the gov-] _ : ‘ ter in North: 1 WASHINGTON, Dc, asked i poi: a Ber cena sree orte ee It restores womanly ul dis EO er e@ Tae ee Sinmtneta eerie es It tones up the nerves wh Suite! The solicitor repli-; the progress toward a Juster te ing and disease haye shattered. It is them to takeli! Manufacturer the most perfect remedy ever devised be assauit and : ; restore weak women to perfect er. 3 no {= a ttre nd to make them attractive # npt | response in the breasts of 2 venera- a ‘Rniy swear (« $1.00 at all druegists, . . : ° a , <3 et py Ty 2 in cases 3 tion which is growing ap to Cuba, |! See pead me “4 AViCe 12 Cases Tequlnlug Spec- Porto Rico and the Philippines CULIUN ONG LAWS jai direciions, address, yi ng symp- neater sn rea BSA ra SS Ry Sean Bite titution : toms,:“*The Ladies’ Advisory De- i n, falk about the Southern problem sutution a Ct : ae net PEOD Sorth | Carolinalnos partment,” The Chattanooga Redi- Ee een ang the negro problem, what are]-* ae ine C tt: z = eer é 8 1 <i, wan a pe cn gat cine Ce,, Chattanooga, Tenn. t : : é they compared with the Philippine} “¢rewith, and EV. , x HRN iS cee cee et pa we p i } REV. 3. W. SMITH, Cam its 12 DOp ¢ YUNGiney Up op problems ‘ Afriean ee pene Wine of C. rSiLiOL t be sonstitul ai 5 ; ‘9 or failing wi nd it GiicceanE Vika cota or aes Soret aoe oupateae the wild be a eee DLICEVS OF tO < peak s bes ponents, men of sorneo.’”’ 7 1e South ] ye ys ses 2 lsuve iuil power te adjus > Fritchard and Butler, are} i. ae Se eed oar st So ie onaees \ Uh power PO aaju whee tilitseta ups? Ste) ayo understood the negro problem. a Woste. Barker was Ss X o make ill'terate white vot-11; hes always asked only to be jet e: }irst, all pers 19 shall isanimous alter 1b was seen that he em: ended t ers believe tha ney wil p is-|o wear Staite - Seat rv the bei Lensertite) (AR een nominated on the second | uinc ree ed lac the nee oe ee oo = sroneiee some eRe ROn I RE aCiaC aS : Tipe oe shen hall ane t Lomiustion of Vir : beeen = nS re 5 ; , ae . The k 2 = eas iS able way. That seems at jenzth tod er Coed 2 Repos Ee ho ae have = ean! Mr, uatil the}adopted, They know that there is] je conceced su convicted or confessed their Honnelly was made by acclamation. uova particle of truth in this, but} =” wilt on indi t ting 3 F i ba particle o , Y s ; sult on indictmen senaGiny’ ane they are asserting it and playing Rage eee ; ether sentenced or opie Sener Sao Mtn ea a ara a A Wonderful New Shell. rl an sence | liiis as one Of their big cards in the jucgment suspenced of any treason or felony oroef any other crime for They know that under this amendment every white man in the! Some facts almost startling in ich the punishment muy be im- State who is Row eutitied to a vote] their imporiance, were laid before prisoursent in the penitentiary wiil Continue to be a voter, and they | the Senate recently ia executive’scs-|sivee becoming ci ifthe Unit- rhow, too, Vial every white boy|siou. They reiated, itis understood, ! WO Comes Oi age before 1903 and}.io the invention of a shell by a isters will become a voter andjprowinent officer in the United toue to vole. After 1908 it will| States nuvy—a shell superior jn ey- vezsary for those coming ofagejery essential quality to any be avie to read and write, but Sives ample time for every white boy growing up to leara to read and write. said to be so great that no armor transparent foliy it would/now mavufactured in the United de for men Who are contending for]Siates or abroad has sufficient resis- wiule supremacy to disfrauchise] tance to withstand it. tavir owt people aud leave the bal-| which were in the possession of only iut Les opento the negroes. Theja few Seaators were deemed so im- NaMC vussevtion carries its absurdity with portant that ihe Senate decided to along} ys sections. ' November first, sineteen hundred and eight; aud ali uBersous shall be entitled cie in all elect peopie in this state unless iiGed under section two of this} Procited, such persons: who i] have paid teir poli te i} i vas Teucned tits OL bins cansicde lore Sun. Dike D ratio of Birartes AND GENERAL INFOR MATION, OR ADDRESS RB. L. Vernon, | EF. Daty, CPST A PP AS McELREE’S a one c. ASHEVILLE. N.C vo Wine of Cardi 2 postal a: dypust 7; crusts y ‘ repre- CoD= | enced iowus decided to meet dai- the di LCT GRG ys OGGtes aud tigen pepe Soliciter tot this enuntry. ¢ v ‘ N Bo 3 +10 otfice, if s2Cu i eed Fire, Life, Accident or Health Insurance See Brown & Guy, _ #INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. Ofice—Second Floor Bank Building Genounced. ae S mpel UGtiess rould uw eyes ofthelaw. S ; } a will continue to ter delicacies. anti ——0 0 re sad Populist re pronounced riant features Gemands are: Presi'| 4 : *} Harton For Vice elly, of Ty 2) oy borer, Sioan C The question How can | be neatly you m bougbt our s fore can save The Stock of big Reductio will sell you 2 man’s suit anything in ¢ our pure Iris and if squere Every artici past favors } I rte at } t } raast- sy ti ‘ moo Clr pias ec : : hominated = Ss 1ie-or-the- sDVEHtion iw uNien, ars of the union wv , nerroes are] Uischarge the dut ny : --+.........00 help me, God.”’ (See. 8.) The following clas nal! be disqualified for “Thad stomach trouble twenty years and ave up hope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- siaCure. Ithasdone meso much good I call it the savior of my life.” writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. W. F. Hall,Jdr. NOMINATION Go Try Us On aUN Sporting Goods, Table Cultery, Meat Choppers or anythin else you may need in the ardware Line. If you are not pleased with our sroods after examining them, vy, we don’t ask you to ; bay, ‘ Yours truly. W. A. Thoma: & Go. San aannnandiamnoneesesesieesisnesas ——* uggies | ponte Attrac Hacks & Surreys. The M 2 aicinent. sSecond aay S Sessler ab office , wi “ey Man et 8:30 o'clock today by|in ibe union requiris game. Washirgton Dispatch. -, z a aetee GET = Sy the explosion of alamp Chaney Goss, colored, of Thomasville, was so badly burned one night last week that she died a few hours later. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food 3 _ | Nature in strengthening and oe Jent sh :; Structing the exhausted digestive or- venerai elec- ; G38. It is the latest discovered digest" nt from Fs Es se With the coi sles In OS s = Veins - 0 Es ew a Lad! Is ee a as +} Vat Me, Towne Says, FRY wae . awe, Wid Was the roll was called at > Popitist Convent aos t:o0%5 for Presi u, of, peat C fut vice PresiGent, whens >, Gt Nebraska City, pre- duc expression Gi oplaicn wwe Gi former Concress- rard, of 2 i s ! ys.0f Georgia, », he wou ni tL Wilitce the a of now j use cither by this or by any i yovernment. The quality of tion possessed by the z bat all of the previsic ee titution re , vame has teen men- wioned in t raneeclion, that Lhave { aot sougat the off i “if no ef- : I mination bat it sided uot to 2e- and the obhee two par- knov nowination, uk Tan: the people, | among the y histo a cer 3 position the United States tia: : ‘ “C2 ttee to meet : ; ui rt ec ri he the iv > bas Deon but one name connec Pe lcotecrrd soux Balls couventia;: ; ; ; eee : = ) Z ‘ rawal < UD ehs Couventica 2f they <n Nica rolemepld ees wininn aeeeee + ae “yt : . with the oflice and withthe ok a ae friex = sbould name a committee with the But eVORY it will be declared after the saval bill had Jaid Voters of the} 2#2t and tonic. No other preparation ; Be ot oereen Cre ee nctn fees aeee en rene caee uuconstilutional because it discrim- | aside jor the day, Mr. Tillman asked stein the sz suner and under! C22 approach ft in efliciency. It in- ee MRE Cie uicol Cons Tae ioe UeS linates egainst the aegroes. This is Pu lations as is! ‘tantly reneves and permanently cures at Nansds Gilby tc osider PN aes ie z ¢ . . . Ses Sepeuer ore a a SIE i i “4 presidential bon Rae es uob tz we jt does not discriminate tL explain to the Senate why be fuiating gon. } ome Indigestion, Heartbura, , vo A ams le ae tae aby & ie! - y y Sad : yo. E - : : : v. Scene st the aS for any negro ed the armor plate matter to ie Sin this state aod in! ick Headache,Gasthannen, ee aa chvet hd meray , c “Sl awho was entitled to vote in 1867 in! discussed in secre! When tbe deor i ? sUTAMps, ani ielnOuCOncieom tba atihe ee ee ¢ iscus secret. When tbe deers all otherresults of i igestion Seats oy asider that the best course | this or way other State. or the lineal | were closed, he explained that sev- Prepared by © © Dowie eet igesth see ta 2 sal Seen ceas Pe ‘ descencaat of such negro, will bejcral days age. he had offered a reso- at ibe platform reafirms the initia- ai there is @ MOCHicatio: of thelentitied to vote hg i ati ti 3e¢ io ive and referendum prineip! jj- | Chicago financial plank by the Kan. entitled to vote, so that there is no| lation calling upon the Secrets ve and referen rinciples: sij-}| Chie IMAwCw A42nkK by De Senrit ierease ern ara c z , } : ver Coinage at 16 t 1; th 7 oes is City convention, on the ae discrimination on that ground | the Navy to send to the Senate Was % 3 of P antl Vie a i i Rete. a secsn w ould seal c ent Te silver There may be yery few of these, bu; | tests made by the Departiment of to the world. Without farther dis |a judges apd Sinica Sete Se sidential eee tne vice! he fact that they are not debarred | cialz of armor plate at Indian Hea : z : : . a. yudgves ap j States 2- VsiWeala: BOL é ¢ nm eee a ine 4: : ~~ arr ° cussion. without further discription | tors by direct vate of the ¢ = > Lecrtsivally wouid not ip i trem voting knocks out the discrim-| No answer to that inquiry has be ON TIM ofthis magnificent man, I present! onposi Sone a see ee a Cea Ee ee Re a a if it ap-| ination objection. received, and in all human po : hh the words “Aguiust the E. : ‘ : , 1 press pposicionto trusts, 2 eclares | proached even theremotestdec roe 4 oe : : gy gin giacct : 23 Cae yes ay to this convention this hero. tat the Secon neues > aS sackdown from the ae Sas Chere is not the slightest danger rone will be received, It| line thereon. econ Meat, S Bat te Ne . ob SolCR Cow oe itt é Lo oft ‘ ACT} } wy ; % "7 j ; i mau and erator, Wm. parties on the ope ae but there Will be no re : Sees of that section being declared un-|seenis that Mr. Tillmaucalied at the ; 1@ Said election shal) be cte., for sale on time, : See a rcs OG Lae > ues C } ‘ 2k ‘ al » y "EO ft ee, St} j ~r * a at 8 ] 3 ze i 7OU 7 Bryan. la sham-battle, and that no solution | Chicago plank will be reaftirn ma +, © jonstitutional by the courts, with.| Navy Department and was informed | held z votes returned, zcom- me when you waut time on don t want tosee the folly of!of this michiy problem is po sib] pen aoe outso declaring the other section, | that it would be vowise at this time | ured. Counted and canvassed and your purchases jof Supplies. d 21s SOLS ) ): Sle _ tt or By AY, 5 ; ? : I " } 2 5 900. ! repeated. Ji was an snomaly i without the adoption of ns oa a tf You Are White, Vote That Way “2 = ae Comes that they to make public the details of the ES Secerepe aS oe vee ses : in the history of this country: Let j ple of public ownership. cf 3 eC asi he "* | must stand or falltogether, This is | tests he had asked for, as it would} #2!cs 2nd reguiations as are in force Respectfully, us consult, not our emotions, not our Atilitien, ership cf public = a in accordance with the opinions of place in the hands, nof only of the {10t returning. comparias, Jae COWAN oe : Lhe Radiesi convertion denounced | courts oa germane questions, and js Senate, but cf representatives of |*! At B ick eas ” ne amendment and the Democratic the opinion of. the ables; lawyers|foreign governments, information ee iene a ‘ rhe amendment because it] who have studied this Question. that properly belonged exclusively eighteen hundred and ninety Administrator's Notice. : rs Notice fe te of th “ea OF bare vary ae eain this act amend tution shail go inte effeer on @ first day of July, nine bun- land two, if a majo of the liGed voters of the state so de-} reat the next generai election See. 3 This tiet at thy Wharton ennsyivania, ret confere; ivrts to secure Buggies, Phaet Vance in the price Stovk early, to seil Selling you vehicle a vehicle to make « mest available shat Today, | sv omi been J i ed on voting for him, he tirst rell eall, which re BIOWS: I fOY @ Secret session, in order that be Howard 3116-10: 303 410; Donnelly. 76: Necessary to w choiea, ana will use our be us and we guarant the guarantee. Co eighteen hundred and at said eleetion tring to vote for ament shall cast a wr 5 Supplies For sale } public life. nt, the most Az on t. eoster ——— Jennings We have just received a car of Buggies, Hacks and Sur- . reys which we will seil very close for With a handsome © Cash or on Tim Case with your nq ec: engrav.d on C Any style printed card a ‘ i F 1 COuAting 109 Cards, 1d cauvassing the votes fer mem. vers of t, the general assembly way 1 Ss, HOt Our impulses, bub our! —_— sment anddo that wi ich the Robbed the Grave. future will approve.’ A startling inciden ich 3 u r -\ s‘artling incident, of whieh Mr eres j ibe announcement of Me. Bryan’s!Jobn Oliver of Philadelphia eee anchises the negro and lets the ————.—-.-—__ to the United States. He was in- : and ifa majority of the votes name was the signal for more en-:thesubject. is narrated by him as vote: the Demueratie They Will all Be on Hand. formed that Admiral O'Neil, chicf|C@st ave in favor of the said amend i AVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA- oe epee General. James 3: “I wasin a most dresd- Wilson News. of the Bureau of Ordinanea, had}ment. it shall be the duty of the gov- |i hereby notify all, pene wierd. ess . Weaver, of lowa was introduced, | ful condition ; deen conducting for severa! monihs |t?T720r_ of the state to Gerrify ‘cata | against said est ite to presen ene eins Claims Reed. | ondition. : : x ' a been con 2 $ } ui es t ze: i . = prcsent the san; negro by isherii- 7 mi Renner has written to & series of armor tests at Indian }emeudment under the se: caries Seas ae = anOE os indebted to hite mau eho he the x S ae 5 ser seees : nay act coats i t Chis Apdiien eee ao nite man who be- | 2° | bly oe he ae General As-| Head, the results of which were |**te to the secretaay of state, who|™eat Chis April sth, 1900, "7 S47¥ settle- | March 29nd. no better than a ne-|SeMOly as ting whether they would | very remarkable. shall enroll the said amendment so | RB. xtchaugiyt’ STEVENSON, Administrator. : ticket anq/be in Raleigh at the extra session z yuent ree. | mendment. and every-| OM June 12. Everyone whohas re- ~ Attorney. é ee the permanent Sal ee 2 ; fhat Throbbing Headzc Ords of his offi ‘ bad the honor to present at St. ‘ly, a friead advised trying Electric Snows that be is bet- pied oe “Yes,” and many say eae ¢ Re-Sale of Land. : Sep nl oct nett a eine sec Ury “ieclric ee = mnie 7 wi ini ir} ¢ name of the dis:ingui-hed Bitters, and to my joy and surprise ro vote for the amend. | thet they will remain in Raleigh at . Would quickly leave you, if -you eC. 9 this act Shall be in foree}y ee - : Petting Ie a : om and ofter its ratifictio: Rat-! SARTUE Of a decree of Iredell Superi len ' . 1 se, : : ; ws 2 y ife iis . we tNCtlOn, w2t-! Court made in th i Sean: fentiemau who has just nen-i the firs strlen ° their own expense as long as the used Dr. xing’s New Life Pills. | od the 2ist dav of Kobvnep. itle — cs Proceeding en- tioned,”’ said eee ae ms oo ae bottle aS decided Lae ee x. | public needs require them. The old-| Thousands of sufferers have proved ip 1 Rann ais Cay of Pobruery, |) Al SS Pyles en Plyler and others am: sure that Iean say ee a Gay eae ibrce x ones their} “After suffering from piles for/est member of the House, Mr. J. R,| their matchless merit for Sick ang} °°" door et of said court, will at the court house geen saley aie aaa nies “Gas se Ic ree weeks, and am now a| fifteen years | was cured bv usiog Me “| ty Relea inser Nervous H aches. The rg | Se eer __._ | Gor in Statesville, N.C. on : “ pase wees never bas been 2moment well man. I krow they saved my iwo boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel see of ee a a an blood aes aheNe re | The a x ivei a: MONDAY, MAY 21ST, 900 Will be in his office two weed na avi Yacrpatr . ‘ e = S me el = > Say, - ~ em 2¥CS fae ime Q monaes f cre } ‘ ‘~ Pe ; : a a = : : msm a a P aoe Se Dane regretted or any life aud robbed the grave of another | Salye,”’ writes W. J. Baxter, North | will be on hand. One of the Re ub- | duild up your health. Easy to take coe of pavrilying th sod and (walsabiceaceotee tothe highest bidder a | O¢Sinning with first Monday ix aE Sees has regretted victim.”’ No one shouid fail to. try Brook, N.C. It heals everything. |lican leaders writes that he wil, bei Try them. Only 25 cents. Money| powitt's La nee S to lake | oF loss, situated in Chambersburk toners more ses Call on him for i . nat oe was the choice of that cor- them.- Only 50c. guaranteed, at W po ‘ s- s < a | " : += US. 2H +;Vewitt’s Little Ear : * Iredell county. NS. C., kno: in the way of dentist: rou a . ce -| Beware of counterfeits. W. F.'present. The ext i il]: back if nor cured. Sold by W. F.! <3 sas the : Piytert fy wh as the Ame! yO MnvAStry. veutioa. The century past has pro-. F, Hall, Jr.’s,D a] is, Ww. F, és e extra session will | ac 5 td by W. F.' famous little | Plylertract of land. “Terms of salewech, find it . do s0- > 2 a dr, rag Store. r. : Ree : . = the , retained till the ish. Title it to your interest to do 0. . Si ae aN Ms arug Hall, J. dve a fult membership presetit, Hall, Jr., Druggist. livet and bo ' purchase money is Work done int nner. Pris W. F. Hall,Jr. "puis apt att, ag00, * “commission® "low. Only the best Nice Jobs. It will pay you to see them before purchas- ing. Respectfully, Letter Henkel Bros. Se for p Weaver, of a was ‘ My skin was saimost \uother round of cheers rang out / Yeuow, eyes sunken, torgue evated as the veteran of fowa came forward : pain continwally in back “and: sides. second he nomination of Alr.ino appetite—craduaily growins G fie spokein part as fol-; weaker day by day. Three physi- }Cians had given me up. Fortunate Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, Dentist, SratEsvitre, N. C. Cc m n e e e a m m n a r s e e . oT CROWSON & SRONCE. oF easiest and etesville x Nest Nas t - know. a in ac s on sak a day of < est from day Purch eg oe ase *» CONN People P 6COnter NCE st lo rKk at buat opiate y 2 Con prs @ step © insurance ance you “ty ¥ You Ding and die to Sct the Ying and death 0 Citizens sville and cy in less tine the > mel can EXAMINATION RLTON. Lire ae > Soom, . FY lw: ~ oy m5 Ye RAILWAY OF DUT Ea te oo! 7 « £0 all Points Ss, ornie. @ 2 and D Rico. Uiass Equrp- Un and Pullmac ‘Crk Bod you sre forteh!, sie -ulortabie ang Paey. 45 FOR TINE TAPLeS & INFORMATION, * Darby, CPi ET a: ASHEVILLE, N.C. wer questions. W. A. Targ G.P eo A E (-oods, ery, DDers you are not zy sroods be therm, you to Gise Bre = & CO. os mies urreys. ived a car sand Sur- Hi sell very on i pay you purchas- Ry, el Bros. NOUR, ; 4 <@ aN. C. two ouday in exch Peal for anything oe «You will to do so. | anner. Prices aterial uséd- Pres weene- a ee aie POE NI Ee en ae ea a ae , fe a a Af i } y fs { ; —/ ss tsa \ \ A \ on a \ if } ie | i \ ue w Pat’ La-2 2 ~~ The Statesville Mascot. WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VoL, VII. ATEVILLE MARBLE WORKS —— 0: —-—— z no i aE 3 } handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known .o the trade and the best quality. a Best Material, First-Class work and Lowest Prices ‘tesville, N.C. c. BWHEBE The First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. acts a Regular Banking Business. Deposits received subject to check on sig est aid oa time deposits. Money loaned on good collateral and personal secur «j2lattention paid tu collections on — a credited or remitted at lo west ra secounts *Cocoorations Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals solicited and yed on most favorable terms OFEICHERS: JX*O A COOPER, President, 5.6, IrVIN, Vice President GEO. H. BROWN, Cashier. FRICK COMPANY'S Kclipse Portabie Circular Saw Mill simultaneous racket setting W h and cable rope feed, the —— most sensitive feed ever put ona saw Sat mii. also Frick Company’s > SOs arn] Os ENGINES em AND BOILERS, aren Portable on wheels or sills. Sta ho tiouery engines and boilers, any Le * sive, aud the great hill climbing nS < Eclipse traction engine. A few 5 Gotton Gins at low prices. = W.H. Turner. Stat ie NS Over Poston Bros Fry & Phifer. Let us sell you yourShirts, Collars and Ties, for we will Our line of save you inoney. Shoes, Hosiery anc Pants Will be sure to please. We will sell you 6 cans of 23 cent. Peaches for 31. Leggetts Maracabo Coffee best on- earth. lic. per lb. Fresh Italian Macaroni, 1Ze. Don’t miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes and Groceries. ERY & PHIFER. Fe ah IEE TRE ee es ut a Treatment. > ‘Vj {HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & ¥ TONIC PELLETS you do not buy a med- icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- § ness, Constipation and Headaches. distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25C¢. It is two The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. » eS Sioan Clothing Co., Successors to Sloan & Shelton. The question of dress agitates the mind of every one more or less. tow can | be neatly dressed for the least money. S neatly you must have asuit that tits and one that wears. We bought our stock bef fore can save you mouey. The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. Wecan give you a man's suit for $2.00. If you wantasuit, hat, shirt, necktie or anything in gents furnishiags you cannot afford to not see us. See our pure Irish Linen collar for 10c. We are anxious for your trade and if square and hovest dealing will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must be as represented .Thanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very truly, Sloan Glothing Co We now have in stock and bought 4. CAR LOADS, EDITORIAL NOTES. The Republican convention of the 14th Congressional district of Ohio suceceeded in nominating W. W. Skiles for Congress on the 2,104th ballot Saturday. That was a con- vention right, and we would have enjoyed seeing it. With one -ex- the record for bailots, and the one exception was the Democratic con- vention of the Zenth Tennessee dis- trict in 1890 when Josiah Patterson was first nominated. Josiah was finally nominated on the 5,927th ballot and ittook oyer three weeks to do the work. > * We believe the adoption of the constitutional amendment will re- sult in great good to the negroes themselves. Almost all the preju- dice white men have against negroes is caused by their activity in politics. If they are disfranchis- ed, the white men will see that they get justice in the courts and that they are not imposed upon by mean white men. In every community the negroes who are best liked by white men and who get along best in the world are never see. at elec- tions. Our readers can cite exam- ples of the truth of this in every neighborhood. On} the other han1 the most vicious and trifling negroes are the loudest-mouthed in politics. We believe the enfranchisement of the negroes was the worst thing that could have happened to them. for their votes have been used to their own and their white ueigh- bors’ injury, and that the white people of North Carolina will be conferring a real benefit upon the negroes when they take their right to vote away from them. * * In the white counties of North Carolina the evils of negro suffrage have been felt as well as in the coun- ties which have negro majorities. While the white counties have not had negro officers, they have had the negro politician and the bad influ- ence which he exerts in our political contests and the demoralization which he creates among our labor- ers. If there never had beena negro officer in North Carolina, it’s best for the white men of every county that thenegroes be disfranchised. To get their votes is a constant temptation to both parties in close counties to resort to coercion and bribery, and such methods are a menace to our free institutions. The white men of North Carolina will be untrue to themselves and to un- born generations if they fail to rid the politics of their State of the fes- tering sore ofignorant negro sutf- rage. Unless all signs fail, they will be true, and the great mass of negroes will vote no moreafter this year. * Pa Ca Four Repulicans voted with the Of course to dress | Democrats on the committee to al-|Phe barn was totally destroyed and low Congressman Rhea to retain the fore the advance in woolens for the cash there-|seat to which he was elected by the | and a buggy. people of the Ninth Congressional district of Virginia, but Congress- man Linney, of North Carolina, “went MRepublican.’’ Heand one other Republican - voted forWalker, the defeated candidate. And vet Mr. Linney will come down to North Carolira aod talk about Dem- ocratic partisanship and unfairness in elections. [f our memory is not at fault, Mr. Linney has always vot- ed for the Republican in every con- test. Now we can’t believe that the Republicans are always right in their contests. They must be wrong sometimes, but Mr. Linney seems never to have been able during his six years’ service in Congress to ception the Ohio convention breaks | STATESVILLE, N. C,, T LOCAL. \ } | . | Mrs. §. H. Garrison is visiting ber ‘sister, Mrs. Austin, in Charlottte. | Mr. A. K. Klingender has a “‘mo- | torcycle’’—a bicycle propelled by | gasoline. Messrs. S. B. Miller and Geo. E. Gill areat home from trips on jthe road. | Mrs. Frank Johnston, of Moores- ville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.M Lowrance, Mr. Chas. D. Long. of Chicago, Ills,, is visiting his father, Mr. J. J. Long. at Elmwood. Miss Mattie May Connelly attend- ed the convention of the Epworth League in Asheville last week. Miss Mamie McElwee. who has been teaching at North Wilkesboro, is at home for the summer vacation. Mr. Calvin Brice and little grand- son, of Woodward’s, S. C., are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Caldwell. Mrs. Caldwell is Mr. Brice’s neice. The daughters of the Confederacy have Gecided to give their annual dues and all money coming into their treasury to the Confederate monu- ment fund. Mr, F. J. Axley has rented Mr. W. E. Anderson's dwelling and will move in about June Ist., when Mr. Anderson and family will go to Sparkling Catawba Springs. The fare for the roundtrip on ac- count of the Confederate Veterans’ reunion in Louisville, Ky., May 30th. to June 3rd. is $10.20. Several Statesville and Iredell veterans will attend. -_- > Sent to Jail for Wife Beating. Mooresville Enterprise. Will Coley, a white man, was ar- rested yesterday morning on a war- rant charging him with beating his wife. A hearing was had before ‘Squire Voils, and the evidence was sufficient to require the man to give a peace bond of $100, in default of which he was sent to jail at States- ville. . een ‘ Mr. Bruce Neill’s Arm Broken. Mocresville Enterprise. Yesterday afternoon about dusk Mr. Bruce Neill, of Granite Hill, was leaving town on his way home, and when he arrived at the colored Methodist church in the upper part of town his horse became frightened and started torun. Mr. Neill was thrown from the buggy and as a result his arm was broken. i CA Caused by Lightning at Moores- ville last Thursday Night. Mooresville Enterprise, Friday morning. Following a vivid flash of light- ning and a roaring pea! of thunder at about 2:30 oclock last night, there came the cry of tire. Light- ning struck the barn and dwelling house of Mr. B. A. Troutman in the north end of town. The provender in the barn was ignited and as a re sult the barn, three horses, two mules, a mowing machine and other implements were totally destroyed. The dwelling house, which is about 50 yards from the barn, was also struck by lightning. A chimney was knocked down and the plaster- ing was shattered in various parts ofthehouse. Mr. Vance Lentz oc- cupied a room where the chimney was, and was somewhat friszhtened when several brick were hurled be- neath his bed, None of the occu- pants of the house were shocked. Fire nothing was saved except a wagon The factory whistle aroused the citizens and a large crowd went to the assistance of Mr. Troutman ‘midst a copious downpour of rain. It was a bad night, and the storm was a severe one. The property destroyed was about $1,000 or $1,200, and the barn was insured for probably $75, ee A Race Riot In Johnston County. Smithfield Speclal to Raleigh News and Obser- ver. Last Saturday about eighteen drunken negro railroad hands and timber cutters went to the town of Four Oaks, threatening to kill every white manin the town. All were armed with pistols or raiiroad spikes. The crowd commenced to curse and raise a disturbance. The town policeman, W. D. Sandin, at- tempted to arrest one of the ne- HURSDAY, MAY 24, :900. | WOMEN NO LONGEK FEAR. |The White Women of Louisiana Hail the New Suffrage Law With Joy. Continuing his letters tothe Ral- eigh News aad Observer, Editor Daniels writes from Baton Rouge, La., on May 14th: **T would count my visit to Louisi- ana to have been one of the pleasant- est of my life evenif [had not gath- ered facts that throw a flood of light upun the method employed by these people toachieve three great results, earnestly desired by every white man in the South: 1. Eliminating the necro. 2. Guaranteeing the right to vote to every white man, whether educa- ted or not. 3. Purifying politics. In the gathering of the facts to show that these things have been ac- complished here, it has been my good fortune to make the acquaintance of some of the finest men that walk the earth. Of the older and more wide- ly known men, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for courtesies, I have already written. One of tke tirst young men in Louisiana, is Mr. Jared Y. Sanders, of St. Mary’s par- ish, who will in a few days be unani- mously elected Speaker of the House. He is one of the best-posted men in the State, Though only thirty-cne years old, he has been a member of the Legislature ten years, was a member of the Constitutional Con- vention that framed the amendment, and the distinguished late Judge Semmes paid him the compliment of saying that his speech in the con- vention advocating section five was “the most masterly presentation of the white man to vote’’ that he had ever heard. When the convention was trying to arrive at the best suf frage amendment, Mr. Saoders was one of the leaders who insisted on the proyision known as the “grandfather clause.’’ Speaking to me last night about the convention he said: ‘‘For one 1 covld never have voted for any amendment that would deny the right of suffrage to the white men of my State who had not enjoyed the advantages of an ed- ucation. They and their ancestors gave freely of thesr blood in the ser- vice of the Confederacy, in 1876 they shouldered their guns toend negro and carpet-bag rule, and since then they have stood firmly, consistently and bravely when necessary for WhiteSupremacy. Section five pro- tects these white mer forever in the exercise. of suffrage. We worked tutional Convention to devise a legal method to protect these white men, and we finally perfected it in section ive. dreds of men who cannot read and ment, and now they are not in dan- ger of a unworthy negro’s voting 5 to kill their vote. They vote and their vote counts. I live in St. Mary’s parish, the home of the three big party leaders, Governor Foster, was the Populist candidate for Gov- white men. perfectly fair. With such leaders as Senator Caffery and Captain 0 1 Pharr agaiust us, we have had a| Pledges by which Congress promis- hard fight to win, but we elected our |€d independence to the Cuban pa- entire ticket. Before the election | tt0ts. L some of our Opponents talked about co is also condemned, and the wise fraud, etc., but they were given rep- resentation at all election precincts white electorate of the parish were defeated. “The negroes took no interest in the election asis shown from the fact that only three registered. The Fusiorists did not try to help the negro to vote. They knew that if many negroes voted their ticket, it would unite the whitesin opposition. There was no complaint about the they Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big 2d-|discoyer a single flaw in the case of|groes for disorderly conduct, where- | vote and the better element of the van ve in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased our ‘ovk early, to sell at cld prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been sling you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresented a vehiele to make a sale. We want your trade and will use our best efforts to merit it. When you buy a buggy from us and we guarautee it, you know it means our standing Square bebind the guarantee. Come and see us. Barren & Nicholson Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better} prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ing, and ot prices that estonish those who have not favored us with orders. £o3—> 1000 Circulars 75c, Size 5x8. Advertise what ENVELOPES, you have to sell with a cir- AT LOW PRICES. 100 Cards, 50c. ha handsome Card with your name xtav.d on the case. Any style printed on cular. Small one easier read than a large one. BSoe Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete > at low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING-CO. CROWSON & SRONCR. PROPR'S. , RAMOS Chill Tonic ia Tastsiess and Guaranteed to Cure Chills ard Fever and all Malaria! Trceubles. Does Not Coutain Quinine Nor Other Poison. Does Not lajaure ‘the Stomack Nor Effect the Hearing. S . W.A. McUarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonicis tke % bes: we have ever kandled. My son prescribes itin his practice,and says it is RB thconly Chill Tenic which & take withoutinju ¢ the stomach.’ Price 50c. BROWN-MF°G, COx Prop’rs)' Greeneville, Tenn. => .°». = wit any Republican who made up his mind to try to oust his successful Democratic opponent from the seat to which he was declared elected. This looks a little strange coming from such a boasted ‘“‘non-partisan”’ and believer in ‘‘fair elections”’ as the able lawyer who represents the Lighthdistrict of North Carolina. * * Our countyman, Col. H. C. Cowles, is right in the swimin Re- publican pelitics this year. He ran the county convention here and was one of Pritchard’s lieutenants at the State convention. At the recent Senatorial and Congressional ccon- ventions he was the ‘“‘big chief,’’ He was elected one of the delegates to the National convention from this district, and seems to be Pritchard’s chosen lieutenant in these parts. Saturday morning, in passing Mr. J. S, Leonard’s music store on Center street, we heard the glad notes of the organ and the tri- umphant voice of that great singer as he chanted his pean of joy at the victory of his countyman, Col. Cowles. Ordinarily our eojoyment of music is marred and dulled by our inability to comprehend it, but in Joe Leonard’s music we recognized the ecstacy of a human soul permeating the finger tipsand swelling to the lips to be uttered in sweet, giad, beautiful sound tints; and as we lis- tened, sucn was the magic spell of the music, we could see victorious armies marching home, civic heroes in the height of great forensic tri- umphs and glad lovers in the mo- ment of acceptance by the women [they loved. It was bedutiful—it Ratdch upon the crowd assaulted Sandin and beat him until he was almost insensible. His face was badly dis- figured and he was bloody almost. from head to foot. A number of white men at this point attempted to come to the aid of the policeman, but were immediately knocked down with spikes or shot at with pistols. At one time a terribie riot was imminent; much mischief would have been done by the negroes, all of whom were drunk, but for the prompt and determined action of white merchants and railroad em- ployes of the town. Several negroes were wounded, but not fatally. Several white men were painfully injured. The gang has sent word that they intend to visit the town again and kill the policeman. The whites will be ready when they come agair. The action of the negroes was to- tally without excuse or provocation and was a complete surprise to the white people of the town. 2 At least fifteen or twenty people on the two sides were injured. Story of a Slave, To be bound hand and foot for vears by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave wag made free. He says: ‘‘My wife has been so help- less for five years that she couid not turn over in bedalone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work.This supreme rem- edy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melan- \choly, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle work- ing medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. aly 50 cents. ~ SaAlg hv Wt. Hall. P.; APuggn set Te negroes are glad that the amend ment was adopted, and do not hesi- tate to say so.’’ In former times, so I gathered from several sources, the elections in St. Mary’s parish were not as quiet as the one this year. In fact, when 3,000 negroes were entitled to vote, there wasalways fear of trou- ble. and the white peopic found it necessary in order to have white rule to suppress the negro vote. It negro se*tions of the entire South, until the best people determived to end the troubles by alegal elimina- tion of the negro. Now the contest is between white men only, and it is as houest and peaceable as any elec- tion anywhere, so Governor Foster and Mr, Sanders both tell me, and is the universal testimony. Speaking of conditions in other parishes, Mr. Sanders instanced the parish of Calcasieu, the borders on the State of Texas, which is largely populated by Western white men, some of whom are unable to read and write. They registered under sec- tion five and voted all right—and vote the Democratic ticket mostly. In the belt of counties en.bracing such parishes as Tensas, Concordia, East Carroll, and: Madison the ne- gro vote before the amendment was adopted amounted to between 12,000 and 15,000. Under the new consti- tution, there were not more than 20 negro votes cast, and in those par- ishes there were not to exceed 1,500 white votes registered and cast. “I tell vou,” said Mr. Sanders, earnestly, ‘‘unless you have been through heated elections in negro sections, you cannot imagine the ‘feeling of relief the people of large | sections of this State have now that 1 elections are quiet, peaceable and ter The time has been in Louisi- and whet thé. omen’ S.11Ve | flied with fear during election times. They knew that their husbands and rule and that their determination knew that if the negroes determin- ed to assert themselves and vote, trouble would follow. Consequent- ly the women were deeply interested iy an uinordment that would put an end toz Gangerand toall jeopardy. They are bappiee over the success- ful working of the amendment than tbe men.for they feel and know that when their husbands and brothers go tothe election, no bloodshed or trouble is to be feared. Ifspace permitted, I could give two or three columns of ccncise and plain statements given me -by Mr. Sanders on the prectical work- ings of the amendment and the good results that have followed its adoption. He is not only well post- ed, but one of the best politicians in Louisiana, a man of magnificent physique—as perfect a speciman of manhood as you will find. If he could talk to the voters of North Carolina,with lucidity and ability which characterizes hisspeeches, he would convert the most skeptical, and cause every white man and wo- man in North Carolina who longs for White Supremacy and horest and peaceful elections to work eariy and late to secure the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment. D [At the organization of the Legis- lature Nr. Sanders was unanimously elected Speaker.—} catcane ta Iredell Man Presides Over the South Carolina Democratic Convention. Columbia, $, C.,Dispatch, 18th. The State Democratic corvention today was harmonious for the first time in a dceade,and a unit for Brv- an andthe Chicago platform with added plauks. W. F. Stevensen, of Cheraw, presided. He congratulat- ed the State upon the harmony in the Democratic ranks. The delega- tion to the national convention was’ after the debate instructed to vote asauait upon all matters. The delegates at large are: Senator B. R. Tillman, Governor M. B. Me- Sweeney, State Chairman Willis Jonesand A. G. Lattimer. From the congressional districts: First district, W. B. Wilson, Thomas Talbert; second di-‘rict, James H, Tillman, G,W. Garris;third district, I. H. McCalla, W. J. Stribling: fourth district, J. A. Mooney, John Gary Evans; fifth district, T. Y. Williams, J. C. Wilburn; sixth dis- An thirty or forty days in the Consti-| trict, D.H. Traxler, T.W. Bouvhier;| to stir. seventh district, J. Wm. Stokes, W B. Gruber. The platform Ce-lares allegiance to the naticnal party, and demands form at Kansas City. It condemns It de- cries the power of tecusts and the hypocritical attitude of the Repub- lican party, ‘using money stolen from the people to debauch the 1g- norant voters.”’ It denounces the foreign policy of Democratic leader: Mr. Pharr, who| President McKinley, saying: “The | pives gost in benevolent assimilation of the Fili- The platform demands a strict ad- herence on the part of the United States government to the solemn The treatment of Porto Ri- party leadership of Bryan is com- mended, ‘‘believing that he will re- and they cannot say a word now ex- | Store the Jost prestige of the high cept that upon an appeal to the|Oftice of Presicent. England's course in the Trans- vaal is denounced. ‘Lhe platform says: ‘Great Britian’s unrighteous course deserves the condemnation of all lovers of self-government, and we denounce the cowardice of the present administration for not ex- tending an offer of its good offices to terminate the unholy war of sub- jugation.”’ Col. Lawrence W. Youmans made a bitter attack on Seaator Till- man’s record, but the convention, with the exception of his vote, pass- ed resolutions endorsing his policy in opposing imperialism. The con vention passed resolutions condemn- ing the jute trust. renee Drakes Guilty of Incendiarisim. Lenoir Dispatch, 13th, After a long trial and deliberation of 25 hours on the part of the jury, was done as it has been done in all|a verdict of guilty was rendered in | Stop the Criminal Court here today against J. F. Drake, Jr., Frank Drake and Morgan Hawn, charged with an attempt to burn astore cou- taining their stock of merchandise in Hickory in 1897, which stock, it is claimed, was heavily over-insured. The readers of the newspapers are familiar with the circumstances at- tending this case, which has been one of widespread interest in this sectiou since the commission -of the crime, gThis case has twice before been on triai in this county, having resulted in eachinstance in a mis- trial. The sentence of the court is ten years in the State’s prison for J. F. Drake, Jr., and four each for his 16-year-old brother, Frank Drake, and Morgan Hawn. Counsel forthe defendants gave notice of an appeal and the bonds were fixed at $5,000 for J. F. Drake, Jr., and smaller amounts for the others. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand. but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cures them, also Old, Running brothers would not let the negroes | was essential to the protection of | Teports tha t i women and children, but they also| Was last night passing the Prinz | A Tragedy Aboard a Ship at Sea. | Copenhagen, Denmark, Dispatch, 13th. ; A telegram from Keping, Sweden. 2at as the steamer Koping | Carl, auman sprang up on the deck | of the latter vessel and shouted: “If )any cne comes near! will shoot!” At the sameanoment a woman was seen hanging over the ship's side, shrieking for help. The man escap- ed ina boat. When the Prinz Carl was bearded it was found that 12 men on board had been shot, six of whom, including the captain, were dead. The rest were found locked in their quarters. One of the wound- ed has since died. The murderer is being pursued, The wounded say they were playing cards in the smoking room about 11:30 o'clock, with other passengers, when some- body put his head inthe room and exclaimed: **Look out; there’s a massacre on board!”’ At the same moment shots were heard. Allsprang to their feet in order to leave the cabin, but they found the doors fastened on the out- side. While they were trying to force the door a sbot was fired through the window and hit one of them,a man named Karlson], who fell tothe floor. The other three, Konditor, Schneider and Lindquist, burst the door. Lindquist, who was the first to step through,receiv- ed a bullet in his head. Disregard- ing the wound, he ran after the as- sassin, to the steerroom, The fugi- tive shouted down the speaking tube: “Full speed ahead!’’ The engines were already at full speed, and the engineer replied: ‘Is that the cap- tain?’’ and received the answer, Certainly, drive her to the devil.”’ The engineer put the engines at full speed astern. Theassassin ran down to the engine room and threat- ened to shoot the engineer if he did not obey. The engineer barricaded himself in the room. At that mo- ment the Koping came along and the murderer fled ina boat. Further details from Koping show that the man suddenly started shutting all the doors of the cabins and saloons, and then, with a revolver in either hand and with a dagger anda knife in his belt, began firing at every one he encountered. He stabbed the captain in the back and a lady passengerin the breast with the dagger and hacked a boy with the knife. He also shot the mate through the shoulder, and of four gentlemen who were playing cards in the smoking room, one was shot in the temple because he moved when the murderer warned him not The Prinz Carl was stopped off Koping, and the murderer seized the opportunity to jump into a life boat and row away as fast as possi- ble. Search of the steamer discov- ‘How does it work? I know hun-|teattirmation of the Chicago plat |ered seven dead and five wounded. The Prinz Car}proceeded to Stock- write who vote and vote intelligent- the financial legislation of the Re-} holm, where the police officials took ly. They vote now justas well asthey publican party. as subservient to| charge of the victims. did before the constitutional amend- | tTusts and national banks. The tradesmen of Arboga, Swe- den, report that a man giving the name of Gronkirst, of Stockholm, yesterday secured two revolvers, which he fired several times to test their qualities. ——— a Burning Hotel Chicago. ernor in 1896, and their leader and] Pinos has proven it is an outrage t0 | chicago Dispatch, 18th. Senator Caffery, leader of the Gold|the consciences of liberty-loving Democrats. That parish hasalarge| Americans. Our free institutions negro population, but in the receat |Cannot long survive the destruction Aprilelection only three negroes |0f those principles on which they registered, and only one of them|Test, and the spectacle of subject voted, and heclaims to bean Indian. | Peoples heid down by the bayonet We cast as big a white vote as ever, |22d robbed by carpet-baggers, but There was no discrimination, edu- | foreshadows the fate of our country, cated and uneducated white men vot- | U2less the people are aroused to our ed, and it was a hot fight between |@anger. The unjust war of subju- In 1896 there were | ation now being carried oa in the about 3,000 negroes who voted in| Philippines by President McKinley this parish. There was absolutely |Sbould beended at once. no intimidation and theelection was Three persons were killed and 15 injured in a fire which early today destroyed the Hotel Helena at‘ 110 and 114 Fifty-third street. Five of the injured will probably die. The loss to the building and fur- nishings was $40,000. The destruc- tion of the hotel was replete with daring rescues and narrow escapes.in which James McNeill earned himself the title of hero. in the hotel, and the first to warn the sleeping occupants of their danger. He carried Helen Josephs down a swaying ladder from the third floor and then, amid the cheers of the on- lookers, returned to the second floor, where a woman was lying uncon- scious, her clothing on fire. He carried her to the window and drop- ped her into the arms of a_police- mao. He then staggered back into the smoke and was caught by the feet by a policeman who, mounted on the shoulders of a brother officer, rescued McNeill. The rescues were nearly all accom- plished by policemen before the fire- men arrived. The fire started in the basement and spread with the greatest rapidity. Butfor the he- roic action of Porter McNeill, every person in the building would un- doubtedly have perished. Question Answered, Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers, and grandmothers, never thought of using anytbing else for Indigestion or Lilliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldombeard of Appendici- tis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Fiower to clean out the system and fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of theliver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and.that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satistied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by W. F. Hall, Jr. Missouri Republicans, in conven- tion at Kansas City last week nomi- nated Joseph Flory, of St. Louis, for Governor, and E. E£, Allen, of Kan- sas City for Lieutenant Governor. McKinley’s administration was en- dorsed and delegates favorable to his nomination elected to the Na- tional convention. Suffered For Three Years. Mr. G. W. Britnell, Leesdale, Alabama, writes: For the past three years I have been subject to constipation and biliousness, and baye found no permanent relief un- til I tried Ramon’s Liver Pills and and J. P. delegates to the National convention and J. W. McNeill and Grier Par- sons alternates. He was 2 porter sons aicernates Tonic Pellets. I pronounce them]- NO, 25 Bismarck’s Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tre- mendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow- els are out of order. If you want these qualities and tke success they bring, use Dr. Ning’s New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at W. F. Hall, Jr.'s, drag store. Kansas Republicans have re-nomi- nated Governor Stanly and endorsed McKinley's administration. Laver Complaint. C.3B Henderson, Morris Church, Va, says: I have had the Liver complaint very badly for three years, and tried medicines of every |description, but found no relief at all. Seeing your Ramon’s Liver Pills advertised, I bought a box. After using these I found my com- plaint better, and after using two boxes I bought a third, and now my disease is about cured. 1 shall al. . Ways recommend your medicine For sale by N. 8. Tunstall. North Dakota and Minnesota Re- publicans endorsed McKinley for re- nomination. “A flor suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye,”’ writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N.C. It eals everything. Beware of covnterfcits. WwW. F. Hall.Jr. The Republicans of the First Con- gressional district postponed the nomination of a candidate for Con- gress until after the Augustelection. D. H. Abbot of Pamlico, and Wheel- er Martin, of Martin, were elected delegates to the National convention, and J. L. Phe!ps and W. R. White alternates. Revenue Collector Car! Duncan ran the convention bis own “DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare the finest pills I ever used.”"—D. J. Moore, Milibrook, Ala. They quick- ly cure al! liver and bowel troubles. W. i’. Hall. Jr. Governor Smith, of Montana, was avery angry man when he heard that Lieutenant Governor Spriggs, had appointed Clark Senator. He said: ‘‘It is aninsult to the Senate to senc Clark back to that body. It is a disgrace, shame and humiliation upon the people of Montana, and the Senate shouldact upon the resolu- tions and show him that they do not want bim there as he can take the hint no other way.”’ J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Cresby, Miss., makes the following statement: “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dese of it relieved her. It has also benefited my whole family.”’ It acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, wzrippe, bronchitis asthma and all throat toubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. The Republican convention of the Sth Congressional district met at Wiikesboro last Thursday. E. Spen- cer Blackburn, of Winston, present assistant district attorney, was nominated for Congress by acclama- tion. Congressman Linney’s name was not before the convention. Frank A. Linney, son of the Con- gressman of Alexander, was nomi- nated for elector. W. A. Lemley Atkinson were elected ~ re m? W475 \\ Then we can’t me \—\. tell you any- = Wrthing about Ythem. You know how dark everything looks and how you are about ready to give up. Some- how, you can’t throw off the terrible depression. Are things really so blue? Isn’t it yournerves, after all? That’s where the trouble is. -Your nerves are being poisoned from the impurities in your blood. AYOTS| arsabarilie purifies the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves. It makes health and strength, activ- ity and cheerfuln€ss. This is what “‘Ayer’s” will do for you. It’s the oldest Sarsaparilla in the land, the kind that was old before other Sarsa- parillas were known. This also accounts for the saying, ““One bottle of Ayer’s is worth three botidles of the ordinary kind.” $1.00 2 bottle. All druggists. Write the Doctor. have any com it whatever che best advice Notice to Creditors. and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, | the best remedy on earth for theail- anes elon Sore Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, | ments for which they are recom- eS Saeament ee I Reid, deceasesd Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands,}mended.. One of our customers jal having claims aguns: Chilblains. Best Pile-cure on earth. | used them with very beneficial, ef- Hatora on or before May ae eas see er. Drives out aes and Aches. Only | fec and said they were upqu sonsowing said estate are 3 Se eS roe Sanita near ka ay Chis, 7 abel Re: Se e er ae en a ae Ya ea e s "Notice to Creditors — Seed Oats and Hay For Sale ieee AN E AR O S E SB SA M E PN E T Re OR R te ne PcRissweED WEEKLY | —At-- { ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. \ ~~ tered at the Postcfice Entered second class mail matter.] ’PHONE No. 35. Statesville, N. Cx 1200, — May 24, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION DATES Nationa Deuocraric CONVENTION, Kansas Crry, Misscurt, Wepnespay. JULY 4TH. DEMOCRATIC STATE TISKET. FOR GOVERNOR CHARLES B. AYCOCK, of Wayne. FOR LIEUTE ST GOVERNOR: WILFRED D, TURNER, of Iredell. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J. BRYAN GRIMES, of Pitt. FOR TREASURER BENJAMIN R. LACY, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR BENJAMIN F. DINON, ot Cleveland. For Attorney General: ROBEKT D. GILMER, of Haywood. For Superintendent of Public Instruction: THOMAS F. TOON, of Robeson. For Commissi SAMUEL, 1. PATT For Commissioner of Labor and Printing: Itt V RB, VARNER, of Davidson, For Co FRANKLIN MCNEILL (Chairman) SAMUFL L. ROGERS, of Macon, - of the Tenth District: oration Conimissioners: . of New Hanover, COUNCILE, of Watauga. or Electors-at-Lar DANIEL HUGH MCLEAN, of Hz LEE s. OVE TAN, of Rowan. COUNTY TICKET. FOR SENATI TT DISTRICT: CHARLES H ARMEIELD, of Iredell. PDERRETT M. REECE, of Yadkin. YORK THE MOUSE: SAMUEL W. ST! SON, ALSTON D. WATTS. VOR SHERIFF: JOUN H. WYCOPrS YOR REGISTER OF DIEDS: WILLIAM W. TURNER, FOR TREASURER: JOHN A. HAYNES. FOR CORONER GEORGE FOARD, FOR SURVEYOR: IRA W. SOMERS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THOMAS M. C. DAVIDSON, MARSHALL K. STEELE. JAMES A. BLACK. HOLTON DECLINES. Republican Chairman Holton de- clines Chairman Simmons’ proposi- tion for joint discussions between the Democratic and Republican State candidates, and it’s probably well for Mr. Holton and bis party that he took this course. Man for wan. the Republican candidates do net measure up with their Demo- cratic opponents and the arguments in this Campaign are all with our people. It’s a confession of wesk- uess ic the Republican position that this proposition was declined. Democrats have nothing to fear from afree and open discussion of the amendment and the other issues ef this campaign, but the Republi- cans seem to prefer. to make their charges against the amendment at times and places where no Demo- crat will be allowed to meet them It may be asked why Chairman Simmons declined the Populist proposition fora joint discussion. He made thai plain in his letter, bu it can be stated here that the Popu- lists are notthe real opponents cf Democracy this year. Outof prob- ably 590,000 votes tu be cast this year, no izformed Pepulist will claim that bis party's State ticket will receive 29,000 votes. In a cam- paign of this importance the Demo- crats should attend to their real op- ponents, the Republicans, and Chairman Simmors bas done his best to have the issues jointly dis- cussed by the candidates of the two great parties, only to Hnd that the -- Republicans refuse. No subterfuge. or play upon words, will conceal the fact that the Republicans fear joint discussions this year and Chairman Holton’sdeclination to have them Surprises no one. — --—— oe ee ---- €x-Solicitor John Q. Holton, of Yadkinville, is the Republican nom- inee for Corgress inthis district. Of course, he will be defeated by Con- gressman Kluttz, who will be re- nominated by the Democrats. Mr. Holton is a clever man but no match for Mr. Kluttz. —— er oe Early Saturday morning St. Mary’s Gollege, Catholic, at Bel- mont, Gaston county, was damaged by fire to the extent of $100,000 The old building was entirely de- stroyed. None of the students were injured. All of them lost their trunks and some their clothes. There was only $15,000 insurance. Hon. A. M. Waddell, of Wilming- ton, will deliver the address at the celebration of St. John’s Day by the Masons of North Carolina, Saturday, June 23rd., at the Oxford Orphan Asylum grounds. It is expected that the peopie-afxom all parts of __? North Carolina.will,; attead.. .There: There ~ will be a basket now, 22 ] wASCOT A.D. Warts, Eprror & PRropriETOR. | Mascot last at Statesville as WILDIAMS WILE NOT’ REN. Mexander County's Sheriff érives Reasons for vot Allowing the Use ef his Name this Year.—A Pa- triotic Call to Duty. Correspondence of Ti MAScoT. To my friends in Alexander county: There appeared an article mm Tue week in which wes i stated the presumption thatit might be possible that I could be prevailed !upon tu accept the nomination for i sherill of the County again. a | { will say that I have been solicit- ed by good men all over the county iro allow my name to go before the l coavention. and upon each and every jrequest made by them for me to run ja i eoluntary promises made by rae two years nec, tuat I would vot bea cup | ftidute this year and that 1} have’net | been and amnct now 2a candidate. | Ypere are a number ol good men in | it lalty, patriotism and integrity ts came above question. These men to me some months ago ana asked me toaccept the nomination avai and that they would not offer if 1 would agree to do so. I reminded promise and for them to go fletd. men to be loyal and would no doubt for the success of the nominee, yet | think it best for the people to select in the race as’ing for a nomination. Although within the last month | now fully decided not to let yame eu befere the convention, ] beheve it will be the best for be the best policy. our State and county at heart, ad majority. Now my friends, ful to the Bemoeratic party and the o¢ - the kind solicitations and special re vo be run again. vvievous faults in me since I been your humble servant. contrary such expressions prove t¢ metbati pave merited your confi denee, and may God forbid that ae would forfeit that vreat happiness of the man whi \vain let me thank you for promptness and for the ii ever feel a deep sense of grati ty for the honors they conferred on me, and if I haye beet useful to you it was only my duty. Now my friends, Iwill not be be fore you this year for re-election but l want to urge every man te duty do Lwisk te arouse any spirit i you save the spirit of patriotism layalty and integrity. Upon revenerated Democracy hangs safety and progress of North Caro lina and the preservation of our lib erty, constitution and governmen of the fathers in the nation. I say to ine that when a great liberty lov far from our former policy and vo st tread under foot the constitution o the United States, that it is for alarm. [ say when a loving nation will in of our country wage a war of con to subject that nation, then them as vassal States. the President of this pation withou the consent of Congress or the peo ple, and when soldiers are detainec against their willand contrary t cause for alarm. flag baving a double meaning—iiber ty to some aud despotism to others Wien plain duty has not been al the people for bi-metallism then se standard, and will prate long anc place them at the mercy of the na tional banks to get it. I say at asalary of $9,000 a year, nation into the han@s of the few, duty. When we see a great party tation against which we fought in mail being censored by tke authori- and hold our lips; and from outward appearances we see a secret alliance between this country aud England, it does seem that this continue the government of Wash- whether we will merge into a gov- ernment b7 Empire. Taking all these things into con- think that the life of the Republic is at stake, and the neck of our liberty is placed upon the guillotime and the Emperor with drawn sword ix the fatal blow: Let me again urge ny and rc vain 1 have reminded them of the lservices, and whose character, loy- them of my premise to the people and told them meant to keep my into the Now while 1 cousider these abide by the action of the conven- ltion and would use their best elforts a candidate from the men who are was almost persuaded toaccept, in the event it should be given me, but since | have studied the question both from a mera! and political standpoint, and for personal reasons known only to myselfand family and which I cannot explain here, | have my the Democratic party and that harmony will prevail and unity of action will Let us keep the best interests of vocating the right course, denoanc- iug the wrong, and right being on our side we will win by a handsome feel very thank- sod people of Alexander county for peo} d quests that Isbould allow my name n ‘ Such expressions ey go to prove that you have not seen anv very grave mistakes orany very 1 bave To the ever do an act orcoinmita fault that confidence, as words would fail me to express the abides in the confidence of his friends. your kindness aud courtesy shown me all over the county for the past four years. I tude to the people of Alexander have fam not analarmist, neither the the am not an alarmist, but it does seem iny nation like ours will diverge so beyond the paleo? the constitution and set up a precedent contrary to : Lne declaration of independence and cause liberty the face of Washington's farewell address and the great admonitions of tbe fathers quest against a people 7,000 miles fear our shore, who are struggling for liberty and independence, and sacrifice the best blood of our people hold Ard when this conquest is being carried on fby law it does seem that there is. some When we see the lowed to prevail and whena great party will come out boldly before eretly put the country on a gold loud about the people’s money, then when this country four years ago boasted of eur liberty and independence, to- day it is recognizing human slavery |7 under the grand old flag of the Unit- ed States and has a hired Sultan in the Sulus with his seventeen wives Tsay when a great party will boast of our liberty and promise equal rights toall and special privi- leges to none, aud then pay a petted otflcer the usual salary allowed by law and then add ;to that a special bounty of $7,500 a year; and enact tariff laws which breed trusts and monopolies, which rob the people and concentrate the wealth of the that it is high time tolawaken the yeomanry of the country to their forcing taxation without represen- 1776; when we see the United States ties of England and we are dumb ‘ ear is : to tell the story whether oss to capital of the Transvaal ington, Jefferson and Lincoln or sideration it is enough to make us hand is at the gate ready to strike you to ee It-is time for -harmo- sejves and myerch in solid phalanx | to the rescue of the government cl } i : i aiecs : . ¢ ‘ourt De . tot cer ms neg aes he people fer the people and by the Yhe United States Supremc Court De- | Mr. Troutman’s Loss by Fire —Moesrs , made for public speakiuz> ¢ y ; the peopie ter the peo; i 5 ‘Gay night, Just 2nd. te bewlu at 3:30 | Beret of sai * decea’ itt fo acc z a \ the undezsigned for payment withi2 ore 3 a | --om date of this notice or it will be plead 1 | nar of their recovery. Barringer | j. B CONNELLY, | people. Let vs make no mistakes. us do our whole duty, keeping one eye on Bryan, the other on Aycock Let | ) | we will be bound to win. pt ido it. “To your tents, Oh Israel. | Very respectfully yours, | J. Y. WILLIAMS. Vashti, N. C., May 16, 1900. ’ oa ee | - Sie : . | Clandestine Marriage of Students. | Gown by Justice Fuller and a vig-)from the Siaie Raleigh Dispatch, 19th. The local sensation is the marriage lof a post-graduate student, Jobn tirdsony, of the Agricultural and Rrccianica College, to Miss Sims, of Macon couaty,astudent at the Bap- ust Poade University bere, at Hillsboro vesierday. she bing 17 and be 19. The register of deeds cf Orange, who issued the license, has tbe county who have ctfered their Se gotten himself into deep trousle, it seems. The Codeis quite particular a» to the marriage of girls who are atschocl. They are held to be under yvuardianship and the register must know that there is consent. Mar- riage must be performed by a duly ordained minister or a justice of the peace, but the violation of The Code bv the register of deeds dues net in- validate the marviage, which !s bind- ing. The bride’s father was sent for. The bride was kept in custody, so to speak, all day today at the University. Ibis said the register will be sued, ziso the Agricultural and Mechanical College cadet who got the license, President Charles D. Melver, of the State Normal and Luodustrial College, says there are on file apph- cations for admission of 50 per cent, more than the preseut number of students. N. E. Jennett, the cartoonist, ar- rived today to do cartooning during the campaign fer the News and Ooserver. Republican Chaiman Holton says he yesterday wrote a letter to Chair- man Simmons in reply to an invita- tion for a joint debate. Chairman Simmons left this afternoon for Wiusten, 2 few minutes after Holton arrived. Holton declined to say what kis reply was. He aiso de- clined tosay whether he bad receiv ed w challenge from the Pepulists or whether he had answered it. He suys the State headquarters posi- tively remain. at Greensboro and that they are in full blast. He says Le likes Greensboro, because no re- on him. He de- vetting on » porters ever ca Clares his campziyo is ' [ail right. Rey. Mr. Sims can hardly get here before Sunday. Some of the Uni- verity trusices will advise him to take bis daughter home aud keep her two years aod then if Birdsong is in a position to maintain ber and sie is willing the marriage can stand, But. according to The Code, the marriave is valid, no matter if all the requirements of the Jaw an- tecedent to the marriage ceremony are not ii-iilled. - ——ai> +b: a A Teagedy Instead ofa Wedding in Georgia. ) Macon, Ga,, Dispatch, 20th Word was received here today to the effect that yesterday morning about 11:300'clock a Mr. Gleaton rode out to the home of his sweet- heart, @ Miss Raines, about eight wiles from Cordele, and was accom- panied by a friend, intending to have a wedding, When they arriv ed at the home of the young lady she joined them, but ker father inter- fered and tried to induce ber no% to teave him. _| One word brought on another.and t finally a quarrel wason. The young I lady's brother rushed up with hiz pistol aud commenced to shoot at Cileaton and Gieaton’s friend. Glea- ton drew his pistol and shot the young lady's father, killing bim in- stantly. fe then shot the brother. By this time a friend of the Raines J ) 1 ? ? family rushed upto try to stop the ;]| trouble and was himself shot down. Cileaton then drove away, returning tohbis home, and the yeuny lady went into her house. Since then the brother bas cied. ‘Lhe friend ef the Raines fiinity is velieved to be mortally wounded and the friend of Gleaton is in a «: itival condition. The situation at lost re- sorts was as follows: The \yvung ady’s father and brother sre dead aod the friends of the Q@ppesin:t par- ties are ex pected to die. The initials of the parties could not be given. They were aj plan- _| ters and ave pro:pinent in their com- } munities. The killing ceused a profound seasation and threw the entire country intoa state of mourp- ing. a + . Boers Desert Natal. London Dispatch, 22nd. -| The Boers are reported to have en- s t > titirely left Natal, thiseleaves iecueral Buller free toadvancee into tbe LTrans- -|vaa! when the railroads are repaired. Lord Roberts ‘s sti!l at Kroonstad, 1} reorganizing Lis forces Fucther details of the fighting of Jafeking say that Commandant Sarel Eloft’s followers deserted him, whereupon Eloft’s followers _ cost Baden-Powel! three men kilied and wounded. The War Office hes received the following from General Bu'ler: “Newcastle, May 22.—I have re- ceived the following from Bethune: May 21—While marching in the direction of New Castle one of my squadrons of Bethune’s mounted in- fantry was ambushed by Buers six miles west of Vryheld, and very few escaped. Lieutenant’ Lausmen and Capeil are among the missing. Cap- tain, the Earl De La Warr, is slight- ly wounded in the leg. The total casualties are about 66. Ihave re- turned to N’Ququ for suppliés. Will march to-morrow for Newcas:ie, via Dundee.” THe VAAL RIVER CROSSED. Capetown, May 21.--British troop have arrived at Veereenigin,y, in th Transvaal, north of the Vaal river. The bridge across the Vaal was found to be intact. Twenty seyen Free State and Transvaal locomo- tives were captured. Vecreeniging is about 60 miles south of Pretoria, —_————— eee Mecklenburg Democratic county convention Sa urday nomina'ed the candidates recu.ving a majority of the votes in the primaries. Ex-Con- gressman 5S. B. Alexander was nom- inated for Senator, and C. H. Duls, W.E. Ardrey andF. M. Shannon- house for the House. All the old county officers were re-nominated. Republican State Chairman Hol-; ton hasdeclined Chairman Simmons’ proposition for joint discussions be- -all reform | tween the Democratic aod Republi- Staite candidate’¢/, His letter de- the p ae ais 7 nan The peo-| case in favor of the Democratic Gov- e only want to know the right tojernor, Beckham, in both the quo | while driving by the colored Meth-| ) |warranto and the equity proceed-/|odist church in the upper end of | For want of jurisdiction the| town, bis horse became frightened | | | land both on good government and jd | | BECKHAM IS GOVERNOR, ci@es Kentucky Case in Favor of | the Democrats, | | Washington Dispatch, 2st. | The United States Supreme Court | ings. court dismissed the writ of error | from the Kentucky Court of Ap-| peals. The opinion was handed | orous dissenting opinion was Geliv-| ered by Justice Harlan, the only cne} to advocate reversal of the Ken-| tucky court’s decision. Justices; Brewer, Brown and McKenna also| dissented from portions of the} opiuion. In dismissing the writ of error the chief justice said the court shouid be the last to overstep | tion aud that in the determination of causes of this character contests fcr State ottices must necessarily be settled by the political branch of the government. That branch had acted in the Kentucky case when the General Assembly took jurisdic tion. There was no appeal from the Assembly's decision, which was fa- vorable to Goebel and Beckham, ex- cept tothe tribugal of the pecple, which tribunal, the chief justice said, was always in session. He also said the case was purely a State case; that Kentucky was in the full possession of its faculties as 2 mem- ber of the Union and that there was no emergency at this time call- ing for interference of the general government to enforce constitution- al guarantees or to put down do- mestic violence. ‘For more than 100 years.’’ says the chief justice, “‘the constitution of Kentucky has proved that con- tested elections fer Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be de- termined by the General Assembly. The highest court of the State has often held and in the present case bas avain declared that under their constitutional provisions the power of the General Assembly to deter- mine the result is exclusive and its decision is not open to judicial re- view. Many of the States have sim- ilar constitutional provisions and similar statues. “We do not understand this statue to be ebjected to as in any manner obnoxious to constitutional object, but that plaintiffin error complains of the action of the General Assem- ’ ecided the Kentucky governorship | Bruce Neill, of Granite Hill, ileaving town on his way home and) the bounds limiting its own jurisdic- | bly uncer the statue and uncer the clinivg to disturb that action.” The chief justice quoted numer- ovs decisions holding that public ollices are mere agencies or trusts and not property as such, nor are the salary and emoluments proper- ty, secured by contract, but com- pensaticn for sevices actually ren- dered. ‘“‘Inshort,’’ he said, “the nature of the relation of a public officer to the public is, generally speaking, inconsistent with either a property or 2 contract right.” After quoting section 4, article 14. of the constitution, in which the United States guarantees to every Staiea republican form of govern- ment, ete., the court says it was long Since settled that the enforce- ment of this guarantee belonged to the political department. ‘We must decline to take jurisdiction on the ground of deprivation of rights embraced by the fourteenth amend- ment, without due process of law, or of the violation of the guarantee of the republican form of govern- ment by military deprivation. The writ ef erroris dismisssed.’’ A sim- ilar order was enteriained in the injunction case becween the same parties. There were three dissenting opin- ions delivered by Justices Mclen- na, Brown and Harlan. The latter, however, was the only member of the court fayoring a reversal of the decision of theKentucky court. He quotes the case of Wilson vs. North Carolina In support cf his conten- tion. TAYLOR SURRENDERS. Louisville, May 21.—-Governor Favior late this afternoon issued the ichowiey order: “To Geveral Collier. Frankfort: “The Supreme Court having eided in favor of Mr. Beekham, no- thing now remains to be done ex- cept todismiss the militia and sur- render your office to vour successor, appoinicd by Mr. Beckham. You are, therefore, directed to at once dismiss the militia and to surren- der your office to your successor as soon es the mandate of the Supreme Court is filed, or sooner, if you wish. Yender the military my kindest regards and sincere thanks for their brave, manly and patriotic service “W.s. TAYCOR.”’ REPUBLICAN TROOPS LEAVE FANKFORT. de- Frankfort, Ky., Way 21.—A force of men employed ut the Executive Mansion to tonight packing up the private effects of the Taylor femiiy, who tomorrow will leave for Louis- ville. While there will be noinaug uration tbere will be a Democratic jolification later. The demonstra- tions were kept up to a late hour last nigbt. Public meetings were ad- dressed by Governor Beckham, Ad jutant General Castleman and oth- ers. The Taylor troopsat 4p. m,, relinquished possession of the nrop- erty they bave beez. guarding siace the assessination and left Frankfort tonight. Governor Beckham gave outa long interview tomght ex- pressing gratification at the ‘‘tri- umph of law and order over lawless- ness ava desperation.” A Gifted Son of Iredell Winning Fame in South Carolina. Columbia, S$, C., State. We have before referred to Mr. W. F. Steveuson, of Chesterfield county, as one of the rising men in South Carolina politics. He has all the essentials for success, as his ca- reer in the House of Representatives has shown. For the last two ses- sions he has been easily the ieader of that body, and it was his record there that gained for him the honor of election to the presidency of the State Democratic convention. This position had been assigned other- wise by the slate-makers, but their scheme was shrewdly flanked and opposition could not be concentrat- ed against the brainy member from Chesterfield. It is no longer a se- cret that Mr. Stevenson will be a candidate for Speaker of the next House, and the odds are that he will be elected. ‘The Legislature of Louisiana Tues- day elected Senator McEnery to suc- ceed himself in the United States Senate and Governor Foster to suc- ceed Senator. Caffery. . Both are of cou course, as the. Legis | yas CU OC: judgment of the State courts, de-| FROM MOORESVILLE. Brown & Knox's rick Yard Damaged. From Our Regular Correspondent. | ole Qn last Thursday afternocn Mr. was and ran throwing wir. Neill from the buggy and breaking his arm. Mrs. T. L. Triplett came bome | Hospital last week } very much improved physically and | mentally. Mrs. R H. McNeely also came home on Thursday from the same) place fully restored toa normal cou- | dition mentally. We hada very heavy rain and thunder storm last Fridav morning between 1 and 2 o/cicck, during which lightning struck Mr. B. A. Troutman’s house, destroying oue chimney and doing other dumage to the house, and then struck his barn setting it on fire and burning it and its contents-—ihree horses, two mules anda large lot of feed and oiher things. Mr. Troutman’s loss wus about $800 or $1,000 as there was only $75 deliars insurance ou the property. Messrs. Brown and Knox, brick contractors for the new cotton fac- tory, also suffered a great loss by the same storm. ‘Their brickyard, vhich is located on botiom land, was overflowed, and the brick on the yard washed wuway. They were burning a kiln containing about 75,000 brick, which was greatly damaged—the water drowning out the fires. Their loss is about $800. It was the beaviest faliof rain that we ever had here at one time. 7 here was about six inches of rain fall trom i o'clock to daylight, and Jand is badiy washed especially branch and creek bottonis. Mr, Neil Pressley lectured to quite a large audience in the Pres- vbytierian church on last Sunday evening. His subject was. “*Mis- sionary Work in Mexico.” Mr. James Brawley bas returned to Kansas City after spending a few weeks with home folks. About one hundred and thirty of the people of Mooresville and surrounding country went to Char- iotte yesterday and today—103 go- ing today—to attend the 20th of May celebration. May 22, 1900. — > <p eo --- New Advertisements W. L. Harbin has a house to.rent. Toomas Brothecton and Lewis W. Johvson serye notice of petition for restoration to citizenship. Yount & White, of Stony Point, N. C©., want wool. H. L. Stevenson, commissioner, advertises lands for sale. M. . Shook, administrator of Heory Setzer, serves notice to cred- itors. S. W. Stevenson, executor of W. 5. Stevenson, serves noticeto credi- tors, The Fianigan-Evans Hardware Co. advertise Deering Binder Twine. N. &. Mills & Co. offer special val- ues in shoes and slippers forthe next 30 days. Walton & Gage call attention to their stylish ready made dress skirts anda new lot of Madras at 1Uc. per yard. -_— ———> 0° <a - The Prohibition State convention met in Salisbury Tuesday. The at- iendance was small. <A full State ticket, headed by Henry Sheets, of Lexington, for Governor, was nom- inated. Forsyth Democrats tave nomi- vated Editor J. B. Whitaker, of the Sentinel, and Frank T. Baldwin for the Hiouse. . Sampson county Democrats have nominated J. W. S. Robinson for the Senate and L. L. Matthews and A. PB. Spell for the House. — oo ALEXANDER COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CON- VENTION. The Democrats of Alexander coun- ty are called to meet in conventica MONDAY, JUNE 41H. 1900, 3t the court house in Taylorsville, N. C.,at 1 o'clock, p. m.,for the pur- pose of nominating.a candidate for the Legisiature and the county offi- cers, sheritf, register of deeds, treas- urer, coroner, surveyor and board of three commissioners. The chairmen of the various town- ship committees of the county will meet at the above time and place alter the convention for the purpose of electing a county chairman and four members of the central com- mittee. All qualified voters who intend to support the Democratic ticket in the elections are cordially invited to attend and participate in the pri- maries which are hereby called to meet at the voting places in each towuship on SATURDAY, JUNE 2npD, 1900, at 3o’elock, p. m., for the purpose of electing a township executive ‘committee of five members and del- egates to the county convention. By order of the committee. Jno. L. GWALTNEY, This May 17, 1900. Chairman. eat eS the | Raby Thriv i. not, something must be wron? with its food. H the me‘scr’s milk deesn’t nour- isn it, she needs SCOTT'S EXULSION. It suppiies the cizmeats of fat required for the baby. H baby ts not nourisned by its artificial food, then it requizes Seaii’s Enmuisiay Haii a teaspoonful thre . * ° or four times a day in bottle will have the desire: effect. It seems to have a magicai effect upon babies J and chiidrea. A fiity-cent bottle wii! prove the tocth of our statemenis. Should be takea iz suiitizn 22s “ well 2s winter. Sa y e o 2? Go OD ED D H S e O 1 O 90 0 0 1 9 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 HS M OO ea e re Me On d aa h eh e ge d i. $5 0 4 9 > O 1 9 1 0 9 - 9 4 0 0 9 1 9 4 0 0. 0 0 0 O1 O 1 0 1 H 1 O0 1 OO 1 G 1 . H e He e d 4 Ge e . - got. arst $1 on, 2'f drnewists, yi | o'clock: Public Speaking. The followipe at are} ¢ sYszt tgheesa tS Dr. s. W. Stevenson and Mr. A. D. Watts, at Shinnsville, townsbip. Le W G. Lewis. Esq.. at Olin. H. P*Grierand Z. V. Long, Esq. | at Rocky Brancb school house, | Sbarpesburg township. Saleh Senator James A. Butler, at Rine’s | school house, Shiloh township. Letall thepevple turn oui to these } appointments aud hear the amend ment discussed. J. A. HARTNESS, Chairman Dem Co. Com. Zeb V. Long, Secretary. I = ae STATESVILLE ;COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N. C. May 17, 1900, 9 a, m. Strict Good Middling 9.59 Good Middling 9.40 Middling 9.30 Tinges...-+- Ee eee 9.20 Steins ee See erie tns aren ele 9.10 Market &rm. a ee STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED BY COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. All produce in good demand. BUYING PRICES—BASIS ¥O. I QUALITY. Cabbage, tb extra a Family * 2k Meal -bolted—4a tbs. per bus “ unboited, 48 Ibs * — new Corn—old—ssilbs. per bushe “new Oats—32 Ibs. Peas—clay.. +--+ - oe mixed... - Potatoes—Irish . . - “= Sweet... .-+ = Onions—select, per bushe Lard —N.C.. eee Tallow .. Chicken—Spring Turkeys—per B. Ducks md Guina s each . Butter—Choice “ } Honey—strained, per t a comb, per tb Exzes—hen : guinea Wheat Kye Foathers—new Hides—ary, per tb a green “* Wool—washed ‘ Apples—dried—quarters, bright. . . = “bright sliced ._ fancy bright sliced. . rs x extra ny : ea green—per bushel Peaches—pceled, bright “ = fancy : . extr&. ... Racon—Hog round, per . Ham SSCS eo aa at mer ee le seein wien Shoulders “ “ oS a Ka w “ PH S MI f~ T—W. L. HARBIN’S SIX- FOR REN room, two- itory house on Alexander Street. A geod well and out- houses, Apply to May 24th, 1g00. W. L. HARBIN, or R. B, McLaughlin, Attorney. TU ALL WHOM THIS MAY COXCERN HE undersigned having been disfranchised - By reason of a conviction of crime. this is to notify the public. in parsuance of the re- quirements of law,that we will apply by peti- tion at the August term of the Superior Court of Iredell county. to be restored to the fuil rights of citizenship, when and where any opposition thereto will be heard This May 24, 1900. LEWIS W. JOHNSON THOMAS BROTIHERTON. “Notice to Creditors. pavixe qualified as administrator, with the will annexcd, of Henry Setzer, deceased, the undersigned hereby notifies all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present thesameto him for payment within twelve months from date of this notice or it will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment. M. W. SHOOK, This May 21, 1900. Admr,, C.T. A. J. B. Connelly, Atty, oe fommissioner’s Sale of Land, BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county,inan action wherein M, Crawford and others are plaintiffs and Sid M, Crawford and others are defendants, the undersigned commissioner will sell at public ontery tothe highest bidder for cash, at the court house door at Statesvilic, N.C, on SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1900, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described tracts of land, towit: First tract, beginning at a post oak, corner of lot No, 1 in the division of the lands of John Crawtord, and running West with saidsline 138 poles to spanish oak; thence South with the eastern boundary of lot No.9 69 polestoa stake ina field on said line; thence East 138 poles toa post oak; thence North 69 poles to the begin- ning, containing 61 acres more or less and being lot No. 2in the division of the lands aforesaid. coud tract, bounded on the North by the lands of A.A. Bostand wife; on the East by T. W. Waugh: on the Soujh by the lands of Ander- son Lackey: onthe West bythe lands of Jane Vickery. The same being the identical tract devisedto Ann Crawford in the last will and testament of Harriet Gibson, deceased, and containing 57 acres more or less. Said lands in Shiloh township, H.t.. STEVENSON, This May 24, 1900. Comm.ssioner. Grier & Long, R. B. McLaughlin, Attys. When’you can buy a 25c. Bottle of Hails Cough Syrup. - FOR PURE FOOD GC ZO Moore & McLain’s Hein’s Pickles Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed. Barrel of Kraut, Mountain Buckwheat Flour. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. We buy fresh butter and eggs. ; ae oan all kinds of country uce, Moore & McLain. Watermelon and Cantaloupe SEED. ‘Now is the time to plant. We have a good stock of the Choicest Varieties which we sell by the ounce, this being the cheapest way to buy them. SOALSOi Garden and Cornfield Beans. Sorghum or Sugar Care -Seed, Broom Corn Seed— and this is souuething every - farmer should begin-raisice now as there is a demand for itright here. For any other kind of seed you may need to finish planting your garden orcrop. — Call on ‘ ; COOPER. & GIL: oc _— Str jaw 3 wo on Saber: | given to all persons holding ¢ iministrator of James notice is hereby laims against the sedto present the same to AVING qualified as ac Brotherton, deceased, sM 2,1 = FEA. Ww. CLEGG. Administrator. Attorney. a Notice. IN? qualified as execntor of Lemuel C. eens = deceased. late of Iredell county, w. C., this is to notify all persons having a against the estate of said deceased to oe chem to the undersigned on or before the E t dav of May, 1901, or this notice will be plead in “arf their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate pay- ment. ES W. LONG, This May 7th, 1900. Executor. . G. Lewis, Attorney. ~~< Administrater’s Notice. AVING qualified as administrator of the H estate of Lilly W, Brawley, deceased, all persons having claims ageinst said estate are hereby notified to present them to the wnder- <igned onor before April 26th, 1901, and all rsons owing said estate are requested to make immediate payment. i i Grier & money BASCOM WOOTEN, Attorneys. Administrator. This April +6th, 1900. Notice to Creditors. tha Brotherton, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against th= the undersigned for payment $with*n one bar of their recovery. J. B, CONNELLY, Attorney. ~ Notice to Creditors, - This May 2nd, 1900. . W. CLEGG. Administrator payinent, S$. W. STEVENSON, Executor of W. S. Stevenson. for seed. sess fon! sale, See me when vou want ¢ and malt, Feby. Sth., 1900. Tan Bark Wanted! ever for bark an your bark and not allow the flesh side of | to be rained on. AVING qualified as administrator of Mar” estate of said deceased to present the seme to year from cate of this notice, cr it will be plead in AVING qualified as executor of the will of 4+. w S. Stevenson, deccased, all persons hav- ing claims against said estate are notified to present the same tothe undersigned on or _be- fore May 24, 1901,and all persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate Ihave a lot of white and black spring oar. 7. I have a large lot of nice th.) Respectfully, ome j. L. Cowan E WANT at least 300 cords of Tan kas; this spring. Weare paying mor we want youto take ¢, BRADFORD & *ox<s New Stirling, N_¢ April 10th, 1900. NOTICE. ‘TA MEETING of the County Board of £ A * dons for Iredell county, held in Sta N.C., on Monday, May 7th, 1900, the foi) orders were made: Wt isordered by the board that the place in Eagle Mills precinct be changed that hereatter the polling place shall be tonville Academy, at Young’s X Roads inct. Peis ordered by the board that the place in Chambersburg prefinct be « and that hereafter the polling place st bear the white public school hous*, scar Elmwood, in said precinct, - et is nee by the board that the precincts Nos. 1 and 2. of Shiloh towns, abolished, and that the election pr said township shall consist of the t embraced within the boundary of i township, and that the polling place of is. precinct be at Brady's X Roa It is ordered by the board that the elk recincts Nos, rand 2, of Davidson town be abolished, and that said election ; s.id township shall consist of the te embraced within the boundary of said Day son township, and that the polling place sai4 recinct shallbe at the white public schoo} ouse, near the old W. J. Brawley store, being the polling place of former precinct No. ; It is orcered by the board that all other py: cincts in said county remain as they are no constituted, and the other polling places rem where they are now. It isordered by the board that the above or ders be published in Tux Mascot a: ‘isk Landmark, newspapers published in said ty for twenty days. HARRY P. GRIER This May 24, 1900, May 7. 1900. RK RK. king. Secretary. Chairman Works better, goes farther and is the cheapest in every respect. iT1s Uniform, Strong Than any other twine claim-{ ed to be of the same grade. THE Deering and was'e, 9-NENG-ENE-ENEYE ENEEN ~ Deering Binder Twine fe ee Is the Standing Binder twine of America, and as such is re- cognized by the great Wheat Farmers of the west, who use more of the * Deering’ twine than all the other hands, combined. Remember You can’t afford to use poor twine, as it causes delays, loss We seil the “‘Deering”’ twine, and guarantee the price to be as iow as other twine of inferior grades. THE FLANIGAN-EVANS HARDWARE CO, them from the ordinary. too. Come gnd see us the value is apparent at a glance. a matter of fit—not price. Dress Skirts. There is a fit and hang to our ready made skiets that distinguishes There is style and quality and honest service If we haven’t your siz2, select the materia! leave your measure and will furnish the skirt, guaranteeing fit and style. _.To Arrive... In the next few days an -i 4° lot of that beautiful MADRAS At 10c. Per Yard. The very thing for Ladies Waists and Gentlemen’s Nezligee Shirts, At and Below Cost. Our shoes are going, come early if you want a bargain. It will be only WALTON & GAGE Shoes for Spring and Summer made. Respectfully. We are offering exceptionally Good Bargains ip Ladies, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and askan examina- tion of our line: Every shoe I offer is of good quality, and the sacrifice in price. I make. to close out. Tne Ladies Button Boots eos Seer a ne prices murdgrously low. The rices on Misses an ildrens Oxfords are cost t i half, and the Ladies Oxfords, full + off, a 30c, to 50c, will buy a Child’s Oxford and 40c. to 60c, a Ladies and Misses Oxfords. dow display and we think you can be interested. Shoes are not the only goods we ofler at attractive prices and we are pleased at all times to show what we have, even if nosale is See our Win- J. W. Copeland. The Variety Store SEE THE VARIETY, Calico, 4 to 6e. yard. Pant Goods, 9 to 60c. yard. Bine Denim. 7, 10 and 123c. yard. Alamance, good, 5c. yard. Bed Ticking, 5 to 15¢ yard. Lace Curtains, 50c. pair up. Towels, 5 to 25c. Face and Talcum Powders, 5 and 10c. oe eee to $2.25. adies’ Shirt Waists, 48c. 00. ee ee de. ee nk and Mucilage, 3c. up. - Tablets, 1to Qe. Writing Paper, 3 to 20e. quire. Boys’ Kuee Pants. 25c. to $1.00. Belts and Belt Buckles, 10 to 50c, Corsets, 25 to $1.00. Fast Black Hose, 5 to 25c. pair. Books ard Blank Books, 5c. to $3.00 Boys’ Suits, 7c. to $3.50. : * Spring Showers of Bargains ... SEE THE PRICES. Large line Lamps, tc, to $8.00, Tumblers and Goblets, 20 and 25c. Plates and Cups, 30c. set. Big lot Tinware, 2 to 25c. piece. Knives and Forks, $8c. set and up- Toilet and Laundry Soap, 2c. e3ke- Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. box. Shoe Dressing, 5, 10 and 25c. Machine Oil, big bottle, 5c. Trunks and Valises, 20c. to 35.0. Handkerchiefs, 2 to 50c. Straw Hats, 5c. to $1.50. on Shoes for everybody, 25c. to #4.9"- Summer Underwear. 5c. to 31.0. 200 yd Soft Finish Spool Thread. 7° Dolls and Toys, 52. up. Carpet and Matting, 123c. yd aad up Big stock Rugs, 35c. to $2.50. New lot Wall Paper, 5 to 20c. roll Fans, 1 to 50c. —— Complete Line of Baseball Goods. Large stuck. of Musical Instruments, Trimmings and Strings. Many other goods it will pay you tomce: yr subsert er and we bC all will cal and pay 4 . especially fq ors who ow re, but any Of than a year V : paying: LOCAS. —— Beott is out & o weeks. pse of the sun morning 3" * . 4 lic Lanier Wi it month to s Clerk J. E i¢ om an attack at work aga pulist county called to meet primaries W) , June 30tb, E. Krider hal re which has fi are just beh F is quite ac en's Day exerd tony Point c eth. Every q B with baskets Ss. W. andl their way tot what seemed td tra large spake ple of Falistd pot forget Dr. s ts’ appoinune use Saturday Wy. T. Ely wil ool sin the co: He has rent residence, 2 ly here. Polly Josey cig stown towns! nh about 2 OC + was at Bethe 11 o'clock. baseball playe eek. The loca to secure pail Jniversity of d other team ister Turner isa little ot! re licenses, 02 to Thomas Blanche Hella) y. B. McLe fine cow last death is unko tashort t img ould not have H. Armfield, E < at Moore s py townsbip, puch good for ed from Mr. crowds attend as they usual s. None but ess attended. exchange ha » wheal prospe t sown early < ity yood, ulth ably damage weather. Jssle ly damaged. wre than 100 hed Band Mr. Watts 4 al Bradford msbip, last Sat closes? alleno Shiloh i ndy King. coloy Bo:d, bandica fer is foJlows: bon, 1,000 bags, * ps: Tne Filan, MH ions: T, G. Ve Dr. J. W. Harbdi Kin, where be hi Pavuice O1 denist! si dentist and @ bung nan who in his prof end him vo Uhe aners. Ex-Representaty peck. og: Dharpe sq sietor bbe Dei p for the Hous¢ urty. He is ak Breath. K. OM bilc, and has ferns in ihe Leg r. Coa’s Store & Mr.J. D. Cox’ wenue, was burnd “nts between ~ « ‘ricay morning. pune story irae owed by Mr. Co} of groceries in vzhlin, who il overed the fire aiarm, but on ae which was falung Inany people we ree} .eam vot the the duilding. Tne origin of altiough the t buisding was st ‘Nhe building there was $51) stouk. Mr. Cox loss at $900— -anad 3700 on sto¢ loss to Mr. Cox 4 patry of the com Sqrire White's Mr. Wm. A. home in Hilis abcut noon. { ed in Chambers! county, and wa He wert to Iilix war and had liv boroever since: sops survive wasa brother 4 ~ and Mrs. S. C. Many of the 9 county rememf{ Riackwelder— Mr. Robert ot W. M. Black aby township. land, daughter, of Olintownsh da; at the resi Joba W. Yazst These are <0 most popular join their mas ay For Sale. Oats fer - ce baled Vou want gt ain, feed aN lL. COWAN auted! tas of Tan Rark Ving more than take care of side of bark Y& SONS . Stirling, N.c Statesville the following polling at the a polling c be changed rce shall be at Elmwood, the election itory now id Shiloh place of said rat the election n township, ecinet for id David- reo said Fim SF Fj eetes aa 9 pole ory id ye cae 5 “+h is re- w us mbined. Q Rys. loss 5 ce to be 5 \ a listinuqwuishes mest service vterial leave style. Drag igvee Shirts, will ve only AGE MST PRICES, $3.00, and 25c. piece. and up- 2e. cake. Sc. (0 $5.00. to 24.50. $1.00. bread, 2¢- yd and up 50. Doc. roll. gree — ——— aa prTls ULUSINESS. i ecrivers f up. Hav t aS -. who owe us for 2) ton, is here attending court. any of those Ow- a year will not of- r p44 AL. afrer is out after the sun occurs next 8.30 ig at about EJ. © wk again. ’ t county » 30th, Ww rider has a chicken .. which has four legs. The -, are just behind the usual te acuriosity. Day exercises will be stony i vint church Satur- ie Every one is invited owe an nier will go to Vir- , to spend several Boyd bas re- attack of poeumo- convention to meet here on July naries will be held on baskets of dinner. : Falistown township “ret Dr. Stevenson and Snointment at Clark's saturday night, at 8:30 Drak. Vo ky ely will open a busi- the college building ‘i. has reated Mrs. Sallie lence, and will move Sirs P Josey died at her home township Saturday af- rey \ The at Bethel church Sun- > o'clock. LOCK. has Jl players will be here x ocal managers are Dur- Virginia, Ra- ive games with of er teauis. eslty that Wee roer tle off ths Says nus Lee Ward ‘he Hellard. MeLelland, of ick ut a short time. Mr. t have tuxen s. W. andR. W.- Sherrill, - way to town last week emed to be the slide wwe snake nearKistler’s the k ises, only one has been and 3 Clio, bor tine cow last week. [he cause Sher +), is unknown, as she was McLel- S30 for Esq., bad a geod —_ 3B: ‘AScoT . need the mon- | ington, willeall in during | This is | was here Monday. wiv for those of | ill- in- us | PERSONALS. | SWEET GIRL GRADUATES. Mics Kensie aicieiigsto Muck, eacemen Co ey , OFY. Dr. Stagg.— Graduating Exer- el ae ee Sunday, Monday and F were the days of the annual com mencement of Statesville Female College. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered Sunday morning bs Rev. A. J. McKelway at the Pres- byterian church. His subject was ‘Esther, Her Life and Character.” Most beautifully and eloquently did he tell the story of Queen Esther > life and point its lessons to the rows of ‘sweet yirl graduates,” their as sociates and his large convregation of hearers, holding the closest at- tention of all with his impressive, forcible and beautiful language. On Monday evening in the colleze Mr. H. P. Helper, of Davidson, Harllee MacCall, Esq., of Lexing- Mr. W. S. Rickert, of Hamlet, is here on a visit to bis mother, _Mrs. W. F. Half and little son are visiting relatives at Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Greene are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherrill. Jacob Stewart, Esq., of Mocks- ville, attended court here this week. Mr. James P. Flanigan has gone to New York to have his eyes treat- chapel the graduating exercises ed. . proper were given, the hall being filled with a large and interested Miss Emma Reid, of Old Fort, spent Sunday with Miss Laura Laz- enby. audience. The exercises were open- ed by prayer by Rev. Edwarc S$. Zeaves, a fervent appeal to our Father for his blessing on the young graduates, askiug His guiding care over them through life. After an instrumental selection, eracefully and perfectly rendered by Miss Carrie Cowles, Rev. Dr. Stagg, of the Second Presbyteian church, of Charlotte, was introduc- ed by President Burwell. Dr. Stagg announced his subject as “Odds and Ends.”” The ‘Odds and Ends’ may well be termed as sound advice and serious moral lessons presented in a Lee Wright, Esq., of Salisbury, was here yesterday on legal busi- ness. _ Miss Rhetta Daniel, of Raleigh, is ie guest of Miss Antoinette Bur- well. : Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilson, of Catawba ccunty, were here yester- day. Mr. Flake Steele is at home from Oak Ridge, where he has been in sckool. humorous and pleasing manner. Mr. lig pain | Like Bob Taylor Dre. Staze has the ir. Leslie Benson, of Byhalia,{paoulty of blending in cbarming Miss., is visiting at Mr. G. R. White’s. style the humorous and the serious, the pleasing and the pathetic; like Mrs. R. L. Poston is visiting ber Governor Corwin he makes you mother, Mrs. J. R. Davidson, in laugh while he drives home a truth. Charlotte. He puts you in good humor with yourself, with al! the world, with him and then preaches right at you before you know he’s preaching, Dr. Geo. W. Long spent Sunday here with his family, returning to Graham Monday evening. convinces ere you are aware 32'S Mrs. M. L. Barringer has return- reasoning. Seldom has @ States- ed to Charlotte after a visit to her } ville audience been treated to sach Tuesday JOINT DEBATE ™UESDAY. | ! | ton. Wb. Turner and Prof J. J \ Britt Discuss the Amendment. | Britt Knocked Out 38 the rirst Round { } Keported for The Masco’. The Republioaus through their county chairmaa, J. Ww. C. Long, E=q.,asted for 3 division of time Tuesday, when Hon. Ww, D. Turner was booked to address the people. Chairman MHartuess granted this and it was arranged that Prof. J. J. Britt. of Mitchell, who was named as the Republican cham pion, should open the debate in a one hour’s speech to be followed by Mr. Tur- ner at equal length, with fifteen min utes rejoinder for each side. Through the courtesy of contrac tor Ittner the discussion wes held in the new court house, which has not yet been received by tbe coin missioners. At one o'clock p. m. the bell was court room was fiiled. was fairly representative of the vot- ers of the county, the majority be- ing Democrats, the others divided with about twenty five negroes. Prof. Britt opened by Mr. Turner and the Democratic committee for conceding 2 division of time, and then spept five minutes in askiog a respectful hearing on the part of the crowd, a thing con- ceded before be opened his speech At the beginning of his speech he uttered atruth that the campaign’s development is demonstrating to be an axiom:namely, thatall opponents of the amendment labored under tremendous disadvantage. Heat he | spent about fifteen minutes in charging the Democratic leaders with perfidy and perjury and read copious extracts thatin realty prov- ed theerror of his own statement, this after profuse promises of fair- ness. Atter about twenty-five minutes he reached the question gt issue and a rare feast of wit and humor and sound sense. He emphasized the | world’s need for educa’ed women, | women who think. women who real- | ize that the noblest and best in life} can only be attained by work, that those who get the most out of life are those who do the most for the betterment of mankind; that the} grandest sacrifice on the altar of | humanity is the sacrifice of self: | that they who surrender self to up- | litt their fellows are remembered; | and they, only, attain an enduring | success. He condejses a passage of } power into a witty epigeanm of aline. } His sayings of wit and wisdGts | daughter, Mrs, E. B. Watts. f Mrs. H. P. Grier and children avd Mrs. R. O. Leinster went to Char- lotte Monday to spend gala week. Mrs. D. J. Brawley and her daugh- ter-in-law, Mrs. J. J. Brawley, of Shiloh township, went to Charlotte this week. Dr. H. F. Long went to Marion Monday on professional business. Mir. Fk. L. Sharpe accompanied him. Mrs. J. F. Bowles has returned trom a Visit to her father and moth- er, Maj. and Mrs. H. L. Grant, of Goldsboro. in who were so fortunate as to hear him. | A monologue, “Sweet Gir! Grad- | uates,’’ by Miss Ethel Hudson, was} next on the program. Miss Hnd- | son recited this humorous selection in a most pleasing and gracefy] man- ner. A musical recitation, by Miss Florence Cowles, was especially en- joyed by all. The reader’s grace | and charm of manner adding much | to the recitation. | will long be remembered by ol Mrs. M. A. Smith and Nisses Ma- ry Lazenby and Katie Moore went to Washington Mondzy to spend a few days, Mrs. A. R. Sherman, of Nerth W ilkesboro, who has been visiting ber mother, Mrs. N. A. Bingham, returned home yesterday. Mr. J. C. Steele and daughter, Miss Lizzie, and Miss Katie Lee Mills avtended the Oak Rridge com- ost 2 Moore's. school house, | mencement this week. After the announcement of the | Bet asbip, Saturday night, distinctions by President Burwell, | at for the amendment Mr. J. Latta Houston, of Ashe- | the certificates were presented by | re Mr. Armtield’s able| ville, was here Monday on his way | Prof. J. H. Hill in brief but forcible } S to visit bis father, Dr. G. J. Hous-| words of advice. The eraduating | The crowds attending have been ton, of Davidson township. class consisted of: Misses Eiva Mc-| 1 as they usually are at May Mr. William Pinkus, of New] Hiwee, Pearl Allisou, Ethel Hudson, | courts, None but those having | York, is here visiting his mother. Katie J. Knox, Emuy Hamilton, business ted. Busisess on the} Miss Daisy Werner, of Inglewood, aud Mamie Knox. 5 has been rather}. J., is also yisiting Mrs. Pinkus. After an instrumental duet_of ex- . - ceptional beauty by Misses Hatha- c Mr. J; M. Cullom, a paper drum-) way and Carrie Cowles the benedic- The wheat prospect 15 only fair. | mer of Nashville, Tenn., now makes | tion was pronounced by Rev. W. R. vy .t sown varly and on good land Statesville his headquarters, _He| McLelland. : ; i, although it was cob- and family board with Mrs. Krider}” After the exercises a reception 100 heard AOE an at bradford 's t atte philob is ali right. ndiea ie ws: oJ aged by the recent juate sown wheat is Dr. Steyen- wr. Watts ef their appoint- sture, Shiloh Ssuturday night, and ntion was given vhe «, coloured, who keeps a fertilizers this sea- . §&. Morrison & Scns, 1.UU0 bags, W. 8. Gibson, 350 Co., fue Mianigaa Harness A igus: T, G. Perry, S62 bags Dr J. W. Harbin left Monday for adi, WHeTe ¢ oO} dentistry. is profession. We he bas located for the He js a first- tist and ap upright, clever » who will douvtiess 5uc- com- enw him to the people of blgin. Ex Representatives Thos. F. Mur- tion jor vi courty. FH é kh. Muraocn, Viliv. ubG has t , the Leyuslatere. - — —_ Mr. Sox's Store Burned. Mr.J. D.- yi Sharpe's township, is a can- ‘or the Democratic nomina- 1c House from Alexander te is a brother gi Express } of States- served one or two} per of chi}dren Watt Bowles, .of Statesville. Cox’s store, on Davie avenue, was burned with ail its con- tents between 2 and 3 o'clock last tricay morning. The store was a ése <tory frame building and was ‘dr. Cox, who hada stock of cvoceries in it. Dr. J. E- Me- La in. who lived near, first dis- cov-red the fire and he gave the were aroused. people fing ibs. the theory is ‘y. but on account of a rain, h was ialling at the time, not 3 The “ce learn vou there too late to save rigin of the fire is unknown, that the was struck by lightning. buliding was not insured, but was $900 insurance on the Mr. Cox estimates his total =} -¥200 on the building 1) on stock. ay This isa serious to Mr. Cox and he has the sym- the community, pa sqrire White's Brother Dead. Mr. Wm. A. White died at his } Te D U it noon. Hilisboro, Ills., Friday He was bornand rais- » Chambersburg township, this ceut to lilinois yresty, and was about 71 years old. soon after the va i bad lived in and near Hills- wo. yever since. A wife and three sous survive bim. The deceased We rother of J. A. White, Esq., .aty remember him. —_— -— Hleck welder—Holiand, air. Robert W. Blackwelder, son! Duncan rendered an amusing recita- | this year for te Black welder Ee EOL ition and Miss Hathaway sang beauti-|the straight Democratic wny township, and Miss Calhe 2- ol-: pully one or two sougs. i ‘ct friends will have to i, daughter of Mr. I. C. Holland, | ré Our Populist en ‘ lintownship, were married Sun- | : pate uo | Henkel: the residence of the bride, me Joa W. Vanstory, Esq., officiat hese are come of north Iredell’s nest popular young people, and We Roeves, at da. at join their many lations aud wish for them bappiness aud prosperity. _ =! s. S.C. Neely, of State soy ofthe older citizens of th sville. ¢ eiMr. J. W. ing. friends ix eongratu-; Sharpe, Sloop, long life, | star, Steele, Miller, Bell and Watts, i mle 2 . : a : . ss on Kelly street. was held by the teachers and pupils for the patrons and friegds of the} institution, the feature most enjey- ed by the young men and ladies. Tuesday evening the chapel was crowded to the doors for the recital, a large number being unable to get inside the hall, The progran., Con- sisting of instrumental selections and dialogues, was enjoyed fro; start totinish by all the audience. The instrumental performers were Mrs. John Joboston, of Mocks- ville, was a commencement visitor this week. Her sister, Miss Jim Knox, of Cleveland, was one of the graduates. Miss Miriam Clarke has returned from Baltimore, where she bas beea taking a course in music. Her broth- er, Mr. Emile Clarke, went to Balti- more Jast week and returned with ber. Misses Hathaway ,CarrieCowles, Em- ar Se ma King, Ethel Hudson, Mary Mil- Mr. Jerry Bowles Killed by a Kuua-ijer, Megaret Brady, Elvy McElwee: eng Boxee the rendition of ali being perfect and pleasing. Misses Ethel Hudson and Carrie Hoffman in the comedietta, ‘‘A Predicament,”’ and in the transfor- mation scene from “Pygmation and Galatea’”’ showed exceptional talent, They both have the dramatic temp- erament, and can well portray the broadest comedy, the sweetest senti- ment or the deeply tragic, Miss Mr. Jerry Bowles, of Sharpesburg township was thrown from a wagen by a runaway horse last Thursday aiternoon and received injuries from which he died in about an hour. He was plowing inthe afternoon va his farm and hitched his horse to a one-horse wagon to drive home, when the horse became frightened and Mr. Bowles was thrown out of the wagon, receiving injuries about Nanrie Miller in the humorous tbe head which caused his death. monologue, ‘The Show at Wilkins Hall,’’ added no little to the even- ing’s enjoyment. . Her interpreta- tion of the comic is very fine. One of the most beautiful and graceful drills we have ever seen was the ‘Naide Drill” by Miss Dun- can’sclass. Here beauty of face and grace of movement charmed all the audience. OThe entirs program was a marked suecess—the pupils reflecting great eredit on their instructors, Misses Hathaway and Duncan. The deceased was about ST years old and was twice married. A num by his first marriage and one by the second survive h‘ a. fe was the grandfather ot Mr. -———_—- Harmony High School. The closing exercises of Harmony High School will embrace next Tuesday and Wednesday, the 29 th and 30th. On Tuesday night, Wednesday af- ternoon and Weduesday night there will be exercises by the school. Wednesday at 11 o’clock Prof. P. P. Claxton, editor of the North Ceor- celina Journal of Education and one of the professors at the Greensboro Normal, will deliver the literary ad- dress. He is.one of the ablest of tne State’s educators and our north lre- dell people will miss agreat deal in failing to hear him. oe The Wrong Man. We got an inkling Tuesday that the Populists were contemplating offer- ing their nomination for register cf deeds to H. C. Summers, Esq.. of Shiioh township. Squire Summers was in townand we mentioned the matter to bim. He informs us that he will not accept their nomination and would not accept it if he was sure the nomination would beequiv- alent to an election. He went on to say that he is a stronger Democrat now than ever, and that he felt hu- mil:ated that the Populists should think that his recent defeat in the county convention for this same ottice should now cause him to de- sert his ltfe iong principles. He was justly indignant that any man who knew him should think him ca- pable of deserting the cause of his race in this hour of se ere aia ‘Squire Summerssubmitted grace- aaa a tally to a ruling in 1896 which de- Misses Fannie Allen Copelaxd, | rived him of a nomination for reg- Addie McElwee, Mattiebec Cooper |iter of deeds which he and his = Jessie Fowler gave > party to|¢iands thought was justly his. ln i their friends at the elegant home Of |\the campaign which followed no V. Copeland last Friday |Tredell Democrat worked more | night, which was one of of the mst | sithfully for the party and bis suc: jenjoyed obthe seme pleasures. | cessful opponent in the convention | Nothing for the entertainment of than Henry C, Summers, of Shilob, ithe company Was omitted, Miss jand none will do more faithful work the amendment an ticket. a Morrison‘s Saw Mill Partially Burned. Thorsday evening Mr. rison’s saw mill plant, Mr. M. L: Gunn's farm in township, was partially Some of the small saws, the belts and sheds were purned. The fire was discovered before the large saw or the lumber was burned. The fire is thought to have originat- ed from the boiler. Mr D. A. Mor- located on Conecrd burned. Those present were: Mr. and pane {ook elsewhere for a candidate. Misses Duncan, Bae ‘Hathaway Bumgardner, Morrison, | ; t F ' Boyd, Sor Boyd, Anderson. Loug, The senior reception last night ‘Watson apd Eliason; avd Messrs. , wasattended by quite a number 0 rmfield, Ramsay, Boyd, | the invited guests notwithsanding inferior race, jamendmeat in their State, Louisiana. wave the usual Republican argue ments against the amendinest, He said that he was in favor of white ruleasd was opposed to ne- wroes holding any public oftice and claimed that his party stood witb himonthis. The negro, he said, must not forget that he came of an The Caucasian race is destived tc rmje both now and for all time to deme. The neyra ig entitle to every protection under the laws and his parvy stood for the ne- gro’s right of sutfrage but will nev- er, no never, jet him rule. His par- ty says the negro is not entitled to rule on account of his social inferi- — rungand in a few minutes the large} vote even though he could not read The crowd |and write, thus putting between Republicans and Populists, | come I | | would free thanking the white yote divide $286,000 mure than the ihree preced ing Demuvucratic found the penitentiary evens floor of the Senate during tae legis- lature of “7. stitutfonality of the ‘clause’? of the amendment, that to understacd leould do nothing which was not per- {mitted by the constitution of the | United States, the States could do lanytning not forbidden by that con stitution. The Supreme Court had declared that no law could be de- | clared unconstitutional that did not | chow this unconstitutionality on its | ‘face. He then took up the amend- \ynent and clearly showed how the | fifth dause did not contravene the ‘idth amendment of the United States constitution, as under this iclause any negro whose ancestor | voted here prior to 1825 or in any jof the Siates prior to 1867 could the negro on the same footing as the white man. He enumerated the blessings to from the amendment. It the white man and let Jt would be the death of ‘‘bossisus,’’ no longer could a Republican chairman prom- {se and deliver 120,000 negro votes. jt would take the negro out of poli- tics and remove him as a poiitical factor. With 75,000 negro voters eliminated the State no longer need fear negrorule. It would add an incentive to education. No boy of 13 or under but could learn to read and write with the added advant- ages. He shywed how legislation would be cheapened by an instance from Wilmington under negro rule. No poor white man would be depriv- ed of his ballot by the amendment because he could not pay his tax, for the commissioners could excuse him that tax. The poll tax clause did not affect old soldiers, for no man had to pay poll tgx iv this State after the ayo of 30. The amend- ment wasiutended to eliminate the illiterate negro vote. These ex- slayes for 30 years had been going yp and voting against the men who befriended them, against the best interests of the State, they thought not of the principle but-voted‘‘black”’ always, The unrest in the east and itsrace troubles had sprung from this yery case The Republicans have a poor way of sLowing they wished white rule. The party, four- fifths of which were negroes, Was On the same footing as the race of this dominant element. The negro cannot be blamed for desiring to hold office, but the white ority. The negro can never become a political factor wher al; parties stand opposed to negro rule. The professor grew very touch- ing oecause as he claimed, the better class of negroes, the old ex- slaves, would be disfranchised. while the» negro dudes in town would he allowed to vote. He became so wrought up vcr this deplor able picture that he came pear shedding a few weeps. Hewas very hardon the dudes, entirely over- looking the fuct that these and not the ex slaves are the leaders of his arty. He devoted ten minutes to discus- sing the unconstitutionality of sec- tion five, the “grandfather clause,’ of theamendment, quoting as thority the opinions of some half dozen Senators, all byt twa of whom are Republicans or Populists, those two having supported a similar After stating that his father had been a soldier in the Union army in the civil war, he waxed wonderfully pathetic because some of the old Confederate veterans might lose their [ranckise through their inabil- ity to read and write or to pay their poll tax. He slaudered the intelligence and progressiveness of North Carolina by stating that if the amendment was passed the State could not furnish schools to teach the boys under thirteen to read aad write by the year 1908 and that 30,000 of these boys would be disfranchised. He quoted from the census of 1890 to show that 23 per cent. of the popu- lation of North Carolina was illit- erate, but did nat state what per cent. of these were white boys ua- der thirteen or what the decrease in illiteraey had been in the last ten years He wound up his speech with a discussion of the poll tax feature of the amendment, stating that many white mep would by it be deprived of their right tq vote. Mr Turner began by stating that the question thiseyear was a great social question, the answer to which must be ‘“‘yea’’ or ‘“‘nay;’’ there was no midule ground. The question is “who shall rule in North Carolina, the white man or the negro?” He had no harsh words for the colored man, but would accord him all his rights under the law. In an- swer to the charge of broken Demo- eratic promises he said that the Legislature of ‘99 had a duty to per- form, a duty to the people of the State. Neither Simmons nor Pou had aright to pledge the party to any particular course of action, and they alone were responsible for their opinions, the party acts far itself and is not ruled by a “boss.” But even if such promises were made as the Republicans charged, the action of the party did not controvert these, for the party could not dis- franchise a single man and had not did not desire the negroes except to repeat that he was in fa- amendment should out in the first round, in the ‘act that circumstances favored him, for he had no interruption, but as court convened at of men were compelled to leave in the middle of Mr. Turner’s We fear that the projessoi will pot be so anxious for a division of the next time the amendment is to be discussed here. Republican Congressional Conven- district met at Salisbury Friday. Jehu Davis. chairmanand G. L. Cabarrus, and C. P. Moore, of Ca- tawba, secretaries men are to be blamed who submit to hin. When the Republicans put white men in office the negroes nam- ed those men, and for his part, he to say what white men shall control. On rejoinder Mr. Britt did little legislatures: they self-sustain- ing and left it $110,000 in debt; they | pent 31,500 for sweeping the, IREDELL SUPERIOR COURT The Cases Tried aud OF hecwise posed of. Tine May term of i the usual charge to the jand J. L, Stevenson, Esa., leord township, Was The | tieer in charge. State Reine fredet] Supertor In regard to the con- Court convened Monday with Jude | icesrandfather | E,W. Timberlake. eae eae presid ing and this one should} Pree ‘only remember that while Congress | Louisdurs. Solicitor Wiley Bust: | The judge delivered | grand jury of Con-| appointed | | foreman, with Deputy Scroggs as of- | docket | A. SHERRIL" Wholesale ar F. We want ty cal we have put ina sour at FIRS1-CLASS S. Staple Clon. | was compicted Tuesday ani the civil | docket taken up {ing. | The folluwing cases have been dis | posed of: | N, Harrison, Wilhelm & IThe Wallace Bros. Co.. Bros., Thomas Patterson Moose, faiiure to list; nol pros. Will Bentield: carr; weapons, pol pros, Wesley Johnson: forcible pple aruilty; judgement sus- ended os payment of costs. James T.imbert; false pretence, not guilty. A. B.and E. H. Stuttz: tresspass: not guilty. Turner Ostwalt and Henry Cook; affray: plead guilty, judgement sus- pended on payment of costs. Bill Feimster carrying concealed weapons; guilty; judgment suspend- ed on payment of casts, 4. M. Ballard; assault; guilty; $50 fine and costs; appeal to Supreme Court. Melvin Summers, larceny: plead suilty; judyment suspended on pay- ment of costs. Clarence Sharpe; larceny: plead guilty;4 months on chain gapny. Wiley James; larceny; plead guil- ty; 6 months on chain gang. Will Campbell; larceny; plead guilty; 12 months on chain gang. Brice Lewis; larceny: 12. months on chain gang. John McNeely and Turser Steven- son: affray; guilty: McNeeiy vw pay half the cast, Gieveasonsent to the chain gang for 4 months, Henry Lawrence, laroery; cuilty: {months ov cbain gang. i James M. Lambert: false pretence: not guilty. Theophilus Campbell: injury to real estate: case remanded to jus- tice of the peace. Jim Setzer, assault: plead guilty: 6 months ov chain gang. s Will Doolie; larceny; plead guilty: & montis on chain gang. 3. M. Kerr; failure to list; plead cuilty; judgement suspended on pay- ment of costs. >ufus Collins; assault with intent tocommit rape: not guilty. Thomas Rickert: rocking train: guilty: 12 months on chain gang Oscar brawiey; house breaking: not guilty. Felt Tatum: larceny: months on chain gang. Mitis 4 | \ Jas forcible euilty; 4 Wednesday mo-n- | | We propose to sell this i Poston | und ot. C. | | \ se ing convesied | tress- | \ For Men, Boys and Youths. Clothing at a very small margin _. of profit. It costs us nothing extra to carry clothing the same room the same salesman ¢te. We are prepared jo save you money in this line. When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. Come and be convinced. Truly. F. A. Sherrill & Co. COMFORT Is what you will want more than any thing else when the terrific Heat of Summer Comes. A Jittle preparation now will insure atleast a moderate degree of comfort. Wehsve the Tris to be had by covering: your Moors with some of the new desigus ot Matting. We are selling a spendid Matting at 25 cents a yard. L. SCHILLER, — Furniture, Carpets aod Matting. New Cooper Block. The Famous Godman Ladies’ Oxford. At $1.25 to $1.50. Guaranteed Pink Goodson: larceny: guilty; 4 months on chuin gang. J N. Lambert and Frank Lloyd: vor of white rule, but failed to show how this could be. lig dida’t think there was any provision in the amendment for excusing poor men their pall tax. Mr. Turner ina few brief words answered him, saying that provis- ion was part of the organic law of the State. Mr. Turner easily demolished all au-[of bis opponent’s arguments and put up such logical reasons why the be passed that his opponent could not auswer him. In tact the professor was knocked spite of 2:30 a number speech. time ee tion. The 1 Republicaa convention of this, the Seventh, Coagressional of Mongomery, Was Patterson, of Col. H. C. Cowles, pated Joha Q. Holton, of Yadkin, for Congress, and L. M, Totten, of Catawba, seconded the nomination. Totten,in his speech, said: ‘We are tired of trading with a party (mean- ing the Populists) that brings aa- thing to us.” Holton was nomina- ted for Congress by acclamation, and John L. Rendleman, of Rowan, was nominated for elector in the same way. Col. H.C. Cowles, of Iredell, and, P. M. Carpenter, of Catawba, were elected delegates to the National convention, and Dr. M. D. .<im- prough, of Davie, and M. L. Bean, of Rowan, alternates. The new executive committee isas follows: Cabarrus, G. W. Pat of Iredell ,nomi- Jarce2ny; guilty: indginent suspended as to Lioyd, Laiauert 4 months on chain gang. Will Allison and Uenry Gray; gambiin zs guilty; judgment suspend- ed on payment of costs. bud Moore, Lewis Carlton and Jim Setzer; aifray: Vocre and Car]- ton to pay costs; } dyment suspend- ed as to Setzer. Will Campbell; la.ceny; guilty; judgment suspended ov. payment of costs The following business has been transacted on the civil calendar. State ex. rel. Hiram Allison vs. M. A. White et. al.; non suit. M. E. Turner vs. M. E, Boger:; judgment in accordance with the de- cision of Supreme Court. Elizabeth Rouse. aud Laura Jen- kins vs. Union Telegraph Co.: dis- missed. State ex. rel. Geo. Stinson vs. M. A. White et.al; non suit. Calvin C. Jurney, by his next friend, R. T. Campbell vs. Brown, Bros. Co., motion for removal de- nied. J. P. Murdock and P. A. Barring- er vs. J. R. McLain; non suit. U. T. Bowden, admr., vs. Soutb- ern Railway Co., judgment in ac- cordance with decision of Supreme Court. J. S. Mottet. al. vs. T. A| White, sale of land confirmed. Some judgments were taken yes terday by consent and orders made, but no Civil case was tried. The grand jury submitted its re- port yesterday afternoon and was discharged. The court adjourned for the term yesterday, after a three days’ term, one of the shortest, if not the short- est, on record in this county. “A stitch in | oe time saves nine.” oe Your property may burn to-night, You might have an accident, or get sick and die to-morrow. So, for the protection of yourself and joved ones, let us insure you to-day. Gaither & Nicholson, STATESVILLE, N.C. terson; Catawba, L. M. Totten; Da- vie, Dr. M. D. Kimbrough; David- son, R. H. Biesecker; Iredell, J. C. Sullivan; Lincoln, G. A. Barkley; Montgomery, Allen Jordan; Rowan, J M. Summers; Stanley, G. M. Dry: Yadkin, H. B. James. ——— oe Charlotte's Big Week. attempted to do so; but the Legis- lature had offered to the people of the State an amendment to the con- stitution restricting the suffrage. The people would decide, theirs was the right to restrict or enlarge. The constitution of “68 that gave the negroes the right to vote was adopted by the votes of 70,000 ex- slaves, who had no right to vote and 2,000 white Republicans; while 30,000 ex Confederates were not _al- lowed to vote on this question The election was not held by the people; of the State, but was controlled Dy Federal soldiers under the command of General Canby at Charleston and the vote was counted there by men of his selection. The illiterate ne- wro put the constitution on the statute books, but the vote of all the people will decide whether he shall continue to vote. He brietly au clearly sketched the career of cor- ruption of the Republican carpet- bag government in our State. The Republicans squandered the $1,500, 4 | 000schoo! fund left by theDemocrats. They increased the State debt $34, 000,000. They opened the Univer- sity to negroes and paid a large faculty to teach a handful of negro boys. Ina few words be told of the next time of trouble in the State, when 120,000 negroes and 30,000 white men put fusion misgoyern- Fowler Turner, Lein-| the rain, aud a very pleasant eyen- |ing was spent. ment on the people. The fusion legislatures of 93, 95 acd "97 spent a|sits on his horse Charlotteis celebrating the 20th of May this year witha week's carni- val. Great crowds are there, and several companies of the North Caro- lina State Guard and a big section of the South Carolina State Guard are in attendence, besides many of the fire compacies of both States. Tues- day Hon Frank I. Osborne, of Char- lotre, delivered the address. As is usual on such occasions, Statesvilleard Iredell county bave sent down full delegates. Col. J. F. Armfield went dow, and commanded the North Carolina troops. He was accompanied by Lieutenant Roy J,. Leinster, who acted as his adjutant. The Char- lotte Observer Says of Col. Armfield’s part in the parade: “Col. J. : ‘Armtield, the colonel cammanding the First North Carolina Regiment, like a Southerner andasoldier, and is always an im- posing figure on borseback.”’ An excusion trains left here Tues- day morning and returned Tuesday night, We understand that pick- pockets got in thelr work on the re- turn trip.- It is said that a Mr. Cra- ven, livingnear Mooresville, lost $47. Mr. Will Francis. the foreman on our new court house was touched for $30, just as he was entering the train to start home. Mr. W. T. Nicholson Jost $1.50 and we hear that there were other losses. Pick-pockets did a thriving business in C arlotte also, iy SO U S , DB U B Y S 3A S h a n w , Wo o d s 19. jo Wi s i I 0 oy Do s s p fl S> 5 wines Ans 1233 id SS ee neeee n= = 3% ; Ro e2 et. ae S ae s e 52 w= 2.0'3. \4 - == ' - 26 o 77 4 Cer - i 425 2 t 2 f ¢ i mi i AD L wo s Ww N O O a 8 U A H A T I S V H L I M N Y O d ) e ‘t e u v n d o p u s We so a t i s 0} s u o o d Solid throughout and te wear equal to any 32.00 . Shoe on the market. SLOOP & MILLER. combined with low price. Covers for hot weather. sizes. Cottonades from 14 cts. yd. up. 5cts. lb. No advance on ther. SPECIAL SALE Shoes and Slippers. We will offer elegant values for Thirty Days in Footwear. We have the goods and will soll them. Durable comfortable and stylish, Can suit men, women and children. New Stock of Millinery And Dress Goods with trimmings for all Summer Corsets and Corset Beautifal line of Gauze ‘Vests for allages and Men and Boys Straw and Fur Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols. Just as Cheap as when cotton sold at buy, we will save you some moncy- N. B. Mills & Co. Come and see us before you IN THE BEST OF STYLE AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCR, PROPR'S. First, Inspection. Now, Selection. The first arrival of our spring purchases caused so much praise from our friends that our buyers were stimulated to branch out more éxtensively than ever before. In fact we are showing a much larger line of Novelty, Up-to-date Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes Than was ever showa in this city. Our spring lines are now compicte and we are anxious to serve you. . ~ & Bowles. Yours truly, Ramsey. Tomlin The Bie Store. Our parting prices make the items bus able that we mention below. You wil] always submit to your believing. Yeu can always use your judgment, for this is every buyer's privilege. It is our purpose to stand by our customers, and never allow their confidence to be imposed upon. Kindly Allow Us to Assist you In life’s struggles, to save your earnings, wecan With your approval. ~ Large lot Wall Paper, 9c. to 25c. per roll. - oe Figured Saal Draperies, 12:c. worth, 18c, yd. Big Lot Ladies an@ Men’s Fine Shoes, $1.00 to $3.00. Black Mohair or Brillantine Dress Goods, 30c. to sac. yd. Men’s Dress and Heavy Shirts, 25e. to $1.00 each. Large Lot Pants and Overalls, 50c. to $2.79 pair. Silks in Great Variety 39¢. to oe yd. - : ae Our $1.00 Black Parasols .They are 10 emand. meena Sinting Cheviots, 6ic. and 7c. yd. for Men and Boys wear. : od Laundry Soap for 5c. ; E é ee coming a so are the Fhes. Qur adjustable wire window screens at 29c. each, willsave youd lot of worry. & Mills Come and see the other bargains. | = Wilhelm wees ee Pe aS Me - —_ Serraceariesaneeetaaas ee ecaetteetsaeneeteeteses teaiaeeeeenan Hee naatet amen an aaa Tc ean eee ’ > % 3. 2 ~o - . * ‘= * ca d ei n e o e di e en i s h n e i n i o » - Se i s a in t . i en EN Oo en \ y = MAREKING RELIEVED. Demonstrations of tejoicings Caren in London. coday that around born- abandoned, ee : south tak- in: he place. Pres=1- : e . . y . eeut it Pretoria for tbe Fre ight. Addressing : platform, he urged a pia a t! rood cheer an ! reported that 5.066 British treops | ri ad Cnr aid tnat t rey t ther < . 2 f the ‘ 4 ! ‘ iw the : ted ont re . and the A arge | ne : hour all} cro u . . * , he al resounding with cheers. ibe; Mflice at 9 o'clock had une | a been received, | lord mayor, Mir A} ficial robe t? ovful news tc , Tre lord mayor | aS ac CC lby the lady may " f “of ' Manstor oress 16 front of the Mansion House, where an immense portrait of Colonel Baden- Powell, plaved, bearing the ‘Mafeking relieved tendants were wayin: n : } ry x} the tr or brictly addressed the > saying. aa remmarcea it the end congue then ayor crowd in singing “G (jue “and ‘Soldiers of the (dueen, ind with renewed cheering and the ving of! by the essemiie of “For ir is now ies wmmneunced in ditions and tt the horoughfares were impeded stream of the hemselves hoarse ana God Save the Queen’ sorts. In por wei diers of the Queen ihe enthusiasm as s ]s ’ = set eee) ) sto OUTTIVaa -h followed the the Associated he news of the re ace Was iament ln wreat ¢ of ex press eallery ¢ oon began to be ¢! members of young Siuging and sheer re are crowds in frent a! Honse ‘nubs and Pall ™: and in Parliament square iner fle d joining In the ua tional airs. uproar It Zes the Rnslisht a me- and become: he's 109 seuare miles of Wrom every Unica Eves the (Queen red feeling abandon, r( ’ human : from Pretoria ! been relieved. ‘s brether ja ed 2. a th friend in Pretoria say from a Du ing that At Carlton Hotel. Mafeking has been relieved which is with Americans, the “V4 bands pls eee Goan nrougn Lr POT ch has been recently titled “Dixie were arching i an English sone ’ to Pretor and American dlaved. th ' y a reo . + or} } tr theusand 1 yplie strooda In ir¢ see ia ss : Mrs. B Powell heuse tn George's place, cheering and lord mayor sent the following Baden-Powell: “The citi zens of London are relieved. They rejvice in the good news received Your gallant defence will long live in British annals. Cable me to Ccl. What yney ls wanted for the needs ofthe garrison ane inhabitants after jone PTT t = tons. In unrestrained jubilation. the provinces were not behind tke me tropolis. From all pa vf the em- pire comes the same Bombiy House Ke Australian cities, joi Continentai Cities as nms abundantly tes ne news sadly. <A _ Marques corresponde aphinging vesterday ~ say “New peace proposals will pron bly be put forward by the Boers. r ses are causing de- @ was a prolonged nsvaal executive -clat Pretoria Thursday, “and struction of the mines was n considered.” s: 2 a According to other advices from the same point President Kroger aod the other high ofticials purpose leaving almost immediately for Ly- denburge. The British prisoners will be con voved and the foreign con- suls at Pretoria are leaving for Ly- denbure. In Kroonstad it is said that Pres- ident Kruyer will surrender before many weeks. Commandant Nel, with the Jo- Lannesbur + Zarps.is actively com- mandeering 15 miles northwest. of Kroonstad. All exemptions have oeen canceiled. The civil adminis- tration is reduced to the lowest limits. The Boers have dynamited Laing’s nek tunnel and the railway is completely wrecked. The work ot repairs will o¢eupy many weeks. that? he ccomplished. eering and | ut insane | tannia’’ af- and | the | the | Loreszo Marques, based upon infor- re | 3 ‘lms AT MAFERING. Mit. DANIELS IN UJUISIANA . The Situation one of Dramatic Inter py. Amendment Works Well in the he The ele Mafeking | te that the est, sing days of the drama at} yave been marked by in- lf famished varrison was Wbpite Counties—The Negroes po not Vote While ali White | Men Vote. editor of the Josephus Daniels. ec Observer and News and m lot Raleieb ity of dramatic interest, as UN-| Democratic National committeeman. expected as it is out of proportion | recently with the forees engaged. Th news | went to Louisiana to study the workings of that State’s new | ; ore eae franchise laws. The proposed amend nor only able to repel an attack, but| ment to our constitution is an ex- | the captur “andson of President ( [CK ses. le specu isoners us not so ts ha king ow King v¢ Tae Pa | previous to strik ' fekit tion th them befo thand per ers at tf t i french, toe boer ster sprui Ge stad. estae ey 2 2¢ Muy State. uhinders t rs {a a OC al wit Lair & tae ' : Vurvan ae a! Ge iriiis could not Prom je the wii be on burs. (Ff lorce will fare from iryv 4 \Y A; ih Lore: 1: parture | seems no | seat c denature da srevesal. z lea as his ¥¢ ref colur ed until M tended the waist and cravat.and his head. his feet ds the vestry. went home Tae, Boers now hold the best posi- tious fur defending the pass. 4 tci bis men, makes ( den-Powell would do oder him open to anni} ve | | | ? | feving column. | ers out of Natal. Luser shows that he is burghers. ; was thas that Sarel Elof, iwiies from Mafel participate in scouting northward. found Olivier, w “al avroons movement ‘s nek, which is 1G tothe ® nay diver ueD is said to x ’ :suuth bar covered at WOPrsnlp steams i river. ene ilm@es says: : talk in Pretoria of, President er contemplating an immediate de- inake a tinal stand there. The Tim ber of the t o : s W S. Musser, Millheim, Pa,, ed the life of bis little girl by giving ber One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying from croup, only harmless remedy that gives jm- mediate results. cougks, colds, asthma, and all. throat troubles. lict such beavy loss in killed and | ger : sriscners as reported in the dis-| Writing tohis paper from Paton patch from Cape Town announcing e of Commandant Eloff, sreat re than ever proud ef } saden-Powell’s little banc creases the national desire for | r relief toa fever pitch, Lord -| Roberts and hisarmy at Kroonsted. and General Baller’s thousands f iv over the Biggarsberg rane, almost entirely forgotten. Ev- srhood are}ervoue is thinking or talking of Ma :¢ and tbe latest exploits of its Rumors continue rife lief of the place has been There ‘vas consider- lation us to what Colonel with his 90 and whether the victory depleted his force as to ilation in attack by the Sut, Lorenzo nother OeCTs. T jves ulready hears rumors that the re Buller is recaptur- oad and driving the Bo His occupation of meet- been cutoll by General vod progress in Lord Loberts is toweth r his forces etoer. ing the Vaal river. ingland still awaits with intense pNiety fo rnews of the relief of Ma- Skeleton from HOO CAC messages at leaked out at the Pre- jtoria War Ottice, sbow that the Bo- y stormers Saturday fell into a trap. Colonel Baden-Powell per- {mitted them to seize one fort, and! them registered. ibe then surrounded and overbore | re the large forces ne: ceived the stratecy. It dian artillery contingent sdesinn force, is now re- 2, at Bulawayo, 490 and may yet General Ine the r in strong force at Rheno- t, 30 miles from Wroon- nerais Botha, Deiarev and ith artillery, were holding he position, nt Steyn, it is said, has lor Anotier dis- Is afugitive at Lind- bree Staters ai. surren- fering on ali sides. A <"spatch from Cape Town says tus’ procla- mations are vcing printeu there. to be pudiisned on the Queen's birth- v4. anvexing the Free Oxue ot President Steyn’s brothers, Who ts aprisoner of Says Gra- Sraters Those whe time, he General the Pres i annexation. That us the second » hu 10 do so under threats ? death if thev refused. dred ritles have beeo sur- ad in excess of ver of Boers who bave taken ol abeyvlance, ~ t bt ae . ] } > Gas Girected the Lord Rob- British com- all commission- od spirit and to issue to O receive hem passes te vo to their farms. Bulier is pushing straight “out Opposition. He has uve wounded during the He is aiming the direct apsvaal, although he ve to Bothas Lord advancing ‘ of tbe Vaul. reports the receipt ofa from Lorenzo ' pass. ba wt Vi . shargues, z oie > sasiug that oer plots 10 biow up h cruiser forte were dis- id thar in consequence th out seveo miles ut Steyn saw the ficht at The impression he that his Ye » oe face Lox ad was burghers 2oberts In a pitched battle, resulting in the evac- vation of the Krooustad works Outa battle. ro t with- ine Standard says: yer sources we learn that irsi great staod by the Federais the ridges near Johannes- uriven out part eof the be thrown into Pretoria to Withstuud a seize, while the main body | Wil retreat to the Lydenburg district, to maintain a Suerilla war- thut moun:ain region. ibey believe they can indefinitely pustpone 2 pacification of the coun- 140 Marques dij “There atch to ceneral IYru- rom the capital. There onger any doubt of the in- 2 of the Transvaal! to transfer SOvernment to the Ly- istrict and to endeavor to The Raad is reported to have endorsed the es alsoOsays that a num- Transvaal officials are tor theht and that Secre- bus selected South Amer- future home. [ft is un- olfciniiv asserted that Lord RKitch- cher Is in command of the Mafekior nn, and that news of the reltef of the town cannot be receiv- onday. Undressed in Church. Trenton, N.J., Dispatch, 18th. Harry 7idd, a young druggist, at- service jn the Bethany Presbyterian church last night and went to sleep. 5 be stood upand removed his coat While he was asleep coat. Two women who sat in the same pew with him mov- edtothe far corner. buttoned his collar aad took off his Then he un- next hisshirt came over He was about to slide out of his trousers, when severa! women shrieked and he awoke with a start His trousers were dangling about he ran down the aisle to An usher handed him his clothing, and he putit on and . sav- Itis the It quickly cures bronchitis, grippe. Kruger, | President | grandson, and part of his nmando were taken abd 50 Boers|counties the white people are onee copy of the Louisiana law. | Rouge, La, on May 13th, Mr. Dan- jiels writes: In a few days now the new Gov- lernor, W. W. Heard. who comes from Farmersville, Union parish, i] will be inaugurated as Governor cf lthe State. He has been State Audi- capable ; he Governor. He of capacity and He State convention for is a business man will make a business Governor atat the last as nominated E> j be Ww | | \ | comes from the white section of the State. In his parish there are 1.- S00 white men and 1,200 negro men. When the Populist party was first Vorceasied: the white vote divided parish and it gavea fusion Ir jority cf 73. “‘Smce tke adop- ltion of the amendment, tke Demo- loratic or white ticket had 4 votes to * the opposition,’ said Governor 1. “There was no complaint amendment by any white In is$4 and 1896 the white parish was abeut equally ed between the Democrats and Popuiists. In my section of the State there are eivht white parishes which t1 ooulists carried in 1896 the election held in April of this Democrats carried every ; majority of the Populist politicians in these par- uck to fusion. Notwith- ng this fact. the rank aud file voted the Demo- Continuing Covern- | ii i! year the of them. <A ishes st stanai of the Populists lcratic ticket.”’ !or Heard said: + “All iilitcrates in the white sec ltion of the State vote under section | five who revistered and mest of The operations of ithe amendment have given perfect itisfaction. The rank and file of » Populist party are so well pleas- od that they nave returned to the | Demoeraiic party, and in the white inare united. ”’ Just before lL called the Governor- e@leet had been employed in the ‘preparation of his inangeral ad- o oss, and he read me that portioa jin which he bricily summed up the ood effects of the ameudment. 1 usked him to give me an advance copy for publication, but he said he preterred to wait until after its de- y before giving it out. It will inted when delivered in these :uUbios. waetot the b votitics | have met ia tlon. Jonny T. Mitchel, Heisa Pals, AThUaGPLO posted men in Louisiana is Secretary of ritizenet New Or- erand as bright ainanas you Will find in a year’s i, le gave me access to the ds vi kis office, and much infer- mation about the workings of the amendment in various sections of une Speaking of the faise ebar tit disfranchises illiter- ute white men Le said. : “In New Orleans, the illiterates The ov}y complaint I heard 22 electiou came from those op- s of Democracy who desire a Austratian ballot so that ro terates cau vote. The Democrats yse the straight Australian bal- it would disfranchise il- men. sulists nearly all voted the Democratic ticket in April,’’ he “Why? Because their leaders hud agreed fusion ticket that wade them support an avowed gold- r tor Governor, and gold men for otuer positions on the ticket. They woulda t doit. Some voted what hey called a straight Popu ist tick- et, butmore still voted the Demo- eratic ticket for tvvo reasons. 1. Be vause they would not support a ouitiag gold Democrat aud wu mon- gre ti¢ket, und 2. Because. vow that the negro is eliminated, they »thatitis wisest for ali white wnen to come together and settle ey- erything in the white pri:siaries. Phere were eight Populist counties in Louisiana before the amendment was adopied. Now thereare none, Chey arein the Democratic ranks and there to say, too. Take the Populist pavishes of Lincoln, Ver- Union, Clair- ety sate, travel ature, tot NeECRUSE } i ee literate white = Pe 2ala. ona von, Sablae, yacksou, sora and Wrynon—they are afl now Democratic. Wynn county, in the nili Country, is the home of the Pup- ulist party. The Populists have controlled itfor eight years. They hada regular Populist cieket for State, district and county — offices. fue Democrats endorsed ihe Popa- sist Candidates for Judge. auctornacy Populist poz District Legislature. The inee Was elected to tne us irom that county and he wes likewise the Democrarie nomi Dee at lected because ke inated by the Demucr former Populists, who did uat like the Democrats or Fusion ticket, made up apether ticket and voted uuder he emblem of the stivcr dul- and wey Was Noim- Some nan ais. ow iar. Myr. Tanveyhill, who was the Populist nominee for Governor in 1299 and SGorie Ora iw? 192, and Saeril Crawiord came out wenly 4 y and supported the wralic ticket, and the ior the Democrats.’’ Speaking turther of the reasons why the Populists have recarned to the Democratic party, Mr. Mitchel wid: “Tbe fusion ticket wasempne that no Poputist couid support. The nomitee for Goveroor was Donelson Cattery, Jr., who bolted bryan and supported Palmer aod Buckner in isv6. He was the leading gold oolter inthe State and his father. Senator Calfery, was president of the convention that nominated Palmer and Buckner. The candi- date for Secretary of State was a zold Democrat ws was the candidate for State Treasurer while the At- torney General was a gold Repubii- ean. Now wasn’t thata dish to set detore Populist voters who iett the Democrats in 1852 b2cause they thought the Democrats were not strong enough for silver? Tae Populist voters, who are white men and believe in its principles, simply would not give their support to such a ticket, wad most of them now are back in the Democratic party where they find a warm welcome in the oid home.”’ Demo- parish went sxe * I could giye columns more of like | testimony showing that in the white’ counties of the State the adoption | of the amendment has resulted in: reuniting the white folks as well as| in eliminating the negro vote, the! solidity of whieh was a constant ard lung W. F. Hall,Jr. = temptation to division and trouble. Usiess all signs faii, fhe Democrats tar for a uumoer of years, and was} and eflicient and popular | and Populists, who are now reunited. will keep Louisiana in the white column, and save it from the perils! of a return to negroism. ze Undera former law of Louisiana ‘parties desiring to register had to jmake application by signing their ;hames or making their marks. In : 1896 the number of white voters ;who made their marks were 28,371. | This year 31,079 registered to vote | under the grandfather clause. Prac- tically all the white illiterates regis- tered under that section, a | Americans Killed inthe Philippines. | Washington Dispatch, 18th, | i | | The ctiicialsof the War Depart- Went. after waiting for nearly a Week to hear something from Gene- rai MacArthur at Manila confirma- tory of the press reports of the blecdy three days’ engagement at Catubig, which resulted in the heav- iest loss of life that the American gagement in the Philippines, yester- day cabled General slacArthur a re- quest for information. The answer vas received today, confirming the press reports and adding some in- teresting details. General MacArthur transmitted a report from Henry T. Allen, a ma- jer of the Forty-third Volunteer Regiment, who commanded ihe forces on the island of Samar. It appears that this force was divided among several ports on Samara, and while details were still lacking, it is athat this particular force, beveVvec which was beseiged at Catubig, was | commanded. not by a commissioned officer, but by a sergeant, either George, or Hall, both of whom are ‘rilled. Catubig, where the engace- ment occurred, is a seaport town of nearly 10,000 inhabitants. General MacArthur's cable is as follows: “Hanila, May 18.— With reference to your telegram of 14th, the rumor- ed engayement in Samar reported by cablegram of General Otis, May 4th, has been contirmed by reports recently received from Henrv T. Al- len, Forty-third Regiment U.S. V. L., commanding Samar Island. That a detachment of 31 men stationed at Catubiy were attacked April 15, by 600 men with 200 rities and one can- non. Our men quartered in convent which was tired next day by bura- ing beep thrown from adjoining church. The detachment attempt- ed to escape by the river. Men get- ting into boat were killed; the re waiaging men entrenched themselves bear the river and held out two days longer, facing the ememy un- der the most adverse circumstances uatil rescued by Lieutenant Sween- ey and tep men, Over 210 of attack- ingg party, (many of them are re- ported having come to Luzon) re- ported Lilled and many wounded. Licutenant Sweeney reports streets covered with dead insurgeats. The killed are: Sergeants Dustin L. George, Wm. J. Hall; Corporal H. bt. Edwards, John F. J. Hamil- ton; Cook Lurton Hess: Musician Burton R. Wagaer: Privates ‘Preftlie Pomelow, Otto B. Loose. Stephen Apperti. Jos. Noeil, John iKKubn, Ralph H Zim, Edward Bra man, Chester A. Conklin, Walter KE. Collins, J. J. Keerans, Henry Du- mas, Philip Sailing and George J. Slack; all of Company H, Forty- third Regiment, U.S. V. Wounded: Privates Lester Ruch- worth, Harry C. Lee, M. J. Faron, J. H Caney, Company H, Forty- third Regiment, Corporal White, ompany F, FPorty-third. Copy of Henry T. Allen’s repcrt forwarded by mail yesterday. I] vilo (Panay), cable is broken by earthquake. Difticultr to procure more definite information. i. <> + <a Opinion of Learned Lawyers. Raleigh News and Observer. From time to time we have pub- lished in these columns able argu ments from leading attorneys in support of the constitutionality of the amendment. As of the ablestof these lawyers have been ieaders in political life. the writers ef the black-and-tan party have said, ‘O, they are politicians, ané they persuade themselves to believe what they «wish to believe.” Of course that is no answer to the ar- gumebts made, but it is on a par with the methods employed by the negro party. This week's Oxford Public Ledger contaius an opinion that will have such weightas to silence all the op- position to the amendment. It is as follows: Oxford, N. C., May 14, 1900. The undersigned member of the North Carolina bar, after having examined and considered the pro visions of the proposed@amendment to the constitution submitted by the Legislature of 1899 to the peo- ple for ratification. give it as my Some opinion that the said amendment is not in coaflict with either the Fed- eral Constitution or anything in the State Constitution in ing the same. 1 furtber wive it as my opinion that the 4th and Sth sections of said amendment are so connected in sub- ject matter,each so clearly condi tioned and dependent — upon the — otber, that both must staud or full together, anu that it is too clear toudmit of a doubt that the 4th section cannot stand if the Oth section should be declared un- coustitutional. It is clear that this amendment, if ratified, will not disfranchise either now or hereafter, any person who was himself entitled to vote prior to 1867, or whose ancestor was entitied to vote at auy time pricr to 1867, either in ubis State or in any State in the United States in which he then resided, provided he registers once before 1908 and does pot thereafter become disqualitied by crime. M. V. LANIER. I concur in the above opinion. JOHN W. HAYS. There is no lawyer in North Caro- lina and few in the South who are superior to Mr. Lanier in learning, and Nir. Hays ranks amoee the foremost. Goth are remoyed from active politics: and they would give no opinion influenced by politics. Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Loug, of New Straitsyille, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept herawake eve- ry night. She had tried macy rem- edies and doctors but Steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King’s New Discovery, One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this mar- yelous medicine also cured Mr.Lone ofa severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand reme- dy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50 cents and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Lrial bottles free at W. F. Hall Jr.’s, Drag Store. ; regard to army bas sustained in apy one en-} Governor Russell on the Negro. In 1592 Governor Russell said: “Why, just look atit' The ectaal ‘leader ot the (Republican) party in. this State isa negro Congressman, ; whose only leadership isthe color of bis skin. ‘In that negro district in past years | |when the negro majority was tive | times what it is tedav, white men of icharacter and capacity were elected |to Cengress by negro votes. Now {no white man ever thinks of asking jfor the nomination in that district. | None but a nevro is thought of, and ; the more incompetent and treacher- | ous he is the more certain he is to| lwet the prize. If Blaine and Tum {teed and Chauncey Depew and jJudyve Tourgee resided in that dis- | trict. neither of them could be nom- jinated for Convsress, unbless he bought it for a good round price for | cash. | And again. , | ‘‘Look at Mecklenburg county. A few years ago the opposition to the | Democratic party in that county comprised several hundred sturdy white men,led by such gentlemen as Judge Bynum and Gen. Barringer, and whatis the Republican party there today but an impotent negro rabble ? Look at Wayne county and you will see that any mouthy negro grog-shop keeper is of more import anee in the councils of the party than suchimen as Gov. Broden, Judge Faircloth, W. S. O’B. Robin- son and John R. Smith. eee eaneiaeereraiareeedimme ete ‘Lhe Postmaster in the Havana Steal- ing Ttavana Dispatch, iSth Posimaster E. P. Thompson, of Havana, local effice. has signed a sworn statement in which be sa/s that on September 16, last, being in need of money, he took from the mouey order funds 3435, vivinyg his memorandum asa receipt for the same. When the inspections were beld, Mr. Thompson ordered a clerk in charge of the money order de- partment to place remittances re ceived that day which would sot have to be accounted for -until the following day sufficient te cover the amountof his receipt, which was then withdrawn until after the in- spection. This waskept up until April 7, when the special agents unexpected- ly discovered the receipt, which Mr. Thompson then paid. He also ad- mits that Chas. F. Neely, late ofh- cial agent of posts, at Havana, in- dorsed a bill for $550 which Thomp- son had discounted by the North American Trust Company. Thomp- son admits other irregularities in connection with his department. It is asserted by lawyers that ov Mr. Thompson's own statement, he is liable to arrest for embezziement, uccording to the provisions of the postal laws,which are very explicit. Much sympathy is expressed for nim, however, as it is felt that noth- ing would ever have been heard re- yvarding the action to which he has confessed had not the present inves- tivation growing out of the general postal frauds brought the matter to light. His friends are positive that the money would have been repaid, the memorandum receipt taken up wud the incident thus closed. As the affair now stands, Mr. Thompson's career in the postal service must necessarily cease, even if he escapes a term of imprisen- ment. Moreover, his action in giv- ing orders to postal clerks to altar ligures regarding stamps at the re- quest of Garrydon Rich, without notitiying Mr. Rathbone, makes things look worse, even if be acted innocently in the belief that every- thiny wes correct. : four postal inspectors arrived this morning aod after conferences with General Wood ard Mr. Rathbone, immediately began work. Mr. Rath- bone deciares that there is not the slightest jealousy between the mili- tary autborities and the postal de- partment here. and that General Wood and himself are working in perfect harmony with reference to all steps taken. The local papers praise General Wood for the inde- fatigable manner in which he has handled the investigation. Early cevelopment connected with the trauds, it is asserted, tends to show the far-reaching intluence of Neely, while endeavoring to exorerate him self. The only person, however, who willbe accepted by the author- ities asa witness for the State. is Carrydon Rich, who will not be placed in jail, but will be closely watched, as it is felt that his testi- mony is absolutely indispensable. ARRESTS MADE, Warrants were issued this even- ing for the arrest of E. 2. Thomp- son, the Havana postenaster; W. H. Reeves, deputy auditor of the island, and Edward Moya and Jorge Masea- ro, Cuban clerks in the stamp de. partment, and by 7o'clock ail were iodzed in the Vivae, or the Tombs of Havana. This was done unde the advice of the postal inspec:ors, who arrived today. Itis cansidered now that Reeves is equally guiley with Neely. ee The People Demand it. Raleigh News and Observer, The orators of the black and-tan party are going through the Srate proclaiming that the Democrats in o subinitting the amendment acted contrary to the popular demand Asa matter of fact, after the revo ution in Wilmington and the terri. dle tension of October and Nover der, 1898, there was a universal Go- mand for the elimination of the ne #ro, and ieading Republicans ane Democrats joized in that demand Dr. Cyrus Thompson voived wit was universal when he said, shortiy after the election: f “It is evident that the Democrats will have to eliminate the segro question nox I do not tbink that the people who have given the Democratic party power will be satisfied with anythingelse than the elimination of the negro from poli- tics in North Carolina.”’ In view of the necessity of elimi: nating the negro vote the Levisia- ture would have violated the trust and expectations of the people if they had not put it in the power of the voters to stop negro rule in North Carolina. The Legislature could not and did not disfranchise anybody. It submits to the voters whether they wish to be rid of the bi negro vote which has been used for bad government and has engen- dered strife and trouble between the races. J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. says, ‘‘I cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors call. ed an incurable ulcer on my jaw.”’ Cures Piles and all skin diseases. Lookout for_worthless imitations. ' W. F, Hall, J r., qualiécation for the! Aa Act to Amend the Constitution of North Czrotina The Gone ral wiss¢ ind fy ap A orth Care- : lina do enact: | Srcrion i}. That article six of Constitution Nort jand the same is hereby land in lien thereof shall be ‘athe following article titution. ARTICLE V1. UPRA GE 4.ND ELIGIBILITY TO OF FICE— Cae : 1 of a substi } | | QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. | etion 1) Every male person | male person whe has been watural- ized. tweuty one years of age and possessing the qualitications set out in this article, shall be entitled to vote at any erection by the people in the state except as herein otber- wise provided. : i (Sec. 2.) He shall have resided in the state of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months wad in the precinet, ward or other clec- tion district in which he offers to vote four months next preceding the election: Provided, that removal from one precinct, ward or _other election district to another in the same county shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to yote in the precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four moaths after such removal. No person whe bas been convicted or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon indict- ment of any crime, the punishment ot which now is or may hereafter be imprisonment in the State Prison, shail be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to citizenship ip the macner prescrib- ed by law, (See. 3.) Every person cilering to vote shall beat the time a legally registered voter as herein prescri)- ed and in the manner hereafter pro- vided by law, and the generai assem ply of North Carolina shall enact eeneral registration laws to carry into effect the provisions of this ar- ticle. (Sec. 4) Every person presenting himself for registration shall ve able to read and write any section of the constitution ip the Euvlish language, aud before he shall be entitled to vote he shall have paid on or velore the first day of March of the vear in which he proposes to vote his poli tax as prescribed by law for the previous year. Poil taxes shall be a lien cnly on assessed property and no process shall issue to enforce the coliection of the same except against assessed property. (See. 5.) No male person who was on January one, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or at any time pri- or thereto entitled te vote under the luvs of any state ia the United States wherein he then resided, and no lines! descendant of any such son, sha!l] be Genied the right te ovister and vote at any ejection in his state by reason of his failure to possess the educational qualification per prescribed in section four of this evtiele: Provided, he shall have reg- istered in accordance with the terms of this section prior to Decemver ope, nineteen hundred and eight. The general assembly shall provide for a permanent record of all per- sons who register under this sec- tion on or before November first, nineteen hundred and eiwht; and al! such persons shall be entitled to register and vote in all elections by ihe people in this state unless dis- qualified under section two of this urticie: Provided, — such persons shall have paid their poll tax as re- quired by iaw. (Sez. 6.) Allelections by the peo- ple shall be by ballot and all elee- tions by the general assembly shali be viva voce. (Sec. 7.) Every voter in North “arolina except as in this article disqualitied shall he eligible to office, but before entering upon the daties of the office he shall take and sub- scribe the following oath: “Tw... .., do solemnly swear (or ailirm) that I will support and maintain the con stitution and laws of the United States and constitution avd laws of North Carclina not inconsistent sherewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office at ree ......90 heip me, God.’ (See. 8.) The following classes of persons shall be disgualified for effice: Hirst, all persons who shal} deny the being of Almighty God. second, all persons who shall have oeen convicted or confessed their guilt on indictment peudisg ané whether senteuced or not or under judgment suspended of any treason or felony or of any other crime for wbich the puniskment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens of the Unit. ed States, or of corrustiun wud mal- practice in office, unless such person shall be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed ov law. Sec. 2. That allof the provisions of the constitution relating to suf- rage, registration and elections as vontained in this act amending the constitution shail go into effec: or the tlrst day of July, nineteen hun- dred and two, if a majority of the qualitied voters of the state so de- vlare at the next general election Sec. 3. This amendert shal! be submitted at the next general elec- tos to the qualified voters of the state in the same manner and under ihe same rules and regulations as js provided in the law regulating gen- eral ciections in this state and ip ‘orce May first, eighteen hundred ind uinety-nine, and at said election those persons Gesiring to vote for such ndment shaii cast @ writ- teu or printed ballot with the words “Por svifrage amendment” thereon; and those with a contrary Opinion shall cdst a written cr printed bal- ot with the words ‘‘Against the imendment’’ thereon. See. 4. The saidelection shail be held and the votes returned, com- vured. counted and canvassed and -be resultaunounced under the same rules and regulations as are in force for returning. comparing, countine und Canvassing the votes for mem. vers of the yenera! assembly may tirst, eighteen bundred and ninety vine, and if a majority of the votes cast are in favor of the said amend- ment, it shall be the duty of the goy- ernor of the state to Certify Said amendment under the seal of the state to the secretaay of State, who shall enroll the said amendment so certified among the permanent rec- erds of his office. Sec. 5 This act shall be in force from and after its ratifiction. Rat- ified the 2ist day of February, A D. 1899. = : The easiest and most. efectiy . . ets mies 8 method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to jake DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the the Sarolina be. abroyated, | of said | born in the United States and every I hereby notify against said est ate to pre: or before Apgt! sth., sean a the estate are requected to Meni. This April Sth, oa satan H.&,. STEVENson ses RBM. cLaughlin. See Administrator. BY VIRTUE ofa M 1 titled A. D. Plyler, Marion A, Ply against U. T. Plyl ders Seno ier, the uudersi door in Statesville, N_ C., wn re-sell ut public aucti valuable tract of la: ies nae or less, situated in Cham Iredell county. Plyler tract of land DOUN MUSLIN is made 1 which buys the cotton fro:n the planterand sells uslia direct to the retail st I: 1s handled only three tiines. It escapes the profits of yh commission men, jobbers cud speculators. That is why it can be sullso cheaply. 4 It has double wearing value, donble comfort. Washes better and blesches whiter than z-1y other goods made. All pure cotton, tbor- oughly cleaned and carded, hard twisied, § closely woven, calen- § dered to a soft, smooth, downy finish. The naime is lightly stamped on each yard. The first wash- ing washes it out. ELEDOU ed ler doesn't well it we will cy om the millein nfty-vard or more, carriage paids A ‘); Liledocu Dutton bag free. Write fer oxe, MOORE COTTON MILLS, | - —— Tazlersvilie, N.C. — « wl OT R , > 4 oo ) ae ‘ 4 The Republican convention of the Hamlet last week. The nomination of a candidate for Congress was de- ferred until after the August elec- tion. D. K. Pope, of Mecklenpurg, was nominated for elector. E. Wallace, of New Hanover, and R. B. Russell, of Robeson, were elec- ted delegates to the National con- vention,and F. B. Rice, of New lenburg, alternates. administration was endorsed. — “After sufleriug from severe dys- good finally took Kedol Care. recommended it It did me so much good } ta corder, Chillicothe, Mo. what youeat. W. F. Hall,Jr. The Coming of Bay} brings joy or pain. It’s for the} nee o ecide® “With good health § and a strong womanly organism, motherhood but adds to a woman’s attractiveness, 5 , McELREE’S | Wine of Gareiesi| takesaway all terrors by strengthening the vitalorgans. It fits a mother for baby’s coming. By revitalizing the nerve centres it has brought chubby, § crowing youngsters to thousands of weak women who feared they were§ barren. It purifies, heals, reenlates§ yaad strengthens, and is good for all ywomnen at all times’ No druggist would be withoutit. $1 00 Foradvice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving SyInptojns, ‘The Ladies’ Advisory Depaymment,” The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn, iv RIP KOUSA BATE of Jotlorson- Gr we hed been marricd three years, but could not have any children, Nine months J}. Thad a fine girl baby.” a =_—a eT t had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kodol Dysnep- sia Cure. It hasdone meso much good I call it the savior of my life.’’ ee e = Wilkinson, Albany, ‘enn. t digests what you eat. W. F. Hall,Jr. " os Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests thet s Nature in strengthening sequen structing the exhausted digestive or. gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stanily relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea’ ick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other resultsof imperfect di Prepared by E C. Daher aOo ees Tion- Supplies For sal ON TIME. Thave Flour, Corn, Meat etc., for sale on time. See me when you want time on your purchases of s i This March 8th., 1900. Sate Respectfully, J. L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison’s, Administrator's Notice. ° ' Hatins QUALIFIED As ADMINISTRA- tor of the estate of Ann Crawford. di t - deceased all persons having claims ¢ to me on Those indebted to Tly settle- Re-Sale of Land. decree of Court made in the Iredell Superior Proceeding en- lerand others = court, will at pasos nomen MGBDAY, May 21ST, 1900, the highest bida Gd containing oars mone 1 township, in %. C.eknown famous little pills for cleans: liver and bowels. W. F. Hall,jr ; the } retained tiil the Ame - Terms of . purchase money de pana Title wit Gth. Congressional district met at. Thomas Hanover, and S. B. Pride, of Meck- McKinley's pepsia over twelve years and using muny remedies without permanent Dyspesia everyone,” writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- It digests a | Sale of Land. BY Virtue of a decree of Iredelj s made in the special proce G Ww Clegg, administrator of 1 p Hiram A. Freeze against C Cl wise wife, Sarah Whitaker, and othe:~ signed as commissioner of I; Court will at the court house door ;: N.C, on SATURDAY, MAY 26TH. sell at public auction to the highes: following valuable tract of land, he: the estate of J. B. Josey, deceased follows: Beginning ata stake. $844° West 15 poles toa rock, the poles tu a white oak, thence North poles to a persimmon, thence N a hickorv grnb, thence North poles to a stake on Jacob Parker South 18” West So poles tothe be taining 32% acresmore or les<. 