HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot March 1900 a The Statesville TMasotl WE GUAI RANGE STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH I, 1900 & TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. EDITORIAL NOTES. ' LOCAL. LACEY FOR STATE TREASURER. GENERAL NEWS. STATE NEWS. = q ane —_—— u, HTAB DS — 3 a ibis ee aad ge ae - Es Ww 1 i: is eratifying to the friends of | Mr. W. A. Thomas spent last Fri-| 4 Raleigh Mechanic Gives Reasons were pace aan Pee Mrs. Bynum. wife of ex-judge|? RHEUMACIDE % ‘ M3 Y ; re ra Va 2 £ David wo ' dav in Charlotte. Why the Se Friday oie ‘ padelpala | John Gray Bynum, died at Greens-!$ z a flesry Lb. Varner, of Davidson coun-; = vention Should Nominate Him. | Y. i boro Saturday P . h bead 33 Me flenry b. Varner, ot “2 : rales mane oro Saturday. Lf} : met RSs SS 2 oe gach at te real > fr. Jos. T. Stevenson has been ap et aie Pers : ; “4 iA se 2 i ” iz. that his candidacy for State ' SE cseieS at Rock Cut. ' Correspondence of Raleigh Post. A dozen buildings were burned and} Four negro fishermen were frozen CURES 3 iv “orimissioner of Labor and Printing | 2022 i = : ee al ee gee one Ecwanecs to death by 2|todeath in their boats in a blinding {2 e ee get eerie uch favor. The: ~ ‘irs. Wm. Morrison entertained | itor Fost: 1 wish to say tre in Philadelphia Friday. snow storm off Hatteras t Sat- HE ; ee Se is mee ting W ith so much favor : ‘a number of her friends last Friday | words through your columns as to ah eo fT Hatteras Inlet Sat R UMaATISM as ob Gena e know he trade ane) yo: ers of the State are full of com-| ning why the mechanics want Mr. B. R.|, The ‘<. me work of a glassfactory, cel ae TO STAY CURED ; i ! a ey Ze. . = bebe = "45 Ovi SS + — 7 ee : ’ . = ») 4 plimentary endorsements cfhis can-| 1 ve. agurphy. of Sheva, | Lacey nominated for State Treas- jf. /S0'> f erection at Muncie,Ind.,| The Holts will build another mill » E didawy. and it looks like he will be | ie airs- RRC a ei ie ree 2 | urer: j fell ea and nine persons were/at Lexington, to be known as the Fric $1 » € Hd.cy. and st looks lke WH 00] ~ i ¢e ic o & - : f on = i matin ae F nominated without opposition. He] Mec eae BOSS BS oS 1. Ithink the mechanics of the |!8Jured. Monarch Cotton Mill, with-$150,000 © nocat = ed without Oppos : atives acre ‘ __|State are entitled to recognition on | Birmingham, Ala , had a $160,000 | C@Pital. Sold in Statesville by W. F. Hatt! : siculd be Contreter see = De the Bee ue do not wish eo coe pe cee with $120,000 insurance.| One day last week 2 colored girl eeanen: “ ae 'on the new court house last urs-/upon the party- any representative | The fire was started by the expio-| fell f ia Baar ares se Str omrcarines , en | y Rev d 4 i : . 3 b > expio-jfelifrom a foot iog into Lane's Théeelection of July the Fourth | ay, making $16,600 paid him to /of this element who is not the oo sion of a gasoline stove. creek, Anson county, and was PRRRRAR AAA RRA es Lue selec bores! | date - j site = a ma mg as the date ‘for the Democratic Na- jcare- oe a ie es a Spe = eat Wi’! Burts, colored, was lynched drowned. Ae ST ICaicea RNIN a Cs : eae poten Mr.Eugece Turner, of Gaines-j €™ loyalty to the party,or who will! .o2- Aiken, S. C., Saturday nizht| A neero child was bursed leat qe )topul convention was an inspiration. ile, T a na a stl tolbis weaken the ticket in any respect. f pena wep ee . x _ A negro child was bursed to death -ruptions Dre eae a aoc Ota ees Such a course would be a reflection | °F attempting to criminally assault jin Anson cuunty one day last week | Are grand, but Skiv Eraptions > Iced ples s sisters. Mrs. P. P. Laugenour anl Go the laboring element of the a white woman. He was strung up |It fell in the fire while the purentslrob life of joy. Buciients a a a ecraration Of ee ee =e ea: | Mrs. W. T- Nicholson. ) State. to a tree and riddled with bullets. {were away from home. Salve cures them, also Old. Running ngered; Dy oe blican amns|_ Mr. W. A. White, of Hillsboro, |~ 2 The mechanics wish tobe rep-| Daniel and Wesley Smith. while} During January the State char- | 224 Fever Sores, Uleors, Boils, Fol- tation which secks te substitute an | Jils., arrived last Thursday on a vis- | resented in this political fight, and] attempting to collect Ped aaa eee nena Ne ard ex | US: Corns, Warts.. Cuts. Bruises scm ce eSieenas eiaeen ee Fle es ae On NGS Stet peremeacre cas eae empting to collect rent from Ike | tered six new cotton mills ard six Rane Shaka ice : > re for a republic. it is well ee ee ots ee ee ee irom Peat our peer, colored, near Winnsboro, S | were chartered during February Chilblain . B au ae co the Democratic party, which Ce ae ay De ate me | v2 Were set upon by Kelley and}The money is raised for all these! now oct Paice and AGh ee : i _ . ” % ‘ S ; enn ae = ey = niVes ains and Aches niy ‘Sorson founded, remember the| The long distance telephone office | C@0didate.” Such a man is Mr. B./another negro Tuesday and Weslcy | mills. Se ee tne ees nls ae ” : Racibeenicnonedincnir = iatitan ies R. Lacy. . was ‘illed. : : =) cents a box. Cure cuaranteed. } de ees DeOCAR CS OS a aee enn Messrs. W. S. Phifer & Co.’s store 3. Ifthe constitutional amend- A mill operative named Maddox |Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr, Drugeist sig | Se et : : Messrs. ae c 32. 3p - eee Z a racer! : A eist. — bese nking Casings ct secpr:|°s! in the immortal document written | she Hotel Iredell building *|ments are adopted the Democratic pe ee aes ae gold as anys poe — —_—__—— - an VATION : = oney ‘ : Chey coe aetna a ; : a a : .|cure man, suddenly at his win-| Bullard over the head with a stick] Hon. T. B. Bailev. of Mocke il} Yes : owestre | | founder. There is no better pie party cannot do without the me a : y Ls . T. B. Bailey. of Mocksville. ee ) vinitcd v7 G| SPO tn hae <r e A scholarship intheA & M. Col- | chanies of this Commonwealth, who pecboms = = Angeles, Cal., one |at McCall, Robeson county, Friday, who was mentioned for the Demo- N e@ircde favo fee carrot ene a i ue © lege will be given to the pupil of the! are now almost toa man. we may | G2¥ ‘ast week. He made a million /and killed him Maddox. escaped |cratic nomination for Lieutenant ; : pee ae on which will reiterate those | Statesville graded school who makes | say, with that party. ae out of the alleged whiskey fora time, but was captured and is! Governor, writes a card saving that Ont eet. | iples and nominate their ablest/the highest average during the} This being the case, we wish a abit cure. now in jail. he will accept no office this year mil alte en eee eee ° a. Pre a} wt ; ete heey xg 7 aE _ ns ‘ " a waa a SR ae Ff 5 s gupageacge, Preside: @& He Web 3 side m |) ine defender on the Decleration’s | year. men on pec arouod hom ae Bee Ward shot and killed Bud{ Godvin Ramsey, colored, of North- peeve al work for the amend- a £5826), BR PeREERE DW, f ashier. jnotal day. Newton Enterprise: ses ee ea Semen ars aes eae near Carrollton, Ga., last apie conte. met Sexe i a pe- | me 3d the Democratic ticket. See | Stewart, of Shiloh township, Irede LY oz 7 ve | Friday. The men were of good fam-|Culiar manner last week. He was} ~~ Bannan ene | ae county, has bought Mr. G. D. L.{¢Y: His early training asa mechanic ily and were related. The trouble | driving an ox cart, when the ox ran, John Dirr, Poseville.Ind..says. “a g ao "i emma TT ee eee “. reasons Senator} Yount’s fine farm, in Catawba coun pecuteny: Beas to Oe oe arose about Ward’s attentions to|tbrowing him cut and over turning Se mes ee as good as One or business easons Senat ee rea z sympathize wi ne masses O e sallicicetan'= a he cart body which fel] ae s his| MinuteCough Cure W. > neve c “ % : : ty, and will move to it. ymp: i tthe} Maxwell’s sister-in-law. the cart body which fell across his |“ e@are never Fs ee eee 44a Veh iG! e Ian €. Hairston, of Davie county, | 7? 29° *™ e - people, and his subsequent training We ce 5 throat causing injuries which prov- | Without Be? ack Setoake = ¥ 18 Aaa & Recs w wen 4 ounces that he will not be a can-|_, VPs. L. M. Walker, vice regent of} as Labor Bureau Commissioner has dis CS, rich gold deposits have been | eq fatal. coughs and colds. Cures all throat \ eee ae ee a oaighe it. Verne Association, bas] viven him knowledge of wide range|discovered in Brewster county, vs . and lung troubles. Its use will pre- Ue ow Ui HAVING (Cuare for re-election. Senator | pyosented a picture of George Wash- | pertaining to the wishes and needs|Texas, and great excitement pre-! Fayetteville Observer: A negro vent consumption. Pleasant to take INL WW ae! -=‘ Jams A. Butler, of Iredell county.|jugton to the graded school. The] of the laboring classes; and his ex- vails. Prospectors are rushing to | 00Y; 10 years old, while burning] wo F Hall, Jr. ; OY OF: ; | will also not beacandidate. He, as| picture was placed last Thursday— perience in banking, as cashier of the mines. The mines are said to cornstalks in a field, about three ue L known, is the superiutendent | George's birthday. the Raleigh Dime Savings Bank, | be wonderfully productive. Sar eos ee ee It is said that Solicitor Marshall . “ ! e t 2s aa ., baa : a an i - "Sago. o Ma y r Marshz ' i] SOX slic instruction of this county} Cards are out for the marriage of | evinces his peculiar fitness for finan-| ffenry Clay Miner, the New York ne aah Gt Hones ae oact L. Mott, of Wilkesboro. is working ne t J ae A Deid pecfera that Gtice co meion: Gack | Sin Melamed. inchollkormenty, | Cat Dusmac sors) a trying |e ooeressman and theatrical 2n-|from his head to his feet, stripped | 27 Constessman Linney’s appoint. at a) ae aan Ye aS ge es ae nv itived here, and Miss Jessie Brevard. And I am a firm believer in ryiog ager, dropped dead at his home in| off and bung like a loose sarment, | mCDt aS Successor to Federal Judge ‘ = ee : hese youny men]: Shelby. which will be solemnized to push forward. and not to retard|New York City last Thursday after-In,. sts condition he lice S50 four Ewart, so that he (Mott) can have a i Rca in and faithfully represented the]jn rhe Baptist church in Shelby at theefforts of any young working | noon, ed 58 years. He was one " show at the Republican Coneres- R=i aa | shi ES et ‘o the Senate of 1899 and]5 o'clock, p. m., March 7th. man who shows the physical ener-! worth more than 25,000,000. eta bess . sional nomination in the Eighth dis- : hos : ews SS ee eh et ona He ey and mental endowments to try Clint Williams, colored, who Kkill-| trict this year. a SG GU CS Mrs L. M. Walker, of Rocking-|and puil himself above his former] One dzy last week Joe Perry and|ed the white boy in Salisbury and} : pe ; sivedit, but their reasons/jam county, the vice regent for this | station in life. Mr. Lacy is alabor-|Simpson idwards got intoa friendly | Who was brought to Statesville jail] «7 pag dyspepsia for years. No ¢ p~ centring the race are good|Siateof the Mount Vernon Associ-|ing man from the heart, aud were tussle in a bar-room at Princeton, |to prevent a lynching.has been con- | medicine was so efiective 2s Kodo! — their constituents, while re |ation. has presented a portrait of|he to be elected President of the|Jobnston county. when Perry was|vic‘ed of murder in Rowan Su-|Dycpepsia Cure. It eave immedi? ease i i ; Ne ‘uw to lose them. will release |G@eetge Washington to the Barium | United States he would still be the. thrown, his head falling over a door | perior Court and sentenced to be] are relief. Two bottles produced ae i u2in . t : Quarters hss So Sean SI a ces*| Springs orphanage. The portrait |same ‘‘Ben Lacy’’to the boys and sill with such forceas to break his|banged on March 29th. An appeal | marvelous results.’ writes DL. H e aud look elsewhere for candi-| was unveiled last Thursday with] his old-time associates. You just | neck. Was taken to the Supreme Court af-| Warren, Albany Wis. It rere tes. appropriate ceremonies. simply can’t ‘‘swell’’ Ben Lacy’s} A mob of negro soldiers attacked ere re Timberlake refused a new) what you eat and cannot fail to cure. aS head. Heis above it. Heisa true] the police station at El Paso, Texas, |"! : : W. F. Hall, Jr. Rorron & NMichatson a iS nese From Sweet Home. representative of the mechanics of! Saturday morning with the object of | _Amos Carter, of Fayetteville, who | ————____ - =< AaALrFroR w& (FONG SOW ie dispatebestell us that Mr. |... condence of Tame Mascot the State, a Christian gentleman | releasing two of their comrades. In| *2S Superintesding the work ofcon-| Dr. A. A. Maynard. of Bysan 4 es : rresp: ° = 2 . ‘ ae onl ATT EA x x iran malas atte ~ veyee Ai eter eet wit Caitig ee Wank, :-vun spent Sunday at “The Her-|i---:ca trom law week and a scholar, but nota good poli-|the fignt which ensued one police. | Victs at Bennettsville. S. C.. was}county, former Populist candidate vy €e cf ae Lee EERE EC OEY REE La REND see in adr Sol eich cence anon ene : ___|tician, because he is too honest and] man and a negro soldier were killed killed by a negro convict with an|for Coagress, will support the con- Pee ene aan: ~ | Mrs. June Sloan has been quite) reserved. P : .,, {and one soldier wounded. axe one day last week. He had|stitutional amendment, if it is so dh a yeu the bangs of the Cumber-/ sick, but isimproving.—Miss Kate} If the Democratic convention will : had some words with the negro and/amended that if the grandfather oe ' 5 LOT near Nasbkville, Tenn. This} Barkiey is very sick.—The infant/nominate B. R. Lacy for State] J.J. Laughing!» e. the largest {turned his head when the negro hit|clauseis declared unconstitutional Rs DIAM Sein ee ue SIRI AES AN RNG SENET .is weil. The living leader of De [child of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Goodin, ; Treasurer, the mechanics and work- and most prominci' farmer of Pitt|him with the axe on the back of the/the entire amendment. becomes null Re eracy paid homage at the shrine is not expected to live.—Mrs. W. R. |ingmen of the State will do tne rest. | County, was robbed of $500 in cash | head, causing almostinstant death and void. Dr. Maynard is the most ee N tiqne sere ihe: a ees Ee , {Stout has been quite sick but is im- Rosert D. WIcKER and 3600 in Norfolk exchange on the James Gardner. a former Char-| Prominent Populist of Anson coun- FOY NOCLIONS. ee ee oo porenmas highway in Pitt county last Friday lotic lerchanciiconimiitee ede | ts> the past. What thoughts must] Mrs. and Mrs. N. P. Stout have NE morning. He was returning home }.. mai tects > . Sacer e ae ' . ; = = : . For State Treasurer. oo at Mechaniesville,S C., Thursday se odd wants at odds prices are wha ' _ve filled the mind of the Nebras-] moved into the house with Mrs i ioe 5 from Greenville, where he had spent vight by taking strychnine. Disap- DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is un- bs :on that bright Sabbath day as ee Mathi h ; ee = ee ec ete se eure tobacco | \ointment in love was the cause. He }¢qualled ‘or piles, injuries and skin beh JUST RicCisivepD ee naiiberideriackon tere: SO ie eee on. B. R. Lacy, of Raleigh, Com-| © ourscay. and when crossing 8) was 55 years old, and willed his|diseases. It is the original Witch 3 : fe Stoo bes ce eee SAS and} was indicted for keepiag a disorder-| missioner of Labor for North Caro-|SWamp was set upon by four negroes | Goan to the girl who rejected | Hazel Salve. Beware of al! counter- kerchiefs. Gloves. Ex breidery. Laces a:.1 ff hite ‘od the boards which yet echo the} |v house. and two children have re-|lina and Democratic candidate for|ho sprang fom the bushes. They him. Lucky girl—she escaped veing|feits. W. F. Hall, Jr. other things yeu want apd muny more iignes we rsieps ef “Old Hickory!” We | turned to their home near this place. | the nomination for State Treasurer, | ¥¢re armed with an axe and pistols. |. ¢o0)"s wife andstill zets his n oney. a I hich you seldom think. Calfand see us. ve no doubt that Jaesson’s long} . Mr J. J. Johnson, who moved to! was here yesterday. He is a whole- They took his money and fied. Blood- if : A Factory Girl Demented From Xe TET TY TY Cs NAT : Gually successful ficht for the|the house of W.H. Mathis has mov |souled, full-fledged, dyed-in-the-wool hounds were sent for and put on the| Rev. T. J. Gattis, of Charlotte, the Chastisement. Se WFLA L LIsSCGN. a Par wees he Uni ed back to his own house. Democrat, and is an earnest ard un-| track of the robbers, but were un- colporteur of the Methodist coafer- | Furest City, Rutherford County, Dispatch, 23rd, mii 2 ‘rrbrow ov the bank of the “ul-) On account of sickness, Rev. Jay|tiring advocate of the amendment. |able to follow the trail. Mr. Laugh-|ences in North and South Carvlina,| yy lie Bebinson and -bis family bs é lh RIL cs Se eA EEN en es TREO SURE peerings Sates, the money monopoly |Gwaltney didnot fill his appoint-| He has many warm friends here who inghouse isa prominent Democrat] has failed. He owes $8,000 and bas are a oe s an Sy ee 1 ‘leh sought to contro! the coun | ment the first Saturday and Sunday. | were glad tosee him. He left for}@ndamember of the Democratic}31,500 assets. Hecharges tht bis ae Sa that Mr RRO i. me % snantasteanmn | y's finances in the younger days} Me. RE. King butchered 4,700) Statesville and Taylorsville on the |5tate committee. failure was caused by bis cntro-|yoarold girl didn't exactly please Leke? < $y 73 i a i,t = ou ae oz a ounds of perk this year. morning train. Saari sien -ersv with Rev. D J. C Kilgo, {71 ans xactiy please ei ae : p p 4 versy with Rev. Dr. J. . : : . = tr aL U 4 a) a t the republic. was uppermost in ne 5 . ©,’ | the section boss under whom.-she was ail Aa nc nator SOc Mr. M. G. Si0an recently butcher- — Now Blaming Democrats Instead of| president of Trinity College. He] workire. and he. with obo SE aie Serer) : anes yan’s mind on that day. Hejed six hogs, the smallest weighing National eDemocnaticl Comvension Providence hasa suit pending in Granvili- Su-}),,, operative proceeded to array: orl nantes business We ure olerins& our entire Stocn s ubcless asked that Providence | 290 pounds mae ate ae 463 Kansas City, Mo., July 4th. “| atianta, Ga.. Dispatch, 25rd. Res ek on oe Se the child to an office, where ie " 3 a un sel oe Sari cicn sts. | pounds of Right goc gs. ey x ee N. Duke and others for $i! os ant peel a 2 > : A ge mit him to overthrow the trusts, | P' . Nase anette i ance gira sc Loon Mr. Bryan, who spoke in the hall ? kind of chastisement was adminis- : « loth: GS at Cost ne neo coatcomibeloGretines a ae Bocce pau Gin SA Ne ce a of the House of Representatives to- er alleged defamation of|¢.red—unknown to the child's par- } r tpr > ‘ a Sarr : : 1 ois ight, Ski j s < ac . nts y one else. re h es ie counter, the gold standard] Son 7 iogton last Thursday, Kanvas Gs, |Tsht, Was asked I be had seen Gen. — eee SSeS ad 2 ~ Uwe [ aed LEA ee ee lage 7 Qc . . ’ s ! * pee e > > one hw e a oils i National bank control of paper} We endorse R. J. Bryant, of our | Mo., was selected as the place and} o+;na1 House yesterday, to the ef. Aone Trance Ee mdica- and isina precarious condition and - ae pete ney. which rob tk -oducer for |township, for register of deeds and | July 4th as the date of the National sie 79 =a as : enter ‘ : a . ~, es * Bi e hove ney. whica rob the producer for 5 e 2 = - 2 fect that | Bry: ras lly re- | Montreal Dispatch, 2sth. d og he es bees the boys . : 1 A. D. Watts for the House. W convention to nominate candidates I he (Bryan) was equally re ne ae eee emo = t t ’ s at Y rv »be fit ) e Fe . =ses, mete - z : ‘ : we . si i S icc - » *s «} = | i did an i 2S SC : ee PI a 1 ‘ enefit of the moneyed classe Sweet Home. N. C., Feby. 1900. |for President and Vice President. sponse e with the Democrats Miss Eva Roch, Montreal S sieep-| “not todo that aad promises ske waany'y me quicl ave he. stock must and d the new doctrines of militarism Wlionkectaisolasicdliior tholconl nn. Benen the ratification of the|ing girl, whose case bas puzzl-d the | will a peers fhe people are oT «., wt Tharkit rprst favors we ar >; “1s Sete oie ace TEToee or meat > treaty, and was estopped from op- | Canadi doctors, has awa‘:enad |Somewhat in the dark, but the re- : : imperialism, which seek the life Se vention but the vote stood: Kansas ane : A p-|}Canadian doctors, has os eas ; es co rg ee ee re Sr eee City 40, Milwaukee 9. posing any of its legitimate effects. | from the trance into which she feli| port which is generatly credited bas St s ae =e ; ee sotrmiseniee Whe - Correspondence of fHE Mascor. The following is the official call: “Ihave read a brief extract from bis] on Christmas eve. Over a year ago| caused _ considerab!e indignation. gk Ure RE EAS 9, ORS SDRC S GOS | eee eve ae “The National Democratic Commit- speech,” said Mr. Bryan. “It is/the young woman feli into atrance| There is no doubt the mill author- eat lized! oe : Ve ane : tee having met in the City of Wash- | ‘™% that I favored the ratification | which continued for 38 days. She ities will co-operate with the law in ae Sage ne The Junior oratorical exercises |; 2 y qn, | Of the treaty. but I stated in my in- | was finally-restored to consciousness | doing justice. ai ill be beld here F - 21st ang| ington, on the twenty-second cay ze eo y, S finally-restor 2 < ae _ | will be held here February 21st an ay - - 44 | terview, published by the Associat- | py f bot ; | ————_— — Pee ne ara : 2 arv. 19 p iv 1 by the application of red bot irous ~-- MOGCRATIC SENATORIAL CON-| 094 and theJ s have b ;. }of February, 1900, has appointed = : : = ae eae 2205 aoe ae ae een mor Wednesday, the fourth day of July ae exes on December 14th, four] “She continued in compars-:ively ENLNS ing on their speeches for some time. eCay, eee ter th "WAS Si : : Seen, : \ ti cane Sa Sockaheacale Yt the college to re-|as the time, and chosen the city of Sa a agen bore: ce ea Bees bea ee eee ’ eonvention 6 de emiocratic }-” . “s ci s City. Mis i. as 1 =o : : - Ss] whens g scious, of the 27th Senatorial distrier | Tuite two speeches from each stu- Dee eee ratified, thatin my judgment we |She recovered consciousness once, as of the 2vth Senatorial district | j.4¢ before graduation, one in the | for holding the National Democrat-| j.5u1q eles oe “ C\ HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & ed of the counties of Davie Sone a one in the senior yea S ic Convention. Each State is enti- b ass ae , 1d dct s eek but elated en Eanes me / iN ah VAL wo Wir wLoO ce sen O1 be ANTICS J a =x ort = - e ae . ViVi eres mae a ; PEDRO ‘ : Cae. | . syein | OUt that we should declare the na-|case was then given up as hopeles- v¥ TONIC PELLETS vou do not buy a med- co llund Yadkin, is hereby called | such interest is taken in the jurior|tled to a representation therein) jionss purpose to give the Filipinos | put two days ago she surprise | her = cs ine, but a Complete Treatment fo = vo sxercises since it is from ‘his class | ava! to double the number of its! ip gonendenc ‘2 ~ ne , iSite : ara 13535 icin et “ot at Harmony. Iredelleounts, | exercises 5b - Sa vee Senators and Representatives in the independence upon the same _terms| relatives bv showing signs of ani s, Constipation and Headaches. SER A EREE ern Se hat the six contestants are chosen Cannes Otaomnacca SAE ina that indepeudence was promised to| mation. Sbe has now fully recover : old for one price—25c. Repost EPR Sect for the orator’s medal. each Territory ieee nar Ter- the Cubans. This opinion was re-|edconsciousness, and is pa-taxing a The Pills bring immediate relief; the Saleen as ee Pee d Phere are about thirty speakers nitery andithe Distractot Columbia iterated time and time again. of liquid nourishment. The doctor- oy : tis tone up the nervous system and invigorate. wemivaling two candidates for/apon the program and a number of shall have six delegates. All Dem-|_/0¢ Bacon reselution made the | now say that with care Miss Roc io a) : Sate Senators. ive OPC Sees eens RTA eg Sher cae promise ofindependence. It wasin- | wil] recover. very cough makes S : . =f : “hem are, ‘The Anglo-American Al- Dae 4 = | treduced more than a month before Miss Rock ys that during the 3. order of the committee. : a sr Ce - lof the United States. irrespective of pare ~ ; Ore Miss Roch says tha e your throat more raw ear id ; ianee,’ “*Expansion,”” ‘Suffrage in De eos ; es be rasan ra . ns oo 2 cae Saree This January 23rd, 1900, e nee, = T= on,” se in past political associations aad differ- hostilities began. and there was 4]jast days of her trance she was and irritable. Every § " Win) Onomsex. Ub G Necmorses |e ee Century's | ences, who can unite with us in tne| tie Vote in the Senate until the Vice | aware of what was going on about cough congests the lining Tages Sages — aL A I a z ee oa : (Cie “2 | Progress in Electricity. The State pele eterno none aR ee President cist the deciding voteand|her, but had no power to expres~ membrane ince ae = ~8ttom =torea au YwSUTS Secretary- shairman. | andthe Liquor Problem,”’ and “The | @#ort for pure, « defeated it. Ifthat resolution had| her wisbes. The case is regarded of your lungs. {= \merican Press of Today.”’ ee Se and oa been passed at the time when Sena- jas ot the most remarkabie on aaa your throat FOR I5c.. per Bate e Month, by eae an A ber of youog ladies from] vor the republic ana oppose the} on. on introduced it, th Wades : 3 and lungs in this way PEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN-; ++ Bumber of youos . * ope ‘oi n | tor Bacon introduced it, there would | record. : twa sso Bgnded Warehouse Comnin TION. Charlotte, Mooresville and elsewhere | ©™Pire. are cordially invited to join | oy pave been any war in the Philip- a acti Put the parts at rest and : OOD -ORAE arensds piny are expected here to add to the|¥ eae eae to the con- Snedslands IkGs) monnifestigiiontt ss) Susan eiabemiialichaarceies ee ec cee icor nectar TeIOO OOOO A convention of the Democratic |) asurex of the occasion. es fair for Mr. Grosvenor to charge me amendment. eal. You will need some § ousSh oe : pie oirty cf Iredell county is hereby / Tuere has beena marked improve with supporting the treaty without | wincesboro Chronicte. help to do this, and you ed Libersl Advences Obtained os led tomeet in the court house in| ment in the appearance of the post- | The eee Be-| a1so pointing out that I favored the The internal revenue business in will find it in on our Rece*pis Sraicsville, N ou office sirce it has ber refitted with ae ; ; resolution promising independence. paciccctonke ana tke appears ic is = i iv- Pa See ea a handsome new cabinet containing | washington Correspondence Charlotte Ob-| The bloodshed in the Philippine Is- ts one ier ae est rites of interest. SCESDJ¥, APRIL 3RD., 1900, | jock and = cae ce server, 17th. lands is upon those who refused to Sa nee . a ree Ce ee eOoOMT nstable lat 1i o'clock, a.tm., forthe punpose| No trace has yet beenfoundof tne) Saveral of the North Carolina pa-|deal with Filipmos on American . : . ~~ . E 3 Springs. . M. Constadi-. [or ee catine camdidates for the |buTglar or burglars who broke izto| pers in their issne of last Suoday.|principles. Itis cowardly for the|"ule. It ismoticeable that the dis- lof ueminating candidates for the ~ re pers in their issne of last Sunday, |P P. - tillers in this section whoare not out- ero Se oa ter Brown's safe last = published Washington dispatches | Republicans to attempt to evade the Seeks raicereseiememanerraers s “of sialure au ne unty OMCes| roybed the firm of between 50 an pert , > x sibility If they favor warof = t : een ae eeaieoeetresnemans pena = 0 saying that Senator Butler was| responsibility. y eing chastised with the lash i = z ST Ree i aid of electing delegates to the Sen- | 3500. Macazine | With sir. Bryan for an hour arrang-| conquest, they should have the cour- oe ace ae eaee cee > 2 : ws ees a orial, Congressional and State} The Davidson College Magazine ling for the trip to Raleigh. The|agetoavow it and give their real’ oo rule distillers can ran an ae 2 For the nex 60 days i) print at | conventions. expects to issue an historical num-} Washington Post also contained an | reasons for it. namely, that they de- eel ae ave ee Sores y en 3 recdueed orice>,in any qeunii’y, | eles thonanone ,_ | ber in March, which will probably article similar to theabove mention-|sire to give the syndicate a chance ; V thi e , 5 : = ries . 7 Tie Coane of the various DES contain some articles of interest on aa dispatches. The truth is that|to exploit the islands. The thing or eee Dre Rok ey are not 2 50 i Be 1O janet committees of the county will! North Carolina history. . |Marion Butler was not with Mr.|thatsurprises me about Mr. Gros- eonibes an Sno lea Nooo : ~~ 3 Zs |meet in Statesyille on Tuesday,| The plan of issuing an annual this| Bryan over five minutes and during | Venor’s statement is thathe lays tbe ee hoe ee Sean : a x ene eee eememeteiiees ie — = 5 e i eS —,9 = ° ~ a v . ; === Te | april Brd, 1900, immediately after] year bids fair to be successful, and! that five minutes Mr. Bryan was|blame oa the Democrats. Hereto | W™Coitolr But despite that the From the first dose the ‘ Fat | =e et the board of editors is holding week-| .onversing with every one in gener-| fore, the Republicans have laid it A i. DD Pp ; , c Bil ss wet iH: ADS i tue adjournment of the county con- penne MORTON. ! Sos Ae J) ing on Poa white people will carry the amend- quiet and rest begin: the me i usd a6 ast £ | vention, for the purpose of electing | ~ pavidson. N. C.. Feb, 19,1900. = ORE eC nnn ment and rule their affairs. tickling in the throat aS = : nines mere eee Metropolitan, where Mr. Bryan was August Flower aemeaeetonesy aes * th reak . 3 at en URee cine a bee ona! ond ation abe ace lachairman and four members of a — stopping, about 8:30, p. m., with his : Story ofa Slave. ceases; the spasm weak- 3 i i = bes: aa ~ sprciaaceag kamera ae alee |county central executive committee. Thanks, Col. Pearson. secretary, sent his card up stairs| “It is a surprising fact,”’ says Toke he ee ens; the cough disap- i cone the price lL advance. } Ad qualified voters who intend to Sormpantonsziered2 and proceeded to dictate several | Prof enon ea = =a pa ae <i Roeper. podgior: a pears. Do not shes for a: AO IN I | oe ic ticket i cai j telegrams. These telegrams un-|inall parts of the world, for the last | Yeats F aS = neumonia and con- oe THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. | sapport the Bee Brother A. D. Watts, of the 3 sone ten years, | have met more people} Worst form of slavery. Georve D. EE but cut short doubtedly were the Washington dis- : s CROSS ON /elections are cordially invited to at | Statesville Mascot, is being favor- : , -¢ | Willi f Manchester, Mich . tell z le C01 y ¢ sville Ms : : : = ¢ having used Green’s August| Williams, of Manchester, Mich . tells ithout delay. 4 ! tend and participate in the prima-|abiy mentioned among bis constitu- peer Bak published as Flower than any otber remedy. for how such a slave was made free. He your cold w tho ¥ mF i vies, which are hereby called to meet ae soe mettle eer dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom- i eE ad wife eee in Dr. Ayer’s aa = SSeS SS 3s the respective voti SO ences y ach, and for constipation. I find|!ess for five years that she cou toral Plaster sho exams) ani oe . = fae nee ore pisces ed by general avclaim. Brother ee for tourists and ieee or for}not turn over in bed alone. — After overthe lungs of every per- ‘ = oS a8 VE > ww & yt a >.ch precinct on Clark, of the Landmark, is the May-| » yp Matthews, Unitia, Tenn.,| persons filling office positions, | using two bottles of Electric B titers z £ ES BA a | | WF SATURDAY. MARCH 31st, 1900, or of the Se = passant, all of eos writes: [ have used Ramon’s Liver| where headaches and general bad she is wonderfully et and son troubled with a cough. K x Be ° a tt ress i Cee ee 3 = od *. This su- = e B Bio Pepsin a2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose |RO°° 2 S04" at least in Iredell. © alts forhestiacii constipation}and | testing trem ares eae Se ee nein ea dicaces| | Write tothe Doctor. he 5 Sel ee Sete +. 2 t : iliousness for more than two years, | tha § meas =i ; ities and } - : ts {2 Testciess and Gusrantced to Gure Chills and af el anes Oe ee ere Ee = land they have given Compe aie” grand remedy. Ivdoes not injure quickly cree eee me perience ,omtocnty wcealty “te for mittee of ive members anddelegates; Mrs. J. K. Miller, Newton, Hamil the system by frequent use, and is DeSS. Melancholy. ache. 5ac perier 78 : Fever and o!! Maisris! Treubles. Not Coutain Quinine Nor Other Poi on. Does Not lajare tac Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. & Son, Dime Box, Tex., ssy: “Reamoa’s Pepsin Chill Tonic is the ia cs itin his practice,and says it is out injury to tho stomach.” = ton, Pa.. writes, “I think DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve the greatest “hb: January ord, 1900 salve made.’ It cures piles and bis January 3rd, : heals everything. All fraudulent D. Warts, R. B. McLaceuum, imitations aré worthless. W. F Secretary: Ctetrmenm Hye r4 the county convention. | 33) order of the committee. faction I can truly say that I have never found anything better for the complaints if taken at the proper tame. They area sure preventa- tive for malaria, _ For sale by N. R. Tunstall, druggist. ' excellent for sour stomachs and in- ache, fainting and az. spells sy igestion.”’ Sample bottles free at Miracle working medicine isa god- a "Hall. Jr. "a Druggist. send to weak. sickly, rundown peo- ‘ deen with our, wil receive. = prompt reply, Address, * . C. AYER. : = Lowell, Mase. : ie pie. Every bottle guaranteed. On- een all civilized ty 50 cents. Sold by odurttries Tey ee - ~ ~ — W. FB. Bully: a ee eS ra s aa 35 5 5 Ce e s ae +5 AN ga n g ! ge en pe a ar e a 7, PO O R E R Po a b i s = Ws 2 2 a pv e 5 Bi k e ee e LS FO C , : 7 i Foo ho 3 | PuBLISHED WEEKLY 8 GONE DOLLAR A YEAR. A.D. Warts. Eprror & PROPRIETOR. Fricec st the Pestoffice at Statesville a second class mail matter.] *Puonk No. 35. March 1. 1906 Statesville, N. C., WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION DATE- State. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11TH SENATORIAL. SATURDAY, APRIL TrH. County, TUespay. APRIL 3Rp. Primaries. Sarcepay, Marcu 31s TREAS- THE MAN FOR u STATE RER a elsewhere we print a sketch ¢ Benjamin R. Lacey, State Commissioner of the Labor ar Printing, who is a prominent cand! date for the Democratic nomine State Treasurer. We be presen! tion for eye that Mr. Lacy should be nom inated for the following reasens: First—He is a loyal and consisten: has always beet Democrat who faithful. There is no firmer believer in the principles of the party— State ard National—and he hes siven his time for their advance - ment. second He isa speaker of power of persuasion and will mak «x Vigorous Canvass of the State. I: ts00 and IS9S, hisspeeches were as in the State. for the part: rar: able as any delivered und votes were made wherever he spoke. Third—He is eminently qualifies for the discharge of the duties of the For. years he has been the financial manager of the Raleic! Wor position. Dime Savings Bank, and the derful suecess which that institu- tion has enjoyed proves him to be « dnancier of rare ability. As State Labor Commissioner he has show tnat he has executive ability of o hieh order, and the faithful way i: which he bas performed everv duty ot the position proves him to b worthy the confidence of the people. of Fourth—He isa representative oi the laboring element of the State. Mor years he ran an engine, and since he left the road hag kept up his friendly and fraternal relation: with his fellows. As the Commis stoner of Labor he has sought to better the condition of the factors operatives and ovher workingmern North Carolina, and there is no man living in North Carolina day who possesses the esteem and to- confidence of that great element of oar population as dees Ben Lacy in this year, when the Republicans will scek to prejudice the workine people against the const.tutiora! wmenudment, no other man in the State can talk to the factory peo ie with such effect as Lacy, their friend. Let us nominate him and scud him into every factory com- munity to correct Republican mis- representaticns and preach the pure Coctriaes of Democracy. The law yers, farmers, editors and other classes will be represented on the State ticket, Why not put a rep- resentative of labor on it too? Good party policy demands his nomina- tion, << ee The Porto Rican tariff bill has been under discussion in the House for several days and was to have heen voted apon yescerday. There “as Considerable Republican Oppo- =itton to the bill, which proposed to tax American imports into Porto Rieu and Porto Rican exports to this country 23 per cent, of the Dingley tariff iaw rates. but a Re- publican conference agreed to cut down the rates to 15 per cent., limit the law's operation to two years and expend all the money collected for the benelit Porto Rico, and ma- ny of theRepublican-opponents of the bill were won over. It is thought tuat the bill passed yesterday by a small majority. Thisisa new ce- parture in American legislation to levy tariff taxes avainst the produé- tions of one section (Porto Rico: is now a partof the United States) when they seek to enter other sec- tions of the same country, and marks the beginning of the empire which the Republican administra- tion seeks to set up instead of the homogeneous republic the fathers eave us. This Porto Rican tariff will be beard from’in the campaign this year. _—_— ee The constitutional amendment questi-n barrows itself down to tais: White men who believe that iznorant negroes should no longer be allowed to vote will support the amendment, while tiose who be- a in 1gn0rant negroeseyotirg | Wii OUpese it. How do you sta ci, : white maa ? HON. W. D TURNER. Iris gratifving to tte people of} 4 sketch of a candidacy | Tredeli to know that the f Hon. Wilfred D. Turner for the ant Governor has met with such hearty approval in all sections of the State. The indications are that he will receive the nomination. To those who know Mr. Turner. uothing need be said of his eminent qualications for this office and his great strenyth and availability as acandidate. He is a strong mao mentully, morally and physically; olest with a robust common seuse, he intuitively knows the right; jones! and open as the day, he bas ived without fear and without re- proach, his public and his private infe without stain or blemish and he possesses the absolute confidence fall who know him. Heisan ac vomplished lawyer, a legislator of xperience, a bold, ageressive cam- paigner and absolutely true to the eachings of Democracy, without ‘variableness nor shadow ofturn- ng.’’ His name upon: the ticket would be a tower of strength io this section of the State. These are not the exaggerated deas of a partial friend, but is a ‘alm and truthful statement of facts. he Stute convention by nominat- ne Turner will make no mistake. BS ae ea eae ON age The gallant General ,Croanje and iis brave Boers, who were hemmed non the banks of the Modder river »y overwhelming numbers of Brit ‘sh troops, were forced to surrender tor days the deyoted band held out avainst the murderous fire of the ‘nemy’s heavy guns and against aope, in order that their country- men might have time to’concentrate it other points for the defence of ‘heir country, but six or eight thousand men were forced finally to surrender to fifty thousaad, or be an- uihilated. England has succeeded ia getting hermen and guns on the scene of war, and the contest from 10wW on will doubtless be favorable to her heavier battalions. The orave republic will be forced to vield and will‘becomea colony of the british Empire. Eagland wants the gold fields of the Trinsvaal, and she will not allow such small mat- ters us human lives and hberties to staud in her way to their posses- sion. Uriah, the soldier, had a wife. deantiful as a poet’s dream: Da- vid. the king, wanted her,and Unah was placed in the front of battle to be kided. Uriah fell fighting for ‘he king whose covetousness had nim murdered, and Bathsheba was added to David's harem« The God of rizht sent home to. David the heinousness of his sin, und in the death of one son and the rebellion of another he was made to know that he who sins must mourn. The mines of the Transvaal are fabulously rich; England wanted them, and a pretext fora war was sought. The brave Boers will be overcome, the crosses of St. George ind St. Andrew will float from the Capitol ef Pretoria and Transvaa! independence will become but a memory: but in the end, sooner or later, England will, David-like, fee! the siniting hand of God for her cov etousness and injustice. The pity of it is that our country is enyaged in the same business, and is accused of giving encouragement to E:.gland in her oppression of the South African republic. It’s bes1 for the country that the un-Ameri can policy of the present Republi can administration be repudiated. and it looks more and more like the people will do that very thing on Tuesday, November 6th., 1900. See atiinee eee Senator James H. Berry and Gov- ernor Daniel W. Jones are candi- dates for the former's seat in the United States Senate from Arkan- sas. Berry is against expansion. while Jones is an ardent expansion. ist. Saturday three county prima- vies were held and Berry swept them by immense majorities. This shows that the Democratic masses are against the new doctrines which en- danger the republic. oo AMONG THE POLITICIANS. Wayne county Democrats held their county convention Saturday. Charles B. Aycock, of that county, was unanimously endorsed for Gov- ernor. _ Dr. W. P. Craven, one of the lead- ing Populists of Mecklenburg cour ty anda Populist member of the Legislature of 1897, tells the Char- lotte News that he will vote for the ameudment. The Democratic convention of Pender county held Saturday unan- imously instructed the delegates to the State convention to vote for Charles B. Aycock. of Wayne cour- ty. tor Governor. Edgecombe Democrats have nomi- aated Dr, R. H. Speigh for Senator and E. S. Daushtridgeand B. F Sbetton for the House. Dr. Speigh was a memberof the last Senate, while the nominees for the House are new men. National Committeeman Josephus Daniels, of Raleigh, has returned from the meeting of the committee. He says Bryan will be nominsted by acclimation and be elected. He says the feeling among Democrats is one of confidence ina party vic- tory. The sub-committee of the Senate judiciary committee which has Judge Ewart’s case in hand bas again reported adversely to him to the full committee. The full com- mittee considered the case Monday, but deferred final action till next week. It is thought certain that he will not be confirmed. ————> +e -o . In a railroad wreckat Flomaton, Aja.. Sunda Ujed antt . : . 5 . a ” s MAScor. Demecratic nomination for Lieuten- | Prepared for for THE Masco BENJAMIN R. LACY. WILFRED DENT TURNFR. Prominent Candidate for the Democratic Nomination for State Treasurer. A Sketch of Iredell's Candidate Lieutenant Governor. | Prepared for Tur Mascot. For | Thesubject of this sketch was Hon. Benjamin R. Lacy, of Ral-j| orn in Iredell county forty tiree { years ago. His early life was spent jeigh, whois a prominent candidate |for the Democratic nomination for | upon his father’s farm. In 1876, he |State Treasurer, is the young: | graduated at Trinity College, N.C., and soon thereafter commenced the study of the law with the late Judge Armfield. Upon being licensed by the Supreme Court he began the practice of the law in Statesville |est son of the late Rev. Drury Lacy, | D. D., and was born in Raieigh June 19th, 1854, while his father was pas- tor of the Presbyterian church at that place. In 1855 or "56 Dr. Lacy was elected president of Davidson College, and most of Mr. Lacv’s childhood was spent there. In 1859 Dr. Lacy resigned the presidency of | the college and moved back to Ral- leigh. where Mr. Gacy has since lived Soop after the war, when a mere boy, he was placed as an apprentice in what was then the Raleigh & Gas- ever since. Mr. Turner has been devoted to Jiis profession and hasa well earned reputation as a learned and accurate lawyer. In 1886 he was the nominee of the Democratic party for the State Senate in the dis- trict composed of Iredell, Alexan- der and Wilkes His nomination was to lead a forlorn hope. He ton Railroad shops. He served his} made so active and vigorous a cam- time and became a _ first-class loco-| paign that he carried the district by a largely increased majority. In 1888 and 1890. he was re-nominated and re-elected by increasing major- ities and served the people of his district and State with zeal and judgment. Asa Senator he won a State wide reputation as a legislator, being regarded as one of the wisest, safest and most reliable members of that body. Iredell county has en- dorsed Mr. Turner several times fo» Congress, but he has never held pub- motive engineer. For 17 years he ran an engine on what is now the great Seaboard Air Line system without an accident. He enjoyed during ull his time of service toan unusual devree the confidence and esteem of his employers. In the first year of Gov. Carr’s idministration he was appointed ommissioner of Labor Statistics, and the highly efficient manner in vhich the duties of that ofice were performed is well known tbrough- | lic office except asa State Senator. out the State. In the fusion up-| While not a politician, he has al- heaval of 1896 he was thrown out of uffice, but was almost unanimously “e elected by the last Levislature. Whenthe Raleigh Dime Savings Bank was opened, Mr. Lacy was made vashier and the success of that in- -titution fully attests his ability to nanage the finances of the State, -hould ke be elected to the oftice of Creasurer. It is safe to say that no one in the State is in closer touch with the me- ‘hanics and laboring classes of our State. From early boykood he has »eea ‘“‘one of them.’’ and his influ- ‘nce with them is very great. Mr. Lacy on his father’s side is a drst cousin of the late Rev. Moses 5. Hoge, D.D., the eminent and tistinguished orator and divine. On ais mother’s side he is a grandson f Rev. B. H. Rice, D. D.. after xhom he is named. He comes thus by full right of inheritance to his ability to write and speak. This vas amply shown by his vigorous ind effective canvass of the State in 1896, his speeches during that cam- oaign prodocing marked etfect. During his whole life be has been an irdent and consistent Democrat, ind his nomination will add great strength to our ticket. In 1880 Mr. Lacy married the old- est child and daughter of Capt. J Bb. Burwell.now president of States- ville Female College.and has several children. —_-———=>—_ + ways been active in politics. In every campaign for the past twen- ty years he has done yeoman’s ser- vice for Democracy—-always in the thickest of the fight and always logical, sensible and influential for the good of the party. He is a speaker of decided gifts and is a bold, aggressive and sensible leader. Personally Mr. Turner is a man in the vigor of his manhood. He is a member of the Methodist church, the Knights of Pythias,and is regard- ed as a full rounded man, a worker in all walks of life. Heisaman of popular manners, popular with the people and has proved himself equal to every emergency ard occa- sion. Heis one of the strongest and best men of the State and his nomination would add strergth to the ticket. V—_——— oe ~ CRONJE STURRENDERS. The Brave Boer General, Hemmed in on Every Side by Overwhelming Odds, Surrenders His Army and Becomes a Prisoner of War. London Dispatch, 27th. The War Office has received the following from Lord Roberts: **Paardeberg, Feb. 27, 7:45a m. —General Cronje and all of his force capitulated unconditionally at day- light, and is now a prisoner in my camp. Thestrength of his force TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. will be communicated later. I hope that Her Majesty's government Mr. J. P. Millner came home last} will consider this event satisfactory, saturda: from a trip South. occurring as it does on the anniver- sary of Majuba Hill.”’ 3:02 p. m.—The War Office has received the following from Lord Rev. W. J. Bumgarner, of Little River township, was bere Tuesday. Mr. Clarence Echerd, son of Mr. | Roberts: W. P. Echerd, and Mr. Lethco| ‘‘Paardeberg, Feb. 27, Tuesday Moose. from near town, left Tuesday | morning.—From information fur- for Illinois, Sheriff Williams left Tuesday af- ternoon for Raleigh with John Alex- inder, who gets five vears in the penitentiary. nished daily to me by the Intelli- gence Department, it became appar- ent that General Cronje’s force was becoming more depressed, and that the discontent of the troops and the discord among the leaders were rap idly increasing. The feeling was doubtless accentuated by the disap- pointment caused when the Boer re- enforcements which tried to relieve General Crovje were defeated by our troops of February 23. I resolved. therefore, to bring pressure to bear on the enemy. Each night the trenches were pushed forward to- wards tke enemy’s laager so as to gradually contract his position, and atthesame time I bombarded it heavily with artillery which was vesterday materially aided by the arrival of four six-inch howitzers which I had ordered up from DeAar. In carrying out these measures, a captive ballcon eave great assist- ance by keeping us informed of the dispositions and movements of the enemy. At3a m. today, a most dashing advance was made by the Canadian regiment and some envi- neers, supported by the First Gor- don Highlanders and Second Shrop shires, resulting in our gaiaing a point some six hundred yards near- er the enemy and within about SO yards of his trenches, where our men entrenched themselves and maintain- ed their positions till morning, a vallant deed, worthy of ovr colonial comrades, end which Iam vlad to say was attended by comparatively slight Icss. “This apparently clinched mat- ters, for, at daybreak today, a let- ter signed by General Cronje, in which he stated that he surrendered unconditionally, was brought to our Outposts under a flag of truce. “In my reply. 1 told General Cronje that he must present him- self at my camp and that his force must come out of their laaver after laying down their arms. By Za. m. I received Genera! Cronje and dis- pa'ched a telegram to you announc- ing the fact. Inthe course of con- versation, he asked for kind treat- ment at our hands, and also that his wife, grandson, private secretary, adjutant and servants miyvht accom- pany him wherever he might be sent. I reassured him and told him that his request would be complied with. IT informed him that a zeneral officer would be sent with him to Cape Town, toensure his being treated with proper respect en route, He will start this afternoon under charge of Major General Prettyman, who will hand him over to the gen- eral commanding at Cape Town, “The prisoners who number about 3.000, will be formed into comman- does under our own officers. They will also leave here today, and will reach the Modder river tomorrow, when they will be railed to Cape Town in detachments. ”’ The above dispatch was read in both the House of Lords and the House of Commons, today. The reference to the Canadians evoked immense aud prolonged cheering. Mr. A. J. Balfour, the government leader in the House of Commons, said he had no information relative to the Boer guns. HEAVY FIGHTING AT PIETER’S MILL. In the attempt of the Inniskillings, Friday evening, to rush the Boer position on Pieter’s hili, the Boer fire was so terrible when the infant- ry emerged from the cover of the trees, that almost every man in the leading half of the company fell wounded. The advanceline of the British reached a donga in front «of Lawyers A. C. MelIntosh and frank A. Linney. with Alexander horse traders, are attending court it Newton this week. The board of county commission. ers will meet Monday. Democratic eounty convention and a speech by Hon. W. D. Turner, of Statesville. The W. P. Ingram jumber and milling company are arranging to tncrease their plant. They already have some additional capital and would like some more. The new bell for the court house arrived this week, just one week too late for court, but probably in time for the next serenade, as the boys who bought it claim some interest with the county now. Dr. Thos. A. Kerly, who » short time ago opened ap some eeods in Dr. Little’s store room, ba~ rented a farm near Charlotte and will move his family from this county in a short time together with his soods. Col. G. W. lowers who has a orother living in Kansas City. Mo., wants to attend the Democratic Na tional convention as a deleyate from this the (Sth) Congressional! district and we hope that the party will sive our county this sma'! request. The sheriff and board of commis- sioners believe ina dry town. No oucket was furnished for the public wellin the court house yard last week, so that those attending court could get free water Many seemed to prefer something strong- er. Can't Statesville, Iredel! Scotts, Sloan’s, Hiddenite and Taylorsville build a telephone line? Let some action be tacen at once—a meeting be held here next Monday. We be- lieve if it is known what each place has to do to get a line that it can be built. Superior court adjourned fast Fri- day afternoon. The damage suit of Gray, admr., vs. Dr. H. McD. Little the jury found the first ixsue that nezlect or conduct of defendart, has- tened or accelerated the death of plaintiff’s wife and on instructions of the judge, if this was found, that the damage would only be nominal, and their verdict was 5 cents and costs. The plaintiff’s counsel asked for an appeal to the Supreme Court. ———— oo AI SXANDER CCUNTY DEMOCRATIC MASS CONVENTION. The Democrats of Alexander county are called to meet in mass conven tion at the court house in Taylorsville, N. C., on MONDAYS, MARCH 5TH, 1900, at lo’clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the State and Senatorial conventions and for the transaction of such other busi- ness as may come before it. A full attendance is desired. Hon. W. D. Turner, of Statesville, who is spo- kerot for Lieutenant Governor, will be present to address the peo- ple on tke issues of the day. Ev erybody come outand hear a good speech from a good citizen of Iredell county. Done by order of the ex- ecutive committee. Jvo. L. Gwatrtney, Chm’n. Co. Ex Com Taylorsville, N. C., Feb. 19, 1906. ‘the Norfolk Virginian-Pilut, died p- one fire WS Satur enn parent until they were actually ip -ttulled on.account of sm pox in! tit med iA ay fe. Tye Beeyy wate YS te Geak Re oe Sea ei ee Colonel Wm. C. El 2 am, editor of the Boer trench, which was not a 2 Sater. 2. and has continuously practiced here | 'and then returned. on either flank 'of the Inniskillings, eofilading the jcaptared doaga with a terrible cross | | fire. { | Finding it impossible to advance jor tohold the position, the Britisb | fell back and entrenched themselves j half way up the hill. : Tbe Boers maintained a heavy fire. In |course of the night Dublio usileers jand the Connaughs arriving to sup | port the Inniskillings, another de |term‘ned attempt was made to take {the Boer positions. This also fail- led. A heavy fire continued through- !out the night. ! The Inniskillings lost 14 out of ‘IT officers killed anu wounded, and }about 250 non-commissioned olbcers | ;and men killed and wounded. | General Lyttleton’s brigade re- | lieved General Hart's brigade in the morning and the artillery duel was continued yesterday (Saturday) though no great damage was done. To-day an armistice was agreed upon to enable both sides to collect their dead and wounded. The Boers admit having had very heavy losses, but they scout the idea that the British will compel them to raise the seige of Ladysmith. NEARLY 4,060 PRISONERS. Lord Roberts has notified the War Office that the number of Boer prisoners approximates 4,000, of which about 1,150 are citizens of the Orange Free State. The remain- der are citizens of the Transvaa! Twenty-nine Transvaal officers were captured and eighteen Free State officers were prisoners. The guns captured fromthe Transvaai forces were three 7.5-centimetre Krupps. nine one-pounders and one Maxiin gun. From.the Free Staters the British captured one 7 5-ceatimetre Krupp and one Maxim gun. The officers captured by Genera! Roberts besides General PietCronje, include the following well-known commanders: Chief Commaadant Wolverans, 2 member of the Volks- raad; Field Cornet Fruz, a Scandi- vavian; Major Albrecht, the famous German artilleryman, and Major Von Dewitz, the distinguisned German officer responsible for most of the splendid engineering works of the Boers since the commencement of the war. 2 - MOORESVILLE NEWS. Death of Mr. Ervin.—An Amateur Hanging.—A Former Instance tecalled. From our Regular Correspondent. Mr. B. R. Lacy, of Raleigh, was in our town last Thursday. He is a candidate for State Treasurer and has many friends in this communi- ty who heartily endorse his candi- dacy and hope that he will vet the nomination. Mr. S.J. Brawley, who has been seriously sick for several weeks, is uow improving and his many friends have strong hopes of his recovery. Mr. Ephriam Ervin, of Cabarrus county, died of pneumonia on the 25th. He lived about four miles from Coddle Creek church and was about 75 years old. He had been a magistrate since 1866 and was 2 prominent man in his community. The deceased leaves several children, one of whom is Mrs. Lock Snmrow. of this township. Miss Minnie Templeton is assist- ant postmaster kere, instead of Mr. J. T. Hudson, who goes to Mt. Ulia. She isa niece of R. S. Tem- pleton, Esq., the postmaster. Three young misses in their early teens who work in the cotton mill here decided they would have some fun at the expense of a younger workmate Sy attempting to hang her. They fastened arope of yarn around her neck and, there being no suitable beam in the room where they were, pulled her about on the fioor for awhile and had their fun. Next morning they were brought before the mayor and made to pay $1.50 each for their fun, and this was not so funny. Several years ago a similar prank was attempted here, but the parties were all nen of mature age. Two men full of corn juice called at the home of an old colored man and wanted him to drink with them. He refused and the men put a rope arvund his neck and swung hiin up toa beam in his house, and had their laugh at his dangling about. One of the parties left the place and has not been back since. The other, the less guilty man, appeared at the Superior Court and paid $50 for bis part of the fun. People who delight in having fun at the expense of other people’s feelings had better try some other way than hanging, as it generally costs more than the fun is worth. —— 0cfk oe tee LATE GENERAL NEWS. In a railroad wreck Tuesday near Independence, Mo., three persons were killed and six injured. Three men were killed and another badly injured ia a powder mill ex- plosion at Plattsville, Wis.. Satur- day. Four men were kijled monday by the failing of a mine carriage in ¢ mine at uount Pleasant, near Serar - ton, Pa. A boiler exploded at a saw mill at Pullman, Ark., Saturday, and three men were killed and several others wounded. Bud Wilson shot and killed his wife Tuesday night in a Kentucky “blind tiger.’ Wilson claimed that his wife was untrue to him. Fire destroyed over $1,000,006 worth of property in Newark, N. J., Tuesday. Several lives were fost and many people were injured. Doc Curd, white, was arrested yesterday at Nicholasville, Ky., charged with assaulting a white wo- man, and itis probable that he will be lynched. Wkile resisting arrest Tuesday Tom and Henry Beadles, colored, coal dealers of Memphis, Tenn., were shot by officers. Henry was killed instantly, while Tom was mortally wounded. Dr, Frank D. Caldwell shot and killed Mrs. Hayes. the wife of Dr. £- P. Hayes,a New York dentist, in the Hotel Endicott. New York City Saturday night. Caldwell was Hayes’ assistant. Caldwell then shot and killed himself. There is ro suicide. > > aa. Joe Hodges, a pressman of the Evening Dispatch, of Wilmington. had his head terribly crushed in printing press Friday evening, lived orly a short time after the L ace | cident. Rockingbam court has been an-| BN I TOU - irk 7 Sa d e © rat it ‘its bad i wa t me =e i =e eo w tion to good” TD A DE BA A D OD A SB S BA M WH a Oe son of C. J cidentaily Edneys b: discharged the Kerns row in negro will arrested. killed. good demand. Buiter Scare Rey: Cabbage. Extra th “new Corn—old—s6 e new . Oats—z2tbs, Peas—ciay Potatoes—Iris Swee Onions—sclec lard—N,C. Hens—per Ib Roosters Chicken —Spr Yurkeys—per Ducks " Gesell. Strict Good M , the estate us to notify all verified, on or once, SALE OF i fave YOu er? ui SCOTT'S EMULSIGN | have a vague noitic 3, purest and th: best fa ihe | 9 world, but made so patats- bie that aimast evervbocy can take it. Nearly 21 children like it and ask for. more. € “3 : 4 3 SCOTT'S EMULSION * looks fike cream; it nour- € ishes the wasied body of 2 the baby. child cr adwt¢ beticr than cream or any ather food in existence. RS bears about the same reia- ¢ cream Goes fo mK. with other so-called “us will find that this is a fe: The hypophosphites that orc | combined with the cod-liver or ; additional value to it boccusz -, 4, cone impast strengts to the whole & Saturday vear-oi!d son of J. B. Kerns. and the Edney boy was playing wii! a breech loazding gun when it was instant death, Mary Johnson, colored, stabbo: Ike Dean, aiso colored, in a drunk or Greensooro Tuesday. Buck Cox thrown from his horse Saturday anc STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKE™ COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF TITLE WEEK. Chickens and eggs G PRICES—RASIS NO, I OVALITY. Family ** 3 < ‘ muxed . t, per Beeswax .. . rth : Guina s cach Butter—Choice yellow... 2.0... 5 “= RA ee oe , Honey—strained, per Ih... . ) e mn ered cis) con 4 Regenesis 5 = guinea . |= to MVpeat EE ene : 9 OS ie an ee ee 5 Peathess—new 2S os 2 5 ides ; Wool—washed ..... ee 25 Apples—dried—quarters, bright... 3 = bright sliced... . 4 “fancy bright sliced . . 4>3 a extra a: 4 * green—per bushel... . . 9 Peaches—peeled, bright. ..... . o a c fame i sie 6 S 3 ONE ea 7 Bacon—Hog round, pertb. ... , . 5 = Mame 6 IGER ea ae es I Shoulders STATESVILLE COTTON MARKE™~. STATESVILLE, N. ¢., February 22, 1900, 94, 1. Good Middling aan eS ec wie eae 3.069 MaRS Cie eos een, S.So Staius oe w tee Ai en hn we oe nae Market firm, Administrator's Notice. AVING qualified as adsninistrator. c. t.a of 7 the said estate to present them to m: 1901, or this notice willbe plead in bat ott recovery of the same, said estate will please make payment to me Jan. 15th, 1900, Walter C. Feimster, Att'y. REAL ESTATE 37) y virtue of the authority given by the tec in the town of Mooresville, N. C., auction to the highest bidder that valuable aeOCeBBSOOCSe= | Sale of Valuable Land. B* VIRTUE of a decree of Iredell superior { ; > | : | sell forcash at public auction to the highest j bidder that valuable tract of Jand situated in ‘ * ; Chambersburg towuship, in 1 ce : « | known asthe Amelia Plyler Hometiact o! “ — | containing 110 acres, more or less, Title retain }ed till purchase money is paid >A , re AA may naye hear at . 1. 3 is cod-liver oi] with ' iaste and smell and | other repulsive fea- ; a ek ar | ao SL IS CL ESIVET Sin, tr0t wd other emuisions tir if you preparations, up the nervous sysiem ¢ y evening a 10-vear-ol« . Edney, of Salisbury, .c- shot and killed a four- oarded with the WKerrs . the load taking effect u child’s neek and causin: Ti dig, aud the woman was of Pitt couaty, CORRECTED BY watited: all produce i e, n . ack Meal- -bolted—4q ths. * unbolted, 35 tbs per bushel... . + th t a t n SO N I OC SC E SU UY hs. per buskel . . Sie a es 5s ; ing—small—per th... large coe aie 6 Doe uae tee 6 Court made in the special proceeding emi tied A. D, Plyler, Marion A. Plyler ara others ag U. T. Plyier,the undersigned as comms- | Sor of said court will, at the Court House | Goorin Statesville on SATURDAY, MARCH 24TH, 1900, Iredeil county J. B. CONNELLY, This Feb'y. 20th, 2900, Commissioner. Lana Sale. VY VIRTUE ofa decree of Iredell Superior Court made in the special proceeding entt A.D. ®lyler, Marion A’ Plyler, nee Ply- nd others againsi U. T Plyler, the unoer- rds Con een of said court, willat the Court House door in Statesville on SATU® DAY, MARCH 23TH, 1900, sell at public auction to the highest bidder a ¥% township, in Iredell county, known as the Pinkney Plyter land, containing 694 acres more or less. Terms ot sale one-halt cash on day of and one half payable in six months from day of sale. with note and approved sec with interest from dais of sale. "ill; ase moncy is pzid. ill purchase moncy is 7 7 B.CONNELLY, Coniuissioner. This Feb’y. 20th, 1900 FARM FOR SALE. YT WILL sellallors part of my farm of 160 ‘ seres. The landis siiuated in Shiloh ship, fonr miles southwest of Statc con Lewis Ferry road) There are good bisldings and a fair orchard on the land r are in cultivation and Go acres in Weeds Pricelow and terms reasonable. See me, or wrile me at Statesville, About tvo acres | E, Ll. Freeze. Jan. 25th, 1¢00. Garland toffee Pot. 7 ARE agents for the ce! Coffee Pot, and have the ex it im Iredell, Rowan, Gatawba, Lincoin, Meck- lenburg and Cabarrus counties. This coffee pot | saves one-third of the coffee and gives you solutely clear. pure coffee, saving you t dremking any dregs. Physicians recommendit. sce itand you will buy it. We will all oa you Jan'y. 25 th, 1900. Respectiully i : EL AND J. .CLOANINGER. | 3 ; Not ce, Iam now Celivering the Garland coffee aud Iwautail who have pure ready during the next two w them when | present the bills. igc0 J. L. CLOANIN pots 3 ed them to he k a Machinery For Sale. We offer for sale our machinery Point. We have a first-class saw n planing machine and a 30 horse power L e ne anda go horse power Liddell Th saw mill, planing machine and beile were bought new in July. 1899, ' We also have a new Munger’s system of cot- | ton ginaing machinery and a’Southern Standard picss, iso offer a five-acre lot on w ery is located. There is also w awelling on the lot. This is asplendid location for mz this kind. We ginned 600 bales ef ¢ in i898. Will sell for cash or part Felry. 1sth:, 1900. Respectfuliv, LYNTZ BROS. FAY iss qnatified as : ++ estate of T. M. Hoover. all persons having claims eto present the same to the of before January 25th, roc, ov Said estate ar¢ expected to make i diate payment. WW, WRITE, This Jan’y. 25th, 1900. Adminisirator Notice to creditors, YaAtixe qualified asadministrator. at : the estate of John M.sumter, sons having Claims agai hereby notified to present t} deceased nt said estate j 4 Same to the } dersigned on or before ae , 1 { persons indebted to said estete are reque ito | make immediate payment. This January, zoth. gm. J. FE. BOYD. \ ! Adintnistrator ¢ toa | this office. ve luable tract of land situated in Chambersburg ©: iy, sonan Tithe retained and the second t towh- sville on the Oo" rd staccu Siw MILL and pi ture «, for imfortnalt Noiiee fo te cir Reid at the lcthersand near warship « the 1¢ canbe = the undersiguecd ‘Yerms oO} sale tor the same, as artidavits notes, MES, +. 5 | This Feby, 8th., sge0, Two Houses aad Leis f, March 1st., ‘Spring is on Our stock «o he Largest ana ever had f known hou-cs +. 1. 98) Ail kinds of } Seed Son in, and tors Sure and want cither SBE OP GRO "OO? a, > a, rr <7, w 4 4 -% ‘ Hl ae? (tm lizers. iddling of S. E. Feimster, dece: \! ased, persons having c before the oth day of ja All persons indcbte. 1, W. SOMERS, Administrator, ¢ t. a, a 9 RESVILLE snd testament of John F, Moore, decea+. | undersigned will, last will and tes 1 ; FRIDAY, MARCH 20TH, 1000, as ¢xecutors of suid iment ou sell at publi ca estate situated in the center of, Moor Ne. j know ¢ John F, Moore house and lot, ad. | joing the lands of CA, Johnson and cthers | containing 145 lot is a good twe out buildings; a valuable farmis 3G RCTES, nore Oo} in different lots, which will be with note and a J. B. Connelly Sale of case of W. WwW. 1 ship. adjoining Phifer and oth acres, more or less, asthe “old Moore tract.” yille and these lands will be sold on dav of w 3. Terms of sale 's{cash on day Of sale.and balance of purchase money payable on January 1, from day of sale. purchase money is paid, This Feb. 28, 1900, - XN VIRTUEofa judgment of the Court of Iredell county made at the Febria- ry Term. 1893, of Iredell Superior Court in the thence North 100 poies to a stone, @ | to astone, North 20° East 83 poles toa post oat: He! West 61 poles toa post oak, Wallace. now Stees's corner, Suuth 126 poles to a stone. Wallace's ind on said! »stlory Qwelling house, well anc . Iso on said lot there is a four. | room cottaxe house, Also one other tract oj | ng land, situated southeast or} Mocresville’ adjoining Mooresville Cotton Mili property, containing 6c acres, more Aino another tract of land adjoining A. D. 1 ler and others, north ef Mooresville, or less. | containing r less, the last iwo tracts know ni The lot in Moores- according to a plot of st: furnished by said executor ia a 29 Ha And other well known brands. MR, H. L, Stevenson, Who has been engaged in the Fertilizer business in Statesville for a now associated with the’Flanigan Harpo-< Co and will have charve of the branch of their business will be found at the store of The Blaniean Harness Co.. aud will be ir a position name vou best. prices and terms on Calland see him. long time. js Mertilizer Mr Stevens ”” Fer: The Flanigan Harness ‘“o. Bedroom Suites THAT W'LL LAST THROUGH GEN-=RATIONS. The much sought for sort «ha: v have suites ing down to your children tha! we assure you will be on don't find every aa. é!] worth the MACE BY ONE OF AMERICA’S Reliable M anufacturers. of solid oak entirely cabiret, wer] 250 60 suites. drawers and serpentine tops. French Mirror Shapee and bevel edges, nicely carved, thorouzhly good suites. The Bureau ard Wash stend } ss GS POC 2s tha of save furl! « 26x80 inc Grished handsonely b : ee Prices $25. $27 and $30. L. SCHILLER, New Cooper block Statesville. N. c Furniture and Carpe ho fie Tet. 2.4 ee n MTs. / Cotto: morbing Nrs. © saip, In Gg Andy ¢ feoved Nevro al Gas. | ew so doage aa c- iither, Messr= J Stted vp ti dave fur Dr. G 117fe@s5 studenis « Mr H ith his thoy will ew purs Phe te pot toth: 7 coaoyved tT add stri Mr. J Bauwle - ” Siske hicers > During t bebton tk . »>e¢ of rat the stam}; verk 1 th Je! roe ad 2 otevel Mr. Wo ‘ lutual Lite . own wceoi] : f S stoppiho a wad may bocals air B> 4 ip bis p Svans Tis baste: up. ase veut Ss ouby ewssl Pix yor Thy i “any 2 045 Hes | a? hire Va hed hawk Dune 7 Ge Sui Lown <> 6b ‘ Ina ’ 1 rervec bs ~d 2 onn “4 tice my punta s i3eu ta ppese: % Fa Ges. wey pasts s Sura! aa over | Bt : “ Ae vet : 4 Ges vse bad thc , or fe f a asi , 7 wit ‘ Se Soka t % Uni a 4 “os J eo Lic , Vi LY pA melt « ot i! ee : .. ce pa “ , : es ac f isi i COL: ns %s ar J 2 ce) } Je . =>. Z ter ed ti g , a evel , re arene as Sele: ; ge. cer “a t Sy, ‘ : aul Bia att . "1 7 ' x er 23 lee ti : - a Du: 7q slit i a ta ‘ a I mi ve: at jocu ver i iis , . whe fe u at ‘ iu; “t ~ 2 7 = 5 ani pproved ceurity with iaterest fitle retained till all the J. R. MCNEELY, LL. R. CONNELLY, Executors, Valuable Land. ~ Att’s., Superior Tairvs. M. A. Steel and others, and also by judg:nent of said Court at February Term, 1900, in the same a > are commissioners will sell a: the court house doo known cause for the murder and SSS ee ouse door MONDAY, APRIL 2ND, 2990, that valuable tract of land in Cool Spring town. case, the undersigned the landsof J. F. Dotson. 8. \ crs, beginning at 2 hickory, West 36 poles corner, South 55° West 104 poles to a stone, Wal- lace's corner, South 35 | Phifer’s corner, North $5° East with his iine tc poles to a stone, Hen the beginning, containis £134 acres, Sold sub ?ect to the dower estate of M.A, Steel, Terms—Cash, a aS Thig Feb, 2) Th, C. H. ARMFIELD, CAaLDWELY ‘White Goods Opening! » We have just received and placed on sale the handsomest line of Vhite Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Tuckings, Percals and Blouse Sbirt Waist Fronts ever shown on this market. Call, Everybody, and let us have the pleasure of line ef these goods you ever exam Yours truly, showing ; you the prettiest ined. : P - Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. ihe xnceting < @;:2 Missiorary Si terian church § room of the churq soon was well avg terest was manif i -KKelway acdreg the Importlasce 2 ¥.ss Mtcaci Te Bsumtety since it Years azo. Theg Bhutcd more than Pmissiots Qu iite Dit reiy ef < ~ oO tov pb, the weli-kKnown one died i'r ‘ ro a@dObuu pW, = -f s bus soid bis resi t bre, WW e “eon Oe OO DAV ' market ve a) up to I, will deliver an i) iy tt neaica hott eft Tue HH Kory V re r 2 - > ee vive a nic chase. et \ buco es from the de . } ‘ ’ ‘ have been 1 ver to Broad anc y S ry 's Gistillery i » and ]2 barr t reve: i ~ » Deo OL a0 fe The : ! amps at s A i = inte u ‘ the pead select it i " t il t ; ‘ Ns i t Ra oars oe ‘dae Lote tad bal ed aks —_ ” ere ; Pay PSTD dee ET. Oe " eT aN a = Ste oD EP ar “i a a a a RS Sa a lle S ie i , — Death of Mr. Wilkinson, PERSONALS (jus towasbin, Alexander county Mr. J F. Bowles is off trio on the road. Mr J. F- from the road. Rev. R. G Sbannonhouse Sunday in Charlotte on a Anderson is at home ayed avout 7d years The funera Rev. J.C. Boyvdand the intermen sper! 2 : was at New Stirling church, {county. Dr. J. J. Mott returned yesterday | from Washington. as | children—tive sous apd one daush }ter—to mourn bis loss. He imember of New Stirling A. R. P ichurch and a good man. imuch sympathy for the bereave: of At- Frank Lowenstein, lanta, Ga., is in town. Mr. Miss Mamie Coburn, of Salisbury Mr. duba P. Wiikinson, of Millce’s over the Iredeil line), died Wednes- Gay vighbt of last week of pneumonia. services were conducted Friday by this he deceased leaves a wife and =ix Wes a There is THE ATHLEYLIC ASSOCIATION, Efforts for a Frst-Class Ball Team entertainment tonight in the first ! ental inate i fhis Year. ‘floor of the Long building. Thiskinyg along preposed cotton mills, furniture fac- | ‘ tory and other enterprises at pres | Parr 1. : lent engrossing the mind of the pub-| March Flag of Victory lic, the energetic efforts of the Ath- | Se ietic Association to raise contribu: | _ Past Grand Chancellor Ricke t tions fora continuation of sport and Selection Minstrel’s Delight Knight. recreation at 0. N.S. Band. summer, reminds us that “All work, | Von Bion Athletic Park this | vocal A -Thine eyes so blue and tender” Lassen ' iS B mn “Caught” Kobyn . Mrs, Dr. J. F. Carlton and no play. makes Jackadullboy.” |} Miss Fowler, accompanyist. e es ' Of our personal knowledge, we | Recitation a What he thinks Sinith : seta Reading The Going of the White Swan. Parker }]/know that the Association was or-| Miss Edwina Craig Duncan The the line of the following programme will be render- | The Pythian Annual Entertainment. | For Register of Deeds. The Pythians give their annual | I hereby announce myselfa candidate for Te- election to the office of Register of Deeds for Iredell county, subject to the action of the Dem- ocratic primaries and coun ty conventior z profoundly grateful for solicit your further favor. | nomination and election, I will contin | charge the duties of the office tothe best of my \ ability, Respectfully, | WoW. TURNE Far Register of Deeds. HEREBY announce mvyselfa cannidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will ap- preciate the support of my friends in the pri- maries. Respectfully, « J.C. SICELOFF. For Register of Deeds. F. A. SHERRILL & C Wholesale and Retail. _ To Friends and Customers. We wish to say that we are now prepared to save yon money on your Spring Purchases, is Visiting Miss Linwood Bost. i widow and children. vanized, and has _been conducted, Gavatte Bewwscang cea Lamendeau es iM oe Ee Miss Maguie Hyams, of Bakers-]| oe merely froma philanthropic point Part 2. TDESIRE to announce myself a candidate for | > Sah ing ong nt ~ y and for Sen =e many mee we can pili er See ey 1 - i f view. Its pi is ake care | cetect; ister eeds, subjec Pact fthe | (J (C7 sell you cheaper than ever, notwithstanding the cry of bigh- Ville, has re-entered tbe colleve. | A New Business Man OL Mle We LES DUTDOSe 3S vo take Care | Selection _ Faust” Gonnod ee eC “Gaz Ser price Seah > aes - se We ied 3 = ail 5 25 een ae eo + | Mr WW. H. Coffey bas moved here of the well man, as a hospital takes “ nae, O- N.S. Band _| ciate the support of my friends in the prima C3 er prices by the manuiacturers. We wish to say further that MW. White Esq , of Mooresville, |." Ree nditopencdlo care of the sick man ocet Matte ne, _ Mascheroni | ries to be held on March 31st, our stock is complete, and we have more voods in our store ce LE 1 and yesterday trom Morzanton an pene Do) a cy < . soninhien gore — ~ spe = Sa Saas ¢ -e have ever had TS > spe “ - was here Pucsday and yesterday. . a ae neeee — pen See = We are advised by the committee | ae ae clarke, eeaeeae Respectially. ee ee than we have soe had,so don’t fail to see us when you Misses Lottie and Mae Harbin Fer aes ore! building. The|™aking these contributions that | altz Impassione | Dreams RORAS | wa an naan enna g omen nena ons = a saipoe the worth of your money. Don't fail to see our mam- have returned from a Visit to Char- } on cae Nua savs ofhim: their efforts thus far have been fair- | Reading Massacre of Zoroaster Crawford For Register of Deeds, ees i: Seen t ; nt Pee ee Veter tte : pee Nene . Miss Hoffman p : nS “In chronicling the achievements ly suecessiul. It takes a great deal | pance “Manana Chillean™ Missud. BY announce myself a candidate fer Stock: of Shoes, : O. N.S. Band. - of Register of Deeds, subject to the é Dr. W. B. * lott went to Wiilkes- oro yesterday to see Mrs. M.-L. {non of Morganton we make specia! ott mention of Mr. W. H. Coffey who. M. Wo White, Esq., of Moores- ee for three years conducted a suc- ville. went to Raleivh yesterday } | ‘ | norpbing. | Mr. N. x. Bost, of the railroad service, Spent Sundiey bot Mr. J Biue kid W. Marsball left Tvesday e, Ga, to spend a week ! ‘ics W. J. Martin and little son, Davidsou. speat Monday with | minute details tn virs D. A. Miller. Irhis tine. Beside executing al: sy here with bis!¢ommercia! arena of this city. | Coftey is 2 1% fous -openiog at Statesville a sim ‘\:inds of repairs, he will do of time and necessarily some ‘‘cold pluoded talk’’ to induce some men to part with tive or ten dollars where they are not to realize any immedi- ate benefit. In fact, it isa waste -of timein some cases, and the commit tee, with yory yood sense, desire us to intorta the public that such _per- >ons will be spared, as the colored brother said. ‘‘the obnoxious duty of a fruitless oration. ”’ We hope the effort to raise a sub- scription to giye Statesville a win ning bali team witli be successful, and we are glad our merchants and business men wre coming to the front cheerfully and liberaily to aid the suecessful young business 2 lof | cessful business here and who by steadfastness of purpose had attain fed to an enviable position in the Mr native of this county. hos recently brancusd tr. Coffey ‘ar enterpise—that of handling bi: eyeles and doing a general repvir thoroughly con iness. He is ecsant with the a rent- r Sb. Miller weat to Salisbury |. sie: the movement. Aside from the day night on business and re-| bis REE CSS en pleasures derived from these games jrurucd yesterday. | ‘ghe Heratd Square Opera Company daring the dall and hot summer oye MSc. Wood, of Davidson, | tf he Herald Square Opera Months, we believe projects of this veal Sunday bere with his father, | Company will be seen for the first tev. De W. A, Wood. ltime in College Hail in this irs Dora Fox, of Cool Spring, |City tomorrow night, in the pope nu tast) week with her sister, lar opera °“" bimes of Normandy. rs. HOC. Stroud. ir, A. A. Covert. who now has} position in Winstoa, spent Satur | lay and Sunday at bume © W Bostamer spent a iew s with his taumily and lett: again | ya a business trip Luesday. Mes. Emma Mrsa vi Eat ovo Vesterday to see tt, who is sertousiy ill. ;secing it. of the Bostoniaps;Lou Humiston; of | Opera Co; character are of material assistance in advertising and helpful to the material growth of a community. Entertainment of its kind has fasci- nation and attractiveness for the working classes, which was mapi- tested last season by the large num- ver of mill gperatives who attended the games And. apropos of the new cotton mills, we believe a more steady and respectable class of op eralives can better be obtained by holding forth a few of the pleasant features of social life to be derived as residents of this community to the “his will be without doubt, the best ratic organization that has ever -tsited here and no one should miss \ The cast is composed of such rec- “tnized artists as Etta Stetson, of the New York Casino: Mae Glover. Co.; Harry the Grau the Robinson Nelson. last season Harry Carter, of Sousa’s Opera with ) by aN need enene home| El Cupitan Co: Thomas Callahan, dull life offered in towns of smaller { from Cleveland on ac-|tith Nellie McHenry, and Geo. J onZe and slower growth. : Lambert i of ber mother’s iliness. | Williams, late of the Grau Opera Co, : Se efforts BUC being made ' hese | - W. W. Troutman, formerly| . There isa strong and well drilled eee ee ae towns to obtain the Hope | ie, ne ee a oh me now or chorus, The productions are care- best material possible, but we feel SSE IMR Pay ey ally staged and beautifully costam- | Conhcent, if proper, aid is given to RC Oo cee ae oak d. seatson sale at Hall's Drug} the Athletic Associarion, which did en 0 tiss Gertrude Davis, of Morgan-|7.0.. tS “|so much towards the pleasure and ; The eu, returned home Tuesday from af” epee enjoyment of the public last year, : ( nn itto Miss Katie Reid Carlton. | Sudden Death of Mr. Kimball. | Statesville will take her place among , ory h ‘ir. Mi BL Chi arrived here} Nir, Henry I. Kimball died very | the leaders during 1900. o a = = ee a ee ae a gent = a aoe S C. B S| The 22nd at the College- 5 ath Sa ee eae Ces Reported for Tir Mascot. See oi Se ene | Phe regular monthly reception : irs. M &. Houpe and Mrs. ©. R te owas about 63 vears old. He wus: ao 2 cee os i be Sutber have returned from Bualti-} . native of this county and leaves a: re held _ the college last Thors- secede e, where they took lessons in! mothertiviog inthiscounty. Three dz night by the teachers and pupils. | L very Sis ea cere cca Eto t oe pete ene . |A jurge number of the patrons and t busines orig jorothers, Messrs. J. L. and J. C. ‘friends assembied in the large par- iiev. J. N. Somers, of Table Rock, | aa oe ae coe ‘lor, and after a few hours spent in rhe courty, where be is mercban- | °° “ i sneer ISG ci nee delightfal social intercourse, the clerk Rix Here mday and Satur fo oG Mabce Sisley eS. i A. zx GT company repaired to thehall, where ' has en d te bus and see his friends 2ES, O1 Ser : Se a Ithe following programme was ren- oo Rev. A. Walker White, of Dilis-} {)* BR eet = ioe ee ane dered by Miss Duscan’s pupils in ora tainly lOr oro, came dows Monday to visit his} °°". >) Allen. of avie county. ejiocution. It was Dickens night 3 p us secu pe ' 7 _tsarvive him. He leaves a wife, }, ; = seit = se i rindaw, Lrot. J. Bo. Bill. = ble Reo RE SOE TS ;andalithe selections of part Ist ; ohhh elurus hume today, Pte sent eent yuan eat a “i: were from that author: - oi Statesville, J. R. Wimball, of; vot » O COCK Lieutenant Thomas Jott, who re | eee 4 S. 3 Kimball. of! PART Ist. ! t oS urned to Washington a few days! @oek Hill. S. C.. and two dauchters,' _1—‘*Mre. Quilp’s Tea Party.”” by 3 ‘ ALioud wo, bas vcen stationed at’ Pensa-| 1. 7 W. Patterson. of Rowan. the following young ladies: Misses a i “bia. He stopped of a Cay! . jcory and Miss Mollie Kimball, of Nannie Miller, Hoffman, Hudson, 3 Ie ere ub bis way to his post tbe last | Rock Hill. to mourn his loss. ; Hopkins, vamie Knox, J. Knox, ested Lu last week to Visit lis peopte. ‘Une remains were embalmed in! Lacy and McDonald. 2 Messrs. i. M. Grawford and W.} Gock Hill and brought to the home| 2-—Keading, “The Death of Little S | ( waither at \ Bost, of Shiloh township. left}of his son, Mr. D. J. Kimball, Fri-} Paul Dombey"’-—\tiss Hudson. S ex) tormed % toi eventos fur Macon, Gu., where ad iv morning. The funeral was con- —"'The Child Wife —Miss Nan- Eos len eas r. Crawford will spend ten days{dacted Saturday by Rev. M. A; mle aliller : : é vo eines u. {| isitingrelatives. Mr. Bost expects|!smithand the interment was in} 477‘"The Execution of Sidney Car- c | Phe eae peentoc ere. Oak wood cemetery ton’’—wliss Hoffman. oo meuana th Mr. J. B. Foster, who bas had aj The deceased was a member of PART 2Np. : strona Jonitiou WIR Messrs. J.C. Steele &|the Methodist church and a prom j_ A farce—‘‘The Visitorat Polypo- a ustor several years, bas accept |ivent and useful citizen of his adopt- | dium House’’—Misses NannieMiller, ae aes . | «a position with the Liddell Co.,|7d town. He was a gallant Confed- | Hoffman, Hudson, Hopkins, Lacy ae . ET NS! narlotte Heisaclever young {erate soldier in _the civil war. Hie jand McDonald g : ee3 SN tee ee the | san und We reget to luse him from|'eaves many friends in his native The readings by Misses Miller, . Juror: Order (snes icy county who sincerely regret his| Hoffman and Hudson were all well ne t vs ub the} —_ death and sympathize with the be-|rendered and soowed careful and Bay i wth week. AAC | phen to Portsmouth N, H., for Inter-| -eaved family in their great loss. efficient training on the part of Z ) eceucht he whl ve} tent. > —-- their teacher, Miss Duncan. In BS 3 : pect aaa westa ed last week that no defi Deano aS soe CP: : “Mrs. Quilp's Tea Party,” Miss a ; ~ and Niel -arransements as to the buriai Mr. Jokn Christopher Plyler died Hoffman, as Mrs. Quilp, and Miss os i rysun Cibv.. diea lot the late Mrs. (Mary Alen.) who st hix home be Chambersburg town: | Willer, as the mother-in-law, E3 us. wut. Br. fied ‘ues@ay afternvon of last week, }°2!P Tuesday morning at 6 o clock “brought down the house. e é iwyer of Swaim| suuld be made until Mr. | Andrew |>* Pocumonia, aged 57 years. Hej; All were highly entertained and f n tnaive: brudell” mids edieee i acricahal tle acrivedie bet ud been sick about a week. The) amused, and the wish was freely ex- a2 a bev. Dejuy. Zhe funeral was conducted uneral was conducted from the resi- pressed that the “Father of his * + t 7) % tlie ved Bere ' r pm he residence Duturday moro- ‘lenee at 10:30 ° clock yesterday by Country could have a birthday of- | io tev LE G. Shannonbouse ana] ey. Mr Helm and the interment|tener than once a year. After the 5 ; charmingly en. [ube rewa.n-, which bad been embalm was at St. Michael's i __ [exercises in the hall, the young peo A wi Gib Puesdayila. wore Unkcuomubeeccutne! train? | Lee deceasedieanes a vaiite and six | ple repaired to the parlor and spent ez Rh epee ae Portsmouth N. H.. for burial. |Cildren—four sons and two daught-|a short time in social intercourse, = lisses Presuell,of Mur | ir) Allen accompanied eee ats—tO mourn bis loss. His father, until the inevitable “‘bell”” rung the si" es Copeland aval ae vir. ee Baler of ae young ladies ‘x: and the young men ho Sy te ee nate mae ownship, brother, Mr. 8. A. y= | out. ‘o. t3 ; t ‘ t ( = : 2 ian Leath of Mrs. Rudisill. cr. of SEeene: and two sisters Mai eten Ss hniod a ry ie gine! Ey oe . : | Sirs, Almira Rudisitl died at hes} -trs. R. J. Williamson and Mrs. A.|A Marriage and Other News of Rock 5 : jacmie in Harmony Luesday of last} 9. Troutman, of Troutman’s also Cut. 23 :. nies 2 bird bone} *e¢k, ayed about Ss years. Thej survive. Correspondence of THE Mascor. . 3 eS and it | uueral seryices were conducted by} Mr. Plyler wasa member of the! [t's cold weather. I guess the Se ae much 3 Mex Ele fev. WOE. Eiiott last) LPhursday | fatberan ehurchanda good man ground hog knew his business when et * EF buesday eVenine tof aed the interment was at the old | tle was one of the county ’s‘most Suc- | he returned to his winter quarters. ms ey OuUL. SOL Ib was de) eRwee buryies (round) in Eagle | cessful farmers and business men | Teamsters are crying mud and bad eal its course | Mills lownship. find had accumulated considerable roads. Wheat is looking very well elube ULLLpLINg an op ihe deceased was a sister of the/vroperty. He was a kind neighbor considering the weather. ‘ oe Lone . pute L. Q. o. Butler, of County Line,;and a good husband and father. Mr. R. L. Mooseand Miss Mary Gd home yesterday. His trict gs} sud au aunt of Joon A. Butler. | (bere is much sympathy for the be-| Adams were married at the home of ee YeemD ua atte CeCun sy, of tlarmony, and Senator} -2ayed family. the bride Sunday. 'sumes A. Butter, of Staesvilie. | ape Rev. J. G. : Weatherman will - Wocdward of Long | -| senator butler ulteuded the funer: | New Advertisements. preach at Bethel Baptist church the sCuunty, w ite Ss ‘that She vas a good weiman and en | L Schiller tells you about hisbed- third Sunday and Saturday before. , ens over 1.000) pieces | j) yea Lhe respect and esteem of all| coum suites this week, We understand that Mr. Joe Ste- en ee eee or NS Een las 3 cua Wilhelm and Mills quote selling | S20" = aCe oe oe ahead ere eee prices on many articies. postmaster here, but we do not of T.2o7 eawyers Change (Quarters. Rie = te - z2 know why this change is made, as . i SIU. Shi ibere bave been several changes} N B. Mills & Co aes a@ cotton) we have heard no complaint against ea ‘ : mes I OC} iy tie location of Our attorneys. L. ES 1OW BL tbeir store, ney name | py Ww. W. Wilbelm. the present “4 » years, oid. and|U. Calaweil aud J.P Gamble, Esgs., | Tees which are bound to be sellers. postmaster. 4 wiy Yue dowdts the | gave moved trom the Rovoins orick | H. L. Stevenson, of the Flanigaa}| Two forces of railroad hands are wes he or she can count} cow to tueir pew oltices on the sec-| Harness Co., bandies the best ferti-l}at work on this section this week 2 | ad oor oi the mew Cooper build-}) zers. See him at the barness store. | jaying new rails. ; ie ing. H P.Grierand W.G. Lewis,{ “Le Wallace Bros. Co. have pezs| Mrs. Paul Hartline, an aged lady, be Ash Wednes l-q>s , buve woved trom che woodeu! joy sale. was stricken with paralysis one i | vptl potees by | (ices back of The Court Louse to of Joan Goole, of Abernethy, adver- evening iast week while sitting at : ela Dering Dent) ices ou the second floor of the Coop-!,.<e. to buuses aad lots in west|t#e supper table. She seems to be Race ¢ ervice every jeu puilding. Harry Burke, Hsq.,|<:a;osville for sale : ~“}improving slowly as she has partly ae: : morulny o'clock. |has moved into the oftice recently {> 7 Wil: Fa ca i regained her speech. She is 76 i ‘ ue ces on Fri- | yacaied by Mr. Grier, and Zed V.| ©: Se ; Sy Sovs, mortagecs | oars old for fen the] Lous. Esq, imto the one formerly | aa. of sh: Pr. Williams oll" Mr. W. T. Kincaid, of Cleveland, Hid. Ms) ecupwa vy Me. Lewis, oe ee ee ee d.} was bere Sarurday on business. i J IDHG Is lV | - oo ms - ArmDpe an . Cad We wish all the Democratic can- s a ‘ services and will) A Picasant Evneing, well, commissioners, will sell land pee success, et Ue. A. & Red Welvume. | Mr and Mrs. C. V. Henkel enter-|¢f M.A. Steele = the court house,|D. Watts, the editor of Tur Mascor, iS, ee SiR Neer |tuiped a number of their friends at Jouday. Apr., 2nd. who is mentioned for the House. Wo hi ¢ TE An-|& pleasant purty given in honor of} Roe MeNeely and L, R, Connel- S ; JOSEPH. sf : RB Me | thei guest, siiss Sudie Presnell, of | ly. commissioners, will sell lands of Rock Cut, Feby. 26th, leat la p bi ‘ Senin coms Weanion, s'onday evening. |! ute John F. : Moore in Mooresviile — : to solic Hin coth: Games, ete, were the amusement. Friday March, 30th, Statesville for Stevenson and Watts Lsteck oi a Coliou tail, features ard all enjoyed the evening.! Gairher & Nicholson representon- For the House, ¢ uitiee is meeting with sue Tuose present were: Mrs. W. A. {ly the best insurance Companies | Correspondence of THE Mascot. It is propused to raise $100. Tuomas aud Mrs. J.