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The Mascot July 1900
SO 2 ee e ee ee e RAILAVAY OF DUTH to all Poi: ts ss Eq 2iy areugh oy 2a i Cars on a! ‘ast and safe ern and you sre Dinfortadle and OR TIME TAFLES i iS FORMATION, . C. I Xe Fr. *SHEVILLE, N.C. Wer questions. W, A. Tak raf... MAN. Ge LON, Dc B f a oods. PE re not goods them, ecu ta ¥ & Co- antes. 2 character. Ci OLLEGF. xingtom, Kye ' ' WE GUARANTEE ae XANDER CO AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. mh ve "= + ADVILLE MARBLE WORKS ——— 0: —-—_ idle all kinds of Granite and Marble known oo the trade and ualty. Best Material, Btls First-Class work and Lowest Prices. c SWEES lle, N. €. he First National Bank OF STATESVILLE, N.C. a Regular Banking Business. eDepssits received subject to check on sig sid 92 time deposits, Money loaned on good coUateral end pers teution paid tu collectionsou all points, ani credited or remitted at io is {Joroorations Merchants, Manufactnrers amd Individuals solicited wid | n most favorable terms OFFICERS: GEO. H. REOW XN. Cashier. ae Bn. ee ‘ x RICK COMPANY'S — Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Bai multaneous racket setting { ks and cable rope feed, the sitiveteed ever put ona saw »Vricx Company's ENGINES 5 ND BOILERS, nu. wheels or sills. Sta 3Ee we | urneyY, | Statesville, N.C. Gver Posten Bros en RR ER a RRS Oa a Fry & Phifer. Let us sell ycu yourShirts, Collars aiid Ties, ‘for we will save vou money. Our line of ith a Will be sure to please. We will sell you 6 caus of 23 cent. Peaches for £1.. Leygetts Muracabs Cotfee best on earth, 15c. per lo. Fresh italian Maearonl, ize. Don't miss the White Pront for Seed Potatoes d Groceries. = ans vw: 3 w “Sse » ee So Se eee = Tere a Se es ST ne at eb SE a rot we a ¢ t a reacmenr. ef. uy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & | LETS youdonotbuyamed- 8 | : te Treatment for Bi IS ‘ ness, Constipation and Headaches. It is twe distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25C. 5 The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets g 3 tone up the nervous system and invigorate. I = , 4 °, bc iedind ae a ma " r ee . 5: SOE ae —iniinenmaitornes | STNG: COLI wi 7” ° +7 Sioan Cicthing Co eae me My, boo ES Successors to Sloan & Shelton. How can I be neativ dressed for ine least money. OF course > eatly you must have a suit that iits and ove that wears. We! bought our stock before the advance iu woolens for the casi there: | ure van save you money. he Stock of Sloani& Shelton, we bought at a rm F big Reduction. = - . * ‘ of - ! will seil you it at and below manufacturers prices. ive youtt .Inan’s suit for $2.00. If you want a suit, hat, ebtie o1 anything in gents furnishings you cannot atiord to not see see Lende 2 * pure irish Linen collarfor lvc. We are anvious for your ind 1 syuzre and honest dealing will get ib we mean to bave it i * t ' *} op oy tos wer ° } . very article sold by us must beas represented Jfhanking you tor vu? past favors and hopiag to see you, we are Tues Very truly, sioan Glothing Co We now have in stock and bought & CAR LOADS, 4 Uugivies, Phaetons, Surreys and hueks, notwithstauding the big ad vance in the price of material, we are enabled by having purehased our stoek early, to sell 2t old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been sellinsy you vehicles for 6 vears and have never knowingly misrepresentea : veh.cie to make a sale. We want your trade end will ase our best efforts tomeritit. When you buy a buggy from) | us anc we guarantec it, you Know it means our standing Square behind the gvarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better, prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ing, and ot prices that estonish those who have pot favored us with orders. =2o= q i Tare 5 100 Cards, 50c. i000 Circulars 75c With 2 hendsome Card —— Size § x Se Adv “4se with you ame X77 Tr m have tos : aoa oa the cule: EN Lf oo. ES, é style priated cou AT LOW PRICES. @Seen Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements. Pamphlets, Circulars, Etc : at low prices, Send : for prices aud samopic. : mr oT Qa Om - THT , THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. Pens 2 LkOwW~orn & SKiCF, PROPR'S. 2 atid Sag EOIN at a ee EST IE a 5 BMON'S poy 7... . ni brid. po Bea f tee libs Pepsin \ is Tastoiess and Suarartesd to Cura 255116 ac UC gw y y r ar o E e Fever sod ail Sofcrial Trsukies. * Woes Net Contain Qainine Nor Ctiet Poi ‘ 5 Does Not injure x rood ¢ 2 A. Mots e Box, Te<., r 3X0 A COOPER, President, J.€-. ErViN, Vice Presiden’ a - x 1 pardon sivned by Governor Tay- jaiat Vowers wus orcered released _| Powers is a brotrer of Secretary of i state Caleb P. }priuted on Sunday morning under a | there was flashed upon her from the Shcss, Hosiery ang Pants ae tof the ' "he question of dress acitates the mind of every one more Gr less.) it: ¢ Vere ~O Cress lat Zo Court in (Ph uericultural departm eroven corrupt. There has been aj MeAinley’s weakness and yielding eo . . SLCC YF CUUNIGE. 18% a -im county treasurer has run away with | had the south counted against them — candidate. Many thousands of Dem- ee renner ee fit “Pedy” Says he is of “Southern |ocrats in doubtful States sullenly eae ee ics ons Cee Blood. declined to support Greely, and oth- | OTC2*S, Was the retort. LOWE Mills townsblt Charlottesville. receatly wrote Gov- o »’s, Cool Spring it has ever come to your knowledge ww, Secreta CY 1. A. STARTNESS, Volcanic Mruptions . : i Salve cures t iwrites J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- Zeb. V. Lose, S " * 3K? \ tresswan J. M. Quarles, of| The po'l tax feature of the amend-! ry District, while |™¢utis ore it inakes uG new re- ington for his Canton home,tonight, Bae : ee individual; for the | full of confidence that the situation }iaw already says that every male ‘ person, not exempt by law, shall wt week. fell and broke his fair te say that all the members of soba ead apes) ape tern ae tax, The amerdment his official family do not agree with - See ag eae ne a aera Bee en eee eee and says if/him in that conclusion. Indeed, the -' Do ae ee ce ee |We/O Wes Kr 0ll ax 2S |MMOSt) PAY, 1b law tn nace , limited though it was,to cablegram from Admiral 2 Pee The bride was only 2 | betore i+ can vote. Of course if he ja single ‘ Was 20-115 exomit by law is leas bv | Trame * = as %- is excuipt by law or is released by | Kempf, and the preparation of in- ++ wroor 2. e oO etae vroor They ha owa e2ch other only 2/ the couniy commissioners. then he | structions to General Chaffee. set few weeks. : i don towe any poll tax and of course | out nothing caleulated to strength- the Archduke Ferdinand,of Aus- | don u have to pay any, This is sim-/en the hopes of the friends of the triatormer heir te the throne and /| ple and this iS entireiy just. The | foreiga ministers and the missiona- nephew of the emperor, last Thurs- | PO tax is due in September and he ries who have now been silent for day iu the presence of the emperor, | bas until the following May in which } fully two weeks. Kempff’s cable- igram was a disappointment, in his |confession that he knew nothing of the whereabéuts of the wissing peo- : , . 4 \* * 7+ urchduke, and ministers took for-| tO pay 1°. Mp arth ava eda oxen ll Base Pandit ners laces | -- - — mai vath that he and his future wife, - : . Ci a ih vil eat Been An Honest Confession . CESS D eK, Whi « re- vurd their marriage as morganatic. | sequently his wife will never as- ia ad Times A leading Republican was talking! of wonder that neither that oficer privately tous the other day and/nor any of the foreign naval com- dn Of empress and the chiidreu by their marriage will nev-|Said as for himseif he wished tbat |manders at Taku have been ingen- ev clan the right to succession. | ¢very pegro in the State was ex-|ious enough to gstablish some svs- The marriage will occur Sunday. {cluded from the poils: that they | tem of spying so as to learn within jought not to vote now, neither |two weeks what has taken place at : ein Cie ene should the right ever have been | Pekin. ts tt ee | fiven them. | But saidihe, “fave pass) | ‘Relariveito the interesting storv uinony the white people and | ~ re ee this new law the Republican party! that an international accord has will be dead in North Caroiina for | been arrived at as to the settlement Saale Moreen Ics eee ientes ee oe pacar ot the Chinese trouble, State De- reen, Ala., was beaten}... cs: eg pete grin ot a) partment officials say that while the jquestion of what is best for the United States is nota party to such whereupon Morer fol-| ean ee a ‘ 5 whereupon Morer fol-| State. but alow, selfish desire tolan ugreement, if the European pow- oroes pear Mob:le. Ala. One day aust week thesoa of a man said to j | | | | i i Jolnston «ordered one | | | | | | | | aud cut him with | hold office and that at the expense | ers and Japan have come toan agree- ! went to Morer’s | of the whole Commonwealth jxpent on the basiss sul Tato : , )ipert on the basisset out, the result ipposed shot two S > - | shou ld be welcomed by all who have j De Strange Freak of Lightning. jno selfish designs to satisfy. It is © ren MSlicocboro Wastin. | @f course not yet possible to predict rouble may resuit. During the thunder shower Wed-|@¢¢4rstely what attizude the United {States would «assume officially to- ward such 2 combination. nor whether the government could be induced to enter into the common 1 J. ii. Powers, of Barbour- who was arrésted last weele on the charge of complicity ia ihe unurder of Governor Goebel, was ' 3 «died this | | | | inesday afternoon lightning struck a ite pine treein front of Mrs. J. | . Finley's boarding house on **Wen- singtou Heights,” when sear the : zvound the bolt left the tree and hit |28teement, except with some spe- =o ee er Y-} the telephone wire which was onlya | C4 Teservations made necessary by sbercn tb, dv, ollering 10) tay inches from iz. It seems that its | desire to preserve the unbroken “£0 Prosecution vod arrest. | force was’ scattered by this and the | Wditions of the United States in Judyve Cornett honcred the pardon bolt plaved all oyer ahenouss: Win- their relations with foreign nations. Ss dow lights were broken in every! ,Paris Dispatch—A representative This is the second|room while shingles and weather-| 0! the Associated Press was inform- becn arrested on! boarding were torn off on all sides, |¢4 today, that as a result of negoti- and releas¢ G on Strapee to sav none of the oceu- ations between the powers an agree- ivior’s pardon. Captain pants were shocked, though they | ™e2t has been arrived at which pro were badiy friehtened a “ {vides for the maintenance of the Wers, Who is now be- Spee ewe status guo, as regards spheres of in- at Georgeiown on | Mes, Gladstone's Only Indiscretion, | fluence and commercial agreements and also respecting the nature of the guarantees and compensations j ‘ . . ! released. Powers produced | | ne held inj 1ipe Cuaree, New York Herald. ,_ iemmuel Ely Quigg, of ae ork, ae Sue meres: rointsters asa which will be demanded from China. pei ee Sn cree Ore mre ea eae s Seer According to the understanding Cou st the go times: | ence Glo fnace to a cabinet matter. /the international army of occupa: > es ce ao - zee See to Sl tion will consist of 80,000. Russia Se ae tae ee es ence Oren Renee bane neces Mend ad Saran eral eonde le POU Gach: li the lipel is ed was{she knew the secret. In an instant Great Britain will provide 10,000 men, France 8,000 and Germany, America and the other powers 5,000 each. The Russian army corps in Siberia, which has just been mobil- ized, will only cross the Chinese frontier in the event of the crisis being aggravated. DS Don't Monkey With a Buzz Saw. Kansas City Star. late li and implied, | brilliant eyes of her husband one of hat Quaive had | those imperious glances which gave 4% for substi-|to his usually berignant face a truly word ‘“isthmian’’ for|Ccolmanding wicin. ruan,’ inthe plank of the} Mrs. Gladstone was soagitated by | platform, re-|ber momentary slip that her usual inter-oceanic canal. |composure deserted her. When the lby Attorney Juli-|dinner was over she went up to the , of Chicavo, ab the re-;Grawing recom and had a good old- of Nicoll, Anable and Lindsay, | fashioned cry. Then she wrote a York altorneys for Mr. Quigg. | little note of apology and sent it} <A little red calf wandered through ican nationa : = > : down to her husband and ‘“‘the inci-|one of the large doors of the West- Phe Banner Republican State. dent was closed.’ to quote the lan-|ern Sash and Door company’s plant We Citizen guage of diplomacy. this morning, over which was a sign -ounsyivania is reliably lepubli- : -— —_ reading, ‘‘Positively #no admittance laa acre gerard ata Will History Kepeat ltself. except through the office.’ ; cgirector ct pubne safety At . Philad ~ | Charlotte News, About him wereall manner of idelphia is charged with the ‘ , i b Rees a prominent] A Washington correspondent calls | 20!S¢S made by lathes and circular Au ex-ncinber of the leg-jattention to the fact that the politi- | 525: No ee noticed him at first. from the State to{cal situation today. is remarkably | He nibbled ata stray shaving or punishment for|similar to that ic 1872, wher Grant | WO but didn’t seem to care for i lot box frauds. An | was renominated for the second time. thein. Suddenly the seductive whirr United States district attorney |In the last year of his great adminis- Ooo saw seemed to ae onvicted of bribery. Elec-| tration, a succession of scandals e edged closer to it and concluded (oMicers ina Philadelphia ward|burst upon the country, just as the | 40 See what kind of odor it might »¥een convicted of fracd. A}Cuban scandals have done now. No- is tled One of the small teeth tipped his nose. Commotion. His back be- came bowed and his tail >was tied in a hard knot. He bucked and jump- Au attempt has been made | tres, which were directly traceable obribeajury in the Usited States}]te General Grant’s palpable inex- adelphia, The state} perience in civil administration just Las . been {as those of today are traceable to The time had now arrived to in- terfere. Workmen ieft their bench- es and all hands were piped out. But Mr. Calf said no. He wouldn’t budge. Superintendent Scharfin- he state print-|to personal favorites. After Grant ice. Several members of the} had been nominated,a large segment :ukiu borough council have been | ofthe Republican party bolted out- i { bribery, and proceed-|right, asibeGerman and anti-im- subto begin avainst a] perialist Republicans are bolting to- rof Seraston councilmen on}day. True, the bolt did not avail to ilar charge, and the Lancaster | defeat Gran! because the Demccrats tion rolled from all faces. An in- spiration struck the superintendent. “Twist his tail!’’ he shouted. “It’s already twisted answered one of the men. 008 of the people’s money.| by the carpet bag governments, and is rehably Republican. | because they did not believe in their The man obeyed. More hump to the calf’s back. A wail and a red 4streak as the little fellow shook off the men, shot ¢through the door and disappeared down the dusty road. “Which again proves that old saw,’’ said Scharfinberg, wiping his brow, ‘ ‘It’s not wise to monkey with the buzz saw.’ ”’ a Doctors Failed. Facts er thousands voted directly for the Republican cadidate and elected him. Here lies the difference this year. 1 oosevelt,announcing himself |22¢ Democrats do believe in their snublicanl Ul Goversor moosscell candidate; they are united; they are : ty just received. after ex-|2ided by a large Section of men who NG whence Gal Gear TO belonged to the Republican party and who either bolted four years ago Gn account of siiver or will bolt on account of imperialism, and the south is solidly for them instead a of being solidly against them asit| J. Terry, of Turkey, Kentucky, was in 1872. In other words the|writes: I haye been a sufferer for causes which skould have defeated | fifteen years from troubles arising Grant exist today, while those that | from a disordered liver, and all the the. Alabaina before |@¥ed him do notexist, making Bry-|dectors in the neighboring towns : any’s election a strong probability. | failed to do me any good. I thought : = ““|1 would try a box of Ramon’s Liver Ls. Rosser. of rCnCrai LD rs etter, says : : “Dy the way, 1 do pot know that rat lam half-Southerner myself. ly mother was a Georgian, and as icles—one was an admiralin ice,and the other Ishipman, who fired the “Probably over half my regiment | ——--—— Tae eee eI an A pea q i : = ills and Tonic Pellets. After us- -omposed of sons of Confeder- Story of a Slave. : aoe eons is of Confeder er To ing one-half box I felt better and and thave never been able to! Tobe bound band and foot for|was soon. permanently cured. J vercre Our interests diverge, 4 | vears by the chains of disease is the| keep them in stock constantly since ane the right of being treated |\worst form of slavery. George D.{I discovered their valuable curative sunch fricud of the South, as | wiltiams, of Manchester, Michigan, | qualities. For sale by N. R. Tun- Or the North, of the ast and roils how such a slave was made|stall, Druggist. - . » and i believein the Re-|tree Hes iys: “My wifehas been |} ——— - nm sure it! <obelpless for five years that she J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, : could not turn over in bed alone. | Crosby, Miss., makes the following party because La pationa. a aa After using two bottles of Electric|statement: “‘Ican certify that One Hon. W.D furner to Speak. Bitters, she is wonderfully improv- Minute Cough Cure will doall that we oT om ~ .,:,,{ed and able to do her own work.’’|is claimed for it. My wife could not on. W. 1. Turner, Democratic | m. supreme remedy for female dis-|#¢t her breath and the first dose of candidate for Licutenant Governor, eases quickly cures nervousness, |it relievedher, It has also benefited ak at Harmony on Saturday | 1.0 lessness, melancholy, headache. |™Y whole family.” It acts immedi- July Tth., at 8:30 0 clock, and | | ckache. fainting and dizzy spells. | ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, peptic Springs. Munday, July |7his miracle working medicine is a es and all ail citizens of Iredell county eae es ea spent Sone ea eae ould tura out to these appoint- bce Sold by WF. Hall, An unknown woman about thirty its and hear our honored county- J aD Sige *| years of age, who was a passenger : diseuss the amendment and|°" meant: on the Bay Line ee Georgia other issues of the campaign. ae = from Baltimore one day last week, J. A. Hartness, A ee coon oe a Sea-| committed suicide by jumping into Chairman Dem. Co. Com. oe es Raa RE +: Se the Chesapeake Bay. Fe., 2 day ates : Loner eee : trainran into a northern bound} _ A Good Family Medicine. f GMa Ne Ca ea oan Oe OR the main line a the sta-| W. Lee Wilmoth, Top of Allegh- Conte ae ar tion waiting forthe work train to|/any, West Va., writes: I have used Air suferiog [rom severe 09S" |take the siding. Engineer Neal was | Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pel- remedies without permanent | @4ly injured by steam. He remain-|lets for the past five years ia our Galicninoti ek oaoh Dyspesia ed wedged in between the two en-j|family. I do not hesitate to say “it aid me <o much good 1 {ines twenty minutes before ke that they are the best. They are recommended it to everyone’? | Could be cutout. One engine was | mild in actign, splendid in effect. be- veommended itt yone, | almost totally wrecked. sides beinz,pleasant to take and re- RG a - : = quiring one only ata dose. To all whit wou est eye el “DeWitt's Little Early Risersare | who are unable to pay large doctor’s — ____| the finest pills I ever used.’"—D. J. | bills I would say, always keep 2 box Robert P. Howell, Jr., of Golds?| Moore,Millbrook, Ala. They quiek-|of Ramon’s Liver Pills in the house 420 \ 4 The President is quitting Wash-} in Cluna has improved, though it is! | ple, and there are many expressions | ° C.. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 909. NO, 31 GENBRAL NEWs. The Poll Tax Feature The Chinese Question. Governor Roosevelt will make 2 ee Cieveland Star | Washington Dispatch, 2oth ‘tour ofthe West enlightening the people of the West on the issues of theday,as he goes to Oklahoma |where the *‘Rough Rider” reunion will be held on July 6th. Two rcbbers attempted to break in the Peopie = National Baak at Martinsville, Va., one night last week. They saw the night police- man and iled, leaving their dyram- ite. caps and powder. The officer fired upon them but they escaped. One of the robbers dropped his hat and left it. W.S. Musser, Millheim, Pa.. sav- ed the life of bis little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Gare whea she was dying fromeroup. It is the nly harmless remedy that gives im- mediate results. It quickly cares coughs, colds, bronchitis,” grippe, asthma, and al} throat and lung troubles. W. F. HallJr. The board of health has decided to thoroughly disinfect the Chinese quarters in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Coney Island as a measvre of precaytion against the plague. The board ef estimate has appropriated $20,000 for the work, which will be immediately begun. 3.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. Says. “I cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Ove box of it cured what the doctors eall- ed an incurable ulcer on my jaw.’ Cures Piles and all skin diseases. Lookout for worthless imitations. W. F. Hall, Jr., A Jandslide occurred a Hill, 13 miles below Dec: on the Louisville & Nashville Rail- road last week. One negroand two white men were killed. It is thougbt several others shared the same fate. “Thad stomach trouble twenty years and yave up hope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kedol Dyspep- sia Cure. It has done meso mucl ood I call it the savior of my life.’ writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany Tenn, It digests what you eat. W. F. Hall Jr. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, brave man that he is, hasrefused to leave his headquarters in Havana on account of the yellow fever. He has, though, given permission toany one of his stall to leaye, that so desires. The easiest und most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing the liverand bowels) W. F. Haillir Concord Standard: Deputy Robia- son had the well in the jail yard cleansed last week. In itwas found 2 bowl of butter, probably four or five pounds, On the bowl was atin lid that fitted fairly weil, so that there was no dirt or mud on the butter and it appeared entirely well preserved. But the associa- tions! When the mob took Joe Kiser and Tom Johnson out of the jail on the nightof May 29, 1898, the rope was takenfrom the well with which tohang them. It is not ex- plained how this butter got into the well, but that is marked as the time. The butter may have been good, but Mr. Robirson had no stomach for the associations, and we are unable to tell what is the flavor of butter have and whether 1t was good to|immersed in well water for more : ae E erage rat. then two years. itfemipt bas been made to| body will have forgotten the great |° = see me upon the receiver of taxes |Credit Mobilier fraud, and the ‘sub- pee eee bemade the mis-| “ater suffering from piles for 44) fraudulent orders for tax re-|sequent *‘Whiskey Ring’’ disclos- | ‘® See fifteen years I was cured by usingy two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye,”’ writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N.C. It heals everything. ata Beware of counterfeits. W. OF. ed and kicked. Hall,Jr. The Prohibition national conyen tion met in Chicago, Ills., last week. J. C. Wooley, of Lilinois, was nomi- ; he Serene nated for President and Henry 2. berg assumed command. Perspira-| yetealf, of Khode Island, for Vice President. S. With- out help, a bald spot never grows smalier. ~~ @aies it keeps $PO © spread- TS ing, until at last your friends say, “How bald he is getting.” Not easy to cure an old baldness, but easy to stop the first thinning, see! to check the first falling out. ~ Used in time, bald- ness is made im pos- sible with — & It stops falling, promotes growth, and takes out all dandruff. It always restores color to faded or gray hair, all the dark, ric color of early life.~You may depend upon it every time. It brings health to the hair. $1.00 a bottic. All Druggists. oon e used your Hair V: am earey pleased with er If you do not obtain aii benefits au expec! from the use of the Vises, Gairess DEO AYER. » Dx. J.C. : < Lowell, Mass. has been appointed a cadet atily cure all liver and bowel troubles. j to use in case of mecessity. For : : sale by N. R. Tunstall, Druggist. est Point inilitary academy. W. F, Ball. Jr. ee t ee Se a —— a ? o Le ern ~~ - aes ~ ——_—__ - = tlie I — "eames. Fe ee ee 3 t i THES MASCO = ee 2 = EWS acticalty Deciaces War sv folice to Creditors Dr. P. F LAUGExo : = Sena = _ aire az a She Will Dictate Fhe State Board of Biections Meets. TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. Germany Practically Deciaces War; STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. Notice to c . é CUR = a\ ee . Gerinany Says ote i dete = on China. | STATESVILLE. SN. Cc. July 5. 9%. 9 am. = 3 VING quafified an executor of the will of ce. 3 5 tg OPED Ti tax! Terws of Peace. Raleigh News and Observer a oe Bertinpiecatce i fat ae Midaii 9.40 tet WS. Stevenson, deceased, all as a : a= ! i . . Z . anv a . Berlin Dispatch, 2rd, Strict Good Middiing. ..--. ++ ++. a Se en: Bee mcd D “Siaeae a” : : - Kerlin Dispatch, ard. | The State Board of Elections met Mr. A. C, Payne was at Lenoir | . ny “y : | Good Middling...---------- gee aime eee undersigned on or be-! STATEsy I= NC — ~ | 7 z perky : . 3 eo acter west escribe the size | Menday. | Privy Councilor Hamana inform-!speduaes Pl. iii l! S30 | present themtme f0 the 1 ed a rt = cD i Ea | Addressing the detachment Of here yesterday to prescribe the size - a i ee ed tke corresnondent of the Assoviate! Tinges.- .-- - he ie oe ead Se cet cman Rael. (Wallibe in bis Ree 4 G Pownieme.D WEEKLY |German marines which sailed from | ana éolor of the tickets to be voted | Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Feimster. of } Pr - Sot “th ewtiae os s Stains) es5+ +. = + a Ea eee i S. W, STEVENSON, | inning with frst Monda, Weeks a F Withe!ms? |in the August election, as required | Newton. spent several days herethe “GC * ress today that the official: dis- |" Market firm. et Can ton Gailion Tinie. 2. ye vid white hor eS Space caer | past week visiting relatives. Epona aumouncins ‘Baron Won ket) Se imo ct = ion Wa nits ia ocd wie deri hiet ified eis a : = 4} we | = S assassinith Yas received | 2 ; ES he lhag > 4 wae ; speec we whieh he notified the) “Ty ssions ard were , a eler’s assassination was receive os KET! « alate mi : ! pelo oe lace Ss ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Spe a Sos ; aa eS e tion tol} EEO Se ee at| . ir. T.O Teazue had his trac-'here early today. 11 wes based upon , STATESVILLE PROD ICE MAR Seed Oats and Hay For Sale. ae ed sing Boe cana seegt = ee cin eld. 20 ‘lock : : ac oelle anes : : oday. os : - - : ri ‘ : eladiaie| =o i os Ge aa I see ne a \ j tion engine here Tuesd2y to mect'a direct, written messuge conveved ee | _Thavea lot of whiteand black spring oats for | | soir best m: r tiss Hallie Morri —_—- pave nee 1g ivGae ae ‘ ow, a ° 'Mr M y ¢ cke rs thre h oy, , an dnd cirnead hu | = = sale for seed, Lhave a large lot of nice ba i low. aly Biren ; Miss i po ‘ A. D. Waris. Eprron & PRovriETOR| KMrteler, the late Minister of Ger-) At the 10 o'clock meeting the only | Mr. RLF. Lackey’s a ones ee Von =a COOPER & GiLL | hay for sale. Seennt when you want rainfed > pire cover ai the Pe eerin : ee ae | many at Pekin, and the missionaries, | business transacted was administer | Miss Gertrude Matheson came #@D.a SEP os of t Seen ad sal malt, Respect ate L.COWAN. | ee Ss, J, &- Morrison. . many ¢ ‘ . "1? ' =iness . mr ’ } ~ ; ahr} ane 3 y ] ea = a a od : N. al r - ; be Teste tice at Statesvillea |and tc dictate terms tothe Chinese | ing the oath of cfice to Mr. Free | home Tuesday from Atlanta, Ga., Har: ee rG eit COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. Lea teone ramets : For S2! whe fine of $59 whi Ne eae ifrom the palace at Pekin. HisM@j-|mon, the successor of Senator! to spend her summer vacation. ee nO ae earns Wanted Vora For Sate. nay. Ml. Ballard at i "second clags mai! matter. } estv spoke as follows: | Franis as a member of the board. } : a toms It was addressed to the com- | "YING PRICES—BASIS NO. 1 QUALSTY. i ented. Ao oes ae ard 2 ev ae COP iy eres - Tiere ner, | Se eS ea eal The Catawba county band, of mander of tbe European forees at} Cabbage, per... .- + - ae eer g Ss {have just received a ca: | - apond. Wo a ‘s Duove No. 3D | “The Sre brand of war has been| Atthe afternooon session of the} Maiden. was here Monday to m2hke! Tien Tsin and was forwarded June | Ext Bour-sack ..- - 2 -- “+ sas GOOD second Roe oe er RN eae STEIN BES Zor Sr icon GC ¢ PHONE 0. thuried in the midst of the most DYo-| board the following resolution was|~ So" 7 OS <a ma jen Tsin and was for red June | Ramco sack. 2 ene 20) d oo Shs: — : i are an : one : 5 imusic for the Republisan-Populist 29th by ¢ onsul Zimmerman to the | Mel -bolted—gqates. per bushel... S| en eee eae es. = ian C ? | undpecce. | nuapp lythis was to me! ad pted: I snex ling - iG > ~ e S — 4 41mn — mr | “ unbolted, g8 tbs ** = . 55 June 28th, 1900, J. W. HAGER, } WHI UNY was to come ; > Z : apes 2 . i . \s rte ad. | * ile ne ws t ot S 2 E 0 jnot unexncetea, the crime is un-! Pesoived. that the ballots for the} ”' Them oeoee ; eS pod se ig a ps 3S joned sntil tae -2 ir . She ’ y gos om be 1 3 i ress ~ } : e message cc AlDe < ny | Cor yId—56s. per bushel . si ies 5 3 ur l-neakable, insolent: horr ney 1D | Stute officers, to be elected at the | iSelier Bros..af Ellendale town- e message contained a number Corn—old—s ts bushel ows. és resly represeitative and has taken | of upiform size of thre nm i = 5 : = - a nr — for the ne incase ee eae ote ee 9 see Roath : Se oa /of irteresting detai's. Ba et- ee A To 30 The s.te fi = barbavicr that nas beca COM>lelection to be heid on the a jship. weat to tatesville 7'uesdav | sere saber ai Boron es Pess— Gay ee 20 ~ELa ba ag LN ae p--rehased. it pte agdlast the person Of MS Thursday in August, 1900, shall bejfor a traction engine to. thresh | re taped restore ny ate teen dime eae ier ot eee 20 Se and was bouch?t inches wide} wheal with. 2 Tsung Li Yemen (Foreign Office)! poatocet : i 7 yt 2u¢ as 4 ne ’ rr E >! ’ te 2 - 3 | iw Ss arte “ke one le re on ae af Sv — , . = . a i Wy ener. i from us. Toe uisters Of the |and seven andone half jackeslony:| |. Nee ee at ee Sete number \., | Onions—aclect, per bashel 7$ ! rr tem hones rear ~ between lifeabad!T ; eas a lain}._i-leutenant Governor Reyuolds.of | Chinese who pulled him off his horse San ere me aS T ee 3 . vtec Summa Sher ver powers aover between @ab6G) That same shall be printed ip plain} — . x os ~ : 5 , = eet bn ifm tne elie tse %é i Virs. “ : ‘ ldeuih, and with tbem comrades | jy. primer letter ia black inw, up Winston, aod Candidate Claude! and beat kim to death. An inter ae tees nee oe ae 3 i : ; ie oe OF Aula, abe Wil ti -~ (Phase ANCE } tu > pe} sues ‘ ee “a fe S a : ae x ap 2 er .t : En 7 LE eel ew hee ei cpa poll bec jolt) bn avery <0 : Uhh sa- a baie, for th yrole It may] or ite paper. without ornament Dockery are billed to speak here o: , preter whosas with him was seri-)y —per th cA eae Siz 3 y wneed that ske sent to ue i au oy (On v e pa : 1 2cnt, - 9 peggy SEs if tee ie | 3 SO eta wee a nom a! rat ae bee inal nee = ‘y ,bave al-|cyinbolor device, of the character | Se@uesday. the 18th, for the Repub-!ousiy injured, but escaped aud sub, | Ronters per >. - pee a y wreceries, ab cost eae V cee their last tight de ee Stel yc this beard with the | cans. rsequently reached the German Lega- (e ee “large, ite ss Works better. ¢ces farther pegiD iodas- ad. v¢vhbt their |: got, _ }de@eposi by Ys a s 5 s - “ces fz et oa ’ . e i . . Ze. aT M5 MN : : : OMY ila Tey aly een ae yh e d SN RCee ss — mer RDS mn. oe iit 5 2 2 : > German flag bas been in| Secretary of State of North Caro-| The Populist Senateriel couven-!™! Herr Hama RppOses Ghateengs eee ee aie ee Ney ni 5 and is the cheapest in every 4 The~ 1d benches, ¢ ea Es yD . has } aa i . : + te rlann supposes th: 1eTS <i 1 ‘ isul und the German Empire treat-'lina, and it shall contain nothior|tiun here monday named Mr. J. O.| i = Cones bt a h AS peace, ed icecacrie mean haem meee aes 4s respect. ~ gid court hous jed with contempt. This demands jexcept the name or names of the! Meintosh, ef Lincoln county, tol eg : praca, fee hel . a eee Satter Choice wcliowss i ey 1235 ~tign ov last Sat 2 LEM INY and TOV in tn ee 7 ac . Sor a ee . S Se. +1 estruction ric Ie -clares > =e : * : : : pex ringlary Punishment and moe | petsol: Or pet SOUS voted ae ane Peis. with Col Thos. J. . Dala, ol : was mofe Pee ee the ee eT per Sb eee . 3 7 qT > e we yard. The fare - ce. REveptshave moved with) cougiy in which they reside. and the} Wilkes county, on the frsion ticket. sey Sete Aas ah Seas diti ee Ss pend ei ee 71g é Yerent lots butailt | rrehtful rapidityand have become | office to which such persons are in- 4 te:¢] “ oct i x ee ais Paki oactae Se ute ne ey é & Uniform, Strong 2 yut S28 3 ‘ - eo ay a . te sCaeTs rime nstilure aisits Valles 12 @KI yas Gespernt _ as Os it | orofoundl, grave and raver. | tended to be chosen. -. te.cners Normal insti : eid Me : a 30 f i | Sin lealled you to arms, that! Pesolved. that the ballots fer! being cenducted here at the Tav-janti aid was imperatively needed. 60 and Runs Further \ Mr. James A. har 7 Sates r ~ A « . re : } oe : ae % he } - wide . e wwe . ~ © NY) c « ¢ “ary os 3 =f ~ Pt till ae gre | hich | had hoped to effect with the! Judeoes of Supreme. Sunerior and|{iorsvile Collegiate Institute byilt was also announced that the wasnt ae. 35 . \ som his place oc: ar be ay Pea piahiee tant hi Ee Sem ape alti tea amen eccrine 3 Pen fc TT Te yyy Pongeh an eal! niti i " seret ruards Syeer s ‘ > aa * <> & } be jarine infuatry has now be-| Criminal Courts and Solicitor. to tbe | Profs. Whi and Beach ae se joonives of ee cae Boos Ne ROC a fal vicar = oe Pope 2 to ths Pound, id tc bis house ¢ Y 4 rele whieh n- only | pa pe i -Ontisr Fy *woeks alter this. 2) We é St eXhauscved. yool—washed ......- a! let Son <s ee sroht Py ot Sor it task which Can Only | voted for in the eiection te be he dj co . = ae ~os cre a ter >i aS : es | a ie ae iy aethes Seated erste exes —quarters, bright... 3 - : 5 ceet. He Oo =e ba £ lobe f h the help of the ser-/on the first Thursday in August, | pebli« sx heol teachers of the count; rom weli authenticated reports }*h) Layer ceta cade ae 3 Than any other twine claim conti: from Mrs ee ieee an NINGS RR AN | cied ranits civifized States. | 18) shall be of uniform size of three | Should attend. ce repr eee Benne ‘s “ aya shiced ; mee ed t6 be of the same vrade. ws improved it. ; WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. ieee ntitho German te haben oes ae if 1 Press is able to state today. after aa ; 60 . q will not rest until the German shes wide and two and one hal - : \ = a vielen green—per bushel. 2... RAGS ‘| ‘ ; ieee See cd abe ice That ae eee Saal be Sone: Phe witendance hercat the speak-|rhe detailed statement Uy Count | pescnes*pecmd ° THE : Quite a ae ie. si — Gal, JNBEE LO eu 1 iene. nal the Same shai Der ne taleine Out the Demvucrats who! wv. 7 c S . te - 6 »spert the eve me vy : SGCKATIOC CONVENTION DATES] 55 \ over] ad in pia F rimer letters. i Bera ae aaa ace ‘| Vor Buelow, Secretary of Scate for} % “ > a pic SP. = << 7 ‘| DEMGOKATIC CONVENTI powers, a a le din pay loney eae 2 sents oe were present, was not larger than! Poreign Affairs. recardine the Chi- | pecon- tee 4 Deer ence cf Mr. J. OW ; — hina as een ack ink son white paper, ; “44> - . , es eregae REAR = im i — Sean SF} 4 u ; eae. oN | OlACS 1 SD erie ga ene ‘.{the crowd here reeenily to hearl, Cen that Oe oe aE Iiann tien ee ee I wht. They wer q 44 : : : : . | vlanted on th lls of Pekin to die-| ont ornament, svmbel or device, of | <3 tle nnean faye nar aan ea cae an patch AAS. ; : ee ESA CR Oe oe ee 8 : = ne anecul il NAviONAL Democratic CONVENTION, | © * Chinese. You!the character deposited bv this tien. C, Lb. Aycock.notw ithstanding | up his mind io iasist upon Shoulders 2.0 8 irpose of t ‘ ee Re KANSAS City, Missouri, willhave to maintain ¢ood comrade- Board with the Secretary of State of |“ ‘a Sone Oy, Scustor Baie j tui satisfaction for the death cf; ———-————-—— Se Is the Standing Linder twine of Ameneca, ant a: Sach - 3 ee y ty Werpnespay, JOLY 4TH. Panty th all the other t FOODS whom | Nerin Caroliaa, and :t shail contain SOC’ OCRETS- ' Baron Von Ketteler, for which pur- Sale of Vaiuabie Land, cognized by the great Wheat Farmers of tae woh, 7 whe “ TuesTay s c barlo* bs > } 7 . 7 : | - ~ - = = 9 ve - cen ~ Vo ee . ered a oe s ce . > Se ao) ae jyo seme tn coutact wich ever | notuing except the name or names! The board of county commission -| POS he resolved to send e!together move of the * Deering” twice thana!l theother hands, vom, £ irs. Sophie i. St i Be DEMOCRATIC STATE TIDKET. v Kussians, British and/of ve person or persons voted for.|ers dia not transact any business of | armed forces approx mately as Sof adecree cf Iredell Superior = le, nas rented Mr ; E ' licalit rea fightine for ' eer oe etal : : ; re as those be other 04 in the specie! proceeding cnti- , <0 On aril ; t ; : : jEveach all alike, are fighting for!the County in winch they reside, and | izterest to the public at their mee eae oes of the eS Mn Ge Niel eniaL a otbers Remember eli’shoase on Nort Bt I i IVERNOR fore common canse—for civilization. | he ghee to which such person Orting sonday. The bcard will mee’ jchicty Se nee : U, Poplvler, the unc-*sigued as Soe next to the Ba; > vee if . : ae Tl. _ Shaeiahcoes ty . mained = oat geael } VCO, : 34 rt will at “ s r rf c - as an ‘ ESI ‘ V | Nondon Disyeteh. 3rd.—The t! norsons are intended to be chosen > ip regular session next mon. |Get in China The DES Seo es You can’t afford to use poor twine, as it causes delays. |... wilopen it as a bes | ieee ithat ar fcoluinn has been unable; Resolved, That the ball for the : =. 3 ; the ferces hus not yet ‘been deier- : me « : : } “ nics : pts 2 rehe!coiuinn has | : ible | eesoived, that the ovallots for the Yih, to revise and hear com | : " iti ses SATURDAY, JULY 1TH, 1990, and was‘e. Just after we ven - Us « « i ' . ole a alee ae A he “ a ‘| ' z it ibis expcete tates , aoe . a - . a i J Us “ 7 - Be es ha io | io leave in response to the } !C! Constitutional amendment to be sub- about tax returns and vaiu-j MINec. bu a 1S CX} en wat ihe _ See eae ea Ea ois We seil the “Deering” twine, and “guarantee the price to ix ak. 2 cotton bloom B4 4 NR YV OF STAT : } Ve ae aE i peas a 2 secre . iw PY rother amoun n > cor 4 2 " a seek, & vO" i ; pees jpraver of the belcazuercd logetions! mitted to the peopie at the August | Wilt aitogether amount to. ay act of lan din as iow as other twine of inferior erades. See. It was pulle m i: a ie ie lat Pekin is revarded inf ei. in the year 1900. shall be of Jats guzand. <A considerable portion a Iredelt sounty, ot = Seah : 1 ‘ REX | r 5 i = ae miei eS Neer NO Ty eee oan ta ist cant f ihe German fleet will be sental plice, comm Mr. A. A. G2or.e: a be een ga ‘ twat | Londo cle wimost thel:}, : eof three inches wide The Taylorsville Telephone Co.) of the German feet will be sentalso - Tv . J ¢} ee eee estroyitig alae : Zoot three e} Fhe Taylorsvilie Telephone Co. jof the German feet will be sentalso. THE FLANIGAN-EVANS ihe 2zth of June + ‘ 1 mw LOPE ar be ipl nao : !one ¢ 23 ! Ht Ve = z ast SLL “ at : ‘ ‘ i : 3S ‘ = 5 ; : p ; ' |! Gt Lope lor tae up and one and one quarter inches long. | Wes ¢ ized Jast Saturday Ww BS Pe Cy Oy OCC ; : Satmeconen Ww f ibe best far i BENYAMEN EI as ers pentupin the That tue same shat! be printed in| Ur. Ti. Moore president, A. ©.]tonicht te prepare five large battle- | Tris June rath, z9 ae HARD ARE co, ¢ Of Lue DES trie ‘ i pes r Sen ; Sey ae oe : . ¢ : a. ; 2i< near tin ; 3 ' Uean ee wae . ta : ; . Dan ecretary. > Feimster! shins f ailine itis understood mand is near ti : , | meng at. Yhe worst 1s feared. | py}: » primer letiers, i black vne secretary. H. P. Feimster)ships for sailin {Lis understood ; % Saree . at ae t c ae t 3s nee ‘ : ie ain jong P mer ie bee s, in blaci e lee eau eeggene 5 a NS rd of directors an Pricee Soars, of Prossia has nm Be : d Eer 2 fs Sale a si “0 ie ya mA ee = wrel tt issecre of Cawnpore Is in| 7. en white paper of the character treasurer, ang & oourd Oo. Mrectors. | tae ACCES Dr’ ! ss nf Mates ane erses r saie. The stores 2 bt i i le ion Very ns mind. Itis bi ; eposited py this Board with the! Ure company propose to build a Hae \ recuestea the I peror tO give f bin Bra GE rien ane Bocce for sate Sonica ch ior BEERS E/E iE SSE S ent © osed their « 4 a we to be felt here that the plausible eretary of State of North Caro-jto connect with the Statesvile|conmand of this division, Hut it Sash eS he ene ee a OO NEES” e ind took 2 Gay of wor: Nereus cure Getion that nostate of war exists | ine ‘phone svstem, ;dovotful whether Mis Majesiv wv eo. ; k acvanteve c! t SA i. PA SUN Caldwell % no Uh i are line. | < - > OK acveante: i : , isnolonger tenable and a f a a Scnator Butler did not make the | TALee to this ae ie 5 ‘ ‘ } ess ly tS cet cut of town, i ; For ¢ ‘ rt Svnimned odern urmy. belong : : dconat “utier did Ret 1aK v. | 06 Che Emperor and Count Von Bue- - Cc M 2 B ° oe riv or snd ovners G! B Pete oe: pot ee Federal Prisoners Kemoved fron:|specch spapy thought he would. I rciiclictawere aha san K. . IML. OD DBD. pe rive rac oa r Kor ¢ 110 'e nationality, is necessary Raletgh. His friends sud every one were dis | ow are i iy a SY bat a ¢ on itu- ke ye aa ah 2 eae oo no “te te See our DONS i i ee CORER a Resa a eetnh ae asene oe e | Sees Gee aes | ional difficulties render difficult the Fast Train There is a tit and hang to our ravdy made skiets that distin, Fine tase! , eee rm : = - ? a sc ‘7 appointed, yOaon t ise to eter ys. : ; i Mo Sri ee pea ae | oa . art ne : ‘ : lot the expeditions of 2 dozen nation- | Raleigh News and obser eRe ae oe co gs ee aoe dispatching of so large contingent, = ? 5 them from the ordinary. There is style aad quality and honest 00 hai-man oa i ; SAMUFL I ( sof) irlitie Hence arises the demend| Ga account of the cruel treatment| oy, Po Sari tia “» | vut beth are agreed tbat it must ire Limited. This motern|too, Come and see us. If we havea’! your siz>, sslees the muteria! leg : tice ‘rom (Gairm . . | pulist: party in Alexander | ie ; : = tore. In this they are supported county Das Oue or two speakers whol) ton Sel Stet ys mnenanc earliest = 5 joy tue singulariy ubanimous atti- could bave dove us aell. thin with rechoing car busrtet a yeur measure and will furnish the skirt, cuaranteeing fit and style lion. 2. W. Mason : > ~ 4 a - " tobe © to zon. ww. a mandate | ai teu the Pederal prisoners bere have of- + tn ~ 3 . = > ; eit nNadonC lin the Stuie penitent xB rik. R. at a a vu 2 a es 5 - . mR. mr = v 009 apts in Lug x ' ne in aot HrOper SeCus that jten c which the Depa rte itude of the German dress. Tonigit Memp'is $o5 p. m. and ae iL Oo Trive o- AppolnuMene 1 EI, } i Sie ‘ 7 : lee : , er Se sea eee a5 a a aus Soon bd nct a nce. DA i ra fa tt : v4 Ny ashineton has | Col GX I lowers, d lecat s and 'a number of the leading papers a text See eee Sees rota -20u vee - a Le yes ; +! cuss rans for fulfiliipet 14t1on’s | Memplus w trains for Ar at and s. Se etad aS Be Ue ; aie Re : en |d tts, 2Sq-- AIUETEUE TO the | CUSS CaS 1OF MANS Ie BAUON 31 kc nichols for poimtsin | Tex is and North In the next few days another lot of that boautiful r speaker COUNTY TICKET Rumors sre current in Paris that ded Sy the Government to re-| Democratic National convention. | wish, to wake reprisals ogainst ard at oe merle es Vall ig y wr tert . mi “ Jorado, Califorma andall : ~ tre “ederal conviets at once to] drove te Hick Kinbassy hes received ingly severe with sory Sunday afternoon j China correspouc ate deliegati xt the massacre of the|}sewc ¢ ion and go | the outrages. ant Nore A., Kansas City, Mo, MADRAS At 10c. Per Yard. De aes eg = ; + ’ ; . yr prisons and to per-}{to ucet thes Sanday for tae . Si bi Renita Rocce specshail notbe again squeezed out| ment : so *t : , waen the castiy task is over yeeere nily investigated, it bas been{/d. W. } | | | - i ; Pc ety tenga) veces ee aes : Pe (pa gerne a Na ect eae ade Peshtigo VO STRAIN, T. b. A. Memphis, enn cle # ' Si oo essa dalnisters atlmonenti, discontinue sending pris-|te Kansas City, Mo. _ Phe v will visit ~—Se— CHAS, jo? 2A Ding ham Ala The very ibing for Ladies Waists and Gentiemen’s Nevlizte Sip i cong.cgati < i a there is no cenlirmation joners her toserve terms, relutives in awtssouri and Kansas Mooresville News. Sane : ee ah Sos the value is apparent at a glanee. orbit sermon ta ur Correspondent. Sale of Land, Litde’s salary ww 4v.torney General of the} wuoite West and returp in two ara a ) From our Re :otitied the Mar-|thice weeks. pykai reports that the inter-! United Stxtes | TLer da ermmined tM f “: rs : a i. or R ane ee Aa mee > a ad ‘ ~ They ¢Gcterm ei ' forces at Tiea-Tsin are|shal of this Cistrict to remove cer- a : ‘ - ihe Hi on. ak. Deaces : poke ss oD Y virtue of ndgment of the Superior At and Below Cost. mou-y and a Slaa / -of goed a Wa-| tein Fedc:al prisoners now confined Ite star mail roe chanyed {the amendment. in Academy Hall |J> coun m de in ; ee . t. «iven no aps77e ; ee . eels ae hie eae ae ee eR ae ce nek Se at A etcetera aes : \q | tied John W. McHarg ai ator ot James 2 i wt, ove as? ef t Pei Ho fiver be-lin ihe penitentiary here, to Knox-|bards Mor ee he onsen fase ia Se ee aaa 000 |W Siecdarguc, againet I 2 MeHavewe e% al.{ Our shoes are going, comezearly if you want 2 bargain. - It wil! bo Je tay’s Charl a0 “12 be , ~ ) fey merere eyes ryt » * ' roo were 2) ar te “> Aa ftary . eryegiti t » . ets = * ri stoue yal c bs oe ass ms - 4 \ << nay - ba iq + with the corpses of Chi-| ville, Teau., where they will becon-|* tractors Sub-let ali the routesiaucience. After tue s peaking all (the undersigned commiis-iuawer will on 4a matter of fit—not price. Puecslay, ’S ¢ other victims of the bom-| fined in the Tennessee penitentiary. |UY- Obe, the faimptonville daily | p tiormed 2 White Supremacy SATURDAY, JULY 74H, 2900, Rev. 2 “ a this te say: wey ' . . sol ia a ie 1 7 2hls inail taiied to go oucfelub, and a committce of three were | expose to public sale tothe Vighest Indder for WALTON & GAGE Steele Creek, ‘ *, but Postinaster Matheson |appei ited te select officers fur the feasts partotihe Jaco W. Metazcue bome z tendin, meeting | Place, situated Tue remoya! is to take place tomor- |? . ite ; ay a ToW, and is to be in charge of Caiei — a ee =e - ite ire in Hobokea. Terri- orthern part Jeli ; t si e t e Ng e e ge ed h e re e EI ma r a e ap te k k e n 3 Ha c . - mm Sa ni rrcd wit! he former carrier } n He meetine < waned 4 A 7 _ mes : - { ee Sales Clorin do a Sharpe, of the marshal’s : ooo eee the ‘tormer pa arrier} civ5, and the mes t Dee a ee LO) county. adjoniny the lands ee a : F wn of gos : 4 FOR SUK Dito Loss of Life and Property. who has selected twelve dep- | 2"¢ had it to start out Tuesday | meet wgainon uesday pnigbt ard Sena Bone Id Se Ww Lut Peporecr a. weil i ~ t IRA W. SO? A as St es Wes = 5 a me a . a . Se aide eS - 5 ount so. .+ be Ae aR = ay i mine he ay Hotta Sto assist him They morning, A Mr. Bently, of Wilkes!comptete the orgauization. On lest it brings per wcrc. N -C2in to Staiesvil 3% we ror UN COMMISSIO s = Eee = - mS } 1 Ts 15. = ee " E an 2 ere any Par we = ; H eis ee ee The four creat piers of the North ene er eer county, has the Wilkesboro route. night (Tuesday) the club met and svid und 3 : i ~ . widec,”’ said he. : ut fHOMAS M. C. DAVIDSON hue iour “reat piers of the Way seventy, outof the - 2 aes — ee 4} S u of the e | thy pleas tay inein H 5 : : } por 2 recommensation of 2 . eae aren — a heal was creatly pleas PS ot MARSHALL K. STEELE, German Liogd Linein tloboken were ade prisovers in the hh, loxauder omer eeton Gpon z eh ree Oommen 4a ae z of the i be furnis ‘ a © commissioner on v e 3 i ats ¢£ eee Ce H JAMES A. BLACK iotally destroyed by fire Saturday | peniteutiary b ile a las “F ar % coumitiee, Vir. M. W. White was rt scile. SOR XN DNAS CUE. 1» Statesville. The JAME ILACK, iid! Colroy e irr 5 aUY Ppocoiieutiwey f woerd met last Priday, June 29th Pe 4 ww] Toe This May zs', 1900 \ Muutassiouer, e wigs ge - t ener s 2 : ve ; - oe ba — en Ot MmCu ~) ay, : wel lected reside Me. e 2 waae ay 3 aoe vor ~ -eane. ( : afternoon. The pas rey steam- Lie purty will leave for Knoxville 5 ia eppsinted the foliowins judses elected president and Messrs. E. S. Grier & Long, Att'ys. Ist. A Beau‘ifui line of Llractive ene lv THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL [ship Sauie, the freight : Sa aa ieee ee Na Goodman, J. L. Bradly. J. L. Flem- y vice presidents and Messrs. OD rean ae aE LINEN AN: ¢é OTTON ue ee an eer Serene Netice ie Creditors, MATERIA). “iss Maric Knibl 1d passeny- | Lomorrow afternoon at 3:50) o'clock BION. er steemship Maine and the freight}over the Southern Eaily i pusseoger steamsbip Bremen ot : : x r tee question to ucid the August election: , Miliges township, Jas. 8.Mvoore, J. =. a * . Ss ry ~~ nick: Sharpes, Jno. ©. Thore- CONVEIN. Two nocratie National Conven-}°o4 vacues lave been detached forty Hed GA S EG SA R ee e = pa r i s a = R ue UG r committee on permeaneat} scories h 4 a . ‘ E 5 i. The resident upar taking the chair ; , ; : ere mn : orth German Lloyd Line, were} the purpose 5 ae Sse 7 bus |The president upon taxing the chair : pa : ; tien met in Eansas City, yester- a ~ Seal caiea es ae Nee eee , as. UD? Miller, Gwaltnevs, Geo. W. | antad teat IDF > al isaswmne AVING qualified as admimiatrator, with the j j- aon 1 Ohne? . B au, as she calied h H i ; ee =: burned to the water’s edge. The Among tuese who will assist Mr. Sharpe. A.-Ma ore . Spear Loaf seen ted that 295 mea nad joined EF will aS Riciaies aiee: deceased, | For Summer Skirts and Chevior, Perva!s and Piques, for Ladies Shirt weec' the baset a ‘ dav. Lhe Codvention met on tlambure Line steam hoenica, |Sharpe in the transfer ure: Sessrs = = a : sea Seas y “3 Ass s ae the cinb. j te undersigned here Utes all persons nae Waist and Men’s Shirts. - What was supposed tt t Nai gyn : Seren : ean a ie Se eee De ena . stevensoc: Aweyn ce Siebel are Appoint | ime claums ayainat tac [Of atid deceased to fetes eae nt : i ii 1 orth Carolina deleva- % passenver ins » Was also} &. W. Merri:t. A. V. Dockery, W. Lit ena Bumgerner, W Several committees were ipp int os Soe ‘io Dim ior payment within GOOD VALUES HERE. tuinmecut atthe Ca ii t i. the following se-|vurned to the water's edge. M. wlertin, S. E. Hudson and W. Hef Waste. 7 Pisncalsane ae ed to make arrangements for the | Wweive mon rom date OF this notice us it will 9 ; : Monday pight. §& Pee fi Sere Spi @amnbells <tocasancarehonses on [ae ‘ ; y Vatis; elengile, Robt. Le) orang rally onthe 25th, at which | te plead in bar of their recovery. Al! persons 2ad. A Beautiful lice of these Materials. Se ee eae Bae te remade: for member of] , © ae = een arehouses on | Sti : Downs, Jas. Tant: “ittenburg, A. date the Hon. Matt W. Ransom will | Bocbicd 20 maid estate are regan =— Jimiti y Re ee eee etre tbe Opbsite ol the sirect, tive D. Law, spe@ial inssector of} a ces enn Tota Saeed ers + HGGSOM Will} jcompi payment. MW. pHOOK, imities, White awns, Fi iSwiss. Pinin Swi istavce. Thee 4 i o on credentials, <A. D. ae igor . : PEMA! Wepector ol! Ww, Robinson, C.G Rink: Taylors- be present and make 2 specch to the} Ths May 21, 100. Admr, 0.1. a. Dimities, White and Colored Lawns, Figured Swiss, Piain Swiss, Organ- assistance, The vt Vi -ir all ane Vc} fig : ‘ ; i she lhe r 2acL Oe} prisons riveu PSLETGGY wi Nh: “it 5 ‘ . 3 ; ail a each aay prises, abPiveu Vestera Ly wud m tia lie, D. Mc. Matheson, J. Lb. Sloop. 3, Were alse Surued. The] personally superintesd the work oi i t J.B. Connetiy, azt’y, Gics, Poulards, Plain White Lawns and a greni many other viven wader the au: ibed ! - people upon the amendment. ses one: : peace! Beautiful materials for Dress. Rinc OF che Michael The board also press size and 2 at ( lization, Dr. R. H. Speight; |iess2t the present time is rouebly tibe teansfer i : a After these maticrs were disposed : . pa i ne : : z Died Ae aerate oe . a ages ats Kind of ticket for leg ve, count’ AG en pee pagan ena tira 4 2». . a - ‘ EVoss receipts am oe for committee on rales and order. {es eaten 9,000. oe ee tuwuship tickets to oe used, al! Oe epee yae 2d Don’t 3rd. A line of Oxford Ties tor Men, Women aad Shilaren. < Sede it seats ; 5 Nc rs from wha “an obe: slearne ie ia . i Bl ee oe ess Si eS: a ly set : " > j a WC, Dowd: for member of plat- : ss 2 as ous Z x 2 ee : if | News Prom Clarkebury and Harmony |aie to be ou whe paper. Legisis forth the great importance of adopt-| Cough We find we have too many Ladies fiae Oxfords on hand and will sel) our . vanage to spend tf . HJeMes Star a « arvre PD t 4 ge ==) . z : OI ae =e mew ae . - - a 4 Sta “ + s . 4 f rm committee, A. C. Avery: for]. Soe Pe scien = = iy ae ce | Correspondence of THE Mascor. Live NGKe: ZING inchs s,county vicket |; etn » endment = g. ’ 32.00 line for : Labie to say. : . &. avery: ier} cation pales on Picr No. 2, of the eis } meas ae >» , Ug tne an.enament, - PNT aes . a F : : 3 rps . ele XX aches, VEN SHIp KEL ONS Tr een ina 7 ets 4 nomnber of National committee, Jo-| North German Lioyd Steamship Tuereis a great deal of sickness |7 oe SE ee sa The club then adjourned to meet Whea you ¢un buy Cash at 5 1 75 e a | 7 ° oe 4) “. ++} . 1 ee . . ’ Cies } - . ay Or 5 thin? ; ; ieee sepbus Daniels. E. J. Hale was|Cctupan; and spread with such re {in this community. MrJ. iL Gross’}~ ** on next Monday argat, at whieb a 2de. Boitle of ° e Death of Mr, Milas xray = > oe oe ° ies . } Od anys , < e ° . : : , *) . ii ia. te ade chairman of the delegation inurkuble vapidity that in fifteen }littie son Glenn has the fever. Sir. ake Repubiicau-Pepulist mass|time the Hon. T. F. Kluttz will : Our $2.50 li t $2.95 e Mr. Was Alexa A . « lal tne 2 t . 4 S i = a am ioe . aa Sa ‘ Dati 7 & S, a a aman ~ ~ wal. AS £13 5 oy Be i ee nae aunutes the entire property of the [John Peacock, near Clarkstury, has|convention for Alexauder county | make a speech to the peopie. Halls Cough Pape ofGetenaaee Great Bancaiys. First come first served, 1s Alexay der eeunty H gence Sern oe met on ing in overa thirdot aj the fever, Miss Minnie Vou also}/was ueidin the corrt bkeuse here Seeeer aN each risen moana t 3021 avinn will not last always. A good pair of Ladies Oxfords ie was abovt S4 v4 ' Miesazy aud decided on the tempor-| mile of water front and Gousisting | das the fever. Airs. Asbury ¢ amp-|Monday. Senator ii, TP. Campbeu, | 288 18tvareem een weeewee reese. Syrup. are vit, $1-00, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. Come and see our Line beiure neral v. as conduct es ¢ + . ‘ ' ’ ° . - - . <0" : ——— ae : 7 299 «7, . s aA “as ac Bi eh avy organization. Gov. thomas, of}ef three great priers, was eomplete- | 21) and chree oi their chitag:ca arefot Vaonti, was chairman, Wm. Wi.) oS Sia, So7g 22 c u you buy,2nd save a quarter or sore. : Bey RB a” Dave } cclorado was made temporary ehair- | (P cu veloped in a huge blaze and thau}sick with the iever. feavue, dr., and J. N. Camphbel g ™ F =: wid peat Tae ae a Fe ent eSaS Yours Truiy, sravey a ae ~ ; % ' ; Taxet "PSs Y , 7 epebe ; an ; . . qi ; 10 i ms me ee sent great ciouds of smoke high up} tase fhursday evening 2 very |svcretaries, Congressman Linney : é. b al > A N 3 Mr. Aiexander re | vhe North Caroling dolecat: into the aie As all meas of exit Heavy Yacb aod W md Visiied this oHered Lwe sels Or Be aba t i <é nf 2 mn B. Mills & Co. and res pected citize Ae i JPOuna dereeation, ON} were cut off by the fiames the per- }secriok, ressatings in great Gamage !Spobe vu Voth, which were adopted 2 +h: ° iy if. P.S.M Reece? ty, vei. at one tim : Tuesday, decided to place before the|sons in tae ships were forced tu]to the wrowing crops. Lue land] by ihe convertion. eae aif - 8. Mlasons Fruit Jars Cheap. Si mer. He leaves DEA oc Sey senvention the neme of Car = i sverbeoard und Joust avrena: | wa as! b “Very pad 6. jecmic ure ht i icke “as he ue 7 ay - : seule Byty sah convention the nume of Gen. Julian jump overboard “sano doudt agrea: e ete — RCL Dau, Copper iaily Sone se ing uu set. was then 3 : < i ‘ eh ae — of them Hviag in pie | ©. carvfor Vice president, and ty |S#mber of the people were drowned |aiong the creek. Phe bottoms was}nominated: or the jegisiature Dr. g Ot 2! Ma Was MUL LOVE The EF G ire Mr J.S. Alexa ¢ r PColu ; ‘ ; = 3 : ‘ se » is en es wt s = « , 2 o>. 21102 geet Atak fees eee -| At the docks ivr tae North German |iutindated and the cora was wasbed|C. 2. Carson, ikepudlican; for sherus}s¢ =. iA e amous odman egy cen anes . > ; tne sim pie realurmation OL tovad Were he 423%) ea © street myrand « ewrogwr any : ere c ayer Wh iale rw <4 = verCash. a E - anaes Licyd were the Saale, a single; Gownand & great deal ci waeat}|J. C. Bermas, of Ellendale town- en as s! 4 hy . wey See ems tl coterie a = = oat , peer vite ts - . Lites, y ! ; 2H i : tlorm, we Will give} crew passenger steamship of 4,905 way. ship, Repuciican: tor register of |} % ... :| Pus & ars x 9 s s ene re y \ 1 uext week as weil as an ‘Ss lune: the Bremen a twin screw b. iiiictt will peesch at {deeds Juco. C. Bell, of millers town-| ¥ 77% | a eS Be oe eee : account of the convention's werk. Myerand treighe steamer of 10,-) © sbury the fittin Suuday tu Juiy |stip. Populist: for treasurer D. BL} $ 2: g : | Dr. 4. KR. McLeil i a en eet peeereet vd the Maine,a twin screw |tustead of ihe 1 uit ty Lisle, of Wiiteabury township, 3 no. 20d $0,005 cil dussgists 2} land 2 quart sizes, i Oxf Walker. Esa... wil f: AMONG THE Poi passenger steamer of | Died June 2nd, near Harmony,| Populist; ior servevor Thos. J, | @~- eo qroetesreccesevereet og | also OY ule of the Pine V-lk «As avd . a TIC I< Tere } ‘ oP TPs ne o | - . . — =} ~ ’ t - ; ; 5 - P * THE POLITICIANS. PectG Gross tons. ‘Pbey all caugh: [im Turnersvary township, infant} Sharpe. of Sharpes township, post-| 7 een a ola aa aga e Patont Top althe Pine Voie / i PoE ire aud Were bDurned-to the waters | Cet aud Mys. «. W.|inesterat Hidaetite, Populist; for Gwe is reported that M. H. i. fees arnt Tans A omevumes know uv “f : Pasquotank Demoerats have nom-|°'s¢ Peorp. “Che iuterment was at Har-|corener AL 3b. Chapman, ef Little} ("6 oie oe = i, eg ee ae O 1 50 Louse, in Barrinys . i inated T. P. Nash for the House faa few minutes the tlames bad |mouy last Sunday. turer towash:p, Republican; for Congress on the Populist Uecket in! Extra Rubbers for Jars. 4 e Saturecay night, Ju , Pr ; ing eee j “ : extended te the steamship and were tev. J. M.. Heath and w« He, of county Comumissiuners Wm. C. Lin- this distcict two years 20, has} Tin Tcp Jeliy o’cloci.: Kietallia ‘ : cay Neeson oo ey Lease rats have u@bicated to the adjoining pier | Lansing, Ashe couaty, are visiting | oy, Gf Gwaiineys township, Popu-| Cee eut for the arcendment. Gasca Guaranteed Out and Lear these Her owe “eit 47, keObertson for thejon the north. Here were docked jiHerY parents wear Harineny. lint; D. S. Davidson, of Sugar Loof ‘tr, Allen J. Tomlinson, of Arch- | We I - a hrs _ issues e FUUSC. ? te ey? +. ! g: Tey: ow . . + * [> - =i. wPciesttetrnibn ae ies = ees a - ave large s kK z y eRe i be the Kaiser Wiluei der Grosse and | - On Moudzy, July Zod, at bis home| townsbip, Repuvlican: E. © Sloan.|aaie vw. Killed by lishtning ini o Have large stock of above Solid ti - ih Sep . a rc : Sati amt pina se Be cpa ete = t : ss ae aehenacge yf ne = Mae ett ed) ar eeeeeeangs, IRE) aad shal: oe pleased £o,.saiiwonn oud tarouzhout and to wear zal anv S82 ¢ i : +8 wayne Vemocrats have nominat-}tue Main Lugs were immediateiy)Miiburn Heath, who lvcs near}of Tuylorsyiile towneuip, Repuvit-| Asheboro, last sionday. He was! ; ali ore Shoe on the market Sierra se seam ee eet Rei a ed b. B.A; cock for the Senate and} ede fast to the Lig Naiser Wilhelin| Horcnony, in Turnersbury town-|con. - passing: through the Court house! : ae ee Geo. &. Hood aud W. RR. Atlen for} Set Crosse aud she was gotten out{ship. ceicorated his S4ti terthday, Congressman Linney, Ceusus Su-}yard during a thunder storm A: 1B WAX Yl Fat VE ih I 3 Rey. BR. G. Si es 2 ; } . ieee ae oe ' A hirtheay di - Ie Sees : Saga re oie aes 5B. I } : ° ad oo thee he Bouse. ie =O etary urea eee A birthaay ce eras by thej perviser O §. Pool a poe WW. bot: of ligbtuiag struck a tree near , ub a SHE Sy e S OOP & MILTLE. conduy services at ~ : }Oucly scor a at the bows. ‘ae | oe ren and graad clilureo. About} tease, Sr., controlled the mass-loy - nd he feil dead. We was ear- res -arri: oenee . t. Thomas kas bee a ‘amship Min, however. wasd } 100 grend ane cre: corey . er ee cee lhe 2 by, and he fe Stee eS Secd isish a Garriuver townsii i : 1} D S been eainship Mtin, however, was doom granc st great grand cinldren|conyention Monday and made the rvingan umbreila with a steel rod P tat a mm. apd ia the afq H P ene Vemocrats of jed as the lames had already become! Were present. Finis nomisations. Theslate was made} ‘fhe wuoden hand! rs is ser! otatGoes 7 oa! oe ; “s : aireeey be Nis. noma DNS. ; e pn bandle of this was = e ‘ere w 5 3 ey accumat 69 feree ; tha . deo of the _ ty 2. 1900 # } ; es perveer = “ seat . Sas = 8 * “ rie AY m. There will be it fr 2% on for akan a ee the northside O4 toe pier | July 2, 1900, wuG we nb through with but little spiintered, Gardes and Cornfield Beses —— reste ea A ore also. ke eat no lug coud approach tlre ves- = Po friction. A nameortwo was ON ameter igs ee ge for cating or pi: ‘tiny Now oe anata He + ill Jeaye Me H : - ¥ . = 50} he ‘ hit , aes aed a0 ee ce . eee eel ; . iis see age _ a: tae YC : i - =: = s es aeces a ; oe of se gene | Devih of Xie. A. C. Feinister, ee eae eae oe ee ei Ry i is tne — to pant second = & mission 2t Sc i apt ee SP ROK AOL GRO NOUSLC AOC W. bbe bus co ae oe oe mare ; Correspondence of Tun Mascor. See ace ye oie é crop af Potatoes. rin OW 7 by the Arch D i; 2 | fi fo » House. by the D ‘ © No. I. which was to ibe} : : eudv to witudraw them as soo : 7 : : perenne ecpge 2 itouse, Ye »Mo- : mae at 4 ie Sen U ACM aS sOON as 3 ; eral. ac i + arrus ~s Sa : th end of Pier No, 2.To thenorv! Mr. A. Ss I - tmster, born A august 1 were goneto and the matter ; > =~ o 2 e ae coe ae : 4 i of Pier No. 1 was the dock of thei? boats id2>, aed Wb Gts residence near xpiained to them F { OOP BR &, { r TET O ar a ns en will %€ nq dolpb Democracy bes put out | Ree : Li Olin fune 27th, P00, at tbe ave of r w o > S ihe} e ° e Oa ihe follow ye : Seema ae - ous jamburg- Americar at which} Bh ae Se F ee oe te ae * strong ticket; Col. W. P. Wood)” ics one neue? ab which! 4t years, 10 months acd 3S days. | pEMOCRATIC PUELIC SPEAKING IN CAL: ft 1 SFE T Ar. Shannenhouse + : +f ein. - ae » steaimsna!: >} > ae Bie eae at aie yo. ft 4 t é a - P »~ i? poe i fos Senator and Chas. Ross ana} °" : sip arpa me mica, a twin ide leaves a wite and Children. Fe EXANDER COUNTY, DS! ure HE VARIETY, SEE THE PR in ES Paui’s, Winston. svomuius i. Smith for the House screwy Passenacr Steamer of Zi6iiwas a great Suerer for .seveca a oy UES» lee t . oe ross tons was docked. The | = e acne n <= rae a x ase eross us Was PROG. 1@ Hames . - N EE De cor ~ - : ae Pubiic Speaking vot a seod hoid en tbe Pheenicis, and she was towed into midstream ac-j zbdiaze > 00 Saturday night, gs . Fey eee Sat me —ogtiahe ¢, Gwaltneys township sate e t'ou and neuralvia, but wes not con - 7 - a Itartificiall ests 3 ids The follow: \ “ u 2 secon },,, 2-34) nom., by Jno, L- Gwaitne. cin t ally dig sts the food and aids dress the peo speakers wil! 'ttned to his bed but a short while Nature in strengthening and recon- ‘ 'Gahico. 4 to Ge. yard. i : i Soe ae fa Pant Goods, 9 eae ard ee lice Lamps, 14r. to $5 ites eae bi & | Blue Denim, 7, 10 and’ 124 ~ Taimblers and Goblets, 20 aud oe. A nember of yq Alamance, veod, de <= ser Plates and Cups, uc. set. cut te Barium Spr “2 , . ~ Saturda: pin - 1, ees v years, beinga vietim to” consump- ee ee (t5, atCampveli<! Digests what you eat. span : yoltat . , . “pa . : . {prior to his” death. Though his E-q.. angiat Shady Grove school structing the exhausted digestive or. Pe n n e r te n e r er en e a Correspondence invited from those Cesiting { 1 t te } ve } yesse Wd Only arr it ‘ . wie pte ili hause o » ynshi w.* nha? = = : os eae % a i : ~ ee : "Veni: , i ; itth, 1590, at the tN > vessel had cnly arrived in the | friends were awaiting thisissue, yet |” ves, suane township, at 8:30 p. m. Gaus. It is the latest discovered Gigest- ; | Bed Lickine> to 1de yard ee fob Tinware, < bo 2, piece. The oem om , i pinees: x orning and some passengers were | he went a little unexpectedly tothe Dr. ES KieyandR. P. Mathe- ant end tonic. No other preparation | Lace Curtains 50c ; a nives anc Fors, 4Sc. sat and up. they «epert 2 ver a BoP es W S . pstill on board, and when the ery of! exisay rs seo _ \ . SR | Can approach it in efficiency. I+ in- i ie = - pair up. Toilet and Lz irv S 2%, enke. indeed. Pi Grier (bsg. Rennedy's | sca cnc on : ry writer, who was there in the after-|son, Esq., at Smith & Woodward's stactly relieves and Sona ms | Towels, 5 to 23e. Shoe Blacki undry Soap, 2. < Tee ek REE sencol house, Davidson township. ae ae 4 : eal oe taent noon of tue day on which be died. |store, G waltneys township, at 2:30 Dyspepsia, Geiceaion eoxtourn: wa re a - ed | Face and Talcum Powders 5 and 10¢ Shoe Dene Senn Vs Mi as rane tt Panda oF téssrs “Whe Pecisl 7 wile ato run to the burniny: A while before life “ber: = : i tayt ; pruners eared Bap, 1s ach Ty, eo : SSing, 5, Wand 2c. antIsses ives, setae RBRE s ~G. Lewts and Z. Vi Genk Most cE URS SS ee ee Jatuiencz, Sour Stomach, Nausea |. eraoos apd Umbrellas, 25¢. to $2.25, | Machi aie Foe nian . a i = Leng, Turnersbure. Turnerchara| Coo es _ wOst of them jumped over-| tiret, he looked up to his wife, say- | 2° ™- 2% Vie : jek Headacuz,.castralzis, Cr: ae | Ludies’ Shir 2 re. to 2,25, achine Vii, big bottle, Sc. ¥essic Wowlor, Fay 4£ 4% cendactiery Soar to oO Okes Doane and, save for the few who: jae, “lam dying, and I am meee A.C. McIntosh, Esq., will speak sHotherresahsotuapetetie is Moore & Mclean bare a full it 600 arches a 48e. to $4.50, [Trunks and Valises, We. to 35.000. Copeland, Lorera ae R. B. McLaughiin, Esq., at W. H | were picked up by the tugs bot One! to Heaven und sill see Mabel.” 5 tae Dagenhart schoo! house, Millers} Prepared by E C. Dewitt &Cs.. Chicago line of the Spanish Root fie sand Mucila at Be Haudkerchiefs, 2 to 50c Morri ou. The 7 : H. Summers’ store, Bethany temwa.| cs been heard from, although every | little baby gis who preced-d him a township, Satorday night at 8:30, The State Norm2i an Sai ease ae Soaps made from the Span- | Tablets lt wise, vc. up. Straw Hats, 5c. to $1.50. dev. 2. A. Reave: f a > BevNany town-| hotel and hospital! in the city ¢f! tan months to theubetter orks J. ©. Linney, Ksg., at Ellendaie The State} ormi and Indastri-. inh Root which erows in the i AwrlticesPancce - : Shoes for everybody, 25c. to 4.50. scop,H. E. D ia essrs. Jas. B. Armfield and J- 4 | Heboken is crowded with injured. {| Some time before bis Genin —— house, Etlendale townshin,; ai College of North Carolina. | Rocky Mountaiss. It is a ! Boys” Ree eaee Satna 5 Sumer Underwear. 5c. to $1.0". thow;.son, J. F. H Sart enad J’ 3. 1 yh mere s ats:c0 p.m. S$ : a ; : a . we os nce rien se ams pend 33 : tress, Clio Academy, Sharpes-! ,, Se eee jnected himself with the Methodist |° seapes ae ee aw —_— ; purely vexetabie soap, no | Beit: aad Belt Buckles Ox, tate 200 yd Soft Finish Spool Thread. 2" rox. Edgar ail rf pure townchi * | The Democrats of the Senatoria! | ¢ uurch, aud seemed to be a thor- ee. x } ' Ses re : ee FEERS x youpg maneae thorough literary, putrid animal fat enters | Corsets 25 to $1.00 ? 0 d0e, Dol!s and Toys, Sz. up. q orce, r _ Everybody should tura out and | District composed of the counties of oughly charged man. and when the Littl - a a S School house, | ion Sadiepccialipccascogicatinvalnioraen mars 'nto its composition. This | Past Black Hose, 5 to 25 = Carpet aud Matting, i23¢. yd and »P ca bear the issues discussed. | Person and Graaville have nominat-|summons came passed peacefuily ae cE t Se eon eee Saturday ; expenses Fe a mom resent esse: soap has been aualyzed by i Books and Blank Rooker ae Big stock Rugs. 3c. to $2.50. NOW Gvertircn.co J. 4. Harryess jed Hon. J. A. Long. of Roxboro, for, uway. C. A. G. eae ee | sthenis, Has matriculated soutt = experts and (oud to be the | Roys” Suits, 73e. to $3.50,” | New lot Wall Paper, 5 to 20c. roll ; Chaa’n. Dem. Co. Com {tae Scuate. ‘ ——-- —o See Oe ne Supremacy | sepresenting every cov purest soap in vhe world { ecm 00. | Pars, 1 to 50c. Dr. W. H. Wakel ° , = Stance 7 WUs. : verre: > +s ets at t sce use *ractice . bse is natty 5 { wi > 5 . oq Zeb V. Lone, See, ' Gage Cleniot Crna Will King, a colored linemen, fell Soe aaa " eae s schoo! house, So eine ee Itis ee s OWuo remedy { cea Sioa will te in Stavesvi ee ; penta mite Sar wy 49 feet fvom the top of a teieph A MG@y Mighy Sb O04 Dp. m. Scmiet tree, wition applications snculd be made becore forskin diseases. Cali or ' (ey < T. 3i.C. David 4 ; a |ro, has been nominated by the Dem-, 72 *6G% t& © Op OG: ee ODE eo titinddercni rin Dace noriscesed med inane Ganson Rime eee Com lete Lin : < ’ fe whe. Leavidso d The great St. Louis strike has ‘oerats of Guilford for the Senate, Pole in Charlotte last Saturday andj °°* Liladdress the club, Sets us and examine che lize. P me of Baseball Goods. the Commissioner . vi 3 oc: Sita tite 2 Sale it} a ’ __— +--+ > > lie tnevd. An cgreement has been aod Prof. T.&. Whitaker, af Oak 45 tustaatly killed. His skull was | Cozapetent traized teachers. s Large stock of Musical Inst i : pees tist July 9th. ak ’ : = ~ a a 4 Se ee - aieeneis D re . +. | For Catalogue and other information addres nstruments, Trimmings and Strings. me frecued between the Transit coms! Ridge, and Wescott Roberson, of U8 TY, crushed, an arm broken inf Dr. J. H.Hatton, of Marietta,Ga.. | until august 1th Sees ate Sieger oe Moor e€ & Many other goods it will pa: — Z Peg G. W. Clegg, bi i luisy and the strikers, : High Point, for the House. two places and an eye knocked oug! has declined the cail to Dr. Hoge’s ' PROF. J. ¥. JOYNER, | Mel eee pay you to see. — Gite usacail * : ministracor ol cst before buying: _ W.H. ALLISON = of socket, ; ~ * church in W ilmington, CHARLES D. McIVER, Preside eS Ps ae i ” ; Sor MTR lee ae i pane = & : Pe is CE ee . 3 SO PRR cl / Seen eee : 2A A Sy as ‘ tO af tt a 4 Se i Ril A & CO. ee a ity A SHE d Retail. 4 : == fe: ‘niver ] et . : lesale an ed 3 VES. | y ' i j Whe Lt that = SSIONE ; | be fact ? - COUNTY COMMISS | tion to the fac 4 ; pe COUNT A ina. U! your attention mi er oot ae cat = mr rth ( yarolin seal t Te want to cal! vou + a z . id aud Othe j Of No *s Education We 7e put ina TOCK OF Tae ‘onvention. isfying » Bills Pa nsacted. reetOnet the State we hav CLASS S s > & = ralist Conve fter satis Jee. | The ‘Tra ty Commissio The Head ot System. an FIRST- ae a f Por ists af O2dj€eC- nty . om | ys ading ‘ “ections ists yas no o Cou t ir ro \ 2 ses leading > — , Board of Electio The Loo there ar Ee rae cask Sota a ae mem- | demic courses le 7 ————— e ting of County s 1. 1906. the themselves lane of maa it ee met ee Re All cpm: Three acade Medi- a a Meeting y 2nd, Js in [9 be hoidi se, he 5 | t ; he : rses in Law, 3 , ans ae ! zy, July 2nd > met ia) tb’ n to th rt house, ailed to} ¢ he cour T grees. ses In 5 —— : ' 2y, Elections ¢: wre tis > court b ras calle ‘in the nt. — De sourse . 5. ‘ a —== B. R. Lacy to Speak Rae cacon On, ones of Se L — ee — z meeting — Aderboit, jin # were prese paid: | Professional cout ea Bis ntocs senalats ow erste * i = aT Hon. B. R. : nS has 8 county b 1. P. Grie rae resent. | » ‘dav. ees sn W.H. lected | € $s were orce . GANG. sup-; d Pha cs chers. For Men, i ery sw .& : ; mmo moni Tre- |e Mice of H. E oe jag pre ij | terday “hairma as elec | bills we “LLAIN GA 368 69, sup | cine an 1 for Tea 0 u ta vers 3° ee — oT | lat rman Si = Jays in he otthice rrier bei . busi r by Che cerr Ww m/ ! Cus BOS bY, > 50: | ¢ Schoo ‘ hing a ; _ Ss< Hairs ytwo day has ar-/the “y P. Gr foliowing wen Oy i Ke rogra & Son, 222.50; er 6( ) s Clothing # 6 ae = A : ac s i Harry P. > foliowing andtor setae =a a prog imson & r SS ase umm = a sell this UGENOUP ph ME == | Hon: Caninons Benes: Ree = eo ese absent sea Mr. J. W. ceording a skeleton J. ee a T. J. > Tuition We propose to sell y clothing— ie j e. ——= i Gal} balrm< speak at S ille' They E. King was mporary } -'* ean usly, ther; ¥-* Pink Cr ard, $22 + a s- s to . carr 4 a a {= jell. him to speak i esville The; *. E. King de temy Coctr an srevioush) The o plies; 7, guarc 2n0s Hous- | ans ofit. tra to carr! ? . be 1 C od for him at Moores. ness: RB. E. = made te Jace 1D wed 2D ated. icans | p! ‘Brawler, SRE 50: Enos a} ips and Loans of pr hine ex sman ete. a - , | ranged Sth and at } en &! nes Shink was ing piac arrange omina Republica {V. J. Br ard, $22.5 be guard | Scholarships ition to ts us nothing e salesm: é i< CALs. { ta re nly 1S8t , bas been “y iC L. Shiner voting ‘* Wyn | 4! ket was 5 rs for the Rey en; \- sh, guar : , Kerr, Bones ay Scholars . Tuitio a It costs us m the same . 4 ntist, Le i ville Jnly Mr. Lacy a rail-{C. ies The suoship, x iicket feft for 2 the m | Murdoch, Sane W. W. ~ ria-!} = ,. Free inisiry. room 2 you z i : Ar. Say \secretarv. “Mo wo sO | U1 s were left i are is. |) :, 310: supe y- : finis : same ave you, 4 iz, N.¢ Tapeoiena at has a July Pues at one eo turn | cea : Saenae me ae peo "The eco Leer | ton, oe “s eS, eres ies Saree. = prepared to sa have the tf Pak yeey aN - en tha - in ae king ’ every 7 ‘J | y yar = vate cred, é ‘ der t fin. ic 2 si Ade urer: A. <5 50: , le J B. z > \ , Sons lve are . ° ie y av ; ite horse on yreided | works Semen Lete ssues, i chance s or to Dil. od: W. HI. reasure: )322.90; J. ): Dr. J. | inisterses som in this lire. ine - We ~ 0 Weel, hit : my sineer, ‘ 3s the is ! ordered inine this ated: Sather. Tre -R. Ais 330; Minis 31 in Sum_ oy an ing. office two Week Sees wag road enti ; iscuss ~ or aining -olumn. nomina i Cathey, 7 s: R. dent, S ; | sides 161 1 2 oney s before buy frst Monday i, Cach ae urday. ith pe and hear ee snes ment eee oor ene eres ure; A. eee of pacoeru ree | seal $4.50. E AND ee 001” 79 Se ndenes bese in the facul e don’t fail to see oe 4 xe anythin. ast a ss iek wi | 7 ‘liag mar fr founc Se persons s judges}! ”. Colson, Revts , Gommis =! le-} SNTY HOME A)? ist, Jia 5 33 Leac : : on suit you eas : kim for 2° Y¥thing . s sick ja workiag — be lowing pe tL as judg V. Colse County The dele COUNTY y Jan. Ist, oz. School. 35 a suit, ices to sui Truly. u ¥ YP ’ J . ; y j Morrison is father, | a 1 awa The folloy 3oard to ac s song ount yor. ion | ti salary $15.28; mer Sc tion you want 3 dat prices rinced. - a patstry. “ou , i ae f her fat “8S. Z i by the Board t sounty : QO. Mor ma y, Surveyo EE CuOy . Eastep, a belp, 3 apn informa Yhen yo vant an be convin' O 8rest to do <o, see Change in Busine onth the drag | lected fa BOS Eee ee 5.0 Sapa Senatorial coe T. M. | Hie oo a eS ae ity. catalogues and 2 goods you wa Come and b ; 7 4 : Prices sr riSOn. : this mont BNC | of elections ship, W. L, Du af o the sé vote i July Ist, a as pee Ne ent z Tr : best we Pric Mort : pe moons The first of eeu nA, who |" lection spare eas a ee es See. Se oe Paymer: = 50; Foston cof: | enone oe President. S e Eb - 9ST Ma eri, Mtl 23 whic last term o Ar ess 10 © 1 Foard, 7D { ae mayee Cha “Wd over, C » M were it caer for the ¢ Butler spo. oe ms a rd, cof In, > . e ‘or ‘33 75- | add > <P VEN: I t Hilt, N.C. Q - & of 2 at the hast busin Mr. Geo. N : number | R. Houy SS Ar SSE vo set. WM. ikeleathe : Senator d olnew | How2 Oe 4.36: Me gs, $3.7: ; r=. Chape’ —— e bs E - ‘ rd ao the judge. hands. ae it for - oa Con- | McNeely, a W. M. ees E. M. Sian \ ene in pee aboot = ae Tunstall, a $6.50; nn - ttee O' iou which | |“ s been c 3 Uessrs. . oe SS No. 1, reek, No. 2, rd. L mee i sized ¢ oh was in $2.00; N.R.T olson, lies, oe ENT ; frention waic 1aS ¢ id it to Me * OnDOT | Greek. le Creek, } cord, L. toa yood is speec 10St | fin $2 & Nie supp a AG Por Sale. ican Peete BOSE | os SS Young. as street |rCek 7A. W. Colson: Cone Son aera re sororee at Ca ee ee CHES OF BRYAN, 3 LON ay has - ee a oe sition as nies y. a. W. LO Vickory: F. {co rs long and | uquets © svi 3 Acar load of, if today has’ oth. ror and DB. position ber | “Neely. 2 TW. Vieke BoE 14 urs long ying bo and | States . rived a car | ees : oif today - his mont igued his ; 7 > numbdel | Me? aan 1. W. ery, B. our ho hrowinge had an = SERS SP Bryan. 8 h we will sett ; ah @ 9th of thi " sthas vesigne The ‘phone sit Stevenson, sntvomery. ler, | (our hor 1e to thy whe ha ic |$54.S4. ISONERS. E AN eos ee 3 ; nicl the Ot ilthas | has ed they wil c. Ste I. ©. Monte Alexand of his tig oid hov ocratic | 354. AND PRIS ison- L itren by 1, Dut he Respect tat. it roller mill ha See ance Shey mat Spring, V. C. A. Al ses REN OT -ery Dem JAIL J ing pris ie Writ Fesibicoiones ' WH & YO Si Besos the de-| comm ae firm is 82 a 2 WE Cay Spring, Davidson, J. A Mills, J. A aimseif, Fund every a stump. son, boarding Sant The eae eee Somes tis st till 5 WHEE & . fey th [tis ee 4 C. jof the ao to be called ut ey Boe . fallstowa, was able eee State oil that the D.C. Thom ps Sh ee, JTun-| rhe aati nity for agents. oe a dies dav and will last late ' aced. 4 3 ~ a . 