HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Mascot June 1900 —— and. lel? edell Superior ¢ roe ceding ents ou t le , Iredell sy Der; Goor in St atone 26TH, hi ghe st lar <e Ried ee longing Be ther’s line the. ne beginning, ao es. Terms ‘of at CLEGG ate Commissioner ICY reople Ontemplate = Ook at a con- a stepping mnsurance and 7¢ you die to you set the + and death. ed and dollars ditizens le and in less s time. hke the me lean nforma- XAMINATION TON 7 Ee NENT ze. way KILWAY OF TH all Poiets nia. a, and Rico, Lass Equtp- rough and ; Pullman Cars on all BSt and safe rn and you are hfortable and x. FOR TIME rarery INFORMATION, ASHEVILLE, N. erg ES ND W. A. Turk -Man. G.P. = ve. Guy, SARTERS. Building. oods, TY bpers Pise you are are not r s<oods x them, you to “& Coe les rreys. ved a car and Sur- sell very OD. pay you purchas- lly, el Bros, N.C. two weeks, onday in each for aayhne y. You will to do so. lanner. Prices. ; VE GUARANTEE x WICE AS LA SGE { TL, VII. CoAPEVTLLE WARRI pifhadd Luu Aas i di ort visit vail k jyuali Best © Material, Stat N. (sL. & a fhe First Nationa: bank tty & a8 te Bb Mase OF STATESVILLE Cc. " attegniar Banking Business. Deposits received Subic ct to eheck on sig | bh aid 01 Si me deposits. Money {oaned on good collateral and personal secur Jr inds ef Granite and Marble —!o:— known o the trade First-Class work and Lowest Price co BWES=S a} nd and ntic on Dp Lik orable terms pre her een A CoeP ad. BES, President, HG, PRICE COMPANY'S: a Fry & Phifer. oa Portabd ket setti »feed, 1 neitive feed ever put OD Se iek Comeany s ENS GINES ND BOLLERS, e/ s sell you yourShirts, ou money. Circular Saw Mill ng ac iw rE sh 43% Qi bs, EE bate Se - Rc Our tine of Hosiery ane Pants s, Collars and Ties, for we will Will be sure to please. 25 cent. Peaches for Si. Legeetts | sell vou 6 cans of foe best on Don’t mis bo Cott uw Fresh Italian for Seed Potatoes ca the Loc. per Ih. s the White Front TERY & PRIETER. Pa needs ee SO etl Rice a Pe Pa a r «2 : re Te ef £2 wm a ScacR SE atiwinte o> N you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & & ICE PELLETS you do not buy a med- AL N U I P NT I S ta Complete Treatment for Bil lious- ss, Constipation and Headaches. Itistwo & istinct medicines, but sold for one price—25¢. § The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets § tone up the nervous system and invigorate. OTe Can The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought he question of dress agita low can IT be neatly dressed | Vea ‘suit tes the mind of every te collectionsen ali puints, an1 credited or re mi itted at lowestre ratior 1s Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals solic. dacd one more or less. for the least money. Of cou eS that fits and one ‘Ke wears. We ock before the advance in woviens fer the cash there- save you paONS ~ye bic Reduction. anythirg in gents furnishings you cannot aliord to not see Us. will sell you it at and below manufacturers a man’s suit for $2.06. Tf our pure Irish I Linen collar and if square e and honest de at a prices. Wecan give you you want asuit, hat. shirt, necktie or See for 10c. Weare anxious for your trade aling will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must be as represented .Thanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very tru Sloan Glothing Co > So Vans US aud We now have in steck and bought CAR evies, ein the price of material, we Stor carly, to se!] at old prices or at least yery nearly so. selling: you vehi elie to make a sale. -haetons, Surreys and hacks, les for 6 years and have ‘LOADS, 4 notwithstanding the biy We want your trade ll use our best we guarantee it, irantee. Come and see us. Bar . efforts to merit it you know it ‘means our standing Square ? is sare enabled by having purchased cur We have bran never knowingly misrepresen' ed When you buy a buggy frem ron & Nicholson ae < ° e ee Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better, prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ing, and ot prices that estonish those who have not favored us with orders. 23> Cards, 50c. 1000 Circulars 7&c, CRows udsome Card our name yle printed on Letter Heads, Note Pamphlets, Circular Sopemne -RNVELOPES, AT LOW PRICES. Advertise what you have to sell with a cir- cular. Small one easier read than a large one. esxs. Beoo Bill Heads, Statements, Send Heads, s, Ete cat low prices, for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. GN & SRONCF, PROPR’S. behiud » RA fs Tasieless EN EAE very. panemenadonte Baie area oatiane Se MONS phil Topip and Gesrastecd fe Cure Giilis and ne Fever anc aii Malaria! Troubles. Dees Not Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. Dees Net Injzre the S pims Box, Tex., say: pana W. aA. McLarty & Son, Nest we tore ever ee theonly CaM Tonic which Price 50. tomach Nor Effect the Hearing. ’3 Pepsin Chill Tonic is the y¥ son prescribes itin his practice,and says it is hiid can take without i injury to the stomach.” BROWN MG. CO. Prop’rs, Greeneville, Tenn. AE A iy A LI E i Cowles visited Charlie s¢ hool. } lV sacation. | The ho Eee . rs for T: prings last Thurs sian was e} joyed by Eewvai. Vice Presicesg’ i 2 WwW - bs } esRisty &. Cashier. | | | | i | | | | 4 e . from Center dren surv ive } lotie, is the arel Witherspoon is the Mr. J. G. Holton, ty, ex-Solicitor o lived he to lose her from an us. y Mr, B. M. Stevenson has ves the contract for the repairl i stor se on Broad street, some ee “70, LO The and th J. Lazenby. torn away the back of the or will be over} making a large - = modern store recom. Saturday Night Speakings Mra a. Chambersburg Huson au } s., at the 1001 house, township. Grier ethany oe: and Es <- = Speaking in Noeth iredeli. Charles H. Armfield, A. Hartness, Es s-; people at the tuliewiag 1 Limes Academy, ‘Thursday, f 2 chureh Friday, oto, wi - 20 clock. Oo “cloci he tEG Tsk 3 1cuse, Chairman Vem. ¥. Long, Zed. Vv. Secretary. -_ - Richland, Mo., Dispatch, ist’ he could identify tie culprit lost 1iseif in the crowd. Rovers may haye to kill his entire flock of 5UU to tind the Jewel, thougt they are not yet ready for the mar ket. Lf he kills them an@ doesn't find the =e ie will be out over $100. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? the more severe and sults of throat and What shall you do? Ge o to 2 warm ler aad more regul ar climate? Yes if pessib! ey then in either lun ease take all civilized countries with succes in oe a “Boschee’s German Syrup. * Itno only heals and stimulates the tissue: to destroy the germ disease, but-al ali druggists in the world. sale by.’ W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. _ poe ia 5 aos rae ; : in Wiikesboro last w E e- 3. Armfield, | +} and James wil! address the and ¥: iA ie June | June Eval tin, Saturday, June Yth, at 2 hay pes- Co. Coin. 1 A Acheapvremedy for coughs and eolds is all right, but you want |something that will relieve and cure a re- troubles. 7 if not possible fer you, | the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in Ss and lung troubles, t lays-inflammation,causes casyex pec toration, vives a.good night's rest, and ures ihe patient. Try ONE bot- tle. AS many years by For REO PIE ea ET a oe ae ore IP UME Rese re a ig > 5 3 ‘4 YX we? Fd " ‘ee v = a | ‘fatesville Mascot. Sots aA REN Ee IREDELL ANI ) ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY THER PAPE R PUBLIS HED. SPAT OQY STATESV ILLE, Se Com: ncerment at the Lit ident, Mr. J ed the heuse to order 2 orator, I of Col: , sday 3 or his Ors ator bi e society — G Am erien: 7 “T] : Lite Y ( honor), and mau i Or ak ro Pen gradu wird the decree ¢ i3., four the CELOL eis.) a> Lhtee tne oF M ee a de ee ne NoOYSpsou » resiena- Presi- wer ave nanent § studies in trustees have .and have :as his suc- encement undoubtedly the . and we congrat- of trustees in their Como board David- Mater is 93 a sche} > of ‘osity and love of AY AimMa in es- FOG), sof io the Coilege, and > ., ye } , at Scotts, Concord township 1 sor classes willl dol like: xeople should turn out to] «3 these appointments and hear the nme amendment ciscussed. | et J. A. HaRrness, | Dewey a - - eae : ° . . cy—if Be Can tke Chairman Dem. Co. Com. y ik fe Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. st New York le Kansas convention instructed for Sin: \dmiral Dewey now agrees lipy politicians here that ition of the Nebraskan or Presieent is inevitable, Admiral Dewey has no present in- tention o! fissuing a letter of with- drawal, sor would ke turn his hand secure the nomination if it were ible to defeat Mr. Bryrn. eat thae¢ ech tbat ’ to the To allentreaties for public state- ments or for farther tours to make political capita! for himself he has Oe Saturday bIgdt, fone] adexf ear, and he said today June 2 thy, at Sov o clocK. ihe would adhere to his determina- Sot a pecee ee oe eae not to mak aby more trips 2 endmene discussed. a x visiting Detroit. Joa. HAnTNESS, admiral makes it clear to all friends w ith whom he tatks that he ot aave the eee of regret or | di intment if his name is not | ented in the ‘Kansas City con- oti mu. Indeed, he bas frequently George Le “-s. who spends much | repeated what hesaid a long time . - , Ne aa gi bis leisure time on his country |i —that he d not believe he pte } “it Wlewsa) al Sho hec- , Prac” place, ieeding chickens jor the mar-} © live a 3 ifke became Pres ket, is in a great dilemma. Lhe} : Las other day winle feeding his pets | reare reasons for believing from his hand one of the greedy} that Admiral Dewey has the same jowls nipped a SoUU diamond ron) | Views regarding the vice presidency 1 ly ay © the ring on his finger, and before | on the ticket with Mr. Bryan as he it hi ad lhotds respec ting bis can didacy for lth » presidency | li the Kabsas City convention should | lamation place him on th Mr. Bryan, ue prob- 1 net decline. bo , but people, | ithe tick | labiv jie j | | | |< perse ie desire for he is in the bands and is apparently yv to servethemin any place}|m ich they may call him, even at 2 personal sucrifice. hen asked today if he would | consider a v rice presidential nae tion on the et with Bryan, he T re is nothing I care to tnowonthat point. In fact, now not say euything at all on political ma Sa a + t Ben Wall, Gennettsville, S. C., says: I] was very sick with fever last fall and after taking 313 worth of Doctor’s medicine, and not being beavtited thereby, 1 bought two} boxes of Ramon’s “Liver Pills and | Tonic Pellets which effected a com plete cure. For sale by N. R, Tun stall: : © pe ee N.C., THURSDAY, Ee NE OTE ES SST Davidson College: ious | during the Boer war. r{| found guilty of sion on t y for two years ind to be reprimanded by the Sec- static couventton hail ‘iat Hansas City wil} seat 22,260, Toe Clark Howell, Jv., editor of the y.{Atiznta Constitution, and Miss Annie Comer, daughter of the late JUNE 7, 1900. GENERAL NEWS. William eonvratulations on success in South Emperor (fueen Victoria Lord Robert's Lord Cee:l Mant correspondent 1ers, a NewWspap and a son of the Duk- was captured by the Lord Reberts’ ud- a a lana of Rutiand, Poors Gurine moers Adurmag vance, May 29. r breaks all records. It wiil re- » petween 14.000 and 15,000 cars o ee the 4,000,000 or 3,060,000 market. | boxes to . to be. | responde nts have have died of Giseuse 17 f “went Lis aS i been killed or vith and his brother, D. L are near Lake City, t Sunday night byC. I “T. Sinith cae killed aoe a . ee who stil! atla ree. plosion of dy naigite at lor- section, Wis., in the home of L:ruchew, killed him, his wife their three children, from 2 rs old, and H. Stevens, Mrs, s brother. to It is stated that at the cons‘story tol tome either in June or hbishops Chap- now in Ma- »p Carrigan, of made car upt, Jim McGowan, U. S. N.. |has been tried by court martial and scandalous conduct nd sentenced to C hel Hh in? > plemberjboti Ar , of New {Jelac . Uriecns, RoR ert ana S7ci Wil ; Finals York, Qinais. rand negie ct of aut vat MF 2 Seats for the O30 dele- r alternates, the stave wo, the correspondents’ plat- ‘rhe rest of the seats are form BUD, iGistributed over 3 baleonies. 1¢ bighest priced clock so far ire- by a French Count mm Th orted is owned Oy who has refused an offer of #250, ¢ 00 forit. Itis 2 marble cieck. He esn't need the tconey an?is go tos imsleuin when for ji 2 tae Clock as no further use . Ynos.G. Sample. of Pitts- urg, Pa., past commander of the and Army of the Republic. stated Col Ce ite South to erect monu- ational cemeteries ta its vO ments int dead, Saat there, _ Comer, formerly president of nies of Georgia Railway and wealthiest men af the a, Ww a ve married ab the home of the bride in Savannah on July | E2th, t Judve Cantrill, Kentucky, has is- sued a bench warrant for the arrest ef former Governor Taylor. The warrant is based on an indictment secured some weeks ago charging ylor with beinw an ageeszery to the assassination of Wri. Goebel. Goverucr Beckham, of Nentucky, has issued an order -mustering oct 10 companies of the State Guard. The little negro republic of Libe- ria, over Which the United States for years exercised a protectoraie, recently iost their entire navy, con- sisting of two fiat-bottom beats armed withold guns The Garancia was lost in astormend theRoecktown was rup onareck. These two gun boats were presented by England, and now Liberia hasappeuled to our government for one or two vessels suitable for patrol work in the aoe low waters near Monroyia. The strike situation in St. Louis, Mo., tions last week that the sheriff was ordered to swear in 2,300 additional inen for the purpose of preserving peace and order. Thenight before four men were shot in the car trou- bles, two being seriously wounded One, Kehoe. perhaps fatally. Vol unteers was) arr shooting Kehoe nois charved with s Jos. Onl, Wasbington correspon- dentof the Atlanta Constitution, says the postettice pilfering is not confined es Cuba, but “irregulari- ties’ have been discovered in the otfivesin .the United States, and names found on three different pay- roll, drawing pay for three jobs when employed ouly on one. What move can you expect from a Repubd- lican administration. These post- masters are «getting on to Loge Harris’ litrle scheme of getting their uames on halt a dozen pay-rolls. —_—— Germans Insulted in Eome_ by Frenchmen. Leriin Dispatch, tst. The Rome corresp2 madent of The Berlin Tageblatt says that at the recent reception of pilgrims by ae Pope in the Bascilica of St. Peter's the French pilgrims, when the Ger. mans began to sing, fell to hissing and whistling while a French priest so far forgot “himself as to box the earsof a German brother of the cloth. The fight was ended, the disp itch declares, only on the appearauce of the Pope. : be German pilgrims, it is said, have entered at the Vatican a de- mand for an investigation. Ramon Beats Them An, Henry Bissell, Hatton, Arkansas, says: I cannot find words to ex- plain the worth of Ramon’s Liver Pill sand Ramon’s Relief also. I suffered with Bilious Colic for years and the doctors failed to do me any wood. I cured it ith Ramon’s Re- lief and -Ramon’s Liver Pills. I ‘have sold drugs and medicines for 27 years, and bave handled all kinds of patent medicines. Ramon’s beats them all. I have sold and used Ra- mon’s for ten years with always the greatest satisfaction. Hundreds of customers will testify that Ramon’s Liver Pills are the best family med- icise they ever used. ] wish every telegraphed The orange crop.of Calitoraia this | The murderer | cee constant. i AMONG THE POLITICIANS. Kigit Americans Killed in the Phil- | NoFPight tov ippines! ae seers Manila Dispats The woman whe is lovely in face | Bertie county Demoera Panes a et \form and temper 1 always have jhominated Frascis D. _ 2 tCOGs qhe insurgents friends bat one who w roul 1 be =m | the House {resnea San 3 , PYovinee of Bu-! tractive n Uk as h ures a oar (cle ime lacan, Luzon. garrisoned by hoe ieee favs keep her health. FH ~ tbe ao \ aE has é oeen nn ted | com panies of the Thir y-fith Volun es coe a iy and : all run down. Te . oe eee the ts of | teer Infantry. They swept through | Bese eae z oe 43 aad irritable. If fle; ad county. the sur prised town, shooting ek 2e atk “ ustipation or kKiuney Mc. F. M. Shaunonhouse, brother |?” d left, killing five Americans and | pecan se impure blood will cause Of Als toyal Shannonhouse, of | ¥C22 ding seven. Captain Charies! Re = See n ent ees = iStatos ile, has been appcinted or- | D. } Roberts and two! privates. are | tric iin on comple a Elee- |yaniz-r of White Supremacy Clubs | missing. No Filipino dead were the world om oe ais cas nee for Mecklenburg county. discovered. and kidr ee rr lake aes | me Bs i So Miguel isa few miles from | J = aes 1€Vs and to pur ify ood S. J. Coivert, of Northampton | Ma un t wives strong nerve brie ves, county, was nominated for the Sen- | W bile a bane under] the escort of smooth, velvet ty skin, rich Pee ate bv the Democrats of the Third | | troops of the Fort tr-dixth scort oO: lion. Itwill make a good-lool | district (Bertie and counties) on the i3dth ballot, net "robibiti onists of Maryland, in their platform adopted last reek, tion’s attitude canteen and quor toward the the abortions of into our Dew possessions | Prof. W.E. Abernethy | and Lacius H. Sinith, of Yancey, j have been nominated for by the Demccrats of the 31st. trict (Burke, Caldwell, MeD< ow ell, Mitchell and Yancey counties. Tae New Jersey poe inet in convention last Thursday, 1,006 strony. They commended William Jennings Bry an as worthy ‘‘the highest poli itical 1 honor,’ denonneedg the Republican party for fostering trusts, for its imperialism on account of the Cuban frauds, and de- mand stringent laws against trusts. Ss ee Fought Dogs Witha Knife. Yorkville, ana S. C., Enquirer. L. J. Guion, superintendent I ndent Of the bowie k: for his Ji ‘te and made a fierce fight ie killed two deys and pat three more out of action before the resi. withdrew. By that time Guoin’s clothes were in rags and he was covered with blood from the many bites received. He was almost exhausicd. Train Wrecked hy an Hiephant AweNOWwL, Pa. Lispaten, ost, Krank Bostock’s show route froin Wilkesbarre to Newark, N.J., was partiv vreeked this morn- ing on the Le high Valley Railroad, train. en : i i near Copiny, high courty. The peech at Germantow non Dec-; train wis funn! aw 30 miles an beur, ion Ray” taee be Was Opposed | when the u“Sport”’ backed ayainst the car “Sport” tell cut one ot his thigh demolishe: Vue Butialo ex press soon after r: into the debris, and Hugene Victory ashowman, had his lee sa bad nor and broke it. be ¢arand broke several cars were crushed that it hud te be amputat- ec. The injured clept hant was hoisted on the train andafter a Gelayofthree hours, the train proceeded on its way. rn Engaged tor 71 Years. Toledo, Ohio, Dispatch, 1st. What is probably the longest en- zagement on record in point of time was brougit toa happy conclusion in South Bloomfield last night by the marriage of the contracting parties. Engaged at the age of 15 and 17. August “Croft and Kate Putnam rat ified their vouthrui vows at the altar after 7] long years of fidelity to their plighted troth. The bride” Ss age is e8 and the bvridegroom’s S85. Fawily opposition at first deferred the pros- pective marriage. Croft went to the California gold diggings. Re- turning after many years, poor and broken in health, he found his fian- Then they resolved not to marry until both had reached ap advanced age and were financial- sumed such serious propor-|ly able to do so. These conditions were recently realized. se Unearthed in Burke. A Skeleton Morganton News, Workmen at Mr. J. W. Campbell's Ora] brick yard on the Quaker Meadow Heavill, a Transit Co. watchman an@ | farm,ov theCtawba river, dug up the formerly a captain in the 9th I[jli-| Skeleton of a man about a foot from ; ested | the surface of the ground one day last week. The bones were brokea by the picks as they were taken out andastack pole had been driven through the skull. Several perfect- ly sound teeth appear on the jaw- bones. The pieces of skull and bones were orougkt to town and are now in Dr. Warlic’:’s office. Fron ali indicatious the man was buried in the early timesin this county. The skeleton was found in stiff clay at a point near the noted Council Oak where the McDowel!ls and others of this section duripg the Revolution camped and held a conference just prior to the battle of <ing’s Moun tain, and the popular couclusion is that this is the skeleton of one of the men of that gathering, whodied at the time and was buried there. A Pennsyivanian’s Strange Will, Lancaster. Pa., Dispatch, rst. The Supreme-Court, in its decis- ion yesterday in the appeal oi the executor of Dr. Gerber’s estate, de- cided one of the most interesting cases that hasbeen before that tri- bunal from this county for many years. ; Dr. Andrew Gerber, a very wealthy physician of Mount Joy, adele peculiar will, in which he de- vised to his son, Christian, only haif the income during life of one of his farms. A few other small _be- quests were made and the entire residue of his estate, amounting to about $200,000, was bequeathed to his great- -grandchildren, of whom none was in existenceat the time of the Gecedent’s death. Dr. Gerber held strange religious views and believed that at the time|> his youngest vreat- grandchild would arrive at the age of 22 years he (the deceased) would return to earth, and he desired his estate kept intact until that time. The will was congested and the court gave Christiagy Gerber abso- lutely all that part 6f the estate be- queathed to the future generation, and the Supreme Court affirms this family had a trial dose in their house today. For Eas by N. BR. Tunstall. judgment. _—— Northampton condemn the Republican administra. | army | Mie | , of Burke, | Senators dis- was moving from Ila | charming woman of a rup- -dow: l within 35 lang to Silang.j valid. Only 50 pnts at within 35 sof Manila, it was|jy 's drur . eon Saige a vt, ug store. ; attacked by Ladrones] three of the}— ———_—___—- | party being killed. “Sunday night near Pitt —~— county. a negro man iohn Negro Outrages White Woman in Dixon died froim the effec tsof i a dose Cumberland Gounty. | Payettevill® observer, News reached here last meh of | |the most outrageous crime ever committed in Cumberland oa : . Messrs. S. B. Godwin | came to to wn hurriedily at midnight |; jand reported to Sheriff Burns that Mrs. West, the young wife of the latter, and niece of thé former, was eal assaulted by a negro man in Flea Rill township lyesterday af- lier noon. They were both 2 ind Jas. West sworn in as deputy sheriffsand| returned at j once to get together alposse and go jin search of the fiend. From what can be learned, it )Seems ibat Mrs. West) was walking in the yard pear the fence, when she was Seizec from behing by the ne- gro, Who ¢ thoked her into insensivil- Mrs. West madela brave struc- 34 ay axe gie and se } io Benrettsville Cot ton Miils, atte uded |] = 2d screamed for help, but, as a Saccen ek Roice r).., |Her husband and ai! the hands were “eR sare p tae country i3st | working in 2 distant field, it was to rday- nicht. Returning | no purpose. The ney ot aie afoot b= wus attacked by a pach ood hi ere Ass ae “it ise hounds, Guion was armed witha)? = eS aes j Young, rather black and well dress- ;ed. rom the description given io him. hief of Police Flow. ers thinks he was in this city yes ierday. There is intense éxcitement in Flea Hili, and, if thought the first: ly gehing berland shistery wil trvecors deg i j i = i tn Cum- to be Have es Anti-Erust Gl efeated. Washington Dispatch, rst. The House teday after a lively de- bate extending over jwo days, de- feated the joint resolution propos- ing a constitutional amendmeut em- powering Congress! to regulate trusts. It requires 2 two-thirds vote under the consiitution to adopt an amendment to the) constitution. The vote stoud ayes 154, nays 131. The aftirmative vote, therefore, was 38 short of the requisite two-thirds. we Democrats, Messrs. Campbell, Mentana; Nathan, of Massachu- coke s; Scudder, of New York:Sibdley, of Pennsylvania, aud Thayer, of Massachusetts and one silverite, Mr. Newlands, of Nevada, voted with the Republicans for |the resolution and two Republicans, Jfr. Loud, of California; and Mr. McCall, of Mas- sachusetts, with the Dbermeocrats against it. These Were the only broaks from party lines. The Pop- ulists voted solidiy agaist the res- olution. The debate | preceding the vote had a strong political flavor throughout and was/at times very personal. The featyres were the closing speeches of Mir. DeArmond, of Missouri, and Mtr.| Littletield, of Maine, fer the respective sides und the short speech of Mr. McCall against the resolution. Mr. McCall kas distinguished himself before during this session in opposing, the uction of his a on the Por- 2 Rican bill and inj kis speech in @ Roberis case. His action today = unheralded and,/ therefore, at- tracted the more atiention. _ —= A Stiff Fight in South Africa. London Dispatch ,2nd. | It is officiaily announced that Gen- eral Colville has arrived at Heil- brun, northeast of Kroonstad, in the Orange River Colony, after meeting with great opposition. The War Office has received the following dis- patch from Lord Roberts: “Johannesburg, June, 1, 9:25 p. m. —Sir Henry ¢ ‘olville, in reporting the arrival of the Highland Brigrade at Heilbrun, May 29th, states that be was opposed more or less the whole way from Ventersburg. Eight men were killed and four of- ficers and 32. men were wounded. Colville says the La neashire B attery of field artillery did; excelient work. Grant’s naval gans were most valu- ableand the troops behaved ina most soldierly manner throughout the trying march. | 2uadle telegraphs that his cas- ualties were 22 ae 150 men wounded. ”’ caoeeeedpast To Investigate North Carcline. Washington Dispatch, istl. : The Senate committeeon privileges and electious today had under con- sideration Senator Priuchard ‘sresol- ution declaring exclusion from the privilege of the franchise because of race to be unconstitutional. The committee decided to recommend the adoption of a substitute direct- ing the committee, to investigate whether such exclusion i is aatagonis- tic to the constitution. The substi- tute passed the cominittee by a par- ty vote and if it isagreed to by the Senate the investigation will be un dertaken by the committee. The resolution is predicted upon condi- tions in North Carolina, but consid- care interest is manifested in it y the Senators fromjall the South- ce States. ——— | J. Q. Hood, Justice lof the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. My/wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. It hasalso benefited my whole family.”’ It acts immedi- ately and cures couzhs, coids,croup, grippe, bronchitis asthma and all throat toubles. W. EF. Hali,Jr. nated for the House by the . Demo. erats of Lincoln couaty. Lincoln Democracy also endorsed ener en oy aught. it is} J. F. Reinhardt has — re-nomi- | | of rouyrh-on-rats which his wife cave | hira on Friday. The woman put the poison in coifee and vave it her cg to | husband, J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. “I cannot say too much for DeWitt’. s Witeh Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors cal!- ed an incurable ulcer on my jaw.” Cures Piles and all skin diseases, eee for worthless imitations. W. BF. Ball, Ir... The body of : 32 negro woman was found Sunday in a ditch peor a street in Gree nvilie, Pitt sunty. The woman’s neck was Boban 2nd her face bore signs of having been beaten. She was last seen Sat- urday night with a strange negro man. “DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare ihe linest pills I ever used.”—D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They quick- ly cure all liver and bowel vroub] W. EF. Ball. Jr. Roel -kingbam Deore rats have wom- inated Lindsay for tho Senate, and Lane aud Garrett for the House. “After RS TSS g oa piies for fifteen years ] was cured by two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Salye,”’ writes W. J tt heai Tk zel Baxter, North Brook, MCS everything. Beware of counterfeits. WwW. Pi fall, Jr. W.S. Musser, Millheim, Pa.. sav- ed ls life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure whea It is the ul gives im- ckly cares she was dyizg from croup only harmless remedy tl mediate resvlts. !t coughs, colds, brouchitis, grippe, asthma, and all throat ard lung troubles. W. BF. Hall Jr. The Aa of Oran couaty have re-nominated S. M. Gattis for the House. The Bumcombe Republicans have nominatted Col. V. S: Gusk and Dr. R.1I: Wilson for the Heuse. The delegates to the Congressional Con- vention favor J. M. Moody for Con- gress. The Anti-Trust Bill Amonded Washington Dispatch, 2nd. Oniy one vote was cast in the flouse today against the Littletield anti-trust bill to amend the Sher- man act of 1890 to make it more cf- fective in the prosecution of trusts and combinations, their agents, ofi- cers cr attorneys. Mr. Mann, of IHinois, Republican, cast the nega- tive vote. Thke bill, according to the statements of the Republican leaders, goes to the iimit of the an- thority of Congres: under the con- stitution. All the Democratic mi- nority amendments except one were defeated. That was an amendment declaring that nothing in the act should be construed to apply to trades, unions or labor organiza tions, which wasadopted by 2 vote of 260 to 8. Wealth of hair is wealth indeed, especial- ly to a woman. Every other physical attraction is secondary;to it. We have a book we-will gladly!send you that ‘tells just how to care for the hair. iIf-your thar is teo thin or tos- ing its luster; Growth. becomes vigorous “and” all dan- druff is removed.’ It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don’t look old before your time. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. recom: Te res pane friends, “it any. = the best kind of a Hair Viger I shall certainly eee them just as strong’ aeiraes = that they get a bottle o — — on N. E. Wamritox, & Nov. 28, 1898. »... Noi rwich, N. ¥. Write the Doctor. ae ar — > r wet ne. pli ie Migs ee eo foes ee e d Re t h y te n e s zs . cg RS ee e ee a ik se p Pe OT RE T IS ee ha et ts k . re Eat S Laced e E e 4 SE SION cI RES D. break. marched about ten from each townsbip were then pata ~~ Notice to Creditors, =| Seed Oats and Hay Fur g. =~ : Sed es 5 ile | TAYICRSVILE NE matt cane ha oe f = ~ IRE miles to! i sional conventio. | -1NG qualified as administrator of Ja’ ee ———— ; ; THE BOER CAPIRAL CAPTUR Z . = a} ‘ed onyressionu "4 AVING quali ad . De eb Thavea lot of whiteand black «.- eran a et | Toe British have entered Pretoria, | a Six Miles Spruit, both banks of | = Z eo B. L. Matheson, | Htw. Brotherton, deceated. notice in: meray sale for seed, Thave alacse st” a , pe pei ere ron d} rr which were occupied by the enemy.|} Congressman Linoey reached = lexander. W. W. Wiikivson, | given to all persons holding clue whe same to} hay for sale, See me wheu vo re as ithe cepital of the Transvaal, an End : Pose’ M a ieee { iE. L. Alexander. W. W. Ay, (estate of sai decease 10 pa aie pears a is | Tt ; hE Ms t— Me “ory Ss an- ma , skey JS Ae Saipion rst paymic . = > ® , la- sulisa fugitive. With this |The British Eater Pretoria —The En Henry's and toss Mounted Ini ; | home Monday. IT. F. Murdock. R. C. Lackey, J. — _coniowene orit will be plead in | Feby. 8th., rg0o. 5 X cope ~ ==} Com Paul is a fugiti ao of the War in Sight. try, with the West Somerset. Dor | Miss Hessie Linney caine home | 4431] I. C. Patterson, Dr. E. &. Rea This Bimy 21900. Sg ay | POP ee is hardly ; ; ace : Roce eff OVERS < 5 y cams e! Miller, H.C. | son, S* var of sheir recovery. ae soeoer JC a Eee HW beveryelo So nenenns eee spi aa ilast week from Roanoke, Va. | King, J. C. Linney, W. D ee OST Administrator. Sale of Land puring May the it ps » th: > WE rit 2 ; 3 r = vwolsly ad i ing. Ys — a ! y- ; : i ee eee 2 At 2 o'clock this afternoon,aimest ,of Yeomanry, quickly ¢ Sewet ere ( Rderander soante |S. Ee Patterson: Ay siC. esaom 01) Step eeemmegee go ire med Duriné sat the sta : AT | ch longer prolonged. The Boers} .*;“"~ “7 ™ fter the declaration | them from the south bank and pur | The board of Alexander count; iw LL. Greder, 8. J. Harrington, R. | : Court made in the spc = coz? G15.01. : AR fone iff figs! t, but valor oom ered E a ts entered Pre sued them Bee pOS eee ierew recone L Aili uy s Ja Watis, Ju Watts, | Notice. tled = w. coy ad se were v=" ti c : Ne DOLLAR YEAR. thave put upastil ugat, bu T of war, Lord Roberts enteree Zhe Kancalcosmnderna heawuihcell anes ie w court hous |. Williams, Jas. ae ie W. McHargue, against KB ; Austin, Psy t Oa POR ane F: - . host ae avai beer I “i : While : the commander-in- | found themselves under a heavy fire | election for a new court house. iWm. Deal, J. F. Brown. J.C. Bell, | t}AVING qualified as execntor of Lemuel C. | the undersigned comuiissione: y., Gc. M. =A various <4 5 ° Tae : aad ajust caus€ Save afain (been | teria. os : é Great) from guns which the Beers had plac- | ve meer eis aires ee — A. Cli ~fo sy) elope deceased, late of Iredell county, SATURDAY, JUNE sory Hector, SO a o ne | ‘eld to oppression. |chiefof the greatest army Great|from¢ pee led commanding’ Col. and Mrs. G. W. tlewers sre C. N. Moutgemery, J. A. Cc ine. = Compan: Se yoni poasespacing ciate SATURDAY, JUNE sore, cotlec OE ee court bousd * 4 nS e ' Pi eT feampelled FJELC 0 ppress © 5 a oy vnc lt ed -ell-cn conle “OI 5 ‘ a oe er die orb owns. | N.C. Ss pene ea hs yet sHe sale tothe ) ; a+~ex , x A.D. Warts. Evivox & PRrorrietor | c: eupee Soin ee ‘orld’s | Britian eyer put in the field was ed ee eee oe jattending Trinity College com-| peperd, J. 8S Peague, Je FP. Bor a auninst the estate of said Geccas=d to exhibit Ratna oatitee arse ne taxes 2 een - ; \backedas it was by the worlds fullilling the promise he made to ea ns of the naval and ;mencement at Durham this week. W. Y. Davis, & S. Rentiend. =. : . ,them tothe undermined Doi sao once situated the porthens day- oe = i otORUi aa} eeactect 7 =p Presiden {ruger | >. ae a 21, eae Y eed | ‘Our heavy furs Gi th ve j F : S eel te ee » se, A. CGC. Mets: [as y of May. eae ul “rsons indebted to county, adjoi: ng the laznts sla ret that ou i! : Entered at the Postoftice at Statesville #3! rroatest power. President = Se hee eee eee | Royal Artillery, wkich had purpose-! Miss Floresce Jarvis. of North eo e: >” Mat beson. J. W. Se aap eeeenei immediate ‘pay- ee a ei aa sped Ny * | ihis brave coun ymen Wi! Pav ishe into the capita 3 e ie rasa yteale ed ae erent rete ele owt savor tw. > to=h, Nas. . meNoagit lat haragt : —— > y. LONG, or sulc by the scre i “ACK aetna 7 second class mail matter. } is his ora OR oan xe st ae ae “Se celebratiny the ily been placedin front of the column. | W likesboro, speat 3 day or tw ° pete _ : ea White. R L Downs. | Went. ey oth See Ww oe detcrmined by the price it ! Te ve speaks here ¢ . i ee Nien 5 jin the burmiliations and oppressions Sco 4 oes wild enthusiasm. | were berried to the assistance of the tae nrst of the ween Visiting at Gon- . ML Re enouRce ee Sharpe. 1 oa ox ews Attorney. see CES Ree Car 16th i phir ere | which will be put upon them a fear-jevene | wl tensth and breadth | Mounted Infantry as fast as oxen! vressman Linney’s. - 4 : ee i Cae nce ung Ani esos a pn of she ae sb oct e ipa -ecist Great | Lbroughou: tke length and breadt land mules could travel over the: EN Rae ee MD et TEN At the meeting of the cha as aie 4s Notice day of sale. JOHN Ww. Sgiiceman Siecie 4 q bE taseeviile. Nu.) wane a 2900211 rice for daring to resist Great of the country the news spread like | ap me es PE _Dr. r F. Stevenson Wus 31 States- township executive committees Administrater’s i Enis May 37, 1903 2 cE paticenen eh it Sta mae bce Vs demands upon them. Thel wig fee. TBused on the reco!lection | great roiling bills s y s i | ville last Friday looking after a cou- Pein ne eae i ore ee een OF ere Byer, colored, i (eae slic. will Bri F recent Euroy an wars, when the|toria. The guns were Sepeonice by | uection for the telephone line, and “lONC*y 2 GW. Burke was elected Bee oe itis we. Rrawley. deceased, all a Salisvury, *UnCS. ? | Butch republic will becomes Brit-jof recent Burepea SEOTEE geereea Stevens brigade of Pole-Carew’'s qi i earn Secon : vot. | Vention J. - ourKe We 3 srestateo Sime aginst said estate arc rt + aken to Salsvury- . I ee cuontion of the enemy’s ¢apital | Stevens brigade - aetacoue ime learn that he succeeded in get hairman of the executive commit-| persons having claims agi inst eidiscstate ate PURE take i } en be eoverned by poecunatio: be SES aa eee eae or y s FO se ante : tie ens : x y notified to present the : : fmar : | ay : ae asec isuitied the end of hostilities. Lord | vision aad, after a few Boek s, dro ting satisfactory arrangements and |° eand A.C. MeIn-osh. A.C. Payne, aie eto April 26th, igor, and all FOCD COT 4t-. J. A Hofima ae Le ee Se, bi » sy fete coe se So es ie eae i tojitis Fone Cs ae Rare foro eae A j A Bill. Ww P. Hedrick and J. persons owing said estate are requested to make v ro MMesste- Lazenby Bros. i, he t i {i eas oe Gees rena ao ; “The Boers én attempted to : aoe : ae ate ec - | immediate paymez:t. ene = SS handse Ps | tocraca and Ne brave: promise O* >| ersally takenito, mean the << ao left fi oa Sete they! Tne county election board for Al-|W. Wattsa Central Committee toi CHtre Long. a Bre f rey = ES: Ce for building Ww. er 4 Ps : ee eon > “dark | eal (nish of the war whieh bas tried | turn our left flank, Sly OS A Se ES OS = iia apr ar ia anna Surke. Attorneys. Admini -trator. : e ; (° 4 s-ig@¢ en Water sit ie (ree jane in the heart of the “dark cal finish of the war Sores tbev | were avain foiled by the mounted jexander county monday appointed | work with chairman Burke _| This April 26th, 1900. oe v VEL EY on his let Be Re sutinent’” will become but a mem-| Britian s miktary resourcos ds bne sie at ea and Yeomanry,-supported!the following reeistrars: Millers |— EE ; : ESE \ aaa beeiee of the Epi lory. were never tried before. The War|inlanury ne r¢ Sons ee eee ac create Hood, Justice of the Peace,; Notice to Creditors. w mother of their << i bone a << Vilice became the centre for the cel- | vy Maxwell’s brigade of Tucker's Gi-|1ownship, Chas. A. Drum; Sharpes,! J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Nowing Bein’s Pickles sive SSO" ' - { ice Des _ 2 CG e * rata toe . retiilke - * ‘ ° 1 ~ ope : eens ‘ ~ i 7 : ow : ‘ wine ee , nsev s ; a aes : ees ful throngs thun-|Vision. As, however, they stiilkept | J, W. Miller; Gwaltneys, GS. Mer-| Crosby, Miss.. makes the fol ae 1¢ | ELANING qualified as administrator of Mar eae at Mrs. 3.5. baimsey hi One of the sifliest stories of. the Seas ae = AI o “God Sav pressing our Jert rear, Tsent word to | tin; Sugar Loaf, R. R. Kerley; Lit-}<tatement: ‘tl can certify ae i ee Sipe es opine cube ceo Sweet Mixed, Refreshments Whs ve o§ fh (ene Gi Lhe si:ttes st " ~ & dere sheers and sang a Pav dares - reo <a ; ee ar reiervna aa hal ea ms en wt hat | given to all persons holding cia aoreneis e - ‘ ¥ Bed ia ar oRehcnicne rea € oo ieee 5 hoisted frem|fan Hamilton, who was adv ancing jie River, J. M. bortner; Elle ndale, Minute Cough Cure will doa Passe ate tiealaidecennctolpesesaiemetsreme iss Sour Mixed ee aecokal We ¥ : Republican Gpponents of the {the Queen,” Hats holst in| three miles two our left, to incline) WT, Teacue: Wittenbury, J. F. is claimed for it. My wife could not | the undersigned for payment Swithin one year : oa Miss Ama: ra ale ; <titutional amendment jis the one}:tousands of heuds were waved injt <3 c} ee be- cae Bow] aie ene mas EN her breath and the first dose of | from aate of this notice or it ‘will be plead in Bar? el OL Kraut home i Counce we itional amendmen : axpitant hands and shimmered like} toward us and fill up the gap | Downs; Tavlorsville, BH. 3. Garke cet her breath az s tod | Bar of their recovery. “ithis May 2nd. 1900. t, eased ok a H that the Democrats will submit an-|cxuitant hands and shimo Roberts’ |tween the two columns. This final-| bguiel it relieved her, Jt has also benetitec J. B. CONNELLY, G. W. CLEGG, Mountain Buckwhea: and wa: pepe! at ; 4 et roper- | * coat bed in thesun. Lord soe Sioa = pon Ape enemy, who were | PSBUCRATIU SENATORIAL CONVENTION. my whole family.”’ It acts immedi- Attorney. Administrator Span scat = Monday. She as Other amebemenly Maklpy & proper-| a. stiles Spruit dispatch was hard-|iy chee : ey 2 : . | my wa sae SHE al aie obama et z irish Pot ears old. ty qualification for votieg. if the|..* ae ete xtras’’ before| driven backward toward Pretoria.| A convention of the Denocratic]2:ujwand cures coughs, oS roe, Nolice to Creditors — eee 2 i a roe % 5 y printea e i . . able to 04h 2 * +o tte Ses ne nn Sa Se and a SH are f il Ie OSS oa 3: k of the War Ofice|! hoped we would have been able to} party of the 29th Senatorial district, | o:tppe, bronchitis asthina et NOt . bus dosh ea On account 0! BE encom costae Se ee rc ete and the} follow them up, but the days NOW | composed of the counties of Alexau-|taroai toubles. W. E. HailIr. PLAYING qualified ax execnior of the wilt of fo ai} Ginds at A vceck’s speeeh bere Nine outof every ten poor white | vas hauled ea Soe . are very sbort i his part of the} Jer, Catawba, Linecln and Wilkes,}.. = —_—_—--- —_—— | Ws. Stevenson, deceased, all persons hav- = ae Gib. there will ve | ai | urief message was passed from!ére very short in th } _ | Ger, Catawha, a a x Sal ing claims against said) estate are notified to dace, the i Pitre gee in ec eee cape ie oc-| World and after nearly two hours’! is hereby called to meet at Taylors Blaies and Horses for Sale. present the same to the. undersigned on or be- pight appoiniznents ui : : , . rrouth to mouth: Pretoria 1S oc 1° tivhting we had te Hl Ale sander country. on Friday tore May 24, r901,and all persons indebted to Moore a i = | Veinocratic ticket at every election, ied.” The pressure of General) marching and fighting we bad te} yijle, Alexander coun 2° ae said estateare requested to make immediate x night. a p 6 5 cupied, Toe pressure of Ger ital | bivouac on the ground gained during | June 15th, 1900, at 2 o'clovk, Pp. mG, Se SWASLEOENS ON oe WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. and well they may, for the Demo- french north of the Boer capita th 5 a - for tke purpose of nominating two Executor of W. S. Stevenson. ebrew : cratic party gives them schools for|cameas a surprise and explained | tie day. ; S REMOCRATIC CONVENTION DATE™ 4 thet children and keeps taxes down the communder-in-chiet’s retriever anent the position of the energetic ~~ <<a People Leaving Pretoria candidates for State Senators. By order of the committee, STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. This May 24, 1900, Mclain. The Ladies will srive Ateie® « tak ’ letic Park next Jues ne re STATESVILLE, N. C. June 7, 1900, 9 2%, ID, Jur peoule should ¢ fad Aaceshien eons : S. L. Snurerp Rapes aces? i TEN Es SLR SES Our people s >the t ro ; = le lim ‘ODSIS- - Sea arate i } . das Shea yey ct “ : . . pal aaa to the jowest possible limit consis ‘avairy leader, It was evident that |. eee aren 4 ee ’ Setar Se 5 tainment a iiberal pat . i Cape T } Chairman : Nationa DemMoorATIO CONVENTION, t with good government econom- erd Roberts delayed attacking un- h to Pretoria is still! ric: N.C..5 1. 1800 F Sood Middling. 6 6. ee es on \ ; Sanat ioe = ace t vb Us wahoo) rs wn ~ r . ; Soler NY } adie ie ee ee 9.3) ee sy jast is - . - ped Mgt a an BS Bicae - fanpage age eae ae stelegraph to Pretoria 1s ficcory, N. C., June LOU, NGGdig ee ieee ali ; nee our last Kansas Civy, Missouri, udministered. Now the Dem-| ij al] his columns were ready to ¢o ee the oom isin great con ae Serre ga ons erecta j 319 i a & oes issucd Tice: . Sn pe ae ro ert Cy ¢ + UF jen peu. v & = CS ~ ees “aren <rpr ' “ory SUR ITNS on Fico im rine hinahim ie ley mimes . = = WEDNESDAY, JULY 41. oerniic party will not propcse any ec from Lord Reberis’ fusion. There has been a general} JURORS FoR AUGUST SUPERIOR COURT. “Market firin! x 4 riage @ Sir. Wm. | amendment whieh wil! prove ac svcudsine from 20 LODert: s a tog t= palsy a i SeeID : ag a re i — ;AMenamenl wich wils prevent these oa Sn the occupation of Pre-| exodus, among those taking pare IN|} Phe couaty commissioners Mon-|——_ $$$ u y Miss Lula A - Jorda ‘ } T - “ - i pbraseoloe tne oe x ‘ Se anes . “ : oats . =O . . ere ; and Mics 1 DEMOCR ARC Sane REC KEE. jimen from voting and the Republi- eer ns 1 by anv|it being the Foreign F ee Le day drew the following jurers for STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET T, Cash and sates 3 ——_ t ‘ Vas ¢t J! - “ . : sn we = Y - _ . - . jenns know it. They sce the [20,000], one ytea 3 at hus happened to]Sion. Six Se apr t 0D) August court, Alexander county, Me. Jacob Crist. ‘hf RK GOVEKNGR | a = : ae aceite Ww sesday Jast. an 1c O em 1S Nene , } ind} Davcen- . = ¥ ee rita he ¢ | reel att Noone er rn Pe nee Pa earciarceten core? etet -| Wednesday last, 1nd one Millers township, Lind!y agen ORRECTED BY ie ! : ees Lire VCOCK, of W. puegrovetes sipping out of their] the Uoer fer Z whic ee a renw Tep srted' to have been derailed. Nojy.3.; ope Nise Ghee iorce. COOPER & GILL Works better, voes farther dent of the ora ; : ' he + ; . ~ yor Ppt ty scvance ¢ x | TEPO ' - - v, iv. Do. Xa TY e Ve 2bCe, oy - “ s eS » i j KF } x ANT GOVEKNOR by id this is what’s hurting opposed the british coe Se S ee Der caneeciine aerede Sid Sie ’ : and is the cheapest iv every ed Tut sday. a. WILFRED D, TURNER, of Tredell, 143 Paaliners Miles Spruit an only be surmised. | 4° > a > 2 SI be, : = j ng Mille: ust respect completed ang inet . ; Sai Saeeenis > Soe ; ot nee oe a Oerencetone arpes township, J. ai. Mier, COMMENTS OF TIT WEEK. ° re ea Gaily. Wor t STAT Z : But presumably they have got PRETORIA INVESTED. Sharpes Tow cted daily. c s : | emp sone tree asut pres 3 > V.H.S! Robert { Gwaltney : pec 3 J € TES, cf Pitt. Thea roannrte ne Sevan yeni wav for the nresent aft anv rate ee - s W. »~O.00D, 20dDer ts Uy ey, Alls duee in good demand. 1 ‘ om pero Jie reports of the Democratic = ay sie Se : “ai x ae : en a London, June 5, 3:35 a. w.—-Oit- oR A bernathy; eee NOU CUALIIO IiTIS The Presbyteria a Biche ae a one uy. The tates yxress aispatcoes t « Si wate : ‘ 7 cnn er trace ae es . sel ie a veinor thin Shi ee 3 ae “<< Sor BENJAMIN Kk, LACY, af Wake. pute COnVEnRLIONS HOW held | + he ete rae of ie Associated [cial intelligence regarding what is Gwualtneys township, J. L. Smith, | Cabbage, per be .e sxe niform Strone will vote On & pas’? jthroughout the country make good pe Gated Jane 3,]transpiring cutside Pretoria oe P. H. Mason, W. Ff. Woodward, A. oe > o i The committee has sa = branctin ete , : Te . is little or pothing today. Lord|s, oo iosson. KE. T. Millsaps 3 ; er & ames, but the choice freading to Democrats who €T | euctes General Rothe 2s savine: is little or | x A _| b. Patterson, E. L. Millsaps. 55 R Ss tur Y & mames, bat . | i Faith : yy 3 1 a veeeeen qu on ats al oe stilt count on Roberts is silent. Nevertheless, by Sugar Toat township, D. Q. Wil- 8 and nn ws : edzon sill Dot be col ue taser 2 SV mm. : "Ven, CVveEn r noo ais we Cans at me - Poe reyye re pier = ) =“ ie Roem See -lour thoutsede of willing men. wel|Pieciay together news from war liams, C. U. Bumgarner, W. V. 60 te the Pound BS en overwhelming defeat overtook jour thousands of | ‘treat or throw.{ correspondents it would seem that Mitchell, C. C. Mayberry Oats—32 ibs 40 z : ee rcs “‘retur 7 TOON : oie : x ; ae must not dream of retre: r throw-|© : ; Se i Be eat 7 “ ~ » INES nieny its——22 = x : ~ “ ro wiaitor: have etu For Commissioner « bint and ais cause in November, 1856, | uses wimmdanencedess? Lord Roberts’ army is north of Jo Little River township, J. A. | Pess—clay. - - oo Thau any other twine claim- Ber Ry TEES. or COmMmiussionet é 2 ates : our indep ieb aloe oe - Rr Sis 2 Sei . 4 BARE PEL ll lin esl kiitos mi gc Es i Soniederate re-vnt SAMUEL 3. PATTERS Countless thousands of them believ- 1 Botha. it is ndded.anyull | bannesburg, 5 a one pases Walker, W. L. Robinett, E. B. Land, | eutatoes—irish |) 2 DDS 2 DG Er: zs ed to be of the saine erade. k ms hey report 2 t : ; . ae Beet mee eee thich is 3 channesburgy aud thati, 4 p fe Fo ecnna ye a Be ate cei ecco ene Voto . aera (Sa a ; wy spe-| Which Is at anne 5 : spuell. <5 sets yn Mi dihen that the party would nomi-|oed the revulations appointing a spe-| "8 oo ieee ‘onverging on Pre-|?° oO. Der nell eS +7 Flat “3 THE re-union mects In .\€ ate the va t young leader aeain. |elal committee to preserve order. {six columps are ¢ ae Elicndale township, W. M. Tea 3S eee als We te Hh YOUR ICaG asain. | etal aaa Eo Chie Fe +t ies : J. B. Echerd, R H. caldwell, | Taliow Hielierel etic ae Ielieent oe 3 a mexe yest : Si ; ee eubatituting military control for | toria. : d ee SOI ad B. Heherd, R. - Laiawedl, RE RCT ee au Mien 20 é f 2 ae ! and that the cause for which he | sub: ae moe coauatae eee An undated news ageney messave | D. Downs. R. W. Fox. Be ee re es sis Serin The Associate Kel 1 . , ‘ ur Mat . cu _ . . ¢F oe on . . . Testing . 1 sents 4 a it, the couse of the common ddressing the burgb-| from Pretoria,via sO COL, Marques, | Wittenbarg township, J. M. Fox, Re Se mall—per ts. . is { xerians beld servicers : . } . Rest nate’ <a Nhe says: “"Pretera iS NOW ID-1+ a, em ee In ie ee t 3 OF their new c eople acainst the onnreccion af the 1 seat Fea eye Stee roca }dube +. says: “‘Pretcriais now in-| Ml. Teague, J. L. Bowmen, Jr., E.|~ * : 1d sa i a s i x “ F : er room oF their np : eople sgain Sars Senet = So Sap SS oo eee mested by the British. No resist- ae S ae ; , : ao Turkeys—per Jb. . Peas ose s Is the Standing Linder twine of America, and zs such is re The auditorium of thg eiasses, weuld beto the front again vty thtostund fast. ese! oar oie ee = y Tr itv. will wv rahe. Ducks” eh ieee iene ieee li 3 ized by the creat Wheat Farmers of the west ho use A com ae s : . ance wi 2 read. LN@ CitY Wy nn. iy ens rpship. J. W. Mi aac or 10 cognizea DY The creat ea 2UES 4 ee commieted, but servi : Yi - : Sle oar wir efforts were} ance will be ofere Vaylorsville township. Nie wai Garin peace ej!) oo all cnet ete a Ji ort nieibas a5 . PRE i ou com pieted, in 100. Now their faith is bein ye : : hy it the} be surrendered by the burgomaster | isck. CG. G. Learue. L. L Childers, | Geese . ee a ‘ : 25 more of the * Deering” twinethanali the other bands. combined, i =~ ke lecture room ee tise . that th Sete EP reeenai eet 1 OCH ACG a ex Suet E. Cbiders gee a se ee Ph | . Panecoted: Py cee iactiom of abel e — ssperately }4s soon ws a formal cemand is’ 5 “sigan, A. A. Fox, Hosea| Bt me ae 10 b A Tt \ nO ie ie Soa 7 sperately ;a5 £09 ; W. Jd. Sloan, C eee ema a S a er Tho <7 Ac % party ip every State in endorsing resist foree of | made, mere | Christopher. mors SS ae Z eee, 7 6erm.e \ Morehead C , ¥< ; ara neice “ae : 3 : sERTS EXPECTED TO ENTER PRETORIS en es en ws 10 5 m . : : ' esol hee lla 7" , meryvan and the principles of the Chi- | Lord Raherts re ss ROBERTS ae ee aoe 7 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Pea ere ee 6 You can’t alford to use poor twine, as it causes delays. loss Prof. D. Maty. Thom ' c y roy Jaticns . The War GOftice has information BEPORE MA? he { eeegooe eee ote oc naan So 3 x i “* : eae " ; ( rm Phe Naticnal con- The War o> — ' Weeati and waste ille, is president. ¥§ a . ‘st thines done YY Onis : a aell The board nade the following tax] Rve.. 00 iil! 35 - eae: a “ . i. ‘ s we seg oe 2 ' \ ft nominate Bryan by ac- St rs cee oes wndon, June 4.—London sto 1 ss apt sag a the tolls donde SS 35 We seil the *‘Deering twine, and guarantee the price to be are $1 per day anc ti ¢* A er the occupa on enjoying Whitsuntide Monday, a} k vy for 1900; ns au € purpo: S | iides—dry 10 as low as other twine of inferior grades. round trip from Stal — Seer ne os Of lof Pretoria was to direct General bank holiday, undisturbed by de-!21% cents on each $100, for pensions | _ Stes ss z ; : when tk latform i er ; nis. | 0° : 2? % 5 he and Ta neamie hx 1}. | WYool—was! : 5 9 Wood n g < ben the platform is be- french io reiieve os Br sh > = scriptions of engagements between ; 4) cents and 10 cents on the PO'ts | Apples—dried—« i : THE FLANIGAN-EVANS z are es re i weimake a Presi-|ouers cu: ined at Waterval. nae the British and the Boers in South} for general nl purposes og 4 : acaeucec es 2 al ED = CO committee apnoune j ~ 7 naliog - = eee ton @ flogs wa flown ¢ {- i ; il aan ein, eernts OF S100 a < ‘ents = rc em ‘ re = od chit 4 dent as wellas a candidate in Kan-| were rung, flags were down anc 2°! Atrica aud the public here is full of }cents on the 3100 and 34 cents _on eee “it HARDWARS - were appointed be Dt ‘ < sas a July -tth--and we believe |idays were dectared ail over Eng- nfidence of Lord Roberts entering |tbhe poll, on income the same as jev- Pi gteen—per bushel... . 9 be the limit for reck : 3 : : Dely +0h-—and we beheve ae pea x . | contidence oO ore x See +3 Peaches—peeled, c ts ure : ui i Y Ww. hwo land. The Lord Mayor of Londou Pretoria before many hours have tied by t State, and further, the | *S* ss 6 tions. The 60 days . ‘ AS 0 eee aas cabled to Lord Roberts as ful- elapsed county levies the See oS CRGET = 4 All who desire to cor ; k - = : ae eon ter : em “a9 as jo , 1e | Dac ‘ . ores 2y9C8 ie t - HAYNES. Sers Committing Murders in| lows: : a In the Orange River colony, the|schedules B and Cas levied by ibeq aoe 70 do So 2S S00R BS po 3 FOR CORONER China, ‘Theempire will never forget burchers are reported to be keep-| State, except such objects of taxa- a s 7 = ace q $ oh : : +? 4 sonar conrele se ae y . . : ’ . am lcnta a. > es S . srnor in a ; SOS eo eo wnat you and the forces under your}: a close watch on President tion as the law prohibits couuties| » Sis ide ear Dress Skirts. mannan i most warming reports are}eommand bave accomplished. Ae- Steyn to prevent him from leaving }levving on, and also lumber dealers, ‘6 ; cS tly arriving from the coun-!.,. ae Pao Ting ily from peci Fu. ; 1 Wires from Pekin to si ay cnr -conuvatulations of the cit- ' ann *’ ithe commandoes in a lurch. hotels ard boardirg houses are ex- tax. For —W. 1. HARBIN’S SIX- reom, two-story house FOR REN Cephas Maginnis, w ycar> serving a five ; Et : 7s Fhe W. f.| WENT TO DEMAND SURRENDER anp{©™@pt trom any county on Alexander Street. A good well and out-| There is a fit aud hang to our ready male skirts that distinguishes dreds ca act i © 2 he telegra eee June 5, 12.00 p.in.—The War Of 33 WERE CAPTURED. school purposes 13 cents on each houses. oot Pey © ee them from the ordinary. There is style and quality and honest service Cio. eae feaee fa 3 o Ving oe oo and all neEWS | tice has received the following frem : = z ws: ee $100 and $1.56 on the poll. ace SRO tet oan lin, Attorney. |too. Come and see 2 If we x vent vour siz, ene m terial | ses hip hi i con te nes via Tien Tsir. A serious| Cord Roberts: Maseru, Basutoland,June 1.—Gen-| cigrtax for the payment of princi- ee a Saearee ities nese eee eeeen eee ne eee is E i ", _, {eeisis exists at the Palace, the ultra- “Pretoria. Jume 5, 11:95 pp. in —/]era! Brabrant’s Zlorse hate been the Salond eres or railroad bonds|*@ 42 WHOM TaIs MAY CONCEEN your measu or ae ; = Souce in the nservative party advocates not Just before dark yesterday the ere- subjects of several! sinal! captures ath ig cents on the $100 and 20 cents on (PE undersigned baring been d ae To L ve “ive aan Te ball Frcid next House of Representatives than taking repressive measures, urging }iny were beaten back from nearly|the hands of the Boers. Licuten- the poll to notify the publ i : eae sonar Bi svocdl>to © in 1 . | ge oan eaer | Boxers to liuish the work of delving |wesee Pesitions they kad been held: Jant fandle and twenty men, while] “GC. A. Deum was given right zo /aeleméat olin fact il apple’ by" pel | ae, ee arson it : The Democrats of his county could cers to finish the work of driving | ing iilon’s Mounted In-| searching a farm bouse in the Fick-| out a ditch across the Taylorsville | rredeti county to be restored to the full sights In the next few days another lot of that boautifz piayers could ut we not have made a wiser selection a once ares ace of the country, | i ‘followed them to within two) burg district, were captured, two and Island Ford road. __ [of citizenship. when and where any opposition MADRAS At 10¢ P ee the team was oe Bearcat : DU ig eae aad the Moderate party, led by }% and jyacds of Pretoria, through fof the men being wounded. Lieu-j phe telephone company organized | “this May 24,1900. LEWIS W. JOHNSON ~s er ara, that uecount. Ou a et amore |¢ » Democrat or truer man Prince Ching, reporting the serious which they retreated hustily. tenant Lees and two men were cap- gees cats erate sank’ THOMAS BROLHERTON. : = uns wccount. tea oe don't hive. “Little Alex.” should danger of provoking a conflict with] “De Lisic then sent an officer with tured while commandeering. An-/the right to plant telephone posts | ------~ ee A SCEomE ee The very thing for Ladies Waists and Gentlemen's Nezlisee Shits good ball, 4: iP ae ‘toelect him by an|‘he powers. It is imposs:ble 01a tag of truce inte the towa, de-lother patrol of the border herse,{on the public road leading trom Netice ic Crediters, the value is apparent at a glance, - eld time maiority. 5 mor deny the report, but siz- sding lis surrender in my name. } numbering 20 men, while pursuing Mississippi Democrats have in- ial Cc. H. Arm p : f ‘ OU : a C CO Taylorsville to tbe Iredell county AVING qualified as administretor, with the ' Esqs., speak at jio a — ee the government towards foreigiers | oeeey, 4 peters midnight 1 was}a small party of Boers, were sur-| ine, Reece Atiand Below Cost. cans, Kagle Mills to ; ; BS aS . ~ pthe government towards forcigners lagakened by two oiticiais of the! rounded and captured. : -| Dr. T. F. Stevenson is choson su-| ing claims seniast the wxtate of anid daceasedite »9 clock; at Unio ; , “a3 iaras tne Democratic party is are contained i » atte t ar-| Senth fy je blie. Sunbere Cou tleichens ant J: en o en on f bh « 75 prese 7 zeto his fo ayment withir “ “73 > 1 norrow, at vad x See c = party we contained in the atiemp 2 ar-} South African republic, Sanberg, Count Gleic hens sent 13 = 5 Ol! nerintendent of health at $75 per peat Ba ee ea Our shoes are going, come early if you want a barvain. [t will b onlt tomorrow, at} i concerned Mr. Eryan will have no rest Linn, Chinese manager ot the tary secretary to commandant the Previncial Horse under Lieu- year, he to furnish drugs and do all be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons aGuatterin fit—hot ae “ ° vtin's schoo! ; 4 enemy's country’ to vo into dur- | Pekin Syndicate; Kia, chief of the eral Botha, and w generai officer | tenant Bowker, with a flag of truce {county purposes. soenien 2 aid estate are Seta a Per eee They = sho 3.7; ‘ ine this campaign. His endorse- | 222" > commercial bureau, and jof the Boer army who brouzh* mea} to Senckal,to demand the surrender} ppe question of levying a special |? ig Admr., €.7. A. WALTCNS& GAGE + ; 3 fhe pes eye — . a. | ban, aleading banker of Shan Si, letter from Botha, proposing an ar lof that piace. The Boers captured |tay to builda new court house be S ot che col 1G, ment hes been as earty Ley R fer es Arte aie zs : Z : a eg f : . ome OF F a pal i sate ay aoe vy = “EW lon the yround that they were ‘ dan- mistice for the purpose of s-ttling/the wocle party and, after robbing | submitted at the AMTOSt election aS tis asec cena deen iain ey Hanes tere ae Statesville a York and Peansylvania as in Ne- serous cburacters “ but, in reality, |ihe terms of surrender. the wen of alt but pheir clothing, provided under special act of 1899. a . 1 re ae ry " whic : > Ee > it “use hey are e@ Cted y Ye ore _ ’ 2. ~ r pets ¥ ace . ° resby te = vii i Sraske uud Kansas. Butone other |vecause they are connected with “Treplied that I would viadly |sent them to Urede. whence some o: ALEXANDER COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CON “ommissioner’s Sale of Land, = & 3 gi as session in 3 & manever had the confidence and }#©™, Vritish enterprises. Fortu-}meet the commandant general the} them managed to escape. Most oe VENTION f>V VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court ‘ i 1 antes them fi atfection of his party as Bevan has | 72*’'Y ailof them were ubsent and/ next morning, but that L was notithose who succecded in eluding ae of Iredell county,in 2 action wherein J. : Ls i ae 7“ sean ES ee ; ei th y ate eo WAS tthey wave not yet been arrested. prepared (© Giseuss apy terms, as} there guards, bowever, were re-cap-| The convention was called to or- See See ee oe = Saat “local 4 ‘ ~ wocrs ~ NOt 4 miles ~™ ys 8 aa i . a a 3 . = eae ’ .|M, Crawford and of S are defendants, | eS 5 tne CO; eta f the De docratic party, and he was|The british minister, Sir Claude the surrender of the town must belruyred. der Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock | indersizned commissioner will sel at public es eee a friends 2 tie magaetic, masterful Henry Clay | MacDouald, has addressed 2 note tol unconditional. Lasked for a reply at ore mm by Jno. L. Gwaltney, Esq., chair- crete saat a ee ae W. feri ae a ees: E Went ; : ; si hieleR ae WD errevemiets ; : ; 2 ; ITC 7 a : aa : . cou se de Statesville, N.C. 01 e rally ov. DO. Ee WCU, . i inthe palmy days of the cold Whia|the Tsung Li Yamen, Memanding | py daybreak, as 1 had ordered the AMONG THE POLITICIANS. iuan of the executive committe. Ex- SATURDAY, JUNE RTE e are ollering exception ¥ Rev. 5 ce si party why Leeann were ordered. troops to march on the town as eet Sheritl J. W. Watts was made chair-] ,, :2 o'clock, M., the following described tracts Atl the Democra +4 { Tien-Tsin, June 3—(Sunday).-Two nas it was light man, Wm.E. White and Robert LL, | ot iaud, towit: : OO Gr AlNS addressed the 4 i ' 2 a ie... ; fet ¢ se SO tena : Songress adjourned yesterday enone Sopa “| First tract, beginning at 2 post oak, corner of eee 4 , pes more of the party of foreigners who “Inhis reply Botha decided not Congress ajo ¥ J ° Douns, secretaries ist tract, beginning 2t4 post on , corner of ioht report go ad se The Levis!ature meets in adionrn. |, RES , r mae in HiS Tepy worna “ - Vouns, $s ‘ 3. : lot No. 1 in the division of the lands of John might pore = : 4 nice ; T sates odour fed from Pao Ting Pu have arrived}to defend Pretoria, aud tbat he Maryland Democrats declared for] ‘The townships were calied and al! ete 138 in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and ask: exatniue closest atlenlion 0 . « SCSSton 1exKt vesday tibere nc Of th re sadly inipy. . = : . sriali . - ant et sto spanish oak; ce } = icin c Th coo ae = me . ; oe eae poceey =) Len x uere. One of them was badly injur-| trusted women, children and prop: | bryan and denounced imperialism }found represented. No contests. eastern boundary of lot No.9 6s porno aids tion of out line: Every shoe I offer is Gf wood cuality, and audiences The Ry } amend the constitutional amend-|ed. me "The expedition has ae erty would be protected. At 1 a. land trusts. The first call was for Saturday's ene eae Een the sacrifice in price. I make. to elose out. toturn Gut to Li > 0 srs 4 e. s rurnet The n 1d Cossack tedariuchile on the line ch merc Re arco il xe . ember of the] Rost oe*: thence North 69 poles to the begin- ° - % Ea This is a very in ment so tifany part of it is @e-| turacd. fe Mounted Cossacks fin. today. while on ihe line Gf merch, a t ae fino primary vote for member of the] 2° ainiin saoKiaisnetensoe aE 2 This isa very im; ¥ pari. o xs i an np aries Sir a ‘ i - Peet een? ~ ‘rats of Richmond coun- ae F 2 5 ning, containing 61 acres more or less and being B tt ~ elarel unconstitutional +t al} on Wweo star ted nh ee of the refu- 1 was met oy three of the princtpal om ate Demeter = A J Lit Legislature which resulted in the }iot No 2inthe division pthc tandsaforesaid. he aqdies UW on Boots The appeiut men i no Osticuls Md a Cera returned is eveni They eal ee in) Pep Pie es vy have ni eu sh. . ew 2 ae , ®ve] sae pecond tract, bounded on the North by the . « : ; — Siew ¢ 5 >3t Am % : comes null and void, pat up all oth foo a eee They officials with a flag of truce, stating ps eR eR, womination of Jno. L. G WAltNeY. | jands of A.A. Bost and wife: on the East by Tt I offer are attractive and the prices murderowsiy jow. Th night are at Ami 4 a are atin . Report taai they Bad a fight with! heir wish to surrender the town. : : Esq. Other votes were cast for J. |W. Waugh; onthe Sough by the lands of Aader. prices on Misses and Childrens Oxfords 2 ost oaimost ip townsnip; Duly 1 nthe amendment ana +} rT Fye rent Mule kill Te - 1 } te : rs - - =a ; 7 : son Lackey; onthe West bythe lands of I Isses an nudrens xtords are cost wn = : e wt fee amendment and the | the voxers at Luli, Killing 16 anc “tt was erranged that Pretoria} George Dees has been re nominat Niurdock, Esq., and register of Vickery. fhesame being the identcel oes half, and the Ladies Oxfords, full 4 off Bechany, Scotts, on law, adjourn and go home, | *ounding many. Lieutenant Bleu- shall be taken possession of by Her}ee for the House by the Democrats deeds V. W. Teague. devised to Ann Crawford in the last will and : ; i. : uin’s school housc, ' - ‘ 5 ? skv, Dr. Hamil me “ “a . * ve oye ,. rg ) testament ot Harriet Gibson, deceased a = = > 4 4 where its members ere needed te |5&¥:.Pr- Hamilton, a Srooper, aud a) Majesty's troops at 2 o'clock this} of Pamlico county. Fle next was for sheriff and the containing 57 acres more or less. Said lade ae 30c. to 50c. will buy a Child’s Oxford Armfield a he!p carry tre amendment and the civilian, were wounded. ft is re-Jafternoon.”’ Dr. M. ¥. Morphew has been nom-| primaries did not make a nomina-|Shilohtownsbip, ee STRVENSON, cc 2. Arm{icia, Ae. arry tee amendment te : : . ? a - . = r. M. i. 2 : 1 wea = This Mav 24. 1x c samen rn . ° . — idate - the ai : ported irom Pao Ting Fu, that] Mrs. Botha and Mrs. Kruger are}. = »mo-| tien. The names before the conyea-}| Tis May 24, 1905. Comin.ssioner, and 48c. to 60c, a Ladies and Misses Oxfords. See cur W candidate ior Ue Democra No general orfeight Americans and three ne es : > ne |imated for the House by the Demo-| Ue : . Grier & Long, K, B. McLaughlin, Attys, ° ? rc . ot : ssville Saturd ay operas Orjeisat Americans and three members| poth in Pretoria. Some few of the ; a; sanile = tion were H. J. Burke, T. J. Fort- dow display and we think you can interested. Sbocs are Meccksvilie sae ; eee otha Ch; ayy cite : : crats of McDowell county. a - Sie alc ic on should be attempted. | of the China Inland Mission ave miss- Srimsh prisoners have veen taken |<' = ber, S. C. Payne, Robt. L. Gwaltney Es ETE Le On not the only goods we ofter at atiructive prices snd we are vie eS ake : — = ime Tio miccionarioc ara ; sons * ne tame aiees 1). alt tas pee : Serettics : z ’ a eetiohace - == de ; . - serie eae on. a ae Se eae a >: me. +26 mMisslonaries are in great “Way, but the Majority wre stil at Louisiana Democrats have endors and A. W. White. After the first ont pleased at: all times to show what we have, even if nosale is was held. i = 4 seni oe mace many able men }dar ne ilieeae fe Watcrval. Over a hundred of the ‘ed the < hicayo platform and elected bailot Robt. L. Gwaltney withdrew Cous made. Respectfully. als? Spa Wee hy nominated for the Lesislature by - Huany Lsup, the ae station tolofticers are in Pretoria. ‘Lhe few I Bryan delegates to the Nationalliis name and several ballots were ots 7 the Ca x : oe BONA AEST ADS ; Won Tai, was ape ae . Rime pra score yeep yor : ea eee a ernie an aie tbat our A} ‘us Democrats this year, but no| ct Zab was burned this morning, [nave seen ate looking wel convention. (sken resulting i the womioation| Wea vou eam buy . W. Copeiand. ae oe hetftary + ~ ’ * noet nt ° , > a rl » “» y. 7 ae é . 11¢ d yn- een ee ee - - ry 4 : 1a, better nomination kas been made vetween Tien-Tsin and Pekin has IRISH BATTALION CAPTURED. J. E. Burroughs, Vance, aos an \ BN) Ch EDC LON a a 2be. Bottle of sree headed by a? Be 3 han that. ef ex-Coneressm: een nde Trae r Sa nae a been nominated for the Senate by |sbip. : : oe : ree ___———_— ae a AE ik Spam thatiot ex Congres sman Jobn | een suspended, It was reported} foudon, June 5, midnight. — Lord sD smocrats of Vance and War-| Tbe primaries failed to nominate Hails Couch Se ee ad bagi tes S. Henderson, of Rowan, by the} that Pao Ping Fu was attacked last Roverts reports tothe War Office | te + ear a a candidate for regisrer of deeds oe T h V 7 Beg See ea a ve einere “fw [> ee * ee o be ae SECO ies. a L h PUs. Pte acd Democrats of his Senatorial district gat, Mr. Robinson, of the North that the LThirtcenth Battaticn of the | t@™ 4 = The following names were before e€ ariety Store : eaten China miss Mr. Stevens paneer ‘eomanry +j ry a : — : yesterday. Back in the seyenties | 5s Fa eon imperial Yeomanry (Irist:) was aa = ne Was cne of the most valuable of the Church of England mission at vem Ching as cabled last night), is “overpowered by the Boers ut Lind- structed their delegates to the Na- the convention: V. W. Teague, A. H. slatheson, A. F. Sharpe, A. C Syrup. Mr. C. 5. Tora ee eee eT = bas comple ee - =e rd Methuer ade a mk i-} sional conventi yan ¢ he} 7. a , : stock of sir. 7. V inembers of the Lecislatu an@| Missing and five native Christians ah ae cba aes eae ees eee erany ae Sad Ed. L. Alexander, J. W. termels S rin Sho Y yentory amounts te S OF the Legislature, and} Missing and five native. “bing | ucent march to the rescue but was | Chicago platform. Pharr. Several ballots were taken} Watermelon end W e€ S ntors ; os from 1835 to 1895 he served this dis. | 28V¢_been murdered at Yang Ching. too late. Following is the text of trict with distinguished ability in Gorgress. The next Legislature will bave great questions’ to settle and it is well that it will have Mr. tlenderson for one of its members. Charles B. Aycock, Democratic can- “ir, Norman, of the same mission, has been captured at Fu Chio Ying, two miles from Yang Ching and is in great danger. The British cruis- er Nudymion, and the torpedo boat flart, have arrived at Taku. ee Representative Bellamy, of North the dispatch: “Pretoria Station, June 5, 12:55 p. m.—I regret to report that the Thirteenth Imperial Yeomenry bad to surrender to a very superior force of the enemy on may 31, near dered Methuen to proceed with all speed to its assistance Nash county Democrats have nominated C. IF. Allen for the House and instructed for T. M. Arrington for the Senate. W. L. Reece has been nominated for the House by the Democrats of _E. L. Gaither, Esq., one of the without makinga nomination. Alex- ander, Pharr and Mathes«n with- drew their pames and Prof A. F, Sharpe, of Hiddenite,Sharpe’s town- ship was nomiaated. For treasurer the primaries 2!so failed to make a nomination. A. B. Wright. A ballot or two} Cantaloupe SEED. ‘Now is the time to plant. SEE THE VARIETY. of Bargains .. e SEE THE PRICES Bloe Denim, 7, 10 and 123c. yard. Piares and Cups, 30c. set. indebtedness 1s =36y is due to Meg = aley & Sons anu © 4 gaye and when tb >_"—P gi d tb trust are paid ine encugh leit to 4 a — Wel 1 stock of tl $569 exemption. 5 . : he Ve bave a good stoe : - l x eS : ein siege z Congressman Bellamy for McClell Lindley. On receiving information }Surry county. S. P. Graves was in- naines voted for wereG. W. Sharpe, ees = eae Soe ae Ge-syard. Large line Lamps, 14. i= a ain cen ae shee | Saturdsy, the 16th., our people : aS : ellamy for McClellan. | or tie battalion being attacked, I or- dorsed for Congress. SEG aE Hap a UAC IAN ll annaliand Choicest ant Goods, 9 to 60c. yard. Tumblers and Goblets. 20 and 2 iy not be } , 4 will bave an opportunity to hear ashington Post. ; : : ae A . . : Alamance, good, 5c. yard. Big lot Tinware. 2 to Bde. piece: _ The Democrats z > ma mac toke a 2 tig he aerate a : mera tara ads id oe . : Carolina, is advocate of the McClel-| “‘wethuen was then on the march Sesteemoren or Se ee as one So Cee = Varieties Bed Ticking, 5 to lie yard. Knives and Forks, 48c. set aad UP SE ae a didate for Governor and the most|Jan vice presidential boom. ‘I in-|on the Heilbron side of Kroonstaa, | nominated pects ae y SN on Crag ene ceear Coie cottoh wie isellioe be ean Lace Curtains, 50¢. pair up. Toiiet and Laundry Soap, 2:- ca8e Ee : oe a ; es powerful public speaker now liy-| tend to go to Kansas City,”’ said he. |and balfan hour after the receipt of } Democrats 0 aE S Soa a the names cf G. W. this being the cheapest wway Towels, + to 25¢.: SEs Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. bor. Rowan ee ca TH): ing in North Carolina. His cause, |Sésterday, “‘and I strongly believe | my telegram, on June 1, he started] The Democrats of Chatham coun- caace W.S. McLeod and A. M. Seatac 5 Face and Taleum Powders, 5 and 10c, Shoe Dressing, 5, 10 and 2c. rieheenan or Bz ae the permazent supremacy of the | 2 Mr. McClellan’s availibility off. By 10a.m. of ‘the following] ty have nominated Ee a London, | Dennell were withdrawn, resulting) J catsoj Lae and Umbrellas.25¢. to #2.25. | Machine Oil, big bottle, 5c. 2 Jc ie white man in every part of North -# In the first place, Mr. McClellan | day he had marched 44 miles in 25]editor of the Pittsboro Record, for Carolina by the disfranchisement of the negroes, is of more importance to the people of North Carolina than any other which has been put be- forethem since the war. He will treat it frankly and honestly and is a young man with a clean record. is nomiration would be popular with young men and also with many vider men in New York and New Jersey, who revere the memory of Generai McClellan. his father. Xepresentative McClellaa has been conservative as a legislator and at hours, but he was wo late to rescue Col. Spragge’s vyeomanry. “sethuen aitucied the Boers who were between twoand three thou- sand strong, and after a running fight of five hours completely routed the enemy. “it isavery regretable circum- the Senate, and R. H. Hayes and J. D. Mclver for the House. inthe nomination of A. C. Jones, Oregon voted Monday. The Re-' publicans carried the State by about 8,000 majority. Both Congressmen ' elected are Republicans, and the Re- ! publicans carried both branches of Esq., of Gwaltney’s township. For surveyor H. M. Crouch, of | Ellendale township, present incum- ! bent, was re-nominated by accliama- ! tion. : For coroner C. T. Shook, of Tay- | jorsville township, was nominated Garden and Cornfield Beans. Sorghum or Sugar Care Seed, Broom Corn Seed— and this is something every Corsets, 23 to $1.00. Ladies’ Shirt Waists, 48c. to $4.50, 1.060 Matches, 5e. Ink and Muciiage, 3c. up. Tablets, 1 to 25c. Writing Paper, 3 to 20c. quire. Boys’ Knee Panis, 25c. to $1.00. Belts and Belt Buckles, 10 to 56c, Trunks and Valises, 20c. to 35.00. Handkerchiefs, 2 to 5%c Straw Hats, 5c. te $1.59. —— Shoes for everybody, 25c. to i Z Summer Underwear. 5c. to $1- “a, 200 yd Soft Finish Spool Thread. Dolis and Toys, 5z. up. au Carpet and Matting, 12!c. yd ae uated John C.T ior Senators. _ crats instructec Esq., but he Thomas is a bro’ good Democrat John C. Sicelot, ship. : : : : snieecs Past Black Hose, 5 to 23c. pair Big stock RB 3dc. to $2.50. oe ne . fen. ed : ” the Legislature, although by de-/ by ac<liamation. i farmer should begin raisirg z 2 Sager = aig Ss Syren NO = s ahicl a poe same time has S$ par-|s ‘ a Scapa ilies ! : ; Books and Bl Books, - = ty 2c. roll Sits j the people should turn out en masse eum eens Se aero a RnNomar oi creased majorities. ! For county commissioners several ! now as there is a demand - and Blank ks, 5c. to $5.00 | New lot Wall P aper, » to Wilkes count, | . tohear him. te comes from the} = a OS Ss aS eastern sertion, the section which has suflered from negro rule, and he on the financial bill. New York and New Jersey will be very essen- tial in carrying the country for released from captivity.”’ THE LAST VIGHT NEAR PRETORIA. | “After suffering from piles fort james voted for. ballots were taken and a number of E. B. Alexander, for itright here. For any other kind of seed you may Boys’ Suits, 75c. to $3.50. Fans, 1 to 50c. nominated H. L. Trott for the H fifteen years I Wi cured by nee lof Miller’s township, poe chair- : Loudon June 5.—-The War Office} two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel ‘man V. W. Teague, of Wittenbdrg or us| eden the following dispatch, |Selye,”’ writes W.J. Baxter, North!township, present register of deeds; time | received from Lord Roberts: ‘| Brook, N.C. It heals everything.“and Amon Bumgarner, of Little need to finish planting your garden or crop. Call on for A. M. Vanzno F.G. Alexander ‘sheriff, Vance M ter of deeds, ¢ Complete Line of Baseball Goods. Large stock of Musical Instruments, Trimmings and Strings- Bryan this fall. Mr. McClellan would be a tower of strength in the East, and at the same ; i will teil the people about it aud tell { it truly. <A week from next Satur- . day should be one of Statesville’s 3 ese Many other goods it will pay you to see. indorsed f would.be very acceptable to the ‘“‘Six miles Spruit, 8.30 p. m:;June! Beware of connterfeits. ~W. F. River township, were nominated: COOPER & GI LJ he was P et biggest days. South. z : 4.—We started this morning at day- Hall,Jr. - Two.deegates and two alternates eee a W. H. ALLISON Fyn ea Se So seearnaeeeeneeline aon ee LE Te PS Nt Se Te ri . ee < : a Te Sa : RE 3 3 en an _ ee = SS ees oe na “TY COMMISSIONERS. collection of the penalties herein | LATE STATE NEWS. i a : T PERSONALS. |AT COOL SPRING LAST FRIDAY,| PRE COUNTY COM) prescribed. | - me ; 2 AVET oS iy , ASCO ihre ae 9th. —All peuaities collected for T. B. Harris, a Southern tlugan, 8 s = =, 3 2, au | i ‘ : " IS SM eh eet ivne Eijls Paid and Other Business| violations of these rules shall be ex- | was killed Tuesday uight at an over- a 2 “2 | Miss Gertrude Wood is visiting in i sxercises by | The Bills Paid 3 3 ion and re-|.° 3 ; 12 we : TT Is ie Gan € Is Visiting Mr Paniels’ SPCCCAES Exercises by | Transacted. pended in the ee wn a | head bridge in Charlotte. Wholesale and Retai -j : ee : —— . pall : The sc ‘ | iar me won . se 1 mia seas Sa me a . oN ry ' i saabcabss _ , | The board ef county comumi1ss!OD- parce oe oe Se Nine The negro who committed an as- << _ Miss Jarvis, of North Wilkesboro, | J: was our pleasure to attend the | gp me. Monday for the first time Jn | rounds, lsault upon Mrs. West, of Flea Holi! y : 1 eaeants ythe fact that "3 ~eenies > sae oe : . ? Cnr: | - .. ildi pee eel > me " ms : “5 your y ‘tion to the fa ate ; he internal revenue is visiting the Misses Cooper. \closing exercises of Cool SPriMe the new court house. The building re umberland county, has been ar-; shapes iO ssa ema Be - May the mee STaenee here Mr. W. E. Phifer has gone to Sel- | 4cademy last Friday. The exer-|;. practically completed, cee res Mr. Pou Speaks in Iredell. lrested. It is thought the sherit? we bave put ing ~ yt the Ste mbowbe o ° a = ; whit rove o eX- eat ° . = * 1 . 734 > ~ sce o- <S 56) a mz, Ala., to spend several weeks. = bY abe souk pee ee. | some work is still to be Cone a|. Gen. Toon, the Democratic candi-| took him to the Wake county jai). FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF Hlodtehe cellent character of the ins s ‘the inergvers were present, dz _ Suveri de {| : c ar s a ; ‘ . eae ste : oF er eannee Le ae ate for State Superintendent o a woot » board of! 5 8 : stin, Esq., town tax wanes Hattie Turner is visiting} which Prof. Mitchell and his assis-| <...ion was held Tuesday also. The Public Instruction, was prevented sane re he Sena St le Ci1othin ; -* : ; + . " > 2ecle whe — . , é . “yy 7. > hove criven | - “y's F alia ’ ar j us »S e “Ts , a Naat $ ~old various city lots ; for | Miss Bessie Dunham, in Salisbury. tant, Miss Lillian Wvche, have ar : i following bills were paid: from accompanying Hon. E£. W. Poa, aie ae ean Venable } a . , area lene led 5 p 20 fenlioe saan uname Nm : E ay.our. si. <- | court house door Mon Mr. Peter Force, of Selma, Ala., cane and young people NEW COURT HOUSE. of Johnston counry, to their appoint- professor of chemistry, was elected | ee is visiti -_ Va wch- i at community. oo : ~ tn thice , Mir. P 5 : . ; a : ee . s ae ee At NM o'clock Mr. Josephus Dan-! Nichvias Ittner $1,500 on eccount; nents tu Lals county. ‘dy -t ou filled | president to suceced Dr. Alderman, For Men, Boys and Youtbs. : a et that Hon. Charles B. | Son's. i iels editor of het Zaleigh News and!G. Karcher $223. making desks, | them however. a he spoke lresigned. Vhoinas Rufin,of Wilsen, . : Fo erin N ° Zs . 