-F. Bowles;| see them over Poston Bros’ store. I am glad to see the names of Dr. htobe pai he in tulment. Themil) 4Isse> Presneliand Davis, of Mor-: — S W. Stevenson and Mr. A. D. osbacertamty. Statesyille is S2+t mu, Grant, ol Golusboro, Katie Coddie Creek for Stevenson and| Watts mentioned for the Democrat- alony, thank vou. ive iu Carlton, Mattiebee Couper ana Watts for the House. ie nomination for the Legislature 5 < : f Jesmte Bowler; Rev Edward Reeves correspondence of THE Mascot. this year. and I feel assured that SiN ie i ing of the Ladies Por- and Messrs. W. B. Cariton, C. C. 1 uotice in your paper of last week | ~tatesville township will support vive pary Society of the Pres Ptaliips,J. E. Sloop and A. D. yeveral communications from va |them inthe convention. The coun- z rian chureh held in the lecture) % atts. :rious townships suggesting the|ty has no better informed men ou .vl the church Monday after ee ‘name of our township man, Dr. S | political matters and they will soon yes aes fed andmuchin- — yyics Eloise Cowles entertained W. Stevenson, for the Democratic] learn the “‘ropes’’ in the Legisla- Bans WS pte d. Rev. A. J. the Chatieg Dish Club at her home nomination for the House. Coddle|ture if they are elected. - Their ) HGGressed the meeting on 6 Broad street last night. Wecb Creek Democrats endorse all that| past party services entitle them to portance ef mission work joyeoit was the feature of elegant has been said of Dr. Stevensun and | recognition at the hands of the coun- Teta ch of the Jcrreshments served. ‘Pillow Dex” “te for bim Our people will cheer-|ty convention and they will faith- since its organization 2) wocthe favorite game. The even- fully support A. D. Watts for the/fully represent the party if elect- + Re aon Gan pias Contr] jug was much enjoyed by those other member. ed. I fel certain that they will vi s "Quite a peat oa pecan a eee a a oa Coppi Seeds mee at bothjaccense Se Se Meche aan Ee eager ““ talned her reputation @3 & Chari- | : caer hams neat “ a hg S 2 -ued wh be meetings tpg hostess. e . Muoresville, N. Or; Feb. 27th} 190A Sretesvilte; Nv C.: Peby! Q6vk; 1900: —_— ——-— TURNER *OR REGISTER. He Has Made a Capable and Faith- ful Officer and Should be Renom- inated. To the Editor of THE Mascot. The Democracy of Iredell’ county is to be congratulated on the excel- lent character and qualifications of the severa] candidates for the office of register of deeds. The public as well as the Democratic party is to be congratulated on the eminent fitness, faithful service and business methods of W. W. Turner, the pres- ent incumbent. There is a growing and healthful sentiment in favor of the renomination of the o!d officers. and an unwillingness toendorse a part of them, without endorsing them all. I can’t see whyso many should aspire for this office, and but few for sheriff and treasurer, unless they think the ottice of register is easier to fill. There is a mistaken idea that the register of deeds has but little todo outside of copying deeds, mortgages and the like. This is the most important office in the county to the public and tax payers. He, the register of deeds. is the gen- eral accountant of tke county. His duties require a strict account of all taxes assessed against the individ- ual, prepare and make abstracts of the aggregate of all State, county, school and special taxes,the amount of taxes and license charged against the sberiff, to keep a record of the accounts of the board of county com- missioners, and many other duties required by law. To do this work without loss to the public, the in- cumbent should be a first class bus- iness man, conscientious, energetic, perseverant and vigilant. Mr. Tur- ner, possessing all the above quali- fications, has discharged the duties of the office acceptably to its pat- rons and satisfactorily to the public. He has watched the interest of the taxpayer, with the same diligence that he looks after his own private matters. The one who fills this oftice is the tinancier of tne county, as much so as the cashier of a bank. During his term of office under his able ad- ministration of its finances, the county was practically out of debt, until it began building the new court house. Atthe time he went into oftice the county was several thou sand dollars in debt, and was_ bor- rowing money, now it has sufficient money on hand and on sheriff's books to pay every dollar it owes, except the new court house obliga- tions. It was bis foresightand bus- iness sagacity that saved the county $2,670 in an ex-sheriff’s settlement, andI might call other instances, but deem it unnecessarv. If any man deserves a@ renomina- tien and election, surely our worthy and faithful tinancier and register does. Our community is for Turner and the amendment. We will be glad some time in the near future to aid in promoting the other worthy aspirants. Yours for a united Democracy, A DEmocrat. Feb'y. 26, 1900 —_—_—o Candidates Suggested from South Iredell. Correspondence of THE Mascor. Seeing yourcolumns pretty well filled with names for the different offices and none from the southern part cf the county, we will put in nomination the following names for the different offices: For sheriff J. H. Wycoff, who will lead the ticket now as wellasin 96 if nominated; for register H. C. Summers, who fairly won in ’96 but was ruled out by thechair thinking he ought tohave 46 votes and who is the strongest man in the race when everything is considered; for treasurer R. J. Wil- liamson, of Troutman’s, who will add strength to the ticket, being in every way qualified for the place; and last, but by no means least, Dr S. W. Stevenson and A. D. Watts for the House and J. B. Holman for the Senate. This team will take us anywhere. Homo. Granite Hill, N. C., Feb, 27, 1960. — — Dr. R. J. Brevard’s barn was burned in Charlotte Monday. Two fine horses and two handsome vehi- cles were burned. Announcement. We, the undersigned, have formed a partner- ship for the purpose of soliciting and writing insurance—fire, life, ac- cident and sick benetit. Our office is over Messrs. Poston Brother's store, Statesville, N. C., and the style of our agency is “Gaither & Nicholson.” We guaran- tee that we will represent only strong and relia- ble companies; and that we will deol, fairly and squarely with our patrons, Therefore, we ask that our friendsin the city and county, give us a liberal share of their business. y. 1 ERNEST G. GAITHER, B. NICHOLSON. Feby. 27, 1900, Seed Oats and Hay For Sale, Thavea lot of white and black spring oats for sale for seed. I havea large lot of nice baled hay for sale. See me when you want grain, feed and malt, Respectfully, Feby. 3th,, 1900, J. %. COWAN, EH. Miller & 00, DRUGGISTS, WIOORESVILLE, - - N,C. Fresh Drugs. Well assorted stock. Prompt Attention. Geo W. Long, M. D. C’som maw be left at any one of the Tengen pe = Ye Nt office. : Respectfully. a. DK ESTLER. said Fer Register of Deeds. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Keister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and re. spectiully ask the support of all ~ Democratic fnends at the primaries tobe held March 31st. Respectfully, ne R. J. BRYANT, For Register of Deeds, HEREBY announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will appre ciate the support of my friends in the primaries Respectfully, H.C. SUMMERS. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic countv conventi n. and will appre- ciate the support of my friends in the primaries. Respectfully, MILAN LL. LENTZ. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for renomination for the office of County Treas- urer, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. The support of the Democratic voters is respectfully solicit- ed, I have endeavored to serve the pecple faithfully and acceptably and if re-elected will continue to give them my best service. J. A. HAYNES. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and respectfully ask the support of all my Demo- cratic frietids at the primaaries to be held March gist. Respectfully, : J. Ww. GUY. For Sheriff, HEREBY announce tnyself a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention, My desire has been to serve you faithfully, Should I be re-elected, I shall continue, to the best of my ability, to discharge the duties of the office acceptably. Respectfully, J. H. WYCOFF, Sale of Land in Turnersburg Township. Y¥Y VIRTUE ofa judgment of the Superior Court of Iredell county made inthe case of S$. P. Wardand others vs, M, L. Ward and oth- ers, the undersigned commissioner will sell at the court house door in Statesville, N, C., by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1900, a certain tract of land in Turnersburg township, containing 1534 acres more or less, adjoining the home place of the late Win. Ward, Mrs. Richard Hix, the Tho:nas tract, Zach. Patterson lands, and lying necarthe old Norman Ward mill on Dutchman creek and being a part of the old Ward mill tract. Terms: 4 cash, balance in 3 months, with option to purchaser to pay cash and take title. W. D, TURNER, Jan, 24th, 1900. Commmissioner. ~ Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of the powers contained in a mort- gage decd executed by M. T. Williams and wife, Delphia Williams, to O. G. Willams & Sons, the undersigned mortgagees will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Statesville, x. C..on Monday,April 2nd.. 1900, at 12 o'clock, m., the following deescribed land lying and being in NewHope township,and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Ad- joinining the lands of Lewis McDaniel, Eliza- beth Redman, Amos Gregory and others, con- taining 52 acres more or less. 0. G. WILLIAMS & SONS, This March tst., 1900. Mortgagcees. Peas for Sale. NE LOT of Clay Peas. Apply for prices 2t THE WALLACE BROS. CO,, Statesville, N.C. Mortgage Sale of Land, By virtue of the gage deed execute: ite, J. E. Troutman, to J. A. Justice. the under- signe mortgagee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., on Monday, March 12th, 1900, at 12 o'clock, m., the following de- scribed lot of land, lying and being in States- ville township and bounded as fellows, to-wit: Beginning atastake. J. A _ Justice’s corner, Boulevarde street in the Statesville Develop- ment Cc., N. $o W, 76 feet to a stake, thence South 74 East So feettoa stake on alley, thence with thealley 37 feet toa stake, thence S. 84 E. 140 feet toa stake on suid Boulevard, thence witl thestrect 61 fect to the beginning, con- taining about 1-8 of an acre, more or less. It be- ing the south side of No, block 4. in said company. J. A. JUSTICE, This Feb,, Sth,, 1900, Mortgagee, wers contained in a mort- by W. L. Troutman and 13, DU L O I T I M 07 91 q Q V I DA T I S UI A t0 g , , sA u p BU V Y I DA V Y So t , is a oo d s aa e y ys n U t *] ] B JO SI M O pu L sp u e y oy ) wo o d BO NO K US P] O SH Y } JO UP I O1 1 } AS U S Pa ’ 0 97 S } MO U Aj u A YW Y N Jo s Ww as t a ‘w o r s n o s d uy su BA NO . TO T O M I O EP “M A E L O “0 4 g Wt VA N SB AV I V A BV YO N U L sv Pa t a s p I s M o d Sf 9s ‘W o o d s JO A T I S UI A 11 0 q 1S } ON ou Zo i d pu ao u o t d s Lu p - o 7 pu v ‘s u «N O 0 O a S HH A T I S V HL I M NA O , su B l n d e o pu u Ap v y ou ya y {8 29 A , 1 q F N O I G AU L T Ss 9 2 4s OF Ua p l o Jo pr o 91 ) Ja y sp e : 07 ] SU O C O E Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, Dentist, STATESVILLE, N. C. Will bein his office two weeks, beginning with first Monday in each month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You will find it to your interest to do so. Work dope in best manner. Price> low. Ophp roe best material used . Lan one «sage aa 1e Democratic county convention, and iate the support of all who deem me We have just bought a big lot at greatly reduced prices—this makes two stocksin one and will bea golden opportunity for you to save some money. Yours very truly, F. A. Sherrill &Co. FRICK COMPANY'S Lo ke OEE atten POT OT a = Eclipse Portable Circular S aw M,. - 2 mn a Ss ERI hat reales = aes With simultaneous racket setting head blocks and cable roye feed, the most sensitive feed ever put on a saw mill, also Frick Company’s ENGINES AND BOILERS, Portable on wheels or sills. Sta tionery engines and boilers, any size, and the great hill climbing sia et Eclipse traction engine. A few ae LF Ass Cotton Gins at low prices. W_E-Turner. Statesville, N.C. Over Poston Bros The Cotton Show. A diversified showing, such asthis town has never known before, awaits you here. New cotton beauties tumble in day by day to add their grace and charm to the collec- tion, and they are tumbling out. too. for the foresighted folks are snapping them up eagerly. 1st Yard wide Percais, 12ic. quality. Now Ie. Styles * suitable for Shirts, Dresses and Shirtwaist, good Fast col- ored. 25 Different Patterns. ond Yard Wide Percals, good quality, dark and light colors < 82 et. Od a ak pu 3r Big stock of Piques, Dimities, Plain and Checked Nan- * soo", India Linens, Victoria Lawns’ Mercerized Piqve, Real Swiss, Jones Fine Cambric Long Cloth, Ginghams, Swiss and Lace Curtains, Silkolines, Cretons, Bobbinett Curtains, Chenille and Tapestry Curtains. All for sale. N. B. Mills &Co. The Big Store. The place where your dollars and dimes will live the longest. Your money will stretch like rubber, doing double duty on every purchase. We count every per- son with a modest purse our customer. THE VALUES HERE HAVE COME ACAIN PRICES. Please read over the list. s0 inch All Wool Venitian Cloths, 7sc. yd. worth $1.00. aS ie “ Suitings, soc. yd. (Gray and Tan) worth 7s5c. 33 “* nearlyall wool Fla nels for Waists, 1Sc. vd. Worth 25c. Remnants Grey Cotton Covert Cloths, 1oc. yd. Worth 15c. Outing Cloths at Last Year Prices. 5c, 6c. 7c. and toc. yd. Heavy Pant Goods, 20c. 25c. 33¢. and goc. yd. Worth 25 per cent more, Few Quilts and Blankets to close out, Soc. 75¢. $:.00andup, Extra Value. Men’s Suits in Fine Goods too, at prime cost. $2.50 to $11.00. Men’s and Ladies atold prices. 75c. to $5.00. Sec our big line. New and up-to-date line Shirts soc. 75c. and S100, New style collars to cach. Rall Cotton Sewing Thread, 2 foric, Big cake Laundry Soap, 2c, Glass ‘Tumblers 2 cents cach. ° Big lot tinware from a 2c. cup up. Come and see us, Come and see the otbers. To miss seeing and pricing our stock means money lost to those who make such mistakes. Wilhelm & Mills é& Phifer. Fry ; We have opened upa stock of In White Front store next N. B. Mills & Co., and request the patronage of all our old friends and customers. Our stock consists of Shoes, Gents Staple and Fancy Groceries, Highest cash prices paid forcountry produce. Be sure and see our line town. Be sure and callto seeus, (Respectfully, FRY & PHIFER. Just in - Puckered Beauty. Ofcourse every lady whose eye Crinkled Prettiness that w’re leading up to Black Blistered Could any other Fabric ever prescribed by fashion be descrived in the same way’? You may not like them at first. Look again, The more tbey are also new. It was that longing for something new which exists in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe son is over—either a large or small dose—an entire dress, or a skirt to wear with silk waist? Better take it at once. A nice line to select ’s $38.50 S Crossett’s $3.! hoe. We have just received another lot of this and as it is so weil known, we feel that it needs no introduction to the been far beyond our expectation and as a result we have duplicated our months. People who buy poor shoes try first one brand then another. become regular customers for any body. There is no permanent satistact ion icarerinaso their wants. Toall such we insist that they General Merchandise Furnishings, also a first-class line of of neckwear before buying. Goods promptly delivered to 2] parts of Wrinkled Loveliness. .-Acsother lot catches this heading will know Knotted Elegance. S Crepons, you see of them the better you willlike them. They are very odd, Black Crepon’s. You will take the prescription, too, before the sea- from. WALTON & GAGE. trade. Our sale on this shoe has order twice within the last three They shop from store to store. They ir of Crossett’s $3.00 or $3,50 shoes. We not only warrant every sal these shoes but will-keep them shined free of charge if you will on- ly take the trouble to drop in. ‘Yours to please, An Act to Amend the Constitution oF —ROEnS DEFEATED. Gen. Cronje Faces Disaster, Paardeberg = it, Tuesday, Feb. »#).—General Sronje's magn.ficent ‘free Magersfontein ‘ly toend in disas- re mais Soa of the Boers is terrible death trap. hiding in the bed of mmanded by apd enclosed, on . by the British > witnessed a wal lant the re treating still It is ip a Ip- hole iront. ; explain which ye Crs yay all the a 3545 uneet Gaus held ed to | provinces at the extreme aged, mj night the} > cume inte rear guard, | on the main | , Sund ‘ning the ae- renewed, S aalennted it- ction. bh land Brigace, e of the Se pe the Black Watch and the Argyles, ad- vanced from the south bend and the Essex, Welsh and Yorkshires form- eda line on the left, which rested on the river. the extreme right be- ing the Welsh. ordered to envelop the Boers, lined both banks of the river. The firing soon became beavy. The Boers. holding a splendid position. who The whole line was! st j | | ot) part of the is tne | fy the rules ss war and WAR SAID TO BE ENDED. Hereafter the Islands Will be Held in Subjection by Mounted Police. Washington Disr< ASS os According to iaformation received at the War Department from Mani- la, with the end of the present expe- dition of Gene ral Bates into the two southern land of Luzon, military Philippines w ill nothing atch, 23rd. operations in the close. Afterward there is to do but to undertake to maintain order through a police system. It is said that attention is now being sriven to that subject, and steps are beiugtaken to form a thoroughly.m9- vile, Hghtly armed gendarmie, some- thing on the order of the Canadiens mouuted pore ce to cover the isiands conserve the =} ) cr oops, » arrest ofa Taga! on the char O ya guerilla as re por ted from Manila “yesterday, itis said at the War Department, marks the initia- tion ofanother policy toward the insurgents who still remain jarms:or rather the development of \the old policy toward the logical vutcome of an unsuccessful rebelion. As the SUDMBATY punishment of gue- rillas cannot be had until some tion has been taken to declare termination of the application the rules of war, itis assumed at the War Department that General Otis has already issued some kind of aj proclamation or notice to the na- tives. warning them that if thev de- pursue a predatory arfare they will be treated as pest illas when captured, ep the rewular acer under | the | of} IN Titik COURTS. An Agreement by Which the Ken- tucky Troubles Are Referred to the Courts for Settlement. Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch, 23rd. The contests over the State offices are very much simplified by an agreement entered into today, be tween the attorneys for the Repub- | licans and the Democrats represent- | straightening | out the legal tangle over the multi-} ing both sides, and plicity of injunction suits for the soveruorship. The agreemcut that there shall be a speedy trial the courts on an agreed case, in volving all of the issues. the tirst nearing to be before Judye Emmett Field, at Louisville. Theayreement is as follows: “There arenow pending Jetferson Circuit Court entitled respectively, W. iys. J. C. W. Beckham, et al.. John Marshall vs. J. C. W. ham et al, and another suit name of J.C W. Beckbam vs. faylorand John Marshall, is ‘filed in said court. Process has ; been servedinthe tirst named two | suits, and the defendants a,rreed at ‘once toenter their appearance in the last named suit. All of said /suits are to be placed upon the or- in the twa >. Taylor and it 'dinary docket and tried by the court 'on the law and facts. One answer and the subsequent pleadings in the j two first named suits may be filed jand applied te both cases, and they are to be consolidated; the same ev- idence shall be heard in all the cas- jes, the three cases being tried and { together. The pleadings Is | in} ' suits | 3eck- | _ the | o¢ W.S. to be | The President is devoting special | ; beard The Finish of » Campaign Cry. Raicigh News and Observer. There were two things tbat de feated the National Democratic tick- et in 1896—a corruption fund sup- ‘pl lied by the money interests in_ re- ‘turn for pledges of special legisla- {tion and the fear of the ultra-con- servatives that the Democrats med- irated an attack upon the rights of property. The Republicans made the most of the latter. Paid ora- ;tors and subsidized newspapers jraised the silly ery of ‘‘anarchy” from ose end of the country to the other and it was taken up and re j enforced by hundreds of men and | Gozens of newspapers that honestly believed that Mr. Brvan’s election | would endanger the property inter }ests and commercial stability of the jcountry. Without this accession cf men of honest doubt, Mr. McKinley. ) with all his campaign fund.cou!d not have wor. Since 1896 there has been 2 mark ichange. The conservative ele ment that was frightened in that year by the Republican campaign cry of “anarcny’’ have come to ree ognize that the real conservative jforce in American politics is the | Democrac “y. conservative because it insists on no departure either in tinance, in commerce or in forcizn policy from what the uniform ex- perience of the past has shown to be wise and judicious. Advocating | nothing empirical, it has aimed only to restore and maintain in these outed States those conditions un- der which individual effort, energy aud ability could find the widest and freest field. conditions that have Boers Being Driven Out of i North Carolina. Territory. The General Assein Lily af Noi th lina do enact: Cr Loudon Dispatch, 21st. The Boers are sitions heid by the ritory and are cor defense of their own ife- Section 1. That article six constitution of North C: and the sameis heredy abrogate ean cee ahd in lieu theredf shall be wea tt a = = a adysmith tuted the folloxing article of said ee ee ews of chs ; = tals Is the iarge constitution. ees en Ne RR SE ARTICLE V1 fsveneral lements re por i> Aiba ais de force confron SUFRAGE / ND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE een rat! Sic roi are — greativ diminis ; men @re estimated fo ave : the Colesbery Boers are also ret Prom Zu Nuland. laxing uber: bold oil asstuibled to oppose Li ved QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. (Section 1.) Every als boro in the United State male person who has ! ized. twenty one vears of age possessing the qualifications s«° in this article, shall entit!-d vote at any eiection by the pe in the state except as herein other wise provided. (See. 2.) He shail have resided the state of Nerth Carolina years, in the county six months ac: in the precinct, ward or ott | tion district in which he « vote four months next prece Z election: Provided, that. remes from one precinct, ward or election district to anotber ts same county shall not ope: deprive any person of the reht vote in the precinct, w othe: election district from which he removed until ene months such removal. No person w! been convicted dr wao has cout: his guilt in open court upon md). ment of any crime, the puri of which now is or may ber< imprisonment in tue State shall be permitted to vote on ie is pre ssing on Bloemfontein. This - his inconsequential : Paardeberg, 50 or 61) mi Doubtless be is mil bebin ‘column that is pursuing the { and the next importent news be the occupation of Bloen Nothing has been heard Jr chase of Cronje for two davs is a strong disposition to that favorable information ee received by the War Otice out -: .. ing witbheld until the . culminatein something more clusive. There is an equaily st disposition to tbink thai Cronje has got away Ovwir: jack of transports, the Perit inot likely to invade Boer te ,except where Lord Roberts erat General Builer will to slop at the Drakensve ere ins. Probably a r 40,009 inen will ultimat ae , jegions Lord Roberts. is be tele< for t: be 3 a “TG or ing, shee alier in 32 pris of > Hi i nas t iS Operat Gea PARMER any othe: A orking me on « woe ch: end: “3 1S. "2 rectioL- once. WINNS K ET vt re m i t ) UR N I N E S er t y Ae At ail } tract wh stone bet “ A oe Ee at (a r e n e gr «t t ON SILLS, attention to the formation of the}shall be made up by Tuesday. Feb- been and are alike essential to the General Buller avers. ZOvKE COT? covered the left of the Highland Bri wade, which advanced partly up the bed and partly in the open, the brigade, with swupe around to the front of Highland Bri the level. coverless ground. 1102 ible tire, which ob : the ground ind te r of the o clock iz river while the hk lit rest of the other regiments, the Race terr nen to li as they did for the r 3 This began 2 heat anda pone uns dreadful “storm, our men h sweripg the Boer steadily. S the re Bet tor i boers ocet uth bank. run Therefore. The Boers Wik one one Zin precist Opt posite Lae Ned ‘thor eugh ’ t noe _picturesq u the us scene CYracn na tha 2OG Cue RIVER DUPLICATED. Fed 21.—Oue the war drift Sun- General rit of Gen rear guard lowed the laaver at action be- mounted in- rear guard he main body. of mounted On the _Boers. debdere Drift. Tuesdav, . wa 3 Kiver, Feb. of the cos saa er eberg 2S. occurred at Pasard Febr uary ¥ Ker ny, 2 Boer g iver tow ard t in canacegaS rivht ice on the Qn orth Aenny, found ar ad having the Boers ordered an and Br imade 1 Knox's bri- tre and rizht. while ih-Derriea’s brigade river: and advanced be north bank. Oa both the eee the ground is vance avitts, " inciosed 2 obe Ceu 3Smi 100 tas “ Se Qvale Were hea ve. aa across this the . as the Boers’ and they re- The British wuns ter yigorously »>2 loss of well aded ined the and the Boers confes over ~U0 Meb. Wa a Ger eral Cronje runist we. e shelling Tuesda over 30 lead = into > Tesu imed Qsk- *he tue boer camp. —_—_—_—— <> - ee A Priest the ¢ oKespondent. et ee ade Lire 4 decree « t Cour: today granted etoJchn A. Mar- wie Lettie. The co-re- the Casewas Rev, Ap- a Catholie priest sud Ube priest were inti- nd when Marski be who was a ponceal thonc Panka 10Gy FoprRe, Ae es Matsa mate [riencs. < came env Protes seach oe Popke consented. but : doctrine a 3 religion and hana in hand and the vame in & uated with his upil, who had Deen an ac- ress, haying plaved soubrette parts omseverai vears. Soortiv after visits of the prie quent tO peas Hnaliv. Ing as hu and pries= dand ness. s: made to the suit. dear 22 marriage. the became too fre- husband. and, away travel- Both wie} ii to the hus-} No cefence was t: se dad and wife t2 letters Geo. Barbe. Mendota. Va., ‘-Notbing did me so much good Roti Dy : Cure. One dose te- lieved me, 2 few a cure. 7? It iwfests what “vu eat a =; eps new Philippine commission. acting | on the advice that the army has | reached the end of its functions in the islands, and that the time is ripe for the establishment of civil yoy- erpinents throughout the archipela- vo. It is hoped that the personnel } ean be completed before the end of| the next week. WE GIVE UP THREE ISLANDS. Washington, Feb. 25.—Upon rep- resentation of the Spanish govern- ment to the effect that some of the islands south of the Philippine ar- chipelago, which has been taken possession of by United States gun- doats.were really the property ot ruary 29, 1900, or sooner, if it ¢an be done. The evidence shall be by Gepositions or records unless other- wise agreed upon and shall be taken as soon as possible, say within ten days from the time che pleadings are closed. In the preparations of the said cases in the Circuit Court, all par- ties agree in good faith to do all they can to speed the final determi- nation of thecases on their merits: and it is hereby agreed that should any party desire to introduce in evi- dence the proceedings of the contest boards, or of the General Assembly, such party may use, as evidence, copies of the transcript of such pro- Spain, the authorities of the State Department have examined 1} charts and concluded to direct the See our claims to the lands of Cavyaven. Sulu and Cibutu, all of which lie without the bounda- rv lines laid down by the treaty of Paris. = — eo Negro Insolence. ne is- | jistence, but even his physical exis. ws and Observer ention of negroes has just in Washington City. to protest ayainst the amendment and | a ae ng. They appoi inted tee, which deliberated over matter, and reported to the .ved n. among other things the fol- lowing which we copy from t Washtnston Post. *We are willing that our genealo- wv he compared with that of those white people whose ancestors were fromthe prisons of Eng- land by shipleads and ae after which they itted to become Citizens footing with their former from i610 to 1625. in the Carolinas and Vi nia. Weonly ask for the ame generous treatment. since we have become free citizens. that was bestowed upon this els WHO NOW COMPRISE THE GOVERN ING ELEMENT OF THE SOUTH.” The resolution was adopted, anda committee Was appointed to President McHinley. It really looks asif the negroes had lost their senses. The negro Congressman White. tco big to. sit with his own people at the Tarboro ‘ireus, stalked inamong the white folks. and afterwards left the circus in high dudgeon because told to go and sit with his own race. This same negro, With another like him. demanded to eat with white folks in a restaurant and threatened suit ir court, when told to go to a negro restaurant. i The Republicans have taught the necro to demand equality with whites. Sumuer introduced Congress and passed a Civil! Rights Bill. making nevroes and eat rether. Thad Stevens were better than Southern whites No wonder the negroes have jiost their senses. The negro Mantly ir- sulted white women and said they welcome the embraces of NETO men Pnat nezroWhite boldly proclaimed in Congress that negro brates raped white ladies because white men used negro w are When negro lead rs like Maniy and White utter such insults. justifving with the lence oO brutes. We May expect poor ignorant negro animals indly into crime of all sorts, cri that even a gorilla ora baboon neve: commits itis natural for suc} crim2s to drive the white people to a irenzy of indignation and natural v now the negro White. after og negro raj pings and this making Ivnchings a certainty if not 2 necessity, threatens to introduce a bill to punish as treason the lyne! ing of a negro brute rapist. F No won der the United States Con- gress after only three years experi- ence Gisiranchised the negro in the District of Columbia. The negro had better pause. If the mean negre continues to be a brute, and the negro leader contin s to be an insolent fool, the time oon come when the patience of te race will be exhausted. ue negro beware! He can pi at stase not merely his political ex- t . the 1 he roUL wht slaves Were per m irgi Ss. see the into ease Nerang Wolte tos thought nerroes Ss He must put down and repu- J brutes and his iusolent j ‘ too! leaders, or soon he will make it impossible for the white men to en- | dure him at all. And the white fools and rascals who encourage these things—wha: shall be done with them? Ifa Day of Judgment shal] comethey will be the | first to pay the penalty. Qrst to con: | fer a! on equal | masters. i to rush] -eedings and evidence furnished to ra oy Alonzo Walker, the ofti- {cial stenographer for said contest j boards, the necessity for having | such transcripts attested or certiti jed being hereby waived: but noth- i ing herein shal! be construed to | waive any objection tothe relevancy | or compe tency of any and all evi- dence introduced or offered on the} trial of the said es When said cause shall have been finally | determined in the Court of Appeals it is hereby agreed that ail parties hereto will unite ix a request to the| said court to docket said im- n nediately and advance them for lt bearing: at the earliest day | which the court can hear them It is | } | it | | Cases i ther agreed that on | appeal + e original evidence used 1 lthe Cirenit Court. if voluminous, }can be taken to the Court ithout being g@ time and cost Shouldany pa aN determivation of the causes ;Court of Appeals desire a writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States to re view such deter mination it is agreed thatsuch writ shall be immediately applied for and | diligentiy prosecmted, if secured. and'that all parties to said causes will unite in application to said Federal Court to docket and ad- vance said cases and to give them the earliest hearing and determina- tion possible. The said causes shall be tried in the Jefferson Circuit Court by Judve Emmett Field. be- fore whom one of the said causes is now pending. It is further agreed by ties to the said suits that they cuomit and abide by all judgments of the courts made sald suits reserviny. however. legal rights tostay proceedi: such orders or judgments manner provided by law. Signed] --W.S. Taylor. Jous Scat coptled, after the final by the the par- will oree?. Mar- £. by Attorneys: J.C. W. Bee! H. Carter. John B. Cast: Louis MeQuown and Gricks, Attorneys. There is general elation ical circles tonight over ? agTee- ment, as itis conceded the matter now de p a speedy tinish. Bothsi } tam, nolit- he Wilt A Senator Assaultsa Sleeping Car Conductor. > News, Through = railroad came known here yesterday that Monday. night Senator s: Mississippi. made an un tack qn Pullman Car ond just before No. 37, the suuth-bound vestibule.bau left Washington. . Mr. Cole states that SenaterSulli van. who was going to bis home in Mississippi for a short visit. entered hiscara few minutes before the train left the station. senator was very drunk. He dir. Cole fora berth. and while this was being arranged for him. u be conduc- tor says tbat Senator Sul!is Outany provocation. st SESE >evere blow in the face. bru:singand and blackening his nose and eye. No resistence was ofered by the con- ductor, who says that the duties of his position prevented his defending himself. At the time of this occur- rence, Mr. Cole says. there were a :atge number of ladies in the ear. After hehad struck Mr. Cole.Sen- ator Sullivan entered his berth and slept through the night. The next morning he apologized to Mr. Cole. who refased to accept the apology as a compensation for his injury. Af- ter this the conductor says that Sen- ator Sullivan’s manner, solong as he remained in his car Was very “sheepish and shame faced.” z Acting uader the advice of his friends, “Mr. Cole has decided to pros The * whee arn ie sO Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mr-. Geor:e Long. of New Straitsville, | Ohio. prevented a dreadful tragedy } and saved two lives. A frightful | cough had long kept her awake ev- ery night. She had tried many | iremedies and doctors but steadily! grew worse until urged to try Dr. King’s New Discovery. One ‘voutle | wholly cured her and she writes this | marvelous medicine also cured Mr. | Long ofa severe attack of poeumo- | nia. Such cures cre positive proof | of the matchless merit of this grand | aS i remedy for curing all throat, chest! a t cures Gyszepsia, W. = Hall, at : ‘Sey = ttles_ tee a and lung trox ible. Only 50c¢ and $100. Every bottle guaranteed. W. F. Hall, bring suitagainst Senator Sullivan tr $50,000 as damages. Hisregulsr jrun is between Washington and New Orleans. Coming from New Orleans. the conductor will arrive ia Washington to-night acd he in- ftends to b-iay the action to mor- row morning. Bismarck’s Iron Nerce Was the result of his splendid heaith. Indomitable will and tre- mendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and oowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc- cess they bring. use Dr. Kinu's New Life Pills. They Gevelop every the | upon | such saad} shall,oy W.H. Yost&Heim Bruce, | Jobn irkens| , philanthropic societies. stability, prosperity and progress of the nation. On the other hand the adoption of a radical foreign policy by the Re- publican party, the secret alliance with England and the determination to grab territory, entailing vast ex- penditures for an army and navy andinvolving government beyond the pale of the constitution, has alarmed a strong element of tse American people. In domestic af- fairs the same radicalism has mark- ed the party. It has reduced one State to the verge of anarchy an civil war: it has over-ridden all pre- cedents in unseating members of Congress: it has deliberately cisre- warded platform pledges, and has committed itself to the protection lof commercial organizations that | openly defy the law. The Republicans can not conjure with the cry of anarchy” this vear. Three vears of MeKinleyism ‘have | taught the Americas people |much forthat. They know where} \to look for those who despise the ution and trample on iconstit law. a —e- ; A Pint of Whiskey Did the Work. e ovland Neck Com:nonwealth, In the last Criminal Court of | Halifax county there was quite 2 strange prosecution under | charge of false pretense. <A colored | 5’ man named Madison Davis was in- dicted, tried and found guilty of the -harge and sentenced by Judge Bat- le to four years in the State prison he defendant carried a thousand pounds of seed cotton to a vin near Entield and with a pint of whiskey hired the packers to make hima heavy bale from the amount ot seed cotton he carried. He in- Gord them to place about the cen- er of the bale of cotton a piece of iron which weighed 56 pounds, It was ali pack sed and covered in the | regular way anda rice, heavy bale of cotton rolled out. Davis sold his cotton oud iron together. It was sbipped to Alex. Sprunt and Son. ¢ Wilmisgton, ard when the bale of cotton was compressed the iron was discovered. Messrs. Sprunt and Son.s cotton compress is said to be valued at fifty thousand dollars, and the iron in the bale of cotten came near ruining their great ma chiners, besides en- laogering the lives of a large num- oer of laborers arcund the works. Tue case was reported. the cottoa Yand Madison Davis is now routhis term in the State (or the crime. SSeS the eotton e ath: air Bases txo Whatamean act one wan ommit for the sake of what te thought would be a little gain: and also what a mean act the other ;iman would commit simply to grat y bis appetite. Doubtless if Madison lotered his partner in the crime the money price of : pint of whiskey to piace the iron ja the cotton he would nave refused: but for the pint of is r which he must bave bad a craving. he was willing to co the despicable deed which endanger- ed so much property and life. _——— -rmy Canteen to Stay. ie — vould © Davis tad iS. presi- t ofthe National Ww oman’s Chris- Temperance Union: iss Anna A. Gordon. rice president at large. and Mrs. \ta ret Mye Ellis, sup- erintendent of the department of legislation for the society. were granted an interview by Presideat McKinley this afternoon. Mrs. Steveus. on behalfof the W.C. T. U., expressed what shedeclared was the general dissatisfaction of the people at the decision of Attorney Genera! Grizgs. regarding the sale of liavor in the army canteen. She appealed to the President. as com- mander-i in-chief of the army. to “right this great wrong.” Mrs. Ellis presented tothe Presi- dent 269 letters, received since Jan- 'a-y lst. and addressed to his excel- lenes. protesting against the inter- pretation of the law given bv the Attorney General. She said thatin addition to these letters there were 15.000 petitions from churches and While the reply of the President ‘2s most courteous and expressed his appreciation of the work of the W.C. T. U., ke stated, in response to a direct question from Mrs. Ste- vens. tbat the opinion of the Attor- ney Genera! must be accepted as dual. $1.50 Versus $150.00. _Messrs. Wooten & Co.. Prong. x C.. say: One of ourcustomers, a prominent man in this community suTered with liver compiaint. H- consulted several physicians but they failed to benefit him. We pre vailed upon him to try the Ramo: Pills and Pellets. He soon bough: more and is now a well and hearty man, and has gained in flesh. Be -avs the pills saved his life and the six boxes cost him only $1.50. a his trip to New York to consult Me too; the |! said person shall be first restor RAZED in the macner pre ed by law. (See. 3.) Every person vote shall be at the tiine regis tered voter as her ed and in the manner here: vided by law. and the venersi s+ bly of North Carolina shal general registration laws into effect the provisions of th - ticle. (Sec 4) Every person prescu himself for registration shali ; to read and write any section 9: constitution in the Envlish langua_e and before he shall be entitled ote he shall have paid on or be? the firstday cf Murch of the y which he proposes to v ote i tax as prescribed i prev ious year. lien oniy on ass retreating from him, on every ! favora side is Sritish. irc Wa: <9 ah goat vere? Nevertheless : up. The thinks that the call to | rejoin the colers. together bounty, will bring 45.060 men 1 jnome defense. The ur ‘which home defense is ciles some wonder alties just reported losses in killed. wounded aud j tured now aguregate 11.102 SS a The Logic ofa Four-Year-13ik 0 a preser iter aa New York Sun. Miss Martin. ther, greatly vith tbe ee ‘ihowever, Heler ij) that Miss Martin finaliv declite . i continue the vame and ho see sha. isent to the next room u | the collect ion of same ese ' After a stay of some 15 minutes bas st assessed property. reappeared in th Hale person who was ss Mart oo January eighteen } “Well. He fand sixty-seven, or at “Ti Tve dk or thereto entitled tov . jd onght mee any state in ; {States wherein he then i descend: apt ernjoved child. Was he Oue 4 OV hI: peers s) property issue to e1 ihe | (See. 5.) Nom one. ; any tim: to wrong upologize, Ws of : indeed, dear,” no lineal person, sha reyister and votre a this state by reason ¢ co pccics in die. ail on aod if you've done Martin. and vou know it | tO apolowize. ¢ Ss the educational ed in section Provided ra prior bundr: asset ticle: istered in ace nce witl of this section nineteen 12ral (for a perman sons who register ue ition on or before No !nineteen hundred and such persons shat j res “ister and vote in ai! ithe people in this staie qualitied under secti two urticle: 4 hel such shall have p their poll acerca by iaw —— (Seen ) All Brees. doctors failed to ball be by ballot aad’ ait, Gey |of Pneumonia I used O: aT : Sough (.ure Sag three ox tions by the ben ip ; be viva voce. eA itis aso t i : Every voter Soe Q@except as in this aces disqualified shall be elizgivle t: i — shoe cS B aan but beivore e SHS upon the mets iaediate tessits of the office he shall take ves Immediate results scribe the follow ing Outi a eo ieee none dth do solemnly swear (or ero — It pre vents wiil support and mair eae Children alway stitution and laws of ; I Me others indorse it, States and co 123i am = North Carolina not isconsisie:: | ~ tee postotive, therewith, and that I will fai aed Hotel oe discharge the daties of .50 beip me, os \ The f follow PiZ.V00: persons shali be d ; ) Au ut the guests of office: First. all pers ho sbol | ei saved their bayyage. 4 deny the being of ; 2s wide mse ce nea Second, all persons wno - been convicted or cunfess guilt on indictment whether sentenced or judgment suspended wi or felony or Of @aV Other which the punishmen! prison:nent ip since becoming citiz ed States. or of car practice in off ss Dev er she mat PEA mere et recol “turtio began to be ux Bat Le » jogic and the Helen's reasoning. so she rey “Yes. Helen: I think we “Very well, then.” n. ‘Miss “tartin vou bevin she unles- nm | = ! | l ole che j ple sbali , eral assembiy in ee e buildings belonge tu Jz (Sec. Vears and no m-dicine wave & mapent relief tiuli I bega One Minute Cougk oes is the best coush medic.ne a Ss J. Koontz. Cozry. Pa! i: iv cures coughs, Colds, croup. - frippe and tbruat acd It is the chiidren =; prion au Cures gui eC, UNLCs= SUCH constite Mm man A white named Faul in arow ata daace ty Friday night. whose name is unknown, into oa nine Lio, tt a maj -d voters of the wi the next vener - Thi- @mendent shail be} os iat the next general F Uvus to the gualifed voters _of State ia the same manger ance the same rules and reguilatiogs as is provi ided in the law rezulating ger- eral elections in this state a i force May first. eighteen bund: and ninety-nine, and at said election | those person: desiring to vote for. such amendment-shall cast a writ- ten or printed baliot with the wor: “For suffrage amendment” the and thsse with a contrary opinion shall cast a writtes or P rip ted bal- lot with the werds “‘Against the! res thereon. See The said election beld a the votes pared. counied aad the resultannounced underthe same rules and regulations as are io fore - for returning. comparing. countieg and canvassing the voies for mem- bersof the yvenera]l assembiy wat first. eighteen buodred acd ninety- vine, and ifa majsrity ofthe vo cast are in favor of the said am meat. it shall be the duty of the » ernor of the state to certify said amendment under the seal of the, State to the secretary of state. who shall enro!l the said amendment so ve 32 { ieee “state ~ ie- ted, and Bon’t Know it. How To Find Ox. shal! be re corned: com- canvassed aud tes certified among the permanent rec- ords of his office. Sec. 5 Taiz act shall be ip “a2ES from and afterits rati§ ee the 21st day of Febra: 1899. i i OF power of brain and body. Oniy 23¢ at W.F. Hail; 3r.'s; drug store. doctors, cost ap 3199. For ae o N. B Tunstall, drifgyist. Sins e i | Se. relates ton, With the «: the ne; visiting Helen's froiicl k Gis aus wy. ( ra Cie i prog a2 w bat was her simul! remar wea a4 Tec a> Thousands Have Kidney Proud!e = ot fe altar of their Tazhoreriile, Ne Co ae epine whoare direct fron this number DIX Of u em ere met : Ie “4 Lise he guards s« vas asad s f these pow: acrificed th ua fer count. St. Cirston. was t While Mary's argec ng services T & The “4 4 Cul Fres} itr wheu: ff hice ‘ oa Moore & “Le: Digests what you eat. Itartificialiy digests the food and 2ids ature in strengthening and recon. structing the exhausted di igestive or- gans. It is the latest discovered digest- antand tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indige sstion, Heart burp, Flatulence Sour Stomach. Nausea, Sick Headache. Gastralgia, ea all otherresu!ts of imperfect digestioz Pregored by E C. Dewitt &Co.CSicaco Southern is CURES 1 COLD UN ON & Dey DICKRETI« ' } Scke i Travel oy { 2ssurk ; ' ae ee ne ee Li GRIP CO IN TWoe BAY: < > ANDERSON ‘Druggis: = eae Mountain Coal Pas State 1 Detling C ix Grst cor XS MOUNTAIS 500 per ion. Sporting Goods Table Cultery, Meat eee SA I N U R R T I N I N G SR N a: Hardware Tine ae if you are: plea sed with our -s afte 2~amining aser we Gcn't ask sot Gs oe ¥ou to SY cee ber. ae TO (REs 6c Teac Laxariv E bx: STREET IO a MTNA RYE eR RE ae re ee ee cheep) it -ssanSTuieteegesinteeeene “t t ue tw ne “n t oe au s ne e ue . pt i O03 so w ti a . pe r a & ne A LOCAL. << te a r ge Ss t 5 WORK i Mr. Nathan Ash is home 3 business trip South. § *» Bi ; | Ht. Wocd in asheville. jimiitinery stock for Messrs. | Bros. i Sredei) cha toyry ferm > . «} }o:Der 6 months. | Tesbecken sre ov good collateral and perscnal sea nd eredited oy yemittec at lowestr: ond Individuals colicitee 2) ae *@ | Be ¥i®, Vice Presiden: ~. 4 sesdnbese PES, President af Toogivn, N. Y., last week by the | with =e B Peath of his sister, Mrs L. Pulver 3 AY piiacher Me willbay spring stock ‘ ah Se : ifort vont . os othing stere while North, | The Pythian entertainment fac ae a Hee for negade white ski | 4Ussday evening was “pulled oif"' {#24 office for renegade white skin ‘cor cing to the program as printed | Degroes. : last week's Mascor, and 2) resent, The furniture factory com; | | | | j | . has purchased four acres wessts. N. B. Mills and T. J. A EE OS EUR NS mt oN ea Wan t na Vehicle ? HAVING “ Barro3 EONS EEE ENE ETON EONS De Magma “fect will be located there. foperation by J uly Ist. — ~ Marriage in South Iredell. M vortesville Emterprise. hiciating. io tuterprise, S quite a coincidence that ! South Carolina, and Dr. §. Store For Not EIS Ee Es cr Y 2D. LLISON. SO NN OS a Ue: 1ders. One is and one will be. vor many years to send Dr. Steyen ~on to the Levislature and he has as juny times declined to run. Put t this critical period in the can a ’ Carry a largé following. he has stated that if he was the chosen can “cate By the convention of the | tae demand bas been made Democratic par.y, he would pot be uverse to pe eran. nie teas < mai Waker 2 tor the Ce ec eee inter- Raleigh, N.C., Feb. 28, 1900, ‘sts ifthe nomination is tendered SUA See uo ean clothe oe! | Uesslature He is the man. - iikesboro Chronicte 1. catching cat in the State. | ht > <t VV TONIC PELLETS youdo1 ine, but a Compl ness, Consiit eA ? ete Treatment for Bil , but sold for one price—2sc. 1 immediate relief; the Pellets he up the nervous system and invigorate. ie aE ee ca t ne+and killed the two held un >i be feet and the cat soon ds atehed the other two. { > _— i | DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL, CON. | VENION, Vconvention of the Democratic vty of the 27th Senatorial district moosed of the counties of Davi », Nand Yadkin. is hereby call: d revat Harmony. Trede Hcounty, ~APURDAY. APRIL Tru 1900, oods Openine! received and placed on sale the handsomest use Shirt Waist Fronts »ou this marker, Call, Everybody, vou the prettiest y. Tomlin & Bowles Les 2: 2. 4DS. HE MA!3. OT PRINTING CO. ee SSNS 5 LES ESAs Ons SA N S DI G oe s s and Guaranteed ta Cure Chills and a! Trcubies. ever and all tlaia © t « Stomcch Nor Effect the Hearing. on’s Pepsin Chill Tonic is the 3 itin h’s practic>,and says it is injury to the stomach.” ee A Ce m se’ eo Senators, ib. order of the committee. Mois January 23rd, 1900, aS Secretary. Chairman. rn > 0g TION. suk d tomeet in the court house is tatesville, N. C., on rUCESDAY, APRILBRD., 1900, 1 Ll o'clock, a.fin., for the puspos2 tominating candidates for th lig siature aud the county offices id of electing delevatesto the Ser- rial, © Gogressional and State 2 aveations Che chairmen of the various pre- |. .€ committees of the county will lewet in Statesyille on Tuesday, hi ord Sed, 1900, immediately after i 1s eCjourument of the county con- } senticn, for the purpose of eleetiny | chairman and four members of i rurty Ceetral executive committer. | Al quatitied voters who intend to sipport the Democratic ticket in the {2 tons dre cordially invited to at ltaad and participate in the prima- }i the respective voting places in -ath precinct on SATURDAY. MARCH 3IstT, 1900, = velock, p.m, for the purpose ‘ Use a pred ©) ive members and delovates j be Coulty couvention srcer of tbe Committee Juourtry 3rd. 1900. '2very bottle yusranteed. only 50 earth Only 25ets a Db. Warts. R. B. SieLaceuriy, from Poston Three convicts were sent to > yong from the recent Me. N. flarrison was called te ryetivg was much enjeved by any from A i terday. jon along the “Y’" of the Charlotte Alexaader, who was sentenced for|T. J.J. tullroaa pear the depot,and oe tive years at the last term of Alex- WO . Cundings, each 50x100 feet, two sto res, will be built at onee. Jacob {Cnvist, of Meadsville, Pa., has been ;“@ployed as superintendent It ; fex pected that the factory will be in OysStevenson the Man for the House. | tas Deen the desire of south Irede | | |'s most needed and his name will | | | im. His loyalty to the Democraie arty Eas been unswervine and it es = luefield, W. Va., Dispatch, rst, isduehim that he should be ey. | Bletc ' Teopecian Olied on the membership of the eXl session of the North Caroliva The Champion Rat Cat Or———-, Ho ohas the champion ] J) our rats atone time one duy coathy and heid them They were ‘caniuz uptheeriy and vot inte merats. Tworan out and the vot eaueht them and got them both 2 ttsmouth. Before it could ki ar It ‘hem two more ran outand it caught SLE or. hea, one under each fore font, ‘1. Mitchell went to the cat's a: cr 1 IN) clock, 2, m., for the purpo-e !rominating two candidates fcr Crowsox, W.G Nicnorsoy, (ISMOCKRATIC COUNTY CONVEN- A couvention of the Democratic »srty cf Iredell county is hereby hrottling ber were forced to loose pain, speads bis winters at Aiken, Ss iis. whieh are bereby called to meet | vere pains in the back of his head. : On using Electric Bitters. America’s sreatest Bioud and Nerve Remedy, al pain soon left him. He says tbis sraud medicine is what his country needs All Americaknows that it Se oe = The State es C - Sville LATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF STATESVILLE, N. C,, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1900 ' | Wilkesboro Chronicle. lsets sheuld go out of use. Te The Case Neatly Put, Wilkesboro Chronicle. | | the} ! yy 9? he the —_—_—— > - 2]} Alexander in Good Shape, Says Sher- iff Williems. Raleigh News and Observer, ander court. Asked about the is Williams. ence On Wednesday marriage license | Petter From the Superintendeut of vas issued to Mr. Wiliam Henry Ly o Horton. of Rowan county, and Moss Mary Elizabeth L.pe. daurh- coof Mr. Stewart Lipe. They wer ted vesterday afternoon at rhe lence of the pride, Dr. Whares Public Instruction, Tou the County Nig rintendent: other ofticials. | Lam quite sure the Levislature \nd while we are on the Steven.| intended for this special ap propria- “On question, We rise to remark that {tion to vo direct. to the children, tise the {aud urge you aud yourcounty board eople of the respective districts [of directors to see that this is done. 1 sbhich Representative Stevenson. Ww, Stevenson, of south Tredell. reside Yours truly, C. H. Benane, and Himself. himseif. 5 eneeeeetennencedpeeereerireaeen Pritchard ina New Role. Raleigh News and Observer. -Jeter Pritchard. foing this year -allying themselves crazen, effrontery this declaration if Pritchard's stands entirely with- rut parallel Pritchard the guar- dian of Vance’s memory! Tere as when from his place in ae Senate he heaped vituperative sianders upon tbe good name of North Carolina, Pritchard has over- sact hismark. There is not a white -itizen worthy the title who will iot resent this attempt to dray the name and fame of the State’s great ‘lead in the mire—to make him to ‘hom the honor of the common- seulth was as the breath of kis nos- trils sponsor for a conspiracy of ne- xrces and office-seeking whites, such as he defeated in 1876. When North Carolina has foryot- ‘ui What manner of man Zebulon B. Vance was; when she has forgotten ‘hat under bis magnificent leader- ~1ip the political thugs who were neir grip and that for twenty-five vears they feared him aad cursed uta and sxulked at his approach— wen willbe Jeter Pritchard's op- yoetunity to tell men what Vance sould do end to pose as the guar- (va of dis memory Spain's Greatest Need. Vr RP Olivia, of Barcelona, res Weak nerves had caused se- Ore soctexecrutivecom-! scl, stranethens the aerves, puts ; vieor and cew life into every it. jure. nerve and organ of the body | Ulee lit weak tired or ailing y f vin, os liver and kidney trouble, pu- fies the sled, tones up the stom- Shame on You. Bob Deal: AMONG THE POLITICIANS. We sce an item going the rounds The bill for a government for the; E. P. Moss. a former about 2 girl dying from tight lacing. | Territory of Hawaii passed the Sen- | county man, committed Mrs. I. Harrill is visiting Mrs. g, | That clinches the opinion that cor- ; ate without adivision last T Aivs. J. Harrill is visiting Mrs. J. If girls | ; need squeezing in order to live, we Miss Lula Norton went to the know of plenty of men ready to offer a candidate trade ad) Northern cities last Ween to buy the Democrstic | ie nomination for Judge in the Tenth! Pp; judicial district. The Demucrats, aided by two Re- The me publicans, preyented consideration | tire piace. of the contestof Aldrich vs. Rob- bins, from the 4:h Alabama district, last Thursdav in the House. their services free of charge. jfact we could name afew married | chaps. editors, and such like, that ), Mrs. A L.coble left last week for} Wouldn't object to offering their ser- [Darbore. where she joined Judge} Vices in cases of emergency. iCoble, who is holding the spring jterm of court in the first district. It is one of the ee aa of {la . : ‘ | Repubdlicani t it is w howl- oF *atawba Superior Courr ee itis no 1 }ivoelthem get 4 months and the //9e CODSUECREIG zs pee Sh them set Emons, a atits birth it started out with the cry that the constitution is “league with death and covenant There's nothing re- Cunningham for Governor and Con «ressman Witchin for re-election to The amendment was en- so much, when aarkabio in it, however, when : ampton county, remen:ber that both cries have been Pp J for the Democra rnor this year, Raleigh last wee | oth er | sed alternately in their season last [conjuring mascot for segro ¢ | ould Montgomery last week instruc to the State cony Mr. J. Y. Wiliams, sheriff of Al-| for Governor, ]j- |@Xander county, was in Raleigh yes- each half oe He came to bring John © |W. P. county Democrats ted their delezates ention for Aycock Turner and Smith ‘or Lieutenant Governor, Wood for Secretary of State. erome for Attorney General. enator, and to it on all questions. The ote as a unit for is the Simmons for & vote as a un delegates ar litical conditions in his county C ;{Turner or Smith Sheriff Williams said that whereas there were once 300 Populists in |Strongest, on the Second ballot. \iexander there were now not more than 25in the councy. As to the amendment, “It will poll the fali | passed the Porto Ri- [seseat vote, “says Sheriff last week by a vote of Six Republicans—Crum- can tariff bil] Heatwale, of Minnesota; Littlefield, ¢ Illinois, and McCall, setts—voted against the bill: rats —Davey and Myer, a: Devries, of California, of Pennsylvania—for it. pablican was paired against Republicans and four Demo- crats were absent w With these e a party one—th ing for the bil] Massachu and Dear Sir:—This is to say to you 1 that T bave decided thar the special a prepriation of $100,000 is to eo ta the beaetit of the children direct, without any shaving down by com- ithout pairs. missions for county treasurers or xceptions the vote was e Republicans vot- and the Democrats Only a Money Making Scheme, if the Legislature and the people | Raleigh News and Observer, are Willing-to give this special fund for the special benefit of the chil- jave named them as their chosen{Gret. then the county treasurers | Jend it; can surely handle this special mon- ii ;ey without a commission. this letter is written in response to county superintendents, who are waking efforts to have the special fund handled without any cost to ‘en of 1900.and when his infiuence {tue children. It may be that some a county treasurers are not demand- ing a commission, but the cases re- ferred to are from counties where We have taken th are going to mak of the transactio gressman Grosvenor. Representative President McKinley piece upon th What Grosvenor s important poli e islands and we on the track, e all the money out crushed and can.—Con- | minutes. is s acknowiedged e floor of the ays on] . : cy Mc-|sives the secret to the “flop” of the Hill, of Clarke county: Attorney This declaration | Administration from advocacy of General, Robert J. Breckinridge. of with all due weight | McKinley's “plain duty” and Secre- ; i Co and may be fairly | tary Root’s “highest obligations of sing the purposes of | justice and good faith” to the .2dv0-! Wilbur Hager. of Boyd county; Su- party. Certainly i:|¢acy of treating Porto Rico as ' 1 England treated Ireland until it en long, however, | ¥en the eternal hatred of Irishmen on another| forall time. The Journal prints the was all on| Pictures of the two men—UHeary O. n,’’ the obli- | Havemeyer, president of the Sugar Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch, 2-th. Trust, and James B. Duke, _ presi- so ea acer eg preading the ‘light | dent of the Tobacco Trust—the two ' ee Spee ee a and so on through|Menwho made the administration a ok: Seat siaisesenee x catalogue of blisses.{Sutrender. The Journal prints un.|t eee — oan officials, a asure to the lofty |@erneath their pictures these words: |i Frankfort, and will remain, each Z “These are the two men—presi- claiming the right to administer the ssert that|@ents of the Tobacco and Sugar sate oF Se aoe the Sim ere et more selfish in{trusts—who compelled President oly con ages ~ one ed ign lands than | McKinley and the Republican party een 2 u ' oe: ee ce ee keep their in-|to betray the people of Puerto Rico, sone ae, ace ae as state of |Citizens of the United States, into| tions an ees Z fal ee And now {their power, that they might rob Seen Saran a nie aes flaz declar- en by ee Soe to swell |S Securely tied up as they could be. bea 2 | the enormous profits of their great orate nae - eall the ee ee monopolies. These are the trust siete officials, and all kinds of con- magnates whoordered the President | actors with the State will have to and his party to prove false to their | Tait until somebody is authorized word to the little island of Puerto] Ya decision of the court to Ey Rico aud whose order was obeved, though it cost this country its konor therefore comes and authority taken as expres the Republican has the merit of It bas not be Supt Pub Inst. Then the talk Killed His Daughter, Her Sweetheart the aoe ee e of civilization” Joseph Glean. 2 farmer living near bere killed his daughter and her lov- er and then cnt his own throat last vight. Glean had fo-bidden Albert Marsh to call on bis daugter. On returning home he found Marsh in the parlor with her. He ordered ‘fursh to Jeave. and upon his refusa! took a shotgun aad fired at him Eien Glean spravg in front of her over and received the charge in her throgt, dving instantly. ‘The second ~bot killed Marsh. Glean then killed There was a and righteous se ed upon any who dared a there was anything the grabbing of fore a burning desire to babitants in one eo gladsomness and thrill. atop of all this comes the ation of Mr. Crosvenor tha going to mak. e transaction we can.”’ Let us at least be the whining hy twelvemonth j grateful that pocrisy of the past S at an end. The It car not be put back. S now beyond the r just what the olican party is to nt of the unfortu sthat have fallen into €a matter of affair is a ‘‘trans- When American soldiers Caney and charged at under the mistaken belief were fighting for and that the flag freedom, thev were “transaction.” tind no betcer epublican party The object of it much money as Every man who votes forthe amend The country mutt dishonors thememory of Vance. possibility of err policy of the Repu Surely we have here something|bve. The governme new under the sun—this attempt of discredited radicals to conjure with the name of Vance. the man who, while he lived, lasbed them with that scorn the great-hearted patriot must ulways feel for the petty time-server | Sa 'd place-hunter. There has been uo thingin the history of political Gt-cus>lons more terrible than the se oThibe anguaye in which Vance teid up these radicals to the ever- asting ridicule and contempt of men for doing just what they are honor of the flag stood for human only engased Mr. Grosvenor can so understands it. all was to make as witb the necro to get office. For The record of the Republican par- andits deeds ares its pur- out of Porto jump together. pose to make money to make money out come what may. P with legislation that € starving peo- it goes merrily people of the sec- Philippines, follows this u grinds the fa ple of ihe first; ahead putting the ond out of the way Whois to get the money made “out of the transaction ?”’ e trusts always. The ple‘don’t want it, eir means liberally o Ricans when ruin- ar and swept by storm they wer American people low that they would w population of Por% customs and tariffs between the give her products free access to our markets.—President McKinley in his last message to Congress. trusts now, th American peo have given of ae > Wo! to feed the Port ising prosperity and justice to the Puerto Ricans uttered by McKinley in his message to Congress last De- cember. Those are the words re canted and made ignoble at the or der of Havemeyer and Duke and their two trusts—Sugar and Tobac- co e starving. not fallen so ring from the 0 Rico, already poverty that we can not ingle penny. But mpire trusts demand spokesman of a ent declares on National Congress because the var it. the Republi Republican Presid the floor of the that ‘we will m out of it we can.”’ make every Amerie: spark of patriotism sent to the Republican caucus on the Puerto Rican bill the following } message. which was delivered by | Hopkizs. of Illinois: { Itis enough to an who has one left bow kis head that the Republicans will unite and stand toyvether on this measure, and not allow the Democrats to take How much more of this sort of | Control of the House ing will it. require to force home people the full infamy that “ridden administration bas upon the nation ? is their prophet !”’ 4 big campaign fund with which to purchase the election this year, the Administration sells itself out, re- pudiates a “plain duty” and is re- creant to the “highest rof justice and good faith ”” : “Can these things be and overcome | A Frightfai Blunder Will often cause a horrible Seald, Cut or 1 ve: the best iu the world. cent Soiddy W. F. Ball, Jr., secretary. Chairman, Uruyiyict. a > Wintta shy dit pitas Te pil ith a promptly hea) Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, rs, Boils, Felon 35 ou need it. ! Skin Eruptions STATE NEWS. — | bot | burned to death one day last the well, which was being cl hour. Sunday. Winfield Cundity, colored, Mt. Nebo, Yadkin county, one load took effect in his head. of car 28 miles thi of {7 Charlotte this moruing. from Columbia, Mr. Clark fell tweer the cars and was almost = or surrendered to the Trusts. Raleigh News and Observer, among the nations of the earth. “Capitalization of the ‘Capitalization of the which the Republican party, and, it may be, the whole United States will have to be false to-its promise,to Puerto Rico.” ture cf the President and Says: “This is the President of the Uni- ted States and the head of the Re publican party (dominated by trusts), who stultitied himself by be- ing false to his promises, and cov- ered himse!f and his party and his country with everiasting shame at the command of the two men Dic- tured above who dominate the two trusts whose capital they represent —that all powerful $145,000,000. Our plain duty is to abolish all United States and Puerto Rico and These are the noble words prom “And last ight the President “The President earnestly hopes “The trusts be praised, McKicley Hereyou haveit. In order to get Buncombe | 5 suicide at! ¢, bursday. | Genesee, Idaho. one day last : 5 ¥ cutting his at. , Esq., of Hickory. is | ¥ Cutting his throat ore, Buncombe “ounty, man's dress caught from the funds. |Make the ong. of Forsyth county, was killed night a $ were the last State end one day last!week.It was playing near | which js just be ational platforms. Capt. Thomas W. Mason,of North- has been mentioned nomination for He was in k and stated to the sand Observer that he w not be a candidate, out, when a heavy timber fell on its | feau, producing death within dentally shot and killed himself near | This hill, t iast week. He was On a stump look- Brigade. ing for a rabbit when he fell off, sun was discharged and the entire} Kitchener ts side of Columbia. mation except that the body was taken to Columbia and would the remain until Mr. Clark arrived from _The young as about; SSaeee eon especially the guns manned by the been in the employ of the Southern |.) <> : fora year or oreo left Charlotte a pnncons yesterday afternoon on on his regu- : : eae lar run which is between Charlotte | Decided in Favor of the Democrats. and Augusta. At a point 28 miles | Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch, 27th. be-| The State contest board today in- | 4warded certificates of election to Sstautly killed, The train was stop- {all the Democratic Contestants for ped and the crew went back and {minor State offices. Immediately found the youn» man lying partially {after contestants were sworn in, His body was horribly | they repaired to the State House in he only lived a few|a body, where they made 9 formal demand on the Republican incum- bents for possession of the offices, but the demands were not acceded Sugar Trust.......... $75,000,000 Tobacco Trust........ 70,000,060 Tr eLObAl C8 ess $145,000,000 “This is the real force before which McKinley has bowed This great capitalization of the two trusts is the real power in fear of The Journal then prints the pic- "ascot. ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. Capture of Pieters Mitt. i Joondon Dispatch, rst, The War Office bas received lowing from General Buller: week | ! (28, 5a. m.— Finding that the week (oe “Headquarters, Hiandwani, Feb, | pas- »- Alex Baker, who lived near |S@e of Langewacht’s Spruit was was | COMMmanded by strong intrench. | | meats, I reconnoitered for another passage of the Tugela. One was | found for me below the cataract by} | Colonel Sandbach, Rovai Engineers, C. W. Battle. the negro postmas-/0n Febr uary 25. We ter zt Battleboro. Nash county, has | making a been arrested and is in jai} for Person county Democrats met | Sezzling £100 of money order st week and endorsed Col. John §, | He is in jail at Halifax. commenced 1 approach thereto, and on em-| February 26. finding that I could passage practicable. a — eee REEUMACIDE | CURES TO STAY CURED Price $1. | Crossed the guns and baggage back | © re to. . F . = The Democratic contestants sworn Yesterday's New York Journal in are: Secretary of State, °C. B. county. een ee Rival Governments in Kentucky. Legislators, county as well as them, and the State will have to Wait on what is due it until the courts say who is authorized to re ceive it. The Democratic State officers have opened offices ia the State Hotel. The charitable ani pevai State institutions are among the sufferers. _—_—__—sS Our Plain Duty. Washington Post. The markets of the United States should be opened up to her products. Our plain duty is to abolish cus toms and tariffs between the United States and Porto Rico and give her products free access to our mar- kets. ’’—President’s Message. Ifit was our plain duty three months ug0 to give to the products of Porto Rico free access to our organizations, importuned Congress to modify Mr. McKinley's solemnly announced programme. my family with wonderful results, It ives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,”’ says k. Hartgerink, Overisel, stich. Digests what you cat. Cannot fail to cure. W. F. Haul, Jr. markets, it is our plain duty today. The President summarized . the ethics of the situation. Our obli- gation has been in no wise lessened since the messuge was written. What matizn influence has inter- vened to baffle the President's righteous and origina! intent, we do not care to -conjecture. Of course, it is notorious that certain domestic industries, supposed to be of vreater or less political impor- tancehave, through their various to withhold altogether or at least “I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in President Castro, of Venezuela, at Caracas, but without effect. salve, ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases.. Beware oi worthless counterfeits. They are dangerous. W. F. Hall, Jr. persons tore down the emblems of mourning from the Kentucky Capi- Two shots were fired last week at To secure the original witch hazel the South Lancashire regiment Royal Naval force and the Natal Na- tive for malaria. Tunstall, drugvist, Y., writes, Prof Houton, “that ja my Green's salesmen, W. FL Hall, Jr.'s. Drugvist. Sold by all dealers in all civilized countries. Most Preposterous and Dang Senator Vest The proposition that life. Headache and Malaria, Ek. W. Matthews, Unitia, and they have given complete satis- faction. 1 can truly Say that I have never found anything better for the complaints if taken at the time. They are a sure preventa- For sale by N. R, Rev. W. E. Setzer, W. Caton Boyle county: Auditor. Gus G. Coul- ter, of Graves count y: Treasurer. periatendent of Public Instruction, A. Y. McChesney, of Livingston ten’s relatives. trated. peace ene nN cane Lewis Ackerman, Goshen. says, “DeWitt’s Little Early always bring certain relie headache and never rine.” generally cleanse bowels and liver. Married an Imposter, New Orleans Dispatch, ist, W.F. Hall, Jr. Ss Consumpticn Do not think for a single moment that consumption will ever strike you 2 sudécn blow. It does not come tha: way. It creeps its way long. First, you think it is a litle cold; nothing but a lite hack- ing cough; then a littie loss in weight; then a harder cough; then the fever and the night Sweats. The suddenness comes when you have a hemorrhage. Stop the disezse while it is yet creeping. You can do it with Ayer’s Cherry y Pecioral You first notice that you cough less. The pressure on the chestis lifted. That feelin of suffocation is removed. cure is hastened byplacingoneof Dr. Ayer’s Cherry One night last week unknown ex Sold by W on ety ae ae ee ee tol, which had been placed there in obligations memory of Governor Goebel. ; ; Writes, ‘-I never fail to relieve my Amo {children from croup at once by us- ——_—_——=>- ><a ‘iag One Minute. Alex. Cawthorn shot and killed would not feel safe his partner, J. Furth, in Selma, ea T ena Quickly cures ‘Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale,Iil. Cough Cure. I without it.” _throat Pectoral Plaster over the Crest. A Sook Free. It is on the Diseases of the and Lungs. v Write us Freely. : ft plaint whatever and Seize the beaten advice the doctor can possi receive, write freely. ee RHEUMATISM , Sold in Statesville by WL F Wall, jr., Stmson & Anderson, in Mooresville, 1 : by EL ML Miller& Co, 4 ae é mt jto the south side of the Tugela, took Aiea ope ag estat eee ; The three-year-old chi'd of Henry Up the pontoon bridge on Monday | August Flower. nd relaid it at the new site | low the point mark caned | ed ‘cataract’. During all this time jin all parts of the world. the troops had been Seattered. | ten years, | have met “0 } crouching under hastily constructed having — used small stone shelters and exposed to| Flower than any other remedy, for Robert Brigmap. an aged farmer |4 Salling shell and rifle fire. and dyspepsia. de of Buncombe county, was frozen to| throughout they death in Asheville Saturday night. {™Ost excellent spirits. Tuesday | for tourists and is body was found Syonday morn.| General Barton with two battalions | persons tilling ing. It is supposed he was drun k. | Of the Sixth Brigade and the Dublin | where headaches Thomas Taylor, of McDowell} | Fusiliers crept about a mile and a County, froze todeath while drunk |balf down the banks of the river and ascended an almost precipitous cliff of about 500 feet, assaulted and acci-/ carried the top of Pieter’s Hill. 0a certain extent. turn- day }ed the enemy's left and the Fourth under Colonel Nor*heutt the }and the Eleventh Brigade, Colone! commanding, the whole | under command of General Warren. Charlotte News, 2ud:-—A telegram ee : a ‘Gacane oe Sue recived by Mr. N. W. Clare thin SE hey cattied by morning contained the sad informa- |, s ree oa > tion that his brother, Mr. Bradford one eee : We took about ae S. Clark, was killed prisoners and scattered the enemy sel x ‘falls at an early hour/in all directions. There seems to ast pixht by falling froma freight be still a considerable body of them wae s man: x he telegram Save no further infor- eee on eee Fee large, They certainly are much less than they would have been were it not for the admirable manner ip which the battery was served an@ ween ew et eeeenens “Itis a surprising fact.” er e for the last wore people ay ‘ranged liver and stom- maintained the|ach, and for constipation. ottice positions, and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist, thatGreen’s August Flower grand remedy. Ivdoes not injure the system by frequent use. and is excellent for sour stomachs and digestion,’ Sample bottles free ted States can hold territory as a Colonial possession and its people as Vassals, is the most preposterous and dangerous that bas ever been advanced in the course of my public writes: I have used Rumon’s Liver Pills for headache. constipation and bilicusness for more than two years, “Thad dyspepsia oyer twenty years, and tried doctor medicines without benefit. persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indigestion "’ It di- ests what you eat. W. F. Hall, Jr. A romance that may have tragic consequences. deyeloped here Aman who gives and who has told a r flicting stories, several names number of con- is locked up at lice headquarters. It is charged that he impersonated of the battleship Texas, which is now at this port, and Bertha Warten, of C warry him Miss Warten, with her brother- in-law, Alex Aronson, of 10 South Canal street, and the latte were stopping at the st. Hotel, where they Capt. Clark, induced Miss incinnati, to r’s family Charles made the acquain- tance of the man who represented himself to be Captain Clar'.. a courtship of two days, the wed- ding was celebrated ternoon. Last night “Captain Clark” went aboard the and actedinsucha manner 2s to arouse the suspicions of the officers. He was locked up and this fact led to an investigation by Miss War- The bride is pros- yesterday af- eT OE battleship Risers f, cure my and invigorate the | The bank officials. paid the checks Be - F 4 a } iF: ra : ~ 2 , ' at ——, ED oe —— es " 5 eee care tie ee , Y tags ee , hea ess een — = — — DR. &. DETCHEON'S ANTI ee a ‘SALE OF RELL .- bike 4. $ ees ei — ——— “ ester awe -TEWs = a orth to you more Uian S100 Myo c Pe. ve . ek oe fe __ a a cee cece TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. LATE STATE NEWS. ania child who soils bedding from imeomten. | MORREV yy | + — : Ss oe ot Chairman simaieis eepaucna tae s Virginis. eed caeok rance of water during sleep. eer! a “Bevin nthe zt ty i x ear tt Fy SOO \ spects to Spencer Biackbarn. ere ee hy young ali Se ee ena rage AA iiied testament o: 7 ‘ z = : ve a OV. 2 pr cnent psy = 3 con ANDERSON. 1< will and tes: i 7 bre ers aon a TS | Raleigh News and Observer, 6th Charleston, W. Va., Dispatch, oth, Mr. L. K. Overcash, of Statesville, a Dr. = Sent tel s ee Soe) aoae eo < rie led. the undessygoed w ‘ 4 - are me aleigh News and Gbrerver, : : shel: ; i tec : yi Ss: See ay ‘last will and testamen ; ae cme . | rreatest mining horror in, Ws bere Monday. eT ; pao ae i WEEKLY | Chairman Simmons said yester- | En ore Su tects os uz, | aged 47 years. a | FRiDAY®, ' -CRLISHED W | en j New River region occurrec ui; Nj yar aving sore arms inls NS es oe ' 1; ~town cf Slo ' eee l dav that hehad read the report in, the New River region locates Lao ens ee es The missionary building cf the NOTICE pecacans reat + Robert, littie son 0! ! AT— | sunday” News and Observer ef the | Red Ashe, about 8 oc oS anes \ week caused by vaccwa20n- Northern Presbyterian Choreh at ; TRING next week and the week acter I | catate situated in UG £ i cr r ‘ ver i _— ;Dunday sa san JIS: t z ane ee th- | s z on 2 y a= BRN ‘ " Gt A aS dan eee er ‘ ; urnue < ery ' | speech delivered at Newton lust morning, by an cup Losicn 1 | Miss Jes ie Ruftv, of Statesvil’e Alexander. Burcomb: Gruety. was deliver the Garland coffee pots se ied inn 2: j known asthe J t f ~ f SOLLAER & YEA R. BSiecs : ‘strict Attor-| drift mine of the Red Ash CoaiCom- |. * : 5 “ “itl Se ee 5 own and Barringer tewnshiy w * {joining ihe inod 3 wus. ve ee ae | week by fet sire f : ' pany Tre mine was full of mes = spendivg a few days here with burned Tuesday. Loss S2.44)). | ho have purchased them to jcontaining t'> 2 : } : = > Blackburn, in which, after re-) pany. een fri s. 2] £ present my bills, Mr. eee, } ot is a Rovd women. on —— pacy Drache: assassination and the explosion occurred near the | friends Jobn Westervelt, bis wite a1 Mooresville, says Utis coflee poi is the des | out Darildinys: ati: i ; & PRopRIETOR. \ferring to the recent assassination ‘ wiehsorasicloced Dulicall | Superinzend’nt bubeoks. of the enn estervert, His to over used ‘ Respectinlly.. ‘room cottage Lou ‘ pt ? SD Wat Eprron & bROPRIE j f Goebel, the Democratic Governor entrance, whic Was close ry Tare | Sup: pase na. Be BV KS, | daughter were burned | devas Gn atin sed. J L. CLWANIN [ese eens pea wild ouilu a church } ma ee es — = 10 iat icky. bv. the followers | ing slate. A relief crew was quick: | Moore Cotton Mill, is returning to their bome near Richinond. Va | Sli Cea TEE a eee | Mooresvitic! 90}. ..i0g : I Sea T Y .. telect of Kentucky, by the To.tow 1 hays vork. Itis believed over 100|]Spartauburg, ©=.C a Nes pCa ae ED eas | at = j property, comiae et * Six convic s were reed tt) te flee at Statesvlie a | tov. Taylor the Republican | ly at work. Is Delle : Sbarlav ure, ~~. early Munday morning. A 2 vear- : . Pegegady } Also anotin ; . Es ste Re (oo Ce peas nen werein the mine. Already 50 . ice +) aa Saas oes ¥| Rabe of Prapeaty. eas chain gauing camp dclass mai! matter. lusurper, he said; “Let the Demo | men have b ken out ind the! Dr: H. F. Long, ef Statesville, | o!d son escaped alive ; i ls ceacsiecee PNewtun, waking the t secon Spell or [ise OLD ‘ . : - ies ak e a See : oo "KE of a decree of the Supertos | 30. 2cres. Mere ot des »Making the bau } me lerats in North Carolina take warn- | sedice exe een ta ee - was here last Fridus to visit some fs ASE restetenrens 5) BY YIRTE Ree ee oa ~ ‘ PuoneE No. 99. ing from the fate of William Goe- | WOrk of rescue aS ~ = ae patients with Dr. C. J. Cursor. eae ee vate ae 9 hie bur Sls Sake cansc entitled “Y B Mott vs. + - Maulius Watts, a | 5 : —aeinor? | State Mine Inspector Pinknev ts on see eco a =] iitetal weedliselliat prblic av Ae liad er ‘ COired mau avou t } % See eo N. €.. Mareh 8. 1900 | Commenting on this remarkable | the geound with a corps of experts Mr. Joan G. Ingram movee from]ed by the explosion < . . sasc : 4 ~cash at uke court house Guor in Stalesviile | Serine of Gay aoraiwy at an x ree : =a) | L eeaiGaliN ei Seramops (eaid: ‘lending all assistance possible. Mrs. Campbell's dwelling east of | machine at Spencer last wees. Gr Look in Yous Mirror 22 LONDAY, APRIL OTH, 1960 Oe aa asic Peete rea sapeeren oe ial 175 Jt <plosi made but little » jail to the dwelling ef Dr. Little | Friday afternoon ait Tb) oo oc, EP ani ae Aan ala viene oaeS TI Poe wachinery to | <r. Blackheura is verv close te ihe explosion | a : se j the ea LOIRE Conca ee ne ‘Kling eyes, a healthy, 4 at 2 o'clock, neon, the ieTlowine 408 | som — ° a eas | vonubhcan state Chairmen Holten. joie. and the Se a first dis- | Monday. A nine-year-old son of A) 3. Rose eee aa expression and a & ace- 4 itn y of Trede} : So ‘ ‘ alee eet Ferri Marne ante rr he s. ‘covered !:. 3 laborer at theentrance . eee renee ts : ere nea it 3 hese attractions are the resti ‘ : his on a e 2Dd vrovdin will : 1 Holla ix United States Di-trics At | Coveiee = Snes ay : ot be |) Mr. Posy Hudson, son of our|was playing in the Bula Cotton wie health. they are absent, the: i : | Son: : TEX: week 4 Jos ‘ the Wesetera District «i The mjured are ae oe a townsman, Mr. Thos. A. Hudson, |at Concord Friday. when his fee: be | $s Se save some disorder eo } , the old tract. runsing West 128 Sk to: Boece tt £ —_ - 5 7 . y= 2 r » ssible the e@ircum: UE Oe uae orator ant . 2 5 aie 5 Stes res aan » orrans present. eaiths 40 ory, James Toliisen’s corner: “ae aa ‘ to pBicek burth to bea (dosintelhh Tle : : Erie ee E oe tand Miss Jane [cevhour, of Liledoun, | came entangled in the belting See sc orean health and beauty ae poles twa red oak: tt Netiew co tr Tae Daoghters it ; i ; | othee and be is a Breve th Sete SiS ee Sk sth 3 aA iwere marned iat Saturday. he ee Rare 132 De aoa ve Te. 74 poles to eas a sare ees ° AR weet wills Mat i i 4 ee pd | “erin io reseur th se silt in : ae | sbaft, mangling his legs and can--! RReELREE’S ‘ oe ae = é se temerrow allerny rf t “Mr. Blackburn's Wwaerbing to ooh aos eed a Se ees he aes an tases moved from the ing his death that uienr. ; ———— 4 , Thomas P. Wiote to Rdware A fuil meeting i- a ; hae - .o} 1 three miles above Thurmond oo the mrarihocet rest af the court ! m2 saining 12 o=S. , 2 De ‘rats of what they may expect | laree miles 200 a, corner Qweliiong, west of the com - ann ‘ . ; ann nat & anes : S ite mocrats ol what toes s t ee Pa ETOP ex Find alee reine = t tums. colore mio ko +4 oP 2 = - them to : wegnter of Dex }, setae persist in their purpose ' Chesapeake & Obio road ; the prin: lhouse, tothe cottage cf apt A A Ba ili um = ered: pee FEs@ ot Tp i : ot thea 10 t oe. Bexi ; a # Seren ee » rere (cipal owner of the mine is J. Fred} 133) near his livery stadle. last Sa'- |e HO Pest Im oalisoury ana | 3! This Mazch 7h, 1900. « caumtissic in bar of ict re. ov : falisuppiy ol di-francbise the negrois beta repe | {tdtil., near hts irvery sts 2 te p alge ts : : | 2 ate will please make 1 ‘ : Sete as Pe eee wc} Aftinger, of Staunton, Va. Thej arday Was sentenced to be na don \ -omen beautiful and healthy. 5 Cera anak ont Jaw eu os > a tition of the threats of violence said) StUneer, | =e , - “| arday. x a BU i tee ean eiics|. | BET AKCS women poco fos ad : Ne ent ene save cost es a es pare ade ju Wasbingion }| Wanager is Ferdinand Howell. i : 2 : 29rh.. was granted anew triad Sos i By crines at the root of all thet: ?. sTATESVILLE PRODUCE MAF: This Fei'y. 1 sup i sa ae acct Rice ys “tl ee et 6oItis believed that fonr fifths of} Severalof the boarding students | urday by Judge Vimberlake, as - =! Pioupie. There is no menstrual dis- 3! ait Se = ; by bis chief. Mr Holton, Lene 8 ‘the men in the mines were killed. |}have gone to their bommes aod aAlevidence bas been discovered ‘Tt Borders, ache or pain which it will no‘ 4 CORRECTED 1S : lifference being, Blackburn is more | tae me i Tpke NS - 2 childre f on Gave |e apron a ee ree ' - $+ Gs fer the budding girl, the § SCOPER & Giut } oad vas Mr Hol ~ | ‘Phe mines are or the mountain side | oumber of the children of town Gave |js the vegre whe was prove) | ks torene ee ca Serle Lee tv Ss eCC ae! than a. aoron ioe i above water and the coal is similar stopped school owing to the small-|Statesvill: jail immediately af: se nel ae : ae eo i boldiy pres cain ee = | btolthat sound) inl itheliPecahontas | pox scate- the killing to prevent a lynching. | pthe change ot ae life Gt briness COMMENTS OF T3sir WEE? — : nation of Democrats. Pawnee : : eee tt ace - : : cmsis in 2 womans 5 ree As Sexes wanted: all on ine i 2 “When Butler, at the recent jdistrict. On this account, it is said i Wy. Win. Morrisen, of Scotts, Ire Neo ie » health, strength 1 happiness. Chickens and eges wanted; ail pr tied AD. Fy 3 i “4 meeting of the Populist Executive | here the accident could ict be caus | del) county, came up today and will er ee Meee ej Boosts g1.co of rredicine deaiers, signed as ©9 : a si : e he fieohting |e by tire damp nor by gas, as sUp-lopen a stock of goods at Broad waters ro ecuitea he re For advice ir : Cia. se Court He Committee, appealed to the fighting | 15 pen a sv Dp) Kaen 5 ses bo smalldeyree Gf tatelli: A : 1 civing sympioims, 2 radon . ~ Te fake : nacked | posed. but from dust, as was the! shoals. Thos. Little’s mili, six miles }2°° ot ane lee directions, giving IptOE=S) - SA qualities of bis followers and asked | posec Rca cape Shoals, Thos. Little's mill, st Re ie nce MeCN dow Stans as se The Ladi ‘ory Department,’ 2 : ates Sims WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. them to join hands with the Repub fet oe ae é P oe ee south of town. ‘ Goodson & Brittain’s liver; The Chatic Medicine Co., Chat-§ valuable trie : licans (four-tifths negroes) and) Yeats ago im a LO Soir aemanin at No Ano mAL st of the time. For iostane>.| J¢tanoova, ‘Tenn £ Ceara _ : om : ; -| The ric aw » sh! No new smallpox cases. The pa- | mos : nocya, CURA s Vinkuey i oe \ DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION DATE~| drive the white supremacy wang cut) The district is a wild oes = i “ail ; r tti vy well The when Mr. Goodson wishes the doy 5. ROZENA LEWES, of Oens iH or less. ~ °: ae d nd in an interview | ub, Which is a south branch oi | tlentsall up and getting , * : ate Betty See ee Se ihe 1¥ rale and on Walic, pcm a Se of the State. I said in an interview | New river, havipe its mouth at report of cases in the country is not} to come to dinner he calis us th pany head 2015 jay of saic. w 4s Cover yet ee ~ Aprit llru at the time that his purpose seemed | = ew river, raVIN ES ts mou ao of SEL woenhs = : i alst Sevecithes Rane The do: relieved by Wi 3) eee i : sei > - x Is: ini copie Se eae to be to stir up and incite the ne-|Thurmond, It is about 65 miles|true Wilkesboro has qurrantine ft a th Sante aes tates <3! 130] Gil parchase money in pai es Bek . c TCH > Tr © De to stir at 21 le mhihe a r . are aca te een cane od to the receiver and is tol SP IERETISMOME 2 pens—clay. ow ee 00 archase 1 Stl Z : SERATORI AES CRU Sena oie to Sie resistance of the|:romthis city. The miners occu-lagalust Alexander county. hi Se sae tt ; a a Rene t2 | This Feb'y. 20th er 16,064 j) Sesee : aie sroes Ses iar iia evr s mealis read) ts bth - - his Fety'y. 20141, 1900 ms ie eek COS ACS PARE iawful purpose of the white people pied the ewemne. aot hos SERS Iredell county's jailer, Mr. Clark | at ovce strikes a bee line for home. Rich Men and Democracy. Tas ae ae aes ee Promaries, Saturpay, Maren 3isv. | goiton’s threats, Blickburn’s warn-| + emmeinee pins wept | Fhompson, and brother of Mr. J. P. ch = Garland iofire By, ’ Tae Populist « < e; ara’ 2 =0817) te | 1e news oO 1e Isaster swept), ° =e my tt a ’ saturday on? fo enn ar wee com 2 ~ : Randolph county presents a good | Ms, Pritchard's attempt COSC e Seeks tow ; like : : >} eee Thompson, of this place, was here In Pit! county Saturday - s. Raleigh News and Observcr. a gents for the cs mei here Saturday De ene alee . C: | Pederal aid, Linney’s threat to pass pectousn be town ake ab elec | Monday, having some business with |Jesse James. accompanied by pis Se rhe ee ; i elecsed to tive Mt man for Secretary of State in Cap-| see pil election law through | shock and within a few minutes the board of county commissioners | brother, Sain James. went 70 +5 In 1896 quite a number of ee ee ee Ree 3 ei tuin WP. Wood. He has lone | Goyperess. the negro White's inmpu ‘hundreds of men, women ond child- e home of E.S. Lewis. for the pur: men left the Democratic pa a Spring—sinall~ per f ‘ Rael: Sorte eo % eine roint vad ¢ fey . » } . > . TA OOr - ct oi ee . : siwer i a ” “s large a t Apri a, UG spent iis time aed money for the}dentassault upon white men, the;"en, relatives of the unfortunate| The board of county commission’ |..f marrying Lewis’ daughter Lei [cause of its silver dochien [eA oe t to et cher uames st oni t ‘ t . bh oes = ere Sap aoe — an _ 5 : . t af = sm . - ry | . ee ° a a iaeane SAC TS; a, sue | “ 4 ‘lout askine for office, |secret and mysterious activity of | miners, were crowded upon thelers had but little business befo e nbjec.ed and a fight ensucd,re-«! though many of them reiwa | pucks cS 8 gety without asKing ep secree ‘ : ene mies Sa men : ss age a re US aoe : ne ont sass nearer ‘ - ee a in Not} {the Revenue doodiers and the recent | Scene. AS the conviction that the! them Monday. W. P. Hedrick was} in the death of sam James and vi |trae to their political faith. ese aie 5 | Stay. 25 88, typ 7 <7 Legend gmat: There is no better sab Nor ; . wae 3 nes (ee hoa @ 2 x alive . Me ipalcieteee ye : avne x . ne naan ai OL MG CRre eee ee eee oie ~ oi ANS c. ‘ 3 . be Phere is no better man in Serth) Vuddeu outbreak of negro insolence | rescue of the entombed men alive) a5pointed registrar, A. C. Payne | wounding of Jesse James and Lo.> | ferring to the recent “top” o | Butter—Choice yellow |! os Eee Salesmas ol the Moco Carolina than Penn Wood, of Ash ind lawlessness not only eontirm | Was hopeless forced itself on thejand Dr. E. W. Moose judges, to hold Jesse James has fed and oid m-ulley (who was denied the svige-pr- - aes Jota oom TE ee = Compu, Hocaery. b . wD } yefesctriele oy sele ay on » _ 2 mC ¢ oy sot ‘ cs < trmati yt [4- tenes ‘ EN —sI ae = 4 ¥ az QS. ; - ws os Pes pore. und the State convention will |ihatopinien, but arouses a strong srief-stricken crowds, they became} the town election the first Mondays Lewis’ wounds are not considers |dential nomination at Chicans i se COME pen Machinery E OT, osciee Mr... .b Pope: - i eyes is ewe gs 3) Are pI: a0 er ao : a : 3 anes ee aaa “3 1 Secs —he : : 1 avenue i inake vo mistake in nominating | suspicion that the fusien office-bold- | ‘vantic in their endeavors to oe in May. dangerous. Lewis is believed cause of his Pacific ratread \ | Exss—hen. ee ee ty ov Vavie aver : pik t) } UK } i¢ i &}suspic x Sat erate Ne - poe ~ : te f acaee se s = > Sa ia y ' SOREN el) ogee he Belmar < ae ft 6Or Sas 2To Macias . ratay ope? talent rt ers are engaged in some dangerous | their dead and dying ip the wrecke« Jno. L. Gwaltney, Esq., chairman | have been justified in the killing of] Mr. Wm. E Curtis writes, Wheat -o{ Point. We — have bis jaainy vere a him cheme and that. in carrvine it out | shait, and work of attempted rescue sat oo 2 z James asked Champ Clart.. the piilss RA eee planing mac Toe wW cee —_ SMe eee eee tata ’| was oreanized with extreme difticul-| 0! the Democratic county conven- | Jame: one IaToaseuoe IiRepe sent whers—mew| a Oh ke ee engine anc : pe Waa > eas >} seretiv ee ‘ /, > = i 2 y m me ene us « »present flea cee This saw s Se A AMGNG THE POLITICIANS. me Can ee “~ oo a om ty. Ofthe firs: twelve men brought | tion, Monday telegraphed Hon. W.) Salisbury Sun: This short bu 5 cae ates eee ye aie Seana Sees oe A> ee 5 — Ree a ae Deacon SARC tothe surface, five were dead or|D- Turner,of Statesville, who was | sad telegram was received yesterday |e ee eG Wool—washed ... . We also have a busitiess iu tac jou, would seein that the conspirators ii = ithi rc a = .d to speak here. not to come as thelevening by Postmaster J. H av eae ee of ine sj aoeemmnn St pecan c paee e oes : ave diccnsced = e ‘op } died within a few minutes, and sev Ses ° Ss ¥) : . . c ta : _ rh the eve of a. a6 brat + | press. < : Ses Onslow county Demoeratie con |bave discussed and pondered over co 1 Bee ea eeeeaeee smallpox scare would keep away|say from Seattle Washing’ to go through the cye ae ae | AVelalso 05ers : bosscu Lue joo ne « , , ; : : Se oe ictolonee is ot, ;evalof the others were horribly : ’ a than fora rich man to 1 acy Deen , : ROS ea vention epdorsead Ayeaek for Gover heir program of violence so much = 7 |. > crowd aS f Lind > died Fut ary 2] ap | ¢8a ‘ extra ; | chinery is lo Pineve is als move vs wand ilo eit maa malt that SEA ence have become thor burned or bruised. Sey i Scot Lindsay died ubruary ait oat itie Democratic party tcon—per | » | new dwelling on the ly io wiew da ner abat o « , 4 . . - se on ae te . they {) ££) 4°%* rains neath PRE! sal Z is is a splend } cs ee Mey mest * oughly saturated with it aad, under! As the work proceeded and the} Dr. T.. Harrill, of Statesville, State a So eo =~ SS. ., | replied: Be era ¢ nisiind. icietainn sales | i : Bi C wt of Hinois.ene}ii2 feat of exeitement, they let |dead bedies were brouyht up, oue|Smalipox Inspector, was called here Ramsay. Eee ae oy en “That question is far-reach MUrs . 7 | im 1898. Will sell for cast ; Me. bud Misaye ' . : . ‘ . oer ans ’ . ’ , ay Fei 7 . + * - » 4 eye seve: ° ° . Racon—How rout ner Th > feb'v. r5th., 1900 Reape ty ina > eal of th ean leaders of the drop hints of its dark purport under | OY Ore. the scenes at the mouth of] last Friday by Dr. T. F. Stevenson, |county boy. He lett here sever and philosophic in its nati oars eerie pare er = ee sett } ; . alQus a Sip) SE = . . qt . . a aa w Ms : me s for »far West. woine | we 3 ous = a Meee ae : t , a enap . ee! House, has been renominated ahexciiiicrceametonces Ordinary | the Shaft became distressing in the} county physician, to see the family os the fas west, zoids Speaking generally, it devesds Sides : , TOWscuip, 9 fat! - 3: ACs. ar) ars Sowet bet . oe = = i - fut onan -7 | Seat ’ : uo : 2 p>du aoe . . . are E Sec Se Mecscaias ff ead Baa Harnet? county Democratic con | prudence dictates that the white extreme. Shrieking, frantic women of Mr. W. P. Ingram, just outside | vet 3 ECng ees = Bie : = -o much upon the amount 5 ne eee T H ‘ } " ey rf a \ ‘ap LPG? + COUBLY t ‘ ! : 5 and chi ee ; ade race : norate limite o sO, WUC > awst \ias ee : : as ne od Pees Sa apts Uh s. , eh vention svdocsed DH. MeLean, of | peeble be on their guard and watch |#9d children impeded the nese the corporate limits of the town, ene i was When dea. | Wealth as upon how he ob": _—_____ EO BAONSES Ah Los bor S2 = a ae aay COUR t aeFes ¢ re 4 Wht Lea, : wih ¢ » the Yrreor »larng « . ore . v iCe ace = vas cot aa pA a = ty ne ney Ba covidec, aas all Ri chat county. for Secretary of State| every movement of the negroes and and added to the herrer of the|and found that Mr. Ingram and two vlaimed bim. He was conn ted If be secured it by benest STATESVILLE COTTON MARKES.| Thavetwoh aod 2 : rou wily BecoVer ik and adi» eaedl ; the white emissaries who may be|“UCCK. | elit Bs Sons, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. are he Soe er oer = ace ~~) and by fair competion STATESVILLE, N.C, February 22, 1000, 9a. m_ | forsale, The lo cad Y pa Sree {i : retrace engawed in secretly organizing} This mine expiosien is the most | Carter Goodin, young man Mayber-j WIth a a ae ee he estadunss- 1 eovowmen, he could still ve : ~trict Good Mid bs | and the house Ses Mr 11. 1 >tewari. Sorry co y Democrats will push them ; disastrous ever known io this Gis-|ry, who was boarding with them ment which hada branch sture ‘rat in theory and ia prac Sean Deg eA ee IO MAM oe | able and terms 1 codh Bhip, war in ty sce um = y 2 5 . - as ° weg)? Fs Pe p as Mae fie tise) lr € 7 a a < * { James if. wellyn for Secretars “Lope there may be no trouble| trict. Although the most beroic]) ai! bad mild cases of smalipox. Dr. Dawson. richer than Croesus: but i Tinees ee : For further pari: i Pevcucy sviu wis tin } of State visanabl: lawyer an¢| during the campaimn or at — the} Vork of the rescuing party bas been | Harriil advised that the family re-] Darnam Herald: A disgusi: ealth came to him because of SM eee March ist., 1900. : Gowwcurwe Colon al ' a. £ Bs eRe Stee " . ernie ie ie elias . e 5 . ae Same se 7 Market fir: y 2 te 4 ; aas Gene much work for the party. | clcrion between the whites and the | Zeing on incessantly ail day, it is} main at home and that no one go to|sight was witnessed in the Ly:ch-j just federal legislation. whereby > Bove prior, ava tas ie _ ~ o ase sve : >~Pienate . —— Se weer ene Ps ° + Tet ae ? 