2S i one. } d zhiy } whe: a man: “ae i. iz ‘ sae vé = . . % ’ 5 7 pe a3 5 y for aj 1 ¢ first . rin -dav z e la . a bt from Mr. L be pleased t be doue P.D. B. Angle; Fa utmear eaker in odo cepa s for June $33.8 2.00; N. pooiesss (disp mopecrins 7 copies & Pop- rins to-day le are th i} ovebt f business can ues jt ard, J. =) coe Vv. tro ril- {sped -e as his ms -onstitu ers for in vane $2. ? gold nt sold S7 COF nother 17 publican, Road gs begin: nee sale ! ke a 4 3 YOUR Ousines — | Barnard, . iE Cc Wi ie wave “as.sunc syne can thain gang One agent 10 days; anc rat,Rey a exist ine and Rug ‘leara > will ma : | = man. Son. i. : jtiew t was pech. one to cb: ~ sles in t: Democr demand tting a oure ney w t cog SS - ] ‘NX ’y’x of ay ti. H. Trout &. Dillon. | Oe 1endment his speech, Tork }er t rugs, $1. ets 67 coy ody warts it: nist. The supply it. ts, Matting Ter for in little money Ps ¢ 217 adm Rally Day. Wo ae forge Potktn ope, 3. E. Tomlin. : amend aring this s } he New Y stall, dr gs : BRIDGES. Everybody Prohibitionis rents to supply Carpe s we offe ; for so li d : Pili, ae {Tne } ; eee = eth : row meg 2, ~ es 3S : b ds ist” and sary for ag iture, eces 4 values fc - a Sherrill, 1, has an-fpne n of Tredel!, don 0¢- | Naw Hope Peer Brown, | After he 1 Se why the 1 ndless OADS AN for roads, ulist” and SCeSSAry BN 4 f Furn st all pi oh va : ma S Sherrill, ee Thite men of Tre = el! Dem rl :: Olin. N. Foea Sole > see tor “the e Sere ROS ber = | Ids only ne TV [jo cust such hig iY » Sherr is stock White men jay of fredel! SiM. | tigms- Olin sburg. J ose, | +106 “eadily eine = lum ing lum-| thie 3 O iberal f Aug 1 suc W. Ee, he iLhiss i 3 bins; Us rpesburg EA, Eto lwery re enato snship. hyBros , auling OC her libe: 1st. o Ss, and i = WE will seil his sh reat rally day eye SIM. | lig e; Sharpest W. A. M ep ser ithe S "s townshi; bernethy : hau : 2.00, hs. Other liberal the hapes, Ts. he * . } oan arms lL! p; srce: S shiloh, W. No. ’ caller reutt’s Abe . rrison, States in 3 mont parties a legant s n ssée that she The saie w | the grea ily 28th: Ch Kluttz will! pie ines: Shiloh, tle. N Sun cane Foneye = l. E. Mo th of Stat ks in 3 € vod, par ht is d eleg July. re eh hat s “a luttz = Hines: Statesville Sent ok: in from Honey “1.50: W. dnor ring ling 200 boo uarante: as treight i an th for = =m - av cost. , l racy, ou July oyTessman Harry |W. LL. pan; state livac: States chain fre — sole | ¥1.503 irt on roa ll, removing for ee Will g hindrahce instructions, sy mou Ra. 4s. s zs Sc } and Coaygres \ Mr. H di ty. 1. Rosema >. Sullivac; C5 C.}- — the Col- ber and di Campbell, Belt’s inducemen Lance is no Sireulars, ins sent for} by irr “ . }mons a 1 speak. ; plnte eli ope ernie Cc. Yoener, 2 ates at e S250: H. i ing alary. Dist ziven. C $ must be : Ss. ssers at mci q y "" ste, from | m9 nt and Spear appe 1 ee rrill, J. Cocpe Pp Miss Vat ille, $2.50; epair salary edit gi scents m ste 50 Dresse = 7) = lesks, ete, U1 be presen bas OeeN Appol as ii, Har 4. D. Co Sy : ital of Mis: ville, ¢ and r yaid, Credi “e, but 25 > Ma e £33. 50 sers at D0). nes, des sold 2% { oe Pre ho bas t all his 2: Te ‘0. 2. : INA es “ny Recita = from 2a foxes tc., free, ick. LTIMORE, s for a ssers ~ = bonones, rere so i ws w : at ail per No. - rille. 2 ae SVINC. bape Ee ege t Ir utfit, et yuic BALtTi uts for 5 Dres z he. rt house y ia the court | p- Pa eee eee te | ville, Ne oe ee coe lege: cee ee ‘SE. ma 1 KOODWARD CO., Bat cin) Rexposition, s, goes at 650 Desscersat e B — Saturday ia th old in | ghiet marsne ce bard to) poe L Se c a The song recita night by 3 ‘s bude = COURT HOUSE- supplies, | i: OTIC We Sooo ¢ also pabiish Rec 2.50 Oak Beds, oes at aoe Dressers oa ; ast Sate x @ was soit p ts are jorking ill bel Pa ke, BF. a ton ba : ove he s tridav peer sted b a Co., NC our book ot 1 We a 50 sks, a 22.5) - Beds g 7.00 : ’ = ¢ 1vure vht Sistants are wo “It will ba Oe 2. G&L. Pes raither Rp , t Friday assis s & ase Co., selling ov iliustrated. npaign "oe Oak Beds, sat 4. ves, & 1.The fury ether broug spects ant aoe Et : hl XS oR, IR Ga Z “-/dtall Jas narlotte. and a Thoma Show Cas 37. | sl itriully dius i 27D ds. £0es 2 s, Lounges \ rd, il retne a . a : - a . . ‘4 Wi eland, WiicAL re ile Sho 3) 345! beaut <inley” and o = k be 3,4 t hes, E ~ put altoge prospe a great day see whie fa a burg, R trove, inger, | es, of Ch 1 Cope ay er tesyille k eases, $ P McKinley oe 23.95 Oa s” oes 2: ks. Couc eae a att ots but 3 ake ita g : rest, to se ‘eatest | Durners Unien Gr Jarringer, | dates, ‘Yowler and : nd A. J. =17.70: Stat ial on boo $2.00: | of 3 he best te Pea k beds. ¢ ll Racks, -ed prices. me tary qi mak Ith icterest, he gereates arly; Un yers; Ba iisses Fowle ‘owles, Jr., a uch] $17.4 i material x safe, $2.00; offer t 3.73 Oa ds, Ha inv at reduce 2 - Scorer a iifurnish the g Bagearly; U1 Myers; upleton. I vice 4 Cowles, Jr., anc muc rand ma roving Ss se CE, ao ideboards, Hal hing at : s 2 ss has mo | watchec ili furnis oT L. C. Mye Templet *| Mossrs. H.C joyed very 3 | labor ph ee t house, NO voting ites, Side s,everything # " artness Tilkeshoro fnship wil Tharpe, L. Wilk = made: ses57Ts. yas epjoyec iss Oates y. FE. Munday, son cour 1 the vot Suites, d rugs,e - = : A. Ha Wilkeshba | townsh iders. Marsh, J. s were i Cire ircn ic. Miss . Wor york o three rd that tt ship be Bedroom; ing av oy ues 2 . 2@ im ae iarsn, rders we 1 that |? mining music. x f Guel W Imes, w " rner, oa é , the Boa: ie towns na ie atting 9 i en the S Broad umber of ri oo N. H.} lowing. orc Zoard th Cu lovers of mm -oice of & ”.C- Holmes, & Tu $2.25; DERED by the stesville nged and ~arpets, ma’ : : ‘ Ser on East eevee 3 The following by the Board t “Dl by the lover: SOprand VOICE The | V. Jelinger ¢ ules, $2.2 ee Saeby ¢ St Charles Carp’ r house P ro per = + ered by f the Ge by Ur 240 SOprar ivated. 30; Deling : for r - Brad- lace in Wa ame is her’ the St the Matting \ a ee this prope a iversity. : f the Orderec bers of of], aw mezz it cultivate avel- 1} 84 SO; i glasses 3.50: See eR 1 office in 22 floor of na boveht a ralt. anc he Univer epansion of Ist. * mem! » yoters bas a apd weil c liv weil deve rames and ¢ ining, $8.90; M. changed, from the old Sa NAc cra Men s ets aw / He vovg Stirewalt, aed + d expans ver of | ballots for ast by the inted on tality ap acialivy Wwe ex-| fra ley, grainin 5. $2: G. 3} moved fre min the Allison's he room x Carp 3 Mirs S rth an a matrver all bal ly cast by printed ee ia are especial nuch e M,. Coley, pplies. 32: G M. | remo Dee noc aa i. pence ture ‘rom MI The grow hould be a rt finian. )& i Assembly ca ll be pri ee aitonesiee ings with 1 J. M. Col n, suppli $2; Z. ne apie eae Be eA Naat : rni y aa ig gi ! ay as opal Ass ‘ y © How ; rt S . +) a _ : > tre in The Fu : : ' 20m rc ity sho forth Caro} Me lera sunty, sba tO ~ t dev 1 she sings foeiwlel ak So 3 furnicure, $ ez Cooper id of Centre s of the Ire ted in oved it. : PEO]. iversit) ry North i public oll county 40° los Webelos: ‘d and s! stic sty WO} for ying fo 33: Dr. J. > east side armory tbe printed +}, DAE PES un ‘very 2 and publ le] aner, ea vr cped : lartisti aved tv * Se 3: ars, | the east Bens ge be ays. unber of the See resi- pride to Sa aoa aoe ne in mete DOOr eee ballots eas (3) SERS and Caen play ana Foard, aioe ee years, poms ot cst MACOT ee me man, Block. : thele Sr eeckna last in cs os second eres ene Seat and that jong and three ( "Miss Cate Mazurkas in npilene pene insurance for Lavdmark and Tate Se TS Sew | New Cooper t the W Cos the if is ne “yequirement ne of | Teaw, inckes jong Che in’s Maz lisplaying ey ,| Carlton, ae oe ee wis : «Sore sre fOr ~- | fover 2 Its requiren tone of |B se (3) iy Bi hat] - Chopi: lanner, dis anne by {C aera ‘ +L. Shinn, ‘Te DoS ee: S: were ane ones ce South. ied rigid, eres ee wide. 2 by the Boe = = Cees Foes The eke 3 | 220. suite er court oe Cece : —— oe pe reon time. s 2 4 pne} . > Fi : its stand: rT.) 30s) acc i} inches w rdered Db) roters Oo se *chulgue. cles prc at making surer S} ~~ ‘0 FOK SALE. cash a | . etIbg wis ret, 118s anly. : h, and i. Orde 3@ voter shall ent tee Cowles p ' ner >-as ur ANO FO ale, part "LES. i of meeting exac ily and man Bi eos South, 2nd. by the ve rs sha Cerent Yowler and Cx ;. Ww. Luar ? ing Tre = I os » for sale, "to COWLE: en i- ; ~« ie uiehk an st in the Sc ’ 1 SO oa lots cast . y officers s £0) 4 es Fowler ar ber Fi a W. ¥ - recordi Ving to pianc Apply t and H. R. a ne spent £ News Says: |} hfe eer, - largest i ever Neen § all ballots for county 1 2per, disses rable number. in his vio S24.90; ts: mo lic n ee pa he evils of s ler 7 tte News s tes-t rot is the net it has neve able to {ail county for cK > book papi al- | t enjoya rles, Jr., ia h le-j}der, 32 80 cents H. Allison. cae Sale Where the | o wonder Charlee NE anne eee its history 1t bi id so ab! ty | dell count) n white bo at said bale | ros 1. C. Cowles, to the de ttlement, St 40: W. H. $1.35; e Farm for ine. itis u hem. Sie PS cr. be a eS . t@, 2u i needy ; rinted or and tbat s and | Nr. H. fully equal o with }settl gare 31. urt, 31. - ble determ learn. son ti 2 i : fo. Stroup, EE Pow a to the pean ious and ne << |be pri ream, uu " love ar | Maus a fully eqt laved wi rt house, erk of co 2S 34 . Valua os easy to <5 ever le apled ur ae 60s Vey 7 dhe SSoavK. fe. street, | close t Ambition : 10tto ls, los. to the re ix (6) inches 1lin solo Was iece and piaye com) court: s for clerk rc li¢ht, ee A Very — : E farny, + pinches ‘Tew folks had tramy Pienr. . F ‘d Mrs ‘Yrvon stree 2 them. £ ber its w Self- | los. vt i be six (6 myo f his piec : yf the supplies ville, are lig inting, y VALUABLE Seok he shoe pi j end fe >pbant ‘ Veer us f ~ rented h Trvo 40U | Sorve ihe , smembe and Se! tots sball be : ide 1 that} nands o weption © , nojsup of Statesville, printing LE MY V ate limits 0: vhere the s rin and e sifan ele; ine. ~ : ' ‘ : North hurch, andj} 5, should rem ity anc Sse shes wide. | Sourd -,, | Pao cugh concept by ity of S inting Co., janks ‘FER FOR SALE rate: ers Just w y begi asi knowing at sen Nort . bov © ortunit: Ree een oa ro- | rough ¢ t, but | -| City ity Printing bianks, eee oa sore eves | : oney <5 100 er not is, compen ee ‘ Fantist chu iit boys s Opportun three (>) ine iby the f Ire-i., thorcueg aS Last. tv? Cum Soran inting Go., D OF artiy within 200 acres cultivation, ing m setbooks nits owner “Dh ma «the bay yee house. Eauality, a Renton draerec a ,oters ta ~ | “'s idea, ‘“Unele Uy ae Queen Taps t Prin a lis for Dr. lying pi containing 2 acres in ce of fine y pocke ses is in its . ‘ i urding h.Guaiey 2d 1¢ y the vo : tlicers posers = Uuc Ra 75: Masco rerails eee oresvilie. ¢ om, 100 acres od many | squses iS J Y The 4 boar sJast i a seen “ast by tl in othe | PO: ast, was d ‘the vee 221.75: M rOS.. OV rvices Moores’ f fine botlor rand sy Tone Za the cau: oO B > b y. i \ tas a yress las belp, —— ballots cas aie ownshiy or, | 2ans least. dition of ws |221. 2oston Bros *. ser cres of fi 2 ork timber uses and one the eof E T They uy. on t to pres the | fet! = all Sall efor, t¢ book pape jtiean he ren it ‘von sony =§.06: Pos i, F. Long, i. Sse re “bree tair ho eres lie in side On ER. . fore invitatio Se “e went left in tLe ence fees sounty fo yhite book ¢ BG | cs In tue er CO opt.) 30.00: I s1; Dr. H. $20; Dr. oid eld pine. Three Rene cat oaeaae’ WH k Be ing in > rwe we was left f os Fred Guy, dell co inted on whi hat saic mings and otk fan ade; rill, S1; ician, $20; easeS | old Feld pi he land, c balance ju land, eople Loo! isa standing we are ! alison Ss «om blOGILte > field o Runaways. Mr. Fred ag [Oo beprinte and that a ‘me Hvmn red himself ar and | Harriil, , pbysicia ’ allpox cases |} a azeon tin die dnd the ted on, oe here peo; e Itisa s he values w os , delays. lo “ tion Ot »l in the 437} or renin as} hureh, was} Snail be, he ream. A inches long} tune £ ‘+h he prove lid voice a as county _ ices on sta 220) Saee Moores. arry as locat mompcocsinssoce, isplaved w mselves. k and see the i = a : puileu Im eanite hist, Sunday eve Amity echourel * ver! , dibs. to the four (4) in ‘in which h eich lendis r that ias : services “ ip BAU. g {town Tenite qua ved, Possess d terms is disp - help the tock an refreshing ; OS arr oran “oy Sunday ar Amity Dellinge | 40 Los hall be four ois ji seS a sp bumor t arrill, s 1 s wush $1 as] A kne ar be reserved rice and t judement se who h >t our S ay be : > briei at mbriel is bo hives near / imma se eon \ S Sail DE It rEae. t | He possesses ivit and hu Har ee rrove to itven 3 which will cred, For pri “RELY, _ . udg s those inspect y Itm "ce thé be a Gradvrie ir. Ga eho lives Miss Emma four} ,.. \lots s 2) inches w TRIER. Hey : spiyit a 7 n Gr yas giv whic athered, MCNEEL le, N.C. Good j helps y to inspect ney. e ok pry Mr. t sec-} who ! wiih bliss Emm about e= | Ocul (3) ineb ty P. Gur ; Rot with aspi ‘ = tlin Unio secles was g rops are ga R. H.3 fooresvilie, Lord he very body heir mo \ suUMNC. ae 40 s ieing duct a ’ road 2 es & three ITARRY Shairman. | ane owl he house about jin Srider Eccles + | cro} Me epee 4 mh every nd t é 7 el On a! 2rs In tha repli driv ins v lorsville roac ; became ane t aia Chairma jpang ht down the ted to 2 Krider 5 Viof ived at to oe N.C. f ours to they spe. r OCK, ' ie Coenen rery time. the Taylorsvi Lis borses £ at ie a lbroucht ¢ is amounte Presby- orary relief. — be receiv e—S. A. LO Mooresville, ° ing before Y IN ST NY Vex top every on th rom town, Lis than Meming’s | Siixe, See. pen proceeds ai 1 by the ace temporary t sil will ivered. Reference Pie eee offering . ‘ARR i TS J ~ pear the qurree- niles from t Mr. Nathai Man} es Sis ees | The pr ill be used by ee 1 Budis en deliver. Sie oes eee! an <= FE Gt a " ; jing to agr yj Gt dat Mr. Na’ ecame Unt oa — nee 1220 and will be Jobr e when s releas' areeee- menti y ES e d Her mes ; weordibge terday |. shtened y soon becam Guy = jie Lawrence. 1320 anc ey wnty Hom Were ee . E i‘ ot Name 300das, Do , tores a TS, yes a ae They so > air. j | : abelie Li Miss (wa chureh. County Sore Ss 4 < any N s, Pant Goods, Wal I heir @eors, J hem tandem. - away. oth ss Is: ‘ == Miss | Pan . Pat = e eM a ains, é ay of. Most ee eet eee eoel ate Weir | Benth of Mis bout 12 o'clock, home | '! - — ee eer eS C. Somers SPECIAL TAXE een SOME OF TH roe ce thing, Hats, : Draperies, Contains, Wa : ; ott. ~ univ agcai on etlings The buve y a BOUL ie t the aes ~e. rom po —_ sap . i) licen ieycle . » Clo ar Ss ls. . ies 5 se aky CFs opport age ss Delling Poe, bus 2| unday, @ ce died at 1D ference frow Villiams a i} lic entists, Dicycl kets : , s, Calicoes, yerauls derie:s ORE ntsc of the Of pains es) REAR SOS he buggy. 4 so | ound eco rrenee,in | istrict Confer Willia xd retail 31st vsicians, dentists, bi mar} s, Millinery sales, Calicoe irts, Ov smbroi ; Dag ae lone Che pede ee ee a | Isabelle as rv rae meee was | tatesville Pistrict District om a crane Dec. 31s AWYERS, ee e Dress ee Ease ae " Laces, Oe ver, Pens, Ra rto : SpyOWs over Mi: hough nr z father, Mr. iss Lawre: er | States an iets ee All & Co. hs e » umber ides te to special tax serena aids; siery. tis, ae ies, are, ¥ hers going wh 22! ran OV pruised, th aped | of her fa = Miss and her | Statesville . Episcoy S ix months n lume rs linble t t their lice indictmen ies, Pla 2 Hosiery lars, Cutis, 2erfumeri shelf Hardw. . {others ¢ iay ball. whe badiy bruised ruy escaped | 4 : WNHSGID. 2 *s old, az she} the State fethodist = ir last for six Cey & Jo. aud all other: id take out liable to i tics, Notions, 5 iefs, Collars, Soaps, Per She Tabie y ad bovs play Ep cree Dadi Mr Gey hurt !< Yin tow years ion. She = he Met smoir a€ da Key . ay sy shoul einstives liabl r, 2 - bieis, ilet Soaps, Lamps, skets : ur DOYS pias ived | che wa est wil’. x hurt | eli, ineteen ve mption. | of the at fuer P21 1900 ; ons an 7 x to that they ler themse -t licenses, Pape 2 dkere ;. Toile -kery, s, Baskets, ks : Out UW) > receive iy burt 1% was t uinete +O} utd p rer B) once of South, met at isitors wer2 1900. ‘larke & Sons ‘s license, sthey Tender he proper li WYCOEF, ‘loves. Han ibbons, * Croc — ons, Trunks, ss has rece bat | soviously hi icaily, but ft One| abou tue to ce little ove ae South, me visitors “"y 1. Clarke ipper's ive gal-|asth i haying the p Je aa Gloves. ets, Ri ils, China, ys, Wag >ictures, all ; ar at ae ns that Be 4 hysical crent of : h was due Me Ae ryhut an ayp- | burch, & sue the retary ii. ited shipp E five by not he she ilks, Velve D9 cils, 2, Toy x) ; Pic ¢ nd a > 5 Partne , IONS hurt phys the exre deata was ¢ county 2 time ap-| ohy nony ta isner, secret granted s s less than 26 Silks. s, Pen slassware, rors, : Ss, 2 2 % tpman Sit be able} unhu the ¢ jdea ICK Ot) that tir vk. |= Ame i. Whisner. an rere gr ities less 2¢, 31st, noon Silks, -elopes, e. Glas ls, Mir re items, tore eee acy. : Vane We US See vially to Jamesd ped been s up to : week, P. H. Whi: aOR rere uantitie ding Dee.: UNE 19, 29 ks, Envelop: Tinware, Gl Towels, d or mo k be lis*invuls hte fill mo av €iS} financial - r SMCS po 7 nd was ui 1 fi Revs. Dr. P. fr church e Mrinitv tos: Inq hs ending J wn Inks, findings, inens, heusan icient. Loo $+ a lason Wis Turner at : a Mr. Ts! wouth. anc } health. ister Of | Revs. 1 of ehr f Trinity ship six months Findi le Lin da the’ . ficient. st sery, WW. Mase ;. ). Turne at} puece: . venloe, : Foster. Wout ly in vood bea 2 sister os - board esident o a t ns for six kK . Co. Shoe ;s. Tab lry an jse is su i honest Lob r as at OUssy ‘day eve ) ~ Burt I arently ing »> wes 2 rence. | of the b “ileo. vresid tition of lons stein & it il Cloths, s, Jewe the wi = : serial ler Se rea county, re} Saturday iriver, b > street | parently wrence er Lawrer Dr. Kilgo, pi itual condi +3 900 Lowens se for sale Oil lescopes, word to ye im woceal : : Sec to be re mim and his di ~ Sharpe s > Miss Law >and Goger L VaS Aland Dr. he spiritual { education } yq90, « Co. and sale license + Land Sale. rior Yalises, Teles: ves. A z i stvle Th his is te very | Xerr, and r alous Ss ’s residence . Larry and iother ¥ MYrs.}Collece. The eee eee at ten-| Key & yholesale r 3lst, f Iredell Supe: <a - Va ight prices oa ed. = is a very edrivirg < roard’s res the | Messrs. eS Her m lion, Mrs. ; ¢ poten: the caus special at wranted wk Decembe ree of Ire eding t the rig Me. Mason is peere ne George Foa ose from the} yy, tatesville. EF C. Carlion, Hill} she church, received spe ¥ MOVE-| were vr is, ending curt made i the special proceed cia : buy. Seance 1ear Mr. Gec > caine loosé became j of States Mrs. BP. C. w. ill. {the issions rece bh Ceatury : six mouths, e “ Co. ¥VIRT nade in the uA, Plyler, undersign- you buy x . 4} Hea ast-tree ¢ horses beea : ister of Mrs. 1 Mrs. M. sville jong miss Twentieth C after an SIX ttling Court made Marion ‘Plyler the iM at the : ker. onched last Vhe hregst the hor Serr and} ister tt, and Mrs. statesvi a The Twent er > 17000 nd Bo Sn ORS A, D. lyler, aU. T. Bly ee aiaoil 3 iwav preache At| che and "Mr Kerr’ 2 Ema Mott, ime in Stat 11€S-ltion, J phasized, : collee: | 1490, sville Ice a > license | ted A, ede cee OATH NICO ; Me WNelway { rians. “A onsgue, a tran, Mr wh OUb} imme t some tim ne the States-| 1; was empha ‘hisner, a bout Statesvi vholesale < ending | ony oc missioner o sville, N. ¥ 4 Mel avteria ’ Lone i and rg nh 6throw =n pee pent s +tendiné yas al ment * Whis 9 abou od Ww Ss, en 5 Gomunis in State 'H, 1900, 7 ae Presbyt fter the|' siohtened both th horses | She spe in attending she was deme genrtlitibae y Dr. ing to » grante ix montas, eda use Coor SLY 14TH, idder a ‘ tiful eo ine after oe Trivnte were bi The hors 1 ‘inter ina : She aD. f address oS nb amounting were g ; for Six. court ho TURDAY, JU iwhest Di - ‘ , 1 meeting f Mr. est Cea ae aie see jadst Wint Colles z WOMAN. | acc yas taken at it liquors 900 f SATURDA See eareeninn si : MELLEL 3 tional um gr OL. tae neg ginurea, : Dery vary le C young WN! tion was ta kt aM-} git aCOr 1900. st term o Gee tion to 1 in Cham asthe ne ON a atic le matte a * rere Uiin}uy pan trap. boar, Fema ert ye he town tion x¢@ next a ni er 31st, wust ublic aue d situated known 3 wt eS oie on ux tune t See hy Ba eS ae Pak Uae jue ker ght, tovable in the he |< Qog ; i to the n cembe r the Aug fol- peu pe ty-NC, enews acre: a : eruhols actec S}OR } OU Termeolishe | ry Orient, friends in ith the) evo OG, ; eleeted z meet iz De turors for ey are as : ble trac 11 county. ining 60% sh , Was a S1LUU | © nose CeL — Boece y imenc ee eet “wates ele hich is to a be juror mn, they a paluariee ee a ne-half) cas: vy BIG...... . eee salary eive him as | almos ee oe “ho had man : qe Tn | Delega’ rence, whit ohn-| PHo 2 awn, they wanshiip, in 326 land, co »% (one in six Oe , LG.. volves Sait sanined TO give He bas as Elliott Dead Elliott, | who aoe — eae Seccyrm trval eens Messrs. EES court were dra Dearman, J. S. pee yeas eae OWELS. ¢ aoe ea rm anse. 3 O. Eli Het ares Co eye her untimel) BS eC ny isbora, are J son, J.C. $ ;. A. Dez J. S. | more sale and 3% ( le, with day of sale, Tv ( : Dr. be. 3 ri Bree Boy 5s Cataw-jf¢ over sane nye perso eall- | Greensbe tt. Thom ps9 > ynates-— lows. veek —C. A. Jordar, J. > jon day nee day of sa * from money a LS. « A swer. . t Friday, Dr. arkling Cat alt fam k. two vou “have been cal! D. Matt. T 's; alterna Vv First week J. W.Jo G, mee Os interest purchase | m Y. 2 TOWE N a ’ ews hus Last » Spar! newhat “eek, aay ave b ion. !con. D. 3 - Ay “YS: W. A. J. W.. PY sees wit! he 1 NELL $ : she : lotte News eS Sear is home, a been some vo peace States aes suinptlon. | son wore Ne Sees sather, G. je :. Brown, W. McNeely, hell, } ed je reuazued till all’ § J. conmainaooer & WELS on ‘'s Charlotte Little. 0 Cied at bi He hac be be up and snown In = leath by con Stanc-) ond G, J. A, Stike a3 Y Sos G. iS ase ir, G. F. Mite M matte me a Com: s TO ze inuing for Te ‘ 5 A.A. L Babu be Sache OYID SS. able to be ci the ;<n nearly deat! ‘human st ie aSSYS. J. sh, g ands. iM, hy ad- Norris, V. Hair, G. E. M. paid. ne tuk, 1909. Si xpannnnn: ontinuing 4 ; ews oe today ~. tba Spr er was es ess up to ti jed to ane : from a bu ssary: why ea EE Long i alengt ry mute 1, W. W. Noore, This Jar eee - )RAAARAAM aoa It will Db: on t , was here Home aes nnwell ee Wis ee ‘worsing | It appears = so unnecessar} oe ee delivered of ee Se Holmes, ae Ss, C, ai ae ” ee sane ee d AG Wwe Cen, ic ) 3 I attang 7 Y MiGay - ID-1 ne sO @ruel, oes rei sypes L ach- S Si = S ‘ * rearer 7 y, 5 3 4 cx th eeting of ee Se = meas ne his deat = = ent out to cS ; | aoe ae Be so? | : ee in the So ame Riera Sales, J. Hial ee S. i hoe Sale of “and. : uit} ¥ rinning feo a large 1 ‘ SZ GAGE sos es eee ee Lo'elucs panne his Serene ae eae € eis = dist church. es in pell, W. M. a N. Holland, W. LL. ~ Re- of the oes “7900 : aoe will place on EI S and ; ifhein te “Ff have b about it ome work on W. BE. An — put ot Three. | and : ne Method mine churenes rls Windsor, am Mayhew, Be Ae 2 Rie Ol aiemew at May h, adsninis- Days wi OW. yi ents oes te rille. - seu. |. nteud so ™, Mr. ¥ yut to} tts Two o 1 went din Race e different Sunday by W. W. A. May bell, T. Y VIR i ee . Smith, vin and N T RNS “4 Dtaiesvi ‘i am at eae feel is t retuy Payot went © a} rhotte gets ille’s team ith too of ine » on Sunday Stimpson, Vy. M. Camp c. Mel- B of Iredel the case of J. M, J. Cas ner of NE TTE } q eugene “hk ae y VISITS did no Ib-130, norted Chark statesville’s > with } nulpits o filled ¢ z stir W. M. C.K 3 f said court in the against M, sr2issO2} T PA’ { suid he. hmy ¥ ~ fhe di is son-in-ls nds rey ' ay Statesville battle vy ee ere fill ference. See tran. dy, C. Pate {oF said J. ¥. Cavin, : as Com in States- ity o aie codivaiihs very om, his s The hands ESORG | ee sday S to ao battle wD Lenoir w : onfere presid- | trou A. Brady, L. Seen signed se door W rtunity q ly pleased wi is ery dersor, 13 ae Sut had gone Tuesday arlotte tc their ov | Leno! rs of the the pr yart, C. A. an, T. ith, | trator Lon Ar pen AN ILK is the oppo See sais 3 -on- {4 t for vim. bere, but t orsor | mn to Char! iaps’’ on t tame | nembders of Thompson, sonfer- Srewart, B. Goodm M. Smith, others, will at tire Ss his is th e and ki sees to €o ane 4 i been there, r. Anders: lown % byterians | irst game) 4, k. Thor ver the © {> J. A. B. r, J. M. Pi: id court v 13TH, 1900, This i Com . - ii : a » had be MP. 2 by !¢ ““Presbyte s the fir the | Rev. J. E. The d over Hent Chor, J. Cooper, J.P. tsa ¢, N.C., On ¢, JULY 149TH, bidder acture. lines. & - {wait on lepger raat he & house. 2 his face by the “Pre rhis was th der the! Diy eee reside: t exce “ J.A. Brown, SS, | vle, N. ¢ TURDAY, J highest bi wh anus in these | one little 4 ee he house. en cee } ac. This \ rlotte un Ying elder. p Kes a&. Mos I] 2f lterson, J. S. A. *,Hartness, eae Se -ost to m rains in : . ¥ i tion a2 Lt ack to t him lying Ryo ca i at St. srouns. ith Charlo : id taylor Mpg ce aces looks well 2 me KX. Jones, 8. N.F. Ha < public auction t land in nm as the low cos barga ings. “a uestion ae ae buried so} 7 vith did tay | He m 2d looks Will K. Tatts, N. Ipbus sell at pul Once es of d be sure offering ; iu eu found tle Was bu where he | played Ww Agvein ot with- ence. yfheer, anc t Will :, A. Watts, t, Adoly Sanna abie et county, N.C., the lands at an life to sec our " SEY, : Bosted- | eu Bdead. He wi Dee toe lace ES play, no 5 | siding officer, > church, ber | Little, G. W. E. Current, ley a SS ’ adjoining containing your = RAMSE ES. | ibloe, the Be d by ls yath a “h newr aon League s re had to pla} itchers. } ores “osts of the < ained : 4 iuy, W. E. Brantley. wnship, mie place nd. others, ¢ 1 be pola WL 5 } - lee, Paalitaey i = church ied. on | Leag nd we hs tof pi - | the interests sustal eae econ P, Guy, 3 E. is, J. L. jt0 savin ho: young and d> will | of a BO ~ ee Knibk I.assiste ai ter’s chuie : buried, heen iS an ing shor ates- the inte ‘e than s — itality, Joe . ad. Robt. *, Lewis, J. J. Y..Ca ‘in, Jolin Yo aid lands widow N& he mena Bet ates arsell as t, gave | Poeter’s ‘bildren ‘ d {tail US ur being ox for Sta 7 u ir more : for bosp -| MeLellan : A. BF. eM, ohn Cavin, ror lesé. ant J. Coxe cash on OmMLIX pode : © Calted Oe talent, eel has two caild ahs Cars Ol. pe” nding o in the box he ball Lene BERG r the meM-} y1¢6 week.—A. iligan ° acne o the dower of M. one-half onths We Say. T PARRA AD : ball t tee- | has l ocioek. tos years {sta ‘ox wert int led the r reputa ing for t Second Milligan, M. enoehade of sale o ble six mi a1 That pier : PeR niin pts Pascoe ean ch pat llo< about o> hildren. | ha I'cx w Makin twirie 'S runs former Y in caring Se AL. 3 ‘Conver, subject vin, ‘Terms half paya roved secu r ean W PAP He sed to ve: N, last |aisy riliott Was i 1 three chic wee ile MeMak tharlotie’s Tr inf kindness in nee Honeycutt, 4 ll, T. J. SG We Soe cath enoteand sale, Title re We M ARRAS es aves << ~ supposes Yeue Hall. - Dr Ellic rife and <a E An-| ritie while 3 Char ines, + in! and aha > conference. wie 7m Hal > wle zi . ay of STi’ with n ate of sale, ae ) mR RAAT IG 4 Ladies Sbi fone tat the Colfexe peed of lite ieaves a bctox Stes Ws be AB for Charlotte. | Ch 3 in the Sth. Foes of the 6 a eae W. Kistler, Ta eee eee mARRAAAAAAPA ye : isht. Sto in need 0!) He lea hem betug ie. Fle wa yf ft ade and 3 in the ie | ae L. M 2 J, W. NV. ~ | rity iN all the econ RRRAAPP PSA ~ ig sHt. ' m bee : ne of the Statesville. jtizen o vere ma " 4th ao wiping ville * ud Denes be . W. y. | tai -d tills Comm a i h Tee sao was sacky imment Fe o an of eee pected Cee 3 aa 4+ in the a “for See tase yNALS. sheen Feimster, eee a cane June 14th, 1909. — Ss t Mls B UIDIOE V entertains 44° | Gorse can i rest had acqu Tae ora, Gans ede o "ERSONALS. bbs, M. / *r tman, *| This Juz ily, Atty. aca : j The ente f the La-| - ed anc and ha reairh. | o two runs ith inning. ‘har- VER Hobbs, D. Trou ly. J. Connelly —_ oo Oh ee spices O The honore itv. 30 sderable weal irhe in 6th iz hile Ch A. D. Kennerly. LS Hee dose te) Reet = ia g i ‘the auspic hureh. To : munity, sidevabs ade in rors, while Ser ick- | rence, . M. 2 ; k 0 a ter the ist chure 5 COIN ife, consid | were made tn errors, . Hick ek, EL 3 son as ; toe Z : : ‘ ee list ch to about his ¢ - his life, ¢ a x made «¢ @ “ee ll went to Murdock, V. J. Mason. Sarees ao en h : iss, Orga ‘ Method ted to ¢ rill | @uring his eo | ville ma iv3. i yesterday. eae kad sce ; nae ea peau nd. SEE a : ri ‘ ? the 41es Wl Gt a rt ead, Vile ; oly ae es : 3 z enr “AY y, JT., a Lai a mM F Set vipts pert the Lee ae vin Morrison D : Shiloh | lotie made es were play creer Mr. J. a ht. Bal- ; Aibez oT a Trustce’s Sale of he |B A Mam ~ HY C = “ > Nars. Hov : art, we 3. Caivin 3 ison. vl S 3 Ric vastitea vomes x ramae svile y last night. rent to Light Spe. ~ eS d tot } 2 aks. TO sir part, Mr. 3. tn Morrison. inst Two fg roing é for Statesvile, ory las Nate wiles wer lay Nig will ust execute Wash. : pend thet E Calvin See home on etl Om the mo “tenee for paiion : hn F. Bow! Saturda Z speakers ing eal Kae wile, needa @ i nt Oe Mr. 3. ‘died at Seep Mr ee Malone pite was in the bo: in aj Mr. John week “idson, he following = the ree ee by Ben a Chamber will eet] s hiidven, t Cat ae township, cht about llo - fferer for and. . T attimore w es resulted i of btimore last Shearer, of Davi eee people . night, July 7th., B TS eae ee house | - SE ath ear 2 — ler. Sunday wight 2S drop-| while L the game he tune B. Shearer, dress saturday See OAIViIsoR Sn a ' rill sell ¢ XIV ; UNA} ad ber sisand adrop-} *harlotte. t ville to the ov, J. his week. x Sa pute RNa CCIE at 12 o'clock, a will se r. Sdtlas Alex drick, P rricon baa paralysis anc een oP | Charlotte tatesvilie Rev. 3 wn tbis ween Sharlotte, places coe sk: nd J. A. at pubite auction 10% & ee TOO nia bef Mr. f Hedr ler > rith ff ; betwe ‘ for : be im tov f Char 5:30 o'cloc on 2 at pu atese1 SLY 16TH, in rn. Death « Vexander, of irate come time w m He 5 — ti sral took j defeat : wept ip t 3 Z wae in : ie Gouger, of at Ree W. ee npson’s school Loor ia eee se lying and Set eaa { Old or Shelf 0 fis Avexand od Las Phe fue pee ection. | The fane Sie teY 1 6 10 0. pitcher he evening liss Minnie is week, Dr. S. fsq., at Sin : eee ts of land rg towsrs j e€ runty, died 1a: The sical at rs old. ‘Tbe Alexander j 5 we pa tke pi > jn the e an Miss 3 this we ickory, ss, Esq., ship. , LOWERS ROS OLE a sn? R uth hing ‘ Bee OY et rs old. by U0 years Vid. Shir.) ee at at 4) Kenn : aville i Charlotte. in town : { Hickor} Hartness, 1 rer town da Zeb. the follo and Chaz as follows: ning So! Not ‘ 4 years rday, Dy nd 6V yea w Saieus, | oon at Stutey bed for Cha ws: ] was in Sherrill. a arriage Butler an 1 | Stateswille a fefined as f stake, rupnit rth. 80° | ° thi about S4 yet Saturday, % v New + afternoal tev. box for § pitched f follows: | w M. Sberril iouse, Ba 5A. Bu ’s school | sue bed aud de ningatee oe a rae Z eee saa ducted © Union | lace av 2 mnday a iby Rev.) bos Jones pitct 3s is as follows: fr Coe. orday. j, | house, James # wns Ss SE ean Swe | in , st served, | rds 3 Se eee ya, at Scns Monde: pnducted Os wame. ou y innings Oe a Mr. city yesterda) ite Hill, Sepator J at Bro : sins aI TRS SEOEE Neate } CG a ' adies Oxiords Se et Davids Neate was cond Peer tenors So meGen ee ia ras ir the city 5 fGranite Hil, : g, Esq., rnship. 1eT-| 109 Hast 400 fect to a eertislcigi ane a ight that prom t Ladies iene. eee red elock. and : “thy rTDE Ss era nO J 09 0 W-2 was ! se Mf sore, 0 Stimson’s Vv. Long, stown tow P Grie 10% seanoseee toe thence = This and for { f eight ffered 4 line betv: j n honoree CA on nost WOrtny | Statesville 200008 S ex- iss Satie Moor tan Stins Falistow q rey. notectzoa et ECO eue Mary C. Ben || ing and fr e are oner , Seat trex ue es Bil Ww. C. Brown. aS & Most We valli States —(} a UU ved 2s e3 Miss satle . *. Logan house, vis an Oe ec Boyd 2 Mary C. he |B | sking l value : to see " uy cander was 2 ommun OC. PE ES Ses 2ck DY aul | tharlotte re played “itl ae “W_G. Lew 5 Soa inacen from 3 of t st of pack f rea me = ; See ofhis aie W a Sono and respec osehee \ Pe eet os a is visiting ont tol W. = Oak Soe ood crowds peuperty eription sce decd See nait- |B! To save rane ere of zone 3 rges less weted CItize sOUNTY CO 7 A honored He was a b: at these gan sand ti ard of di- . iv. one Esus., < speakers ¢ iscussed. Tuller desc im Hook 11, t dredell | N.C, | r. lya li ic’ t to a : > time count ren, TWO] zen, hh: abe ison who a ition vames at he boat iamiily Gregory visit | Es a: hese sp’ nt disc istered i i> office 0. the W, N. thence i his offer. e only is freig item—bu i he ONE-GEIDE: ¢ chiidren, | Gee tere Morrison Mr. | hipition wa 1 before the b ; richard lay, to vis Give t amendme Ss, register of dee: pinning on the W SEeeipod cues will take ov i make ame item— ht, to , ; taVCS SIX C ville They who ku Harvey Mo tesvilie. I oO tested be te Leavue. Mr. Rie Tuesday, a ar the au A. Hartness, regis! ract—Begit 5 poles North 6% or and it 2 prices buy the freig 4, ‘ aS oO. r. He leave Stutesvulle. oar eee the iate Hat in Statesvil rate lhe contes f the State Leay ee vile. . and hea J. A. Com. 2a a South + Re mre =DOTe HOF \ The p tcan buy king and signee I tugin Stat and Mrs. L. oft lived in St bremocrat. | ‘s of the ee Taylorsy : is |? ’n Dem. Co. road the Rendire eonremming Ps | waenpattison! i them. erchan f packing we eee a wath) cander ar ime live r ardent ions was rectors viata - es ese. | Las © Palat gh, > Chm’'n Tiaish sx poles t yg, conta of said | to a prio: any m ving o sale by give my : Alexane ore 2 Was an a ‘sutions --- trial Colleg friends, 5,0f haleig a = Has > beginmins > property subject Asso- | than ~. sav — force eed to > : I Mir Joo. A prison Was BC See of idusiria jc { trie ‘. Thomas, of iness uu - g Sasa ead app de- his is a is no ye agr iil do it : oe rh Sess Morrison | last con ospects of atand 4 aders is D. S. Tho k, busine Zeb. V. Long, leak candies t Building a further de \ me this int. It I hav nd J will « lly a “Ce dole : Fr of mis 1a: sto the pr Ee leaves sunte Norm of our reader y Mr. D. iis week, Zeb. Secretary. nd wite a the Kirst N.C, zor f ne Allison, i ther point. ss deal. t, Ist. a omically 5 ® = VES is Sun as te ISts) Ere ie {sex tion of ou of the po tins Secr mortgage to t! aie to Ju | aro busine: n Sept, econ r } = $ su! aust! Speen antion isement o in town —= aso of Statesx t 5,5. M c.| a: real riy o a0 so as uarter, i “dell, 1. | witp his : in August. — hildren— j The attention — Teen and] in ity, the ——> last | ciatioa of | deed of J, sof Mary Cie but 2 a pa t to do a q ' ' South kwedel eo VE. lection in ife and six ¢ ib the adve vormal &@ ‘nowD. in the city, a Med las SoipGonees sos. ¢ lands o: near } om to I wan in even Sie! Sout and <A. the elect Wii and Six ¢ ays. po dto the state No else [kno sr isin the Clin- as ca RoR tarch esas acciolehcdands aying “near store ro Yet blow in Netis icLelland an the peo-| the | 1 him a wile 2 dauyhte i calle lina State ing else ingender is aa ing was instance ted Ma the Chambers land, end 2 Ss st. 1 t to : ‘ hella 2 behind hiz hree dau: {ee Jarolina appearing Clinwen her, Mr. “A. s meeting be ins da) act—Being Chambers | South ef DY CO! + wan ' kk. Me =e tdress t Ss od, | veh aod thr a l2¥! North Ca Jollezye appe This eol- Mri IK lust ‘other, & mass m oat & iscuss 3rd tr: TS asus lands of - at any I don LLARS ' a will ac sbkhorhood, Bice StS a fame to Play! x ¢ ial Colles uns. ‘This est of his brother, = Greensboro ; to discus a ensceoe Sacer s I can. that LF DO : Sea Ney norght se, | thre vid Kney Came Industrial ( 2 columns. nal ad-| est Gi rned | ak in Gr 1. Cone been | # Ses nasa OnES c south by miaining as 1 you NY HA nuine Vine Voller hool hous said They au in these sducatlona pp BUCS : returned | nal foses H. had Mary Hall's kan t, on the so ee t I tell y TE MAD ve, Ge 7 he. Pi “y schoo! school They Sai ised | where in > best ed of the render. risou ria Mr. Moses ispensary siness. Mary the wes by Mary is last tract 3 sey ve N SAV tk have. ffer are ; ; > Valley 's res Sct Aad Ti "25 noise Preece ces the > reach o ger la Mor in Georgia, of} the disp al to busine Atwellon dnorth by ss. “This k and lies - CA) ee wha I offe d'ine as L00FE S_ on}: H. it Was se Ge paces U in the ata cost ics Luda 4 ls in nether riment. . hat | - rast an re oF les en YOU ins to si 00ds hour L : as d . Ba ay it nd that. jfeve within ate ata Miss friends whethel detrim ting 1 thee pes morc one Chan sale is { pain } the zg . One ; Se toWnship 8-30 Thursday tt around tha ages f the stat peace : icial or be meeting Spot ol said Lawson ae ee inGrseriaan . ke the Al ffairs. ta- eum yirey + 8:3 z HUrSca) red arou -lvantag “nh Of thes “bsp i a visi benetici of th abo y of said suship. HP. Grie: ill tal ffer. aia d profi i Darrivg ‘th, at 3: Last yhispered eam and ex-} y Cee $152. "G }irom a Visit | muene | bencti he sense of SE ow age 16 IARTNESS, if you w t I offer. ery day affa gand p mn war uly tk, 4 d whis ‘teama styouny 49 “92 to - women | fy Tuesday. 1 Euge * ras the . L pro bersbe: sorte HAR if you. is wha nev . ting 4 eon war ' le turn ad an rrony te wos lyoung from 292 ‘oun Wo last Tuesday z ns and Ey “is | it was eficia Cham prior J.A, Trustee. \ sis ded i *1) nteres = ee ah eon SLOAN an ee it w : baugtay from wt 40) young: a} last ), R. Simons : Dee noes en ben — Dect to | argain: nd nee! sk will bei ae " Let all ae discuss the Suiisbury sa the Seer cond play aaa notice eae eee Messrs. IE, R. Soares ae it had be — api f Land. W.G. Jane ith, 1900 Sr ee Se See my stock w ‘ = ms e men a ; t the : * er “. ee v Wess Spent —_—— h mies \ in see if « ear these m pected aoe that t ae a a reprewating ever to acne Morrison See ected | rigage Sale o SE ee ee ae \ spent an 7 Sh 13 3214 9sier y very L i ~) ,anrour Te all - saa the ‘ d ery COU es iden sa hed 0 * Spring a axpe ef 0 vers con 2 Brady Usha aeo wae t ce ae & Gl then aaa av. We noke ‘ly every Med as stu ~ nese | hur St Seqles is e M rowers C L. ee a able. oe lmos' ‘ c tee KE. riday. ‘Sund mu enraay nearly rolled as Of the Sulp rales ilv of Mr. TE of the 7 “dby L. > the said 2 TELL 0 3 da tur or Rev, rye FY - an fore them. yue ‘ere enro) : OY, : fatie Se lv of J IRTUE 0 cecuted by by . WE C: t. an ufac Dy ere ur boys 2 setore ina weree Sou— ec state- : Matie 5 2 family y VIR deed execute’ .and by an, the XO erit, man 5 uctetu >) . ip Our i tight bet tur-' lina wer of 18% : wh sta Miss Ma risit the ¥ fee tarry Burke. Haq. Sullic he - i to m ictly at > Condus use. yj fcacer ur hacd tig thing dur-' sESS10N O14 their ov her! Mis is to vis mo Harry B lueto J. ). jon to t tive, as t is stric 4 Servis anronho will }<2 ‘vy for the i to do arythivg VaS } the ses ine to th 2d no ott - his week rn 3 wile to ed for val wblic aucti 5 door i vally attrac vice is § ter ae shan house Ww reaay 19 iniled to do ‘oy man we 3 os G acvording re attended their | this H. Brown. senting Burke transferre sell at pu 2 court hones ; : pecially a a Thep yal Worces' , Shannonn hurch, hsbury ia he Masc or =o ying. $206 oon rould have at frayed eas George Ht. represel SurKc gned wil cash at the is es be sute he Roy d offer 4 2 ind Rees Sho James ch Pi Sects ime the 4 ail playing l ments, wou hem defra pacmed | Geor: skew, Com- under bidder for a sa can ith 1) ract an a ‘ a Ie & ant at iE? he tim nbled bal @alimen 172 of th thein earme Ye a IN surance highest bic N.C.,on STH, zg00, d } one nts Ww fn cont is re ‘ iees at St. lav at ne the resemble 1 tie be ‘eve: 172 G of thei k in ir E. S. 1 Tnsura Se cation 7, JOLY 28 ibed lands | t. veme vious ady is services a Sunda) 2 p. | UE re that res li seemed % ast roilege : ses: 40 ¢ y WOrn 1 Mr. i Mutua! in Sta SATURDAY, J s describe ona } rs cost. jal arrang ur pre ery 1 y are = wn avout = | here th he bali see r—at leas = sx penses: 3se€S DY D of Peon Slut Peat SAT following inning : | e ia. ull o st. Ev rsets % cee Lownshiy pnson aout . cht peaere S 1 the ba sther—a vel own expe ek pense iry; 1050 the Pear 2 city. Till eens Sa s de By spec lcann Ist. cost. hese Co ee be afterns¢ at niv They and ith anc to have} oy | thetr exy i laundry; at ee ent in the sca apel Hull, 12 o'clock, m., ship, ee mace Sou h sk folks, ts at Ist. cos T = me ita the a NS eS They OB ea a, Cee oe ete {most of t room and i ering col: | <* iy, 1s f Chay ieolog | atx BGS ORO MISES) eRe Se | rset l corse’ be suited. ; es lL be serv enmity seemed to let it pass | y tining-roor fore entering, reg | Dan! y. Myers, of : Geolog So eConnelaa: stone, the thence North 7 Co tof al A can iere will be ist in }ee : yer seem " it but Jeti 25° } the dining uebt-befor repared tr EW. aa) i State his ne, J. B. Re SREAl a Stone, thence e MILY j oR bes if she to oe 35} althey neve to with it — States pba haa taug rere pre = Mr. Ey her for the aty t sto’ West 8 pole poles to g a stone, stone, FA) e ot 2 j t to see ss : t sure 1 y to assis dg) baey Sy CO CO ee ESOC. reSitnem had ta them we 2 public} } srapaer for | the cit) arerees West. 4734 FO ee eas a x witho | ted d the best e almos ing -e Monday t sonducte nything her side. themselves | tne s2i at them vy in the } nydrograps vas in SE ee ER Sars Er zo poles to along v . ques te an vallers are au ha savi Sa ace ile cond Mr. ,a03 the other yore wnems CX | jeue; 32 > entirely oy Survey, ¥ 77 degrees V grees V West_ 2 poles to a Caz get ‘e them, ¢ | to da arly ¢: nt wit 16 Mocksy Rev. M y ont imply W viate. Box | yrtiaily ot cing |ical Surve) ildrea, | 77 “cars rth (nig degrees Se eoaeatine I have ; “Pp The e hey wa ouns ao DL aK the | D3 I Ay ile, ! sartia. a) taking t = i ad chil Sow - North 67% 1 degree degree: ya lock. : hat t te two y ts t S |‘ \ “acuu. and the |? le men silvy hoine pi ville, ta - on eek. swell an ALY | thence > SL nine ad, then: C.0€ dw cen the 3 . Deace Iso ana ville ine the forStates hoo! nan Up ing | wee oc. Maxwell CILY | the ence 3 nce 2 oa fin 5 ¥ t their { Arch ist also here. | Vite ossing yne forS y the | Schools. g woman uw r leaving W. C. Maxwell in the Oe ‘north of the stone sou nes too. 30 to 50 pe self, bu ill do ; “ili assis ay ther CS Ss up do ys’’ threw ; young pach afte bliC} ares. W. arrived at Mr. peomceenred oat 20 polesto # s Fast 40 0 : k of 3 my dr., W to go wks pe day 5th, red his sou; 2 boys Any teacn some pu ts. ite arrive ard at SE ncicetouine Fast 20 pols degrees By ice clock, \ much land, k you { end ox June 15tt YOrEee & “the - >dee to ars 102 some alan Cherlorte will bow 42 poles legrees North 834 dk 29% acre A real n er here & Cope! ill than on } vill spe : lay, uh St. | Wor: » three of cot | the piedg yo years the State of a They wi south 76 < thence No containing. iz ime keep: ' *s be lL wi lves and : ‘ing Suncay, ack at wane taree sbury. ; sorer ¢ - lege tw school of t Vt free |! day. = : of the roed, inning, EE ne rood tim I cm Ramsey oods. the she want, ~ 3 owing Sune prea all for Salisb: if the sc tthe college t rate schoo All free uEsaay. risiting J of th the begi H. Mortgagee. 5o @SSTS. he g' h i ‘ou nee I pall for Sa sik UL "y neart rho 1 or priva ition. ae Orr's. 2G Visiting poles tothe SLLIVAN, 2 en, M ou t z throug! ing y' r at a nnonhouse ba! inal score > Very S-} schoul or {| free tuiti secure |W, o has been home ; Poles oes. Sth, 1900: C, SULLI VAN, for men, how y' look someth I offe i < ; ! ee The fina she came 2S PTOS-j} se seive free sanuot s 3. ,o“ il, who h: res for ho Se aSaneese me J.C. SULLIV nee. t tos nters, t find tock. t of : Winston. + actly as he { nervous hit il rece. ts can itories. ;. Cecil, r, leaves iss Nan ae Metenghees ssa Ee assig O best the cow 2 nd’ bard s da cos S { WWlus = Cliy 2 *k of ner >» eatehj wij students he dormito Mrs. ). Gouger, le Miss I R. BLM . - Sullivan, - bind if you ca no ight ap it i i 1t corre nattack ¢ t to vate! tion st nthe 3a Cer- - E. Goug sdav. J Attorney. tors of J.J . ° bebi: see if y I have itional freig! ve, as i a ap tertioiaen Sen having an 2 oes attemp <yhd bury Sf tuiti wt ylaces } itled tow Mrs. MM. ae Ky., touas Execu - ce. | bies to stated ditiona Ss I ha ; cs juan Spring ‘ove } bavn Samir aia wad Salisbury | boarding Re ty is entit spts to}) “at Lick, ies her. % Noti 1 ta viously to save ad ‘the item: | RICES. \ Drive to Baris eeple drove Beet marie Salle 35 Salis | bos ach county 1S € one es}at Fla om pani W. Rey nistrator of the As pre I make rate't PRI Dis { young p Tuesday jt Settlers ae asyille 3% the! put eae or Of apE . expebs Gouver act! : Mrs. a 4dmi inistrator by ‘ ices t enunte = —— Hein st Tuesdi Statesvis tates to use ti un ber entire wou se of 3 “is on adminis’ I hereb i be pr’ do no = ‘ou. fl = RE ets (5 last Lue s. | Sta was 8 ‘t care to iv€| tain nut The en KS of a Ce Shevis ¢ ified as ceased, I said 6 the p Ido: tare y' tlufly, — a SPrings IcHic. rars-- W nt care ive | tai aces. £ text-books eet Hall, é he city. tio, "ING quali les, dec against He he king. list to Respec > 0 ‘o Garium Sprio liget picet e} error We do juired to g hese plac se of tex an ap) viss is in the city in Mar estate of Jere Bow! ee OC. 9 ke a Yours 4 to $38.0 2 ; rot a moonlig sont tit bury 0. space reqt toes r the us Kine such 3 1 Delland, is home i ington, Bet oS) us having ¢ on or ed to the ould ma 5 1 25c. on @ please eur) f spac including hoxling aA the COl |} Mee her in Washing ifvall perso game to m indebt lement. mas | we 900 2U aud = ‘ = a very & punt O “YOrs, : fin roman 292 for th may to t nin Vv notify resent Those t sett Oo nd | 2. 1 3 port 2 e}aimo y's errors ung wo sid be $92 her wa} has bee state to preset 1901, Ne ry. CLEGG, ther a | June 20, «port iy were;a lisbury se issiones | young woul a She has et july, ed to mak G. W.C strator ur fa us cs : met = 1, | Salis mena onal ecemmiocio pointmeat bree} penn. usic. Son eae Adminis kind yo to buy. = niece. ta - the p is Bovd. Sureet Cor point itled to tb e ine musi and state are h, x90. Mel é The used Ma D ies In sg Luis “yr tuity Sure i of Alder- year. =" title tudying i field - 71 Shs Taly sth, jin, Atty. father : let me and uD- ladies Ve and a Vv. > Rusty ard of Al owe Ye > is en study . Arm Knox This July, Laughlin, rrand in, le } st and ao : Sethelle Jate an Mx. D.C. x Boaré Con- | lege ¥ county itory. RE 4 y from R. | oR. B Me ota Come in, j 2e. cake. Ives Se Sa) A Oa i Luda} te. tor of the Re : ‘his c 2 dormito: py rs. a Tuesday Irs. rr. DO. : i eee “owlor, Fan # ug a ns Ata ano! Mr. eres as | places in the oo oS caine ee visited Mrs NOTICE. : ra of = you a clock | Sate 1 Lorera 1. tlemen eg =i lust iues' ‘his Soe eifect | _————_— ‘He. Tenn. = iven that the aly oth, ~ T = me 140 rent) aw Lohr meu D i ake a “ile. Te inity. iven uday. J nts ° Sap nC Econ and nor handed issioner to oe pre- speak 5 Ht Bopaett. Ono | ICE is ionepe will meet Mond eee RIC : "A. Reaves Wilson, oar See ean ee Mason to Spe will mene a Edoa Lynchber the city, vis A comaisioness su of rear and. pe | d Optician. met tte dhe Et Dp ae Id. Bot ae % Sever: -d. Messrs. roe tte | Mar. Ma Mason \ Turner, - Miss Ec ty, is in ic {o revis= the valuation of ' eler an Sop, H. E. J Armiield, Peters teday. Jue Board, Mes a Fayet GR Pou W.D. Ti Ss TSAI oe imson’s. of excessive -IDSON. { The Jew Z : race : ts ode * on. 0; Eupep Rando! pb Fovan Sti Fac’ j of exces “ viIpso> m, J. F. eee and sented to ti os sop, 1 darbin, Hoa with Ho 900; r-} Rando tr. Lovar Fac petty 3rd 1900 . DAV 2, SOD, ison, sen j. Garr Ab. Ha | le v ly Tth, 1900; yery-{R Mr. Log f the {| prey July Tr MC haigman, ). 5, . « Allisu eeicre Jalker, MEN | the peop > July 7th, t ever itisg@ at M isou, of tl sirin This July . ¢ 50. fs Fry, S. nn Walk ; alderm th Ly, i OR Gaia: lo- jitiag ie Jamison, « dustri » to #4 tens <imball, John V The expect-| 4) Harmony uly th, hese e enema Waa itn = t| : to ee Poiee, a ee ae soe ee ee coe ae we = OE the guest 0 i Thread, 2«- a ts a ted Mr. SS oticer. | cody turn out ee ulty of t ‘1s in the city, tisc mon tte. | elected a ae & YOU Soap ee are NE) t ana avie sb A. Os ze ‘om. lege, 1s ee News dvertine id, of Charlotte. | ele es Slick Vans tia J.B. Co. Com. } G,) Re c. yd and vl ee ee W. H. Wakefield. |, ”* Chairman Dem. Miss E > = ‘2 av We 75 iy aus. ey —— t + re . Ap: : ry. 22.50. fatesville Ju ? sree Lbs | Rr ae? tesvitie at 2creta ‘ ee Se k in Of2 cves notice UV. “ Staiesv day | = ner, pe © 20¢e. roi Davidson gives tena tax} Dr. eae caenen Sa i Zeb Vs beng, ‘ ov - re harlotte,-N. urdry, Rye, Ear, > — f ee sioners Wil 7 Lo ees = Syieiecdl to Rye : aT 1 = 18 ad- ! Hotel t is practice Is th. alified as a only. # ; bus qualifi ae owe | , G. W. Clegg, ba ‘of Jere ‘ state Oo - wor OLS ross. i j : Liss u A, Copeland. ss jand ‘Throah. SON ‘ oe NERS OER EA cee eee a Se ee ee See LB Me ; PRS SRE eT E ue oe LAS OT EH TN Le RNC NAAR, ANTE ERT ET ee . A Good Lecture. Chinese Advices Not Satisfactory. A Sac Dearth Dr. Lambe: on China, ; ee diye speci aI eg Lexington Dispatch, , Washington Special, 25th. lowing statement Goncerb-| he Chipese question is interest- Raleigh News aad Observer coth. In time tocome when all party Tbkeday’s devclopments in Chinese Ha irs were ineagre, and the gener- ! at rassed by (Xsease, until she was | lfeelingias died away and every- 4 Westedin pody and deranged in Constitu: | : ona A short t b- | t was made by Rev. W. R. | Zee vote ai opinion bere is that the two mes- | “SS5°" p A 7 mi . had been sud- | ; x aie eeaar, eae secretary | thing settled down, men who vote ' = ee — a See ere me imind, Mrs. Mary Garner yesterday i Sone ‘vir. D. M. Luther, a mem- Saat en ahi ‘ ma rel He was) against white supremacy will regret | She chet oe tee ur ad Chan , ‘morning committed suicide ut her, Y rea, wit. a . > cent s w1@lLHnoaist uUrcho. - as} = pees . ae — from , “ ! g a ge of tke State Democratic Execu-| ac pci \ missionary in Chi-iit- The white people are bound toj|the otaer irom ug *\ home nearApex. (Sirs Garner bad er OL LBE wt ig time a missionary In 2 : ‘th ihe situa-|twie. The negro is the white man’s | could not be acceored as settliag the jar with the situa-/ Ture. Sea Nt oes ; ; = che at a State - burden: Thenit is plain as day ee question as eos fate - any man in the Ublgea States: 2 } yt ae : : e sion ministers ¢ akin, an : ee iD} 1 4 ‘ the white man who vote eee a so ee — | seemed to prey on her mind aad she rhe a = - . at . upced tbat he] for quite a long while beea an invai- id, and recently her condition bad) tive & would oppose i + ae Ie? the court Int’ qs Sa »eround that] = ) i" + declare the‘grand- » Boxers were not organized that. ; a rey wpconstitutional ane | ooks | | —_— i | I t avainst white supremacy is makin d been acting stranvely. Theu} father clause : lin the bevipnping of the movement, | afalost wale Seis eae Cw aes etc ON inant | oe acting str : eu} fath< Sey oa ages >in opera. | 'n tae eer eae site "ee ditt an awful mistake and see it he wil .| Secretary of the Navy, by speciat there were evidences of cidal ine| put the educate a usht this!" were Dands focal Dabdlcic, | : sot see it till bis little son {instruction of the President. had!‘ : a Renoir erent tion. He said he et or ay eres ude th living by plunder-; He may pot see it ti ; ead ep ttee a imiral | 22% and the family for some days | tion. | : tina & > made t living by piund || or his little daughter grows up and | been particular to cable Admira lhad closely watched her would be Gore ea eee aad thieving. But by gradual) MS Oe, ae f | Kemopff several avs ago to keep the |* tOSC1Y rec = , a r amendment | ‘ : 5 "oe 6nnd | begins the stua@y of history. In fu-; Kemps wh Gays ag ce} Narey we ema onene heres : . : ne couid not wie sor : sip ee Sseus they grew stronger, aod | es eee a as Nace iioaal Navy Departiaent informed of every- | oe oe Se ee eet ea You Il not need to regulate y our cookin i because It woule Cisitab\ ~~: | were organized into secret societies. | ture years they are s vs Nee a eee ene ~ within tle zon EUG, vet. 2s ate anaes , ee i - ec ane ‘is oppesi- | Were organized into sect Ae -\ father which side he took in the} thing that happens within tue zone | Oe el iinet ints Gi tas the thermometer when ou et 2 } ucated wi | Luere are a great ma secret so-, 1 : ieal fight {!of disturbance in China, and itis be e : i . 7 ~ VOL Vil. Py ; tion he ie er China. obt society had|memorable and historical fight of; of Gisturpauc Ramee _{thesnametime the oidest dauybter! Vi kl Bi Flame Oil Stove On the , 2 4 aoe Ei ee re Of the, 1900, iu whieh the main issue was: |lieved that bis omission to make any | ot ya the kitchen to prepare lithe | Wickless, Blue 5 le the a or it overthrow Of Chel te 3 al sference in his ce r.wleer: hisg se Cetigecotig hae coer rae = - : y é wd Ria ae zpos : a seb ee Shalt white men rule cr. shail | referen dla 3 es Cae lrnorning meal. While thus engaved | hottest day Ss you can cook whatever \ ou = ies mn y ye I 5 “ico is i = ae ee ene ne ow > the where avonts he! oe i = 3 2 ——e : { j p +i : ule When this comes | zt he saw her mothe iressed, come ° ; Yesterda | Parter, andexireme- ;° biaens Tule 2 - Se ete a i ere the «ahsence | 28 Saw ber motner, dressed, c¢ 1e | s ? y We _ oa Be a ie ho yea China [the white win who voted Ds panes rs Was based on oa absence 'trom the house, cross the yard and! choose, in seared! Joe a Ww ith : 7a They bewan then te attacit|'is Tace will feel bad. For be will /ofany inlormationon that subject) ichind an outhouse’ There e itional discomfort § j tek Fbey ocfan taen to atiaca |’ ae = ae ie s centest ke was lat wu, where the admiral is with, aan : y bes eee a =a out suffering any a : : Nort foreivaers, a@t beenuse they desir ais aaea Ceaser rae ma tel ora in eae Ngee ae Pe od etemiine in | WAS FoOtaIngs eT ACLOLS to ise | ed A =< > 7, rir i |toiniere the forelzuers especially, jealied upon te put faith in rhe a SIRs aie had ct Take, oa: {24spicion, but as she did not return | while cooking, The comfort you'll gai: at. its ad- | UO MiUhe tee 1OhCIR CES: Ron eee rte pulfuith io the blsexs, and |tormutton coum tat taku, tas “oidholoiciicatlod so per ° - a me or chanves| but their hope was to involve the | 0! ne oe ie led by partisan!ly 30 miles Cown the river frem:“* Ca the girl cailed to her. nn 1s only one of the ady antages of usINny :- chanses | rninent in war with some for-| that be was so bDiindec ¥ partisan ty o@ ma , re eis ced There was no response. Then she } , provis- | ZOvernimer’ in iano pescnciad i politics that he wept against his|Tien-@sin, of the pi sence of thé | went behitd the building and there! - proposed |° aa teh or Seale = bring about | own race aud trusted the destinies mint in ae pes Suis jshe found her mother upon her | e Blue , { I handle all irely 2c- vaste OL = poe ice } , Of yocroes zt 9 2 Bo ies str sas } } iy i ral . t “ . : in sulirery ac = 1 of the reieninir house. |Of his posterity to 120,000 negroes, |.co- 2 but es eS Ee hands ond knees, the blood wus 1c ess Flame oC Ee the best quaut ink, to alj {the downfall cf < reigning b au jheaced by write men who hold office | then oificiais here cannot Area eat SR aS Soe eae oe | ' . : ae = | | hinpress Dowager, Who 13 3 | =< : +e thi j how any government could have su-j "1 cal 55 Saath demePhe eet x17: M : : ade ,pabove race pride or anything cise. | how any Zovernment co. ee lon the ground besideirer. Mr. Gar-! 7 . yar i) en : Sb mew < vi G WONDD, tDo ae in | Phis if'a record-making year. and|perior inciities, and so they ielt {00 Vee muoune Sesidober. Mz. Care) f it is handier than a coal stove and cleaner and cheaper. The Wickless Blue 6 s Boxer movenient. Save isin-}** Pe tei caer beth O tenek cei : faa at ete for furtber ad-) UEt was Caled, ae 3 | on . ion . - "7 st “Wiel fore Pty ant! foreizner ip per septi-{™ay the zood Lord help ‘us all tot justified in waiting for furtber ad-| hoe che was dead Flame Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicks tenseiy aot: foreigner in ger Sepik). records—reeords of} vices before accepting the Chinese} “7, ote = : se doubifui ¢ \ “hela te t be to icar © i by the}Make right : | Dr. J. L. Moore, of Apex, was 12 reiorms set up oy toe; = Sigs ary Menten the ‘int as accur- - du. I eC, ol s X, Wi ee il ER which we can boast to our children | Statements on that petot as accur en Sapaiomas Mold cononeos | when they grow up. o oniDicpatch => ths cas |quest, Sut as ii was a plain case of sJuuor = LCD," oJ. a. aS- 5 + and causes neither smoke, smell nor soot. | : Made in various sizes for various-sized_ families; sold at prices to suit any sized : efiect wou ‘ te precise : to vote pre ¢ hat ualess pocketbooks—wherever stoves are sold. Ifthe dealer does nol have them, write to the in respect to all per- ty as it is uoy By anu nage: ven out. they | —_———$—$ ned Geotore en ercoes | Suicide 22 decmed an inquest unnec-! STANDARD OIL COMPANY. eet “entitled to exer-| ¥! ithe re troads, | Shell Good After Thirty-years- | tacking Tien-Tsin were: Americaas, ee Garner was about 50 years = : ae on S shat ec wht Serer % on Oe EAB RS ec killed 3, wounded 2; Br itish, killed! id pat a mst iar en } 1 or eee } rag a ——— tatesville, N. C. T shey abor other words it be }and so | am er cre spe | A party of youny men seining in}2. wounded 1; Germans, killed 15, ae ee ae aoa THE CONSTILUTIONAL AME ND- | Gony the being of Binseee tes impossible forthe courts to make " ee ne an = “ don’t think | Bear Creek one day Lge WOOK GYARS” | wounded as Russians, killed a and Mr. Wayland Gsedwin, of this emia Second, all Rees abe. * sat their li ba any decision tbe effect of which| the BOSS Seat Soipaiee a Texte out an old bomb shell which had] wourded 37. The gun fire of thet ci sein gtelogher cons a : been convicted. or confessed th al é P ; } ae Ibe to dicfracchise white | She has dec ared S r = ay S ea probably been thrown in the creek | Arsericans aud British is deseribed miso oe ’ The Pull rext as it Will be Submitted guilt on indictment pending; a 5 4 i’ voter of his right te vote whether | tetiaimation oF ene i oe the|When | Sherman's army passed fas ‘“heautiful a A Queer Band of Footpads to the Peuple on August the 2nd. 4 whether sentenced or not, or aon 4 4 pe tielarupe a eapaee x worked upon tos | ji Oe ee throuch here, 37 years Ago. It was Colonel Derword, British, com- ie ee Tike Cliowinw cata Mell wextiok judement suspended. of any a < i not Lis now ¢ oii itera nee" a harmless locking iron bail about! manded the column that relieved Re RTT : ‘ ieee ee = aerate na an felony, or of any other crime for : # at fhe snena Dace to ne Do te. nie cae a ates" |the size ofa cantaloupe, and from | Admiral Seymour.’ A merican ma- The police yesterday morning |the constitutionai: ween namen — which the puniskment may beens : Transactsa Regular 8 ai andadepted os i & n ee, ee ag Ee oa {its having been in the water so lony rines participated in the achieve- made an arrest ol a youns nesrelamenéed by the ndjo rrned sessicn prisonment pans the pope t Interest aid >a tim for the re ta Soe tcl on the support of some| iv Was thought to be as harmless as} meut. The admiral was found en-| girl who is alleged to beiony to 0n€ | of the Lewistature last week: since becoming citizens of the Unit-]; Specialattention paid with i SO Sartre Sapper R eye lit lyoked. One of the finders of the tre:cbed and surreunded by immense | of the queerest und oddest wansss of : Set sal gs ea ean ed States, or of corruption or mal- ; ee aco > am Bs difters Hey POMEL DLO Se. fold velic had a curiosity to see its] masses of Chinese, who were driven outlaws and highway robbers u An Act Sone ane ee ak mae practice in office; untess such person | ! a a ms Sam eceived on most fav< tt »deper See ee oe ite aden {contents and after cutting fora while | off ike relieviag force after aj ever infested any city. titied | eee o a ees om | Shail be restored to the rights ot oa oe th ne sha ‘ a 2G ean eek pocket knife on the lead-like}pyist fight. His men had made a] The story is rejerded as what stitution of 3 Oe h Carolina. a citizenship in a manner presczibec | ; INSURANCE - ~ ay bin ' i SS ao se | looki vineial with which a bole ia} byittiant resistaace, never failing in | might be termed a ludicrous sensa- Ihe February =ist, 1899. hese i Es ws JNO. A COO © Luther his position i seme S ay iconnecleeS it was plugged, concluded it would | courage for 15 days of continuous tion. ; : b a ee = = on ees “Sec. 9, That this amendment to one BN ee he Sic ot a anablea werable ar-| Soo era ae be best to melt the plug out. [t was|fgitins. Daring ten dzys the men} Por many days the police author Kighteenof the PublicLaws c1 1509. | the Constitution, shaii go into effect erst mACHEES hak stcrwine t, wivins rous decisions | nave Se ee carried into the ield opposite Mr.| were on quarter rations. They | ities have been receiving a lot 0% eae on the first day of July, 1902, if a]! ee ESO ee ay uuighest « ae ‘ £ a ‘ = ve Sor eee ts’ store, bear the factory, started with provisions for ten days letters complaining of citizens be-| ry, deneral Asse wbly ef North Caro-\ majority of votes cast at the next]; est ae er cr s FRi ee vec tu at satisfaction | ae = shone ep arn hieh De fire built on it, with the re-land they could have held oui a day ing held up in the fourth ward and Fe er cee general eleciion skali be cast in fa- |; win, In my policy you vor the j smanly action on |] Wii b are epee y . fe = Sil Tae suit that ain explosion soon ov curred or two longer. jin the vicinity of Auburn aveuuc an “ ore | vor of this suffrage amendment. Oe oes ae 3 ee : 4 juther, for we have; planted with Nrapp Suns, ee ee | eich made some of the inhabitants Seymour's men csught severalland Courtland street. Vhese com Section 1. That Chapter 21s, Section Ji. This amendment toj;: ms a Eel b : rm place for him. a a ets 5 = a moxie Sow s/s think the Chinese had come right up| Chinese. who said the legations had | munications general's stated that | Punvlie Laws of 1899 entitled, “An the Constitution shali be submitted } : Seven hundred ana i i : 4 is G Democr: in i rench e ucession and if pe colic}, | threush the center of the earth and | been ourned aud the ministers kall-| three negro women would waylav Act to amend the stitution of at the next general election to the Sixty-Eicht dollar. With simultaneo s' kK i it quired sacrifice to; to open tire, cou'a utterly ae Oe were Waging war here, tearing up®led. Others said that the ministers | cit s in dark places and wit':| North Carvlina,”’ be amended so as cualified voters of the State, in the |" paid out to Citizen. head blocks and cab " ‘ethat he Ss tbe ea BoC CENCE nn ee place inthe ground as large as a!had been imprisoned. bricks and pieces of iron, shold them |io make said act read us follows: | same mauner and under the same |! of Statesville and most sensitive feed < " ig | land laid off for each nation, and are | half sack of flour and scattering par The Chinese displayed f:natical | up and take what the victims had, “Yhat article six of the coustitu- | Tuios and regulations as is provided | ! community in jess. mill, also Frick Co eo ae tee Gece ae eae i ticies of the sheli for a distance of courage in the attack. Four thous investigation proved that such|tice of North Carclina be, and the in the law regulating general elec |; thaa 12 months tise ; ENGI 29 eee ee he tea 150 oc 73 yards. Fortunately no ove| acd Russians left Tien-Tsin four days | hold-ups were goinz on and that}same is hereby abrogated, and im] tions in this State, and ac said elec- |! Ifyou will take the ND BO tt : SzSns Tt a ie eee Was very near, Which accounts forjanes Admiral Seymour, but they |severa!l people, men and women. hed |licu thereof shall be Suustituiod the tions those persons desiring to vote | | time and see me | cur : A on OY at RETR oe eae no oue betng hurt. never got in touch with then. been auacies by this trio of foot | following article of said SOREN for such amendment shall east 2 sive you all imioriu. Porisiie soni neal uy ine shri erred len hg repr a ote ays a a pus. Jn two insiances tue threc|ion asan entire and irdivisiole plan] Vteen or printed ballot with the |! es Set eee ent : in t : St Np apces ee rhe Career of Ex-Governor Jarvis, Beer Mavoys issue An Address. fernale bandits had been so bold us |of suffrage.” plan oBoe Suffrage Amendment” |! ame : pega sop : att y ature is worth)? race: ene oe mee 2 i Nee Winston ¢ New York Dispatch, 28th. to assault aman and a woian be — thereon: and those with a contrary | | NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION: soe er onusand votes to: the) amend Ose a0 Pe pe She Boer envoys who have been in| cause they didn’t “hands up" quic!: ARTICLE V1 opinion shail cast x writtenor print-|} REQUIRED. ; Gotton Gins a: low ‘nt. Jt convinces all honest men {0° eane Sac eee atracn distinguished name which this country for the past two|enough to suit the aucer highway- ‘ wists V 4. ed ballot with the words ‘“‘Against |} J FP Cc L'TON »0 aes \ with doubts. Mr. | nO pasiona) Gai ec od by the een ne muvebs, today issued an address t.| mea, or rather the Lighway-womes. | SUFYRAGE £ND ELIGIBITITY TO OFFICE. Sulfrave Amendment” thereon. 1. CARLTON, Lat lorwandl eocexe rai ea sie re ie Soecnece yee sp a a Sees the people of the Uaited States. Af Sergeant MeCurdy took the mai} Suction 1. Every tale person Sec. 11]. The votes cast at said |! 5S ee bg me ees churches. and this reetion is_com- ee a CR ee = CXPIESSIDE: een ~ ae or Foe pecan. oe bora in the United St tes, and every oe penne coma INSURAN se Statesville, N.C. oer ai 1 oo. | paratively safe. \In Shan Tung. His record should be an inspira-|2'sy to accept many oF ee “eve St clara eee nade and even | male person who has been natura!-] returned and canvassed, PM Raya ON alata ' Seheme to Defeat the tmendment, tions tenced to them thoy express- 1Oid-UpPs Baa vecn iwace and even = : an pjized, twenty one yeurs of age, and | resultarnnounced and declared under ed ti thanks to the American |reccived excelieut descriptions cf possessing the Gualifications set ont | the same rules and regulations, and : a EF Ric for “the deep sympathy they | the outlaws. It was said that twoli. this Articie, shall be enfitled to| in the same manner as the vote fer So uther n = co apnea rare Tat ‘ eee “ay - : 2 : . s tbe cs beve shown fer the cause of the two] were large and one was small, two] Vere at any election by the people | Governor, and ifa majority of the e the Boxer movement is very {rion to every boy in tke State. He t Kwleigh News and Observer, stron ig, there are some Baptist mis-|socan lif a plogzh bovin Tyrrell sO Le Yanvise River the Methodists, Pres- oyteria » ss. tu the valley of the} ounty. ‘fe got an edtication like a ve boys of his age, , after a short to the ciry this eat menv bra and Baptists all have) suguing up with intelligent men in struggling republies. were brown and one was yellow, but! in sun State. except us herein other- | votes cast arein favor of the said i me 5 > ond om ~e we » tha i, s . = = s tars 6 iw q missicnaries, but in five provinces] the Cur rate army. A cerippled| 28¢ address adds: the odd one in size was not the odd wise provided. amendment, it shall be the duty of BR I a oe — e ; porter bout the} ii. viveroys have telegraphed that| oy » Laat he carries shows that he|. “’¢ ow feel convinced that the | one in color. si Sec. 2. He shall have resided in | the Governor of the State, upon be- ve save you in ; : ibe vier have crm RECT Nab ann ena helenrries ae ) ] Seen ea eae hl W 4 ue said wa there is no nece fcr foreign . nah re the bullets flew. From astful allevation of the Colonia! y esterday morning Sergecnut Me : a os we Eee wert were DUullats J q the State of North Carolina for two | ing notified of the result of said THE years, in the county six moaths, and | election. te certify said amendment, eee in the precinét, ward or other elec-} under the seal of the State, to the STANDARD RAILWay OF ot think 2% eretarv and other British states-|]Curdy arrested Nelio White, after mien that the citizens cf this great|baviny located her the previous 1p Lraons to come 10. A v t itepublicar 1d : | Shoes, ro a cross roats country store he went to the Levis! From a mem- le to protect missit t : tee cum Sopp th th TR wre terhy T sercvreat be red Le . . . . v ~ be a - Yn) 2 t ct ms ices Puma canis ea : he Speaker | Country sympathized with the Brit-juisht. The sergeaut believed ie] ii.,. aistrict, in which he offers to| Secretary of State, who shail enroll ' Legislature oeine do so, but if waris | ber he sown rose to be the Speaker | oe A itsattempt t "rush | had evidence to shéw that Nellie = eee eee a ae eae aid d ; t so certified The SCUTH Legisiature. Tk is best for them to come] or the House .ct we hear of him |i! “supire ia itsattempt to crush | Eeccnail cise Ota coe four months next preceding the} the said amendment so certifie pS IL We will seil Sworn Cem GONG iM ge i Nang iohiitheml ave in the Constitutional convention, | tbe liverty acd independence out oi — fe sina. Wemat or tae triO OT) erection: Procided, that remcva!| among the permanent recerds of his The Direct Line to all » Marsrohaik tis se eOUun and Senatorial more than 500 miles from the coast,/among the ablest leaders of that|CtrSwiall states, ‘is absolutely de | Saudits, fre: one precinct, ward or other | office. © all Points Beane l : : eee nase nd most of them are less than that.|pocy, Next our people knew himas| Vlad of truth. sh Se election district, to another in the{ Sec. 1V. This act shall be in force m ‘exas and Grocert ‘ the East. They are “The Boxer’ does not represent is. cusen candidate for Lieuten: r ss declares that the Cup- Prevented a Tragedy. same county, shall sot operate to} from and after its ratifiction. 9 aniG r i hrte attention to the ; italists contro! the press of South . t . ° is nn ° . = s 31TA ¢ xr year : 8 “a the sentiment of the better Class Of]ant Governor on the ticket with | it ge oe “ Timely information given Mrs. |deprive any person of the right tof Californis : ’ “if . } ‘ } r Wee * = eo 7 in "97. . he Chinese. The mec who are creat-| Vance in 1Sz6. Then he acted as| 2! 2 and that the editors of these George Long, of New Svraitsville, | vote in the preciret, ward or other a ing the literature of China and who] Governor ef chis vreat State for six SS SOE nm orn prevented a dreadful tragedy | election district from which be has KY} : AR wm minate its thought, are friendly) vears and ieft vebind him a record | SPecial One Oc prine: {anc saved two lives. A frightfl/removed until four months after # orida, ae to the missionary, and are in favor} tpat for economy and wisdom of ad-| Pel Lesdon Caries.” Lhe bread coueh had long kep: her awake ey-|Suca removal. No porson who has ; . - of retorm. {was in Soochow last! ministrati: is not been surpassed | CHYETHE ismuadetbat Mr. Chamber- ery night. She had tried many been convicted, or whos has confessed Cuba and = orto Rico Sittictiy Firsc-Ciass Equtp- September, and was at adinner SlV-fin the history of the Stite. one aes sak sehtarowiegan oer Gee remedies asd doctors but steadily his wuilt in opes cou: upon indiet- eo Sy Dr. Parks, who bas charge of Prom Geverror he was chosen top @t fo". als puble utterances, os grew worse until urved to try Dr | ment, of any crime, tne punisament - 21a “con <hali he net lena cao 5 + ~ L = Merton all Throuch « ir. Long of a severe attack of Pneu-{54iG person shail be urst restored tof g ee eee ace yhcaithayay pecans Locai =a — fotcions and movia Such cures are positive | Citizenship in the mazuer prescrib- | BS Mir cuttes ate so exacting. The anxiety “ reams; Pui our mission work there. There were} represent the United States as Min-| Aifred Milner 3 speeches peace King’s New Discovery. One bottle |! Which now is, or may hereafter be, rere ; Vt vf rajic thes ¢ , ef ~ ° . * Cs 5 . t eight prominent Chinese |jc-erto Grazil. After four years | 2«!0)¥ dispatcbes aud the efforts of wholly cured her, and she weites|imprisonment in the State’s Prison, ° Pnof pregnaicy, the shock of chiidbi Palace Stecpine Sar proof of the matchiess merit of th: P: y> sees dbirth, % Stecpiug VCars ou counties, or the hey don’t hope to at the polls, g the amendment to stir up us much prejudice as i ycnnand to mislead the unedu- caied white voter, hoping thereby ti strengiuen their levislative eo , Tae sre n Mr. Simmons ii laid plan on ionists to defeat even theugh the }¢ 5; one of them bad been privy | corvice ho carae home, aud 2s he suc- | the South African league under the this marvelous medicine also cured |5laii be permitted to vote unless the ma - = Mae ol sea eee imc >4, oa 38 -ouncillor to the Empercr for twen-| ecaded Vanes as Gover nor, = Presidency of Cex il Rhodes were ai wud another was ex-liter-|tatyvreatest of statesmen dud, the{@ ected toward the ultimate d. “ ee es = = sae tad ales. e SATS ae, i * a “ =ts rites SNe on. a a e * trustio if the tw tte YEPpue ary chancellor of the Province of] Governor appoirted him te fill the|'raetion ofthe two Dutch rapul » when an i shel an ove1 7 f Fe pe : 3 He ; ioc 5 J oe ifort and the care of youn icren, are f Night Traizs- Past apd «sie sen Rates Hunan. ‘thesubject of education | ppexpivea term ia the United states |USs , : : 5 grand remedy for curing all throat, See, o. + person offering to severe trials on eae But with Se ag eae pols. vu Car was Drvucht up, ind it is nerreed atp ,3dning ep tbe campatvn to cate best ad} : mAh lw 3 vote sball baat the me a leeally | $ re. * HL edules, Sd epee Wes Drousnt up, aad 1 was egrece | senate. = io Tek ; chest and luug troubles. Only S0c 4; Vote sbi pete ie See eee Wine of Cardzi within her grasp, every T 1 : eae Pas to be an excellent plan to establish Senet 5 : eee ieee ,. and 81.00. -Every bettie cuaranteed, ; "existered voter as herein preserid-j fg mother—e-ery woman in the land-—can travel by the Southern and you are O6 URS Lec be aolcceneaniihorai lh ienid tomas ee Phe Boers may be in the end de : Trial bottles at We F. Hal}, |¢d and in the manner hereafter pro-| B@pay the debt of i 4 assured a safe. Com! Y cottles free at b. Hall, } “ pe! ith she . oo : ee . ° + s j we. Dhe plansaid Mr.Simmons, A Foreign Count Starves to Beath, } } Pee ie Utne eetaete elise tora : : % f , a ae able and APSE this, we must bave land and gioney. eae : Z fated by overwheming nunibers and Jr.’s, Drug Store. vided by Jaw.and the Generel Assem sw Owes her foved ones. Do you want GiExpeditious Journey. " tf th wy Cnn) exntlice tha See otticials replied that they wonid | Pas Dispatch. 29th. may wUIMAtoy = + lorced to surrend- Shite 4 2 __.fbly of North Carolina shall enact | §#Tobest health with all its privileges and - a ramistua remain okie WL 48a 'S" | Secure th rd for us. And they In the heart of this city of wealth {er owing to difheuliy of securing ire, when that i rae oody comes to Sexe euctevrct ae ramen t ‘vole for the amendment, ticy willhave it to throw out the entire vote of county after county . APPLY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR Tims : . a 5 Sensor , wf UO Sepa leasures? i will oF DENTS FOR Tims raccms : . Thirty-Third Anniversary a ner ae an it iou | LWws ne carry 2 you Wine of Cardui will give it RATES AND GENIRAL INVOXWaslOX The question a ris effect the provis:: =e 2 le EISz INFORM «sION, B Wilmington Star, 27th. i effect the provisions of this ar e then $12 eon ; OR app ; how can I Le 2,000 has been jaristceracy and her son bave been | Conduct of the present war, as wel : 5 mass o toward the |found literally starved to death ing {2s bee bistory of the past 100 vears, Capt. J. W. Plummer vesterday| Sec 4 Every person presenting i , miserable attic of a crowded teno-[Jettines asin saying that they wiul]catied the attention of a reporter himself for revistrat:on shall be able | 4 > rv + Y < - Se Een at ian rge ental nr AToect reves ) t tacres for the colleve/and luxury a woman of the Frene) |@wunition and provisions, but the , neatly you iu BL. Vernon, zo Darzy, bought ovr sid a eke of the college - some * eet canoe ae ; : i TPA, CPeCrs fore can save Suechta ee ep ee Ee co Eee a aa a at Corder ritcay oe thn Suamiorme Sc asineiase JM mc : theown oul enough 's to over-|Aemics Not Very Active in South Af- = Siaapprvaconte i : Sree ee Rape cace ees ae thedirect ri d of the greatest: aannoriee ee eae li slish Seas Bp strengthens the female organs and invig- - No troubie to answer questions. E e Stock of 1 : ’ rice son, Count Albert, i the envoys do n : 5 Y 2 SLCALS ownp and, ) > shall be enti = salar — eens for ‘uc ancnd . toe The family once owned large es-] 0" forcible iutervention of the Unit. [rain ever known in ibe State. Rail- vote. he Sears crete , a ome OEY Fraik S. G48039, LM Cag, Ww. A Pars big Eeeductio 4 Fes henna! a ee tondon Displteh, 2th tates in Loraine, but were ruined [ed pea ere of puh- ed es Sepetetce Be | the firstday cf May, of the year in < ce gee ae eee cee will sell you it the vote from nearly every} lord Roberts bas sent bulletins of | by te : ee pias: einer RS ——— ti eater to Jide tess ae ae proposes te vote, bis poll eT Cl 2 man’s suit fa yee cond and Sixth dig-{tWo small lights occurring on June] he death oO. ner iusband UR COUDE IN wo ee Woman Objects to the Use =e oe te errs eee ana cobra Seat Ra for the previous’ yeer as pre- ee anythiog in x tine ty fivea majority fnr} lO and 2%, in which the Boers w tess graduaily saak into dire paver- |* aes = 1867. The entire country was ocd | eribed by Ariicie 5. S.ciiin 1, of the a g our e Irisi bert ay Sivea majority for j=" oo" ee Cee eae es as of Her Pictare. ed and the resu%t to crops wag mest| Constitution. Pie. ; ‘ Pee te ‘ nt: and, if that is nor|@!scemiitied. fa a dispatch frei anes £ compelied to move from di; SSarons Captain Dine re- Se eeeenu sony azar: Sena Pawn li You ivesd Endisteaecee ‘ throw out until} ’ A yesterday, he says i)Obe dparunenetounoiner. Jo add | Kechewter opeciat ences jncideut w 200 ee eta et » oudapuary Lot, 1St7, or at Y Every article g the al :of mounted ireops, |b her Woes, Count Albert recently Miss Abagail Roberson, a very Serta : ee Cas ae any time prior thereto, entitled to é Fee ee past favors an * “Of course,’ said Mr. Simmons, wo guns, commanded by Lieu ee to suow shins of insanity. | paudsome young waman, bas See attr ese eat Sal NOES under the ‘avs ol any State orHaettn 979°" e plan will not we tenant Colone! Dreiper, was attack-| They were too proud to hee, and brouebt sult against the Rochester |.) 