5, © Ta easing mee ; Sef gees eee SNS) = asmail crowd : e's school) — Wet Enea otraL a fessur of ye propose to sell this Clothing at a very small margin 4 > ablest Eee Cas Noe Miss Cate Copeland has arrived} Qoserver, spoke. His address | judge's stand, etc.;Barron & Nichol ee SS en Wao ie Bras elected passocaele | DE > ee eee ee a } a “ahh av . i ’ ~ a “t = . fae frrnit a - as avidson S 1} ° ~ 1 "OUT. .. speaks here oo Saturaay, from Converse College, Spartan- on the bad effect of the negro as a) son B15. storage for furniture: a aes a Meccan Tuesday j law, prot o pburg. S.C. voter and he discussed the ques |zenby Bros, $49.45, putting In CO’ ore Yesterday he had a fair] Henry Jeakins. colored, shot and It costs us nothing extra to carry clothing A IN We MCHAR, . . ‘nan Steele arrested Will} My, Meee Anderson, of the rail-| tion on a plane away above ae ees one Sos: ee at Troutman’s and last night! killed Will scoti. also co.ored, in | the same reom the same salesman ete. 4 es he eee _jjored, Who is wanted in| road ‘service at Durham, is at home| polities. Before the negro was en-|7>, furniture: WB. Muncay 8°) dv adience here. He spoke inj Durham early Sunday morning. Jen-| Bi ee neler aE cera 4 = : "Monday. He hes been|on a visit franchised the South furnished the | labor. the new Court house and made a most | kins was drinking, went to Scott s | EGR eee aaa “4 PURE a ‘to Sal ry: M 6 idl Wal 1 t Rene mem on cits COuN Ya ao See Sa excelleot speech. We wish every house, and raised a row with bin) money in this line, I ni - Mr. aidley alton leaves to- ro >have State reputs NRT . * s black acpaen 2 : a Sea ie ane el tone cal ot gy i when | s ; ie tWoftm: has given toldeyv for s 2 Pa . : as Sse- public men onl} have . ot ’ : Nz Melchor Bros. 60 cents. black white manin Iredell county could) Scott = ari lio On him Bors e! When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. Welhave the D GO TO 5: EE: a ee sh oe 2 day for Baltimore, where he has Se€-} tions, Jeaving the furnizhing o - smith work; Stroup Bros. 70 cents, |i car him explain the amendment | seukiss - and killed him. The; na you want and at pri to Suit sour purse. ie . ‘ enbvy Bros. the contrac me . tion . ree “ort Mrofy". : ect 7 > aN ee ~ Sealers ph ee mea ea ens ™ > | as You want ana at prices to st our purse. e bh - M ae oe oe A eecdies Comedies postticu- tional leaders Ee oe Oe Ea vbiacksmith work; C.. K. MeNeely Today he speaks at Scott's, where | murce: ROC’ The eet y Come and be convinced. Truly. a Vel ‘ 4 = eae Senne ee Mrs. M. R. Adams and cwildren a er considers ste ae a 32.50, conveying convict irom chain red oe eee pen’ Toon, will jola | were brut -sin-lgw 7 | Re OF PF eRe hy Ke a a Sane “cay tojthiste be that the otruygie to) precy ey jail: BL W. Freeze & Co. - : : : ‘ 443.8 srred Monday at} ° k BY ( iT} \ ae went tc Mooresville Saturaay eis BRS tne py Ue eal CO pores men aaa ue _ | him. |} Acailisioa oceurred Monday a ll &S O Ay \ dies of tue Episcopal church | visit Mrs. W. W. Rankin. aoe white A op the Southern States cents, supplies, Se eee aa ~ <r iGarysburg, Northampton couaty, 2 S errl . ~ pe other of their ealertainments ial : reat ib ROSt OF Mie Oui ere Se | Co. Hb Ou, arugs, J. 1s. lin pSon Mock C lew | between the fast mail and freight me . no .pothe ‘ ~ : : 7 ; . = Piet eet nese Yen | atta reppin Pe a . = : ut News. between the fast aluoa x om lexles ,.S. Ramsey's this evening. drs. J E- a Weaccnen coe no time has been left for our pe fa Co. $50.65, supplies; Flanigan-Ev- one fears. The train ran into an open ~f t Mixed - shments will be served. See ee ie Ge. We ren Osta: Gisens Nhe A |aostiardwane Co. (e240; dynamite, | comesontencoetta= nscon bore |SWitch and collided with the freight ; Mixed n ey en and mctj,cr, Rev. and Mrs. G. W-leconomic questions dividing Ss Poston Bros $6.30, tobacco; J. K.| Wheat harvest is almost here.| oo ihe sidetrack. The engi- For Three Months ft AS imanda Wart aied at wher Iyey, in Lenot, parties in this country. Hestow CC) Morrison & Sons $15.71,bacon: J. S. |The farmers are busy getting ready | neer and airamp were killed and eo Kraut, « Coacord townsaip Sunday, Mr.James P. Flaniyan has tc-, that because of the nezro voter = Patterson, superintendent. $31; V.|for it. -Wheat seems to be very good | three trainmen were seriously in- nckwheat F md was buried at Concoré church, ea oak New York. where he white 23 had remained practica 5 J. Brawley, guard, $5 25; T. J. Mur-|in this section, althouxh some ofit |jured No passenger was hurt. S [ J RE Irish Potato. Vouaay. dhe was probably 65 went to have bic eves treated. The|solid throughout tac South, and} yooh cuard. $23.25; Enos Houston. |is very short. Corn and cotton are | Rees nt 9 — Ben ee wen old. tae ae Helped tiisis vos that outside of the negro question) |i sag: iy. W. Kerr and Pink|looking fine but needing rain. Sunday John Rhyne, colored, shot a butter and nt OF LEO Charles B- ee Ee emis ,{ there had been practically no poli- Crawford, guards, $23.25each: R.G.} .There is some sigkness ip this rand killed Will Dellinger, BO COLOK- Everybody will be interested in something cool to wear. Now ¥ ee Gees pr iPohpeia ic ts aay Saturday Mr. aad Mrs. J. L. Chambers ace} rics in tie Saythern States. — He “foore,cuard, focents; B.A. Holmes |corinnitz. Mics Cgliig Clark Las fed, if tincoin county, Rhyne ac- we have been busy securing for our many friends and custom- 5 ee an “Savurday children, of Charlotte, are VisitINS | held that such @ Gouditioy was ioe Syav, rider, S. W. Stimson Y9} desu right sick but she is now bet- cused Dellinger of being intimate ers such things in Staple and Fancy wearing apparel as is best : there SH en chat Maj. and Mrs. P. B. Chambers, Mr. to independence in political thought cents, supplies; W.A. Thomas & Co.!ter, Miss Edna Setzer, of States with his wii >and had told him bet suited <o every particular case. if it’s sega mountains you core i Pi tppointment: a : Chambers’ father and mother. and action, which 1s so necessary a $6.74, supplies; The Commissioners | ville, who is visiting her sister, | to come to his house. aes e : are bound we have the cerrect thing for you, or if you have : te Me Sean Misseg Vottie Turner and Julia the production of great gee of Mooresville 23.15, supplies fur-|\trs W. H. Clark, has been sick but linger went Enene aud Vor D ice turned your back on the mountains and set sail for the coast we Cc wain Phe Ladies” Jebrew Aid Society . copra Neos zs. Coes. Teonard | leaders. Under the necessity | ished: hassimproved. A little son of Mr. of. After making threats Hs 8 can fuyaish you dainty materials that will not penish when iv : -aiete champetre at Ath- sie See ae tended tneseilcoad for white union ee wees COUNTY HOME AND PAUPERS Hart Kale has ee Miss Retia a left. prens ae ao —- BS eyetaet with the salty breeze that you will enjoy xhile there — ” ~t Tuesday evenin ane e uN OT) Re 420 ton ssioni pomi- - cena : a ran aged lady is also sick and emptied his pistol at him, whey rreerengetied Py next Tuesday evening. |“2™ * ~ ? : ni lative Gps rongressiona : sect aN Josey an aged lady is also sick. and emptied his 4 , ; : : oe ay . icnie at Charlotte Saturday. Se a en en a a even to! W. D. Eastep $8.50,labor and sup- een nC elie be} Phyre siot ii wiing bim= in- WE ARE OFFERING SOME () » weuie should give this euter-}P netions were tGG grit, poyee © ner ieeeg ence es area c Our little town seems to be on the} Phyne syol Wins, .Uung b) 4 Ae eee ; my 5 Sr i Sa > < 3 atta . Nea saniean-bveans Hargwar et). ma ; Ay ee Tae _ a ee = ait ESN] a iberal patronage. | Miss Mary Postoa, who went tithe trimmers gud tik-ang-cider ee ‘Ee ae oe rt Ju {Ueetlne. | MGsses Bradiord «& Sous |standy. hy ne gave himself “pe B 7 S os luct facie Reuister Tur- | Mexico iast f2!!, returned home last politicians instead of the thinkers. | 3.09, supplles, Peston tman $1.20, |are moving the roller mill froin here | the sherit!, but he was liberated. xX ra Ooo argain i ee ee as rceuce foe the mar-|}tiday. She likes Mecigo and will] with the threatening cloud of ne- SONOS ae e" M. Wagner to New Sterling this week. | Suaday morning some one broke vote : B sree see q L. tai and probably return there this fais. Fercg pte constantly hanging over pone os eas ; 216 12 We had quite an interesting run- into the house of Mrs Wm. Reep In Dress Goods for present wear. tf you want a picnic dress <r. Y Ip. cs o ii 3 Core Sid meat, “apni -)$2 90, fertiuzer: J. a yao F omy Md esse . s Saseely a Yaanc : x : ° oils ane > lin, * j : j 4 bake ; oe aes Mer John} Gol. A. White, of Sumter, S. C..| the Southern poopie, 722 were nom-|§ K ae Wa ee 35, drags: J. |}2way marriage last week, orat ieast):) rincoln county, and went to the come to vs, ve wis shue you the proper thing. h unt bony See gee Saaparne ae s dev or iwe here with his|inated for office, not Tor waue ney, corn: Reo enn Velchor | Ltedell furnished the partics and | iad where sue was sleeping and cut We are showiug extra June bargains in Hats, Shoes and Slip nad s muy & Cade Spent «4 ev Gor Wed 12° - > ~ j @ SPrIrean xo vty he Hele oe wt - ma ornate _ ey ~1,° . i , ce “ede rope ence) y Dretin-: and Miss iemuy sty ve — a White o Col. White, were, or what they propesed to do, jG. Wsergsierecn oo Corn 7 c. | Alesandoy the pavers. The contract-1y 00 © orciy with ava,or. Slie was pers, Shirts, Gauze Vest, Musiin Underwear, Parasols, { mibreliae, yee : = H . . Pie hetiney matali sys : st! Bros. & srow Sy COlgs Frat hs nee aoa Pe 5, | thes See etd 2 ne , ep Pe oe > tees Sl ae i “ins 2 — acob Grist, the superinten- ee an caer Davidson commence-{ but because of their ability to get peer oe te rae eee ang {ih parues Wyre Ma. wOnG Gilg ptou worribly vas and her little baby was Ties, Collars, Cuils, Le lts, Belt Buckles, | ans. ae anc eS. os furniture factory, arriv: | Sey t votes. He argued thal ance) oj the rae $2, baie oe, nby Home land Miss jgstelle Heatjeld. Atter also slighty cut. Mrs. Reep is ina numerous other things. Come and see us. Yours truly SS Fem vday The bulialugs are avout , g apa SES raddiing ard dodging Os our State Ni laren mee oe cofans! | supper the young indy stomped Gur eritical covdition from ber wounds. Kee C pie Sao. so machinery is ex-| Col. aud ry. H. C, Cowles are} ong National politival piatiorins is) Delhnger de & Ge 3 cotin ‘rol the house and sigyed @ the 100) 110, Ghounds were put on the trail N. B. Mills &Co. ER ie “s sill soonbeytin.jat Chapel Hii atreusag the Uni-}) -aceable to the pernicious intluence | J. W. White & Co. #5, Comin. \iong in the opinionot her father, | or ine assailant but they lost the “oeee 4 terian. congrezetion | *etSity commencement. fbsir 20., of tye neero as avoter. In conclu JAIL AND PRISONERS, who went out and called her, but re-|) 1031 The cause of the crime is un- — i Tres DVLervial JOG OF go , aA a ‘ . _ S - . : Caste i ra ey 1° z ae ° — tiie st aa ; : ar br : ne se ae ie Sunduy.; ur: H. ©. Cow les, Jr., graduates} son he sited tie gases of South Car- J. C. Thompson $2, conveylne | ceived no answer, as she met her known. The wounded woman is rs-! eee aaa > has succested three} SiS x22r olina, Mississippi ane 1061299 piiconow to jail: N. R. Tunstall | !over some distance from the house. pertable. (Creat iniiguetion pre- The Famous Godman val go inittce has sugges it Sen : . . nivesdvti-co ci = : Seti Tend Pomme at owes < ee a NS “Re betes Betta ss a «.t the choice of the conyre- Mr. J. i. Ausvia, of the U.5 Av-| where the negroes aa 7 272 40. gros: Irlagiian —— aa [bhey sql Ye, e Son rae yaijs in d,incajn over the affair. Satie: ae one Selene woe Seer lad si pane ey sal aed ee cei vee we isfrancbisecd, | ene bey aD DBijes: > W. Sbug-} aay ymenis 4 » LGuse. . 2 = Vek Ss net be confined to tuese. (my, is kere on a ten ory tursough, acinar Noun fescoue oe oe nM Day a ee aie acd went to] Anattempt was made during the = 3 ee : sy 4Vinatire bis mether and other reiz-|ana pregictes ate) AORN" | son $0.20, supplies; B. ® Mea Ne eee = sey : 1. artol this week to cremate a es o Fae 3 oterans ana otner Statesville Sap ts Saanee at Fortress would do Hkewsse, When this IS] japor: J. A. Reid $1.75, labor; S. A. | the groom's home where he expect- latter Peock. of B Meas Granule i i Mog gies r~ haye returned from the) sooroe, Va.” done the South willagain commeacey op se 27.60, lime: D. C. Thompson jed to tind them, but when he did not sobnseeeS ats see pear yan Sem: ay Cowiuderate reunion at Jovisyille,F 7 |. produciog national leaders, for cOD-} y14y x9, bowrainis prseGbeen. 1nd them he went to the home of|county, 2 Dromileny ite jost kis! Ox or litre “y report a big time. The: Mr. and Mrs. W. kk. Anderson Sars tests amen white men will produce “ROADS AND BRIDGES ‘Squlve J. A. Ingram, bul whey | Seanites : Mpmtonks oan 7 ee peg: ey eets in Memphis, Tenn.,j family left yesterday for Sparking) mhe address wee 2 Very! oy A. Houpe $17.82. building 5th) were not there. He then Be es oe cate ra PERE A A co Catawba Springs, where they will thouvhtfal one and sustained sie pone prioge: &. A. Cloaninger $6,)up the pursuit. As everything 1 azo »Y Re . ae a Eee ae ec of | A t 1 o5 to 1 5O ee Hef i Presby-|Spead the summer and velurn Aeved HD nil espetation as one of tbe} guiding a bridge, N. T. Scwmmers'criereg cows wi tre “ouce tye young p ejoved WS Mists 1 while he fittsa | " - . % v-sociate Reforme PeSON- 1. } < = one ee as ne Ane ls rates gis Velorstille. wherejhis ¥ S parents, W > NUYS : Zs : Wes ; a ee, lecture fur the winter. ‘ State’s ablest thinkers. #$100, partial payinent jor bulldiny | Héople left for Tay lors ville, vy nere == ea Peas ens a oe : s bei ser ces ie 2 Lue Seer a ; ~ asd : 49 cea Vetis . som : nee ’ id ras W R. Fite wepnee ee rried ne $t, dav. upsei uy ia 2h tats Ae ‘ : a anger ret va Jarklev and Lis brother, At the conclusion of sar, HabIeis § aAnelo’s and Pelton s briages:W. ts. |'they were married dex ea Set teh oe ee Tae tae erate G BS cuehiic neir pew church Sunday.) Mr.Fred Barkle, I ripe ne ee Se rece ation war Ae neh oe aye on aoa. | With all the Heros Speaiiags |atije qi hig carnage house,-the tast uaranteed : 7 , torium of the church is not| Master Clarence Barkley, 1 ft . eo} speech i mest oF th t there Mills So havin? Loy, Korat ‘ | eres = oseeck, As wel{enings tothe doars of which were cl . whe use i 3 : ein ae eave ieee cena far BEDOK YH Ne Y.. where was bac i After G reneae tf are oan nae we uyve DB re Ne 2 Sr Cli. 44S W aoe > : ‘ cae x =e me Is combined. Saxe ee be held terday oT ee : sn appren-|were declamations and recitations MISEBLLANEQUS. lore yretly strong Pemogratic in this bars GR the eee Solid throughout and to wear equal to any 32.00 ture m until iti arence W 2nsise 2s : a A o : 2 x : ja ” ooh tes tg ithente i nia@ht -{ieud fas 2¢ S, ‘ re Be ee ace nan aayy by the school, all of a high order of J. HL. Wycott, sheritl, fees and ex-! part of the country, we don't think night eee = é cag eS Shoe on the market. Assembly meets is} (coo eee fT clexcalence. At night there Was 4] pnerses at court; N. Harrison $13.46, | we ought tobe slighted, and we need sete os ene guanine’ ‘ June I2thto Ivth.{ Miss Lillian oe ee hy Meee concert. A isis coowd attended | storage:First Nationa! Bank $27.50. | to pave the amendment discussed so] anc applies ee Tas Saget baton SLOOP & Misra. 5 Se afStatos.| dure, went to Philadelphia /uesacy apes rter prevniied- Iterapts-“uesn Citv Printing Co.89.30, !tha: all > understand it the Legh woiea Mi. tlock before ‘ Lys. SS : Thomps fStates-| OUFH, WEDS : ~e-? land the bast cf order prevailed. terents-Cuesp City rinting o.o0, that all mav understand ¢ 7? : 5 3 a i - ROM Pson, Or Staves ~~ +} *rasbyterian Hospita!,|aud the best C t Sb Use .GOGr L's : : as Sujocated, and he made his ht ~ to enter the Presbyterian Hospita:. 1s miiemon that Prof l<scar i WoT Allison 3, cta.: : Toseyh ue Was Sun lcated, at % : \ resident. he hotel rates | %? © : = Gea -a osfisapleasure to Know tha -lrecord book, W. 1. Athison ga, ate. | S - ; ae rouech a small window in p Ptice to Oe lay and the tare for the | ¥bere Shep wi eeke: ccoprs Mitcbell has had a successful school|tionery, W. U. Telegraph Co. 67) Rock Cut, June oth. Steer ene There is no « ~~ a = po 2 , me = mc 7 * , . | . meet 2 Se he vwables Ne aciic. = : } 4 m Statesville is $i£.S5. trained Sa Gann. | Year and that he will conduct this}c¢ents, telegram; W 5 Ww. Turner (Chairman Hartness will not neg eee secant of thie das- ° . i Mr. Roy Sharpe, sou of ex-Sena- excellent school ancty,er year. £46.90, services as clerk of the board, ‘ject the Rock Cut people, than w Bom cee , ue bs a Mr. Bullock is N CW H urniture , h 3 r. Wood monument fund}ror A. C. Sharpe, of Concord town-|*- Ch cnr Ma t Peirtine Co. $2.75, printing | no better Democrats live. Tn the | tara!s Here. male = ; eres = = : anisiaee ies wet zs : aes Pe Ae eae ee Bein ie { em pre CN eg os aware having nav 3 = O ‘ iltee announced when UnEY t ship, leaves this eveniny for Mont ‘che Election Registrars. god vigniks, City” of Stateevilie 2.44, peat lise of appolutsents jade | ROL aware of hayvinpe 25s P z sore appointed that 60 days would | yomery, Ala., where he will join bis - leotions met {ightat jatiand $24.80, water meter; 'tyere will be one for Reck Cut.— ee NEW CARPETS, g . ae ' : “ . . ye * , ¢ ee s > i m nies j mit for receiving subdscrip-} prethers in railroad work. The county board of SAE ee | Tie Mascot $13, advertising; J, C.} eprran.) ee NEW RUGS The 60 days are nearly out.| 55. 4 atoinette Burwell left Sat- yesterday in Chairman Grier oe Gray #17-40, M. K. Steele 315.30, T.) ceeaerie _ LATE GENENAL NEWS. IN EGY : as e- sdesire to contribute skould nie Pick Golgsboro, where she will All the members were BLesene . one M €. Davidsen $35,600, services as} 5 —- s vou needing anythins in the way of house furnishings? If :as possible. Dey, ew Nase Phatta Dan. | only ousiness transacted was the apt Tt commissioners. ‘Our Duty to Support the Amend- ; ; : Are you CSO NS Ferre onuecothinwisnes ines SE i live. Her guest, Miss Rhetta Dac pointment of registrars of election, | County oe : : cal he tt Asu resuit of a dispute over the you are why not try the new store where every x ee = age = Pe asa ae foo Agar acy § PUsaule - = = ° “| Saliie McNeely was piacea 0 eC} 3 Sennen zi = “ “6 f 7 7 . a isenitawlks is < lez 0 shopwor vy Russell has pardoned fiel, of Raleign, ana Miss alee aed} Under the new jaw these registrars meer at 33 = r uarter With ° Correspondence of Tun Mascor. settlement of accounts, Jobn A. and up to date? Our entire eee and clean nu } ; innis, white, who was|accompanied her. | they re Hit {serve for two years, aud they will ee arn DENS . Graham, of Savagneh Ga., a capl- goods, no old styles, but everything the a five years’ term on the Asheboro aod spent Sun ay wituo have two elections (August and No- = A oecene Se oced oe ve speaning at trocky Branch talist, shot and killed City Councit- S ‘ 1 . = ut distinguishes iain gang for stealing Mr. | Mrs. C. C. MeAuster, vember) during their term of office. 47 fo permanently ; |Saturday night was well attended. | an John T. Bradford, of Eee V ery Latest ty es, F j , See ae oe = - we a As Oe ae rc Y: \ : ‘ s -omn ra ee Sradt cas. the * é honest : & s horse, in Shiloh Oe nee eee The registration of voters begins on i Thomas Poe was placed on the | Most of the voters paccoe Na asa see, Monday. Bi udtord ae he : i micimvteria 2 , Me had jsexved (about (eso cet ns Devaney eer Rood Saturday, June 30th, and ences on} | ar Hist atso per quarter with | were out. Messrs. Grier an OD! |} manager of Graham's mil. ra- Feces an eolonaer ee wine catered to the trade of Statesville 3 and style curs of his term. Mr, W. Franklin Sherrill eq. | Saturday, July Zist,at sunset. The Se ate = ee i : ‘made splendid speeches which were | )..m claims self-defense. cheer we believe we know just what is wanted, and we - ; 7 3) his home on Water street Tuesday) All be kept open on each day | *- K. Ramsey agent ‘highly eajoyed by their hearers. The eee ee es for SIX Yea¥s, ve eee oe. We only ask an examination of our " wton and Statesville played 2} .orning at 9 o'clock of paeumonia, | books wil be Kept one ; On| G. R. Hambright was granted | soi ora too short for a man todo| Dago Pete, who assaulted a ne fee] sure wo Gan please you. We only as oer os -of ball Friday. The score eee He had grippe which ee ae eae = 30, July 7. leave to peddle without license. Seem onaeeaeece now, but the|gro woman, was lynched at Tatwil- stack to prove our claims. Don't forget our new location wage ae : : e oO Fears, OE mt tPy >. rdavs (that is-—June 50, 1y 4, . aS rived | JUStIC ? wie sundav. bv: ob of ne- 5 >to OU in favor of States-}7°- cin umonia. The | Saturdays ( , : ; Alfred Summers will be received |: : -‘viven special at-|er. Miss., Sunday, by a m ip : . s F developed into pneur a. ° strars will attend wre amendment was given special at-)er. + . Selene ya - ee hans \ some of Newton’s bests oy copvieces: were conducted if and 21) the registrars ill a ~~ tat the County Home when delivered | amend ° } full Molen ae so that:;groes. He was hanged and his dody fe funeral services were the polling places with the regis- : cention and fully explaines s 2 : : 9 et ould not come and}i.gm the residence yesterday at 3 at the be 2 piace: a nd , | tiere is no excuse fora man to say |ftilled with bullets. e Ou eae RANRLOAD he - ae : ae NR Nee ECL uLOre OKS. n a . %. M. Foard | %! z ‘< ‘ mete a . + teams | as) Rene cebee 2 foreloct and |ebel interment asia The following were appointed The board employed = - oe |(who heard them) be doesnot under-| The wife of ex-Governor Robert Furniture, Carpets and Matting. account. Our team played| Qa: wood cemetery. registrars: :, Sy ear Se oe ae | stand it,and ifany one votes against|y, Taylor, of Teanessee, died at | _ C Block ° a ote ve as he score Ws me a rye e afiv a. oe ~ wee ’ 7° 7 2G v. xes og: : a ma Te a ~ aT ee ss N y 2 210CK. ae a aa ea peony ree E peters oe - Barringer townsp, J.C. Shinu: ee teeecti enn ten the proposition re ro he | Knoxville Monday night.+ New Cooper block ite qi tata «nel Pia hiarinpec Pt oc Count y- is mother, tae Wij r r on: Chambers- } 4519 >= nc 99g | Wants to do so. e nee save nO oe ac hanged 2 : og ee center oes aaa dow by ker second marriage of the Be een For general county sae a lfear of disfranchisement. Some- secre . ra ee for Eaqs., Speake 26 FLOUSLOOVING Cad- 7” A sephus T f Cataw-|Ourg, W.»- ’ <n *l cents on the $100 valuation and «lio =i of it. it S s to | Willliamsport, a; ‘ SS ree aNT wee gg = .s ay at}iate Dr. Josephus turner, o. a 7 D. Templeton; Coddle}&* .'times when L think of it, it seems to . eat loner speech 2 eins. Hagle Mills towuship, today at ° s Shec-; Now], W. D. temp: ; wuts on the poll, for schools 18} = murder. fe madea tong sp ; A ae at ere " 5a CO >, and one sister, Mrs. Shec- -."» TM. Deaton: Concord, |ceuts on the pou, fers lme that those who oppose the c . Sei neon we » clock. at Union Grove church | 03 county ... }Creek, No. 2, d. M. Deaton; Con : é erty and >¢ cents on |e : mal ce ces aying be was sorry for bis crime ; sree rats , three brothers, Messrs. |< Saat -- Cool Spring, J. A. {Cents on property and « ‘amendment simply invite negro|>aying be eh : oe be ty niy tomorrow:at Evalin Saturday, and rill, and : ~;.. | M.A. Feimster; Cool Spring, J. A] "Oadel ah con 4% property | #mendn a aR d warning the spectators against ab Wile vo only iw Sica zi ‘My as. »lham and George Sher- = = > McKay: Ex ate tae poll, roads 83 cents on property | le Why, mv friend there is but an pare . sed EE v7 ivtin’s school bouse Saturday Thomas, Pelb ce | Fox; Davidsen, A. S. McKay; bagie, ee the 1. This with | Ste J oe qi aoe committing sins. Ye displayec $$ SENT FST w coh phe rete vet eae 34 rill. atl at2zwba county, survive]? *: = Safer ee rin and 25 cents on the poll. his ; Ours onorable and patriotic, ae lived! to aa G ght. Faeyr oe ar Sa Sgacesand Messrs. | Mills, P. e poe ee ee the State and pension taxes makes ees and chat is to | wonderful fortitude and walked to a < Le SEER. : - a . YIaple: New > 4. ~ Ie- < , == = < ve ci > . ae am GAGE ee R. W. Shelton, of Davidson, and Z, en BOP Holland; | the tax rate in Iredell +9 ee ni vote for the amendment. Don't| the gallows, Trin 3 some of the colored Presbyter-}¢;) Sueiton and T. M. Shelton, of Sharpesburg, R. E. Hill; Shiloh, R.} Property and ea Tt os aed ; *€ | listen to the man who says it is un-} Mis, Sherman, wife of ex-Secreta- E .- o! Statesville willask Concord] Qparlotte. his brotbers-in-law, at-|> ae > Statesville, No.1, R. B.[Sameas last year. *he board aso) constitutional. He doesn’t know. |ry of State John Sherman, died at < IN THE BEST OF STYL q Vresbytery. which meets in ad-lrended the funeral, Mr. Sherrill Gale Statesville, No 2 H.R, [levied the same taxes as the State ie says so to frighten you The] jer home in Mansfield, Chio, Tues- —— AT MOST REASONABLE . e sourned session in Sicoresville today, | married Miss Emma Shelton, of Ca eae ae Ne Pe under schedule B” of mee revenue |supreme Court alone can decide | day, aged 7Z years. <a 5 : id é u to organize them intu a church.|iawba county, and she ae four Gachoniststesuille, Now ek Su ee: are es ace eee - a C!S. 3 President MeKivley Tuesday ap- PRICES. ‘ E his action is the resuit of ditferen-| .nilare nree sous aud one daugh-} 3o cons Exess NY soy. | Where pronioited by tac < ‘io, N. June 4, 1800. re - Re tea wcria ce b 4 Sent cea perce nna aren eee | Webb; ‘Turnersourg, C. A. Dear} i pay the interest on the Cod- Clio, N.C, Z pointed Gen. Josepk W ee a = THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. ces n the colored ct re ere de} ter, survive. : ness here | 220; Union Grove, J. L. Holmes. moere township bonds (only on ———— a brizadier yeneral in the U. S. : =n reen the = ane Sere of) Mr. Sherrill was in Ores then The board meets the first Mouday ie property and polls of that town-| A Fatal Texas Shooting Affray. Army, and the Sevate immediately | crowsonx & SRONCK, PROPR'S. Rov. S. kf. Wentz, the pastor. ow fifteen years ago. ¢ ae Py rf . . a lection. t Pa - E 3 - :* > nomi ion. ne : 1 ee t ~ vidson where he conduct] ‘2 July to appoint judges of electic ship) is 5 cents on property and 15) san augustine, Texas, Dispatch, sth, contirmed the nomination 3 ‘| Lhe Democratic speakers who eens a can = Ra ee ou aes cents on each poll. Three prominent men gave up Stephen Crane, the author and s * idressed he people Saturday ;cdastoTe. 2008 ra Bn) Ne —Bri . C ade lowing Si < gies Pam a is dead. = 1 : se - ve nee cea cr e moved vack toStatesville and ca Vaughan-—Brandon Ls i The beard made the sof ories their lives ina shooting atiray at} war correspondent, is dead First Inspection. “a xargin ae antonella the vered the grocery business, which} My, J. A. Vaughan, of Statesville, | rules in regard to the new court; ine court house today. Ibey a z sp ePNnamina se 2tte: i tHe Pu Lue . ¥7 t . wate . - ae * eo See emis 20 = Lest SH ge he continued until his death. ti@/gnd Miss Ada Brandon, of Cool} bouse: nee were: Felix Roberts, currespon Does It Bay to Buy Cheap? e 4 Bn See eee RAN Sa Sora ate Lwas-& quiet, good man of few words. | Spring township, were married yes. | Whereas section «2 0: The Code} joni of The Galveston News; Sid ie ond Now Selection. 4 jo tura out to Bbese appointments. |’ "> nrortunate accident in young |terday evening at the residence | authorizes the board of county com-| ports, Sherif! Noel Roberts. DCP ee aaa t ? _ ts Ans IS & VERY ce a ee manhood robbed him of anarm, but | of the bride’s father, Mr. D.L. Bran-| missioners to have and establish ‘A few weeks ayo Sheritl Georgejcolds is all right, but sees : ona Tt Eee ae oh es ne was avery industrious and ev2r-|don, Rev. W. L. Dawson officiating. | such rules and regulations foe the Wall was shot to death by Curd|something that will neler a The first arrival of our spring purchases cemaed i re vir > xt } LV 5 2rs . ‘ “ . 7 EB Ss : pan : Sys es zm etn “2 <PYvere ¢ Ss r > = . 12 : ‘ 2TS y > A aes hi aut are at re L a burs wetic man. fle was upright in all Mr. A P. Steele, of Statesyille, | preseryation of the court heuse 4=| Borders, as the result ofan old feud. | the more severe and ee rabies praise from our friends that our wear eae ciate 3 een ea ee ee his business transactions, # kind} was best man and Miss Octavia| may be conducive to the interest of Wall's nephew, Noel Roberts, was|suits of throat and Re aed branch out more extensively than ever before. t : Deuany; scott s, Concord,and Mar- aS and father anda vzood Giti- Brandon, sister of the bride, maid | the public, etc., now, therefore, the appointed sheriff. Last Saturday What shall you do? Go mes wy : showing 3 much larger line of a coe “os school house, Sharpesburg. wen. ‘Lhe sympathy of the entir€}of honor. There were no other at-}beard of county como of | Tt cccond life was taken in the quar- |er aad more regular mee ae Se d t 3 ai O sn , ap ooncnes ay ERODES a vreave - a . ane iell ¢ rirtue of ¢ ri- ‘ ; Ja). s : ssible; if not poss you, U - = ‘ co. tH, Armfield, Esq., Democratic| community goes cut to the bereaved tendants and only a few relatives | {redell county, by Rene ar The rel, when Eugene Wall, son ot the|if possible; 11 oe take the ONLY Novelty, p to ate a aa ee “ate for the Senate. spoke in} widow: ‘oildren iu. their greationd friends were present. Mr.|ty conferred by said section o dered sheril!, kied Benjamin | then in either Cas b see z ty Win espdidate for the Senate, spoke in| widow and ,chu 6 and friends I ] murde ’ ; + has been introduced in : oes are w+, oksville Saturday, when the Da-} toss and wirs Clarence Steele, Miss Liz-| Code, do make and cree ee se Breoks,a member of the opposing | remedy that has oe with success : Shoes i : nie REC nee ara =e : , Sea Calg sts 50 i ules reg S r the : all civilized coun > == N dad a we are wie Democratic coucty convertion —_—_---— zie Steele and Messrs. Oscar, Lex ing cules and ase TO eo ones faction. : _ pall oe Ae and lung troubles. Dry Goods, otions an : locale is eax held. Hon. Lee S. Overman} sginer—Connely, and Kiake Steele Secon CE Re EWC " Today. the Consens a ee a verman Syrup.” Ibn0t es, 4S d 4 ‘jen spoke. Mr. Armfield reports wi Pn esate ceo , groom from town. Mr. and Mrs. }just completed. met in the court house here. All] **Boschee s Germ: mee ; ras ever shown in this city. Our spring ls sus ne aaa ator ae oe a 5 See mesvencey a neo Vaughan will live in Statesville. ist—It shall be unlawful oot any were heavily armed and quickly lin-| only heals and oe ae re pees Somglete Se ees the emote Co ats >» Methodist churca Mr. ™. ee : an = “il. ink a sub- |". : Sa ecias Aine y tae verm disease, ae ines i ; ee: } in the Method . : ‘ S v ncil, ink or other su at arit nd astroy te ; nd gud that our people expect to}. “yiner and Miss Mary Augusta|, Pe groom isa popular and deserv- | one with pe Se cE tema aay (OC ER On oattle. The sheritt oe t | to de: a ee tion causes €asyex pec: serve you. 4 ~ -thecovnty. A very strong} - + Sea) aaa Ny. ine young man who has lived here] stance to write or mar. upon aby),., of his family fell before the]lays-inflamimativn, . aes - “4 sete fed by that 3 i D ie Connelly, daughter of Mr. ard Mes. | (r several years. He is one of the] of the walls of said building, inside | qo.aty tire of their enemies toration, gives a good night e A Yours truly, ij nes ticket, headed by that aole emo- 7 “e ne -{tor seve = zi . airs Laat aa age m ree ae : : Caan atal ry ONE Dot- : 6: a asec man, E. L. Gaither, }?: = ee bY | best of the splendid young mechanics | or outside, or otherwise disligure Or |“ “yi ore trouble is feared, us many ]and cures the Se by Ramsey Tomlin & Bowles. a >. for the House, was nominated. | ®e*- x A. Smith assisted by Kev. | vhom Messrs. J. C. Steele & Sons |deface the same. of the dead men’s friends havestart-|tle. Recommen a : oh For . ‘ 3 rae Sere a ‘fully | bave in their shops. 2nd—It shall be unlawful for uny! 64 to the scene from Nacogdoches. Jall druggists 1m jx, Druggist 2 ur. C. S. Tomlin, the assignee, _ The church os been cea The bride is an attractive and} one to cut, mark or otherwise injure, Telegrams have heen sent to Gov-|sale by W. F. Hall, Jr., g : 4 ia. completed aninventory of the decorated so Soncoson and the bright young lady, 2 favorite in her|destroy or disfigure any of the fur-| anor Sayers requesting him to call . / wk of Mr. D. C. Rulty “ The jn-}ceremony Wasa very pretty one in-} | i — & ity Z po Ww 7 itur sk airs, railings or fix- smi -ommunity and popular Wherever | niture, desks, chairs, railings o : eae > Mrs. M. A. Smith played the | ©O™ 7 eatery amounts to $980.97. The |deed. - a a militia. : aes = i MLE Milier, | KBOWD. tures of said building, or injure or cutee NO WELL The Bi Store. “ ytolstedness = Sugee S which ete eee ee We join their friends in wishing | destroy the heating apparatus, ge =ie is due to Messrs. JN. Morrison | of ¥ ? z Sane . : : for Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan every |iamps or electric light wires or oth- | peath Warrants for Four Prisoners, “ons and is secured by a‘mort- | Was best man and Miss Mattie May - En - d- ea a see : S s incheseasy todetermine. Where the evils of speu 4 & : mae Ethe bride, maid of | SUccess and happiness in life. er apparatus used in the heating Of | pateigh Dispatch, 23th, ted Just pate Nae OTe Asaea 7 BE ia! moo. wonder ; PRICES ny os oak fee Fall hae one Sa areioctee attendants were : Se Seen for any|. Lhe Supreme Court,s decisions any pocketbooks look as ifn elephant had trampled upon them. ¥ x “Ds trust are paid there wi iardly be | honor. Sees any —— 3rd—Lt shi e i or any]. as canna teeaiS é books 100k : ant ad t z encuga lelt to yive Mr. Rufty his} Misses Maggie Miller, of Statesville; The Wheat Crop. one to spit upon the floor of any of eat to-day and he issu- : One of the causes is im its owner not kn S-1 Z a <3 -emption, Which he reserved. nee comes a one The wheat Meee will soon be- | the passages or court room in said ed death warrants as follows: Thom- PAMILY. = = BUY, 2 “Slee fhe general creditiors will probab- | of Lenoir, anc *¢ gz, sea with ; conver. | building. ; J gro, for murdering and d ee WHE Si. Te Be RE net eee were an Messrs. George E. Gill] vin. From observation and conver i : as Jones negro, ring ax eee ae : 2s 7 eee aad § se, o Statesville oh cations pee ee sae Ee eee een a ao aA ae ay : I have them, yood Good judgment is See “3 ee eee oo pea invitation 3 _ eal i d a . i 5 ablv -}| cue , C 5 wed: plergh Augus sOCK. ; those w 2¢. 5 . 5 ace P : “ . tic, eOuventi ae M. ae , xood—probably bet ths aay dren, to be hanged at Rele:gh Aug ; DE Sioee es . x, Esco The ra Se une don BC ee pe eee ne A larger ae any ot the eneesetaoen oe 31: Archibald ‘insards, white, for|- ones aa | % a helps those wh , ss sel Soa bod dela are 4 Soe cake: SS ALAR Oa ee ens Connelly, of ite. a nd than | the court house grounds, , rder, to be hanged at Clinton al nice clock, flerine before they spend their money. 8 4 De. cake Baa ioee ase ee s J. Me. Connelly, ofjacreage was seeded and more th ; ay t Cut tear | murder, be bang neers of ours : Bi es ea ounties of Davidson, Forsyth and} were Messrs. “TB. Wi ‘ © een in the prep-| down or otherwise injure the Au rust 3d; William Edwards, color- TS gee a . Sen novely <ington yes zens ae Y. E. Witherspoon, | the usual care was taken In the prep: |. . Au zus ; Wil » col ond time keeper O nisoe os Roman bat ogee inanas [aration of the land. Early sown ig 2°00? F211 OS awful for any|@ $F ambushing and assaseinating for : ME OF THE LINES WE CARRY IN STOCK. Be “onderson, of Rowan, and re-nomi- oF onediately after the ceremony | wheat, where fertilizers were used. dth. t shall be unlawful for any 3 policeman,to be hanged at one = ok re CARRY oc 5.00. ef 3 Job n C. Thomas, of Davidson, y Cee acs “Miller left for a bridallis fine. The long drought of May cere = : oe ee SS 3d: Channey Den is.elor $2.50. ‘THE LINES V un . . = ee Demo"| wip to Washinston sndiother:No=ts | injared ie Crop to eat Alt a eee Any ose violatins any of | for Se Serres ‘Sep- Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Pant a Wale ) = instructed for A. H. Boyden, | orn cities Tey will live in States- pecially late sown wheat. All in : : oS eee ae Battle, to behanged a ep: res Gods, Milner, Clothing Hate, Sboes, Pat s : $3.50 — os t he declined. Senator wal cities. all Iredell farmers will harvest a | the a roll: rs ($3) pay tember 11. One life was lost oe is The Seth tics. aids, Cheviots, Pe Se pases Sespes - Be. 1.00 Facies Brother aca ol that | 7he eroom is an intelligent avd | good crop of wheat this year. Ss The ® tor shall provide a| fire. The Governor will be asked to Paper, Notions, Hosiery. Undermeats Stir Tyce s Suspenders . to $1.00. | Thomas is a brother-in-law i e groom is eee s ith.—The janitor s Pp .+{commute Jones’ sentence on the Cl ck Gloves. iker¢ Collars J es ee 1 Thread, =< ood Democrat and clever man,}pyopular young Ddusiness man of oe suitable bulletin board upon which] 7 1G. of insanity omas OCH, Silks, Velvets, Sao China, Crockery, Lamps, Shelf Wares fohn © sre F Esa. =} avstle re ners \ i : : = : a esdup soe C. Siceloff, Esq., of Olin town Sou ea Seon The New York re GSS Se oe ee Se pe Er geet iat Rsvlopes, Penis, Chen, = = = = = | = “ : a : Sey in i C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. d father used to buy. -mable Linens, Towels, Mirrors, Pic , Tru $2.50. —— \habits, his success in life is assured. | Davi , ;’ Van |any one to tack any notice or other] J.C. Kennedy, : grand father us j Soe eee Ta 3 rare, cs, $ a sar@ Murphy aod Augustus Van jan} : : “] tsay too much for °150. Come in, let me a > Linens. ad a thousand or more 20c. roll. oo | .o| The bride is one of the most popu | ware Na- rupon any other place in said|says, “I cannot say $4.50. Co : sh Se a ie = cand all 2 rina Nib 6 eeue and AV ar youu La Ta sae Soe entn aay Fae oe noe eee oneal board. |DeWitt’s Witch oes She wee sell you a clock. aa right prices. A word to the wise is sufticient. Loo ———— nominated H. L. Greene a aA. } ei a a bright ia!tional conve C ex se: eee ene ee | Pett for suse 2 smctructed ; tractive ip person an t : , s : : Berne ara coartmIoose = , che ms eee: a ioaee mind, she has a wide circle os oan Cents LE cei grounds shall be in charge ofa jaai- Ct = Pies ood a ‘i diseases RICKE RT. : ] ec en a Na A BES Mr.and Mrs Mi r} Pres : s hose duty | Cures Piles and all skin : i. TF Sjexander was nom . ‘We extend to Mr.and Mrs Miller ou c t So ee ee I | a wig, Vance Sebiimme® for regi heartiest congratuisions or thers the Pathe 5 xe ae City con it shall be to arrest any one violat-} Lookout for worthless imitations. The Jeweler and Opti ' ) ings. iano "Geeds, etc. R. N. Hackett fhappy marriage acd wish for then | the gia orm ee el re nee on ilh ] Mm & Mi ] l ls was indorsed for Congress. ,only happiness and success in life. | vention. ISON Sg eet ie ae ha i am ete af ae ATS So Sp Ae os eae ot SUERaEEEREeRaEaEEEEm x — —-—— . - - 7, 4 pr y eae : FHAT LAWYERS SAY. Butler Playizg tor a Fedcrat Judge- A Monster skeleton Pound. Es HIS The Negro Middleton, Holton’s As- WHAT wn n y oe = sistant. ——— ny Sale of Land An Act to Amend the Constitnncn ot cam. North Carolina. BY Virtue of a decree of Iredell sy . ! madein the special procee; 'G w Clegg, admimstrator of j. 4 Hiram A, Froezeagainst C CC! Ww) | wife, Sarah Whitaker, and others Joigned as commissioner of Ire Court will at the court house door | N.C, on SATURDAY, MAY 26TH, 3, ei ——— eae —_- PRESIDENT KRUGER LEAN CAPITAL. ——— | Atiantic City, N. J.. Dispatch. rst ‘the Proposed Franchise Amendment | wo-nington Special to Raieigu News and Ob-} } Not in Contlict With the State or server, Ist, . tpracsy Federal Constitution--Fourth and a Na made this afternsvna r Grassy | Fifth Sections Muct Stand or Fail} And, row, according to the story| Point, along the margin of the) Together—No White Man Wi}! be] of the day, Senator Marion Britler! Thoroughfare meadows opposite ble chief of the sable Disfranchised. isin high favor with the administra- | Ventnor, where the vertebrae of an sell at public auction to the highest 1 2 Dispatch, 31st. | eS ae »>Sanie chile Ag an ee a . > ¢ pt <0} ww . >: | a : ; : aoa hece + $e . ., 2 : MeN blishes the follew- | pasha an = Third district to his! The undersigned lawyers, mem-|tion. “Tis even said he smiles witb | enormous animal, estimated to have and in lier thereof shall be substi ws SEeaooe ok es oer Nina Dishes - , iclans be ¥ “ ’ U Ss) = ers ie ens te , i > _ test | * z cen . ee ea ere * Th iienu 4 " ~ ata aed ate of J. B. Josey, deceased. Ebe Daily at be Earl of Ross- | a i | him run the machine. | Sers of the North Carolina bar, af-|pleasure at Mark Hanna. the official | peen fully 100 feet in lene pe were ‘tuted the following article of sate | onion: Beginning ata stake, the: nee dispatch (rom tue me on peal to heip ht : . ms near Nepean Amine i considered dispenser of yatronage tor tae W bite | brought toligbr. In fuet. the dis F $8%° West 16 poles toa rock, ; ing t oner at Pretoria, | He arrived at Greensboro Saturday ter having examined aod con na ; got g ae ES) Seen Si areas! 10 be ao ly installed. Our read-'the provisions of the proposed a-| House. Indeed, it is whispered that | covery is one of the most wonderful | peices to a persimmon thence Norti Ss 1O/. « ee “et; 2d. dG tae 2'Ous x = & ° TT. - 5 2 ’ $s . - th ae aN a a EUR be before, but mendment to the constitution sub-|the senior Senator from the Tar|/eyver made along the Atlantic coust, | ahickorv g'nb, thence North ss “1 Wednesday, May 30 cs one aS os ean the Greesboro| mitted by the Legislature of 1599 to Heel State is to be taken care of be-|ard possibly on the American con ! rE RAGE /ND EI Ce ee 4 hci i thas on ae ail be “ocen ee Nel wh ut ki 1d of a rooster | the people for ratification, give itas fore tbe endof his term, March 4, | tinent, andis one which will doubt-! staining 3234 acresmore or less. etor i Y= | teleors ils what ktr ster: the : 2 Teena se¢ ‘ fe | i a ; pe cahone without | a nee ; ‘our opinion that the said amead-|1901. Why, it is an open secret thet less prove to be of great interest to ; in abcut tw a) ~ ADE IS: | * 2 = * +4 ruglay 7 Pritehard ar ow ‘ Ue ee a tes snd moar er -ensider- | a - \ Ros. “The Presidenthas gone} «Ape wields a power of influence! ment is not in conflict either with Batley and £ ritchard are now hand | x eutists, andimay throw censidet-| (Seetion 1 s Be = mse Sve ctagee ieee: and glove on ali matters. In tne labie light upen the geoloyy and nat-i jp oen in the United States and ever: ~y ‘d a wl aod Tie General Assembly of Sorth Care : 3 Zi | A most inieresting discovery was | ¢ | line do cnact: | | ! | Wilmington Star. War About to} Chairman Hoiton, of the Republi- | |can committee, is hard pressed and _ ; ie 1 } Seeriox]. That article six of the f i has therefore summoned Abe Mid- | < eT constitution North Carolina > and the same is hereby abrogated The Sovth African end. constitution. ARTICLE V1. lyn, who Was a pr but who, 2s a CIV have been released: LIGIBILITY TO OFFICE— QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. | | | | ale perso. resistance. to Watervalboven. De Souza is author British. He, with an committee ef citizens, ¢ i pertyv aul Everything is waiting expecianily cash. GOW. CLEGG aA . . \. f av ey he kiss- cy ote <-3 mae <action Of oes } - heen natural- : onenais ies We furthermore give it as our sanguage ol the day, the VY uave wISs-} ural history of this section of New serson Wao Las ber D nat aaa 3 the rest tain Ree Invery influential fon, venty one vears of age ant Se er arene | n tee Said ¢ “omi 3t Nor Caroline |< nwean “tae f this city al 3 a r the yx } oe 0% inted to preserve life and pro ly ation of the fepublican part vy 10 clearly dependent and conditioned . aoe eee Net th = ome pers H. Shrnn, of thi city, S35 vote at apy ciection by pe Pees apa seolpaa LILEDOUN aprointe ¢ sery ‘ - | reatic 1 coe t ale wee - : x eewe ¢ > eeD poste sid every time y< wns WALES x ae » the the interregnum, ‘ has been assert-| upon the other, that both must stand |!a0, WLO Keeps posted on Inside | cov er} : Tha Pa : . he arrival of the Brit-| «gop. in tim f dire distress, | fourth section cannot stand if the Capital haven't caught on to tne fact meadow, but upon examining it ithe state of North Carolina for two re Of if § it \ Square for the arrivas OF ' Often, im times oO: aire ag ea Saromet MEpeae core Sietanlls that Butler has made bis peace With} more tlosely be was surprised te} years, in the county six months and i A wy } —— _ J. B. Connelly, Att'y. Commission eae. hie - ‘ . ; 4 of LrLEporx MUSLIN is stamped This April 20th, 1900, Burgomaster | in the party of which he is one of | the State or Federal constitution. ee eT nen enti ) - je 1 » a or: . y "ruts “d 1 ed toreceiye the | the leaders, and down in the Thire Gu oe Bf costeeh i ial} gressional distriet, where he re-! opinion that the fourth and fifth ed and made uD» but Ahi syGren. not | Jersev. ; : ve re and tured istinecotton. Every including | .-> rod pen as a sort of/sections of said amendment are so|mean that Butler has withérawn bis! While on a gunning cruise of as ocsessing the qualifications set out a Eee 1 - 1 Siaes, Is] Kea U > a e Boe Sori ‘ Pte * . < nin ia eweeeet= ee Alaa Fes Tap . : eee : Si - a 5 x, nil ryou tind ytht eon Chief Justice Gregorowski, has been | emigod. So complete is his doui-} connccted in subject matter, each so opposition to Tira=t- w days ago, former Freeholder!;, this articie. be entitled to nd the goods back aad we will niet just = : : lermigoa. . mpiete is = tion that it ‘ered what at first appeared tO in the state exceptas herein other- improve {ta looks un- ceetion LHe Vb me cd = F ~~ = ee Peles ita aie ¢ ” weit reste .. : aes . -oe3 Sar » ita looks ur ; vat he carried the (istrict in Lis or fall together, and that it is too}matters: ‘It’s alittle strange that | be a piece of vessel timber protrud | wise provided. ee mR es . ren es clear to admit of a Goubt that the|¥ou newspaper fellows here at the/jng from the marshy part of the} (Soe. 2.) He shall have resided iu > to wash }vest pocke.. ' ut 2 i i s = | . “ee > plieans have’ fifth section should be desiared un- i white cinnec epublicans Gave: Lita section & ancl ne ea cone eaas . ; nth 2 ea inga possible disturbance | ae j ae eee hued demigod | constitutional the Administration and Pritchard. | find the bones of an animal. Mr. in the precinct, ward or other elec- ~Fearin7@ posse Cs ““\eurred to the e -bued niyod | st : ~- E : aoa sea eee tere ANCES tT Oe ee = any o- epee ie hie hg ea , Fors | TG blow d hea 3 mong the prisoners | ; aks Thi 1 district. and Ave as! It is clear that this amendment, if | Why, the senior Senator now dance Shian was unable to bring any por-jtion Gistrict in which he offers to rea a Ww it = boven, United! eee f. ae i a stretch forth the! ratified, will not disfranchise, either | 18 attendance at the White House. | tion of the skeleton along homie with vote four months next preceding the +hose i . we " atervabov\ . ’ L »eey aile Foy) 36 PLC t ee} i Iu : re , 7 & 5 se ! Pah ane oe 2 = : a - : d 2 p BaP eee vy mee eigh Wood |}. Be beat a oa und render suc sow or hereafter. any person who It was only the other day that But-| him, but returned to the spot today, election: Procided, that removal Pe Pe psui av 1 9 = f hnerhoods ENnGer Suc , a . a) ‘ Bade doeiar 2 i ene fea ore t Joe 5 , yy : a a i ye t = eelaticce 5 SES ae = fe his power. Of! was himself entitled to vote at any [ler was in close consultation with |in company with Captain Daniel! fsom one precinct. ward or other insisted upo aes Drak een ascistenc as i varded for bis sclf-|time prior to 1867. either in this the President. Just think of it! 1t | Hendiey and William Newblood, a election district to another in th Real Sadist look at acc, weratea On para.e ¢ eee course he wW.ts rew¢ Sener met Sale ee ae >» that Mark Hanna hast nrarain: ett ae sales ae eas Nn ete d : (best 100K at a con. Their action cannot be teo highly |_ rifice and party fealty. In addi-! state ov any State in the United ae be ce a oe eas promigent cottager of New Haimp-| came county shall not CO es tract which is but a stepping sare ae me 1 — n ey , S i esi - rown a speilc ne chairman ¢ ive 2 ‘ 3 Saiet es "SOY he right t te pping Semasedls AN Dera roe cea cos toa ceompuntacs mae cee 1m rey oa ce ace Se 8 ehorNate = a Peon ieomamane cee een tt oa eee cnn Cae 2 oat . stone between NO insurance ang any the officers, E in ‘s meils of the 3 i vide y resisters once: before TUS | See ene ; 5 2uc toree men set to work UX vote in the precinct, ward or otnet li Se ee any the officers, Everything was! .ooncils ef the party. he has been} vided he registers once betore ‘ . ane Se Lone to 2 te in the pr é REC Raioeeccibcs son pany the office 3 4 ov neils ae of Soe ere When|and does not thereafter become dis-} of the I eople’s Party. Perhaps the | cavate the bones and succeeded inj tection district from which he has eo : t - : K day atliee fection clement! captaxt iqnalified by crime true secret of itis that Butler bas/ digging out three pieces of the 2i-|romoved until four months after reac ences re U May 31,3 a. m.—Yesterday at » fusion element captured the | qualified by créme. ee : : ee ents a ' ‘}remoeved un ‘ ’ benefit of both Hving and co, nthe B iain he | ho ; his eye on cne of the judgesbips in; vantic skeleton, which lay three or! Sieh removal. No persen who has cat os victed or who has confes: Ca} ; o Serge se oaceea Ss ee Seven pundreda irnadict- " coutcmplate INSURANCES 4 Statesville, Le e ew ee e r* Se y ar d ~ aa ee an sIvewonh eS Spi al Pepiwecne ua eT ns f ‘ hows x . ae hie noon the British were only two hour >| Legislature in 1895 he was made as-) H. C. Jones, Armiste i pare _| Porto Rico, and the President, youtrfour feer below saree surfaee - roarch from Pretovia and the Boer | scfant docr-keeper of the House of i Heriot Clarkson, James ee ee “ ss aa "a = or ee ee a = feet below the | urface. bl been ¢: oie = Er patacs Prne he ; ! 4 x s . an ra LaF Pomme i ae wy Ss} herd. FB A. Dough- OW, te, 20d i? very nee suture. dof these bones is thirteen inches lon tus. litary forces had abandoned the! no. pocontatives. andina right jord-'!James EH. Shepherd, R. 2 yg ) 3 : : military forces had Representatives, and inarig : el maven nen bavokcuchapooiptmeats too a hes in. circus! = septate ae : ee i atin * tite wevc ne Ta pepe Rebert Lj Make a nulroer orsucn apporotinedes tang forty inehes in Gircusife “tv. This intellivence comes from nanner dig ke cuard the way of|ten, Thomas J. Jarvis, Nob aaition : 5 : city. This inte ence « ly manner did ke guara the \ ee eens eee ae aa i sin, fe me y det . - ne ~ - =n ‘ L not bi orvotten. | - va} Sea sounds. the Reuter agency at the Transvaal |j) race and of earess to and from! Ryburn, Sarauel E. Gidney. Harold Guuler, it should not be fee sland weighs neariy 40 pounds a y * i 8 7 na) i Nec etics, ony © lower bouse of the General As-| Flali, J. A. Anthony. ae Secor = : 2 _ ae mY , ° . > ras egal NEY The two mes ‘<< 2 matter of historv|James L. Webb, E. Y. Webb, R. H. | tee & € 2 a vress ‘dispatch. The ty tr Itis a matter of history | Jame: », Veo, | ee eee a : : é : é ae aw, |Sibility of investigating the Cuban | mens sages left about the same time. how, 02 One cccasion when the fu-} Hayes, H. A. concen MG B. Shaw. 3 stigating aes M he London morning pa-| sonists were exceedingly anxious; J. H. Bridgers, Walter E Most of the London morning pa-| Sonists were exceedingly aaxious;J. H. idgers, Wal Dar eee ras pin the New| pers treat the war as ended. Somely, push some legislation through,!| Walter E. King, King & Kimball, ocie ee oe aa a Jersey marshas, seme lo or 36 CCU ted b > & “ ohm a sy: ean : at - atypy!s * = ino ee xe 7 nore or less ide iilec rit e Ae- Sass E y | of the mere cautious critics think Abcattempted to arrest two Demo- | James 1. Morehead, Charles MSted P oa ir Se span aie oe turies ayo. (See thet cuerrilla warfare is likely tobe} cnotie members ef the body to|man, John A. Barringer, L. M. ae = a eee, . Sk ad arty loeaie tim ‘Tewall carried on for some time in variots| revent a quorum from being brok-! Scott. Z. V. Taylor, A. M. Scales,D. | Ueabion wail be non-partisan, and: ovor 50 feet of this prehistoric MOD: | payistered voter as herein prescrid- bé risof the conquered territory. | oy, ‘He “would, ‘violent MeLean, J. C. Clifferd, W. FB.) 10 guilty rascal will be allowed to} ster's backbeue, and it is believed ed end in the manner bereaiter pro- ocewas ed ; See i ‘ 3 mc ies i a . SERINE : +h. Mae at we ore swithom ¢hef ae: jen 4 f wingetiay A prerg! « aap Although the Boer forces are di Democrats and forced ster, S. P. Graves, M. V- Lanier, | ScePe- aaa as neither here by them that the total length of) vided by law, and the genera! assem » largest woman in eastern Penn solving. Lord Roberts, apparently. m ia) the ball’ of) the} Wa W. Barber, HE. Greene, Geo. |por there. “But Bucler, knows ne the vertebrae will measure 200 feet. tity of North Caroliva shail enact |sylvania, died today oe onc ee ~ V Le 20rd JVGL ’ ) : af x ra £O ne Jt 2D . See * ¥ : “7 3st tha - en ~ 5 30 lon . , . een~(t eat es eanaeaeee - ieee oe ee aes on ae see : tyettaken any considerable z When the same crowd} W. Bower, Tedd & Pell, G. L. Park, | © ees tae amk moment wi = x Tomor: ow the search will be co goneral revistratio: laws to carry {ios zed 35 years. Ss es vei a . : tt : : i ii 5. | Carrie r 2 POU r majority wiand itic th Sntentie ry ve . “et . and a speek v eS ec Raleigh in 1897 tojJ. B. Councill, P. H. Williams, E. | Carrel’ by 2 peonounced pmajority. fed and itis the intention of = over 300 porns, an 9 “speeia ; > bodies of Boers tnust ; Abe's services ”. Aydlett, J. Haywood Sawver, R. | ana Wite the ac pene a amend) Sainn to forward the benes to the lricle, butt sket ee en am eee S sin the field ! and he was again made! W. Torner, J. B. Leigh. JM. Brown, | ment he will be shorn of all his po-| Smithsenian Institution at Wash- a SP Eaige piace Gee eae toa eee ui Sates es rest tt ences Sy See ue nar insanity en arms es 7 se ower in the State Soh tee sr : ie 2 : any ana : ree SR ara pear recep oremmnenarere ervalboyen, or Waterfailbov-| oj tant door-keeper of the Heuse|R. EL. Smith, R. E. Austin, Walter! litical power in the State. This, 18 | ington. himself for registration shall beable) The uncertaker fears he an be asmall mountain place, ISO)". t ~ MeCorkie, W.|2 measure, explaies his change Sea c cae ee gn ape gp to rend and write any section of the | unable to remove the corpse from : . Feimster, George : ‘ Ff : . 2 ; < 4- E~ ae > east of Pretoria on the De {fronton the negro question. He Southern Women Dead- constitution in the English language, | the house threvgh any of the doors OW 1e7y rh of Representatives. c * my 4) ome otal penn : oo eeieeatas t,. AS ya id i ores ara ea layoa Bay Railz The seat of the his political fortunes to} auania Journal. tand before he shal! be entitied or windows. = ze “2 7 “oe hallw AX, << {tin open court upc: of any crime, the punishment h pow is or may hereafter be is a member of tac Senate Commit-| cal scientists pronounce them to bel oriccuinent in the State Prison, tee that is charged with the respon-/a part of the vertebrae of some im-| 1.) 3 eee : Ul be permitted to vote unless the Sore ecbthie Raine Pe ad mammal, which probably cn shall be first restored to cow! re Se Te Ben eceived on mo: : ete c . een : = Sree Be : sr ifvou wil take th: Daniel, | postal frauds, aad the men implicat-!jgund its resting place in the New yin the macner preserib-! & ss SRBCE ee lime and see meie : give von all imforma- tion JNeo A NO MEDICAL EXAMINATICN REQUIRED. sixty-Eight paid out 10 Ci ‘ ve Statesville Se eommunity in s lattenti “a wa l e s = - id. ier Lolta "H A QT de e l <+n1 Fy elie ce) a ~apital from the Earl of Rosslyn, ib} yy Set TT R 3.) Every person cfiering te cme = . “A a af mala mes aes = 5 . 5 - Mr. Shinn aid his party located) vate shall be at the time a legally c os e Easton, Pa., Dispatch, rst. s. Frank Williams. of Easton. ay aid paca largest woman in eastern Penn- BN Re e Or e ities ofartitlen into effect the provisions ef this ar- +h were re- (See. 4 Every persor With sini head blocks 3 most sensiti mill, also Fri a AND Portavie “)) tionery ¢& size, and th Eclipse traq Gotton Gins® “e o s ae a a s ee e “(nu addition to these honors, Abe ES M. Es nea = = re saca Perec erent p aes vember of the:Gilman, [E. J. Koonce, Frank) bas % OS — : eee, ; Boer eoyernment—what ‘there is eee ee os Beconne Com-| Thompson. James A. Tockhart, id- Eritcbard’s kite. And SORE ‘The women story writers of the} vote he shall have paid On GY Gefore | - = Gian Coe will probably be Lydea-| ittee at large, being displaced on-j| ward W. Pou, Joho A. Narron, W. os Ris ee a ae Seuth have taken the lesd and are} the first day cf March of the year in burg, to the porth. ly at the late State convention of |S. Stevens, James A. Wellons, Mars- | oes Cast anchor eo ee 2: = likely to hold it. : A dispatch from Lorenzo Marques, | 4 was probably to!den Bellamy, Irede!! Meares, E. S.! aie Cee that be will lanc in so Miss Murfree, Mrs. t bs Out Gated Wednesday, says: ““Com- wide for a more general distr Martin, Rountree&é Carr, Herbert Bee spot that yer remains with 2 Rae oo. as Poli ti shall be a] eaod finally took Kodoi 3 mandant Kraus has surrendered ion of honc z be was left off{ McClammy. Junius Davis, MeNeiil|t#e gut ot _ the President. uuer | Grace Ningand other Southern ~o | lier only cn assessed yp rts _and Cure. it did me so much eood i esburg fo Lord Reberts, Py tsi State committee and given aal& Bryan, Bellamy & Pescbau, Lee 5. i has iocled the peopie of Nort Car- men became fymous years ayo asd} no process shail fo enfore?| recommended it _ to__ everyone,” Pretoria ar st position with Chairman! Cverman, gohu S. Henderson, T. C. ;elina for a long time. He &DOWS | pave lost none ef their popularity same except} writes J. KE. Watkins, Cleris and Re- : issessed property. corder, Chillicothe, Mo. Ir digests Lynn, R. Lee Wright, Walter Mur-| there are not more than five thou-| But recentlya groun of : Kluttz, Edwin ©. p= Populists now in the State.j women have appeared in litera *.) No male person who was| what youeat. W. PF. Hall,Jr. , Seat ay at is . 7 oe ¥ Tone | Why? Becaus Frey icrity See ete a ee ere ee Be elets Re AA ss = ee : . Hu t the Soe which campaign work Abe will direct, Gregory, EE: A Boy d, John Hi. Kerr, | Why? Beeause the great majority | wiose < k is in vreat and growin | en J: y one, cizhteen hundred ed by the British, though itis probable that to him|C.C, Lyon, C. 31. McLean, M. D: W. demand, pice : ; ;of them have returned to the Demo- anal seven, or at any time pri- “ ") A esd ales or is I | ory . : of : = pera ity + ee ~ and that halfof thetraia was cutoff.) vii 5. intrusted the work of writ-|Stevenson. D. L. Ward, &.J. sloore, evalie Dae Ue is the iknow eee Miss Jobnser’s ‘To Have or thereto entitled to vote under the : : 4 . - reyy, > = eer * ih . ¥ a r or te far * we 3a Jntiler ve a ae i Risen si : % i 7. the rem jer steaming away. This}. |, ind sending out literature to]| A.D. Ward. W. D. Meiver, H. ©.) ° this fact that ee Butl r, JIRC)Hoid’’ isone ef the inwws of any state in the United : uy a ae El eee mae mip ee Sate yi in einen ie own a nto ot. a : ten ie eo : mie incident probably cecurred at Eland- prove that there has never been ne-| Whitehurst, A. M. Waddell, R. B. ia drowning man. to clutch at a books that has been published tec wherein | hen resided. and tes wherein be then resided, and = ’ Samnn eaecea ee! mig winery Hits eee a : . . c = sfontein Junction. Passengers from Harris, | Straw. Lincoin . as rizbt M hen h aie inne ae fat Se a De Gar- | Sala ‘you can fool some ofthe people . Pretori at the town is ut Potala z Re = sales have been immense and person. shall be danied the right to terly de lized. ‘Tt Midvette, ft. L. J. Gj) the time, ali of the poopie ata no signs of abatement. 1d vote at any clection ia rush for t. Five train ioacs e probabilities are that Abner|Shew. H. McD. Robinson, D. T.| of the time, bat you can t fool allthe} yiiss Ellen Glasgow, Miss iis state by reason of his failure to of jugitive: xpected here to- : R. MeNethan. John 3B.) peopie aul the time, and Butler DOW | Mavruder and Miss Virginia Fr possess the educational gualitication siceht. Seo ee Cooper, | Tealizes that great truth, He C82! Rovje sre other Southern women! prescribed in section four of this The Lorenzo Marques correspon-| nigate frequently with the leaders] Willie H. Roftin, Thomas B. Wild-| 20 os oe the people of North who have lately won fame in letters. tsarticle: Provided, he shall have ree- Gents thirk the border troubles be-|}.7 the colored cohorts and doubtless fer, C. 2). Cooke, B. B Massenburg, Se Olina. His fusion with the Re-| phere are many other gifted women | istered in accordance with the terms tween the Transvaal and Portuenl wnks he cap do this more efiective- : Yarbarough. Jr.. FS. Spru- publicans won't 1a, sand bo LNClin the South who contribute to the lof this section pricr io December may come toa hecudat any momest.!|¢ through Abe than he could him-|ill, T. W. Bickett., Thomas D. War-!*v0Ws It setter than Butler. | best class of current literature andlone, nineteen hundred and eight. Koomati bridge is strenuly defend- self, sothat Abe will be a sort offren, Charles 1. Abernethy, W. A.) —~ --——~8 + ae iwhohave won the faver of both! The general ass ) ed. Yesterday the Portugese au-jmiddie man between him and the; Dunn, S. V. Pickens, Chas. French Col PL. fmry's Galantry at Malvern | public and publishers. aii per- thorities were preparing to resist | colored contingent, whose services| Toms, McD. Ray, Aor Posey, Wal-! Hill. Tj Hterary men of the South hed |sons who row ae ae e sec- apossibie encroachment. A male] will be needed, and very much need-}ter E, Moore, Coleman ©. Cowan, ! yp ouiscinte Cgeseiocs better bestir thenisclves. tion on or before first. battery was sent to the frontier} ed, at the coming election. Henry G. Robertson, J. A. Spence, Tl itis quite proper that in this] lair & Luther, Oscar FE. Mason, } 7 : oe aie nineteen hundred and eight; and all The Lorezo Marques correspondent When the parade of veterans pass: An American Commissioner Knecks}such persons shali be entitled to of the Times says: “It would not be uvainst white supremacy and | lrancis D. Winston, St. Leon Ser ; surprising ifa large proportion of EF j Dortch, FL. A es beneath the arch on Friday there ! Pown'a French Oficial. vevister and vote in all elections by ite man Hoiton should have a| Ben}. F. Long, f. Fb. the rebel Dutch sought temporary a 'wilib2 many of more exalted rank 1 aay 14h- ~ Th aAc a pry peor for his lieutenant, on whom] Daniels, W. C. Munroe. W. R.Allen, | than Col. Thos. L. Emry refuge on Portugese territory.” \ marcbiny : a oe j pigs ~ sofor MOUTON er Cte ‘ 4 he can rely todraw the black co-| Waxcy L. Joha, Walter H. N sefore the reviewing stand, but net t is reported that a special train [perts inte line. t left of it- ine 3 2 “After satferiog from severe dys- which he propases to vote bis pol pepsia over twelve years and using THE sas preseribed by law for thelmany remedies without permanent rh Bi... Miss | previous year. Dyspesia hat party. It “( ae son, Miss STANDARD RAILWAY GF The SOUTH The Direct Fire to all Points ryt x Texas. 722 : Celifornia, Serie I Fic rida, Cuba and Porto Rics Sirictly First-Class Equip ment on all Through ané Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on :il! Night Trains; Fast and safe Schedules. Travel by tae Southern und you cre -_assurcd a sale, Comforiabie ay — Expeditious Journey. APPLY TO TICKET AGZ. t u ; . Jone Issue tonivht’s train from rived a few Greeks, wi say they id toleuve Pretoria Tuesdzy, “itis not stated what partof the}phy, Thee. PB. wes € ¢%,- ‘ . tion of tue La por ~ Holton at beadquarvers. la AR AR N ht Be Oe oe s oe bs ee aA a Statesville, they leit Most nota eyo domination in Nerth Caroliva.! Peebles, B.S. Gay, FL Rk. } j aft 7 -alyvar and that there is now no danger of Calvert, * ’ } ' Za Cle Peebles, wa he re is a mad a condition.” Cook, ¥ ce te a e a t n iy mb a t h e d ba s n i e h e wi e 12 Sg ON at e d me t aE pa t h e ia A Warman Galy Knews what suffering from fallitg of the wemb, whites, painful or Trregular 1 menses, or any disease of the distinctly feminineorgansis. A man may sy:npa- thize or pity but he can not know the agonies she goes throuzh—the tersible suffering, 60 patiently borne, which tobs her of beauty, hope and happi- fiess. Yet this scfering really is needless. NTS FOR Tiare TaArfirs *. RATES AND GENERAL INFORMAZT TON, C2 ADDRESS %. 1. Vernon, | F, aoe al Paris Cableto Philadelphia Record, the people in th state unless dis- a that - t te. Quite apart from the rumors of | qualified under section two ef this v oa = eee . = : -7 9 a etree seaudals in administration in the]article: Prorcide/, such persons American section of the exposition, more move In consideration of |John H. Cock. John D. Shi ;one in the longline of gray from Pretoria with fugitives, was M. Hf. Justice, Swift ©. Fields. T. G. Skinner, Vnedbec, W. D. Pruden, ©.§ W. M. Bond, W. W. Zachary. W. b- Thorpe, Jacob Battle, T. T. Thorne, A.W. Graham, A. A. Hicks, John W. Hays, H. M. Shaw, W. 4 in, B.S. Royster, i. PB. Jr.. Stucizir & Eaves, D. i. gins, Justice & Pless, G. W. C. M. Busbee, T. M. Argo, Mi Gras so CG.) Ryan, Jones, Hugh W. i ster, derailedon the Transvaal side of Koomati Poort, a number cf passen- vers being kiled er injured. The British authorities at Bulawayo think the Boers wilt retire into Southern Rhodesia. Bv the release of {he British pris- oners at Waterval a full brigade will be added to the army of Lord Rob- erts as there were 7? olficers and 4,182 privates among them. Gen. Hunter re-entered the Prans- vaal at Maripvogopan Tuesday. The advanee wasinade off the railway. Yesterday General Hunter reached Geysdrop with ten days’ supplies. ife meets with no opposition. Gen- eral Baden-Pewell is invading fur- iher north, with opposition, Com- mandant Snyinap having gone to C Lo northern Natal Utrecht has surrendered to Gen. ihiideyard and Gen. Littleton is moving to Vryheid. —_ -—- —- Holding it Cpen tor Spencer. Wilmington Stas. The Republican Congressivnal Convention for the Fifth district met at Greensboro Tuesday and aft- er nominating delegates to the Phil- adelphia conyention concluded to postpone the nomination of a candi- date for Congress until August 9th, when the job will be doze at Dur- ham. This is a somewhat irrecular proceeding in view of the fact that this was a Congressional convention, and was called for the special pur pose of nominatine acandidate for Congress. The opinion is entertained that it Was a put up job to keep 2 place for Spencer B. Adams when he is pulled down from the State ticket and Cy- rus B. Thompson, the Pop. figure head, pet upin his place. It is sup- posed that the dickering will be fin- ished and the arrangements made by the 9th of August when’ in pursu- nace of the deal Cyrus will head the t2ongrel ticket and Spencer will be nominated for Con¢ress.- When the swapping arrangements have been perfected the probabilities are that we will have a half-an-half ticket— haif Pop, half Rep.—and_ Populists will be expetced to vote for the Re- publicans and the Republicans for the Populists. and all agzinst the constitutional amend- ment and white supremacy. How will honest Populists, who believe in principle, like that way of being traded off, and told to walk up and vote with the colored brother zgainst their own race? But that’s the size of the job the machine man- agers are going to put up. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. i. Lilly, a prominent. citi- zen of Hanuibal, Mo.; lately had a wonderful deliverance from a fright- ful death. In tellieg of it he says: “I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that raa into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I coulda’t even sit up in bed, No- thing helped me. I expected ‘to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery. One bottle gaye greatrelief. I con- tinued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can’t say too much in its praise.”” This marvelous medi- cise is the surest and quickest Cire in the world for. all Throat and Lung trouble. Regular sige 50 cents aud $1.00. ‘rial bottles free at W. F. Hall, Jr.’s drag store. sery s rendered Abe doubtless ex- ething nice, for Abe isn’t fellows who works for fun. pects s one of tt i 2 ee Attempts to Intimidate Democrats, Morganton Special to News and Observer. Local Republican keelers are boasting upen tae streets of Mor- ganton, thet Columbus Bialock,one of Harkin’s revenue raiders, has been ordered to open an eflice in jurke county. ostensibly to lock af- ter distilleries, but in reality to in- timidate Burke county Damocrats. Blaleck was with George Pritchard onthe Roar Mountain and killed a man who resisted arrest and shot Pritchard. He has been in several otuer shootivg affairs. He accom- panied J. ©. Pritchard, as body- eauard, to Newton, and is generally regarded as the bully of the radical circus. Burke county Democrats have never yet backed down. They have carried the county, when the town was occupied by wu regiment of Federal soldiers sent to back the Republican leaders. Pecple are in- dignant at the suggestion that they can be intimidated by armed desper- udoes sent here under the pretense of enforcing the Internal Rev- enue laws. They will hold the lo cal leaders answerable for this ia- suit to the community and for any violence that this ill-advised step Mav provoke. The people of the whole State should understand how arrogavt this man Blalock is becoming. The sons of three hundred men from Burke, whe sleep in soldier's graves, will see whether the Goebel act canbe performed by a revenue bushwhacker. ———— khace Issue Keeps South Solid. Charlette News. Tue New York Tribune publishes an interview with Mr. John Barrets, ex-Minister to Siam, who kas recent- ly traveled through the South. Nr. Barrett says, among other things: “As to the race problem, I believe that we Northerners should leave that tothe Southerners to settle, and we can count on their doing it deiter than if we intervene and bring out sectional feeling and distrust. T today is doing allio singie the South its power toraise the moral, educa tionaland industrial status of the negro, even if it naturally objects to his political control. In thts con- nection it cans be said that it is the race question alone that keeps the South solid in polities. Otherwise the new material development with all its ramifications would make the Southern States Republican or Dem- ocratic according as their interests were best safewuarded.”’ Mr. Barretthas been in the South, and knows something of the situa- tion here. He is aware that our northern friends do not understand the situation and are therefore not competent to advise the South as to the best method of settling the race problem. The South is doing its best to set- tle the question peaceably and so that it will not work to the detriment ofeither race. The South knows the problem it has to deal with and should be allowed to solve it in the best possible manner. =... About 12,000,000 acres ot land in! Sahara desert have been reclaimed ' by irrigation and artesian wells. tobsood, Hud- Ward, > vovert s Charies W. Smith, &. M. Shenson! McCai!, YT. C, Guthrie, son, W. Lb. Rodman, Bragaw, Smail& Machean, W. S. Vendieton, —_—- — <0 ~~ a> > or i chol Rcn, Marista Dispatch, May 31, evening by & premature explosion of 50 quarts of nitro which was being used in shooting an oil well ou tbe Kelly farm The Killed were Win. WU. Watson, H. E. Selton, Frank Spears,'Phomas Daa- iels. Fatally injured, James P. Spears, Herman Speers, Dawson Stallar, William Carpenier. Se- riously injured, John Stalias, Wal- ter Daniels and Henry Statlar. The men were getting ready to close up for the day. Michael dZan- non completed the drillinw for the inal shooting. Tne well was being shot by the Humes Torpeds Com pany, which had lowered fiity quarts of nitro-glycerine into the arilling When the “yo devil’ was + down itdid not go off us expecied and tben wha is known us au ‘jack squib,’’ composed of heavy iven and dynamite with a protected fuse, was dropped into the well. It was expected that when they caine te- gether there would be the usual blast that would shoot the well, but it seems that the “jack squiv’’ explad- ed firstand then the crowd rushed to see the shooting of the usher, When they arrived at the derrick, the first charge that was put dowa went off with terrific force, wreck- ing everything and blowing the men in every direction. The remains of two of these had to be picked up in pieces, and those whe were fatally injured are mangled in a horrible manner. All of the victims are res- idents of this county, well-to-do and prominent citizens, and the calami- ty has spread distress every wiere, as weilas in the neighborhood of Whipple. Every means of relief so faras nurses and physicians snc supplies are concerned have been furnished from this city and neigh- boring points, but nothing can pre- vent the death list from being less than eight killed, while the extent of the injuries of John and Henry Stallar and Waicer Daniels are not as yet known. _ Geserving of bonor. Col. Dev- | Sle phen C. j Nitro-Glycerine Explosion Hilis Four Four men were killed, four others satallv injured and three crippled for life ot Whipple, a suor: distance east of this city, at 5 oclocis this vivcerine Emry, who is on the staff of Gen. Carr, has ithe distinguished honer of hav ‘been promoted froin the rank of pri- | vate to that of captain by virtue of {unusual gallantry in time of action. | Pbere is not amore splendid chapter ‘in the records of the civil war than ithat which chronieles the story of ‘Col. Emry.s Caving at Malvern Hill. | It reads like a remance of wildest Ris company, “C,” Twelfth .| Nor Carolina, was the color {;compauy in that dreadfui tight asd i}, |}every man in the company iwas either killed or wounded. Col. : ©. Wade refers to Col. Emry’s jcondaet intermsof unstinted praise. ; : | ‘Tun his cficial report he says: “The noble daring of PrivateT. L. i Emre won the admiration of all bis ‘camnuind, he having seized the fis bullets to the brow of the hill and there waved it defiantly in the ene- mys fuce until it aud the staff were completeiy riddled.”’ One whois in position to know facts stated that the flag staff in the brave soldier’s hands was shot in two three times and the banner was piers- eiwith more than 150 holes. Col. Emry was himself wounded three times during the episode, but§fortu- nately recovered to receive the bon- ev he so well deserved. Since the war his fellow citizens have heared honors upen him avd he holds many positions of trust. He has be prominent in Cenfederate circles, politics and in the development of the resourses of his native State. It is Cue to his hard work of four years that the Water Power Company of his home city. Roanoke Rapids, bas become the Jargest inthe State. Ee enjoys the esteem and admiration of those who know him and hag kept up his fine record made in war time. stl rN er A Prominent Pennsyivania Republi- can for Bryan. Carlisle, Pa.. Dispatch, ist. } John C. Lauer, the promiment Adams county Republican, formerly a presidential elector and now a member of the Republican State committee, said today that he is jn favor of the election of Hon. William J. Bryan for the presidency. He said: ~Tannounced myself some time ago as intending to vote for Mr. Bryan, and I stick to what I then said.”’ Mr. Lauer bases his change of opinion largely on the present com- mercial situation and cites cases to sustain his views, which are an- tagonistic to trusts. Ue says he knows of seven wholesale groceries that are being forced out of business in this section and believes the pres- ent administration is responsible for the situation. Mr. Lauer is one of the most prominent Republicans in this section and formerly a firm supporter of McKinley for whom he voted when a national delegate. Bismarck’s Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stom- ach, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring. use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They devel- opevery power of brain and body. Only 25¢e at W. F. Hell, Jr..s Drug Store. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen’s Arniea Salye cures them; also Oid,Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils Fel- ons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. 23 cents a box. Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist, fave one and rushed through the shower of about which there has been such “ry for some time, it is cer- :ibat thereis trouble of wroater nature which coneerns the two nations. More than the usual friction has existed between the Americans and the Prench for a number of weeks, and it wasbut a day or two ago, | am told op good authority, tbat an open rupture occurred, One of the American coimmission- ers, exasperated at with which the french sdministra- tion officers moved, used strone a fas tae ing tne Frenchman down. Cemmissioner General Picard was called in and demanded an apology from the American commissioner. This was refused,and it was pvint- incident were suck asto demand an matter rests there for the present, but naturally the relations are net cordial, os oe = m2 eo ee Pekin Dispatch, ist. country news is constantly arriving of fresh atrocities committed by the Boxers. Three Christian families were massacred at Shan Lai Ying, 60 miles from Pekin, Friday, May 25 Only two escaped. abattalion of troops. railroad station, work shops -nud sheds were gutted and much rolli a5 mn stock was destroyed, including th mm} ‘ > oS done is estimated at half a miljion taels (about $350,000). The neish- boring villagers seem to have joined inthe attacl, showing that the movement is not contined to the ‘“Boxers."’ Eiebt rioters who were captured will be decapitated. Rid- ine through tbe south vate of Pekin the correspondent found the rocd inside the walls lined with troops, who ereeted the traveler and his party with a fusilade of stones. ‘ihe whole country is much excited, oO A Hardware Dog. New York Sun. He streiled into the corridor of the Waldorf Astoria. At his beals trotted, or rather siunk, a fairly good-looking fox-terrier. It was plain that the dog knew he had no business there. A uniformed at- tendant touched the man on the arm. “Beg pardon, sir,’ said he: ‘‘you must not bring that dog in here.”’ ‘Dog, dog,’ exclaimed the man: “dem th’dog. Ltold him to stay out,” and he made asifto kick the doz, which darted out of the place. “That's my hardware dog,” said the man. “Hardware dog,”’ said a bystand- er. ‘“‘Queer name; whydo you eall him that? “Why? Why, every time I kick at him he makes a2 bolt for the door:”’ 9 A negro ex-convict burglarized Only | another coon’s dwelling in Wilming- Cure guaranteed: ton last week and was cauzht and jailed. the slowness languaze which was rescnted. The scene ended in the American kpeck- ed out that the circumstances of the apology from the Frenchman. The Three Families Siurdered by Borers. From al! parts of the surrcurding ple shall be by ballot and ali elec- tions by the seneral assembly shail be viva voce. (See. 7.) Eve voter in North Carolina exce: in this artic! Cisqualified eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the cifice he shail take and sub- serite the following oath: “Lo... 2, do svleainly swear (or affirm) that I will support and tnai the ¢on- stitution and laws of the U States and constitution and laws of North Carolina not incensistent sherewith, and that I wiil faithfully discharge the duties of iny office at saiecies sr ecaeesO BGP me, God.” (See. 8.) Tue following classes of persons shail be disquaiitied for eflice: Pivst. all persons who shail deny the being of Almighty God. Second, all persons who shail have been convicted cr confessed their guilt on indictment pending and whether sentenced or net or under judgment suspended of any treason or felony er cf any other crime fer which the puniskment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary since becoming citizens cf the Unit- ed States, or of corrvipricn aud mal- practice in office, unl oh person shall be restored to the riguis of citizenship in a manner prescribed by law. Sec. 2. That all of the provisions A representative of the Associat- 4 éd Press visited Fang Tai this morn-! ing and found the place occupied by j ‘ile whole} of the constitution relating to suf- registration and elections 2s contained in this act amending the constitution shail go into effeer on he first day of July, nineteen hun- ;dred and two, if a majority of the ct £4 ' a qualified voters of the state sc de- : 5 % felureat the next general electi imperial palace car. The damzge |C@™e at the next general election See. 3 This amendent shal! bi submitied at the next general elec tios te the qualiGfed vuters of the state In the saine manner and under 12 sume rules and regulations us js i the law regulating gen- iu this state and in e Muay firat, eiykteen hundred and ninety-nine, and at said election those persons desiring to vote for suchamendmert shall cust a writ- ten or printed ballot with the words “Por suffrage amendment’ thereon: and those witha contrary opinicn shall cast a written or printed bal- ot with the words “Against the lmendment”’ thereon. See. 4. The said election shail be held and the votes returned, zom- pared. counted and canvacsed and the resu!tannounced under tbe same rules and regulations as are in force ior retursiny, comparing, counting and canvassing the votes for mem- bersof the general assembly may rst, eighteen hupdred and ninety nize, and if a majority of the votes cast are in favor of the said amend: ment, it shall be the duty of the voy- ernor of the state to certify said amendment under the seal of the state to the secretaay of state, whe shall enroll the said amendment so certified among the permaneut rec- ords of bis office. Sec. 5 This act shail be in force from and after its ratifiction. Rat- ‘ified the 2lst day of February, A, and he burried on and was _ lost in | : the crowd befere the bystander had. a chance to hit him. i D 1899, The easiest and most effective ‘method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, Havsss QUALIFIED as ADMINISTRA- I heteby notify all rsons havi i against said estate to aoe the Pat Se or before Aprtl sth., x90r. Those indebted t the estate are requested to ma} = ment. This April sth, 1900. RB. .MecLaughiin, Attorney. BY VIRTUE ofa decree of Iredell Superior titled A. D. Plyler, Marion A, Plyler a ee as the uudersigned =e missic Said court, will . doors in Statesville, N. c., ome ame re-sell ut public auction to the valuabic tract of land containing roa CHARLOTTE, N.C. McELREE’S Wine Gf Cardui: will banish it. This medicine # cures all “‘ female diseases” quick- jy andpermanently. It does away with Lumiliating physical ¢xami- nations. The treatment may be taken at home. There is not con- £ tinual expense and trouble. The § sufierer is cured and stays cured. Wine of Carduiis becoming the leading remedy for 2ll trombles of g this class. Itcosts but 81 from any § gist. : For advice in cases requizing special directions, address, the § “Ladies Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicize Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, fon an MRS. C.J. WEST, Nashvilic, Tenn., writes :—* This wonderful medicine ought § to be in every house where there are g:ris women.” eee ene “Thad stomach trouble twenty years and vave up hope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- sia Cure. It hasdone meso much good I call it the savior of my life.” writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn, It digests what you ea’. W. F. Hali,Jr. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. itartificially digests the fooda Nature in Strengthening and ee structing the exhausted Cigestive or- lt You ‘No trouble to answer guestio ate na PY 8, GaRnay, Vv. PL& Gen. Man. J. 4. Culp, WASHINGTON, DC. Need Fire, tife > ee ate Accident , Insurance Sce Brown & Guy TINSUTRANCKE WEADQUARTERS. mce—Seconé Vicor Bank Building, . #SHEVILLE, N.C. W. AL Tork Trat.. Man. G.P gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. Noother pre rai Can approach it in efficiones. ie << stantly relieves and permanently cures yspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps, and ail other results of imperfect digestion. Prepored by EC. Dewitt &Co.. Chicago. Supplies For sale Thave Flour, Corn, Meat, ete., for sale on time. See me when you want time on your purchases of supplies. This March Sth., 1900. Respectfully, J. L. COWAN, At rick Store, Back of Harrison’s. Administrator's Notice. tor of the estate of Ann Crawford. deceased K¢ an early settie- Hi. UL. STEVENsox, Administrator. Re-Sale of Land. Court made in the special Proceeding en- MONDAY, MAY 21ST, 1900, highest bidder a icres, more S, Iredell county, N.C, € the j Plyler tract of land. famous little pills for cleansing the : ined till the purc liver aud bowels. W, F. Hall,Jr Hacks This April 19th, 1900, low. Only the — Try Us Ss ne GUN, Sporting Goods, Table Cultery, Meat Choppers or anything else you may need tn the ardware Line. If you are not pleased with our goods after examining them, we don't ask you to Duy, Yours truly. W. A. Thoma: & Co. Buggies ——_. We have just received a car of Buggies, Hacks and Sur- reys which we wiil sell very close for Cash or on Time. Nice Jobs. It will pay you to see them before purchas- ing. _ Respectfully, Henkel Bros. March 22nd. Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, Dentist, STATESVILLE, N. C. Will be in his office two weeks, beginning with first Monday in e2ch month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You wil find it to your interest to do sc. | Work done in best manner. Prices best material used. & Surreys. Sloa The q How neat] bougt fore ¢ The Sta big Red will a mat anyth our p and i Ever: past Bugzie vance in th¢ stock early. seliing you a vehicle to and will us us aud we the guaran’ Att Washington Special to Raleigh Post. ' Atlanta Constitution “ 3 A c Re eRe “ —_ 7 - i ‘ ‘ - ae ——=—=—=_ a alee . ee = ae et an ie : = WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. Lo OL, VIL. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1900. ma = a EDITORIAL NOTES. LOCAL. Mr. Kluttz Speaks on Trusts. | AMONG THE POLITICIANS. | England's Victory. 7 | GENERAL NEWS. ; Mr. Waiter Thompsen is at home| The speech of Mr. Kluttzon trusts} South Dakota Democrats instruct- | This Congress spent over seven | trom Greensboro. |that appears in the Kecord today is|ed for Bryan. - hundred million dollars of the peo- See cee jattracting attention, coming as it} t _ 3. |tween the Britist Saas 2 Mrs. M. M. Speck is visiting ber | does fromionelisollicoasemsaticeland | North. Dakota Democrats in- | sritish and the Boers in | 3 ; A . The Na-} cso. Serene s — ls . . “ae {South Africa. , : ple Semone One sh ar sister in Mocksville. such aclear reasoner. Upbraiding eeectee for Bryan and the Chicago | It was admitted that Reed At Albany, Ga., one day last ein D COS Ce Dia Oma CDCI | Miss Ida Orr, of Charlotte, is vis- | the Republicans, he says: p ae ; ae i week, J. K. P. Keaton shot and fa- _Moenths ago the well inforthed pre- Three miners were killedin a mine dicted the result of the struggle be-|¢xplosion near Gloucester, Ohio,— 8 @ ——-:0:—-—— I handle all kinds ite M: “now , = | followers lenty : ss : s ee ae ed of Granite and Marble known .o the trade and “take a whack” at the fearful ex-|;, diss 1da Orn, of Chai “Deaf, dumb and blind for six Col-rado Democrats have Aine (Raa et Peon ally injured his son, Walter, ‘be- os Senne travagance of the McKirley admin- | a . long months, that majority, in the | struct«d for Bryan and the Chicago | their opponents had the s | Cause the lad teased him. t M t ] g ar ; Hear Aycock here Satarday. He). locinie honrsiiictl Ghes aecst ations SO s had the same qual. | Bes ater1a > istration. One of the things which |;- tha ablest speaker in North Caro- se ee eee < pe eeomore tfurm. jity, and, moreover, it was known; ©The members of the family of First-cl work will largely contribute to Bryan's |lina. tor adic Se t, hi REY vale. |y,Pbe Democrats of Harnett county | that England possessed practically ncorke McGarr, a well-known far- irst-C ass or lection is th fligate waste of . : or adjournment, has at lact awak-!have nominated W. A. Stewart, a /i0exkaustible resources. mer Hving near Scmmit, Ga., were i election is the proliig eS Miss Maud Burke is at home from | ened to the fact that the demands of | rising young lawyer, for the House.|., With a proper understanding of | Poisoned one day last week by eat- and Lowest Prices the people’s money by the Republi-|the Baptist Female University at]an outraged and indignant public | aeuiie 7 “|these conditions, it required no|i®€ ice cream, Twelve persons can party. If retrenchment and re-| Raleigh. — ey ae en be heard. | Same ee Democrats eee gift of prophecy to foretell | mete poisoned and it is feared nine form were ever needed, now is the intendent Thompson and all esmitings of guilty conscience, ; nominated ex Judge A. W. Gra-|the end of the conflict. The Boers|ofthem will die. Mr. MeGarr is S. ba WEES as nae ae Re ST of ae graded ce es a Nera See bam and W. H. P.Jenkins for the | made a brave fight, but they finally the only one reported dead so far. : ‘ 5 school were re-elected last Thirs-|2© Cone, Coupled with the fear that | House. | went down in the shock of battle be-} Robert Avery, of Winsted. Conn., Statesville, N. * * something might be done to curb the | fore the re eat 2 i . aan * day, trusts, has eee eee and oe Democrats instruct. | [Pe the red coats, who have rarely | who had his clothes stolen while in 1@ or = a en = tees oa 1, . ° Bryan and declared they oe eee act their Staadard | bathing, wandered in the woods ad- o ; ne heig ats of success. ‘ Jacent to the stream for two days t is not likely that the yanquish- | and nights. He was shot at and That was an entirely uncalled for} Mrs. W. S. Ward has moved back | fraudulent expression in voth the e@ attack which ex-Judge Spencer B. | to town from Cool Spring oRnee matter and the manner of this pro- Adams, the Republican candidate Ste i a a cottage on helly Eon Sie ee eco ed will make an effort to continue |chased by dogs as a ‘wild man’” for Governor, made upon Editor |S eet. t tal nu ore e@ maj "iting 1 See fake ecu the Populist | their unequal struggle against over | whenever he appeared until finally OF STATESVILLE, N. Cc. OH e ie Mr. Emmet McKoy, of Hunters- your ittle piece of peanut politics|clerk o. e Superior Court of | whelming odds. The talk about ajone courageots man got close = ) ; eats 1 | Ville, returned home last week after monty Be Goon oo Hane ae | Fleeced ycounty,) #8 jout orate guerilla warfare in the hills is idle enough to hear his story and bring ‘Transacts a Regular Banking Business. Deposits received subject to check on sig last week. Mr. Crowson 1S welll. visit to bis sister, Mrs. J. E. ore coneenRe aan aes and amendment. and useless. At one time, after the | him clothing. 5 4 luvrest aid on time deposits. Money loaned on good collateral and personal secur| known in Statesville, where he has Cochrane. ong suffering people. ey know The Indiana Democratic State surrender of the Confederate forces {—_ — >peciafattention paid tv collectionson aij puints, ani credited or remitted at lo west ra hiner noch cavoicto: Miricienoin ee : that your party is, and has been the convention nominated Jobn W.|2t Appomattox, there was similar NG ete Bs. Accounts fU >coorations Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals solicited ard ae Seay Mr. Holland Tbhowpson is at home| promoter, the friend, the shield and Kern for Gov orsed | talk, but it amounted to nothing. [cane eeeey: Roanoke, Tenn. «ceived on most favorable terms a cripple all his life, but his misfor-| from New York, where he has been/the buckler of the trusts. They | p, a aoa ne Sees The brave inen who had followed DeWi setae HARES KE OFPFICHRS: tune has not daunted his vrave spirit pursiting a post graduate course in | know that your attorney general, y ad silver, Lee and Johnston for four years ve- ee a —— One 3%¥0@ A COOPER, President, 5.6 IrVI N, Vice Presidemt and his life has been spent in honest | Cornell University. See cee ae ane PiissourijDemocrats bave nominat- pues the terms of the surrender. | eq an neue Ll ee i 4 ES 5 &, sper cet eae : Seat arn 1g | Power in the laws and on the statute |ed ex Congressman Alex uM. |They ret Sr nen Secon nowy jaw. GEO. H. BROWN. Cashier. work for his own living. That Judge Mr. H. B. Alexander has opened sman Alexander M vy urned to their desolate Cures Piles and all skin diseases. Adams could wantonly insult such{a stock of groceries in the room in book, has utterly failed to proceed Dockery for Governor and endorsed | homes and went to work in good; Lookout for worthless imitations FRICKR COMPANYS would abide by the Kansas City platform. First National Bank the Bank building, recently occu- aeeree ee en a me one of| Bryan and silver. ied by the One Price Store. the trusts, ey Know that it was as section, a y , {with the money contributed|, The Democrats of the Western! After all, she defeated need not _ Wm. McLelland, son of Dr. S. W.| by the trusts that you debouched Criminal Court District have re:/ despair. ‘Tuey have made a brave|). ape ) Stevenson, of Mooresville, won the] ejection officers, bribed and intimid- | 2Omivated Judge Yepry E. Stevens, feht against the foremost power of task we, sallee an unfortunate young man proves faith to rebuild their impoverished |W. F. Hall, Jr., that he is totally untit to be made Governor of Narth Carolina. But Near West Durham one eyening tippey, a white man, took a little girl, Geneva Crab- Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill With simultaneous racket setting white man who would call out at an election: ‘‘All you white people ty commencement. Dorman Thomp- son, of Statesville, and J. K. Hall, such might be expected rrom tue) Greek price at the recent. Wniversi-! ated voters, Dought States aad stole | “+ Guacompe, for judge: the presidency and the Congress, and they know you are playing to West Virginia Democrats nomi- nated Judge John H. Holt for Gov- the world and their place in history will be by no means ingiorious. In the course of a few months tree, under ten years old and the daughter of a widow. to the woods and assaulted her. Hewas arreste@ y Otani cland catia fe . 5 : > owership, won the pres-| do j ‘ai “he aaalgne : : nd blocks and cable rope feed, the come up and see me vote for ne- of Bethany township, pres-|do it again. ernor. instructed for Bryan and en-} Peace will reign in the Transvaal and jailed after confessine his ‘Ssing tas aw ; %e “34 Rlaccre n <n ‘ P ist sensitive feed ever put on a saw Aa ident’s prize. Messrs. Thompson{ + They haye suffered under the in-|dorsed the Chicago platforn and the Boers will ue putting j . se : = ; eroes. ‘ canes cra cor ~ s hie f a. 44s we pulling in} ape a i 2 _ also Prick Company s Kroes and Hall stood test and second, re- | solence and arrogance, the heartless- H. D. Welet oe 2s ers their cfeps as usual and the genius Se: The sirl is Jer iously » but ENGINES * » spectively, in the iunior class, and} ness and grinding cruelty of these}, 4:7? Welch, of Jactsca couaty, | of civilization will prevail and bless | °™##PS not fatally, injured, D aN Eb! “ will doubtless be the Lonor inen of|corrupt ana crimina: aggregations | 28S Yecu nominated for the Senate alleclasses. In this -enlightened age} i i AND BOILERS, The Republicans make a great} the graduating class next year. of ill gotten capital; they have trac- ay ae core of Henderson, people are glad to forget war and m™ ee casa ai sed howl about the poll tax provision of —— ed the evil to its source. and know |*T@0syivania, Jackson and Swain] its bitter losses. j,, the busiest and mightiest little counties, thing thatever was made is Dr. ortable on Wheels or sills. Sta ery eagiges and bowlers, any and the gveat bill climbing ‘ciipse traction engine. A few Cottou Gins at low prices. An Iredel! Young Man Married in| Whence comes this brood of bell. They wage no war on capital assuch;they| J. S. Gell, of Clay county, has Bayle Witn une Boxers. welcome and would foster _produc- | been nominated for the Senzta DY | snanghai, China Dispatch, sth a 5 On Tuesday last at Marion, Mr. tive industry and enterprise, but| the Dewucrats of Clay, Cherokee, Seta ne sare 40 before the county commissioners | soace Cornelius and Miss Mary they ae ce in their right- eee and Graham counties. He W Hi, urner and be released from paying poll|Chase were united in matrimony. Pee tke bsiencd ee must go, | has served in the Senate before. ment quite close to Pekin. Many|derfuiia building up the health onkand *|/tax. The certificate of release will ibe pre and so seis ee a ee ee Sone ae Renate The Democrats of the 32nd Sena-| were killed on both sas “ae con 1Gnly 25 cents per box. Sold by Ww. Series ne same patposaastneler: the I Seger Coma sotea promise, aud they know the only | *0rial district (Gaston, Cleveland, {Sequence of the repyeseatations of [F Hall, Jr., Druggist. receipt as faras voting is concerned. | yn. Je Cornelina. in Davidson | bope of relief from the domination of ues onons Polk counties) have |Janan, the landing of a large Rus-| ———----——- ‘. . md ° ee . je Bde o> R ~ a ate $7 em . . « ~~ « * 7c >. mn yy, Mace wo ave ¢ 6 “utiv7ene The man wie is able to work Bncsoeechastmncianicler ie ee the trusts, the only hope of the sal- oe ESS M. H. Justice, o! iutuer- am force at Taka is alleged to have; The Messenger says that citizens : : : : Dot S at } vation ef the plein peaple of tuis|:0TG, and is. v¥. Webd, of Cleveland, | been stopped. It is believed here |of Washington, N. ©., were wit- who will not pay his poll tax, which|was served. Mr. vornellus is a souatry aon industrial clavery ar for Senators. ’ | that should Russia persist in send-| nesses of a fight a tne | barhcor is almost wholly applied to the De Oly Reena oe in the rout and defeat of the Repub-| ‘The Soci: ee . | preponderating force to the front, | that town a few days ago, the cause school fund for the education of the lius ence eavokrie fan lican party and the election of a Nowe Voolitace Ser aea ae a coneen with Japan will inevital-}of which was quite out of the ordi- sbi} > ; , = eat atic si wats s ne minate y result. . r x : en children of the State,should not vote. | gays for their home at Birmingham, | Pemocratic President and Congress. | J. yp. Maloney. of Byrn, Mase” for © Ana nary. A colored funeral had been if : - ; 5 Well may you trim and dissem. i a > $s., for arming reports afd current here/in progress and as the pall-bearers If he peaomocey any of the State's Ala. ble. Well you mayflitcyiito aeccue ee of the United States and}of the hurried’ completion of the | were returning from the cemetery burdeas, ne should have no share in i See yet once again by feigaing to legis as See pecumneOr Pittst.23, imodolization to the Japanese flect.|a dispute arose as to which one of its management. The pol tax pro- : lateagainst yqur wankers and mast-}~ 7” , ice resident. - The Russian minister. at Pekin, | the pall-bearers toted the heaviest vision of the amendment is a just . _jers. The people are roused to the! The Davie Demoeratic ticket is as Sean has jase another at- side of the corpse, and it was nob one, and ifitisadopted the schoo! Gazette learns |importance of this mighty contest, |follows: Hous». FE. DL. Gaither; | {¢mPtto induce the Chinese For-|many minutes before blows were ex- Ale («| that the corpse of a white man, with juno though theodds are great, right /clerk, J. B. Jcknston; register of | !R% Oftice to formally request Rus- | chaaged. fund will get much money which it| bullet hole in it, was found Tues- will prevail against might, truth|deeds, S.J. Tatum: sheriff J. G.| Tiles ence tO restore ozder. |- ? oe ’ : . . _—— =< the amendment. Any man who is physically unable to work,or whohas had a severe attack of sickness, saa King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a suygar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness intost reneth, The soldiers dispatched to attack | listlessness into energy, brain-fag the Boxers have fought an engage-| into menta! power. They're won- Marion, Mooresville Enterprise, S:atesville, N.C. Over Festaa Bros fry & Phifer. Let us sell you yourShirts, Collars wn? Ties, for we will save you money. Our line of Shoes, Hosiery anc Pants Will be sure to please. We will sell you & cans cf 25 cent. Peaches for $1. Leggetts Maracabo Coffee best on earth. Jac. per tb. Fresh Italian WW Macaroni, 12c. Don’t miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes Reidsvitie Keyiew, The Leaksville send oe pomipses Sere a 3 Buffalo church, | avainst fasehood, the people against | Peebles; treasurer, J. V Howell: Violent dissensions are veported to Physician's ailed. = syille. : S - ; gene *Jexist between th ines - ERY & PHIFER. Se Re eae erent coroner, A. J. Anderson: suryeyor, lori! ot rane oeoecommand:| 5. Wall, Benaettsville, S.C Ae posed to have been killed while the] “Nor is this the only count ia the|E. C. Smith: commissioners, A. ¢|@*M2;chief of the forces, June Iu,]_ ?° I was\verp sick with fever last Cn oS EE TDN, aie recent Association was in session |rmighty indictment which vay will] Wood, C, 0. Sanford and’ A. we |224Prince Ching Tuan, who in ac. |S4YS: 1 was very sick with fever last a F The constitutional amendment] her The sorv: S thas of = ae SSA SS Namen | lemma) wi pd a an : - | corda, ith th ish fall and after taking $13 worth of ae a eee 5 : ee ee bat e | have to answor at the bailét box in| Ellis, Dowie eee ee a Che a sckomngaatneiare nal ase aca EY sere eS. Sib a eek a‘ o€s not propose to disfranchise| stranger and has not been identified. | x SUN AANES owager Empress, is strongly sup- : , Ss i ofits eke et ber wcoren ° prop strang November. Your frequent and porting the at ot the Lata benetited thereby, I bought two any white man because of his inabil-|‘lhere is no clue relative to the flagrant infractions of the constitu- The Battle of Catubig ity to read and write. This is right. | Tagedy- aoe oa coe of solemn prom- | washington Dispatch, oth. D eng ees ape ises to the Porto Ricans; your mur- emocratic party does not, der of our brave soldiers in the Philippines by incompeteat gener- ai a de fot ~~ \3 /iEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & § “ \ Yd ‘YONiCc PELLETS vou do not buy a med- ff The icine, but a Complete ‘frestment for Bilicus- and never The mobs who murdered the Eng-|0xes Gi Eamon’s Liver Pills and lish missionaries, Robinson 2aa}20Hie Pellets which etfected a com 5 ~ es wwe ’ 7. ae ~ Perhaps the’ most thrilling and|Norman, mutilated ang disambow!- plete cure. For sale by N. R, Tun picturesque incident of the entire|{ed the bodies. The station at Yan |St#l One Dry Spot Left. will, favor an educa-] pavie Times. q sigh PF ness, Constipation and Headaches. _ftis two & tional test for voting as applied to Considerable excitement was cre-|alship, your determination to crush peers oe occurred at Catubig, |‘1ix, three miies from — Pekin, has 5a ao ti / cistinct medicines, but sold for one price—25¢. white men. Thousands of the yned-! ated at Fork Church last week on|out liberty in those islands, your “e coe Js ani eee where, en ei eee The British minister, cay . 5 : . yoy ‘The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets sated whit nof North Caroli-}occount of some unagcountable freak janglomania. which has committed |jsPTL 14th last, & party of 31 en-|SirClaude McDonald, is reported] Henry Bissell, Hatton, Arkansas, eS tone up the nervous system and invigorate. aie Sica neni eee {of nature. On Wednesday night} you to the obsolete Hay-Pauncefote pane men of Company H, Forty-| quite ill. says: I] cannot find words to ex- = Fel neg CRS DCSE CIE there was a hard rain and on the|treaty and renounced our right to Soe ee ania Moxce eae paises on Ralict Sion s 2:0n’s Relief ‘also. of some 600 insurgents during four days ot the fiercest fighting, re-en- zens and most loyal Democrats. |jand of James Carter there was a| build, fortify and protect an Ameri- London June Sth.—A special from |. frered with Bilious Colic for years Sloan Clothing Co., Successors to Sloan & Shelton, The question of dress agitates the mind of every one more or less. How can | be neatly dressed for the least money. Of course to dzess neatly you must have a suit that fits and one that wears. We bought our steck before the advance in woolens for the cash there- fore can save you money. The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. We can give you| Their use of the ballot has been to Pretty sepa a ae jon. a man’s Suit for $2.00. If you want a suit, hat, shirt, necktie or|the injury of the State and her peo-| carrying a : J anything in gents furnishings you cannot afford to not see us. See our pure Irish Linen collar for 10c. We are anxious for your trade and if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must be as represented .Thanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we ure Very truly, . Sloan Glothing Co They are voters and self governors by inheritance. For a thousand ancestors have governed themselves, and the Democratic party of North their right to vote away from them, nullified by the ignorant and vicious negroes. The negroes have shown themselves to be dangerous voters. ple, and it is the intention of. this amendment to our State constitu- tion to take tne ballot away from most of them. White men, get right on this question. Allow no misrepresentations vy men who Carolina does not propose to take] our Home, Marshall, N.C. to or longer allow their yotes to be| driving through the county, in Liles- spot about 13xIS feet that did not{ can isthmian canal:your utteridenial get a drop of rain and was perfectly |of even an expression of American years in England and America their|@ry though the ground was wet all|Sympathyffor the suffering South Af- 5S ‘ zs around. rican republics; the reign of loot and ——— plunder in which your officials have Plowing by Laimplight. reveled in Cuba and the Philippines: your iil-seGiling seandal of Gage and the City National Bank; your ab- solute refusal to enlighten any part of the burdens of the war taxes; all these, and many others of like ilk, A gentleman tells us that he was ville township, a few nights ascend noticing a. light moving near the|~* oe : ele roadin a mysterious manner, left =a ee sins for ep ich — ee be his buggy to investigate the matter. | C@Ue¢ to answer at the bar of en- BS lightened and outraged publig opin- Your record is sugh that vo party gan successfully face. If your eyes were not hidder you would now see, what all the world sees, the handwriting on tbe wall—the ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upbarsin,’ of the Re- publican party.”’ the boy was a farmer engaged in lowing his cotton by the feeble rays of light emitted by the lantern, tne Four Men Killed by Lightning. Jacksonville, Fla., Dispatch, Sth, eee ec We a Tom Jenkins. Peter York, Harry Town Infested With Snails, Davis and Peter Wiggins, all color. | attimore sun, of time. members of the majority of the logs- The War Department has receiy-| tons at Pekin, including ttie mem- ] the Forty-taird that regiment, who commanded the’ Chinese residents are leaving the {+ of the affair and the relief. in town, and from a deserted church | ™4ted at $5,000,000. directly adjoining came a rifie and eee Tuesday morning bandfuls of burn When About to Take a Drink ing hemp were thrown into the bar- ee racks from the insurgents in the | Pis**ill Landing, N. ¥., Dispatch, sth, cburch and soon the soldiers’ refuse} Michael Sideck, a Hungarian, em- wason fire. All etforts to subdue| ployed on O’Brien’s brick yard, was the fire failed and finally the litt]le|drowned in the Hudson river to- cannon fire of terrible intensity. On | Fell into the River and was Drowned postmaster at Burlington, forcements arriving in just the nick | Sbanghai, dated June 8, says thelinc the doctors failed to do me any ood. I cured it with Ramon’s Re- ief and-Ramon’s Liver Pills. I ed reports from Capt. H. M. Day, of bers of the Gritish legation, arelhave sold G@rugs and medicines for d _ Volunteers, ana |*eoding their families away. It is|97 years, and have handled all kinds Firct Lieutenant J. ‘T. Sweeney, of also said that several prominent of patent medicines. Ramon’s beats hem all. I have sold and used Ra- rescue party, giving all the details|City: There is an unconfirmed re-| mon’s for ten years with always the Accord-| Port that two Russian engineers greatest satisfaction. ing to these reports, the attack on |@ve been murdered at Yu Chow Fu, customers will testify that Ramon’s the garrison at Catubig began with- | 20%thwest of Port Arthur, after]) iver Pillsare th best family med- out warning on Sunday morning, their wives had been outraged. The | icine they ever used. April 13th. From the hills on ajj|total damage done to the Chinese family had a trial dose in their house sides, from every point of vantage railroads by the Boxers is now esti- today. For sale by N. R. Tunstall. Hundreds of I wish every J. Z. Waller has been appointed hope for ofbce through the negro owe Merrill-Stevens a B band made a dash for the river bank. | night while takingadrink of whis- : : STO! ed, employes of the Merrill-Stevens| A plague of snails, as the afflicted | C206 ™ ca : Sse (eae siaerereteaig ars a neigh- on ee ae vote to mislead you from your duty Engineering Company, were killed | peopie call them, has struck the city Se sae a ee 4 es bank mol nom = While es ane bors — d to your State and race. by Bens ous oO eck oe as ot Se ee igus torce, boas sclacasen ee eae ee ee ae ee oe eae adc noon, whue at work under the|/and instances are cited where per- : rca a8 )% on ; 2 x * steamer Commodore Barney, hauled | sons have been com pelled to poe tomake the opposite shore and when | the brick yark at about dark to row think you 4. CAR LOADS, 4 Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- vaace in the price cf materia!, we are enabled by having purchased our steck early, to seil at old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been selling you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresexted a vehicle to make a sale. We want your trade and will use our best efforts tomeritit. When you buy a buggy f-om us and we guarantee it, you know it means our Standing Square behind the guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson When the Republican and Pop- ulist opponents of the amendment say the amendment will disfranchise white men, they should be asked to tell how and what white men. Under the _ provisions of the 5th section, commonly known as the ‘“‘grandfather clause,”’ all white men can vote whether able to read and write or not, for every white man was either a voter in 1867 or is the son or grandson of a man who could yote in 1867. The only possible exception to this is out on the ways at South Jackson-! Their first appearance was after the ville, Fourteen other men were | flood of February, 1884, but they shocked, some of them seriously. have never been so badas at present. Wiggins’ neck was broken but not}The peets are not exactly likea a mark appeared on the body of any |snail, but resemble it in some re- of the dead men. Several of the in-|spects. They have no shells and jured had their scalps badly torn/are night raiders. In size they avd lacerated. The bolt struck a range from one to six inches in large chain that is used in the ways|length, being from a quarter of an tohaul out the steamers and ranlinchto aainck in diameter. The down to the men at work on the hull. | larger ones are exceedingly repul- Of the injured four are white men. sive looking. It is not until 10 eae o'clock at night that the snails come Hobson Coming Home. out of their hidiog places under Washington Dispatch, yth. houses, and slug-hunting parties Naval Constructor Hobson, the|bave become fashinabie, hero of the Merrimac, now at Ma-| Armed withalamp andacup of a trench was finally dug with bayo-|to Newburgh. There they purchas- nets there were but 16 of the 31 jeft}eda gallon jug and filled it with to man it. Here for two days more| whiskey. When about in the mid- Corporal Carson, handling his men|die of the river, Sideck stood up, with the judgment of a yeteran, }ran his arm through the handle of held out under a terrible fire, until] the jug and started to take a drink. Lieutenant Sweeney's command,}A sudden lurch of the boat threw which bad been ordered to supplant |him backward into tke river. He the garrison at Catubig, and was on|could not free his arm from the jug its way up the river on the steamer {and its weight pulled him down. Lao-Aug, arrived. Not until within | He never rose to the surface again, a quarter of a mile of Catubig, says|His companions stopped the boat, Lieutenart Sweeney in bis report, |but no sign of him was seen after he did they hear the noise of the en-|disappeared into the water. gagement. Then he realized that he A ne Ra and his men were sorely needed, About Mr. Dockery. avd ordered the captain of the | Atianta Coustitution, steamer to run his boat at top must be twenty years older than you are? Yet it’s impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair. It’s sad to see young persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be- cause it’s all unneces- sary; for gray hair = — > > 7 : 5 y|Salt the people hunt for the pests, Ex-Congressman A. M. Deckery. ¥ A ttractive P rinting e the uneducated foreigner who came ante Gtsouit cmon Soins ae is found enone sree Bee ao oie ene '0/ of the third district, Missouri, fae may always be_re- tothis country after 1867, or the] He will be given aleave of absence = eee for the pace PAG basion cone See ror ae "The been nomiaated to make the race stored ee ee Se ays Mucntedidece Aeenee es other constructor will be de-|ticle of salt means death. = |x ues cai ‘andin, {fer Governor for the Democrats of to its The Mascot Printing Co, is better, prepared than macros ed descendant ofa foreign Seer fill his position tempora-|more salt the quicker the work. = poe eee a landing |hisState. It is said that he lives t ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- er who came here after 1867. The rily They leave behind a slimy track of ea cae i Oe eee fought out his initials and is an early riser. nat- ing, and at prices that estonish those who have foreign born population of North |" @5nstructor Hobson has been at | Silver that furnishes a clue to. their eae Tec sean ssa to sess He once refused an appointment as ural not favored us with orders. : Carolina is very small and most, if| yanila for some time engaged in|™ovements. In some places fine RECITES Caosa ae ae postmaster because of the paradox color 7S. rt not all, of the foreigners living in|superintending the raising of the | Carpets have been ruined, the slimy brought back to the boat the be. sea nore be created—A. M. Dock- by us- , P.M, 1000 Circulars '75c, Size5 x8. eee what ENVELOPES, 3 fine’“Smait one caser read than a large one. 100 Cards, 50c. With a handsome Card Case with your name engravid om the case. North Carolinacan read-and write. The intentionof the amendment is to disfranchise as many negroes as possible, and no white men, and sen Spanish warships. His dis-| trail eating likeacid, A slop buck- Spility is Boe believed % be at all} et is a favorite resort ior snails, and i si ; sa hundred have been serious, but simply the result of a}@S many asa red — close application to his duties in a| Salted down at one timein a bucket. tropical climate. A short rest in all sieged party, ‘numbering now only 13 men, and then steamed down the river. Captain Day bestows the highest commendation upon Corporal Car- ——-____ ’ Allen and Pettigrew Almost Come to fi Biows. Washington Special to Raleigh Post. 6th. ing — For over half a cen- tury this has been the Sienatnicipeinted AT LOW PRICES. = : : Doe : > Sake Saas its Republican opponents know pe will restore him to a — sae Seer | s0m.28 “displaying extraordinary F eee Allen of Nebraska aK standard hair prepara- ae , f ae ealth. <4 Cheap remedy tor coughs and| good judgment in the handling of | dressed some freeand frank remarks é ese Se aee a norra (RCo grata colds is all right, but you want| his me sae tion. It is an elegant Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete sat low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCK, PROPR'S. ON’S RAMON'S Hit Tip is Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chills and Lips 3 Fever and aii Malaria! Troubles. Does Not Contain Quinine. Nor Other Poison. soe i nrc ——— men will vote asnow, but three- fourths of the negro army which has loyally obeyed their or- ders at every election for 32 years |} will be disbanded forever, hence their frantic efforts to defeat the amendment. The question nar- rows itself down to this to every white man: ‘Do you~ want the negrces to continue to vote in North Carolina?’ If you do, -you will vote against the amendment; if you wnt’ white ~ government Raiiiions: Given Away. something that will relieve andcure It is certainly gratifying to the|the more severe and dangerous re- public to know of one concern in the|sults of throat and lung troubles. land who are not afraid to bé gen-| What shall you do? Go toa warm- erous to the needy and suffering. |er aad more regular climate? Yes, The proprietors of Dr. King’s New if possible; if not possible for you, Discovery for Consumption, Coughs|then ineither case take the OnLy and Colds, have given away over|remedy that has been introduced in ten million trial bottles of this great | all civilized countries with success medicine; and have the satisfaction |in severe throat and lung troubles, of knowing it has absolutely cured | ‘‘Boschee’s German Syrup,”’ It not thousands of hopeless cases. Asth- | only heals and stimulates the tissues ma, Brorichitis, Hoarseness and all! to destroy the germ disease, but-al- diseases of the Throat, Chest and | lays-inflammation,causes easyexpec Lungs are surely cured by it. Call’ toration, gives a good night’s rest, hismen, thereby saving the lives|to Senator Butler of North Carolina of the survivors and protectins the|concerning the latter’s alleged vio- wounded until relief came.’’ To|lation of an agreement that there each of the little command and{should be no nomination’ at the their rescuers he gives the highest |Sicux Falls Populist Convention praise for Vice President. The remarks PIO PILAR CAPLURED. fitted Senator Pettigrew of South Manila,‘June 9, 10.50 a. m.—Gen-| Dakota, apparently,as well as But- eral Pio Pilar, the Filipino leader, |/er, and he took the matter up. Al- has been captured near Manila. len thea denounced Pettigrew as a traitor, Pettigrew repeated the re- W.S. Musser, Millheim, Pa., sav-| proachful term and the two Popu- ed the life of his little girl by giving} listic Statesmen clinched. Friends her One Minute Cough Cure whea| interfered before any .blows were | she was dying ffomcroup. It is the|struck, and there the affair ended only harmless remedy that gives im-} for the time being. dressing; stops fall- ing of the hair; makes the hair grow 5 and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. " $1.00a bottle. All drugyists. “I have been using Ayer’s Hair Vigor for over 20 and I can it to the public as the best hair tonic in existence.” “Mrs. G, L. April 24, 149% If you do not obtain all the benefits expected from the Vigor, write the Doctor about it. Address, Se Dz. J.C. AYER, pa er ce EC eee Sconce Ope ween nC CRINGE .,,,on W. F. Hall. Jr., Druggist, and | and cures the patient. Try oxebot-| mediate results. It quickly cures i — a < oeneccol Sooo Eanclecs pac cieontnrenaibeattees Ris practice, and saye itis \ and white officers elected by white geta free trial bottle. “Bezalar| tle Recommended Sos by|coughs, colds, bronchitis, oon _Gen.Otis has arrived in San #ran- = will Perea ee ROWS ME OO Deere eee e HI, Rene ome men, you will vote for it. Under|size 50c and $1. Every bottle guar- all druggists in the world. _ Forjasthma, and all throat ard luag'ciscofrom the Philippines. He rc» which flag, white man ? anteed, or price refunded. sale by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. troubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. ports the war practically oyer. z ices , = Pd. ~ oe o po s e er e vo n t roe gee ie MR ae “ a THREMAS PueiasmeD WEEKLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. —_— 4. D. Warts. EpiTor & PROPRIETOR Entered at the Pestoftice at Statesville as second class mail matter. ] ’PyHONE No. 35. ‘Statesvitle, N. C., June Lt 1900. WILLIAM JENNINGS ERYAN, DEMOCKATIC CONVENTION DATE™ NatioxnanL Demecratric CONVENTION, KANSAS Crry, Missourt, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4TH. DEMOCRATIC STATE TISKET. NOR COCK, of Wayne. #NOR WU,FRED D,. Tt RK, of Iredell KETARY OY STATI j. \N GRIMES, of Pitt. : R TREASURE} BENJASIIN R. LACY, of Wake. rok AUDITOR BENJAMIN F. DINON, of Cleveland. r Attorney General Wii LIAM B. COUNCILL, © Electors-at-ar MCLEAN, of 1 Lio, OVERMAN, of Rowan, COUNTY TICKET. eATE 7TU Dt tet CHARLES H. ARMFIELD, of Iredell DERKETS M. RI ; of Yadkin. SSE: SASLUEL W. STEVENSON ALStON D. WATTS. YOR SHERIF JOUN H. WYCOF! FOR REGISTER OF DI EDs WILLIAM W. ‘TURNER, OK LREASUKIR JOUN A. HAYNES FoR « ORONER GEORGE M. FOARD, FOR SURV . 1RA W. SOM Rs. OUNTY COMMISSIONERS THOMAS M. C. DAVIDSON. MARSHALL K. STEELE. JAMES A. BLACK, PGE SPROMAL SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. turolina inet In adjourned session in be taleivh Tuesday. On the first day ’ — © aor 77 ; = hi Senators and 70 Representatives auswered to their names. Senators Hairston and Butler, of this dis- trict ¢ aiendauuce. Assistant Deorkeeper W. White, of of the Senate M. Mooresville, is also there. It is proposed to amexd the con- s!itutional amendment by so ¢om- dining the fourth and fifth sections that the CORLTLS ify it. ft 3< nrans - i it is proposed to amend the elee- iton law by striking out the inquiry by the registrar of election as to whether poll tax had beer paid. Another amendment provides that if any judge of the Superior or Su- preme Courts is applied to by any person to issue mandamus or in- junction preceedings to restrain or otherwise interfere with any elec- ticacficer under the election law in performance of his duty as such, then aud in that case all allezations coptauined in the aftidavit or com- paint upor which such application is based are deemed to be denied and such maudamus or injuaction shall aot? fuct are passed upon by the jury at the next regular term of Superior Court to ve held for the county in which such eleetion officer may re- side. The offieer may appeal from the Superior Court to the Court and may give bonds for costs and damages, not to exceed $200, zedan order for injunction shal] net issue pending the appeal. The third amendment provides for can- vassing the vote on the constitu- licnal amendment, which was omit- ted in the law as originally passed. it has been agreed in eaucus that be other legislaticn will be attempt- ec, except such as is agreed on in caucus. The session will probably terminate Vriday or Saturday, but it Is probable that a recess will be taken until some time in July. It is well for the Democratic Legisla- ture to be prepared for any move which the fusion judiciary may take. We will doubtless be able to print tie full work of the session next week. The members are serving without pay unG are paying their own ex- penses. All honor to the large number who are im attendance. and A imees for the Senate in the Burke- Yancey district, —_ oT {t seems that a woman, the Dbow-} aver impress, is at the bottom of| \ \ | the Boxer troubles in China. The | noncon Dispatch, rth, | Boxers, a political. religious party. | want to drive the foreigners, miss- eo pousncs especially,out of China,and \to accomplish this they are resort- ' \ of vislence and outrage. aver Empress, who is the real ruler of the empire (the Emperor is vir- tualiy a prisoner), is in sympathy The great powers of the world have had to intervene io protect the lives of their sub- jects living in China, and the long with the Boxers. dismemberment Chinese Empire may result from the _ aud it is not at all impro- pable that a great ernationa!l war } ec may be the outcome of t “ious persecutions of history. It who instigated the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day France, and the many keads which Qeeen Mary had chopped off in her vain attempt to reinstate the Po- sion in England won for her the world owes the spread of Chris- tianity and civilization which to-day ; all, of every Women largely support the pas- embraces some, if net race and country. inissionaries to bonizhted lands where they «become the forerunners of civilization and We believe the largely due to women that the world better living, has any relivion, for reli beat alow ebb ifthe women had no wore of it than the men, or rather than the men woman's good intluence, The French the fanaticel present crafty, de- hing’s cruel signing Dowager Empress of China are all forgiven-—are all but the ex- the countless is of wood women and who are devoting, their unseen-by-the world men may be better, eins ae reliable authority an of un We bave it on that a prominent adjoining county is telling the peo ple that all men, white men as well The ov. urrence is much regretted as negroes, willhave to be able to ote, If }svimpathises with bin in bis 1 the amendment is adopted, and that aman with an ordinary English edu- le to do this,as “much of the constitution is written cation will not that the ‘‘grandfather clause” 4 5 seid tt probably a inan who thinks «\ssemmbiy ¢ yt ‘ : . embly of North}. ordinary English education pot |‘ icient to enable a not that be has become agreat constitutional what the “vrandfather clause’ although we doub Pepresentatives Helman lams, of iredell, are all in : , it as his “erpinyun that the ment is onconstitutional The South African London Dispatch, 1 Two pieces Of news encouraging dis- com- 10 patcues are that ibe inunigations of Lord Roberts are by the hward and south- ward. and driving off the roving commandoes, and that Sir Redvers Builers is at last master of Laing’s communication with Lord Roberts is expected to be restored today.asa dispatch from iioemfontein, at tke railroad is in tin, and the work ‘pairing the line is going on rapid- y will stand or fall in the tovelher, and to make it zjority of the yotes : Ss moving re Telegraphic warchoused at Bloemfontein. From vae subjoined telegram it would ap- General Hunter was command of the troops referred to hy Gerierul Kelly-IXennyin his dis- patch from Bloemfontein: rnfontein, June 12—Genera! Hucter js coming up. rapidly from northwest, having sfeated a larye commando of Boers, © until the issues of railroad north of Kroonstad.’ The Boer government is also issu- s news cheering to its sympathiz bulletin, the Goer version ofthe disaster to the posted by Presi- dent Wruger Sunday at Macaderp: four divisions of erbyshires, w Supreme Froneman, Duplov, attacked the vodeval, kilied 200, too 700 pris- ebers and captured immense stores ced and ammunition, and 1,000 lyddite shells. ; taken bythe Boer farmers jish mail was taken. x ) atiacked from the open veldt, and/sTauted, and he also says that be is|}“Old Point,’ of unprecedented | SYre the parents of the young lady } faint ordor of Heliotrope, and it had have persuaded her to take the steps |a crest of Cupid's, was cream color- General Dewet was also fighting |im regard to the divorce. He says}|ed on June 2nd, whether at Roodeval/h¢ andthe young lady have been!crossed, no questions were asked, or ulsewhere is not clear, but the |S eethearts from childhood and vhat| forthe intruder knows how it is Boer War Office gives it out that he | they had often spoken of marrying, | himself. captured 3,000 suits of clothing, | Out bad no intention of murrying| watching they are going to see the Being |untilthe young lady was at ieast|Serator’s name coupled along with unable to carry them with him in {Sixteen years of age, until the par-/a very important transaction pretty his rapidsweep through the coun-|e™ts began to object to his atten-/eoon. And it will not relate to try, according to the Transvaal War | tions to their duaghter, and it was|Coclemee electric power, or anti- Office. he burned the whole mass, | teu that the young couple eloped | trust bills either. General Dewet has also reported ;#nd were mar, .ed. that he put 1,000 British out of ae tion and Gestroyed property valued The burghers blankets, gloves, boots, ete. ith, itis possible that he was en- gaging General Dewet. DP Se Davidson county Republicans and Populists bave fused and legislative ticket. - Buchasan, Republican, of | Md A. V. Miller, Popu-! aidwell, are the fusion nom-} Republican, was nominated for the Bouse and Rev. Geo. E. Hunt, Pop- ulist, for the Senate. on a county | Z. I. Walser, lyhe Brave Boer army guercd.—A Fresh Disaster to British Arn. Regiment were all killed, wounded | or made prisoners except six enlist- | men were wounded, many of them severely. Zs t is inferred that the Boers cap- tured over 200 men and as late as June 10th held positions cutting off the British forces north of Kroon- from re-enforcements. news that the shutting off of Lord Robveris’ Communication with the vuter world was accompsnied with such @ serious loss came like a oclt from a comparatively cic an Lundon, when the news came, it was thought that the destruction of the railroad was accomplished by ree Staters. who were avoiding rather than annihilating the British letachments stationed at the point attacked. Ouiside of the slender War Office telegrams no one knows what is go- ingon South of Kroonstad there isa wide gap. The railroad is only partiaily defended, and as General Kelly-Kenny bes hurried all the available troops north, the assump- tion is that there is danger of a sec- oud raid. A dispatch from Ventersdorf says that 250 Heers surrendered to Gen. itunter aed that the remainder in that distvict had promised to give up their arms. > taper tix-Governor Oates Hills a Negro + is } = Moutgemery, Ala, Specialto Atlanta Constitu- tio, icth Gen. W.C. Oates sbot a negro rman dead on bis premises in this city tonight after the negro hed shot and killed his eclored cock in her room ia an oxt house on the same lot. About 8:50 the yard boy went in- to the house and informed the gene- re! that a man was in Lula’s room, iwhting her, whereupon General Oates went out and heard quarrell- ingin the room. He went back and got his pistol. but before he got beck he heard a shot in the room and upen reaching there beard vroaus. He made tbe boy break, ceor and there being a : the room, saw the woman vet off the side of the bed and stag- sor aad fall to the tloor dead, having been shol in the head. The general said to the man: Biedown or I wil! shoot vou.” Tbe man made a motion as if to draw a we:pon and the general shot hii In the forehead, killing nim ia- ctantiyv. lt was afterwards found that the negro’s name was Ed Par- Ker, adrayman, who, itis said. has ? her woman. Killed ane by Gene.sl Oates and his friends, put it Wes unavoidable ov his part reac and write any part ofthe State jing the entire community ¢eeply titution befure they can ,0OYr- tune. The coroner organized a jury, but adjourncd until Monday. here will be nocharge made against Ceneral Oates, as he was entirely justifiatle in what he did. Having started out to ~~ misrepresent ihe amendment, this|Vhe Vance Statue to be Unveiicd renders himself ridicu- should know, August 2nd. Raleigh Dispatch, rth pro- The committee on the Vance ite men in their right to{statue met this afternoon. Richard H. Battle presided. The other mem- pers present were R. BH. speight, I. . Dousball and Joseph G. Brown, > read | sf the State committee, and A. A. words in italie letters dces not know | T After thoroveh discussion as to the time best suited for the ceremonies ef the unveiline. Wednesday, Aug- law-} ist 22d, was decided upen. The >on this question and daily gives}chiet reasons for the selection are *mend- | that by that time the excitement of the campaign and election «tit be enced and the hearty work cof the farmers wiil be over, as the crops will have been laid by. Chsirman Battle was given authority to ap- point a committee cf five ona plan and scope. It will have verernl di rections and wili be sub divisied into subordinate committees on ceremo- nies, programme, invitation and iinagunee. ‘Phe brorze tablet to be placed upon the base will ar the follewing inseription, ow! the committee accepted: ‘Ar bulon Baird Vance, May 13, Is20 April 14, 1894. State legislator. ember United States ifouse of Representa- tives. Thrice Governor of North Carelina. Four times elected Unit- ed Siates Senator The vviat tri- pune of tke pecple.’” The date “JQ00 will be carved in the wranite pase. Se a ee -- Warts a Divocce Aster HSeing Mar- rreda Week.. Durham Special io Raleigh News and Observer, oth, Last Sunday week, Mr. Eugene Massey and Miss Barbee, Gaughter ef Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barbee, who live in Patterson township, ran away from Berea church, ana were married by ‘Squire D. ©. Gunter. The same afternoon the father of the bride came over to town, got his daughter and carried her back home. parents. Yesterday the youny lady was in town with her pareits. and it is Jearned that she will enter suit for a divorce tna short whiie. She ciaimas that whea she married Mr. was doing until afterit was ali ever. main with her father. vorce that he will vot let it be _—— — - cratic nomination for the same of- fice. been renominated for the dvuuse by Beware of counterfeits. the Democrats of Lenoi: county, net yet Con-, Eacounter Between Snake and Rab- Asheboro Courier. =i Mr. D. A. Leach of Hoover Hill, *net on eet Sean clk < r mune Genes See nee X writes us of a tight between a black orestier-Walker, in comma Olt er clan it. a ae the lines of communication in Sautn Eon oa = Se pee ee os oe BEROCS OES mee : | witnessed by Mr. Jocob L, Briles, a Africa, reports that ia_the disaster) good and truthful man, says Mr. |to the troops on June 7th, at Roode- | Leach. ing to murder and every other form | vai, where the Boers cut Lord Rob-| cumstances as follows: The Dow-ferts’ line of communication, the | tne eaainoaraN Mr. Briles relates the Ridiag along : : ; R. Skeen’s mill. in Fourth Battalion of the Derbyshire |a brush pile near the road he heard the cry of aycung rabbit. S ing his horse he discovered a large edmen. Two officers and 15 mea |piack snake coiled rovad a rabbit were killed and 5 efficers and 72) spout one.third grown. decided to watcn the snake and be- fore the young rabbit ceased begg- ing for mercy there came upto the snake an old rabbit and began scent- ing alongon the snake until she -ame to where the snake was coiled fast around the young rabbit, with tra or three rakes with sharp teeth forced the snake to free the young rabbit. which ran off in the snake's agony aud excitement it seemed vould capture the o)d rabbit, but she leaped off some distance aud On secing the snake turn to the brush she made another leap for the snake and gave him another rake with her teeth and the snake Climbed the brush rejoicing, having won the vielory over the serpent, found that the rabbit had third of the snake’s body in two. was mortally wounded by the rab- > Trouble With Boxers Increases. The Empress cf China has at last throwa cif her mask. Li Yamen has been reorganized on a Boxer basis. : only member with a knowledge of orcign affairs, has been superceded by Prince Tuan, 2a powerful sup- this week. we-t cf town agendment don't fail to Mire We due 1 } porter of the Boxer brotherhood. ‘his means that the Empress has e everything On av} Chas, A. Drum, anti foreizn policy. Prince Tuan is a representative of the most reac- tionary party in China. street fighting has since Sunday afternoon. 7has ordered 100 marines to go, frou Manila, to the aid of admiral) Sharpe, | A. McLain. ; } Sugar loaf township—J. the American | prussell, G. C. mission, just outside of Pekin, at) yineton, It L. Williams. Tung Chow was burned by natives. | Ajlthe missionary stations have | Robirerce eae Browne Al Sunday morning, The United States was asked to’ a demonstration nations, but Conger warned not to bea party to any ail- | Wittenberg combination, He was to act indepenc ly whenever this was practica-} — ee The War Opened on the Boxers. Loudon Dispatch, Sixteen British marines rece ia in advance of the international column marching to d chased 2,000 killing twenty or thirty. poudent accompanying the column, ia » dispatch Gated Tien-Tsin, June ShangLai, June 12, says: fought | monday, : companied by a patrol of sixteen British marines, commanded by ma- jor Johnson, were repairing the line } monday afternoon, eight miles be-| yond Lofa, they encountered small | parties of Boxers who were destroy- ing the line. away from the advancing aud apparently dispersed into the veuntry, leaying the rails and the} sleepers burning. 1 moved | arines | Boxers j their numbered 2,000, some of them be- ing mounted, andthey were trying to get between the marines and the armed inn. vith spears and swords. A few had drearms whick they nandled wardly. The marines retreated, keep- inv up a running fight forover a mile and killing between 20 and 30 Box “The Boxers pursued the British ! more rarines from the train coming o their assistance, Major Johnson's Siktecn Inen beavy and continuous fire crowd driving them across the front of the re enforcing blue jackets who rishedthe Boxers severely with Phe Boxers fled and the Exrope- cleared out two villages. loss of the Boxers is estimated at 40 killed and wounded. Seven of their were attended by British ss their loss causes the Box- ers to jose heart, the international column will have much trouble fore reaching Pekin. is so much Gamaged that the column ouly 34 miles Sunday and vonday, and there is reason to fear hat the read beyond is more badly « The railway rg ~Evideuces of General Nieh’s op- erations were found in headless bod- i The whole country presents a desolate aspect, entire villages hav- iug@ been deserted. numbers 2,044, as follows: Sirce then she has resided with her} #15: French, 128; Americans, 104; Japan- 32; Italian, 40, and The expedition Ab there, Frank! Massey she did not realize wiat she} Raleixh Post 13th. She says she does not want to live|came trom Davie, via Philadelphia with her husband, but wants io re-land Old Point, Va., was busy writ- ing aletter when The Post gave him Cn the other hand Mr. Massey }:he glad hand in the Senate yeater- and the rest was burned. The Eng- )S#¥S that should she apply for di-\day. Observing that the letter he as replying to was postmarked e hand writing and All the same if folks keep Senator Hairs- ton speaking of a motion made in caucus to pass asure cnough trust Governor Roosevelt, of New York, | bill, chuckled at 100,000. As Lord Methuen is offi-; says be will not accept the Republi-|the introducer, and gleefully re- cially described as fighting on June} can nominaticn for Vice President, | marked.d‘‘While the lamp holds out and Admiral Schley makes the same|to burn, the vilest sinner may re statement in regard to the Demo-!turn. “After suffering from piles for | fifteen years Iwas cured by using Trausvilvania. Democrats have! twoboxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel !nominated R, H. Zachary fer the!Salye.’’ writes W: J. Baxter, North ‘House, and W. W. Carraway bas'Breok, N.C. It heals everything. lows: 7 Miller township—C. 1J. G. Moose. Teppy Harrington. \ vi hite. NS group Of Bowman, A. Lowman, BE. G. Bentield. Taylorsville Burke, W. P. Wedrick, J. tham. Jacob Moser. The first tw : hip are dele aliernutes, DESOCRATIC candi« The Le S aie ean Ay Legislature passed the amerd- “The marizcs when two miles in| ed election law yesterday. ndvance of the first train, near Lang 5 % Pong. suddenly streaming froma village on -~* Wu Fed sp \ é “ | Wake county Democrats | nominated N. B. Broughton for Ddenateand EK, C, Beddingfield, Join elected. flow. it $3 for me” icine TAYLORSVILE NEWS- M@housands Have Kidz Rev. J. J. Beach, of moraviao was here Tuesday. Mr. Chas. P. Statesville monday. Fill a bowtie or common Matheson was water and jet it sian Messrs. Jno. G. Ingram and EH. L. Hedrick wereat Wilkesboro sound Rev. W.S. Cherry is eonducting a meeting at the Methodist church EM. Stevenson, Esy.. attende a meeting of Concoré Presbytery at Mooresville last week, A. ©. McIntosh. Raleigh monday to aattend a ing of the Legislature this week. Dr. J. H. Moore. of Liledoun, was at Wilkesboro monday. i : “| back, kidneys, | ten his new roller flour mill started, of the urinary passage. r i to hold water and scalding pain in passing t, or bad effects following use of liquor, vrine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant sity of being compelled to go oitcn during the day, and to get up many times 2 The mildand the extra- ordinary ettect of Swamp-Root is coon realized. Ii stands the hig 1 derful cures of the most distressing © ne you should have the Sold ty druggists in SCc. and St. sizes. c of this “ar Convressman Linney is spending most of his tiine rem Washington, D, C., on his farm 7 , | during the night. Tne Democrats should arrange | Sng the 2'8! agd organize white bs in different parts of Alexander county. Democrats of Alexander You may i wonderiub discovery and a book that tells¢ nore about it. both senté bsoluiely free by mail, eddress Dr. Kilmer & — dome of Swamp-Doct. Co., Binghamton, N.Y. W: tion reading this generous 0 even if itisa busy time, and hear Hon. Onas. 3. Aycock on the issues. Mr. D. W. Correll has sojd his in- terest in the store to his partner, nooresville Monday, where job ina planing mill and ut the carpenter's trade. Mules and HAVE isan horses ae omar Mr. T. V. Moosesbrother : Ik. W. Moose and Nir. C. -ame here Tuesday He spent the past working at of this place, from Lenoir. winter in Fiorida trade, that of photographer. Strict Good } Good Middling. ..--.+.+-++2+-- NISC EU toe oe fecal EERE lel ot cole task SCRE IIT Tied bce ax, oilw miki oe ees mm The delegates Market firm. county tothe Senatorial convention that meets here Friday areas fol- Sharpe’s township- =n 5 : . S. J. Lumsden, BR. M. Sharpe, E. Ali produce in good demi: BUYING PRICES—PASIS NO. 1 QUALITY. Cabbage, per ID Extra flour—sack .. 2... + 2 ee es Fanily ** BAC iel io a ome ey ieee ie Meal -bolted-—4s !bs. per bushel... - unbolted, 45 ibs “* or ote Gwaltney'’s township--G. |Skarpe, W. H. oodtin, Jr.. Robt. NIeadows, S. J. Little River Oauts—sz tbs, ‘ker, Chas. Bumyarner. Elicndale tewnship—A. W. White, S23 LOO te 4 0 narnes of eac nutes and the other twa SENATORIAL CONVENTION, A convention of , party of the 20th Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Alexan- der, Catuwba, Lincoln and Wilkes, is hereby called to mee ville, Alexander county. on Priday, Juve i5th, 1900, at 2 o0'cloek, p.m, ler the purpose of nominating two idates for State Senators. by order of the committee. KE. L. Siurerp, green Vool—washed les—dried—q Teaches Hickory, N. C., June 1, 1960. Scape AMONG THE POLITICIANS. J. Bryan made an impassion- ech for the the Boers at Omsa- j ha. Neb., Saturday. tw wouty the public, imp irsuance of : quireménts of aw. that we will apply by peti- tron at che August term of the Superior Court of Iredell county, to be festore ito the full rights of citizenship, when and where any opposition thereto will be heard This May 24, 1900, Pearson and Robert for the J/ouse. : for whe J/ouse AVING quakfe _ W. H. Yarborough has been nom- inated for the House by the Demo- erats of Franklin county. the wndersigued here> .ug Claims against the ¢s' present the scunc to Wisconsin, Ohio, Alaska and In- dian Territory Democrats join the Grvanu column. Mr. bryan now has more than half the delegates couveution instructed for! him the others wiil the Democra's of tke Fifteenth Senatorial district Robinson counties) renominated A, Brown, of Columbus, phen Meclotire, of Robeson, for Sen- ators. They are among the members of the present Senate. lot No, 1 inthe division of ic Crawtord, end running West w sto spanish oak; thence S$ i * * NUN, Comlaiut Sot No ‘i ery. The - & ir Ea a ~ Pes m X The entry into womathoed is a critical time for a girl. Little men- stevai disorders staried at that time soon grow into fatal complications. That temale troubles are filling graveyards proves this, Wine of Cardui estal- lishes a paintess and natural menstrual osce this important func- tion is stari-d right, a heaithy life will usually folla-v. and oid, owe their lives to Wine o Cardui. There is nothing like it to ive women freedom from p2in and to ng women for every duty of life. bot bottles at druggists. ” Miss Detla M. Strayer, Tully, Kans “+1 have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe- rods for a long time, was nervous, had no - appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact wes miscrable. bottles of Wine of Cardul, with Thedford’s tack-Draught, when necded, and to-day I am entirely cured. 1 cannot express the thanks | feel for what you have done i have taken four For advice in cases roquiring special direc- tions, address, giving symptoms, the Ladies’ iavisoey Department, The Ch=ttanooge Med- Ompscy, Chattacocga, W.s. Musser, Miitheim, Pa., sav-! ed the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying from croup, ouvly harmless remedy that gives im- | It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronghitis, ‘grippe, | F. asthma, and all throat ard lune troubles, W. F. Hall,Jr. mediate results. and Don’t Know it. How To Find Out. 7 con What to Do. need a medici Wve a Sample bei! STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N. C. Jute 14, 1900, 9 8. m. STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED bY COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THL WHER. PNW Sn) \a) la! - 0)» ||-0 wa) a pees se eee Corn—old—s6tbs, per bushel... - - Re we fe, ee ee SP PS ee am ce 2 @ . oo. oe le Hens—per lh. . 5 liey Gocitat sols ee ible Roosters per fe Chicken —spring “small—per ib. oe large eys—per Bb... . ter—Choice’ yellow . . - MAST c: = . i cmiiap Ss Honey—strained, per th... 1. ee “7 ‘comb, per id. | > Fges—hen RE eee ae oh awe Eh ion Yeathers—-2ew . 2... 2 2 Hides dry, per tb. ght sliced fancy bright sii extra ** ris: per bushel. .... . bright. . taney ae) . S CRITE Cy co so no Yacon—How round, ver th. ..... ne BREE a ne we mt wl) ill toss SECC tae ie epee teled pie Shoulders ......:.%5--. OES IN oen eco sioees mouse on Alexan ! houses, Apply to Say 24th, 1900. ler Street. A good TO ALL WHOMTHIS MAY CONCERN THE undersigned bavir By reason of a Conviction or erpn Rofice to Crediiors, will annexed, «7 He AWS, Cemmissioner’s $sie of Land, undersigned commissioner will sell at public outcry tothe highest bidd court house door at Statesville, NL€ on SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1900, at 12 o'clock, M., the tollowing described tracts 3 sf land, towit: First tract, beginning at a post oak, corner of ‘aid tot No.4 69 pote vy « a feild on said line; thence East 138 poles toa thence Noith 69 poles to the begin- xcres mere or less and being ision of the lands aforesaid. h by the iands of A.A. Bostand wife; on the East by T, W. Waugh; onthe Soujh by the lands of Ander- 2 dackey;onthe West bythe lands of Jane : . ¢ being the identical tract devised to Aun Crawtfordia the last will and ent of Barrie: Gilson, deceased, and Ainiug 57 acres mvure or less. Shiloh towuship, This May 24, 1900. Grier & Long, K. B. McLaughlin, Att’ys. & 2in the aiv natract, bounded on the Nor Wace Fou can by ottle af Haii’s Cough Syrup. save the Fruit In Mason’s improved Fruit lars land 2 quart sizes, also Patent Top Fruit Jars. Extra Rubbers for Jars. Tin Tep Jelly Glasses. We have large stock of above wn shall be pleased to sell. you. GERMAN MILLET SEB. Seed Irish Potatces Garden and Cornfield Beans for eating or planting Now is the time to piant second crop of Potatoes. * COOPER & GILL ~~ Notice 10 Creditors AVING qualified as administrator 7 Seed Oats and Hay For g. ey Trouble | - . ns holding claims a dto present the same to t within ore vear will be plead in This May 2, 1900 o. Ww given to all perso: estate of sai‘ decease: the undersigned for paymem ‘yom date of this notice or it bar of their recovery. J. B. CONNELLY, on and uiule, Respectfully glass with your is cana twenty-four hours, @ sediment or s¢t- IS an ling indicates an ; ht healt 2 a—, unneait ‘ Cv NS es Yr tion of the kid- 7 2¥ neys: if it stains : ur li it is eo" r} your linen it } ee Ly evidence of kid- . ¢ °4 } et ney trouble: “> ucy ” . x y Tie: To Frequent desire to |: un sel pass it or pain in ee tenemnm the back is also roof that the kidneys and blad- A VING qualified as execntor ef Lemuel C. ceased, late of Iredell county, N.C., this is to notify all persons hav inst the estate of said dec femm tothe undersigned on or be f May, 1001, or this notice will be plead in of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- JAMES W. LONG, This May 7th, 1900. W. G. Lewis, Attorney. Administrator’s Notice. as administrator of the before the roth re is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swarp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the iver, bladder and every part It corrects inability AVING qualified estate of. Lilly W. Brawley, persons having C'aims age ereby notified to present them to th sigued on or before April 26th, petsons owing said estate are reqt mnimediate payment. »inst said estate are BASCOM WOOTEN, This April 2th, 1900, Notice to Creditors. AVING qualified as administrator of Mar — tha Brotherton, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present the sme to the undersigned for payment Iwilhin one vear trom date of this notice, or it will be plead in bat of their recovery, j. 3. CONNELLY, st for its won- his May 2nd, 19000. Notice to Creditors, ING qualified as executor of the will of ; y_S. Stevenson, deceased, all persons hav- ing claims against said estate are 1 present the same tothe undersigned on or be tore May 24 :901,and all persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate 5. W. STEVENSON, hep writing men- ffer fn this paper. ‘Horses for Sale, ale for cash or Thave a lot of white ond Mack «- sale fur seed, 1 have « large | hay for sale. See me ver yon y Feby. Sth., 1goo. . Sale of Land, ¥ virtue of a julgment os . Court made inthe special tled John _W. McHaryue, adm W, McHargue, 2gainst KR B the undersigned commiss\ SATURDAY, JUN expose to public sale tothe bh Zhe, cash a parto! the James placc, situated inthe : county, adjuining the la: ! Campocll ant others This La for sv le by the acre ard the ar determined by the price it br more than 25 actes wi!’ be so!-| cumstances. Acescripiion oi 1. sold will be furnisted by the eon. day of sale. JOHN W. Mc This May @=", 1900. Co ? Grier & Long, = FOR PURE FOCD GO TQ 19ore & MELAS U Hain’s Pickes Sweet Mixed . . ? Sour Mixed. . Barrel of Kraut, Mountain Dackwheat Plog Sweet and Irish P.: *S. Ve buy fresh butter ony and at! kinds ef com ee daee. Moore & Executor of W. 8. Stevenson. This May 23, 1g00, McLain. a Deering Binder Twine Works better, goes farther and is the cheapest in every Uniform, Strong : and Runs Further 3 to the Pound, Than any otber twine clai:n ed to be of the same grade. Deering Is the Standing Binder twine of America. andassuch is re cognized by the great Wheat Farmer$ of the west, who use more of the * Deering’ twinethana!l theother hands, combined, memember You can't afford to use poor twine, as it causes delays. loss CM M oe oy w3 5 1 OR We sell the “‘Deering’’ twine, and guarantee the price to be as iow as othor twine of inferior grades. THE FLANIGAN-EVANS HARDWARE CO, ai a wn s AE S lL TR ED ER RE OE YL 3 sae A “ mr o r 1 ae W.L. HARBIN, Come and see us or R. B, McLaughhn, Attora been disfra LEWIS W. JOHNSON THOMAS BROTILERTON, adutinistrater, with the Serer, deceased, tes all persons hav- of said deceased to M sor payment within twelve months trom date of his notice or it will be plead in bar oftheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are prompt payinent, This May 2 J. B. Conue cquested to make M. W. SHCOK, 3900 Admr., C.T. A. rsare plaintiffs and sid awford and others ure defendants, Dress Skirts. There is a fit and hang to our ready male skiets that distiuguishes them from the ordinary. There is style and quality and honest service If we haven't your siz >. select tha m iterial leave your measure and will furnish the skirt. guaranteeing fil aad style. ..Lo Arrive... In the next few days anu’ ic los of that veautifu! MADRAS At 10c. Per Yard. The very thing for Ladies Waists and Gentlemen's Nezlisee Shirt, the valus is apparent at a glance. Atand Below Cosi. Our shoes are going, come early if you want a bargain. [t wil] v2 on's a matter of fit—not price. WALTONS& GAGE Dhoes for Spring and Suma for cash, at the sors tion of our line: the sacrifice in price. Said lands in H, 1,. STEVENSON, Commm_ssioner, ‘The Variety Stor Spring Showers of Bargains ... . SEE THE VARIETY. We are offering exceptioually Good Bargains in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Oxfords and ask aun examina- Every shoe J offer is of yood quality, and I make, to close out. The Ladies Buttcn Boots I offer are attractive and the prices mrrleronsiy law. The prices on Misses and Childrens Oxfords are cost «most in half, and the Ladies Oxfords, full + off, 30c, to 50c willbuy a Child’s Oxford and 40c. to 60¢, a Ladies and Misses Oxfords, See our Win- dow display and we think you can be interested. Shoes are not the only gocds we offer at attractive orices gud we : pleased at all times to show. what we have, even if no sale Respectfully. J. W. Copeland. re —— Cahco,.4 to 6e. yard. Pant Goods, 9 to 60c. yard. Bine Denim, 7, 10 and 12%c. vard. | Alamance, good, Se. yard. ~ | Bed Ticking, 5 to 15¢ yard. | Lace Curtains, 50c. pair up. | Towels, 5 to 23e. | Faceand Talcum Powders, 5 and 10c. arasols andU mbrellas,23¢c. to #2.25. adies’ Shirt Waists, 48c. to $4.50, 1.000 Matches, 5c. Ink and Mucilage, 3c. up. | Tablets, 1 to 25e. i Writing Paper, 3 to 20c. guire, ; Boys” Koee Pants. | Belts and Belt Buciles, 10 to 50c, Corsets, 25 to $1.00. | Past Black Hose | Books and Blan * Suits, T5e. to $3.50. » 5 to 2de. pair. k Books. 5c. to $5.00 Complete Line of Baseball Goods. Large stock of Musicat Instruments, Trimmings and Strits- ‘ Many other goods it will pay you to see. ! Give us 3 call ¢ before buying. SEE THE PRICE. Larve line Lamps, 14. to ** in Tumblers snd Gobiets. 20 and 2 Plates and Cups, 3uc. set. Biz lot Tinware, 2 to Boe. piece Knives apd Fort:s, 48e. ct and <i Toilet and Laundry Seap. 2: 8 Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. box. Shoe Dressing, 5, 10 and 25 Machine Oil, big bottle, 9c. __ Trunks and Valises, 2c. to 9." Handkerchiefs, 2 to 5c Straw Hats, 5c. to $1.50. = Shoes for everybndy, 25c. to #4?" Summer Underweer. Sc. 10 31.00... 200 yd Soft Finisk Spoo! Thread, - Dolis and Toys, 52 up. as Carnet and Maiiing, I2}c. yd9@" Big stock Rugs, 3c. 10 529 New lot Wall Prper, » to Ze. 7" Fans, 1 to 50c. oe W. H. ALLISON accepted the posit iogm™ At the caucus 0! & sgturday, it was ded ‘ punts convention © Mr. A. F. McCall. . eves man for Mr. b. i Vrs. Emma Mott she Grst part of the very much better 1 The Iredell Blues notice that their ne eyuipments will be i about the Ist. 0! Ju Federal Court Charlotte this wee a) Cowies and Dr. J. down Tuesday. The ladies of the 1" realized about eleve the entertainime! taf on Jast Thursday Mr. Dorman Thou sisting with the edi this paper, and wi local work until. Mr. Carter Pitas for Charlotte. He position as Superit O. A. Robbins Man pany- Supt. D. Matt Monday morning tor to attend the meet: ers assembly of whi dent. Dr. L. Harri), st spector, has ¢ Lincoln county, to leved cases Of sma trict. Dr. W. J. Hill has administrator late W. F.Sherri that he will clos: groceries BOW OD LY Mr. c.S. Zo p.C. Rufty, stock of goods to by of New Stirling was fifty-two cents Messrs. Fred th Leinster have tilted room, lately cecupic dersvn, for a “iT They will be reawiy ft week. Cards are cul marriage of Rev. M mer!iv ot this comu of the North Caroi Miss Epia Smith, o C. VThe marriage 4 Gatesville on June * Mrs. Augustus W in the west end day night. Mrs. V husband and two cl ria! tock place at ¢ day evening. Ser ducted by Rev. 5. The Sunday Schc M. E. Church, will dren's Day exercis day morning at 10z carry out the pr out by the Pub public is cordially 1 Mr. H.C. Cowle Saturday from graduated from th year, and in additid first year in medici > ‘ ution. rea : he has been q The new court he up with electric lis large cards with tt tions concerning y in the building, : on the wail. So they, that he wh what uot todo. Miss Jennie Cx music sckool jast her Lome m New not decided as yet, return next year. eNiciert music teag the Presbyterian service as organs she will decide to The Supreme the decision of the case of Ward vos. ing Company, whi Iredell. Ward ws ton mills at Conce suit for damages. $1,000 damapes, Court decides that Gustavus A. Bil nent citizen, of Sal urday, aged abo was supervisor of 7th district anda can. He was 2 Associate Justice here. He leaves chiidren. As the new cou ed with fire proot longer any need f safes, which have house yard since t was torn down. been sold to the & Association. Th till sell at auctor niture that was i house. Bev. Jno. W. D chow, China, will Street church ne noon at 4o clocx liver lectures on @ church Tuesday 3: lem church Wedd at Tayiorsyi! These lectures with magic lante tures. Aliare in The Daughters wil) serve reiresn house yard next g the vext Govern people of lrede)'. rivod from the sz ments will be tur federate monume has been on Toot get money to bul honor of our hero should be patr« encouraged in the Some of the col longing to the church are not work of their pz Wentz. They de Presbrtery to church here. sisting of Dr. W ville; Dr. J. D. Rov. A. W. Wh Hill, was app oin advisadvility 90 church, an d repo! to the Presbyte i 2 : TOU’ SRiIOn . er - MCHARGE E Commise! 5 i wheat Plour Ish §=Potat oes. after and ' tree ceuntry pre ore & is re- who = ach Use > Combined, honest servic miterial les d style. *ONer opt gre ay ci;. te £ @istinguish.s ezlivee Shirts, GAGE eT examina- and Win- oes are We are sale is nd. aur to £2.00, 29 and 25c. pt. Bc. piece. set and up- Ye. cake- box. Ee oc. to 39.00. ). Bc. to ¥4.9'- . to $1.00. De ] Thread, =“ Be. yd and up $2.50. YW © 20c. rou- =r View Will D2 ONLY —_—_— oy IP St Tris ae —_—— Tie LOCAL. s of the Republicans, was decided to hold the ntion on July Sth. McCall, of Hickory, has position as wood work- wir. Bb. P. Young. us Mott was quite sick tof the week. She is petter now. Biues have received at their new uniforms and ts will be issued to them, ist. of July. Court is in session at this week. Col. H. C. ind De. J. FE. Carlton went tay. ifthe Episcopal Church yout eleven dollars from nientat Mrs. Ramsey’s, irsday evening. sorman Thompson is now as- viti the editorial work on 3f&SCoT ee Option on Valuable Lands. An option has been secured on; All ; the Moore and Clark lands. on the are here now except oe River, by Messrs. W. M.j boys and Taylor. MI ao ea and T. H. |Jim Fox were here, but were called ae Go ona This wi] home last Thursbay, on account of as Sees over a part of the illness of their father. Taylor The capt iS ee eres power, | will be in about the J4th, in time nis 1s a very desira le site for a! for the games with Charlotte. ee establishment of any| Wilmington suggests that States- aan as there is abundant water | Ville and Charlotte enter into a Sissy ee gentlemen may im-|/eague with the Eastern teams, in- they may sell it. ' Among The Players. the two Fox Messrs. John and The only troudle about playing no > = | . , Eeobbery at Cleveland. ; ter of distance and expense. What decision the management has reach- ed, we have not heard. oe - In the Police Court. On last Saturday night the store of Mr. J. i Barringer, at Cleve- Jend, was entered by burglars. They entered by the front window. The 10SS, the best it can be estimated, was about $25. The men opened the back door and rolled the safe outside. There they fore the mayor last Tuesday, on the charge of harboring lewd women e attempted to} After leaying with the court $6.50 of break it open with an axe, but were | the coin of the realm, she was allow- unsuccessful. They were evidently | ed to depart. new men at the business. Oa Monday, Chief Steele arrested ‘Lhe store of Lyerly Bros. was en-| Will Coleman. who slapped a coior- tered also on the same night, by the |e¢d damsel by the name of Emma Same men, it is supposed. They got | Bryson, for making remarks that wbout $7 in money here, that had | Coleman considered, derogatory to and willdo most of the wrx uptil after the election. ‘y. Carier Eason left Friday, e. He has secured a as Superintendent of the voins Manufacturing Com- - 4 ult Dp. Matt. Thompson left morning for Morehead Cit y; the meetings of the'teach- biy of which he is Presi- Harrill, State smallpox in- has gone te Lowesville, inty, to investigate al- of staalipox in that dis- J. Hill has been appointed trator of the estate of the Sherrill. We understand vill close out the stoek of snow on band. has sold the A coods to Bradford & Sons. Surling. The price paid two cents on the dollar. s. Fred Barkley and Roy titted up the store y occupied by W. KE. An- for a refreshment stand. willbe ready for business this re are cut announcing softtev. M. T. Plyler, for- s community, but now vib Carolina Conference, to t Smith, of Gatesville, N. C. the marriage willtake place at 4 ie on June 20th. ivustus Weisner, who lived estend of town, died Tues- A t. Mrs. Weisner leaves a { itwo children. The bu- lace ut Oakwood yester- vhing. Services were con- ry Rev. S. PL Douglas. « Sunday School at Chapel Hill Church, willhold their Chii- y exercises on next Sun- ning at 10a,m. They will it the printed program sent ihe Publishing Mouse. The > cordially invited to attend. ii, ©. Cowles, Jr., returned day from Chapel Hill. vracuauted from the University this ud in addition completed the in medicine. given at that We are sorry to learn been quite unwell since the new court house is being fitted } ‘trie light fixtures. ith the printed regula- ling your conduct while ig, are framed and hung So conspicuous are J Jennie Culver closed her school last week. and left for Lome tm New York. She has ecided as yet, whether she will ‘a hext yeur. As she is a very eut mnusic teacher and renders Presbyterian church excellent ice as organist, it is hoped that “iil decide to return. e Supreme Court has vision of the lower court inthe case of Ward vs. Odell Manufactur- Company, which went up from Ward was hurt in the cot- !s at Concord, and he brought or Gamages. The court gav2 i000 duinayes, and the Supreme int decides that this must stand. ‘stavus A, Bingham, a promi- . citizen, of Salisbury, died Sat- ‘ay, uged about 70 years. He as supervisor of the census for the ‘istrict and a leading Republi- Hie was a brother-in-law of clate Justice D. M. Furches, of tatesville, and was well known He leaves a wife and six Culiuren, \s the new court house is provid- ith fire proof vaults, there is no usec apy need for the two large ~sivs, Which have been in the court suse yard since the cld court house sas torn down. One of them has en sold to the Building and Loan \ssociation. The commissioners i sell at auction alot of old fur ‘ture that was in the old court tev. Jno. W. Davis, D. D., of Svo- ww, China, will preach at Front ri hurch next Sunday after- nat 4o'clock. He will also de- ver lectures on China, at Concord hurch Tuesday night, at New Sa- ious church Wednesday night, and at Taylorsyille Thursday night. f feetures will be illustrated : magic lantern and colored pic- s. Allare invited to attend. 