3 Ce ae ee wwone | ON. > a sme cay 3 fciis oiten ous from: Albcucs Noses and we will exercise reason: | Ua possivle tonisht to estimate Le or from their piace into town untt! | burgand Durham depot Friday sti: -| was enabled to become the he Sale of Valn2bie La: Springs :S 8avug MAb ow Caras va coud Y that ex-S sate : D vid B ‘THii, | vie forbearance; but if it comes, we | full ex entof the loss of life and|/they were out of danger. This] acon. Avorthern man and bis grow. |ciary of the labor and sweat of Sale 0 ainabie Laad. oO viele ce * DOe were vy il us a ! ex-“enator Dav >. q z = . Diy nee “a thy: * > ie " © to n “ay ¢ , oy be ’ = ae oe +43 } UP sinew 19% ee = ae : pss x te to| Wii know who justiguted it, and | proper! s. More than 59 dead bodies | dwelling is not near any other one |dauyiater, who have been visitisg :. | fellow-citizens be cannot bea 1 Byviere lel. Superio ee ipl Fa ape nON a Read of New w r¢ a delezate to 2 Y eae . Epacotlas ein : ie mip i Se ee ma a - . 3 a enrn . 93 — PUPCT 20% wits slidded 9d. , the D tie N io 1 a pine n | Whois responsible for it. We are} Pave : : ady been taken out and |and the disease is not expected to|this community for-severalday-, leit!ocrat. If one originally he wi! etnies eding enti eae wiicr sok ane ib . > Deu - National ¢ rentio : = oy iahe ea a Sl ronak) Looe . = " : — 5 : eae e = ee Hed A.D, Piyle ie nd other ‘tact wil 2 te < . sae = be wil] | (Ying peaceably and in the wav! the nun rer of dead may peace or| spread unless it be from some youn? jon the afternoon train for Roxvor ‘vitably drift into the Republ: Saree : eSieomaacee ,\ : i ila, een Syn Nea aed as Win J [Provided by law to amead tke Cou- | more. — It is thought tonight that at | men who visited them ten days ago. | They were carried wo tne degor oy | party. on the biblical princip’ soncriof suidicn Fi will, at the Cuart Hoos u i}? bike aes oe : De eaten ” | stitution and the attempt to intimi-|/east 45 miners are yet entombed in] Mr. Ingram was at the postoftice | ar oid negro manand when tie tate. |tbe ox knuweth his owner. an il caer eke ec 5 sae yes I - y - = waco |s co 2 = ACY elaw : 1 . ° : ° ds. MAY, MARS 24 . 1909, e i ‘ Jawk > ue “at acts z daeand deter us by threats of j the wrecked Mgr - ~ eo and in the court rocm Thursday. er and dauyhier tuid him ZOvd Of ‘ss his master’s crib. u -ell for cash at public ar or the hi - { ; § i i ‘ tw «ais a Daee alte by Randolph Democrats are in earn-| force and murder, while it provesall| The population of this mining vil | February 22, and we have beard of|the woman laid her hava oa is the sparks fly upwa bidder that valuabie tract of land sitaa ‘ aie ca ae stahout Capt. W. BP Wood for See-}we have ever charged concerning |!aze ix only 600. wees are miners, | no other cases. shoulder and kissed him. Such cet-|'who has gathered gear by en eee eee "ae : etary of State. His nomination | the character of the Republican par- | and the cane will reach almost The Alexander county Democrat {tie as this should siay at tume | the high protective ta the 2 containing 110 aere Title retain IS HER: Be Nn Rn Ri eens 3} s ? * “ a . . “trpteverry lit } on « : - J : we By ’ : *d till purchase sEyct, vill be vigorously urved He is a}ty of this State and its leaders. will /@very little bouse in the mining ie mass convention met Monday in| dey are not wanted in Durham ov j standard or trusts, will a edinslipunctiass : g Bis postin ane Ruut udin.e merchant and has long been|muake the undaunted but law-abid- ; town. Food was liberally supplied Sheicore ose ancliorasticeied 15 iaotate: publican.” This Feb'y. 20th, : Largest and Dost stock Ga, cauip. the io ne of the leaders of the Randotth ing white people of the State more! to the relays of workmen in the res- order by county chairman Jno r _ a> ope an The rich wan whose wenlth enn —eeemen i a a ever bad from Luite Alo 4. od. ede, of ere eusueres gate . = “OI orty * , > Cpe - ~ aie = ™ Oran . gets ss a ss Si ea x £ > 7 ¥ ei . = ’ wr , : Democracy. than ae Seed to cee een ee ot ape Gwaltney. W. H. Woodfin, Esq.. BOTATION IN OFFCE. aie! aceires ne und Se ale of Valuables Lan.) known hou Se : ay Bs) ae eee ‘overnor we thillon ¢ : race. | forever 1@ unbearable conditions | : ee = - PVacbti. was 30 shai : f re etrath, knows that tie » SA >a AS eran S . { +3 a5 » atshy Sls ga teehee , - Governor Al¢ Millan and Congress- a us x sade such thines possi .comfort.refused to eat or go to their ol Vashti, was elected chairman, A. | sammers for Reginter—A Good 32. | Cratic party ctands for th eae ae VVIRTCE ofa judgment of the i “A j; ip; YAY 4g) po:. a ae con, Carmack are candidutes for thep ont ec ees Sean eee oe Panne C. Payne and EL. Hedrick secre: | for Treasurer—Holiman for Sene- | CTAatC party stands for ths ras eee Sn ds eo -s mew | - rs . ar ‘ 1 = = : , _ . “AOnerty < +3 han y Term, 1803. of Iredell Super ~ : z6 . aes . it ‘7. S. Senate from Tennessee to suc- | ble in North Carotina. i taries. The business of the coaven tor— Watts and Stevenson for property,aod that i pe concof W. WW. Hairws 31. A. Steel h ij ie Bek fi Hi | ; ceed Senator Turley. who will not a \ eo tion was toelect delegates to the the House. PEROT JUS aS. ae aes and also by judgment of said Court Blo. Passe: Qiy.. bd Pe May and aes ely 4 : a = 7 -— . . : . + “ : rn " Rete aes hee > dane ; Senacigt sr erm, 190: -Same case. the ue _a : a Ga es bea candidate for re-election. Sat-| Negro Brute Gets What fe Deserved. | Almost Ready for Another Big Bat-|State and Senatorial conventions | Correspondence of Tr Mascer. hes Cae d vst ee sommingioucss willipell a: the com=t ; Rah i i i} Pee is ’ -omeeaeeer aoe EO ees bela primaries | canton, N.c.. Special to Asheville Citizen, sth. | le. On meee of 3 Mathe en, eas I saw a commun catios in your js- aa Knows that it his nai in oe Sa en : CAUSAL Ba UE HD - = Melis pas 10 a ed Governor MeJillin won in both ; . “ ' l ispatch. 7 vse Gelevate and one alternate from Ree kn os nae 10%. MONPVAY, APRIT OND, iy, Ail kinds Piewer nnd Gar cM suc picy va at ' 3 os ane ilin wo pot George Ratcliffe, a burly negro, | onder Dispateh. sth. AOS RT A sue of March Ist. from “Demo, Pe a et SS So All kinds of Pio w o varie ; “ —the rst blood. paid the death penalty for ar un-! Lord Reberts still pauses ir the oe wae. ae ae f ih : A urging the claims of tho presen: one ft chip, aj =the landsof J. F. Dotsoa, 4 Seed Some feed soc og wees os Bus ess cae in eon Ni Seg Ni owe av | pel . ‘ i Osfunte) sje | state convention as loliows: : bert for the Demeccraile z Phifer wand others, beginning at a hiekory in. and iots more ior je BOE Avice ne The final vete op the conference | B@™Mable crime committed Saturday | P ighborbe« NS ie at = x RE SSN eee ise : Se gee hence North 109 poles toa stone Weet 35 poles ee a oe at al th. ‘ -nort of the financial bill w 2 afternoon upon the eight years old stores, remounts and tr sh troops D : : : Nation for , evister oO 20d. Vinge 523Q 2, | coastone, North 2° East 53 poles to a post 6k sure and se us \\ t ‘ port of the financial bill was ta-| yaa abter of Mattbias Holland, {stream teward him frem the Cape | Drum correspondent has the of}ee aid iis S| Vest Sr polestoa post oak, Wallace, now Stec.1 want either Cor 1 the Senate Tuesday. vranddaughter of Mattbias Holland, t : Ne . p he % 1 ~orne:. Sunth'z26 polern to a stone!) Wallace sen in the Senate Tuesday, and the }> leat Tne British position also coutinues | Sbarpes—E rank Lentz,A.F Sharpe. | qutics down pretty fine aod be tv Seo vee eee end ~ ill passed by av i 44 aH awrespectable farmer living tbree} +0e SE POSE ROn aS | COOunueS > ANSI Ie pe) Sql) | CUMS COWAL PICU AUC S20 OC sUSt -orner, South 85° West 10; poles to a stone, Wal | SHED OR ee ee ae miles from Clyde ty improve inthe miner spheres of {Gwaltnevs—J. Y. Williams, W. J. | have something to do with the | fice Pink aacoee oe oe i Es rict party vote *e i She - Ae , . * . Car th rae -hifer’s corner, North S<° Ea«t elo >D oN tok rr oe Re eee Seo en At the corener’s inquest, this|the campaign. Natal is ccar of ‘am pbell 2 aa, ., .. jas be knows somuch asout it, He ebcrininpscoataiaieractiaa Saas GROCER SS : po, eee 4 on seep StS morning the folowing facts were} Boers and Cape Colony is nearty so | WUHae Loaf-—W. W. Geyder, Ed. ©. woes cn say allabout whut tue rr. ect to the dower estate of M. AL St ted avainst the bill a indsav ia eet ee) ean ’ my . erie . Le a! a > z c Terms —Cash 5 ARMVIEL! ‘ +? ee ie se { the fo sae ae Pee The Boers seemingly are pursuing |‘ ainpbell, ine 1 yy pisteris and «bat he bac to doo-ih erms —Casi c ARMFIELD, COOPER aS GIL! o yer Oo CTE 0 o ky ft = “ x tle "arn, : < ¢ : ° ae wae = : go ge el ee siete. ted for it moeerat. of Kentucky. |" The crime was committed at 4|tbe course commended vy tie-trate | Little River—J. W. atts. 1. T the register is as mucb the tinaucier DA eee eee Comorttoners sotec fo . : mye Sete > Cone “2 : resis: | “vats . >usthe cashier i rs a ee a =e SSS RS o'clock The negro was arrested the | gist and are concentrating te resist | 2's “ j an of the county asthe cashier is of u * 3 . The Perto Rican tariff bill has|same evening. given a preliminary | tbe British main army = Variow~!% SLE — aa a — , | oank. Phe correspondent says that & } Avery Ss Disc Harrows. lus ~ A ol Vittenbure— . i ors i . +: mn = ee r ised a storm in the country, espe j hearing at Clyde, and taken to jaii| messages from correspond: nts witli: Uo Nt oe . Bala ut the time the present register w st s vily in the West. The Chicayo|at Waynesville yesterday. Lord Roberts report that the cnemy |, CGe*. | GC. ¥Ye-Intoar, J. f Coane ee mos : cys 22 . Tines-Herald. the principal MeKin-| | About 1 o'clock last night Sheriff/are increasing continualis on fis} yi Pave le-—A C. Meintes, J. | cand dollars in debt, and thoi i: & 2 nie { iger Dise Plo w iey paper of rhe West, says that ‘if| Haynes, living in the jail building. |‘ront regarding. as one ce espon- |"? TI cs : ; would pot now owea dollar but forj| 3 tae 3 ——_ nye . 7 9) v - ’ = an ; . . : ~ ehsrmga: ~eere . were “= ie ¢ i y se € oyress and the President persist | Was called upon Responding. te |dent wires, eight miles, aed. as an- id oe aes Sabon vretaries Were (the new court house, that Mr. Tur- QF @ 5 Sig rinsirome S caedil c in their present course nothing ean | found 2 crowd of 40 o& 50 maskee | other says.15 miles. The ie vest es me To the above Nt. eed ner by his foresight and business s:- 5 his wraiu Daiuruay © - * . . 7 2% 2 4 _COnNVve » ope . = es rr] — 5 seve the Republican party from de | men, who demanded admittance timate of their aumber vives the} | zs Comme Ps oe apa “ gacity had saved the county $2.675.) |: tou may nage heard >? ey BS sa a ee fest pext November.” He refused and thev battered the| Boers from 8 000 t> 10,000 mou, with |UCexates and two alternates to te! This was nothing but bis duty. !- <3 t SC Se ; The Cpeta cumpars, : outside oftice door open and demar.d.|smaller bedies moving north and |> natorial convention from each not thatone thing what we elec: a] 2 # OU. CoT? S EMULSION ‘ Chuicu was Crosucd The central committees of theled the kevs to the main prison South. Each army is on b xa sides ei ns him for? Doeshe not vet pay tor|c: and have a vague notion ‘cw ii : Jemecrats, Pe ists < iver [7 : : sere al exe dder river one »| Mitlers—C, D. Johnson, ©. A. Drum ai? C Scene x aes ci “ : ei wiv. Auurcw ti. 2 f Democrats, Fopulists and Silver | They were again refused, acd it was|@fthe Modder river. Alltheaxh the | oe eee ee eogas sjail that? Could act H C-Sumumers.| > shat it is cod-liver oil with > in; sain, acvetanct all i Republicans of Kansas have agreed | also forced open. Roers have mounted eigvkt suns on] +: exandel ~ s400se. who had the nomination but for tre} 2 a 4 ' cigs ¥.. Figat iocgk T - = . : Sharncc — a sekav S a x = as = Oe } "Ge Lau, or. % '» fuse. The populists get the Gov-| The cells are strongly built, and | the tops of kopjes and appear to be Sees i ea J. Lums-| mistaken ruling of tae chairman.| 3 ‘ts bad taste and smell and Pesan oie i ’ . “a > pata ot : pe . ee ee pam 5 . g ‘ g , Ree ae . “Pr Ads VuLiv . eraor, the Democrats part of the|eould not be forced open witbout}too far away for inspection, the den RM. Sharpe, EM. Harring |have done as welias Mr. Turner. ot| 2 ail its other repulsive fea- -- 1 % i 2 . ic < hee hye 2 tao e ~ \ ssate oa UE ask oa “vate ticket and the Silver Republi-| creat damage. British scouts report that they are | ton me cnr cs he had had the same chance? So! 2 tures, }H is cod-liver oi], the °: as eee — Me { vans part The electoral ticket will Deputy Henson refused to work | using pick and shovel. Gwaltueys—G. W. Sharpe, W. H | much for that 5) ° re Steuc tue sam + = Ogee © Aaiwigics oa . oa eas . ~ve ene y, ; ae = ¢ + ~ 32 % . = A * ow 4 S>> 4.53 : } te equally divide dbetween the Dem-|the Jock combination whereupon Military opinion js that their Wicos Jr., Robt. Sharpe, I. A. Now. Mr. Editor, the subject o | 2 purest and the best in the 63 be Saree vou “eat arg iete ata = ? zt pi i ere ela . . : 7 ae ‘ ‘ jal aduecus, 4 a> ‘ Etats aua Populists. The fusion|the crowd tired several shots into] Present pesition mereiy screens} \ Cain. i = oc rotation ia office. Were not Mix.| & world, but made so paiata- <3 “Ge 2 = u \ 4 t eye ryeet ~. . aint = - ee “ st “yy a yf =< i ‘ 2 a is . eid dae “uw = CO ppact aad the united ticket! the negro prisoner, who crouched | more easily defended copes ceever | 2/Sat Loaf—J. Pariee Russell, G.|Tarner and the other old officers for ¢ ble that almost everyiodc+ i ie: will carry the State. in his cell, and then retired. in the region [tis sugested that|© Meadows. S. J. Harrington, Robt. Jir six yearsago? They said if ve] 3 et mn yep POGY | hese. Congressman W. L. Terry. of} fearing that they bad not coin Lord Roberts is quite villing to Se woWeR would just give the offices to them] 4 ee ake it. Nearly Gi | tev. James AL oo ‘ — . . . . : . . ic . ; * 4}} “4 —s y . 3 % 7 i . a i ttle Rock, Ark., has been defeated | Pleted their work they immediately | 8!ve the Boer~ time to a= emule all ee Eanes : v. Bee as BL) for two terms they would step cow. 9 cnildren like it and ask for - N wie, 9 dent ‘ o hi Ney Me ALO on . i ~ Saf eoeoreaie 2row 4 gker ° 2 i ; x : Nant tie, 2333. ie renomination. Representative | Tet™rned and again sent severii their men, ii order to deliver a} brown, A. Baker, Chas. Bum-Jand our. Let them be as good as ¢ more ‘ oe pint alls : What y sen i : 5 > . . s ee ore é “4 — a a : = ° . are du aM. - * ery was ficst elected to oo rounds in his body. Probably 40! Smashing blow etfectively Sees - soe their word. We as true and patri-} : ¢ Ask soca eck: ucakd . a see ‘ ss . nn ~ : “pty? } F S iendale = . = . Pant sacee ee iso and will have served ten shots were fired in a'l The round reubin in faver of an EB — - W White. Jo J. Aejorig Democrats are for rocutin | ad SCOTT’S : AY ene . ie et abVe “rve - +) ~ . 9} PF ehen Pye eye he a ye ray $ Penner! y yhi : . . . ; 5 © Seems ho - vears when his termexpires. He is Meunwhile Sheriff Haynes Ead|nexation of the Transvaal and Free Eee Mot oe ae E. White. w uygita, aud think it best for ih 3 Z AiG hue es ee x be . : >. : : od Se Bn ae <s : ee . en yt yw f < i ‘ at sed hsorthe Democratic leaders and | 202° {or assistance to persuade the |5tate, which is belay »romoted ae usury—G. P. Bowman, A.W. |amend:neat aud for the party at] > EMULSIGN ; at ita. wr 8 Racwacrl ofl ee nunancer: He men to stop. among the supporters of tie goy Robinsen, Jo oS. Bowman, E. G. large. [ Save beard several goo) 3 . Web ica ard eivquenl diva ahead e ae . . - Is Co . is ate oe } . we ad iS ye have Mmpae . oe >! j € Dice sas aes sie Seg ee Sethe eee Solicitor Ferguson responded arq{etnment in tLe House of (.anmons, Bentield a - p | Detnuerats say they wished the Lez-| } fooks like ane “ re have the targest and mosi « omplete line of Dise Harro: ee 5 bs gO Mel oxcactiaen oe eta: oe tried to prevail with them to desist, |Continues to receive siznatures Paylorsvilie—J. H. Burke. W. P.] jsisture would passa law probin:-1 3. ; sour- © und Dise Plows ever brought to this market. Haviow ove ad STAG UATé Tint x - fs 1, : ° a pe i a ne S = abel - - 17 , a me meme a = “ dies. ~oere he was a classmate of our | Out bis appeals were unkeeded. The signatories of the meiorial to| Hedrick, JE. Chatham, J..Moser. in. any officer ho!ding an office more| 5 ishes the wasted body ore them by the car load. direct from the manufacturers, we wer? as seassTd : yy : . ¥ of} * . _ 2 : y Iv i : B 2 uble < t owest insid: <a 7 in ; © -intymaen, Hon. W. D. Turner They seemed quiet, organized and Mr. Balfour affirm that tte time| _No instructions were given tOlthin two terms. If every yvood; 3 the baby. child or aduitt « abi to obtain the lowest inside figures. and also a savine Fr. and irs. F P 40, TON, » Vv. 2 ee ; oe . vet * “ti ~{- = : = & Mretoht is oj ae Speen ; determined, and spoke but few has arrived for plain-spesxing in- | either delegation. Democrat will turn out to the pri-] 3 better than cream or anv ° freight. This puts us in a postion to give you heir tao chud ro CO . ° ge ~ eels ~ = . : 8 Po . : s * e > y Ashe county Democrats met in|erds. None were drinking and|Side and outside of Parlia:nent, and 5 S : maries and speak bis sentimeat<,| 3 nie core = yy, z THE LOWEST PRICES Faus, Minn., are P| ec avention Monday. The delegaies}nove were recognized. When the that Lord Satisbury’s words are be-| 4 New Way to Cash Bank Checks. [we need not putthe Leyislarure to! 3 cther food in existence. It £ FOR CASH J. is. Glovers 3 to the S:ate convention were in-|dastardly deed was avenged the|ivg construed oe pledy against | Jonesboro Progress. uuy trouble about it, for we c:.19 bears about the same Teia- « = prospecling bere W ; structed for Aveock for Governor | crow sells annexation of Lord Roberts’ proc- e Kae ee Ser tle a eens ag: iS . or we can make you interestisy i Aza leaer)) robe < ‘i ; S A sted for Aycock for Governor | érowd quietly departed | a. sobert> proc-| On last Monday evening wr L, w. |e the law ourselves by sittin | 3 tion to other emulsions that TSR ne EOE, Ot eee ~ sod Woo. Fields. of Alleshapy, for] This was not Ratcliffe’s first «f-|/amation into a promise oi no con-| phe our wholesale grocer. went |do#2 vn officers after they have; > d t : 2 4 payebie in a al. Dusivess ip Duiut q Iseuterant Governor. The dele. |fense. Heran away from Turkey | iscation of Boer property. to Santord aad armed Sooce Bang (served twoterms. Let all ture out Jeera o milk. if you - Call and see our 1 e of Implements. omic alee | weteste toe judicial convention were |Creek some years ago for stealin. | e Transvaal agency at Brussels}; Checks | ' “hh; to the primarie=,and, if we can’t} 3 Nave hag any experi , 7 ~~ Jee ed WIL Oli z sracted for William E. Council |Hebad iced atlFiolanG@s 60 ance. | tareaten aicicinciofithe Cape Datch 122 Cocce 10 Ceceshediat tke Chat Oe ioak, (atts ake oo Near Flanigan-Evans Hardware © ase . t vam B. Council e had lived at Holland's for seve- sing e Cape Putco sy, a H: x era whole foaf, jet’s take a hall) «3 ea th oth ii “a . chs he .4.4 tocaie be ; oc a oe Set ee Onno Piham, Moore and Harnett Bank. |<°"* ? with other so-calied “just as or Warauce. jor sjudge in the Tenth! ral years. ;in the event of annexation, though | When they were presented. wr. W. |?! By anu-ther year we may be} 7; d”’ . : una wwiil trict. The convention also Je-| The damage tothe jail was oniy} by the Dutch should rise then 7 pawards president of the bank, | 20ic te Bet ita! 3 $00 preparations, you . g ° "ed fO™ + Drimarc ES hoy : if ery et om ene ‘4 rds = ans u - s . oF ie ‘ oo S2iemine 4 cicred tov & primary for U. S. Sen-;slight. , rather than now is not expiained. lattempted “8 pay them in checks. | Lotus have HC. Summers for! 3 wili find that this is a fact. 6 bBedroori uites ae abe baloal ator, ee --- ——- j . S : ie -vister, some other wood m: foel a : ac hus the lulow = oe :Mr. Foushee refused them and de-|Pelster, satus vhaer Soog man tor) s ites that ar - Statesvil a> > ee __- -- A Shrewd Sheriff Collects Taxes. Sse for Stevenson and Watts | ded cash. This Edwards Treasures, Johyu B BRolman for Sen | } The hypophosphit.s that are < TH AT W'LL T AST peyular Dtaless us : Rae is Mr. Rdwards re- oe ) Wattsand Dr.S. W.| = combined with the cod-liver o i = is uyw in sehoui a Race War Threatened in Alabama. | %7*>¢* Journal. | Correspondence of THE Mascor. ‘fused. ar, Foushee demanded back / #0". dvd A.D. Wattsand Dr.S.W.) oo additional * a IH ROUGH GEN RATIONS ‘ i : ie, AI i The sheritf { 5 > : his checks: thes Is fused, | Steveusen for the House 7 Sive nal value to it because ° : 7. i . . Siis> Ica ia Letchatchie, Ala., Dispatch, sth. e sheriff of one of the eastern! Ihave seen the names of Dr. S. ; UIs Checks; these were also refused. °° o' te tae party and Tur| < they tone up the nervous system Saami Bates Se GN . {counties, finding that taxes were W. Stevenson and Mr. A. D. Watts! Words followed and after decorat-! ., i PE eee P et nents The such sought for sort tho’ vou don’t find every duy. W Roe lls M: \ thovsand negrees are up in Pre 2 wih ara tenes : Nn eer Respecifully © and impart strength to tie whole : : 2 Mi-~ Liil:- Ma \ arms over the assassination of one |CO@M@si® slowly. concocted ascheme suggested for the Democratic nomi- ive the air with scme choice profas- |“ 47°"! nee cee 3 body aaa es have saites that we assure vou will be weli worth tie bam Cz: yliaa, Why bs > . 2 sites : . ‘ , 9 ar : . é 5 RAT. : 6 & ° . z = jab itd, of their leaders, Jim Cosby. He tbat for novelty and effectiveness. nation for the House this year, and ity Mr. Edwards drew a pistol on Be chee oe 5th. 1900, | 2 ¥ ing down to your children OF wits. Co a. VD was called to bis door at midnight | OW be bard to parallel. In Feb-;1 have heard many of the Democrats Feushee, but was prevented from] ‘’etany LOWRSTD, C2: SEATS scorP ero uses oe MADE BY ONE OF AMERICA’S this city, leit yond Saturday and riddled with buckshot |TU2°Y he went to four colored of Sharpesburg township express Usiv# it by Cashier Hatch. Then A Night of Yerror. BS aceces e a0 oe ve. 2 3 ‘ € R li bl ae > f: 247 bus Both are ct " 7 « ~ . . * : > ae } > “Ous = & * =~ a The assassins rushed over his body | Preachers aud for smali amounts, 'themselves in their faver The MY. Poushee asked Mr. Hatch, cash-) ., , fulanxiety was felt fer + e1iable eau acturers, Bre) -ouus 13die be assassins rushe " : , > Some 2 wful anxiety was felt fo we puny ds eblicicaced, Hiairacoliasel tices a doilar eae a half each, Democrats of this township are for! ss ore ees 2 oe ee tial oe ee Be eeceretl Bac = if -otid cak entirely eabiret work as gord as t4s° of o: Bega eet eae = 3 ngage at. Li i i ; . checks an e back s i ¥ e OTN ; urn a SK : OR ere : : cribs : i da:ghter out of bed and shot them | °&e2&@se¢ them to announce that them. ‘Lhey will make goud mem came back to Jonesboro. jbam, of Machias, Me. when the duc- Safe of Land. SM G0 suites. Tbe Poreeu ou Wash stand beve jali owes: tanees wade Gur several times, leaving ded. The negroes for forty milesaround crowded the piace. They declare they’know the perpetrators of the deed and will have revence. the whites are wellarmed and if} tin: negroes tire the first shot there will be horrible slaughter. “ vegro who shot a merchant varied Howell several days ago was j ,nched. Vhe negroes declared they | would Bave revenge Crosby was! tae ur-st fearless spokesman of the’ them for we vengeance upon him: Revtoes and the whites took dire ed the Prili those not having paid: would Jos: their votes in future elections. The announcements were made-in due: Courseand there was < great rusk to pay taxes ip that section. At! A one place where the sheriff was ir waiting there wasa rush of 200 tno hand in their money and the sherift employed four deputies to assist him: good many white folks were ht by the ruse. Gen. Wheeler and daughter arriv- in Sao igh Tuesday from | | ' i cau unless taxes were paid by March Ist | bers. ~—— , Saturday by acrazy prisoner, wamed /Campbell, in. the jail, and fatally ; wounded. Saturday night Campbell tkilled.Dan Jenkins, colored, who’ ;had. ‘been -placed to Campbell estaped. “and three were injured in a iireSun- dicitig. ay which occyrred ina New York termand tepement house. ( Respectiully. SHARPESBURG. Clio, N. C., sch 6th, Isvu ; next day and-have triedto compro- | mise the affair, ur. Edwards taking ‘all blame, but mr. Foushee will fol- iow his originalintention and will seek redress through the courts. This isa new wrinkle in banking customs and-the fact that sr. Ed- wards is mayor of Sanford adds 2 peculiar interest to the proceedin ~ . rere aan bim. - ‘Congressman Sidney:E, Epes. of cece . . the 4th SixX pérsous were burned to death. Washin en Sherif Cooley, of Chilton county, labama. was struck: ‘on the head ws. gton Friday. night of .appen- He was‘serving,bis second yas,a promising young ef Democrati¢ member. Virgiuia district, died in. tors said she could sot live til! mo: ning’ writes Mrs S) #H. Lin who attended her that fearfus niv 1*All thought she must soon -di lfrom pneumonia: -but she bezcec \for Dr. King’s New Discovery, say jing it had more tran once saved he jlife. and had cured her of consump jtion After three small doses she | Slept-easily all sight, and 17s further use completely cured her.’’ This marvelous medicine is -cuaranteed to cure’all ThFoat. Chest and Lune diseases nly 50 ceuts-and $1 60. Trial bottles free at’) W. F. Ball, ! Jr.'s, drug Store. Y VIRTUE ofa decree of Iredell Supesi Court, made at February Term, igco, of s court, in the case OfJ. “I. Surith, administret: of J. Y; Cavin, sgaizst M.J. Cavin “and other the undesaigued as commissioner of Raid cou. wil 1 at the Cofift Logse door in Statesville 62. " SATURDAY, APRIT, 7TH, ip. nell ut publicauction to thé k bidder eciuabe tract of land ‘fu Fallstown towrshi.. i) Tredeil county, N. ¢..- kpoven as- the Cavin-home plice,aé joining tire lends c <avin, John Voung ard others, contain .cres mose‘oriess entd-iands will be sold =: poe 132 ject tOthe dower, ofeM, J. Cavin &dministrat: #J.N.Catin, Terms of sale one half ‘pa;a% n cash an day.ci sale, one half payable in si a aee e eS atsale, with note amd approe. *) ed seciiftty wittrinterest from day of sale. T*i- reaainelltin givphe purpheeemmon This March 7th,'r990. J. B. Connelly any, ey is paid. :° Commisstdsier drawers : FEF 3 eee ‘Shap cand bevel edges, uicely fiai and serpentine tops ench Mirror 26x30 inch. shed bandsomely band ‘=. caryed; thoroughiy good-suites.. Lt.) “Prices $25. 327 and $30. oh. SCHILLER, nate, ©. Furuitore and Carpeis. ” New’ Coopér-dtcek State@rlile, N.C. * ie Hoke- Mr. Thomas ¢ Regina E. Trou yesterday morniz the bome of Rev. officiated,iv State couple went at ox the grovm’s fat Hoke, in Concoet an elezavt Gino These young peu gpatulations ox t age. PFE ui t ‘ 4 Ls “a < P P9'. C3 ra jos bind s at a y Pace 62. 2... PYL aldcine s KK ie 2 ae Vibes 3 a:e- ite . TNs ay 4 a *5 3 3} wMUGig S:9t y ay . Bias hy 32 S$ a tay, de ( ir ,e ~ ~ > S a riat SNF ea ee > epi 4 Plows 3 eel j mi net ya « ——.._ 3 ee é A - ae ? ’ at) = } amewtenr wees < io Wn a a | = abi 4 a rpets, tt SEN Se Ro SRR PRS Ft NS FRE RT FP STG A I NEP RT NE NEEM NTT EET BT ANE GRRE IE Ie a PAT Pe rs at ee S i Be ONC CR ae Te te e SEE LIASCOT LovcAk. ¥ ERSONALS in Charlotte sun of Mr. and Mrs very ill with pueu tiobert, littie spent ~unday here. i, ks) DarOer Is was bere this week. Hon A. Leazar, was bere yesterday. Cuioreda Kpiscopalians have toed w lol in Waiacetov nm, and of Mooresville, yuila a church. S couvie > Were received at the Messrs Jas P Fianigan and W. Camp © Onduay [rom uw paiby vl, hakiny (he BumMmber 43 Mrs J Watts, a weil known |daugbter, Mrs. S D. Swaim, in inub avout Lown, died Eri tocksville. tologs abun advanced age. = Mr. A. P. Steele left yesterday ‘iuachinery for Capt. W. T./evening for Greenwood, S. C., ona i> broum lactury lus arriv- | Ousiness trip. id broods Will be Curbed oul Mr John P Kendall, of Concord, ks ~pent Sunday and Monday here. He ¢ Dovghters of the Coutederacy formerly lived here. with Mrs. W. A. Choma- ir G TT. Ingram, of Bethany brow alterneen at 3 o'clock |iownship. wen to Taylorsville Mon- \ ful meeting is desired. day to visit relatives. Vir ©. E Mills left yesterday for Northern markets for spring ‘+k for Messrs. N. &. Mills & Co’s ster of Deeds Turner bas 4 of the roau *dstribution to the pis of COples Newton Monday to visit relatives. € dave been unable OVCrSeers ere bic DY ake @id ver Su: r P A. Poston leaves this mor- vuk dts Ciarke » 2 forthe North where he will yu. ficrbert, who bas been in} ouy spring stock for Messrs. Poston atth ) Ballitnore Sunday for] Bros tipent ~ : ‘Ir Vack Lewis. son of Mr. L. N 8 Cee SS Sous 6 of Concord township. ? po hool oreck machinery las! toesday for Concord, where he t istuess Is one oOo be bh Vee xostenterprises and ; Prema Preaaee ib F. Long. Esq . spent Saturday a sie {i alsoury on legal business. He 7 Wiisinson, of S ates | s attending Davidson Superior nuevo drs VWeodward.of Lon} “ourt, 1a Lexington, this week. vive a | “on quilts rs = . : Aen es r John Stone. son of R A. i <a th eqial “Ip posed o oo a J 2 ; 12-698 : yf otiwe Eng of Coneord towship. ‘ eit =m I aie av ” a 7 e iT Ole BHC aR cit Mouday for Noblesville, Ind., Le whece be will make his home. dite Populist county committee | ‘ve DSaturca Deievates were! - . a . i. vets ot | ville, spent Sunday with her cousin, { Li convention. { ., = : ; > : Pp Mbes boo ck , dehl to fvaternra On | tO -* heir ates, Lis s.iCiiis iN Me m e ee e Meee’ al. Mes-rs. Dick Gill and Sep Sloan, Statesville boys now living ip Salis- |oury and Charlotte, respectively, spent Sunday here with the home folks. Messrs. C.S. Tomlin and J F. Gowlesare on the Northern markets or spring stock for the popular Co. moved | : : : « | reueral sture of Ramsey, Tomlin & Hew place of | - vulldiug ves: | Cot Witte aud sunday | Miss Minnie Grant. of Goldsboro, ne Company will| returned home Saturday after a visit 4 o> tuto Lae new store} ota few weeks to bersister Mrs. J | fF. Bowies. Major H. L Grant came Mr, | &p Poursday and returned with his ; dauyhter. Sharpesouryg | Mr. W A. Vhite left Friday for county seme} dis home in Hilsooro, Ills., after a W. J. thill, of | week » visit lo his sisters, Mrs. J ©) das arrived ab tome ap-| i. Eagie, of | bambersburg town- jsbtp, aud Mrs. Annie Bailey, ot tte Wart, Of Sbiltob tuwn- = ates ville. Youns ir. Ross Eagle, He [508 of J.B. Eagle, Esq , accompa- tne | ed Mr White, his unce, to Iili- oon where he will work in his un- purcnacea 3 ieie s store. Russ is a bright hoy bul wy | Hud We expect to hear goud reports 2 his success in the West, iJ Spears, a traveling wecCormack reaper i Heewory, bas purchased el P ovest s vesidenceproper | and will move budlany bese woOul April Ist. OL lobe bfuavie avenue, é > at *Y SiC a Jif odie LO i tele 4 tae >. 00 “esol i tue Jou iy >. ‘bud Hiasaps, son of lilo wt po Vl Ei DD, Shue fis vperated ou tur} syale Dy. ua, Vy fuily becovered. 2.5 was tie tusce US yesterday. lurta lu Uv. y o¥Vlu uis Uke | ace Uulivl willis | bOls viet, auU tus WU COULLY, yah ball Uikeik Grittitu Milton,| “lessts. “Pat” Leinster and Bo Doe. Geitticn, of Ree Lawrence have thrown up their AP lO Lisi Gied tu Melds- is Sane une I Papiecan Eevaatss Hard. vx) sare Co. They left Tuesday night ~ itor the West. They hud not fully ldecided where they would locate j lhese \vung men ure hustiers aud Worthy in every way We .wili fduuvliess hear guod reports from woe peut de tue Chait!) thea when Lney get settled in the tle succecued DY | West, » eurdGued, Coe ierwer big it | -- Wal Herr 1s Mr Wise Loses a Thuinb. liugd a) oe ye | wir Joho A. Wise bad bis right /tuumo sawed off at bis Cooperayze }sbey ear Loc deput Tuesday morn- ing tie Was sawlny jumber when tus cium Came lu Contact with the Loliila wa. Uateel wh wat. uC Lay ladl WLR, ageu Rei Duc Uwe youu THlarbieu Queue ‘ vt atis Sue ah Mel thiague Aere Av Deaail eave. meNectiy us resizned tiem Cbd 1> a UW mae atat bbdiibuau Ef, punut Yee ueic Seover MUU WwWouCar cuae tue Luu ts- Musto pais 20 Couls lur a lew] buzz saw aud wus so badly lacerated tue pity virlis tbat Lue ad jioue Dr H. IF. Long, who attended weyers bee aac eu Duele tddaby | in, au pucated it at the first joint. Csarbices, vul we tep nce Wien | fie tm wdabluy a Loud recovery. Mr. to ptegele why seul wave! Wise is a spiendid man and his imauy icieuds rexret bis accident. Pe ee atuy Niueid, iiluie duuguter | Revenue Sale. isecostuan siucu. ff. KiuctizZ. ol Deputy Coilector Davis sold a lou berate serivusiy ul in}ot sezed propery Monday. He Hee lade week aud Was taken }/su.a a wayon and two mules, the Hui, Muto sue Was Uper- | property of EE: Ray, ot Yadkin yPoedecrtis. Sue stuvd | couuty, tur $130. Alsu a way vu aud vi weit UUL Is sthil seri ; Yue Gurse¢ aud one Mule, the prop }erly Vi ulkuown persons, seized in tr SY apcheid, Of Sulisvury, Basie Mls luwnship, tor $100. Al- ea services au the Ieeemoe so One boller,encine and distillery Cue SGUuuday Mioriiluy aud SOULS UC property a L. c- Hot aud, vt Oun township, fur $35. Al 50 Olle LDouler and engine, the prop- erey ot J. R. Graham, of Statesville Luwrstip, lor S51. ——s -Gee ae ~~ Death of Mr. 8. A. White. Mr. Syivauus A, White died at bis bome in Union Grove township Monday Morning at T o clock of pheumenia, aged about 40 years. Loe interment waSat Union Grove churen Luesda, afternoon at 4 o’ciuck. ine deceased was a sen of the late White, of Uuion Grove, be Wy. wet ic AeiWay missed sil lhe Slelsub, Ol aud Lie fall DdturcGay CVeuluy, mie service 22155 Pula cUtipaiy, sauy th wus CfYuwcded. iv. chuurew H. olen, of Wash- Week trom 4 ,wuere Dis mouth fle qualined as ad aua will lulerest- ol State Wasting lun, Dp. C€ Wastiueton last = Ha, PELULENOCK UELE las TLL 4ill, av. bo Wubitcu, siolihacve UL LAT eotuie luc satue. Merouvus tucddbess iil, Care AC peak cbueut, Pecuiued cw burgess mores abu itaves a Wife aod eight or ten chiidreo to Mourn bis luss. He was w 2eou cilizea and bis death is much de plored BD BD oft Sunday Sebool Church, Soul, the 20tb ATKINS Leub., » Ol the We. EK Jadithies _ Death of Miss Annie Muose. yer all adaress Ou ty MeVemient, wb the Metno- ; are is ep : Miss Anuie Moose, daughter of ae Cuureh eXt Sunday Mourpluy F F fia. uw Dr. Atkins eS ub able le WL A. OOP Ms died at her home ad Cieqgueol divine, an somethin : Sbilub Lone Priday amet i — a= bs ep felercets i es } r, Is im siure wor Lhuse woo bear |? ClUCs ef Consumption, aged about 19 years. The tuneral and inter- ment were at Bethlebem church Swturday at ll o'clock, Rev W. L. Vawsou couductiog the services. Jhe deceased leaves a_ father, three brothers and two sisters, all a " A. Gooding aud réiwochiudreo, oi Biy Red Lake are stopping at Mr L.stes. FE isn, Minn., BO. Glovers. Mr. Gooding is ~pcCling bere with a view to lo | Ouaget than herself, to mourn her «. He bas been in the muil.|'¥ss- Her mother died about three less iu Duiuthand at his home| .eats ago. Miss Annie was a de- linesota He is vers mucr | veted member of the Methodist iwith our (own aud thinks }et ure at) Bethlehem church and rit bi (Ovaie bere We hope te |“ saved Christian youus lady, who uud the esteem cf all ber acquain- auces. The vereaved family have ‘ue sympathy of their neighbors .o Lbelr sad loss —— eee ‘wo Good Shows te Birmingham (Ala ) Age-Her us the tullowing to say of a pulav Didiesvile young lady wir 1/W In sehoul at Columouus. Miss: o> lua Euduips, of Col ihe clerald Square Opera Compa- Us, Miss, uccompavicd by} iy gave two performances, ‘The lise Lis Mae Pomlin, of Nortb] 0..mes of Normandy’ and *‘‘The Cirolide, Whe buve veep the guests| 3 verman Girl,’ Friday and Satur- yowits. Gat. Due and family, o|dey nights io Coliege Hall. The tues city, ell yesterday for Colum | .ays were well rendered and well large audiences. The “Maudouna, Miss Etta Stetson, -as cusily the favorite. Her voice, co uni souliul, captivated our mu- ~.c luving people and thrilled all who beard tbe sweetsmelody of ber tones. Miss Mae Glover, who took the part of ‘‘Serpolette” in “The Chimes of Normandy” and “Gypsy Queen’ in “The Bobémian Girl,” us Both are charming and intel! w »Guuy judies aud lett aw lasting Wilh ihe Mauy acyuai lucces made Gurivg their Visit. ’ + ceived by pi rVosicn Hoke--Troutnmian. lr. Thomas O, Hoke and Miss Regina E. Troutman were married yesterday morning at 11 o’clock at >} Mr. Nig Wallace spent Tuesday Mr. P. A. Setzer, of Hickory, | he bome of Rev. W.L. Dawson ,who officiated,in StateSville, The happy couple went at once to the home of tae groum’s father, Mr. Thos. J. doke, in Concoed townsbip, where an elexaut Ginner awaited them. Poese youoy Reopig baye ur con- o makes a splendid stage effect and is 2 clever actress. Mr. Thomas Cal- ‘aban, the comedian, delighted the audience with bis work and. was neartily applauded. Our theatre xoers pronounced these two plays thé best of the geasvn, and dur pad- spgtulations elt happy miarri- abze.e — Will welcome the Herald Square OsTaedisadywheu it cots oyeid. ro COUNTY POLITICS The ain the County Convention —The j Candidates and Those Men- tioned for the Various | County Offices | Rev. A. L. Stanford, of Boone, | On March 3ist , three weeks from | next Saturday, the Democratic pri imaries will be held, and on Tuesday, | i April 3rd., the county convention | will be held. P. Beil will go to Charlotte tonight. | vote for every 25 votes cast for | Watson for Governor in 1896 and S. Leonard is visiting her} ,n6 vote fora fraction of 13 votes so jcast.) The votes for Watson aud the votes in the convention are as follows: Vote for Watson, vote in Con. Barringer 92 4 Bethany 89 4 Chambersburg 137 5 Coddle Creek.No.1 169 5 se “* No.2 140 6 Concord 162 6 Cool Spring 91 4 Davidson,No. 1 48 2 See NOs 2 7d 3 Eagle Mills 78 3 Fallstown 132 dD New Hope 87 3 Olin 150 6 Sharpesburg 167 7 Shiloh, No 1 129 5 ~ 5 No2 98 + Statesville No? 105 4 - .No2 108 4 = ,No3 219 9 oo , No 4 115 D TVurnersburg 89 4 Union Grove 53 2 Totals 2,524 102 Necessary to nominate 51 and avy fr.ction. >tate convention and 50 votes -in conventions. Hon. W. D. Turner, for Lieutenant for a place on the State ticket, and good policy seems to suggest that they be instructed for no other can- didate. The delegates to the Con- gressional covention will be in- structed for Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz for renomination, as they should be. The counties of Iredell, Davie and Yadkin form the 27th. Senatorial district which elects two Senators. Iredell always gets one of the Dem ovratic nominees: and Davie and Yadkin alternate. This is Yadkin’s time for the nominee. We have not beard whom the Yadkin Democrats will nominate. For the Iredell Sen- atorial nomination, the names of Charles H. Armfield and John B. Elotman, Esqs., have been mention- ed throughour columns. The _for- wer will accept the nomination if it is tendered him, while we do not know what ‘Squire Holman would do in regard to it. For the House, the names of Dr. >. W. Stevenson and Thomas J. Williams. Esq., of Coddle Creek, and ‘ir, A. D. Watts, of Shiloh, bave been mentioned. Sherif Wycoff is the only avowed candidate for sheriff. and it appears here will be no other candidate. For register of deeds, Register furner, and A. D. Kestler and M. ct. Williams, Esqs, of Statesville ‘ownship; 8. C. Summers, Esq., of Stuloh; R. J. Bryaut, Esq., of Sturpesburg, and J. C.Siceloff, Esq., vf Olin, are all announced candi- dates. Itappears that the contest tor this office will be the most inter- esting fight of the convention. Treasurer Haynes and M. L. Lentz, Esq.,of Statesville township, and J. W. Guy, Esq., of Coucord, nave announced themselves candi- dates for county treasurer. oroaer Foard is serving his first term and he will serve again if nominated and elected, as he doubt- iess will be. surveyor Somers is serviny his +-cond termand will not decline a nemination if tendered him. Mr. Ww. W. Williamson, of Fallstown township. has also been suggested icr this office. For county commissioners we aeur the names of the present mem- vers—T. M. C. Dauidson, of States- vitle township; J. C. Gray, of Cod- die Creek, and M. K. Steele, of Tur- nersburg—mentioned for re-nomi- oution, We also hear the names vt James A. Black, Esq., of Da- vidsun township, and Mr. Espy W. Brawley. of Coddle Creek,suggested for commissioners. At the primaries delegates to the county convention and a precinct executive committee of five members wui be elected. The delegates may be instructed or sent uninstructed as the primaries see fit. The indi- cations point to well attended _pri- aries this year. Let every Dem- ocrat turn out to his voting pre- einct Saturday afternoon, March 31st., at 2 o’clock, and express his preferences. _—o > Birthday Celebration in Alexander County. Correspondence of THE MASCOT. On February 27th. the friends and oviyhbors celebrated Aunt Jinsie S'ewart’s 82nd birthday. Notwith- standing the bitter cold there were 118 persons present and all took well filled baskets. We bave never sven a more inviting table on any oveasion than the one spread as a token of the high esteem in which this dear old lady is held. Aunt Jinsie (as she is known) is the mo- ther of ten children, and she has 40 ecand children and 27 great grand children. The father, mother and all the children extend many thanks for the respect shown. We were «iad to spend awhile in the sunshine ot this good old woman’s presence und hear her encouraging words. We believe the day will be of benefit tu all present. Respectfully, J. C. BEL. Hedrick,N C., March 6th. Grier & Long. Harry P. Grier aud Zeb. V. Long, Esqs., have formea a partnership fur tae practice of the law under the firm name of Grier & Long. The senior member, Mr. Grier, bas built up an enviable reputation as a well- equipped lawver and a pains-taking, competent business mav during the six or seven years be has been at toe bar. Mr. Long is the “baby member of our bar, but he is a young mau of bright parts sud-industrious babits and will no duubt succeed in his proféssion. The new firm is & strong ove.. They bavé their ofices in the néw Coopér building. The various precinc!s | = have the same vote as in 1898 (one | 331: T. J i411ig COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Vote of the Various Precincts The Bills Paid and Other Business Transacted. The board ef county commission- ers met Monday. All the members were present. The board was in session Tuesday also. The follow- ‘ing bills were paid: CUAIN GANG. J.S Patterson, superintendent, . Murdock, R. Y. McNeely land Pink Crawford, guards, $21 each: Enos Houston, cook, $10; T. A. Gill 75 cents. guard; J. D. Patter- son #1, work; N. R. Tunstall $5 45, drugs: S. W. Stimson $3.02, drugs: W. A. Thomas $265, supplies; Stroup & Son $3.50, smith work: N. B Mills & Co $0.85, supplies. COUNTY HOME AND PAUPERS. Andy Raymer $6.50 labor; Frank Shoemaker $2, temporary relief; H. H. Hill $3, pauper coffin and robe: Poston Bros $34.50, supplies; City Roller Mills $1.80, supplies; Cooper & Gill $2.20, supplies; Mary Braw- ley $1,temporary relief; Krider Ec- cles $1. temporary relief; Maggie Moose $36, waiting, on a pauper; V. T. Melchor $13 75, corn; N. R.Tun- stall 50 cents, drugs; Delinger & Turner $2, pauper coffin. JAIL AND PRISONERS. J.C. Thompson $1.70, conveying prisoner to jail; City of Statesville $3.33, light; N. R. Tunstall $12:70, drugs; W. E. Anderson $1.50. sup- plies; D. C. Thompson $144.70, boarding prisoners; W. A. Thomas & Co #2.11, supplies: W. E. Combs $5, conveying prisoner to jail. ROADS AND BRIDGES. W.Q Morrow 35, lumber; J. C. J. L. Caldwell $4740, building 22 Bass $3 22, lumber;H. A.Gill $11.25, gle Mills bridge; L. C. Wagner & Simons, and went to]Governor, Iredell’s only candidate} Co, $2 86, lumber. MISCELLANEOUS. R. G. Green & Sen $3, boarding jury at February-court; J. H. Wycoff 332.55, fees and expenses at court; W. H. Allison $2.40, stationery; The Landmark $5, advertising; M. W. White $3.50, serving a summons under special order; The Mascot Printing Co. $11, printing; W. J. Lazenby $100, work at new court house to be charged to Hayden. Wheeler and Schwend; W. W. Tur- ner $8] 85 services as clerk of the voard, N. R. Tunstall $2, vaccine points; Kerr & Karcher $2 livery for grand jury; Edwards & Brough- ton $3.75, record books; J. W. Ward, deputy sheriff, $7.50, services at court; J A. Hartness, C. S.C #38 - 90, fees and expenses at court; T. M. C. Dayidson $19 60, M. K. Steele $13.30, J. C. Gray, $15.40, all for Dr. H. F. Long #20 salary as county physician for February. The following business was trans- acted: Joseph P. Summers was released from poll tax for the year 1899, E. A. Ball for the year 1900, and J. C. Hawn permavently. Molly Bruner was allowed $1.50 per quarter, with Austin Smith agent. Rebecca Sprinkle’s alluwance was increased from $3 to $5 per quarter. It was urdered that the Moores- ville Telephone Co. be granted the right and privilege to erecta tele- phone line over the public highways of Iredell county, upon the condi- tion that ia the erection of said lines they shallin no way obstruct said roads or interfere with public travel. The case of W. S. Clendenin ap- pealing from a decision of the road supervisors of Chambersburg town- ship was continued to the April meeting, and theclerk was ordered to summon witnesses. a NewAdvertisements. W. H. Coftey has bicycles and bi- cycle sundries in the St. Charles Hotel building. fle does repairing aod rents wheels. J. L, Cowan will sell supplies on time. See him back of Harrison’s clothing store. Fry and Phifer advertise shoes, pants, shirts and neckwear this wrek. They will save you money. Get the Avery Disc Harrow at the Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co.’s store. These harrows are the cheap- est and best. : Gaither & Nicholson will insure your property in the best compa- nies, H. B. Stewart notifies all persons that he will not pay debts contraet- ed by members of his family. J.L. Cloanirger gives notice to purchasers of the Garland coffee potin Barringer and Fallstown townsbips. Andrew H. Allen, adininistrator of Mary A. Allen, and James W. McHargue, administrator of J. W. McHargue, give notice to creditors. J.T. Smith, commissioner, will sell land at the court house, Satur- day, April 7th. B. L. Long and W, G. Lewis, commissioners, will sell land at the court house, Monday, April 9th, The county commissioners give notice to merchants and others. Mr. Paul Lofiand Hurt in Virginia. Intelligence was received here yesterday that Mr, Paul L. Lof- land, sonof Mr, F. L. Lofland, of Statesville township, had met with aserious accident in Pocahontas, Va., where he has been working witha mining company. His arm and collar bone were broken while be was at work. We have not learn- ed further particulars. Mr. Lof- land has many friends here who will regret to hear of his accident. ep a ee Clerk Hartness has appointed Messrs. W. T. Watt andJ. F. Mur- doch justices of the peace in Shiloh township, vice I. A. Johnson, de- ceased, and R. C. Little, resigned. They qualified Monday. NOTICE. ESOLVED by the board of county commis- sioners that notice be given through the pressof the county to delinquent individuals, tirms or associations of persons conducting the business of buying and Somene? mezchandise, produce or manufacturesof any kind that they should deliver to the clerk of the board of county commissioners a sworn statement of the,amount of capital employed in his or their business for the year prior to October rst.,last, and for fail- ure to do this they are guilt; & misdemesvor azd nigy be indicttd. see Reveuue Act Section of 27. T. MC. DAVIDSON. This Mareb 6th, 1900. * Chairman. Notice to Creditors. Tyav juslified asadministrator of the es Av ae sckta je, deceased. 1 See ee tee eS pocot tbe, to we op Br peter Bincd ovr last report Register | March St. 29, ent oF Pree erect Turner bag issued licenses for the! ‘pnfsMareb 8th, Pe sees Ww secu mirage of Mr Henry Lavan ond Ee eee ae: Miss Mollie Rary énd-Mr. DL} Grier pong wre Munday apd Miss Cessie Dowell. RO scien : Marriage of a Former Statesville Man Charlo:te News, 6th. Mr. Harry E. Reid, of the Allen | Hardware Co., goes to Shelby to- morrow moraingona pleasant er- rand. At5 o'clock tomorrow after- noon heis to be married to Miss |Jessie Brevard, of Shelby. The | Marriage will take place in the Bap- | tist church, and will be one of the social events of the season. Mr. Reid and bride will reach Charlotte to-morrow night, and will live at Dr. Crowel’s on East Avenue. Tbe groom elect isa native of Statesville. He has been living in Cherlotte for several years, and has made gooc friends in that time. He isa clever young man, worthy and estimable. He and his bride will receive a warm welcome. (Mr. Reid was raised in Shiloh township and lived in Statesville or several years. The marriage occurred yesterday. He has many friends here who extend to him their heartiest congratulations.-M Ascot.) -—-- A Death, an Accident and Other News of Sharpesburg. Correspondence of THE MAscor. Mr. Abel Reid quietly passed away Sunday at one o'clock at the advanced ave of 92 years. He lived with his daughter, Mrs Betsey Sloan, for several years. and for the past year his health has been very feeble: He was a member of the Baptist church at Grassy Knob and was a good Christian man. He leaves several children and many wrand children. Theinterment was a. the old homestead in Union Grove township. Mrs. Susan Barkley, an aged lady who lived with her son-in-law, Mr. The county has 17 votes in the| McNeely $1.20, serving road orders;|I. G. Sloan, fell from the porch Sat- urday night and was seriously hurt, the Senatorial and Congressional | ridge in Davidson township; A. J.|dislocating one bone of berleft wrist and bruisirg her left side. The deleyates to the State conven-| repairing bridge in Olin township; | the second time she has fallen this Mrs. Geo. C. Goodman,of Moores-|tion will doubtless be instructed for] N. T. Summers $20.85, work at Ea-| winter. Rev. Jay Gwaltney preached at Damascus Saturday and Sunday— his regular appointments. Mr. J. T. Raymer, of Statesville, was up Saturday trying to sell a mill to Mr. R. E. King. _Mr. Geo. S. Daniels, of States- ville, was up tosee his mother Sat- urday. Ww. Sweet Home, N.C., uch. 5, 1900. > Turnersburg for Armfield for Senate and Watts and Stevenson for the House. Correspondence of THE Mascor. It gives me peculiar pleasure to note the endorsements from all parts of the county, in which I believe north Iredell! will strike hands with our fellow Democrats of central and south Iredell, for Mr. A. D. Watts and Dr.S. W. Stevenson for the House. And again let us call C. H. Armtield, Esq , for the Senate. He services as county commissioners; |!S 2 man whom we should all delight | teduties ofthe office acceptaniy ore tohonor. Let us nominate these gentlemen for their loyalty to the grand old Democratic party and for their knowledge of public affairs, and they will be an honor to our county in the next General Assem- bly. Believing they will accept and Serve us with honor to our county and credit to themselves, let us nominate them. A Trve Democrat. Harmony, N. C., Mch. 5th, 1900. —_ Mooresville News. From onr Regular Correspondent. Mr. H, L. Horton and Miss Mary E. Lipe were married on Wednesday of last week at the residence of Mr. E. S. Lipe, the bride’s father, Rev. Dr. Wharey, officiating. Mr. A. G. Melchor has sold his house and lot on Main street to Mr S.M. Furr, of Sunnyside, Rowan county. Clarence Sharpe, colored, was sent to jail Sunday for stealing fish from Mr. J. W. Butler. Mr. Leyy,a German Jew, who- has beef markets at Concord and Davidson, has rented the old post- office building, and will open a beef market in it. J. B. Cornelius, Esq., of Cornel i us, wasin town Monday. — James A. Black tor County Commis- sioner. Correspondence of THE Mascot. Davidson township will present the pame of James A. Black, Esq.. for county commissioner before the Democratic primaries and county convention. ‘Squire Blac« is well qualified for the position being a good farmer and business man, Our township has had nothing from the county for many years. We are modest in our request this vear and we hope this small office will be giv- enus. The township is solid for ‘Squire Black. Davipson Democrat. Doolie, N C., March 5th. 1900, een BICYCLES — I have opened upa Bicy cle sale, repair and Hire Shop In The St. Charles Hotel building. I have a complete line of new bicycles, and bicy- cle sundries aud will sell them at the right prices. I can furnish you any priced wheel. See me when you want your wheel repaired. It will pay you to pa- tronize me. Respectfully, W HE. Coffey. upplies For Sale ON TIME. Ihave Flour, Corn, Meat, etc , for sale on time. See me when you want time on your purchases of supplies. This March Sth., 1900. vespectfully, J. L..COWAN, At Brick Stoze, Back of Harrison's. Seed Oats and Hay For Sale, Thavea lot of whiteand black spring oats for sale for seed, I havea large lot of nice baled hay for sale. See me when you want grain, feed and malt, Respectfully, Feby. Sth., 1900. J. L.. COWAN, EH. Miller & C0, DRUGGISTS, MOORESVILLE, - - N,C. Fresh Drugs. by | Well assorted stock. Prompt Attention. "Geo W, Long, M.D. Crus way dé leit at any ove of the ; aun i at lt a This is | ciate the support of my friends in the primaries. For Register of Deeds. | Thereby announce mysclfa candidate for re- ' election to the office of Regisicr of Deeds for Iredell county, subject to the action of the Dem- ocratic primaries and county convention. Iam profoundly grateful for past support and solicit your further favor. Inthe event of my nomination and election. Iwill continue to dis- charge the duties of the office tothe best of my ability, Respectfully, W. W. TURN hk. For Register of Deeds. HEREEY announce myselia cannidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of i ntion, and will ap- preciate the support of my friends im the pri- maries, tespecttully, C. SICELOFF. For Register of Deeds, DESIRE to announce myselfa candids'te for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, a1 il ciate the support of my friends in ries to be eld om March 31st. Respectfully, M. C, WILitiaMs. ul : the prima- HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will appreciate the support of all who deem me suitable fo. s1id office. Respectfully, a. D. KESTLER. a eae = For Register of Deeds. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Reyister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and re- spectfully ask the support of allmy Democratic friends at the primaries to be held March 31st, Respectfully, R. J. BRYANT. For Register of Deeds, HEREBY announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will appre: ciate the support of my friends in the primaries Respecttully, H.C. SUMMERS. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic county conventi n. and will appre- Respectfully, MILAN 1. LENTZ. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for renomination for the office of County Treas- urer, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention. The support of the Democratic voters is respectfully solicit- ed. I have endeavored to serve the pecple faithfully and acceptably and if re-elected will continue to give them my best service. J. A. HAYNES. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and respectfully ask the support of all my Demo- cratic friends at the primaries to be held March 31st. Respectfully, J. W. GUY. : For Sheriff, HERERY announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention, My desire has been to serve you faithfully, Should I be re-elected. I shall continue, to the best of my ability, to discharge Respectfully, Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of the powers contained in a mort- gage deed executed by M, T. Williams and wife, Delphia Williams, to ©O. G, Wilhams & Sons, the undersigned mortgagees will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Statesville, x. C..on Monday,April and., 1900, at 12 0’clock, m., the following deescribed land lying and being in NewHope township,and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Ad- joinining the lands of Lewis McDaniel, Eliz: th Redman, Amos Gregory and others, taining 52 acres more or less. 0.G WILLIAMS & SONS, This March tst., 1yoo. Mortgagees Vitae con- Peas for Sale. NE LOT of Clay Peas. Apply for prices at THE WALLACE BROS. CO,, Statesville, N.C. 1, SA u p AU L O D ] 9 . r 07 31 q Q B I 3 HO U t 3 pu v sp u v y ay ) UT S DA L I T S SU L T , jo . MO O d S AI A T I S VP N U1 0 ¢ r, a TE O I e L Ay a v s y id tt st o o d s aa u Ja d UW B HO A fe a r a “M O I S H y o L ‘A U L A B S PL O SI ) JO UI T I 0 94 ) aa T I I S pa AV 91 1 0 Ol { } ST MO U *M O L J JU B A L NO . 1 BY O N U L SY PO I O P I s U u o d St ay s ‘u o o d s Jo A ] I S BD A W1 0 q «N O O a S HH A T I S V HL I M NY O , ey ou , ‘u U B I D H d C pu s 10 [ O M O L E > he Dv a i d s oy a Ap 1 ©} su o o d s sa a Zn o 0 s q DA V Y Ss o 1 d 0 I d PU L ad U d I D s AE p - o } pu Ua p l o jo pp y o ay y su a se uv Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, Dentist, STATESVILLE, N. C. Will bein his oftice two weeks, beginning with first Monday in each month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You will find it to your interest to do so. Work dope in best manner. Price> low. Onfy the best matertal used LAW PARTNERSHIP. HE UNDERSIGNED have formed a partner- ship for the praczice of law, and will give careful attention to all business entrusted to them. Office on second floor of the new Cooper block. HARRY P. GRIER, March 6, 19co. ZEBYV. LONG. NOTICE. O THE PUBLIC: I hereby give notice to the public that I will not be responsible tor any debts contracted by members of my family un- less they have a written order from me. March 7, 1900. H. B. STEWART. “A stitch in- re time saves nine.” Your property may burn to-night. You might bave an accident, or get sick and die tomorrow. So, for the protection of yourself and loved oves, let us insure you y. Gaither & Nicholson, STATESVILLE. N.C. Notice to Creditors. ; NO qualified as administrator of the A, Allen, is is to i said es- ns ene an Sto wake immediate pay- ANDREW H. ALLEN, Adwigistra' est. F. A. SHERRILL & CG. Wholesale and Retail. Th Friends aad Customers. | We wish to say that we are now prepared to save you on your {Spring Purchases, money Raving bought early and for cash. On many “s we can sel! vou cheaper than ever, notwithstanding s bigh- er prices by the wanufacturers. We wish to sav further that our stock is com; ete, and we have more goods in store than we have ever bad.so don’t want the worth of your money, moth - Stock of Shoes, We have just bovvht a biziot at makes two stock~ in one and wi you to save some money. rep you mnam- Don't failto see our Yours very truly F. &£ Sherrill &Co. FRICK COMPANYS : ea Eclipse Port uble Circular Saw Hiitis With simultaneous racket se:ting head blocks and cable rojefeec the mcst sensitive feed ever put on 2 saw mill, also Frick Company's ENGINE 3 AND BOILERS, “ Portable on wheels or sills. Sta ;-~= tionery engines and boilers. any * size, and the great hill climbing an : : : Eclipse traction engine. A few “Si o\bc% OL ait es ‘ uner, Arve. Gotton Gins at low prices. iene HT e > Ove l One Statesville, N.C. : The Cotton Show. A Giversified showing, such asthis town has never before, awaits you here. New cotton beauties day by day to add their grace and charm tion, and they are tumbling out, too. for the folks are snapping {hem up cagerly. Yard wide Percals, 12ic. quality. Now suitable for Shirts, Presses and Shirtwaist, 1st. ored. 25 Ditferent Patterns. end. ., _— shown ‘ 7) . CHO. in > collee Yard Wide Percals, good quality, dark and light colors ct. -_ Cr - — — ast God Galion at 9 canis yan 3rd Big stock of Piques, Dimities, Plain * soo", India Linens, Victoria Lawns’ reer < Real Swiss, Jones Fine Cambrie Long Cloth, Ginvhams. Swiss and Lace Curtains, Silkolines, Cretons, Bobbinett Curt Chenille and Tapestry Curtains. All for sale. Come and see us, N.B. Millis & Co. The Bic Store. The place where your dollars and dimes will live the longest. Your morey will stretch like rubber, doing double duty on every purchase. We count cvery per- son with a modest purse our customer. THE V4LUES HERE HAVE COME AGAIW PRICES. Please so inch All Wool Venitian Cloths, > BS leer ies “ Suitings, soc. yc. ’ a3“ nearly all wool Fla nels fo: w Kemnants Grey Cotton Covert Clo > Outing Cloths at Last Y i Heavy Pant Goods, 20c. 25¢. 32 Few Quilts and Blankets to close ov. 5 Men's Suits in Fine Goods too, at p 1 Men's and Ladies at old prices. New and up-to-date line Shirts soc Ball Cotton Sewing Thread, 2 fori Glass Tumblers 2centseach. Big ! SP . af read over the list. c. vd. worth $1.00, nd Tan) worth 75¢ Se.yd. Worth d. Worth isc. and zoc, yd. Vorth 25 per cent more. : ndup, Extra Value y Soap, 2c, 2c, Cupup. Come and see the other:. To miss seeing and pricing our stock means money lost to the-e who make such mistakes. Wilhelm & jiiills Fry & Phifer. (Next door to N. B. Mills & Company. We are glad that so many ©: oar old friends have iiee:, to Sat there are other familiar faces we would like to see. Be scre and see our nice new stock of j > = Shoes, Pants. Shirts, Neckwear, And Dry Goods before you buy. Captoh’s. Gest tlour on earth. Leg- gett’s Marrocava coffee is the best. Wecan save youmoney on Groceries. Pay cash for country produce. Don’t miss the White Front, for we will treat you white. ERY & PHIFicR. Wrinkled Loveliness. Puckered Beauty. arse every lady whove eye Crinkled Prettiness fiiVrevuiew. Knotted Elegance. Black Blistered Crepons, Could any otber Fabric ever prescribed by fashion be described i same way? You may not like them at first. Look ayain. J -you see of them the better you will like them. They are v. they are also new. It wasthat longing for somethmg new which exists in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe Black Crepon’s. You will take the prescription. too, before the sea- son is over—cither a large or sma!] dose—an entire dress, or a skirt to wear with silk waist? Better take it atonce. A nice line to select from. WALTON & GAGE. Crossett’s $3.50 Shoe. We have just received another lot of this Famous Shoe and as itis so weil known, w» feel that it needs no introduction 1 the trade. Our sale on this sh ¢ has deen far beyond ourexpectaticn and as a result we bave duplicated our order twice within the last three months. People who buy poor shoes try first one brand then anotber. They shop from store to Store. They _-Auother lot Just in, Ofcourse every lady body. There is uo permancat satisfaction in catering to their wants. try a pair of Crossett s y take the trouble to drop in. tor, care Department of Stgre, . This March stb. 1900. Rrachionee: D.C. - ee ee ee - on aS. never become regular customers for any To all such we insist that they $3.00 or 33,50 shoes. We not only warrant every air of these shoes but will keep them shined free of charge if you will on- Yours to please, SLOOP& MILLER, ————— POT I TT a ——<—— S77) FARMER « | = ———— — = ee i ' TON 3 d the Constitution of Kemovethe oer $4 ¥ re Ss ; /| } z : " IY A pe ee ere - a —_ =< Aes). AFeAIRS IN THE PHILIPPINES. SENATORIAL ELECI BO. BE ACE LO < Carbvltira. os iatcigh Se oe ay ae ‘ pe a < if df } ee : —— Ep were repulsed with a loss ol 4 as —— CER ec epee oe INS eh Ctr O- “ae best arc wi Re see «GS 3 ar fe i i \ ses 4 LAD Yow rh HERIEVED. ed and wounded. Tne detfen‘ters ATC ‘Home in May Butier's Contest Excites Interest in Z]e Gerrecul Assembly of Nosh, upsn thé pending prettedls ae e (a i eB ; : ware able to take advantage Of Generzi Otis Will Come : : ee -ashington. ae Viaa dotuuart: boy Ise mine . SeatiberD Sus ts, : § ¥, / ~ ih f , — - and att Eng | who were able to cs, lost only and be Succeeded by General we = = ate : Philp: oof thee dtiet : Ai J PKIb ; beer Rai nd Rejoicing. jibe sheiter of earth aa zi ; i ; Mac: The Washington Post contains an Secriox 1. That article six of the ape eared ae \ « 2of Petr * ? home on our < ; as i }2 killed aad 2 woundea. — . : interesting article on the senators | — stitution of North Carvlina be’ ny. nd Christies Se a ee enti wood eharics f hots With sucb determined See Was patch, tst who will stand for re-election. eee same is berebv abroyated, apr. loth. . It is edited bs eck ye spending n ; March 1 —The War Off ¢ | ays a special <ORECE PON CSRS nde The cable messages from General ' Some of the senatorial tights hive a res thereof shall be substi- ed Dr. J. J ee ti TEL aoe - hours. S« ual 72 ¢ a ing dispatch |eraphinw from I aurdeber. = )- Otis were received at the War De-)|.jeady commenced. Senator CT ted the following article of said) penn the Seuth, Nes een nea Sota een sf a eee tate of February 27, one ee ee | wartment today. One contained aj. js now stumping Arkansas, and | i tution = ee amiotates will not nGw « id 2 = Sea : 4 : se that the Boers would have Oe eee Agi SR among the talking alti-ex pansion, while Gov. i« mst oe EY] the ‘iteenth eS ek e : . ~treved their gurs, small a aes | troops in the Philippines since the jones his opponent is taking the | Nee Une __| Lafferty advises. but the preset! | WINCOSKET CO + ¥ et :mmunition before susseuts os last report. A second announced | yyhortack. In Alabama many Of} -v ERAGE AND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE |» icy cf the Administration vee eee * ; ae enterec | Yhe only thing 10) ured, ack the arrival at Manila, today. of @ t)ecounties nave held their primar: | Se ee CTR confession that all thai Reece ies coubtrys | weas a Vickers-Maxim een th A |vovernment transport from the east |jes and the friends of both Sen- | QUALIFICATIONS CE ea was a national seundal. 2 ee ae - adysmith is re | bad becn hit by a British Seat “sol-\coast of Tavabas province. witk | s:or Morgan and Gov. Johnston are | (Section 1) Every male person |low Dr, Lafferty’s editorial We a t : Bae r of the enemy. | 3 | (british officer and eee i be D leight American and 410 Spanish |, iming thevictory The issue inAlia- | Sata the United States and eve “A Ccommnission of wire sBent ee makes ordinary , austin ‘ Bes il “Nehhorpe.” fiers, who were prisoners, an abe iccldiers who were recently relieved |bama is more personal than other peor : opsou who bas been natural-|senr io the Philippines to Sees is looks far worse than : LOW. Bi jf: Te | eee of the Hehehe sciacd with deep Boles Dy ifrom captivity among the insur- wise, both candidates having an at eee ire nie nae an Surend the pest government oe a The first wash one a k ; ; \ bee Geers ang Kinery Sree a apxiousiy }gents. The third message stated jarmy of followers, aod the main | ossessing the qualifications set ont | people. These scholars aud ss : 4 DOUN MUSLIN look iar bene: ii i =a re v Phe beers, ¥ ec mee ‘poste since the recent opening +°| charge against Morgan co ees it this. article, shall be entitled te | men let us know that Te ei 11 ae he starch, chica a8 i England the scene: | whether Bi ea S oWhes rahe | commerce of the islands ports. 15,-/i,6 has held the senatorial office long | ae at any eiection by the people | 4 the largest island, eine cm ms : ~ eae Suse ont of ore ave re parallel in Tae | essign of the oes i prisenex OOO sans <S hemp and 1,000,000 bales | enough. In Tennessee, the i. the state exceptas herein other-|city of Manila is the capital. hes P clay and mucilage out it thia, £- “sy f ths generation Th SoC IE a ihe " Britiel jl iatseceo had been received at) ,ouncement of Senator Turley that a provided lintelligence. decency, and max _ eT gaoee iy woven. rf ze - i FG of Lenden immediately | ca cross The Boe ~ ae eee od) Matiin and that large shipments oflio will net be a candidate for re- hee 2.) He shall have resided in| qualities, that there are th sa } perseccouie changes isimaecs +7 i ()} Bi - mele a } I Cor gratulations te leamp, they nee o bakes ee pans | the commodities named will soon b@ | oetion. has led to the Sacer the Bee North Carolina for two lof refined and ex tivated Eu, 4 LILEDOUN is tO Wesel Out a i = a Genera's Whiteand Buller Wher [carry of See ae ab rifles | made to the United States and oth: ofa host of applicants, Gov. Me Mie years, in the county six months aod | quite a number educated in ku vce | pg mame which is lightly oe ae <a ; the queen. received the news a" land blankets, throving: lly increas jer countries, The fact that Geveral]jiy. formerly a member of Conzress, a the precinct, ward or otber elec- | jurists, scholars, ene on ce F on every yard, and to hep py Thosewi mene ; \' ndsor. the bells on the curfew tu two heaps that le . ee the | Otis has not reported any military being among the number. Mr. Cat- : eet rict in which he offers to}jans, statesmen, merchants, up ‘ ' | fg bleach the goods. ki ees : : tye Dest quali) A castle were ruoy It jed to huge proportions. ¢ heavy jeperations since the Geparture of! sry is ano:ber Senator who bas no ee nonths next preceding the | date people. One corresponden® 1 aga fb INSU:24 en ‘¢ Mata io Loner of theevent. The Lord May | ford had been auonen ne aoe ‘General Bates’ expedition into] igen of returning. He is at odds oe sia OPrccdod ~ that removal | ported that the latest mayazin e LEBER E : E: ae ne: “ imself at ¢ window, Out} vain the Boers took off es ee Enea Tuzon to compicte the] with the people of his State threugh eens Seen ward or other | cere seen in their libraries. at ts Sai ir Ae oil 3 ‘ ; ¢ rca huge city Imperta’ jursand pores Aes a n war. |plau of opening the hemp ports in| yisdevotion to the gold a election district to another in the} “Shail such a people have Cou T pC ees rr. tract which ‘Juntecr fay and the crowd yellec | ecked like Bey xe a rea each lthat quarter is accepted by officials | ng it is expected that he will be — \ oats shall not operate to/of their country? Neither the Pro. | a MEUSLIN % stone v: ; ear Stuid magnates grab | The meu laughed aad sp as ace tte lhere as an indication that the “aM | Succeeded by ex-Gov. Foster. Sena- See Se — eeae as of the right te!deat nor Congress dream of allow: | ig E ; pe ring pesters frem newsboy: | other in the or ere ked /paign is progressing’ satisfactorily | tor Lindsay, with whom the es ee > erie ward or other |ing this nation to manage its ows! 4 12 not bleached at the fac win. In ams yp oeaibed ysmith Ieliev be grim faces ce ROS land that our forces have not met} ial issue has also played havoc, is to en district froin which he has| ystticai affairs. suk tans mate teen benefit of bt eat 1 e roaring throng. Tl EEC y Ot SAC! / with serious Opposition by the in-lcive way to Mr. Blackburn who has Seana four months after| --Contrast theConygo slaves of tie i mins thought of busin was forgotter | ness. wastes | curgents in recent movements, already been elected, while Gov. / Te ch removal. No person who bas j south, barea generation or two from | Ap carded, Lar 1 oalenc eee ie N Neat ould be done on the steck eae OD . secretary Root bas made a posi-| ¢Laurin’will succeed Senator sul-|such removal. or who has confessed |cannabalism Gora living Virgi: SE ena 7 2 Sixt EB — 7: Not er tied 2 revenue Collector Duncan on tht | Secretary hoo a ey Chaurig wis sac been convicted or who kas ¢ HtesseE | Cannubaiism oe Crean EY smootis ar ee) ee ee I ; ; so Sine. Gud Save ECS Ga .—Butler Flooding the State | +506 denial of the published report hones Mississippi. : is guilt in open court upon indict |auther relates that cer iain anes < soe — paid oui . i c ree With his Speech Against the | 114+ he is worried at the long silence! The fight in North Carolina prom meat of any crime, the punishment | negroes, carly importations, sah =: ECT es ohne ya Pe i] tt REG ROE mmendinent eet ee of General Otis in regard to the] jces to be interesting, with Senator = shich now is or may hereafter be | snack lips when they passed by al | ey? Se ae ios comm ait 5 § re é o'clock. No on volt eee ers try operations in the Philip | utter asa candidate for re election, | oe rte = the State Prison.|iiack baby) with these brave patvi-| 5S Hott of ees pies than oy . ; c os ‘f such tI ban ot | Snecial Correspondence. at aed bad cabled him to make savs the Post. He was SaaS = shall sek permitted to vote unless the | otic, intelligent. twen who acONe: 4 MOORE COFTO a I vou 8 af . a . 1 of Iris astonishing how short the| immediate Repect o: the Se Senate by S comer see be | said person shall be first restored to} Spanish army from eae ee feeeenremeaacais ~ S| ee eo ae Or employes ab Et is astont ia ae leaders |The Secretary said that on the con {cans and Populists, aad hopes to be “itizenship in the macner prescrib-}aya cooped at up ta : wet (Seneeae es Some ee \ give yo i memory ok the Republican ae trary. he was perfectly satisfied with returned by the uniting of the same es ne = ; who established a government, with : ier Newark. Q@. says. ° We} tieen Tret-act- a Reguiias Hank jis) Take for mo abet aac the situation. The officials are con | forces, The campaign is to be oe 3) Every person offering to} Congress, Cabinets, courts, and war | oe yg without Ove Minute | aaa iD: ot wo as : | ke ctor <arl Duncan, oe at "ES nee fident that the backbone of the in-|/ uebt on the issue of the proposed c Seer na at the time a legally depart ment, ammunition factories, ener Gorein the house. Jt saved: REQUIRED 2 specie) attention oud ty coile I ee sy Republican alfairs in ae surrection is broken and that there] constitutional amendment respect- | Ve ce "ed voter as herein prescr'9-| who Lave fought our forces of sixty | OUR" | ‘boy’s life when he had the | ms wa geennnes: fs ee to a arco fern ents Carolican iy Heats Spca | “ill be turtbur hostilities on alin suffrage, and if the Democrats] rexistered voter as after pro |to seven-y thousard for a year or | ty little boy's ile when the best | CA Pox ROcive-? oF, most fave = inks :the windows. Alingabout the Legislature which is| Wu Set mae that affairs in the aw SerterChasemean Simmons wil] |ed and in the manner perenne to ee y thousa > lpneumonia. W ree is it el J Ate oF X zi mee Eee: ' Sn fered | jarge scale, gd nee : 7 ie a r “7 > daw sg aveneral asse ore. i lmesiecine made tT cures couUulds | ie z - ts held and as th: | to be elected this NESE and offe Ree Reh aeke will bein fairly good] undoubtedly come to the Senate. In vided < a aR BT enact T These plantation negroes, with ;™Meaicine BM Fo : Pleasant to! noe >353 COOPER the | Cae ete <p ah ecale oc scenic his shape by the time of the arrival of|‘rexas, Senator Chilton’s pathway sialon Sete laws to carry |the mud of therice swamps yet up Pat oa ete a cives immediate INSUR Js ae < mis See poten a anreecs oe ably the Philippine commission. about | 16 re-election is now and bas been DER AA provisions of this 2r- on their “‘“ebon shins and and ice ea “A IP ‘Hell Je. eee <5. ed the warmes pate Gatineau ba iti mcpenlica eae the middle of Jay, fer the proposed | foy some time opposed by Repre- = a S ; zard,’’ were made the rulers over the | Pesult> frailneena ——— | ods UiGRe ce Ci K eS pa psecen e. sheen “Th cone a that | ‘ransfer of government control from | sentative Bailey, who has hopes e USéc 4) Every person preserving |culture, wealth civilization of mans | George Williams. colored — killed j ————— cates SC eye mabe eons He Legi lat re was elect the military to the civil authorities. | Success, while Senator Callum 3 hi we If for revistration shall be able | cammonwealtbs! The decrees 0! [his mother one Gay Jast week while} Y C: 4 . i ‘ neem ni and oe | = STOn oS ea ee een Sees General Otis is expected to return stragele with Gov. Tanner in Ili- era a ae section of the Congress for the government of La oe were following the corpse of | We hav: COU 2 { Ae ne cae ne a laribe Ce na tl aa anon immediately | to the United States on leave of ab- | nois isalready being pestched woes onenienee in the English language, |yon by a semi-military arrangme:. | the husband and father to the grave | . ee ee eke Ende tee ee ie speal the present elec-| sence soon after the arrival of the | deep interest. Seaator Eee Se and before he shall be entitled +0] js an indictment of the “Reconstruc inear Pleasant Hill, Ga The bey | aseatiy i NOW reuzh Heuse, Oe eta erates “Colle t = Dunean declar-| Pbilippine commission. It is desir-| have a fight on his hands in WestVir- aoe he shall have paid on or before} tion Era” and a confessioa be! ‘Tord ved bis mother to stop her man- | i if] \ eT NV gemma oS as ae Sake ‘would be ‘no|able that he should meet the com. | sinia, and he is handicapped os ue the first day cf Mareh of the vear inj the world of an infantry never por lifestations of yrief. She paid no | 9 '0 VN oe hee : a Bimini e a re te elect. Congress: | mission and give it the benest of bis fact that the State i gee Eee which he prop‘ ses to vote bis poll | sleled in modern centuries. How C80 Food to Bim andthen he sbet and bir and fittle, flags Mew | What shortness of memory. Does| pines. General MacaAr a “ana | thousanc eee -o districting of | previous year. Poil taxes shall be a thy citizens, the refined classe any Pere anes Ca | me Die SCE rete, o Corie , hye z --[sume temporary command of theljneg to the legislative districting of | P ; aero t ends roneciny PGT Aiccitaeitarced oneeino ae ool $1.50 Versus 3150.00. verythere, whistles tooted, Te eS really chink ae Bhs pees a military facees onthe isiands when the State by the Democrats -gerry- lien oooe Seow es eee mete I e E ae sua eerie ie Fresh Jo? « ee eee ec ae fx are yee ese who General Cees. mendes er on eee th eaieeaon OE: al same except reancior the Atlantic coast bold the | x Date s a oie o te : = a Bae treet wings RO ane | SOeNO Gmc cage nmcug ca CaS eT tn ilafter the census of the State| the ¢ ee es i a ent lea crneon a glee tae sine oad ENGLO Soan) DC Ol GUrCUS OMETS. a nice cuke isusipess Was given up for abs cc | stood sneer ee ee ~ Pee eas ce Some ciecee te ooeeeae Sen ee prone ee 3 sane Sees es hrominent man in this comoian a the <chocls re closed in the ar (them ‘n 1808 at the election have s a oe ae eee njor- Sec. 0.) 2 NAIC pers 7% rigteime. yD sree to {suffered with liver coms me my ares ali the vessets dressed ship, and soon forgotten the negro rule in Manila. March 1, 5:55 p m.—A pas werner contain a majc onJanuary one, eighteen hundred te arenes the President, ‘ Is oes thy deere Freee cna Apples Bae : ilitary and naval depei! this State in IS87 98? It is incon- hundred insurgents seven miles from | UY, ee ro Chamdier who has already |and sixty-seven, or at any time pri-| say that negro sullrage Is oa ieips 2?| they failed to benefit him. We pre | Evers thir i the wildest enthusiase: | ceivable that in one year any people San Fernandinode Ja Union, am aay Set teer eee in the Senate, |r thereto entitled to vote under the jaxainst Agnlo-Saxon civ etd ed uponbimtotry the Ramon] tion von: i At Liverpool, address | so determined could ever think of!) uched 10 men from the ThirdCaval- Roma eae attitude. He|la‘vs of any state in the United! Phis wrong has been a oe cuRe BA eaa Pellet s @ soon bought Dro: 4 vd of 20.000 people as | returning to such a state of affairs. |v who were escorting a provision | stan aces tt is said, to enter [States wherein he then resided, and neo Sania aaercand icmoa a aiclk apa Besse Y ¥ bout the town ball. the If Coleetor Duncan bets be wlliltpain. The Americans scattered. Ores bie for the place, be {20 lineal descendant of any such {iis toothless gums and blasphe ace |" Sor ye Se eesleah cen gta aaa i 3 aver said: i thank the] lose as helostin IS98. for if tbere and while returning to camp, one Ee es atist Yeas ae oe A re-}| person, shail be denied the right to} because rotten-beef Alger bougi N eee aa ce bis life aud the Mr i zi Cid for the giorious news. |ure three things certain besides man was killed. The insurgents pane os ran sh ie they will register and vote at any election wWithe negro delegates to the Reputil- ee oe Bee i Fionn 1.50 while AAOOR N Y awl it patiently. We death and taxes in this vear of grace captured four horses and a quantity ae eee oo his nore acainst the | this state by reason of his failure to} can Presiden ial Coovention ae ~ ae an oe Nog) York 16 COasUIT The b:'e re sulistied that under the humane | 1900 they are that the Democrats | ¢¢ provisions. A subsequent recon- oe snus on will Een his | possess the educational qualification Sherman had paid for mont 18 | ee eee ata it fee etn lo a. 3 Wat nent ot this coun | will curry the Legislature and elect niassance of the locality developed oe ee resent an unsolved | prescribed in section four of this! fore. Soa job ol venal CA SUVS. CR ANAT eS a th > : nua very short time. | their Congressioral nominees and the fact that there were entrench chances is at pres 2 article: Preetded, he shall have reg- | sold and resold, determined tt . oe te peo Beater SOW i¢ S $i : zens of the Britis | that the Constitutional Amendment ments thore and a force of Filipinos. problem. ators from Nebraska will {istered in accordance with the terms | Chief Mavistrate of the Republic. ott ‘ will bo vatified by a majority more} actimated to number S00 men. The : peo See to be{of this section prior to December} “The “Fifteenth amendmen: BE a ‘ ha- telegraphcd her) than wratifying. : ,_,| Third Cavalry is preparing to drive | 2€ chosen won = oceans Tburs- |e. nineteen hundred and eigbt. | ought to sutfer the fate of the Jaes ute muratuiations to Genera: Buller; Senator Butler is flooding the|rhe insurgents out. e ee ane fires and he announced | The general assembly shall provide | son resolution inthe United Sia nad General White and the Prince |Statauwith copies of his speech in} “"ippe recently-purchased naval ton : oe oe he would not be | for a permanent record of all per-|}Senate—expunging. by a black pa: roe. Waics has telegraphed congratu |(Conyress ayuiust the franchise transport Alva. sent to Ragay. in ete for mae rg eee Assis | Sons who register under this sec- | allelogram of heavy, Pe e STAbsD aR + a » tions to Genera! Buller. jamendment to the Constitution, the gulf of Libertate. for Spanish se ee 25 stary of War Meiklejohn is| tion on or before November fret, | drawn around it a veritable cotan f) Ss a Sia Cure Pec % So Ghee aa ie in re-|This vlea for negro supremacy IS) yrisoners, has returned here bring- ae oe Seen Aaa The vacan. | Dineteen hundred and eight: and all iuk! Let the parchment be purg.« y f p The Sc : mecac quer neatauiodet “All| being sent out by Republicans BO- line 500 persons, including priests. aosigaes: = ees oa ae rete such persons shall be entitled tO} of this national scandal. A, h t z = i - che world 1Si0 sympathy with me! der the Senator's frank. Collector ofticers, soldiers, and civilians. and tf, ny now tempo Saale tilled by | vegister and vote in all elections bs - _—— +4 Digests What you ea = Phe Direer Liss i. vday. and tam in sympathy wits) Dancan, for instance. is sending out] 1) Americans. re : fatment of Mr. Allen, wil}{the people in this state unless dis-| Negro Cook Who Beat Her Mistres: | Itartificially digests the food and aids T fe ia ithe vorid. I am delighted xt / some thousands of copies. Collector | Phe navy officials being informed | Te appol before the legislature, ang |dUalified under section two of this W bipped in Wilmington. Nature in strengthening and recon- CXB HW e joyful news of tbe relief and ain} Duncan has a great admiration for that the prisoners were carelessly she cn as : Seat State article: = Provided, such persons} gton, Special to Raleigh Post, ist structing the exhausted digestive Ce wre a poy at the intelligence that my ithe Senateur: in fact, he oe a few} -narded. hurried the Alva to Ragav. Se necaats CaaS Sores shall have paid their poll tax as re- unseen : : - ss ae “5 : ; gene ee Ae 3% Ni husband is well and safe at last. A> days since he loved him. This ten-|),. aned by 20 blue jackets. Six of- = reat ash , result | quired by law Vonsiderable exciteme aaa, eee - ee a i - ae 1 a say no more Whai!derness is very beautiful. It has er from the Brooklyn andi 50 tO sees eevee. oe ce (Sec. 6.) Allelections by the peo-|vailed in this city today, the ce oe mesh att peer ticoly ¥ a ‘ tippy wife could say more?” increased considerably since the marines accompanied the transport. will be aa = 2 wore a . — = P mts ple shail be by ballot amd all elec-| sion being the anticipation Of stan ¥ c Sa A estan | ieee cea im PPS oo : au ree =? eis = Som cans, There is already some ZOSsip | &. en alee. ony he ombly shalljlvnching »ee. or at least the seve « | Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sas meat mN - eit Ait cay long cheering thousands) winter and ear!y spring of 159s. —> > eo the effect that theDemccrat--if the | tions by the general assembly shall | lynching ot . Aseria oe Flatulence Sour Stomach, Nausea, ! Cube ( A o~ | pt up the incessant roar betore| Republican State Chairman Hel- ee ee nocrats win—-will be William J, | be Viva voce. aoe aS Is ee eea aD Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and | z : as RIC] 4 ie te Mansion House ard all trattie in| tov. one of the bitterest of all the Destructive Fire in Raleigh. Se ey, eee te the (sec. 7.) Every voter in North company of intur iated ee Vos all other results of imperfect digestion. P - ~ . 1a at is Londen’s busiest centre! Repuolicans, had Re cuits \e Raleigh Dispatch, rst. Bee rae coca : Carolina except as in = ares SrssnO = ee Manta ieee > "| Prepared by E C. DeWitt &Co.. Chicago Ore: Ge Hy Saree >sndemoniu reigned. )make of Governor Russell's frank ¥ residency’. 2 a isqualitied shall be eligible to office, | gro cook ia ihe employ of C : Se Sede aa ac rs he. aiiod | tatement made at a banquet in The vear of the liredepartment of The Beane ae w ee ze Seavsiee geese upon the duties | Woodward, was very inipertinest _ CURES A =e Sess si Sprictty Firs noustration had spread to ali!¢ io, in which the R-pudlicans Raleigh ended coda Mesexaay before : mi Seas - “fall, Sa his of the office he shall take and sub-| Mrs. Woolward and refused whei oe Fee et ame oe ment or 3)! 4 arters ol the city, and there pouc-j were arraigned for allowing them | Chief Mabler. in_ SeanOee ot og for Sa ee eee J wise |SCribe the following oath: “1...... . ordered to leaye the premises. Mis | (ieee ee Gon cack tables aocal. /as ; a stream of hocdiums and fa-| selves to be placed in antagonism to smail loss up to date ~onis ay Sea hold me the as ees ae ate ‘ do solemnly swear (or aftirm) tha: |] Woodward started to telephone - a Palace Sice)i ; ws duets: wig AGRE omen eon Conc eiee om aera <aid: § Lam afraid we will have a] diminished, he is = om eS will eerere and maintain the ¢on-| police headquarters for an offic os DR Dice aecaeae Nicht Trains ee and conditions ot! The Governor sees far more clearly fire OF EeeOs yet, z His fears were fed, Bacon, of Cer ene - stitution and laws of the United] when the negro women rushed up May be worth to you more san S100 if you Schedules Mh ts fiew into the uirjthan Holton the “handwriting en realized this morning, = reas a ae ret es Se ene oe States and constitution aod laws of | her, throwing her to the flane Br Se aie ete ace Pa aS stall tig were of frequent} the wall.” He knows what the guite S large fre: that ix. os ao thouxh } Renae oe Pes. de om North Carolina not inconsistent began beating her severely. om “ fyoung alike. It arrests the trot ble ee assured a or. ‘ currence. be hundreds ot po-| white men of the State will do at{this city whece fires are so rare. Aten ed and aa ian a — a & = vherewith, and that I will faithfully | nately a laundryman came in ai. S ald by SSSISERON (6: Aes ore Pesiaer=t Expeainon io emeu on the spot had their ban!,|the polls next August. The Gov four story _frame ea ONCE | HOG has entered ae Se ae a discharge the duties of my cttice a: | went to Mrs. Woodward's rescue. Tete Poa. : Use i, but as J ‘as The enthusiasin/ernor dismissed Holton’s critici-m | Lipscombe & Faison’s tobacco prize} aim. Kante: Nelson, | ? f Boma Se Selbelp me. Ged.” The negro woman escaped and hi: Tacs SuGradiners APPLY TO TICKET AGi crowd was only Confined (o/ with afew contemptu vs words. house, but owned by ees Lex Sac ee cen ae oe ee (Sec. 8.) The following classes ot} not been apprehended. it is hos O51ce ra oe RATES AND GENER ‘ seplay the officers did not inter It 1~ hardly probable that the ses and occupied by E. L peed oNeate Se tates : — = $e W ee persons shall be disqualitied for {ever, the opinion of many toaige PesaN equated its executor of the = ae OR ADDRESS Ee jsion of the Legislature in June w Il} tobacco prize hou-e, caugh Sco syeite ea arene eer office: First, all persons who shall | that show1s foundon the sound nea [+ ee 3. L. Vernon, To Tons of fireworks are being bougit Nast more than one week or that it | tbe top floor—in one corner. Tuere das the tide scree coast Sy ah ; Bis deny the being of Almighty God. | here this evening and lynched. Dis acing 5 ims against the estate ae wid deceas rc P a ae ‘ #: sreparation for elaborate celebra | will do things other than the par {'vas a wind room the al ics State has ae ae Ss ane Second, all persons who shall have}sberi? was warned that. such wi See ne ees en ni ns tonizht. Ln several provisios, | ticular thing for which it meet.—|spread the flames rapidly ch ugh it]oft the prevalent prosperity. owing . t wl oy es of President Kruser (General Cronje were paraded > etlig rough tbe streets and maltreated At Get wanetiey of President here Was subjected to indigui- the foot of the Queen's stat it Over 1,600 University and fi wo le ae udeuts paraded the streets } : London si n “Rule Britian- i f SS 1d cheerir or ii n the House ef Lords today, Sec- retary of State fur War, the Mar- ists Gt Lansdowne, replying 16 eres 2 Vativasiund a question pre feed Sis anbouecement of the relict Ladvsmith by saying the news dat last removed the fear of an impending calamity. Headded that Le did not know whether most ad- tr vn should be viven to General Woite and the gallant defenders =f dystmitu, or the brave men under ulfer, or to Lord Roberts, o whose vigorous and successful o:- sive Liovement was due the fac bat. the pressure on Natal was re ved, Continuing Lord Lans said: “Two recent suecesses will not be de the pretext for any relaxation our efforts. Inthe week eadi: uv warch 3, eight ships will leave Eny- d carrying 4,700 men: during the sek ending March 10, fifteen ship~ rying 11,800 men, will leave fr; tth Africa; during the week March IS, eleven ships with 9.900 toon will sail. and during the wee: ending March 24, nine ships witg S100 men, are to sail. Finally, iaving the week ending March 31. sis ships carryiag 3,200 men will ~ tl, totalling about 38.000 men, and coring the following month about 17 S00 men will be ready, for whora siips have not been allotted. The stream of re enforcements will not rua dry.”’ Tue Eor! of Kimberley, the Libe: al Jeader in the House of Lords, as- serted himself with the congratuls- ticns addressed to Lord Lansdowne, payin a special tribute to the Can adians, and the Price of Wales, who was present, heartily shook hands with the Secretary of State for War. and conversed with him. Aspeciai from Cape Town says that a telegram has been received there frem Matesing announcing that the Boers made a severe and prot acted assault on February. 17, bur vere driven off at all points The truce which is usually observed on Sundays, was broken Februar, Is. by un ther fierce attack, but af vi Ru Watt all ' i. \ it } adovpe ! > that ts to safeguard the election law and the franchise amendment. There will be pressure to have it | consis er some other business—-loca! in character, | Thi~ leads to the just criticism of much of the steadily increasing vol- fume ot business which is foreed up- fon th» Legislatures. Atleast one- ithird of it. perhaps even more. (could onsily be done by the Clerks of j Supercor Courts, It-- the talk among Republicans here chat Judge Ewart cannot ne cut med and that Senator Pritch ard cill be judge. Some persons have wamed James E. Boyd in this connection, but well-informed Re- putlicans point out Pritchard as the man. The latter, like Senator But- ler, knows that this term ends his senatorial iife Populists are saving that there willbe a revolt against Senator Batler and his determined effort to enforce their State convention to array itself in oppusition to the franchise amendment. They are teiline Republicans as much. — Sen- ator Butler will be surprised at the dimensions of th's revolt. He will tind that he cannot make Populists vet line against white supremn ey They showed him this in 1898 This vear they will illustrate it even more plaialy. The Republicans have had-an idea that they were going to induce At- tornev-General Walser. to -declare himself against the Amendment. \s he remarked today, they do not know him. He will take no such step, nor will he antagonize the amendment. He was speaking to a Repnblican and a Democrat when the Republican made the statement that a certain Populist had said he would vote against the Amendment for fear he would be disfranckised “Not at all.’ said the Attornev- General, “it is impossible, provided he registers before 1908." This fh dicates an able Republican's legal view of the matter. . Raleigh. N. C.. March 2nd. “hat Throbbing Headache ~: Would quickly leave you, if vou osed Dr. King’s New Life Pills ° Thousands of suffe‘ers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and- Nervous Headaches. They. make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Monev back if not cured. ae -— we ter deternnoed Sighting the Boers Only 25 cents. Sold by W. F. Hall; Jr., Druggist, was the coinment that bad the water pressure been adequate th» ouilding could have been saved. J: in- adequate and so the effort was to save buildings to the we-tward. Three were burned,a large i ve!ling. small one and astable. Tiere were 290 hogsheads of tobacen in he prize was house, besides loose leat on ail the Hoors. Half the tobaces belonged tok. Lo Flemming & Co... of Ra- leigh, and 7> hogsheads to Jack “aylor, of Henderson I]t is stated hat the tobsceo was worth $20,000 and that there was315.000 insarance onit. The pr'z house was so large that in 1891 the entire Firth Mary- fand Regiment was quarter+d in it. It cost Julius Lewis $12,004, includ- ing the site. but he had off-red it to the Melrose Knitting Mill Company for $4,500. There was $2 000 insur- anceonit. Lhe residences of Mrs, Geo. H. Williams was burned. worth perhaps $1,000, and other !osses ag- gregate say $500 Mrs. Williams’ household property wis saved. Rifty hogsheads of toba:co were rolled out and saved. There was no end of talk about the poor water pressure. The streams baveiy rose above the second floor. 