37 7" Smeets ae eee wfOees jin the United States wherein he rk, because islature; = ; ; plan should have Be ; saNG Pr . Se acl ni Oeea nae ea ee pected Mime Iie Ssilcn ec ins on eae area ee adayreed upon, as|s un toiies north of Senekal. : Phey a oe : is ig ube Case. tN. Y.. for $15,600 damasres, } the enemy and burned their | SHe at once starred a collection “aine That per pieture was usey On emepleoe wince oe amene the nobility ‘ sey Fey ei om eaten cele . = Oar casualties Were thre pone a re 5 PORLy for the unfortu as au advertisement by the compa- ten wounded. Hunter; Bates. Assistance came too late,| nies mentioned. The defendants iy commandiog fan Ham-]&8 both mother asd son wore found K 4 ~ and when the schedules was N-T4t-cy resided abenas ms : ile pein. Be 2 esun Leu resides uolineal descendant | & ; UGclens BS % T G a ed July th, he says that 59,600] oF any such parsen <! all be denied aaa aod We u a C ¢ ie ae + t Sees ~ ee : us us pounds of mail were brought in on the right to revister ar dow, is - For advice in cases Ting special di ‘ i a . u rE > tr an vete at = vat ame ~~ a Singie truin, requiring not only]any ele : addsess, giving eymptome, “The Ladies : 2 ny election int : the mai! car,but two extra box cars. nemy under Prefers and |tuey were found in a searvins con- :the moroing of June 26, /:tien bya Lari : 2 ens Polding Box Company and the St, Who tater} erankiin Mills Company, of Lock ‘y tnformed this one has Reet tics € fusionists, shows how rive roe} and deat eriv recéiess and detiant c s£tate by reason yoss’asS the educa- S Gerein prescrib- See ones Brown & Guy, 4 q rie a t.” The Chat- of iis failure to tional qualitica . o the ithe people this corrupt com- : 1:00 Provided > spnl] aa \ have Jem . the comp): a ec rovided, > S$Onr have rec- a ahs = Roe ania ae ) Day uk ‘oO Lhe Ccompialar . . iz 5 “FINS a > ~ . bination is.’ ilton’s brigade, made one march yes-; ead ou beds made of newspapers. | ang a decision is expected from Jns- ie in 2ccordance with the terms Pe ADOT ATES. S eee ee ee oe trom Heideiburx towaru Caper tere Ts tice Davey, of the Supreme Court. x Cs ; Sccuon! pron to) December Office—Second Floor Bank Building Bogyies, Pixactor Nu Colonial Poticy kfort, without meeting any op An English Lord in Court. How the defendants got hoidof her| & ® es ; —___ — Vance in the price of 1x-Gon x John P. Al tion. Theenemy attacked ovr | jonden pispaich. portrait, Miss Roberson cannot say.| B » ta _2 be General Assembly shell pro- sara Stock carly, to sell a iuX-trovernor Jobn Iteeld in! Poeodeval spru : me ft henrsslor- a tee . : = $ Z . side for the revi aa ws] Stone >< Drea Non angina emp, ean ale gene ee ec Peel,fauitlessly attired | S2e discovered the picture when one] 4 GRE wide for the registra-ion of all per- Tr UW O Selling you vehicles f x t et 1 cae as the Jtinois yesteruay, bus were easily beaten ines, fcoekicoaticmd icarccin SEE of the neighbors bought some ‘flour a ‘ SGns eatitied tu vote without the fe eee Ly S n 4 vebicie to make a i mocratic convention said: off by a detachment of the Derby- nao SES hy i ce Bae - ** \ oof the familv.”’ It is an excellent| & va BL mM jeducational qualifications herein peas eacaaes aa We have got away irom the ba-|shire Ligiat Infantry, and the Wesi| G4t'2 | Is nana, stood tu the deck at likeness of the voune woman. but! © 4 prescribed, ana shall on or 4 fore » = Ww 2 stc principle of republican govern-| Australian Meunted Iafantry.”’ the Old Bailey ioday, on the charge she was mightily offer ded itand! jj | November Ist, 1908, provide for the 4 e 4 mont and our people do not fully The Pretor sorrespondent of|@ Cfimiaaliy libelizing his vrother-|o0© “85 Mahtly obended at itand| 6 fe ieeecceore OR er ns eos s j ca people a tiauy un- ihe retoria correspoudent of]. ee = : consuitcad a lawyer w l her] 2 4 jane cla permnaucat record of , ‘ ‘ . ; lerctand <+ + i : on: sy on ea . jin-law, Mr. Von Der Heydt. i A A SE uwyer no told Ler , ks * Z ioe 0 and will bes Serstand 1. 40 has been misrepre |The Daily Telegraph, ina dispatca ane a hi nie Se Eine that she could bring suit for dam-| © Sucs registration, and all persons : Fe us’ and eee seuted. he people are somewhnt | vecterday OTS et nn Hection With Bis trusteeship o be Sas rd sete Sete” ae eetich oe ee tee Ei ooct l uf s ibe ent Sore 1G _— Raa: : we guaranteed = aoe Opie are somewhat | yest rday, says: ‘Since Sunday acancenes i ages for violating her “right of ori | © aa Days Use cotton, g So registered wl forever theregf- , R the we — ed, but before the ides of Novem. |General French on the left, Genera’ | Pe See: vacy, and that is the ground val & © Fee nnd scils jtcr have the right to vote-in all =r : t Segeaaaa oom ; ne Ay eA Na, ein que Vinca rita : Sir Robert rithdre ay ae Cy, @&D a Or re) a t sotia direct the retail & - ‘ sigee t f ue Be x ; . the ~smerican people will un-|lan Hamilton on the right and thel, ee hone rt pis ie Ri a ECCS enithomehonne based. She also Bs Sawer tO ERC retail f | @icssions by the people in this State ithave Fjour, Corn, Meat hy n¢ and th : . aoe : - amatory statements and aps ze a Se eee : : sae Bs sore State, Meat, vod it and then the Democracy| Eleventh Division in the centre, eae - ae aa oe ap secs asks au injunction restraining the! %& eee & jUniess disqualified under Seciica 2 ctc., for sale on time. See E -OPry 43 wea) ce nein 3 . eee z PORN peers Ml € talline his . a tn-law « 5 . Soe the + s . S 1 . € pesca ate teh str = ined ~ es : = g Carry aid rule tals country for © been enasavoring to surround black it ' a rother-ta aww a deferdauts from making use oe hori ele RISE s of this articie: Provided, such in me when you want time on es = ty vear oO come > MA coy wa ve : *y7 - ac ahier ant DB * . w jeg-d ot = : soe Ca a > als af 5 - ‘ me 7 Suc per- 5 2 ip ¥ ae ak Let me say to echemny s es cas in the hills, lo ae te peenece ee oe picture, the box company from Ber \ “jobbers E sov shalj have paid his pol tax as your purchases of supplies. Spor tin Goods, JOM, May sriends, there is no ques-jiniles east nere was fignting for {4 lhe baronet % expressing | ft, | : : 7} St : \ above fequired u This March ; ; 22 Po hene = re z yues BL Sast. as noating tc NR Taya Ale ea : as c stamping iton the boxes and the Bat \ 4 As t { & I* ve Pequired. sis are 8th., 1966. tract tion ot eee before the Amer-| three days, but Tuesday night the ves eee : =e meat Ls sos iiour corpany from distributing it i , \ 4 dnitis why it can be “ce 5. That this Amendment to Respectfully Tz2ble Cul tery iCah peopiec. CISG Misnomer: it islenemy deeamped. goine e war er or (tbe sgrreat historic name o at = ~ Sere re Boe soliso cheaply a ine ae zs eee ? r Senos 3 Rats ter; 1 ig }enemy decampec olng eastward. |<. e Sa i . t R FON WLS ID Cone che {i= ~ As caply. : ® ithe Constitution is pres stellt a ek cae The total eacasltvess were under 15), | ST poet Peel bad stood in adock, the een ses x ee F = ithas Gouble wearing & |adonted as one eciaschee ee auG J. L. COWAN, Mea O ers The Masé “Ihe Democratic party has beer would prove sufficient punishment, | ~-© SASe Ws argued at oma valuc, Couble comfort. ¥ the regulation of the . fee en tor At Brick Store, Back pena t Ch ppers bei the party of cme W ee Te oo bound the defendant over to come ea to ee of coer she was the a Washes betterand ? in seen of the suff web ed oa inns by ey (encanta of Harrison’s, ever = ‘ ae palis 2. @ ex- i 53 4 ae original of t é ”? Judy Davey 1 Tee awe TT ia . Oe .ptent an purpessa tft cn a) Soe? + tie ee ing, an ed in 1803' and ¢ oe The St. Louis Strike up for seatence if call aa ae udye Davey ues whiter than 3 t the aiff, Bere, 2080; con- fe i : ’ ae Pa dea me aoe Bos b Pe souis Strike. = if called upon. said: ~ 2 ony other goods made. g | CC the different parts, endto a oOMmmissioner’s Sale of Land, or anything else yo not favo Shenae b CAF ADA Lot Blop- | St touis Dispatch. aoa eas = 3 len Stet e a f or ie ives = ithc:n sode Upe 2 co} inv TRSOTTANWT: r ha - : We expanded in 1843 an- ee ya ; 1 = Question Answ 1 It is true Jat your face or a "4 oe Nano te zs ss Soe pendent pon each Other, | PURSUANT toa decree of the Superior ¢ may need in the : a St2 2nd got } anyt fi the hor et lh swered. _ / hi) leaned and @ j|that the wh ait , a cie of Iredell county - Y Court Texas We expanded Sais Se eae or tee ooyeott and 300 photograph of itis your own prop oush ¥ cleaned anc a we Be whoie snali staad or fall; oe ee Es ate in a special pro- ete a " uUeCd S48 - “ten y + nen S ye Tac Avore ah . ss - = 4 ad “ oF. Nea! v0 : em ng whe 7. We 3 srot New Mexico But os = 7 andjextra policemen on duty, little re- Yes. August Flower still bas the erty and must be protected. If the|: Suis, hand twisied, 2 tos: ther. Ricxander deceased, plang erator of 100 Sards 50¢ Stanee the treaty provided thes foz| mas te dell of the great strike | largest sale of any medicine in the| picture tended to briug ridicule on dered ton soft canooth {oye 6. Allelecticns by the peo- | A22%8. st and others are’ defendantn oe sh lest 7 “etn ene es Provided that the|upon the Sc. Louis Transit c ..| Civilized world. Your mothers he lady then it eres , ms ie ty SOO. ple shall be. by ballot. and at) Lo eASG. Commissioner, will sell at the With a handsome Card itory was to be a part of thi ? austt compe - mothers and | tht lady then it would be termed li-| # Cowny fnish. The nam- . g¥ OBvot, and ali eciec- | house door in Statesville: N.C. to the highest Case with vour name = a ps of this | ny’s system, started May 8. Cars|gtandmothers never thought of us- bellous, but would a picture of this m | tious by unt General re i ighest : vlic and thatthe inhabitants were to be citizens of this “But the course of the oi : Aco eee idder at public outery enzrav.d on the cz is lightiy stamped on : -\ssambly shall yon CRarav.d on the case. an - " 2ItTA enn ~ Sarr > - a * ny le ¢ e ] cach yard. Tue yrst wash- bev aa KOCE.. A See LY 21ST. 1900, ae ee ing washes it out. See. 7. Every voter in Norhilene » in the following described lands Line. if you are no? ae ; uate on Third creekin said Carolina, except as in this article longing to the estate of the said J. MA. aud be Oitants|are in operation on -all the lines|ing 22ything else for indigestion or kind, loveiy as it is, sbe libellous ? republic. | without hindrance, and are wel]| biliousness. Doctors were scarce, | The question is, have they a right to Adminis- | p: nized. exe Siaeel : Ma thevcoldc rae Ee SE entncons Siete , ma now looks to no such ae patronized, except on those running | 2G taey selus beard of Apvendi-| circulate this picture? s The ques- liag army of 100,000 men ; Strixers, patronize wagons and bus-|$t0P _ fermentation of undigested Eee eee sing it from 22,060 ¢ "106 ob. aoace by ex-street railway em-| feed, regulave the action of the liv- Was the result of his splendid Poo Raereserne eee 00,000, | ployees. This is especially true in |¢*. stimulate the nervous and organ-| heaith. Indomitable will and tre- nS pe going to the north and South sections of the < action of the system, and that is|mendous energy are net found Basis ee moon ie —_ oe: Today the remainder , of the} all they teok when dulland bad with} whore Stomach, Liver, Kidneys Sp ae rind ate y rute| orce of Sheriff aE ohlman’s posse headaches and other aches. You/and Bowels are out of order, If yan tls OE rechee o need of | comitatus, about 600 men, was mus-|OU¥ needa few _ loses of Green’s| waat these qualities and the success 1 ase in Lurone tocrush the as-! board of oe eee for good, ibe Se Blower, tn liquid | forra, _tolihey bring, use Dr. King’s New tee as- | oard of ce commissioners de |r S you satisiiad there 1s nothing! Life Piils. Taev develop every Serious the matter with vou. For power of brain and body. Only 25e sale by W. P. Hall, Jr. at W. F. Hall, Jr.’s, drug store, et a persim- nd . a : “3 NE ers north and sout Many thousang | Citis, Nervous Prostration or ion of < Sara ‘ ; 8 & | discunlifi : Sian = : inncnclas aid J. M. Alexander, plessed with our soos i President MeWinley over a year ag le ae = eee Many thousand ae ENessOrs - Oem Heart | tion oA damaes, it seems to me,:bas a ase sified, shail be IZ' dle to office, al comer andicomer often ep ae after exsmiuaing them {, j asked Coneress to ace ~ x ; = ee ae on account of the boveott oe ure, ea They used August] very little to do with it.” ae sve entering unon the duties : ace South 17 degrees East 43 posienrat izact, we don’t k “you i Letter H =pictnn eT ai 5 3 a stand$land through svmp: ae .| Flewer to cle: rut t eng ; it flic sh: so ard. cat, i JY: B Gibson's line, thence with his to OBS: ve phie H army, not, volunteers“ bat = ui Sympathy for the v clean out the system and f j Of the office, he shall take ard aes si ence with his line South bury. = Pamphie Si - 2 a a 4 i 72 degrees West’ to | scribe the following oath: ¢ | Mon, said Gibson's co: ner, oe ‘T ce So Yovrs truly _for prices ido solemnly swear, (or aftir ’ recs West 36 poles toa stone, Gibson ree eee ee ee o connie m) that ] ! thence south § Ther, W USLIN : ; “ll. support and maintain the Con- ! Giinon'scormer, themes eam stone, - A. Thomas & Ca- CROWSeN & SRONCK, PRC { jStivution and laws of the United = g i i degrees West a0 poles to Third ae South 3 = ioe x cs : { Mp the creek 6: poles reek, thence — jotates, aod constitution and laws-of ! ner, theuce North 23 a ak Gi {North Carclina. not 14 Tf vonr dealer docen't we!) In we will Ip dive : , hickory incorsistent \ Crory stump, sibsom's commen tienes 10 a Young Hien Wanted. vet from the mille tn tlty-yurdt 4 degrees East more, carriage pn Duvtow bag free. Write | herewith, and that t wil} faithfully <i 2same Kind of machinery | : ¢ * macainery that! tered ont r, theuce Noth ao d 5 Se ek et 1 enaraceets «aia une dee aero, Went 6h poles | PYTTIAairetacation and gow! <2 fast 51 poles to the ; andt riting TSsiser ‘ ? n- |? “g. 2 > oe more or less, and aa ies way companics asthe only prey as the homestead ¢ 3, ° a “are rmsof sale: cache ract, “ble institution of Ita xind. 4! arge the duties of my ofse j+++++++-...80 belp me, God.’ } Sec. 8. pPhe followin class ater rh Owing Classes of Si e al) t ss S ° J x 9 2 4 ; : i a otis : as ‘isqualified for | SRR months time. Seta epee Eman epee Ee abe, * #irst, ali persons who shall K. B. McLaughlin, Atty oe oo aee. GLOBE 3h) aes OLLEG Omumissioner, GLOBE TELEGRAPH eaaton, Kye orth 6514 Gegrees conial pir for one. 9 f mO0ORE COTTON wus, A Taylorsvilie, N.C. a as —+ a j -ciding they were no longer needed ee a SE T A E ‘ooking get a On the rCr you h, with § omfort ll gain sing a §f © Mr T Se contemplate NGF a‘ — + PT but Liine take the ce Ine ft Gan Hl imtoriasg Se TR ar LEX AMINATION RLTON LIFE CSINENT RAN SE A CT ance, Rig 74 ‘ LO ali Paints and OG Rica t-Ciass Equtp- fhrough and Puilinan b> Cars ou all fast aad sate am Pa i d Goods, tery, ppers uc Ware are not our sgroous ins them BK yeu te erily. é aS & Coa. PH COLLEGE Lexington, KYs z Ci iene ee f Pe s ( C j == “— ‘i : <3 & f oa Ta ee mee WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. v VIL. 2 STATESVILLE, N. C,, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1900. Nv. 32 - An ET yo ee STATE NEWS. | | AMONG THE POLITICIANS. | Chinese Emperor Den. | Marion Cannot Deliver the Goods. | J. Q. Hood. Justiee Se Gy Hf 7 T i A 4 os - eae ee = Dispatch, 6th. ' Newton Enterprise. |Crosby, Miss., makes the following 5 5 ' icc ickorv The Coast Line has let a contract} Alleghany Democrats have uom-| The story that all foreigners in| Marion Butler is still addressing |St@tement: ‘I can certify that One — (G iL ee l ) ass Ae Soopene! Hickor¥, | soe the erection of additional ma-|inated J. C. Fields for the House. Pekin were murdered June 30. or county conventions and working = mee oe Cure will doall that vo i : is Claimed for it. ——'9:—__— I handle au kinds of Granite and Marble known .o the trade and past GUa ity. 4 E act Meterial. First-Class work and Lowsst Pricss : cS. BWERE First National Bank = rhe OF STATESVILLE, N.C. actsa Regular Banking Business. Deposits received subject to ebeck on sig est atd oa time deposits Money loaned on good coljateral and rersenal secur . :iattention paid tu colilecvicnson all peints, and credited or remitted at lowest ra Secounts fJocoerations Merchants, Manufacturers aud ingividuals solicited end don most favorable terms OFPEICERS: J%G A COOPER, Presideny 5.6, Ir Vil, Vice President GEO. GH. HNOws. Cashier. FPRLCE COMPANYS Eclipse Portable Circular Saw M11 simultaneous racket setting ks and cable rope feed, the sitive feed ever put ona saw » Frick Company’s .tesville, N. ENGINES eae AND BOILERS, ae ov wheels or sills. Sta Re y cayines and ooers, acy CDS ad the great hill climbing on FF! 5 tractioa engine. A few CMe Yet Gins at low prices. =~ ee OM pi bam ee ten yO Y e yi e pa Uy LC e »sville, N.C. Cver Posiou Bros Fry & Phif ry c& £NIITEeY. we Let us sell you yeurShirts, Collars and Ties, for we will » you money. Our line of Saces, Rosiery anc Pants Will be sure to please. » will sell you 6 cans of Zo cent. Peaches for $1. TIvegetts loracabe Coffee best on ear:a, le. per lb. Fresh Italian aroni, 122. Don't miss tue White Front for Seed Potatoes ° Groceries. ERY & PHIFER. LASS Se Tas EES ie ES a saint pie ere) et Sete lesen. but ch RB2vLeLatw sale CX (ogee - i ~\Y } HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & Y FoONtc Pi: : { , but 2 Comp ness, Constinstic: you donot ent for Eilious- ind Headaches Yt is two anG rreadacnes. rcIS iy distincé m nes, but sold for one price—25<. The Pills bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. iv t Huics= icine Sloan Clothing eer ee A | Go., Successors to Sloan & Shelton. The question of dress ugitates the mind of every one more or less. trow can I be ueatly dressed for the least money. Of course todress neatly you must havea suit that fits and ove that wears. We tought our stock before the advance in woolens for the cash there- tore Can save you moncy. The Stock of Sloan;& Shelton, we boughi at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. Wecan give you 2 man’s suit for $2.00. If you wanta suit, bat, shirt, necktie or anything in gents furnishings you cannot atiord io not see us. See our pure Irish Linen coliar for t0c. We are anxious for your trade wad if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must beas represented .Tbanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very truly, sioan Glothing Co We now have in stock and bought 4. CAR LOADS, 4 Buggies, Phactons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- vance in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased our stock carly, to sell at old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been se..ing you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresented 4 Vehicte to make a sale. We want your trade and will use our: best efforts to merit it. Wuen buy a buggy from ‘sand we guarantee it, you knew it means our Standing Square bebind ‘ae guarantee. Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson yuu ee ee, A + Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better prepared than ever beivre to turn out attructive up-to-date print- ing, and 9t prices that estonish those wao have not favored us with orders. =3—a 100 Jards, 50c. 1000 Circulars '75c With a handsome Card tio Size 5 x S. Advertise venaty cago ee «6 ENVELOPES, Sie Sac one easier Any style printed on AT LOW PRICES. read than a large one. aeoc0e Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Pamphlets, Circulars, Etc > at low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CKOWSCN & SRONCK, PROPR'S. «ee ON reason ee Ns ne Se om a RAM ONS Fhii Tonio! ae 3 es Pepsin Lilli FORE & b ig Tasteless end Guaranisod to Cure Chills and ‘ Fever and afi Malaria! Troubics. Dees Not Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. Does Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. W.A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: ( best we have ever kandled. My son prescribes it in his practics, and scys it is the only Chill Tenic which a child can take without injury to the stomach.’ = Price 0c. BROWN MEF’G. CO., Prop’rs, Grscneville, Tenn. “Ramon’s Pepsin Cuill Tonicis the | tives. last week. =) } wer !about again. 2 day night for Norfolk. visit her friend Miss Ola Cochrane. Miss Latonia Turner W. T. Nicholson’s. a trainednurseand kas been hospital in Atlanta. school for teachers. The Wilkesboro Hustler was in the city las. week. ny. the State for some time, is at home. this county last week. —_- Hon. B. R. Lacy to Speak. Chairman Simmons has Hon. B.R Lacy two days in de!l. «hairman Hartness has ar- ranged for him to speak at States- Mr. has July 19th Lacy road enyineer, a workipg man to working men. eee Seen Public Speaking. dress the people on Saturday night, July 14th, places: H. P. Grier, Esq., Kennedy’s school house, Davidson township. Messrs. W.G. Lewis and Z. V. Lone. Turnersburg, Turnersburg township. TI. Summers’ store, Bethany town- ship. Messrs. Jas. B. Armfield and J- A. Hartness, Clio Academy, Sharpes- burg township. Everybody should turn out and hear the issues discussed. J. A. HaRtTNEss, . Chm’n. Dem. Co. Tom. Zeb V. Long, Sec. -_-_-_ So Night Speakings, Dr. S. W. Stevenson and Mr. A. D. Watts, Democratic candidates for the House, will speak at the follow- ing places at 8:30 o'clock at night: = Brown's school house, Fallstown township, Friday, July 13th. Bethlehem school house, Shiloh townsh'p, Saturday, July 14th. Prospect church.New Hope town- ship. Monday, July 16th. Eupeptic Springs, Olin town- ship. Tuesday, July 17th. Williamsburg, Union Grovetown- ship, Wednesday, July 18th. Settle, Eagle Mills township, Thursday, July 19th. RiverHill, Turnersburg township, Friday, July 20th. Allison’s school house, Olin town- ship, Saturday, July 21st. Fancy Hill, Concord township, Monday, July 23rd. Chestnut Grove school house, Cool Spring township, Tuesday,Julv 24th. Trinity school house, Concord township, Wednesday, July 25th. Fairview Acadeiny, Shiloh town- ship, Thursday, July 26th. Let the people turn out to these night appointments dod hear the issues discussed. J. A. Hartness, Chm’n. Dem. Co, Com. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. Th County Can paign. Jhe Democratic candidates for the legislature and the county offices will address the peopie on the issues of the campaign at the followin; times and places, speaking to begin at 2o0’clock, p. m.: Brawley’s old store,- Davidson township, Friday, July 13th. Troutman’s, Falstown township, Saturday, July 14th. Bryantsyille, Sharpesburg town- ship, Monday, July 16th. Evalin, New Hope township, Tuesday, July 17th. Jennings’ store. Union Grove township, Wednesday, July 18th. Houstonvilie Academy, Eagle Mr. Ervin Bell, who has been un- | Miss Nannie Miller left Jast Fri-| She will is at Mr. Miss Turner is in a Miss Lillian Morrison came home from Chapel Hill, Saturday night. She has been attending the summer says. Miss Rowena Cooper, whois visiting Miss Florence Jarvis, came in yes- terday from a shert visit to Elkin. Mr. Carter Eliason, of Charlotte, Mr. Eliason is superintendent of the RB. C. Robbins Manufacturing Compa- Hon. W, D. Turner, tho has beeg campaigning in the eastern part of He delivered two s‘ rong speeches in given Ire- ville July 18th and at Mooresville been a working man, at one time a_ rail- Let everybody turn out and hear him discuss the issues, The following speakers will ad- 1900, at the following R. 8B. McLaughlin, Esq.. at W. H. | chine shops at South Roeky Mount, Mrs. F. P. Lewis, of Brooklyn, is | tg cost $18,000. in the city ona yisit to her rala- Prof. ". C. Lane has resiyned the | position of Superintendent of the Hon. Platt D. Walker,of Charlotte, Aivemari: Graded Schoo!s to accept was in Statesville on leyal business, | the Principalship of the High Point Graded Schools. A special from Chapel Hill says a for some ‘time, is able to be new discovery inthe realm of wire- made by It will lless telegraphy has been Profs. Wammil and Gore. prove 2 benefit to the world. Mr. H. F. Seawell, who was egg- ed at Sheiby recently just as he was boarding the train, has brought suit aguiast ibe Seaboard Air Line. The ground ofaction is that the Seaboard owed him protection asa passeuger. Loyd Bennett, the young son of Mr. James Bennett, of near Kinston, was lound dead in his bed one day last week. The boy bad complain- ec cf feeling bad the night before but it was not thought it was any- thing serious. On last Monday, July 9th., a new daily paper made its appearance in Concord. It is called The Evenisg Tribune, and is edited and published by Messry. Robert P. Benson and Jas. F. Hurley. Itis a 24 column sheet, six columns to a page. It will pubdlish the afternoon press dis- patches, Wiliiamsten Enterprise: Spread acanyass over Robertsonville and ycu have an up-to-date hospital. Never in the memory cf man has there been so muchsickness. There is not 2 family in tow» that does not require the doctor—measles, whoop- ing cough, brenekitis, dysentery, typhoid fever ete.—and often the patient hes a combination. Southern Pines Special, 4th: The most foul murder evercommitted in this section cecurred two and a half miles southeast of Southeen Pines last eveuiug about twilight, when some unknown assassin shot to death Mr. E. Lamsden, Jr.,formerly of Rocheele, N. Y. He was arrang- ing matters about his house and the stooping over atrough from which 1 be watered bis horses. North Wilkesboro Hustler: Gur readers may be interested in know- ‘ing tbat anew postoftice rule has just goue into effect imposing a fine jof SoU0 or oue year’s imprisonment on anyone who, through carelessness or otherwise, takes mail not belong- ing to them from the office and fails to return it at once. newspapers as wellas letters and other valuable mail. People when taking their mail from the office should examine it before going out of the building, it will take buta moment, and will save a deal of trou- ble. To say it was the postmaster’s fault will cut no figure under this rule. Within the borders of Goldsboro there isadarkey by the name of Jim, who came there about a year | ago from Tennessee—some one has suggested more likely the Sandwich iIslands—who is yery fond of cai {meat und he takes it raw. One day last week Mr. Lippman Edwards’ fine old mouser disappeared from home and tater on the chief of police found Jim, having killed and skinned the cat, making the cat’s hindquar- ters flyas he held them up and munched away, apparently relishing the meat. When asked if he really liked cat meat he stated that he was very fond of it when salted and that this one he was thes devouring was No. 8 for the city. Jim was pleced in the lock-upas a catastrophe, but was soon let go. Kinston Free Press: Mr. N. F. Lewis, of Wilmington, was arrested bere Puesday on a charge of em- bezziement. A policeman ar- rived this morning and at once left with the arrested man for Wilming- ton. Lewis worked for a Jew in Wilmington, selling goods for him on the instaliment plan. He gave up his job last Saturday, as his re- lations with his employer were not pleasant He informed several peo- pie at Wilmington that he was com- ing to Kinston to work here. Chief of Police Rouse received a telegram Tuesday to arrest the man ona charge of embezzlement. Mr. Rouse was sick and policeman Brinson ar- rested Lewis, who was at Hotel Bailey. He was held in custody un- til the officer arrived from Wilming- ton. The policeman from Wilming- ton says he thiuks Lewis is innccent and that it will be proven so when he goes back to Wilmington. —— 4 Significant Incident. Charlotte News. Tue Nashville, Nash county, cor- Mills township, Thursday, July 19th. Harmony, Turnersburg township, | Friday, July 20th, Juiy 2lst. Monday, July 23rd. ship, Tuesday, Juiy 24th. W. H. H. Summers’, Bethany township, Wednesday, July 25th. Scott’s, Concord township, Thurs- day, July 26th. Bradford's store, Shiloh township, Friday, July 27th. The candidates of the Republican and Populist parties are invited to attend these appointments and an equal division of time will be grant- ed. Joint discussions by the candi- dates of all parties have been the rule in Iredell county, and the Dem- ocratic party desires them this year. Let all the people turn out and hear the issues discussed. J. A. HaRTNESS, Chm’‘n Dem. Ex, Com Zeb. V, Long, Secretary. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sica and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. Olin, Olin township, Saturday,;}R. BK. Glenn atthat place, Statesville, Statesville township, ; 4 P. RK, Houpe’s, Cool Spring town-j ty, arose and stated to the audience respondeat of the Raleigh News and Observer, relates a significant in- cident. “After the speech of Mr. *Squire W. H. Robbins, who, for a number of years has been one of the leading , Republican politicians of Nash coun- that ke would vote for the amend- mett. There were also many Pop- ulists in the audience amosg whom were influential men from various parts of the county, who did not bes- itate to say that Mr.. Glenn had not overdrawn the picture of the grave problems which confronted the white men of the State inthis cam- |paign for White Supremacy, and | while they had heretofore opposed the measure to a certain extent they were convinced of its importance to ‘all true Anglo Saxons, and would {use their influence iv behalf of the jamendment. Thatshows which way the wind blows in the East. A Good Family Mdicine. W. Lee Wilmoth, Top of Allegh- ‘anv, West Va., writes: I have used ;Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pel- ilets for the past five years ia our \family. I do not hesitate to say ‘that they are the best. They are i mild in action, splendid in effect. be- 'sides bein z pleasant to take and re- | quiring one only ata dose. To all | who are unable to pay large doctor’s | bills I would say, always keep a box ! of Ramon’s Liver Pills in the house fatal shot struck him as he was, This applies to | 29th district. been selected in his stead. and John Morgan for the House. Returns indicate that Judge Wil has: his unexpired term in Congress. part of the county, for the amend ment. Like his brother physician tawba, another prominent Populist he is row enthusiastic Amerdment. ——— Lying on Aycock. Charity and Children, carfdidates for Governor, is a com mon drunkard. without straight out lying. nigh character, a the Democratic hood. the most be made of it. > -— Albema rle Dispatch 4th. sons of Mr. R. H. Kirk, father’s house. from them until Saturday, Henry the youngest one, plain of soreness in his throat. it was pronounced that he hada clear case of hydrophobia. tions became like those of adog and seen in this town. An innocent lit- tle child was transfermed it seemed, intoa monster. His eyes had the very glare of ademon and when in one of his spasms it seemed that he wanted to claw everything in sight. fle sat, when rotin a spasm, with his-eyes fixed ina stony stare on the flocr, hiss head hung down and his hands pickiag at his flesh or clothing. The little fellow continued to grow wors: until this afternoon at 3 o'ciock death relieved him of his suffering. i in Fearful Loss of Life in Street Car Wreck. Tacoma, Wv., Dispatch, 7th, Nearly 100 people, passengers on a car bound for this city, were plunged down a gulch at Twenty- sixth and C streets, shortly after 8 o'clock this morning. Those who were standing on the platform drop- ped only to be bruised and wound- ed by the heavy bedy of the coach, while others inside were killed and maimed before they knew what had happened. The car jumped the track and was smasked to kindling wood inthe bottom of the chasm over 100 feet below. Thirty-six dead bodies have been recovered, but the total loss of life will number nearly three score, for there are many of the injured who wi!l never recover and who are expected to die at any moment, and at least sixty of the passengers of the car are now in the various hospitals and under the care of their own physicians. The car left Edison at about 8 o'clock, in charge of F. L. Boenn, motorman, and J. D, Colboul, con- ductor. Thecar, which is a big box-like affair, was crowded to the doors, and every inch of space on the platform was filled. Everything went well until the car reached the hill just beyond Tacoma avenue. At this point the motorman lost con- trol of the car, which dashed down a steep incline and jumped a sharp curve. A number of passengers jumped and reached the ground in safety. en A Rare Incident. The Concord Standard relates this occurrence which speaks well for the modern embalming: When the grave of Mr. Lentz was dug it wzs put midway between two graves. It was found when they went to dig the grave for Mrs. Lentz that there was not room on either side of her bhusband’s grave for her. It was decided to take up the body of Mr. Lentz and widen the grave to contain both. The casket was found to be dry and nice as when put into the grave and the face was unchanged save a sligkt discoloration and growth of beard. The casket was taken into the church and placed by the side of the late deceased while her funeral was being preached, and both faces were viewed by the attendants at the burial. It will be remembered that the two deaths were just 30 days apart, *‘After snfferiag from severe dys- pepsia over twelve years and using maby remedies without permanent good finally took Kodol Dyspesia Cure. It did me’so much good I recommended it to _ everyone,”’ writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- jtouse in case of necessity. For sale by N. R. Tunstall, Druggist. corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests Hall Jr. what youeat, W. F. i lle Sen ies Daal Mr. A. sf. Vannoy has declined 4 the nomination for the Senate in the | Mr. H. L. Greene has The resignation of Mr. J.A. Crisp, | vicervs of Lenoir, has been accepted by the ication wi Republicans, aud Mr. John Isabel has been nominated for the House. The Johnson Democracy has puta | strong ticket in the field. Thev | eS eae a have nominated Allen K. Smith for | S¢ #@llop:ng toa tragic end. Cor- the Senate, and C. W. Richardson Richaréson has carric] the eighth district of Alabama, and will be the Democratic nominee to suc- ceed Gereral Joseph Wheeler, for One of the good results of Aycock’s speech in Lincolnton last Saturday was the conversion of Dr. Crowell, a prominent Populist of the western Dr. Foard of the western part of Ca- for the Falsehood has been printed and scattered through Davidson county that Mr. C. B. Aycock, one of the It,is shameful that anybody will rgsort to means as base as this to advance nis own or anybody else’s-interests. There are|at Shanghai, certify to the truth of issues enough in this campaign] the statement that Prince Tuan vis- Mr. Aycock isa Christian gentleman of member of our church in Goldsboro and a. man of piety and zeal. Of course this will be construed by partisans as an at- tempt to bolster up the candidate of party because of his politics, but whoever makes this claim will be guilty ofanother false- Mr. Aycock is a Baptist,and we will not seehim slanderedwithout a protest; and if this be treason let Horrible Death From Hydrophobia. On the evening of May 28 astrange dog came-into town and bit two little who were playing in the street in front of their The wounds healed up nicely and the boys did not seem to suffer any more inconvenience began to com- He began to get worse and on Sunday His ac- a more pitiable spectacie was never pits ena July 1, appears to be circulating |and Tien-Tsin. mo 11s bot h Pekin, there is a basis for the hepe that it is untrue. Cau- tious observers at Shanghai recog- | nize that even though these reports |are rejected, evenis in Pekin must respondents of The Express, at Shanghai, gather details from Chi- nese sources, which, pieced togeth- -|er, relate that when the foreigners’ ammunition was exhausted, the Boxers ard imperial troops rushed to the British legation and poured into the court yard with fanatical fury. The foreign troops were so hopelessly outnumbered that their fate was certain. The moment the mob breke, the court yard was con- verted intoa shambles. Others of .| the invaders spread into theinterior of the building. One correspondent *jadds: “It is only left to hope that in the final rush of the murderous hordes, the men of the legations had time to slay with their hands their womenkindand children. “Something of this culminating tragedy in the ghastly history of recent cvents in Pekin seems to per- vade the very atmosphere here and to compel belief against all our bopes. The consuls fear the report - is too true and the Chinese officials do not attempt to seek reasons for a-denial.’’ Two Manchus, who have arrived , ited the palace and offered the Em- peror and the Dowager Empress the alternative of poison or the sword. The Emperor, they say, took poison and died within anhour. The Dow- ager Empress also took poison, but craftily swallowed only a portion of what was offered her, and survived. —— > —___ Fearful Condition in Pekin, Rondon Dispatch, sth. ‘Not a single foreigner is alive in Pekin,”’ is the latest Chinese report which has reached Shanghai. Other Shanzhzi reports describe the con- dition of the British levatien as aw- ful. Itis said that the rooms of the legation were filled with sick and wounded, the killed lying- unburied inheaps. It is believed that many members and officials of the Tsung Li Yamen perish’d when the Ger- Man guard, maci-red by the mur- der of Baron Keiteler, the German minister, set fire to the building That the foreigners at the Chinese capital have been abandoncd to their horrible fate no loager seems open to doubt. The Associated Press cablegram from Taku seems to foreshadow the evacuation of Tien-Tgin by the in- ternational forces, pending the ar- rival of a fully equipped army. It is felt here that a retreat of the troops is likely to set aflame tke provinces now quiet. Advices from Shanghai today report continued fighting at Tien-Tsin while the con- sul at Che Fu telegraphs to Berlin confirming the report of the renew- al of hostiiities. Hesays the for- eign settlementat Tien-Tsin is again serrounded and is being bombarded and that the women and children are to be removed. Official n2ws received at Che Fu shows that the Chinese have been guilty of horrible cruelty toward the wounded and captured, subject- ing them to what is known as the ling che, or the slicing process. Under this hideous rite, the bodies of the fallen have been mutilated. The Russians are-retaliating by the wholesale shooting of the natives. The situaticn, according to The Ex- press correspondent, shows sigus of drifting inte barbarism and savag- ery. -—_——_ President McKinley Expelled. Raleigh Post. Some months ago President Mc- lic building. Before being permitt- ed to do so, according to the rules of the Bric layers and Stonemasons’ Union of that city, the President had to become an honorary member of the Union. After having been engaged in a strike for some eight months, in connection with other trades’ unions, the Bricklayers the other day withdrew from their as- sociate unices, and ended the strike. Referring to this, and Mr. McKin- ley’s connection therewith, the Phil- adelphia Record tells us: ‘President McKinley, who was an honorary member of the Brick- layers and Stonemasons’ Union is Chicago, hee. in company with 5,998 other members, been expelled from the Building Trades Council by a unanimous vote. The offending bricklayers had sigmed an agree- ment withcontractors to zo to work, thus ending their participation in the great strike, and had further agreed to work with non-union men. President McKinley was not accus- ed of beirg a ‘a scab,’ but vas deem- ed technically guilty, and notified of his expulsion.”’ Now this is rough on the Presi- dent of the United Stutes. -+-—-——<——————_.. Judge Robinson’s Opinion. Lenoff News. The Democrats are laughing at Mr. Harshaw overa remark Judge Robinson is said to have made to him in Lenoir last week. They were discussing political matters when the Judge says, “Mose, we are gnawing our last bone.”’ Doctors Failed. J. Terry, of Turkey, Kentucky, writes: I have beena sufferer for fifteen years from troubles arising from adisordered liver, and ail the doctors in the neighboring towns failed to do me any good. I thought I would try a box of Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. After us- ing one-half box I felt “better and was soon permanently cured. I keep them in stock constantly since I discovered their valuable curative si- fusion between Populists and Re- |multaneously at Che Fu, Shanghai! publicans on county tickets, He is Yet, as it is not |makingadesperate efiort to save onfirmed by official dispatches and | the neck of the goose that has been iraceable to the southern {laying his golden eges—the solid . Vvko are still in communi- | negro vote of North Carolina. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. It has also benefited my whole family.” It acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, Bat |2'ippe, bronchitis asthma and all ) he cannot deliver a solid Populist vote this year either against the amendment or for Republican can- didates on fusion tickets. Many Populists are tired of fusion’ and of being required to aid in putting ne- | € groes in office over white men. When the Legislature met last win- throat toubles. commardant of the Brooklvn vavy yard, died lass Saturday from heart disease. Spain. W. F. Hall,Jr. Rear Admiral John W. Pillip, Admiral Phillip eommard- ad the Texas duripy the war with ter they asked that some step be taken to remove the negro question from politics. Their representa tives in that legislature joined with the Democrats in submitting the the finest pills I ever used.""—D. J. Moore,Millbrook, Ala. They quick’ ly cure all liver r W. F. Ball. Jr. *DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare and bowel troubles. amendment as the best pian to re- move the negro from politics, and | many of the voters are in favor of standing by that action. -_—>——_— Oil Tank Can Explodes. Petersburg, Va., Dispatch, sth. The worst wreck in the history of the Ohio River Railroad occurred in some rocks in Chinese waters, last week ané was seriously injured, has been fioated. holes in the vessel, but they can be repaired. that she would be lost and as the vessel cost $6,000,000, Uncle Sam was very much interested. The Oregon, which ran aground on There are several It was at first feared this city this 1aorning, and as a re- sult six arealready dead and three or four more will die. The wreck, which occurred in the railroa? vards, set on fire a tank car of gasoline,and in trying to remove the wreckage from the track, the car exploded, instantly killing General Superin- tendent J. H. Hamilton, Master Me- chanic Lalime, Yardmaster Charles Mohler, Train Dispatcher G. O. Shannon, Brakemen Bradley and Reeves, and George Chalk and James Ruth, firemen, besides injur- seriously. The explosion wrecked | ¢ that part of the city in the vicinity of the ‘car shops and many resi-| 1 dences were blownup. More injur- ed may be found in some of the ed the life of his litde girl by giving her Ove Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying from croup. only harmless remedy that gives im- mediate results. coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and all throat ard lung troubles. range by asmall colored bey into : age collection of fire-works of a ‘ ighly explosive ing about 40 more, some of them|7rh, cost the lives of seven children, avd severe burning and lacerations of whom were adults. W.S. Musser, Millheim, Pa., sav- Itis the It quickly cures W. F. Hall,Jr. A blank cartridge fired at close character on the be probable death cf three others, o twenty other persons, only two wrecked houses. There are several children unac- method of purifying the blood aud The easiest and most effective this afternoon. lots near by. Atlanta Constitution. Lemuel Quigg, ciecles. counted for and a chila’s foot was found in an adjoining cornfield late There are pieces of human flesh scattered all over the railroad yards and the fields and Why It Was Quigged. of the State and county of New York, has achieved quite a reputation in Republican We read in the organs that invigorating the system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels. W.F. Hall,Jr Fire in the crowded tenemenis Nos. 127 to 131 Adams street, Hebo- ken, one day last week, caused a loss of twelve lives, five of whom were uembers of the Winkle family, who were caught by tbe flames while asleep. The building was a three- Story wooden structure, and con- tained about fifteen families who stirred up over the arrest today of second ward, in Winston, by Depu- dictment was drawn yesterday by ex Judge John Gray Bynum, ed acertificate ordering the deputy marshal to make the arrest. 7 says: chinery of the United States courts charging kis duty under the State er. affidavit was sworn out by a negro the platform has beer ‘quigsed,”’ were made homeless bv the fire. and these same organs go on to say that the President, when he issues his letter of acceptance, will, to all intents and purposes, repudiate the | t “‘quigged’’ document and prepare one of his own on which those great statesmen, Grosvenor and Charles Emory Smith, can take their stand fifteen years I was cured by using Salye,’’ writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N.C. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. W. F. Hali,Jr. ° “After suffering from piles for wo boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel with impunity. The platform, as it stands, has few defenders. doesn’t express the intentions and desires of the party with respect to imperialism. The New York Tri- bune scouts with scorn and iadigna- tion the explanation that the plat- zs “ -, | mandant ef the Norfolk Navy Yard, It is claimed that it} ho. been selected to succeed Rear Admiral Philip, deceased, as com- mandantof the New York Navy Yard. Admiral Barker’s successor Rear Admiral Barker, now com- as not yet been decided upon. form was quigged because 1ts revis- ers (ncluding the convention) thought it would not do to declare the party policy on an open consti- tutional question. And it is true that this explana- tion is about the weakest that could have been invented. The platform was quizged, as everybody knows, in Order to make things comfortable for the New England anti-imperial- ists and all the Republicans who are opposed to the selfish schemes of syndicated aggrandizement which the Republican party is engaged in exploiting, Federal Officc Holders Trving to take Charge of the Eleetion. Winston Special, 6th. D widow of General Machias, Me., when the doctors said ske could not live till morniag”’ writes sars. S. H. Lincoln, who at- tended her that fearfui night. thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King’s New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept soundly all night, and its further use completely cured her.”’’ marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung bottles free at W. F. Hall, Jr.’s, drug store. A Night of Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt for the Burnham of “Ail This iseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial The Democrats here are greatly Registrar John T. Thompson, of the ty Marshal Griffin. The bill of in- of nesses are a}] black men. Assistant District Attorney Blackburn srgn- The Raleigh News and Observer They ‘have appealed to the ma- to prevent a State officer from dis- law. The proceeding is instigated by Blackburn, a Federal office-hold- The warrant was issued by a North Carolina Commissioner The Federal office-holder and all the witnesses are negroes. It will thus be seen that it is a proceeding brought by Federal office-holders and negroes and proves what we have been charging: That the Fede- ral office-holders are running this campaign on the part of the Fusion- ists, and that this is a figbt between the people and the Federal office- holders and between the white man and thenegro, led and instigated by Federal office-holders. Speaking of the arrest last night, State Chairman Simmons sized up the situation exactly, when he said: *-Of course the object in making this arrest is simply to intimidate and bulldoze the State officers in the discharge of their duties. It will not succeed. The white people of the State will stand by their officers and these officers will continue to faithfully discharge their duties and exercise the discretion reposed in them. They will register all who are entitled to register, but they will not allow disqualified negroes to pad the registration books, with a view to fraudulent voting. “Counsel has been employed both here and at Winston and there will likely be some lively developments before this thing is ended.”’ ‘Thad stomach trouble twenty years and yave up nope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- sia Cure. . It hasdone meso much good I call it the savior of my life.” writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, qualities. For sale by N. R. Tun- stall, Druggist.. pas Spent + se = It digests what you eat. W. ovr. : paper called CE:cago. HAI Wm. R, Hearst has started a new “The American’’ ia ne oe = s - . . |Greensboro. The charge against j Kinley went to Chicago to assist in} the registrar is in, to Reneiee m Does ' laying the corner stone ofsome pub-| negroes. The affidaviants and. wit- = eee your hair split at the end? Can you ull out a andful by run- ning your fingers hroaeh it? Does it seem dry and lifeless ? Give your hair a chance. Feed it. The roots are not dead; they, are weak because they are starved—that’s all. The f best hair ee re l e If you, don’t want your hair to die use Ayers Hair Vigor once aday. It makes the hair em stops falling, and cures dan- druff. It always restores color to gray or faded hair; it never fails. $1.00 a bottic. All emer: stopped ™ ate ftom fall cae, eae WITT, r March 28,1699. | Canova, 8. Dak. cured soe from dandtag, with which se e 2S to n e Oe ae RE N T ee . es : LS Bg AB E ae eh ii y , 00 8. 2 se Kr te n i a i ; J »§ 4 oy as i bj 2 $3 Rr pe n t a 8 SM e wo m e n lt l Ni n a ee tr Gr a t e d PR ea ey pA he ne me i o or e ne s te a t “ ¥ te s , “r e co n Mo y t g k 2 ap e ee iw Feel PREM ASCOT | ea ' t 1 Psems8zD WEEKLY —AT— ONE DOLE.AR A YEAR. —<—<—<—<—<— A.D Warts. Uprion & Proprizror —_——— Fr —_ a atytecy bea *ter.} ’PHons No. 3d. —<——_—— C., July 12, 1900. Statestiiie, &. FT! LtAM IENNINGS BRYAN. NATIONAL DYMOORATIC TICKET. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. Vice Presiden! w~, SemvaNsONn FOR GOVERNOR: CHARLES B. AYCOCK, of Wayne. rok LOST YENANT GOVERNOR: WILFRED D. TURNER, of Iredell. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J. BKVAN CRIMES, of Pitt. FOR TREASURER: BENJAMIN R. LACY, of Wake. FORK ACDITOR: BENJAMI2 2. DIXON of Cleveland. For Attorney General: ROBERT D. GILMER, of Haywood. For Superintendent of Public Instruction: THOMAS F. TOON, of Kobeson. For Commissioner of Agriculture: SAMUCPTY PLLETERSON of Caldweti. Yor Comissisner of Labor and Vrinting: HANEY 6. VARNED?, of Davidson, For Corporation Commijsaioners: FRANKLIN MCNEILL, of New Hanover, (Chairman) SaMUrL Ll. FCGERS, of Macon. Wor Judge of the Tenth District: WILLJA™ B. COUNCIL, of Watauga. For Electors-at-Large: DANIEL H'GH MCLEAN, of Harrvett. LEE S OVi.RMAN, of Rowan, COUNTY TICKET. MOR SKNATE—-27TH DISTRICT: CITARLES if. ARMFIRLD, of Iredell DERT ETT M RZECEH, cf Vadkin FOR THE AUMSE: “TESOL W. STEVENSON, “YM. wATES, Fem SiceTer. Hw wycerr wt e¥P DS; Wiligem W. 1 CRNISR, TR TREASTPUR: Jor~r & RAYNES. Fi. > CORONER: Tee RN FUARD, ¥o? RVE. OR: tha W SOMERS. FOR COTNYVY COMMISSIONERS: THOMAS M.C. DAVIDSON. MARSHALL K. STEELE, JAMFS * RACK. OUR 7s wD “i RAaievAL TICKET ASD buitbonM, A The platfors: and nominees of the Rarcas City sonvention suit us ex- ectiy. The platform is the ablact SHC Gearest enunciation of Bemo- @eyne principlea ever promulgated dost to nome nces are tae ablest and bast Democrats hving. We give thom the -aryja bite ala; hearty Po owiver support we to Democratic Jew on tes 1G An tag. ‘t. Teg cerats have carried vYipaand the amendment ' permanent white sv the State, there wilt to conduct the cam- PLEMSC, VW witil oe ros Paign ior Bryan avd the principtes of tie repunlic, and this paper wik be in thickest of the tight for them. - a Fa ea ee GED EMTTTS Pemocrats do not forget that row gteter The >-ogis- tvier ayy prealners Ure July 21st. vime & lal), ace Saturaay You can register ainy during the week if you HO 10 Vine rovistrer. Day not put off this imrertant matter. Unless yeu register you canuc! vote. No ome cac register after Sa'urday, July 21st, uniess that per- son becemies of age between thst time and the day ofelection. Do not waitasy longer, the opponents of Democracy are not saying much, but thev areregistering ail the sama, ead wili be cut in fwil force onclec tion day. Some folks seem to rest 3 ‘ase the gepro seems to be so indhferent about the political sit- uauen this pear. Don't trust him he will fool you and he will vote on August 2d against good govern- ment. easy Fu 2 np AMONG TH: POLITICIANS. tattoo Dr. W. P. Exum, who was the Populist candidate for Governor ia 1892, has declared for the amend ment and will make two or more speeches for it during the campaign. UGoverror Benton MeMillin bas addressed an open letter to the Lemecrac: of Tennessee expressing tbe wish that pis namebe no longer’ used ir connection with -the contest of United States Senator from Ten- nessee. % There was a_jail delivery in-Golds- boro on Monday vipbt. jail birds have returned, while four- teen remain at large, making six teen, who secured freedom. Sheriff Stott says he :cels sure he will be ableto catch tne entire number.; Esvape was cficcied by punching through the steel flooring of 2 cel! that had been patched, the imple- ment used being 4 piete of iron se- tured from a heater. Crawling thfough this hole to the upper floor thé lower floor was edsily reached, whéte soon beneath a window stone aioe zeae es the brick w]! througk which the entire n Iwas to prosept the nameo! Bryan w| Two of the1 NE a A TENT AO TN ETM SS NRG LIE” AML PRM SCENE | 1X THR CONVENTION HALL. | Enthusiasm Over Bryan Kclipses “Anything Ever Seen. Pande- monium Reigns for Over Twenty | Seven Minutes. | Kansas City Dispatch. \ W. D. Oldbam, of Nebraska, who | {4t- sonveation, WaS waiting oy the} \obormeneus desk, aud as the chain mie ue Alubama deleyativa re-( | sue ed Liz stat, he came forward ane faz ir wgpacetul words express + Peau Giy ap rie.wen ul bbe iavor ex- | senéed by Alabama in surrendering its ume to thé Stute of Mr. Bryan. mr. Oidbam @eivered his eulogy ol vir. Bryan with impassioned fervor. As he clused of bis address, he raised both baads high over his head aud spoke slowly and with an energy chat caused his yoice to penetrate into every corner of tue hyil. “And, vkat mar. is— William Jennings Bry- ab, “we Coneludad, vringing hishands gwor Witu each word until the last Nad veew u'tered when he bYought them up with «sweep, but quicker Pilan Bix motion weg that answering cheer that swept across the conven- tion. It was s simultaneous roar ‘rom all Up went tbe delegates on their chairs, over their ieads went uke fays and above them all soared ané rang ‘he cheers for Bryan. The yaad lovally performed itsshare, but the noise of its creation was buta drop in the turrent. The men from the Stare ef Nebraska flung up a large banner bearing likenesses of Me. Brvan or one side and on the otber side “‘Nebraska, ’ and a small- ar nortzart of Mr, Bryan epclosed in a star of blue. “hatever may have been the dif- fereroes of delegatas over the plat fuom, they seemed t% have forgot wer there, and all were in favor cf cue man New York wed with Ne- bracka ane Keneas iv venting its er the-iees Ei vhard Crocsr va- one euctt, becb arme aloir a flag tt civhi ban?, which he waved vigor- puss = FF wag nothehind him in the show of leyalty to the nominee ood waving his arms, helet forth a 2 series of cheers that equalled those ulterecd by any mencou the floor. tver in Iinois, Ohio and Inéiars, whew 16 tol jis not popular, there Wat no Lésitation now. Reund the hai started the Nebraska men with ‘their huge banner, and catching up their Siate emLiems, the other dele- geticns took up tlie march, waving tegs, and bate ard cheering at the tons of their voieas without cessa tien save for the breath necessary to 2 tresh vutburst Next came Texas with its long pe gernourted by steer’s horns. and "(ther back some of the New York delegation carrying their little flax bearing the words Think thcredre no 16 to l-erg in New York ”’ Rexund und round the bal! went tho marching column between two wails of cbeering men who stood he- reath a eloud of fluttering flags. It rvs a demonstration fully equal in fervorto envthing that bad pre- ceaed it veeteruav or todav, when When the i4 Tnamutes, com menaced ¥sOF order. Tle sul all power of hear Oval ibinutes wud tt was entil tecnty seren minutes nea elapsed frouthe instant that Me Ol¢beam lai mentioned tne word “Bryap tbat ibe cheering bad Susstded anc the ecavestign was in erder once more. The secreizry bayan to call the roilof States of the ballot for the presidential womination. As the roll eail proceeded the shoute of apeicuse for the unanimity of the vote sevired toincreese All of the inize Svatos were cheered heartily one atticranother they cast their TOES | SOV SiS. eer, Georgia, Fediana, Uinois, Ken- ‘wer snd Messachtsetts were cheered cordially. but when Misgouri ava *® minute later, Nebraska, ware cuted, the convention fairly palpi- tetod witberthucslasm So it was too, when the Stste of Naw York was ealled theconvention rising io zand cheering The list of Tervituties was com- wieted with the calling of the Terri- wry of Bayan. The arsouncement by Cksirman “chardson that Mr. Bryan had ‘een nemioated tor President of the Winiie Staves unanimously, wag re- ceived with great applause, but it aid not compare with the previous Comoastraticrs during the day. The nuve tag suspended from the roof, which bal played its part earheor io exsin ‘owered, tha plaved end the geople ehaered. oe at 1 Some Geregates waved Tavs cr standards. but the enthusiasmdid not vun at higb iiue, as the people already were leaving the hall. Chairman fhe platform was road Futian Qo puss for Crpegar Po havdean wuuie vipocousiy Vad Woe 1 pear? cor port pom tex Styien gad sosajan was Freee ger ae sete ofrtha ikat the conveation was adjourned ing. _ —— - <> ae. Mopxe Foolhardiness—How Far Will It Go? Raleigh Post. ibe Louisburg Times of last week “We have recetved reliable infor- sation vo the effect that iarge and unusasl purcha-es of cartrides, pow- Ger ard oGer wmamunitivn have re- gentiv veon made by certain ne- res iw tus vounty. We do not ao“w the purpose of this, vor can we name with certainty the men who are ivspiring and advising the negroes in such 2 course, but we do know that the white men of Frank- lin county cannot be scared and in- *imidated and if violence and law- Jesauess shall be attempted they will be prepared todefend their lives [ and their. homes. The white men of “his county are peaceable and law- anes but if certain negroes and their a lies are calculating upon ruliog in this county by force and vicience thers isa fearful disappoint- mect ib store for them.’ ‘ Ti wowed seom chat éesough has been said vy way of warning to the Geis who would reckiessiy follow tho advice of Senator Butler and at- tempt “‘to drive the white people. the advocates of the amendment Pout of the State.” We egn only add that. a terrible reckoning awaits | “2 — ou such. _ jsut this should arouseevery g citizen, whe desires and ene derly government, to the character of those who foment such reckless- ness, and of the pecessity for the | adoption oi the amendment, which. elimirated them,.along with ° their. ignorant Cvpes. from influence and | power in the Staté. Let all white! men bestir themselves. | Anna Ardrey; a negrd about 16) — —- a rs killed by! filam Kell, on Sunday night, n Charlotte. oe oes Atlanta Constitution. sat Don't |: ' Burke County News. — = Bryan and Stevenson. Bryan and Stevenson! Such is the legend which the national Demoera- cy has thrown to the breeze and it will be hailed with acclamation by lovers of freedom every where. Everybody knew it would be Bry- an! From the day on which heelec- tifa bis hearers in the Chicaye convention, through al! of the vicis tag er there bus Govt of “vents Sotment of vinan bad been Deo pi never heen one t Beas. a ny ? a f + It 4s uGi $0 wuch tuat be attracicd theo: tc himself. because the worid is full of men who can attract, but because the peopie ound in him the uncouscious exponent of their own innermost thoughts. It was the people who had moved, and it was at their command that be stood in the Dbreach. Then there is Stevenson—Adlai E. Stevenson! Vice President for four years with Cleveland, he suffered from the jaactiea which that office ifanoges. but it was enough to know that he uever joined jn plans agains? his oWn psrty, 6od tnat he was tre to the party faith While the prés- ident might luse the right to vote ov inattention to registration, the’ vier president was on band at his pollirg nlace in Binomington eariv in the morning, and indorsed Chiez go's work. But ne inaction which the vice presidency could place up- ou bim could reinove the memory ci Fourth Postmaster General Steven- son. whose ax became so famous during the ‘first administration of Cleveland. Democrats office seemed net to know how to get rid of ihe old rats in the official earn untt] Ane morning the ax of Stevenson beganto swing. Like a weaving wocdsisen, heswung it well frora the shoulder, and heads beyan total iste the Uasket yt a fearful ro te. whe cut his way cut of she woods. avd cu ae got into the clearing, ke was received with amighty shout from the Democratic busts. Such isthe ticket, then, Beyun acd Stevensun--the one the young tribune of the people, the other a veteran from scenes where Dermoc- rucy had te be tested With such a tick. t Einois and Indiana wil! be Lerwoucratie, while the avoidance of New York intsvnai politics puts all factions in that State on such trial “young Mls soPis if “an associnti elected tod} ris, the gift of “an associution of It was Steveiison, therefore,yin Richmesd, last Friday. " LATE. GENREAL NEWS. ——_e Kruger’s grandseo, one of the’ the British, arrived at ®t. Heleuc| last week, Four lives were lost and six men | injured io 2 firaat Pittsburg, Pa.,! last week. JZpe loss \ $110 066 Fat! River milis 1.099 000 <pincies, will shut dows ks i now and Sey-} Was abont four weeks between tem: i During a terce squail near Cleve- land, Ohio, the yacnt, Idler, was capsized aud sunk on igst Saturday. Six lives were lost. The 39th annual convention of the National Educational Association is in Session in Charleston, S G., this ‘week. I: seems that theattendance will be the largest known. Russell A. Alger, Jr., son of the ex-Seeretary of War, who is general [manavrer of the Laurentin pulp mills, had gis right band blows off by the oracker on the 4th. A man called Bowser went throvghthe whirlpovl rapids of thed Niagara, un last Monday. He went tbrough in his boat, the Foolkiller. andat‘er he had circled round ix the whirlpool for 55 minutes, he came out alive. the unveiling on Tuesday of the equestrian statue of Washingtor, in American women for the presenta- tion ofa statue of Washington to France.” pgssed off favorably. Col. Gherles @ brien Cosrardis, the editor and president af the Rich cond Dispatch, and oue of the vist newspaper men in the South, Gied We pro baviy knew more than any one mis Consected wiiu the press of Scuth. the ’ What ia known as the ‘‘Jim Crow’ 1cear law, previding for the separa- ition of whites and blacks on rail way trains, went into operation in} Virginia on the 2nd, and so far, seems tu be working smoothiv. Ne trovble is reported cn the lines can tering in Richmond. Ie is clear that Lord Roberts Caos that they must prove their tidelity by their works. The situatior is full of hope, the ticket is strong, the people are areused and we qontideutly look Jor vievory in November. Ee gee oe Mewaill Ordered to Move on. Laurinburg Specialto News and Observer. il. F. Sewoll, whd was to speak here today, wos met at the train by s crowd of our citizens end advised rot io Goss. He took their advice ana boarded the train. Tke cause of this action by the citizens was not pelitical, out per- sonal. Sewall trade -a speech in Pittsboro in whieh he “referred to ho was allied here in 1898. He refey tobi: sluvevs as cow- . rderess woo killed an in CHonsive marpore Wiasecry attitude thst the oe o 4 : Bac ho shai yun, bad ened to burn and kad also threat- ceed the Efe af ene of our cond citi. Insiead sf assumicg *:teee uf prazer he was found heac- iy armed and succeeded in firing several volleys int, the crowd be- une BLU Oli es * aemad + : ‘ & . ethoCus the a‘: enester bullet. Tuese are the facts. Sewall’s speech was a gross retflec- Liered ty journey On. ep ee gee ——— The Cymasking of Butler. Chartotte News. Mis. JSusenhis Daniels, national CGM Fy cesar from NoxvthCaraiina, tolayravus bis papery from Kansas Creve “™). honest people of North €sr- cling wno know Butier’s true eber- acter wie begisd to know that st wet the bonest leacovs of the Pon- eUsi3 pave faund nim gut. It was his use OF Soctucra votes, repre- wepling no stréngth, that forced “po nomination of Towne at Sicux Puyis Neariy every leader of the party except Butlar opposed tbat nomiueiion. He used his position ag eLairgen and used pada: d Seutbh- ern votes iv turte bis own re-elec- ‘lon as chairman. In doiny both he betraved the coniideuce of tae big- gest men io tte party who aow have no contideare in him. If [had tae liberty to print the names of the Ponultsts who denounced Burler "r ‘Snpuaye wore forcibie chau W. A. Kisebrn ever used, it weuld show 2% wity Senator that bis race ac a Populist leadeX has ended. Phe Kichardson snrounced, at 8:53 p.m.. 1 Towne men tiame Rutler for their, ;fellure, and some didn't hesitate te aril 10:30 o’cloek tomorrow morn-|sSy that they had fouod out that he! was a Republican arent, ‘towne comes out of the conven- tion with a great reputation. He core himself with the dignity and character of a stauresman and & pa- trict He promptly urged the Sii- ver Repubiican conventien to girs their loyal support to Bryan and Stevenson. Hewili enter the fight in supportof the ticket, and by his splendid ability and matchless elo- avence De a powerful factoe in all ¥e Butlorhses for a lone time “run with the bare and held with the houniis.’”” Ha has traded first with the Republican, then with the Demorcratic party, and then with both at the same time. He has had no objectin this save the fur therance of his versenal ambition, andxno matter with which party he has traded, the trada has always been for butler. We Democrats in North Carolioa found him out loug ago. and it is pleasing to Kuow that the national committee is findiny out the man Pid ais purposes. Mr Butler's bitter fight for the negroiu North Carviina bas seps- rated hin from the great body of sincere and earnest white Popu- lists whoso long believed ip him; they see him now as he is—only a schemer urd a political trickster, seat in the Senate he now occupies.: —_—_———P 2 Oarried His Still Along _ Cooney Hildebrand, weli keown in the Federal and State -courts of this section, embarked some time ago for thé State of. Washington. Cooney is skilled in the art of maix- ing. “‘sowpew’’=in other words, whité corn “‘lickéf’’=-and be carried his still with him to hig furure home in the far West, with the evident fy . fore be wae silenced with a Win-! tien On our peopie hence he was or-: who would betrav his rnee aad par }were tried before the mayor and. , ty for the hove oi re-election to the fsent to jail in default ef bond. There } wot consider ihe war in Africa end- 1ed, as he has put a stop to the re ‘turn of civiliass and has ordered itve misiog tan back to Riverslon- teis He ‘ts credii with toioking ithas thee: taogeus musi elapse ve- ‘fore affairs will be settled enough ; to permit of the resumption of busi- ness. Washington Post: Mr. Foraker’s acscriptian of Governer Roosevelt ‘as ““t locomotive in trousers’ is said ‘tc have been borrowed from the ve- warks of ene of thé admirers ef the ‘late Daniel Webster. Our conven ytics orators should stop befere the epigrammatic track ‘and lonk ont for the fellow with the lon memor Cross ™ ey - ; . : “ Yawid ise L Wn Goce aud as cove ce boos ~ an arts i ber of Gare erste Maes 4 ates tay cod ’ ‘ + Vk was tt fe-stedng ia ths 7 . the Standard Oil Cox Wul.. ao opany. at Cot- ‘stable Hook, near Bayonnee, N. J, -onguly Sth Twenty-one large oil ‘tanks ant several buitdmys were ‘utteriv destroyed and the contents ‘oi two buge oil tanks burmed in a , sea of flame covering over 100 acres, { , A vew aerial ship tas just been itried in Germauy which made a Sat tisfactory trip of thirty-five miles tcarrving five persons. It was easi- lly sieeved regardless of air currents. (The machine §3 46 feet long aud 3Q feet in diameter, with f-ame work of aluminum ars, Ht bas nineteen scomneartmants each of which is a feparate halloon. is is driven by electricity. with beazine as fvel for ube motere. itis claimed that it can makes seveh days trip in the atr and if it suculd light in the wa- tar can float and run along like a steamer Advices receized from Columbia, Yia., tellof the lyuching of Jona Roe, an eighteon-year old negro, tear there Gue dav iast week. Be was strueg up and iitcraily shot to pieces, by an infuriated mob of sev- erai hundred per-ons. Roe attemp- eda cetmina) nesautt last week on Mrs. Mary MeGziff, the wife of a prosperous Henry county farmer.| Shs succeeded in beating him eff Fits wheave poker. aftera desver- we struggle itoe was pursued all nigh? and was caught. Mrs. Me- Griladentified mm hefore he wes willed oy the mob. FPhecity council of Moatgomery has decided that the Montgomery? Street Raiiway Company must pro- tvide separate cars for whites anc negroes of this city. ‘Lhe mattcr has been up for consideration for sorte time and many have thouybt ti:at the city council acted very slow!y in the matter, especially af- ter tee killing ofa white man vy 4 cegro oa the street cars in Aug aia taveral weeks ago. Since thai tragedy the avestion has been Droinginent in the couneiiand quite 2 Gebatle was hud ov the givesticg, Det ii was sctiled that the stesev car any Must come to time within TLV Gays. rN ee oe Negro Atearits 2 Democratic Chair- man. Greenville Dispatch, 7th, This morning Chairman Blew was assaulted by two negroes and his face vadly beaten with metal knucks. The assault occurred in the public The pelice captured one negro. The ceputv sheriff ¢hased the other home avd shot ait him while run- ning. Reaching his house, the nagy'd’s -fficer entering. Citizens with mfies]é ANG strns the house, which was searched. but the negro had gone throagh a back door and eseaped. and the one arrested by the police, is muchindignation among tha cit Other trouble may follow. ! A Frightfal Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Seald, Cut or Bruise. bucklen’s Arnica Salve; the best in the world. will kill the pain. and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Feyer Sores, Uleers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. earth, Only 25 cts. a box. Cure represeativ. oar vil. me~he> s the past wee. th'> wees ar next of ttre sicn at * ll, towesnip vesterday. Tha ceremonies eunnected with|ch see the ocean. ty capvass. Out Gua acat Lhe Candidates. i atte square fronting the court house. |-: brother drew a gun and forbade the | -- followed sod surrounded | © Tke negro who stonped the oflicer, J TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. ~ Thos. # _~—— Vanderfordis at “orks prisoners captured at Mafeking by |on the Catawbse river. fol G. W. Flowers returned Pues- da, trom Earsae City, ie Mir =. W Corral: @as wv ‘ Moeerreviiie the firs: . he week “oan Me. Polk Nortes. of Siarion, tuis “visited relatives ber - the Sr: ; ' ° MM. Carl GL. Marheson. of diates- | spent several dayr : Veu re don't Tegct tery days unt the voeks ciose. ~ eryy treme Prue Coarestou, che next Tuesday wili get seve hers to see enat city end i eS Long asd come =f@ some pationt premature «zvlosipg OF a wiant fire- to some pPaAhieny } oe LL ‘ ~ peed . st vest. RY ON. Hackett. ret = iusq . . * Neat + tisor Bact bad w joins 28, 3 Tapia si2¥e. tigkets ston excursien ® TL Hedrick has for namseonr’s lar See bim and vei vour tiekets wi to: St Trip wi (he se ®S0u, aoa “he poard. of eousty comm csi ers 9nd board -of education bili in sessioa Monday brocness was done. se +, sp ty? es Dus si The specchbe: by Hous. RN. Hack. et, of Wiixesbero; W. A. Sea, of Bitar, Ranehron. of Ateheny coun.y well at- wg = Va- an4 RP #& in Aiexande. thisweek have been very tented wad dot: Loou for INCCTACY. : a.vzander souuiy hes ‘ast sever FOS flue: sire sath re uly d- mi Uxtord and Geo. Reine: , of wie River township. Bila X- ler, of “fillars S52 Lunmed was i —Wone Gl th~ o28 POLST. the ioea? canvass by Alexans spegkers is veing well ateended. 7 sprechas of Jas. C. Lirney, A. Mcintosh, A. ©. Payne, lhos. Murdock, and others © hivh’y speken of, orl ave dou food ter theeause. Votes aic ‘e.ice SQic fuaie for the amentn Esas., Don't faryet. to vote tor F house Tt i paniles Wot Re me tut rieee af VATS Vee voy vecentiv nominetes be i-- 5 bie, os foe gee Sons Cline, . n no cp he -he Las «a atin os. Bae ee PO “Resbare, whe isiwel!l keawn = fora cder couni,, has vesn selue ed 1 .cake the rece, and wa im aud Mr, Thos, M. 0: Hickery, elected. “Ve have one or Soaik of Cua, CANT SS hope co Tethem, hone ia them in cor See aun’ sft ning > ge - is fet A PY ie DY Gpairmag oat Gi, Juiy Ih. 4oen. RA na orn Lite counts, 2t York fnsittuc " Ve. = fie ¥ ~ : : t a9 - ‘ c ao Wing Seou be.30a. fs Sacer ox T + 3 r nit’s stare, Tite's Mafntes® ava a & Anticon sch * at 8:30 co ale towustyp THE COUNTY CANVASY 2 . : . 26 AlEXAnGer CO on Coivns? L. Gwaitrey Baw. and. county comraissiencis will eo gin ab Millers, J. Heeric.. 3, Tiursday, Tuly 18: Sherpas, ai Fid- derite, Priday, fucu, 3. 0. eho s gtoTe. Mo: Sugar Gc..f, Cisticers’ Vussdley, 22 Lote 3 Chapmsi’s, W clues- a ucale, at school hovae, bursday, 25th: Wéi-tonbure. at Prics place, Friday. 27th: Tevlers- Viue, at court house. Saturday Zeca. “iis will compete the joint coun- Let the inrn Other Qveintwents will o6 raue fur Sat- 3 and at diferant places The Derm 2CTR, tS hove Saal £2 Sigz valis Vrenta-s- ivy, August Ist. =--9 iet MIVOT, 3 nN 2oth; El Vouur: is: ~ “fA AN IR I E 2 ee 6 ; 4% is summer? Tt en add a te r e SRETHS ENULSIOG ‘o Oss MEK three mes a dav. it is astonishing how fst zwiklimprove. fhe nucses, -t the mether take the ee 2 “SIFRUSIOR. socfand $1.00; all drney,’-t« Be 2 a Orato - ft . Ae Be ue OR E Ui 88 OT RI T AE WT * CB I R VA KM D ua l ” 3a 4 Re mop 2 a eet em | Notice of Dentistry! Vib, BE at Clio Thursday, July 6th. to wracttce Deativers “ % 3ouss é Service by Pubiicsiion, izens and threats among the negroes. | NoRTH CAROLINA In the Su- REOELL COUNTY. perior Court, _M A. BEARD J. A. BEARD, The ceferdant above named will take nasil Ait an action cutitlec os above has Leen com. NCTICE. mienced in the Superior Court of Iredell count y. hich isan action for divorce,aw@ the srid dee we fendant will farther take notice that he is re- hee cOappearat the next November term of © Superior Conrt of said county, to be held on y the sth day of November, 1900, at the conrt a house of said county, at Statesville, N. C., and Best Pile Cure on jarswer o> demur to the complaint tion, or the plaintifi willappiy to the a said ace { court for purpose of furhishing the western- ers witha South Mountain “luxury. ’’ guaranteed. Soldby W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. the relief demande in the complaint. J, A. HARTNESS, This July 11th, 1900. Clerk of the Superior Court J. B. Connelly, Att’y, { , | STATESVILLE, N. C. } Strict Good Middling | Good Middiing Middlirg LAineesii. ~~ = PStesas tee Market rm. CORRECT oD BY COOPER & GILL CUMMTENTS ¢ Cabbage, extra Lour—suack . . } ds sack Meal. bolted—4; hs ner brs el. unpdolted, 45 Ds * “ Mevw new Oats—27 ths. Potatoce—inish oc. Svyrect Onions-—select, per Dus? Lard—N.C.. 2% ‘Tallow .... Beeswox Heus— oer th Roosters per ih fe Chicken —Spring—smeli— per sc i large “ F Turkeys—per Ib... .. Ducks “= Geese Butter—Choice yellow . - eee Fair). 1. Honey —straine<, ] ad comb, per Ih. Egrs ne Rye. = ali Feathers—new .. Hides dry,vert. . . “ green“ wasned .. .. —dric 1—quarter> _ brigh: <7) ~~ * fancy briqiw extra ‘ green—per bushel Peaches—peeled, brigut a ve fan Wool- Apple “ “ “ “ < Bacon—Hog round, ee ear aii! = Sides. . .. shoulders are £or Ce TAYLOR © mil) G7 f cower test , and gooe warkiey ct a Sie Prices righ? au: y for inforipation to JAMES W. July 12, 1900. M ‘ — = —_— agains: U. T. Plyles ths s2ler a Statesville, IN v2 SATURDAY, JUEV 19 doo: : bidder that valuab’ Chambersburg tov tainiug lle ace 8 more OF tes ontime, Sce me. June 7th, 1geo, . ~ EE ee rs os et RS Fasi. &° Tad ——— FLSERS to young Wome. t tion ind special perc experses Suz to Srs7: > o . 30 Members. one 2su prpile, To sec: August rst Cor-espondence invita? com ctent trained teachers For Gataiogue anc until August 14th Dent Ocagh, Ww 2 a Zuoc. tree Bee O sa Save the Fr A> iti ~ < Fru o ot a land 2 quarts also Patina Ter Prait Jors Extra Ruove-s ic Tia T-y: Je}! Glasses. Potarses for eatiag or plaatin crop of Potatoes. re-sell for cash at priic accticn tracuof land siiwated as"ip, im Izeddl county, known as the Ainelia Plvler home place, con- Sasajin, cP 2. Mempiae, CHAS, JONLS, T. ¥. a. Birmung ber “fssical, scientific.) Lydia weal training it ja Corn—old—sobs, per besnel ayn 3 = Guinz 5 each....... aie le Oae A ene mw hors PMUWN, roresville, N.C. ee Sale of Vatusbic Land. BY VIRTUE of a decree of Iredell Superior Covrt made in (ae speCal procieding euti- tied A.D, Plyler, Ma: ‘oa Plyier and ochers "i i tas Coun- horse Swot. missioner Of said const wt! at tuc cone TT 1900, NELLY, This Juwe wgth, 1909. Come This . rech . dr. =» daz mingnata R 5 } ~wit es horungh iiterery, 1 duca- " savure has . Has matiioni ited 2hent 2.069 st < rnting every comntv in rae Siarc Pracuce ang Gbhesrvacon sehco" 0: 1Zes, ¢ Jars. Vv STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET. | Jury 12. 