'T “ne Daughters of the Confederacy ‘Ul serve refreshments in the court ouse yard next Saturday—-the day ‘he next Governor speaks to the copie of Iredell, The proceeds de- ‘vcd from the sale of the refresh- cats will be turned into the Con- ‘Gerate monument fund. The effort cen on foot for a lone time to ‘ tnoney to build a monument in nor of our heroic dead. The ladies wid be patronized liberally, and encouraged in their efforts. er and several brothers and sisters are living. S. Tomlin, assignee of Mr. |ed at Vernon, at 10 o’clock on Mon- entire | day. here at 1:30 o'clock Saturday after- and the speaking will be outdoors if the} The ladies are cordiaily imvited ac: itis hoped that many of them wiil hear the speech. It ted that Mr. Aycock comes here a time when the farmers are’so busy, but the indications are that great crowds of country people willattend. The afternoon hour was selected so that those living within eight or ten miles could come here after an ingin the State, should give him an old time Iredell welcome, -_ —_— A Bad Day for “Kit.” spends most of his whiskey, had yesterday. his familiarity ou Mr. J. H. White. He got into trouble here. Helin the day, he walked Richard Allison and addressed him’ as proceeded to batter him up nicely. Every time he was came. today’s experience, he will come to the conclusion that the ry. | men of the town do not care for him The |; friends, was arrested and put in the lockup. | J. Yesterday evening, the mayor let him out after he had deposited 36 “ with the court. Never Too Old to Wed. aged 2] house for Mr. BE, Lb. Webster's father, Mr WW. C. ster, who is 70 years old, lives with him. sOine time atbrmed |; ‘ come the partner of his joysand the | Cllices. mye comforter of bis woes. The younz| Pr. T. E. Anderson owns the lady readily agreed, and they have quietly awaited an opportunity to carry out their plans. at ike residence of Mr. J. S. Morri- been left in the cash drawer, as well | his character. Coleman's legal ad- aS some goods, the value of which is | Vice cost him $5. while the fine for not yet known, ; his misconduct was coly $1.50. > -—. Plans For Ranaway Match trated, Last Sunday afternoon, Miss Newell, the sister-in-law of Mr. D. Levy, attempted to elope with a man by. the name of Ward,who is a Gentile, Miss Banks being a Jewess. She met hin. Sunday afternoon by agreement and they walked to Elm- wood. They had telegraphed for a team to meet them here and carry them to Salisbury. wir. Leyy soon found that the young lady had left his home. By inquiry, he fonnd out the direction the young people had gone. He procured a team and set out in pur- suit, The would be married couple were found at the home of Mr. Geo Shepherd, resting after their loug walk. The prospective groom im- mediately, on seeing the irate bro- ther-in-law, decided that he had business elsewhere, and that it need- ed his immediate attention. He therefore departed with much haste in the direction of Salisbury. Mr. Levy brought his kinswoman back to town that afternoon. Ward wrote a letter to someone in town, saying that he was coming back after his wife, that they had been married. However, he never putin his appearance. Yesterday, Miss Newell was sent back to her home in Richmond. A Good Woman Dead. _ We have the sad duty to record the death of Mrs. James W. Bowles, of Olin township. She died very suddenly on last Sunday morning xt S o'clock, ofheart trouble. She had been very well up to the time of her death, having attended church just a few days before. She wes amost excellent woman, the writer having known her for a number of years. She was a faith- ful and true wife, a kind and ioving mother. She leaves, to mourn her death, 2 husbandand five children. She was a daughter of Mr. Joan ht. Huie, of Union Grove township, and was, at the time of her death, about thirty years cld. Her father, moth- -_—<-- Frus- The funeral was preach- _-— The Aycock Speaking. Hon. Charles B.Aycock will speak Oy noon. <A stand and seats will be provided in the court house yard the weather is faverable. If the weather is threatening, the speech will be deliveredin the court house. It is to be regret- at Saturday Night Speakings. The following speakers will ad- dress the people at the following places on Saturday night, June 23d, at 8:30 o'clock: C. H. Armfield, Esq., at Long’s school house, Davidson township. Dr. S. W. Stevenson at Moore's school house, Barringer township. Mr. A. D. Watts and J. A. Hart- ness, Esq.. at Rock Cut, Fallstown township. = W. G. Lewis, Esq., at Oak Forest, Cool Spring township. H. P, Grier and J. B. Armfield, Esqs., at Brown’s school house, Barringer township. Zeb V. Long, Esq. and Mr. Geo. B. Nicholson at River Hill, Turners burg township. Let all the people turn out and hear the amendment discussed. J. A. Harrness, Chairman Dem. Co. Com. Zeb. V. Long. Secretary. ~arly dinner. Our nominee for Gov- ernor is the ablest speaker now liv- and old Irede!l “Kit” Stevenson, a negro that time @rinking considerable troubie In the morning he tried Later on up to Mr. Riehard.’’ At this Mr. Alliscn hit, the blocd Itisto be hoped that after a The Prospect For New Buildings. Irom present indications, it does uot look as if the building interests in Statesville,this summer. will be at aildull. Messrs. N. B. Mills and M. Patterson have had Mr. Schwend, of Charlotte, to prepare plans for them, and they have ad- vertised for bids. Messrs. J. B. Armfield and T. J. Allison sometime ago purchased the property next to the court house alley. They have decided to build upov it. The lot fronts 25 feet on Center street and runs back 80 feet. The building will be of brick twostories high. One store room wili open on Center street, and one or two Small rooms on the alley. The second floor will be titted up for business oe consider them his intimate aD Mr. Allison submitted. Soni -- For some time Miss Nacy Swaiim, years, has beeo keeping Webster, Mr. Web- The old yventlieman has for been altracted to the young lady. At last, all unknown io his son, he decided to ask her to be- property immediately 1n the recr of Messrs. Allison and Armfield, also the property fronting on Center street, between them and the Long building. He is thinking of improv- ing it, but has not fully decided as to what he will do. We hope that he will decide to erect a nice brick building. This will then remove the last vestige of the ‘“‘burnt cor- t came Wednesday, when the son left town on business. So last night son, the ceremony, which united this strange couple, was performed by ‘Squire ‘‘billy’’ Mills. We know that the cerernony was very impres- sive, as read by ‘Squire Mills. We]ner,”” which has long been an eye- have nothing but good wisbes for|Sore toanyone that thinks anything of the beauty of his town. —_>--- Democratic Headquarters Establish- ed. these two people. Fete Champetre. The attendance Tuesday evening, at the Hebrew Ladies’ lawn party at Athletic Park, while large, was decreased by the threatening weath- er. The band was on hand and fur- nished the musie which, it is need- less tosay, was of high quality. Delicious refreshments were servcd, The different bouths added much Chairman Hartness has establish- ed the headquarters of the Demo- cratic county committee in the room on the second floor of the Bank building which he recently used as theclerk’s office. Chairman Hart- ness, Secretary Long, or Mr. A. D. Watts, who is assisting inthe work, to the merriment. The Fairy Queen] will be found there most of the under the charge of Miss Carrie}time. When Democrats are in town Clark; the fishpond with Miss Mayes Eliason; the Fortune Teller with Master Ernest Simon as the witch and Miss Amelia Hoffman as the reader of the future: all these were interesting. Whenthe time came for the award of the largecake Mr. John L.McElwee was the lucky one, and Mr. Simon Moses got the hand- theyshould go up. The committee has a large amount of amendment liter- ature which will be gladly given to any one desiring it eithe™ to read or for distribution. en As noted in another column, Messrs, John and James Fox were some handkerchief. The total re-|¢called home on account of the illness ceipts were about $100. of their father, Dr. W. A. Fox, who suffered from Bright’s disease. Dr. Presbyterian Congregation Selects a Box died Tuesday- — — Pastor. Mr. Kenkel Gvues to Blowing; Rock. Mr.and Mrs. C. V. Henkel left Tuesday for Blowing Rock, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Hienkel will continue his hack line with his brother. They will return here about September Ist., and Mr. Henkel will engagein his old busi- ness of selling horses, mules and ve- hicles. The firm of Henkel Bros. has done the biggest business this year in its history. Statesville will Last Sunday morning and evening, Rey. P. P. Wynn preached two streng sermons at the Presbyterian church. At theclose of the morn- ing service the congregation elect- ed a pastor to take up the work of the lamented Dr. W. A. Wood. Rey. P. P. Wynn acted as moder- ator of the meeting’ Four minis- ters were suggested, as being suita- ble men to fill the placeso long and faithfully tilled by Dr. Wood. ~>ome of the colored brethren be-! ‘Onving to the 2nd Presbyterian | 1urch are not pleased with the | k of their pastor, Rev..S. F.| ‘wcntz. They decided to ask the! Presbytery church here. to establish another} A committee, con- | igof Dr. Wharey, of Moores-! ; Dr. J. D. Ramsey, of Rowan; tov. A. W. White, and Dr. M. W.} +4. W215 app ointed to look into the | @ivisadility of establishing the’ church, an d report their conclusions } to the Presbytery. * f have a warm welcome for Mr. and Mrs. Henkel when they return in the fall. They wereas follows: A. J. Me- Kelway, D. D., editorof the Pres- vyterian Standard, S. L. Morris, D. D., of Macon, Ga.; Rev. A.A. Little, of Steele Creek.and Rev. — Hodgin, of Greensboro. Rev. A. A. Little was elected on the first ballot re- ceiving 133 votes out of a possivle| Democratic Legislative candidates, 189. Mr. Little is said to be a oe : j will speak at Mooresville on Thucs- worthy man, ir allrespects to take |day night, June 21st, at 8:30 o'clock. up the work of the church. ; Let these genlemen haye a good Public Speaking. C. H. Armfield, Esq. Dr. S. W. Stevenson, and Mr. a. D. Watts, the Statesville ball players property themselves, or|stead of the South Carolina teams. | with the Eastern teams is the mat- Lydia Setzer, colored, was up be- | onavisit tohis uncle, ! PERSONALS. Mir W.C. Feimster,of Newton, is ; in the cily, ! LATE GENERAL NEWS. Judve D, M. Furches came in from, niston, Ala., Saturday. Raleigh last Suuday. county. is in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Matheson, of Liiedoun, werein town Sunday. Miss Maude Phifer, of Morganton, ‘is visiting at Mrs. P. B. Chambers’. | Mrs. B. P. Youngand children are visiting at Churchiand, Davidson county. Messrs. P. A. Setzer and —— | Moser, of Hickory, spent Sunday in the city. ;_ Messrs. Frank Carlton and Frank | Jenkins, of Charlotte, spent Sunday |in the city. | Miss Mary Oates Caldwell came ; home from Charlotte on last Tues- ‘day, unwell. Mr. J. L. McFadyen. traveling avent for the Aetna Life Co, is in the city. Miss Lilian Morrison is in Chapel Hill attending the University Sum- mer School for teachers. Miss DeEite Benham, who has been visiting Mrs. M. C. Cowles, left Friday for Elkin. Prof. J. D. Lentz, principal of Concord High School, and his wife spent Sunday in the city. Judge and Mrs. A. L. Coble came home Saturday. The Judge has fin- ished his spring circuit. Miss Mamie Caldwell, of Newton, who has been at Mrs. W. F. Sher- rill’s, went home yesterday. The little Misses Mott, daughters of Dr. Walter Mott, of Mt. Mourne, are visiting Miss Belle Mott. Misses Lelia Caldwell and Eliza- beth Robertson. of Mooresville, are visiting at Capt, J. M. Parks’. Miss Mary White, who has been visiting at Davidson for some time, is expected home this afternoon. Messrs. A. H. Holder, Henry Shepherd, Carl Matheson and James Turner spent Sunday,in Mooresville. Miss Myrtle Harbin is visitinz her sisters, Mrs. Nat Johnson and Mrs. John Houston in Mooresville. Mrs. J, H. White and children, who have been visiting Rev. G. W. Ivey, at Lenoir, came home yester- day. Mrs. D. Matt Thompson left yes- terday morning, for Morehead City, where she will probably spend some time. Mr. MacRee Anderson went to Lexington Monday,to take the place of one of the railway employes for a short while. Miss Luda Morrison left Monday morning for Montezuma, Ala, where sbe will visit her friend, Miss Lewis. : Mr. D. E. Turner, son of Re sister W. W. Turner, came up from Mooresville and spent Sunday with his friends. Mr. Vance Morrison, of Coffee- ville, Miss.. arrived here yesterday Mir Jo ke Morrison. Mr. E. B. Webster left. Tuesday for Norwood, where he will work on a building that is being erected for a roller mill, “lr. and Mrs. F. B. McKinney, of Princeton, who are visiting at Tur nersburg, spent the first part of the week in town. Miss Matie Turner came home yes- terday, from Asheville, where she has been attendiag the Normal and Collegiate Institute. Messrs. Jas. A. Butler and J. B. Holman left Monday for Raleigh, to be present at the special session of the Legislature. Messrs. Joha and Horace Flowers were {n town last week, on their way home from Trinity College commencement, Mr. A. T. Allen was in town Mon- day night, on his way to Morehead City, to attend the meeting of the Teacher's Assembly. Miss Maggie Turner, whohas been attending the Presbyterian college for women at Columbia, S. C., ar- rived home on last Friday night. Miss Lavinia Dabney Morrison, who has been spending some time with Miss Lizzie Allisop, left Tues- day for her home at Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Mattie Erwin, of Erwin, Ga., is visiting heraunt, Mrs. J. B. Conneliy. Miss Effie Connelly, of Lenoir, is also visiting Mrs. J. B. Connelly. Miss Fraukie Staley, of Wilkes- boro, who bas been visiting at Mrs. N. A. Bingham’s, returned home yesterday. Mrs. Bingham accom- panied her. Mrs, Sallie Lanier left yesterday for Asheville, to be present at the meeting of the W. C. T. U. She will visit in Virginia before she re- turns home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Payne and Miss Laura Sloan, of Taylorsville, were in the city last night. They were on their way to Asheville to attend the meeting of the W. C. T. U. convention. Miss Mamie Lazenby left last Fri- day,for Washington, where she will take a position iu the census office, She secured this position through the civil service examination, which she stood some time ago, Mr. J. L. Turner and wife, of Bessemer City, who have been vis- iting their father, Mr. W. W. Tur- ner, intendec to leave for home yes- terday. On account of Mr. Turner’s health, it was thought best for him not to try to make the trip, Mr. W. M. Lentz, son of Mr. M. L. Lentz, of Statesville township, arrived Tuesday from Butler, Ils., where he has been living for more than ayear. He isin bad health and will not retura to I! linois. ‘After snfferiag from severe dys- pepsia over twelve years and using many remedies without permanent good finally took Kodol Dyspesia Cure. Itdid me so much good I recommended it to everyone, writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what youcat. W.F. Hall,Jr. Corn For Sale. = have just received a car load of corn at R. E.R. RUSSELL, of Charlotte willbe at | Crowd. J. A. HARTNESS, Hote! Iredell June 18th and igth. Practice ; a to Eye, Ear, Noseand Throat. Guaran- | ZEB Vv. Los, Secretary, Chairman Dem. Co. Committee. | or omtime. Stony Poiut. which we will sell for cash Respectfully. 1gth., 1900. “ ae cee WHITE & YOUNT. ’ Insurance | | Belle Boyd, the female Confeder- Vol. Wm. Wadlington, of Caswell | ate spy, died at Kilbourne, | Tuesday, aged 57 years. Three men were killed.and ten in- jured, in a boiler explosion at a saw Satur- mill near Fife Lake, Mich., day. Mrs. Gludstone, the wife of cal condition. Rennie Jetferson, a 22-year-old Metcalf, Ga., for attempting to out- {rage 2 white girl. Simon Adams, a 20-year-old ne- gro, wus lynched Saturday night near Coluinbus, Ga , foran attempt- !ed assault on a white woman | | Crocker, the jockey, was thrown | from a horse, which he was exercis- ing at Hamilton, Ont., Saturday, and killed. Chief of Police Crider, of Carroll- ton, Ga.. shot and killed Thomas Jordan, who was resisting arrest, Saturday. A bystander was shot in the leg. Mrs. Moores, wife of the mayor ot Omaha, Neb., was killed in a run- away accident Saturday. She was | thrown fron her carriage, sustaining a fracture of the skull. Charges have been brought against Chief W. P. Manly, of the police force of Atlanta, Ga., and it is very probable that an investigating committee will be appointed. Yon. Vincent D. Bradford, of Philadelphia, has made a bequest of $100,000 in money, 1200 law books, and $16,000 in pictures to Washing- ton and Lee University. Dr, T. H. Rice, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church of At- lanta, Ga., has been called to take charge of the Franklin Street South- ern Presbyterian church of Balti- more, Md. At Columbus, O., on last monday night, ata large mass meeting in honor of the Boer delegates, resolu- tions were adopted favoring the annexation of the Boer Republics to the United States. Hon. David A. DeArmond, mem- ber of the House of Representatives from Missouri, will deliver the an- nual address at the commencement of the State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro. Vrof. John R. Blake, who was a member of the Faculty of Davidson College from 1861—S85, being chair- man of the Faculty from 1871-77, died in Greenville, S.C., on Friday. He had done no active work since 1835. Last Saturday, a frightfulaccident occurred on the Oakland Beach elec- tric road, a suburban line, near Providence R.I. Two cars came to- gether with great force. Four lives were lost, and over twenty per- sons injured. At Lawrenceville, Va., Monday, Rev. J. E. Riddick, who killed Dr. W. H. Temple, was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Thereis great dissatisfaction with the verdict. The conduct of Mayor James G. Woodward,of-Atlanta, Ga.,willagain be looked into. The investigation preliminary to an impeachmeat, will be conducted in secret. It is prob- able that the investigation will last several weeks. Joe Pitts, a well known citizen of Hendrick, Fia., became intoxicated Saturday and went to the house of Mrs. Chappell. The latter’s son, Will, seeing Pitts enter ran to his mother’s protection armed with a shot-gun. Pitts attempted to sheot young Chappell, but the latter emp- tied aload of buckshot into the former’s body. Pitts died a few hours later. New Advertisemnts. Dr. E. R. Russell, of Charlotte will be at Hotel Iredell June 18 and 19th. The Globe Telegraph College, of Lexington, Ky., wants young men to learn telegraphy. Cooper & Gill call attention to their line of fruit jars and jelly ulasses, also to their stock of millet seed and Irish potatoes. Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles an- nounce that now is the time to se- cure bargains in linen towels and suk waist patterns. J. A. Hartnesss, as trustee will sell land in Statesville and Chamb- ersburg towhships. J. B. Connelly, Co:nmissioner, will sell on July 14th two tracts of landone, the Amelia Plyler land, the other, the Pinkney Plyler land. J. T. Smith, commissioner, will sell at the court house, in Statesville on July 14th the J. Y. Cavin home- place. White and Yount havea car load of corn for sale at Stony Point, Sale of Valuable Land, ¥ VIRTUE ofa decree of Iredell Superior Court made in the special proceeding enti- tled A. D, Plyler, Marion Plyler and others against U. T. Plyler, the undetsigned as Com- nussioner of said court will at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., on SATURDAY, JULY 14H, 1900, re-sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder that yaluable tract of land situated in Chambersburg township, in Iredell county, known as the Amelia Plyler home place, con- taining 110 acres more or Jess. J. B. CONNELLY, This June 14th, 1900. Comnissioner, Land Sale. Y VIRTUE of a decree of Iredell Superior Court made in the specitl proceeding enti- tled A, D. Plyler, Marion A. Plyler, Hugh Plyler anb others against U. T. Plyler the undersign- edas Commissioner of said court, will at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., on SATURDAY, JULY 14TH, 1900, sell at public auction to the highest bidder a valuabte tract of land situated in Chambersburg township, in Iredell county. N.C., known as the Pinkney Plyler land, containing 69% acres more or less. Terms of sale, 14 (one-half) cash on day of sale and '%4 (one-halt) payable in six months from day or sale, with note and approv- ed security, with interest from day of sale. Title retained till all the purchase money is i J. B. CONNELLY. Commissioner. aid. Per his June 14h, 1900. F. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: ‘‘Ican certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her, It has also benefited my whole family.’’ It acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, zrippe, bronchitis asthma and all throat toubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. “DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare the finest pills I ever used.’’—D. J. Moore,Millbrook, Ala. They quick- ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. W. F. Ball. Jr. | Three men were killed and eight} |injured in a boiler explosion at An- Wis., the late W E.Gladstone, ‘the grand old man”’ of England, is ina very criti- negro, was lynched Tuesday near LATE STATE NEWS. j elie The Y. W. C. Association meet in Asheville tomorrow, continue until June 25th. The North Carolina Bar Associ tion will meet in Asheville, June 29th. Judges Armistead Burwell and James E. Shepherd will make addresses. J. V. Linton, a well known citizen of Charlotte, died in St. Peter's Hospital last Sunday. He was the gas maker at the Charlotte Gas House. John L. Rendieman, of Salisbury, has been appointed Census Supervi- sor for that district, to succeed the lateG. A. Bingham. Rendleman was Bingham’s clerk. |__ Friday, a little child of Hampton |Fowler, of Union county, was iswinging ina common ‘rope swing. | |Insome manner the child got the jrope are cs.tits neck, lost its hold jon the su* and was strangled to | death. ' | John Manning, of Pitt county. | was shot and killed in Craven coun- |ty last week by his nephew, Nile Manning. Nile was accompanied by John Manning, Jr., son of the dead map, when he committed the murder. Both Nile and Johr, Jr.. are in jail. The murder was caused by family troubles. The following notice has been sent out by Senator Butler: “To Whom it May Concern: Under the increased appropriation for free rural delivery, I will be able to vet the service established on ten or twelve routes in North Carolina. Those desiring the service establish- ed in their section will please com- municate with the undersigned, stating the route on which it is de- sired to establish the service.’’ Frank Sadler, a 11-year-old negro lad, shotand killed himself at his father’s home, in Gastonia, last Thursday afternoon. Early im the morning the boy had run away to escapea whipping. Later in the day he returned home and his moth- er went up town and informed his father of the fact. They, the par- ents, went back together. The boy, seeing them coming, ran in the house, secured his father’s pistol and sent a ball through his body about the heart. Death followed immediately. The distillery of ]. E. Shore, a Shore postoftice, the largest distill- ery in Yadkin county, was seized Tuesday. The officers claim that they hid in the bushes and saw the storekeeper and emplyes load un- stamped barrels of whiskey and haul them away. State Superintendent ofPublic In- struction Charles H. mebane has been elected president of Catawba College, at Newton, to succeed Rev. Dr, J. C. Ciapp, resigned, A requisition for the extradition of W. S. Taylor, wiio is now in In- dianapolis, has bceu asked for. It is not believed that GovernorMount, of Indiana, will honor the requisi- tion. J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. says, “I cannot siv 1.0 much for DeWitt’s Witch Buzel Salve. One box of it cured wi:.: he doctors eall- ed an incurable ulusr on my jaw.” Cures Piles and all skin diseases. Lookout for worthless imitations. W. F. Hall, Jr., Young Men Wanted. Wit fair education and good character, to Learn Telegraphy, Railroad accounting, and typewriting. This is endorsed by all lead- ing railway companies as the only perfect and rehable institution of its kind. All our gradu- ates are assisted to positions. Ladies also ad- mitted. Write for free catalog. (Fall term opens August isth.) GLOBE [ELEGRAPH COLLEGR Lexington, Ky. Re-Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county made at May term, igoo, of said court in the case of J. T, Smith, adminis.- trator of J. Y. Cavin, against M, J. Cavin and others, the undersigned as Commissioner of said court will at the court house door in States- ville, N.C, on SATURDAY, JULY 13TH, 1900, re-sell at public auction to the highest bidder that valuable tract of land in Fallstown township, iu Iredell county, N.C., known as the J. Y. Cavin home place’ adjoining the lands of john Cavin, John Young and others, containing 03 acres morecr less, snid lands will be sold subject to the dower of M. J. Cavin, widow of J. ¥. Cavin, Termsof sale one-half cash on day of sale, and one-half payable six months from day of sale, with note and approved secu- rity with interest from date of sale, Title re- tained till all the purchase money is paid. J. 1. SMITH, Comm issioner. This June 14th, goo. J. B. Connelly, Att'y, Trustee’s Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE o! a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by Ben Boyd,and wife, Wash. Allison and wiic, lawson Chambers, Burgess White and Joe Wilson, the undersigned will se!1 at public auction jor cash at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., at 12 o'clock, m., on MONDAY, JULY 161TH, rg00, the following lots of land lying and being in Statesville and Chambersburg townships and described aud detined as follows: ist tract—Beguining at a stake, running South 10° East 100 fect tu a“ stake, thence North sc’ Kast 200 feet to a stake, thence North 10° West 100 feet to a stake, thence Suuth S$o° West 200 feet to the beginming corner. This being the property of said Ben Boyd and wife, and for iulier description see deed from Mary C. Bell registered in Book 11, page 635 of deeds of the register of deeds office of iredell connty, 2. d tract—Beginning on the W. N.C. Kail- road thence Souths poles to a stake, thence Fast 11 poles toa staac, thence North 614 poie> tothe beginning, containing 13 acre, more or less, ‘This is tue property of said Wash Allison and wife and tiis sale is made subject to a prior mortgage to the tirst Building and Loan Asso ciation of Statesville, N.C, #or further de- scription see deed of J, S, Miller to Jane Allison, dated March 27, 1555, 3rd tract—Being part of the lands of Mary C Hall, known asthe Chambers land, lying nea: the Georgia public road on the South end of Mary Hail’s land, bounded by the lands of —— Atwell,on the west, on the suuth by Arey, on the eastand north by Mary Hall, containing about 5 acres more or less. his last tract is the property of said lawson Chambers and lies in Chambersburg township. This sale is made subject to a prior mortgageto H. P. Grier and W. G, Lewis. j.A, HARTNEss, This June 14th, igoo. Trustee. NO WELL Regulated FAMILY Can gct along without a clock. I have them, yood ones tov. A. real nice clock, good time keeper for $2.50. The Seth Thomas Clock, The kind your father and grand father used to buy. $4.50. Come in, let me sell you a clock. RICKERT, The Jeweler and Optician. See em eee Det ath LOT SS TERE Mae . A. SHERRILL & Wholesale and Retail. ry rr : es We want to call your attention to the fact that we have put ina FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF : Staple Clothine — For Men, Boys and Youths. We propose to sell this Clothing at a very small margin of profit. It costs us nothing extra to carry clothing the same room the same salesman ete. | . We are prepared to save yout money tn this line, When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. goods you want and at prices to suit vour purse, Come and be convineed. Truly. F. A. Sherrill &Co. For Three Months SURE, Everybody will be interested in something cool to wear. Now we have been busy securing for our many friends and custom- ers such things in Staple and Fancy wearing apparel as is best suited so every particular case. Ifit’s to the mountains you are bound we have the correct thing for you, or if you have turned your back on the mountains and set sail for the coast we can furnish you dainty materials that will not penish when in contact with the salty breeze that you will enjoy while there. WE ARE OFFERING SOME lixtra Good Bargains In Dress Goods for present wear. If you want a picnic dress come to us, we will shoe you the proper thing. We are showiug extra June bargains in Hats, Shoes and Slip pers, Shirts, Gauze Vest, Muslin Underwear, Parasols, Umbrellas. Ties, Collars, Cutis, Belts, Belt Buckles, Fans, Fan Chains and numerous other things. Come and see Yours truly, N.B. Mills &Co. Wejhave the Us. The Famous Godman Ladies’ Oxford At $1.25 to $1.50. Guaranteed Solid throughout and to wear equal to any $2.00 Shoe on the market. SLOOP & MILLER. New Furniture NEW CARPETS, NEW RUGS, Are you needing anything in the way of house furnishings? If you are why not try the new store where everything is new, fresh and up to date? Our entire line is new and clean no shopworn goods, no‘old styles, but everything the Very Latest Styles, Design and coloring. Waving catered to the trade of Statesville for six years, we believe we know just what is wanted, and we 5 fee] sure we can please you. We only ask an examination of our stock to prove our claims. Don't forget our new location: L. SCHILLER, Furniture, Carpets and Matting. New Cooper Block. ae V« LONIC PELLETS you do not! uy a med- M \} kine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- ness, Constipation and Headaches. It is two /__ Gistinct medicines, but sold for one price—25c. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Peliets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. : WPDPIIII Oe CPO SS SS - = ~ ee eaten are da ; TOWELS. § 3 SILKS. 9 % TOWELS, ; ....--BIG...... SILKS. 2 ; TOWELS. 9 ) SILKS. 2 as WALUES ! tj ‘ 3 » : Beginning Wednesday, June 13th and continuing for Ten ‘ Days we will place on sale a large line § ) > ) 4% LINEN TOWELS and ; SILK WAIST PATTERNS 3 : @ at and below cost to manufacture. This is the opportunity of @ your life to secure bargains in these lines. Come and 2 see our offerings. § 2 r , SEY. 8 We Mean What We Sa ae 3 a TOMLIN & BOWLES. 2 eC RRARRR RAR GR: «3 The Big’ Store. st where the shoe pincheseasy todetermine. Where the evils of spend- = ose money pe and end few folks ever learn. It is no wonder meny pocketbooks look as if an elephant had trampled upon them. One of the causes is in its owner not knowing.» WHERE TO BUY, i judgment is displayed where people Look Before They buy. The on Ed Rashes who help themselves. Itis a standing invitation of ours to everybody to inspect our stock and see the values we are offering before they spend their money. It may be refreshing to mention SOME OF THE LINES WE CARRY IN STOCK. :Come end See Many Not Named Here. Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Pant Goods, Domes- tics, Plaids, Cheviots, Percales, Calicoes, Draperies, Curtains, Wal- Paper, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeries, Paper, Pens, Inks, Envelopes, Pencils, China, Crockery, Lamps, Shelf Hardware, Shoe Findings, Tinware, Glassware, Toys, Wagons, Baskets, Table Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Towels, Mirrors, Pictures, Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Jewelry and a thousand or more items, and all at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Look betore Ret ctiey Race you buy. Wilhelm & = = —— SF La CM ser Ti a ee cinnceiatind : =a — SN areca - i me nen =< — — B : = —= < i of : = —— 1 the Constitution ¢ = a = i cy Act to Amen¢ oF by. ' y "ss failin Kentucky. An \ Seer > sre en OB > ' Wwe d Fire at Once \ Taylor’s Wai North a . a — (SULTE ‘RIPPLE ' Cyclone au con — fo ‘ “ : cilled 562 and Injured INSULTED A CRIPPL linn., Dispaten | Louisville, Ky., Dispatch, Sth Th t ee cade op ev aro- | =~ & # 5 — "GER A FUGITIVE. | Sone capi in this Country eee Duluth, Min+., W. S. Taylor today sent to — The Tous re reba i Ny G? TIME kr OK ‘s. ‘ on rs . ~, ts . : ry ~ e ans ot ey, ‘ s 3 ek PRESIDENT KRUG i 8 Last Yerr. | Spencer Adams, Republican Candi- | The entire business and most of Evening Post, from ae a - ee ead ag — ate — sinus {SP For Governor, Insults Editor | a ideuce section of the town |the folowing statement, in which| _ scriox 1. That article six o [have Flour, Cor, ye. LF - Pretoria ee Car date in Burlington j the reside | . he SECTION . lina be | ete, for sale on tin. 0% a on A “cake ee bey esther mason et ans p-|of Virginia, on the Mesaba iron | he declines to be a candidate for t _ ‘constitution of North soc iar | me when you wan: 4;,.™ oe Dons por t aoe es tite | i ci ig N Obs . Se ~e | as ri i it ‘ i of : bea’ = aoe : aS v Mehe agent Eeombte for the Bevt- | SE eis fi life peackncton Speciale eS on eee range. was wiped out of existence! Renoblican vomination for Govern opsiesen oy on abrogated, me ce 300 Sao pe a fein Has On eaten jer Bonen senate fast | eo he | today by fire. In one hour’s time} ,-. z ‘and in lew thereof shall be subs id This March &th 1999. Ps : Y es it iby lightning in this coors year| I bave just learned of oer t zc \fully 125 buildings were reduced tO} <1, the Republicans of Kentucky Se nin: eat ot Se \ Loudon Dispateh, *th. {the Trans | year was greater than in Te OnCce | most dastardly pie insult he ashes. Telegrapbic communication | 4; Fear amin cartes and aes jtated the fo ‘ : i : q 5 ve ’ 5 i 2 * et re _ ae a i . a on c es : NSC ee i atistics began to be CO rer heard of. Mr. Crowson, tb a ff soon after the first vews. | nounced. that if the Republican nom ~ od. IW A ciaoverment are in a railway |since statistics beg ixty-two ever he A pe was cut off s i eens nounced, tha: . > CLE V1. oe N, | wa hich is shunted on ‘ewbich : fe ea tantly oa ee os ee =< and was not resumed till evening. | ination for Governor were oe ARTI ‘ FICE— At Brick Store, Back Harriss A TOL, VIL fachaturp sation. Drei Ea | persons sjaries from Ei Leal | Hoes on acting house tonet his dia. |The flames broke ou: at the Moon &|1 should not feel authorized «0 duc, | CFRAGE /ND ELIGIBILITY To OFFICE wae mA VOL, . Machadorp station. a eeiccace |suilered injuries from which were! £0 the boarding house to get his din- | 7° | mill, on the shore of Silver! cine it. But after mature consider- ; wNS OF AN ELECTOR a ——— ae achacor x < . > coach | sulfer = 6 . sw | 3 , : : if oe . fs iia reg fe : ws a NS : -ECTOR. 3 ver caused the interior of _ avo |soon resulted, and $20 pee Roos jner, and satdown, and soon Spee Lake. southwest of town. The plant | otion of allinterests involved in the QUALIFICATIC ae | , we < =| 12 ’ > ae f o c Tee * as eee . . aa , « . ri ae uN. eS os - = : 1o be reconstructed some ses that |iniured, many of them = eri nainful | cer B. Adams,Republican_ cance consisted of a number of large! contest for civil liberty, and ae my (Section 1) Every male person . : witha yiew to Cee eceee on: | physical shock, others from ee for Governor, came In und re buildings beside the mill and it was duty to myself and my familv, y | born in the U nited ee un orale ‘ have now arrived. ACG ese i enc and others from tem} pody. |ing him as a newspaper | an, wi ag among these that the fire started. St es eee fee! thot SoS aaats : aes + of the Daily Express, be Pr i- | paralysis of some part OI ase oe bad unearthed some of his oes Phe main! business! section "of the SroUlaaeh ate ee ae from aac neo ae ase and [ © 1 \ 26 | cee Cale | pas dt yo « + r >. z . NAF < . ~ . an earn o t . f ~ PRG ane frem Lorenzo Marques mg vester- | Tbe most common form oO ae Me meet aac ontOE the Milton Herald, Bee ee on the ae ed, twenty wea I dent Wruger, W as recel as kine al suitis 2 from iigutning Serie teok cecasion to insult ica te = miil and over this intervening terri- ara cae! ae pescee oe hal be en ed to : : , 3 dav. bh President ae anal oa the paralysis of the arms Na See ke that be was enable to defend : os tory the flames spread, oeroaie Rondon ae eRe orne nga eee a oe : people y, . fons Dips Ae ee ana det rmir In Prof, Henrys report siaben selfaguinst the insults He oe rectly to the business buildings by a as best I could the burdens ere in the state exceptas herein othe Ul) a here let anc atte ee ee ° any he <¢ S ere | _ Serene v o 7} 2 = ial ° — . : « . r + ~ oe Pe dd not make u i ast OP ee a cae fre j Crowson personally a aoe high wind. Within one hour tke have attenced this great struggic. wise provided. sided i a I handle all KinGS oF nna lgciee Tacrae ed ‘The | were sCme remarkable €¢0) eS feos anv allusion to the parade. said the Sre destroved everything between | to. much I have endured for ess (Sec. 2.) He shall have neste = mes EET ——, the best quailty. E {. « erviewed. Were = 2 pee ba +} rings | BUS Say ae at pee eel : ; i ’ [ _muc! ; 2 i : | Sorrespondeut © uipped for the]death. Tu seme Sa deste ficcuenatic: een ee Ores Ose ‘ip ana{the mill and railroad. _|Gem’s sake few willever know. In| \° oor North Carolina ‘ae al Those who co:ter).. Materi Sctoeview by cables trot don eS ay sce cdioe bun sed | Sty Dapcrsmowla no! donbt x wo phe path of the flames was a5/ cite of all this, the will of the peo- years, in the county six months lee Inmaking LILEDOUN MUSLIN § “padte Best | es ne Se nd ti I E sarre 7 nee “ : ’ rer 3 ti v 70 “oO . av a ° rar oa AS ee pea eota nied iar s intervie ® by cable: frou t Nrayer.!and the body was scarred or oa w.|swear that there were ee =! c clean cut as that of acyclone, an ple has been over thrown eee in the precinct, ward or ones aan wo use the best moderuiuachine/ & INSURANC? “Vas. said I Se TBritich however. cornpiete recovery — BORO v| white men in the parade. Mrs. indication of the great force of the CO CuREe Ea aetnt subjecte pane ere offers : a ae b6cy ¢ vite true that a ee eck 4 is pot Bpsv to ee Bee Hardin, who was present, saw how wince. O. D, Kenney’s bank, situa-|15 9 merciless political eee vote four months next preceding a . etn asia cotton W oS p At all—had best 2 it 4 re ria. is, =~ eG, & be , >} gent and act a dl “row ros ” G. 5 . ss —e an SS | B z se ote | hs 5 a : eST suc ee | | E have occupied Pre tox } » war. The}|these persons esGaperd weat , eS eimbarrassca Mr. ac FON Sou ee tedina two-story frame building, The coming campaign Js ae election: Provided, that te i buy inithexecd — ens « & ATS ‘but 5 - ever, Goes not end op mined tol there is still much uncertaiuty as be| Whispered to Mi. Adams that ae wasinruins ten minutes after the profound importance to Re from one precinct, ward or. the 3 and sell thie finished muslin dircet 3 stene between NO }- fully ne cs ; ; ave ‘ Ce 2 o; ae oti - + he a . =e mead be . ° ta « > “ae iin nerc? . 5 me tircintin ° . Slast. ‘They will never | the maximum voltage tha without {satan editor. He said that These flames reached it. The termtory |phe pallot must be redeemed” 2Ee | lection district ito another, a to |S connate corentprons olacons= Me AMIDES Ul Nairn ain es. c last. 1 ain rmed men|applied to the human bedy withor it and went on to suy thst Seal coe which the fire traveled covered | victory won Jast fall must be ie same county shall not ee A 4 fnission imen, speculators and win, In my policy oy ' was d nea ww JP j2dIe : : aS sereOr 7 7, | over S Ss 5 8 : | sazne ’ Y 2 | = : ie country. Hf exces ae ee 1 ody of {little lying editors never have ee about 12 blocks, about nine of which] won ard thefts perpetrated by is deprive any person of the rig a | gy Jobbers. : beuefit of both tiviny «, ie. N.C : ! reoraued bg the fine ork Se ee cdo ter odie arernes tees caus were thickly built up. Tonight Generai Assembly fittingly con- vote in the precinct, ward or ios a é = Statesville, &. ©. by RG Se ees en Neate red po exter- | 204) iy ae nt > ? - ~ ie ae hn as - qUndre? : iy encouraged by the zt in the] the person struck shows : bo oe they were abominable. lying scoun there is nota business house, pote demned. = t | eicetion district com see bea : i: OunN Seven hun tS a - Satie ose he eo els.” re ¢ ing in Virginia. e “O ly possible redress mus -ed until four months L i Fs sixtv-Eight Golan aes na marks OF ie fy drels. or store ¢tanding in irg ur only poss : ae ; : i | ? : | “cee State. ted that |death seems tohave resulted com Of course Mr. Crowson could a residence portion of the town Was} ome through an appeal te the peo- such removal. No person who Es ‘ rites cane Q ts le sugsgeste beh : . ° a 1. oe rae a ans co - . - : ~ e 2 Suc s ce why acs @ 2sSe s atecy3 eco rai ee se the|complete collapse of the ce aie defend himself, but his frie nore ».|only partially burned. The school pie. The campaign must not Pei - 2 been convicted or wko has Soares fjUSZLIN rs of Statesy Wie and SS Creer tissues. In many cases, howeve . | There is universal rave in town os house aod most of the churches were lected. Every friend of tae sacred |) =. guilt in epen court upon 1 : community in jeg a capital had been taken. 7 oe yore cause of Geath was made uppar- P amicnoathe affair, and it would oor Sache Se eee ee oem eeen: his guilt in open court pasinoe : rer communty i “Pb reac | | CNRS oe ee on ec iiaeny ry- 1 G8! EM ee rene »| untouched. : - “aus ve ie ere ee after the name on 5 . a “Phe oe, x capital? It st by the alo and ge be healthy for EAS LOE eee The loss is estimated at es listed. h aalichioniale: which now is Caen e er gee denier hasn't LILEDOUN and If vou aan li 2 Rg see oh ticular |} varion SES) Oe ee inca] ». Crowson is a cons pe eon a ware A 6 . eal shou!d | ‘ a = he State SE ee ee ee eee nate ime and see ie | ea, eo Reeular Ban ae leas of any particular] i: aKAG apne that of two] !ssult, Se ae aud feels (ene eames ecrcre é Korr To pene Cope eaaoata oat Se ee as TE coahe tae Zhe! Snemages prepa tn30 7a bole pes eee ne teen Traeecton Es = ene coicca er bvic imortar. The | One singular case was that _ Re pe Oe ee ee Pca over $125,000, ve Moon & © Successtusly made, you s ny |saall be per Be cert § Guore. A LILEDO 7. Five you Moria nteres ernie arate ‘ e tion of bricks ano e olf|brothers who were killed wv hike very badly the insult, as this ies Sawn ilies burned, but the stock } joc: for your Candidate one who may said person shall be first restored to Bo ATL =o os = ’ ee : capitol of the republic, t ai sed car ete ¢ together in a dog Sas the third or fourth attack of like of cut lumber is thought to have devote all his time and energy to citizenship in the marner prescrib- fe ORE COTTON MILLS. aylorsville,R.C. ‘Recount EG yt orate government, is here ee Vhey were tound lying side by ack character. News | been saved. The water plant of the|:po prosecution of the canvass. _ ed by law. ee — aed ROMEDIOAL examina, oe wo - acic at AU i > Ts “> e > Yo: rare as ay hp ee “lay Pine awWS =< > ‘ ; en : : le b: a : e : , site. Our jountry is favad Ore teas ot ar a oagiie eS estene=) i soars tone city was directly in Pe path of =a the light of tneee Coustier atone: (See. = lines semraaa, Speci = = ae President and ex-Con- site. Our country is tuvaded, Tel had falle it of the Dac ! akes this editorial refe “€ eas riti rce oO €lis therefore. manifest s a 3all be a ne ti mal) V2 oe " eee m . => e> pa butitis net conquered. The Soa pragiee had no ex- ee sa pene eRe ee aa — fact that = eo eee should be your stand- ee voter nels neta preseri- wressman James Se > J oye CARLTON. J WO A Cds # : voverninent is stil effective. oe th S : sign of injury. The skin ol in “AN UNCALLED FOR INSULT. en Soe ed the railroad tracks at ard bearer. aa in the manner hereafter pro-|of Washington, for ie cee ne all CRE re GE _ Raloresers ie the, resooe td : 25 vounyer brother was burued in ee ee ied be im-|tk 2 aes side of the village. “While I cannot longer be your vided by law. and the general assem | The platform favors the fusi INSURAN 75. a - frucer said: he vounss paneer 1S ENTe have always tried to b -lthe ‘eas side od by ee fassem |The p i left Pretoria, Mr. eat to bela number of smal, ¢ ireulat Poe Wye have Se ee cer evil. | cleared a half mile of barren ground Meaderiin tie creat battle. yet I eee Can Carolin: (ekalenact ee 7 G Se rng ae ae ec tae est and ¢ fA ANG LOO! Harsonal in eur fight agains . 2 cara ide t ce Le sent y of we shall enact | silver forces. Soe ea ek ee E prowded, Sbispowcn cae pres Stinks neck to ace tried to stand up for}and burved three porses: ee shall a age ripe ao "| general registration laws | 0 carry he MNEs oe : tekou Peon = . j Pr yye yc} oe } “nea r = < aba We wave C . - esters } x < = E av he . y pow . $ age he rOvVis > 38 - 5 2 Ss a Teas, burghers eile The metalic Seeentty purity een eee ee a Se aes ae lives rie OS one the less because OIC ae Victims to stomach, liver and kid- 15 * burghers | the fips. Toe ee " a u rr wes ems ths ad. ss : ‘ ye li ) : Licle. . : : pare -A i toennelves wit se es fused oe eee sake non eee The people are in urgent of what I bave suffered for her sake. “(See 4) Every person presenting | io. troubles as well as women, and Ou ern Eclipse aS sichoen Pie met Ee RE 5 wi 2 ave ineurre ‘ *e st. : =e « ieeeeeine . (Sec. eee z i . é ei “i « a. ply themselves w ith be =e ssary|wasdeeply burned The waistcoat] we have inc ace be casei if yrtu- | need of relief, There is little food “W.S. TAYLOR himself for registration shali de able | .1)"¢.0] the results in loss of sae ° : tees an EL shouil be able to move ui ee ere eee See ae the sae left in the town and women and —_——_— to reed ard write any section of the tite, poisous in the blood, backac = R wa With re i ul eee ear 5 , - “} : hay e+ tae Sarr > —- ———- oo “ t . er otf oe : vi 3 lenge * an eles ¢ 1 cabie L : That isall |} was uninjured. Nosignsofdisturb | pate as to have Sines Ss B "Ad children are without places to sleep Maj. Marsh's Operations in the Phil: | 00) Gisution in the Enzlish languase, nervousness. headache and tined, a ’ y ae blocks a ° ier i agg s Gon See ' i : ble il : Vv e * A Sita = at s - - wpe 4! * > : 7 cr. > carne: FC sCCG CVe ) ate) cae i the xround could be seen. | |table at dinner with Mr. $ - gi ecet sea etie : ; be entitled tojiiuess. run-down feeling. e most sensitive feed : aes this car will take me ance of eo ea that the ae ai Gratam last Saturday, ane or any covering, ippines, ava r fore be shall bs _gatitled to listless rundown feeling. Buty montamotsciet = retoria. or the present itis usugiry rea re WG. but (ec ance aie nd rascally way he ——— Manila Dispateh, sth. _ | vote ke hat is : : Tilig™ ner, Idaville, , > st yi ™uTW < to Pretor es keep away from |damage is coe by sae ae aKa pacouardiye of eur being in a Craig Law Constitutional. A dispaten from Candon, dated | the first day cf Sak on ae ee are ee STANDARD RAILWay . ENGINE e of nofitisoften difficult to expk SP Seren ee ren career om Roda rn gh a So a ean far arch’s men! which he proposes to ve p nd. e says: Z ~ : Ne ge ee i this theory. Thus, 11} respectaule lady’s house to insult Mulcigh Dispatch, sth. June 6, says Mr. P.C, March Se h -) ea by law for the!... iust the thine fora man when The SOUTH AND BOILE d where | should only play casualties on tl Seana yan of horses|ys Soor after we sut down, with. | *#'c > : yday tiled an|of the the Thirty-third Regiment, | ax as prescri Poll taxes shall be a| 22.7" FecnAbene Gaal lowe sama nie , se ena ate cael io ae ‘ and a man in out any reference to apy couversa-| The Supreme Come oe : in-|returned to Candon that day by Eee year. e a v operty and ea he lives or dies It did The Direct Line to all Dotpes Portavle on whee z ; nto the bands ¢ 2 . ramet sched to awk ne a “ aus i ele : ¢ 2N ce : m - ‘ 2 Pe = , assesse * rT w > Ss. ~ aee e eneines mand t Bes . = Feenerer “mark jattached to a wage t : = any excuse, Ad-|/epinion in a case o amer from Aparri A majority | tien only on as " a Portable on “They say, Mr. Kruger, * re ithe wagon were killed) ijon, and without any excuse, Se cae oan : i Von assessed property and ler he lives or dies. 18 . as “correspondent, “that youlthe rear of the wag eer eared himself back and said, ‘I| terest and importance. Aes f the men are ready for the hospit- | no process sha! ssue more giv = exas jonery engines sot | have browzit with you ‘ ee ae ee ite ig law be constitutional, | 0! (he men a eee genie aS lecti f the same except], od anpetite than anything I coulc 5 size, OS e cht with vou veld te the} while the ¢ awe Es Nivearnicerciee : ee ea co lrel editors] the Craig law to be cons T) Thence e thin and weak. having | the collection o ‘ ae 5 : T ay and the a ~ yo between thehorses and the u oo ae Soe esi =a coma nes will say | which was intended to force corpor- eee in the mountains. awainst assessed property. ce take. |] = now ee an California k clips ee . ‘ . a . Bee hene aa This case and ot of the littie co Y papers . SB) ; ; States 19] traveled 2% : ins, : : property. | an now eat a0 : a : : Bie > Pres-}anot badly burt. This ca ‘ e Y y three!ations chartered by other States : : y sulfered creatly (Sec. 5.) No male pers havea ne ‘ it is not true,’ replied the Pres- | aot bi ee eg t 0 CON-|} that there were Guly two or threelations 4 mn during which they suffered greatly Sec. 3 a undred ak + > ali, Jr.’s, Drug : ident.‘ Whatevermouetary resources |ers uf 2 etek ee oo a aeons ee procession today, | domesticate themselyes eee OE tS from hunger. Of the fifty borses|on January one, eanbesn aes as tlt TPS x Fiorida 1 may x ith a imp fir Fe ong eae Ae cee oy a qe 7 Os "Av, ing m 0 Te kgns Amel. x aves o |. Sarthe Ke" or atany a “| Store. every 1e@ . 3 s ; mien are npiv | firm the belief tt b Sara E ' a sample of their] purpose of preventing e sturted with the battalion, 13/ and sixty-seven, 5 0 ‘ {may have With me are sumpt 7 f ti charyves may reach the as it would only be a samp eo } i pos D one is a : : eek Seca tek : ; : : : : ne rf Exe | ; | ! may Lv eater ot nen her ischarge ay : . e me ieee s from ate to a s inder died on |/or thereto entitled to vote un ec HI Ss nose which we require for State} number of « aratively i ing representations.” Having de-|transferring suits survived. The remainder died on |or theret z Tri = New Y, ; oe b Statesville, + purposes. A ue same Ce ae ae Sonya ca = . see ALi Randioteicsce against us| Federal Courts. The case a Ae ean or fell into canyons. The | jaws of any state in eos J. 2 ee enone u a and OSes. ALLURE se - ut eam . ee pe here mus *\livered this k « ete: . . shi alk- x ie ‘ 5 pie rein he then resided, an Washington Duke. pham, : there sadius inside which there ° : sidered j from Durham. A man, while w 3 ‘ally collapsed at|States wherein he then : ashing rha gan fet te Ie ee sufety Photographs another occasion we cousidered } fre ad whe ek by|vatialion practica y coilap Terre >f y such library building to : =A i . srts find |smuallareas of safety. hols on another : nee ee the side-walk, was struck by | Vattal : Magueyarao, aS|yo lineal descendant of any s donated a_ ibrar, tears = orto 1°9 -is. Let Lord Roberts find So a YW ri bb flashes show that we were ove of the editors re- Ing on the s ’ | Piast. 30 miles from Maguevarao, ae. : A r such | dona cig ibTaRy building to ) = Ls os of the so called ribbon ila: Ss oa eens v2 had toolan iron bar dropped from a pole oy aBapahctey f fevers and exbaustion. nerson, shall be denied the right t Trinity oliege. g u f he can. : PRE 2 discharge is from} ferred to. Of course we ha 1 WM} , , He sued | the result of fevers 3 aoe Bah = at any election in bandsome structure. This * , _ ; a ’ ay. io Eneland, Mr |that at times the discharge C ! ady of the}a Bell Telephone employe. es x ; he were COn-| reyister and vote at any be a hai t Thi Poa cova “Phey awiso say, ta Engiand, 4 ane : y feet wide at the sur-| much respeet for the lady of the}a Bell Se -| Eighty-seven of the men we ~ 18s his failure to ses over $500,000 given to Trini- ¥ Pirst-Ciass quip. Bae : Se oereS youcontemplate taking | rhirty to forty feet wide at the mu St eee and|the company as a domestic corpor Feige De Muyuegarac in} this state by reason of his failu makes over $500,000 g enteoneh aan uip. a ae rey Oe ee te ; of ar F re ¢ sar’ to »toreply to the insult, an de * . -| veyed from Piat to Muyueg ss - ee ifieati Duk ,, A adres and set eres jc a Dutch man-of-war ati ftco of the earth. pybere seRcarecs pouse aco See strength to re-}ation for damages. The aes oe carts and those falling on the | possess the educational gualiiceton ty by the Duke family ies oe ee refug Milmeunec tt be narrow janes within thes ae ne rant to, | fited a petition for removal on One rn ee itters by the] prescribed in section four o mh | oie ee mane sae Pal lenin cot allman eyed : wanted to ied in litte y Loca an Benet eae im bs that are free from violent dis: | sent it personally, if we wa ’ pon itizensbip, claim | “ay were carrie Se Yovided, he shall have reg-| «After snfferiag from severe dys- alace Sleeping Cars on al! i ee ee ee ee ae standingin oneol) but we will say this much,that there enous ee Ce ee New | [gorottis with the column. eee _ Provic . 1 ms with the terms epee over twelve years and using Night Trains; Fast and Sale Shoes Hosi President with vehemence. “IT know | turbance. A person sta RO tee eee ale aeeiyor rocession many ling original incorporation ed om 1 ficers accompanying Major! istered in accordance Seo 2 B - ae Schedules 7 5 President with ve . ight escape serious in-|werg ij that processi any gy S A tae The officers accompanying poe with the | pepsi "twelve years and using , 1 . © rece fr >s Sei , er . joa ee m0 ° > cae ‘0 ecembder many remedies I Rhee such Dey Tay eel ee ueng ene rience > se ien who are our friends,} York. Judyve Brown, o \ Maret Captains Henry L. Jep | of this section prior 2 yr > spesial'T rithe Sonthor: ..3 hot ontenpl 7 ! = ee ements t ; val, | Starch were Cap J. : d and eight. d finally took Kodol Dyspesia| Travel by t € Southera and yoy - Inting “icin refucre wary while others near 5 a v le but yreme Court refused @ removal, eric yard Davis: L ieuten- one, nineteen hundre an ni’ | £00 y 4 1 y Youm not contemplating | taking relune par: men who are true gentlemen, but| prem 2 e consti. | kinson and Edward Davis; Lieuten- | one, iy shall provide! @ Itdid me so much good I| “assured a safe. Comfortable ani uatry. e will be no need for| "Tae me ainiy one jn that pro-| holding the Craig law to be cons sCarroll Power and Frank L.| fhe general assembiy shall pr Care. y volar ses = able an} We will sell yo anvwhere. I shall not le eee pate ber of fatalities. | there was certainiy one ln I = = = ‘ te |ants Carro ower a : 5 “dof all yper- ded it to everyone O Expeditious Journ: y © wall , Shere wae en nee icscae nce i Ree ; a disgrace to the}rutional, and the Bell Company te G valt, assis-|for a permanent record of all p recommende ms *) 2 y- oe ie ae country. Thore will be no neec es -curred in the open; } cession who was a disgrace to th utional, ; ee oe ee an : ‘ 1 ee 3 pened “to everyone i sae wei >to do anything of the kind. or t5 per cent. occurre en : f Se eS roces-}be a domestic corporation. Ane : 2y say it was ail]sons who register under this Ss writes J. K. | Ss, \ APPcr'O 7OMET AGENTS rox Tun yp aracabo Co me to do anything of : Dapeere ee epee vo : satest number, 34 per Cent, |ventlemen who wece in the br oces- be a a Ia ee ep ae say twas ail | sons ' iste ynder_ this sec wrtes atitataios, Clon Be sme = se = | Elie: CORED ON CERI pn oma ota bg emcate: ‘ent OC-| sion, a man whose heart is as black | Supreme Court aftir 1S | j-| guess work as to whether Aguinal-|tion ou or before } : 2 : uJ ATES AND GENERAL INvoxrmanios, and Grocerit See eae eee I th Tea t of aaa [ face 4 the biack negroes | cision, holding the Craig law consti- do was shot, Before the Americans | nineteen hundred and eight; and all! what youeat, W.F. Hall,Jr. OR ADDRESS ere Is miu sur t ss i veisditee 5 an :e leas asibe face ov > } neg S sion, ‘ ; . eae ee rican: : 2 = ine lef Mrs. Kruyer behind. _yeurred under trees, a rs aes champion und leader he is'and | tutional and by the compliance with eer Sagat the insurgent chief di-| such persons shall be entitled te ie Vaan, : President Krayer: ‘‘But, why?jall, 9 per cent, in ea women, | ye nearly said companion, for iffits terms the defendant became 2 ee Oe ee cat ina clections by BL, Vea 2 2 irs. Kruser is quite safe in’ Preto-|"A’dozen persons, most! eM Ee eee Seen oe some) tic corporation and cann coe : ils. The of-|the people in this state unless dis- eee a a aos vrs. Kruger is quite safe in Preto Z tee aes thile taking eling with them and juggling | domestic pora c following different trails. The of | the peo, : ; = 3 - : rot ee SEAR Coe a iating ‘ : suit to the Federal | ‘'° s : 1° xe der section two of this CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE Nt . ria. She would only be put to in-|were killed either oats iit them is not associating, welremove the suit to ‘ perics ras perhaps Aguinaldo’s | qualified under se ‘ — ae eg ee ' pares colhere ‘All egmentnes clothes from wire itnes or else w ee Sat fekoe ed erence a dirty Courts when sued as a domestic cor- pce soy eae The report ae: Provided, such persons &No trouble to answer questions, eee ea ¢ i ae . + , : al 47404 © ay- > Ww } "e, \ rts e . a . 3 | cence, bar a ee fiona ahae uate Sie ee in every sense of the} poration. Justice ee eee among the natiyes is that Auinaldo| shall have paid their poll tax as re Frank §, Gaznon, J, if Cp ow <= ou t rill await my return | stor; s wel: KRG i ba seat ete 5 ° e ss tices F: sloth an 5 fs 05 . ae : o MR, Uilly, 5 - ~~ f course, but she will await my returh | storin It = . Sialoniies lines are corel a inan who in voting for a ne-| the opinion. Justices Fairclo : oe) a Gee rye es a bs os e : a Pets. Gu, 1. Cip : | : eee ee twee the dwellings and yro called upon those present to|urches dissent, the latter eS oes The papers secured show that} (See. 6.) Allelectiens by the oe WASHINGTON, Dc : J ao .* 4 a bruve woman. [am here await-}extended psi Prot! Hen come and see him do it;a man whol the leyal argument, but oe Ne early all the presidents installed by | ple shall be by ballot and “a Sball f _ i : < se . , are MOGs rd ACK (Oe . * 2 aac See pa ” * j resid p allot a ie a | cy ing further infermation. ‘ e& are} trees or ay ee a zsource of dan-]exeusing the hellish deeds of rape of | the ground iat the pee ae Bee csc naiGena- Teena eae See aaa or 3 ¥ = ’ ad $y faithful urchers upd ry SVS nat sis t 3 »*xeUs g e ‘ | P a ages : i sur permed dy faithful burghers a & asin that wires should never con-| the negro. said that it was no worse | sued the defenc eels , ' are quite safe. vera ; ’ > ' ; 2 >| territory are treacherous and have] be viva voce. — eh ~ awe arked: | nect abouse with aneighboring tree. | tian the seduction of wenches by |corporation. The eae been making regular reports to} (Sec. 7.) Every ees ae State Secretary Reitz remarked: 8 eS ere caae an tai er seen Ore) white men, excusing the action of} will by writ of error, ta Cree Aguinaldo for the dispositions and} Carolina except as in this a a * You muy depend upon it that the! lf the wire is ca on fifty feet of ah brutes as the negro Sellars who|at once to the United States Se eens of the troops and they | disqualified shall be elivible to office, war is not yet over. Guerrilla war peot be stretched So te "a are some as now lviag ip jail at Graham preme Court. Justice Douglas Sale have been collecting and forwarding but before entering upon the duties : fare will continue over an enormous | 4 dwelling house. sce = Se mae See ee crime, which]in an interview that he bed devoted Fa nee captured papers also} of the office he shall take and sub- ea. Weintend to fight to the precautions shes Open oe earns as apt to be ayainst the]a fortnight to writing the opinion. | taxes. ttrer end, and shall probably retire | daring thuader s IS. S regis as ¢ 6 If You Need _ 4 Fire, Life, Accident or Health ee 2 ; ; 2 in 9 = te prove the’ disloyalty of the native]secribe the fallowing cate nak oe Insurance t . as . ° a ae s a . i & : ee > swear (or attirm » oan ? ss re canta house should avoid chimneys andj jittie innceeut child as ayuinst the - eee Ae telegraph operators, whom the do solemnly s er a Paik ec S No aa ee jows. The safest. place is strong wotnan, comparing bis erime| yzaking a Crop With a Milk Cow. Americans retained oa the Cayagan | will support and mai a he United Ss t PAY mon uv } : ren ws. @ Sadie pele : & wow. re ly : : A L i : vais vi uy d main : Ne Ook oust: eters aes 3 he middle of the room. {with that of evil minded white men. Sagi Saco ieneeusecicnemeereee Valley line. When Tirona surren- stitution and laws’ 0 ios Beived | | } Yes.” observed Mr. Krager* “it Ere ee arsons should never|and hea jucye upon the bench at : here | dered the Filipino forces in that see | States and constitution an seta Bro wn Guy. eee t is only now that the real strugyle|In the open, persons shor rea Li grtieee eta Hea re nee are a oe erry Something over a year ayo there | 4 é : ssed loy-) North Carolina not invonsistent|§ 1, vou cee = arkling eyes, a healthy, f : pcan I be nes ty is only now thal ony k the shelter of trees. Wire|} that time. And aboveail, this man] § : s noe snship,this | tion, these operators professed loy- | Nor i 1 il faitbtall Do Fou see sparkli yes, a healthy, & sien Imi i has begun. I fear that there Will }seek the s os : et should be} proposes to be our next Governor !} moved into burnsville townsh o « = alty and took the oath of allegiance. | cherewith, and that I will faith ully See attractions ane the rents EaEcexsraacse asses oc oroes Seis Rose F | fates tack tke tia Ses ae i | " > ack. it is wise | We excuse him for bis inswit, but See nen But itis now shown that they have discharge the duties of EO) office at of good health. If they are absent, there j Office~sec ‘oud Floor Bank #uilling bought our stoc ieult is that of the British govern-|gyoided. If on horse POE Se REIS icp ese) eet a ee id ity}derson. The men seemed very pe-|% ee : ord opies of .......80 belp me, God. gis Dearly always some disorder of the a aa j fore can save vo fault is t =o : soi. : and wait until the!don't believe he would have said i : een the|been sending Agninaldo copies of|..... : ' ot Ae its sopra ee fhe de eee aie ene a eae) ak ae z if we had been physically abie to} culiar and resented any effort on the important telegrams exchanged be (Sec. 8.) The following classes o menstrual organg mean heaith and beauty } —__— = a : seas awaYr > , zs . ink Sh . a + Ie C a 2“ < : . * Ripe ee ee ee five persons} have resented it, but we pray to God | part of their neighbors to make oe tween the American officers persons shall be disqualified for | everywhere. : The Stock of Si¢ 2 : ORE CaS aS Ur ycou : Seah ie i sor } Shey ¥e s wi ~ : ei Care -: m8, ~ 7 : - ; Kruger exclaimed: ‘Phe time has In one case last year ne k f wns such man will deiiie the/acquaintance. Th y came to this]? Letters were also found relating to | oftice: First. all persons who shall MIcELREE’S Tr Us Qn = R d Gon ; ed £ s to talk, We bave donc | were killed by a single stroke ofthat no such m << a , ‘rom Virvinia and we are elters we 5 = : Almighty God a———— ig Meauc : ' passed OR ee we ee There was also one case Gubernatorial chair of North Caro-lcounty from Virginia < some |iarge contributions forwarded to|deny the being cf Almighty : - ' eae i | plenty of that, but it has done us no Eebe 1 tees 7 ieaete stroke, | lina, and he cectainiv never will un |ield by Sco eee exe nad See Aouinaldo from Spanish and other] Second, all persons 2. 1 pote Wine of Cardui i —— a 5 od. ‘There is nothing left for us}of four deaths from a single stroke, ’ cate COMES preime.’’}vonversation with them tha CV Stee Ue been convicted or confessed their F 3 man’s suit fe Sante c i sever segro rule b a ie eee eC 3 sine. 2 een convic By n’s suit for & c E ser 3 ae several |less negro rule becomes s i? 5 : Seen ete se will \ ee my ep cemes oncom ane ce oor i are evidently well educated and in- | /orelg je guilt on indictment pending and k mn utiful and health iY anything in gen pon Sees | CeO SING es iti 20a + ‘Higent. They will not allow a ——a- oe ao her sentenced or not or uader| §™akes women bea: “5 , ae ae “ah S correspor sou a eae OGY Cec Ee Ree Nominated Se eNOS mee, F i Joing all their} National Negro Party to be Formed. whether sentence ; = It strikes at the root of aj] their# our pure Irish Li } shite eobe & ee Pennsylvania, where President. womn about them, doing all their | Nats : judgment suspended of any treason | fie otnie There is 4a menstrual dis-f and if square an pH the interview telegraphed it direct ecg, Seen Seatins;, cin waintoprosispcciatco aincas Constitusionsth Owen «Cooking, sewing, <tc, When | Oa Pa, Dia ak. or felony or of any other crime for} | order, ache or pain which it will not f Every article sol f yesterday, when the wires -were|rhere were forty-six Ges = : : The |selves. When they first settled in ee stana tonne he -| which the punishment may be im- cure, It is for the budding girl, the} nS oes rors andi i : . Ne forty-one in Lilinois. Senatov Clay is quoted by The +s The first steps looking to the or pun : A 2 I t canteen working as usual to Lorenzo Mar- there were rorty-one as = d senaloi u seen Od Sites Barnesville township they hada ood e soit a pational nevic part yrisonment = the penitentiary busy wifc and the matron approaching 3 ee Nee eee 2 fa al oe ecg horse which was given them by a}¥anization ofa aoeees ri el since becoming Gitisens Ui the Unit-]| ithe change of life. At every trying « >. 4 ae Satan ~ : : " rs WRIC > Es oe < - 5 wae * . ABCNDd ot SD ie : J z y Soe , red British prisoners] exceptionaliv large number of fatal- yssibility of the nomination o eee a weill-to| have been taken in this city. " ens ui a x ee i Nine hundred British ee xcconons + a. May. In the ons Ay Dace Beanett Hill, | brother, who is said tovbe See inent neygroes—bishops, mivisters, }ed States, or of corruption and rual Benen ane pe 2 Sporting oods. arrived Tuesday at Novitucht. They | ities in the mont! cea Slee al een ets ‘Jen. {do traveling man vecently the} ine = sates ON Ades ecting | practice in office, uniess such person ae = y css. G : in a3 barbed wire enclo-| whoie country wever, the largest! or New York. { "the vice presiden- | ¢ : : ie . yjeditors and lawyers—at a mecting | practice ? . . Costs $1.00 of medicine dealers, are penned ia a barbed wire ence whole country, pore occurred. = = Lm ee me Sa - -uoted | arse died, since which time es eae decided to place a presi-}] shail be restored to the rights of For advice in cases requiring s ial Table Cult ery = sure of four acres on the open veldt.| number of casua = December pe er a Sac uave been cultivating their small] yest imccheoen every State of ihe} citizenship in a manner prescribed directions, address, giviag symptoms, § ? According toa dispatch from Le-!June, July and A ugust. COMBE) as saying: ry : sae crop with a milk cow. We are told | dential ticke inate candidates for | ov law “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,” f + ee ' Ss, Gated yesterday, | was the only month without a cas-| see that The Times is calling : : ighbors. assisted | Uaien, and nominate candidate: eS ere ee ‘Gieciere ase eae Medici Mea ho ers : renzo S, Gated yesterday, | was the only SN ce : : ee that ene of their neighbors. assiste : cd Congressional cifices Sec. 2. That all of the provisions The Chaitancoga edicine Co., Chat- u G ; Lord Roberts ts reported to havel}uatity, though only two ES No attention, in a fercible wav, to the them in breaking the cow to the plow | State acd copier iresstent of the constitution relating tg suf-| ftenooga, Tenn, : Au0F LOL 7 . } SET ree Mera aa ad i Ve yy ff, CE IN@= . Sereined 2) sf 10 st : — ofit r re " ore . 4S nentioned “ S > C : pati ‘ ag 4 BA, nn Pere eee jee and one provability s a eee 2 on a Sunday, avd now that she is aj. pemsS Fate E. J. Walker, of] frage. registratica and elections as oe ENA LEWIS, of Meee or anytning cise you - icin “ia k oY ECS AD POSURE ye a Day 78 ye o e ticke - . Mh oy : r€ ‘4s . ’ e ; a x: P3 ys T Ww. roubled at on SE j 4 ‘ Vicinity of Pretoria. a ; vember, three in ee +6 of 1808 David Senn b ees i = ee of very good work animal. They con oie ith P B. S. Pinchback.ex- contained in this act amending the intervals with terrible pins in my head and may need in the “ cae j Telegrams from the British sidelin February. The statistics or 29-0 with Mr. Bryan. Bill's IDastery o tinue to milk the cow, both mght| Boston, wit Ree eee Seeger natn teens into effect on | Jack but have been entircly relieved by Wine ‘ Buggies, Phactons 1 are exceedingly scanty. Two briefiand 1899 show that the number of! the situation in New York aud his ee ere just as they did before | Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana, See oe 3 of July, nineteen hun-| Moot” ca ne vance in the price of m ' i] eae: ecoreas irom Pretoria say |fiatalities by lightning in any re-| ocnousal of Bryan have avain placed ier mie plow as runbiog mate; piace ats ey an a cee if eee of the plod sariy: seal eek | at Mrs. Kroger is still cecupying | wiou is by 2eansin proportion tol him in a commanding postion, In j parting ee Deerick, of New York, with Prof. }dre A pe . : : : & Seliing you vehicles fo tnat Mrs. Kroger is still eccupyloy | viou Is by no means in “9 }bim a co ig MS _with P aaa pesos orate Hea | the presideney and that a number{the number cf thunderstorm days. spite of bis sirong fight against us oe ee ert, 2 g| Debers 2s running mate; oe quaited 6° cept nene election Captain Crenshaw Ambushed, ? 4 vehivle to make a «al ae a oe May « \ we “ ~ aa be ‘ s ¢ nmle . . = « » © . A * a9.) = So - - _ = : a ° — > , _ ~ ; ne of engizes and cars have been secur- in Pennsylvania, for Oxo [al Chicago tour years ago, be has | This <onexers Ee ne Grant, of Mlinois, with the Re a m e ieee 3 This amendent suall be | Manila Dispatch, sth- ed. The British, under Major De | where the increase in deaths in 1S99 never lost ais wouderful popularity ORCC Ax: J. P. Sampsou, as vice eT Wash: = aed at the next general elee-| Cant. Frank Crenshaw, with : : € lisle, captured a machine gun and over 1898 was about 140 per cent, with the Democratic Masses, and Washington Dispatch, sth. Bishop Turner with Booker T. Wash- submiilte t on Bin ee fats apt. brank ¥, ns . Fae aoc ace not W lisle, captured a machine gy : ee Jers lays| oj 1to advocate | *" . f Alabama, as vice presi |tion to the qualified voters of the forty men, while scouting near Taal 2 Ls gman caused the Boers heavy loss, the|ihere were fe wer thunderstorm ¢ “Y°! while Lam net prepared to advocate A carefully prepared statement] ington, of Alabama, as Sa TaN geen the sauje inunner and under ‘led into an ambush by 2 guide. pleased =:th our 2 and will use our best ¢ b | Gritish casualties being slight. Bo-|in 1599 than in 1898. the selection of anybody a: Eaipeeoe on the appropriations of the ses-|dent, and Bishop Walters with T. = I Sane nie acon as is The tare = badly =a alter “oxoxaining ar F us and we Buaraniee i att we of ole re x 209 GOO t ve} Er oereA ey sala ; Mr, Bryan's ruaning tiate eel}! . . ‘ Allai f Louisiana, as vice presi- | the sane rules ag ‘ s|7 : : se a H ft ba eR ca aa oe aa Dwi ae ‘barat eee should |Sion was made tonight by oor Sees provided in the law regulating gen-lin the head and ‘one _ pri- ne a the guarantee. Come a & irom the National Bank, on June 4, Marrie lac or Twice. certain i nts t ot mene enate | dept. Pett Yea Perera ute een rae : Sena - ae ge irom the Na See ee a Tide Married to Each Other Twice i started ut Kansas City for Hill it} Allison, chairman of the Senate The platform, said H. C. C. Ast-|eral ciections in this state and in| vate was also wounded. The am- ¥ eta iv iH but did ms couch the cash holdines Wades boro Messenger-Intelligencer. meOutG prove very pom ar Ofjcommittce on ee ers anc wood after the meeting. will insist| force may first, eighteen hundred bushers were scattered, leaving ten oY of the otuer banks, . , <3 : . ; fy Ne bairm: annon, oO e House = ae : ade mene an i at said electi y Some of the Boers are surrender-| Mr. Frank Singleton and Mrs. course, | am not authoriz-u to speak ae. = appropriations [t|}upon the observance of the consti |and ninety-nine, and at said election { ing voluntarily and the townspeople | Mary Singleton were eee aa for Mr. Hill, but I believe he wouid | Committee j i of Pretoria are described us show-|ried at the residence of Mr. Robert — on | men dead and three wounded en the} W. A. Thoma: & et ro states, the civ-|those persons desiring to vcte for field. 7 lations made |iution of the United States, the civ-|t Wns apr »g-|Says: “The appropriations made ji sawinacrecimaten every citi }suchamendment shall cast a write aptain Fliz . ae os es ? the groom, |#¢cept the nemination for vice pres- by the first session of the Fifty sixth | il and political cights of SRS, Se ee Soe re Sees ic ity epae can five ing considerable enthusiasm over|Singleton, brother of pee STOOM, | ident if the convention sheuld ten | 25 gress amount to $709,729,476, {zen without regard to race. color or ok ee ~eoiennience nbiithersou: |r ee Sic ee Bu the British arrival. Mr. Provost | last Saturday evening, Rev. Parker der it to him. However, if Mr. Phe ca includes $131 246 155, es.|condition, the Monroe doctrine and] ‘ior suffrage amendme 1t thereon; oS Pan eet eee ae : Sat a ; - lis s : Plolatb, lov, e: battersby, in a dispatch to The! Holmes othciating, Hill should not be put forward for wie Mommie Song es The marriage was very much out eo : O78 oS ob, c c ’ i ——— eeies Attracti The Mascd -< rec province, had a slight brusb with inci- | @ppositi ies, trusts, ]and those with a contrary Cpinion ; 20 2i- | Opposition to all monopolies, : i id ae i]j| timated to be on account of, or inci- | Oj * : ‘ <s , | Vice president, | dare say there wili June Oth. says: ‘The Boers pledg-|of the ordinary in that it was the > ection theenemy. Flint and two privates r : ai i ings, and the duty of the gov-|shall cast a written or printed bal- were wounded. be a universal demand for his direct | dent to the late war with Spain.and]and rings, a A & : nes : 5 ris Lech Ives to 20 Briti ie second time the principals to it had ed themselves to 20 British officers }second time Ne ever befor . ‘ . nnd ip’. 2nd ini 378 eb : udlic con |ot with the words “Against the] — S 2 reys. ing, an ORME COT yao mNDOLTanT capac CO tC ene eee os See cee etc., and|imendment” thereon. -— “Thad stomach trouble twenty Hacks Surrey® not favored take British officers away if} sone through the ceremony of plight- aie the management of’ Mr, | 482,321 represents the ordinary oe all the telegraph and telephone op-| Sec. 4. The said election shall be years and yave up hope of being cur- oe —4 the e ofeers would control them ing troth eee ane Sryan’s campaign “It may be that | propriations for peso a ; erations so us not to burden the}held and the votes returned, com-| ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- We have just eee eas Sok sr: | Sirs. Si irs arried som en prc ea rsere , ¥ ing session. eri » SO us i Sasa elgg me . cerpicrcs ° vries. Hacks and Sut id prevent an outbreak. Never-| Mrs. Singleton tirst married some he will be asked to manaye the cam- | €overnment during < . ts es-' people with unnecessary taxation."’| pared. counted and Cauvassed and] sia Cure. It has done meso much of Buggies, Hack and — 100 Cc ds, 50c. UR on ee bec: heir removal. |25 years ago, and after having ten |“ izn in the east; of course with es-| “After deducting the more It is expected ihe convertion will | the resultannounced under the same good I call it the savior of my life.” reys which we wiil sell vé me = Rome ne mae oh eon tap ee children born to them Mrs. Singie- | P2'5" ene Sa New York. Or|timated to have been appropriated » called tO meet in this city in Au-j rules and regulations as are in force | writes W. R. Wilkinson Albany close for Cane scat wor cums After 900 had been ee rar ton procured 2 divorce from ner|Pecial perenencente Box eae for|0n account of or incident to the} be SS e ; ‘ for returaing, comparin,z countiog|Tenn. It digests what’ a ak Case with your maz Se en ae et ea ONE: r c e é : as aot ning, cc : . 3 inw and the Boers desisted ‘and. re: husband. This was some five years ae pr acee See committee} War with Spain for the Seiornly Sam SHOP TURNER THINKS oF 17. |@nd Canvassing the votes for mem-|W. F. Hall, Jr. Cash or on tired. The British officers at Das-} a0, both of them living in New aithe event that Senatcr Jones does | the ee oa a ee Se ene ase _ |bersof the genera! assembly may : rt 3 pei r- | Je ; i : mes ye (whichecover the riod sine rt poort refused to leave their quar-| Jersey at the ee oO Mr. Sin-|20t again want that position and | (Whichcove pe ters end made the Boercommandant | About five months ago wir. Sin- Any style printed on card Atlanta, June 6.--Bishop H. M. : Time. i first, eighteen hundred and ninety . =r ou that Mr. Bryan would consent to| besinning of the Spanish ee ix Turner, of the A. M. E. Church, nine, and if a majority of the votes Nice Jobs. Te will psy 2 u prisoner, releasing him at mid-|gleton came to Wadesboro tu BCCEDT! <a ator Jones declining re-election |@Ppropriations for the five mee when informed of the project to] cact are in favor of the said amend- night on condition that he wonldia position in the silk mill here, to the chairmanship. At any rate, | Yrs, including the two immedia ¢ incel the order forthe removal of! which is largely owned by his brotn- . bas” to see them bejore pure f a national negro political par- t, it shall be the duty of the zoy- itis assured that the party organi |!Y preceding the war, are as follows: | *°T™ © ee par-| ment, its y = - 1s assured thi Fn 2 the prisoners. The Pretoria forts |er. Mr. Geo. Singleton, of New Jer-|! 2 ing. Respectfully, Sq7 as 5 735,- | tY, expressed doubt as to any prac-|ernor of the state to certify said 7, 5.194; 28.735,- | *Y> ee Mrs. Sinel evened ha zation is to have the valuable aid of | 199%, $515,845,194; 1898, $528,735, tical results from the organization were found without guns. All thejsey. Mrs. Singleton joined him re- Letter He Pamphict for prices 1 Bros. Henke: , is | 049: 1899, $532,371,683; 1900, $554,-| ST eco tended to be a political ee peters . a foe a ® oso ae i the astute Hil: in the campaisn this | 949; 1899, 1, $578,482,321, if it is intended e ap state to the secretaay of state, who S e Sia aia. ~ artillery had been gotten away.”’ | cently, with the result that they de- year, and I believe that means a| 245,836; 1901, $578,482,321, party in the ordinary sense, for the! <hali enroll the said ameadment sca ew Another Gispatch says: “Sixteen jcided to make up their differences, great deal. The couatry no longer |----- reason that the negroes compose | certified among the permanent res hundred British prisoners were re-; Te-marry and again | live together. _ regards Hillasa cheap politician. Red Hot From the Gun smell minority of the voters. He moved. After Pe ae aa J Q Boog Justice of the Dene He is looked upon as one of the big- taken away most of the stores e} ee ? ’ e rds of his office. Digests what oO Was the ball that hit-G. B. Sread-| added: ‘I am in favor of a national! °'« you eat. | Sec. 5 This act.sha!l be in force Itartificially digests the food and aids Dr. P. F. LAU ! . : ces j tion, acd the N k, Mich., in the Civil | negro party which will cnable the | ¢,. - osby, Miss., makes the following | gest men in the na ’ man, of Newark, Mich., burghers were given a free hand to, Crosby, ’ 8 if Dem ic masses every where rec- help themselves. All the British: Statement: ‘lean certify that Que} Democratic masses every wh e1 : ae ay om and after its ratifiction. Rat-| Nature in strengthening and = ae War. It caused horrible Ulcers} negroes tumove to a place where | jfied the 2Ist day of February, A | Structing the exhausted digestine on, Dentix~ on : ognize in him a loyal and intelligent er o treatment helped fcr 20|they can be by themselves. I take ‘jp, 1899, “ gans. Itis the latest discove di STATESVILLE, N. C- +d fot asa few hundred bags of Minute Cough Cure will doall that) 8 isan and a shrewd and r ssource-| "at B ica|no Stock in any wovement which+ : ant and tonic. - No other pre jan riparian gaye Mee | cee sed sar TNT EP Sel ay tismdeay|trtnam anda shrondantroonce:| pac” ‘a (Ces Cus fiat rect Sioate we epaaon| ty Geist and pms cana | SS easpaiyearo|ecanog ih es cia See NS SOS aE: get her breath and the first dose of. !¥ : aiVe CU “ 7 ; oie ‘method of purifying the bivod and eveves , t inning wi ee 3pY ri i i it reli as also benefi Saleem eee ee > s, Boils, Felons, Corns, | of the races. , met of purifying the biood and Dyspepsia, Indi ion, H. hb. Call on him jor 3° ‘“DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare it relieved her, It has also benefited = : sf Seot es, Burns, », Felons, ; me’ neon gestion, ae aee erie jue Jor 309 "ester ple erage bide my mle my. ieactrlam | Res, 1 © Yoon Span Sry ESA A Meee gene Baer, ame MESURE heen, Se Naveen [inthe way af eutisrs Br NcoreMbrook, Ala. They quick- ately and conchitie asthins wedniy’ | the Raleigh Baptist Female Univer: laptecd, Sold by W. F. Hall de, | well, of acheville, ia creat Krox- famous little piils for cleansing. the all otherresults of impertectd lee anor” rn ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. gripe, bronchi ee LS | sity. Droggist. ville, Tenn., has been nol prossed, —_ liver and bowels. W. F. Hall,Jr pared by E C. Dewitt ace? ors W. F. Hall. Jr. . throat toubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. ggist. 