11 +©as said the engineer of the water company Was in courtas a witness and that the fire pressure was not put on un- tilhe reached the pumping station. The manager of the water company said that wher the call for direct pressure came in there was 47 pounds. and that it immediately rose to 55, and during the fire went as high as 105. The aldermen will make an investigation. The water company is a private one. It is the second time pressure at a fire has been inadequate. The State was a loser by the fire, as the State Guards’ tents, Save 18, were in the buruved prize house. There was not room for them in the arsenal, hence the storage in the other building. Last sum-ner the tents were purchased, -havi-: b2en made in Ohio, iad cost som $3,000. _-Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, uiles- pourg, Pa., says, ‘Asa speedy cure fur-coughs, colds, croup.an:t sore throat One Minute Cough. Care is ‘unequalled. It is pleasapt“for chil- dren io take. I heartily: recom- mend it to mothets.”: Istthe only} harmless remedy that produces jy. mediate results. It cures, bronchi- tis, Pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent tonsumption. W. F. Hall; Jr. to the advance in the price of wool. Senator Frye, of Maine, and Sena- tor Sewell, of New Jersey, will be returned without opposition. > Oo About Party Bolters Raleigh News and Observer. ¢ q We have curious notions of party fealty thesedays. One contempora- ry, which favors the nomination by the Democrats ef State Superinten- dent Mebane, says tha’ if thi< should oe done “pone of us could call on Democrats to supp ort him because he is the partv’s nominee.’ And p ay, why not? If th» Democratic party regularly nomiiates a man for any office whatever, from consta- dle to-president.it is the duty of every ioyal Democrat to support the nom tnee. Deinocrats who believe in party success must accept reguler party action and support regular party nominees in all instances, or we have party anarchy. The will of the majority in the party, regularly expressed, is the party's action, and failure tosupport any nominee of the party is to bolt -the party’s ac tion and therefore to bolt the party. That has been sound doctrine an nusdred vears, and it will be sound doctrine forall time. Of course a man has aright to bolt his party and oppose its nominees whenever he chooses todo so. but when he does it, he becomesa belter with all that theterm implies. Some o‘ the best men in the world are indepen- dentsandmugwumps. They oppose party control and refuse to surren- Jer their individual action to the will of the majority of their party They are never bolters oecause they do not profess party allegiance, but the man who claims to be a Demo- crat must vote the ticket as it is printed. This is said without reference to Mr. Mebane, or the suggestion of his nomiaation. This paper does. not advocate any man’s cause prior to the action of the convention. - He has made a non-partisan, wise aad progressive officer. It is for it Democratic convention to. --say- whether it willname him of some other gentleman. If.Mr. M i aimed, this paper will “2ive! higia, hearty support. aud~call 09 “tePals rthéir partys It world: not be Mr. “iebane they would be bolting; it”! would be the regular “‘actjoy of the Democratic party that they who’ opposed its nominee would be bolt- ing. £-SSee: 5, Ehjs act shetlbe in. force Shae ndeatves its~ ratification. Rat Democrats not t6 bolt the ac ion-ot Te ‘says, * DeWitt’s Eityig Eariy Ri been convicted or confessed their]|to be the case, and went witha for « guilt on indictment pending andjof deputies to prevent it. A dij: whether sentenced or not or under] gent search revealed no trace 91 judgment suspended of any treasonjvithes the woman or the citizen » searchirg party At 11:30 to night it is conceded that the vegro woman was found b+ the citizenson the sound and thrasn 1 within an inch of her life. Ther will be no lynching. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. he blood in your body passe kidneys once every three m The kidne’ blood purifier: or felony or of any other crime for which the punistment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States. or of corruption and mal- practice in office, unless such person shall be restored to the rights of citizenshipio a manner presesitbea bv law. ue sec. 2. That allof the provisious of the constitution relating to suf- frage, rezistration and elections as contained in this act amending the corstitation shall go into effee on the fic-t day of July, nineteen hun- dred and two. if a majority of the le qualitied vorers of the state so de- ter out ihe was clare at the next general election impurities in the b lf they are inte Sec. 30 Chix amendent shall be Nore ne or owt submitted af the next general elec- of oraer, th to do tion to the qualified voters of the state in the same manner and under the same rules and regulatioas as is provided in the law regulating gen- eral elections in this state and in ferce May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-uine. and at said election those persons desiring to vote for suchamendment shall cast a writ- ten or printed ballot with the word~ “Por suffrage amendment” thereon: an@ those witha contrary oepivier shall cast a written or printed bal- lot with the words ‘‘Avainst the amendment” thereon See 4 The said election shal! be held and the votes returned, zon- pared counted and canvassed aad the resuttannounced under the same rules and regulations as are in fore> for returning. comparing, Counting and canvassing the votes for m-m- ersof the veneral assembly: miv nh Ot . es. You may have a SE ate : as = ‘ , | Sample bottle by mail 4, aa ; fir-t eighteen hundred and ninety | = pic mo by mail ome of Swanp2 a sors » votas | ee #iso pamphiet telling you how to nine. and if a majority of the votes : g out if you have kidney or bladder :r> Mention this paper when wy ing Dr. Kiln & Co.. Binghamton. N.Y cast are in fayor of the said amend- ment, it shall be the duty of the vov- ernor of the--state to certify said amendment under” the-seal of the stdte to-the secretary of state, who Tot. ee OP Mortgage Sale of. Lan’, Lash enra!l the said amendment so} by eirtue of she powers contained ia a mort a all : 5 eae 2 | Sazedeed executed by WL Rt <froutinan ane | certified among the.-permanent ROC: | wite. 4_¥. Troutman to JAJustive. the under | roFds of-his office. ~~. mortgagee will sei at public auction «+ | at the court hoi‘, + on) Monday, Mar k } - the following ¢ sand being in State undedas fellows, tc-y- A Justice’s corner, Statesville Develo. feet to%a" “Saki thes ce | alle i shighest bidder for cash, Goor in Statesville, N.C. 2th, 1900, at 12 o'clock. m Scribed lot of land, lvin ville township and bo Beginning at a stake. J, + Boulevarde street in the ment Ce.,“N, So Wir south 74 E Wietwhe 2tspdavorFepreaty, A, Se eee ee} aoa a3. Sanh, | ww See t-S0-fect toa stakéron. with thealley 27 feet toa Make, thence S$ Mi Sutternut, . 'S fer40 f@et 10% Rake -off Raid “BONlest witt thestreet 6r feet to the beginning, en, | taining about :-8 ofan acre, more or leas, It he. ' ing the south side of No. -13, block 4, in sz a conpany, RF A.JUSTiCN:, ~~ Tais Feb, sth, Tyo, aorta a ersure the very best pliis L ever used fur Gostiveuess, liver aud bow el troubles.” W. f. Hall, Jr. tice. This January 30 1900. .G.WL CAVIN, J. B. Connelly, Att'y, STATESVILLE, N.C. Pur Springs term commence son the 24th January and ends May 30 ‘900, Board, tion and Contingent fee for term 357, Mu Specia! Elocution, Art Mo suiges. Menography, “ypewriling keeping at mod rates by experien tccum plished T eT. Correspondence soliticed. ced For circular RWELL, Pres. Robbit’sChill Pilts eure chills, Money b if they fail. W. F. Hall, jr... Statesville: E: A: I. Harris, Scotts: j. M. Miller, Sloan's, cents per bottle. ITCH ON HUMANCU! by Woolford’s Sanitary fails. Sold by S Z statesville, N REDIN 30 MI Lotion. i te of this no- or it will be plead in bar of their recovery Exccutor. | Malai Tem Ghee, “atalogue Coataining full particniars, address. J Statesvili-’ N.C, Miller & Co., Mooresville} W. Is. Gibson, Iredell NUTES This never isox & Anperson, Dray SHARLOTTE, N.c. No trouble to a: Fraak S$. Gazaya, J. ai 1V.P & Gea. Mian WASii. If You Ne Fire. ifs, Ac Orriaaitn Insur Brown INSURANCE il) 1 of Tui- and and ach H 25 otice—Second Floor Pa: Don’t TO CURE LA GRIPPE INTWo pa Take LAXATIVE Bromo Qcixine TARLETS. druggists refund the money if ii fails to e F. W. GRove's signature on every box. 25¢ Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease lieved in six hours by “New GREAT Sor AMERICAN Kipney CURE.’ i prise on account of its exceed in relieving pain im bladder, kic in male or female. Relieves ret almost immediately. Ifyou wen¢ « and cure this is the remedy. Soid t st ANOFRSON Druggicte CtateceiNe quick re ve Itis a great sur- ing promptness dneys and back, ention of warer »y STIMSON Ys A ur Cough, Wheu vous BD ws fowl a 2e re- "TH lief Try Us On =, b UN Sporting Goods, Table Cultery, Foss : _ot- anything clse you may need inthe ardware Line:- If you areJ not pleased “jth our goods efter 2xemining them, : va dou qt; ape yQu, to ~ buy, 4, . Yours truly, W. A: Thomis &Oc, 2 SOME town, write Ctret.. c EA R N SN M PE T ad e TO CUKEACOIDE Tanc LAXATIVE BRox0 QU druggists refund the mc: ©; E. W. Grove's signet ROCK HILL BUCGY O°. ORG a a Not a Medicis s 4 2 f42 ~ » a a us r m x re We have ju line of White Geo Tuckivgs. i ever shown Cz and let as have th line ef the-¢ woods You Ram q For the reduced . ON pal. < oN ® (76-s VoL, VE iil ‘ ~ ~ “A 3 a S ii i 3 li i. ' be ae ai Ww git a dle all kinds of Granite and Marbi known o the trade and be . oe peat quality. A nek . E.: st Material, First-Class work and Lowest Prices oc. S WEBB No " ee nme 2 a oe) = z ‘he First National Bank 720) F 4 « OF STATESVILLE, N.C. a Tr t Reetias Banking Business Deposits received subject te ebeck or sig Dro At eae ~ t wth le cepesits roaned on good collateral ane persona) secur Tata =p oe oid te ollectionson a!l points, and credited or remitted at lowestTay , * Je -crations Merchants. Menufacturers and Individual: solicited an ey \ f > a ec 'o. most favo «ole terms etice OFPFICHEEsS: NSUR4 3 % COOPER, President. 4G. IrVin, Vice Presidesy* A KEO. HW BROW %, Cashier Sai es yan t R vehicl A You Can’t Runa Vehicle é * ¥ fx a ‘ NU NOW WITHOUT HAVING a +O WASH IT OFF, vy after a while aut yd ot t } be-t Maes. of t o Statesville yiererest trade -- > = have plete ' © workmanship > = Cee Ces ' rrers wher eS Se a i le “s a 2 , Bap er Barron & Nicholson ros ty = d £2 at ee S —< a he Variety store For Notions. wants at odds prices are what we supply. TUST RicCaivicD, ! vehiefs. Gloves. Embroidery, Laces and White “4 t . other things yeu want 2zbd many more things we < + bob you sefdom think, Cali and see us. r 5 a w. HH ALLISON. a TRICK COMPANY'S Are ea ime hg? \ @slipse Portable Jircular Saw Mills ms a vi anooes racket setting ‘ 4 1 evble rope feed. the —- + > < s i ed over put On a saw a : Wik Cour an.’s ; : EMGIRES ee Ani bCLiLBRS : oe } «il ee or ey te 4 — h e : 4 Philos b fe aoa \ ’ < lot ' e A fev ened ieee = . ~ 2 ( ( prices ERD ann vst W .H.T yu. Lurner. oN Over Poston Bras 5 eS BEE 4 Not a Medicine, but a Treatment. i eid = 9 (aE ? ? lL N&cit 3 ¥ / HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & \ iH \ TONIC PELLETS you do not buy a med- , 1 icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- 4 ness, Constipation and Headaches. _ It is two 233723 HK % distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25¢. sAh ci ae a The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets 4 tone up the nervous system and invigorate. VD & txt Sowa - cy at pe 7 IN d O e “Thite Goods Opening! ; We have just received and placed on sale the handsomest me ot ‘ 2 Ty? X : : > White Goods, Laces, Embroideries : Si: 5 Vy ( uy LY 9 cr ‘ 3 Tuckiugs. Pereals and Blouse Shirt Waist Fronts sre ee ever shown on this market, a Call, Everybody, and let us have the pleasure of showing you the prettiest i line ef these woods yer ever examined. i Yours truly, = Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowles Bee uy wa For the next 60 days we will print at : : reduced prices,in any quantity, : | 50,000 ; i 9 E <2 —_ a on ete a BILL:: HEADS 2 ' a 8 ES. = | a = a i This lot was bougbt at a bargain, and after they are i vopve the price will advance. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. i CROWSON & SRONCE, PROPR’S. a i Seat eSB ER es EE omcoidiat = » 2 - . "Ss 8 a sé MON ¢ § PLUGS Pepsin ; 18. i ig Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chills and Ea egies if E Fever end all Malaria! Troubles. ; ite ore E yrocg Not Coutein Quinine Nor Other Poison. a 2 ae > Deed Noe noe ene Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. OV EOE a NET EN Bp EW te See et The Statesvil le [asco WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION ©. IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PU BLISHED. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1900 NO, 16 Bo k : W. A. McLarty & Sou, Dime Box, Tex, say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonic is thé t ‘we have over Landled. My son prescrives itin his = and says it is y Chill Tonic which a child can taxe without to the stomach.”” BROWN ME’G. CO., Prop’rs, hontai Tenn. DCE. F thecn? Price 50. Saisie Soham ty’ ati ib ote me = ad NR its NR A igs RCA i Nts a | meet EDITORIAL NOTES. Admiral Dewey's rich new wife says he admiral is entirely willing to be President in order that she may become ‘‘the first lady of the land,’ and so are a good many other men of whom we know, but the Awericam voters are not so willing to oblige them. In fact, the public takes less stock in the admiral than it did, and this rich new wife’s re- cent fool talk will cause it to take still less. The American people want a man witha policy for their President and not a man whose chief business would be to show off ‘‘the tirst lady of the land.”’ * * The Stanly Enterprise says: _ “The Statesville Mascor is free in its praises of Mr. Turner for Lieu- tenant Governor. Mr. Turner is a good man, one whom we admire. We have favored bim once or twice in contests in which he did not come out victorious, and under favorable circumstances would take pl2asure in supporting him again. But when it comes to measuring candi- dates before ovr State Convention Sraith will tower way over Mr. Tur- ver and from our view the Mascor isa little unsafe in its forecast. Sraith is a young man and has not been before tke public very long; but he has figured prominently in ali he has undertaken and the in- dorsement of his services has no uncertain ring. He is a much stronger man than Mr. Turner, and tb2 Democratic convention cannot aflord to ignore our claim as a county. Wehave eyery assurance ‘bot be will recerye the nomination, und we are not weakened by the ‘AascoT’s contrary view.” “he above seems to be written in ‘erence to an editorial we publish- d week before last in regard to Mr. Porner. ©) a word said in disparagement cf 1. Smith or any other candidate ior the position. In fact, the En- terprise has no higher estimate of Me. Smith than we have. He is a ins Democrat, and would fill the icnor to the State and credit to ‘imself, if nominated and elected; but we belieye the present cam- if t E “xperience as a campaigner. We w il not imitate the Enterprise in its comparison between the two inon. Either one of them will make a strong candidate and an able offi- cer, but Mr. Smithis yonng enough te wait. The Enterprise says it bas supported Mr Turner when he was not successful in his coatests. furner sought the Congressional o mination on two occasions and was defeated, but his work for the party in the campaigns which fol- lowed was as vigorous and hearty as it would have been had he been tae uominee. W. D. Turner works for the party whether he is on the t cket or not. and this is one reason why he should now be nominated. The gallantlittle county of Stanly hus claims on the Democratic party of North Carolina, but old Iredell has too. We have never had avan- cidate on a Staie ticket. The State convention sbould nominate Mr. Vurner. —_—— > <> a DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CON- VENION,. Aconvention of the Democratic party of the 27th Senatorial district composed of the ccunties of Davie, Iredell and Yadkin, is hereby called on SatuRDAY, Apri TrH, 1900, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose (i ueminating two candidates for > tate Senators. By order of the committee. This January 23rd, 1900. OG, E. Crowsos, W.G_Nicnorson, Secretary. Chairman. ——— ee DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN- TION. A convention of the Democratic party of Iredell county is hereby called to meet in the court house in Statesville, N. C., on TUESDAY, APRIL 3RD., 1900, st 11 o'clock, a.§m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Legislature aud the county otfices and of electing delegates to the Sen- \torial, Congressional and State sonventions. Tne chairmen of the various pre- e:mct committees of the county will in Statesyille on Tuesday, April 3rd, 1900, immediately after the adjournment of the county con- vention, for the purpose of electing achairman and four members of a county central executive committee. All qualified voters who intend to support the Democratic ticket in the elections are cordially invited to at tend and participate in the prima-. ries, which are hereby called to meet at tbe respective voting places in each precinct on BATUBDAY, MARCH Bist, 1900, at 2 o'clock, p. w., for the purpose of electing a precinct executive com- mittee of five members and deleyates to ths County conventiou: By order of the committee. Thid Janvery 3rd, 1900. : A. D. Wasts, R. B. McLavouus, Secretary. Chairman. the attack again and again, ycung man of ability, a true, work-|y | LOCAL. | Mr. J. H. McElwee is home from a | business trip South. Mr. W. L. Rickert has returned to Hamlet after a visit to nis mother, Mrs. Victoria Rickert. Miss Bertha Lee, of the Greens- voro Norinal, came up Friday to visit Mrs. M. R. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stinson and child, of Charlotte, yisited Mrs. Helen T. Carltonelast week. Mr. Jacob Whitley and Miss Mary Davis, daughter of Rev. H. U. Da- vis, were married near Granite Hill one day last week. The horse which Mr. R. D. Moore, of Granite Hill. was riding fell one one day last week and broke his back. The animal bad to be killed. Fortunately, Mr. Moore was not hurt. All the road supervisors and over- seers of Shiloh township are re- quested to meet at Gradford’s store Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Business of importance gis to be transacted. The Flanigan-Evins Hardware Co. has prepared a very useful mem- orandum book for distribution to their customers. The little book contains a vast deal of useful infor- mation. Call at their store and get one. Revs. D. G. Caldwell and W. L. been invited to dedicate the new the congregation hopes to complete in the spring. The former is a former pastor of the church and the latter is the father of the present able and popular pus- tor, Rev. J. H. Pressly. Mr. W. LL. Cash, of north States- yille townsbip, had quite a fight with a coon which he found at his kitchen door before daylight last Thursday morning. Mr. Cash started inte the Kitchen to make a Gre when he met the coon. He ehurch, which umped on him and commenced to It renewed until vr. Cash finally killed it with a piece of scantling. —_—-—-_ --— bite and scratch him. Mr. Turner Meeting With Hearty Ap- proval. fice of Lieutenant Governor with | Chadbourn Messenger. Hon. W. D.Turner, of Iredell coun- ty willbe a candidate before the Stat eConvention for Lieutenant Gov- : b cam ernor. pcign calls for Mr. Turner's riper|with hearty approval all over the His candidacy is meeting State and he will probably receive the nomination. -_> Turner For Licutenant Governor. Burlington News. For Lieutenant Governor, we think there could be no wiser choice made than Hon. W. D. Tur- ner of Iredell. He is a man emi- nently suited for the place, an hon- tian gentleman, we are glad to own him as our personal friend. We know Mr. Turner, and would espe- cially ask for him consideration at the hands of our people. Flag Station and Postoffice Mooresville Enterprise. = i While in town this week Uncle Jiramie Wallace furzished us with the information that the new side- track at Schley had been completed: it will bea fag station. They will get the daily mails there. A post- office has been established and bears the name of Mazeppa, with Mrs. Margaret Brown as_ postmaster. All necessary arrangements are_be- ing made for the beginning of bus iness at once. Schley is on the Mocksville road, four miles above town. a Death ot Mr. John F. Campbell. Correspondence of Tum MAScoT. Mr. John Friason Campbell died at his home in Turnersburg town- ship, Saturday Feb. 10th., at 2 o'clock, of typhoid fever, after a protracted illness of eight weeks, Mary E. Campbell, who survives him. Twobrotbers, Messrs. W. B. his last sickness, survive him. The interment was at Clarksbury church, of which he was a member, Sunday Feb. llth, Rev. W. F. El- liott conducting the funeral ser- vices. A large concourse of people assembled to pay their last tribute of respect. A little over3 years ago he was married to Miss Sallie Albea. oldest daughter of Mr. Rob ert Albea. She also survives him. Mr. Campbell was a promising -oung manof admirable character, who had the respect of all who knew him, and by marked energy and in- dustry was fast rising to promi- nence in his community. A dutiful son, a kind, provident husband, and a good nelghbor and friend has pass- ed away. He left many manifestatious of his readiness and willingness to die. frequently alluding to his father, who awaited him on the “other shore.’’ and to ‘little Ursa,’’ infant daughter, who died 18 months pre- vious. He secined to have but one regret --to leave his young wife alone in her hour of sore trial. Much sym- pathy is felt by a wide circle of relatives and for the bereaved ones, —the stricken mother, the faithful brothers aad sorrowing wife. “Cherished forms who walked beside us Down the aisles of by-gone years. How we watched them tade and vanish Through a mist of aaa tears; voices bushed in silence, os on = Se "Overt tbe otber fend, EeGee om cart bopes and fears the an ond all tears, When th =e ay Po = cater They Wifi hetke Brat to metus Over on the otber side.” . — Hermony, N. C.,Mar. %._U. O. UL. Engineer. Woodbpry ¢--whe was scalded ip & wreck: op. tbe Western road threé or fous ‘weelrs: ago. , died at Old FortTuesday of blood poison- ing, caused by bis burns. ne Pleased With Dr Stevenson—Watts Very Acceptable to South Ire- deil Voters. | Correspondence Mooreville Enterprise. I was pleased to see in your last week's paper that Dr. S. W. Ste- venson had consented to allow the Democrats of Iredel! to place him on the ticket for the Legislature. For 20 years or more we have ever wanted him to represent us in the General Assembly of North Carolina, and I congratulate you on being the first person to announce kis consent torun. Dr. Stevenson is the strong- est man in the county, and I am on- ly one among thousands who will support him in the primaries. His running mate, Mr. Watts, for the junior member of the House, is very acceptable to sovth Iredell voters. Joe. Mooresville, March 8, 1900. tee Cloaninger Out a Maule. —_—-~ — Mr. Mooresville Enterprise, Mr. J. H. Cloaninger is outa mule. and it came about this way. He heid a mortgage on a mule be- longing to one Frank Moore. color- ed, and when the notes fell cue, Mr. Cloaninger was to allow Moore 334 for the mule and take it. The ne- gro was not satisfied with the price and asked Mr. Cloaninger for per- mission to ride the mule about and look for a purchaser who would pay ; more for the animal. The request was granted and on last Friday Moore mounted the mule and has not returned. He is supposed to whereabout are unknown. Moore is height, weighs about 175 pounds, with unusually thick lips. The ani- mal in question is a sorrel mare wule, weighs 850 pounds, was shod on fore feet, and was 12 or 15 years ot age. Mr. Cloaninger offers a veward of $10 for the return of the mule to him. Hon. W. BD. Turner Endorsed for Lieutenant Governor. Fayetteville Observer, As our readers know we have re- Ino icle there was|/.. 2 . aie y rong acne Renee kicked it out of the way when it/frained from editorially endorsing J : any of the candidates for State of- fices, except our neighbor, Hon. D. H. McLean, the only candidate from this District. We think, however, that we may with propriety refer witb approval to Mr. Turner,of Ire- dell, the only candidate for Lieuten- ant Governor from the West, the section to which that nomination will almest certainly be accorded. We reproduce below what his county paper, the Statesville Mas- cor, has tosey of Mr. Turner. We may add to our hearty and complete endorsement of what the Mascor says that the Observerjhas the very highest revard for the Mascoritself, which is one of the ablest and truest of our North Carolina papers. It is no small testimony to the character of Mr. Turner’s mental and moral make-up that he was the trusted friend and partner of the late dis- Every tinguished Judge Armtield. (the ene who knows Mr. Turner Mr. | orable, learned, conscientious Chris-| writer included) knows him only to adinire and respect him. eee Disappointed in Love,a Mecklenburg Girl Takes Her Own Life. Charlotte News, &th, Mr. James Osborne lives at Hick- ory Grove. He married Miss Little. a daughter: of Mr. Alex Little, Mrs. Osborne's sister, Miss Mollie Little has been visiting them. for several days. Last night she attempted to commit suicide by taking lauuanum She swalloved the contexts of a two ounce bottle, about 12 o'clock, and went to bed. Hernheavy breathing the family, and on not being able to arouse her; they went in haste for physicians. —three in number, arrived, the cause of her stupor was explained in the finding of the empty bottle near the bed. The doctors worked with her all night,and today at noon she was better. Disappointment in love was the cause of her attempting to take her life. She had written a-long ‘letter of 10 or 12 pages stating why she was going to kill herself—because to meet at Harmony. Iredell county, | :ved 25 years,3 months and 11 days. |her atfections were not returned; The deceased was the youngest son] she did not care to live, she said. |t of the late Friason Campbell, and| Miss Little is 25 years of age, and is | day. ~Her family did not perfectly sane. hat she was in the least suspect t and D. C. Campbell, who so faith-| carrying a burden that would drive | paired. fully and patiently attended him in|her to desperation. Theaffair is de-| several thou plorable. (Later.—Miss o’clock this afternoon.) a All Up With Ewart. Chariotte News, 9th. A-prominent Republican politician who has just returned from Wash- ington, informs the news that there is absolutely no hope for Judge Ewart Theopinion in Washington, this gentleman says, is that the committee will report unanimously against him. The sub-committee will make its report to the full com- mittee next Monday, and it is more than probable that the case will be definitely settled by the middle of the coming week. The News’ informant states that Judge Ewart is still in Washington, but will not express the opinion as to the outcome of his case. It is further learned from the same source the opinion of North Caroliaa poli- ticlans in Washington is that Assistant Attorney General James E. Boyd will be appointed by the President, and that the Senate will confirm him without delay. ._At present there isa bill pending in Congress to increase the salary of the district judges from $5,000 to $7,000. It is generally conceded that the measure will become alaw. Rev. W. E. Setzer, W. Caton, N. Y., writes, “I had dyspepsia oyer twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was ersuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsis ure and it belped me from the start. I beliéveit to be 3 panaces for all forms of indigestion.” It di- gests what you eat. “W. F. Ball, Ir. “Tewis Ackerman. Gosbeo, Ind:, says, ““DeWitt's Little Barly Risere always bripg certain relief, cure my ba ges sever. ripe.”” They eperally cleanse and: invigorate. bowels aed liver. W.F. at. oy nh ies ately STATE NEWS. Snow to the depth of ten inches fell in Alieghany county last week. Branning’s lumber plant at Co- lumbia, Tyrrell county. was burned one day last week Loss 240,000. The mill will be rebuilt. Coi, Win. M. Walton died one day last we:-x at his home near Morgan- ton. aged about 80 years. He wasa prominent citizen of Burke county. Congressman Bellamy has ap- pointed Thomas Osborne, son of Hon. F. 1, Osborne, of Charlotte, a cadet tothe Military Academy at West Point. Tom Talbyrd, aged about 56 years anda widower, committed suicide at his home in Montgomery couuty Sunday night by hanging himself. He had !ost property and was de sponden. Tom Kerns, colored, fell from the top of a tramway, a distance of for- ty feet, at the Charlotte Oil & Fer- tilizer Works Thursday morning and broke his neck, causing instant death, of course. The Southern Hotel, owned by Judge Walter Clark, at Weldon, was burned last Thursday morning Loss $14,000; no insurance. Most of the furniture of the lessee was also burned, with no insurance. Newton Enterprise: Late last Friday afternuon at Cattish, Miss Susan Isaze was found lying in the Pressly, of Due West, S. C., have} still be in search of a purchaser. His |cow jot in an unconscious state. She neverrallied and died Saturday af- ssoci rmed Presbyterian |. . x eesoCeate pea - a brown-skinned negro of medium |ternoon. The doctors pronounced it acase of paralysis. Ske was 63 years old, and lived alone in 2 small cottaye of the village of Catfish. Murphy Scout: Milas Wood, a quiet and inoffensive citizen, living near Ducktown. was called to his Coor the other night and shot dead, his assassin not being known. Two other shots were fired, both striking county an‘i a brother of Mr. John H. Fry, of Davidson township. He studied- law here and settled in Swain county, where he has been very successful as a lawyer. The House by a vote of 138 to 134 unseated Gaston A. Robbins, Demo- cratic representative from the 4th Alabama district, and gave the seat o Aldrich, Republican, last Thurs- The vote was a strict party one. although several Republicans absented themselves without being 2Zobbins was elected by sand majority. Yadkin county Democratic con- Little died at 3] notion instructed the delegates to|]Peany went to bis home at Six the State convention for Charles B. Aycock, of Wayne county, for Gov- ernor. The delegates to the State convention are; R. C. Puryear, J. M. Phillips, D. M. Reese, J. W. Pass, M. J. Hendrix, W. N. Horn, F. D. Holcomb, I. C. Shore and T. W. Thomas. Arrests for the Goebel Murder. Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch oth, W. H. Coulton, clerk in the oflice of the State Auditor, was arrested and placed iu jail tonight, charged with complicity in the murder of the late William Goebel. The arrest was made by Chief of Police Wil- liams, at 90 clock. More arrests are likely tonight. Warrants have been issued for the arrrest of Secretary of State Caleb Powers and Captain Jonn W. Davis, policeman of the State square, but they have not been served. The warrants charge them also with be- icg accessories to theGoebel assassi- nation and warrants against ex-Sec- retary of State Chas. Finley and John T. Powers, brother of Secretary of State Powers, have been sworn out and have been sent to Whitley county for service. Davisis in the city to-night, but was not at bis resi- 1g dence, and up to a late hour the po- lice had not found him. It is pot known whether Secretary Powers is in the vity. x sveral witdesses who testified at the trial of Harland Whittaker Tues- day swore that the shots at the time of the Goebel assasination were fired from the direction of Power's office apd be aud all of the. parties for whop the warrants were: issned to- pight have been ynder the strictest survepiance ever since tbe assassina- tion. Captgio Davis was an Sppoln- teapot Goyernor: Bragley, aug was } Taylor, : continued under Governor LATE GENERAL NEWS ji | Z “ The New York authorities have | | Suppressed the play ‘‘Saph” at | Wallack Theatre 2s violatins pub- ‘lie decency. : | Dan Mims. a young farmer who ‘lived near Baxley, Ga., was | dered Tuesday by two negro The negroes also killed Mims” oah and beat his wife so badiy th: will die. Ofticers are on the the negroes. + Bill Clark, colored. assaulte’ Mrs : ; 4 Sarah Baker, white, awed abeot 70! years, at Fitzgerald, Ga., Te. sday | morning. he victim is a member | of the Northern colony at Fi: zzer-! ald. The negro was arreste and identified. He was spirited away! to prevent a lyaching. Congressman Alfred C. Hes i ‘Father of the House.” ! sentative from the fifth Penns viv the nia district. died in Pbilade! hia | Tuesday night,aged 7d years He entered Congress in’ 1870 and has been re-ele to every subse- | quent Congress with the exception of the Forty-fourth. | George W. Drake. the famous mountain detective and ex-Diputy U.S. Marshal,and a man ramed Fort, were shot to death one night last week near Torrent, Ky., by William St. John. Bad feeline had existed between the parties ‘or a long time. Drake is said to have run down more moonshiners and criminals in the mountains of east ern Kentucky than any other « ‘licer in the service of the Governmert. Samuel Lide, a prominent fermer and merchant of Vak Grove, Siont- gomery county, Alabama, shot and killed W. B. Johnson, a magis? rate, Friday morning Ip is said that Mrs. Lide went alone to her hus- band’s store and that Jonnso: fol lowed her and insulted her. She screamed, and her husband. who was not far away, ran fo the ~<tore and shot Johnson todeath. I. de is |« then, than with them, and the other half saying, they'd get tired of each other soon enouch, if only let alone, and some day they'd be coming back, penitent enough. Perbaps buth were right—certain- ly the last prediction has proved true, fer they have come back Yhey came somewha* on tte in staliment plan. They couldn” face Raleigh and their acquaintances here ail of a sudden. so they stopped in Durham, went toa boarding house and planned how best to get back home. Miss Chamblee decided to gc home through the country with a cousin Oaks. Just what Penny said to his wiie and neighbors is not know::; but Miss Chamblee told her foik~ that she had made an extendec trip through Mexico and Californi.; that she wanted to see the worl and Penny had showed it to her. This was all and she wa: tressed to death,’’ as wellas + reatly surprised to learn that ‘‘peo; le had “dis- been talking’’ about ber ana hir. Penny in that shameful way. She declared it was jealousy on the part] of those who did not possess ber op- portunities of travel. “‘Anc that, too, after Mr. Penny had treated her so vice.” And no doubt be had. eee Seas Plague Said to be in San Frz cisco. San Francisco Dispatch, 8th, nese, was immediately isolat the whole of Chinatown ha placed under strict quaranti: lations. No fear is apprehe .> regu- the spread of the disease, watever | it may prove to be Seater eae A large force of police is. being, kept in Chinatown to maint in the} quarantine. The physicians inter-; ested in the case are not yet prepar- ed to make adefinite statement re- garding the case, but from others who bave experience in such mat- ters, itis learned that the case will hardly prove to be one of plague. a5 the man bas long beer 3 resident of thiscity. Hedbe beeg a recent ar- rival from the Orient, greater alarm ‘ould bave been felt. ‘Tbe cordon Chinstows Wren?" spauecas ce t I A ease of what is supposes to be! & bubonig plague, though the exact) § nature of thedisease is vet uncer-, tain, has been discovered in china- town. Thep*::cnt, who is + Chi- | ; d, and § been | 4 ded of | § PPO RHEUMACIDE: sora PL PA A LL L DO S S WA D A CURES RHEUSATISM TO STAY CURED Si. . rrice | | | Devs Nominate! bys Ede raat in MAPO rs a einen ihe Social De PF day pominated th ry : oe oa rane ee xr BOt. presi susene Victor Debs, of Indi For vic t man, of Cal ‘. The Social Dem tic pirt ill : a>sorb the TPHil« tion of the Soe bY ayvrreemé The Soc Cldacy of ol thous ty. They prot nine of a a Claiistic nai. victor amalvamation amajority of Che candidates are to be approved by e2aca party, a eudum. COTA ( Debs had j t the 13 pt ’ “tt CCUM DK rom explanations at Debs has bee —rnings io the his aged father, who was sitting in]in jail. The men ‘vere next door}debt againsithe A ee sey oe the room by the fire. His chances} neighbors aod friends. prion. acd 1 i Sra : for recovery are slight. — need fa seer ~ = ~ > r She Wanted to See the World ai d Be | ,, eo mit ho : Greenville Weekly: Dr. Laughing Showed it to Her. eae onnted to several th ' house, coruver, went down in Swilt | Raleigh News and Observer, ossh] ie Creek Saturday and held aningves:| Eugene C. Penny and Miss tlie ~ ee me over Adrian Rouse, colored, whoj Chamblee have returned to her } that be would re rest jas ein , ae . . Me Fait Sates re a »O Tre died Friday from the etlects of a| respective homes in this counts We caieetrre = tae blow on the head, given by his broth Penny is a farmer witha wit and| | “SCCRT er-in-law, George Darden, abouta|four children. They live i: the = week previous. The trouble was | southern part ot the county, sear SAE " about Adrian's wife, Goerge’s sis |Six Oaks postotiice. i salve, ! ter. Adrian was beating her when| Miss Chamolee is a young w man | 72'¥e, Weel k cur George interfered or protested. Ad- | who taught a public schooi in Pen- |i Piles az d skin diseases Beware rian left hiswife and grabbed-his gun |ny’sneizhborhood and board i at |‘?! ‘ i zany Adrian didn't shoot, but Georgelhis house. Her home is near \ ake- | °* W. EF. Ball, Jr. picked up a piece of iron used as 2 | iield. fire poker, wrabbed the gunand gave; Shortiy before Christmas Miss A Bie ire in Philadeiphia. Adrian a blow on the head, mashing | Chamblee’s schoo! was out an~ she | ?>sccin ss hy oth, in theskullover the left eye, nezr!|annouanced that she would spen-i her A fire entailing an estimated loss 2. a) - . 7 te ¥ " cr - : * the top of the head. George stayed | holidays in Norfolk, where siz at of over $700,000 cccurrcd eariv to- about a few daysagoandcleaned up jone time attended college. [nny | in the retail dry evoeds district. ee arranged to bring her to Ra’ -igh,} {ue Coaflagration ovi n the MONG ; TANS. re So aie eet ree aan tines See ry AMONG THE POLITICIANS and while here, he teld his wii +, he }@? sie Foon os Sa : Grothers ‘ would run up to Durham for few {Ury goods and n tore, at The Democrats won many of the! days to atteud to some busine- . Eichth aud Arcn sire . A grener- municipal elections in towns in wes- They came to Raleigh ail rig). and |* alarm was sounded, but a.t efiorts tern New York last week. There|wkether Miss Chamblee wert to] ' save the bui « were fruitless, were heavy Democratic gains. Norfolk or Penny to Durha> no |@?@ ih wa rhe} placed = ee pody thought toinquire tor s: cerz] | #t 5000.00) Major G. W. F. Harper, of Cald- td But ae pes a Mark Grothers’ dry goods store, ad well county, is a candidate for the] voturn. his wite made inquiri and |Jiming, was comple oe ate ft nee Democratic nomination for chair-| ssijed to find avy trace of her hus-| ‘ling an estimated S248 C00 »S tt} . a ay ee i@i 1uS- cA et ROU Soot 0, sei State Corporation Com-| pnd beyond Raieigh. Thena‘vacer}|+"*, Shoneran puidins : was sent out from the Cha::biee | '0ries and Mark's five stories in E. Spencer Blackburn denies the] home with likeresultas tothe voung | height. The flames spread to the statement that he said in his New-| woman suppqsed to be visiting inj >'* story building on « berry street, ton speech: ‘“‘North Carolina Demo- | Norfolk. cupied by Myerholl Drothers, man- crats may take warning from the| And then it developed that Penny | Pacture s and children's fate of William Goebel.’ nad sold part of his land to gerpe tung "Hila : Elect- = : meyaud he and the woman i } appr Noth- Georgia Republicans have endors- money aur s oartee Wie eS 3 ie ee ed PresiGent McKinley. They de- cas eae noboda iis et f tt ; Sis plac "$200 claved for ex-Governer Bradiey or Bode ER wae sare a abn ee Lp Rdagiaee gee ae n > s ( ) sere } Prescvec nou: a ‘ * hbo ina were Governor Taylor, of Kentucky, for |i. to find eae aot Se a ren ; “4 . in mits 2UeD 2c BUGes 72s" ' x ? y ua LCG. \ Vice President. Threeof the four! rip. vir] i eee a = Meccey 60 : attracted the attention of some of jdele;ates-at-larye to the Nationai] .. \youid kill Pe: rise aC 5 arid haedieeisehclnass . . far : OULD <2 nny op sigoe. elie ame 2a , ut ention ar eroes tite : = sie a z convention are RennoeS Various rumors fioated around us}/¢!@ployment b) M. Fry, Esq., of Swain county, | to their whereabouts, bat no ; ~ Before th ysicians | - A. M. Fry, 1S4-. “? ~ spi pace ; Sg ae : : Sembee isacandidaute for the Democratic/made any effort to find out their Harlan Whitta wisi eaicd | aelmnnal ae nomination for corporation commis- | truth, half the world saying then ee ee on booty, sioner. _He isa uative of Iredell}families were bevter off withoat| 25 been held by the Prackiin (hy.) county grand jury ior t jurder of Governor Goebel. ————_- — Do net moment that cor ever strike you Ji does not co Se creeps its First, coid; no ing cough; th weight; then thea sweat The suddenness comes when 2 you have 2 fie Better it is yet cree You can do it wih ‘a cough less. the chesti of suffocaticn is Te: cure is haszence by pls ° Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pecteral Plaster over the Chesi. feeling at feeling 4A Paok Free. It is vn the Dis Throat and Lungs. c ases of the Baa ie He mee as ese swell: PA L L A D I A N FA A ————— m2 ee RT a ST eee Sree - e = ieee " = : = oa “J DETCHEON’S ANTI DIURETIC Notice ‘0 Creditors, és scan TT a seen IR. i $100 if you ’ lifiedas admin - oo ————— - aes S eres CERNE " sew ee th to you more than = AVING qualified as admin. ee ae i. iS FOR PpreaACE <7 7 May he “wort ding from inconten etl, notice is here? j BS ENTUCKY AGAIN IN A FER- ch piace the other sus ‘ \ ARUGEN ASKS FOR i : have sees SORA a Cures old and ties having claims against aes al - MIIN® “n tusnen for sufe keeping. io s 3 ZS, nace Of Water arresis the trouble at once. $1} O00 tg the undersigned on or | ‘~ whoa. t ; c Sette ‘ may oF ie young x alike. ae % ANDERSON, Proggists. day of February, 1901, or this nor: , See TUR LEGISLATURE ADJOURSS, Phe United States Offer Services. f i 33 Me, Se eae in bar of their recovery. Partx = si - aoereliet avo i hi ie \ Hot Fight on ihe Pisine.—4 trex 5 at PF 2a = | sstatesvill c “ at te will please make iz = ® the Sn ok Sa as ott pn oe | News From South aA/rica. ste Ww" =9F i gave cost ; Er eet Oificiais “hargeG . ! - 5 - ' ane 4 x step an : c enon on Sete ' This Feb’y. 16, 1900. Ad : << xr caheD WEEKLY tS ithe On »phieity in Governor ree most histor ieal session of the} eee Diamante NOTICE: Re aS ee J Carpe fl Mrs. W Gocbel’s AsstesimaUon. legislature of this State closed to-|* s Fo sc ext ued andthe week after Iwall ; her home nc Prank/foet, Ky., Dispatch, rah, day. It wasaday of rushiny busi- President Kroger bus asked for = | : liver the Garlamd coffee pots sold in Fale ds Ss kk Deputy 4 fon aa on re } . yt : - i | ‘ ye | - wer an _ e@DuLiy , hed 1, pessand fully udezen extra enroll-| peace in the following dis parca: | town and Barringer townships, ¢ ES Lan ale. ics has reached a point | ing clerks were busy enrolling bills | Bloemfontein. March 5 —The +: i ae La ee pae kos oe Deaton, Of| Loy VIRTUE ofa decree of alter an a oer ey : ar. |'* | i } , . = yf today almost ap to be signed hy thespeater. Among) piood and the teurs of thousands) ¢ 2 | jrooresville, says this eee = ao! a es ee Fi Dr. J. § ? of t rine wes S ie } , 1 | = ¥ “ oe ic war and! 4% A ier, 0% « ae } pt of ee st = the last resulutions to be passed was | who have sudered py this ar 2 ze / pomees J L. CLOANINGER. wales others agaiart U.T Pl; ing sick } : A. lowing the GSras \the t riplett resolution to appropri- | the prospect of a moral and econ- $ =4 4 Somes soe pee of sai The C ; = n »} The P e- “r¢9n, | > | ee ce aneiencnemneneres mamma aed ic it aiesvil be ; 1" ' { —_-——-—- : ier = nation of Goebel. The re-instate- late $100,000 for tae equipment of a@|omice ruin wherewith South Africa} = 4 | rt nate aa SD Age MARCI a with ‘ j : wei 74s rtvy above persoval amoltion. | _, en it of the milite ary power in com- iss mee militia under Castleman and /js pow threatened make it necessa- | { ; a Sale of Prope J. : eee » ae . 230d ‘ ae f J —— f > ate ecutive | O55 “lgae s pe is al Are : Jat public auction & ei ns. j : THE POLIFICIAN | plete cee of the State executive |e capture of the military stores | ry for bovh belligerents to asx them-| 3) ij, Ninc out é \ VIRTUE of a decres of the Superior Court | ide tract of land situated ot | : ONS 5 | building and ther efusi vi of the Ss } under charge of Taylor and Collier. | selves dispassionately and a> in the { answer ‘he sams w2y. of Iredell county. Se . Scena M.A. | township, we and caine ihe e 4 ee rat wa » ; 1 local | aM bSowgieas 2 Soe 2Gts mi : » and, con : t Shad | tary rautkorities to allow th ~..,| Gilbert Taunt, of Breckisridce sight of the triune God for what are 4 Yet den psi ons Rave = ina TS at public eS a sma See ee their stock o $ Y aancdidates eo steers toe >y Le ~ Ai : - rine “ es taro say 7 ille. . a rDle ' 4 ef eee sare 2] annount os ys ets a | | ice ance Se Ce neers a Soe rrest- county, was voday arrested, charsed jikey fj ghti int, and w hethet the aims j ; ¥ ren zm loa the ott h at the court house door 3 in Statesville sae and ost Anat actiai and va Long & re noo sist n Democr Cc nomlba-| pujiding for the purpose ‘ail ay 3 | with being accessory to thea murder | of each justifies “ail this appal ling | ; ure tion tt SEY WALLS ast 3 Y. APRIL oTH, 1900, leno: t from dat= of Cotto Ree o » a] im bs Soe < i; & _ 3 - 5 tat ot 4 ge! Secretary of State Caleb Pow lof Gor EonoriGoehell imisery and Gevastatio With this | : sods, yet fat is neces- MONDA sen following lot of land | qill purchase moncy is paid. ota site > ors eee SoD See PR 1 Ea object and in view of the aseeaon> | a h recovery and a Se ee escomate of Iredell and snore = This Feb’y. 20th ( ais ol i by a ¥ : oy ad = AOCACE : = “ ; ea a : ituate = : 2 sol our eran aan sed with being accessories ae AVruce Fixed Up ‘of various British statesmen to the} for t sf recov Ty E | tke Elvira White hcime a er eA ee Sart t ; a “ : and the| om 5 net net } eS Pees lo Beginning a x _ There wer Goebel assassin ene a ae the | reukfott, Ky., Dispatch, 13th. letfect that this war was begun and} cannot take p lain cod- ee aceaaae es Garland Coffee Pot There wer ‘ af a confiic 9et ween . 7s le - 4 ur- | ° > orner, thence va relic < y se sot ear autborities, | A conference between Adjutant | is being carried on with Nes er eee | oh. The pe tein cil dit = ae Se Ie ert therce South 30° east 12 ARE agents for the cele ee ca - : SoS sil a nye me i ee Cc rand Castleman re- | pose of undermining Her fh are stomach and takes = Soi pometake- thence Send co: Loot hel Cotfee Put, and hb and prices © + we situation look serious | " 5 .. bi - 2 Seuth Africa e = hite oak, the southen@ corn : redell. Rowar . \culted in a perfect und lerstandi: ver he- author wy 1a Soeula Alric 73 ° > poles t0.aw 3 aa oa lands willed by it in Iredel Tk 1] Citre Marshal Rich-| Succ ir ot eines ae inistr: “er | : ti If- ¥ | oictract. The seme being the land son- | lenburg and Cabarrus & r Citys Ha se ling reached. Governor Taylor willlsetting up an administrat ion ove er away the appe' ite. The di me Pp. white to Edward F,, White, and con [ Sees coesttird ee Macrtngan: ; leoutinue to act as Governor. Gov-|at! of South Africa, independent of | acreeshic f shy der | end taining 120 acres more or SRG. | solutely cleac. pure c: All th cei ? cary . »' Her M ore ne we con: aD Son eon’ : B. ¥. ye drinking any dregs, Physicis: All the m ernor Beckham willinake so move Her Majesty's grove pies é izste ae 4 aimost unen- pio Ie ioners, | See it nnd you will bay it, W present. oward securing possession of the | sider it our duty to solemnly de- Ske 5 This March 7th, See Commissioners. R-<n, deratsie, Wh iat isto be done? ae nee Sn ee AND i Diviwe -_— n ; : re ntenl aeverndranae irs. Elia I es roreusnet St: te buildings until after the Cours |clare that this war wus uncertaker wm Rr © wurrc vi 2 . o<° ca ae i pecans ~ of Appeals bas decided the disputed | solely as a defensive measure to . i ; 3 2 & 3 3 = é m Bs ees rere meriy lived o jt = ‘ Fini estion was ans- ; ae Le to Sherif’ " \ z | i his qu % i Vocals ant Bas : {turned over to ¢ ane ad aa ‘th governorship. Among the more | meintain the threatened independ: | ae a ben we frst made ; Sale of Valusbte Land. Sale of TPN moet of h aes CYats 3 Mel tas . "open toc bse s a . a ae by lice | “¢- feat 4 ospita 41g) Sosa sarap ie i hs tor also pre Tai = = 2 . Janded | consery vative element in each party lence of the South African Lever j2 wersa Wane SX VIRTUR ofa decree of Iredell Superior SS spi a tni i uv, reeutivre buiic ed a “ity eC : elo te = roc 3 i- a ~~) : ; of t rae ore ¥s exe cutive ob as it a a i oo oe the opinion prevails that the worst | and is or ily continnred in orde a i (PERE FE’S 2 > court x = Lao — sees Court of Sensi ‘ The jo i t a 1€ conven \% re Was ~ eee is Over, and when the Court of Ap- secure and maintain t the coptestav! 2) z nS ay ued vA Ply 7 e ened as commis- | ry Sr we eee 2 bas been ; + CONG ee | oe ei pe als ren adexs Ss its decision, the dang- | indep endenve of both republics ss | { GH x ner ol said court actively Sse/Coaxt Pon ae ear jadgment ot the S1.Ci . % 1 . ‘ ub . 5 _ . ? 5 ' - _ R . + a ell « Democratic conven-|¢ ~ nouns ero! civil war in the Commonwealth, | sovereign international States, and) 9 & “BEES ie pedoorimstatcesr her Fi 5 TH, 1900. Sr AS ec ana Ir. J. LL. She uy tructed for Ayeock for Gov-| sai ain sorry Pe = Lone which has been terribly imminent, to obtain the assurance that those { # qyith iy v oan - to ‘the ‘pighest as vile, we: ‘on : x . “ A ’ See ON tea enn i cllat aa ered S "1 ae Section hare at ts $ - v ~ ‘or at’ public auctio: sville, ° = su = Mrs. A rout aiterson for Commissioner | 1t : f a fee } will bave passed away entirely. lojct Her Majesty's subje cts who haveld of Cog-Liver O2# wi por ae chat vaiusble tract of land situated in MONDAY, APRIL 2N1 L ‘rs, * ‘ Ew fi eyr lor One 1 a OuLrda-|° . i a ~ ; . mpl suntv ' iiture, Harper for Corpora: | oz eo ~Ithe Democratic lead ers, with aj tak en part with us in this war shell |4 phosphites. Although ‘thet See he aeactialeiyic iy ea ct of land, | that valuable oie a atsory. I Wot F ‘ j ‘ € re < ' ae > $7 - rn ae a sthe Ame ’ 3% oe a YQ ne landso! J. 2 ae mamissioner and PE COR yah eee eal 14 x cousel- fell understanding of the situation |suffer no harm wb jatever in ger { eee $ nearly twenty-five 5 Vears = Toacres, more or less, Tule retain: r Sone beginnir Ss ‘a Ly schoo . ii ; ‘sberif Suter toe Mae aL ar ane only One cloud appears on the politi-|or property. On these cundilious| % “Was eae s to oA ees money ote re oa 09 poles to as ee scl : : . fietion with Attorney Pols , aie 3343, 2ione—are of = $ - : NNELLY, a rth 2 $3 pole tte. a: <¢ county Democratic conven-| tion with County A ween ey (eal horizon. and that is Governor |—but on these conditions alone—ar tf yet it stands 2ione Se EE A Commissioner. toa stor aa Cran cane FOR DENGCEH 143 bel Pearson | 2Fove en macarons a x — Taylor's future course. Governor! we now, asin the past, desirous 07} 3 the ORS great remedy > ran a ——--———— ener, South 125 poles to a sito Sunday inor i ti \ ‘ sy OMMGISIS. Wesn-} A“) “Vs ~ 3 wy . wee »-established in 1 Sputi $ nares ner, South 85° West 10; poles t 3: 5 . Bt a , 1 te i H( had been doub- | ! self willnot outline his | seeing peace 2 TE-€stad Saar ae i Hl affec’ of the throat . Sale. | {xcescorner, south 38 poles to white, Was -ct t i Bi A = | t we! eens os tion, bevond the statement Afric: white, if Her Majesty's Lov : latfec tions naeen : Two Houses and Lots for panlerscormes: North 55° East w for 15 day v % : ‘- \ Re a i ‘ ( suarded esch en- s : ~ eee : jetermined de . : Sa : = . - ’ ntainie eran ei F | r mT A 4 ‘ eine tie jibec eee ltr “eG t the Sta te ; groun ds which he made to the Associate “d come 16 AS detern " ined to de one? ? <5 be Thave two houses and lois oon os ee ee a ate of M a ofa =n ve = 1H e... See etal Geer orsnit trance to the Sta enalte an og, | Press today, that he ‘would con-| the in nd@ence of the reputl : rd taste and odor have ON 8 | versale. ‘Phe ponseae ra ee oA al ees Soe ae arcee eng ; : S tt revel ht Sas Se = ; . B , a n ye lov g 0} ymmt ges rms " ti : ; mp Tt Republican Congre ssi0 a ce betw nae tinue to act as Governor. Repub-|thereis notheng ieft to us and cS by con the oil itself has been at =e on cach lot. Prices reason- tris Feb. 28, 19% re Tt ‘ xX s 4 vel ! ine Sve lille ! ¢ yeen a : . Pee al pein ‘ aad e = ime. This Feb > Canc i | anti fthe Sth distr ict | . : leei i ithat tl licans in Governor Taylor's conti-| our people but to PeTSevere ete digested, and the most sen- able and terms part cash andbalance on time This Fe Ae ‘ vill eo a a4 ® a is OUVEDLION Os but wet ~ » of ficial Bs ras decidea li: POC | * = re . ‘ Sate nA y > orf or pz culars address ———_—— Tlie “a Darina LUE mee pe eet Win serena ~a.| dence, however, say that he will re-} end the course already bezun. 2 2 stomach objects to it sarely. = | For further ps anes JOIN GOBLE, Sale of Land. Bo ae oh } thy) , imrs om % * : . © sioma ~ N -OTrres pPondecne ! BiZYAN'S BUND ee joes ous Dra oe pas q|main in Frankfort in the discharge} ‘In spite .of the overwhelining i. 2 in te a can take and digest § | arch ist, 1900. ae es : ves al tl BIZT A . : ~ |serve force of deputies, to 8 cane oe : me. a P+h ~ = : oY ry Svhere mn no worst : oe ee tn the eveab ik was{of his duties until the court of last | pre-eminence of the Soa aoES 3 n a Nine out of tern can =| : VY VIRTUE ofa decree of tro ic! Sune bul vaccinatio wODst Se i ee use 32 ee 5 tho jvesort passes upon the question at}we are confident that God, who] % ss pia ae ai -_ $ a Court, made at Feteuary ‘1: : t wen of Ne Yor idecided to attempt to, 6kier toc : : Thep if the decision ba yhted the urextinguishable fire of } take SLOT PS EMULSION and di- B court, a ES. 3 ‘ ist tae : liwilainsg by foree to mate the sr-} issuc. 1 e - + aca * ’ ¢ ; °4 whe? of J. ¥. Cavin, a4 os ~ eer ee , , firs isk oe es Sonny ope t oc aie against him. he will step cut at once, | love ef freedom in the hearts of our x % it That's wiy it cures 80 Ihave opened wpa che uuddersggied as c7s (te BE. Krider's x t | an pursuance of this, 1e@ | A8SiNS . = 5 mae Sip ge ee eas é h z the court house door in = Se i / : 1 eo : a = SOmane ca wore {and tura over the State: ouildings “ selves a and of as Nets, ies i - { aaah of early ces Sean da a on SATURDAY, Al PRIL 71 moins. Mt ' lik SWOPrO Lb f “oe 2 aes aaa ens Peete a thm cst ty aS. bhie or ake Is un will accomplish iis a cea C2é2S TT C 4 “ gut ween he « | Aen Neue ebb. ood ot over nor bec KUSTT. The Re pue a mai ce US : a 2 1 ars ae i : : wa SGVERC meat a life. ~ |. Bicycle sale, repair ona sell at public auction to t he 3 nes arc | ieee etree cans will maive every effort to carry | work in us and in our descenc aul 4 comiom and greatly pro! ongs H nt <j caluable tract of land in trader bad « leriit Cy ce fines : nite 2 * re -, NC. , cn . | | tothe Federal courts! “Ve hesitated to make this declara 3 dg oo, ali druggists. Bir €& Snoopy in Iredell county, } Sherif Suter made another | a aS : at ; 3 6 1. i $ create is, New York. =a Cavin home place, adjoi: im a wea x i Sentence iu case t ecision ofthe Kentucky | tion earlier lo Youc Excellency, a8! $ «a @itx BOWNE, Chemisis, New Yo - 7 a hn Young at lattemp? audienee witb Pee ee iss Sori es x z ae : ‘ nae = Cavin, John = ; . ; 5 one : t a : neni se | Court of Appeals is against thew, we feared that as lor 1g as the ac tvan- © te eens Se terrae eee en In The St. Charles Hotel hariidisg. 2 ss actes one or Fos. a at aie Me a Pee Noms i Sc a put, failing in this, they will consid-]|taye was al ways on our side a: BS caine — a comt cba Ene of new bicycles, and biey- ject to the < Derm of sale ‘ 12D las UulmsUGCE ] See ei eee ae Sot aaa a asia 3 S STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. Je sundriesaud will sell the m atthe right of J. Y. Caving img the State: > fi : ert estion settle still believ-! long as cur forces he!d defensive 2 po- & a aE a tish you any priced in cash on day of sal ee 8 . | er tne question settied, a , x sc, February 22, 1900, 9 @, m. prscer! I can furnish 9 3 co ae 2 \ , rivd- ling @ gr g has been donejsitions far within Her Maj rent eens een ae wheel. See me when you want your |} months from day of aaic, with » Mr. De A .| TLR SUBSPECTRD MEN BSCAPH TG LBXIMG- | in ee wrong has been done) sition: itelo 212) pete ee 10.09 “heel repaired, It will/pay you to pa- | ed security with interest from dx oa ect : ‘ i a ithem. The Democratic leaders as-|colcnies, such a relation might enain oe a 9-99 ee — Respectfully, — retained till all the eee > paid ; ale A ‘ 3 } sy = . eee ie mote oon Rel Aaa yi 9.5) Sree gr -- 3 *poL, A Jack y ae jsert they will che er faliy abide by the feelings ae honor ot the Bri Middling..--..-.- 0 - as 6.70 fi This March 7th,e7~. Couninissiouer St i ae : “4 went? . C , ’ = : : we ots meta ie (ee m= oo) ae : 2 BS z his root : Yor { secret of State Powers and} the decision of the Court of Appeals. people. dut now that the peasuze| Nes tet ee waa 9.00 W. t Co CY. | 52. connetiy, ats. to it when the h : ( {Captain Davis wero slipped aboard a! But, sbould the decision be in their} of the Briti sh Empire may be con-} arket rn . rk on Fifty -Chesapeake & Obiot favor, they will insist upon the o¢-] sidered to be assured by ae capture | __ ——_-----—-—— ed. i | Sega, ; = : as . ¢ } j PRODUCE MARKET ‘ and speeded toward cupancy of the State buildags, of onegof our forces by I Alaje ss- TATESVILLE Ser oir ie i squad of soldiers, co “peaceably, if ¢ vie, but forcibly ty’ st troops and that we = hereby TED KY ner has ist = . “ y _ SORRECTED KY < tai ) ) Governor's mansion : lif necessar as it was expressed | bet en forced | to evacuate other po- oe = GILL 3 marriage of Ma Coneress: esught the train just before a Pwl-itoday, The cont erence between {sitions which our forces had eceu- | eee on Or é Ber UA nea won 189 tout. With them were Powers Adjutant Generals Castleman and] pied, that ditliculty is over and we | oe eee Dowrence lian : and Davisdressed in soldiers uni-| cofiier lasted a grater part of the|can no longer hesitate to clearly in-} Pe eeier ai eS ence Johnx« “= eens form, and befere the guard 2 ud dep- iafternoon fan d a tacit agreement!/form your government and peeple| Chickens and eggs wanted; ail produce That we are Headquarters, on ~ ra tol ris ity shoriits became aware of wrat) mode to allow matters to remain in|in the sight of the whole civilized | zo0d demand. ies Capt. eed scouts G aly OF vas woing on, the ti left. |statu Guo at present. By this, the eee why weare fighting and on eee eee late adjut hy Hever ‘Republicans understand that noj what conditiot 2S we are ready to re- zoel 2 Yolaunteers AZRESTED IN LEXINGTON. Oceans et cet iptcce ee eae $1.85 = hg rt Aysyicld oa @osmornines ry \+ we Sts wiih ‘ ; ay z 3 wre. ‘nrvloite laste : ain jand no prosecutions made of the) ‘The Eeglish Promier, the Marquis : 50 aS a = a i e o ' t 2; onicers, er of the militia serving un-| of Salisbuay, replied in a long dis- = LL ies Sund hood eo i der Governor Taylor. | patch, concludiug as follows: = Dr. James A ieats i at aa meee oer ee a “In view of the 1 use to which the — 40 Tenn., talked Sow ( i e town was in an | Baxter Shemwel! Arrested gin Kuor-| 109 10 publies have put the position | ps Mie nh ce Of all kinds, we eater to the farmers, Century Mover 3) Chesapeake & | my | which was wiven them and the ca- Potatoes Iria’ ete 75 and make special effort to please them dist. church Sur rem la ‘ . t . -— © vw , - Tae ; " 2! |e =. = = . - } “or err in from fort brought) Baxter Shemveil, a well known | igmities their unprovoked attack Sows a by keeping everything they need, at ence beard hing : : Seen v in one car hemselves Sec: | busine sstman of Asbeville. was ar- | have inflicted on ier r Majesty's do- 7 reasonable prices. Was aroused in pews heme : ; retary of State C; Powers, Cap | vested in Knoxville yeste: aay5¢ Hers! minions, Her Maiesty’s government S Messrs. Bro Kew York! « ( Se i { ] square pe -jed wv vith obtaining $4.000 under false! ean only answer Y. our Henors’ tele- 5 d G d an cai have § “ f rth Care Seats hi LER. Peake, | pretenses from a i oxville burk. | vram by saying that they are not me : ““Goo x00GS, at goods to Mr. I : A : i : > a ( had pre | Hehad a hearing and the case was | pre pared to assent tothe independ- ch ficken oa Sha Reasonable Prices.” wall, who w eee Em UMS iE vere on their} continued until the 22nd. Shemwe suce cither of the South African Re- | rurkeys—per B.. 0... P Ne lOxtaraitas gort } r Vice were trying | was released ou $1,000 bond, ; public or the Orange Free State. pa nce era ee 1 i § 55 Sehrowet (ase Fhe Der t us When) the} iShemwell lived cf Lexington jm ia\0 us) ee Re eee Oeics 25 4 rc ~ te ; { 1e depot the en-| where be had a notorious reputa-| TUB USITED STATES OFFERS SERVICES Butter Choice 3 ee : 15 & by De : city, under|tion. He killed Dr. Payne in tha i % ndon Diepateh, 13th Honey—st i ia z0 4 Mr.C. Y. Lo Ses row the sheri i sherim® Weary | towa som Once Seon: vas ACOA ‘The United States government, at : : tise gy % _ Y. Love, of Co i ° 1 ions Pont 3) -NileG Me 24. togs—t ied! ab my we aie . es EAN a - ~ up toa tree. | Dosw orth, with alar ferce of dep- | ted Judge Armfield, of Statesville. } Hagel iarnco ae mos dent Kruver os raat Eile iets ee hed tien fle ® the Outes decla ; before ¢ : Yu enter- | appear , | a ee St : mie lies mia ei logit + 7° a cine College. : : ae ee . boarde owes | appe aring for hie. ENE a _.jand President Steyn, has offered to cpio en meni en ts Is our past recard. ©. r future record oon eee + +. yy Lime ‘ Z {t | e-em oe no ceeserne--- ' =m ~ = a Soe ee ee ne 35 .: . i . =~ ey 3 i a So eee a eens es decided by the} ™ =) ore Seas th| His Lite Was 5 \the British government its ser- H eae te 19 will be in keeping with ihe past. SUuce e years I See u soldie h} . i Tm retain icsin eis eee = ea Ages SUGOWSSIVE yea! a he Opals be the genui : eae ee ; “itp {Vices as mediator, with the view of; = green Sos ene 7 Try and sce. : : a 5 5 s, the soldi ‘ers be-| wr a E. Lili ee ee ent citt- ty eee os S Afr}. | Woot—warked ce tte 25 5 io with the ex sihinaman who kad see ee at ene ans nof i tely had gg! O8n ring about peace in South Afr Appics—dried—~ - : 3 i Mr. J. 1. Mu } CoO ang, apt Ter tly te L “bh “ ‘ 2 : = ! tie c y bouse to house gqrara oi, : f rein Tee Ca. : i sliced . 4 1 ing tirm of ilus Pea ee beer , Ere eae nant Peake. Tb Ga ohicer | vondertul ¢ froin a fright- “Phe Ged Stee fancy dright sliced | | 4% i anigan- Evans ae ee ~! J2een Ceciarea, hie f . lent ~ + €it he suvs: u t mlaces SL ge c He ‘a ex 3 4 eco ach ik Cur conyer wy to is feet at once snd com 11 ii death. in te O11 ws Ss > Yoni ws PEO SF x pie : a : : ; : faires, Henry White, saw Lord kreen—per “bushel . : ml 6g aw C Atlanta Belt 1 * not ners + 1arles M. She 1On IS CGOn-}y nded the soldiers to chear theevar | f was tuken phot fever, ; : — = aver hes--peeled, bright. . ° ar are Oo. A 1 at a wie # t ’ kind, ee icant eae rls pe L : ys : bs a wai ae isbury at the Foreign Ojlice Z one 6 makine his head i ie Daily Capital, of Tepe- Ln an instaué 2) rovolvers werelthat ran into pn My lungs PN Ura See ge 5 ss a fancy. - 2 > is > Lik 5 : see va i : : cite enna ere ert 1 > weak | |¢vening, and received a formal re- oni ee ee 7 Mrs. E ul ': z this week. He is con- Grawn by ibe officers and they were | became oaraecbed. Wils S ies the British covernment, | Btco"—Hos round, verb... ... 8 Sar AG ’ ’ pr: , ee - . * ee . ‘ 1 +3 } itisa ¢ hmenk®, =y *« 1 WH gibi \ & Demo he thinks Jesus Christ} sl! leveled at ke, who ,»amely!couidn’t even sit upin bed. Noth- er as - = a oft $ elles pegs Fle ss ranite s J : ae < mS ae : nD w LO ces ¢ } : . 5 i 4 . ‘ 4 uy -ttried torult hisewn revels butting he tped me. | expected fo soo 0 U a States a. = rar , ay Lie a zi Se MPS NORE ER nak = ™ = — - a Monday ua . : a , ) e tQi rOgars iG Cac ; . a8 me / Vest Ss las he drew it from the ce: rd aj die of consumptic n, when I heard: NS SST RP nek ae Gel ae onan nana which Messrs. J , ' man smashed bim actoss the! overy, Oae a a = i 0 ICE rv Li = Sam Craivc we niet ar } . } reat sntin |r remier are identical with ose al- + . vith Bis club and pre- j - J contin a > g Long building , : i ea er ee eng ae row well ana|feady cabled te the Associated So ior building a three room oy einem = ence : colored, was abot) *' What ul oe a ‘ igtie ett PP oss. “i Home will be received (Next Ane to x. B. Mi iene aTOV ae a : ac 5 di _~|have resulted in a trage buts Poo THueh Th its Pin, tang aor aoe Mr. Whi at the emice ster of deeds until Satur- a about 20 fect - : eee Datars} led the corductor} clous medicine oe interview between Mr. White | Gay, xarct plans and specifications. We are glad that so many of oar old friends have been to see us. Be hur . 3 ck 1 Serta sheriff commanded the corductoe } mal 1 bury was very. bricf. | sce. Ww. ¥ Clerk «oof the board : art vet ale, ie s Fe et aan ees 4 alt Vv as « OF . ere ay rr r ea ri a age 2 »and see ou ‘ ee “ ae ut ofithecar, ‘Lhe coadcctor re Tokest cure in jane soc Satisbur ¥ Was very boric See ete ers. This March | there are ogher familiar faces we would like to see. Be sure and see ‘ eat Laction v svUminas assault ou a . A itt ana jung be Premier contining bimseif to a] seth. mc T. M. C. Davipsom, nice new stock of Mr. Joba E-* : : ero lleirt. 1 Be wa ene a ing that rai wud iu we is verbal deciiva A | ? Cease nic M ocd ChE €Sto | Siri. iia tne oa Umite a States iiarmal ar Glens courteous verbal deciivation, with- ae oe a Ss, ir S, ear, at Mr ; . Ve ; ‘ 2 } } ; CUPriec isi « 2 well qade ad = z wa Faas — As fo i ; ready been at f or in{}<s 10 aha Dis : out entering into details YT Sh S, P nt Shi t Neck W day last weck a1 ae 2 Si cing ene m ni demand was nest then press! re Not: ice to ‘Creditors. w _ see : : ) Saturd ay he w . us A ine “'torney ry 1) t Berek Ow - ee es pavgieerednaa rte uo : A iL ae A os clkerbey recon! Pow-| NOT FIGHTIN THE PLAINS. FAA VING qualified as ads ninikerateriof Khe cs And Dry Goods before you buy. Captoh’s. Best flour on earth. Le! Mr. M. E. Scr Peg ittt ( >I wee ON Llnted 4 Davie 2ey c m all one os : _ : 2) = . fork ‘ facie ( ee oer nue oe Be a Des tonics Oreo ee Se ete of a —— eee a gett’s Marrocava coifee is the bast. Wecan Save you money on Croce! ship, and hus \a eI rece harriedate jet a \e x 11 : Gi »wweral fi Rl i a : zd to present the same to the un-} Pay cash for ex ountry produce. town since Pee 9 procession _¥we pe ie «rd the Pe eee iene eens See ont sedon or before March r5ti, igor, and all Don't miss the White Froat, for we will treat you white. : F rt ‘piestarted the r the woman who oveuy In face, vance yesterday across th : scorehing persons indebted idestale are notified to A thr non e Gy . ' : os — is . a tM = LIMesALe Pa a* jai | Bt P ste bea lynebing and) form and temper + always have] plains, froin Poplar oe SR TESS | Sepa eatin “MULLER. es & Hae R. Mr. and Mrs. elled over the x on the streets were packed with | fr nae but one who would be at-| place, was marked by the most se- This we rch je autor. = Administrator, oe Fallstown town } . : . jer & Lon orn ttt rr to eee gees a oe b ) people. a an enormous crowd usther- ttractive must keep her health. Iif]lvere engagements in crossing the} Gtier & Long, me mee etae of eczema. Th St Martin's c os Ss an NOSst every o'clock, Rev. > » tar 4 | ing the fureral , . : . +) “ ya gainst Alexander county, Pen- : ’ ed 9 bond on a common ws:raut on| trouble, ber impure blood will cause larts threw most of his Lroops against ie ee * ‘ ee . . hs . th wii pt PACT the oharge of resi ae AY Swat. pimples, blotches, skin eruptions; the cenire of their weakened jive. ¥; 2 Hae bing about the jail. Davis. Powers!ske is weak, sickiy and allrun down, | Modder river. The Boers stubborn- SMALLPOX! re : ¥ bight, and Peake Bore Rurried te tha up [she will be nervous and irritable. Iftly contested every foot of ground, re. a cet rr cells, but Peake was lstor releas [she bas Comstipatien or kidney joaly fleeing at dust, when Lord Rob- OTICH OF QUARANTINE, —Wilkes county sQlOsS, Hruns cs coun. i or 9s . as, - learned with regret and en Messrs. Siooy a well-known xetho- | and a wretched complexion. Elee-|At the point where Colonel Broad- we: Lies ane ae red Berea ill wise eee saisd es cae ae names cf al! Rowand probably fo | ecm Fen be PRES AK RAVGr OF tric Uters is the Tet medicine in | wood turned the Boer ieft he found Sica Saamer see oe gains grow pocket-book Piums. It will pay you to «all a meen axe those ment SE Temple, PSMOCRARS. a any ito re =< } aes RES liv-ibimseil ae dex the fire of thelr nine poner eee thercof into this ae and examine, and buy at eas pleasure. ‘It is the = ee. neg o8ices and f Was at tending tbe A edhe : a nd nx = es cn ccieel the Se eigeae Jhe oers, however Ul- } of tue comate of Wilkes teeatoee benetit in the shape of money. s esas that demands of all spendit to shoes in fy cr’s wife and the preacher | .+t decision sustaining the conten er and kidneys and ae © it 'Y 2 ‘ as < S Sree app an “upon said county, therefore; their hard earned pennies anddo! lars judiciously tosee us for is quite a nove i 3 ion of “the moerats test the Blood, It vives strong nerves, hoisted the whit flay. Board of Health of the } t Broadwosd advanced r gd by the ' Logislature is ¢ r “ sinooth, velvety skin, | When Colone tribunal! dssignat-1t 10 ey ro mand after March toth, Special Values in Dress Goods, attracted much | | insulted her. Riddick is in| i } ' ! “47 ; t > ; Alexaud: owt “ “ ” ed bz the conasitutios for the dete complexion. ft will make ajhe was surprised to find the Doers | person who ae Se been, ; The Sloan Ch tt a <2 SG DF Loe COuNsILUbION Lor tae deter- ; : ae Seager tig we ea} o BS eee ; ies a 5 pieces, 35 inch Grey and Mixed Dress Suitings, at 3 worth soc. yd. cy Bir. rR Withdraws as a Candt-/ i contests for the se of ¢ lookins. charmings woman ofa]had taken aGvantage of t ms ‘ one istten da I ~ En. coe — Rater: ean ¢. worth 5o¢. yd. - lUCOrporaved, 7 _ Been ee pal iy ae ean . } invali: ly 5O eents at Iti fre in the Gark 1 * * g2in. Grey mixed Suiting, 33¢. yd. worth soc. rs ith pr date for Governor. Governor ar¢@ Lieutenant Governor {Pua comnae valid. nly 00 cents at [tion — ue Cark | raticce EW ERICrceateaac cee oes Suita. Reece 87.500, with pri Below. is the card of Hon. M. ee down in the Cireuit| W. PF. Gall. ur.’s. dr drugstore. ness. Tie T: : prisoners show- x ue eae ea pine Baplin at $4.55 pattern. to F30,000. 4 j Serae . Z bis ereali nee eee t 4 ec ah i chapcuind a a = 24 ey were enti Vv surprised tr 1 pe ine Line-Grey Veistian Cioth, $7.00, pattern moi ee edt Justice, of Rutherfordton, in which s mo ralitg by Jucye Fields + ed th : a I : 1 Piece Gr y Plaid, large and showy. for Skirts, ‘soc. vd. Messrs. J ~ he withdraws from the race-for Goy Republicans willappes! the ease YOR PURE Lord t foberts’ ta : ; : . All colors. Ventian Mixture7sc. yd. worth $1.00. R. L. Poston w a C Saget et pel epee amor 7 OE the State ¢ Jourt of Ap;esis and . A Free Stater. whose house Presi Meaith 1" S2inch, Green = Black Vemtian Mixture. 75¢. a Worth £1.00, Shelton its pres ernor und which Was printec woe a : H ~ <a 3 : = 9 ee : ees : 1“ 38inch, Bluc and White Stripe Serge Suiting 35¢. yd. Worth soc. on S 13 } r the decision there i iS aga ost them FOOD GO TO dent Kruger ocenpied during the 2 > " 1 “ 36inuch. Cream Cashmere 4 wool 25c. yd. etiam, Vefontes ated ty County . Boer fight from Osfontein. said he i secretary and U 2 1 SG mtmoney values 2’ res r ng solely on my own jud ae try to eet a he earing before the Our bine of Black Dress Goods represent money es at the lowest trade p: ca s e . \ { com } 2 9 , : T - . I mols he P ide ahn: 12 to $i.o0vd, We havea big lot odds aad Endsin Dress Stuffs at prices W.A.Summeé6 ment and inclination ay hereby With | the United States Supre me Court. 3 1 Y complained to the } reside nt about eee 10 to SI. foo yd, See the assortment special value in Remnants from Fc. to 25¢. yd. ie : d draw iny name a cas b : fe i Judge Fields re views the bostory of I : the depredatiens of the Transyvaa! DRED ae New iot Light Calicoes at sc. yd. bury Sea gee S : a J ; Craw Iny namic 45 a Cancidake for 1th y x pe ec / ers, Whereupon the President re- candidate for t ‘ 1) - Governor i case anc declares the ine of ereup ue 12 o be . : Fayetteville Ovserver, for delegate | Ce™ oe < Stee te abouts te aes eiiect: aie) es Hoein’s Pickles phed: “No wonder we are beaten A Complete stock of Shoes at old Prices eatepnlitoy rf) = t solo 1 er . »} “ay vo Ly Be ¢ baa ne ? m nae > n. Attes! E ees | wt large to the National conve n | i taank my friends who bey x es a eae : = eins £3 . rr The burghers entered in the war to served as a dep 4 me UO ention. | stood by me aud desire still to stay a) Courts cannot tnqulre into tae mo- Sweet Mixed ers . = ss z hoa Sates ; The State conventic uld | bv lc 1); ., tives whiet duced theacticr of the Siw . etigcht for a righteous cause, but now years und bin State convention sEould! xyaliy. They are held i ives which induced theacticr of the me : d aay y i Wveolt and is a ms oh , - vy, JQ in rena an 2 ‘ elect Major Hale by acclime emembrance: but my, Uegislatureis unbroken asd must Sour Mixed. they have developed into horse and 5 = cattle-steslers. ’ — . . i State, my interest in: wreat issue pending before th-} teandmy desire for absolute} { { a ee be taken as the law, Barrel of Kraut, MORK ARRSHSTS RUMORED ae 5 Sa . és % ® if rankfarl, Kj., Dispaich, rath. Mountain Buckwheat Flour. eae $ Saie of Yalua- hi i ; ant “ Sweet an rich Potatoes | this step. There aretoomany candi-j TSe situation in Frankfors has Sweet and Irish Potatoes. bie Land. tes for oflice and especially for radically improved and public ex- nor, and one less wall, probu- ;citement has subsided. Neverthe- d something to party harmo {/CSS: Areat uneasiness still exists, ts ,and especially amopg Republicans tapbearsto me to be both ng : : eless and unwise to press my aan-| “70% arrests in connection with the cy further. It Aces not mahe!assessination are rumored. the : an ees a _ [es -ery much diffe rence who is Gov- {names including Governor Taylor land Republican legislators. Adju- { 4 | : a pecple of the ca M. W. White for Mr. C. b. for a grave s County last wed adauyvhter of county, whose Naney Tepen Rebecca Lavini ti Caroline Queq tick. He wasa delegate at large in| : ; i o'O, WAS a member of t platform committee and wrote seyeral of the} important Bedroom Suites in the. De urty, leads me to tak. sre and the Harvest ged you lanks of the Chicago p Br <7 ee + prs peatiorm. ' } ryan has ao truer sup-| D #, ofa judgment of tredell superior 1 one se in the special proceeding there- plant good seed, THAT WILL LAST tited Jno. C. Murphy, F ' THROUGH GENSRATIONS. Lothers Ex Parte, the under We hare a iarpe will sell at the court house dor in Stockion the sacct ! The much sought for sort that you don’t find every day. We M Statesville, N.C., on 2 desirable seed. viz: have suites that we assure you will be well worth the hand- oore & SATURDAY, APRIL 14 7H, 1500, $ seed, Viz: ing down to your children ris ° Lot No, 2in the division of the Murphy jiic 4 Ali bounded as follows; Beginning on Fourth MADE BY ONE OF AMERICA’S ° ‘lot No. ,and runs North 87 “degrees West 46 We buy fresh butter and eges and all Linds of country pro- - duce. porter and the er a iG party bo : an Major Bale, ° All kinds of In a private | c\iexander county lost one of y | ernor among the candidates now be- a { = terday from ‘ ' poles to & stone at a gully and corner of lot No 1; Garden and ; comes the welcdq + ry : t nota! rer Ni . ifore the peopk uniry wi}, | tant General Collier andothers. The 2S Gp EE {thence South 10 degrees East 160 poles toa post c > ranean mest notable men M nicl P The country wili! : : to Creditors el 1 i x . i Ne : : Kiuttz’s little = : wean ope i Likely be safe with uny iem. The | Republicans assert-that they will re- "Notice 9 Ureditors. oak in TM. C. Davidson's line: thence East. 25 : 2 of slid oak entirely cabinet work as good as that of our . the death of ex-Sheriff M. W. \ any of them. Ths * pees } , | poles to a stake in Mrs. Mary Davis’ line; thence 1 = : ! a : recently opera’ = 2 7 eae "s Wi } reat subject with which we have! sistsuch arrestto the last and tbe BH ING guatised as administrator of the | North 2 degrees East 160 poies to a stake hear a 1 £50 00 suites. The Bureau and Wash stand oe full swell is now recovd au his day provably | to dcai is the constitutional amend. CoPseauences Se atlempt toarrest ee a ete se ey Sopot solanebaeroise Ire i drawers and serpentine tops. writes: “Our ti ; ‘ a - {r f sons ha sage said es- | 73 deg he a 5 — asians? of meds ic ic ws ; Ss: ® tiost popula ho ever lived in! ment, and the success of the Demo : Taylor be forecasted. Taylor prob- | re ib present the ee to me os or before | down, Mrs. ee Coa th@ice ore 1z-de- se se re ee ee i her own. and th irae ae \.| cratic ticket : . oe ably will remai_uere instead! soing | March sth, 190t. All persons indebted to said | grees East 32 poles toa hickory in Sfoore's line: ‘alfa mothy, Rec OD ; h Mi 26 30 h. > coe aS useless for} & wld me ae coe Pe pee be put im the o London, as urged. A Feet A con. | “state are expected to make immediate pay- | Urence North 77 degrees West 26 poles toa stale. Kentucky Bine Grass ae frenc irror x inc good hope now any other candidate i Ter had on seb us stand as it = Fao ie ~ | ment j JOo=e's corner, thence wit ee = ms c x i r re any other candidate to offer against ipue man for the success of these and {crence between Governor is ckbam, /™“"" aNpREW i. ALLEN, Administrator, Jr degree East 1SSpoles toa post oak. corner of Our Seed Irish Potatoes are if slow, recover, - him. Fall of humor and the milk of Wwe will thus le ave to our. children Meyer Dehoncysof Frankfort, and! ° This Marth sth. See vc | ew ashlee tom siakeatthe penton acne: the northern growa which. Shsped and bevel pies nicely Gnished - handsomely hand Tie broom f, ry . > + ‘ ‘ 5 aCe 4 t a : c 3 : Suman kindness, Sheriff! Mays made] the heritage of a ‘White Man’ a : ee Suter, 25 extra de puly sher-! —————— —_ eee Se are the | Galy kind : vorth i carved, thoroughly good suites. Mr. R. FE. Henr. + triends of old on young, rich and|country, and the covernment ad ts and 50 ae eee en were | : Notice to Creditors. j branch pletion ater Soath 24 de- planting. : Press $25 $27 and $30 xis eedag i Ss - =e in. e mcr €& exdi } srees West with Houpe’s line. 36. poles to the }* e Fg m= Geo S g > : hi Gles. isi ‘ poor. It was permitted him to live ministere c by North Caroiina. My fon : ae aoe | ELAVING auatitied asadministrator of thees- | Sreek: thence down the treek to the bexinning, Don t | TICES. é ; =o ey eee nae ripe olisce aaa os services will be at the’cOmmand of SS - ae rate of 5. W. SicHargue, deceased. 1 pereby , containing ugacres Terms % cash! balance in mi ya : ginand the ba te 27! iC ae anc 1s friends . by a >: rays n- notify a persons having Claims against said es- fay: C.H. ARMFIELD 53 J z = bi . a as 2 SS , the Democratic from this time until t i t x Seats Cs oer oe ; tate to present the same to mg on or before | ants March 14, 1900. ‘Commisti 5 - Bug'the Sestern Potatoes if . every day Th oe ‘ Sis u ty ~ ? 9; March 5th., 1901, <1) persons Owing said es- | ee a dieentnsnaysedinbammencarcciesemee en a z assurance of his consistent} the elect ion "ty, steward of t éntral Asylum, | Mt; b Sth, 190t,and all ~ ide = You- expects @ crop, because purchased a let otian life that ali is. now well “Yours very truly, _ Was arrested this aiternoon as an tate areexpe make imm, iate payment, GENTS wauted for.the best. typewriter on - r | This March 8th., 1990. the market, the “Pittsburg Visible, ’* weit. vou wus be tisappointed. h him. Kind, genjal old man, we| rx TT Jusrice. ” -uccomplice in the plot to assassivate JAMES W. MCHARGUE. =e i ee n sight at all times: exclusive territory giy { i gethise somue! Ratierordton, arch § 1 SENSE OE omg, ES SECS CoQPER & GILL and will sell the one wanting to — somes from £6 : Siasibes and Carpe’s. Soper block Statesville, NG. + weer eg salip a ant cin ea ne RTT al Solano a 2° . wr ° i fmm ° Ne Ne 5 LY < SY =} a uy oO “i i i a 2 a a 2 Prices, Mills r) lav. We he hand- 2 oe ee Be ‘ ah ot our swell hand R, | Carpets. ea Tn Tena I! eae moyen Rn nS itt Neill aM cs gt PIE en an ES ILS , iS Sennen None a THE MASCOT) ss JCAL. “at Mrs. W, H. H. Gregory is sick at ; her home north of town Deputy Clerr J. E- after an attack of grip. Dr. J. F. Carlton 1s up ing sick for a few days. The Chafing Dish Club will meet with Miss Gertrude Wood this even- inper ing. The Wallace Bros. Co. is moving into.the new * ctnek t r Stock ol thei PvOCcsS l ‘ ong building. brought 10 cents here yes- terd ‘Lhere is still some being sold by our farmers. Ci ton There were big breaks at both warehouses Tuesday and yesterday and prices were good, The jredell Blues will hold their raonthly inspection Monday night. All are urged to be present. <4 Ts. the inembers illa Boone Sapp, who for- ved here, has accepted the Poeriy . at the Watts place tiospital, Durbar. of head nurse The lony distance “phone office bas been moved avain—-this time to the St.Charles Hotel office, where Mr. J. L. Sherrill has charge of it. Mrs. W.E.Nattress, Mrs. Osborne lsrown, Miss Cora Brown and Mrs. . Q. McLeiland are attending the Sunday school convention in Char latte POLLEY, W Sunday morning Mack McDonald, Boyd is out after be- "PERSONALS. Mr. Clem Dowd, of Charlotte | was here Sunday. in town Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Copeland spent Tues day in Chariotte. from a trip on the road. spent Tuesday night in town. W.C. Feimster, Esq., of Newton, was here Tuesday on legal business. Mr. R. D. Work, of Philadelphia, spent a few days here with friends. boro, a former resident, was ip town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lazenby, of Salisbury, spent Sunday and Mon- Gay here with relatives. L. C. Caldwell, Esq., went to his farm at Woodward, S.C., this week. and returned vesterday. Mrs. C. C. McAllister and Mrs. Worth and little son, of Asheboro, are visiting at the college. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terry, of Winston, spent Sunday with Mrs. Terry’s father, Mr. J. A. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Johnston, of Mooresville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Johnston’s father, Mr. W. L. Har- bin. Miss Emma Eagle, of Charlotte, returned home Tuesday evening after avisit to her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Poston, Mr. Jas. LB. Stephenson, chief clerk at the Southern Express Co.'s white, entto the chain gang for 15 days by the mayor in default ofa tine of $2 and cost fora drunk. | [te lives in the country. | | The case of smallpox at Moores-} ville (reported im our Mooresville} corre spondence) is isolated and it is! not tuought the disease will spread, | but vaccination should vo on, | Some one tried to enter Mr. W.| i. Krider's back door early Monday | morning. Mr. Krider was aroused | yut wken he vot to the door the in-} rader bad disappeared. il, of Asheville, spent oflice in Charlotte, spent a few days here with relatives last week. _Mr. Isidore Wallace is in the Northwest ona business trip for the root and herb department of the Wallace Bros. Co.'s business. Mr. W.Gales Adams, of Nash- fy rey . . a a A vite, Leun., arrived here Friday and jspentafew days with his father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. B. ‘Adams, returning *o Nashville Mon day. Messrs. R. H. Rickert, J. H. Hoff- with Mrs. P. B./ ™an, Eugene Morrison. and W. P.|¢@2dy to Mr. Steele. Mr. P. C. Eunis, of Raleigh, was Mr. A. G. Corpening is at home|tering the contents of the wagon Mr. W. W. Rankin, of Mooresville, tey. J. L. Meyerberg, of Golds- Runaway Yesterdzy MOORESVILLL NEWS Yesterday afternvon about 3 > o'clocr, loading his delivery wagon with tallow, the horse became frightened and ran away. The horse started in front of the beef market and rau ;up Center street and then down | Broad street at a lively rate, scat- Mails. From our Regular Correspondent. vis and Tom into the home of Minnie Webster, colored, by crawling jalong the streets. Some ore caught }the horse near Alf Bailey’s shop. | could tind, but took nothing — else. |The wagon was badly broken upbut | Tom Clark has left the county, | the horse was not hurt. | Davis was arrested and brought be- _—— |fore C. V. Voils, Esq., , : ;day. He was held in a bona for his | Back From Florida and Cuba. ; day. e Was bela ina 1G s returned | Mr. George E. French Prematsie Monday from a several weeks’ trip |CCU't ent re P! Capt. L. D. Parker, conductor on | to Florida and Cuba. ee os jthe Winstou passenger train, has os poreseceecners oe ae ma ismallpox. Itis not a severe case Oe Oe = "and he is getting along very well. believer in Cuban andopene ence ;Capt. Parker and wife live in part See he saw the conditions sean the Goodman House. Mrs. Par- and heard the Peck talk he t inks ker had smallpox when a child. the island should be Speed eonne Capt. Summers, supervisor of the United States. Heenjoyed a Visit | Winston road, had his knee dislocat- very much | and returns with im- led while getting off the train some- proved health. where beyond Mocksville. The Death of Miss Ann Crawford. knee was replaced and the captain Miss Ann L. Crawford died at the | W858 brought bere on the Winston SG : freight the same evening (Friday). Capt. Summers and his wife live in, a part of the Goodman House. The side track on the Winston road near Mr. J. W. Brown’s, 4 miles from Mooresville, has been completed. It is named Schley. The postoftice at the same place is named Mazeppa and Mrs. Magsie Brown is postmaster. Mooresville is highly favored with mail facilities, having daily three mails from Charlotte, two in the morning and one in the evening, anda daily mail with Statesville and Winston. We also have a daily mail (star route) to Coddle, via Ran- dail, Rowan county, and after July Ist. will have one with Doolie and Mayhew. Mooresville, March 13th. pavdines News Fron Clarksbury and Hermony Correspondence of ‘Ine MAscor, The public school at Gum Grove, taught by Mrs. L. W. Godbey, closed last Tuesday, March 6th., with a nice dinner, each scholar con- the floor. They ate all the food they home of her brother, Mr. James M Crawford, in Shiloh township, at 3:30 o’clock Tuesday morning of pneumonia, aged about 63 years. The funeral services were conducted at the residence yesterday at 11 o'clock by Rev. W. R- MecLelland and the interment was in the family burying ground near by. Miss Crawford was the daughter of the late John Crawford, of Shiloh township. She was a member of a large family of brothers and sisters, only one of whom, wr. James M. Crawford, survives. She was a kind, obliging neighbor and the communi- ty in which she lived regrets her death. ——_ Miss Fowler Entertains Monday evening Miss Jessie Fow- ler entertained « number of her friends at her pleasant home oo Davie avenue. <A ‘‘provressive guessing contest’? was the feature ofthe eyening. Mr. J. E. Sloop was the most successful vuesser and Mr. H. O, Steele the poorest, and to tributing a nice basket. Besides them were awarded the prizes—a! the dinner, there were exercises picture to Mr. ‘Sloop and a stick of : ,,| Such as speeches by thechildren and The ‘‘contest ; recitations by the larger scholars. “TaGayv 1ere . * . ee noe was on ber way to/ Phifer attended the Pythian district | ¥@5 amusing and new to this lati-| After the exercises were over a meas Sunday Sore os ad ‘meeting in Charlotte Tuesday and | tude (at least to this writer.) . | dice treat was viven to each scholar Ey CA NSS ea model ang | Peturned yesterday. i , Those present were: Misses Lois present and something sent to the Si ca ete Na eae : me Z . Boyd, Lorena Long, Mattiebec} sick ones. Mrs. Godbey ranks with ‘ge his frame building sear the; Mr. C. H. Cowles, who bas been Cooper, Eloise Cowles and Fannie} the best teachers in Beecmate y depot, and Mr. kh. V. Brawley well | assisting | his” uncle, Col. H. C.} Allen Copeland; Mr. Micks, of Fred-| yyy w GC Cnabolcncin ec move bis root and herb) business ta) Comics 49) bis) oltice fori several |ericksbur~iva- Con Leen coe his children are rae with severe to it when the repairs are complet- Web to Lis home in| field and Messrs. Orin Turner, H. O. colds. There seems to be an epi- t lkesbor > wow a 1 oe > ae : . > 2 ed. Peer eae Le rday. Steele, J. E. Sloop, B. B. Boyd and} demic of colds or grip. Mrs. Mary Since our last issue Register Tur Mrs. John Stirewalt and son, of |. D- Watts. fe. Campbell is also sick. ier =o has the} issued license for rriage of Mr. Quincy F. Bell and Annie B. Walker and Mr. ence Honeycut and Miss Flor- r > JOORSOn, ! apt. L. B. Alexander, of Ashe- | ville, late adjutant of the First N. C. | Volunteers, was the guest of Col. J. I’. Armfteld vesterday. He went to Charlotte last evening to attend the! Sunday school corvention, +; ut IL | of Nashyille, | the “Twentieth “at the Metho- | | Dr. James Atkins, Tenn., talked on Century Movement dist church Sunday. <A large audi-| ence heard him and much iuterest was aroused in the movement. | .. of Trout-! soid their stock of Kx. Ostwalt, of Ost- walt, who will continue the business. Mr. Ostwalt is now conducting four Messrs. Brown Bros mans, bave t \ goods to Mr. F- led their relatives, Rev. L. Miss Lillie Bostian, of Statesville Correspondence of Tie Mascor. Luray, Va., and ber two nephews, who are in school at Hickory, visit- E. and township, last week. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Long, Jane Cansler, Mr. J. U, Master Coit Sherrill, of Catawba, and Mrs. J. W. Blackwelder, of Newton, attended the funeral of their kinsman, the late George Long, Sunday. Mrs. Lone and —_—- -. Dre. Wood Resigns. At the conclusion of the sermon at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning Rey. Dr. W. A. Wood, the beloved pastor, who was present lor the first time in months, asked | that the congregation join with him |! iua request to presbytery to dis- | solve the pastoral relation. A meet- jing of the congregation will be held | 224 society one beloved by all, Mrs. : = ; stores at as many points in the} hae . - lsoonto ¢ er . - La county. ee ome > Consider) Dr- Weod = re- . | quest. r * | Se ony. Love, son of Rev. W at Oe — Y. Love, of Coddle Creek. has won| Pecides to Locate Here. ine College, Due West.S. C. North won ie for three ; ; ) Sa | the Oates declaimer’s medal at Ers- | 1avVe "ars. POUNDS SUGHESSIVe YE div. J. L. Russell, of the contract- ing tirmof Russell & Nicholson, has the contract to build trestles on the A ta Belt ue Railway, and is making his headquarters in Atlanta. Mrs. Kusseli and children have join- ed him in Atianta. atforn 120M Huey a swips on ae . PY ich Messrs. J. W. Wilkinson and € rwere working at the building fell they were and id, adistance of neither was rown t¢ 20) 1. E. Seroges fell ona chair : eeley’s bourding house one day last week and was painfully hurt. iay he went to his brother’s, 3 Scroges, in Concord town- 1ip, and has been unable to come to town since. A three-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. B: Stewart, of fallstown township, died Tuesday of eczema. The interment was at St Martin’s church yesterday at 11 o'clock, Rev. W. L. Darr conduct- ing the fureral services. Messrs. Sloop & Miller have the of all the candidates and mentioned the county oflices and the Levislature attached to shoes in their show window. It is quitea novel advertisement and attracted much attention. nes those for The Sloan Clothing Co., has been iucorporated. The capital stock is 87.500, with privileze to increase it to $30,000. The stockholders are: Messrs. J. G. Shelton, J. L. Sloan, R. L. Poston and Bb. H. Adams. Mr. Shelton is president and Mr. Sloan secretary and treasurer, W. A. Summers, Esq., of Skarpes- burg township, announces lrimself a candidate for the Democratic nom- ination for sherilf in this issue. He served as a deputy sheriif for sever- al years under Sheriffs Allison and Wycolf and is well known to the pec ple of the county. M. W. White, Esq., who travels tor Mr. C, B. Webb, got an order for a grave stone in Alexander county last week to be erected to adaughter of Mrs, Queen of the county, whose various names were: Nancy Tepenus -Tabitha Louisa Rebecca Lavinia Tesira Maria Vash- ti Caroline Queen. In a private letter received yes- terday from Congressman Kluttz comes the welcome news that Mr. Kluttz’s littl daughter, who was recently operated on in Baltimore, is now recovering. Mr. Kluttz writes: “Our little girl is holding her own, andthe doctors give us good hope now of a reasonably safe, if slow, recovery.” The broom factory is located in Mr. R. IF. Henry’s store on depot hill. Everything, except the broom handles, is in hand for work to be- ginand the handles are expected every day. The proprietors have purchased a lot of broom corn seed and will sell the seed at cost to any Mr. IF. A. Gooding, of Duluth, Minn., whose presence in Statesville witha view to settling we noted last week, bas rented the Plyler house on Kelly street and wiil occu- py it for the present. He contem- plates buying farming lands near town and locating here permanent- ly. He is very much pleased with Statesville. = Local Politics. Since writing ourarticle last week on the local political situation W. A. Summers, Esq., of Sharpesbure, township, has entered the race for sheriff. It seems we were mistaken inthe ussumption we then made that Sheriff Wycoff would not have Opposition. The mistake was an honest one on our part and not an attempt to head off possible candi- dates fur the position. The situa tion for the other positions remains as it was last week. Se ae in North Iredell With Smallpox. _ A Davie man, whose name is un- KnoWnh, Was ata public sale at the late residence of John F, Campbell, deceased, in Turnersburg township, Saturday, and a physician in the crowd said ke had smallpox. The man was told to leave and he left. The people out in north Iredell should be vaccinated at once. o> Accident in Barringer. Friday while coyering Mr. J. A. Allison's house, in Barringer town- ship, Mr. W. T. Sherrill fell to the round from the top of a ladder. fie was badly bruised and was ren- dered unconscious by the fall. He received several gashes on his head and was otherwise injured but not seriously, although he will not be able for work for some days. It’s fortunate that the accident was not more serious. —— An Editor to Marry, We have received an invitation to the marriage of Mr. Clyde R. Hoey, editor of the Shelby Star and mem- ber of the House from Cleveland county, and Miss Bessie Gardner, of Shelby, which will be solemnized in the Shelby Baptist church at 8:30 o'clock, Thursday evening, March 22nd. We congratulate Brother Hoey oa his ood fortune. sential Failstown For Stevenson and Watts For the House, Correspondence of Tum Mascor. Fallstown Democrats want Dr. S. W. Stevenson, of Coddle Creek, and A.D. Watts, Esq., of Shiloh, for the House this year. I bave talked with a great many Democrats of this township and the sentiment is very strong for these men. Thev will make strong candidates and good members. DEMocrat. Troutma.’s, March 13th. en NES Mr. London to Speak. Hon. Henry A. London, of Pitts- boro, editor of the Chatham Record, will speak at the armory tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock on the issues of the campaign. Mr. London is an able and pleasing speaker and a full house should greet him on his tirst one wanting to plant broom corn. Get some from air. R. F, Henry. -” . cara Beas ies ee ts appearance in Statesville. hg uy Sg Cool Spring for Holman tor Senator and Stevenson and Watts tor the House, Owing to sickness and the weath- er Rev. W. F. Elliott failed to reach his appointment the 4th Sunday in February. Messrs. R. F.and F. B. Gaither ~ . - a - a s F . - . Cool Spring township Democrat have the frame of their new store are in favor of nominating John Bb. in, : : up. Mr.C. W. Green is pushing Holman for Senator and Dr. S. W.