1900, 9 STATESVILLE PPCDUGE MARKET 3475! of Charlotte, N.C., will be in Statesville at th highest Olt. Mules ard Sierses for Sale. HAVE mules aré horses for sale for cash or é R, R. COWLES. we .vdera + room via. the R. at y, Mo, The State Sorma? v2.4 sedi iri- al College of Nei:ik Jac obiaa. cuccpt Dourd iu doewmitocies, all free, \uition application: <“cuid be mace bo lure we ‘com. (nese aesiring Sionefeomation sudress PREY J. %. JOYNER, ) *t Collere De’ CHARLES D. McIVER: rres:ident. Mats Cough Syrup. We have larre steck of above and shall be pleased tn sall vou. Gardes ana Cornfield Bears 1g. Now is the time te piant second CERSAN BULLET SERB, Seed irish CCOFER &GIIt. toe AVING quatised as executor of the will of] i seca - — — seinen — te, cn ' = Notice to Creditors, | Dr. P. F. LAUGENCY3 , Denti =< tl w s. Srevensor, aeceasan: all Se ene st. a4) ong claims ageint said estate are nou ; o9 i 0% ina slats au =e undersigned on onbei ~ Svratrsvitre, N.C. . 9 21, and all persons inc } : - pe y.so fore May 24. 39 Fequested to make immediate | Will be cn bis office 1. pay ment, S. W. STEVENSON. | beginning with first Moy. Executor of W. S. Steve: ee ee Sai This May 24, isco, is 3 : ° 4° '1G the Was Gi denirstrvy. ‘Seed Oxte and Hay For Sale, | fina :t to vour ieterest to doc Fork done je vost mann I havea lot of white and black spring oats for , e | sale fors+4. t omvea large lot ci nice baled: ! hav for cele. Sce mewhen you want grain, teed , janl met, Respectiully. oes a | Reby. Sth. J. L.cOWAN. | low. Orty the Peat ina + 2ge8 a a vert Per S:') -. H. Wakefield Wr Nave just received a car jou Stony Port, which we wil! es } or on time. June 14th., i900. ot 7,00 | Hozel Iredeli on Saturdry, July 28th for one day SS: only. Mis practice is limited to Hye, Ear, Nose, | 35 and Throat. 55 | £9 NENEENEENE-B ENE i : Ni it ( i iz uM ON Reapectty tt WHITE & Yotxy i S 8 H » . Cw u N s 5 Ra n ow ! el oe i { HAVE DY an ae ea om Ru s K e d o ve BA T Wa n n UE? We have a any large and wel! selected stock of Summer Lap Robes, that we are yoing to close out Cready eeSQuced = rices, Cali and ve: a The Flanigan ‘Harness Co. re Sn TL S LE S . CH U HA I K O t in | Dress SEirts. There is a fit and hang to our ready ‘nade <kiets that distinguishes them from tt:e ordinary. There is sty! iad ©) .ity and honest ser too. Come snd see us. If we haven’t yonr Size selavt the material ieave your measare and will furnish the skirt. ;raaranteeing fit and sityie. °. £0 Aprive:. in the next few days MADRAS At 102. Per Yard. ning for Latics Waists ant? Gen iomen’s Neylige? Shirts, ie value :s apparent at a glance. Atand Below Cos? wrsbeo ive going. come earky i! y, & Matter OL Ub—-wot prise. nother lot a! Chal Drautife! The very we “only one JULY FLYER: ist. A Beautifsi line of LINEN ANT. “OTTON MATERIA: couk ome = : iu: Suazese: Skirts gnd Chevior, Pc. ana teres, for Ladies Shirt zips and Men’s Shirts. GOOD VALUE= HERE Zod. A Beaatiful Une co? these cifeceriais, Winitics, White and Colored Lawns, Fiyored Swiss. Plain Swiss, Orgau- ics, Moulards, Plain White Lawns and 2 presi meay ptet ° Beautiful materials for Dress. 3rd. A line of Oxford Ties tor Men, Women and Children. s Ye flad we have toomany Ladies fiae Ox‘ords on hand and will sel! cur 32 4) Ine for > Ct, 2 Ke B Cash at $1.73. Oar $2.59 ‘ue at $2.25. Great Bargains. Fiest come first served, this line of Oxfords will aoe last always. A good pair of Ladies Oxfords at 80.:ts., $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 and 31.50. Gome and see our jine before you ouy,and save a quarter or more. Yours Truiy, N B. Miils &Co. P. S. Masons Pruit Jars Cheap. —_ The Famous Godmaa Ladies’ Oxford Ai $125 to $150. Guaranteed Solid throughout and to wear zal me ra aA < Skoe on the market. fe ee SLOOL & ZILLA. The Variety Store 2? Ww ve Spring Showers line of the Spa putrid animal fat sato its composizson soap has been analy experts and fsundio purest so2zp in the for skin diseases. nich so0ans made iruow the Sean- ish Root which srows ic the Rocky Mounizivs. I+ ‘purely vegetable soap, no Moore & McLean pave a full Root i3 8 enters - This zed ny be the world itis dature’s own remedy e Gel) on us and examie the Ji i2ie. Moste & McLean. _ of Bargains . . Sic THE VARIETY, SEE TEE Pxisks. —— sans ms * i e Large live Lamps, tc. to $5.50, ° ae at - yard. Tumblers and Goblets. 27 anc Bine Denim, 7, 10 ard 124c. yard. Plates and Gus, ic. set. Alamaute, Food, de. yard. Biz tot Tunware, 2 to Du. piece =e Ticaas 5 to 15¢ yard. Knives aud Fors, $8e, set 9nd 1 TS eae pair up. Louct and Laucdry Soap, 2c. C8 acne P z Sboe Blacking, 2 vo Sc. box. abd Jaicum Powders, 5 and 10c. |Siive Drossinu. 3b. iQ and Zr. Parasols and Umbrellas, 25c. to $2.25, Mechine Oil, bie vottie, dc. ae. Shirt Waists, 45c. to $4.50, Trarks and yaar ao Die, vo $5.00. Ink wf Tee xe er Houdkerchiefs, 2 to Svc. |Pablets, tro 0. Sad ae : Writing Vaner, 3 to ue. quire. Saar ae e A a io 31 0. boys’ Knee Pants. 25¢. 1 $1.00. 206 28 Sel, Finisk Spvol Tareeds > ios an Beit Buckles, 10 to 50c, | Dells and Toys, 3c up. Teorsets, 25 to $1.00. . Cernet avd Matting, 12¢e. 74 acd | fast Black Hose, 5 to 2d. pair. Big stock Rugs Be ty 2.50 | Books ang Blank Books, de. to $5.00 | Now lot Wall Paper, 5 to 20e- roll. | Boys’ Suits, 752. te $3.50. Fens, i 10 30e ae —_— — x = Complete Line of Baseball Goods. Large stock of Musical Instrumects, Trimmings and Striv2> | Many ‘other goods it will pay you to see. - N Give us a call , Gige us a all W. H. ALLISON Capt- Tom Row!z jnterest ir the bro 4, F. Fenrs- Rev. Rv. a> 2 Amity chur : » £39 0'C: Loot oe ale eat The friends of > nt ax and ber dabg-ites Boe es iw ‘earn Tal sick at their home The Monday and listene coneerring tax V mele Some eb apne a pataber Gi Oi courtyv <« tap A protracted &. at the Baptist - hs ton mil Se v. every right DY tse ward = Peev es. he circulath Parmelee Library tablished kere. ia bare come and are Mr.S ler’s store. librarian. Guite a pur people wene Mrs. Elizaorto miles from town, 1 night. Luey rep< time inaeed The “Old Folks is ziven every year tion by the Oid ix come oO ahout A program wi: . s full mforma:: Ou Isst Tuesdays S. Ramsey 2ni : fave 2iawn poris Ro “very picasant tu Since ovr Ian marr This was tor ine Mouroce Heust Dancy. Thes are both irom > The Sunday Schroer wc our at wirs. Da the manner through town, the joved themseiv i echuldrs ti This Cvern.og at 1 the Daughters o will sea ve refresh will Zarnisih m } 3a C7 las in their 3 for 2 woriny « W. Hh. Rameecur. colebrated Exe: an execurs'on Charileste: en lith. The ?ar Tne tickets 2:. of EF. A. Sherri There vw} Trinity, ©p day aflers:«- day Merhin: Comm vic At iis Ins prey bf eo OC. 0 ahe ehiidre: Sova ® chk .re! boxes. Th was “ds tanec Sad towarc church to the 4 beying o Walser h On tast Mowe Republican conve eer 4 freathn 3S 4 ser spoke tr the « was Inireducc. by Adams spcke for analf. Th pert of ihe emall hon. against A oe He wade V< ok aj Said that 2. wou Pemouratic p. carries. Wanted 1 kro: he aa 3 most suvikirpy pu der hise:mity 3; grapitear one bis speech he rf thing UG an %& 28 red jc the iace *” that cf a Bowery listeners that he the Democratic his children ti ity” of the The spec nery Repu nothing wes. er Death. of Mr. Theo Mr Thins 2 bome pear? au 4 » j ary lo3i.oac old. He bac before nm: ‘a Buescay at tl Zev. P. 4, rz funeral serv ces. Mr. Gili ware and one gresd al bis death the lute T. S time practiecu — His aauchi-r. » the “Anam «i Was knowa bere Mr. Gii] was zen, held in tbe § all ybo krev apuc’. in later ve In the words of iis «qd 2 Nalive ®. .« A Negro ity, tn Mcaday shout Ash weut to the get some snor yank. Part ot 3 bi These Ash iminediatel who tad beL: asberttiwe. 4 hiw at dinrer UU ach: and woul’ dinner. Ho was seen dail wround und ble Cosnor. towe and afte on the part of eonfessed tat g It was fourd wi of Mr. Sisson M tre Street. 7 The boy was Um Billy Mills” court. As he bail, he is nos stood that he is on asimilar cb © tro lowday j . 4 BL to da so — aaNMer Pp; Cres "iq! oe Car load of itt ty nha cw Sell tore Resvectty ty}. AUITE & Yorn, es, on of out %, a Stinguishes ONest sery Nulerial leave i styte. livea Sairts, 4 4 » SAGES a Ladies Shirt wies, Orgau~ vtber dren. rT will sel! cur served, this lies Oxfords. ur line before Ww to Si on). Pe aread, 2° vd and UP “> ye 50. Piha. COs ————— Ez LOCAL. Ee C. Gill, of Mocresvilie, | The T. cect yepenkt Sunday iv the eity, { ae Gunate Dee tecmsen coe " | . 4 5 | We hac t43 wand Rincon kascoid his | siiss Matie Scales arrived Tus tens nee el - us Sou wwe and A } = , ws ee es - u s, the strongest eepee . re nthe broom facterv to Mr. | day on a visit to friends. fe Ay ongest tearm that hus aa | Nisi ted our grounds. the far Babies : Aen Sa ' t Mr. W a ee Rameseur af Cha. rlotie, | The fumes were death and ti Se — St i seur, ci ri hes faimes were de nd destrue- . : is ey | 2s in the citv M.-dav Seek +; Seite Sone rac- | wore to himself ‘tand crossed a tavidsen will preach | iv Muuday. ; 100 0 Statesville pocket Looks and: , t ; iv’ thathe would make} Ih, ‘ + 5 > heart and body vathbe woul ake | re} t xv after- | r. Be Wit+ Wipe. . -, |Mopes. The Tarboro bovs are v i : . 5 yaf j dir. DeWitt Mills of Muoresville. | face othe een are FOO, Sraresville people believe it. Conse- e | Was tn the city Tuo-dav }'@st vai players. Twoo! the zames : : d . | hon ane re een OO Yr | were the finest-seen on thi is quentiy vou can't find a man +f NM Boaolahy | % “ : Pes E er “S TO, i ay hat has < $ s of 4 Goolsby | _Stuss Olive Crowsou is home from | 52terday s game was exci c as : eel tenes oe nos always} “F. Sains Mary, will| Hickory to spend ber summer vaen-} De seven?! or ALE housht Pox was one of the best. * = ' c Ss PY Vace- . X “ube. = “+ = n taat they are both} tion. : ling 1 to9 in favorof Pa opt : > in Cro hor : ga eee ace net all y yr home in wreeLbsooro, ‘ Miss Marv Bolle Mills. of Moor {Ursit run. madeijio tne “. a ailoy es pc any Delle Mills. of Moores-| wa due toanierror he part of foot One time. nfv commissioners met! ville is Visiting ber uecle,Mr. C. E Eeasdue to aberror.on the part ¢ iy two bits. one of them + jistene t * Int fille ? oe ee F OUaLES Ville. ae ng. 5 ane } ! listened to complaints | Mulls. eee , oe _| Sennett’s fumble We pulled M tax valvations. They | Keona held the visitors down! y, poe »: . ) Se Oe bul Bae Aerietondl Tic all. e eborell til the seventh and eiehth (1 2*in fer 9 base hits We made changes avd anditedaj on of, pee ee ttn Se bial Sree oe Ch ea, nthe Gt ianiiae ater twine ees [Vauriov, Was up to see the. Tar- | lonings. Here they got six hits,}~)... See 1 eae 4 i a ies an were out, narlotte rooters ene | YOro fumes, one of them a three bagyer,and as a} ec eentiv las ee nes ¢ ff is ip pre: $5 Mice Cnlasta: ot. sae ésult they had tive earne@ runs. In } Si : lpn ° se! near the < es Vests Anderson, of Spark-| ene eacanth<t- Se 5 cur boys are of the apinion that this ype: near the cot- | Me Cuca gin ee. 4 the seventhStatesvilie made one run, ox . oom ieee | cereal Come ee ee IES WAS) ID: the pan oe na Ng ae 7{ WAS “plavityy some. Phe score by cic are cordlucted jeit thie week }Oroushnt iu, by Maugum’s three bay-}- foll = : ; wat pes Pek, See : nings was as follows: yng the-pastor, Rev. Kd- Bs R ‘ In thé eighth Sratesville ad-{°77P* shy aes outine a cp Miss Lilie N. Jones. of Cary. is|ded one were run to rst harloute iia 6.6 a R H sr ree a aoe Ao ai pee * , s .’ |CUnariotte ( { z ing library of a ee ihe city on avisit to her sister,| VhHe Tarboro by hits brought in sao 709100 1 a sting Hbrary of the Ho} ups a4 A. Smitt ot et ewotmarnl lekainhe nines her side | etivsville 20 000040x-5 9 cc Pabeace Cota ee | aa Swith. Lwo m i 1the ninth neither side; The Tar Dart Sian eran Son : : - crossed the piate. and we were peat. } phe Lardoro VDurnam vane p ye (Lere. Tue first fifty books ir. TF. Robin Brew, of Chariotte. | noe v HAGE SOK OE COC ee een eee 4 at SI “eats | wacis * eu: See eee ten by the secure of 6 te 2 vesterday, resulted in a seore of 1 to ‘pe and are at s190p & Mr Was it town US Week. Ha care | , , 7 = 5 - 1¢* in favor of Tare 2 he end of ali “eS B Milla ae hu t Set npan rons : make he x Orhees for Tarboro, is the best! td ke roi aarooro at the endo : vir. S, B. Miller is the | Up to see the Tarboro games. ae ' . . the lth inning i pitcher that bas been on this dia-| 4e + inne. el } ae er | mr. D. Nas bee a mond With & Visijimy team. und} —_ « a pbumber of our young | Sl adi roevurn- jcla ‘swellup with Kenoa He is, Phe Caskey Mamily. . out to the home of} ed to Ruies Siow anc ean’t be morried, but when | - : ; th ANison. a { | he unta ee se es = re Tt bas boen found that the Caskey “th Alison. oek fe1 : ‘ he untanyles himself. he is hard to} : uy mone = durustz and darvsuter, | - eee sche "| fail y Steele's foundry, are town, on jJast Moaday y yeport a very ok “Old Folks’ Singing, everv year at Slean’s the Oid Folks’ Union, wiil ahout CU dith. | AE issued later civing | sta | ! | Avene > £ rar Wtlt Ux WMALIO“, ist Tuesday evenine. Mrs. J. ATi SC and Miss Jessie POwiles aiaewn party at the home of Biegaet refresh 7é-e served, and ail report 2 IES i time indeed, panne lesa aiaibacndenaeo-eeeentenae ie -"ERSUNALS. | | Mr. Ue t ) ey 2 Kiuttz, of Satishurs, : week, >in the eicy thi ‘ , * £7, te, FOrTeNes, Mics Rowens Cssper, who has been visiting friends in Norch Wien) . . C 1 a Svore, returned iome Moudo,. oe : a AVA Gertrace Moalebor. « ein tke Gite, Vue QUELIS Of girs. J. WW. White, a oA = : ri i Kiuttz was in vecter:t rr io Ras this week LSdeu1 3 ~~ 2t.¥ ,OUL fHas count; ~ our ls issue there has been Nf - inert Ss veen irs. wv. RB. Bennetts, of Kyaxvi « mart ense Neer 3C . ‘ _ jh £Cea,is ia 4 « a for une re of Mri A fyuect of ner i} ‘ : "7 vu L ne ae Ors y ’UStO to Miss Estelle | ms : me i ade two young people|_. Ft. shOby Is irom Shiloh tows Sh atta yiott cher 5. Per- children of the bey * ‘Not Were Given 2 Da *Jast night ‘nm which they From caine own, they must have en- } +uemseives immensely. cveniog at tee Athietic Park 1a LETS } ve refveshments. Tha tive band musts , 1 encourage the : i t ere rts to raise eet Wind Cause. ' } . © 6lnarl rie iv. Hamseuc. of Charlotte the seq & Ytan. wills H “. Sort feu ’ Siatesvile » \ Vresyviile, | ter. @ Puesuey uly 2 t Lome : \ g 2 ‘ we car 1 Pound jas. J itvus Vashi e i Ss Sets 23 1 sule at the stervaf Ofte! IB Senccl Sne went aut to 1 Showers? a Co ' Gay to visit. Ir.) W. 4 ae Se . “ re HB .0 5 9 4 tne, relat 1 tre reget he ove raver th. . ner rela i se ’ a ari ie itl tV¥, .DIsconak: CRUren DEX Fri - * . ' . fie 1. OO VivGa un-] we Py it i Ts was fou ee COND FS ne nen ied HON mee ™hj ri!) SLOLV COS : 0 6oDhis wil) probapiv ReGcricon ace! * buying & earnet for then } Refreshments were served ' or the Conrederacy |- Mees OF Soho? Goad fun begche: yerery Parine i Cotfeevill ! been vives here for seme time, bas re turned to sis home. Vistiime rea- Mr. Essh Mills, of Cedar Min., isathome on a + ae eee 2 : siiiis in tne rai wu OUSi! iv da Phe decac roel)? Ves 2fO8 wnd voung peaple. vod micciutee Coa Fanci eega ne Vf 450% , . ; ree: Walser noe Adams Sneak. i = : ee ae ma ‘ ae ast Mouday, ihe Apw ; cr a f Renublican eomveution, Jud¢g = roo for 3 2 Acams ana Zed Wen ee neoke in the eourt horse Adams the qualifieations ne: 5 rodueca by ¢ ol.TS Cowles. sad tenet: he Adams for sbaut an Louwr anc thie West F B Met ‘Th “Fees WCrc 9s ys POY the: 3 rt ol che emal! erewa thay heard Seedy le inade the sume charges! ;. ? the student making te wcainst Avceck that Butier did. el) . She tavghi pain woule be the end CF tus tip rhuryg counts, was sub: t suid erat : ete if Wen alat YaMie Marly db vue aNekhant Dremecrai star Toney uke wing. “A Walled te lew yee al - Ss : 7 Db. Qhe Boe .Q2VCPr : : the Graded Ove TG obras ce b tilt this sume S$ st iny part of his spee ss S} Ehe oka teachers: of the c 5 < gomost the subiect of fcchdet—M. Althea Johnson. rae rramumar and the dictiouar: Spa Stnaeer aud iebeccen Gaston v bis speech he refused to-bave any iwere recleeted thing 16 Go & either, He ' — = red ie the face end bis ebin set Uke} p-ngntean County Convention, int es Ay toa « 1s } bic = - that cla Bowery chief 5 BO told his} The Republican couuty conven- fist ners that he wanted £6 preserve j tion met here eG the Democratic Haneboak. se tric Loos calied it ts order. pertid’- = a? oe isnt see unc 1 po r necratic v Th yof Walser wa; die neacy Republican speech, containing + strauze. He pave} perfidity’’ in Lew or uGihINg sO weoU as * his wrole harancre. edt Death of Ms. Thomas M. Mir Thomwas H. Gih on was born Sed heme pear t-!'n at + p.m... Mr. Sok. cot beaere ste uated sthus about 60 vex Be baé ceen siek about (Oday before ms death. He was buried; Puesmay. at Iam arsnow Creck, | fiev. P. i. Verrell conducting the} funeral services. i Mr. Gili waves a wife, duugnter | ehild, to mourn over | is wife is a sister of, whe 2b ane Sratesvilla, Bell, is who wel), siatesvilie and wel! Mr. Gill was a most worthy citi zen, held in the highest esteem by all ypo knew him. He hadsuileved enuc’ in loter years frora ill healt In the wards of one cf his friends “sa YOO Man is peLve, for certainly a gced man. Se epee A Nezro Ike, in Yroubie. ! - picts eS Mcadas shout 12 o'clock, Mr. Joe} Ash rweat to the safe in Lis Gfhee to vet some morey to Geposit in tha} Part of the money was three Satin. > b These were Mr. ash iminediatel y_suspec gro boy frum S a wording for The boy hed not Sea on cho had bec eae XY saort tiie. Tom Gill was i; 4 ‘ t Deiat foasew Stirkio go. raaJd, W.u. T the ~. Sharpe bsq., ai It of WS WilGCs NewAdve:tisements vames W. Brown, of Meeres ville. hes machin for saie. W. D. Turner. execuior, will seil smerjland Saturday, Aueust 11th. dj: A. Tiartness advertises aa ac- ec that has Veen «Om od | mencestin the Superior court, ap-j} treme — STATESVILLE MEETS DEFEAL | | She Loses Three Gaines to Tarboro. — Parbore had vreat juck im be find. mg able to bunch tpeir hits while} ~ ’ ; Siatesville’s were scattered. | MONDAY’S GAME And here vou good teams can pl vame was slow and uuisterestiny, full of kicks, unfortunate decisions, | errors and everyit e how poorly ayal times. TWH] r that yoes to! make slow, usinteresting ball. dan c end in ied Out of al Sore) weoptin the tox e th inn a ingy was hatte box uut one over: Loe tenes inhbings, four rucs | , wpe Y ‘ » , ' were i eS ec, Wt : y COuas OT Six SST Ett vo im the tet inniye “ach in tue si Jordan ‘ ed 2 ithe ead of the Sth,’ jseemed to have won jbad to retire on account of a farm. Malorne tne! place | and Kenbu tinished the after Cummings | soTe his \ | ! t ' | There was some trouble —a creat! jdealin fact—over the umpire’s de- tcisions in Monday's game. Mr. ! , whtlea | | | everyone believes, 1oueSL. Mau, Is DOL a eooud um- : does not S@ein to Ve a isien made in the game. we va vht, but this was on- Ury. The manacement ed thatthe proper thing to do to pet an umpire of established : : . freputaticn for day's vame.j;day afternoon | This they did by wiring for Mr. J./speech at that PSherwoodd U pelurch, of Raleigh. IU ESDAY S GAME the be of Tarbo reors be- bh by Bacon and ‘the umpicine was ail thaf could be desired, pot a kick of any conse- ty hn eam ne Lae stiHe. deserves the Victory and we “give bore ALS. 2 for the tober withoura word oran ‘1f.”’ Tn the inning Pacon strack ‘bite scored. ‘ Pownsesd struck out, Ouv men i ' . two, three wetbisg in esville, Malone | pear as on e . and 4 i Wes furced Gut at Yd. Mueeum got yy and was fore- ; : over 2d. Nonna scored on ox’sbitand sfuc- phy was out on bail to Bacon. in theSrdinuing UCarboro scored one run, while Statesville’s men were upand out. Nothing was made by either team in the 4th, and Tih inuines. Jn the on Detmar's evre Gout ary Kenn Skt Sth ace of 92 years. Messrs. R. N. W. A. Monday the 9th, Hackett, of Wilkesbero aud 1Scil, of HickoPy, were at Dealsville. I'The entire time was viven to Mr. i vt, who made a fine speech. | rk. A. Doug! | The people at Ais vy 1\\ atts’ store next iriday. | | Me.Jdas. C. Linney, of Vasthi, ad- it e township, at Eiiendale ! irday night. He nda my, lust Sat he 3 ~ ave he hel the tanth- Pi rele gaye thos we . any nces! . Bae ! eae as spasran cakes ea Rchect, SHS) 3 earn f announces | described ihe horrors of negro dew- | che anc weula not revurn arts a ry. ination well. ' are 5 Sink Sy eneorace |, Onr section is improving. Two} Aree <o ah: ery + o mt They are th ' tke fox! en 5 _ ‘ oa Ho was seen that evenlny & oo whey are ak bee market +08 traction engines have been purcbas- | dail sround ané arrested Dy SoS | ed for threshing purposes Co “4 * paw me Pe Tae Ar meas yl lm a IC > 12 Pp ses. de ble Connor. He was broneht Gown sii tftaiks of bis mictsuinmer | July, 10th. towe and after much oersuasion ; cicarance sale. | = | on the partof Policemae Steere, Be! tr. I. W. Moose Se -at Dlio, | Wen uP. 1} ¢| - . . - oy > 21) 2 r eonfessed that ne took + monev ay, 1S: | ~ MATIN a ennet mt OU : ol | : : . : t { “our ce ° ros peetea it was found wiere hesuld, in front! ee ra cina county S| most respectes | O& ice Sundin Noses; hocsen Oe Cece ee ee le nbes Aura Cee ee tre Street ai ae Sot et . ’ hitching his norse to go cut to one| pape isan be auced prices. ge a a eae Barer as The boy was taken before ‘‘S Ramil i 2 _ Let bis cb arches last saturday. M ts Billy Mills’’ and bound over io; Litite Miss Etizabeth Brawley will} Pennell has beer 10 the ministry fer court. Ashe was unable to give|cclevrate her tourth birtye oday thirty-five years. He was ib his bail, he is now in jail. Itis under-| by entertaining quite a ob er of ejgbtieta year, and has probeoy stood that he is wanted in Salisbury | heririends, at her home on Davie, dssadushed more caurcaes than apy on asimilar charge. Averue. ‘Baptist préacber in the State. fin the house. s2rd to the | degrees Ateem ase Ol. Statesville bachers expected Tay-: 16 until yesterday. vol u teloyram from him stating) lotte last Friday night by Cy Spiers. posilively that he was not coming. | She was in company with a man | Toercfore we went to Charlotte with | when killed and the deed is jor to can "yin Some.” We! LATE STATE NEWS. Joho Fox to piteh Fox said he was j to be due to jealousy. Policeman St ele : robe, aod whe h } } sat HO Ql Past Revister Turner's fused, weer, * so destitute as at first thought. money ap- ‘ied to for a coffin for Mre. Caskey, j then it The | bas been found that they had money Through no fault of was re-}, fie nas uo power to give a fin unless the person collected > county was Since a coffin : ~ list of the county. > Siovresville News, r Regular fi wilt be re ch beh jatter tne sti ir tk we O the short s : the pox. ! That i He pitched 2 ver: came, At fh ton, in necore i ee. SE fer) Mooresvilis Academy, } ‘Lat position and has accepted the ui sition of clerk and the cotton seed all son. Corresp nent. ced that whe ore was roobed that Nifty lost some ,) fa rn fa mouey yunt bas Geen paid back to > by Postmuster val Oo resigne pr treasurer o mills at David The town commissioners have lev ted a tax of wn and on k to see a play and ts badty off | dow. and strikes. As to the Mr gna H Doolie, ia Davidsen township, Mon-|derburg Sunday morning. and the Jatter made a place to some forty citizens of Dayidson township On y night Mr. Kluttz spoke in } Duy Mi Kc Hall he na Slottgy Wa n oa (uesduy evening vy pasicr « aay t ut Coddle cree cl Craver with making en ass hin, with a deadly weapon, while on jurisdiction and the defendant required to give bond in the sum of S appearance at uence being made ame. ihe public highwa thuvch fully sustained his reputa- After heariny asa ca reliable asd deter- | court de: nec pire. There is no excuse to be < od We were be 2 iy end squarety by better playing at} lifty dollars for hi - bere during twenty-five cents on :very male Cog owned jollar on every female or kept it iairmun oO ommittee and he, his | were is on the eft in the office order Temple- >with instructions bis game, hel from the postoidice Gepartinent. Grey, prine Asheville, last Monday. in : a | during the war between the States. | Mr. S. B. Alexander, Jr., of Char- «cod game and did] lotte, has been chpsev as president otie to bit the balilof the State eseball Leagua in They vot really on-{ place of Mr. Georye Stephens, who being on; could not accept. e- 4 Two men lost their lives whiie bathing in the French Broad: river | Sunday, near Asheville. They were gusius Richman. of Arden. ——— ee Se Death of James 8S. Nicholson. E|. Mr. James 5S. Nicholson, born 3| Sep*. 20th, 1875,died at his mother’s, 3{uear Nicbolson’s Mills, Iredell coun- ty, at theave of 24 years, and 10 months. His death was due to cousumptiscn but he was not con- fined to hisbed but a short time prior to his death. The funcral services were conducted at Mount Moriah church by Rev. E. N. Gwyn, and the interment was at the Nich- olson grave yard, near Nicholson's Mills, Friday, July 6th, 1900, at 5 o'cieck. The deceased was a son of Dr. J. R. Nicholson, of Wiaston-Sa- lem, who attended him during bis sickness. A father, mother. three sisters and four brothers, two of whom are in the west, survive him. Mr. Nich- olson went to Florida forhis health and returned to his mother’s a few mouths ago. He was resigned to the Lord’s will. death bed that he was ready to yo, but if it was the Lord’s will, he would like te live to work fer the Lord. His father told him be could eet cousclation frei the 34th chap- ter of Join. 5 ic Suv every Sxuoday would ,oto thecburch and read it. He was avery bright and lovable young man, who bad many friends in the town of Winston-Salem,y here he held a positicn prior to his sici- ness, and in the county of Iredell ;| vho mourn with the family over his jjdeath, He had the estecra and re- spect of all who knew him and a | pleasant smile for all with whom he met. A Friend. (Yadkin Ripp!e please copy ) a — — ——— ee ee Granite Hiil Items. } | Correspondence of Tin: MAscor. “ Corn and cotton is looking much refreshed since our jast rains. The f} sound of the bugle can be heard, and wheatis turning out exceedingly Monday ntght in] weil. arthess and the} ev T. L, Triplett preached the liz went out to}funeral of Alfred Benfield at Van- {io the white suprem- ' bes cam the the io be the strongest and of the amend - has heard. He) P. churei iarced Me. R. P auit Ve the evidence wxt term of the Superior court. July 11, F900. - — - ebrsen was threwr outat Ist, | aC rund Radclitve resehed 24 as two er on the Am rs OF Cum =. MGS LCL] vor Tie Masces. Ist on Comming and Rad- We bave vu nbunda.ce of peaches, Our gardeus The wheat crop is fine bat not many apples. ro failing. tthe cat er Sorrespor dent Expresses Himself end:nent. 3 ip is wood. I want to say afew words in re see for my iife wh vanrot come tovether and one forthe amendment. It ta and sitmnpie that rt seems every- iy would vote fore Doe publicaa friends I vote for the amendment so that you i say do something for vour children oth, 6th latter vou eve dead and gone. . Not Det-jene white man will be disfranchised of Ed Tatum lust week aod for an unknown cause beat him up very badly. lt is coming to a pretty pass when aman stays at home attending ita hisown business, be mistreated amendment. I yall white mei it. beseech My Re you tc VY VIRTUE of the j 2 cash in Statesville, N on ceented by A OB: Charles, N. C. ‘dressed the White Supremacy club, 'Mortgage Sale of Land. owers contained in lic auction atthe court houve SATURDAY, JULY 28TH, 1900, dson township, stone, J. B, Cornelius’ line, thence South 5 de- grees west poles toa stone, thence Sotuh S!. ‘ > poles to « slone, thence Nortir 14g poles to a stone, thence “s West 4o poles to a stone, degrees West ii degrees East s9 poles toa stoue on the road, thence North 84 degrees East West 47/ stone, thetice at i2 o'clock, m., the following described lands to-wit: Beginning on 2 poles to i wus well filled ade a fine speech— Wotker held a in Academy The Rev. W. Y. fthe AW KR on the ms 4 = : tided they did not have final was cannot vote as is so L. k. Brady 7 ’ Sullivan, the to the door tev. G. N. Callahan tilled bis regular ap- pointmentat Vanderburg Sunday evening. The protracted meeting embraces the fourth Sunday of this month at at Wesiey.s Chapel, and the second Sunday of September at Vander- tr] bury Inda Beli, the 10-year-old daugb- ver of Mr Jake Parker.ot Statesville, -| was buried at Vanderburg yester- Ga Mrs. Lou Neill of Texas,and Miss Rectha Dez of Statesville, were the vuests of Mr. Bil! Long last week. 21} Miss Mary Long is visiting in . | Mooresville. Mr. Jack Cavin of Troutmans was the guest of Mr. E. L. Cloaninger last. week. Mrs. Sallie Johnson had _ ripe to- matoes for dinner one day last week from her garden. The young people had a singing Saturday night at Mr. George. Ran- kin’s. An unusually large crowd Was present, and the singing was much enjoyed by all present. Messrs. Stevenson and Hartness spoke at*the Simpson school house Saturday night, all the ‘‘level’’ head- ed were present. The bealth of this community is goad, 1 Fredrica. Granite Hill, July 9th. : Se Public Speaking 2 Hon. 1. G. Sharpe will address the people at New Stirling. Shiloh township, July 14th, on the issues of the day. Everybody come out and hear this able speaker. Speaking > Jat $:30 o'clock, Kodol “sy every one *hoytmars got to second on hit. Town-i for the Democratic party will take} tieket ne} ye oe nese iitays Detmars ! : : “ - Rou Licks t ACHSedd Was ul } yp) foul. VDelmasteare ofthe white man Vote fer ae ce Soe a ed PHowses | white rule in North Carolina for the] . How 34 te, Menenhy car 7° Pre . Y . -3° ie Forte. ; ; New Ove te buy phy. ” AlAiNns LO ‘ake of the women and children. iE spe Sia ure ms 7 vite as feows: ¢ ete Fel an AE 3 i Tittce urs peen that many a man . 5 i © Gcoda Pate Ter sys ey - Mm [Cerne struck out } would Es ted for the R ny ubii e net a ses : P ral z: : = sete pWO TG baat ‘ t ne vepubit 7 w Ecce, vac ie Soe A. y not! Ja the Be badCod reun Lick P the vero hud been out Digests hat you eat. AL Brnes, cu commissicaers: P.}4st y Cummings. Hacon j yf it acai EuiGe nee Itartificiaiiy digests the food and aids bes SLO yu” hit once Ra ae endm se Con mi ie Nature tn ‘strengthening and recon: - ane cad Was Lend chawe tn the crantd thay we cu. | staucting the exhausted digestive or- ee Peeters ae V {aud show to tre wore that you are! gang, It is the latest discovered digest- bee gees pica ® oil gh Oem ete te ye a0Gl white witb a white shin, s ant and tonic. No other preparation ve W. Boland Bsq., will address Townsend wer out ou fy bavs.; 1 was in Ssed the uluer day by }can approach it.in efficiency. It in- vA BEOHIC GL baer TOonew Ings paces Staie tule Cams to k be Dal DULL Was fan S year: old boy. He asked me} stantily relieves and permanently cures ad th: u the sues vi tue day: puaadle to redch Ist base. iwhat the Republican was for. I ex-| Dyspepsta, Indigestion, Heartburn, faylor Sorinus, Wetresday nivht.| The Statesville team is to Le! ninined as best 1 could. He asked | Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 4 ¥ jy its > i plained as best could. He askec : eae ~ Juiy 1Scb., 10 strengthened. Any place that isat{me what the Demoer ec Sick Headacu2,dastralgia,Cramps,and ine Tie on : : ie A Se ar | me what the Democrat was for. I aifother results of imperfect digestion. MeCaursy, Tnorsday night, Jaly}all weak will be filled by anew man. |rold him, He saw the difference : : pe wae " Gut ‘ Se ny : 7 w tail, C Sd oe, Prepared by E C. DeWitt &Co.; Chicago. irr, L900, ae mais ment has its eye en Sev- [toid me to vote for the amendment. |-——-- > aa ee Let everySody cone out and Lear;eral acw players _A- good pitches lt is strange that an 8-year-old child d Land Sale, the amenament discussed. A divi jwill Se secured immediately. . By {cao sce the right side, and that oid RY VIRTUE of powers coptained in the will js: Ptime will be given to any ea the end ofthe season, there is ne! men caunot. Republicans do as the of Wilired aunt and b sede of the Su- | a ae a + he eatucritia 3] Pas Wl — ior C- urt of Iredell county, made in the case eS a 7 . me Se RG oes vitle Wit i ittie boy said. A man that votes te Peeters Clarence Stimpson et | J. A. PMarrvess I< ‘ her position in the ‘stacdiag ! st~ the amendment, votes | a1. the undersigned executor of Wiifred en : Wr an the CDS wigs yea _ og... | WH set, at public outcry, tothe highest bidder, { eee CBOE. 1 GE bese Cath « re t his bx stiuterest. He VOLES | At ie court house door in Statesville, N. C., on Ged. ¥. Long fists Se a; fior nero rule and negro domina SATURDAY, AUGUST 1TH, 1900, Secretary. | ' ; tion. the following real-estate, to-wit: : = > — Afexander—bENendale tems, lo we ‘sited vest ——— i em tract ot land situate in Turnersburg town- i ; p c i We were V site d yesterday with a ship, Iredell oun lyingon the waters of to POINT Iee VL recelrawea. | Correspondence of Tire MascorT, olg storm.of rain and vind. Mr. oy creek, near ee ae : . » 1] ct aoe meee 7 ands of M, K. Steele, J. . Ward and others, ce ebppullt ments o1 < | Drv weather prevails at present. Bud Hoiland SOs barn was blow Qo and knownas the Wilired Turner home place, VWreoits and Dr SW. Steverson. at] Lust Friday evening old uncle ]over- Lots of corn was blown down. coutaining-21g acres, more or less, There is a 2 e } ; } et ee : A band of men claiming to be] s90ddwelling an + all necessary outbuildings pe ahem School Housc.in Sh-iok| Adam Oxtord died at his home in S ee Sicatcd on thes tractvand!so acres of original ioWeship, Saturday nighit,duly I4tb., j Littie River township at the ex-| revenue officers visited the distillery cee ee omen ato avieaion : . : : 2 A tract of lar enship, ly the waters of South Yadkin river, eight miles from Staiesville.two miles from Turnersburg, adjoining the lands of fT. J. Allison, Reid and Pothers, and known as the Bailey place, contain- ings Rooacres, more or less. ‘There 1s a good ten- ant house and all necessary ourbuildings located on the place, 7§ acres of the finest bottom lands inthe coanty, 60 acres of good upland in cultiva- tion and go acres 05 original forest. ) 3 Atract situate near Mt. Bethel chfich in Turnersburg towuship, adjoining whe lands of i or u Ward and others, ure or less, and known as tack Pattersoz place. = A tractin Turnersburg township, adjoining ce landsof Lh. T. Stimpson and others and known as the Lothery place,containing 20 ocres, tore ar less. TERMS OF SALE—One-third cash on day of sale and the balance on a credit of six months, with the privilege of the purchaser to pay all cash, W._D. TURNEX, Executor of Wilfred Turner. the Zack 4 July roth, 1900. «|... Administrator’s Notice. BANS ualified as administrator of the estate of Jere Bowles, deceased, I hereby notify a!l persons having claims against said estate to present saine to me on or before the sith day of July, 1901. “Those incebted to the estate are requested to make prompt Settlement. This Juiy. 5th, 1900. G. W. CLEGG, poles toastone north of the road, thence > : Saas 20 polesto a stone south R. B, McLaughlin, Atty. Administrator hence North 3's di es Kast’ 40 i ie DRL AME beginning, t ao ‘acres) is we — ———— Mortgagee. For Rent, -C, SULLIVAN, -ISABELLA SULLIVAN, ther informatio:rrapply to C. L. Shinn, Shinusville, N.C. L GOOD two-horse farm for rent. For fur- July 12th 1900. | Mary Saas The- University | believed The Head ot the State’s Educational Capt. Thomas J. Young died at Captain { Young was 60 years old, and was a |eaptain in the 25th N. €. Regiment Jacob Drake. cf Asheville, and Au- He said on his|. Of North Carolina. System. Three academic courses leadiny to Degrees. Professional courses in Law, Medi- cine aod Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. Tuition $60. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Ministers:Sons and Teachers. 512 students besides 161 10 Sum mer School. 38 teachers in the facul- ty. For catalogues and information address EF... VENABL ®-::il+s €. Chapel Hill, N.C. 10,0C) AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE AND SPEECHES OF BRYAN. F. A. SHERRILL & CO. We want to emphasize the fact that We are in th- market for i WHEAT — t the Highest Cash Price. So we ask that you see us before selling. Remember We want your Wheat and it will pay you to see us. F. A. Sherrill &Co. - The ‘Lite? Is Written by Mrs. Bryan. ‘The Speeches revised by Mr, Bryan, but che is not pecuniarily interested .n its publication. A golden opportunity for agents. Don’t miss it One agent sold $7 Copiesin one week: another 67 copies in 10deys; another 17 copies first day. Everybody wants it; Democrat,Republican, Pop- ulist’ and Prohibitionist. The demand exists. ILis only unecessary for agents to supply it. $200.CO GIVEN for selling 200 books in3 months. Other liberal inducements. Will guarantee guod parties a salary. Listanceis no hindrahce as treight is paid. Credit given. Circulars, instructions, outfit, ete. free, but 25 cents must be sent for mailing’ Act quick. R. H. WOODWARD CO., BALTIMORE, Md NOTICE-— We also desire to emply agents for selling our book on the “Paris Exposition,” beautifully illustrated. We also pablish “Life of McKinley” and other campaign books, and Offer the best terms. NOTICE, FT ISORDERED by the Boerd that the voting placein Ward 2 in Statesville township be changed, and Use same is hereby changed and removed trom the ol4 office in the st Charles HMoteltothe roomin the second floor o1: the Cooper t gover W. HK. Allison's store on the cast Ceptre street. It being the room cupied asthe arimory of the Iredeil Blues That apecice of thischange be piinted in The Ua dmark and Tux Mascot for 20 days. H. ». GRIER, Chairman. C. 1. Shinn, Tem. Sec. IANO FOR SALE.—A very handsome new piano for sale, part cash and part on time. Apply to New Cooper Block. Opportunity. Success is only created by taking advaatage of evéry little opportuaity that arises, vou will surely succeed in saying money if you make use of th: great string of opportunities that we are offering during this Midsummer Clearancs Sale Of Furniture, Carpeis, Matting and Rugs: We are not ollering clc goods or demaned goods hut the com- plete down to date stock. marked at prices ituat bcrdly cover the cost of manufacture. Seize these opportunities now. i: SUAILLIER, Furniture, Carpets acd Matting R. R. and H. R. COWLES. See eaniaenenemseriee A Very Valuable Farm for Sate OFFER FOR SALE MY VALUABLE farm, lying partly within .he corporate Limits of Mooresville, containing 200 acres more or less, 29 acres Of hue bottom, jooacres in cultivetion, isacres of flue oak timber and 54 acres of fine vid field pine, ‘Three fair houses and one good barn areonthe land. Forty acres lie in the town of Mooresville and the balance just outside A fine granite quarry is located on the land, which will be reserved. Possession given as soon crops are gathered, For price end terms write to R. H. MCNEELY, Mooresville, N, C. Reference—s, A. LOWRANCE, Mooresville, N.C. : SPECIAL TAXES, AWYERS, physicians, dentists, bicycle and lumber dealers, proprietors of beef markets and all others liable to special taxes are notified that they should take out their licenses at once, asthey render themsel€es liable to indictment by not haying the proper licenses, J. H, WYCOEF, Sheriff. < Land Sale. VIRTUE of adecre ef Iredell Superior Couit made in the special proceediag, enti Ued A, D. Plyler, Marion A. Plyler, Hugh Plyler anb others ageiase 0, € Plyicr the undersign- edas Counmi nerot sunt court, will at the sourt Louse « yt Slatesvitlic. N.C, on SATURDAY, JULY 14TH, 1900, sel at public ay tiesto the highest bidder a valuabte tract ot laud situated ia Chambersburg township, in Iredell county. N. C., known asthe Pinkney Plyler land, containing 693 acres wore or less. Perms of sale, 43 (one-halt) cash on day of sale and 43 (one-hal1) payable in six wmonths trom day ot sale, with note and approv- ed security, with imterest from day of sale. Tithe retained till all the purchase’ money is paid. jJ. 8. CONNELLY. This June 14.h, 1900. Commissioner. Re-Sale of Land. B VIKTUE of a decree of the Superior Court ~ of Iredell county mdde at May term, 1900, of said court in the. case of J. 1, Smith, adminis-— trator of J. Y. Cavin, against M, J. Cavin and athers, the undersigned as Commissioner of said court will at the court house door in States- ville, N.C., on SATURDAY, JULY 13TH, 1900, re-sell at public auction to the highest bidder that valugble tract of land in Fallstown township, in Iredell county, N.C., known as the J. Y. Cavin home pace’ adjoiuing the lands of johu Cavin, Johu Young and others, containing 63 acres more xr less, said lands will be sold subject to the duwer of M. J. Cavin, widow ot J. ¥. Cavin. YTermsor sale one-half cash on day Of sale, and one-half payable six months irom day of sale, with note and approved secu rity wilh interest from date of sale, Title re- tained till all the purchase money is paid. j. T. SMITH, Commissioner, June 1g, tgoo, This June 14th, 1900. j. B. Connelly, Att'y, Trusice’s Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE of adeed of trust executed to the undersigned by Beu Boyd_and wife, Wash. Allison and wite, lawson Chambers, Burgess White and Joe Wilson, the undersigned will se!l at public auction for cash at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., at 12 o'clock, m., on MONDAY, JULY 16TH, 1960, the following lots of land lying and being in Statesville and Cuambersburg townships and Gescribed aud cefinea as follows: Int tract—Beginuiny at a stake, running Souih to? East 100 fect tu « siake, thence Nerth East 200 fic. stake, thence North 10% West ioo feet to a stake, thence Svuth So? West 200 feet to the beginning corner. This being the property of suid ten Boyd and wife, and for inller Gescription see deed from Mary C. Bell registered in Book 11, page 685 uf deeds of the register of deeds office of iredell connty, znd tract—beginning Ou the W. N- C. Rail- road thence Suuth & poles to a stake. thence East 11 poics toa siane, thence North o}5 poles tothe beginning, containing 44 acre, more or less. Tints is the property of said Wash Allison and wife and this sale is made subject to a pricr mortgage io the First Building and Loan Asso ciation of Statesvilic, N. C, for further de: scription see deed of J, S, Miller to Jane Allison, dated March 27, 1388. - 3rd tract —Neimg part of the lands of Mary C. Hali, known asthe Chambers land, lyzug ‘near the Georgia pusiiic road on the South end _ot Mary Ssail’s laud, bounded by the lands of —-- Atweil.on the west, on the soutit by Arey, on the easiandnoith by Mary Hall, containing about 5 acres more vr less. This last tract is the property of said Lawson Chambers and lies in Chambersburg township. This sale is made subject io a prior mortgage to H, P. Grier and W.G. Lewis j.A, HAKTNZ=ESS, This june igth, 1900, ‘Trusiec. Are you needing any thing in the nes Jewelry - Line ‘t Do you want to get it _ At a.. Bargain If you do, right here is the place. I want to buy an entire new line this fall and therefore will sell now EXCEEDINGLY LOW, FOR CASH, AND FOR CASH ONLY, No bargain to offer the credit * buyer. No matter how pood. RICKERT. = The Jeweler and Optician. - Sle Just where the shoe pinches easy to determine. The Bie Store. Where the evils of spend- ing money begin and end few folks ever learn. It is no wonder many pocketbooks look as if an elephant had trampled upon them. One of the causes is in its owner not knowing. WHERE TO BUY, pea eee Wan-nan-neen-nenn----e--ee--| GOOE judgment is displayed where people Look Before They buy. The Lord helps those who help themselves. It is 3 standiug invitation of ours to everybody to inspect our stock and see the values we are offering before they spend their money. It may be refreshing to mention SOME OF THE LINES Wil CARKY IN STOCK. tCome and See Many Not Named Here. Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Mats, Shoes, Pant Goods, Dome. tics, Plaids, Cheviots, Percales, Calieces, Draperies, Curtains, Wal’ Paper, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, Overalis, Suspenders Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cufis, Ties, Lae Embroideries. Sitks, Velvets, Ribbons, Tovlet Soaps, Perfomweries, Paper, Pene, Inks. Envelopes, Penci!s, China, Crockery, Lamps, Sheif Hardware. Shoe Findings, Tinware, Giassware, Toys, Wagons, Baskets, Tabi Oi Cleths, Table Linens, Tewels, Mirrers, Pictures, Trunk., Valises, Telescopes, Jewelry avd a thousand ov score items, and 2’! at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Look betor. you buy. : Wilhelm & Mills Rare Bargains Dutchess, a mRucS.. - We have just received and placed vn salo au beautiful line of Azminster, Moquette, Brussels and Velvet Rugs At extremely low prices which we invite you to cali and ex- amine. Yours very truly, Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. A Mammoth Stock of zoods $e Gai 44 0 Gn Betsre Sept, Ist. Nothing Oid or Shelf Worn. | Only a cicsing out Sale To save cost of packing and freight that prompts this offer. Many articles of.real value are offered and it will take only a jittle of your time to see them. The prices i make is freight charges less than any merchant can buy the same item—but to me this is a saving of packing and freight, to arother point. It is no force sale by an assignee but a real business deal. I have agreed to give my store room to a party on Sept, Ist. and I will do it af any cost. Yct] want todo so as economically as I can. I don’t want to bow in even a quarter, yet I tell you that } YOU CAN SAVE MANY HALF DOLLARS { if you will take the pains to see what I have. Gepuine bargains is what I offer. Al! the -yoods I offer are Staple, used and needed in every day affairs. _Oae hour ' spent in seeing my stock will be interesting and protiia- able. My Stock of Shoes anld)sies y is especially attractive, as to merit, znd almost every one can be suited. The price is strictly at manufactur- ers cost. By special arrangements with the Royal Worcester Corset folks, I can null our previous contract and offer the best of all corsets at Ist. cost. Every lady is re- quested to see if she can be suited. These Corsets are up to date and the best. : The early callers are almost sure to find what they want witha saving of 30 to 50 per cent. I can’t be here much myself, but the two young men, Messrs. Ramsey & Copciand, Jr., wili do their best to snow you the goods. 1 will thank you to go behind the counters, look through the shelves and on. tables to see if you can not ficd something you want, As previously stated I have ne hard stock. I offer at the prices I make'to save acdicional freight ard cost of, . ing. Ido not enumerate sae items I ave, as it - (O R s AS F OA L A E EM I L Y DO T NG WR SI ST A T MR S EC A RT SP R PE MA M EL AA R O N NG TE I N S would make alist to tire you. g ‘ June 24 1900 Yours Respectlufly, { ___._ J. W. Gopeland. ¢ ~~ Ae | pt ee te ae se . li a eS ' i $ . A | Se t i Pi k e . io sh a n g ee e ee e _ so r n t e . gl e s se er e e e s on cu b e he s ee co m ok . a a — ds = 2 = rs o0ey en es) ~~ _ aaa eae AL | pLATFORM OFTHE DEMOCRATIC Jarge areas of territory and large’ the election of United States Sena- SenatorButler and the Amendment. | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIOS PARTY. 'numbers of people in the Eastern tors by a direct vote of the people | Raleigh News and Observer. CONVENTION. mouslySelected ForPres- Stevenson Nominat- tot for Second Place. san Tnen: ee ees ed on Ist Lal The National Democratic conven- ticn met in Kansas City on the glo- rious fourth. the day of the birta, = | our great Republic. Oa July 3rd the committee on credentials met. The Clark faction from Montana was seated, while the delegations from Indian Territory was given & half vote each. The National com- mittee on this day selected Gover- nor Thomas, of Colorado as Tem- porary Chairman. C. A. Walsh was selected as Temporary Secre tary. Gn the morning of the 4th, the deleyates were slow in coming in. The noted leaders of the party re- ceived ovations wher pes mede wr appearance on tae hoor. eae 12:62 Chairman Jones ascended the platform. The acst business was the readioge of the £0T- ma! call by Secretary Walsh. The convention was then led in prayer by Rev. S. W. Neel. Mr. Reed, the mavor of Kansas City. delivered the address of welcome. When he fin- ished Senator Hill entered the halt and his arrival was greeted with a storm of applause. Governor Thomas, the Temposary Chairman, was then introduced. His speech met with much applause. At its conclusion, Danie! Campau, ol Michivan introduced a resolution that the Declaration of Independ- ence be read. This was carried with mvch enthusiasm. At this time a bustof Bryan was brought into the Halland unveiled. A perfect tornado of applause swept over the ball when the deleyates recognizea the features of their chosen leader. The confusion was so great that the convention adjourned until4 o'clock. Ai 4:43 Chairman Thomas called the convertion to order A tele- gram was read from Tammany Hau which sent greeting and good will. As the committees were aot ready to seport, the motion of Josepkus Danie!s that theconvention adjourn upti! 8:30 was carried. At8:33 Chairman Thomas rapped the couvention toorder. kx-Goyer- nor Altgeld. of illinois, attempted to speak but the confusion was so great that it was well oigh impossi- ble to hear him. At this time the report of the committee on rules wus adopted. The report of the committee on credentials was adopt- ed as presented. The committee of permanent organization reported. ion. James D. Richardson, of Ten- nessee, was recoimmended for per- manent chairman of the convention. Mr. Richardson’s speech was re- ceived with much entousiasm, Af the appointment of nemerous ¢com- miiteces the convention adjourned withour nominating W. J. Bryan us they bad intended, At li o’elock Chairman Richurd- sep called the convention fo order. Rev. Jukn D. Giennon led in praver. Yha platform coimmitiee was not re.av to report and ex-Governor BRoy.g, of Texus, wadressed the eon- vention. At his conclusion, Hon. A M. Dockery addressed the conven- tien.. Mayor Rose, of Milwaukee, then spoke. J. E. McCuilough, ef bdiana: James Williams, of Illinois, and Governor Beckham, of Ken- tuckv, addressed the convention. After listening to Hon. J. W. Miies, of Maryland, the convention ad- jeurned until 3:30. 4t4 o'clock Chairman Richardson calied the convention to order. It wes announced that General Tillman would read Lue platform. This will be found im another column. The roi! of Stutes was then cailed forthe rominatian uf aman for President Aizbama yieided to Nebraska and Mr. W. D. Oidham put in nomina- trea the nume of W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska. E. B. Perkins, of Texas; Senator White, of California: Judve Tuompson, of Iilinois; David_B. Hill, of New York; W.E. Moore, of North Carolina, aod Senator Daniel, of Virginia, all seconded the nomina tion. The roll of States was then catledand the entire vote of the convention was given to Bryan At 10:4 on Friday, Chairman Rich- arcson calfed the convention to or- der. The prayer was by Reverend KKunbi Mayer, of Kansas City. Im- mediately after the prayer, the roll ol States was calied for the purpose of making nominatious for the vice presidency. California yielded to Arkansas, and Arkansas yielded to lilinois. Hon. James Wilson. placed in numivation the name of Adlai E. Stevenson, ot Llinois. Wher the rei: reached Convecticut she yielded to Minnesota. Hon. L. A. Roesing placed in nomination Charles A Towne. When Delaware was reach- ei, New York was yieldad to, and Deiegate Grady put im nomination the name of David Bennett Hill, of New York. His speech set the con- vention ina frenzy of enthusiasin. Hill took the platform and to!d the ccnvention positively that he would not Aave it. Washington placed in nomination James Hamilton Lewis. of Washington, D. C. North Caro- ina presented the rame of her be- loved son, Julian S. Carr, and Ohio putin nomination A. W. Patrick. Numbers of States voted for Hill and Towne though Stevenson receiv- ed more votes than either ove. When this was found out State after S.ate changed to Stevenson. New York at length changed ber 72 vo*es froma Hill to Stevenson. His election was then practically unani mous, The votes of the three leading candidates before any votes were changed were as follows: Steven- son 509%. Fill 2607 Towne 89} Immediately after the convention the national committee met. and re- elected Hon. James K. Jones, chair- man. The national committee of the Sil- ver Republicans at last accepted Stevenson and endorsed him for Vice President. > Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still bas the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of us- ing anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were searce, and they seldom heard of Appeudi- citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc’ They used August Flower to clean out the system and | the step fermentatiou of undigested | P2!#2- food, regulate the action of the liv- er, stimulate the nervous and organ- ic action of the system, and that is all they took when dulland bad with headaches and other aches. You! only needa few doses of Green’s August Flower, in liquid form, to make on satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. F sale by W. ¥. Hall, Jr. : 26 | Imperiatisia {6 Declared the Para- | mount Issac.—For a War on Trusts. | —Sixteen to One Declared for Spe- | cifically i Following is the official text of; the pletform as agreed upon by the! committee on resolutions and pre-; sented to the convention: We, tbe representatives of the Democratic party of the Uuited| States, assembled in national con- vention, on the anoiversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, do re-atbrm our faith in that immortal proclamation of the inatienable rights of man and our alleviance to the constitution fram- ed in harmony therewith by the fathers of the republic. We hoid with tbe United States Supreme Court, that the Declaration of inde pendence ts the spirit of our govert ment, of which the cocstitution is the form end letter. We ceclare avain that all governments insti- tuted among men derive their just powers from the consent of the gov- eroed; that any govenment not bas- ed upon the consent of the yoverned is atyranny; and that to impose uron apy people a government of fureeis to substitute the methods of imperialism for those of a repub- lic. We hold that the constitution follows the flag and denounce the doctrine that an executive or Con- eress, deriving their exeistence and their powers from the constitution, cao exercise lawful authority be- yond it ,or in violation of it. We assert that no nation can long en- dure baif republic and half empire, and we warn the American people that imperialism abroad will lead auickly and inevitably to despotism at home PORTO RICAN LAW DENOUNCED. Believing in these fundamertal prineipies, we denounce the Porto Rican law enacted by a Republican Congress, against the protest and opposition of the Democratic mi- nority, 2s a bold and open violation of the nation’s organie Jaw, and a flagrant breach of the national good faith. It imposes ppon the people of Porto Ricoa government without their consent, and taxation withoyt representation. It dishonors the American people by repudiating a scleinn pledge made in their behalf sy the commanding general of our army, which the Porto Ricans wel comed asa peaceful and unresisted oecupation of their land. It dooms to poverty and Gistress a people whose helplessness appeals with pe- culiar force to our justice and may nanimity. In this the first act of its imperialistic programme, the Republican party seeks to commit the United States to a colonial poli- cy, iaconsistent with Republican in- stitutions and condemned by the Supreme Court in numerous decis- iors, FULFILLMENT OF OUR PLEDGE TO THE CUBANS. We demand the prompt and hon est fuliliment of cur pledge tothe sup.e aud the world that LI States bas no disposi- ‘ion norintention to exercise sov ereignty, jurisdiction or contro! over theisland of Cuba, except for its pacification. The war ended nearly two years ago, profound peace reigns overall the island, still the administration keeps the pov- ernment of the island from its peo- ple, while Republican carpet-bag officiais plunder its revenues and exploit the colonial theory to the disgrace of the American people. PHILIPPINE POLICY CONDEMNED. We condemn and cenozace the Cuban p at AT Ce Us hice Philippine policy of the present ad- ministraticn. {thas involved the the Republic in unpeeessary war, sacriticiug the lives of many of our nobdlest sons, and placed the- United States. previously known and ap- plauded throughout the world »s the champion of freedom, in the false and un-American position of crushing with military force the ef- foris of former allies to achieve lib- erty and self goverument. The Fil- ipinos cannot be citizens without endangering our civilization; they cannot be subjects without imperil ing our form of yovernment and as we are not willing to surrender our Civilization, or to convert the re- public into an empire we favor the immediate declaration, first, for a stab’e form of government; second. independence, and third, protection from outside interference, such as bas been given for nearly a century to the republics of Central and South America. TRADE AT THE EXPENSE OF LIBERTY. The greedy commercialism which dictated the Philippine policy of the Republieza administration attempis to justify it with the plea that it will pay, but even this sordid and unworthy plea fails when brought to tue test of facts, The war of criminal ayyression against the Filipinos, entailing am annual ex- pense of many millions, has already cost moretban any possible profit that conld accrue from the entire Philippine trade for years to come. Furthermore, when trade is extend edat the expense of liberty, tbe price is always too high. We are not opposed to territorial expan- sion when it takes in desirable ter ritory which can he erected into States in the Union, and whose people are willing and fit to become American citizens. EXPANSION NOT BY FORCE BUT BY PEACE. We favor expausion by every peaceful and legitimate means. But we are unalterably opposed to seiz ing or puchasing distant islands tc be governed outside tho constitution and whose people can never become citizeas. We are in favor of extenc- ing the vepublic’s influence amony the nations, but believe that influ. ence should -be extended not bi force but through the persuasive power ofahizh and honorable ex- ample. IMPERIALISM THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE. The importance of old questions now pending before the American peopre 1s 1n bo wise diminishing and the Democratic party takes no back- ward step fromits position on them but the burning issue of imperial. tsm growing out of the Spanish war involves the very existence of the republic and the destruction of our free institutions. We regard it as the paramount issue of the cam- so. The declaration in the Re- publican platform adopted at the Philadelphia convention held in June, 1900, that the Republican par- ty “steadfastly adberes to the pol- icy annouuced in the Monroe doc trine’’ is manifestly insincere and deceptive. his profession is con- tradicted by the avowed policy of that party in opposition to the Spirit of the Monroe doctrine to ac- guire and hold sovereignty over Hemisphere. We insist on the! strict maintenance of tbe Monroe! doctrine in all its integrity, both in| letter andin spirit, as necessary to| prevent the exteusion of European | authority On this continent and as! essential to our supremacy in Amer- ican affairs. Atthe sametime, we deelare that no American people shall ever be held by force in unwill- | ing subjection to European author- ity. MILITARISM OPPOSED We oppose militarism. It means conquest abroad and intimidation and oppression at home. It means the strong arm which has ever been fatal to free institutions. It is what miilions of our citizens have fled from in Eurepe. It will impose up- uneur peace-loving people a large staudiug armv and. unnecessary ourden of taxation asd a coastant mensce to their liberties, A sroall standing army and a well disciplined State militia are amply sufficient in time of peace. This republic has no place fora vast military service azd conscription, When the nation is in danjrer the velunteer soldier is this country’s best defender, The National Guard of the United States should ever be cherished in the patriotic hearts of a free people. Such organizations are ever an element of strength and safety. For the first time io our history and coeval with the Phitip- pine conquest, there bas been an unwhoiesome departure from time- honored aud approved systems of volunteer organization. We de- nounce it as un-American, undaemo- cratic and urrepublican and as a subversion of theancient and fixed principles of a free people. REPUBLICANS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TRUSTS. Private monopolies are indefensi- be and intolerable. They destroy competition, control the price of raw materials and finished product, thus rebbing both producer and con- sumer. They lessen the employ- ment of labor and arbitrarily fix the terms and conditions thereof, and deprive individual energy and smail capital of their opportunity for bet- terment. They are the most efli- cient means yet devised for appro- priating the truits ofindustry to the benefit of the few at the expense of the many and unless their insatiate greed is checked all wealth wiil be aggregated in a few hands and the republic destroyed. The dishonest paltering with the trust evils by the Republican party in State and na- tiona! platforms is conclusive proof of the truto of the charge that :rusts are the legitimate product of Re- publican policies, that they are fos- tered by Republican laws and that they are protected by the Republi- can administration in return for campaign subscriptions and politi- ex support, WAR DECLARED ON MONOPOLIES, We pleige the Democratic party to an unceasing warfare in nation, State and city against: private mo- popoly i. every form. Existisy inws against trusts must be entore- ed and more stringent ones must be enacted providing for pubheity as to the affairs of corporations engag ed in inter-State commerce and re- guiriag all corporations to show be- fore doing business outside of the State of their origin, that they have no water in their stock, and that they have not attempted and are not atiempting to monopolize any branches ef business, or the produc- ticn of any articles of merchandize, and the whole constitutional power of Congress over inter-state cem- merce, the mails and all modes of inter-Siate communications shall te exercised by the enactmeit of com- prehensive iaws upon the subject of trusts. Tariff laws should be amended by patiing the prodacts of trusts upon the free list to pre- vent monopely under the plea of protection The failure of the pree- ent Republican administrarion with an absolute control over tne branch- esof the national government to enact any legislation designed to prevent, or even curtail, the ab-orb- ing: power of trusts and illegal com- binations, or to enforce the anti trust laws already on the satute books, prove the insincerity of the high-sounding phrases. Corpora- tions should be protected in «1! their rivbts and their legitimate interests should be respected, but anv at- tempt by corporations to ivierfere with the publieafsirs of the people, or to control the sovereignty which creates them, should be forbidden under such veralties as will make such attenipt impcssible. DINGLEY TARIFF CONDEMNED We condemn the Dingley tariff as a trust-breeding measure, skilfully devised to give the few favors which they do not deserve, and to place upon them the many burdens which they should not bear. We favor such an enlargement of the scope of the inter-Stat» ecmmerce ta as will enable the cuinmission to protect individuals and communities from diseriminations and the public from uojust and usfair transportation rates. 16 Tol. We reaffirm and endorse the pria- ciples of the national Democratic platform adopted at Chicags in 1896, and we reiterate the demand of that vilatiorm for an American financial system made by the American _peo- ole for themselves which shall re- store and muintain a bimetallic price leve! and as part of such sys- tem the immediate restoration of the free aud unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to l without waiting for the aid or covsent of auy other nation. We denennce the currency bill ep acted at the last session of Con- yressas a step forward in the Re publican policy which aims to dis- credit the sovereign right of the na- tional government toissueall money, whether coin or paper, and to be- stow upon national banks tke power to issue and coatrol the yolume of paper money for their own benefit. A permanent national bank curren- ey, secured by government bonds, must have a permanent debt to rest upon, aad if the bank currenev is to increase with population and busi- ness, thedebt must also increase. The Republican.currency scheme is therefore a scheme for fastening upon the tax-payers a perpetual and growing debt for the benefit of the cankers Weare opposed to this private corporation papercirculated as money, but without legal tender qualities, and demand the retire ment ef the national bank notes as fast as this government's paper or silver certificates can be substituted for them. SENATORS BY DIRECT VOTE. ETC, We favor an “amendment to the Federal constitution providing for and direct legis’ation practicab’e. We are opposed to governs:ent by injunction; we deuuunce the biack- list and favor arbitration as a means of settling disputes ber ween corpora- tions and thelr employes. In the: interest of American labor and the uplifting of the workinzmen, as the , corner stone of the prosperity ofour ! country, we recommend th: Con- gress create 2 Department of Labor in charge of a Secretary, with aseat in the cabinet, believing that the elevation of the American laborer | will being increasedprosperityto our | couutry at home and our commeree | abroad. Weare proud of the cour- aye and fidelity of the American sol- diers and sailors in all our wars: we favor jiveral pensions, and we reit- erate the position taken in the Chi | cago platforin in 1896, that the fact! of enlistment and service shall be, deemed conciusive evidence against | disease and disability before elist- | ment. | NICARAGUAN CANAL. | We favor the immediate construc: | tron, ownership and contre! of the} Nicaraguan Canal by the United | States and we denounce the insin- | cerity of the plankin the national Republican platform for aa isthmian canal in the face ef the failure of the Republican majerity to pass the bi!l perciag in Congress. We cou- demn the Hay-Paunceforte treaty as asurrender of American “rights acd iuterests not to be tolerated by the American people. IMMEDIATE STATEHOOD PROMISED. We cenounce the failure of the Re- publican party to carry out its pledges to grant statehood to tbe Territories cf Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma, and we promise the people of these Territories immedi- ate statehood and home rule anda territorial form of goverment for Ataska and Porto Rica. We favor an intellivent system of lmaproving the tands of the West, storing the waters for purposes of irrigation and the ho!ding of such lands for actua! settlers. NO ENTANGLING ALLIANCES. We fayor the continuance and stcict eaforcement of the Chinese exclusion law andits application to the same classes ofall Asiatic races. Jefferson said: ‘Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all na- tions; entangling alliances with none.’’ Weapprove this wholesome doctrine and earnestly protest against the Republican departuce which has involved us in so-called politics, including the diplomacy of Europe and the intrigues and land-vrabbing of Asia, and we es- peciaily condemn the _ ill-concealed Republican alliance with England, which must mean discrimination against other friendly nations. and Wien Sas already stifled the caticn s voice, while liberty is being stran gledic Airiea. Believing in the priaciptes of self-poyernment, and réjectivg, as @id our forefatiers. the claim of jaoparchy we view with in Venution ibe purpose of Eegland to overwhelin with force the Sour African republics. SYMPATHY FOR THE BOERS. Speaking as wedo for the entire American nation, except its Repub- lican office holders, and forall free mca everywhere, we extend our sympathies to the heroic burghers in their unequal struggie to maintain tneir liberty and independence. We denounce the lavish appropriationsof recent Republican Congresses whic bh bave kept taxes high and which threzten the oppressive war levies We oppose the accumulation of a sur plus to be squandered in such bare- faced frauds upon the tax-pavers, ws tbe shipping subsidy bill, which under the false pretense of prosper- ing American shippiog,put unearned millions into the pockets of favorite coutrioutors to the Republican campaign fund. REPEAL OF WAR TAXES. We favor the reduction and speedy repeal of the war taxes and a re- turn to the time honored Democratic policy ef strict economy in govern- ment expenditures. AN APPFAL TO LIBERTY-LOVING AMERI- CANS Believing that cur most cherished institutions are in great peril; that the very cxisterce of our constitn- tional republic is at stake and that the decision now to be rendered will determine whether or not our child ren are to enjoy those blessed privi- leves of free government which have made the United States great, pros perous and honored, we earnestly ask for the foregoing declaration of prireiples the hearty support of the liberty-loving American people revardless of previous party affisia- tions. whenever | 8 No a A[Patriotic Citizen. Io the Raleigh Post is found this interesting letter: Fayetreville, N. ¢., June 20 —i am notan educated man. I can't read or write. I don't know my uame whenI see it. I am a poor man—was at Bethel and Bentons- ville and fired the last cannon there. { have never scratched a Democratic ticket, have been voting thirty-six years and bave voted atevery elec- tion, Now the most important time in the history of North Caro- lina has come, when it isa question as to which shall rule, the white manor the negro. Populists and Republicaas tell me that being an upedvoated man I will lose my vote if the Constitutional Amendment passes I don’t believe it. A yood son never turns out an old father and the Democratic party is not yo- ing to prevent me or apy other white man from casting a vote 25 long as welive. But let me tell you Mr. Editor, that if I knew I would lose my vote I would vote for the amendment forI don’t want the negroes to ever rule over my children. his J. W. x CarRo_t. mark. Witness—A. M. Willisms. Mr. Carroll shows.as much patri- otism iu hisstand for the amend- ment as he did when he offered his life for his country in the war be- tween the States. Rnthe may rest assured that neither he- nor any other whiteman who cannot read and write will ever lose his vote up- der the amendment, But the Dem- ocratic party would never consent! for any white man to be disfrancbis- ed.—Ex. JaC- Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. says, “‘I cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witcb Hazel Salve. One box of it cured whac the doctors call- ed an incurable ulcer on my jaw.”’ Once, it seems, Butter favored the Tn fact he abused the | Demecrats for their lusewarmness ! | D> for Summer Cooking Ar pendmeat. in lis behalf. That was before tie Amendment was submitied to tae people. What has kis course Here it is. based en his Own paper: 1. Favored it, tbat was adopted. been since Reine ne editierials ! 2. Found objection to it on the | sections 4 and 5 had j ground that not been combined. ! 3. Was silent; but said be mould) come out in favorefitat -be right time. 4. Declared that there was noth- ing geod in the Amendment znd te- gan a bitter fight avainsi ir. d. He is now putting forward more effort and circulating more lies to defeat the Amendmert than are the Repuvticans themseives. And why tins Ashevilie Gazette sort of conversion? Mr. Pou an- swers the questiun, acd 20 dovbt be bas answered it cerrectly? In bis specch vesterduy, he said: Deving tbe spriog and summer of | 1899 Seua or Butler posed as being friendly tothe Amendment; he stat ed to more than one person thet “at the pioper time” he would deciari forthe Amendment. There were hints to that cfiect in the Caucas- ian; bul the months passed ard no compensation was cifcred by the Democrats for Senator Butler's sup port and the “proper time’ for him to declare tor white supremacy div not arrive. He five!ly impresseé the Republicans with the idea tbat he still possessed some political po- tency, audin the month of Octover adesl was made whereby Senutos Butier was 10 declare against the Amendment and suppert negros pre:nacy, and the newrces and whil+ Repubiicans were to re elect him to the Senate. He is endeavoring nes as fithfully, as it is in bis nature to be faithful to anything, te carry ox. kis compact. And ke is chariir-: thai the Demecrats made in the campz2ign of 1898 promises the very Opp:site of these which ibe Cauca: siap of December, 1898 states thas they did mseke. Fortunately the time las passed when Senaier Bu'- ler cau wwistead avy one. The peopleknow him. Now. yet: forty years old, he bas earned the reputa- tiou of being the falsest of men He has never had a friend or a party, he was not ready to betray, and ie bas neyer held a principle ke was not ready to sell. — So a + er Ua veiling of Vance Statuc, Tke statue will ve covercd with capvass until Avgust 22nd, when the unveiling cercmonies will taire place. On that cecasion it is thet there wii! be avrest crows a Raleigh teduced rates bare beca Given on all rauroaes and speci excursions ere to be vun from a vieber of points Already preparations fora grad occasion ere bens gate by tie local eommmittees, ard the cecasi ao willbe made one of Staie impor- tance. Cn account of the unveiling cers- mouics here the railroads have gi-- en reduced rates to Raleigh end re- | | u expected North Carolina. including Norfo!':, SuTolk, and Danville, Vz. Por civilians—One fisuciass fare; tickets to be sold August Bist ard 22.d, final limit Ausust 2oth. Spain’s Greatest Necd, .R P. Bolivia. of Barcelona spends his winters at Aiken, Weak nerves had caused <e- vere pains in the back ui bis head. On using Electric Gitrere, Americn 5 greatest Blood and Nerve Remeay, al! pain soon leit him. He saysti s yr ud wedicine is w~hathis count ey needs. All Nmerica knows that it cures liver and kidnev trouble, yt ifies the biced,tones uy the sicemaen, strengthens the nerves. puts wa, vigor and new life intc every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Soldbvy W. F. Hail, Jv. Drugyist. Beiter Trained Lavyers. Therecent ade@ress cf PresiGeut Thos. F. Warven before the S:ate Bar Association at its receut mect- ing in Asheville, contains much youd Treading. Among other recommeri- atious, tbat urpine a nituimum <f two year’s study before adinissicn to vic bar, is esneciallc scasto}s. One ofour Supreme Court Judges well said that ifa man is nota god lax yer when admitted he never wi!! be As it is; in North Carotina, ine the peminal vearot preparation s not alwavs obseryed. Many come up in six monihs and take tue cx- anvnations. In some States tire years of study is required unless the applicant boids a colleges degree, in whien case ha is allowed to try the exuminuations at the end of tio years Pe a , SS SS : 2) Ai n Os de n t s oe Bs ot we La w S ny ae ) er mr e The first Ns i wash 3 ay sakes ordinary N, Jssustin fat Ra look far worse than Sd now. {> j The firstwash makes LILE- § ~~ © . DOUN MUSLIN louk far beiter thaa new. it washes the starch, china clay and mucilage out of ordi- 2 ucry muslin, leaving it thin, & and loosely woven. § The only changes it makes in LILEDOUN is to wask cut the f vam? which is lightly stamped cn every yard, aud to help bleach the goods, SILEDOUN MUSLIN ie not bleached nt tha factorv, be cause factory bleaching weskens A muslin ten or fifteen percent. Itis all cotton, thoroughly cleaned and carded, bard twisted. closely woven, brushed anc calendered to 4 soit, Smooth and downy finish. Ask = your degier for LILEDOUN MUS- § LINand take noothcr. If he doos not keep jt we will send it dtreet from the mills, carriace pid, in bolts of 50 yards or more. A Lile- doun button bag freeon request. MOCRE COTTON MILLS, ee SR T ? sh a t : “ TT Cures Piles and all skin diseases Lookout for worthless imitati B W. F. Hall, Ir., euros Taylorsville, N.C. ee “a in; ' was before ii | tura from points within the State of HERE’S-Something New, 5 —— SE “ The handiest, cleanest, sa/est, coolest and most economical summer cook stove ever sold. \ The Wickless Blue Flame | ———— THY 4 ts 1 4 ee ; st | ia tion of t ee Sil, BS oe i ed Tn i lit HG) explode. AHN CH AREOLA A Hit : ; — 1»: oil Burns ordinary kerosene, Combines the efficiency of the cecal range and the convenience a:d comfort of the gas range at avtac Stove / eee ey he expense of either. An absolutely sate and clean stove ; wil! not smoke, smell or get greasy; can't Can be moved anywhere. old wNerever stoves are sold. If your dealer does not have them, write to STANDARD OIL COMPANY. CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- MENT. THE The Full fext as it Will be Submitted to the Pecple cn Auzast the 2nd. The following is the full text of the constitutional amendment as amenced by the adjourned session of the Legisiature last week: An Act Suppiementai tean Act in- titted “An Act to Amend the Con- stitution of North Carelina,” rat- ifiea February 21st, 1899. thesame being Chapter Two Hundred and Eiehteenof the PublicLaws of if9y. 'S The General Assenchly of North Curo- lina do enact: Section 1. That Chapter 2158, Public Laws of 1599, enutled, **An Actto amend the Constitution of North Carvlina.’’ be amended so as to make said act read as follows: “That article six of the constitu- tion of North Cavolina be, and the same is hereby abrogated, and iu lieu iiereof shall be svhstituted the following article of said consti: ut- ion asan entire and indivisiole pian of suifrage.”’ ARTICLE V1. SUFFRAGE AND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE. Section 1. Exery male person born in the United States, and every male nerson whobas Seen naturail- ized. twenty one yeurs of age, and possessing tho gualineations set out in this Articie, sal: be entitled to vote aiany viecticn oy the people in the State, except as herein other- wise provided. Sec. 2. He shall have resided in the State of North Carolina for two yeurs, In the county six montks, aad in the precinct, ware or other elec- tion district. in which he offers ‘o vote. four months next, preceding the election: Provided, that removal from one precinet, ward om other electiou district, to anotLer in the same county, shail uot onerate to deprive any person ¢f the right to vote in the precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. Nopersoen who has beeu convicted, or who has confessed his xuiltin open court upon indict- meni. of any crime, tho punishm: of wuich now is, or may hereafter be, imprisonment in the State’s risen, shail be permitted to vote uniess the said person shai: be first resicrea te citizeaship iu the macner prescrib- ed by law. See. 3. Every person offering to vote shall be at the time a legally registered voter as herein prescri- ed and in the maaner hereafter pro- vided by law,and the General Assem oly of North Cosrolina shall enact veneral registratiou laws to carry into etiect the provisions of this ar- ticle. Sec 4 Every per:on presenting himself for registration shall be able to read and write anv section of the constitution tn the Enylish lanvuave; and, befere he shall be entitled to + vote, ae sual! have pwid on er before the frstday cf May, ef the vear in whicz he proposes io vote, his poll tax for the previous year as pre- eribed by Article 5, Scctien 1, ef rho Constitution. But no mate persen, who was, on January Ist, ISST7, or at any time prior thereto, entitied to vote under the lavs of any Suate in the United States wherein he then resided, and no lineal descendant of any such person shall be denied the right to register and vete at any electicn in this State by reason of his failure to possess the educa- tional qualifications herein preserib- ed: Procited, ke shall bave reg- istered in accordance with the terms of this section prior to December 1, 1263. The General Assembly shall pro- me for the registration of ail per. song eatitied to vote without che edupational qualifications herein prescribed. anu sbali,ox or before November Ist, 1908, provide for tae making ofa permanent record of such yegistraiion, and all] persons So resistered shal! forever thereaf- ter have the right to yote in all elections by the people in (his State. unless disqualified under Seecticn 2 ot this article: Provided, such per- son shall have paid bis poll tax as above required. Sec 5. That this Amendment to the Constitution is presented and adopted as one indivisible plan for the regulation of the s), ffrage, with the intent and purpose to so con- nect the different parts, and to make them so dependent upon each other that the whole shall stand or iali together. Sec. 6. Alleleetions by ple shall be by ballot and tions by the General be viva vece. _Sec. 7. Every voter in North Caroliaa, except as in this article disqsalified, shall be elivibls tooffice but before entering upon the duties of the office, he shall iuke and sub-i serive the following oath: =] __ do solemnly swear, (or aitirm) that I will support and maiatain the Con- the peo: all elee- Assembly shall 72 stitution and laws of the (Wo; States, and constitution ang ot : North _Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and tkat I will faithfully ; discharge the duties of my office as | -+2-++---....80 help me, God.’ for | persons shall be dis i Office: First, all een Supplies For sale PURSUANT to a decree of the Superier Court ceeding wherein j M. Alcaander, deceased, ix plai atiff, and H. Oo. aersigned, commissioner, wi house door in Statesville, oe teen bidder at public outcry on ; at 12 o'clock, m_. the followi penetcon Third creek in nic onging tc the estale of i ss staie ofthe saidJ. M. Ale original corner and corner thence South 17 cegrees eee W. B. Gibson's line, thence with Geny the being of Aimighty God. Second, all persons who shall have been convicted, or confessed their gvilt on indictment pending; and; whether sentenced or not, or under judgment susvended, of any treason or felony, or of any other crime for which the puniskment may be Im- prisopment in the penitentiary, since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States, or of corruption or mal- practice in ottice; unless such person shail be restored to the rights of Citizeuship is a manner prescribed by law. “See. 9, That this amendment to the Constitution, shall go into effect on the first day of July, 1902, if a lnajority of votes cast at the next genera} clection shall be east in fa- vor of this suffrage amendment. Section lf. This amendment to the Constitution shal! be submitted at the next general election to the qualified voters of the State, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as is provided in the law te rulating general elec tions ia this State, and at said elec- tions those norsons desiring to vote for such ercndment sbali cast a written or printed ballct with the words “Vor nffrage Amendment”’ thereon; and those with a contrary Opiaion shall cast a written or print- ed vallut with the words ‘‘Against Suffrage Amendment” thereon. Sec. ill. The votes cast at said election shail be counted, compared, returned and canvassed, and the result announced and declared under the same ruies and regulations, and in the same manner as tne vote fer! Governor, and ifa majority of the votes cast arcin favor of the said amendment, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State, upon be- ing notified of the result of said election. to ce: tify said amendment, under tie seal of the State, to the Secretary af State, who shal! enroll the suid amendment so certified among the permanent records of his office. Sec. IV. This act shall be in force from and after its ratifiction. cs WINE OF CARDUI Ly er has brought permanent retie = § lion suffering women who eran tats g Woy toprem-.ture graves. Mre. Mitchell a sas fast declining in health, when Wine 0% Cerdui performed 2 “wonderfil cure” os in her case. She auffered with the age- ay Dies of faliins of the womb, leucorrheea 2nd prefur= r-enstrnation. ‘weekly appearance oi ike mensesfor two months sapped her vitality until she was a phys- gical wreck. Her nervous Sxetem ga’ way. Then esmo tho trial of Wine of A Cardnt and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell's : Gerauto oe io conunend Wine of : eriag women in w burning eloquence ords of IWINEoCARDUL Ba ie within the reach of all. Women who & gy sty it ere relieved. “Ask your Cresgist f for a $1 Lottie of Wineot Cardni, and do not take a substitute if tendered you. ; Mrs. Willie Mitchell, Sonth Gaston, N.C.: a “Wino of Cardul aod Thedronte Biae g Dranght ha-e PPigrmeda miraculous cure & ‘2 my case. J had been a great enfferer & with falling of the cromb and tensorrhma, and ny menses came every week for two myntbs 2nd were very painful. band induced me to try Wine of Cardui Soe zranghls sand now the lencor- 28 disappe: and Sere ee 1 am restored ty In cases ring special dire “ions, rene «vin Syiaptoma, “TheNLadies’ Ad {ila eine BE : neoga 3 rine Ci Chattanooga, Teun, — &. L. Vernon, CHARLOTTE, N.c. Frenk § @n02, AFOUL For thie Pee } Pe a r rn u e d who These INSURANCE: At al}—had best look at a tract which is but a step, contempiase life. wio, In my policy you ye: berefit of both living and dea:h, Seven hundred and sixty-Eight dollars paid out to Citizens of Statesville and community in less than 12 months time : Ii you will take the tiie aud see mel ean give you allimforina tion. REQUIRED. J.F CARLTON, FIRS, LIFE And ACCIN ENT INSURAN SE. SP ee ree imouthern Railway THE...... STANDARD RA ILWAY 07 The SOUTH he Direct Line to al] Texas, California Ficrida, Cuba and Porto Rico trictly First-Ciass Eqvin ment on all Throush aod Qoea! Trains; Palin Palace Siceping Cars on al! Night Traius; Fast and safe Schedules. .: Foirts assured 4 safe, Comfortable and ~+-xpeditious ./ourney. RATES AND GEVERAL INFORN a TION, Ok ADDRESS F oT Pa No trouble to answer Guestions. i, 075, 34. VY. P.& Gen. Man. Traf.. wax G.P. WASHINGTON DC If You Need eee Accident Insurance See Srown & Guy, “INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. Office—Second Floor Bank Buil ling stone between NO insurances an: Ir one instance you vie to 2 7 i ia ty — NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION Travel by the Southern on vou are AP2LY TO TICKET AGENTS FOR TIMi& TAPLES Darby, C.P&T.A, ASHEVILLE, N.C WA. Park ON TIME. Ihave Flour, Corn, Meat, etc., for sale on time. See me when see want time on your purchases of supplies, This March 8th., 1900.» Respectfully, J. L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison’s, Commissioner's Sale of Land, ounty made in a special rz G. W. Clegg, administrator of leagan er and cthers are defendants, the un- t the court to the highest SATURDAY, JULY 21ST. 1900, ng described 1a: Said county aud “ee Beginning ata white Gcgrees i on, Said Gibson's corner, thence South de Gibson's corner, W. A. — Sporting Goods, Table Cultery. Meat Choppers or anything else you may need in the ardware Line. If you are rot pleased with our vo rade after examining them. we don’t ask you to buy, Yours truly. Thoma: & Co- ‘ r Creek, the Soe per fhcnce Nerd degrees Eg oe Cor on emery, Cimomecorner, thence worn | LOHR Men Wanted. 2444 4 St 40 polesto a stone, Gibson" corner, theuce North 29 dh West’ 355 poies ITH fair education and good | cnarncter North 6534 de; ni 8. The following classes of | “Hse bs homeniead tact % persons who shal] ze a walnutin the dower line, t East st poles to the begin- Ng. Containing 23 acres, in four monthe tint: 4 intwo months and and t: , ing railway companies as the only fer!e Learn Telegraphy, Railroac ac _— Writing. This is endorsed by a sod re An our each hable inst: of its kind. are June 21st. 1900 McLaughlin, att'y. ~ Gas ae a ee i oaokate’ mitted. Write foc fees catalog. (Fall GORE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE: Lexingtoo, Ne : Statesville, N.C. I handle au kin the best quality Best Materi te, NLC States Flees the Fi OF “n o r e * Transarts a Reg sr Ran Li.vercst aidons ue \ i pec ialattentic Yairk te co Accounts > rations eceiVec Ou MOSt Lavors JxO A MOPS 4. en PRC] tee MouUps ‘ With simultaneous ra ' head blocks 2ud cab must sitive tie mili, Portauie 2 os tionery engines and t size, and the great h Eciipse traction <« i Gotten Gins at lov Fry & BP eL us sé Ol 1 save vou m We wills Maracabe © Macarani, 12 ava (-roceri« * se ea Sie : ty Fe or rer rough? our , fore can save 50% The tock of Sid biz Reductiou will scli > Mar anvibing ** ,7 mis ts j suit! WAST save Buggies, Phuct Vance ia true price ou: Stock early, toe sci: ut 8¢€. ing Yuu vehicie & vehicie to make a sal4 We avd wiil use our best e Us and we guaranice I the puarautce. Come Attracti net aVOreg 100 Cards, 50c Card With a kandsome Cast with jour : everav. on the 4.BY Myle printe cara a Boos Net Contain Qzinj W. A. Mctarty £6 best we Love ever = thean)y Caill Tonic hl Price 50c. BROWS cr, Cue. 2e€ Coa] = and arac- mi Ae le; will f;Can’t where. Y. [ his Pople ntempiate "/ bok at- a cor a stepping nsurance and e you die to vou get the P and death. d and dollars itizens PB and n less s time. ke the elean forima- AMINATION : TON, ENT > =3 Way FLWAY OF TH Bll Points nia ’ nd >. 17S SS Eqvrin- usvrh and Vuliman ars on all and safe p ond you are rtable and R TIMK YAPLKs FORMATION, = S. Darby, Rey) Stk Ae SHEVILLE, N.C. ir questions, ¥. A. Park - LAN, GS. P. coe nce Guy, ARTERS. ; iding. re ror goods them, Da «to Rr Co. nied. Dh character, ta bad ca *. d by al = ty perfect and Mo our gradu- dies also #d- (Fall term The St SE ~~ -_ 2 ee atesvi lle ascot. Matthews, of he Democrats of Ashe have nom- WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN LREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. ar Vie STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1900. NU, 33 = ota Sue : ees ai GEXERAL NEWS. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. ; | Populist Chairman -Comes out for | Authorities Determi ae te , i" ah R bs aT eA EDITORIAL NOLES. SS NEWS | eiatieioweaea Be REDE ACES Teel to Hear] From tae e — of sags 1 ; 5 ; 5 Morganton Herald, uth. Washing’on Dispatch, 13th. Awful anxiety was felt for t+! ee a W re —— 0: —— —— OR n 2 2 o o N e oe c e r e 2 i e ed .ndle ali kinds of Granite and Marbie known o the trade and est quality. Best Material, First-Ciass work and Lowest Prices Ss wWwres een cr ~ ~ aw Se a a 7 s a 5 ea ae ee 8 Farsi maligna ban s 5suy e wears Can are -— sa eo a ms OF STATESVILLE, XH. C- 1 tsa Regier Banking Business Leomosits received subject to vbeckon sig Ly aid on rime deporits. Money leaned un youu olioterstore cersens) secur or ttentic: said te collectionsen #li puimts. cy Toredited or rem at low: stra oo nis 2’) rations Merchants. Mantfactorcrs end individral: seiiettea and ee ou Most favorable terms Cree Ge yee Jig 4 COOPTR, President, 6.6, IrVE, Vice President! GEO. FRG GS, Hashier. _ scr ee FRICK COMS4ANzs S >a” 5 pues # Sg : & #2%& Le Vaca sees ts ; . - CC for 37 Bclipse Portable Circular Saw Mall w touitaneous racket setting ; and cable rope feed, the sitive feed ever put on a saw Peick Company's TWATAINIDIS SEN GINES Yara D> T MDS ; SND BOMERS, : P . wheels er sills. Sta S engines and bouers, any * 5 the great hiil climbing a E traction engine. A few C us at low prices. Mea nc/ut ed us ne Hes. n Bros W ET ur Srstess He, N.C. Over Poste ~ nar ——— Warp Fry & Phifer. n us sel! ; you vourshir save vou money. Our tine of Shees, Hosiery anc Fants Will be snre to niease. Vo will sell vou 6 cans of 25cent. Peaches for $1. Leugetts uacabe Caifce best on carth, Se. per io. Ivresh i -aroni, 1Ze. Don’t miss the White Front for Seed Potatoes ana Groceries. ERY & PSHIF ICH. eset = A tS EFT EEE Le ce ote g «ta Medicine, but a Treatment. S y [HEN you buy RAMON’S LIVER PILLS & VV TONIC PELLETS vou do not buy a med- icine, but a Gomplete Treatment for Binous- ness, Constipation and Headaches. itis two distinct medicines, but sold for one price—25c. The PillS bring immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. Te EB AE to Sloan Cicothing Uo, Lee question of dress agitates the mind ome ee nh & a oe £ 3 uw 5 w & & 0 5 ofevery Quc more or less tiow ean I be neatly Gressed for the least muney. OF ecurse lo drrss ot = a ye cs reo hat > as Ve rently vou must haveasuit that ffs and that went Se aN e roucht ony sivck before the advanesr in woolens for the cash thore- tore Can S2ve you Moacy. Ook of an mealhe it ne stock of Sloan;& Saetcs, + + Lap lng ig Reduction. ou it at and below manufacturers: prices. Wecan sive you suit for $2.00. It you wentasitit, bat, shirt, necktie or anvibing i> vents furnishings you cannotatiord to not see us See cae. sie lisa Liven eotiartor 1c. We wre anxious for your trace ; . ees : fi - = + We * j aad if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to _kave it. ‘vary ortic!o sold by us must beus represeuted .Vhaukicg you ior 3 o' r “Vt cali wil SCat mat = DAST .~VErS al MOpliis Lo see You, we ate Very truly, = ; ‘Y Ws : Sloan Glothing Co We now have iu stock aud buugut 4 CAR LOADS, Boggies, Phoctons, Surrevs and hacks. votwitusianaing the big ad- vance ia tne price of material, we are enabled by baying purchased our stock early, to seii at old prices or at least yery neariy se. We have been Se ing you vehicles for 6 ycars aud have rever knowiesiy misrepresented & vehicle. to make a sale. We want your trade aod will use our best efforts to merit it. When you bny a buggy from us and we guarantee it, you know it means our Standing Square beliad the puarautee. Come anc see us. Barroa & Nicholson Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co. is het*er preparec than roto turn our attractive up-te-aate print and at rrices that estonsh those who have ever Leto? lug, ie not favored us with orders. 20> 1009 Circulars '75c Advertise what 100 Cards, 50c. With a handsome Card size5 x8 . “ct you ha J sell witha ; Case with yournmame =PNVELOPES. Yar sign nea Ser uxtav. don the case. Ait niallarpelone il style printed on AT LOW URICES. tead |} Geoe ratements, Seod Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, S Pamphlets, Cireulars, Ete 5 at low prices, for prices and sample. a ee THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCKH, PROPR'S. | | Last |sent out by the New York World lconcerning a plot Cubans and |Spantards to aSsassinate President | iMcKiuley. It that | ‘one of the gung had weakened at the ilast and instead of reporting it to a week a great fake story was by was reported {Federal officer, had reported ft toa) 93 member of the Republican national} committee. There was nothing in, | iit would seem that the whole thing | is a scheme to cfeate a rentiment | for the Republican The | Atlanta Constitution has the fellew candidate. ing to say concerning the s‘ory: The scheme and mischieveus. of Spaniards ind Cubans as authors of the plet isan endeavor to make of Mr. McKinley a martyr in the icause ofexpneston. If he ceuld be sech an object of hatred to Cubans the} is beth blupdering Phe introducti } . | ore and Spanierds so much ni rigaus should rally reason why An wonder is! around hi The oniv that a Filipino and Porro Rican; were notimeluded. They are prob. ! } ably hid out in the backgrouned, and! ¢ been notified of i j a h | OF -the: £ ture of this story Is not on- ly « blunder, but a crime. it instead of ae Ley 7 The Vernmenr: 4: * * TS cvhew, of Mayhew, tl Cat saletter in the last 2Sue of >Union Republican, of Viinston. Ele says ‘‘that the ticket | (we suppose bo means Democratic) } \ . of . | is composed mostly ifnotin full of; : the town men and court house ring.” | | He vdds “the peopie intend to turn | them down and place good, honest, | well bred farmars in the piace of bat, high ] ! : 1 twisted mustache, plug }statemext: twenty thousand dollar court house, paid tor by the honest, hard work- ing farmers and now they, the Dem- refuse to allow Hon. Marien Butler to spenk in it and refuse the wid for the court house the same privilege. ocrats, ) poanle wh: ‘ Every one knows that this is sim- ply net the truth. Mr. Aderholdt published a statement saying that Sherif? Wyeof did not refuse him court Senator Butler spoke in the court bouse on July 4th, and as this letter written on July 7th, we can believe only that the statement was written to mis- lead and deceive. This is only a somp'e of the work of the men Gp- pesed to the important issue before abandon argu: ment and reason, and by false state- the house. was the people. They ments seek to array prejudice against the party that stands for rood eovernment and the better- ment of our cendition. a Night Speakings, Dr. S. W. Stevenson and Mr A. D. Watts, Democratic candidates for the House, will speak at the follow- ing places at 8:39 o'clock at night: RiverHili, Yurnersburg township, Friday, July 20th. Allison's scheo! house, Olin town- t irdav, July 2Ist. Kaney Hill, Concord Menday, July 23rd. ' hestuut Grove school house, Coal ing towuship, Tuesday, July 24th. nity school bouse, Coneord township, Wednesday, July 25th. Mairview Acadewny, Shiloh town- ship, Thursday, July 26th. Let the people turn oyt to these night appointments and hear the issues discussed. ship, Sa township, w u J. A. HARTNESS, Chm'‘a. Dem. Co, Com. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. Corvrty Con paign. Th 3 he Democratic candidates for the jiegislature and the county offices will address the people on the issues of the campaign at the following times and places, speaking to begin at 2 o'cicek, p. m.: Harmony, Turnersburg township, Friday, July 20th. Olin, Olin township, Saturday, July 2ist. Statesville, Statesville township, monday, July 23rd. P. R, Houpe’s, Sool Spring tewn- ship. Tuesday, July 24th. W. o. H. Summers’, Bethany tuwusbip, Wednesday, July 2oth. Scott's, Concord township, Thurs- day, July 26th. Bradford’s store, Shiloh township, Friday, July 27th. The candidates of the Republican ; and Populist parties are invited to, attend these appointments and an equa! division of time will be graut- ed. Joint discussions by the candi-| dates of all parties have been the} rule ig Irede!l county, and the Dem-} ocratic party desires tbem this year. | Let all the pecple turn out and, hear the issues discussed. | J. A. HARTNEss, Chia’n Dem. Ex. Com fei ee ee EOE ee Does Not injure the Stormu W. A. Mctarty & Bon, Dime Boz, Tex., say: best we hove ever bandied. MY?" son prose a ri ’ theanly Chill Tanic which a child can tare without inyury tT) tho stem. eco Price 50c. BROWN Se"G. CO., Prop'ra. Greearviee, Sead. a f BAF Coe Bee enn sae Se R pum ZIM <3 ATE Say ° 36 > ce i Jo» Pepsin Sitite § f is Tasteless and Guaranteed ta Cure This aed é Fever end si! Sialastal Treusies. ¥ Does Net Contain Qzining Nor Other Poison. % 4 = meee Neue J Ramon's Pe nsin ¢ 7 4, ss ibin ns pro Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. | Volcanic Eruptions | Are grand, but Skin Eruptions) rob life of joy. Buclklen’s Arnica} Saive cures them; also Old, Runaing | land Fever Sores, Ulcers. Boils, Fel- ; lows, Corns, Warts, Cuts. Bruises, ; |Burns, Scalds, Chopped Hands, - Chiiblains. Best Pile eave on earth. } i Drives out Painsand Aches. Only! 125 cts. a vox. Cure guaranteed. | }Sold by W. F, Hall, Jr,, Druggist. it and no one beliéved it at the time. | ~ lmen that tans. (Unthba ¢ . Judve Walter H. Marion 6G y, Ala., the Democrat- ic nominee for State Auditor, died on last Thursday. Tho St, Louis street car strike has heen renewed. Tue men claim | t the comn: violated their -eement, all ef which the compa- ° cenures. A mysterious plague has made its tranee in a certain parish in Forty people, mostly os, have already succumbed to 4=e The lllinois Central fast train from New Orleans to Chicago was held njund rebfhed one day near Wieslitf, Ky. About ,W9G was secured. The Navy wer Department has been | notified that the battleship Indiana will be ready for trial on August 15, and the trial board wilt be ordered to Philadelphia on that date. It is civen out by the cottoc mill their business has been rt very materially by the war in They are very anxious for ‘*Goxer’ trouble to come to an the ; end, will be intregueed later on. The: Der. Mumm Von Schwarzerstein, whole story is simply untrue. andj the eavoy cxtraordinary of Germany voworthy cf notive. Why, for in-|1o the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, stance, sbould the members of the has teen wppeinted German minis- patienal Republican committee have titer to China, in succession to the late Baron Von Jcerteler. \li Ferrouch Bey, the Turkish ster. i, very ill with typhoid fever. lt wus said at the legation, that there was po change for the erin his condition, which, how- } not yet reached the criti- , An American trained nurse is coustantly at his side. Hon. Clark Howell, of Atlanta, was married lust Thursday to Miss Annie Comer, daughter of the late tlogh M. Cemer, president of the Central ef Georgia Railroad. Im- me ely atier the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Howell left for New York, where they will take passage for Furope for a tour of several months | standing collar and kid glove fe uf The tig Tlarper & Brothers pub- lows.’ Wesubmit that it would-be ishing plant will be- sord under no erime acninst our excellent coun- |; re Augist 9. The sale will ’ a AP steer - j ia visht to use the name t 3 ey had h ¢ to] ros. together with real be rnin town. Sut suck is not! y, stock, ¢opyright the ezco. They are nearly all suc- | 22 : , pudlish Harper's eessity! farmers meh of the pesple. ' os iurper = > New Monthly x : ae ‘ | Me Ha pers Bazasr and Be the: eoes on to give tais mis- if: rper’s Round Table. The real + estate includes the Franklin square real estate, valued at $1,200,000. Chevalier Trentanove, a sculptor \ D. &., has been awarded the contract for erecting the monument to the Confederate ceod that will be placed in Spring- fle:d, Mo., by the United Confeder- ate Veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy. Zhe monument is to be ready for unveiling by June of year. It will cost $12,000 and will be the only memorial to Confed erate soldiers in Missouri. ishington, uext . According toa statement issued by the bureau of construction and repair, navy department, the pew cattleships Alabama, building at the Cramp yards, and Wisconsin, at the Union tron Works. San Francisco, are 47 per cent and 95 per cent com-} plete, respectively. The Illinois is o4 per eent completed and the Maine 50 per cent, the Ghio 20 per cent and the Missouri bat 6 per cent. On last Thursday, President Me- Kinley and Governor Roosevelt were notitied by the committee ap- pointed for that purpose, that they had been neminated fer President ana Vice President, respectively, by the Republican party. President MekKiniey was at Canton and Sena- ior Ledve was chairmas of the com- mittee. Governor Roosevelt was ut his country home on Long Island. senator Wolcott was at the head of she committee that sotified him. Miss Ellen Roseborough, a white ri. seventeen vears old, gave her fife to save a little vegro child from horrible death. Miss Roseborough i:yed in Chesrer, 8. C., but was vis- iting relatives near Blacksburg. Waikiag with some friends in the y country, she saw a small negro play- ing on the track of the Southern roaé@, and a train rapidly approach- ing. The young woman, without hesitating a moment, rushed for- ward, caught the baby and threw it in safety from the train; but in the act was struck and killed by the engine, Sir. John L. Pennington, the no- tice of whose death at Oxford, Ala., has been recently announced, isa pative of Wake county, and was a printer by profession. He served an upprenticesbip with the late Rev. Thos. J. Lemay, editor and publish- ér of the North Carolina Star. an influential Whig paper, some fifty sayo. Later he went to Ten- see but returned to North Caro- i:na in 1858 and established the Newbern Progress. At the close of tke war he went to Alabama, and at one time only lacked one vote of being elected Senator. He was ap- pointed by Presigent Grant, Gover- nor of Dakota. Commissioner Powderly has re- ceiveda telezram from the immigra- tion officers at Eagle Pass, Texas, ip which they state that they have information .hat about 1,200 pauper Lzalians are ¢n their way north from Mexican ports with a view to cross- ing the Mexican line into the Unit- ed States. ! Forty-three of these Italians, it was said, already have veen stopped and turned back, but in view of the large number on the way, the officials ask for authority 4 mounted men to pat- te appuint te jrolthe Rio Grande and prevent their crossing. This authority has been ! cranted and the additional men will m be appointed at once. Bismarck’s lron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Judomitable will and tre- mendous energy arenot found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow- els ure out of order. these qualities and the. success they bring, use Dr. ing’s New Life Pills Tbey develop every power of brain and bedy. Only 25 cents at W. F Hall, Jr.’s, drug store. last } inated Thos. K. Miller for the House. | Mr.Jasper Christian, who has been 'fusion cierk of Durham county Su- | perior court for two terms,has come | out in favoc of the amendment. The Democrats and Populists have fused in matters. The Populists filled all the ticket except thatof Attorney General, this being filled by the Democrats The Democratic convention of the Fifth Congressional district has re- nominated W. W. Kitchin by accla- mation. Maj. W. A. Guthrie, late Populist candidate for Governor, was nominated for elector. Capt. John Beard, chairman of the People’s Party of Rowan county, says he will not vote on the question of the constitutional amendment. He is in favor of elimination of the negroes from polities. Tbe formal notification of William J Bryan and Adlai E. Stevenson of their nomination by the Democratic National Convention as candidates of the Democratic party for presi- dent and vice president of the United States, will take place at Indianapo- lis, Ind., Wednesday, August Sth. Henry Watterson, the brilliant ;editor of tbe Louisville-Courier \Joarnal, who fought Bryan tooth jand toe nails four vears ago, comes jout in the Louisville-Courier Jour- nal, in a brilliant editorial in which he says itis the duty of all who be- lieve in honest government to assist in the clection of Bryan and Steven- son, General S. B. Buckner, who was General Palmer’s running mate on the national (goid) ticket in 1896, has come out against the aomina- tion of a ticket this vear. General Buckner favors adopting a platform and denouncing free silver and not nominating a ticket. leaving the yzold Democrats free to vote as they choose. ——_—— The Advocates of Lawlessness. Coarlotte}News, Knowing that they can defeat the amendment only through fraud, in- timidation and Federal interference, ihe Black-and-Tan crowd are stirr- ing ap the negro te all sorts of deeds ci violence. Here are some instances, the authenticity of-which is substan- iilated by sworn testimony. In Henderson D, H. Gill and W. H. Smith told a negro if the regis- trar refused to register him to “‘take & stick ard bust the registrar’s brains out.” James W. McNeill, Republican candidate for the Legislature in Wilkes county, told the negroes the first time the registrar refused to put their names on the books, to give him a gcad whipping, and if be refused the next registration day to “swing him toa limb, or do any- thing else you please with him.”’ H. H. Knight, Republican treas- urer of Wake county, says the Re- publicans and negroes will have to stand over the ballot-boxes and whale the registrar and poll-hold ers over the heads with sticks in order to insure a correct count. The first fruits of this incendiary advice are being zathered already. At Greenyille, Pitt county, Chair- man Blow was assaulted by twone wroes and his face badly beaten with brass knucks, In Lenoir county three negroes who had previously sworn that they had recently.come into the State from Petersburg, Va., attempted to assault Registrar Cox, and threaten- ed to kill him for not reyistering them. James E. Steed, of Montgomery county, says a day cr two ago that three negroes and three white men entered the office of a registrar in that county and holdipg pistols at his head forced him with threats of killing to register them. Of course they were registered but immediate- ly upon their disappearance their names were erased from the books. Ofticers have been in search for these negroes and white men but up tothetime of Mr. Steed leaving home the officers had been unable to capture them. At Winston the Republicans have had the registrars arrested for re- fusing to register negroes who re- fused to give proper evidence re- warding their age and residence. The white people of the State will not long stand these threats and outrages on the part of the negroes and their allies. The Black-and-Tan combination are storing up wrath against the day of wrath. Reciprocity With Germany. Washington Dispatch, 13th. The newly signed reciprocity ar- rangement between the Un:ted States and Germany will be pro- claimed tomorrow. The articles up- on which Germany secures a reduc- tion of duties have been already enumerated, namely, Still wines, ar- yuis, paintings and statuary. The amount of the reductions in each case is fixed in the Dingley act. In return the Uaited States secures the most favored nation treatment, orin other words, the minimum tariff rates on articles exported to Germany. ‘Tbe arrangement does not specify any articles of Ameri- can mauufacture upon which the dutiesare to be reduced; such re ductions are supposed to be covered by the statement that the minimum rates are to apply to them. No Right ® Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be at- tractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trou- ble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions anda wretched complexion. Elec- | tric Bitters is the best medicine in |the world to regulate stomach, liver jand kidneys and to purify the blood. hion. Jr.’s, Deug Store. Nebraska, on State; 4 4 |charming woman of a run-down in-/| writes W. R. valid. Only 50 cents at W, F. Hall, | Tenn. To the Chairman of the Den:ocratic Executive Committee: IT have been a Populist ever since there was a Populist party in | North Carolina. For six years | | bave bees chairman of the execu- jtive co. mittee of said party in Burke «.. :nty. Not since the civil war hay» :ae people of North Caro- ling hau a more important issue to settle tha» the one now before them, to-wit: ‘*White supremacy.”’ Iam a white man, and therefore, not ouly believein, but must support, the constitutional amendment. The leaders of my party have not only arrayed themselves ayainst the said amendment, but are trying to force the rank and file of the party to folowthem. Therefore, I intend to support the amendment, and since the Democratic party is the only party advocating it, consisten- cy comype!s ine to support the Dem- ocratic ticket. P. W. Parton. Chairman P. P., Burke County. July 11, 1909. i Steel Rod Uinbretlas Becoming Dan- gerous. Asheville Citizen, A letter to Mrs. Charles W. Byrd pirom Dr. Byrd gives the information ‘that the latter was shocked »y light- ning while visiting a stock farm near Owensboro, Ky.. last Friday. Dr. Byrd held in his hand aun um- brella wi hasteel rod. Lightning struck a tree about 20 feet distant, and aflected Dr. Byrd to the extent that it rendered him insensible for about one minute. When he re- gained consciousness his little son William, who accompanied him, was standing over him crying. Since recovering consciousness, Dr. Byrd has felt no unpleasant ef- fects except that hisarm was numo for atime. The umbrella was torn io pieces. and hurled about twenty feet. It was unquestionably a close call for Dr. Byrd. William has since recovered his good spirits and @eclares that when his father arose from the ground he looked “like he had been operating a juvenile mud pie factory.”’ ee Mr. Bryan’s Idea Aboutthe Para- mount Issue. In his speech before the Nebraska State Conventio: Mr. Bryan had this to say aboui Imperialism: “The platform adopted at Kansas City has declared one issue more important than iny other in this campaign. Iwant you to go back home and prese: t these issues to the people, andtoe:s!! heir attention to the fact that i nation once denies the doctr’;. -hat it rests for its authority ujva the consent of tbe governed, then thereis nothing but force fur it to rest upon, and if there be any who ure willing to risk a government resting upon brute force, let it be known in this State that an overwhelming majori ty of the people prefer to base their government upon the only solid foundation, the consent of the gov- erned. Ihave such faith in intelli- gence and patriotism of the people of this State I believe when these is- sues are presented to them and they come face to face with the questions upon which this campaignis to turn, we will find they will come to those doctrines set forth at Kansas City. tats —_—eE— Biblical Recorder on Amendment. Biblical Recorder. We are voiny to have division and strife so long as the people refuse to think for themselves. Now as to the amendment —let the reader get it and read it before he advocates it or calls the man who favors it a ty- rant or one who opposes it a scalla- wag. Readit. Think aboutit. If you find vourself incapable of doing so, do not talk about it, and do not vote on it. We have examined it closeiy. We stake our reputation for understanding plain English on it, that the amendment is designed to disfranchise illiterate colored vo- ters, and that it will not affect the suffrage of any white man. We do not see why there should be any great strife or division about this. Ail who favor disfrancbising illiter ate colored voters ought to be al- lowed to vote for it, and all in favor of retaining them in the body poli- tic ought to be allowed to vote against it. A clear understanding will make for peace. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E Willy, a prominent citi- zen of Hannibal, wo., lately had a wonderful écliverance from a fright- ful death. Intelling of it he says: “T was taken with Typhoid. fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I wasso weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Noth- iog helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continu- ed to use it, and now am well and strong. 1can't say too much in its praise."’ This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the worid for all. Throat and Lung trouble. Revular size 50 cents and $1. Trial bottles free at W. F. Hall, Jr.’s, Drug Store; every bottie guar anteed. To a young man who stood smok- ing a cigar the other day there ap- proached the elderly and imperti- nent reformer of immemorial legend. “How many cigars do you smoke a day ?’’ asked the meddler. “‘Three,”’ answered the youth, as patiently as he could. Theo the inquisition con- tinued. “‘How much do you pay for them?’ ‘Ten cents,’’ confessed the young man. ‘“Dox’t you know, sir,’’ continued tke sage, ‘‘that if you would save that money, by the time you areas oldas Iam you could own that big building over the way ?’’ “Do you ownit?”’ inquired the smoker. ‘‘No.’’ *‘Well, I do,”’ said the young man.—Exchange. ‘Thad stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cur- If you want It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- ismoeth, velvety skin, rich complex- ; sia Cure. r It will make a good-looking, '! rood I call it the savior of my life.” It has done meso much Wilkinson, Aibany, It digests what you eat. W. F. Hali,Jr. The Chinese minister. Mr. Wa, has undertaken to get through a cipher cable message from Secretary Hay to United States Minister Conger at Pekin, andto deliver back the reply of Minister Conger, if he be alive, Mr. Wa forwarded the ci- pher dispatch, together with an ex- own on Wednesday, and the results are now being eagerly awaited both ted that some days must elapse be- fore runners can carry out this plan of opening up communication be tween the American government at Washington and the Americau min- ister at Pekin. It was soon after Minister Wu presented the text of the edict is- sued by the Chinese imperial gov- ernment that Mr. Hay requested him to get through a messuge to Minist- er Conger. Since the Chinese ov- ernment bad suceeededin getting through its own communication from Pekin, Mr, Hay felt that it was quite reasonable to ask that like communication be opened between our minister and government here. Mr. Wu readily assented to this proposition. Mr. Hay thereupon wrote the messaye, and had it trans ‘ated into the official cipher of the State Department, The contents were not made known toMivisterWv, but in its unintelligible ciphes form il, was entrusted to him to be placed in the hands of Minister Conger at the earliest possible moment. Mr. Wu determined to act through the medium of an influential imperial of- flicer at Shanshai, who, by reason of his position, is better able than any one else in China to execute such a mission. Besides forwarding the message to Minister Conger, Mr. Wu sent to the Chinese official a de- tailed and urgent explanitory mes- sage, in whith was set forth the imperative importance of perform- ing this service forjthe American gov- ernment. The oflicial was urged to spare no efforts or expense in for- wardingthe message by carriers, runners or any other means into the hands of Minister Conger, and to use like means in getting back the answer to the American govern- ment. Two days have elapsed since the message to Mr. Conger went for- ward, and it is confidently belieyed that itis now on its way from Shang- hai to Pekin. A Good Family Mdicine. W. Lee Wilmoth, Top of Allegh- any, West Va., writes: I bave used Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pel- lets for the past five years ia our family.. I do not hesitate to say that they.are the best. They are mild in action, splendid in effect. be- sides bein x pleasant to take and re- quiring one only ata dose. To all who are unable to pay large doctor’s bills I would say, always keep a box of Ramon’s Liver Pillsin the house touse in case of necessity. For sale by N. R. Tunstall, Druggist. The Stanly Enterprise says: “A freak in electricity has been notic in the telophone lines which con- nect the mills and two or three stores here with Dr. Whitley’s office at Millingport, and the direct line con.ecting Morrow Bros. & Heath Co.*s store with Concord. The two ines are independent of each other and do not intersect at anv place, though in some places the same poles are used for botn lines. But the strange thing occurs when Dr. Whitley calls up Concord from bis ‘phone when he has no connection therewith. It isa jump of 6 inches or more by the current, giving every advantage of full connect on.”’ Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of us- ing anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom beard of Appendi- citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, ete- They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentatiou cf undigested food, regulate the action of the liv- er, stimulate the servous and organ- ic action of the system, and that is all they took when dulland bad with headaches and other aches. You only needa few doses of Green’s August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by W. F. Hall, Jr. A special, July 6th, from Mt. Gilead, says: R. N. Page, Demo- cratic candidate for the House, hac an appointment to speak at Walker’s near Wadeville, last night. Seve- ral young men from Wadeville were voing on the lever carto hear him. Some one placed an obstruction on the track for the purpose of killing the registrar. Three of the young men are crippled, one badly. Strong suspicion rests on some parties The day cf reckoning for the oppon- ents of law and order will be sure and swift. The negro is not blamed but his white ailies will be held to true account forall such acts. R. T. Gaitly, Democratic poll holder of Steel’s township, near here, was shot and badly wounded by a negro last night. The culprit has not been captured. The easiest and most effective method of purifying the bleod and invigorating the system is to take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers <he *amous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels. W. F. Hall,Jr Five hundred of the women of Greensboro haye signeda_ petition asking for a continuance of the dis- pensary. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: ‘‘I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. My wife could not get htr breath and the first dose of it relievedher. It has also benefited my whole family.’’ It acts immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, zrippe, bronchitis asthma and al throat toubles. W. F. Hall,Jr. ———— rT tended explanatory messaye of his} by Secretary Hay and the Chinese | minister, although it is apprecia-! widow of Gereral Burnham Machias. Me., when the doctors s2° she could pot live till morning writes Sirs. S. H. Lincoln, who 27%- iended her that fearful night. ~All ;thought she must soon die from | Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. Kiog’s New Discovery, saving ‘t ‘had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. | After three small doses le: ;Soundly all night, and its fart) -: use completely cured her.’ Thi i marvelous medicine js guaranteed ieure all Throat, Chest and L | Diseases. Only 50¢ and $1.00. Trial bottles free at W. F. Hall, Jr.'s, drug store. om , } she s be We w ee pe eee ahs Col. Jas. E Boyd. assistant - | torney general in the departinen of | justice, has received the appoi t- ment fron. the president at Can as judge of the United States D s- trict Court, of North Carolina. ‘ie qualified Monday. ——E *“DeWitt’s Lictle Early Risers::e the finest pills I ever ased."—D *. Moore. Millbrook, Ala. They quick. ly cure all liver and bowe!} S WF. Ball. Jr. brouy Gen. Julian S. Carr. last vear o/- fered a prize of S100 to the svomitting the bestessay on 2 ade ef North Carolina His tory. 3M per 1 r. M. Pittman, of Henderson, , thet His paper wason “Nor h Carolina 1832-1842 W.s. Musser, Millheim, Pa., sov- ed the life of his little girl by giv og her One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying fromecroup, Itis* 2 only harmless remedy that vives iin- mediate results. It quickly cars coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and all throat ard lung troubles. W. F. Hail.Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Ashe, of Raieiy son of Capt. Samuel A. Ashe, Git in Raleigh on last Wednesday niga. He was about 24 years old. He w married about a year azo io Bilos Naanie Jones, daughter of Arm::- tead Jones, Esq., of Raleizh. Doctors Failed. ames me st Jj. Terry, of Turkey, Kentack writes: J have been zw sulferer itor ‘teen years from troubies : trom a disordered liver, and dectors in the : failed to do me any yood. | theupht 1 would try a box of Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic I fler Hela} eles neivhvorinyg Pellets A inyz one-balf box 1 felt vetter and was soon permanently cured. | keep them in stock constantly sine= I discovered their valuable curative qualities. For sale by N. R. Tun- stail, Diuggist. etic te ga ce “Christian Reid’s”’ play, * Unde: The Southern Cross,’ which has been presented by the Salisbury Dramatic Club in several of theo towns of the state has netted $375.0) profit. Themoney will go for the benefit of the Jefferson Davis mGen- ment epterprise. Dr. C. D. Melver, of Greensbor , says: “Rev. C. G. Vardel, tie President of Red Springs Femair Seminary, is a remarkable man. te is one man who refuses to leave his State fora greacly increased salary. Kecently he was offered 25,000 a year to take charge of aschool icr girls in another state, and upoy 7re- f:.s:ng to accept the position, Le was asked toname the salary for which the would go. This he dectined to do, preferring to remain in Nor a Carolina and continue at the Lead of the institution over which be has presided so successfully. “After sufieriag from severe dys- p°psia over twelve years and using muny remedies witnout permane:t good finally took Kodo! Dyspes.a Care. Itdid me so much ood | recommended it to everyone, writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Ste- corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It diges:s what yooeat, W. i. Hall,Jr. > RET a 2) : this illus- trate your expcri- ence? And are z you wor- HAIR ried for fear you are soon to be bald? a eee worry- | or help is at ‘= hand. You need . something that will & put new life into the air bulbs. You ; = need <i ¥ ; : 7 j ; 4 i ¥ food, such as-— It brings health to the hair, and the fall- epee: t always restores color to gray _ hair. You need not look at thirty as if you were fifty, for your gray .@ hair may have again all the dark, rich color } of youth. — $1.00 a bottle. All érugg:sts. trade and have mo n n s t i t DY te e n it s SE M AN B to n e i jon in my busi- Hexey J. GEORGE, 22,1899. Kansas City, Mo. Write the Docte>. If you do not obtain all the benefits from expected ibe use of che Tt a eC ANE, © a hair |f ¥ | (C i t i e s ci a i n a n c t n i n e n Me cn i e ee ee + Oe Ra i Ba e k ee ee Pe Si ae — = St Areas ee a eee Le TLE A, ae TART NN PI ST NN MRE Ey aE ¥ i is A i & —_——— SE eee — A re = = ‘ ™ nS ex. Seed Oats and Hay For Sale. Corn For Sale. ea Ceucenl -om’s Speech iminently | A JUDAS EDITOR AND THE PRICE TAYLORSVILLE NEWS. STATESVILLE COTTON comer ce Go ee : : = a eee ” Seeting OP HIS BBTRAYAL. ! STATESVILLE, N. ¢. July BI 9 Me a I havea tot of white and black span Oa eg ¥ have just received a car to, Be ex ee re 1M 7 ton | ~ ~ nae i 975 sale forseed. Ihave a large lot rin cecal Stony Poiut, which we wil! a Ve ee ed us +4 vA a vo \ Vote for the airendment and a 9.06 jay for sale, See me when you want Erm, ' or ontime. ' aereu es ot nightan attempt Was : els aa) Sac. f| The Sale of the Editorial Columns of oy ooy spouse 9-59 and malt, Respectrully, L. COWAN. | June 14th., 1900. Respect, ! ee to} »¢ Jemoeratic candl- is eminently fitting, in view O! The Asheville Garette. ew a ee 9-40 | Reby, Sth, 1900. aes \ WHIT? r - eC LO ne Ou 4 avs “ i s Pani en caieres > hu mi z sag nee 2 a 9.39 f eatery a ‘ny at their ap-;the great outrage perpetrated i | Ralcigh News and observer. | Miss Ollie Crowson, of Hickory, Stats a nt ees a cb POBMSHED WEEKM? ee oer Federal understrappers at Winston, | * een lis visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. F, Cobb. | See PR ee ea as ear alls . a . tm ve and the beefy bully in the mountains, | When the Asheville Gazette flopped —e ‘ uy | | eeneennnnnn nen weeenannnennnnnnnne we ELS ESN 4 iS Te. A letter toth Mr. McKinley’s collector of revenue. | over to the Radical party and be- | Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cobb Spend STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET. Fi 5 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. cite shat General Ransom, our grand old | carae the organ of the revenue doo-| Sunday at Statesville visiting rela- rinse . : aa cae) mi may his tribe increase—should | Alers and negroes, re oe = tives. ; CORRECTED BX ta ee “5 ne He Ina piie St - pie ho indienation meet-|izen charged that the editor adi. xu : r X aan of | COOPER & Git a PropelETOR be present at the indignation meet-|jzen charge = ae LO} | Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Matheson, of | + 4 A. D. Watts, Epitor & Prot RIET rs atte Tne pe «to be held at Winston next Tues-|sold his editorial columns to the | syooresville, spent afew days here| TT 7‘ “ i? nn Eree's dav. and speak to the good men of | Radical bosses in that section of the | the past week. ! COMMENTS OF THE WEEK 4 ‘= Entered at the Pestefice at State svillea) t] weaker. Tbev!+!.e State there assembled upon the/State. Nobody has ever doubted; _. G ee na | 291 produce a. rt = Seek 4 is > posers re 3 } ss rT * é rent tk ae riety arse 1 OCTALIZ ; ee matter. ] A a ‘on of all shame thatis attempted to be put|thestatement, nobody could readj | Miss Grace Teimster went re BUYING PRICES- QUAMIIY a x "second class mail matter. J also like to have full discussion Ol < Samira s Eo : the Gazetteday after day without dell county Monday to visit her sis- | Cabbage, per b . ry - ‘ nn conside vnem. : : = * Sore Sree poets Terns Z = ‘ } SULGI nT is 1en the same element, in 1579, | recognizing it as a subsidized orgaa | tt r, Mrs..Somers. ¥s a ¢ eC eS rtook to overgwe and trample of Radicalism. Butin addition to} Congressman Linney is spending | “* a ‘ { \ tha the honest white men ot the|the unrefuted statement made bY | this week in Lineoln, Gaston and | = + eee nl $ % . , we oe : i : a | Corn—old—s6lbs. per bushel. . 4 eh ther » when the father of the ee The Citizen and the circumstantial | Cleveland counties. ee Se eee a4 : ‘kets burn every day with | evidence which its columns gives Oats—3z2ihs. a : - pockets burn every day with | evidence w its colu gives, eS OID NASS Dens Saal | pee ae Oe § 2 t he money that belongs to W. T.|the following affidavit given by Mr. | The pee! seat eee ea ee f a z tood t Crawford, declared that the ‘‘judici-| Walter Roy Somerville, who owned | ie ee ee eee meee ee ees ' we } sa ells hf orr | ec eo - y , . = SOh aa ; 4 s of the ai t usted.” it was this}375 out of the 1,500 shares of stock pune ane ae : one ace pee aebal - nsom who hastened tojin the Gazette Company,iseyidence! The Democrats will close tbe| Lard—N.C. ‘ :- va, Brooks, 2 ob-|zhat would conyict the Gazette in| ¢ampaign here Wednesday, August | fallow |. - - y i ‘ . os u . ae 2 . . . = pets 2 BWOK 0) ace # : ne opened the} any court. Here is the affidavit: lst. Speaking anda pienic dinner. | Hens—per en" : t ‘ people and] 7, Walter Roy Somerville, make} a . ee Reet teens rt evaete ’ - | . sar Ms : | Chic —Spring—s t ep tb : this affidavit, believing it a duty I | Geo. W. peoeen ea, of sete cheaters ' ( CS p ERs ¢ a . , ’ uM | Owald oe ship, s so TS eS : us 5 ‘ a ; ay # ' ) retic = t -efore, that again, | owe the Democratic party in North | & ay s oa Be C MS eee pert We have a any large and well selected stock oi : yi hirelinys of 2 Ge-| Carolina. a fiour mill to Mr. Dent. Camp- ——— <n ner Lay robes, that we are going to close out a 4 ‘ eo o oe = ; . . > a MIRAE TA Aa ID Oe : 3 i . ading combination Ehat from June, 1898, until June, bell, _ | Batter--Choice yel . - A oe : r to brow beat and|1S800 Iwasa minority stockholder Jno. L. Gwaltney, Esq.,will speak | Pair. Sd o : r 1onest people of Our | in the Gazette Publishing Company, |at the voting place, Little River | Moncy—smimene Pee é a 4 2 : soe y > abuse the prerog- | o? Asheville, N. C., publishing the| township, Saturday afternoon at 2} rg¢s< m rea yy ¢: : rebuke ¢ resin their mad) Asheville Daily Gazette and the | o'clock, p. m. Wheat Se kee eae so } é i q i ice of the old man) Agheville Weekly Gaxette. Toe; 4 co Hen Ract ook ito ln cerisken ee oe oe x < a LO ne ) 1 7 eet is . ay agre 1 < . iene Fc Ss : v Cm nie Senthers—Cw 2... te ee te 5: ' : 2 : u be heard in) majority stookholders were Jas, Bj ny yor. close Soden aarecal oe new Ss L6e rices. s i i 0 i¢ Our caemles | Norton and members of bis fou want to vote see that your name = ree. ft rhest degree Of | that j “9 t / il, 1899, James ‘ “ Ne air toa eh gsc aE a th an eee of a| EN S eo eee editor and gets on the books before they close. aoe Cati and see them at i a ee leavor the energies of a] }), Norton, as pres ennai ae eee : Ce a eat atooaetlc ate ‘ “ i f ¢ ( uve people. ‘director of the Gazette Publishing | Ex-Sherill Watts returned Mon- fancy bright sliced. . i rae ; WILLIAM JENNIN AN. S that day in July just) Company, proposed and entered in-|day from Kansas, where he v isited The Flani ak 5 blz a thirt ears ayo the minions Of)to an agreement with Senator Jeter |relatives since the adjournment oj !, wid 4 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. , darkne ere put to and ©. Pritchard, Collector H. S. a Se Democratic convention nes ; 1 t rial | N hit inians regained their|kins, Col. V.S: Lusk, District At-jat Kansas City. Harn S Co ‘ Ey, | 4 ~ sets rn ic “oy a . . Jae + te . E z Pe) ; , f razette to} freed is July w Se ;torney Holton and others as repre- The following party left Monday wo ° ; i be scattere cantatives of the Republic: y - . 12 Lier ps ~ W i ; White yremacy. | nt ibe scattere | Sentative ae tne Re ey evening for Charleston, S. Oi freon Ea oii i : P Ie t 45 oppose the 4S ne - x r E ’ i 0 ‘) Li simed to} : PSUS PDOs oe ae fod by C. Barnes, W. J. Allen, W. P. and aed A i r Vice Pt Sa O rolitic ; pace ne oe * 1899 J. P. Echerd, Jno. G. Harrington. For Sale. ENS mee - thi at Ww Vemocrats. butk= |) <tahb} -<Jlin the enjoyment | ~ noers > Leois “a S390, : - vienigh ; > = Sy gs P at € 1 t D403 ~ € Ui the Democratic egislature oO afrey_ | O- G. Lefler and E. L. Hedrick. CANE TAYLOR saw mill and one 20-horse Reps’ eS = . { \ me bi da n th } and good government) The editorial columns of the afore- i j power Taylor engine and boiler, both in am i OF LINCS. Lo enost bitter and me : , r¢ hout the Commenwealth. i said mentioned publications were Hon. B. F. Long, of States a good working “condition and = runn eee ence eCReE? zi Lae eo ‘also to be used on divers other oc-|one of the ablest lawyers and public | Alsoione “z-home good 3 DEMOCRATIC STATE TIDKET rat t Hite ma JCASUTE BAS | Governor Russell's Opinion. | casions and events, verbally agreed speakers in the State, wis speak On | condition, Price Write RS oN ts : Gon aK a ORG ey ee, > Observe lupon. Deponent further sayeth|the amendment and other issues, at} or apply for intormanod fe peown, £ ess we) lI > t ever c| - are having no| that a regularly written agreement Liledoun, Moore’s coun mill, BEXt] jyusy 32, 1900. Mooresville, N.C i Ci r % af ans are Bbaving tr | i Serna a —- aid| Mo 7 lock » m. = - . . . : 3 tt this sale had | now. | to this effect was presented to said] M« nday, ats oclock, pis &B ae as -to our ready made skiets that distin s i snare = cee et romnd that it is mottoss- © Norton by pee The Democrats of Wilkes county K CG MM: : : rk 2 : en eee Seal aMiby) aod. hones ; VILA V gO tact Rb SOG Fos een ne mee eet - : y oraltcon here is style and ity me Ng ™ thea { an that ist negro | on = pepe ee ta oe have named Mr. A. Vance Foote for Past Trai too. Come: ;, [f we haven’t your size, seiect the seamen i ; J. BRYAN ¢ 4 { xey had im-} ae P. i chi — C : a Phe the Sentate in place of A. ne Van- aso irain, Sour meARur furnish the skirt, guaranteeing fil and st i t ) > - 'gette . vy ompany. ny Ne ° »Jine * VOUP IS as aes aa - vi : | j zelte uonshin’ ) noy, Esq., who declined the nomi ; aerate kW . . ¢?! } Y ‘ *t yy av nt “. . . . ee BENJA kT i s IE. Nort Lal -o secipe lots of trouble | Geponent further sayeth ee the | nation. Mr. Foote was one of the To A, Prive i] z Se emacs - i terr 5 the.-: Ss $C . tl s ~ . eerie ring-Troom os i = ; \ Gazette, rect <s in line. The| terms in the-agreemett for Saas nominees for the house of represen- sac ares - = : u ” e sh . fu a of efection is that/S¢rvices on the part of James “-!tatives andisasonof Prof. J. dt. ROR. at Ac a p ‘ vb: ; tussell hoe ae Foote, who years ago was connected | 12-20 Lorning, | ee In the next few days another lot of that beautiful i ; ont rp. cu } ! t be { t ee . Aollar a3) y 1 » - . .. pansas C cee aes oes . ae i p ss iol sper dmentanail) & llars, to be paid by es epee = with the school here. Seas abies ns for Arkansas aud Texas. Kc ‘ At iG P. r Yard a : ts ~ € ave be ous Ocal tees nh area OS Gadi party im isstailments oO a iN : ee : - 5 f sin Texas and Northwest- ‘i if ite en large majority. ne 008) dollars each, the} Nr. Charley Smith, the Lenoir .dat Kansas City Union Devo MADRAS Ce ¢ Ey , : ; are : 5 i LE COTA OM EC ate rid ae raton weary errata aie a nid|mail carrier, failed to vet a horse to ins forc andali i ei eh 4 4! t ' c ‘ 5 4 : : “a4 4 | first installment on signing of said ee, ees a Se hehe West and Northwes ore for Ladies Watsts and Gentlemen's Negliges \ : sas ‘ es nie i SOO he last installment by | ride last Friday morningand start-]""y 32 .GcK Woon, G.'P. A.. Kansas City, Mo, the v¢ ¢ for Le ea eames #1 ; : ] that d—n | *5teern ns, thevast pactaimens 1 off foot tc | the 20-mile}] © W.STRAIN, T A. Memphis, Tens the valax arent at a g.ance. by f = Oo L a LOGY ae * S . act ¢ ry make ’ i a AIN, A. Memphis, 3221. the Vaine is ar balay me : ‘ BVA ‘ , Sy est pane i April, 1900. That these amounts |ed offon foot to make the 2U-miley © MS ST. eens : i st arves yr his | Bite ed Hitle fool. + were tobe paid to said James: E. | trip and back, He did not make : EN RCA RW ae B 1 Cc st at Sas = 4 : the Governor says the arrest of | "" ae ally. and th: Jepo- | schedule time on his return Satur-}7 ve x | At and e Ow OS ° i ERANKLIN MC J i 3. 1 m2 i Winston wag a/orton, persopally, an hat dep 2 1 tk “1 4 +e g : by Publication ; 4 Vinston 3 a} 3 ohne : ; nips emecey Ae 5 ‘ oy (ch C blunder. And rot|2c8t, in conversation with said day,but delivere< Se See 2 ervice DY | : Pha - s ne : pope eee eat nog James E. Norton and his sister, | Postmaster Matheson early Monday |. ont CAROLINA } In the Su- Our shoes are going, come early if you want barrgain. [It wi). ; 4 a aS aE lise epee me fatal TO any eaanee 'wiss Mary Norton, in February,|morning He did nottry it again |iREDELL COUNTY. » perlor Court.) ison of fii—not price. ; 5 BC the R ERAVC OAL OF any cantor h: “eo of | Monday. ‘The foreign contractor} 4 iE % Serene : : VY & GAGE i900, was informed that three of] - y- > M.A. BEARD } earn W JL ot lect State in August or |? ie : a Q ‘ nen a Vv NOTICE if : 7 aoe we State in AUEUSY OF | Ly se installments had been paid, | will have to get a new sub-contrac- = i. 4 a DANIEL HUGH 3 t Sei inns Z : { o x these instalinents ( e pala, : een ane ) nm OR LEK 5.0 t waco. ES Soe . blunderine of tough no record was made on the tor or furnish Mr, Smith a borse, take notice : ot ECAR ee eee it Y medal officers DOOks of said Gazette Publishing} ‘Thos. M. Hufham, Esq., of Hicko- paeeaes a : ITY TICKET | ithe oirer recerali om Sy Hau resect Pani nat + e ae Bre ON casa ) the wnatter of arresting the ree-} COMBaADY- : _ jry,andA. Vance Foote, Esq., of 4 a ) } Hal Presting ‘ 5 > “= . avath f vey : : me ie i j iu: ves t] doen a pnt een ap al lather! cant) a omonene further sayeth that in| Wilkes, the Democratic candidates sane dee ae - 4 — bE OMe bls ors bas inadeit so that McKinley |*¢ eated conversation between said|torthe Senate in this district, will urtof said county, to be held on Bias ut veh amy Abaaln ts as ; : 7 e Nort n atiis sai ‘ —— : av of November, . 8 > cour : : Semen os i — : Li Corres} oe a ihe State, James E. Norton and aftiant, | said! bo in Alexander county, at BEA ee eee cyte an State eS aCe ead : } i ee ; ul | plied ab oy he killed every chance that! /2mes . Norton stated that his on-|jte, Friday, July 20th;at Drum’s 1 “to the complaint in said ac- A Lu who care to secure high grade all-wool Smyrna Rugs, whil: £' 1 4a ie ve KLE eV Ae a : . = sy , S =} . ~~ + apply tothe court ~ t . oe ** * ts “ . 3 + AMUEL W. STEV? s sresur the attacs uj} tin ey | think that he would have |/¥ motives tn opposing the said Con- school house. Millers township, Sai- | ho"; ab Ross ox are at the bottom should avail themselves of the following ote pod \ > WATE ‘ ‘ ‘ of T stat bi t for Holton’s stitutional Amendment ard Elec-} uray, July 21st; at Mr. Bethel,| rnisjuty mth, :900, J, A. HARTNEsS. [tis true. values have advaneed everywhere but r Car oue t v rae aw was 5 2 , . ie r ae ee 4 ‘lerk of the Superior Cour = n Leh cetera oly a iol » cannot nope to ton Law, was the $5,000 paid by the | Downs’ store, Wittenburg township, Re imate er on ‘ Prk yOuES Ya! WEXCOF! pine th pane is all Holton’s; Republican party. Saturday, July 21st, and will be} ~— a om i ere 1S ti ie Pit h . a“ , Y > wit hs - 7 ’ ™ ypu . >. : ° * y be ji 1 FPEGISTER OF DE! , all the fort \ : Y- Roy SOMERVILLE. with the county candidates in G walt- & 2 ne W. TORS completely rout Pee eis aia no from) Sworn to and subscribed | before noys township, Monday, 23rd, Su- S oi a Peay ° one und Observer. The Gov- | ™¢ this 1ith day of duly, A. D.1900. war Loaf, Tuesday, 24th. , Ee Klegant Smyrna Rugs, 30 x Gtat $2.00. | i - : mea ' 1 s} ‘seen fit to honor this pa- Joun S. Werts, Notary Public = oa me ra s Zi x at 1.25 ‘ i¢ 2g} LO honor a ob | hile S bias Sn “4 z ; s k ai 3 . ay be ts ( =) een co Philadelphia, Pa. ooo | ti Py x 4 = tte GEO : dant and fervent Ce RE Rane Seah el 15 x B0at 30. > ' : z it: : re z (Seal.) AMONG THE POLITICIANS. e- q ’ i a, i i ys come from a x s : a0 ea gi Cae 3 . Mt ‘ 00 ‘ i ny . I State of Pennsylvania — Wilten Velvet and Mogquet.you know them,vielding pile.soft and )! RA os 5 , : is is re ble; and it may}; ee af a : 5 seo 4 - : ~~ mi * AAARA 9? n “a | pS unaiae Meee er neyo ity of Phil yhia. Sie : en = to the tread, bet in beauty and servicableness they vi “te omit $ i ee eine | i upon, as stating the 7 oe SE Ex-Senator David B. Dill, of New - t Seauty and servicableness they yield to no 1: HOMAS i iusslans ancl, ees AP rns Setar ' i, J. ssel ayer, To se orn! ee Nee eaetay ; Se a i eee 4 Capea fin the matter, leave of the oe of Philadelphia York, has promised the Democracy Digests what you eat. 16 x 27 Velvet ard “‘equet. at 4c: 2 a ss ae Se ee 7 Shae ee an : Se or eke C a ; oe Common | Of Richmoud, Va., to yo there dur-| ITtartificially digests the food and aids id Ne e : 0c : to the native city. 2 c : 5 Se gms cb et CLO TE >Ceurts ol pt : 3 ECU Naa 5 anaes - . us : ie B : sC.. ae nes ae ; : eal kes for Governor on Anti-Goebel 5) 0 oe said county. which are|i™s September and make a speech| Nature in strengthening and recon- 22 x 27 Body Bri - te. fi TIME TO WORK. Meee ‘courts of record, having 2 common | /ot Bryan. sear ee a or- 27 x 36 TOe + aaa hb feet em Becerra : er : as. It iS the latest discovered digest- pep ie grees. ee 4 tseal, being the officer authorized by| J. Hookins Hobart, State chair- ee dtonic. Noothe e ~~ X 4) ioc. ‘ le pepsin - PSeat, eee 2 , : w Ps : z2 ant and tonic. o other preparation 22 x 2G Velve aan “ < ‘ j 1,500 Ri vy of Danvitc, Was | the laws of the State of Pennsylva-|man of the Populist Party in Vir-! ean approach it in efficiency. It in- ee tand Moquet, | 9c. a urties of( inated Seg OY nia to make the following certificate, | ginia, has announced his purpose to] stantly relieves and permanently cures —s x e : a" 1.00. : nd ¢ Republ. can co yy bed 1M) do certify that John S. Wurts, Esq..|support Bryanand Stevenson, and| Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, =~ X 40 : ; 1.00. “ ine x 1 DOs city. A platform was sdopted | before whom the annexed affidavit|will use his utmost influence to | Flatulence, Sour Stomaeh, Nausea, Zit igi an wa 1.25. 3 Tho | . ee he election | * oe Ge as - sate rom. fb 5 adacne,uastralgia,Crz S. a Filt =. } literature rs RC} ombar 1 ring the Issue of the elec ene. was made, was at the time of so do-| prevent another ticket from being Bee —— a ey iton oa 1.40. sees 6 movel are rep) Lb G s ME Section = JH ing a notury public for the common-| put in the fieid. ‘Prepared by E C. Dewitt Aco, Coleugee” ~i x of Velvet and Moquet. 1.50. £3 : : ee Pent coc! ESE \ oops ) i witha three) wealth of Peansylvania, residing ja Gustie Guild. of B Mase ct. PM ae Gt =« x ot Wilton, Good quality, 2.25 worth $3.00. a S going owt trom CAG bak ttt a ++ +} “ vere some anti-Goe- } the county of Philadelphia, Gut y ee aoe pene Tele . E ; *. 7 % : { 1 awe C det Vet Ue * as | eas . + 1 a ‘ fvai ° ae * 3 a kere at all hours of 1! ae CO a) Cl i re-occupied in the conve | c@mmissioned and qualified to ad- ee me y ee eee Don’? {f you want to save your monay see above goeds before yor digs : : i k | ae : eae noes i firs ASS Ta vious sections oi ie count A} itnics +f EI ett figures | rainister the oaths aud affrmations Pe n ier a ATS ASS} . cL bt Se a a eal eo | eel deiezation |and to take acknowledeements and |_ ostmaster General, to succeed Per-ire___ 5 N.B Mills & So stil] dark hunt is being n et experienced bi- | 4 zee re jand = pe eeene y ag ae see 2 t{ EY S. Heath, has declined to accept | VC en, S = i Es the people may " | saps Satiao Tomed oe SOMES Sag ee Fe the office. The reason he gives for <a : ' ~ stair xt t MALONE, ft lay snameuts an ereditaments fy. : - eee ea Whea you ¢an bi4 Every man in Ir ol : : : reef Cite tree eer oe eo Pa eas ia ee na| als action is the pressure of private Sg enone ea ne a, : Cee ccna : 1 ; SS EAE (ChE Cash nora business. mmterests.) Several 223¢@ Bottle oi favors white Ssuprenia¢ ho uns. | ¢ Ln ali whose acts. : such full faith lnames are now under consideration i r aed eke shint tha Damas = pe rene a $ ar wv G Cons Geralion, eS ne arouse himself a cov ‘ meveral expios es to what the VDemocra ene TO De BiVveb. | Mat-Su nea attack. J around in kis eommu-|ir ( lone in th past, judicature as] _ In accordance ae iustric- me . ne - { ers Unspst ‘ am well ac |tiens of the National Monetary Cr 5 Cp nity and see t being a < ' shat ae a iad nity and se c ‘ . +? ’ State : ud-writing of {ference at Kansas City. P See your neigo! Oo ( ri t m 1 M bolic, and verily | Charles L Thomas aud Secretary J. sr mi = situation and corr¢ he SE StBtC- | ne Or ut a : se gnature thereto is gen- |N. Stephens has appointed a com- ments made avainst the amendment The Daily Mail pubtish : Le lthatsaid oath of affirma-|mittee of which Judge A.W. Rack- by its enemies. it 2St. purports te be taken in ail re- er, cf Colorado, wiil be chairman, to ; ora ' : d teh peers as requircad by the laws of} notify Mr. Bryan of the proceedinirs ae Non ot at : 3 “ri ( u of Bonunsvivania. and action of the coventiou. Amony hedges and see every whiteman woo ’ rhe | sUimouy whereof, I have bere- | the members to the conizmitice ae waats Ww macy and ask } ut Ss, says ( ito set. omy band and attixed the|Judge W. S Jennings, Fiori co- opera > Dp Do not 5 icte acal of said ¢ .this 14th day of |Judge J. T. ©. Tarvin, Kentucky; Cree ctl Cesc i 4 he of ota duly. ia the yearof our Lerd one] EB. F. Keith, North Carolina: Benja PR ie cme reat we ercea TaN ees many dispatebes thousand, nine hundred (1900). min FP. Tiliman, South Carolina; amendment aredoing everytuipg it been ted M. Russert £ °E Rev. James B. Converse, Tennessee vec , M. RUSSELL LILAYER, vey. James bb. Coaoverse, renbess . es en ee : : ‘ Sintea eens their power to defeat you. Therefore 1 r Prothonotary. |, ty Wall mei io = quart sizes, ee 7 . gf “ot NEVAL Ww ahece Ss oer ais: you have got to w ) et their ( se troo (Seai.) | Court of Common Pleas, oe ne a5 = f oa 5 a the ce Sie ee Me s > Ti. 2 . . > rrver oO preside ver boe ee yr “forts. Theopptnents of white svu-} Russi Philadeiphia, Pa. ee 2 Seeds Patent Tc elforts. Phe CP Ponce ae ines ey 7 re of the Anti-Imperialistic League, at i ma Pines premacy will geta defeat at the t Teese eae heen ndianapolis, on Auwust 15 to 17, egy polls in August nev » bE reo | , ered estan aud it is believed be will accept. Tr ixtrn Rubbers for Jars. > 1 wus d \ teal eonnecte vi i = s . ' . . i : re Say Kony rot af th » anal 03 eo 9" ane “ < ten, but be Sit ! vt er, if prominent ‘house sauvs that}* aid " ; the natic pe leaders Tin Top Jelly + = ‘ : 7“ 1 S a of the Democracy have their w iy (= t5 ; - white man work from now until sur ; nety per cent of the mill and. tex- : 5 Soh riRSSCS, ‘| Papen eee r tsud Iv 2 ws are being furnished pthe Iragve will adopt resolutions a ” : set of election hie »} t eis > sere eat es , aes ecommitting putiinerialists to the Ly eife sLoe ) > 2 ‘ 4 Z j VOTRS town or t heentice South from |COmMETINS = Seren cabo oe , Der i a such 2 majority ag lens! 1‘ L he A ts 2 Center, Charlotte Support of the ticket Peer on sn ee pe Ue | will make Buf? nce R. 1. are e& ally the 1 em crit e uit platform | aes i, : eo : sa a \ Zdwh bneies the i for which pieaicloncate strain tri if dividing the mill architectural busi-| eee nt ' iain < < "y te ee Sie tne league is contending, naica- . ss , ae Seite erweit G ness. :¢ local textiie houses in|“! =, : r Go to work and Jet that be thé ” put i See Bot eh ntORS point te a large attendance watchword. a> 9 MDD 6 < > of the « Neials of ‘ures of s of Moboken Fire $4,°.00,000, | ' Again does the ] lof tk ; v k Di ue out 1e lof the Fed covernme! . - : te Cel. O1 ENE ecact s er Trad e. a . F : > predicted entirely Tha - + } 7 +hat { . A ) : , 7 This is a State election tl s to belr a7. uy ‘ ned through the held in August aud the i ; ui tabulating muchines. ernment and its ofiicers are in no]\ ttt ihe population of the more jtaport ne lr ‘ 5 ant cities will be announced in ad- } =o se Ins Ho jvance of the figures for the States in November th i ©» and Territories = aI be company. } z i ° : . will be opened " ‘ eRe ai s all plans fail, it is confi- no excuse for interfer on an expected that the official the ground that some one will be xe Schwab was advis rv} oe ewe en the Uni : f ¥ Presid the eable of the compa | tec States will be given to the public BERG some Soe eee ae According toa prominent official |02.0r about the first of December, Notwithstanding all this,registrars, | 55 tha comp: Tay Se “11900. who are performing their duties are j at least $50,000 in paying pensions ee ae Eee aan f VICULIDS. | being arrested, tried before a Uni-]t ERR NRCS ECAC De RC ted States Commissioner and bound | ?°°'¢ SC pe ACRE acter on re ee i A it to t It had seemed as if all the lies that over -ourt. rev are arrested o1 1 se } ee < ae = meet cee arti ¢ new doc possibly could be told about the the evidence of some worthless ne- about $1,500,000: ane but the ertile spawn- idment had been told, ton gang here are fi vroes and put under an outrageous } reconst » steamship and Bre bond of &2,000. The people ol . which ill probably | ers of the false. So yesterday they Winston held an‘indignation meet-|°O°* 008% 31,000,000. The Main, it; sprang a new cae, and it was. this: neid an 21 ns ai , 5 elieved, is a total wreck and will! If the Amendment wa prove a loss to thecompany ofa b adopted that ing over the arrest of the Winston man will have to pay poi! for o Lax registrars, on last Tuesday night. | 31,000,600, Thus the company has} ten years longer than be does now. Gen. Ransom, the neblest Roman |Sutereda loss ol y $4,000,000 | Of courseit is a lie, bald, bold and as a res of the le with L, but they reasoned that it sy ott eee ae nie of tnem all, spose to the peop eat fecline and effect ae ,_ | the large amount it will haye to pay somebody,-and if it did Seen Sora ae emees: SAIS WOrs | out annually in pensions. | that,much was gained. of the Republicans will not intimi- —————— So Butler is now sending it ont iterature.”’ -_——> per It has been reported that With his oth would not be allowed to date the registrars, make the white men more determin- hy veiw} : : A le ye ft MRC Wiis SUM py AL VCCCK i peak in ~ , as % a el than ever to throw off the dan- Lumberton today. Two thousand; Mrs. Henry C. Flowers, the oldest ¢ *“|menin red shirts have agreed to Qanyhter of Gen. Julian S. Carr is h , ger and possibility of rule by Hol- : meet Aycocs at the train ton and his gang. ealiy ill at her home in Kansas Charlotte are so pressed that they 19 S “hes iil bel have sold even now a whole year peeches will be at the meeting. : : : ai half an’ hour Edward ahead, and are still coming. limited eee hour. - Edwi oe Atkinson and John DeWitt Waruer, Gare aor _ _ - - SL TT A a ~ > . - m - s of New York, will deliver addresses. for eatioe or plantin La Dr. P. F. LAUGENOUR, eatiog or planting. Now 1s the time to Plant crop of Potatoes. COOPER & GILT. € Spanisa Hed 9-Q-A-P-S.. Moore & McLean have a full line of tne Spanish Root Soaps made from the Span- ish Root which grows in the Recky Mountains. It is a purely vegetable soap, no The United States Circuit Court second of Appeals has settled a question of boundary line between Tennessee and North Carolina in favor of Teu- Lessee, It arose fromtwo grants of the sameland todifferent persous. D. W. Belding hada grant from North Carolina based on the axsump- tion that the line ran on the Focder Stack mountain. Tennessee made a grant of the same property to Char- les Hebard, assuming that the State lire lay on itseastern side en the Hanover range. The original: line was marked by blazing trees. After much investigation a master found that the Hanyvover range was the line boundary and the court approv- ed that finding. Dentist, STATESVILLE, N. C. yrs Will bein his office two weeks, beginning with first Monday in each month. Call on him for anything in the way of dentistry. You will find it to your interest to do so. Work done in best manner. Prices Only the best material used. a “ low. Dr. W. H. Wakefield ¢ 1 Saturdry, July 28th for one day o His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. . : Netice te Creditors, AVING qualified as executor of the will of : W_S. Stevenson, deceased, all persons hav- ing Claims against said estate are notified to present the same tothe undersigned on or be- tore May 24, 1g01,and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to. make immediate Ty is Baby thin & i] g ee ) ee t payment, S$. W. STEVENSON, : ; : eer Executor of W. S. Stevenson. q this : tr putrid animal fat enters This May 24, 1900, ° t i} is summer? Then add a te inte its composition. This eS aaen ee . NOTICE. 4 Hittle <4 soap has been analyzed by 4 = Fi ey aoe <perts df rd ‘ ; 1! SGOITVS EMULSION - Cg eo ene ee se : (ote SH Sig, ia ae a ri eens TIS ORDERED by the Board that the voting | fe 2 _ his mil me ; ee purest soap in the. world placein Ward 2 in’ Statesville township be} ~~ t# iS milk th; e2 times a day Itis nature’s ow ; changed, and the sameis hereby changed and] i% hk . mi s.t3 facet . 