7} cash. GW. CLEGG J. B. Connelly, Att'y. Co This April 26th, 1900, APOLICY For The People sass Those who contemplate INSURANCE At all—had best look at a cop. tract which is but a ste); stone between NO insurance : life. Im oneinstance you J), win, In my policy you «: ; benefit of both living and Gy:}, Seven hundred and sixty-Eight dollars paid out to Citizens of Statesville and community in less than 12 months time If you will take the time and see me I can give you allimforma tidn NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. J .F. CARLTON, FIRE, LIFE And ACCINENT INSURAN SE. Southern Railway STANDARD RAILWay OF The SOUTH The Direct Line to all Points Texas, California. Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico, Sitiectly First-Ciass Equrp- ment on ali Through and e__3Local Traias; Pullman ~_?Palace Sleeping Cars on 3); Night Trains; Fast and safe Schedules. Travel by the Southorn and you ar 2 assured a safe, Comfortable an3 GExpeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIME TAFL ky Erates AND GENERAL INFORMATION. OR ADDRESS R. L. Vernon, ' oer Pa CHARLOTTE, N, c, oN =. Darby, C.P:&T. A, ASHEVILLE, N.C. 8. Gano, = JM Cal, 6 ea. Ton ad. V. P.& Gen. Man. Traf..Max. c. Pp. WASHINGTON, D'c. If You Need Fire, Life, or Health Insurance . See Brown & Guy, EINSURANCK HEADQUARTERS. s Offico—Second Floor Bank Building Accident Try Us On : GUN Sporting Goods, Table Cultery, Meat Choppers or anything else you may need in the ardware Line. If you are not pleased with our goods after sxamining them, we don’t ask you ty buy, WwW. A, Yours truiy, Thomas & Co. Hacks & Surreys. “We have just received a cat of Buggies, Hacks and Sur- reys which we will sell vers close for ' Cash or on e. Nice Jobs. Ie will pay you to see them before purchas- ing. Respectfully, Henkel Bros. March 22nd. Dr. P. F, LAUGENOUR, Dentist, StaTEsvitte, N. C. Will be in his office ewo weeks. inning with first Monday in each month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You *! find it to your interest todo so. | : done in best manner. ee OL. VII. m STATEV [ handle all kinds the best quality. pest Materi: r on a n — cD a teenlar Bonkin -ynsacts a Reg" ak Teverest aid oa cise di es . pecialattention paid te coll A ecounts ft 3 recoyrations | eceived On most favorable t t oO A COOPE sane ihe FRICEZ Eclipse With simultaneous rac head blocks and cable ro most sensitive feed ever] i also Frick Comat ENGINE AND BOILE or mill, Portable on _wheels : tionery engines and t size, and the great Eclipse traction eh: Cotton Gins at low pric hi ri o . Statesville, N Fry & P Let us sell you save you i -. Shoes, Hosi We will sell vo Maracabo Cs Macaroni. | and Groce ries. The question al liow can | be n neatly you mus bought our sio fore can save 5 The Stock of S big Reduction will sell you it aman’s suit anything in our pure Ir and if squere 2 Every article 5 past favors an 4¢ Sugyies. Phacto vance in the price 0 stock early, to se! af selling you vehicles qj a vehicle to make a we and will use our bes us and we guarante the guarantee. Co Attract The M ever De ing, @ not fav 100 Cards, 5 With a handsome c engrav_d on tl Any style ; card Lette Pam» for pr CROWSON & SRONCE, - Fr Does Not Cout: aoe ‘c dest we hiv Chili #4 SS Tae 7 of Land. > x lee of Iredell sy | ee Seer = a rc Proceed eT Ce rat of peu ng engee’ ; Cl Whi . here. o I ines Siac aaa » MAY 26TH, ; tot} - Sn ‘ to the highest pig act of land, be i ¥. deceased } A stake, thence Kt ee == ck, ence Ort} ar a North 38150 3yuth = — ; : an aN a eDe 5 SXAN INTIES 7 ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHE , thence North s: WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION iN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. pce ort} 3 a — me em > Parkers eee = Sa eee apn One ere eg eeeecreosnenee aT So the beginning, es €rms of > ya . - GW. CLEGG OF sal x % 7 T f “4 Kh Conntineg TOL, \ if. STATESV ILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY a 1900. NO, = : vec tE — : a = ee a Sere ee : epee aes a : . ee : EDITORIAL NOTES. LOCAL. GENERAL NEWS. | AMONG THE POLITICIANS. | Sate rackers Make a Rich Haul inj Ws. Musser, Mitheim. Pa. sav- | Ay F 5 # ace i \ Saas : Virginia. (ed the life of bis litde girl by giving ate | ‘ : Syhohte | a : ~ : ae Maden Democ =have noaminat. | Richmond. Va., Dispstea, 2sth. lher One Minute Cough C: ee x 3 \ tM The Boer enyoys have been 10! Mrs. W. H. Allison is visiting | Price, McCormick & Co. a big | ae poe rats have eet ae . : ae ie : oe sisi eee OBR UE < whea , : ~~ ee read ey cus { ; New York, !¢ E. F. McCulloch for the House. | The Peninsula Banik, at Williams. |S?" was dving i ip. Itis the : { ee : | relatives at Lilesville ‘eotton future firm of Ne . iliiams: | Y Washington and received no official | Te : y failed last week 7 ean kocoente omoccassiboxe lourg. was entered by robbers last | Oly barmle: wives im- . recognition. This administration | Edward B. Bost has been appoint en ole aa re-nominated B. B Nicholson ‘for night, the safe blown cpen ang | mediate rest ekly cures ) y aT does nothing contrary to the wishes /ed postmaster at Miller,this county. ; ae ar wes poss imap the Bouse a “* labout $10,000 in money taken. Tiere | COURDS. colds. pron grippe, = | - I ue | destroyed by fire one Gay Jas vee. 1 Son: is ‘luet - oe “iasthma, an 2 hroz sped lung Cople andie all kinds of Granite and Marble known .o the trade and of England, and hes no sympathy, The ee sea oro are Ene loss is Serene at $100,000, runs vick Democrats have re- See eee ra ae - - Hall Je and lung L iene a ‘ ts pee et ca ting in two shower aths a e | : : ee ; y s = v Rae s m t Tere SIX ey Ose S- LOSE . ir . ‘lw DT. ho Bis the best quality. : ‘ eee brave er fighting: aC | grounds. | Five men were ivstantly killed in ee : dDr. D. B. MeNeili fox es anumber of people, and] John Phillips shot and_ killed ‘ eir lives against the agyressions | h : 7 - Bee ener asad shake BRA the first on the sce iar re ee eee DP contempl: p eSi Material, : e ee See roe: Miss Katie Patterson and Mrs. E. |> boiler explosion at a saw mil Peres. : is See on cene was Win. 2D. Hutch Bird at Hollow Poplar, ee Fi + Ol k and injustice of the Lritish Empire i “Patterson, of Askeville, are vis-| near Coyingtop, Tenn., last Thurs-| Sout Dakota Republicans ~ have | | xe oe Ce =e York. He hurried} Mitchell county, one day last week. - W In other days of cur Republic, the/ 5); er ree, Oa | poustneLed Charles | hl Mlermed tort oc ee ee ee ee =e ce NCE irs ass or . “<A ; iting relatives here. x - re .__| Governor and endorsed McKinley ing the door was confronted by a Laver Complaint. . Boer envoys would have found sym- Z ise Danville, Va., had a $150,000 fire} > : SC ®¥- | man who pointed a pistol in his face! C. B. Hender More Ck : pst 100K at a con. and Lo W est Prices pathy, if not help, in otticial circles The county commissiovers have 'one morning last week in the tebac-) The Democrats of Stokes county | while another seized bim conn ean tas ee oe nur ; Dut a stepping in Wasbington—but that was be- given Mr. W. D. Harris the contract |¢o warehouse and factory district.| have nominated Rufus K. Simmons;hind, Mr. Powell was taken to the fins See mean: the Liver i O insurance ang ° m ma (to put in sewerage at the jail. There was some insurance buat not} for the House. He has a godd Dem-| re: f oe EO CO ae ye eerie een ce ; ane - and fore our own country went into the} eS : = rear room of the bank, securely |vears, and tried medicines of every Y ee you die to Ge ' pa erae abet Bees | mr. W. E. Phifer, who has been enough to cover losses. | ocratic name. bound hand and foot and thrown on description ar oak as relief at lc r € 7 < bs siness self. | ao _ ae . ms naa : OD. OUE ATIC iei 2 oe set the minteacille, Nai and-gra ne |teaching in Moore county, Is at Policemen, who were riding in a! Pitt county Democrats have nom- | the floor and the burgiars threaten-jali. Seeing your Ramon’s Liver x and death, os * ; _,, | home for bis summer vacation. car, fired into a mob of St. Lenis|inated f. G. James for the Senate ed to shoot him if he made an out-j Pills advertised, I bought a box. ndred and - = a That was a strange, weird feelipg| 4... ana Mrs. F. A. Gooding left street car strikers Thursday and|and T. H. Barnhill and W J. Nichols cry, and when they were ready to} After using these I found my com- pt dollars q st § om atl na an which oppressed us all Monday morn- | jact Thursday for Rochester Mion., |one striker was fatally wounded and | for the House. a the next charge Mr. Powell was|plaint better, and after using two “4s ; = = . be Ee zs ae eo cpry sty rown int 2 oy whe lav |} a c ps atta nel iene Ra to Citizens § B2 oe ing when the sun was eclipsed. In| after spending some months in our another sericusly burt. tee ee ape era te miro iano Spe aee ane 2 Be boxes < Sees a third, and now my sville = : myN Sieg 5 enn owl . : aie >rmine | 2 on , . RON nn ee ocant ery was done, In the}/disease is about curca. | shaii al- , e and OF STATESVILLE N.c the unnatural light of the obscured | town. ‘ioe ; gone oe: aoe Ee thoy ieiceaes s ave ees meantime others were aroused and/ways recommend your TESS in less » We We sun the human face showed the| Miss Lizzie MacCall gave an (Jp. | that there Is Ou c pias san | convention to vote for Wm. J. Sry-/eame upon the scene. They sur- For sale by N. 2. Tunstall nths time. ._|shrinking dependence of the human | cle Remus” party to her school Francisco. Six persons have died |an for President. Nadie Haninnwind eaaeedlion x saleby A =. tunstall. ] take the Teansacts a Regular Banking Business. Deposits received subject to check on sig = § cep : : * last Thursday which was much en- of the disease. Texas has declared i the exit of the robbers. There was| 31 P. Jordan& Co.'s tobaceo fi me ee me lean i . aid oa time deposits. Money loaned on good collateral and personal secur] heart aud the helplessness of human j “~" SS : a quarantine against San Francisco.| The Raleigh News and Observer a ha ea Ne Mas a ee Soe S tobaceo fac- himnfornn aa ention paid te collections on all puints, and credited or remittedat lowestTa! oo 0.4 when nature's God manifests joyed. am lcayal“Icisa good thine for! the a game of hide andseek The night tory, at Greenville. was burned one m2 Lp fb Soroorations Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals solicited ard | CUO abe as eS"* | Contractor Ittner has been paid At Pueblo, Colo., one day last! Goo oressional aspirants that Ca tees very dark ard it was very hard |night last week. A storage ware- vevived op inost favorable terms Himself to His creatures through 317 462.16 to date Se week, Calvin Kimblern, colored, who WH Rens ois ailaece aS ae to distinguish an enemy from a house was also destroyed. Loss EXAMIN OFFICERS: His phenomeva, We all knew, or| new court house. There is still murdered two girls and fatally shot | o..ona and Fifth Rete oo friend. The robbers hurriedly gath- | $15,000; insurance $13,050, ATION : i = - 5 thought we knew, that normal con-| about $2,300 due him. his wife, was lynched by a mob. ‘ Te ered up greenbacks, gold and silver, | ~ "yer suffering from piles { - 5 jyxo A COOPER, President, J.G, IrViN, Vice Presidem* dition ld be restored and our ne z The rope broke twice, but the third Rutherford county Democrats | dumped them into a baz nap ey eee LTON ; GEO. H. BROWN, Cashier = nee ae e ee ete b Mrs. D. M. Furches has returned | attempt was successful. \have ncminated J. F. Alexander for|ed out of the rear of the bank. The near see aoe cnet ov Hol “ % “ . é $ . : Fea Fens a : “ ete pees . « . = a . ane > of vol cain eautiful old wor wag on as 0e-| from Raleigh. Her sister Miss Altie A the House and instracted for M. H. beseigers closed lv find wo boxes 6 eWitts itca uZze a D i, aleigh. eee yi 4 G eu : ° ins or M. i. seg S closec inonly to to fin ig lay Tea ‘ nee ye ae ; fore, but there is none the less the | Corpening, who had been at St. Ma- Cc ape Nees Justice for Senator. Crawford | that the birds had tlown. Salye,”” writes W. J. Baxter, North ef SRICK COMPANT'S (iaitsccuniig carne item ated “yo caectraeclee a ae aa Stam omen EF Me : / 5 => . : a was i - any : et 3eware of counterfeits. race SI = and that other days and opportuni-| Governor Russell has appointed | may serve as long at one place as|__ Wm. Rh. Hearst, editor of the New eee we rae Fern ae ae Hall,Jr. : cular Saw Mill ties are given us. Dr. J. J. Mott a delegate to the Na | the bishop sees fit to continue him. York Journal, has been elected pres-| ponds, ete , but th ee a ee Eclipse Portable Circular aw il eae tional Farmers’ Congress, which} The former limit was four years at {ident of the National League of |;,, aoe ; ee Raea “Th ouvtiess | The supreme council, toyal Arca- rn Ms = meets at Colorado Springs, Colo.. | one place. Democratic Clubs, vice Governor | 43.9 Se as08 000 a a bere were | num, will meet at Asheville next i = witi msomitamcons pace settius There are two classes who DoW] A yoyst 21st to 3Ist. Ethel Lone, a i3-year-old white McMillin, of Tennessee, resigned. | ing ea ~ ere ee ane year. ; oeks and cable rope feed, the Pres ; Q 2nt—those who : Soin Sie ie , ~ ash belonging LO | ———_— SS = lwa censitive feed ever et ona saw Terr CRDec’ the amendment : BS . his The chain gang passed through | girl, was outrayei and then murder- i Thursday Virginia voted on call- | the postoffice in the safe. Whether ~DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare y ~o Frick Company's can lS are afraid that it will a town Thursday enroute to Eagle ed by a negro near Austin, Obio, ing a convention to revise that | these are missing is not known. The | the finest pills IT ever used.’ —D. J. \ NGINES eel white men and those who believe the} Mijls township from Mooresville. one day last week. A negro was |Siate’s consutution and the conven-| Peninsula Bank is a member of the| Moore. Millbrook, Ala. They quick- > E} = = ke ek negro has naturally as much right|The camp is located near Dr. An-{arrested on suspicion, — He nae tion was carried by a safe majority. Bankers’ Association. The safe]}ly cuve all liver and bowel troubles. AILWAY OF AND BOILERS, nea a to vote as white men. The former wle’s. The force now numbers | bloody. A lynching was with difi-| The elimination of the negro vote and contents were insured in the| W. F. Ball. Jr. UTH - Ee be = : Te thirty-six. culty prevented. will be ihe prisciple work of the Fidelity and Trust Company, of| ~..~ = Sen —— a - on wheels or sills. Sta ; es class of voters do pot understand the 7 ——_— Ex-Mavor E. A. Clark, of Jackson, convention. Baltimore, for $5,000. 5 ae negro aa bands were mato all Points y eostney Sade came Wr ee emendueent ae tenner’ te May Success Attend Them. Tenn., committed suicide by drown-| The Senate judiciary committee ca aaron gateon egy aie wlowinr ont ot a wid great hill Eee ea IX ~ he z = f satisfaction Is the chief work of the Raleigh News and Observer. Ing himseli an ine wee as | has decided nov to report on the Ee es anda eo ie pees back in the ESS of 5. Eeiipse traction (ees Senter SS a gs Democratic speakers this year-| The white men of the Second ais Louisville, Ky., oe as scien Ewartcase this session. This is | out Vernon. N. J.. Dispatch, 25th. ee Cotton Gins at low prices, a E : : ; S-| He had lost big money on the races. |understcod to mean that Judge Alth me ee . aan brni 200 When they fully understand that|trict made an early start in their} yy. was one of the best known men] pw See : f ‘ ge) 2 though Chief Engineer Farns- ‘ ae a Se rnia, WW BH Turner the amendment will only disfran- determined fight to stop the negro ee Tennessee eae coe done jor, and that the] worth, of the East Chester Electric 3 Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, : ° « . White’s hold on rich Congressional s See. President will appoint some other| Light Company, received a shock of Srosby, Miss., makes the following chise the ignorant nezroes, and that Charles Finley, ex-Secretary of man after Congress adjourns. 1,040 volts of electricity this after- statement: ‘1 can certify that One a : Soe eae Dae aves ilk. They inated their candi- ° Statesville, N. ¢ Over Poston Bres oe i ar pe .{milk. They nominates ? State of Kentucky. ‘was arrested i 2 ot am inl te Sr cee Ce rae pS : ae all white men will still yote whether date at 3 a. m., and will get up be- oe e ae =P ae ares Kentucky Democrats will hold noon, he is still alive. Ordinarily Minut Cough Cure will do all : Uhar and ° they can read and write or not, they) fore day every day until Kitchin ic | odianapolts, It oe vo ‘ltwo conventions this year—one at 450 volts are enoush to kill a man. | Galmed forse Shy wie ee * will heartily support the amend- (elected. DEC Re DOE rOVETNON) T Kuisvillc on the 14th, to elect dele- How Farnsworth came to escape |#¢% her breath and the first Bosc of P ] er a : Ces ree Goebel, but Governor Mount re-) (4. igi nigh ee es | death has puzzled both the elect lit relieved her, It has also benefited R 4 sot. The s dclass is beyond the — ge gates to ibe National convention, |-. ! ee Se etal tae . . 1¢0, : ; ae ment. The second class Is bey z A North Carolina Woman Pays for a fused to honor the requisition for | ond the ciherat Lexington oa July |C!a0s of the company and the phy-]'®y Whose tamuy, It acts immedi- —— ——— 2 : i pepe iy ive ies * > <a e i ~ . “ - ss iat . - - y © aS . . Ci sell rShirts, Collars and Ties, for we will power of argument to reach and no Horse Her Wather Stole. Finley's return to Kentucky and be |y91, ty nominu:: a candidate for | \C@ns that attended him. All of |2tely and cures coughs, colds,croup, ‘ass Equrp- e See oe line of : words need be wasted on them. Charleston, $.C., Dispatch, 2sth. — peicaeas 2 Governor, Governor Beckham will them express the belief that he has|¥™PP™ DS Seana a heough and save you money. e m A North Carolinian stole a horse Saturday striking St. se a have opposition for the nomination. a Route constitution and a re-}t»roat toubles. W. DP. Halltr. Pullman x * aust = ~< | car men attacked the cars with shots ; soe : markably strong heart ee = ere __| five weeks ago from Edward Dean, = House eciections ¢ > : 7. S hela Ri Maryland Hockaday, colored, w Our Democrats should attend the Ds a ae and stones. J. R. “Richardson, a The House eections commitice| The accident occurred while Farns- Nerepand Bociaias are a lived near Weldon, aie a piece bemlock for ili root and died almost instantly one day last wee. The two plants are very much alike. Shoes, Hosiery ana Pants Will be sure to please. No. i has decided the contested elec- tion case ef Waiker. Republicas, vs. Rhea, Demoera . froin the 9th Vir- givia district, i; avov ef Rhea, the of Spartanburg, S. C. Dean went to Marshall, the county seat of Madi- son county, found his horse abd identitied the thie’. He secured a e Cars on a)j Past and safe worth was changing the plugs on the switchboard this afternoon. He pulled out the wrong plug and the conductor, was struck on the head by astone and will probably dic. A policeman on one of the cars was Saturday night appointments for speaking which Chairman Hartness ef an@ you are we oy - * oyns of 23¢ Peaches for 31 Levgetts io -: an bis is the busy _ eeeee . ee yj ar Ce will sell you 6 cans of 25 cent. Peaches I r $l. ass is making. It’s true this 1s the bus) ee pee " ay N , : ‘i ane 1,040 volts se r 5 miortable an] Maracabo Cétfee best on earth, de. per 1b. Fresh Italian season of the year, but our people Leen nd aa aan Se aie Democratic sitsiv., member by 2] With his eae eae “J.C. Kennedy, Roano} Tenn. Dev. Rage : ; oti ; : Sweeney which Governor kusse : aers ‘hy 7 2. ressme a oes 2 a J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. Seed Potatoes Sweeney t vote of 7 to Congressman Lin-| continued to clutch the plug, being |says, “I cannot say too much for $ FOR TIME TAFLES Macaroni, ize. and Groceries. Don't miss the White Front for can go out Saturday nights if they! ould pot honor. But the daugh- "Saturday astatue of General U.S. nev voted in favor of Walker, the unable tolet go. Two electricians DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Balve. One c¥ H R will. The Democrats should not on-| ter of the man who stole the horse|}Grant, presented to the Nation by | Republican contestant. ; : : ° cee ERY <P IFER. . > ir R b- reotenbe ntl at she had raised $50] the G es Army of the Republic it e - employed by the company chanced | box of it cured whac the octors cail- ly attend but persuade their Kepud-| wrote ean that she had ra $50]the Grand Army of the Republic.) Of the delegates Mivendy elected oomcknto abe koa Alona Saal acy gira ina 4 nm D = ene —— ‘ lican, Populist and wavering neigh- and would turn ve horse ane me was unveiled inthe rotunda of the!lto the New York State convention. | Farnsworth writhing on the floor C an ee tas on my jaw. ; =< arby : wavering rt money over to the sheriff! at Ashe-|Capitolat Washington. There were |162 are instructed f prtecirtge ean hals cece ie ‘ures Piles and all skin diseases. CP & vs fineicine wert bors to go also. This campaign | vie ig |} ould d the matter ae Rue eb F aacaseiand 162 are instructed for Bryan and with his body distended, his eyes] Lookout for worthless imitations. + & Tt AS Gicine, CUE A “ ville if he wou rop th ,|Grant exercises in both House and} 126 are uninstructed. Of the unin- | bulging, still holding the plue, One] Ww. F ASHEVILLE, N.C. means more to the people: of North] and these terms were accepted. Senate. Mr. Linney, of North Car-| structed, 10sare from New York | of ee ET REPRE ea W. J , Hall, Jz. wer questions. € ? (TEN vou buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & Carolina than any which has been : ; s sets eee olina, spoke with others in the City. Nearly every trans-Harlem|and cut the current off. Ba B. H. Hatch’s store, at Mt. Olive, O, =. A. Tork \¥ Tonic PELLETS you do not buy a med- in the State since the war. It means |Growine eee ill be | House. district is for Bryan aud Chairman | Farnsworth was picked up uncon- Wayne county, was burned one eee Fe 2 icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- whether or not we are tobe longer} vs and opserv Two well-known farmers, John Danforth says New York delegates | scious. He was bleeding from the | night last week. Loss $3,000; in- ON, DC. ness, Const ation and Headaches. it is two cursed witb the iynorant nevro vote Ree CN ei a Hays and Charles Bogan, living will support Bryan and the plat- nose and ears. A physician suc- surance $1,500. Yistin *t ies but sold for one price—25¢ a it behooves = to se ele ae On every band there grows faith|near Missionary Ridge, Tenn, met form. ceeded in restoring Farnsworth to|~ ~~ Syirvered For Three Years =a meer Th ° Pills bring imm ijate relief; the Pellets eee = : : Notl that Bryan will be cic cted. In _4fjast Thursday at the home of a wid Governor Smith, of Montana, has consciousness, after which he was Mr. G. W. Britnell, Leesdale d ie Pills bring 1 eale . gi ene question and settleit right. Noth- speech before the Louisiana Legis- ow, to whom both had been paying | disregarded the appointment ar taken to his home. His chief inju- oa a re : 2 a = a tone up the nervous system an invigorate. ing will give such an impetus to the | lature on Tuesday Senator McEnery | attention, and a fight ensued. Hays| Wm. A. « lark as United States Sen- | Tes are the burnson his band and |7}30ame, Ti aoe Ce be ar a am a D tic campaign, or more cer- caid: ‘“l believe that the Democrat-| stabbed Bogan with a dirk, the/ator made by the Lieutenant Gover- face where they came in contact | ‘°C? SCARS © UNE ane are _ i a CO ere ic par lay is the eve of great | yw >] ¢ Jays fled <¢ : Y ; z nth tk lus. His physici: “1 coustipation and biliousness, and -nly start that wave of public sen- ic party today is on the eve ol sree wound being fatal. Hays fled andj por in the absence of the Governor with the plug. His physician says)) 0. round ar ebiieceee fy Se ers success, and that it isa time for us] has not been arrested. that he will be entirely well, except |.) ound no permanent renel un- Ln.Cce Sloan Clothing Co., successors to Sloan & Shelton. ‘The question of dress agitates the mind ofevery one more or less. timent in favor of the amendment) toreach out the band of welcome which will cause all white men, ex- /and extend an invitation to all of cept the oftice-hoiders and those who] our brethren to get within the folds believe a negro has as much right to] of the party, and give it every aid vote asa white man, to stand by |and assistance to carry its batner Rogers A. B. Moore, a turpentine man of station, ed by negroes Saturday He was try- ing to get a negro laborer to return to work, when he was fired upon by Fla., was kill- from the S:ate, and has appointed ex-Congressman Martin McGinnis,a Democrat, to fill the vacancy. Wiat the Senate will do in the premises is not known, for these, in a few days. Jn the executions in Sing Sing prison about 1,759 volts are given, but in that case a larger margin is thought advisable in order to make til { tried Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. 1 pronounce them the best remedy on earth for the ail ments for which they are recom- mended, One of our customers { + How can 1 be neatly dressed for the least money. Of course to dress | ¢heir race in this election, than large | forward to victory ws t Tne Second Congressional dis-|death certain used them with very beneticial, ei- uy, have asuit that tits and one that wears. We attendances at Democratic speak- pede A a crowd of negroes and instantly trict Democratic convention met at pera ees fects. and said they wert ae QUARTERS, bought our stoc ings. s on nee ig aOR AS k ) | “or Building fore can save you money. houses will be packed at the future Man. babe sehice cee one Kitchin, a oe a come San Francisco Dispatch, 25th. sale by N. R. Tuns wall. ioe ; meetings. Newton, Mass., Dispatch, 25th. More bl bet tI nan 3, | Was nominated for Congress on the Ex-Q Lilinokalani ao The bouse of D iel Pers ay ae 3 } bou ht at a : : : ae More trouble between the races 1S | jo eer earls Reet Dx-Queen Liliuokalant arrived| The house of Daniel Persons, who : ————— The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we & ~_* Miss Louisa Pierce, werlthy and | feared. h ballot. The candidates were: })14¢ ast night from the East and |lived near Kittrell, was burned one neatly you must k before the advance in wooiens for the cash there- We hope the little schoo!|An Old Woman Marries a Young killed. One negro was killed in the Goldsborolast Thursday, and Claude Claude Kitchin, of Halifax; Fred A. Ex-Queen Lil Going Home to Die. ably the best remedy known. big Reduction ination for Congress of | 79 years old, is said to Thave bere) ty e passed last week a bill ae will sail forHonolulu on May 30. |day last week znd tive of bis chil- uu = Z The nominatson tor Vongress aCe: eaten The House passed last week a bill | Woodard, of Wilson; R. B. Peebles.| oy. was ac ees pe eee Se oe will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. We can give you| Claude Kitchin, who recently spoke meric ss See eos ee to pay Confederate soldiers who sur- | of Northampton, and aeataiiGal: She w as accompanied by her secre- dren eee eS ue eae The 3 a man’s sui 29 00. If you want a suit, bat, shirt, necktie or SAR RTA, SR SS AN RR eaten rendered at Appomattox for the]}iam, of Edgecombe. The first bal- tary. Joseph Heleluhe, and_his|mother had left the house leaving : a man’s suit for $2.00. If you want a sult, , ’ here, by the Democrats of the Sec-|jast Sunday. After several fruitless , : g . e tary. en eet by Dr, Charles Ham. |the five children asleep ae anything in gents furnishings you cannot atford to not see us. See pero es ‘ : IAT, horses and other personal effects} jot stood: Peebles 94, Kitchin 74,|.,0° 2% y Dr. Charles Ham € usieep. ~ ; anything a on u par for 0c. We are anxious for your trade |0nd district Is compliment to an|attempts to obtain a license in NeW-| taken from tuem in violation of the | Gilliam 62, Woodard Sn heen ilton English, of Washington, her|way the house causrht on fire. : ur pure ri: en collar Nc. > are an? ra eo : g sn eae t b 2 5S. ym si ; ner | way v he | Beige, 4 aa ees aa honest dealing will get it we mean to have it. {able and worthy young Democrat. pon a abe se terms of Lee’s surrender. The bill] ination was made at 5 o'clock Fri- ee pice rere pans 4 Every article sold by us must de as represented .Thanking you for | He won the nomination overEx Con- eee NESesons BPO- originally carried an appropriativn | day morning, after an all night ses- eae = am re ecoae pace , past favors and hoping to see you, we are gressman Fred A. Woodward, of |" The first act of Mrs. Barnes is Se AO one Doe Tate. sion. 7. C. Wooten, of Lenoir eee pices ee A RY yr . 5 °. C . ” aS j * . ~ es ® ? wie nn E> Very truly, Wilson; Capt. R. B. Peebles, of| reported to have been to make over This till, or a similar one, has. been county, was nominated for elector. |1;1°5 treatment had benefitted her| ¢ 4 Sloan Clothing Co oods, to her husband all her property, Northampton, and Member of the a : om worth at least $75,000. Legislature Donald Gill’am.of Edge- combe, all able men and good Dem- se a ACyclone at Morehead City. before Congress for many years. —————— Christians Massacred by Chinese. a Mill Boss Killed by Discharged Hand Gastonia Dispatch, 25th. At Bessemer City this afternoon and that she was taking him with her in the hope that he can cure her. Dr. English declares that the mild climate of Honolul: wili effect a cure, Pain back of your eyes? Heavy pressure in your head? And are We now have in stock and bought 3es8 a eater London Dispatch, 25th. about Dd o'clock John L. Odell, boss ae P . : pr Se ee Oa ocrats. Mr. Kitchin isa brother of} peautort Dispatch, asth. \ special dispatch from Shanghai|weaver in the Southern Cott but the Queen's intimate friends you someumes faint and : 3 7 ili 7. Kitehi A special dispate g eave S OLLON | ore si rnfully that she is g dizzy? Is your tongue : | O A DS Congressman William W. Kitcbin,| 4 eycione struck Morehead City jsays advices from Szuchuan, pro-| Mills, was fatally stabbed by C. a. ge: Tee iLae aS IS ZO- ated ? B, ae gu 3 pers 9 of the Fifthdistrict, and they are|depot this morning at 6 o'clock. Its | vince of Hu Heh, report that ‘‘Box:|Davis. Odell had discharged Davis Yen ms Bees rined ee ak NE ee ae _—_____—— —— ——_—— sons of Capt. “Buck” <itchin, of |approach was unnoticed and it only |ers’’ have destroyed two villages and | yesterday. Today Davis went into nen aes me oe nile your mouth? And does “a ae re oe -ithetanding the big ad- if ty, himself -Con-| lasted five minutes, but during massacred many converts of the|the miil two or three times and was teen montks ago on her way to your food distress you ? “3 Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, BOWS = ee a Halifax county, himself an ex-Con-| 1 ss it ture planks from she|French missionary station. The] put out by Odell. The last time he Bastinesoase ee Repos that Are you nervous and ir- 4 vance in the price of material, we are enabled by ees E iaikacobees (oe Congressman Kitchin] gepot, turned over and broke the|xeneral commanding at Shi Nan Fu, | was ejected at one door and went oa eee — the same ritable? Do you often stock early, to sell at old prices or at least were eo misrepresented wil; be re-nominated and re elected| masts of the Samuel Buckman, a}itis added sent a regiment to the|around and came in at another, walk- a eeation arate eee have the blues? And @ selling you vehicles for © years oo eae es AE or Sen ak in the Fifth district and Claude will} large two sail sharpie which was |scene of the disturbances. The sol-]ed up to Odell, who was in the pas- ar a Det pena bh: re been are you troubled about a vehicle to make a sale. Thite 3 = tied to the wharf, and the men who|diers were ambushed by the mal-|sage way. and after a few words, | _(° ously denied, as it bas been : - , defeat the uegro White in the Sec- = on the wharf only saved them | contents and lost 26 enncated 2 Sstespka in the neck, severing several times since. Now there sleeping? © not WwW + : : . ve g ‘ oa x - a 2 So one Sh *= | seems > AS “onceal- “ zoods e want your trade ond. North Carolina will bave two! ives by clinging to posts. It}enforcements have been dispatched |the jugular vein, and ran. Odeil eg e ek for ee Thon your fiver is them brothers in the next Congress. |raised voxes of fish weigbing 200 | from Ichang. ran out the dvor after him, but ap- ae Aa aE I Fe has aoe all wranse = 34} y . 4 Thi ors have ser , ay . * : a alivinc c aw aa eae seas se: : ou ty and will use our best efforts to merit it. When you buy a buggy from| While brothers have served together pounds as high as a man s head, and|our GOVERNMENT FORCED TO TAKE parently realizing his awful calam been cured. She hopes emicone But there is a cure. x ust ye wua4rt > j -ou know it means our Standing Square behind | jn Congress before, they have usual- dtbem with such force that . ity. turned and tried to get to the} 77” = : : oT: 4 v6 us and we guarantee It, you ee =, {dropped * - PART. Ys ; wress, before it adjourns, will grant Tis the old reliable the guarantee. Come and see us. ly, if ae Se EopnceaN ce =< they were crushed to pieces. Washington, May 25th. The oa or se a Se cree her £259,009 as ES eeESeEe for the F ferent States. The two Kitchins| ~ ne =i tO ey ee snicos, | the railroad when he fell, dead. saat ey areca ; oo Barron & Nicholson are among North Carolina's truest] Yonng Man Killed at Salisbury. ce See encase Davis avoided arrest and fled. He] 20") ee es Pi ates on a = . aos mee : -enrs |... oe ee < a s SS100 Cie ive ws : wa : 2 a t¢ ‘ ens : ce a = ee ee apasiies See eres me “Boxers,” the famous Chinese <e- SE a eh pares ions friends say, but prefers a lump sum. s De ether ama = sare Eugene Crouse, sonof Dr. J. A.|cret society with is engagedin the| {Pr Seaman ae OS Attracti V e Printing. Este y pi eae aehich Te! Grouse, of-Elon College, was killed|massacre of native Christians in eS to be Question Answered, Sa meee ae here about ee cone by | China, and to which 1s Seed - Mr oasis eens Yes, Avgust Flower still has the 4 os ‘he Mascot Printi _ is better; prepared than * a passenger train. Young Crouse} numberless outrages upon the for-| "ay ees EAeee le oiessaneaRe meen a r Ss ee ee tect see print- There have been several names | was a passenger en route from Hick-|eign missionaries. United States 30 Se popes es eicaied orldaaonn SS la eat Key 5 fae and at prices that estonish those who have mentioned for the vacant presidency | ory to Elon College. He was very| Minister Conger bad instructiors|" 9. Ogeil was a nephew of Capt. grandmothers. never a onohict ‘ aoe Sor : ae SS onders f the State University,among them much intoxicated when he reached | by theState Department to inform IM Gael olConcord: il Fie leswes| Sine SCO cisaiioe Todliooston z d a car ee th: t of ex-Governor Thomas J. Jar- | bere- He boarded No. 12, the north: | the Chinese government that iss a wife and tive or six children who | or Billiousness. Doctors were scarce E- pd Sur- oan ae We hope he will be elected by boa bearer : ceariewe oud pines es ae a 20 sages live at Salisbury ; and they seldombeard of A ppendici- pi] very . = = ~tapc > Richmoad, which was taking the|ly and thoroug' y stamp ou is =A ; : 2 aan ee center ate S > aes 100 Cards, 50c. 1000 Circulars 75¢,|the wnstess. He, Tet ever had, [siding to allow No. 3 to pass. |society, and ey cide proper guar-| DAVIS CAFTURED AND Jatt, |S; TST™ote USTbOv ced August With a handsome Card Size 5x8. Advertise what eS rode all our public men he} _Mr. Crouse was standing on the|antee for the maintenance of peace] Bessemer City, May 25, 9:30 p Flower teiclean out the system mt They act directly on § nm eee ene cance ENVELOPES Yotae Small one easier antries the longest and clearest platform when his train moved up| and order and the protection of the] m.—Davis, the slayer of Odell. has) top fermentation of undigested the liver. They cure @ ee iareon AT LOWPRICES. 7? read than a large one. reser * another ex-Governor of{to the siding. When the Kerr} life and property of Americans it | been captured and is in jail. There |¢,o4 regulate the action of the liver constipation. bili a j card” North Carolina, David L. Swain, street crossing was reached he was | China, and now threatening, by lis a strong feeling against him. ae ecco ooseand cease ¢ he pees By you @ooe served as president of the Universi- seen to step off backwards between | the operations of the ‘‘Boxers. ————-—jemor Teor. ~~ -*|actionof the system, an atineies aN sick headache, nausca, 3 ¢ urchas- ty inthe closing years of his life, the first and second-class coaches. |-———_ =, Greatest Need. e a oer ; ne | they took when sacl > Gala bed and dyspepsia. Take a F , Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, enone gll the presidents of the The rear car passed over his chest, pa aie : : Awful anxiety was Te t for the| ot “headaches ST SeaiccESeBeS laxative dose each night. }% ae Bros Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete 7 at low prices, Send University before and since the| crushing it in and ote Mr. R. 2 oe a Eso naa os ee baw Co Sei ghee keniioes ee For 60 years years they &% a Capes = - 5 A) "i - = : im. ] a is S a Macnias, ste. OC- 7 Ss es a h been the tandard for prices and sample. war, he was easily the first. Under | gling him A letter from bis ather | Spain, spends his winters at Aiken,}ham ot : pen eae August Flower. in liquid form, to ave 2 eta ini i "| was found in his pocket. Hisfatber)s.C. W eak nerves had caused se- | tors said she cou d not live till morn me a i: Family Pills. 4 THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. EE abe oe Motes vee at once notified, and the body | vere pains m the back of his head. |ing writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who SS a Se ae eae ee : CROWSON & SRONCE, PROPR'S. me 3b a athe South. |Remember- placed in the bands of an under-| On using Electric Bitters, America’s attended ber that fearful night. All oe Oo WF. Hall, Jr F “T have taken Ayer's Pills regu- a rn ia ERASER LSS ing th “able aud business-like adwin- taker. greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy,{thought she must soon die from |S DY “- *- nae larly for, six months. They have f OUR, a : a el 9 ms al which Governor Jarvis +a pain Soon left him. He says this | Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. A Frighttul Blunder I can now walk from two to four B/ if Z iy rye ON § . . ae o the people of North Carolina That Throbbing Headache grand medicine is what his country| King’s New Discovery. say inz it ~ horrible B ai oreath, something X have not £4 Bs Bis ae =aee 3 rete should be te Woui!d quickly leave you, if you|needs. All ‘America knows that it}had more than once saved her life se ee ae rare eee been able to do for many years.” C. ‘ NY “oy Pepsin placed at the head of the University, used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. nee esnesaen ys poe = ae a Soe oo aoe cE me aie ea ees : : * +e : : ; hav : S the stomac er Ss s ) = : ? ljeate Governor Swain’s | Thousands of sufferers have proved | fies the , tones up ch, | Aft vi rnc U oat ee ea pro weeks- is Tasteless and Guaranteed to Gure Chills ané Be vrs Gormateation of the affairs | their matchless merit for sick and strengthens the nerves, puts vim, |easily all night and its further use will kill the a Be ne Bay in each F is Be ia’ oS eae S sous headach They make pure | vigor and new life into every mus- completely cured her.’’ This mar- | it. Cures Old Sores, Fever is ard llesire the best medical advice you anything ay ‘ever and ail Malazia’ Troubles. of that ancient and Bonore ae ot nee pen a eee aed Ooila cle. verve and organ of the body.{velous medicine is guaranteed to Uleers. Boils, Felons, Corns, all gan posslbly receive, write the doctor i Does Not Coutain Quinine Nor Other Poison. ing? No mistake wi }ood and stron: res : 2 40 Y- = - ] . ; You will oem Nets Conta ae Doce Not jajare the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. ee Jarvis is elected. ! up your health. Easy to take. Try | Jf weak, tired or ailing you need it.|cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Skia Eruptions. Best Pile cae ply withont est 0 So. : i ‘ madeifGovernor Jarvis is elected. | UP ¥ ; 50! Di Oly 30¢ and $1.00. Triai|on earth. Only 25 cents a _ DOK: I ATES, Lowel, Mass. Prices W. A. MoLarty & Som, Dime Box, Tex. say: “Ramon’s Pepsin oUt Tome Sis pj | Hebas filled many high positions of| them. Only 25 cents. Money back Every bottle guaranteed, only 50; Diseases. y Oe Oe aan w. F : er. bes we ever Randled. My $02 P ois othe stomach.” trust and responsibility and filled | if not cured. Sold by W. F. Hall, |cents. Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr., bottles free at W. F, Hall, Jr.’s, fait ee Droppist. teed. >. x ‘withou! al Price ag Gaceuevilla, . % h the caly Chint Tunic which toc. BROWN MF’G. OC wf Druggist. drug -store. | them ably and satisfactorily always. Jr., Druggist. ; $$$ . Pe ee Nee nahi Sy te a macs i an ae | ee we a = 3 es ot & : aa om a n ! si a m a a i e s by Pp m e e a t e s a Pe a s oo ne k ki t AT RS so e ar e n ee n s = rere ee Peer * z a ol 2 se ap OE LA to seem a : sa oe e ioe po : — —— ay - om aad 4 hati — ———" 2 ° a woe —— ae aaa = = =a Notice to Creditors. Notice to Creditors, ~ ————— Seay ae easy eee i i Seg ee White in Ma- AMONG THE POLITICIANS. TAY PSV rE Ws | Public Speakings. i ‘ a ' See Ono } Se ee ss : | Reo | IY AVING qualified as administrator of James AVING qualified as executors -y , “THEMASCOT(.....020" , Ee aaa PUBIASHED WEEKLY —aAT— ONE DOLLAR A YAR. WATTS. A. D Eprrok & PRopRIETOR. entered atthe second class mail matter] ’PpHone No. 39. Statesville, N. C., May 31, 1900 a eee ee WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION DATE= NaTioNan DEMocRATIC CONVENTION, KANSAS Crry, AY, JULY 47H. Missourl, WEDNESD DEMOCRATIC STATE TISKET. FORK GOVERNOK CHARLES B. AYCOCK YOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR WILFRED D, TURNER, STAGE: of Wayne. of Iredell. FOR SECRETARY OF 1. BRYAN GR SS, of Pitt. Por Th BENIAMIN R RER LACY, of Wake. f Haywood, f Public Instruction fF Robeson, culture of Caidwell rd Pri LES. OVERMAN, of Rowan COUNTY TICKET. PT DISTRICT: SAMUEL W. STEVENS ALSTON DD, WA rOR JOHN i, SHERIF! WYCOFE REGISTER OF WILLIAM W. TURNER, FOR TREASURER JOHN A. HAYNES DEEDS FoR CORONER UNTY COMMISSIONERS: THOMAS M,C. DAVIDSON. MARSHALL K. STEELE. Ae ELACK,. Abe Middleton, the negro politi- cian ef Duplin county, is assisting Republican State Chairman Holton If the Repub- the election, Abe will doubtless be given seme eftice. Torun his Campaign, titans succeed at Hie was assistant doorkeeper of ore ef the Fusion Legislatures and was elected over a maimed ex-Confeder- ate soldier. Abe's services are doubrt- less now needed to secure a full ne- gro vote at the August election. geet Some weeks ago this paper advo- cated the nomination of Congress- man Amos J. Cummings, of- New York, for Vice Presidest on the Democratic ticket with Bryan, but will not be before the convention, as he prefers to remain in Con ress. kere has been quite a boom started within the last few days for William R. Hearst, the young millionaire own- er and editor of the New York Jour- nal. We believe ke is the right man. His paper. the largest and most widely read in all the world, has been true to the Democratic party, eis a loyal platform Democrat. aud his nomination’ would add strength to the ticket in the East, Tae convention can go further and fare much worse. ———__—- oe We print today an account of ex Judge Spencer B. Adams, the Re- publican candidate for Governor. taken from the Caswell! Democrat, a reputable newspaper published at Judge Adams’ former home, which slows the judge to be a regular ne- gvo-loving white man. At one elec- tion, when negroes were running for oflice. he exclaimed at the polls: **Al] you white people come and see me vote for negroes.”’ This white man not only voted for negroes but gio- ried init. Theold State has had a few very ordinary men for Gover. nors, but we do not believe she will everelect a man of Adams’ stripe to that great office. Think of it, white men of North Carolina, here’s a white man who not only voted for negroes but proclaimed his shame from the house-tops! Itis no won- der that his brother, ex-Sheriff Ad- ams, of Surry county, has announced his intention to vote for Aycock. we learn that his name = ——> ° <a = The pestoftice at Marshall, Madi- sen county, was burglarized Satur- day night. The safe was blown open and $4,000 ia cash and stamps taken. Part of the money belonged to the county. Two men have beer arrested on suspicion. Mrs. Ellen R. Ramseur, widow cf the late Gen. Stephen D. Ramseur, died atthe home of her brother-in- Yustoffice at Statesville as Conditions in the Republican | ranks must be getting pretty se-| cious when it becomes necessary for | the State chairman to go around | making personal appeals to mem- bers ot the party, as is being done in Greensboro. This morning State Chairman | Holton cailed on ‘Squire J. A. | Pritchett, a lifelonwand staunch Re putlican, to know how he stood on certain matters, referring especially to the constitutional amendment. *Well,”’ said “Squire Pritchett, “it will not take me long to set your ue matter. I am ting the amendmeut, and i election mind ut easeon this Suppor ible to reach the li vote for it. polis on . . t ‘ pr: bably did ne Ie ER.) » 4Sé it showed him where oue ean it least ‘squire Pritchett went on to tell be Republican chairman that, while 1¢ yielded to no man in loyalty to che pringiples of Republicavism, be wed no allegiance to petty Srate local rinysters, traders and uricksters, nor Gid he prepose to sult ihe wishes ofany such when he went to vote. It is presumed that this also did not give Mr, Hol- ‘on much ease of mind, but it taught nim that there are Republicans of -baracter and intelligence who will not submit to dictation in matters affecting the welfare and prosperity xf the State. Repuili- stands. Asa last resort the Republican thairman made the thin-air argu meotof the unconstitutionality of the amendment, saying, “alow can you vete for the amendment when you took an oath to support the constitution?” Quick as a flash ‘Sautre Pritchett replied by asking this question, ‘Who says tbe umendment 1s unconstitutional ? Untilthe measure is carried to the Supreme Court of the United States und by tnat body declared to be un- coastitutional, every man has the right to express his opinion and vote as be sees fit. Asa free Amer- ivan citizen and an old-time Repub ican Lshuliexercise that preroga- tive and vote for the amendmen.” juire Pritchett made several oth- er interesting statements, but Mr Golton . £ he was bark- ing up the wropy tree and left. The ext time be wants to convert 2 Re- sublican he will know who to tackle “Squire Pritcnett has always been known as a firm believerin the old- time principles of the Republican party, aud we suppose kas been vot tne the ticket since before tre time ihe present State chairman knew the ditference between a protective tarnifFand the Westminster Confes- When his party was not dom- d by greed of office be oceupied . position of prominence and influ- ence in Republican councils, serving asa member of the Legislature and bolding other positions of honor and trust. Itis but natural, he says, ‘or him tosupport the amendment conditions affairs in North Carolina improved. Ha that ston, Mate ina destre to see the of ————— - 2 + aa South African War Nearing the End. The war in South Africa is near- ing theend. and it begins to look as though the Boers wi!!l surrender Without another great battle and that there willbe no stubborn de- fence of Pretoria, but that peace will be declared before the British cada begin the seige of the Boer cap- ital. Lord Roberts has driyen the Seers af every point and is now in donennesburg—che center of the sold district, his advance guard be- ing only 20 miles from Pretoria. It is reported that Kruger can no iouger hold the burghers in his ar- ty and that he will not be able to muster 15,000 men for the defence of Pretoria: as experts say the de- feces at Pretoria require an army of 20,000 to Inan them, it begins to look as though old *‘Oom Paul” will have to giveup his cherished “last stand und goto St. Uelena with- out any fireworks, {t is said that the Boer foreign officials have al- ready been cabled to know if there is no hope of foreign intervention, eod that the preliminary advances bave been made towards sueing for peace. Kruger is reported to be willing to surrender if he is not to be exiled to St. Helena. The Brit- ish have already annexed the Orange Free State. which will be hereafter kKuewn as Orange River State, the time is not iong tili the Transvaal too will be part of England’s world empire. The Boers have made a crave fight and have won the admir- ation of the world and, no doubt, their conquerors wili treat them with magnanimity. It is probably better for civilization that they have been beaten in their plucky fight; but though right was largeiy on their side, migat was against them. They were fighting for lib- erty, and we ure ‘just a leetle sor ry” they didn’t lick England more before the “round up.”’ ~~ ——___ Rats Pind a Hidden Fortune. Port Huron, Mich., Dispatch, agth. Rats are bringing moaey to Sua- loonkeeper Frank Becton, but where they find it is a mystery. Becton owns a barn adjacent to the rich estate of the late Dr. W, Pp. Reed, who, 1t is declared, buriea his money in a secret hiding place, and Becton has often commented on the fact that there were rat holes Not long since he found a partial- ly torn 310 bill in his barn. A few days later he picked up several pieces of bills, of larger denomina- tion. A month ago, whilein the barn he saw a rat with a bill in his mouth scurry across the floor. Bec- ton made a wild throw at the rodent and then pulling upa board near the rat hole found a nest made of frag- ments of greenbacks. i: Since then he has concealed him self and seen rats hu somewhere with frag ury notes. He has pieced about $200 worth together, and has on hand, Waiting about $5,000. ore rat nest wa per that had an igi s $3,000. He is Eee es care of his wealth-prodacing rats|s aa mice, and it is sure death to any dow ores caught in the vicinity of|t Many believe the rats bave found and are rifling the hiding place in which Dr Reed put his money |t The Reed estate has been in litiza- tion for a long time, and it bids fair to be divided up among the lawyers. law. ex-Judge W. J. Montvomery in Concord, Sunday. She Se oe SSS adout a year before; ewns kill and one dav survives her. ” s —_ married; |from where McIntrye resides on Ss Mind at ease, but ? ‘ New York Dispatch, 26th, in Tammany Hall, today ¢ intribut- ed $100,000 to the Democratic Na- tiona! Committee with the stipula- : ’ ; tion that the gift be only on the alley side of his barn. Win. J. Bryan is not re-nomizatead, make such use of this fund as it may see fit. to the story in political circles to day that Mr. Coogan would be Col. Bryan's running mate on tional ticket this summer. National Committeemen and three of the personal advisers of Colonel Bryan, called on Mr. Coogan at the city hall this noon by appointment ( The consultation lested an hour. sting in from|after which Mr. Coogan admitted he ments of Treas- | had made the contribution, but de- clined to say anything regarding Vice Presidentia! aspirations. f S t el or missing fragments to turn up, A Baby Has a Terrible Fall But Liv- S made up of pa- | Lebanon, Pa., Dispatch, 29th. : Searchers who spent the night precious good | looking for 2-year-oid Faster Rowe, wall ore bavks this morning found mine. The child had fallen about 125 feet down the almost perpendicular side of a cut, but had caught several ered he lay on his back, smiling, his head resting on a lump of ore. baby’s head and back, and rion. Marion Democrat, 25th. C. F. Osborne was shot and ously wounded last night at seri- 8.39 | o'clock by Joseph Mclatrye, colored. ne shooting occurred across the Yrooked Creek road from A, H. Parks residence andabout fifty feet Mc- Iutrye stepped from behind a tree as Osborne walked alope the path aud fired five shots with a revolver at close range. Three of the shots took effect. one in the chest, one in the neck below the left ear, and one ia the left arm. boarded, his assailant hurl- es athim. Some mea ivrvineg to the sevens and t: tied. Up toa late hour last sight, he was yet at large. Anenmity bas existed bet ween is said to be the reeult aS Bina gene the shooting ening to kill was on his y to the former's resi dence when the cowardly attack was made. Five shots were fired at close range and three took effect. One entered the left side near the heart; another struck the left arm at the shoulder, and the third pierced the neck below the jeft ear. Drs. Kir- ty and Ashworth attended the wounded mans. at 0 ORD o tHE Cathotic Lay Brother Killed by aSaw, Charlotte News, 26th. Tho Carholics at Belmont are bav- ing more than their share of catas- trophes. Another, and a most dis- tressingr one, closed the week for them today. Venerable Brother Andrew, O. S. &., was killed by the breaking of a circular saw which broke while he was sawinga piece of wood. He and severe! workmen went to the saw mill, whichisa short distance from the monastery, about 7 o'clock. Rrother Andrew began sawinga large log, purtof the lumpoer to be used in the rebuilding of the burnt monastery. He was intently at work, when, justat 8 o clock, the saw broke and a portion of it strack him wite terriife under the leit shouider, penetratiag deep into his body and seveving the main ar- tery leading to the heart. Those at work with bim rushed, terror stricken, for Fathers brother's side in an instant. Every- “vain The tite bioed ef the Srether-priest was flow He spo’e onivy once or and died in ten minutes atter reveiving fatal stroke. He breathed lis last sureounded by bis brothers in the ehureh and amidst te sounds of their voices in prayer tor him. thing possible was dope, brit Was tae help of man.” ; ing fas CWic aa Lie ——<8- a ee — A Bermit’s Secret vh SN wseand Observer, 27th. ter, whe for years has held posses- sion of Mountaia Isiand, in Frerci road River, near Asheville,against aflcomers, and whe has been erally regarded as of unsound mind, isa prisoner at Warshall. His pe- cullar conduct was tolerated until recently, when a tisherman report- ed having seen a woman on the is- : f which are steep land, the sides of wed rocky, though the interior is covered with a dense growth of trees. if wus surmised that the woman Was a prisoner. decoyed to ilot Springs by a ruse, while the island was searched. The ehidren, one of three ether of as many months,both stark They were living in a hut savave. The she yvave naked. a= rude as that of a woman appeared dazed her name as Alice Gunter and said ber home was in i believed that Collins abducted and has kept her a prisoner years. She aad tbe children renroved. Collins will be the hospital for the insane. - ——— > oe The Ex for ness. Sandford Specialto Raleigh News and Obser- ver, 25th {t would seem amount of credence is giveu to the theory that a broken yvauve in a safety lamp caused the receut ex piosion at Cumnock mines. Two winers.who were working in the west heading at the time of the explosion in the east heading, were here today and stated that a negro miner named Harrison, who was in- jured in the explosion, claims that in attempting to shoot the dynamite the electric machine was found to be ineffective, whereupon an ordi- nary fuse was sent down from the cop.,and lighted by means of a match which caused an explosion of gas. These men also state that the locks of safety lamps were often picked by the men and ihe open Jight used, aod that some of the miners had keys-with them in the workings. ————_— ea $100,600 to Elect Bryan. that ne great James J. Coogan, President of the 3orough ot Manhattan and a leader rescinded if The committee will be allowed to The contribution pave risa the Na- A delegation, composed of two ed. on of Michael Rowe, at the Corn- he little fellow at the bottom of a imes in the descent. When d scov- There were bumps and curs on the it is sup- eS ee ‘Lue body of anegro woman, Nora Vines, was found in a Greenvilie Sunday afternoon. neck was broken and the face en. She is supposed to have posed that he gully near scious by the fall. The torn, thete was a clean drop of 25 feet. was rendered uncon- c His clothes were showing where they had The revolver was a came the two men for several mouths and Melutrye was credited with threat- Osborne and the latter Bishop Haid and the! They were at the dying: Anders ‘n Coilius, white, a squat- ! gen- ; Collins was body was not recovered and is sup- Woman was found as were also two yeurs, the Tennessee. Le is: were killed Sunday morning at 2 o'clock sent to, by plosion Caused by Careless- ! Davidson county Democrats bave House. Craven county Democrats have nominated W. LB. Pearce for the House. W.B. Daniel is the Democratic nominee for the House in Vance county. The Democrats cf the Tenth Sen- atorial district—New Hanover and Brunswick counties—have nominat- ed Geo. L. Morton, of New Hano- ver, for Senator. felt forced to decline and then Brad- sber was nominated. Zuncombe Democrats re-vominat- the House, and endorsed Crawford the Crimina] Court, and J. M. Gud- ger, Jr., for the Senate. torial district (Anson, Montgomery. tichmond, Scot!and and Union coun- ties) have nomivated James A. Leak. Richmond, for Senators. Durham county Demoerats have nominated R. G. Russell for the House and instrueted for H. A. Fou- shee for Senator. Foushee and R. W. Scctt, of Alamance, will be the nowinees jn the district. which is composod of Alamance, Caswell, Dur- bamend Orange counties. Abe Middleton, the nctorious ne- gro politician of Duplin county, is assisting Chairman Holton run the Republican campaign at the head- guarters ian Greensboro. Je went to work the first of the week. Abe was the assistant door-keeper of the House of Representatives, who, dur- ing the Leyislature of 1895, at- tempted to arrest two Democratic members as they were leaving the j hall to prevent a quorum. | James J. Coogan, president of the ; borough of Manhattan and a leader ;of Tammany Hall, Saturday con- j tributed €160.000 to the Democratic | National committee with the stip- j ulation that the pitt be rescinded, if (Win. J Bryan is not re-nominated. |The committee will be allowed to make such use of this fund as it may sce fit. There is some talk of Coc- ‘yan being nominated for Vice ' President. | In an interview with Wm. T, i Stead, the famous English corres- pondent of the New York Journal, | Riebard Croker, the chief of Tam- many, who is in England, said that ‘he empharically favored Wm. J. idrvan for President, and that he i believed Bryan wil! beat McKin- iJey on election day. He said Bryan | Was rignt in sticking tothe16 to 1 silver issue, although trusts and ‘imperialism will be the chief issues of the campaign. ——> oe eee LATE SPATE NEWS. The barn of J. Van Windley at Pomona, Guilford county, was burned one night last week. Henry Jenkins, 2 yousg white man of Starly county, was drowned in the Yadkin riyer just above the “Narrows” last Thursday. He at- tempted ta swim the riyer. His posed to have gone into the **Nar- rows.” Mr. J. A. Hedrick, of Salisbury, had D. L. Gaskill, of that town, to superintend the building of a block of buildings, and he was so well pleased with the work that he gave was unanimously nominated but he ed Locke Craigand J. C. Curtis for for Congress. Stevens for judge of The Democrats of the 22rd Sena- of Anson, and Cameron Morrison, of Democratic township primaries nominated H. H. Hartley for the|Saturday and county convention ; day night, June next Monday. } = Das The railroad company given pan; assistin bandling freight. Hon. W. LH. Bower, of Lenoir, N. C,bas an appointment to speak here next Monday, June 4th. ic candidate for Governor, speak bere Friday. June lath. nishing the usual items for last week's paper. Hons. W. 8. Bower and Wm. Newland, of Lenoir, speak and mect Democrats. next Monday to with Alexander Mr. Jacob Moser, of this township, whose tame was urday. He is not a candidaie, The trustees cf Taylorsville Colle giate Institute at their meeting las: week elected Dr. J. H. Moore, of Liledoun, te succesd the late Rev. J.B. Peol, and re-elected Rey. Prof. J. A. White president for another year. The Republican Senatorial conven tion here last Saturday nominated Col. T. J. Dula, of Wilkesboro, for one of the candidates for the Senate and left the other to be filled by the Popul:sts of Catawba and Lincoln counties. The commeucement at Taylors- vitle Collewiate Institute here last Week Was asuccess iu every way. Tke sermon by Kev. BK. S. Reaves, of Statesvilic. and the address by Rev. W. R. Gwaltney. D. D., of Hickory. were both tine and pleased al! who beard them. The other ex- er¢ises were yood and the Leacir eorvet band made good music for the occasion. The Alexander Detmceratic pri- maries Saturday willhave quite 2 jot of material vefocre it to vandidates to be ne:niuated by the county convention next Monday, and the foliowing list is given to re- tuind them so that all may have a fair chance. \Wemay have left out some names, but tpis, we can assure select them, was not intended as we want zw! to have an equal chauce: : For the Legislature, Jno. hh. Gwaitney, Esq . of Taylorsvilie, aud Thos. F. Murdock, Esa., cf Sharpes township. : lor Sheriff, T. J. Fortner, of Littie River township; A. C. Payne, Tay- lovsville; H. J. Burke, Taylorsville township; Robt. L. Gwaltney, Sharpes township; A. W. White, Nilendale townsbip. For Register o: Deeds, A. H. Matheson, Taylorsville; Jno. P. Pharr, Taylorsville township; A. C Jones, Gwaltney township; Prof. A. I’. Sharpe, Sharpes township; Ed. i, Alexander, Millers township. For Treasurer, Geo. W. Sharpe, of Gwaltneys township; A. B. Wright, of Sharpes township; A. M. Pennell, of Ellendale township. dale township, present incumbent. Little River township, is sugyested. him a check for $500 in addition tel} ers a new board is likely to be se- _ the compensation agreed on, fected with V. W. Teague, present | * caer) S as . be / Charles Murdoch, colored, who] tesister of deeds, as one of the lived near Charlotte, was shot and Sose Jaggers, his step-son. Murdoch was abusing his wife, Jag- motber, when Jaggers shot irers jhim. The slayer escaped. It is 'snid-the dead negro had an axe ‘drawn on Jaggers when the fatal shot was fired. Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Lincolnton, was found dead in bed Jfonday morn- jing. The cause of her death is un- ; known, and there are rumors of ill- treatment by her kusband, which will probably lead to a coroner's inquest. Her husband is reported to have been drunk Sunday and to have run her away from home, threatening her if she returned. She did return Sunday night and slipped into the house and went to bed. She was discovered dead by friends about 2 o'clock in the morning. ~~ < —— —- LATE GENERAL NEWS. A large part of the towa of Apa- lachiecta, Fla., was burned Satur- dav. Theloss is half a million dol- lars, with 30 per cent. of insurance. Seymour, Johnson & Co., York speculators, have failed. The U. S. Supreme Court decided against Adimiral Dewey’s bounty claim. The effect is to deprive the adiniral and his men of half the amount claimed by them. New Queen Victoria celebrated her Sst birthday on Tuesday. The old lady is getting on. The Sugar trust has advanced tke pric2 of sugar. “‘Afrer suffering from piles for fifteen years Iwas cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye,”’ writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N.C. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. W. F. Hall, Jr. W s. Musser, Miitheim, Pa., sav- ed the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying fromcroup. Itis the only harmless remedy that gives im- mediate results. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, evippe, asthma, and all throat ard lung troubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. Sale of Land, B* virtue of « judgment of the Superior Court made in the special proceeding e¢..ti- tled John W. McHargue, administrator of James W. McHargue, against R. B. McHargue ei. al., the undersigned commissioner will on SATURDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1900, expose to public sale tothe highest bidder for cash a part ofthe James W. McHazgue home place, situated inthe northern part of Iredell! county, adjoining the lands of E. F. Sharpe, Campbell andothers. This land will be offered for sale by the acre and the amount sold will be determined by the price it brings per acre. Not more than 25 acres will be sold under Ts cir- be beat. caught on the points of rock in the | sold will be furnished by the tomendere been decent. At thebottom of the mine “sy, 9f sale JOHN W. McHARGUE, neys township. rr ALEXANDER COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CON- VENTION. The Democrats of Alexander coun- ty are calied to meet in convention MONDAY, JUNE 41H. 1900, at the court house in Taylorsville, N. C.,at 1 o'clock, p. m.,for the pur- pose of nominating a candidate for the Legislature and the county offii- cers, sheriff, register of deeds, treas- urer, coroner, surveyor and board of three commissioners. The chairmen of the various town- ship committees of the county will meet at the above time and place after the convention for the purpose of electing a county chairman and four members of the central com- mittee. All qualified voters who intend to support the Democratic ticket in the elections are cordially invited to attend and participate in tke pri- maries which are hereby calied to meet at the voting places in each township on SATURDAY, JUNE 2ND, 1900, at 3o’cleck, p. m., for the purpose of electing a township executive committee of five members and del- egates to the county convention, By order of the committee. Jno. L. GWALTNEY, This May 17, 1900. Chairman. 9 Should always be kept in *%3 house for the fol- iswing reasons: FEZST — Because, if any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure it. SESGHM— Because. if the chil- Gren are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and well. T8245 -Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom- ing thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and Strength. - FGURTH Because it is the Standard remedy in all throat and lung affections. No household should be without it. It can be taken in summer as well ¥ 31¢, 1900. Commissioner. Long, Att’ys. as in winter. SCOTT BOWES Cee aie York args St Depot Agent P. L. Steck a hand to Hon. Chas. B. Aycock, Democrat- si? Wiis Col. G. W. Flowers was called to prevented your reporter from fur- Cc. and other speakers are expected to be here mentioned for sheriff reques’s his friends not to use his name in the primaries Sat- For Survevor, no candidate, but will support. H, M. Crouch, of Kilen- a a. vs ia i of land, towit: : For Coroner, no candidate, but eine derintnmarierecticase a? the name of Dr. J. M. Oxford, of }iot No. rin the division of the lands of John For board of county commission- board, with some one from Tavlors- ville tewnship and one from Gwalt- The following appoiutiments are | made for public speakings 05 o'elock: ‘ Dr.s. W. Stevensonand Mr. D. Watts, at Shinnsville, Barringer township. ; W G. Lewis, Esq... at Olin. H. P-Grierand Z. V. Long, Esq., at Reeky Branch schvol house, Sharpesbnry township. nae Senator James A. Batler, at Rine’s schvo! house, Shilehiownship. _ Letall the peupie turin out to these ment discussed. 38 caliber. Morganton Monday a‘terneon by J. A. HARTNESS, Osborne was armed but had no W. T. Bradsher is the Democratic | the death of bis sister, Mrs. W. H. Chairman Dem Co. Com. ‘hance te defend himself. As he! ominee for the House in Person | Connelly. Zev V. Long, Secretary. mer lM > Io prkor » ~~ . : - : “ ———$——— back to the Parker House) county. Col. John S. Cunningham The Alexander appointments for ae STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. Market firm, STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED BY COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THRE WEE. All produce in good demand. BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. h 3 $1.85 ae SAG eee el ie le 2.00 Meal- -bolted—44 lbs. per bushel... . 55 “ unbohed, 45 Ibs ** ae e 55 new. 60 40 Peas—cla 1.0 - SITE esti: ieee) ene hse elite 90 Potatoes—Irish 2). se ew 2 0 0 78 i Serta ee ee fete 75 Onions—select, per bushel... . - - 78 Sgr mm NCI i a ee ew) ninth 3 ARON ee ie aio, Ie | whom sel oe iz BOCEWAK fs, 9: (50 wip!) em jo) ej) ee 20 Bens-—PeOr o> <= sc. » - = 6» <y* =. = Sh ROOSters Per os Se ste ie 244 Chicken—Spring—small—per lb. . . 14 = large = oe 11 Turkeys—per Bb... we ee 5 Ducks Ped eet iatiie ei wf lie tin tae! oe ltetiee 3 Guinas each... . 22-2 eee 10 Geese = itemiie 25 Butter—Ch 12% aT : to Honey—str. 8 * 7 Eeos—ien 6. ke 10 re eeRAaRRO ete taint 6 Wheat So OOS! mt pes ec enin| ta Tey eicee en ee pe oe mite Ss Feathers— 35 Wides—dry 10 . SO ania et a AU OOI—WRsTIG eee eet oe ee 25 Apples—dried—quarters, bright. . . 3 - “= bright sliced... . . 4 “fancy bright sliced. . 3% 3 rt extra 7s : 4 per bushel... .. 69 bright . ce ° nt Wein ceinclipl acne 6 z 8 10 8 8 | on wR ~fAi—wW. lL. HARBIN’S SIX- POR REN reont, two- tory house on Alexander Street. good well and out- TV ALL WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN CUE & By rea to notify the publi = quirements of law, we lapply by peti- t the August term ofthe Superior Court of icounty, to be restoredio the full rights zeuship, when and where any opposition will be heard " 24, 21900, ance of the re- LEWIS W. JOHNSON THOMAS BROTHERTON. Nesice to Creditors, o with the r, deceased, persons hav- the undersi ing claims against the « presenithesameto him ithin fox twelve months from date of this notice or it will payment be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to prompt payment M. W. SHOOK, This May 21, 1900. Admr., C.T. A. J. B. Couneliy, Att'y, ‘ommissioner’s Sale of Land, BY VIRTUE of a decree cf the Superior Court of Iredell county, inan i M, Crawford and others ar M, Crawford and others e defendants, undersigned commissioner will seil at public outcry tothe highest bidder for cash, at the court house door at Statesville, N.C, on SATURDAY, JUNE 238, 1900, at 12 0'clock, M., the following described tracts Crawtord, and running West with said line 138 poles to spanish oak; thence South with the eastern boundary of lot No.g 69 poles toa stake in a field on said line; thence Kast 138 poles to a pest oak; thence North 69 poles to the begin- ning, containing 61 acres more or less and being lot No 2in the division of the lands aforesaid. Second act, bounded on the North by the iands cf A.A, Bostand wife; on the East by T. W. Waugh; onthe Soujh by the lands of Ander- son Lackey; onthe West by the lands of Jane Vickery. The same being the identical tract devised to Aun Crawford in the last will and testament of Harriet Gibson, deceased, and containing 57 acres more or less, Said lands in Shiloh’ township, HM, L. STEVENSON, This May 24, 1900. Comm ssioner, Grier & Long, R. B. Mclaughlin, Att'ys. Don’t Sough, Whea‘you can buy a 25c. Bottle of Hall’s Cough Syrup. FOR PUR FOOD GO TO Moore & MeLain’s Hein’s Pickles Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed. Barrel of Kraut, Mountain Buckwheat Flour. Sweet and Irish Potatoes. We buy fresh butter and eggs. and al] kinds of country pro- duce, Moore & McLain. Watermeion and Cantaloupe SEED. ‘Now is the time to plant. We have a ood stock of the Choicest Varieties which we sell by the cunce, this being the cheapest way to buy them. S@ALSO] Garden and Cornfield Beans. Sorghum or Sugar Care * Seed, Broom Corn Seed— for itright here. For any Satur- } ' | ‘ | | | | | appointments aud hear the amend | +4 W, Brotherton, deccased, nm a ~~ | given to all persons holding claims against the 2. d, to begin ut 8:50 | Estate of sai‘ deceased to present the =< ne to Pet : er | theundersigned for payment within one year coy | J. B. CONNELLY, nm date of this notice or it will be plead in rer i Peete bar of their recovery. This May 2, 1900. mediate settlement, A. N. RE B. Ce G. W. CLEGG, This April 17th. 1900. J. M, k —_ _C., this is to notify all persons having claims will and testament of Abe] all persons having claims apai will present the sameto the utors, on or be‘ore May icth sons owing a1", estate are ex notice is hereby Executurs of Abel Reid Deceased Seed Qats and Hay For say, Administrator. a Attorney. Notice, AVING qualified as execntor of Lemuel C. eee deceased. late of Iredell county, Thavea lot of white and black «.:. sale for seed. Ihave 2 large lot hay for sale, Sce me when y | avainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit | and malt, Respectfully. {them tothe undersigned on or before the roth} Feby. sth., 1900, is | dey of May, 1001, or this notice will be plead in !arof their recovery, All persons iaceneet to | —_-__-—__-—_- | said estate will please make immediate pay- ment. JAMES W. LONG, NOTICE | This May 7th, 1000. Executor. . | RUS irae oeree eae Me nooo T A MEETING of the County po, Gen. Toon and Hon. E. W. Pou for June 18th and 19th have been with-| Svatresvinie, x. c. May 17, ty, 9 &. Mm. ‘awn for the prese Strict Good Middling. .......-- 9.50 | drawn for the present. Stzict eee hor ate 5.20 | Taylorsville had a deleyation to] Middling.. 2.2... 1. +++--- 9.30 Nie pn . : Yinges. . nities 2 a 9.20 visit Charlotte last week and thiS|<sains. 0000000000220. 9.10 SEE THE VARIETY, Cahco, 4 to 6e. yard. Paut Goods, Aa Denim. amance, good, dc. yard. Bed Ticking, 5 to 1s¢ yard. Lace Curtains, 50e. pair up. aoe 5 to 25e. ‘ace and Taleum Powders, 5 a and Umbrelias,25c. oro adies” Shirt Waists, 48c. 3 1 000 Matches, 5c. oe nk and Mucilage, 3c. up. Tablets, 1 to Ie cee weer Paper, 3 to 20c. ‘oys’ Knee Pants. 25c. to $1.00 ‘ ini - -|-Belts and Belt Buckles, qonosoc Del Sea Soares Corsets, 25 to $1.00. Z Boys’ Suits, 73e. to $3.50. persons having claims ageinst said estate are hereby notified to present them to the under- signed on or before April 26th, 1g01, and all persons owing said estate are requested to muke immediate payment. Grier & Long, tions for Iredell county, hei N. C., on Monday, May 7th) 100, th orders were made: It isordered by the board thar +, place in Eagle Mills precinct be that hereaiter the polling place <i; tonville Academy, at Young’s X & precinct. It is ordered by the board tho: place in Chambersburg precinc: andthat hereafter the poi : the white public school hous~, in said precinct, Administrator’s Netice. AVING qualified as administrator of the estate of Lilly W. Brawley, deceased, all BASCOM WOOTEN, Attorneys. Administrator. This April 26th, 1900. given to all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present the s7me to the undersigned for payment twithin one year trom date of this notice, or it will be plead in bar of their recovery. This May 2nd, 1000 J. B. CONNELLY, < ing claims against said estate arc notified to present the same tothe undersigned on or be- fore May 24, 1901,and all persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate payment, IN It is ordered by the board precizcts Nos. tand 2. of $s : abolished, and that the elecn said township shall consist of th embraced withinthe boundai, township, and that the polling 1 precinct be at Brady's X Roads It is ordered by the board tha: precincts Nos, rand 2, of Day be abolished, and that sai s1id township shall consist of ¢ embraced within the boundary son township. and that the poll precinct shailbe at the wh house, near the old W. J. Braw! the polling place of tormer pre tis orcered by the board that ; cincts in said county remain as t constituted, and the other pollir where they are now, “ It isordered by the board that the 4), ders be published in THE Masco: ; Lahdmark, newspapers pnblished in cy: ty for twenty days. May 7, 1900. HARRY P. GRIER R. E. King, Secretary. Chairmg Notice to Creditors. AVING qualified as administrator cf Mar tha Brotherton, deceased, motice is hereby G. W. CLEGG, Attorney. Administrator ne iene: Notice to Creditors, AVING qualified as executor of the will of W_S. Stevenson, deceased, all persons hay- Ss. W. STEvV SON, ante Executor of W. S. Stevenson. This May 23, ig0o, Deering Binder Trine Works better, woes farther and is the cheapest in every respect. iTIs Uniform, Streng and Runs Further to ths Pound, Than any other twine claim- ed to be of the same vrade. THE Is the Standing Isinder twine of America, and as such is re- coguized by the great Wheat Farmers of the west, who more of the * Deering’ twinethan all the ot her hands, combived. rtemember You can’t atford to use poor twine, as it causes delays. and was‘e. Ve seli the *‘Deering’’ twine, and guarantee the pric: to as iow as other twine of inferior grades. Us2 THE FLANIGAN-EVANS HARDWARE CoO, them from the ordinary. too your measure and will furnisa the skirt, guaraatezing fit and style. Dress Skirts. There is a fit and hang to our ready made skirts that distiawuishes There is styie and quality and honest service Come and see us. If we haven't yoar siz-, select the material leave ..ro Avrive... In the next few days an.i‘s-r lot of that beautiful MADRAS At 10c. Per Yard. The very thing for Ladies Waists and Gentlemen’s Negligee Shirts, the value is apparent at a glance. Atand Below Cosi. Our shoes are going, come early if you want a baryain. It will v2 only WALTON & GAGE a matter of fit—not price. Shoes for Spring and Somme We are offering exceptionaliy Good Bargains in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and ask an examina- tion of our line: Every shoe I offer is of good quality, and the sacrifice in price. “I make. to close Gut, Tne Ladies Button Boots I offer are attractive and the prices m prices on Misses and Childrens Oxfords half, and the Ladies Qxfords, full + off, 80c. to 50c. will buy a Child’s Oxford and 48c. to Gc, a Ladies and Misses Oxfords. Se yin A e Miss s. Pe our Win- dow display and we think you Gan be interested. Shoes are ae the only moos zi ee at attractive prices und we are ased imes to show what we have, even i sale is made, Respectfully. J tsa J. W. Copeland. —— urderously low. The are gost almost in The Variety Store —_———— Spring Showers of Bargains . SEE THE PRICES. Large line Lamps, 1c. to $8 (0, Tumblers and Goblets, 29 and 25c. Plates and Cups, 30c. set. Big lot Tinware, 2 to 25c. piece. Knives and Forks, 48c. set and up. Toilet and Laundry Soap, 2c. cake. Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. box. Shoe Dressing, 5, 10 and 25c. Machine Oil, big bottle, 5c. Trunks and Valises, 20c. to $5.0. Handkerchiefs, 2 to 50c. Straw Hats, 5c. to $1.50. é Shoes for everybody, 25c. to £4.50. Summer Underwear. 5c. to $1.00. 9 to 60c. yard. 7, 10 and 124¢. yard. to $2.25. quire. olls and Toys, 52. up. and this is something every Fast Black H. 5 to 25 = Carpet and Matting, 123c. yd and up farmer should begin raisins Book OS®, 2 to 25¢. pair. Big stock Rugs, 35c. to $2.50. now as there is a aesand ore) Sa lank Books, Se. to $5.00 . New lot Wall Paper, 5 to 2c. roll. Fans, 1 to 50c. other kind of seed you may need to finish planting your garden or crop. Call on jcaigae ia ee ots COOPER & Grit leis Complete Line of Baseball Goods. Large stuck of Musical Inst immi Stri Many other goodait milk soy a gs and Strings. buying. LOCAL = The census enumd work tomorrow. Mr. w. J. Stimp-0o9 iews of the new cours day- Miss Maud Turner amber of her friend- ning. Rev. C. W. Maxweil V3.. preached at th church Sanday mor: ng We learn that tw riages will take pla es Statesville paraies are principals. Mr. A. W. Mang short stop and Mes; Jim Fox, all of the ba: rived yesterday. eames began yestera P Messrs. Bradford & a tobacco bag con lost > quarters Friday as he the depot. The tinder money at this office Mr. Eugene Turner running a store in ing, has bought out 3 Meacham & Co. at th and kas moved his -% Mr. J. O. Ervin. of D ship, who has been Yadkin Valley lastit ville, Yadkin county, bater’s medal of the Society at the recent The Davie Dem rr county convention & Hon. Lee S. Overman and the Democra' candidates, C. H. Arq Iredell, and D. M. kh Yadkin, will speak. Sepvateor James .\. | appointed organi: er premacy clubs in Ig He.will appoint sub each township, organized througieu Every Democrat =! work, ana luvitations have Ue the marriage of Mv. J of Statesville, and 43 don, daughter of Mr. don, of Cool Sprinz t will be solemnized 3 home vext Wednesd 6-30 o clock. Cards are out for il Mr. William W. 4ii Augusta Connelly, d and irs. J. B. Con: occur at the Methodi next Wednesday even The public is expec this marriage. Quite a number of ple of town went to § School. They report quite interesting, U large, and the aadres P. G-axton, of the G mai, as one of the tin ed in Lredell, quite a Robert Moose, sou Moose, of West Staice last iriduy and bas oi siuce. The young 36 years old. ot bis mind and it is She wandered olf in His family v bis whereabow At uu spells. I know Tuesday afternoc negroes were unload at the depot, a rail 14 of ove mashing it pre injury is known usac the skin was unbro foot was crushed. T dressed by Dr. 7. 1. is now doing weil, A friend of Tur M Mr. Jim Perk, of Te county, bas a very r@ 2litsuvject for a This bird looks like crows like a rooster hatches chickens brocd, in these last partaking largely o} the Len. The ladies of Trini alawn party Tucs¢ the residence of Mr. Elepant refreshu.c with charming vrac¢ of the Japanese ! dainty tables and madee a picture memory’s walls. T was large and allen] sion, The receipt more than twenty d Mr. J. S. Miller, Ship, Alexander cou his “62h birthday taining a large nu and relatives. The ed 53, among whom children and sevent¢ ty-hve grandchildrei four great grandchi ent. Mr. and Mrs. and children, of present. Mrs. Mo ter of Mr. Miller. bale and hearty aud place where he was the old “‘Ireland” p Hon. W. D. Tura fish, Catawba coux ternoon to a {; leayes this evenin Scorland county, t« of the eastern co pointments are as fd Seciland county, J burg, 2nd; Ashpold ty, 4th; Kingsdai, Geilamy, 5th:Tar Hi ty, 7th; Winnie 3 Cuberlanc count ter, lith; Jonesborg¢ 12th; Elise, 13th; S county, 15th: Moun At the meeting d trustees of Davids week, Dr. J. B. She resignation as pres at the end of a vear faiiing health, and Smith was elected Shearer will conti present classes. M am. brother of Mr. of Statesville, won tor’s Medal; his sut Industrial Proble L. White and child C. V. Henkel, Rev. and Rev. Louis Vilie attended the ey report the av — and the exercises oe Hou. John D. Beli: adaress, his subject Sion.”’ . It was a ve Sible talk and made secntors Of’ es bel Reig a” r such is t., who uso - Combined. re- distinwuishes honest sery miterial lez v eriul egligee Shirts. Tt will be only GAGE nT *Xamina- nty, and hr Win- oes are we are sale is md. PRICES, to $8 60, PO) and 25c. t. . piece. et and up. Dp, Ze. cake. Dox. De. wc. to $5.00. 2 to $4.50. to $1.00. Thread, 2°. :. yd and up B2 50. D 2Ue. roll. » Creditors, a Ut suvject Sion. The his “Oth birthday Monday, enter- soloehe | THE ECLIPSE. J. Wiley Shook, Esq., of revenue The Sun's Light Nearly Obscured.— mee oP SscoT PERSONALS. re tik oe { ¢. _ a ' . Veer circles, was here Tuesday. Mrs. L. White and children are Benicar = : usus enumerators begin | ViSiting relatives at Davidson, row. J. B. Connelly, Esq > went to Le- |. Stimpson took some | RO! Tuesday on legal business. he pew court bouse Tues-| Mr. Jacob Stirewalt, of Albemarle, ; Spent Sunday here with his mother. Masters Coon Ramsey and Har- vey Green returned home Tuesday. ge Miss V. Copeland is at home from . Maxwell, of Norfolk, |Converse — College, Spartanburg wed at the Presbyterian |S. C. ce Sunday morning and evening. . s ee 5 Miss Sadie Lewis is at home from Hickory, where she has been in school. Jaud Turner entertained a -y friends Tuesday eve- . 