}in, work along —JSessrs. Grose Stevenson and A. D. Watts for the House this year. With this ticket the Democratic majority and the amendment are safe in the county. Respectfully, Coot Spring Democrat. Watts, N. C., march 14th, 1900. —_—_——~—s Resolutions of Respect. The ladies of the Foreign Missien- ary Society of Bethany Presbyteri- an church adopt the following reso- utions: Whereas. it has pleazed our Heav- enly Father to call from our midst Bros., of Harmony, have their store up also and yood progress is being made with the work. Messrs. J. Henry Tharpe and L. W. Heath will put up a store near Clarksbury in the near future.—Mr. M. K. Hunter, of Davie county, has put up astore at Ellis’ mill and Mr, Joe White is clerking for him. Mr. Robert Tomlin, who lives near Harmony, has been very sick, but is convalescing. Quarterly meeting at Turnersburg Sunday, FELIX. Harmony, March 10sh. ——— bP - —e- - Chambersburg for Armticld for Sen- ator and Stevenson and Watts For the House. Correspondence of Tre Mascot. The Democrats of Chambersburg township fayor Charles H. Arm- field, Esq., for Senator. For the House, give us those Democratic workers, Dr. S. W. Stevenson, of Coddle Creek, and Mr. A. D. Watts, fShiloh. Withthis ticket we will win in August, and know that the county wiil be worthily represented in the next Legislature. Respectfully, CHAMBERSBURG DEMOCRAT, Oak Forest, March 12th., 1900. Elizabeth Houpe Reid, who was transferred from her home on earth to her Heavenly Home January 23, 1900, therefore, Resolved Ist.—While we deeply mourn the loss of our friend and the oldest member of our society, we humbly sudmit to the will of Him who doeth all things well, and be- lieve it honors our society with one more member in our Father's Home above, Resolved 2nd--That the remem- brance of her gentleness, pleasant smile and words of encouragement shall be an incentive to us in teach- ing us how to live and how to die. Resolved 3rd—That we tender our heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved ones andask God to comfort them in their pereavement. Ordered that a copy of these reso- lutions be sent to The Landmark and Tue Mascor for publication and a copy sent to the family. Mrs. W, H. Crawrorp ) OO) ee — Moore and McLain can furnish you pure food. They buy country pro- duce. W. H. Colfey sells the Yale bicy- cles—from $20 to $40. See him when you want bicycle repairs. Cooper & Gill have all kinds of garden and field seeds. See them for » J. W. Vickery ( Com. |:rrass and clover seed. Miss Mary Lizzie HALL tamsay, Tomlin & Bowles are re- —_— SSS ceivinga beautiful line of spring Shiloh Wants Summers for Register| goods. Watch for their ad. next and Watts for the House. week. Correspondence of THE Mascor. Shiloh township comes forward with Henry C. Summers for the Democratic nomination for register of deeds. He is a man of ability, ac- curate to the letter in all his deal- ings, worthy of the honor and of any trust reposed in him, and above alla gentleman. He is kind and obliging, will look well after the finances of the county and can be depended on to practice strict econ- The Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co. caters to the farmers. When you want farming supplies see them. Wilhelm & Mills enumerate almost athousand things and quote the prices. Seethem at the “‘bigsto re.’ N. L. Milis& Co. talk to you about underwear this week---ladies’ and men’s. They will saye you money. W.H. Allison tells you about his tableware and glassware this weck. He quotes some prices. we in all nano BS R, A. Miller, admunistrator of is the man who, if elected, will not Mrs. H. C. McNeely, and T. Scott be partial in drawing jarors or ar- B: ses te Acar of CPs" ranging the jury lists. He will see} 2OPRCy, ahaa that worthy men’s names are in the | ler give notice to creditors box and that the drawing is done fairly and not to suit the register merely. He knows how Shiloh has been ignored in the making up of juries—how zood citizens and free holders have lived to a great old age and died without being drawn on a Jury and that there are many in the township today 40 or 50 years old who have never been on a jury. He willsee that the fair thing is done. Shiloh wants Summers for regis- ter and her other man, A. D. Watts, who now spends most of his time in Statesvi.le, for the House. We are glad to see that Mr. Watts will cer- tainly receive the nomination. Shiloh, being the banner town- ship, expects something this time, and if she fails to get it there will besome hard kicking done which may result in a general diss&tisfac- tion and the big majority from Shi- loh ‘*will not be thar.”’ New men for commissioners too is a part of our motto. We would be glad to have all the worthy candidates get an office, but as there are not enough offices to go around, we think it right and proper for some to step down at each election and Jet others have a chance. Allow new men a chance tosave some money for the county and make a little for their own pock- et. We hopethe voters will read this and remember us in the prima- ries. Respectfully, A VOTER. - Fulbright, N. C., March 12th., 1900. Mrs. L. Schiller and little child went to Charlotte yesterday. writer. The Wilkes health authorities giye notice of quarantine against Alex- ander county. C. H. Armfield, commissioner, will selllandat thecourt house, Satur- day, April 14th. Tho county commissioners will re- ceive bids fora building at the Coun- ty Home nntil the 24th. ee - Davidson News. From our Regular Correspondent. Some of the negroes of this town have recently been giving trouble, not only by disorderly conduct, but even by cesisting the officers. Four were putin the guard house last Sunday. They were bound ovee to the next term of the criminal court,4 which meets in April. Whiskey seems to be at the bottom of the trouble. The oil mill is still running and had av output last week of abont 1,300 gallons perday. The supply of cotton seed will soon be exhaust- ed, and there is talk of utilizing the otherwise idle power by building a spinning mill, Mr. Thomas Dewey Osborne, of the coilege. will provably go to West Point this year, He is ason of Hon. Frank I. Osborne, of Char- lotte, and a young man of more than ordinary abuity. E. S. M. Davidson, Marcli, 13, | Geo W, Long, M, D- Cris may be left at any one of the drug stores, or at my residence. "Phone 140. Downtown office svill be announced later. aN 1 while Mr. J. J. Moore was ‘4 Burglary.—A Case of Smallpox.— ; Postmaster and Mrs. J. W. Ov Sunday, March 4th., Fred Da- | S2™ption. lark, colored, broke | last Satur- | ‘appearance at the next term of | Buy the **Pittsburg Visible’’ type-|. : a _ ' George Fictcher Long Dead, George Fletcher Long, son of C. Long, | died about 6 o'clock Saturday jingaftera long illness with con-| He was 16 years old Jast December, and nad never been in | Vigorous health. though his condi- under the| tion did net” become serious until so 20° aay > te = house and raising some planks of | December, 1898, when he was com pelled to leave Oak Ridge Institute, | Where he wasin school, and r2turn but |bome. Since thenhis condition has been such as to give no hope to his ifriends. For months it had been | known that the end was onl; a ques- | tion of time. | This death is peculiarly sad as he |Wasthe only child of his parents, | whowere devotedly attached to him, J George was avery bright boy, and is manly nature and cvrrect habits | ave promise of great usefulness in life, but it was not to be. He was a | favorite with all who knew him, and all our people knew ‘‘Pomp’s Geor-e."’ During his long illness ihe was bright and cheerful to the iast, for the bereaved father aad mother in their loss of their only child. The funeral was conducted from the residence Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock by Revs. M. A. Smith and S. P. Douglass and the interment was at Oakwood cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. J. H. Hall, R.L. Flanigan, W. A. Col- vert. W. P. Tunstall, J. E. Deitz and R. L. Leinster. _ TAYLORSVILLE Mr. L. D. Robnett is addition to his dwelling. NEWS. building an Census Supervisor Pool returned from Richmond, Va., Monday. Mr. Wesley Fincannon, of Bristol, Tenn., is here cn a visit to relatives near town. The town authorities are taking every precaution to prevent the spread of smallpox. Mrs. Jno. W. Marshall, of States- ville, whois at her father’s near town, has a mild case of smallpox. Mr. R F. Tuttle, of Partee, this county, got left at statesville Tues- day and had to drive through the country. The Populist county executive committee met here Saturday and ap- pointed delegatest o the State con- vention. The distillery in Wilkes county where Mr. Z. X. Smith, of this coun- ty, was storekeeping was seized one day last week. Alexander horse traders are troubled about the Wilkes county quarantine. They want to attend court next week. Dr. Thos. A. Kerley, of Sugar Loaf towaship. is moving to Char- lotte this week where he has leased a large cotton farm near the city. Deputy Collector Sloop came home last Saturday and left Monday ayain for Wilkes county where he reports many government distiller- ies are being seized. Mr. J. J. Teague, who lives three miles northwest of town, an aed citizen, is in very feeble health and not expected to last much longer. Later: He died yesterday morning, aged about 80 years. The Rock Cut mail carrier reports that Mr. J. Will Alexander, of Mil- ler’s township, had a cow that gave birth to acalf with two heads, four eyes and four ears. The calf died and they are going to take off the hide and stuff it. zn Ashe or Alleghany mail con- tractor struck the town the first of the week, and all the bad luck we wish him is that he may have to come here and carry the mails over the different contracts that he has. Our people should be very careful how they tase four year coatracts and low rates when everything is advancing in price. Ex-Sheriff H. W. Mayes, of York Institute, died Tuesday morning, March 13th, and had he lived a few months longer would have been S80 years old. The funeral and burial was at Rocky Springs church near his home Wednesday noon of which church he had long been an active member. The deceased had been an active citizen, was sheriff fora num- ber of years, county auctioneer and court crier. Hewas known by al most every one in the county and by many in adjoining counties. The widow, some five years his senior, surviyes, together with several mar- ried daugbters. Mrs. J. T. Elder, of this place, was a daughter, also Mrs. E. B. Bagwell. of Iredell Sta- tion, Iredell county. The youngest daughter and her husband were liv- ing with the aged couple. W, H. COFFEY © O0SELLS THE Yale Bicycles Which gives perfect satisfaction and guaranteed for 6 months, by the fac- tory. Can suit you in any price from $20.00 TO $40.00, It will pay you toexamine his line of new wheels. All kinds of fixtures kept in stock for each and every wheel. Ihave had years experienced in repairing wheels, It ise fact that wheels can be made new by over- properly and adjusting Very truly, W. H. Coffey, Supplies For Sale ON TIME. IT have Flour, Corn, Meat, etc., for sale on time. See me when you want time on your purchases of supplies. This March Sth., 1900. Respectfully,’ J.L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's. E. Hl. Miller & C0, DRUGGISTS, MOORESVILLE, - - N,C. Fresh Drugs. Well assorted stock. Prompt Attention. A Notice to Creditors. AVING qualified as administrator of the estate ot J. C. Plyler, Sr.. all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before March Sth, 1901, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Persons owing said Se are notiS- ed to make immediate payment: pa This March 8,1900. T SCOTT BARKLEY, od Admr. of J. C. Plyler, Sr. Armfield & Turner, Att’ys, hailing try me. Radin ay gn Re seg healt ait ama wi Date tts | s morn- | ocratic primaries and county convention. There is universal sympathy | = ae mi va He For Registerof Deecs. Thereby announce mysclfa candidate for re- | election to the office of Register of Deeds for | Iredell county, subject to the action of the Dem- lam support aad Tuthe event of my profoundly — grateful for solicit your further favor P ast i | charge the duties of the office tothe best of | ability, Respect ¥, | WW. TURN &,. my ' HEREBY announce mvselfa cannidate for Kegister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will ap- preciate the support of my friends in the, pri- maries, Respectfully, J.C. SICELOFYP. For Register of Deeds, II DESIRE to announce myseifa candidate for | Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the y ention, and will appre- ciate the support of my friends in the }.ima- ties to be held on March 3:5 - Respec iy. . C. WILLIAMS, For Register of Deeds, HEREBY announce myself a candidate fer | & the office of Register o? Deeds, subject to the | action of the Democratic county convention, and tw preciate the support of all who deez me eid office. Respectfully, a. D, RESTLILBR. | | ---- ; wa i suitable to For Register of Deeds. Tothe Democratic Voters of Iredell County: Thereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Kegister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and re- spectfully ask the support of allmy Democratic friends at the primaries to be held March gist. Respectfully, R. J. BRYANT. For Register of Deeds, HEREBY announce myself.a candidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will appre- ciate the support of my friends in the primaries. Respecttully, H.C. SUMMERS, For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will appre- ciate the support of my friends in the primaries. Respectfully, MILAN L. LENTZ. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for renomination for the office of County Treas- urer, subjectto the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention, The support of the Democratic votersis respectfully solicit- ed, I have endeavored to serve the people faithfully and acceptably and if re-elected will continue to give them my best service, J. A. HAYNES. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and respectfully ask the support of all my Deimo- cratic friends at the primaries to be held March gist. Respecttully, J. W. GUY. For Sheriff, HEREBY announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention, My desire has been to serve you faithfully, Should I be re-elected. I shall continue, to the best of my ability, to discharge the duties of the office acceptably. Respectfully, J. i. WYCOFF. For Sheriff. eriii. I Ant a candidate for the Democratic nomina- * tion for sheriff of Iredell county, and Tespect- fully ask the support of Democratic voters in the primaries and county convention, W. A. SUMMERs. Mortgage Sale of Land. Byevirtue ofthe powers contained in a mort- gage deed executed by M. ‘TT. Williams and wile, Delphia Williams, to O. G. Willams & Sons, the undersigned mortgagees will sell at public auction tor cash at the court house door in Statesville, x, C.. on Monday,Apri! 2nd., Ig00, at 12 o'clock, m., the following deescribed land lying and beingin NewHope township,and described and defined as lows, to-wit: Ad- joinining the lands of Lewis McDaniel, Eliza- beth Redman, A:mos Gregory and others, con- taining 52 acres more or icss. 0. G. WILLIAMS & SONS, This March 1st., r900. Mortgagees. po ee gan Peas for Sale, ICE LOT of Clay Peas. Apply for prices at THE WALLACE BROS. ¢ ” am n >= Pont 2ECe %a>a ea) eos $25> an"%2 =22« 22: =3-5 2222 Saas ER 2520 Se>2 Zhan Erok. 32.3= RS zee 2>-- =a <5 4 1) St Mo u Sq u a w y BS Pl O s t y ) jo us t oY 1) , US T ON A N on ay DD SE QU S as [ a ‘u o s n g o i d ut su o o d s 92 , Up - o } ) pu s Bu r t “W O t y JU B A no s WY A M 39 5 vo nO ’ 10 ¢ a HO S 1 {i s 4a a q I s vy “H O O «N O O a S YH A T I S V HL I M NY O " , | nomination and election, Iwill continue to dis- | F. A. SHERRILL & CO. Wholesale and Retail. To Friends and Customers. We wish to say that we are now prepared to save vou money on your Spring Purchases, Having bought early and for cash. On many things we can sell you cheaper than ever, notwithstanding the ery of bigh- er prices by the manufacturers. We wish to say further that our stock is complete, and we have more goeds in out store than we have ever had.so don't fail to see us when you sins the worth of your money, Don't fail to see our mam- moth Stock of Shoes, We have just bought a big lot at greatly reduced prices—this makes two stocks in one and will bea golden opportunity for you to save some money. Yours very truly F. A. Sherrill &Co. Dissolution Sale, : ~ ; z . in order to change business we are offering our entire stock of Clothing at Cost For Cash. This is no fake to catch trade but 2 genuine sale. Why pay profit elsewhere when you can clothe yourself here at manufacturer's prices. Never before have you had such an opport unity to buy goods at your own ligures. Come quick to avoid the rush, stock must and will be closed out. Thanking you for past favors we are Very Truly, Sloan & Shelton INTERESTED IN Tableware or Glassware? THE VARIETY STORE Has just opened 20 eases of cle of household use : ises of aboye goods, comprising almost every arti- in this line, decorated and plain. In Glassware would call special attention to our 7-piece Berry sets at 30 and 50e. per set. Also 8 piece Water sets at Tiand 9Sc. You will see no prettier at a little more money. There has been some advance in the market on this line of goods but we can still give you as low prices as formerly. See Our New Line of Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Valises and Grips. They are stroug, durable and in- geniously arranged and we think we can save you some money on them. W.H. ALLISON. UNDERWEAR. —_ Convincing Proof of the quality of our underwear is shown by the du- plicate orders we get on them. It is adepartment which we pay the clos- est attention to, leaving nothing undone, itis selected withcareand priced down to the lowest notch. Ladies Royal Brand Muslin Underwear has no equal for style quality, and fit. We carry a beautiful line cf Robes, Skirts Drawers, Chemise and Corset Covers. 4 2 Robes, From 50c. to $2.25 Drawers, From 25c. to 65c. Skirts, From 75e. to $1.75. Corset Covers, From 30c. to 40c. Chemise, From 40¢. to 70¢ Elegant line of Ladies Gauze Vest, od Splendid line of Men’s Gauze Un- derwear. We sell large quantities of the above soods and there is 2 reason for it. Those that buy from us know the reason, but to vou who have never favored us we want to Say that the reasons are that you always get from us the best to be had for the money. ais Come and see us, we can save you money on all you buy. N. B. Mills &Co. Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowies ARE RECEIVING aut Line O Spring Watch this space next week. Goods, 4q aa v y ss o i d o i d pu r so u su v P y V d O C Pu y j1 9 f o M o L “H a A S T H O I L ya <p e p at , I JO PU Y a1 ) 98 H se AQ E L vY y o N T su p pv a i d s o 1s sa a » SH O O K Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, Dentist, STATESVILLE, N. C. Will bein his office*two weeks, beginning with first Monday in each month. Cail on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You -will find it to your interest to do so. Work done in best manner. Prices low. Only the best material used. LAW PARTNERSHIP. HE UNDERSIGNED have formed a partner- ship forthe practice of law, and will give careful attention to all business entrusted to them. Office on second floor of the new Cooper block. HARRY P. GRIER, March 6, I9co. ZEBV. LONG. NOTICE. OO THE PUBLIC: I hereby give notice to the public that I will not be responsible tor any debts contracted by members of my family un- less they have a written order from me. March 7, 1900. H. kB. STEWART. “Astitchin a time saves nine. oy Your property may burn to-night. You might have an accident, or get sick and die to-morrow. So, for the protection of yourself and loved ones, let us insure you ay. Gaither & Nicholson, STATESVILLE. N.C, Seed Oats and Hay For Sale, Ihave a Jot of whiteand black spring oats for sale Socnee have a large lot of ce 2 baled hay for sale, See me when you want grain, feed ; ust in Puckered Beauty. Gicomecnery kad eee Crinkled Prettiness that wre leadins up to Black Blistered Could any other Fabric ever prescribed by fashion be described in the same way? You may not like them at first. Look again. The more they are alsonew. It was that longing for something new which exists in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe son is over—either a large or small dose—an entire dress, or a skirt to wear with silk waist? Better take it at once. A nice line to select OS Crossett’s $3.50 Shoe. We have just received another lot of this ard as it is so weil known, we feel that it needs no introduction to the been far beyond ourexpectation and as a result we have duplicated our months. People who buy poor shoes try first one brand then another. Wrinkled Loveliness. 7 Another lot catches this heading will know Knotted Elegance. ~ een you see of them the better you will like them. They are very odd. Black Crepon’s. You will take the prescription, too, before the sea- from. WALTON & GAGE. Famous Shoe trade. Our sale on this shoe has order twice within the last three They shop from store to store. They beco: lar customers for any body. There is no permanent satisfaction | in catering to their wants. Toall such we insist that they try a pair of Crossett’s $3.00 or $3,50 shoes. We not only warrant every aes of these shoes but will keep them shined free of charge if you will on- ly take the trouble to drop in: Yours to please, and malt, Respectfully, Feby. Sth., 1900. ial J. L. COWAN, ete a : “a é Wp oy se - . i “ o me a aS) wo , a cane j , Re - ‘a ie ef 8 = ‘i z . ae ae a ; : a IHERS Wy ee FARHER® “IV. : a : : ogee sin the fst ; = ae , « nactitution ¢. Wanting More Proops } ‘uae " Snag *“PpNE fepadiates Silver An Act to Amend the Constitutions « ippines e anv othes tact. 7 ee porn THEATRE FRANCIS BURNED. Butler Rep North Carolina. a Ween : ney ———— ATTACKS | BOERS RETREAT. re a Raleigh News and Observer. Manila Dispatch, gt! t = ' . A $ i sarah ROBERTS - aan { ee ane: : e : Tyo (ronnie ssenebly of North Care- ae Vouasr oud rivvn 2 Py Few te ‘ E = -no|Oae of the most Noted Playhouse+ — The Honorable Mariov Butler be- TOO ot Pre ae Generate; NOUN ee and f = asty Retreats | gecuiye from Lord Roberts, Who : ao = ae 7 nein . > lina do enact: wking for re-cuturcedmiehes os P ; i The Boers Beat 2 = may re soplccely fiouts Them in the World Destroyed—An - came involved ina coiloguy when ; Sere sone ‘tbe Ferty-elyotu ie rking 1 < ! o ° 3 : - ~ 4. } Pane . : ees patilalior ve : om 4 Bie d Hi ier aekateb eh : tress Burned to peath the gold standard bill was under | Section 1. That articie six of u aaa a eR a cent tol Apw me on Gore) ws London Dispatch, “Ut. | ocfontein Dispatch, 712 a Senate: ar! SE ilar . . ment bas best = tucet st : ‘Bass ACT eee xired yesterday | Ostontein Dispa ae Paris Dispatch, oth. discussion in the Senate the ote? constitution of North ¢ fi. tt ek sr troops will fulluw. The re® od chet a] na ERR ntein, and inthe! Lord Roberts’ movement today > is, the histori-.: 42 and was forced to assume an &t-' ang the same is hereby abrosat Se ae sntiy attacked Vj ndivg morning trom Oston Gre ce. 14 miles |aeain thoroughly surprised, outwit-| The Theatre E ee e = ” titude so peculiar that it has arrest- and in lieu thereof spall be +: recently persini gaat wee minis ars. Sout le ; < e. opiar Grove, | age i . : f pemeloet. ome bs : 2 = i ~=s © apt gn r’sh rurs, DU cred oth > : \ evening from i Se tiou of the} ted and out-manouvered the Boers. | cal playhouse of Paris and the ee . ed the attention of all who have fol- jored the following article ei tot several ae ee ioe abe -eetions for cork Pe? eastvart. = Teotstrategy the| who fed almost without firing a} f the world-famed Comedie oe lowed the course of that measure! oonctitution. See Th eae > hae once. Cloth > y elementary priBelyie? ng across|shot. The plan of battle was as] “aise, is tonight a mass SS through Congress. Ne are lacking. ihe Sn IN oer positions. 19 Ses 3 To retire | follows: General Colville’s division | uins. Only the mere outside a Mr. Butler's position on the free | ARTICLE V1. reanions 2 ihe ns IWOORK TR (TK OF ath. have been OO.TLe > ee =e Se tc j > has . = ‘ = with! aes . . locos < the red Kaltpuras PTS a bis path. have seen vee upon hasty |extended along the north bank; Gen | -emaivs standing. The dome has oinave of silver was a matter with | scpraGE zND ELIGIBILITY To oFFIcE — | Liocos and the red Nat Be Sere eer . ; in conluston ON, Seen RS | oral Tucker held the centre reserve. | oliapsed and the interior Is an ee which every ove who knows any symbolic of resistance ae Sn Colas | vithdrawels. Nothing Was ae . SI Rae en-| vreck > agnificent Ceuloy,) re 1 ities j is State QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR pearing ameby The bablive>. : ak & nr +} Mi I soe Roberts to disturb the symme- | and the Guards Brigade had the cen-| vreck. The Reece ainting by thing about politics | m this State Pace aT ‘aid Insurgent Generals Tenis of Lrtepocx MUSLIN is etamped lies : : oe fthe deadly ingenuity of the ‘tre advanced. General Kelly-Ken-| ,earing the allego — ni naturally supposes bimse!f familiar.| (socrjon 1) Every male prs 78h ‘es have been driven vo, Gere with the name “Liledoun,” whl 3 ee ee ; frout of him. He} ny’s division was ordered ty» make a} “azerolle, and other eae pew eRe Geclaration of the party of), 65 in the United States an: flores have a i fT ice the sirat mashing eo —— : eco go — > = trenches : VV: : , : or-- = wis = ‘ : - , “ 70.3 eperdal nnd > wary % 10 Y s Z . t.33 Boer _ mcacs 15 fa eas estimated. }puge flanking movement southeast.} vork of art, together : ae oa ge which Mr. Butler is the nations! : male verson whe bas been na Loung tei? x = tte Ex SES seemed : RG . ; nare out nfanelry ; TT ° = . ° >» jovalue rary © ; rests : = me y u bot Aparyt ae tin pers S me Sashes § searched Out ISS neined, at 30. luntil opposite the Boer flank, and] ior of the invaluable It a y . cha:rrman, andto whose principles!iig twenty one vears of age ON ee pais ays iL df you jind anything wrong S I 4 pe z 5 eee eS in “ihe a 0.6L h rsemich | then to swing arovnd the rear Ev | sanuscript, pone? ieee gad he has protested his adherence’ in sossessiog the Quatiticutions sei cea Sake os So eae a eae send the goods back and we will 5 3 & iS rs : a a at GEO men, LLG seb re xy ee pete : aay een ei te aan Dorey gee ters > all the scuipture, as ernie he eortainiv. fori’ ove er saith jf ari he 3 luck of troops, to aibea ro - it good to you. > “> yh a } horse artillery ipa bold swerpiery movenient Was adinira ay ONE rae = ally all pecan ‘of he fire. season and out, has cet tainly. SOR ‘in this article, shall be eutitied + pane 7 RS ia eee ER rash LILEDOUN é ~ at aes ee an Dee fats cated and entirely successful. The} aved The only vie Mile Henriot, | °0Me Yeats "VOW. been sufficiently lyote at any election by the penjy roo “ree i tte bon the natives MisirN you improve tts looks un- ? vie around the | : Lane ‘oers were surprised, as was evi-|-o far asi known was Ml ae vlear and explicit. That there mu\ lin the state exceptas herein othe: Rais Oe cae atta: ca jewearsout- Phere is no starche t _ aye 33 . . B Loer ric . i : f the deserted! « hesutiful voune actress of 1). oa€ | istake at t what that dec-)| °- = General Bates bus re ars lay or mucilage to Was f a Fit 53 3731 ' eee i when ibe (Gav: at frem tbe stute of the desertes tyerceeat nate 3 ral family and her! 9€ nO mistake about wha hat dec | wise provided. freuen see eet ren ae Seas clay of Shiny woven fa & j 5 gig) FF} ae ; male 1 j S wiee toe British car ‘ ame of a theatrical rc au Nengis $3 th wing > 6} 7S . - rere at jafler icy eee ene eal out, lesvi aaa \ i ' a ice { ct witi the Boers Jcarops Twice tne Be sh va Sabad ob 2 fe oe a es Se potan? tarat cos the following fre = ee ‘Sec. 2.) He shall have residei | ree of Norib and south <7 body like ordi: srosiin. ee i & i oS is PRs The corre pon s differ as to the | were almost ip a position to Soe a he ‘Ph aces Ationie 5 Populist national platform of 1896" iy) stare of North Caroliva for ts aripes The expedition iost ses ay recs best ee se a Nee co eanannnaenceee = he best quali ne pus E en titie + } ae Neier anor . rey tere i . ae > eAtre Atieetihs an 4) st: ; i : aan ae * aribes. pr “ ig a -occly We? . im o “ _ ——— ~ . — — Miabil it enemy's sitength. The Daily Mail s| out they admit that they me re foil q ole oe : eee er. oply. 2 matter! '> pon t: 3 . .. | years, in the county six months a2 a ‘illed and ten wounded. < twisted, Coscly woven the i me ; the i ; re res ntative thipks the Loer- by tue manoeuvering of the Boers lt eee eee : st Payi : vepeti- | ace and the SS and mereseets in the precinct, ward or oiber elec - 1 ntei jug New Waceres province :f Rees ee Best Mat Spresel ‘ " .° ‘ = ey eco yy (eo use fan . = AVE Is a - Poot a nim oey ss . * “oy r the e ° . ot " + 2 ay. atwW ac . i ee methine more than 4,000 | When last seen General French a fan on ne ‘ eae coinage of gold and silver by the | 4.55 district in which he offers 1 - so ah Camarines, General Bs: if MIT IANT ° 1 r . “ Me ren a“ a she Onerd i! ‘: b ee : Pe Ti nat a Soy 0 gy nt | . - —lnaew® - ues - < en en Gi; ' Tne Daily News man estimates them | pursuing the enemy vigorously . He ion of the a5 aes eS Ee | yoverninent of the Uaited ae 2 vate four months nent preceding ib reea a 06 Goeeotsee TWeUnANG ee - ees : yj pleads esi ces Wf mt ein > age acrowd Oo ui < hhh eee : “717 ) oa: - Ge - mice tes ie sure if y at 10,000, As these figures come | wa. between them and ocenien : soe Pe sleet arate 1aoOKs j tbe present legal rat oS ree election: Procided, that retuowe leparved the same day. ‘The Aw 5 Ae eat bat oot ‘ ; , gene Sees ees Sen nay ju ring. | oad already ut re 5 ae | eves reference + be ac ° ee aoe ° nee 4 sles a : Atall—fac Dest ia: from ebservers at headquarters it is) about 11 miles from nese ee ees or he opening of the matinee. | without re-erence 20 the action Or) t-om one precinct, ward or ouh ae sent out three pur ving o- 13 tract which is but : ; clear that Lord Roberts’ force was General Colville merely demon rwaitiny t : a ae ed and few {financial course of any foreign na-| eetiog district to another in +! = me ees ete shel eens mae Ce 1S x : ; ‘ ee ve rey 1 ae ae a high mountain oc-| when the alarm was > ? , tion ‘ peer ul + nernte % imps, encou oS 7, i> stone bebwech oN Bea coywhelninely superior. He cab}strated against a big i ; " ~amed bade ‘ same county shall not opera : : HET aR A BASE PIs ie : + whelmrbsiy s pat a : ier eves : 1aG : fi J > Now pts uo : 2 tent: “ one 5 : s \ z . eteeiert tian 45,000 im- | cupied by the Transvaal troops, who | »robably would have Seer a ane After this declaration of the Pop- Acprive say ipeccon Shia shree small engayeme “2 ‘ i: life. ee es pet aoa ar uilable as the Guards|are now fleeing in consequence of} the performance begun Si ate ee ulist platform and the repeated dec- vote in the precinct. ward or otl ings a LovaLof forty me eas 13 win, In my po ren 4 1edlate! AuUavie, « - - a . ie res = J . rv 4 : es 31: : sooers 1 t > . 5 We eee : : i <—o oi ched him from Lord Me-|the flight of the Free Staters south | general scramble of empires ee larations of Mr. Butler to the same | vioction district from which he hs fae Speer Once - : a 1? Heneiit of Hulk livin wie gtatesville Ga b 3 , arigace beac - s pel z aa NE * . a ati ne -curred oOllowilpbg | s - : = t< yee} wee ce asses a ‘the enemy bas IV1IGe 0to Su 4 : ° j : . Fy thuen Tuesday Lord Metbuen now Jof the river. It is impossible at} »he doors eae srsons in the Upper | DUrpese, on the stump, ir his pews-| removed until four months alte, | “BC on ae ania Baer ae rea cil Jooging ary goods 13 3 I t ommunds only volunteers and the] present to give the Boer numbers. | alarm, severa Pee MII ieesviot paper and in the Senate it would re- | such removal. No person who b: a S10 oe ) iar yield ne Ast: for Liledoun and 3 "| ‘ ec tte os eee = e a ie ee rote 7 "7 (° e eS ine nor es. . aye al oe ; 5 =f e : v: feuderspip ¢ enerai Legespt : : 5 ; | , local forcesat Kimberley. Some of |but itisestimated that they reac bh} stories. incle : forgotten. When | ally have seemed quite superfluous |) oon convicted or who has confes:c% , © at i a aS been burued if "i } 4 ai i ‘ « . 2 = xa . F : 7 > py “nh. x af + tei YY : * - > . a bas ae urs +3 . them have zone toward Mafeking. 14.000, all of whom are now in flight ane Dudly , were : Rocriseateiscas aC question him as to pee Bey ccache an Open court upom indie! so who aa eee a vn . PDair re, Nese sh ancers i > ed toltbree quarters O1 a: ‘ MT ore “Ee COl y A Cer | vse ne ee igen = By eves ihe enemy. 20 pe mca aS " a Cte i}- PURSUING THE BOERS- Che Ninth Pee Greece ees ed into the burning tavered the free coluage of si “}ment of any crime, the puuishien: horoughiy scouted. The inba prepeid, in hotts of £0 yards & E \ RSULS Pe vet close to the Boers’ right, with|:er was pGured Into ee Re when he was questioved by | of which now is or may hereafter b)- ‘horoughiy > Pee ent gia oe Liledoun Lution bag H Ln rk — eee ° , = as|7 “2 4 . m ‘14: » et rne . 8 2 c . . . . ‘. - e > nC AOMee ¢ n 7! 3 Field Marshal Lord Roberts bas !0. ouioct of charging, but the Boers | ouilding the structure wos Des ou Sevator Aldrich we tind from the liq prisonment in the State Priso: 'Uts ee = COTTON MILES, i eee st ° = "i - ., . py . os . - ws . senredatcis ; ai}: 2 MTMOViIG wt De ‘ val ary telegraphed as follows came outin great force and the Lan- |help. An immense concourse S003 | (0) sessional Record that the fol- shall be permitted to vote unless tl including —Abeila, the pres ty eee ae . “Osfontein, March ¢, 4:40 p.m. vers were compelled to retire. A|assembied a every point from which (Vo oT remarkable dialogue en-|S7ey Po hall be first restored + governor aud other cilicial-, are ! time aud ses mel Transacts a Regular Our operations today promise to be batt ae 2 be aieaat forward to|a view of the fire could be obtained. nay * saad pesos oe be rst restore.’ "i curning to their homes. Advelia i- a j vive you ail im ‘a Interest aid oa oa : Roe tee ax yattery Was “Se x = sued: ‘itiz i acner preserh ae . ; eA ; . nm pai a great success. The enemy occ |i a sh. enemy in check, while the} Troops had to he summoned to nee “Mr. Aldrich Is the Senator oe ers S issued a proclamation calliog 4; : tian . eT son = <9 four mile . Rt ee - r , - a nenalcs whe as ti Bel Aten el eae Re ae A 2 y saW. ehus natives 3 it i he Aw ‘7 Yer Newnr ) : ci P : ~ oe pied a position four mies nor tha a Grahamstown Volunteers and a} the crowds bacs and to assist In the from North Carolina or his party (Sec 3) Every person offering t» che natives to submit io the Am Win Orr, Newark. © 5 ae mma en seems rom om eceived on most fav 11 miles so ith of the. Hodder ; riven See ae mounted infantry, sup- work of saving the art work 3. see aac ei sniamoited “< ae = ne ae ts ime a) leeali: icans. d ie ever feel sate withbo 4 = Ses EXAMINA TIO, , I placed General Coilville’s division ported dy another battery, enga:r- During the confusion thieves cut eee eae vo = cd met aeearsens pre ai The liberated priests from ss fongh Cure in the bouse. i f QUIRED. north bank <¢ renevs ; a si Paiiad tas Rain Were re ee aintines f frames eo : r . register = 7 = ‘. ros 7 . : he i re < ost life 3 t , . . . on the north bank _and Ge eee ed the Boers on their ri¢ht flank. several paintings out of on nae “Mr. Butler. Mr. President, edison in the manner hereafter pr Caceres report that the ae = ay Htel ys hife | 3 : AN JNO. A coo Kelly Keuny’s a@ Tucker's @1- ; The Boers fire? shell, which fell) and got frem the Codedie rancrise. |) question was asked me by a} \ied by law. and the general assem sjiled 6S Chinamen aud 40 Sp neumonia. We th pes sions, With cavalry, on | the south short. however. and they made a/|Theyactualiyassisted them under the prominent banker afew days ago. ae 8 ae ee eral soe | ardsatah=townll Cabanga. | |\sacwaue sade x bank. The cavalry divi ‘ion Sud Sn stubborn defenseon the kopje on|impressiou that the See ee “Mr. Aldrich. My question was b ane S See acg ae to oe is estimated that there are i004 ‘nd alllang diseases. Peasant ts > . * a af: o © ate ne | . ; S ~ i sf ~ renery stratl 4 é ; va * wary ye) n . . yy at turning the enemy s ie ft flank. ais i attery snd! workme rom the Camedie ran-| en th! . ee [5 = sy * s ee eerie vales “ap in the Cauarh. I~ 2rintens 4 4 SO re ee a a area Om right, enlilading the battery and | vorkmen f eae ee aks oat simple one, susceptibie of a cate-|Thto effect the provisions of this a vales of het} uke. barin}-<< Sea Nt UW opening a read for the Sixth Dist |i 1s of the battery horses. Tbe | ciase. The actual cause of - sc orical answer. If the Senator is} tice provinces. ssulis W. # : ee sie ; sion, which is advancing without mounted infantry gradually repelled | breax has not been determined, as [ee nine to give melione ‘Si See oes ces st Twelve hundred well armed SALE OF HEIR BTA i: ¥ ’ . * S oe tw ‘ 2 . a . » ac ver Cas ie ote . . . ia. * : ~ . “3° having beer obimged to lirea shot up the Boers and the battery then teok | thealarm came from the outside, but “Mr. Butler. 1 will answer it|); ae for eer siiyo shail beanie surgents, formerly of Cavite pt . Carper-Basccr ex-f : HO 9S ELLE ‘ to the ‘esent time sa een a position and expelied them from ‘the back of the stage was lirst — syuarely—I am glad to dol sombotll Eomeea oe ee pcre ot the dee, witha hinese general inc et for Stenting. Sein Slt retred§t wards enorto |} ©. pea ces Fre > 5 rning lhke}” - er iieanenae” c . reud Se ie ee a 5 - sf F y virtue of t athority gt ! Sr ee slosely {their laager in confusior. The Bo-| sumed the scenery bunnies tot | Will answer it in my own way. The| Constitution in the English language, Baud, surreuaced aoe oston Dispute! Dryill and testamen nat ane e256 TES pong Seas Jers helda strong position on the;tinder Owing ty aderangemen 2 banker refused to ask me if the in-] nq before he shall be entitled vayand Legaspi. Tucy have vik Frank J Moses. a former Gave Seer ae i i anita ee oe. 7 2 fal Ne "i 2 g. noni bank of the “river, Pau nS ihe Se a iit ie crease in the supply of gold was as ote he sball have paid onor befor vd three night Se arene Was ov of South Carotina, who th aoe oe DAY. ? Bus it will xet. and mounicd wnlantry, whe WOW | oye aetiry 1e Ss . ank eo not be lowered anc 1 AUCTES Be ieee ee ar rena _ Se ta eRe nily grr’ the borts sere CEN ‘ areola yeexpec ite | Cevanth Division. Colvilles light from the southern eae Oe = noe ae eee: enced sreat as would have been _the | the first day cf March of the gerr i ually See eet ests ag Was ane ef ihe tare? p 5 nah ES and then we ex! ea ee er bel Guardeieri pelicdthem to retreat ‘Lhey show-/ was quickly In ‘Henrict. with |crease causec by free coinage of! Cyioh he proposes 10 vote | : Regiment, Which nas lost cots | et i Sse ~~ : action to U - the handsomest a Ninth division and the Guares OM | og oreat adroitness in getting away; Jills Dudly and Heurict. } {Silyer, or, if necessary, to be sUP-ltay as prescribed by law | ki:led and twe tv wounced 1 yer! jo diss ccraaha? ; oon ace eee shicles ever brou; ? “orew. aremakirg | ~ ae : i mp th ; ? ? aX ¢ sreseribed OV Fay 3 sont egred in tho d : eaves Sao aL tle: » t wade, uicer Pole Carew, aremanin2 ty. gons, and displayed a bold their dressers, were on the oe | plemented by government paper. 85] nog; gee yr, Poll taxessha} nding these towns. a ehivtzed wit ccininwebe tacdnoaee ALF wees i eir wyy ueress the river at Pop ‘ront while the rest of the force was floor, preparing for the matinee.The | § smanéed by¥ the People’s party-—— Penne Sor eng x - ae uel a eer x 23,02 i —in anticipation of ee Ae J " ~e ig ieee d : “e. ea gee wt on es ose - oa fireman, |“ See a i ant ee ere ae : lisa only on assessed property “Ext Eower. loses has Veen a Presid = ‘5 on Sees jar’s drift, where 1 propo e to place busv inspanning. General French's former was rest ued by a ee “Mr. Aldrich. That is not my|,, pee ent oe ere a, August Kiower. ae ty: : e piers aie is of eur business 21V my headquarters Seco _ | division consisced of three brigades: who mounted a ladder, vicd a rope question ; 3 P ‘1, : er = se he : ne -ltis a surprising fact set ee cee : i vom cotta sis orders for a big lin a t Pus yee : eet _— Se eee 1e Uti. the collectio: f 1 MBI MA ‘ uroris uy ' te ‘ i eee : Our cesu will, I eon ean of cavalry. two of mounted infantry around her and lowered her ta the Sipe wero Ry ecaiiices ioe meee : pereeciat oe S ee Se ye Nae ree aluable fa. fe Fr pean lew, aa Lie were quite un 1 seven hor atteries vround miei =i . . ee eee te ener eaeaanl ae vee Paes eat . a a : mo ae fe ‘} z , nS and seven horse batteries. round, : ator’s question with pleasure. wernivien arts an eles nal} oarts of the world, ki q he rope: 5 in preparcd for being attacked by the ‘i ogee a Vile. Henriot’s dresser relates eras a : . = x as . Renn (Sec. 9.) No mate person Hai pares E 4 oe ° S nits 2 i ‘ CEE: and at reasonable . TACUAT ce STE: * . pt ; t y ate - oe 2 “ ig ie'geet ‘ soneh tare x = “ ‘ ie tlauk aud having their communica EVACUATION COMPLETE: that she left the dressing reom with out he must not bry to dictate OF) yy January oue, eiyhiven en SCs; [have mic a ‘ “ erand ote: bis aoe urpassing all 4 qt! til 2 witl Nuemfontein threat The Boers appear to have inade } Nene - See eee the latter sbapemy auswer. TI will do that} og lixty seven. or at any time! naviag ured Green's Sie a eens iG ae bh Surpass, ae ons wilh asec Sees : : ee % . 2er mistress, rf th i Gren Faye) ene ae pit ee re ise : : agenesis gee eee een ae cae sthe “old Mo ‘ t re inal aced. | postaud whatever, except that while |” rpletely Jost ber head, instead | 'O* inysell. My answer to the} jp iyereto entitled to vere und Piower than any obber renrens ones Melissa are le and these Come to kx i ned. i - in retreat they twice repuled Gen- cen i . oon nt up stairs and question of that banker was--— latvs ef gny state is yoo U iyspepsia, derunnec it coe ive to sain one vise ‘ ~ needing anything Hf RAISE THE SEIGE. 5 a a eRe . oO descenaing. an States “Me lavic ra t} Pht mh ° a Re RS oS titentics ! Toe oN = - hich w ” ~ : % ens ue Baek eral French's cavalry witb rifle fire J sueht refuge ip another room.| , Mr. Aldvich. My question ts 2 | siaie. whereia be ther resides ach, and for constipati« t ainant gn whe ease 4 ermsot sate 14 Yours f " gre der yes ove faben ack f° gmc set . u = Seed x ryt © ce : . . ay yy ‘ wles~ . 7” 7 +3 ; = Cee | t Se eta aa The enemy probably got away with where presumably she was asphyxi- a aoe simple one. no neal descendant of any suc: fortourists and sulesme:, : hurston.. Wiest saaassed Van ' Geta oe d approved t Wa vi ererary or she : z eer a . t SUMmMauly > . > i ooNiw . . e i: ohh saris fo Set te 7 : tte Ae SLi<s Soe ee x We cats OTe ' the big rab re acon a their entire force. General French aed The Gremen found Mile. Hep Mr. Butler, In answer to bis person, shat! ve deniea the righ: persons filling oflice aiern of One of tile suc DN eas cream dae tok aad crosses Natal south of Dundee. The is still following them and keeping << Ped recon kine question, if] would, under the con-! pcojsrer and vote ut anv electio: i. where headaches and gene: : ae UN dearine see for purchase money 2% patie, rf retreat frem Ladysmith was due to between them and Bloemfontein. | ©'° = ie 5 : pen me The body | ditions he named, still favor the free | tis state by reason of his failurc i> feelings from irregular habits ex ee Saree mate ; s } ; the mistake ef a certain ommand |. evacuation of the northern dis- mace — pe : nd piaced in an | Clmaxe of silver, and a still further |) 4<cess the educational qualitiegtie that Green's August Flower J. B. Connelly, Att'y. { . y . . roti iPpe “ = He CUE Pie oe = ° . ie . wit? rn : Mr { antin ordering bis mea to Boa tricts of Cape Colony is now com- Sees poe aa = een Pm corentehs inflation of it, lanswered him, ‘No prescribed in section four of ih + srand remedy. ludoes net iny SL.50 Versus $150.69. " } le * t » : - . . . . ‘ = a 1 % . ‘ a . . } + ey y , >} . , sf I es . 1 ie Poe > « : ay from the key of the position without) 4. phe Britishare in possession S70" - aa yin front of the door “Mr. Aldrich, New without any |oyti¢ Provided be stall bave vo; «| che systetn by frequent Ure. uti : us es oI oN 5 ; “ any recon for the move. of the railroad crossings. one Pas so tauch burned| #satall, or any other suggestion, |j<:ured in accordance with the ters ~ excellent for sour stomach~ avd Messrs. Wooten & Co... Preity, SOU tNerE Table r Se canoe Ha aoe pe Colonel Baden-Powell at Mate- a = . ae “unrecownizable. the |'S the Senator from North Carolina of this section prior to Deceurs . digestion. Sample bottic- free *. Ge. say: One ol « 1 in it See ees Te Rees) king seems tobe in grave need of j04y wastaken to the morgue. where | °° his party in favor now of the free} one, nineteen haudred and eis > W. FE. Hall, Jes, Draggint Se eee = S Fix r ie ie ae *t wens rece ved > rarrons ee ; “ iS s00V was ti ; prue. moe na Nee eater Pa : ; . as tags Ieaenie anit ie ue sutered with jJiver ~ ei t ar ena ee =a fe ao orcs outside help. Otherwise he would |, was identitied by M. Ccquelin and and unlimited oo of silver at! phe general assembiy spall previ Sold by ail deaters in ail civil ullerea wit es Cw BE ER: c 4 : t , ole te >! rorsbero, and soor ry mee : ' als ‘ a “4 hat ; ‘ 5 3 . Ca | : wat mers . mie? evera ‘ 12 ToC Se Se cee iY ee js |not allow the correspondents tO oie members of theelothing. Mean- the ratio of 16 to 17 ‘ for a permanent record of ail pe - countries. eae ee fishin } i strings 6° OX W avons lined the reads DSVCES 5 “Mr, Butler. If [could write the Se — — -~.. hey fared to ber Ve aa se a a Paar SI Ee ee Over a thousand wagens took the vesternly route to the laager south- westof Ladysmith. Another con- Loy Was sent to the foot of the Drat- ensberg. A large number of tents captured trom the British at Dance und also the ammonition were sbandened. The ebief difticulty wes distress of the garrison. higher commands is taking place. General White is to go to Stomberg Division, nuw in process of forma tion, which will be under the imme- send out information respecting tbe A readjustment of seme of the to take supreme command of Gener- al Gatacre’s divisiou and the Tenth while the mother cf Mlle. Hen- riot had hurried to the scene bare-headed, and was crying wildly _for her daughter. ‘he was distract- ed with erief. Mile. Henriot’s dresser was badiy burned, but. not dangerously. A rumber of the tire- men were slightly injured, chiefly law governing the financial temof this Government, J would not provide for the free and un- limited coinage of any metal or com- bination of metals, and then further provide that the amount of those metals that acvident and chance brought from the mines should make SYs- sons who register under thi- tion on or before November fr nineteen hundred aad eis! : such persons shall be : register and vote in all elections & the people in this state uniess ¢1 qualitied under section two ot thi- article: Provided, such persots, Arrested for Poisvaing her Huasbac . Columbia, $. C., Dispatch, oth. Mrs Belle Craddick, 3 young woman, is in jail here, ches od with poisoning her husband, W. Craddick, a baker, who Gd. i February 10th. Suspicisus cire:s - stances caused Corcner Green tc ailed upon bun to ti Jills and Pel sore ana is i aan, and hes -avs the pills saved ni: ix boxes cost hin is trip to New } hands. > 2 eras ee tO oousult t cost t For sale ©. = Texas Has just opens STANGARYD fariuw 4 cle of housebold us would call special set. Also 3 prece little more moncy line of goods but The Direct Line » aij VB CE Ga t e FS Cidt> Suuday. = iti : . shall have pai vir poll tax as re- OTS) : LY 45H ae in dismounting “Long Tow.” | ainte command of General Hunter. Be he sea the volume of the nation’s money. ae a pad oor ; der the arrest of his widow and 3-9, 8. Ro Trastall, drugeist 1 aE iforn 2 Se The Boers were independent of the | o.oo nge White's chief of staff Se ee That kind ofa system might make i (See. 6 ) Gl elections by the peo-| Daridze Daxians sho bead ba a | —— mae am Oe — on : Sib railroad, as is shown by the fact that] ° seins ae as Six-year-old Girl Travels 4.000 Mites | tg9 much money one year and tool). chal! be by bailot. aud all cle Sangingaround the woman | Ti > K YQ Dress Suit Cases, not one of their 2.060 wagons went ah ne ere Be SS ; little anether year. There would ae ar Ba en emerges caus ly shy.j) pair was subsequently releasca o> 4 a ° geniously arranes by rail. All traveled by road, to- Insticating Violence. Asheville Citizen. be nothing certain or stable about Se le ae ac eae eee re erties eae tuela dl ok {tah te Nn . oat A een ea : Se ees se stadle a00U0) be viva voue. jecnnleality, anc as se Us. and wether witl the tield batteries. On- Raleigh News and Observer. “Inez Slocum has completed.]it. Under the free and unlimited (Sec. 7.) Every voter in Nort affair had ended. But Coro + i Pet lv the hevy guns, the infantryand) The Republican-Populists may be glone, a trip of nearly 4,600 miles by {coinage of gold alone, itis possible|Cysoiina except as in this uriie. Green and Police Officer Black 1 < z Pp ils mre ic wounded went by rail. When the | said to have opened their campaign pai} from Butte, Mont., to Winston-| that there might be suck an enor- ake ; lifted ois slic ible to < ie tsisted in their investigation. J) = ® ‘ OFEG ie s lust train bad left Elandsiaayte. a} shen Senator Butler threatened “te solem, N. C.. says ibe Kaosxviite} mous output of goldin one year as Bos beakers ee oe upon the Gntics, contents of Craddick’s stomach w- 2, ) Spe Sia Cure workmen's train followed, carefuily whip cut of the State’ the advo- Journal and Tribune. “That =belto inflate the voiume of money Olthe nee roa take and sui-{analyzed. Last night the wou; 3: ip \ Strictly Pirst< ase Ry fhrowluge Wp every bridge ard culvert cates of White Supremacy. came through that entire distance | greater than the increase of popula- SE he pcan Gane oe é was remanded to jailas the chem ~ ,} Di = £ k 4 ' Ment or all Piercus between Ladysmith and Glencoe} Tre Republican formal announce- without a scratch and wasciven the|tion and business, and therefore it do solemnly ANAS the i{De.c. Y¥. Owings, testified tu. =| IGES?S w at you eat. ; Local Trains: 9 Polh and When this bad been done, ment of its adoption of the Republi. yest of aiiention isa tribuie to the] would disturb values ’ a oe patie Teagan the «a... 1Craddick’s stomach conta; ;! SItartificialiy digests the fecd and aics : Palace Sieenisny Ose : ~ iting fre to the Klandslaagte COM lean Kentucky method was uttered warchtulness aod fatherly care of | Of course this juggling with words Seeeees ae peor se tie Unit. lenough arsenic to cause deat! t ature an. strength ning and recon: Wiewht Traine: F261 asd sa « With simultane te Shas the British. with Na-lat Newton lust veek py Spencer the American railway conductor can have but one meaning ~that Mr] States oa constitution aud jaws cf! Negro cooks and servants te en ae eee a scheduics head blocks and © tu rermost collieries in their| Biockourn, Assistant US. District “When Conductor Fred Caniwei!. | Gatler bas deserted ube platform of North Bs ie sot a tent | Sed that while Craddick was si 34 er mare eS = Seine Travel! by the Sourher:: 4 most sensitive feed . are unable to draw supplies} Attoreey. when he said “let Noeth who runs onthe Salisvuary passen-}bis party on the silver question. If Renee et. and that I will fgithful. i supposedly with grip, bis wife « la approach it in hiclonee It in- assured a safe. { e Sa mill, also Frick Cq Bein : ; .., {Carolina Democrats tage warsiey oer went through the train onj}ne bad favored the free colvage of cn oeaaes duties of my cffive pl annisteres some drasio bis col . i stantlyrelievesand permanentiyeures) Expevitions Journ. ENG Under cover of the night and with | from the fate of Wilham Goebel.” Monday to collect fares trem his} silver ot the ruthie of 16 to T, accord : Me eCE Aoi inenGealt: ,avowedly to break him of the jig | Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Jieartburn, ,ppry zo Ase NE No 8 Oo tae evilicries sending lurid flames to} Butter is going to “whip them cut passengers, hestruck the mest di-liag to the declaration of bis party, oe The ene ; classes «ttand cigarette habit There | Flatulence Sour Stomach, Nauseo, | O RICEET AGENTS Fon mm Tai ANDB heaven, the bullock wagons wound | of the Siate”’ and Blackburn advo- jninutive passenger it had ever veen [be wound have said so | Why there- persons shall be disquaiified f+ {been quarreis between the Gr. | SitkHeadache,Gastraigta,Cramps,and - i bs ei ie cates assassination, a la the Kea- pis good tortune to see and te bus} fore this sudden coy ness of Mr. But- office: First, ali persons who shad idicks. and the woman was heard “Se EN eee iwonths scige of Ladysmith was rais ed. It is not possible as yet te g ve he bureher casualties, owing to the zation oi the ambulance and the ciccuiastances of the retreat. Cisory Pant i Veace Talked OF ‘ :yner the Boers, and individual de- ‘alizution. portending disintegra- Z was - : cone iene ie ranean = : . aaa : = 2 aye ata 2 if contained in this act amendins itn tals city for vears. sChill Viils eure chills. ‘ ” coe tion, unless speedily stemmed. The|aod I have reasons in addition soa it was anote that perhaps many | publican party. A member of the] constitution shall zo into effec ov 5 SSS eee Brown a txay ss . } iv sVvoY iev : ; “ ) oy é ° : ' : Sadan A ¥ “ : < tiNer & Co., Mooresville , % tii bt of the burghers from Poplar| those given by you to believe that! conductors bad read, The note,| blacks and-tans on State issues for : Grove, according to all accounts, , C be pe as C ; Bb : - dred and two, if a majority of tp ui Faas rt ieee : f Paes holly tnglorious. A Times oo @ deep laid scheme os “the name of the littie miss und stated} -get right” on national questions qualitie! voters of the state so dv; children from croup at once by «= rrenonac "fice—Second Floor Gani is, Cispatch from Poplar Grove, under} part of our opponents through their! spat $6.50 had been placed in the}as well, te she end that he may be Glare at the next general election ing One Minute, Courh Cure. | ie Woolford’s + -~— y . nea ~ a ate _ a on . 5; 5 - ~ ‘ t - an +4 v ‘ ee = eee ne 7 . ai Sold bv St sesierday’s date, goes so far as to|tevenue officers and others to cau-e¢}jittle bag to pay for her ii from {admitted into full and soulful fel- See. 3 This amendent shall bo! would net feet safe without i eee usvert that the rout of the Boers was so complete that the submission uf the Free State is being demanded by the bur chers from their unwill- ing President. and it is expected that its submission will be made w: hin a week. | > | ch ey ‘The correspondent | 0t conspicuously Rene and note and then, just for amu-ement, |his party platform Senator Pritch-| ¢o:¢e yay first. eighteen hundye- | Are Made Miserabie by ing Kidney and Bindder disease :<- rs Bek: 2 ur For C is: *Probabiy the Boers wisest | making themselves generally obnox-| counted her money, for ite little{ar@, whom he tried to defeat for] ang ninety-nine. and at said electio. | Z : Se eee 2 coarse Was flight, but it was most|ieus to the Democrats. " bag seemed to contain muh more|}election to the Senate on the alleged | thosa een er een ieee | Kidney Trouble. prise on account of its exceeding promptuces: SY U5 sale. vadigeitied, asd is certain to pro-| “Why does X——,(naming «]<h1n the original $650. \.hen he|vround that he was hostile to silver, Sapa eenatnont Seaiiteast elias eee Fe ae ne aS i t ro duce consternation at Bloemfoutein. prominent revenue official from te | jad completed the task be found | recommended Mr. Butler’s kinsman se a oer Boos acorn esc eae ee 2 i N Imost immediately. If you eee Pane es you b "i Phere isi growing ourcry against. Eiehth Congressional district) have that she had exactly $27.30. show-] for the postmastership at Fayette- een genans AR eres Sasa ae aS aitact ch So pike need SAI iy esr r figure any further iadentification of the{so much business recently in so ng that her trip had been « profita-| ville. This, to be sure, was a mere- aa sea pandas se % rages and lessens ee vig . ; fe ~ “i will be ree State with the Transvaal’s rpterests.’ Dispatches from the Boer camp aut Glencoe, via Lorenzo Marques, depict President Kruger as donniog :: bandolier, seizing a rifle and invit- ing volunteers to accompany him, ABLES : : 4 _| patriotic wrath with postoffices or} sy. pci) ounced under the <a: SWOT iS aerisiaag eration 3 as he wished to have a shot at the}izev wholives in a county where|~ +-\When Barber Juncticn, which is}any other form of pastry? The en ae See Tare Noe ASR =~ enemy himself, having declared in|the revenue doodles show their}12 miles west of Salisbury, was|Honorable Marion Butler is See et en oe SS ae SES Ps his address to the troops, that be “aid not kaow whether arbitration or intervention would end thestrug- wie, but that it would end within the next month, ke strongly believed.”’ — + - el Hames Stopped by Dynamite. ad,5.D., Dispatch, oth. Fire which breke out this morna- ingia the Ba:kenberg Saloon con- sumed forty bui:dings before it was the tire with dynamite in order to Stop Is spread. and generous official—the ‘\merican Headache and Malaria sige ciieys =Al ¢ wih kidney. and bladder trou! mavinecdinwhe fd. uit Ny frstclass dealers ouig. if cour va ule ihe cuir aie Sa chats : a ] » 4 i . rtified among the permanent rec-j; -~ vga alee -—-. May need i the +4 in your torn rive aes Set a ue Se eis pleasant for chil- railway conductor e natrip|* E: W- Matthews, Unitia, Tenn eae of hix office. cS oa seo = nes ea es ; ROCK BILL TUGGY CO, Rockit, §.C S estima 200, 000. e Dead-}dren to take. eartily recom : y she was making such atrip sp ee s Pl iegy ee cia Se Leen tae ane | enamine cre ond 6 . : 2 writes: [ have used ; . 5 This act shall bein foree | Swamps s A eo i wood tire eae was called for!mend it to mothers.”’ Itis the only 10 one coutd tell. Allshe cnuld say eee AS adache, ee eo afterits ratification. Rat. {sy seater! =e = ee ai war 6 | ESS & noede “ : iI . 5 a“ * 1%} I 0 it Salty i ne ize poe a6 : harmless remedy that produces im- | vas that ‘papa was at home. mam biliousness for more than two years, |ified the Zlst day of February, A, |cent and one dollar mi m4 a . in Sars oo ea fire| mediate results. It cures bronchi- | wa gone.’ or ees as she Poet and they have given complete satis-|D. 1899 | sizes. You may have a eee =" Line. If vo e nct FOR SALE ‘partinents it vas found necessary} tis, pneumonia, yrippe and throat] »ounced it. eperheps meant by : : m Aes i caraple bottle by mail att yore | ° you arey uc | i blow up buildings in the path of|and ae faction. I can truly say that I have} -—————__= a ee aps | | tict Springs, Ark., had two sui- tucky Republicans. ‘been running for many lors . cars. Of course both ofthese advocates: — --That passenger was a ittie girl, of Negro Rule squirm when the peo-* who lisped to bis “query. that she ple repudiate their cut-throat advice | was six years old. When he asked out that Goes not alter the fact th+t | her for her ticket she gave it to him they have advised a lawless cour=® and he was surprised to vote from which would bring about the ana! it that the litte girl had rraveled chy and revolution that the Repeb-! continuously six days dnd nights, we make the following extract: s ] i Sewed to tbe band of ber -Lirt was “have jast read your intervie-7 a little bag ticd with strivgs wad in your conclusion is correct and that} wyitten in Buttc, merely wzave the trouble and violence, and, in some sections they will attempt to buii doze. Iventurethe assertion that there will not be a public speaking ofarny importance in the West in which armed revenue officers are not the time she started on her jourvey from the Pacific coast util sbe eeached her destination. Ir further requested all conductors ta see that she was provided with focd “Conductor Cantwell read the many different counties—quick, has- ty visits, met, sometimes at least, by prominent Republicans and the Deputy Collector of the district an¢ other revenue officers. ”’ This is not the utterance ofa poli- tician, but of a quiet, obseryant cit- dle one to say the least. “A lady passenger; who became interested in the little touri-t, took charge of her and after vivirg her as good a wash as the toilet room of the t ain afforded, changed her slothing from head to heel. hand, North Carolina people may as well understand now that there ave Republicans in this State desperate enough to follow the example of the Kentucky assassins. veached, the Jittle girl was turned over to the Winston-Salem man by Conductor Cantwell and she would then soon complete the renaining small fraction of ber journey across the continent. “That this little gir) mace sucha teip alone is sureiyv the highest com- oliment that ¢>,'4 be bestow d upon that much wo-ried, kind hearted Mrs Calvin Zimmerman. smiles burg, Pa., says. ‘Asa speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat Oue Minute Cough Cure is and lung diseases. It will prevent that expression that her mother W. F. Hall, Jr. was dead.”’ _——P> «> ae - An unksown white tramp was| Twomenwere killed and many :killed by the train near Clayton,* injured in a railrgad accidevt vear Jobuston county;.on¥ day last week: Brozil; Ind.; Tuesday. | consumption. m oe * sin fer? Why did he dodge a vategor- icuianswer, and hedye, and grow red in the face and explain while his colleagues smiled and the gal- leries tittered at his discomfiture ? Doubtless Mr. Butler's conversation with the banker was bighly edify ing, probably even touching, but it Mr. Butler’s rico- chet. toward the ranks of the Re- kept ab eve on some time past. he has begun to iowship. It is likewise worth while to note that on the sume day that Mr. But- ler took the big end of a half hour to explain to the Senate why he no longer favors the main plank of ly happy coincidence; it could not have been an indication that any of the old hostility on the money ques- tion had been quenched between the pair, Who would dare attempt to quench the Hon. Marion Butler's un- quenchabie. Nevertheless. the fact is*baid and ugly that Butler uo longer favors the free coinage of silver, and that as well as his attempt to sell them once more to the negroes and doo dles, he will have to explain to those of the Populist party who have up to this time followed his leader- sbip. never found anything better for the complaints if taken at the proper tame. They are a sure preventa- tive for malaria. For sale by N. R, Tunstall, druggist. deny the veing of Almighty Go Second, all persons who shail hav been convicted or confessed the euilt on indictment penGiug air whether seatenved or not or uud judgment suspended of any treasc.: or felony orof any other crime 10” which the puniskment may be iv of the constitution reiating te si! frayve. registration and vieciteus : the tirst day of July, nineteen inui submitted at the next veneral ciec- Sfon te the qualified voters of ft state in the same manner aed ode the same ruies and regulstioas 25 provided in the law regulating yes- eral elections in this state and i: shall cast a written or printed ai ot with the words “Against th Imendment’” thereon See 4. The said election shall}. beld aud the votes returned, cov wared. counted and e@anvassed a» for returaing. comparing. countia: and canvassiag the votes for mom- bers of the weneral assembive ari. fir-t. eiuhteen hundred and ninety gine, and ifa majority ofthe vote: cast are in favor of the said ameonc ment. it shall be the duty of the ao ernor of the stateto certify sai amendment under tae seal of th: state to the secretary of state, who shallenroll the said amendment so M. B. Smith, Butternut. Mick. says, “DeWitt’s Little Eariy R- ers are the very best pilis I eve. usd for,costivesess. ver and wow- e} troubles." W: F. Hall, Ir. -jand contained an alkaline soluir 3 ee so say that would give SoG: tionery engines something to put her husbaud -> sleep and keep himso. The bors + iwas foynd under the heurthst» "SURES 2 COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Laxative tuggisis refun “he genuine ho mouey it it tails to cere 1. B. Q. on each tabict Thetis Tack Ges, tofarsenic. The case has produced 3 sensation here this morning. Da. - Sins Was not re arrested. ! Craidick borea good reputati . i London Dispatch, 9th, ticans and their aities brought about} coming trom Butte. Mout. where |is a tritle difficult io see what that, prisonment in the pevitentiar: STATESVILLE, N.C. Prom various quarters come signs in Kentucky. ie her ticket was stamped and being} had to do with the question whether | nee becoming citizens of the Unio iat recently lost a position oy 4 - 5 : of the onssibiiity of peace in South The incendiary utterances of tuese! pound for “inston Salem. NC. he favers or does not favorthe free ed States, or af corruption and mai , count ofthis wife, who has the re Usa: rings bor ' t Atciea being shortly within the/opponenrts of White Supremac, will | ~The child was bright asd intelli [coinage «f silver ‘practice in office. uniess such perso! Nation of being a virage. MM. SouEreiGent ; i bounds of praciical polities. All the | bear their logical fruit, Yesterday) vent aud were veat but pilin cloth-| se faras tbe people of this State] spar ou restored to the rights o (Uraddick’s father isa boiler mai Music. spe a 3 dixpaiches ‘rem Lord 2cberts’ head-| © bairman Simmons received alettertiig With ber she bada pa teboard{are concersed they will easily ua-| osigenshin in a manger prese. then a the Southera railway shops ot ‘a } qmarters, inquding those of the from one of the wisest, most moder: box, in which men’s shirts are ship-|der-tand Mr. Butler's hesitancy. b ; jaw. sae veil esteemed ; SS Seattle commascerit Chief himself, indi-;#ted nd most conservative men iN} ped, and in thit box shehiad two or] [: ~eems to have puzzled the Senate.) “sug. 2 Tout aliof the provi-ic: Dawkins enlisted in the Sous! fips ye mS th i 3, eee cc fos cate the x of a guiding spirit] Western North Carolina,from which | pores complete chauges of clothing. | possibly because the Senate has not ee i : varandhas deae nothing sine RW Pres oe noes a5 } 1 Povilte® o ' This is the most sensational seavd See 2. Harris, Seutts; J. Be Vers. Uarriet Evans. Hinsiab-,i 1, 7 | Sitts per bolle, i writes, “Tnever fail tg relieve : a si3t atesville, S. y cures Coughs colds. grip. > ; +7) } 2S wary throat and luny Giseas: . okie LAXASIVE BROMO OVINID c TrUgpistsreiuud the money if it fails to cur . W. GROVE’s stumature on ey cry box. 25¢ Women as Well as Me: y ; . + . 25 & disappear when the ki a pre” he _, Reys are out cf ord oh ip diseased. \j thatitisn f ~.¢ tor a child to be Try Us On urine scalds the flesh or if, when th hes an aze when it should be a passage, itis yet afflict ng. depend upon it. th iculy ts kid Sporting Goods, Table Cuitery, Meat Choppers or anythiz= else you im Suppose. | as well as men are made wi | 37 | ‘ pleased with our gonds after examining them, we don’t ask you to buy, free, also pamphlet tell- ome of Swatap 2x g all about is, including many of ui - taousands of testimonial letters recefir: : | rom sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilns: - & Co.. Binghamton, N: Y., Se sure ani “mention this paper. - - Yours troly. on On s t e n en e Gromo Quinine Tablet. 4 ire roe size, and the vre Eclipse traction Gotton Gins at Jov Statesville, N. C- Seo on ae INSURANCE HEAD IUAP TERS In ord BE R E A N - at h , ; \ Ad ia r 4 ee La Na s WA A oe ESTE s ee 3 SR SNS) z ed o ; 4 — cmen core =a i “ar: og jee. Be di: Bue TNF ee ot Sete ee 7 he Rete ee iz a Neck at 4 i This lo gone SR A Re d e Look weil. and. wl Exe CROW2SON & SRON r 1 v AWAY FLOM THE 90) —uabinetien cheaper by. tae ; ——_ | T0 CURE A COLD ID ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Qcixmxe Tames. ~ ig, it sails tore 5 erty con A “a et Ma l 83 G Se ; ape fy Vie { Ae AE LTA ss AMINATION im} AT wth N ae . >. = e va ~~ “4 ‘ ey on a RES Y . ~e€ * . . i a — Su OGVWVE F iat eee Pw . * 5 tC % 24 ~~, © a ‘ s Sule f > i i A! 'sa% + ‘ ‘ TA _ $ ° . Tanne - ode > eT 1 il 7 7 We Ge EHS x: on ~~ i io g + a VS A tS > at Sc - te gy me, - 73 os Cz cs iD b CrcinrnE TaBLets. *1€ ey. it. it tails to tlt Ou every com 29° ~ ee ee fo a Lok ff Ay ‘ EE at ’ Nn The Statesville asc WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIR CULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VOL, VIL. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, MARC 22, 1900 1 handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known the best quality. Pest Material, First-Cl gtatesville, N.C. Transacts a Regular Banking Business. interest aid oa $ Special attention paid to collections on al ‘Accounts {UC coorations Merchants, eceived on most favocable terms OFFICERS: JNO. A COOPER, President, J.G, IrVIN, Vice President time deposits. Money loaned on good ] points, an‘ cre Manutfactorers STATESVILLE MARBLE WORES CCo_—_— o the trade and ass work and Lowest Prices c. BWEBE The First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. Deposits received subjeci to check cn sig collateraland persona) secur dited or remitted at and Individualt 30 GEO, H. BROWN. Caskier. You Can’t Run a vehicle NOW WITHOUT HAVING TO WASH IT OFF, But it will get drier after a while and then weexpect to have one of the handsomest and best lines of vebicles ever brought to Statesville —in anticipation of the biggest trade of our business lives, we have placed orders for 2 big line of buggies, first class in material and workmanship apd at reasonable prices—-we intend surpassing all previous records. Come to headquarters when needing anything in this line. Yours truly, lowestra Barron & Nicholson INTERESTED IN Tableware or Glassw Has just opened 20 cases THE VARIETY STORE of aboye goods, comprising almost every arti- cle of household use in this line, decorated and plain. In Glassware would call special attention to our T-pi Also 8 piece Water sets at 75 and There has been some set. little more money. has _ line of goods but we can still give See Our New Line of Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Valises and Grips. veniously arranged and we think we can save you sor 98e. are? ece Berry sets at 30 and 50c, per You will see no prettier at a advance in the market on this you as low prices as formerly. They are stroug, durable and in- ne money on them. W.H. ALLISON. FRICKE COMPANZ’S Eclipse Portable; Circular Saw? Mill Es With simultaneous racket setting head blocks and cable rope feed, the most sensitive feed ever put On a Saw mill. also Frick Company s ENGINES AND BOILERS, on wheels or sills. Sta Portable os tionery engines and boilers, any climbing size, and the great hill Eclipse traction engine. Cotton Gins at low prices. A few Statesville, N. C. \ ? | HEN TONIC PELLETS you icine, but a Complete Treatmen ness, Constipation and Headaches. distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25c- The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nerveus system and invigorate. you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & do not buy a med- t for Bilious- It is two licited and EDITORIAL NOTES. Col. John S. Cuningham, of Per- son county, has withdrawnas a can- didate for the Democratic nomina- tion for Governor. His card(print- edelsewhere) is that of .a true and patriotic Democrat, and will add to the regard in .which Col. Cuning- ham is held thronghout the State. With this withdrawal only ex-At- torney General Theo. F. Davidson, of Buncombe, is nowin the race against the peerless, gifted Aycock. Col. Davidson shou!d now withdraw alsoand let us nominate Mr. Ay- cock by acclimation. oie ! Burke county Democrats have unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed their gifted countyman, Col. Wm. S. Pearson, for State Auditor. Heis one of the ablest Democrats in the State and should receive the nomination from the State convention, An ablespeaker, be will make a campaign for the ticket and the amendment which will long be remembered in the State. If elected, he will make one of the best officers the State ever had. As a Democtatic editor, he has always remained true to all the principles of the party, and his vigorous edi- torials have added much strength to the Democratic position in Burke and the adjoining counties. True as steel to his friends, blessed as few men are with those qualities of head and heart which go into the make-up of “good fellows,” Col. Pearson should not ask this nomina- tion in vain of his party. He @e- serves it. Let's give it to him. * . * Some of the papers of the State want the Democrats to put Mr. Me- bane on their ticket for re-election as State Superintendent of Public Instruction. They say that he has made a good officer. We suppose he has, but so has Auditor Ayer aud Treasurer Worth,so far as we know. The former has kept correct ac- counts and the latter has kept the State’s money safely. While this is true, we want their places for Democrats, and we are of those who want a true Democrat nominated for Mr. Mebane’s place. Surely the great Democratic party has a man as honest and as capable for this office as the Republican incumbent. Let’s find him and give him the nomination. Weare a spoilsman, if you please, and believe in Demo- crats putting Democrats into office, when they can. We take no stock in the non-partisan nonsense we see in some papers. Let’s man the old Democratic ship this year with Democrats from deck-hands to cap- tain. We are not inthe humor to Miss Myrtle Harbin has returned ‘from a visit to Asheville and Ma- | rion. Mr. Jesse M. Lippard, of Falls- town township, will build a dwell- ing on Stockton street near Mr. J. S. Leonard’s residence. Mrs. John B. Houston, of Moores- ville, visited her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Harbin, Sast week. Mr. E. J. Lilly, of Lilesville, re- turned home last week from a_visit to his stepdaughter, Mrs. W. H.Al- lison. The county commissioners will decide a petition for a public road from Rock Cut to the negro church called Clar':’s chapel at their April meeting. Messrs. T. L. Steele, J. A. Con- ner, John Foard, C. B. Webb, R. L. Flanigan, B. B. Webb and J. E. Deitz went to Mooresville last Thursday evening and organized a lodge of the Junior Order of Uni- ted American Mechanics. - Mr. Andrew Jackson left Jast Fri- day for Goldsboro to take charge of the carding and spinning room in the Wayne Cotton Mills. Mr. Jack- son learned the mill business with Mr. A. B. Saunders, superintendent of the Statesville Cotton Mill, Mr. Jackson isa young man who will succeed. de W.M. Howard for County Commis- sioner. Correspondence of THE Mascot. The Democrats of southezst Statesville township desire to vote for W, M. Howard, Esq., for county commissioner Mr. Howard is a working Democrat and a compe- tent man in every way for the office. Let him be nominated. STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP DEMOCRAT. Barium, N. C., Mareb 16th. connor J.W.Hager tor County Commissioner Correspondence of THE MAsCorT. Many of the Democrats of Sharpes- burg, Concord and Bethany town- ships want James W. Hager, Esa., of Clio, for county commissioner this year. No better Democrat lives in the county and no better man for the place can be found. Help us nominate him. Respectfully, Bretuany DEMOCRAT. Armfield, N. C., March loth. sr Death of an Iredell Man in Texas. Correspondence of THE Mascor, The sad news of the death in Tex- as of Mr. W. A. Kennedy, son 0 Mr. H. C. Kennedy, of Davidson township reached here today by a letter written to his mother, Mrs. Julia Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy was about 25 years old and went to Texas about a year anda half ago. He was engaged in railroading on the Santa Fe Route at Lyons,Texas, at the time of his death. He con- tracted smallpox and died after an illness of 13 days. His death occur- red on the Sth. He was a bright, intellingent young man, and was often very ret- icent in ais manner. He taught school bere in Davidson township vote for radicals in this year of grace 1900, and we believe ninety-five per cent.of the Democrats of North Carolina areof our way of think- ing. —— Rhode Island Democrats have oominated Nathan W. Littlefield for Governor. The delegates to the National convention are Bryan men. The Chicago platform was endorsed and re-affirmed. The plat- form declared against imperialism and trusts. Tne Bryan men con- trolled the convention by a big ma- jority. —_——— i DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CON- VENION. Aconvention of the Democratic party of the 27th Senatorial district composed of the counties of Davie, Iredell and Yadkin, is hereby called to meet at Harmony. Iredell county, on SaturDAY, Apri Tru, 1900, at 11 o’clock, u. m., for the purpose of nominating two candidates for State Senators. By order of the committee. This January 23rd, 1900. O. E. Crowsos, W. G. NICHOLSON, Secretary. Chairman. Dissolution Sale. In order to change business we are offering our entire stock of Clothing at Cost For Cash. This is no fake to catch sale. Why pay profit elsewhere w yourself here at manufacturer s price You bad such an opportunity to buy 1 Come quick to avoid the rush, Thanking you for past favors we are figures. will be closed out. Very Truly, Sloaz & Shelton For the next 60 days we will print at reduced prices,in any quantity, ~ 30,000 _. BILL:i#HEADS, This lot was bought at a bargain, and after they are gone the price will advance. THE CROW2ON & SRONCK, PROPR’S. aed) N t Co: tain Quinine Nor. Does Not Con‘ Q we hive ever Landi BROWN MF’G. CO., R BMON’S best ed. My theonly Chill Tonic which a child can take wi 50c. Prop’rs, Greeneville, Pepsin Tenn. mn. he Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. say: “Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Tonicis the ice,and says it is mach.’ trade but a genuine hen you can clothe s. Never before have goods at your own stock must and MASCOT PRINTING CO. Chill Tonic is Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chills and Fever and all Malaria! Troubles. Other Poiso Not Injure t W. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex. avec ison prescribes it in his practi thout injury to the sto —— ee DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN- TION. A convention of the Democratic party of Iredell county is hereby called to meet in the court house in Statesville, N. C., ou TUESDAY, APRIL 3RD., 1900, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for the puypose of nominating candidates for the Legislature aud the county offices and of electing delegates to the Sen- atorial, Congressional and State conventions. The chairmen of the various pre- cinct committees of the county will meet in Statesyille on Tuesday, April 3rd, 1900, immediately after the adjournment of the county con- vention, for the purpose of electing acbairman and four members of a county ceatral executive committee. All qualified voters who intend to support the Democratic ticket in the elections are cordially invited to at’ tend and participate in the prima- ries, which are hereby called to meet at the respective voting places in each precinct on SATURDAY, MARCH 31ST, 1900, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing a precinct executive com- mittee of five members and delegates to the county convention. By order of the committee. This January 3rd, 1900. A.D. Watts, R. B. McLavGutin, Secretary. Chairman. some years ago. G. F. ERVIN. Perth, N. C., March 14th. A New Ticket Suggested. Correspoudence of Tun Mascot. ] learn- that there is some discon- tent as to the county offices. There is some tendency to retain some of our county officers and turn others out. I think this would be unjust and disrespectful to the excellent incumbents. They have all filled the offices well and none of us dare say ought against their official re- cord. But the fathers set the prec- edent that itis best to rotate our officers. I have supported the pres- ent incumbents for the past four years willingly and cheerfully anc their official records cannot be ex- celled, but there are others who can doas well, and to be impartial let us put ina new set of men and be true to the principle of Democracy. I suggest H. C. Summers for reg- ister—a Christian gentleman whom the county will do well to honor with the office; M. L. Lentz for treasurer—a clever gentleman whoml have known for a number of years, whose mental faculties are quick and active and who is a faith- ful Democratic worker; W. A. Sum- mers for sheriffi—a mar whom I partially know and whose reputa tion is of the best; A. D. Watts for the House--an intelligent working young Democrat who would make Iredell a representative in the State Capitol of whom she would be proud. Respectfully, ConcorD DEMOCRAT. Stony Point, March 5th, SC , Horse Broke Its Neck. Mooresville Enterprise. Wednesday afternoon Mr. E. M. McNeely sold twelve bales of cotton at 10 cents, and after making the delivery, his team was sent home, and the horses were turned out for aromp. One of the animals ran against the ferce in front of the house and broke its neck. The horse was valued at about $100. ——- Death of Mrs. John Phillips. Mooresville Enterprise. The wife of Mr. Jobn Phillips, who liyes justa short distance be- low town, died Wednesday night at S o'clock, after a month’s illness with yellow jaundice and a compli- cation of troubles. Mrs. Phillips was more than 60 years of age, ‘and leaves a husband and six children. Deceased was a member of the Baptist cburch. The funeral was conducted from the home yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock by Rev. J. L. Shinn, her pastor, Rev. W. E. Setzer, W. Caton, N. |X., writes, “Thad dyspepsia oyer twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. e % for all forms of indigestion.”’ It di- gests what you eat. W. F. Hall, Jr. f|frost for tonight. Mooresville to Have a Bank. STATE NEWS. { Mooresville Enterprise. \ In keeping with the progress of The State Teachers’ Assembly | the town, Mooresville is to have a will be held this year at Morehead | baak, the organization having al-|City- reauy been perfected. This new] The President has inte enterprise will be known as the}1,, MeCaskill ee postmaster at Fayette- | Bank of Mooresville and will be} yi}to, open and ready for business not : later than July ist, 1900. ‘Lhe in-| | Con’ i: large quantities has been corporators are not known to the|found«n John Silver's land near writer, nor is the capital stock, but | Old Fort. we bave the assurance from one of} An infant of Nicks x the principal parties concerned that |Jer, Yadkin ee a pond ae the bank isa certainty. The bank will occupy the room next to E. H. Miller & Co. in the Leazar build- ing. in bed one day last week. There are tea cases of smallpox in one house at Paw Creek station, Mecklenburg county—ail negroes. Mrs. Sid Marshall, of Walker- town, Forsyth county, was found dead in bed one morning last weck. —— She Can't Stop Talking. New York Dispatch, 17th. Inability to stop talking is a brief desuciptioh of a peculiar form of in- sanity which affects Mary Gannon, 38 years old, of 117 East One Hun- dred and Twenty-fifth street, who was admitted to Bellevue Hospital today. Policeman McKenna took her to Bellevue in a Presbyterian Hospital ambulance. Two weeks ago she was attacked with bleeding ofthe nose, which continued for several days. Her present malady is an outgrowth of the hemorrhages. Sheis perfectly barmless, and but for her incessant babbling might be considered normal. ———_ A negro preacher named Scott bas been made to leaye Henderson. He was obnoxious tothe white peo- ple of that town. Inanegro row near Glass, Ca- barrus county, one day last weck, John Eddleman killed York Phifer. The slayer is in jail. Mr. Sam Bell, a son of Mrs. Chas. Beil, of Charlotte, was killed in a railroad wreck at Index, Washing- ton, on the 14th inst. Wilson Buchanan was drowned in Toe river, Mitchell ccunty. last Thursday. He fell out of a cance in which be was crossing the river. The News announces that Char- lotte has a case of smallpox. A ne- gro woman, a cook who occupied a house at the home of I. H. McGunn. Making English Flags in Cincinnati. Cincinnati Dispatch, An order was received by a Cin- cinnati concern yesterday by cable from an English firm for nearly halfa million flags, to be shipped as soon as they can be made and sent forward. It may not be known, but such is a fact, that a very considerable quantity of the flags used in Eng-|& lund are made in Cincinnati, royal |*- Army. ensign, Union Jacks, and all. Dr. Richard Anderson, an ¢ld The order received yesterday is/and prominent physician ‘of Albe- for 300 gross of assorted kinds an@]yarle, died Tuesday. He was at 10,000 standard Union Jacks. The! one time president of the State med- Cincinnati concern now employs |icai society. 500 hands and will have to work day see re and night to get the order’ filled. William Grubbs, of Salem, aged about 20 years, died Monday as the result of 2 blow on the head froma — Ol stone thrown by an unknown negro Frank B. Davis, a son of I, I. Da- vis of Morganton, has recently been commissioned by President McKin- ley as a sccond lieutenant in the U. The Cold Wave. Chattanooga, March 16—The worst | Saturday uight. to be feared by fruit growers in the ne mountain section of Tennessee and Henry Simmons, a negro barber north Georgia was realized in the vis- of Clinton, Sampson county, be- it of the cold wavelast night. The|comes heir toa fortune of $40,000 mercury dropped to twenty-four and left him by his uncle, Moses Sim- everything was frozen over this en- |™0PS- of Cievelanc, Ohio. tire section. The loss of this freeze| Edward Wallace, and aged coler- wiilamonnt to hundreds of thou |ed stevedore, of Wilmington, was sands of dollars. murdered one day !ast week and the New Orleans, March 16,—The | murder is a mystery as no trace of meiner in this city and throughout | the murderer has been found. ouisiana continues cold and the lo- mye, 7 Sit ; cal bureau sends out predictions of |, — ee Bonores, was fa- Suommelliead sceloo > stabbec by William Henry formed not only generally in north aS ee Sa ee Louisiana last night, but in the pore one ee eS a section as well. i slayer is in jail. The row started Birmingham, Ala., March 16.-This over @ game of cards in a notorious city was visited by a snowstorm Beene oe lastiag all day yesterday and far in- Robert Fortune and John Taylor, to the night. Itis said to be the both negroes, were hanged at Nash- heaviest fall in recent years. ville Thursday for the murder of saa Robert Hester, a white farmer. The Railroad News. executions were public and it is Knoxville, Tenn., Dispatch, rsth, said 10.000 persons witnessed the Ata meeting of the stockholders | double hanging. of the East Tennessee & Westero] King’s Mountain Oracle: Satur- North Carolina Railroad, held atjday afterncon while Will Perkins, a colored man who works at the ore Johnson City, Tuesday afternoon, it was decided to extend the road from | bank, was descending the shaft ina bucket, some one, it is reported, Cranberry to Lincolnton, N. C., about 75 miles. Lincolnton isabout|slipped up, unseen, and dropped a piece of timber down the shaft. 30 miles west of Charlotte, N. C. The extension will penetrate the|striking Perkins en the head, kill- rich daposits of magnetic iron ore, |ing him almost instantly. for which western North Carolina} he following is a list of the offi- is famous. It will also touch the} cers elected by the State Sunday Mitchell county gold section. Mor-|School Convention for the ensuing ganton, N. C., will probably be on/vear: President, RB. R. Lacy ot tke route. The officers elected at} Raleigh; vice president, Charles 2oss, of Ashboro: recording secre- the meeting are: President, Gen. R. 7 aR ae Nene TAS ames = F. Hoke, Raleigh, N. C,; vice pesi- | tary, R. N. Simms, of Raleigh ;treas- urer, J. H. Southgate, of Durham; dent, F. Firmstone; secretary and treasurer, J. 5. Wise, Philadelphia; | cpatistical secretary, H.N. Snow of Durbam. An executive committee veneral superintendent, C. H. Nim- son, Crarberry; auditor, J.E. Vance, | of fifteen was appointed with N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh, as chairman. Cranberry. The reports showed This committee willselect the time that last ycar was the best in the road's history, the expenses being |of the next meeting, which will take place at High Point. ag confined to 62 per cent. of the earn- ings. 3.™M Campbell. Ashe ville Citizen. J. M. Campbell, the candidate of the Democrats of Buncombe county for the corporation commission, did a manly and a Democratic act when he asked the county convention jast Saturday not to instruct the delegates to the state convention for him beeause such instruction might militate against the nomination of a Western North Carolinan for gov- ernor. It showed the true Democratic spirit to the amendment first, Wes- tern North Carolina’s candidate for governer next, and hiraself last, and Mr. Campbell will lose nothing by this exhibition of a Democratic spirit. While not instructed for For The Amendment. Raleigh News and Observer. The better class of Republicans and Populists—those who love re- form more than office—are coming outin favor of tbe amendment. This is more noticeable of late among Republicans than Populists. The reason is that nearly all the Popu- lists who believein white supremacy voted that ticket in 1898 aud still “abide in the ship.’’ Those who did not vote for White Supremacy in 1898 are of two classes;1. Those who did not understand the issue; 2. Those that want office and know their only chance to get it is through the solid negro vote. Thefirst class, when they fully understand the sionary interests that are threaten- ed. ship to Admiral Watson. cerus in the South, and one of those est on anissue of $75,000 of bonds. amendmenat—and they are learning fast—will follow such men as Green and Boggs and vote for it. The sec- him, the Buncombe county delega- tion. as well as the delegations from the other western counties, will go I believe it to be a panacea i ainsi OD ond class, represented by men at the pie counter, arealready Black Re- publicans in everything exceptname, and will ofcourse vote as Pritchard to Raleigh for Campbeli for corpora- tion commissioner. J. M. Campbellis one of the very popular Democrats of North Caro- and George White tell them to vote. |jina. He is known all over the Western Republicans especially | state. 1n public office he has shown are showing independence. This week’s Shelby Aurora contains this card from a life-long Republican: Editor Aurora: I have been a Re- publican for twenty years and want it understood that I am in favor of the amendment. I believe that if we drop the negro our party will be strengthened in the South. J be- lieve in white supremacy, and_ the leading principles of the Republican that he is capable and efficient and The Citizen publishes today-a letter from 2 Democrat who has held high office, assuring the Democratic par- ty of North Carolina that it can find for the corporation commission no better than John M. Campbell. peeateaieeeeeontn Capt. B. F. Crosby, of the schoon- er Joseph Luther, from Boston, was burned to death one morning last party. Lama subscriber of the} weekin a firejwhich broke out on the Aurora. = schooner J. W.Lennen. Captain WALTER LANKFORD, {Crosby was visiting Captain Uan- The Wilkesboro Chronicle editor- ially, says: “A Republican who has been prominent ijn Wilkes politics and has held office in the county, told us last week that he was not opposed to the amendment and will support it. Hesaid that some of the reve- nues had tried to get him to join an anti-amendmert club, but he tcld them that he would not do so, that there was enough of the hired reve- nue to run their clubs without him. in the state room when he met his death. Captain Handy was badly burned while trying to rescue bis friend. The Leunen was considera- bly damaged by fire. This oceurred in Baltimore harbor. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerpian. niles burg, Pa., says, ““Asa speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One minute Cough Cure is unequalled. It is pleasant for chil- dy, of the Lennen, and was asleep] GENERAL NEWS Snow fell throughout the last Thursday night. South The business portion of Falls Vil- lage, Coun., was destroyed by tire last Friday. d : William Foster, of Lancaster county, S. C., committed suicide one day last week by shooting him- self with a shot gun. Rev. F. M. Anderson, State evan- gelist for Virginia of the Church of the Disciples, was struck ,by a train near Chilhowie, V2., one day last week and instantly killed. © At Utica, N. Y., last Friday, a block consisting of the Mohawk Val- ley Hotel, fiye stores, postoffice, op- era house, Masonic hall and other buildings was burned. Loss one hundred thousand dollars, Sabe Leonard, an Arkansas far- mer, killed and buried his wife and son in the woods near his home; burned his house to the ground, and then suicided. Jealousy was the cause. He was 60 years old and his wife 27. The Bellevue Hotel at Wayne, a suburb of Philadelphia, was destrov- ed by fire, the result of defective heating apparatus. Theloss is es- timated at $25,000, partly insured. The bunlding was a four-story frame structure. A needle two and a half inches long was taken from the veriform appendix of Miss Mary Smith at St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, Conn. The young woman said she remem- bered having swallowed a needle several years ago. Seeretary Long has cabled in- structions to Admiral Watson, ai Cavite, to senda warship to Taku, China, at the month of the Pelho river, to look after American mis- He has left the selection of the _The Marietta Paper Mills, at Ma- rietta, Ga., one of the largest con- which is said not to be in the paper trust, was placed inthe hands of a temporary receiver Thursday. The cause of the receivership was the failure of the company to pay inter- King and Lewis Goosby, colored, were convicted at Baxley, Ga., last week of the murder of Mr. Dan Mims, 2 prominent farmer, and sen- tenced tobe hanged cn April 5th. Ove of the men confessed and said it was their intention to kill Mr. Mims, outrage his wife and burn the house to conceal the evidences of their crime. Kee oe | RHEUMACIDE CURES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED Price $i. by e. Ball, jr Sold in Statesvil Stumson & An by E. M. Miller X Co. oresvi lic ) ; « ~ - ay “T used Kodol Dyspepsia Ci my family with wonderful It gives immediate relief, is ple to take and is truly the dys) VS} vy iaryt best friend.’ says EB. eerink, Overisel, mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. W. F. Hall, Jr. Charleston News and C Senator Foraker, of Ohio, has ci of the Porto Rican tari? bill i: Senate, and when he was advox it last Thursday Senator Til asked: ‘“‘Willthe Senator expilaiz why itis that the President of th United States. who had bet sources of information ti ator had, gave us to un his message that it w bounden duty to have free tra with Porto Rico, and only chan his opinion when it was found 7! the interests of the sugar and to- bacco trusts were being injured by free trade?” Senator Foraker re- plied promptly: “Ido net know. | bave to refer the Senator to my colleague.” His colleague is Mr. Mark Hanna, chairman of the Re- publican National committee. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. The) are W. F. Hall, Jr. dangerous. Sleeping Beanty Goes Mad, New York Dispatch, 17th Mary Steinhaus. who has been asleep most of her life, i v hi lesslv insane. The world-wide attention ago by sleeping nit tive days in Philade since frequently slept days to a week at @ time. fi ther has taken her around the world seeking a cure for her malady, with- out success. The girl, with her father, phus Steinbaus, who was formy a rabbi,arrived here yesterday ‘rom r ae wAGal- lar Tuy es “Plantation Manners” Between Re- publicans in the Senate. Washington Dispatch 26th. Mr. Penrose pleaded for a few minutes inorder to make a siate- ment, and when it was granted he asked that the resolution in regard to the seating of Hon. M. S. Quay as 2 Senator from Pennsylvania be taken up, saying that he was satis- fied there were Seaators who were seeking an opportunity 10 so delay the resolution as to render it impos- sible to secure a vote during present session. He continued by saying tbat while other important matters were demanding attention, the fact must not be lost sight of that the great State of Pennsyluania was be ing deprived of itsjust right of two votes upon the floor of the Senate. The question must be decided in the high tribunals Nof the consequence of Senators, or upon the low .plane of politics which had in the past characterized such proceedings. As he took his seat, Mr. Penrose cast his eyes in the direction of Mr. Gal- linger, asking thata time be fixed for a vote and remarking: “I look squarely at those who are creating these obstacles.’ Mr. Gallinger roseand stated quict- ly that he had been trying for six days to get an opportunity to speak in opposition to the Quay resolution, but had been prevented by other busiaess. He still desired to speak aad be knew of many other Senators who wished to be heard. To this statement Mr. Pearose re- plied that Mr. Gallinger had told him that bedid not expect to talk on the Quay matter. “He may have changed his mind.”” Mr. Pen- rose continued, “‘but he most em- phatically then told me that he would not speak.” ; Mr. Gallinger was on his feet be- fore Mr. Penrose concluded, ‘“‘I assert most emphatically,’’ he said, “that when the Senator says I told him I should not speak on this sab- ject, he does not state the truth.”’ He went on to say that Mr. Penrose had come to him in an ‘imperious way,’ and asked him whetker he in- tended to as« to be heard and that he (Gallinger) had told him (Penrose) that be was not entirely decided as to whether he would speak or not. “J do not know whether I do not speak tke truth or whether the Sena- tor irom New Hampshire failed to tell methe truth,’ was Mr. Penrose’s response, but he was, he said, yery vontident of his position. tice.”’ more on the subject. morrow, Headache vend Malaria. E. W. Matthews, Unitia, faction. time. They are a sure preventa tive for malaria. For sale by N. RB. Tunstall, druggist. dren to take. I heartily recom- mend it to mothers.” Itis the only harmless remedy that produces im- mediate results. It cures bronchi- tis, pneumonia, and lung diseases. consumption. W. F. Hall J mt That is the way to talk it. Letthe revenues run theirnegro supremacy ciubs and the white men will run theirs.” They are coming. Itis time for White Supremacy to unite to. make it permanent. a a a eee ee sobpr yah ia “ste, nm ie ae lana CA BS 8 oe SAE tn ont meee aia yrippe and throat It will prevent Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, says, ‘“‘DeWitt’s bowels and liver. W. F. Hall, Ir. To this Mr. Gallinger replied that it was“unmanly aud bencath his no- Mr. Hoar then came forward with a proposition to fixa time for a vote, and the two Senators who were par- ties to the heated colloquy said no There was ob-| , jection to naming a date, and Mr. Hoar postponed his request until to- Tenn., writes: { have used Ramon’s Liver Pills for headache, constipation and bilicusness for more than two years. and they have given complete satis- I can truly say that I have pever found anything better for the complaints if taken at the proper Little Early Risers aiways bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe.”’ They generally cleanse and invigorate the Puerto Rico. They went to No. 262 East Houston street to friends named Stel. the first visi to this country since the ¢ RE was ir]’s fa- mous sleep in Philadelpt She became morose at imidnight. Vor an hour she sat motionless on a chair. With her eyes ablaze, suddenly sprang up, and, emi weird shrieks, tore at the air. ing alace curtain at the window, she dragged it down,trampled on it, and then tore it into shreds. he father tried to quiet the child, but sbe sprang at him like a tigress. It was necessary to summon licemen. When Marycalmed down, the ambulance took her to Bellevue. po- pov The American Tobacco Company in New York city discharged its en- tire list of 500 employes on and women, last Friday, from the cigar factory at Fifty-second s East riyer, and it wil] move its plan toits factories in Michmond, Va.; Baltimore, Cincinnai and ter, Pa. Manager Gerdoa factory said the shutting down on account of the expenses. “‘Labor is too expensive here, Said he, *‘and we can get it cheaper other places.”’ Lancas- in the was in a CDPESS Uy : And is it not due to nervous sy exhaustion? Things always Jook so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when sufer- ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical weakness? Would you not like to be rid | of this depression of spirits? | the How? By removing cause. Dy taking It gives activity to all parts {ist carry away uscless and isonsous materials from your body. Itremoves the cause of your suffering, because it Te- moves all impurities from your blood. Send for our book on Wervousness. To kecp ia good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer’s Pills cure con- stipation and biliousness. +| Write to our Doctors. Perhaps you would like to consult .| gome eminent physicians about ur condition. Then write us freely all the ‘ou will re- 5 RA RSTO T MS SES AIR PT ee ee | pp, FE, DETCHEON’S ANTI DIURETIC we TAYLORSVILLE XKEWS. May be worth to y han Somers AVING qualified as { atest have anes he Ee Bleep! sel lexed| aroma isi i . | Mess 7 , ees It arrests the trouble at once. $1 SRR | Mr. Holden, widow of the ee Col. Jobn S. Cunningham. of Per- \. Ey Eo OM. soe STINSON & ANTWREON, Druggists. | ton te a eae | Governc y. Holde ied at cone ; withdraw — | Walter Stevenson wernt to cre hie arae$ YeAyolorins. Ga., this week, and was made muck |Governor W. W. Holden, died @t son county, has withdrawn frera the | station Monday evening ee eat in var Of their iccovery tale will please make uns. wave Cost. i Jor | d > foul ] The Wilkesboro mail, after a stop hss Feb'y. 58.19. AG Walter Pulp was shot and killed | Which was printed in Sunday's Ral-!of two weeks, went through yester- rmire UrRer, Att /eigh Gailies: day (Wednesday) again. Fulp resisted ar-| Cuniugham,N. C., March, 16,1900.| wry Chas. P. Matheson went to | To the People of North Carolina, ‘South Carolina last Saturday to Rev. O. C. Horton, a Baptist min-| Mr. Editor: I believe the success visit a lady friend who once ue ‘Notice to Crediton, Ne Col. Cuningham Withdrawa From the Race tor Governor. LAE G ENERAL NEWS. —wee LATE STATE 32WS. Steveusoa and irvdell THE: Admiral Dewey visited Savannah, et 2 a Sale of rty, 5 $ ior Court Y VIRTUE of a decree of the Superioz eed 7 bruary term, if of Iredell county, N. ‘C.,-at Fe ‘ 1coo, jn the cause Sais : snl = I a nd Sale White, et al., we will sell at pune a xc : ; : cash é t house door in Statesville, ¥,C,, ¥ VIRTUR of a decree | cash at the court hors NVIRTUT of es re on “ r MONDAY, APRIL 9TH, 19°, See ee ei at 12 o'clock, noon, the following lot of land sigued as nian cere at uated in the county of Iredeli and known 88} Cor cise door ee 5 rhe plvira White home tract, and bounded ‘as mae oe Sons Beginning atthe northeast corner os Cente MARCH core ihe old tract, running West 128 polesto 2 hick: | sell at public auction to ts ory, James Johnson's corner, thence South 15°} valuable tract of laud situ ory . Ja les to a red oak; thence South 30° East township, in Iredell — iaeo Satake: thence South 26° East 180] pincney Plyber lana, c 4 po to a white oak, the southend corner of the | Gr jess.” Perms uf sic: Mid tract. The seme being the lands willed by | gate and one hail paya < . E, White, and con- day of sale, with uvie a, with i:mferest from cate till purchase moucy ts 1 é PrRitsaaD WEBALY : ! : ; 169 years. Her husband died in 1592. | for Governor in the following letter. Ina railroad wreck near Ozark, | g a., Monday, sevecal persons were], = la., One Sone will die 'in Stokes county Sunday by Depu- bs ; ty Sheriff Smith. - Herman B. Taubenecx, ex-chair-' rest. 4. D. Watrs, Eprror & PRoPaieton. man of the Populist National com- | ~|mittee, died in Seattle, Wash, | » a ) a} See { Briciea vt the Postofice at Statesville | Monday, eco | The famous trotter, Maud S., died | Durham county, last Thursday. | Saturday at Port Chester, N. at : : : ce “___| She trotted a mile in 2:03; and held | The boiler at the fruit crate fac- ithe world’s lal years. Dr. J. R. B. A Mrs. B. WH. sick. Mr. D. Dery i an attack of pret Mrs.J. E. Boy grip, but is impr Miss Eloise Col proved aftera fe ~~ SHOVE TOLLAR & YEAR. ; eee injured. —__— | ’ ner home in Raleigh Tuesday, axed race for the Democratic nomination | \ | | | ! | | lived ens liveu De you take cold with every change in the weather? Does your throat fec! raw? And do skarp paizs art trerough your chest ? Don’t yeu Bnow these ere danger signals which point to pneumonia, broackXis, er consumption itsslf? i you are aliiag and have fest flesh lately, they ars certainly danger signals. The question for you te desige is, “Bevel the viteiRy te throw off tess Gisseses?"’ Bes’t walt to ry BUSTL'S EMULSION ‘(26 a inst re- zort.’”” There is no remedy equal to it for fortifying the syztem. Prevention is casy. sapoond class mai! matter. ] ’Pnonw No. 39. in 3 mae his brother lives sit Mrs. Salle La sick for several « proving. Statesville yN. \O B O D O V E D 1V 3 3 B R A 0 3 B C., March 22, 1990. Thomas P. White to ee ining I C ore or less. taining 120 acres m B. F. LONG. . LEWIS, . Commissioners. President Ald University, w at the close of thi May 7th. Miss Gertr lotte, who forn gone to Washi self for the stawre This Feb'y, 20th, reat This March 7th, 1900. Sale of Yeluable Land. rw ‘E ofa decree of Iredell Superior aan the special proceeding — tled A. D, Plyler, Marion A. Plyler and others against U. T. Plyler,the undersigaed as wo sroner of said court will, at the Court use door in Statesville on SATURDAY, MARCH 24TH, 1909, forcashat public auction to the b Bidder that valuable tract of land situa Chambersburg towuship, in Iredcil a known asthe Amelia Plyler Home tract of land, containing 110 acres, more age Title retain- ti rcha ney is paic ed till purchase money R. CONNELLY, Commissioner. | >atur ; = 5 ~~ Garland Uoffe py, ) Ww ARH agents for the « coffee ~~ and have th:e, it im Iredell, Rowan, Gat leuburg and Caburrus < Sn saves one-third of the coftce aa4 , e@olutely clear. pure codce, cae me dmnking any dregs. Vays ‘é mest $ SBC Rend you wii ow u in fje0 9. #5 tM, tg00. aL ae te Sale of Valuable ¥Y VIRTUE ofa juc Court of Iredeil co ry Term, 1593, of Iredell case of W. W. Hairvs. M and also by judgment of Term, 1900, mtMe same cw Jurors drawa forU. S. Court at Statesville, N. ©., for Alexander county: Hosea Christopher, C. L A. Drum, Jno. A. Patterson, J. P. Echerd. Wilkesboro court this week. Law- vers Jno. &. Gwaltney, Frank A. Linney and J. S- Burke are attend- ing. Mr. Wm D. Deal also went over monday to seil some shoes. Mrs. Dr. Thos. children, of Suvar At Elm City, Wilson county, Sas- urday night a two-year-old daugh- ter of Lee Greenwood swalluwed a lot of pille containing arsenic, and died sometime afterwards. The sheriff of Rowan levied sever- #] attachments on the Union Copper Mine at Gold Mill last weak. It is said that the debts ef the company are only $30,060 and that Mr. New- man, the head man of the company, will pay that off when he arrives from New York, which he will do aM oa The engavemeg ; : Piokus, former) sep Pee of New York, ani Sie toa er, of New York Flake is the x office establish a residence in Uni Miss a Leonora master. _—— ly This Feb’y. 20th, 1900, Two Beuses and Lots for Sale. west Statesville ister, Gropped dead after preaching |of the Democratic party this year. here, 9iney Grove eburch, | is perenne = the Se a Mr. Richard M. Herman, son of ae man, and that each member Ol! Mr. L. Herman, left Tuesday even- Easy ought to yield his 07 jing for Ponce City, Oxlahome, where : t , 18C° | wishes in the interest of unanimous | = lowest record for sever-|tory at Southern Pines exploded | action. Monday, and the engineer was Kkill-) ] think it is also important that) Mr, and Mrs Jno. C. Barnes went Charles Newton, an 8 year-old petene a white bystander fatally in-| the candidate for Governor, who is | t0 Cae ae week to cae a | boy of Roanoke, Va., died in a Bal-! TERES: rightly regarded as the leader of the ne her ons paris eas ho went from ltimore hospital from hydropkobia| A white convict named Lashley. party, should be selected, as far as; ‘his couuty to thar eity. [Je was bitten several! sorking on the East Carolina Rail-| possible, without contest and with; Mr. Bert Lackey, who lives near Lees | road near Tarboro, attempted to es- practical unanifoity. mle the railroad just outside the corpo- oes | cape Tuesday and was shet sud kill | Holding these views, and desiring | rate limits, is reported to have a A negro named Dailey attempted! cq by 9 guard. always todo whatis best for the jlizht attack of smallpox to assault a white girl near Ddlarict- See party and the State, and believing | ~ s pox. ta, Ga., last Thursday, and a mob what is the welfare of one is for the shot him with buckshot. He died welfare of another, I bave decided } Tuesday. The Governor has cifsr- to withdraw from the race for Govy- ed a reward for the lynchers. ernor. i The body of Wm. Brown, a weal- I congratulate myself that in the thy cattleman of Heod county, Tex- eon text whic I have made I bave as, was found reduced toa skeletoa done nething to ereate any enmities, on» high mountain kaown as Co- and that the friende of other candi manche Peak. He mysteriously dates have been considerate of me disappeared a year agoand had been and of my friends. searched for all over the country. I nave endeavored to conduct my His bank book, other eflects anda campaign upos a high plane of po- | ; litical ethics. indulging in no unkind | A. Kerley and Loaf township, Thavetwo houses and lots in No new can WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. the bedy. |Chicayo restaurant, bottle of laudanum were found with Miss Annie Strother, cashier of a was sbot and this week. It seems that the prop lion dollars. erty of the company cost overa mil- sm orharsh statements con- cerning any one. Every patriotic citizen must admit that the success of the party in the wentto Charlotte Tuesday where they will live this year. Dr. Ker- ‘iey went down last week to have the {dwelling on the farm near the city ' Scott’s Emulsion fersale. The lots each contain : and the hovses are four room cottages. well and small barn on each lot. able and terms part cash = Yor further particulars address i B at 5 JOHN GOBLE. one half acre A good Prices reason- Ibalance on tUme. commissioners Wil sell a. th in Statesville, N. C.., on MONDAY, Al that valuable tract of la: county oilices ha There should be the primaries Saturday. ship, adjoining the lan Phiferand others, bs thence North 100 poles to a ston to astone, North 20° East =: West 8: polestoa post oak, W corner, Suuth 129 poles to a < corner, South 85° West tos 3 It was former|s lace’s corner, South Phifer’s cuscner, No h house. the beginning, comtainte 12; acc. C Pees ect to the dower estat 4 : ‘ A Terms—Cash. ready for the family this week. Mr. W. P. Ingram, one of the smalipox patients who has gotten well, was yaccinated last week to see if it would take on him to prove wheter or not what he had was genuine smallpox. So far he can’t tell whether it will take or not. The deed of Mr. Wm. M_ Cooper, of Statesville, to the Cocleemee Cot- ton Mills for the Mock mill tract of land, 21S acres, on the Catawba riv er in Millers township, and the easement on J. M. Arndt’s tract of laud in Catawba county, has been recorded here. The consideration is $13,080. Ittook $13.50 revenue stamps for this deed. It now turns cut that Will Per- kins, colored, whe was killed while descending & mine in Gaston county jast week by having a piece cf tim- ber strixe him on the Lead, was not murdered, but that an 8-yvear-o!d white boy threw the timber into the mine for fun. The magistrate who investivated the matter discharged ihe bey, as the latter said he did not know that any one was in the mine. _—————— te ----— -- -- “The Next President wil} be s Demo- crat and his Name WIIF Be Keyan.” Washington Correspondeuce Rakigh News and Observer, rth, CONVENTION ——— who walked li. TH. DEMOCRATIC DATES | Killed Tuesday by a veiled woman, to the cashier's desk, tired four shoss and left the place. iuater Mrs. Charles Smith, wife .of _. |a@saloon-keeper, was arrested and TH. | She confessed, saving that she killed Lhe irl because she had taken her tuusband’s love. provents consumpiien sid Abernethy, N.C. hosts of cthsr diseases which atiack the weak and thors with geor blood. SCOTT'S EMULSION Is tha ons standard remedy for inflamed threats ané Ince. fer colds, brenchitis and cve- esmption. fis a fe cine of rammarkasia prver. 9 hice mene Ba BGs > coming campaign is more important than the triumph of any individual, and that party success ab this time should be placed high above every other consideration. The constitutional amendment is at issue, and it must be decided in fayor of white supremacy. My friends throughout the State have been loyal to me, and they bave labored in my behalf with effective earpesiness and zeal. TothemI am truly grateful, and it is tothem that I turn with sincere pride, and shall ever cherish their Joyal support as the brightest pave in the history of my life. They have waged a Yiyorous con- test, and the essurances of support which I bave received from many sources have been warm and engour- aging, March,13. 1900, Notice to Creditors. AVING qualified as administrator of the -state of Mary A, Allen, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said ¢s- tate fo present the samme to me on or before March sth, rgor. All persons indedted to said estate are expected to make immecire pay- ment The Democrat third ward will KMarioxnaL, WepNeSpDAY, JULY Wallace store ro A Srare, WeDNESDAY, APRIL 1] @asatortaL, Sarurpayr, APRIL T Country, TuEspay, APRIL SRD. Marcu 3is1 inecet congregation wil ly after servic consider Dr. Vc pastor of the ch Mr. W. 1D. Co the administrat and other person Gen. A. D. Co front of the ec Mr. D. H. Anc tor. has been pai of the policy Maurice VP. in the Wood: ANDREW H. ALLEN, Administrator, Department of State, ‘This March sth, 19900. Washington, D. C. r wm Notice to Creditors. AVING qualified asadministrator of the es- a te of J. W. McHargue, deceased. 1 hereby ne yall persons having claims against said es- tateto present the same to me on or before March Sth., 1901, and all persons owing said ¢s- ' Itate are expected to make immediate payment, * | This March $th., 190. ; . JOHN W. MCHARGUE. Lo ee PAA ADS SCE SE. Administrator. Citizens of Lerium, Mich., have ‘Tids Feb. 28, 9990 appointed a committee to md the rown of negroes. The negroes wil! be told togoand they must leave. several carloads of negroes were recently imported there from Ten- nessce and Alabama, several white girls have cloped with negroes and there has been constant trouble since the arrival cf the neyroes. their county thank brethren in . Catawba endorse- : fenciecimatials for Lieuten- nent of our candidat for Lireuten which their county nf: “ Tees Y VIRTUE of a decree « Court, made at Febeuary court, in the case of J. T. s: of J. ¥. Cavin, against M. J Cav the undersigned as Commiissiox will at the court house door SATURDAY, APRIL. - sell at public auction to th valuable tract of land in in Iredell county, N. ¢ Cavin home place, adju Cavin, John Young and « acres more or less, Sail Innc jeetto the dower of M. J. Cx of J. ¥. Cavin. Terms of wile in cash on day of sale, one hal months from day of sale, — = OO EM O NO E R A A N A R E R A A DB D R O D O D 99 0 9 8 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 : 99 7 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 F , Ciseened Governor In the am niion cave Saturday. z In response to your correspond- ent, Representative Kluttz said: ‘| think the prospects are bright for Democratic yictory in the next Lives With a Saakein Her Stomach. | Presidential and Congressional elec- tions. The extraordinary course of vil-} the Republicans oo the Porto Ricsn tariff question; the woeful bluyder of the Hay-Poncefote treaty; the malodorousness of theGage sad City National Bank incident; the criny- ing to Huvland shown inthe Hlac- ruim correspondence aifair; the ven- eral Anyio-manis of the State De- partment; the troublous conditions prevailing in the Philippines, and the vaciliation and indecision of the ad:ninistration in dealing with them; the overwhelming evidences of the supreme power of the trusts over the administration; the financial bill which net only strikes down silver, but Creates a bupye National Bank- ing trust, and gives the Secretary of the Tr: asury absviute and uncon- trohed jr ver tu issue bonds; the policy, } cherto undreamed of, of perpetuating for all time a grea national debt; the tremendous cost of the war; these and mary other things have so disgusted the Amer ican people that the next House cf Yemocrats have been cgelte era Sew © SE N 8 we PO S VD PP V OE RY O DY D E - ,and we should re- pay the debt we owe them whenever Grter & Long Attorneys oa GEALED bids for building a three room co> tage at the County on an be ——— at the office of the register of deeds until Satur- ps : . ate — Sescca oyth. Popians and specifications, j¢4 pees, with ee yo! ; W. W. Turner, clerk of the board; retained till all the ere mone f county commissioners. ,This March S ° rate eae T. M. C. Davipson, -This yth, age. ; Chairman. { J. B. Consetly, Att'y. The smallpox scare, which bas not amyuuuted to anything more than a scare, has damaged business {deeply appreciate every kind {and Prof. White's school here word they have spoken in my behalf, | many false reportsand rumors doi and I] feel they will’ understand my | more than the few cases of sm: action in retiring fromthe race at} pox or whatever the disease jis or this time, since Ican assure them] was, the cases have been contined to aud the good people of North Caro: !only two houses and they both out-|- ee lina that Tam taking this step be-|side the town and no other dwelling | STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET eause I believe that it is in the inter- | nesr them. est of party harmony for meto do so, and beeause I think that my re- tirement will in a measure simplify } the situation and increase to some extebt our chances of party success. Every one who knows me will under- | Years cod liver oil has been used as stand that my best services from | medic During the past 25 now on, as they have always been | Years vearly all the cod liver oil in the past, will be at the command} 9Teucht to this country from Nor- of the Democratic party, and I have | ¥8¥ kas been used in the form of never failed to enter into the thick-|5cott’s Emulsion. It is by all est of the fight whenever the princi |‘2eansthe most pleasant prepara- Poles of our party have been assailed; tion ef cod liver oil you can bay, or white supremacy threatened. Ea ata aaa aRETaNaaIE Very respectfully, Samenet Morrison Suggested JOHN S. CUNING TAM. County Commissioner. Serene The Boers Blowing up Bridges as ’ aca thea x “+ Ver a have the opportunity. Herkimer, %. Y., Dispatch, 17th. Miss Florence Reese, of this lage, about 25 years old, has a live snakein her stomach. Yesterday she was taken to St. Lukes Hespi tal in Utica, where she will undergo an operation for the removat of the reptile. Miss Reese, who has known that there was a living crea- ture in her stomach for six or seven years, until qaite recently supposed itto be a tape worm. Of lata she has sulfered a vreat deal, and three weeks ago she consulted Dr. Ford, From every {an eminent physician of Utica, who, after an examination, announced that there was asnake yvrowing in her stomach and thet an operation was necessary. Sbe refused to sub- Thomas Jetferson|mitto that and came kome. But but in ISv0O he was tri-|/ber sufferings became so terrible uuphantly elected; in 1896, Win. J. that she finaily decided “ve seek ace iryan was defeated, but may sue. tief by way of the knife. The =lae of * . s : the serpent is estimated at from two to ce feet long and as large around is @ broom stick. Often it can be piainly felt with theband How the STATESVILLE GOTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N. C., February 22, 1900, 9 @, m. Strict Good Middting 9.50 9.70 9.60 9.50 9.40 | day —w ee ee ene The Democrats of Rhode Isiand in Nebraska in the West conventions Tre me Since last ih per has issued li riage of Mr. Chi: Miss Nancy D. Jenkinsand Mis Mr. Joel Reec ter of Mr. W Mooresville, dic cord Saturday, « He was a promi zen of Concord. a East: have heid i state stains Marhet frm. Chicago platform State. stions declared against ‘and imperial- that Bryan will inanimous!y nominated iryan and the endorsed in each “ere oth cony Notice to Creditors. AVING qualified as administrator of the es- tate of Mrs. H.C. BcNeely, deceased, all persons having claims agalnst said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the un- wanted: all produce in | dersigned ou or before March sth, igor, and all! persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate paynient. R. A, MILLER, This March 15th, 1900. Administrator, Grier & Long, Attorneys. Commissioner’s Sale of } ble Land. ¥Y VIRTUE ofa judgment of fre Court made in the special ; aye A in pending entitled Jno C. M } i Feimster and others Ex Parte, the commissioner will sell at the court Statesville, N.C., on SATURDAY, APRIL uth Lot No, 2in the division of the bounded as follows: Beinn: lot No. rand rans North 57 poles to a stone ata gally and co thence South ro degrees E oak in T. M.C. Davidson poles to a stake in Mrs. Mary Dis North 2 degrees Fast 159 poles to teusts, militarism CORRECTED BY COOPER & GiLt A Medicine 260 Years Old. Our readers wi!l probably be sur- prised to learn that for nearly 300 i-m. appears not only bet it that bis views will be the plat- COMMENTS OF THE WISEK. the Chickens and eggs good dem Butter Scarce. cow rece Messrs. J Ff. guite a stock 0 stomach. Shot stones and a instrument wer Mr. Geo. I. ; county, and Mis i re daughter of bk. of Spring, Codd wil] be married Lutheran chure Messrs. Turns form party. section Comes news of brightening Pemocra a> if 1800 and it locks would repeat c prospects itself in pase Notice - NOLICE, Y VIRTUE of a decree of the Saperior Court of Iredell county made at the February term. igo, the undersigued conimissioner wid on MONDAY, APRIT, 23RD, 1500, at 120’clock expose to the highest bidder for) branch ditch; thence: across t cash at the court house docr in Iredell county | 73d sEast 18 poles aw the following described property: One house | down, Mrs. Watts’ corne and lot containing 3 acres and Enown as the} grees East 32 poles toa hickor W. L. Gilbert property, joining the lands of | thence North 77 degrees Wes In 1796 - ~ : aealty, - -bolied—4slbs. per bushel... . } unbolted, ¢8 Ibs ** 7 . ve 25 defeated . for ss attend him this vear. a> «cp: Gee THE POLITICIANS. Potatoes—Irish . A Sweet eee ie Oxions—sclect, per bushei d—N Correspondence of Tux Mascor. ARONG Sampsen county Democrats in- reptile got into the woman's stom ack is & mystery. -| Representatives will almost certain- iy be Democratic, and unless some gnexpected providences intervene Phey Retreat. Loudon Dispatch, 2eth, _Davidsou township favors the som- ination of Str. Emmet Morrison. of Shiloh township, fer county com- 1, Laliow . =. : hoeswax HMens—per Ib . J. J, Gilbert on the Westand G. F. ) r, Chenauit and others North of the-W. N. Shepherd, ; Moore's corner; thence with Mo» .| 1 degree East 153 poles to a post oak North wood to Cool Spring. k. R. and runs with the road leading from Elm-!the Huggins land; thence > BOYD, West 48 poles to a stake at the heal « soon move thei the store-room Flanigan Uarn Roosters per Oe ae Chicken —Spriz ee 4s A Speling Bee in South Iredet. Correspondence of Tr Mascot. The oers have blown up the pridges north of Bloemfontein, in cluding those at Winburg and iXroonstadt, aud are now retreating tothe North. They blew up the thence down the gully and Hos; {tothe head of the branch | branch 49 poles toa bricks; typewriter on | grees West with Hoa a writ- | creek: thence down the creek containing rigacres. Terms ‘s © Cc. . ARMEI missioner by the Democratic county convention. Heisa graduate of one of Tredell’s best farms avd bas al- ays been a Democrat. Tf elected, ne will make one of the best county for Governor — Com nissioner. Harnett, for sscucted for Ayeock and D. H. McLean, of Secretary of State. March 21, 1900. a ¢ aoa Il, Burke, Att'y. hopes b een Jucks = ms per i GENTS wanted for the best ty oe Sgeacn ne A the market, the “Pittsburg Visible.” ; Butter_—Ch ing in sight at all times: exclusive territory giv-;} s sate en. Address BINDLEY HARKDWARK CO., | 97 days. move into the s pied by Messrs, the Hocrat, to save the Republicans, President will be a D his name will be Brva eee -- = Srulatto Named Combs Said to be next and The Nebraska While helping at Sreele’s for I would like to have a few lines in Populists kicked * - your valuable paper We had 4 ons the ; middle-of-the-road faction. egates to the National nvention at Sioux Falls. and in- vueted them to vote for W. J. Bryan for President. et cted dé ~— = the Nebraska Democratic State venvention lastructed the delegates ts the National convention to yote spelling bee at the Gabriel reported that the Gaoriel beaut the Simpson school. JI they did not beat. When we they backed down aad would spell. school house last Friday afternoon. [t is school say went not We told them if they would the Man Who Killed Goverzor Goebel. Louisville, Ky , @Dispatch, goth. bel attorneys e knowlsdyve of the as- sassinatiog, bas named the assassin. The man ailuded to Sergeant Golden of the State mili- tia, who bas confessed to the Goe- 's 3 mulatto railroad bridge acress the Modder River 14 miles north of Bloemfon- tein Monday night. Tre War Ojfice has received the following dispatch from Lord Raob- erts. dased Bloemfontein, Maron, Zebh: “Kitchener oceupied Prieska yes- commissioners the county ever had. Let's nominate bim. JEMOCRAT, Doolie, N. C., Mareb 20th, 1800. ee eee enon enna Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach. liver and kidney treubles as well as women, . Fair Honey—strained, per B a comb, per Ib Exgs—hen : Ruben ilies Pittsburg, Pa. {" Tnis March 14, 1900. Com: Alex Vaugon finger badly m: fel] off the truc Vaughn. A p shafting saved The Wallace business in the The transfer Don't Forget spell we would give them Rome and aii feel the results in loss of ap- | A2Plee<ined—quarters, bright. . fr Wim. J. Bryan for President. Ue platform readirms the Chieagro viatiorm and declares Syaingt trusts wi lmperislism. Mr. Bryan ad- éreased the convention amid such “ntaustasm as is rarely witnessed in ct DWenticns. “ne Shelby Star says that the “20¢rats will i sist upon Hon. M. pUstice accepting a re-election to “Senate. ItsaysSenator Mason Gecune reelection asd that ve 1d Democrats have centered ou the brilliantand gallant E. ¥. ve bb. of Stelby, as Senator Jus- 5 running mate. The Catawba Democratic county ‘ ‘ention inetat NewtonSaturéay. i tree delegates to the State conven- were instructed to vote for Ay- ior Governor. Hon. W. D. ner was endorsed for Lieutenant svernor, Hf. A. London was recom- nded as a suitable person for ure Treasurer, E. B. Cline, Esq., -esory, was endorsed for judge, i &motion for Senatorial prima- re was voted down. James H. -cLelland. formerly of Statesville was electoad chairman of the county cx cutive committee. 5 i ©ipe <ieee _ 4A Negro Fiend Rilled tn Norfolk. Norfolk, Va., Dispatch, 2oth, ine indicatious are that the necro sbohas broken into several resi ‘S, assaulted and robbed help- ess women recently, and well nich rrorized the town was shot and ited this morning by Policeman iver. He is Brooks Ramsey, a «s hand on the Chesapeake and “sto steamer Louise, who about live o'clock this morning entered the hey 1e of Mrs. Virginia Pruitt, an eed Gressmadcer on Charlotte street, orutally assaulted her witha piece of iron grate. Shortly after { ag from the house he was ar- rested by Officer Caffee, from whom he escaped, to run into the arms of Salyer, who after a desperate strug- shot Ramsey to avoid being d by kim. Ta the hip pocket of negro, to which he had reached ore Salyer shot, was found a 38 Sve revolver. ‘vr. and Mrs. Miller, who were Surecrously assaulted in their home the nightef Mareh 4¢ identified the shoes the negro had on as having Miss lory sore f. 7 2 veen taken from their house. ‘ citon, who was subsequently as- sauited in her home, identified the rinus found in possession of Ram- > Wife, as the same torn from her sers, and Mrs. Jones, another vd victim, identified him as the who attacked her. Several rceats found in his house have Williamson, and they ayseed. We did this in order to get them on the iloor. down both times. Williamson part cf the Simpson school This is correct. Truth is We cordially invite the truth. or house next Tuesday, the 27th. our schoo! closes. and we will them avain. A WI?tNEss Ostwalt, march 19th, 1900, that we are neutral in the fight bo the We have made up inind on two points—never to be a referee at a baby show, cr to take sides in a controversy between two of our County's schools.—M ascor. ) b tween schools. ——_——— False Zeeth in His Wind pipe. Hartford, Gonn., Dispatch 7th. swallowed two false teeth which weve on either side of bis mouth and connected with a bridge plate, near the Harttord Hospital today for an operation. The accident happened on last Thursday evening, White is 27 years old. On the evening stated he came home from work and being tired, threw himself on the bed fora nap before supper. While he slept the teeth dropped out cf position and fell back into his throat. This awoke him. He started up with a gasp and achoke that drove the teeth down into his windpipe, where they became thoroughly im bedded. White suffered intensely. His condition becameso serious that it was decided to bring him to Hart- ford, and he arrived this morning At the hospital the X-ray machine was started and the position of the teeth was fixed. downin the windpipe. prebing was then called into use. Mr. White's relief. i © Ep < <p Corstitutional and Best Thing. Yadkin Ripple. We hearda Republican say that the opposition of his party to the Constitutional Amendment was not sincere, forif they believed it uncon- stitutioualthey have had time ty geta decision from the Supreme Court of the United States, and that if these “‘big-bugs’” who are rushing into print. would express their hon- est convictions they would say that itis constitutional and the best thing for North Carolina. All the Gsbriel schoo! weat and stood. Gabriel school to come to the Simpson serooi wheu try (We want it distinctly understocd Gabriel and Simpson our Artbur White, ef Winsted, whe ly causing bis death, was brought to They were wel: named Combs, Ms was a leader in the Freneb Eversole foud is Peery county, perfecsly fearless amd 4 deg whos. after the cluse of the Parry county war Combs wees barber at Winchester for some time When local option prevailed in that city he conducted a blindtiger. tie was indicted and fined HOU. While work ing out the fine he escaped rf now a fugitive from justice. r was at Frankfort at the time cf killing of William Goebel. isa friend of the Powers tr Jobn and Caleb, and was an iu the latter’s company guards. A story, corraneratings in the confession of Gulden, is & Tespectable negro wonsi, Betty Pittman, who keeps a boar ing house here. Mrs. Pittinan says that Combs and Heckerswith, a ue- gro from eastern Kentueky, boarding with her at the time Goebel was shot, and th money was brought to her resular- ly by onecf the porters on State House Square. Combs, so -he says, was known as “Tallow Dick.’ while Wockersmith’s first name is not known. Wher Auditor's Clerk ¥. tH. Coulton searched at the Louisville jail the following were among tke receipts found on his person: “January 20—Received «tf Perkins #9 for board for Mr. ersmith. Mason aud Comb- Bettin Pi7rwax.’ “January 31—Received 310 from Mr. Hockersmith for board. talance Gue, $2. Epwarp Pisryan. John Perkins is a negro porter who cleans up the office of Adjutant- General Collier. Combs is now in Elliot county, surrounded iy his faction, and it will take an army to capture him. j Will Durham. confined ym bs ube Geiden hers, oticer Mr. hoard was Joho trock- in jatlat The brush} Bowling Green, confessed to day! thicket to keep the candidates from Dur- | and with it the teeth were hauled{!am says he wasin Frankfort the: from their lodging place, much to; day Goebel was shot, anda friend of | for the city of Rock Cut. that he knows the assassin i his told him that he wasgoing toas | Saas Goebel,and said if hewould: 4r. A. D. Watts, its editor. in the |so with him he would divide tae} ‘money he would receive for the as-/ lsassination. Durham says be re- fused to go, but told his friend that he would wait for him at a sal on. | He says he waited, and between she ; hours of 11 and 12 0’clock his friead i returned and said he had fired the ! fstal shot. 4 ' Vas the ball that hit G. B Sread- man, of Newar! mich., inthe Civil ; War. It causea aorrible uleers that ‘no treatment helped for 2) years. | { > I Red Hot From the Gun ante isif v tf State | ' customers theirspring and summer terday ucoppoeed, The rabels sur- veadered their arms. The Trans- veblersascaped aeroes the siver. “tr. Steyn is circulating @ notice means of despatch riders in re ; to ray proclamation to the effect v burgher who signs a dee- he will not fight against traitor sat Kix i} be treated as a 1 Bluemfontein people are af- uS every ssistance ia the matter cf hospital accomodations. We have consequently been atle to ve Tor beds “Thirty-three prisoners were ta- ken to Prieka, 200 stands or army and some supplies and explosives. ‘he Boers have beyun to. sur- render op the Basul-oland froatier.”’ ee mee Rock Cut News. The aa ad rl ° Correspondence of Timm MAscoT, The public schools are clesing in this nelghborhoe’. The writer had the pleasure to attend an entertain- ment at the close of Mr. J. Clande Troutman’s school Saturday. The children all showed careful training ardall seemed well pleased. The exercises consisted of recitations, Geclamations and disiogues. Mr. C. E. Trevtman, of Statesville, was present and made an exeellent talk to the parents and children of the school. Phere was a large crowd present and dinner to satisfy all. There was a ball game, but as the writer knows very little about base- ball will not comment on it. Mir. Taylor Somers’ school at the Thomas school house closed Friday. Julius Waugh, little son of Mr. J. B. Waugh, has typboid fever at Roek Cut. ‘The old ladies are getting a hus- tle on’? about gardens, as well as the candidates about ‘“‘those little offices."’ Thereis one man in this vicinity why says he stays in a cane seeing him, as he wants office, teo. ile desires the place of news carrier Success to Tus Mascor and to race for the House. JOSEPH. Rock Cut, March 17th, 1900. New Advertisements. Sloop & Miller announce to their stock of shoes. Their stoek cannot be excelled and their prices are richt. Henkel Bres., havea car of bug- gies, hacks and surreys which they will sell very close for cash or on time. Henkel Bros. will have a car of horses and mules to arrive tomor- perise, poisons in the blocd, baek- eke, netvousnes, headache and tir- od, listless, rea-Gown teeling, Bui there’s vo need to feel ke that. Lis- ten to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Tsd. He says: “Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man whea he js run down, and don’t care whether he lives or dies. It @id more to give ine new strenyth and good ap- petite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and havea new lease on life.” Only 506 cents at W. FE. Hall, Jr.’s, drag store. Every bottle guaranteed. oe ali bright sliced fancy bright sliced. . : extra ** oot a green—per dusher Peackce—pasled, brigh ” “ om wa n u a o S a t a we - We have just received a car That we are Headquarters, on Farming Supplies O* all kinds, we cater to the farmers. and make special effort to please them by keeping everything they necd, at reasonable prices. Mrank Would do that Very Thing. Raleigh News and Observer. In a recent issue, referring toa threat to “‘take C. B. Aveoek out aod hang him toa limb” we inad vertently attributed it to ‘the Da- vie county State Senator’ when it was anex-State Senator from Yad- kin who made that incendiary threat. If he should attempt it, the oX-Senator from Yadkin would find “the Davie county State Senator.’ Mr. Prank Hairston, ready to jeo;:- ardize bis life to stop the’ banging. That's the “stuff” the Davie Sena. tor is made of, as all know. Rbeicga jor or gain It’s for tke Bmother io @ecide. hth geod healt g acid a art Wome orgenisin, Bomotherhé@e but adds t0 a womantss sattractiveness, McZLREE’S Wize of Gaesafazs s takesaway allterrors b the vitalorgans. It fits a mother for baby’s coming. By revitalizing the Herve centres it has brought chubby, Bcrowing youngsters to thousands of Bweak women who feared they were strengthening batren. of Buggies, Hacks and Sur- reys which we will sell very close for Y Cash or on Time. Nice Jobs. It will pay you to see them befere purchas- ing. Respectfully, Henkel Bros. March 22nd. FOR PURE FOOD GOTO Moore & McLain’s Hein’s Pickles Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed. Barrel of Kraut, Spring is Coming? Neal Tite - ls here and the Harvest will come, provided vou plant good seed. * We have a large stock of the mast desirable seed, viz: All kiads of % Garden and Field Seeds, Clover, Orchard G rass,. Al- falfa, Timothy, Red Tep, Kentucky Blue Grass, etc. “Good Goods, at Reasonable Prices.” gett’s ay nice new stock o En. Grey aad Blue, All woo! 321n. Grey mixed Suiting, 33¢. yd istaction Guaran Is our past record. Our future record will be in keeping with the past. Try and see. rices acd qualities are yoked here. $ grow pocket-book Plums. ure and examine, benetit in the sha their bard earned pennies and dollars judiciously to see us for ¥4 Special Values in Dress Goods, § picces, 36 inch Grey and Mixed Dress Suitings, at 37%4c. worth soc. yd. 1, Albatross, 30c. worth soc. yd. and buy at your pleasure. io pe of money’s worth, that demands of a! spena'® Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co. NSN NNN Fry & Phifer. (Next door to N. B. Mills & Company.) a W 2 are glad that so many of oar old friends have been to see us. ? ‘avre are other familiar faces we would like to see. Be sure and 3% - - Shoes, Pants, Snirts, Neck weal. And Dey Goois b2fore you buy. Captoh’s. ‘ Marrocava coffee is the best. Pay cash for country produce. Don’t miss the Waite Front, for we will treat you white. Best flour on earth. = We can save youmoney on Grote ERY & PHIFER. The Bie Store. d Be Values that are piante a It will pay youto val! at your” It is the everlasti }ue>- h Pattern, 7yds. Green and Grey Silk mixed, Suiting, $3.s0 for Pattern. week. Messrs. occupy one of t vasated by the room has not y bir. Eup ne here some wee ville, Texas, w brother, Mr. W open up a sto room in the 1 vacated by Mr. We received 7-inch jack rab W. Connoliy, ol at Pomona, IX preciate the ¢ the left hind fod bit would have at this particu Mr. Charles der county, ¢ Bethlebem sch township, 5: exercises by t the sixth taught at Beth eight years ang better pleased A five or +ix Mr. and Mrs. cy Hill, died T o'clock. ‘bei cord church y¢ Rev. W.C. By fuveral servi have the sym bors in their sd John McXee Turner Steven or three times of Messrs. Ba store Friday his man. It grew out of attentions to mayor discha held McNeely $25, which he Mr. J. W. Mrs. Marsh pox at her lorsville, has and that none are with thei tracted the di writes that M be welland; inating the di Mr. John H. Gray, of Stat« postal clerk and Charlotte! been recommeé as-postotiice i pointed if hes amination, w he will easily promotion an are glad to he sess It purifies, heals, regulates Band Sa and is g for all women at all times. No drugcist R would be withontit. $1 co a a Fach 7 yd. Tan and Blue Paplin at Pier ore ine Bite-Grey Veintian Cloth, Sco panera - iece Sa large ao = . for Skirts, soc. yd. sence .. $#tach. All colors. Ventian Mixture 7 worth $1.00. : a “fe 8 “ae Green and Black Vemtian M ae 75¢. yd. Worth $1.00. arial = Ssinch, Blue and White ¢ Suiting 35¢. yd. Worth soc. Sek eee —— been such as x ic 36 inch. Cream ~ya. ur line of Black Dress Goods sent money values at the lowest trade P but she is now Her daughte Working Night and Day | Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve cured | row. Bhiahacte ; a i ‘him. Cures cuts, bruises, burns,} Theownerofa good second-hand ee et and mightiest little ‘ boils, felons. corns, skio erutions. ‘piano can learn of a _ purchas- hing tbat ever was mag is ‘Rest pile « ¢ 9 i io is = aaar aes King’s New Life Pills er = ae Be St pile cure on earth, 25 2ier at this office. eh _ | & ..Foradvicein cases requiring special rae 4 us. Lvery pil box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by! J. E. Boyd, commissioner, will| @ directions, address, giving symptoms 1s asugar coated globule of health, | W. F. Hall, Jr., druggist. ‘sell land at the court house April # {The Ladies’ Advisory Depa:tment,” that changes weaknessintostrength. | : «+ | 3rd The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat. Our Seed Irish Potatoes are the northern growa which dre the only kind worth planting. Don’t been returned to their owners. He 's no Goubt the man the police have been looking for. cts, sices. rants essman Klattz has apvoint- nging * ‘ Prof. ©. I, Coon, of Salisbury, 14 He id Lhe Competitive examination , < - ~ 3 tepre: 12% to St.oo yd. We havea Dig lot oddsa-d Endsin Dress Stuffs at prices * 10 to $1.00 yd. See the as a , me. vi New ior Light ee Sateen Special vala¢ in Remnants from 7c. to 25¢. Y4. tor his West Point cadetship. Prof, Coon will associate two other edu- cators of the district with himself mental power, . They’re wonderful in building up the healtb. Only 25 in the cOhduct of the examination. eet per box. Sold by W. F. Hall, tr. listless into energy, brain-fag into! De. W. B. Mott, of Mt. Mourne, | retiirned here from Wilk. sbdoro where he had been to attérd Sirs. M.: L. Mott, who has been Seriously | sick but is much improved. HORSES AND MUJES, "— WILL HAVE 4 cat of horses snd mules tanoog4, Tenn. MRS.EOUZISA MALIN, = Rays “When if act Jeiersop ve had been Ga, t took Wine of Cords t - at ot three years, but coe ¥ to arrive Friday, 23rd, (tomorrow). Respectfully, March 22nd. HENKEL BROS. any c no Ni as [had 2 fne gitl baby.’ eo months, tater Buy the Neste¥n Potatoes if; you expect a crop. because yOu wil be disappointed. COOPER & GIil. 4 Complete stock of Shoes at old Prices: | and Mrs. Jo Rowan count but have Neely suffers i seasés follo' ~ - - , — Seem SS ae TE SPH NS ELE eT a ee FEE UE ON SLL EET MINDER Pie ST NT tom porwr Bae, r a ~ i - . E = HE wAaSCOT Back From Texas, | PERSONALS recdoll Casesia the Supreme C. AGOGD MAN BEAD. For Regi mm Messrs. Pat Leinster and Boger | ma Next week is the week set apart yy yi: = rie , . a LOCAL. Lawrence, who went West a few Mr. Sol Clarke is off on a@ Gusiness for hearing cases from this Gistrie® ~ Conconctitionmanin on Sone ee “The returned Saturday even-| trip. in the Supreme Court. BLE. Long. ‘Oldest and Best Citizeas-or = 7 f oy : z : ‘ing. ey went to Dallas, Texas == nine LG sidweil. 3v. D. Purner, C. E. the County, Passes Away. i Ad: uite sick. | 28 a s, Texas.| Mr. Will Lowenstein. of Atiants, : : ; ° s Wh é ail : Dr. J. R. B. Adams is quite sick but not finding employment con-{:. ‘lie Lowenst of Atiants In and possibly other i See Reser E olesale and Retail. Mrs. B. H. Rockwell is seriously | cluded to return home. They re-| : bar, will probably aie peers Rese oe eee at sick. pon ee smallpox is terrible in = oe ca Ot Sake ae N foe appeals from this ship Waccdne ce ce agit oe i Texas and other $ ; uth-| Was bere Sunday, are: Clegg, administrator) |! Spee mre tenements Somers : er States of the South y ee 3 v of pneumonia ¥e had been sick . Mr. D. Devy is recovering from i Souther 2ailway an attack of pneumonia. Southern Railway, nts appeal: Bowden, admin- “INO. TS. | west, and that the papers do not print half the truth about the dis- Mr. N. B. Mills wentto Charlotre yesterday evening. ( } a few days. The interment was at Concord church yesterday at | announce niyselfa Deeds, cannidate ctto the action of | Regi township, Saturday rvive—E M rs.J. E. : 3oyd has been sick with ease. These young men are clever, a : <i 7 ist r of Chase. Vs. Southern 1 o'cloek Rev. W. C onan axe be | the Dex mena Sago | grip, tut is improving. bustling boys and weare glad that|, Mt Geo. S. Powell was down Railway. plaintiff's” appeal; G.| 20 °C Mev. NW. C. Brown, Oe Teac ahceacoorick ae hieaae ieee et Risa Eka Comics te cmneieior theyhave decidedto remain in old from Newton yesterday. S ‘Daniels xs. “Southern Ral B: =o conc py the funeral ser-| aries. Respectfully. - . We wish to say that we are now prepared to save you money proved after a few days’ illness. Iredell. It’s the best place after all. Mr. John T. Raymer has returned — defendant sappeal: Rouse aud The Bah ot es eiagcga es Lee Loin iz c eres : on your . oe : . ae from 3 business trip to Virginia. ui (two causes) vs. Westera jay ieee en Reema ae Se Bx ¥ : . ‘ i Sp P . h Mes. Sallie Lanier has been quite 3 —_ oO 5 Z f ; > : [ legraph Co: int iffs’ ap-; = ca . tevenson, Se bor DB Reon, ror Register of Breeds, ring urc ases, sick for several days, but is now im-| Death of Mr. 4ugustus Moore. B.F. Long, Esq, is attending |, f pone | ee Eioleomb. det =e June 27th, ISIS, and | SIRE - 13a | Havi +, > 3 ) ; proving ee Mr, Augustus ¥ j Randolph Superior Court this wees. + eS a lpn Sele Sap eaten Shas, caer StS?) vears ola | Meee ee ee aving bought early and for cash. On many things we can k a ; ar, = ree us Moore died at the : ie icb AP peass ee Boger, He x ale ensice io py we © | sell vou cheaper than ever, notwithstanding the ery of high- President Alderman, of the State | ROME 01 21s uncle, Mr. A. A. Moore, Mr. M. C. Wood returned to Da. ! SU ee = ams _ YS: | of brothers four of whom |S ants “} er prices by the manufacturers. We wish to say further that in Concord vidson Monday after a visit hom. sbocmaker, plaintiffs appeal: State =. | nestobes | our stock is complete, and we have mere goods in our store University, willdeliver the address Neagoracas 2 venson, Esq., of y Harrison (tax case).State’s @b- | -n, ad “C. WitiiaMs. than we have ever had.so don’t fail to see us when you G of the cot pure Yalu ner’s Sale of le Land. gsrreswt « mers, them i, at f teet Pck wear, Lez- tiour on earth. - . re Fhe * . at the close of the graded school on eae = pe 2 Oe om’ | Mr. J. W. Marshall has, returned |, j tavlorsvilie, Mr. L. EF. Stevenson ; May 7th. aged about 25 years. - The inter-| «> 7 a visit to his father ia Georgia. | P° Sad aie Aen 1. of Con-| ene z : want the worth of your money, Don’t fail to see our mam- a ee we ment was at Trinity church Sunday, SRN OR aE Oe ree ee FOE Len eee are es Fer Register of Deeds, moth Xtiss Gertrude efring, o 1ar- tey J H Pressly conducting the R.B MeL: vbli Esa ee ;VOCU LOWOSDIp, aba Decca | : i 7 3 ss mine oases : sr Se patios . a 5 “ .- MWMCLAULHID, “SQ. Spen The News of Mills. | Stevensor t Povamar Montana. ! MERELY announce myself a candidate for k a h sotte, shoe ly lived here, — funeral services. yesterday inLexington onl gal busi ae ae re Sees Sees Soa ee ee omar ot ooeee eabyaceaD ie Stock of S O€S, sone to Washington to prepare her- > deceas ame or of Mr. | ness e : ce or Tun Mascot, Ree ee Sisters, AMON seh Demoe ynvention, and Ta ae . iva : ; cals for thelctace: ee , rhe deceased was a brother of Mr. | ness. : : : 3 hein Rev. Samuel Stevensonliok| saa all) who deem me We have just bought a big lot at greatly reduced prices—this self ne stage. R. G. Moore, of Statesville, and a > wheat crop has improved a!7;)-__. : See ve psuitabie makes two stocks in one and will bea golden opportunity for Theengagement of Mr. Wiiliam Piakus, formerly. of Statesville now of New York, and Miss Daisy Wern- er, of New York, is announced. - Ye t 2 4 . . ’ { Flake bee the ae OO post- Coun Board of Elections. Sunday. t Dr S. Angle’s a few} yon 4,3 ’ Sere - {office of I »ject to the action office establish at Mr. JonnR. Huie’s| Pact Friday R. B. McLaughli : cyte ; They had five gallons|<c* Stand, of | Shiloh township. | ofthe pe nventio® and te: residence in Union Grove township. Esq chai a aie Sooo | miumenter< C. ) Remaster, “Ea, 0 tars nicely prepared.some | Shedied in i886. Seven children] specttutly ask the support of ali my Democratic Miss S. Leonora Huie is the post- See ooo er the Democratic} Newton, was here Monday on legal | ¢¢ yy Sa ee ey te ieee eae OSSOG THIS UNION. jour— Dr. sae | tebe primanesio be eld Manch sist =—- © POM oubtyexceutive committee recom: | butuss x on Teva offs guests vemarkla that they [eed tS anion, Rout —De JM Te as nnouncemen master. mended to the State board of elec- were the best oysters they had ever | 114, ee p ee Sea mS | ates . . “ . ea ~ ai (Mnwe: ACN nn Anatarjehtace 4o bon tee AL ance ln ms mae a date 2fomas ££. stevensor 1e | - — . a ee eee ee ee ee ae No new candidates for any of the; tions Messrs. H. P. Grier, of States- Mrs. Gay, of Worcest: ae — “3 to | oye After the 03 Mrs. | ite Of + Seton aes Viek a aea For Resister of Deed x u cs < wea ae , + » eictar oe sorle >} ie enaaet apsth ~ Ja bad abt + oe ery, i | , . "A aro 29 CE, « >, ; > * } county offices have entered the,race. | ville; C. L. Shinn, of Barringer, and] YS!'08 her sister, Nrs. J. BP.) Augie’s nice EAE eal ats rat ye ee F tester Of veces, We are pleased to announce the opening of our exceptionally elegant There should be full attendances at{R. E. King, of Sharpesburg, for ap- Bowles, | tea jollowea by banana ¢ Rade een or REREHY announce myself a candidate for line of Footwear for the i ‘ testes ee x r of Deeds, subject to the action of the the primaries a week from next Saturday. elections for this county. The State} Asheboro after a visit = Sete ivi: en ease stot my fric imarics ‘ vi nical ihe lan porn ments %, ee 1 dancing. ivit iidren are: Di Q ate The Democratic primary of the board will PAS the appointments of Capt. J. B. Burweii ¥. Stevenson, cf of 1900. The assortment contains in great oe ec Bas heen » ola lO? the firstMonday in April. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Houston, of Braneisiseecenson si variety) the! wer lanestland most pleaane third ward will be heid in the . ; : C x . styles of the season. Such a superb line of Wallace store room Saturday week. It was formerly held in the court house. A meeting of the Presbyterian congregation will be held immediate- ¥ ~ = F : fk = . me : . AV the 1. Is COMMUNI = | lyafter service Suoday morning to|changing precincts and fixing poll- Mrs. N, P. Woodrutf bas returned ae alk of this community is it ch » for = It we are particular in any one regard, it J : 2 - = s _ 2 . | a it cnureno for} - « a a 3 “ 2 Consider Dr. Veood’s resignation as|ing places. This board is an or- he ej ickory after a visil a GOSS. , ened y fx yr Pepasur isi “ti ‘iadies dine s “| ; a impor-|to her home in Hickory aiter w visi : | recent years or UVOULLTY sreasurer. is in the selection of our ladies fine shoes Bae gal ehrrek ant ; i Syl ert nen TESS Feng aie wr pe iY BL years | ~ s i Les es. pastor of the church. ay one ate the oneey pei toher son, Sheriff J. Ht. Wyeet Ee Session.) Ecr| er aee eee We keep modern metropolitan styles, and ne celecta . > Se UTC ’ wo) j on - oo ae te eens _ 2 < a a = Mr. W.D. Cowles, of Charlotte, 1as selected its members wisely. Mrs. Geo. Stinson, of Charlot! i ad iafirmiiyv gts: of County: Treas that, too, with the closest reference to . ed lls . ~ _ | clion of - mocralic “ti = an, . onaeeh! » the administrator, sold the books Se a = returned home yester: aoe the wark, he Se ae re on aS perfection of finisb and gracefulness of fit. B or Federal Court. . ublic schocis fully solict-| A lady buying a dress shoe ofjus, may feel aud other personal effects of the late nephew of Messrs. J. W. and A. A. Moore, of Concord township. He was popular in his neighborhood and his death is much deplored. nd pointment as the county board of The county board of elections un- der the new election law performs the duties heretofore performed by the county commissioners in re- yard to elections, such as appointing registrars and judges of elections, Mr, Taylor Somers is vi father, Rev. J. N. Somers, Burke county. | Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cowles, of | Mrs. Allie Worth Mooresyille, have returned home af ter a visit here to relatives. husband in Winston, where he Las a, position in a tobacco Warehvuse. i after a visit to Mrs. Helen % iv his} Charlotte, were here Saturday and | Mrs. A. A. Colvert bas joined her | it Geal in the last fe ‘ould bave some nice farmers could get some done. | people bad quite a} s ~ : : mence scneci tne Academy Monday, the It days and}; feather | =.= TaN NTs a | subject of this sketch. plowing | ei ee | deceased mi@arrica le ceded the : Si sarge Liinois, a Harvey and J. sq., of this county, iss Eliza McFar- late of Mr IE ynd, daugnter of the McFarland and sist pine a ak stber .6 ne LTavc. father wlier Lear! urch encher, be was Stevenson, | died before the | In 1841, the| ~ Samuel } Tha | Dem a Stevenson, | > Cou “Res ectfiuily, a. D. KESTLER. Fer Register of Deeds, To the I here 4 nocratic Vc ers of Iredell County: candidate for the uty convent lo will appre- ciate Lac sup) e the pec ple selected will acceptably an you to save some money. Yours very truly, F. A. Sherrill &Co. Spring and Summer new noyelties and standard goods cannot fail to meet your requirements. Ladies Dress Shoes. that she bas secured the Gen. A. D. Cowles at auction in} Jury Commissioners H. C. Cowles | ton. ee ph i front of the court house Saturday. jandG. W. Clege have drawn the} miss Lena Knox, of Rowan coun ee gaa ore saa ene Dee J ‘A HAYNES < ° : : ie urors for the spring term of thel.. 4... ls re gan ecg eee one siriv- steltvielatewras D E W Ob b Mr. D. H. Anderson, the adminis- Peden are ah Racine one has returned home after a vis! tae = Sa - aintiest oot ear taina le, : elds abd ? ; BOr 4 ounly Areasirer, tor,has been paid $3,000, the amount Mooresville, died at his home in Con- cord Saturday, aged about 75 years. He was a prominent and useful citi- zen of Concord. A cow recently butchered by Tuesday, Aprill7th. The following Christopher, C. L. A. Drum, Johr A. Patterson, J. P. Echerd. Davie—Geo. W. Richardson, Geo. W. Nicholson. F, A. Baity Rowan—Oiho V. Pool, Wi. ‘ ohe to her cousins, Misses Fannie Eloise Neely. arriyed yesterday. She is an perienced and up-to-date milliner} and will be with Mrs. J. P. Burke this season. there last wer | | | 1 | | | Cx | | { ‘ | Mr. E. R: Wilkinson has :eturued Ee i i \ : “ three or four months, ;, wife of Mr. | | | } day and was buried | 3 | j moved bach |‘ Mig - . }re:cion was a part ¢ es hear town, |* He ad his nemo and Shilub to » best men ve ever In l rarely did he meet re worldly friends best of my .,to discharge } iv. J. WH. WYCOFF, the Iredell ex tdete for And ata price that, considering the sterling value of the article re- plicate orders we get on them. of the policy carried by the late | were draw mat eciot ea HEREBY at - : * : z re drawn for Iredeil and adjoin- IEREBY ann ididate for : - . A Maurice P. Anderson, of Statesville, | ing erence Week nies Mr. and Mrs. Terrell, of Asheville. | See = ee eae I bject to the | Presented, is remarkable. We can afford to make low prices or these 3 ’ > , meno a . Se s ns % ea alt an . 1 Wee ? ue at pal G +t wention, . ye : “ a = in the Woodmen of the World. Iredell—E. M. Mayhew, R. H. spent Sunday with Mrs. _D. Me |, visit. His!te Muck ail my, pa b xoods, for one et Fconne en leanclien Ceveek Since last Thursday Register Tur- Rickert, Wesley M. Nicholson. J. M. Furches and went tt Covcleemee, | Bostian. | 10° ‘al be held March | 9 - . wn ein an spect : UESda} : : iad arinna ese 7 ~ | Davie county, Monday pee Std, | our new line of Shoes, ner has issued license for the mar-| Shook, Rufus Bailey, colored, J. E.|** eRe Vio me hence = j} who has chare 10 sectiun | 2 riage of Mr. Charles D. White and Sherrill, Charles L. Furches, N. P. Col. D. A. Lowe, cf Lowesville. |. Winsten road, be sick, | STOOP & MILLER Alics Nancy D. Smith, Mr. Fred} Watt, R. A. O. Morrison, M. V.|Lincoln county, returned home| Moose took charge of his job ua- s Jenkinsand Miss Roxana Pierce. | Marable. colored, W. E. Anderson, | yesterday after a two days’ visit to} Bostian was able to resume | i Man agediRecd aie accede a Hardy Verner, Geo. I. Shepherd, | his sister, Mrs. M. A. Krider. | ee al 7. oN . 5s . C. Williams : ‘ ae ~S.F. Barkhead anc ife. wh ima - ter of Mr. W. N. Cresswell, of J e Williams. wliss Frances Butts, of Atianta,|, ‘¥t.9- *- parsnead znd wile, who | ’ , 17 2 ¢ has been to serve Alexander— Hosea have been in Winston for; 8s <nown to old % Should 11 lected, I shall Convincing Proof of the quality of our underwear is shown by the du- It is adepartment which we pay the clos- est attention to, leaving nothing undone, it is selected with care and priced Messrs. J F. Harbin & Son carried| Kluttz, J. C. Holtshouser, Alen|}from North Wilkesboro, where heiin n cemetery Thursday _ 3 io the 1 t k Ladies R 1B 1 Muslin Und i } f rea } oye re - T C . BE . s roy . ’ . = - S * ezoport of » on y yes * . Ss i J rPwwenr fas quite a stock of hardw are in her} Walters, colored, P. A. Sloop, Cal-|speut six weeksin the interest fhe funeral serviess were conduct. | thee (et | Sone ea Sane ; saps ‘ aoe iar pegs as A ae We ls ee ere eee eee eet =< so stomach. Shot, lead, nails, screws,|vin L. Brown, W. C. Rose, H. M.}Mr. R. V. Beawley's root and herb;¢cd by Rev. J. L. Shinn, her past ee WW. A. SUMMERS. equal for style quality, and fit. We carry a beautiful line of Robes, Skirts, stones and a physician’s surgical} Leazar. business. a he deceased was nbout 60 vears o woman, probably his = ae = DEES Chemise and Corset Covers. instrument were found. —- = Se ee a ene eae Ries ©. : ee r : x s hire sigalte fen name was , an vas his Herigage e.a of . Sir. Geo. F. Houek, of Rowan] Vett Home and Went to Durham. Miss Nannie Stevens, of Balti- petits reese ener ett eae nena 5 596 re La nd. ato ve : : z : : ; y Rved near yiorsvi ening es : ) Ans > S32 county, and Miss Fannie Goodman, Miss Ida Moore, dauchter of Mr, | ™9re 35 here and hes charge of Bes : ES rtcominrs y Virtue of the power ‘contained in a mort. ei : _ ree K Pee) Ianehter ¢ E T G ima Es Ns v ’ Aha MAREE atl, M »sope N B Mills & ru. Tie mee YM. OD. Wi liams and XG IE rom d0e. to $2.25. “ fr <b daughter of E. T. Goodman, Esq.,/ James W. Moore, of Concord town- | “855tS- 4. B- Atlus & Vows mili act. 0. G. Wilhais & % S) of Spring, Coddle Creek township, | ship, left her home sometime be- ae Sent Se ee one af rie at Draw S will be married on April, 4th. in the| tween midnicht: pre -_|class milliner. aes ce Manta wal onias ta : Lutheran church at Enochville lk: a mae — ne daylight oan <j aaah FAN ra ers, ; ‘ aj - a > | day morning, walked to town, adis-| W.F. Stevenson, Esq., of Che 2 Yt From 25e. to 6dc. Messrs. Turner & Dellinger will|/tance of ten miles, and took theleaw ¢ ~ eg es EE S, to-wit: Ad- a5" a — he a 2 . ? raw, S. c came up list eek to be McDaniel, Eliza- « soon move their cabinet shop into|train for Durham. Mer father]|a+ the bedside of his aved father. the pan cisess. con Skirts he store-roe: sw oceuDpie ; . ee uer my evel ebaciilcrmion ii lew eS See eae the store-room now occupied by the}traced her to town Sunday anciiste W.S. Stevenson, of Concord aero ae a i ae From 7T5de. to $1.75. o'clock at his home in Shiloh town- town cemets ieee Seer ene ~hick 3 coat a t eee oaks 2 x E ! ! Flanigan Harness Co,, which will found thatshe had bough’ a ticket|township. He was with his father pee. Mortgagees move into the store-room now occu-}for Durham. He followed her to] when he died. Mrs. Stevenson : es ; Sarees x + Cc ied by M ; Meyer & ses “hs Semin Scat 2 Sie amerl Stace hoe ong - | Deen, tter his Paos fo; & < pied by Messrs. Meyer & Moses. ponlen on ee oe train and|¢ompanied her husband, spending Oy al ee ee E Faas for Sale. Car eee No While helping to move a machine AD =e or oes en aes ee part of the time with Mrs. S. W. |; “ouch S388 ar parcebas SG | Sidney ‘Stevenson lived bis life, His] WIC%1%0% ofCiay Peas. Apply for prices at 3 \ eae at Sreele’s foundry Saturday, Mr. M ao a hi a ae aouse. Mr’ |Stevenson. /of Mooresville. |They |. ey ie ence EHTS el eee Se eee tO rs 7 if i Chemise * A - Sed zs ac apr - ar meee i dir. ber LOX. imuveNnCe—IN_ Ais iaMUY, enue an Statesville, N.C. 1 Alex Vaughn had bis right fore|; eA SAE vt f re eo came back | returned to Cheraw last evening af | 7", gee Rr Mich ee Gece munity—was all for good. It ae i ROVE. | From 40e. to 7c finger badly mashed. The machine Sone ue ae 3 eaapiat night train, and} ter attending the burial at Concerd |, 2)" spy eae erie ; Wi ep ae ene Sela ae coe eater NT] UNDERGARM,NTS. . 2 , it ~ > ene ps peens las Thursaav iohs. : leat Has peen sai ny 2 he os K = fell off the trucks and caught Mr. | 90% went to their nome in Concord | church. se ey aay als ea Noni PAC SR Tees Tec e NN el ane ne NOCTRGARMENT. Vaughn. A projecting piece of comme eD Tuesday morning. : ais 4 lac Wes Gue to consuimpt ee ae tune = eess ihe Ww i > ae 3 uaa moe eA aal SEND Soe TSCar A Rte NU aie Be NEUE LE NN nA se iri mere rae Re ~ : . > Nic a see - totally ’ 4: SCTViCGS were ad at Mis "es]- “a OY his stunaara zs so , . . . : + a shafting saved his life. a ESS ogress mosstore bie Sudden Deethof Mr.C. A. Raymer fino. Satur eee conn x 5 eecedied aaitawinck Elegant line of Ladies Gauze Vest. Splendid line of Men’s Gauze Un- a) on t ras a stude 1e a sence Satur aite 3 < a n UCCCOURY 4S 1OW waxcacle Vinca S 7 ph 2 7 ~ i — <a Tne Wallace Bros. Co. now dolDumb & Blind Institution, B: oe Nir Gee Atreustien Ravmnen cied losclock) abs paster, Rev. Dr. {us can dope te succeed There isa der wear. We sell large quantities of the above goods and there is a rezson Reenter aren palace: 8 s nD, teaielgn, 2 eran ats i eS * Sele oR Migr eee iar i eaten te ie ae for it. Those that buy from us know the reason, but to you who have business 1n the new Long ulld1og, | ¢ ~ meen yee ae Sane : ~ 7 a MIP ANccs hi: } nterment was 2% the | piace m bis chu comuuinity 2 S : >*{fortwo years several years agyo.|suddenly this morning at seven |) i aterment Was ab the; pie sie s ver favored us we want ay that the reasons are that yeu always The transfer was completed this} por father h Websid 5 I asi Me (aeceosed cae hice ik pein never favored us we want to say that the reasons are that yeu always get ole . » fr ac cay dre - » PCPASEL vat vibites > La, VUE ub 4 : mi ~ er father has several children who oo S 5 ? from us the best to be had for the inoney. week. Messrs. Meyer & Moses will + bli , ; Sar Gnice: 13 6 FTs «lpavac »{lemory of the be ronechone : are almost blind and unabie to work. | .); : . eee | POOUT OS yee eld He leaves a Se pee Bice Hee SR aes ‘ome ¢ 5 s we Cc: ey rion all x: “s occupy one of the store rooms lately land it is thought that Miss Moore|SbiP- He bad grip but = was) wife and Tour children—two sons | Yice Was eu appeal to better things Ce ae ne ee eae vasated by the company The other decided to leave home, seek some of not thought to be seriouslv/and two Gauvhiers—and several and whose smie was a beuediction N B Mills Cc room hes not yet been rented. her old school friends, find employ-|ill. He got up this morning}grand children, Mr. Melchcr came tt g cherished by the people s ° ° & oO. Mr. Eugene Turner, who returned | ment and try tomake her own sup-|but became worse and soon from Cabarrus county to this place | W8&0 Came under his infiuence, - we b here some weeks azo from Gaines- ville, Texas, where he lived with bis port. She is very reticent about the matter, but her father, who isa died. Hewas a brother of Mr. doha and had been a promi commu in 1871 or cz nent man in our y ever Negeo in the Back Gvound. Pan ky aH Shs x ‘ : ™ Pay MAAC ha not adie nd tastes : : | brother, Mr. W. S. Turner, willsoon| good citizen, thinks this is the a Ray mer, O1 Statesville, and leaves nce. Ho was one of the first com- | patcion Newsand Observer. T li B open upd stock of goods in the cause of her leaving home, eand|@ wife and a large family of childrer. | missioners of the town, named in cent erat nat ae Ramsey. om in & owles : Saas or : . sth aes he Tarboro Southerner says tha room = ee lately | doubtless it is. He was one of the best men in tus | the act of ee 3rd., eee eos ee Bel ee xh vacated by Mr. Will Gaither. = : ae ‘4, 14873. The other five being Messrs. x rst time s i ght of] -ounty. A fuller ice will appear a 5 Ss : tivas vas C erred t he Re ke ae CE sn of | 3: London speaks. county. A fuller notice will app¢ fsaac Harris. John F. Moore. Robert Tvage was conferr¢ dupon the Re | » ARE c We receiver yesterday a pair Oo : th : next week McPherson. Jose ab A Templeton pubuicada party, the executive com- e RECEIVING ‘-inch jack rabbit ears from Mr. W. Hon. Henry A. London, editor of oe aivn nS. Sonera a etewt ete ey. | mittee of that coacern met without] ™ W. Connolly, one of our subscribers | the Pittsboro Record, spoke to a itera eae x ec a ae ad Be 1g attention and without E Sn omnia Kansai aba oceans 200k coach ane thie armor ya iere | lasses pen GR CLOVEGIC! SOROS EINES Us aan a cee ae | anal 4 preciate the gift highly, probably Friday night. His speech was devot-| The Ladies Aid Society of the The corporation of our town is in information of a like character| @ SSIs the left hind foot of a gravevard rab- ed exclusively to the constitutional | Methodist church will give an en- aad me ae ee quite unique “The | comes from other pl The Fu- = bit would have suited us better just amendment and was a convincing tertainment tomorrow night at the t corporate limit is circular in forin, ent the word sicn managers have Beautiful Conds, Line Of Spin at this particular time. eee ered of in adennien residence of Mrs. J. B. Glover. Miss | joing one mile from the depot in ev. | 20%? the line that this year the ne- i 9° e amendment and erInanen an W j q *ixs »ssie Fetes conan ate Naty et one eee erence vy in the backerourd Mes Chavies &) Dram. of) Mlexan [yeas acu a : pe : Duncan Ww ill recite and Miss Je Ssl€} ory direction, and prohibiting the | STO MUS® Stay in ttle bac ground, 2 white supremacy in the State. Fowler and Mr. W. P. Beliwili play Fe el ag re are ; must not be in evidence at tne der county, closed his school at} wr Lond rune he p ra = tie Ni play. cole of ali liquors within these|™Ust not de ls wce ¢ e ab shi Mr. London went from here to| There will be other entertainment |, ; wa f conventions, must “play possum = = ae Bethlehem school house, Shiloh] nowt, See alicia acl othe ntertainment yi sinds and also 4 mile further |COBveations, | t “play possui = ; ©; Newton, where he addressed the] fo 2s, The price li i Sais : and pretend that he takes ter- township Saturday There were|a.. ’ D * eatures. ne price Of admission |. ound this circle. This bas always |?"° pretend that be takes no inter Sane Catawba county Democratic conven-| will be tencents and refreshments ~. {est in politics. That is the program exercises by the school. This makes tion Saturday. wili be served. The entertainments been a prohibition town, is so now, and Goubtless will always remain and it seems that the Edgecombe «N O O a S UH A T I S V HL I M NY O , Watch this space next week. Uu v I a h n d g O PU L the sixth session Mr. Drum has mie 4. ¢ i it - —_—— . . ‘ wa o¢ 20 ; - Ae SVN: rders. taught at Bethlehem during the last | Death of Gen. Houston. efoas eee pases bat : bes ea negroes axe ob ing orders ane i i ‘ ‘ ane C Oo 6 ‘ ? : »foiks w are wise wil! » eight years and his patrons become] Gg... 4 HO Honston died at bis oe Shook aE s ee 2S it ce i Mrs. G. C. Goodman left Monday | NOI (Ons WhO aks xisceres Lon better pleased with him each year.|, Seapets ,btS | people sdouid give this one a libera evening to visit relatives in Ala- Tooled when negro politicians s ay \ fi I : he-old. ct ild f home in Catawba Sunday morning | patronage. bam their race cares nothing about the A five or six-months-old child Ol] at 10-30 o'clock. ag =0v : ama. ; rice amit pent a Ne Oi cnt OMe iat gy Ne i ~ at 10:30 o'clock, aged about 70 years. ie “irs, S. F. Starrette and littleson | @@eodment and ts laking no inter W rinkled Loveliness. Another lot Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gibson, of Fan- cy Hill, died Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ‘lhe interment was at Con- cord chureh yesterday at 1 o’ciock, Rev. W. C. Brown conducting the funeral services. These parents have the sympathy of their neigh- bors in their sad bereavement. His wife and most of his relatives died years avo, and he lived quite alone. The deceased was a gallant Con. federate soldier, serving as ad- jutant of bis regiment. During the Cleveland administrations he was postmaster at Catawba and made In Jail For House Breaking. Back in December some one broke into the bouse of Mr. J. H. tugram, of Shiloh townsbip, and stole some six dollars in money. Suspicion rested on Brice Lewis, colored, and a warrant was issued for his arrest Fran«, are visiting in Concord. Miss Blanche Jones. of Charlotte, spent several days with Mrs. W. L. Caldwell. Mrs. Dr. Grier, of Harrisburg, is visiting at Dr. Wharey’s. ————ae Se Shiloh Democrats Will do Their Full est in polities. In twenty-four hours 119.009 of the 120,009 will be orgen- ized and marched to the polls to -ofe neainst white suprem2cv volte aGainst white upremeacy. W. B. COFFEY. PS C2GSELLS THE Puckered Beauty. Crinkled Prettiness Knotted Elegance. Just in, Ofcourse every lady whose eye catches this heading will know that w’re leading up to Black Blistered Crepons, Could any other Fabric ever prescribed by fashion be described in the x : ‘ weet ee mae =e , T Thite. Es but he site anes gt ~ vty John McNeely, colored. shot at }an obliging officer. He wasacourt-|by John W. White, Esq., but Duty, Let Come What Will. eh exer ’, 2 : vance) ee Turner Stevenson, also colored, two|ly old Southern gentleman who suf-|succeeded in dodging the officer. |. pesondence of Te Mascor. Y a le 5 : a eles a0 al same way? You may not like eee! Hee oon again, ss = three times witl istol i sar | tered from the effects of the war.|Monday night, however Deputy Sea iG iC Dr. P. F LAUGENOUR you see of them the better you will like them. ey are very odd. or three times with a pistol in rear L . ; put aes Se ere } Dr. P. FE. “ u ea ; Se ch He never became reconciled to the|Sberiff R. P. Scroggs ran on him in va communication VER they are also new. It was tha’ onging for something new whic a : ene exists in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe of Messrs. Barron & Nicholson's attentions to McNeely’s wife. The mayor discharged Stevenson and held McNeely for court in a bond of $25, which he gave. pation of the negroes brought about tn the South. > The Bank to Increase‘Circulation. #90. The house-breaking was in day- light, and, therefore, did not consti- tute the capitalcrime of burglarly. in the Mascor of March 14th from when he said that the Democrats of Shiloh would not give the majority in the next election they did in the last unless we get what we waat in The Demo- wheels. in stock . Ihave t Dentist, vbevinning with first Monday in each month. Cail on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You will from. : ae q “Yr ings 2 “Rabbit town,’ near thedepot, and es a a _ ut missed|new order of things and could] ‘Rabbi > ne i eco exist peractint guia tay lotr : zi z eas been to see us. Bit Sea aaa rue trouble scarcely adapt himself to the|arrested him. He was given a hear- Mulbright postoffice which does out ES Esa ao MET a ic Black Crepon’s. You will take the prescription, too, before the sea- tT > it Ss an. Lb ~ “ . < . TEL. © wn tr wrest Iniustice The 7 > aR - TESV = : be —_— ; = 3 3S gy i Ge sure and see 0° sneer orate ereonnes persistent | Changed conditions which emanci-|ing before Squire White aud sent toftewnship a preat Injustice. ne $20.00TOS4000, ane son is over—either a large or small dose—an entire dress, or a skirt to aoe : : j jail indefault of bond in the sum of | ¥¥iter of that letter was mistaken It will pay you to examine his linc of Will bein his office two weeks, | wear with silk waist? Better take it at once. A nice line to select WALTON & GAGE. find it to your interest to do so. Work dene in best manner. Prices i money on Grocerle> : Ber gta - Mr. J. W. Marshall learns th a . > evi eo agal e necro is|the county convention, . \ = ae a h eae oe Under the new banking law na-|The evidence against the negro ts eT ever yeni Es S > e eet cckai Mrs. Marshall, who has smal}. ae cate . : largely circumstantial. CLUS Ol SORLOR NY a CORDES Ona low. Only the best material used. Bon wonate: pox at her father’s near Tay- tional banks can issue bank notes to) "es this the banner Democratic town- rT PETITE ER lorsville, has a very mild case, the par value of the bonds deposited — eae ship, even though we do not get|™ : a and that none of the children, who|t? Secure the circalation. The] The Old County Otticers Endorsed. |) Uypine in the county ecnvention. 4 } lan I iW PARTNE RSHIP THAT WILL LAST are with their mother have con- First National Bank of Statesville es Ee a We will roll up a bigece majority in 1] if Qj d b SJGME A dda Ey aa kel ° TH OUGH GENERATIONS Z pet apa eae aor x : troli up a bigger majorit; ‘ tracted the disease. Dr. Stevenson 500 Bassa bcrcaenonere $19.- ie z ra ; the next election than we did the v -HE UNDERSIGNED have formed a partner- R r . < ‘ wor Oo 5 Gepos se- | Correspondence of Te Mascor. ) y See Bs ee ST aS EEe rac SCE Oblast ics = i writes that Mrs. Marshall will soon |. “OT*2 0! Sones cepostic’: to sl last. mate that the white Eo aaere elongates The much sought for sort that you don’t find everyday. We t WT Th ON TERME. Oltice on second floor of the new Cooper cure it. The bank will exchange its men of this township will not dco or of the new Coop. have suites that we assure you will be well worth the hane- them. Tama Democrat from far back Le. are planted Bat to call at your leis s the everlasties ds of all spendiog osee us for values- So DOGS, phen amination, which we have no doubt : ear ree manos j Sarna = “c toh j ‘ ; , xe Nt nor mismanaged their business | or truer Democrat thaa H. C. Sum. age ites A stitch in a tlern neiretessiby come Sa fe z ee x eet Eeah They are all gentlemen of the higb-| mers, or any one of his eleven sons. Notice to Creditors. time saves nine.” oe : F promotion audhis Statesville friends peoencs of a Welam Bar ley, lest type. Sometimes we think that! ]fanyof the many candidates for FyAvinc qualified as administrator of the 5 Pais tm ane S Sh dbevel edges, nicely finished handsomely hand are glad to hear that he will get it. of that neighborhood, who will be if ill k he fices fithe tose; wal rg en eee he Dem- estate of J. C. Plyler, Sr.. all persons having Your property may aT. to-night. You apea ab ges, a 92 i 1d i M Th as if none wiil take the offices of the | register has more sons in the DVem- | vims against said estate are notified to present might have an accident, or get sick and carved thoroughly good suites. Mrs. M. C. Neely has been sick Seis sae a rr old .8€0-| county perhaps we might step in, locratic party than our candidate, | the same tothe unde ned on or before March Sete ES eo, ? $2.00 since the first of the year, and dur-| tleman bas made bimsell a pair ol! but, lo and behold, at the troubling / then let him be nominated. ea eal eeroniko-caa cea : ; 25. $27 and $30 s 2 5 cs y ’ shoes this winter. He had the sole ee Dee, = ia sons Owing Said estate are notifi y 3 ces ~ . = 5 ing the last week her condition has | ®20¢S °™! + it had of the waters some one else steps in | Respectfully, BEC ae aay Gaither & Nicholson prices rangink been such as to alarm her friends, | !eather so long that it bad to be cut | and is made whole. Soret us stop | A Worktna Democrat. Sor iceerse ees : axel Some oe S ranging frot but she is now somewhat improved. with a ee eee oS Of lio ee grumbling and not do to a 'New Stirling, March 19th. Arméeld & Turner, Att’ys. nf STATESVILLE. N.C. tid 9 Her daughters, Mrs. never urder Se IQUOr, | office seekers. Let us rally for Wy-) sea i : HoT Mire John'O. Tioustos, bork ot Bever had a law-suit or a quarrel Goff, Turner and Haynes, Stevenson’ PEANO WANTED- Sect ee ee ee ee Furniture and Carpets. .. d Prices. Rowan county, have beer with h with anyone in his life, and at one| and Watts for the House and John. t - seit Sl = G W. Lon M.D Thavea lot of white and black spring oats for 3 ee ’ 1 er, | 4: : anes i GOOD second-hand piano wanted. For 20 i g, . ; baled a but have returned h Mrs. | time killed ten wild turkeys at one/ R Holman for the Senate rehaser callon or address. sale for seed. I havea large lot of nice ille, N. C. oI a a ome. Mrs. Teil kable old : , ol ; eae THE MASCOT OFFICE ALLS may be leftat any one of the drug | hay for sale. See me when you want grain, feed New Cooper block Statesville, N. ©. WL Ss Neely suffers froma complication of |Shot- Hets @ remarkable old man). Resp’t P. W. EAGLE. | srarch 21900 stofes, or at my residence. ‘Phone 140. }and malt, Respectfully. WAN. - i seasés following grip. truly. Clio, N. C., March 19th. bis : Downtown office will be announced inter. Feby. 8th., 1900. 5. A j- 1. co . : Sood fe ot 4 i r c 3 % a ata Wee are : : seer soa ae wagikcady wise ome ‘ wil : i ia bine ica as yaaa Gc aaa Si ai i Seek Ry a a wis 3 ens si a emi * : be well and past all danger of dissem- inating the disease. Mr. John H.Gray, son of Mr. J.W. Gray, of Statesville, who has been a postal clerk between Washington and Charlotte for several years, has been recommended for appointment as-postottice inspector. He will be ap- pointed if he stands the required ex- + per cent. bonds for $25,000 worth of the new 2 per cent. bonds pro- yided for in the new financial bill, and increase its circulation to $25,- 000, the par value of the bonds. This will add about $8,000 to thecirculat- ing medium in this vicinity. A Remarkable Old Man. and I will be found voting for the amendment. As some already krow, 1 am in favor of retaining all the is- laads now under our grip, and am} especially for the old officers in the | county. Why should I not be? Our) men have not been in leng eaough} to get moss on their backs,nor have they become odious in our sight, 2D ici iianaa eile sir duty in the most important election in thirty years is a vile slander. ‘Voter’ a'so ovght to know that the register does not draw the jury, as he seems to think. We hope the Democrats of Iredell will recognize our just claim and nominate our candidate for regis- ter. The county has uo better man - I bave Flour, Corn, Meat, etc, for sale on time. See ine when you want time oa your purchases of supplies. This March 8th., 1500. Respectfully, J. L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's. ZELV. LONG, NOTICE. T° THE PUBLIC: I hereby give notice to the public that I will not be responsible tor any debts contracied by mentbers of my family un- less they have 2 written order from me. Mazch 7, 1990. H. Gb. STEWART. ing down to your children MADE BY ONE OF AMERICA’S Reliable Manufacturers, of solid oak entirely cabinet work $50.00 suites. 3 drawers and serpentine tops. French Mirror 26x30 The Bureau and Wash as good as that of our stand have full swell inch. eee NE TO aL RST Ready to Sell Oe& FARMER'S Wit CAPITAL CA PEURED. — Ges late 3loemfon- > ‘ral Roberts Ente ra 1 4 coke and the British Flag. Flies from the ¢ apitol. c e aay vn Dispatch, rath. Lond The first half of the 5 over. Lord 2Zoberts arrived at Modder river on February 9th. He entered Bloemfontein on March 13. Thus, in alittle over 8 movth he bas effeeted the relief of Kimberley and Ladysmith, the capture of Gen- eral Cronje’s forces and the hoisting of the British flag in the capita: 0 the Free State. All this has been accomplished with comparatively ta It is small wonder campaign is trifling losses. é that ke is the hero of the hour in England. Ail the newspapers eulo srize him apd cexg atulate A be country. They talk of the Free State as baying passed out of exis- tence andas being now one of the <hadows of history. It is not doubt- ed there may yet be heavy fighting, but the wenius of Lord Roberts ts lyoked to for victory over all diffi- culties. His grim reference to the “iste”? President Steyn is under- stood to show that there shall be no awbiguity as to the position aé- sumed toward the republics. The Sct that Mr. Prazer, late chairman ithe Free State Raad and leader of the opposition to Mr. Steyn,came with the deputation to surrender the keys is regarded as extremely significant of considerable differ ences of opinion among the Free Staters regarding the war. Ft is said ‘hat President Kruger hates Mr. Frazer on account of his sym- pathy with the Outlanders. The demonstrations of the Bloemfontein inhabitants are also regarded as a sood augury for the future of Brit- ish Supremacy. It is interesting, in connection with the rapid advance of Lord Rob- erts to learn that the Russian mili- who sent tary attache with the Boers, was Captured by the British, the following telegram to the Czar “Tam perfectly amazed at the ener- endurance of I need say no wy in actionand the the British infantry. more.’ There isstill no news as to whether Lord Roterts has captured nav rolling stock. If be has not then be will be obliged to wait un- i} the repairing of the bridges over the Orange river eaables bim to being rolling stock up. The British continue pressing their advance on he Orange river. The Boers still hold Bethulie bridge, on the north ~ide of thestream.but their trenches are dominated by the British artil lery. Heavy tring is in progress and there bas been some skirmish- «, Tord Kitchener seems to be very successful in reducing the ex- tent of the Dutch rising. THE ACCOUNT OF THB ENTRY. London, March 14, 9 p. m.—-It is officially announced that Lord Rob- tts has occupied Bloemfonteiu and that the British tlag is flying from the top of the capitol. The following is the text of Lord Roberts’ dispateb to the War Ofice announcing his occupation of Bloem- fontein: *Blcemfontein, Tuesday, March 13, 8 p. m.—By the help of God and by the bravery’ of Her Majesty's soldiers, the troops under my com- mand have taken possession of iiloemfontein. The British flag ow tlies over the presidency, evac vated last evening by Mr. Steyn, late President of the Orange Free State. Mr. Mazer, member of the late executive government; the mayor, the secretary of the late gov- ernment, the Landrost and other ofticials met me two milea from the town and presented me with tke keys of the public offices. The enemy have withdrawn from the neighborhood and all seems quist. The inhabitants of Bloem- fontein gave the troops a cordial welcome.” The above dispatch, though dated Tuesday, was not received at the War ODilice until 7:30 p. m. Wednes day. lt was made publie a fow minutes before 9 o'clock. The de- sv is attributed to the field tele- graphs not being connected with Gloemfontein on Tuesday evening. F.xtra papers are already out on the streets and the night crowds of London are singing patriotic songs, and envouing in patriotic demon- strations. London, Msareh 14.—Lord Rob erts’ dispatch caused a feeling of wreat relief. The absence of the news, eagerly looked for, had pro- voked some apprehension during the eartier part of the day, that the itritish had met with a check before b vemfontein and anxious inquiries were made at the War Office, and in th» lobbies of Parliament. On the reception of the news, the Queen at Windsor castle, the Prince of Wales at Marlborough, Lord Wolseley and others were immediately notitied, outlato'clock the War Office was aitnost deserted, the public baving wiven up hope of further news until to :worrow (Thursday). The appear- unce of the newspapers with tidings caused great excitement along Pall Malt, at the service clubs and in the West, generally. Owing to the late hour, however, there was no demon- stration approachiag in the remot- est degree those which heralded the surrender of General Cronjeand the relief of Ladysmith. it so happened that a torch-light procession, organized on an extep- sive scale for the widows and or- poans” fund was parading south London with bands and banners. This included a body of uniformed mea representing the British tield torces, the surrender of Cronje and other inspiring incidents. The route was hung with flags, and stands were erected at numerous poiats for spectators. Naturally the appearance of the extra editions ofthe evening papers created a fu- roreofenthusiasm among the pa- raders, who greeted the news with cheers and the singing of the na- tional anthem. At Windsor the news Was received with much joy. The Queen commanded that it be immediately published, and she in- structed herequerry, at the dinner table, to send a note to the officers of the household brigade. The bat- talion was on parade at 10:15 p. m. Major St. Aubyn read Her Majesty’s note and called for cheers for the Queen and Lord Roberts. The band piayed “God Save the Queen.”’ Whenever Lord Roberts’ dispatch was read, his referenee tothe ‘late”’ President Steyn and the “‘late’’ ex- ecutive, was immediately fasteaed upon as highly significant. The Lord Mayor announced the news at a Dauquet to the masters of the city companies which was in progress at the Mansion House, It was receiy- ed vith great cheering, the compa ny vising and singing “God Save the Queen.”” The evening papers in Liverpooi, Manchester ard Glasgow pud-ished special editions, causing day. joyful demonstrations in those cities. | “a dispatch to The Daily Chroni-| March 12, evening, It was ward. General French was ¢ five miles of the place at 5 o'clock, jt Monday afternoon. He sent a sum mons into the towp, threatening to bombard unless it surrendered by 4 a. m. Tuesday. A white flag was hoisted Tuesday morning and a dep- utation of the town council, with Lord Roberts at Spitz kop, tive miles south of the town, making a forma! surrender of the place. Lord Rob- orts made astate entry at nooo. He eceived a tremendous ovation. Af ter visiting the public buildings. he President, followed by a cheering crowd who waved the British flag and sang the British national an- them. They were in a condition of frenzied excitement. On Monday afternoon, previous to the surrender, there had been a little sniping and shelling, but theenemy then retieed. Lord Roberts has his headquarters at the President's house and there are many of the British wounded in the building. ‘ The Daily Mail has the following dispatch from Pretoria, dated March 12: Lord Salisbury’s reply has been read an@ a Boer refutation of the British contention is uncer consideration. [t will deny that any anpexation has been made and it will declare that the occupation of British territory was purely strat- egic. It willexpress the determi- nation of the two republics to fight it out to the finish. GRBAT JOY 1% CAPE TOWN. Cape Town, March 14.