1: ate tle: a remedy cor ae the Seca in ones St Charles 3 is astonishing how f2aSe for skin diseases. Call Oni: oteltothe roomin the second floor of the] -? stays te ‘examine : Cooper butiding over W. H. Allison's store on | 12 D& Will improve. ifhe nurses us and’examine the line. n¢ east side of Centre street. It being the room| ; ? eg occupied as the armory of the Tredeli Blues. | 14 tet the_ mother take ihe rE Moore That a notice of thischange be printed in The| 2 a } : #z re Lacdmark and THE ao for 20 days. » ECMUESION. soc. and $1.00; all druggists. '§ f : -P. GRIER, Chairman. | ga 2 Mi L C. 1. Shinn, Tem, Sec. i sj c ean. Coprn gin consronnet fut LES: a. ies ust received another lot of these celebrated shoe= « It will be to your interest to see them before buying. SLOOP & MILLEF: End of Season Undervalue Prices ———e At ALLISON’S VARIETY STORE O*x all goods of a hot wea to move them. Counter ia ceuter of Crash and Dueck Light Percales. and Crash Hats. » ther nature we have cut_price> Your attention is called to our Bargain store, containing Ladies’ Shirt W . Skirts, Organdies, Lawns, Dimitics Men’s, Ladies’ aad Childrens’ Slippers, Straw Ali above at a sacrifice. Just in, a New Lot American China, See us for Mason’s Fruit Jars. = _W. H. ALLISON | Nine Statesvill - " ues *harlestoD y:amseur s excur Dr. and Mrs. f moved into their 3 ere Street, porta The masons ha the brick on the bul ) M. Patterson 2u Rev. ko. 0S pulpit of Dr. Rum ‘uring his six jock. The proceeds ire supper at the D ‘ast Tuesday nigh tween $12 and $19, Mr. A. M. Bra prella at Connelly Saturday. It is nq office and the own will call for it. Democrats reme ay, July 21%, is tk ,tration. Aficr can’t register, 24 restister you can | ry Messrs Lazend) assigned the contra residenee for Mr. salisbury. Thi ost about S10.000. There will be a Sulphur Springs on July 21st. The Shi will be out in body is invited t A dance that w much by all that w viven by the young! last night. It was young ladies vieit « We are reques' 4 Scarborough to ang Methodist church will not open its cc nual singing ann place. Searlet fever h: unce In a numberof \ case developed ng at Mr. W. 3.23 measures should vent its spread, Dr. J. EL Mel been attending ac at the Post Grad lege, of New York day. He can be fo residence on Davie is Since our last been two marriagt by the Register of for the marriages 4 Johnson to Judit and W. L. Hendre Something seex the laundry peop ¢ several horses to d with that they hac on last Saturday. from the laundry q towards the squar The Wilkesboro tf and Mrs. Mott ret vusta, Ga., yester little daughters, w They came ina 4 are pleased to note mes are much bet weak. tev. John W. D here some time agi ed Professor of G Theological Semi has been in China § tive years but he h cept this position. well fitted for the The annual fa, s l’rovidence churcl embraces the Sats first Sunday in Au body is invited to filled baskets. Th bring their South itesperian Harps u The annual jg Mooresville, for tf Barium Springs been postposed th ally comes off, we Thursday in Augu ill be the last pa will announce tbe The attention of and judges of the q to the fact that t poll books and a ready lor delivery cincts by the Call in person on or send 2 wil! len + V irs On account of 1 get the new t Salem, reacy in quarterly Confere ville Circuit will t dence on Saturday 23th —29tb. The vices each day an be protracted There wii! ‘ Salem the 3° bul Line Lie ed. Serious tiness of we'd. For some time ¥ ward has been ind dition, asa result As we £o to press lained for his reece Death of Mr. A. ¥-. Mr. A. Y. Woot the wesiern ecve his home on Jast noco, from a con eases. He wi noon at South | Services peiny ¢ A. Smith. Mr. Wooicn children, three sor _ters. to mourn ov wasa member church anda wort ing the respect who knew him. Attempted Repo The report com Mr. TurnerOstwa were out pickin week that a negrq ty attempted the was frustrated. We have been full particulars b says that the fath heard the cries 0 ran to their rescug the negro who fled walt put his hou trail, ran him dov Report further #ro’s case was full the quality and ex bas not been told s 35. OO. » f oO, £%t cZ VwO. 60 Bote SFORNER Lil uet. Prices by rices rgain nd > aw LSON fore yor buy, (us MASS LOCAL. es ~:atesville people went to| morning on} Tuesday . excursion. Mrs.’ Hi. F. heir new house on orth of the square have begun to ee Long haye Cen , the buildings of Messrs. son and N. B. Mill Bostian will Ss. fill the Ur. Rumple, in Salisbury, at six weeks slowing ceeds frem the ice cream t the District parsonage lay night, amounted to be- 315. 2 and M. Brawley found an It is now at the M. 1e owner Can get it anit yeild. its remember that S male that time and you can't vote. After rister, Lazenby Bros, have i the contract to constr ‘for Mr. M. S. Brow 2 This residence L $10,000, will be a um- nuelly’s Chapel on last ASCOT if he atur- t, is the last day of reg- you if you don’t been uct a D, in will picnic at Davis ‘Springs on next Saturday, The Shiloh young people it in full force. Every- ivited to come. oT lay | Moses. PERSONALS. , to buy goods. |: Mr. H. Clarke came from a business trip. Mr. W. E | week, Miss Belle Wallach, of New York, Simon is visiting her sister, Mrs. parents, her home in afternoon, New York. Mr. B, W. Crowson left last Mon- day, to spend a week at Davis Sul- phar Springs, Irs. Frances Tunstall Dowd is expected some time this week to visit her parents. Mr. Claudius Dockery, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, was in town Tuesday. Miss Kate Fowler, of South River, is in the city, the guest of her sister, Miss Jessie Fowler. Miss Bertha Van Lear, of Balti- mor?, is in the city on avisit to her sister, Mrs. J. Stephany. Miss Caldwell, of Barium Springs, spent one day this week with her friends, the Misses Boyd. Mr. Lverett Phifer returned Fri- ce that was enjoyed very day from an extended visit to friends | that were present, was|'% Alabama and Louisiana. the young men of the town, It was in honor of the]in ies visiting in the city. » requested gh to announce that t church at en its doors for ing announced the tor by Rev. W. C. the Stony Point an- that t fever has made its appear- imber of families in tc eloped yesterday m W. J. Lazenby’s. Str should be taken to vad. McLaughlin, who ng¢a course of lect Wo. orn- rong pre- has ures Mocksville weeks, came home Saturday. _ Mrs. Blanche Deal, of Dealsville, is In the city on a visit to her ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rufty, was at home the first of the weck. Misses Mattie May Connelly and Mattie Erwin left yesterday morning for Virginia, to visit rela- ives. Miss Morrison. daughter of Mr. D. A. Morrison, left Tuesday for China Groye where she wil! enter + »} Graduate Medical Col- school. » York, returned Satur- ‘an be found now at his|last Friday, froma visit to her broth- on Davie Avenue, ur last issue there marriage ister of Deeds. ma ‘riages of John Ande to Judith Ilendren to AnnieAng r seems ‘¥ people. rses to die. have licenses issued They are|is in the city on a visit to her broth- and Rando!ph|on ball to Mangum and scored on rson Maud Dowell cell. ‘vy had a bugey torn up Saturday. The horse aundry up Centre st the square. sboro Hustlersays: ‘ Mott returned from yesterday with their ran reet ‘Mr. Au- two Liters, who have had fever. ina private car. We to note’ that the little From Our Regular C 2 h - a . . ‘or ur sar Sy. vuch better, though quite} brothec, Mr. Charles Perry, who is | side had any chance of Scorsese Jun W. Davis, who lectured | * e time ago, has been elect sor of Greek at Columbia} marle, and Maude Robinson, of Dal- Seminary. Dr. D am eal avis Miss Gertrude Wood returned, er, Alderman J. F. Wood, of Ashe- ville. aliss French, of Memphis Tenn.. ers, Messrs. G. &. French. Mrs. M. A. Bailey and daughter, to be against] Miss Mary, of Winston are expect- They have had | ed this week. Not satistied 1 They will visit Mrs. Annie Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Linn, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. China Grove, Tuesday. i Mr. Baxter Stephenson, son of Mr. John Stephenson, and Mr. Cole- man Fry left Tuesday to enter school at China Grove. the operator at Balsam some dis- ance beyond Asheville. Misses Pearl Bostian, of Albe- las, Texas, are in the city. They in China for the last twenty | are visiting Mrs, J. B. Glover. vs but he has decided to ~ position, i for the place. ual fa, sol, la, » church, Rowan cou > Saturday before Vin edto come with : The old people their Southern Harmony rian Harps note books. annual piecnie given resville, for the benetit of Spriegs Orphanage, stponed this year. It ies Off, we think, on the lay in August, » last part of Aucust. sunounce tbe date later. ttention ofthe poll hol ets. dees of the election is t that the ballot wiks and abstracts will tor delivery to the voting by the first of next person on , reacy in » Circuit will be held at P ‘on Saturday and Sunday, 2stb. There will be rious Iliness of Mr. waid. forsome time Mr. J. C. ard has been in a very critica we £o to press, no hope is ¢ ned for his recovery. Ss Veath of Mr. A. Y. Wooten. Mr. A. ¥. Weoten, who vestern edge of town, on from a complication of , iast south the fu River, Delpy ¢ 5 ~ itt =“. »ineurn over his death. >a member of the time, the + ‘ly Conference for the States- lived died at Saturday after- 2e- He is eminently | singing atliyot Mr. J. nty, the August next. Every- well will and at the has usu first This year it WwW C ders calied boxes, be pre- viriten order. account of not being able to the new house at New hird rovi- July two ser- hday and the meeting wiil rotracted from day to day. te presching at New mtkhe oth Sunday at +p. m., Le Mice “ati tol be protract- ee : J. C. Wood- W ood- leon- iob, asa result of consumption. nter- in dis- He was buried Sunday after- neral nducted by Rev. M. ooten Jeaves 2 wife and six ren, three sons and three davgh- He Methodist ch audu worthy citizen, recciv- he respeet and esteem of all o knew him, —_—---_.-- —— Attempted Rape !1 Falistown. ‘he report comes here that while lurner Ostwalt’s two little girls sut picking gblackberries this that a negro in that communi- ‘tempted the crime of rape but ~ frustrated. ‘Ye have been unable to get particulars but our informant that the father was near by and the children and to their rescue but failed to catch the cries of Messrs Nick and Fred Gray, of lot Spriegs, Arzansas, been in town on a visit te the fami- T. Perry, went to Wilkesboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Page and child, of Troy, are in the city on a visit to relatives. They will be here about a month and then go to Henderson where Mir. Page has a position. Me. and Mrs. R. F, Cobb, of Tay lorsville, spent Sunday in the city, yuests of their relatives, the family of Mr. H. H. Crowson. Miss Olive Crowson weat home with them. Mr. and Mrs Newton Holman, of woscow, Tenn , arrived Tuesday,on @ Visit to relatives of town 2nd coun- ty. Mrs. Holmn:nis a daughter of the late filfred DO. Turner. The Police Court Tuesday afterroon Mr. B. R week. | Querry, who was under the miluence Harry Grier, Esq.,}of liquor, waiked ineo the restau- rantof Mr. J.J. Moore aud called for a fifteen cent Jucch. Later on] he called for some eves which brought his bill up to 20 cents. He vefused to pay it, and as a result, he and Mr. Moore came to blows. The mayor tined Mr Querry $1 and half the costs and \ir, Moore the other half of the costs. Tuesday night Jim Dean dred Ulark, both colored, and Mil- got into two gallons of blood.’’ Jim bound over to court. Yesterday morning over in affray, in which Cleaver used a stick to advantave. For this he was bound over to court. SEP ae The New President of The For sometime Dr. Shearer has been in correspondence with Rev. J. A. Seott, of Alabama, in reference to taking charge of Statesville Female College. Mr. Scott has been in town this week and yesterday ac- cepted the position. He left last night for his home in Alabama ‘to arrange bis work preparatory to coming to Statesville. Mr. Scott is an accomplished scholar, having been educated at Hampton Sidney and Washington and Lee University where he grad- uated with distinction. He is a preacher of nomean ability. He.takes hold of the work here be- cause it is a church enterprise of great promise and importance. His wife is also an experienced teacher of elegant culture. She was train- /ed and educated by Miss Mary Bald- win, of Staunton, Va. His oldest daughter has just graduated from the same institution. This family isa great acquisition to our oity and to the-teaching force in this part of North Carolina. Statesville peo- tple will welcome this family, hearti- jly, and the community should give negro who fled. Later-Mr. Ost-' them hearty support in advancing ‘ put his hounds on tke negro’s | the work ofeducation ia our midst. ran him down and caught hit. port further states that the ne- ’ Case was fully attended to but (Yality andextentof the not been told to us. a Jobn Henry Gear, the venerable ;Senator from fowa, died suddenly .last Saturday, in Washington City. same’ ts death was caused from an at- j tack of apoplexy. Wr. Sep Sloan came up from Char- lotte and spent Sunday with his Miss Mary Belle Mills returned to Mooresville, -yesterday Mr. Geo. Brown got home yester- day morning from 2 business trip to College. | eect Hon. L. C. Caldwell, Thursday night, | Mr. N. Harrison has gone North | Umpire Upchureh Rather “Unstedy™ Fred Hobbs and David Yonan Drown- ae fan ed in the Catawba River.—One an Saturday Only Son, the Other a Persian Anderson, of Sparkling | Catwaba Springs, was in town last Miss Maggie Perry is visiting her|a goose egy. lows: who have|Statesville 000000000—0 4 KALEIGH ABD STATESVILLE QUIT EVEN. fm Some of His Decisions. Raleigh came to that she had the ‘“‘onliest’’ ball team in the State. for Raleigh and that he was not in Kenna’s class is the only thing that can be said. hits from him. Raleigh pulled five from Kenna, two of these being in the last inning after the game was won. Raleigh’s fielding was good, but the play of the game was Ken na’s home run in the fifth inning. Jim. Fox needs to have the foul line moved back. Time and time again he knocks them over the fence just behind the foul line. In Monday’: game, he got two doubles and a sin- gle out of four times at the bat. Winham played a good game in cen- tre, and Sherman got 2 three bagger in the seventh inning. The game was not the best cither side can play, but it was very interesting to the grand stand. Manners, the Raleigh cateher, is good, about the fastest that has been on this dia- mond. Two double plays were made, one by each team. The tinal count up gave Raleigh Only 3 runs while Statesville had 7. TURZSDAY'S GAMR. We will wager that Tuesday's game was one of the tinest exhibi- tions of ball playing ever seenin the state. Each team had a new pitcher in the box and both did fine work Winham, Sratesville’s left banded twirlec held the visitors down to only tive hits, two of these being made in the first innioyg. States- ville made four hits off of Sutch. Mr. I. H. Crowson, who has been | Statesvillejmade to errors in the first for tke past two | ining, but after that they played an errorless game. The game was not made up of yrandstand plays but of good playing at each and par-/every place. The umpiring yesterday was not Mr. Bruce Leinster,who is a guard | 2S satisfactory as the previous work on one of the penitentiary farms, of Upchurch. He made two or three decisions that were not right, and especially was this the case with a decision in the last inning, Bennett knocked a ball over first and made second on it. The umpire called it a foul, while as every one agreed it was fair. Bennett tried again apd was thrown out. If it had not been for this rotten decision Statesville would have scored. O'Brien went up first for the visi- tors yot Ist on Mangum’s error, made 3rd on a passed ball by Sher- man and scored on Person’shit oyer Ist. Person was out in trying to steal 3rd. Kelly was thrown out by Kenna, while Bevans went to-Ist Atchinson’s hit. Atchinson was put out in attempting to steal 2nd. Statesville’s men went out in one, two, three order for the first four innings. After the Ist inning Ra- leich failed toreach Ist until the Oth inning, when it looked asif she re) had a good chance toscore. Harris L. Miller, returned to their home in] got tu 3rd with only one man out, but two tiy balls were knocked and Raleigh went to the field. In the sixth inning webad a good chance toscore when Kenna reached 3rd with only one man out, but luck Was against us and we retired with After this neither the Jthinning, when Upchurch de- cided against us. We lost the game but we are con- tident that we have a better team is not enough to brag on. The score by innings was as fol- 2 200000000—2 5 2 THE BILLIAXGSLY Raleigh HOSPITAL. A Plan For Running it Agreed upon. in his will that he had left $5000 with which to erect a hospital to be given was left in the hands of Rev. W. R. McLelland, who was to orect the hospital. The building is now about completed andis a modern building in all respects. It has been a puzziing problem for some time to know how the institu tion was to be run no funds tor thispurypose They did the taxes At a meeting of the beard of aidermen on last Friday night a plan was agreed upon. Drs. W. J. Hilland H. EF. Long made a proposition to the board. It was that thev would take the build ing, and equip it with all that a good hospital needs. They were to bave whatever income is derived from pay patients In return for the use of the building they would receive aad treat all charity patients that the town would become re sponsible for. They would furnish trouble over some Wouen, over on the ratiroad Jim cut a Mildred’s head abeut four inches long trom which, Mildred savs, ‘ran | | cotton mill district, Amos Cleaverjintentions of Mr. Billingsly. : and Frank Kirkman engaged in an |aldermen agreed to the proposition. ! the nursery and medicine. the town gash in! paying the actual cost of the board. Mr. McLelland urged that this proposition be accepted as the best was, Way out of the difficulty. He thinks that there will be no G@oubt but what the} this will carry out the wishes and The epee Hon. L, C. Caldwell to Speak. the by be a speech on house There will amendment at the court July 19th, 1900, at 8°30 o'clock. Let everybody come out and hear this able speaker. Don’t forget it. J. A. HARTNEssS, Chin’n. Dem. Co. Com. Zeb. V. Long, Secretry. Rev. A. A. Little Declines the Call. Last Sunday morning, Prof. J. H. Hill announced to the Presbyte- rian Congregation that Rev. A. A. Little had declined the call to this church. This was not entirely a surprise to the congregation, still they had hoped that he would see ‘his way clear to come. The salary offered here was $1200 and a manse. He received from his congregation at Steele Creek, $1,000 anda manse. When they learned of his call here, they immediately increased his sal- ary to $1,200 and a manse. Next Sunday morning a congre- gational meeting of the church wiit be held. They will elect by ballot a committee of five, whose duty it shall be to recommend one man that they think is fitted for this charge. His name will be submittted to the congregation and they will either accept or reject him. It is hoped by the sessicn that every member of the church will be present. It has been given out that W.S. Taylor will stump Indiana for the ! Republican ticket. Statesville on |last Monday fresh from her victory , |over Tarboro and she was confident Bass was in the box! ASAD FRAGEDY NEAR DAVID- | Mr. Steeic Corrects a False Impres- : SON. Par From His Homeand Kindred another one of thoseacts of Proy idence that seems hard to under- stund, bas happened. The lives of | two bright young men haye been jlost. On last Thursday David Yo- Statesville got nine/ nao, a Persian, and Fred Hobbs, of students of | Davidson, botk medical Davidson College, were drowned. The sadtragedy took place in the | Catawba river at River View, near | Davidson. | The drowning occurred at a picnic |given by the Presbyterian church, of Davidson. A number of young men were in bathing in the after- noon. About 4 o’clock several of of them showed signs of exhaustion. Young Hobbs seems to have taxed his streugth too much or in the ex- citement to have lost his head and so could not use his strength, Yonan, who had just swum across the river whea he heard Hobbs’ cry, plunged into the river and started to his assistance, Yonan was not an eXpert swimmer, and Dr, A. T. Gra- ham called tohimtoreturn. Hean- swered that he nust save Fred's life, As he rusned along he all at once, stepped off into deep water and sank, and never appeared any more, Dr. Henry Lewis Smith, who is an expert diver, dived for the bodies, several times, but failed to find them. Grappling hooks were pro- cured aud the search began. After an hour and ahalf Yonan’s body was found about 40 feet from where hesank. Ankour later the body of of Fred Hobbs was found. The funeral services were conduct- ed on last Friday from the Presby- terian church in Davidson, nine stu- fents acting as pall bearers for the body of the young Persian The Kuights of Phythias carried the body of Hobbs tothe vrave. Four ministers took part in the funeral services. They were Revs. J. O. Shelley, A. T. Graham, W. L. Lin- gle and Mr. Havener. Hobbs’ body lies in the family plot, in the village churchyard. The body of Yonan lies in the plot of his society—The Eumenean. fred Hebbs is thejonly son of Mr. and Mrs: Avery Hobbs, who live a shott distance from Davidson. He had been astudent of the North Car- olina Medical College for two years and was a fine athlete. He was a member of the Methodist church and also belonged to the Knights of Pythias. He wasa nephew of Mrs. C. B, Webb, of Statesville. David Yonan is a native of Persia and was the son of a Persian noble- man. He graduated at Davidson laat commencement. His plan was to take a devreein medicine and _ re- turn to his country a medical mis- sionary, Both of these deaths are peculiarly sad. They diedin trying to save the life of some oneelse, Oneis the only son of loving parents, the oth- er died,a stranger, in a strange land far away from kindred and loved ones. A life which promised much for the good of the country- men of his native land was cut off— the work unfinished. > Mooresville News. Mr. R.B. McLaughlin was in town last Saturday attending to some le- gal business Mrs. L. R. Atwell had Mr. Geo. N, Lipe arrested for A. M, The case was tried before McLaughlin Walker, Esq., and Mr. dant. Av appea! was taken from the findings of the court, and the defendant gave bond for his appear- ance at the August term of the Su- perior court, Mrs. Sarah Gooduight, a sister of Mr. W. R. Waugh, of this place,died Messrs. Geo. C. Goodman and Harry P. Deaton went to Winston Rassom. They report that there was a large attendance, and that Ransom made a fine speech. Mr. Aaron Pool, of Davidson township, aged about 45 vears, died very suddenly Monday evening. He leaves a wife and one child. De- and after eating dinner became sick porch, and when help reached him he was dead. The deceased was a son of Mr. J. B. Pool. of this place. The Hon. Frank Osborne, of Char lotte, will address the White Su premacy club tenight in Academy hall. There is over 550 names en- rolled in the club. Mooresville, N. C., July 18, 1900. ao Another Family Reounion.—Basket 3irthday Dinner. Correspondence of Tur Mascor, July 2nd was made memorable, to those present, by the home gather- iny ,ar the residence of Mr. Milburn Heath, of children, grand children und great grand children to cele- brate the S4th birthday of Mr. Heath. The venerable father, who with hisaged wife have fought life’s battles together for 50 years, reared a jiarge family of «seber-minded, in- dustrious, Christian children and now they are awaiting their ‘“‘sum- mons to that country from which no traveller ever returns.” There were about 54 persons pres- ent. Seven children—one daughter absent,—twenty-two grand-child- ren, three great graad-children were present. Six grand-children were absent. All brought a bountiful supply of good things toeat, which were spread inthe yard under the shade of the trees and enjoyed at leasure Thedifferent families ar- ranged themselves into groups, the oldest first, and so on in succession and marched to the table, the aged father and mother in front. There was to have been preaching in the afternoon by Rev. J. M. Heath. a son of Mr. Milburn Heath, but he was taken quite ill and was unable to preach. The time was soon pass- ed off very pleasantly, however, and the many goodbyes were said, all returning home feeling amply repaid for going. We wish for these old people many pleasant returns of this day. “LORA. Harmony, N.C., July 11th. ed Real Estate Changes Hands. Messrs. Brown and Guy have sold to Mr. M. M. Hall, of New Stirling, some real estate in the wéstern ‘part of town. The storehouse occupied by Mr. W. W. Miller and three dwelling housesare on the property. It belonged to Mr. T. J. Wither- spoon, of Charlotte. Mr. Hall will improye the property and move to townat an early date, The price paid for the property was $1600. sion. Correspondence of Tux Mascor. vote for Bryan. It seems that from this statement it has been industri- ously circulated by the “‘faithful’’ that I was going to vote the Repub- lican ticket and against the amend- ment. Thisis very far from the truth and very far from what I said, and all the people of this neighbor- hood know it, but lest this slander regch the ears of some who do not know better I ask that you publish this statement in your paper. I claim to bea full-blooded white man, born of white parents, raised up right in the house and eat at the table with white people. went to school and to church with white people, and I naturally got to think the white people were the best peo- ple of this country, and I thought more of them and had more confi- dence in them than in any other race. WhenI got old enough to vote I knew but little about politics and political platforms, and I found two parties asking for my support --both claiming that the policy of their party was best for me and for the country. ell, I did not know how that was, so 1 just decided to go with the people I thought most ofand had the most confidence in. This threw me into the Democratic party, and even in a moment of dis- satisfaction I have never thought of parting company with them; neither has ‘“‘fear, favor, reward, or the hope of reward,” ever suggested any change with me, and under ex- isting conditions never will. Respectfully. ol. K. STEEvE. Turnersburg, N. C. July 12, 1900. -- = To the People of Statesville and Sur- rounding Connties. Ihave been elected president of the Statesville Female College, and have accepted the position. Iam compelled to return to Ala- bama to secure the consent of my Presbytery to my resigning pastor- 1 care of my churches, and to make final arrangement for my coming to Statesville and beginning my work in preparation for the college. I hope to be again in Statesville in two or three weeks, for this purpose. Let me, meanwhile, say to the people that the work that I shall undertake, of developing and build- ins up the college, is one in which all of them are profoundly interest- sd. Ihope and believe that they will cordially feel this. And I ask for the patronage and co-operation of all the people in building up this institution and in making it a nota- ble success. Ina few days I will is- swe a circular to which I fask fayor able attention. The college needs and must have large local patronage. Upon this basis we will build a strong. and-well equipped institution the equal of any in the land. Iam with great cespect, J. A. SCOTT, Pres. Statesville Female College. i= } o —_ > Nwe Advertisements . W. H. Allison announces that he has cut prices on ail goods of a hot weather nature. N. B. Mills & Co. talk about a sale of Smyrna Rugs at prices that are at the bottem. Sloop & Miller have the famous than Raleigh, though the difference | alleged trespass upon her premises. | battle axe shoes for sale. Dr. E. W. Moose announces the dates when he will be at Scotts and R. H. E. | appeared as counsel for the defen-|Sloans. —_—-- -—-- Public Spcaking. Hon. A.C. Sharpe will address the people on the issues of the day at the following places: Harmony, Thursday night, July When Rev. A, .S. Billingsly died | quite suddenly last Sunday evening | 19th, at 8.30 o'clock. about two vears ago, it was found | about 3 o’clock. Weatherman’s old store, Friday night, July 20th, at 8:30 o’clock. Stony Point, Alexander county, to the city of Statesville. The money | yesterday to hoar General M. W. | Saturday, July 2ist, 30'clock, p. m. Let everybody come out and hear the issues discussed bv thia able speaker. Prof. Chas. C. Weaver, the new President of Rutherford College, is The town had|ceased had worked in tke forenoon |a graduate of Trinity College, and Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkias Uni- “are is time to increase |at his stomach and lay down on the | Versities. not care at this time to increas¢ : Mortgage Sale of Land. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a mortgage deed executed by L. Ek. Brady and wife to Harry Burke, Esq... ana by the said Burke transferred for value to J. ). Sullivan, che undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash atthe court house door in Statesville, N.C., on SATURDAY, JULY 281TH, 1900, at 12 o'clock, m., the following described lands in Davidson township, to-wit: Beginning ona stone, J. B. Cornelius’ line, thence South 5 de- grees West 8 poles toa stone, thence Sotuh $14 degrees West 4714 poles to a stone, thence North 77 degrees West 7144 poles to a stone, thence South 2613 degrees West 4o poles to a stone, thence North 6743 degrees West zo poles to a stone, thence North 11 degrees East 59 poles toa stone on the road, thence North 83 degrees East 42 poles toastone north of the road, thence South 70 degrees Fast 20 poles to a stone south of the road, thence North 8% degrees Fast 40 poles tothe beginning, containing 29!{ acres, moore or less. I TREE, This June 28th, 1900, R, B. McLaughlin, J.C, SULLIVAN, Attorney. ISABELLA SULLIVAN, Executors of J.J. Sullivan, assiguee. Land Sale, BY VIRTUE of powers contained in the will of Wilfred Turner, and by order of the Su- perior C- urt of Iredell county, made in the case of C.1,. Turner et al. vs. Clarence Stimpson et al., the undersigned executor of WilfredjTurner will sell, at public outcry, to the Se bidder, at the court house door in Statesville, N. C., on SATURDAY, AUGUST 11TH, 1900, the following real estate, to-wit; 1 A tractof land situate iu Turnersburgtown- ship, Iredell county, lyingon the waters of Rocky creek, near Turnersburg, adjoining the lands of M. K. Steele, J. Vv. Ward and others, and known as the Wilfred Turner home place, containing 219 acres, more or less, There is a good dwelling an‘ all necessary outbuildings located on this tract and 50 acres of original forest. cf : 2 Atract of land in Olin township, lying on the waters of South Yadkin river, eight miles from Statesville,two miles from Turnersburg, adjoining the lands of T. J. Allison, Reid and others, and known as the Bailey place, contain- ing 300 acres, more or less, There isa good ten- ant house and all necessary outbuildings located on the place, 75 acres of the finest bottom lands in the county, 60 acres of good upland in cultiva- tion and 40 acres 05 original forest. 3 Attract situate near Mt. Bethel chruch in Turnersburg township, adjoining the lands of Bynum Pattersou, Norman Ward and others, containing 36acres, more or less, and known as the Zack Patterson place. 2 ee 4 Atractin Turnersburg township, adjoining the landsof L. T. Stimpson and others and known as the Lothery place,containing 20 ocres, more or less. TERMS OF SALE—One-third cash on day of sale and the balance on a credit of six months, with the privilege of the purchaser to pay all cash, W.D. TURNER, Executor of Wilfred Turner. Mortgagee. Juty 1oth, 1900: Administrator’s Notice. AVING gualified as administrator of the estate of Jere Bowles, deceased, I hereby notifyall persons having claims against said estate to prewar same to me on or before the sth day of July, 1901. Those indebted to the estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This July 5th, 1900. G. W. CLEGG, R. B. McLaughlin, Atty. Administrator For Rent. GOOD two-horse farm for rent. For fur- ther information apply to C. L. Shinn, July 12th 1900. Shinnsville, N.C, Public Speaking. The following speakers will ad- \dressthe people at the following A short time since I was_unwise/| places, Saturday night, July 21, at enough to say to one of my Populist | 8:30 o'clock: neighbors and friends that my mind | at that time was that I would not H. P. Grier, Schoo! House. W. G. Lewis, Esq., Amity Hill. C. H. Armfield, Esq., Arthur's School House. Let everybody come out and hear these disinterested men discuss the amendment. Esq., Hampton's J. A. HartTNess, Chairman Dem. Co. Committee. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. x ——— Grand Rally. Hons. F. M. Simmons and Theo. F. Klut1z will close thecampaign in Iredell county at Statesville on Saturday, July 28th. There will bea grand horseback prucession and every township will be represented in the Jine. Harry P. Grier, Esq, bas been appomted chief marshal and uss'.tants have been appointed in ever, township. It is proposed to make this the greatest political ee ever seen in old Ire- ell. The band will head the procession. Let every citizen of Iredell come ané briny his neighvor. The speak- ers are two of North Carolina's ablest sons and great speeches will be heard by our people. Zhe cam- paign for permanent white suprem- acy must close ina blaze of glory and enthusiam. Remember the day—Saturday, July 28th..—and be in Statesville mounted on that day. J. A. Harrness, Chairman Dem. Co. Committee. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. EO The Mahler Cup. All ball men are interested in the prize that the winning team of the State league will receive. The fol- lowing letter sets a prize before the teams weil worth contesting for: “RALEIGH, July 16. 1900. Mr. S. B. Alexander, Jr., President North Carolina Ball Association, Charlotte, N.C. ‘Dear Sir:—We Gesire to present sociation a pennant in the shape of a vase, the same to be contested for annually by the leazue teums. “We would be glad to know if the association will accept the same. “Yours very truly, ‘“H. MAHLER’S Sons. Jewelers. President Alexander wired Mah- ler’s sons: ‘‘l accept your gener- ous gift, for the association, with thanks and appreciation. I desig- nate a pennant in the shape of a cup to be called ‘The Mahler Cup.’ ” Dentistry! Trims lanetiay. jay asta ce day, July 26th,to practice my profession. E. W. MOOSE, D. D.S. The University Of North Carolina. The Head of the State’s Educational System. Three academic c irses leading to Degrees. Professional ¢ urses in Law, Medi- cine and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers. Tuition $60. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Ministers-Sons and Teachers. 512 students besides 161 1n Sum mer School. 38 teachers in the facul- ty.! For catalogues aad information address F.P. VENABL °- 3s) bea: Chapel Hill, N.C. 10,000 AGENTS WANTED FOR i LIFE AND SPEECHES OF BRYAN. The ‘‘Life” Is Written by Mrs, Bryan. The Speeches revised by Mr, Bryan, but he is not pecuniarily interested in its publication. A golden opportunity for agents. Don't miss it. One agent sold 57 copiesin one week; another 67 copies in 10 "8; another 17 copies first day. Everybody wants it; Democrat,Republican, Pop- ulist’ and Prohibitionist. The demand exists. It is only necessary for agents to supply it. $200.00 GIVEN for selling 200 books in3 months. Other liberal inducements, Will guarantee guod parties a salary. Dbistanceis no hindrahce as freight is paid. Credit given. Circulars, instructions, outfit, ete., free, but 25 cents must be sent for mailing’ Act quick. R. H. WOODWARD CO., BALTIMORE, Md NOTICE—We also desire to emply agents for selling our book on the “Paris Sete beautifully illustrated. We also pablish “Life of McKinley” and other campaign books, and offer the best terms. pero FOR SALE.—A very handsome new piano for sale, part cash and part on time. Apply to RR. and H. R. COWLES. — A Very Valuable Farm for Sale OFFEK FOR SALE MY VALUABLE farm, lying partly within che corporate limits of Mooresville, containing 200 acres more or less, 20 acres of ine bottom, rooccres in cultivation, 1sacres of fiue oak timber and 84 acres of fine old field pine. Three fair houses and one good barn arconthe land. Forty acres lie in the town of Mooresville and the briance just outside. A fine granite quarry is located on the land, which will be reserved. Possession given as soon For price end terms write R. H. MCNEELY, Mooresville, ®, C. Reference—s. A. LOWRANCE, Mooresville, N.C. ae SPECIAL TAXES, AWYERS, physicians, dentists, bicycle and lumber dealers, proprietors of beef markets and all others liable to special taxes are notified that they should take out their licenses at once, astheg render themselves liable to indictment by not haying the proper licenses, J. HH. WYCOEP, Sheriff. crops are gathered, to June 19, 1990. Are you needing any thing in the Jewelry - Line? At a.. Bargain If you do, right here is the place. I want to buy an entire new line this fall and therefore will sell now : EXCEEDINGLY LOW, FOR CASH, AND FOR CASH ONLY. No bargain to offer the credit buyer. No matter how good. RICKERT, The Jeweler and Optician. F. A. SHERRILL & CO. We want to emphasize the fact that We are in th= market for WHEAT At the Highest Cash Price. So we ask that you see us before selling. Remember We want vour Wheat and it will pay you to see us. F. A. Sherrill & Co. Opportunity. Success is only created by taking advantage of every little opportunity that arises, you will surely succeed in saying money if you make use of the great string of opportunities that we are offering during this Midsummer Clearance Sale Of Furniture, Carpets, Matting and Rugs: We are not offering old goods or demaned goods but the com- plete down to date stock, marked at prices that hardly cover the cost of manufacture. Seize these opportunities now. L. SCHILLER, Furniture, Carpets and Matting to the North Carolina Baseball As- | New Cooper Block. Just where the shoe pinches easy to determine. The Bie Store. Where the evils of spend- ing money begin and end few folks ever learn. It is uo wonder many pocketbooks look as ifan elephant had trampled upon them. One of the causes is in its owner not knowing. WHERE TO BUY, Good judgment is displayed where people Look Before They buy. The Lord helps those who help themselveg. It is 4 standing invitation of ours to everybody to inspect our stock and see the values we ars offering before they spend their money. It may be refreshing +o mention SOME OF THE LINES WE CARRY IN STOCK, iCome and See Many Not Named Here. Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Pant Goods, Domes tics, Plaids, Cheviots, Percales, Calicoes, Draperies, Curtains, Wal Paper, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeries, Paper, Pens, Inks, Envelopes, Pencils, China, Crockery, Lamps, Shelf Hardware, Shoe Findings, Tinware, Glassware, Toys, Wagons, Baskets, Table Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Towels, Mirrors, Pictures, Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Jewelry and a thousand or more items, and ail at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Look belore Wilhelm & Mills Rare Bargains N RUGS... We have just received and placed on sale a beautiful line of Azminster, Moquette, Dutohess. Brussels and Velvet Rugs At extremely low prices which we invite you to cali and ex- amine. Yours very truly, Ramsey, Tomlin & Bowles. | Only a closing out Sale 5 Gree see Se A Mammoth Stock of goods To Go Before Sept, Ist. Nothing Old or Shelf Worn. To save cost of packing and freight that prompts this offer. Many articles of real value are offered and it will take only a little of your time to see them. The prices I make is freight charges less than any merchant can buy the same item—but to me this is a saving of packing and freight, to arother point. It is no force sale by an assignee but a real business deal. I have agreed to give my store room to a party on Sept, Ist. and I will do it atany cost. Yet I want todo so as economically as I can. I don’t want to blow in evem a quarter, yet I tell you that YOU CAN SAVE MANY HALF DOLLARS if you will take the pains to see what I have. Genuine bargains is what I offer. All the goods I offer are Staple, used and needed in every day affairs. One hour spent in seeing my stock will be interesting and profita- able. My Stock of Shoes andHosiery is especially attractive, as to merit, and almost every one can be suited. The price is strictly at manufactur- ers cost. By special arrangements with the Royal Worcester Corset folks, I can null our previous contract and offer the best of all corsets at Ist. cost. Every lady is re- quested to see if she can be suited. These Corsets are up to date and the best. The early callers are almost sure to find what they want witha saving of 30 to 50 per cent. I can’t be here much myself, but the two young men, Messrs. Ramsey & Oopeland, Jr., will do their best to show you the goods. § will thank you to go behind the counters; look through the shelves and on tables to see if youcan not find something you want. As previously stated I have no hard stock. I offer at the prices I make to save additional freight and cost of packing. Ido not enumerate the items I have, as it would make a list to tire you. June 29, 1900 Yours Respectlufly, J. W. Copeland. SE fi : : ; : : ! 5 rt e pe s ee ee em i n e e d as ca a e n i n e r 2 “ ne a = : So t wh t dS EE T 5 VT ¥ ef } t + i e t ; } i # ct Pe r 3 ef } 2 ‘ 2 +: at : ot ‘ Mt 3 na af ; a 4 i 2 Ket ete Bt A <3 diet ot 4} ¥ , i ; > ih ait 3 ire. F i “ 4 berate ° ' “ td i At e SE A pe sg Me l e enn | 2 ! RESULT 0 ATTEMPT | tESULT OF THE : “MPT | avs sit ‘MID ITE REGISTRARS. 4 rrested and Put, -da of Democrats, Bond ef Regis- | The Four Negroes A in vail. —Hundre Rushed to g9 OF trar. Winston Special to News and Observer, rath. | Tie expected bas happened. The | commissioner immediately ues corlusion of Judge Bynem’s argu- ment for the prosecution, bound toy Thompson over to the Fed- Rez s ere’ court in a hord of $2,000. The Comim ssiener pulled 2 ‘blank bend . thie pecket which seemed to ee a yes hat the be +: .denee to bystanders tha 2 tou wes ore arranged. _ aoa vvelping testimony show- ed that the registrar bad denied 00 one the right of registration, but onl. ina few instances demanded preof of matters about, which there was serious doubt in his mind. _He so explained fully to the court. Each one of these neyroes when asked to furnish proof of his residence, etc., made no comwplaint, but said they exr-cted to furnish the proof, aad eac! one of them said he was called into the room of the chairraan of the Re ublican Executive committee apc the prosecution started from the! source. Ap pinncipascene was when the hu: freds of splendid Wemocrats and men Gf presperity begged the regis- ter to permit them to signa his bond. Ti. defendant's counsel called the attention of the prosecutors to the ou. rayeous bond prescribed, and the counsc! for the prosecution seem- ed to weaken and show their wil linzness to reduce it, but defendant said he did not care for any reduc- tion and would give any bond the Commissioner prescribed however ou:rayeous. The case against Reg- ister Wail wes continued until next Tues Lute this afternoon upon the ont duet of a ne YLuinpsoa at “ Vio... ue .our negrees who swore o. i. ‘Ss & ainst them were ar- re (“and ave now in the custody of ‘Le sheriit of the county. Justifi- ed vond bas been fixed at $500 each. Chairmen Simmens, who is st‘Ui bere, says the arrest of these officers by the Federal court was clearly without autbority of law, and is a p2'pable usurpation of authority 3nd hut every mao who swears out such a warrant will be arrested. Judge Shepherd's argument show- ed conclusively the iack of authority in the Commissioner to issue these w.urrants. Following is a brief summary of the position taken by him: ‘it is well to consider, Mr. Comm'ssioner, what you have done before votny any further. All this week you have been engaged in try- inv a State election officer, as if you were w judicial ofticer of the State. This election covers State officers ouly, and itdces net seem to be pcviended on the otherside that be- cuuse members of Congress are to be eiccted in November that there 1s ay Federalelement in this cass. Ow enat account you have assumed the right toarrest and try a State officer who is engaged in a purely S'a-e duty. You have actually or- Gered the books of the register to be pibduced in court. Now you have gore further and ordered the recistration tocaks of the municipal- ity of Winston *o be produced 15 Court, ivisastrange thing to de Geoe in wsceerotzn State and is so gr vea that it is well that Few parse ‘re you go any further. Fer if there is no law suthorizing suc an extraordinary proceediog, every officer who has acted under your orders is :able to arrest and punishment. You ought to require the prosecution to clearly show suck awiaw. ‘There sheuld be ro doubt about it before you invade the jurisdiction ef a State and interfere withthe functions cf its officers. tasany such law been shown? They assert that they are proceeding un- Ger section 53910 of the revised stat- uies. This has been on the statute book for 30 years, aad I challenge the presecetion to show any case in any court where any proceedings h.ve been instituted uader it. They are silent, They can show none. On the contrary the only authority ties have introduced is the decision ofa Koutneky districtjudge,and this for a conspiracy under section S508. Ju this very decision the ccurt holds titat the only sections left in reterence to suffrage are see- tions 2004. 5507, 5305, 5509. All others ineluding section 5510 are. says the judge, ‘left out’’ aad have ny application to suffrage, havieg Rei Ouly failed to show authurity in fa.or of jrmsdiction. but havire slow ’ ’ rains 3G dnceaeee ¥ fucther in this € Mie 7 DSSUUG ET hee of power, 3 opbopher.t read several author it'es Trom the Supreme Court of the United States, showing that Corzress had ue right to interfere With u purely State election. “This is too grave @ matter for you to donbt. If in the face of all this you have doubts, you should cuusult” some disinterested cool headed lawyer, and ft am satisfied h»: will tell vou to proceed no further in this gross invasion of tbe sacred Tights of a sovereign State.” Shepherd Argoand Manly made poweful argumenis. Republicans are greatly disconcerted and many of them ireeiy admit that Holton has made the mistake of his life. There will be a great mass meeting of the white people of the county here on Tuesday, to express indig- nation at the outrage perpetrated by the arrest of registrars. Senator Ms. W. Ransom has wired his accept- aace to speak on this occasion. Great excitement prevails and the people are determined that their honest votes shall not be killed by roving and disqualified negroes. eee Postmaster eae Expresses Him- seir, Cantos Dispatch. “You can say that we of tae East ve pleas=d with both conventions,”’ ssi? Postmaster General Smith when asked to say something of the tUal SIEUR. ON. f-oox Thathne do you expect the era ge :0 be fought 2?” “{ think the contest will settle down tovirtually two issues. One of these probably the chief one, wiil be the curreucy question. Zhe Democratic convention has made it so. They refused to accept the ver- dict of four yearsago. They have proclaimed their stand for silver and the battle of four years ago on that question will have to be fought over. There is no suchissue as_impecial- ism. Thatisafiction. There can be 20 imperialisis mn a free country. But toe question of upholding and Strengitening tae Government in des'inz with the issues growing out oftas Wav aadin administering the new people Lroughtunder our care! and will gure conspicuously the campaign.” acd protection is an important issue | Brook, eee of counterfeits. W. Negro Will Not Even Protect Females | of His Own Race. Correspendence of the Raleigh Post In Northampton county during | the past two weeks there have been | two eases of rape. One was at Rich | Square, where Walter Thompson, aevro of 13 or 20 years, assaulted a) nezro gir! of between 7and 10 years | of ave, infiicting most serious injur- | ies. It is said thathe followed his victim and her mother to the town of Rich @quare, but wnen he saw them go to the house of Hon. Geo. Bishop, a justice of the peace, he fled. ee The negroes made but little out- cry as to the great crime, and it was for the white people totake up the trouble, Fortunately he was cap- tured at Bovkins, Va., and is now sofely confined in a steel cell in the county jail bere. : Last Saturday at or near Bull Hili, a negro boy named James Mor- ris cr Tom Baylor, and ex-convict, liberated about three months ago, attempted rape upon a negro pirl 10 years old, the sister of the wife of a neyro man named Jim Shine. | Her screams attracted the attention of Shine’s wife, whofound tbe child nearly suffocated from a coverlet which Morris bad wrapped around her head te stifle the crics. Phe ne- ero Mottis remained in the ueighbor- hood for hours, nearly ali of Suu- day. Noeneattempted to arrest tim, the negroes would not lift their lands and he only ran away wher a white man came there and hearing the vews, told them what tuey should do, avd bow to act. One immedi- ateiycame to Jackson and a writ was sworn Out, in the meantime the culprit bad obtained a canoe and e3- caped over into Halifax. It is said that he is near Tillery’s and parties are looking for him at this time. Not band was raised by the ne gro to protect his children’s virtue the cor to 2 rage. No; and yet whices bave te avenge the negro ra‘ .ner of the geegress. Orc might think cis a campaigr lie, but facts are facts—herrible but true. The amendment must pass if oriv to give the negro more protec: tion, for he scemg more and more un- avle to protect himself, and as the whites have supported him since he came here or was imported here by his beloved Massachusetts, it looks now as if the South will have to protect the virtue of his fe- males from the bestia! assault of bis TRales. Affaira Take a Serious Tarn ion South Africa. London Dispatch, 13th, ford Loverts’ dispatch reporting still another unfortunate occurrence throws a serious lizht upon the state of affairs in South Africa. fhere has been some comment re cently regarding the virtual absence of progress by the immense army under coms.cnd of Lord Roberts, oul. few could have beea found who oulé have ovileved that the scat- ‘eyveG Uoers were uble to inflici sucow .cfest so near Pretoria. In- sted oi the surrender cf all of the rewaieing Doers being imminent, as { telecrams had hinted.it seems tho, have been makiug a concerted attempt to surround and capture Pretoria, with so much success that ig the region which was supposed co ce pacified and in which no at- taux was expected, they succeeded in inflicting a serious defeat and capturing two guns and some 200 men. It isevident that Generai Bo- thu bas «4 considerable force, seeing that be is able to press Lord Rob- erts’ lines at a half dozen points around Pretoria, from the Springs to ine southeast of the city, north- ward tq Middleburg and Durdepoort, and therte southward to Nitral’s Nek and Krugersderp, Lord Roberts omits to give the name ef the commander concerned, giving rise to the belief that worse remains tobe told. Even if the mishap be aot more grave chan his informetioa at present implies. it o.oves that the situation is still se Ticus, abd that there is uo possibil- ity of any troops being spared from Soyth Africa for China; but, on tho zontrary, that it will still take a long time to clear the country of she Boers. — > es ee | - Rooker Washington's Advice to Negrocs. Savannah Special, rath. Booker T. Washington addressed two large meetings of negroes here today. Hesaidtwoof the princi- pal articles needed by she negroes aoa iocth beushand 2 hath tub Bion tha peccy > pets Lo wil! tak~ & bath daily yes reeth age! revel and cleanse Gay with @ good Srush. he will have advenced a lone ways toward the standard set vy ; ulve igaa. in his school, at skeegee, the speaker said, he svcs 1Oit that every student has ao cooth brush and vhat he uses it to the best advantage. He believes the greatesteyil withwhichithe negro has <o contend now are the flocking of vhe negroes from the country to the eity, the yreat number of negroes without permanent employment,the securing; of education from books without tke proper industrial educa- tiou, immorality, indolence and un cieanlingess, Speaking of immorality, he said the negroes must draw the line be tween right and wrong themselves. The tendency of the better class of negroes, even to meet on terms of social equality those of their race who are not pure morally must be stepped. The negro must not be ashamed to 2ecept 2 position in life, he said, neglow that aimed at by many of them. The race has a great problem to work out and it must show that it is capable of doing the sm!'er and less important things of life before it can be intrusted with better «nd more important tasks. + ga Died With a Hoc in His Hand. Fayetteville Observer. Uncle Sandy Williams, an aged negro, well known to many ofour people, was foundin his corn pateh Saturday evehing dead, bent over bis hoe, just asifhe wasin the acc ofturning over another sod. The old man had not returned to dinner, and his wife after long search, dis covered him late in the afternoon veut over his hoe, witha fierce sun pourirg down onhim. She at first thought he was asleep, and tried to arouse him, but she soon saw that it was a sleep from which there was no awakening. The good old man’s back was literally baked to a crisp, indicating that he had been dead for many hours. i: “‘After suffering from piles for fifteen years Iwas cured by using two boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye,”’ writes W. J. Baxter, North N.C. It heals everything. xhere he| Registered at the Point ofa Gun. Winsten Special rath. On Saturday the 7th, inst., when the registrar for Elderado township, Montgomery county, opened bis books at Ohir, the polling place, six présented themselves armed with rifles and shot guns for registration. These men covered the registrar with their guns and forced bim to enter their names on his book with out having proper questions asked them, aud without any chance to know whether they were qualified electors or not. They had not pre- viously pres@nted themselves for refistration nor had they at any time been refused revistration. Warrants wereimmediately sworn out for their arrests, but up to yes- terday they had not been appre- hended. At Mt. Gilead, N. C., a nezro man went to the residence fof Mr. Jesse Hay ward,the registrar forM t.Gilead precinct, called Mr. Hay ward's wife tg the door and told her that he de- sired to leave a messag3 for her hus- band. The message was as follows: “Tell Mr. Haywood that we have already sent two Democratic regis- trars to the penitentiary for refus ing to register negroes; that a crowd of us are coming to be regis- tered next Saturday and that if he refuses us we willsend him ‘to 2! worse place than the penitentiary. The above information is given by a citizen of Montgomery county, now in the city. SoS The Republican Campaign Book. New York Evening Post, Rep. tis well known that the present head of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics is preparingthecampaign text book of the Republican party. Such a scandalous disregard of the prener duties and diznity of tbat bureau has never before been shown. There bave been ch: made of pewti-on sein the past, but these chart proved to stucu ab extent as to affect the cor rectuGss of the retures issued by the bureau. There have been issued, under officia! sanction, interjreta- tions of commercial and industrial returus, favoring 4 particular policy measure, and when Charles Foster was Secretary of the Treasury, the bead of the bureau permitted a vio- lently protectionist interview to be circulated as a treasury document. although it was well known at the time that the matter had been pre- pared by another hand. Such ex- hib:tions of improper political ac- tivity by the bureau have been rare, huwérer, and have never failed to bring down criticism on those who were tesponsible. Certainly the couduet of the bureau by such mez es General Walker and Mr. W.C. Ford did much to win the confidence of these who used the returns, and to attract favorable comment in for eign countries, where the same de- tailed ard extensive system had not been applied. nn Another Lie Nailed. Cleveland Star, Some opponents of the amendment are circulating the repert that the Democrats are responsible for tne election of the negro, George White. to Congress. A more infamous arges * ~ have never been glauder was never published. It is as fatse as it is vile. The Demo crats were so anxious to defeat the negro that they voted solidly for Fountain, a Populist and done every- thing possible to elect him, but J. B. Lioyd, a protege of Butler’s, ran as adecoy duck for Geo. White and ejected him. Ifthe Populiste who voted for Lloyd had supported Fcuatain, another Populist, then the latter would have beea elected. The Democrats even offered to support Lloyd if he would declare for white supremacy, but this he refused to do, aiter holding a consultation with Butier. Thea are the facts and no fusforist can deuy them. Chair- tan Simmons truly says: “There seems ta be no lie too bald- facea for the white allies of the ne grues to attempt io palm off on the people in their desperate attempt to foo! and deceive them into votingifor negro rule and negro suffrage. _— Oo Oo They Are Coming. Raleigh News and Observer. The people of the whole State will be gratified that Maj. Wm.A. Guth- rie accepts the nomination as a Bry- an and Stevenson elector. Maj. Gutkrieis one of the 47.000 men who gave character and standing to the | PUpulist party ia Nerth Carclina As the nominee of chat vacty {Governor in Tk he was true to its bemaeep Epatitics! vo.izalivon enguged in selling the tio the Republican party, d to be a party to such po- bauchcry and did not hesi- r ror Meee: oy : ‘ at apu wren Ne Caught tre villians in centrot af his or htie ht tate to denounce it. There are now less than 10,000 Populists in the State. The treach- ery and corruption of Butler. Ayer and Co., who are the tools of Hanna and Pritchard is fast driving the de- cent men out of the party. There is welcome in the Demo- cratic party for Maj. Guthrie and all men like him who believe iu the Chi- cay and Kansas City platform. there is no other party for them in North Carolina, because it is the only party that is true to those pricciples for which they stand. By coming iuto the Demecratic party. they count for good government, State and national. The Democratic party needs them in its army, and they need the shoulder to shoulder touch with the Democratic army that is tighting for good government in the State and nation, —_— OO oo The German Squadron Sails. Kiel Dispatch, 9th. The German East Asiatic Squad- ron sailed this mortiog for China. Emperor Wiiliam and Prince Henrv, of Prussia, witnessed the departure of the warships. Addressing the first naval divis- ion, prior to its departure forChina, todav, Emperor William said: “Yours is the first division of ar- mored ships which I send abroad. Remember ya will have to fight a cunning foe, »wided with modern weapons, to avenge the German blood which has flowed. But spare the women and children. I shall not rest till hina is subdued and all the bloody deeds are avenged. You wiil tight together with the: troops of various nationalities. that you maintain good-comradesbip with them.”’ J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. says. ‘I caunot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the doctors cali- ed an incurable ulcer on my jaw.” Cures Piles and all skin ~ diseases. all, Jr. Lookout for worthless imitations. W. F. Hall, Ir., CHINA ISSUES A DECREE. : Nothing Definite Can be Heard from Pekin. Washingtou Dispatch, ith. ,meu, three white and three black. | third day of the sixth moon, was re-| from which the averave =: ceived by telegraph today by Min-} ister Wu,from the taotai of Shanhai, | transmitted on July 1, from the, treasurer of the Chili province, who} received it by special courier, June| 30, from the board of war, who, in| turn, received it from the privy | council ja Pekin. This decree disavows all respon- sibility for the Pekin crisis. It de-| clares that itiwas precipitated. by tae attack on the Taku forts. The gov- ernment says that it is most anx- ious to put down the rebellion and to protect the foreigners. London, 13.—A terrible veil of silence enshrouds Pekin and there is nobody but believes the worst has happened. It is taken for granted that ali the powers bave exhausted every means to get direct news from their legations,andthe fact that | their ciiorts bave been vain leaves} but one interpretation. The Chinese | representative in Berlin denies that Li Hung Chang had sent to him a} hopeful telegram. He says that. on the costrary. no direct telegram has been received by him from Li Hung Couns: for some time past. Tue) day’s news is again restricted to the usual crop of untrustworthy Shang- bai rumors, the most serious of whichis reported in the ofbcial dis- patckes. The correspondent as- serts that Captain Bailey of Her Maiestv’s stezmship Aurora, dis- tinctly saw a manin European gar’ directing the Chinese artillery oper- ations outside of Tien-Tsin. Foreig2 refugees from Tien-Tsin openly ac- euse an Kuropean official, whasc name the Express correspondent suopresses. and Co}. Von Hannehor whe was formery employed to dist trons, of being partic the Cnine- io 4 4 , . "yy ive tek e Gen. Caan and themselves Yieu-Tsin before the bombardment, leaving the other foreiyners to their ate. Statements are in cireniation in Shanghai accusing the Russians of ivdiscriminate slaughter of friend- ly Chinese non-combatants, without regard to ave orsex. The manager of tae Chinese steamship company who has arrived in Shangbai, as- serts inar he only escaped from Ticn-Tsin by cutting off his queue and dcuning European clothes, It is said that the taotai of Shanghai pro tested to the powers ayainst these Russian slaughters. It is asserted that the Buddhist priests through out the empire are propagating Prince Tuan’s anti foreign gospel. News is circulating throughout the ¥ang Tse valley that Gen. Ma has inflicted a crushing defeat upon the allies at Tien-Tsin, and that the for- eion army has been cut to pieces east of Pekin. The actual imno- tence for the moment of the ailied forces aatura}ly vives color to these stories with the worst results. The Shanghai correspondent of The Express gives Tien-Tsin advices co Jnly 3, when the superior ranze of the Japasese artillery enabicd them torelieve the Russians, who were hard pressed at the railway station. Washington, 12.—On to Pekin.” iathe policy adopted by our govern- ment, itis said that regardless of the issues raised as to the anthentici- ty of the late Chinese note, vi tie accuracy of its statement, of fact, or the question raised as to the re- sponsibility for the present situa- tion, our government at least is de- termined not to relax its efforts to reach Pekin to get in touch with Mr. Conger, if{heis alive, to take ihe necessary steps for the protec- tion ef American interests ard in fuct to do all those things set out in Secretary Hay’s note to the powers. inciuding a reckoning with the per- ape OF aiCiss son or persous respansible for the outrageous events of the past six weeks. Vwentv-four hours’ consideration of the Chinese nute leaves the” off- cialis here convinced that it marks the beginning ofa generai effort on the part of the Chinese officials to relieve themselves from responsi- bility for the treatment of the for- eign ministers and the fighting at Tien-Tsin. ee et A Marriage Contract Annalled. Columbia, S. C.,Special, roth, A marriage contract has been cx- pulled by a South Carolina court, = practical divorce, after the parties bad bran wan and wife for a little OVeEY One vous Miss annie Vi. Littlejohu AML fre. AN ? ware pou c lune 25, iste. Mr. Nettles aad in Souta entering deeu a preuiibent iivure Carslina polities before the ministry. On the death of his first wife Mr. Nettles retired ffom politics and journalism and went into the minis- try, being now a presiding elder in the Methodist church. He married « second time some years ago and the marriage last June was the third. The czse was heard in open court by Judye Aldrich. The action was brought by Mrs. Nettles on the ground that at the time of the mar- riage her mind wasso much impair- ed by reason of @ serious physical ailment that she was incapable of understanding or carrying out the marriage contract. Soon after marriage she was placed under 4 specialist and her mind restored, aud she related that now she did not wish to carry out her part of the contract. Mr. Nettles had treated her kindly, but she would not as- sume tohim the_relationship of a wife, : Judge Aldrick held that under the evidence the contract was, in the eyes of the law, no contract, and he so adjudged. Came Near Being a Serious Wreck. Thomasville News, A railroad accident occurred in town last Friday afternvon that came very near causing loss of life. The !ocal freight train reached here about 1.30 and was ordered on the side track to await the passing of a through freight train. By some cause or other the engine of the local freight stopped before the caboose had cleared the main line and just enough to turn the switch. Several passengers were on the local freight, ' but saw the through freight in time See}to jump. It was a close call for some of them, The caboose and sev eral empty cars immediately in front were torn up and the pilot on the eagine was damaged. The wreckiog crew arr.ved andina few minutes cleared the track and had all cleaned up by Saturday afternoon ee _Prof. D. M. Prince, of Scotland Neck, bas been elected Superintend ent of theAlbemarle Graded School jeraliy speaking : | didates enough to vote for. An imperial decree, dated the year there is a seper-abu Ticketaj;Enoagh. Wilmingtou Star. This is a great canntry and che veiors heve cea- hut tbis neanee 1S 2 NeE may select according to bis cou orfsoecy. There are aiready sine tickcis in the field, ss folloxs: Dereocfats: President, J. Bryan. of Nebraska: Vice President, Adlet EF Stevenson, of Lilinots. Reoavbliesas: Presix iwits Ds yr Theouore Roosevelt, of Nov Lork Ponutist: President Wroiian J. Bry»a, of Nebraska; Vice Presice=t, Chartes A. Towne, of ‘isn -ots M:udle-of-tae-road-Populist: Pres- ident, Wharton Barker, of Penusyl vani2; Vice Presideut, Ignatius Don- nelly, of Minnesota. Prohihitionists: President, Joie G. Woolley, of Iilinois: Vice Presi- dent, Henry E.-Metcalf. of Rhede Tslazd. Sccialist Labor: Presidcat, Joe Har:iman. of California: Vice Pres iden’, Max S. Hayes, of Ohio. Social Democrats: Prasident Enu- gene V. Debs, of Indiana; Vice Pres- ident, Joe Hax an. os Califyruia. Def igent tye F. Vice Pres sachuser ts > ES of Valentins agent, erm and the Anti-liaperialists. vbo will ee ee the Ussted Sates Atlaste Consurution Sraavett +n 7? “pss ¢ : ana oa of Seere per - 3 now bem fistusscd on Sy sian Consul Gereral wren Taer. staiey savs tnst ed at @raustort. Res ing ww the Sas: Luss tive variiis of Buroncan exciude the products of Switzerians whosé industries find support on in free trade England. Var propo sition meoted in crete & tarig unloy Br''aia and ber enlonie reer some arters eon Git 3s tefurde: mn iméustivis! ruin. Stareomen inc ined to seek for ar Sv itzerlaud country. dtis in tho! The Allgemeine Schweizer Ze? tung suggesis the Ur It -ays: “Jn spite of dark sides orhich ¢: also found there, the United Stair is swilof the air of frecc 5 zovland would lose nothing if s! skourd become a Staie of tho Unit Sr ates of It is a we oe «1 ey widianNlCe ¢ wit Spel Witt t jl Gis CONNECT! Cli. = Ws Armoartio AMOTIC?A, kicewn faot that the severe: Stat oftre American vnion ars m. @ indesendent ¢! Co tens of Switzerlans co wtrs, by suck an sacr.dee none of bh sb> sould have tc Jo sed ner reps ese ins.en | Reasumicativ 2 ly 85 SO tH : Y “ <4 as o” . t Tencitis $7 ho ty wha us would 2s V ath at Ze nis TY, ono ti. they Lave tried te gr holdin Europe. Every Switzerland who has the hi. courtzy at heart sf:o-'4 th's alliance.” lieyer the United States get iuirenehed iu Yonde pyat auc inperiatism would tals iiafly massive look —_—— oe ee ee Pretoria Dispatch, rath sbe Pritish svecess o det Stevan, of state, has surrendered, except with fA te communicate St-0; for the PUMVOse Or ae to orove te him the useie ec: tinvanee of the eiea rule, ca. only produce biendshedt wit Is becoming daily Mere aon mieligent administrators, b with = kcowledve of the people. could un- dcubtedly greatly ard in the future se‘tiement of difficulties inasmu. a as afrank feeling in uission is Bors. I of LInZDOUN Mrsicn is Ktomped « omen aural “arene prevalent among > with the name “Lilevoun,” which Tate art Watcee ashing 2 1oves SS Every thren 4 ifaiae oo Every. re niin t “ey 2:10 dest the a "Tab. O44 mOS Eb wails wrong F nd the rooe@s back aud wo owl! mw tone li good to yor. <= 3 2 Lizrpors & me NTE : ae kar FE : shorejane starch, < wave Tay cost a Httle raore 2 yard, dat Sives couble wesr end comfort. Per scle by all icucing dry gcods Montwits. Ask for Liiedoon and m reece. mo orker. if your decier . Cooroetec) Lijegona wo will & ia riy it direct Isom tio m Care § nm bation bag tree. if. for one. MOORE COTTGN MILLS, Taylorsville, X. C. ronsi. in bolts cf (0 yards i ee cen | feu Miant Wetstam ; McKinley, of Ohio; Vice President, : Swiiceriard Went. to ve Auncacd to CONDOS With epnrehsnsion. Such acticin. 15 is -sid, would involve Switzevias citizen of}from one precinct. welfare of eonid ae Alps a:! cone tirents would how to gur authority “KR ae- Wor insSoath Africs Sceins to be Over. perolebem ce ES Daprovest wo prs [said person shail be tirst restored to “ta ye anne ae s . ae - == SS poe Rona ee Sei Cb eitizenship in the marncr preserib- Tue of (he wovernment of Peesi- : mo 2 the Oxange fre ve President himself. Thase officizis whodare prisoners uave veen ailor.d Preside. t Mypliny ne wont tor. IAMs ove eget yor een J - Bi tex Seu , Ze nae one ‘. Sec 4 Every pearson presencing zdip collapse Of ape feces - ‘l{ himself for regist:s:ion shal ve able ; ‘ <a nected 4 ‘ = ms De. rs xpected Gok. to reud and write sav seetion o. the ners here <a. Ppees ~ = ° . : . : San ee tity te 4 constitution in the English lancuage; vert ether wie he Py " = ; pia ei # eyed 4 = : > s “C land, before he shal! be entitled to I SR ere eae “t2 >.) vote, he sha!i have paid on ox before : wrepetec Ft tye rity - = 2 = PSiee eee | the fivst day cf Mai. of the yveur ia } sCe? ue fwhich he propose rot 's poll co ea SEE Sembee sy, | te AR et a L.Ottax for tue previr : : jre- 4 . Mk ta the actah ae : . . > See a ey estatti i-leribed by Article $,G. ciie> 1, of the ce apes we ae Heed oF More Constitution. But ro malice uerson, Cc: Craghta ers | aivent, @ dl who was, on Janus, } Me yp at the sceessity far thir ppUristies ot : ven S. evor of sui ice | Ad d e d dd d d d s d c d d d d d s s d d a Solve the Girl Question by putting a Wickless Oil Stove in the kitehen. You can keep a girl then. i the morning. No wood to chop. carry. No ashes to worry pans. It makes play of housework. The yr Wickless @Qil Stove $s doing more to make housekeeping easy than any other stove in existerice. Absolutely safc. Burns ordinary kerosene oil. roasts, toasts—does anything that any ¢ will “do, and many things that most stoves cant Sold wherever stoves are sold. If your dealer do. does not have it, write to STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Servant é No fixe to build in No coal to abowt. No soot on i i é Lg e d d d d d d d d d d Blue Flame Bakes, broils, boils, other stove Ab d d d d b d d d d d d d d d d d d d c d d d d d e d d d a c s s d d s a s d a d dd d E a) of Plonsyivanis. oF ee United Christians: President, Dr. | | S. C. Swallow, of Pennsylvanie, - Vier President, Jono G. Wooll at} + I}lirvis : = Seer § Tape ¢ tilléeea enone t THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- LST] are stule~ewa "cc 2 te MENT. froz., the so-called Gold Deinverats ze The Full Pext as it Will De sub:aitted me jiaterand decide on wrote: ee secs aie : *13 3; " eon Augasi the ant. the. willor wii net pnt tickeic in one the fieid Tke following is the full text of the constitutional amendment us amenced by the aGjourned scssiop of the Lecislature last week: 3 Yen * “+ An Act Suppieme:c! toan 4.% Sn tithd “An Act te A:neng 166 Cone stitution of Nort) (g.c0h5a at- iftea February 2ist, 180%, ze being Chanter Yiwo Hundred and ° ~ 1 Eig¢hteenet the i suesathe + ae A uoleLaws of 1$99. ~| The General Assent ly of North Coro- y lina de enact: "| Secsion 1, Thsi Chapter 218. Pubit: Laws of IS#9, entitied, “An Sonsirurtiosa of nended so as s foliews: Actto amend tie North Carvling."” ve 1 {to make said act read asi “Tat article si. of the coustitu- tion of North Carc'ina be, and the same is herebv abrogated. and in lieu thereof sball be substituicd the following article of said astitut- ion as an entire and indivisivie plaa of suffrage.” 0 + 4 i i oe 3 ARTICLE VL S SUFFRAGE AND PLIGIBITITY TO OFFICE. dj Sectioa 1. male ooTseu iivery borr ‘nu the United sta areesery . mal persou Who Bas beer palurni yfized. twenty Gue yours ui ute, and pogsessing the Gutucce lous Set Out in this Articie, sPali bo entit voie atany election by the pevpie in the State, escent as hereio other- wise vrovided. Sec. 2. He shall have reside? in the State ef No.) Carcuta ‘or two years, in the county six c.wuths, dud alia the precinet, vara or other clee- tien district. In wuicen me cilers to vote. four months ecat precudue une election: Provide”. ‘ut removal ward or Ovher election district, to another in the rjsame couaoty, shail not eperate to deprive any perscn vi the right to vote in the precinct, ward cr other election distriei from wich he has remeved until fuur monihs after such removal. No person been vonvicted. or whs bas confessed his guilt in open cenrt upon indieci- ment, of any crim. The punisnment of which now is, or twiy nercufter be, {mprisonment in the Stafe’s Prison, shall be permitted te vole unless the ed by law, Sec. 2 Every person offering to vote shal] be at the tinie a legaily registered voter as herein preserid- ed and inthe mannes hereafter pro- video by law,and vibe Ceneral Assem bly o. North Ger CuUCY geneial vevistra ry x dali seal iaw. to @ any time prior therev. eatitlea to vote under the lew. of uu; State in ie United States wherein he hen resided,and n<. lineal descenéent of anv such person shaii be denied the right to register and vote at any election in tuis Strte by resson of his failure to pos-ess the eduea- tiona! qualifications herein preserib- ed: Provided, Wie shall Lave ree istered ip avcorvance withthe terms of this section prior te December 1, 1908. The General Asseushiv shall vide for the registration of a}l sons entitled to vote witbeut the educational quatitications herein prescribed, anu sLait,en or before Nove:nber Ist, 1908, provide for the making ofa perman-ut recore of such registration. and all so rezisiered shail forever thereat- ter Lave the richi io vote in a!} elections by the peonle in this State. unless disqualified under Sectien 2 of this article: Q per- son shall have paid bis poll tax a above required. : See. 5. That this Amendment to the Constitation is presented and adopted as one indivisible plan for . the regulation of ine suffrage. with the intent and purpose io so con- nect the differm:: part them sodependen: thav the whole shall st together. : Sec. 6 Allelections by the peo- ple sball be by ballot, and all elec- tions by the General Assembly shall be viva voce, See. 7, Every voter in Nort} Carolina, except as in this article | Cisqualified, shall he eligible tooftice, but before entering upon the duiies of the office, he snall take aad sub- seribe the following owih. “I... do solemnly swear, (or ufliem) that I will support and maintain. tke Con- stitution and laws of the United ro- pro per- DHorscers y 3 Lrovided, such Ss s,and to make ther, or fal 1 } 3 24 Citar tees 10 4 who has } ‘J into effect the provisious cu: this ar-] “cll ticle deny the being of Almighty God. been convicted, or confessed their guilt on indictment pending; and whether sentenced or not, or under jcedviment suspended, of any treason or felony, or of any other erime for which the puaiskment may be im- prisonment in the penitentiary, since becoming citizens of the Unit- ed States. or of corruption or mal- practice in office; unless such persen saail be restored to the rights of Citizenship: & manner prescribed by law. Sec. 9. the Constitution, shail go into elfect onthe first day of July, 1902, fa majority of votes cast at the next ceneral election shall be cast in fa- vor of this suffrage amendment. Section li. This amendment to the Constitution shall be submitted at ihe nex: peneral election to the Quatified voiers of the State, in the same Manuer anG under the same rules and revralations as is provided in the law regulating general elec: tions in this State, and at ssid elec- tious these persons desiring to vote for such amendment shall cast a written or printed ballot with the words “For Suffrage Amendment thereon; ana ibose with a contrary opinion sbh2ii cast a written or print- led ballot with tae words “Against Sutfrage Amendment” thereon. See. Lil. The votes cast at said 3 shall be counted, compared, {roturned 27a canvassed. and the pesnlt annonneed and declared under ses ane regn'ations, and ‘ho satp® tuanaer as tae vote ter ! Goveraor, and ifa majority of vane 1 oes cast are in favor of the said | jgendment, it shall be the duty of i the Governor of the Staite, upon be- fing notified of the result of said telection. to ce: tify said amendment, under the seal of the State, to the j Seeretar, of State, who shall enroll jthe said amendment so aertified ! among the permanent records of his ! vifice. { Sec. LV. This act shail be in force from and 2fter its ratifiction. 7 2 epee Ic , The svt a Young Women The ent: ‘wom: ccitical time eee Te strual diso-crrs started at that time soon stow into ‘atal complications. That graveyards estab. temale trowbles are fiili- proves this, Wine of liches a painiess and natural menstrual +: ilow. cn Oace this im: t funs- tion is staz‘~3 richt,a healthy life will foiic~w. womens, owe their to Wine Cardui. Theresis nothing like it to sng women Winn Miss Della M. Strayer, Tully, Kana *1 have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe. «tiods fora long time, was nervous, had'no 4 appetite, and lest interest in everything, - in fact was miserable. 