2. a law. Only the best mate’ 4 . = — ae oe een NO Peet 2 BC Instance Y policy , = Oth tiving a, Pn hundred v-Kicht out to Ci; Statesville munity jn b 12 months : Du will and see lake tne | ¥Ou all imior,,... Ball Throws, rains: Pu ping Cars on 4) 3: PF: oie S» Last and safe, < routhera anc +2 You: ¢ . Sf OU aie e Coafor! bie 7 ~ Fs : ats S -OuFBey, PF AGENTS FoR 7 ME TAPLEg cE NERKAL INK XMATION RESS i n n =. Datr, . C.F & TE c ASEEVILLE, NC eo answer questions LM Cap wan Mo, FA tm Traf..3fax. 6p INGTON, pc ; Need ©. Accsidant in mirance p & Guy, HEADQUA MU a 2s Goods, uitery, hoppers } prs truly. bmias & Co. ooies Surreys. t received a cat Hacks and Sur- we wiil sell ver sh or on RE. ” je will par you before purcuas” pectfully, enkel Bros. a h I3GENOUB; eatist. ILLE, N. C. ~* 22 n= oftice tue "Cry a eae irst Monda} : nrst 1o> ny thing will him for 3?! You @pcst manner. =e st material yer’ The S tatesville Mascot. — = WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. ATEVILLE MARBLE WORKS =] be e r 5 ati ‘ ‘ a Feed —-~—— 0: —— Hanae ¢ li kinds of Granite and Marble known st quality. Pest Material, First-Class work and Lowest Prices = GND o the trade and EDITORIAL NOTES. We print today the constitutional amendment asit stands a‘ter the amended it. Sections + and 5 have been consolidated so that if any part of the amendment is declared unconstitutional it all becomes null and void. The time in which to pay poll taxes has been extended from March first to May first. The chief objections to the amendment have been overcome. It is now certain be disfranchised under its provis- le, N. ©. c- 3B. WEBS the First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. acts a Regular Banking Business. = ints fUoroorations Merchants, n most favorabte terms OFFICERS: JXYO A COI9PE R, President, J.G, Ir VEN, Vico Presidemt GEO. BR. BROWN, Cashier. Deposits received subject to check on sig est ald oa time deposits. Money loaned on good collateral and perscnal secur sttention paid te coilectionsen aJ) points, and credited or remitted at lo west ra anutacturers and Individuals solicited and aoe FRICKE COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill multaneous racket setting cks and cable rope feed, the isitive feed ever puron a saw iso Frick Company's ~ ma ENGINES RATT T AND BOILERS, e on wheels or sills. Sta and boilers, any { ereat hill climbing A few } ‘tion =«engine. ( + low 7) ( ins at 1OW prices. Hi. Statesville, N. €. Over Poston Bros ions and that it will disfranchise three fourths of the negroes. It is the duty of every white man who lov€s his State and his race to sup- port it, and most of the:n will. * * * After amending the amendment and theelection law,the Legislature passed some bills of more or less im- portance to individuais and sections but none of local interest toour peo ple, and took a recess until July 24th. This action was taken so that the representatives of the people could be prepared to checkmate any ac- tion the fusion judiciary might take to interfere with ‘the election-officers in the performance of their duties. The most important amendment to the election law is the one which requires all election matters to be tried before a jury and abolishes “government by injunction” as far as elections are concerned. The Legislature did its:work well and it also did wellto take a recess in- stead of adjourning. . + * Crisp, the young Republican dep- uty postmaster, candidate for the Legislatura and county chairman of Caldwell county, will not be so ready wet_us sell you yourShirts, Collars and Ties, for we will you money. Our line of Shoes, Hosiery ana Pants Will be sure to please. save ill sell you 6 caus of 25 cent. Peackes for 31. Leggetts bo Coffee best on earth. 1l5c. per Ib. Fresh Italian ‘xcaroni, l2Zc. Don't miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes uid Groceries. ERY & PHIFER. - SAAR er EE pre see , . “ SLI als aire toe gion ot 4 Cas Dersee ues Ole BB s yoaemeii Se tile heme ~\:/ HEN vou Suy RaMON’S LIVER PILLS & Y¥ TONIC PELLETS vou de not buy a med- icine, but a Complete Treatment for Bilious- ness, Constipation and Headaches. It is two distinct medicines, but sold fer one price-—25§c. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. Successors to Sloun & Sheltom The question of dress agitates the mind of every one more or less. tlow can 1 be neatly dressed for the least money. Of course to dress neatly you must have a suit that fits and one that wears. We bought our stock before the advance in woolens for the cash there- fore can save you money. i cw ° = Y ihe Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. Wecan give you ® man’s suit for $2.00. If you wanta suit, hat, shirt, necktie or anything in gents furnishings you cannot atiord to not see us. See our pure Irish Linen collar for ile. We are anxious for your trade aud if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must beas represented .Thanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very truly, Sloan Clothing Co Ye now have in stock sad bought 4 CAR LOADS, 4 Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- vance in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased our ~tocé early, to seil at old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been s“.nng you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresented vehicle to make a sale. We want your trade -nd will use our best efforts tomeritit. When you buy a buggy from Sond we guarantee it, you know it means our Standing Square behind “ne guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better, prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ing, and et prices that estonish those who have not favored us with orders. s3> 100 Cards, 50c. With a handsome Card Case with your name on the case te printed on 1000 Circulars 75c Size 5xS, Advertise what ENVELOPES, , you have to sell with a cir- AT LOW PRICES. cular, Small one easier read than a large one. Bese Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Pamphiets, Circulars, Etc - at low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. SON & SRONCK, PROPR’'S. + wee IS AMON phi Ti _ Pepsin 4} §9 Tasteiess end Guerzateed to Cure Chills and Fever end sii Ssiaria! Troudies. Does Not Coutain Quinine Nor Other Poon. oes Not injure the Stomach Nor Effect tha Ilecring. W. A. McLarty & 862, Dime Box, Ter., ssy: “Ramon’s Pepsia Chili To i dest we have ever Landicd. My son prescribes itin his practice, and theonly Chill Tonic which a child can take without injury to the stomech.” Price SOc. BROWN ME'G. CO., Prop’rs. Greenevitie, Tenn. in the future to make blulfs at Dem- ocrats as he was at Lenoir last Thursday. He said, if Mr. Aycock would swear that the amendment would disfranchise no white man, he would make an affidavit that he would vote for it. Mr. Aycock promptly made the afhdavit, Crisp is sworn to support the amendment, and the radicals of Caldwell are on the lookout for another candidate for the Legislature anda new coun- ty chairman. Crisp had read the false charges in the Winston Repub- lican, Asheville Gazette, Butler's Caucasian and other fusion papers, and had come tothe belief that the Democratic speakers were insin- eore when they saidthe amendment would not disfranchise white men, His proposition was a pure bluff, and now thatit was called he is a wiser, if a sadder, young man. - * * The Republicans have a great deal to say about the election law. Tho lew is intended to stop 18 year-old and transient negroes from voting, and thereby have fair elec. tions in the State. Every white man, no matter what his polities, is protected in his right to vote, but it will be hard for stray negroes to get registered. At every election for the last thirty years every 18- year old negro, who wanted to, has registered and voted. The present law makes it hard for them to do this this year. As far as Iredell county is concerned, and we know what we are writing about, no qual- ified white voter—let him be Demo- crat, Republican or Populist—need have any uneasiness about getting registered and yoting this year. We believe this is true all over North Carolina. We kaow that it is in Iredell county. But it is proposed that the negroes who are vot quali- tied to vote, and many such have been in the habit of voting in this county, shall not vote. The elec- tion law is all right for honest men. * . * Mr. Aycock is the greatest North Carolina orator. His speech here Saturday was grand in conception and execution. Convincing as an argument and perfectas an oration, his sarcasm was withering and his wit convulsing. He showed beyond question that no white man would be disfranchised under the propos- ed amendment and that most of the negroes would be. He pointed out in burning words the necessity for the disfranchisement of the negroes and aroused the pride of Anglo Sax- ons in their race. He did more—he aroused the Democrats of Iredell county toa sense of their duty and the enthusiasm whieh he created will permeate every corner of the old | county where it will bear fruit on elec- tion day in an old time Democratic majority, After Vance’s death the Democratic party of North Carolina had no great leader, but one has aris- | en. Like the great war Governor, he comes from the plain people and talks so as to reach their hearts and consciences. His name is Charles B. Aycock and his career will enly recent session of the Legislature! lthat nd native born white man wiil | STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900. LOCAL. | Mr.and Mrs. A. R. Lazenby came in from Salisbury last week. Col. H. C. Cowles was at Phila- |delphia last week in attendance on ithe Republican National conven- tion. Miss Belle Jones. who has been visiting at Rev. W. R. McLelland’s, returned to her home in Asheville, last week. The sale of the old court house furniture will take place, at the court house door, at twelve o'clock, ‘Ob Joly 2d. Sr. J. T: Raymer took advantage of the cheap rates to the RKepubii- ean National conyentior, and went to Philadelphia last week ' | The Sunday School Conference for |Statesville circuit, Methodist church, will be held at Connelly’s Chapel, on July 14th. Mr. Holland Thompson, who has been at Columbia University the past year, received his Master's de- yree at the commencement, last week. Mrs. Dr. Hall. of Martin, Tenn., arrived bere last week, on a visit to her cousin, Rev. W. R. McLelland. She will bein this vicinity about two weeks. Messrs. W.E. Natress and Geo. B, Nicholson expect to go to Chapel Hill about the Ist of the month, to attend the summer session of the University Law School. Mrs. Elia BEeone Sapp, who is wel! known in Statesville and has many friends here, isa graduate of the Wutts Training School for nurses at Durham. The graduating exercises took place last Thursday night, The Due West correspondent bas this to sey about one of Statesville’s young ladies; ‘The Misses Wideman gave anat hometo many of their friends on last Saturday evenircg, in honor of their guest, Miss Lillian Morrison.” _— oe Public Speaking. C. H. Armfield, Esq.. Dr. S. W. Stevenson, and Mr. a. D. Watts, Democratic Legislative candidates, will speak at Mooresville on Thurs- day night, June 21st, at 8:30 o'clock. Let these genlemen haye a good crowd. J. A. HARTNESS, Chairman Dem. Co. Committee. ZEB V. Lona, Secretary. Saturday. Night Speakings. The following speakers wilt ad- dress the people at the following places on Saturday night, June 23d, at 8:30 o'clock: C. H. Armfield, Esq., at Long's school house, Davidson township. Dr. S. W. Stevenson at Moore’s school house, Barringer townsbip. Mr, A. D. Watts and J. A. Hart- ness, Esq., at Rock Cut, Fallstown township. W. G. Lewis, Esq., at Oak Forest, Cool Spring township. H. P, Grier and J. B. Esqs., at Brown’s school Barringer township. Zeb V. Long, Esq. and Mr. Geo. B. Nicholson at River Hill, Turners burg township. Let all the people turn out and hear the amendment discussed. J. A. HARTNEss, Chairmen Dem. Co. Com. Zeb V. Gong, Secretary. W.D. Turner's Magnificent Speech. Winnie Special to News and Observer, 15th. The Hon. W. D. Turner spoke at this place to the largest audience ever assembled at this place to hear a political speech. Democrats, Re- publicans and Populists accompani- ed by their wives and sweethearts turned out to hear him, and they went away glad they had come. Any attempt to give a synopsis of his speech would be so manifestly unjust to the speaker that I willnot attempt it. Suffice to say that it was the best, the clearest, the sim- plest, the most logical, the most convincing argument I ever heard. The people were eager to hear and I have fever seen a speaker given such close attention. For two hours he held them spell bound, and at the close you would hear on every side the expression. ‘“‘It was the best speech I ever heard.”’ A great deal of zood was accom- plished. Numbers of men said they had been opposed to the amendment but now they were convinced and would vote for it. Ifsuch a speech could be made in every community in the State there would be nodoubt about the result in August. —>—-——_—— A Political Outrage ta Stokes County Pilot Mountein Specialto Raleigh News and Obseryer, rsth. One of the most brutish and cow- ardly assaults that has occurred in our good State was committed on Saturday, in Stokes county at Bov- ler stgre. Cot. Waddell had spoken to a good crowd and after the speaking Thos. Green, an old gentleman of seventy years of age,highly respect- ed, talking to a crowd of people standing by said that he was a Re- publican, but sosure as he lived to see the Ist Thursday in August he was going to vote for the Consti- tutional Amendment. As soon as he made the remark and for no other provocation, one Andy Voss ‘nocked the old man down and would have stamped him but for the interference of friends. Could anything be more cowardly or ruffianish? An old gentleman seventy years old, so feeble that he had to carry two sticks for sup- port, knocked dcwn by a strong young man for no other purpose than that he said he would vote for the Amendment. Armfield, house, He Fooled Tho Surgeons. end with his life. May it be along} ' ione! “After suffering from piles | fifteen years l was cured by using , two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel All doctors told Renick Hamilton, STATE NEWS. { Raleigh, Charlotte ard | Salem are now first-class postoffices. | Rev. J. H. Patton, of Marietta, Ga., has been called to the pastor- ate of the First Presbyterian chureh of Wilmington, to succeed Dr. P. H. Hoge. Scott Shadrock, of Youngsville. was shot and dangereusly wounded last week by moonshiners while try- ed under his house. and perkaps fatally wounded near Goldsboro fast week by anegro who was fesisting arrest. It is thought the oflicer will die. The negro es- caped, Dr. Reeves, the Democratic mem- ber of the Legislature from Alle- gbany county, and Miss Lena Wel- born, of Wilkesboro, were married at Wilkesboro last week. They spent their honeymoon in Raleigh, where Dr. Reeves attended the spe- cial session of the Legislature. At the Halloway copper mine in Granville county, one day last weck, a negro named Stanfield fell downa shaft 150 feet and landed in a tub of three-inch drills each several feet in length. Three of these drills went through the negro’s body, entering the abdomen and coming out his back. In removing them all of his entrials were pulled out, but notwithstand- ing his fearful injuries, he lived over two hours and was conscious until within minutes of his death. He laughed and talked and did not seer to be in any misery whatever, in fact, he said repeatedly that be would not die from the effects of his fall. The mine is 400 feet deep. -_ Wreck Just This Side ot Asheville. Asheville Dispatch, 15th Vestibule train No. 36, carryiny, besides the regular cars. three Pull- inans, with the 135 members of tbe Tennessee Press Association, who spent part of yesterday and last night here, left the treck at Gash’‘s creek, four miles from here, at 6:40 this morning. The colored tireman, Richardson, may die from his injuries. The accident occurred on a fill 100 yards long, witha stone bridge 40 high in the midddle. Two engines were drawing the heavy trainat a good speed, No 232 being in front of the regular engine, No. 822, when the second engine left the track just eust of the culvert. It breke loose from No. 232 and somersaulted down the embankment, dragging the com bination baggage and cxpress and two passenger cars with it. It was cempieteiy stripped of stack, tend- er and about everything that could come off, and the second car lies on topofit. The first car is near the bottom, stripped of trucks. The second passenger car is tilted up on the engine in a dangerous position, so that nooneenters it. ‘Lhe pas- sengers int his car, No.1.230, received terrific jolts. It is doubted if itcan be gotten back on the track. The The ends of two cars are smashed, but they are not telescoped. The Pullman car, ‘‘Mimas,”’ is off the track, but is little injured. The track is alltorn up, even the cross- ties being out of place, so that it is impossible to tell the cause of tke accident, Richardson the colored fireman, was on the engine next the train: He was buried beneath the serap iron from the engine. Engin- eer Welch, of this engine, received only aslight injury on the hand. Baggage- Master W. R. Killian hada was so buried under the baggage car than only a hand was to be seen from the outside, but suffered little inju- ry. Express Messenger J.. C. Alli- son was severely shaken up and cut ou the leg, but wasable to remain and vet out his freight. The iron express box fell against his leg. Conductor Frazier was in charge of the train. The uninjured cars and passengers returned here at 9 o'clock and were sent via Spartan- burg. A visit to the wreck shows a nar- row ‘escape froma yreater disaster than the Statesville or Bostian’s bridge wreck. Asmall hillock arose from the cavity below the fill, theen- gine struck this and the combination baggage and express car leaping over the car, stuck on the hill and the baggage and- mail, resting in turnagainst each other, held the splinters of steel from the rails, caused by a wheel slipping inside, spreading the track. Senator Jackson Dies in Naleigh. Raleigh Dispatch, tsth. State Senator John Quincy Jack- son, of Lenoir county, died here very suddenly early this morning. He was at the Senate until mid- night last night and then went to bis boarding house. About to’clock this morning he left his room and went out on a porch and sat in a chair. <A little before 6 he was found there, dead. He was sitting upright, as if asleep, one hand over a railing, the other ia bis lap, hold- inga handkerchief, and his legs were crossed. He was 63 years old, a native of Lenoir county, and a lawyer by profession, his office being at Kinston. He leavesa wife. He had considerable property. He was a Mason anda most estimable man in all the relations of life. President Reynolds, of the Senate, said of him: ‘He was one of the best men in the Senate. It was an honor and a pleasure to have his friendship.” His body was taken to an_ underta- ker’s and embalmed, ard this after- noon was taken to Kinston for bu- rial,-in charge of a committee of the Senate and House and of Sergeant- at Arms Smith,of the Senate. The Appetite of a Goat. Isenvied by all poor dyspecties of West Jefferson, O.. after suffer- | ling 18 months from Rectal Fistula, j J atts houid kno tor: he would die unless a costly opera-| Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the won- Gerful Stomachand Liver Remedy, tiov was performed: but he cured} himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s | whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. Ail such should know. that vives a splendid appetite, sound Gi- ‘Salve,’ writes W. J. Baxter, Norta , Arnica Salve. the surest Pile cure|yvestion anda regular bodily babit * Brook, N. c. 'Bewaré of counterfeits. W. F.: | Hall,Jr. A world: 25 centsa box at W. Hall, Jr.’s, Drug Store. . . . ° _—_— It heals everything. ;on earth, and the best salve in the} that insures perfect health and great ;icine they ever used. I wish every F. ;evergy.. Only 25c, at W. F. Hall’s' family had a trial dosein their house drug store. Winston- | Constable Zeb Lancaster was shot ! as to Maintain the membership of to slightly reduce it. the fact that the coming census will marvelous escape from death. He|}show the greatest gains to have been and particularly in the Mississippi and, perhaps, one or two ot the old- er States, us Ohio, Indiana and Lili- passenger carson the track. for !States, and while the remaining the hillock all would have gone. An|States m'ght muster enough examination of the track shows|strength to passa bill of this char- acter it would probably meet such AMONG THE POLITICIANS Admiral Dewey savs that he js |/not a candidate for Vice President jand would not accept the romina- tion if offered to him. The Republicans of Davie county :have +: :ninated Prof. C. M. Sheets forth» Tlouse and renominated all | the 0)’ county officers. | Cons1essman Livingston has been therA tlanta Ga.,district. He has al- ! The Democrats of the Second Sen- atorial district have renominated HS. Ward, of Washington. and 1. W. Miller. of Pamlico, for Senators The Kentucky Court of Appeals has issued an order which yives the possession of the minor State of- tices of Kentucky to the Democrats. Presigent McKinley has appointed Wm. D. Lynum, of Indiana, a mem- ber of the commission to codify the criminal laws of the United States, vice David B. Culberson, deceased. Governor Mount, of Indiuna, has refused to honor the requisition of Governor Beckham, of Kentucky, for the return of W. S. Taylor. late claimant for the Governorship, who is charged with complicity in the murder of the late Governor Goebel. The Republican Congressional collect a part of the extra month’s salary Congress for the Republican cam- paign fund, but the employes did not milk very freely, and only a small sum was contributed. The Democrats of California, Mis- souri, Kentucky, Georgia and Ver- mont beid conventions last Thurs- day and all instructed their gates fer Gryan and the Chicago platform This assures Bryan's nomination, for considerably over two thirds of the delegates necessa- ry to nominate have been instructed for him. Several other States are yet to hold conventions and they will all instruct for Bryan. : dele- The Membership of the House After This Census. Washington Dispatch, sth. When Chairman Hopkins, of the House committee on census, takes at the nex: session of Con- gress to bring ina bill for the re- apportionment of representation in the House he wii! one of two bills. -:. ‘nereasing the ratio of represe.’s*ion or one in- creasing the i:embership of the House by providing for additiona! members according to the present ratio of about 176,000. Both solu- tions of the problem are open to ob- jection. The membership of the House is already 356, and the hall is crowded almost to its limit. Addi- tional seats can be inserted only by taking up what little space now re- mains between the rail and the cloak rooms, and it will be very hard un- der the most favorable circum- stances to find seats for more than 10 or 15 additional members, The great bulk of the House al- ready makes it difficult to transact business, which difficulty would be increased with an additional mem- bership, At the same time it is al- most impogsible that the ratio cf representation shall be increased so the House at its present number, or This is due to made inthe Middle Western States Valley. New York, Pennsylvania nois, are also expected to show large increases in-population. Should the ratio be increased it will emphasize the fact that the center of political power is now locatec in the Missis- sippi Vallev. Onthe other hand, the New England States and the Southern States, where the increase in population has not been so rapid, would be compelled to sacrifice a portion of their representation in the House, while the Central West- ern States would either hold their own or have their representation in- creased, <A proposition of this kind would naturally be fought to the ut- most by the members of the House from the New England and Southera bitter opposition in the Senate as to insure its defeat. It seems probable, therefore, that the number of Representatives in the House wil! be increased any- where from 30 to 40 and possibly more. To accommodate this in- crease, itis more than likely the House will be remodeled somewhat on the plan favored by Mr. Reed, when he was Speaker, of making the hall smaller by iecreasing the size of the retiring rooms and doing away altogether with the desks. The re modeling can be done next summer, as the coming session will end on March 4, and nine months will elapse before Congress meets again. Director of the Census Merriam, estimates the population this year will nuraber between 7,000,000, and 73,000,000, the census of 1890 show- ing 62,622,250. Even if the popula- tion reached but 70,000,000 at the present ratio seats would bave to be provided for 30 or more members. Ramon Beats Them All, Henry Bissell, Hatton, Arkansas, says: I cannot find words to ex- plain the worth of Ramon’s Liver | Pills and Ramon’s Relief also. “1) suffered with Bilious Colic for years and the doctors failed todo me any good. I cured it with Ramon’s Re- lief and-Ramon’s Liver Piljs. I have sold drugs and medicines for 27 years, and have handled all kinds ;of patent medicines. Ramon’s beats! them all. ji have sold and used Ra-| | mon’s for ten years with alwavs thei vreatest satisfaction. Hundreds of jcustomers will testify that Ramon’s Liver Pills are the best family med- re-nominated by the Democrats of ing to putout a fire they bad plac- | | ready served ten years in Congress. | committce has been endeavoring to! voted to the employes of | | Thecaptain said that the Nor- ‘ under- | “a ° 9 —- - oe . ro ms ae ei find himseif .©on- | materials for fortificatioas. At Vi- srontea va a ae and delicate! adivostock she also discharged task. Mr. Herki:s may preseat| stores and provisions. Port Ar- | Louisville, Ky., shot and killed his NG, 2% Republicans Use Same Tactics as in’JO. Durham Daily Suu. Political history is repeating it- self. In the 70's Col. Ike Young's slogan in those memorable Republi- can Campaigns was to ‘Lie. like bh— jand stick to it."" This was their tactics in thosedays to arouse the |gnorant and excite the passions of ithe negro. It is cropping out again jin this year of yrace, twenty-seven |years after the above words were |spoken. As proofof this you have | only to listen to the Republican can- didates and their allies, when speak- jing ang note the campaign matter | they are sending out. It is time for | people to seek the truth and adhere |to it. Be not deceived by falsehoods. } Hanha After the Postmasters. New York World. Chairman Marx Hanna, ofthe Re- publican national committee, is not forgetting the postmasters’ mites. By a scheme centered in this city each postmaster throughout tbe that $5 is sent to the National Com- mercial and Industrial League, with offices in the Bowling Green build- ing, this city. Atthe head of the league is George J. Corey, deputy naval officer of the port of New | York. | The national committee expects to realize $500,000 by this plan from fourth-class postmasters alone. To each fourth-zlass postmaster is sent |ten tickets of membership in the jleague, with instructions to dispose | of them at 50 cents each and remit the proceeds to Mr. Corey. The plan was conceived to get around | the law which prohibits assessment | Of government employes for politi- | cal purposes. ee | fussia’s War Preparation. San Francisco Dispatch, 1sth, Yokohoma newspapers received by steamer today give some inter- esting details of the enormous movement of munitions of war and arms and men by the Russian goy- ernment to its possessions in the far East. A Japanese who publishes a& newspaper at Port Arthur recent- ly interviewed the captain of the big Norwegian steamer Normania, which landed arms at that port. munia was only one of many ships engsged by the Russian government to bring over arms and men. She landed at Port Arthur ten big guns and an enormous quantity of iron thur is now completely fortified, but many other places alony the coast are being put into condition for an emergency. Russian troops are be- ing poured into eastern China at the rate of eleven hundred men weekly. The captain of the Normania also said Russiau volunteer cruisers and ships chartered hy the Russian War Office are carrying troops and military stores to Persia, which bears out the reports recently sent te The London Times by its Odessa correspondent. ong Gen, Lane’s Sketch of the {Twenty- Eighth North Carolina in the War. Opelika,, Ala., Post, r General James H. Lane has just sent to the University Publishing Company the last of a large collection of likenesses of officers and men, tak- en during the war in Confederate uniform, to illustrate his ‘‘Sketch’’ of the Twenty eighth North Caro- lina, which was his old regiment. The “‘Sketch’’ was written and the collection undertaken at the request of Judge Walter Clark of the Su- preme Court of North Carolina who has been authorized to solicit sket- ches of all the regiments furnished by North Carolina to the Confeder- acy, and have them published at the State’s expense, in two large hand- somely bound volumes. North Carolina is justly proud of her brave sons, who were **First at Betbe! and last at Appomatox.”’ During the war, she had her own blockade runner, the steamer ‘“‘Ad- vance,’’ to bring in supplies for them while they were battling for the whole South, She also had her “Rolls of Honor’’—records of those brave sons-—which were verified twice a year by a officer sent to the front. Since the war she has had these rolls published in four bound volumes, and they are now-known as **Moore’s of Roster of North Caro- lina Troops. ’ Other Southern States might profit by her example. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes ‘Four bottles of Electric Bitters nas cured mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terribie sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doc- tors could sive her no help; but her cure iscomplete and her health is excellent.’” This sows what thous- ands have proved, that Electric Bit- ters is the best blood puritier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, sait rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength, Only 50 cents. Sold by W. F. Hail, Jr., Druggist. ‘suaran- teed. " Thomas “Bach, who lived near adopted daughter, Mollie Bach, last Thursday and then killed himself, because she was secretly married to a young farmer named Newt Thorne atew days ago.gBach, although a mar- ried man, was intensely jealous of the girl, and had told ner that ne would kiil her if she ever married. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: ‘‘I.can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doali that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. It bas also benefited my whole family.’’ It acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,crcup, zvippe, bronchitis asthma and ali throat toubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. ] Mrs. Gladstone, widow of the laté United States is being asked to see} A lafe and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manehester, la., writing of his almost miracu- lous escape from death, says: ‘*Ex- posure after measles induced serious lung trouble. which ended in Con- sumption. Thad frequent hemorr- bages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. | Then I began to use Dr. King’s New | Discovery for Gonsumption, which ;completely cured me. I would not | be without iteven if is cost $5.00a | bottle. Handreds have used it oa my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat. Chest {and Lung troubles.””. Regular {50cand $1.00. Trial bottles free at | W. ®. Hall, Sr.’s, Drug Store. sas 1 | A negro attempted to rape Mrs. | Robert Suggust, of Greene county, ; but Mr. Sugyust appeared and the negro fed. He is in jail. — eae a tte tae a Physicians Caited. Ben Wail, Bennettsville. S. C., says: I was very sick with fever last fall and after taking S13 worth of Roctor-s medicine, and not being benelited thereby, I bought two boxes of Ramon’s Liver Pills 2nd Tonie Pellets which effected 2 com plete cure. For sale by N. R, Tan stall Claude Kitchiu, the candidate for Congress j ond district, and his e were recently poisoned cream, but all are well again. “After sntferiag from severe dys- pepsia over twelve years and using many remedies without permanent vood finally took Kodol Dyspesia Cure. Itdid me so much good 1 recommended it to everyone,” ites J. EK. Watkins. Clerk and Re- corder, Chillicothe, Mo It digests j what youeat, W.E. Hall Jr. Henson Williams and his son Wil- liam, colored, where shot dead frora ambush in Brazos county. Texas, last Thursday while plo it tield. The é¢lder Williams was a brave Confederate soldier, althoach % negro, and the old white Confeds efate soidiers are enraged at his as- sassination and threate: the assassin wheu captured. A white man is suspected Dveance W,S. Musser, Miilheiimn, ed the life of his little gir} ner One Minute Cough Cure she was dying from croup, it only harmiess remedy that mediate results. It quickiy ceres coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and all throat ard rig troubles. W. F. Hail.Jdr. Six men were killed auother fatally injured on a logging railrosd zt Carninal, Pa., one da} week. The train jumped the track and plunged downa 300-foot embank- ment. oth engineers and four las borers were killed instantly. J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. says, “I cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors call- ed an incurable ulcer on my jaw.” Cures Piles and 2ll skin diseases. Lookout for worthless imitations. W. FE. Ball, Sr., Ji has beem decided by the United Ptates court of claims, that Admi- rat Sampson was cotumander-in- chief of the Sar.tiago fleet, and thae sels engaged. Constable Zeb Lancaster, who was recently shot by a negro near Goldsboro, has since died. The ne- gro has not yet been arrested. An engineer anda brakeman were killed and several persons injured in a collision between passenver trains near Atlanta Thursday. ina city Ten lives were lest in a fire tenement house in New York last week. oo So many persons have hair that is stubborn and dull. It won’t row. V.hat’s the reason? Hair needs help just as anything else does at times. The roots re- quire feeding. When hair stops growing it loses | its lus- 7 ter. It looks acts almost instantly on such hair. It awakens new life in the. hair bulbs. The effect is astonishing. Your hair grows, be- comes thicker, and all dandruff is removed. And the original color of early life is restored to faded or gray hair. This is always the case. $1.00 abottle. All cruggists. Sad a penlty eaoclabed me chs it has done in keepi; my ir from coming out. te the best tonic I have tried, and I shall continue to recommend it to = a Ma Sept. 24, 2838. If you Go not obtala a! the tenefits z d from tho use of the Bair , write the Doctor about fi Dr. J.C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. & Horr, Burlington, N.C, Wm. E. Gladstone, the English ‘today. For sale by N. RB. Tunstall. -tatesman, died last Thursday. ~ the New York wasamonyg the Yes- ae ee Ee Oe ES SES LT eT RE SILA ET EASE SPREE MG EW eT] ME Te TAN Dr. P. F. LAUGENoUS * a LATE STATE NEWS. | LATE GENERAL NEWS. VAYLORSVILUE News. Commissioner's Sale ef Land. | Notfee te Creditors, “PEEMASCOT wet cies tens i — ~ = °t -_ "ww 5 ey rt f = —- i | DURSUANT toa decree of the Superior Court | 7AVING qualified as executor of the will ol Den inst. tk Dr. ©. J. Watkins an old and re-! cei the a Ne Te ere oe Iredell county made ‘na special me H ae prceceeosnieaoee a an Gst, nap nae — inn déeciare war against De | ms ie 2 : eo | five OIC ws ; siness sea: ac . “ui <e@sik seeding re Ww, Clegg a ator ing claims again: state naan eS A aT ial ; nthe Taku f see spected dentist of Salem, died last} cw a 2 Shee ae : — ux bers T . i OF ane ee eee j. BM. siexan eaGeceeect ee anc H.Q |; escent the same totne undersigned on or be- STATESVILLE, N.C. eae oy } b the .aku ior MACBL1ONS week {houses 1D isoomington, Ill., were! Wor bei uesday. i ver and others are defendants. the un-| jcre May 24, 1901, and all persons indetted to wit so his POBUISHeD ey ‘opened fire upen the international | a i destroyed oy fire Menéay. [xs Wiceintosh of Glan 44, | dersigned, commissioner. sell at the court | id estatenre requested to ae will be in bis office ¢ cp : ia, Theaccounts of what took| Durham defeated Raleigh in a : = ee 2 { wr. 3. o. Meintosa, o ATIOUTE, | house docr in Statesvilic, N.C. to the highest [payment, S. W, STEVENSON, beginuing with tirst Mon Fi cusatisfactory, the!geme of bascball at Durham Tues-} Frank H. Edmunds. a member SATURDAY, JULY 2iST.. 1990 i é aDs . 2 +s 1990, : Executor of W. S. Stevenson. are oti} . Se ro AD rplace Are Sy aig ° = 14 } = FOr ( of General Lee's stat? diced j ahh a : ONE DOLLAL A YREAw 1 yest sein icial information being |day by a score of 9 to ). ( Snr > Steu.dsed to Hisva-; Mrs. ELA. Cooper, of Hickory. | at:2cclock, m.. the following described lands Nod this weer ef yellow fever. 3 vas here Jas i , aft . bidder at public outery o: | * “ 5 was here last Friday afternoon. iddez at public outery 42 | This May 24, 1900, month. Cail on him for poss in the way of dentistry. y,., {Spent several days here is week, situate on Third creekin said coun oe find it to your interest to “ais : ; 3k aueayeimcre thks ec loneing to the estate of thesaid J M. Atcxander. |See@@ Oats and Hay For Sale, | work done in best ma,” | we dean ceived at 1 N : abe dispatch re a = Berl] msoe | Sir. aud Mrs. Henry A. Londos, - “ _ un Ich La TTABIVES, FE } 7 ry a os } ors te 7 + . . ° . . os A. D. Watts ron & Propriztor | Che, er Sh: a i act jot Pittsboro, will celebrate their} The wife of United States Senator| Miss MarieGregory.of Stotesviile, ‘toe 2 and corner ef the dow A. D. Abts, & leaminge by w f Shapyha any tt. 7 oe orrow oD) me r sas 3: Sn se ptcletste coe tat Col OEv INC. original corer and come ’ F eas ei evidence of |Su¥er wedding, tomorrow, June 22d | Ail . Beveridge, cf Indiana, j visited Miss Nellie McIntosh this thence south 1 degrees East 8 parisio m Sonn | Lharea lot of whiteand black spring oats 4 tllam evidence | : ys ina savitari at ntille Y | week |W. B, Gibdsor’s line, thence Wan Ms line " Ih lerecilot Gofjaicelibale eras r Z facts with Mr. David Haveline.a well knewn bi sa@vitarium at Danville, N. | week. ley degrees West to a sione et a persim- | sale for seed. eee = ing ' { | o e ae ea e ee n ae s bi n e ae : er Dy: > ay ik * 2 Tice, ke . low. Only ihe bost metering). at Amity church 2 /towit: Ee ata whic osk st }Wiaeasy ana ¢ ‘pe Posteffice at Stetesville 3) _,, Butered at vars c. Tuesday ef heart failure = hay for sale, See me when you want grain, feed 8 ia teat.. & he Wataug: patch says that | citizen of Salisbury, died last Satur- CC ue Sale ef Vatu-b!s The Watau; ai! matter. ] ‘nov. said Cihson’sco. ner, thence South § de- eud malt, Respectfully. bat haul. articipated in the|day night. He was about fifty vears m., Secor CiaSs Mr.C. E. Sloanisin Genses Su- SiLson’ : “er . = =O $ 1r 08C grees West sf poles 2 Stone, Gibson's corner, ; Stari L. COWAN, e Mer A. y. I perviscr Pooi’s office this month thence South $; degrets East 35 poles toa stune, | ete J ¥ TIRTUE of a decree of nee Mrs. A rns tar Gibson’s corner, thence with nis Hae south 3) —_ Court made in the specia! : js visiting “er ¢ degices West 29 po creek. therice } tled * D, Plyler . ta Wirkler at Boon: np the cre . ; sari ‘ 7 ; piece a a tay . : i poles toa sinke, Ginsen’s cor: | against U. Pt oth : sah Mr. R W. Wilson, a prominent|this week. This is the college off Mr. Osear Brawley. of Moores- | PROGR worth - “< Last ® poles to a | Sale of Land, aniouiesdotiee at ihe 2" Con ue LD. EF Je ate ving foree of 2.000 x mas . : ny . ~ : ° = A thence Nor : J Pe eet oan ee Gace citizen of Newton, died last week |tle Associate Reformed Presbyte-| ville, N.C . was bere the first of the hickory stump. Gibson's corner, thence Nozth door in Statesvite, } n t ho: bousht from Mr ifrom the effeets of a congestive} riaps week, Sea cen nene ous ; ames | Te-se?! for cash at public auct | Aiihe meeting of the Teacher's} ¢; wit o 72 Morganton Jast Friday where he | 2ite. containing 23 acres, re or less, and | +e undersigned commissioner will on on tae property 431m four months time. county, adjoining the lends of E. F. Sharpe, | ~ ae hil commencecent of Erskine PHONE No. 29. ther asserts 4 : at lacai Roe poe eae ther — asserts | old. Coleye, Due West, S. C., took place (oe = n Aine:ican marines formed we p Ri i s AR R IE Be we r Mb Pa ed - report agi. degrees East jo polesto # stone, Gibson's YW virtue of a judgment of the Superior ~ IRDAY SGL Ys. t u 5 ie North 29 degrees West 354: potes | 1 Court made in the special eee enti- eens Turrenvine prop: rt S COME pot = tee alnutin the dowe, line, thence wah same | pied John W. McHargue, administrator of J. Te a ot Me Se | Vo2S. S22 Congressman Linney Wert ta on 6sty degiees Fast st poles to the begin-} gy, McHargue, against R. B. McHargue et. al..} pidder that yainable tract of ter otreet. ur. - oe , } 2 ' Lnown as the homestead t = a . — e AD eee tast week Prof. J. Allen }}. Son srice, for $30,000. She | made w speech last Saturday. | Terns of suic: $s cash, 4 in iso months and eee eee a Pidce, oo; Nest Saterds reer Ee PpsC, pt anc 1 F . De: . | expose mublic sale tothe hy s! marie ace 3 mes red Presicus , ine tclaima that Serator Brice promised} Senator Marion Butler and others | This June 21st, 1900 G. W. CLEGG, cash a part of the James W. McHazeue home | %, rae chucch, Mt. Pi eC RLENRT 4 Sa SS CR ave t this gmoupt iy his!are dx pected here Mcuday July 2nd R.B.McLaughlin, Atvy, Comimiss:ouer. place, situated inthe northern part of Iredell aa : : ae Scheol convention : eet renee *retary aaa As epee oe a 4 - rae 5 - eBtEC OTL, tos Paie De Sica = i to address the double mass conven- | -------------------- ono ee neessner-=---> | Cainpbell and others. This land will be offered | z = = ereuds J. E. Toomy Depaurement tn it —wuder = +” Merchy De erat he mene heen ~ = tor sale by the acre and the amount sold will be forn for 7 :W I Dawsor Ceparmment that. * ee Be The Murphy Democrat hes been : ee be é tion, . KOM & B. determined by the price it brings per acre. Not Sd.e, ané W. L. Dawsor = ables tuat rete eS “ jeclareed from afour paye six col- Yenry Walter Webb. prominent Beanie is Lin - ” more than 25 actes will be sol’ uncer any cir- E have just reccived 2 wil? make addresse s ea Gy ~ . e a ° ix HT aes : ay me aa Se ¢ 3 hs just r cer] river, fredon| 3, in page seven column | in the financial worid, died Monday ran A. 4inney Was in cumstances, Adescriptiou uf the part to be WwW Stony Point, which we wilt t Mr. H. P. Deat : setae : mee Mr. H. P. Deatoz : 2c 7 ‘hi Past Tra: id will be furnished by : ae Seem ae . Stiles eae et es s county Jast auturday. ris : : sold wi urnished by the commiss rocn eee Ree on pas Ye are giad to know that}in New York. Mr. Webb was a ie SE arent eae eee Past Train, ia of si JOHN W. McBAKCUE Of SJtsae tat... 2900 ‘ > Mooresville fn ito thes furces,on tue moPrn-| 7 5, ' rectorin the Wagner Palace ( at Tania Ses ; the Mooresville =o weck he makes a trip to Catawba A ‘ This May ast Cinta caer : : L's prosperir Y HE KANSASCITY Limited. Th Gz ¥ MS", 7900. nmMiss loner. WIT: “ oye sat oo “ Co, and vumerous ether railread " . . 5 rier & Long, ait'ys. ! : te see us last Sat viad to see him : Or ay ; : : - +; 1: ‘ fou Lirst Oey > equipped fast in swith noted) Admiral K J On: The hepublicans of the SAYS ie ater ee ’ Ww won. oe . | (weats fr and Palace Briici 1 g-TOuNs weted Adroival Ker c x pes ara ne cap om enterprists. t Mr oY. W, Tuague, CORSUS | Seepiag cas, inves Rituning'sm Gaily via ihe p doiwe weil. Hee Soe teenies ae Ba ap pottice, is assisslag Mr &. Clnér, | cuss City, Memphis & Birmingham &. RK. at . ‘ ox he next Governor in -Hrotest jj uated fsavc M. Nleckins. of J 224 to Asan evidence of bls rood wil, enumerator ia Lissic Riser aed Sn-| 2! 80%. ‘A rtives diemobie 6s sp. zx and iy the next Governor = ¢ . Now- ee “ , : epenunicrator ti Luss ‘ ‘eam Sei ee sing. meres e tank, jor Congress and D. O New-tand ic cifeer avy bad effect of tke war Loaf townsripe, this week Me wis ewith trate for Arkensas and Texas. Since ovr last iss ’ my 1) = me e ° aig te - i Ss : a. s2 9 tithe st, - 2 pays au a d = Seed d berry, of Tyrrell county for Elector. | msconstruction of bis trip to Ea a Teo re Nichoss f ; ints in Tex ener oniy ove marriace . te SARS : h an z ' nd at Kansa® City : - rope, John R. McLean, of Ghio. has “ aS he M. Sreveuson, : ot -s and Sennriteeiic for Colorado, California and all This was for the n sent his persobai check for $25,000 Mrs. A.C. J ane and Miss 240UTS [the West and aoreemge ston eee nas Jobn Caldwell Mem ‘ ‘ : S Lye 9) eae i day fror i LOCKWOOD, G.P. A., Kansas City, Mo. . & “ to Wi. J. Bryan, forcampaign pur-| eau came home Tuesday from SINS PA, MCuphis, Tenn, zie Saunders. ‘1h. Asheville where they attended the] Guay is. T. PLA Buiningham, Ala. place yesterday e: : settiement. LL. brady, we W. C, 7. Union meeting. county, Was couyicl raicourt of rem semeaced to Ly penitentiar -. ried him tu Raic: ests. A » Tausstg, Gated Cheefoo, = that the Take forts: oe The family of Gen. T. PF. Teon,the yun vessels at Mido in the) p. ccocratic candidate for Superin- Ses dace eat : astruclicn, in ; ras ROUMESE 1S 2 Fien-Tetn. Clodine his wife and two sons have Eee oa we x Pekie Qa oceats eres ee iil for some days with sudge Hm. S Jennings. of Hern- pede heom ia ouled| ae oh aa ae ande county, Mia. a first cousin of tce in China. Capt. J.B. Haves, of Ruiberford-| Wm. Jennizys ryan. is 2 candi- 2 ton, ex chairman of the Republican} date for the nowinatioa fer Gover-| 5 0.7 0 8% D anmitiee She AVE ce erase , ulive Committee of North Car jueor of Yloridu. The Democratic oe eotative A. ©. -%- COWLE iris olina. died in Rutherfordtun last|couvertion is pow in session at} C*"te> : Saturéay Capt. Eaves at oue time! Jacksonville. Wukesbore was represented bere |STraTESVILLE C@TTON MARKET. | E& Uniform, Strong welt re- at the Senatorial convention last] sraresvinrs, x. ¢. June 21, 1900, 9 &. m. ° T . - a ay Wy > ian so ene Hof | Friday by R. N. and J. G. facket, | cyict Good M 9.40 | Sia 2rd Rans Further ¢ Acer, the State of Delaware’s only HW. . Gre — Good Mid: 9.30 | eas : S ony; . L. Green, . B. Bendren, J. Ju. | Gocd Middting 9-3 se ey to the Pound, cero B¥ the haine Of henest| Penresentaciveil suse +} > . . Middting een ee ouae Hae A negro by the : OE as xe a Representative in the House,andwho f tlomptill, A.M. V annoy, R. M. Sta: | tisees > ee 9.10 reports, ‘over attempted to assault Mrs. |jis said to have been the only Repub- ley end Editor Robertson St: 9. | 333 ee : oe bers nerve. }Goorve Green on last Pridagy even- | lic hot factions of the party] ~.. |. Cece hey Market firm, ; Than any other twine claim mie ing near sit, Pleasant, Cobarrus | could agree upon for such position,| .4Pegintmeuts for speaking by; _ cies ae : ed to be of the same grade. m c ee rape a eel Es : in aeons Ons ROR Awoocl gua sunty. The segro was frightened | dropped dead last week ia Simyrna. Flous. B. EF. Aycock aud Sea ’ ata . Grech’s screams and tied ; Ne d have unde f iris 5 : _| He is now iv jail. | General Jce Wheeler received his{vounty at Uiddeuite, ednesday, ae A 8 art sin ce clared be Ger es ane ee this week, as Brigadier | sune zich, and at Jt - Dow ns’ store, COOPER & GILL j Serin at up to date] . saree tse ae ce -y |General in the Army of the United] Wit:enberg’s township, Thursday, —— Ce nicy aREbS. [States from President MeHinley. }Juue sth. NNER TATRA TEES SORES : mee; By Gireetion of the Preside eo ; ; St: in< i ieee ¢ _~ is mai a 4f£calibre! ." aren at as ae xc a Catawba county was well repvre-]| 4 ood demand, s Is _ the Standing Isinder twine of America, and as such is re eae pe pe ais Cone Bore oseph Wheeler today was opera ie, San ene ae *RICES—DASIS Bu. T QUALITY. ; cognized by the great Wheat Farmers of tne wesi, use tore SU OL. GUuDY ory do ad SU ts + ane sented nere at ! menatloria LOD- te . . . ° =< ‘ : Z : ned to thecommand of the De- 5 aa - as abbage, per +. Si seca STA SAS SUE aa : i Berry, for many oe rtemoent of the Lake = with head- | Vo#uen last Friday. From New- z E more of the “Deering” twine than all the oth: PRECGs, Com bined. . . : ree ae he “0 aS, ‘ ad- i ait promin mt burke county politician ‘quarters at Chicayo. LON Wwe noticed Ww. Band J. i. Govind pores Choteag eats go sede 20 “ss zy aod a large land owner. (er ther, W. C. Feimster, Register of} ° MORE re ie totic 221 6rmer 6 mancer-in-Caref Shaw, repre |Dceds Dellinger. grom Hickory | oon Or rs Y "¢ aff i ee ithutad viewhereictvan 4 Vo oeeinereck ace coavet 2 yoterars ef the civil war in A. Self, Thos. M. Hufham,-A. A. ae can’t afford to use poor twine, as ie causes delays, loss nna . . opel eae een r at . o ‘ ili rosy 3° wnt s . “ <2 ais— ‘ “* a F ‘ vas Pe is not veta state of | roccent ary Richmond. the egl-| tks Grand Army of the Republic. ' r. iron Oxtora Mord, 0-30) |e ae : ae eee vee eee ter lee i : . Les : 3 , oe | sent a perscual invitation last seek | Siu : : : Rie eee L We sell the Deering twine; and guarantee the price to be ba Nex coiGe oral Sean OR) Gowan Pouttoes—{rish lk Sete as low as other twine of inferior grades. S c - ! i _ eens a odie pe : = os eet Gio) . Sie eta! " = Svate Counell J 4 ° : . lrepresentinag the | nite AConfedérate a Omiens—seelect, per bushel 4 ~~ I “ous internal injuries, was abie! ‘>! a v : . : : ante a, ssa: S| S =n ee nieces thus ae ju Soret) ae Voterens, to come to Chicago next |vbairman, and O. b. Poul, Populist | & ie ; THE FLANIGAN-= VANS sles = te < 5 ee iv . of! their oreer ith Le vesierday to sit up and take cem-j : et x : . : Pee : : i 5 Aesth aa 2 special gues ot the ehalrinuan for Alexander county,huve HARDWARE co on rriday evening A < t 5 s ‘Patey sda ay rt from his pipe, snd seems to be : ; PY calcd % doudble-barrelica mass-Ricet- : = will consist of The Richt 2 a ee nee ing vi the two pariies at Leylorsviile | chicken ring-—sma! nib, 1214 ings of tt cl mp »! ie Save . ae * j o 3 é a aad ee — 5 S BES = ¥ ci > wks 4 7 Kight Reverend RW Wilmor, Monday, July 2,1 tor the pur- , cee rs Fie a oan =p a once. me a r F 4 well, whois a mem ing eports that the 1 trendent ef Public I ‘ poses. RR Works better, goes farther State Senator H. T. Campbell, of : SLR eT ae Vashti attended vee session of the aodis ee cheapest in every Legislature and returned home last a : DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION DATES June 16, t TiC CONVENTION, a 5 ween. Sen. Jas. A Butle Raleigh. where he : cial session of the 5 He + ook advantou otfer and went to a: put out 2 tire at Ky retusned. Saturday duri: A. P. Ciark wa the zround wire o! telertiong, at the The wire was >" and he was sv seve! he Cd not reco Mr. N. Port Mascor office a remunder of les peaches, the ! The Mascot peaches .very mu Wat very heartils an buildi lived in Statesville and is snown as membered licre. STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET | js THE ~ ee od e Niaetb lafan- , f MEd hee who RE BE RT D IS OR E EL Th ) AL MS this cen- Alltvbe meaiwho were injured ia: : ana the rorved £ an who it was at nrst , EE enced that Ceelrhaneht might bave sustained se- : Die hh the road to recovery. au = j A “eta hac erp 68 or misunder- J. 2k, Urisp has written letser to the Repudlican Executive ; a SCO a - ihe Locexe puse of nomiauting u ticket tor the Bo mene : OE. : oe Salon poe os et ee eee tell-: Sey ie = ee ee last varivus County offices and meinber |‘ ; - refreshinents nes® evovernment on@ {ies ivem that he intends to abide | Week. He eS Ou in Alexandria. | of the Legisiature. le Simic mle eee D. > 7 The street for tion ths hall close | by his werd. Me says taut he de- Va, in isié. tie was educated at rs ea 1} S. Tucsday, on the s tio : Die se : * = t ¥7..7 : he Urs Se : s me: , m 2 2 ee sen ; } sirés inal they lake such action a3) Fee ana at the \ irginia Theolosi toi. has. BB. Ayeoesx, Demo- Ze) dete ete - axa. ee rs wht) pe enerenicne ha afiiowit 1C2l Semicary sieht is ee Ls cap meres : nc a : : they sec i im regard to the afidavit /Cel Seminary. He became bishop in cruise candidate tor Governor, spoke | megs—tien-- - - ee There is a Gt and hang to our ready made skiets thet distiqry3 gan Stuuson’s to 4 aif = «Eee be made 4 jast Lhursday ti:creby | loo, ihe University cf Cambridge, | tere to a iarye crowd. He was in-].. gu wi a inlet ye! Denice nine Tee San aa Gantt ie stiasuish ay Ree < ai 20s) s Loe - zie is x “24 Waly 3 fhomest seryjes : : Z aunts days on the line, t fiely street, froin 2 A. ‘Turner s resicey Clase, there pg a eo n a p e n p y n m m u e t t a n t a n e t s oon te Phe South Afme yaar levine. hbirmseif vote > ty Pociang, conrarred cn hin the de | troduced oy J. L. Gwaltney, Esq., 5 . : . he South | African Wa pe os mas = a —o ee ctor of Fok : = 8: neaiee perc ane ne his ie =e eee e mee crc iets ;{too. Come and see us. If we haven’s your siz», salact the materia! lear. Gocsittutional cmevudmenat e 2POCL Ol Laws. t at e. Close + his weeCCD 2 Sra cata x Spee as cea mee ae Renata materi \ + 1 at liandseme poguet of flowers was] "eric seit of your measure and will furnish the skirt, mH aaranvecing ut and style & respectitve coloica man named’ Senaier A. O. Bacon is just re! presented kim by the ladies present, | Wocl—vashed ° Weer dee : eee sf acces ae j prescu nin by the isdies present, eatiaree Fe Ee : Pr. A. T ibe a t Join Young vied in Oxtord last! gveriny trom a severe atiack of ib -Jcs ee ketene ee T oO Arrive oe geet neee nc ee ACVaAdeaorp, | wees, aud because he siuessioo ness, Caused by eating toeadstools, . = icht acs : es Aes: ing Conmtuandant i + white people for good gov-! yiyies istool: pe “ “ eetce. alber, in OU. ae Chol ‘ ve PEOUIE LOL & Boer which mistook for mushrooms " “7 ~ ie ext fe duvs } l ; ' he 5 : sting dis- |e: aud voted the Deimseratic pine sepator thought ne was an e per bu In the next few days another lot of that soantiful Dr. obertsen is a - = en VOGLOY LD© z Vus a - : . . + ; *) E . ° rat com prmenting t jchot the mevroes would not bury i sore cal coaloney bha aene eegistPation o9o0eKsS will Gpecu at] “ fs Bapust aslCG.0R? * HVE See a bMS EY pert in aking whe disvnction ; : n ene “ : TD0-. PD . - ' sa el ets : Lee aly _ d SS eS or Yard I We. Ka Da - shers. | lt was) bun. RACH CCE Sey me a few Gays axe he weat out into the |? ¥ Cee See ee oe MADRAS At 10c. Per Ye a re ilps se Bons tlhe surrender would thom some cfine white citizens « StS on ad L NA ea far woud viose € Ss aturdav ais ee : Srevcnh av tile toty See ie in SC eae \ : : "felts and gatnered quantities of the {5 ane ear ares ee ena Bue The very thing for Ladies Waists and Goen-l=man’ tt — arent nonce Lp 2ist. Phe books wit! be oper fur 4 eee pi = = ists and Geuiomen’s Nezlizee Shirts, SuLbuay morning a athe) S i much ering. | procured a cettin and gave the dead weeks aod on Saturday, June 30th;] the vaiue is apparent at a ¢lance. renerai otha asked forasix days’| mun, tlack and bumble though he Saturday, July 7ub; saturday, Jury noir. was mar 2 ae Ey age : Rye arene ; abe ps erarest nye STUNG bee : SBagtar eh Cetin ae eerie 7 [28 ALL WHOM THIS MAY CONCFRN CG ap ee orienta NATIONAL |} tai. Lice order io confer and Con-! was, decent and becoming burial. ‘ y right, ee, D., president i4tth: Saturday, July ist. the books 5 WIS MAW CONCFRN At and Belo W -O8t. Ciacke, of Suz Roberis consented to yF th Georgia State lodustriaijere ‘o be open at lhe voiing place eae padermgned having Deen distzancuved coucty, yesterda ocieck. The ce % » T.% formed by ser Lathe rort ne Durwhers feta ¢ nile onesie) (eos eae op | ve . +. hor to the burghers | tie town lock the matter iu hand, ..pnosed delicacy, with the result eed weiss Marsuer 5 ‘ Sac acenl ‘ eree tater ie ae ae 2 . = se 2 < By reason of a couvictien of crime. this is rinaliy General Botha An eXCO web ampie ofthe sepa- oles. and for the past tweotypior PesisGacvion of voters. Don't | to notify tiie public, in prrsuance of the re- Our shoes sre going, come e3rty ‘foi 5 ors 3 bh ‘ fe colin neeent the proposal and ste car an vaitings* room isw of voarsone of the leaders in the Ete wriCGL LO web Gur Lame ¢ ha | Guirements of law, that we will apply by peti- Se ey Oe nie ee tay) ts 5 98) Rat Ss Dare xin. a : ree y c f | ad and 6 rs one O! e ieaders in the ire Cel Belt 3¢ laéme oof ibe “an corset phos I 71a matter of fit HAGeIPhia Ldescav], t . WATS HHT ; stk + V, at eccurrence | j F } ’ : 1 ‘ * Sac? Y= te ee sane ae August n of tue Supciior Court or | * - x ut—not price : : -« ‘sebticies Were renewed, tu 4 Te iy) Cee ne eee CAO Dares, IDE eOr eta, bus de registrulion beck if you waut C to be restores .o the intl rights - : - v0. 7 roe. posession, Oaving only} Advice from Macadodorp says that te last week. Four college ¢dedtg retire from pelities. He] to vote. Soci oneeaer aie ee : JALTONS GAGE ed pe wala ; pte OTe nes ee ar ER eas, git OeintnE Von ole Serene EGP niTe” MOI CeTo! ace ariege acca Sara thereto will ve heard at 4 adopted the platform | (He woers nave uo ddundance ofarms oe oo oy cles : ee 3 = Sons ves 1tas his opinica that potitics}| rhe Democratic Senatorial con-| 1 May 24 i000.) LiWIS W. JOHNSON ° ville Peanie Coscg f adiournment. vector trek ummUunieloy with d yNRinite and | Sacea ik tue whites Welweny FOCr. ¢ye5 bis ruce no good and tkat the; : w oe 2 x TUOMAS BROTHERTON. : ~ 3 audjcurninent yester- Scr 2 A eeswipel te PONE me ce ape eos 5 : 2 {vertion fer tue 20th disirict eomvos- ‘ Y Don't forget the ¢ son, uid that they are preparing | A polite request trom the Uepot po- bage not reached that stave cl . sete ' : we ron \ J0KS od tye; A ica Sees ; circa tei ioel oars : le : b= ed of the counticsol iexauder, Ca- <a anne eee em mam eer meme . lotte this atlernoer @ retreat to t ; . Sabt Lo Se GUuw porar aud €aucationdi Gevclopment, tawba, Lincoln and Wiikes m t bere x zs a See el eae ; "tyes flip bacey “z prec! yee P< . ite * “ L 12 : ae . Shay reis » \ barg distri woere the| dhe cflicer then referred the ne-| pevessury to an intelligent use of fast pligayvand in the absence of Neiice te Crediiers, NEW CA RPETS Zhey wil ve hou cbwituslaudine rumors tu! <rocs te it > Haw 0 Sucre bailor aoe eT ay = ce oe »S e ; NEW I F Limere did not re Bie Chistian cae Oat aca Eo Eo een oan comcne® Ther sir, E. L, shaford, of Bickory,N.€,, | T7AVeNe quiet apad Catstrator, with the i RUGS, time to piay yesterd . - at . ; > A OCP Set og Say chairman vi the executive eummnit- Ao rill anmexe4, of Hes + setaer, Gactuceed, i" wal? provably pikes Saturday Night Speakings. tee, ihe convention was Called to Jinx clams aguinet the estarc or said deceared to Ave Foe Seeding anything in the war of nonge “arnishings? If we. Known twirler 3 shinga? ws National cenven- ee ‘ i cenven It will ba only Miss Munroes cre, nuavinsy alle we ee ap a r e c e tion mects today . Dn, i” + Mo eresiaene Me-} cha hvdenbar alns i hi l e lb -c a r r n n e a c e Mw t “te a } I ¥ F , ot ” ™. * - z . C3 * Aca wr. Steiu, io bis procia- Consegucnees @F Tarte: the unassigned merely no: les ag persons bav- « 7 gialiog declari My tee ree inte stil ae a Sig ee Tg ceive aa eseatthesameto iim tor ae te a - . f " ‘ Governor | fece and independent, says tie fac: marcned out withent jus ie ttscus- | Vor followlug speakers will : order by arene Hedrick, a me aber ol onths from ate Ae Reet Jen are whe ae try the new store where evcrythiny is new, fresh repuiation. Acnna of wrk, and theliuat the army is yet in the field and]ston of the matter. ta eae ci sep ie tinea rollers che committee, who asked I 3B.) » vin bar of their recovery. ail persons eee ate Our entire lire is uew and clean no shopwors box fur Siatesvule. ee : : : ae Sy ee ee Head and eat — fo, on Hendren, Esq., of Wilkes, to preside indebted to said estate are requested to make goods, no old styles, but evervthing (he — stration forces led by Senater [| Teneers Lore hoberts annexation _—~o>- os rSseturdav night, June 30: and Edi a Set rail y: 7, | PEC pe pay tient, M. W. SHOOK, - é : Se eye penenas ah yates ry ae : eee, : and itor liolbrook, of the Hick-]° This Mag 21. 1900. Admr., C.T.A Kes. ..A. Littie Wal btraaiclory tu International law. senator Butler Color t is cotho wlact a soe Se erat J. B. Connelly, Att'y wear earns : ; Loudon Dispateb 20rh: The Dailv ty aR Stevensen and Zeb Vile Seen eS ery Lates: Styles tov. A. AL Lit i I » 20th; i Reratonienen 8 : ©. SW. Stevenson and Ze iy wanes Sete mend lo = ~ 2. Ae oo ; shi oS out that it is gi e pos “ ee sy anh = : : ” 7. “urne : the temporary organization was} — ei earner omer cece eee Fs ? thai he will preaci resentative Dolliver, of | s; Cimino nae ence ee eee , irae. ., made permanent. The counties ea : t ) it ¢ ‘> huve again been eb AAT : sk 3. fs. Armfeid z f ine mss ete | CLA ee es eres a cine Cull ecy, yor bis feot intoit by cailing|_. ‘ Feo ATG, | were cauied furjuominativus. Cataw- See hn er nO Ore swoue4rts Fearyads LO CISPateN | i159 little boy who hsd ur » white} Pas; statis Hill, bu named ‘Thos. M. Hufham, IEsy : York. an Sonat yp} ieive thau dune loth has been rece nel eavey ee aia nities 5 ) va ang i G ote Tarai aaa 3 ’ | CQY ViRTUE of a decree cf the Superior ¢ f s y S , . : Sarna salted. Inashort tors, and Sevator rane iy gael ncaa supremacy bution. and peer bin AL eearbe and IW. G. Lewis, |.) Hickory, and Wilkes named A, | 49° ot iredeli counts.inan action el Sie ean cel sure we can please you. We oniy ask an examiazation of our ae om eee i 10Lace i>iOk M,Crawtord and others sre detendants, the will accept ithe ui! on the ros: eur He askes te 5 are ¥ school house, Con-| 4 Vaunoy, E-q., and they were | Crwiord and oticrs a= planufls and Sid stock to prove our claims. Don't forget cur nev location } » Hew et ity ' . rye ownsi pean = e ai ’ vila f be knew that ih Dew Ets pt aed Ses a _, |; vet cominated by acciimation. ‘Lhe | adersigued commissione: will seil at pablie .* 2 eounvrev2!0 ased to disiranchise him «nea be felinere be a full attendance ot iresenl exccutive commitiee f outcry tuthe highest bidder tor cash, at the Ld ; ft acosyrer ’ . ' z pres ? MCG 108 | courthouse door at diatesvile, N.C, on a x4 Sunday, 10 Was dec t Pp £ ”? , . ; . vot 21 years sid. Je turned ; Alexi 2 5a 2 lb ere — = 3 i weaunder, Catawba and Lincoln SATURDAY, JUN. 23RD, 1900, Salary at $1,200 per gnerte would be. Toe! P g3e ge iq eess . whofavor Secretary of the Db. Long, of Massachu-} 1 | Commissioner's Sete ¢f Land, Design and coloring, Having catersd to thio traus of Statesville doy ee for six years, we believe we know jus. wha. is wanted. and we Oe gee Vest Virginia, are als F n, ae bine 5 » are moh The Boers are gatherin tuuCiGates. tits expected that the frout of General Rund near : f r fisut ior the nomination will be aj ricksbure. His turces stretch dy} scussed. Wall One, wies. As Suige parts of the line are 43 tin ae 2 : - et alae Nils pce and Cured abv wotis : a Wa :ODU od Mr. T : B. 1]. aes - : ° on Be eskiv held the . 2 $ ; 2 , > as C jhued. Mur. hos. » fat 12 0'clock, M re ol esc: : = Seater Welvout, of Colorado, was | S°28!¥ Beie tke British fear that the | crai to hold up his hard andsay{Ze? V. Long, J. A. Harrxess. Finley, of wilkes, was naimed in| ears oe arr Sern ne | Furniture, Carpets acd Matting mee temporary chairman and Senat buers may break through. Out-7), ¢ ould vote to. Gislraunchi<est he secretary. Chinn. Dem. Com. |r aie R : Finst tract, beginaing at » post onk, corner of | NeW Cooper Block. Speaking in North POLIKY ) Chaibman and | Senator bccn ckhirmishesiare of Gaite he woul to Gislranchisesthe : piace of Mr. R. A. Deal. hot No'rianithciacinea lon eheliiande comm fe se Ace hu dig @. OL Sassacky > bas bee : i cise: SW cS S ce Cally UCeur- noor rit tle white boy. = {t2'>. sota ene ee, ors : ae Ee ei Crawterd, ard runni g Wet with said oon a *ORb. waa reins vs > 2) s eenfence. The Boers there are corm- ite b pe'’s ua niveer,” shouted Public Speaking. Poles to spanish oak: theues ol. a waa ae e a ous aN a Newiand will rate Bote a eee: FOR PURE casicrn boundary of +t 80.969 vole toa stake m wodman Acdemy, ag! ‘ = ay , Kaz: Cicerea per moavent chairman, Sena-|& anded 23 De Vili 24S and ary r leayto © Sena 4 ens aoc Hermane, Ee Wai ina held on said liye; thence man sl] oles toa ° day ane 2s Mos » June —. : - “Oh, 3 De in the sir, Steya is at Bethiehem, the ere i a - rn : c + ke) 5 etal m, L nee © was ne ae C,H. Armfield, Esa., and Mr. post Oak; thence Nurih 69 pules to ine beyin- Ce be a wed the ied, 3.5 rae FOOD GO TO riang, containing 61 acres L.vie or jess and bong L d @ 9 on Tuesday : June 24 tir Bairbacks, ef Indiana. was 7 snd +) S : . ‘ Serie ah ere : temporary capital t ree Stat 7 . See Wats i] l ciairmas of the platformcommittee, BES < a caer =< t ree State. crowé went wiid. This tock the wiud | 2. _ Watts will address the peopte lot No, 2in the division of Gic lands aioresaid, nd Senator Feraker, of Ohio, will J econ ag to dispatenes from Lo-| . 5+ 56 Batleri< sls en oe nent [20 Linwead school house on Friday | 4 z > 9 _ second tact, bounced on the North by the Bp. 1a. ; a5 a 2 os » Will] vonzo Margues, dated yesterday, the SO ee niles Pe Emde ern San aae SOoiniGer ir OTE - fe oe ne ee ee one eae or. Aycock is @ winate Vein this ae Matana bridve has ~ ) ee A 1g seule : 1a. ft RUOW oe nt ~~ : ° “RL y ‘ yy iS cage xO. -lands of Aader- ~ar,.jidate for (rn rae iS morning, ae ames B 5, been Gestroyed. | ehat about felt: oe ae Lei these speakers haye a ood Lachey; om tse Westby the lands of Jane 4° Cav-iidate for Gus endorsement of | U8e 2ccount says it was biown up.!Gion’s know ae sa ee crowd Fe Rtas, the, sdcntical’ arect x Newiand is a pry ihe - a Rrothenicce Eerie we -ididn’t know .. waite man froma sw G. arity, ~ = devasea to Ann Crawivra tu the iast will and for Covvres z administration. The}? = esserts Fae was under: |» i<-er, aeo, V. Long, J. A. HARTNEss, Hein’s Pickles testament oi Harriet Gibson, deceased, and : ib ete ae re ured by a patrol from Swaz - nes sero t . a a Comlalning $7 acies more c .css. Said lands in ey are volb ver id the ad Serene Eatin ; k St Swaz Dbecretary. chmn. Dem. Com. we M hiloh towushi Fara Gc i . vo ee SCmunistra-tiand, and so collapsed under the Fah ane eer ee : u eet ixed, naeccaiorerete a ices O oD Our novib lreaei! 5 1¢ Philippines are} weight efa train. ‘fhis will tempor- Troutman Items i eee Meee oe pour Mixed. Guer & Lung, KR, >, Mel, vaghlin, Adt’ys. — - oI ° then good crowds —— > platform Acnonnces | 2euty interrupt the flow of supplies to Ceriespondence of Tak Mascot ros = —_ Barrel of Kraut : aS EAC NN occa ea oe Wee See ; Guaranteed Me Soca | Amen Rcrt. We will print the platform | '@° Beers trom Lorenzo Marques. Mr W. 4. Mi nson went to : y : ee : : ee Asheville todayy on an excursion ‘ 5 , Mountain Buckwheat Fleur. Den't one eOOn, ts -_—— ae , Yaa pa " c - hay aa » : wa & ie Nr. J. A. Boger of Shinnsville al- Ats Swect and Irish Potatoes. c tur. L. C. Caldw : An Exanu-ie of sa 5 : See us oe ~s + ei ‘ ail. ds. &. Vic An Example of Patrictisin, owenton theexcursion. Mr. Bor- —— Cougs, see een and to wear equal to any $2.05 cainpaizgu for the ea Tae: kalcigh News and Observer, sy is an up-to-date market-vardeger ¢ € market. July 26th. Tie 4 Wie published by Chair AMONG TRE POLITICIANS, <“Vou will never gat « Fac m gad on his trip will eccomiine busi- iS = all kinds of country pre- a tot ttn buy <OU Wilt I Ke segislature | nace etet en epee - duce. a wt - Szr.0 ares SH ae ig a mi back in Rateigh without pay,’ said |.) Saas ples SOR es shipped ; ‘ h : 2 25e. Bottle of bse ses es the Stale Commit 7 ‘ . abont athousaxd pouads of extra Weke, Chatham, © politician in March. T8909 wher |a=o2- SNe baseoey 2 ; ; the present J evislature adjour = 4 hae cabbae to Asheville ard while eX Hails Cough S numver of the mi to meetaa dune, 1930. Mau aerate ee s doing” the town wi: dispese J. cn u ore counties. ice = : eyrup. = Mr. Caidweil is y ss weet be bese Ty Dr Paci at : Mis LOCUS. » , . - tty Democrats have with him. The foct that every Sen- Mire ON men Perotcdc. c ; i i Women = S. Wilson for the{%'! except ene who was sick, AINA esse eraeg Davidson, of near tis j : SS eee ap a ee e and has done, aud : Statesville, returned todsy from a prin Ow 5 : work tor ihe bei ers Thereis no doubt { Representatives. one other, was in his seat, and near- |e. vaimsay, of Salis- Bere er j spending som time with her dangh critical time tor a girl, Little men- ; 7 ; a e Ca:dweli’s work fom \ pa < rete preser show that ¢t mais Si = * Sete it a:adwell s work 10) das been nominated by thef::. ~ > that the POl-fter, Mrs.Grier. strual disorders started af that timz soon ; , Hl O argal S willdo great #0 3 t ; i } z ; es a We buy fresh butter and ors. : ra ¢ stutton wt ra che hh: tay z i ‘ ihe members’ of che ree Cauldwell ststion, where she had been The Soe into womanhood is a i quoted had too little faith iy! grow into fatal compljcati h in plications. That - votes for the write ae Rate 3 Wews is very scarce just al pre Ie Pastiotism of the State's rey- mrgee : + ,P temale troubles ase ii giaveyarcs : : : ; 3 People are all busy and the : - 8 V T nm A boom is being started f; sentatives. They mor . rat eiceaee olen: proves this, Wine of ai estab- In Mason's im x 2 EE E = ! being started for form- ) hey more than |loafor’s club « ese coe pane s R 1 fason s improved Y : T ? De . anes er ~enator Murphy, of New Yo J. | ceeasured up te their dutv and RR ter s Grub can searcely rau Oe isnes a painiess and nafsral menetrial GT e I : SEE THE PR ICES. erie eee ‘ E NCY rs, |; aiitude of the State. Inse 2quorum. There is very little siek- fiow. When once this important func- | ; a oe The K. C. Mi. &E t ob e ed le, Oo some t 1 — - a wate for Mr. Bryan. Itis in the : aoa mi 3 ais os 8 3 Cal 1 mndcol ir. Crokec a Ne tances ae ‘ness now. The worst disease we| f tion & started right, a healthy life wil |! D Ww mf j iPanGon oe ee | Longe line BS ta Re ae UsoOt sir. Croker. Instances we happen to know that knowof. i usualiy folle-v. y igests hat you eat. g “UE 3 a S | Pant Goods, 9 to 60c. yard. | ae lize Lar pS, l4c. to > 0, Fer Rie neta publicans for ihe State Senate. - aise is that the doctor calls ° women ‘ood 2 Rear as a The eee ee ane fois the » doctor calls Hany women, young |! Jrortificj . 5 |Tam ‘obiets. 20 and 230 n fre Democrats of the First Sena-|. weave Sea ok * the trip was | “inaladie du laziness.”" Your hum aes owe their lives to Wine al Re enna qudalds) ; Blne Denim, 7, 10 and 124¢. yard, Pie 2 aii ie " oOGOW, Clegz co loceal Geaee Racrcwmae ore ey burden, be it was Bote Ghssencomie ae ieacteke arc E othing like it to laerrictanciear gsthening and recon: | | Alamance, good, 5c. yard _ cies and Cups, vie. set. Sognlg a See ae Vana, of Chowan, and W. H. Bra ae a “ue uncomplainingly. If} But more anon ee women Sean from pain and to , gans. It is the latest discon seas er T and 2 quart sizes, i Bed Ticking, 5 to 15¢ yard a = edhe Secs Cod) a a apsoie ot iUtamcizuek” fos ce Stee anal le nccosnarn forlithere acs See it young women for of life. {+ est di ered di alsc i “eC ir eee : Anives and Forxs. 48=. sot and up. Omestead tract of Thos D aaa wn = 4 ee “-}to return in Juh ney will do ee Exenceen sae = drugs. ae om amen ine oomiel ee - Tow In 3 t0%8 tae oa Shue Bina Lausiry ee a Sbersit Wyeot _Tee Den ats of the Asheville|agzin, no matter how erect t Soto ae ” ' ac in efficiency. It in- Patent, To | Towels, 3 to 25e. So ed grates s -<iwonf gd district have nominated J. M. Gud | ritice in a the sac- tamon Beats Them Als, ; Snes oe permanently cures Fruit J oa Face and Talcum Powders, 5.and 10¢ See rote Beans ion ee oe ee district hove nowina Sass ; ome peepee mee J27s. ip : “ TS, c. ae Ss 9, ian C. i tax ay ee: Jee = es and W. W. Does the Black-and-Tan 2 er ee Henry Bissell, Hatton, Arkansas, Miss Detia M. Streyer, Tully, Kans “1 | ee ae ExtcaRobben Soria parasols andUmbrellas.25¢ to $2.25. | Machine Oil. bis eet », Se. cle dealers, anq State Senave. | OOM for the} pose it can defeat a party of which |SS¥S: J cannot find swords in ex-| ) have suifered untold pain at menstreal pe- |. ick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and | : Coa 000 Sea Waists, 8c. to $450. | Trunks and Va‘ises, 2c. to $5. special taxes, is 204 oS these men are the type and of which | Diaia the worth of Ramon" Liver| | tiodstora long me, was nervous had no | allotherresuitsot imponcotdn nines Tin Tep Jelly fae ESOC Hendkerchiefs, 2 to 5c be paid. ihe Democrats of the Eighteenth | they are true representatives. There | Pills and Rem o's Relief also. 1] 0 appetite, and lost interest In everything, ,| “eared by E C- Deliitt AC CBicago. Secs Tablets 1 oe ae Suraw Hats, 5c. to $150 & H. sicXee!) ee a teen ae Seine : 2 = ae red with wlions Colie fis ve: . Ins, We ree Layer, elk ets, 0 25c. : D3 - oi ot 1. alcNee!) Hu Seat Cae have nominated | 'S = ae that can withstand the!' Se ee a ce *¢ fur years in Fact was miserable, 1 have taken four : ebave large stock of above i Writing Pa ma to 20 5 Shoes for everybody, 25c. to #45" fers his valuable fa on. FA. Foushee’ ‘of Durham, | S2ited determination of tha ra anc e Goctors laned to do tne any bottles of Wine of Cardul, with Thed . 2 and shsli be pleas<d te selj vou '] - 7 per, Vc. quire, Summer U der: de. tc 31.00. Sos — Sr ee ee ee ee nite Beco Eco aicaicaee seen os 0 ul, w dford’s 1 “O%- | Boys’ Kuee Pants, 25e. to $1 00. 200 ya eee si a, acres, for sele. SS : i fohioa eho se oee eas ict land)-Gamba’sl Paccmpars on Bie Dane when necded, and to-day | { AK | Belts and Belt Buckles, 10 to 50c i? ee Spool] Thread, Mr. J. W. Cop tinty since 1899, when the! seca vecmree ie € express the GER WAN MII LET SE : Corsets, 25 to $1.00. Cc = < oyS; ae Tat . yd god oP that bis eee canno' MUN Bg + | Fast Black Hose, 5 to 25c. pair Bins art eaie Inte 3 be disposed of vy 4 ion 2 . - - ly stoc ugs 35c. to 22 vl. 7 b x ; i g Ss. .tos as promised to Y have sold dvvgs and medicines for - whites were so uhited in Noni, j2) Years: and have handled all kinds} § tanks I feel for-what you have done |, { e ubited in North s \ ON TIME. } S a Tt : . Books and Blank Books. 5 = 5 ce to <=. ; i have Flour, Corn, Meat Soe rish ' Boys’ Suits, T5ec. to 33.50.” to $5.00 | New lot Wal Paper, 9 to 2c. roll room by that time 5 : eee czatces WAGE magnates ods Fans, 1 to 50c. = ena 2 W. Dav:s will pr a ESS ; tee : Sar oS Se Carolina 2s today. They are all as{°! pa medicines. Ramcon’s beats for me.”* : : Saapeer: JED" | nogdy ¢ ahaladowsk 7 wi roacuico arp GEkOakE cele have s and use nae iock,he willdeliver a mis. | TC3¢¥ to make sacrifice fo make ber. | T8°™ Be _ J have sold and used Ra For advice tn cases requiring special atrec- NL eae Uae oR Is { 1's for ten years with 3!ways the lone, address, giving MyIsD~Ome, che hoemree etc., for sale on time. See : i ss Sue . = tion and Outlcot Wiehe tives were, and beeause ‘they ana {greatest saticfaction. Hundreds of {olde CO pee eae chastenoogs Bed : me when you want time an : Garden and Cornfield Beans ze eas Mrs, Faikner, OF we es is oe cae luaited in a riehteous cc thas} Customers will testify that amon’s SS ST : your purchases cf supplies. for eating or plantire. Now : Complete Line of Bz :1 Gocds town, the gues: of Hoa. Samuel I. Rovers. of a s a S Cause thev . 24} 7 i . e = This M ony sth : e . Kz. ods. = hr sista weet. 4: HOuers, Of Frank-}caanot be defeated. Thay can never| Ve? Pul's are the best family med- : REACT aT: See. eae en econ Large s ; aoe lin state corporation commissioner, |be defeated except: through divis-! ieine. they ever used. I wisiz every E : Respectfully, tee crop cf Potatoes. 4arge stock of Musical Instruments, Trimmings and Strings- es Stepbens, th Wae here last night. ions or by their own mistakes. ‘family had a trial dose in their house ae PRN ES J. L. COWAN, Many other goods it will pay you to sez. B. Muls& Co., le _ today: For sale by N. R. Tenstall. % c eek : ae oe Biles a : ao pie: me j i sale by rnsta At Brick Store, Back of Harrison'’é COOPER & GILL Saae ae age WAI LISON her home in Baltim 4 ' erconditions as their represents... — = PFUSENOUp 2tint, ; FLLE, N. ©, office two Prst Monday ; him for 3 Pi Mntistry. % rest to do a Will vet Magner, i ost meterig) Sacea “able Land © auchion to t? : f iand Trede fel , ROME place r less. s. CON NELLY Commissi ner oe > EE uv WEITE & vor -'ha, & YOUnr ee n ? “B E RT L Sh Pe s ~~ e who nse » Cow bined, a™ os } elays, loss ice to be rr “H E Bo Bh os AS e cistiaruish honest servies mteriai fears Bnd style, stlizee Shirts, y aoe : iu will b2 ouly GAGE Puen 5 ew, fresb shopworn Statesville and we on of our Ou Pa d ) as, i Mattir — oy” Tor. PRICES. o 38.00, ) and 25c. . piece. et and up. Db, Ze. cake- a ier pC. to $5.00. . to £4.50. to 31.00. bread, 2°- yd and up 2 350. 20c. roll. —_— as. SON —_— — TE MASCOT eee LOCAL. Sirs. te Sherrill, the widow of ty. i’. Sherrill we learn is 2. C. Davidson will preach +: church next Sunday morn- i] a. . Watauga Democrat says: \’. Dennett, of Statesville, « Ler daughter, Mrs, James » gt Doone. lh. Jenkins last week 1 from Mr. J. D. Cochrane the ‘ive property on North Cen- Mr. Jenkins will build property. Saturday, at Centenary Mt. Mourne, a Sunday ) ntion will be held. Rev- J. &. Thompson, M.A. Smith “ L. Dawson, of Statesville, ke addresses. t{. P. Deaton, the editor of \iooresville Enterprise, came in us lust Saturday. We were iv -ee bim and hear that he was well. Hecameup to hear <4 Governor speak. 2 -o Gur last issue there has been ue marriage license issued. for the marriage of Mir. dwell Fleming to Miss Liz The marriage tool vesterday at the cotton mill ernent, ~vuinders. . Brady, well known in this y. was convieted in the ITede- ri of removing whiskey, and ced to two years in the State Marshal Milikan car- eizh the frst of this etiary Lidl y. to Ral rice 0206 Jas. A Butler is back from Paul lun, where he attended the spe- ela) session of the State Legislature. PERSONALS. Mr. Holland Thompson is in Con- | cord this week. Mr. C. S. Tomlin for his fgll trip. ; Ex-Marshal T.J. Allison was in Salisbury this week. : Wr. and Mrs. S. L. Parks were in Charlotte last week. Mr, Geo. S. Powell, of Asheville Was in town this wee, _ Mr.R.H. MeNeely, of Mooresville, was inthe city yesterday. Miss LottieCaldwell was in Greeas- Soro the first of this week. left Tuesday, ? Miss Bessie Tays is at_ home from the Normal and industrial College. Mrs. John Sharpecame up from aoe jast week with a very sick Chi.d, Mr. H. C. Cowles, Jr., accompa- niedhis father to Philadelphia this week, Mr. Rob. Miller, of Sardis, Meck- lenburg county, 1s visiting Mr. T. D. Miller. Miss Nora .Williamson, of Rock Hill, S. C., is visiting at Mr. A. P. Barron’s. __ Mr. George Anderson came in Saturday night and spent Sunday In the city. Mrs. J. A. Templeton, of Moores- ville, is visiting her son, Mr. Victor ‘Tempieton. dirs. W. A. Withers, ot Raleigh. is in the city, the guest of Miss Ger- trude Wood. Mr. and Mrs, W. W. kome from their Miller came bridal tour last Friday night. Mr. G. P. Copeiand, of Clinton, S. C., is here ona visit to his son, Mr. iis ook advantage of Sen. Bryan’s|J. W. Copeland. o ve and went to Morehead City and tout atire at Kinston before he r ned. s.terday during the storm, Mr. > Clark was standing touching Mrs. S. H. Brady, ot Davidson ey College, is in town ona visit to her vurother Mr. John Brady. Miss Francis Butts, the milliver und wire of the long distance | for Mrs. J. P. Burke, leaves tomor- + onlong, at the St. Charles Hotel. |row for her home in Atlanta, Ga. vire was struck by lightning Mrs. Martin and her daughter, | AGREAT DAY FOR IREDELL. _—-— . - } | Aycock Speaks toa Large and En- thusiastic Crowd.—He Makes an Eloqnent and Powerful Argument for the Constitutional Amend- “ment. Mr. Aycock came down from Tay- lorsville Friday evening. He was met at the depot by Chairman Hart- ness and the other members of the reception committee: Messrs. B.