—A great popular d-monstration took place here on the receipt of the news that Bloemfontein had been cccupied by the British. All the church bells were rung and a procession, headed by the Unioa Jack, went to the wovernment house, where Sir Alfred 1 Milner made his acknowledgments. The demunstrators sang “God Save the Queen,” and then paraded through the principal streets, cheer- ing and singing patriotic songs. THE ENTRY OF BLOEMPONTELN. London Dispatch, rth, At precisely 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, a Union Jack, especially mage for this purpose by Lady Rob- erts, was hoisted over the Presicen cy at Bloemfontein amidst the accla- mation of the commander-in-chicf’s battalions. in which curiously enough, the Orange Free State burghers appear to have joined with remarkable heartiness. The oppo- sition tothe entry of the Britisb troops into the capital was insigni- cant. Boers were found occupying a few bilis south of the place, but a few shells droye them off and at 10 in the morning some newspaper cor- respondents entering the town, found Mr. Frazer and other officials and guided them to where Lord Rob- erts stood on top of a hill, waitiag for them. As spokesman. Mr. Fra- zerasked protection for life and property and surrendered the keys. Lord Roberts, accompanied by his staff, rode at the head ofa calalcade a mile long to the Presidency, re- ceiving an ovation throughout the route, culminating in a remarkable demonstration at the market square. Reaching the government buildings, Lord Roberts took possession of the city in the name of the Queen and then repaired to the Presidency. where the ceremony of hoisting the Union Jack endad forever, according to universal opinion here, the Boer overnment of the Free State. Dur- ing his progress through this town, Lord Roberts stopped and ordered the instant replacement of yoods which were being looted from the artillery barracks by Kaffirs, thus viving the populace an earnest as- surance of the treatment they might expect from the victors. President Steyn tled to Kreoa- stadt without reply.ng to Lord Rop- erts’ demand for his surrender, snd the commander-in-chief remarked afterwards, during the course of a conversation while breakfasting at the farm of President Steyn's broth- er, that the ex-President had be- come a nonenity. The British troops, with the exception of those necessary to police the town, remain outside The press dispatches giving most of the above interesting details also settle the point raised about the cutting of the railroad and tele- graph north of Bloemfontein, show- ing it was a plucky act. Major Hunt Weston, of the Roya! Engineers, ac- companied by ten men, transversed the Boer linesand succeeded in eut- ting the wires and biowing up the tracks. Bloemfontein is now regarded as a sort of half-way house and base of operations for the advance on Pre- toria. The military authorities here ex- pect a period of comparative quiet while Lord Roberts is establishing railroad connection with Norval's pont and Bethulie, and viving tie men 3nd horses the rest necessary to fit them for the severe strugyies which sre believed to be still inevi table. It seems likely that the next news of fighting may come from Na- tal. General Warren’s division which had reached Durban, nas been ordered to rejoin General Buller. indicating that the outfanking movement through the neck of Zu- luiand, referred to in these dis- patches March 10, is about to com- mence. It is reported at Bloem- fontein that General Joubert is a: Brandfort, but other reports locate him at Biggarsburg. —_— ro er Martial Law Proclaimed in Costa tica, New Orleaus Disprtch, 16th, Passengers arriving from Costa Rica announce that Presideat Igle- seas.taking advantage of the threat- ened war with Nicaragua, and the attempt of the Nicaraguans to pre- cipitate a revolution in Costa Rica, has proclaimed himself dictator and declared martial law. States Minister Merry, stationed at San Jose, Costa Rica, has gone to Managua, the capital of Nicaragu, to endeavor to induce president Zi- aya to cease military preparations against Costa Rica. _ 44a American has been arrested in San Jose charged with conspir- ing tocreate a revolution. It is claimed that incriminating papers were found on him. i Managua is filled with soldiers, of which Zilaya is said to have ten thousand under arms. _ There are two thousand soldiers in San Jose. Traveling through Costa Rica is difficult without pass. . ports, because of the vigilance of!; , Bloemfontein dated Tues-|Tceman mills, McColl, $200,000 LO ee says: | the Alpha mills, Jonesvilie’ $100,000 | : srende ‘ - have fied ine ati S at! vives an account of a narrow escape | “Bloemfontein surrendered at 10 to- | bave fied incorporation papers at! yives an aecoun pe | Bee The Anderson {of g bogus Freuch duke from a; occupied at noov.;the state capitol. ynching. resi Steyn, witha majority of! yarn and knitting mill increases |) ee ? 200,000. The total! well-dressed man appeared, repre- in cotton mills!cepting himself to be an exiled; . French Duke and heirto a large es- Gainesville, Ga., Jfarch 16—Thejtate. He gave bis name as Desma- Pacolet oe Company, oF rias. Ina short time ewhad ingra- acolet, S. C., today bought a tract |tigted himself with the daughter of} _,, : i ase F550 acres of land two miles from | Henry Wolfe, a wealthy shoemaker. SUFRAGB / ND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE this city. on which will be erected | He made bis home at Wolfe’s resi- $1,000,000 cotton mill. Themill will| gence during his sojourn. erate 50,000 spindles, and make] week the neighborhood was startled C )} , son by bearing of the proposed marriage | bora in the United States and every Thirty thousand bales of cotton a of the duke and the daughter of male person who bas been natural- will be consumed and 1,400) Henry Wolfe. The license was pro- Boston | cured. the minister was in the house, architccts will prepare plans next| she wedding dinner was spread, and be- | all was ready, when the young wo- : : Z man’s uncle arrived and proceeded full operation inside of a year. \ -M. leo stop the ceremony. He disciosed Montgomery, of Spartanbury, S. C.,! numerous facts which opened the father’s eyes to his daughter’s dan- ger. After acouncil was held, it was decided to telegraph to Bristol, at Tallabassee |Conn., where the duke said his un- cle lived, for reference. duke objected, and Wolfe made a scene. circulated a mob soon formed and started for Wolfe's residence witb the intention of lynching the im the fighting burgers, has fled north- | from $50,000 to $: was within| capital projected Niavor Keilner, came out to meet! op : : standard sheeting for export only, year : ands will be employed. week, and the construction will went to the official residence of the] gin av once. Porto Rican tariff was ever Williams ordered 5,000 extra copies of it printed acu told his secretary, Berry Riggs, to rush them vut to the Illinois constituents. Manufacturing Indastries. Columbia, S. C., March 16.—The | his year is $4,285,000. The mill is to be in will be the manager. Athens,Ga., March 1[6.—it has been definitely decided to build a big power plant Shoals, in this county, at a cost of $100,000. Messrs. Hodgson, W. 1. Bryan andJ. Y. Caruthers are at the head of it. There will be500 horse power generated and a woolen mill will be established, Goldsboro, N. C., Mareh 16 — Goldsboro is still pressing forward in the industrial worid. In addition to the large cotton mill now in op- eration here, we will have in the nearfuture two more large cotton manufacturing plants. One will be known as the Borden Nanfacturing Company, with F. K. Borden as president and E. B. Bordon, Jr., secretary and treasurer. Mr. W. K. Parker, and experienc ed cotton mill man, 1s at the head of the other mill, making active prepa- tions fora speedy completion of the arrangements for the factory. Mr. Leon L. Strause, a wellknown tobacconist, of Richmond, Va., says the Dispatcb,has just returned from Massachusetts. While North Nr. Strause purchased outright a first- class xnitting mill. This is for the manufacture ot underwear. The mill will be taken to pieces and moved at once to Henderson, N. C. Here the divided machinery will be put to- yethber in one of the buildings best adapted for the mill that can be found arywhere inthe South. The mills, under the ownership of Mr. Strause, willbe known as tbe Sea- poard Knitting slills. The capital stock will be $50,000, fully paid up. It is expected that the mili will be put in operation at the new locality Within the next sixty days. From the outset the mills will turn out daily about 200 dozen suits of men’s underwear. This rather large capacity will be increased at an early date. Mr. Strause has se- cured the services of a competent manager and superintendent Thelo- cation of the knitting mills at Hend- erson is opportune, since the well known Henderson cotton mills there can furu:sb on the spot all the yarns needed fcr the manufacture of such goods as the knitting mill may wish to make. ee Charlotte Has a Strike. Charlotte News. Charlotte had a real strike this morning. Nearly one hundred op- eratives in the factory of the Char- lotte Clothing Nanufacturing Com- pany quit work between twelve and one o'clock today, leaving only the superintendentin the work room. Uptothetine of yoing to press there have been no overtures frum either the proprietors or the oper- atives and the strike bids fair to continue indelinitely. _—_ -- and the operatives giving entirely different accounts of the affair. It seems that a one-leyved beggar had been ix the officeon the second floor, and was told to leave the building. Instead of leaving he went up to the thifd floor into the machine department, und began to distribute his cards and suiicit aims Nir. Keesler heard that be was on the third tloor and, asit is ayainst the rules for anyone to solicit aims or advertise among the operatives, he went up tothe third tloor und pat the beggar out. The begear cursed terribly, called Mr. Keesler uimen- tionable names, and Mr. Keesler had to use force to put him our. The strikers claim that sic ler used bad language in ihe pres- ence of the female operatives, and when remoustrated with for using such language in the presence of ladies, said: “There are no ladies working here.” They claim that the men and women alike resented this language: and that the strike Was 2 protest avainst that remark, and also against Mr. Keesier’s in- terference with affairs in the oper- atiny room. A News mansaw Mr Keesler and told him the operatives’ side of the affair. Mr. Keesler said tne state- ment was entirely untrue. He had gone into the room only t» remove the tramp, anid did not speak to the Operatives: that the tramp cursed terribly, but that he (Keesier) did not use the words attributed to hiw in the presence of the femal: vpera- tives. ‘I have never said und never thought that no ladies werk in this establishment,’’ he said: “in fact there are some of the best women I know employed here, and 1 respect them.’’ He seemed surprised at the charge, and resented it. The first he knew of the strike was when the operatives appeared at : he office door in a body and threatened him He quickly telephoned for three po- licemen, and they compelled the op- eratives to leave the building and yard. A News reporter talked with a number of the strikers. They were very indignant, and said that ‘‘the way they were treated’’ was the cause of the strike. Ktees- —————e ae Se His Tongue Fills His Mouth. United Washington Dispatch, r7th. Satisfied that his speech on the “the best delivered,” Representative Instead of using a sponge tu dam- pen the mucilage on the envelopes, Mr. Riggs used his tongue. fourth thousand his tongue vave out. | health. He used a sponge for the remaining ; men@ous energy are not found where ified the 21st day of February, A. thousand, and a few hours a‘ter his | stomach, liver, kidney and bowels task was completed his tonzue be-/are out of order. gan to swell. It has continued toswell until now! use Dr. here is hardly room in his mouth} They for,his teeth. At the the authorities. treatment. A Marria About to be Lyached. $200,000, and Louieville, Ky. Dispatch. A telegram frcm Newport. Ind.) oster. met at and Jackson, man. who pleaded in such a_ pitiful manner for the duke that it was de- cided to let him remain over night. At night the house was barricaded guarded by a man behind a J Later be was escorted to the train. - on A Terrible Smalipox Scourge fn Miss- An official report, “puke” An Act to Amead the Constitution of Broken up anda uk ~ oak | t The General Assembly of North Caro- ; lina do enact: Sxcrion 1. That article six we ~ : ‘ iconstitution of North Carolina be. Ribena enon eo * | and the same is hereby abroyzated, | and in lieu thereof shall be substi-" tuted the following article of said| constitution. ARTICLE V1. QUALIFICATIONS OF AN BLECTOR. This (Section 1) Every male person ized. twenty one years of age and possessing the qualifications set out in this article, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the state except as herein other- wise provided. : (Sec. 2.) He shall have resided in the state of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months and in the precinct, ward or other elec- tion district in which he offers to yote four months next preceding the election: Provided, that removal from one preeiact, ward or other election districs to another in tbe same county shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to yote in the precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No person who has been convicted or who has confessed bis guilt in open court upon indict- ment of any crime, the punishment of which now is or may hereafter be imprisonment in the State Prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to citizenship in the marner prescrib- ed by law. d (Sec. 3.) Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally To this the After the sews had been On their arrival they were the door by the young wo- window gun. each door and _—————i> «ae issippi. Mss , Diapatch. made to the ' Raleigh News and Observer. been “misrepresented,” and after 3 ‘Japse of ten days has said Hinds county board of supervisors to-day, reveals an appalling stete of alfairs in the Jonesville neighorhood, in the southern part of the county. The community is literally honey- combed with smallpox of the most virulent and loathsome form and during the past six weeks nearly restistered voter as herein prescri)- ed and in the manner hereafter pro vided by law, and the general assem bly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws to carry into effect the provisions of this ar- ticle. (Sec. 4) Every person presenting 100 deaths have occurred. On some days the death rate has been so large that it was impossi- le to secure coffins, and rude cas- himself for registration shall be able to read and write any section of the constitution in the English language, and before he shall be entitled to The cause of the strike is vot} mond ring. The police, who had exactly clear. Secretary Keesler] een notitied. and who were in the kets were made from rails. Whole families have been wiped out of ex- istence and of several large families only one or two children are left. Many of the patients are now ina critieal condition and sre withou: medical attention and are dying at the rate of from three to five per day. The death rate exceeds 75 per cent. and the entire lower portion of the county is demoralized. The board of supervisors will make an effort to check further spread and at its mornimg session carte blanche was given to the physicians to pur- chase supplies and medicives. A bill for 43 coftins, used within the past two weeks, was allowed. a Dockery’s Chief Witness Arrested For Stealing in Washington. Washingtow Specialto Raleigh News and Ob- server, 33th, Michael F. Dowling, the man who figured very conspicuously in. the Dockery-Bellamy contested election and whose testimony ‘Blocks-of- Five’ Dudley relied upou to re-open the case, was last Friday night ar- rested in this city for robbery. The police in their complaint allege that Dowling and an sccomptice, by the name of Wilson, met Richard E. Lewis, atraveliog salesman from Baltimore, in an intoxicated condi- tion and prevailed upon him to go toa lodgiog house, where, after ad- ministering several drinks they pro- ceeded to rob him of all the money he possessed, together with a dia- neat room, witnessed the whole transaction and promptly arrested the pair. Dowling gave his resi- dence as Norfolk, Va. Both were arranged iu potice court today and plead pot guilty acd were remand- ed to jail to await the action of the srand jury. Before being taken to jail both were mugged for the rectues’ vallery, Members of the house today irre- spective of party. commenting on the affair, said that if all the wit- nesses for Dockery were similar, hin case must be built on very thin ice. Se a ee And Still fhey Come Raleigh News aud Observer, We publish today a singularly clear and able article written by Mr. Henry Stewart, a Northern born citizen of Macon county, on the srood results that would follow the ratifi- cation of tbe Constitutional Amend- ment. Mr. Stewartis @ Republi- can, is deeply interested in agricul- ture and immiyration, and has done much for the State of his adoption. Here is @ point that ought to bave read weisht. “IT know that our present coadi- tion isan obstacle to imm:gration, which otherwise would be attracted vote he shall have paid on or before the first day cf March of the year in which he proposes to vote his poll tax as prescribed by law for the previous year. Pol! taxes shali be a liea only on assessed property and no process shall issue to enforce the collection of the same except avainst assessed property. (Sec. 5.) No male person who was onJanuary one, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or at any time pri- or thereto entitled to vote under the laws of any state in the United States wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person, shall be denied the right to register and vote at any election in this state by reason of his failure to possess the educational qualification prescribed in section four of this article: Procided, he shall have reg- istered in accordance with the terms of this section prior to December one, pineteen hundred and eight. The general assembly shall provide for a permanent record of all per- sons who register under this sec- tion on or before November first, nineteen hundred and eight; and all such persons shall be entitled to register and vote in all elections by the people in this state unless dis- qualitied under section two of this article: Provided, such persons shalk have paid their poll tax as re- quired by jaw. (See. 6.) Allelections by the peo- ple shall be by ballot and all elec- tions by the general assembly shall be viva voce. (Sec. 7.) Every voter in North Carolina except as in this article disqualified shall be eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take and sub- seribe the following oath: “I......., Go solemuly swear for affirm) thee | will suppert and maintain the eon- stitution and laws of the United States and constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office av Deeps Seep So help me, God ” (See. 8.) The following classes of persons shali be disqualitied for office: First, all persons who shall deny the being of Almighty God Second, all persons who shall have been convicted or confessed their guilt on indictment pending and whether sentenced or not or under judgment suspended of any treason or felony orof any other crime for which the puniskment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States, or of corruption and mal- practice in office, unless such person shall be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed by law. j Sec. 2. That all of the provisions of the constitution relating to suf- oy our climate. “A healthy and vigorous yvrowth frage. registration and elections as contained in this act amending the constitution shall go into effec: vn the first day of July, nineteen hun- cheap lands, and favorable and development of the mater‘al re- sources of the State will result, and the rapid improvement of all our industrial conditions will tend to at- tract thousands of energetic and in- dred and two, if a majority of the qvalitied voters of the state so de- clare at the next general election See. 3. Thix amendent shall be This dustrious citizens. ”’ Northern born Republicans in North submitted at the next general elec- tion to the qualified voters of the state in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as is is the feeling of nearly all the Carolina—we may say of all except the office peddiers—and of the indus- trious and thrifty native born white provided in the law regulating gen- eral elections in this state and in Del ft New Yerk Dispatch, 6th. A correspondent of the Evening Post w Bepublicans. passage of the amen@ment means quite as much for the industrial progress of the State as for its po- litical independence. force may first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and at said election those persons desiring to vote for suchamendment shall cast a writ- ten or printed ballot with the words “For suffrage amendment” thereon: They realize that the —P owe. . -- j and those witha contrary opinion >i ?, 1 . : Tar’s oa cecrnes by {shall cast a written or printed bal- ot with the words Imendment”’ thereon. res Sec. 4. The said election shall be riting under the date of Feb-|held and the votes returned, com- “Against the _ The management states that this|ruary 2, from Manila, says: ‘‘When| pared. counted and canvassed and is the first trouble they have hadjGregorioDel Pilar’s body was found, | the resultannounced under the same with thoir employes; and they do|{ American soldiers stipped it of eve-| rules acd regulations as are in force not know any reason for the strike. | ry dit of clothing, taking the rings|for returning. comparing, countiag oe ae fingers and a locket from|and cauvassing the votes for mem- e neck. was left on the body, everything} first, eighteen hundred and ninety being taken for souvenirs days the body was left by che road-|cast are in favor of the said amend- side unburied, until its odor was of-| ment, it shall be the duty of the gov- fensive, and some Iyorrotes werejernor of the state to certify said ordered tocover it withdirt. Among/amendment under the seal of the the things taken were his watch, |state to the secretary of state, who money, Not a stitch of any kind|bersof the general assembly. say For two| nine, and if a majority ofthe votes a gold and a diamond ring.}shallenrol! the said amendment so qualities and the success they bring, Bismarck’s Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid certified among the permanent rec- ords of his office. Sec. 5 This act shall be in force Indomitable will and tre-| from and after its ratification. Rat- D. 1899. id the suc 1 ing M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., King’s New Life Pills.jsays, ‘‘DeWitt’s Little Early Ris. If you want these 1 develop ever wer of i 5 i . He is under medical aad body: Only 3 sents at w "Pcs eres leat este np Hall, Jr.’s, drug store. sod for costiveness, liver and bow- el troubles.’’ W. F. Hall, Jr. —--¢4 Butler is “howling’’ that be las pisinly that he still brlieves in 16 to i. if he bad made that reply in the first instance instead of quoting a ~TIS- ins-role’’ about his conversation wit a banker, be would rot cow have to take up a cohumn %0 explain bis position. Since selling out. his party in North Carolina to Pritch- ard, the revenue Goodles and the ne- groes, Butler is open for any trade that will give him gear. That ex- plains his reply to Aldrich, his pri- vate conversation with the banker, and bis threat to ‘‘whip out _of the State’ the advocates of White Su- premacy. ‘Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”’ i Ie Ex-Senator Peffer’s Son Suicides. Kansas City Dispateb, z6th. J. Sherman Peffer, son of W. A. Peffer, former United States Sena- tor from Kansas, was found dead in bedina room in a house on East Eighth street this afternoon. On the bureau was found a box that had contained morphine and a note reading: ‘Father, I don’t hke to do what I am doing,but I am tired. In tbe dead man’s pockets were found several Typographical Union working cards: He was about 30 years ofage aud 8 ljinotype opera- tor. He was not known to be des- pondent, ml The Eclipse to be Watched From Wadesboro. Princeton, ™. J., Dispatch, 16th. Prof. Charles Young, of the Uni- versity astronomical department, anpounced today that preparations are now being made by him to ob- serve the total eclipse of the sun, which will take place on May 28. The instruments necessary for the work are in course of construction. Wadesboro, N. C., has been select- ed as the place where the best obser- vations can be made. A party of Princeton professors, under the direction of Prof. Young, will leave here for that point two weeks prior to the date of the eclipse. The work uadertaken will be mainly spectroscopic, including particular- ly a determination, both visual and photographic, of the position of the corona line. Severai sets of photo graphs of the eclipse will be taken. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob iife of joy. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cures them:also old, running and fe- ver sores, ulcers, boils, felons, coras, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped bands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives cut pains and aches. Only 23 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by W. F- In making LILEDOUS MUSLis wo use the pee oe machinery id-time bonesty. e ano ery. thread 12. LIZ.EDOUN MUSLIN 14 pure cotton which we buy in the seed from dhe piecter. ye gin, card, spin gcd weave it and sell the finished mausiin Cirect to the retail mere oC come eu ha ZeD Pi - yaiexsOn men, spossmicce smd jobbers. FiLEDOUN MUSLIN has the namo on every yard. If your desler hasn't LILEDOUN and $ il, Wil send site for one, ge <OORT COTTO IN MILLS, Taylorsville,N.@. Wm. Orr, Newark. O.. says, “We never feel safe without One Minute Congh Cure in the house. It saved my little boy’s life when he had the pneumonia. We think it is the best medicine made.”’ It cures coughs and alllang diseases. Pleasant to take. harmless and gives immediate results. W. F. Hall, Jr. Big Whale at Carolina Beach. Wilmington Messenger, Captain McGee, who is in charge of the property on Carolina Beach, reported to Captain Harper. of the steamer Wilmington, yesterday, that on Just Friday he saw a mon- ster playing along the beach. He watcbed it for several hours while it swam about the water front, most of the time between the oid blockade runner wreck and the club houses, Captain McGee estimates that the whale was fully 100 feet long. He lsavs that sometimes it would be | close in shore for several minutes at a time its huge body resembling the Ball, Jr., druggist. Who Dowling Is. Raleigh Newsaud Observer. The Asheville Gazette devotes neariy two columns to exploiting “M. L. Dowling’s Sworn Confes- sion,’ andto an editorial beaciog on Dowling’s ‘‘confessions”’ as showing the utter badness of De- mocracy. It is cruel tocall the Ga- zette from its lofty perch, but duty compels us to call its attention to Washington Star telling how Dow- ling was arrested for robbing.a drunken manin Washington. That’s the «ind of witnesses the Gazette's party is depending on to restore North Carolina to Negro Rule. August Flower. “It is a surprising fact,’’ says Prof.-Houton, “that in my travels in all parts of the wurld, for the last ten years, | have met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy. for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom- acb, and for constipation. I find fortourists and salesmen, or for persons fililng office positions, where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular babits exist, that Green's August Flower is a vrand remedy. Ivdoes not injure the system by frequent use, and is excelieut for sour stomachs and in- dizestion.”’ Sample bottles free at W. BF. Hall, Jr.'s, Drugyist. Seld by all dealers in all civilized countries. Dan Rice's Kirst Circus Engagement. Ailguta Journal, “Did you ever hear of the joke which got Dan Rice, the most fa- mous of a}l circus clowns, his first job under the canvas?”’ azked an old timer. ‘“No—what was it?” “Dan, while stillin his teens, ap- plied to a circus manager for a posi- tion. ““What salary asked the manager. ‘Eight hundred dollars a night,’ replied Dan. ; * ‘Tell you what I'll do,’ said the maua.rer. ***Well speak quickly,’ returned Dan, ‘l'm losing time.’ ‘lll give you $4a week.’ “ “All right,’said Dan,‘it’sa go.’ ”’ do you want?’ Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, IIl., writes, ‘‘Inever fail to relieve my children from eroup at once by us- ing One Minute; Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it.”’ Quickly cures coughs, coids. grippe andall throat and lung diseases. W. F. Hall, Jr. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes Yeu Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- papers is sure to know of the wonderful t ‘5 +, cures made by Dr, | l Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It isthe great medi- caltriumph of the nine- teenth century; dis- covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi- hes a kidney and biad- er specialist, i wonderfully successful in a are nae Soe er biadder, uric acid trou. es and Bright's Disease, which is form ef kidney trouble. eats Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Reet is not rec- ommended for everything but if you have kid- ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. Ithas been tested inso many ways, in hospital work, in private Practice, among the neipless too poor to pur- chase relief and has proved so succesefu! in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, aiso a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out ifyou have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address tog Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- hamion, N. Y. The oe iit i ‘ i! articles in the Washington Post and { bullofa skip. Time and again it | would spout water high in the air. | The presence of a whale on this | coast is a very unusual sight and it lis much to be regretted that owing | to the season of the vear there were | vers few people on the beach to see | the monster. "$1.50 Versus $150.00. | Messrs. Wooten & Co., Prong, N. C., say: One of ourcustomers, 3 prominent man in this community, suffered with liver complaint. He consulted several physicians but they failed to benefit him. We pre- vailed upon him to try the Ramon Pills and Pellets. He soon bought more and is now a well and hearty man, and has gained in flesh. He says the pills saved his life and the six boxes cost him only $1.50, while his trip to New York to consult the doctors, cost him $150. For sale by N. R. Tunstall, druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Gu Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- strueting the exhausted digestive or- gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nau Sick Headache. Gastralgia,cramps,and i | allother results of im ec’ Prepored by EC. De eaooe oem CURES A COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Laxative Bromo —— Tablets Al druggists refund money if it failsto cure. 2 The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tabiet» oa Statesville Female College STATESVILLE, N.O. — HE Springs term commence son the Cpe cs and ends May 30 1900. Board’ roe tion and Contingent fee for term, $s7, Music, special Elocution, Art. Modern Lan- pees a zaphy. Reporsing and Book- 3 Tate rates by i ee Teachers. ot ee orrespondence soliticed. Por circ catalogue containing full particulars. aa __ J, 8. BURWELL, Pres.. Jan. 28th. 1900. Stetesvitic’ N.C. Bobbit's Chill Pills eure chills. Money baci if they fail. W. F. Hall, Jr. Statesville. E: © Milter & Co., Mooresville: W. B, Gibson, Iredell: A: B. Tris, Scotts; J. - Mi 5 - ; ccateperineie 8: J Miller, Sloan's. 25 ITCH ON HUMANCUKEDIN 3 3 by oe Sanitary Rotion a ths ae i y Stimson & An . Rist atesville, N.C. sae fails, Drug. TO CURE LA GRIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take LAXATIVE Bromo QUININE T druggists refund the money if it fails poles E. W. Grove's signature on every box. 2s5c. . Distressing Kidney and Bla isease lieved in six hours % r ewe Sours AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE.” Itis a great sur- prise on account of its exceeding promptness in ae pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this isthe remedy. S$ & ANDERSON. Druggists. ne, oe Try Us On GUN. Sporting{Goods, Table Cultery, Meat Choppers #—.or anything else ——< 0 (——"mayneedinthe - Hardware Line. If you a pleased with our eee See ang, them, e don’t Bae ask ydu to tegular fifty cent and ne = aap Rose dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Yours truly, a i fn BY eae ra or any other ladies who wig CAN BARN LOTS OP yy working for us in <;, home on ourcloths. \r good chance to : spending money easi}, hours. Send 12c. for Cot directions for work, an at once. Take Laxative BRoMO QUININE so ¢" Thomas &Co. gy tinie set at WINOONBET CO. (76-NC, Bar, SALE OF REAL ESTATE ; ed. the undersigned last will and testament in the town of Mooresvi!} auction to the highest { estate situated in the known asthe John F, Moor joining the lands of C. containing 134 acres, n lot is a good two-story out buildings; also on s room cottage valuable farming lanc Mooresville’ adjoining M property, containing so « Also another tract of land adj ler and others, north of M 30 acres, more or less, the lu asthe “old Moore tract < in different lots, accordi which will be furnishe of purchase money payable with note and approved se from day of sale. purchase money is paid, J. & Connelly, Atr'y. Southern THE...... Travel by the Southern snd vod APPLY TO TICKET AGENYS POR TIME Ta B. 1. Vernon, S. on jonery engines CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHETILIE'Y Se ee RRS eeS No trouble to answer questi} Eclipse traction Frau S. Gannon, JM. Culp, WA 3d. V. P. & Gen. Man. If You Need Office—Secend Floor Bank Builc:ng- i Don’t Cough, VE IS tog. make pl in } b and : Cloth sent A ddress Mie. Depr. For The Peo INSURANCS At all—bad best Jo. g; tract which is but 4 « stone between NO insurg life. In one instance yoy win. In my policy you ue. benefit of both livin ang Seven bund red sixty-Eight 4 paid out to Citi of Statesville community in } than 12 months times If you will take the time and see me Lean give you all im 3 — ee e I handle all kit the best quality. Best Mate Ete Statesville, N.C. ~The F forn 2 2 tion. E ——— Transacis » Regular Bat REQUIRED TX AMINATIS terest aid vatimed ne a : = lattention paid tw Accounts {U roo ratiq J FF. CARLTON eceived on most favoras FIRE, LiFe . And ACCINEN: INSURARNA cE 2 J NO. A COOPE ape G You © ‘ nd TC But it will get drie and then we expect e the handsomest atc == webicles ever brough —jn anticipation of th bi of eur business lives orders for a big line 4 class in material ac and at reasonable »» gurpassing a!! pre Come to headd needing anything in Yours t MO IRESVILLE y virtue of the auth: will and testament éFRIDAY, MARCH house. ille and these lands w Title = This Feb. 28, igou. Wrinkled Puckered Crinkled - Knotted E Could any other same way? You you see of them they are also new exists in the mind Black Crepon’s. son is over—either wear witb silk wats rom. Railway STANDARD RAILWare The SOUTH The Direct Line to 2}! Poin: Texas, | California Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico, Strictly First-Class Equip- ment on all Through ani | Local Trains; Pulm | Palace Sleeping Cars onal) | Night Trains; Fast andsst Schedules. i we e e e no ae FRIC Wits simultensou head blocks and ca most sensitive feed mill, also Frick Co’ ENGI AND BOI w heel assured a safe, Comfortablea! ” Expeditious Journey. Z RATES AND GENERAL !NFORMATION | OR ADDRESS [R e e m s * »%, T. PLA, C.P&lJ Portable on Sa Cotton Gins at low Traf.. Max. GE WASH INGTON, DC. ll Mtatesville, N. C- Fire. Life, Accident , or Health Insurance See Brown & Guy.) INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. When you can, buy a 2dc.. Bottle of Hall’s Cows This lot gone Ul CROW#ON & SRONCH 4 Ne We are glad th A there are other fa 5. nice new stock of . Shoes, And Dry Good gett’s Marrocava Pay cash for coun Don’t miss Sold hy Freteleas dewicrs wit * Ja your tows, write direst. ROCK HILL BUGGY CO.. Rock HS ~ FOR SALE BY W. A. THOMAS & Ct TO CURE A COLD Ix OnE 04 Bod = ERS wy i@s who Wis} lad nt a 0 ee 4 SOF y us in cloths. © to make oney easily ;?'* SPare 1 12¢ z 1 12e. for clot} orew eg on ork, and oth = sent lie People who Contemp} E em plate ANC Bd best look at ' © & Con. a but 2 steppin. en NO iNsuranes at ee ‘stance yo = i policy you saa c 1 living and death 1 hund red -hignt dollars out to Citiz. tatesville unity in t> 7 ACSS 4~ MOnths tim. 1 will take the ns ot and and see me[¢ ur rou all imforns PICAL > ED. EXAMINATION CARLTON, rRE, wire Md ACCINENS SURAN SE ¢ EAL STi . IRESVILLE ” anthosity give: Rory awe on said ID RAILWAY OF SOUTH Line to all Points eT AS, lifornia prida, ba and rto Rico, irst-Class Equip- all Through and rains; Pullman epiag Cars on all aS; Fast and safe outhern and you sit fe. Comfortable and Journey. AGENTS FOR Time TAPES J ENERAL INFORMATION, ESS EF. Davy, € P&E, SSHEVILLE, §.¢ O answer questions. | y er . Re ee Traf..Max. G.P. BH INGTON, D: C. eed Accident LYaNnce & Guy, HEADQUARTERS. Bank Building ou can buy Sottle of Hall’s Coug? Syrup. 14 < well, aud. above all, KEEP ~Waalag them cheaper to he doeiers vuly. If neue vo 0” BY CO., Rock Hitt, S.C ALE AS & CO. D IN ONE DAY. le D QUCNINE TABLETS: 4 Pe kc tails 10°" re on every com = Vig HONE a ¥ “Ime We Offer ey \ J9y tor in 1. Of : 4€isu, “and +; ie SN re TT ER NE STG ee SP RST pM MTC Ns pee fs panama amet ails: mie hs Re - . J i. s ee WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. VOL, VII. STATESVILLE, N. C.,, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, i900 No. 18 eer ae eae ee a ee LOCAL. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. | = STATE NEWS | EEA EWS ibe qe — : on es | 3 $ I handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known oO the best quality. Best Material, STATESVILLE MARBLE WORKS Sa First-Class work statesville, N. Cc. and Lowest Prices Cc. B WEBS The First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. Transacts # Regular Banking Business. Interest aid 9a time deposits. Specia lattention paid to collectionson all ‘Accounts f{U>roorations Merchants, eceived on most favorable terms Deposits received subject to check on sig Money loaned on good collateral] and personal secur vints,ani credited or remitted at lowestra ‘anufacturers and Individuals solicited ard OFFICERS: : JNO. A COOPER, President, J.G, IrVIN, Vice Prssidems GEO. H. BROWN, Cashier. You Can’t Run a Vehicle NOW WITHOUT HAVING TO WASH IT OFF, But it will get drier after a while and thea weexpect to have one of the handsomest and best lines of vehicles ever brought to Statesville —{n anticipation of the biggest trade of eur business lives, we have placed orders for a big line of buggies, first class in material and workmanship and at reasonable prices—we intend surpassing all previous records. Come to headquarters when needing anything in this line. Yours truly, apt — Barron & Nicholson Wrinkled Loveliness. Puckered Beauty. Crinkled Prettiness Knotted Elegance. Could any other Fabric same way? you see of them the they are also new. better You may not like them at first. you will like them. They C It was that longing for something new which a Another lot Just in, Ofcourse every lady whose eye catches this heading will know that w're leading up to Black Blistered Crepons, ever prescribed by fashion be described in the Look again, The more are very odd, exists in the minds of most ladies which caused fashion to prescribe Black Crepon’s. son is over—either a wear with silk waist? rom. You will take the prescription, too, before the sea- large or small dose—an entire Better take it at once. ¢ dress, ora skirt to nice line to select WALTON & GAGE. FRICK COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill With sfmultensous racket setting head blocks and cable rope feed, the most sensitive feed ever put on a saw mill, also Frick Company’s ENGINES AND BOILERS, Portable ov wheels or sills. Sta tionery engines and boilers, any \ sizo, and the great hill climbing Eclipse traction engine. A few Gotton Gins at low prices. Mtatesville, N. C. #..Turner. Over Poston Bros iciue, but Not a Medicine, but a Treatment. HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & TONIC PELLETS you de not buy a med- ness, Constipation and Headaches. distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25¢. The Pills-bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervong system and invigorate. pe a eg a nT reatment for Bilious- a Gomplete It is two | For the next 60 days we will print at reduced prices,in an a SS 50,000 y quantity, eee BILL: -HEADS, This lot was bought at a bargain, and after they are gone the price CROWSYON & BRONCKE, PROPR'S. will advance. HE MASCOT PRINTING CO. the trade and The Southern Republican State conyentions are being held and Mc- Kinley ts getting all the delezates. Of course. The conventions are composed principally ot office-hold- ers and McKinley is their boss, * * * It was given out last week that the middle-of-the-road Populists would nominate Tom Watson, of Georgia, for President, but Tom says he will not run. Tom is right. The nominee will not carry a single State, and running for President and getting no electoral votes 1s not avery glorious or lucrative busi- ness. x * * The scheme of certain papers to have the Democratic State conven- tion nominate Charles H. Mebane. the present Republican State Su- perintendent of Public Tostruction, for re-election to that office is des- tined to receive rough bandling in the State convention. There are hundreds of Democrats in the State fully as competent for the office as Mr. Mebane. Let’s nominate one of them. They won't refuse the office, for our nominee will be elected. Sd * * Iredell county will of course send a delegation to the Congressional convention instructed for the renom- ination of our able and faithful rep- resentative, Hon. Theodore F. Kluttz, of Rowan. He is serving his first term in Congress and is making a reputation for ability aud painstaking watebfulness of the in- terestsof his district and State. With experience, Mr. Kluttz will make one of the ablest members of the House sent from North Carolina since the war. Let's give him the experience by keeping him there. * * Aycock is sweeping the State. Nearly every county oonvention so far held instructed for him, It is significant that counties in the Ninth district, such as McDowell, Mitchell, Henderson and Haywood, neighbors to Buncombe, the home of ex-Attorney General Davidson, | R. L. Ryburn, Esq.. of Shelby, was bere Friday. Dr. J. C. Stokes, of Salisbury, was here Jast Thursday. Rey. J. O. Shelley. of Davidson, was here last Thursday. Miss Mattie Johns, of Auburr, is visiting Mrs. J. W. Gray. Miss Lula Norton again has charge of Messrs. Poston Bros.’ millinery departmer:. Mrs. D. af. Furches went to Ra- leigh last Thursday to visit her hus- banc. Judge Furches. Mrs. P. B. Key and Mrs. D. M. Coiner returned home last Thurs- day evening from a visit to Char- lotte. Mrs. Annie Bush returned vo her bome in Lenoir last week after spending several days with her sis- ter. Mrs. A. D. Parks. Miss Lottie Troutman has return- ed to her home in Fallstown town- ship after spending several weeks in Wadesboro with her brother, Mr. J. S. Troutman. Mr. Samuel P. Alexander, who died inCharlotte last week, left #20,- (00 to benevolent causes of the Pres- byterian church, as follows: $5,000 each to the Barium Orphanage, home missions, foreign missions and education of indigent candidates for the ministry in Mecklenburz Pres- bytery. His estate is worth about $150,000, Engine Ordered for the New Moores- ville Cotton Mill. Mooreaville Enterprise. Nevotiatioos were closed Tuesday afternuon for 3a 2U0-borse power en- wine for the new cotton mill to be delivered by the first of August next The engine was purchased from Lane & Bodley of Cincinnati, through W. W. Melebor, their local agent. This deal is more evidence work on the mill will begin early date. that at an aan Negro Boy Burned to Death in south Ired cll. Mooresville Enterprise, A fire occurred at the old Graham mill place on Rocky River, a mile west of Coddle Creek church Wed- nesday night, when the house and its contents, occupied by Will Yount, colored, was totally destroy- ed. A 12-year-old negro boy, Adam Caldwell. was burned up. The fire the only remaining candidate against Aycock, did not instruct their delegates. We believe Mr. Davidson, good Democrat that he is, will withdraw before the ballot is taken and that Charles B. Ay- cock will be nominated by acclama- tion, as he should be * * * Amos M. Fry, Esq.. of Swain Fry & (Next door to N. B. Mills & We are glad that so many of oar there are other familiar faces we would like to see. nice new stock of Shoes, Pants, S And Dry Goods before you buy. gett’s Marrocava coffee is the best. Pay cash for country produce. Captoh’s. Phifer. Company.) old friends have been to see us. But Be sure and see our hirts, Neckwear, Best flour on earth. Leg- We can save you money on Groceries. Don’t miss the White Front, for we will treat you white. FRY & PHIFER. we SR eacrst vom R [AMON’S Chil Toi Pepsin is Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chills and Fever and aii Malaria! Troubles. Nor Other Poison. es Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. _ W. A. McLarty. & Son, Dime Bo E best we have ever Landled. the only Chill Tonic which & TEN MF Price 50c. BRO Tex., 83; ee Pepsin Chill en is the ox, My son prescribes itin his practice,and sa stake i Pp * ys it is 4 fop’rs, hi: thout injury to the stomach. J Tenn. . county, 1s a candidate for the Dem- ocratic nomination for Corporation Commissioner. He is a native of Iredell county and studied law while a citizen ofourcounty. A self-made man, he has achieved success in his profession and is as well a business man of ability. A life long Demo- crat, he has done yeoman service for the partyin the past without asking for office. He is well equip- ped to perform the duties of the po- sition to which he aspires, and his native county, having no candidate for the position, should support bim. We hope he will be nominated. — eee DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CON- VENION. Aconvention of the Democratic party of the 27th Senatorial district composed of the counties of Davie, Tredell and Yadkin, is hereby called to meet at Harmony. Iredell county, on SATURDAY, APRIL 71TH, 1900, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of nominating two candidates for State Senators. By order of the committee. This January 23rd, 1900. O. E. Crowsox, W.G NIctHo1son, Secretary. Chsirman. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN- TION. A convention of the Democratic party of Iredell county is hereby called to meet in the court house in Statesville, N. C., on TUESDAY, APRIL 3RD., 1900, at 11 o’clock, a. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Legislature aud the county otfices and of electing delegates to the Sen- atorial, Congressional and State conventions. The chairmen of the various pre- cinct committees of the county will meet in Statesyille on Tuesday, April 3rd, 1900, immediately after the adjournment of the county con- vention, for the purpose of electing achairman and four members of a county ceatral executive committee. All qualified voters who intend to support the Democratic ticket in the elections are cordially invited to at tend and participate in the prima- ries, which are hereby called to meet at the respective voting places in each precinct on SATURDAY, MARCH 3lsT, 1900, at 2 o’clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing a precinct executive com- mittee of five members and delegates to the county convention. By order of the committee. This January 3rd, 1900. A.D. Watts, R. B. McLavGa1in, NAPMAN had too great a headway when dis- covered to save the boy. The prop- erty belonged to Mr. R. P. Craven. Stevenson and Watts for the House. Correspondeace Mooresville Enterprise. Editor Enterprise: As __ other townsphips are announcing, through the papers, the men whom they in- tend to support in their primaries and county convention for members of the House, we think it not amiss for this township todo the same. Asa matter of course we will sup- port Dr. S. W. Stevenson as the candidate from South Iredell, and Mr. A. D. Watts for the other mem- ber. Mr. Watts has always been an carnest worker for Democratic success and deserves the position be desires, besides he is well qualified to make an efticient legislator. He will, we think, receive the support of this township. DEMOCRAT. Mooresville, March 21, 1900. Hed ea An Unexpected Death at Mooresville. Mooresville Fnterprise. Hattie Cochrane is dead! Yes, this beautiful young life has gone out and her spirit has passed to the great beyond. And while her earth- ly home is robbed of this sunny ray, it isshrouded in gloom, and her schoolmates lingered at every thresh- hold to gently disclose the fact that their companion is dead. On Tuesday last Hattie was ex- cused from the school room at the Academy onaccount of feeling badly, and went straight home. She was tenderly cared for as only mothers can, and was apparently rest.ng and growing better. However there was a chanye during the night on Wednesday, and before the aid of medical assistance could reach her, the form was cold in death. Hattie Cochrane was just 15 years of age, and was known and loved by every one in this community. De- ceased was theeldest child of Mrs. M. C. Cochrane, and had three little brothers. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian church yesterday af. ternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Dr. Wharey. The Academy suspended school for the day out of respect for the one they so muc loved. The bier was borne by her schoolmates, Messrs. Floyd Mel- chor, IraGibson, Harvey Gibson, Paul Grierson, Robert Johnston and Wake McConnell, and the remains were laid torestin the city cem- etery. Almost lost his Lifein the Spring. Raleigh Newsand Observer. At Mt. Vernon Springs, a few days ago, @ man came near ending his existence in a peculiar manner. He was cleaning out aspring,which is walled. with granite, and after dipping the water out he crawled in to secure a razor and a pocket knife, which had been dropped into the spring by a guest. was barely large enough to admit his body, and when be attempted to back out he found hims If imprison- ed, head downward. Th. vater be- gan to rise,and realizing hi. danger, he called loudly for belp. Several persons came to his assistan e, but were unable to extricate hu . until after he had become unco ‘scious. After working with him fr some time be was resuscitated. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. They are a0 ferrous i. Tr “3 The opening | P© McDowell county Democrats sent an uninstructed delegation to the State convention. Govervor Jones has withdrawn from the race for the U. S. Senate from Arkansas, leaving a clear field to Senator Berry. Surry county Democrats endorsed J. R. Liewellyn, of that county, for Secretary of State,and R. D. Gil- mer, of Haywood, for Attorney General. The National convention of the Silver Republican party bas been ealledto meet in Kansas City, Mo., July 4th.—tie same time and place as the Democratic convention. The Loud bill relating to second- class mail matter was defeated io the House lest Thursday by a vote of 148 to 96. Allthe North Caroli- na members, except Linney, voted ayainst the bill. The Republican conventions of Delaware, Arkansas and South Car- olina were held last week and all en- dorsed McKinley’s administration. The delegates are all for the renom- ination of McKinley. Wilkes county Democratic con- vention instructed for Aycock for Governor and Frank D. Hackett, of Wilkes, for State Auditor. R. A. Deal, editor of The Chronicle, was re-elected chairman of the county committee. The Democrats of the District of Columbia have adopted a resolution favoring the renomination of Wil- liam Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska, for President, and the nomination of William Sulzer, of New York, for Vice President. Ex-Governor W. C. Oates has withdrawn from the race for U. S. Senator from Alabama io favor of Senator Morgan. Governor John- xton is now the Senator’s only op- ponent and the race appears to be close between therm. The candidates for Congress in the Second district, so far as heard froin, ate Kitchin, of Halifax; Mason and Peebles, of Northampton;Grain- ger. of Lenoir; Woodard, of Wilson, and Gilliam, of Edgecombe, says the Tarboro Southerner. : New Hanover county Democratic primaries were held last Tubrsday and the result indicates the nomina- tion of Geo. L. Morton for the Sen- ate and George Rountree and B. G. Empie for the House. The county convention meets Saturday. —_— o---—_——— Council Nominated for Judge and Pearson Endorsed for Auditor. The convention of the Tenth judi- nial district was held in Elliot’s Op- era House, Hickory, last Thursday. The convention was attended bya comparatively full delegation from each county of the Tenth district. The convention was opened by mak- ing F. P. St. Clair, of McDowell, permanent chairman; and F. M. Williams, of Newton, secretary. The candidates before the conven- tion for the nomination for judge were: W. B. Council, of Watauga; Samuel J. Ervin, of Burke; E. B. Cline, of Catawba, and W. lL. Wake- field, of Caldwell. The balloting commenced at 2:30 and resulted in the election of W. B. Council, of Watauga, ou the third ballot, be getting 128 votes, where- upon his nomination was made unanimous. The vote in detail, first ballot. was: W. B. Council 808, Samuel J. Ervin 503, W. L. Wake- field 32, E. B. Cline 35; second bal- lot: Council $1, Ervin 51, Wakefield 32, Cline 35. On the third ballot Mr. Cline withdrew, thus giving Mr. Council the full number for his nom- ination. The speeches of nomination by Hon. W. S. Pearson, of burke; W. C. Newland, of Caldwell; E. F. Lov- ell, of Watauga, and T. F. Hufham, of Catawba, were to the point and much applauded. The convention before adjourning unanimously endorsed Colonel W. S. Pearson, of Burke, for Auditor with flattering speeches. Chairman F. P. St. Clair, in an address of thanks for the honor bestowed upon him, spoke of the importance of a pure and unpartisan judiciary. The res- olution endorsing Col. Pearson read as follows: “Resolved, By the judicial con- vention that we recognize in Col. W. S. Pearson, of Burke county, a Democrat worthy of our hearty sup- port and we earnestly recommend that he be placed on the State ticket as a candidate for State Auditor and pledge him our support to that end.” _> Democratic Press Asvoctation to Meet iu Raleigh April 12th. At the request of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Democratic Press Association, I hereby calla meeting of said asso- ciation to be held in the city of Raleigh on Thursday morning, April 12th at 10 o'clock. ‘Allmembers of the association are urged to be present. All editors of Democratic papers in the State are eligible to membership and are cor- dially invited to be present at the above place and time and become members of the association. For the information of the mem- bers, I will state that this meeting is called at the request of Chairman Simmons of the State Democratic Executive Committee for consulta- tion regarding the campaign for white supremacy in North Carolina. In view of the importance of the nding campaign to the best inter- ests of all the people of the State, I hope there will be a large attend- ance of the members of this asso- ciation, and of all Democratic edi tors who may desire ‘to become members. W. C. Down, President, Charlotte, N.C. Jas. A. Ropinson, Secty. Durham, N. C. “T used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,” says EK. Hartgerink, Overisel, mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. W. F. cde Jr. aia pice - Jacob Bates, of Wilkes county, | died last week, e¢ged over 100 years. | He was tbe oldest man in Wilkes / county. A chic.en attacsed a child near spurred i! -o badly that it died from the wounds. : Nathan Stevens,a white farmer of Scotland county, committed suiciue in Laurinburg Saturday by drink- ing laudanum. He had been on a debauch for two weeks. J. R. Holland, the defaulting cash- ier of the Merchants’ & Farmers’ bank of Charlotte, has served out his term in the Albany penitentiary. He returned to Charlotte last week. The North Carolina Congressmen have abour completed arrangements with the Postoffice Department for rural box delivery. Under this sys- tem a farmer may put up a mai! box in front of his place and the mail carrier instead of taking his mail to the office, leaves the same in the box as he goes over his route. Charlotte News: Mr. Malcolm Robinson, a well known carpenter of this city, died suddenly this af- ternoon avout three o'clock, while out hunting with Mr. Will Mayoard on Mr. H. C. Dotger's place, east of the city. Mr. Maynard was a great hunter. As Mr. Robinson was at home to-day, he persuaded him to go hunting with him after dinner. They had culy gotten as far us the Dotver place, when Mr. Robinson stumbled over a log and fell. Mr, Maynard went to help him up and to his horror found him dead. Coneord Standard: Though in- credible it may seem it is neverthe- less truce that a young lady of Forest Hill, who works in the mill at night, cana say her hair has been ahen nest. The lady while asleep was Visited by the favorite hen of the house. ‘Ibechicken pulled the bair pins out and in its own pecu- liar way made its nest of the mai- den’s hair. The lady awoke, but re- alized quickly the circumstances and did not mcve. After the nest was suitably arranged in chicken style ere long therewas an egg in the nest and the hen went out cackling. The hen deserves praise for such taste as to its quarters for laying. eS Two Men Murdcred by Tramps. Norfolk, Va,, Dispatch 23rd, Information was received here this afternoon of a terrible double murder in Greenviiie county, sup- posed-to have been cuinmitted bytwo tramps. Two wo!) known citizens of Emporia, J. N. Welton and J. W. Saunders, left that place for Trego station, on the Atlantic Coast Line, about soon. Walking along the railroad toreach their destination, they met two tramps, one white and the other a negro, who, it is sup- posed, held them up for the purpose of robbery On showing resistance, the two gentlemen were both fatal- ly shot down and the robbery was committed by force. When found, Mr. Saunders was dead and Mr. Welton barely living, but having sufficient strength to tell about the murder and give a de- scription of the murderers. Intense indignation was caused when the affair became known and as soon as possible, a posse was organized for pursuit, assisted by bloodhounds. The tramps were arrested this af- ternoon. A lynching is imminent tonight. White Woman Burned to Death in South Carolina. Columbia, S. C., Special to Charlotte News, 2end. News was received this morning of the burning of awhite woman at the stake by reyrulators near Chester- field Court louse. U. T. Steen, John Jackson, Benja min Jackson and Harvey Jackson were arrested at midnight charged with the deed. The name of the victim of this atrocious deed was Carrie Boan. She was a white girl of the neigh- borhood, aud for some time it has been reported that she has been living with negro men. It is supposed that a band of white caps got together, decided that they must take the law in their own hands, and then captured and murdered the woman in the most horrible and atrocious manner. FURTHER DETAILS OF THE CRIME Wadesboro, N. C., March 23.— Particulars regarding the atrocious murder of Carrie Boan, assaulted and burned in the woods by four white men, show that the woman was gashed in the fleshy parts of ber body, the cuts being from + to 12 inches ian length. Then, while the blood was still flowing, she was released in the wild woods to run screaming until she fell dying. When founda smail braid around the forehead was the only shred of clothing left on ber body. She vas 20 years old, the daugkter of George Boan, a farmer, and was one-quar ter Indian. Last Sunday evening she left her sooms with Sam Woodward to visit Vince Melton. She left there later in the evening with Tom Steen and James Jackscn, presumably to re- turn to her father’s house. Noth- ing more was heard of her until she was seen Monday night, running through the woods. Doss Jackson, Jobu Jackson, Abe Kirkleyand Jim Verner report that they beard the screaming and collecting a crowd, went into the woods and found the virl. An overcoat was thrown over the charred and dying woman and help summoned. When a doctor arrived she was dead. The result of the inquest was the arrest of Harvey, Ben and John Jackson aud J. T. Steen. These men are now in jail. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. Allsuch should know that Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the won- derful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound di- gestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy- Ooly 29 cents at W. ¥.Hall, Jr. drug store. Two negroes were hanged at Bon- | | ham, Texas, Friday, for murder. | | Leon Jenkins, a well-known far- ,mer of Midland, Ga.. was killed by | the train Friday. | Scotian? Neck ore day last week and! D. Appleton & Co., the well- | ! known New York publishers, have | failed for over 31,000,000. 1 one fatally and two seriously injur- ed by the explosion of a saw mill Louis Rice, colored, was lynched necro had testified in favor of a né-} gro murderer. Rather a frivolous} cause for lynching. One robber held up a train near! Hamburg, Mo., Friday night. The robber got $200 in cash and a_ gold watch from the occupants of the sleeper and chair car. Ambushed and Shot in Burke. Morganton News, A dispute over a roadway running through the farmof Sam Morgan, near Bridgewater, arose between Morgan and L. J. Ehrlick, who hves in the same neighborhood. Morgan closed the road, was indicted and cited for trial before Esq. W. N. Thompson on Tuesday last. Ehrlick, ou bis way to the trial, in company with John Patton, was ambushed and shot in the left arm by Morgan with a double barrel shot gun. Be fore Morgan could shoot the second time Patton interfered and seized him and threw him to the greund. In the scuffle Ehrlick procured the gun and fired at Morgan but missed him. He then hit Morgan in the head witha stick and ran. When Morgan was released by Patton he whipped out u pistol and began fir- ingat Patton, who also fled. Only one shot from the pistol, however. took effect, this one striking Patton in the back. Dr. Riddle, of Bridgewater, was sent for and attended the wounded men. Welearn that, although the wounds are very painful, it is not thought that they will prove fatal. The shooting, of course, caused the calling off of a trial of the road matter. Morgan made his escape and at this writing has not been ap- prehended, although a diligent s2arch for hin has been made by Deputy Sheriff Hutchins and others. Sam Morgan is a son of Bruce Morgan, of McDowell county L. J. Ehrlick married a daughter of Robert E. Patton and is a locai preacher. The above account of the shooting was gathered by a News reporter from parties livingin the neighbor- hood where it occurred. Later: News reached Morganton this morning of the capture at Ba- kersville of Sam Morgan. Sheriff McDowell deputized Chas. F. Camp- bell to go to Bakersville ard bring Morgan here, and he left for that purpose at noon. ies A Negro Tortured to Death in Moore Ralei gh Post, 2and. George Ritter, colored, was taken from his home, near Carthage, last Friday night by masked men, and after his body had been shockingly mutilated the victim was shot and swung to a tree. The news of the horrible crime was received at the Executive office yesterday. Though the outrage was committed last Friday night, the first news of it was learned yester- day. A gentleman writing here said that the community was so hor- rified over the revolting crime that nothing had been said to the out- side wor)d concerning it. The theory of the people who knew the negro and are acquainted with the details of the crime is_ that Ritter was tortured and murdered by moonshiners, who had reason to believe that he had given informa- tion to the government concerning their operations in that vicinity. age, is said to bave been simple and inoffensive. It was first thought that he was connected with the burning of some barns and that he had been foully dealt with for that reason. This theory has been dis- credited, and it is the general opin- ion that be was disposed of by moon- shiners, who believed that he had viven information against them to the government. Ritter lived on the plantation of D. S. Barret, seven miles from Car- thage. Friday night four masked men appeared at the home of the negro, and were met by his wife, who was told that they desired to sec George. The spokesman said he had some questions for him to an- swer, apd not to be uneasy. The negro responded to the summons and accompanied the four men with concealed faces. The party had not been gone five minutes when several pistol shots were beard. The next morning the body of George Ritter was found swinging to a tree some 300 yards from his home. The bead had been beat with a club and other parts of the body horribly mutilated before the form was swung up. Everything connected with the crime points to the fact that the negro was barbar- ously tortured before he was killed. The evidence accumulated by the coroner, Dr. G. McLeod, tends to show tbatan effort was made to hang the negro and that he got away andrav. He was followed a quarter of a mile where he was shot. ‘he tracks of the pursued and pur- suing were plainly visible: The wife and daughter of George Ritter were taken to Carthage yes- terday for safe keeping. The two women think they know threeof the whitecappers. Masks and hats have been found, and it is thought that these, together with the tracks ob- served, wil! lead to the identity of the perpetrators of the baroarous murder. He Fooled the Surgeons. 7 ~ | Four men were instantly killed, | 5 boiler near Muncie, Ind., Friday. | in Ripley, Tenn., Friday night. The! Ritter, who was about 35 years of | consumption. RHEUMACIDE CURES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED Price $1. Sold in Statesville by W. F. Hall, Jr, ° Stimson & Anderson. In Mooresville, by E. H. Miller X Co. Headache and Malaria. E. W. Matthews, Unitia, Tenn., writes: [ have used Ramon’s Liver Pills for headache, constipation and biliousness for more than two years, and they have given complete satis- faction. I can truly say that I have never found anything better for the complaints if taken at the proper time. They are a sure preventa- tive for malaria. For sale by N. 1. Tunstall, druggist. 3 Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, *“DeWitt’s Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure iny headache and never gripe.” They generally cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. W. F. Hall, Jr. Cernegie and Frick Organize The Boss Trust. Pittsburg. Dispatch, 23rd. The Associated Press is enabled tonight to present to the public the following absolutely true account of the status of the Carnegie-Frick controversy: All the parties in in- terest met at the board room of the Carnegie Steel Company for six hours today, and as a result not on- ly have all matters of difference been settled and adjusted, but the separate amounts which each party is to receive from the great coin- bined capital bas been azreed upon. The charter of the Carnegie Com- pany has been signed by all the par- ties interested, some thirty-six in all, and the three first nameson the certificate are Andrew Carnezie, followed by Henry Phipps, Jr., and Henry Clay Frick, thus indicating to the world that old friends and recent litigants are again united and standing together at the head of the combined industries with its capital of $160,000,000 and its secur- ities amounting to as much more. Pittsburg therefore has the credit of organizing the greatest corpora- tion that the United States kas ever known, if not the world, in that it starts out with $165,000,000 of stock subscribed for over the signatures of 36 men who are fully able to re- spond to their subscriptions for this vast amount. Of this amount, Andrew Carnegie subscribed $80,000,060, Henry Phipps about $18,006,000; Henry C. Frick about $16,000,000; Charles M. Schwab about $15,000,000, and Fran- cis T. F. Lovejoy about 358,000,000. The rest are in scattering amounts, representing about twenty million- aires. It is stated, too, authoritatively, that in not one paper has there ever been signatures representing a vreater amount of actual worth in the mercantile world. All minor points of detail were agreed on and the execution of a general power of attorney signed by allof the corporators to James B. Dill, of New Yors, corporation lawyer. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, miles- burg, Pa., says, “Asa speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One minute Cough Cure is unequalled. It is j!easant for chil- dren to take. 1 heartily recom- mend it to mothers.”’ Itis the only harmless remedy that produces im- mediate results. I cures bronchi- tis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent W. F. Ball Jr. oes Your - Back Ache? In constant pain when on your feet ? Is that dragging, pulling sensation with you from morn till night ? Why not put the medicine | exactly on the disease ? Why not apply the cure right to the spot itself? You can do it with Dp.Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Plaster — Plaster is applied, y: e its warming, soothing n- fluence. Its healing remedies quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pain is quieted, soreness 1S Te- lieved and strength imparted. No plaster was ever made Tike it. No plaster ever acted so guickly and thoroughly. No plaster ¢ver had such complete control over all All doctors told Renick damilton, of West Jefferson, O.. after suffer- ing 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly opera- tion was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. the surest Pilecure on earth, and the best salve in the kinds of pais. Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; relieving congestion and drawing out all inflammation. FOR FALE RY ALL D RTGGISTS. 5.C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. | rma eT ™ ya A), RRO at NT, NA ee Ree = ee at Notice 10 Crediter DR. E. DETCHEON’S ANTI DIURETIC if : i ? 3 Ye e r k s = !“S3ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. AUD. EE ntere¢ second class mail matter. ] ‘nts for this special work that peculiarly fit and qualify him in connection with his long and suc- | Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch, 27th. There were some startling develop- HEMASCOT Poriusnsp whRLY cessfnl experience in teaching to do | 1 this special work for the State, and|mentsin the Goeble case, today. |'Tbis afternoon W.H. Culton, who waived examination and was held over to the Circuit Court, went to the Capital Hotel, where he was in ver voted any other conference wich attorneys for the | prosecution for over two hours. He was accompanied by his brother-in- its| law, E. E. Hogg, who is also his at- ,\torney. Culton, was reported to | have made a confession tonight. but high position by educa-|jater it developed that the informa. tion. experience, trained service. | tion was not as sweeping as though. : alents | His friends admit he gave th whilst hé has never been an active partisan in politics he has always aS been identified with the Democratic Eprror & PrRoprikTOR. | party and has ne ed 5 than the Democratic ticket. shall not the Democratic convention | nominate this gentleman from own ranks so admirably qualified Why Lot the Pcsetefice at Statesville a and thorough sympathy with our| nn ‘ampaign for the Democratic | - nominations in Iredell will imade before another issue of our The contests ithe nominations has been of spirited |bave been no criminations crimipations indulged in by any of or their friends. been friendly contests among Democrats, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. DE MOCKATIC NATIONAL, DEN PRIMARIES, SATURDAY, POW State copvention to nomiuate a man tor State Superint udent of Public tnstruction who is eminently fit and is thoreugh! purposes of the public schools will be a mat- ter of even bigher mo than their management hi to identify w0Se EXecutive abilities \ a6 : . reed to the astonishment of Demo- ter luis position. Is a acl be ussigned toany man nominated a D. bovhood he has been actively en- ie ed Graham High School and Gra- over them for an Cens Colles oO. ha- tit When the public schools Were re- opened after the Civil Warin his na- Alamance he ed superintendent of the pub- e and continued to crve inthis capacity until he tive > a 7 i th oe rx has of them vorably common schools. CONVENTION lthe same spirit of fairness and then :0crats go to work for the wae \ | nominees and the amendment. WEDNESDAY, 2 : > 3 NS ke No battle of importance RIAL-SATEEDAY, has been ¥, TUESDAY, APRIL 3rp. : a in South fought during the Maren 3st. | ust eee t'on by foreign governments to be hopeless, and the ead of the waris not very far off. — ips Sia POLITICIANS. STATED SUPERINTENDENT — REV. W.S LONG, A.M., DD. Every thoughtful man upon con- mnust conclude that of very vreut uninstructed delegation to the Democratic State position, and who Mitchell county send and plans of the Democrat- | State Convention. organization, Inanagenient}; Union county Democrats endors- ed Aycock for Governor and T. J. L for Attorney ]900. He was locked up __ for the | night. The Demecratic militia will Piensa omni ernsexaicilen kee retained here till after the. April Meredk Oro el honiGonciess aaa” the Circuit Court, which be doi ray 6 gress anc sentan uvainstructec the State convention. future if the Amenudmen o doubt that the man The Democrats of Jones instructed for Avcock for Governor, Simmons for Senator, record kas been county him witb education, and its specially tithim for this wreat Transylvania county senc instructed delegation to the State . Mebane. the ‘uperintendent of £ © ommis- in although 2 A second primary ivr tht } : } iy this should not be a plurality, At the second primary M.S. Willard was nominated, nominating the Rountree and Wi e unless the Democrats are not thus members, next quaincations mye le +h: VI veryoouy that Mr. maries were held The latest news is the county went solid for or, almost solid Treasurer and Labor Commissioner, and as tothe other places on tha State osition by rea- that Aveock for La- for divided with the Republican and Poy me tunis being so ticket at this time, fany man ou our ticket life ané svn structed for thies are vot lined with our ore = iportant for the counties in their names aud conventions te on about this ose Contact with, and : re seems to be somesurprise on Pritchard does not want the inner circle, ton’s place. and itis said that he Will get it after elections are Judge Simonton, it 1s said, is to re tire and Pritchard is to be appoint- quite certain that tion with this place, the conven- i cannot do wiser than to nomi- ‘ for this high and honorable po- in Rev. William S. Long, A. BM. ¥., of Alamance county. cr al genome 2 A Maryland Lynching. Bel Air, Md., Dispatch, 27th. the business of teaching linthe superiatendency of pub- lic schools and in the building of in- Lewis Harris, the negro who was arrested bere Sunday charged with a criminal assault upon Miss Annie Meclivain, was taken from jaii last night and lyuched after a struggle between the sheriff and the mob, in and presiding over col- <s in North Carol ham Normal College and : Shortly before midvight it was an nounced that « mob was on its way from Aberdeen, a neighboring vil- lage, anda general movement to ward the jail took place. Presently about 20 men appeared, some of whom made an attack upon the jail. silade of shots was exchanged bo- tween the sheriff and deputies and the mob, resulting in the wounding of Robert L. Bull and one of the crowd from Aberdeen, whose name could not be learned. The jail door was forced and Har- ris was taken hands of the mob he exclaimed: “‘If I did it, men, | was drunk and did | not know what I wasabout. no recollection of it.”’ The mob hustled him to a neigh- boring yard in which stood a large poplar tree, and placing around his neck fasten over tbe limbs. ground the limb which the unfortunate wretch suspended snapped short and } ris fell tothe ground. ifted up again, moaning “@ conducted them with reat suc- He afterwards founded Elon lose and Was its President until ashovt time ago wh: It j he b; t a be resigned. carned that at different times tendered the presideney colleges in other States, but he accept these DOsi- us tendered him in otker Stat ane continued to labor in the work of ¢ dueation se a& noose | Downsville, which is now being in- ed the rope! vestigated by the coroner and the As he was hoisted|chairman of the board of health. upon; From the information obtained it Wasiseemsvhata Mr. Crews was well dar- jon Thursday, having worked ail day ,on bis farm, was taken illon Thurs ; ‘day night and died on Friday, the .W2S quickly ; symptoms indicating a case of pois- second time. ; shots were fired into the body and the corpse was left hanging until | this morning. lon College, Subsequently he was elected Superintendent of public i or that county and tat capacity. Under his supervi- ion the public schools of Alamance ccunty have attained a high : perhaps no one central North Caroliua has done more to give impetus to the common schools and to higher edu- cation than he has done. ‘of those present who insisted that eS oOo Vance Bradshaw, a_ well-know farmer of Rowan county. fell from load of hav Tuesday and fell on the prongs of a pitchfork, entering his stomach and tearing his' He was thought to be in a’ dying condition when ere : : 0! The body was then carried to a va- epatation of having been uni- formly the friend of education and auiways advocated the education He is well and fa- by the teachers of the State in the colleges and in the nm Heis a man in full vigor of manhood, capable of active service, and possesses execu- the prongs tigured as the cause of the blowing d. the murder of Moore and Bowmaa |in Gold township some years 2vo, is A tobacco stemmery was burned ;accused of the crime. Whether at Spring Hope, Nash count Loss $3,000; insurance $2.- Powers Committed for Comphcity in HON. W D. TURNER the Murder of Governor Goeble. lout. | Henry E. Youtsey. Republican. | Auditor Sweeney's clerk, was ar- rested at noon, and locked up iu jai! charged with being an accessory to have closed and the nominations be/ihe assassination. He is a balf- brother of Hon. L. J. Crawford a prominent Republican of Newport, aid detectives arrested bim as the nan with the black mustache whom but conducted in a friendly manner Golden mentioned as being given | gs becomes Iredell Democrats. There re- Goveraor Taylor's pardon of Pow sed upon the evidence. The may be further investigated.” ‘Lhis afternoon Culton’s counsel an admitted to bail in the sum of #5, tried. Craven county Democrats endors- —-—=_ yeock for Governor, Simmous for Senator, Lacy for Treasurer and nor Goebrl. Thomas for Congress. Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch, 25th. to impeach Golden's testimony i: this preliminary examination, is ne known, as the attorneys for the de Commonwealth will rest its case, and Attorney Campbell being satis- tied that enough evidence hes been Aycock for Goyernor presented teshold the defendast eon and J. W. Grainger, of Lenoir, or the nomi for Senator were fayored, and G. EF. Parrot wus endorsed for Commissioner of Agri- the charges. Golden, who eluims te have been a friend to Secretary Powers and his brother. Joha Pow- ers, for years, gave testimony that was particularly damaying to John Powers, but be also brought in the names of many others, including Governor Taylorin his story of the bringing of the mountaineers to tion. Governor Taylor, however, was not directiy implicated et-i the attorneys for the Commonwes:th in timated today that they du cot ex pect to have his name brought forth prominently in the story of :he al- leved conspiracy. Golden was not cross-examined to- day, and adjournment was taken at an early hour this afternoon, ou ac- count of his physical corditien, the Witness having a slight hemorrhage during the morning, becomize so weak under the strain of the exam- ination in the afternoon that he begged to be allowed a respite. He was quite nerveus at times. Gol- den’s testimony tended to show that a plan was made to bring several hundred “reguinr mountain feud- ists’ to Frankfort, who w-su'd, if necessary, as Golden express:d it, “go into the legislative hall aud kill of enough Democrats to make it our way.’’ The testimony did not show that the alleged plot to kill Goebel was part of the origins: plan. nor did it connect the names of those who conceived that idva, but the Commonwealth sought to show by Golden’s conversations wi va- rious people that not only Jchn and Caleb Powers, but others, as well, had full knowledge of the alleged plaa of assassination. re % Sensation in Caidwell County. Lenoir Special to Raleigh News and Observer, 28th There is quite asensation in Lit- tle River township, not far from ouing. His body was earried to the grave on Sunday evening for buria i when a protest » is nade by some anexamination should be made, cant house, not far distant. and has been guarded since. The wife. who up of a shack atasaw mill. and for which Simon Gragg was tried for e prose- cution such information as he had, jand which heretofore had not come the key to Caleb Powers’ cffice. Youtsey complained that the prose- eution hed broken faith in arresting him anditis said he is ready to make a public statement for, which the prosecution is not anxious at the spirit | this time. the campaign lnusers well for the success of the the At today’s session of the examin- ing trial of the Republican Secreta- ry of State Caleb Powers, the court room was cleared of all persons ex- county convention be conducted injvept attorneys, newspaper repre- ' sentatives and court officers. The defense announced they would intro- duce no testimony, and tendering ers, asked that defendant be dismis- monwealth’s attorneys disputed 5 ‘Laylor’s right and the court over- The Boer hope of interven-| pujed the motion. Bail was asked seems | for. Judge Moore said: “It is not my belief vhat Powers fired the shot which killed Governor Goebel, but from the evidence it is my opinion that he was connected with the conspiracy to kill him. I sball therefore order that the case nounced that Culton would waive his examining trial and by an agree- : PO} ment of the attorneys he will remain uninstructed delegation to thelo: home with his sick wife, under private guard. Captain John Davis also waived examination and was ai : wins Monday, and at which Secreta- Gelegation tol ry. Powers and others are to be the events leading up to the murder: that, if substantiated. will. in the minds of those connected with the cern neice aii Pov yrosecution at least probably go far | of Miss toward proving the contentions of | the Commonweeith that the murder! co feuse will not talk on the subjeet, unless such attempt is made the: ,the house. All his housebold prop- erty was destroyed. Adam r@ 12-year-old negro boy, was sleep- ‘ing upstairs. The iomates were tasivep when the fire started, when awakened the fire had made such headway that nothing could be saved. It seems the fire started ‘the ball, aod when discovered, | Stuirway was aliin flames, and the boy who was sleeping in the secoad story could not be aroused. both County Attorney Polacrove i > Sere 7 ’ cee Chas. Finley, W. H. Calton ao Miss Hattie Cochrane, the 15-year- eee rs. M.C. CS ae ae eee vce ncctn, }Gied last Wednesday night. Frankfort previous to the us-as-ina jbad been excused from ; the day before and was not thought | to be seriously sick until a little The News and Observer's Esttimate of | Him and anlnterview With Nim. | Kaleigh News and Observer, 27th. last quarter of a century. tine parliamentarian. levislative experience. ”’ ment. are for the cause. ican vote unless he can ‘followed heretofore, and tion of Secretary of State Caleb; of the cause. In other words, Powers, charged with conspiracy to are united and will place party kill Goebel, Golden told a story of above men.” eee LE! MOORESVILLE NEWS. Howse and Negro Boy Burned.--Death Hattie Cochrane.— Thett of Corn and Oth- er News. was the result of 2 plan in which) ¢rom our Regular Correspondent. several prominent men were isvolv- | ed. Whether the defense will seek | -Gwelling house on the T. ham farm, now owned by Mr. R. P. Craven, situated one mile west of Codd@le Creek charch. was Will Yount, colored, was ‘ } Was burved to death. | in the city cemetary. machinery. at his church on Sunday. day. church this week. nin street day iu Statesville. jail to await court. district conference. y, Sat- there is anything to substan iate] business. the charge will be thoroughly in-* The farmers are now busily én- vestigated today. aged in carting oway their guano. Hon. W. D. Turner, of Iredell, | candidate for nomination as Lieu- Life of Rev. D. L. Moody. tenant Governor, is inthe city at-| tending the Supreme court. i Turper is not a stranger in Raleigh. In addit‘on to his frequent visits | here to attend the Supreme court,|lotte last Saturday to visit he Mr. Turner served three terms as mother and sister. StateSenator,and it is not too much | tosay that he is one of the ablest, | most faithful and capable legislators who kas represented Piedmont | North Carolina in the Senate in the) ‘| have been very much vratitied,’”’ said Mr. Turner last night, ‘to re- ceive the assurance of support of my candidacy from so many Democrats in different sections of the State. It is an honor that 1 would esteem,and | would bein line with my former April 3rd. Lew Easter hat. Mr. and ofrs. E. M, Stevenson went to Iredell Station last Satur- day to attend the burial of Mrs. Gibson, sister of Mr. Stevenson. Mr. Jao. D. Herman, U. S. Com- missioner, is in Wilkes anc counties this week with Deputy Col- lector J. E. Sloop assisting him swith his work. Representatives of tke Burke Tanning Company, of Morganton, was here Mouday and arranged with Col. G. W. Flowers to buy tan bark bere for them. Mr. Tarneris one of the leadin lawyers in his section of the State. He was a delegate to the National convention in 1896 and was one of the first supporters of William Jen- nings Bryan. He is largely inter- ested alsoin the industrial his town and section. His father was one of the pioneer cotron man- ufacturers in the State, and before the war operated the Turnersburg cotton mills in Iredell county. While Edwin M. Holt was making plaids, Mr. Turner was making yarns and heavy sheetings. Mr. Turner born in Turnersburg, and has al- ways been interested in the cotton mill business. He is now president of the Monbo Manufacturing Com- pany, in Catawba county. brother, Mr. C. L. Turner, is secre- C tary and treasurer. It is om- eS ae ~ ~ i managed and prosperous mill. Speaking of the political situation and outlook, Mr. Turner said; “The people of Western Carolina are manifesting much in- terest in the success of the amend- at aite “The opposition among Democrats | yo Stee: heretofore existing, is daily decreas- ing end the more they study and are informed of the object and purpose of the Legislature in submitting the Constitutional Amendment to the people, the more enthusiastic they “Our opponents are vigilant in telling the people that if the amend- meat is adopted, that no white man jwrite and that the yraudfather ;clause is unconstitutional. ‘has had its efiect, but as the light is | turned on, by those whom they have | they have the utmost confidence, all , doubt is removed from their minds ‘and their earnest efforts pledged to its support. When they learn that Golden Tells of the Killing of Gover-!no white man will be disfranchised ,on account of his inability to read ;and write, they areentirely satisfied. ‘Our people are determined that “John Powers told me they had) North Carolina shall be governed for {two niggers here to kill Goebel. | by white men, and white men aione. for} Tkey were Hocker Smith and Dick! ‘‘With this in view, they desire Conibs.”’ This statement was made! the party, in convention, to nomi- today by F. Wharton Golden, a frail, | nate men who will bring success to San un-jcousumptive looking Kentucky | the ticket. mountaineer, while on the witness ‘iadividual preferences. The delegates are said}stand in the prelimieury examina-| subordinate their choice for the good to faver Aycock for Goyernor and Campvell for Corporation While they may have they State. On last Wednesday night | while befure her death, which oc- ;curred before the doctor arrived. | The fuueral services were beld at the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon at 40 clock by Rev. Wharey. The pall bearers were her schoolmates, Messrs. Floyd Mel- chor, Ira Gibson, Paul Grierson, tobert Jonnson and Wade McCon- nell. The remains were laid to rest A Miss Whittington, who works in the factory, had one of her arms severaly lacerated Saturday by be- coming entangled with some of the Rev. Dr. Wharey hus deen sick for several days. He was unable to preaci at the communioa services Kennedy filled his pulpit on that Rev. L. R. Pruit, of Charlotte, is assisting Rev. J. &. Shinn protracted imeetingat the Baptist Maj. G. W. Clegg, of Statesville, was here Monday surveying lands for the new factory, and also run- 1g an extension of Academy Mr. &. A Troutmar spent vester- Henry Lawrence, colored, arranged before C. V. Voils, Esa , Monday on the charge of stealing corn from Mr. Espey McLean, and in default of $100 bond was sent to Rev. J. E. Thompson, P. E., held the second quarterly conference at the Methodist church yesterday, at which Messrs. M. W. White, R. Culp, J T. A Davis and L. R. Con- nelly were elected delegates to the ——_—— See The News of Troutman’s. Correspondence of The Mascot. Mrs." McMahan and daughter. Mrs. Bolick, of Mocksville, are visit- ing at Mr. C. M. Wagner's. Miss Ellen Lazenby and niece, Miss Nell Lazenby, of States- ville,and Mrs. W. H. Young and little daughter. of Charlotte, were the guests of Mrs. J. T. Shepherd this week. Miss Marie Shelton has returned from a visit to Statesville, Mr. Claude Mayhew, of Moores- Ville, is spending a few days here on TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. —- County Commissioners meet next | Monday. April 2nd. Rey. W.S. Cherry is selling the Mr. W.O. Benton, deputy collec- | tor, of Statesville, was here monday. Mrs. P.T.. Steck went to Char- What has become of the States- | ville and Taylorsville telephone line. |can't we vet this line built? Congressman Linney came home jlast Saturday on a visit to his fam- jily and to see his Egypt stock farm near town. Miss E. A. Bolick began a school for small children in the Carson dwelling west of the court house Monday morning. Mrs. Lelia Bogle will have her millinery opening next Wednesday, Callon her and get a Taylorsville needs and wants a national bank, cotton mil! and fur- niture factory. Who wi!l make an elfort to get cither one or all three for the town? Mr. D. W. Correll has taken an interest with Mr. W. E. Elliott his store, and they have rented Dr. Little’s store room to which they are moving their stock of yoods and They will add a line of dry goods and notions and enlarge their stock. Mr. W. P. Echerd has exchanged the law office and lot between the Methodist church and Masonic building for cottage dwelling and lot of E. M. Stevenson, of Dr. Little’s residence, and build another room or two and ovherwise improve the place and move to it. - — <a we -—- - A.3i. Fry for Corporation Commis- sioner. Correspondence of The Raleigh News and Ob- server. Swain county that bears the name of the distinguished Governor Swain has never presented to a State con- vention the name of any one for a position on the State ticket, new we are not asking much, but we do ask that A. M Fry be nomi- vated froin the west as one of the Corporation Commission. If the convention that assembles on the llth of April knew Mr. Fry atthe writer of this article, he would be nominated by acclamation, and when nominated and elected the interest of the entire State would be safe in his hands. Mr. Fry is a man of deep thought, pure logic, thorough busiuess guali- lication, and is able to debzte any question that may arise in the com- ing Campaign. Mr. Fry will add honor and -trenyvth to our State ticket, and if the people will nominate and elect him he will be of great service to the Mr. Fry isalawyer of abil- ity, is oneof the best farmers in Western North Carolina, as well as 2 thorough business man, Now in conclusion we appeal and believe that each and every couuty will help us to nominate Mr. Fry to the position which he " andno Democrat will ever regret that be gave him bis support. Respectfully, R. L. Leararrwoop. Bryson City, N.C., Mar. 18, 1900. (Mr. Leatherwood is the present member of the House from Swain county, has beena member of the Senate and is one of the ablest law- yers of Western Nortn Carolina.— Mascor.) _— i -—-- Se Davidson News. Correspondence of Tur Mascot. The new addition to the Linden Cotton Millis completed and the new machinery wiilsoon be running. The addition cost about $30,000. There is a great deal of yrip and pneumouia in this section. There bas been considerable mad dog excitement. Several dogs have been killed. Miss Ada Gibbs, one of the best employes of the cotton mill, died ox the 19th aftera short illness with congestion of the brain. Respectfully, § J.C. Prarson. Davidson, march 27th. The State Treasurer says the State debt is now $6,501,770. Only Knows : what stffermg from fall: of cS Yomb, whités, painful or e a menses. or any disease of the qatinctiy feminine otcn&y is. A man may sympa- 22 of pily but be etn not knew the ar she gees through—the terridle sending, so pstientiy boene, which : tobds ae = peeve pore and happi- ness. e #3 sufferi: r - a mg really is | McELREE’S Wine of Cardui| will banish it. This medicine § tures all ‘‘ female diseases” quick- lyand permanently. It does awa with humiliating physical exami- nations. The treatment may be J taken at home. There is not con- } tinual expense and trouble. The § erer is cured and stays curcd. § Wine of Carduiis becoming the leading remedy for all troubles of & this class. It costs but $1 from any druggist. ; For advice in cases requiring § directions, address, the § D “Ladies Advisory Department,” § The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. rae MES. C.J. WEST, Nashv writes :—" This wonderful aesctioreae : er om every house where there are girls vt * BS SA A SE S ar e SD 9 9 9 9 9 32 Thin, paie, anemic girls ¥ need a fatty feed to enrich & their blood, give color to 273 Slesto a stake: thence South 26° East_ 180 oe & their cheeks and restore their 9 health and strength. It is} safe to say that they nearly & ‘ect fat with their food. ¢ o Elin 3 . ty . ! Esher: panies COB LIVEN Gtk | WTI BI COREILPATTES OF b FTE & FB8X is exactly what they require; it not only gives them the im- nortant element (cod-Hver oui f \ Yadkin Sin a nalatable and form, but also the hyrs- & pheenhites which are so velu.- ¢ sorders thet é ae * usually accompamy anaemia. + ‘SCOTT'S EMULSION isa 3 . . : « » fatty food that is more easily digested than any ether for: ertain amount cf ficsh ts necessary for health. ¥ & You can get it in this way. ¥ . We fave known per- ¥ “ sons (0 gain a pound 2 ¥ : day while taking it. y in 32 > DH BN P : sec. and $1.00, all drugwists. % SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemssts, New York, “pacee teceecees eceesecce” Bowman, a promi- nent Lutheran preacher, died at his Pleasant, Cabarrus He was formerly Lutberan church in Esq., west will sounty, Monday. pastor of the STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N.C), February 22, 1900, 9 @, m. “trict Good Middling PADRES ee. and COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. Chickens and eggs wanted; all produce in BUYING PRICES—BASIS NO. I QUALITY. Cabbage, per fb aie eho eel dina eer $1. vushel. . . . 