1 have ‘taken four bottles of Wine of Cardut, with Thedford’s Black-Drauzht, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks 1 feel for what you have done for me,” For advice tn es requiring special Girec- coe ecarens ating syaptons the Ladies: dvisory partment, Tbe Chartan ede icine Company, Ciuttanooga. enue > applies For s: ia) 4 ON TIME. ihbave Mour, Corn, Meat, etc., for sale on time. See me when vou want time on your purchases of supplies. Tnis March 8th., 1969. Respectfully, J. L. COWAN, At Brick Store, Back of Harrison's, Commissioner's Sale of Land. URSUANT to a decree of the Superior P aot Iredell county made in a ines Cecding wherein G. W, Clegg, administrator of 5. M. Alexsider, Ceceased, is plaintiff, and H. Q Aiexan. er and others are defendants, the un- See Will sell at the court c in Statesville, N.C. i bidder at public outcry oa San amet SATURDAY, JULY 21ST, 1900, ut 120'clock, m.. the following described lands situateon Third creekin said county aud be- longing to the estate of thesaidJ M. Alexander to-wit: Legitiming ata white oak stump, an original corner and corner of the dower tract, thence South 17 degrees Fast 48 pollstoa stone. wv. 2, Gibson's line, thence with his line South 72 degrees” West to a stone et a persi: mon, said Gibson’scorner, thence South § de: Zrces Went 36 poles tog stone, Gibson’s comment thence South 84 degrees East 35 poles toa stone. Gibson scorner, thence with his line Sourtir 4 degrees West 20 poles to Third Creek, thence up the creek Gi poles toa stake, Gibson’s cor- States, and constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent | therewith. and that I will faithfuily | discharge the duties oi inv offee as | sess s.....80 heip me, God.’ { See. 8. :The foliowing classes of | persons shall be disqualified for | office: First, all persons who shayj ver, thence North 28 degrees Kast 28 hickory stump, Gibson's corner, oncom 3446 degrees East 4o polesto a stone, Gibson's corner, theuce North 29 degrees’ West 38% poles om walnnt in the cower line, thence with seme North 65% recs Hast St poles to the begin- Ing, Contmining 23 acres, more or less, and known as the homestead tract, - Terms of sale: 3 cash, %intwo months and Second, al! persons who shall hove | Thas this amendment to* W. A. Thomas & terete a Wie soe tn Tel phy, Reaitrc and typewriting. This is endor ing -ailway compenies as the op relicble instiz @ies are assisted to positions. J+ A POLICY For The Peay COM TEM: te . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 i t ‘ } i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 t ' in 1 t ‘ ' 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ Tho who INSURANC * At ali—had best look at a cor treet which 1s but a st ug stone between NC insurain« aud lite. Im one instance vou to wir, In my policy you ¢ benefit of both living and ce. th. Seven hundred and sixty-Bight d vaiu ont to Citi of Steiesville community iu 24a 12 months Ume. you will take the time and see me! can ve you all imforima ann [PSs ~ NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION: REQUIRED. ‘ J .#. CARLTON. i i FIRE, LiFe : i : : ' : i ; i ‘ | ' | And ACCIDENT INSURARD CE. a _ — oem ween ae eee = ee ~-onthern * Rallway ae SOUTH Lhe Di rset Line to al! Poir--s Texas, California Picrida, Cuba and Porto Rico trictly First-Class Equip- meot or all Through und Locei Lrains; Pullmaxy Palace Sleeping Gars cn a! < Night Trains; Fast and safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern aud you ar assured 2 safe, Comiortanic and /e-Xpeditious Journey. APPLY To TicKET AGENTS YOR TIME TAELES RATES AND GONERAL INFO? MATION, OR APPRESS R. L. Vernon; my pA: CPATA, CHARLOTTE, N.C. ASHEVILLE, N.C. No trouble to answer questions. Frag $ Gna, i, Moen ok Tat 24.V,P.& Gen. Man. Traf.. Mar G.P WASHING TON. Pc Darby, It You Need Fire. Uifs, Accident OorMoeezttn s om Insurane2 See Brown & Guy, MINSURANCE HEADO! me JASTERS. ‘ ’ Ofie--Secoud Floor Bank Buildi: Try Us On NE BUNS Sporting Goods, Table*cultery, Meat Choppers or anything else you may need in the ardware Lioe- If you are not pleased with our cols after examining them we don’t ask you buy, 5 Yours truly. Co. Young Men Wanted. Till ctgeion and on oe 307 of its kind. ¥ in four mouths time. G. 2 CLEGG. This June 21st, 1900. R. B. McLaughlin, Att'y. commissioner. ™itied. Write for free catalog. Opeus August isth Sth.) - oo COLLEGE: cea See se ee agin Ey. OL, Vil. ————— STATE I handle =! the best qua. Best Ma x Saatesville, %. The Transacts a Regula Interest) aid ont t pecial attention pa Accounts {U0 »°> eceived On most fa JNO A CO Eq With simult Lec head blocks and ¢ most sensitive feck mill, also Frick ¢ ENG AND BO Portable on wee tionery engines size, and the xred Eclipse traction Gotton Gins 21 kk . Statesville. \ < End ot * N all ve to mov Counter io Crash at Light Perc and Crash 7 See us for M Fruit Jars. ALON . ‘1 u ’ & a Se E 7 = hy : e $ TOES The queat! How can | neatly you bought our fore can sa The Stock of big Reducti¢ will sell vo aman’s sui anything iv our pure Ir and if sq Every artic past iavors Buggies, hag vanee in the price Stock early, to sel selling you vehicl a vehicle to make LA} and will use our t us and we puaratr the vuaranice. Attra Phe ¥ ever ing, nob ta 100 Cards, 4 With a handsome Case with your engraved on the C Any style printed card Lette Pam for p CROWSON & BRONCE > Ws s e e d d d a e d d l e 6 ! S7 i N A A L A S M S S A U A A A I L A S 4 C 4 L L U S S S S A L A A L S S A S A S A S S S A A A A A L 4 C A S U A S w Ei F apie ee Diste at 2 con Stepping Tance and rou ada to 1 get th id ceatiyy and / nia rd age) a Equtp- eh und -ullmay san all nd safe end yor are tanie and TIME TALES MATION, - ‘Darby, ee ef HEVILLE, N.C. yuestions. W.4. Pars fan, ~ ne ods, ers you nted. d characte z counting x, te ; i 1‘. —s asp * {Fall tert OLLEGF, ington, Ky- ee The Statesvil le Mascot. — * WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. STATEVILLE MARBLE WORKS ——:0:——_—— I handle all kinds of Granite and Marbie known o the trade and the best quality. Pest Material, First-Class work and Lowest Prices sntasville, 2. C. c. 5B WEBS The First Nationa’ Bank OF STATESVILLE, N. C. ansacts a Regular Banking Business. Deposits received subject to check on sig terest aid on time deposits. Money ioaned on good collateral and perscnal secur .. clalattention paid te collections on al) puints, and credited or remitted at lo westra ‘Accounts {Uocoorations Merchants, Macetactoers and Individual solicited ard ved on most favorabie terms OFFICERS: 1X0 A COOPER, President, J.G, IrViN, Vice President GEO. H. BROWN, Cashier. FRICK COMPANY'S Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill simultaneous racket setting wks and cable rope feed, the ensitive feed ever put ona saw so Frick Company’s ENGINES AND BOILERS, sills. on wheels or Sta and boilers, any hill eclimbing few y engines and the great se traction engine. A u Gins at low prices. Over Paston Bros Season Undervalue Prices statesville. N. C End of At ALLISON’S VARIETY STORE N all goods of 2 hot weather nature we have cut prices to move them. Your attention is called to our Bargain Counter in center of store, containing Ladies’ Shirt Waists, Crash and Dueck Skirts, Organdies, Lawns, Dimities and Licht Pereales, Men's, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Slippers, Straw cod Crash Hats. Ali above at a sacrifice. Just in, a New Lot American China, W. #H. ALLISON ~ec us for Mason's t Jars. I er) a sn tit ; son oss ast * 4. a camiace eT eS md * Se BO H3eeesCcine, CRE aA biCaelsOtie. GN eee hi) bie i N you buy RAMON’S LIVER PiLLS & LETS you du net buy a med- TONIC i icine, but a Com; Treatment fer Bilious- ness, Constipation and Headaches. It is two distinct medicinws, but sold for one price—25c. The Pills brinz immediate relief; the Pellets tone up the nervous system and invigorate. * Sloan Clothing Co., Successers to Sloan & Shelton. ‘Phe question of dress agitates the mind ofevery one more cr less. How can I be neatly dressed for the cast money. Of course to dress neatly you must have a suit that fits and one that wears. We bought our stock before the advance in woolens for the cash there- fore can save you money. The Stock of Sloanj& Shelton, we bought at a big Reduction. will sell you it at and below manufacturers prices. ¢ a man’s suit for $2.00. If you want a suit, bat, shirt, necktie or anything in gents furnishings you cannot atford lo not see us. See our pure Irish Linen collar for 10c. We are anxious tor your trade and if square and honest dealing will get it we mean to have it. Every article sold by us must beas represented .Thanking you for past favors and hoping to see you, we are Very truly, Sloan Clothing Co We now have in stock and bought 4 CAR LOADS, 4 Wecan give you Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys and hacks, notwithstanding the big ad- vanee in the price of material, we are enabled by having purchased our stock early, to sell at old prices or at least yery nearly so. We have been selling you vehicles for 6 years and have never knowingly misrepresented a vehicle to make a sale. We want your trade and will use our best efforts to merit it. When you buy a buggy from us and we guarantee it, you know it means our Standing Square behind Come and see us. Barron & Nicholson Attractive Printing. The Mascot Printing Co, is better prepared than ever before to turn out attractive up-to-date print- ing, and vt prices that estonish those who have not favored us with orders. the guarantee. <=32> 1000 Circulars 75c Sizes x8. Advertise what ENVELOPES, you have to sell with 2 cir- AT LOW PRICES. 100 Cards, 50c. With a handsome Card Case with your name engraved on the case. Any style printed on ard Car cular. Small one easier read than a large one. Geee Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Hoads, Statements, Pamphlets, Circulars, Ete sat low prices, Send for prices and sample. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROWSON & SRONCEK, PROPR’S. ee ee er es a i 2 MONS 61 Toa jee ill Lorie tc Pepsin is Tasteioss and Guaranteed to Curc Chills and Fever and ail Malarisi Troubles. oN tain Quinine Nor Other Poison. f oe - Does Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Hearing. W. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: “Ramon’s Pepsia Cuill Tonic fe the best we have ever Eandled. My son prescribes ivin h's praction.and says '¢ } theonly Chill Tenic which a child can take without injury to ihe stomach. Price 50c. BROWN ME'G. CO., Prop’rs. Greeneville. Zeaa. EDITORIAL NOTES. By the time another issue of this | paper reaches the majority of our subscribers, the yreat battle for | white supremacy, good government | 41, Corporation and the peace and safety of our State will have been fought. men do their duty there can be no question as tothe result. problem to be worked out is the size of the majority. The tide has set our way, is runuing strongly, and is carrying everything before it. Much has been said about this fight. We take it that every one knows that there is a State ticket to be voted for, county and township officers to be elected, as well as the constitutional amendment to be carried. The amendment has over- shadowed everything else. Why is this so? Every white man surely realizes why itis. Tf he does not, God grant that be may realize it be- fore the 2d day of August. The purpose of the amendment is to rid North Carolina of the millstone that has been round her neck, since the time when, by a fearful mistake, the pegro just from bondage, removed only 200 years from barbarism, was made the equal of the white man, as far as his voice in the direction of our government was concerned, by conferring upon him the ballot. The neyro has shown himself unable to bear responsibility, incapable of self-government, lead only by preju- dice and passion, devoid of reason, easily corrupted, absolutely unable tocontro] himself or others, and mean and viadictiye when in power. He has always been used as the tool of the Republican politicians, vot- ing at every opportunity agaiust the Democrat, his best friend, aud standing with his mates a solid phalanx against good government. We mean to say not one harsh word against the negro. The best that could happen to him is to take him from politics and keep him in that position, for which he is fitted by nature, a working man. Does what I have suid ne*d any proof? Read the history of North Carolina from 1868 to 1875: read the history of any Southern State during re- construction, read the history of North Carolina from 1894 to 1898-- the reign of terror in Eastern North Carolina—when a man «new not but that he would be aroused in the dead of night by the alarm offire ring- ing in the clear night air,to tind his or his neighbor’s property reduced to ashes, when he knew not but that he-might return home to find Liswife or his daughter despoiled, when he knew not but that his life might be required at any time by some black villian,.when men were obliged to patrol the streets at night in order to furnish protection for their wives and the children that God had given them, when, in fact there was no peace nor safety-—-can anyone read the history of this time and not be convinced that negro rule is a curse to North Carolina? Two years ago North Carolina redeemed herself. The purpose of the white man’s measure is to avoid the possibility of a return tosuch a miserable condi- tion. Theumendment is aimed at the negro only and the negro only will be touched. No white man will, indeed no white man can be dis- franchised. White men you see your duty. For the sake of good government, for the sake of the fair name of your State, for the sake of your wives and daughters do that duty. ee Grand Rally. Hons. F. M. Simmons and Theo. F. Kluttz will close the'campaign in Iredell- county at Statesville on Saturday, July 28th. There will bea grand horseback prucession and every township will be represented in the line. Harry P. Grier, Esq. has been appointed chief marsh 21 and assistants have been appointed in every township. It is proposed to make this the greatest political demonstration evér seen in old Ire- dell. The band will head the procession. Let every citizen of Iredell come and bring his neighvor. The speak- ers are two of North Carolina’s ablest sons and great speeches will be heard by our people. 7he cam- paign for permanent white suprem- acy must close ina blaze of glory and enthusiam. Remember the day—Saturday, July 28th..—and be in Statesville mounted on that day. J. A. HARTNEss, Chairman Dem. Co. Committee. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. —_————_e—————_ Another Registrar Arrested. Troy Special, tgth, Today Deputy United States Marshal Cox, arrested Registrar R.O. Fry, who was charged with refusing to register negroes. The warrant was sworn out by Daniel Pankey, anegro. All the witnesses are negroes, except I. M. Deaton, of Raleigh. Sine Mr. Fry waived examination and asked to be allowed to give a five hundred thousand dollar bond. United States Commissioner Moore would take only one thousand dollar bond for his appearance before him onthe sixth day of next August. Every Democrat wanted to go on Mr. Fry’s bond. “After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel salye,”’ writes W. J. Baxter, North [ Brook, N.C. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. W. F. Hall, Jr. If the white} The only | STATESVILLE, N.C., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1900. | Injunction Granted. | Raleigh Post, 20th. A private telegram received here ‘yesterday from Flat Rock states i that Juéze Simonton has granted a 'temporary injunction restraining Commission, the 'State Auditor and the State Treas- urer from collecting and enforcing the assessment for 1900, waich the Corporation Commission levied on |the Seaboard Air Line Railway, the | Atlantic Coast Line and the South- ern Railway. The restrainisy order provides that the railroads shall pay taxes on the same basis as last year until the case is settled. The date for the bearing is set early next month. The attorneys who appeared be- fore Judge Simonton at Flat Rock and secured the temporary injunc- ition were Maj. John D. Shaw, rep- resenting the Seaboard; Capt. Chas. Price and Mr. F. H. Busbee, ap- pearing for the Southern, and Mr. R. O. Burton on behalf of the At- lantie Coast Line. eee Se Cy Thompxon Was for Amendment When First Submitted.—He Ad- mits ft, Raleigh Post. Priymoutu, N. C., June 25,1900. Hon. Claude Kitchin: On a Sunday afternoon in Febru- ary, 1899, a ‘ew davs after the legis- lature had passed the bill submit- tiny the proposed constitutional amendment. Dr. Cyrus ‘hompson said to me, while standing on the south end of the capitol, that he bad advised the Populists in the legisla- ture to vote for the amendment, and that he thought it was the best thing for the civilization of the State, and thought the Populist party would support it at the polls. He said he would support it himself, aud then qualified by saving: ‘That is, think now I will.’ If you want this sworn to, send it back to me, but Dr. Thompson will not deny it. Yours truly, H.S. Warp. State Senator Second District. E. Y. Webb, Esq., states that at Shelby Dr. Thompson was shown this and asked if he made the state- ment. He replied **Yes,’’ but that he had not atthe time he, made it investigated the amendment. Nice Little Scheme: Chicago Dispatch, 19th. A scheme by which the American Iexpress Company has been defraud- ed out of $5,000 during the last two years by means of forged money or- ders has been unearthed by Captain Colleran’s detectives. Jesse P. Reinick,an expert telegraph oper- ator, was brought back to Chicago from St. Louis yesterday and short- ly after he told a story concerning his connection with the conspiracy. According to Reipneck five men, all telegraph operators, were impli- cated in the scheme to defraud the express company, but only two of these, O. H. Dillon and Reineck, are under arrest. Dillon, it is charged, was employed as an operator in the depot at Storm Lake, Iowa, where ne had access to the moaey express book of the American Express Com- pany. Heandaman named Mass- teller, with two others, it is charged, entered intoa conspiracy to steal the blank money orders, forge names on them and then cash them for $50 each. Reineck cashed one of these orders and was arrested. He con- fessed the whole plan. —— Father and Mother Neglect Children. Nashville §pecialto Raleigh Post, 18th. A white man, George W. Griftin, and his wife Lula, were brought to jail last night, charged with cruelly nevlecting and starving their chil- dren. It seems that five of his chil- dren have been sick for some time. About a month ago he moved them into an old open house in the yard, with no one to nurse them but his wife’s fourteen-year-old boy and his seventeen-year-old girl. Some time avo his girl was taken sick, and then there was no one to care for them but this fourteen-year-old boy of ‘their heartless step-mother. When they were found by the neigh- bors they were ina terrible condi- tion. They had laid ia that room unattended, in their own filth, so long that their flesh had actually become so decayed it would not bear washing without peeling off at places. They were found lying on sacks, without any clothing, and the skin off 1n many places, asd where the skin was off it is said maggots were found in scores. The people are very much inceased that such inhuman cruelty should have been practiced in the community. Three of the children have died, and the other two are very low. It is reported that their step-mother told her husband he must get clear of those children or her, and this is the means adopted. ‘The children were from seven to fourteen years of age. Cuba's Constitutional Convention. Washington Dispatch, 2oth. It is understood the President and General Wood have agreed upon September 15 as the time for hold ing the election in Cuba, for dele- gates to the constitutional conven- tion that is to be calJed for the pur- pose of formulating a constitution for an independent government for Cuba. : On the return of Generai Wood te Cuba, he will confer with the leaders of the Cuban people as to the details of the election, andas to what restrictions, if any, should be placed upon universal suffrage in the island. It is now hoped that the constitutional convention will be held before the end of the year, andif possible about October 15. Any-constitution adopted will be scrutinized by the President and probably by Congress before it is permitted to go into effect. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: **I can certify that One MinuteCough Cure will doall that is claimed for it. My wife could not it relieved her. It has also benefited my whole family.’’ It aets immedi- ately and cures coughs, colds,croup, grippe, bronchitis asthma and all throat toubles. W. F. Hall,Jr- wrens “ get her breath and the first dose of| | Slaughter and Defeat of Allies at } Tien-Tsin. ~ | Tien-Tsin Dispatch, 17th. | At2o’clock this afternoon, seven | thousand of the allied troops were jattempting to storm the wall of the ;city. The attack began at daylight. !Its success is doubtful The Chinese on the walls are estimated conserv- atively at 20,000. They are pouring a terrific hail of artillery, rifle and | machine gun fire upon the attackers. The Americans, Japanese, British and French troops are attacking from the west and the Russians from the east. ‘Lhe Americans sutfered terribly. As the Associated Press representa- tive left the field the chief surgeou of the Ninth Infantry said a con- servative estimate was that 25 per cent, of the Americans were hit. Col. Emerson H. Liscum is reported to hare been mortally wounded as he was walking in front of the troops. Major Regan and Captains Buck- miller, Wilcox and Noyes are among the wounded. The marines’ losses include Cap- tain Davis killed, and Butler, Leon- ard and several others wounded. Otficials declare that it was hotter than Santiago. When the correspondent left, the Americans were lying in the plain between the wall and the river under a direct fire. It was equally difti- cult for them to advance or retire. The correspondent counted 300 wounded men of all nationalities, mepublicans in Charge of the Popu- list Party. ‘Our Home,’’ the leading Popu- list organ in North Carolina, edited by Mr. J. Z. Green, contains the following article in his paper this week: “It is said that Steen, of Monroe, got a telegram Saturday from Sen- ator Butler announcing that he would speak at Monroe Friday, and that Edward Flow had some hand- bills printed advertising the Sena- tor’s speaking. A majority of the members of the county executive committee of the People’s party have not asked that a local ticket be put in the field this year. but Senator Butler wants to draw the $30,000 for the next six years in the Senate and he has written to all the leading Populists of the county ex- pressing his desire to have a legis- lative ticket put in the field. By fusing with the whiskey ring and the Republicans and negroes and everything else in sight that will ‘‘fuse,’’ of course there would be some sort of fighting chance, but even then it would mean inevitable defeat. If such a “‘fusion’’ could secure victory it’s too costly a pro- ceeding for Populists and it takes lots of cheek in Senator Butler to ask them to keep on ‘‘fusing’”’ for no other purpose than to keep him in the Senate. Honest: Populists are sick and tired of fusion and they are done withit. They have not asked Steen and Flow to take charge of the party yet. Flow and Steen surely have enough to do to look after the Republican hosts of this county. When Butler hasany more speakings to anrounce in this coun- ty we hope it will be old time Popnu- list speaking and that he will send his telegrams to Populists instead of sending them to dyed-in-the-wool Republicans. ”’ a Torture Most Terrible, San Franciseo Dispatch, 19th, Advices received from North Chi- na contain particulars of the awful torture inflioved on the Rev. H. V. Norman, who, with Rev. C. Robin- son, was among the first of the Americar missionaries to become victims of the Boxers. A correspondent writing from lien-Tsin, June 7, says some refu- gees who had arrived there gather ed from Chinese sources ghastly de- tails of the torture inflicted on Nor- man. It seems that he fell into the hands of Li, the head man of a little town near the Anglican Mission, where he and Robinson had their headquarters. Li had a short time before lost ason in a quarrel be- tween Boxers and Christians, when the converts had driven off the Box- ers from the mission, and he vowed vengeance. This he took ina horri- ble manner when Norman was thrown into his haads. After his capture by the rioters, from whom Li took the captive, the missionary was stripped by the retinue of Li and acollar of iron fastened on his neck.. A short chain was attached, and he was tethered to a stake. Chinese men, women and children then poked sharp sticks into his flesh and jabbed him with tridcents® When he sank down weak from loss of blood and half crazed by the aw- ful torture, he was unable to get upon his knees even,the chain being too short, and he was strangled slowly. Molten lead was then poured on his nude body, and as he writhed in agony he was stabbed to death. His body was cut to pieces. Robinson. the other missionary, was slaughtered without lingering so long in agony. He was cut down by amob and hacked to pieces al- mostinstantly. A number of the mission converts were slaughtered. Some were asked to recant., and those who did soto save -their lives were saddled and bridledand forced to crawl to the temple idols. ——— Insulted a White Man. Shelby Special to News and Observer, roth. Three negroes held up a white man, named Anderson Howell, with- in two miles of Shelby. They saw him wearing a White Supremacy button. He is an uneducated white man of Democratic principies. They met him in the road and said *‘Look at that G— d—n poor white scoun- drel with that button on. He aint as zood asa negro. Wearea good mind to kill you and throw you in the creek.’” About that time a white man and his wife drove over the hill and the negroes rushed into the woods, and could not be idea- tified. 1t is well for them that they escaped. ‘“DeWitt’s Little Early Risersare the finest pills I ever used.’’—D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They quick? ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. W. F. Hall Jr. ee ee | Misery of the Philippines is Charged | Directly to McKinley . | Kwoxville Dispatch to Atlanta Constitution ; Lieutenant Gibson Williams, of |the Twenty ninth regiment, in writ jing tohis father here, |copy of a proclamation issued by General Callies, the original being }fourd .« 4 bulletin board in Callu- fans, «ct. +t miles from Los Banos, | jand tuk.» by him and Captain Tay- | lor. du part the proclamation is as follows: “To the Residents and Inbabi- tants of this Province—My Dear | Fellow Citizens: The labor of the Philippine republic does not in one- hundredth part resemble the terri- ble French revolution. The kindly relation we maintained with our cruel enemies in the last days of the Spanish domination over our people goes for nothing Itisin vain we ave shown the most complete or- strated our capacity for seli-govers- ment and this makes clear our right to proclaim our independence, as it has already beer recognized by other nations. “To draw the blood of martyrs, to sow the seed of misery, te burn the houses and destroy the plantations in our territory is the work of the partisans of McKinley with our dear Filipino peovle. To check their in- famous designs they haye forced us to take up arms, as I have done in duty. tirst: to my race, being a Ta- galo; in the second place being a soldier. And I am assured that what our armies are fighting for is the honest desire ofall, and I pro- foundly hope that sooner or later heaven will grant it to us. “Even now our enemies are view- ing with alarm the decline of the imperialist party inCongress as well as in the Senate of their country andare much concerned over the claims for justice by the Democrats who would concede us our impor- tance. I trust therefore you wiil not abaidon usand that your feel- ings are in accord with mine, if not you should lay your hand on your heart and there realize for what ev- ery Filipino should, and from time to time there will voluntarily burst from your lips the ery ‘viva la inde- pendencia.’ Your general, JuAN CALLIES.”" Conger Heard From. Washington Dispatch 20th. The Chinese minister, Wu Tinz Fang, is today a center of official end personal congritulasion over the great sertice h« $.as performed for the American pevernment and the Americans, in o.ening up communi- cation between United States Min- ister Conger and Washington, and in sweeping aside a mass of horrible reports as to wholesale massacre of oar officials and others. The Chinese legation was in a state of jubilation today. Minister Wu _ breakfasts early inthe day, after the Chinese custom, and this morning he -break- fasted even earlier than usual. Just before he sat down a telegraph mes- senger boy bicycled up to the lewa- tion office and passed in a dispatch. This is not unusual, so the message was taken in hand by a secretary, while the minister proceeded with his breakfast. The message proved to be quite lonz anda _ considerable part of it was in an uninteliigible chipher code. But it was not until the eye fell on the name “Conger,” written in English, that the full pur- port of the messaye became evident. Then there was a stir throughout the establishment. The minister was entirely in the dark as to the meaning ofthe strange groups of Arabic figures, but it was evident to him that this was a reply direct from Minister Conger to Sec- retary Hay’s cipher telegram, of July 11. Mr. Wu went up stairs to his private oftice, where he was jcin ed by his secretaty, Mr. Chung. Word was sent for the minister's au- tomobile to take him to the State Department. A few minutes later he appeared with Mr. Chung on the stone baleony of the legation. In his hand he carried a document, bicle and his American attendant, Cas. Lee who accompanies him on these trips, turned the lever and they sped down,Connecticut avenue toward the State Department. It was9:45 o'clock when Mr. Wu handed the document to Secretary Hay and then, after brief congratu- lations over what the message was believed to contain, he retired in or- der that the translation of the cipher message might begin. Min- ister Wu's persona! feelings over the receipt of the message are those of intense relief, following a long period of extreme depression. He had little to say over the message, as it speaks for itself and his views couldadd nothing to it. Above all he is rejoiced that the reports as to the massacre of Minister Conger and all other foreignersis dissipated and this he regards as the supreme fact, notwithstanding the grave statement in the message that bom- bardment is goingon and massacre 1s imminent. The following is the cablegram from Minister Conger at Pekin: “In British legation. Under con- tinuous shot ani shell from Chinese troops. Quick reliefonly can pre- vent general massacre.” The message is not dated, but it is understood was sent from Pekin on the 18th. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumptioa, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth- ma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and ali diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c and $1, Every bottle guar- anteed, or price refunded. incloses a/| der in towns where we have govern- | ed. But by this we have demon- | sale by N. R. Tunstall, Draggist. STATE NEWS. The State Pharmaceutical tAssoc- iation met in their 2ist annual ses- ston at Wilmington on July ISth. Mr. J. F. Reinhardt. of Lincoln county, who voted against the amendment in the last Legislature, has come out in favor of it. ;vice at Raleigh. N. C., to begin ; August Ist. Three carriers will | serve an area of 52 square miles. One of the-wounded in the assault on Tien Tsin, was Capt. W. B. Lem- ly. Capt. Lemly’s home is in Win- ston and he was at one tin.e business manager of The Union Republican. €. M. McCorkle. Esq., wko is one ol the registrars at Newton, was at- tacked by a man name¢ A. P. Lynch. | Lynch bad a dirk in his possession. | McCorkle stood him off with a_ re- volver. When Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz spoke in Concord last week, he was intro- duced by his old opponent in the Congressional race, Hon. M. H. H. Caldwell. Mr. Caldwell is now a warin supporter of the amendment. It is said that at the conclusion of Senator Pritchard’s speech at Mar- shall, his home town, afew days ago, one of his Big Ivy friends pre- sented hima boquet. It consisted of several wild blossoms in a oyster can and was atoken of his love for Jeter C. t. K. Proctor, Sr., a life-long Re- publican, of Lumberton, and a man of influence in his party, put on a red shirt one day last week and will support the amendment. A. S. Thompson, Populist nominee for register of deeds of that county, has just withdrawn from the race. Mr. J. N. Bohannon, of Hickory, died in Charlotte, of Bright's dis- eave; on last Wednesday evening. Mr. Bohannon had been a sutferer for months. He had gotten some- what better and went to Charlotte on business. He became very sick, and rapidly grew worse. He was a highly esteemed traveling man. and interested in a number of enterpris- es at Hickory. Lenoir Topic: Recently the little two-year-old daughter of J. V. M>2- Call, Esq., climbed on a table in the kitchen when no one was _ present and took a drink of kerosene oil from a glass that had been left there by the cook. The draught produced Violent strangulation immediately. followed by severe nausea, an had medical aid not been near, the child would most likely have died from the effects of the dose. Dr. Shell was called, and by prompt treat- ment the little sufferer was soon relieved. A report of a fatal shooting affair comes from Union Mills. a town a few miles from Rutherfordton on the South Carolina & Georgia Railroad. Joe Lewis, a notorious negro, some time ago made several impudent re- marks to Mr. Leyi Thomason’s wife, at his house, and on learning this Mr. Thomason informed the negro if he came near his house again or made any more remarks to his wife he would kill him. Monday after- noon Mrs. Thomason was out on the roadside picking berries, when the nero passed and insulted her again. Later her husband learned of the second insult and immediately went to a storeat Union Mills, where the negro was. The negro ran out ang picked up a rock and started at Thomason, when Thomason pulled his revolver and fired twice, one bali taking effect in the back of the negro’s head. He lived until last night. Red Hot From The Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- man of Newark, wlich, in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 vears. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons,Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on carefully wrapped up ina piece of{earth. 25cts. a box. Cure guaran- white:linen, His face was wreath of|teed. Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr., smiles. He stepped into the ve-| Druggist. The Nebraska middle-of-the-road Pop.convention has endorsed thecan- didacy of Wharton Barker for the vice presidency. The platform arraigns “Goebelized Democracy as the Dem- ocratic Mark Hanna and denounces its wholesale disfranchisement of white and black citizens of the South as government without consent, and amenace to our free institutions and tending wholly to imperialistic Gespotism.”” Working Night and Day. The »busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health. that changesweakness into strength, listlesspess into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They’re won- derful in building up the health. Only 25¢c ner box. Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. Tt has been decided to raise $100.- 000 as a memorial to Rear Admiral J. W. Philip. Naval Constructor Francis 7 Bowles, of the navy yard, and Commander D. Delhanty. gov- ernor of Sailors’ Snug Harbor. are in charge of the movement. It is | the present plan to invest the $100- 000. the income to be paid to Mrs. Philip while she lives. On her death the principal and interest will 9 to the naval branch of the Y. M. C. A. A Gov’ Family Mdicine. W. Lee Wilmoth. Top of Allegh- any. West Va., writes: I have used Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pel- lets for the past five years ia our family. I do not hesitate to say that they are the best. They are mild in action, splendid in effect. be- sides being pleasant to take and re- quiring one only at a dose. To all who are unable to pay large doctor’s bills I would say, always keep a box of Ramon’s Liver Pills in the house touse in case of necessity. For | The Post Onice Department has | jestablished rural tree delivery ser- , “After suffering from severe dys- psia over twelve years and using many remedies without permanent z00d tinally took Kodo) Dyspesia Cere. Itdid me so much good I recommended it to everyone,” writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Re- corder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what youeat. W. F. Hall.Jr. | A Reunion of the Blue and Gray took place at Atlanta last week. Quite a number of promi- nent Confederate and Union soldiers ; ¥ere present. Amoag others were, Generals John B. Gordon, Albert D. (Shaw, A. P. Stewart and J. C. Breckinridge. ihe j _ een te — . ; J.C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. I say s. “IT cannot say too much for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Que | box of it cured whacthe doctors cali- jed an incurable uleer on my jaw.” !Cures Piles and all skin diseases. {Lookout for worthless |W. F. Hall, Jr., | At the battletield reunion in At- jlanta, Colonel W. C. P.. Brecken ridge and h‘s brother, General cC. Breckenridge, have been invited to speak. Colonel Breckenridge has accepted. In the battles around Atlanta Col. Breckenridge command- ed aregiment of Confederate cava! ry and Gen. Breckenridge command- ed a battery of Federal artillery. imitations. Jos. W.s. Musser, Millheim, Pa., sav- ed the life of his litde virl by giving ier One Minute Cough Cure whea she was dying fromcroup, [tis the only harmless remedy that gives iim- mediate results. It quickly cares coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and ail throat ard lung troubles. W. F. Hall.Jr. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, who now has command of the Department of the Lakes, has asked for service jn China. Doctors Failed, J. Terry, of Turkey, Kentucky, writes: I have been a sutferer for fifteen years from troubles arising from adisordered liver, and all the doctors in the neighboring towns failed to do me any good. | thouvht 1 would try a box of Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. After us- ing one-half box I felt better and was soon permanently cured. I keep them in stock constantly since { discovered their valuable curative qualities. For sale by N. R. Tun- stall, Druggist. ~ Two fine horses belonging to Col- enel Phelps, of Carthage, Mo., be- came yictims of lightning in a pe- culiar manner. The structural por- tion of the barn is of steel and the feed trouvhs are of the same mate- rial. The electric light wires bad come in contact with the steel frame and it. become highly charged. When the horses thrust their heads into the feed troughs for their even- ing meal they dropped dead as if they had been shot through the head. Question Answered. Yes. August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your motbers and grandmothers never thought of us- ing anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendi- citis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc: They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentatiou of undigested food, regulate the action of the liv- er, stimulate the nervous and organ- ic action of the system, and that is all they took when dulland bad with headaches and otwer aches. You only needa few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfie! there is nothing seriousthe matter with you. For sale by W. FE. Hall, Jr. The Kentucky Democrats have nominated Governor Beckham by acclamation to head the ticket. 2 Viti from lack ——_ ~~ food. The Al hair has no life. It is starved. It keeps coming out, gets thinner and thinner, bald spots appear, then actual baldness. The only good hair food | you AX "et can s- Mair it MESO the roots, stops Starvation, and the hair grows thick and long. It cures dan- druff also. Keep a bottle of it on your dressing table. It always restores color to faded cr gray hair. Mind, we say $1.00 abottle. All druggists. “I have found your Hair Vigor to be the best remedy I have ever tried for the hair. My hair was falling ont very bad, so I thought I would try a bottle of it. I had used on ees — bottle, = i hair stop: ing out, and it is now real thick and fong.” Nancy J. MOUNTCASTLE. July 28, 1896. Yonkers, N. ¥. Welte the Doctor. He will send you his book on The ir and Scalp. Cae ay ee tion you wish about your hair. You will answer free, receive a Dad-claveR “Address, ei oe : pe Se e r tm Sn a te a ea we t ee e tk ag 8 bi e n n i a l ee n p i a i i y te r r e n c e 43 er e a FO O L et Re y te l , as Ss 34 2 $e ee Ra <a CR B Hy oe na l s At Le t t e r s ao ee e PR G A ER A T E D Ae i BR E E i oe ao NR E Fa Ae Re t em a RS e t Sy ta c OI E OE en e r ee Re e , ge e ao cc c a d e t n ’ iu i n i o n ta e os e e p r e e z “4 4 ar e n a N ce ae s tn e ee e ae , oo ar a t i o n St e e ol y g~ a i. i Trtcret at the Pestc fice at Statesvillea seeond class mail matter. J *PHONE No. 35. “Statesville, N. C., July 26, 1900. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET, For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice President, ADLAL FE. STEVENSON, of Illinois. ~_ - DEMOCRATIC STATE TISKET. YOR GOVERNOR CHARLES B. AYCOCK, of Wayne. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: WILFRED D, TURNER, of Iredell. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J. BRYAN GRIMES, of Pitt. FOR TREASURER: BENJAMIN R. LACY, of Wake. FOR AUDITOR: BENJAMIN F. DIXON, of Cleveland, For Attorney General: ROBERT D. GILMER, of Haywood. For Superintendent of Public Instruction ‘THOMAS F. TOON, of Robeson. For Commissioner of Agriculture: SAMUEL L. PATTERSON, of Caldwell. For Commissioner of Labor and Printing: HENRY B, VARWER, of Davidson. For Corporation Commissioners: FRANKLIN MCNEILL, of New Hanover, (Chairman) SAMUEL I. ROGERS, of Macon. For Judge of the Tenth District: WILLIAM B. COUNCILL, of Wataugar For Electors-atLarge: DANIEL HUGH MCLEAN, of Harnett. LEE S. OVERMAN, of Rowan, COUNTY TICKET. —_— FOR SENATE—27TH DISTRICT: CHARLES H. ARMFIELD, of Iredell. PERRETT M. REECE, of Yadkin. FOR THE HOUSE: SAMUEL W. STEVED ALSTON D, WATTS. FOR SHERIFF: JOHN HH. WYCOFF. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS; WILLIAM W. TURNER, FOR TREASURER: JOHN a. HAYNES. FOR CORONER: GEORGE M. FOARD, FOR SURVEYOR: IRA W. SOMERS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: THOMAS M. C. DAVIDSON. MARSHALL K. STEELE. JAMES A. BLACK. We learn that there is some mis- understanding as to the time of the election. We will say,at the risk of boring some one but lest that mis- onderstanding be not corrected, that the election will take place on Thursday, August 2nd. Onj that day State, county and township otd- ~<a Will be. voted for es well as the atyendment. Do not forget this. interest in the ameaodment has been so great that the officers to be eleeted are apt to be overlooked. But what good would it do for any measure to pass and then not have honest, upright officers to adminis- ter the law. —_— EP a a When Zeb V. Walser spoke in Statesville some time ago, he made ihe statement that as the Legisla- ture had adjourned to meet (he put great emphasis on the to) that no one would know on election day, what he was voting for, that some change would be made in the amend- ment. All knew that this wasa cam- paign jie, but it was well that the Democratic caucus gave it the black eye by declaring “‘that at said ad- Jeurned session, beginning the 30th day of July, 1900, no legislation shall be passed changing inany way whatever the constitutional amend- ment as submitted by the General Assembly, at its session held in June 1900.’° The amendment as_ sub- mitted, with sections 4 and5 com- bined thus making the white man se- cure fn his right to vote, will be vot- cd on at the election on August 2d and will be carried by an-overwhelm- ing majority. — oo Quits the Populist Party. Lumberton Robesoyian, I attended the State Convention of the People’s party in the city of Raleigh last May as a delegate from Robeson county and helped to nomi- nate a full Populist ticket for State oflicers, with the distinct under- standing on my part that there was to be no fusion with any party. But since that time I understand that there has been fusion and the taking down of men whom I helped to nom- inate. Now, with these facts exist- ins, I hereby sever my connection with the Populist party. A. S. THOMPSON. July 20th, 1900 Mr. Thompson was nominated by the People’s party for Register of Deeds of ,Robeson county: He has written a card declining the nomi- nation. Lightning set fire to and destroy- ed, on Saturday evening, the old mattress factory of Royal & Borden, “used as a storing warehouse, at Geldsboro. In the building was quite a lot of mattresses, chairs, strawand cotton. No insurance. Firemen responded promptly and fought nobly, but the property wag Gao struc er state of affairs in Pekin and the wel- fare of the legationers. The belief is not’ concealed here that the chances for successful mediation are slight. Mediation cannot be forced upor ayparty to a cause. It must be acceptable to all parties. If the United States is to mediate in China’s interest she must first se- cure the assentof all the powers who have suifered in life or power at Pe- kin. Tbe difficulties in the way of such 1n undertaking are likely to be many and seriousin view of the ex- ‘hibition of feeling in Europe.But it is said here that the United States will cheerfully undertake the task, provided its conditions are met. If it does not succeed in inducing the European powers to relent in their treatment of the imperial govern- t the [Pnited States government fil not be drawn into further hostilifies after we have taken caré of oy own affairs, bat we will with- draw, taking care, however, to let it be understood that this gevernment will not allow its proper interests In China to be injured by the action of any of the powers that may choose to remain obdurate. At least one of the greatest of the powers is under suspicion here of acting cold-bloodedly and without re- gard to sentiment or anything more than tre most material of considera- tions. It is believed here that this power is quietly taking measures to drop out of the league at Tien-Tsin and conduct acampaignon its owr account against Pekin, and it iseven suspected that this power is already drawimg troops toward the Chinese capital. One fact regarded as now beyond need of further demonstration in view of the Chinese appeal is that the Chinese officials at the coast ports are actually in communication with whatever remains of the im- perial government at Pekin and the text of Kwag Hsu's appeal appears to establish the fact that the Chinese vovernment itself is sanctioning the resistance to the international ad- vance upor Pekin. —2 Lynched by a Mob. Huntsville, Ala., Dispatch, 23rd. Elijah Clark, -the negro who yes- terday assaulted Miss Susan Priest, a 1#-year-old girl, was taken from the jailia this city this evening and lynched near the spot where his crime was committed. Early this morning Sheriff Ful- gham started out with a posse and before 9 o’clock had captured Clark on Beaver Dam Creek, from Huntsville. He was soon land- alded toall parts of thecity. A inob,composed of mill operatives and meu of all callings, was soon form- ed, and marched to the jail. Sherif Bulgham quickly seeing that he had atdesperate crowd to combat, wired case. militiaat Birmingham, Montgomery and Decatur to proceed with all haste to the scene. The sheriff then negru and the judge replied soon special session 2f court at 3 o'clock before Judge H. C. Speake. ane mob proceeded to their work and strong hold. complished, two men secured Clark the fyont steps of the jail. neck and gruarded by tweuty heayily armed mef in fours, he was dragged out of the jail yard. Down Clihton mob led their victim, followed by fully 1,500 people. The doomed man was taken before the girl and positively identitied. The identification complete, of his captors. Moore’s grove was soon reached tree by Miss Priest’s brother. negro was thrown across the back from der him. probably 35 feet and as it dangled in hundred tirearms and the flesh of the negro was pideced by many bullets. finished the Decatur militia arrived at Huntsville. They were telephoned that they were too late. Work at the mills ii Dallas was suspended for the day, _—_———P> -< ae -- - “Old Man You Git.” Clinton Special, 24th. Honneyeut township, reports that his home, about 7 miles distant, with a mule and buggy, that just before reaching his house, six men met him in the road, evidently dis- guised, two of whom caught the mule by the bridle and the other four rushed to the buggy, two on each side, and he said: ‘‘Men, what are you doing?”’ They replied: ‘Be quiet and we will not hurt you” In the darkness he could see that they were armed with pistols or cluds, he could not say which. Just then still another man in rear of him said: ‘‘Boys,I have got it,” and on looking back he saw a num- ber of men. fifteen, twenty or twen- ty-five, in the rear of him. On ac recognize any of the crowd. They appeared to have a black mask on their faces. One of them then spoke and asked: “Are you certain you got it?” Another ose replied: “Yes, let himgo.’’ The other man then spoke to Mr, Baggett and said: ‘Old man, you get now.’’ The two men at the mule’s head turned him loose and Mr. Baggett drove on to his house, about half a mile distant, and examined his buggy and found his registration book and papers all taken by the mob. He believes from a threat made by a Populist, that there would be no election held at Honneycutt’s, that a crowd of Pop- ulists took the books. He is strengthened in this belief by the fact that the book ‘showed twenty- seven Democratic majority, not counting any of the doubtful ones as noc se ha ten miles ed in jail and by 1 o’clock the news of the prisoner's captured was her- Governor Johnson the facts in the The Governor responded to the effect that he had ordered the telephoned Judge S. M. Stewart and asked for an immediate trial of the after that he had arranged for- a took complete possession of the Fully an hour was con- sumed in breaking the lock to the cell in whieh the culprit was con- fined, just as soon as this was ae- and quigkly appeated with him on & plow ne wus placed araend his Street the shouting and cheering the wretch collapsed and he had to be taken up and borne on the shoulders The rope around Clark’s neck was thrown over the limb of an immense The of a horse and the animal was led out The body fell the air the report of probably a ivering Just as the work was Mr. W. A, Baggett. revistrar of oa last Saturday evening ke left the voting place after sundown to go to count of the darkness he failed to’ publication will be made of the text of thefChinese appeal and of the President's answer. It is known, however, that the answer is entirely consistent with the statement of principles laid down by Secretary Hay in his identical note to the powers, and moreover itzccepts as truthtul the Chinese statements rel- ative to the safety of the foreign ministers at Pekin. i It would not, of course, be possi- ble to take even the initial ‘steps toward mediation were either party to the negotiations te entertain statements of the other. There must be confidence between them. The answer does not go to the length of the French answér to a similar appeal in laying down conditions Which the Chinese government could not meet, even if so disposed, % it actually is struggling for its own existence. ft does, however, Jook to the immediate relief of the for- eign ministers in Pekin, and more- over to the protection of all foreign- ers, missionaries and traders in China, and to the restoration of or- der. With that much accomplished the State Department feels that it can properly approach the powers with the Chinese propositions for a settlement for what has oecurred. The Chinese appeal came to Sec- retary Hay yesterday through Mr. Wu. The Secretary promptly tele- graphed it to the President at Can- ton and after taking a full day for its consideration the President’s answer came this afternoon to the State Department. It was put in the proper diplomatic form and a copy delivered to Minister Wu, who is to forward it tohis own govern- ment. ———— oo As Fit as the White Man. Raleigh News and Observer. Dr. Cyrus Thompson made a state- ment in his speech at Frankliaton that shows him to be uuworthy of his Anglo-Saxon heredity. Speak- ing of the fact that the amendment conferred the right of citizenship on white men because their father could vote, he is quoted by the Franklin- ton News as saying: ‘That the negro was the equal of the white man in hereditary fitness to govern.”’ The News says that this utterance brought forth cheers from the ne- groes. Of course! It is just here that the Democrats differ from the Black-and-Tan out- fit. The Democrats contend that an uneducated white man, wro was brought up to hear politics diseuss- edaround the family circle, and whose father and grandfather got their political education as voters from public speeches, is better qual- ified to vote than a negro who either himself or his parents were slaves. The late Judge Davis was wont to say that the uneducated white men in North Carolina were often better voters than many men in the New England States who could read and write. Heyrave as the reason that they were aceustomed to hear the judge and lawyers at court and to attend the political debates, and in this way became really educated as to their political rights and duties, and that it was %mparted to their sons. And yet Cyrus Thompson, the Black-and-Tan candidate for Gover- nor, says that sueb uneducated white men are not better fitted by heredity for government than ne- groes. Itisjust here where thé Democrats and the Black-and Tans part company. The Demacrats say wht by heredioy and Surroundings Ye ufieducafad white mun fs aegtfer fitted to vof€and govern than the negro. The Black and-Tans deny this statement. say which is right. A ee od Boers Still Give Trouble, London Dispatch, 23rd. General Dewet has again succeed- ed in cutting Lord Roberts’ commu- nication, both by railway and _tele- graph, Highlanders The story of the Fed- eral commander’s bold raid comes in the form of a telegram fromm Gen- eral Forestier-Walker, dated at Cape Town, Sunday,July 22. General Kelly-Kenny telegraphs from Bloemfontein under date of Sunday, July 22: ‘The railway has been cut north of Honing spruit and @ supply train of 100 Hivhblanders captured by the enemy. A _ re- port was received this morn- ing that a large force of the enemy is moving on Honiny spruit. All communication with Pretoria is cutoff. The Sccond and Third Cav- alry Brigades are following the enemy. rf The War Oifice has revved a telegram from Lord Risierts, dat- ed Pretoria, Sunday, Juiy, 22, which repeats the news contained in the telegram from General [oresti- er-Walker, given above, und con- tinues: ‘Methuen continned his march after the occupation of Heck- poort, and engaged the enemy’s rear guard at Zindsfontein. July, 20. Casualties, one killed one wounded. Early Saturday be attacked the ene my again at Oliphant’s Nek and completely dispersed them. inilicting heavy loss. Our casualties were slight, berg has been relieved and Vethuen and Baden-Powell have joined hands.”’ —_—_—_—_—_—_—1SY"Wn"—) ee Can‘t Do Them Any Good. Charlotte News. One of the most conspicuous ad- vertisen.ents in a negro paper pub- lished in Washington, is*‘Hartonia, ”’ a decoction that is guarantecd not ouly to straighten out the most stubborn kinky hair, but to bleach the dark skin white, not in spots. butall over, and makes the user smel! like a basketof fresh cut roses in Maytime. [tis having a run. The Wilmingion Star thinks Marion Butler, Jeter Pritchard, & Co., ought to buy a big box of that. The proprietors of -‘Hartonia’’ would better steer clear of the fusion crowd in this State, if they don’t want their famous remedy to g@s a black eye. No hair-straightener or disinfectant can make the "Black- smelling or respectable. ; ~<a ~ The barn of Gen. Matt Ransom “was burned on last Sunday night. jt was the work of an incendiary. nounces that the Registrar, Williams, whe-was:arrested there on a Warrant sworn out bya negro at Marion Butler’s instance, was ac- quitted on trial and released amid great applause from those who were present. cratic majority Democrats Butler tried to boss fusion politics open distrust of the accuracy of thegjn Wake and Republicans there say that.s what ruined then. eigh 400 less negroes and 200 more whites are registered than two years azo. The Special Session of the Legisla- and lasted three days. the Democratic members were pres- ent and some changes were made in the proposed constitutional amend- ment, the election law was perfect- ed and some legislation of imme- diate importance was passed. We leave it tothe white voters to and captured 100 of they By these successes Rusten-! and-Tans of this State either sweet-| Democratic majority in 1898 was! 667. | A telegram from Rose Hill an- Dick Republicans concede 500 Demo- in Wake county. claim 1,000 to 1,200. In Ral- —_-- ture. WMaegGl Observer, wtb. Two special sessions of the Lepis- lature have been held this year and still another will be held on June 12th Nearly all The first one met The second special session met at noon yesterday and lasted half an hour. There were but a handful of mémbers present. The only busi ness transacted was the passage of a resolution in regard to adjourn- ment, set forth above. The third session is called to meet here at aoon, on July 30th, two days before election. The purpose of the Democratic majority in adjourning over to that date is set forth in the following resolutions adopted in joint caucus yesterday just before the meeting of the two Houses: Whereas, itis the sense of this caucus that the Legislature should not now be finally adjourned, be- eause it is Known that certain poli- ticians inNorth Carolina are now engaged ina conspiracy to unlaw- fully interfere with, and, if possible, to prevent by judicial usurpation the people holding the election here tofore duly and legally called to be held on the 2nd day of August, 1900. And Whereas, It is our duty to the people of the State, whose rep- resentatives we are, to hold our- selves in 2 position to thwart this conspiracy and to protect the peo- ple in their Constitutional rights, and to deal in such manner as the law authorizes with allsuch officers of the State as may lend themselves to the furtheranze of this censpira- cy; therefore be it Resolved, by the Democratic mem- bers of the General Assenrbly in joint caucus, First, That the General Assembly which meets today, adjourn to meet again in the city of Raleigh on the 30th day of July, 1900. Second, Thatat said adjourned session, beginning the 30th day of July, 1900, no legislation shall be passed, changing in any way what- ever, the Constitutional Amendment as submitted by the General Assem- bly at its session held in June, 1900. aerate near eee Another Fusion Outrage. Raleigh Post, 23th. Down in Sampson county, Sena- tor Butler’s home, which is the only stronghold of Populism in the State, a masked mob took the registration books from the Democratic _ regis- tar af Honeycutt’s township. The sigvificant fact connected with the outrage fs that there wads a Demoeratic -majority of twenty- seven reyvistered in the township. Chairman Simmuns received the following telegram yesterday noti- fying him of the outrage: €xiinton, July 23, 1900. F. M Simmons, Raleigh, N. C.: Revistration bcoks Hunnicutt township taken by mob Saturday night. Registrar states skow Dem- ocratic majority twenty-seven, Jous D. KErrR. —— + Rapists Caught Florence, S. C., Special to Star aist. Aiter five days’ hard chasing the oevroes guilty of attempted rape on a white girl here last Monday, were captured in the woods of Marion county. The sheritf went for them in 2 special, but found the prisoners too well guarded. The Governor put the local military cempany un- der the sheriff's orders and instruct- ed him todo his duty. The sheriff held the prisoners at “larion, S. C., waiting orders of the Governer to return to Florence, Tie Governor addressesi the mien here this after- boon. urging them to vindieate the law. The erowd wanted vengearce and refused assurance, so the Gov- ernor ordered the sheriff! to hold the negroes in Sarion for orders. Un- less assurance is given of their pro- tection, he willorder them to Co- lumbia Citizens taik of wrecking the train (fan attempt is made to rush the prisoners through. The crowd is holding an indignation meeting tonight and is very angry with officers of the Jaw. Conserva- tive citizens are trying to reason with the crowd and have hopes ef success. The Women Resent It. Lumberton Robesc nian. A good Democratic lady his allusion to Senator Butler as “Mary Ann.”’ She said that if an opportunity offered she would tell \ir. Glenn that the ladies resented this placing of Butler in the list of females. The good women of North Carolina have no more love for him than have the men, and the cailing of him *‘“Mary Ann”’ by speakers and Writers is a reflection upon the la- dies, who are as ioyal and devoted to the State and the cause of white supremacy as the men. unpleasantly to female ears to hear themselves spoken of in highest terms of praise (as they deserve) and in almost the next breath to have the most detestable character in North Carolina referred 10 as ‘Mary Ann. that Mr. Glenn and other speakers mean no disrespect to the ladies and It sounds The Robesonian 1s sure Deputy Collector Tedder, week. Senator Marion Butler telegraph- ed Capt. W. W. Teague, of the cen- sus office, Tuesday to go to Hillsbo- ro, Orange county, and speak yes- terday, 26th, and canvass that sec- tion, Why did not the Populist candi- date for the Senate from Lincoln stay over here with our candidates last week when he was over here? Was he afraid for cur people to see him? Mr. and-Mrs. Jno. W. Watts, of Ellendale township, and some three or four parties from south of town went on the Charleston, S. C.. ex- cursion last week besides those nam- ed last week, Hon. B. EF. Long, had a good crowd to hear him son the amend- ment at Moore’s cotton mill, Lile- coun, Monday afternoon. His speech was the best one yet heard on the amendment and the reasons for its adoption. x Hon. Frank I. Osborne, fof Char- lotte, was billed tospeak here Fri- day, but as the county candidates were at Wittenburg and the barbe- cue and grand rally was set for next Wednesday, August Ist, it was thought best to not advertise this Friday appointment. Democrats if you differ on the constitutional amendment or don't fully understand it, when you go to the cleetion next Thursday, don't overlook voting the legislative and county ticket. Our candidates are good men and will make geod cfti- cers. Support them with vour votes. Democrats don’t forget the Sena- torial and Legislative ticket next Thursday. There seems to be but little opposition to our candidates for the Senate, Thos. M. Hufham, Esq., of Hickory, Catawba county, and A. Vance Foote, E=q.. of Wilkes county. We elected one Senator two years ago, but must have them both this year. So see that you vote a ticket for Senate and House of Representatives. The registration close? last Sat- ucday. More than 400 are register- ed at this box, the largest number ever had here. The sanie reports from other precincts are heard. We will this year poll nearly 2,000 votes in Alexander county, a gain of nearly 10 per cent, and this means a Democratic majority. Let all goto work and attend the election and see that his neighbor does. Work and vote for the county ticket and we are sure to win. - E> <> ae Ex-Governor Elias Carr Dead, Raleigh Post, 24th. The news of the death of Ex-Gov- ernor Elias Carr, which occurred at Bracebridge, his country home, in Edgecombe county,Sunday morning last, occdsioned profound sorrow in Raleigh, wherehe was so well known and admired by the people of the capitol city. sWhen a young man Governor Carr moved to Edgecombe county, where he has a large plantation. In 1891 he was elected president of the State- Farmers’ Alliance. Previous to that time he had served as chairman of the Board of County Commissien- ersforraany years. He was tiomt- nated for Governor by the Dero ae pers Gevernor Holi M. Holt, who b become Governor upon the deat! Governor Daniel G PFowle: Cen. Julian S. Carrand Dr. George “ Sanderiin. The convention was in session pearly night, and just} who { ‘i heard the great speech of bob Glenn | State was ce yesterday said she liked all of it but ;SOU8-- : Dyspe: the matter in above, . believes they had never thought of, the way alluded to BeAD raise oo rw Mee ik Bona Fintulence, Sour Stomach, Sick sy ee tia ie is Sand ik IRON ts i, cele Governor Carr received about OUU votes The adiministrstion Carr. wine executive 12>. Ot Graves eed { At ne period of th Hetory were the people freor feom disturbance coptented and happy. Kedol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- ; structing the exhausted digestive or. : gans. It is the latest discovered digest- | antand tonic. No other. prepdration | | Can appreach it in efficiency. It-én- | stantly relieves and permanently cures fa, Indigestion, Sou c Naus 2, 7astralgia,Cramps,an aH otherresults of imperfect digestion. | by EC. DeWitt &Co., Cb) ee i a ai a ay rene hi eratic State \onveation which ©. hed in denes” warehouse, The race: for the aomtontion was am exciti: One ari » memorable in yo on the Sizte. tbe Nomination were i fore day Mr. ititas Carr received the | nomination and was triuinphaut!y | elected in November defeating D. | M. Furches, Republican, who fas; since been electeda Justice on the State Supreme Court bench snd Wyatt P. Exom, Popniist of Wayre, | Heartbura, | All produce in good demand. Wilkes, was here last Saturday tak-| “givin pricis—uasis No. 1 QUALI™ ing brandy distillers bonds Cabbage, per Ib. . me wi aie oy ixtra flour—sack . 5 . - ee < * j ay 6 } his Family ** ae ee : + a _ Congressman Linaey aad his Dee | Meal- -bolied—selbs. per bushel SS Frank, who were away last week) Sole as aS Fy 35 spegk] reached h Jon , Rew. ilies eer >> speaking, reached home Monday. | 43. BSN cathe. per dusiel =e es | Ao Ca Melntoshs hsqs was itl osteo we 30 Newton last Saturday, going after | Peas—qay. Seiten nee Eon . . nd o ‘ ad mina io nie a aie 2. oe his omy who visited there last} poatces—irish. | 2/1). !! so Week, | = Sweet... ae | Onions —select, per bus “s Democrats, don't forget next|i#rdoN.c..-- - : Toursday when voting to have a|Beeswax .......-------- 20 ticket for the amendment and the} Hemerper Py 233 | new court house. | Chicken—Sprng. small -per Ib < = = eee ee . Miss Lucy Thurstou left Monday | putkeys—Per ®-- + - : - 3 | for New York city. From there} Guinas each.......- = she goes to Portland, Maine, to visit | [°OS > exoice yettow | : r2tz relatives and spend the summer. = ai Zs ~ 10 : ained, per Ib. : : Mr. Hussey, of South Carolina. is teak comer bi... “a here to take Depot Agent Steck prey cainean sacs “{ place next month when he goes tojsVheat ......--- . x > . . : . eae eta Seal oa ae hla ‘ South Carolina to take his yacation.} Feathers—new 2. || - 3¢4 * . Hides—dry, per th... . ¥. te Mr. and Mrs, E Pe Johnson: and | o> Ugreen = 0 SS ee ce 7 *y . 7, shec 25 children, of Hickory, spent several SS ay : days here the past week visiting| * “bright sli 4 Mrs. Johnson’s father, Mr. R. PF. sae Le Cobb. le green—per t 60 | ,, | Peaches—pecled, bright. . oj Mrs. Dr. R. C. 3atheson and ier! * = fancy... -- 6 sister, Miss Busic, of Madison, vis-| pacon—Hog Sa aipeee Oe é| ited Dr. Matheson’s jarents, Mr.{ < iam..........-. j 21 | and Mrs. R. P. Matheson, the past eee era J.B MOLAUGHLIN, HB, Physician and Surgeon, FFICE temporarily at residence on Davie avenue, "Phone 59 July 26th, 2900. For Sale NE TAYLOR saw mill and one 20-horse power Taylor engine and boiler, both in good working condit and running order. Also one 20-horse power Talbot boiler—this engine and boiler are be! condition. Prices right and terms cas or apply for information to JAMES W. BROWN, Mooresville, N.C. y. Write July 12, 1900 Dr. W. H. Wakefield” Hotel Iredell on ¥, July 2sth for otf 3 only. His practice is liniited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Reet ven ety een Seem Notice to Creditors, of the will of all persons Imv- are notified to 1 on or be- Bens qualified as executor W_ 5S. Stevenson, d ing claim per to pinediate SON, tak requested So Ws Executor of W. 1900, nent, This May 24, Service by Publicatio n, NORTH CAROLINA i ‘(RECELL COUNTY. » M.A, BEARD 7 Vs. In the Su- perior Court, NOTICE. J. A. BEARD, ) Thed tha which is an action for divorce, 3 fendant will further take notic he is re- quired toappear at the next November term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the sth day of November, 1900, at the court house of said county, &t statesville, > . ard answer or demur tothe complaintin said ac- tion, or the plaintiff willapply to qe court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This July 1th, 1900. = J, A. HARTNESS, Clerk of the Superior Court J. B. Connelly, Atty, Corn For ‘Sale. WE have just received a car load of corn at Stony Poiut, which we will sell for cash or on time, June r4th., 1900. Respectfuliv, WHITE & YOUNT. a ' Seed Oats and fiay For Sale, Thavea lot of whiteand black spring cats for esle forseed. Ihave a large lot of nice baled hay for sale, See me when you want grain, feed and malt, Respectfully, Feby. Sth., 1900. “J L. COWAN, se Se is Don’t Cough, Whea you can buy a 2dc. Bottle of Hails Cough Syrup. Save the Fruit with Mason's improved Fruit Jars land 2 quart sizes, also Patent Top a eegas ’ Pruit Jars. xtra Ray s fer Tare, | Tia Tep Jelly Glasses Now second 19 plans of Porat Nex, "rT = ae CCCFER &G is $3 & ! RA G88 i} £2 e SHANISA AGgL U-A-P-S Move & McLean have a full line of the Spanish Root | Soaps made from the Spar- | ish Root which grows in the Rocky Mountaios. it is a purely vevetavie soap. po putrid animal fat enters intoits composition. This seap has been analyzed hy, experts and foondio be the purest soap the world. Itis pature’s own remedy for skin Call on us and examine the line. Moore & ‘McLean. diseases, + nn debted to j” EN PET om oes cern I — OR Sane crete mer near assed 3 RE Ln eae —_ — ; ; = = = 4 ~~ -— — - —<—— cerns i — nome ; = : | se i -~vEeWwe le ——$$_$____— ————_— ; : ~~ — —_ | One Power Under Suspicion. | McKinley May Act as Mediator. LATE STATE NEW Ss. TAE ORS ee. STATESVILLE COTTON MARKEY. : ai as i THEMAS co See ee hee i Rete : ome i STATESVILLE, =? €. July 26, god 3.75 a ec ‘rs ! (i RY i | The State Department is again 10) Phe President has listened to the Mr. Jobe G. Wosiizy, of Illinois, Mr. Gwynn, of Hickory, was bere 229 weighing. ee oe » BY y V7 by \ a la waiting attitude Reena appeal of the Chinese government posomiee eee oa ae first of the week. iling. . . a 9-52 : WED WEEKLY {t has franldy, promptly and lully|ss transmitted through _Minister | tional rokibition ticker, will speak ; a |) eee es me Poesms ae tie Chinese Emperor 52p-| wy and has signified his willingness in Salisbury on the 31st inst. This eee en ec mets canvass Stine. e ee | peal for§ mediation and the reed mediate between the imperial is the only appointment Mr. Woolley | “10% Scart in ae eee ee | 4 : = icity today : d th wers, but| has in the State. Depot Agent P. L. Steck went to! | |Polkes it appear that the ne Eee eee eine eure = PEPOUARENt 4. Stec n VILLE PRODUCE MARKET = ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. makes it appear that the next oor only upon conditions whick must} he registration in Robeson |Stutesville Monday afternoon. STATESVIL | ie Figen oe eee i a se Goosee BO eect our | pe ees by ene ae goyeroment. county shows a large majority for | Democratic barbecue. Rana ad eine me : ‘ | BAe acme Saree oe eore aan ich : se the Enclose atte eae the amendment, and it is estimated |speaking here next Wednesday, COOPER & GILL a & i ae pa ae he | posed by the State Department ¢at-|thar Robeson will zo nearly 2,000| August Ist. | 5 | | answer must convey tidings of the| 4+ be stated until tomorrow, when majority for the amendment. The | ee ret nee : -s oO a — -3-- -- +. 4 iti . on SISO 2 ot ae ee SA Mae o 3% ‘ WE EF = Vs A LARGE LINE OF Dise Plows and Disc Harrows Q On whieh van make you interesting price Cail and see us. Flanigan-Evaas Hardware 0) | = a" AW e Sloan Clothing Co., We take this method of calling your attentio t ines of goovis must be moved to ma |, lsaund ie order Lo do so we are offering Special inducements ne eariy and secure some of these bargain ~ JUST RECEIVED Avcew linet Neojicee Shirts, tfavers. Sloan Glothing Cy Thankny vou for past ea There our ready made them from the org. here is style and qual too. Comeuand seeaus ff we haven t your siz2, s2.ec your mtasure and vish th’ skirt, wuaraateeinz fit and isa fit an will fa _‘Fo Arrive... In r lot of that Deautitul ihe next few days anotae MADRAS At i0c. Per Yard. Waists and Gentlemen's Nevlivec Shirts thing for Ladies vulue is apparent , ohanee. Atand Below Cost. iv if you wani barrgain. Ibw WALTON & GAGE = Our shoes are going, Come car eons a matter of fit—not price. 5 or ky pees =o A LL who care to secure high grade ali-wool Smyrna Pues. while ye ware at the bottom should avail themselves of the followine offeritt Itis true, values have advanced everywhere but ° e Here is the Pith. Elegant Smyrna Rugs, 30 x Giat $200. ne nT re 21 xt5at 1.25. oe 15 x 30 at 30, Wilton Velvet and Moquet.you know them,yielding pileysolt aul pleas to the tread, but in beauty and serv leness they yield to no sug mae 16x 27 Velvet and Moquet, at 4c: 22 x 2 oe *; We. x 27 Body Brussels, $e. Sepip ti ce be We. - 455 a. oe To pie ° 26 Veivet and Mequet, He. 3a 12 Pe 1.08. £75 1.00 “« 45 me is, (54 Wilton <7 144. 6354 Velvet and Moguet. 1 5) ot Wilton, Goud quality, 22> worth fo. Want to save your ingaey see above vod tay N.B. Mills & Co. ave bave just received another jot of these celebrated 5° una it will be to your interest to see them before buy ~ROOP & MiLs= oo THE 244 notice to Ou The managemen has decided. that out on the day wil be wise to bo Friday morning. be able to give fu county and Nort: supseribers wi: ynind and govern 1 one day later, b delay will be mor- ted for by the fa will contain the tev. Mr. Lidba next Sunday m county, fille: byterian char able and instruct night, for Pers will speak forthe a was to speak i day, but was so! able to speak At a congrey last Sunday m seSS10n LO Select a and present h The first cou light of the lions. Lee ¢ Long spoke in tions of the issu people, to wood a graweyard at requested to: too!s for clean: come with we! ple went dow hear Gen. Kv were Messrs. Rk. V. Brawley an with his family for Rowan coun’ Cabarrus and week and will on Saturday, bin ly Democracy. pastor, Rev. W. nounce that ali quested to me Saturday mor graveyard and cht plays bali here fF ri Qur team has had recently but don t and see our 00Y>s J] will be interestir Ja J4 The regular ser odist church were on jast Sunday on the advice of the reason that the Methodist ladi tact with the scat All persons w? requested to mer graveyard, in the vraveyard. Mr. W.G. Lewi pointment to spr on last Saturday ed from spealnin. larc¢e crowd was regretted tbat th and Orphanage pI fit of the Thomas phanage is being ed by Dr. A.C. There will be s the voting preci have put the prog one of thein, you should vote fq be elected as we Heath to Mi» Vouny peopir Moore & Melati store for some passed here abo Gn last Sunda sermon on the § world as not left his congre; points in reg are you Cerryin you a partaker On account oi Public Speakin C. H. Armfie nominee for the address the pea house, in Fal!s Friday night, to bear the iss - Rahs a aaa cea ae ae = srs ae ti a ces ord - ~ Hd “HE MASCOT ————~ _-___ .ta Our headers. management of the paper ad. that as the paper comes, oa the day of election that it _. wise to bold it until early Ve then hope to vive full reports of elec both from Iredell North Carolina. Our rs will bear this fact in vovern themselves & ford- The paper will reach them ater, but we feel that this \be more than compensa- rby the fact that the paper ‘tain the election reports. rns, ec 9 an so “ye $$ ——____—__—_ | 4 S 3 j LOCAL. LAY CET A S Ls . Mr. ‘Lidball will preach at J *, Creek Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. |v : >... T. J. Allison, of Mecklenburg OF ty, filled the pulpit of the Pres- -jan church last Sunday morn- nd night. He preached twa ind instructive sermons. rr. fs. C. Caldwell left Tuesday it. for Person county, where he ~peak for ithe amendment. He io speak in Caswell last Moa- _ but was so hoarse as to be un- ‘to speak. rs a \t a congregational meeting on « Sunday morning the Presbyte- congregation instructed the sion to select a man for pastor present his name to the congre- n to be voted on. ware Cy lirst country watermelons of son were on the market Some six or eight wagons down with watermelons n that morning, to the de- p FE - ee of the watermelon *‘coon.”’ Rke ree: ns. Lee Overman and Bb. F.\o spoke in Turnersburg town-| > Saturday and Saturday} ¥ They made able presenta- | f the issues now before the} ry - to food audiences. ist us 10 are ard at 2 1d to meet there with proper >t t with well-filled baskets. ft went down to Mooresville to Vu 7 Pe . , Gen. Ransom. | Mossrs. J. E. Sloop, Richard | Phipps Phifer, R. R. Cowles, | T Brawley and J. C. Fowler. oF o vehi t ion. W. D. Turner spent Sunday | th his family. He left Monday, wan county. He will ve urrus and Stanly counties -and will speak at Albemarle} saturday, the rally day for Stan-| »ocracy. 