}, Long, C. H.Armfietd, R.B.McLaugh- linand A. D. Watts. While here he j } { | party of Iredell county and was en tertained at the Hotel Iredell. He went home Saturday, but filled his appointment at Mocksville Monday and Yadkinville Wednesday. He is bearing up under the strain of con- stant speaking remarkably well and is apparently as freshas he was the day he was nominated. It was intended to arrange for the speaking ia the court house yard, but Saturday morning it was seen that the weather would prevent an open air meeting and it was decided to have the speaking in the court house. Three young ludies—Mrs. W. F. Chenault and Misses Addie Mc- Elwee and Jessie Fowler-—beauti- fully draped the judge's stand, from which the speaker talked. When Mr, Aycock entered the building he was greeted with cheers from a full house, and before he bad been speak ing long the building was packed, aislesandall. Many crowd- ed every door and many were com- pelled to leave without hearing him. Between 800 and 1,000 people heard the speech, two-thirds of whom were country people, and this does pretty well for a day of such inces- sant rain. ; Mr.. A. D. Watts, Democratic nominee for the Legislature, intro- duced the speaker. Hesaid: “Ladies and Fellow Citizens: “Tn the yrove outside 24 years ago as @ ten-year-old boy 1 heard my first great political speech. A great man was the speaker and his theme was worthy of him. The speaker was that greatest of all North Carolinians, living or dead, Zebulon B. Vance, and the restora- tion of the State government to the white men of North Carolina was 7" ceverely » he at e . = TN = = . a eer Ste ee that | Miss Mary Martin, of Davidson Col-{his theme. In that year Vance was no “prey Oy a vey yy . + 24s . ~ not recover in severa: hours. liege, are visiting the family of Dr. N. Porter Watt called on the ovofice yesterday, aad left as nder of his calla lot of tha Miascor force enjoyed s very much, snd thank Mr. tvery heartily for his kindness. cil 523, Royal Arcanum te tie 25rd anniversary ier in the pew court Louse evening. The exercises wil. consist of an address cn the workings of the order by LC, Cald- well whois a member, music and refreshinents. ‘The street force began work, Tuc day, on the sewer line on Bell :, tryin the corner at Mr. Lo- pr Stuuson’s to Mr. J. W. Nicnol- sons. Work wiil be begun in a tew day. on the line, rupning up Arm- treet, froin Mulberry to Sir. ‘urner s residence. T. obertson, wife and chil ren are visiting Dr. Robertson’s ‘ n apast Dheclogrcal Seminary at Lew sville. Ky. Dr. Revertson will f the Baptist cherch nexr sasmarried to Mr. Louis R. = MICE} eone to Philadelphia. : he finest we have seen-| il Jook in on the Republican Na-|jevilsof negro rule grew the | tional convention. Cool Spring township. |sister, Miss Lucy Rice, br. Qobertsen is a Protessor in tholgraduated at the Dunuay morning at 11 o'clock, here Tuesday night, Marguerite Monrce, of ue-|it L.. White. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gray heve Mr. Gray Mr. A. T. Allen was in town this week On Bis Wey bone -from the meeting of the Teacher's Assembly at Morehead City. Miss Fan Alien Copeland and Misses Louise and Setheile Boyd. went down to the commencement of tne Normal and Industria! Coliea Miss Mary G, Jones, of Ashevile. who has beea visiting Mrs. W. 8 MeLeliand, left this morning for vonall, in Wake county. Messrs. W. T. Nicholson, W. J. Lazenby, Eugene Morrison, Oscar Stesie, and Dr. J. F. Carlton were ic Charlotte at the ball games this week, M. V. D. Rice, of Sidney, Fia., is in town this week ona visit to bis Mr. Rice University of North Carolina this year. Prof. A. S. Webb and wife, ot “it. Tirzah, Person county, arrived They will vis- Mrs. Webb's father, Mr. Logsn Prof. Webb has cnarge Stimson. €iacke, of Sugar Grove, Watauga}ofa maleacademy at Mt. Tirzah. county, yesterday morning at 3:30 ocieck. Lhe ceremopy was per- formicd vy her father, Dr. C. A.Mun- rove. Miss Munroeis well remember ville Ieamale Colege. bon t forget the games with Char- olle this atternoen and tomorrow. Lhey wil vehotly contested: SLat- timuredid not reach Charlottein Lime to play yesterday's game, but wisi propaoly piken todag. | Geis a wea. kpown twirler with a first ciass r ‘ion. Aennawill be in the tox fur Statesville. senna ean Kies. 4. Little Will Preach Sunday. tov. A. A. Litvle has announced tha! he will preach here next Sun- day moruing. He comes up to iook vex the work to which he has been called. Ina short while be will an- rouace his decision as to whether he wih accept che call, * a congregatiopal mecting, last Surday, it Was decided to ux the salary at $1,200 per year. a Spraking in North iredell, Htons. B. KF. Aycock and W. C. Newnand will speak at Houstonville Ac.wdemy, Eagte Mills township, on Mouday, June 25th., and at bvalin on Tuesday, June Z6th., at 2 o'clock i) bb. "lr. Aveock is a brother of our caudate for Governor and -Mr. Newiandis a promizent candidate for Congress in the Sth district. ‘Lhey are both very able speakers. Our north lreaei people should giye the:n good crowds. ————— Mr. L, C. Caldwell Speaks For The Amendment. hir. L. C. Caldwell will enter tke cuapaignu for the amendment or tgiv 26th. The appointments as published by Chairmas Simmons of the Stale Committee take him into Wake, Chatham, Alamance and a imoer of the middie and eastern counties. Dir. Caidwell is an able speaker anda has done, aud will do, vigorous work for the Democratic party. Tloreis po doubt but what Mr. Ca:dwetl’s work for the amendment willdo great good and win many votes for the white man’s measure. Ion) TDS ese New Advertisements. ™he K. C. M. & B, Railroad gives scbeduie of the Kansas City Limited, from tsirmingkamto Kansas City. U. W. Clegg, commissioner will se’! land known as the Aiexander howestead tract on Saturday, July 21st, at the court house door. herritt Wycotl gives notice that the iax on physicians, dentists, bieyele dealers, and others liabie to spcial taxes, is now due aid must 5e paid. at. H. »icNeely of Mooresville of- fers his valuable farm containing 200 acres, for sele. dr. J. W. Copeland announces that bis entire stock of goods must pena eee Dr. Davis on China. Sunday morning, Dr. John W, Da- vis, a native of Rowan county, now aving attended the States-!o missiouary to China, and who is at the prcsept time at home on 4 furlough, preached a yery able ser- mon at the Presbyterian cburch. Sunday aftecnoon he preached at front Street church, and Sunday night by the aid ofa large map ke lsetured on the “‘Dotiticasl and he- hgious Condition of China.” He showed what parts of China were controlicd by foreign powers, aud wave it as his opinion that China would never be eutirely divided up among the great powers. Some ot tbe outlying provinces might, 1n- deed very provably would be, parti- tioned, but the jealousy of one pow er towerds another would keep China proper, intact. He showed the part of the coua- try now disturbed by the Boxer srouble. He said be thought that uke Dowager Enipress was really in sympathy with this anti-foreign party. he speaker said the relig- ious outlook in China was very en- eouraging. There are now 3,000 missionaries and numbers of native Ckristians. But notwithstanding gli this, money must be Spent and men sent, if China is ever to be- come Christian Monday evening Dr. Davis lec- tured on the ‘Customs and Man- ners of the Chinese Empire.”’ His lecture was very interesting indeed and was illustrared with views show- ing scenes in their natural colors. a The State Leaguc. As announced in last week’S paper there was a movement cn foot to or- ganize a State league. Represen- tatives from Wilmington, Raleigh, Tarboro, Durham, Charlotte and Statesville met in Raleigh last week and the league was formed. {Geo. Stephens, of Charlotte, was elected President. Mr. Eugene Morrison, of Statesville, was appointed as a member of the Executive Commit- tee. The schedule of games in which Statesville’s team will have a part are given below. The teams that will play at States- ville are as follows: June 25, Durham; Juze 26, Dur- nam; July 3, Charlotte; July 7, Tar- poro; July 9, Tarboro; July 10, Tar- boro: July 16, Raleigh; July 17, Ral- eigh; July 20, Charlotte; July 21, Charlotte; July 27, Wilmington; Ju- ly 28, Wiimingtoa, The following are the games away from here in which Statesville will take part: July 4, Charlotte; July 11. Char- lotte: July 30, Durham; -July 31, Raleigh; August 1, Tarboro; August 2. Tarboro; August 3, Raleigh; Aug- vst 4, Durham. The following rules were adopted by the Jeague: The umpires are to have the same authority as the umpires of the Na- be disposed of by Sept. Ist, as he| tional League. has promised to give up his store room by that time. SE Mrs, Falkner, of Charlotte, is ia | town, ike guest of Mrs Eugene Mor- TASK. wliss Stephens, the milliner for N. 3, MHis& Co., left yesterday for her home in Baltimore. Visiting teams, while guaranteed their expenses, have the option of sharing the gate receipts. jfixed at 25 ceuts. | 12 will be charged 15 cents,and ven- tlemen occupying places in the grand stands, will be charged 15 cents additional. : unanimously chosen to lead the fight for his race and the magnificent vic- tory which was won is history. “Afzer 18 years the memory of the faint and the white men divided. Ta 1894 « combination, a majority of whose members were negroes, carried the State, and in the four years which followed our Eastern brethren again ex ptrienced the horrors and humili- ations of negro rule. Four years were enough. White men reconcil- ed their differences and again took charge of the Leyislature. When that Legislature met ademand wert up toit fromthe people that the ballot be taken away from as many neeroes as possible so that white supremacy wowd never again be en- danyerea in the State, and an amendment to the State constitu- tion having that end -in view was submitted to the people. Four em- inent North Carolinians entered the contest for the leadership of the fight for permanent white supremacy, but lony before the convention met it was seen that the people had al- ready chosen their leader as Vance was chosen in 1876, and three of the candi@ates, patriotic and devoted North Carolinians that they are, withdrew. ‘Tadies and gentlemen, again a greatcrisis confronts our people. lt is now my privilege to introduce to you our chosen leader, our second Varce, patrioticas Nathaniel Ma- con, eloquent as George E. Badger, pure and spotiess as William A. Graham, a worthy successor of the ablest and best of North Carolina’s Governors. Charles Brantley Ay- cock, of the State at large.” Mr. Aycock saidin part: “I am deeply touched by my good friend's words. There is, though, nogecond Vance. Batif there ts any such thing as the ‘spirits of just men be- jag made perfect and dwelling among us,’ we may be sure that the spirit of Vance is with us, and if we could hear his voice it would be the voice of ‘7b. ‘In my speech [ shall scarcely mention the fact that Iam a candi- date for Governor. I do not feel that this is a matter of supreme im- portance, either to you or to myself. “TI do feel, however, that there is before the people of this State a question that must be settled for our peace and safety. If there are Republicans or Populists in the audience, I hope they will hear me through, I will say no word of abuse; Lam not here to vilify and berate. Iam here to Ciscuss issues. Ishall speak dispassionately but with deep feeling. Iam a Demo- crat.I was born that way and can’t help it, although I have not tried yery hard. “The Republicans willsay that I am not going to say anything but ‘nigger’ and that they are tired of it. Well my friend you are not half as tired ofit aswe are. But aslong as this question is left unsettled you men of the west shall hear of it. Our people are a conservative folk, we bear with prevailing conditions as long as possible. We «uo not change often nor swiftly. We were slow to leavethe Union but when we did go, we managed to sacrifice the first life on the altur of the Southern Confederacy. We sent more men to fight in that long strug- gle than we had voters. When our men came back from the war, there was mourning in the land, they came back with their hearts in 10,000 graves. They came back to the chief business of meat and bread. They asked nothinz except to be left alone to work out their own des- tiny. —a small boy—saw men goto church barefooted and coatless for the rea- son that they had neitheir shoes nor coat. In thatday—theday of our poverty and distress—the Republi- can party came into North Carolina. What didthey do? They disfran- chised 30,000 white menand conferr- ed the ballot upon the negro. The Democratic party has never disfran chised and never will disfranchise a white man. The Republican par- ty had the Legislature, the Supreme Court and all the State offices. What was done? Our Lord and Master said youshall know a tree by its fruits. Did Republican rule bear economy in the day of our poverty? They ran the debt up from $6,000,- (00 to $42,000,000. It bore tke fruit of pillage. plunder, ruin and death: “In those hours there came into Admission to the games has been our life something that had never the men thatcarried the banner Of | town of Mooresville and the Children under|}oon in it before. The negro form- the Confederacy farthest north at | A ine grenite quarry is located on. the land. \ed the union league, and the white maa, to. protect himself, formed the white man’s ku kiux klan. In sAu- gust, 1876, the white men came to- It was atime of poverty. I) t ‘ence between a white man and a ne- | gro. tall conquering race wether and took the State out of the hands of the Republicans. In afew days peace settled down over our laud, tbe law was at every mans door, the women were protected 0a | the lonely readside, our little girls} could ¢o to school without fear. We bad the same laws as the Republi- Cans, not an i bad been dotted nor a t crossed. Why was the difference? ‘ ecause under Democratic rule you |had behind the law the great white | manhood of North Carolina. | ‘*Wehad peace for twenty years. was the guest of the Democratic; We had no fears in the East. Our} | women feared not to yo alone on the |} public road. But the story of ne- | gro rule grew old and the people re- \fused to hear it longer. In ‘92a }new party came in. Prices on farm products were low, times were bard This new party said that it would remedy the evils of the farmer. The Democrats sounded the note of warning and plead with the white men not to divide. ne people would not hear us. We tried to tell them of the evils ofnegrorule, They treated us as aPopulist did me in’94 f was making a speech along this line, that ifthe white men divided it meant negro rule and negro rule meant death. My Populist broth- er called out, ‘Oh hush! tell us something new.’ My friends, you caunot for your own safety, forget political history. But we did for- get. Oh that we had some strong voice to say to us “‘Lord God of Hosts be with us yet Lest we forget, lest we forget.’ ‘Again the Republican party zame into power, and again ye shall know a tree by its fruits. Go with me to the city of Wilmington. The government here was so weak and so vile, that impudent negro men openly insulted white ladies, Im- pudent negro women formed in fours and crowded the white ladies off the . went into a store in that town, knocked the white proprietor down and carried away some of his goods. it was dene openly and_ boldly, known and read of all men in Wil- mington. What was done? negro was brought up for trial. two white men. The ten negroes stood for acquittal and the two white men for conviction and it re- sulted in a mistrial. Zhe next time there were on the jury nine negroes, white men, who stood for convic- tion. Again there was 3 mistrial. Severai times was this Gone and at last the case wag thrown out of court. A guilty man went unpun- ished, the white man and the law were not vindicated, and the case eost the county of New Hanover S600, “So vile and. weak was this govern- ment that every white man that was not in office bought rifles and form- ization. forgot for the time their message of love and paced the streets with guns on their shoulders, while the women and children slept. At last a white man was shot and the war began. The message came to our town, ‘For God’ssake send us 200 men. the race riotis op.’ lam glad to say that 1 wasin the crowd of 300 men that went to the rescue. Thereis rot a white man in Iredell county that would not have gone, ao matter what his politics are. no guns; we want your ballot, the freeman’s ballot and all the power that comes with it. But whatever you do, we have sworn by the Eter- aal God, not to submit another day to nevro rule. “The Republicans are beginning to believe something must be done. We sent the Republicans to the lican State convention were negroes, and the negro who represents my district in Congress—1 have that honor—made a speech saying that the business of negro ofhce-holding in Nort Carolina had just begun, and he was applauded by white del- egates. This year there were only 24 negrces inthe State convention. Holton sent word, ‘Look a here, you nigger—don’t even callhim colored man any longer—if youdon’t stay at home and not raise a fuss this year, the white folks will do you like they did you in 98.” But my _ friends, if you think that because the ‘nigger’ is not taking any visible interest in politics this year and that he isn’t going to vote, you will wake up the 3d of August and think the sun is gone into an eclipse avain. “Our Populist friends say they hold office. He makes a mighty good voter but he will not do for an ofticeholder. You will have white officers, but who put them there? The negro, and it is the negro be- hind the officer that constitutes ne- gro rule. No government can be better or wiser than the average of virtue and intelligence of the party that governs. I am going to be Governor. Iamto govern in ac- cordance with the majority, I will give you a good government because [ represent the virtue and honesty of the white man. If Spenger Ad- aims is eiected, he will govern in ac- cordance with his majority. But his majority is composed of negroes and it will be negro rule. So the Populist plan will not do. 4 “What do the white men suggest? They have adopted the Constitution- ‘al Amendment as the best way out of the difficulty. The amendment says that after 1902, no man shall vote, whocannot read and write. The Republicans say that this iscon- stitutional and Senator Butler, who bas read law a whole year, says that it is constitutional. When you take a vote away from a white man every time you takeit away froma negro thisisalways constitutional witha 2epublican. But there is a differ- The Anglo-Saxon race is the intended by 'God to be the rulers of the world. Our ancestors S00 years ago in Eng- Jand rode dowr to the valace of the ‘king and demanded that he give ithem certain rights. He gave them | the great Magna Charta. It de- iclares that justice shall not be deni- ed or delayed and this is considered 'the bulwark of our liberties, and _ is | written on our statute books. Who | were these men that obtained this \right for us? Were they scholars, | lawyers and professional men? No, i there was not one in the crowd that ;could read the charter he had pro- ‘cured, but they were white men, 4 A Dut the majority of thein were illit erate, but they were white men, recognizing the superiority of the that no man that could vote prior to | 1567, or whose father or grandfath- ;er could vote prior to that time pro- | vided be registers befure 1908 should ever be deprived of that right on ac- count of not being able toread and write. General Cullom, a Republi- can Senator, expressed the idea of the legislature when he said that the American idea of universal suff- rage presupposes a fitness for it either by inheritance or education. The negro can't get it from inheri- tance, therefore we say he must get it by education. “Let us see how this amendment will work. A white man comes up to register. If he possesses the nec- essary qualifications as to age and Jength of time he has lived in dis- trict, and can read and write no fur- ther questions areasaed. If he can- not read and write, heis asked if Le could vote prior to 1867. He an- swers that he was not old enough. He is then asked if his grandfather could vote at that time and he an- swers that he could. He is told then that he can vote too. In this way you see no white man {s disfran- chised, Buta negro comes UD.) ak he has the necessary qualifications as to age and time lived in the State, aud Can read and write, he is aliow- ed to vote. But if he answers that he cannot read and write, he 1s ask- ed if his father could vote prior to 1s67. He answers no, that his fath- er was a slave; could his grandfath- er? No. His great grandfather? No. Anybody behind him that could ever vote? No. Well then the register answers you can’t vote and there are 75,000 more negroes in North Carolina in the same fix. “But thea Senator Pritchard ob- afraid some old Conf2derate soldier will be Geprived of his vote. When I heard that I was afraid. But then I thought aud calculated a little bit. I remembered that it has been 35 Carolina does not compel anyone litty years old to pay poll tax so that objectior does not stard. If a man is too poor to pay his tax, the county commissioners have the pow- serves every purpose of a receipt. Ifa man is able to pay bis poll tax it is nothing but right that he should pay it. A bird that can sing and won't sing ought to be made to sing. A man that is able to pay his poll tax and will not pay it ought not to be allowed to vote. _ But some cry against the injus- tice of having the boy that is now under thirteen years of age, to learn tc read before he can vote. Is there school house is put right at his door. This isanave that demands educa- tion. During my four yearsI shall spend my time in trying to create an educational sentiment in our peo- ple. I would put it in the power of the poor boy tocome into competi- tion with the wealthy and the edu- cated. I want tolet him read from the book of knowledge: I stand for the opening of the Bible to every boy in the land. I call on ministers of the gospel and mothers to work But now we want no force, no men, |for, and every man to vote for the |@™? ether # amendment so that education may be abroad in the land. Then the age of demagogery will be at an end. The hour is come and now is, when the power and strength of the coun- try isin the education of the youth of the land. “But the Republican says he could stand the amendment but the elec- sion that requires you to prove your age and identity by two witnesses. Senator Pritchard in a speech in the Senate said, ‘Ido not believe you Senators could do that.’ The law does not mean that you must prove. your age to the minute. All the law is after is to find that you are twenty-one. I could swear Senator Pritchard is twenty-one and also that he is Senator Pritchard, al- that much longer. Itis the negro down East the law is meant tocatch. What we want to do is to eliminate the 18-year-old and dead negroes, and after 1902 we are not going to let many of the 21 year old ones vote. There is no trouble about the election law. Every white man shali be secure in his right to vote. ‘With the negro eliminated we vital questions, and in the clash of intellect raise great men. In that day the school house shall be opened all over the land and every boy shall have his education. It willbe a day of great agricultural, industrial and educational development. Then no longer will the blood rise and flush the cheek of the white Republican when he is accused of belonging to the negro party. a ‘I come in the name of the wom- anhood of Eastern North Carolina to plead with you Western men. This State has a queen in every household and in the name of these queens I come and ask for your help. 1 ask for peace, for we shall rule— by all the strength that is in us the white man must rule. The negro has nothing to fear. ‘We shail treat him with justice. The wages of the negro shall not be withheld, but he must not rule. “T have spoken deeply, because I feeldeeply. The cause I have spo- ken for isa worthy cause to work for, @ Cause to live for, a cause to fight for, a cause to die for.’’ ee Hon. W. D. Turner to Speak. Hon. W. D. Turner, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will speak at Harmony on Saturday night, July 7th., at 8:30 o'clock, and at Eupeptic Springs, Monday, July '9th., at2 o’clock, p. m. All citizens of Iredell county should tura out to these appoint- ments and hear our honored county- man discuss the amendment and other issues of the campaign. J, A. Hartness, Chairman Dem. Co. Com. Zeb V. Long, Secretary. 4 Very Valu able Farm for Sale OFFER FOR SALE MY VALUABLE farm. lying partly within the corporate limits of white man through inheritance says | ‘every one of them. Who were the | Mooresville, containing 200 acres more oF less, - f fine bottom, rooacres in cultivation, ;men that followed Soe Jack- | 7 acres of fine oak tiniber and &s acres of fine :in his v y ign? were | old field pine. Three fair houses and one g' polish canna oS barn arcon the land. Forty acres lie in the lance just outside. which will be reserved, Possession given as soon Who were the men crops aE gathered, For price end terms write R. H. MCNEELY, ; Mooresville, N.C. ~ Reference—S. A. LOWRANCE, ‘ Gettysburg? 5 + that stood in that last, thin, long, jto wavering line at Appomattox? -Were ‘they sckolars? Aye-many of them, Mooresville, N.C. -- “THE VILLAGE” WINS Not In It. team had played together and we watched with much interest the re- sult. The Statesville team was strengtbened after leaving here by the addition of John Fox and Cy Cummings, the new pitcher, who weighs two hundred and twenty pounds and is six feet five inches high, Kenna’s curves were too much for the Charlotte boys and they failed to get ontothem: The whole team did fine work as is shown by the fact that we were only credited with one error. When the fiual returus were made it was found that the score stood Statesville six, Charlotte one. Jones was in the box for Charlotte, bul as J spas says ‘‘our boys got on to fis eap,”” and touched him for eleyen iiss, while Charlotte was able tO wet Guly three from Kenna. TUESDAY S GAME, Again did Statesville find herself an easy victor over Charlotte. Char- lotte made five runs in the first in- hing aod Statesville backers were beginning to whisper “‘If I just had my money back. But the tide turned and in the second inning Statesville made two runs. In the third sue made one,and in the fourth she made six. The fifth was a shut out for both sides. In the sixth Charlotte made one run, while in the seventh we added two to our side. The last two innings were shut outs. Malone was in the box for States- ville, whiie McMackin, supposed to be a first class pitcher, twirled the bali for Charlotte. The count up shows the score to sidewalk into the yutter. A negro /| jects to the poll tax because he is| be Statesville eleven, Charlotte six. Struck out by Malone 3, by McMack- in G. WEDNESDAY S GAME. And bere is where we missed it. The | years since the war closed, and a But then the cranks say it would not nese On | boy that was fifteen at the end of |@0. for, our : the jury there were ten negroes and | the war would be fifty now. North] thing in sight, that interest would team to win eyery- be lost. Lattimore did not reach Charlotte in time to pitch yester- day's game ard Jones went in the box for Charlotte. “Uncle Cy” Cummings pitched for Statesville. who stood for acquittal, and three/erto excuse him and this excuse| Tae score by innings was as follows. Charlotte 200031000 6 Statesville 012000001 i Mrs. C. EK. Mills Very Low. Mrs. C. it. Mills has been very sick for some time. For the last few days her Ccondition has been serious. Justas we are going to press, we learn that she may not re- recover. Mr. E. H. Wilson, of Chapel Hill, A mriciesaics : itary s a2 ne ~ i ® 4 ve ed the mselves into a military orgao-lany crime in telling a boy that he|is inthe city representing the Wil- Ministers of the gospeljought to go to school when the|son Canning Outtit Co. AWYERS, physicians, dentists, bicycle and lumber dcalers, proprietors of beef markets and all others liable to special taxes are notified that they should take out their Licenses at once, asthey render themselves liable to indictment by not haying the proper licenses. J. H. WYCOEF, Sheriff. Land Sale, By VIRTUE of adecsce of Iredell Superior Court made in the special proceeding enti- tied A, Db, Plyicr, Marion A. Plyler, Mugh Plyler inst U. T. Plyler the undersign- edas Commissioner of said court, will at the court house doce in Statesville, N. C., on SATURDAY, JULY 14TH, 1900, seliat public auction to the highest bidder a valuable tract of Jand situated in Chambersburg township, in Iredell county. N.C., known as the Pinkney Plyler land, containing 693% acres more or less. Terms of sale, 44 (one-half) cash on day of sale and 4 (one-halt) payable in six months from day of sale, with note and approy- ed security, with interest from day of sale. Title retained tillall the purchase money is paid. J. B. CONNELLY. june 19, 1990. school of White Supremacy in ‘98. tion law is wrong. Senator Pritch- This June 14h, 1900. Commissioner. In that year one-third of the Repub-|ard says he does not like that provi- | ————_——__$____________ Re-Sale of “and. B VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county made at May term, 1goo, of said court iu the case of J. T, Smith, adminis- trator of J. Y. Cavin, against M, J. Cavin and others, the undersigned as Comznissioner _of said court will et the qvurt horse door in States- ville, N.C., on SATURDAY, JULY 14TH, 1900, re-sell at public auction to the highest bidder that valuable tract of land in Fallstown towzship, in Iredell county, N.C., known as the J. Y. Cavin home place’ adjoining the lands o3 though I hope I shall not have to do | Jo"2 Cavin, John Young and others, containing %: 3. acres miorecr less. said linds will be sold subject to the dower of M. J. Cavin, widow of J. Y. Cavin. Termsof sale one-half cash on day of sale, and one-half payable six months from day of sale, with note and approved secu- rity with interest trom date of sale, Title re- taiyed till all the purchase money is paid. Jj, Tt. SMITH, This June 14th, 1900, Commissioner, J. B, Connesy, Att'y, Trustee’s Sale ef Land. havea plan. The negro is uot tolean hold great economic debates on By VIRTUE of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by Ben Boydjand wite, Wash. Allisonand wie, Lawson Chambers, Burgess White and Joe Wilson, the undersigned will se! at public auction for cash at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., at 12 o'clock, m., on MONDAY, JULY 16TH, 1900, the following lots of land lying and being in Statesville aud Chambersburg townships and described aud defined as follows: ist tract—Beginning at a stake, runzing South 10° East 100 teet tu a stake, thence North, 80° Kast 200 feet to a stake, thence North 10° West roo feet to. a stake, thence South So? West 200 feet to the begiuming corner. This being the property of said Ben Boyd and wife, and for tuller description see deed from Mary C. Bell registered in Kook 11, page 655 of deeds of the register of deeds office of iredell connty. ond tract—Beginning on the W. N. C. Rail- road thence South 5 poles to a stake, thence East 1 poles tow stare, thence North 61% poles tothe beginning, contamming - 44 acre, more or less, Tits is tue property of said Wash Allison and wite and this sale 1s made subject to a prior mortgage to the First Building and Loan Asso- ciation of Statesville, N.C, sor further de- scription see decd of J, 5. Muller to Jane Allison, dated March 27, 1585, 3rd tract—Being part of the lands of Mary C. Hall, known as tne Chambers land, lying near the Georgia publicroad on the South end lof Mary Hall's land, bounded by the lands of —— Atwell,on the west, on the south by Arey, on the east and north by Mary Hall, containing about 5 acres more or less, This last tract is the property of said Lawson Chambers and lies in Chambersburg township. This sale is made subject to a pitor mortgage to H.R. Grier and W.G. Lewis. J.a, HARTNEsSs, This June 14th, 1900, Trustee. NO WELL Regulated FAMILY Can get along without a clock. I have them, yood ones t0. A real nice clock, good time keeper for $2.50. The Seth Thomas Clock, The kind your father and grand fatber used to buy. $4.50. Come in, let me sell you a clock. RICKERT, \ The Jeweler and Optician. -* The first game of the season was played by our team in Charlotte . Monday. This was the first time our every oneofthem. The amendment Statesville an Easy Victor. Charlotte | - A ~ S 4 R Ri & C a Wholesale and Retail. We want to cal! your attention to the fact that we have put ina FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF . Staple Clothing For Men, Boys sad Youths. We propose to sell this Clothing ata very small margin of profit. t costs us nothing extra tocarry clothing— the same room the same salesman etc. We are prepared to save you, money in this line. When you wanta suit, don’t fail to see us before buying. Wehave the goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. Come and be convinced. Truly. F. A. Sherrill &Co. For Three Months SURE, Everybody will be interested in something cool to wear. Now we have been busy securing for our many friends and custom- ers such things in Staple and Fancy wearing apparel as is best suited to every particular case. ifit’s to the mountains you are bound we have the correct thing for you, or if you have turned your back on the moantaiasand set sail for the coast we can furnish you dainty materials that will not penish when in contact with the salty breeze that you will enjoy while there. WE ARE OFFERING SOME Extra Good Bargains In Dress Goods for present wear. If you want a picnic dress come to us, we will shove you the proper thing. We are showiug extra June bargains in Hats, Shoes and Slip- pers, Shirts, Gauze Vest, Muslin Underwear, Parasols, Umbrellas, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Belts, Belt Buckles, Fans, Fan Chains and numerous other things. Come and see us. Yours truly, N. B. Mills &Co. The Big Store. Just where the shoe pinches easy to determine. Where the evils of spend- ing money begin and end few folks ever learn. It is no wonder many pocketbooks look as if an elephant had trampled upon them. One of the causes is in its owner not knowing.- WHERE TO BUY, Good judgment is displayed where people Look Before They buy. The Lord helps those who help themselves. Itis a standing invitation of ours to eversbody to inspect our stoek and sea the values we are offering before they spend their money. It may be refreshing to mention SOME OF THE LINES WE CARRY IN STOCK. sSCome and See Many Not Named Here. Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Pant Goods, Domes- ties, Plaids, Cheviots, Percales, Calicoes, Draperies, Curtains, W2!- Paper, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cutis, Ties, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Toilet Soaps, Perfamerics, Paper, Pens, Inks, Envelopes, Pencils, China, Crockery, Lamps, Shelf Hardware. Sboe Findings, Tinware, Glasswzre, Toys, Wagons, Baskets, Table Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Towels, Mirrors, Pictures, Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Jewelry and a thousand or more items, and all at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Look -betore you buy. Wilhelm & Mills et OER Le PO PIL TOWELS. « ) SILKS. 2 % TOWELS. 5 errr BIG...... f SEES. .4 )) SILKS. om a Ss WALUES! < Beginning Wednesday, June 13th and continuing for Ten Days we will place on sale a large line LINEN TOWELS and SILK WAIST PATTERNS This is the opportunity of at and below cost to manufacture. your life to secure bargains in these lines. Come and 4 see our offerings. ‘ RAMSEY, ’ We Mean What We Say. TOMLIN & BOWLES, ; “A Mammoth Stoek of goods — To Go Before Sept. Ist Nothing Old or Shelf Worn. ‘ ‘Only a closing out Sale | | To save cost of packing and freight that prompts this offer. Mawy articles of real value are offered and it will take only a little of your time to see i | them. The prices 1 make is freight charges less j than any merchant can buy the same item—but to i me this is a saving of packing and freight, to } \ another point. It is no force sale by an assignee but a real business deal. I have agreed to give my store room to a party on Sept, Ist. and I will do it ' at any cost. Yet I want to do so as economically ; as I can. I don’t want to blow in even a quarter, a yet I tell you that : : Ai - YOU CAN SAVE MANY HALF DOLLARS 18 if you will take the pains to see what I have. Genuine bargains is what I offer. Ail the goods I offer are Staple, used and needed in every day affairs, One hour spent in seeing my stock will be interesting and profita- able. My Stock of Shoes and Hosiery is especially attractive, as to merit, and almost every one can be suited. The price is strictly at manufactur- see arrangements with the Royal Worcester Corset folks, I can null our previous contract and offer the best of all corsets at Ist. cost. Every lady is re- quested to see if she can be suited. These Corsets are up to date and the best. The early callers are almost sure to find what they want witha saving re n e an 0 FE CE N ea e of 30 to 50 per cent. ’t be here much myself, but the two young ze Se Ramsey & Copeland, Jr., will do their w you the goods. I willthank you to go Lee oe Ss took through the shelves and on tables to see if you can not find something you want. i As previously stated [have no hard stock. I offer = the prices I make to save additional freight and cost 0 i packing. Ido not enumerate the items I have, as it i make a list to tire you. 'z J one 1900 Yours Respectlufly, J. W. Copeland. GE ho o t ot a oj n i t n n en e ne We AN : SS pp e a i e g Na r ma r e ae 5 OE as e — at e en n ey e s ae mn Pe n n e So ) SO P s ne a r So ; s ' A n of the emerdment, Mr. J. A. sSiOM © Gaul C: isp, assistant postmaster bere, | yo4¢ 12, Lord Roberts attacked Gen- apd ulso chairman of the Republi ral Botha, who was in strong force ie execuve committee and Repu | 55 piles southeast of Pretor A Cau nominee for Representative | trenuous opposition, the srit- fh this county, sent werd to Mr forees gained — considerati Cn tt ft (Axcock) woul but General Botha, when swear teap affidavit, hout equiv Sie ocaiion, that the proposed amend- im Pre rie would rot disfranchise | Lord wh eiun, he (Crisp) would agree | ‘tS says the vovernment necd in that o vote for} ve nOapprebension about the Phe result of this SUPPOS- | cceurity of the army in South Afci ea blot or of ical trickery | O25 it will not take long to reme- of sume sor 5 y set forth In| dy the reverses and repair the rail- the f wings aBidavits, and state-) 4.49 A lengthy dis patch, forward- MeLt by a number ol th » the War Office by Major Gen- ; cit sof the town, who} nex. from .roonstad, presuma- |, : panicd Mr. Aycock from thelp:y sont shere by messenger, reads, | hotel to ef the cierk of the feilaece- | cen where the Gual scence traas- lon Disnateb, Wath. Three | pried jhundred Pree Staters. released frou | me |vuarding Van Reenan’s pass, have | 5 all haste to join General Methuen. to join President Steyn § coin- | do,” in the eastern part of i River Colony. Geneva! Vale Sent notice FO tbe i Carolina, | S:aters that, unless they surrender ieves, but is| by June loth, therr farms and other no white] possessions wil! be confiscated. Stutes wi i| President Kruger, according toa provided: dispaich from Lorenzo Maryes, { y time pet r| ceepsa locomotive with steam up to i9Gs; affiar irther swears that /atrached to che car in which he con- provides that the| snuteates the executive offices of the iis poil tax 22 year tor the provision } ho ene over required to} ’ rovl Sever counties t from s TON eu , OD ac co ry ; afliant mene t a a Alo further swe t morse ters ar to 1508 dle isions of the constitu- OD rent need never learn to ee but can continue to vole until] death without learning to t ‘ - FSigued 6. B. AYCOCK Swe SCT o before Lbis 1 y of June, 1900 = ) poses ¢ th i « . } + cock, 2 ( vote fe proposed it to the canst ion of the State of il County. of Cald- eine duly sworn, says self thaton the morn- 14th, 1900, and the day tion. Chas. b. Domocratic candidate for Governer. i ! * town of Lenoir, A yeooek, i the House of r¢ Legislature chairman of executive commit- presence of these afliants, code to Str. Ayeock and proposed to him that if he, Mr. Aycock. woul@ make an ai Similar in terms uu evidence uth andthe good faith party, that he, the Repubiicaa Seledcoe weavit to tne one set forth as ot ots good i uav't duly sworn to by him, to support the constitutional amend- meat by voting for the same at the ened | “DMUND JONES, Co. Solicitor. EDGAR A. POE, E. B. PHILLIPS. ¢ ‘e 2. bablisulPs, Coun Mayor. ty Supt. of Schools. ; ; }. L. NiXLSON, Ex-Representa- tive Caldwell County. IM. SOCRENEY. i . JOHNSON. . H. BOYD, Sheriff, i1.C. MARTIN, Editor News. i RES. . Editor Lenoir Topic. subscribed to une léth, 1900. Sworn i ‘ ’ } wile be- fore ime thts ce Signed | J. V. McCALB, C. 5. €. Caldwell Co. Mr p's political associates are very warm,in fact, they are hot. aaereis considerable speculation as to how this offence on Mr. Crisp's > dcalt with. ee —_ part will t Negro Suffrage. na Record, very little difference of epition aisong those persons who fc ihe question of necro suiivage dispassionate investigation, it the unqualified extension of the elective franchise to the nevro race on the same terms upen which it has been exerci ised by whites has practical failure. It resulted j Was a terrible mistake to add such 2iarge element of incapacity and igaorance to the body of the electo- rate. ipless we can bring him up to measure of intelligence necessa- ; safe participation in the duties of self government we shall have imperiled our own without im- proving his position. The people ef the Southern States ure taking the only practical way toward a remedy by making the right to vote subject to certain qualifications. The voter must ei- ther be able to read and write, or must be the owner of a cer- taiz amouat of property, The negro in the United States is the white man’s burden, Heis be- coming more and morea perilin the Northern as well asin the Southern Siates as a helper in debaucking the suffrage. SLAs SESE eee anaes 1 | | | | | further consti- | Hvuntaiss, | ' i the; t iment, and that ne intends to i Mechadorp soon and to estab ~b the capitel at Nel Spruit, in the a fine defensive region. 1ihe State printing press is operut- mera Machedorp, producing leaflets ‘catainine war news for distribu 1 Itisagain re tion among the Beers, ported at Lorenzo Marques that the ritish are advancing through sweziland. Lord Roberts, it ap- pears, covntermanded the der civen to Strathcona’s borse to (og the coast and to penetrate isvaal through the Swazi however. tothe Tra: Fut Queen's tall . Howard Court- irs. James Bryce that resoiut declaring move the war vesulicd from bad policy of Yernment. This and other "resolutions were adopted. tmecting Lissed Mrs. Chamber- > hame vizrorc LOTHA RETREATS. h. That GENERAL i.ondon Dispatch 1: Conimandant General Louis Botha Lould bave been able to stand for Wodsays zvainst Lerd Roberts and Lo retreat without losing guns shavingany of his men captured, 1to mean that he has a force which the British must still reckon as ~ ' LS cabnd fr iub'e When acting defensive 'y. ‘Lbe pacilicatioa of the whole of the Transveai, especially the wide spaces far from the railways is loox- i as 4 business requiring . rather than weeks. Mean- everything goes well for the Sritish arms. —— a 0S > ae Looks Better tor British, London Dispatch, 14th, Lord Roberts’ dispatches leave atfairs east of Pretoria with the ‘rs withdrawu Lo new positions, uesday. News of fresh fighting is apected at the War Oflice,but none came last night. General Rundle’s patrol hada skiemish with Boer vi- { again Weduesday. Some sr is expressed here as to what 1c is doing with three divisions. It s assumed by some that General Uuller will moveinto Orange River Co'ony and co-operate with Lord , and Goneral Rundle in agelne President Steyn and his U0 or 38,000 followers. Part ot Jivistian Botha’s ferce has halted at *unndekop, 18 miles northwest of Volksrust. Boer parties are still near Volksrust and tire occasionally upon the British pickets. : Tue Loreozu Marques correspon- dent of the Times says: ‘It appears that Steyn, and not Kruger, is now Lue stumbling block in the way cf the surrender ofthe burghers. Short- ly after the British entry into Pre- tovia, My. Kruger proposed to re- open the peace neyotiations. Mr. Sveyp, vearingin mind that his for- mer advice was scouted, demurred to this aud pointed out that, accord- ing to the treaty between the re- puvlics neither could conclude peace without the other, ‘the War Oflee bas received the following dispatch from Lord Rob erts: “Pretoria, June 15.—As 1 tele- graphed vesterday, from one of our entposts, 15 miles east of Pretoria. the Loers evacuated their position during the night of June 22. They aad paid so much atteation ty strengthening their tlanks that their ceutre was weakly held, and as soon as this became evident on June 11 directed Ian Hamilton to attack He moved against Diamond Hill, with the Sutfolks, Derbyshires and City Imperial Volunteers, support- ed on theleit by the Guards Bri- yade, under Inigo Jones. It was sand, seeing the way our men ad. vanced over the difficult «round and under a heavy fire. The sasualties, i am thankful to say, were jess than 100. a very small number, consider y luce natural streavth of the po- sitivu which had to be carried,”’ The rest of Lord Roberts’ dis- patch deals with the casualties aud General Baden-Powell’s movemen:s ir western Transvaal, where Baden Powell with 600 men is systemati- cally re-estaolishing order and co} lecuing arms and supplies. About 000 Boers have surrendered and Ba- den-Powell captured 230 prisoners re » 2 . YOUU Jo r “t e e me Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? Acbeap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, bat you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous re- sults of throat and lung troubles. What shall youdo? Gotoa warm er aad more regular climate ? Yes, it possibie: if not possible for you, then ineither case take the onLy remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success In severe throat and lune troubles, “Boschee’s German Syrup,”’ It not “Thad stomach trouble twenty years and zave up hope of being cur-| ed tili i bezan to use Kodo! Dyspen- | siaCare. it has dcne ” muc good I cail it the savior of my writes W. R. Wilkinson, Tenn. W, &. Halide. meso much/toraticn, vives 4 good night’ y life.’’} and cures the patient. : : 4U.Dany, | tie. it digests what you eat, all druggists in the only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but al lays-intlammation.causes easyexpec- 5 rest, ; Try one bot- Recommended many years by United Statestroops. The question ;of provisioning the relief force is ‘already difficult, and it is predicted shanghei that it will become wute, ‘The leading members of the Reform party, representing 15 out of Te previnces, are at Shanghai. A idispatch to The Daily Mail. dated | yesterday, says they are sesding a | petition tothe United States. Great | Sritainand Japan. praying: those it | tue owers to take joint action ayatnst lany attempt on the part of the oth- jer powers to partition the empire, jand they implore the powers thus addressed to rescue the Emperor. | Washireton, June 14.—Definite i oficial information was received here afternoon from the Foreign ce@foue of the most important inental powers, etating that the sung Li Yamen had noti#ted the i minister of that power at Pekin that jthe Dowager Empress would not ob | jeet to the presence of foreigrn troops in Chinese territory. rhis change of frent came as a distinct surprise to officials aad di- vs all the reports up to this time bad pictured the Empress Dowager as intensely hostile to the foreiyners and as the real spirit be hind the Boxers’ anti-foreige upris- ‘he supposed attitude of the Empress gave much concern to the authorities bere, and at tke other Capitals, as it was feared it would eventuate in an oper Ceclaration by toe government of Chinaagaiust the presence of the foreign troops. This would have raised a new complica- tion placicg the foreign forces now advancing on Pekin in the attitude of resisting the sovereign authority ;of China over her own territory in- stead ofassisting China in a sup- pression of disorder. The Empress Dowager’s acqniesceuce in the plans oO the powers is felt to remove a tureatened complication, and at the time to give evidence that the | | ' ' momats, Lae. rmpress Dowager is nolonger yield- ic iti-foreiyn clamor. | THE SELCATION GROWING SEBIOUS . Observers at Shanvhai and Tien- Tsin think there is a vreatdeai more |trouble ahead for the e@oneert of powers than inerety reaching Pekin with 2.044 men. Serious disturb- ances are taking place at Yan Nan ihuand Meng Tse, as well as et oth er points at a considerable distance the capital. The whole Chi- nese chipire seems to be in a fer- meni. The intentions of the Em- press De vaver are still equiveeal, withut. wceof testimony on the side of a determination to expel the apprcpriators of @ part of her ecun- cy, Or 2ber dypasty in the attempt. Lt is related of ber that‘on Monday fcliowing the muréer of the chancellor of the Japanese iegation, ale Was aroused toa sense of dan- yer, and went personally to the Yung Ting vate of Pekin, where she advised the rioters to disperse, but sbe took no steps to apply force and tue appearance of things is more turcatening than before. While Admiral Seymour, with the international relief column, is fore- ing his way tv Pekin, several of the powers are arranginy largely to ra cnforce their details at Tien-T'sin. Germany preposes sending 1,200 men. Greit Britain sent 660 from Hou ony yesterday, and 40> will go Sunday. Italy has ordered 1,060 ‘o bold themselves in readiness. Russia, according to a Peiersburg dispatch of Wednesday, bas decided to bring ber force at Ticn-Ssin up JYkus the combined forces tTOu. tot to 6,000 at Ten-Tsin will probebly seen be about 10.000 men. oe , A State of Veiled War Washington Dispatch, 16th, There is reason to believe that the navy bas done all that it can do withsafety in China at this stave, sud ihat recourse must be had to thearmy. Already Aémira! itemey has indicated toat he cannes: spare nore marines, and he is ivoking to the Navy Department for another Satialion to replace the meu he has peen obliged to withdraw from the oeval station at Cavite to ussist Ad- miral Kempff.1t is admitted that the cabinet is seriously considering the dispatch o* troops to Tien-!'sin and itis understed that inquiries are being made. probably directed by General MacArthur as to the num- ber of trocps that can be spared for this emergeney, and the possinility of securing trausportation tor them. a not be gutten to -ne troops ceuid Tien-Vsiu in tess than a week, even if the order fer their employment should be forwarded tuday. That thecrisis is by no means past, buiis, on the contrary, rather more acute, is evidenced by x cable- received by the Siate De- parumeat this morning from the United States consul at Ticn-Tsin, Mr. Ragsdale. He says that the mobs are in control of the natiye city of Tica-Ysin, and the authorities do uot seem.tu be able to do anything with them. He adds that ihe for. eigners at Tiea Tsin are still safe. Owiug to their natural reluciaace to cmpioy troops saveasa last resort aud as the disinclination of the War Department to supply such troops except under pressure. the officials this afternoon were considering an alternative proposition. This con- templated the putting out of com- mission of several of the, big ships attacked to Adiniral Remey’s fleet, novably the Oregon, and the addi. tion of the sailors and marines so re- teased to Admiral Kempff’s landing force. The big ships carry on an average, more than 300 men apiece. Loudon Dispatch 16th. It is real- tv a state of vieled war. The mem- bers of the foreignlegation in Pekin are virtually prisoners; and the Chinese troops are only restrained irom attacking them by fear of the legation guards. “Meanwhile .bhe ministers are al- together unable to: communicate with the officers commanding the relief column, which is makiug an enforced and isolated halt between Tien-Tsin and Pekin. The walls are guarded by 100,000 imperial troops. The yates are heavily defenced witb modern guns. General Tung, act- ing vuder orders from tbe Ew press Vowayer, s2ys that po more foreien troops shail enter the sacred city. es { ae gram world. for sale by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. Three new cases of smalipox de-' veloped in Charlotte last week. wrote you last,we were in Horoiulu Islands, where we had a pleasant 5 We were received by ident Dole, who was very mnuch pleased with our appearance, and spoke very highly of the Ameri- can soldiers in general. We re- mained in the harbor until the twen- ty fifthof November. AtSa.m the anchor was pulled in, and we start ed on one long, journey to Mantia. The trip was very pleasant, the wa ter being ¢o srcooth that we scarcely felt the rock of the beat. Thanksgiving Day was spent very pleasaotly. <A prayermeetingr was held in the forencon by ared cross man, with songs and recitations. Afier this the bugle biew “soupy, soupy, seupy”’ and we lined up for a yood dinner, as dinners go with suidiers. We had rice, toma toes, roast beef, potatoes, plum pudding, fresh bread and coffee. After dinuer we hada number of sparring exhibitions of three rounds each, followed by a sack race and 2 bag race, which were all very ina- teresting. After supper we were en- tertaiued with instrumental music. Just before taps seven hundred male voices sang, with ene accord. ‘‘The Star Spangled BGanner.’’ Thus ended 2 delightful thanksgiving on board the Panther, in mid ocean. Nine days out from Honolulu, we sighted 2 volcano in action which isa won- derful sight. We passed in cloze so we could see thestreams of lava as they ran down the mountain. This island belongs to Japan. It was the only trace of land we saw on our way to Manila. We reached Manila Harbor, on 14th of December, just one month from the time we left Frisco We lay in the harbor expecting to go to Mlailo, but the death of Gen. Lawten changed our plans. We innded in Manila on the 20th and marched to the nippa, or bamboo cerracks. on the outskirts of the cily. Atuoon, on Xmas day, we sul orders to take two days’ rations ard be ready to start inan hour for San Meto. By 1 p.m., we were or the march, and went fifteen miles to the Marycano River which came up toour armpits. Here on the bank, we struck camp for the night. The rain came down in torrents, but the tired {6th slept well, with nothing but a poncho over them. At 4a. m. the bugle sounded, and we got up aud gota burried breakfast of bacon, lard tack and coffee. Five-thirty found us on the march, with an ad- vance guard composed of a corporal and three privates, of whomn I was one. At noon we reached San Veto where General Lawton was killed. tiere we were told that we were up against the real thing. We spent the night here and got an early i tue start the next morning for Mt. Al abon, five miles up the river, where the Gugues were intrenched so strong thatthe Spanish had made three unsuccessful attempts to take these trenches and lost three thous- and men in one engagement, We were issued forty rounds of ammu- uition, and told to use them judi- ciously, as we had probably two or three days fighting before us. How- ever, it only lasted about three hours, with fifty-five minutes con- stant firiny. Our boys advanced in a skirmish line ustil the command came to charge, when with one rush and ayell, we ran the black devils out of theix trenches,into the moun- tains beyond. Under a constart ‘ive of Remingtons and Mausers, the boys stood side by side in an open ries paddy, Bus forthe poor marks- aanship and their cowardice, the enemy could have held their posi tion. Wecaptured one Jarge can- nun, four tons of ammunition and several standsofarms. We followed the chemy twenty-two miles in the mouatains, where white men never before set foot, and slept that night tnarevise. Finding no trace of the negroes, we rcturved to the barracks on the 29th, just four days trem the time we left them. Our loss in this fight was one killed and two wounded. The Filipino loss ac- cording to General Topas was the heaviest they had sustained. Gen. Topasis one of Aguinaldo’s most prominent men, and one of our yvreatest captures. We rested in thecamp until Jan. ist, 1900, when we began making preparations fur another raid. On the following day we left the nippa for the South line. After we trav- etcd about tive miles, we stopped at SanPedro Mecardy,where we rested two nights. Ie the meantime I vis- ited Guadalope church, where I] saw something that I will never for- wet. The vau.ts were dilapidated and the skeletons and decayed bod- ies were lying all about. Onething that tended to impress it on my mind was, that the natives had thrown the skeletonsinto the well near by, and we were oblized to use this well or the Pasag River which was worse. On the 4th, we tonk up the second stage of our journey, bound for the south firing line. To- gether with the quartermaster and tive other boys, I was detailed to go wita the company rations and com- nissary stuff on the cart train, One of these trains would create quite a sensation in the States, The rude carts are made with wheels of solid wood, and are drawn by the caraban ut water buffalo. These great un- wieldy beasts have horns from fiye to seven feet long. They travel very slowly, and must be watered every two hours or they become un- manageable. We reached Binar on the 5th, where we found that the 30th and 46th regiments together with five treops of the ]1th cavalry had driven the negroes out. Our loss here was five killed and three wounded. After staying in Binara few day, Co. N. marched toSanta Rosa, where we are now stationed. The fighting is about over. Occasionally we go out and run asmall band back into the mountains. There are some friendiy natives here, who present- éd us witha flag, the first to float over the town. They have a good string bandand the other night they serenaded us, playing the Aguinaldo march. The barracss we now occupy,is an ld abandoned convent, and was O1G used by the Spaniards for a garri- son and prison. One of the rooms j himself how the war has been car- iried op. canthrow the jie i: tbeir teeth. why it nas been prolonged, but will later on and know nothing eise, and they will continue to fight for twenty- five tears to come Wishingal! the Democrats good luck, I remain Yours truly, Jawrs P. Davipson, Co. N, 46th Reg., U.S. V. sonar = Bryan Very Hopertui. Chicago Dispatch, 15th Wm. Jennings Brvan was ion Cli “cussion, all of it bentiny on what qiay be fone at the Demo- cratic national cofivention next month Mr. Bryan saw scores of people during the day. He talked “business’’ with Senator Jones chairman of the national committee; J.C. Johnston, head of the executive committee; Charles A. Walsh, secre tary of the national committee, and D.J.Campan, national committee- man of Michigan. ‘The platform te be adopted at Kansas City and the vice presidential question, espe ly the Towne-Popuiist nomination angle of it, were considered at some lenyib. On the question of platform, the trend of discussion forecasted tu some extent the differences of opin ion which may arise at Kansas City even among the Bryan men. The qvestion is whether the mouey plank and other troublesome lega cies from 189 shall be handled by re-ofirmation of the Chicago plat- formia a iump or whether some planks of the 1886 platferm, and _ es- pecially the money plank should be te written. Mr. Bryan favors re- writing much of the 1896 platform this year. Senator Jones, according to eredi ble advices, advocates re-aftirmation of the Chicego platform as a whole. apd then a quick transi i mover issues of imperislism and tru “i say, times,””} to tbe before so many 3 Said when asked What be thought the platform and issues this year wou!d or should be, “that [think the three big questions before us are money, trusts‘and im- periatism. The money question, of course, Includes the question of sil- ver and paper money, the question of imperialism ineludes its JS ee 1 militarisna and the policy of which our national administrations work in the Philip- pines and attitude cn the Bocr ques- ticn are samples. “I believe the principles adopted in the platform of 1896 were adopted asa part of the party creed, never to be departed from. Ido not think they should be cr could be departec from this year. That platform ust, however, be added to as new issues arise. I cannot presume to discuss the form iu which these principles sball be stated in the platform to be adopted there. “I cannot undertake to say what will be the paramount issue. No man can. One man thinks one question is the biggest and another man thinks another is. What do I think shouli be done in the Philippines ? “I think this country should tell those people that we are there only for the purpose of establishing a stable government, and that when we have done so, we should turn the islands over to the peopie there and protect them against foreign azeression as we have protected the South American republics. “The cesditions ahead aod the plaus of campaign? Why conditions are much more favorable than they were at this time in 1596. The Re- pudlican party ison the defensive. it wili talk prosperity.of course, but we will be willing to take the votes of all who have not had their skare cf prosperity and leave them the voies of the people who have had their share. “Tshould say our plan of cam- paign will be to carry every State in the Urion. Cannot carry all of them? I wouldn’t speak so harshly of the people of any State as to say cvat I thought the people there in- tended to support the Republican party.”” _— OO OSD oo -— The Amendment All Right. Raleigh News and Observer, We publish elsewhere the full text of the Constitutional Amendment which passed both Houses of the General Assembly yesterday and al- so the tuli text of the Amendment vatilied at the 1899 session. Every reader can see for himself the changes that have been made. They are few ip pbumber and‘do not mate- rialty change tne objects of the amendment in any parucular. In deference to those who feared thet tre ‘grandfather’ clause might be declared unconstitutionaland the educaiional clause permitted to siaud,sec: ions four and tive are com- bined, and a new section added, de- clariug the whole suffrage scheme “indivisible.”’ This will insure to the support of the Amendment al! those who had honest fears thar the Amendment, as originally draft ed, might result in a strict educa- tictiul qualification. In the original Graft, it was provided tbat poll tax should not be a tien on assessed property. That is omitted now,and the objection that through taut Nrovisiua the school fund would lose thousands of dol/ars is removed The Legislature as heretof re, can deai with the method of eafurcioy the collection of poll tax. As amend ed, the Coustitutional Amendment is allright. There can be no fault found with it by any man who de- sires toeliminate the mass of igno rant negro votersand at tse same time protect every white man in the exercise of the right of suffrage. It does that without the least shad- ow of a shade of doubt, and we have no doubt now that the tide toward the support of the Amendment will set in so strongly that no company. of revenue doodies and place hunters can keep it from overwhelming all advocates of Negro Rule. Altogether, white men, for White Supremacy! The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and iavigorating the system is to take now occupied has the old stocks, with the blood on them, to tell of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the| famous little pills for cleansing the’ liver aud bowels. W.F, Hall,Jr Lam notin 3 position to say | | These people were bern fighting | andthe center of much}: sn ™ * rn = es ™ oF eR A se eae PIL PLN E zy £ " “ a oe $e rs The South African War The Boxer Trouble. { LIFE IN THE ARMY. {the miseries some poor prisoner bad AYCOCK CALLS CRISP'S » Dispatch, 13th London Dispatch, 14th. | ; to undergo. Z sy. 4 —_—— ere | 5 ¥. Aa Iredell Boy Relates His Experi-|_ This town is something like Ma-|_ The Nepublican Candidate for the 4 fror a week's silence. Lord Rob | The Chinese are entrenching out- euces. nila. It has around it a wall, ten House in Caldwell Swears He ierts has been heard from, his line of | side of Pekin to oppose the advance | _ . si , or eleven feet high. One company, Will Support the Amend- communication having been practic- | of the international column. <A dis-j Sacta Roza, Province or Tagura, of soldiers inside of it could hold! ment. ‘ally restored by means of a com-|patch from Tien-T'sin, dated Tues-| isle of Luzon. April 1, 1900. | pack the whole Filipino army. We Special to Raleigh News and Observer, |), Victory gained by Generals! day, June 12th, says: “I learn that{/ Editor of Tue Mascor: Although | get mail once in three weeks. I no Dxeesrenced and Kitchener over Gen-!the Chinese have guns trained on I wrote this letter some time ago; '/ tice that some of the northero pa Fhe powerful speech delivered | ora) Dewet, at the Rhenoster river.!the American mission and the Brit-| i lost it. This is the fourth letter pers claim, toat if the anti-imperial- here yesterday by C. B. Aycock, | vesterday, June 13. The Boer camp | ish legation. Two thousand Russian | 1 have written for the Mascor,but | ists, anti-expansionists and Mr. an “has already borne fruit, but it | 4. captured and the burghers, it Is | cavalry and infantry, with artillery, } all but my first one have been lost. | Bryan had a mil! stone around their come: from an unexpected part Of) agdod, were scattered in all direc-| have landed at Taku. _ Copies of your paper with much } necks and had been cast into the | 3 Don’t you know the vineyard. After Mr. Aycock’s!+ions. Lerd Roberts on being noti-| The Shanghai correspondents re- | interesting news have been received. | sea. that this war: would have been | = : oi see hie speech, in which he conticed bim-! V4 of the cutting of his line of com- | port that United States Minister This is quite a treat, especially thejatanend long ago. Anyone that, the news about oil stoves? ey a co'falmost exclusively to the dis-/ yunieation, sent General Kitchener | Conger. by courier, asks for 2.000/news from old Iredell. Wher I|hasever been here and has seen Mor been perfected so that they now ¢q | rs Biue ¥ Flame It burns the same oil for a burner. Makes i¢ | | =7 odor. any stoves made for cooking efficiency, safety, beauty and convenience. The ‘ee most economical stove you cam use and m@ the most comfortable in hotweatheristhe 1 | Wickless Oil Stove lamps, at a cost of one-half cent an hour Sold in all sizes. cs SY does not have them, write to STANDARD OIL COMPANY: you use in your no soot and no If your dealer ‘ THE AMEND- CONSTITUTIONAL MENT. Fhe Full fext as it Will be Submitted to the Peopte on August the @nd. The following is the full text of the constitutional amendment as amended by the adjourned session of the Legislature last week: An Act Supplementa! toan Act En- titled ‘an Act to Amend the Con- ion of North Caroijins,’” rat- ifieg February 21si, 1899, the same being Chapter Two Hundred zad Kighteenof the PublicLaws of 1899. Tie General Assembly of North Caro- lina do enact: Section 1. That Chapter 218, Public Laws of 1809, entitled, **An Act to amend the Constitution of North Carvlina.”” be amended so as te make snid ect read as follows: “That articie six of the constitu- tion Gf North Carolina be, and the same is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the folowing article of said constitut- ion asan entire and indivisible pian of suffrage.” a ARTICLE VI. SUFFRAGE £ND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE. Section 1. Every male person bera ia the United States, and every ingle person who has been natural- ized. twenty one years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vole atany election by the people in the State, except as herein other- wise provided. Sec. 2. We shall have resided in the State of North Cerolina for two years, in the county six months, and in the precinct, ware or other elec- tion district, in which he offers to vote, feur’menths next preceding the electien: Provided, that removal from one precinct, ward or other Clection district, to another in the same county, shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote in the precinct, ward cr other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No person who has been convicted, or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon indict- ment, of any crime, the punishment of which now is, or may hereafter be, imprisonment in ths State’s Prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the suid person shall be first restored to citizeaship in the macner prescrib- ed by law, See. X Every porson offering to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voter as herein prescrib- ed and in the manner hereafter pro- vided by law,and the General Assem bly of North Carolisa shail enact general registration laws to carry into eifect the provisions of this ar- ticle. Sec. 4 Every person presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write any secticn of the constitution in the English language; and, before he shall be entitled to vote, ne shail have paid on or before the first day cf May, of the year in which he proposes to vote, his poll tax for the previous year as pre- cribed by Articie 5, Section 1, of the Constitution. But ro male perscn, who was, on January Ist, iSs7, cr at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote under the laws of any State in the United States wherein he then resided,and no lineal descendant of anv such person shall be denied the right to revister and vote at any election in tais State by reason of his failure to possess the educa- tional qualifications herein preserib- ed: Provided, be shall have reg- istered in accordance with the terms of this section prior to December 1, 1903, The General Assembly shall pro- vide for the registration of all per- sons entitled tou vote without the educational qualifications herein presc:ibed, anu shali,on or before Nove:mber Ist, 1908, provide for the makivy of @ permanent record of such iegistration, and ail persons SO rezistcred shail forever thereaf- ter have the right to vote in all elections oy the peopie in this State, Cisqualified under Section 2 of this articie: Proenicd, such per- sep shail have paid his poil tax as above required. See 5, That this Amendment to the Constitution is presented and edepted as oneindivisible plan for the regulation of the suffrage, with the intent and purpose to so con- nect the different parts.und to make tiaem so dependent upon each other, that the whole shall stand or falj togetier. Sev. 6 Allelecticns by the peo- ple shall be by ballot, and all elec- tions by tbe Genera! Assembly shall be viva voce. Sec. 7. Every voter in North Carolina, except as in this article Gisqualitied, shail be cliziule to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office, he shall take and sub- scribe the following cath: “I... , do solemnly swear, (or ailirm) that I will support and maintain the Con- stitution and laws of the United States, 2nd constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that J will faithiully discharge the duties of my oiiica a: Se eet en oe so Lelp me, God.’ Sec. 8. ,The following ciasses of persons shall be disqualified for noess | deny the being of Almighty Ged. | Second, a!] persons who shall have been convicted, or confessed their guilt on indictment pending; and judgment suspended, of any treasen or felony, or of any other crime for which the punishment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary, since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States, or of corruption or mat- practice in office; unless such person sha!l be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed by law. “Sec. 9, That this amendment to the Constitution, shali go into effect mejority of votes cast at the next general election shali be cast in fa- vor of this suffrage amendment. Section IT. 1t to the Constitution shall be submitted at the next general election toe the qualified voters of the State, in tke rules and regulations as is provided in the law regulating general lee tions in this State, aud ar ssid e'ec- for such amendment shall cast a words “For Suffrage Ameudment”’ thereon; and those with 2 contrary opinion shall cast a written or print- ed ballot with the werds ‘‘Against Suffrage Amendment” thereon. See. III. The vetes cast at said election shall be counted, compared, returned and canvassed, and the the same rules and regulations, and in the same manacr as the vote Governor, and ifa majority of she votes cast arein favor of the said the Governor of the State, upon be- ing notified of the result of ssid election. to certify said amendment, Secretary of State, who shall enro!l the said amendment so certified among the permanent reccrds of his oilice. Sec. IV. This act shall be in force from and after its ratifiction. i (Wise Wd al ded ged y ‘ ° is e% R wll ny em hee : AS thes i LILEDOUN AI0SL IN Ss perfect ie }) when it leaves the mill. Weare fie 4 proudof its quality. Every yard By is guaranteed, aoe 3 if you find a defect in LILE- fag ‘4 DOUN XNUSLIN that impairs its appearance or wearing qual- ity, We want the goods back. We want to give you perfect és goods for it. ra LILEDOUN MUSLINemakes underwear, shects, pillow cases, & linings, &c., that wash easier, % wear longer and bleach whiter than any othe goods made. The new rauslin and the beet. Every yard of LILEDOUN MUSLIN is stamped with the trademark “LILE- DOUN.” All pure cotton, thoroughly Cleaned — carded, hard twisted, closely woven and calendered to a so: octh, downy finish. ee Insist on having LILEDOUN. If your desicr hasn't it and won't ect tt B we wilt send it from the milis in $0 7 bolts or more, carriage prepaid. A Liledoun Muslin button bag tree, Write for one. MOORE COTTON MILLS, Faylorsville, N.C. : eu Sk i e s NT Pi RY a Julian R. Smith, a prominent young white man, was shotat Pa- latka, Fla., last Thursday by a re gronamed Eli Brooker. No cause is Known for thecrime. The negro escaped. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in Strengthening and recon- structing the exhausted digestive or- gans. It is the latest discovered digest- antand tonic. No other preparation Can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, I ndigestion, Heartburn, Sle Headecne Once seh Nausea, e,Gas all other results of i mpeteta ee ec’ pored by E C. Delitt AGas, cago. Supplies For sale ON TIME. Thave Flour, Corn, Meat, etc., for sale on time. See ise when soe Waat time on :°ur purchases of supplies. This March 8th., 1900. Respectfully, office: First, all persons who shall ee tee reg J. L. COWAN, whether sentenced or not, or under on the first day of July, 1902, if a This amendment +o same manner and under the same tions those persons desiring to vote written or printed ballet with the resultannounced and declared under for amendment, it shall be the duty of under the seal of the State, to the | ° Se oo ) CD k et Ep a m m e n g y caple who Those INSURANCE At all—had best look 2: tract which ix but 2 stone between NO insurance ang life. In oneinstance you Jie to wia, In my policy you yet y benefit Gi both living nnd death, * CON. Mepping Seven hundred an sixty-Eizht p2id out to Citizens Statesvills arm community in than 12 menths tin: If you will take time and see me [ean give you allimfornu.. tion. Ou at Gr NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. J .F. CARLTON, FIRE, LIFE And ACCINENT INSURAN Se Southern Railway Tee STANDAPD RAILWAY OF The SOUTH The Direct Line to all Points Texas, California Flerida, Cuba and Porto Rico, trictly First-Ciass Eyuip- meut or all Through and 1 Trains; Puliman Palace Sleeping Cars on all } Night Traius; Fast and safe ; Schedules, Travel by the Southern and you ar assured a safe, Comfortable and kxpeditious -/ourney. APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR Tivk TAPLES “RATES AND GENERAL INFORMATION, Ox ADDRESS ° BL, Vernon, : F. L_ Te P. A., C. P & a A CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE, N.C _ No trouble to answer questions. Frame. Gazzon, J. M Gay, ow. A Tat Dart, 3d.V.P.& Gen. Man. Traf.. Max. G.P. WASHINGTON, Dc. If You Need Fire, Utfe, Accident or hicaitn C Insurance See Brown & Guy, x GINSURANCE HEAD QUARTERS, Offce—Second ¥loor Bank Buildi: « Try Us On GUN Sporting Goods, Table Cultery. Meat Choppers or anything else you may need in the ardware Line. If you are not pleased with our gous after examining ihem, we don’t ask you to buy, Yours truly. W. A. Thomas & Co- So Young Men Wanted. Ws fair education and good cn dearn Telegraphy, Railroad and typewriting. This is endorsed ing railway companies as the only te reiable institution o: its kind. Vil « 9 we ates are assisted sitions. Ladics a)s oe assisted to positions fKall term Write for irec cgialog. opens August sth.) ; a GLOBE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's, Lexington, Ky. Statesvil« E Transacts 2 th Interest oa Special atten Accounts ¢ > ecelved Ob Btost ta JNO A 68 With -~im head blecks most sensitis mill, ziso IP EN Dain ANDB Portad! Lioners size, and ti eon Cun Ectipse tra Goiton Gis Statesville ry <K eae 3 oe, Sea Sican The quest How ca neatly : boc Or Toy . sOTe Ca = The Stock 4 big Reduc Wilda Ss past re pe Dugyies, vance iz the pri stock early, tos Selling YOu ve a velicie toc and will use « usand we vuar 3 . the yuarant: Attra —" js 100 Cards, With a haud-oi Case cugr ‘ At ris Cale CROWSON & cst we ‘theon) , Cc B Pace >>. a o contemplate os N wit, EST LOOK at buat a Con. ; a, steppi NO inslrance an G stance id 4 } ~ stance? frou die to Ses Picoee + Hiey You pet t} ae ondred Te}! fem #0 A LOLBSS and death. and oO Citizens ” I : tie and 1Css mths time take the see me Peon ti imforme- i 240 em ee AL EXAMINATION! ARLTON, =. LIFE ACCINENT RAN SE a ee ne ern allway i) RA ! LWA Y oO E SOUTH ¥ ne to all Points fornia ida, a and to Rico, st-Ciass Eq ID- L Riconeheraen S: Puliman ing? Cars on all Past and safe yuthern and you are . Comfertable and surney. [ENTS FOR TIME TAFLES TERAL INFORMATION, is - <= Daror, Creer A. ASHEVILLE, N.C. answer questions. 4. Cal, WA. Tork p Traf.. Max. G. P. ‘GTON, D-C. Teed | rance & Guy, HAD QUARTERS. ank Duilding, On cy tee > Goods, pltery, oppers vg else you Im the nthe ware you are not th our goods mining them, ask you to < truly. mas & Co. en Wanted. 1d good cnaracter. t? 2 Railroad account!: = < endorsed by all ! sthe only perfect t- kind. Ail our €rac ijions. Ladies also **" cc cgtaloz. (Fall tert t i Ss 2 2RAPH COLLEGE lexington, Ky. er eee Fry & Phifer. ee ranks aga 7 : NRT a a Ch . 7 a hs e oe = ) C/\ Af) 1-27 eae ee ee : : ; t arom : es — Se Se ae SS WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1900. NO. 3 LOCAL. | AMONG THE POLITICIANS, STATE NEWS. Are We at War With China? : S Physicians Failed, TEVILLE MARBLE WORKS 0 wandle all kinds of Granite and Marble st quality. 4% . Fest Material, “ First-Class work known 0 the trade and and Lowest Prices esville, N. C. Cc. B WEBB ‘he First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. a Regilar Banking Business. Deposits received subject to check on sig aid o1 time deposits. Money loaned on goed collateral and personal secur ttention paid to cotlectionson all points, and credited or remitied at lo west ra ‘ 5 £2ocovrations Merchants, Maptitacturers and Individuals solicited and ved On Brost favorable terms OFFrIicCiRS: COOPER, President, 5.6, irVil, Vico President GEO. H. BROWN. Cashier. zea & FRICK COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Bill sultaneous racket setting \s and cable repe feed, the nsitive feed ever put ona saw » Prick Company's oe IT ENGINES wT Lt AND BOILERS, ) whe ls Saaane a N So \ a ca TS a Sta any climbing ym engine. A few Gius at tow prices. or sill engines and borlers ts ereat hill fiauhat WE.Turner. Sratesville: NW. € Over Poston Bros Let us sell you yourShirts, Collars aud Ties, for we will a - mouey Our line of save vou money. ur ime Oo: Shoes, Hosiery anc Pants a- s Will be sure to please. We sill sei! you 6 eans of 25 cent. Peaches for £1. Leggetts Maracabo Cotfee best on earth, 15c. per Ib. Fresh Italian Macaroni, i2c. Don't miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes and Groceries. ERY & PHIVER. Daaatitfe a edo neiacal 2 BTA SE SERS aoe a ee enh te Bilis acai eh at a area Ptr ‘- eae! Ee reetiment. a rae = 5 \ i, HEN you buy kk / ‘ ——- V¥ FONIC PEL MON’S LIVER PILLS & 5 you de not buy a med- icre, but a Complete Treatment tor Bilioys- hess, Constipation and Headaches. _ It is two distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25¢. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets * PS tone up the nervous system and invigorate. Clothing Co., Successors to Sloau & Shelton, Sican he question of dress agitates the mind of every One more cr less. Of gourse to dress wears. We 7 How can I be neaily dressed for the least money. neatly you must have a suit that fits and one that wre the advance jn woolcns for the cash there- mey. it bouyvht our stock be fore can save you IBc h o 1 The Stock of Sloan & Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. V e a man’s suit for $2.00. If you want a suit, hat, shirt, necktie or anything in gents furnishings you cannot atford to not see us. See our pure {risk Linen collar for 18c. We are anxious for your trade te have it. and if square and henest dealing will get it we mean 1 Every article sold by us must be as represented Thanking you for Wecan give you past favors and hoping to see y Very tr Sloan Clothing Co ~ We now have in stock and bought 4. CAR LOADS, 4 a 9 WE wee Luggries, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- -e in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased our stock early, to sell at old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been sellice you vehicles for 6 years and have uever knowingly misrepresented a velicie to make a Sale. We want your trade will use our best etferts to merit it. When you buy a buggy from and we guarantee it, you know it means our standing Square behind 1e guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson Attractive Printing. . The Mascot Printing Co, is befter prepared than ever before to tutn out attractive up-to-date priut- ing, and at prices that estonish those who have not favored us with orders. DID 1000 Circulars 75c Size 5x3. Advertise what ENVELOPES, you have to sell with a cir- AT LOW PRICES 100 Cards, 50c. With a handsome Card Case with your name cagrav.d on the case. Any styl printed on catu cular. Small one easier tread than a large one. Bese Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bili Heads, Statements, Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete © at low prices, Send for prices and sample. HE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCK, PROPR'S. ONS pail j99) Tor) \ Pepsia ull | ONC is Tasielass sud Guarentesd te Gure Ghills anc Fevor 924 ali Maiaria! Vrousics. fe & ces Not Contal ninine Mor Other Pais Decs Not Contam {5.515 or wNOP 2 GiSGl. if a lo. ” zt re 7 TF Does Not injare the Stomach Nor ct the Hearing. W. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Bor, Toz., say Ce Cull Donic is the best we hove ever bandied. My som prese practice, and says it Is itheon}y Chill Tenic which 2 ADS can take without iajury to the storsach."* ae Pace Sk ~~. BROWN ME’GLCO., Prop'rs, Greeneville, Tenn, = - SS N Wa T Maj. Wm. M. Robbins is at home} from Gettysburg. Mr. Johu Wadsworth, of Concord. | was in the city last week. Mr. Geo. Crater, was in the city last week. Miss May Oates arrived here last week on avisit to Miss Lottie Cald- well, Ex-Marshal T. J. Allison went to New York ona business trip last week. Supt. and Mrs. D. Matt Thomp- son returned from Morehead City last week. Mrs. J. B. Faulkner, who has been visiting Mrs. Eugene Morrivon, re- turned to Charlotte last week. Miss Maude Phifer, of Morganton, who has been visiting Mrs. P. B. Chambers, left last Friday for Shel- by to visit friends. Mrs. Charles Robertson, of North ‘Wilkesboro was in town last week on her way home from the Reunion at Louisville. She was accompa- nied by her neice, Miss Rogers, of Louisville. While here they were they guests of Mrs. J. M. Parks. The Burke county News says. Mrs. C. V. Henkle, of Statesville, is here for a month, ona visit to her father, Capt. S. D. Dunavant.—Misses Olive Bostian, Mary Davidson, Sa- rah Cowan and Bessie Brown,young ladies of Statesville and students of the Asheville mormal school, en route to their homes, stopped over here for a day or so last week, to Visit relatives and friends at the Hospital. ecren ease seer Pubiic Speaking. C. H. Armtield, Esq , and Mr. A. D. Watts will address the people at Elinwood school house on Friday night, June 29th, at 8:30 o'clock Let these speakers haye a good crowd. Zeb. V. Long, J.A. HaArtness, Secretary. Cbhmn. Dem. Com. Hon, W. D. Turner to Speak. Hon. W. D. Turner, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will speak at Harmony on Saturday night, July 7th., at 8:30 o'clock, and at Eupeptic Springs, Monday, July 9th., at 2 o'clock, p. m. All citizens of Iredell county should turn out to these appoint- ments and hear our honored county- man discuss the amendment and other issues of the campaign. J. A. Hartness, Chairman Dem. Co. Com. Zeb V. Long, Seeretary. eK Saturday Night Speakings. The following speakers will ad- dress the people at the following places on Saturday night, June 30th, tat 8:30 0’clock: Dr. S. W. Stevenson and Zeb V. Long, Esq., at Mt. Mourne. H. P. Grier and J. B. Arimtield, Esqs., at Granite Hill. J. A. Hartness and W. G. Lewis, Esqs., at Trinity school house, Con- cord township. Let there be a full attendance of the people to hear the amendment discussed. Zeb V. Long, J. A. Harrness. - Secretary. Chmn. Dem. Com. ee ayers =m A Wonderful Man. A sheyille Citizen. The new president of the Baptist Female Uuiversity at Raleigh is an armless man yet the institution may well be said to be in ‘good hands.’ Dr. Vann is one of the best known men among the North Carolina Bap- tists, a fine preacher, an all round good man, and the love people of his denomination have for him is little wreater thap that of those of other churches who know him. This wonderful man so popuiarly and well known is truly jateresting and stories of him are in order. When a mere boy he was caught in asorghum mill (these mills havea liberal share in honor of our maine?) and his right arm was taken off near the shoulder and the left near the elbow. Allthe same he turns the leaves ofa book with ease as he does the opening of adoor, pours water from a pitcher, takes up the glass aod drinks. He rides or drives a horse and practically does just what other peo- ple do. He sometime feels the need of one nand, but thiaks two would be superfluous. He is fond of hunting and is a good shot. Wonderful stories of this wonderful man would ti!l a good little volume. The best of all isa very able preacher anda wan of such reputed executive ca- pacity as to promise success for the institution. ; Eg eee Results in South Africa. London Dispatch, 22d. Genera! Buller is pressing his ad- vance. On Wednesday he followed the Johannesburg Railroad to Paar- derton. ) in small parties, have surrendered. Heilbron, previously undiswlosed. Lord Roberts has military administration. at every corner the following: ‘*Machadodorp, has declared war against England. 000 British have surrendered.” verse the distance. successes east of Pretoria. lrived at Paardesop yesterday. The | presence of the {many burghers to Jay paris. The retreating | destroyed a bridge and culverts. but ; tic. ¢ J : eee bridge is little dam- alldragyists in the aged. of Charlotte, | dekop, thirty-one miles from Stan- About 300 Boers, single or The War Office has issued a list of easuaities in engagements around ts adopted the Transvaal mining oon ae self Monday night.) patch from Lorenzo Marques says: The Boers have printed and posted Monday — Thejcolds is all right, something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous re- sults of throat and lung troubles. Go to a warm- Yes, Paris exhibition is closed and France Fifty miles of railroad has been de- stroyed in the Free State, and 30,- Five miles of telegraph between | Bryan. | Carteret Democrats have nominat- ‘ed N. W. Taylor for the House. The Democratic State convention of Minnesota, has ~ instructed its i delegates to vote for Chas. A.Towne ‘for Vice President. Martin couxety Democrats have inominated Harry Stubbs for the | House. At the convention Senator | Ransom madea grand speech. | . ~ | The Democrats of the eighth Sen- ‘atorial district have nominatsd Thos. D. Warren and Jno. E.Sugys, present member of the House from Greene county, for the Senate. Two sets of delegates from Mon- tana will go to Kansas City asking for recognition. Ove set is from the Clark faction and the other is supported by the Daly faction. John W. Kern, Democratic candi- date for Governor of Indiana, says he favors B F. Shively to go on the ticket with Bryan, and that Indiana will work hard for his nomination. The Florida Democrats, on the furty-fourth ballot,sominated Judge Win. S. Jennings for Governor. The nominee is a first cousin of Wm. J. Bryan. He is a native of [linois. Prof. Alex Melver, the former Republican Superintendent of Eda ‘ation of Chatham county, has de- elared in favor of the amendment. For thirty years Prof. McIver has beer one of the most prominent Re- publicans in the Srate. eee Bad Advice of Republicans Bring Trouble. Kinston Special, a1, to Raleigh News and Ob- server, There is inuch indignation felt in this section at the publication in to- day’s Kinston Free Press of the as- sault made by two negroes in Greene county on Mr. Richard R. Carr, tax lister at Willow Green. The facts as stated in the Free Press are as follows: Alfred Barrett, colored, went to the residence of Mr. Carr yesterday morning to list his taxes. Mr. Carr informed him that he could not list, as he was not 2] years of age. The necro replied that he was,and after a short controversy left, and securing his older brother, started avain to the residence of wir. Carr. On their way they stopped at a negro’s house and told bim to come along, that they ‘were going to kill Diek Carr.” The vevro replied that he was not going to help in anything of the kind. The other replied, ‘‘Well, we won't need you anyway,’ and went to Mr. Carr’s. When they arrived, Mr. Carr ask- ed them what they wanted, and said to the older one, ‘‘You have al- ready listed your taxes.” The ne gro replied that he had, but wanted his vrother to list. Mr. Carr replied that he was not old enough, and aftera controversy ordered the negroes to leave his yard. They did not comply, and Mr. Carr shoved the older one down the steps. At the same time the younger negro grabbed a chair and Gealt Mr. Carr a blow over the head and shoulders. knocking him down. As Mr. Carr attempted to rise the negro dealt him blow after blow. The only one in the house at the time besides the parties mentioned was Mr. Carr’s wife. She secured his rifle but did uot know how to use it. A white man who was work- ing ata barn near the house heard the noise and ran to the scene. As ke came up the negroes ran away as swiftly as they could, each one tak- ing a different direction. Mr. Carr managed to gather strength enough to take his rifle and fire at the flee- ing negroes but it is not thought he hit e‘ther of them. Mr. Carr is very dapgerously injured, but probably not tatally. A reward of $200 bas been offerel for the apprehension of the younger negro and much indignation, is felt over their brutal attack upon Mr. Carr. It is believed here that this is a part of the Republican programme to vote negro boys-—get them to list their poll tax now. Two weeks hence, when they come to register and their vote is challenged, they will point to the tax list to prove that they are twenty-one years old. SS - Silver CreckjSam in Trouble Again. Burke County News. S. B. Pearson (Silver Creek Sam) was before Mayor Mull on Monday to answer indictments against him for retailing liquor without license He was defended by Mr. S. J. Er- vin, and Mr. J. T. Perkius conduct- ed the prosecution. The trial was held in the court house and John Kincaid (*‘John-But- ter-in-the-Fat’’), Grant Shade and Gilbert Forney, ail colored, were the priacipal witnesses. They all testified to having bought whiskey a 5-cent drink. Judgments of guilty were render- ed in two cases and a and three months imprisonment was enteredin each cage. Pearson took an appeal to the superior court and B. A. Berry. was the young man who shot i \ Florida Democrats haye endorsed | from Pearson down toa “short” — fine of $300 and gave bond with Hugh McElrath (The last named him- Does It Pay to Buy Cheap? What shali youdo? G er aad more regular climate ? if possible; if not possible for you, Acheap remedy for coughs and but you want lished in part of Mecklenburg coun- | ty. A colored man, Sterliag Jones, who lives near Conetoe, will vote for the Amendment. He voted the Democratic ticket last election. Bass Foreman, a negro, shot and dangerously wounded the negro jan itor of the Blue Ridge bank building at Asheville one day last week. Albert Alston, a visiting negro at Oxford. was found dead on the streets last Thursday morning with six bullet holes through his body. The President has appointed Wil- liam W. Hyams, of North Garolina. a cadet atthe West Point military academy from the State at large. The Mount Airy News has com- pleted the twentieth year of its existence. Here’s hoping that its life may still be long and prosperous. Mr. Wiley li. Swift has been nom- inated for the Senate by the Demo- crats of the 30th district. Mr. Swift is a member of the Junior Class at the State University. Dr. W. lL, Foushee, who took his Doctor’s degree this year at Johns Hopkins, and who lives in Durham has been elected Professor of Latin in Mercer University, Georgia. Jefferson, the negro who killed Capt. Barnes, at Wilson last sum- mer has been acquitted. He is now afree man. Great dissatisfaction prevails at Wilson on account of the verdict, Hon Theo. F. Kluttz has been invited by ‘lammany Hall to deliver an address there on the 4ih of July. Mr. Kluttz will be umable to accept as he has an appointment in Stan- ly county on that day. For the consideratiun of 15 cents, Garfield Ingram, colored, shot Jim Dinkins, colored, in Charlotte last week. Jogram demanded the money which he said Dinkins owed him and on refusal, fatally wounded him. Greensboro has decided to put in a system oi water works. It offered to buy the present plant which is owned by a private corporation. The offer was refused aod unless some compromise is effected,Greens boro will have two systems. The book company that sent outa circular to members of the legisla- ture giving them an opportunity to buy preferred stock in the company. is said to be B, F. Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va. They claim that there was nothing wrong meant in their offer. Rey. W. A. Jenkins, a member of the Eastern Nerth Carolina Confer- ence, and who was very active in establishing the Pentecostal Holi- ness Tabernacle church, makes the statement that he is convinced he is in the wrong and intends to re- turn to the Methodists. A prominent couple from Lynch- burg came over to Durham one day last week and were united in mar- riage by Rev. W. C. Norman, pastor of Trinity Methodist church. It was arunaway affair. They were Mr. E. I. Yancey, a tobacconist.and Miss Carrie Lee Myers, daugkter of Clayton Nyers, the well known warehouse man, 2 member of the firm of Myers & Martin. Arrangements are completed for the trip of the Nortk Carolina dele- gates to the national Democratic convention. They ieave Raleigh Sunday afternoon, July Ist, in a Pullman buffet car, going via Greens- boro, Asheville and Memphis and will arrive Tuesday morning. Head- quarters have been selected at the Coates house, one of tke finest in Kansas City. All delegaf@s will go save Mr. Lyon, of Bladen. A num- ber of alternates will also go. Mount Airy News: Joe Munday, the yreat lecturer and evangelist, delivered his famous lecture to men only at the opera house Sunday af- ternoon. Those who heard the lecture are pleased and , would vladiy go out tonight to hear it again. <A large audience greeted the lecturer Monday night. Every- body present got the worth of their money and compound interest be- sides. Truly, Joc Munday is a wen- derful man--the world is better f:r his having lived in it. esses Tous nIENL Roberts Draws His Net Tighter. Jondon Dispatch, 23rd, General Steyn’s forces in the Ur- ange River Colony are for the tima Crawing most of the attention of Lord Roberts, rather to the neglect of Commandant General Louis Bo- tha and President Kruger. The severance between the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony, was completed yesterday, as Lord Rob- erts said it would be, by the arrival of General Buller’s advance guard, under Lord Dundonald at Stander ton. The wide net around the 6,000 or 8,000 men under General Steyn will now contract. Adrcit manceuv- ering and brisk;fighting are likely to take place, because until all resis-4 tance south of the Vaal is at an end the British line of communications willnct be safe. President Kru- ger’s sons who surrendered to Gen- eral Baden-Powell, are back on their farms and working peacefully. Gen- eral Baden-Powell rode with only 300 men from Mafeking aad he made the last section of his ride to Pretoria with only.thirty-five. Lord Roberts met him in the outskirts of the town and escorted hin. to the presidency. President Kruger’s priccipal con- dition for immediate peace is that he be allewed to stay in the country. There are 5,000 British sick and wounded at Pretoria. z Mrs. Reitz, wife of the Transvaal Koomati Poort and Koop Maiden are down,and native runners tra- The Boers con- tinue to assert that they have had;in severe throat and lung troubles, The British advance column ar-, only heals and stimulates the tissues | army bas induced) layseinflammation,causes easyex pec: | down their‘ toration, vives a good night’s rest, , bwvo boxes Of DeWitt’s Witch Boers bave 254 cures the patient. then ineither case take the ONLY|State Secretary, .and~ her ‘family, remedy that has been introduced in | who arrived here en’ route for Eu- all civilized countries with success} rope, had so little money that the Dutch consul purchased second- It not; class szeamshbip tickets for them. ; “Boschee’s German Syrup.” » to destroy the germ disease, but al-! ‘After suffering from piles for se $ Try one Loi- | Saive.” writ 3 Recommended many years by | Brook, N. c. It heals everything: world. for; Beware of counterfeits... W. F. sale by W. F. Hall, Jr., Drugygist. Hall,Jr. fifteen years E was cured by usicg | Hazel | writes W. J. Baxter, North | | | London Disvatch, 23rd. It is very probable thata system | | of rural free delivery will be estab- | broken. The silence of Pekin continues un- Four thousand ‘men of the jallied forces were having sharp de- \fensive fighting at Tien-Tsin, Tues- |day and Wednesday, with a pros pect of being re-enforced Thursday. This i- (4¢ situation in China as set forth is the British government dispatci: Eight hundred Ameri- cans are taking part in the fighting: in Tien-Tsin, says the Shanghai cor- respondent of The Daily Express. The cousuls at Shanghai still be-! lieve the foreigners at Pekin are! still safe, although Japanese re-! ports received at Shanghai allege | that up to June 15, 100 foreigners ! had been killed in Pekin.” ! 4 says: ‘Li Hung Chang has wired} rope directing them to inform the governient to which they are ac credited that be is called to Pekin by the Empress to act as intermedi- ary between China and the powers to nerotiate a settlement of the points at issue, and he instructs them to beg the powers to facilitate his mission by ceasing to send troops to China.’ Washirgton Dispatch 22d. says: Administration officials are exasper- ated at the peculiar omission from every official messageof any state- ments which would clear up the doubt as to whether or not the Chi- nese ariny, as well as the Boxers, are opposing the relief column, and if the former, then whether the troops or rebels are acting under orders from the Chinese government. This point isof the utmost impor- tance for upon it depends the atti- tude to be assumed by the United States toward China and by that test must be determined the ques- tien, “Are we ut war with China?” At the close of the day. a Jone message was dispatched by the Na- vy Department to Admiral Remey, at Manils, supposed to be in execu tion of the cabinet’s dee:sion to strenythen the United States forces at Taku. ea Guns Do Not Bring Peace. President Tries a Proclamation. Washington Dispatch aist. The war department has made public tbe following proclamation of amnesty which was issued by Gen- eral MacArthur today at Manila **Manila June 21, 1900.—By direc- ticn of the president of the United States, the undersigned announces amnesty with complete mmmunity for the past and absolute liberty of action for the faturs to all persons who are pow or ut any time since February 4, 1892 Lave been in in- surrection against ihe United States in either a military or civil eapacity who shall within a priod of 90 days from the date hereof formally re- nounce ail | connection with such in- surrection and subscribe to a declar- ation acknowledging and accepting thesovereignity and authorityof the United States in and over the Phil- ippine islands.” The proclamation specifies the privileges granted the natives, giv- ing them the right to go to any part of the island unmolested, and con- tinues: ‘Those who desire to taxe advan- tave of the terms here with set forth, are requested to present themselves to the commanding officers of the American troops at the nearest sta- tion, who will receive them with due consideration, make provision for their immediate wants, and pre- pare the necessary records.”’ Prominent persons who desire to confer with the military governor or with the board of American com- missioners, will be permitted to visit Manila. The United States promises 30 pesos to evch man who presents bis rifle in good condition. AThousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelpbia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King’s New. Discov- ery for Consumption had completely eured her of a hacking cough that for raany years had made life a bur- den. All other remedies and doc- tors could vive her no help, but she says of this royal cure: “‘It soon re- moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarceiy remember doing before. 1 feel like sounding its praises vhroughout the Usiverse.’’ So will every one whotries Dr. King’s New Discevery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50 cents and $i. Trial botties free at W. ib. Has, Jr.'s, Dreg Store;every bottie guaranteed. Tbe Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Muravief, died sud- denly last Thursday. Count Mura- yief had just finished his morning cup of coffee and bad ordered his lunch when he fell in an apopletic fit and expired in a few minutes be- tween 9 and 10 o'clock. Ramon Beats Them A, Henry Bissell, Hatton, Arkansas, says: I cannot find words to ex- plain the worth of Ramon’s Liver Pills and Rtamon’s Relief also. J suffered with Bilious Colic for years and the doctors failed todo me any good. cured it with Ramon’s Re- lief and-Ramon’s Liver Pills. I have sold drugs and medicines for 27 years, and have handled all kinds of patent medicines. Ramon’s beats them all. I have sold and used Ra- mon’s for ter years with always the greatest satisfaction. Hundreds of customers will testify that Ramon’s Liver Pillsare the best family med- iciue they ever used. I wish every family had a trial dose in their house today. For sale by N. R. Tunstall. Brigham H. Roberts, the expelled UtahCongressman,bas been con vict- ed of unlawful co-habitation in the “Utah State Courts. A Frightfal Blunder Vill often cause a horrible burn scald. cut cr bruise. ! nica Salve. the best in the world A special dispatch from Vienna}. Bucklen’s Ar- | @ENERAL NEWS. A freight train on the Alabama | Great Southern railroad ran into an open draw bridge near Eutaw, Ala, one day last week. No lives were 1 10st. Robert Lockhart, of Covington, Tenn., and Miss Katherine Clive. of | plete cure. Ben Wall, Bennettsville. S. C., says: I was vers sick with fever last fall and after taking $13 worth of Doctor's medicine, and not being benetited thereby, I bought two boxes of Rameon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets which effected a ivor sale by N. corm R. Tun Stal’ Pataka, Ind., were married one day !* last week. The marriage took place | by means of a ionpg distance tele- phone. J. W. Ware, of Hopkensville, hy.. shot his pastor, Rev. W. F. last week. The trouble, he jealous of the preaeher and shot him | while he was making a pastoral call on his wife. Was ; fut ; Gov Stephens, of Missouri, went} the various Chinese legations in Eu-!to St. Louis afew daysago to dis-| writes J. E. Watkins. in setvice for some iime. fovea > a ~ tical. Kuoxville Dispatch, 22nd The Sentinel prints a letter ad- dressed to it by Col. W. J. Bryan,in | which he expresses his views upon the relations of the Milipgpos and the Cubans and their rigbTS. it is as follows: ‘IT believe that the rights of the Filipinos and the rights of the Cu- bans are identical. The recognition of the rights of the Cubans by reso- lution did not create those rights. They existed betore. “Vf the Filipinos have a right to their independence, the fact that they fought for it does not justify us in carrying on awar of conquest. It isno more humiliating for a na- tioa to recognize the rights of an opponent than for an individual to do so. “We would have bad the same trouble in Cubaif we bad treated the Cubans the same as we have the Filipinos. We would have had no trouble in the Philippines, if we had treated the Filipinos as we have treated the Cubans. If we are go ing to give the Filipinos their iade- pendénce we ought to say soat once, and thus avoid further bloodshed. ‘How can we justify the sacrifice of American soldiers and the killing of Filipinos merely to show that we can whip them.” Coione! Bryan declares that if the Bacon resolution had been acted up- on, that there would have been no war upon the Filipinos. Agia Part of Filipinos Desire: Peace. Manila Dispatch, 21st. Two hundred Filipinos met this morning in Manila to adopt .honor- able und decorcus methods for se- curing peace. The results were submitted this | evening to General Mac-Arthur who accepted them. The leaders of the meeting wil! use their influence to induce Aguinaldo toaccept the arrangement. If they are successful, as they hope to be, they believe Aguinaldo will issue orders in conjunction with the American authorities for the cessa- tion of hostilities. The meeting, which was the first of the kindsince the days of the Filipino Congress, was composed of thedistinctly revolutionary element, the ‘“‘Americanistas’’ being lacking. Thirty political prisoners were re- leased from jail this morning in or- der to attend. Senor Paterno pre- sided and Senor Buencomino, the originator of the movement, Senor Flores, General Pio Del Pilar, Gen- eral Garcia, General Macabulos,and otber prominent revolutionists were present. It was pointed out that the ques- tions to be considered were military and civil, the military being con- cerned with acessation of hostili- ties, and the civil with the determi- nation of the political status of the Filipinos. The immediate object of the meeting was to effect peace, and subsequently the leaders could con- sult with the civil] commission as to political matters, It was evident that Senor Paterno was convinced that he could obtain Auinaldo’s sanction to a peace bas- ed upon the following seven clauses, which, after four hours, were unani- mously accepted as compatible with an honorable peace: First. Amnesty. Second. The return bythe Ameri- cans to the Filipinos of confiscated property. Third. Employment for the revol- utionary generals in the vavy and militia when established. Fourth. The application of the Iulipino revenues to succor needy Filipino soldiers. Fifth. A guarantee to the Filipi- nos of the exercise of persoral rights accorded io Americans by their constitution, Sixth. Establishment of civil gov- ernments at Manila and in the prov- inces. Seventh. Expuision of the friars. The statement of the seventh statement was vociferously acclaim- ed, the entire assembly shouting “Expel,”’ “‘Expel.”’ ee tev.J. P. Gwaltney, who has been living at York Institute, has chang- ed his home to Mt. Pisgah. Kodol Digests what you eat. It-artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- | structing the exhausted digestive or- | gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ot 2 | will kill the pain and promptiv heal! antand tonic. No other preparation lit. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores Jieers, Boils, Felons. Corns, 2: Skin Eruptions. learth. Orly 25 cents a_box. j guaranteed. Jr., Drugyist. Best Pile cure ov |} Dyspepsia, Cure } Seid by W. F. Hall, | ./¢an approach it ir efficiency. It in- ‘ | stantly relieves and permanently cures indigestion, Heartburn, fatulence, Sour Stomach, Naus ick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,¢ ;many remedies without cuss the strike situation with the|corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It police. He decided that it was nec-|what youeat. W. FP. HallJr. essary to keep the 2.500 posse who |” Sa anios have been guarding, the property of}. theSt. Louis Transit Co. fora month, |in July friends wil! lstr uctorsHobdson,a $1.40 silver ser- | vice. bt |Greensboro, Ala., wil! Rights of Cubans and Filipinos Iden- | Dyspepsia Cure} Mchinley and Roosevelt will be vited toatterd a reunion of the 17 } Biue and the Gray in Atlantaon Ju , : iN * 2eth. Pinar, | “After sutferiag from severe dvs- pe psia over twelve years and using permanent Dyspesia cood | everyone,’ lerk and Re- ood finally took Kode! Cure. It did me so recommended it to much digests Upon his return to this country. present Con- RH. Cobb, D. D., of receive CGD tributions up to Aug.. loth. Rev. J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. says. “Il cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Haze! Salve. One box of it cured whacthe doctors call- my jaw.” diseasc s imitations, ed an incurable ulcer on ~ “) Cures Piles and 2! Lookout fer worthless W. F- Bail, Jr, St Snow, the crop expert, who has just competed a two weeks’ trip through the northwest, declares the wheat failure this year is the worst ever known. He that there will be only 75,000,000 busheis, against 200,000,000 last year estinates “DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare i | See the finest puis 1 everu Moore. Millbrook, Ala. The: ly cure al) liver and bowe! vroubles. We x Ball Jr. Brown University received last week $1,066,100, as a gift from its alumni. John D. Rockefeller yzave $250,000 of the amount. “Thad stomach trouble twent years and wave up hope of being cure ed till L bevan to use Kodo] Dyspep- sia Cure. It has gone meso mu h good I call it the savior of my life.” writes W. R. Wilkinson, Tenn. It digests what you eat. W. FP. Halltr. Mtr A1ie, A, s.0a0V, 4 The health of Oberlin M. Carter, the ex-captain of engineers of the United States army, whe was con- victed of embezzlement of govern ment money, has broken down. It has been found necessary to give him better treatment than is ‘sual ty accorded prisoaers. Ten thousand people saw Yale University defeat Harvard Univer- sity in a game of balllast week. The easiest and most etfective method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the farznous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels. W.J*. Hall,Jr A young negro called on Miss Helen Gould some timeago, gently informed her that he was ‘her haif brother and thet he would like to beve $1,000,000. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Soldby W. F. Hall, Jr., Drugyist. Governor Beckham, of Kentucky, kas issued a statement formally an- nouneing himself us a candidate to succeed himself. 2 Lookin your mirror today. Take a Jasi lock at your gray hair. itsure- ly may be m the last if syou want itso; you needn’tkeep your gray hair a week longer than you wish. There’s no guesswork about. this; it’s sure every time. or three woeks notice how much younger you ap- pear, ten years younger at least. Ayer’s Hair Vigor aiso cures dandruff, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splen- did hair dressing. It cannot help but do these ehings, for it’s a h hair-food. en the hair is well fed, it cannot help but grow. Ir makes the scalp heaithy and this cures the disease that causes dandruff. $1.00 abottle. All druggists. “My hair was coming out badly, but Ayer’s Hair Vigor stopped tac falling and has mace my hair very thick and much darker than before. J think there is nothing like it for tbe hair.” Cona M, Ura, April 25, 1899. Yarrow, I. T. _—- gS Weits tho Bocter. & Tf yon do not obtain ali th you desire 7 the tise of writs the d about jt. DRI. o allother a of imperf ‘ect digestion. ; E C. Dewitt ACos Chicage. | ee ee é i TI E R PI Pa n g te e GY M R A E G —— ee e Le e ET I SA S S % § s | we r e Ra d e ¢ ss mi a g h et ee ee Sr u n p e d e ey ce e So n c n g e n pe e na p e os de r Be t s ae s . ed i e co d i e si i ot e ea t Ae n pa n e fa e e n e ya a r en e r ai c l po r e ha r e m ns AL a RT F Be t e ab : a es s 2 9 ho e ae ea ae co e * rr a ae ee Porwsh@> WEEKLY —AT-— ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. A. D. Warts, Eprvor & PROPRIETOR rie ‘te Paste flce at Statesville a ae stass mail matter. J “*Puone No. 35 JO00 NNINGS BRYAN DEWMVGCRATIC CONVENTION BATES Conv ENTION, NA TIONA DEMOCRATIC i 4 \CiL, V Lig <i i, t DANIEL HUGIE MCLEAN, of Harnett SOV? COUNTY TICKET. 1< “7 I = SKM} ) ¢ a t. Rit t RK TNE Mors! W. STEVENSON WATTS ALSTON D FOR SIDERIFE: 7H, WYCOFF FOR LEGISTER OF DEEDS VILLIAM W. TURNER OR TRI SUROR JOUIN A. HAYNES I YRONER GEORGE M, FOARD ce oR . WwW. SO wry YMA RK mV SIONERS PFHOMAS M. Cc. AVIDSON SIEELE. LACK. ) ESHA, K LIMES A. 2B TH REPUBLICAN TICKET. ot President sublie Fovcs 2250 an cob- week fone conclusion The ni exposenrt of oS President 4 Lhe sentim *, 20a ‘natural course of things. m McWintey is a loval party command the He ts not a brilliant f vreat abilities, d the p: consummate tact. He has made no bi.ier enemies of powerful party feacters as Garfield and Harrisoo dc, and asa politician and dispenser © be loaves and fishes he has been the “smoothest citizen”’ tc occupy tie White House since Lincoin was dssassinated. Now that he has been re-norinated he will stand or fall upon the record of his adminis- tration which has been in keeping wiih the spirit of his purty. We believe the American people do not approve his policies and that the received v years ago will be reversed. est majoriy s he ¢ fou which Goveruor Roesevelt, of New York, Was nominated jor Vice President in the bope that the glamour of his “Rough Rider” military glory won in Uuba Would cover up the many sius of omission und commission of vi the Repubhean .party, but his pomination ’ has accentuated the Republican tendency to imperialism aud millttarism and has is doubtful Strengthened the it it » bether he exponent of ¢ 1] appeal we believe the in- licies and wil] to it and that it will be defeated, if wisdom avd patriotism are with the hosts of Democracy which assemble at Kunsas City next week. Weldon Special 26th, We Messrs. J, we Sansdury and Robert Council en- gaged in ajriendly boxing contest at Roanoke Rapids last night, which resulted in the death of Sansdury. Themen were the best of friends. Council got ina gocd lick, which tock Sausdury in the pit of the stomach and knocked him out. He died in thirty minutes after the blow was given. Before death he stated that Council wasin no way to blame: that it was only a meeting forfun. Council isterribly distress- ed aud will have a hearing before the coroners inquest. The coroner has beeu sent for. but may not. arrive. ip tine ve report the result of the inguest today. Lee elaih Sete AN +e ¥ Tt } 3. Stadleys pastor «2 Fe rs of Methodist church, Atianta, infty ttn ts dpksult of a stroke of paral- ysis lastSativday. __ for isa Republican ahead or ont nomination votes of but he 1 politician and has man- trouage of his office with 3t9)} ye »j At]: ‘ lof reliable news from the capital| was dueia Atianta at lseems -to justify the worst con-} a Japa: jleft Peki | | | Yhe Chinese Puzzte. A Horrtble Wreck Near Atlanta. LATE STATE NEWS. . Wisye Dispatch ‘Foreign © 6th. fficial opinions here,’ says a dispatch. from Shaughai, to ‘the Daily Express, dated yesterday. | | | i | } t | | | { | lsend its tor $e) | } ‘ | ‘incline to believe that the worst) Even if >on June 19 there is no guaran- .e that they are safe now. Tho! situation in fact grows more and| The entire absence | more gloomy. ction which can be put upon It. Rear Admiral Kempt? reports, by | torpedo boat, that t he | L1@N-i S20 ;j forees cutered ; Atlanta, Dispatch, 2th. ‘| A passenger train on the -Macon | branch, of the Southern Railway ran |intoa washout one and a half miles north of McDonough, Ga., last night | Not amem- | Puliman car, perished. mi | Thir- | ber of the train crew escaped. ty-fve people in all were killed. | “The train left Macon at 7:10 and} MePonough was reached on At this point connection is ma lumbus, and here every night the| Co} hauled through to Atlanta. 'met a horrible mous train is coupled on andjctruck and killed _ outright, The North Carolina Bar Associa-|. TAYLORSVILLE Mrs. Dr. T NEWS. . Stevenson is visit- = tion isinsession at Asheville tbis;ing 1m Hicker y. i week. = An explosion in the Mecklenburg Last Friday nigbt, a negro boy ceath in Durham. ; He tried to board a through freight 9:45 last night. |to Raleigh, but was thrown under time. } the wheels. defor | ist above the ears. Wis head was cut off} One day dast week, lightning! the | Last | daughter of Mr. John Estridge, who | comodl ai a . ion ~? ° . . r. Saturday. Juse 23. sustaining | night. however, for the first time in lives tive miles from Waxhaw An-! ; = hae giprted Sun-| many months, the Columbus train | other daughter was so badiy shock- | en eve tbe force whict !) sas reperted two hours late on ac-ledas to make her recovery uncer- | i sin. on June 10, and whic i. }Gount of a washout on Leos branch | tain. Sree xe . . - ts SFare sit; =tirt on to} ' eved tobe surrounded Gear p-jand tbe Macou traits startes 4 “. Rar akc cere ce a es we SH Es een re-| Atlanta without it. Columbus con | ks P. Ke Phe lps. - 5. A., re Syn Seeec ek Oo _ : been nection punec of Urbano, Obio, bas been i ‘ts. Admiral Seymour has been | nection. | sec ; a , ins stor ¢ : ministers have} A cleud burst broke over that secured as military instructor at “aptared and the n. guarded by Chinese sol- Is un- aa " whereabouts diers Tueir known. Washinyton Dispatch, 2oth.—The ef development today in the Ching situation was the effort of the Chinese Minister, Wu TingFang, "Th 4 31] ee ; to secure ap armistice in the opera The storm was still raging tion of American troops, until Li Hung Chane could reach Pekin and bring about a cessation of the disor The proposition Is and is based upon the resentations of the Viceroys of inces of the y valley that thev can maintain order without the aid f foreign troops, and that the pres- the foreigners would -act asan incentive to disorder. der wove; one, t ren important Ki mye pr i nw 1 isc Minister Wu brought these. repre- eee pe e attention of Sec- » Consulted the The latter's decision as conveyed to the min- that v ovs for continued quiet ’ \ yreciated, the [ P! id not bind itself to not } ws } pited *s to points where Gis- J and where the tad ar sO AD 1 its fore ter BCTuUALYV CXis cialis citizens Wercedy £000 ao ole a the ab ofast ta proposition of aru i government prac an and tl refusal United States to iy 10 ment. |The Chinese Question More Serious. _—~- fresh phase cf the ebullition in ; prebability of jmmedi- the southern “amore hos 2rds foreiguers,and t syinptoms of a ral risiog, especially at Nan aecordin, to a dispatch » latier rauele . where > Daily Express. dated yester- Suns Wa,one of the most tru- enemies of foreivners has ar- erand canal, powers from the | with the southern es. The friendly attitude of roy Liu Kun Yih toward _for- as broveht tim into dis- Prince Tuan, president the f liar with ink the for- Ma in veh er th the Chinese charact it is estimated that 60,000 soldiers, south of Pekin and Tsin, ays | Chinese « CE 400 COU soldiers. adequate mil was mede perfectly when orders were issued to cier General A. KR. Chatfee, sripra to proceed at once to assume new duties. More significant prob the General Chatfee, issued late in day by Acting Secretary Meiklejoke, Girecting him to Ku or some other convenient tary vase, but the direction to pro- termination on the part of the gov- ernmentauthorities to have a strovg Chinese vovernment. ets ee re The Fad in South Africa be Near Loudon, Dispatch, 27th The isoer commanudoes in eastern part of the Oranye Colony appear to have been broken up by their leaders for the time in. to small parties that harass larce columns of the British incessant},. cutting off scouts, suipping picket. making ashow of force here Re there and bewildering the slow-moy- ing bodtes. Commandant Christian lie River Dewet, General Sieyn’s principal commander, is the genius of these vuerrilla operations. Heis the hero ot the Goer side in these jast ¢ays of hostilities. Lord Roverts’ ec. umus are Steadily constracting the le of theiradvance. ‘Lransvaal of ials who were interviewed yester day at Machadodory by a correspon Jent of The Daily Express asserted au intention to bold out to the last. President Kruger will probably re. tire to Watervoland of Nelspruit. His physician thinks his condition of health will not allow kim to go to the high veldt. The British prison ers at Noolt Godacht are now more comfortable. Large quantities of food and blankets have been for- warded to them, and their enclosure ts lighted by electricity. Pretoria telegrams say that sup plies of warm clothing have reach- Roberts’ infantry, who had been rag- zed and had suffered from cold. Commandant General Bothais un commonly active east of Pretoria The Canadians are doing splendid outpost work. ~ ————————— Two young ladies prevented a very serious wreck near Birming ham Sunday. Ds down in torrents, and the young women saw that the water had ris. €n above the culvert near their house and was rapidly undermining it. “They left their home and warn. é€d an excursion train that board 600 passengers. he assurances | populace | well armed. poorly disciplined are The t they have Washington dispatch, 26th—The purpose of the government to place i tary force in China] w! Clear today, to take cominand of the forces in China, and his ably than theussignment itself was wording of the formalorders to tbe mili- ceed to Pekin, the capital of the Chinese empire, indicated a firm de- military force at the seat of the Appears to The rain was coming | bad on} | | section of the country about 6 o'clock | ast night and presumbly. shortly | lafter dark, washed out a section of; ithe track, nearly 100 feet in length. | ‘Into this the swiftly moving train | plunged. é | There was not anote of warning, and all the car windows were closed. The | passengers, secure as they thought, land sheltered comfortably from the ty tert } ia | | without an iustant’s warning. The | train, consisting of a baggage car, second-class coach, first-class coach landa Pullman sieeper, was knoeked fF linto kindling wood by the fall. The wreck caught fire a few minutes ait- | fall and all*the coaches were lexcept the Pullman car Kyery person on the train except an er the bu | the eccupants of the Pullman car i perished in the disaster. : | As the wreck begun tu yo to Po - : | pieces under the destructive work of !both Gre and flood human bodies floated out from the mass and were learried down streara by the swift leurrent. At daylight the bodies that had float- ed from the gorve were vathered up. burned >the ofhers were crush- ed beyond recozuition. The only means of identification in the maj { the cases were letters and pa- the voekets of the victims. bodies were prepared for bur- rapidly as possible. Some mav be buried atMeDonough, Others will be sent totneirhomes as fast as the proper addresses can be ascer- no? Wiblit | Ie pity ' pers io . rhe tal as tained, — ++ ae Radical! Magistrates Protect Negro Rapist Raleigh News a . nd Observer | ae aye : | Mr. W. 4. Scott.a substantial and rule. “Itis the most awful miscarriage | } feien ministers and Vice Admiral; of justice, lve ever heard of,’ said \Seymour are held as hostaves for Seott, ia concluding bis story. wood terms of settlement They e people of the community are also believe the whole Chinese army {cutraged, and are going to see il isiviningin the movement under|they cant take some further steps the ieadershtp af Tung Peb Siang. |in regard to the matter.” In New Hope township, about a year ago, said Mr. Scott, a little thirteen year old white giri, Lilly Certain, an orphan, was raped by a negro man named Hey woed Council. lumediately after the deed the intile giritold Mrs. Maria Baucom, with hem she tived. Astounded by the awiuiness of the deed, and wishing to prevent publicity,Mrs. Baucom said nothing months she did so, but recen:ivy she toid some of her playmates a:d soon the whole community knew it. Then some of the neighbors, much incens- ed. calied en strs. Baucom ana told her some legal steps must be taken. “take command of the troops ordered to China.”’ and|Sbe consented to do so, explained to preceed to Pekin by way of Che} wey she had not duze so be'ore, and sent for Dalias Matthews, a Rupub- licau magistrate. “That's the only sort we have,"’ explained Mr. Scott, as he vave the above facts. Op the trial the little cirl gave ali the details of the crime and Mrs Gaucom said it corresponded with whacshe bad told immediateiy after it cecurred. Also the ¢lothiue she Wore at the litne was exhibited. When the was all in Magistrate said he was not exacty sutistied: that be would Study the matter over and probably callin another magistrate Next day he called in Slarshall Mann, also a Republican. “You kuow we have no other sort,”’ again explained Mr. Scott. These two judiciallights put their wise beads togetber and after con- siderable consultation gravely an- nounced to the crowd that tne crime was out ofdate andthey would re- lease the defendant, ~ “Chere were probably fifty peo- pie present,’’ said Mr. Seut!, “and ithey felt greatly outraged. Many icf our people are determined that this shall not be theend of te affair. Mr. S. G. Wilson has today sone to Pittsboro to consult with attorneys and others about it.” a evidence Republican @lub Declares for the Amendment. The Republican club at Up:ward, Herderson county, has adopied res- olutions favoring the amendment. They say they are tired of negro rule_boss rule and ring rule. Thev desire to stimulate and encourage 2 higher grade of citizenship among the white race, and to further se- cure a refined and educated suffrage therefore they determined io lay aside all prejudice and partisan col- lars and vote ivr the proposed con- stitutional amendment. They give an extensive list of their reasons for taking this step We would advise all opponents of the ; amendment to read and go do like- jwise. Thisis quite an important ;moveasit shows which way the tide is flowing. Each day converts ;are won for the amendment. Some Of them have been lifelong Republi- {cans. Webhave no doubt but that, iby the time August rolls round, ; quite 2 comfortable majority wili be! on the side of the amendment, : oz , ithe A. & M. College in Raleizu Capt. Phelps was in Texas five! vears in the same regimept with! Capt. Z. b. Vance. eee ' _ Mrs. Aaron Drucker died at St Peter’s Hosp‘talin Charlotte last Menday. Itis avery sad deathin - deed. She was. Miss - Baumgarten | and hud only been married two! weeks. She was very sick at the time of her marriage, unable in fact . a } :* . = rather afinclement weather, went to death |to jcave her bed, but it was hoped that sne would recover. Upon motionof the attorneys of the railroads, Judge Simonton grant- ed three months additicral time for the taking of testimeny in the railway tux assessment cases. The attorneys for the Corporation Com- mission combatted the motion, say- ine there was no logical reason for y#ranling the extension butdt was oi no avail. Mr. aod Mrs. T. B. Bailey, of Mocksville. have contributed $1,000 to the State Normal ~schoo! at Greensboro, to provide_a room in thestudents’ building to be known Nearly the entire male population! as tie Sarah and Evelyn Bailey of McDonough went to the scen€troom-—in memory of their two - eerie neecletance rs - 4 = - to render assistance, but | daugiuters who were stricken with iittle could be done by the rescuers, typhoid fever while students of this asthe fire kept them at a distance. | hoo] last fal! The Rally Dey in Salisbury last One body was found a mile from the} Menday was a success. The pre ck and many were found along |¢essien was composed of 250 men on ts banks. : 1urscbaciz, 1,000 people in vehicles mae eee mito cael ores and2 multitude on foot, and was é t “Uead We 3 nes “ i - Clay ee 1 r, : Teinoved to McDonough. There are about Lwo mies long. _. H. aes Capa creme here! | ie aebines deriord, Sr, was chief marshall. VC rderti St a S-l 7 < = <i ablishments mere Soon full of the Governor _Aycoc! had recovered oa night amare ar gees from his faint spell at Lexington mangieu remains cl the passengers. Saoracn inno chane i Some of the bodies were terribly |A2@ Was tn ine shape. Mr. ©. B. Aycock largest crowd ever Gavidson county to hear a politica: speech, oa last Saturday. He was overcome by heat during his speech that he was obliged to stop for a few minutes rest. Mr. Aycock is being worked too hard. He is speaking night and day and unless ‘ests some, his l give out before August. spoke to the assembled in so Asheville Special, 26th: Sheri? Lee and Coroner D. &. Sevier have unearthed a foul murder ai Arden Ten days ago Ghas, Clark, 15 years oki, died from a sapposed kick from a mule. ' At ieast this was the fale « Li Yamen (Foreign |instelligent farmer from Chatham|that Os. Lambert and a young man county, was here yesterday. and | named Lance told the doctor who The foreigners evervwhere are|tcldoia recent occurrence in his|attended the boy. Ue was buried. arving ihe immediate concentration | seighborhood that shows bow un-| Lance then became frightened and anarimy ef 10.006 men, or at} protected the women and children|toldthat Os. Lambert had struck least 40,000 men, for an advance on|ot this State are under Republican |Clark in the forehead and fractured the frontal bone. The coroner in- vestigated yesterday and today, and the result is clear proof of Lance’s siatement. >_> > -- Sweet Home Items. | Correspondence of the Mascor, Mrs. Susan Barkley is very feehle again from the eflects of a fell she got last fall. : Miss Mary L. Bennett has rheu matisim in her feet and cannot waik. Mr. F. A. Shaver, of Dryantsviite. is seriously ill with cancer of the stomach, While helping to put up a swarm of bees Suturday, Mr. N. W. Stout was badly stung by them and was wboutit and cautioned tue tittie | Very sick for two hours. girl to do likewise. For many] re A. Sloan, who has been an emplovee at RL FL Cur ter’s milling estavlishinent for sore time, has moved to Mr. Rh. ED iNing-Brother- ton place. Mr. S C. Johnson has the cou- tract for carrving tbe mail from this place to Statesyille. He gets Sl2z4 27a year. He has employed Mr. Bud Bowles fur 390 a year to carry the mail. Mr. Johnson boards Bowles and furnishes him with a borse and buggy. There will be a foot washing at Daroascus church, held as a part of the church ordinance, Saturday night before tke tirstSunday inJuiy The protracted meciing at Damas cus embraces the first Sunday 1a August. 2 Politics is gettisg very watw Every bedy is talking amecdmen?. Some ofour gocd Republicans get right hot sometimes. We want to see the white people ail come out fur the amendment and carry it. Wieat in this neiynborhood is better than for many years. Success to THe Mascor and its W. P.S. -_— > Gus Rublin. the Ohnio pugilist, kuocked out Tom Sharkey, on Mon- day night, iu the Coney Island Are- na. The knock-out blow came in ube 15th round. many readers. Sivglehanded and unaided, Jailer Torn Tayior, of Rome, Ga., kept back a mob last Saturday morning Tiey wanted a negro. Gus Trour, who was accused of an attempted assaulr, Frauk Gilmore, a white man, who assaulted and brutally murdered an old woman, Mrs. Josephine Cootes. of New Orleans, was lynched and his body riddled with bullets for his crime. The heavy rains are coing great damage in the Gulf States. The rivers are the highest known in years. Several mills around Augus- ta, Ga., were compelled toshut down on account of the high water. No damage was done to the city itself. “ =a 2 Pig abe —an ey SSS =. x sae xs s ve - PORE 84 tea: - eH SINE Orte:: ? - Gread hot weather. i hev > 120 bow it weakens ai. sow this affects the baby. All such mothers reed aeorr’s Emulsion. Ht gives them strength apd rink <M , vh s NE O s “a a S more abundant: SOc. and $1. AL drugy isis. Mr. J. W, Watts was at States- | ville last week. lhas happened to the legations at|and was completely wrecked. The | Iron Works Monday mornirg injur- |Pexin and to Admiral Seymour, as| wreck caught fire and the eutire/¢d three white workmen and badly | the legations were |train, except the occupants’ of the | burncd a negro. Mrs. D. W. Correll came up from Mooresville Saturday. Mr. Hacket Robinett Messrs. Feimster Bros. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cobb went to Hickory yesterday on a visit. Rev. Wm. ®. Elliott, of Turvers- bury circuit, is here on a vis is with iss Tessie Pufty, of Statesville, visited Miss Ida Eider the past week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Deal, of Deals- ville. spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Lula Norton, of Statesville. came up Saturday to visit relatives. Miss Ethel Stevenson, of Moores- ville, is visiting at EO M. Steven- son’s, Esq. Mrs. Chas. S. Harris, of Atlarta, Ga., visited Mrs. A. ©. Melotosh the past week. Mr E L. Johnson, of Ellendale township. has bought a new threst- | ing machine. vir. Frank A. Linney started monday for Wilkes und Surry coun- ties to make some speeches. Mr. Jno. M. Flowers has returt- edto Durbam, wherehe has a job with the American Tobacco Co. Dr. H McD. Little started monday for a trip across the biuc ridge into Watauga and Ashe counties to look at some farms. Prof J. A. Matheson. superinten- dent of the Durham graded schcols, came home list week.to spend part of his yacation. Prof. J. Matheson and Mr. Horace Flowers went to Statesville monday to see the Statesville and Durham ball games. A a Miss Eva Miller, who last week vraduated at the State Normal and Industria! School, at Greensboro, reached home Thursday Registration books open today. If you wans to vote this year see thar you get your name on the books. A At York Institute. Rocky Springs school house, Saturday night, at o'ciock, A.C McIntosh, Esq. At Lebanon school house, Little River township, Saturday nisht, June 30th, at 8o’clock, Jas. C. Lin- ney and J. H. Burke, Esqs. At Etlendaie school house, Ellen- date township, Saturday night, June township, Saturday nisht, June oth, at 8 o’elock, Chas. P. Mathe- sonand W. P. Hedrick, Esqs. Nous. R. N. Hackétt, of Wilkes- boro, and W. A. Self, of Hickory, will speak at Deatsville, Ellendale tcwnship, Monday, July 9th; at G.P. Bowman's store, Wittenbnre town- ship, Tuesday, July 16th; at LL. Childers’ store, Sugar Loaf town- ship, Wednesday, July 11th. Speak- ing to begin at 1 o'clock, p. m. Land for Sale, 100 ACRES in Shiloh township, adjoining : J... Morris and others, known as the Samuel Rimmer place A good orchard, dwell- iny and other binidings. Terms half cash and balance on time and price low. See J. S. Morris or write to W. A. BENTLEY Juneé 28th., 2900. Poor's Knob, N, c. Sale of Land, Yo virtue of « judgment of the Superior Court made inthe special proceeding exti- Ued John W. McHargue, administrator oi James county, adjoining the lands of Campbell andotners. Th ‘or sale by the acre and the amvant sold will be determined by the price it brings per acre. Not more than 25 acres will be sola under any cir- cumstances, Adescription of the part to sold will be furnished py the commussioner ou day of sale. JOHN W. MCHAKGUE, Lhis May 31s*, 1geo, Commissioner. Grier & Long, Att’ys. J FE. &. sharpe, is land will be offered Sale of Valuable Land, RTUE ofa decree of Iredell 5 in the smecial proceedi : ; : Z ling: ert! tled A. D. Plyler, Marion Piyter and Soe agarnst U. “= Plyler, the undersigned as Com- missioner of said court will at tne court hous door in Statesville, N.C... on ee Superto corner, theuce North 29 degrees West Commissioner's Sale of Land. { ;RSUANT toa deerce of the Superior Court evo Iredell county made in a special pro- | ceeding wherein G. W. Clegs. adminisirator ol J. M. Alexander, deceased, ix plaintiff, and H.Q | Alexan.er and othersare defendants, the un- | dersigned, commissioner. will sell at the court i house door in Statesville, N.C. to the highest bidder at public outcry on SATURDAY, JULY 2IST,, 1900, at 12 o'clock, m.. the following described panes | situate on Third creekin said county aud be- longing to the estate of the said j.M. Alexander, to-wit: Beginning ata white oak stump, a1 / ' original corner and corner of the dower tract, l thence South 17 degrees East 48 polls to a stone, |W. B. Gibson's line. thence with his Hue South degrees West to a stone et 2 persim~ ! gon, said Gibson'’sco ner, thence South 8 de- . grees West 36 poles toa stone, Gibson's corner, thence South \4 degrees East 26 poles ton stune, Gibson’scorner, thence with his line South 3 | degrees West 20 poles to Third creek, thence | np the creek 61 poles toa stake. Gibson's cor- => i ner, thence North 28 degrees hast 2S poles to a thence North Gibson's 39%% poles line, thence with same 51 poles to the begin- niore or less, and hickory stump, Gibson's corner. 3giz degrees East so polesto @ stone, toa walnut in the dower North 6544 degrees East ning, containing 23 acres, known as the homestead tract. Terms of sale: }5 in four months t This June 27st. tGv0 RK. B. McLaughlin, Atty. sh. \,iniwo months and t ’ G. W. CLEGG, Commissioner. “KC. M &B. Fast Train, HE KANSASCITY Limited. This modern equipped ast train with reclining car (ceate free) and Palace Builet Drawing-room | Sleeping car, leaves Birmingham daily via_ the cansas City, Memphis & Birmingham R. R, at eee noon, Arrives Memphis Sos p. m. and Konsas City 9.45 vext morning, Counects at Memphis with trains for Arkansas aud Texas. At Nichols for pointsin Texas and Northwest- ern Arkansas; and at Kansas City Union Depo: with fast trains for Colorado, California and all ne West and Northwest, i s i. LOCKWOOD, G. P. A., Kansas City, Mo, ¢ W.STRAIN, T. P. 4. Memphis, Ten2. CHAS. JONES, T. P A,. Birmingham, Ala. Mules and Horses for Sale. HAVE mules aud horses for sale for cash or outime. See me. R. R. COWLES. June 7th, 1900. STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. STATESVILLE, N. C. _ June 25, 1900, 9 A. ™m. Strict Good Middling.......-.-+-. 9.49 G NESE oie el ee ew wm ie 9.30 Oe oe le iret g.20 g.10 9- STATESViLLE PRODUCE MARKET CORRECTED ry COOPER & GILL COMMENTS OF THT WEEK All produce in good deme md. hew registration is required this Buy PRICES—HASIS NO. I QUALITY, Dea Cabbage, per Ib. 2 2 1 2 2 ee ee oe year. Extra flour—sack ......6...4... $1.75 Family ** sa 2.00 Coagressman Linney visited Wasb- | Mee! -boited 35 ° - } ‘ se > ? unbolted, 55 inyton city last week. Dr. R. 2. Seavaks 55 Linney. Jr.. attended the Republi-| Corn 2S eS can national conventien at Phila-| oats—satts. 40 delphia. Peas—gay 1.00 . POtstoes— ASS Se in ee a www 75 A very sad death occurred at El- eSNG weet Ee. ie dl Gee 50 iendale on the 2Ist. Mrs. H. M. | Onions—select, per bushel.® .. . . 78 . ° = Tand—NoCo oe Se ee ee ag) kd 3 Crouch awoke and found her baby |tanow - 75 0220000002. 3 decd in herarms, Just about three } Beeswax... ee. 2 eee . 3 eae a snot) q f oer childre Hienur—per it . cho. so 2 win S$” vears ago upother one Of Mer ChUCTEN | Roosters per Ib. 2... a 244 died in the same manner. Chicken —Spring—small— per Dee. i 1c as a large - 1034 _ * ~~ Turkeys—per ID. 5 lion. B. F. Ayeock and Wm. C.|pucks 3 Newland, Esq., will speak at Hid-|G2int s each a denite today and here in the court 12% i house tonight, andatJ. F. Downs’ oe physical Mangstore, Mt. Bethel. Wittenburg towa- f comb, per Ib 7 ship. tomorrow. Goout and hear] *#*ho:--:-::: 707° e them. Ribeatwe sie cc oe Reh eae So BOVE a ie folielice ete = feel hin! hw tell hee 60 om, “TUEN TS TOR > 4 sovecce res eat BICWT no, a! a) aw ie! eo 35 AVPOINTMENTS FOR SPEAKING IN ALEX- Inides—dry. per ee en ro. ANDER COUNTY. eS SECC aw weenie! eee 7 as “ Wool—washed ..... . on Pie 25 At Watts school house in Little Bie nae nee bright... 3 : ms . a sl r ve . yright sliceqd..... 4 tiver township, F riday night, June a Daght -liced 4% 23th, at $8 o'clock, by Juo. L. Gwalt- extfa 4 Niesaet cu tine meiner S cn green—per bushel... ... 60 a ¥ and A.C MeIntosh. Peaches—peeled, bright. . 2... . ° At Centre school house, Gwalt-] * = faerie - 6 >< townshi Sa : z - 2 wee eS 7 nevs township, Saturday nigkt,June | pacon—Hox Sonal Derma Lae s 30cb, at 8 o'clock. Ino. T. Gwaltney, | * War i oe ee ae 1 Esa . ee Sacete cise. Pate ae SS 8 ane ie = Shoulders ee ee 8 TOC ALL WHOMTHIS MAY CONCERN NE undersigned having been cisiranchised By reason of a conviction of crime. this is to notify the public, in pursuance of the re- quirements of law, thet we will apply by peti- tion at the August term ofthe Superior Court of Iredell county, to be restore: to the full rights of citizenship, when and where any opposition thereto will be heard This May 24, tgoe. 1,=Wis W. JOANSON 30th, atS o'clock, R. BP. Matheson ae ee ON and A. C. Payne, Esqs. Beer areca EES ee eee mean ret At Drum/’s schoo! house. Sillers Notice te Creditors, AVING qualified es administvator, with ¢he will annexcd, of Heury Setzer, deceased, the undersigned hereby uolities all persons hav- ing claims ayainst the estate of said deceased to present thesameto him tor payment within twelve months trom date of this uotice or it will be plead tn bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt pa ent. al. W. SHOOK, ‘This May 21, 1900. Admr,, C.T. A. J. L. Connelly, Att'y, Commissioner’s Sale of Land, BY VIRTUE of a decree G! the Superior Court of Iredcil county,imas: action wherein J. M, Crawford and others are pisintiffs and sid M, Crawford aud others are defendants, the undersigned commissioner will sell at public outcry tothe highest bidc.r tor cash, at the court house door at Statesville, N.C, on SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD, 1900, at 12 o'clock, M., the tollowing described tracts ot land, tow:t: First ract, beginiiug at u post oak, Tuer of lot No. 1in the division of (oc lands os John Crawtord, and running Wesi wa said Line 138 poles to spanish ouk; ihenuce Sous with ine eastern boundary of sot No 9 69 polestoa suke ina held on said line. thence Must 13% poles toa post oak; tnence Nerthogpoles to the begin- ning, contailing 6! acres more or less and being lot No, 21m the civisicnu of the lands a‘oresaid, W. McHargue, against R. B. McHargue ei. al.,| Second tract, bounded on the North by the the undersigned commissioner will on lands of A.A, Bost and wile; on the East by T, SATURMAY, JUNE 30TH, ico, Ww. ee = Soon by oe of aoe rma = gnats “ son Lackey; On Lhe West by the ads expose to public sale toth Jhignest der for] Vickery. “sne same being the identocat a Be a part of the James W. MeHargue home | devised to Aun Grawiora in the last will and piece, stluated inthe northern part of Iredell] restament uf Harriet Gibson, deceased, aud containing 57 acres more or jess. Shiioh towuship, MH. 4. STEVENSON, Lhis May 24, 1y00. Comim.ssioncr, Grier & 4,cag, K, B. McLaughlin, Ait'ys. Said lands in Don’t - Cough, Te i W bea jou can buy i a 25c. Bottic of Hail’s Cough SATURDAY, JULY 14TH, 1900, $ re-sell for cash at public anciion to bidder that valuabie tract of land situated Chambersburg township, in Tredell county known as the Amelia Plyter home , taining Ilo acres more or Jess, eLe ‘J. B. CONNELLY, ; This June 1th, 1900. Commissioner Spanish Roe ..S-0-A-P-S. | highest place, con- oe | : ; Moore & McLean have a full line of the Spanish Root- ! Soaps made from the Span- ish Root which grows in the { Rocky Mountains. It is a purely vegetabie soap, no i putrid anima! fat enters purest soap in the world Itis nature’s own remedy for skin diseases. Cali on us and examine the line. Moore & | McLean. £ Syrup. Save the Fruit Fruit Jars i and 2 quart sizes, a!so Patent Top Fruit Jars. Extra Rubbers for Jars. Tin Tcp Jelly Glasses We have large stock of above and shal! be pleased to sell you. Lot ae | GERMAN MILLET SHED. experts and found to be the | Seed Irish Potatoas Gardex and Cornfield Beans for eating or planting. Now is the time to plant second crop of Potatoes. COOPER & GILL. | | Eo Sista hw ce UN eae Notice te Creditors, (Dr, P. F. LAUGENOUR Dentist, . i NE qualified as executor of the will of ‘ te s. Stevenson: deceased, all persons hav- ing claims against said estate are poneecee present the same to the undersigned on or : fore May 24. 1g0o1,and all persons indebted to | said-@stateare requested to make immediate payment, S. W. STEVENSON, ; Executor of W. S. Stevenson. STATESVILLE, Will bein his office two y beginning with firs: Monday :, NOC: GLKS i ach This May a4, 1900, Seed Oats and Hay For Sale. | | month. Call on him for 3).+ {in the way of dentistry. y ,,, find it to your interest to do - | Work done in best manne Su lot of white and black spring oats for | : Tices sa peoeeen aa haves. large iot BF mice baled | low. Only the best materia. .5 | hay for sale, See me when you wari grain, feed | end malt, Respectfully, z _j—_—_——__ Feby. Sth,, 1900. J L.COWAN. : tie = Corn Fer Sale. | | W ented. | E have just received wear toad aes 1D second hand cotton press. Southern | Stony Poiut, which we will ~ as A Sesadend preferred, Willpay cash. Ad- , or a a or ; Clio, N.C. » 1900. _ Reape: oF yeces eee J.W.HAGER. | WHITES 5. ¥citoscy sespect. iT1S and was* Works better, goes farther and is the cheapest in every : Uniform, Strong and Runs Further to the Pound, Than any other twine claim ed to be of the same grade. Deering Binder Twine | LS Ne THE ; Deering : e. : Weel, Wir te {s the Standing Binder twine of Americ. a ae seh i, : cognized by the great Wheat Farmers of the F] more of the * Deering” twinethan all the other hands, cous » e Remember You ean’t afford to use poor twine, as it causes delays. !.-- We seil the ‘‘Deering’’ twine, and guarantee the price to |, as iow as other twine of inferior grades. THE FLANIGAN-EVANS HARDWARE CO, too. Dress Skirts. There is a fit and hang to our reaiy made skiets that distiveus; them from the ordinary. Come and see us your measure and will furaish the skirt, guarantecigf: fit and style There is style and quality and honest ser, If we haven't your siz-, sale@ct tis muterial |. ..To Arrive... In the next few days another lot of that beautiful - MADRAS At 10c. Per Yard. The very thing for Ladies Waists and Gentlemen's Ne: the value is apparent at a glance. Atand Below Cost. Our sfoes are going, come early if you want a bargain. a matter of fit—not price. It will 2 only WALTON’ #433 ship, Bed Tickiny, 1.000 Matches, Lace Curtains, aoe 5 to 2dc. ace and Taleum Powders, 5 Shoe Dressing, 5 25C Parasols andUimbrellas 250. a Soon mick Se Ladies’ Shirt Waists, 48c. to $4.50. A FEW JULY FLYERS. Ist. A Beautiful line of LINEN AN?) COTTON MATERIAI, For Summer Skirts and Cheviot, Per: u!s and Piques, waist and Men’s Shirts. for Ladies Shirt- GOOD VALUGS HERE. 2nd. A Beautiful line of these Materials. Our $2.50 line at $2.23. line of Oxfords will not last always. at 80cts., $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. Come and see our Jine betore you buy,and save a quarter’or more. Dimities, White and Colored Lawns, Figured Swiss, Plain Swiss, Orzac- dies, Foulards, Plain White Lawns and a great many other Besntiful materials for Dress. 3rd. A line of Oxford Ties for Men, Women and Children. We find we have too many Ladies fine Oxfords on hand and wil! sel! our $2.00 line for . - Cash at $1.75. Geerat Bargains. First come first served. this A good pair of Ladies Oxfords Yours Truly, N. B. Mills &Co. P. S. Masons Fruit Jars Cheap. The Famous Godman Solid throughout and Shoe on the market. Ladies’ Oxford At $1.25 to $150. Guaranteed to wear equa} to any $2 vi SLOOP & MILLER. The Variety Store 5c. Ink and Mucilage, 3c. up. Tablets, 1 to 25c. Writing Paper, 3 to 20c. quire. Boys’ Knee Pants, 25c. to $1.00. Belts and Belt Buckles, 10 to 50c. oe 25 = $1.00. ‘ast Black Hose, 5 to 23c. pair. Books and Blank Books, Beats 35.00 : Boys’ Suits, 75c. to $3.50. . Spring Showers of Bargains _. SEE THE VARIETY. Cahco, 4 to 6c. yard. Pant Goods, 9 to 60c. yard. Bine Denim. 7, 10 and 124¢. yard. Alamance, good, 5c. yard. 5 to lie yard. 50c. pair up. SEE THE PRICES. Large line Lamps, 1c. to 35.\""- Tumblers and Goblets, 20 and 2c. Plates and Cups, 30c. set. Big lot Tinware, 2 to 25c. piece- Knives and Forks, 48c. sct aud up- Toilet and Laundry Soap, 2c. cake. Shoe Blacking, 1 to 5c. box. Machine Oil, big bottle, 5c. Trunks and Valises, 20c. to 35.0. Handkerchiefs, 2 to 30c- Straw Hats, 5c. to $1.50. Shoes for everybody, 25c. to ¥4.5l- Summer Underwear. ic. to $1.1". 200 yd Soft Finish Spool Thread, - Dol!s and Toys, 52 up. Carpet and Matting, 124c. yd avd YP Big stock Rugs, 35c. to $2.5"). : New lot Wall Paper, 5 to 2vc. rell- Fans, 1 to 50c. Complete Line of Baseball Goods. Large stock of Musical Instruments, Trimmings and Strizz*- Give us 2 call before buying. Many other. goods it will pay yor to see. . WL. ALLISON LOCAL m defeated rerday by 2 sco A re ee i play ayain this ever rate 1 Mr. Lawrence Hi Deputy Sherill dD. I 3 urcit ger township, The friends of Mrs. ye glad to know that s grd that she is vq oc than she was last Earvest Graves. <tatesville as 3 a has beco appointed man W.-W. Kitchin, cadet. Mr..L. C. Caldwei! .o enter the cami ymeacment. His sj made-in the middie p: and we have no doub i win many votes puraa Wis ment. The tricnds of Mis: renee, of Olin townsh vy to learn that she 1 -gnsumption at he ron - Lawrence IS 2 Detcs Mott, and spent sor. winter ast The merchants 0° urreed to clese th staf Tuly and at Ir is very probat con w.ll be run that day to see oi rames With Chariot Mr. J. L. Milis left us se Vi wheat thix we Six grains the Tine a » 7 r pens of tive and From 2il reports rood 2 this ruined oy the wet wed Miss May Co Charloite, assists and Copeland Cowles, Jr., will : ollege hall tomorroy recital wilt be uma: ic Ladies Ho Mr. ill, is int , ere ir the intere Cannirg Outfit Co. uncle was in town 1s Wilson graduated at this spelng, «winning st Text prize. sectio litt 7ne Presbyteria rae aif »ointed some ti the advisability hureb bere forthe q uet this Week. Th ol yf Movresvill - nd Rev. Wr. sod. Men of neep posted on the t ‘rs on the amendre your neighborhood ments are found int “# number of States ville, severa! outside the count: pointments from vn lredell di ides The Commission Concord Presbytery colorea Presbyter: Statesville, if the wa ou-the 26th, and alt« ivation, decide! that to graut the pe whiie a simi fore tt wise zation mendins * be the Durh . the manager he Salisbury t for iomorre someti.ing unforese i play them. 5S trong team and wil nake x pplication to Let everybody go o vane. Rev. M. A. Smith basebe!! with paid t¢ nu t hesitate to say 5 mon lest Sunday m ed on the text “Tur ‘rom veholding va siders oaseball as c vain tring, an evil iq moria!ize business,e iiugard is a waste The 23d anniverss Counce i 525, Rovai was ty be celebr night, was postpon the bud weather. speakers Can not be the middle of suly, about -hat time. D given -o that every their card ready t door when the time Rev C. K. Lip; Chica,;o Theoiovic« now missionary -cled preaca (D. V.) at 5 church next Sunda a.m. Mr. Lippard in St.John’s Cloth Statesville at 4 p. A hearty invitairon alltoatiend these Lippard willuot vis again vefore suiling low levorers in Ja Hon. W. D. Tur candidate for Licut¢ spent last Sunday z again Monday for to resume his canv Mr. Turner report condicions are gor been. He says thal Waiser and Adam crowcs are muc Turncr will be back by the 5th of July point-acnats which v another colu:un. The {o!!owing ire correspordence ‘4 Nev's will be of int ville peopie. *‘itev. pastor of the Meth Bessemer City, occul der’s pulpit -yeste masterly defence 0) text being: “Secure for in them ye thia life, cad they are ofme. But ye will me that ye might Rowe is a young m ability aud the ch some’ bing from hig mr, H. E. C. bry On our native bi about wr. R. B. far there is but ond on the subject in th is Mr, R, B. ucla Ville, who enjeys tt 4S a pastime. He reliabie and able 2: of our native birds. Collec*1on of eggs Scriptiou of the bi Oftea he is called Ger by men who w habits, west ane Study. a ee ; | a ES 7 a : f J “i . e % oz - —— SASS . — oman ee LL AL —— } - oT mone mts —_—— caer a a eran LG ‘ ~ es ! : j as ae 7 eg x ~ : ‘Messrs. Armfield, Stevenson and ] Vi ASCOT PERSONALS. | Again Statesville Wins. Tne League Series Begia.—Statesville No Longer the Burnt Corner a Watts Speak at Mooresville. ; : | fee ee a Well Pleased With her Team Yesterday afternoon. Messrs. N. | prom our Regular Correspondent, f a . | eS EE a : | After winaing two outofthethree| ,, avue se-B. wilisand J am. Patterson let the z s a eT | Mr. Holland Thompson is athome|games in Charlotte, Statesville Toe first game of the Ae - MLS 6 ne idigw a the | Messrs. A. D. Watts. C H. Arm- 4 a . LOCAL. it | eg = 3 - aved bere av, con at, pir Dui x, i ~ To =. fice two wu | from Concord. jtransferred the battle to home cS ia _piased ee Mg pete, me pecans ena Charice Lester, Held and Dr. 5. W. Stevenson spoke Wholesale and Retail. ‘ ee | . : . : k i Jurham Altbougso e say, 2 : ne " oe e i = st Monday in each | Mr. C. A. Moser, of Hickory, was} xrounds, and Thursday one of tbe aimee 2 x very propitious, the! of Catawba. The contract price is i. are Sear . es sug ael : ui t } = feos »d phar P yesS-1{j ae <qay sw nes } ever s Ja> OU < . es ; : _ > ow 1a5 . e . 3 - te You 1 ee om ee They pacer eee St naeaiens Sees cranks trusted themselves to the not known, : at ieee bee in Academy Hall. We waui to call your attention to the fact that - a y- ou wil) ‘ re Of itt - Ad ’ ; >: ne! aes save 2 LS Necnne teeta capcom et | Pom P Racopall < -entured out. ur. Mills’ building will extend from ; Se ee male eilad Sei ata ge we bave put ina . Presttodosy his evenine. Mr. W re Phifer left yesterday | pitched for Statesville and McMac«- os ot sancpeae ee ae as large ‘the aeons ofStimson& Anderson | Mr. Watts showed Be ¢ — os we have p er pr ; \¢ Sc 1siness tri aeaiiice re * in bh 1@ CTOW 725 Lica > se — = ie | isiPali- , = manner, Py... 4 pied cen of | 9n a snort business trip, : In, eee s brother, was In the . SA an ee re 5 3 he ae and will contain three] Pee eS not distran FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF 3 = 3 i see ‘ a oe SL: 5 ; s \g « : ‘ : ichise any te : material use \ . BR. Howard, of | Mrs. W: R. McLelland came home os or Cc ee hea oe It wasafast svappy game. Lu- store rooms, two opening on Center Me AvesGeld showed the great a - : aay re } from Mooresville, Mond Quite a large crowd saw the game,| oo o ioe iecaneayiae _ anal sires! d Broad: sa) Pat-| ld s x .3 voship, bas tever. caer ee varitbanlan: one of mehen cromes (oe Se ee ae and | street ss oak es a se the site ,Canger to zood government of any) g maa eens alinccanc neal anes : : SS] share were several close decis- i terson’s building well be On tne sive} , he ; pe ant ne-{ . a er Sal ¢ urs. C. E. Millis will) .4!%- Horace Flowers, of Taylors-|in Charlotte. Only two hits were while there were sever ak se d tlof his building that was burned ; country wherever the ignorant ne r i Sane that she is improv- | ville, was in the city Monday made off of Kenna. McMackin was | 1095: 79!C) Wer CSR Orica aos a : puild- | 8re vote decided the election of offi ' sz w that sne { - - mcs Shia song ie Aa < : al- |} netwee > > ap - ons : | ae : <8 or 5 4 <a car load of Le isvery much oet-| Miss Bettie W -./touched for ten but they were so Statesville, it was the opinion of al- | between tbe Mills and Cooper DUNC | Cars, and gave as an illustration the | For Men, Boys and Youths. z Sanaa ea we isvery m t-| Miss Bettie Wren, of Salsbury, is eas 50 | most everybody that the umpiring | ings. It will only contain one store): ho: of Columbia and the island aan ‘ ss mec wus last week. \visiting Mr. W. W. Foushee scattered that they did not do much |*”" : oh Vey ae | This ‘tically replaces the | “72 Cee ee Cares We propose to seli this Clothing at 3 very small margin #) Respect frtly cee y Seema damave Statesville her first time was ali that could be . expected. oroe is practically rey “ed b ~ {of Hayti. Dr. Stevenson answered | { RPT rat i iS c i WHITE & You. . cvaves, well known in| Miss Louise Caldwell is at home| at the bat, made two runs, Lam | Burns, tbe Durham pitcher, was | buildings et were Se will the objection to the amendment. | eee - .. 4 basebal ate aan Sheer ee < y of 2 puzzler for States- | tre severa years ago. ics Sen : 2 —noral | ‘ “a ao ~ el Se i 5; pointed, a ae ayes Wee ene beth in this inning knocking a three “ile t ao es < hits beiag made | begin on the putldings as soon the That it would be a great moras Tt costs us nothing extra to carry clothing ' ppointed by Congress-} ye. asane W : Sil inacer biCuaclotieiwmac nonmbia te | mtn ee ace nas at | wrong todeprive the negro of the} the same room the same salesman etc. = 2 : . Pe tchin, a West Point}, iss Mary Weatherly, of Greens- Seana aN runs | OF of bina, while he struck outsome of | material can be gotten. ballot after it. had been. conferred | i +. boro, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Coe. ay ee athe Z oer shania » {our best batters. Kenna as usual | Tecioone Cat ea to Open July | Upon him.” by showing that it was We are prepared lo sace you 4 ™ +s ~ rere ee a Sst f at ate tee PO NN aaa otger » «.)/Xhe County Campaign to Open « ra : ys , ; =< Seer - iwell jeft this week Mr. C. H. Smith, of the Shuford| when ‘Uncle Cy” crossed the plate was in fine shape and peers hin : tothe |2 moral wrong that the Skt had | money it this line. MAWES : D Pie ie evel coe - er mane oe : b> wame Lambert helc¢ him | Fe enc Rens i “ited | - ‘ i : ruy Co., of Hickory, w Signi eee aye rora | perb fame. amo se e } been conferred upon him and cite . _ ips : ; z campaign for | the ee - eae no een ie for Statesville. ee oe meciy. notwithstanding he hurt his| -\s will be seen in another column } a age seas are Peeclsi and other} When you wanta suit, don't fail to see us before buying. We have the - + His speeches wilkbej ee made and the final score stood) oii, the eurly part7of the game, | the county campaign will open OD) et ucat Republicans that the ne- goods you want and at prices to suit your purse. : ae | os | middle part of the State} Miss Nina McKey,of Mooresville, Statesville 3, Charlutte). Both Durham and “Statesville |July loth. at Elm wood. The Repub-|* * es. ae was not entitled to Come and be convinced. Truly. : | < o doubt but that they [is in town, the guestof Miss Mary] The star play of the game was by) oot out inone, two, three. order|licars and Populists have not yet \The balict and argued that it could ° g a -otes tor the amend-| White, Mangum, Statesvilie s cracs short until the fourth inning. when Ben- nowinated their tickets, but their | oot Fein eee to take away | FEF A S h rill && Co Miss Estelle Cli : Lee. After falling come wo | net got to first. stole secoud and carlidates have been invited to at- from him that which he had no mor- - - er - t ; 4 z _ Miss Estelle Clinard, of Hickory, | picking up a ball,he tielded ittotirst| V9 oa scored on Cumming’s fly | tend these meetings, where an equal) oy eons to enjov zg f Miss Isabelle Law- es visitiug her cousin, Mrs. A. L.}oase and put out hisman. Only one to Carr. Lambert went to base on{Givision of time will be granted, a. ee . Sees Saag F ia bip, will be sor- | Coble. error was made by Statesville —this | 7°". Senge te : and itis expected that they will at- nere Has - : =a - Sha uy ee - < peters vhs ser 3s S| ails. stole second, and came in on|and itis expecte that they < ‘ently that the wheat crop is scri- : that she 1s very le yy me a Ree “ , nnony ¢ ; t *g sey nee ot Z < 2 a cently tha 1e e p > — | sear Severus ae _ Miss Loulie Ives, of Newbern, is by Seances one it did not cost ws) (a ves’ wild throw to third. Injtend. ously injured. 8 = | é eae aoe. ony {im the city. She is the guest of Mrs. Se knhige the 6th and 7th innings Kenna Sa Mooresville, N. C., Jane 26th. ia c .neice of Mrs. Emmaly Foarrii The cranks were expecting a great} : tern ole SUNT uoore: 2 Ne Res -? RS | oy Harriil. a 2 . | pulled the team out of two bad noles Death of Mrs. Stevenson. = i a | % Rt SOS Mince , tiie on Friday as Lattimore arriv- |i nacnificent pitching.In the sixth ee ge Aoeinot atock Cut Items. 8 : ’ - ace mobos ander 2 ed to pitch for Charlotte, bat the Brockwell vot his base on balls and ee tea ne o a ~orrespondence of Tr MascorT ; nants of Statesville have Helper, ol Davidseen College, were in| weather man was against Us. ee went to first on bunt, Brock- the late J. Harvey Stevenson, Baad | Commenponeence , ee 4 a 4heae pee pe ae town this week. Mr. Lucian Smith, of Guilford|~"", ee eed z os attempting to | Ster couse ol Mr, C.E. stevenson,| The rainy seasoa 1s on and general fot Furniture,Garpets, Matting and Rugs begins to-day and will last 4: a Pe ae EnGs a eee Miss Clendenin, of Graham, is in College, who umpired ail the games yee geen pent asced ball. byt Statesville, died at her home near! vyeen is trying to take the crops | he ist. of August all pieces we offer for in our clearauce sale are the ate ndalltake a day off} | uss = denin, 7 am, is iD liast week, has been secured by come nen Cee a ont brio church, yesterday after-!$ut one farmer can't laugh at au-| ond elegant shapes, and such high values tor so little money wili make 2 * sehen tle ‘ an excur- ae city ue ner cousin, cOn, . : ‘ es .e WAS ue , . ~ “. : 4 rovable that an excur nae one TD ae 2 ee Statesville and Charlotte to umpire Lambert, be re = = sat an ry | OOH. MES. Stevenson was about! other, for all are in the same row.) pusy month for July. ; : rao: tori Charlotte sone ye een all the league games in which these Kenna ee eS ee See se seventy-five years old. She had} Wheat is all harvested aad is very = 2 TY yu , " vy _ . ° + = 5 — . Noy ye ayn Seg Ve PS rE = = = = = ae ee our team play twol Mr. J. Wiley Shook, of open let-}two teams wi » interested. Card and Graves. in the seven’ |noen sick for some time and her|eood. Oat harvest is just coming 2 two teams V c eres , ‘ ‘ -ed j > Ss } Charlotte. ter fame, was with the Statesville —_—- >. Soe a se x ace oae death was the result of old age and |jn. eastea " 5 +17 ety. ow yoliticians thi eek veseue= ing Spiritual » ~rs. tothirdon Yancey 5 crror. ? Slhoart rouble. The interm t takes i. ere commie 7. - hei i ao ae ES : , .. Mills, 01 Dav 14S0n LONE DS Oa this week. save Soe ee ao Sans ee 5 out on strikes. Wilkins hit by ball eee aa nee De Sea y atl. Messts © eee fe eee 22.50 Oak Beds, goes at 1.69. 