1 { ‘\ that two or three mar- ike place soon in which raies are interested as Miss Rose Stephany, who has been in school in 3altimore, is at Mangum, the new/]home. top and Messrs. Jokn and > - = 1 -. all of the baseball team ar- Cee eon : yesterday. The practice Bee otte yesterday on legal busi- yesterday. ar Hon. W. D. Turner, and Mrs. Turner are spending a few days in Turnersburg. Bradford & Sons’ driver acco bag containing $5 in riday as he was going to he tinder can leave the otlice. Mrs. Eliza Bone, of Sharpesburg township, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Stevenson. Miss Mary Henderson, of Meck lenburz county, is the guest of Miss Maggie Parks. Mr. Joseph Wilson, of Sheva. Mecklenburg county, was here Sat- it this iene Turner, who has been astorein the Bank build- is bought out Messrs. C, F. un & Co.at the cotton mill ved his stock there, Many ‘interested Observers | Theeclipse of the sun Monday Was watched with interest here Though we had no big telescopes nor crowd of visiting astronomers this great natural phenomenon had prob- ably as many and as interested ob servers as either Southern Pines or Wadesboro, {though mayhap noj quite so scientific. From the time when the moon’s shadow first began to obscure the sun’s light to the time when ‘‘Old Sol’’ again shone out in all his radiance, hundreds of our people were interested in sci-/| ence. omers, the moon began to pass be | tween the sun and the earth. The! moon’s shadow first appeared on the south side of the sun’s face in the upper corner, gradually passing across ina diagonal direction, slop- ing downwards. AtS:30 the por tion of the sun unobscured looked in shape like the moon 1n first quar- ter. At 8:40, the time when to an observer here the sun’s face was most nearly hidden, ‘only a narrow! crescent of light at the top and to the south was visible, about 14-15 of the face of the sun being shad- owed. Though the eclipse was never to- O. Ervin, of Davidson town- sno has been attending the } n Valley Institute at Boon- Yadkin county, won the de- medal of the Philomathean t the recent contest. urday and Sunday. Mrs. Sol L. Clarke, Miss Werner and Mr. Wm. Pinkus are spending a few days in Asheville. Rev. Louis Bostian preached Sun- day at Thyatira church, returning oy way of Davidson. Mrs. C. C. McAlister, of Ashebo- ro, visited her father, Capt. J. B. Gurwell, last week. _ Mrs. Clement Dowd, of Charlotte, is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Tunstall. Prof. J. H. Hill and little son went to his old home in Alexander, on Tuesday for a short visit, s tvea Davie Democrats hold their couvention Saturday, and 3 we S. Overman, of Salisbury, a Democratic Sen4#tatorial ea vies, C. H. Armtield. Esq., of and D. M. Reece, Esq., of \ . Wii speak. r James A. Butler has been ad organizer of white su- Iredeli county. appoint sub organizers in and clubs will be throughout the county. Democrat should hetp in this Sah = ciuus 1D usuip, . Miss Luda Morrison. of the facu}- ty of Salem Academy, has returned home for the summer vacation. Klizabeth Goager has re- turned to Washington, where she js preparing herself to be a trained nurse. Mrs. C. W. Robinson, of North tmpized at the bride's} Wilkesboro, spent Susday with Mrs, Wednesday evening at}J.¥@. Parks. She went to Louis- 0 wk. ville Monday. E i Nie ttlons have been issued for Miss ti riage of My. J. A. Vauehan, { le, and Miss Ada Bran- erof Mr. D. Z. Bran- ring township, which } xt Miss Callie Foard. of Cleveland, Rowan county, arrived Juesday merning ona visit to her cousis, Miss Jessie Fowler. are out for the marriage of m W. Miller and i daughter of Mr. which wil! ist church here Miss " urca Prof. P. P.Claxton,of the Greens- DENT Vs day evening 20 o'clock.| boro Normal, came through Tues- I "is expected to atterd| day on his way to Harmony to de- t rriaie. liver the address, returning last bight. Miss Maggie Watts, of Shilch township, left Tuesday night fee Bibb county, Ala., to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. Cora Cottingham, who is seriously ill. nber of the young peo- wentto Hurmony High yreport the exercises resting, the attendesce ithe aadress by Prof. P. Po canton, of the Greensboro Nor- u t | the finest ever deliver- ed in tredell, quite a literary treat. t Moose, son of Mrs. A. L. Moo eof West Statesville, ieft home lust is riduy and bas not been heard Oisiuce, The young man is about ; Atumes he gets out idand itis supposed that of in une of these ily would be glad to whereabouts. Mr. Max Lowenstein left Tues- day morning on a business trip up the Western road. He leaves the last of the week for Atlanta on a Visit to his folks. Misses May and Bell Jones,ofAshe- ville, spent Saturday and Sunday bere with their cousin, Mrs. W. R. sicLelland, on their way to David- son commencement. Dr, J. E. McLaughlin left yester- Gay evening for -New York where he will take a post graduate course in medicine and surgery in the New York Post Graduate College. He will remain there six oreight weeks. His family remain here. Mr. W. A. Eliason, Wie tS) ct home from Mexico, where he is in the employ of the Wells Fargo Co., with headquarters at Zacatecas. This is his first visit home for more than six years and he will remain for several weeks. Death of Mr. J. E. Jamison. Mr. J. E. Jamison died at his home in Rowan county, near Prospect church, Saturday night, aged about S4 years. The. interment was at Prospect Sunday, Rey. Dr. W. W. Pharr, pastor of the deceased, con- ducting the funeral services. The deceased was a brother of the late A. W. Jamison, of Statesville, and an uncle of Hon. A. Leazer, of Mooresville. Four sons and four daughters survive him. He wasa ered s His afternoon while some were unloading steel rails ,»arail feli on the foot ng it pretty badly. The ‘nasacontused wound, ‘as unbroken while the crushed. The wound was Dr. 7. fk. Anderson and nose well, riend of Tuz Mascor says that . Jim Perk, of Terrell, Catawba ty, hus a very remarkable fowl, for a dime museum. ird looks like a rooster and Slike a rooster, but lays eggs, ehes chickens and raises the ‘, in these last named qualities partaking largely of the nature of Pee ladies of Trinity church gave party Tuesday evening at residence of Mr. Edgar Foster. ut refreshn.ents were served cuarming grace. The soft light the Japanese lanterns on the dainty tables and pretty waiters a Gee ‘ tery tor? 2 a picture’ to brighten | \cading member of Prospect Presby- “s walls. The attendance terian church and an upright, good large and allenjoyed the occa man. receipts amounted to ethan twenty dollars, ee Hon Charles B. Aycock’s Appoint- nents.—Will Speak Here June 16tb, Hon. Charles B. Aycock, Demo- cratic candidate for Governor, will speak at the following times and places: Monganton, Burke county, Mon- day, June 11; Lenoir, Caldwell coun- ty, Wednesday, June 13; Taylors- ville, Alexander county, Friday, June 15; Statesville, [redell county. Saturday, June 16; Mocksville, Da- vie county, Monday, June 18; Yed- kinville, Yadkin county, Wednes- day, June 20; Danbury, Stokes coun- ty, Thursday, June 21; Lexington, Davidson county, Saturday, June 23; DSaiisbury, Rowan county, Monday, June 25; Albemarle, Staniy .county, Tuesday, June 26; Concord, Cabar- rus county, Wednesday, June 27. Gen. Toon and Mr. Pou to Speak in Iredell. : Mir. J. S. Miller, of Miller’s town- \iexander county, celebrated ‘oy a large number of friends relatives. The guests number- “od, among whom were all bis five viren and seventeen of his twen- ive grandchildren. None of his » great grandchildren were pres- Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Morrison children, of Statesville, were resent. Mrs. Morrison is a daugh- rof Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller is aud hearty aud ving on the ve where he was born, known as tue old “Ireland” place. tion. W. D. Turner spoke at Cat- i. Catawba county, Saturday af- oon to a good crowd, He ves this evening for Gibson's, Scotland county, to begin 2 canvass the eastern counties. His ap- jutments are as follows: Gibson’s, nd county, June Ist; Laurin- znd; Ashpole, Robeson coun- Kingsdale, 4th, at night; ", oth:Tar Heel, Bladen coun- Winnie Sth; Cedar Creek, ‘land county, 9th; Maxsches- Gen, Thomas F. Toon, Democrat- ic candidate for State Superinten- dent of Public Instruction, and Hon. Edward W. Pou, solicitor of the 4th district, will speak at the following times and places in Iredell county: re] Jonesboro, Moore county,{ Long's school house, Davidson 2 e, 13th; Star, Montgomery |township, Tuesday, June 5th, at ity, 15th; Mount Gilead, 16th, |2 o'clock. _ Mooresville, June 5th. Troutmans, Weduesday, June 6th, at 2 o'clock. Statesyille, Wednesday nght,June bth. Scott’s, Concord township, Thurs- day, Tth., at 2 o'clock. Gen. Toon is one of the best men Tuesday night, \t the meeting of the board of rustees of Davidson college this veck, Dr. J. B. Shearer tendered his resignation as president totakeeffect se end of a year, on account of ing health, and Dr. Henry Lewis suith was eleeted president. Dr. Shearer will continue to teach his vrvsent Classes. Mr. J. B. Meach-!i:, the State and Mr. Pou is one of t m: brother of Mr. C. F. Meacham, the State’s ablest speakers. They ot ae mon ee paueos Ora will discuss the amendment and Ors “eGal; bis subject being **An}). > S cs ndustrial Problem.’’ Dr. and Mrs. nt CES SO oe White and children, Mr. and Mrs. ©. V. Henkel, Rev.W. R. MeLelland ; New Advertisements «ud Rev. Louis Bostian, of States-| John W. McHargue, commission§ e attended the commencement. 'er, advertises land for sale. ¥ report the attendance as fair) “Wilhelm & Mills call attention to and the exercises very interesting. | demons ° 1 et aparece ir big gocds at the Big John D. Bellamy deliyered the | oe line of go s < it adur sss, his subject being ‘‘Expan-! bie tal ares 2 very able andsen-/ J.B. Armfield, Esq., will speak with W. G, Lewis, Esq., at Olin — a tal here as we were out of the path of totality, that reached from New Orleans to Norfolk, yet the moon cameso near shutting off all our light that fora time it looked as though the sun was going out of business entirely and things began to look rather ‘‘spooky.’’ It didn’t grow quite dark but things took on “‘a death-like shadow that savored not of earth,’’ and the little birds and the rest of nature’s children be van to arrange their housekeeping witha view toretiring dinnerless. At Wadesboro and Southern Pines, places in the direct path of totality.observatories were erected, large telescopes placed and: this great phenomenon was critically ob- served by skilled scientists. At Wadesboro, the most favorable point as the period of totality was there greatest being full 2 minutes, over 300 native and foreiyn astron- omers had yath2red and two obser- vatories erected, one containing a telescope 100 feetlong. This eclipse, the first total eclipse since 1869, was predicted by astronomers over 30 years ago, and its time and the path of totality computed by cal- culations so accurate that ‘‘all came about as was foretold.” ee Mrs. Sarah Hodges Dead. Mrs. Sarah E. Hodges died Friday evening at 10:45 0’clock after a short illness, at the home of her son-in- law, Wr. C. P. Moore. She had been in ber usual health until Tours- day at noon, when she had a severe attack of renal colic, from which her death resulted the following even- ing. Rev. J. H. Pressly conducted the funeral services from the resi dence at 5o’clock Saturday after- noon, the interment being at Oak- wood. The deceased was the widow of the late B. P. Hodges. She had nearly reached her three score and ten, be- ing 67 years old last March. For the past 23 vears she had resided in Statesville, for the last few years liying with her only child, Mrs. C. P. Moore. One full brother, Mr. Robert Cochrane, of Mecklenburg county, and two haif brothers, Mr. J. D. Cochrane, of Statesville, and Rev. J. B. Cochrane, of Huntersville, survive her. Mrs. Hodges was a true hearted Christian woman, for many years being a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. She had ‘‘so lived that when the summons came to join the in- numerable caravan that wends its way to the undiscovered country she could goas one whowraps the dra- pery of her couch about her and lies down to pleasant dreams.”’ ‘The sor- rowing daughter, who was summon- ed home from Huntersville where she was yisiting, and only reaching here the morning before the last fond farewell, has the deep heart- felt sympathy of all her friends. oeeeneagereees Mr. D.C. Rufty Assigns. Mr. D.C. Rufty, who has been in the grocery business here siace last fall, occupying the Lowenstein store house on -Broad street, made an assignment Tuesday, executing a deed of trust to Mr. C. S. Tomtin. The assets consist of the stock of goods which is estimated to be worth about $1,200 and a few small accounts. The liabilities are be- tween $800 and $1,000. Mr. Tomlin began taking an inventory of the stock yesterday, so as to complete it within the ten days allowed by law. The cause of the assignment was the very light trade this spring. Mr. Rufty is an old citizen of our town and one who bears a deserved- ly high reputation and all-his towns- folk sympathise with him iu his hard luck and hope that his affairs may soon be straightened up so as to en- uble him to begin business ayain. ed otf for the Reunton. Monday and Tuesday the west bound passenger trains were crowd- ed with Confederate Veterans and their friends on their way to Louis- ville to attend the Confederate Vet- erans Reunion. Statesville is well represented there. Capt. J. A. Cooper and wife and Mr. R. O. Leinster left Monday morning. Tuesday's local carried Dr. L. Harrill. Messrs. J. C. Irvin, W. P. Phifer, J. M. Mitchell, J. P. Cathey, J. W. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Copeland and sliss Fan Allen Copeland, and Miss Mary Oates Caldwell, the sponsor for the first brigade. These, by mistake, boarded the first section instead of the second on which were most of the first brigade, but were wired to change at Hickory. The vestibule Monday night pulled some six extra cars, while the two sections of the west bound local on Tuesday carried about twenty cars. Norfleet camp, of Winston, Mecklenburg camp, 382, of Charlotte, and the Charlotte Drum Corps, all had special cars. Norfleet and Mecklenburg camps were uviformed. The drum corps, some twenty-five in number, were a jolly crowd, filing out with drums and bugle at the station and filling the air with their bugle calls,shouts and showers of confetti. Most of the Statesville crowd will return Sunday or Monday. Mr. J. P. Cathey expects to go on to Chicago. $2 ———__§_ The American Tobacco Co. reports net earnings for the past year of sible talk and made @ profound im-} pression. ‘ Saturday night ‘ anieced ; aici it sini rrappheses 202, . 2 el Statesville’s schedule of games during June is as follows: June 1, cord; 28 and 29, Concord at States- and the diamond laid off and every- County Officers Move Into the New Court House. Tuesday and Wednesday the coun- ty oftivers moved into their offices in the new court house. Thevare now comfortably settled in their new quarters and ready to receive call-| good and gradually increasing all} ers on business cr pleasure. The first office to the right at the front rolled from six different counties. | is the register of deeds, the next on | The interest, manifested during the | that side is -he county commission- ers’ which opens into the register’s: just below the balliwway on the same} ‘side is the solicitor’s office and next 'to it the grand jury room, back of ‘these and opening into each | witness room. The clerk’s office is bits of smoked vlass through which | Opposite the register’s, next on the obserying eyes peered, were turned | Same side is the county supervisor's skyward and for the time nearly ali| then, treasurer’s and last the sher-/| ete. itf’s. The new desks are in the offices, At 7:35,the time set by the astron- | they are dandies, roller top. 5 feet | long and 2 feet 9 inches deep, 2 feet 7 inenes high in frent and 4 feet3 inches at the back, with three tiers of small drawers at the top for keeping papers in alphabetical or der, The fire proof vaults opening into the clerk’s and register’s offices are complete, having shelves for all books and slide drawers arranged alphabetically for papers. The steel tables could not be put in the vaults as they are too wide for the doors. The riyets in the legs at ove end must be cut and the legs removed before they can be placed. The chairs and tables for the oftices have not arrived, but all the seats for the court room have been put in. The commissioners have not accept- ed the entire job yet. The window glass now in is yvrade B when it should be A A, so will have to be changed for the better grade. The plaster in the court room must also;be remedied as it falls short of specifi- cations. The trees that were too near the building have been cut down and the others near enough to ithave been trimmed. Everything is about finished and the new court house now looms up in great shape —proving the oft repeated assertion that we have the prettiest. and one of the most complete and best ar- ranged court houses in the State. en bat BALL GAME ®RIDAY. Game With Newton Opens the Season —Schedule For June. The first baseball vame of the season will be played Friday, at the park, between Sratesville and New- ton. Newton hasa fine team and a good game maybe counted on. Captain Bennett and Malone are here now. Osteen, Lambert, Man- ning and Johs and Jim Fox arrive this week. ‘Pig’’ Turner aud Ken- nacome in next week. Taylor ar- rivesa few days later, completing the nine. Concord has joined the league. Durham has offered tocome in and says she will have players if they have to go to the National League for them—At any rate the league will have three clubs—Charlotte. Concord and Statesville. The league season opens in Charlotte June, 18 and 19, with games between States- ville and Charlotte. Newton at Statesville; 6 and 7, Hun- tersville at Statesville; 11 and 12, Oak Ridge at Statesville; l4and 15, University of Virginia at States- ville; 18 and 19, Statesville at Char- lotte; 2l and 22, Charlotte at States- ville; 25 and 26, Statesville at Con- ville. The grounds haye been fixed up thing made ready for the series of games. >-— bkire Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon about 5.30 the house on Mulberry street occupied by Mrs. Jennie Deal was discovered to be on fire. Thealarm was given and a crowd quickly gathered. All the reel companies reached the fire, number one being firstand number two, second, both doing good work. Though when first discovered the roof and all the rear of the buiding was in flames yet nearly everything in the house was removed and the flames extinguished before the roof was entirely burned. This was quick work under the circum stances, for the fire had made much headway and the large crowd hin- dered the firemen and those helping them. The building was owned by Mr. R. W. Orr. The loss on this is about $400, which is covered by insurance. Most of Mrs. Deal’s household ef- fects were saved, but are consider- ably damaged, noinsurance. Messrs. Hugh Steele, George Dodson and Lem Patterson, who were boarding there, lost most ot their clothing and other effects, Mr. Steele losing everything in his room, including twelve dollars in greenbacks. Everything was taken out of the lower room occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Nuttall. The loss falls heavily or Mrs. Deal, who had just opened a boarding house ard had furhished it throughout with new furniture. She has the sympathy of all her friends. The origin ofthe fire is not known, as the room where it originated was unused; but it is supposed that rats yot hold of matches. =_- Saturday Night Speakings The following speakers will ad- dress the people at the following places on Saturday night, June 9th, at 8:30 o'clock: Dr S W. Stevenson and Mr. A. D. Watts at Amity, Chambersburg township. W. G. Lewis and J. B. Armfield, Esqs., at the Dutfy school house, Bethany township. H. P. Grier and Zeb. V. Long, Esqs , at Scotts, Concord township. The people should turn out to these appointments and hear the amendment discussed. J. A. HARTNEss, Chairman Dem. Co. Com. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. An Iredell Man Married in Meckler- burg. Charlotte News, Tuesday evening at the parsonage of Trinity church in this city, Miss Ava Abernethy. daughter of Mr. William Abernethy, of Croft, was married to Mr. R. C. Speece, of Ire- dell county. Miss Abernethy was at the time visiting Miss Ida Sloan, of Dixie. She and her lover met at Miss Sloan’s and decided that they would be partners for life. They came to Charlotte, procured the necessary papers ard were married by Rev. Frank Siler of Trinity church. They arevisiting at Miss Sloan’s and will go from there to Iredel! county, the home of the Cool Spring Commencement. ' Correspondence of THE Mascor. The second year of Cool Spring Academy, whieh is now about to close, has been a most successful |year. The attendance has been jthe while. Students bave been en jeutire year, has been encouraging jin the higkest degree. | All are cordially invited to attend /ourcommencement exercises June lst. The school is putting forth its is a|best efforts to make this a pleasant | |day forall who attend. The pro- ;ramme for the day will consist of ‘songs, recitations, declamations. An_ interesting night pro- | gramme is being prepared. | Mr. Josephus Daniels, of Raleigh, will deliver the literary address at fll.a.m. This willbe a treat for ali. str. Daniels is an able man. The exercises will begin at 9:39, a.m. Comeeariy, ~2ete7 > Bride Stricken at the Altar. Hartford, Ci., Dispatch, 29th, The wedding ceremony for John Wrenn and Miss Hannah Leavitt at St. James’ Catholic church was start- lingly interrupted vesterday by the bride being stricken just as she reached the alter rail. The church was crowded, and there was many an_ hysterical scream as the bride was seen to tot- ter and then fall. The organist ceased plaving. The bridesmaid, Miss Nellie Leavitt, hearing the commotion, turned and ran back to her sister. The bride- groom stood as if dazed by theshock. The bride-elect, still unconscious, was carried into the rectory ad- joining the church. Dr Weldon was hurriedly summoned, and discover- ed that she was suffering from hem- orage of the brain. Father Murphy dismissed the wed- ding party, informing them that the ceremony has indefinitely postpon- ed. She will probably recover. enna News From Granite Hill, Currespondence of Tie Masceor, Children’s day was observed at Vanderburg Saturday. A good au- dience gathered at an early hour and as the spectators took their seats in the church the Sabbath school scholars were all arranged outside and marched in to their seats. Mu- sic, speeches and a march by the primary department followed. Rev. Callahan delivered a short address. An excellent dinner was spread which all enjoyed. In the afternoon all reassembied in the ckurch and were eutertained by a march,music, and speeches. Mrs. H. A. Smith deserves great honor for training the chilcren so nicely, Mrs. Fannie Cloaniuger, who has been sick for some time, is conva- lescing. Miss Katie Moore has gone to Washington. Mrs. Octa Jones is visiting in Charlotte Mr. J.A. Allison was among those who paraded the streets of Char- lotte Tuesday. Mr, J. A. Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lee Kennerly will soon be ready to occupy their pretty new home. Mrs. J. W. Brawley had corn tas- sels the 22nd. Mrs. C. L. Sherrill sent the writer a cucumber which was triplets, well developed. She raised it last year. The writer bas a fiower stand which has 72 bunches of geraniums on it now, nearly all open. Success to the Mascor Granite Hill, May 28. FREpERIcA. > Girl of Fourteen Tries the Marriage Lottery. Durham Dispatch 28th. Durbam has assumed such meitro- politan proportions that it 1s bound to havesome kind of a sensation weekly. No sooner than the excite- meot waned about the concealed birth and secret burial of the name- less kid, than another surprise was upon the people in a Gretna Green atfair. Yesterday, while attending church at Berea, Mr. W. Eugene Massey, son of the Rev. P. H. Mas- sey of Populist fame, and Miss Cer- vera Barbee, daughter of J. H. Bar- bee of Patterson township, quietly left the church unobserved and hied them to Durham, where Leslie Hern- don obtained marriage license for them by swearing that the girl was eighteen years old. The young couple repaired to the residence of Samuel A. Brown in Red Cross street, where Squire D. C. Gunter made them man and wife at 1. p. m. Late in the afternoon the father of the bride, J. H. Barbee, arrived in town andstated that his daughter would be only tifteen years of age in July; took the new-made bride away from the husband and carried her back ta the parental roof and pra- tection. ---- ————> ¢ Qe <mee—— — Speakingin North Iredell. Charles H. Armfield, and James A. Hartness, Esqs., will address the people at the following times and places; Houstonville Academy, Eagle Mills township, Thursday, June 7th, at 2 o'clock, Union Grove church Friday, June 8th, at 2 o clock. Evalin, Saturday, June 9th, at 2 o'clock. Martin’s schoo! house, Sharpes- burg township, Saturday night, June 9th, at 8:30 o'clock. ‘Let allthe people turn out and hear the amendment discussed. J. A. HARTNEss, Chairman Dem. Co. Com. Long, Secretary. i - <P>: -—S - Tammany’s Leader for Bryan. Zeb. V. New York, Dispatch, 20th. The Journal and Advertiser will to- morrow print an interview witb Richard Croker, obtained in London by William T. Stead, speaking on the political situation in the United States. Mr. Croker declares emphathiclly, that he is for William J. Bryan for President, and he believes Mr. Bry- an will beat Mr. McKinley on elec- tion day. Hesays he also thinks Bryan is right on sticking to the 16 to 1 silver issue, but declares that in his opinion, trusts and imperial- ism will be the principal issues of the campaigu. He says Admiral Dewey is not in the race for Presi- dent though he might do for a run- ning mate. Cs orb oe — Miss Lizzie A. Knox, died yester day afternoon at the home of her father, Mr. Ben Knox, in Cool Spring township. The deceased was 30 years old and had been an in- valid for 10 years, The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Irvin Summers at 3 o'clock this groom. evening from Fifth Creek church. TEDL endl tien ciple eat Missionaries Killed in China.—Boxers on the War Path.— situation Alarming. , Washington Dispatch, 20th. | Such advices as have reached here j indicate that the situation in jhas assumed avery critical phase. resources of the Chinese govern- ment. The State Department has been in close communication Mr. Conger, our minister at Pekin, | ' ao . . jand the Navy Department is doing | |its share, having placed the flagship | China) With | j | Newark as far up the river as the! |Taku forts, which is the nearest! |pointto Pekin that the ship can reach. Thc operation Box ers” are increastuy in 1 situde Their demonstrations are no longer local, ané they appear to be govern- settled design. They hi ed nine Methodist missionaries inp and have ciosedin on Pekin. Mean- while, th -‘ binese army is suspected of distos ed by wi '-sale desertions soldiers 1» ibe **Boxers.”’ Minister Conger has appealed to the State Department for the pro- tection of a marine guard for his le- gation. Tie Department has prompt- ly cabled him an authorization to call upon the nearest United States naval vessels for assistance. It is not known yet whether he has avail- ed himself of the permission. The embarrassing feature of the situa- tion is the cutting of the communi- cation by rail between Taku and Tien Tsin. and the capital, for the Boxers bave burned the railroad bridges, aud there are probably only two courses open io the marines who wish to reach Pekin—a long overland march through a hostile country away from supports, or a tedious vovage up the swift and shallow Pei Hoin shore boats in tow of steain launches. According to report, the Chinese government has done everything in its power to meet the demands of tne diplomatic body at Pekin for the dispersion of the Boxers, but it of the appears that the uprising is far more serious than was at first ap prehended. and even the resident ministers at Pekin are inclined to admit that the task is not an easy one for the Chinese government. So far all of the measures taken by the State Department look to the simple protection of the American legation at Pekin, the consulates in the vi- cinity and the lives of such Ameri: cans as may be obliged to take retf- uge therein, in the event of general rioting. The State Department is closely adhering to the practice it has always observed of non-interfer- ence in these Chinese disturbances, and itis not contemplated that our naval forces shalltake any part in the contest between the Chinese government and the Boxers, though itis assumed that Rear Admiral femey. the commander-in-chief of the Asiatic sation, will take steps to supply Rear Admiral Kempff, the senior squadron commander, with such naval forceas be may need for safe-guarding American interests at the treaty ports. THE CHINESE SITUATION China seems on the ragged edge of a ruinous civil war The Boxers, the Chinese secret 231i foreign so ciety has stirred u >» i rebellion. The foreign envoys at Uekin fearing a massacre within the capital have brought up the guards of the lega- tions. The rebel force massed near Pekin is rapidly growing; they have already cleaned up a force of imper- ial troops sent to disperse them, All the Manchu army, the Empress Dowager and Prince Ching are in sympathy with the anti-foreign eru- sade. The foreign missionaries and their converts are in extreme peril, a number of Belgians are beseiged at Chang-Tsin Tien by the rebels. An armed rescue party composed of Frenchmen, Germans and 100 ma- rines from the U. S. cruiser Newark have goneto their relief. It is stat- ed that the Russians are about to land 20,000 troops at Taku. These troops are now at Port Arthur in readiness. The Russian minister has telegraphed for all available gunboats to be sent to Taku. —— The bubonic plague is officially announced to exist in SanF rancisco. There have been six deaths from it in the last three months. The United States during the month of April exported manufac: tured articles to theamount of $40,- 000,000, an unparallelled record in the history of American manufac- turers. The exports for the fiscal year ending June 30 will amount to over $400,000, 000. ed in their movements by some wel! } en ye murder- | - | We are prepared to save you v, this being strengthen- | : i ae Come and be convinced. one provinee, atthe town of Pauhow, | | ; F. A. SHERRILL & CO., Wholesale and Retail. aud one calculated to tax the entire | | We want to call your attention to the fact that | we have put ina | FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF Staple Clothine for Men, Boys and Youths. We propose to seil this Clothing at a very small of profit. It costs us nothing extra to earry clothing the same room the same salesman ele. money in this line, When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. Wejhave the goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. in Truly. F. A. Sherrill &Co. COMFORT Is what you will want more than any thing else when the terrific Heat of Summer Comes. A little preparation now will insure at least a moderate devree of comfort. It is to be had by covering your floors with some of the new designs of Matting. We are selling a spendid Matting at 25 cents a yard. L. SCHILLER, Furniture, Carpets and Matting. New Cooper Block. The Famous Godman Ladies’ Oxford At $1.25 to $1.50. Guaranteed Solid throughout and to wear equal to any $2.00 Shoe on the market. SLOOP & MILLER. SPECIAL SALE ~ Shoes and Slippers. We will offer elegant values for Thirty Days in Footwear. We have the goods and will sell them. Durable comfortable and stylish, combined with low price. Can suit men, women and children. New Stock of Millinery And Dress Goods with trimmings for all Summer Corsets and Corset Covers for hot weather. Beautiful line of Gauze -Vests for all ages and sizes. Men and Boys Straw and Fur Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols. Cottonades from 10 cts. yd. up. Just as cheap as when cotton sold at Sets. lb. Noadvanceon them. Come and see us before you buy,we wil! save you some money. N. B. Mills &Co. PROGRAMS Printed a IN THE BEST OF STYLE AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCE, PROPR’s. “A stitch in = time saves nine.” a Your property may burn to-night. You might have an accident, or get sick and die to-morrow, So, for the protection of yourself and loved ones, let us insure you to-day. Gaither & Nicholson, STATESVILLE, N.C, HE N u1 0 q , , se p Bs p u s y ay y IF A M OF 31 q V } AV I YY "Y U yo sy y n o u qe y a r pe “U O T YU B A L NO : YO N U E sv Pa s a p I s t i o o S} AS aS ] a “M O T S N y OI C "H O C U S JD A L I S BU T I WI C 7, U S T ON aU O 34 ) ST Mo U J ““ N O O a S UM A T I S V HL M NU O G , , As t Aj i i p s ve su v I o n d e pu TO T O A L O r ‘L U Ol e y ou n 4 pe l st , yo a y ) su U s ds Jd A T I S WY A N O I G DA V Y Ss a a Z O 1 d pu v do U d } O s Av p - o 7 PU B ‘B u p A w s pj O s i y ) Jo UF O a} do s pa s u v y o sa v y so u p y , MI P j o jo pl 49 sp r a 1 0} Sn o o d First, Inspection. Now, Selection. The first arrival of our spring purchases caused so much praise from our friends that our buyers were stimulated to branch out more extensively than ever before. In fact we are showing a much larger line of Novelty, Up-to-date Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes Than was ever shown in this city. Our spring lines are now complete and we are anxious to serve you. Yours truly, Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowles. The Big Store. Just where the shoe pinches easy todetermine. Where the evils of spend- ing money begin and end few folks ever learn. It is uo wonder many pocketbooks look as if an elephant had trampled upon them. One of the causes is in its owner not knowing. WHERE TO BUY, Good judgment is displayed where people Look Before They buy. The Lord helps those who help themselves. Itisa standing invitation of ours to everybody to inspect our stock and see the values we are offering before they spend their money. It may be refreshing to mention SOME OF THE LINES WE CARRY IN STOCK. 7Come and See Many Not Named Here. Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Pant Goods, Domes. tics, Plaids, swat Percales, Calicoes, Draperies, Curtains, Wal! Paper, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeries, Paper, Pens, Inks, Envelopes, Pencils, China, Crockery, Lamps, Shelf Hardware, Shoe Findings, Tinware, Glassware, Toys, Wagons, Baskets, Table Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Towels, Mirrors, Pictures, Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Jewelry and a thousand or more items, and all at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Look betore you buy. : : - : ! aos s | Sale ofLand i tto Amend the Corstitution of Gevernor Beard's Views. An Actt —— pee , | x = ee one. a : made in the special proceedi:. .. G_W Clegg. administrator of J. R Jou Hiram A. Freeze against C Cl whi; | wife, Sarah Whitaker, and others. 1. , ‘signed as commissioner of Iredey} Se | Court will at the court house door in s} N.C, on SATURDAY, MAY 2TIL, 1900, seli at public auction to the highest biga,- following valuable tract of land, bek a y @ | the estate of J. B. Josey, deceased PtkiNg to ; m7 | follows: Beginning ata stake, thence : Hy Yi | $8349 West 15 poles toa rock, thence b ~ | Uy Yj; poles tu a white oak, thence North ysijo yee 9 ARTICLE VI. PLEAS | poles to 2 persimmon. thence North »2 5... @ —<—— a hickorv grnb, thence North ssic 2. tSto eae les to a stake on Jacob Parker's line ; WH South 18” West 80 poles tothe besinng, by; Y taining 32% acresmore or less. Te : Vf) : cash. G.W. CL Sia J. B. Connelly, Att'y. ‘ > This April 26th, 1900. ‘stole in so unceremoniously upon jhitn Le slept on unconscious of dan- | t ! Raleiga News and Observer. A NEGCKO SAMSON. > PISNAN TRE IN phere: are severed HORRIBLE, PisanT rae Carers ace ; , : ! 3 £HAM COUNTY. Imine, swears : eae hair was | Remarkable Feats of a Texas Negro.) vor, Lewis gazed at his fat. oily } these “ as ee d. | uve Tt cae h of | —Afraid of Lis Wife ibs and bis mouth began 16 <sater.| In his inaugural address. Goverr- ’ “ne . ‘ GUY - om | « . ye 7 . aw : Ye Seeing aes bli ; | St. Louis Globe-Demoerat. Never did 2 bear hunter determine jor Heard. of Louisiana, tells, of the < j. Test article six of the flame WEsi1n@ a@ Dlast. c } . ' hie 3 vreater risk aw Japon | oe scsults of Constituticenal Seerion i. tat 2 € © the Cumnock Mine Were ; It was the fourth explosion at tel Lewis Yett, a jet black African, pei = a eae x oo Roe a ee Se ee Ne eareann Ie ; ft pees . ao » Fr vas about |about 2 ive ace equent!y re st Bit S| ) in’s Lead 1} Amenéme: u tbat § te. He said: | coos 7 pa, be Rited lmine. Itis said the first was ab about 30 years of age, frequer *.|tevehed the trigger He did not! “The wise limitation of the suf-]and the same Is hereby Soro | and ia lieu thereof sball be subst gut 1 O57 i the second about 1859.) astonishes the people of the frontier = ees 1854 and the second avor astonishes the peop! te : Hips SOR estan g Urge engl or Raga | «peas . a ave 3e 19 to cfore the be jfrage, under tre presen ‘ stl : a Ree SOOO NCO ce eeee Se a en ee tuted the following article of said | If the many sur- [struck him with one pawand knock- | tion, toa property owniny and intel- ed the, : ed him sprawling upon the floor of | tient electorate. bas served to clim- |coustitution. thecave. The light was extinguish- | inate from the Senee of the ate ed and the pistol lost. ewis vrap-!frage the vast mass of venmality anc Utes Nee < with his ea aaa ignorance which has heretofore been | UF RAGE “ND ELIGIBILITY TD OFFICE some means in the darkness he man-|a constant menace to good yovern- QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. aged te get on the bear’s back, and | ment. : the amazed cowboys saw — this! The cleetive franchise now being strange combination of man and!confined te the intelligence of the yr a ral Jase mbly of N wrth Carc- | lina do enact: | Th Go uso ora | ed and ‘Ewenty- three ain Sandford Dispatch, - oe ‘| a - resul an explosion Of; oth were fatal. . ee ae aaaes at Cum- The Langdon Mine is gone acs derful Sees es eee 1:20 0 clock yesterday after: | the Cumpock. Work is in progress | prising feats of physical power ac tof whom are white |day and night upon the slope which | credited to this colored viant have fo jeeroes. Jost their fives. The | is being driven in order to strike the | really been performed, he is w itheut ans og ee nosed 10 have been|seam ofcoal This slope is now!, doubt ene of the strongest men in Cea z ee losion of a dyna-{|down over 400 feet and it issaid has|rhe world He can at any moment ae as : qed a Grivivg 2} potas yet struck the sear, but on- easily demonstrate that he deserves = ac ty " cei was in the umps of coal. On the Ist Ste Oflto rank with Sandow on oes gi- : : Nee ch Lew ¢ anv, a Philadelphia} anis modern times, but he has wee : . a ee nale person who has been natural- east slope. ae = Se ichea click ae 7 See ee rae and out in| beast emerge from _the cave as if; State, nd the fear of corra pion om we pereon neers age and Between 40 and 2 | Re Sy Su ee my = ie hiche Lepeater|they had bcen ejected trom thej}the conduct of public Tairs has fized, % ‘3 A 5 he mine the time the GHloD | nec! 1@. It is said ther wil be lthe corn camp whichcreateac greater ; : om Sd : hrog out jnointerruption of work, 2») cous ECT. ‘Seetion 1) Every male persen born in the United States and every Sema LUBE LS: APOLICY For The People INSURANCE At all—had best look at a cop. FELEDOUN ~ "i ) a tract which is but a stepping tatesville, PiUSLIN stone between NO insurance and aan is not bleached at the factory, be BR |f life. In oneinstance you die to - =» $f The first i} wash makes ordinary muslin lock far worse than new. | The firstwash makes LILE- DOUN MUSLIN look far better than new. i It washes the starch, china clay and mucilage out of ordi- nary musliu, leaving it thin, and loosely woven. — Aone The only changes it :nakes in LILEDOUN is to Wasi out tae nam2 which is eee stamped en every yard, and to kceip bleach the goods. STATE) I handle ail the best quasi est Mater = 1 > wpe wae ia si alifications set out -srise with those who witnessed | mouth of @ cannon. Fortunately, | passed away, and the citizen. © ith a poste wee ue Cee be eutitled to “| BE OCAUSE such feats than one experiences over |2h@ bear was fatally wounded, and] tceliug of confidence and security, Py ate scti Si by the people eae en ners, 10 whit . chim raise some great weight | With blood and brains oozing from | will find more encouragement to ay eae ee other oe : ae i. tiheir lives |s, hestreets Heisan unedneated, | his head he rolled nown the side of|exert himself in the development of eee rate oe en abd IS necroes, los wih ahs bis cake st? : 15 fo hyrep Hen pet Ge . + pt carols a ang avricnienr: - | wis vided. Buns agendas ey a ee aie ‘op lisorer aed ; ang| ke mountain, dead. It is doubtful} the industrial and agriculrural in- | Wise provid all hace resided i ey 1m explosion at Cumnece Coalleommon laborer auc mMouest ana x Si ¢ Olah 1 :, (See oO He shal! have resided in BEG AS AO eo Uoinocun. tN *s Ohatham county, N. © whether just another feat has ever|terests of our fertile domain. — ‘lhe state of North Carolina for two White—Jsuo. Connolly. mine sup cae ‘ = Ree Be xpl be errerietl been accredited toa bear hunter in| ‘The eievation and purification of | tae state 5 oe a peer monies 20d Villar LY-| vesterda alternocn she €Npio-} strength, iia ee oa : s maaan nel ai years, in the county si) mntes adc ON ee yee Fee es “2used oc: ont most of tbe vears of /all the literature embraced under} theelectorate. while it promises, and | years, In the 1 ae her elec- . Jno. Harkey, | ion is thought to bave be Seer JewiS Sbent most or lobe ¥ Een the fascinating title of ‘‘bear sto-| will eventually advance and secure ]in the precinct, ward or other ele dno. Willett, Jee}oy atroken gauze ina safety lampt|his boyhood in a cattle camp ou ame AS co ORS ae these great material advantages, | tion district in which he oilers to itovert Gatewood iThe scenes at tbe entrance : to = i fier and sons before he was fully Eicancoenakaee sare = Seanee op those entitled to sut- | vote four months next preceding the tere % nines. where munv of tbe wives aud | erown he bad become famous as an Se asuy é « Aine ements eters SLA eS | orvided. hat removal ee a ser, a daring rider and the | vel of whiskey and drink from. the} frage. the greater duty to see that section - caer : aS or otber Oe eck vueghole, and ke can throw a keg of |the moral, social and material in- icpcaer igs oor nadhesi ne | : 5 : . , oa $c ce wh r tho shal! | electio istric ‘ : ; lihe vietims of the explosion were|southwest. He never boasted of | Deer into the air with one hand and jterestscf che whole people who shal! eee shall os erate to oe ee ee oe nis accomplishments asan eauestri-| catch it with. the other, playing with | be carefully zuarded. pee een PES ht to | S| ais accompulshmmerts as an equestri- | ie eee - " CIT ogee eats ea sstrie- | deprive any person of the right to 2g }itasa child plays with a ball. He Tnese jimitations and restric ta in themprecinct. ward or other can take 2common dining room ta- | tions of the franchise, eliminate — ee ai. econ which he has ! erase = Be 2 ve ortior jection Cistric k : : : rm oI Ce ap et Pa pe ns Eee SE rt ea ve ole in his tee and, while an ordi-|the electorate a large portion of | Piecti a s+. | J eanse factory bleaching weakens the bedies except two] tesdent, ¢ to this State about | ibrown from the back ofa mustang. | Ole In ae a = ee eg ee sero clement, thus committing | removed until four months after | ] caver a ten of fifteen pereent. It is : ivo from Pittsburg, Pa. | He weaa gold medal and prize of | ary man ts seated upon it, he can a = ue nae ey ia wealth |such removal. No person whe has all cotton, thoroughly cleaned and - pt mame nt avesa wife and three small|3200 at Eagle Pass when he was|Taise it several feet above the floor, | the destinies cf the ON Nato nae ; a= coniess rded, hard twisted, closely wover, Later, 10:40 p. m.