12 -have been requested by the} - Bev. W. F. Elliott, to au- that all interested are re-! a -ted to meet at Mt. Bethel church, | wbiiu Saturday morning, August dth, for| rpose of cleaning off eyard and church yard. thdt the | forget Wilmington | Neslises Shirt m't ntly but don’t give up. see our boys play. These games | be interesting and hotly con-} [s wi > only rested. Encourage the boys. bo WwW 0 oc » regular services of the Meth- | it church weve done away with | 4 last Sunday morning. This was the advice of the physicians for | tie reason that quite a number of | ue Methodist ladies had-been in con- | cact with the searlet fever patients. | (ws & GAGE b e | persons whoare interested are | rested to meet at the Troutman | Monday morning, July 30th, | at = oclock, with the necessary | tools. for the purpose of cleaning off | the vraveyard. Ve. W. G. Lewis, who had an ap- | catment tospeak at Amity Hii! last Saturday night, was prevent- ‘ ‘rom speaking, owing to the con-| of the elements. Quite a| vasaut arce crowd was expected and all | “ecryetted that the speaking did not ture place. fhe 10th annual Sunday School and Orphanage picnic for the bene- tit of the Thomasville Baptist Or- hanage is being held at Moeksville today. An address is to be deliver- ed by Dr. A.C. Barron, of Ckar- tte. The railroads gave reduced rates from surrounding towns. There will be six ballot boxes at voting precinct. on Thursday, August 2d. Do not leave uutil you have put the proper ballot in every one of them, It is tmportant that you should vote for ai the oflicers to be elected as well as for the amend- went. Since our last issue there has been nly ene marriazye license issued by the revister of This for the marriage cf Mr. Will Franslia Heath to Miss: ra Lazenby. These ion Hit auicl f Tht aeeads is young people live in Bethany town- ship. The marriage takes place to- that Dr. H. F. Long, his shysician, g bas released his fir) ti nnd customers i about it. need have as vrver Ou’ train wou'd be beidun He saic world as not abusing it. danver of carrying it to excess They are: Is your conscience clear ” are you carrying it to excess on account of this sport?’ a Public Speaking. heir Friday night, July 27th, at 8:3) , re ga n o cicck. to bear the issues discussed. J. A. HARTNESS -~Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. . « Brooklyn Sunday. i atives at Graham. was in town last Sunday. Baltimore, on his vacation. Charlotte, has been at home for sev- ed home from New York the first of is visiting her parents. expected home this week. was in town this week on bis way to Mooresville to see his mother. day. daughter, Miss Kathleen Kluttz, returned to Salisbury yesterday af ternoon. operator Mooresville- wlocksville in yesterday. been in tbe mill at Albemarle, is at home land, and Beulah Adams, of Davie ter. interested in the} Monday for Ashev-le. Sethany church are | turn the last of this week. Sraeee a : a r cleaning it off, ov »sday, | try: ' i oe : Ladie ms me re | Union county, who has been visit- set 4 es are rec Ss | i =e > = sr juested tC | ine his father in Alexander county, : | was in town Saturday on bis way -a number of Statesvitle peo- | home. Among others | Public Speaking. on the issues of the day at Bell's XxX fat 8:30 o'clock. ‘out and hear the this | cussed. Attempted Burglary. some one attempted to enter the residence of Mrs. West Sharpe street. was aroused by hearing some one working with the blind to the { window. who was there, but received no an- | swer. 1 bring the gun. ~ pall here Friday and Saturday. ran otf of the porch, and on loosing team has had a run of hard luck | out she saw him Go out | She has no idea who he was. Death of a Child. doctor determined that little Nellie Lazenby was suffering from an at- ltack of scarlet fever which made its appearance ni town some weeks ago, at Oak wood, Statesville’s cemetery, iat > o'clock Saturday. oid, und was a brivht, lovable child. as oravevard, in Falistown township, |The sympathy of the community oes out to the bereaved parents in | Death of Mrs. Ann Hobson. day. Rev. W. L. Dawson will per- : . form the ceremony. and ride. Make ita day long to be , . : as -emembered. Mr. Thad Summers who clerks for remembers p Moore & MeLai as 5 —- — Moore & McLain has been out of the | neath of Mr, Baddeley. <tore for some time. He has had ® she cearlet fecer in bis femilv. The Mr. Loyd Baddelley, of Water trouble is now over and he is back Valley, Miss., died at the residence at work. Heasks as to announce of Mrs. N. A. Bingham on last \y from quaran- DO that the freight +71 6:30 yester- LN i eon this quite 3 * ar it 2 ees Senet nntee Harrill. He stood the operation a HOES ut aoa ery. van) ge *mpossible about teat iim board it for} Very <e but it was impossible to i . >to bear Rans The save on. aie < Vo VER panSoMm. ie ° ; eon ete “4 yes His brotber was telegraphed for frefept train was not roid, so they]. 1 reached here b (ecole Geach ' re ‘emains were take 3s passed here about 10 0 clock. eee Bical couch th sippi for burial. Although the On last Sunday morning, Rev. J. young man was a stranger iu a ii. Pressly preached a very able <ermon on the subject of using this that tbe Bible nowhere condemned ‘timate sport, but that there was He left his congregation to settle three points in regard to sport in general. are youa partaker in anyone else's sin C. H. Armfield, Esq., Dersvcratic ows ooo ge thal Stater Semntes vuill wagon, as the boxes are large aud 2 Call in person on ss the people at Clark's sckool house, in Fallstown township, on Let all the people turn out Chm'‘n. Dem. Co. Com. PERSONALS. Mr.F. P. Lewis came in from/y, a i be Hor. R. Z. Linney, of Taylorsville. Mr. Aaron Clarke is at home from | 2 Mr, Willoughby Chambers, of ral days. Miss Gertrude Robbins is expect-|*° ext week. Mr. Clement Dowd, of Charlotte, pent Sunday with Mrs. Dowd, who ™M rs. TLL. Steele and children are isiting in Mooresville. They are Mr. Brevard Culp, of New York, Miss Pearl Marskall, who has been isiting her sister, returned to her ome in Alexander county, yester- Mrs. Theo. F. Kluttz and her Ww Mr. Avery Chambers who is the at Cooleemee on the road came tv Mr. Jacob Stirewalt, who has on his vacation. He will robably be here about two weeks. Misses Mary Turner, of Long Is- visiting in sunty, who have been Mocks- tatesville, left yesterday for ille, Miss Bertha Van Lear, of Balti- iore, who has been visiting her sis- Mrs. J. Stephany, left last She will re an on M Mr. G. E. Marsh, of Marshville, su de Th ihe a . in Senator Jas. A. Butler and Z. V.|tb ong, Esq., will address the people M >oads, on Monday night, July 50th, Let everybody go amendment dis- fo ao Last Friday night. about 1 o'clock, A a P- Young, on Mrs. Young front She ealled out to kaow She then called to her son to At that the man cross the yard. ————————— Ww Last Wednesday morning, the Ss po 1 ) r r worse ¢ ; a ¥ ook eae ‘She and died os dates: | : batteries for Statesville, Kenna and : re ieal cae gs : Long’s School House, Davidson | Bennett, for Charlotte, Malcolm and © 4ye 9 Nellie was only about four years |~ ahi tills, their bour of affliction. eae ? ~ Mrs. Aun Hobson died Sunda} night at the Hobson homestead at Terusalem, Davie county. She was about 89 years old. Mrs. “Hudson }t was the grandmother of Lieutenant] 8 o'clock. 2ichmond Pearson Hobson, who is a nepbew of Mrs. Hayne Davis, and the hero of the sinking of the Merri- mac. ws. Hobson was also a sis- ter of Governor Morehead. She was 4 consistent member of the Metho- dist church, a ood, Christian wom- an. ri a tally Day : It now seems that next Saturday will be the most enthusiastic day Iredell Democracy bas ever had. Harry Grier, Esq. has appointed reports, they are coming with a number of riders for the procession. 4 crowd is coming over from Yad- kin to ride with the Iredell unterri- fied. The procession will form on the Taylorsville road at the forks of the Buifaio Shoals rozd at 10 o'clock. It will then march to tne depot te meet Hons F. M. Simmons end Theo. F. Kluttz, wko are the orators of the duy. Every Demo- erat that can, ought to yet a horse Mr. Baddelly was pass- Thursday. Western road from ing down the | Mr. L, C. Caldwell Speaks. ; Un last Thursday night.Mr. & C. is Meese Te pete for the amendment. Mrs. George Long is visiting rel | they had gone off from | cratic party to seek for reforms, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lazenby have | at hehad done the same thing. | returned to Salisbury. ae 1 that ere and tha ! But that be bad found that the Pop | nt ulist party bad not brought reform | of two buildings, Democratic fold. do likewise. for leaving the Populists, his expe- rience with Senator Raleigh de went in one found seated with Jim spoke to Mr. wanted to introduce Young. fused and then and there that he did not like bis company. The County Candidates. On last county candidates were in States ville to fill their appotntment in the county canvass. the weather was not favorablé and the crowd was not very large. the candidates said, the ctowd was a Democratic one, and they use of making any set speeches, Sheriff J. H. Wycott and Register that they were candidates election, and if elected, would serve the people to the best of their abili- short talk on the importance election and the duty of the As Mr. A. town, Mr Z. V. cng announced his candidacy Charies H. Armfield made a few re- marks on the armendment and stated what seemed to be the the candidates, that there will be no trouble about the election Democrats will work between Death of Mr. J.C, Woodward. Cn last Thursday, about 1 o'clock, home on Broad street. a sutlerer for some time, from con fore death, he grew o'clock, Rev. E. S. Reaves conduct- « the services. Junior Order of United American was a member. the Baptist church aad a consistent one of the purest young community and was held highest esteem by all who knew him. suffering, he ran with patience t race that was set vefore him. knew that the end was near, but he bore it cheerfully and never mur- mured over the him. community. and four sisters to mourn His Messrs. George und Harry of the family reside elsewhere. Hon A. C. Sharpe to Speak. the people on the issues of this cam- paign at the following township, Thursday, July 26th, at son township, Thursday night, July 26th, 8 o'clock. town township, Friday, July 27th, township, 8 o'clock. ship, burg township, Tuesday night, July township, Wednesday, 2 o'clock, p. m. his township marshals and from all} August Ist, at 8:30 o'clock. this able speaker on the issues. The Statesville Milling Company. THE FURNITURE F aCTORY. { { _—_— { ! A Visit to ltsPlant—Something About | ns aoe ee went to Ashe-/Culdwell spoke toa good sized 0 What it Will Do y y: ‘dience in the court house. Mr. oe a ; Caldwell made an earnest appeal to | We were very much interested io friends to vote our visit. to the factory of the He stated that , Statesville Furniture Co .yesterday. the Demo- | The factory bezan work this week and | inthe preparation of the lumber. Nothing nas been done yet except points as tbey | ta saw the lumber in right lengths without sin. /and rip to proper thickness. | he plant of the company Gonsists 50 by 100 feet, and dtherefore he returned to the!two sweries high. The lumber Y He asked them to / Starts in the factory from the dry ‘kilnat the west end of the south | building. On the first floor are 3 in | number of machines through which morning |it must pass. One of these machines speak to Senator Pritchard and | is the Fay and Egan rip saw, which him the negro, | does the labor of four circular saws. Senator Pritchard This factory is the only one sonth of Caldwell and then Virginia that has purcbased one. him to Mr.|Tbe lumber is made ready to be put of course re-| together on the first floor of this decided | building. It is then carried to the second fioor where it is put together and made into furniture. From the second floor it is carried by an elevated tramway to the second floor of the north building. Here it is finished up, varnished, and made ready for shipment. This takes place om the first floor. The office is also on this floor. ‘fhe company has elreagy con- tracted with a Chicago firm te sell the outpwt of the factory. This will not necessitate their making so many styles of furniture. and will be much the most economical way, it is thought. The factory will use about 3,000 feet of jumber aday. The monthly pay roll, after they get in good run- ving order, will be from $1,000 to $1,200. The side track will run in be- tween the two buildings, so that jumber can be unloaded on one side directly into the kiln, or furniture joaGed into the car, directly from the north building on the other side, The superintendent of the factory, Mr. Christ, is from Pennsylvania and is thoroughly acquainted with the furniture business. He and Mr. J. G. Shelton,the efficient Secretary and Treasurer, will bend every ef- fort to make this new industry a success. There is no reason why it should not be. The furniture fac- tories in High Point are the best paying industries in North Carolina. Asa preat part of the rough lumber they use, is shipped from this part of the State, it would seem that we would have more reason for success than they. Here's hoping that it will be a success. Populist ing tempted in all not He gaye as one reason Pritchard Young. Mr. Caldwell —_—_—_— Monday afternoon the The condjtion of As saw no merely ancounced . W. Turner for re- made a of this voter. out of Dr. S. W. Stevenson D Watts was for the Uouse. Hon. opinion of all the now and do their duty if d election day that day. — > r. J. €. Woodward died at his He bad been ‘About three weeks be- worse and his ath was only a question of time. ie funeral took place Fmday at 10 mption. The exercises at egrave were conducted by the —_ - Games With Anderson, Statesville played three games with Anderson, S. C., in Charlotte this week. Mondays game was onty five innings long on account of the rain. iXenna was in the box for Statesville. The game resulted 4 to Liv Statesville’s favor. Kenna went in the box for States- ville again on Tuesday. This was a yaine filled with costly errors for Statesville. According to the rec- ord of the yame, three fumbles and three wild throws were made in the {st inning. The score at the end stood 5 to 3 in Anderson’s favor. Yesterday’s game resulted in An- derson’s favor by a score of 7 to]. Caldwell, of Concord, was added to the team while they were in Char- lotte. It is expected that other ssew, players will be precured soon. “ echanics, of which the young man Mr. Woodward was a member of Saviour. He was men of the in the Hower of his ithough his last years were full of he He fate that awaited His life was a blessing to the He leaves a mother, four brothers for him. two brothers, Wood: The rest mother and ard, live in Statesville. >-— POS Charlotte Wins. On last Friday and Saturday, Charlotte played ball with States- ville. She won both games. The Hon. A. C. Sharpe will address places and Oldham; for the second day they were; for Statesville, Winham and Sherman, for Charlotte Lattimer and Oldham. The first day’s game was a miser- able exhibition on our part. Errors ii the first inning alloyed Gharlotte to make four runs. Our men were not able to hit Maicolm, who yas eas?, while Charlotte fonad ne very well and in the lat inniag bat- tedhim nicely. Bennett was the only man on our team that had on bis hitting clothes. hits out of four times up, one of them being a home run. o'clock, p. m. Kennedy's School House, Das id- Leonara’s School House, Falls- o'clock, p. m. 3 Plyler’s Schoo} House, Barringer s Eriday night, Igy 2th, flouse, Bethany Dutly’s School night, July 28th, ownship, Saturday town- Turnersburg, Turnersburg » Monday, July 30th, at Martin’s School House, Sharpes {star play 31st, S o'clock. over the fence this season. Trinity School House, Concord August Ist,} ball. night; {struck out twelve men. was 4 to 2 in favor of Charlotte. The only trouble with the States Wednesday + Statesville, Let everybedy come out and hear — to play without errors. The stockholders of the States- ville Milling Company met last week and organized. J.C. Irvin, Geo. H. Brown, © Le Poston, Fred E. Brad- Powell and 22 The Alderman Meet. The Board of Aldermen me consider th Geo. H. Brown, Vice Pres,, and F. 4. Sherrill, Sec. and Treas. The machinery has been ordered from the Richwond City, Ind. Mill Company. This company will also furnish the plans and specifications for the building which will be 72 by 42 feet and four stories high. It will be erected on the lot which the decide as to what will be done. it was ordered by the water and sewerage be Graded Sebool building. put in th Saat Public Speaking. Asheville, and became so -ill that he was obliged to stop off bere. It was found that he had a very aygravated case of appendicitis. He was oper ated on by Drs. Long, Anderson and strange land he received every pos sible attention and kindness. Still away from home d| his death far is peculiarly sad. -_ Notice To Election Officers. The Precinct Election Otficers— Judges and Poll Holders are requir- ed to call and get the ballot boxes, poll books. abstracts, etc., necessa ry for holding the August election. All these are ready to be delivered ro the proper persons. It will be necessary ? to bring 2 six in number. Harry Grier, Esq., or send a written This is important. —--— (| order. Do not forget that you vote for Governor, other State officers, towa- ship officers and the amendment on the people ou the issues of the da at the following places and dates: Leonard’s school house, Fallstow township, Monday, July 30th, o'clock, p. m. Plyler’s school house, burg township, Monday 30th, $:30 o’elock: W. 5. H. Summers’ company recently hought from Mr. L. C. Wagner, between his pace and the depot. The capacity of the mill will be 200 barrels of Hour and 1200 bushels of meal per day. It will be the largest mill in the two Carolinas. ‘The owners of course do not hope +o be able to buy all the whea: por <e]] all the flour here. fredell coun- ty wil! not furnish more than one- fourth ‘the wheat needed. The building of the mih is quite a step forward for Statesville and Iredell counLy aud-means much for our fu- 8 o'clock, p m. o'clock. Everybody come out and hear th and harrows. stock to make room for fall goods. an office temporarily at his residence He yot four son, being the longest ball knocked Win- ham and Lattimer pitched great The same number of hits were made by both teams, but Lattimer The score ville team seems to be that it cannot be depended upon at a critical time wit meet again next Tuesday and board that L. C. Caldwell, E.q., will address Chambers-| |! night, July store, Betha- ny township, Tuesday, July 31st, Athens school house, Olin town- ship, Tuesday night, July 3Ist, 3:30 IN MOORESVILLE. | GEN. RANSOM Red Shirts in Kvidence. Phe old Man Makes an Efoguent Speech. From all reports, yesterday was 3) grand day for South Iredell Democ- acy. Gen. Matt. W. Ransom spoke toa large crowd of his coun- trymen for the amendment and good government. The old man was met at the train by an ‘mmense erowd of men on horseback. A number of the men were dressed in red shirts, a new andodd sight for this part of the country. The crowd was one of the most orderly ever seen at a gathering of this kind. One man said thathe did not see but one person that seemed to be drank. The old General spoke for about two hours. He was pbysically un- able to make his voice carry to the outskirts of the immense crowd, but) all that could hear him, listened to one of thegreatest speeches of their lives. He used no denunciation or vilification, but stood, an old man, making probably one of the last speeches of his life, pleading with bis countrymen to do their duty and save the fair name of their State. He retains all his fire and eloquence. It was a great speech and a great day. Much enthusiasm was created aud wuch good done for the Demo cratic party. South, Iredell is ip good shape. ee ee New Advertisements _ The Flanigan-Evans Hardware Co., have a large line of Dise plows The Sloan Clothing Co., are offer- ing special inducements on their Dr. J. E. McLaughlin has opened on Davie avenue. —_—— We understand that an examina- tion is to be held at the court house, on next Saturday morning, for those that desire to enter the A. & M. College. The purpose of this examination is to save unprepared boys the trouble and expense of a trip to Raleigh. ——— Had to Do it Raleigh News and Observer. The Black-and-Tan leaders are flooding Western North Carolina with circulars printed in poster type to the effect that ‘‘the Demo- crats have appointed negro poll holders in several counties in East- ern North Carolina.’’ When the Black-and-Tan gang was in power it appointed a thousand negro magis- trates and more than a thousand negro poll-holders wuo. with their white allies, permitted 10,000 un qualified negroes to vote in North Carolina. ‘ The election law makes it impera- tive that in appointing poll-holders, one~‘shall be’’ of the opposite polit- ical party. In some election pre- cincts in Eastern North Carolina there is not a solitary white Repub- lican-~-a negro has to be appointed in orderto comply with the law. And yet, when such appointment is necessary, the Black-and-Tan gang raisea “hullabaloo” about 16 and say the Democrats are _‘‘appointing negro poll-holders.’’ This is on a par with all the misrepresentations of the aggregation of liars in charge of the Black-and-Tans. —_—_-—_ A Tribute. Correspondence of THE MASCOT. Nellie Frizell, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. La- zenbdy, died of scarlet fever at the home of her parents on Race street, July 21st. Little Nellie was a remarkably bright and interesting child. Her pretty, earncab Manper apd quaint, wisé expressions ays attracted attention from strangers and made her friends. Inher home she reign- ed a little queen, and as if each of those who loved her knew that her stay must be short, no child was ungratified. who loved little Nell. A FRIEND. TRONSUMPTION LL A M A AK L SL A K her the favorite little one among’ wish af the And yet she has settied upon the hearts of those LATE GENERAL NEWS. —_—_— ~F. A. SHERRILL We want to emphasize the fact that We are in thse market for WHEAT At the Highest Cash Price. So we ask that you see us before sellinz. Remember We want your Wheat and it will pay you to see us. F. A. Sherrill &Co. | _ As a consequence of the situation in China, the export of cotton goods to that country has about ceased. Yellow fever has broken cut in | the barracks of the 7th United States Cavalry and the Ist Infautry in Pi nar de! Rio, Cuba. The little town of Long Run, two} miles from Mount Pleasant, O., Was; visited by a severe wind and rain | storm one day last week. The town was flooded and three liyes were} lost. The Post Otlice Department has denied the application of the au- thorities of the Charleston, S. C., Inter-siate Exposition for sr issue | of special stamps commemoratins the event. The friends of Col. James E.Boyé. | who is retiring from the Depart- ment of Justice to become Judge of the Wetern District of North Car- vlina, ire presented him a magnifi- cent ivsiag Cup. Brigadier General Chaffee, who bas been appointed by the Presi- dent commander of the troops in China, has been made Major General of Volunteers. Thisis to make his rank commensurate with his com- mand. Enraged at the reports from China a mob attacked a Chisese laundry at Virden, lls. The entire front of the building was demolished. Six shots were fired at the two Chinese laundrymen but without effect. The Chinamen have appealed to the au- thorities for protection. At Chatfield, Ohio, one day last week lightning struck a church in which a funeral was iu progress. The editice was packed to the. doors and a panic ensued. The lightning ran down a pillar. Mrs. Simon Shade. who was leaning against it, was prostrated and may die. Twen ty-live others were injured, two of them, Miss Dora Bowers and George Booker, 1t is believed, fatally. Many women fainted. In the excitetncnt the coffin fell from its supports to the floor. Opportunity. Bvdcess is only created by taking advantage of every little opportunity that arises, you will surely succeed in sting money if you make use of the great string of opportunities that we are offering during this Midsummer Clearancs Sale Of Furniture, Carpets, Matting and Rugs: offering old goods or demaned goods but the com- marked at prices that hardly cover Seize these opportunities now. We are not plete down to date stock, the cost of manufacture. L. SCHILLER, Furniture, Carpets and Matting New Cooper Block. i | | never stops because the weather is warn. Then why stop taking SCOTTS EMULSIEN simply because it's summer? Keep iaking it. It will heal your lungs, and make them strong for ancthes winter. toc. apd $1.00; all druggists. we HBSBr.(aPMSWRBWBLzE ** | The Big Store. Just where the shoe pinches easy to determine. Where the evils of spend- ing money begin and end few folks ever learn. It is no wonder many pocketbooks look as if an elephant had trampled upon them. One of the causes is in its owner not knowing. - > WHERE TO BUY, , - judgment is displayed where people Look Before They buy. The. * “Lord helps those who help themselves. It isa standing invitation of ours to everybody to inspect our st ock and see the values we sre offering before they spend their money. lt may be refreshing to mention SOME OF THE LINES WE CARRY IN STOCK. Come end Dress Goods, Millinery. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Pant Goods, Doms tics, Plaids, Cheviots, Percales, Calicoes, Draperies, Curtains, Wal Puper, Notions, Hosiery. Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cutis, Ties, Laces, Embroiderics, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeries, Paper, Pens, sh i a he r e D Rs s G be Of North Carolina. The Head of the State’s Educational System. Three academi: courses leading to Degrees. Professional ¢ uz~+sin Law, Medi- inks, Envelopes, Pencils, China; Crockery, Lamps, Shelf Hardware, or Deere Shoe Findings, Tinware, Glassware, Toys. Wagons, Baskets, Tatle cine and Pharmzcy. Summer Schou! for Teachers. Tuition $60. Scholarships and Loans to Needy. Free Tuition to Candidates for Ministry, Ministers-Sons and Teachers. Towels, Mirrors, Pictures, Trunks, and a thousand or more items, and all Look betore Table Linens, Jewelry A word to the wise is sufficient. Wilhelm & Mills Oil Cloths, Valises, Telescopes, at the right prices. you buy. 312 students besides 161 1n Sum mer School. 38 teachers in the facul- ty. s > For catalogues and information Rare Bargains address ——$—$—$—$—$—$<————————— F. P- VENABLE President Chapel Hill, N.C. 10,000 AGENTS WANTED LIFE AND SPEECHES OF BRYAN. The ‘‘Li {e Written by Mre, Brynv. The Speeches revised by Mr, Bryan, but he is not wniarily interested .n its publication. A golden opportunity for agents. Don't miss it One agent sold 57 copiesin one week; another 67 copies in 10 days: another 17 copies first day. Everybody wants it: Democrat,Republican, Pop- ulist’ and Prohibitionist. The demand exists. It is only necessary for agents to supply it. $200.00 GIVEN WRUCS... We have just received and placed on sale a beautiful line of Axminster, Moquette, Dutchess. Brussels and Velvet Rugs which we invite you to caji and ex- At extremely low prices truly, amine, Yours very oicieds eS Te } i i Saturday's oie a fine exhibi- for selling 209 books it 3 months, Other liberal Eupeptic Springs, Olin township, tion of ball playing, charactized by | Was sweet and generous and un- for cements, Will guarantee good parties ‘a ° Monday night, July 30th, 8 o'clock. |fast, snappy work. But again | spoiled, a dainty, loving little maid. | salary. | Distanecis ho hindrahce a8 freight is Ramsey Tomlin & Bowles Jwq)} Ne wnoshi = : = : ; . Credit given. reulars, instrnchons, ae Evalin, New ‘Hope tow nship, | Statesville was handicapped by er- Only those who baye suffered a} Pith, cic, free. but 35 cents must. be sent for . y Tuesday, July 31st, at 2 0 clock,p.m. | rors made early in the game. The|similar affliction are able to under- ma A SCO = “e * o - . Wi is ., BALTIMORE, 2 was the home rup of Dick- stand the depth of the sorrow that NOTICE— We also desire to emply agents for selling our book -on the “Paris Exposition,” beautifully illustrated. We also piblish “Life of McKinley” and other campaign books, and offer the best terms. pny goods A Mammoth Stock of Mortgage Sale of Land. and wife to Harry Burke, highest bidder for cash at the court house doo in Statesville, N.C., on SATURDAY, JULY 28TH, 1900, at 12 o'clock, m., the following described land in Davidson township, to-wit: stone, J. B. Cornelius’ grees west Spoles toa stone, thence sotuh t degrees West 47's poles to 77 degrees West 714g poles to a stone, South 2643 degrees: West Ss} thence e ley, L. C, Wagner, J. G. Juesday afternoon to a Sher “ill were selec ad as si ae atowtete lee * = era, | thence North 6714 degrees West’ 20 poles to 2 I * \ : She a t S ns cue as di vids for elect ric light plant Sever stone, thence North 11 degrees East 59 poles toa rectors. The directors selected thejal bids were submitted. Nothing | «tone on the road, thence North 54 degrees East ne officers. J. C. rvin, Pres letinite it 42 poles to astone north of the road, thence follow Ing rfficers: C Irvin Pres ,jdetinite was decitied upon. They South 76 degrees Fast 20 poles to a stone south more or less. i, BURKE, This June 28th, 1900, R, B. McLaughlin, Attofiiey. Mortgagec. e J.C, SULLIVAN, ~ Land Sale, ¥ VIRTUE of powers contained in the wi of Wilfred Turner, ¥ lofe. I,. Turner et will sell, at public ontery, at the court house door in Statesville, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11TH, 1900, the following real estate, to-wit; D 9 Rocky creek, near lands of M. K. Steele. J- W. Ward and other and knownas the Wilfre containing 219 acres, more or less. good dwelling an There 1s forest. from Statesville. two miles adjoining the lands of fT. J. 1S | ing 300 acres, more or less. ant house and all necessar eloquent speaker. J. A. WARrtNESS, _ Chm'‘n. Dem. Co. Com. Zeb. V. Long, Secretary. Call to Shiloh Democrats. ture prosperity. The capital stock of the mill was at first $15,000. The directors de- cided to open the books for another $5,600which was immediately taken. Death of Mrs. A. J. Rominger. ThefSemocrats of Shiloh town- on the place, 75 acres oft tion and 4o acres 05 original forest. 3 Atract situate near Mt. Bethel chruch ‘Turnersburg township, adjoining the lands Bynum Pattersou, containing 36.acres, more or less, and known the Zack Patterson place. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a mortgage deed executed by L. . Brady Esq., and by the said Burke transferred for value to J. j. Sullivan, the undersigned w:ll sell at public auction to the Beginning ona line, thence South 5 de- a stone, thence North 4o poles to a stone, of the road, thence North 8/4 degrees Fast 40 poles tothe beginning, eontaining 29% acres, I a y ISABELLA SULLIVAN, Executors of J.J. Sullivan, assignee. and by order of the Su- perior Cv urt of Jredell county, made in the case al. vs. Clarence Stimpson et al., the undersigned executor of Wilfred ‘Turner tothe highest bidder. ille, N, C., on A tract ot land situate in Turnersburg town- ship, Iredell coe lyingon the waters of urnersburg, adjoining the d Turner home place, ' ‘All necessary outbuildings Jocated ou this tract and so acres of origina 2 A tract of land in Olin township, lying on the waters of South Yadkin river, eight miles from Turnersburg. Allison, Refd and others, and known as the Bailey place, contaiz- There 15 a good ten- outbuildings located e finest bottom lands in the county, 60 acres of goed upland in cultiva- Norman Ward and others, 4 Atractin Turnersburg township, adjoining the landsof L. T. Stimpson and others and SNC FOR SALE.—A very handsome new piano for sale, part cash and part on time. Apply to R RK. and H. R. COWLES. a ae A Very Valuabie Farm for Sale a rv To Go Before Sept. Ist. | Nothing Old or Shelf Worn. Only a closing out Sale OFFER FOR SALE MY VALUABLE farm, lying partly within the corporate limits of = | Mooresville, containing 200 acres more or less, so acres of fine bottom, roo acres in cultivation, rsacres of fiue oak timber and 54 acres of fine Three fair houses and one good Forty acres lie in the alance just outsice ¢ | old field pine. barn areonthe land. e | town of Mooresvilleandt A fine granite quarry is located on the land, which will he reserved. Posse ssion given as soon cropsare gathered, For price end terms write to R. H. MCNEELY, Mooresville, N.C. Ss. A. LOWRANCE, Mooresville, N.C. cost of packing and freight that prompts Many articles of real value are offered and it will take only a little of your time to sec them. The prices I make is freight charges less than any merchant can buy the same item—but to me this is a saving of packing and freight, to apother point. It is no force sale by an assignee but a real business deal. I have agreed to give my store room to a party on Sept. Ist. and I will do it at any cost. Yet I want to do so as economically as I can. I don’t want to biow in even a quarter, yet I tell you that To save this offer. Refesence SPEC{A4L TAXES, 1 ee physicians, dentists, bicycle and lumber dealers. proprietors of bee markets and all others lis ble to special taxes are notitied that they should take out their licenses at once, asthey render themselves liable to indictment by not haying the oa Licenses, 11 Hi. WYCOEF, * eae ee YOU CAN SAVE MANY HALF DOLLARS See ee San pains to see what I have. Geruine if you will take the bargains is what I offer. All the goods 1 offer are Staple, used and needed in every day affairs. One hour spent in seeing My stock will be interesting and profita- able. Are you needing any thing in the sy a Jewelry - Line? My Stock of Shoes andHosiery a is especially attractive, as to merit, and almost every one can be suited. The price is strictly at manufactur- ers cost. , By special arrangements with the Royal Worcester | Corset folks, I can null our previous contract and offer ‘ ; Ist. cost. Every lady is re- ; the best of all corsets at quested to see if she can be suited. These Corsets are up to date and the best. The early callers are almost sure to find what they want witha saving of 30 to 50 per cent. A I can’t be here much myself. but the two young men, Messrs. Ramsey & Copeland, Jr., will do their Do you want to cet it At a. : Bargain If you do, right here is the place. I want to buy an in of as | Thursday, Augnst 2d. church, a good, Christian woman. July 12th 1900. f. eo 1 ne alo ail Rac hea a Shinnsville, N. C. - - be . « 2 * - Nec FP 0 Cie Sp ia eh 2 TMD os Sees Mrs. A.J. Rominger died at her|ship are respectfully requested to known as the Lothery place,containing 20 ocres, C ot o buy ; : mallcore home in Concord township, on July} meet at New Stirling Friday, July MER MS OF SALE—One+third cash on day of etre we ae fail and 4 best to show you ces I M4 Seta cat ad : bone in, Concord tone oP mak [Sah 1000, at 20'clock, p.m for the | ithe owns of be genase By Berle cas | Behind the counters, look throug the Stew ant due to old age and a complication of| purpose of nominating a constable | cash. W.D. TURNER. EXCEEDINGLY LOW fe | tables to see if you can ae in retock’ “I offer at diseases. She was at the time of|and justices of the peace for Said} juty soth, 1900. Executor of Wilfred Turner. > Bi As previously Se 2 =e Poul treight mai lok her death 77 yearsold. The remains |townshép. Respectfully, ; FOR CASH, the prices I = ore =e Set r er ae were buried at Conpelly’s Chapel at A. D. Watts, Administrator’s Notice AND FOR CASH ONLY. packing. I fe EE a the items ~ 1a. m., on J aly 23rd, the services J. A. BRADFORD, a No bargain to offer cinreak would ake alis ti re y ee { being conducted by Rev. W. L. Precinct Chairmen. AVING geet as administrator of the buyer. No matter how good. June 20, ’ eee oes saci glen having, cia againe sad . % Mrs. Rominger leayes husband, Lictats to present seme to me on or before the’ “a | 3 For Rent aay oF Jal puneicoes o a : d. | and three daughters. She was 2 con-? See ae cet Ae snc os 2 So paranoia ee: d to dhe si i i i is arm or fur. - 3 : oe ; plete ey Sa wa IS leg sistent member of. the Methodist A. ther information apply to C. L. Shinn, THB ataughiin, atty. © SUmsinistrator The Jeweler and Optician. ———— or Spies Si aod ali abet ae “ . oz } a 7 ‘ FF | { ae a . a = sf oo ~ Seay ING TE ET ie ee ee ST, RTT aes pA PAGE a a he ee Shot by a Negro Monroe Journal itate rather than obstruct his com- munications with the Chinese vice out of it. A short while ago Butler was de- Atlanta Constitutional. representatives. Why do Thompson and Butler ‘ stitution of North Carolina.” rat ified February 2ist, 18599, the same . . ee Fi ve restored jo tre rigerts ot pner shipin a maz tbed pres Cr - jee SS — = ! Butler Dictated to by Federal Office | Report of Adjutant General. ; Case Like That of Solomon's. Open Letter to McKinley. ! cone ae ees Holders. : Washington Dispatch, 19th. | Anniston, Ala., Dispatch, 20th, 1 Charlotte News, ‘ ee Bs News ind Observer soth. | The Adjutant General’s office has | Mayer Ile noerson has under cona- i Hon F. M. Simmons, cbairman of In the absence of direct news) 7.4.4 night the two Hanna man-/ issued its annual statement of the |sideration ap Hoe eoa™: case of more | i the Democratic State Executive) trom China, this morning, attention agers, Marion Butler, dispenser of | organized militia forces of the Unit-| than ordinary iu crest uy reason of q Conamittee, has addressed an oe was directed mainly to the more OF | Fy gorg) patronage, and GeneHolton, | ed States, together with the pum-| its resemblance to a famous case ; letter to President McKinle$, Call- | jocs speculative stories emanating U. S. District Attorney, took sup-| ber of men available for military | mentioned in the Bible. A neyo et : Ee ing the attention of the chief exe- from European capitals, indicative per ‘together at the Yarborough, }duty but unorganized. The grand | baby is the cause of tae tr uble and a You ca & cutive to the attempted interference of discord among the powers. _It House, and after supper these two | total of organized militiamen in the | Mayor Henderson has been called a any degree of Heat you : -—- of Federal office-holders in 10cd!/is realized that these little bulletins | | oo thics with Carl Duncan, Revenue | several States and Territories at the | upon to decide which of two negro) sre on a Wickless Oil Stove by politics in North Carolina, of mutual suspicion always charac- Collector of Internal Revenue, and/time of the report was 106,339. women is the mo:her of the child. | oe ae ge ene ' The letter charges that the *P"| terize allied movements and so are) iy ¢ Dockery, U. S. Marshal, were| Those unorgenized, but available} Mary Hardie and Carrie Williams | a single turn of the valve— A = pointees of the President in this! tobe expected in the present case. afterwards in conference, discussing |for military duty aggregated 10,-| both claim the baby and the Williams | mering fire and a slow oven toa hottop Wyo State are, day after day openly and | ft can be stated that, so far as offi- the State ticket that will be voted |343,452. The organized strength of | woman has had Mary Hardie arrest- | : SO There's no limit to the range A “ a without concealment, making use Of | cial record discloses, there is abso- by the Fusionists in November. the militia and the men liable forjed for steatiug the child from ber. | Bf and a fast oven. pid ean trol of Wrak VOL, Via their positions and influence of S lutely no ground for them. Our) “what do Populists, who are/service, by States, are as follows,} Mary Hardie claims that the child | of its usefulness. It gives a ee control of ae fice not ouly to control conventions | yovernment having fully defined its}. sinst the gold standard and Mc-| the first figures given being the or-, is hers and that she left it with Car- cooking whether baking, beiling, broiling, roasting ‘Bypg ———- and the voters of their own party | intentions in Secretary Hay’s note] Kinlevism, think of having the three ganized strength and the second the | rie Williams while she went out to| icine ESTES Cen you do more on any coal) Sm but to coerce and unduly influence of July 3, the otheryovernments in- biggest Federal office holdecs in the| unorganized: Georwia, 6.506, 275.-| work. Carrie Williams says the} or simpiy toasting. Same ied no By 2 i eet votersof the.opposition party and to| terested in the Chinese Situation | Srote tix the ticket they are 000; North Carolina, 1,685, 245,000; | child is hers and that the Hardie | or gas range? The ey sie fitzl a intimidate if possible the election Of |have entered into the spirit of that! ¢) vote in August? Butler is noth-| South Carolina, 2.653, 100,000; Ten-| woman has no claim upon it. Al} = wa ri . ea officers of the State in the discharge | geclaration of principle with per- ing but a Republican, ‘‘masquerad-|rnessee, 14,000, 200,000; Virginia, | number of witnesses for both sides} 4 : = Blue Be, & sacs - of their duties. . |fectaccord. At least that is the|iio a5 Populist,and his association | 2.745, 295,340. have been examined and the mayor | i : The letter then reviews the evi- record, both written and oral, and have is all with McKinley pie eaters. Se has taken the case under advise- | Flame 5 dence beginning with the recent Re- Russia, a power more than any other In 1897 Butler, when applied to by A Commissioner to China. ment i =a publican convention in Raleigh under suspicion in these stories, has a Populist who desired a Federal of- sen RE ee eet er i =m cy th which was largely a convention Of} not peen backward She comer fice, replied that no man who called W. W. Rockhill, director of the Position of Dr. ‘Thompson. a§ tove Ae he Mederal ofliceholders. : the State Department of the coinci-)) 777, ->opulist could with honor Seer ee tes. has | Raleigh News and Observer. ‘ poe Een Sy ee 4 k The entire letteris a plain but] qonce of cee Hay’s declara- a eee BRaeceicKinlewaed area Se oe ie 3 making summer Ree Se) It seo ont Wi ‘ and uncompromising statement of) tion with Russia's purpose in China. now he is distributing Federal pie Sates eo to go to China are eee ut Besbiscne nce is giving cooking comfort cae oes facts the evidence of which is given | T¢ js, of course, possible that some and consorting with McKinley office- sae investigate and re aoe upon the ees are aid with Repeplicas No smoke or smell. Sold eee 7 in unmistakeable terms. ..| of the powers are swayed by m0-|iojgers! By his own standard But- Saeed "For Cone the San are ee over the area ae stovesaresculd. If your dealer : As Chairman Simmons says, this] tives that do not appear in their for- ler is guilty of dishonor aud treach- on aot is dia eae t ee it y eee ne = porn does not have it, write to 25 ‘ederal office-holders inter- ‘ sclarations. The State De- Rene ions es : = a his oliciais al no AN ay 2ave nouncing 2€ Jemocrats or submi a Eels thing of Federat of mal declarations ery to the Populist party. An known that Mr. Rockhili had been|ting the constitutional amendment STANDARD OIL COMPANY. fering in local politics has gone so partment. however, cannot go be-|+0°+ in 1807 was the true test. No ee: Sees Sao onset nk Ce : fare Nore Canora oe year that thind their coma expression and man can serve “McKinley and plot Within a week ae will ae Spal Se Bek Bacoed it in if we were not engaged in the Bere can now only await resuits. .__. } With his office holders, while pre- conference with tae President and|the Caucasian. mone teabeao. mount question of the passage 0 There is not the slightest disposi- tending to be a Populist, and re- retary Hay, and will leave forlcrats te follow the exctaple of Mis: the amerdment, the chief issue! tionon the part of our government oa the neepect: Ofanyilbonestmnan oe ay, a — i — e = cos ® over cexample oO oo i would thenbe this yery question|t5 follow the example of certain); any party = China. e pro ably wi go to}sissippi an Louisiana. ““to elimi.) + = a 7 7m > Tete : ee ;,,{'8 any party. Vancouver and theretake the Japan-| nate the negro from politics’ and ’ : — ao namely: Whether we are to have European powers and restrict in a ee ra i eugene for Yokoh: Oo esate ane Ths = oe ae SNS é 6% € eovernment by the Federal office- any measure the liberty of the Chi- Butler's Latest. ese line steamer or Yoko aE Econ Whites. Dr. Cyrus eae THE CONSTITCTIONAL AMEND: 3000 the being of Almight 7 God. |} a if in lders. nese minister here, Mr. Wu, in com : me ceeding from that point to be} ang-| son, Populist candidate for Gover- MENT. Seas all persons who shall have : nom ae ne ° : re . . Raleigh News and Obseryer. b advised tl Populist members Se nfacceg their |: 3 tet Such statements of wrong and of} municatiog with the Chinese vice- : S ats : hie eel le hai ee een ee ee eee —— been convicted, or confessed therr 7: % intimidation as are contained in the roys, and whateyer remains of the} A telegram from Goldsboro con- Not until he arrives at Shanghai | of the Legislature to vote to submit The Fall fext as it Will be Submitted 09) on indictment pending: and if ' cs above letter will appeal to any jus-| titular Chinese government On| veys the information that Butler has will Mr. Rockhill undertake to out- the amendment. In compliance | "NG the Peopie on August the 2nd. = “sentenced or pot, er under f} AS a Wh tice loving citizen. and the President | the contrary, crediting the minis-|telegraphed to a fusionist in Golds- | line his further course. His position with Butler's and Thompson's ad Ee a eg suspended, of any treason 1 te cannot but feel the weight of thelter with an earnest desire to do|boro to have “a Wayne county reg-jis a peculiar one. He will be actu- vice the Populist leaders in the The iclowing — fu ate -of avy other crime for |! manta pressure when he reads the high everything in his power to protect |istrar arrested’’ and carried before | ally an ambassador in ROWERS, ae House voted with the Democrals 10 the coustitutiona]l amendment BS iniskment may be im: | : i ons Se pees handed game his appointees are foreigners in the Chinese empire, |a U.S. Commissioner. No charge = the Scope of bts iencinon a’ cae the ainendment = did aad amenéed by the adjourned session prison nt in the penitentiary, | F0] fie : ile Dae f pieying in North Carolina in their} andcontident that he has no sym-|is made, no particular registrar is be akin to EI resident Clevelan Ss Jonly Populist Senator. If any mis- ee eee ge pier eeks since becoming citizens of the Unit-j}! iw 8 f Wt efforts to run local politics of agreat patby with the insurrectionary Box- | specified, he only wants “O W ayne | paramount commissioner to Hawaii, | take Was made in submitting it, the : = : re ed States, or of corruption or mal-}+ panda ei i state. er element, the State Department county registrar arrested, think Mr. Blount. i Populists cannot be heard to say 8°] An Act Supplemental toan Act Ep practice in office; unless such person | ! eee: ae 3JXtO A« = eran regards it to be good policy to facil-|ing he can make political capital The Swnile of Wu Ting amet without putting the blame on their] yited “An Act to Amend the Con | P ' hose who co e INSURANC: ss ay ‘ i . - as nh aa st ~e ; Sah 5 ~ . , 1e State denouncing x pia ee a . 1 : < Late last Thursday afternoon Mr, |roys. Acting itself on this theory,|claiming against Federal interfer-| There is one thing which ee te now go about the State denounc ime) being Chapts x vd anc That this amendment to heat hod best : i ie it. T. Gaitley, of Mangum, Richmond | the Departmeat does not credit|ence in State affairs, Now he is in- preserveits imperturbability in al!|the Democrats for submitting the Eighteenof the PublicLaws of 1889. |, era ee eee nas SS ‘ounty, was shot and dangerously | the stories that any of the Chinese | voking the aid of the Federal court | this Chinese business, and thatis the}amendment ? The answer is easy. foe Das Gest OE TT a meet between NO oun by 2 negro man in bis em-| ministers in Europe have been giv-|in a purely State and loqg) election, | unctuous smile of Wu Ting Fang. They made a trade with the Repub- n Ube firs 3 stone between ? WOL A i : : 4 re) next a a vow > ee “estan? : icati Sa ee ee ; 7 Caro ty of voles ce ai the life. In one insian ploy.The negro’s name is Ed Ingram, |en their passports. If there should|in which the Federal courts have no} Claiming to be in communication | licans by which they are bound to and he is said tobe a desperate char- i S ; c S wi ipese < ies st . : saan vor of this sulirage amendment. ee dl raya ers Coa one WWithe acter. upon China, based on what is ‘said Itseems that Holton has cone Roaecienes wae Sao me ee Cee ene eee ee Section 1. That Chapter 215, Section Ii. This amendment to eee a qe he At first it was thought Mr. Gait-|to have occurred on the Siberian |the contract to see after the arrests | for the existing order 0 oe = 1S} trusts, imperialism, the gold stand- Pablic Tawslot reso: eneied” “an 1G; caution ‘Shall be submitted Senen unde 2 ley was mortally wounded, ashe was| border, the technical relations of|in the Western part of the State unable to get the slightest token ard and the like. Dr. Tgempson Reign naan) Go neecanieen GENT ‘peral election to the sixty-Eight z os Sets : : >| the allie oo : Cbi while Butler is lord paramount in}from the beleaguered members of] said, “the amendment is the best ee Spe aies es Tee Cs rig Akita SiN ada Ale cents a i shot in the abdomen. Fortunately,|the allied powers towards ina, L C i ; : id, Be a North Carvlina.”’ be amended <o as /; ers of the State, in the]; paid out to ; i however, the ball struck a riband|might, it is said here, undergo a| the arresting business for the East-|the foreign legations. Already he thing for the civilization of the nee - : Al a Salows: | came maczer and under the same]: of Statesville AND BC «anced, not penetrating the intes-| radical change. It is believed that}ern section. It is plain that his ob- | has succeeded in throwing dust into] State ‘and yet he is trying to de “That article six of the constitu-| rules and reculations as is provided |: ane a Ge : the story of Boxer activity is con-|ject in arresting ‘‘a Wayne county |the eyes of diplomacy, and soon we stroy “the best thing for the civili- ae cian cen cone ea Ceara | inthe law resulatine seneral elec:|! than 12 mont > Lb Ss. 5 = se tye ‘ ‘ * E - "Oc ae oa RT cit-< > woan- c MeN 2 Uarolinie eC. ane 1 UNO .By 2p Uae ae tee it - et sin ts 7 > The facts of the shooting as wejsiderably exaggerated, so far as it} registrar is to seek to put odium | will be wondering: =< curses for | zatioa ones State. Is it any Sse same is hereby abrogated, and in| tions in this State, and at said ¢iec- | | Ifyou will t: Lior learn them, are as follows: Mr.|relates tothecountry north of the|upon Aycock’s home county. Our|doubting such amiable people as the | der the Populist voters have lost all eeieicn aot Ac tec COnSines ane | tions those persons desiring to vete |! ame omadicee eo Gaitley told the negro to feed a mule | Siberian border and it is hoped that | correspondent — says that oe es are mace oe : ae confidence in a peaders) and quit ESR octane oh nee | Pee reer 1 cast ali wive you all im 1 li af . . = S 2 . . 3 , Ze as 25 »t- ortyu aws sue er Ja ’ WSS VreiCie - San Aa teh -Or such wmMier : . oe : » * and the negro told him he would not | the trouble has been confined to Ma- | this Ee cr eee aa aes ae ae oun aA u ee ee a se a zie es ns ie = ‘t os ion asan entire and indivisiole plan j written or printed ballot with the 4 tion. Sotton G do it. Then Mr. Gaitley started to-|churia. But if war should actual-| piece o unmitigated deyiltry. ne | OS LOrelsn ministers, but it hardly} the undoing of everything for which Be Sian | words ‘For Suilrage Amendment” | | ward the negro, who ran. During|ly and formally open between Rus-| Aycock’s majority will not be less | follows that one who is but little| the Populist party stood for when Seed | ausrnn nal assole ial ailicookearn | NO MEDICAL EXAW NATION the pursuit another negro handed | sia and China,that fact might oblige | thaa 25,000; the Legislature will be | better than a spy should be given the organized ? The plain truth is that ar | Opinion shall cast a writtenor privt-|! REQUIRED. . . je: = y ey P } >¢ wee rey > a eats iO 4 nal anaes set , men : the fleeing negro a hat in which was|the other powers todoone of two largely Democratic; the amendment |freedom of the country _ when he the Populist leaders are no longer ARTICLE YI. es lot with the words ““Aeainst |: J F. CARLTON Statesvils concealed a pistol. The negro on|things—either join in the declara-|will be overwhelmingly adopted; |connot exercise his offices in the in-| Populists. They are Republicans SERRE Ren Aa eect mca honcont : -. LLUN, ———-— vetting the pistol tarned and fired | tion of war,or withdraw their forces |and the Radical party and its Re-|terest ofhumanity. Wu Ting Fanyz}and are simply “‘masquerading as|° ee oe ee ene neat SE “a baring a I Sar) | FIRE, LiFe End ¢ on Mr. Gaitley with the result above | from the Chinese soil. Minister Wu | pop-li-can ally will be wiped out on |is clever—apparently much toocley-| Populists in order to better serve] Section 1. Every male person} | ©C: oi), be counted, compared, | ! INSURAN SE noted and Mr. Wollant, the Russian|the second of August. And then |er for the men with whom he seems}the purposes of the Republizan|born in the United States. and rae Sn | NapeaalnGg aia ga Nea YA The affair created great excite- ment in Richmond county, as Mr. Gaitley is a Democratic poll holder and many believe the negro wis put up to assaulting him. Indeed, the negro who was captured at Rober- del factory Saturday night, told his captors that a prominent fusionist : : froin the McKinley administration > i : Peregeiaigl = @ilie gatel marae Para Lic politician of the neighborhood in| q+. pee cectons pane aaa one Lexington, was made last night by|thereby proclaimed that he was a|the State of North Carolina for two Bn eos Seva deme aceaes THR andl ¢ chict saitley lives : . O , reatens them wi it, solidifies |. - : : lection. to certify said am x which Mr. Gaitley lives, harbored “Pretoria, July 18, Yesterday , some ungnown scoundrel. him the night after the shooting, and advised him to vet out of the county as soon as possible. This politician has been visited by red shirts, who inforwed him that he . Points Se i Ie ry ts 2 a » 7s i 7! bliec ; could be ; inte from one precinct, ward or other | 0MiCe- ee : E Wruit : ; Sl Pasilierstand adian c ; cery store on fire. He promptly] blican who could be appointed to ‘ prec 2 See) YEE ks act chats acs oes. } must in the future, either behave Se nets en 19th says: “Last night Messrs. W. gaye an alarm and aftera tive min-]succeed Mr. Makepeace, U. S.|/electiou district, to another in the oe eae _— Texas, —- himself or leave the county. He Colonel Alderson, were most val- A. Finchand C. W. Gold filled their] utes bard work by the citizens who|Commissioner at Sanford. He is same county, shall MOL SOPerT be) tho fee ey eee a if 5 cy Ina ~ promised to behave himself. lantly defended. The enemy made appointment at _Bloomery school arrived on the scene, the flames were|determined to remove Mr. Make- deprive any person of the right to ali ornila RS Ss The latest news we havefrom Mr. s house, near Finch’s Mill, in Taylor’s Gaitley is that he is getting on very well. — i ee Republicans Resort to Crime. Charlotte News. Never in any campaign has the Hlack-and-Tan combination resorted to such wholesale misrepresentation followers this advice: ‘Lie like hell and stick to_it.’’ The Republican and alleged Populist combination in this State is running its campaign ov the platform, and Holton might have coined the phrase with even better grace than Ike Young. 1 ] 1 enact Are you nervous? APPLY TO TICKET AGEN 1iMR TAPLES First, the Republicans subsidized | ing towards Lindley, being closely dow to his right from the outside nearly in the centre of a large brick Jeter Pritchard, It was written by general registration Jaws to carry] y fe you completely exhausted? RATES AND GENERAL 1¥) 5» MATION, ee eae a moraing newspaper, buying its| followed by Paget’s and Broad- darkness, there came a volley of} block and but for the timely discov-]| Butler. We quote: : into effect the provisions of this ar- eee Sennen eae month? OR ADDRESS ; opinions for $5,000, But they deceiv-| wood’s brigades. €ee8- po Beek eo nesected and feryol the tre last night, many bus-| “This (disruption of the Populist | ticle. ° these ea har ak wis RL Vernon Fr Day, ed the people byclaiming that theGa-] In a dispatch dated today Lord mnprowoked assoule One of the/iness houses in Lexington would} party) they wiil endeavor to accom- ee ¥ person presenting Wine of Cacia oe Se i Le. A CPpat 4 - zette was still a Democratic news- | Roberts pay a tribute to Lieutenants | C&S Struck Mr. Gold full on the|bave .been reduced to ashes this|plish by using as their agents in|hiinself for registration shall de able appreciate waat perfect health woald & | cuaxnoris. Nc eee Ce paper, and was opposing the Amend-| Borden and Birch, whom, in his dis- aun, breaking and cover:ng his moruting. every community in the State either | to read and Write auy section of the be to you? After taking Wine of N en le a aoe = oe ment as a Democrat. Since that | patch given above, he reported kill- shirt sleeve, for he had taken off his a some local Republican boss, or some constitution in the Enwlish languave: Cardui, thousands like you have seal- “0 trouble to answer questions. Ei aoe time they have subsidized otherled. Lord Roberts Says: coat on account of the heat The | High-handed Piece of Intimidation. so called Populist. who is willing to}and, before he shal! be entitled to} # ized it, Nervous strain, loss of sleep, v4. Tit " + 8 he 5 newspapers, which masqueraded] “They were killed while gallantly other ones broke as they “truck @ | Biscoe Special to News and Observer, roth. accept a mess of Federal patronave | vote, he sball have paid on or before | & ee sncigestion starts menstrual G.P. Bik ¥ under the guise of non-partisan la-|leading their men in a counter at-|PoSstand ee of the sindow.! There has just occurred here a] from the McKinley pie counter. the firstday cf May, of ‘the vear a Bat eat e294 % Bike vor sheets and the like. tack on the enemy’s flank ata criti- Remn Cerin aa eee high handed piece of intimidatioa] ‘‘Already the Populist supporters | Wich he proposes to vote, bis poll NP Next, they bribed a lot of speakers and placed their birelings at work in the cotton mill settlements, and everywhere they thought white men could be influenced. so without being caught. Now,the Republicans have capped the climax of their campaign of ly- ria : 5 ise ¢ i is i si ‘*Yes. yves.’’ slaimed S ay 3 such registration, and al] ersons 2447 om ee nee ne t : r ) own views as to the relativ ”|chise any white man, This is as es, yes,’’ exclaime pencer in : wets persons <3: ing and misrepresentation by direct portance of the ee ios ‘M-|trueas gospel. Republican politi-}an aggravated, impetuous tone, ‘I so registered shall forever thereaf- 7 a TIME. TED torsery. Itis announced that they | cratic platform declares the ae. cians know it. They only fight it}suppose we can shut down the mill. ter have the right to vote in all [have Flour, Corn, Meat, -UbLiL have been sending out in their liter- tion of imperialism to be the cs in order to get office. The defeat of |stop all my work and let you go.” Renee é ature documents to which the name of F. M, Simmons, chairman of the Democratic State Executive Com- mittee, was forved. This was but a short step further, as itis onlya step from lying to} more importance than the Philip-| tte. It will be known from one| thing is certain, you must bebave the Constitution is presented and At oe COW AN, e stealing. But this crosses the pine question; that is. he tone end of the earth to the other as the] yourself and have nothing todo with adopted as one indivisible plan for | ee OE arrionts Meat Choppers ~ boundary and goes into the realm of a gold standard empireto a bimetal, a oe ae is ot too late to} those red shirts.” ee peencend ee K.C.M.&B Os ian : lie r i : és _| Save the old State from such bumili | Thomas then informed him that the intent and purpose to so con- ee ca : ae The Republicans show their des-|1s pbublic. When the test comes, ation. The time k peration by resorting to deliberate } znd to make ‘a> ; may need in th: cera 3 : 2 the doctrine that governments de. } men ought to wakeup. Go to see|wear it tomorrow. This enraged them sodependent upon each other, Past Train, : | cord q crime to deceive the people. rive their just powers not om oe ae reo a don’t understand | Spencer and he discharged Thomas as a whole shai stand or fal] | MWe KANSascrry Limited. This modern vim deceive ‘ i jus | a : = : : e 0 : © ser ¢ ogether. > 1 fast train with ecling ries Brave Men Fall ere oe zon the consent truth: Tell bim ihe OP ratte oc white man WoUnenone Ee : Sec. 6 Allelections by ¢} e peo shit Het Dravsingtrcsin * ee : . wy [on ne OV » Will support our] gion stoc 13 : : wn ee eee SCI ane Stall bebscbalien aaa oe ee eae Victims to stomach, liver and kid-| ticket even though they aon not en ones him above a nigger. It is|in town is indignant with Spencer wExery ahtend tn LILEDOUN ek se a5 by ballot, and all elec- | ob. Mm, : ney troubles as wellas women, and|dorse the silver plank. A large|? en in his favor. He|and says so in pronounced terms, buy in th Se ne hoe ov the General Assembly shall mnects at : = * andes . : is o~ ~ > oy uy 10 s¢ed fror viz 7 2 ViVa voce. 2a Tex all feel the results in loss of appe-| majority of the Democrats believe ae ways vote under it whether] It is needless tosay young Hunt We xin, card, spin and weave it See gt ee es Northwest Li anronere oe | tite, poisons in the blood, backache, | that a srestoration of bimetallism e€ can read and write or not. The/and Thomas will go tomorrow to ind sell the finished muslin uirect _ Tec. 4. very “voter in North Ce ine. PO estos nervousness, headache and tired, | would prove a blessing but the anti amendment will not disfranchise the grand red shirt rally, wearing ee Boerchants we eae Caroliva, except as in this article!} “atifornia and ali pleased with ee roeeeciens ~ mee ee etn Giada ee Bae aoe uneducated white man. For|their insignia of freedom from negro mission men, speculators amd disqualitied, shall be eligible toottice. | .. Kansas City. 41 after examiniay teu there’s no need to feel like that./admit that any evils that might are eee of the aoe domination, as will every other Jobbers. but before entering upon the dutics | emphis, tenn? we don’t ask you t a ae ate iet all who have greater fait be a declaration of war by Russia charge d'affaires, again called upon Secretary Hay this morning, but neither had news from China. a Boers Attack British Again, London Dispatch, rth. The War Office has received the following dispatch from Lord Rob- theenemy made a determined at- tack on the left of Pole-Carew’s po- sition and alung our left flank, com- manded by Hutton. The posts held repeated attempts to assault the po- sitions, coming in close range and calling to the fusiliers to surrender. The enemy sutfered severely. They had fifteen killed and tifty wounded, and four were taken prisoners. The British casualties were seven killed (including the Canadian Lieutenants Borden and Birch), thirty wounded and today proceeded to Haman’s Kraal. Butler and_ his ‘“‘whip them out of the State’’ polit- ically with ballots, Every timeareg- istrar is arrested, it adds 5,000 votes to the Democratic ticket, the people of this State will not submit to Federal jurisdiction. thank God we will have no more of We wil gang. the patriotic white voters against his party. _— oo ee A Democratic Speaker Egged. The Wilson Daily News of the township, some six miles from Wil- son, where the Populists’ influence is strong. posed almest entireiy of Populists, but one man present being known to be a Democrat. was suffering fromfa cold, had re- quested Mr. Gold to make the only The meeting was com because interference in Mr. Finch, who 2 He invit- ed questions from his hearers and and Fricksburg. position, Borden was twice before brought to my notice in dispatches for gallant and intrepid conduct,”’ anti-imperialistic league has not acted otticially. In such a matter each individual 1s governed by his mount issue. If any Opponent of imperialism refuses to support the Democratic ticket, because of the silver plank it must be because he considers the money question of I believe that those who adhere to Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, | arise from bimetallism could be cor- Ind. He says: “Electric Bitters | rected more easily than the evils are just the thing for a man when| which would follow from the deliber- he is all run down, and don’t care /ate endorsement of inilitarism and whether he lives or dies. more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could It did | imperialism,”’ The easiest and most effective take. I can now eat anything anq|™ethod of purifying the blood and T-49 9 2 3 2et. og . : Za A | therewith, and that I will fai Wa i; Wil bein “his: office teo week ITH fair education an? 20 Th utiog _ A t : : = Ifyour dealer hasn’t LILEDOUN ana ? tue will faithfully Serene tec mci tie an Weeks, — = Rigtirvad accoumey have a new lease on life.” Only 50|i#Vigorating the system is to take |S00dI call it the savior of my life.” | with a much larger majority than} f) Grect.caracepepie mabye tokens | Uscharge the duties of my office ae | Poeiat!?= with first Monday in each ypewriting © This ise il Does Not q cents, at W. F. Hall, Jr. ’s, Drug DeWitt’s Little Early Risers the writes W. R, Wilkinson, Albany, they did in that memorable cam- more, A LILEDOUN button agian! ome se ee es SO help me, God.’ - a a. So on him for anything ing stilway companics a aes oe ae 2 ’ c " s 5 . ~ a oa 2 1 wav « aneea es 3 aia 23 f its ki neni WV. A. Mq Store. Every bottle guaranteed. Smous little pills for cleansing the|Zenn. It digests what you eat. paign two vears ago. MOORE COTTON MILLS, Taylorsville,N.C. Sec. 8. The following classes of fnaGe Sree utsizy- You will | atesare assisted to positions. 1 es at ie mest wet iyer and bowels. W. F. Hall,Jr W. F. Hall,Jr. H. A. Cuappet. = persons shali be disqualified Be unc it to your interest to do so. mitted. Write for free catalox. theonty CH “‘ljfteen hundred Boers, with tive guns, managed to break through the cordon formed by Hunter’s and Run- dle’s divisions, between Bethlehem They were mak- cal juncture of their assault on our ed and stepped from the rostrum, er question, which he had started to answer when, through the win- people running and quieted the dis- turbed audience. , Those present deplored the unprovoked and outra- geous affair, declaring that they will disfranchise them. The amendment will not disfran the amendment will be a calamity to the State. It will be an admis- sion that the negro is the equal if not the white man’s superior. It will make North Carolina the negro is short. White in a white man than they have in niggers go to work. “Thad stomach trouble twenty years and yave up hope of being cur- ed till I began to use Kodol Dyspep- sia Cure. answered them. Just as he coneclud- Mr. Wood O’Neal asked him anoth- It hasdone meso much | out in this election and will succeed with Pekin, while he can fill the to be dealing, but he should not be 1} permitted to mislead those whom he has deceived. ———-__— The Act of a Fiend. Daridson Dispatch 19th, A dastardly attempt to burn half, or more than half, of the stores in About 12:30 o'clock Mr. Ayery Darr was passing up Main street and discovered the front of McCrary «& Holmes’ wholesale and retail gro- extinguished. The fire was certainly the work of an incendiary. When they closed -| their store last night, Messrs. Mc- Crary & Holmes left one of their large front windows raised a few inches. After the fire was put out last night it could be-plainly seen that the person who had tried to of paper, bags, wrapping paper, ci- vars, etc., were packed against the store window, and were partially burned. Messrs. McCrary & Holmes’ store is located on Main street, near the court house. They occupy a room that eclipses the Carpenter affair at Maiden. One A. A. Spencer, a rab- id Republican, living at Biscoe, is a saw mill man and has in his employ approached Mr. Spencer and asked for leave of absence tomorrow to go to Troy tohear Mr. Aycock speak. Mr. Thomas replied that ‘that was not necessary as arrangements could be made for the work to voon in his absence. ‘‘Well,’’ said Spencer, ‘I suppose you may go, but one he had a red shirt and expected to young Democrat in town who can procure one. This affair has caused a sudden demand for red shirts. Politics waxes warm in Montgom- ery and feeling runs high. Never were Democrats so enthusiastic here. They are determined to win work to keep the 120,000 negroes on party.” Nothing but a Radical, Raleigh News and Observer, In the Spring of 1897, Butler and the Caucasian declared that any Populist who accepted an , office traitor to the Popvlist party and had sold his principles for an office. This week he has telegraphed to a Republican postmaster in Moore county to give the name of a Repub- peace because that gentleman is in favor of the amendment. He kas power with the Republican adminis- tration, since he sold out to Hanna in Pritchard’s recom in Washington, to make appointments and to re- move eflicient public officials who dare to vote their convictions. Iby the standard he himself erected, he Republican party by masquerading as a Populist.”’ On the night of January 2Sth.1897, the majority Populists issued} an address to the Populist vcters de- nouncing those Populists who had been bought by Mark Hanna and of Hanna's man begin to call them- selves co-operative Populists, when in truth they are nothing but Re- publicans, while attempting to bet- r ILEDOUN | MUSLIN has the name on every yard. Ss prescribed, ana shall,on or No elections by the people in this State. ubless qi of this ar son shall have paid his poll tax above required. nect the different parts, of the office, he shall take and ¢ scribe the following oath: “J ee do solemnly swear, (or affirm) thar] will support and maintain the Con- | stitution and laws of the Usited North The General Assembly of North i { i ms tele: | two Hundred and | i ! { } i lina do enact: } ' ! i | male person whohas been natural- ized. twenty one vears of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people ; in the State, except as herein other- | wise provided. Sec. 2. He shall have resided in | years, in the county six months, and in the precinct, ward or other elec- tion district, in which he offers to vote, four months next preceding the election: Procided, that removal vote in the precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No person whe kas been convicted, or who has confessed his guilt im open court uper indict- ment, of any crime, the punishment of which now is, or may hereafter be, imprisonment in the State’s Prison. ed by law. See. 3. Every person offering to vote shail beat the time a legally registered voter as herein prescii5- ed and in the manuer hereafter pro- vided by law.and the General Assem bly of North Carolina shall tax for the previous year as cribed by Article 5, Secti sw» 1. Constitution. But no male who was, on January Ist, isi » ae cr at before : for ihe r of @ permanent record of vber Ist. 1908. provide nakin } qualified under Sect ~» cle: ton Provided, such Sec. 5. That this Amendment election shall be cast in fa- returned aud canvassed, and the resuiltannounced and declared under ihe samerules and regulations, and in the same manuer as tne vote fer Governor, and ifa majority of the votes cast arein favor of the said amendment, it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State, upon be- under the seal of the State, to the Secretary of State, who shal! enroll the sal amendment so certified among the permanent recerds of his 5 fizst, but day by day Steadily grow into trou$!_some complications, Vine of Cardeé, used farst gz system in perfect condition. This E medicine is taken quietly at home. ore the men- uaplies For sale sale on wha: ee ine wuen vou want time on Your purchases of supplies, Mis March 8th., 1800, Respectfully, tlic. ' { . / suo-! { | tates, and constitution and laws of | Carolina, not inconsistent | Office: First, all persons who Shall Jo cs pm is Cilas. JON Dr. P. F LAUGENO! IR, *-_ Only ‘the bes Ree. rainghau, Als Dentist, Ss "ATESVILLE, N. C. | / | | | on. shail go into effect | | ' | | | i i : trictly First-Class “quip. ( as 2 5 , is- . ¢ i rent acer meeic a Ur Stiles ht hs 5e De 2d to vote unle<< - eee yUay and fraud. Ike Young, for many |and twenty-one missing. speech. This he did, calmly dis-| burn the town had dashed a quantity | writes himself down as “nothing |sball be permitted to vote unless the Si on all Throush and years the most successful Republi-| ‘‘fan Hamilton’s column advanced Ce owen of Senden of kerosene oil through the window | but a Republican, while attempting | Said eit a be first restored to Local Trains: — Pullingn a Ci itician i is r ; 5 od, | Making no harsh remarks, using a0/and then fired the building. A lot|to better serve the ses of the] Citizenship in the marcner prescrib- FE isl tetas “an p iclan 1 gav Vv y a = > ’ = s- etter serve the purposes o e i na can politician in the State, gave his|to Waterval yesterday, unopposed, inflammatory language. ia es = : } a pumber of white men who vote|ter serve the purposes of the Re-}any time prior thereto, entitled to There is nothing like “iz to help Fire. Ufa, Acsiden Then came their flood ofliterature, | Anti-Imperialists Prefer an Empire eee notning of the perpetrators. the Democratic ticket. Yesterday | publican party by masquerading as| vote under the laws of any State Cnty SE to tee a ee te _ It costs Ze eet é half of it deliberate lies and misrep. With Gold. So far as known, Mr. Gold is the on- the saw one of his employes, Mr. G.|Populists. ‘By their fruits ye shall]in the United States wherei, he cosy Si to test this remedy, which is Conk resentatious of the amendment. | Lincoln Dispatch, roth. ly Democratic editor and speaker in| W. Hunt, with ared shirt on. The|know them.’ ” then resided,and no lineal descendant Te ten £700,000 cured women. Insurance ea This was circulated broadcast over Nalin ieee : North Carolina ever egued while] shirt did not belong to Mr. Hunt + a e - of any such person shall be denied irs. Lena T. Eriebaeg Fast St. Louis, aA : the State. The Asheville Gazette iH hoo . era 2 tection was | calmly discussing political measures, | put was the roperty of a friendand| Hon. John H. Small has been nom-|the right to r er and vote at eke wean Physically a new and the Raleigh Caucasian were eats ee aaa eae ee and the assault upon him Js regard-) Mr, Hunt hdd only tried it ou to] inated for Congress by acclamation, any clection in this State by reason Card and Thedfond’s Bice eee Se ce int made the organs of these professional they at be opposed to ia ere onicome oi the See ad-| see how it fitted and looked. Shortly) by the Democrats of the Ist district. | of ae failure to possess the edaca- In esses requiring special ceca 2 Brown & & uy. stock «: liars ¢ = i 5 = thy utier, Holton an us ; Sn ann | tional qualifications herein nrocrects Cress giving ssmptome oes Bs, 24- \ c ‘ SLOCK «2 eet sa overflowed with the same] account of the silver plank in the|pie crowd.” | ~ mentee afterward Spencer summoned Hunt ee aor herein prescrib- pay eerie ee cena: ne ee i See platform and he was asked as to y s before him and told him that he had ed rocided, he suall have rec- cine Cu., Che va, Tenn. oe JINSURANCH HEAD» ERS 2 All the revenue doodlers went| whether this f ; i a aS seen him with the shirt on and that istered in accordance with the terms pice Gwe ate around from one still hous whether this fact would seriously Turn on Light. 5 oe shi of this section prior to December ORee—Secont Moor Bank Bui = = Ouse to an-/affect the anti-imperialist vote. He Davidson Dispatch. Se er oe CSE IGS ee naga ene on = to man lying | caida: a. : 7 should work for him. He peremp- "The G \ bl or; ¥ | 1 mz << about the Amendment. It waseven| “Seyerai ! y personal inquiry it is found|torily discharged Hunt and would s¢ Gencrai Assembly shall pro- , ' everai gold standard ; OTE Va U aes o y cischarged Hunt and wou 3 a : eal PESO ; 5 alleged that the census takers were | of imperialism Recoleee snes that there are some white m*n who] hear no explanation. vide for the registration of all per- eae Try Us On POE employed by the Republicans to nounced their intention Ae ee want the vicious negrodisfranchised,| Today Mr. W. F. Thomas, super- Sous eouticd to <ote svithous ithe | 3 i SS ee speak a word agaiust the Amend-| the Demiocnrtics tener aithous eee but are afraid of the amendment, be-fintendent of Spencer’s planing mill, educational qualifications herein | ( Zs =a ts tear ment, wherever it was possible to do 5 cause they have been told that it : Sporting Goods. Table Cultery. W. A. Thomas & 0- win, In my policy 7 aces, Southern Railway STANDARD RAIL Way or The SOUTH The Direct Line to Florida. Cuba and Porto Rico Special Palace Sleeping Cars on al! Night Trains; Past and safe Schedules. ‘Travel by the Southers su: : sured a safe, Comfort 3 Expeditious Journey a cand If You Need bee GUN or anything cise you buy. — Yours truly Young Men Wante?. Work done in best manner. Prices t material used. - a ne tenses opens A) le ar ; GLOBE TELEGRAT cOLLECE, a Pace Lexi