3. ov) Dressers at sO ey mC spec] Mrs. Jones and daughter, Miss} Rev. A. A. Littie, who has been) went to first, and stole second. Ken- {44 Rae Rev Ww. ¢ Brown See So aa _— Set we hope, | 2-49 Oak Beds, xoes at 1.99." 4 <5 Dressers at me vat this week, They have} Morvin, of Sparta, are in town, the leailed by the Presbyterian congte-|na then by fine work struck out Res es as : a L = oa are ree 325 Oak beds, goes at 2.50. , 6.50 Dressers at = ' rPaAin + 1 mesh . weyy \ . a ane ce . eas . uo ral. » satis ~ . . a = Steed ae pri i } < grains to the mesh. } guests of Mrs. Will Crowe. | zation, preached two very strong | \janeum and Blankenship. cane eee Ee esis to the satis eS a Ment ches. | 3-49 Oak beds. goes at 2.75. | 7.00 Dressers at i Wohi pores the mere CuOt tg H. C. Cowles, H. C. |Setmons last Sunday. The sermon Inthe eighth inning Statesville] , \S~. rq. of Concord township. ny oye Cae Scone veboen « : ection. if it is t ALCoS?s. . - Cowles, . a ce . peel ear ce fy nearer : = on A. Stone, tsa... of Concore ynsbip. Mr. ark has me = a oe ‘i , 3 his sec tion, if it is not Camis Tp aa i. Raymer got | Sunday morning was from Proverbs | made her thirdand last rup. Ben- She a an eine eee = sae eter as s Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Hall Racks, oa Lounges, i the wet wearvober. NAS ante eae oe > a ai Pease 18, 10, oe = ae Vilkips’ er- pee ood * : ? nic 3S . a ena me . nt rc evervthing at reduced prices. 4 % . _{in last week from Philadelphia. | “fPhe sermon was a very thoughtful nett went to first on Wilkins” et-| 4004 Christian woman and had the! Qren, little sou of Mr, J. T. Eudy, Carpets. matting and rugs,everything t cay Courtney Oates, of i Go Ea cues es ; he Se avery 2 g tt nor: Lambert hit to left ae ane esteem of all who knew her. has been confined to bis bed with i ne = issisted DY Misses Fowl- ee r. UO. V. Henkel, wao ls spenu-, one, ca cu ated to _ ao muc 800! | 3annett went to second. sambert Pee i ane nearer Pace rnee es . > three weeks. x SCHILI abu | lelays, loss 4 an and Mr. H. G.|tag the eS at zens and Blow- jand fully sustained Mr. Little’s rep-| out on forced ran, while Bennett) pne County Campaign. ear = eres Cleveland, N « 9 ' a ia . Panl= tae wr 7” te wa . eaten ieee 6 -ery ¢ } 4 ye - > z aan Pe oar - al. 25 en. | 2 2 will vive a recital in the | 28 Rock, was in town this wees. ,utation as aman of power and a pul-| went to third and scored on*Wenna s ; cee a at carpets -) ee a B : price tosbe 5 . a eveniney The Mrs. Eugene Morrison and chil pit orator. The sermon Sunday Soe Fox a on Graves’ catch lof fhe Demoératic candidates for the Re es = eae pene Furniture, Carpets and Matting Lull mop. Mrs. Eugene Morrison anu Cott’. ee , apeanern oe eer yn See lacisic re 4 t X , icesic *h last Sun ‘ 34. “i +a under the auspices of! dren left Monday morning for Davis night was on Zaccheus aud the | rout. Yancey out on strikes. In]: isiature and the county oflices chure a ast uy ay. ae S| ew Cooper Islock. 4 : Weston Sociot eRe Dis nae aC Sy eC rer } | preacher took for his subject the j+he ninth Durham made their only |™ ‘| address the people on the issues | of the church are requested to mee / for Mission Clery. Sulphur Springs to spe some! ne = * ~~ } Lpe Hint urhar made © 3 SL a msn mre Tae = : . ke i 7 net fp ~ ? oe ore a fyreed of gold. The congregation | yy» Gurps out on ball to Fox, {0 the camparsn 2t the following there next Sunday to call eee g a 2 D, Wiison, ol __vbapel | ais i ;were very much pleased with the! witkins out on fly to Kenna. Man- oss places, speaking to begin i ms Pe SIO eS ee oie nce » i s the city. 24K AN ison iS} vr. and urs. J. W. Gray are home | efforts. leum went to first on John Fox’s}#'-° aoc Jame eS arenes Se oceans nterest ot the W 500 | from Philadelphia, where they at-| Rev. M. A. Sm.th conducted ser-| Error, Blankenship get two base} , Kha wood, ae Cae owh- piano for pale paces and pa : ~ BS ¢ Gurnt ae S = Me jtended the National Republican | vices Sunday ae at e aac ‘hit to Jeft and Mangum — scored. ee eS township “RR aud H. R. COWLES. + 5 ntown last Week. AMT.) eonvention ‘odist church but called in the night | 73) Sates rant third on wild es a5 » ee 5 s 9 SO Se — eee . ss . } OE A econ ca PCOGiNOe ' st. Y t 1 : | Blankership went to thir I cpa rmeg TE en : 7 Li . a omey to.determine. Where the evils of spend- } et reatiuated at ete one. E tty 1 Neoccrs. Charles Brawley. Her-| Ponies Soe ee as Ce i pitch, and Brockweli out on fly to] W ea alate ee A Very Valuable Farm for Sale | just where Saino) ees a uearn At is) no) wonder : e ewiuning? the id fall cF= f a = cS eae re = ae ae { vation to vo to hear Mr. sittle. He} Maneuin : oO res Lie, an x = wv ing mon v egin and 2 c re ae . : = mn ; pbene Rowe ene so = % NCS ae ted ther he thought the proper! One of the pretty piays of the{ship, 7 hursday, July 12th. ee OFFER FOX SALE MY VALUABLE farm, many pocketbooks look as if an elephant had trampled upon them. ton, were in town #Moncay toa see thes eae Ae % H i ans nee co saree Preawley’s we Yavids lying party within the corporate limits of zs + smcas is jn its yne ot knowing. | resbvterial committee ap-| bal} ee |thingto do was to welcome the! came was the double play of Mur- aaa ley oe Tak AVIGSOD | 15 pe containing 200 ecres amore. or leat, Oué of the causes is in its owner no g A . . ny BIS nar sneak inew pas 1 own witt argent Maneveum and Cur ners j he |townsmip, & ay, AY doth, >o acres Of fine bottom, 100acres in cultivation, ; t distieguls ne ago to look into] yo pg Barber, of the firm of| new pastor to.our town v ith a large jdby, Mangum and Cummings in the | Penne 5 ici ane eta 20 acres of fine bottom. icoacres im cult raion. WHERE TO BUY, honest ser: vitv of establishing a cre " a Car _ se St Wa i congregation. ais ‘fourth inning. Card was on Bt aes Lith 3 >| old field pine. Three fair houses and one Rood / a arg _— i cania 2arver Bie arson, ¢ ey wna Dr. A. T. Robertson, of the Dap-} pace. Graves forced “ard to second | P&vlFGay, 2 ‘ . bart, areonthe land, Forty acres lie in the |. : a es a i eT acy 7 he em stectal lea e forthe colored people, | oo. in town yesterday, va business | ¢; oo : re gee ae Lo’ “a (Resear rennin S ard to second |" Bryantsville, Sharpesburg town- | town of Mooresvilicand the balance just ouside. Good judgment is displayed where people Look coe ir. on nistyvle « week. Ehe ont Of town [oo . es & < ; tist Theological Seminary, at 40OUIS-!on ball to Murphy apa Card was nee naa TalalGun A fine granite quarry is located on the land, Lord helps those who help themselves. Itisa standing invitation j vais . were r. Wharev }ior mis firm. ville. Ky, preached avery able ser-| .,, utat second andGraves thrown ship, monGay, daly oth r which will be reserved. Possession given as soon 3 ‘ sence es se nocd our stock and. see the values we are ent were Dr. Wharey, |), Marv Pavne and Miss Sallie! pay eae ronoreeati PO eee Evalin. New Hope township. |cropsare gathered, For price and terms write of ours to everybody ty inspect our Stocn Alb : coe j try, Raimsey, of heo-| Mrs. Mary Payne and Miss Sallie, mon to the Baptist congregation: out at first. ee ies to R.H.MCNEELY. _ offerine before they spend their money. it'may be refreshing to re ‘Arrowood, of| Brent, of Greensboro. are expected | Jast Sunday morning. The Baptist} s ol Tuesday, July Leth, : — ten ae : mention wl. - . “ a ne wad ’ . ae ~ ' _ + , wig: "ESD "os ee aa > 3? re i ter re=-S, A. I FRANCE, 2 i today. They will visit Mrs. C. H.; brethren are always delighted to} TUESDAY 3 GAM Je nnings : store. uUnlon (rove eference- 5. RECA ec : ‘ ey Armtield. ‘hear Dr. Robertson, and never let; The tables were turned on Tues- township, pee ea July ie sy See renner tern SOME OF THE LINES WEC ARRY IN STOCK. os v.41 3 ‘+ foree neha . 1 : e . } Sn a en = , *s ” lac - - Fetes SONS torget tO! Avr John Watker, of Charlotte, | him vo back to his work until he has! gay. Durham won the game by the ees reese ly 19th. SPECIAL TAXES Comoe and See Many Not Named Here. “ , the time the spe@k-) va. in thecity Sunday. Mr. Waik- delivered to (hem some strong mes-| score of 6 tol. The umpire changed | Mills township, thursday, July ts th. | ° - # ; : ; mendment will be Ee was bere to visit ris college mate. {save from the Father. his leaning, and played bali with] | Harmony, Turnersburg tow nship, AWYEES, physiciass, dentists, bicye! Dress Goods, Millinery. Clothing, Hats, Shoes. 1 ant Goods, oes »riicee Shir vorheed. The appomt- Dr, F. W. Phifer S Mr. R. V. Miller, of Sardis, Meck-| Durham. Melone was-in the box for i TiGSY, July 20th, : é pSimamber Gcalens prozeicions of bert tics, Piaids, Chev iots. Percales, Calicoes, Drape ries, Curtains, : 2 see ont : . eve ’ Cees . a . - . me 2 = “ s on 2 ay }4 g thers liable to sy l taxes t me oe, 4 . IT ae “3,3 . -eralls se 3 - found in this paper. Be- harden sa : ent lenburg county, a son of Rev. R. G. | Statesville, while Dolph Mangum] Ulhn, Olin township, Saturday, that they should taxe out their licenses at once, Paper, Notions, Hosiery. Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Suspender, -cfrom} Frot. J. A. Matheson, Superin-|))..) °° 3 6 | ; se July 21st asthey render themselves Hable to indictment per, . ‘ollars, Cutis, Ties, Laces, Embroideries, ruer of speechers from) | ~“ © the Durham vraded | Miller, and now a student at the iwirled the bali for Durham. Both j/Uy -'s%, : a ie eh ee nt Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cufis, Ties, Laces, ee . t speakers from OD ie ae from Taylors- | Alleghany Theological Seminary, in! pitched Jvery good games. but are Statesville, eS Mains J. 11. WYCOEP, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeries, Hard aoe y, will have ap- Saat rae ee neers YiOFS" | Dennsylvania. preached at the As |not in the class of pitchers that | Monday, July 23rd. eee June 19, 1900. Sheriff. Inks, Envelopes, Pencils, China, Crockery, Lamps, She tk ar man, - from time to time. ville % = Se OF = c = jsociate Reformed church last Sun- | Kenna and Burns belong to. P. R, Houpe’s, Cool Spring town- ~ 2 = Shoe Findings, Tin ware, Glassware, Toys. W agons, daske ae / kt wall 02 only ion appointed by}. Mr. Burgin E. Sherrill, of Cataw- | Gay tnorning. The sermon was en-| Card went up first for tbe visitors ship, Tuesday, July 24th, b Land Sale. Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Towels, Mirrors, ae ou misstoan J Neves e ‘o ee rac dav Bee - j e rime = iis ° _ ~ : oe . 5 . . an ~ Sc hater Ellonemsicel shoe ene _yesterdas oot his | joyed very much by the congrega- | and reached Ist on a hit to left field. es i. a et eee PY METH of decree: of Iredell, Superior Valises, Telescopes, Jewelry and a eG FIT ¥A FS eae ence church in} oY to Chiton Forge, Va. Where ison Ar night. the pastor, Rev. J.' Graves out at ist on Dail to Fox. | tow nship, Wednesday, wk eee Court made in the special proceeding enti- at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. : a f the way be clear, met he witli engage in mercantile busi-|17 pyessiy, began a series Of seT-| LeGrand went to Ist on Mangumt's Sco Concord township, Thurs: | led ae Set you buy. ° ie aud alter carefplancest=| 2 __ tnoas on the Prodigal Sou. The one! error. Card scored on Burns” hit. (day, July 26th. : ceenship. (een ommoner of said court, will at the &% WM S road * ented beta oe Brawley, of Shilob] preached last Sunday night was on! Wilkins struck out. LeGrand and| Bradford s store, Shiloh township, | court house door in Eaten C., om e m ded } t uit - an — 7 - “. ‘ ‘ Si aie a c aw eel ees . =m : : > ar ‘ : a papbiye nes ‘tion ene fSwnship, returned Saturday from} The Far Country. ! Burns scored on Malone's wild pitch. | * Sane ee, he Republi Uat eee ‘the lighes: Bi08cx a y tHe PiviON ie Ve + a i 7 - a “ - 1 = = at ao af > > ~~ sella or ) ch . ot . = imiler petition is | Gastonia ana Newton, where =S ee Our team made nothing eas Pe ee os Se eaiaG valuable tract of nd On oe Chambersburg . Nee - erin eee } : = 3s sever: + S Soa ae » struck oi anc oO Ss sare y ship, i ede! nty. N.C,, known as the 5; r. Jes : iishoe : s, and spent severa : iInt Dee o Kenna struck out. | a ‘ township, in Jrede!! county. N.C. 0 . ore the Yadkin Presby- visited ene M 2, | Dance at the Armory. oe thee a hi Sees eee, {attend these appointments and an | Finkney Plyler land. coutaiming tom ants : pe EEO ; days in town with herson, Mir. iy Sree nieaec Fox weat to Ist on hit to centre. <3 ee De more of less. Terms of sale, 14 (one-half) cash i 3 Pome ees ao _ 1 V2 Brawley, and daughter, Mrs. ah On last Thursday night, a ance yi Jngum walked, and Fox scored on equal division of time will be grant-} on day of sale and skooe hak aya Pien se TOWELS. + , SILKS. : . » Durham games were} p Fry. | was piven at the Armory by some ‘Malone's hit. Murphy out on fiy te ed. Joint discussions by the candi- ee Seema fom day-of oale | 2 Sees ie eet Bice eae 3 SILKS. 3 management has heard Pee gem lof Statesville’s youpg men compli) (ye = Mangum out at home. No dates of all parties have been the Title reamed ui all the purchase money is] 9 TOWELS. « > SILKS S.Jisbury team requesting Geu. Ramsom to Speak at Moores-; mentary to Miss Maude Phifer, of Ss ee were made by Statesville. rule in Iredell county, and the Dem- paste ne, 5 B, CONNELLY. ® TOWELS . pipe CORE O Noe Cea oe | Morganton. Quite a number of\ 7) ine 6th inaing Durham made her ocratic party desires them this year. Sannannard OO ing unforeseen happens We) 4. ome time tue Democratic | YOUNS people were out and ali re) (ice three ruus. Brockwell was Let all the peeple turn out and} _—- Se sar tn : ' adios Shirt i iat op ee leapt Peewee or some t of ate aes -hado verv VSS ees oe ; } ha ic =i dice “<< r Ladies Si: ythem. Sansoury ae Committee of Mooresville have been | Port that they had a yery pleasant | os on ball to Fox. Carr went to] hear the issues discussed. oe Re-Sale of Land a ° ee ia and will very probably in correspondence with Gen. Matt. jtime indeed The light fantastic | +4 on bit tojett field. Card walked. J. A. HarTNEss, ome ) Bevinning Wednesday, June 33th and continuing for Ten ication to join the leash®. W. Ransom, with the view of getting was tripped until quite a fate hour, {Gone Card and Graves scored on}, Chm’n Dem. Ex. Com ¥ VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Cott] 2 nave we wil] place on sale a large line ‘ body ¢o out and see BHC Nes Oey ee igean ee ing (or perhaps early would be better. | 4° sys) aided by errors of States- Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. > of Irede! county made at May term. 1990, : ays we sige 2 him to speak some tune during i The Charlotte baseball team was ai Graves’ hit aided vy er LOLS 2 ie = prego of said court in the case of J.T. oe adminis: ) iis ne accented tl ae aric > Dasedba - . ey TeGrand + on ty to henna. oN a trator of J. ¥. Cavin, against M, J. Cayin anc ) : the campaign. He has accepted the | °*~ st eee nn cates ville. LeGrand out on ly tc Bae | Spex ;. oe Se cae OC ames . : 4 : Swiss, Org: «Smith 35 opposed tof nes os atl apeak (onl Guede Comm aud she menimere Snsiie® 10) Barusmades) cure= Cece bit WE Deter marie ethic Sn Ree er a neeneasead LINEN TOWELS an 4 ny other vith paid teams and does- | acdav. Jaly 25th. This fact was | 02 Pa ae | kins out to Murphy No more runs Dr. 5. W. Stevenson and Mr A. ville, N.C., on face ; - SII K WA Ist PATTERNS 3 eto say so. In his ser-] anounced at the Great Rally day | 3" and Mrs.S. by. § ars: pt Ach | were made on either side. D. Watts, Democratic candidates for SATURDAY, JULY 63TH, 1900, é ‘ a : ‘ + Sunday morning he preach- = Sglisburs last. Tuesday and was ;M CS. tb. Ls Long. and Mrs, TL Ashi “phe game was not as fast as on the House, will speaix at the follow- re-sell at. public auction to ee highest bidder ne Se os 3 nildren, ! text “Turn away my eyes Saupe a ae See poems \ acted the part of chaperones. Monday. but still it was good. Some jing places at 8:30 o'clock at night: township, is) Iredel! county, N.C., known as the » atand below cost to manufacture. . one SAGA 4 % \dine vanity.” He con- Beer eg eera id The following couples took partly boing was done” by both L.ingle’s schoo! house, Chambers- | J. ¥. Cavin home place’ adjoining the lands of ? your life to secure bargains 10 these lines. ome ‘ i will sell o yiding vanity. Ne it will be a treat to teat the ol hedancing: Mr A. P. Ste te | DYEtYY erly s a ees “ : = shiv. Tuesday, July 10th john Cavin, Junn Young and others, containing yi : see our offerings. . 4 3 _ aseball as carried on here a) Geral once more, and Tredell peo- | 2, the dancing: Mr. A. Fe Owele | Sides. Turner made the play of the} ourg township. uesday, July 10th. 25 acres moreer less. said Jands will be sold © ‘ ~4 (eer Te fact, as it de- er S Sy : 2 5 . * here with Miss Maude Phifer, ol Morgan- cwame. ceatcbinva tly while he was Simpson s school house, Barrin- subject to the dower of M. }- Cavin, widow of Se a ge anevilin fact, a yle should make a point to be there sets . ; (game, catcoingga f) . + '¥. Cavin, Yermsot sale one-half casn on RAMSEY ness, encourages gamb- aes hi i fie averybody go ton; Mr. R. L, Leinster with Miss falling Carr played a pretty game ger township. W ednesday ,July 11th. Gay of sale, and one-halt payable six months een ? ae gee ee eireeS = hear oe aa sa tas South Nel! Cowles; Mr. Charles Cowles on eee ue an) Long’s school house, Dayidson trom day of sale, with note und approved secu- TOMLIN & BOWLES. ( sa waste Of Trove: and make ita great Gay it pot ie cee ttie Culdwel!: Mr. W.j* : Tee -dav » rity with iuterest trom date of sale, Title re- a ' = | with Miss Lottie Caldweit, sir. W. aaNet - atieial «core: | township. Thursday, July 12th. a fe eeeets syiderpoid i ‘i =e +) 1 mer oe ha State redelL 9 . * - yy or L : sial score: silt ie J tuiged till all the purchase money Is paid, eae a ee 22 St serv year this 3d caper of the Se lredel. P. Tunstall with Miss Mary Oates The following is the eee core Brown's school house, Fallstown = eae SMT RAG a pir + gadies Oxior > 523, Rovai Arcanum, woich —_—->-——— Caldwell; Mr. i. L. Bell with ) iss : _ te He S| cenship, Friday, July 13th This June r4ths tov. o ss - ; . ¢ a : : eXvet Toney eae 4 - of ; ed tees oer “ gaan te. — g 2 tiownship, rriday, uly ioth. Conneiy, Ay, . our line beiure he celebrated last Friday] A Rally on the 28th Day of July. Mayes Eliason; Jfr. J. W. Cope- sistessnc) RAM ee - 12 2 Bethlehem school house, Shiloh ea rt : ‘ was postponed on aco On Saturday, July 28th, ee &. jand with Miss Mary Poston; Mr. Durham =} on wee ~ ~ |rownsh'p, Saturday, July 14th. ——_—_—__-—— a iy weather. As some Of LBC} yy Simmons, Democré tic State chatr- | will Bri vith Miss > Car'- ne ntti wh New are on |: cathe ass Be ae M.Simmons, Demo “atic ar Will Bristol w th Miss lary ae ox and Cummings stop Ranaway Prospect church, New Hope town Trustee’s Sale of Land. a _ ’ ‘ rs can not be. sete SOO e an man, and Hon Theo. fF Kluttz, our | ton: Mr. C.C. Phillips with Miss et : ship, Monday, July 16th. a m_ Sa & Co. cle of guly, it will come OT) ember of Congress, will speak io| Katie Reid Carlton: Mr. Ross Me- a s ._| Eupeptie Springs, Olin town-) py vi TUE ot a deed of trust executed fo Ate A M mmoth Stoek of goods s at time. Due notice will be} Craresville. This will practically | Elwee with Miss Kate Copeland Statesville baseball men can CO] ship, Tuesday, July 17th. ee ty een Cleumbers, “Burgess a 7 ae ms ee ay = ° : A ’ “ + , * : ane a} , F nieie ~ es lison 2: Wile, 2 eee - = pat phat every body may bave}Cioce the campaign in Iredell, aud|Stags: Messrs. E. B. Kenna. Cy} something else than play ball. They|” Williamsburg, Union Grove town- White and Joc Wilson, the undersigned will se'l } ja - ready to present 2ttne}Ghairman Hartuess proposes to} Cummings, T. 7. Ailison and J. M. {areas good as mounted police, evel | ship, Wednesday, July 18th. at public auction 101. st 12 o'clock, M402 when the time comes. : make it a “big day” for Iredell and | Ojdham. better. Tuesday a oue horse meen Settle, Eagle Mills township, {© MIONDAK, JULY 26TH, 1900, : . CuK, Lippard, tate of the Democracy. | There will be ee erates decided— at least the horse ao aac Thursday, July 19th. ‘ the foliowing lots of aaa jying and ones = x 5 a Be zo Theological Seminary, aud} back procession anc i is hoped that | rne Teachers Assembly. take a spin up Center si eet towares) RiverHill, Turnersburg township, | satewille wn hed as follows: meer : ‘ ¢ reissionary-elect to Japan, will} all former processions Witt be ex- eee icommOce: the square. “Uncle Cy Cummings. | priday, July 20tb. cxcribed aud defined ay £000, ranning South |W 4 won iD. Vip at St. Martia s E. L.}eetied. Harry P. Grier, Esq., has b ad last week report. the assembly who Was in froat of the hotel gave Allison’s school house, Olin town- 19? Hast 100 fe ee ni oaen i sein Shi if W: ; ‘ot next Sunday, July Ist, at ie been appointed chief marshal and Ee cece cai oe The at. | chase and caught the horse before it ship, Saturday, July 21st. ae ee gbea south 80" West 300 || Nothing Old or e€ orn. ; i nerd will also preach | will appoint his assistants trom each ms mi . oN ere had nchance to run far. Fancy Hill, Concord township, | tcet to the beginning corner. This being the } . a Mr. Lippard will aso } ee twill appoint 4 3 endance was lareer than for several | B8¢ ae ce : : ancy See SO Dy | eee erty of Said Ben Boyd and wife, and for |B! : m= Jonns (Lutheran) church in {yowauship. Every Democrat in the ants : ast with the possible ex- Yesterday the team ot Mr. Mart Monday, July 23rd. De ee geri pGon see deed from Mary C._ Bell | closing ou a e ; ville at 4p. m.the same day. |county should attend and join Mm ne cotton of last year. The program | Myers was Standing in the back lot)” Chestnut Grove school house, Cool | registered in Book te oe ne i 111@ al ‘ — , : ° > ttt = = Sige mae ne = i je revis feeds © vo 0; ~ a. tv invitation is extended t0) procession nee interesting, the sailing fine and | behind the miller block. It became) Spring township, Tuesday,Julv 2ath. Tek Tact--Beginning on the W. N.C. Rail: (9) ae a freight that prompts e sotiend these services, as Mr. See the entertainment at the Atlantic | restless andchased itself outacross|" Trinity school house, Concord | road tense Suvi POIs Le thud poles [i To save cost Of eee aie eof is jue aed offered : SE nt aete ; > 2 « : y . 3 S . 2 a=. cas les to 4 > » thence . w icles y. z 2 y acd willuot visit these churches | pire At Elmyyoos. hotel, all that could be desired. The] the square aud down Center street }township, Wednesday, July 25th. | EARLS finaing, containing %4 acre, more or || this offer. Many axticlesic sm mee time to see = oetare sailing to join kis fel- r con about 12 2OTCl, etm ill ;.. did , , by the hotel. After it passed the Fairview Acadeny, Shiloh town- | less. Tite is tue property of said Wash Allison | and it will take otly a little ° y aia es . , oelore Ss 15 3 Last Thursday night abou ~{| managers, Scoville Bros.. did every |‘ : syne ceth ee dout of the . : OF and Wile and Usinsale is made subject to @ prior The ices | make is freight charges less j aoorers in Japan. stock. the saw mill of Messrs. |thing possible fer the comfort of | hotel, Jim Fox stepped ou ship, Thursday, July 26th. iortgage to the rst Building and Loan asso: |i | them. he pr 7 the same item—but to ; ate eT 5 pe neiel Cl ote € saw Eee ing poss % t+ cingla }door, took in the situation and start- Let the people turn out to these | ciation of statesville, N.C, For further, de- | than any merchant can buy the : i Jon. W. D. Turner, Democra iC} Chester & Steele was discovered 00 | theic teacher-guests. Not a single ee it. He outranthe team} johy x ; and hear th scription see deed of J, 5, Miller to Jane Allison, i this is a saving of packing and freight, to ; = ye ivate for Lieutenant, Goversor ifire. They worked antl Lo; Sano ne pacers coca nee Oo onde yantitin front of Mrs. Neely’s ee ee e a5 : Sates oon ses of the lands of Mary c.|: a oe oint. It is no force sale by an assignee . os = » loft . ~ : = ‘ >» U 3 wits. « x < $ dis ssed. 3 —Be a ' none : : “ - . oi “4 —— a He ee building, but their coors Seno oe er asec pen stopped the Sa J. A. HARTNESS Hall, known Se Ronee wae an business deal. 1 have agreed to give my » Mo ¥ * Hertiord county ],., 7] S end r stacked ik nouse. 3 as . ° - A. TT NESS. the Georgia public road on the _ end .2) Spe as : : i \ a Monday:for: = et Sheiicsetbe ac Sa ae: eo Se teams, simply on account of - their Chm’a. Dem. Co, Com. | sary Haii’s and, bounded by the lands of —~ store room to a-party on Sept, Ist. and { will aes rR yyw bis canvas in the east-| sound the building was saved. RNA aloe teams, simply on ac ee egdoe © i ; Mary Hails avGx oa the south by Arey, on root 10 ot T want to do so as economically a : reports that political |5~ not known what the exact loss |oe F speed, their faces had net as ~~ Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. Sx and north’ Dy: Mary Mall contarnivg at any a x at to blow in even 2 quarter: " wchare has }--- es . The ‘ acturine interests of}with it. as they were behinc e = - — about 5 actes more or less. “This last tract is the as 1 can. on’t Wa ? re good where he has! os: he but it is considerable, orob- The manufacturing With Wt, as a ~ > xK ey of suid Lawson Chambers and lies in a eae that he is following a0 or 3600 Workwill be pein Statesville are looking up. The}the teams, not iv front. Appointments For Hon. &. F. Kiattz. eee Se iip. orhis aalelds made yet 1 tell you that : Pec are ete Sa comer = yon <2 | a0ly wet eye aot taney additio isa lar } r mill. + - : - AS ~ | subic au piior mortgage to H. P. Grier and = + oar ‘i / ‘Ty. S b rand Adams, aod that bis on anew building at once, and it wil latest So ane Soa avcer -—- Hon. Theo. F. Klutz, our nee ee aaa eS, HARTNESS, YOU CAN SAVE MANY HALF DOLLAR els are much larger. -'T-1 be replaced as soon as possible. The ae °C Tevin Hees 2 splied for a} NewAdvy ertise ments ber of Congress. bee Ss a ri sd t This June 14th, 1900. Trustee. 2 you will take the pains to see what I bave. Genuine conc g will be back in oe county | fire originated froma spark If Is oe Aree a eee coe % R.and H. R. Cowles have following times andplacesin tredeihy ene er bargains is what I offer. All the goods 1 ere th. Sth of July and till some &p- thought. coarter tu ni e a , Na Ne nae — ° county: pmae 2 a a needed in every day affairs. ne bour : ers at : ila d toa capital of 250.000. They are the} piano for sale. Daolie. N.C. Monday. July 9th Staple, used an! ae ener fi ents which will be found in sss 2 &Stecle seem to be | e€¢ Capt Bee : piand ae : 4 Doohe, N.C, sicuuay, . ’ = ry Bran cre ; -tock will be interesting and profita oo a 1 ose ae “tluck just now.| principal stockholders, although) J, W. Hager, of Clio, wantsa good | .4 3 o'clock. NO WELL spent in seeing my stock will be interesting Pp 1 <x : ; trom the Gastonia eee “k they Jost a very tine horse | there are several other men interest-} second band cotton press. oe. Mooresville, N. C., Monday night, able. ‘ following re Gaasvonias Lass wees th . - ce hy. she > tow c : rot * ae : = : towne yo the Charlotte| valued at about $125 ed, who hold a smaller sbare of the] yw. A. Bentley, of Poor's Kroh,) yujy oth, at 8::30 o'clock. ) Stock of Shoes and Ho siery ree dence to the . aeete vaiued at = stock bas 1,000 acres of land in Shiloh Scott's, Tuesday, July 10th, at 3 \ Jy bs . e~ sone ates- —_—- a Stocs, oa . saa) : g ee f . a + , PRIC ES. rows W ed ae “ T Rowe, | A Young Man Dead, A site has been elected with the} township for sale. _ a. fovclock: e ul is especially attractive, as to merit, a almost eae =e le people. “sev. ees 5 ; * an es ee ee atclocls understanding, that it Is to betaken| J.C. Sullivan and Isabella Sulli- Bradford's Store, Tuesday night, “ one cad be suited. ,The price is strictly at manu “cof the Methodist church at) ‘Yuesday morning about 2 o'clock, |.) railroad will put in a side}yan, executors of J. J. Sullivan, willl yo. uth, 8:30 o'clock y ee 38.00 : Cie oceupied air. Detwil-! Carroll Steele, the son of Mr. NE ee yw econ tee oo icraa . oes i ee ia ers COSt. ith the Royal Worcester ee ssener City, occups : Fee eae + AN | ack. The mill will have a capaci-| oj] land of L. E. Grady Saturday,| the people Zshould all come out) FAMILY By special arrangements wit e Roy " 0 and Zoc ~- pulpit -vesterday. Fle made 2} Sreele, of Turnersburg township, AL ae Ay ae ie ain x reece oe a sis x 7 ll ow revious contract and offer ’ ao ler's pulpit “Yes"® ne Biole, hisaied az bis home. The young mac} ‘Y of 200 barrels of flour a day. } July 28th. : and hear our distinguished Con- at glong without a Corset folks, 1 can null our pre meg tadvks. xe Pang te sly defence of = Lule, es died at his home. ne soe a These gentlemen expect to have the moore & ucLean bave on hand a oressman. J. A-HARTNESS, Can get oe aaah the best of all corsets at Ist. cost. Every y ee ae 5c. piece. text Lemmed earch the scriptures, had been sick for about a peat ADC | Tnill in operation by the first of the} rull line of the Spanish Root Soap.|" Foy, V. Long. Sec. Chairman. clock. I have » 5 quested to see ‘f she can be suited. These Corsets g set and up ry them ye thiak ye have eternal his death was caused by that incur- year a purely vegetable compound. ss ones t90. up to date and the best. 3 os 7 eat oes Sly year, \ No ; ; - ’ eee sna hese Sane a eee ae wo ip _ N. Be atilis &Co., call attentio’ Be Mortgage Sale of Land. : A real nice clock : The early callers arc almost sure to box. y iat ye will not come unto My. Steele was we known 1 _ rg ;. line of linen and cotton mater- ; ame - A real nic 2 , cm saving eee, 2 » might have tife.” My.! atesville, as he spent some time | sc:urday Night Speukings. their line Oo = a Y VIRTUE of the powers contained in 4 rood time keeper tind what they want itha a ae A A arrearage tional Son ou é h tment — : : jais and dress good. mortgage deed executed by I. h. Brady = of 30 to 50 per cent. - oc. ‘awe ix a young man of exceptional | pere last year under the treatmes Tue following speakers will ad- ~ her < ‘es 2 midsum-|and wife to Harry Burke, Esq.. and by the suid for sself, but the two youns to $3.00. -- and the church may expect}of Dr. H. F. Long. He wasa young | 3. the people at the following = one eale of farniture car- | Burketransferred for walveto)- 2acuon 10 the > I can’t be here muck pee nd 3 will oy their . < ADL Sn orcs : ; 3 E ney, [ares - - slearance sale oO iY@, CAT | undersigned will sell at public d 2 om : an r. ‘hing from bim, man of fine eee ene places on Satur@ay night, July *th., pets, matting anes. inghest bidder for cash atthe court house door $ .5O. > men, Messrs. Saws opeaneil thank you to go ». ir. BH. E Bryant in an article | bright prospects for a sucess tat 8:30 o'clock: ; oe a rhea pain ean cE ; best to sno h shelves and op = PS r H, B.C. Bryantin an a 5 Sri eee ge ce aiienn ig at $:500¢ _ TURDAY, JULY 2TH. 1900, , x c k through the shelves 7 c. to F408 - sative birds, has this to say|jture. He bad many friends in the |""h.'s. W. Stevenson and J. A. Wm. M. Kobbins to Speak “nk ee thelotiewing described, tans bebind the counters, loo t fed something you want. 4 _ to $1.00. sie R. B. McLaughlin: ‘So; town and county who mourn with | Hartness, Esq., at Simpson's school ra ; tad Satomi to-wit: Beginning on a The Seth tables to see if you es ohard stock. I offer at 7 | Thread, ~ f ve ig but one Well-posted man | bis family over bsg death Hea | house, Barringer townsbip. Statesville people will be siad tO) Tone J. B Coruelins’ tine, thence Sout & se As previously stated I ne additional freight and cost of tore eS oon the State and that|2 grand son of the late W ilfred Tur- | "°ce nator James A. Butler and Zeb. |kaow that Ma}. Robbins has been } zrecs West Spoles ton Somes Coe thence worth | TN OMAS Clock, the prices I make to save addition TET have, as it c. yd and u) ae aEace aughlin of States-| ner, anda nephew of Hon. W. D. Vv. Long. Esq., at Brown's school | honored by an invitation from Gen. | Oretzrces West +183 poles to a stone, thence packing. Ido not enumerate * : $2.50. i. hes soys the study of birds | Turner and Mrs. James Willson. | nouse, Fallstown township. Albert D. Shaw, chief of the G. = South 2676 GeBTeSs Wirees West “> poles to a The kind your father and would make a list to tire you. tlufh o 20c. roll. eee "Helis considered a}. Bexss buried in the old family | W.G. Lewis and H. P. Grier} R., to deliver an address at Silver | Sone, thence Nogth 11 degrees East 59 poles to 2 crand father used to buy. June 29, 1900 Yours Respectiuly, = oe A able authority on mest | burying ground at Mt. Bethel, at 10! Esqs gt Oak Forest. ~ Lake Assembly, Wyoming county, | soncon the road, thence Nott NS TL thence 31.50. Come in, let me ‘ 1 : soe caakontee on most | burying ground at Mt Bethel 9¢ 1°] pa: Oak Forest. [eae Assembly. nt | me estes an ae 0 elan ve tive birds. Hees a fine} o'clock yesterday morning. His un | “Give these speakers good crowds |New York. Major Robbins tdi a eS degrees Fast ao) sell you a clock. J WW. Cop 6 Tae earod and canal gave aide-| Cle, Ree sass Welncom preached the ' 3 hear the amendment discussed. | vited as an ex Confederate Soldier | of the. Nor outaining 2% acres, | % ’ ——! won the birds that Yay them. }funeral. Ail deaths are sad, but it) J. A. Hartness, leo speak to northern soldiers. He more a cemee RICKE RT, EE a ; of the that lay tn pruners = nn a Je or- v . at eee eee Mortgagee. 1 pee re eal a on for “nforma-| seems that the Geatb of a yousg man) Com'n Dem.Co. Com. {has accepted the inv ua and ee B. Mefarghin 3.c. SULLIVAN j — ee : rings. rh oe Sor birds. their pjcst entering upon life—Mr. Steere} Zed. V. Loag ceiver the address on G rand Army ee ISABELLA SULLIVAN, | The Jeweler and Optician. i . “ ‘ men WnO Waxe_ Orcas, Chee pen" ~ aeRO a ui iateee Ae L200. Ve as) Sea . Oe Sxecutors of J.J. Sullivan iguee. | - ~ " ° eit . : : +c ianite, uést an@ egBS o scientific [was about 21 years oli ea Seeretary- - <. . fDay, July 2th. 1 Si ee , oe ae - SO tudy.”” ; = : Ty sad. z , : Px ee en en ee 2 ————————————— 3 Shag a seanpirepe sori See pence as : = = — ———— ee —ane ° . Sars Wailing j Distance Lends Enchani.ent. a : s we ae riges te anvexation of tbe Hawuatian is f eee = ae TAN PLAGPVORM ADOP?- |mit pré€yction or to control prices 1 seu he UnitedStates. Weas-; 7+ inful € but the Nort i —_ HEPUBLICAN REPUBLICA? WEE. 4 favor’ such legislatio: as will iends to the Lat States e = { he painful fact thut the Nortn- : hi en" fin oe ck > a > sT ui A. at te me 2 , s -t « ¢ ; ayy PROCEED VENTION. acs affectually restrain and prevent vil sert our stwuiast adperence to th@ ler, peopl ic + the negro most when CONS be a pee ' ae protect. and promote policy ani yunced io the Monroe! je is facuwas nthe Seuth bas fre- Oo oOo > $ a20Duses, . a ' ae - ‘ oe : ; Clain That They Have Made the such abe- ; ve the rights cf doctrine. The provisions of The | que been cormented on It is: ¢ a eweyelt Unaninious- ; sy Prosperous —Trusts aad) competition and secure the riputs 5 TE Ne 4 ale bes . i Mckinley #0 SOO ase ol . eae nar of Capital Handled ducers, laborers and all who are; Hague were wisely regarded who | very sinfu! for the Southerner tores ‘ bf Ey ea ee With Care._Favor “Justice to me cad Ge #udustry and commerce | President 3icKinley tendered bis fuse to accept the perro ws asoci- | 4 on our ans | - Conver and]. . engage ALGUSEP Seay garth pene : Sead pa angie gchar ia : a Sa % ena x itch the Negro Syne &YSTEM TO LABOR. ifriesdty offices an the : idtere St of ; al equal but jiu the N in h th a as ith. i a : Went! ‘ollowing js afull text of the Ree) eee ee ee en ech in the policy | Peace between Great Britain aud the lferen>. The Philadelphia Record eee irtue of the Wickless Blue Fine | f ath st Following is @ tui toes ee “We renew our faith in the oer. ;Suuth Africas republics, While the | pag the fallowine to suv t Cleanliness is one virtue , oe [ * : s, 19 . satioual pk n: | American labor i a ; : steel tg z: = i ; ; ' publican pational plat oon Unired | Of protection to American ee : | American goverment must cootin- The intrusiog of acolored delegate | t Oil Stove that good housekeepers appreciate. Perfor | ee : re us ‘The RB heab e : } lie S av CECH | - er ya ; . ret { lilwe { = . ' ee ry t c The L t ii 21 sof tb - | that policy our industi es have eu ue the policy pre: criped by Vash- from Massachusetts at the Milwau- | s : ther< : <n dh tees throuyh their chosen repre- | Jiversified and main-,. = : < : . Co ligsy fea | another Convenience anc Coo; Others S ee ene, mel ie Pos eee ie tiuna! conven established, diversitiec be } | iagton, aftirmed by every succeed- | kee meeting of the General Federa- safety 1s x y VIE i yti . 4 aa < mr) f ? nat aa oe oo a . 2ett 2 as . > . SP TS tte S . = i * ° ; Ee Me Oe Senator [Sco attics igs Ne n unsur-|tained. By protecting the oe jing president ard imposed |tion of Women’s Clubs did nat oc |} If you’re figuring on ‘it VOL, ES } BT eo utge te. ore POR MOORES Pa OO t ang} Market, the competition bas been! non us by the Hague tWweaty }easion more unpleasantness cunong | | e Z aan i j ed the con making a | Pass d record ot ac eee field ae stimulated and production ee a ‘of pop intervention in Earepean ithe sisters than avpears is dy to saving money - hull - —" ‘ « ~ -? € ron 7°; ; . ~ t , S heret > vor ' ° eam } . alg . . pied Bt J He then | looking forward into ay = aa ted. Opportunity to the inventive \contraversies. the American people! arise amone the brethren of this citys t! mmer, figure on . — : ‘ on : a diverts . “+ ity, ana < are) . wt secur: | 4 j : - : - el - i q + . the chair|Juty and LPR aah ir ceoiiee | cenius of our people has vee peace |hope that a way may be found, hon-! on account of the sue tusde rot! % getting a ; ve oo en ant e! of | stds . sPPrl ‘purtinent 2 ee - = 5 j : * . vs ‘ : Thre Seni a Ree ted ard wages in every departmen forably alike to both contending par- ithe Mavor for the prover en ertain | ; od ' rmen 3 ~ 2 = eke these Gectural Ml Ik { arnoa <= } myles— . . “ . = si S a ae ; sf ie a prey Wem, Hake heat deehe r ained at high mutes | ues, to terminate the strife between} rent of the distinguished ¢lorei ‘i | : ’ rye y “ “ WE ’ sveY > Yom 4 tViIVS} | . ° . } ' u ~ cpg ; on PROMISE AND PULFILLMENT | r uow Laan ever seats rave j therm | delegates trom Missississippi to tbe} ; A S E i : : =~ x . } ? ees ir working people \- ae een s sere rf ‘ ; : : Pes ate “The expretation in hj ' ig oa: : = ra e rite | PHILIPPINE PLANK. i Republican National Convention. | 5 \ Cc ess I | ‘. bor : ian ten » . . er “oud i . 4 - a a oe ~enegeete 1. eP ; y eee : h ub Le tecab? essere, Ree eT MHS. ELT Er ' ‘ : os : e ther OLN | “Tn acceeyting, by the treaty of | In order to Speciaity Lonor thes | £ - if eta : eit Pct stele OF 201 Bpetinw eoun: | ee ae th eee tAfeo-Americans from the Gayou|s ri — ‘ . . i ; ise essinus off Paris the just r DEbeted tt). 0 ORIN ees eee es x i, Bl Flam ile a} ‘ : za i cil teen nl Ree | bry Ene sth Ee i : ca as a b Wer. the pDtele Ubreeienibers of the Manu | ue e i 1 pandle av kiG ‘ ‘ | < eormmean sche se Cu WE Victories The ails Winws. sae a i ° “e : salt x : ‘ us tien, platform eand a Rout } American Commend chools. cu at a os A . dthe senate won the | facturersClub were appointed on the! + the best gua) au nent tsrakh, ZO, eae = ., wee. of sett “ovtergmet: < prestitent an » t . } whe < os a : : 5 if Dee oe ot conieemtion. ad can Congress, bas been mei aud sat vga ness en en nS se cemadiy eae zs doubted approval of the Ameri {subs committee to welcome and eu. | | | © t Mate ri 4s Cee ey mpaet Wednesday at noon. fisiied. “hen the peeple then as | protected in the occupancy of , an: lean peaple. No other coorse .was{tertain teem... be Mancfactarers:|!: “Gm E ° {i Bes mae ee ¥ journda tome : ie the noled at the polls after a { markets, their Cons:antly Ie jcat: people, NO other ¢ = ain eClub is not in politics as a matter of | Hn he i Birtic ent busiasmd) CxSte eth hat pseen ee: Se er be | ing spnowledye and skill have} possible thar to destroy Snain’s;\'4s eG ee Wn Gia ener Hit " i ‘ atten antil the entry of Gover | Domocrauic iwpfisiation ra Cpe area is enter the lsovereignuityv throushout the est | sou ee thar STS eee I il —J i! ; Sane es was very Ube | tration, business was dei eth es aa Bee mi = i hi a a the Phiinrines. That} nection. The club dotes on cy) i It burns the cheapest fuel you can buy—the am or : i ses af the worl e favor the | ladies and ia t ieprt ga fthe ; eins > line he : ° i= re He oe TNE Oe Pear acer Ble fhe YS Sted ueliccof xecipnas¥y so coors: encatéd wor scapancbiley be [O74 we, Uae lt draws: shciine be | same oil you burnin your lamps. No odor. : = ‘ alt rh , . : oa mpzired stuteG peltey OF Fechpractty sO | Cours: as Bet ier -nthe bullot-bex and the cian | ; is ! rider bat Sigenaule Hisus POusIY itapelred : . F tian Mdasd with she uaer {tween the bullot-box and the cian | to 4 a His roush ¥ soe! io meted 5 ce a ea hee ainsi | directed a= 'ooprn Cur mathets on} fore the wor Miand with ihe = Be ea ae cee eer de | If your dealer does not have them, write = f, a he eroewd . wy > te ae ae Ota el Bane snr ies t aeraeah peyeed rh tl Whem our in wien + - ms 7. “ _ “ Y% ur ¢ eles oo : Hall bor-d sssed ane unempleyod | favorable terms for woat we do not} yauized popu re : he hoper thrust upon them showid 7 . —_—- ; 4 ' aay ire leneth of the Fact. fits jabor depressed auG uned} ese Z Se ee . tion and freed from Spain, tof the hoper thrust upow 2 me { DAR MPANY, . = oe “Se ; ¢ d jp the manner} Phe Democrats had no oluer pian j Ours¢ Ives RROCOCS inreeeco ere ooid Teens mainte eeelot law have been conferred on some of their me : = 2 2 = : ille NOG it his bat op, ane ; z : nauk ae Pe ee ope rov ‘ yy (he ae sta ara sii rious * Vs + . +e . a7 Le. * wee eotdier performing a Guty.| with which toimprove the ruinous j foreign murkets Od a nd for theestablisumen! | Aitican feliow citizens, the irate | | : = = tates? f Oat \ rm r — i ¢% ' = sate . a? 7aer. < BST vet > a . : , e - - i = i : eee ; > wild. and the ap-{conditions, which they had them RESTRICTION OF IMMIGRATION. Se ee a ro the per jmMauufacturers have refused to as | ! —— - Tr Thr' wen 1a. an th ' c - ° 1 yceood covernment and for the pe = a . : } | ——— = . Se inten on rent roar. Gel selves produced, than to coin silve “Tn che furtber interestsel Aimer | Fe > a ere ee ! ry. [diet 19 exte wothe hospitaliry of | f = eee aa . ; » ‘ led tntou erea en (om . t : . a aks i eau 5 : . - ormance ol nterna:iral a org = . Selene ain es eid be = ae = ras aes pla ‘ th newspaper}at tae ratioef16101. The Repr> |. oo men. we favor a more ef tious Our ale NOTE Could Got be less (soe city to ther: eetpet dclegat — a e 3 : Was | ' arty nouUneipe > pay as _— Soren reran | ee Oe ee 3 4d Dhis § sfortunaie f esgnnot be : - ‘od nA - uve the sume reply. | titan party, denouncing: + i fective restriction of the tunnigra- ag ee Sater apart 1Ols tS Ubfortunat Seat r z rear . Almighty God Wie ai ac ioe the bas Caicos kor oct condi OCOD eT geal chee foreisn | 223 OUr Tespousibitity, and whenever) ain excuse of the reseusant|@Hk CGNSTIROZIONAL AdiEND- | deny the being of Almisat HW heave |i zcaudidate for Ibe assure to pt dun OF Cheap Savor Mom. SCS” | sovereign cightuwere extended it-be- | Picaded 18 Fo dan anne ae MENT | Second, all persons who shat! Bev lj FAR Of worse than those fr wh ; , i sp ortunt Pe ere ee ets Of the club that they were seen | pec ’ Se eS their Be 4 . Presidency i WOR eA Ge lands. the extension of op, oe eum the bighduty of the govern- members in rag rained ee eee —- | aan convictec, or confessed their) : iy { 7 AC. Inecdav. Chairman Wolcott} was sovebt. promised ro ties of education for workin chil- a Cane Rc authorityto put unaware of the Provisions Of the : Bi ! : a was . a ‘tment pending: and a! ee Y : Sees ots eon toarder at 22) prosner softwo legisla |) . er Of the were Wreit FOC te ee Ae fifteenth amendis The Fall fext as it Will be Submitted | oyilt on Tadic Sree ae 33 5 Transacts@ Regula called the convention toora Mm ADal LasGeaaos tacrive Taritt | cece eat Ke ee ee down armed insurrection and to con- me . to the Pocopie on August the 2ad. —| Whether sentenced or not, OF seus : wi arert om at a Vy d@the “dig guns: YS pte -measurca = Pe. ose gpeniddaber, the. protection of frees” r ibe blessings of liberty and civ-| they Se acc © | indement suspended. of any treason FY + interes* ~ He neon 2 fe alien ki vold a standard . pay . [OP ots es ae : ike the < meee : : : A «+ of ) judgement suspencea, wae A ‘ E f - SAS ee eckas. See : i = = a = pact aawan etccue ee le ‘ization upon all the rescued peo- Like the si The following is the full rext of aS felony, or of any other crime for]; ; = 1. Mernlkker tat valve The ‘ople OV gree da- Ea zee ea dhdosts VEN >® t = : as save their pre : f - pa SLORY 5 OX Sa Ages Sti w i Har _Feraker. | of ce Pee iaae spe, ea Republicap | BCY tesurauce. pies. The largest measure of sel! aS oe ee ing doubi, take the| the constitutional amendment asi oy ich ghe punishment may be im { ar ) }, if 1 ie re all re ved tne) jorities issued fe en = seem - Lae > - < t + - * ike Mayor ite nos douGr, tact ta . s wae 4 r es exe lary. fee a me ous } uty a cominissiva to enact these SHIE SUBSIDY FAVORED fovernment Cousisvent — ee hint avd color- his hospitality toamenced by the adjourned session prisonment in the Se : % aby Cy: DINE DEAE TET SAE een re oo sere . ser irese. 3 fonce upon] weifere and *duties shall be se- soe ate : erat De y eens -oming citizens of the Unit- 1; ‘ It witk his hat toset/iaws. The oorimission has been ex f eee ee oo toe fae a : aos OE eaies — To Cuba ip-]}ouit the hue of the delegates. But) of the Legislatare last week: eS DERE transite or mal- |! x JNO A COOPE ; “— (eae + he Lontitc: and the Republican roui-| foreign suipping for bine tenins ¢ curea to whe VW he = ; - i RE puzzl thim to ex vlaia the 9 eons : ° ed States, or 0 . it : enemies Lc i i the crowd wild. W. 5S. Taylor, tue /ecut l, oa ee our forcizn carrying isa yreat loss}@enendence and soli government] > Wound pug co ate An Act Seppiemental toan Act Eu-) 0 oa Gp oflice; unless such persen | Th ; ari €s ; sae £ Kentuc re fiseis redeeined Prosperity morey our forciza carry lug * : eee vaien by {matter in the Seventh ward. pain t sd the Con- | Practice tn s ; st ophad ita Those who co: plate i rn OG OU ERON Pe aoe ee he ‘al and more abundant than we] to the industry of this country. It] were assured in the same voice by , : pra hl titled “An Act to Ameed the Con-j Tn pestored to the riguts Olt 4 ‘ d an Ovatio ne ere Se ee ; re Se eV auesllcclmtinenculacreusr ane ur trad thich war wasdeciared andto the ee : stitution of North Carolina.” rat-| oe ee 8 ee prescribed |! s a. 5 a a Laos thave ever hiewn Das followed thesetis also a serious dan ser toour trade, which war was Ch ~ a oe Newt Caribe o anoles an nClitnse itu an Ne i sree tt “| citizenship in a manner j ‘ INSURANC: ; = § TAC Ee Kev. ( a ' : There jst onvertfor its suddin withdrawal in thelijatter this pledve she!l be perform ined Mebruary 21st, 1S, tbe oy pv law i i , ; be el cuanene) with prayer |enactments mor 3 TD MPP. eee ots ap eee = ae . : PIN 7, on cad Tarecs on Crum eetas ahen j Raleigh Post. mT ae oe er Two tlundred ane eo ere cicre a nA or, t > i. : weit “ =o ’ «lb Rep controversy esto the value of anyfeven of Jsuropean war : would ed. Lhe Republic ay party ue aS = ce il being < vapter ae Ee, H eiagees i See. 9, That this amenam oe ~ ti Atall—had bes: ‘4 silos SS Oey ee : Y | vernimen! blivrations Every | seriously cripple cur expanding for-|tisiory and upon this de¢!aration “i Tie Baptists of North Carolina x tecnof the PubticLaws of IS. 1 the Constitution, shail go inte Rare | tract which is) put ny e Es » . Org, POvVerplMben oO pa AUlOL aie ae . ‘ es 2 - aie aie mete aa . wo = LP Sea ASSES ao ee 5 x Es a GQ? if: t Z z is Noragetes : ee tee on ere: | American dollar | yoid Goliay or{eiga commerce. The national de- principles and policies contidentis bave twenty missionaries ia Chis 4, aot ton vVhe first day af Jaly, 1902, if . ‘ stone between NO jy; e and rel ¢ nan of i + 4% latform ifs assured. quivalentand American |fense and naval cticiencv of this|invekes the consideration and #)p-| the uajority of whom bave familics, The General Assembly of North Caro-| maiority of votes cast at the next biped Nan oc backancs , ! sounted the platform ~ 2SSU eqQulVe ean : ° . : American -* tae +) j : SAR ECI ANY OF a ee : in ‘ te = . “ey a sm iltane dentisis, wae mounted t) oa ; Pe than that of|country, moreover, supply a com-| proving judgment of the Americav land there is much anxiety ou the Fo eye aes ceneral clection shall be cast im 3-4! Gan tn om Can or With -imultan i the report, which was p cre Sar = aoe eS . Tne? : Per : iy atives friends as SARE ALG : at opiates a . 5 S taf ; : ‘ks apd cal BEA etre i fs ort iany pation. Copital is fully employ-| pelling reason for lesyislation which | people, part of their relatives and friends ss ver of this suflraye amencment. { penefit of beth Hving « 1} head blocks wba co } sat wes ! ee WGI at th i potter . 2 t . * Ceanewin Wier oe. _ ay ae > . . . o Sent “1° x aa at . ‘ on =e a stint : iy ee eee rel 1 : ibor is profita Lenuble us to recover our former DISPRANCHISEMEN'T a result of the **Boxer’’ movement Section 1. That Chapter 218, Section {1. This amendment to]; most sensi “— fee on permanent or Se ee eee aa ’ . : eee nore a So earn i esiaieen ote . «16 : <6 = Ne 7 . i = aa ee eeanen span Tae som DP EERCeS Ce : L can} place among the trade carrying “Tt was the plain vurpose of theland the crisis in the government, Public Laws of i899. entitled, An the Constitution shali be supmitt i: seven i:ubarea oo mill, also Price ¢ t : Sey Ge eam d Gor ry Of; teets of the world, fiiieenth amcudment to the consti-| which bas resulicd in the massacre! actt+y amend the Constitutien of at the pext general election to the} i Sizty-Eigut de ENGI ~ re ‘ Let . ‘ . . . . , + 7 . , . 3 7? 7 7 : > ac " “2 7 : 3% + fod * 3 : . sa eS y ' , ; means | SOLDIERS AND SALLORS tution to prevent discrimination on lof foreigners North Carvlina.”’ be amended so as | qualified voters of the State, it the i! paid out to Citi: ND BOL ; me ee De ae te. rv than tuis—tbat while | ree . : . account of race or colorin rey Ther ac ‘ke said 2ct read as follows: same manner and under the some?) of Statesville fi rs mrimitt toescort Se: Lo the Country Lian toils bat whi: “The pation owes adebt of pre-); account oc rac i o zi : “ ame mann : was ts : whiny ee % wel - he tOk Sc at be = ° s . saan - ant yt ey F392 iy . * - at) yar z >” ra ; 2 Y 3 > 1 heneu Cat Lodye to the during the period cf one bundecd |» ng opatitude totue soldiers and {ing the elective frauchise. Devices son of tne fact that a our iat article six of the consttu-] poles and regulations as 1S proviced ; | ee ope LESS ae Porta @ on whee oH ae ee a ynd seven Vears, from 1790 to Set, } ; ae are h : ' ene its battles, ofthe ptate governinents whether] missionaries from this Stui dion of Nerth Caroling be. and the in the law regulating geaeral ehke 1) than 12 months: 0 oe a Mr. LOtee > | EGIevenecs: Os See eee eae BEG psabers Wao have fougat i een : : Se ae Me and are la erie amas peace na. : ata place t* ae joner. nit ‘of the woverument Lo- ther® was an excess of exports over a ir is the yovernment’s duty to] by statutory or constitutional eauct-| removed from the coast aud are le-| some is hereby abre ated, and IN| gions in this State, and at saic elec- |! sete tied or 5 d the gre ce ¢ ue S a ae Phil oe sof only S6S3,628.497, there ae ate the survivors ang for the|ment to void the purpose of the |c ed we the me rthera Peres . ny thereof shall be substituted the tions those persons desiring to vote 4 tiine and sec } pests ieaeines ' Paginas panifestatior beeu in the short ture. vears of [ ©.” waned 3 rokans of these whofaincadment are revolutionary and | where the “Boxers” have been most following article of said censtitut- for such amendmeat shall cast al: vive youu! A a a Gh eft f¥vequent mar stations : ana é =. Widows aid erpbhans tos aoe ; wagons ee aro <terminate : a wi a Sewer a tig Se -*3 t ‘ : »otton Gils j : Shee ta: mW nee aay ' Republicad adininistra : fall ep ee country’s wars, |sbould be condemoued. Active In ther edorts to ex terminate tin asan entire and indivisiole plan written or printed ballot ina ne Vien. one d PD AUsee | SOROS a Se * ee nee Be a os entra one foreigners. f suffrage.”’ cords ‘For Suffrage Amendmen a edbis remarks at 1:30 p.m th CA CESS Ok: CSVOETS OCCT: He pension laws, founded in = this GOOD ROAD MOVEMENTS. Ry Re gaa t fact that North eee words “ror Sunrese ; = trarv }] NO MEDICAL EXAM’ NATION ‘ “nO } > Shen ‘ . . : asic tht tl Or Raton ape nse «i 0 -oRntre LEMAM tt ator Bingham, of Pennsylvania, oO See Sr OE ns! sentiment, should be liberal and “Public movements looking tou = lina Pa: Nearer aoe a ee ar} naire thereon; = Renee Sere bor print ee . on Piet p Ve eho sey ie aa ba peal < ey OMGE aptists aye 2 create = ne anna ential gee 1 written orf - “3 . ; esented the upanimous re ‘ HOF, avd ees the seme ae sbould be liberally administer-d.and | normanent improvement of road: sumt = en OL eee in Chi ARTICLE VL Ee aren = ° = a “s Aaah it mh Y mpar Statesville, N.C. ik : f the ¢ ttee on rules. In people, sustained by this Repubii- prefereuce should be gicen wherev-|a.g highways of the country meet Ay ae se sbretecaran ai oe a oe : rs r : FFICE. | ballot with the roe eS acaraey a ARLTGN, . at ‘ : - y ut Noa ert : < at } 9 than the 10 atio net , othe ogren asa “a: - 7 ; tLrry “FICE. oe reer rCon. g r : ahs a rule.the purpose of can legislation, have been achicvang er pricticuble with the respect to wilh ee cordial approval and we mae =a ae a Wh aa SUFFRAGE ND ELIGIBILITY To OFFICE ge Amendment perce” ! ee Re a : 1 2 <a ee : } ee =< Cant ey t : = ‘ : ! 4 : Staite te Jnlen, ihe : , i ; ie i sotes eas t : ~ , ¢ which was toreduce the represen. these spendid triumphs tn — employment in the public service to} recommend this subject to the earn- Metl fists of North Carolina have| Section 1. Every maie person : ane eae ee meets : is GRAN SES Bea & iL 8 ef ui the Southern States giv- eminerce, they have} idiers and sailors or to their wid-|e.ly Consideration of the pecpleof che |e eee ee oe sot = aera born in the United States, and every | election shall be counted. oe : fave eens Yr ; et iota deleceate for each 10.000 Jin victory conuuded, ows und orphans. eee nn Cav arat atte ~ arnt nu et _0 mi Sl mar = male person whokas been natural-| returned aud ay and ; mish s cGy « ime one ; 5 Eth ‘liberty ane buma rivhts- po og : en vrein countries it So happens{ io FF has Fess edinrtty : tannounced ang declared under ‘ ‘ om ee * SS aoe WES en eS rs a t . hid a Reena Ze NE CIVIL SERVICE, See that none are in China. 5 a nee ee ae ee = Sdn ana eee tone and an a) © Let tis secu ¥ +) a Dtale ‘ raiseu a et pin ety ost ante ean Ea ones ; : : *y oy Trouble sOsscssing the qualifications set out | the sume rules ana regu iy se es 2% ’ tp +} soe} . mee Armen + wv + aie ° —— + ee > a * < * 3 ~ ° > » Pe 5 Od TM +) ; Daa ee Son Saeen isbed the high purpose © mmend the policy of the The Boxer 3 aces ‘n this Article, shall be entitled to] in the same manaer as the vote for out ern sana es i om one f { vet oe 47 ner armenia - amian THenotch t 7 . Semakicc ” . “fuses t is Sete ho ata . = mip : a > Br H ce Pili - Quay 's mo Soe orien Sane ns ee oe Saas ee ee or pitnancomn War aaeae Bon vole atuany eieciion by the people | Governor, and ifa ers of Las oR = HB Os oY + : : ; a vere unfuric Was yar oup- f > Civi rvice p , eo Seana ate f. na > pe oom = ee , at alah Anos aay e said ie ~. Bi s on prevailed (hai this part of the reunfuricd I ve = : > 3 liek ‘ eae - i : eee a - ae € rebeluon is spreadinn saranda) ee ine eee in the State, excepi as berein other- | votes cast rape ane she ee ae Fr - Shoes, UO j 2 5 ‘ at and patir y resisted, but}udministration bas acted wisely There is an impression ip | @rtensboro Messer Sia tek Set aatig amendment. it shall t tuty of ~~ i wa . af repar er utti x ‘ Ree les Sree Sra oes Seen peeks cots aaa ees - There Sy ae oie Secretary Gave says that tbe war] 7iSe provided. : umendment, | sR vaca a Ie ted 23 i nie and wey It carne the American povern-/its effort to -ecure for bubile service matic circles b and on ine mecreta eee Oy emer te Sec He shall have resided in! the Governor of the State, upon,be ; HH * sent was ready. Its theets were}in Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the cou ni that the uuies have not} taxes are pling Ga 50 et ae a » State of North Carolina for two | ing notified of the result of said | THB... V il 5 aE are ie ; oo ? . miei t arias tere | Phi} BV ie bev chemin 2 ~ 2 ~ ns etal a 7} con ce T0.0 10) at the close ene r x : : Sritaitay umn sun ie » re Will “ i i Pairvarks, of Indisna, clearcd for action. — {ts armics were) Philippine islands only those whose) vet srappled with the situation ef- eee ons iin all | Yeats, in the county six mouths, and { election. to ce-tify said amendment, | STANDARD RAILWAY OF Eee f st (the committee on reso. in the ficld, andthe quick and signal| fitness has been determined by 17, vtively, and that eyen 50,000 troops | of the present Sscal year, and in all in the precinct, ward or-otber elec-| under ihe seal of the State, to the |* - tA RATLAVAY Of Maracaby Cx rt ee ve the platform. It triumph of it forces oD land and training and experience. We be would be powerless to coutrol 4,000,-| probability will be Seon tion district, in which be otfers to | Secretary af State, who shall enroli The SOUTE Bian es “4 dopted uoutdissent After sea bore equal tribute to the courage | feve that employment in the public | 990 square miles. cess of that amourt, And yet thee 1s next preceding the |the said amendment so certified : and Grocer i Lo} : : wee : Pent Satie . x sta , juat 7 Govecament fines the citizen: When | Yee: four mon next preéce g Pasa eli oe ere i call of States so that they might of the American soidier aud the skill! service in these territories should The etfec@of the bombardmeat of |Govecnment fives tue 3 aces = telection: Provided, nat removal) } among the permanent recerus of his The Direct Line to all Points . am c Porn lice: <t: cg nha THe “we fe ‘ rot ice lt. > ayy iye by } > so & < y 4 "s os " . : 3 2 eee. 34 veme their national commiticemen, and tore-izht of Republican states | be confined as far as practicable to the Taku farts, as described by the | he sends a telegram. w im nN heer Orne precinct, ward or other } office. ee : mie dlte - a Peis “15 sf ‘ = whee : ‘ z * 7 anes ee S . 2(°1 ¢ om. nu : 5 . ire raster ge if the convention adjourned its see. manship. To ten milliovs of the} their inhabitants. Shangaai cerrespondents, was gory |a check, when he becomes a aoe Reread Ras Sec. IV. This act shall ve in foree t €Xas, S : f : afte . . setae vets gs <2 iven ‘a new bir < . sner 2c he cor : = woen bh Ya.ls- se ~ 2 : : y oat eat aieotior - . hoa od day's meeting, baving practi batman race was given ‘a new birth RECLAMATION OF ARID LANDS. ia the extreme, nothing less than | ber of a corporation, wien he tra °-|same county, shall not operate to | from and after its ratifiction. MoV = : Bh ly dene rothing of freedom.” and to the American “In further pursuance of the con-| “rivers of blood’ and mutilated | fers his stock, when he insures isis Resa Sabai Son anes oie aS Me ee Californig ee rab lens bot Lodeve at 10:20 a. m. | people “a new and noble res ponsi- stant polier of the tepublican party | corpses piled up inside the forts. life or bis house, woen ne eae “nx Ne os the precinct asd or other eae ” . : , ‘ . a ’ eye = beds - — ce PF - te "2 1), sehen ralzac yn NYO ¢ oat 2 staal, oe ¥ = = ; ea ithe third day's session of the bility. loi ouidelices homes on the public} After.an arduous march and fre /insurance. when he makes 2 noe 12 election district from which he has Ficrida Pie vs Beit Zeaimce aN ate : - h Shinese, |racse money fpr the payment of nis|* pata tegty an* ' ig-t ‘ :tion to order. The opening ENDORSES ADMINISTRATION domain, we recommend adequate | quent fynting with the Chinese, ae eee = on AE oe removed until four months after : ’ : ; ‘ vy Arehbishor vy , athe : as eth yee fais a S ur arrived ; other taxes, when he br a money i . ° : = 4 i vocation was by Archbishop Ey “We cudorse the administration} gaciona! legislation to reclaim the}| Vice Admiral Seymour arrived at|o = al Se a me ow = we = such removal. No person who has * Cube ang # wet vf the Roman Cataotic See at gy yw} 1 MeWinley. ltsacts bavefarid lands of the United States re- | Pekia Sunday afternocn. se sa sy ad Halewencce a is -4 eae hone or who las confessed Basi ; ‘ : vane een Te Seem ie 5 < : i et i : attneked 1%} , is 2 ‘ Mephor 5 : <s , i ladelpbia. shy. Quay then arose |), ished in wisdom and in]serying control of the distrimution | cecasions the Chinese a Ked the ae an Se ae Cs court upen indict- Pp rn Y = Re eee ns cnacne - = 7 2 one: ei or + “ ince ere rere 1ASSuge, mn »t g Het tas nn “ i a withdre w his amendment to yoteiotism and at home and abroad of water for irrigation to the respec- |eolumn in great force. bere Chi. < eee Ss when a billef exchange is|ment, of any crime, the punishment orto Rik vam q ryt, . arr Ablow fons 252 : - = = amon: * hi- fis “ i 1:Of Exc iF : ss gay a = . 5 rales This tha Southern de ioas distinctly elevated and ¢x-jtive states and territories. tiany mounted men among the Chl . of which now is, or may hereafter be, } rca Mr. Ledy CerCE “ . ele. nese. but mos: of the natives werc|d@rawn, when the citizen executes an badiv armed At times they fought |instroment necessary in the sale of and the} with admirabie courave aud bravery. |merchandise on ‘Change, when he tended the intlaencesot the Ameri- ¢an nation. Walking untried paths avd facing unforeseen responsibil TUREE NEW STATES aX iroprisonimeut in the State’s Prison, sball be permitted to vote unless the vunced to the front of the rap and announced that under Srict ly Birst-Cl: ment on al! Turous YS } wry} vor nome rue ! . Pee ball be first res “ed Local ™,. . 352 5 a «as > ee 8 ! : a * Sig ia eng NeaWig meen cotter ig YY earnrece £580 Person soul! be first restored to 40C24 i ins } ales! NOMINATION S a te ve <7 ap ear nission to statehr f The losses of Use Chigese during the |Sships goods by Treight or express, Berio eee Saha etn meg at enn >. 1. “3 - = ey - the office Pee ities. Presid Pe eae ee territories of New Mexieos. Avtzena : : sh = e timated 1. 50) killed, | when he buysa ticket to go abraad, Sola ee eer prescrib Seis : a ae ee Si € : . ~ ¥ Amer! E HATCH é 3 A oN * oe : : * ai by law. or > - and <9 r t nited Stare Lhe » of ‘ and Oklahoma. : ‘ sof the foreigners were| when he executes a-power of attor-| °C os a a eee Wignt trains, bust aud safe loa! } tic United Stare eats ose 1t States |° rhe iusses of the foreigner Wie - Baas a reer Sec. 3. Every person offering to a Schedules bama was recognized yhen one : * ae REDUCTION WW TAXES IN FDeUR : ney, Wren he buys proprietary med- raat - oa erste aed a Seely cee eeeey Wed Ob! man, clear in vision, strony in judy | REDUCTION OF WAR TAXES IN FUCURE | rifting : ae ‘hen he ‘chew ne J ee vote shall be at the time a legally : Travei by the Southern 2d you av o the delegates answered that wert iterny el reyes ; a “The Dinelev act amended to npn. Washiegton dispatch says:]lctnes, woen he chews sum, wie revisterced voter as herein preseri>- oF Tali pr ra etc ade vee 5 ea we ment, Lrm th action, always luspir Phe Dingley act amended 15 pre SS Loa ene ee ca- | he uses any perfumes or his wife in-|Pesistered voter as berein preser'» 2 wWassurcd a safe, Comfortayle avd The question na vieided to Onlo. We, oe I Ing ued deserving the confidence of| vide sufilcient revenue for the eon. he Peparitgent Bas Bae nse a dulves in cosmetics when a note is|¢d and in the manner hereatter pro- for Women ‘J Expeditious Journey How ‘can I be : *, iben t ‘ 7 2 =i 1 F we ‘ " ne ‘ : IS i oaa . < 5 Stel ; - sd ees urs) a 3 t ea See eo Kin-| his country duct of the war has so well perform | oiegram from Adioiral Kempii, dat = : vided by law.and the Generai Assem . His speech was highly eulo ' : : ; an seni : : . Seren neon ‘olested, when a warehouse receipt “Tnasking the American pecple|ed its work that it has been possible fed June 20. Hesays the Taku forts] protest u f 7 : = ? APYLY TO TICKET Au? roe: veatly vou ! pipe i rehan dice yc) 0ly of North Caroliaa shall cnact . “— rixtie ofthe Presiden ‘overnor | shite z : Siva Salat a >) foret. is viven and when merchasdise is}?! = ‘ Caer bought our s sxistie Of me President. Governor ro endorse ibis RB publican record}te reduce the war debt in th. <um of | were ca; tured by tke other Toretyan es ae MIGnetrciocce = seneral registration laws to carry SS em wi cs ean save ‘oator rst DN ; aie . = . - 2 ! te ear ras a Sue se = ° =e pi ae’ we OMe 1 Dai , pena Ke Thurst aa John jand to renew their commission to} s40.000.000, So ample are tiie gov- (othat heavy firing was Wher : milineiholendade into effect the provisions of this ar- Ma eneeee » ley ney ye . : . . nyt ns > PYvaAn? *ti- i fi 3 Sees O Kentucky, George; the Republican party, we remind /ernment’s revenues and s+ vrest isfbeard ar tien Psin ov the evening uiitiecatne tm oe sre le CaaS la eht of California, and Governor +: nei ot the fact that the menace tol:be public contidence in iss integri-foftue 7th. iz &. L. Vernon, st He is making Daz, The Stock of § — If 2 : Robbed the Gr Sec. 4 Every person presenting these t of Indiana, all made speeches questions, you : : : . ’ oe u ae A > bea co 20%) o eonditie./ Thue none The their prosperity bas ways resided ty of ats Obliations th a +o Bey Cuntmor aoe ae eee A startliny incident, of which Mr. himself for registvation shall de able Wine of a cures. Do you CHARLOTTE, N.C chee op big neductiolg * ee ss re aes iho Se os tn Democratic principles ind bo less | funded two present bones sei) ata powers for pr ee io ; ae SL. Joon Oliver, of Patlade’phia, was ]to read and Write any section of the per eee t ect health would No trouble to answer questions. will seil you i4 0 Se a Sel eae ben edi cern Geant TO Ene CONCCAEMICRDDEeENY On ure: premium. The country 1. +ow jus- 1300 Americans ashore Oa aaes ee the sudj-c’, is narrated by him as] constitutien in the Euviish language; to you: taking Wine of Rea ams orgie ¢ eh. thy entire vote of the couventivn | syamocratic party to conduct public | titled in expecting and it «it be the] the wumber of forsign troons at Po ‘oiiows: “I wasioa most dread‘n!|aud, before he shall be entitled to Gerdui, thousands like you have real- BI ProkS fisa, | Gu, 9, 3. TK Fae bak fe i : oc President Wm. Mc jaitairs, The prime essential of busi | policy ef the Republican party tol kin was430 0 Thore are 6,000 men Rena eae My skis was almost vel-] vote. lie shali have paid on or before Ean iticcinaiere et sleep, 34.V.F.& Gee. Man. Tiaf. Max, GP ee 13 see ley, : {ness prosperity is public confidence | bring abouta reduction of the war}a-hhre now at the Che Fa and about low,eves sunken, tonzue coated, pain the first Gay cf Siny, of the vear in disorders tht not BR WASHINGTON, DC meat tea Sane a It was Seca that there would) in ihe good sense of thegovernment | taxes. 3.000 troops, Russian, German acd c Se oRenlte in back and sides, vo] which he prepeses to vote. bis poll first, but day by day steadil x oa : as 4a ij ~~ nse pa SS oe ee bomn® laud in its ability to deal intelligent- “ISTUMEAN CANAL PAVGRED. Erutish, have arrived.’ = oy Jappetite—radually growing weal tax for the previous year as pre- into troubicsome 4 Vine : Tad eee a = ss | jen of a candidate for Vice Presi- | ily wigheach new problem of admin EWG ouEr car che const oden Dispatch 23rd. eta Tag bes Seas cribed by Article 5. Sccuioz L of the of Cardui, used just before icienee : : past favors ar i deni, It was thought that Hanna) jo: ation and ievislation. That con Seas oes aie: eas oo af eel reited States gut beat Monocaey — Renna eenerin a{Constitution. But no male person, Strual period, will the female It You Need it ine tie aCMUDIStration Were OpPes-|tidence the Democratic Dacbys has |ovee ee eo DS Cle Ga Olan was 10 milesup the Pei Ho river] Pees ‘ i op “1 * t : ; : z » Roosevelt and desired John D. | isthmian cana! py the governinent ofthe United S ates New toarkets ure necessary for the incressiiy sur- plus of our farm products Every friend advised trying “Electric L’t-| who was, on January Ist, 1864, or at ters; andto my greatjoy and ser-jany time prior ihereto, entitled to prise, the frst bottle made a decid [vote ander the laws of any State ed improvement. | continued theirfin the United States whereie he never earued. It is hopelessiy inad equate and the country’s prosperity when Detmocrutic suecess at the system ‘fn fect oak, : Thi medicine 45 taken uicdly at home. Fire. Ut¥a, Socident There 4s mothing ihe it to help or Nealtn a SE women enjoy health. It costs wheu tee international fleet beyan the bombardment of Taku forts. Ac- cording to tLe Shanghai correspon ~ Loy. Buttbe sentiment of the ma t t e convention was fer Roosevelt. So trong wasit, that Senator Hanna ; Y only S$} to test remedy, which tnolis i “panneed bhatt OAK! * : oT Daily Expre she wi ee i ig AB patna Bae Soke = > & " c wave up the fight and it was known! e Leet eae oe ane eas | etiort should bemade te open and eet os ea Se enna r me use jor Ubres weeks, und am now a] then resic ae no lineal descendant omsed by 5,000,000 cured women. Ye SUYra iC - : > abe rike = eno ~ $30 CANIN oer 2 * , min ; . 7p the 5. 2 C + av . ney . ers pal pe eni 5 Bi s before thence ae shee ee a anticipation of Democratic obtain new markets, especiaily in |S%0t Seco the ; 208 a 2 rife [well man iknow they saved my |ef any such person shall be denied Mrs, Lena T. Priebwwg, East St. Louis, f| J ror the 4 2 ® piplunders at fai "eS | : ’ Wess ee cay : Sh Se ‘ de . . ie ¢ ert i ea es a - : oe * - = ; tien thet Roosevelt would be thef ee the orient, aud the administration | PSPORGENE -AVS NAB * - ~ ar [lifes and robbed the prave of arother | the right ty rewister and vote at WW, says; “4 am~ physically a new aa Sa A: - man | GOLD STANDARD. is warmly to be commended for its {Mer eu both banks of the full : Th victim.” No one shvuld fail to try }any election in this State by reason woman ey epee use of Wine of - L.-- Sr€ ee - . . . . she = - tapivod oye t SuCCESS r _ - . 7 4 Bee ites s “3 t¢ Mele me a Card: Thed: 4% After President MeKinley was} “We cenew our allegiance to th: |successtul effort to commit ail trad | ¥csce her. bur Same i {tiem Ontv 50 cents, gvaranteed, of nls frilure to possess tke edaci = ford's Biack Dreught.” Brown Eo rt, 3? .-errios Pbacts cr. odve announced} Principie of the gold standard 2:dling and coleniziog natiors he| Oreiish admirait, does vot be WeVET OWE tiail. Jr ’s. drug store. tional qualifications herein preserib- In cates requiring special directions, a4- : geek isgg cleat: : Mr. Lodve announced jPMIUCcipre ¢ we gold standard u:dfing and colonizing natiors to the to’ the death of Admiral d > s 7 armen sa dress, giving symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advis. a Vance in tae price 9 : . : : s - ~ » erry . > S Nee ewe . ofan 4 7 « avy ah a mae ¥e “ _ Sort yenye ry rT) 41748 RS. ars vi of States would be cali-| declare our confidence in the wis looliey of the open doorin bina. the report of the dea ma zi a = ed: Provided, he shall have reg- cry Depariment,” Ihe Chuttanooga Sied!- a GINSURANCE HAD: : : : - : aed b : Rocetie as ribet 1 3 ; Seymour, commander of the interaa- istered ip accordance with the terms ne Co., Chnttanocgs, Tenn. “ Stock early. to sell g orveminations for Vice Presf- | doa of the legisiation of the Fifty- NEW PORTFOLIO RECOMMENDED, Sree ie ah ee and semi of ici Shea canine eee ne ee O8ice—Secoud Floor Rank siuilding sellinss you vehicles When Alabama was called, }sixth copgr by which the parity ; f tional reliet column, an ae > of this seciion prior to December Seung: ¥ ea oar : ss - SAAN ARNES . ‘ sf 2 - ue ' ‘ tyes Focr ext ai sal accra nces Are 7@ at Are = —— a Veh.cie 19 inaKke :. tirman announced that Alg.{ofail our money and the stability o! In the interest of our expanding | ficial assureaces ure given t at there 1, 190s, —_. —_—_ : = 4 veh.cie 10 inas baa would viel€ to Iowa. Wr. {our currency on a gold basis” commerce we recommend that Con-|seems to be not the slightest evi- The Genera! Assembiv shail baa would vield to Towa. Wr.}our cerrency on wa gold basis bas : Fi I : : ae une.editor of the Des Momes been secured. gress create a department of com |denec to back up sucha report. It vide for ihe revisivration cf all ait was thea recognized. Hel “We recognize that interest rates | merce and industries in the charze jis pointed out that Admiral Sea hdvew the name of Dolliver. of laren poteut fuctor in production | of a secretary with a state depart-|mowr had sufficient: supplies to en and offered that ef Governor (and business activity and for thejment. United States con-uiar sys jabie him to get to Pekin, or to get “2 sons cenlitied to vole without educational qualifications herein end will ase our Ue lowa post ui a Loa presc) dG. 90a sbait_an or before 1 $ X us anc we guarant@ foosevelt, of New York. Hisspeech| purpose of further equalizing and|tem should be re-organize:| under back. "We are hopeful. Saeed November Isi, 1908. provide for the il 1es For the gvarautec. Co dealé largely with Roosevelt’s war | further lowering the rates of inter- the supervisio:: of this new depart- sem oficial announcement, ‘ toatl making cha permanent record of record. The roll of the States was!est we favor such moneta y legis-|tment upon such a basis of Rppoint- |} since he has not done the latter, be} such registration, und all persons ‘ , called, and each in turn east its en-|lation as will enable the varying} ment and tenure as will render it| has dose the former. : so registered sbail forever thercaf- CN TIME ire vote for Roosevelt. j needs of the season, andof all ‘sec |Still more serviceable to the nation’s} A dispatch to the Associated ter have the rivht to vete in al} pS ence + Phe serious work of the eon ‘ions, to be promptly met in order|imereasing trade. Press from Sbanghm, eoree ee elections ty the people in uiis State. S fave Flour, Corn, Meat, eLYac tien Was on over. On motion,| tbat trade may be evenly sustained, AIMED AT CHUNESE SITUATION day, says: “The cas ees aes uniess disquatified under Seciion oe eee on time. See ah : laced at thejlabor steadily employed and com- “The American government must | consider the os Ce CEC Provided, such por vate Gee ew = See Sporting Goods, The M notify e | merce enlarged. The volume vi proteet the person and property of absence pcre eKio, seer sou shall have paid his poll tax as yo purchases of supplies. > A ce 3 tion, andj money in circulation was : ed upon as particalarly threatening me never SOlevery citizen whenever they are @ of the;sreat per capitaas it is today. wrongfully violated or placed in the vice presi-} “We declare our steadfast oppo- peril. rhe convention | sition to the free and unlimited coin- “We convratulate the women of > . : Sereno Payne, |ege of silver. No measure to that pees upon their splendid record | #te #t Che FE u to communicate with endcouid be considered which is|of public service inthe voluateer aid | ‘He Senior officers atTaku,asking for fiout the support of the leadins | association and as nurses in camp | ?mediate See CS ea t the ad-|commercial countries of the world.” | and hospital during the recent cam-|!"% direct with Pekin, which they Sena-) “However firmly Republican lez-| paica of our armies in the Eastern | 2¢#evecan be brought about through ation may seem to have secured|and Western Indies, and we appre- Shevg, director of telegraphs. They s. | the country against the peril of base} ciate their faithful co-operation in |#7vise that Sheng be asked to ex- s the{ord scredited currency, the elec-|ali works of education and industry, | Plain the interruption of communi- 23 ational committee}|tion of a Democratic president Ee comonsas irom North lina in place of} Ccoula not fail to impair the country’s The Singapore correspondent of Hon. James Boyd. : credit and to bring oace more into] ‘President McKinley bascenduct} The Daily Express, telegraphing - z - —~——.| yuestion the intention of the. Amer-|ed the foreigy :Yairs of the United] yesterday, says: ‘Kang Yu Wei, J. Q. Hood. Justice ofthe Peace, | ican people to maintain upon the | States with distinguished credit to the reformer, asserts that tussian Miss., makes the following gold standard the parity of their|the American people. In releasing | igents precipitated, if they did not ent: ‘Lean certify that One| ™oney circulation. The Democratic} us from the vexatious conditions of | entirely organize, the present dis- e Cough Cure will doall thar; ?@Pty must be convinced that the!a European alliance for the wovern-|turbaaces for purely Russian pur- above required. This March 8th., 1906, - ay crn r una See 5. That this Amendment to Sea Table Culter y> a the Constitution is presented and ss i 7 L a Sore adopted as one isdivisible plan for COWAN, Meat Choppers ‘ i ( At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's. the regulation of the suffrage, with | ———______ cies the intent and purpese to so con- ws Grave fears still exist as to the safe- ty of the Europeans in Pekin. It S . . ) ayreed to wire to the senior consul- } es me or anything clse you 100 Carcs, 5 nect the diferent parts, and io make FOR PURE may need in the With a hercsome © them so dependent upon each other. =, Seen that the whole shali stand or fail z OOD GO TO Amy sate en together. a Ses. 6 Allelections by the peo- 9 al ware ple shall be by ballot, and all elee- U e ) ‘ noe by the Genera! Assemily shall @ viva voce. i are Sec. ae Every voter in North i i eae ee ae Spee = aa article Hein’s Pickles after examinins 1 Isquaihed, snail be cligible tooftice, - tees yt | 0 cr but before entering upon the duties Sweet Mixed, we don’t ask yeu ™ Chow on %& SKOSCY, of the office, he shall take and sub- Sour Mixed. bay. ; 7 tational com-| Wit re ¢ Any wiyle printed SP ee ae SAMOA TOUCHED UPON. TE T PS T i cr S2 3 | Je a n 7e not < * ow, ’ s MUSLIN r eT ee mirwen Maen and jobbers. You get leabenstit. Ast your dealer tor LI_LE- = eily > : scribe the following oath: “I... Yours truly. vlaimed for it. My wife could not | 4merican people will never tolerate | ment of Samoa, his course is especi-| pose. bs : do soleanly swear, (or atirm) that Il} = Barrel of Kraut, VW. A. Thomas & CO» 1 the Chicae f liv ded Bvs ~ {es is 2) pure cotton of the Arann - 2x a < - 4 her breath and the first dose of } the Chicago piatform. ally to be commended. y S€CurIng | — | BR teterade, The mil buys the raw cot- BA | will support and maintain tne Con- Mountain Buckwheat Flour. i Eavedlies Miléhas sisobeaceca AS TO TRUSTS. to our San CoO oe most! Ws. Musser, Mii!heim, Pa.. sav’ 73 finishes muslin dyect to the reta gf Stitution and laws of the United Sweet and Irish Potatoas. ne aw 3 ole familw."” It acts immedi-} “We recognize the necessity and;!m@portant island of the Samoan. ite life of his litte girl by giving: & #. S2ving the profs of speculators, States, and copstitucion : : — Young Men ‘vante?. 5 7 : | or, ¢ ‘ — | ee ; oughs, colds,croup, | propriety of the-honest co-operation | SOUP and the best Earbor in the/ per One Minute Cough Cure whea North « arolina. no a 33 - 5 = La ber Ask 9 es o> inconsistent © buy fresh butter an@ eges, asthma god all jofcapital to meet aew business con- | Southern Pacific, every-American in- Sinica cane aie onan meen j fe t = . +4? leherewitt el Re ee : 456 at) kind ITH fair education and ¢ i ;she was dying fromcroup. ft is the = iG PORTE aqet Iv wolwill eendidirect a ) therewith, and that } will fai: asd ati kinds of country pre- . ee ag tine im Senet eliy 3 er 3% ey } 1 = 7 : - ae - , “ >; . 3 “J arn Telegraphy. F. Hallfr. {ditions and especially to extend our | terest has been safe guarded. /only harmless remedy that gives im- VITRDOGN dtaslin button tog hes, PR) SSCIaTge tee duties of my eficeas, duce. and tvpewritiag. This is ——____—_-_—_____-___§_irapidiy increasing foreign: trade, WAQINNGTON POLICY LAUDED, ;mediate results. It quickly cures Writeforone ral See 2 SO help me, God. { Ig Tailway cor Yue Lexas Democrats have adept-{ but we condemn ail conspiracies and | : 2 COTTON MILLS. Taylorsville, X.C. = i . . . . | Sec. 8. 2be following clas ipersons sbal! be disqualified for office: First, ali persuns who shall 5 je CO L ‘ “We commend the part taken by coughs, colds, broucvitis, erippe,: B ! ansiun platform and ycombinations intended to restrict ‘our goverament in the peace con. ‘asthma, and all throat ard luog instructed their delegates for Bryan business; to create monopolies to ference at The Hague. Weapprove troubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. ed an anti-exp Moore & [= sess% MelLai ; opens August isth,) ae Cuain. { Grose TELxcRars colle’ iH Texingtod ™° best we bri theen!y Chit fs zice Sve. ee me ~ —