—ine nam e leaves a wie and aires oes Sauer —— td = ae : a a Not loops since, at the Austin &{to'the hards of its white citizens. been Se eercn d or who has gore rushed and calencexct tos = Seven hundred and vintne has been Lone | about Jo years ord, OY stickin; One oe ee Soe Nic rahe areas ark Oe aie oy >of} ais guilt in open court upen indict- sticoth and downy finish. Ask —< 7s a s Ten UAT Fer ltory way. but in ISS8}the back Of2 famous buckine bron-| Northwestern depotat Marble Falls. ‘This was dene for the purpose ot te ie ee ne. the punishment your de der for LILEDOUN MUS- sixty-Eight dollars of the dead asa result oe expio | na desultory f Phit 3 tpl a taba ice al iaacoaaki Reno ne pcked upa bar of railroad iron | protecting not oniy the white, but] 1 os ‘ok ea eaee =e ; : auerine Lawes RO eee paid out to Citizens nsacts a Regviar £ si waking in all 23, 10 white men} sian F. mszey. 0 hiaae:phia,|echo known as 1k alo. ol ea lateete : : z : sr from ° of which now is or may hereatte > not keep it we will se ecto rille sen ot Gime Sani aiapae oS ea ae ba dice) : rige : company and put in}celebrated horse bad thrown thejin each hand and walked five steps|the colored race as well, froin be ‘aa erie in the State Prison from the tills, carriage Pie of Statesville aad 2a pt errs PRE” ee ee ae eee ‘There ore twoloest riders in Old Mexico and many | forward sod then backward to the|evils of corrupt goyernment and to Dey tted a. Seeaes ae Soin as eC ea community in less lattenbonp® si POLTTE ite » are ACh ~ ere are c Des ers in %& wsOXIC au ‘ zs = eat ; ee nf | she be ner t y 2 a = un batte » e ucs = ia Zi ¥ = > 935. men brought out 2 aor f them . fair for ventil-lof the most fearless Texan cowboys. | place of starting preserve the rights and liberties of |: aa, © ee ‘i be A oe Sara ereaier Sra noiers ane MILLS, s than 12 menths time. yants fs» three < 1H : asm! affair for venti- ; > mos earless Xd v Ws. = = C = ra 3 - aioe Son Se Person Sua 2 rst res fa 0G aa - . 5 7 + a cenaabie tol. "and the ether, the inain work- wis stayed oa his back for mere} An excursion voat with a party of |both. It therefore becomes an iin iti . Sao aneks aa ner prescrib- pee ¢ Af yon eral take’ the n ap! t lithe , ut tain Oris wv Svaye : Cr r 3 . : 2 sis nie sver | aitizens a mA = re — . a : ate theirling suaft, is SxlzZ feet and consider-! than an hour, though the earaged| tourists on doavd ran aground at] perative duty, pow more tnan ever bs — Oe time and see mel can ate thei er stati, Is. Zieet ana cons au 2 = Oug arag : See airiyv w ed by jaw. + aaa Uy, ; it st animal bucked and teliowed until he| the bead of the lake a short time] before, to deal justly and tairiy with | & (Sec. 3.) Every person offering to SS ee vive you all imforma- Te ; cs am and ready to|sisce.and while the crew was pre-| this class of our people, and to see Wee. 9.) Every perse nw reacher Sue d SaaS TWO FORMER DISASTERS. eee with foam and ready to patterns lone spars Lewis|to it that they are fully protected in| vote shall be at the time a legally |. .aerson, md , Dispatch, asth. : oe se : fall from exhaustion. wring to tt spars Lewis | u y ar BA cee a eg en nee ORE ae Grim death has done its work atl” Some ten years ago there was a{sprang overboard and putting his] ihe enjoyment of their rights of per- Resieired corer ee Fear pro The Rev. J. W. Williams, pastor REQUIRED EXAMINATION 1 ae Ginnl waa 2 ir ime a aon ‘ ioe 7 : =n eres iuser -d and t 2e@ Manner hereaice . on ; ee ° Se Lan widloethe dine it was Cumuoes ¢ oal Mine a third time. band of mustacgs in the Llano! shoulder against the bow ofthe boat|son and property, and to Eee a at — Sao RR a of the Second Baptist church in this ib p, ita wts — y Swipe x y oor iye-aam = o ne a “ Fe o 2ley ride iaw, 4 4 —s . ~ IOS : wday ae Gefere the civil war fire-damp ex-/ yo ntains, led by a proud, splendid-| pushed her afloat and then sprang|the betterment and elevation of aoe North Carolina shall enact |city. conducted services yesterday J .F. CARLTON } an silieda «x ¢ rOrk- aes Ps a al 7 ’ 7 . : = 7 i iy wy) 7 © +} * - DIV “ 2 oes = ler I< } » suiti a ploded and killeda squad of work looking black stallion, with a baid|aboard, seemingly unconscious of} ‘heir moral and material condition aa : i revistration laws to carry | 22d early this morning began suit in a TrsS . le 216th of Dece . ; On es ee : ’ : ’ 7 5 : * soe owl ey “Ovision | venere eristra aws " rice < x” meh men; on the lth of Deceinber, 1595, face. Many a cowboy had dreamed | the fact that he had done something} In Louisiana, there isa ee its . oo anette eee this ar-|the Superior Court against Lis con And ACCINENT 3 : $300 worih en ¢ ae ree vregation for his salary. He was INSURAN 3E. cie, - » : “ engaged in 1898 and claims that he timid about any display his erint ae ns sa n i a ig e n ei a i d i g h s se a c h . «Bex itn wCad Will Reeves, | children of the decd men gath 1 1 : ynum, Joe} were heart-rending. The bodies ef} very best all-around vaquero in the sce Palmer. p . prepared for burial and the funera! tiv aiter the explosion secur: | 7 several took place today. 2a, but up to shel timeuibe acc sapein Aen 1e beus abe Vevber: (var ie he mine superin-| years of ave he had never been work of ¢ ue began and Jobn Con y, the min per yeu o | : om , win, In my policy you vet the benefit of both living and death. or three had oven removed. another necro was added to the lis ing and it is the will recover. talk, but are unable 2 feet dc experience wiite in the mine alter) ably more than 500 “eet in depth, Xx} 1 the explosion occurred. Some think the explosiou was caused by a broken gauze L safe- causeu by the explosion of a dyna- mite cartridve. The miners had no ; ticed that a vreat deal of gas had accumuleted in the east heading . eee during the past few days. Two or SS ith simultancoss ) a 2d blocks aoa ec: st sensitive feed ov ’ : ’ also Prix K ¢ ENGIN ms le disaster. Everv home in the lit jee "OOG . : Se rs very little noise. It was some time 55 ce 7 Eve = eS , | morning, mounted upon the best} Piece of wood. He says that he has] voters. c , seals ry a a echt > . “Ore s Z ae : ee me - »y ee ai ‘aus Se ty oo ibe ses old Se yer | pony on the ranch, and leading aa|a!Ways been able to lift more than| grandfather or edacational clausc. Porry dead bodies COU be seen 1D - ” . after the expicsien oeeurred before the miners tn the other paris ef the mine learned of it. Mr. Hare, one ery ens STANDARD RAILWAY OF ye, and th The SOUTH “ijpse trac yton Gins The Direct Line ta at! Points Texas, California. Ficrida, Cuba and Porto Rico. trictly First-Ciass Equtp- Raleigh News and Observer. stesville, ae desert wasscorching the backs of the snakes and lizards and driving them to seek the shade of the cac- tus, Lewis’ own horse stumbled and Raleigh News and Observer. Lo w e ti m e na s i Oren le in > : f he . . pape se “ ; wa i ae iu whic » SAGs iS: mien di oo ae Shes : = oa oi possessing this magniticeut horse, | tbat amazed the boat's crew and | by which the posse os Ca ot eli mine from 2 tire-damp explosion,and |: ie ae pe af tty permits Ss ‘lig . i nine from 3 fire-Gamp ex plosioi burevery cilort made to capture | passengers. of property permits those, b $ (Sec. 4) Every person presenting . at 2 : oe Ne nae near a ° . = . ie able | Was to be paid monthiv tor hisgospei three men are yeb unaccounted for. soy es : oe a oxerci .¢ | himself for registration shall de able a - © : determined to “walk” this fiue ani-| be weighs 304 pounds, and his mus-|read and write to exercise the himse K teachings, but has not received a : tere . registered under 2 ., eae aru a : - and before he shall be entitled to . us a oa the three trustees of } 3 . ue Chureb. e : : 1 Sea aut anen , iy | Vote be sball have paid on or before ee ae we ene. any five or six men w rere work-|only negroes are aifected by this . Beco. - — _ -- a, extra one, the umbitious ne vero soon ¥OD or six men who were work . s awe first day of March of the year in Ae ee ee dys- y ae es . ridows sk tears for their dead|*. . . . aie a en ec | perty qualification is not embraced | »psia over twelve years and using : of the bosses in the mine, says be : obs a oe d oe 100. hildr - plains and his harem. For two] than any horse or steer that he evec Ses eo ae : Saoee {tax as prescribed by law for the ee Se ee ors a a THE...... * Sedan ae 7 sh: s r over 3 * ’ - sa aria . ’ ‘ . le C ae afraza 2 yar a Ameo SUL. | “tr ¢ wir Sa ? = y rey & per He thinks he could bave saved severa!, 2us9an SOS cies : whole days and nights Lewis stuck |handled, aud that be is uot afraid|in the North Carolina Ani eee many reinedies without pe > £ 12 Wile ov 7 esse eir : 2 : Pere z assed away.’ |no process shall issue to enforce! ~~) hy = ees jase the bodies for burial becae last the wile ov mother dressed their them time to aip a bunch of prass. sae Sta mono ae of corruption has passed away, ae x NectioniGf) thevsame except recommended — it to everyone, a t by tcdav about all the} @ead bodies. No sizht could have], o 4. ae iece ie = : that the vast mass of venality and /the co. : : writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- night and by teday about ali the} bi ee ae : Grnpk a arop of water or pause for a Tons of Blood. * liminat “on against assessed property soe : & . : been more appalling than the one at TRORICIRROn CSE chsh ace ignoravce bas been eliminated from | against asse perty. corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests made ticir homes atCumnock will be | 7S! ieee a 1 and 1 te x MCD ae | setae aero + buried tomorrow. Others will be| frem one sad scene to another the tlounder upon the hot sands in a dy-| declined the joint cauvass with the] electorate’—these three blessings | and sixty ae Sas ae he ee sent to their distant homes. in this |Crowd of sympathizers marched. All ing condition. Tbe baid stallion | Democrats because of Democratic] will come to us in Carolina as a re- | OF ere sais a ed he ited Shea tg oe een ie ess and gloom. At one|_.& Z violence, has slaadered the 200,000! sult of the Amendment as they have {lays of any state in t nitec ives, verv few of them being for- |“ : some hours, when the sun was near- : shal) ; i be aici "Se i ( F the a ad me a aS ber and the son of the home were an r th Z21 ith saa ae ee q f the never-resorting to force except when Butler Confounded | person, shall ve denied the right to eigners. Seme o > dea e re Sate ile : i @ zenith ¢ he he > 2 . : : : ; : Rte ae soe Nailer ADE net a badly burned about the hands and |2™mone the dead. The other six were] ,.? compelled to do so for the honored register and vote at ay election in oe ee eae 2 | this state by reason of nis failure to ine, was an Enelishman. His|® C8) brother or a father and her plain to be misunderstood that the | this campaign to the opposition to! prese ibed in oan as of this h those ne Jas. MeCar- | 20me Was in Eugiand. She, alone, white people do notintend to sub | the Amendment made by Butler and ‘article: Provided, he shall have reg- Tuesday the same death-dealirg |} ~- : : oe Z| I Pe eer ,* nt lib} ‘tion D , rannot Tue : ay ce he = ne death-dealing |himnad ended in failure. Lewis} Lewis is hardly six feet high, but/ible under section 5, who can 7 ' : . +} agent sie =o Men, 1 ‘ — The expiosion was not like the |, ono ae Oc al . : Sie : all whire|to read and write any section of the - : = : 7 »accident in Ist} was a_ terri ee Pia gare te : A in ees er Sl ees { sufrave. AS a whire | to rew i ¥ sec ; RS em hatg ier archer eel one of four vears aco, as it made| -be accide jal ‘*down.’’ Setting outearly one} Cles are as firm and unyielding asalright of suirage. As ail the | constitution in the English language, | cent. The only names mentioned in Ou ern. ten miputes walk. Twenty-eight tra! See oes hen ane ote ; 2 . is stouter | preperty alification. ‘Lhe pro-! : } ; : struck the trail of tbe king of tke]!5¢ With him, that he is stouter|preperty — qu te which he proposes to vote lis poll ae as ape nen : ; : = oe sees . revious ve: ?o]l taxes shall be a + itr a si of the men had he known it eariier. |¢ttedfor the lostoaes. Father and) 010-8 ro the heels of the thorousbly {ef anything on earth but his wife,| The oficial testimony of Louis-| previous year, Eolezes shall ao «ood finally took Kodol Dyspesia saponin seta 1 L prennr. | seu lay dead on thesame bed, while : se : Lama cheloniwmimrerenes sds iana’s new Governor that ‘the fear! iien only on assessed property an Care. It did me so much ood I Tbe work of washing and prepar- : puzzled mustangs, never giving |2@nd she only weighs 90 pounds. ana s ne er J z bodies bad been removed to the! ?' : a RY plete ‘ ae : eee aan ne acca aa houses of the dead men. Those whe |Cumnock on the morning after the Go ihe mornivg of the third day suffrage, and has been followed by | ce 29: Nome Pon Bae cod what youeat. W.F. Hall,Jr. rUSES OF LB S naa Seis =nlos: mae a SCONE OF FOLTOLS - - OPRIVE ira ay ‘ odlates cPisee . Pte ° i iary one, eight Pees explosion. It was ascene of Forrors, the mustanes began tg fall 1, -¥r. Holton, who claims to have] ‘the elevation and purification of the; onJanuary one, eighteen hundred} 77-7" : stanys Re i and other States. ee ma Sire still staggered forward as if deter- : pega : : Sees mph ete tect Seta es ihe af e The most of the miners were na- ding: house the writer saw eight |v ined to die upon his feet. Afier|Wbite men in North Carolina whojcome to the people of Louisiana. | States Cece Be ae c pected 208 tigen a i bodies all ina row. The fa- : nee have been peace-loving and orderly, pont ae isis no lineal descendant of any such ee boarders. ‘The good woinan of the of their race. In this campaign, ae ; : 2 Saat = ‘hn Connolly. superintendent of} ouse Was leit without a husband, while asserting in laaguage too “he best answerso far made in, possess the educational qualification b OL CLout HV, SUpers Vagae ee fond | be taken to Pittsburg, Pa.. Tyser, whois among the watched over the dead of the house- hold. Who could imagine a more heart-rending, a sadder or more horrible sight than that of eight fellto rise no more. The eritty litte umstang had expended the last spark of his vitality in the long chase, The bald stallion was now alone. The last memberofhis band mit tonevro rule. the Democrats nave uttered no threat and used no languayve that could be construed in- viting violence or bloodshed. other so-called Populists appears ia this week’s Webster's Weekly. It not only demolishes their so-called reasons for opposing the only meas- /istered in accordance with the terms of this section prior to December ‘ove, nineteen hundred and eight. The general assembly shall provide ment = all Through and rains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains: Fast and safe dead. isason of Jordan Tyser. of Coatham county. He was to bave stopped work next Saturday. Vic tor Kudd was the tirst man to go ip the mine after the explesion. There How has it been with Mr. Hol-|ure that cau secure White Suprem- for a permanent record of all per- Schedules. ton’s black-and-tan crew? Upon}acy, but quotes Butler & Co., as ad- | sons who register under this sec- = Travel by the Southern and you are the first gathering of the Populists, | Vocating eliminating the bexro as | tion on or before November first, | § ea eee pam |= 2SSurcc a safe, Comfortable and early in the year, Senator Butler} ‘nearly every Soutbern State ex- nineteen hundred and eight; and ali 3 GExpeditious Journey. made an incendiary bharangue in |cept Nocth Carolina has done."’ It|such persons shall be entitled to } | APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR Tinx rarcey which, referring to the advocates of | 1s so complete an answer that we) register and vote in all elections by | | 4. RATES AND GENERAL INFoR : White Supremacy, he said: ‘*Wejipake room for it in full as follows. | tae people in this state unless dis-| Eto every elderly woman when an im- paieren N¥ORMATION, will whip them out of the State.”’ “Senator Batler says that disfran- qualified under section two of this ; ttant functional change takes place. 2. A few weeks later Spencer Black- | chisement of the negro has not re-|article: Provided, such persons| This is called “The Change of Life.” : L, Vernon, | F, Darky apne = ee and | burn, Assistant District Attorney, | moved the negro issue from politics | shall have paid their poli tax as re- Theentiresystemundergoes a change. oT. PLA, CPE&TA. under the ground about one-quarter ee ee apse oe made a like ipeendiary haraneue at in Louisiana, South Carolina und quired by saw. é ; SSS conte CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE, N.C. ae =e oo baie ADOUL Si ne suddle aor ‘it ee as Newton in which he was thus re-| Mississippi. That is what he says! (Sez. 6.) Allelections by the peo- A this time, E; - No trouble to answer questions. 0 C:0CK 16 the Morning of le 20D Sere du buttse Papalice Baad! ‘ook! ple dalliboloy hallot (and alllicice shouluer aud set out afler the stai- pot tea: mz aoe es : nan i eee ok * b on Ss Sa : < aS MeczZiA BESS : Prery S. G2ELCR, J, M, Calg, W. 4 Tak —S eee | zs GP. and then was vague. was three], ‘ . 2 (See _ ae i j ENG Uh ro It AS Eatee! of December, the fire aainp explo- “Goebel was shot. down at the;said the very reverse two years ago. | lions by the geseral assembly shall ie “ < P.& Gen. Man. Traf.. Maw. > clock before news came which was]... 3 : lion on foot. Hebed been in the a : : ° . { Rt sea > - “~) sion took place in slope No.l. There} oy. 0p . Se ~ {Steps of the capital because he was{in that campaign document, issued | be viva voce. definite. . saudie for more thav ity hours, * - 5 WASHINGTON, Dc a . ’ . t ’ . : . . : = vy Tae ° - ie AT F = Lrg a ee : 7 oa > | Were bv men in the mine at that . : ; the arch perpetrator of this hellish}]0y the Populist State Executive} (See. 7.) Every voter in Nerth| § a5 ome} This morning J. F. Harrili, who rt ; With wide open eyes, appeasipy his; (He aren per} “ Sa : oe ca : ; ae - > |e SIE oF aPeecsk : . - n tune. The whole mine shook 1d}, eas = = ~Cneme rove Receipes toht | Committee he smocratic arty | Carolina except as in this article] g is the superintendent of the Cum- Z cots and hunger by chewing jerked beef andj *cheme. It wasoo more than might | Committee, the Democratic parte | ; Z the hands in slopes Nos. 2 and 3 aes eames a have been expected.’” The lraw- | Was Genonnced for ‘being too weak | disqualified snall be eligible to office. | § nock Ratlroad, arrived here after |; 1 ps Seen Satiating bis thirst with an ocea-|Peve been expected. = Lhen draw- | W« ee Sai eemeliapaies reed ; pone aeae nc : ‘| ; tire Socios Pa en ed here after | jew that something .dreadiul hadipe ne ee ee tipo uhinsett up to his full height, he |and cowardly tostand up as men; but before entering upon the duties] [strengthens and purifies the en It You N Sete Aus AL eeey tie Ca BOle, tex happened. They rusbed for the Sona Suites of bob water Somibis honted: °N th Caroli » Demo |and enact laws disfranchising tbe! of the efice he shali take aud sub-| § System, and brings the sufferer safely ee rible story was cathered. He says fe, py) ee canteen. Another iaan would bave | t0uleG: “sorth Carolina Demo oes Sere) cgapn paeteg ee epee ae Bere ; Hover these pitfalls. Its effects have yo _ : sy. | Sueft; they heard cries and groans {¢ me ‘rats may take warni: f “tro Vot vhich laws ave; Scribe the following oath: “I... a ea cs = the explosion occurred in the 460-}°°%'‘ ies <> Abe STOXDS | eller lone before. but this sender. jCTAtS ay take warning from the} uezro vote, which laws would have js¢ ° dezd, wasted bodies in a row? Their Faces Were badly burned and swollen. bere were other homes just as des- olate. Hany of the people of the ; villaye were foreigners. Some of them could not speak «a word of Eng lish. bad succumbed to thirst, bunger and exhaustion. ‘he prize was almost within the negro’e vrasp, for it was evident that the proud spirit of the stallion was broken, and that he jcould botsummon sutticientstrength The Cumnock Coal Mine is one ee oe : : a ; eel B -{ Uuewis was determined not to be main snait From the botter of cheated out of the valuable aoe Ww that shaft three slopes extend out | SUS" Sg ee Oe are yet several! lamps missing. PURTIEER DETAILS. The explosion of the Cumnock ‘oal Mine was the subject of con- versation of all today. The explo- ston occurred at 3:30 yesterday af- ternoon, but news of it did not vet out last night until almost midnight. ’ ’ The quest ion c stow can | be Healy you miu } yank *7e° at io arty 0UuUrTaL Our Sa : sees] § ronderfn ™%], =: 7 Fire, Ltfe, Accident ioot east level. where twenty men aud they smelt the bad air and were | fat nesro, who pussessed powers of | te of William Goebel.” been constitutional.’ We will quote | do sc lemnly SEE (or affirm) that J (ae ae or Health ; under SuperintendentConnolly were | PAhaily smotuered by it. But they | wndurence even superior to his giant | , Blackburr denied that te uttered | from the Populist Hand Book: is oe See bendmainvein ie sO: | Rrecommended at ‘this time, me Ack working. The scene of the explosion ait eee get out coe two, strength, “shook the stiffuess out of | /)'S threat, but a number of the best} — ‘In nearly every Southern State | - eee ae : Seen ae = pee your drugsist for Eooifaxces eee Insurance was about halfa mile east of the| “WO Were Pt aan and died fromm |i, joints, as he says, aud strik-|@ee to Catawba county made alfa- except North Carolina the Be Coen eee Pee sail areata i Shale. Wea deieh cor conn ob oes suffocation. All those in No 1, ing a trot, he soon discovered that |@#¥ils that they heard bim make it. |disfranchised, with the result that Norti Caroling not iteonsistent Macchi ene upon another, in a space of now | "2° Vo" poshed by the explosion: |) owas gaining on thetired srullion, {2G since then the “drummer boy’ | racial antagonisms cannot be Sree eee ae a Hoe. Seren; visory penaeeneetees The Chatta, : Se a eee more than forty feet square, and it} OT OBe escaped Those who got Lewis was perfectly familar with) ¥#s Det dared to deny the authority jed because of the absence of a basis eee Peeietee of my ctlice at nooga icine Co., Chatt=100; 00ga, Brown & Gu ] — was evident, as tkey were facibg the eae they a ae ae tbe veography ef the couptry, and oy ibe Reet 3: Soa fe RRO pan (See 8.) The noe oe s of p Tean. = y Be eos S e air course or duct, by which air is : - : Yesterday we published an ex-| power that disfranchised the negro} (Sec. 8.) The following classes of THOMAS J. COOPER, Tuncio, Piss. LINSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. constanily forced into the mine,that Sloman dgciors Could nat the instant they heard the expiusion they had made a dash to get to the duct. Five were saved by the res- cuers,and those thus saved were nearer the duct. The 25 killed were burned by the times io the mad rush for life somet*—"* ie nn tee eee ete even failing aud preparing for death, = Teese ayy eceens eaRaaas = tract from an editorial from the |in these Southern States bas been | Persons shall be disqualitied for t : a but the desire to live gave them sn- a Oomea sine a es \ashinuton Boe (Afro Se in-| wielded by the Democratie party in | oftice: Virst, all persons who shali] § ther: WineuctaCe ME Office—Second Floor Bank Building. perhuman strencth and activity and acaianicoe ee an es oa citing the negroes to meet force with | North Carolina for twenty years and deny the being of Almighty God. ger my mother through they came out. Som: dore relatives | 13); chon ance Spe aie ns ‘o [force, closiag with this admonition: | yet no advantages has been taken of /Second, ell persons who shail have| &GtmEtettve” and friends out on their backs. Oue aaa oe cel bo| “Above all itis the duty of all in-| that power.’ been convicted or confessed their ian ran across the mangled body of as side BEtharcan See telligent and manly colored people} ‘The Democratic party was thus!gvilt on indictment pending and nus soa aad carried itto the shaft: | ior re the tired horse stayeered in . 2 ee St yea ries sete : 3 ‘ sags z aN eed : Sane enn ’ *s ra e flame and bruised by the flying The shock of the explosion was sight. The proudold king of the| erst and not fail with their backs] power to remove the negro from |judzment suspended of any treason | eq till I began to use Kodol Dys pep- will seli you a man’s suit { anythicg in g our pure Tri and if sque Every artic! past favors and ‘ _ 28 ; 1 race ! : “I had stomach trouble twenty to watch and be prepared for the|criticised because it had not usedits; Whether sentenced or not or under years and yave up hope of being cur- Try Us On to plunge down the bank wiies a rope hissed through the air aud a Rocwe thamendment, the negro leader, | proceed.’ The dead and injured, as rapidly as found by the rescuers, who grop- did not begin at once, for the peopie were afraid of the tire-damp gas, dropped over his neck “J jes’ had tolauyh,”’ says Lewis. “for I Thos. T. Fortune made a speech de- claring that “tons of blood and people gave the Democratie party “The election came on and the}Shall be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner presezibed «d about with safety lamps in hand. were placed in the little ears and taken to the shaft and then lifred to the surface. The hair was burned off which had filled the whole mine. the bodies were all taken out, final- lv, and there were 25 white men . - ries Gboevies, I Yours truly, red by EC. DeWitt ACo.. ea W. A. Thomax & Co. ON TIME. OWSON & SRONCK, PR debris, and so are the five saved. Sones peceoronsd a women | plains was nearly exhausted, but the | oward the enemy.” politics, as had been done in Louis: a selene ioe ae eee crime for sia Cure. Tt has dous meso rouch The latter are very seriously injur- CE ne eee cant aud sight of the cool watersof|. On the line with such counsel that | 1ana.South Carolina and Mississippi. | whic nt in. the penitentiary [ogres Gee Taiee eke ots = epee ite and 15 rroes their heads and their faces, necks | AUG, 19 Bestoes. Ihave Flour, Corn, Meat, al conviction that the whole Repub Jesteems the chance of beinw re- pared, counted and canvassed and ue scenes ¢ i polis ; <elai as f j i i c He scenes atthe pit-mouth were] polis and exclaimed as follows: ‘All|acress his shoulder and cat ried him eae childre ea ca none — rgtiastt map nti ql fi . St: ’ _ : alee ~ “ Ne . at . Z on i n ofthe dead filled the! To which Webster sWeekly,a near | shoulder, he sustained the beams of fhe State jeaders will have to stand Cy Thompson said the people de-| 712° and if a majority of the votes ean Saela te ee . : : geyist : enol _ cS ; ie i eee = y is the manager. He was in New taught, drilled and organized them. ; ployed, the venturesome negro, ac- publicans had when the latter felt ballot shall not be killed by one of |©ettified among the permanent rec- ed and tivo of them are expected to{'? the scene, eayer to see the faces | tie T lana quikened his step, and|itvites lawlessness and bloodshed, | Race prejudice could not be appcal-|Pprisoument in the penitentiary | writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, necroes. teen, who know well what such practice in office, unlesssach person never saw anything look so surpris-|™oney Will be spent before it canbe|an overwhelming majority in the} >¥ law. T bl stitution relating able Cultery, ‘ eee Sota frage, registration aud elections about the guinest and the siickest Outlook Good in Indiana. begro question unsettied, to be ee ES es 2 ae The cause of the accident was ; and hands were so scorched that the S sy SCCIGenG, AS c-0 : MW : COT , eont = ao Sain oi * or nyth: "7 Belliacse vou vehicles fo wild bald stallion which bad for years Nothing could be a better indi-} Amendment as other Southern |the first day of July, nineteen bun- anything else you > Soe ee crisp, yet the clothing was not in-|The Republican Candidate for Gov- eee } ‘ . and aids long knowns one of the fastest scrambie fora place on the Demo-|that time? Cyrus Thompson, Sena-| ¢!are at the next general election Nature in Strengthening an that of Sam McIntyre, colored, and Hamilton! Brown, of Lafayette, ter the swoke of battle had cleared | Submitted at the next general elec- | 820s. It is the latest discovered digest. Bnd will use our best ¢ = , : sree ee es . -_ | Stantly reliey me Urely burned or biown to peices or] gro. the Gaswell Democrat publish-|to gohis way. He could cite a big | ent Detnocrat was mentioned fora] rats will have to eliminate the | the sume rules and regulations as IST D ee ye ted permanently cures after 2xamining them, t, publis go his way. te g > Sreurr : ‘ : Sees . ad iaiaorarncine aaa Beers ! NOSE uch St} war Se the undercurrent of feeling in the} think tuat tae people who have [etal ciections ia this state and in Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps,an bay ae eae + ms uninjured. By|is the record of the man: man would bave handle. Bevenkene caine: E micnisot all the bodies were out| Judge Adams said in a speech; t Casic Ne ence ave tbings their own way. Even vower will be satisfied with U g din a speech in} Upon one occasion Lewis was riding I : = x those persons desiring to vote for = : Ay “sulked,”’ and though the cowboys! .. aie = on) ° edi Geatieribed Gone Miele ae casera ae he cowboys] was the opinion that this unpopular f uggies . PS peculiar and most loathsome odor mania the moon puked on every | move out of histracss. Lewis was for afew lof the Republican Con-|and framed a measure that Sena- shall cast a written cr printed bal- ———————————— z ~ 3 : : : a aS : < . . etc , for sal i Was a great deal cf fire-damp in the ing white mea of Caswell. Againjrades he dismounted, aud coolly they were thought safe for the ic he oppose it now ? The answer to Sec. 4. The said election shall be : eon time. See = a = This M f i : I : lican crowd will gotodefeat. With elected to the Senate by negro the result announced under the same arch 8th., 1900, of Buggies, Hacks and Sur 1orrible in the extreme. Al! the you white people come and see me!uver thé bridge. j phic ith serera! C ° : ; > ACen e - ie which, with several thousand acres |and at that election a negro was| was grave doubt as to the strength | GUS mae. and will put up a poor|State. The Democratic party has|®!4 Canvassing the votes for mem- At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's Cazgh or on os PS ° . S a air. sac a ee ~ at F . = Sete : in fav ae AVING QUA 2 — a The bodies of the dead were neighbor to Adams, adds the follow. ! the structure until the heavily-load- responsible for this mess, whether manded should be done, viz: jaid the | C4St are in favor of the said amena- | CW 2UALIFIED AS. ADMINISTRA- to see them before purchas- ig Claims ing. vs; some having five toseven chil-! Judge Adam's attitude toward the; been tracked iuio a cave in the thisis that tne Democratic cam- white man’s right to vote. It not|#™endment under the seal of the ment gaze Zeduestedto make an early settle. York, but was te! : ae d inch.”” : Un : AICO RESORSC Ta ork, but was telegraphed for and/so that they were able to elect one: companied by several cowboys, ail that they had a cinch. Pritchard's ignorant servile ne | °™dS Of his office. Re-Sale of Land. . - = ~ } > 7 t > = “ : = : ‘ ofA rent een ire 5 i 2 - titled A.D. Ply j be buried at the company’s expense | in the Legislature. He waxed fat‘a flaming torch in one hand and q/ tion at Kansas City last week nomi-| yote One negro. The amendment ified the 2ist day of February, A. against Ur pt etme A, Plyler and others door in Statesville, N.C, STATESVILLE, N. C. Me arthy were embalmed and were|mies. He taught them that the not vo very far before he fo:nd just | S35 City for Lieutenant Governor. ‘the e two men had large salaries, | work and Provided them schools, composed himself in his favorite po- ;dorsed and delegates favorable to ocratic party could pessibiv-do to| invigorating the system is to take | or Jess: situated in Chambersbarg townenic gaggmonth. Call on him for anything . 9” ° . n om every rerve to accomplish fe _ liver and bowels, W. F, Hall J see : Work done in best manner. Prices . ae beatae SS CRS, se ; os » the bes : could not be trusted in political mat- sition, with one pawin his mouth, bis Domination elected to the Na- ters.” . Se eis _~ for alongnap,.and when the negro tional convention. M4, die, one of them being Gariand of their loved ones. The tirst women With an eager whiuny, be was about |*PCaking of Senator Tillman’s ad-}ed toin those States, ‘because of | Since becoming citizess «i the Unit- Tenn. It digests what you eat. sound foretells. The work of rescue ed like thathorse “Peaered jike he | Tepealed.”’ Legislature. The question then} Sec. 2. That allof the provisions 799 f , , ears :q]} | contained in this act amending ® Meat C yanve in the price nigger | ever saw, Washineton Post. fought over every two years, or shall eHClag the ySpepsia ure hoppers BLOW k early, to se skin fell off at a touch. Their ears explosion of tire-damp. | _ Ds i ation as t.. the way De rat- |} Stace ave »? ¥ vas dred and two, if ajority may need in the Veaicie to make « sa detied all pursuers, The n-sro easi. | UO" a ts The way the Democrat-|Sta-es have done? What was the 0,al @ majority of the Digests what you eat. jured. ernor asa Negro Leader. nisie the ne is long-distance race horses in western Ceratic ticket in our State,” said | Butler's avlest lieutenant, said af- Sec. 3. This amendent shali be structing the exhausted di oe it is said tuere is no hope of findiag| nee for Governor Stands on the re-}biy for Lewis. Whenever he cot Ind, at the Riggs. “Two months| away: tion to the qualified vuters of the|@2tand tonic. No other Preparation Line. If you are not bsand we wuarantce oe = =r at re . hae } = a Sees ’ eo “he: _ Spe Yeni sapere yspe ja Indigesti that heis covered by debris. The]ed at Adams’ home,vives some facts | Mexican steer by the horns and drac place on the ticket heshied. Ir was negro question now. I ao. not provided in the law regulating gen- psia2, igestion, Heartburn, we don’t ask Soe as another}oc.,. = ; 5 : } ‘ iphones : = é State that the Republicang wou'd wiven the Democratic party | feree May first, eighteen bundred all other results of imperfect diges save McIntyre’s. -Harri!] says he] 1890 when he was a candidate for}an unruly mustang and upon ns the revolt against the Porto Riean acything else than the elimina- apptied quirts and ropes to bis hide “The Democratic Legisiature met] *0T sulTrage amendiment”’ tbereon; and that he felt as ifhis whole sys-|sieaming st: ; : vressinen, Dut so far as the elec a : : in| Ot with the words ‘“‘Agaj ie eames ~ } Sys-} xleaming star that shone upon the|in a hurry to catch up with the kerd, }? : so far as the elector-| tor Butler’s own representatives in s gainst the g p y I 12 herd, Hacks S reys. nine; it appears th: hi : ' 2 me when you w ; = mine; it appears that this has al-|in 1894 when he and bis nigger luck | picking up the surprised mustany y ant time on ¥ YS Durbin at its head, the Republicans | vores of more im portance than the| vles and regulatjons as are in force Respectfully, reys which we will sell very of iand, is owned by the company. | elected to the Levislature, to repre- | of the bridge, Lewis waded into the platform campaign. The Cuban done what his Hand Book said it bers of the general assembly May | ———— 5 ideas laid side by side in along row ing: tor of the estate of Ann Crawford. ; 5 ; a: ed grub wagon passed safely over i gon passed safely over it. ci peeaes, having claims Respectfully, lray oot = . . a ete : . ne . . a : = is ils dren. The mine is now owned by ajnegroes while he lived in Caswell. !mountains of the Colorads near a | P28? for places on the State ticket only protects the white man who| State to the secretaay of state, who |'™& Tis April sth, 1900 arrived this af oon. s wiv. aaron : ys nen eee eRe : t ternoon. He has giv-|of their own race to represent tha lovers of brvin’s feshoimentinte aie groes. Under the present arrange-|, Sec. 5 This act shall be in force | py vuerve ors ay eee Dr#P. F. LAUGENOUR, P an : zo . aS : : : : : ain Plyler thee d their families properly looked by teaching the negroes that their: revolver in the other Lewis boldly nated Joseph Flory, of St. Louis, for says the votes of both whie men D. 1899, niissioner of sai rsigned as Com- ia thi The easiest and most effective|_~ MONDAY, MAY 21ST, 1900, Will be in his office two weeks. sentto Peansylvania this evening. | white peaple,,who furnished them . what he was looking for. Bruinhad McKinley’s administration was ep- a.aking something like protect the white mau and eliminate] DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the | icc!icounty. 6. 7 rk township, n the way of dentistry. You # each. 5 Ame se ee a ‘Thomas, white. The other four are |?" the scene were the Northern wo- vocacy to the repeal of the Fifteen-| the absence of a basis on which to;¢d States, or of corruption and mal-| W. F. Hall, Jr. ° Sporting Goods, wantec'to say. ‘Well, you are jes” oe ___ presented itself: Shall we leave the} Of the constitution relating to sui- Lewis had captured the famous we settle it by a Constitutional | Constitution shail go into effect on : were In wmost cases burned to a Som CT i iG Wa ly tamed the fine animal and he was {ic Coauces ave looking up than the|seatiment of the Populist part at | dalitied voters of the state so de- Itartificially digests the food Ha d bee One body has not been recovered, | Raleigh Newsand Ober a Sestive or- r re As tohow the Republican nomi-|Texas. No long horn ever wrew too ia) Somes Shank: MeIntyre was en-| lations of the white man and the ne. {bic cope onaicteerithat auscce esa ago every time the name ofa promi “It is evident thatthe Demo- state in the same manner and under can approach it in efficiency. It in- pleased with our goods he zuarantee. Com latulence, Sour St ere ew : vi z . * 0M, N: vine Was not wrecked, and the most| which tell a disgusting story. Here!bim about in a corral c ch. Nan a calf and ninety-nine, and at said election| rere worked all night. It was found that|}clerk. that whit , : ? tariff did not put much confidence i . ataeSilG such amendment shall cast a writ- ‘ oe eee : #l as at| clerk, : e€ men of Caswelj|proaching a bride : <a E euce; oftae negro from politics in : : Sec. 19 men were killed by the explosion | were so mean, unscrupulous and dir- E ing ge the animal in tbe bearts of the Democrats. It North Carolina ” ten or printed ballot with the words Oy Sa £ aryrill cace re pric « >e ° ale ard c = amet : nese wi 2 @ , a Harrill says this after damp has ajscent and ceased to soar, and the|with great violence he refused te measure would make hard sledding | the responsibility of the occasion and those witha contrary opinion tem Was saturated with it. There|befoulded bed of rotten and degrad-|and to the amazement of his com. al and State tickets were concerned, |the House voted for Why does}!™ezdment”’ thereon. 3 r ° cr, i ° ° . ° Ida rs Som merken : 1 Kinley party. Now there isagener-| the question is found in the fact: He|hel¢ and the votes returned, com- your purchases of supplies We have just received a car avs been the case. were all in. their glory,he went tothe! in bis giant arms he threw him ae inere - . ‘ Seer = ; ca ay vegl: jele on . } ra 2r5i | i i close for miners live in Cumnock village, | vote for negroes.’ And this he did,}_ Inanother instance, where there bavea weak State ticket. He is al future peace and welfare of the|‘0TTetursing, comparing, countiog J.L. CO WV AN, @ se cs ~ eitne | a : F rete = . ; . ~ irs i ] i ——— The screams and groans of the wives | sent this good old county. water, and making 2 pillar of his pestal frauds have hit Indiana kard. Was too cowardly to do, and what first, eighteen hundred and ninety Administrator's Notice Pam; “ ; A : ears : ee decea: Most of thodcuditen ark x : ey oe a peels or |axe at the root of the tree. It has oe oo sp duty of the gov-|7 hereby notify all persons having see f arge fam- There can be no question as to; Having been told that a ‘bear had mediate result of all! done this without endangering any = Senn nO ACER TAN ISEEG Aprtl sth.. igot. ‘Those indebted to Henkel Bros iy & vndi Ween al ary i s : aren ree ore s “i Hi. §1.. STEVENsoS ini March 22n syndicate, for which Samuel F’.Hens-|He was their recognized leader, | cattle camp where Lewis was em-|'> JUSt 3s fierce a struggle as the Re-| can not read and write, but says his shali enroll the said amendment so | ®. “McLaughlin, Attorn eiaainameenens . s ? . : . . enorders that all the dead should} proud counties of Graves and Yancey place to investigate the story. With|_. Missouri Republicans, in conven- | ment it takes two white men to out | {0M and alter its ratifiction. Rat. Pap ieee? the special “proceeding en: Dentist, s afier. The bodies of Connoll ; roes th | ; : So ta TH Sour” hte afier. of Connolly andj} reighbors were their political ene- | entered the bear’s den, and he did|@0Vvervor, and E. E. Allen, of Kan-| shall live and neither be killed. ra “Tell us, pray, wbat more the Dem-| method of purifying the blood and waleabietoas ote to the| highest bidder agmpeginning with first Monday in ea = = the C : Plyler tract of land. = the negro than it is now straining’ famous little pills for cleansing the | retained tilt the cpaiccash. Tit Gnd it to your interest to do so. _ aie, ita: ea er ites are Te : aa ee