3 unbolted, 48 ths ** elect, per dushel ~hicken—Spring—small— per... Turkeys—per Ib Dd s = RAS CAC et a eee to Batter—Chx vice yeliow L070 spires, ry 3 5 BSPs Money—strained, per 2 Hides—dry, pee d ies-—dried—quarters, bright | its fancy bright sliced. . gteen—per bushel Peaches—pceled, ground, per tb em s e e t l ' CE E R E G E R EC E AT LA , & ve 2 = % % « t ete wi easily dae 3 aw a . ‘ “ o * - « a 1% & y 24 & CN R ye e e s hb a OR T GO N ty nm i) tA s t > Ra w May be worth to you more than $100: if you Parc aa have achild who soils bedding ; 2 of water during sleep. © : ae alike. It arrests the trouble at once, $1 pecenkioeie indies: ‘Sold by STIMSON & ANDERSON, sstatesville, . C in bar of their recover eee a a E ; v. 16, age Sale of Property, Armfield & Turuer, Aves." ¥ VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court ‘ at 12 o'clock, Beaatedl in the county of Iredell the Elvira White home tract, @ rollows: Beginning atthe no | the old tract, running W vy, James Johnson's corner; ast 62 poles to a re poles toa OM Tre ne See auard B, White, and cos-| Sale of Valuable Lan: or less. ue he . from inconten- Cures old and Campbell, notice is ties having claims a Druggists, day of February, 1,01, uu ates tate will please make i: rN g february term, EE sens of Iredelicounty, N. C., at Fe oe x aaa 1 i ntitled WB. Mott vs. M. A. . aT sell at public ensions Ae Garland Coffee Pot, | cash at the court house door in Statesville, N,C,, E ARE agents for the @.,. Coffee Pot, and ha MONDAY, APRIL 9TH, 1900, in at mtreden- Rowan, Gu: i jot oO} nm jenburg and Cabarrus o noma at known as; saves sire of th " nd bonnded as} solutely clear. pure cottes rtheast corner of} drinking any dreg-~. est 128 polesto a hick-/ Sce it and vou wilt buy thence South 15°} Jau‘y. 25th, 1900. Re d cak; thence South 30° East BLAND j , vhite oa south end corner of the ee he lands willed by taining Tao MCTES BOLE E LONG, Y VIRTUE ofa judgmen: os, W.G. LEWIS, Court of Iredell count, aes i sth . Commissioners. {ry Term, 1593, of Iredell S4:-- This March 7th, 1900. Sea ae seen ve two houses and lots in ee any The lots ench contain one-half acre MONDAY, APRIL, oc), and the hovses are four room cortagzes. A good that valuable tract of land i well and smaN barn on each lot. Priees reason- ship, adjoining the land? + able and terms part cash and balance on tme. Phifer eae other! + 2 J For further particulars address ' thance North 109 poles toa =: March,13. 2900. ee = } West 5: polestoa post oak “. notify all persons having claimsagainst ee ect to the dower estate of tute to present the same to mine on or before Terms—Cash. March 5th, 1901. All persons indebied to said estate are expected to make immediate pay- This Feb. 28, 19% tate of J, W. McHargue, deceased, I” hereby | of J, ¥. Cavin, agaitist M. 3 < notify all persons having Claims against said es- | tne undersigned as commis, tate to present the same to me on or before | win) at the court honse door March Sth., 190], and all persons owing said ¢s- SARA ari: tate are expected to make immediate pay:ent. is This March Sth., 1g00, Hacks & Surreys. and also by judgment of si: 4 commissioners will sell a_: west Statesville | in Statesville, N.C... on Two Houses and Lots for Sale. | Ferm. pon fatieasmns co mee Ganias 2 NG % = a spn aeehesee c. \toastone, North 20? Bast = ie - >corner, Sunth 1a poles to a » | Notice to Creditors. d corner: Soath 05° West ine ie + lace’s corner, South 3 AS lie cee ip AVING qualified as administratr of the Puifer’s cornor, North Bos hast w 2b hy estate of Mary A, Allen, deccased, this i$ to | the beginning, coutainit x ment. SDRitW H. ALLEN, Administrator, ee Department ct State, “i ‘This March 5th, 1990. Washington, “ —— ——— Sale of Land, * ry) Notice to Creditors. ¥ VIRTUE of a decree of 1; me 8 ¢ 5 Court, made at Februar AVING qualified asadministrator of the es- | court, in the case ofj. Ts sell at publie auction io th JOHN W. MCHARGUE. valuable tract of land in Administrator. in Iredell county, N.C, kn Grier & Long Cavin home place, adjoining Attorneys Cavin, John Young and othe acres more or less. Said lands Se aD ——— | jectto the dower of M. J. Cx of J. ¥. Cavin. Terms of s in cash on day of sale, one months from day of sale B ‘ B l l 1es ed security with interes: retained tll all the purchase : <n J, T.SMivéE Scconeamcans This Ma 7th, IgQo0. J. B. ConnéNy, Att'y. Cotton is worth 9:73 Mr. Dave Holler | > Charlotte. Miss Gertrude Wo. © ed from a recent 1iises Messrs. Poston their millinery openit 5 bri Rev. R. C. Davic regular appointment = ling next Sunday. © Mr. J. F. Presso has a position He wil! move : Mr. Eugene Tur: a stock of genera the vacant storero SS NIARINGS, 7.) a ay Saturday, and Mr. M chipped in and bou: Rev. Dr. Ww. sick with grip as such as to cause This week Registe na — Newell W. Brown Messrs. N. B. their millinery oper and it continues tod Wi ful line of millinery i Messrs. MeLe!!: loh township. sek for 3y cents a pound Mr. John E. Scrosy © old place at Halls a has recovered from t ry which laid him ap Deputy Sheri? Turnersburg © Josephine Sutton, w She is Wi lown COMMseigge F March 22nd. North 2 degrees East 160 poles eae a og rs eames Btast BB poles , 9 West 48 poles to a stake at the ef | thence down the gully and H tothe head of the branch: 1 branch 40 poles toa brick; thence We buy fresh butter and eggs. | hereby notifiedto present the and all kinds of country pro- | persons indebted to said estate duce, make immediate payment. RB VIRTUE ofan orderof resale madeinthe (4.5 at thecourt house door : al. by the Superior Court of Iredell county, the undersigned will sell at the court houee door in Statesville, N. C.. by public auction on a certain tract of land in Turner sburg towgship = 6] containing 1X3 acres more or les s, atfoloiog: the = ae Spring. lands of Mrs. Richard Hix, the Thomas tract, SERS, 2900 Zack Patterson’s land aud the Nosman Ward H, Burke, Att'y, home place, and lying near the old Norman Ward mill on Dutchman creek a nd keizg a part GENTS wanted for tne best ty; am = Commissioner’s Sale of Faly, We have just received a car of Buggies, Hacks and Sur- ble Land. reys which we will sell very ¥ VIRTUE ofa judginent close for Court made in the spe in pending entitled Jno. C x nee Ca sh or on Feimster and others Wx Parte, commissioner will sell at the court Tim A Statesville, N.C., on © SATURDAY,APRIL ::TH. ; Nice Jobs. It will pay you Roos in the division of ~age - ays oun as follows: Beginn to sce them before purchas Beeincs Giasad riers COer nts ing. Respectfully, poles to a stone ata gully ani thence South ro degrees Fy Henkel Bros. oak in T. M.C. Davidson's ti poles to a stake in Mrs, Mary ‘ branch ditch; thence across down, Mrs, Watts’ corner: FOR PURE thence North sydegrees West junes, FOOD GO TO i degree Hast 158 poles tat p= ss the Huggins land; thence Nort grees West with Houpe's line ; Hein’s Pickles creek: thence down the creek 11 containing 11gacres. Terms Sweet Mixed, podiays. 9: CH. ARY ° 1s March oo. Sour Mixed. Tere Mountain Buckwheat Flour. ", ” is >, S AVING qualified as administr: Sweet and Irish Potatees. See == persons having claims aga dersigned on or before March R. A, MIL. his 3 h h, 1900. é Moore & iene Somes Soeceses cea nae en Oak Ridge wi. baseball here with Deaf and Dumb Seis April 6th., and one on Saturday, the 71k . Every Democrat i should attend the f precinct Sat urday Full prim: full Democratic vot Ali lovers of | clas admirers of Mende! re to attend a recital and pupils at the = evening. i wil: follow the reci The congregation pointed to be held terian church Sand ed until next 5S ‘ only a small cor day on aceount of t Messrs. Bradford loh township, sold A rec epu —_.—. # Barrel of Kraut, Notice to Credit Monbo cotton mills Mr. H. A Yount ship, sold 130 bate! mili at the same prj is Broad street. enterprise conduct youny men not Lo McLain. Notice. eT Te ———— Y VIRTUE of a decree of the super Sale of Land in Tarnersburg of Iredell county. made term 1900, the undersigned on MONDAY, APRIL, 2 at 12<'clockexpose to the hig am Township case of S. P. Ward et al.vs.M. 1, Ward et j ¢he following described prope and lot containing 3 acres an J.J, Gitbert on the West and G TUESDAY, MAY IST. ig00, Dr, Chenault and others Nort R. R. and runs with the road } ofthe old Ward place. Terms: 4 cash, balance | 4% the market, the “Pittsbu in 3 months. Bidding to comme nce at $303 70. ing in sight at all times: exclu: W. D, TU RNER, en, Address BINDLEY M arch 29, 1990. Com missioner, Pittsburg, Pa. Saturday the co ers let the contract cottage at the Cou Cc. H. Brown, of T The work is to be ¢ W.L. Gilbert property, joining the lai Ais Q A. Hoove ithe W recently ¢u ed and Dr. O. L were necessary great deal of blo The friends of } of Olin townshij theDemocratic no HO G ao k f a HORSES AND MULES, E WILT, HAVE a car of horses and mules to arrive Friday, 23rd, (tomorrow). Respectfully, HENKEL BROS. Mouey to Lend, FE HAVE money to lend on approved real Respectfully, GRIER & LONG, Attorneys, stry, Tuesday, April ‘ nesday, April gth: Ire. ation, Thursday, april sth. to practice m Respectfully, =. W. MOOSE, This March apth, 190. oe - = . ene ti Notice—Denti WILL BE at Sioan’s Station, Std, 1900; Scotts, Wed March ayth, 1900. Mortgage Sale of Land. Y VIRTUE of the powers contained ina —— mortgage deed executed by W. W. and J. Q. Carer to jacob Bostian, deceased, as appears of record in the office of the register of deeds of Iredell county, the undersigned, executor of the ¢ tate of the said Jacob Bostian, deceased, will sellat public auction tothe highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Statesville, N. c., on SATURDAY, APRIL, 28TH, igpo, at 12 o'clock, m., the followi t : ug described lands, situate in Fallst i i own township, towit: A cer- aS containing about 140 acres, } Collins, Jes-ie Lippard and others. This atarch 20th, 1900. I.. KE. BOSTIAN, Extr. of Jacob Bostian, deceased, R. B, McLaughlin, Att'y Mc rtgagee. Spring is Coming! Seed Time i~ here and the Harvest wiil come, provided you biant good sced, We have a large stock of the most desirable seed, viz: All kinds of Garden and Field Seeds, Clover, Orchard G falfa, Timothy, Kentucky Blue Our Seed Irish P. the northern are the only kind = D.D. Ss. Henry Trout- Suther, J. Pp. FP OAs LOOK OVER THIS List of Articles_ and when in need of them come and see us. Collars. Collar Pads. Blind Bridles, Halters, Check Lines. Hitching Reis, Back Bands, Hame Strings, Harness of All Kinds Harness Dressing and Soap. Buggy and Wagox Harness. "DON'T FORGET OUR Fertilizer Department. We have the goods, and make the price. - The Flanigan Harness Co. ty treasurer. He i andentirely Com the duties of the o Mr. W. W. Mill night by a thief in the front door Some thou yzoods were taken to the thief. The entertains Ladies Aid Societ church at Mrs. J. day night was a rid were rendered 43 The receipts amo The county awarded the con tric light fixt in place to Wii ville, for #38>,1 ing is to be y Jhere w cent and one are ures The primaries ship will be held ward, mayor S ward, armory, v storerd ware Democrat aite o'clock Saturday Tv. H. Vander bury, was kere nt Ce and was the firs the company ' consideration % tion in regara The east and al d rass, Al- Red To P; Grass, ete, otatoes are growa which i worth Buy the Western Potatoes if ' you expect 4 crop, because | vou will be disapnointed. OPER &GIII. | The Big Store. Prices and qualities are yoked here. Values that are plsnted E8 falns Zrow pocket-book Plums. It will pay you t ocall atyour * ure and examine, and buy at your pleasure. It is ike ever? benetit in the shape of money’s worth, that demand s of aj] syer their hard earned pennies and dollars judiciously to see us for value Special Values in Dress Goods, Pieces, 35 inch Grey and Mixed Dress Suitings, at 3734c. worth soc. yd. En. Grey and Blue, All wool. Albatross, 30¢. worth soc. yd. ws. 372. Grey mixed Suiting, 33¢. yd. worth soc. Patera, 7 yds. Green and Grey Silk mixed, Suiting, $3.50 for Pattern. iG Fach 7 yd. Tan and Blue Paplin at $3.55 pattern. = __ Fine Blue-Grey Veintian Cloth, $7.00, pattern. Picce Grey Plaid. large and showy. for Skirts, soc. yd. | $2inch. All colors, Ventian Mixture 75c. vd. worth $1.00. $2 inch. Green and Black Vemtian Mixture. 75¢. yd. Worth $1.00. =] 38inch, Blue and White Stripe Serge Suiting asc. yd. Worth soc. *, 36inch. Cream Cashmere % wool 2Sc. yd. “4 5 1 T 1 1 I 1 t 1 1 t Our line of Black Dress Qoods represent money values at the lowest trade prices rangit 12% to ene We havea big lot oddsa d Endsin Dress Stuffs at prices rangins 10 0 $1.00 y: See the assortment special value in Remnants from ¢c. to 25¢. v1. New Lot Light Calicoes at 5c. yd. z — A Complete stock of Shoes at old Prices. powder house Victory ners of the under the leade Thus the “‘seasq G. J. Allen, tute, Alexande pounds of tob ther, Esq., at house here yes after charges, of $ and a small was grown on was cured in Rev. WL SS county, whom this week for 4 ination for of Public inst of our honorg Long, Esgq., and the fath Frank Long. the Iredell b: an o Wilhelm & Mil V Yr "y a | a ‘ ig sw and Coffee Pot . ntstor the Cees, Cotton is worth 9:75 here to day. Mr. Charlotte. Miss Gertrude Wood has recover- Dave Holler has moved to AninfantofMr. and Mrs. John B. Cashion, of Statesville township, see Monday and was buried Tues- ay. An infant of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ‘froin a business trip North. Mr. R. A. Evans, of Charlotte, was here a few days ago. Mr. J. F. Bowles is at home from a business trip to Baltimore. Mr. Ernest Patterson, with a broom, one of the first man- ufactured at the establishment, last Thursday. ‘The broom is first-class in every respect. The factory has & capacity of about 20 dozen per week who was |#td there should be no trouble about innd and R. F. Henry, presented us| | voting places Saturday afternoon at | ocratic primaries and county convention. J am The rules governing the | profoundly grateful for past support and solicit your further fayor. Inthe event of iny nomination and election, 1 will continue to cis- charge the duties of the office tothe best of ty ability, Respectfully. 1:2 o'clock. primaries are the same as in former years. Thechairman of the pre- cinct committee presides and the strength of each candidate voted for is carried up to the county con- ee, lors rs THEIZASCOT DEATHS. PERSONALS. = The Broom Factory. (‘The Primaries Saturday. For Register of Deeds i ae | Th Stat rill b m factory. The Democratic primaries will i Thereby announce myselfa candidate for re- es a Old and Young Pass Away. | ‘ e atesville broo Yo, a sy pet e ' ereby MCC maNSCis aicaIesCeeC EOF re LOCAL - sr. | Ye. Simon Moses has returned | conducted by Messrs. W. T. Row.) meet ineach precinct at the various /seicnaty sbetoiescionotteran Moe A Be ~ Wholesale and Retail. We want to call your attention to the fact that we have put ina FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF » and have the oy td ( a . : Stewart, of Statesville, died Friday venti i 7 : | ar ee TRE Exclus Rly 4 from a recent illness. Selle eC; : J : : Hi : vention. The primary can send as : : : avi Wan, Gatawba ;(/'¥ ed from a f ___| morning and was buried at Hidden- here sick, has returned to Asheville seliing the brooms. Our people rraruidalosad Pp SS as I HEREBY announce myself a cannidate for | 8 ee Messrs. Poston Bros. will have ite Sand 2 should patronize this home enter- y delegates as 1t chooses to the Register of Deeds, subject t c: Ne en ae nl pe eee These parents have! Mr. J. B. Meacham, of Davids jews : county convention, but the precinct ; the Democratic county cons © o ae their millinery opening next 1Ues-|the sympathy of the communit _ Mr. J. B.D ’ avidson, | prize. z ’ € Ct) Dreciate the support of my fri e pathy Y- lisvisiting his brother, Mr. C. F.| The farmers of Iredell county will have only the votes to which it | maries. Respectially is entitled We printed a list of 52 SICELOEE- For Men, Boys and Youths. Meacham. could make some money by raising -, Re .~. R. C. David ill fill his| A four-montbs-old daughter of -arious i ; LAND fj v. R. C. Davidson wi ‘ enter 0 . os the various precinct votes some a ~ <= = aj r - eS * 1¢ce s now - ot ~ < “ ° r srappointment at New Stir-| Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hoover, of Shi- aa = = Deets ara pe Sane gy Mr Re Fe Henry the | Weeks ago. Fer Register of Deeds, We propose to sell this Clothing at a very small margin ing next Sunday. loh township, died Tuesday morn | any township, are visiting relatives ab pr cepagen SiR has| .Our advertising columns wili : of profit. vir. J. F. Presson, of High Point ing at 4 o'clock. The interment} ia Lenoir. president of the broom factory, S| snow the candidates for sheriff oe eecainaiot se Ir 28S ‘ . 6 tg s 5 5 - Regis eds, subject tot ctio the . : Mr. J. F. Presson, of High Point, seed for sale at cost. We could idates for sheriff, reg- | -negiter of Deeds. sae ae et pe It costs us nothing extra to carry clothing juds RMEnt oF 5 rast 33 pont Oak, Wallace ; Froles to a ge. ” ee @S° 144 Doles a position He will move his family here. Mr. Eugene Turner will open up 4 <tock of general merchandise in he vacant storeroomin the Bank purlldim’. Mir. W. PF. Munday’s horse died Saturday, and Mr. Munday’s friends ped in and bought him another Rev. Dr. W. A. Wood is quite wick with grip. His condition is -uchas to cause unéasiness to his friends. This week Register Turner issued cense for the marriage of Mr. Newell W. Brown and Miss Jennie Carriker. Messrs. N. B. Mills & Co., had their millinery opening yesterday ind it continues to-day. A beauti- line of millinery is shown. Messrs. McLelland Bros., of Shi- ob township. sold a lot of beef cat- tle last week to Salisbury parties ‘or 3¢ cents a pound gross. Mr. John E. Scroggs is back at his i piace at Hall’s drug store. He recovered from his ee his home in Concord township Ee B. Cline, Esq., a prominent] ville isa district and the outside|draws vear we will mention our MILAN L. LENTZ. that, too, with the closest reference to - which laid him up for @ week Or/ Thursday afternoon, aged about 45 rT ya : Hickory, was here} territory of the township another. choice for the Democratic nomina- : an perfection of finish and gracefulness of fit. nore years. His death “vas caused by vest ay on egal business. In Statesville the city is a district | tions. For sheriff we of course} For County Treasurer. A lady buying a dress shoe ofjus, may feel Deputy Sheriff J. W. Ward, of | Cancer. The interment wasat Trin-}| Miss Linwood Bost left Monday ]and the rest of the township forms| Want Wycoff: Haynes for treasurer; that she has secured the : ‘ornersburg township, delivered ine Sutton, white, at the jail iy. She is wanted in Yad- in county. Oak Ridge will play a game of haseball here with the Morganton and Dumb School on Friday, i $th., and one with Davidson Saturday, the 7th. Every Democrat in Iredell county iidattend the primary in his inct Saturday afternoon at 2 \pr Cock. at Webb’s marble was at St. MMartin’s yesterday. These parents have the sympathy of their neighbors in their sad loss. GJenn, the little six-months-oid son of Mr. and Mrs. Flake T. Burke, died Monday night at the home of its parents near town. The funeral services were conducted from the residence at 4 o'clock Tuesday by Rev. Edward S. Reeves and the in- terment ‘was at Oacwood cemetery. These young parents have the sym- pathy of all their friends in their sad loss. Mrs. Benfield Mrs. Philoh Benfield died at her homein Shiloh township one day last week, aged about 70 years, and was buried at Mt. Herman Luther- an church. Her maiden name was Pope. She leaves a husband and two sons, Messrs. Lawson and Mon- roe Benfield, to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Lutheran chureh anda kind, good woman. Mr. H. M. P. Matthews. Mr. H. M. P. Matthews died at ity church Friday afternoon. The deceased married a daughter of the late Lewis Morris, of Ccncord town- ship, and she and eight children survive. There is much sympathy for the bereaved widow and children. Mes. Browning. Mrs. E. C. Browning died at her home in Concord township Friday evening at 7 o'clock and was buried at Stony Point church Sunday. She The de- ull pri ies will mes ae Full primaries will mean 4] was probably 75 years old. é Mrs. J. B. Doub, who formerly lived here, is visiting Mrs. W. E. Nattress. Miss Mary Shelton, of Fullstown township, is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. L. Miller. Mr. A. K. Klingender left Mouday evening fora two weeks’ trip North On business. Mr. W. P. Phifer left Tuesday for Winston, where he will probably go into business. ‘ Miss Ethel Stevenson. of Moores- ville, is visiting her uncle, R. McLelland. Miss Rena Burwell, who spenta part of the winterin Norfolk, Va., arrived yesterday. . W. C. Feimster, Esq.. the clever Newton att yas y - ; a : : tion districts. Each township, ex- Miss Bertha Ehason returned to|cept Coddle Creek, Davidson, Shiloh, Wilmington Monday after spending |and Statesville, is a district and several weeks at home. there are two districts in each of the Rev. Robt. C. Davidson .. | four townships named In David- ville township, has Eee ae sonand Shiloh each. election pre: eat to South Careiinn oM 81 inet forms an envmeration district. ; In Coddle Creek the town of Moores- print something about broom corn culture, but our farmers already know how to grow it, as most of their wives have beeu in the habit of having their own brooms made from home grown corn. => The Census Enumerators. The Census Supervisor of this dis- trict, Prof. O. F. Pool of Taylors- ville, yesterday recommended for appointment to the Director of the Census the enumerators for his dis- Rev. W trict. The law will not permit the vev. W. | supervisor to disclose the names until the appointments are given out from the census office at Wash- ington, which will be done ina few days. Weregret that we cannot publish the list this week. The supervisor has divided Ire- evening for Huntsyille, Ala., to vis-| another. it her brother, Mr. C. F. Bost. Mrs. J. P. Burke has her mili- nery opening today and tonight. |-* Search Warrant and Fight. ee yee bendsome stock. Monday afternoon Mr. R. V. ae r.C.S. Cooper, of Asheyile,|Tharpe was counting some money spent Sunday and Monday here|in the St. Charles Hotel office when with Mrs. Cooper and the children.|he was called to the ‘phone. He i Mr. T. E. Witherspoon, who now | put the money in his vest pocket lives at Salisbury, spent Sunday }and went out. On the street he here with the home folks. eoncluded to count the money again, Miss Minnie Morrison, of Coneord | ¥2¢2 he found that a ten dollar bill was mnissing. In the office when Mr. —_—-— township, spent Saturday and Sun- ister of deeds and treasurer. Cor- oner Foard is the only one mention- ed so far for coroner. Surveyor Somers and Mr. W. W. Williamson, of Truotman’s have been spoken of for surveyor. The present board— Messrs. Davidson, Steele and Gray —and Messrs. J. A. Black, of Da- vidson townsbip; Espy W. Brawley, of Coddle Creek; W. M. Howard, of Statesville; Emmet Morrison, of Shiloh, aad J.W. Hager, of Sharpes- burg, are talked of for county com missioners. Charles H. Arméeld, Esq., of Statesville, and John B. Holman, Esq., of Cool Spring, have been discussed for the Senate. Dr, S. W. Stevenson, of Moocresville,and Mr. A. D. Watts have been men- tioned for the House. a pene a The primaries may instruct for For Register of Deeds, all the places, a part of them or for none, as in their wisdomseems best. I Each primary will elect an execu- tive committee of five members, the chairman of which isa member of the county committee. le A Ficket Suggested From Fallstown. Correspondence of THE Mascot. As the time for the convention ciate the support of my friends in the prima- ties to be held on March 31st. Respectfully, M. C. WILLIANS. ° For Register of Deeds. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of Revister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and willapp ¢ support of all who deem me suitable id office. Respectfully, a. D. KESTLER. ° For Register of Deeds. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Kegister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and re- spectfully ask the support otallmy Democratic friends at the primaries to be held March 31st. Respectfully, R. J. BRYANT. HEREBY announce mysclf a candidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention, and will appre- ciate the support of my friendsin the primarics Respectfully, H. C. SUMMERS. For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic county conventicn. and will appre- ciate the support of my friendsin the primaries. Respectfully, I HEREBY announce myscif a candidate for renomination for the office of County Treas Turner for register; we take pleasure iu naming Dr. S. W. Steven urer, subject to the action of the Democratic OR Re RsCn an primaries and county convention. The support f $ “ t < « y re: on. c SUpPpo! A. D. Watts, for the House. These of the Democratic voters is respectfully soucit- two gentlemen will, we feel sure, |*4 1 Bene ncearorene cee he ae i ° : aithfully and acceptably and if re-clect ill reflect credit on the county if they | continue togive them pas eseaice sae ee are elected. J. A. HAYNES. As for the present county officers, they have been tried and found true. They have the run of their offices and have familiarized themselves nue peas: Treasurer Subject to the 2 Sagi arate Gi A : vn cg | tCtion of the emocratic county convention, i Ww ith the details. They ar e oalw OY8 | respectfully ask the Support of all aa eas: polite, courteous and obliving and | cratic friends at the primarics to be held March have made us officers of whom we|*” Se ya GUY may well feel proud. It does not For County Treasurer. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for —— —_—— the same room the same salesman elc. We are prepared to save you money in this line. When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. We have the goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. Come and be convinced. Truly. F. A. Sherrill & Co. Announcement. We are pleased to announce the opening of our exceptionally elegant live of Footwear for the Spring and Summer of 1900, The assortment contains in great variety the very latest and most pleasing styles of the season. Such a superb line of new noyelties and standard goods cannot fail to meet your requirements. Ladies Dress Shoss. It we are particular in any one regard, it is in the selection of our ladies fine shoes. We keep modern metropolitan styles, and Daintiest Footwear O tainable, And ata price that, considering the sterling value of the article re- presented, is remarkable. We cau atiord to make low prices or these superb goods, for they sell fast. We invite all to come in and inspect our new line of Shoes, SLOOP& MILLER. For Sheriff, HEREBY announce myself a candidate for re-election io the office of sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and county convention, My desire has been to serve Tharpe was counting the meney|<cem the best party policy to throw was a young man named Don Jones, | these efficient officers out and elect who registered from Washington | untried men when we remember that City, and Mr. Tharpe thought Jones|the present: incumbents have not attenda recital by eachers | Te ines cm she |: Ree oi ee - vot the money—that be (Tharpe) | he} “es eS ‘> attend a recital by the teachers|Tennessee, to mourn her loss. She|a few days with his father, Dr.W.A.| Gropped it when he went t Tpe) | held offices long enough to be look-) you faithfully, Should 1 de re-elected. 1. shall aroppec it when he went to answer | eq on as permanent fixtures. We | continue, to the best of my ability, to discharge d pupils at the college tomorrow | was a member of the Methodist | Wood, eae athat 3 aad Gt “Ace i q . “eh « c , ‘ ww Se < 5 pick ‘6 > 6 - he ies of the office acceptably. ng. A reception from 9 to 11 }church anda good woman. Mrs. Cap Sain, of Mocksville, is t ae phone eens 7 nS OE want the above named men and want : edatiesiot sc) obice\acccnta! a follow the recital. -—— with k ist Mrs. } ani up from e oor. 41. pe|them bad. Weare working for them | -—-~—-—----—— sae Boe = her sister. Mrs. M. E. Neely.|swore out a search warrant from]|and working hard. my For Sheriff. Ene Con id A Drecke Vee - who is somewhat better, though] the court of ‘Squire John W. White : r eri. pe be aoe at the ae v= is I es sister a still quite ill. und Jones was searched but the = ee for the Democratic nomina- =b aa ae nee . eREEce atl a4 a : = wis, _Ralelg , Miss Celeste Anderson, who has}money was not foundon his person Fae oD encanto ed untl nex Sunday. | here Was jand aunt oO vv. G. Lewis, Esq.. | been visiting relatives in Charlotte | or in his room. the primaries and county convention, 4 only a small congregation out Sun-|of Statesville, died very suddenly at | for several weeks, is expected home| Jones resented being searched Lees day on account of the rain. ker home in Henderson last Thurs-| tomorrow. and called Tharpe a thief, when Mortza S le qi CL - Py eq) & © ¢ en: } day nig S o'clock S ¢ . ; : ’ : o e _ Messrs. Bradford & Sons, of Shi on ee aE pico 2° ee Capt. A.T. Marsh, of York In-|Tharpe struck him. Messrs. J. J.| Weare now on the eve of the pri- gage Sale of Land. loh township, sold 70 bales of cotton ees mst anes eae 3 rh ter | <titute, Alexander county, one of the | Moore and C. E. Daniels became in-|maries, and I desire tocall the spe-] ,aj ‘deed eae ania animes Island and |@es*h> She was & mative eit in to see us|VOlved in the fight as friends of|cial attention of all friends of rota- | wite. nelphia Williams, t Sa eeaEee ae full Democratic vote xa August and} ceased leaves an aged husband and |4day here with her sister, Mrs, A. S. November. several children, among them Mr. McCree. All loversof classical music and|T. F. Browning, of Concord town-| Mr. M.C. Wood returned to David- dinirers of Mendelssohn are invited | ship, and Rev. Worth Browning, of |son Monday evening after spending 8 DOW Seah Give you a feeling that you want to be decked out in a new suit from top to toe, in new, Stylish and SeasonableGoods; If you are afraid of having inferior goods put upon you— there is one safe thing you can do—come here. Our store has a reputation established as a satisfactory place to get good yalues. 3 Wi SMUG eat eS The congregational meeting 4p- OnE VOTE. Troutman’s march 28th. AL xtotation in Office Discussed. Correspondence of THE Mascot, wile, Delphia Williams,to O. G. Sons, the undersigned Wilhams & mortgagees will sell vo t . y } } recently to the Long Picealerson pest men living, was but bad lived in Monbo cotton mills for 10 cents, and burg, Mr. Tharpe and Jones was right tion in officeto the importance of os Our Dress Patterns At $4. ° : ies oe yesterday. ; : ; B 0 _ ms Er catered acai Ww. & Beis Beant) J : mie ices teres er nll - * % at public auction for cash at the court hk Creditors. M re H. A Yount, of the same town nee acme hers: deck ARETE 7m W.D.Turner, V.G.Lewis and L.C badly beaten. The parties were] vominating an entirely new ticket. | door in Statesville, x. ce ieding gation _ Sa aoe chip, cold 130 bales to the Monbo| Was advis : e , ..C. | tried by the mayor and each of the|It we are careless in the conventions | 177) Me oct itiagin Newilupe townshipand | neo a and lying and being in Ne e Caldwell Esqs., are in Raleigh this week attending the sessions of the SupremeCourt. ce . spe township,and or Henderson last Friday morning. He took the remains to Raleigh for burial. and allow the present sherilf to be | described'and defined as yws, to-wit: Ad revominated, it will be very hard to pormaninnene lands of Lewis McDaniel, Eliza- , = beth Redman, Amos Gregory and others - defeat any old officer. So the sher- | taining 52 acres Seo mie Equal to any $5.00 ones sold 3eautiful line at 15 to 50 cts, pr. yd. All colors. mill at the same price. four was fined $d. A skating rink is ‘‘on”’ nightly at > —--— 2id est ‘ the old Wallace storeroom on v= é ¢ Broad streets. Itis purely a local oo T aie Eee exenen, of Springfield, |rne County Convention Next Tues- | iff is first to be balloted for, if a n€W |: searct 0. G. WILLIAMS & SONS, Handsome line of Ladies'and Men’s Hats. Beautiful line of enterprise corducted by some of our Miss. Lilly Brawley. ces hig ee poo after a o- man is nominated it will be easy to sist Bt PSM Sl leans eee eee Silk Shirt Waist Patterns and ready to wear shirtwaists from ys young men not for profit bat jouete Miss Lilly Brawley died at im aa SF Cool Soci ee The Chairman of the Democratic moma REN men for the other Announcement. 45cts up. ‘ Elegant line of good wearing shoes and slippers isement of themselves nd/y oie of Mrs. Mary Long, where she a P county committee hoped that the] Paces. So let the best work be Fe : Z : for men, women and children. ae a friends. lived, in southwest Statesville town- |); Mr. J. A. Bradford, of New Stir-|court room in the new court house | done for sheriff. ha ee psiea es Se crenie onan Eat Se Come and see us before you buy, otice, Saturday the county commission-| chip yesterday morning at 3 o'clock ling, has returned from a successful | would be ready for the county con- The matter of rotation in office is | tion in each precinct primary in the county for ° . oe s ers let the contract for building the Be euanionticn Pe one 0) ane business trip South in the interest] vention next Tuesday, but yester- too important to be lightly consider- Se nomination for counry, treas- N. B. Mills & Co. ee ea 20 years. | of Messrs. Bradford & Sons tannery. | day it was seen that the room would ed. Itis not wise to continue men ps cottage at the County Home to Mr.) she had been seriously sick for a} \ ¢ Sn Cc. H. Brown, of Troutman’s, whose| week or more. The snterment will N. Glenn Williams, Esq , of Pan of $188.92 was the lowest offered. | he at Concord church today at 11 ther Creek, Yadkin county, a prom- . work is tobe completed during} o’elock. Rev. W. C. Brown will inent Democrat and clever man, was conduct the funeral services. in town Morday night and Tues- Miss Brawley is a daughterof Mr. day. Her mother died] Mr. Arthur Corpening has gone She had no bro-|to Durham on a visit, after which She was highly es-| he will go to Greensboro and take not be ready, and Mr. H C.Gaither, {in office too long. It is dangerous proprietor of the new Farmers’ both to the officer and bis party. warehouse, has kindly consented How many instances have we of the tbat the convention may be held in| foolishness of such a policy. The his warehouse. Chairs for the dele-| People of Iredell county, or apy gates and as many spectators as other county for that matter, need possible will be arranged, and the | Dot look far to find examples. This convention will be beld in the ware-|!5 D0t charging our county officers Mr. Gaither will extend the| ¥!th wrong doing or with any in- hid Ti Ramsey. Tomlin & Bowles. ARE RECEIVING Mr. Q. A. Hoover, of Shiloh town- / ship, recently cut his left leg with] R. S. Brawley. an axe. A small artery was sever- several years ago. ed and Dr. O. L. Hollar’s services thers or sisters. {M O O S JI A T I S UI E t0 q , , sA u p the | Gaither and Mrs. C. H: Swann. of Statesville. Mr. Blaylock was a member of the Baptist church and a good man, The entertainment given by Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church at Mrs. J.B. Glover’s Fri- day night was a success in every 1 I a i way. The musie and recitations who will be missed in his communi- were rendered by our best talent. ty. The receipts amounted to about $25. Democratic plan of organization, will meet and elect a chairman and four other members of a central county committee. there. New Advertisements. _F. A. Sherrill & Co, have put in a first-class stock of staple clothing and willsave you clothes. -_—_—os——- money on your The Late C. Augustus Raymer. be given every man elected to office and nomore. Retire them in honor while they are capable of enga,iag in other useful business. Much more could be said in favor of rota- tion, but we forbear. As to the present county officers, thuy are my best friends, and ] shall B au t THAT WILL THROUGH GENERATIONS. The much sought for sort that you don't find every day. We have suites that we assure you will be well worth the band- ing down to your children MADE BY ONE OF AMERICA'S Reliable Manufacturers, oe . : oO Ss i ° were necessary. Mr. Hoover lost eer eo mee her and shepcetomcaee clerk at the pores courtesy to the Republicans tention of wrong, but we know what m S in eroat deal of blood, but be is now /ner dea is much depiored. re ; : and Populists. has come tomany @ man just as} jm 2 *; = Ot NE Se eR : about well. <a Rev. J. C. Boyd, of Shiloh town-|" The convention will elect dele-| honest, just as capable, and with} @zz=: B 1 ’ The friends of Mr. Thomas M. Gill, | ir Wm. A. Blaylock. ae 1S Spares some time with yates to the State, Congressional friends just as true, as any of our = ae © of Olin township, will place hisname| Mr, Wm, A. Blaylock died at his sre eee ee ts Boyd. His health | and Senatorial conventions and in- officers When will they (the pres-| . m= so av before the primaries Saturday for}home in Eagle Mills township at 5 a ee and he is under treat-|<truct the delegates as in the wis-|ent officers) give up their jobs will-}| mz252 Z theDemocratic nomination for coun-| o'clock last Thursday afternoon, ment ee domofthe convention seems best. ingly? Do you suppose they ever Ma EZo = ty treasurer. He is a good Democrat aved 83" years. The interment was Miss Nellie Bumgardner, of Tt will also nominate two candidates would? Two years ago they said en- Meise < ee Balen ree HAUSE ANd mee aah cm iE andentirely competent to perform] az 11 o'clock, Staunton, Va., is expected here to-| for the House, candidates for sheriff, | durse us and we will not ask again.| 95223 eH —_ the duties of the office. The deceased was twice married. | MOTTOW night to spend several days |register of deeds, treasurer, Coro- Whether this is true or not may be] 4“Z3-= tr Mr. W. W. Miller's store iz west} His second wife and her two sons, with her sister, Miss Bumgardoer, | ner, surveyor and three candidates | “"¢) by reference tothe newspapers. Este ea] Watch this space next week. Statesville was entered Sunday | Messrs. Henry and Robert Blay- of the coilege faculty. for countv commissioners. If they should be renominated and 22% = nieht by a thief who broke the glass | lock, of Eagle Mills township, survi-|, Mr. Winslow D. Watts, of Texas,} Immediately after the adjourn- elected this year, two years from] 4 2725 > inthe front door and unlocked the/ve bim, asdo four children by his|is here on a visit to his brotber, Mr.|ment of the convention the newly |00W would seethe same thing re-] #2752 Or 5 = door. Some flour, bacon and other|tirst marriage—Mr. Winfield Blay-} ©. B. Watts, and other relatives. elected chairmen of the various | peated. The longer they hold the Ge = B a Suit S - woods were taken. There is no clue|lock and Mrs. A. R. Reece, of Cool| He left Statesville thirteen years |precinet committees, who compose office the harder it will be to give it) @ 7 <5 A e€ room € to the thief. Spring township, and Mrs. W. G.|ago for Texas, and has cw ceeded |the county committee under the|¥p- hold that two terms ought to g2 < ; te LAST =) mn } o C. e planted Ear- all at your /ei=- The county commissioners have Miss Mary Troy Kluttz. awarded the contract for the elec-| Little Miss Mary Troy Kluttz, N. B. Mills & Co, have dress pat- terns at $4, equal $5 sold elsewhere. See them for men’s and women’s As briefly noted in this paper last week, Mr. C. Augustus Raymer, of Shiloh township, died last Thursday everhold them in the highest es- teem, but for the above reasons | shall oppose their renomination. uU B I O H d O C PU B I of solid oak entirely cabinet work as good as that of our $50.00 suites. The Bureau and Wash stand have full swell tric light fixtures and putting them | daughter of Congressman and Mrs. |), z : te a Peale in place to William Farr, of Ashe-}Theodore F. Kluttz, of Salisbury, hats and shoes, coe ere reac DeMocrat. drawers and serpentine tops. died in Baltimore Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. She was operated upon some weeks ago for appendici- tis and it was at first thought she would recover but pneumonia su- pervened. She was about 14 years ville. for #388,10. The entire build- ing is tobe lighted with electric lights. There will be 119 incandes- cent and one arc light. The primaries in Statesville town- be held as follows: First W. H. Allison can suit you in spring and summer hats and shoes. His prices will also suit you. The Flantgan Harness Co. adver- tises collars, pads, bridles, halters and harness ofall kinds. Their fer- in-law, Dr. Q. M. Little,of Catawba, saw him the day before he died and did not think his illness at all se- rious. After he got up Thursday morning he complained of a severe Clio, N. C. March 26, 1900, PIANO WANTED- GOOD second-hand piano want:d. purchaser calton or address THE MASCOT OFFICE. For French Mirror 26x80 inch. Shaped and bevel edges, nicely finished bandsomely hand carved, thoroughly good suites. ship will be b ean = Ata Raviiies ain about the heart and soon died.| staren 22 900. : Srnec watt coe eel Oe eager a Prices $25. $27 and $30. a > 10ry; ird ward, z = . one — me r. ae . jc eart. on SS —— Niailince |etoraroors tourth ward, this OTS ae interment will] ow. D. Turner, commissioner, will eee Coa was conducted at ; S c me Ce pe ee Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, : Democrat attead promptly at =) 1 y Gauehter NS = ee deceased had been a leading mem- -it.2. ° orlect Sate ee Corn amc OO SO) arama ere ee a ore og is Dentist, Furniture and Carpets. T. H. Vanderford, Esq., of Salis- Washington each day and spent the Bostian, deceased, mortgagee, will] Darr Friday at 120’clock, and the ] B el S : Lope ie T. ee Mcnceae He is an ashing little area sell lands of W. W. and J. Q. Carterjinterment was in the vraveyard a e 1Cy e STATESVILLE, N. C. New Cooper block Statesville. N. Cc. night with his Kluttz isa native of our town, and her mother, Mrs. Amanda Caldwell, and sister, Miss Jennie Caldwell, live here. There is profound sym- pathy among all our people for Mr. and Mrs. Kluttz. bury, avent of the Cooleemee Company, and was the first to intimate that the company had Statesville under consideration as a location for its vig mill. He hasno futher informa- tion in regard to the matter. The east and west end teams join- ed forees and crossed bats with Capt. Jack Turner's team on powder house hill yesterday after- noon. Victory perched on the ban- ners of the east and west-enders, under the leadership of Capt. Jacob Pinkus. Thescore was 38 to 19. Yhus the ‘‘season”’ opens. G. J. Allen, Esq., of York Insti- Mrs. Margaret Gibson, Mrs. Margaret Gibson, widow of her home at Fancy Hill postotiice, Concord township, Saturday morn- ingof pneumonia, aged nearly 78 years. Tbeinterment was at Con- cord church Sunday, Rev. W. Cc. Brown conducting the funeral ser- vices. the late Rufus W. Gibson, died at} at the the court house Saturday,!there. A very large concourse of April 28th. the neighbors and friends of the de- Dr. E. W. moose, dentist, will be! ceased followed the remains to the at Sloan’s April 3rd.; Scott’s, 4th; church and alarge number assem- Iredell Station, 5th.. to practice his| bled there. profession. The deceased soe = on of the ate : ses 7m iloh townshi | Grier & Long, attorneys, boxe Se eal years old. He money to lend. leaves two brothers, Messrs. John ae T. Raymer, of Statesville; and J. Close of Miss Heath's School. Nat Raymer, of Texas, and four Correspondence of Tus Mascot. |sisters, Mrs. Margaret Puntch, of The school at the Leovard school | Texas, and Mrs. A. Brady, Mrs. E. house taught by Miss Cora Heath, iD. Fry and Mrs. J. B. ‘Sherrill, of of Harmony,closed last Friday. The ; Shiloh township, surviving him. exercises consisted of spelling. At: Some twenty years azo Mr. Raymer noon a bounteous dinner was spread | married Miss Laura Little, daugh- by the good ladies of the communi iter of the late Peter Little, of Shi- Which gives perfect satisfaction and guaranteed for 6 months, by the fac- tory. Can suit you in any price from $20.00 TO $40 OO, It will pay you to examine his line of new wheels. All kinds of fixtures kept in stock for cach and every wheel. Ihave had years experienced in repairing wheels, Itis? fact that wheels can be made new by over- hailing and adjusting properly try me. Very truly, W. H. Coffey, Will be in his office two weeks. beginning with first Monday in each month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You will find it to your interest to do so. Work done in best manner. Price, low. Only the best material used. LAW PARTNERSHIP. T 'E UNDERSIGNED have formed a partner- ship for the practice of law, and will give ON TIME. Supplies For Sale; careful attention to all business entrusted to them, Office on second floor of the new Cooper HARRY P. GRIER, a March 6, 1900. ZEBY. LONG. NOTICE. Oo THE PUBLIC: I hereby give notice to the FOR HEADS AND FEET. ee eee The Variety Store of Hats and Shoes. Everything in Sandals—all colors, all toes and all Has received a spring stock light Footwear—Oxfords, prices, from 25c,to $5.60. C=. Would Call Speciel Attdntion To Our New Line Spring anc Summers Hats comprising all grades, from 5c., to $2.50 in Straw goods: Also Crash, Cloth and Fine Light Fur Hats. 5 te char Pie If you are tired hearing high prices quoted there will be consola- ke eve riastins tute, Alexander county, sold 1,419 2 E Si ashi a sb ad eight blic that I will not be responsible tor any : f all Ss] ending pounds of tobacco with H. C. Gai- The deceased was a sister of the ty. After dinner all engaged in a loh township, ad spe an s I bave Flour, Corn, Meat, es ean ee yi tion an examining above goods. e us for values: ther, Esq., at the Farmers’ ware-|late Wm. Sidney Stevenson, who| ball game. Messrs. Eugene Fes-} children—seven sons and one daugh- ete., for sale on time. See seo ties have a written order from me. s house here yesterday, and received a | died Tuesday morning of the same|perman and Furches Troutman Se SS The Genetic er me when you want time on March 7, 1900. H. B, STEWART, WwW. H. ALLISON. . school at Hickory when her fathe your purchases of supplies. prices rangir® es ranging trom Sc. ya. life, died several leaves us with the love 0 of our honored townsmen. B. P. leas the step-mother of Mr. W. B.|ot her pupiisand the respect St) A es the mae to ner or bar ot 3 : WA. etary & Son, DineDax Tex. s07. RAR LE Pace ana gaye Bricas ache tailiar eo Bi oes Gibson, ot Fancy Hill. = ae 4 best wishes of the entire communi- | Geo W. I 0D, M. D, coneey Persons owing said estate are notifi- Ea Laas ane Pes spring oats for we have a ree . P s without injury to the o ; , - S r | ee i i yment. =e ; : Prop’rs. Greeneville, Tenn. =” rs a = devoted member of Concor resOy-| ty. Respectfully ; | : editosnsie ee = Pe SCOTT BARKLEY, | hay for sale. See me when you want graim, feed WN MF’G. CO.. P , Frank Long, who was a member of} torjan church and a good woman in wy F.C. ARES marta ity residence: of the drug | This March S19 5 asnz. of J. C. Plyler, Sr. Jandmalt, Respectfully, sen | the Iredell bar at the time of his : Armfield & Turner, Att’ys. Feby.8th., 1900. F_E CO AN. S\Mills week. One other brother, Rev. S. check, after paying warehouse H. Stevenson, of Illinois, and one charges, of $165.93. This tobacco IS, ‘ : e i nes x and a =wall amount still at home|sister, Mrs. Wm. Harris, died with-| Miss Heath taught one of the best | re ee as be ee Respectfully, time saves nine.” a 9 was grown on one acre of land and|ina year. Only two brothers—E. | schools ever taught in this neighbor | bis Iriends, was &£ Ss. ro COW AN, Your property may barn to-night, You ON § M. Stevenson, of Taylorsville, and Mr. L. F. Stevenson, of Concord townsbip—and one sister, Miss Re- becca Stevenson, of Bozeman, Mont., now survive her. Mrs. Gibson’s husband, whom she married late in years ago. She Was cured in one barn. Rev. W. S. Long, of Alamance county, whom we bring forward this week for the Democratic nom- ination for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is a brother every relation of life. death. a a g > cag fae, ngs (ee ils alias ciate 2s tern made short talks in the afternoon. |St The occasion was enjoyed bvall. died d, and has won an enviable rep- |; TY sense of the word. He was kind Been in Fallstown township as My and genial and numbered his friends teacher. Both parents and children | by those who knew him well. He want her again, as was shown by an) was aD industrious, intelligent far- unanimous vote. She is one of Ire- |mer and a business man of ability. dell’s most competent teachers, and There is profound sympathy for the b f each one bereaved widow and children. Troutman’s, March 26th. Downtown office will be anndufited later. ~~ ae This March Sth., 1900. At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's. “A stitch in| = might have an accident, or get sick and die tomorrow. So, for the protection of yourself and loved ones, let us insure Notice to Creditors. estate 0: AVING qualified as administrator of the .; J. C. Plyler, Sr.. all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present you to-day. Gaither & Nicholson, STATESVILLE. N. C. Seed Qats and Hay For Sale, Pye Unill Tonic is Tasteless snd Guarentee’ to Cure Chills end Fever and sil Salaria! Troubles. . Does Not Contain Quinine Nor Other Poisoh. «.. mach Nor Effect the Hearing. i 5 AA T Am y e SR R ; <A RT oN 2 £ NIE OO te FIELD. a n Made by the | Several Improvement Park Commission During the Past Year. Pa., Dispatch to New York Sun. | Since the frst organized e ort | a was made to preserve the great |e battlefie id here almest of dollars have been expe object by the Government an various military organizations. this amount the — ment has contributed and a larve part cf the was appropriated fe of | ponuments and markers DY | remainder | erectiuyy © the various > r envaged in the battle — the has beep admirably Cat ried on t now the scene of the “High Water | * Mark of the Rebellion be the finest marked ’ the world. Its many miles of fine roads add greatly to the visitor's comfort while studying the details |! is jucg battlefield in |< t of the figbt.A number oinew avenues | yea have been laid out, but not compiet- ed, which will increase the value of |i the field to the student of history, {t t Pretoria. <5 that the request of the National Military Park Commission for an ap- $300,000 does not seem excessive. Briefly summingit up, the work of the Battietield Commission ing the past year consisted in the building of Telford avenue, a mule and two-thirds long, along the bat- tle lines of the First Army Corps on the field of the first day's battle; the | nddition of 1,100 feet to Sickles ave- nue; the partial construction of an zvenue from Spangler’s Spring around the southwestern slope and vase of Culp’s Hill: the placing of a large number of guns aud markers slowing the position of the Union and Confederate batteries, and the walling and marking of several small sprines which were used by both aimies during the battle. Lesides this the commission had a ferce of men at work all summer caring for the different parts of the field-—keep- wig the wrass cut around the monu- iments, the under brush cleared from the woodland, rebuildinge the stone wails used as breast works, sodding tue embankments along the avenues uifd in other ways keeping the field in tirst class condition. Of the money appropriated by the frovernment the Battietield Commission bas been in charge the received ia various years: 1887, $1,892 17; ase IS04, $50,000; 1895, eco, U00- in ISVO YT and “US, $50,000 was appropriated ar Is9, S60,- 92? 50, total amount S561,916. 70, According to the annual report of the commission the average cost of the avenues was $8,582.68 per mile, which, in view of the durable man- nerin which they are built, is con- sidered moderate. The 517,68 acres. «ft iand purchased since the commis -ion has been in control cost obout s41.83 an acre. Ina numberof in- ~tances the price paid was as high as ~i20an acre, while in some:cases sinall yortions of land were donatedfor sold wt anorminaisum. The commission vas experienced little trouble in se- curing most of the land, but a por- :.on to be used for-construction-of the « ontederate avenue bas been in liti sation for several years. Concern- this the Cominission’s report since following amouuts were SV5.G00; ing SYS: “The proceediugs begun by us three years ago by the direction of ihe Secretary of War. in the Circuit Court of the United States for the astern District ef Pennsylvaaia, te acquire by condemnation five tracts of land on Seminary Ridge, embracing two miles of the Confed- erate battle line of the second and third days, is «not yet concluded. Tie jury of view made their award two anda half years ago. The re- spondents appealed to court in term where, after much delay caused by them, it wds tried and a verdict eeudered last December, very liber- >i for them. They availed them- ssives of the six months allowed for »: peal and then carried the case to axe Guited States Circuit Court of & »peals. This court 1s now sitting in Philadelphia, and respondent's evinsel seek furtherdelay by con- iyuance to next term.”’ The com- ion of this avenue will open up at entirely new part of the field. \ much approved work of the cuntmission is the marking of the pesition of the regular Union and Confederate batteries, usually by two guns of the same caliber and ciasSas those which constituted the mettery and also by large iron tab- ‘ets supported on iron pillars and »earing appropriate inscriptions. The commission has already mount- ed 207 guns. The Union lines have already been marked with monu- tients showing the positions of the various brigades, divisions and revi- ments engaged, but there are only two monuments on the entire field showing where Confederate revi- meats fought. Others will be plae- as soon as the land is secured. Tne observation towers which were erected several years avo have been much used by tourists, From these five towers a panorama of the whole field can be seen. ‘Direction plates’ have beer put on several of the towers and have proved of great service in locating the ditferent points of interest. Atable of dis- tances from the tower to the point of interest accompanies the plate. An avenue which was laid out last summer is now assured, as the com- mission has secured the title to the ground. Itleads from Culp’s Hill toGettysburg, over land held dur- ing the first andsecond days of the battle by Gordon and Hay’s brigades of Early’s division of the Confeder- ate army. With the completion of this avenue there will be but half a mile leftto complete the circle of avenues around Getty t and it issaid that the naa complete the circle so that every part of the tield, except that on which the cavalry fight took place can be visited by tourists in an easy manner. The travel on the avenues now in existence, last summer was remarkable. Nine thousand vehi- att National Govern- | chan £651.916.79 | supposed to be advancing from South, or in the possibility that Col. wor k ; wt B untii; wii ¢ i t two millions; clures 2 > 1) ir the purpose of | Bacen Powell iss! 1 : to attempta sortie, with a view of | . +;er States whose troops were Capturing time } Oye nost dur- | Orange Free that Briti were, not L datec Gene bant place intlic fact Was erro Plut seri side ty t 5,00 tain the to trial shar tion noon tive. fortnight. wiles north of Bethulie, Boer report says the defeat This, combined with the ers seekiby. termined not to giveup tbeir prey The Times, in its second publishes a @ixpatch from Lorenzo Marques which quotes President Steyn as saying at toers could continue struvele for six months longer. While the Boers and British in the Orange Free State are advantage of the period of inactivi- oO enjoy a rest, those on borders of the Natalare beginning to show activity. from Durban says the town of Pome roy, 30 mileseast of Ladysmith, has been ‘burned by the Boers. A British that the dence treatment of prisoners. bury. as already cabled, is | the Presidents of the South African republics responsibe for the welfare of British prisonors. of the safety of Johanvessurg aed gold mines there has net Been raleed, The correspondence between Lord Roberts dent Kruger will be shortly gives The Boers, Snayman, from Mafeking towards Colonel Bodle made a reconnoissance on March 13th and found Pitsan: and Pothlugo occupied by the Boers. He returned to Goode Siding and made a demonstration on March 14 He found the Boers in strength at « Mafeking‘Said to be Relieved. --Brit«! ' ish Reported Worsted at Be- thulie.--Boers in Fight- ing Shape Again. | Loudon Dispatch, 23rd Again there is a presistent ru- ffort |mor that Mafeking has been reliev- ‘ed. The War Office, that there is no confirmation | + a wethuenis skirmishing with miles | then however, cnded ip the |of the rumorand that no further} and by |news on the subject is at hand. Of seems certain that Mafeking’s only} ces lie in relief by the column hikes, he bas not advanced these fire isstill strony en s the Boer guns, ats Snyman men tO Of Commandant mes ¢ hj raw ais el Piumer’s advance. A ved to| reperts regardivg the British oper- ations in the Free State con satisfactory. State, the sh troops under General in the vicinity of velieyed here. A dispat The Daily News from Springfontein, 20, all March was 1 Tuesday, ‘ral Gatacre and adds that be and General had not lost a dozen mer The 1d General Gatacre ‘ted. that no mention of the made by Lord Roberts, in dispatch March 21, confirms the be lief that Kroonstaadt adyices are neous. The reports of skirmishing near Lobatsi, while apparently not in- ticting any serious loss on Colope! Cause grave anxiety in revard to hisability to reach Mafe king. quarter is anxiously awaited, for in the six days that have elapsed since the last messages were sent ner, kurther news nus engagement may ha curred. though not of Colonel Pium- seem Boers The at Mafeking withouta fierce strue- gle In reply tothe mayor of Cape Town’s request to make **Mafeking Relief Day’’ a public holiday, mier Schreiner holiday come soon and may a_ spirit of general good will and kindly con- wrote: ration prevail later.”’ A special di detachment. arriving at Pome- roy. as the Boers evacuated the burgkers, but they succeeded in tak- ing up astrony position in the hills witha force estimated to number No new peace overtures have been made to Lord Salisbury, or are any expected by Great Bri- ccrrespon- confined to Lord Salis 0 men. . The telegraphic has been and Parliament. Replying House of Commons today toa series of questions on the subject of Gen- erat Lord Methuen and b's alleged disayreements with his column, which have caused con siderable scandal, the tary Secretary for the War Office, Wyodham, declared that no charge had been brouvht against Generali Methuen by Gough, or any other of tticer, Colonel Gough, he added, has been informed that an inquiry wou!d be held into his case Colonel Gough is alleged to have been ordered home oy General Methuen after declining to obey a command issued latter, and the colonel demanded a the offi Parl by court-martial. under are advancing in p curve on the railtoad. had mounted a gun on tbe line and were lying in wait for the construc A brisk tiring occurred a few miles south of Lobatsi on the morning of the 15th. Maxim was freely used. Bodle came in touch with the Boers Justin time to prevent the camp being surprised. The Boers attack- ed the advaace party and captured a few boxes of ammunition and neariy secured a Maxim. Lieutenant Tiller was killed and I Lieutenant Chapman captured. Col | so easy for good men of al! prties onel Bodle, coming up, put the Bo |, i mC ther ers to tlight with heavy loss. Boers yesterday were within a few miles of Lobasti. train. the Boers pressed closel Colonel PRaere see They placed the Maxim over Hancock avenue in a single|Camp. The British right is month. The National Battlefield Park tected by Chief Bathieon, who has warned the Boers not to enter his Commission, which has conducted | territory. the improvements on the battlefield within recent years, consists of Col John P. Nicholson of Philadelphia, Major William M. Robbins of States. | Well the left 1 1 wil M. f States- e left flank. ville, N. C., and Major Charles a that before the Boer Colonel Plumer’s present endeav or is to insure the safety of the rail : road north of Lobatsi, and to watch | posure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended sumption. It is reported rom Lorenzo Marques tbat Pretoria s prepared to stand a siege of two rs, and that the Boer women, frantic at the reverses to the Boers, are entreating tobe allowed to shoot p be british officers imprisoned at Itje annougeed fram ahe Transvaal capital that the Italiaa priation from Conyress not less than |vovernment has deolined to tater vene. The report from Kroonstaadt, : via Pretoria. Joers, under the command of General Oliver, had defeated the Bethulie, is last advices about where the from ‘May edition, Kroonstaadt The question exchanged by the Commandant Lobatsi. The Boers’ Colonei It is probable S retire towards Lord Roberts’ main army coatin- | ues waiting at Bloemfontien. The | \sentimental interest in the fate of |i | Mafeking has intensified with Col- /Oon de- | ™* It | th the | ough ¢) pr st has}* e MOse | t os the ie it the | et EF tinue fc ce tk Gat cb to f says. |! well, |! Bra- nin @ also BU i was | Crocodile Pools, where he was two inow dwindles jaway. sutiicient to do pretty much as he|timsand four others, ranging in vears from a baby one: month old,to. the largest boy whowas | not more than 5 years of age. days. It is hoped that his military ladministration has a pleasant sur- news, stad, via Lady brand. mous wagon train is supposed to be ¢ ; moving twenty-five miles 2 day.jognition, and are lying on Geaeral . arret Lowi streteh from Bloemfontein eastward | the whole dedies cut opem and dis- to the mountains. in Natal. go direct Roberts’ effective dispossl at the }Jones, 3 years old; Clever Jones, 2 estimated, 20,000, el Plumer’s forces retiring to Relief from the north to yoths ago. e Boers at Warrenton, 167 Although seemingly in force ‘ise in preparation for the British- «by raising the siege with a rong column of cavalry and artill- to Mafeking, while ‘y detouring ainwandant Shyman is drawn off » engage Colonel Plumer. Gen. rench’s cavalry and mounted in- faptry, accordiug toa rumor. are fighting somewhere east of Blsem- This suggests more bad as Commandant Ovziver’s ymmand, with 2,090 wagons,-is re- orted on the Basutoland frontier, viling northward toward Kroon- This enor- mntein. French's cavalry posts Raleigh Dispatch zend. ' Among the most horrible crimes nthe history of North Carolina. | ranks that of early this morning at} Garner’s, five miles east of this city, ! constitution of North Carolina be when a negro, Tom Jones, common | and the same is hereby abrogated, ly Known in the county as **Preach-' and in lieu thereof shall be substi-' improbability. jer'’ Jones, murdered Ella jones and her oldest daughter. Ida Jones, and constitution. set fire to the beds in which | were the bodiesof the murdered vice: | all children, The work was done with an axe, the murderer, according to little 7-year- old Laura Jones, who escaped with; her vounyer sister, deliberately and coolly striking the mother four times and then making two heavy strokes into the body of tbe oldest child. The hovse was completely de- stroyed by fire and the bones of the four youngest children are now dis- tributed amony the ashes, which alone remain to tell the story of the conflagration. The body of Ella Jones and that of Ida, the 15 year- old child, were burned beyond c the vround charred toa crisp and with played to view. General Buller bas not yet moved The dead are: Ella Jones, the mo- The Eighth Division will to Bloemfontein. Lord ront, ten days hence, will be, it is with the eusy vossibility of moving eastward, orcing the Boers to evacuate the Bigyarsberg range and joing hands with General Buller, before continu- ng the promenade to Pretoria easier : Socialists and Trusts in 4ecord. Kaleigh News and Observer. Bryan is growing stronyer every aifair| day.” Another New York Socialist his yesterday saia he could not support him. Whenthe Ignatius Donnellys, that of, a ve oe de Pre the the taking the spatch the 1olding Presi in the cers of iamon forcs They Debses, and Coxeys, some at least of whom were in Han- na’s pay while shouting for in 1896 in away to disgust honest separately to.ay issued an order toSheriffsuter directing bim to exclude evers body from the court house tomerraew, ex- cept attorneys, witnesses sz mein- oers of the his political associates. of the Times-Mercury, (Nevro Rule organ), supporting the News and Obser ver’s publication, moraliz:s thus: and Browns, Bryan citizens, come out in the open and tight Bryan—then the chances of success vrow briyhter. al alliaace is and Debs. The watur- Rockefeller Rockfeller believes in monepolizing everything for the benefit of the few. Debs believesin the monopoly, but waats long divi- sion in profits. Every trust organ ized advances Socialism A Brooklyn Socialist has discov- one ot ered that “the trustand the machine are given to us by an all-wise Crea tor to lessen our toil,’ and asks: “How can | constantly support the Democratic party, that seeks to destroy one of a man’s greatest achievements--the magnificent or- vanization of industries called trusts?”’ The Demecratie party is nu place fora min who believes these out- laws of commerce are ‘man’s ereatest achievements’’ or who is vuilty of the profanation of saying that they are “given us by an all- wise Creator.’ Governor Chandler was right when he told the industri- al Commission that ‘trusts build up the extremes of society at the ex- pense of the middle class. so neces- sary to the prosperity of the coun- Cre ——eE> + pe ee Demovoratic Troops ln Frankfort. Frankfort, Ky., Dispatch, 22nd. Stale troops, recognizing Demo- cratic Governor Beckham, are in possession of the county court house and jail tonizkt and will do military duty here under orders from Gover- nor Beckham during the examining trials of Republican Secretary of State Caleb Powers, Capt. John W. Davis and W. H. Culton, which are set for hearing before Judye Moore tomyrrow. The military ix also re- enforced by 75 special deputy sher- iffs, sworniv by the eivil astkori- ties this afsernooa, ‘the Lexingtan company of 70 men, under Captain Loogmire, srrived huro as 6:35 o'clock. In proceeding to the court house the line of march did not pass the State House square, where Gov- ernor Taylor’s soldiers are qnarter- ed and the dual militiadid net come face to face. Longmire macicacd ut the head of his company, carrying a revolver, While cach of bis men car: ried two yvuns. It is uiderstood that the entire contents ot tie Lex- ington armory were brough' bere. The indi¢ations tonight ura that the trial of some one of the defend ants will be entered upon temerrow. The Commonwealth will demand that the defendants be arraigned County Judyve Moore press. There has teen vo con? rmation here of rumors that armed Gurdies of Citizens from ehe are coming to rumor is not yeserally credited. mountain section Frankfort. and the i a Shoald Learn a Lexssua Raleigh News and Obserwer. Blackburn gets no comfort from The editcr who heard Blac!burn at Newton, referring to the sjifidavits “This shows Mr. Blackburn and all other speakers the impori:ance cf being careful as to the words they use **We hope Populist speakers will srivate and public speakiny. It is o hear speeches and construe them The} trom a partisan standpoint °’ anda pro- This is good advice ‘‘Populist Yesterday after- speakers’’ ‘“‘both in private aad pub- ] ; lic speaking’’ should be ‘‘careful as S main camp and|+¢ keptupahot fire with a Maxim. |+ killing one white man and one na- o the words they use.”’ It is better o be careful than to call reporters liars and then be confounded as Mr. 9} Blackburn was. 12}-pounder ona hill on the eastsi i : men “y,40 6 5 x - side : po: (66 5 = cles, carrying 36,000 tourists passed|Of the line 4,000 yards from the Se ee The old maxim is than sorry.”’ A Life and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines, of Manchester, Ta, writing of his almost miraeu- lous escape frou. death, says: *Ex- in con- Ihad frequent hemor- Pichardson of Canandaigna. XN. y | P i > wi : ves and ched nig . ( gna, N. Y, | Pretoria they will tackle the Rhode- | Thages and coughed night and day. Col. J. B. Cope is the chief engineer |Siansinforce. It is reported that All my doctors said I must soon die. ofthe park. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, Ill. Weites, ‘I never fail to r , the burghers are abandoning environs of Mafeking, leaving only ; a sufficient number of artillerists to | Completely cured me. elieve my|/manthe big guns. None are at chidron from croup at once by us-|Ramathlabama, wkere they inz Oae Minute; Cough Cure. Qu cély cures coughs, colds, prj and al ee a lung “dike aul JT, oc aa cleanse Ky pre labama ses, | king apes & macy woud not feel safe without ns Srppeses to have their base. On that <fAra ) ALL OL » SCOT * were Colo el Plumer’s scouts wereat Ramath | ®¢vet fails to cure Throat, Chest yesterday. The usual Mafe- 8 Overdue; but no - a Wil the | Then I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which I would not te without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on = Ps BAKE - ther, aged 33; Ida Jones, 13 years old; Jesse Jones, 5 years old;3Nancy years old, an unnamed baby, one month old. The two virls who escaped from the fire with their lives were: Laura Jones, 7 years old;Sid Jones, 4 years old. When those who heard the story oi the murder from the tips of the little ragyed negro went toqJones' house to arrest him they found that his clothes bore the stains of fresh blood and his hands even showed spots of human blood. Though there was talk amony the negroes of lynching, no attempt was made to do so, and Jones was brought to this city and placed in jail to await trial for his crime. The two chil- dreo having no relatives, were ta- ken to the county home to be cared for. The Initiative and Refevendum. Baleigh News aud Observer. platform which is even remotely ir favor of the initiative and refer- eudum. itiate legislation except cantons like Switzerland, works well, With us the petition, of Congress. of far-reaching importance. erendum when it question of an amendment to voted upon in August, and in all lo them. 1831 was an example, refererdum. tion. ity. Truga, Even thea issue wil! be what is the public mind, uppermoat form may deal with many -issues. charmer in a down-town museum. One of her acts is to place her head in the mouth of an allivator. Thursday night the alligator was notin as complacent a mood as usu- al. and after the woman had stretch- ed his great jaws wide open in the usual manner, and still held them with both hands, she proceeded to place her head between the shining ivories. This part of the programme was carcicd out in the foarless way, and she smiledat the audience. The sintle «us of short duration, bowey- er. ux on attempting to remove her head from the monster's mouth, there was a sudden movement of the Jaws, and Miss Balbroma’s head was caught fast. aud beld as tightly as if in a vier. Attendauts quickly rushed to her rescue and the jaws were pried open. The woman was quickly removed to the Emergency Hospital, where she isbeing treated for several se- vere lacerations. -—! ~~ we - A Wise Nomination. Raleigh News and Observer, _ The Democrats of the Tenth Judi- cial district acted wisely in nomi Watauya, for Superior court judge. He is a lawyer of ability and expe rience and will have been at the bar the Blackstone term of twenty years when he takes his seat upon the bench. Mr. Council has juiicial temperament, is discreet. wise and prudent. He has long been regard- ed as a leader in his section. His service in the last Legislature gave him an acknowledged position as a wise State leader. Se ee re oc Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: ‘‘Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great sutfering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doc- tors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excel- lent."’ This shows what thousands ave proved,—that Electric Bitters s the best blood purifier known t’s the supreme remedy for eczema, etter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and me = eye | ra my recemmendation and all say it eo Sen 2 | helps digestion and builds the and Lung troubles.”” Regular. size | -~ PS. EDS 50 cents and $1. Trial bottles trea |W Re Gay ye de ce SO BY HWP. Hall, Jr.'s, drag store. | hag, Nel Tf. Grusgist. Guar- ‘Lke only plank in the Nebraska open tothe charge of “‘leaning to Populism" is the one that declares As to the initiative, it is impracticable for the people to in- in small where it either through legislatures, business or industrial organizatiors and the like, is the feasible plan of pressing public measures upon the attention As to the referendum, it has so long been in practice in the States that it has become a permanent method of making changes in the organic law and other laws that are The Legislature of 1899 adopted the ref- submitted tbe the constitutution to the voters to be cal option elections the settlement is by aresort to the referendum, 3 wise and proper way to determine The prohibition election in in effect, of the principle of the initiative and The Legislature re- ceived petitions from upwards of a hundred thousand people asking to be allowed to vote on State prohibi- It was granted, by a referen- dum, and defeated by a large major- In view of the magnitude of other issues, the National Democratic con- vention will probably leave all such matters as the initiative and refer- endure out of the platform, and jo betete the people upaa shree vital issues of Umperialism, Money and when these three issues ure emphasized, before the campaign closes the supreme in} North Tre people always tnake the issue on the sudject they are thinking about, thouvh the plat- el troubles.’ 5 a een The General Assembly of North Caro- tina do enact: Sscnomw 1. That article six of the, tuted the following article of said ARTICLE V1. SUFRAGR /.ND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE— | QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. (Section 1) Every male person born in the United States and every male person whohas been natural- ized. twenty one years of age and possessing the qualifications set out in this article, sbal]l be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the state exceptas herein other- wise provided. (Sec. 2.) He shall have resided in the state of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months and in the precinct, ward or other elec- tion district in which he offers to vote four months next preceding the eleetion: Provided, that removal from one presiact, ward or other eleetiv. district to another in the same eouoty sball not operate to deprive auy person of the ight to vote in the precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No person who bas been convicted or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon’ indict- ment of any crime, the punishment of which now is or may hereafter be imprisonment in the State Prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be tirst restored to citizenship in the macner prescrib- ed by law. ; (Sec. 3.) Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally reyvistered voter as herein prescrib- ed and in the manner hereafter pro- vided by law, and the yeneral assem bly of North Carolina shall enact general registration laws to carry into effect the provisions of this ar- ticle. (Sec. 4) Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to reud and write any section of the constitution in the English language, and before he shall be entitled to vote be shall have paid on or before the first day cf March of the vear in which he proposes to vote his poll tax as prescribed by law for the previous year. Pol! taxes shall be a lien only on assessed property and no process shall issue to enforce the collection of the same except against assessed property. (Sec. 5.) No male person who was ou January one, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or at any time pri- or thereto entitled to vote under the laws of any state in the United States wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person, shall be denied the right to revister and vote at any election in this state by reason of his failure to possess the educational aualification prescribed in section four of this article: Provided, he shall bave reg- istered in accordance with the terms of this section prior to December one, nineteen hundred and eight. The general assembly shail provide for a permanent record of all per- -{sons who register under this sec- tion on or before November first, nineteen hundred and eight; and all such persons shall be entitled to register and vote in all elections by the people in this state unless dis- qualified under section two of this article: Provided, such persons shall have paid their poll tax as re- quired by jaw. (See. 6.) Allelections by the peo- ple shall be by ballot and all elec- tions by the general assembly shall be viva voce. (sec. 7.) Every voter in North Carolina except as in this article disqualified shall be eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take and sub- seribe the following oath: “‘I......., éo solemnly swear (or affirm) that ] will suppsrt aud msintalo she saa- stitution and laws of tbe United States and constitution and laws of Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfuliy discharve the duties of my office at ......5o0 belp me, God.”’ (See. 8.) The following classes of > _ persons shall be disqualified for Her Head —— in an ANigator’s| office: First, ali persons who shall a Mouth deny the being of Almighty God. Boston Telegram. . } Oe . : 5 : Second, all persons who shall have Olza Baibroma, 32, is animal] been convicted or confessed their guilt on indictment pending and whether sentenced or not or under judgment suspended of any treason or felony oref any other crime for which the puniskment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States, or of corruption and mal- practice in office, unless such person shall be restored to the rights of citizenship ia @ manner prescribed by law. Sec. 4. That all of the provisions of the constitution relating to suf- frane. registration and elections a- Contained in this act amending the oorstitutinn shall go into effeer on the tirrt day of July, nineteeu hun- dred and two, if a majority of the qualitied voters of the state so de- clare at the next veneral election Sec. 3. This amendent shali be submitted at the next general elec- tion to the qualified voters of the state in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as is provided in the law regulating gen eral elections in this state and in force May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and at said election those persons desiring to vote for learn a lesson from this, both in|2Batiag Hon. William B. Council. of|suchamendment shall cast a write tn er printed baliut with the words For suffrage amendment” thereon: and these witha contrary opinion sha!] cast a written or printed bal- ot with the words “Against the Imendment’’ thereon. Sec. 4. The said election shall be held and the votes returned, com- pared. counted and canvassed and the resultaunounced under the same rules and regulations as are in force for returning. comparing, counting and canvassing the votes for mem- bers of the veneral assembly may first, eighteen hundred and nin»y nine, and if a majority of tbe “votes cast arein favor of the said amend- ment, it shall be the duty of the vov- ernor of the sta‘eto certify said amendment under the sea! of the state to the secretaay of state, who shall enroll the said amendment so certified among the permanent rec- ords of his office. Sec. 5 This act shall de in force from and after its ratifiction. Rat- ified the 2ist day of Fobruary, A D 1899 M. B. Smith, Butternut, says, ‘‘DeWitt's Little Eirly ers are the very* best pills I ever used for costiveness, liver and bow- mane Word came to the city last night ‘ofa rich vold find about one mile thissside of Hayden's ranch on the river. The discovery was made 1D an old prospecting shaft that was sunk toa depth of 85 feet many years ago. The ore is a sylvanite und res- empvles that of Cripple Creek. Assays show 48ounces of gold to the ton How much ofit thereis cannot be told yet, but the vein lies in a high ridge at what is known as “Two Bit ‘Gulch ” Over 150 persons left Leadville last night to stake claims and many have zone to-day. Should the find bear out the present indications 4 rival to Cripple Creek has been found. > © <a - Senatorial Primarics. Raleigh News and Observer. The Cumberland county Demo- erats passed a model resolution with reference to the proposition to hold a senatorial primary to determine who shall be United States Senator for the term beginning the fourth of March next. It is in these words: “Resolved That the delegates ~en$ by this aonveation to the State Conveation be, and they are hereby instructed to vote for and do all in their power to secure the passage of an instruction to the Executive committee to hold a primary elec- tion for the choice of the Demo- cratic nominee for United States Senator for the term beginning io 1901; that said primary be held on national election day in November next; and that those who, that day vote the Democratic ticket be en- titled to vote in said primary.”’ This resolution was unanimously adopted, and it would be the best thing that cou'd happen for Demo- cratic success and Democratic har- mony if every county in the State would pass a similar resolution, anc that the State Convention would provide a senatorial primary throughout the entire State to be held at the November election. Seen me Dray Horse Eats Dynanaitec. New kochelle, N. Y., Dispatch, 23rd. There isan old cart horse here that may be full of dynamite. The horse is called Ormonde because he never lost arace. He is ugly 1l- tempered and as full of gables as a Queen Anue villa. He took kis luncheon last Friday out of a noee bay in which a young man had se- creted twosticks of dynamite. No ove thought of the cartidyes until it was found that Ormonde Lad eaten them. Ormonde’s life since that moment has been one grand sweet song. His deep dream of peace discounts Abou Ben Adherm’s because it is real, and he is enjoving every minute of it. The driver who used to wear out cart rungs and hot oaths on Or- monde’s ribs never ‘speaks to him now without saying *‘Sir.”’ The nobie beast is not allowed to move faster than a walk. His feet are padded so that no sharp jolting on the pavement can start the dy- namite going. The men won't let him travel anywhere except on ‘*Ea- sy street."” They are arranjing a pneumatic blanket for him, and the cart with which Ormonde is profes- sionally associated is to be provided with the thickest pneumatic tires. August Flewer. “Itis a surprising fact,’’ says Prof. Houton, ‘‘that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, | have met more people having used Green’s August Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom- ach, and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where headaches and peneral bad feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green’s August Flower is 3 grand remedy. Itdoes not injure the systom by frequent use, aud is excolicst for sour stomashs and is- digestion.’’ Sample bottles free et W. . Ball, Jr.’s, Drugyist. Sold by all deaiers in all civilized countries. __ Peer Hon, Cyrus B. Watson. Ralcigh News and Observer, A contemporary recently suggest- vd that Hon. Cyrus B. Watson ougkt to be the party’s nominee for Goveraor this year. Mr. Watson’s friends months ago urged him to enter the race, but he declined to do so and refusec to permit the use of his name, thus of bis own motion eliminating his name In 1896, when the party against his protest, named oir. Watson for Governor, be took up a hopeless cause and madea mag- nificent campaign. He won votes been stricken down during the cam- paigo with a serious illness, would have won thousands more votes, if he had not been elected. His defeat did not *‘sour’’ him because he has never been an oflice-seeker, and has always regarded tbe leadership of the bar in the Piedmont country a higher honor than any political pre- ferment. Heis one of the State's first sens—patriotic,able, honorable with the courage to stand for truth and righteven when sucb a stand Mukes against bis own interests. No party or State honor could come undeserved to Cyrus B. Wat- son, The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. i. > aoe Tke Discoverer ef Swazp-Root at Work ia a His Laboratory. - eve is a disease prevail z country most dangerous —— ‘as se tive. Many sudden deaths are Caused by {t—heart disease, Pneumonia, heart failure cS apoplesy are often the result of kidney eae if kidney trouble is allowed to ad- the satan? Kidney-poisoned blood will attack oe 5 organs, or the kidneys themselves = own and waste away ceil by cell a richness of the blood—the albumen SoS: out and the sufferer has Bright's iS¢ase, the worst form of kidney trouble Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the new dis- eee y = ee oe for kidney, bladder | ry es. It has cur, of apparently hopeless cases, eS efforts have fai 5 : and dollar Se ve druggists in fifty-cent pau — —— — ae ee ee = ene a remain eet eI FARM RS Wie ee _ . ae TBE SGUTH AFRICAN WAR. Mafeking Not Yet Relieved. Family Miurdered and Burned Near An Act to Amend theConstitation of Rich Gold Find in an OF shett. if E IVE WORK OS GETTYSBURG Bat rE THE ' yonaen Dispatch. 23th. Raleigh. j North Carolina. Leadville, Col Dispatch, 23th. Pre gies OB we ecu or any other ladies who w; REY URAL Ee eee VUCREE 4 ‘ LILEDOUN MUSLIN is perfect} S when it leaves the mill. Weare proud of its quality. Every yard is te z fr you find a defect in LILE- § DOUN MUSLIN that. pe M4 its appearance or wearing quai- M4 ity, we want the goods back. ¥ Wy We went to give you perfect [sq goods for it. E e4 LILEDOUN MUSLIN makes & 4 underwear, sheets, pillow cases, § Ba linings, &c., thet wash e¢esicr, & wear longer and bleach whiter | P4 than any other goods made. : zg E Ga v om a r ai e = o T i s i 2 ‘3 The new mosiiz and the best. very yard of LILEDOUN MUSLIN n 1s etamped with the tracemark “LILE- DOUN.” All pure cotton, thoroughly cleaned and carded, hard twisted, closely woven and calendered to 8 soft, scot, ‘ owny Onish. ¢ " Insist on having LILEDOUN. FF i your dealer hasn't it and won't get is r S we will send it from the mfls in ® yd. * bolts or more, carriage prepaid. A Liledoun Muslin button bag free. Write for one. 4 MOORE COTTON MILLS, vy Taylorsville, 3.¢. New York City Will Give Bryaa 100,- 000 Majority. Raleigh News and Observer, Mayor Van Wyck savs the Demo- crats will carry New York city at the next election by 100,000 majori- ty. When he was elected Mayor he vot 47 per centof the votes. Judge Van Wyck got 57 per cent for Gov- ernor, the Jocal Democratic ticket vot 61 per cent, and the Mayor thinks New York city is going to be almost unanimously Democratic. Wm. Orr, Newark. O.. says. ““We never feel safe without One Minute Covgb Cure in the house. It saved ny little boy's life when he had the pnenmonia. We think it is the best mesicine made.”’ It cures coughs nod alllung diseases. Pieasant to take, harmless and gives immediate W. F. Hall, Jr. results. Democratic Ratification Meetings. Raleigh News and Observer, State Chairman Simmons is ar- rangjng foraseries of ratification meetings beginning on Monday, April léth, after the State conven- tion. At these meetings all candi- dates on the State ticket are to speak and every one is expected to wherever be spoke,and if be had not: be preseat. The nominees will leave here at 9 o'clock in the morn- ‘ing, stop at Burlington, on the 17th ‘speak at Winston during the day ‘and Salisbury at night, cn the 18th ‘at Hickory or Newton, and the 19th ‘at Asheville. The remainder of the ‘itinerary is not yet definitely decid- ledon. If the connections can be |made, the text speech will be made 'west of Asheville, then return to Salisbury, where speeches will be made. The next at Charlotte. pos- sibly taking in Concord, thence to Fayetteville and Rocky Mount and possibly other points east. These ratification meetings will coyer about twelve days of continuous speaking. They wil! be a distinctly new feature in North Carolina. $1.50 Versus $150.00. Messrs. Wooten & Co., Prong, N. C., say: One of ourcustomers, a promisest man in this sommunity, suffered with liver complaint. e consulted several physicians but they failed to benefit him. We pre- vailed upon him to try the Ramon Pills and Pellets. He, soon bought more and is now a well and hearty man, and has gained in flesh. Be says the pills saved his life and the six boxes cost him only $1.50, while his trip to New York to consult the doctors, cost him $150. For sale by N. R. Tunstall, druggist. CURES A COLD IN ONE DaY, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Al druggists refund money if it fails to cure. asc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet: Slate Female Galege, STATESVILLE, N.C. NHE Springs term commence son th . January and ends May 30 1900. Board rot tion and Contingent fee for term, $57, ; Music. special Elocution, Art. Modern Lan- eee ea raphy. Typewriting anq Book- era i accomplished ‘Teachers, ae Correspondence soliticed. Yor cireular and catalogue Sorte particulars, addresa, .. J, 8B. SURWBLL, Pres.. Jan. 18th. 1900. Stetesvitie’ N.C, ., Bobbit'sChill Pills eure chille. Mo: if they fail. W. F. Hall, Jr.. Statesville. =a Miller & Co., Mooresville; W. B, Gibson, Iredell: A: B. Harris, Seotts; J. M. Mi 5 ‘s. Scns oocitien: J. M. Miller, Sloan‘s. 25 ITCH ON HUMAN CURED IN v : ny en Sanitary Lotion” This ‘ame s. TIMSO> RSON, Drug. Rist atesville, N. oc oe = x TO CURE LA GRIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take LaAxaTIVE Bromo QUININE TABLETS. A druggists refund the money if it fai > , - werte os ails F. W. GRove's signature on every box. Sa _ Distressing Kidney and = disease lieved in six hours ‘by “Nee oe Sourm AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE.” It ig a great oa prise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves tetention of water almos? immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by St1msor & ANDERSON. Druggists, Statesville, N.C, = Try Us On HUN, Sporting{Goods, Table Cultery, Meat Choppers Bor anything clse you may need in the Hardware Line. If you are} not pleased with our goods after >xamining them, ae don't ask you to nm this 2 . ~Vours taly. . hd 7 5 “oe aye W. A. THOMAS & C0. CAN BARN LOTS OP yy working for us in Spare 4; home on ourcloths. We oe, * « good chance to make .) 3% spending money easily, ;, hours. Send 12c. foreign .* directions for work, an at once. Cloth sent osten, ma, Me. Dept. ——_ % A POLICY For The Peopk Those who coutemp] INSURANCE 43 all—haé best loon a) 8 tract which is but a shoppin stone betwesn NO insurance at life. In one instance yoy ona win, In my policy you we benefit of both living and death | Seven hundred ang sixty-Eight dollars paid out to Citizens of Statesville sng community in less than 12 months time. If you will take the time and see me! eay give you all imformg. tien. ate pt i NO MEDICA REQUIRED. J .F. CARLTON, FIRE, LIFE And ACCIDENT INSURAN se EXANINATIO, SALE OF REAL ESTATE 4 MO RESVILLE y virtue of the authority given : B will and testament of John rM by the a ed, the undersigned will,” as executo last will and testament on 2s tFRIDAY, MARCH wTH. iyo ig the town of Mooresville, N.¢ le auction to the highest bidder that valu” estate situated in the center of es known as the John F. Moore hous and 1." joining the lands of C. A. Johnson gua ae containing 144 acres, more or less, and = lot is a good two-story awelling house wer out buildings; also on said lot ti} rooin cottage house. Aiso one valuable farming land, situn Mooresville’ adjoining Moore: property, containing 60 acre Also another tract of land adjc ler and others, north of Moore 2v acres, more or less. the lasit asthe “old Moore tract." The k ville and these lands will be sold on in different lots, according to a pi which will be furnished by 1 u from day of sale. Title retained til} purchase money is paid, This Feb. 28, i900, J. R. McNEELy 1,. R. CONNE: & Execatyr Southern Railway STANDARD RAILWAY The SOUTH The Direct Line to all Poiats Texas, California Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico Strictly First-Ciass Equip ment on all Through sad Kocal Trains; Pullman Soe ieopin Gare on al ins; Flast and safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you sige assured a safe, Comfortable au! Expeditious Journey. APPLY To TICKET AGENTS FOR TIME ED J. B. Connelly, Att'y. RATES AND GENERAL INFORMATION, B.L. Vernon, Fler C. P &T.4, PPA CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE, N¢ ~No trouble to answer question § Frauk S. Gamma, J. M. Gul, wa fa 34. V. P.& Gen. Man. ‘raf.Max. GF WASHINGTON, DC. f You Need a Fire, Life, Aocident or Heaitn Insurance See Brown & Guy, INSURANCR HBADQUARTERS. Office—Second Vloer Bank Buikiing. Don’t Tes Cough, When you can buy a 25c. Bottle of Hall's Coug! Syrup. = Sc EF ‘ BAPACITY, 10,00y sors PLA I NNUM. on r a r r e a r n s Some dealote prsh the enle af cheap hori = the protiw arelerze, Len'vaiiew yeure!f © a Inve buving ashaddy job in orter te eave rans ROCK MILL” Muggics are “A Linie Higher 49 rae : Tut—"" they stand up, look well, and, above #l. ‘ioe AWAY FROM TUE BilOr—aaking them cheoprti0 end. Sold hy first-class Genlers face in your town, write direct. ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, SG only. Ji FOR:SALE 6 CURE A COLD IN ONE pay. af the best quality. nsactsa Regular Bankine ceounts {5 coorations Ne. A COOPE ER. ehicles ever brought t in anticipation of the ts four business ives rders for a big tine ass in material aud Wrinkled Lo = Knotted Eleg son is over——¢ ral Swear with silk waist: rom. Sx: a With simultancous rac head blocks and cable ro most sensitive feed ever Ff I handle all kinds of ' B aid 91 ime deposits te collects Me yed on Most favorable teri arest i ial attention paid {"} GEO NOW ‘* st Wor previous rpassing all Come to headgu rie Yours truly uckered Bed rinkled Pre bric Could any other Fa same way? Youmay you see ol them tit ; they are also new. 1 exists in the minds of Black Crepon'’s. You J either a la lat bet FRICE Eclipse mill, also Frick Compat "ENGINE AND BOIL: wheeis t ou engines . ereal ay ried Portable Lionery size, and the Eclipse traction ‘¢ Gotton Gins at low pr and t Statesville, N.C. This lot w gone the CROWSON & 6KONCE, PR Has received a light Footwear prices, from 2» New Lin Oo Ai " aia comprising 2 Crash, Cloth ay If you are tired tion in examin